I am the creator of the Linux port for the Nintendo DS http://www.dslinux.org/ http://pepsiman.dslinux.org/
I have been using Linux since 1999.
I ran Debian unstable until Septemper 2006.
Currently running Ubuntu Gutsy.
User information
- Launchpad Id:
- malcolm-parsons
- Email:
- Log in for email information.
- Member since:
- 2006-07-25
- Signed Ubuntu Code of Conduct:
- Yes
- Languages:
- Cornish, English (Australia), English (United Kingdom), Gaelic; Scottish, Manx, Welsh
- OpenPGP keys:
- C42DA8278BB6275A2DDD35F85B0196B4570566CE
- Time zone:
- Europe/London (UTC+0000)
- Karma:
- 0 Karma help
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