Publishing details


gigalomania (0.27) trusty; urgency=low

  * Fixed crash when trying to shutdown the sector, if not all buildings have
    been built.
  * If moving army in another sector directly to the player's tower, if
    retreating, some soldiers weren't being killed.
  * If moving army in another sector directly to the player's tower, land
    soldiers should not have been able to cross sea.
  * Layout of shield and defences meant that the 4th shield or defence
    couldn't easily be selected to deploy if you also had men in the
  * Fixed problem with accuracy of game time, could vary slightly depending on
    frame rate due to rounding problem.
  * Animation of soldiers walking wasn't quite right.
  * Animation now speeds up when on faster time rate.
  * Fixed crash on Linux if unable to create data folder in user space.
  * If game is already paused, the game going to background shouldn't
    have unpaused it.
  * Quitting game now works when screen is fading in.
  * No longer displays "nuke sector" popup text for sectors already nuked.
  * Each player now has a special skill.
  * New in-game music.
  * Speech samples! (Thanks to Rob Hunter.)
  * Sound effects for biplanes, bombers and spaceships.
  * Explosion animations for bombs from biplanes, bombers and spaceships.
  * Full support for Windows 8 touchscreens/tablets.
  * New option "Disallow Nukes" - play without nukes or nuclear defences if
    you prefer!
  * New button to return to choosing island screen, after clicking to play
    an island.
  * Now supports SDL 2: window can be resized in windowed mode; faster startup
    due to not having to prescale graphics; no longer have to change PC's
    resolution when running in fullscreen mode.
  * Now runs fullscreen by default on most platforms (use "windowed"
    command line argument to run in windowed mode).
  * Improved graphics: unarmed man, caveman, bombs, and minor changes to
    some of the defenders.
  * Faster startup time.
  * Max frame rate of 62.5fps now allowed (rather than 40fps).
  * Options (sound/music and one mouse button mode) now saved.
  * Message displayed when game paused; mouse pointer no longer frozen when
  * Pressing quit (Escape or close button) on game win/lose/quit screen goes
    back to main menu.
  * Pressing quit (Escape or close button) when choosing number of people
    now returns to the age/island selection mode.
 -- Mark Harman <email address hidden>   Mon, 14 Jul 2014 21:51:00 +0100


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