I'm a 46 years old European, and in 2006 I made the impossible decision: I left a 20 years old successful carrier in the aerospace industry to pursue my family and my personal interests.

This was one of the best decisions of my life.

When I was a younger engineer, I was very keen in programming and computer graphics.
One of my first serious projects was a graphics library for the Hercules card on the 8086 (those were the times....) . The library was written in Turbo Pascal with the rastering operations in ASM86.

Since my early retirement last year, I've come back to these “first love” interests: I've self-taught OpenGL, and indulged myself with programming 3D graphics demos in C with vertex/fragment and GLSL shaders. These were done in windows (wgl) and linux (glX) environments (http://norsetto.site11.com/?page_id=97).

Linux was also for me a source of rediscovered love: coming back to the shell scripting I so much enjoyed (I really did!) when I was a System Administrator for the Unix workstations we had in our AOCS laboratory (HP-UX and Solaris).

I've therefore decided to join the Ubuntu community and do my share. I'm now a MOTU and my main focus is on helping new contributors to come through. I also involve myself with bug triaging and giving proper love to the packages I christened in Ubuntu.

I really enjoy working in an international environment, meeting (even if virtually) new people every day, and making my contribution, no matter how small, to the Open Source community: Open Source is the way of the future!

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