Members of “OpenStack DevOps”

  • Active members

    There are 18 direct members of the "OpenStack DevOps" team, and 28 people are members in total, directly and indirectly through other team memberships.

    118 of 18 results
    Name Member since Expires Status
    Arikh Akher 2012-05-10 13:03:02 UTC Approved
    Doug Weimer 2012-05-03 12:11:06 UTC Approved
    Duncan McGreggor 2012-04-25 14:35:21 UTC Administrator
    Eric Chiu 2015-03-17 23:51:37 UTC Approved
    Gerard Braad 2016-03-31 05:41:13 UTC Approved
    Jason 2013-03-28 02:04:22 UTC Approved
    Kui Shi 2013-10-19 08:44:20 UTC Approved
    Lionel Porcheron 2012-06-03 18:01:45 UTC Approved
    Marc Cluet 2013-10-24 23:55:14 UTC Approved
    OpenStack DevOps Drivers 2012-05-01 14:21:02 UTC Administrator
    Paul Guth 2012-05-03 16:41:17 UTC Approved
    Santhanakrishnan 2014-08-19 05:27:16 UTC Approved
    Saurabh Srivastava 2016-01-05 06:53:36 UTC Approved
    Sebastien Badia 2013-10-16 21:56:04 UTC Approved
    srikanth billapati 2012-05-09 08:57:23 UTC Approved
    Swati Sharma 2015-04-23 10:53:17 UTC Approved
    Yehia Beyh 2012-10-17 16:45:44 UTC Approved
    zhangwenjian 2014-04-22 08:58:53 UTC Approved
    118 of 18 results