Format: 1.8 Date: Sat, 30 July 2016 02:00:00 +0300 Source: php-phalcon Binary: php5-phalcon php5-phalcon-dbg Architecture: source Version: 3.0.0-build10-ppa1~trusty Distribution: trusty Urgency: low Maintainer: Phalcon Framework Team Changed-By: Serghei Iakovlev Description: php5-phalcon - High performance PHP framework php5-phalcon-dbg - Debug symbols for php5-phalcon Changes: php-phalcon (3.0.0-build10-ppa1~trusty) trusty; urgency=low . * PHP 5.3 and 5.4 are now fully deprecated * Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Validation is now deprecated in favor of Phalcon\Validation * Changed default hash algorithm in Phalcon\Security to CRYPT_BLOWFISH_Y * Changed constructor of Phalcon\Mvc\Model to allow pass an array of initialization data * Removed support for prefixes strategy in Phalcon\Loader * Now Phalcon\Mvc\View supports many views directories at the same time * An absolute path can now be used to Mvc\View::setLayoutsDir * Fixed odd view behavior[#1933] related to setLayout and pick * Phalcon\Di is now bound to services closures allowing use Phalcon\Di as $this to access services within them * If an object is returned after firing the event beforeServiceResolve in Phalcon\Di this overrides the default service localization process * Placeholders :controller and :action in Mvc\Router now defaults to /([\\w0-9\\_\\-]+) instead of /([\\a-zA-Z0-9\\_\\-]+) * Modifier #u (PCRE_UTF8) is now default in regex based routes in Mvc\Router * Return 'false' from an action disables the view component (same as $this->view->disable()) * Return a string from an action takes it as the body of the response (same as return $this->response->setContent('Hello world')) * Return a string from an Mvc\Micro handler takes it as the body of the response * Mvc\Router\Route now escapes characters such as . or + to avoid unexpected behaviors * Closures used as handlers in Mvc\Micro are now bound to the $app instance * Routes now can have an associated callback that can override the default dispatcher + view behavior * Phalcon\Mvc\Model now implements JsonSerializable making easy serialize model instances * When destructing a Mvc\Model\Manager PHQL cache is clean * Method isSetOption in Phalcon\Validation\ValidatorInterface marked as deprecated, please use hasOption * Added internal check "allowEmpty" before calling a validator. If it option is true and the value of empty, the validator is skipped * Added default header: Content-Type: "application/json; charset=UTF-8" in method Phalcon\Http\Response::setJsonContent * Now Phalcon\Events\Event implements Phalcon\Events\EventInterface * Phalcon\Events\Event::getCancelable renamed to Phalcon\Events\Event::isCancelable * Removed Phalcon\Events\Manager::dettachAll in favor of Phalcon\Events\Manager::detachAll * Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Criteria::getOrder renamed to Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Criteria::getOrderBy * Added method Phalcon\Mvc\Model\RelationInterface::getOption * Added ability to spoof HTTP request method * Added FULLTEXT index type to Phalcon\Db\Adapter\Pdo\Mysql * Fixed the use of the annotation router with namespaced controllers * Added Phalcon\Acl\RoleAware and Phalcon\Acl\ResourceAware Interfaces, Now you can pass objects to Phalcon\Acl\AdapterInterface::isAllowed as roleName and resourceName, also they will be automatically passed to function defined in Phalcon\Acl\AdapterInterface::allow or Phalcon\Acl\AdapterInterface::deny by type * Phalcon\Acl\AdapterInterface::allow and Phalcon\Acl\AdapterInterface::deny have 4th argument - function, which will be called when using Phalcon\Acl\AdapterInterface::isAllowed * Phalcon\Acl\AdapterInterface::isAllowed have 4th argument - parameters, you can pass arguments for function defined in Phalcon\Acl\AdapterInterface:allow or Phalcon\Acl\AdapterInterface::deny as associative array where key is argument name * Added method getActionSuffix in Phalcon\DispatcherInterface * CLI parameters are now handled consistently. * Added Phalcon\Mvc\Controller\BindModelInterface and associated model type hint loading through dispatcher. * Added Phalcon\Dispatcher::hasParam. * Phalcon\Cli\Console and Phalcon\Mvc\Application now inherit Phalcon\Application. * Fixed afterFetch event not being sent to behaviors * Fixed issue with radio not being checked when default value is 0 [#11358] * Fixed issue with Model::__set that was bypassing setters [#11286] * Fixed issue with Model::__set that was setting hidden attributes directly when setters are not declared [#11286] * Added Phalcon\Cli\DispatcherInterface, Phalcon\Cli\TaskInterface, Phalcon\Cli\RouterInterface and Phalcon\Cli\Router\RouteInterface. * Added Phalcon\Mvc\Collection::update, Phalcon\Mvc\Collection::create and Phalcon\Mvc\Collection::createIfNotExist * Removed __construct from all interfaces [#11410] * Fires the dispatch:beforeException event when there is any exception during dispatching [#11458] * Added OR operator for Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Query\Builder methods: betweenWhere, notBetweenWhere, inWhere and notInWhere * Fixed bug of destroy method of Phalcon\Session\Adapter\Libmemcached * Added Phalcon\Cache\Backend\Memcache::addServers to enable pool of servers for memcache * Added setLastModified method to Phalcon\Http\Response * Added Phalcon\Validation\Validator\Date * Added Phalcon\Queue\Beanstalk::ignore It removes the named tube from the watch list for the current connection. * Added Phalcon\Queue\Beanstalk::pauseTube Can delay any new job being reserved for a given time. * Added Phalcon\Queue\Beanstalk::kick It moves jobs into the ready queue. If there are any buried jobs, it will only kick buried jobs. Otherwise it will kick delayed jobs. * Added Phalcon\Queue\Beanstalk::listTubeUsed Returns the tube currently being used by the client. * Added Phalcon\Queue\Beanstalk::listTubesWatched Returns a list tubes currently being watched by the client. * Added Phalcon\Queue\Beanstalk::peekDelayed Return the delayed job with the shortest delay left. * Added Phalcon\Queue\Beanstalk::jobPeek Return job. * Mcrypt is replaced with openssl in Phalcon\Crypt * Default encrypt algorithm in Phalcon\Crypt is now changed to AES-256-CFB * Removed methods setMode, getMode, getAvailableModes in Phalcon\CryptInterface * Added Phalcon\Assets\Manager::exists to check if collection exists * Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Manager::load now can load models from aliased namespaces * Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Transaction\Manager now correctly keeps account of transactions [#11554] * Phalcon\Db\Dialect\Sqlite now maps additional column types to SQLite columns equivalents. * Phalcon\Security is using now Phalcon\Security\Random * Enforced that Phalcon\Security::getToken and Phalcon\Security::getTokenKey return a random value per request not per call * Phalcon\Security::getToken and Phalcon\Security::getTokenKey are using now Phalcon\Security::_numberBytes instead of passed as a argument or hardcoded value * Phalcon\Security::hash corrected not working CRYPT_STD_DES, CRYPT_EXT_DES, MD5, CRYPT_SHA256 * Phalcon\Security::hash CRYPT_SHA512 fixed wrong salt length * Added missing unit-tests for Phalcon\Security * Fixed Filter::add method handler [#11581] * Removed Phalcon\Session [#11340] * Phalcon\Tag::getTitle shows a title depending on prependTitle and appendTitle * Using a settable variable for the Mongo Connection Service name instead of a hard coded string [#11725] * Added new getter Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Query\Builder::getJoins - to get join parts from query builder * Fixed Phalcon\Db\Dialect\Oracle::prepareTable to correctly generate SQL for table aliases [#11799] * Fixed Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Resultset::update - removed endless loop queries * The cache backend adapters now returns boolean on call Phalcon\Cache\BackendInterface::save * Fixed the Session write callback [#11733] * Added '\Phalcon\Loader::registerFiles' & '\Phalcon\Loader::getFiles'. This allows you to add files to the autoloader * Added Phalcon\Security::hasLibreSsl and Phalcon\Security::getSslVersionNumber * Added new setter Phalcon\Escaper::setDoubleEncode - to allow setting/disabling double encoding * Added Phalcon\Cache\Frontend\Msgpack - Added Msgpack Support for Frontend Cache * Phalcon\Debug\Dump skip debugging di, fix detecting private/protected properties * Added option to validate multiple fields with one validator(fix uniqueness validator as well), also removes unnecessary model => $this in Phalcon\Validation\Validator\Uniqueness. * Phalcon\Validation\Validator\Alpha now correctly validates non-ASCII characters [#11386] * Phalcon\Validation\Validator\Digit now correctly validates digits [#11374] * Added Phalcon\Validation\CombinedFieldsValidator, validation will pass array of fields to this validator if needed * Added ability to autoescape Flash messages [#11448] * Fixed Phalcon\Config::merge for working with php7 * Added ability to use custom delimiter for Phalcon\Text::camelize and Phalcon\Text::uncamelize [#10396] * Added support of CONNECT, TRACE and PURGE HTTP methods * Refactored Phalcon\Http\Request::getHttpHost. Now it always return hos * Added Phalcon\Http\Request::getPort. To get information about the port on which the request is made. * Added Phalcon\Http\Request::setStrictHostCheck and Phalcon\Http\Request::isStrictHostCheck to manage strict validation of host name. * Fixed matching host name by Phalcon\Mvc\Route::handle when using port on current host name [#2573] * Fixed Phalcon\Text:dynamic to allow custom separator [#11215] * Fixed Phalcon\Validation::appendMessage to allow append message to the empty stack [#10405] * Fixed Phalcon\Session\Flash::getMessages. Now it returns an empty array in case of non existent message type request [#11941] * Amended Phalcon\Mvc\RouterInterface and Phalcon\Mvc\Router. Added missed addPurge, addTrace and addConnect methods * Fixed incorrect query when using NULL fields with Phalcon\Validation\Validator\Uniqueness * Fixed Phalcon\Forms\Form::getValue. Now Elements can have names that match with the internal Form getters [#10398] * Add setContentLength method to Phalcon\Http\Response * Fixed Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Manager::_mergeFindParameters - Merging conditions [#11987] * Renamed Request::isSoapRequest to Request::isSoap and Request::isSecureRequest to Request::isSecure. Left the originals functions as aliases and marked them deprecated. * Fixed wildcard inheritance in Phalcon\Acl\Adapter\Memory [#12004] * Dropped support of Oracle [#12008] * Improved Phalcon\Mvc\Collection::findById. Added check if a id in a valid format [#12010] * Added convert option to Phalcon\Validation\Validator\Uniqueness to convert values to do the database lookup [#12005] Checksums-Sha1: afdf2a55efdaa65c621ecb86e8ca8df9433d1036 1652 php-phalcon_3.0.0-build10-ppa1~trusty.dsc 3c3468487814df17f5691dd4241f4f3460e4b27a 6357268 php-phalcon_3.0.0-build10.orig.tar.gz 7e1c3ac3946c7b6475d10f374169ea94acd9d30c 20255 php-phalcon_3.0.0-build10-ppa1~trusty.debian.tar.gz Checksums-Sha256: 3fc68257d58a9c42b723808e42898a0275995fe27a68ab9247af6d10d5b57083 1652 php-phalcon_3.0.0-build10-ppa1~trusty.dsc e9109de6a09e3edf97521ec388a56392ad55e053a976e6fea4a5c06d71304d6d 6357268 php-phalcon_3.0.0-build10.orig.tar.gz 5194eee537673452420a6dcb46e0ff1cbe46b361e50567dacbdfaeaae66bef24 20255 php-phalcon_3.0.0-build10-ppa1~trusty.debian.tar.gz Files: 6b6ddce18a3fb2e77d504ff29262df94 1652 php optional php-phalcon_3.0.0-build10-ppa1~trusty.dsc 08c6610282f81f42fac9627f175be3af 6357268 php optional php-phalcon_3.0.0-build10.orig.tar.gz ddf9f057bcd9a4f5db70e34170b29a3b 20255 php optional php-phalcon_3.0.0-build10-ppa1~trusty.debian.tar.gz Original-Maintainer: Serghei Iakovlev