Publishing details


vim-airline (0.11-597-g3b9e149-1~jammy) jammy; urgency=medium

  [ Christian Brabandt ]
  * Changelog: fix link to github

  [ kazukazuinaina ]
  * update nerdtree's statusline
  * substitute/NERDtree/NERDTree
  * add .DS_Store in .gitignore

  [ Christian Brabandt ]
  * plugin: do not trigger redraws for popup windows
  * plugin: make use of rand() function from vim 8.1.2342
  * themes: drop simple colorscheme - theme mappings
  * Revert "themes: drop simple colorscheme - theme mappings"

  [ kazukazuinaina ]
  * add :Gina branch command support
  * add gina's some extensions
  * update vista.vim's url in document

  [ Christian Brabandt ]
  * whitespace: do not detect '=======' as conflict marker for rst files
  * netrw: do not error out when g:netrw_sort_by is not defined
  * tabline: simplify autocommand condition
  * tabline: skip expansive BufAdd call on Session load
  * vista: init extension on VimEnter
  * config: allow to disable setting the statusline option
  * plugin: save/restore cpo setting

  [ kazukazuinaina ]
  * add gina support for vim-airline's branch
  * update changelog
  * fix typo in tabline.vim
  * add try catch in gina.vim's extension in branch.vim
  * can choice to use gina's extension
  * add screen shot section
  * fix untrack branch check about gina

  [ midchildan ]
  * fix missing check for w:airline_disable_statusline
  * allow disabling airline per-buffer

  [ kazukazuinaina ]
  * add vaffle extension

  [ Jonathan Feinberg ]
  * Adding option: `buffers#buffer_idx_mode = 3`

  [ petobens ]
  * Add poetv extension

  [ kazukazuinaina ]
  * update .travis.yml
  * add poetv in
  * update license's year in vim-airline
  * update preview in extensions.vim
  * update license year in doc/airline.txt

  [ Christian Brabandt ]
  * highlighter: check for accents key
  * highlighter: fix obvious spelling error

  [ David Lukes ]
  * Suggest fix for #2045

  [ kazukazuinaina ]
  * [fix] can display loaded extension in g:airline_extensions
  * [fix] nerdtree's url

  [ Christian Brabandt ]
  * branch: disable FocusGained handler when updating fugitive information
  * async: problem with powershell
  * async: correctly redirect error on powershell
  * async: correctly use &shell and &shellcmdflag

  [ David Briscoe ]
  * branch: ignore upcoming FocusGained when updating

  [ kazukazuinaina ]
  * [fix] typo in doc

  [ Christian Brabandt ]
  * completion: only return random theme, when it actually matches

  [ Johannes Wienke ]
  * Always obey the poetv#enabled setting

  [ kazukazuinaina ]
  * [update]travis-ci's badge
  * [add] github actions
  * [fix] github action's url in README
  * [update] reviewdog.yml
  * [update] gina's extensions in extensions dir

  [ Jackson Bailey ]
  * Specify the full helptags command

  [ David Briscoe ]
  * Ignore FocusGained events for the current second

  [ kazukazuinaina ]
  * Changelog / add unit test section

  [ Christian Brabandt ]
  * term: better formatting of neovim terminal

  [ kazukazuinaina ]
  * [fix] conut variable's scope
  * [add] check ale's toggle

  [ François-Xavier Carton ]
  * Add support for vim-lsp

  [ Serge Y. Stroobandt ]
  * wordcount: Word count for the combined file types

  [ ckipp01 ]
  * coc: add in coc_status to coc.nvim integration

  [ Christian Brabandt ]
  * Changelog: Mention coc.nvim improved integration from #2079

  [ kazukazuinaina ]
  * [add] gina.vim's url
  * [fix] github_actions's url

  [ Freed-Wu ]
  * Add g:airline#extensions#capslock#symbol

  [ kazukazuinaina ]
  * add plaintex filetype
  * [add] check vista's toggle
  * [fix] operator and [add] abort in autoload function

  [ Christian Brabandt ]
  * coc: use bold accent for g:coc_status

  [ kazukazuinaina ]
  * fix coc's unit test

  [ Christian Brabandt ]
  * hunks: integrate coc-git extension
  * hunks: add abort keyword to function definitions

  [ kazukazuinaina ]
  * [add] new option / always show tab count feature

  [ Christian Brabandt ]
  * hunks: remove test for empty branch for changes plugin
  * [hunks] also cache coc git status
  * tabline: fix typo
  * hunks: still some problems with coc-git integration

  [ kazukazuinaina ]
  * [add] vista's test
  * [add] some coc's test

  [ troydm ]
  * zoomwintab extension added
  * zoomwintab extension vint fix

  [ kazukazuinaina ]
  * [add] zoomwintab's document

  [ Christian Brabandt ]
  * wordcount: only test against complete filetypes

  [ kazukazuinaina ]
  * [add] cursormode's toggle
  * [add] ycm's toggle and doc
  * [add] coc-git section in README
  * [adjust] coc_status's width

  [ Christian Brabandt ]
  * extensions: prevent error about unknown function for ycm
  * README: fix saythanks link

  [ kazukazuinaina ]
  * [add] branch symbol's Explanation
  * [add] vaffle's path section

  [ Christian Brabandt ]
  * hunks: only enable coc-git extension, if explicitly enabled by the user
  * hunks: fix missing line continue character

  [ Shaine Hatch ]
  * Use disabled style for inactive tabs

  [ Christian Brabandt ]
  * plugin: load vim-airline as optional package
  * Fix brocken CI test

  [ jolan78 ]
  * fix for #2127

  [ kazukazuinaina ]
  * abopt get() function
  * [update]
  * fix missing endif
  * [refactor] vimagit's extension
  * [update]

  [ PratikBhusal ]
  * Added vim-dirvish support

  [ Janek ]
  * Update

  [ kazukazuinaina ]
  * [add] unite and denite's config

  [ PratikBhusal ]
  * vim-dirvish: Fixed bugs and added better include guards

  [ Rick Jones ]
  * Add update highlights docs

  [ kazukazuinaina ]
  * [update] license's year in airline's extension

  [ Robert Anderson ]
  * Support fzf and fzf.vim

  [ kazukazuinaina ]
  * [update] wordcount's formatter's license year

  [ Larry Bradley ]
  * Fix handling of virtualenv and poetv plugins

  [ kazukazuinaina ]
  * [add] fzf integration's document

  [ Christian Brabandt ]
  * terminal: correctly shorten terminal tabline

  [ kazukazuinaina ]
  * [add] terminal mode's color palette
  * [add] support fot searchcount extension
  * delete redrawstatus

  [ wzy ]
  * Fix bug of keyboard_layout

  [ Franco Victorio ]
  * Fix link to localsearch repo

  [ nickspoons ]
  * Add OmniSharp extension to display server status

  [ Christian Brabandt ]
  * fzf: do not check for loaded fzf

  [ kazukazuinaina ]
  * [add] searchcount's document

  [ Rick Jones ]
  * Dynamically resize section Z
  * Make appending airline_right_alt_sep conditional on it not being empty (wordcount)

  [ skeept ]
  * don't rely on NR for checking that NrrRgn is loaded

  [ Christian Brabandt ]
  * hunks: do not add trailing whitespace when branch extension is disabled

  [ konafx ]
  * Add extension for fern.vim

  [ Carlo Delle Donne ]
  * Add support for cdelledonne/vim-cmake

  [ Daniel Cousens ]
  * Fix spelling typo in comment

  [ kazukazuinaina ]
  * [fix] searchcount's extension
  * [fix] CI's error
  * [add] short_path formatter in section_c
  * fix CI
  * [fixup] Release the search restriction and remove unnecessary functions

  [ tooSadman ]
  * Added support for built-in nvim-lsp

  [ kazukazuinaina ]
  * [add] short_path's doc in airline
  * [add] new vim version's test
  * [add] wordcount's reading time formatter

  [ Christian Brabandt ]
  * Disable whitespace checking for csv files

  [ kazukazuinaina ]
  * [add] readingtime formatter's document
  * [fix] readingtime formatter's doc
  * [adjust] vista's extension  width

  [ eevan78 ]
  * Small improvements of po extension
  * Make keymap extension follow the iminsert option
  * Initial Windows support for msgfmt
  * Fix po.vim

  [ Krishna Biradar ]
  * Update

  [ Christian Brabandt ]
  * searchcount: Ignore errors from searchcount() function

  [ huanhuan_zhuang ]
  * add 'g:airline#extensions#tabline#tabtitle_formatter' option

  [ Christian Brabandt ]
  * mode: keep hi setting when switching from 'n' to 'ni'
  * doc: fix typo for show_buffers variable

  [ kazukazuinaina ]
  * [fix] document's typo about nerdtree_statusline

  [ Paul Walker ]
  * vim-magit: Can't use an empty dictionary key

  [ kazukazuinaina ]
  * [add] support battery.vim
  * [update] .gitignore

  [ Christian Brabandt ]
  * fix failing test

  [ Nathan Lanza ]
  * Only attempt to use dirvish if b:dirvish exists

  [ Andy ]
  * Support coc-explorer (file explorer extension)

  [ Christian Brabandt ]
  * doc: mention coc explorer

  [ Moschcau, Kai ]
  * Improve the term extension and make it consistent

  [ Subhaditya Nath ]
  * Add more customization for 'localsearch' extension

  [ Christian Brabandt ]
  * doc: fix grammatical typo

  [ MuhammadMouradG ]
  * Fix buffer order in tabline with CtrlSpace plugin

  [ kazukazuinaina ]
  * [fix] Variable Scope in ctrlspace's extension

  [ adrian5 ]
  * Fix wording/typos in doc

  [ Whisperity ]
  * [battery.vim] Move indicator to non-overwriting position if window big enough

  [ kazukazuinaina ]
  * [fix] localsearch's url and add abort in autoload function

  [ James Rowe ]
  * Fix doc for enabling wordcount’s reading time support

  [ Wang Ruochen ]
  * Add nroff to wordcount

  [ Subhaditya Nath ]
  * Improve the documentation of localsearch extension

  [ Kamil Cukrowski ]
  * Add gen_tags.vim plugin support

  [ Christian Brabandt ]
  * Get rid of g:airline_gui_mode

  [ Nick Friday ]
  * [add#keymap] more customization

  [ Christian Brabandt ]
  * extensions: fix E715

  [ kazukazuinaina ]
  * [fix] bookmark extension's indentation and add abort
  * [fix] short path formatter's space

  [ Martin Asquino ]
  * Check LanguageClient-neovim's status before getting diagnostics

  [ Kamil Cukrowski ]
  * Fix bug in checking if gen_tags plugin is loaded

  [ Jan Steinke ]
  * remove work-around for vista.vim
  * remove unnecessary indirection

  [ timfeirg ]
  * fix deprecation warning

  [ Christian ]
  * doc: mention that the tabline mappings are not automatically created
  * doc: document tabline highlighting groups (closes #2285)

  [ srinivas32 ]
  * added power support arch ppc64le on yml file.

  [ nbCloud91 ]
  * coc_status should show with autochdir

  [ Christian Brabandt ]
  * tabline: get rid of s:vars in default formatter
  * tabline: use strpart() with chars if possible (fixes #2297)
  * tabline: use airline#util#strcharpart instead on relying on stpart() with char index

  [ Christian ]
  * highlighter: windows terminal is not old win_term

  [ Christian Brabandt ]
  * highlighter: windows terminal uses $WT_SESSION
  * whitespace: skip trailing ws test for mail filetypes

  [ kazukazuinaina ]
  * [add] github-actions Note: According to an email from travis-ci, will be officially closed down completely on December 31st, 2020
  * delete travis.yml
  * [update] CI's badge and [update]

  [ Christian Brabandt ]
  * plugin: remember 'scroll' option value and reset it after enabling the statusline

  [ roachsinai ]
  * tabline: add command for skip to tenth tab/buffer.

  [ Bailey Ling ]
  * Update maintainers list
  * Happy new year!

  [ micchy326 ]
  * impl vim-lsp progress
  * fix vint
  * fix test
  * describe to disabling procedure

  [ Christian Brabandt ]
  * init: section_y includes missing endofline and BOM
  * searchcount: Add leading space
  * doc: mention that searchcount is only enabled when 'hls' is on

  [ Kid ]
  * Update vim-lawrencium link

  [ Jero Sutlovic ]
  * Modified dark.vim commandline gui colors

  [ Emilien Jégou ]
  * Support Vue.js file extension in jsformatter

  [ David Briscoe ]
  * Return nothing when there is no lsp-progress

  [ Christian Brabandt ]
  * nvimlsp: do not check for :LspInstallInfo
  * nvimlsp: correctly call the lua functions for nvimlsp

  [ Jan-Willem van der Sijp ]
  * Ensure correct checking of LSP support on neovim

  [ Kris Warner ]
  * Add searchmethod setting for tagbar extension

  [ David Briscoe ]
  * Write msgfmt output to /NUL

  [ kazukazuinaina ]
  * [Refactor] Functionalization of branch extension

  [ Utkarsh Verma ]
  * coc: Show line number for warnings and errors.

  [ Youngjae Lee ]
  * tagbar: add missing default search method

  [ Craig ]
  * Fix effecting for affecting.

  [ Christian Brabandt ]
  * highlighter: handle color names when converting into msdos codes

  [ patrick96 ]
  * coc: Show the current function in section_x

  [ Rick Jones ]
  * Move AirlineAfterTheme to load_theme()

  [ Kirill Kuznetsov ]
  * Fix error: key not present in dictionary "percentage"

  [ yasuda ]
  * Set bufname for [Scratch] (buftype = nofile) or [No Name] (otherwise)

  [ Christian Brabandt ]
  * highlighter: do not error out, if defined hi-color does not exist
  * whitespace: Skip '===' conflict marker for markdown

  [ kazukazuinaina ]
  * [add] test case for init.vim / When autochdir is enabled
  * [add] g:airline_section_c_only_filename
  * [add] AirlineExtensions's test case
  * [add] parts's test

  [ ReubenM ]
  * Fix symbols and layout used in line and column display from section-z. Added column number symbol.
  * Remove un-needed spaces in section-z when using Ascii variant

  [ Christian Brabandt ]
  * autocommands: check for existence of airline highlight group

  [ Trevor Stone ]
  * Fire AirlineToggledOff autocmd even if airline is disabled

  [ kazukazuinaina ]
  * tests: add some more tests for g:airline_section vars

  [ Vincenzo Di Massa ]
  * glob return results without removing wildignore matches

  [ Christian Brabandt ]
  * symbols: Use a different Column char in UTF-8
  * autoload: handle bufnr as string explicitly
  * doc: Allow for experimental features
  * tabline: only remove 'e' flag from guioptions, if it is present
  * vim9: Convert tabline.vim to vim9 script
  * vim9: Rewrite tabline#formatters#default to Vim9Script
  * vim9: rewrite themes.vim to Vim9 Script
  * themes: remove tabs for indenting
  * vim9: finish early for legacy Vims
  * vim9: Rewrite highlighter in Vim9 Script
  * vim9: Use correct vim9 lambda functions
  * scrollbar: add an ascii scrollbar extension
  * scrollbar: user after variable instead of re-calculating it
  * tabline: remove commented out functions, that are not possible in Vim9

  [ ReubenM ]
  * Make everything in linenr, maxlinenr, and colnr completely configureable, including spaces and colons. The only thing hard wired anymore is the actual numbers.

  [ kazukazuinaina ]
  * [add] winwidth's test

  [ ReubenM ]
  * Update docs

  [ Christian Brabandt ]
  * scrollbar: disable by default

  [ Youngjae Lee ]
  * scrollbar: fix first line overwrite

  [ Aaron Adams ]
  * Warn if a function is already registered for inactive statusline

  [ Christian Brabandt ]
  * autoload: fix error with vim74

  [ Andrzej Ostruszka ]
  * Change event for tabline autoshow

  [ Adrian Trunzo ]
  * Correct line number for coc.nvim warnings.

  [ Christian Brabandt ]
  * vim9: Needs at least version 8.2.22844

  [ kazukazuinaina ]
  * [refactor] use Ternary operator
  * [add] 8.2.2000 in ci
  * [fix] issue #2338 add check airline_stl_path_style's flag and pathshortln api

  [ Evan Chen ]
  * Allow overriding trailing ws regexp per buffer

  [ zeertzjq ]
  * Don't show "gina" in diff buffers if b:gina_initialized is not set

  [ LOTehan ]
  * color name is  case-sensitive in the latest gvim

  [ Freed-Wu ]
  * Fix #2418

  [ wzy ]
  * Fix bug of g:airline_symbols.spell == ''

  [ Christian Brabandt ]
  * style: Remove colon
  * coc-extension: remove dead code

  [ kazukazuinaina ]
  * [fix] assertion roulette
  * [fix] extensions_default's assertion rulette

  [ Bea Hughes ]
  * Add vim-rufo extension support to section z.

  [ Yang Tian ]
  * remove gitgutter dependecy on branch

  [ Fedor ]
  * Allow user to hide CoC status in the section C
  * Add documentation

  [ Dood of Distinction ]
  * Modifies the wordcount to use the vimtex wordcount function when editing TeX files and the vimtex plugin is loaded.

  [ Indelog ]
  * Add extention to support yegappan/taglist

  [ Christian Brabandt ]
  * wordcount: allow to disable vimtex wordcount()

  [ yasuda ]
  * Custom spell check command support

  [ Christian Brabandt ]
  * taglist: check that correct function exists

  [ Indelog ]
  * taglist: correctly check for right taglist plugin (closes: #2463)

  [ Michael Monsivais ]
  * taglist: load taglist variants only once

  [ Tama McGlinn ]
  * Add support for flog with git status summary

  [ Indelog ]
  * Add extention for yegappan/lsp

  [ Christian Brabandt ]
  * tabline: Give error message, if switching buffers is not possible

  [ Gauravsingh Sisodia ]
  * main: ignore popup windows for inactive windows (closes: #2387)

  [ Christian Brabandt ]
  * virtualenv: Enable for additional filetypes beside python

  [ Ilia Choly ]
  * nvimlsp: use vim.diagnostic.get() if available

  [ kazukazuinaina ]
  * [fix] Fix meaningless tests.

  [ Jeff Pitman ]
  * builder: bugs in is_empty_section

  [ Adrian Trunzo ]
  * Test for the correct fern loaded variable.

  [ James Rowe ]
  * unicode: Fix check for :UnicodeTable buffer
  * unicode: Trivial quote change for vint error

  [ Christian Brabandt ]
  * mode: add several new modes
  * taglist: avoid v:true/v:false

  [ patricknraanes ]
  * Enable display country flag instead of spelllang

  [ Brandon Doornbos ]
  * Fix typo/wording in doc

  [ Christian Brabandt ]
  * neovim: support global statusline and do not truncate too early
  * ci: correctly checkout vim-flavor using https://

  [ Jonathan Müller ]
  * Don't use flags in spell when spelllang disabled

  [ yasuda ]
  * tabline: Fix tab label being named wrongly

  [ Christian Brabandt ]
  * fix ci test for tabline

  [ Paul Fernandez ]
  * Changed bufloaded back to buflisted

  [ zoumi ]
  * make exclude pattern works when there are more than one tabpages

  [ Christian Brabandt ]
  * fugitiveline: leading zeros dropped in buffername
  * scrollbar: allow to customize minimum window width

  [ Sven Berkvens-Matthijsse ]
  * Mark the end of the close button

  [ Christian Brabandt ]
  * fugitive: remove old fugitive test

  [ Matteo Riondato ]
  * Show flag when `detect_spelllang` is `'flag'`, do not when it is 0.

  [ kazukazuinaina ]
  * [adopt] vim-themis
  * ci: correctly checkout vim-flavor using https://

  [ Christian Brabandt ]
  * fugitive: remove old fugitive test

  [ kazukazuinaina ]
  * [update]

  [ IK ]
  * Update .github/workflows/ci.yml
  * Update .github/workflows/ci.yml

  [ kazukazuinaina ]
  * [delete] single quote
  * [add] Test section in README

  [ Roberto Castagnola ]
  * vim9: Fix boolean check in tabline#formatters#default

  [ kazukazuinaina ]
  * [update]

  [ Tim Pope ]
  * branch: simplify git branch logic slightly

  [ Christian Brabandt ]
  * tabline: properly refresh with ModeChanged autocommand
  * highlighter: always consider terminal to be non-modified

  [ kazukazuinaina ]
  * [add] Vim9's test in CI

  [ Christian Brabandt ]
  * plugin: mention how to disable certain events

  [ WADA Takashi ]
  * Follow interface change of Tlist_Get_Filenames() in taglist

  [ GONI Guillaume ]
  * add support for line numbers for nvimlsp like ale

  [ Michael ]
  * Update old link

  [ Christian Brabandt ]
  * symbols: use proper Column number codepoint
  * doc: adjust documentation for colnr symbol
  * fern: enable fern again
  * fugitiveline: remove outdated calls to fugitive

  [ BonaBeavis ]
  * Fix nvimlsp not picking up show_line_number

  [ Christian Brabandt ]
  * builder: correctly remember the previous group when switching alignment
  * plugin: handle sandbox mode gracefully

  [ Shawn M Moore ]
  * Reduce truncation for section y to 80 chars

  [ Shad ]
  * Update util.vim

  [ kazukazuinaina ]
  * [add] terminal col/line size in Issue template

  [ amarakon ]
  * Remove trailing whitespace
  * Treat R Markdown the same as Markdown

  [ Christian Brabandt ]
  * doc: fix typo

  [ 0Magenta0 ]
  * Typo: Add Missing Quotation Mark

  [ eximus ]
  * Use the coc status variable to format error/warning line number

  [ DEMAREST Maxime ]
  * Fix vim9lsp ErrorCount method name change

  [ eximus ]
  * Improve coc error/warning status format to include count

  [ Kamil Zabielski ]
  * Fix missing hyperlink in docs

  [ Wu Zhenyu ]
  * Add support for fcitx.vim

  [ Zhizhen He ]
  * fix typo

  [ Igbanam Ogbuluijah ]
  * add variardic arguments to get_highlight functions
  * add variardic arguments to generate_color_map

  [ Thomas Merz ]
  * 🩹 fix deprecation warning:

  [ Christian Brabandt ]
  * Powerline: Mention alternative to notexists symbol

  [ Pierre-Nicolas Clauss ]
  * only set laststatus when airline is not on top

  [ Radar ]
  * Allow to define own path for short_path formatter

  [ Simon Truscott ]
  * hunks: add support for gitsigns.nvim
  * searchcount: add configuration
  * hunks: use gitsigns_status_dict instead of gitsigns_status

  [ Christian Brabandt ]
  * formatter: tabnr expects a number bot got List
  * tabnr: replace by a new naive function
  * extensions: correctly check for external extensions
  * extensions: fix tabnr formatter

  [ Artem Minyaylov ]
  * Use mode minwidth to configure truncation
  * Add improved short path tabline formatter

  [ Christian Brabandt ]
  * tabnr formmatter: return tabpagebuflist for tab_nr==0
  * tabnr_formatter: get correct name for tabpage
  * tagbar: prevent error on initial load
  * tagbar: move s:flags to inside the function
  * tagbar: break too long line
  * tagbar: do not load, if file size is too large (closes: #2578)

  [ Simon Truscott ]
  * hunks: prevent selecting GitGutter when its loaded but not enabled

  [ Christian Brabandt ]
  * wordcount: skip updating wordcount for vimtex#misc#wordcount() in visual mode

  [ get-me-power ]
  * chore: Pin actions-checkout's version main branch

  [ Christian Brabandt ]
  * fix link

  [ eximus ]
  * fix tabline tabnr formatter - nr of splits

  [ Christian Brabandt ]
  * Fix check for vim9 script

  [ Sweidan Omár ]
  * Update

  [ Christian Brabandt ]
  * term: allow to customize section_a and section_z (closes: #2647)

  [ David Briscoe ]
  * Don't lock repo when checking status

  [ Christian Brabandt ]
  * branch: --no-optional-locks arg needs to be given to git

  [ Billy Chamberlain ]
  * plugin: Add extension for vimodoro plugin (#2652)

  [ Christian Brabandt ]
  * vimodoro: fix style according to reviewdog

  [ Ingo Meyer ]
  * plugin: Add extension for codeium

  [ Christian Brabandt ]
  * ci: fix failing test
  * ci: run on ubuntu 20.04 instead of ubuntu 22.04

  [ Dimitry Ishenko ]
  * Add gbp integration
  * Fix source format

 -- Dimitry Ishenko <email address hidden>  Wed, 22 Nov 2023 18:43:04 -0500

Available diffs


Package files