Publishing details


piuparts (1.3) unstable; urgency=medium

  [ Helmut Grohne ]
  * Improvements for running piuparts in unprivileged namespaces:
    - improve compatibility of mount_proc with unprivileged namespaces.
    - make --bindmount recursive.
    - allow using --bindmount with things that are not directories.
    - provide a basic /dev tree even in unprivileged namespaces.
  * Allow using tarballs compressed with non-gzip.

  [ Nicolas Dandrimont ]
  * Codebase quality improvements:
    - Introduce Salsa CI pipeline.
    - Run black and isort on the codebase, introduce basic mypy config.
    - Make the codebase flake8-clean.
  * Remove dependency on python3-six (thanks to Alexandre Detiste for the
    suggestion and initial patch).
  * Pass the same environment variables to docker run as are passed to
    other chroots (thanks to Richard Davis for the suggestion and initial

  [ Philipp Hahn ]
  * Improvements to the docker runner:
    - Get container id using --cidfile in docker run.
    - Use `docker inspect` to get the docker overlay path directly.
    - Improve log output.

 -- Nicolas Dandrimont <email address hidden>  Sat, 13 Jan 2024 14:31:20 +0100

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