Publishing details


gnome-globalmenu (0.7.8-0ubuntu1~ppa1~karmic1) karmic; urgency=low

  * New upstream release
  * Changes from 0.7.7:
     - Updated to VALA 0.7.7
     - Enhanced multihead support
          (enable per-monitor-mode, and add an applet to each monitor)
     - Improved source code, larger comments/code ratio
     - Further improved preference dialog usability.
     - Integrating into gnome-panel(aka the 'Applications Places System' menu),
       toggle with gconf://apps/gnome_settings_daemon/gtk-modules/gnomenu-panel
        (Experimental, Please TEST)
     - Enhanced compatibility with Ubuntu karmic ( Issue 507 )
     - Minor fixes
     - Update the translations.

  * Changes from 0.7.6 to 0.7.7:
     - Update to VALA 0.7.5
     - The package is now rebuiltable from the vala source code.
     - Fix crashing 64bit apps ( Issue 408 )
     - Added the option to disable the search box in window list ( Issue 439 )
     - Toggle RGBA via preference dialog ( Issue 431 )
     - Improved Preference dialog usability ( Issue 424 )
     - Fixed excess cpu time(regression) ( issue 484 )
     - Improved TransientFor handling (mentioned in GlobalMenuSpecification)
     - Updated some translations
     - known problem (crashes wth backgrond since 0.7.7-beta,  Issue 490 )
     - Fixed in 0.7.7_1 (tags/v0.7.7_1)

  * Changes from 0.7.5 to 0.7.6:
     - Catch-up release
     - Update to VALA 0.7.3 ( Issue 370 )
     - Removed excessive xsession log ( Issue 406 )
     - Improved multithread ( Issue 408 )
     - Added new event types SELECTED and UNSELECTED ( Issue 412 )
     - Various improvements
     - Added some translations
     - Updated some translations

  * Removed debian/patches
  * Changed debian/libgnomenu0-2.install to reflect library soname change.
 -- Abhishek Dasgupta <email address hidden>   Fri, 13 Nov 2009 21:48:58 +0530


Built packages

Package files