Publishing details


lightyears (1.3a-1) gutsy; urgency=low

  * Initial release (Closes: #451421) (LP: #162635)
  * patches/start_windowed.patch:
     - start game in windowed mode and 800x600 resolution
  * patches/remove_shabang_intercept_py.patch:
     - remove unnecessary shabang from code/
  * patches/disable_soundfile_warnings.patch:
     - don't print warnings about sound files if «lightyears-sound»
       isn't installed
  * patches/doc_image_path.patch:
     - fix .html documents to look for the images in the right path
  * patches/fix_icon_path.patch:
     - replace the default icon by that one used in the menu
  * patches/fix_manual_url.patch:
     - look for the web documentation in the right place
       (ie., /usr/share/doc/lightyears/html)
  * patches/font_usage.patch:
     - change the font path to use Vera.ttf from package
       ttf-bitstream-vera instead of a copy of the same
  * patches/remove_startup_checks.patch:
     - remove unnecessary versions checks from startup (that's what
       dpkg is for)

 -- Siegfried-Angel Gevatter Pujals (RainCT) <email address hidden>   Thu, 06 Dec 2007 16:25:06 +0100


Built packages

Package files