        I am very interested in electronics and Ubuntu. Currently I have a four year old Compaq Presario Notebook Computer running Ubuntu 9.10 . I will be installing Ubuntu 8.04 Server Edition on a PC I have to currently build. Edit: I have no idea what's going on with my Home Server Project. I really have no ETA on it anymore. My mobile device is a Sony Ericsson X1 with AT&T! Unfortunately, I can't make it run Ubuntu MID! I also have three pc's running Windows XP due to necessity. I am currently creating a few teams and will try to find members for those teams. We must make it run Ubuntu MID instead of Win Mobile 6.1!
        I am no longer part of the documentation team but am still working on some community documentation. Take a look at my wiki-page for more information about documentation.

I maintain a blog located at http://rohankapoor.com

Anything more you need from me, you can either contact me via email, leave a comment on my blog, or hit me up on irc.freenode.com #ubuntu username: Rohan Kapoor. See you there!

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