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Implemented: * table (works with views, too) To be implemented: * sql * var Lower priority: * proj (projection: tab, columns) * db (all tables)
Special Examples TCs for STK-Unit
Examples which make a special use of STKUnit: * test_checkup * test_lint * test_security These TCs are invoked by a TS called diagnostix. They are just examples of a special use of STK/Unit, but could possibly evolve over time and become useful tools. TEST_CHECKUP is a TC which generate fails for problems which c...
PHP API + web GUI for STK-Unit
PHP is the most used language to access MariaDB/MySQL. First step is developing an API to access STK/Unit features without using SQL. Second step is developing a very simple web GUI which uses the API. GUI Features: * list and execute TS * list and execute TC * see any TR result
Make a tested instance for STK-Unit
For now, a single STK/Unit instance tries to test itself using 2 TCs (1 for assertions, the other for the core library). This is not bad for assertions, which can be completely tested. But of course only some procedures from the core lib can be tested this way. This blueprint aims to make a separate instance of STK...

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