Utilities - various (Xenial & newer)

PPA description

Utilities PPA (many and varied backported utilities) for Xenial & newer.

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Useful utilities: diff tool (Meld), mass file renamer (Métamorphose2), kernel downloader (Ukuu), network traffic monitor (vnStat), file managers (4pane, Xfe), critical command line tools (gawk, grep, nano, sed, tar), {un}archivers, downloaders, disk managers (partitions, cloning), flash drive tools, hardware monitoring, remote access, and version control.

                   Utilities - various (Xenial & newer)

4pane (8.0), 7zip{-rar} (24.09), amule (2.3.3), argon2 (20190702), aria2 (1.37.0), bash (5.2.37), bash-completion (2.14.0), bcg729 (1.1.1), bless (0.6.3), botan (2.19.4), brotli (1.1.0), bzip2 (1.0.8), chafa (1.14.5), clonezilla (5.7.8), curl (7.88.1), deluge (2.0.3), devilspie2 (0.45~git20220827), dosfstools (4.2), drbl (5.3.13), e2fsprogs (1.46.5), exfat-utils (1.3.0), exfatprogs (1.2.6), f2fs-tools (1.16.0), f3 (8.0), fatsort (, filezilla (3.68.1), fltk1.3 (1.3.8), fontconfig (2.13.1), fox1.6 (1.6.57), freeglut (3.4.0), freerdp2 (2.11.7), freetype (2.12.1), fuse (2.9.9), fuse-exfat (1.4.0), fuse3 (3.14.0), gawk (5.2.1), gddrescue (1.28), ghex (3.41.1), git (2.47.1), gmp (6.3.0), gnutls28 (3.7.3), gparted (1.4.0), grep (3.11), gzip (1.12), harfbuzz (10.2.0), htop (3.3.0), indicator-sound-switcher (2.3.9), inxi (3.3.36), iperf (2.2.0), iperf3 (3.17.1), json-c (0.18), kdiff3 (1.9.6 Focal & Jammy / 1.8.5 or ppa:savoury1/kde-5-80), keepass2 (2.57.1), keepassxc (2.7.9), keepassxc-browser (1.9.2), lerc (4.0.0), less (551), libcrypto++ (8.9.0), libdeflate (1.20), libevent (2.1.12-stable), libfilezilla (0.49.0), libgcrypt20 (1.10.3), libgpg-error (1.47), libidn2 (2.3.4), libjpeg-turbo (2.1.5), libmicrohttpd (0.9.75), libpsl (0.21.0), libsdl2 (2.30.11), libsodium (1.0.21~git20240801), libssh (0.10.6), libtasn1-6 (4.18.0), libtorrent-rasterbar (2.0.11 / 1.2.15 Focal, 1.2.11 Bionic final Py 2.7 version, or ppa:savoury1/qt-5-15), libunistring (1.0), libvncserver (0.9.14), libwebp (1.5.0), libyuv (0.0.1898.20241205), libzstd (1.5.6), lz4 (1.9.4), lzd (1.2), lzip (1.23), lzop (1.04), mainline (1.4.9+git), mc (4.8.31), meld (3.20.4), metamorphose2 (0.9.0~beta), minisign (0.11), miniupnpc (2.2.3), mtools (4.0.32), mutagen (1.44.0), nano (8.3), ncdu (1.19), nettle (3.7.3), nghttp2 (1.55.1), notify-osd (0.9.35+20.04.20191129 with additional features patch from ppa:leolik/leolik), notifyosdconfig (0.3+22+201404260950), ntfs-3g (2022.10.3), nx-libs (, openssl (1.1.1w), p7zip{-rar} (16.02+transitional), partclone (0.3.32), parted (3.6), pax (20201030), pcre2 (10.39), pigz (2.8), pixz (1.0.7), pillow-python2 (6.2.2), psensor (1.2.2~git20210506), pugixml (1.14.0), pupnp (1.14.19), python-exif (2.3.1), qbittorrent (4.6.7 / 4.3.9 Focal, 4.3.3 Bionic, or ppa:savoury1/qt-5-15), rar (7.00), rdesktop (1.9.0), rdfind (1.6.0), redshift (1.12 bugfix), remmina (1.4.39 / 1.4.10 Xenial or ppa:savoury1/gtk-xenial), rsync (3.2.7), sed (4.9), smartmontools (7.4), snappy (1.1.10), tar (1.35), testdisk (7.1), tiff (4.7.0), tigervnc (1.14.1), transmission (3.00), ukuu (18.9.3 patched), unbound (1.19.2), unetbootin (700), unrar-nonfree (7.0.9), unzip (6.0 security fixes), variety (0.8.11), variety-slideshow (0.1.1~git20190801), vnstat (2.12), wget (1.21.5), wireshark (3.6.8), wxhexeditor (0.25~git20231107 pre-release fixing many bugs), wxwidgets3.0 (, wxwidgets3.2 (3.2.3), x2goclient (, x2gokdrive (, x2gokdriveclient (, x2goserver (, xarchiver (, xautomation (1.09), xfe (1.46.2), xmacro (0.3pre with MilliDelay patches), xpra (3.1.8), xxhash (0.8.2), xz-utils (5.4.7), yubikey-personalization (1.20.0), zlib (1.3.1), zxcvbn-c (2.5)

Focal & Jammy: libdecor-0 (0.2.2 for libsdl2 >= 2.0.20), qt4-x11 (4.8.7 not in official repos, for notifyosdconfig)

Focal only: libdbi-perl (1.20 = libdeflate / renamed source for i386)

Xenial & Bionic: gdevilspie (0.5), glib2.0 (2.72.4), gnome-keyring (3.28.2), gobject-introspection (1.72.0), grub-customizer (5.1.0), iozone3 (489), json-c4 (0.13.1 renamed json-c), libgtop2 (2.40.0), libimagequant (2.12.2), libnatpmp, libpng1.6, lm-sensors (3.6.0), mpfr4 (4.0.2), p11-kit, pupnp-1.8 (1.8.4), pyparted (3.11.2), pysimplesoap, python-{boto,httplib2,imaplib2} (compat with new openssl), screenruler (0.960+bzr41+deb10), sg3-utils (1.44), subversion (1.13.0), zxcvbn-c (2.4)

Xenial only: autogen, btrfs-progs (4.15.1), distro-info (0.18ubuntu0.16.04.1sav0 to fix UA "pro" tool error with 0.18~ubuntu16.04.1 in xenial-backports repo), dmg2img (1.6.7), fluxgui (1.1.11~pre~20171222 GTK2 version), gpm (1.20.7), gt5, icu (60.2), icu-le-hb, libatasmart (0.19), libx86emu (1.12), mono (, mpclib3 (1.1.0), readline (7.0), thermald (1.7.0), unar, wxpython3.0 (, xdotool

Note: mutagen, pillow-python2 & python-exif are required by metamorphose2


NOTE FOR ALL: Some packages are built with and require FFmpeg >= 4.4 (ie. xpra) so if you encounter any FFmpeg related install issues (ie. missing libav* packages) then do the following steps first for successful install:

  sudo add-apt-repository ppa:savoury1/ffmpeg4
  sudo apt-get update

Note about Curl: Specialised version containing both Curl 3 & 4 symbols and providing the libcurl3 package dependency, allowing installation of software explicitly depending on libcurl3 even on Bionic and newer. See https://launchpad.net/~savoury1/+archive/ubuntu/curl34 for more details.

Note about Ukuu: Final freely licensed version (18.9.3) has been patched to build with recent vala (>= 0.44.1) and patched for notable changes made by the Ubuntu kernel team to the directory structure (with arch sub-dirs) on kernel.ubuntu.com for mainline kernel versions built after 7 Jun 2020.

Xenial & GCC 7.5.0 (FileZilla & nghttp2): Some backports require GCC >= 7 to install and run, due new source code using features found in modern GCC (Xenial default is 5.4.0). FileZilla 3.50.0 and nghttp2 1.41.0 are two examples of such software. There are two choices at this Launchpad site for GCC 7.5.0 on Xenial: ppa:savoury1/toolchain for required GCC packages while keeping GCC 5.4.0 as system default, OR to set GCC 7.5.0 as system default use ppa:savoury1/gcc-defaults-7 instead. Do the following steps:

  sudo add-apt-repository ppa:savoury1/toolchain


  sudo add-apt-repository ppa:savoury1/gcc-defaults-7


  sudo apt-get update
  sudo apt-get upgrade && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade

*** Build ***

This PPA has build dependencies on:


Additionally, for Xenial builds only:


Adding this PPA to your system

You can update your system with unsupported packages from this untrusted PPA by adding ppa:savoury1/utilities to your system's Software Sources. (Read about installing)

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:savoury1/utilities
sudo apt update
Technical details about this PPA

This PPA can be added to your system manually by copying the lines below and adding them to your system's software sources.

Display sources.list entries for:
deb https://ppa.launchpadcontent.net/savoury1/utilities/ubuntu YOUR_UBUNTU_VERSION_HERE main 
deb-src https://ppa.launchpadcontent.net/savoury1/utilities/ubuntu YOUR_UBUNTU_VERSION_HERE main 
Signing key:
4096R/E996735927E427A733BB653E374C7797FB006459 (What is this?)


For questions and bugs with software in this PPA please contact Rob Savoury.

PPA statistics

41 updates added during the past month.
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Overview of published packages

175 of 695 results
Package Version Uploaded by
4pane 8.0-1build1~22.04.sav0 Rob Savoury ()
4pane 8.0-1build1~20.04.sav0 Rob Savoury ()
4pane 8.0-1build1~18.04.sav0 Rob Savoury ()
4pane 8.0-1build1~16.04.sav0 Rob Savoury ()
7zip 24.09+dfsg-2~24.04.sav0 Rob Savoury ()
7zip 24.09+dfsg-2~22.04.sav0 Rob Savoury ()
7zip 24.09+dfsg-2~20.04.sav0 Rob Savoury ()
7zip 24.09+dfsg-2~18.04.sav0 Rob Savoury ()
7zip 24.09+dfsg-2~16.04.sav0 Rob Savoury ()
7zip-rar 24.09+ds-1~24.04.sav0 Rob Savoury ()
7zip-rar 24.09+ds-1~22.04.sav0 Rob Savoury ()
7zip-rar 24.09+ds-1~20.04.sav0 Rob Savoury ()
7zip-rar 24.09+ds-1~18.04.sav0 Rob Savoury ()
7zip-rar 24.09+ds-1~16.04.sav0 Rob Savoury ()
amule 1:2.3.3-3build1~22.04.sav0 Rob Savoury ()
amule 1:2.3.3-3build1~20.04.sav0 Rob Savoury ()
amule 1:2.3.3-3build1~18.04.sav0 Rob Savoury ()
amule 1:2.3.3-3build1~16.04.sav0 Rob Savoury ()
argon2 0~20190702+dfsg-4~22.04.sav0 Rob Savoury ()
argon2 0~20190702+dfsg-4~20.04.sav0 Rob Savoury ()
argon2 0~20190702+dfsg-4~18.04.sav0 Rob Savoury ()
argon2 0~20190702+dfsg-4~16.04.sav0 Rob Savoury ()
aria2 1.37.0-0ubuntu1~22.04.sav0 Rob Savoury ()
aria2 1.37.0-0ubuntu1~20.04.sav0 Rob Savoury ()
aria2 1.37.0-0ubuntu1~18.04.sav0 Rob Savoury ()
aria2 1.37.0-0ubuntu1~16.04.sav0 Rob Savoury ()
autogen 1:5.18.12-4~16.04.sav0 Rob Savoury ()
bash 5.2.37-1ubuntu1~24.04.sav0 Rob Savoury ()
bash 5.2.37-1ubuntu1~22.04.sav0 Rob Savoury ()
bash 5.2.37-1ubuntu1~20.04.sav0 Rob Savoury ()
bash 5.2.37-1ubuntu1~18.04.sav0 Rob Savoury ()
bash 5.2.37-1ubuntu1~16.04.sav0 Rob Savoury ()
bash-completion 1:2.14.0-1~22.04.sav0 Rob Savoury ()
bash-completion 1:2.14.0-1~20.04.sav0 Rob Savoury ()
bash-completion 1:2.14.0-1~18.04.sav0 Rob Savoury ()
bash-completion 1:2.14.0-1~16.04.sav0 Rob Savoury ()
bcg729 1.1.1-2~20.04.sav0 Rob Savoury ()
bcg729 1.1.1-2~18.04.sav0 Rob Savoury ()
bcg729 1.1.1-2~16.04.sav0 Rob Savoury ()
bless 0.6.3-1~20.04.sav0 Rob Savoury ()
bless 0.6.3-1~18.04.sav0 Rob Savoury ()
bless 0.6.3-1~16.04.sav0 Rob Savoury ()
botan 2.19.4+dfsg-1~24.04.sav0 Rob Savoury ()
botan 2.19.4+dfsg-1~22.04.sav0 Rob Savoury ()
botan 2.19.4+dfsg-1~20.04.sav0 Rob Savoury ()
botan 2.19.4+dfsg-1~18.04.sav0 Rob Savoury ()
botan 2.19.4+dfsg-1~16.04.sav0 Rob Savoury ()
brotli 1.1.0-2~22.04.sav0 Rob Savoury ()
brotli 1.1.0-2~20.04.sav0 Rob Savoury ()
brotli 1.1.0-2~18.04.sav0 Rob Savoury ()
brotli 1.1.0-2~16.04.sav0 Rob Savoury ()
btrfs-progs 4.15.1-1build1~16.04.sav0 Rob Savoury ()
bzip2 1.0.8-4ubuntu2~20.04.sav0 Rob Savoury ()
bzip2 1.0.8-4ubuntu2~18.04.sav0 Rob Savoury ()
bzip2 1.0.8-4ubuntu2~16.04.sav0 Rob Savoury ()
chafa 1.14.5-1~24.04.sav0 Rob Savoury ()
chafa 1.14.5-1~22.04.sav0 Rob Savoury ()
chafa 1.14.5-1~20.04.sav0 Rob Savoury ()
chafa 1.14.5-1~18.04.sav0 Rob Savoury ()
chafa 1.14.5-1~16.04.sav0 Rob Savoury ()
chntpw 140201-1~20.04.sav0 Rob Savoury ()
chntpw 140201-1~18.04.sav0 Rob Savoury ()
chntpw 140201-1~16.04.sav0 Rob Savoury ()
clonezilla 5.7.8-1~24.04.sav0 Rob Savoury ()
clonezilla 5.7.8-1~22.04.sav0 Rob Savoury ()
clonezilla 5.7.8-1~20.04.sav0 Rob Savoury ()
clonezilla 5.7.8-1~18.04.sav0 Rob Savoury ()
clonezilla 5.7.8-1~16.04.sav0 Rob Savoury ()
curl 7.88.1-11+22.04.sav6 Rob Savoury ()
curl 7.88.1-11+20.04.sav6 Rob Savoury ()
curl 7.88.1-11+18.04.sav6 Rob Savoury ()
curl 7.88.1-11+16.04.sav6 Rob Savoury ()
deluge 2.0.3-3.1~20.04.sav0 Rob Savoury ()
deluge 2.0.3-3.1~18.04.sav0 Rob Savoury ()
deluge 2.0.3-3.1~16.04.sav0 Rob Savoury ()
175 of 695 results

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  • chafa 12 days ago
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  • chafa 12 days ago
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  • chafa 12 days ago
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  • chafa 12 days ago
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  • chafa 12 days ago
    Successfully built