vnStat - network usage (Xenial & newer)
PPA description
Backport of vnstat 2.12 (network usage) for Xenial and newer.
# What is vnStat
vnStat is a console-based network traffic monitor that uses the network
interface statistics provided by the kernel as information source. This
means that vnStat won't actually be sniffing any traffic and also ensures
light use of system resources regardless of network traffic rate.
By default, traffic statistics are stored on a five minute level for the last
48 hours, on a hourly level for the last 4 days, on a daily level for the
last 2 full months and on a yearly level forever. The data retention
durations are fully user configurable. Total seen traffic and a top days
listing is also provided. Optional png image output is available in systems
with the gd library installed.
Optional png image output is available in systems with the gd library
See the webpage https:/
# Getting started
vnStat works best when installed. See the INSTALL or INSTALL_BSD file
depending on used operating system. These files contain all needed
information for the installing process. Instructions for upgrading from
a previous version are included in the UPGRADE file. Release notes
can be found from the CHANGES file.
# Available options and documentation
A list of commonly used options is available with `vnstat --help`. The
complete list can be accessed with `vnstat --longhelp`. The following
man pages are available with more detailed descriptions of each option
including some usage examples:
vnstat general documentation and console query parameters
vnstatd daemon documentation
vnstati image output documentation
vnstat.conf configuration file
# Contacting the author
email: Teemu Toivola <tst at iki dot fi>
irc: Vergo (IRCNet)
git: https:/
The current version of vnStat is always available from
Bug reports, improvement ideas, feature requests and pull requests should
be sent using the matching features on GitHub as those are harder to miss
or forget.
*** Build ***
This PPA has build dependencies on:
*** Credits ***
- Creator of vnStat: Teemu Toivola
- Package code: Christian Göttsche
Adding this PPA to your system
You can update your system with unsupported packages from this untrusted PPA by adding ppa:savoury1/vnstat to your system's Software Sources. (Read about installing)
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:savoury1/vnstat sudo apt update
For questions and bugs with software in this PPA please contact Rob Savoury.
PPA statistics
- Activity
- 0 updates added during the past month.
Overview of published packages
1 → 4 of 4 results | First • Previous • Next • Last |
Package | Version | Uploaded by |
2.12-1~22.04.sav0 | Rob Savoury () |
2.12-1~20.04.sav0 | Rob Savoury () |
2.12-1~18.04.sav0 | Rob Savoury () |
2.12-1~16.04.sav0 | Rob Savoury () |
1 → 4 of 4 results | First • Previous • Next • Last |