PPA description
Test packages of GNOME 40. Definitely NOT official. Should be as close to upstream release as possible, except when Debian/Ubuntu patches can still apply.
WARNING: GNOME 40 is not yet officially supported in Hirsute Hippo. This PPA is just for testing. It breaks sometimes, especially when I'm upgrading the packages.
Note: Make sure to use GDM GNOME session and not Ubuntu since Yaru theme is not yet updated for GNOME 40. So make sure you install gnome-session if the GNOME session in GDM is not showing up.
Installing packages after adding this PPA:
1. Install gnome-session:
sudo apt install gnome-session -y
2. Upgrade the rest:
sudo apt upgrade -y
3. Reboot
4. Click your username then the gear icon to select GNOME or
GNOME on Xorg session.
Note: You might want to install fonts-cantarell too, to make the font weights correct.
Upgrading to Ubuntu 21.10 and removing this repository
I recommend doing a ppa-purge ppa:shemgp/gnome-40 before upgrading to impish as there are packages with higher version than impish ones and there's huge possibility that you will get a non-functioning GUI.
Fixing problems when upgrading to Ubuntu 21.10 before doing a ppa-purge
Here's what you can to if you upgraded before ppa-purging:
sudo apt update
sudo apt upgrade -y
sudo apt install aptitude -y
dpkg --get-selections > selections
aptitude reinstall '~i' 2>&1 | grep ^E.*Can.*download | grep -v grep | grep -v libpcre3 | grep -v apt | grep -v xargs | grep -v aptitude | awk 'BEGIN {FS="of "}; {print $2}' | tr -d "'" | cut -d: -f 1 | xargs sudo apt remove -y
sudo dpkg --clear-selections
sudo dpkg --set-selections < selections
sudo apt-get --reinstall dselect-upgrade
sudo apt install ubuntu-desktop ubuntu-minimal firefox -y
Adding this PPA to your system
You can update your system with unsupported packages from this untrusted PPA by adding ppa:shemgp/gnome-40 to your system's Software Sources. (Read about installing)
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:shemgp/gnome-40 sudo apt update
For questions and bugs with software in this PPA please contact shemgp.
PPA statistics
- Activity
- 0 updates added during the past month.
Overview of published packages
76 → 83 of 83 results | First • Previous • Next • Last |
Package | Version | Uploaded by |
tepl | 6.00.0-0shemgpubuntu6 | shemgp () |
tracker | 3.1.1-0shemgpubuntu3 | shemgp () |
tracker-miners | 3.1.1-0shemgpubuntu4 | shemgp () |
ubuntu-meta | 1.469shemgpubuntu1 | shemgp () |
vala | 0.52.5-0shemgpubuntu2 | shemgp () |
vte2.91 | 0.64.1-0shemgpubuntu3 | shemgp () |
wayland-protocols | 1.21-0shemgpubuntu2 | shemgp () |
yelp-tools | 40.0-0~shemgpubuntu2 | shemgp () |
76 → 83 of 83 results | First • Previous • Next • Last |