You can call me a born again Linux user. I dabbled in Linux years ago when X11 was first thrown together with Slackware. It was a major step in the right direction of Unix variants. However, at the time I was hung up on anything Amiga. Recently in 2007 I decided to give Linux another shot. I remembered Debian was a great distribution but still lacked a specific panash.

Over the years of computer usage, I've picked up quite a few languages. Everything from basic to C++ and even some C# (hideous Microsoft language). I specialize in web application development with Java. I've built a few CMS packages for Xoops in php, but I'm not fluent with PHP. I'm working on learning Python and eventually Ruby. I've never worked on a large source package, but would like to help.

Where to find me
I'm often found at work really, but you can email me if you have any questions. I frequent IRC when I'm online and have the chance. My favorite place to hang out is irc:// .

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