diff -Nru kdenlive-15.13.0+git20160206.6705c57a/debian/changelog kdenlive-15.13.0+git20160206.cee1bbb6/debian/changelog --- kdenlive-15.13.0+git20160206.6705c57a/debian/changelog 2016-02-06 09:13:45.000000000 +0000 +++ kdenlive-15.13.0+git20160206.cee1bbb6/debian/changelog 2016-02-06 18:55:38.000000000 +0000 @@ -1,3 +1,9 @@ +kdenlive (4:15.13.0+git20160206.cee1bbb6-0ubuntu0~sunab~vivid1) vivid; urgency=low + + * new git snapshot + + -- Olivier Banus Sat, 06 Feb 2016 19:55:38 +0200 + kdenlive (4:15.13.0+git20160206.6705c57a-0ubuntu0~sunab~vivid1) vivid; urgency=low * new git snapshot diff -Nru kdenlive-15.13.0+git20160206.6705c57a/doc/ca/CMakeLists.txt kdenlive-15.13.0+git20160206.cee1bbb6/doc/ca/CMakeLists.txt --- kdenlive-15.13.0+git20160206.6705c57a/doc/ca/CMakeLists.txt 2016-02-06 09:13:45.000000000 +0000 +++ kdenlive-15.13.0+git20160206.cee1bbb6/doc/ca/CMakeLists.txt 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -kdoctools_create_handbook(index.docbook INSTALL_DESTINATION ${HTML_INSTALL_DIR}/ca SUBDIR kdenlive) diff -Nru kdenlive-15.13.0+git20160206.6705c57a/doc/ca/index.docbook kdenlive-15.13.0+git20160206.cee1bbb6/doc/ca/index.docbook --- kdenlive-15.13.0+git20160206.6705c57a/doc/ca/index.docbook 2016-02-06 09:13:45.000000000 +0000 +++ kdenlive-15.13.0+git20160206.cee1bbb6/doc/ca/index.docbook 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 @@ -1,645 +0,0 @@ - - - -]> - - -Guia d'inici ràpid de Kdenlive - - -Aquesta documentació ha estat convertida des de la pàgina Kdenlive/Manual/QuickStart de KDE UserBase. - -&traductor.Antoni.Bella; - -&FDLNotice; -17 de juny de 2011 - 0.8.2 - - - - -KDE -multimèdia -vídeo - - - - - -Crear un nou projecte - - - - - - - - - Estructura de directoris de Kdenlive - - - Estructura de directoris de Kdenlive - - - -El primer pas és crear una nova carpeta (buida) per al nostre nou projecte. En aquesta guia d'aprenentatge l'anomeno quickstart-tutorial/. A continuació, obteniu alguns clips de vídeo, o descarregueu-los des d'aquí: Kdenlive-tutorial-videos-2011-avi.tar.bz2 (7 MB)Si preferiu Theora (és probable que no doncs el vídeo Ogg sol causar problemes), alternativament podeu descarregar kdenlive-tutorial-videos-2011-ogv.tar.bz2., i extreure'ls &pex; a la subcarpeta quickstart-tutorial/Vídeos/ dins de la carpeta del projecte. -La imatge de l'esquerra mostra l'estructura de directori suggerida: Cada projecte té el seu propi directori, amb fitxers de vídeo en el subdirectori Vídeos, fitxers d'àudio en el directori Àudio, &etc; (llegir més). -(La guia d'aprenentatge a partir d'ara assumeix que utilitzeu els vídeos de mostra proporcionats, però funciona amb qualsevol). - - - - - - - - - El diàleg nou projecte - - - El diàleg nou projecte - - - -Obriu Kdenlive i creeu un nou projecte (FitxerNou). -Escolliu la carpeta del projecte creada anteriorment (quickstart-tutorial/) i seleccioneu un perfil de projecte adequat. Els fitxers de vídeo descrits anteriorment són 720p, 23.98 fps.720 és l'alçada del vídeo, p és sinònim de exploració progressiva en contrast a vídeo entrellaçat, i el nombre fps denota el nombre de fotogrames complets per segon. Si utilitzeu els vostres propis fitxers i no sabeu quin utilitzar, Kdenlive suggerirà el més apropiat quan s'afegeixi el primer el clip, de manera que podeu deixar el camp com estigui. - -Afegint clips - - - - - - - - - Arbre de projecte: Afegir clips de vídeo - - - Arbre de projecte: Afegir clips de vídeo - - - -Ara que el projecte està llest, començarem a afegir alguns clips (&ead;, els que descarregueu). Això funciona a través de l'estri Arbre del projecte, un clic a la icona Afegeix un clip obre directament el diàleg de selecció de fitxers, un clic a la fletxa mostra una llista dels tipus de clips addicionals que també es poden afegir. Clips de vídeo, clips d'àudio, imatges, i altres projectes de Kdenlive es poden afegir a través del diàleg per omissió Afegeix un clip. - - - - - - - - - Finestra de Kdenlive 0.8 amb els fitxers de la guia d'aprenentatge - - - Finestra de Kdenlive 0.8 amb els fitxers de la guia d'aprenentatge - - - -Després de carregar els clips, Kdenlive tindrà un aspecte similar a aquest. A la part superior esquerra es troba el ja conegut arbre del projecte. A la dreta hi ha els monitors que mostren el vídeo. El monitor del clip mostra el vídeo a partir dels clips originals, el monitor del projecte mostra com es veurà el vídeo de sortida, amb tots els efectes, transicions, &etc; aplicats. El tercer element, també molt important, és la línia de temps (per sota dels monitors): Aquest és el lloc on es poden editar els clips de vídeo. Hi ha dos tipus diferents de pistes, de vídeo i d'àudio. Les pistes de vídeo poden contenir qualsevol tipus de vídeo, les pistes d'àudio també -però quan es deixa anar un fitxer de vídeo a la pista d'àudio, només s'utilitzarà l'àudio-. - - - - - - - - - Desar un projecte de Kdenlive - - - Desar un projecte de Kdenlive - - - -Guardarem el treball mitjançant FitxerDesa. Això desarà el nostre projecte, &ead;, els clips que hem situat a la línia de temps, els efectes que hem aplicat, i així successivament. Això no es pot reproduir.Per a ser correctes, ho podem reproduir utilitzant melt projecte.kdenlive, però aquesta no és la manera en la que voldreu presentar el vostre últim vídeo, ja que (probablement) sigui massa lent. Més a més, això només funciona si «melt» està instal·lat. El procés de crear el vídeo final s'anomena Renderitzat. - -Línia de temps -Ara ve l'edició real. Els clips del projecte es combinen per al resultat final sobre la línia de temps. Arriben allà mitjançant l'acció arrossega i deixa anar: Arrossegueu algun Napoli (assumint que esteu utilitzant els fitxers proporcionats, com a la resta d'aquesta guia d'aprenentatge d'inici ràpid. Si no, si us plau, assegureu-vos que la vostra pantalla és impermeable, i potser a prova de tomàquets), i poseu-lo a la primera pista en la línia de temps. - - - - - - - - - Primers clips en la línia de temps - - - Primers clips en la línia de temps - - - -Atès que porta a estris de cuina, col·loqueu la cullera a la primera pista. A continuació, arrossegueu el Napoli al començament de la línia de temps (en cas contrari el vídeo renderitzat començarà amb alguns segons de negre), i la cullera just després del Napoli, de manera que es vegi la imatge a l'esquerra. (Podeu apropar-la amb &Ctrl;Roda). - - - - - - - - - Cursor de la línia de temps - - - Cursor de la línia de temps - - - -El resultat ja es pot pre-visualitzar prement Espai (o el botó Reprodueix en el monitor del projecte). Veureu el Napoli directament seguit per una cullera. Si el cursor de temps no és al començament, el monitor del projecte començarà la reproducció en un punt intermedi. El podeu moure arrossegant-lo sigui en la regla de la línia de temps o al monitor del projecte. Si preferiu dreceres de teclat, &Ctrl;Inici fa el mateix per al monitor que està activat. (Seleccioneu el Monitor del projecte si encara no està seleccionat abans d'utilitzar la drecera). - - - - - - - - - Canviar la mida del marcador - - - Canviar la mida del marcador - - - -Ja que després de dinar es pot jugar, hi ha un clip de Billard. Afegiu-lo també a la línia de temps. Els primers 1,5 segons no succeeix res al clip, de manera que potser s'haurà de retallar per evitar que es converteixi en un vídeo avorrit. Una manera fàcilEscriure-ho d'aquesta manera suggereix que hi ha diverses formes de retallar un clip. Això és de fet veritat. per fer-ho moveu el cursor de la línia de temps a la posició desitjada (&ead;, la posició on voleu tallar el vídeo), a continuació, arrossegueu la vora esquerra del clip fins que aparegui el marcador de canvi de mida. El cursor de la línia de temps serà atret quan esteu prou a prop. - - - - - - - - - Superposar clips - - - Superposar clips - - - -Per afegir una transició entre el menjar (la cullera) i el joc de billar («Billard»), els dos clips han de superposar-se. Per ser més precisos: el segon clip ha d'estar per sobre o per sota del primer i al final algunes imatges després de començar la segona part. Pot ser convenient apropar a una escala per cada imatge. Fer-ho també simplifica el tenir sempre la durada de la transició, com cinc imatges en aquest cas. -Podeu apropar, ja sigui utilitzant la control lliscant de zoom a la part inferior de la finestra de Kdenlive, o amb &Ctrl;roda del ratolí. Kdenlive s'acostarà al cursor de la línia de temps, de manera que primer hem de dur-lo a la posició que desitgi ampliar. - - - - - - - - - Marcador de transició - - - Marcador de transició - - - -Ara que s'ha realitzat la superposició dels clips, es pot afegir la transició. Això es fa fent clic dret sobre el clip superior i escollint Afegeix una transició o, més fàcil, fent clic a la cantonada inferior dreta del clip Spoon. La segona per omissió afegeix una transició de dissolució, que és en aquest cas seria la millor idea ja que de totes maneres la cullera no és necessària per a la reproducció. -Les transicions esvaeixen gradualment el primer clip en el segon. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Afegirem l'últim clip, el «Piano», ara, una vegada i una altra apliqueu una transició de dissolució. Quan s'afegeix a la primera pista de la línia de temps, heu de fer clic a la zona inferior esquerra del nou clip per afegir la transició al clip anterior. -Efectes - - - - - - - - - Efectes - - - Efectes - - - -El «Piano» es pot acolorir mitjançant l'addició d'un efecte al mateix. Seleccioneu el clip de piano, a continuació, feu doble clic a l'efecte Ajust RGB a la llista d'efectes. Si no és visible, ho podeu aconseguir a través de VisualitzaEfectes. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Una vegada s'ha afegit l'efecte, el seu nom serà afegit a la línia de temps del clip. També es mostrarà a l'estri Pila d'efectes. - - - - - - - - - Pila d'efectes amb correcció de color - - - Pila d'efectes amb correcció de color - - - -Per aconseguir un ambient càlid amb to groc-taronja a la imatge, adequat per a una nit còmoda, el blau necessita ser reduït, mentre que el vermell i el verd s'han d'enfortir. -Els valors a l'estri pila d'efectes es poden canviar mitjançant el control lliscant (el &BMR; restableix al valor per omissió), o introduint un valor directament fent doble clic al número a la dreta de la barra lliscant. -Els efectes també es poden afegir amb la icona Afegeix un nou efecte (emmarcat a la imatge de l'esquerra) a la Pila d'efectes. Sempre es refereix al clip de la línia de temps que està seleccionat. Desmarcant la casella de selecció, es desactivarà temporalment (tot i que hi romandran els valors), això és útil &pex; per als efectes que requereixen molta potència de càlcul, de manera que es pot desactivar mentre s'edita i tornar a activar per al renderitzat. -Per a alguns efectes, com el que s'utilitza aquí, és possible afegir fotogrames clau. La icona del cronòmetre indica que emmarca aquesta possibilitat. Els fotogrames clau s'utilitzen per canviar els paràmetres de l'efecte en el temps. En el nostre clip ens permet fer una decoloració del piano des d'una nit càlida cap a una nit freda. - - - - - - - - - Els fotogrames clau per als efectes - - - Els fotogrames clau per als efectes - - - -Després de fer clic a la icona fotograma clau (la icona del cronòmetre emmarcat a la imatge anterior), l'estri pila d'efectes es tornarà a organitzar. Per omissió, hi haurà dos fotogrames clau, un al començament del clip i un altra al final a la línia de temps. Desplaceu el cursor de la línia de temps cap al final del clip, de manera que el monitor del projecte en realitat mostrarà els nous colors en canviar els paràmetres del fotograma clau al final. -Assegureu-vos que l'últim fotograma clau se selecciona en la llista de la pila d'efectes. Llavors estarà llest per inundar el piano amb un blau profund. -En moure el cursor de la línia de temps al començament del projecte i reproduir-lo (amb la tecla Espai, o el botó Reprodueix en el Monitor del projecte), el piano haurà de canviar cap al color que desitjat. -Els fotogrames clau són la part més difícil d'aquesta guia d'aprenentatge. Si els gestioneu per fer-ho, dominareu Kdenlive amb facilitat! - -Música - - - - - - - - - Esvaïment de l'àudio - - - Esvaïment de l'àudio - - - -Atès que els clips no proporcionen cap àudio, cercarem alguna bona peça de música, a la vostra col·lecció local o a pàgines web com Jamendo. Quan afegiu un clip d'àudio al projecte, obtindreu una pista d'àudio en la línia de temps. -El clip d'àudio es pot canviar de mida a la línia de temps de la mateixa manera que els clips de vídeo. El cursor s'ajusta a al final del projecte de forma automàtica. Per afegir un efecte d'esvaïment al final del clip d'àudio (excepte si es trobeu un fitxer amb exactament la longitud correcta) podeu anar a la vora superior dreta (o esquerra) del clip a la línia de temps i arrossegueu el disc verd a la posició on ha de començar l'esvaïment.Aquest disc verd és una forma ràpida per afegir un efecte EsvaeixFinal d'esvaïment. Tots dos camins porten al mateix resultat. - - -Renderitzar - - - - - - - - - El diàleg de renderització - - - El diàleg de renderització - - - -Uns minuts més, i el projecte estarà finalitzat! Feu clic al botó Renderitza (o aneu a ProjecteRenderitza, o premeu &Ctrl;&Intro;) per obtenir el diàleg que es mostra a l'esquerra. Seleccioneu el fitxer de sortida desitjat per al nostre nou vídeo amb tots els efectes i transicions, escolliu MPEG4 (funciona gairebé arreu) i una taxa de bits de 2000k (com més gran sigui la taxa de bits, major serà el fitxer e sortida i millor la qualitat -però ja que la taxa de bits per al clips d'entrada estava a 2000k, utilitzar una més alta no millorarà la qualitat i per tant, és innecessari-), i premeu el botó Renderitza a fitxer. - - - - - - - - - Progrés del renderitzat - - - Progrés del renderitzat - - - -Després d'alguns segons el renderitzat haurà finalitzat, i haureu completat el vostre primer projecte de Kdenlive. Felicitats! - - - - -Crèdits i llicència - Copyright de la documentació veure la pàgina historial Kdenlive/Manual/QuickStart d'UserBase. - Traductor de la documentació: &credits.Antoni.Bella; -&underFDL; -&documentation.index; - diff -Nru kdenlive-15.13.0+git20160206.6705c57a/doc/CMakeLists.txt kdenlive-15.13.0+git20160206.cee1bbb6/doc/CMakeLists.txt --- kdenlive-15.13.0+git20160206.6705c57a/doc/CMakeLists.txt 2016-02-06 09:13:45.000000000 +0000 +++ kdenlive-15.13.0+git20160206.cee1bbb6/doc/CMakeLists.txt 2016-02-06 18:55:38.000000000 +0000 @@ -1,11 +1 @@ kdoctools_create_handbook(index.docbook INSTALL_DESTINATION ${HTML_INSTALL_DIR}/en SUBDIR kdenlive) -ADD_SUBDIRECTORY(it) -ADD_SUBDIRECTORY(es) -ADD_SUBDIRECTORY(pt) -ADD_SUBDIRECTORY(de) -ADD_SUBDIRECTORY(sv) -ADD_SUBDIRECTORY(fr) -ADD_SUBDIRECTORY(pt_BR) -ADD_SUBDIRECTORY(uk) -ADD_SUBDIRECTORY(nl) -ADD_SUBDIRECTORY(ca) diff -Nru kdenlive-15.13.0+git20160206.6705c57a/doc/de/CMakeLists.txt kdenlive-15.13.0+git20160206.cee1bbb6/doc/de/CMakeLists.txt --- kdenlive-15.13.0+git20160206.6705c57a/doc/de/CMakeLists.txt 2016-02-06 09:13:45.000000000 +0000 +++ kdenlive-15.13.0+git20160206.cee1bbb6/doc/de/CMakeLists.txt 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -kdoctools_create_handbook(index.docbook INSTALL_DESTINATION ${HTML_INSTALL_DIR}/de SUBDIR kdenlive) diff -Nru kdenlive-15.13.0+git20160206.6705c57a/doc/de/index.docbook kdenlive-15.13.0+git20160206.cee1bbb6/doc/de/index.docbook --- kdenlive-15.13.0+git20160206.6705c57a/doc/de/index.docbook 2016-02-06 09:13:45.000000000 +0000 +++ kdenlive-15.13.0+git20160206.cee1bbb6/doc/de/index.docbook 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 @@ -1,659 +0,0 @@ - - - -]> - - -Kurzanleitung zu Kdenlive - - -Dieses Handbuch wurde aus der Kdenlive/Manual/QuickStart-Webseite der &kde;-Userbase erstellt. - -BurkhardLück
-&FDLNotice; -2011-06-17 - 0.8.2 - - - - -KDE -Multimedia -Video - -
- - - -Erstellen eines neuen Projekts - - - - - - - - - Kdenlive-Ordnerstruktur - - - Kdenlive-Ordnerstruktur - - - -Im ersten Schritt wird ein neuer, leerer Ordner für das neue Projekt angelegt. Der neue Ordner heißt in dieser Anleitung quickstart-tutorial/. Um Beispielvideos zu erhalten, können Sie unter: kdenlive-tutorial-videos-2011-avi.tar.bz2 (7 MB) Wenn Sie Theora bevorzugen, weil Ogg-Video Probleme bereitet , können Sie diese alternativ unter kdenlive-tutorial-videos-2011-ogv.tar.bz2 herunterladen.diese herunterladen und Beispielsweise unter quickstart-tutorial/Videos/ innerhalb des Projektordners entpacken. -Das Bild auf der linken Seite zeigt die vorgeschlagene Ordnerstruktur an: jedes Projekt hat seinen eigenen Ordner mit Unterordnern wie Video-Dateien im Unterordner Videos, Audiodateien im Unterordner Audio usw. (Weiterlesen) -In dieser Anleitung wird mit dem oben genannten Beispielvideo gearbeitet. - - - - - - - - - Dialog Neues Projekt - - - Dialog Neues Projekt - - - -Öffnen Sie Kdenlive öffnen und erstellen Sie mit DateiNeu ein neues Projekt. -Wählen Sie den vorher erstellten Projektordner quickstart-tutorial/ und wählen Sie ein passendes Profil für das Projekt. Die Video-Dateien in der Anleitung haben das Format 720p, 23.98 fps.720 ist die Höhe des Videos, p bezeichnet das Vollbildverfahren (Progressive Scan im Gegensatz zum Zeilensprungverfahren und fps (Bildfrequenz) gibt die Anzahl der vollständigen Bilder je Sekunde an. Benutzen Sie hier Ihre eigenen Dateien und sind unsicher über das zu verwendende Format, dann erhalten Sie von Kdenlive einen Vorschlag, wenn der erste Clip eingelesen ist. Daher können Sie den Wert jetzt unverändert lassen. - -Hinzufügen von Clips - - - - - - - - - Projektbaum: Videodateien hinzufügen - - - Projektbaum: Videodateien hinzufügen - - - -Nun ist das Projekt fertig eingerichtet und es können einige Clips hinzugefügt werden, &ie; die vorher heruntergeladenen Clips. Dies kann im Fenster Projektbaum ausgeführt werden, klicken Sie direkt auf den Knopf Clip hinzufügen, dann wird der Dateidialog geöffnet. Klicken Sie auf den kleinen Pfeil neben dem Knopf dann wird eine Liste zusätzlicher Arten von Clips angezeigt, die ebenfalls hinzugefügt werden können. Video-Clips, Audio-Clips, Bilder und andere Kdenlive-Projekte können mit diesem Standarddialog Clip hinzufügen geladen werden. - - - - - - - - - Fenster von Kdenlive 0.8 mit den Dateien der Anleitung - - - Fenster von Kdenlive 0.8 mit den Dateien der Anleitung - - - -Nach dem Laden der Clips sieht das Fenster von Kdenlive etwa wie im Bildschirmfoto oben aus. Oben links ist der bereits bekannte Projektbaum. Rechts davon die Monitore, die das Video anzeigen. Der Clip-Monitor zeigt die Videos der ursprünglichen Clips, auf dem Projektmonitor wird das Ausgabe-Video mit allen Effekten, Übergängen &etc; angezeigt. Das dritte wichtige Element ist die Zeitleiste unten im Hauptfenster. Dies ist der Bereich, in dem die Video-Clips bearbeitet werden. Es gibt zwei verschiedene Arten von Spuren für Video und für Audio. Auf Video-Spuren können jede beliebige Art von Clips abgelegt werden, auf Audio-Spuren ebenfalls, Wenn Sie aber eine Videodatei auf einer Audiospur ablegen, wird nur der Audioteil verwendet. - - - - - - - - - Speichern eines Kdenlive-Projekts - - - Speichern eines Kdenlive-Projekts - - - -Speichern Sie jetzt das Projekt mit DateiSpeichern aus dem Menü. Damit wird das Projekt mit allen Informationen &ie; über die Videos in der Zeitleiste, die angewandten Effekte und so weiter gespeichert. Es wird nichts abgespielt. Das Projekt kann mit melt yourproject.kdenlive wiedergegeben werden, aber so werden Sie Ihr Video nicht präsentieren wollen, da es so wahrscheinlich zu langsam abgespielt wird. Außerdem muss dazu das Programm melt installiert sein. Der Prozess zur Fertigstellung des Videos wird Rendering genannt. - -Zeitleiste -Nun beginnt das tatsächliche Bearbeiten. Projekt-Clips werden zum endgültigen Ergebnis in der Zeitleiste zusammengefügt. Dorthin gelangen die Clips durch Ziehen und Ablegen. Ziehen Sie also den Clip Napoli auf die erste Spur in der Zeitleiste. - - - - - - - - - Erste Clips in der Zeitleiste - - - Erste Clips in der Zeitleiste - - - -Zum Essen brauchen Sie Besteck, also ziehen Sie den Clip mit dem Löffel ebenfalls in die erste Spur. Ziehen Sie dann den Clip Napoli an den Anfang der Zeitleiste, damit das fertige Video nicht mit schwarzen Bildern in der ersten Sekunden beginnt. Ziehen Sie dann den Clip Spoon an das Ende des Clips Napoli, so dass es dann wie im Bild oben aussieht, das mit &Ctrl;Mausrad vergrößert wurde. - - - - - - - - - Zeitleisten-Cursor - - - Zeitleisten-Cursor - - - -Für das Ergebnis ist bereits eine Vorschau durch Drücken der Leertaste oder dem Knopf Wiedergabe im Projektmonitor. Sie sehen den Clip Napoli direkt gefolgt von dem Clip Spoon. Befindet sich der Zeitleisten-Cursor nicht am Anfang, startet die Wiedergabe im Projektmonitor irgendwo in der Mitte. Sie können diesen Anfangspunkt entweder in der Zeitleiste oder im Projektmonitor verschieben. Mit dem Kurzbefehl &Ctrl;Pos1 können Sie zum Anfang des Projekts im aktivierten Monitor gehen. Wechseln Sie zum Projektmonitor, um diesen Kurzbefehl verwenden zu können. - - - - - - - - - Markierung der Größenanpassung - - - Markierung der Größenanpassung - - - -Nach dem Essen kommt das Spielen, daher gibt es noch einen Billard-Clip. Fügen Sie ihn ebenfalls zur Zeitleiste hinzu. Die ersten 1,5 Sekunden passiert in diesem Clip nichts, daher sollte dieser Teil abgeschnitten werden, damit das Video nicht langweilig wird. Am einfachsten ist es, den Zeitleisten-Cursor an die gewünschte Position zu verschieben, &ie; an die Position, an der Sie das Video abschneiden möchten. Ziehen Sie dann den linken Rand des Clips in Richtung des Zeitleisten-Cursors, wenn die Markierung zur Größenänderung angezeigt wird. Sind Sie nahe genug am Zeitleisten-Cursor, rastet der Rand dort ein. - - - - - - - - - Überlappende Clips - - - Überlappende Clips - - - -Um einen Übergang zwischen dem Essen (dem Spoon) und dem Billard hinzuzufügen, müssen sich die Clips überlappen. Genauer gesagt: der zweite Clip muss sich über oder unter dem ersten Clip befinden und einige Bilder vor den Ende des ersten beginnen. Eine Vergrößerung, bis die Markierungen für einzelne Bilder angezeigt werden, hilft dabei. Dadurch wird es leichter, immer die gleiche Dauer für den Übergang wie in diesem Fall fünf Bilder einzustellen. -Eine Größenänderung ist entweder mit dem Schieberegler unten im Hauptfenster von Kdenlive oder mit &Ctrl;Mausrad möglich. Der Mittelpunkt der Größenänderung ist der Zeitleisten-Cursor. daher setzen Sie den Cursor zuerst auf die gewünschte Position und ändern Sie dann die Größe. - - - - - - - - - Übergang-Markierung - - - Übergang-Markierung - - - -Da sich jetzt die Clips überlappen, kann ein Übergang hinzugefügt werden. Dazu klicken Sie entweder mit der &RMBn; auf den oberen Clip und wählen Sie Übergang hinzufügen aus dem Kontextmenü oder klicken Sie auf die untere rechte Ecke des Spoon-Clips. Die letzte Methode fügt als Voreinstellung einen Auflösungsübergang ein, was in diesem Fall die beste Idee ist, da der Löffel zur Wiedergabe nicht erforderlich ist. -Der Auflösungsübergang blendet den ersten Clip in den zweiten ein. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Fügen Sie jetzt den letzten Clip mit dem Piano hinzu und verwenden wieder einen Auflösungsübergang. Fügen Sie ihn auf der ersten Spur der Zeitleiste ein, müssen Sie auf die linke untere Ecke des neuen Clips klicken, um den Übergang zum vorherigen Clip hinzuzufügen. -Effekte - - - - - - - - - Effektliste - - - Effektliste - - - -Das Piano kann eingefärbt werden, indem Sie einen Effekt hinzufügen. Wählen Sie den Piano-Clip und doppelklicken Sie auf den Effekt RGB-Anpassung in der Effektliste. Wird die Effektliste nicht angezeigt, blenden Sie sie mit dem Menüeintrag AnsichtEffektliste ein. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Sobald der Effekt hinzugefügt wurde, wird dessen Name auch zum Zeitleisten-Clip hinzugefügt. Der Effekt wird auch im Effektmagazin angezeigt. - - - - - - - - - Effektmagazin mit RGB-Einstellung - - - Effektmagazin mit RGB-Einstellung - - - -Um einen warmen gelb-orangefarbenen Ton, passend zum gemütlichen Abend, auf das Bild zu bekommen, muss blau reduziert und rot und grün verbessert werden. -Die Werte im Effektmagazin können mit dem Schieberegler oder durch Eingabe einer Zahl eingeben, indem Sie auf das Feld rechts neben dem Schieberegler doppelklicken. Ein Klick mit dem &MMB; setzt Einstellung auf die Voreinstellung zurück. -Effekte können auch mit dem Symbol Neue Effekte hinzufügen, im Bildschirmfoto oben eingerahmt, im Effektmagazin eingefügt werden. Diese Effekte werden immer auf den gerade in der Zeitleiste ausgewählten Clip angewendet. Deaktivieren Sie das Ankreuzfeld vor einem Effekt, um ihn zeitweise abzuschalten. Die Einstellung bleibt erhalten. Dies ist ⪚ für Effekte sinnvoll, die viel Rechenleistung benötigen, da dass sie bei der Bearbeitung abgeschaltet und für das endgültige Rendern wieder eingeschaltet werden können. -Für einige Effekte wie den hier benutzten können Keyframes hinzugefügt werden. Das eingerahmte Uhrensymbol zeigt dies an. Keyframes werden benutzt, um die Parameter von Effekten zeitabhängig zu verändern. In Diesem Clip ermöglichen es Keyframes, die Farbe des Pianos von eine warmen Farbe wie an einem Abend zu einer kalten Farbe wie in der Nacht zu ändern. - - - - - - - - - Keyframes für Effekte - - - Keyframes für Effekte - - - -Nachdem Sie auf das Symbol Keyframe, das eingerahmte Uhrensymbol im vorherigen Bild, geklickt haben, werden die Einträge im Effektmagazin neu angeordnet. In der Voreinstellung gibt es zwei Keyframes, einen am Anfange des Clips in der Zeitleiste und einen am Ende. Verschieben Sie den Zeitleisten-Cursor zum Ende des Clips in der Zeitleiste, so dass im Projektmonitor wirklich die neuen Farben angezeigt werden, wenn die Parameter des Keyframe am Ende geändert werden. -Überprüfen Sie , dass der letzte Keyframe in der Liste im Effektmagazin ausgewählt ist. Dann können Sie das Piano in tiefblauer Farbe erscheinen lassen. -Wenn Sie den Zeitleisten-Cursor an den Anfang des Projekts schieben und dann das Video mit der Leertaste oder dem Knopf Wiedergabe im Projektmonitor abspielen, sollte sich dann die Farbe des Pianos wie gewünscht ändern. -Der Umgang mit Keyframe war der schwierigste Teil in dieser Anleitung. Wenn Sie das bewältigt haben, können Sie problemlos mit Kdenlive Videos bearbeiten. - -Musik - - - - - - - - - Audio-Ausblendung - - - Audio-Ausblendung - - - -Da es im Moment noch keine Audio-Ausgabe im Video gibt, suchen Sie nach Musik in Ihrer lokalen Sammlung oder auf Webseiten wie Jamendo. Den Audio-Clip sollten Sie auf einer Audio-Spur in der Zeitleiste einfügen. -Der Größe des Audio-Clips kann auf der Zeitleiste genauso wie bei Video-Clips verändert werden. Der Cursor rastet am Ende des Projekts automatisch ein. Um einen Ausblenden-Efekt am Ende der Datei einzufügen, führen Sie den Mauszeiger auf die obere rechte oder linke Ecke des Audio-Clips in der Zeitleiste und ziehen die dann angezeigte grüne Scheibe zur Position, an der das Ausblenden beginnen soll.Die grüne Scheibe ist ein direkter Weg um Effekte hinzuzufügen, Sie können in der Effektliste auch BlendenAusblenden wählen. Beide Wege führen zum gleichen Ergebnis. - - -Rendern - - - - - - - - - Render-Dialog - - - Render-Dialog - - - -Jetzt ist Ihr Projekt bald fertig. Klicken Sie auf den Knopf Rendern oder wählen Sie im Menü ProjektRendern mit dem Kurzbefehl &Ctrl;&Enter; um den oben angezeigten Dialog zu öffnen. Wählen Sie eine Ausgabedatei für Ihr neues Video mit allen Effekten und Übergängen. Wählen Sie als Format MPEG-4, da dies ein weit verbreitetes Format ist. Setzen Sie die Bitrate auf 2000k. Je höher die Bitrate, umso größer wird die Ausgabedatei und umso besser die Qualität. Da aber die als Eingabe verwendeten Clips auch nur eine Bitrate von 2000k hatten, führt ein höherer Wert beim Rendern nicht zu besserer Qualität und ist daher unnötig. Drücken Sie dann den Knopf In Datei rendern. - - - - - - - - - Fortschritt des Renderns - - - Fortschritt des Renderns - - - -Nach einigen Sekunden ist das Rendern abgeschlossen und Ihr erstes Kdenlive-Projekt fertig. Herzlichen Glückwunsch! - - - - -Mitwirkende und Lizenz - Copyright der Dokumentation siehe Versionsgeschichte der Kdenlive/Manual/QuickStart-Seite - Übersetzung Burkhard Lücklueck@hube-lueck.de -&underFDL; -&documentation.index; -
diff -Nru kdenlive-15.13.0+git20160206.6705c57a/doc/es/CMakeLists.txt kdenlive-15.13.0+git20160206.cee1bbb6/doc/es/CMakeLists.txt --- kdenlive-15.13.0+git20160206.6705c57a/doc/es/CMakeLists.txt 2016-02-06 09:13:45.000000000 +0000 +++ kdenlive-15.13.0+git20160206.cee1bbb6/doc/es/CMakeLists.txt 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -kdoctools_create_handbook(index.docbook INSTALL_DESTINATION ${HTML_INSTALL_DIR}/es SUBDIR kdenlive) diff -Nru kdenlive-15.13.0+git20160206.6705c57a/doc/es/index.docbook kdenlive-15.13.0+git20160206.cee1bbb6/doc/es/index.docbook --- kdenlive-15.13.0+git20160206.6705c57a/doc/es/index.docbook 2016-02-06 09:13:45.000000000 +0000 +++ kdenlive-15.13.0+git20160206.cee1bbb6/doc/es/index.docbook 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 @@ -1,667 +0,0 @@ - - - -]> - - -La guía de inicio rápido de Kdenlive - - -Esta documentación se convirtió desde la página de KDE UserBase Kdenlive/Manual/QuickStart. - -JavierViñal
-&FDLNotice; -2011-06-17 - 0.8.2 - - - - -KDE -multimedia -vídeo - -
- - - -Creación de un nuevo proyecto - - - - - - - - - Estructura de directorios de Kdenlive - - - Estructura de directorios de Kdenlive - - - -El primer paso es crear una nueva carpeta (vacía) para su nuevo proyecto. La llamaremos quickstart-tutorial/ en este manual. A continuación tomaremos algunas muestras de vídeo o podrán ser descargadas desde aquí:kdenlive-tutorial-videos-2011-avi.tar.bz2 (7 MB)Si se prefiere usar Theora (lo que probablemente no es una buena idea, dado que Ogg Vídeo, generalmente causa problemas), se pueden descargar desde kdenlive-tutorial-videos-2011-ogv.tar.bz2. y extraerlos a p. ej. una subcarpeta guía-inicio/Vídeos/ dentro de la carpeta del proyecto. -La imagen de la izquierda muestra la estructura de directorios sugerida: Cada proyecto tiene su propio directorio, con los archivos de vídeo en el subdirectorio Vídeos, los de audio en el directorio Audio, &etc; (leer más) -(El manual desde ahora supondrá que se usan los vídeos de muestra proporcionados, aunque funcionará con cualquiera). - - - - - - - - - Diálogo de nuevo proyecto - - - Diálogo de nuevo proyecto - - - -Abrir Kdenlive y crear un nuevo proyecto (ArchivoNuevo). -Elegir la carpeta del proyecto creado previamente (quickstart-tutorial/) y seleccionar un perfil de proyecto adecuado. Los archivos de vídeo proporcionados más arriba son 720 p a 23,98 fps.720 es la altura del vídeo, p significa barrido progresivo en contraste con vídeo entrelazado y el número de fps denota el número de fotogramas por segundo del vídeo. Si se usan otros archivos y no está claro cuál usar, Kdenlive sugerirá uno adecuado al agregar el primer clip, de modo que se puede dejar el campo tal como aparece. - -Agregando clips - - - - - - - - - Árbol del proyecto: Agregando clips de vídeo - - - Árbol del proyecto: Agregando clips de vídeo - - - -Ahora que el proyecto está listo, comencemos agregando algunos clips (p. ej. los que se han descargado). Esto funciona mediante el Control de árbol de proyecto; hacer un clic en el icono Agregar clip abre directamente el diálogo de archivos, hacer un clic en la flecha pequeña muestra una lista de tipos de clips adicionales que también pueden agregarse. Clips de vídeo, audio, imágenes y otros proyectos de Kdenlive pueden agregarse mediante el diálogo predeterminado Agregar clip. - - - - - - - - - Ventana de Kdenlive 0.8 con los archivos de ejemplo - - - Ventana de Kdenlive 0.8 con los archivos de ejemplo - - - -Tras cargar los clips, Kdenlive lucirá similar a esto. En la parte superior izquierda está el, ya conocido, árbol de proyectos. A su derecha están los monitores que muestran el vídeo. El monitor de clips visualiza el vídeo de los clips originales, el monitor de proyecto muestra cómo se verá el vídeo final, con todos los efectos, transiciones, etc. aplicados. El tercer elemento, también muy importante, es la cronología (bajo los monitores). Este es el lugar donde se editan los clips de vídeo. Hay dos tipos diferentes de pistas, de vídeo y de audio. Las pistas de vídeo pueden contener cualquier tipo de clips, las de audio también – pero al soltar un archivo de vídeo a una pista de audio, solo se usará su audio. - - - - - - - - - Guardando un proyecto de Kdenlive - - - Guardando un proyecto de Kdenlive - - - -Guardemos el trabajo vía ArchivoGuardar. Esto guarda nuestro proyecto, p. ej. dónde colocamos los clips en la cronología, qué efectos aplicamos, etc. No podrá ser reproducido. Para ser precisos,si puede ser reproducido usando melt elproyecto.kdenlive, pero este no es el modo en que querrás presentar el definitivo, puesto que será (muy probablemente) demasiado lento. Además, solo funcionará si «melt» está instalado. Al proceso de crear el vídeo final se le denomina Procesamiento. - -Cronología -Ahora viene la edición real. Los clips del proyecto se combinan en la línea de tiempo para lograr el resultado definitivo. Se llevan allí mediante arrastrar y soltar: Arrastrar algún Napoli (suponiendo que se están usando los archivos proporcionados más arriba, como en el resto de esta guía rápida; sino, por favor asegurarse que la pantalla sea a prueba de agua y quizás de tomates) y arrastrarlo a la primera pista de la cronología. - - - - - - - - - Primeros clips en la cronología - - - Primeros clips en la cronología - - - -Dado que también se necesitan algunos utensilios, soltar la cuchara también en la primera pista. A continuación, arrastrar el Napoli al inicio de la cronología (de otro modo el vídeo procesado comenzaría con algunos segundos en negro) y la cuchara justo después del Napoli; tal como figura en la imagen de la izquierda. (Donde se la ha aumentado con &Ctrl;Rueda). - - - - - - - - - Cursor de la cronología - - - Cursor de la cronología - - - -El resultado ya puede ser previsualizado pulsando Espacio (o el botón Reproducir en el monitor de proyecto). Se verá el Napoli directamente seguido de una cuchara. Si el cursor de la cronología no está al principio, el monitor de proyecto comenzará a reproducirlo en algún lugar por la mitad; puede moverse arrastrándolo desde la regla de la cronología o desde el monitor de proyecto. Si se prefieren los accesos rápidos de teclado, &Ctrl;Inicio hace lo mismo en el monitor que esté activado. (Seleccione Monitor de proyecto si aún no lo estuviera, antes de usar el acceso rápido). - - - - - - - - - Marcador de redimensionamiento - - - Marcador de redimensionamiento - - - -Como después de comer viene jugar, hay un clip de billar. Agregarlo a la cronología también. En los primeros 1,5 segundos no pasa nada en el clip, por lo que quizá se debería cortar para evitar que el vídeo se vuelva aburrido. Una forma fácil Al escribir de esta manera parece sugerirse que hay varias maneras de cortar un clip, lo cual sí es cierto. de lograr esto es mover el cursor de la cronología a la posición deseada (p. ej. la posición donde se quiere cortar el vídeo), a continuación arrastrar el borde izquierdo, cuando el marcador de redimensionamiento aparezca. Se adherirá al cursor de la cronología cuando se mueva suficientemente cerca del mismo. - - - - - - - - - Superposición de clips - - - Superposición de clips - - - -Para agregar una transición entre la comida (cuchara) y jugar al billar, los dos clips necesitan estar superponerse. Para ser preciso, el segundo clip debería estar sobre o bajo el primero y terminar algunos fotogramas después de que comience el segundo. Aumentar la ampliación hasta que aparezcan las marcas de fotogramas puede ser de ayuda aquí; también facilita usar siempre transiciones de la misma duración, como de cinco fotogramas en este caso. -Usted puede acercarse usando el deslizador de zoom en la parte inferior de la ventana de Kdenlive, o con &Ctrl;Rueda del ratón. Kdenlive acercará hasta el cursor de la cronología, por tanto primero ajústelo a la posición que usted quiere ver ampliada, luego acérquelo. - - - - - - - - - Marcador de transición - - - Marcador de transición - - - -Ahora que los clips se superponen, se puede agregar la transición. Esto se hace bien pulsando con el botón derecho en el clip superior y eligiendo Agregar transición o, más fácil, haciendo clic en la esquina inferior derecha del clip de la cuchara. Lo último, por omisión, agrega una transición de disolución, que en este caso es la mejor idea dado que la cuchara no se necesita para jugar de todas maneras. -Las transiciones de disolución desvanecen el primer clip hacia el segundo. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Agreguemos el último clip, el piano. Ahora aplicaremos, otra vez, una transición de disolución. Cuando se agrega en la primera pista de la cronología, se necesita hacer clic en el borde inferior izquierdo del nuevo clip para agregar la transición al clip anterior. -Efectos - - - - - - - - - Lista de efectos - - - Lista de efectos - - - -El color del piano puede ser ajustado agregándose un efecto. Seleccionar el clip del piano, a continuación hacer doble clic en el efecto Ajuste RGB en la Lista de efectos. Si no se encontrara visible, se puede acceder a la lista a través del menú VerLista de efectos. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Una vez que se ha agregado el efecto, su nombre se agregará al clip de la cronología. También se mostrará en el control Pila de efectos. - - - - - - - - - Pila de afectos con ajuste RGB - - - Pila de efectos con ajuste RGB - - - -Para obtener un cálido tono amarillo-naranja en la imagen, ajustándose a la plácida tarde, se necesita reducir el azul y mejorar el rojo y el verde. -Los valores en el control de pila de efectos pueden cambiarse usando el deslizador (el botón central los reinicia a sus valores predeterminados) o introduciendo un valor directamente haciendo doble clic en el número a la derecha del deslizador. -También se pueden agregar efectos con el icono Agregar nuevo efecto (enmarcado en la imagen de la izquierda) en la Pila de efectos. Siempre se refiere al clip de la cronología que está seleccionado actualmente. Desmarcando la casilla de verificación se desactivan temporalmente (aunque las preferencias permanecen), esto es útil p. ej. para efectos que necesitan de una gran potencia de cómputo, por lo que pueden desactivarse al editar y activarse de nuevo para ser procesados. -Para algunos efectos, como el usado aquí, es posible agregar fotogramas clave. El icono de fotograma visto indica esto. Los fotogramas clave se usan para cambiar parámetros de los efectos en el tiempo, en nuestro clip nos permiten desvanecer el color del piano desde un color de tarde cálida a uno de noche oscura. - - - - - - - - - Fotogramas clave para efectos - - - Fotogramas clave para efectos - - - -Después de hacer clic sobre el icono de fotograma clave (el icono del reloj marcado en la imagen anterior), el control de pila de efectos se reorganizará. Por omisión, habrá dos fotogramas clave, uno al comienzo de la cronología del clip y otro al final. Mover el cursor al final de la cronología del clip, de modo que el monitor de proyecto muestre los nuevos colores cuando cambien los parámetros del fotograma clave al final. -Asegúrese que el último fotograma clave está seleccionado en la lista de la pila de efectos. Entonces, se podrá inundar el piano con un azul profundo. -Mover el cursor de la cronología al inicio del proyecto y reproducirlo (con Espacio o el botón Reproducir en el Monitor de proyecto). El piano debería cambiar de color como se deseaba. -Colocar fotogramas clave fue la parte más difícil de este manual. Si se ha logrado hacer, ¡dominará Kdenlive fácilmente! - -Música - - - - - - - - - Desvanecimiento del audio - - - Desvanecimiento del audio - - - -Como los clips no proporcionan ningún audio, buscaremos algunas piezas musicales agradables, en una colección local o en páginas web como Jamendo. El clip de audio debería ir, después de ser agregado, a una pista de audio en la cronología. -El clip de audio puede ser redimensionado en la cronología del mismo modo que los clips de vídeo. El cursor se adherirá al final del proyecto automáticamente. Para agregar un efecto de desvanecimiento al final del clip de audio (excepto si se encuentra un archivo de la longitud exacta) se puede mover sobre el borde superior derecho (o izquierdo) del clip de la línea de tiempo y arrastrar el disco verde a la posición dónde debería empezar el desvanecimiento.Este disco verde es un método abreviado para agregar el efecto DesvanecerDesvanecer. Ambos caminos llevan al mismo resultado. - - -Procesamiento - - - - - - - - - Diálogo de procesamiento - - - Diálogo de procesamiento - - - -Unos pocos minutos más y ¡el proyecto estará terminado! Haga clic sobre el botón procesar (o vaya a ProyectoProcesar o pulse &Ctrl;&Enter;) para obtener el diálogo que se muestra a la izquierda. Seleccione el archivo de salida deseado para el nuevo vídeo con todos los efectos y transiciones, elija MPEG4 (funciona casi en cualquier parte), una tasa de transferencia de 2000 k (cuanto mayor sea la tasa de transferencia, mayor será el archivo producido y mejor su calidad – pero dado qué la tasa de transferencia de los archivos de entrada era ya 2000 k, usar una tasa superior no aumentará la calidad y no es, por tanto, necesario) y haga clic sobre el botón Procesar a archivo. - - - - - - - - - Progreso del procesamiento - - - Progreso del procesamiento - - - -Tras unos segundos el procesamiento estará terminado y el primer proyecto de Kdenlive completo. ¡Felicidades! - - - - -Créditos y licencia - Derechos de autor de la documentación, consulte la página Kdenlive/Manual/Historia de la página Inicio rápido - Traducido por Javier Viñal fjvinal@gmail.com, revisado por Gabriel Gazzán gabcorreo@gmail.com -&underFDL; -&documentation.index; -
\ No newline at end of file diff -Nru kdenlive-15.13.0+git20160206.6705c57a/doc/fr/CMakeLists.txt kdenlive-15.13.0+git20160206.cee1bbb6/doc/fr/CMakeLists.txt --- kdenlive-15.13.0+git20160206.6705c57a/doc/fr/CMakeLists.txt 2016-02-06 09:13:45.000000000 +0000 +++ kdenlive-15.13.0+git20160206.cee1bbb6/doc/fr/CMakeLists.txt 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -kdoctools_create_handbook(index.docbook INSTALL_DESTINATION ${HTML_INSTALL_DIR}/fr SUBDIR kdenlive) diff -Nru kdenlive-15.13.0+git20160206.6705c57a/doc/fr/index.docbook kdenlive-15.13.0+git20160206.cee1bbb6/doc/fr/index.docbook --- kdenlive-15.13.0+git20160206.6705c57a/doc/fr/index.docbook 2016-02-06 09:13:45.000000000 +0000 +++ kdenlive-15.13.0+git20160206.cee1bbb6/doc/fr/index.docbook 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 @@ -1,663 +0,0 @@ - - - -]> - - -Guide de démarrage rapide de Kdenlive - - -Cette documentation a été convertie depuis la page Kdenlive/Manual/QuickStart de KDE UserBase. - -JérémyNGuyen
Traduction française 
&relecteurLudovicGrossard; -
-&FDLNotice; -17/06/2011 - 0.8.2 - - - - -KDE -multimédia -vidéo - -
- - - -Créer un nouveau projet - - - - - - - - - Structure de dossier Kdenlive - - - Structure de dossier Kdenlive - - - -La première étape est de créer un nouveau dossier (vide) pour notre nouveau projet. Appelons-le tutoriel-demarrage-rapide dans ce tutoriel. Récupérez quelques échantillons vidéos, ou téléchargez-en ici :kdenlive-tutorial-videos-2011-avi.tar.bz2 (7 MB)Si vous préférez Theora (peu probable puisque les vidéos Ogg causent généralement des problèmes), vous pouvez aussi télécharger kdenlive-tutorial-videos-2011-ogv.tar.bz2., et décompressez-les dans un sous-dossier du projet, par exemple tutoriel-demarrage-rapide/Vidéos/. -L'image de gauche montre la structure de dossier suggérée : chaque projet a son propre dossier, avec les fichiers vidéo dans le sous-dossier Vidéos, les fichiers audio dans le dossier Audio, &etc;(en savoir plus) -(À partir de maintenant, le tutoriel suppose que vous utilisez les échantillons de vidéo fournis, mais il fonctionne avec n'importe lesquels.) - - - - - - - - - Fenêtre de création de projet - - - Fenêtre de création de projet - - - -Ouvrez Kdenlive et créez un nouveau projet (FichierNouveau). -Choisissez le dossier projet précédemment créé (tutoriel-demarrage-rapide et sélectionnez un profil de projet approprié. Les fichiers vidéo fournis plus haut sont en 720p, 23.98 fps.720 correspond à la hauteur de la vidéo, p signifie balayage progressif contrairement à entrelacé, et le nombre de fps correspond au nombre d'images complètes par seconde. Si vous utilisez vos propres fichiers et ne savez pas quel profil utiliser, Kdenlive vous en proposera un approprié lorsque le premier clip sera ajouté, vous pouvez donc laisser ce champ tel quel. - -Ajouter des clips - - - - - - - - - Arborescence du projet : ajout de clips vidéo - - - Arborescence du projet : ajout de clips vidéo - - - -Maintenant que le projet est prêt, commençons par ajouter des clips (par exemple ceux que vous avez téléchargés). Cela se fait dans le composant graphique Arborescence du projet ; un clic sur l'icône Ajouter un clip ouvre directement la boîte de dialogue d'ouverture de fichier, et un clic sur la petite flèche affiche la liste des types de clips qui peuvent être ajoutés. Clips vidéos, clips audios, images, et autres projets Kdenlive peuvent être ajoutés via cette boîte de dialogue Ajouter un clip. - - - - - - - - - Fenêtre Kdenlive 0.8 avec les fichiers du tutoriel - - - Fenêtre Kdenlive 0.8 avec les fichiers du tutoriel - - - -Après avoir chargé les clips, Kdenlive ressemblera à ceci. En haut à gauche se trouve l'arborescence du projet déjà vue. À sa droite se trouvent les moniteurs qui affichent la vidéo : le moniteur de clip montre la vidéo originale des clips, le moniteur de projet affiche la vidéo telle qu'elle apparaîtra en sortie, avec tous les effets, transitions, &etc; appliqués. Le troisième élément, également très important, est la Timeline (sous les moniteurs) : c'est là où les clips vidéo seront montés. Il y a deux types de pistes différents, vidéo et audio. Les pistes vidéo peuvent contenir tout type de clip, et les pistes audio aussi - mais si l'on dépose un fichier vidéo dans la piste audio, seul le son sera utilisé. - - - - - - - - - Enregistrer un projet Kdenlive - - - Enregistrer un projet Kdenlive - - - -Enregistrons le travail via FichierEnregistrer. Cela enregistre notre projet, c'est-à-dire là où nous avons placé nos clips sur la Timeline, quels effets nous avons appliqués, et ainsi de suite. Il ne peut pas être lu. Pour être exact, il peut être lu en utilisant melt votre_projet.kdenlive, mais ce n'est pas le moyen dont vous voulez présenter votre vidéo finale car elle est (probablement) trop lente. De plus, cela ne marche que si melt est installé. Le processus de création de la vidéo finale est appelé Rendu. - -Timeline -On rentre maintenant dans le montage à proprement parler. Les clips du projet sont combinés sur la Timeline pour construire le film final. Ils y arrivent par glisser-déposer : faites glisser de la soupe napolitaine et déposez-la sur la première piste de la Timeline (en supposant que vous utilisez les fichiers fournis, comme dans le reste du tutoriel. Si non, assurez-vous que vous écran est à l'épreuve de l'eau, et peut-être des tomates). - - - - - - - - - Premiers clips dans la Timeline - - - Premiers clips dans la Timeline - - - -Comme il faut également des couverts, déposez la cuillère sur la première piste également. Puis faites glisser Napoli au début de la Timeline (sinon la vidéo rendue commencerait avec quelques secondes de noir), et Cuillère juste après Napoli, de manière obtenir quelque chose ressemblant à l'image de gauche (zoomée avec &Ctrl;Molette). - - - - - - - - - Curseur de la Timeline - - - Curseur de la Timeline - - - -Le résultat peut déjà être affiché en appuyant sur Espace (ou le bouton Lecture dans le moniteur de projet). Vous verrez la soupe napolitaine directement suivie par la cuillère. Si le curseur de la Timeline n'est pas au début, le moniteur de projet commencera la lecture quelque part au milieu ; vous pouvez le déplacer en le faisant glisser soit sur les graduations de la Timeline soit dans le moniteur de projet. Si vous préférez les raccourcis clavier, &Ctrl;Accueil fait la même chose pour le moniteur activé (sélectionnez le Moniteur de projet s'il ne l'est pas avant d'utiliser le raccourci). - - - - - - - - - Marqueur de redimensionnement - - - Marqueur de redimensionnement - - - -Puisqu'après manger il faut jouer, il y a un clip de Billard. Ajoutez-le également à la Timeline. Rien ne se passe durant les 1.5 premières secondes du clip, il faudrait peut-être le couper pour éviter que la vidéo soit ennuyeuse. Un moyen simpleCette façon de dire suggère qu'il y a plusieurs moyens de couper un clip. C'est vrai. de faire est de déplacer le curseur à la position désirée (où vous voulez couper la vidéo), puis de faire glisser le bord gauche du clip lorsque le marqueur de redimensionnment apparaît. Il se positionnera sur le curseur de la Timeline quand il sera assez proche. - - - - - - - - - Clips se chevauchant - - - Clips se chevauchant - - - -Pour faire une transition entre manger (à la cuillère) et jouer au billard, les deux clips doivent se chevaucher. Pour être précis, le deuxième clip doit être au-dessus ou au-dessous du premier et terminer quelques images après que le deuxième ait commencé. C'est facilité en zoomant jusqu'à avoir une image par graduation, cela simplifie aussi d'avoir toujours les mêmes durées de transitions, comme cinq images ici. -Vous pouvez zoomer soit en utilisant le curseur de zoom en bas de la fenêtre Kdenlive, soit avec &Ctrl;Molette. Kdenlive zoomera sur le curseur de la Timeline, donc positionnez-le d'abord là où vous voulez zoomer. - - - - - - - - - Marqueur de transition - - - Marqueur de transition - - - -Maintenant que les clips se chevauchent, la transition peut être ajoutée. Cela se fait soit par un clic droit sur le clip du dessus en choisissant Ajouter une transition ou, plus facilement, en cliquant sur le coin inférieur droit du clip de la cuillère. Ce dernier ajoute par défaut une transition de type Dissoudre, ce qui est le meilleur choix puisqu'une cuillère n'est pas utile pour jouer au billard. -La transition en fondu estompe progressivement le premier clip dans le second. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Ajoutons le dernier clip, le piano, et appliquons encore une fois une transition en fondu. Quand on l'ajoute à la première piste de la Timeline, il faut cliquer sur le bord inférieur gauche du nouveau clip pour ajouter la transition au clip précédent. -Effets - - - - - - - - - Liste des effets - - - Liste des effets - - - -Le piano peut être coloré en lui ajoutant un effet. Sélectionnez le clip du piano, puis double-cliquez sur l'effet Ajustement RVB dans la Liste des effets. Si elle n'est pas visible, vous pouvez y accéder via AffichageListe des effets. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Une fois l'effet ajouté, son nom sera ajouté sur le clip de la Timeline. Il sera également affiché dans le composant graphique Effets utilisés. - - - - - - - - - Effets utilisés avec l'ajustement RVB - - - Effets utilisés avec l'ajustement RVB - - - -Pour obtenir un chaleureux ton jaune-orange sur l'image, qui convient à une soirée confortable, le bleu doit être réduit tandis que le rouge et vert doivent être augmentés. -Les valeurs dans l'onglet des effets utilisés peuvent être changées en déplaçant le curseur (le bouton central de la souris les réinitialise à leur valeur par défaut), ou en saisissant directement une valeur en double-cliquant sur le nombre à droite du curseur. -Les effets peuvent aussi être ajoutés avec l'icône Ajouter un effet (entouré sur l'image de gauche) dans les Effets utilisés; ils sont toujours ajoutés au clip de la Timeline qui est sélectionné. En décochant la case, les effets sont temporairement désactivés (les réglages sont conservés), c'est utile pour les effets qui nécessitent beaucoup de puissance de calcul, qui peuvent être désactivés pendant l'édition et réactivés pour le rendu. -Pour certains effets, comme celui utilisé ici, il est possible d'ajouter des images clés. La possibilité est indiquée par l'icône de chronomètre entourée. Les images clés servent à changer les paramètres de l'effet au cours du temps. Dans notre clip cela nous permet de dégrader la couleur du piano pour passer d'une couleur chaude de soirée à celle d'une nuit froide. - - - - - - - - - Images clés pour les effets - - - Images clés pour les effets - - - -Après avoir cliqué sur l'icône image clé (le chronomètre entouré dans l'image précédente), le composant graphique des effets utilisés se réorganise. Il y a par défaut deux images clés, une au début du clip de la Timeline et une à la fin. Déplacez le curseur de la Timeline à la fin du clip, de manière à ce que le moniteur de projet affiche les nouvelles couleurs lorsque l'on change les paramètres de l'image clé de fin. -Vérifiez que la dernière image clé est sélectionnée dans les effets utilisés. Vous êtes alors prêts à remplir le piano d'un bleu profond. -Déplacez le curseur de la Timeline au début du projet et lancez la lecture (avec Espace, ou le bouton Lecture dans le Moniteur de projet), le piano devrait maintenant changer la couleur comme prévu. -L'utilisation des images clés était la partie la plus difficile du tutoriel. Si vous vous en êtes sortis, vous maîtriserez Kdenlive facilement ! - -Musique - - - - - - - - - Fondu sonore - - - Fondu sonore - - - -Comme les clips ne disposent pas d'audio, cherchons un bon morceau de musique, dans votre collection personnelle ou un site web comme Jamendo. Le clip audio devrait, après ajout, aller dans une piste audio sur la Timeline. -Le clip audio peut être redimensionné sur la Timeline de la même manière que les clips vidéos. Le pointeur se positionnera à la fin du projet automatiquement. Pour ajouter un effet de fondu en sortie du clip audio (à moins que vous ayez trouvé un fichier exactement à la bonne longueur) vous pouvez passer la souris sur le coin supérieur droit (ou gauche) du clip de la Timeline et faire glisser le disque vert à la position où le fondu doit démarrer.Ce disque vert est un raccourci pour ajouter l'effet FonduFermeture en fondu. Les deux méthodes mènent au même résultat. - - -Rendu - - - - - - - - - Fenêtre de rendu - - - Fenêtre de rendu - - - -Encore quelques minutes et le projet sera terminé ! Cliquez sur le bouton de rendu (ou allez dans ProjetRendu, ou appuyez sur &Ctrl;&Entree;) pour obtenir la fenêtre présentée ci-contre. Choisissez un nom de fichier de sortie pour notre nouvelle vidéo avec tous ses effets et transitions, choisissez le format MPEG4 (qui fonctionne presque partout) et un débit de 2000k (plus le débit est élevé, plus le fichier de sortie est volumineux mais la qualité est meilleure - mais comme le débit original des clips était déjà de 2000k, en utiliser un plus élevé n'augmenterait pas la qualité et serait donc inutile), et appuyez sur le bouton Vers un fichier. - - - - - - - - - Progression du rendu - - - Progression du rendu - - - -Après quelques secondes, le rendu sera terminé, et votre premier projet Kdenlive achevé. Félicitations ! - - - - -Remerciements et licence - Documentation sous copyright. Consultez l'historique de la page Kdenlive/Manual/QuickStart de la UserBase. - Traduction française par Jérémy Nguyen nguyen.jeremy.minhchau@gmail.com. Relecture par &LudovicGrossard;. -&underFDL; -&documentation.index; -
\ No newline at end of file diff -Nru kdenlive-15.13.0+git20160206.6705c57a/doc/it/CMakeLists.txt kdenlive-15.13.0+git20160206.cee1bbb6/doc/it/CMakeLists.txt --- kdenlive-15.13.0+git20160206.6705c57a/doc/it/CMakeLists.txt 2016-02-06 09:13:45.000000000 +0000 +++ kdenlive-15.13.0+git20160206.cee1bbb6/doc/it/CMakeLists.txt 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -kdoctools_create_handbook(index.docbook INSTALL_DESTINATION ${HTML_INSTALL_DIR}/it SUBDIR kdenlive) diff -Nru kdenlive-15.13.0+git20160206.6705c57a/doc/it/index.docbook kdenlive-15.13.0+git20160206.cee1bbb6/doc/it/index.docbook --- kdenlive-15.13.0+git20160206.6705c57a/doc/it/index.docbook 2016-02-06 09:13:45.000000000 +0000 +++ kdenlive-15.13.0+git20160206.cee1bbb6/doc/it/index.docbook 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 @@ -1,665 +0,0 @@ - - - -]> - - -Guida rapida all'uso di Kdenlive - - -Questa documentazione è stata convertita dalla pagina Kdenlive/Manual/QuickStart di KDE UserBase. - -DanieleMicci
Traduzione della documentazione
-&FDLNotice; -2011-06-17 - 0.8.2 - - - - -KDE -multimedia -video - -
- - - -Creare un nuovo progetto - - - - - - - - - Struttura delle cartelle di Kdenlive - - - Struttura della cartelle di Kdenlive - - - -Il primo passo è creare una nuova cartella (vuota) per il tuo progetto. In questa guida la chiameremo esercitazione/. Quindi prendi alcuni clip video di prova, oppure scaricane qualcuno da qui: kdenlive-tutorial-videos-2011-avi.tar.bz2 (7 MB)In alternativa, se preferisci usare Theora (cosa che probabilmente non vorrai fare, dal momento che il formato Ogg Video solitamente dà problemi), puoi scaricare kdenlive-tutorial-videos-2011-ogv.tar.bz2., ed estraili ⪚ in una sottocartella esercitazione/Video/ nella cartella del progetto. -L'immagine qui a sinistra mostra la struttura delle cartelle consigliata: ciascun progetto ha la propria cartella, con i file video nella sottocartella Video, ed i file audio nella cartella Audio, &etc; (leggi un approfondimento) -(Ai fini di questa esercitazione guidata da ora in poi si presupporrà che tu stia utilizzando i video forniti, ma sarà possibile svolgere l'esercitazione con qualsiasi filmato.) - - - - - - - - - Finestra Nuovo progetto - - - Finestra Nuovo progetto - - - -Esegui Kdenlive e crea un nuovo progetto (FileNuovo). -Scegli la cartella del progetto appena creata (esercitazione/) e seleziona il profilo di progetto appropriato. I file video forniti sono in formato 720p, 23.98 fps.720 è la misura dell'altezza del video, p sta per scansione progressiva, l'opposto della scansione interlacciata, ed il numero di fps indica la quantità di fotogrammi completi per secondo. Se stai utilizzando i tuoi file e non sai quale profilo usare, Kdenlive te ne suggerirà uno appropriato al momento di aggiungere la prima clip, quindi puoi lasciare il campo sul valore indicato. - -Aggiungere clip - - - - - - - - - Struttura progetto: aggiungere clip video - - - Struttura progetto: aggiungere clip video - - - -Ora che il progetto è pronto, iniziamo ad aggiungere alcune clip (&ie; quelle che hai scaricato). Questa operazione si compie attraverso l'oggetto Struttura progetto; un clic sull'icona Aggiungi clip apre direttamente la finestra di dialogo, mentre un clic sulla piccola freccia mostra un elenco dei tipi di clip che possono essere aggiunti. Clip video, clip audio, immagini, ed altri progetti Kdenlive possono essere aggiunti attraverso la finestra Aggiungi clip. - - - - - - - - - La finestra di Kdenlive 0.8 con i file dell'esercitazione guidata - - - La finestra di Kdenlive 0.8 con i file dell'esercitazione guidata - - - -Dopo l'aggiunta delle clip, Kdenlive si presenterà così. In alto a sinistra c'è la già nota struttura del progetto. Alla sua destra si trovano i monitor di visualizzazione dei video; il monitor della clip mostra le immagini delle clip originali, il monitor di progetto mostra come apparirà il video finale, con l'applicazione di tutti gli effetti, delle transizioni, &etc;. Il terzo oggetto, anch'esso molto importante, è la timeline (posta al di sotto dei monitor): questo è il luogo nel quale le clip video saranno modificate. Ci sono due differenti tipi di traccia: video ed audio. Sia le tracce video che quelle audio possono contenere ogni tipo di clip - ma quando si rilascia un file video su una traccia audio, verrà usato solo l'audio del file. - - - - - - - - - Salvare un progetto Kdenlive - - - Salvare un progetto Kdenlive - - - -Salviamo il lavoro attraverso FileSalva. Questa operazione salva il nostro progetto, &ie; come abbiamo posizionato le clip sulla timeline, quali effetti abbiamo applicato, e così via. Non può essere eseguito.Per essere esatti, può essere eseguito attraverso melt tuoprogetto.kdenlive, ma questo non è il modo che vorrai usare per presentare il tuo video finale perché esso risulta (quasi certamente) troppo lento. Inoltre, funziona solo se melt è installato. Il processo di creazione del video finale è chiamato Esportazione. - -Timeline -Siamo giunti alla fase di modifica. Le clip del progetto vengono combinate per il risultato finale sulla timeline, dove vengono posizionate con il trascinamento e rilascio: trascina una Napoli (presumendo, come nel resto di questa esercitazione guidata, che tu stia utilizzando i file forniti; altrimenti assicurati che il tuo schermo sia impermeabile, e forse anche a prova di pomodori), e rilasciala sulla prima traccia della timeline. - - - - - - - - - Le prime clip nella linea temporale - - - Le prime clip nella linea temporale - - - -Dal momento che servono anche le posate, allo stesso modo rilascia il cucchiaio sulla prima traccia. Quindi trascina la Napoli al principio della linea temporale (altrimenti il video finale inizierà con alcuni secondi di schermo nero), e posiziona il Cucchiaio subito dopo la Napoli, in modo che il risultato finale somigli all'immagine qui a sinistra. (nella quale ho ingrandito la linea temporale utilizzando &Ctrl;rotellina del mouse.) - - - - - - - - - Cursore della linea temporale - - - Cursore della linea temporale - - - -Il risultato può già essere visto in anteprima premendo Spazio (oppure il pulsante Riproduci nel monitor progetto). Vedrai la Napoli direttamente seguita da un Cucchiaio. Se il cursore della linea temporale non si trova all'inizio, il monitor di progetto inizierà la riproduzione in un punto nel mezzo; puoi muoverlo trascinandolo sulla linea temporale o nel monitor di progetto. Se preferisci le scorciatoie da tastiera, &Ctrl;Home esegue la stessa operazione per il monitor attivo. (Seleziona il monitor progetto se non è attivo, prima di usare la scorciatoia da tastiera.) - - - - - - - - - Marcatore per il ridimensionamento - - - Marcatore per il ridimensionamento - - - -Dato che dopo il mangiare viene il gioco, c'è una clip Biliardo. Aggiungila alla linea temporale. Nel primo secondo e mezzo della clip non accade nulla, quindi forse sarebbe preferibile tagliare questo tempo per evitare che il video diventi noioso. Un modo facileDetto così può far pensare che esistano molti modi per tagliare una clip. Infatti è proprio così. per farlo è spostare il cursore della linea temporale nella posizione desiderata (&ie; il punto nel quale desideri tagliare il video), quindi trascinare il bordo sinistro della clip quando appare il marcatore per il ridimensionamento. Il bordo aderirà al cursore nella linea temporale non appena ti avvicini sufficientemente ad esso. - - - - - - - - - Sovrapporre le clip - - - Sovrapporre le clip - - - -Per aggiungere una transizione tra mangiare (Cucchiaio) e giocare a biliardo, è necessario che le due clip siano sovrapposte. Per essere precisi: la seconda clip deve trovarsi sopra o sotto la prima e terminare alcuni fotogrammi dopo l'inizio della seconda. E' utile aumentare il livello di ingrandimento finché vengono visualizzati i singoli fotogrammi; questo aiuta anche ad avere transizioni sempre di identica durata, in questo caso cinque fotogrammi. -Puoi aumentare il livello di ingrandimento usando la slitta del livello di ingrandimento posta nella parte inferiore della finestra di Kdenlive, oppure con &Ctrl;rotellina del mouse. Kdenlive ingrandirà la visualizzazione della linea temporale, quindi posizionati sul punto che desideri vedere ingrandito prima di aumentare il livello di ingrandimento. - - - - - - - - - Marcatore per la transizione - - - Marcatore per la transizione - - - -Ora che le clip sono sovrapposte, può essere aggiunta la transizione. Operazione che può essere compiuta facendo clic con il tasto destro del mouse sulla clip superiore e selezionando Aggiungi transizione oppure, in modo più semplice, facendo clic sull'angolo inferiore destro della clip Cucchiaio. Quest'ultima azione in via predefinita aggiunge una transizione di dissolvenza, che comunque è la scelta preferibile in questo caso visto che la clip Cucchiaio non dovrà più essere riprodotta. -Le transizioni di dissolvenza sfumano la prima clip nella seconda. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Aggiungiamo ora l'ultima clip, il Piano, ed applichiamo nuovamente una transizione di dissolvenza. Posizionando la clip sulla prima traccia della linea temporale, è necessario che tu faccia clic sull'angolo inferiore sinistro della nuova clip per aggiungere la transizione con la clip precedente. -Effetti - - - - - - - - - Lista degli effetti - - - Lista degli effetti - - - -La clip Piano può essere colorata aggiungendovi un effetto. Seleziona la clip, quindi fai doppio clic sull'effetto Aggiustamento RGB nella Lista degli effetti. Se non è visibile, puoi arrivarci attraverso VisualizzaLista degli effetti. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Una volta che l'effetto è stato applicato, il suo nome verrà aggiunto alla clip sulla linea temporale. Esso sarà anche mostrato nell'oggetto Gestione effetti. - - - - - - - - - Gestione effetti con l'aggiustamento RGB - - - Gestione effetti con l'aggiustamento RGB - - - -Per ottenere una calda tonalità dell'immagine giallo-arancio, adatta alla serata confortevole, è necessario ridurre il blu ed aumentare il rosso ed il verde. -I valori nell'oggetto di gestione degli effetti possono essere cambiati usando la slitta (il tasto centrale del mouse riporta la slitta al valore predefinito), oppure inserendo direttamente un valore facendo doppio clic sul numero posto a destra della slitta. -Gli effetti possono anche essere aggiunti per mezzo dell'icona Aggiungi nuovo effetto (indicata nell'immagine a sinistra), che si trova in Gestione effetti; l'azione si riferisce sempre alla clip selezionata al momento nella timeline. Togliendo la spunta alla casellina gli effetti vengono momentaneamente disabilitati (ma le loro impostazioni sono conservate); questo è utile ⪚ per effetti che richiedono notevole potenza di elaborazione, i quali possono essere disabilitati durante la modifica e nuovamente attivati al momento dell'esportazione. -Per alcuni effetti, come quello usato qui, è possibile indicare un fotogramma chiave, indicato dall'icona dell'orologio. I fotogrammi chiave sono utilizzati per modificare i parametri dell'effetto nel tempo. Nella nostra clip questo consente di portare i colori del piano da un caldo colore serale ad un freddo colore notturno. - - - - - - - - - Fotogrammi chiave per gli effetti - - - Fotogrammi chiave per gli effetti - - - -Dopo aver fatto clic sull'icona fotogramma chiave (l'icona dell'orologio indicata nell'immagine precedente), l'oggetto Gestione effetti si riorganizzerà. In via predefinita ci saranno due fotogrammi chiave: uno all'inizio e l'altro alla fine della timeline della clip. Sposta il cursore della timeline alla fine della timeline della clip, in modo che il monitor del progetto mostri i nuovi colori mentre modifichi i parametri del fotogramma chiave posto alla fine. -Accertati che nella lista di Gestione effetti sia selezionato l'ultimo fotogramma chiave. Ora sei pronto per inondare il piano di un blu profondo. -Muovendo il cursore della linea temporale all'inizio del progetto e avviandone la riproduzione (con Spazio, oppure con il pulsante Riproduci nel Monitor progetto), il piano dovrebbe ora cambiare colore come desiderato. -La gestione dei fotogrammi chiave era la parte più difficile di questa esercitazione guidata. Se sei riuscito a compiere le operazioni descritte, non avrai problemi a padroneggiare Kdenlive! - -Musica - - - - - - - - - Dissolvenza in uscita dell'audio - - - Dissolvenza in uscita dell'audio - - - -Dal momento che le clip non contengono alcun audio, cerchiamo qualche gradevole brano musicale nella tua collezione locale oppure su siti internet come Jamendo. Dopo averla aggiunta, si dovrebbe posizionare la clip audio su una traccia audio della timeline. -Si possono modificare le dimensioni della clip audio sulla timeline allo stesso modo in cui lo si fa con le clip video. Il cursore aderirà automaticamente alla fine del progetto. Per aggiungere alla clip audio un effetto di dissolvenza in uscita (a meno che tu non abbia trovato un file esattamente della lunghezza necessaria) puoi avvicinarti all'angolo superiore destro (o sinistro) della clip sulla timeline e trascinare il disco verde fino alla posizione in cui la dissolvenza dovrebbe avere inizio.Il disco verde è una scorciatoia per aggiungere l'effetto FadeDissolvenza in uscita. Entrambi i metodi conducono allo stesso risultato. - - -Esportazione - - - - - - - - - Finestra di Esportazione - - - Finestra di Esportazione - - - -Ancora pochi minuti e il progetto sarà finito! Fai clic sul pulsante Esporta (oppure usa il menu ProgettoEsporta, o in alternativa premi &Ctrl;&Enter;) per accedere alla finestra mostrata qui a sinistra. Seleziona il file di destinazione desiderato per il nostro nuovo video completo di tutti gli effetti e le transizioni, scegli il formato MPEG-4 (che funziona pressoché ovunque) ed un bitrate di 2000k (più alto è il bitrate, maggiori saranno le dimensioni del file e migliore risulterà la qualità - ma dal momento che il bitrate delle clip utilizzate era di 2000k, l'uso di un bitrate più elevato non aumenterebbe la qualità e quindi non è necessario), infine premi il pulsante Esporta file. - - - - - - - - - Processo di esportazione - - - Processo di esportazione - - - -Dopo alcuni secondi l'esportazione sarà terminata, ed il tuo primo progetto Kdenlive completato. Congratulazioni! - - - - -Riconoscimenti e licenza - Per i diritti sulla documentazione vedi la storia della pagina Kdenlive/Manual/Quickstart su UserBase - Daniele Miccidaniele.micci@tiscali.it (Traduzione del documento) -&underFDL; -&documentation.index; -
diff -Nru kdenlive-15.13.0+git20160206.6705c57a/doc/nl/CMakeLists.txt kdenlive-15.13.0+git20160206.cee1bbb6/doc/nl/CMakeLists.txt --- kdenlive-15.13.0+git20160206.6705c57a/doc/nl/CMakeLists.txt 2016-02-06 09:13:45.000000000 +0000 +++ kdenlive-15.13.0+git20160206.cee1bbb6/doc/nl/CMakeLists.txt 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -kdoctools_create_handbook(index.docbook INSTALL_DESTINATION ${HTML_INSTALL_DIR}/nl SUBDIR kdenlive) diff -Nru kdenlive-15.13.0+git20160206.6705c57a/doc/nl/index.docbook kdenlive-15.13.0+git20160206.cee1bbb6/doc/nl/index.docbook --- kdenlive-15.13.0+git20160206.6705c57a/doc/nl/index.docbook 2016-02-06 09:13:45.000000000 +0000 +++ kdenlive-15.13.0+git20160206.cee1bbb6/doc/nl/index.docbook 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 @@ -1,647 +0,0 @@ - - - -]> - - -Het snelstarthandboek van Kdenlive - - -Deze handleiding is afgeleid van de KDE UserBase Kdenlive/Manual/QuickStart page. - -&Ronald.Stroethoff; - -&FDLNotice; -2011-06-17 - 0.8.2 - - - - -KDE -multimedia -video - - - - - -Een nieuw project starten - - - - - - - - - Opbouw Kdenlive mappen - - - Opbouw Kdenlive mappen - - - -De eerste stap is een nieuwe (lege) map maken voor ons project. Ik noem het quickstart-tutorial/ in deze les. Vervolgens moeten we een aantal video clips hebben, en anders download ze van hier:kdenlive-tutorial-videos-2011-avi.tar.bz2 (7 MB)Als de voorkeur uitgaat naar Theora (wat waarschijnlijk niet het geval is omdat Ogg Video meestal problemen veroorzaakt), dan kan als alternatief ze ook hier gedownload worden kdenlive-tutorial-videos-2011-ogv.tar.bz2., en pak ze vervolgens uit in ⪚ een quickstart-tutorial/Videos/ submap in de project map. -De afbeelding links toont de voorgestelde mappen-structuur: elk project heeft zijn eigen map, met de video-bestanden in de Videos submap, audio-bestanden in de Audio map, &etc; (Lees hier meer daarover) -(In deze tutorial wordt ervan uitgegaan dat de gedownloade video's worden gebruikt, maar andere videos kunnen ook gebruikt worden.) - - - - - - - - - Nieuw Project venster - - - Nieuw Project venster - - - -Open Kdenlive en start een een nieuw project (BestandNieuw). -Kies de eerder gemaakte project map (quickstart-tutorial/) en kies het juiste projekt-profiel. De video-bestanden die bovengenoemd zijn gegeven zijn 720p, 23.98 fps.720 is de hoogte van de video, p betekent Progressive scan in tegenstelling tot interlaced video, en de fps nummer betekent het aantal volledige frames per seconde. Als eigen bestanden worden gebruikt en onbekend is welk profiel er moet worden gekozen, dan zal Kdenlive met een voorstel komen wanneer de eerste clip wordt toegevoegd, laat dan deze waarde staan op wat al is ingevuld. - -Clips toevoegen - - - - - - - - - Project boom: voeg een Video clip toe - - - Project boom: voeg een Video clip toe - - - -Nu het project is voorbereidt, laten we wat clips gaan toevoegen (&ie; diegene die net zijn gedownloaded). Dit gaat via de Project boom widget; een klik op de Voeg een clip toe icon opent direct een bestands-venster, een klik op het kleine pijltje laat een lijst zien van andere soorten clips die ook geïmporteerd kunnen worden.Video clips, audio clips, afbeeldingen, en andere Kdenlive projecten kunnen geïmporteerd worden via het gewone Voeg een clip toe venster. - - - - - - - - - Kdenlive 0.8 window met de tutorial bestanden - - - Kdenlive 0.8 window met de tutorial bestanden - - - -Nadat de clips zijn toegevoegd, zal Kdenlive het eruitzien zoals dit. Linksboven is de al bekende project-boom, Rechts daarvan zijn monitors die video's laten zien; De clip monitor laat de orginele video zien, de project monitor laat het resultaat zien, met alle effecten, overgangen, &etc;. De derde ook erg belangrijk, onderdeel de tijdbalk (onder de monitors): dit is de plek waar de video clips bewerkt zullen worden. Hier zijn twee verschillende soorten tracks, Video en Audio. Video tracks kaunnen elk soort clip bevatten, audio tracks kunnen dat ook - maar wanneer een video bestand in een audio track wordt gestopt, dan zal alleen de audio worden gebruikt. - - - - - - - - - Een Kdenlive project opslaan - - - Een Kdenlive project opslaan - - - -Laten we het werk opslaan via BestandOpslaan. Dit bewaart ons project, &ie; waar we de clips op de tijdbalk hebben geplaatst, welke effecten we hebben toegepast, enzovoort. Dit kan nog niet worden afgespeeld.Om precies te zijn, het kan worden afgespeeld door melt yourproject.kdenlive te gebruiken, maar dit is niet de manier waarop je het wilt presenteren omdat het (waarschijnlijk) te langzaam zal zijn. Ook werkt het alleen maar als melt is geïnstalleerd. Het proces van het maken van de uiteindelijke video wordt Rendering genoemd. - -Tijdlijn -Nu komt het eigenlijke bewerken. De clips worden gecombineerd op de tijdsbalk om tot het uiteindelijke resultaat te komen. Ze kunnen gewoon daar naar toe gesleept worden: sleep enkele Napoli (aangenomen dat de gedownloade bestanden worden gebruikt,) en laat ze los boven de eerste track van de tijdsbalk. - - - - - - - - - De eerste clips op de tijdsbalk - - - De eerste clips op de tijdsbalk - - - -Er is ook het nodige snijwerk nodig, Laat ook de Spoon op de eerste track vallen. Versleep de Napoli naar het begin van de tijdsbalk (anders begint de gerenderde video met enige seconden zwart), en de Spoon onmiddelijk achter de Napoli, zoals eruit ziet als het beeld links (waar ik heb ingezoomd met &Ctrl;Wheel.) - - - - - - - - - Tijdsbalk cursor - - - Tijdsbalk cursor - - - -Het resultaat kan al gepreviewt worden door op Spatie te klikken (of op de Afspelen knop bij de project monitor). Napoli wordt getoond, onmiddelijk gevolgt door Spoon. Als de tijdsbalk cursor niet aan het begin staat, dan zal de project monitor ergens in het midden starten met afspelen; dit kan verandert worden door de cursor in de tijdsbalk of in de project monitor te verslepen. Als de voorkeur wordt gegeven aan shortcuts, &Ctrl;Home doet hetzelfde als de monitor in werking is. (Selecteer de Project Monitor als het nog niet is gekozen voordat de shortcut wordt gebruikt.) - - - - - - - - - Markering verschalen - - - Markering verschalen - - - -Na het eten komt het spelen, er is een billard clip. voeg ook deze toe aan de tijdsbalk. Er gebeurt de eerste 1,5 seconde niets in de clip, we moeten daarom mischien gaan knippen om te voorkomen dat de video saai wordt. Een makkelijke manier Op deze manier opgeschreven, geeft het het idee dat er meerdere manieren zijn om een clip te knippen. Dit is eigenlijk waar. Beweeg hiervoor de cursor op de tijdsbalk naar de gewenste positie (&ie; de positie waar de video geknipt moet worden), versleep vervolgens de linker kant van de clip totdat de resize marker verschijnt. Het klikt aan de tijdsbalk cursor wanneer het er genoeg dichtbij is. - - - - - - - - - Overlappende clips - - - Overlappende clips - - - -Om een overgang toe te voegen tussen het eten (de Spoon) en billard spelen, hebben de twee clips een overlap nodig. Om precies te zijn: de tweede clip moet onmiddelijk boven of onder de eerste clip zijn en enkele frames later eindigen als de tweede begint. Het is makkelijker als er zover ingezoomt is totdat de markeringen van de afzonderlijke frames zichtbaar zijn; het maakt het ook makkelijker om altijd dezelfde tijdsduur voor een overgang te krijgen, zoals vijf frames in dit geval. -Er kan ingezoomt worden door de zoom schuif onderaan het Kdenlive venster te bewegen, of met &Ctrl;muiswiel. Kdenlive in te zoomen op bij de tijdsbalk cursor, door eerst te klikken op de positie die vergroot moet worden, en vervolgens in te zoomen. - - - - - - - - - Overgang markering - - - Overgang markering - - - -Nu de clips elkaar overlappen, kan de overgang worden aangebracht. Dit kan worden gedaan door rechtsklikken op de bovenste clip en vervolgens Overgang toevoegen te kiezen of, makkelijker, door op de hoek rechtsonder van de Spoon clip te klikken. Dit laatste voegt standaard een oplossende overgang toe, wat in dit geval een goed idee is omdat Spoon helemaal niet bedoeld is om af te spelen. -De oplossende overgang laad de eerste clip vervagen naar de tweede clip. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -We gaan nu de laatste clip toevoegen, de Piano, en passen opnieuw een oplossende overgang toe. Wanneer het aan de eerste track van de tijdsbalk is toegevoegd, kan er op de linkeronderhoek worden geklikt om de overgang naar de vorige clip toe te voegen. -Effecten - - - - - - - - - Effecten - - - Effecten - - - -De Piano kan een kleurtje krijgen door een effect toe te voegen. Selecteer de piano clip, dubbelklik op de RGB instelling effect in de Effecten. Als de lijst niet zichtbaar is, dan kan het ook via BekijkEffecten ingeschakeld worden. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Als het effect is aangebracht, dan zal de naam ervan worden toegevoegd aan de clip op de tijdsbalk. De naam ervan is ook te zien in de lijst met Gestapelde effecten. - - - - - - - - - Effecten stapel met RGB aanpassingen - - - Effecten stapel met RGB aanpassingen - - - -Om de afbeelding een warm geel-oranje kleur te geven, passend bij een comfortabele avond, moet er minder blauw en meer rood en groen komen. -De waarden in de effecten stapel kunnen veranderd worden via de schuiven (klikken met de middelste muisknop laat het weer terugspringen naar de standaard waarden), of door de waarde direkt in te voeren in het vakje rechts naast de schuiven. -Effecten kunnen ook worden toegevoegd via de Voeg een nieuw effect toe icoon (linksonder de lijst) in the Effecten stapel; Het verwijst altijd naar de geselecteerde clip op de tijdsbalk. Door de checkbox uit te vinken, worden de effecten tijdelijk uitgeschakeld (maar de instellingen blijven wel bewaard), dit is ⪚ handig bij effecten die veel coputerkracht nodig hebben, zodat ze uitgeschakeld kunnen worden bij het editen en weer ingeschakeld kunnen worden bij het renderen. -Voor sommige effecten,zoals die we hier hebben gebruikt, is het mogelijk om keyframes toe te voegen. Het stopwatch icoon in de afbeelding geeft dit aan. Keyframes kunnen worden gebruikt om de effecten over de tijd een andere instelling te geven. In onze clip maakt het mogelijk om de kleur van de piano te laten veranderen van een warme avond kleur naar een koele nacht kleur. - - - - - - - - - Keyframes for effects - - - Keyframes for effects - - - -Na het klikken op de keyframe icoon (het stopwatch icoon in de vorige afbeelding), zal de effecten stapel opnieuw worden geordend. Standaard zijn er twee keyframes, een aan het begin van de clip en een aan het eind. Beweeg de cursor op de tijdsbalk naar het eind van de clip op de tijdsbalk, zodat de project monitor de nieuwe kleuren laat zien wanneer de instellingen van de keyframe aan het eind worden veranderd. -Zorg ervoor dat de laatste keyframe is geselecteerd in de lijst van de effecten stapel. Dan is alles klaar om de piano te overspoelen met een diep blauw. -Beweeg de cursor over de tijdlijn naar het begin van het project en speel het af via (met Spatie, of de Afspelen knop onder de Project Monitor), de piano zou nu volgens wens van kleur moeten veranderen. -Keyframing was het moeilijkste gedeelte van deze handleiding. Als dit beheerst wordt, dan is de rest van Kdenlive makkelijk! - -Muziek - - - - - - - - - Audio fadeout - - - Audio fadeout - - - -Omdat de clips nog geen geluid hebben, laten we op zoek gaan naar wat leuke muziek, in de eigen verzameling of op web pagina's zoals Jamendo. Nadat de audio clip is toegevoegd, moet deze ook op een audio track op de tijdsbalk geplaatst worden. -De audio clip kan in lengte verandert worden net zoals dat met de video clips is gedaan. De cursor zal automatisch vastklikken aan het eind van het project. Om een fade out effect toe te voegen aan het eind van de audio clip (behalve als de audio clip precies de juiste lengte heeft) kan er boven de rechterboven (of linkerboven) hoek van de clip op de tijdsbalk en versleep de groene schijf naar de plek waar de fade out zou moeten starten.Deze groene schijf is een makkelijke manier om het effect FadeFade out toe te voegen. Beide manieren geven het zelfde resultaat. - - -Renderen - - - - - - - - - Rendering venster - - - Rendering venster - - - -Nog een paar minuten en het project is klaar! Klik op de Render knop (of ga naar ProjectRender, of druk op &Ctrl;&Enter;) om het venster dat links getoond wordt te krijgen. Kies het gewenste bestandsformaat voor onze nieuwe video met al zijn effecten en overgangen, kies MPEG4 (werkt bijna altijd en overal) en een bitrate van 2000k (hoe hoger de bitrate, des te groter het bestand en des te beter de kwaliteit - maar omdat de bitrate van de input clips al 2000k was, zal een hogere bitrate de kwaliteit niet verbeteren en is daarom onnodig), en klik op de Renderen naar bestand knop. - - - - - - - - - Rendering voortgang - - - Rendering voortgang - - - -De rendering is na enkele secondes klaar en de eerste Kdenlive project is nu compleet. Gefeliciteerd! - - - - -Dankbetuigingen en licentie - Copyright van de documentatie, zie de UserBase Kdenlive/Manual/QuickStart page history - &meld.fouten;&vertaling.ronald; -&underFDL; -&documentation.index; - diff -Nru kdenlive-15.13.0+git20160206.6705c57a/doc/pt/CMakeLists.txt kdenlive-15.13.0+git20160206.cee1bbb6/doc/pt/CMakeLists.txt --- kdenlive-15.13.0+git20160206.6705c57a/doc/pt/CMakeLists.txt 2016-02-06 09:13:45.000000000 +0000 +++ kdenlive-15.13.0+git20160206.cee1bbb6/doc/pt/CMakeLists.txt 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -kdoctools_create_handbook(index.docbook INSTALL_DESTINATION ${HTML_INSTALL_DIR}/pt SUBDIR kdenlive) diff -Nru kdenlive-15.13.0+git20160206.6705c57a/doc/pt/index.docbook kdenlive-15.13.0+git20160206.cee1bbb6/doc/pt/index.docbook --- kdenlive-15.13.0+git20160206.6705c57a/doc/pt/index.docbook 2016-02-06 09:13:45.000000000 +0000 +++ kdenlive-15.13.0+git20160206.cee1bbb6/doc/pt/index.docbook 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 @@ -1,665 +0,0 @@ - - - -]> - - -O Guia Introdutório Rápido do Kdenlive - - -Esta documentação foi convertida a partir da página da Base de Utilizadores do KDE Kdenlive/Manual/QuickStart . - -JoséPires
-&FDLNotice; -2011-06-17 - 0.8.2 - - - - -KDE -multimédia -vídeo - -
- - - -Criar um novo projecto - - - - - - - - - Estrutura de pastas do Kdenlive - - - Estrutura de pastas do Kdenlive - - - -O primeiro passo é criar uma nova pasta (vazia) para o nosso novo projecto. Chamar-se-á introdução-tutorial/ neste tutorial. Depois, arranje alguns vídeos de exemplo ou transfira-os aqui: kdenlive-tutorial-videos-2011-avi.tar.bz2 (7 MB)Se preferir vídeos em Theora (o que poderá não ser o caso, dado que o vídeo Ogg normalmente provoca problemas), poderá obter em alternativa o kdenlive-tutorial-videos-2011-ogv.tar.bz2. e extraí-los ⪚ para introdução-tutorial/Videos/, uma sub-pasta dentro da pasta do projecto. -A imagem da esquerda mostra a estrutura de pastas sugerida: Cada projecto tem a sua própria pasta, com os ficheiros dos vídeos na sub-pasta Videos e os ficheiros de áudio na pasta Audio, &etc; (ler mais) -(O tutorial assume a partir de agora que irá usar os vídeos fornecidos como exemplos, se bem que poderá funcionar com qualquer um.) - - - - - - - - - Janela de Novo Projecto - - - Janela de Novo Projecto - - - -Abra o Kdenlive e crie um projecto novo (FicheiroNovo). -Escolha a pasta do projecto criado anteriormente (introdução-tutorial/) e seleccione um perfil para o projecto apropriado. Os ficheiros de vídeo aqui fornecidos estão no formato 720p, 23,98 fps.720 é a altura do vídeo, onde o 'p' significa progressivo em contraste ao entrelaçado, e o número 'fps' indica o número de imagens completas por segundo. Se estiver a usar os seus próprios ficheiros e não souber quais usar, o Kdenlive irá sugerir um perfil apropriado quando for adicionado o primeiro vídeo, pelo que poderá deixar o campo como quiser. - -Adicionar vídeos - - - - - - - - - Árvore do Projecto: Adicionar 'clips' de vídeo - - - Árvore do Projecto: Adicionar 'clips' de vídeo - - - -Agora que o projecto está pronto, vamos começar a adicionar alguns vídeos (&ie; os que tiver obtido). Isto funciona com o item da Árvore do Projecto; se carregar no ícone Adicionar um Vídeo, irá abrir directamente a janela de ficheiros; se carregar na pequena seta irá mostrar uma lista com os tipos de vídeos que poderão ser também adicionados. Poderá adicionar 'clips' de vídeo, áudio, imagens e outros projectos do Kdenlive com a janela Adicionar um Vídeo. - - - - - - - - - A janela do Kdenlive 0.8 com os ficheiros do tutorial - - - A janela do Kdenlive 0.8 com os ficheiros do tutorial - - - -Depois de carregar os vídeos, o Kdenlive irá ficar semelhante a isto. No canto superior esquerdo, já se encontra a árvore do projecto. À direita desta estão os monitores que mostram o vídeo; o monitor do vídeo mostra o vídeo dos ficheiros originais, o monitor do projecto mostra como é que o vídeo irá ficar no fim, com todos os efeitos, transições, &etc; aplicados. O terceiro item, que também é bastante importante, é a linha temporal (por baixo dos monitores): Aqui é onde os excertos de vídeo serão editados. Existem dois tipos diferentes de faixas: vídeo e áudio. As faixas de vídeo poderão conter qualquer 'clip', incluindo os de áudio - contudo, ao largar um vídeo na faixa de áudio, só será usada a faixa de áudio deste. - - - - - - - - - Gravar um projecto do Kdenlive - - - Gravar um projecto do Kdenlive - - - -Vamos gravar o trabalho com a opção FicheiroGravar. Isto grava o nosso projecto, &ie; onde colocámos os vídeos na linha temporal, os efeitos que foram aplicados e assim por diante. O mesmo não poderá ser reproduzido.Para ser mais exacto, pode ser reproduzido com o comando melt o-seu-projecto.kdenlive, mas esta não é a forma de apresentar o seu vídeo final, porque é (ou será) demasiado lenta. Adicionalmente, só funciona se tiver instalado o 'melt'. O processo de criação do vídeo final chama-se de Rasterização. - -Linha Temporal -Agora vem a edição propriamente dita. Os vídeos do projecto são combinados para o resultado final na linha temporal. Eles são colocados aí por arrastamento: arraste alguns vídeos de Nápoles (assumindo que está a usar os ficheiros oferecidos acima, como no resto deste tutorial; caso não seja, certifique-se que o seu ecrã é à prova de água e de tomates) e largue-o na primeira faixa da linha temporal. - - - - - - - - - Primeiros vídeos na linha temporal - - - Primeiros vídeos na linha temporal - - - -Dado que é preciso algum trabalho de recortes, largue a colher na primeira faixa também. Depois, arraste Nápoles para o início da linha temporal (caso contrário, o vídeo gerado iria começar com alguns segundos de preto total) e meter a colher logo a seguir a Nápoles, de forma que se pareça com a imagem à esquerda (onde foi feita uma ampliação com &Ctrl;Roda.) - - - - - - - - - Cursor da linha temporal - - - Cursor da linha temporal - - - -O resultado poderá já ser visto previamente se carregar no Espaço (ou no botão Tocar do monitor do projecto). Irá ver Nápoles seguida directamente por uma colher. Se o cursor da linha temporal não estiver no início, o monitor do projecto irá começar algures a meio; poderá mover o cursor se o arrastar na régua da linha temporal ou no monitor do projecto. Se preferir os atalhos de teclado, o &Ctrl;Home fará o mesmo para o monitor activado. (Seleccione o Monitor do Projecto se não estiver ainda seleccionado antes de usar a combinação de teclas.) - - - - - - - - - Marcador de dimensionamento - - - Marcador de dimensionamento - - - -Dado que a seguir à comida vem a brincadeira, existe um vídeo de bilhar. Adicione-o também à linha temporal. Nos primeiros 1,5 segundos não acontece nada no vídeo, pelo que poderá ser cortado para evitar que o vídeo se torne aborrecido. Uma forma simplesDa forma que está escrito isto, dá a entender que existem várias formas de cortar um vídeo. Isto é verdade, de facto. de o fazer é mover o cursor da linha temporal para a posição desejada (&ie; a posição onde deseja cortar o vídeo), depois arraste o contorno esquerdo do vídeo quando aparecer a marcação de dimensionamento. Ajustar-se-á para o cursor da linha temporal quando se aproximar o suficiente. - - - - - - - - - Sobrepor os vídeos - - - Sobrepor os vídeos - - - -Para adicionar uma transição entre a comida (a colher) e o jogo de bilhar, os dois vídeos terão de se sobrepor. Para ser mais exacto: o segundo vídeo deverá estar antes ou depois do primeiro e terminar algumas imagens após começar o segundo vídeo. A ampliação até que apareçam as marcações das imagens individuais poderá ajudar aqui; também simplifica ter sempre a mesma duração da transição, como o exemplo das cinco imagens neste caso. -Poderá ampliar tanto com a barra de ampliação no fundo da janela do Kdenlive ou com &Ctrl;Roda do rato. O Kdenlive irá ampliar o cursor da linha temporal, pelo que defina primeiro a sua posição onde deseja ampliar, executando a operação propriamente dita depois. - - - - - - - - - Marcador de transição - - - Marcador de transição - - - -Agora que os vídeos se sobrepõem, poderá adicionar a transição. Isto é feito com o botão direito do rato sobre o vídeo superior e escolhendo a opção Adicionar uma Transição ou, ainda mais fácil, se carregar no canto inferior direito do vídeo da colher. Por omissão, isto irá adicionar uma transição de dissolução, a qual será a melhor ideia, dado que a colher não é necessária para a reprodução, de qualquer forma. -As transições de dissolução transformam o primeiro vídeo no segundo. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Vamos então agora adicionar o último vídeo - o piano - e aplicar de novo uma transição de dissolução. Quando o adicionar à primeira faixa da linha temporal, terá de carregar no canto inferior esquerdo do vídeo para adicionar a transição ao vídeo anterior. -Efeitos - - - - - - - - - Lista de Efeitos - - - Lista de Efeitos - - - -O piano poderá ficar colorido se adicionar um efeito ao mesmo. Seleccione o vídeo do piano, depois faça duplo-click sobre o efeito do Ajuste RGB na Lista de Efeitos. Se não estiver visível, poderá obter a lista com a opção VerLista de Efeitos. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Assim que tiver adicionado o efeito, o seu nome será adicionado ao vídeo da linha temporal. Será também apresentado no item da Pilha de Efeitos. - - - - - - - - - A Pilha de Efeitos com o ajuste RGB - - - A Pilha de Efeitos com o ajuste RGB - - - -Para dar um tom quente e alaranjado à imagem, criando um ambiente de noite confortável, o azul terá de ser reduzido e o vermelho e o verde aumentados. -Os valores na pilha de efeitos poderá ser alterado se usar a barra deslizante (o botão do meio do rato repõe o valor predefinido) ou indicando um valor directamente ao fazer duplo-click no número à direita da barra. -Poderá adicionar efeitos com o ícone Adicionar um novo efeito (na imagem à esquerda) na Pilha de Efeitos; este refere-se sempre ao vídeo que estiver seleccionado de momento na linha temporal. Se desligar a opção, estes ficarão desactivados temporariamente (a configuração permanece à mesma); isto ⪚ é útil para os efeitos que necessitam de bastante processamento, para que possam ser desactivados quando estiver a editar e activados quando for fazer a rasterização. -Para alguns efeitos, como o usando aí, é possível adicionar imagens-chave. O ícone do relógio na imagem indica isso. As imagens-chave são usadas para alterar os parâmetros do efeito ao longo do tempo. No nosso vídeo, isto permite-nos desvanecer a cor do piano de uma cor de noite quente para uma cor de noite fria. - - - - - - - - - Imagens-chave para os efeitos - - - Imagens-chave para os efeitos - - - -Depois de carregar no ícone da imagem-chave (o ícone do relógio da imagem anterior), o item da Pilha de Efeitos ficará reorganizada. Por omissão, existirão duas imagens-chave: uma no início do vídeo na linha temporal e outra no fim. Mova o cursor da linha temporal para o fim do vídeo, de modo que o monitor do projecto mostre de facto as cores novas ao mudar os parâmetros da imagem-chave no fim. -Certifique-se que a última imagem-chave está seleccionada na lista da Pilha de Efeitos. Aí estará pronto para inundar o piano com um azul profundo. -Se mover o cursor da linha temporal para o início do projecto e o reproduzir (com o Espaço ou com o botão Tocar no Monitor do Projecto), o piano agora deverá mudar para a cor desejada. -As imagens-chave foram a parte mais difícil deste tutorial. Se conseguiu lidar bem com esta questão, sentir-se-á à vontade para dominar o Kdenlive facilmente! - -Música - - - - - - - - - Desvanecimento do áudio - - - Desvanecimento do áudio - - - -Dado que os vídeos não possuem nenhum áudio, vamos procurar alguma música bonita na sua colecção local ou em páginas Web como a do Jamendo. O 'clip' de áudio deverá, após adicioná-lo, ir para uma faixa de áudio na linha temporal. -Este excerto de áudio poderá ser dimensionado na linha temporal da mesma forma que fez com os vídeos. O cursor irá ajustar-se no fim do projecto automaticamente. Para adicionar um efeito de desvanecimento no fim do áudio (a não ser que tenha encontrado um ficheiro com a duração exacta que pretende) poderá passar o rato sobre o extremo superior direito (ou esquerdo) do 'clip' na linha temporal e arrastar o disco verde para a posição onde deverá começar o desvanecimento.Este disco verde é um atalho para adicionar o efeito DesvanecerDesvanecer. Ambas as formas levam ao mesmo resultado. - - -Rasterização - - - - - - - - - Janela de rasterização - - - Janela de rasterização - - - -Mais alguns minutos e o projecto está terminado! Carregue no botão Desenhar (ou vá a ProjectoDesenhar ou carregue em &Ctrl;&Enter;) para obter a janela que aparece à esquerda. Seleccione o ficheiro de saída desejado para o novo vídeo, com todos os efeitos e transições, escolha o formato MPEG4 (que funciona em praticamente todo o lado) e uma taxa de 'bits' de 2000k (quanto maior esta taxa, maior será o ficheiro resultante e melhor será a qualidade - mas, dado que a taxa de 'bits' dos vídeos de entrada já era de 2000k, a utilização de um valor maior não iria aumentar a qualidade, pelo que será desnecessário) e carregue no botão Desenhar num Ficheiro. - - - - - - - - - Evolução da rasterização - - - Evolução da rasterização - - - -Ao fim de alguns segundos, a rasterização terá terminado e terá terminado o seu primeiro projecto do Kdenlive. Parabéns! - - - - -Créditos e Licença - Documentação - para o 'copyright' veja o histórico da página Kdenlive/Manual/QuickStart na Base de Utilizadores - Tradução de José Nuno Pires zepires@gmail.com -&underFDL; -&documentation.index; -
\ No newline at end of file diff -Nru kdenlive-15.13.0+git20160206.6705c57a/doc/pt_BR/CMakeLists.txt kdenlive-15.13.0+git20160206.cee1bbb6/doc/pt_BR/CMakeLists.txt --- kdenlive-15.13.0+git20160206.6705c57a/doc/pt_BR/CMakeLists.txt 2016-02-06 09:13:45.000000000 +0000 +++ kdenlive-15.13.0+git20160206.cee1bbb6/doc/pt_BR/CMakeLists.txt 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -kdoctools_create_handbook(index.docbook INSTALL_DESTINATION ${HTML_INSTALL_DIR}/pt_BR SUBDIR kdenlive) diff -Nru kdenlive-15.13.0+git20160206.6705c57a/doc/pt_BR/index.docbook kdenlive-15.13.0+git20160206.cee1bbb6/doc/pt_BR/index.docbook --- kdenlive-15.13.0+git20160206.6705c57a/doc/pt_BR/index.docbook 2016-02-06 09:13:45.000000000 +0000 +++ kdenlive-15.13.0+git20160206.cee1bbb6/doc/pt_BR/index.docbook 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 @@ -1,665 +0,0 @@ - - - -]> - - -Guia de Início Rápido do Kdenlive - - -Esta documentação foi convertida a partir da página da Base de Usuários do KDE Kdenlive/Manual/QuickStart . - -MarcusGama
-&FDLNotice; -17/06/2011 - 0.8.2 - - - - -KDE -multimídia -vídeo - -
- - - -Criar um novo projeto - - - - - - - - - Estrutura de pastas do Kdenlive - - - Estrutura de pastas do Kdenlive - - - -O primeiro passo é criar uma nova pasta (vazia) para o nosso novo projeto. Ela se chamará introdução-tutorial/ neste tutorial. Depois, consiga alguns vídeos de exemplo ou transfira-os daqui: kdenlive-tutorial-videos-2011-avi.tar.bz2 (7 MB)Se preferir vídeos em Theora (o que poderá não ser o caso, uma vez que o vídeo Ogg normalmente provoca problemas), poderá obter em alternativa o kdenlive-tutorial-videos-2011-ogv.tar.bz2. e extraí-los ⪚ para introdução-tutorial/Videos/, uma subpasta dentro da pasta do projeto. -A imagem da esquerda mostra a estrutura de pastas sugerida: Cada projeto tem a sua própria pasta, com os arquivos dos vídeos na subpasta Videos e os arquivos de áudio na pasta Audio, &etc; (ler mais) -(O tutorial considera a partir de agora que você irá usar os vídeos fornecidos como exemplos, mas ele poderá funcionar com qualquer um.) - - - - - - - - - Janela de Novo Projeto - - - Janela de Novo Projeto - - - -Abra o Kdenlive e crie um projeto novo (ArquivoNovo). -Escolha a pasta do projeto criado anteriormente (introdução-tutorial/) e selecione um perfil apropriado para o projeto. Os arquivos de vídeo aqui fornecidos estão no formato 720p, 23,98 fps.720 é a altura do vídeo, onde o 'p' significa progressivo em contraste ao entrelaçado, e o número 'fps' indica o número de imagens completas por segundo. Se estiver usando os seus próprios arquivos e não souber quais usar, o Kdenlive irá sugerir um perfil apropriado quando for adicionado o primeiro vídeo, assim você poderá deixar o campo como quiser. - -Adicionar vídeos - - - - - - - - - Árvore do Projeto: Adicionar 'clips' de vídeo - - - Árvore do Projeto: Adicionar 'clips' de vídeo - - - -Agora que o projeto está pronto, vamos começar a adicionar alguns vídeos (&ie; os que tiver obtido). Isto funciona com o item da Árvore do Projeto; se clicar no ícone Adicionar um vídeo, irá abrir diretamente a janela de arquivos; se clicar na pequena seta, será mostrada uma lista com os tipos de vídeos que poderão ser também adicionados. Você poderá adicionar 'clips' de vídeo, áudio, imagens e outros projetos do Kdenlive com a janela Adicionar um vídeo. - - - - - - - - - A janela do Kdenlive 0.8 com os arquivos do tutorial - - - A janela do Kdenlive 0.8 com os arquivos do tutorial - - - -Depois de carregar os vídeos, o Kdenlive irá ficar semelhante a isto. No canto superior esquerdo, já se encontra a árvore do projeto. À direita desta estão os monitores que mostram o vídeo; o monitor do vídeo mostra o vídeo dos arquivos originais, o monitor do projeto mostra como o vídeo irá ficar no fim, com todos os efeitos, transições, &etc; aplicados. O terceiro item, que também é bastante importante, é a linha temporal (abaixo dos monitores): Aqui é onde os trechos de vídeo serão editados. Existem dois tipos diferentes de faixas: vídeo e áudio. As faixas de vídeo poderão conter qualquer 'clip', incluindo os de áudio - contudo, ao soltar um vídeo na faixa de áudio, só será usada a faixa de áudio dele. - - - - - - - - - Salvar um projeto do Kdenlive - - - Salvar um projeto do Kdenlive - - - -Vamos salvar o trabalho com a opção ArquivoSalvar. Isto salva o nosso projeto, &ie; onde colocamos os vídeos na linha temporal, os efeitos que foram aplicados e assim por diante. O mesmo não poderá ser reproduzido.Para ser mais exato, pode ser reproduzido com o comando melt o-seu-projeto.kdenlive, mas esta não é a forma de apresentar o seu vídeo final, porque é (ou será) muito lenta. Adicionalmente, só funciona se tiver instalado o 'melt'. O processo de criação do vídeo final chama-se de Rasterização. - -Linha do tempo -Agora vem a edição propriamente dita. Os vídeos do projeto são combinados para o resultado final na linha do tempo. Eles são colocados aí por arrastamento: arraste alguns vídeos de Nápoles (considerando que está usando os arquivos oferecidos acima, como no resto deste tutorial; caso não seja, certifique-se de que o seu monitor é à prova de água e de tomates) e solte-o na primeira faixa da linha do tempo. - - - - - - - - - Primeiros vídeos na linha temporal - - - Primeiros vídeos na linha temporal - - - -Uma vez que é preciso algum trabalho de recortes, solte a colher na primeira faixa também. Depois, arraste Nápoles para o início da linha temporal (caso contrário, o vídeo gerado iria começar com alguns segundos de preto total) e coloque a colher logo a seguir a Nápoles, de forma que se pareça com a imagem à esquerda (onde foi feita uma ampliação com &Ctrl;Roda.) - - - - - - - - - Cursor da linha temporal - - - Cursor da linha temporal - - - -O resultado poderá já ser visto previamente se pressionar Espaço (ou no botão Tocar do monitor do projeto). Irá ver Nápoles seguida diretamente por uma colher. Se o cursor da linha temporal não estiver no início, o monitor do projeto irá começar em algum ponto no meio; você poderá mover o cursor se arrastá-lo na régua da linha temporal ou no monitor do projeto. Se preferir os atalhos de teclado, o &Ctrl;Home fará o mesmo para o monitor ativado. (Selecione o Monitor do Projeto se não estiver ainda selecionado antes de usar a combinação de teclas.) - - - - - - - - - Marcador de dimensionamento - - - Marcador de dimensionamento - - - -Uma vez que a após a comida vem a brincadeira, existe um vídeo de bilhar. Adicione-o também à linha temporal. Nos primeiros 1,5 segundos não acontece nada no vídeo, assim ele poderá ser cortado para evitar que o vídeo se torne chato. Uma forma simplesDa forma que está escrito isto, dá a entender que existem várias formas de cortar um vídeo. Isto é verdade, de fato. de fazer isto é mover o cursor da linha temporal para a posição desejada (&ie; a posição onde deseja cortar o vídeo), depois arraste o contorno esquerdo do vídeo quando aparecer a marcação de dimensionamento. Ele se ajustará para o cursor da linha temporal quando se aproximar o suficiente. - - - - - - - - - Sobrepor os vídeos - - - Sobrepor os vídeos - - - -Para adicionar uma transição entre a comida (a colher) e o jogo de bilhar, os dois vídeos terão que se sobrepor. Para ser mais exato: o segundo vídeo deverá estar antes ou depois do primeiro e terminar algumas imagens após começar o segundo vídeo. A ampliação até que apareçam as marcações das imagens individuais poderá ajudar aqui; também simplifica ter sempre a mesma duração da transição, como o exemplo das cinco imagens neste caso. -Você poderá ampliar tanto com a barra de ampliação no fundo da janela do Kdenlive como com &Ctrl;Roda do mouse. O Kdenlive irá ampliar o cursor da linha temporal assim que defina primeiro a sua posição onde deseja ampliar, executando a operação propriamente dita depois. - - - - - - - - - Marcador de transição - - - Marcador de transição - - - -Agora que os vídeos se sobrepõem, você poderá adicionar a transição. Isto é feito com o botão direito do mouse sobre o vídeo superior e escolhendo a opção Adicionar uma transição ou, ainda mais fácil, se clicar no canto inferior direito do vídeo da colher. Por padrão, isto irá adicionar uma transição de dissolução, que é a melhor opção, uma vez que a colher não é necessária para a reprodução, de qualquer forma. -As transições de dissolução transformam o primeiro vídeo no segundo. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Vamos então agora adicionar o último vídeo - o piano - e aplicar de novo uma transição de dissolução. Quando o adicionar à primeira faixa da linha temporal, terá que clicar no canto inferior esquerdo do vídeo para adicionar a transição ao vídeo anterior. -Efeitos - - - - - - - - - Efeitos - - - Efeitos - - - -O piano poderá ficar colorido se adicionar um efeito ao mesmo. Selecione o vídeo do piano, depois faça duplo-clique sobre o efeito do Ajuste RGB em Efeitos. Se não estiver visível, poderá obter a lista com a opção ExibirEfeitos. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Assim que tiver adicionado o efeito, o seu nome será adicionado ao vídeo da linha temporal. Será também apresentado no item da Pilha de Efeitos. - - - - - - - - - A Pilha de Efeitos com o ajuste RGB - - - A Pilha de Efeitos com o ajuste RGB - - - -Para dar um tom quente e alaranjado à imagem, criando um ambiente de noite confortável, o azul terá que ser reduzido e o vermelho e o verde aumentados. -Os valores na pilha de efeitos poderá ser alterado se usar a barra deslizante (o botão do meio do mouse restaura ao valor padrão) ou indicando um valor diretamente ao fazer duplo-clique no número à direita da barra. -Você poderá adicionar efeitos com o ícone Adicionar um novo efeito (na imagem à esquerda) na Pilha de Efeitos; Ele sempre se refere ao vídeo que estiver selecionado no momento na linha temporal. Se desligar a opção, eles ficarão desativados temporariamente (a configuração ainda permanece); isto ⪚ é útil para os efeitos que necessitam de muito processamento, para que possam ser desativados quando estiver editando e ativados quando for fazer a rasterização. -Para alguns efeitos, como o usado aqui, é possível adicionar imagens-chave. O ícone do relógio na imagem indica isso. As imagens-chave são usadas para alterar os parâmetros do efeito ao longo do tempo. No nosso vídeo, isto permite-nos desvanecer a cor do piano de uma cor de noite quente para uma cor de noite fria. - - - - - - - - - Imagens-chave para os efeitos - - - Imagens-chave para os efeitos - - - -Depois de clicar no ícone da imagem-chave (o ícone do relógio da imagem anterior), o item da Pilha de Efeitos ficará reorganizado. Por padrão, existirão duas imagens-chave: uma no início do vídeo na linha temporal e outra no fim. Mova o cursor da linha temporal para o fim do vídeo, de modo que o monitor do projeto mostre de fato as cores novas ao mudar os parâmetros da imagem-chave no fim. -Certifique-se de que a última imagem-chave está selecionada na lista da Pilha de Efeitos. Aí estará pronto para inundar o piano com um azul profundo. -Se mover o cursor da linha temporal para o início do projeto e o reproduzir (com o Espaço ou com o botão Tocar no Monitor do Projeto), o piano agora deverá mudar para a cor desejada. -As imagens-chave foram a parte mais difícil deste tutorial. Se conseguiu lidar bem com esta questão, sentir-se-á à vontade para dominar o Kdenlive facilmente! - -Música - - - - - - - - - Desvanecimento do áudio - - - Desvanecimento do áudio - - - -Uma vez que os vídeos não possuem nenhum áudio, vamos procurar alguma música bonita na sua coleção local ou em páginas Web como a do Jamendo. O 'clip' de áudio deverá, após adicioná-lo, ir para uma faixa de áudio na linha temporal. -Este trecho de áudio poderá ser dimensionado na linha temporal da mesma forma que fez com os vídeos. O cursor irá ajustar-se no fim do projeto automaticamente. Para adicionar um efeito de desvanecimento no fim do áudio (a não ser que tenha encontrado um arquivo com a duração exata que pretende) poderá passar o mouse sobre o extremo superior direito (ou esquerdo) do 'clip' na linha temporal e arrastar o disco verde para a posição onde deverá começar o desvanecimento.Este disco verde é um atalho para adicionar o efeito DesvanecerDesvanecer. Ambas as formas levam ao mesmo resultado. - - -Rasterização - - - - - - - - - Janela de rasterização - - - Janela de rasterização - - - -Mais alguns minutos e o projeto está terminado! Clique no botão Renderizar (ou vá a ProjetoRenderizar ou pressione &Ctrl;&Enter;) para obter a janela que aparece à esquerda. Selecione o arquivo de saída desejado para o novo vídeo, com todos os efeitos e transições, escolha o formato MPEG4 (que funciona em praticamente todo lugar) e uma taxa de 'bits' de 2000k (quanto maior esta taxa, maior será o arquivo resultante e melhor será a qualidade - mas, uma vez que a taxa de 'bits' dos vídeos de entrada já era de 2000k, a utilização de um valor maior não iria aumentar a qualidade, assim será desnecessário) e pressione o botão Renderizar para arquivo. - - - - - - - - - Evolução da rasterização - - - Evolução da rasterização - - - -Ao fim de alguns segundos, a rasterização terá terminado e terá terminado o seu primeiro projeto do Kdenlive. Parabéns! - - - - -Créditos e licença - Documentação - para o 'copyright' veja o histórico da página Kdenlive/Manual/QuickStart na Base de Usuários - Tradução de Marcus Gama marcus.gama@gmail.com -&underFDL; -&documentation.index; -
diff -Nru kdenlive-15.13.0+git20160206.6705c57a/doc/sv/CMakeLists.txt kdenlive-15.13.0+git20160206.cee1bbb6/doc/sv/CMakeLists.txt --- kdenlive-15.13.0+git20160206.6705c57a/doc/sv/CMakeLists.txt 2016-02-06 09:13:45.000000000 +0000 +++ kdenlive-15.13.0+git20160206.cee1bbb6/doc/sv/CMakeLists.txt 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -kdoctools_create_handbook(index.docbook INSTALL_DESTINATION ${HTML_INSTALL_DIR}/sv SUBDIR kdenlive) diff -Nru kdenlive-15.13.0+git20160206.6705c57a/doc/sv/index.docbook kdenlive-15.13.0+git20160206.cee1bbb6/doc/sv/index.docbook --- kdenlive-15.13.0+git20160206.6705c57a/doc/sv/index.docbook 2016-02-06 09:13:45.000000000 +0000 +++ kdenlive-15.13.0+git20160206.cee1bbb6/doc/sv/index.docbook 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 @@ -1,667 +0,0 @@ - - - -]> - - -Kdenlive snabbstartguide - - -Den här dokumentationen konverterades från sidan Kdenlive/Manual/QuickStart på KDE:s användarbas. - - Stefan Asserhäll
-&FDLNotice; -2011-06-17 - 0.8.2 - - - - -KDE -multimedia -video - -
- - - -Skapa ett nytt projekt - - - - - - - - - Kdenlive katalogstruktur - - - Kdenlive katalogstruktur - - - -Det första steget är att skapa en ny (tom) katalog för vårt nya projekt. Jag kallar den snabbstart-handledning/ i den här handledningen. Skaffa därefter några exempel på videoklipp, eller ladda ner dem härifrån: kdenlive-tutorial-videos-2011-avi.tar.bz2 (7 Mibyte)Om du föredrar Theora (vilket du förmodligen inte gör, eftersom Ogg Video oftast orsakar problem), kan du ladda ner kdenlive-tutorial-videos-2011-ogv.tar.bz2. som alternativ, och packa t.ex. upp dem i underkatalogen snabbstart-handledning/Videor/ i projektkatalogen. -Bilden till vänster visar den föreslagna katalogstrukturen: Varje projekt har sin egen katalog, med videofiler i underkatalogen Videor, ljudfiler i katalogen Ljud, etc. (läs mer här). -(Handledningen förutsätter i fortsättningen att du använder exempelvideorna som tillhandahålls, men det fungerar med vilka som helst.) - - - - - - - - - Dialogrutan Nytt projekt - - - Dialogrutan Nytt projekt - - - -Öppna Kdenlive och skapa ett nytt projekt (ArkivNy). -Välj den tidigare skapade projektkatalogen (snabbstart-handledning/) och välj en lämplig projektprofil. Videofilerna som tillhandahålls ovan är 720p, 23.98 rutor/s.720 är videons höjd, och p står för progressiv återgivning i motsats till inflätad video, och värdet i ramar/s anger helt antal ramar per sekund. Om du använder egna filer och inte vet vilken du ska välja, föreslår Kdenlive en när det första klippet läggs till, så du kan lämna fältet med värdet det råkar ha. - -Lägga till klipp - - - - - - - - - Projektträd: Lägga till videoklipp - - - Projektträd: Lägga till videoklipp - - - -Nu när projektet är klart, låt oss börja lägga till några klipp (dvs. de som du laddade ner). Det sker via den grafiska projektträdskomponenten. Ett klick på ikonen Lägg till klipp öppnar direkt fildialogrutan, ett klicka på den lilla pilen visar en lista med ytterligare klipptyper som dessutom kan läggas till. Videoklipp, ljudklipp, bilder och andra Kdenlive-projekt kan läggas till via den vanliga dialogrutan Lägg till klipp. - - - - - - - - - Kdenlive 0.8 med handledningsfilerna - - - Kdenlive 0.8 med handledningsfilerna - - - -Efter att ha läst in klippen, ser Kdenlive ut ungefär så här. Längst upp till vänster finns det redan bekanta projektträdet. Till höger om det är skärmarna som visar video: Klippskärmen visar video från de ursprungliga klippen, projektskärmen visar hur den skapade videon kommer att se ut, med alla effekter, övertoningar, etc. införda. Den tredje, också mycket viktiga objektet, är tidslinjen (under skärmarna). Det är här videoklippen kommer att redigeras. Det finns två olika sorters spår, video och ljud. Videospår kan innehålla vilken sorts klipp som helst, också ljudspår - men om en videofil släpps på ljudspåret, används bara ljudet. - - - - - - - - - Spara ett Kdenlive-projekt - - - Spara ett Kdenlive-projekt - - - -Låt oss spara arbetet via ArkivSpara. Det sparar vårt projekt, dvs. var vi placerade klippen på tidslinjen, vilka effekter vi använde, och så vidare. Det kan inte spelas upp.I själva verket kan det spelas upp med användning av melt ditt-projekt.kdenlive, men det är inte rätt sätt att presentera den slutliga videon, eftersom det (troligtvis) är för långsamt. Dessutom fungerar det bara om melt är installerat. Processen att skapa den slutliga videon kallas återgivning. - -Tidslinje -Nu är vi framme vid själva redigeringen. Projektklipp kombineras till slutresultatet på tidslinjen. De kommer dit via drag och släpp: Dra någon Napoli (med antagandet att du använder filerna som tillhandahålls ovan, som i resten av den här snabbstartguiden. Om inte, försäkra dig om att bildskärmen är vattentät, och kanske också att den tål tomater), och släpp på det första spåret i tidslinjen. - - - - - - - - - Första klippen i tidslinjen - - - Första klippen i tidslinjen - - - -Eftersom en del bestick också behövs, släpp också skeden på det första spåret. Dra därefter Napolin till tidslinjens början (annars skulle den återgivna videon börjar med helsvart i några sekunder), och skeden direkt efter Napolin, så att det ser ut som på bilden till vänster (där jag har zoomat in med &Ctrl;mushjul). - - - - - - - - - Tidslinjens markör - - - Tidslinjens markör - - - -Resultatet går redan att förhandsgranska genom att trycka på mellanslag (eller knappen Spela på projektskärmen). Då visas Napolin direkt följd av en sked. Om tidslinjens markör inte är i början, börjar projektskärmen spela någonstans i mitten. Den kan flyttas genom att dra den, antingen på tidslinjens linjal eller på projektskärmen. Om du föredrar snabbtangenter, gör &Ctrl;Home samma sak för skärmen som är aktiv (markera projektskärmen om den inte redan är det, innan snabbtangenten används). - - - - - - - - - Markören för storleksändring - - - Markören för storleksändring - - - -Eftersom leken kommer efter maten, finns ett biljardklipp. Lägg dessutom till det på tidslinjen. De första 1,5 sekunderna händer ingenting i klippet, så det kanske bör kortas för att undvika att videon blir tråkig. Ett enkelt sättAtt beskriva det på detta sätt anger att det finns flera olika sätt att korta ett klipp. Det är helt riktigt. att göra det är att flytta tidslinjens markör till önskad position (dvs. positionen där videon ska kortas), och därefter dra klippets vänsterkant när storleksändringsmarkören visas. Den hoppar till tidslinjens markör när du kommer nära nog. - - - - - - - - - Överlappande klipp - - - Överlappande klipp - - - -För att lägga till en övertoning mellan att äta (skeden) och spela biljard, måste de två klippen överlappa. För att vara exakt: det andra klippet ska vara ovanför eller under det första, som ska sluta några bildrutor efter den andra börjar. Att zooma in till strecken för enskilda bildrutor visas hjälper till, och det gör också att det blir enkelt att alltid ha samma längd på övertoningar, som fem bildrutor i detta fall. -Det går att zooma in genom att antingen använda zoomreglaget längst ner i Kdenlives fönster, eller med &Ctrl;mushjul. Kdenlive zoomar vid tidslinjens markör, så flytta den först till positionen du vill förstora, och zooma därefter in. - - - - - - - - - Övertoningsmarkör - - - Övertoningsmarkör - - - -När klippen nu överlappar, kan övertoningen läggas till. Det görs antingen genom att högerklicka på det övre klippet och välja Lägg till övertoning, eller, på ett enklare sätt, genom att klicka på nedre högra hörnet av skedklippet. Det senare sättet lägger till en upplösningsövertoning, vilket hursomhelst är bäst eftersom skeden ändå inte krävs för att spela biljard. -Upplösningsövertoningarna tonar det första klippet till det andra. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Låt oss nu lägga till det sista klippet, pianot, och återigen använda en upplösningsövertoning. När den läggs till på tidslinjens första spår måste du klicka på det nya klippets nedre vänstra kant för att lägga till övertoningen till föregående klipp. -Effekter - - - - - - - - - Effektlista - - - Effektlista - - - -Pianot kan färgläggas genom att lägga till en effekt i det. Markera pianoklippet, dubbelklicka därefter på effekten RGB-justering i Effektlistan. Om den inte är synlig, kan du visa den via Visa Effektlista. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -När effekten väl har lagts till, kommer dess namn att läggas till på tidslinjens klipp. Den visas också i den grafiska komponenten Effektstack. - - - - - - - - - Effektstacken med RGB-justeringar - - - Effektstacken med RGB-justeringar - - - -För att få en varm orangegul ton på bilden, som passar den sköna kvällen, måste blått reduceras och rött och grönt förstärkas. -Värdena i den grafiska komponenten effektstack kan ändras med skjutreglaget (musens mittenknapp återställer det till normalvärdet), eller genom att direkt skriva in ett värde med ett dubbelklick på talet till höger om skjutreglaget. -Effekter kan också läggas till med ikonen Lägg till ny effekt (inramad i bilden till vänster) i Effektstacken. Den gäller alltid klippet i tidslinjen som för närvarande är markerat. Genom att avmarkera kryssrutan inaktiveras de tillfälligt (dock blir inställningarna kvar). Det är t.ex. användbart för effekter som kräver mycket beräkningskraft, så att de kan inaktiveras under redigering och aktiveras igen vid återgivning. -För vissa effekter, liksom den som används här, är det möjligt att lägga till nyckelrutor. Den inramade klockikonen anger det. Nyckelrutor används för att ändra effektparametrar med tiden. I vårt klipp låter det oss tona pianots färg från en varm kvällsfärg till en kall nattfärg. - - - - - - - - - Nyckelrutor för effekter - - - Nyckelrutor för effekter - - - -Efter att ha klickat på ikonen nyckelruta (klockikonen inramad i föregående bild), arrangeras den grafiska komponenten effektstack om. Normalt finns det två nyckelrutor, en i början på tidslinjens klipp och en i slutet. Flytta tidslinjens markör till slutet av tidslinjens klipp, så att projektskärmen verkligen visar de nya färgerna när parametrarna för nyckelrutan i slutet ändras. -Försäkra dig om att den sista nyckelrutan är markerad i effektstackens lista. Därefter är du redo att fylla i pianot med en djupblå färg. -Genom att flytta tidslinjens markör till projektets början och spela upp det (med mellanslag eller knappen SpelaProjektskärmen), ska pianot nu ändra färg enligt önskemålet. -Att använda nyckelramar var den svåraste delen av den här handledningen. Om du klarade av det, får du inga svårigheter med att använda Kdenlive! - -Musik - - - - - - - - - Borttoning av ljud - - - Borttoning av ljud - - - -Eftersom klippen inte tillhandahåller något ljud, låt oss leta rätt på något trevligt musikstycke, i din lokala samling eller på webbsidor som jamendo. Ljudklippet ska användas på ett ljudspår i tidslinjen, efter att det har lagts till. -Ljudklippets storlek kan ändras på tidslinjen precis på samma sätt som videoklipp. Markören låses automatiskt vid projektets slut. För att lägga till en borttoningseffekt i slutet av ljudklippet (utom om du hittade en fil med exakt rätt längd) kan du hålla musen över högerkanten (eller vänsterkanten) på tidslinjens klipp och dra den gröna skivan till positionen där borttoningen ska börja.Den här gröna skivan är en förkortning för att lägga till effekten Toning Tona bort. Båda sätt ger samma resultat. - - -Återgivning - - - - - - - - - Återgivningsdialogrutan - - - Återgivningsdialogrutan - - - -Bara några minuter kvar, så är projektet klart! Klicka på knappen Återge (eller gå till ProjektÅterge, eller tryck på &Ctrl;Retur) för att få fram dialogrutan som visas till vänster. Välj önskad utdatafil för den nya videon med alla effekter och övergångar, välj MPEG4 (fungerar nästan överallt) och bithastigheten 2000k (ju högre bithastighet, desto större utdatafil och desto bättre kvalitet - men eftersom bithastigheten för indataklippen redan var 2000k, skulle inte användning av en högre förbättra kvaliteten, och är därför onödig), och klicka på knappen Återge till fil. - - - - - - - - - Återgivningsförlopp - - - Återgivningsförlopp - - - -Efter några sekunder är återgivningen klar, och ditt första projekt med Kdenlive är färdigt. Gratulerar! - - - - -Tack till och licens - Dokumentation Copyright se Användarbasen Kdenlive/Manual/QuickStart page history - Översättning Stefan Asserhäll stefan.asserhall@bredband.net -&underFDL; -&documentation.index; -
diff -Nru kdenlive-15.13.0+git20160206.6705c57a/doc/uk/CMakeLists.txt kdenlive-15.13.0+git20160206.cee1bbb6/doc/uk/CMakeLists.txt --- kdenlive-15.13.0+git20160206.6705c57a/doc/uk/CMakeLists.txt 2016-02-06 09:13:45.000000000 +0000 +++ kdenlive-15.13.0+git20160206.cee1bbb6/doc/uk/CMakeLists.txt 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -kdoctools_create_handbook(index.docbook INSTALL_DESTINATION ${HTML_INSTALL_DIR}/uk SUBDIR kdenlive) diff -Nru kdenlive-15.13.0+git20160206.6705c57a/doc/uk/index.docbook kdenlive-15.13.0+git20160206.cee1bbb6/doc/uk/index.docbook --- kdenlive-15.13.0+git20160206.6705c57a/doc/uk/index.docbook 2016-02-06 09:13:45.000000000 +0000 +++ kdenlive-15.13.0+git20160206.cee1bbb6/doc/uk/index.docbook 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 @@ -1,669 +0,0 @@ - - - -]> - - -Короткий вступ до Kdenlive - - -Цю документацію було створено на основі сторінки UserBase KDE Kdenlive/Manual/QuickStart/uk. - -ЮрійЧорноіван
Переклад українською
-&FDLNotice; -17 червня 2011 року - 0.8.2 - - - - -KDE -мультимедіа -відео - -
- - - -Створення проекту - - - - - - - - - Ієрархія каталогів Kdenlive - - - Ієрархія каталогів Kdenlive - - - -Спочатку слід створити (порожню) теку для нашого нового проекту. Назвемо цю теку quickstart-tutorial/. Далі, нам потрібні будуть декілька зразків відеокліпів. Якщо у вас таких немає, ви можете скористатися нашими зразками: kdenlive-tutorial-videos-2011-avi.tar.bz2 (7 МБ)Якщо ви надаєте перевагу форматам Theora (вам не варто цього робити, оскільки використання відео Ogg зазвичай призводить до проблем), ви можете скористатися іншим архівом kdenlive-tutorial-videos-2011-ogv.tar.bz2., які слід видобути, наприклад, до підтеки quickstart-tutorial/Videos/ у теці проекту. -На наведеному зображенні показано пропоновану структуру каталогів: кожному проекту відведено власник каталог, у якому відеофайли зберігаються у підкаталозі Videos, звукові файли — у підкаталозі Audio тощо. (докладніше про структуру) -(Надалі у цьому підручнику ми припускатимемо, що ви використовуєте надані зразки відео, але ви можете скористатися і власними відеофрагментами.) - - - - - - - - - Діалогове вікно створення проекту - - - Діалогове вікно створення проекту - - - -Запустіть Kdenlive і створіть проект (пункт меню ФайлСтворити). -Виберіть раніше створену теку проекту (quickstart-tutorial/) і відповідний профіль проекту. Згадані вище файли мають параметри 720p, 23,98 кадрів/с.720 — висота зображення, p stands for прогресивна розгортка, на відміну від черезрядкового відео, кількість кадрів на секунду відповідає повному показу кадру. Якщо ви використовуєте власні файли і не можете визначити для них профіль, Kdenlive запропонує відповідний профіль під час додавання першого кліпу, отже ви можете не заповнювати поле профілю, залишивши у ньому типове значення. - -Додавання кліпів - - - - - - - - - Дерево проекту: додавання відеокліпів. - - - Дерево проекту: додавання відеокліпів. - - - -Тепер, коли проект готовий, почнемо додавати до нього нові кліпи (тобто ті кліпи, які ви раніше отримали). Зробити це можна за допомогою віджета Дерево проекту. Натискання кнопки Додати кліп призведе до відкриття діалогового вікна вибору файла, натискання кнопки з невеличкою стрілочкою покаже список додаткових типів файлів, які можна додати. За допомогою типового діалогового вікна Додавання кліпу у Kdenlive можна додавати відекліпи, звукові кліпи, зображення та інші проекти. - - - - - - - - - Вікно Kdenlive 0.8 з тестовими файлами - - - Вікно Kdenlive 0.8 з тестовими файлами - - - -Після завантаження кліпів вікно Kdenlive набуде вигляду, подібного до наведеного. У верхній лівій частині вікна буде вже згадана нами ієрархія тек проекту. Праворуч будуть монітори для спостереження за відео. На моніторі кліпу буде показано відео з початкових версій кліпів, а на моніторі проекту — остаточний вигляд відео з застосуванням ефектів, переходів тощо. Третім дуже важливим елементом вікна є монтажний стіл (під моніторами): це місце, де слід виконувати редагування кліпів. Передбачено два різних типи доріжок: відео та звукові. Відеодоріжки можуть містити будь-який кліп, звукові також, але якщо ви скинете відеофайл на звукову доріжку, буде використано лише звукові дані з відеофайла. - - - - - - - - - Збереження проекту Kdenlive - - - Збереження проекту Kdenlive - - - -Виконаємо збереження нашої роботи за допомогою пункту меню ФайлЗберегти. Програма виконає зберігання нашого проекту, тобто зберігання даних щодо розташування кліпів на монтажному столі, використання ефектів тощо. Збережений проект не можна буде відтворити.Якщо бути точним, його можна відтворити за допомогою команди melt ваш_проект.kdenlive, але цей спосіб не варто використовувати, якщо ви бажаєте показати комусь результати, оскільки (найімовірніше) побудова зображення буде дуже повільною. Крім того, цим способом можна скористатися, лише якщо встановлено melt. Процес створення остаточної версії відео називається Обробка. - -Монтажний стіл -Тепер перейдемо до самого редагування. Кліпи проекту поєднуються у остаточний результат на столі. Перенести кліп на стіл можна за допомогою перетягування з наступним скиданням: перетягніть кліп з неаполітанським соусом (якщо ви користуєтеся вказаними вище файлами проекту, як і у інших розділах цього підручника; якщо ж це не так, переконайтеся, що екран вашого комп’ютера добре захищено від води та помідорів і скиньте його на першу доріжку монтажного столу. - - - - - - - - - Перші кліпи на монтажному столі - - - Перші кліпи на монтажному столі - - - -Оскільки нам знадобиться столове приладдя, скиньте на першу доріжку кліп з ложкою (spoon). Перетягніть кліп з неаполітанським соусом (Napoli) на початок запису на монтажному столі (інакше остаточне відео розпочнеться з декількох секунд з повністю чорним екраном), а кліп з ложкою розташуйте одразу після кліпу з соусом так, як це показано на зображенні ліворуч. (Тут ми збільшили масштаб за допомогою комбінації &Ctrl;коліщатко миші.) - - - - - - - - - Курсор монтажного столу - - - Курсор монтажного столу - - - -Отриманий попередній результат вже можна переглянути натисканням клавіші Пробіл (або кнопки Відтворити на панелі монітора проекту). Ви побачите, що після кліпу Napoli одразу почнеться відтворення кліпу Spoon. Якщо курсор монтажного столу розташовано не на початку, відтворення на моніторі проекту розпочнеться з середини кліпу. Змінити розташування точки початку відтворення можна або перетягуванням на монтажному столі або перетягуванням на моніторі проекту. Якщо ви надаєте перевагу клавіатурним скороченням, натискання комбінації &Ctrl;Home переведе курсор у початкову точку для активного монітора. (Позначте Монітор проекту, якщо його ще не було позначено до використання клавіатурного скорочення.) - - - - - - - - - Позначка зміни розміру - - - Позначка зміни розміру - - - -Після їжі час погратися, у нас ще є кліп з більярдом (Billard). Додайте і його на монтажний стіл. Перші півтори секунди у кліпі нічого не відбувається, тому варто вирізати цю частину, щоб кліп не був занадто нудним. Простий спосібЦе означає, що є ще декілька способів вирізати частину з кліпу. Це саме так. виконання цього завдання полягає у пересуванні курсора монтажного столу до бажаної позиції (тобто позиції, на якій слід обрізати відео), після цього слід перетягти ліву межу кліпу так, щоб на столі з’явилася позначка зміни розміру. Ця позначка прилипне до курсора монтажного столу, коли наблизиться до неї. - - - - - - - - - Перекриття кліпів - - - Перекриття кліпів - - - -Щоб додати перехід між їжею (кліп Spoon) та грою у більярд, нам слід перекрити два цих кліпи. Якщо точніше: зображення другого кліпу має бути над або під зображенням першого, перший кліп має завершуватися на декілька кадрів пізніше за початок другого кліпу. Тут може допомогти збільшення до масштабу, коли стають видимими позначки окремих кадрів. Також варто зберігати однакову тривалість переходів, наприклад, п’ять кадрів у нашому прикладі. -Збільшити масштаб можна бо за допомогою повзунка масштабу у нижній частині вікна Kdenlive або за допомогою натискання комбінації &Ctrl;коліщатко миші. Центром зміни масштабу у Kdenlive є курсор монтажного столу, отже для початку його слід встановити у відповідну позицію, а вже потім виконувати збільшення масштабу. - - - - - - - - - Позначка переходу - - - Позначка переходу - - - -Тепер, коли кліпи перекриваються, можна додати перехід між ними. Зробити це можна або клацанням правою кнопкою миші на верхньому кліпів з наступним вибором пункту Додати перехід у контекстному меню або, простіше, клацанням лівою кнопкою у нижньому правому куті кліпу з ложкою (Spoon). У разі використання другого способу буде типово додано перехід з розмиванням. У цьому разі такий перехід буде найкращим, оскільки ложкою не можна грати у більярд. -За допомогою переходів розмивання можна створити враження переходу першого кліпу у другий. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Давайте додамо останній кліп, кліп з піаніно (Piano) і знову застосуємо перехід з розмиванням. Під час додавання ефекту до першої доріжки на монтажному столі, вам слід клацнути у на лівій нижній межі нового кліпу, щоб додати перехід до попереднього кліпу. -Ефекти - - - - - - - - - Ефекти - - - Ефекти - - - -Розфарбувати кліп з піаніно можна додаванням до нього ефекту. Позначте кліп з піаніно, а потім двічі клацніть лівою кнопкою миші на пункті Коригування RGB у Списку ефектів. Якщо панелі списку не показано, скористайтеся пунктом меню ПереглядЕфекти. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Після додавання ефекту його назву буде показано на кліпі монтажного столу. Цю назву також буде додано до списку віджета Стос ефектів. - - - - - - - - - Стос ефектів з пунктом виправлення RGB - - - Стос ефектів з пунктом виправлення RGB - - - -Щоб надати зображенню теплих жовто-помаранчевих тонів, характерних для вечірнього освітлення, слід зменшити рівень синього кольору і збільшити рівні червоного і зеленого компонентів кольору. -Значення параметрів у віджеті стосу ефектів можна змінювати за допомогою повзунка (клацання коліщатком миші відновлює типове значення) або за допомогою безпосереднього введення значення після подвійного клацання лівою кнопкою миші на числі, розташованому праворуч від повзунка. -Ефекти також можна додати за допомогою кнопки Додати новий ефект (у рамці на зображенні ліворуч) на панелі Стос ефектів. Ефекти завжди застосовуватимуться до поточного позначеного кліпу. Зняттям позначки з відповідного пункту можна тимчасово вимкнути ефект (параметри ефекту при цьому зберігатимуться), таке вимикання може бути корисним, наприклад, для ефектів, застосування яких значно навантажує обчислювальні ресурси. Можна тимчасово вимкнути такі ефекти на час редагування, а потім увімкнути їх перед остаточною обробкою. -Для деяких ефектів, зокрема використаного у нашому прикладі, можна визначати ключові кадри. Такі ефекти позначено піктограмою з переглядом у рамці. Ключові кадри використовують для зміни параметрів ефекту. У нашому кліпі використання ключових кадрів надає змогу поступово змінити колір клавіш піаніно з теплого вечірнього на холодний нічний. - - - - - - - - - Ключові кадри для ефектів - - - Ключові кадри для ефектів - - - -Після натискання піктограми ключового кадру (піктограма з годинником у рамці на попередньому зображенні) у віджеті Стос ефектів буде виконано перевпорядкування. Типово, має бути два ключових кадри, один на початку кліпу на монтажному столі і один наприкінці. Пересуньте курсор монтажного столу на кінець кліпу на монтажному столі так, щоб на моніторі проекту було насправді показано нові кольори при зміні параметрів ключового кадру наприкінці кліпу. -Переконайтеся, що у списку стосу ефектів позначено останній ключовий кадр. Після цього можна заливати зображення клавіш темно-синім кольором. -Після пересування курсора монтажного столу на початок проекту і відтворення запису (за допомогою натискання клавіші Пробіл або кнопки Відтворити на панелі Монітор проекту) зображення клавіш піаніно має змінювати колір вказаним вами чином. -Визначення переходів між ключовими кадрами є найважчою частиною цього підручника. Якщо ви впоралися з ним, ви без проблем станете експертом з Kdenlive! - -Музика - - - - - - - - - Приглушення звуку - - - Приглушення звуку - - - -Оскільки у кліпах не передбачено звукового супроводу, знайдемо якусь композицію з вашої локальної збірки або сторінки, подібної до Jamendo. Звуковий кліп має, після його додавання, опинитися на звуковій доріжці монтажного столу. -Розміри звукового кліпу на монтажному столі можна змінювати у спосіб, подібний до способу зміни розмірів відеокліпів. Курсор автоматично прилипатиме до кінцевої точки проекту. Щоб додати ефект приглушення звуку наприкінці звукової доріжки (якщо файл доріжки не точно збігається за тривалістю з тривалістю проекту), ви можете навести вказівник миші на верхню праву (або ліву) межу кліпу на монтажному столі і перетягнути зелений кружечок на позицію, з якої має розпочатися приглушення.Зелений кружечок — умовна позначка для додавання ефекту ЗнебарвлюванняЗгасання гучності. Використання позначки і пункту меню дає однакові результати. - - -Обробка - - - - - - - - - Діалогове вікно обробки - - - Діалогове вікно обробки - - - -До завершення роботи над проектом залишилося зовсім нічого. Натисніть кнопку Обробити (або скористайтеся пунктом меню ПроектОбробити чи натисніть комбінацію клавіш &Ctrl;&Enter;), щоб викликати діалогове вікно, зразок якого показано вище. Виберіть бажаний файл виведення даних для нового відео з застосуванням всіх ефектів та переходів, виберіть формат MPEG4 (можна переглядати майже всюди) та бітову швидкість у 2000 кБ/с (чим вищим буде значення бітової швидкості, тим більшим буде файл виведених даних та кращою якість зображення, але оскільки початкова бітова швидкість всіх файлів проекту дорівнювала 2000 кБ/с, використання більших значень не призведе до покращення якості зображення, тому не варто ними користуватися) і натисніть кнопку Обробка до файла. - - - - - - - - - Поступ обробки - - - Поступ обробки - - - -За декілька секунд обробку буде завершено, як і роботу над вашим першим проектом Kdenlive. Вітаємо! - - - - -Подяки і ліцензування - Авторські права на переклад документації належать особам, список яких викладено у журналі сторінки Kdenlive/Manual/QuickStart - Переклад українською: Юрій Чорноіван yurchor@ukr.net -&underFDL; -&documentation.index; -
diff -Nru kdenlive-15.13.0+git20160206.6705c57a/po/ar/CMakeLists.txt kdenlive-15.13.0+git20160206.cee1bbb6/po/ar/CMakeLists.txt --- kdenlive-15.13.0+git20160206.6705c57a/po/ar/CMakeLists.txt 2016-02-06 09:13:45.000000000 +0000 +++ kdenlive-15.13.0+git20160206.cee1bbb6/po/ar/CMakeLists.txt 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -GETTEXT_PROCESS_PO_FILES(ar ALL INSTALL_DESTINATION ${LOCALE_INSTALL_DIR} kdenlive.po) diff -Nru kdenlive-15.13.0+git20160206.6705c57a/po/ar/kdenlive.po kdenlive-15.13.0+git20160206.cee1bbb6/po/ar/kdenlive.po --- kdenlive-15.13.0+git20160206.6705c57a/po/ar/kdenlive.po 2016-02-06 09:13:45.000000000 +0000 +++ kdenlive-15.13.0+git20160206.cee1bbb6/po/ar/kdenlive.po 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 @@ -1,11852 +0,0 @@ -# Copyright (C) YEAR This_file_is_part_of_KDE -# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package. -# -# Safa Alfulaij , ٢٠١٥. -msgid "" -msgstr "" -"Project-Id-Version: \n" -"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugs.kde.org\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-12-11 07:07+0000\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-02-04 20:08+0000\n" -"Last-Translator: Safa Alfulaij \n" -"Language-Team: Arabic \n" -"Language: ar\n" -"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" -"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" -"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" -"Plural-Forms: nplurals=6; plural=n==0 ? 0 : n==1 ? 1 : n==2 ? 2 : n%100>=3 " -"&& n%100<=10 ? 3 : n%100>=11 && n%100<=99 ? 4 : 5;\n" -"X-Generator: Lokalize 2.0\n" - -msgctxt "NAME OF TRANSLATORS" -msgid "Your names" -msgstr "صفا الفليج" - -msgctxt "EMAIL OF TRANSLATORS" -msgid "Your emails" -msgstr "safa1996alfulaij@gmail.com" - -#: data/effects/audiobalance.xml:3 data/effects/audiobalance.xml:7 -msgid "Balance" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/audiobalance.xml:4 -msgid "Adjust the left/right balance" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/audiopan.xml:3 data/effects/audiopan.xml:11 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:347 src/project/dialogs/slideshowclip.cpp:73 -msgid "Pan" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/audiopan.xml:4 -msgid "Adjust the left/right spread of a channel" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/audiopan.xml:7 data/effects/channelcopy.xml:7 -#: data/effects/channelcopy.xml:11 -msgid "Left,Right" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/audiopan.xml:8 data/effects/frei0r_bezier_curves.xml:9 -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:9 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:66 -#: data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:10 data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:42 -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:25 -msgid "Channel" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/audiowave.xml:3 -msgid "Audio Wave" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/audiowave.xml:4 -msgid "Display the audio waveform instead of the video" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/audiowaveform.xml:3 -msgid "Audio Waveform Filter" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/audiowaveform.xml:6 data/effects/dynamictext.xml:22 -#: data/effects/pan_zoom.xml:13 data/effects/rotation.xml:40 -#: data/effects/rotation_keyframable.xml:22 -msgid "Background Color" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/audiowaveform.xml:9 data/effects/dynamictext.xml:19 -msgid "Foreground Color" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/audiowaveform.xml:12 -msgid "Line Thickness" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/audiowaveform.xml:15 data/effects/movit_rect.xml:6 -#: data/effects/pan_zoom.xml:7 -msgid "Rectangle" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/audiowaveform.xml:18 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:721 -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:766 -msgid "Fill" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/automask.xml:3 -msgid "Auto Mask" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/automask.xml:4 -msgid "Hide a selected zone and follow its movements" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/automask.xml:7 data/effects/dynamictext.xml:7 -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:718 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:745 -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:763 -msgid "Geometry" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/automask.xml:10 -msgid "Macroblock width" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/automask.xml:13 -msgid "Macroblock height" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/automask.xml:16 -msgid "Maximum x distance" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/automask.xml:19 -msgid "Maximum y distance" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/automask.xml:22 -msgid "Denoise" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/automask.xml:25 -msgid "Debug" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/automask.xml:28 data/effects/obscure.xml:3 -msgid "Obscure" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/automask.xml:36 data/effects/loudness.xml:12 -msgid "Analyse" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/boxblur.xml:3 -msgid "Box Blur" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/boxblur.xml:4 -msgid "Box blur (separate horizontal and vertical blur)" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/boxblur.xml:7 -msgid "Horizontal multiplicator" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/boxblur.xml:10 -msgid "Vertical multiplicator" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/boxblur.xml:13 -msgid "Blur factor" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/brightness.xml:3 -msgid "Brightness (keyframable)" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/brightness.xml:4 -msgid "Change image brightness with keyframes" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/brightness.xml:7 -msgid "Intensity" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/channelcopy.xml:3 -msgid "Mono to stereo" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/channelcopy.xml:4 -msgid "Copy one channel to another" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_4) -#: data/effects/channelcopy.xml:8 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:486 -msgid "From" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/channelcopy.xml:12 -msgid "To" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/charcoal.xml:3 -msgid "Charcoal" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/charcoal.xml:4 -msgid "Charcoal drawing effect" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/charcoal.xml:7 -msgid "Horizontal scatter" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/charcoal.xml:10 -msgid "Vertical scatter" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/charcoal.xml:13 -msgid "Scale" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/charcoal.xml:16 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:757 -msgid "Mix" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/charcoal.xml:19 data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:31 -#: data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:63 data/effects/frei0r_mask0mate.xml:19 -#: data/effects/invert.xml:3 data/effects/mirror.xml:11 -#: data/effects/rotoscoping.xml:18 src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:215 -msgid "Invert" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/chroma.xml:3 -msgid "Chroma Key" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/chroma.xml:4 -msgid "Make selected color transparent" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/chroma.xml:7 data/effects/chroma_hold.xml:7 -msgid "Color key" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/chroma.xml:10 data/effects/chroma_hold.xml:10 -msgid "Variance" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/chroma_hold.xml:3 -msgid "Chroma Hold" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/chroma_hold.xml:4 -msgid "Make image greyscale except for chosen color" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/crop.xml:3 -msgid "Edge Crop" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/crop.xml:4 -msgid "Trim the edges of a clip" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/crop.xml:7 data/effects/frei0r_mask0mate.xml:13 -msgid "Top" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/crop.xml:10 data/effects/frei0r_mask0mate.xml:7 -msgid "Left" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/crop.xml:13 data/effects/frei0r_mask0mate.xml:16 -msgid "Bottom" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/crop.xml:16 data/effects/frei0r_mask0mate.xml:10 -msgid "Right" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/crop.xml:19 -msgid "Automatic center-crop" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/crop.xml:22 -msgid "Center balance" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/crop.xml:25 -msgid "Use project resolution" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/dust.xml:3 -msgid "Dust" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/dust.xml:4 -msgid "Add dust and specks to the video, as in old movies" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/dust.xml:7 -msgid "Maximal Diameter" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/dust.xml:10 -msgid "Maximal number of dust" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/dynamictext.xml:3 -msgid "Dynamic Text" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/dynamictext.xml:4 -msgid "Overlay text with keywords replaced" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/dynamictext.xml:10 -msgid "Font Family" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/dynamictext.xml:13 -msgid "Font Size" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/dynamictext.xml:16 -msgid "Font Weight" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/dynamictext.xml:25 -msgid "Outline Color" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/dynamictext.xml:28 -msgid "Outline Width" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/dynamictext.xml:31 -msgid "Padding" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/dynamictext.xml:34 -msgid "Left,Center,Right" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/dynamictext.xml:35 -msgid "Horizontal Alignment" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/dynamictext.xml:38 -msgid "Top,Middle,Bottom" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/dynamictext.xml:39 -msgid "Vertical Alignment" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, text_box) -#: data/effects/dynamictext.xml:42 src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:55 -#: src/ui/templateclip_ui.ui:34 -msgid "Text" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/fade_from_black.xml:3 -msgid "Fade from Black" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/fade_from_black.xml:4 -msgid "Fade video from black" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_duration) -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, ClipDurationDialog_UI) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, duration_label) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: data/effects/fade_from_black.xml:7 data/effects/fade_to_black.xml:7 -#: data/effects/fadein.xml:10 data/effects/fadeout.xml:7 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:133 -#: src/ui/clipdurationdialog_ui.ui:14 src/ui/clipdurationdialog_ui.ui:40 -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:58 src/ui/colorclip_ui.ui:37 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:747 src/utils/freesound.cpp:157 -#: src/utils/freesound.cpp:196 src/utils/freesound.cpp:197 -#: src/utils/freesound.cpp:198 -msgid "Duration" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/fade_from_black.xml:10 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/bezier/beziersplinewidget.cpp:52 -msgid "In" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: data/effects/fade_from_black.xml:13 data/effects/fade_to_black.xml:13 -#: src/ui/wipeval_ui.ui:22 -msgid "Start" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_4) -#: data/effects/fade_from_black.xml:16 data/effects/fade_to_black.xml:16 -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:409 src/ui/wipeval_ui.ui:167 -msgid "End" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/fade_to_black.xml:3 -msgid "Fade to Black" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/fade_to_black.xml:4 -msgid "Fade video to black" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/fade_to_black.xml:10 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/bezier/beziersplinewidget.cpp:54 -msgid "Out" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/fadein.xml:3 -msgid "Fade in" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/fadein.xml:4 -msgid "Fade in audio track" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/fadein.xml:13 data/effects/fadeout.xml:13 -msgid "Start Gain" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/fadein.xml:16 data/effects/fadeout.xml:16 -msgid "End Gain" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/fadeout.xml:3 -msgid "Fade out" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/fadeout.xml:4 -msgid "Fade out audio track" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/freeze.xml:3 -msgid "Freeze" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/freeze.xml:4 -msgid "Freeze video on a chosen frame" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/freeze.xml:7 -msgid "Freeze at" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/freeze.xml:10 -msgid "Freeze Before" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/freeze.xml:13 -msgid "Freeze After" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_3dflippo.xml:3 -msgid "3dflippo" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_3dflippo.xml:4 -msgid "Frame rotation in 3D space" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_3dflippo.xml:7 -msgid "X axis rotation" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_3dflippo.xml:10 -msgid "Y axis rotation" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_3dflippo.xml:13 -msgid "Z axis rotation" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_3dflippo.xml:16 -msgid "X axis rotation rate" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_3dflippo.xml:19 -msgid "Y axis rotation rate" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_3dflippo.xml:22 -msgid "Z axis rotation rate" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_3dflippo.xml:25 -msgid "Center position (X)" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_3dflippo.xml:28 -msgid "Center position (Y)" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_3dflippo.xml:31 -msgid "Invert rotation assignment" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_3dflippo.xml:34 -msgid "Don't blank mask" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_3dflippo.xml:37 -msgid "Fill with image or black" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:4 data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:36 -msgid "Alpha operations" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:5 data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:37 -msgid "Display and manipulation of the alpha channel" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:9 data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:41 -msgid "" -"Image,Alpha as gray,Gray + red,Selection on black,Selection on gray," -"Selection on white,Selection on checkers" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:10 data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:42 -msgid "Display" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:14 data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:46 -msgid "Display input alpha" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:18 -msgid "NO OP,Shave,Shrink hard,Shrink soft,Grow hard,Grow soft,Threshold" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:19 data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:51 -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphagrad.xml:30 data/effects/frei0r_alphaspot.xml:47 -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:45 data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:96 -msgid "Operation" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:23 data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:55 -#: data/effects/frei0r_threshold0r.xml:7 data/effects/threshold.xml:3 -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:217 -msgid "Threshold" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:27 -msgid "Shrink/grow amount" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:50 -msgid "NO OP,Shave,Shrink hard,Shrink soft,Grow hard,Grow soft,Threshold,Blur" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:59 -msgid "Shrink/Grow/Blur amount" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphagrad.xml:3 -msgid "Alpha gradient" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphagrad.xml:4 -msgid "Fill the alpha channel with a specified gradient" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, clip_filesize_2) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, position_label) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, import_position) -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphagrad.xml:9 src/effectstack/keyframeedit.cpp:55 -#: src/ui/clipdurationdialog_ui.ui:20 src/ui/importkeyframesdialog_ui.ui:80 -#: src/ui/keyframedialog_ui.ui:20 src/ui/markerdialog_ui.ui:20 -msgid "Position" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphagrad.xml:13 data/effects/frei0r_alphaspot.xml:34 -msgid "Transition width" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphagrad.xml:17 data/effects/frei0r_alphaspot.xml:30 -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:16 -msgid "Tilt" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphagrad.xml:21 data/effects/frei0r_alphaspot.xml:38 -msgid "Min" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphagrad.xml:25 data/effects/frei0r_alphaspot.xml:42 -msgid "Max" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphagrad.xml:29 data/effects/frei0r_alphaspot.xml:46 -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:44 data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:95 -msgid "Write on clear,Max,Min,Add,Subtract" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphaspot.xml:3 -msgid "Alpha shapes" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphaspot.xml:4 -msgid "Draws simple shapes into the alpha channel" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphaspot.xml:9 -msgid "Rectangle,Ellipse,Triangle,Diamond" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphaspot.xml:10 data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:29 -#: data/effects/sox_flanger.xml:22 -msgid "Shape" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphaspot.xml:14 -msgid "Position X" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphaspot.xml:18 -msgid "Position Y" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphaspot.xml:22 -msgid "Size X" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphaspot.xml:26 -msgid "Size Y" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_balanc0r.xml:4 data/effects/frei0r_balanc0r.xml:15 -msgid "White Balance" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_balanc0r.xml:5 data/effects/frei0r_balanc0r.xml:16 -msgid "Adjust the white balance / color temperature" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_balanc0r.xml:8 data/effects/frei0r_balanc0r.xml:19 -#: data/effects/frei0r_colgate.xml:8 data/effects/movit_white_balance.xml:6 -msgid "Neutral Color" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_balanc0r.xml:11 data/effects/frei0r_balanc0r.xml:22 -msgid "Green Tint" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_baltan.xml:3 -msgid "Baltan" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_baltan.xml:4 -msgid "Delayed alpha smoothed blit of time" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_bezier_curves.xml:3 -msgid "Bézier Curves" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_bezier_curves.xml:4 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:5 -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:62 -msgid "Color curves adjustment" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_bezier_curves.xml:8 -msgid "RGB,Red,Green,Blue,Alpha,Luma,Hue,Saturation" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_bezier_curves.xml:13 -#: data/effects/frei0r_coloradj_rgb.xml:33 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:12 -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:69 -msgid "Rec. 601,Rec. 709" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_bezier_curves.xml:14 -#: data/effects/frei0r_coloradj_rgb.xml:34 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:13 -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:70 -msgid "Luma formula" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_brightness.xml:3 data/effects/frei0r_brightness.xml:7 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lenscorrection.xml:19 data/effects/grain.xml:13 -msgid "Brightness" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_brightness.xml:4 -msgid "Adjusts the brightness of a source image" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:3 -msgid "Corners" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:4 -msgid "Four corners geometry engine" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:8 -msgid "Corner 1 X" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:12 -msgid "Corner 1 Y" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:16 -msgid "Corner 2 X" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:20 -msgid "Corner 2 Y" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:24 -msgid "Corner 3 X" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:28 -msgid "Corner 3 Y" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:32 -msgid "Corner 4 X" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:36 -msgid "Corner 4 Y" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:40 -msgid "Stretch X" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:44 -msgid "Stretch Y" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:48 -msgid "Feather Alpha" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:52 -msgid "Enable Stretch" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:56 data/effects/frei0r_defish0r.xml:24 -msgid "" -"Nearest neighbor,Bilinear,Bicubic smooth,Bicubic sharp,Spline 4x4,Spline 6x6," -"Lanczos" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:57 data/effects/frei0r_defish0r.xml:25 -msgid "Interpolator" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:61 data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:63 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:136 -msgid "Transparent Background" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:65 data/effects/rotoscoping.xml:13 -msgid "Write on clear,Maximum,Minimum,Add,Subtract" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:66 -msgid "Alpha operation" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_cartoon.xml:4 data/effects/frei0r_cartoon.xml:15 -msgid "Cartoon" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_cartoon.xml:5 data/effects/frei0r_cartoon.xml:16 -msgid "Cartoonify video, do a form of edge detect" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_cartoon.xml:8 data/effects/frei0r_cartoon.xml:19 -msgid "Level of trip" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_cartoon.xml:11 data/effects/frei0r_cartoon.xml:22 -msgid "Difference space" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_cluster.xml:3 -msgid "K-Means Clustering" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_cluster.xml:4 -msgid "Clusters of a source image by color and spatial distance" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_cluster.xml:7 -msgid "Amount of clusters" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_cluster.xml:10 -msgid "Weight on distance" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_colgate.xml:3 -msgid "White Balance (LMS space)" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_colgate.xml:5 -msgid "" -"Do simple color correction, in a physically meaningful\n" -"way" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_colgate.xml:12 data/effects/movit_white_balance.xml:9 -msgid "Color Temperature" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_coloradj_rgb.xml:3 -msgid "RGB adjustment" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_coloradj_rgb.xml:4 -msgid "Simple color adjustment" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, cbR) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonSelectRects) -#: data/effects/frei0r_coloradj_rgb.xml:8 src/ui/histogram_ui.ui:30 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:733 -msgid "R" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, cbG) -#: data/effects/frei0r_coloradj_rgb.xml:12 src/ui/histogram_ui.ui:37 -msgid "G" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, cbB) -#: data/effects/frei0r_coloradj_rgb.xml:16 src/ui/histogram_ui.ui:44 -msgid "B" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_coloradj_rgb.xml:20 -msgid "Add constant,Change gamma,Multiply" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_coloradj_rgb.xml:21 -msgid "Action" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_coloradj_rgb.xml:25 -msgid "Keep luma" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_coloradj_rgb.xml:29 -msgid "Alpha controlled" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_colordistance.xml:3 -msgid "Color Distance" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_colordistance.xml:4 -msgid "" -"Calculates the distance between the selected color and the current pixel and " -"uses that value as new pixel value" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_colordistance.xml:7 -msgid "Source Color" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_colortap.xml:3 -msgid "Color Effect" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_colortap.xml:4 -msgid "Applies a pre-made color effect to image" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, treeWidget) -#: data/effects/frei0r_colortap.xml:7 data/effects/frei0r_defish0r.xml:14 -#: data/effects/frei0r_iirblur.xml:14 data/effects/frei0r_medians.xml:9 -#: src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:74 src/ui/missingclips_ui.ui:67 -msgid "Type" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_contrast0r.xml:3 data/effects/frei0r_contrast0r.xml:7 -#: data/effects/grain.xml:10 src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:209 -msgid "Contrast" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_contrast0r.xml:4 -msgid "Adjusts the contrast of a source image" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:4 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:61 -msgid "Curves" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:8 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:65 -#: data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:9 data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:41 -msgid "Red,Green,Blue,Luma" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:20 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:77 -msgid "Number of curve points" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:23 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:80 -msgid "Point 1 input value" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:26 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:83 -msgid "Point 1 output value" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:29 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:86 -msgid "Point 2 input value" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:32 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:89 -msgid "Point 2 output value" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:35 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:92 -msgid "Point 3 input value" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:38 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:95 -msgid "Point 3 output value" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:41 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:98 -msgid "Point 4 input value" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:44 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:101 -msgid "Point 4 output value" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:47 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:104 -msgid "Point 5 input value" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:50 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:107 -msgid "Point 5 output value" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:53 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:110 -msgid "Show graph in picture" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:56 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:113 -#: data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:31 data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:63 -msgid "Top Left,Top Right,Bottom Left,Bottom Right" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:57 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:114 -msgid "Graph position" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_d90stairsteppingfix.xml:3 -msgid "Nikon D90 Stairstepping fix" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_d90stairsteppingfix.xml:7 -msgid "" -"Removes stairstepping artifacts from Nikon D90's 720p videos.\n" -" \n" -" " -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_defish0r.xml:3 -msgid "Defish" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_defish0r.xml:4 -msgid "Non rectilinear lens mappings" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_defish0r.xml:7 data/effects/frei0r_iirblur.xml:8 -#: data/effects/frei0r_sharpness.xml:8 data/effects/movit_unsharp_mask.xml:9 -msgid "Amount" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_defish0r.xml:10 -msgid "DeFish" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_defish0r.xml:13 -msgid "Equidistant,Orthographic,Equiarea,Stereographic" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_defish0r.xml:17 -msgid "Fill,Center,Fit,Manual" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, lblScaling) -#: data/effects/frei0r_defish0r.xml:18 src/effectstack/dragvalue.cpp:108 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:207 -#: src/ui/colorplaneexport_ui.ui:74 -msgid "Scaling" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_defish0r.xml:21 -msgid "Manual Scale" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_defish0r.xml:28 -msgid "Square,PAL DV,NTSC DV,HDV,Manual" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_defish0r.xml:29 -msgid "Aspect type" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_defish0r.xml:32 -msgid "Manual Aspect" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_delay0r.xml:3 -msgid "delay0r" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_delay0r.xml:4 -msgid "Video delay" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_delay0r.xml:7 -msgid "Delay time" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_delaygrab.xml:3 -msgid "Delay grab" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_delaygrab.xml:4 -msgid "Delayed frame blitting mapped on a time bitmap" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_distort0r.xml:3 data/effects/pan_zoom.xml:10 -#: data/kdenliveeffectscategory.rc:35 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:722 -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:746 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:767 -msgid "Distort" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_distort0r.xml:4 -msgid "Plasma" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_distort0r.xml:7 data/effects/wave.xml:7 -msgid "Amplitude" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_distort0r.xml:10 data/effects/sox_bass.xml:10 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:249 -msgid "Frequency" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_edgeglow.xml:3 -msgid "Edge glow" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_edgeglow.xml:4 -msgid "Edge glow filter" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_edgeglow.xml:7 -msgid "Edge lightening threshold" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_edgeglow.xml:10 -msgid "Edge brightness upscaling multiplier" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_edgeglow.xml:13 -msgid "Non-edge brightness downscaling multiplier" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_equaliz0r.xml:3 -msgid "Equaliz0r" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_equaliz0r.xml:4 -msgid "Equalizes the intensity histograms" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facebl0r.xml:3 -msgid "Face blur" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facebl0r.xml:4 -msgid "Automatically detect and blur a face using OpenCV" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facebl0r.xml:8 data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:8 -msgid "Search scale" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facebl0r.xml:9 data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:9 -#, no-c-format -msgid "" -"The search window scale factor. For example, 120 = 1.20 = increases by 20% " -"on each pass." -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facebl0r.xml:13 data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:13 -msgid "Neighbors" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facebl0r.xml:14 data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:14 -msgid "Minimum number of rectangles that determines an object." -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facebl0r.xml:18 data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:18 -msgid "Smallest" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facebl0r.xml:19 data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:19 -msgid "The minimum window size in pixels." -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facebl0r.xml:23 -msgid "Largest" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facebl0r.xml:24 -msgid "" -"The largest size face in pixels - both horizontally and vertically (square " -"window)." -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facebl0r.xml:28 data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:23 -msgid "Recheck" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facebl0r.xml:29 data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:24 -msgid "" -"How often to detect a face. In between checks, it does object motion " -"tracking." -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facebl0r.xml:33 -msgid "Show ellipse" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facebl0r.xml:34 -msgid "Draw a blue ellipse around the face area?" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:3 -msgid "Face detect" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:4 -msgid "Detect faces and draw shapes on them using OpenCV" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:28 -msgid "circle,ellipse,rectangle,random" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:33 -msgid "Stroke width" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:34 -msgid "" -"0 means fill; otherwise, draw unfilled with a stroke width of this size." -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:38 -msgid "Alpha" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:39 -msgid "" -"Set the alpha channel of the shape area to a percentage of fully opaque." -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:43 -msgid "Antialias" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:44 -msgid "Draw with anti-aliasing?" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:50 -msgid "Color 1" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:51 -msgid "Set the shape color of the first detected face." -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:55 -msgid "Color 2" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:56 -msgid "Set the shape color of the second detected face." -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:60 -msgid "Color 3" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:61 -msgid "Set the shape color of the third detected face." -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:65 -msgid "Color 4" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:66 -msgid "Set the shape color of the fourth detected face." -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:70 -msgid "Color 5" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:71 -msgid "Set the shape color of the fifth detected face." -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_flippo.xml:3 -msgid "Flippo" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_flippo.xml:4 -msgid "Flipping in X and Y axis" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_flippo.xml:7 -msgid "X axis" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_flippo.xml:10 -msgid "Y axis" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_glow.xml:3 -msgid "Glow" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_glow.xml:4 -msgid "Creates a Glamorous Glow" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_glow.xml:7 data/effects/frei0r_iirblur.xml:3 -#: data/effects/frei0r_mask0mate.xml:22 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:158 -msgid "Blur" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_hqdn3d.xml:3 -msgid "Denoiser" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_hqdn3d.xml:4 -msgid "High quality 3D denoiser" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_hqdn3d.xml:8 -msgid "Spatial" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_hqdn3d.xml:9 -msgid "Amount of spatial filtering" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_hqdn3d.xml:13 -msgid "Temporal" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_hqdn3d.xml:14 -msgid "Amount of temporal filtering" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_hueshift0r.xml:3 -msgid "Hue shift" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_hueshift0r.xml:4 -msgid "Shifts the hue of a source image" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_hueshift0r.xml:7 -msgid "Hue" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_iirblur.xml:4 -msgid "Blur using 2D IIR filters (Exponential, Lowpass, Gaussian)" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_iirblur.xml:9 -msgid "Amount of blur" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_iirblur.xml:13 -msgid "Exponential,Lowpass,Gaussian" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_iirblur.xml:15 -msgid "Select blurring algorithm" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_iirblur.xml:19 -msgid "Edge" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_iirblur.xml:20 -msgid "Enable edge compensation" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:3 -msgid "Key Spill Mop Up" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:4 -msgid "Reduces the visibility of key color spill in chroma keying" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:8 -msgid "Key color" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:12 -msgid "Target color" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:16 -msgid "Color distance, Transparency, Edge inwards, Edge outwards" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:17 -msgid "Mask type" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:21 -msgid "Tolerance" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:25 -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:91 -msgid "Slope" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:29 -msgid "Hue gate" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:33 -msgid "Saturation threshold" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:37 -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:46 -msgid "None, De-Key, Target, Desaturate, Luma adjust" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:38 -msgid "Operation 1" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:42 -msgid "Amount 1" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:47 -msgid "Operation 2" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:51 -msgid "Amount 2" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:55 -msgid "Show mask" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:59 -msgid "Mask to Alpha" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lenscorrection.xml:3 -msgid "Lens Correction" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lenscorrection.xml:4 -msgid "Allows compensation of lens distortion" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lenscorrection.xml:7 -msgid "Horizontal center" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lenscorrection.xml:10 -msgid "Vertical center" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lenscorrection.xml:13 -msgid "Center correction" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lenscorrection.xml:16 -msgid "Edges correction" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_letterb0xed.xml:3 -msgid "LetterB0xed" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_letterb0xed.xml:4 -msgid "Adds black borders at top and bottom for cinema look" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_letterb0xed.xml:7 -msgid "Border Width" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: data/effects/frei0r_letterb0xed.xml:10 data/effects/frei0r_timeout.xml:13 -#: src/ui/wipeval_ui.ui:136 src/ui/wipeval_ui.ui:281 -msgid "Transparency" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:4 data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:36 -msgid "Levels" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:5 data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:37 -msgid "Adjust levels" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:13 data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:45 -msgid "Input black level" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:16 data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:48 -msgid "Input white level" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:19 data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:51 -#: data/effects/gamma.xml:3 data/effects/gamma.xml:7 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/lumaliftgain.cpp:63 -msgid "Gamma" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:22 data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:54 -msgid "Black output" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:25 data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:57 -msgid "White output" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:28 data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:60 -msgid "Show histogram" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:32 data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:64 -msgid "Histogram position" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:4 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:77 -msgid "Light Graffiti" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:7 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:80 -msgid "" -"Light Graffiti effect.\n" -" " -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:10 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:83 -msgid "Brightness Threshold" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:12 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:85 -msgid "" -"R+G+B) does a pixel need to be in order to " -"be recognized as a light source?
\n" -" Increasing this threshold requires brighter light sources (i.e. " -"more white or less color, respectively) but prevents some «false alarms» " -"where semi-bright parts, e.g. hands where colors can change quite a lot " -"compared to the background, are incorrectly recognized as light source.]]>" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:15 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:88 -msgid "Difference Threshold" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:17 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:90 -msgid "" -"max(dR, dG, dB)), in " -"order to be recognized as light source?
\n" -" Increasing this threshold makes it harder for light sources to " -"be accepted on bright backgrounds, but decreases the danger of noise or " -"generally bright spots counting as light source.]]>" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:20 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:93 -msgid "Difference Sum Threshold" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:22 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:95 -msgid "" -"relative to the " -"background image (dR + dG + dB) have to change until a " -"pixel is recognized as a light source?
\n" -" Raising this value might, in some cases, avoid that some light " -"objects lit by the light source are added to the light mask.]]>" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:25 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:98 -msgid "Sensitivity" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:27 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:100 -msgid "" -"\n" -" For slowly moving light source try to use a lower sensitivity to " -"obtain a better exposure.]]>" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:30 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:103 -msgid "Lower Overexposure" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:32 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:105 -msgid "" -"\n" -" The light mask does not get white immediately when the light " -"source is moving slowly or staying steady.]]>" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:35 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:108 -msgid "Dimming" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:36 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:109 -msgid "" -"Dims the light mask. Lights will leave a fainting trail if it is set to a " -"value > 0." -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:39 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:112 -msgid "Background Weight" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:40 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:113 -msgid "" -"Strength of the (calculated) background image. Setting it to 100 paints the " -"light mask directly over the background, without the painting person in the " -"image if the video starts with a «clean» background image. (See the α " -"parameter.)" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:43 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:116 -msgid "α" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:45 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:118 -msgid "" -"\n" -" The Light Graffiti effect remembers the first frame of the clip " -"it is applied to, so the clip should always start with the painter " -"outside of the video. If the background constantly changes, e.g. on a " -"street, try to set α > 0 to calculate an average background image.]]>" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:48 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:121 -#: data/effects/frei0r_saturat0r.xml:3 data/effects/frei0r_saturat0r.xml:7 -#: data/effects/movit_saturation.xml:6 -msgid "Saturation" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:49 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:122 -msgid "Increases the saturation of lights." -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:52 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:125 -msgid "Show brightness statistics" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:54 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:127 -msgid "" -"\n" -" Example: To adjust the brightness threshold, check this box and " -"adjust the threshold until the whole light source is highlighted. Repeat the " -"same with the other parameters. Only parts that are highlighted in all thresholds will count as light source.]]>" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:57 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:130 -msgid "Show background difference statistics" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:60 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:133 -msgid "Show background difference sum statistics" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:64 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:137 -msgid "" -"Makes the background transparent, allowing to apply a composite effect and " -"paint the light mask over a completely different video." -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:67 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:140 -msgid "Nonlinear dimming" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:68 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:141 -msgid "If normal dimming does not look natural enough, try this one." -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:71 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:144 -#: src/effectstack/geometryval.cpp:95 src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:86 -msgid "Reset" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:72 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:145 -msgid "" -"Resets the light mask and the background image. This is necessary e.g. if " -"you apply this effect to a clip in the timeline and then move the timeline " -"cursor from outside of the clip to the middle of it. The effect receives " -"this frame in the middle as first frame and uses it as background image. For " -"proper threshold adjusting move the timeline cursor to the beginning of the " -"clip, check the Reset box and uncheck it again." -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_luminance.xml:3 -msgid "Luminance" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_luminance.xml:4 -msgid "Creates a luminance map of the image" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_mask0mate.xml:3 -msgid "Mask0Mate" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_mask0mate.xml:4 -msgid "Creates an square alpha-channel mask" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_medians.xml:3 -msgid "Medians" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_medians.xml:4 -msgid "Implements several median-type filters" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_medians.xml:8 -msgid "" -"Cross5,Square3x3,Bilevel,Diamond3x3,Square5x5,Temp3,Temp5,ArceBI,ML3D,ML3dEX," -"VarSize" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_5) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, import_size) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_20) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, treeWidget) -#: data/effects/frei0r_medians.xml:13 data/effects/frei0r_sharpness.xml:12 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:208 -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:563 src/ui/importkeyframesdialog_ui.ui:73 -#: src/ui/managecaptures_ui.ui:40 src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:201 -msgid "Size" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_nervous.xml:3 -msgid "Nervous" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_nervous.xml:4 -msgid "Flushes frames in time in a nervous way" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_nosync0r.xml:3 -msgid "nosync0r" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_nosync0r.xml:4 -msgid "Broken TV" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_nosync0r.xml:7 -msgid "HSync" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pixeliz0r.xml:3 -msgid "Pixelize" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pixeliz0r.xml:4 -msgid "Pixelize input image." -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pixeliz0r.xml:7 -msgid "Block Size X" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pixeliz0r.xml:10 -msgid "Block Size Y" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0be.xml:3 -msgid "pr0be" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0be.xml:4 -msgid "Measure video values" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0be.xml:8 -msgid "RGB,Y'PbPr - rec. 601,Y'PbPr - rec. 709,HSV,HSL" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0be.xml:9 -msgid "Measurement" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0be.xml:13 data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:8 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/bezier/beziersplinewidget.cpp:56 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/bezier/beziersplinewidget.cpp:60 -#: src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:144 -msgid "X" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_5) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, cbY) -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0be.xml:17 data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:12 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/bezier/beziersplinewidget.cpp:58 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/bezier/beziersplinewidget.cpp:62 -#: src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:164 src/ui/histogram_ui.ui:23 -msgid "Y" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0be.xml:21 -msgid "X size" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0be.xml:25 -msgid "Y size" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0be.xml:29 data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:81 -msgid "256 scale" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0be.xml:33 -msgid "Show alpha" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0be.xml:37 -msgid "Big window" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:3 -msgid "pr0file" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:4 -msgid "2D video oscilloscope" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:20 -msgid "Length" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:24 -msgid "R,G,B,Y',Pr,Pb,Alpha" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:29 -msgid "Marker 1" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:33 -msgid "Marker 2" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:37 -msgid "R trace" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:41 -msgid "G trace" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:45 -msgid "B trace" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:49 -msgid "Y trace" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:53 -msgid "Pr trace" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:57 -msgid "Pb trace" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:61 -msgid "Alpha trace" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:65 -msgid "Display average" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:69 -msgid "Display RMS" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:73 -msgid "Display minimum" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:77 -msgid "Display maximum" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:85 -msgid "CCIR rec. 601,CCIR rec. 709" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_13) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, background_list) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_9) -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:86 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:156 -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:176 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:182 -#: src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:197 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:944 -msgid "Color" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:90 -msgid "Crosshair color" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_primaries.xml:3 -msgid "Primaries" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_primaries.xml:4 -msgid "Reduce image to primary colors" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_primaries.xml:7 data/effects/sox_stretch.xml:7 -msgid "Factor" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_primaries.xml:8 -msgid " 32 = 0]]>" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QWidget, RGBParade_UI) -#: data/effects/frei0r_rgbparade.xml:3 src/scopes/scopemanager.cpp:308 -#: src/ui/rgbparade_ui.ui:14 -msgid "RGB Parade" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_rgbparade.xml:4 -msgid "Display a histogram of R, G and B components of the video data" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_saturat0r.xml:4 -msgid "Adjusts the saturation of a source image" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_scale0tilt.xml:3 -msgid "Crop, Scale and Position" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_scale0tilt.xml:4 -msgid "Scales, Tilts and Crops an Image" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_scale0tilt.xml:7 -msgid "Clip left" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_scale0tilt.xml:10 -msgid "Clip right" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_scale0tilt.xml:13 -msgid "Clip top" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_scale0tilt.xml:16 -msgid "Clip bottom" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_scale0tilt.xml:19 -msgid "Scale X" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_scale0tilt.xml:22 -msgid "Scale Y" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_scale0tilt.xml:25 -msgid "Tilt X" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_scale0tilt.xml:28 -msgid "Tilt Y" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_scanline0r.xml:3 -msgid "scanline0r" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_scanline0r.xml:4 -msgid "Interlaced black lines" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:4 data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:51 -msgid "Color Selection" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:5 data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:52 -msgid "Color based alpha selection" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:9 data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:56 -msgid "Color to select" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:13 data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:60 -msgid "Invert selection" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:17 data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:79 -msgid "Delta R / A / Hue" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:21 data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:83 -msgid "Delta G / B / Chroma" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:25 data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:87 -msgid "Delta B / I / I" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:29 data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:64 -msgid "RGB,ABI,HCI" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:30 data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:65 -msgid "Selection subspace" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:34 data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:69 -msgid "Box,Ellipsoid,Diamond" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:35 data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:70 -msgid "Subspace shape" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:39 -msgid "Hard,Fat,Normal,Skinny" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:40 data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:75 -msgid "Edge mode" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:74 -msgid "Hard,Fat,Normal,Skinny,Slope" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sharpness.xml:3 -msgid "Sharpen" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sharpness.xml:4 -msgid "Unsharp masking (port from Mplayer)" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sobel.xml:3 -msgid "Sobel" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sobel.xml:4 -msgid "Sobel filter" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:4 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:59 -msgid "SOP/Sat" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:5 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:60 -msgid "" -"Changes Slope, Offset, and Power of the color components, and the overall " -"Saturation, according to the ASC CDL (Color Decision List)." -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:8 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:63 -msgid "Slope Red" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:10 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:65 -msgid "" -"\n" -" All effects can be observed well when applied on a greyscale " -"gradient and looking at the RGB Parade monitor.]]>" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:13 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:68 -msgid "Slope Green" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:16 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:71 -msgid "Slope Blue" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:19 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:74 -msgid "Slope Alpha" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:23 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:78 -msgid "Offset Red" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:24 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:79 -msgid "" -"Changing the offset lifts (or lowers) the brightness of each pixel by the " -"given value." -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:27 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:82 -msgid "Offset Green" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:30 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:85 -msgid "Offset Blue" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:33 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:88 -msgid "Offset Alpha" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:37 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:92 -msgid "Power Red" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:39 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:94 -msgid "" -"\n" -" Mathematically, what happens is an exponentiation of the " -"pixel brightness on [0,1] by the gamma value.]]>" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:42 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:97 -msgid "Power Green" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:45 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:100 -msgid "Power Blue" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:48 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:103 -msgid "Power Alpha" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:52 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:107 -msgid "Overall Saturation" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:53 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:108 -msgid "The overall saturation will be changed in the last step of this filter." -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_squareblur.xml:3 -msgid "Square Blur" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_squareblur.xml:4 -msgid "Square blur" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_squareblur.xml:7 -msgid "Kernel size" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_tehroxx0r.xml:3 -msgid "TehRoxx0r" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_tehroxx0r.xml:4 -msgid "Something videowall-ish" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_tehroxx0r.xml:7 -msgid "Interval" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_three_point_balance.xml:3 -msgid "3 point balance" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_three_point_balance.xml:4 -msgid "Balances colors along with 3 points" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_three_point_balance.xml:7 -msgid "Black color" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_three_point_balance.xml:10 -msgid "Gray color" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_three_point_balance.xml:13 -msgid "White color" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_three_point_balance.xml:16 -msgid "Split screen preview" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_three_point_balance.xml:19 -msgid "Source image on left side" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_threelay0r.xml:3 -msgid "threelay0r" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_threelay0r.xml:4 -msgid "Dynamic 3-level thresholding" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_threshold0r.xml:3 -msgid "Threshold0r" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_threshold0r.xml:4 -msgid "Thresholds a source image" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_timeout.xml:4 -msgid "Timeout indicator" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_timeout.xml:7 -msgid "Indicator color" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, markers_list) -#: data/effects/frei0r_timeout.xml:10 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:427 -msgid "Time" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_tint0r.xml:3 -msgid "Tint" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_tint0r.xml:4 -msgid "Maps source image luminance between two colors specified" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_tint0r.xml:7 -msgid "Map black to" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_tint0r.xml:10 -msgid "Map white to" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_tint0r.xml:13 -msgid "Tint amount" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_twolay0r.xml:3 -msgid "twolay0r" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_twolay0r.xml:4 -msgid "Dynamic thresholding" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_vectorscope.xml:3 src/scopes/scopemanager.cpp:306 -msgid "Vectorscope" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_vectorscope.xml:4 -msgid "Display a vectorscope of the video data" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_vertigo.xml:4 data/effects/frei0r_vertigo.xml:15 -msgid "Vertigo" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_vertigo.xml:5 data/effects/frei0r_vertigo.xml:16 -msgid "Alpha blending with zoomed and rotated images" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_vertigo.xml:8 data/effects/frei0r_vertigo.xml:19 -msgid "Phase Increment" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_vertigo.xml:11 data/effects/frei0r_vertigo.xml:22 -msgid "Zoom Rate" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_vignette.xml:3 -msgid "Vignette" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_vignette.xml:4 -msgid "Natural lens vignetting effect" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_vignette.xml:7 -msgid "Aspect ratio" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_vignette.xml:10 -msgid "Clear center size" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_softness) -#: data/effects/frei0r_vignette.xml:13 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:709 -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:302 src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:220 -msgid "Softness" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/gain.xml:3 data/effects/gain.xml:7 data/effects/mute.xml:7 -#: data/effects/normalise.xml:7 data/effects/sox_bass.xml:7 -#: data/effects/sox_gain.xml:7 data/effects/volume.xml:7 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/lumaliftgain.cpp:65 -msgid "Gain" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/gain.xml:4 -msgid "Adjust the audio volume without keyframes" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/gamma.xml:4 -msgid "Change gamma color value" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/grain.xml:3 -msgid "Grain" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/grain.xml:4 -msgid "Grain over the image" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/grain.xml:7 data/effects/movit_deconvolution_sharpen.xml:18 -#: plugins/sampleplugin/sampleplugin.cpp:34 -#: plugins/sampleplugin/sampleplugin.cpp:42 -#: plugins/sampleplugin/sampleplugin.cpp:54 -#: plugins/sampleplugin/sampleplugin.cpp:78 -msgid "Noise" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/greyscale.xml:3 -msgid "Greyscale" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/greyscale.xml:4 -msgid "Discard color information" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/invert.xml:4 -msgid "Invert colors" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_declipper.xml:3 -msgid "Declipper" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_declipper.xml:4 -msgid "LADSPA declipper audio effect" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer.xml:3 -msgid "Equalizer" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer.xml:4 -msgid "LADSPA equalizer audio effect" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer.xml:7 -msgid "Lo gain" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer.xml:10 -msgid "Mid gain" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer.xml:13 -msgid "Hi gain" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:3 -msgid "15 Band Equalizer" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:4 -msgid "LADSPA equalizer audio effect (15 band)" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:7 -msgid "50 Hz" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:10 -msgid "100 Hz" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:13 -msgid "156 Hz" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:16 -msgid "220 Hz" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:19 -msgid "311 Hz" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:22 -msgid "440 Hz" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:25 -msgid "622 Hz" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:28 -msgid "880 Hz" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:31 -msgid "1250 Hz" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:34 -msgid "1750 Hz" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:37 -msgid "2500 Hz" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:40 -msgid "3500 Hz" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:43 -msgid "5000 Hz" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:46 -msgid "10000 Hz" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:49 -msgid "20000 Hz" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_limiter.xml:3 -msgid "Limiter" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_limiter.xml:4 -msgid "LADSPA limiter audio effect" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_limiter.xml:7 -msgid "Input gain (dB)" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_limiter.xml:10 -msgid "Limit (dB)" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_limiter.xml:13 -msgid "Release time (s)" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_phaser.xml:3 -msgid "Phaser" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_phaser.xml:4 -msgid "LADSPA phaser audio effect" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_phaser.xml:7 -msgid "Rate (Hz)" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_phaser.xml:10 data/effects/sox_flanger.xml:10 -msgid "Depth" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_phaser.xml:13 -msgid "Feedback" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_phaser.xml:16 -msgid "Spread" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_pitch.xml:3 -msgid "Pitch Shift" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_pitch.xml:4 -msgid "LADSPA change pitch audio effect" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_pitch.xml:7 data/effects/sox_pitch.xml:7 -msgid "Shift" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_pitch_scale.xml:3 -msgid "Pitch Scaler" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_pitch_scale.xml:4 -msgid "LADSPA pitch scale audio effect" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_pitch_scale.xml:7 -msgid "Co-efficient" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_rate_scale.xml:3 -msgid "Rate Scaler" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_rate_scale.xml:4 -msgid "LADSPA rate scale audio effect" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_rate_scale.xml:7 -msgid "Rate" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_reverb.xml:3 -msgid "Reverb" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_reverb.xml:4 -msgid "LADSPA reverb audio effect" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_reverb.xml:7 -msgid "Reverb time" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_reverb.xml:10 data/effects/ladspa_room_reverb.xml:13 -msgid "Damping" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_room_reverb.xml:3 -msgid "Room Reverb" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_room_reverb.xml:4 -msgid "LADSPA room reverb audio effect" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_room_reverb.xml:7 -msgid "Room size (m)" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_room_reverb.xml:10 -msgid "Delay (s/10)" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_vinyl.xml:3 -msgid "Vinyl" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_vinyl.xml:4 -msgid "Simulates a vinyl audio player - LADSPA audio effect" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_vinyl.xml:7 src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:166 -msgid "Year" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_vinyl.xml:10 -msgid "RPM" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_vinyl.xml:13 -msgid "Surface warping" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_vinyl.xml:16 -msgid "Crackle" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_vinyl.xml:19 -msgid "Wear" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/lift_gamma_gain.xml:3 -msgid "Lift/gamma/gain" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/lift_gamma_gain.xml:6 data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain.xml:6 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain2.xml:6 -msgid "Lift: Red" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/lift_gamma_gain.xml:9 data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain.xml:9 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain2.xml:9 -msgid "Lift: Green" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/lift_gamma_gain.xml:12 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain.xml:12 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain2.xml:12 -msgid "Lift: Blue" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/lift_gamma_gain.xml:15 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain.xml:15 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain2.xml:15 -msgid "Gamma: Red" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/lift_gamma_gain.xml:18 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain.xml:18 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain2.xml:18 -msgid "Gamma: Green" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/lift_gamma_gain.xml:21 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain.xml:21 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain2.xml:21 -msgid "Gamma: Blue" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/lift_gamma_gain.xml:24 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain.xml:24 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain2.xml:24 -msgid "Gain: Red" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/lift_gamma_gain.xml:27 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain.xml:27 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain2.xml:27 -msgid "Gain: Green" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/lift_gamma_gain.xml:30 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain.xml:30 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain2.xml:30 -msgid "Gain: Blue" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/loudness.xml:3 -msgid "Loudness" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/loudness.xml:4 -msgid "Correct audio loudness as recommended by EBU R128" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/loudness.xml:7 -msgid "Target Program Loudness" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/mirror.xml:3 -msgid "Mirror" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/mirror.xml:4 -msgid "Flip your image in any direction" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/mirror.xml:7 -msgid "Horizontal,Vertical,Diagonal,X Diagonal,Flip,Flop" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/mirror.xml:8 -msgid "Mirroring direction" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/movit_blur.xml:3 -msgid "Blur (GPU)" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_6) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_8) -#: data/effects/movit_blur.xml:6 data/effects/movit_diffusion.xml:6 -#: data/effects/movit_glow.xml:6 data/effects/movit_unsharp_mask.xml:6 -#: data/effects/movit_vignette.xml:6 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:891 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:915 -msgid "Radius" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/movit_deconvolution_sharpen.xml:3 -msgid "Deconvolution sharpen (GPU)" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/movit_deconvolution_sharpen.xml:6 -msgid "Matrix size" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/movit_deconvolution_sharpen.xml:9 -msgid "Circle radius" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/movit_deconvolution_sharpen.xml:12 -msgid "Gaussian radius" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/movit_deconvolution_sharpen.xml:15 -msgid "Correlation" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/movit_diffusion.xml:3 -msgid "Diffusion (GPU)" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/movit_diffusion.xml:9 -msgid "Mix amount" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/movit_glow.xml:3 -msgid "Glow (GPU)" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/movit_glow.xml:9 -msgid "Glow strength" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/movit_glow.xml:12 -msgid "Highlight cutoff threshold" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain.xml:3 -msgid "Lift/gamma/gain (GPU)" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain2.xml:3 -msgid "Movit: Lift/gamma/gain (colors)" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/movit_mirror.xml:3 -msgid "Mirror (GPU)" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/movit_opacity.xml:3 -msgid "Opacity (GPU)" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_opacity) -#: data/effects/movit_opacity.xml:6 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:211 src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:113 -msgid "Opacity" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/movit_rect.xml:3 -msgid "Pan and Zoom (GPU)" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/movit_rect.xml:9 -msgid "Allow upscale" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/movit_saturation.xml:3 -msgid "Saturation (GPU)" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/movit_unsharp_mask.xml:3 -msgid "Unsharp mask (GPU)" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/movit_vignette.xml:3 -msgid "Vignette (GPU)" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/movit_vignette.xml:9 -msgid "Inner radius" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/movit_white_balance.xml:3 -msgid "White Balance (GPU)" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/mute.xml:3 -msgid "Mute" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/mute.xml:4 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "%1 clip" -#| msgid_plural "%1 clips" -msgid "Mute clip" -msgstr "لا قصاصات" - -#: data/effects/normalise.xml:3 -msgid "Normalise" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/normalise.xml:4 -msgid "Dynamically normalise the audio volume" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/normalise.xml:10 -msgid "Maximum gain" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/normalise.xml:13 data/effects/sox_stretch.xml:10 -msgid "Window" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/obscure.xml:4 -msgid "Hide a region of the clip" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/obscure.xml:7 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:760 -msgid "Region" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/oldfilm.xml:3 -msgid "Oldfilm" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/oldfilm.xml:4 -msgid "Moves the Picture up and down and random brightness change" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/oldfilm.xml:7 -msgid "Y-Delta" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/oldfilm.xml:10 -#, no-c-format -msgid "% of picture have a delta" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/oldfilm.xml:13 -msgid "Brightness up" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/oldfilm.xml:16 -msgid "Brightness down" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/oldfilm.xml:19 -msgid "Brightness every" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/oldfilm.xml:22 -msgid "Unevendevelop up" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/oldfilm.xml:25 -msgid "Unevendevelop down" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/oldfilm.xml:28 -msgid "Unevendevelop Duration" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/pan_zoom.xml:3 data/effects/region.xml:10 -#: data/effects/rotation.xml:37 -msgid "Pan and Zoom" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/pan_zoom.xml:4 -msgid "Adjust size and position of clip" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/region.xml:3 -msgid "Regionalize" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/region.xml:4 -msgid "Apply sub-effects to a region defined by a clip's alpha channel" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/region.xml:7 -msgid "Url" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/rotation.xml:3 -msgid "Rotate and Shear" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/rotation.xml:4 data/effects/rotation_keyframable.xml:4 -msgid "Rotate clip in any 3 directions" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/rotation.xml:7 data/effects/rotation_keyframable.xml:7 -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:747 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:216 -msgid "Rotate X" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/rotation.xml:10 data/effects/rotation_keyframable.xml:10 -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:748 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:219 -msgid "Rotate Y" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/rotation.xml:13 data/effects/rotation_keyframable.xml:13 -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:749 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:222 -msgid "Rotate Z" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/rotation.xml:16 -msgid "Animate Rotate X" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/rotation.xml:19 -msgid "Animate Rotate Y" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/rotation.xml:22 -msgid "Animate Rotate Z" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/rotation.xml:25 -msgid "Shear X" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/rotation.xml:28 -msgid "Shear Y" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/rotation.xml:31 -msgid "Animate Shear X" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/rotation.xml:34 -msgid "Animate Shear Y" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/rotation_keyframable.xml:3 -msgid "Rotate (keyframable)" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/rotation_keyframable.xml:16 -msgid "Offset X" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/rotation_keyframable.xml:19 -msgid "Offset Y" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/rotoscoping.xml:3 -msgid "Rotoscoping" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/rotoscoping.xml:4 -msgid "Keyframable vector based rotoscoping" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/rotoscoping.xml:8 -msgid "Alpha,Luma,RGB" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/rotoscoping.xml:9 -msgid "Mode" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/rotoscoping.xml:14 -msgid "Alpha Operation" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/rotoscoping.xml:22 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:3422 -msgid "Track" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/rotoscoping.xml:26 -msgid "Feather width" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/rotoscoping.xml:30 -msgid "Feathering passes" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/scratchlines.xml:3 -msgid "Scratchlines" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/scratchlines.xml:4 -msgid "Scratchlines over the picture" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/scratchlines.xml:7 -msgid "Width of line" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/scratchlines.xml:10 -msgid "Max number of lines" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/scratchlines.xml:13 -msgid "Max darker" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/scratchlines.xml:16 -msgid "Max lighter" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/sepia.xml:3 -msgid "Sepia" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/sepia.xml:4 -msgid "Turn clip colors to sepia" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/sepia.xml:7 -msgid "Chrominance U" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/sepia.xml:10 -msgid "Chrominance V" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/sox_band.xml:3 -msgid "Sox Band" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/sox_band.xml:4 -msgid "Sox band audio effect" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/sox_band.xml:7 -msgid "Center Frequency" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_4) -#: data/effects/sox_band.xml:10 data/effects/sox_flanger.xml:16 -#: src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:181 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:307 -msgid "Width" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/sox_bass.xml:3 -msgid "Sox Bass" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/sox_bass.xml:4 -msgid "Sox bass audio effect" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/sox_echo.xml:3 -msgid "Sox Echo" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/sox_echo.xml:4 -msgid "Sox echo audio effect" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/sox_echo.xml:7 data/effects/sox_phaser.xml:7 -msgid "Gain In" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/sox_echo.xml:10 data/effects/sox_phaser.xml:10 -msgid "Gain Out" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_13) -#: data/effects/sox_echo.xml:13 data/effects/sox_flanger.xml:7 -#: data/effects/sox_phaser.xml:13 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:994 -msgid "Delay" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/sox_echo.xml:16 data/effects/sox_phaser.xml:16 -msgid "Decay" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/sox_flanger.xml:3 -msgid "Sox Flanger" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/sox_flanger.xml:4 -msgid "Sox flanger audio effect" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/sox_flanger.xml:13 -msgid "Regeneration" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/sox_flanger.xml:19 data/effects/sox_phaser.xml:19 -#: data/effects/speed.xml:3 data/effects/speed.xml:7 -msgid "Speed" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/sox_flanger.xml:25 -msgid "Phase" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/sox_flanger.xml:28 src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:383 -msgid "Interpolation" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/sox_gain.xml:3 -msgid "Sox Gain" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/sox_gain.xml:4 -msgid "Sox gain audio effect" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/sox_gain.xml:12 -msgid "Normalize" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/sox_phaser.xml:3 -msgid "Sox Phaser" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/sox_phaser.xml:4 -msgid "Sox phaser audio effect" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/sox_pitch.xml:3 -msgid "Sox Pitch Shift" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/sox_pitch.xml:4 -msgid "Sox change pitch audio effect" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/sox_pitch.xml:10 -msgid "Time window (ms)" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/sox_reverb.xml:3 -msgid "Sox Reverb" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/sox_reverb.xml:4 -msgid "Sox reverb audio effect" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/sox_reverb.xml:7 -msgid "Reverberance" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/sox_reverb.xml:10 -msgid "High frequency damping" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/sox_reverb.xml:13 -msgid "Room scale" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/sox_reverb.xml:16 -msgid "Stereo depth" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/sox_reverb.xml:19 -msgid "Pre-delay" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/sox_reverb.xml:22 -msgid "Wet gain" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/sox_stretch.xml:3 -msgid "Sox Stretch" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/sox_stretch.xml:4 -msgid "Sox stretch audio effect" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/speed.xml:4 -msgid "Make clip play faster or slower" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/speed.xml:10 -msgid "Stroboscope" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/swapchannels.xml:3 -msgid "Swap channels" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/swapchannels.xml:4 -msgid "Move the left channel to the right and right-to-left" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/tcolor.xml:3 -msgid "Technicolor" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/tcolor.xml:4 -msgid "Oversaturate the color in video, like in old Technicolor movies" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/tcolor.xml:7 -msgid "Blue/Yellow axis" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/tcolor.xml:10 -msgid "Red/Green axis" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/threshold.xml:4 -msgid "Make monochrome clip" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/threshold.xml:7 -msgid "Threshold value" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/threshold.xml:10 -msgid "Use transparency" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/vignette.xml:3 -msgid "Vignette Effect" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/vignette.xml:4 -msgid "Adjustable Vignette" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/vignette.xml:7 -msgid "smooth" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/vignette.xml:10 -msgid "radius" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_6) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_8) -#: data/effects/vignette.xml:13 src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:72 -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:575 -msgid "x" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/vignette.xml:16 -msgid "y" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/vignette.xml:19 -msgid "opacity" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/vignette.xml:22 -msgid "use cos instead of linear" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/volume.xml:3 -msgid "Volume (keyframable)" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/volume.xml:4 -msgid "Adjust audio volume with keyframes" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/wave.xml:3 -msgid "Wave" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/wave.xml:4 -msgid "Make waves on your clip with keyframes" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/wave.xml:10 -msgid "Horizontal" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/wave.xml:13 -msgid "Vertical" -msgstr "" - -#: data/kdenliveeffectscategory.rc:5 -msgid "Colour correction" -msgstr "" - -#: data/kdenliveeffectscategory.rc:8 -msgid "Colour" -msgstr "" - -#: data/kdenliveeffectscategory.rc:11 -msgid "Crop and transform" -msgstr "" - -#: data/kdenliveeffectscategory.rc:14 -msgid "Audio correction" -msgstr "" - -#: data/kdenliveeffectscategory.rc:17 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:655 -msgid "Audio channels" -msgstr "" - -#: data/kdenliveeffectscategory.rc:20 -msgid "Analysis and data" -msgstr "" - -#: data/kdenliveeffectscategory.rc:23 -msgid "Fade" -msgstr "" - -#: data/kdenliveeffectscategory.rc:26 -msgid "Artistic" -msgstr "" - -#: data/kdenliveeffectscategory.rc:29 -msgid "Blur and hide" -msgstr "" - -#: data/kdenliveeffectscategory.rc:32 -msgid "Motion" -msgstr "" - -#: data/kdenliveeffectscategory.rc:38 -msgid "Alpha manipulation" -msgstr "" - -#: data/kdenliveeffectscategory.rc:41 -msgid "Enhancement" -msgstr "" - -#: data/kdenliveeffectscategory.rc:44 -msgid "GPU effects" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: ToolBar (extraToolBar) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:4 -msgid "Extra Toolbar" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (project) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:21 -msgid "Project" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (extract_audio) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:29 src/mainwindow.cpp:2752 -msgid "Extract Audio" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (clip_actions) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:32 src/mainwindow.cpp:2699 -msgid "Clip Jobs" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (transcoders) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:35 src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:184 -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:125 -msgid "Transcode" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (generators) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:38 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Generator Failed" -msgid "Generators" -msgstr "فشل المولّد" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (track_menu) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:40 src/mainwindow.cpp:1145 -msgid "Tracks" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (clip_in_timeline) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:55 -msgid "Clip in Timeline" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (tool) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:70 -msgid "Tool" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (clip) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:80 src/project/projectlistview.cpp:59 -msgid "Clip" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (marker_menu) -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_3) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:81 src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:397 -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:402 -msgid "Markers" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (timeline) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:96 src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:81 -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2785 -msgid "Timeline" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (keyboard_selection) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:97 -msgid "Selection" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (keyboard_insert) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:105 -msgid "Insertion" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (current_clip) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:110 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Cancel Current Clip Jobs" -msgid "Current clip" -msgstr "ألغِ مهامّ القصاصة الحاليّة" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (all_clips) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:117 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "All Files" -msgid "All clips" -msgstr "كلّ الملفّات" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (guide_menu) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:120 -msgid "Guides" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (space_menu) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:126 -msgid "Space" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (video_effects_menu) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:134 src/mainwindow.cpp:279 -msgid "Add Effect" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (monitor) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:148 -msgid "Monitor" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (monitor_go) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:154 src/timeline/customruler.cpp:93 -msgid "Go To" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (monitor_config) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:176 -msgid "Monitor config" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (dockwindows) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:187 -msgid "View" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (layout_save_as) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:188 -msgid "Save Layout As" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, CountDown_UI) -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, ClipStabilize_UI) -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, FreeSound_UI) -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, ArchiveWidget_UI) -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, BackupDialog_UI) -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, ClipTranscode_UI) -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, AddTrack_UI) -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, SmConfig_UI) -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, ManageEncodingProfile_UI) -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, ColorClip_UI) -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, RenderWidget_UI) -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, Stopmotion_UI) -#: plugins/sampleplugin/countdown_ui.ui:13 src/ui/addtrack_ui.ui:14 -#: src/ui/archivewidget_ui.ui:14 src/ui/backupdialog_ui.ui:14 -#: src/ui/clipstabilize_ui.ui:14 src/ui/cliptranscode_ui.ui:14 -#: src/ui/colorclip_ui.ui:14 src/ui/freesound_ui.ui:14 -#: src/ui/manageencodingprofile_ui.ui:14 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:14 -#: src/ui/smconfig_ui.ui:14 src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Dialog" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, destination_label) -#: plugins/sampleplugin/countdown_ui.ui:19 src/ui/cutjobdialog_ui.ui:47 -msgid "Save to" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, duration_label) -#: plugins/sampleplugin/countdown_ui.ui:29 -msgid "Duration (seconds)" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, font_label) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_4) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_17) -#: plugins/sampleplugin/countdown_ui.ui:46 src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:89 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:331 -msgid "Font" -msgstr "" - -#: plugins/sampleplugin/sampleplugin.cpp:33 -msgid "Countdown" -msgstr "" - -#: plugins/sampleplugin/sampleplugin.cpp:55 -msgid "Create Noise Clip" -msgstr "" - -#: plugins/sampleplugin/sampleplugin.cpp:59 -msgid "Create Countdown Clip" -msgstr "" - -#: plugins/sampleplugin/sampleplugin.cpp:97 -#: plugins/sampleplugin/sampleplugin.cpp:105 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Failed to generate clip:\n" -"%1" -msgstr "" -"فشل توليد القصاصة:\n" -"%1" - -#: plugins/sampleplugin/sampleplugin.cpp:97 -#: plugins/sampleplugin/sampleplugin.cpp:105 -msgid "Generator Failed" -msgstr "فشل المولّد" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:210 src/project/projectlist.cpp:133 -#, kde-format -msgid "%1 job" -msgid_plural "%1 jobs" -msgstr[0] "لا مهامّ" -msgstr[1] "مهمّة واحدة" -msgstr[2] "مهمّتان" -msgstr[3] "%1 مهامّ" -msgstr[4] "%1 مهمّةً" -msgstr[5] "%1 مهمّة" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:211 src/project/projectlist.cpp:134 -#, kde-format -msgid "%1 pending job" -msgid_plural "%1 pending jobs" -msgstr[0] "لا مهامّ مرجأة" -msgstr[1] "مهمّة واحدة مرجأة" -msgstr[2] "مهمّتان مرجأتان" -msgstr[3] "%1 مهامّ مرجأة" -msgstr[4] "%1 مهمّةً مرجأةً" -msgstr[5] "%1 مهمّة مرجأة" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_search) -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:300 src/ui/freesound_ui.ui:74 -msgid "Search" -msgstr "" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:336 -msgid "View Mode" -msgstr "" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:338 -msgid "Tree View" -msgstr "" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:346 -msgid "Icon View" -msgstr "" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:353 -msgid "Disable Bin Effects" -msgstr "" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:361 src/bin/bincommands.cpp:102 -msgid "Rename Folder" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab) -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:370 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:50 -msgid "Settings" -msgstr "" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:372 src/project/clipproperties.cpp:351 -#: src/project/dialogs/slideshowclip.cpp:77 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:324 -msgid "Zoom" -msgstr "" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:378 -msgid "Show date" -msgstr "" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:381 -msgid "Show description" -msgstr "" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:399 src/project/projectlist.cpp:213 -msgid "Cancel All Jobs" -msgstr "ألغِ كلّ المهامّ" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:401 src/project/projectlist.cpp:217 -msgid "Cancel Current Clip Jobs" -msgstr "ألغِ مهامّ القصاصة الحاليّة" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:431 src/project/projectlist.cpp:254 -msgid "Show Log" -msgstr "" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:504 -msgid "Creating audio thumbnails" -msgstr "" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:511 -msgid "Audio thumbnails done" -msgstr "" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:805 -msgctxt "append to clip name to indicate a copied idem" -msgid " (copy)" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:929 src/bin/bin.cpp:2217 -#: src/project/folderprojectitem.cpp:37 src/project/projectlist.cpp:1085 -#: src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:60 -msgid "Folder" -msgstr "" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:1056 -#, kde-format -msgid "Folder contains a clip, delete anyways ?" -msgid_plural "Folder contains %1 clips, delete anyways ?" -msgstr[0] "" -msgstr[1] "" -msgstr[2] "" -msgstr[3] "" -msgstr[4] "" -msgstr[5] "" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:1173 src/mainwindow.cpp:1234 -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:1004 -msgid "Delete Clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:1174 src/mainwindow.cpp:1251 -msgid "Proxy Clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:1181 src/project/projectlist.cpp:995 -msgid "Delete Folder" -msgstr "" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:1182 -msgid "Proxy Folder" -msgstr "" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2015 src/bin/bincommands.cpp:62 src/bin/bincommands.cpp:82 -msgid "Move Clip" -msgid_plural "Move Clips" -msgstr[0] "" -msgstr[1] "" -msgstr[2] "" -msgstr[3] "" -msgstr[4] "" -msgstr[5] "" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2231 -#, kde-format -msgid "Playlist clip %1 is invalid." -msgstr "" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2236 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Playlist clip %1 has too many tracks (%2) to be imported. Add new tracks to " -"your project." -msgstr "" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2449 src/project/projectlist.cpp:465 -msgid "Please set a default application to open images in the Settings dialog" -msgstr "فضلًا عيّن تطبيقًا افتراضيًّا ليفتح الصّور في حواريّ الإعدادات" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2455 src/project/projectlist.cpp:471 -msgid "" -"Please set a default application to open audio files in the Settings dialog" -msgstr "فضلًا عيّن تطبيقًا افتراضيًّا ليفتح ملفّات الصّوت في حواريّ الإعدادات" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2511 src/project/projectlist.cpp:2661 -msgid "No data returned from clip analysis" -msgstr "" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2525 src/project/projectlist.cpp:2674 -msgid "Processing data analysis" -msgstr "" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2531 src/project/projectlist.cpp:2680 -msgid "Auto Split Clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2549 src/project/projectlist.cpp:2698 -msgid "Add Markers" -msgstr "" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2592 src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:85 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:474 src/project/projectcommands.cpp:164 -msgid "Add marker" -msgid_plural "Add markers" -msgstr[0] "" -msgstr[1] "" -msgstr[2] "" -msgstr[3] "" -msgstr[4] "" -msgstr[5] "" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2603 src/bin/bin.cpp:2685 src/project/jobs/filterjob.cpp:96 -#: src/timeline/markerdialog.cpp:45 -#, kde-format -msgid "Category %1" -msgstr "" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2608 -msgid "Load Clip Markers" -msgstr "" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2623 src/bin/bin.cpp:2720 -#: src/dialogs/profilesdialog.cpp:219 src/dialogs/profilesdialog.cpp:520 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot open file %1" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, MarkerDialog_UI) -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2649 src/definitions.cpp:78 src/definitions.cpp:95 -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:367 src/mainwindow.cpp:1831 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:727 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:801 src/ui/markerdialog_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Marker" -msgstr "" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2683 -msgid "All categories" -msgstr "" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2690 -msgid "Save Clip Markers" -msgstr "" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2733 src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:86 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:478 src/project/projectcommands.cpp:162 -msgid "Delete marker" -msgstr "" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2748 -msgid "Delete clip markers" -msgstr "" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2750 -msgid "Clip has no markers" -msgstr "" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2788 src/project/clippropertiesmanager.cpp:126 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"You are editing an external title clip (%1). Do you want to save your " -"changes to the title file or save the changes for this project only?" -msgstr "" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2788 src/project/clippropertiesmanager.cpp:126 -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:1766 -msgid "Save Title" -msgstr "" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2788 src/project/clippropertiesmanager.cpp:126 -msgid "Save to title file" -msgstr "" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2788 src/project/clippropertiesmanager.cpp:126 -msgid "Save in project only" -msgstr "" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2852 src/project/projectlist.cpp:1428 -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:1430 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4517 -msgid "Invalid clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2852 src/project/projectlist.cpp:1428 -msgid "Clip is invalid, will be removed from project." -msgstr "" - -#: src/bin/bincommands.cpp:34 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Remove Job" -msgid "Remove Folder" -msgstr "أزل المهمّة" - -#: src/bin/bincommands.cpp:35 -msgid "Add Folder" -msgstr "" - -#: src/bin/bincommands.cpp:121 -msgid "Add Bin Effect" -msgstr "" - -#: src/bin/bincommands.cpp:140 -msgid "Remove Bin Effect" -msgstr "" - -#: src/bin/bincommands.cpp:162 -msgid "Rename Zone" -msgstr "" - -#: src/bin/bincommands.cpp:184 -msgid "Add Sub Clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/bin/bincommands.cpp:217 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1628 -msgid "Edit clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/bin/projectclip.cpp:90 src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:879 -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:195 -msgid "Untitled" -msgstr "" - -#: src/bin/projectclip.cpp:272 src/project/projectlist.cpp:2458 -msgctxt "The first letter of Proxy, used as abbreviation" -msgid "P" -msgstr "" - -#: src/bin/projectclip.cpp:940 src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:1228 -#, kde-format -msgid "Clip already contains analysis data %1" -msgstr "" - -#: src/bin/projectclip.cpp:940 src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:1228 -msgid "Merge" -msgstr "" - -#: src/bin/projectclip.cpp:940 src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:1228 -msgid "Add" -msgstr "" - -#: src/bin/projectfolder.cpp:74 -#, fuzzy, kde-format -#| msgid "%1 clip" -#| msgid_plural "%1 clips" -msgid "%1 clip" -msgid_plural "%1 clips" -msgstr[0] "لا قصاصات" -msgstr[1] "لا قصاصات" -msgstr[2] "لا قصاصات" -msgstr[3] "لا قصاصات" -msgstr[4] "لا قصاصات" -msgstr[5] "لا قصاصات" - -#: src/bin/projectfolderup.cpp:35 -msgid "Back" -msgstr "" - -#: src/bin/projectfolderup.cpp:59 -msgid "Go up" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/bin/projectitemmodel.cpp:169 src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:74 -#: src/ui/colorclip_ui.ui:20 src/ui/configtranscode_ui.ui:70 -#: src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:20 -msgid "Name" -msgstr "" - -#: src/bin/projectitemmodel.cpp:172 -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:173 -#: src/project/projectlistview.cpp:59 -msgid "Date" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_description) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/bin/projectitemmodel.cpp:175 src/project/projectlistview.cpp:59 -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:41 src/ui/configtranscode_ui.ui:80 -#: src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:49 -msgid "Description" -msgstr "" - -#: src/bin/projectitemmodel.cpp:178 src/dialogs/profilesdialog.cpp:585 -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:231 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:319 -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:771 src/mltcontroller/clipcontroller.cpp:266 -#: src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:483 -msgid "Unknown" -msgstr "" - -#: src/bin/projectsubclip.cpp:41 src/doc/documentvalidator.cpp:1441 -#, kde-format -msgid "Zone %1" -msgstr "" - -#: src/capture/managecapturesdialog.cpp:42 -msgid "import" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/clipcreationdialog.cpp:97 src/dialogs/clipcreationdialog.cpp:98 -msgid "Color Clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/clipcreationdialog.cpp:188 -msgid "Title clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/clipcreationdialog.cpp:236 src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:1117 -msgid "Template title clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/clipcreationdialog.cpp:428 src/doc/doccommands.cpp:32 -msgid "Add clip" -msgid_plural "Add clips" -msgstr[0] "" -msgstr[1] "" -msgstr[2] "" -msgstr[3] "" -msgstr[4] "" -msgstr[5] "" - -#: src/dialogs/clipcreationdialog.cpp:437 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:247 -#: src/effectstack/collapsibleeffect.cpp:200 src/mainwindow.cpp:2832 -msgid "All Supported Files" -msgstr "كلّ الملفّات المدعومة" - -#: src/dialogs/clipcreationdialog.cpp:437 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:247 -#: src/effectstack/collapsibleeffect.cpp:200 src/mainwindow.cpp:2832 -msgid "All Files" -msgstr "كلّ الملفّات" - -#: src/dialogs/clipcreationdialog.cpp:438 -msgid "Import image sequence" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/clipcreationdialog.cpp:440 -msgid "Transparent background for images" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/encodingprofilesdialog.cpp:37 -msgid "Manage Encoding Profiles" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, groupBox) -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, enable_proxy) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_14) -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, kcfg_enableproxy) -#: src/dialogs/encodingprofilesdialog.cpp:38 -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:96 src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:36 -#: src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:142 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:244 -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:499 -msgid "Proxy clips" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/encodingprofilesdialog.cpp:39 -msgid "Video4Linux capture" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/encodingprofilesdialog.cpp:40 -msgid "Screen capture" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/encodingprofilesdialog.cpp:41 -msgid "Decklink capture" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/encodingprofilesdialog.cpp:125 -#: src/dialogs/encodingprofilesdialog.cpp:157 -msgid "Profile name:" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/encodingprofilesdialog.cpp:128 -#: src/dialogs/encodingprofilesdialog.cpp:160 -msgid "Parameters:" -msgstr "المعاملات:" - -#: src/dialogs/encodingprofilesdialog.cpp:131 -#: src/dialogs/encodingprofilesdialog.cpp:163 -msgid "File extension:" -msgstr "امتداد الملفّ:" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:64 -#: src/effectslist/effectslistwidget.cpp:100 -#: src/effectslist/effectslistwidget.cpp:121 -#: src/effectslist/effectslistwidget.cpp:123 -msgid "Misc" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:73 -msgid "Project Defaults" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:101 -msgid "Environment" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:126 -msgid "Capture" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:131 -msgid "Capture is not yet available on Mac OS X." -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:170 -msgid "JogShuttle" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, groupBox) -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:180 src/ui/smconfig_ui.ui:20 -msgid "Playback" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:275 -msgid "GPU processing needs MLT compiled with Movit and Rtaudio modules" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:300 -#, kde-format -msgid "dvgrab version %1 at %2" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:301 -msgid "" -"dvgrab utility not found, please install it for firewire " -"capture" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:438 -msgid "Automatic" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:440 -msgid "OSS" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:441 -msgid "ALSA" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:442 -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:487 -msgid "PulseAudio" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:443 -msgid "OSS with DMA access" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:444 -msgid "Esound daemon" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:445 -msgid "ARTS daemon" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:457 -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:458 -msgid "Default" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:503 -msgid "SDL" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:504 -msgid "RtAudio" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:566 -msgid "Select default video player" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:578 -msgid "Select default audio editor" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:590 -msgid "Select default image editor" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:809 -msgid "Kdenlive must be restarted to change this setting" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, p_progressive) -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:832 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:264 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:634 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:118 src/project/clipproperties.cpp:685 -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:322 src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:99 -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:163 -msgid "Interlaced" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, progressive) -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:834 -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:1039 -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:1072 -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:1088 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:265 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:634 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:119 src/project/clipproperties.cpp:685 -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:428 src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:232 -msgid "Progressive" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:892 -msgid "A profile with that name already exists" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:1003 -msgid "Current settings" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/profilesdialog.cpp:50 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:163 -msgid "Delete profile" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/profilesdialog.cpp:52 src/dialogs/profilesdialog.cpp:95 -msgid "Save profile" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/profilesdialog.cpp:54 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:171 -msgid "Create new profile" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/profilesdialog.cpp:163 -msgid "The custom profile was modified, do you want to save it?" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/profilesdialog.cpp:194 -msgid "" -"A profile with same name already exists in MLT's default profiles, please " -"choose another description for your custom profile." -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/profilesdialog.cpp:225 src/dialogs/profilesdialog.cpp:526 -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:612 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:799 -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:805 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:865 -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1003 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1168 -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2382 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2405 -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:669 src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:675 -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:934 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:940 -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:3046 src/mainwindow.cpp:3051 -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:796 -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:802 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:1780 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot write to file %1" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:108 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1233 -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2295 -msgid "Waiting..." -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:111 -msgid "Rendering finished" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:116 -msgid "Rendering crashed" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:121 -msgid "Rendering aborted" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:155 -msgid "Rendering" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:167 -msgid "Edit profile" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:177 -msgid "Copy profile to favorites" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:179 -msgid "Show profiles with different framerate" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, preserveAspectRatio) -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:223 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:534 -msgid "Preserve aspect ratio" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:289 -msgid "File" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:298 -msgid "Script Files" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:392 -msgid "Beginning" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:478 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:494 -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:688 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:706 -msgid "Qualities" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:479 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:495 -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:689 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:707 -msgid "Default quality" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, vbitrates_label) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, abitrates_label) -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:481 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:497 -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:691 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:709 -#: src/ui/saveprofile_ui.ui:40 src/ui/saveprofile_ui.ui:73 -msgid "Bitrates" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, default_vbitrate_label) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, default_abitrate_label) -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:482 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:498 -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:692 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:710 -#: src/ui/saveprofile_ui.ui:26 src/ui/saveprofile_ui.ui:80 -msgid "Default bitrate" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:509 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:515 -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:679 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:749 -msgctxt "Group Name" -msgid "Custom" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:591 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:760 -msgid "Profile already exists" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:591 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:760 -msgid "" -"This profile name already exists. Change the name if you don't want to " -"overwrite it." -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:606 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:859 -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1859 -#, kde-format -msgid "Unable to write to file %1" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:632 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1843 -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1892 -msgctxt "Category Name" -msgid "Custom" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:720 -msgid "Edit Profile" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:918 -msgid "Cannot find the melt program required for rendering (part of Mlt)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:922 -msgid "" -"Cannot play video after rendering because the default video player " -"application is not set.\n" -"Please define it in Kdenlive settings dialog." -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:930 src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:259 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"The directory %1, could not be created.\n" -"Please make sure you have the required permissions." -msgstr "" -"تعذّر إنشاء الدّليل %1.\n" -"فضلًا تحقّق من امتلاكك الصّلاحيّات اللازمة." - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:973 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:165 -#, kde-format -msgid "File has no extension. Add extension (%1)?" -msgstr "ليس للملفّ امتداد. أأضيف الامتداد (%1)؟" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:988 -msgid "Output file already exists. Do you want to overwrite it?" -msgstr "الملفّ الخرج موجود بالفعل. أتريد الكتابة فوقه؟" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1222 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2283 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"There is already a job writing file:
Abort the job if " -"you want to overwrite it..." -msgstr "" -"هناك بالفعل مهمّة تكتب ملفّ:
أجهض المهمّة إن أردت الكتابة " -"فوقه..." - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1222 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2283 -msgid "Already running" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1266 -msgid "Video without audio track" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1317 -#, kde-format -msgid "Rendering %1 started" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1473 -#, kde-format -msgid "Frame rate (%1) not compatible with project profile (%2)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1491 -#, kde-format -msgid "Unsupported video format: %1" -msgstr "نسق الفيديو غير مدعوم: %1" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1507 -#, kde-format -msgid "Unsupported audio codec: %1" -msgstr "رماز الصّوت غير مدعوم: %1" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1524 -#, kde-format -msgid "Unsupported video codec: %1" -msgstr "رماز الفيديو غير مدعوم: %1" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1533 -msgid "" -"This render profile uses a 'profile' parameter.
Unless you know what " -"you are doing you will probably have to change it to 'mlt_profile'." -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1546 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1584 -msgid "No matching profile" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1561 -msgid "untitled" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1586 -msgid "Invalid profile" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1630 -msgid "" -"Video\n" -"quality" -msgstr "" -"جودة\n" -"الفيديو" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1632 -msgid "" -"Video\n" -"bitrate" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1652 -msgid "" -"Audio\n" -"quality" -msgstr "" -"جودة\n" -"الصّوت" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1654 -msgid "" -"Audio\n" -"bitrate" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1692 -msgid "File rendering" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1693 -msgid "Favorites" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1694 -msgid "DVD" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, profile_audioonly) -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1695 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7011 -#: src/ui/configtranscode_ui.ui:100 -msgid "Audio only" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1696 -msgid "Web sites" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1697 -msgid "Media players" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1698 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1738 -msgid "Lossless/HQ" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1699 -msgid "Mobile devices" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1783 -msgctxt "Category Name" -msgid "Images sequence" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1987 -msgctxt "Attribute Name" -msgid "Custom" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2085 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2108 -#, kde-format -msgid "%1 day " -msgid_plural "%1 days " -msgstr[0] "" -msgstr[1] "" -msgstr[2] "" -msgstr[3] "" -msgstr[4] "" -msgstr[5] "" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2087 -#, kde-format -msgid "Remaining time %1" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2110 -#, kde-format -msgid "Rendering finished in %1" -msgstr "انتهى التّصيير في %1" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2112 -#, kde-format -msgid "Rendering of %1 finished in %2" -msgstr "انتهى تصيير %1 في %2" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2125 -#, kde-format -msgid "Rendering of %1 crashed
" -msgstr "انهار تصيير %1
" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, abort_job) -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2165 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:650 -msgid "Abort Job" -msgstr "أجهض المهمّة" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2168 -msgid "Remove Job" -msgstr "أزل المهمّة" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2236 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2240 -#, kde-format -msgid "Script contains wrong command: %1" -msgstr "يحوي السّكرِبت أمرًا خاطئًا: %1" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2424 -msgid "script" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2445 src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:228 -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:640 -msgid "Check missing clips" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2502 -msgid "Export audio (automatic)" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, export_audio) -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2504 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:544 -msgid "Export audio" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:60 -msgid "Config Wizard" -msgstr "مرشد الضّبط" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:64 -msgid "Welcome" -msgstr "مرحبًا" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:66 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Your Kdenlive version was upgraded to version %1. Please take some time to " -"review the basic settings" -msgstr "" -"رُقّيت نسختك من Kdenlive إلى الإصدارة %1. فضلًا خُذ بعض الوقت لمراجعة الإعدادات " -"الأساسيّة." - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:68 -msgid "" -"This is the first time you run Kdenlive. This wizard will let you adjust " -"some basic settings, you will be ready to edit your first movie in a few " -"seconds..." -msgstr "" -"هذه أوّل مرّة تشغّل فيها Kdenlive. سيتيح لك هذا المرشد ضبط بعض الإعدادات " -"الأساسيّة، سيتكون جاهزًا لتحرير أوّل فيديوهاتك بعد ثوانٍ معدودة..." - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:72 -msgid "Discover the features of this Kdenlive release" -msgstr "استكشف مزايا إصدار Kdenlive هذا" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:82 -msgid "Checking MLT engine" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:90 -msgid "Video Standard" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:128 -msgid "Additional Settings" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (KComboBox, capture_device) -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:142 src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:168 -msgid "Capture device" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:146 -msgid "Default Blackmagic Decklink card:" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:147 -msgid "No Blackmagic Decklink device found" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:158 -msgid "Checking system" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:186 -msgid "Default video4linux device:" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:199 -msgid "No device found, plug your webcam and refresh." -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:221 -#, kde-format -msgid "Current settings (%1x%2, %3/%4fps)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:257 -#, kde-format -msgid "Default settings (%1x%2, %3/%4fps)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:272 -msgid "Melt" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:273 -msgid "Required for rendering (part of MLT package)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:280 -msgid "Cannot start the MLT video backend!" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:287 -#, kde-format -msgid "MLT version: %1" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:290 -msgid "Your MLT version is unsupported!!!" -msgstr "إصدارة MLT لديك غير مدعومة!!!" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:296 -#, kde-format -msgid "Please upgrade to MLT %1.%2.%3" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:300 -msgid "MLT video backend!" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:318 -msgid "SDL module" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:319 -msgid "Required for Kdenlive" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:332 -msgid "Avformat module (FFmpeg)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:333 -msgid "Required to work with various video formats (hdv, mpeg, flash, ...)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:372 -msgid "QImage module" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:373 src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:378 -msgid "Required to work with images" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:377 -msgid "Pixbuf module" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:392 -msgid "Title module" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:393 -msgid "Required to work with titles" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:456 -msgid "" -"The following codecs were not found on your system. Check our online manual if you need them: " -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:477 -msgid "FFmpeg & ffplay" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:478 -msgid "Required for proxy clips, transcoding and screen capture" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:504 -msgid "dvgrab" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:505 -msgid "Required for firewire capture" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:511 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:104 -msgid "dvdauthor" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:512 -msgid "Required for creation of DVD" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:518 -msgid "genisoimage or mkisofs" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:519 -msgid "Required for creation of DVD ISO images" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:528 -msgid "xine" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:529 -msgid "Required to preview your DVD" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:533 -msgid "vlc" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:685 -msgid "Frame size:" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_4) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:685 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:245 -#: src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:55 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:107 -msgid "Frame rate:" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_23) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_9) -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:685 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:266 -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:121 -msgid "Pixel aspect ratio:" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_31) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_10) -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:685 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:280 -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:135 -msgid "Display aspect ratio:" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:732 -msgid "" -"Your MLT installation cannot be found. Install MLT and restart Kdenlive.\n" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:736 -msgid "Fatal Error" -msgstr "" - -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:279 -#, kde-format -msgid "%1 fps" -msgstr "" - -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:284 -msgid "Hz" -msgstr "" - -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:289 -msgid "Audio clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:292 -msgid "Mute video clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:295 src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:214 -msgid "Video clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:298 -msgid "Color clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:301 src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:216 -msgid "Image clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:304 -msgid "Template text clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:305 -msgid "Text clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:308 -msgid "Slideshow clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:311 -msgid "Virtual clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:314 src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:218 -msgid "Playlist clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:317 -msgid "Unknown clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:684 src/renderer.cpp:141 -msgid "Missing clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/doc/doccommands.cpp:33 src/project/clipmanager.cpp:226 -msgid "Delete clip" -msgid_plural "Delete clips" -msgstr[0] "" -msgstr[1] "" -msgstr[2] "" -msgstr[3] "" -msgstr[4] "" -msgstr[5] "" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:199 -msgid "Luma file" -msgstr "" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:223 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "All Files" -msgid "Title Image" -msgstr "كلّ الملفّات" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:226 -msgid "Title Font" -msgstr "" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:247 -#, kde-format -msgid "%1 will be replaced by %2" -msgstr "%1 سيُستبدل بِـ %2" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:261 -msgid "Missing item" -msgstr "" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:265 -msgid "The project file contains missing clips or files" -msgstr "" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:269 -msgid "Missing proxies will be recreated after opening." -msgstr "" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:273 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"The project file contains a missing clip, you can still work with its proxy." -msgid_plural "" -"The project file contains %1 missing clips, you can still work with their " -"proxies." -msgstr[0] "" -msgstr[1] "" -msgstr[2] "" -msgstr[3] "" -msgstr[4] "" -msgstr[5] "" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:283 src/project/projectitem.cpp:192 -msgid "Proxy clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:285 -#, kde-format -msgid "%1 missing proxy clip, will be recreated on project opening" -msgid_plural "%1 missing proxy clips, will be recreated on project opening" -msgstr[0] "" -msgstr[1] "" -msgstr[2] "" -msgstr[3] "" -msgstr[4] "" -msgstr[5] "" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:288 -msgid "Missing proxy" -msgstr "" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:335 src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:348 -msgid "Source clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:337 -#, kde-format -msgid "%1 missing source clips, you can only use the proxies" -msgstr "" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:340 -msgid "Missing source clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:411 -msgid "Clips folder" -msgstr "" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:567 -msgid "Enter new location for file" -msgstr "" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:780 -msgid "This will remove the selected clip from this project" -msgid_plural "This will remove the selected clips from this project" -msgstr[0] "" -msgstr[1] "" -msgstr[2] "" -msgstr[3] "" -msgstr[4] "" -msgstr[5] "" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:780 -msgid "Remove clips" -msgstr "" - -#: src/doc/documentvalidator.cpp:90 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"The document was created in \"%1\" locale, which is not installed on your " -"system. Please install that language pack. Until then, Kdenlive might not be " -"able to correctly open the document." -msgstr "" - -#: src/doc/documentvalidator.cpp:94 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"There is a locale conflict on your system. The document uses locale %1 which " -"uses a \"%2\" as numeric separator (in system libraries) but Qt expects " -"\"%3\". You might not be able to correctly open the project." -msgstr "" - -#: src/doc/documentvalidator.cpp:279 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"This project type is unsupported (version %1) and can't be loaded.\n" -"Please consider upgrading your Kdenlive version." -msgstr "" - -#: src/doc/documentvalidator.cpp:279 src/doc/documentvalidator.cpp:286 -msgid "Unable to open project" -msgstr "" - -#: src/doc/documentvalidator.cpp:286 -#, kde-format -msgid "This project type is unsupported (version %1) and can't be loaded." -msgstr "" - -#: src/doc/documentvalidator.cpp:840 -msgid "" -"Some of your text clips were saved with size in points, which means " -"different sizes on different displays. Do you want to convert them to pixel " -"size, making them portable? It is recommended you do this on the computer " -"they were first created on, or you could have to adjust their size." -msgstr "" - -#: src/doc/documentvalidator.cpp:840 -msgid "Update Text Clips" -msgstr "" - -#: src/doc/documentvalidator.cpp:1679 -msgid "" -"The project file uses some GPU effects. GPU acceleration is not currently " -"enabled.\n" -"Do you want to convert the project to a non-GPU version ?\n" -"This might result in data loss." -msgstr "" - -#: src/doc/documentvalidator.cpp:1770 -msgid "The following filters/transitions were converted to non GPU versions:" -msgstr "" - -#: src/doc/documentvalidator.cpp:1773 -msgid "The following filters/transitions were deleted from the project:" -msgstr "" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:152 -msgid "" -"Cannot open the project file,\n" -"Do you want to open a backup file?" -msgstr "" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:152 src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:168 -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:213 -msgid "Error opening file" -msgstr "" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:152 src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:168 -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:213 -msgid "Open Backup" -msgstr "" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:168 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Cannot open the project file, error is:\n" -"%1 (line %2, col %3)\n" -"Do you want to open a backup file?" -msgstr "" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:168 src/project/projectmanager.cpp:381 -msgid "Recover" -msgstr "" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:194 -msgid "Cannot recover this project file" -msgstr "" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:206 -msgid "Validating" -msgstr "" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:212 -#, kde-format -msgid "File %1 is not a Kdenlive project file" -msgstr "" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:213 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"File %1 is not a valid project file.\n" -"Do you want to open a backup file?" -msgstr "" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:254 -#, kde-format -msgid "Project directory %1 does not exist. Create it?" -msgstr "" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:266 -#, kde-format -msgid "Document project folder is invalid, setting it to the default one: %1" -msgstr "" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:548 src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:659 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot write to file %1, scene list is corrupted." -msgstr "" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:719 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"You have changed the project folder. Do you want to copy the cached data " -"from %1 to the new folder %2?" -msgstr "" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:1105 -msgid "Enter Template Path" -msgstr "" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:1179 -msgid "The following effects were imported from the project:" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:1209 src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:1223 -#: src/ui/backupdialog_ui.ui:22 -msgid "Project Folder" -msgstr "" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:1287 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Cannot create backup copy:\n" -"%1" -msgstr "" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:1400 src/project/projectlist.cpp:2317 -msgid "Add proxy clip" -msgid_plural "Add proxy clips" -msgstr[0] "" -msgstr[1] "" -msgstr[2] "" -msgstr[3] "" -msgstr[4] "" -msgstr[5] "" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:1401 src/project/projectlist.cpp:2318 -msgid "Remove proxy clip" -msgid_plural "Remove proxy clips" -msgstr[0] "" -msgstr[1] "" -msgstr[2] "" -msgstr[3] "" -msgstr[4] "" -msgstr[5] "" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:62 src/mainwindow.cpp:1023 -msgid "DVD Wizard" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:65 -msgid "Select Files For Your DVD" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:69 -msgid "DVD Chapters" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:75 -msgid "Create DVD Menu" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:79 -msgid "Creating DVD Image" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:104 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:111 -#, kde-format -msgid "Burn with %1" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:114 -msgid "No burning program found (K3b, Brasero)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:120 -msgid "Load" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:121 -msgid "Save" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:188 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot create temporary directory %1" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:271 -msgid "Menu movie is invalid" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:383 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:464 -msgid "Rendering job timed out" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:385 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:466 -msgid "Menu job timed out" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:674 -msgid "Rendering menu crashed" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:710 -msgid "DVDAuthor process crashed" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:713 -msgid "DVDAuthor process crashed.
" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:737 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:738 -msgid "DVD structure broken" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:785 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:788 -msgid "ISO creation process crashed." -msgstr "" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:817 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:818 -msgid "DVD ISO is broken" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:832 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:834 -#, kde-format -msgid "DVD ISO image %1 successfully created." -msgstr "" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:864 -#, kde-format -msgid "Previewing requires one of these applications (%1)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:888 -#, kde-format -msgid "Folder %1 already exists. Overwrite?\n" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:890 -#, kde-format -msgid "Image file %1 already exists. Overwrite?" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:911 -msgid "Save DVD Project" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:911 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:948 -msgid "DVD project (*.kdvd)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:957 -#, kde-format -msgid "File %1 is not a Kdenlive project file." -msgstr "" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardmenu.cpp:42 src/monitor/monitor.cpp:185 -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:303 src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:79 -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:405 src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:444 -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:873 -msgid "Play" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardmenu.cpp:54 -msgid "Add new button" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardmenu.cpp:55 -msgid "Delete current button" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardmenu.cpp:300 -msgid "Play All" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:104 -#, kde-format -msgid "Program %1 is required for the DVD wizard." -msgstr "" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:105 -msgid "mkisofs" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:105 -msgid "genisoimage" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:105 -#, kde-format -msgid "Program %1 or %2 is required for the DVD wizard." -msgstr "" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:111 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:316 -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:768 -msgid "PAL 4:3" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:111 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:313 -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:765 -msgid "PAL 16:9" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:111 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:310 -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:762 -msgid "NTSC 4:3" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:111 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:307 -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:759 -msgid "NTSC 16:9" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:138 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:791 -msgid "Your clips do not match selected DVD format, transcoding required." -msgstr "" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:210 src/project/cliptranscode.cpp:244 -msgid "Transcoding failed!" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:247 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "All Files" -msgid "MPEG Files" -msgstr "كلّ الملفّات" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:248 -msgid "Add new video file" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:337 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:779 -#, kde-format -msgid "The clip %1 is invalid." -msgstr "" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:674 -#: src/effectstack/collapsibleeffect.cpp:352 -#: src/effectstack/collapsiblegroup.cpp:178 src/monitor/monitor.cpp:845 -#: src/project/clipstabilize.cpp:222 src/project/cliptranscode.cpp:141 -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:297 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"File %1 already exists.\n" -"Do you want to overwrite it?" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:699 -#, kde-format -msgid "Transcoding: %1" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslist.cpp:197 -msgid "Author:" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:63 -msgid "Search in effects list" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:72 -msgid "Show/Hide effect description" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:83 -msgid "Add Effect to Selected Clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:84 -msgid "Add Effect to Favorites" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:85 -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:231 -#: src/effectstack/collapsibleeffect.cpp:70 -#: src/effectstack/collapsiblegroup.cpp:77 -msgid "Delete effect" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:93 -msgid "Show all transitions" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:94 -msgid "Show GPU transitions" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:101 -msgid "Show all effects" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:103 -msgid "Show video effects" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:105 -msgid "Show audio effects" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:107 -msgid "Show GPU effects" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:109 -msgid "Show custom effects" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:110 -msgid "Show favorite effects" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:239 -msgid "Remove from favorites" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_audio) -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, abitrates) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_audiothumbnails) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, audio_thumbs) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, audiobitrateLabel) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, rec_audio) -#: src/effectslist/effectslistwidget.cpp:100 -#: src/effectslist/effectslistwidget.cpp:129 -#: src/effectslist/effectslistwidget.cpp:131 src/monitor/recmanager.cpp:57 -#: src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:39 -#: src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:121 -#: src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:155 -#: src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:194 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:131 -#: src/ui/configtimeline_ui.ui:38 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:224 -#: src/ui/recmonitor_ui.ui:107 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:195 -#: src/ui/saveprofile_ui.ui:67 -msgid "Audio" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistwidget.cpp:100 -#: src/effectslist/effectslistwidget.cpp:137 -#: src/effectslist/effectslistwidget.cpp:139 -#: src/effectslist/effectslistwidget.cpp:464 -msgctxt "Folder Name" -msgid "Custom" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistwidget.cpp:194 -msgctxt "menu name for effects names between these 2 letters" -msgid "0 - F" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistwidget.cpp:196 -msgctxt "menu name for effects names between these 2 letters" -msgid "G - L" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistwidget.cpp:198 -msgctxt "menu name for effects names between these 2 letters" -msgid "M - R" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistwidget.cpp:200 -msgctxt "menu name for effects names between these 2 letters" -msgid "S - Z" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:47 src/project/clipproperties.cpp:346 -#: src/project/dialogs/slideshowclip.cpp:72 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:59 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:153 -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:541 -msgid "None" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:363 -#, kde-format -msgid "Group %1" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:624 -msgid "None (Dissolve)" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, slide_luma) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, luma_fade) -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:706 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:292 -#: src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:203 -msgid "Wipe" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:707 -msgid "Applies a stationary transition between the current and next frames." -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:710 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:785 -msgctxt "@property: means that the image is inverted" -msgid "Invert" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:711 -msgid "Image File" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:712 -msgid "Reverse Transition" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:716 src/timeline/headertrack.cpp:89 -#: src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:74 -msgid "Composite" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:717 -msgid "A key-framable alpha-channel compositor for two frames." -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:719 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:764 -msgid "Alpha Channel Operation" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:719 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:764 -msgid "Over,And,Or,Xor" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:720 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:765 -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:785 -msgid "Align" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:723 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:768 -msgid "Wipe File" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:724 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:769 -msgid "Wipe Softness" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:725 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:770 -msgid "Wipe Invert" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:726 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:771 -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:785 -msgid "Force Progressive Rendering" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:727 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:772 -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:785 -msgid "Force Deinterlace Overlay" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:729 -msgid "Affine" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:753 -msgid "Fix Shear Y" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:754 -msgid "Fix Shear X" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:755 -msgid "Fix Shear Z" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:761 -msgid "Use alpha channel of another clip to create a transition." -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:762 -msgid "Transparency clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:785 -msgid "Slide" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:785 -msgid "Slide image from one side to another." -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:785 -msgid "Direction" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, slide_fade) -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:790 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:262 -#: src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:167 -msgid "Dissolve" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:790 -msgid "Fade out one video while fading in the other video." -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:790 -msgid "Reverse" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/collapsibleeffect.cpp:64 -#: src/effectstack/collapsiblegroup.cpp:72 -msgid "Move effect up" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/collapsibleeffect.cpp:67 -#: src/effectstack/collapsiblegroup.cpp:74 -msgid "Move effect down" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/collapsibleeffect.cpp:82 -msgid "Reset Effect" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/collapsibleeffect.cpp:83 -#: src/effectstack/collapsibleeffect.cpp:345 -msgid "Save Effect" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/collapsibleeffect.cpp:91 -#: src/effectstack/collapsiblegroup.cpp:89 -msgid "Disable Effect" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/collapsibleeffect.cpp:91 -#: src/effectstack/collapsiblegroup.cpp:89 -msgid "Enable Effect" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/collapsibleeffect.cpp:96 -msgid "Create Group" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/collapsibleeffect.cpp:136 -msgid "Create Region" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/collapsibleeffect.cpp:345 -msgid "Name for saved effect: " -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/collapsiblegroup.cpp:68 -#: src/effectstack/collapsiblegroup.cpp:383 -msgid "Effect Group" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/collapsiblegroup.cpp:81 -msgid "Reset Group" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/collapsiblegroup.cpp:82 -#: src/effectstack/collapsiblegroup.cpp:171 -msgid "Save Group" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/collapsiblegroup.cpp:84 -msgid "Ungroup" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/collapsiblegroup.cpp:171 -msgid "Name for saved group: " -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/complexparameter.cpp:36 -msgid "Allow horizontal moves" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/complexparameter.cpp:38 -msgid "Allow vertical moves" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/complexparameter.cpp:40 -msgid "Show keyframes in timeline" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/complexparameter.cpp:42 -msgid "Parameter info" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/complexparameter.cpp:44 src/effectstack/geometryval.cpp:81 -#: src/effectstack/keyframeedit.cpp:47 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:84 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:417 -#: src/simplekeyframes/simplekeyframewidget.cpp:42 -#: src/simplekeyframes/simplekeyframewidget.cpp:132 -msgid "Add keyframe" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/dragvalue.cpp:109 -msgid "Normal scale" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/dragvalue.cpp:110 -msgid "Pixel scale" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/dragvalue.cpp:111 -msgid "Nonlinear scale" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/dragvalue.cpp:115 -msgid "Direct update" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/dragvalue.cpp:120 -msgid "Reset value" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/dragvalue.cpp:125 -#, kde-format -msgid "Show %1 in timeline" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/effectstackview2.cpp:71 -msgid "Enable/Disable all effects" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/effectstackview2.cpp:73 -msgid "Show additional information for the parameters" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/effectstackview2.cpp:174 -#: src/effectstack/effectstackview2.cpp:176 -#: src/effectstack/effectstackview2.cpp:179 -#, kde-format -msgid "Effects for %1" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/effectstackview2.cpp:229 -#: src/effectstack/effectstackview2.cpp:231 -#: src/effectstack/effectstackview2.cpp:234 -#, kde-format -msgid "Bin effects for %1" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/effectstackview2.cpp:276 -#, kde-format -msgid "Effects for track %1" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/geometryval.cpp:77 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:81 -#: src/simplekeyframes/simplekeyframewidget.cpp:52 -msgid "Go to next keyframe" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/geometryval.cpp:79 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:78 -#: src/simplekeyframes/simplekeyframewidget.cpp:47 -msgid "Go to previous keyframe" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/geometryval.cpp:83 src/effectstack/keyframeedit.cpp:49 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:423 -#: src/simplekeyframes/simplekeyframewidget.cpp:129 -msgid "Delete keyframe" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/geometryval.cpp:85 src/monitor/monitor.cpp:206 -msgid "Misc..." -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/geometryval.cpp:89 -msgid "Show/Hide options" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/geometryval.cpp:97 -msgid "Sync timeline cursor" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/geometryval.cpp:116 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:343 -msgid "Align item horizontally" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/geometryval.cpp:118 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:345 -msgid "Align item vertically" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/geometryval.cpp:120 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:347 -msgid "Align item to top" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/geometryval.cpp:122 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:349 -msgid "Align item to bottom" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/geometryval.cpp:124 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:351 -msgid "Align item to right" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/geometryval.cpp:126 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:353 -msgid "Align item to left" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/parametercontainer.cpp:467 -msgid "" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/bezier/beziersplinewidget.cpp:67 -msgid "Handle 1:" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/bezier/beziersplinewidget.cpp:70 -msgid "Handle 2:" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/colorpickerwidget.cpp:71 -msgid "" -"Pick a color on the screen. By pressing the mouse button and then moving " -"your mouse you can select a section of the screen from which to get an " -"average color." -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/colorpickerwidget.cpp:101 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/colorpickerwidget.cpp:125 -msgid "Requesting color information..." -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/colorpickerwidget.cpp:134 -msgid "Calculated average color for rectangle." -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:96 -msgctxt "x axis position" -msgid "X" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:99 -msgctxt "y axis position" -msgid "Y" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:102 -msgctxt "Frame width" -msgid "W" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:105 -msgctxt "Frame height" -msgid "H" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:111 -msgid "Adjust to original size" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:113 -msgid "Fit to width" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:115 -msgid "Fit to height" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:118 -msgid "Import keyframes from clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:121 -msgid "Reset all keyframes" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:125 -msgid "Reset keyframes after cursor" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:128 -msgid "Reset keyframes before cursor" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:133 -msgid "Synchronize with timeline cursor" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:139 -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:244 -msgid "Align left" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:141 -msgid "Center horizontally" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:143 -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:243 -msgid "Align right" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:145 -msgid "Align top" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:147 -msgid "Center vertically" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:149 -msgid "Align bottom" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:154 -#: src/ui/clipstabilize_ui.ui:30 -msgid "Options" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (suffix), widget (QSpinBox, spinResize) -#. i18n: ectx: property (suffix), widget (QSpinBox, kcfg_volume) -#. i18n: ectx: property (suffix), widget (QSpinBox, zoom_spin) -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:208 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:211 -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:125 src/ui/configsdl_ui.ui:89 -#: src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:226 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:611 -#, no-c-format -msgid "%" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/lumaliftgain.cpp:61 -msgid "Lift" -msgstr "" - -#: src/hidetitlebars.cpp:21 -msgid "Show Title Bars" -msgstr "" - -#: src/layoutmanagement.cpp:27 -msgid "Layouts" -msgstr "" - -#: src/layoutmanagement.cpp:28 -msgid "Load Layout" -msgstr "" - -#: src/layoutmanagement.cpp:30 -#, kde-format -msgid "Layout %1" -msgstr "" - -#: src/layoutmanagement.cpp:34 -#, kde-format -msgid "Save As Layout %1" -msgstr "" - -#: src/layoutmanagement.cpp:69 -#, kde-format -msgid "Save as %1" -msgstr "" - -#: src/layoutmanagement.cpp:101 -msgid "Save Layout" -msgstr "" - -#: src/layoutmanagement.cpp:101 -msgid "Layout name:" -msgstr "" - -#: src/lib/audio/audioCorrelation.cpp:43 -msgid "Audio analysis finished" -msgstr "" - -#: src/main.cpp:48 -msgid "Kdenlive" -msgstr "" - -#: src/main.cpp:49 -msgid "An open source video editor." -msgstr "" - -#: src/main.cpp:51 -msgid "Copyright © 2007–2015 Kdenlive authors" -msgstr "Copyright © 2007–2015 Los autores de Kdenlive" - -#: src/main.cpp:52 -msgid "Please report bugs to http://bugs.kde.org" -msgstr "" - -#: src/main.cpp:54 -msgid "Jean-Baptiste Mardelle" -msgstr "" - -#: src/main.cpp:54 -msgid "MLT and KDE SC 4 / KF5 port, main developer and maintainer" -msgstr "" - -#: src/main.cpp:55 -msgid "Vincent Pinon" -msgstr "" - -#: src/main.cpp:55 -msgid "" -"Interim maintainer, KF5 port, bugs fixing, minor functions, profiles " -"updates, etc." -msgstr "" - -#: src/main.cpp:56 -msgid "Laurent Montel" -msgstr "" - -#: src/main.cpp:56 -msgid "Bugs fixing, clean up code, optimization etc." -msgstr "" - -#: src/main.cpp:57 -msgid "Marco Gittler" -msgstr "" - -#: src/main.cpp:57 -msgid "MLT transitions and effects, timeline, audio thumbs" -msgstr "" - -#: src/main.cpp:58 -msgid "Dan Dennedy" -msgstr "" - -#: src/main.cpp:58 src/main.cpp:60 src/main.cpp:63 src/main.cpp:64 -msgid "Bug fixing, etc." -msgstr "" - -#: src/main.cpp:59 -msgid "Simon A. Eugster" -msgstr "" - -#: src/main.cpp:59 -msgid "Color scopes, bug fixing, etc." -msgstr "" - -#: src/main.cpp:60 -msgid "Till Theato" -msgstr "" - -#: src/main.cpp:61 -msgid "Alberto Villa" -msgstr "" - -#: src/main.cpp:61 -msgid "Bug fixing, logo, etc." -msgstr "" - -#: src/main.cpp:62 -msgid "Jean-Michel Poure" -msgstr "" - -#: src/main.cpp:62 -msgid "Rendering profiles customization" -msgstr "" - -#: src/main.cpp:63 -msgid "Ray Lehtiniemi" -msgstr "" - -#: src/main.cpp:64 -msgid "Steve Guilford" -msgstr "" - -#: src/main.cpp:65 -msgid "Jason Wood" -msgstr "" - -#: src/main.cpp:65 -msgid "Original KDE 3 version author (not active anymore)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/main.cpp:66 -msgid "NAME OF TRANSLATORS" -msgstr "" - -#: src/main.cpp:66 -msgid "EMAIL OF TRANSLATORS" -msgstr "" - -#: src/main.cpp:86 -msgid "Set the path for MLT environment" -msgstr "" - -#: src/main.cpp:87 -msgid "Comma separated list of clips to add" -msgstr "" - -#: src/main.cpp:88 -msgid "Document to open" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:148 -msgid "Theme" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:177 -msgid "Project Bin" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, properties) -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:216 src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:395 -#: src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:43 -msgid "Properties" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:219 src/mainwindow.cpp:280 -msgid "Effects" -msgstr "Efeutos" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:222 src/mainwindow.cpp:284 src/mainwindow.cpp:1272 -msgid "Transitions" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:225 -msgid "Clip Monitor" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:226 -msgid "Project Monitor" -msgstr "Monitor del proyeutu" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:228 -msgid "Record Monitor" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:233 -msgid "Clean" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:235 -msgid "Undo History" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:263 -msgid "Stop Motion" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, capture_button) -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:264 src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:105 -msgid "Capture frame" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:267 -msgid "Switch live / captured frame" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:270 -msgid "Show last frame over video" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:283 -msgid "Add Transition" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:315 src/mainwindow.cpp:316 src/mainwindow.cpp:325 -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:326 src/mainwindow.cpp:330 -msgid "Favorite Effects" -msgstr "Efeutos favoritos" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:563 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"You have 1 rendering job waiting in the queue.\n" -"What do you want to do with this job?" -msgid_plural "" -"You have %1 rendering jobs waiting in the queue.\n" -"What do you want to do with these jobs?" -msgstr[0] "" -msgstr[1] "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:563 -msgid "Start them now" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:563 -msgid "Delete them" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:784 -msgid "Normal mode" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:785 -msgctxt "Normal editing" -msgid "n" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:790 -msgid "Overwrite mode" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:796 -msgid "Insert mode" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:815 -msgid "Selection tool" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:816 -msgctxt "Selection tool shortcut" -msgid "s" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:821 -msgid "Razor tool" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:822 -msgctxt "Razor tool shortcut" -msgid "x" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:827 -msgid "Spacer tool" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:828 -msgctxt "Spacer tool shortcut" -msgid "m" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:869 -msgid "Fit zoom to project" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:873 -msgid "Zoom Out" -msgstr "Alloñar" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:887 -msgid "Zoom In" -msgstr "Averar" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:915 -msgid "Split audio and video automatically" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, videothumbs) -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:921 src/ui/wizardextra_ui.ui:35 -msgid "Show video thumbnails" -msgstr "Amosar miniatures de videu" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, audiothumbs) -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:927 src/ui/wizardextra_ui.ui:42 -msgid "Show audio thumbnails" -msgstr "Amosar miniatures d'audiu" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:933 -msgid "Show markers comments" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:938 -msgid "Snap" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, tc_type) -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:972 src/project/clipproperties.cpp:372 -#: src/project/dialogs/slideshowclip.cpp:89 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:284 -msgid "hh:mm:ss:ff" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, tc_type) -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:973 src/project/clipproperties.cpp:373 -#: src/project/dialogs/slideshowclip.cpp:90 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:289 -msgid "Frames" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1002 -msgid "Manage Project Profiles" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1003 -msgid "Download New Wipes..." -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1004 -msgid "Download New Render Profiles..." -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1005 -msgid "Download New Project Profiles..." -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1006 -msgid "Download New Title Templates..." -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1008 -msgid "Run Config Wizard" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, ProjectSettings_UI) -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1009 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Project Settings" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1010 -msgid "Render" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1012 -msgid "Clean Project" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1016 -msgid "Play Zone" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1018 -msgid "Loop Zone" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1020 -msgid "Loop selected clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1024 -msgid "Transcode Clips" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1025 src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:55 -msgid "Archive Project" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1026 -msgid "Switch monitor" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1027 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6364 -msgid "Expand Clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1029 -msgid "Monitor Info Overlay" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1035 -msgid "Real Time (drop frames)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1040 -msgid "Monitor Gamma" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1041 -msgid "sRGB (computer)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1042 -msgid "Rec. 709 (TV)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1047 -msgid "Insert Zone in Project Bin" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1048 -msgid "Insert Zone in Timeline" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1050 -msgid "Resize Item Start" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1055 -msgid "Resize Item End" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1060 -msgid "Go to Previous Snap Point" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1062 -msgid "Go to Clip Start" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1063 -msgid "Go to Clip End" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1064 -msgid "Go to Next Snap Point" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1066 -msgid "Delete Selected Item" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1067 -msgid "Align Playhead to Mouse Position" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1069 -msgid "Automatic Transition" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1076 -msgid "Group Clips" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1078 -msgid "Ungroup Clips" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1083 -msgid "Edit Duration" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1084 src/mainwindow.cpp:3232 -msgid "Save clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1085 -msgid "Clip in Project Bin" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1086 -msgid "Insert Clip Zone in Timeline (Overwrite)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1087 -msgid "Select Clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1088 -msgid "Deselect Clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1089 -msgid "Add Clip To Selection" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1091 -msgid "Select Transition" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1093 -msgid "Deselect Transition" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1095 -msgid "Add Transition To Selection" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, CutJobDialog_UI) -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1097 src/ui/cutjobdialog_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Cut Clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1098 src/mainwindow.cpp:1833 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:729 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:803 -msgid "Add Marker" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1099 -msgid "Delete Marker" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1100 -msgid "Delete All Markers" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1102 src/mainwindow.cpp:1921 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:702 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:827 -msgid "Edit Marker" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1105 -msgid "Add Marker/Guide quickly" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1108 -msgid "Split Audio" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1112 -msgid "Set Audio Reference" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1116 -msgid "Align Audio to Reference" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1120 -msgid "Audio Only" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1125 -msgid "Video Only" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1130 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7007 -msgid "Audio and Video" -msgstr "Audiu y videu" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1142 -msgid "Insert Space" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1143 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:3426 -msgid "Remove Space" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1146 -msgid "Insert Track" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1150 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6556 -#: src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:94 -msgid "Delete Track" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, TracksConfigDialog_UI) -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1155 src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:250 -#: src/ui/tracksconfigdialog_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Configure Tracks" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1159 -msgid "Select All in Current Track" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1170 src/timeline/customruler.cpp:85 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5781 -msgid "Add Guide" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1171 src/timeline/customruler.cpp:89 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:231 -msgid "Delete Guide" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1172 src/timeline/customruler.cpp:87 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:235 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5815 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5829 -msgid "Edit Guide" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1173 src/timeline/customruler.cpp:91 -msgid "Delete All Guides" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1175 -msgid "Paste Effects" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1180 -msgid "Save Selection" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1208 -msgid "Add Clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1210 -msgid "Add Color Clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1213 src/project/dialogs/slideshowclip.cpp:41 -msgid "Add Slideshow Clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1216 -msgid "Add Title Clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1219 -msgid "Add Template Title" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1223 -msgid "Create Folder" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1224 -msgid "Online Resources" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, ClipProperties_UI) -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1226 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Clip Properties" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1230 -msgid "Edit Clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1238 -msgid "Reload Clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1242 -msgid "Disable Timeline Effects" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1247 -msgid "Duplicate Clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1259 -msgid "Ripple Delete" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1389 -msgid "" -"You have changed the proxy parameters. Do you want to recreate all proxy " -"clips for this project?" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1487 -msgid "This will remove all unused clips from your project." -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1487 -msgid "Clean up project" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1647 -msgctxt "general keyboard shortcuts" -msgid "General" -msgstr "Xeneral" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1827 src/mainwindow.cpp:1945 -msgid "Cannot find clip to add marker" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1859 src/mainwindow.cpp:1886 src/mainwindow.cpp:1909 -msgid "Cannot find clip to remove marker" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1866 src/mainwindow.cpp:1916 -msgid "No marker found at cursor time" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2194 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot find effect %1 / %2" -msgstr "Nun pue alcontrase l'efeutu %1/%2" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2252 -#, kde-format -msgid "Zoom Level: %1/13" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2378 -msgid "Ctrl + click to use spacer on current track only" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2381 -msgid "Click on a clip to cut it" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2384 -msgid "" -"Shift + click to create a selection rectangle, Ctrl + click to add an item " -"to selection" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2707 -msgid "Stabilize" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2719 -msgid "Automatic scene split" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2729 src/project/jobs/filterjob.cpp:83 -msgid "Reverse clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2736 -msgid "Analyse keyframes" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2751 -msgid "Transcoders" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2784 -msgid "Interface" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2821 -msgid "No clip to transcode" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2834 -msgid "Files to transcode" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2867 -msgid "Create Render Script" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2877 -msgid "Script file already exists. Do you want to overwrite it?" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2923 -msgctxt "the first in a list of chapters" -msgid "Start" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:3200 -msgid "Archiving project" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:3229 -msgid "Select a clip to save" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:3232 src/renderer.cpp:1386 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7865 -msgid "MLT playlist (*.mlt)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mltconnection.cpp:51 -msgid "Cannot find the melt program required for rendering (part of MLT)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mltconnection.cpp:83 -msgid "Cannot find your MLT profiles, please give the path" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:87 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:476 src/project/projectcommands.cpp:166 -msgid "Edit marker" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:88 -msgid "Export markers" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:89 -msgid "Import markers" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:115 -msgid "Analysis data" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:118 -msgid "Delete analysis" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:119 -msgid "Export analysis" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:120 -msgid "Import analysis" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, clip_transparency) -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:166 -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:842 -msgid "Transparent" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:181 -msgid "Aspect Ratio" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_18) -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:236 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:618 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:623 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:679 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:440 -#: src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:86 -msgid "Frame rate" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_5) -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:260 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:634 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:686 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:105 -msgid "Scanning" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:282 -msgid "Field order" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:286 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:129 -msgid "Bottom first" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:287 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:130 -msgid "Top first" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:304 -msgid "Threads" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, clip_force_vindex) -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:320 -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:693 -msgid "Video index" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, clip_force_aindex) -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:336 -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:720 -msgid "Audio index" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_12) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_32) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_15) -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:350 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:644 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:696 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:294 -#: src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:222 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:149 -msgid "Colorspace" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, clip_full_luma) -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:380 -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:772 -msgid "Full luma range" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:399 -msgid "Force properties" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_5) -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_3) -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:401 -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:511 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:349 -msgid "Metadata" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:403 -msgid "Analysis" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:609 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:671 src/project/clipproperties.cpp:673 -msgid "Video codec" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:613 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:676 -msgid "Frame size" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:630 -msgid "Video bitrate" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:630 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:664 -msgctxt "seconds" -msgid "s" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_9) -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:641 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:690 src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:120 -msgid "Pixel aspect ratio" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:642 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:693 -msgid "Pixel format" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:651 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:243 -msgid "Audio codec" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:659 -msgid "Audio frequency" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:664 -msgid "Audio bitrate" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:760 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:788 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:813 -msgid "Exif" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:832 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:854 -msgid "Magic Lantern" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:893 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:858 -msgid "Save Analysis Data" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:893 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:904 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:858 src/project/clipproperties.cpp:869 -msgid "Text File (*.txt)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:904 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:869 -msgid "Open Analysis Data" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:183 -msgid "Play..." -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:185 src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:303 -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:310 src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:449 -msgid "Pause" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:210 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:210 -msgid "Go to marker..." -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:215 -msgid "Force Monitor Size" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:216 -msgid "Force 100%" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:218 -msgid "Force 50%" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:220 -msgid "Free Resize" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:233 -msgid "Audio volume" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:248 -msgid "Split" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:248 -msgid "Unsplit" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:281 src/monitor/monitoreditwidget.cpp:58 -msgid "Show/Hide edit mode" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:400 -msgid "Save zone" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:401 -msgid "Extract Zone" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:404 -msgid "Extract frame" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:408 -msgid "Split view" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:412 -msgid "Set current image as thumbnail" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:416 -msgid "Overlay audio waveform" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:453 -msgid "Your screen resolution is not sufficient for this action" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:838 -msgid "Save Image" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:894 -msgid "In Point" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:896 -msgid "Out Point" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:1520 -msgid "Select a clip in project bin to compare effect" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:1524 -msgid "Clip has no effects" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:1533 -msgid "" -"The scal0tilt filter is required for that feature, please install frei0r and " -"restart Kdenlive" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:1540 -msgid "" -"The cairoblend transition is required for that feature, please install " -"frei0r and restart Kdenlive" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitoreditwidget.cpp:64 -msgid "Update parameters while monitor scene changes" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitoreditwidget.cpp:68 -msgid "Fit zoom to monitor size" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitoreditwidget.cpp:70 -msgid "Original size" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:326 -msgid "Switch monitor fullscreen" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:331 src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:76 -msgid "Rewind" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:336 -msgid "Rewind 1 Frame" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:341 -msgid "Rewind 1 Second" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:346 src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:85 -msgid "Forward" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:351 -msgid "Go to Project Start" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:356 -msgid "Go to Project End" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:361 -msgid "Forward 1 Frame" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:366 -msgid "Forward 1 Second" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:371 -msgid "Deinterlacer" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:372 -msgid "One Field (fast)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:373 -msgid "Linear Blend (fast)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:374 -msgid "YADIF - temporal only (good)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:375 -msgid "YADIF - temporal + spacial (best)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:384 -msgid "Nearest Neighbor (fast)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:385 -msgid "Bilinear (good)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:386 -msgid "Bicubic (better)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:387 -msgid "Hyper/Lanczos (best)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:395 -msgid "Go to Zone Start" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:400 -msgid "Mute monitor" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:400 -msgid "Unmute monitor" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:406 -msgid "Go to Zone End" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:411 -msgid "Set Zone In" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:416 -msgid "Set Zone Out" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_preview) -#: src/monitor/recmanager.cpp:48 src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:147 -#: src/ui/freesound_ui.ui:144 src/utils/archiveorg.cpp:181 -#: src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:158 src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:263 -#: src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:277 src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:575 -msgid "Preview" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/recmanager.cpp:52 src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:88 -msgid "Record" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_video) -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, vbitrates) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, background_list) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_videothumbnails) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, video_thumbs) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, bitrateLabel) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, rec_video) -#: src/monitor/recmanager.cpp:56 src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:38 -#: src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:153 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:86 -#: src/ui/configtimeline_ui.ui:29 src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:207 -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:217 src/ui/recmonitor_ui.ui:100 -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:169 src/ui/saveprofile_ui.ui:20 -msgid "Video" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/recmanager.cpp:68 src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:135 -#, kde-format -msgid "Monitor %1" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/recmanager.cpp:80 -msgid "Webcam" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_3) -#: src/monitor/recmanager.cpp:81 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:427 -msgid "Screen Grab" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/recmanager.cpp:86 -msgid "Configure Recording" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/recmanager.cpp:89 -msgid "Show Record Control" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/recmanager.cpp:198 src/monitor/recmanager.cpp:279 -#: src/monitor/recmanager.cpp:284 src/monitor/recmanager.cpp:390 -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:879 src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:886 -msgid "Capture crashed, please check your parameters" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/recmanager.cpp:265 src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:753 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Failed to start the capture application:\n" -"%1" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:73 src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:862 -msgid "Connect" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:82 src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:249 -#: src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:262 src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:271 -msgid "Stop" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:94 -msgid "Add Captured File to Project" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:102 -msgid "Recording Preview" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:110 src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:245 -msgid "Configure" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:202 -msgid "" -"You need to disconnect and reconnect in the capture monitor to apply your " -"changes" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:202 src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:203 -msgid "Capturing" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:203 -msgid "You need to stop capture before your changes can be applied" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:256 -msgid "" -"ffmpeg or avconv not found,\n" -" please install it for screen grabs" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:262 -msgid "" -"Your FFmpeg / Libav installation\n" -" does not support screen grab" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:265 src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:888 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Press record button\n" -"to start screen capture\n" -"Files will be saved in:\n" -"%1" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:283 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Plug your camcorder and\n" -"press play button\n" -"to start preview.\n" -"Files will be saved in:\n" -"%1" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:296 -msgid "" -"dvgrab utility not found,\n" -" please install it for firewire capture" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:320 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Plug your camcorder and\n" -"press connect button\n" -"to initialize connection\n" -"Files will be saved in:\n" -"%1" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:355 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Cannot read from device %1\n" -"Please check drivers and access rights." -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:358 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Press play or record button\n" -"to start video capture\n" -"Files will be saved in:\n" -"%1" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:370 -msgid "Disconnect" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:423 -msgid "Capture stopped" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:523 -msgid "" -"Failed to start Video4Linux,\n" -"check your parameters..." -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:539 src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:701 -msgid "" -"Failed to start Decklink,\n" -"check your parameters..." -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:677 -msgid "" -"Failed to start ffmpeg capture,\n" -"check your parameters..." -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:695 -#, kde-format -msgid "Capturing to %1" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:702 -msgid "Failed to start capture" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:766 -msgid "Initialising..." -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:782 -msgid "Show log" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, video_frame) -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:882 src/ui/recmonitor_ui.ui:35 -msgid "Not connected" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:971 -#, kde-format -msgid "Free space: %1" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:1014 -#, kde-format -msgid "%1 dropped frames" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/smallruler.cpp:201 src/timeline/customruler.cpp:233 -#: src/timeline/customruler.cpp:234 -#, kde-format -msgid "Zone start: %1" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/smallruler.cpp:205 src/timeline/customruler.cpp:237 -#: src/timeline/customruler.cpp:238 -#, kde-format -msgid "Zone end: %1" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/smallruler.cpp:236 src/timeline/customruler.cpp:241 -#: src/timeline/customruler.cpp:242 -#, kde-format -msgid "Zone duration: %1" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/smallruler.cpp:238 src/timeline/customruler.cpp:245 -#: src/timeline/customruler.cpp:246 -#, kde-format -msgid "Position: %1" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/clipmanager.cpp:220 -msgid "Delete subclip" -msgid_plural "Delete subclips" -msgstr[0] "" -msgstr[1] "" - -#: src/project/clipmanager.cpp:223 src/project/projectcommands.cpp:74 -msgid "Delete folder" -msgid_plural "Delete folders" -msgstr[0] "" -msgstr[1] "" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:200 -msgid "Libav" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_8) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, kcfg_defaultcapture) -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_2) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, device_selector) -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:204 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:42 -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:181 src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:105 -#: src/ui/recmonitor_ui.ui:139 -msgid "FFmpeg" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_11) -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:246 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:187 -#: src/utils/freesound.cpp:207 -msgid "Channels" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:263 -#, kde-format -msgid "Proxy clip: %1 (%2)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:265 -msgid "Delete proxy" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:292 -msgid "Playlist" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:348 src/project/dialogs/slideshowclip.cpp:74 -msgid "Pan, low-pass" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:349 src/project/dialogs/slideshowclip.cpp:75 -msgid "Pan and zoom" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:350 src/project/dialogs/slideshowclip.cpp:76 -msgid "Pan and zoom, low-pass" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:352 src/project/dialogs/slideshowclip.cpp:78 -msgid "Zoom, low-pass" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:480 -msgid "Save markers" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:482 -msgid "Load markers" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:484 -msgid "Delete analysis data" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:486 -msgid "Load analysis data" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:488 -msgid "Save analysis data" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:527 src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:360 -#, kde-format -msgid "(%1 clip)" -msgid_plural "(%1 clips)" -msgstr[0] "" -msgstr[1] "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, slide_info) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_info) -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:1166 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:319 -#: src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:265 -msgid "No image found" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:1171 -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:573 -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:586 -#: src/project/dialogs/slideshowclip.cpp:247 -#, kde-format -msgid "1 image found" -msgid_plural "%1 images found" -msgstr[0] "" -msgstr[1] "" - -#: src/project/clippropertiesmanager.cpp:182 -msgid "Edit clips" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/clipstabilize.cpp:41 -msgid "Stabilize Clip" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, auto_add) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, add_clip) -#: src/project/clipstabilize.cpp:42 src/project/cliptranscode.cpp:47 -#: src/ui/clipstabilize_ui.ui:57 src/ui/cliptranscode_ui.ui:47 -#: src/ui/cutjobdialog_ui.ui:57 -msgid "Add clip to project" -msgid_plural "Add clips to project" -msgstr[0] "" -msgstr[1] "" - -#: src/project/clipstabilize.cpp:69 src/project/cliptranscode.cpp:63 -msgid "Destination folder" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/clipstabilize.cpp:159 -msgid "Stabilised" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/clipstabilize.cpp:173 -msgid "Stabilize clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/clipstabilize.cpp:232 -msgid "The stabilize job will overwrite the following files:" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/cliptranscode.cpp:43 -msgid "Transcode Clip" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, convert_abort) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_abort) -#: src/project/cliptranscode.cpp:168 src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:636 -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:884 src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:94 -#: src/ui/dvdwizardvob_ui.ui:160 -msgid "Abort" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, buttonClose) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, buttonClose2) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, buttonClose3) -#: src/project/cliptranscode.cpp:210 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:382 -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:657 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:805 -msgid "Close" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/cliptranscode.cpp:221 src/project/cliptranscode.cpp:239 -msgid "Transcoding finished." -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:63 -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:302 -msgid "Video clips" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:67 -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:305 -msgid "Audio clips" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:71 -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:308 src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:113 -msgid "Image clips" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:75 -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:311 -msgid "Slideshow clips" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:79 -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:314 -msgid "Text clips" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:83 -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:317 -msgid "Playlist clips" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:87 -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:320 -msgid "Other clips" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:91 -msgid "Luma files" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:167 -#, kde-format -msgid "You have %1 missing clip in your project." -msgid_plural "You have %1 missing clips in your project." -msgstr[0] "" -msgstr[1] "" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:192 -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:1017 -#, kde-format -msgid "(%1 item)" -msgid_plural "(%1 items)" -msgstr[0] "" -msgstr[1] "" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:197 -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:1019 -#, kde-format -msgid "%1 file to archive, requires %2" -msgid_plural "%1 files to archive, requires %2" -msgstr[0] "" -msgstr[1] "" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:198 -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:664 -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:854 -msgid "Archive" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:232 -msgid "Extract to" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:233 -msgid "Open Archived Project" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:235 -msgid "Extract" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:264 -msgid "Opening archive..." -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:267 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Cannot open archive file:\n" -" %1" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:284 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"File %1\n" -" is not an archived Kdenlive project" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:290 -msgid "Ready" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:310 -msgid "Archiving in progress, do you want to stop it?" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:310 -msgid "Stop Archiving" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:493 -#, kde-format -msgid "Available space on drive: %1" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:497 -#, kde-format -msgid "Not enough space on drive, free space: %1" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:518 -msgid "Archiving..." -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:546 -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:628 -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:881 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot create directory %1" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:652 -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:847 -msgid "Project was successfully archived." -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:655 -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:851 -msgid "There was an error processing project file" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:661 -#, kde-format -msgid "There was an error while copying the files: %1" -msgstr "hebo un fallu entrín se copiaben los ficheros: %1" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:785 -msgid "Cannot create temporary file" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:883 -msgid "Extracting..." -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:947 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot open project file %1" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:947 -msgid "Cannot open file" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/dialogs/backupwidget.cpp:30 -msgid "Restore Backup File" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/dialogs/backupwidget.cpp:34 -msgid "Showing all backup files in folder" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/dialogs/backupwidget.cpp:37 -#, kde-format -msgid "Showing backup files for %1" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/dialogs/noteswidget.cpp:40 -msgid "Insert current timecode" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:120 -msgid "Current Settings" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:139 -msgid "Title" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:146 -#: src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:189 -msgid "Author" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:153 -msgid "Artist" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:159 -msgid "Copyright" -msgstr "Copyright" - -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:259 -msgid "Deleting proxy clips will disable proxies for this project." -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:410 -msgid "" -"Changing the profile of your project cannot be undone.\n" -"It is recommended to save your project before attempting this operation that " -"might cause some corruption in transitions.\n" -" Are you sure you want to proceed?" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:410 -msgid "Confirm profile change" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:425 -#, kde-format -msgid "Interlaced (%1 fields per second)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:596 -#, kde-format -msgid "Project folder: %1" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:597 -#, kde-format -msgid "Project profile: %1" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:598 -#, kde-format -msgid "Total clips: %1 (%2 used in timeline)." -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:650 -msgid "field_name" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, SlideshowClip_UI) -#: src/project/dialogs/slideshowclip.cpp:47 src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Slideshow Clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:46 -msgid "Transcode clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:49 -msgid "Cut clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:53 -msgid "Analyse clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:125 -msgid "Failed to create file." -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:140 -msgid "Cannot process this clip type." -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:202 -msgid "Transcoding clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:203 -msgid "Extracting clip cut" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:204 -msgid "Analysing clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:207 -msgid "Waiting - transcode clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:208 -msgid "Waiting - cut clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:209 -msgid "Waiting - analyse clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:278 -#, kde-format -msgid "Extracting %1 out of %2" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:292 -msgid "You cannot overwrite original clip." -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:293 -#, kde-format -msgid "Overwrite file %1" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:338 -msgid "The transcoding job will overwrite the following files:" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:344 -msgid "Transcoding" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:432 -msgid "I-Frame " -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:433 -#, c-format -msgid "Found %count I-Frames" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/jobs/filterjob.cpp:133 -#, kde-format -msgid "Found %1 scenes." -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/jobs/filterjob.cpp:146 -msgid "Scene " -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/jobs/filterjob.cpp:174 -msgid "Auto split" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/jobs/jobmanager.cpp:178 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot write to path: %1" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/jobs/jobmanager.cpp:225 -#, kde-format -msgid "Filter %1" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/jobs/jobmanager.cpp:234 -msgid "No valid clip to process" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/jobs/meltjob.cpp:53 -msgid "Processing clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/jobs/meltjob.cpp:63 -msgid "No producer for this clip." -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/jobs/meltjob.cpp:86 -#, kde-format -msgid "Clip zone undefined (%1 - %2)." -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/jobs/meltjob.cpp:157 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot create consumer %1." -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/jobs/meltjob.cpp:179 -#, kde-format -msgid "Filter %1 crashed" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/jobs/meltjob.cpp:248 -msgid "Waiting to process clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/jobs/proxyclipjob.cpp:38 -msgid "proxy" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/jobs/proxyclipjob.cpp:90 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot load image %1." -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/jobs/proxyclipjob.cpp:170 -msgid "Failed to create proxy clip." -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/jobs/proxyclipjob.cpp:245 -msgid "Creating proxy" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/jobs/proxyclipjob.cpp:248 -msgid "Waiting - proxy" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/jobs/proxyclipjob.cpp:283 src/project/projectlist.cpp:2073 -msgid "Failed to create proxy, empty path." -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/notesplugin.cpp:27 -msgid "Enter your project notes here ..." -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/notesplugin.cpp:28 -msgid "Project Notes" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/projectcommands.cpp:38 -msgid "Add clip cut" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/projectcommands.cpp:72 -msgid "Add folder" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/projectcommands.cpp:107 -msgid "Edit clip cut" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/projectcommands.cpp:136 -msgid "Rename folder" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/projectitem.cpp:92 src/project/projectitem.cpp:221 -msgid "Contains proxies" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/projectitem.cpp:186 -msgid "Missing" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:446 -msgid "No available clip selected" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:982 -msgid "Delete Clip Zone" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:995 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Delete folder %2?
This will also remove the clip in that folder" -msgid_plural "" -"Delete folder %2?
This will also remove the %1 clips in that " -"folder" -msgstr[0] "" -msgstr[1] "" - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:1004 -#, kde-format -msgid "Delete clip %2?
This will also remove the clip in timeline" -msgid_plural "" -"Delete clip %2?
This will also remove its %1 clips in timeline" -msgstr[0] "" -msgstr[1] "" - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:1430 -msgid "Clip is missing or invalid. Remove it from project?" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:1455 -msgid "Proxy clip unusable (duration is different from original)." -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:1457 -#, kde-format -msgid "Failed to create proxy for %1. check parameters" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:1752 -msgid "Cannot find profile from current clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:1769 -msgid "Change project profile" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:1773 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Your clip does not match current project's profile.\n" -"Do you want to change the project profile?\n" -"\n" -"The following profiles match the clip (size: %1, fps: %2)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:1791 -msgid "Update profile" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:1806 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Your clip does not match current project's profile.\n" -"No existing profile found to match the clip's properties.\n" -"Clip size: %1\n" -"Fps: %2\n" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:2042 -msgid "Sequence not found" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:2212 -msgid "Update proxy settings" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:2374 -msgid "Remove Proxy" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/projectlistview.cpp:59 -msgid "Rating" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/projectlistview.cpp:105 -msgctxt "@title:menu" -msgid "Columns" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:61 -msgid "Open Backup File" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:202 -msgid "Save changes to document?" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:204 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"The project \"%1\" has been changed.\n" -"Do you want to save your changes?" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:379 -msgid "Auto-saved files exist. Do you want to recover them now?" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:380 -msgid "File Recovery" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:381 -msgid "Don't recover" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:436 -#, kde-format -msgid "Opening file %1" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:456 -msgid "Loading project" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:458 -msgid "Loading playlist" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:478 src/project/projectmanager.cpp:483 -msgid "Loading clips" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:507 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Cannot open file %1.\n" -"Project is corrupted." -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:527 -msgid "" -"This will delete all changes made since you last saved your project. Are you " -"sure you want to continue?" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:527 -msgid "Revert to last saved version" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:537 -msgid "Kdenlive project (*.kdenlive)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:538 -msgid "Archived project (*.tar.gz)" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, scanning_list) -#: src/project/transitionsettings.cpp:151 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:126 -msgid "Auto" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/transitionsettings.cpp:162 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:54 -msgid "Black" -msgstr "" - -#: src/renderer.cpp:1181 -msgid "" -"Could not create the video preview window.\n" -"There is something wrong with your Kdenlive install or your driver settings, " -"please fix it." -msgstr "" - -#: src/renderer.cpp:1386 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7865 -msgid "Save Zone" -msgstr "" - -#: src/renderer.cpp:3283 -msgid "Import selected clips" -msgstr "" - -#: src/renderer.cpp:3285 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Additional streams for clip\n" -" %1" -msgstr "" - -#: src/renderer.cpp:3294 -#, kde-format -msgid "Video stream %1" -msgstr "" - -#: src/renderer.cpp:3309 -#, kde-format -msgid "Audio stream %1" -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/abstractscopewidget.cpp:84 -msgid "Auto Refresh" -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/abstractscopewidget.cpp:86 -msgid "Realtime (with precision loss)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:67 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:52 -msgid "Reset maximum frequency to sampling rate" -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:68 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:55 -msgid "Track mouse" -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:70 -msgid "Show maximum" -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:86 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:74 -msgid "Rectangular window" -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:87 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:75 -msgid "Triangular window" -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:88 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:76 -msgid "Hamming window" -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:97 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:79 -msgid "The maximum window size is limited by the number of samples per frame." -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:98 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:80 -msgid "" -"A bigger window improves the accuracy at the cost of computational power." -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:99 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:81 -msgid "" -"The rectangular window function is good for signals with equal signal " -"strength (narrow peak), but creates more smearing. See Window function on " -"Wikipedia." -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:389 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:392 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:394 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:485 -#, kde-format -msgid "%1 dB" -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:412 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:487 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:280 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:289 -#, kde-format -msgid "%1 kHz" -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:53 -msgid "Draw grid" -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:57 -msgid "Highlight peaks" -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:234 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Frame\n" -"%1" -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:305 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:306 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"%1\n" -"dB" -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:31 -msgid "YUV UV plane" -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:32 -msgid "YUV Y plane" -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:33 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:55 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:61 -msgid "Modified YUV (Chroma)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:34 -msgid "YCbCr CbCr plane" -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:35 -msgid "RGB plane, one component varying" -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:36 -msgid "HSV Hue Shift" -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:37 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:254 -msgid "HSV Saturation" -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:118 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:250 -#, kde-format -msgid "%1°" -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:125 -#, kde-format -msgid "%1 px" -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:218 -msgid "Y value" -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:219 -msgid "The Y value describes the brightness of the colors." -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:231 -msgid "UV angle" -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:232 -msgid "Angle through the UV plane, with all possible Y values." -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:240 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:268 -msgid "Red" -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:241 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:269 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:53 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/waveform.cpp:34 -msgid "Green" -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:242 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:270 -msgid "Blue" -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:243 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:271 -msgid "Luma" -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:255 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:262 -msgid "HSV Value" -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/histogram.cpp:26 -msgid "Unscaled" -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/histogram.cpp:29 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/waveform.cpp:37 -msgid "Rec. 601" -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/histogram.cpp:31 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/waveform.cpp:39 -msgid "Rec. 709" -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/histogram.cpp:39 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/waveform.cpp:44 -msgid "Luma mode" -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/histogramgenerator.cpp:178 -msgid "min" -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/histogramgenerator.cpp:181 -msgid "max" -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/rgbparade.cpp:27 -msgid "RGB" -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/rgbparade.cpp:28 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/waveform.cpp:33 -msgid "White" -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/rgbparade.cpp:32 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:89 -msgid "Draw axis" -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/rgbparade.cpp:37 -msgid "Gradient reference line" -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/rgbparadegenerator.cpp:167 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/rgbparadegenerator.cpp:169 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/rgbparadegenerator.cpp:171 -msgid "min: " -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/rgbparadegenerator.cpp:175 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/rgbparadegenerator.cpp:177 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/rgbparadegenerator.cpp:179 -msgid "max: " -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:52 -msgid "Green 2" -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:56 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:60 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:102 -msgid "YUV" -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:57 -msgid "Original Color" -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:62 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:100 -msgid "YPbPr" -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:76 -msgid "Tools" -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:78 -msgid "Export background" -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:82 -msgid "Drawing options" -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:84 -msgid "75% box" -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:94 -msgid "Draw I/Q lines" -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:99 -msgid "Color Space" -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:247 -#, kde-format -msgid "%1 \\%" -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/waveform.cpp:32 -msgid "Yellow" -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/scopemanager.cpp:307 -msgid "Waveform" -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/scopemanager.cpp:309 -msgid "Histogram" -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/scopemanager.cpp:311 -msgid "Audio Signal" -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/scopemanager.cpp:312 -msgid "AudioSpectrum" -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/scopemanager.cpp:313 -msgid "Spectrogram" -msgstr "" - -#: src/statusbarmessagelabel.cpp:51 -msgctxt "@action:button" -msgid "Confirm" -msgstr "" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:162 -msgid "Send frames to color scopes" -msgstr "" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:167 -msgid "Mirror display" -msgstr "" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:174 -msgid "Stop Motion Capture" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, capture_interval) -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:187 src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:115 -msgid "Interval capture" -msgstr "" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:205 -msgid "Overlay effect" -msgstr "" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:207 -msgid "No Effect" -msgstr "Ensin efeutos" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:211 -msgid "Edge detect" -msgstr "" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:213 -msgid "Brighten" -msgstr "" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:236 -msgid "Show sequence thumbnails" -msgstr "" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:241 -msgid "Delete current frame" -msgstr "" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:369 -msgid "Configure Stop Motion" -msgstr "" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:371 src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:372 -msgid " second" -msgid_plural " seconds" -msgstr[0] "" -msgstr[1] "" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:520 -msgid "Stopped" -msgstr "" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:560 -msgid "No previous frame found" -msgstr "" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:632 -msgid "Create New Sequence" -msgstr "" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:632 -msgid "Enter sequence name" -msgstr "" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:653 -msgid "Frame Captured" -msgstr "" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:667 -msgid "Going to Capture Frame" -msgstr "" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:822 -#, kde-format -msgid "Delete frame %1 from disk?" -msgstr "" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:822 -msgid "Delete Frame" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timecode.cpp:261 -msgid "hour" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timecode.cpp:269 -msgid "min." -msgstr "" - -#: src/timecode.cpp:277 -msgid "sec." -msgstr "" - -#: src/timecode.cpp:282 -msgid "frames" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/abstractclipitem.cpp:379 -msgid "seconds" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:589 -msgid "Crop from start:" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, clip_filesize_2) -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:589 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:602 -#: src/ui/spacerdialog_ui.ui:30 -msgid "Duration:" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:589 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:602 -msgid "Offset:" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:695 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:804 -msgid ":" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:696 -msgid " Position:" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:697 -msgid " Duration:" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:701 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:707 -msgid " Selection duration:" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:703 -msgid " Group duration:" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:714 -msgid "Crop from start: " -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:716 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:722 -msgid "" -"Use Ctrl to resize only current item, otherwise all items in this group will " -"be resized at once." -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:720 -msgid "Duration: " -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:726 -msgid "Fade in duration: " -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:729 -msgid "Fade out duration: " -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:732 -msgid "Drag to add or resize a fade effect." -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:736 -msgid "Click to add a transition." -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:739 -msgid "" -"Move keyframe above or below clip to remove it, double click to add a new " -"one." -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:784 -msgid "Cannot use spacer in a locked track" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:792 -msgid "Cannot use spacer in a track with a group" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1105 -msgid "Cannot cut a transition" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1331 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1366 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2668 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2694 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2720 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2743 -msgid "Cannot add transition" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1586 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1594 -msgid "Cannot find clip to edit" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1588 -msgid "Cannot edit the duration of multiple items" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1599 -msgid "Cannot edit an item in a group" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1664 -msgid "Item is locked" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1747 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2897 -msgid "Cannot insert clip in timeline" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1753 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2866 -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:75 -msgid "Add timeline clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1787 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1849 -msgid "Clip not ready" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1970 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2033 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2050 -msgid "Problem deleting effect" -msgstr "Problema desaniciando l'efeutu" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1977 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2002 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2017 -msgid "Problem adding effect to clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1986 -msgid "Cannot add speed effect to track" -msgstr "Nun pue amestase l'efeutu de velocidá a la pista" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2022 -msgid "Cannot find clip to add effect" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2068 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2160 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2263 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7513 -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:42 src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:282 -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:374 -msgid "effect" -msgstr "efeutu" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2069 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2162 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7515 src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:44 -#, kde-format -msgid "Add %1" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2171 -msgid "Select a clip if you want to apply an effect" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2219 -msgid "Cannot add an audio effect to this clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2228 -msgid "Cannot add a video effect to this clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2233 -msgid "Effect already present in clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2264 src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:46 -#, kde-format -msgid "Delete %1" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2300 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2315 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2371 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2381 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2402 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5486 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5507 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5530 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5552 -msgid "Problem editing effect" -msgstr "Problema editando l'efeutu" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2373 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2404 -msgid "Cannot find clip to update effect" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2429 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2450 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2463 -msgid "Cannot move effect" -msgstr "Nun pue movese l'efeutu" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2527 -msgid "Cannot find clip to cut" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2600 -msgid "Cannot find clip to uncut" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2604 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4101 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4392 -#, kde-format -msgid "Error removing clip at %1 on track %2" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2629 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5309 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5427 -msgid "Error when resizing clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2728 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6204 -msgid "Invalid transition" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2752 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4435 -msgid "Select clip to delete" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2768 -msgid "Cannot update transition" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:3442 -msgid "Cannot remove space in a locked track" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:3448 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:3453 -#, kde-format -msgid "You must be in an empty space to remove space (time: %1, track: %2)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:3464 -msgid "Cannot remove space in a track with a group" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:3543 -msgid "Cannot insert space in a locked track" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:3556 -msgid "Cannot insert space in a track with a group" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:3612 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot move clip at position %1, track %2" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:3625 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot move transition at position %1, track %2" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:3897 src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:484 -msgid "Move clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4045 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5002 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot move clip to position %1" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4052 -msgid "Cannot move transition" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4056 src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:579 -msgid "Move transition" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4083 src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:556 -msgid "Move group" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4215 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4242 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6386 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6418 -msgid "Resize group" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4488 -msgid "Delete selected group" -msgid_plural "Delete selected groups" -msgstr[0] "" -msgstr[1] "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4490 -msgid "Delete selected clip" -msgid_plural "Delete selected clips" -msgstr[0] "" -msgstr[1] "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4492 -msgid "Delete selected transition" -msgid_plural "Delete selected transitions" -msgstr[0] "" -msgstr[1] "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4493 -msgid "Delete selected items" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4505 -msgid "Cannot find clip for speed change" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4563 -msgid "Cut Group" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4645 src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:411 -msgid "Group clips" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4744 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4760 -msgid "Cannot insert clip..." -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4749 -msgid "Waiting for clip..." -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4963 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5192 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot move clip at time: %1 on track %2" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5142 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot move transition at time: %1 on track %2" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5236 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5352 -msgid "Not possible to resize" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5248 -msgid "Resize clip start" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5318 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5437 -msgid "Cannot resize transition" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5372 -msgid "Resize clip end" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5430 -msgid "Resize transition end" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5742 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5810 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5851 -msgid "No guide at cursor time" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5762 -#, kde-format -msgid "A guide already exists at position %1" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5778 -msgid "Guide" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6068 -msgid "Select a clip before copying" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6139 -msgid "No clip copied" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6175 -msgid "Cannot paste selected clips" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6192 -msgid "Cannot paste clip to selected place" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6206 -msgid "Cannot paste transition to selected place" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6217 -msgid "You must copy exactly one clip before pasting effects" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6353 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6377 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6410 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7016 -msgid "You must select one clip for this action" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6359 -msgid "You must select a playlist clip for this action" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6517 src/ui/addtrack_ui.ui:67 -msgid "Insert track" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6518 -#, kde-format -msgid "Video %1" -msgstr "Videu %1" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6519 -msgid "Insert New Track" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6552 src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:108 -msgid "Delete track" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6667 -msgid "You must select one transition for this action" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6754 -msgid "You must select at least one clip for this action" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6759 src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:718 -msgid "Split audio" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6765 -msgid "Cannot split audio of grouped clips" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6779 -msgid "No clip to split" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6788 -msgid "You must select exactly one clip for the audio reference." -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6809 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6858 -msgid "Processing audio, please wait." -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6813 -msgid "Reference for audio alignment must contain audio data." -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6829 -msgid "Audio alignment reference not yet set." -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6866 -msgid "Cannot find clip to align." -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6881 -msgid "Unable to move clip out of timeline." -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6896 -msgid "Unable to move clip due to collision." -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6899 -msgid "Clip aligned." -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6900 -msgid "Auto-align clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6932 -msgid "No empty space to put clip audio" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6944 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6981 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7057 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot update clip (time: %1, track: %2)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7009 -msgid "Video only" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7026 -msgid "Cannot change grouped clips" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7045 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot find clip to edit (time: %1, track: %2)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7358 -msgid "error" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7358 -msgid "TRACTOR" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7371 -msgid "Insert clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7521 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7529 -msgid "Effect already present in track" -msgstr "L'efeutu yá ta presente na pista" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7641 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot find clip for effect update %1." -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7668 -msgid "You need to select one clip and one transition" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7686 -msgid "No clip found" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7694 -msgid "No keyframe data found in clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/headertrack.cpp:66 src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:461 -msgid "Lock track" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/headertrack.cpp:66 src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:463 -msgid "Unlock track" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/headertrack.cpp:72 -msgid "Disable audio" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/headertrack.cpp:72 -msgid "Enable audio" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/headertrack.cpp:82 -msgid "Disable video" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/headertrack.cpp:82 -msgid "Enable video" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/headertrack.cpp:89 -msgid "Opaque" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/spacerdialog.cpp:52 -msgid "All tracks" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/timeline.cpp:89 -msgid "Smaller tracks" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/timeline.cpp:96 -msgid "Bigger tracks" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/timeline.cpp:359 src/timeline/timeline.cpp:363 -#, kde-format -msgid "Transition %1 had an invalid track: %2 > %3" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/timeline.cpp:372 -#, kde-format -msgid "Removed invalid transition: %1" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/timeline.cpp:469 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Your project file was upgraded to the latest Kdenlive document version.\n" -"To make sure you don't lose data, a backup copy called %1 was created." -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/timeline.cpp:471 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Your project file was modified by Kdenlive.\n" -"To make sure you don't lose data, a backup copy called %1 was created." -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/timeline.cpp:477 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Your project file was upgraded to the latest Kdenlive document version, but " -"it was not possible to create the backup copy %1." -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/timeline.cpp:868 -#, kde-format -msgid "Invalid clip removed from track %1 at %2\n" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/timeline.cpp:946 -#, kde-format -msgid "Effect %1:%2 not found in MLT, it was removed from this project\n" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:76 -msgid "Delete timeline clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:106 -msgid "Add track" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:137 -msgid "Delete transition from clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:139 -msgid "Add transition to clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:175 -msgid "Change clip type" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:199 -msgid "Disable effect" -msgid_plural "Disable effects" -msgstr[0] "" -msgstr[1] "" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:201 -msgid "Enable effect" -msgid_plural "Enable effects" -msgstr[0] "" -msgstr[1] "" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:228 -msgid "Adjust clip length" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:283 -#, kde-format -msgid "Edit effect %1" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:337 -msgid "Add guide" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:341 -msgid "Edit guide" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:343 -msgid "Delete guide" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:345 -msgid "Move guide" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:375 -#, kde-format -msgid "Edit transition %1" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:413 -msgid "Ungroup clips" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:436 -msgid "Insert space" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:438 -msgid "Remove space" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:523 -msgid "Move effect" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:607 -msgid "Razor clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:653 -msgid "Rebuild Group" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:695 -msgid "Resize clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/timelinesearch.cpp:27 -msgid "Find" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/timelinesearch.cpp:29 -msgid "Find Next" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/timelinesearch.cpp:38 -msgid "Starting -- find text as you type" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/timelinesearch.cpp:46 -msgid "Find stopped" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/timelinesearch.cpp:56 src/timeline/timelinesearch.cpp:67 -#, kde-format -msgid "Found: %1" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/timelinesearch.cpp:58 -msgid "Reached end of project" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/timelinesearch.cpp:70 -#, kde-format -msgid "Not found: %1" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:74 -msgid "Hidden" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:74 -msgid "Muted" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:74 -msgid "Locked" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:90 -msgid "Add Track" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:98 -msgid "Move Track upwards" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:102 -msgid "Move Track downwards" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/titledocument.cpp:331 -msgid "This title clip was created with a different frame size." -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/titledocument.cpp:331 -msgid "Title Profile" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/titledocument.cpp:380 -msgid "" -"Some of your text clips were saved with size in points, which means " -"different sizes on different displays. They will be converted to pixel size, " -"making them portable, but you could have to adjust their size." -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/titledocument.cpp:380 -msgid "Text Clips Updated" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:93 -msgid "Outline width" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:99 -msgid "Background color opacity" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:105 -msgid "Rotation around the X axis" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:111 -msgid "Rotation around the Y axis" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:117 -msgid "Rotation around the Z axis" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:123 -msgid "Border width" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:156 -msgid "Typewriter" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:215 -msgctxt "Font style" -msgid "Light" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:216 -msgctxt "Font style" -msgid "Normal" -msgstr "Normal" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:217 -msgctxt "Font style" -msgid "Demi-Bold" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:218 -msgctxt "Font style" -msgid "Bold" -msgstr "Negrina" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:219 -msgctxt "Font style" -msgid "Black" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:220 -msgid "Font weight" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:242 -msgid "No alignment" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:245 -msgid "Align center" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:249 -msgid "Insert Unicode character" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:255 -msgid "Raise object" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:261 -msgid "Lower object" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:269 -msgid "Raise object to top" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:276 -msgid "Lower object to bottom" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:320 -msgid "Invert x axis and change 0 point" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:321 -msgid "Invert y axis and change 0 point" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:322 -msgid "Select fill color" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:323 -msgid "Select border color" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:325 -msgid "Original size (1:1)" -msgstr "Tamañu orixinal (1:1)" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:326 -msgid "Fit zoom" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:327 -msgid "Select background color" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:328 -msgid "Background opacity" -msgstr "Opacidá del fondu" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:329 -msgid "Select all" -msgstr "Esbilla too" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:330 -msgid "Select text items in current selection" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:331 -msgid "Select rect items in current selection" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:332 -msgid "Select image items in current selection" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:333 -msgid "Unselect all" -msgstr "Nun esbillar too" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:362 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:365 -msgid "Selection Tool" -msgstr "Ferramienta d'esbilla" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:368 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:371 -msgid "Add Text" -msgstr "Amestar testu" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:374 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:377 -msgid "Add Rectangle" -msgstr "Amestar rectángulu" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:380 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:383 -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:670 -msgid "Add Image" -msgstr "Amestar imaxe" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:388 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:391 -msgid "Open Document" -msgstr "Abrir documentu" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:394 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:397 -msgid "Save As" -msgstr "Guardar como" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:566 -msgid "" -"Do you really want to load a new template? Changes in this title will be " -"lost!" -msgstr "" -"¿De xuru que quies cargar una plantía nueva? ¡Perderánse les camudancies " -"nesti títulu!" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:658 -msgid "All Images" -msgstr "Toles imáxenes" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:660 -#, kde-format -msgid "%1 Image" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:1346 -msgid "\\u2212X" -msgstr "\\u2212X" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, origin_x_left) -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:1348 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:63 -msgid "+X" -msgstr "+X" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:1371 -msgid "\\u2212Y" -msgstr "\\u2212Y" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, origin_y_top) -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:1373 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:86 -msgid "+Y" -msgstr "+Y" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:1713 -msgid "Load Title" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:1713 -msgid "Kdenlive title (*.kdenlivetitle)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:1761 -msgid "" -"Do you want to embed Images into this TitleDocument?\n" -"This is most needed for sharing Titles." -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:2039 -msgctxt "Indicates the start of an animation" -msgid "Start" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:2040 -msgctxt "Indicates the end of an animation" -msgid "End" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:30 -msgid "Details" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:85 -msgid "" -"Information about unicode characters: http://decodeunicode.org" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:86 -msgid "Previous Unicode character (Arrow Up)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:87 -msgid "Next Unicode character (Arrow Down)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:88 -msgid "Enter your Unicode number here. Allowed characters: [0-9] and [a-f]." -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:148 -msgid "(no character selected)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:154 -msgid "" -"Control character. Cannot be inserted/printed. See Wikipedia:Control_character" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:156 -msgid "Line Feed (newline character, \\\\n)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:158 -msgid "" -"Standard space character. (Other space characters: U+00a0, U" -"+2000–200b, U+202f)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:160 -msgid "No-break space. &nbsp; in HTML. See U+2009 and U+0020." -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:162 -msgid "" -"

« (u+00ab, &lfquo; in HTML) and " -"» (u+00bb, &rfquo; in HTML) are " -"called Guillemets or angle quotes. Usage in different countries: France " -"(with non-breaking Space 0x00a0), Switzerland, Germany, Finland and Sweden.

and (U+2039/203a, " -"&lsaquo;/&rsaquo;) are their single quote equivalents.

See Wikipedia:" -"Guillemets

" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:164 -msgid "En Space (width of an n)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:166 -msgid "Em Space (width of an m)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:168 -msgid "Three-Per-Em Space. Width: 1/3 of one em" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:170 -msgid "Four-Per-Em Space. Width: 1/4 of one em" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:172 -msgid "Six-Per-Em Space. Width: 1/6 of one em" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:174 -msgid "" -"Figure space (non-breaking). Width of a digit if digits have fixed width in " -"this font." -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:176 -msgid "" -"Punctuation Space. Width the same as between a punctuation character and the " -"next character." -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:178 -msgid "" -"Thin space, in HTML also &thinsp;. See U+202f and Wikipedia:Space_(punctuation)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:180 -msgid "Hair Space. Thinner than U+2009." -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:182 -msgid "" -"Punctuation Apostrophe. Should be used instead of U+0027. See Wikipedia:Apostrophe" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:184 -msgid "" -"

An en Dash (dash of the width of an n).

Usage examples: In English " -"language for value ranges (1878–1903), for relationships/connections " -"(Zurich–Dublin). In the German language it is also used (with " -"spaces!) for showing thoughts: “Es war – wie immer in den " -"Ferien – ein regnerischer Tag.

See Wikipedia:Dash

" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:186 -msgid "" -"

An em Dash (dash of the width of an m).

Usage examples: In English " -"language to mark—like here—thoughts. Traditionally without " -"spaces.

See Wikipedia:" -"Dash

" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:188 -msgid "" -"

Narrow no-break space. Has the same width as U+2009.

Usage: For " -"units (spaces are marked with U+2423, ␣): 230␣V, " -"−21␣°C, 50␣lb, but 90° (no space). In " -"German for abbreviations (like: i. d. R. instead of i. d." -" R. with U+00a0).

See Wikipedia:de:Schmales_Leerzeichen

" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:190 -msgid "" -"Ellipsis: If text has been left o… See Wikipedia:Ellipsis" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:192 -msgid "Minus sign. For numbers: −42" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:194 -msgid "Open box; stands for a space." -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:196 -msgid "" -"Quarter note (Am.) or crochet (Brit.). See Wikipedia:Quarter_note" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:198 -msgid "" -"Eighth note (Am.) or quaver (Brit.). Half as long as a quarter note (U" -"+2669). See Wikipedia:" -"Eighth_note" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:200 -msgid "" -"Sixteenth note (Am.) or semiquaver (Brit.). Half as long as an eighth note (U" -"+266a). See Wikipedia:Sixteenth_note" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:202 -msgid "" -"Thirty-second note (Am.) or demisemiquaver (Brit.). Half as long as a " -"sixteenth note (U+266b). See Wikipedia:Thirty-second_note" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:204 -msgid "No additional information available for this character." -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, before_select) -#: src/ui/addtrack_ui.ui:34 -msgid "Above" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, before_select) -#: src/ui/addtrack_ui.ui:39 -msgid "Under" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, video_track) -#: src/ui/addtrack_ui.ui:57 -msgid "Video &track" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, audio_track) -#: src/ui/addtrack_ui.ui:74 -msgid "A&udio track" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, name_label) -#: src/ui/addtrack_ui.ui:81 -msgid "Track name" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/archivewidget_ui.ui:29 -msgid "Archive folder" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, compressed_archive) -#: src/ui/archivewidget_ui.ui:46 -msgid "Compressed archive" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, proxy_only) -#: src/ui/archivewidget_ui.ui:53 -msgid "Archive only proxy clips when available" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, labelFFTSize) -#: src/ui/audiospectrum_ui.ui:52 -msgid "True FFT size: " -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, buttonLinkHandles) -#: src/ui/bezierspline_ui.ui:89 -msgid "Link the handles' position.
Results in a natural spline." -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, marker_save) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, marker_load) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, analysis_delete) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, analysis_save) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, analysis_load) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, arrowUp) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, arrowDown) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, config_button) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonleft) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonhcenter) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonright) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttontop) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonvcenter) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonbottom) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonDirectUpdate) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonZoomOriginal) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonZoomFit) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonAddDelete) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonPrevious) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonNext) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, toolBtnReload) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonUp) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonDown) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonAdd) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonDelete) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonReset) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, zoom_button) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, unzoom_button) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonResetKeyframe) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonSeek) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, reload_blackmagic) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonLinkHandles) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonShowPixmap) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonZoomIn) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonZoomOut) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonGridChange) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonResetSpline) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonShowAllHandles) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, v4l_showprofileinfo) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, v4l_manageprofile) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, grab_manageprofile) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, grab_showprofileinfo) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, decklink_manageprofile) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, decklink_showprofileinfo) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, button_up) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, button_down) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, button_transcode) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, proxy_showprofileinfo) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, add_metadata) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, delete_metadata) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, effectsAll) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, effectsVideo) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, effectsAudio) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, effectsGPU) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, effectsCustom) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, proxy_manageprofile) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, button_add) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, button_edit) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, button_delete) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, button_download) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, button_more) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonLeftRight) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonUpDown) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonShowInTimeline) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonNewPoints) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonHelp) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonFavorite) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, rescale_keep) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, hide_log) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, collapseButton) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, enabledButton) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, menuButton) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonDel) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, rec_options) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonItalic) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonUnder) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonAlignNone) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonAlignLeft) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonInsertUnicode) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonAlignCenter) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonAlignRight) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, itemleft) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, itemhcenter) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, itemright) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, itemtop) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, itemvcenter) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, itembottom) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, live_button) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, capture_button) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, capture_interval) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, overlay_button) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, preview_button) -#: src/ui/bezierspline_ui.ui:92 src/ui/bezierspline_ui.ui:130 -#: src/ui/bezierspline_ui.ui:146 src/ui/bezierspline_ui.ui:156 -#: src/ui/bezierspline_ui.ui:169 src/ui/bezierspline_ui.ui:195 -#: src/ui/bezierspline_ui.ui:208 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:490 -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:500 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:587 -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:597 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:607 -#: src/ui/collapsiblewidget_ui.ui:86 src/ui/collapsiblewidget_ui.ui:118 -#: src/ui/collapsiblewidget_ui.ui:137 src/ui/collapsiblewidget_ui.ui:156 -#: src/ui/collapsiblewidget_ui.ui:172 src/ui/collapsiblewidget_ui.ui:188 -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:211 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:396 -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:433 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:616 -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:742 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:749 -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:78 src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:220 -#: src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:230 src/ui/configsdl_ui.ui:154 -#: src/ui/cutjobdialog_ui.ui:32 src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:262 -#: src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:269 src/ui/dvdwizardvob_ui.ui:29 -#: src/ui/dvdwizardvob_ui.ui:49 src/ui/dvdwizardvob_ui.ui:100 -#: src/ui/effectlist_ui.ui:22 src/ui/effectlist_ui.ui:41 -#: src/ui/effectlist_ui.ui:57 src/ui/effectlist_ui.ui:73 -#: src/ui/effectlist_ui.ui:89 src/ui/freesound_ui.ui:39 -#: src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:249 src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:256 -#: src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:263 src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:270 -#: src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:277 src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:284 -#: src/ui/geometrywidget_ui.ui:70 src/ui/geometrywidget_ui.ui:83 -#: src/ui/geometrywidget_ui.ui:93 src/ui/keyframeeditor_ui.ui:91 -#: src/ui/keyframeeditor_ui.ui:101 src/ui/keyframewidget_ui.ui:46 -#: src/ui/keyframewidget_ui.ui:59 src/ui/keyframewidget_ui.ui:72 -#: src/ui/keyframewidget_ui.ui:85 src/ui/keyframewidget_ui.ui:124 -#: src/ui/manageencodingprofile_ui.ui:44 src/ui/manageencodingprofile_ui.ui:51 -#: src/ui/manageencodingprofile_ui.ui:58 src/ui/manageencodingprofile_ui.ui:68 -#: src/ui/monitoreditwidget_ui.ui:53 src/ui/monitoreditwidget_ui.ui:66 -#: src/ui/monitoreditwidget_ui.ui:76 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:335 -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:386 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:393 -#: src/ui/recmonitor_ui.ui:72 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:407 -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:592 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:717 -#: src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:76 src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:92 -#: src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:108 src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:118 -#: src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:128 src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:141 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:364 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:384 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:401 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:417 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:440 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:447 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:460 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:801 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:808 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:815 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:822 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:829 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:836 src/ui/tracksconfigdialog_ui.ui:61 -#: src/ui/tracksconfigdialog_ui.ui:68 src/ui/tracksconfigdialog_ui.ui:75 -#: src/ui/tracksconfigdialog_ui.ui:82 src/ui/tracksconfigdialog_ui.ui:89 -#: src/ui/unicodewidget_ui.ui:185 src/ui/unicodewidget_ui.ui:210 -msgid "..." -msgstr "..." - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, buttonShowPixmap) -#: src/ui/bezierspline_ui.ui:127 -msgid "Show background indicating changes caused by modifying the curve." -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, buttonGridChange) -#: src/ui/bezierspline_ui.ui:166 -msgid "" -"Increases the number of lines in the grid.
After 8 lines it will begin " -"from 0 again." -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, buttonResetSpline) -#: src/ui/bezierspline_ui.ui:192 -msgid "Reset the selected spline" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, buttonShowAllHandles) -#: src/ui/bezierspline_ui.ui:205 -msgid "Show handles for all points or only for the selected one" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, name) -#: src/ui/boolval_ui.ui:30 src/ui/fontval_ui.ui:23 src/ui/listval_ui.ui:23 -msgid "TextLabel" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, crop_label) -#: src/ui/clipdurationdialog_ui.ui:30 -msgid "Crop start" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, end_label) -#: src/ui/clipdurationdialog_ui.ui:50 -msgid "Crop end" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_path) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, treeWidget) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:27 src/ui/missingclips_ui.ui:72 -msgid "Path" -msgstr "Camín" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_size) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_6) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_5) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:51 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:231 -#: src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:41 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:93 -msgid "Size:" -msgstr "Tamañu:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, clip_filesize) -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, groupBox) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:65 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:157 -#: src/utils/freesound.cpp:212 -msgid "File size" -msgstr "Tamañu de ficheru" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, clip_vproperties) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, clip_aproperties) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, metadata_list) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, analysis_list) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, programList) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:117 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:162 -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:542 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:574 -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:371 src/ui/wizardmltcheck_ui.ui:49 -msgid "1" -msgstr "1" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, clip_vproperties) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, clip_aproperties) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, metadata_list) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, analysis_list) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:122 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:167 -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:547 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:579 -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:376 -msgid "2" -msgstr "2" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_slideshow) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:206 -msgid "Slideshow" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, slide_type_label) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:212 -msgid "Image type" -msgstr "Triba d'imaxe" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, clip_filesize_4) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:222 -msgid "Frame duration" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, slide_loop) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, loop_movie) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, sm_loop) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:255 src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:221 -#: src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:160 src/ui/smconfig_ui.ui:26 -msgid "Loop" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, slide_crop) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:339 src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:284 -msgid "Center crop" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_animation) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_6) -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:346 src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:291 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:1121 -msgid "Animation" -msgstr "Animación" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_image) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, background_list) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:357 src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:202 -msgid "Image" -msgstr "Imaxe" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_16) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:365 -msgid "Image size" -msgstr "Tamañu d'imaxe" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, image_transparency) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:381 -msgid "Transparent background" -msgstr "Fondu tresparente" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, markers_list) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, clip_filesize_3) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:432 src/ui/markerdialog_ui.ui:56 -msgid "Comment" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, marker_new) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonNext) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonUnselectAll) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:440 src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:83 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:700 -msgid "N" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, marker_edit) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonEdit) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:450 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:414 -msgid "E" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, marker_delete) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonDelete) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, button_delete) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, delete_button) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:460 src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:252 -#: src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:103 src/ui/keyframeeditor_ui.ui:78 -#: src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:279 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:428 -msgid "D" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_advanced) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:634 -msgid "Advanced" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, clip_force_ar) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:653 -msgid "Force aspect ratio" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, clip_force_threads) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:686 -msgid "Decoding threads" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, clip_force_progressive) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:700 -msgid "Force scanning" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, clip_force_framerate) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:727 -msgid "Force frame rate" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, clip_force_out) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:734 -msgid "Force duration" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, clip_force_colorspace) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:751 -msgid "Force colorspace" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, clip_force_fieldorder) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:765 -msgid "Force field order" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, clip_force_transparency) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:829 -msgid "Image background" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, clip_transparency) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:837 -msgid "Normal" -msgstr "Normal" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_dest) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_5) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_6) -#: src/ui/clipstabilize_ui.ui:20 src/ui/cliptranscode_ui.ui:30 -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:45 src/ui/saveprofile_ui.ui:138 -msgid "Destination" -msgstr "Destín" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_source) -#: src/ui/cliptranscode_ui.ui:20 -msgid "Source" -msgstr "Fonte" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, ffmpeg_label) -#: src/ui/cliptranscode_ui.ui:40 -msgid "FFmpeg parameters" -msgstr "Parámetros FFmpeg" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_4) -#: src/ui/cliptranscode_ui.ui:54 -msgid "Job status" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_start) -#: src/ui/cliptranscode_ui.ui:61 -msgctxt "@action:button start transcode" -msgid "Start" -msgstr "Entamar" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_profile) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: src/ui/cliptranscode_ui.ui:68 src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:29 -#: src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:20 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:74 -msgid "Profile" -msgstr "Perfil" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, auto_close) -#: src/ui/cliptranscode_ui.ui:88 -msgid "Close after transcode" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/colorclip_ui.ui:30 -msgid "Clip Color" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, ColorPlaneExport_UI) -#: src/ui/colorplaneexport_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Export color plane to PNG" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, lblSpace) -#: src/ui/colorplaneexport_ui.ui:20 -msgid "Color space" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, lblVariant) -#: src/ui/colorplaneexport_ui.ui:37 -msgid "Variant" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QSlider, sliderScaling) -#: src/ui/colorplaneexport_ui.ui:81 -msgid "How much to zoom in" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, lblRes) -#: src/ui/colorplaneexport_ui.ui:101 -msgid "Resolution" -msgstr "Resolución" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, lblFilename) -#: src/ui/colorplaneexport_ui.ui:144 -msgid "Filename" -msgstr "Nome de ficheru" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:23 -msgid "Default capture device" -msgstr "Preséu de captura por defeutu" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, kcfg_defaultcapture) -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, device_selector) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:37 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:70 -#: src/ui/recmonitor_ui.ui:134 -msgid "Firewire" -msgstr "Firewire" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, kcfg_defaultcapture) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, device_selector) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:47 src/ui/recmonitor_ui.ui:144 -msgid "Screen grab" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, kcfg_defaultcapture) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, device_selector) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:52 src/ui/recmonitor_ui.ui:149 -msgid "Blackmagic card" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_9) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:89 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:221 -msgid "Capture format" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, kcfg_firewireformat) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:97 -msgid "DV Raw" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, kcfg_firewireformat) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:102 -msgid "DV AVI type 1" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, kcfg_firewireformat) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:107 -msgid "DV AVI type 2" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, button_hdv) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, kcfg_firewireformat) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:112 src/ui/wizardstandard_ui.ui:54 -msgid "HDV" -msgstr "HDV" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_firewireautosplit) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:133 -msgid "Automatically start a new file on scene cut" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_firewiretimestamp) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:140 -msgid "Add recording time to captured file name" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_5) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_29) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:147 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:696 -msgid "Capture file name" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_7) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:157 -msgid "dvgrab additional parameters" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_14) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:197 -msgid "Video device" -msgstr "Preséu de videu" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_30) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_27) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:204 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:666 -msgid "Detected devices" -msgstr "Preseos deteutaos" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, p_size) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:238 src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:48 -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:100 -msgid "720x576" -msgstr "720x576" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, p_fps) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:252 src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:62 -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:114 -msgid "25/1" -msgstr "25/1" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, p_aspect) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:273 src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:76 -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:128 -msgid "59/54" -msgstr "59/54" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, p_display) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:287 src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:90 -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:142 -msgid "4/3" -msgstr "4/3" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, config_v4l) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:308 -msgid "Edit" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_v4l_captureaudio) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:342 -msgid "Capture audio (ALSA)" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_24) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_screengrab) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_16) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:362 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:632 -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:725 src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:203 -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:305 -msgid "Encoding profile" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_v4l_capturevideo) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:389 -msgid "Capture video (Video4Linux2)" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, kcfg_grab_capture_type) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:471 -msgid "Full screen capture" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, kcfg_grab_capture_type) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:476 -msgid "Region capture" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_grab_follow_mouse) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:495 -msgid "Follow mouse" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_grab_hide_frame) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:502 -msgid "Hide frame" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_19) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_10) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:524 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:951 -msgid "Offset" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_grab_hide_mouse) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:652 -msgid "Hide cursor" -msgstr "Anubrir cursor" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_4) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:660 -msgid "Blackmagic" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_9) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:42 -msgid "Concurrent threads" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:69 -msgid "MLT environment" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_6) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:78 -msgid "Processing threads" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_7) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:91 -msgid "(>1 is experimental)" -msgstr "(>1 ye esperimental)" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:98 -msgid "Melt path" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:112 -msgid "MLT profiles folder" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_13) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:135 -msgid "FFplay" -msgstr "FFplay" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_14) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:155 -msgid "FFprobe" -msgstr "FFprobe" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_2) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:166 -msgid "Default folders" -msgstr "Carpetes por defeutu" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_5) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_4) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:172 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:56 -msgid "Project folder" -msgstr "Carpeta del proyeutu" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:182 -msgid "Temporary files" -msgstr "Ficheros temporales" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_10) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:192 -msgid "Capture folder" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_capturetoprojectfolder) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:212 -msgid "Use project folder" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_3) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:223 -msgid "Default apps" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_4) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:229 -msgid "Image editing" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, kp_image) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, kp_audio) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, kp_player) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:243 src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:264 -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:285 -msgid "Change" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_11) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:250 -msgid "Audio editing" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_12) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:271 -msgid "Video player" -msgstr "Reproductor de videu" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_enableshuttle) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:23 -msgid "Enable Jog Shuttle device" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, shuttledisabled) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:30 -msgid "Jog Shuttle device disabled." -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, config_group) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:53 -msgid "Device configuration" -msgstr "Configuración de preséu" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:85 -msgid "Button 1" -msgstr "Botón 1" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_17) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:98 -msgid "Device" -msgstr "Preséu" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_16) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:111 -msgid "Button 15" -msgstr "Botón 15" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_14) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:137 -msgid "Button 13" -msgstr "Botón 13" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_9) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:150 -msgid "Button 8" -msgstr "Botón 8" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_7) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:166 -msgid "Button 4" -msgstr "Botón 4" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:179 -msgid "Device name" -msgstr "Nome de preséu" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_5) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:192 -msgid "Button 5" -msgstr "Botón 5" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_8) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:214 -msgid "Button 7" -msgstr "Botón 7" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_10) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:243 -msgid "Button 9" -msgstr "Botón 9" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_4) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:256 -msgid "Button 2" -msgstr "Botón 2" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_11) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:272 -msgid "Button 10" -msgstr "Botón 10" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_12) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:285 -msgid "Button 11" -msgstr "Botón 11" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_6) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:308 -msgid "Button 6" -msgstr "Botón 6" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_15) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:336 -msgid "Button 14" -msgstr "Botón 14" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:349 -msgid "Button 3" -msgstr "Botón 3" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_13) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:362 -msgid "Button 12" -msgstr "Botón 12" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_usekuiserver) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:23 -msgid "Use KDE job tracking for render jobs" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_checkfirstprojectclip) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:30 -msgid "Check if first added clip matches project profile" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_crashrecovery) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:37 -msgid "Crash recovery (automatic backup)" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_automultistreams) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:44 -msgid "Automatically import all streams in multi stream clips" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_disable_effect_parameters) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:51 -msgid "Disable parameters when the effect is disabled" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_bypasscodeccheck) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:58 -msgid "Bypass codec verification" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_autoimagesequence) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:65 -msgid "Automatically import image sequences" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_projectloading_avformatnovalidate) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:72 -msgid "Do not validate the video files when loading a project (faster)" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_on_monitor_effects) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:79 -msgid "Use on-monitor effects" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_use_exiftool) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:86 -msgid "Get clip metadata with exiftool" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_openlastproject) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:93 -msgid "Open last project on startup" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, groupBox) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:100 -msgid "Default Durations" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:106 -msgid "Color clips" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_8) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:123 -msgid "Title clips" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:130 -msgid "Image sequence" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_autoimagetransparency) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:149 -msgid "Transparent background for imported images" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_use_magicLantern) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:169 -msgid "Get clip metadata created by Magic Lantern" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, properties) -#: src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:23 -msgid "Default Profile" -msgstr "Perfil por defeutu" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_9) -#: src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:69 -msgid "Aspect ratio:" -msgstr "Rellación aspeutu:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_10) -#: src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:83 -msgid "Display ratio:" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_7) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_6) -#: src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:109 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:175 -msgid "Video tracks" -msgstr "Pistes de videu" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_8) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_7) -#: src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:119 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:185 -msgid "Audio tracks" -msgstr "Pistes d'audiu" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, generate_proxy) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_generateproxy) -#: src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:154 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:256 -msgid "Generate for videos larger than" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (suffix), widget (QSpinBox, proxy_minsize) -#. i18n: ectx: property (suffix), widget (QSpinBox, proxy_imageminsize) -#. i18n: ectx: property (suffix), widget (QSpinBox, kcfg_proxyminsize) -#. i18n: ectx: property (suffix), widget (QSpinBox, kcfg_proxyimageminsize) -#: src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:161 src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:181 -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:263 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:283 -msgid "pixels" -msgstr "píxeles" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, generate_imageproxy) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_generateimageproxy) -#: src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:174 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:276 -msgid "Generate for images larger than" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/ui/configsdl_ui.ui:17 -msgid "" -"Warning: changes to the drivers and devices can make Kdenlive unstable. " -"Change only if you know what you do." -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_gpu_accel) -#: src/ui/configsdl_ui.ui:27 -msgid "Use GPU processing (Movit library) - restart Kdenlive to apply" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_4) -#: src/ui/configsdl_ui.ui:34 -msgid "Audio backend" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, textLabel1_2) -#: src/ui/configsdl_ui.ui:53 -msgid "Audio driver:" -msgstr "Controlador d'audiu:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, textLabel1) -#: src/ui/configsdl_ui.ui:66 -msgid "Audio device:" -msgstr "Preséu d'audiu." - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: src/ui/configsdl_ui.ui:82 -msgid "Preview volume:" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/configsdl_ui.ui:102 -msgid "Monitor background color:" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_external_display) -#: src/ui/configsdl_ui.ui:127 -msgid "Use external display (Blackmagic card)" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_5) -#: src/ui/configsdl_ui.ui:134 -msgid "Output device" -msgstr "Preséu de salida" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, groupBox) -#: src/ui/configtimeline_ui.ui:23 -msgid "Thumbnails" -msgstr "Miniatures" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_displayallchannels) -#: src/ui/configtimeline_ui.ui:48 -msgid "Separate channels" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_showmarkers) -#: src/ui/configtimeline_ui.ui:73 -msgid "Display clip markers comments" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_autoscroll) -#: src/ui/configtimeline_ui.ui:80 -msgid "Autoscroll while playing" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_verticalzoom) -#: src/ui/configtimeline_ui.ui:87 -msgid "Zoom using vertical drag in ruler" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_splitaudio) -#: src/ui/configtimeline_ui.ui:94 -msgid "Automatically split audio and video" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/configtimeline_ui.ui:103 -msgid "Track height" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_add) -#: src/ui/configtranscode_ui.ui:24 -msgid "Add Profile" -msgstr "Amestar perfiles" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_update) -#: src/ui/configtranscode_ui.ui:31 -msgid "Update Profile" -msgstr "Anovar perfil" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_delete) -#: src/ui/configtranscode_ui.ui:38 -msgid "Delete Profile" -msgstr "Desaniciar perfil" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_4) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: src/ui/configtranscode_ui.ui:90 src/ui/saveprofile_ui.ui:121 -msgid "Extension" -msgstr "Estensión" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_4) -#: src/ui/configtranscode_ui.ui:107 -msgid "Parameters" -msgstr "Parámetros" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, button_more) -#: src/ui/cutjobdialog_ui.ui:29 -msgid "Configure job" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_add) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardchapters_ui.ui:39 -msgid "Add chapter" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardchapters_ui.ui:46 -msgid "Movie file" -msgstr "Ficheru de película" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_delete) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardchapters_ui.ui:66 -msgid "Remove chapter" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, create_menu) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:20 -msgid "Create basic menu" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:49 -msgid "Button" -msgstr "Botón" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_6) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:65 -msgid "Target" -msgstr "Oxetivu" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, back_to_menu) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:82 -msgid "Back to menu" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, use_shadow) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:126 -msgid "Shadow" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:138 -msgid "Underline" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_2) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, lblBackground) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:183 src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:189 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:1076 src/ui/vectorscope_ui.ui:46 -msgid "Background" -msgstr "Fondu" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonAdd) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, add_button) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, button_add) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonSelectAll) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonAudio) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:232 src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:93 -#: src/ui/keyframeeditor_ui.ui:68 src/ui/timelinebuttons_ui.ui:71 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:723 -msgid "A" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:29 -msgid "Temporary data folder" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:39 -msgid "DVD ISO image" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (QListWidget, job_progress) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:56 -msgid "Creating menu images" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (QListWidget, job_progress) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:61 -msgid "Creating menu background" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (QListWidget, job_progress) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:66 -msgid "Creating menu movie" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (QListWidget, job_progress) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:71 -msgid "Creating dvd structure" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (QListWidget, job_progress) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:76 -msgid "Creating iso file" -msgstr "Creando'l ficheru ISO" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_start) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:84 -msgid "Create ISO image" -msgstr "Crear imaxe ISO" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_2) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:118 -msgid "Log" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_7) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:124 -msgid "Status" -msgstr "Estáu" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, button_burn) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:154 -msgid "Burn" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:172 -msgid "Menu File" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_3) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:186 -msgid "Dvdauthor File" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, use_intro) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardvob_ui.ui:59 -msgid "Use first movie as intro" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardvob_ui.ui:66 -msgid "DVD format" -msgstr "Formatu DVD" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_delete) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardvob_ui.ui:73 -msgid "Remove file" -msgstr "Desaniciar ficheru" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_add) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardvob_ui.ui:130 -msgid "Add movie file" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, convert_label) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardvob_ui.ui:146 -msgid "Converting files" -msgstr "Convirtiendo ficheros" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: src/ui/freesound_ui.ui:22 -msgid "Service" -msgstr "Serviciu" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, page_prev) -#: src/ui/freesound_ui.ui:67 -msgid "<<" -msgstr "<<" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, page_next) -#: src/ui/freesound_ui.ui:104 -msgid ">>" -msgstr ">>" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_import) -#: src/ui/freesound_ui.ui:137 src/utils/archiveorg.cpp:181 -msgid "Import" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/freesound_ui.ui:177 -msgid "License" -msgstr "Llicencia" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonMenu) -#: src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:63 -msgid "M" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonPrevious) -#: src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:73 -msgid "P" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_pos) -#: src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:127 -msgid "Pos" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_6) -#: src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:198 -msgid "Height" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:219 -msgid "Resize:" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, buttonResize) -#: src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:242 -msgid "Original" -msgstr "Orixinal" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QCheckBox, cbY) -#: src/ui/histogram_ui.ui:17 -msgid "Luma value" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, lblComponents) -#: src/ui/histogram_ui.ui:64 -msgid "Components" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QCheckBox, cbS) -#: src/ui/histogram_ui.ui:71 -msgid "RGB summed up" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, cbS) -#: src/ui/histogram_ui.ui:74 -msgid "Sum" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, ImportKeyframesDialog_UI) -#: src/ui/importkeyframesdialog_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Import Keyframes" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, limit_keyframes) -#: src/ui/importkeyframesdialog_ui.ui:48 -msgid "Limit keyframes number" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/importkeyframesdialog_ui.ui:90 -msgid "Data to import" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, KeyFrameDialog_UI) -#: src/ui/keyframedialog_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Edit Keyframe" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, clip_filesize_3) -#: src/ui/keyframedialog_ui.ui:27 -msgid "Value" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, buttonResetKeyframe) -#: src/ui/keyframeeditor_ui.ui:88 -msgid "Reset the parameters to their default values" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, buttonSeek) -#: src/ui/keyframeeditor_ui.ui:98 -msgid "Seek to active keyframe" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, buttonKeyframes) -#: src/ui/keyframeeditor_ui.ui:114 -msgid "Add keyframes" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, buttonLeftRight) -#: src/ui/keyframewidget_ui.ui:43 -msgid "move on X axis" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, buttonUpDown) -#: src/ui/keyframewidget_ui.ui:56 -msgid "move on Y axis" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, buttonShowInTimeline) -#: src/ui/keyframewidget_ui.ui:69 -msgid "update values in timeline" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, buttonNewPoints) -#: src/ui/keyframewidget_ui.ui:82 -msgid "create new points" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, checkBox) -#: src/ui/keyframewidget_ui.ui:105 -msgid "GraphView" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, buttonHelp) -#: src/ui/keyframewidget_ui.ui:121 -msgid "parameter description" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/keywordval_ui.ui:23 src/ui/urlval_ui.ui:26 -msgid "Param" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, ManageCaptures_UI) -#: src/ui/managecaptures_ui.ui:13 -msgid "Captured files" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, treeWidget) -#: src/ui/managecaptures_ui.ui:35 -msgid "File name" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, deleteButton) -#: src/ui/managecaptures_ui.ui:48 -msgid "Delete current file" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, toggleButton) -#: src/ui/managecaptures_ui.ui:55 -msgid "Toggle selection" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/manageencodingprofile_ui.ui:20 -msgid "Editing profiles for" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_category) -#: src/ui/markerdialog_ui.ui:76 -msgid "Category" -msgstr "Estaya" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, clip_thumb) -#: src/ui/markerdialog_ui.ui:86 -msgid "Image preview" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, MissingClips_UI) -#: src/ui/missingclips_ui.ui:14 -msgid " Clip Problems" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, removeSelected) -#: src/ui/missingclips_ui.ui:20 -msgid "Remove selected clips" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, usePlaceholders) -#: src/ui/missingclips_ui.ui:37 -msgid "Use placeholders for missing clips" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, recursiveSearch) -#: src/ui/missingclips_ui.ui:80 -msgid "Search recursively" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, ProfilesDialog_UI) -#: src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Profiles" -msgstr "Perfiles" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_4) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_7) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_8) -#: src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:106 src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:140 -#: src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:174 -msgid "/" -msgstr "/" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_10) -#: src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:154 -msgid "Display aspect ratio" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_11) -#: src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:208 -msgid "Fields per second" -msgstr "Campos per segundu" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_default) -#: src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:242 -msgid "Use as default" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, button_create) -#: src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:259 -msgid "C" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, button_save) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonSave) -#: src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:269 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:421 -msgid "S" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, properties) -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:66 -msgid "Video Profile" -msgstr "Perfil de videu" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:210 -msgid "Thumbnails:" -msgstr "Miniatures:" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_2) -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:416 -msgid "Project Files" -msgstr "Ficheros del proyeutu" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_12) -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:422 -msgid "Clips used in project:" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_6) -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:443 -msgid "Unused clips:" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, delete_unused) -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:464 -msgid "Delete files" -msgstr "Desaniciar ficheros" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_11) -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:471 -msgid "Thumbnails cache:" -msgstr "Caché de miniatures:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, clear_cache) -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:492 -msgid "Clear cache" -msgstr "Llimpiar caché" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, delete_proxies) -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:520 -msgid "Delete proxies" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_13) -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:527 -msgid "Project files" -msgstr "Ficheros del proyeutu" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_fonts) -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:561 -msgid "Fonts" -msgstr "Fontes" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_export) -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:575 -msgid "Plain text export" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:39 -msgid "Render Project" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:52 -msgid "Output file" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_9) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:112 -msgid "Encoder threads" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, scanning_list) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:131 -msgid "Force Progressive" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, scanning_list) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:136 -msgid "Force Interlaced" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QLineEdit, vbitrates_list) -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QLineEdit, abitrates_list) -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (KComboBox, comboBitrates) -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (KComboBox, comboAudioBitrates) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:176 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:202 -#: src/ui/saveprofile_ui.ui:33 src/ui/saveprofile_ui.ui:87 -msgid "Best to worst quality" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, checkTwoPass) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:215 -msgid "2 pass" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, rescale) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:222 -msgid "Rescale" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, export_meta) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:250 -msgid "Export metadata" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, tc_overlay) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:276 -msgid "Overlay" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, render_full) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:314 -msgid "Fu&ll project" -msgstr "&Proyeutu completu" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, render_zone) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:324 -msgid "Selected &zone" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, render_guide) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:331 -msgid "&Guide zone" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, buttonRender) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:355 -msgid "Render to File" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, buttonGenerateScript) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:362 -msgid "Generate Script" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonInfo) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonSelectImages) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:393 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:680 -msgid "I" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, show_all_profiles) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:400 -msgid "Show all profiles" -msgstr "Amosar tolos perfiles" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, open_browser) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:466 -msgid "Open browser window after export" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, play_after) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:473 -msgid "Play after render" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:503 -msgid "to" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, create_chapter) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:523 -msgid "Create chapter file based on guides" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, open_dvd) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:530 -msgid "Open Dvd wizard after rendering" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, proxy_render) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:537 -msgid "Render using proxy clips" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, stemAudioExport) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:623 -msgid "Stem audio export" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_2) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:631 -msgid "Job Queue" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_7) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:710 -msgid "Error Log" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, clean_up) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:728 -msgid "Clean Up" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, shutdown) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:735 -msgid "Shutdown computer after renderings" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, start_job) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:742 -msgid "Start Job" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_3) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:750 -msgid "Scripts" -msgstr "Scripts" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, start_script) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:778 -msgid "Start Script" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, delete_script) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:785 -msgid "Delete Script" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, lblPaintmode) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, lblPaintMode) -#: src/ui/rgbparade_ui.ui:33 src/ui/vectorscope_ui.ui:29 -#: src/ui/waveform_ui.ui:30 -msgid "Paint mode" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, SaveProfile_UI) -#: src/ui/saveprofile_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Save Profile" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/ui/saveprofile_ui.ui:60 -msgid "Group" -msgstr "Grupu" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: src/ui/saveprofile_ui.ui:108 -msgid "Profile name" -msgstr "Nome de perfil" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/saveprofile_ui.ui:128 -msgid "" -"Parameters (see MLT documentation)" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, SceneCutDialog_UI) -#: src/ui/scenecutdialog_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Scene Cut" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, add_markers) -#: src/ui/scenecutdialog_ui.ui:23 -msgid "Add clip markers" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, zone_only) -#: src/ui/scenecutdialog_ui.ui:33 -msgid "Analyze only selected zone" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, cut_scenes) -#: src/ui/scenecutdialog_ui.ui:63 -msgid "Cut scenes" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, store_data) -#: src/ui/scenecutdialog_ui.ui:70 -msgid "Save result in clip metadata" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, groupBox) -#: src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:30 -msgid "Image selection method" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, method_mime) -#: src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:36 -msgid "&Mimetype" -msgstr "&Triba MIME" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, method_pattern) -#: src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:46 -msgid "Fi&lename pattern" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_4) -#: src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:70 -msgid "Image Type" -msgstr "Triba d'imaxe" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_5) -#: src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:97 -msgid "First frame" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:127 -msgid "Frame Duration" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, show_thumbs) -#: src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:245 -msgid "Show thumbnails" -msgstr "Amosar miniatures" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: src/ui/smconfig_ui.ui:33 -msgid "Number of frames to play (0 to play all frames)" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, groupBox_2) -#: src/ui/smconfig_ui.ui:73 -msgid "Interval Capture" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/smconfig_ui.ui:79 -msgid "Capture delay" -msgstr "Retrasu de captura" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, sm_prenotify) -#: src/ui/smconfig_ui.ui:96 -msgid "Notify before capture" -msgstr "Avisar enantes de capturar" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, SpacerDialog_UI) -#: src/ui/spacerdialog_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Add space" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, clip_filesize_3) -#: src/ui/spacerdialog_ui.ui:37 -msgid "Track:" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, labelFFTSize) -#: src/ui/spectrogram_ui.ui:52 -msgid "True FFT size:" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, live_button) -#: src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:86 -msgid "Live view" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, preview_button) -#: src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:135 -msgid "Preview sequence" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (KComboBox, sequence_name) -#: src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:151 src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:158 -msgid "Sequence name" -msgstr "Nome de secuencia" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_addsequence) -#: src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:194 -msgid "Add to project" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/templateclip_ui.ui:17 -msgid "Template" -msgstr "Plantía" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonFitZoom) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonRealSize) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonVideo) -#: src/ui/timelinebuttons_ui.ui:16 src/ui/timelinebuttons_ui.ui:64 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:553 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:563 -msgid "V" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, TitleWidget_UI) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Title Clip" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, lWidth) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:109 -msgid "W" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_19) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:126 -msgid "H" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_12) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:184 -msgid "Z-Index:" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:232 -msgid "Item Properties" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:243 -msgid "Fill color" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_11) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:275 -msgid "Border color" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_18) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:394 -msgid "Outline" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, displayBg) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:631 -msgid "Show background" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_22) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:645 -msgid "Template:" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonSelectText) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:690 -msgid "T" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (whatsThis), widget (QToolButton, buttonSelectAll) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:720 -msgid "Selects all items on the canvas." -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_14) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:761 -msgid "Zoom:" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_21) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:778 -msgid "Rotate Z:" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_20) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:785 -msgid "Rotate Y:" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_15) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:792 -msgid "Rotate X:" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_5) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:877 -msgid "Effect" -msgstr "Efeutu" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (suffix), widget (QSpinBox, typewriter_delay) -#. i18n: ectx: property (suffix), widget (QSpinBox, typewriter_start) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:1007 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:1030 -msgid " frames" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_16) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:1023 -msgid "Start at" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, anim_start) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:1127 -msgid "Edit start" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, anim_end) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:1137 -msgid "Edit end" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_7) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:1162 -msgid "Resize" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, resize50) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:1169 -#, no-c-format -msgid "50%" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, resize100) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:1176 -#, no-c-format -msgid "100%" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, resize200) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:1183 -#, no-c-format -msgid "200%" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, keep_aspect) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:1190 -msgid "Keep aspect ratio" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/ui/transitionsettings_ui.ui:23 -msgid "track" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QWidget, UnicodeWidget_UI) -#: src/ui/unicodewidget_ui.ui:20 -msgid "Enter Unicode value" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/ui/unicodewidget_ui.ui:251 -msgid "Additional Information" -msgstr "Información adicional" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_reload) -#: src/ui/wizardcapture_ui.ui:17 -msgid "Check" -msgstr "Comprobar" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_9) -#: src/ui/wizardcapture_ui.ui:57 -msgid "Capture format:" -msgstr "Formatu de captura" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/wizardextra_ui.ui:16 -msgid "Default folder for project files" -msgstr "Carpeta por defeutu pa ficheros de proyeutu" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, autosave) -#: src/ui/wizardextra_ui.ui:59 -msgid "Activate crash recovery (auto save)" -msgstr "Activar recuperación de casques (auto-guardáu)" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, installmimes) -#: src/ui/wizardextra_ui.ui:66 -msgid "Install extra video mimetypes" -msgstr "Instalar tribes MIME de videu estres" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab) -#: src/ui/wizardmltcheck_ui.ui:21 -msgid "Installed modules" -msgstr "Módulos instalaos" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_2) -#: src/ui/wizardmltcheck_ui.ui:63 -msgid "Available Codecs (avformat)" -msgstr "Códecs disponibles (avformat)" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: src/ui/wizardmltcheck_ui.ui:90 -msgid "Formats" -msgstr "Formatos" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/ui/wizardmltcheck_ui.ui:97 -msgid "Video Codecs" -msgstr "Códecs de videu" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/wizardmltcheck_ui.ui:104 -msgid "Audio Codecs" -msgstr "Códecs d'audiu" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: src/ui/wizardstandard_ui.ui:17 -msgid "Please set your default video profile" -msgstr "Afita'l to perfil de videu por defeutu, por favor" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/ui/wizardstandard_ui.ui:24 -msgid "Video Resolution" -msgstr "Resolución de videu" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, button_dv) -#: src/ui/wizardstandard_ui.ui:44 -msgid "DV" -msgstr "DV" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, button_all) -#: src/ui/wizardstandard_ui.ui:61 -msgid "Show All" -msgstr "Amosar too" - -#: src/utils/archiveorg.cpp:78 src/utils/freesound.cpp:86 -#: src/utils/freesound.cpp:184 src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:362 -msgid "Error Loading Data" -msgstr "Fallu cargando datos" - -#: src/utils/archiveorg.cpp:91 src/utils/freesound.cpp:95 -#, kde-format -msgid "Found %1 result" -msgid_plural "Found %1 results" -msgstr[0] "" -msgstr[1] "" - -#: src/utils/freesound.cpp:203 -msgid "Samplerate" -msgstr "" - -#: src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:67 -msgid "Freesound Audio Library" -msgstr "" - -#: src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:68 -msgid "Archive.org Video Library" -msgstr "" - -#: src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:69 -msgid "Open Clip Art Graphic Library" -msgstr "" - -#: src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:70 -msgid "Search Online Resources" -msgstr "" - -#: src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:92 -msgid "Auto Play" -msgstr "" - -#: src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:182 -msgctxt "the url link pointing to a web page" -msgid "link" -msgstr "" - -#: src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:327 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "File size" -msgid "File Exists" -msgstr "Tamañu de ficheru" - -#: src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:328 -msgid "Do you want to overwrite the existing file?." -msgstr "" - -#: src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:371 -msgid "Data Imported" -msgstr "" - -#: src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:437 -msgid "" -"You need to be online\n" -" for searching" -msgstr "" -"Necesites tar en llinia\n" -" pa guetar" - -#: src/utils/thememanager.cpp:70 -msgctxt "default theme name" -msgid "Default" -msgstr "" - -#: src/utils/thememanager.cpp:213 -msgid "Configuration..." -msgstr "Configuración..." - -#: src/utils/thememanager.cpp:227 -msgid "" -"Cannot start Colors Settings panel from KDE Control Center. Please check " -"your system..." -msgstr "" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Parameters" -#~ msgid "Selection Parameters" -#~ msgstr "Parámetros" - -#~ msgid "Effect List" -#~ msgstr "Llistáu d'efeutos" diff -Nru kdenlive-15.13.0+git20160206.6705c57a/po/bs/CMakeLists.txt kdenlive-15.13.0+git20160206.cee1bbb6/po/bs/CMakeLists.txt --- kdenlive-15.13.0+git20160206.6705c57a/po/bs/CMakeLists.txt 2016-02-06 09:13:45.000000000 +0000 +++ kdenlive-15.13.0+git20160206.cee1bbb6/po/bs/CMakeLists.txt 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -GETTEXT_PROCESS_PO_FILES(bs ALL INSTALL_DESTINATION ${LOCALE_INSTALL_DIR} kdenlive.po) diff -Nru kdenlive-15.13.0+git20160206.6705c57a/po/bs/kdenlive.po kdenlive-15.13.0+git20160206.cee1bbb6/po/bs/kdenlive.po --- kdenlive-15.13.0+git20160206.6705c57a/po/bs/kdenlive.po 2016-02-06 09:13:45.000000000 +0000 +++ kdenlive-15.13.0+git20160206.cee1bbb6/po/bs/kdenlive.po 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 @@ -1,12911 +0,0 @@ -# Bosnian translation for bosnianuniversetranslation -# Copyright (c) 2012 Rosetta Contributors and Canonical Ltd 2012 -# This file is distributed under the same license as the bosnianuniversetranslation package. -# FIRST AUTHOR , 2012. -# -msgid "" -msgstr "" -"Project-Id-Version: bosnianuniversetranslation\n" -"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugs.kde.org\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-12-11 07:07+0000\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-01-09 12:00+0100\n" -"Last-Translator: Samir Ribic \n" -"Language-Team: Bosnian \n" -"Language: bs\n" -"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" -"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" -"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" -"Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n" -"%10<=4 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2;\n" -"X-Generator: Launchpad (build 17341)\n" -"X-Launchpad-Export-Date: 2015-02-15 06:09+0000\n" - -msgctxt "NAME OF TRANSLATORS" -msgid "Your names" -msgstr "" -"Amar Šatara,Amina Kadrispahic,Dina Ahmić,Samir Ribić,Nermina Ahmić,Vedran " -"Ljubovic, Boja Nermin" - -msgctxt "EMAIL OF TRANSLATORS" -msgid "Your emails" -msgstr "" -"Amar.voltage@hotmail.com,akadrispah1@etf.unsa.ba,dahmic1@etf.unsa.ba,samir." -"ribic@etf.unsa.ba,nahmic1@etf.unsa.ba,vljubovic@smartnet.ba,nboja1@etf.unsa." -"ba" - -#: data/effects/audiobalance.xml:3 data/effects/audiobalance.xml:7 -msgid "Balance" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/audiobalance.xml:4 -msgid "Adjust the left/right balance" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/audiopan.xml:3 data/effects/audiopan.xml:11 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:347 src/project/dialogs/slideshowclip.cpp:73 -msgid "Pan" -msgstr "Paniraj" - -#: data/effects/audiopan.xml:4 -msgid "Adjust the left/right spread of a channel" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/audiopan.xml:7 data/effects/channelcopy.xml:7 -#: data/effects/channelcopy.xml:11 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Left,Right" -msgstr "Svijetli" - -#: data/effects/audiopan.xml:8 data/effects/frei0r_bezier_curves.xml:9 -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:9 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:66 -#: data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:10 data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:42 -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:25 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Channel" -msgstr "Kanali" - -#: data/effects/audiowave.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Audio Wave" -msgstr "Jačina zvuka" - -#: data/effects/audiowave.xml:4 -msgid "Display the audio waveform instead of the video" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/audiowaveform.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Audio Waveform Filter" -msgstr "Jačina zvuka" - -#: data/effects/audiowaveform.xml:6 data/effects/dynamictext.xml:22 -#: data/effects/pan_zoom.xml:13 data/effects/rotation.xml:40 -#: data/effects/rotation_keyframable.xml:22 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Background Color" -msgstr "Pozadina" - -#: data/effects/audiowaveform.xml:9 data/effects/dynamictext.xml:19 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Foreground Color" -msgstr "Boja granice" - -#: data/effects/audiowaveform.xml:12 -msgid "Line Thickness" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/audiowaveform.xml:15 data/effects/movit_rect.xml:6 -#: data/effects/pan_zoom.xml:7 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Rectangle" -msgstr "Dodaj pravougaonik" - -#: data/effects/audiowaveform.xml:18 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:721 -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:766 -msgid "Fill" -msgstr "Popuni" - -#: data/effects/automask.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Auto Mask" -msgstr "Auto Reprodukcija" - -#: data/effects/automask.xml:4 -msgid "Hide a selected zone and follow its movements" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/automask.xml:7 data/effects/dynamictext.xml:7 -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:718 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:745 -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:763 -msgid "Geometry" -msgstr "Geometrija" - -#: data/effects/automask.xml:10 -msgid "Macroblock width" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/automask.xml:13 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Macroblock height" -msgstr "Traka visine" - -#: data/effects/automask.xml:16 -msgid "Maximum x distance" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/automask.xml:19 -msgid "Maximum y distance" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/automask.xml:22 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Denoise" -msgstr "Šum" - -#: data/effects/automask.xml:25 -msgid "Debug" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/automask.xml:28 data/effects/obscure.xml:3 -msgid "Obscure" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/automask.xml:36 data/effects/loudness.xml:12 -msgid "Analyse" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/boxblur.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Box Blur" -msgstr "Zamagli" - -#: data/effects/boxblur.xml:4 -msgid "Box blur (separate horizontal and vertical blur)" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/boxblur.xml:7 -msgid "Horizontal multiplicator" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/boxblur.xml:10 -msgid "Vertical multiplicator" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/boxblur.xml:13 -msgid "Blur factor" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/brightness.xml:3 -msgid "Brightness (keyframable)" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/brightness.xml:4 -msgid "Change image brightness with keyframes" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/brightness.xml:7 -msgid "Intensity" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/channelcopy.xml:3 -msgid "Mono to stereo" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/channelcopy.xml:4 -msgid "Copy one channel to another" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_4) -#: data/effects/channelcopy.xml:8 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:486 -msgid "From" -msgstr "Od" - -#: data/effects/channelcopy.xml:12 -#, fuzzy -msgid "To" -msgstr "T" - -#: data/effects/charcoal.xml:3 -msgid "Charcoal" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/charcoal.xml:4 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Charcoal drawing effect" -msgstr "Problem prilikom obrađivanja efekta" - -#: data/effects/charcoal.xml:7 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Horizontal scatter" -msgstr "Normalna skala" - -#: data/effects/charcoal.xml:10 -msgid "Vertical scatter" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/charcoal.xml:13 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Scale" -msgstr "Razmjera" - -#: data/effects/charcoal.xml:16 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:757 -msgid "Mix" -msgstr "Mješavina" - -#: data/effects/charcoal.xml:19 data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:31 -#: data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:63 data/effects/frei0r_mask0mate.xml:19 -#: data/effects/invert.xml:3 data/effects/mirror.xml:11 -#: data/effects/rotoscoping.xml:18 src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:215 -msgid "Invert" -msgstr "Invertuj" - -#: data/effects/chroma.xml:3 -msgid "Chroma Key" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/chroma.xml:4 -msgid "Make selected color transparent" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/chroma.xml:7 data/effects/chroma_hold.xml:7 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Color key" -msgstr "Boja" - -#: data/effects/chroma.xml:10 data/effects/chroma_hold.xml:10 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Variance" -msgstr "Varijanta" - -#: data/effects/chroma_hold.xml:3 -msgid "Chroma Hold" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/chroma_hold.xml:4 -msgid "Make image greyscale except for chosen color" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/crop.xml:3 -msgid "Edge Crop" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/crop.xml:4 -msgid "Trim the edges of a clip" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/crop.xml:7 data/effects/frei0r_mask0mate.xml:13 -msgid "Top" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/crop.xml:10 data/effects/frei0r_mask0mate.xml:7 -msgid "Left" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/crop.xml:13 data/effects/frei0r_mask0mate.xml:16 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Bottom" -msgstr "Dno prvo" - -#: data/effects/crop.xml:16 data/effects/frei0r_mask0mate.xml:10 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Right" -msgstr "Svijetli" - -#: data/effects/crop.xml:19 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Automatic center-crop" -msgstr "Automatski podijeli prizore" - -#: data/effects/crop.xml:22 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Center balance" -msgstr "Raspletač" - -#: data/effects/crop.xml:25 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Use project resolution" -msgstr "Koristi projekat mape" - -#: data/effects/dust.xml:3 -msgid "Dust" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/dust.xml:4 -msgid "Add dust and specks to the video, as in old movies" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/dust.xml:7 -msgid "Maximal Diameter" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/dust.xml:10 -msgid "Maximal number of dust" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/dynamictext.xml:3 -msgid "Dynamic Text" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/dynamictext.xml:4 -msgid "Overlay text with keywords replaced" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/dynamictext.xml:10 -msgid "Font Family" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/dynamictext.xml:13 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Font Size" -msgstr "Font" - -#: data/effects/dynamictext.xml:16 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Font Weight" -msgstr "Debljina slova" - -#: data/effects/dynamictext.xml:25 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Outline Color" -msgstr "Kontura" - -#: data/effects/dynamictext.xml:28 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Outline Width" -msgstr "Širina obrisa" - -#: data/effects/dynamictext.xml:31 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Padding" -msgstr "Učitavam" - -#: data/effects/dynamictext.xml:34 -msgid "Left,Center,Right" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/dynamictext.xml:35 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Horizontal Alignment" -msgstr "Bez poravnanja" - -#: data/effects/dynamictext.xml:38 -msgid "Top,Middle,Bottom" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/dynamictext.xml:39 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Vertical Alignment" -msgstr "Bez poravnanja" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, text_box) -#: data/effects/dynamictext.xml:42 src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:55 -#: src/ui/templateclip_ui.ui:34 -msgid "Text" -msgstr "Tekst" - -#: data/effects/fade_from_black.xml:3 -msgid "Fade from Black" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/fade_from_black.xml:4 -msgid "Fade video from black" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_duration) -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, ClipDurationDialog_UI) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, duration_label) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: data/effects/fade_from_black.xml:7 data/effects/fade_to_black.xml:7 -#: data/effects/fadein.xml:10 data/effects/fadeout.xml:7 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:133 -#: src/ui/clipdurationdialog_ui.ui:14 src/ui/clipdurationdialog_ui.ui:40 -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:58 src/ui/colorclip_ui.ui:37 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:747 src/utils/freesound.cpp:157 -#: src/utils/freesound.cpp:196 src/utils/freesound.cpp:197 -#: src/utils/freesound.cpp:198 -msgid "Duration" -msgstr "Trajanje" - -#: data/effects/fade_from_black.xml:10 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/bezier/beziersplinewidget.cpp:52 -msgid "In" -msgstr "Ulaz" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: data/effects/fade_from_black.xml:13 data/effects/fade_to_black.xml:13 -#: src/ui/wipeval_ui.ui:22 -msgid "Start" -msgstr "Početak" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_4) -#: data/effects/fade_from_black.xml:16 data/effects/fade_to_black.xml:16 -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:409 src/ui/wipeval_ui.ui:167 -msgid "End" -msgstr "Kraj" - -#: data/effects/fade_to_black.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Fade to Black" -msgstr "Sakrij traku" - -#: data/effects/fade_to_black.xml:4 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Fade video to black" -msgstr "Video traka" - -#: data/effects/fade_to_black.xml:10 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/bezier/beziersplinewidget.cpp:54 -msgid "Out" -msgstr "Van" - -#: data/effects/fadein.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Fade in" -msgstr "Izblijediti" - -#: data/effects/fadein.xml:4 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Fade in audio track" -msgstr "Video bez audio zapisa" - -#: data/effects/fadein.xml:13 data/effects/fadeout.xml:13 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Start Gain" -msgstr "Započni u" - -#: data/effects/fadein.xml:16 data/effects/fadeout.xml:16 -msgid "End Gain" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/fadeout.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Fade out" -msgstr "Izblijediti" - -#: data/effects/fadeout.xml:4 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Fade out audio track" -msgstr "Video bez audio zapisa" - -#: data/effects/freeze.xml:3 -msgid "Freeze" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/freeze.xml:4 -msgid "Freeze video on a chosen frame" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/freeze.xml:7 -msgid "Freeze at" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/freeze.xml:10 -msgid "Freeze Before" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/freeze.xml:13 -msgid "Freeze After" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_3dflippo.xml:3 -msgid "3dflippo" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_3dflippo.xml:4 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Frame rotation in 3D space" -msgstr "Trajanje kadra" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_3dflippo.xml:7 -msgid "X axis rotation" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_3dflippo.xml:10 -msgid "Y axis rotation" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_3dflippo.xml:13 -msgid "Z axis rotation" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_3dflippo.xml:16 -msgid "X axis rotation rate" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_3dflippo.xml:19 -msgid "Y axis rotation rate" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_3dflippo.xml:22 -msgid "Z axis rotation rate" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_3dflippo.xml:25 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Center position (X)" -msgstr "Interpolacija" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_3dflippo.xml:28 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Center position (Y)" -msgstr "Interpolacija" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_3dflippo.xml:31 -msgid "Invert rotation assignment" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_3dflippo.xml:34 -msgid "Don't blank mask" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_3dflippo.xml:37 -msgid "Fill with image or black" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:4 data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:36 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Alpha operations" -msgstr "Operacija Alfa Kanala" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:5 data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:37 -msgid "Display and manipulation of the alpha channel" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:9 data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:41 -msgid "" -"Image,Alpha as gray,Gray + red,Selection on black,Selection on gray," -"Selection on white,Selection on checkers" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:10 data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:42 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Display" -msgstr "Prikaži omjer:" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:14 data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:46 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Display input alpha" -msgstr "Prikaz omjera" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:18 -msgid "NO OP,Shave,Shrink hard,Shrink soft,Grow hard,Grow soft,Threshold" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:19 data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:51 -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphagrad.xml:30 data/effects/frei0r_alphaspot.xml:47 -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:45 data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:96 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Operation" -msgstr "Opcije" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:23 data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:55 -#: data/effects/frei0r_threshold0r.xml:7 data/effects/threshold.xml:3 -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:217 -msgid "Threshold" -msgstr "Prag" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:27 -msgid "Shrink/grow amount" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:50 -msgid "NO OP,Shave,Shrink hard,Shrink soft,Grow hard,Grow soft,Threshold,Blur" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:59 -msgid "Shrink/Grow/Blur amount" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphagrad.xml:3 -msgid "Alpha gradient" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphagrad.xml:4 -msgid "Fill the alpha channel with a specified gradient" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, clip_filesize_2) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, position_label) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, import_position) -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphagrad.xml:9 src/effectstack/keyframeedit.cpp:55 -#: src/ui/clipdurationdialog_ui.ui:20 src/ui/importkeyframesdialog_ui.ui:80 -#: src/ui/keyframedialog_ui.ui:20 src/ui/markerdialog_ui.ui:20 -msgid "Position" -msgstr "Položaj" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphagrad.xml:13 data/effects/frei0r_alphaspot.xml:34 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Transition width" -msgstr "Prijelaz" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphagrad.xml:17 data/effects/frei0r_alphaspot.xml:30 -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:16 -msgid "Tilt" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphagrad.xml:21 data/effects/frei0r_alphaspot.xml:38 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Min" -msgstr "Mješavina" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphagrad.xml:25 data/effects/frei0r_alphaspot.xml:42 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Max" -msgstr "Mješavina" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphagrad.xml:29 data/effects/frei0r_alphaspot.xml:46 -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:44 data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:95 -msgid "Write on clear,Max,Min,Add,Subtract" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphaspot.xml:3 -msgid "Alpha shapes" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphaspot.xml:4 -msgid "Draws simple shapes into the alpha channel" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphaspot.xml:9 -msgid "Rectangle,Ellipse,Triangle,Diamond" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphaspot.xml:10 data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:29 -#: data/effects/sox_flanger.xml:22 -msgid "Shape" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphaspot.xml:14 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Position X" -msgstr "Položaj" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphaspot.xml:18 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Position Y" -msgstr "Položaj" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphaspot.xml:22 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Size X" -msgstr "Veličina" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphaspot.xml:26 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Size Y" -msgstr "Veličina" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_balanc0r.xml:4 data/effects/frei0r_balanc0r.xml:15 -msgid "White Balance" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_balanc0r.xml:5 data/effects/frei0r_balanc0r.xml:16 -msgid "Adjust the white balance / color temperature" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_balanc0r.xml:8 data/effects/frei0r_balanc0r.xml:19 -#: data/effects/frei0r_colgate.xml:8 data/effects/movit_white_balance.xml:6 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Neutral Color" -msgstr "Originalna boja" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_balanc0r.xml:11 data/effects/frei0r_balanc0r.xml:22 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Green Tint" -msgstr "Zelena 2" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_baltan.xml:3 -msgid "Baltan" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_baltan.xml:4 -msgid "Delayed alpha smoothed blit of time" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_bezier_curves.xml:3 -msgid "Bézier Curves" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_bezier_curves.xml:4 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:5 -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:62 -msgid "Color curves adjustment" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_bezier_curves.xml:8 -msgid "RGB,Red,Green,Blue,Alpha,Luma,Hue,Saturation" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_bezier_curves.xml:13 -#: data/effects/frei0r_coloradj_rgb.xml:33 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:12 -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:69 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Rec. 601,Rec. 709" -msgstr "Rec. 601" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_bezier_curves.xml:14 -#: data/effects/frei0r_coloradj_rgb.xml:34 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:13 -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:70 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Luma formula" -msgstr "Luma dokument" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_brightness.xml:3 data/effects/frei0r_brightness.xml:7 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lenscorrection.xml:19 data/effects/grain.xml:13 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Brightness" -msgstr "Svijetliji" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_brightness.xml:4 -msgid "Adjusts the brightness of a source image" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:3 -msgid "Corners" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:4 -msgid "Four corners geometry engine" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:8 -msgid "Corner 1 X" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:12 -msgid "Corner 1 Y" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:16 -msgid "Corner 2 X" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:20 -msgid "Corner 2 Y" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:24 -msgid "Corner 3 X" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:28 -msgid "Corner 3 Y" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:32 -msgid "Corner 4 X" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:36 -msgid "Corner 4 Y" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:40 -msgid "Stretch X" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:44 -msgid "Stretch Y" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:48 -msgid "Feather Alpha" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:52 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Enable Stretch" -msgstr "Omogući efekt" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:56 data/effects/frei0r_defish0r.xml:24 -msgid "" -"Nearest neighbor,Bilinear,Bicubic smooth,Bicubic sharp,Spline 4x4,Spline 6x6," -"Lanczos" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:57 data/effects/frei0r_defish0r.xml:25 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Interpolator" -msgstr "Interpolacija" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:61 data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:63 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:136 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Transparent Background" -msgstr "Providna pozadina" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:65 data/effects/rotoscoping.xml:13 -msgid "Write on clear,Maximum,Minimum,Add,Subtract" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:66 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Alpha operation" -msgstr "Operacija Alfa Kanala" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_cartoon.xml:4 data/effects/frei0r_cartoon.xml:15 -msgid "Cartoon" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_cartoon.xml:5 data/effects/frei0r_cartoon.xml:16 -msgid "Cartoonify video, do a form of edge detect" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_cartoon.xml:8 data/effects/frei0r_cartoon.xml:19 -msgid "Level of trip" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_cartoon.xml:11 data/effects/frei0r_cartoon.xml:22 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Difference space" -msgstr "Slobodno: %1" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_cluster.xml:3 -msgid "K-Means Clustering" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_cluster.xml:4 -msgid "Clusters of a source image by color and spatial distance" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_cluster.xml:7 -msgid "Amount of clusters" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_cluster.xml:10 -msgid "Weight on distance" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_colgate.xml:3 -msgid "White Balance (LMS space)" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_colgate.xml:5 -msgid "" -"Do simple color correction, in a physically meaningful\n" -"way" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_colgate.xml:12 data/effects/movit_white_balance.xml:9 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Color Temperature" -msgstr "Opseg boja" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_coloradj_rgb.xml:3 -msgid "RGB adjustment" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_coloradj_rgb.xml:4 -msgid "Simple color adjustment" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, cbR) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonSelectRects) -#: data/effects/frei0r_coloradj_rgb.xml:8 src/ui/histogram_ui.ui:30 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:733 -msgid "R" -msgstr "R" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, cbG) -#: data/effects/frei0r_coloradj_rgb.xml:12 src/ui/histogram_ui.ui:37 -msgid "G" -msgstr "G" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, cbB) -#: data/effects/frei0r_coloradj_rgb.xml:16 src/ui/histogram_ui.ui:44 -msgid "B" -msgstr "B" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_coloradj_rgb.xml:20 -msgid "Add constant,Change gamma,Multiply" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_coloradj_rgb.xml:21 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Action" -msgstr "Pravac" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_coloradj_rgb.xml:25 -msgid "Keep luma" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_coloradj_rgb.xml:29 -msgid "Alpha controlled" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_colordistance.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Color Distance" -msgstr "Opseg boja" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_colordistance.xml:4 -msgid "" -"Calculates the distance between the selected color and the current pixel and " -"uses that value as new pixel value" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_colordistance.xml:7 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Source Color" -msgstr "Izvor isječka" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_colortap.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Color Effect" -msgstr "Bez efekta" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_colortap.xml:4 -msgid "Applies a pre-made color effect to image" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, treeWidget) -#: data/effects/frei0r_colortap.xml:7 data/effects/frei0r_defish0r.xml:14 -#: data/effects/frei0r_iirblur.xml:14 data/effects/frei0r_medians.xml:9 -#: src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:74 src/ui/missingclips_ui.ui:67 -msgid "Type" -msgstr "Tip" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_contrast0r.xml:3 data/effects/frei0r_contrast0r.xml:7 -#: data/effects/grain.xml:10 src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:209 -msgid "Contrast" -msgstr "Kontrast" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_contrast0r.xml:4 -msgid "Adjusts the contrast of a source image" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:4 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:61 -msgid "Curves" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:8 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:65 -#: data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:9 data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:41 -msgid "Red,Green,Blue,Luma" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:20 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:77 -msgid "Number of curve points" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:23 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:80 -msgid "Point 1 input value" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:26 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:83 -msgid "Point 1 output value" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:29 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:86 -msgid "Point 2 input value" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:32 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:89 -msgid "Point 2 output value" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:35 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:92 -msgid "Point 3 input value" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:38 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:95 -msgid "Point 3 output value" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:41 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:98 -msgid "Point 4 input value" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:44 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:101 -msgid "Point 4 output value" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:47 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:104 -msgid "Point 5 input value" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:50 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:107 -msgid "Point 5 output value" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:53 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:110 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Show graph in picture" -msgstr "Zaustavi Hvatanje Pokreta" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:56 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:113 -#: data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:31 data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:63 -msgid "Top Left,Top Right,Bottom Left,Bottom Right" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:57 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:114 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Graph position" -msgstr " Pozicija:" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_d90stairsteppingfix.xml:3 -msgid "Nikon D90 Stairstepping fix" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_d90stairsteppingfix.xml:7 -msgid "" -"Removes stairstepping artifacts from Nikon D90's 720p videos.\n" -" \n" -" " -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_defish0r.xml:3 -msgid "Defish" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_defish0r.xml:4 -msgid "Non rectilinear lens mappings" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_defish0r.xml:7 data/effects/frei0r_iirblur.xml:8 -#: data/effects/frei0r_sharpness.xml:8 data/effects/movit_unsharp_mask.xml:9 -msgid "Amount" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_defish0r.xml:10 -msgid "DeFish" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_defish0r.xml:13 -msgid "Equidistant,Orthographic,Equiarea,Stereographic" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_defish0r.xml:17 -msgid "Fill,Center,Fit,Manual" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, lblScaling) -#: data/effects/frei0r_defish0r.xml:18 src/effectstack/dragvalue.cpp:108 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:207 -#: src/ui/colorplaneexport_ui.ui:74 -msgid "Scaling" -msgstr "Razmjera" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_defish0r.xml:21 -msgid "Manual Scale" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_defish0r.xml:28 -msgid "Square,PAL DV,NTSC DV,HDV,Manual" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_defish0r.xml:29 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Aspect type" -msgstr "Razmjera:" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_defish0r.xml:32 -msgid "Manual Aspect" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_delay0r.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -msgid "delay0r" -msgstr "Kašnjenje" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_delay0r.xml:4 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Video delay" -msgstr "Video plejer" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_delay0r.xml:7 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Delay time" -msgstr "Kašnjenje" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_delaygrab.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Delay grab" -msgstr "Kašnjenje" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_delaygrab.xml:4 -msgid "Delayed frame blitting mapped on a time bitmap" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_distort0r.xml:3 data/effects/pan_zoom.xml:10 -#: data/kdenliveeffectscategory.rc:35 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:722 -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:746 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:767 -msgid "Distort" -msgstr "Izobličiti" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_distort0r.xml:4 -msgid "Plasma" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_distort0r.xml:7 data/effects/wave.xml:7 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Amplitude" -msgstr "Rascijepi zvuk" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_distort0r.xml:10 data/effects/sox_bass.xml:10 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:249 -msgid "Frequency" -msgstr "Učestalost" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_edgeglow.xml:3 -msgid "Edge glow" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_edgeglow.xml:4 -msgid "Edge glow filter" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_edgeglow.xml:7 -msgid "Edge lightening threshold" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_edgeglow.xml:10 -msgid "Edge brightness upscaling multiplier" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_edgeglow.xml:13 -msgid "Non-edge brightness downscaling multiplier" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_equaliz0r.xml:3 -msgid "Equaliz0r" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_equaliz0r.xml:4 -msgid "Equalizes the intensity histograms" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facebl0r.xml:3 -msgid "Face blur" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facebl0r.xml:4 -msgid "Automatically detect and blur a face using OpenCV" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facebl0r.xml:8 data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:8 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Search scale" -msgstr "Pretraži rucno" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facebl0r.xml:9 data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:9 -#, no-c-format -msgid "" -"The search window scale factor. For example, 120 = 1.20 = increases by 20% " -"on each pass." -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facebl0r.xml:13 data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:13 -msgid "Neighbors" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facebl0r.xml:14 data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:14 -msgid "Minimum number of rectangles that determines an object." -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facebl0r.xml:18 data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:18 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Smallest" -msgstr "Manji zapisi" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facebl0r.xml:19 data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:19 -msgid "The minimum window size in pixels." -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facebl0r.xml:23 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Largest" -msgstr "Odredište" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facebl0r.xml:24 -msgid "" -"The largest size face in pixels - both horizontally and vertically (square " -"window)." -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facebl0r.xml:28 data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:23 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Recheck" -msgstr "Provjeri" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facebl0r.xml:29 data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:24 -msgid "" -"How often to detect a face. In between checks, it does object motion " -"tracking." -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facebl0r.xml:33 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Show ellipse" -msgstr "Prikaži sve" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facebl0r.xml:34 -msgid "Draw a blue ellipse around the face area?" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Face detect" -msgstr "Prepoznavanje ivica" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:4 -msgid "Detect faces and draw shapes on them using OpenCV" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:28 -msgid "circle,ellipse,rectangle,random" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:33 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Stroke width" -msgstr "Odgovarati širini" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:34 -msgid "" -"0 means fill; otherwise, draw unfilled with a stroke width of this size." -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:38 -msgid "Alpha" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:39 -msgid "" -"Set the alpha channel of the shape area to a percentage of fully opaque." -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:43 -msgid "Antialias" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:44 -msgid "Draw with anti-aliasing?" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:50 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Color 1" -msgstr "Boja" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:51 -msgid "Set the shape color of the first detected face." -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:55 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Color 2" -msgstr "Boja" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:56 -msgid "Set the shape color of the second detected face." -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:60 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Color 3" -msgstr "Boja" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:61 -msgid "Set the shape color of the third detected face." -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:65 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Color 4" -msgstr "Boja" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:66 -msgid "Set the shape color of the fourth detected face." -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:70 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Color 5" -msgstr "Boja" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:71 -msgid "Set the shape color of the fifth detected face." -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_flippo.xml:3 -msgid "Flippo" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_flippo.xml:4 -msgid "Flipping in X and Y axis" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_flippo.xml:7 -#, fuzzy -msgid "X axis" -msgstr "Crtanje osa" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_flippo.xml:10 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Y axis" -msgstr "Crtanje osa" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_glow.xml:3 -msgid "Glow" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_glow.xml:4 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Creates a Glamorous Glow" -msgstr "Kreiraj grupu" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_glow.xml:7 data/effects/frei0r_iirblur.xml:3 -#: data/effects/frei0r_mask0mate.xml:22 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:158 -msgid "Blur" -msgstr "Zamagli" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_hqdn3d.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Denoiser" -msgstr "Šum" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_hqdn3d.xml:4 -msgid "High quality 3D denoiser" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_hqdn3d.xml:8 -msgid "Spatial" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_hqdn3d.xml:9 -msgid "Amount of spatial filtering" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_hqdn3d.xml:13 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Temporal" -msgstr "Privremene datoteke" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_hqdn3d.xml:14 -msgid "Amount of temporal filtering" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_hueshift0r.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Hue shift" -msgstr "HSV Smjena Nijanse" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_hueshift0r.xml:4 -msgid "Shifts the hue of a source image" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_hueshift0r.xml:7 -msgid "Hue" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_iirblur.xml:4 -msgid "Blur using 2D IIR filters (Exponential, Lowpass, Gaussian)" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_iirblur.xml:9 -msgid "Amount of blur" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_iirblur.xml:13 -msgid "Exponential,Lowpass,Gaussian" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_iirblur.xml:15 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Select blurring algorithm" -msgstr "Odaberi boju granice" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_iirblur.xml:19 -msgid "Edge" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_iirblur.xml:20 -msgid "Enable edge compensation" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:3 -msgid "Key Spill Mop Up" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:4 -msgid "Reduces the visibility of key color spill in chroma keying" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:8 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Key color" -msgstr "Boja granice" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:12 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Target color" -msgstr "Odredište" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:16 -msgid "Color distance, Transparency, Edge inwards, Edge outwards" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:17 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Mask type" -msgstr "Vrsta slike" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:21 -msgid "Tolerance" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:25 -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:91 -msgid "Slope" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:29 -msgid "Hue gate" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:33 -msgid "Saturation threshold" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:37 -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:46 -msgid "None, De-Key, Target, Desaturate, Luma adjust" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:38 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Operation 1" -msgstr "Trajanje: " - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:42 -msgid "Amount 1" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:47 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Operation 2" -msgstr "Trajanje: " - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:51 -msgid "Amount 2" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:55 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Show mask" -msgstr "Prikaži maksimum" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:59 -msgid "Mask to Alpha" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lenscorrection.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Lens Correction" -msgstr "Audio ispravka" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lenscorrection.xml:4 -msgid "Allows compensation of lens distortion" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lenscorrection.xml:7 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Horizontal center" -msgstr "Poravnaj sredinu" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lenscorrection.xml:10 -msgid "Vertical center" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lenscorrection.xml:13 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Center correction" -msgstr "Korekcija boja" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lenscorrection.xml:16 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Edges correction" -msgstr "Audio ispravka" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_letterb0xed.xml:3 -msgid "LetterB0xed" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_letterb0xed.xml:4 -msgid "Adds black borders at top and bottom for cinema look" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_letterb0xed.xml:7 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Border Width" -msgstr "Širina granice" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: data/effects/frei0r_letterb0xed.xml:10 data/effects/frei0r_timeout.xml:13 -#: src/ui/wipeval_ui.ui:136 src/ui/wipeval_ui.ui:281 -msgid "Transparency" -msgstr "Transparentnost" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:4 data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:36 -msgid "Levels" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:5 data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:37 -msgid "Adjust levels" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:13 data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:45 -msgid "Input black level" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:16 data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:48 -msgid "Input white level" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:19 data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:51 -#: data/effects/gamma.xml:3 data/effects/gamma.xml:7 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/lumaliftgain.cpp:63 -msgid "Gamma" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:22 data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:54 -msgid "Black output" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:25 data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:57 -msgid "White output" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:28 data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:60 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Show histogram" -msgstr "Histogram" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:32 data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:64 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Histogram position" -msgstr "Histogram" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:4 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:77 -msgid "Light Graffiti" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:7 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:80 -msgid "" -"Light Graffiti effect.\n" -" " -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:10 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:83 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Brightness Threshold" -msgstr "Prag" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:12 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:85 -msgid "" -"R+G+B) does a pixel need to be in order to " -"be recognized as a light source?
\n" -" Increasing this threshold requires brighter light sources (i.e. " -"more white or less color, respectively) but prevents some «false alarms» " -"where semi-bright parts, e.g. hands where colors can change quite a lot " -"compared to the background, are incorrectly recognized as light source.]]>" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:15 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:88 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Difference Threshold" -msgstr "Prag" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:17 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:90 -msgid "" -"max(dR, dG, dB)), in " -"order to be recognized as light source?
\n" -" Increasing this threshold makes it harder for light sources to " -"be accepted on bright backgrounds, but decreases the danger of noise or " -"generally bright spots counting as light source.]]>" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:20 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:93 -msgid "Difference Sum Threshold" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:22 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:95 -msgid "" -"relative to the " -"background image
(dR + dG + dB) have to change until a " -"pixel is recognized as a light source?
\n" -" Raising this value might, in some cases, avoid that some light " -"objects lit by the light source are added to the light mask.]]>" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:25 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:98 -msgid "Sensitivity" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:27 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:100 -msgid "" -"\n" -" For slowly moving light source try to use a lower sensitivity to " -"obtain a better exposure.]]>" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:30 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:103 -msgid "Lower Overexposure" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:32 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:105 -msgid "" -"\n" -" The light mask does not get white immediately when the light " -"source is moving slowly or staying steady.]]>" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:35 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:108 -msgid "Dimming" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:36 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:109 -msgid "" -"Dims the light mask. Lights will leave a fainting trail if it is set to a " -"value > 0." -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:39 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:112 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Background Weight" -msgstr "Providnost pozadine" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:40 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:113 -msgid "" -"Strength of the (calculated) background image. Setting it to 100 paints the " -"light mask directly over the background, without the painting person in the " -"image if the video starts with a «clean» background image. (See the α " -"parameter.)" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:43 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:116 -msgid "α" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:45 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:118 -msgid "" -"\n" -" The Light Graffiti effect remembers the first frame of the clip " -"it is applied to, so the clip should always start with the painter " -"outside of the video. If the background constantly changes, e.g. on a " -"street, try to set α > 0 to calculate an average background image.]]>" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:48 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:121 -#: data/effects/frei0r_saturat0r.xml:3 data/effects/frei0r_saturat0r.xml:7 -#: data/effects/movit_saturation.xml:6 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Saturation" -msgstr "HSV zasićenje" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:49 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:122 -msgid "Increases the saturation of lights." -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:52 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:125 -msgid "Show brightness statistics" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:54 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:127 -msgid "" -"\n" -" Example: To adjust the brightness threshold, check this box and " -"adjust the threshold until the whole light source is highlighted. Repeat the " -"same with the other parameters. Only parts that are highlighted in all thresholds will count as light source.]]>" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:57 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:130 -msgid "Show background difference statistics" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:60 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:133 -msgid "Show background difference sum statistics" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:64 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:137 -msgid "" -"Makes the background transparent, allowing to apply a composite effect and " -"paint the light mask over a completely different video." -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:67 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:140 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Nonlinear dimming" -msgstr "Nelinearna skala" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:68 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:141 -msgid "If normal dimming does not look natural enough, try this one." -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:71 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:144 -#: src/effectstack/geometryval.cpp:95 src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:86 -msgid "Reset" -msgstr "Resetuj" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:72 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:145 -msgid "" -"Resets the light mask and the background image. This is necessary e.g. if " -"you apply this effect to a clip in the timeline and then move the timeline " -"cursor from outside of the clip to the middle of it. The effect receives " -"this frame in the middle as first frame and uses it as background image. For " -"proper threshold adjusting move the timeline cursor to the beginning of the " -"clip, check the Reset box and uncheck it again." -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_luminance.xml:3 -msgid "Luminance" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_luminance.xml:4 -msgid "Creates a luminance map of the image" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_mask0mate.xml:3 -msgid "Mask0Mate" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_mask0mate.xml:4 -msgid "Creates an square alpha-channel mask" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_medians.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Medians" -msgstr "Medijski reproduktor" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_medians.xml:4 -msgid "Implements several median-type filters" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_medians.xml:8 -msgid "" -"Cross5,Square3x3,Bilevel,Diamond3x3,Square5x5,Temp3,Temp5,ArceBI,ML3D,ML3dEX," -"VarSize" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_5) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, import_size) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_20) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, treeWidget) -#: data/effects/frei0r_medians.xml:13 data/effects/frei0r_sharpness.xml:12 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:208 -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:563 src/ui/importkeyframesdialog_ui.ui:73 -#: src/ui/managecaptures_ui.ui:40 src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:201 -msgid "Size" -msgstr "Veličina" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_nervous.xml:3 -msgid "Nervous" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_nervous.xml:4 -msgid "Flushes frames in time in a nervous way" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_nosync0r.xml:3 -msgid "nosync0r" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_nosync0r.xml:4 -msgid "Broken TV" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_nosync0r.xml:7 -msgid "HSync" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pixeliz0r.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Pixelize" -msgstr "Skala piksela" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pixeliz0r.xml:4 -msgid "Pixelize input image." -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pixeliz0r.xml:7 -msgid "Block Size X" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pixeliz0r.xml:10 -msgid "Block Size Y" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0be.xml:3 -msgid "pr0be" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0be.xml:4 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Measure video values" -msgstr "Zašuti video snimak" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0be.xml:8 -msgid "RGB,Y'PbPr - rec. 601,Y'PbPr - rec. 709,HSV,HSL" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0be.xml:9 -msgid "Measurement" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0be.xml:13 data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:8 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/bezier/beziersplinewidget.cpp:56 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/bezier/beziersplinewidget.cpp:60 -#: src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:144 -msgid "X" -msgstr "X" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_5) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, cbY) -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0be.xml:17 data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:12 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/bezier/beziersplinewidget.cpp:58 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/bezier/beziersplinewidget.cpp:62 -#: src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:164 src/ui/histogram_ui.ui:23 -msgid "Y" -msgstr "Y" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0be.xml:21 -#, fuzzy -msgid "X size" -msgstr "Veličina datoteke" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0be.xml:25 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Y size" -msgstr "Veličina datoteke" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0be.xml:29 data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:81 -#, fuzzy -msgid "256 scale" -msgstr "Promijeni razmjeru" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0be.xml:33 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Show alpha" -msgstr "Prikaži put" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0be.xml:37 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Big window" -msgstr "Hammingov prozor" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -msgid "pr0file" -msgstr "Profil" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:4 -msgid "2D video oscilloscope" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:20 -msgid "Length" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:24 -msgid "R,G,B,Y',Pr,Pb,Alpha" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:29 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Marker 1" -msgstr "Marker" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:33 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Marker 2" -msgstr "Marker" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:37 -#, fuzzy -msgid "R trace" -msgstr "Dodaj traku" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:41 -#, fuzzy -msgid "G trace" -msgstr "Dodaj traku" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:45 -#, fuzzy -msgid "B trace" -msgstr "Dodaj traku" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:49 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Y trace" -msgstr "Dodaj traku" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:53 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Pr trace" -msgstr "Unesi traku" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:57 -msgid "Pb trace" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:61 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Alpha trace" -msgstr "Sve trake" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:65 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Display average" -msgstr "Prikaži omjer:" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:69 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Display RMS" -msgstr "Prikaži omjer:" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:73 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Display minimum" -msgstr "Prikaži omjer:" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:77 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Display maximum" -msgstr "Prikaži omjer:" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:85 -msgid "CCIR rec. 601,CCIR rec. 709" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_13) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, background_list) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_9) -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:86 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:156 -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:176 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:182 -#: src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:197 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:944 -msgid "Color" -msgstr "Boja" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:90 -msgid "Crosshair color" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_primaries.xml:3 -msgid "Primaries" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_primaries.xml:4 -msgid "Reduce image to primary colors" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_primaries.xml:7 data/effects/sox_stretch.xml:7 -msgid "Factor" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_primaries.xml:8 -msgid " 32 = 0]]>" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QWidget, RGBParade_UI) -#: data/effects/frei0r_rgbparade.xml:3 src/scopes/scopemanager.cpp:308 -#: src/ui/rgbparade_ui.ui:14 -msgid "RGB Parade" -msgstr "RGB Parada" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_rgbparade.xml:4 -msgid "Display a histogram of R, G and B components of the video data" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_saturat0r.xml:4 -msgid "Adjusts the saturation of a source image" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_scale0tilt.xml:3 -msgid "Crop, Scale and Position" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_scale0tilt.xml:4 -msgid "Scales, Tilts and Crops an Image" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_scale0tilt.xml:7 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Clip left" -msgstr "Lijevo poravnanje" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_scale0tilt.xml:10 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Clip right" -msgstr "Desno poravnanje" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_scale0tilt.xml:13 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Clip top" -msgstr "Poravnanje vrha" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_scale0tilt.xml:16 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Clip bottom" -msgstr "Svrstaj dno" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_scale0tilt.xml:19 -msgid "Scale X" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_scale0tilt.xml:22 -msgid "Scale Y" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_scale0tilt.xml:25 -msgid "Tilt X" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_scale0tilt.xml:28 -msgid "Tilt Y" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_scanline0r.xml:3 -msgid "scanline0r" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_scanline0r.xml:4 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Interlaced black lines" -msgstr "Isprepleteno" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:4 data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:51 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Color Selection" -msgstr "Korekcija boja" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:5 data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:52 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Color based alpha selection" -msgstr "Toggle selekcija" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:9 data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:56 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Color to select" -msgstr "Korekcija boja" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:13 data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:60 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Invert selection" -msgstr "Toggle selekcija" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:17 data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:79 -msgid "Delta R / A / Hue" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:21 data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:83 -msgid "Delta G / B / Chroma" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:25 data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:87 -msgid "Delta B / I / I" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:29 data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:64 -msgid "RGB,ABI,HCI" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:30 data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:65 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Selection subspace" -msgstr " Izaberi trajanje:" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:34 data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:69 -msgid "Box,Ellipsoid,Diamond" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:35 data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:70 -msgid "Subspace shape" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:39 -msgid "Hard,Fat,Normal,Skinny" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:40 data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:75 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Edge mode" -msgstr "Prepoznavanje ivica" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:74 -msgid "Hard,Fat,Normal,Skinny,Slope" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sharpness.xml:3 -msgid "Sharpen" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sharpness.xml:4 -msgid "Unsharp masking (port from Mplayer)" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sobel.xml:3 -msgid "Sobel" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sobel.xml:4 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Sobel filter" -msgstr "Filmski dokument" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:4 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:59 -msgid "SOP/Sat" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:5 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:60 -msgid "" -"Changes Slope, Offset, and Power of the color components, and the overall " -"Saturation, according to the ASC CDL (Color Decision List)." -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:8 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:63 -msgid "Slope Red" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:10 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:65 -msgid "" -"\n" -" All effects can be observed well when applied on a greyscale " -"gradient and looking at the RGB Parade monitor.]]>" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:13 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:68 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Slope Green" -msgstr "Zelena" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:16 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:71 -msgid "Slope Blue" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:19 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:74 -msgid "Slope Alpha" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:23 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:78 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Offset Red" -msgstr "Pomak" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:24 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:79 -msgid "" -"Changing the offset lifts (or lowers) the brightness of each pixel by the " -"given value." -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:27 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:82 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Offset Green" -msgstr "Pomak" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:30 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:85 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Offset Blue" -msgstr "Pomak" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:33 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:88 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Offset Alpha" -msgstr "Pomak" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:37 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:92 -msgid "Power Red" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:39 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:94 -msgid "" -"\n" -" Mathematically, what happens is an exponentiation of the " -"pixel brightness on [0,1] by the gamma value.]]>" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:42 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:97 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Power Green" -msgstr "Zelena" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:45 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:100 -msgid "Power Blue" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:48 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:103 -msgid "Power Alpha" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:52 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:107 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Overall Saturation" -msgstr "HSV zasićenje" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:53 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:108 -msgid "The overall saturation will be changed in the last step of this filter." -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_squareblur.xml:3 -msgid "Square Blur" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_squareblur.xml:4 -msgid "Square blur" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_squareblur.xml:7 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Kernel size" -msgstr "Prvobitna veličina" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_tehroxx0r.xml:3 -msgid "TehRoxx0r" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_tehroxx0r.xml:4 -msgid "Something videowall-ish" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_tehroxx0r.xml:7 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Interval" -msgstr "Sučelje" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_three_point_balance.xml:3 -msgid "3 point balance" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_three_point_balance.xml:4 -msgid "Balances colors along with 3 points" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_three_point_balance.xml:7 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Black color" -msgstr "Boja popunjavanja" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_three_point_balance.xml:10 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Gray color" -msgstr "Boja granice" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_three_point_balance.xml:13 -#, fuzzy -msgid "White color" -msgstr "Boja popunjavanja" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_three_point_balance.xml:16 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Split screen preview" -msgstr "Razdvojeni prikaz" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_three_point_balance.xml:19 -msgid "Source image on left side" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_threelay0r.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -msgid "threelay0r" -msgstr "Odgoditi snimanje" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_threelay0r.xml:4 -msgid "Dynamic 3-level thresholding" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_threshold0r.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Threshold0r" -msgstr "Prag" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_threshold0r.xml:4 -msgid "Thresholds a source image" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_timeout.xml:4 -msgid "Timeout indicator" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_timeout.xml:7 -msgid "Indicator color" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, markers_list) -#: data/effects/frei0r_timeout.xml:10 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:427 -msgid "Time" -msgstr "Vrijeme" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_tint0r.xml:3 -msgid "Tint" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_tint0r.xml:4 -msgid "Maps source image luminance between two colors specified" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_tint0r.xml:7 -msgid "Map black to" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_tint0r.xml:10 -msgid "Map white to" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_tint0r.xml:13 -msgid "Tint amount" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_twolay0r.xml:3 -msgid "twolay0r" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_twolay0r.xml:4 -msgid "Dynamic thresholding" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_vectorscope.xml:3 src/scopes/scopemanager.cpp:306 -msgid "Vectorscope" -msgstr "Vektorskopija" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_vectorscope.xml:4 -msgid "Display a vectorscope of the video data" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_vertigo.xml:4 data/effects/frei0r_vertigo.xml:15 -msgid "Vertigo" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_vertigo.xml:5 data/effects/frei0r_vertigo.xml:16 -msgid "Alpha blending with zoomed and rotated images" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_vertigo.xml:8 data/effects/frei0r_vertigo.xml:19 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Phase Increment" -msgstr "Povećanje" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_vertigo.xml:11 data/effects/frei0r_vertigo.xml:22 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Zoom Rate" -msgstr "Umanji" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_vignette.xml:3 -msgid "Vignette" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_vignette.xml:4 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Natural lens vignetting effect" -msgstr "Problem prilikom obrađivanja efekta" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_vignette.xml:7 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Aspect ratio" -msgstr "Razmjera:" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_vignette.xml:10 -msgid "Clear center size" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_softness) -#: data/effects/frei0r_vignette.xml:13 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:709 -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:302 src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:220 -msgid "Softness" -msgstr "Mekoća" - -#: data/effects/gain.xml:3 data/effects/gain.xml:7 data/effects/mute.xml:7 -#: data/effects/normalise.xml:7 data/effects/sox_bass.xml:7 -#: data/effects/sox_gain.xml:7 data/effects/volume.xml:7 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/lumaliftgain.cpp:65 -msgid "Gain" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/gain.xml:4 -msgid "Adjust the audio volume without keyframes" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/gamma.xml:4 -msgid "Change gamma color value" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/grain.xml:3 -msgid "Grain" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/grain.xml:4 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Grain over the image" -msgstr "Kreiranje slika menija" - -#: data/effects/grain.xml:7 data/effects/movit_deconvolution_sharpen.xml:18 -#: plugins/sampleplugin/sampleplugin.cpp:34 -#: plugins/sampleplugin/sampleplugin.cpp:42 -#: plugins/sampleplugin/sampleplugin.cpp:54 -#: plugins/sampleplugin/sampleplugin.cpp:78 -msgid "Noise" -msgstr "Šum" - -#: data/effects/greyscale.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Greyscale" -msgstr "Promijeni razmjeru" - -#: data/effects/greyscale.xml:4 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Discard color information" -msgstr "Tražim informaciju o boji..." - -#: data/effects/invert.xml:4 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Invert colors" -msgstr "Unesi isječak" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_declipper.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Declipper" -msgstr "Izbriši snimak" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_declipper.xml:4 -msgid "LADSPA declipper audio effect" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer.xml:3 -msgid "Equalizer" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer.xml:4 -msgid "LADSPA equalizer audio effect" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer.xml:7 -msgid "Lo gain" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer.xml:10 -msgid "Mid gain" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer.xml:13 -msgid "Hi gain" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:3 -msgid "15 Band Equalizer" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:4 -msgid "LADSPA equalizer audio effect (15 band)" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:7 -msgid "50 Hz" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:10 -msgid "100 Hz" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:13 -msgid "156 Hz" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:16 -msgid "220 Hz" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:19 -msgid "311 Hz" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:22 -msgid "440 Hz" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:25 -msgid "622 Hz" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:28 -msgid "880 Hz" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:31 -msgid "1250 Hz" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:34 -msgid "1750 Hz" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:37 -msgid "2500 Hz" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:40 -msgid "3500 Hz" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:43 -msgid "5000 Hz" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:46 -msgid "10000 Hz" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:49 -msgid "20000 Hz" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_limiter.xml:3 -msgid "Limiter" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_limiter.xml:4 -msgid "LADSPA limiter audio effect" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_limiter.xml:7 -msgid "Input gain (dB)" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_limiter.xml:10 -msgid "Limit (dB)" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_limiter.xml:13 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Release time (s)" -msgstr "Stvarno vrijeme ( ispustiti okvire)" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_phaser.xml:3 -msgid "Phaser" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_phaser.xml:4 -msgid "LADSPA phaser audio effect" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_phaser.xml:7 -msgid "Rate (Hz)" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_phaser.xml:10 data/effects/sox_flanger.xml:10 -msgid "Depth" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_phaser.xml:13 -msgid "Feedback" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_phaser.xml:16 -msgid "Spread" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_pitch.xml:3 -msgid "Pitch Shift" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_pitch.xml:4 -msgid "LADSPA change pitch audio effect" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_pitch.xml:7 data/effects/sox_pitch.xml:7 -msgid "Shift" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_pitch_scale.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Pitch Scaler" -msgstr "Skala piksela" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_pitch_scale.xml:4 -msgid "LADSPA pitch scale audio effect" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_pitch_scale.xml:7 -msgid "Co-efficient" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_rate_scale.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Rate Scaler" -msgstr "Promijeni razmjeru" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_rate_scale.xml:4 -msgid "LADSPA rate scale audio effect" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_rate_scale.xml:7 -msgid "Rate" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_reverb.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Reverb" -msgstr "Obrni" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_reverb.xml:4 -msgid "LADSPA reverb audio effect" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_reverb.xml:7 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Reverb time" -msgstr "Obrni" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_reverb.xml:10 data/effects/ladspa_room_reverb.xml:13 -msgid "Damping" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_room_reverb.xml:3 -msgid "Room Reverb" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_room_reverb.xml:4 -msgid "LADSPA room reverb audio effect" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_room_reverb.xml:7 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Room size (m)" -msgstr "Promijeni veličinu (50%)" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_room_reverb.xml:10 -msgid "Delay (s/10)" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_vinyl.xml:3 -msgid "Vinyl" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_vinyl.xml:4 -msgid "Simulates a vinyl audio player - LADSPA audio effect" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_vinyl.xml:7 src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:166 -msgid "Year" -msgstr "Godina" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_vinyl.xml:10 -msgid "RPM" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_vinyl.xml:13 -msgid "Surface warping" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_vinyl.xml:16 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Crackle" -msgstr "Numera" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_vinyl.xml:19 -msgid "Wear" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/lift_gamma_gain.xml:3 -msgid "Lift/gamma/gain" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/lift_gamma_gain.xml:6 data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain.xml:6 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain2.xml:6 -msgid "Lift: Red" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/lift_gamma_gain.xml:9 data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain.xml:9 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain2.xml:9 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Lift: Green" -msgstr "Zelena" - -#: data/effects/lift_gamma_gain.xml:12 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain.xml:12 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain2.xml:12 -msgid "Lift: Blue" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/lift_gamma_gain.xml:15 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain.xml:15 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain2.xml:15 -msgid "Gamma: Red" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/lift_gamma_gain.xml:18 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain.xml:18 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain2.xml:18 -msgid "Gamma: Green" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/lift_gamma_gain.xml:21 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain.xml:21 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain2.xml:21 -msgid "Gamma: Blue" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/lift_gamma_gain.xml:24 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain.xml:24 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain2.xml:24 -msgid "Gain: Red" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/lift_gamma_gain.xml:27 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain.xml:27 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain2.xml:27 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Gain: Green" -msgstr "Zelena" - -#: data/effects/lift_gamma_gain.xml:30 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain.xml:30 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain2.xml:30 -msgid "Gain: Blue" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/loudness.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Loudness" -msgstr "Mekoća" - -#: data/effects/loudness.xml:4 -msgid "Correct audio loudness as recommended by EBU R128" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/loudness.xml:7 -msgid "Target Program Loudness" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/mirror.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Mirror" -msgstr "greška" - -#: data/effects/mirror.xml:4 -msgid "Flip your image in any direction" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/mirror.xml:7 -msgid "Horizontal,Vertical,Diagonal,X Diagonal,Flip,Flop" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/mirror.xml:8 -msgid "Mirroring direction" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/movit_blur.xml:3 -msgid "Blur (GPU)" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_6) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_8) -#: data/effects/movit_blur.xml:6 data/effects/movit_diffusion.xml:6 -#: data/effects/movit_glow.xml:6 data/effects/movit_unsharp_mask.xml:6 -#: data/effects/movit_vignette.xml:6 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:891 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:915 -msgid "Radius" -msgstr "Poluprečnik" - -#: data/effects/movit_deconvolution_sharpen.xml:3 -msgid "Deconvolution sharpen (GPU)" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/movit_deconvolution_sharpen.xml:6 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Matrix size" -msgstr "Veličina datoteke" - -#: data/effects/movit_deconvolution_sharpen.xml:9 -msgid "Circle radius" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/movit_deconvolution_sharpen.xml:12 -msgid "Gaussian radius" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/movit_deconvolution_sharpen.xml:15 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Correlation" -msgstr "Korekcija boja" - -#: data/effects/movit_diffusion.xml:3 -msgid "Diffusion (GPU)" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/movit_diffusion.xml:9 -msgid "Mix amount" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/movit_glow.xml:3 -msgid "Glow (GPU)" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/movit_glow.xml:9 -msgid "Glow strength" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/movit_glow.xml:12 -msgid "Highlight cutoff threshold" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain.xml:3 -msgid "Lift/gamma/gain (GPU)" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain2.xml:3 -msgid "Movit: Lift/gamma/gain (colors)" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/movit_mirror.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Mirror (GPU)" -msgstr "greška" - -#: data/effects/movit_opacity.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Opacity" -msgid "Opacity (GPU)" -msgstr "Neprozirnost" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_opacity) -#: data/effects/movit_opacity.xml:6 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:211 src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:113 -msgid "Opacity" -msgstr "Neprozirnost" - -#: data/effects/movit_rect.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Pan and Zoom (GPU)" -msgstr "Paniraj i uvećaj" - -#: data/effects/movit_rect.xml:9 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Follow mouse" -msgid "Allow upscale" -msgstr "Prati miš" - -#: data/effects/movit_saturation.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Saturation (GPU)" -msgstr "HSV zasićenje" - -#: data/effects/movit_unsharp_mask.xml:3 -msgid "Unsharp mask (GPU)" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/movit_vignette.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Vignette (GPU)" -msgstr "Restartuj efekat" - -#: data/effects/movit_vignette.xml:9 -msgid "Inner radius" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/movit_white_balance.xml:3 -msgid "White Balance (GPU)" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/mute.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Mute" -msgstr "Utišano" - -#: data/effects/mute.xml:4 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Mute clip" -msgstr "Izreži isječak" - -#: data/effects/normalise.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Normalise" -msgstr "Normalno" - -#: data/effects/normalise.xml:4 -msgid "Dynamically normalise the audio volume" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/normalise.xml:10 -msgid "Maximum gain" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/normalise.xml:13 data/effects/sox_stretch.xml:10 -msgid "Window" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/obscure.xml:4 -msgid "Hide a region of the clip" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/obscure.xml:7 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:760 -msgid "Region" -msgstr "Oblast" - -#: data/effects/oldfilm.xml:3 -msgid "Oldfilm" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/oldfilm.xml:4 -msgid "Moves the Picture up and down and random brightness change" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/oldfilm.xml:7 -msgid "Y-Delta" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/oldfilm.xml:10 -#, no-c-format -msgid "% of picture have a delta" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/oldfilm.xml:13 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Brightness up" -msgstr "Svijetliji" - -#: data/effects/oldfilm.xml:16 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Brightness down" -msgstr "Svijetliji" - -#: data/effects/oldfilm.xml:19 -msgid "Brightness every" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/oldfilm.xml:22 -msgid "Unevendevelop up" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/oldfilm.xml:25 -msgid "Unevendevelop down" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/oldfilm.xml:28 -msgid "Unevendevelop Duration" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/pan_zoom.xml:3 data/effects/region.xml:10 -#: data/effects/rotation.xml:37 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Pan and Zoom" -msgstr "Paniraj i uvećaj" - -#: data/effects/pan_zoom.xml:4 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Adjust size and position of clip" -msgstr "Dodaj prenos na snimak" - -#: data/effects/region.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Regionalize" -msgstr "Oblast" - -#: data/effects/region.xml:4 -msgid "Apply sub-effects to a region defined by a clip's alpha channel" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/region.xml:7 -msgid "Url" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/rotation.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Rotate and Shear" -msgstr "Rotacija oko X ose" - -#: data/effects/rotation.xml:4 data/effects/rotation_keyframable.xml:4 -msgid "Rotate clip in any 3 directions" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/rotation.xml:7 data/effects/rotation_keyframable.xml:7 -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:747 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:216 -msgid "Rotate X" -msgstr "Rotiraj X" - -#: data/effects/rotation.xml:10 data/effects/rotation_keyframable.xml:10 -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:748 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:219 -msgid "Rotate Y" -msgstr "Rotiraj Y" - -#: data/effects/rotation.xml:13 data/effects/rotation_keyframable.xml:13 -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:749 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:222 -msgid "Rotate Z" -msgstr "Rotiraj Z" - -#: data/effects/rotation.xml:16 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Animate Rotate X" -msgstr "Rotiraj X" - -#: data/effects/rotation.xml:19 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Animate Rotate Y" -msgstr "Rotiraj Y" - -#: data/effects/rotation.xml:22 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Animate Rotate Z" -msgstr "Rotiraj Z" - -#: data/effects/rotation.xml:25 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Shear X" -msgstr "Popravi smicanje X" - -#: data/effects/rotation.xml:28 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Shear Y" -msgstr "Popravi smicanje Y" - -#: data/effects/rotation.xml:31 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Animate Shear X" -msgstr "Popravi smicanje X" - -#: data/effects/rotation.xml:34 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Animate Shear Y" -msgstr "Popravi smicanje Y" - -#: data/effects/rotation_keyframable.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Rotate (keyframable)" -msgstr "Izbriši glavni okvir" - -#: data/effects/rotation_keyframable.xml:16 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Offset X" -msgstr "Pomak" - -#: data/effects/rotation_keyframable.xml:19 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Offset Y" -msgstr "Pomak" - -#: data/effects/rotoscoping.xml:3 -msgid "Rotoscoping" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/rotoscoping.xml:4 -msgid "Keyframable vector based rotoscoping" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/rotoscoping.xml:8 -msgid "Alpha,Luma,RGB" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/rotoscoping.xml:9 -msgid "Mode" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/rotoscoping.xml:14 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Alpha Operation" -msgstr "Operacija Alfa Kanala" - -#: data/effects/rotoscoping.xml:22 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:3422 -msgid "Track" -msgstr "Numera" - -#: data/effects/rotoscoping.xml:26 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Feather width" -msgstr "Širina granice" - -#: data/effects/rotoscoping.xml:30 -msgid "Feathering passes" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/scratchlines.xml:3 -msgid "Scratchlines" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/scratchlines.xml:4 -msgid "Scratchlines over the picture" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/scratchlines.xml:7 -msgid "Width of line" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/scratchlines.xml:10 -msgid "Max number of lines" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/scratchlines.xml:13 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Max darker" -msgstr "Marker" - -#: data/effects/scratchlines.xml:16 -msgid "Max lighter" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/sepia.xml:3 -msgid "Sepia" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/sepia.xml:4 -msgid "Turn clip colors to sepia" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/sepia.xml:7 -msgid "Chrominance U" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/sepia.xml:10 -msgid "Chrominance V" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/sox_band.xml:3 -msgid "Sox Band" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/sox_band.xml:4 -msgid "Sox band audio effect" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/sox_band.xml:7 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Center Frequency" -msgstr "Učestalost" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_4) -#: data/effects/sox_band.xml:10 data/effects/sox_flanger.xml:16 -#: src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:181 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:307 -msgid "Width" -msgstr "Širina" - -#: data/effects/sox_bass.xml:3 -msgid "Sox Bass" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/sox_bass.xml:4 -msgid "Sox bass audio effect" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/sox_echo.xml:3 -msgid "Sox Echo" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/sox_echo.xml:4 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Sox echo audio effect" -msgstr "Podesi audio referencu" - -#: data/effects/sox_echo.xml:7 data/effects/sox_phaser.xml:7 -msgid "Gain In" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/sox_echo.xml:10 data/effects/sox_phaser.xml:10 -msgid "Gain Out" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_13) -#: data/effects/sox_echo.xml:13 data/effects/sox_flanger.xml:7 -#: data/effects/sox_phaser.xml:13 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:994 -msgid "Delay" -msgstr "Kašnjenje" - -#: data/effects/sox_echo.xml:16 data/effects/sox_phaser.xml:16 -msgid "Decay" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/sox_flanger.xml:3 -msgid "Sox Flanger" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/sox_flanger.xml:4 -msgid "Sox flanger audio effect" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/sox_flanger.xml:13 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Regeneration" -msgstr "Okreni tranziciju" - -#: data/effects/sox_flanger.xml:19 data/effects/sox_phaser.xml:19 -#: data/effects/speed.xml:3 data/effects/speed.xml:7 -msgid "Speed" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/sox_flanger.xml:25 -msgid "Phase" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/sox_flanger.xml:28 src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:383 -msgid "Interpolation" -msgstr "Interpolacija" - -#: data/effects/sox_gain.xml:3 -msgid "Sox Gain" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/sox_gain.xml:4 -msgid "Sox gain audio effect" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/sox_gain.xml:12 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Normalize" -msgstr "Normalno" - -#: data/effects/sox_phaser.xml:3 -msgid "Sox Phaser" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/sox_phaser.xml:4 -msgid "Sox phaser audio effect" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/sox_pitch.xml:3 -msgid "Sox Pitch Shift" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/sox_pitch.xml:4 -msgid "Sox change pitch audio effect" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/sox_pitch.xml:10 -msgid "Time window (ms)" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/sox_reverb.xml:3 -msgid "Sox Reverb" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/sox_reverb.xml:4 -msgid "Sox reverb audio effect" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/sox_reverb.xml:7 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Reverberance" -msgstr "Obrni" - -#: data/effects/sox_reverb.xml:10 -msgid "High frequency damping" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/sox_reverb.xml:13 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Room scale" -msgstr "Normalna skala" - -#: data/effects/sox_reverb.xml:16 -msgid "Stereo depth" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/sox_reverb.xml:19 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Pre-delay" -msgstr "Odgoditi snimanje" - -#: data/effects/sox_reverb.xml:22 -msgid "Wet gain" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/sox_stretch.xml:3 -msgid "Sox Stretch" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/sox_stretch.xml:4 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Sox stretch audio effect" -msgstr "Podesi audio referencu" - -#: data/effects/speed.xml:4 -msgid "Make clip play faster or slower" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/speed.xml:10 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Stroboscope" -msgstr "Vektorskopija" - -#: data/effects/swapchannels.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Swap channels" -msgstr "Zvučni kanali" - -#: data/effects/swapchannels.xml:4 -msgid "Move the left channel to the right and right-to-left" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/tcolor.xml:3 -msgid "Technicolor" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/tcolor.xml:4 -msgid "Oversaturate the color in video, like in old Technicolor movies" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/tcolor.xml:7 -msgid "Blue/Yellow axis" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/tcolor.xml:10 -msgid "Red/Green axis" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/threshold.xml:4 -msgid "Make monochrome clip" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/threshold.xml:7 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Threshold value" -msgstr "Prag" - -#: data/effects/threshold.xml:10 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Use transparency" -msgstr "Transparentnost" - -#: data/effects/vignette.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Vignette Effect" -msgstr "Restartuj efekat" - -#: data/effects/vignette.xml:4 -msgid "Adjustable Vignette" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/vignette.xml:7 -msgid "smooth" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/vignette.xml:10 -#, fuzzy -msgid "radius" -msgstr "Poluprečnik" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_6) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_8) -#: data/effects/vignette.xml:13 src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:72 -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:575 -msgid "x" -msgstr "x" - -#: data/effects/vignette.xml:16 -msgid "y" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/vignette.xml:19 -#, fuzzy -msgid "opacity" -msgstr "Neprozirnost" - -#: data/effects/vignette.xml:22 -msgid "use cos instead of linear" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/volume.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Volume (keyframable)" -msgstr "Izbriši glavni okvir" - -#: data/effects/volume.xml:4 -msgid "Adjust audio volume with keyframes" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/wave.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Wave" -msgstr "Valni oblik" - -#: data/effects/wave.xml:4 -msgid "Make waves on your clip with keyframes" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/wave.xml:10 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Horizontal" -msgstr "Centriraj horizontalno" - -#: data/effects/wave.xml:13 -msgid "Vertical" -msgstr "" - -#: data/kdenliveeffectscategory.rc:5 -msgid "Colour correction" -msgstr "Korekcija boja" - -#: data/kdenliveeffectscategory.rc:8 -msgid "Colour" -msgstr "Boja" - -#: data/kdenliveeffectscategory.rc:11 -msgid "Crop and transform" -msgstr "Izreži i transformiši" - -#: data/kdenliveeffectscategory.rc:14 -msgid "Audio correction" -msgstr "Audio ispravka" - -#: data/kdenliveeffectscategory.rc:17 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:655 -msgid "Audio channels" -msgstr "Zvučni kanali" - -#: data/kdenliveeffectscategory.rc:20 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Load analysis data" -msgid "Analysis and data" -msgstr "Učitaj podatke analize" - -#: data/kdenliveeffectscategory.rc:23 -msgid "Fade" -msgstr "Izblijediti" - -#: data/kdenliveeffectscategory.rc:26 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Artist" -msgid "Artistic" -msgstr "Izvođač" - -#: data/kdenliveeffectscategory.rc:29 -msgid "Blur and hide" -msgstr "Zamagli i sakrij" - -#: data/kdenliveeffectscategory.rc:32 -msgid "Motion" -msgstr "Pokret" - -#: data/kdenliveeffectscategory.rc:38 -msgid "Alpha manipulation" -msgstr "Alfa manipulacija" - -#: data/kdenliveeffectscategory.rc:41 -msgid "Enhancement" -msgstr "Povećanje" - -#: data/kdenliveeffectscategory.rc:44 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "effect" -msgid "GPU effects" -msgstr "efekat" - -#. i18n: ectx: ToolBar (extraToolBar) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:4 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Extract to" -msgid "Extra Toolbar" -msgstr "Raspakuj u" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (project) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:21 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Project" -msgstr "Projektne datoteke" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (extract_audio) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:29 src/mainwindow.cpp:2752 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Extract to" -msgid "Extract Audio" -msgstr "Raspakuj u" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (clip_actions) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:32 src/mainwindow.cpp:2699 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Clip Jobs" -msgstr "Poravnanje vrha" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (transcoders) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:35 src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:184 -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:125 -msgid "Transcode" -msgstr "Dekodiraj" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (generators) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:38 -#, fuzzy -#| msgctxt "general keyboard shortcuts" -#| msgid "General" -msgid "Generators" -msgstr "Opšte" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (track_menu) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:40 src/mainwindow.cpp:1145 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Track" -msgid "Tracks" -msgstr "Numera" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (clip_in_timeline) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:55 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Timeline" -msgid "Clip in Timeline" -msgstr "Vremenska osa" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (tool) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:70 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Tools" -msgid "Tool" -msgstr "Alati" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (clip) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:80 src/project/projectlistview.cpp:59 -msgid "Clip" -msgstr "Snimak" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (marker_menu) -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_3) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:81 src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:397 -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:402 -msgid "Markers" -msgstr "Markeri" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (timeline) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:96 src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:81 -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2785 -msgid "Timeline" -msgstr "Vremenska osa" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (keyboard_selection) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:97 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Selection tool" -msgid "Selection" -msgstr "Alat za biranje" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (keyboard_insert) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:105 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Interpolation" -msgid "Insertion" -msgstr "Interpolacija" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (current_clip) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:110 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Cut clip" -msgid "Current clip" -msgstr "Izreži isječak" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (all_clips) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:117 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Add clip" -#| msgid_plural "Add clips" -msgid "All clips" -msgstr "Dodaj snimak" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (guide_menu) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:120 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Guide" -msgid "Guides" -msgstr "Navod" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (space_menu) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:126 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Spacer tool" -msgid "Space" -msgstr "Spacer alat" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (video_effects_menu) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:134 src/mainwindow.cpp:279 -msgid "Add Effect" -msgstr "Dodaj efekat" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (monitor) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:148 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Monitor" -msgstr "Isječak monitora" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (monitor_go) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:154 src/timeline/customruler.cpp:93 -msgid "Go To" -msgstr "Idi na" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (monitor_config) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:176 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Monitor config" -msgstr "Isječak monitora" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (dockwindows) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:187 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "GraphView" -msgid "View" -msgstr "GraphView" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (layout_save_as) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:188 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Save Layout" -msgid "Save Layout As" -msgstr "Spremi raspored" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, CountDown_UI) -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, ClipStabilize_UI) -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, FreeSound_UI) -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, ArchiveWidget_UI) -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, BackupDialog_UI) -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, ClipTranscode_UI) -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, AddTrack_UI) -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, SmConfig_UI) -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, ManageEncodingProfile_UI) -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, ColorClip_UI) -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, RenderWidget_UI) -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, Stopmotion_UI) -#: plugins/sampleplugin/countdown_ui.ui:13 src/ui/addtrack_ui.ui:14 -#: src/ui/archivewidget_ui.ui:14 src/ui/backupdialog_ui.ui:14 -#: src/ui/clipstabilize_ui.ui:14 src/ui/cliptranscode_ui.ui:14 -#: src/ui/colorclip_ui.ui:14 src/ui/freesound_ui.ui:14 -#: src/ui/manageencodingprofile_ui.ui:14 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:14 -#: src/ui/smconfig_ui.ui:14 src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Dialog" -msgstr "Dijalog" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, destination_label) -#: plugins/sampleplugin/countdown_ui.ui:19 src/ui/cutjobdialog_ui.ui:47 -msgid "Save to" -msgstr "Spremiti" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, duration_label) -#: plugins/sampleplugin/countdown_ui.ui:29 -msgid "Duration (seconds)" -msgstr "Trajanje (sekunde)" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, font_label) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_4) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_17) -#: plugins/sampleplugin/countdown_ui.ui:46 src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:89 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:331 -msgid "Font" -msgstr "Font" - -#: plugins/sampleplugin/sampleplugin.cpp:33 -msgid "Countdown" -msgstr "Odbrojavanje" - -#: plugins/sampleplugin/sampleplugin.cpp:55 -msgid "Create Noise Clip" -msgstr "Kreiraj isječak šuma" - -#: plugins/sampleplugin/sampleplugin.cpp:59 -msgid "Create Countdown Clip" -msgstr "Kreiraj isječak za odbrojavanje" - -#: plugins/sampleplugin/sampleplugin.cpp:97 -#: plugins/sampleplugin/sampleplugin.cpp:105 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Failed to generate clip:\n" -"%1" -msgstr "" -"Snimak se nije uspio učitati:\n" -"%1" - -#: plugins/sampleplugin/sampleplugin.cpp:97 -#: plugins/sampleplugin/sampleplugin.cpp:105 -msgid "Generator Failed" -msgstr "Generator nije uspio" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:210 src/project/projectlist.cpp:133 -#, kde-format -msgid "%1 job" -msgid_plural "%1 jobs" -msgstr[0] "%1 posao" -msgstr[1] "%1 posla" -msgstr[2] "%1 poslova" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:211 src/project/projectlist.cpp:134 -#, kde-format -msgid "%1 pending job" -msgid_plural "%1 pending jobs" -msgstr[0] "%1 posao u toku" -msgstr[1] "%1 posla u toku" -msgstr[2] "%1 poslova u toku" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_search) -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:300 src/ui/freesound_ui.ui:74 -msgid "Search" -msgstr "Pretraživanje" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:336 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "GraphView" -msgid "View Mode" -msgstr "GraphView" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:338 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "GraphView" -msgid "Tree View" -msgstr "GraphView" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:346 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "GraphView" -msgid "Icon View" -msgstr "GraphView" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:353 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Disable effect" -#| msgid_plural "Disable effects" -msgid "Disable Bin Effects" -msgstr "Onemogući efekt" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:361 src/bin/bincommands.cpp:102 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Rename Folder" -msgstr "Preimenuj folder" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab) -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:370 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:50 -msgid "Settings" -msgstr "Postavke" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:372 src/project/clipproperties.cpp:351 -#: src/project/dialogs/slideshowclip.cpp:77 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:324 -msgid "Zoom" -msgstr "Uvećaj" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:378 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Show path" -msgid "Show date" -msgstr "Prikaži put" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:381 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Description" -msgid "Show description" -msgstr "Opis" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:399 src/project/projectlist.cpp:213 -msgid "Cancel All Jobs" -msgstr "Otkaži sve poslove" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:401 src/project/projectlist.cpp:217 -msgid "Cancel Current Clip Jobs" -msgstr "Prekini sve poslove" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:431 src/project/projectlist.cpp:254 -msgid "Show Log" -msgstr "Prikaži dnevnik" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:504 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Creating audio thumbnail for %1" -msgid "Creating audio thumbnails" -msgstr "Kreiranje umanjene slike za zvuk za %1" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:511 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Show audio thumbnails" -msgid "Audio thumbnails done" -msgstr "Prikaži audio ikonice" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:805 -msgctxt "append to clip name to indicate a copied idem" -msgid " (copy)" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:929 src/bin/bin.cpp:2217 -#: src/project/folderprojectitem.cpp:37 src/project/projectlist.cpp:1085 -#: src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:60 -msgid "Folder" -msgstr "Direktorij" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:1056 -#, kde-format -msgid "Folder contains a clip, delete anyways ?" -msgid_plural "Folder contains %1 clips, delete anyways ?" -msgstr[0] "" -msgstr[1] "" -msgstr[2] "" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:1173 src/mainwindow.cpp:1234 -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:1004 -msgid "Delete Clip" -msgstr "Obriši snimak" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:1174 src/mainwindow.cpp:1251 -msgid "Proxy Clip" -msgstr "Proxy isječak" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:1181 src/project/projectlist.cpp:995 -msgid "Delete Folder" -msgstr "Obriši direktorij" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:1182 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Proxy Folder" -msgstr "Datoteka Projekta" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2015 src/bin/bincommands.cpp:62 src/bin/bincommands.cpp:82 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Move Clip" -msgid_plural "Move Clips" -msgstr[0] "Pomjeri snimke" -msgstr[1] "Pomjeri snimke" -msgstr[2] "Pomjeri snimke" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2231 -#, fuzzy, kde-format -#| msgid "The clip %1 is invalid." -msgid "Playlist clip %1 is invalid." -msgstr "Isječak %1 je neispravan." - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2236 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Playlist clip %1 has too many tracks (%2) to be imported. Add new tracks to " -"your project." -msgstr "" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2449 src/project/projectlist.cpp:465 -msgid "Please set a default application to open images in the Settings dialog" -msgstr "" -"Molimo vas da odaberete standardnu aplikaciju za otvaranje slika u dijalogu " -"Podešenja" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2455 src/project/projectlist.cpp:471 -msgid "" -"Please set a default application to open audio files in the Settings dialog" -msgstr "" -"Molimo vas da odaberete standardnu aplikaciju za otvaranje zvučnih " -"dokumenata u dijalogu Podešenja" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2511 src/project/projectlist.cpp:2661 -msgid "No data returned from clip analysis" -msgstr "Nema vraćenih podataka iz analize isječka" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2525 src/project/projectlist.cpp:2674 -msgid "Processing data analysis" -msgstr "Obrada podataka dobivenih analizom" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2531 src/project/projectlist.cpp:2680 -msgid "Auto Split Clip" -msgstr "Automatski podijeli isječak" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2549 src/project/projectlist.cpp:2698 -msgid "Add Markers" -msgstr "Dodaj oznake" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2592 src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:85 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:474 src/project/projectcommands.cpp:164 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Add marker" -msgid "Add marker" -msgid_plural "Add markers" -msgstr[0] "Dodaj obilježivač" -msgstr[1] "Dodaj obilježivač" -msgstr[2] "Dodaj obilježivač" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2603 src/bin/bin.cpp:2685 src/project/jobs/filterjob.cpp:96 -#: src/timeline/markerdialog.cpp:45 -#, kde-format -msgid "Category %1" -msgstr "Kategorija %1" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2608 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Load Clip Markers" -msgstr "Učitaj markere" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2623 src/bin/bin.cpp:2720 -#: src/dialogs/profilesdialog.cpp:219 src/dialogs/profilesdialog.cpp:520 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot open file %1" -msgstr "Ne mogu otvoriti datoteku %1" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, MarkerDialog_UI) -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2649 src/definitions.cpp:78 src/definitions.cpp:95 -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:367 src/mainwindow.cpp:1831 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:727 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:801 src/ui/markerdialog_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Marker" -msgstr "Marker" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2683 -msgid "All categories" -msgstr "Sve kategorije" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2690 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Save Clip Markers" -msgstr "Sačuvaj obilježivač" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2733 src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:86 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:478 src/project/projectcommands.cpp:162 -msgid "Delete marker" -msgstr "Izbriši obilježivač" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2748 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Delete marker" -msgid "Delete clip markers" -msgstr "Izbriši obilježivač" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2750 -msgid "Clip has no markers" -msgstr "Snimak nema markere" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2788 src/project/clippropertiesmanager.cpp:126 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"You are editing an external title clip (%1). Do you want to save your " -"changes to the title file or save the changes for this project only?" -msgstr "" -"Obrađujete eksterni isječak naziva (%1). Da li želite spasiti promjene na " -"imenovanoj datoteci ili da spasite samo izmjene na ovom projektu?" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2788 src/project/clippropertiesmanager.cpp:126 -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:1766 -msgid "Save Title" -msgstr "Sačuvaj naslov" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2788 src/project/clippropertiesmanager.cpp:126 -msgid "Save to title file" -msgstr "Sačuvaj naziv dokumenta" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2788 src/project/clippropertiesmanager.cpp:126 -msgid "Save in project only" -msgstr "Spasi samo u projekat" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2852 src/project/projectlist.cpp:1428 -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:1430 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4517 -msgid "Invalid clip" -msgstr "Neispravan snimak" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2852 src/project/projectlist.cpp:1428 -msgid "Clip is invalid, will be removed from project." -msgstr "Okvir je nevažeći, uklonit će se iz projekta." - -#: src/bin/bincommands.cpp:34 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Remove Folder" -msgstr "Preimenuj folder" - -#: src/bin/bincommands.cpp:35 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Add Folder" -msgstr "Dodaj folder" - -#: src/bin/bincommands.cpp:121 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Add Effect" -msgid "Add Bin Effect" -msgstr "Dodaj efekat" - -#: src/bin/bincommands.cpp:140 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Reset Effect" -msgid "Remove Bin Effect" -msgstr "Restartuj efekat" - -#: src/bin/bincommands.cpp:162 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Rename Zone" -msgstr "Preimenuj folder" - -#: src/bin/bincommands.cpp:184 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Add Sub Clip" -msgstr "Dodaj Snimak" - -#: src/bin/bincommands.cpp:217 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1628 -msgid "Edit clip" -msgstr "Uredi isječak" - -#: src/bin/projectclip.cpp:90 src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:879 -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:195 -msgid "Untitled" -msgstr "Bez naslova" - -#: src/bin/projectclip.cpp:272 src/project/projectlist.cpp:2458 -msgctxt "The first letter of Proxy, used as abbreviation" -msgid "P" -msgstr "P" - -#: src/bin/projectclip.cpp:940 src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:1228 -#, kde-format -msgid "Clip already contains analysis data %1" -msgstr "Isječak već sadrži podatke analize %1" - -#: src/bin/projectclip.cpp:940 src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:1228 -msgid "Merge" -msgstr "Spoji" - -#: src/bin/projectclip.cpp:940 src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:1228 -msgid "Add" -msgstr "Dodaj" - -#: src/bin/projectfolder.cpp:74 -#, fuzzy, kde-format -msgid "%1 clip" -msgid_plural "%1 clips" -msgstr[0] "(%1 snimak)" -msgstr[1] "(%1 snimak)" -msgstr[2] "(%1 snimak)" - -#: src/bin/projectfolderup.cpp:35 -msgid "Back" -msgstr "" - -#: src/bin/projectfolderup.cpp:59 -msgid "Go up" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/bin/projectitemmodel.cpp:169 src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:74 -#: src/ui/colorclip_ui.ui:20 src/ui/configtranscode_ui.ui:70 -#: src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:20 -msgid "Name" -msgstr "Naziv" - -#: src/bin/projectitemmodel.cpp:172 -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:173 -#: src/project/projectlistview.cpp:59 -msgid "Date" -msgstr "Datum" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_description) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/bin/projectitemmodel.cpp:175 src/project/projectlistview.cpp:59 -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:41 src/ui/configtranscode_ui.ui:80 -#: src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:49 -msgid "Description" -msgstr "Opis" - -#: src/bin/projectitemmodel.cpp:178 src/dialogs/profilesdialog.cpp:585 -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:231 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:319 -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:771 src/mltcontroller/clipcontroller.cpp:266 -#: src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:483 -msgid "Unknown" -msgstr "Nepoznat" - -#: src/bin/projectsubclip.cpp:41 src/doc/documentvalidator.cpp:1441 -#, fuzzy, kde-format -msgid "Zone %1" -msgstr "Kraj zone: %1" - -#: src/capture/managecapturesdialog.cpp:42 -msgid "import" -msgstr "ubaci" - -#: src/dialogs/clipcreationdialog.cpp:97 src/dialogs/clipcreationdialog.cpp:98 -msgid "Color Clip" -msgstr "Boja isječka" - -#: src/dialogs/clipcreationdialog.cpp:188 -msgid "Title clip" -msgstr "Naslov snimka" - -#: src/dialogs/clipcreationdialog.cpp:236 src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:1117 -msgid "Template title clip" -msgstr "Uzorak za naziv isječka" - -#: src/dialogs/clipcreationdialog.cpp:428 src/doc/doccommands.cpp:32 -msgid "Add clip" -msgid_plural "Add clips" -msgstr[0] "Dodaj snimak" -msgstr[1] "Dodaj snimke" -msgstr[2] "Dodaj snimke" - -#: src/dialogs/clipcreationdialog.cpp:437 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:247 -#: src/effectstack/collapsibleeffect.cpp:200 src/mainwindow.cpp:2832 -msgid "All Supported Files" -msgstr "Svi podržani tipovi datoteka" - -#: src/dialogs/clipcreationdialog.cpp:437 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:247 -#: src/effectstack/collapsibleeffect.cpp:200 src/mainwindow.cpp:2832 -msgid "All Files" -msgstr "Sve datoteke" - -#: src/dialogs/clipcreationdialog.cpp:438 -msgid "Import image sequence" -msgstr "Unesi slijed slika" - -#: src/dialogs/clipcreationdialog.cpp:440 -msgid "Transparent background for images" -msgstr "Transparentna pozadina za slike" - -#: src/dialogs/encodingprofilesdialog.cpp:37 -msgid "Manage Encoding Profiles" -msgstr "Profili upravljačkog kodiranja" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, groupBox) -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, enable_proxy) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_14) -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, kcfg_enableproxy) -#: src/dialogs/encodingprofilesdialog.cpp:38 -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:96 src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:36 -#: src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:142 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:244 -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:499 -msgid "Proxy clips" -msgstr "Proxy isječci" - -#: src/dialogs/encodingprofilesdialog.cpp:39 -msgid "Video4Linux capture" -msgstr "Video4Linux snimanje" - -#: src/dialogs/encodingprofilesdialog.cpp:40 -msgid "Screen capture" -msgstr "Snimi trenutni prikaz na ekranu" - -#: src/dialogs/encodingprofilesdialog.cpp:41 -msgid "Decklink capture" -msgstr "Decklink snimanje" - -#: src/dialogs/encodingprofilesdialog.cpp:125 -#: src/dialogs/encodingprofilesdialog.cpp:157 -msgid "Profile name:" -msgstr "ime profila:" - -#: src/dialogs/encodingprofilesdialog.cpp:128 -#: src/dialogs/encodingprofilesdialog.cpp:160 -msgid "Parameters:" -msgstr "Parametri:" - -#: src/dialogs/encodingprofilesdialog.cpp:131 -#: src/dialogs/encodingprofilesdialog.cpp:163 -msgid "File extension:" -msgstr "Ekstenzija dokumenta:" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:64 -#: src/effectslist/effectslistwidget.cpp:100 -#: src/effectslist/effectslistwidget.cpp:121 -#: src/effectslist/effectslistwidget.cpp:123 -msgid "Misc" -msgstr "Razno" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:73 -msgid "Project Defaults" -msgstr "Podrazumjevana podešenja projekta" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:101 -msgid "Environment" -msgstr "Okruženje" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:126 -msgid "Capture" -msgstr "Uhvati" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:131 -msgid "Capture is not yet available on Mac OS X." -msgstr "Hvatanje nije još dostupno na Mac OS X." - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:170 -msgid "JogShuttle" -msgstr "JogShuttle" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, groupBox) -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:180 src/ui/smconfig_ui.ui:20 -msgid "Playback" -msgstr "Reprodukcija" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:275 -msgid "GPU processing needs MLT compiled with Movit and Rtaudio modules" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:300 -#, kde-format -msgid "dvgrab version %1 at %2" -msgstr "dvgrab verzija %1 na %2" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:301 -msgid "" -"dvgrab utility not found, please install it for firewire " -"capture" -msgstr "" -"dvgrab priključak nije pronađen, molimo vas instalirajte ga " -"za firewire hvatanje" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:438 -msgid "Automatic" -msgstr "Automatski" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:440 -msgid "OSS" -msgstr "OSS" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:441 -msgid "ALSA" -msgstr "ALSA" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:442 -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:487 -msgid "PulseAudio" -msgstr "PulseAudio" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:443 -msgid "OSS with DMA access" -msgstr "OSS sa DMA pristupom" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:444 -msgid "Esound daemon" -msgstr "Esound daemon" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:445 -msgid "ARTS daemon" -msgstr "ARTS daemon" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:457 -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:458 -msgid "Default" -msgstr "Podrazumijevano" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:503 -msgid "SDL" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:504 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Audio" -msgid "RtAudio" -msgstr "Zvuk" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:566 -msgid "Select default video player" -msgstr "Odaberi standardni program za Video reprodukciju" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:578 -msgid "Select default audio editor" -msgstr "Odaberi standardni Audio uređivač" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:590 -msgid "Select default image editor" -msgstr "Odaberi standardni slikovni uređivač" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:809 -msgid "Kdenlive must be restarted to change this setting" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, p_progressive) -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:832 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:264 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:634 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:118 src/project/clipproperties.cpp:685 -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:322 src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:99 -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:163 -msgid "Interlaced" -msgstr "Isprepleteno" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, progressive) -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:834 -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:1039 -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:1072 -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:1088 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:265 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:634 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:119 src/project/clipproperties.cpp:685 -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:428 src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:232 -msgid "Progressive" -msgstr "Progresivno" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:892 -msgid "A profile with that name already exists" -msgstr "Profil sa tim imenom već postoji" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:1003 -msgid "Current settings" -msgstr "Trenutna podešavanja" - -#: src/dialogs/profilesdialog.cpp:50 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:163 -msgid "Delete profile" -msgstr "Obriši profil" - -#: src/dialogs/profilesdialog.cpp:52 src/dialogs/profilesdialog.cpp:95 -msgid "Save profile" -msgstr "Sačuvaj profil" - -#: src/dialogs/profilesdialog.cpp:54 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:171 -msgid "Create new profile" -msgstr "Kreiraj novi profil" - -#: src/dialogs/profilesdialog.cpp:163 -msgid "The custom profile was modified, do you want to save it?" -msgstr "Profil je izmijenjen, želite li ga sačuvati?" - -#: src/dialogs/profilesdialog.cpp:194 -msgid "" -"A profile with same name already exists in MLT's default profiles, please " -"choose another description for your custom profile." -msgstr "" -"Profil sa istim imenom već postoji u MLT-ovom standardnom profilu, molimo " -"vas da odaberete drugačiji opis za vaš korisnički profil." - -#: src/dialogs/profilesdialog.cpp:225 src/dialogs/profilesdialog.cpp:526 -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:612 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:799 -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:805 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:865 -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1003 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1168 -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2382 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2405 -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:669 src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:675 -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:934 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:940 -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:3046 src/mainwindow.cpp:3051 -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:796 -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:802 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:1780 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot write to file %1" -msgstr "Ne mogu pisati u datoteku %1" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:108 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1233 -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2295 -msgid "Waiting..." -msgstr "Čekam..." - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:111 -msgid "Rendering finished" -msgstr "Iscrtavanje završenog" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:116 -msgid "Rendering crashed" -msgstr "Obrada krahirala" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:121 -msgid "Rendering aborted" -msgstr "Obrada prekinuta" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:155 -msgid "Rendering" -msgstr "Iscrtavanje" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:167 -msgid "Edit profile" -msgstr "Izmijeni profil" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:177 -msgid "Copy profile to favorites" -msgstr "Kopiraj profil u omiljene" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:179 -msgid "Show profiles with different framerate" -msgstr "Pokažite profile sa različitim brzinama" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, preserveAspectRatio) -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:223 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:534 -msgid "Preserve aspect ratio" -msgstr "Očuvati omjer" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:289 -msgid "File" -msgstr "Datoteka" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:298 -msgid "Script Files" -msgstr "Skripta dokumenata" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:392 -msgid "Beginning" -msgstr "Početak" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:478 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:494 -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:688 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:706 -msgid "Qualities" -msgstr "Kvalitete" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:479 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:495 -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:689 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:707 -msgid "Default quality" -msgstr "Podrazumijevana kvaliteta" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, vbitrates_label) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, abitrates_label) -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:481 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:497 -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:691 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:709 -#: src/ui/saveprofile_ui.ui:40 src/ui/saveprofile_ui.ui:73 -msgid "Bitrates" -msgstr "Brzine prijenosa" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, default_vbitrate_label) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, default_abitrate_label) -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:482 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:498 -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:692 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:710 -#: src/ui/saveprofile_ui.ui:26 src/ui/saveprofile_ui.ui:80 -msgid "Default bitrate" -msgstr "Standardna brzina prijenosa" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:509 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:515 -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:679 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:749 -msgctxt "Group Name" -msgid "Custom" -msgstr "Podešeno" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:591 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:760 -msgid "Profile already exists" -msgstr "Profil već postoji" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:591 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:760 -msgid "" -"This profile name already exists. Change the name if you don't want to " -"overwrite it." -msgstr "" -"Profil sa ovim imenom već postoji. Promijenite ime ukoliko ne želite da " -"pišete preko." - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:606 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:859 -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1859 -#, kde-format -msgid "Unable to write to file %1" -msgstr "Nije moguće pisati u datoteku %1" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:632 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1843 -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1892 -msgctxt "Category Name" -msgid "Custom" -msgstr "Podešeno" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:720 -msgid "Edit Profile" -msgstr "Uredi profil" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:918 -msgid "Cannot find the melt program required for rendering (part of Mlt)" -msgstr "Ne mogu naći melt program potreban za iscrtavanje (dio Mlt)" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:922 -msgid "" -"Cannot play video after rendering because the default video player " -"application is not set.\n" -"Please define it in Kdenlive settings dialog." -msgstr "" -"Ne mogu pokrenuti video nakon vizualizacije jer aplikacija glavnog video " -"uređaja nije postavljena.\n" -"Definirajte ga u Kdenlive postavkama." - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:930 src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:259 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"The directory %1, could not be created.\n" -"Please make sure you have the required permissions." -msgstr "" -"Direktorij %1, ne može biti kreiran.\n" -"Molimo vas da se uvjerite da imate zahtjevane dozvole." - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:973 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:165 -#, kde-format -msgid "File has no extension. Add extension (%1)?" -msgstr "Fajl nema ekstenziju. Dodaj ekstenziju (%1)?" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:988 -msgid "Output file already exists. Do you want to overwrite it?" -msgstr "Izlazni dokument već postoji. Da li želite pisati preko?" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1222 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2283 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"There is already a job writing file:
Abort the job if " -"you want to overwrite it..." -msgstr "" -"Već postoji posao koji piše dokument:
Obustavite posao " -"ako želite pisati preko..." - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1222 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2283 -msgid "Already running" -msgstr "Već pokrenut" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1266 -msgid "Video without audio track" -msgstr "Video bez audio zapisa" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1317 -#, kde-format -msgid "Rendering %1 started" -msgstr "Iscrtavanje %1 je započelo" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1473 -#, kde-format -msgid "Frame rate (%1) not compatible with project profile (%2)" -msgstr "Frekvencija okvira (%1) nije kompatibilna sa profilom projekta (%2)" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1491 -#, kde-format -msgid "Unsupported video format: %1" -msgstr "Nepodržan video format: %1" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1507 -#, kde-format -msgid "Unsupported audio codec: %1" -msgstr "Zvučni kodek nije podržan: %1" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1524 -#, kde-format -msgid "Unsupported video codec: %1" -msgstr "Video kodek nije podržan: %1" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1533 -msgid "" -"This render profile uses a 'profile' parameter.
Unless you know what " -"you are doing you will probably have to change it to 'mlt_profile'." -msgstr "" -"Ovaj profil iscrtavanja koristi 'profile' parametar.
Osim ako ne znate " -"što radite, vjerojatno ćete ga morati promijeniti u 'mlt_profile'." - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1546 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1584 -msgid "No matching profile" -msgstr "Nema profila koji se slaže" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1561 -msgid "untitled" -msgstr "bez naslova" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1586 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Invalid clip" -msgid "Invalid profile" -msgstr "Neispravan snimak" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1630 -msgid "" -"Video\n" -"quality" -msgstr "" -"Video\n" -"kvalitet" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1632 -msgid "" -"Video\n" -"bitrate" -msgstr "" -"Video\n" -"brzina prijenosa" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1652 -msgid "" -"Audio\n" -"quality" -msgstr "" -"Audio\n" -"kvalitet" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1654 -msgid "" -"Audio\n" -"bitrate" -msgstr "" -"Audio\n" -"brzina prijenosa" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1692 -msgid "File rendering" -msgstr "Iscrtavanje dokumenata" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1693 -msgid "Favorites" -msgstr "Omiljene" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1694 -msgid "DVD" -msgstr "DVD" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, profile_audioonly) -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1695 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7011 -#: src/ui/configtranscode_ui.ui:100 -msgid "Audio only" -msgstr "Video samo" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1696 -msgid "Web sites" -msgstr "Mrežne adrese" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1697 -msgid "Media players" -msgstr "Medijski reproduktor" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1698 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1738 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Lossless / HQ" -msgid "Lossless/HQ" -msgstr "Lossless / HQ" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1699 -msgid "Mobile devices" -msgstr "Mobilni uređaji" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1783 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Image sequence" -msgctxt "Category Name" -msgid "Images sequence" -msgstr "Sekvenca slike" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1987 -msgctxt "Attribute Name" -msgid "Custom" -msgstr "Podešeno" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2085 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2108 -#, fuzzy, kde-format -#| msgid "%1 dB" -msgid "%1 day " -msgid_plural "%1 days " -msgstr[0] "%1 dB" -msgstr[1] "%1 dB" -msgstr[2] "%1 dB" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2087 -#, fuzzy, kde-format -#| msgid "Opening file %1" -msgid "Remaining time %1" -msgstr "Otvaranje fajla %1" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2110 -#, kde-format -msgid "Rendering finished in %1" -msgstr "Iscrtavanje je završeno za %1" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2112 -#, kde-format -msgid "Rendering of %1 finished in %2" -msgstr "Obrađivanje %1 završeno u %2" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2125 -#, kde-format -msgid "Rendering of %1 crashed
" -msgstr "Iscrtavanje %1 krahiralo
" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, abort_job) -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2165 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:650 -msgid "Abort Job" -msgstr "Prekini posao" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2168 -msgid "Remove Job" -msgstr "Ukloni posao" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2236 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2240 -#, kde-format -msgid "Script contains wrong command: %1" -msgstr "Skripta sadrži pogrešne komande: %1" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2424 -msgid "script" -msgstr "skripta" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2445 src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:228 -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:640 -msgid "Check missing clips" -msgstr "Provjeri klipove koji nedostaju" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2502 -msgid "Export audio (automatic)" -msgstr "Zvučni izvoz (automatski)" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, export_audio) -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2504 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:544 -msgid "Export audio" -msgstr "Zvučni izvoz" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:60 -msgid "Config Wizard" -msgstr "Konfiguracijski čarobnjak" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:64 -msgid "Welcome" -msgstr "Dobrodošli" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:66 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Your Kdenlive version was upgraded to version %1. Please take some time to " -"review the basic settings" -msgstr "" -"Vaša Kdenlive verzija je ažurirana na verziju %1. Molimo vas da odvojite " -"vremena i pregledate osnovne postavke" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:68 -msgid "" -"This is the first time you run Kdenlive. This wizard will let you adjust " -"some basic settings, you will be ready to edit your first movie in a few " -"seconds..." -msgstr "" -"Po prvi put pokrećete Kdenlive. Ovaj čarobnjak će Vam omogućiti podešavanje " -"osnovnih postavki, a bit ćete u mogućnosti urediti Vaš prvi video za " -"nekoliko sekundi..." - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:72 -msgid "Discover the features of this Kdenlive release" -msgstr "Otkrij mogućnosti ovog Kdenlive izdanja" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:82 -msgid "Checking MLT engine" -msgstr "Provjeri MLT motor" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:90 -msgid "Video Standard" -msgstr "Video standard" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:128 -msgid "Additional Settings" -msgstr "Dodatne postavke" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (KComboBox, capture_device) -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:142 src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:168 -msgid "Capture device" -msgstr "Uhvati uređaj" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:146 -msgid "Default Blackmagic Decklink card:" -msgstr "Zadana Blackmagic Decklink kartica:" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:147 -msgid "No Blackmagic Decklink device found" -msgstr "Blackmagic Decklink uređaj nije pronađen" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:158 -msgid "Checking system" -msgstr "Provjeravam sistem" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:186 -msgid "Default video4linux device:" -msgstr "Zadani video4linux uređaj:" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:199 -msgid "No device found, plug your webcam and refresh." -msgstr "Nijedan uređaj nije pronađen, uključite web-kameru i ponovo pokrenite." - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:221 -#, kde-format -msgid "Current settings (%1x%2, %3/%4fps)" -msgstr "Trenutna podešavanja (%1x%2,%3/%4fps)" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:257 -#, kde-format -msgid "Default settings (%1x%2, %3/%4fps)" -msgstr "Početne postavke (%1x%2, %3/%4fps)" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:272 -msgid "Melt" -msgstr "Rastopiti" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:273 -msgid "Required for rendering (part of MLT package)" -msgstr "Potrebno za vizualizaciju (dio MLT paketa)" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:280 -msgid "Cannot start the MLT video backend!" -msgstr "Ne mogu pokrenuti MLT video pozadinu!" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:287 -#, kde-format -msgid "MLT version: %1" -msgstr "MLT verzija %1" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:290 -msgid "Your MLT version is unsupported!!!" -msgstr "Vaša MLT verzija nije podržana!!!" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:296 -#, kde-format -msgid "Please upgrade to MLT %1.%2.%3" -msgstr "Molim vas poboljšajte za MLT %1.%2.%3" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:300 -msgid "MLT video backend!" -msgstr "MLT video pozadina!" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:318 -msgid "SDL module" -msgstr "SDL modul" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:319 -msgid "Required for Kdenlive" -msgstr "Potrebno za Kdenlive" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:332 -msgid "Avformat module (FFmpeg)" -msgstr "Avformat modul (FFmpeg)" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:333 -msgid "Required to work with various video formats (hdv, mpeg, flash, ...)" -msgstr "Potrebno za rad sa raznim video formatima (hdv, mpeg, flash, ...)" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:372 -msgid "QImage module" -msgstr "Q slika modula" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:373 src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:378 -msgid "Required to work with images" -msgstr "Potrebno za rad sa slikama" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:377 -msgid "Pixbuf module" -msgstr "Pixbuf modul" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:392 -msgid "Title module" -msgstr "Naziv modula" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:393 -msgid "Required to work with titles" -msgstr "Potrebno za rad sa naslovima" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:456 -msgid "" -"The following codecs were not found on your system. Check our online manual if you need them: " -msgstr "" -"Sljedeći niz kodeka nije pronađen na Vašem sistemu. Provjerite naš online priručnik ako ih trebate: " - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:477 -msgid "FFmpeg & ffplay" -msgstr "FFmpeg & ffplay" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:478 -msgid "Required for proxy clips, transcoding and screen capture" -msgstr "" -"Potrebno za proxy isječke, transkodiranje i hvatanje trenutne slike ekrana" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:504 -msgid "dvgrab" -msgstr "dvgrab" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:505 -msgid "Required for firewire capture" -msgstr "Potrebno zaz firewire hvatanje slike" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:511 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:104 -msgid "dvdauthor" -msgstr "dvd autor" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:512 -msgid "Required for creation of DVD" -msgstr "Potrebno za kreiranje DVD-a" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:518 -msgid "genisoimage or mkisofs" -msgstr "genisoimage ili mkisofs" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:519 -msgid "Required for creation of DVD ISO images" -msgstr "Potrebno za kreiranje DVD ISO slika" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:528 -msgid "xine" -msgstr "xine" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:529 -msgid "Required to preview your DVD" -msgstr "Potrebno za pregled vašeg DVD-a" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:533 -msgid "vlc" -msgstr "vlc" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:685 -msgid "Frame size:" -msgstr "Veličina okvira:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_4) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:685 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:245 -#: src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:55 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:107 -msgid "Frame rate:" -msgstr "Protok kadrova:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_23) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_9) -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:685 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:266 -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:121 -msgid "Pixel aspect ratio:" -msgstr "Omjer piksela:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_31) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_10) -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:685 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:280 -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:135 -msgid "Display aspect ratio:" -msgstr "Prikaz omjera:" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:732 -msgid "" -"Your MLT installation cannot be found. Install MLT and restart Kdenlive.\n" -msgstr "" -"Vaša MLT instalacija nije pronađena. Instalirajte MLT i ponovo pokrenite " -"Kdenlive.\n" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:736 -msgid "Fatal Error" -msgstr "Kobna pogreška" - -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:279 -#, kde-format -msgid "%1 fps" -msgstr "%1 fps" - -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:284 -msgid "Hz" -msgstr "Hz" - -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:289 -msgid "Audio clip" -msgstr "Zvučni snimak" - -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:292 -msgid "Mute video clip" -msgstr "Zašuti video snimak" - -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:295 src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:214 -msgid "Video clip" -msgstr "Video isječak" - -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:298 -msgid "Color clip" -msgstr "Boja isječka" - -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:301 src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:216 -msgid "Image clip" -msgstr "Slika isječka" - -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:304 -msgid "Template text clip" -msgstr "Uzorak tekstualnog isječka" - -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:305 -msgid "Text clip" -msgstr "Tekstualni isječak" - -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:308 -msgid "Slideshow clip" -msgstr "Snimak pokretnih slika" - -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:311 -msgid "Virtual clip" -msgstr "Virtualni isječak" - -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:314 src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:218 -msgid "Playlist clip" -msgstr "Snimak liste izvođenja" - -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:317 -msgid "Unknown clip" -msgstr "Nepoznati isječak" - -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:684 src/renderer.cpp:141 -msgid "Missing clip" -msgstr "Nedostaje isječak" - -#: src/doc/doccommands.cpp:33 src/project/clipmanager.cpp:226 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Delete clip" -msgid_plural "Delete clips" -msgstr[0] "Izbriši snimak" -msgstr[1] "Izbriši snimak" -msgstr[2] "Izbriši snimak" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:199 -msgid "Luma file" -msgstr "Luma dokument" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:223 -msgid "Title Image" -msgstr "Naziv slike" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:226 -msgid "Title Font" -msgstr "Veličina naziva" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:247 -#, kde-format -msgid "%1 will be replaced by %2" -msgstr "%1 će biti zamjenjeno sa %2" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:261 -msgid "Missing item" -msgstr "Nedostaje predmet" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:265 -msgid "The project file contains missing clips or files" -msgstr "Datoteci projekta nedostaju snimci ili fajlovi" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:269 -msgid "Missing proxies will be recreated after opening." -msgstr "Nedostajući proksiji će se ponoco kreirati nakon otvaranja." - -# translations. -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:273 -#, fuzzy, kde-format -#| msgid "" -#| "The project file contains a missing clip, you can still work with its " -#| "proxy." -#| msgid_plural "" -#| "The project file contains missing clips, you can still work with their " -#| "proxies." -msgid "" -"The project file contains a missing clip, you can still work with its proxy." -msgid_plural "" -"The project file contains %1 missing clips, you can still work with their " -"proxies." -msgstr[0] "" -"Projekat dokumenta sadrži isječak koji nedostaje, ali još uvijek možete " -"raditi sa proxy." -msgstr[1] "" -"Projekat dokumenta sadrži isječke koji nedostaju, ali još uvijek možete " -"raditi sa proxy." -msgstr[2] "" -"Projekat dokumenta sadrži isječke koji nedostaju, ali još uvijek možete " -"raditi sa proxy." - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:283 src/project/projectitem.cpp:192 -msgid "Proxy clip" -msgstr "Proxy isječak" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:285 -#, fuzzy, kde-format -#| msgid "%1 missing proxy clips, will be recreated on project opening" -msgid "%1 missing proxy clip, will be recreated on project opening" -msgid_plural "%1 missing proxy clips, will be recreated on project opening" -msgstr[0] "" -"%1 proxy isječak nedostaje, bit će ponovo kreiran pri ponovnom otvaranju " -"projekta" -msgstr[1] "" -"%1 proxy isječak nedostaje, bit će ponovo kreiran pri ponovnom otvaranju " -"projekta" -msgstr[2] "" -"%1 proxy isječak nedostaje, bit će ponovo kreiran pri ponovnom otvaranju " -"projekta" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:288 -msgid "Missing proxy" -msgstr "Nedostaje proxy" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:335 src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:348 -msgid "Source clip" -msgstr "Izvor isječka" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:337 -#, kde-format -msgid "%1 missing source clips, you can only use the proxies" -msgstr "%1 nedostaje izvor isječka, ali možete koristiti proxies" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:340 -msgid "Missing source clip" -msgstr "Nedostaje izvor isječka" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:411 -msgid "Clips folder" -msgstr "Datoteka snimaka" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:567 -msgid "Enter new location for file" -msgstr "Dodaj novu lokaciju za datoteku" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:780 -msgid "This will remove the selected clip from this project" -msgid_plural "This will remove the selected clips from this project" -msgstr[0] "Ovo će skloniti odabrani snimak sa ovog projekta" -msgstr[1] "Ovo će skloniti odabrane snimke sa ovog projekta" -msgstr[2] "Ovo će skloniti odabrane snimke sa ovog projekta" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:780 -msgid "Remove clips" -msgstr "Izbaci isječke" - -#: src/doc/documentvalidator.cpp:90 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"The document was created in \"%1\" locale, which is not installed on your " -"system. Please install that language pack. Until then, Kdenlive might not be " -"able to correctly open the document." -msgstr "" -"Dokument je kreiran u \"%1\" lokalu, a on nije instaliran na vašem sistemu. " -"Molimo vas da instalirate taj paket jezika. Do tada, Kdenlive možda neće " -"moći otvoriti dokument." - -#: src/doc/documentvalidator.cpp:94 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"There is a locale conflict on your system. The document uses locale %1 which " -"uses a \"%2\" as numeric separator (in system libraries) but Qt expects " -"\"%3\". You might not be able to correctly open the project." -msgstr "" -"Postoji lokalni konflikt na vašem sistemu. Dokument koristi lokalu %1 koja " -"koristi \"%2\" kao numerički separator (u sistemskoj biblioteci) ali Qt " -"očekuje \"%3\". Možda nećete moći ispravno otvoriti projekat." - -#: src/doc/documentvalidator.cpp:279 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"This project type is unsupported (version %1) and can't be loaded.\n" -"Please consider upgrading your Kdenlive version." -msgstr "" -"Ovaj tip projekta nije podržan (verzija %1) i ne može biti učitan.\n" -"Molimo vas da razmislite o nadograđivanju vaše Kdenlive verzije." - -#: src/doc/documentvalidator.cpp:279 src/doc/documentvalidator.cpp:286 -msgid "Unable to open project" -msgstr "Ne mogu otvoriti projekat" - -#: src/doc/documentvalidator.cpp:286 -#, kde-format -msgid "This project type is unsupported (version %1) and can't be loaded." -msgstr "Ovaj tip projekta nije podržan (verzija %1) i ne može biti učitan." - -#: src/doc/documentvalidator.cpp:840 -msgid "" -"Some of your text clips were saved with size in points, which means " -"different sizes on different displays. Do you want to convert them to pixel " -"size, making them portable? It is recommended you do this on the computer " -"they were first created on, or you could have to adjust their size." -msgstr "" -"Neki od vaših tekstualnih isječaka se prikazuju u različitim veličinama na " -"različitim zaslonima. Želite li ih konvertovati u piksele kako bi bili " -"prenosivi? Preporučuje se da to uradite na računaru na kom su kreirani, ili " -"ćete morati podesiti njihovu veličinu." - -#: src/doc/documentvalidator.cpp:840 -msgid "Update Text Clips" -msgstr "Ažuriraj tekstualne snimke" - -#: src/doc/documentvalidator.cpp:1679 -msgid "" -"The project file uses some GPU effects. GPU acceleration is not currently " -"enabled.\n" -"Do you want to convert the project to a non-GPU version ?\n" -"This might result in data loss." -msgstr "" - -#: src/doc/documentvalidator.cpp:1770 -msgid "The following filters/transitions were converted to non GPU versions:" -msgstr "" - -#: src/doc/documentvalidator.cpp:1773 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "The following effects were imported from the project:" -msgid "The following filters/transitions were deleted from the project:" -msgstr "Slijedeći efekti su uvezeni iz projekta:" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:152 -#, fuzzy -msgid "" -"Cannot open the project file,\n" -"Do you want to open a backup file?" -msgstr "" -"Nije moguće otvaranje projekta, greška je:\n" -"%1\n" -"Da li želite otvoriti rezervnu kopiju?" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:152 src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:168 -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:213 -msgid "Error opening file" -msgstr "Greška pri otvaranju datoteke" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:152 src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:168 -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:213 -msgid "Open Backup" -msgstr "Otvori rezervnu kopiju" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:168 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Cannot open the project file, error is:\n" -"%1 (line %2, col %3)\n" -"Do you want to open a backup file?" -msgstr "" -"Ne mogu otvoriti datoteku projekta, greška je:\n" -"%1 (linija %2, kolona %3)\n" -"Da li želite otvoriti sigurnosnu kopiju?" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:168 src/project/projectmanager.cpp:381 -msgid "Recover" -msgstr "Obnovi" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:194 -msgid "Cannot recover this project file" -msgstr "Ne mogu obnoviti datoteku projekta" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:206 -msgid "Validating" -msgstr "Ovjeravanje" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:212 -#, kde-format -msgid "File %1 is not a Kdenlive project file" -msgstr "Datoteka %1 nije Kdenlive projekat" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:213 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"File %1 is not a valid project file.\n" -"Do you want to open a backup file?" -msgstr "" -"Datoteka %1 nije Ispravan projekat.\n" -"Da li želite otvoriti rezervnu kopiju?" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:254 -#, kde-format -msgid "Project directory %1 does not exist. Create it?" -msgstr "Direktorij projekta %1 ne postoji. Kreirajte je?" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:266 -#, kde-format -msgid "Document project folder is invalid, setting it to the default one: %1" -msgstr "" -"Datoteka dokumenta projekta je neispravna, namještanje na standardni: %1" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:548 src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:659 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot write to file %1, scene list is corrupted." -msgstr "Nije moguće pisanje na datoteku %1, lista scena je nečista." - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:719 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"You have changed the project folder. Do you want to copy the cached data " -"from %1 to the new folder %2?" -msgstr "" -"Promijenili ste datoteku projekta. Da li želite kopirati podatke skrivene " -"memorije iz %1 u novu datoteku %2?" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:1105 -msgid "Enter Template Path" -msgstr "Unesi put šablona" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:1179 -msgid "The following effects were imported from the project:" -msgstr "Slijedeći efekti su uvezeni iz projekta:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:1209 src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:1223 -#: src/ui/backupdialog_ui.ui:22 -msgid "Project Folder" -msgstr "Datoteka Projekta" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:1287 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Cannot create backup copy:\n" -"%1" -msgstr "" -"Nije pronađena rezervna kopija:\n" -"%1" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:1400 src/project/projectlist.cpp:2317 -msgid "Add proxy clip" -msgid_plural "Add proxy clips" -msgstr[0] "Dodaj proxy isječak" -msgstr[1] "Dodaj proxy isječke" -msgstr[2] "Dodaj proxy isječke" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:1401 src/project/projectlist.cpp:2318 -msgid "Remove proxy clip" -msgid_plural "Remove proxy clips" -msgstr[0] "Izbaci proxy isječak" -msgstr[1] "Izbaci proxy isječke" -msgstr[2] "Izbaci proxy isječke" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:62 src/mainwindow.cpp:1023 -msgid "DVD Wizard" -msgstr "DVD čarobnjak" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:65 -msgid "Select Files For Your DVD" -msgstr "Odaberite Fajlove Za Vaš DVD" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:69 -msgid "DVD Chapters" -msgstr "DVD poglavlja" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:75 -msgid "Create DVD Menu" -msgstr "Kreiraj DVD meni" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:79 -msgid "Creating DVD Image" -msgstr "Kreiranje DVD slike" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:104 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:111 -#, kde-format -msgid "Burn with %1" -msgstr "Prži sa %1" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:114 -msgid "No burning program found (K3b, Brasero)" -msgstr "Nije pronađen program za snimanje (K3b, Brasero)" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:120 -msgid "Load" -msgstr "Učitaj" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:121 -msgid "Save" -msgstr "Sačuvaj" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:188 -#, fuzzy, kde-format -msgid "Cannot create temporary directory %1" -msgstr "Ne mogu kreirati privremenu datoteku" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:271 -msgid "Menu movie is invalid" -msgstr "Izbornik filmova nije ispravan" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:383 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:464 -msgid "Rendering job timed out" -msgstr "Vrijeme za vizualizaciju je isteklo" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:385 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:466 -msgid "Menu job timed out" -msgstr "Izbornik posla je istekao" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:674 -msgid "Rendering menu crashed" -msgstr "Meni za vizualizaciju je krahirao" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:710 -msgid "DVDAuthor process crashed" -msgstr "DVDAuthor proces krahirao" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:713 -msgid "DVDAuthor process crashed.
" -msgstr "DVDAuthor proces krahirao.
" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:737 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:738 -msgid "DVD structure broken" -msgstr "DVD struktura slomljena" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:785 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:788 -msgid "ISO creation process crashed." -msgstr "Proces kreacije ISO fajla je krahirao." - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:817 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:818 -msgid "DVD ISO is broken" -msgstr "DVD ISO je slomljen" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:832 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:834 -#, kde-format -msgid "DVD ISO image %1 successfully created." -msgstr "DVD ISO slika %1 je uspješno kreirana." - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:864 -#, kde-format -msgid "Previewing requires one of these applications (%1)" -msgstr "Pregled zahtijeva jednu od ovih aplikacija (%1)" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:888 -#, kde-format -msgid "Folder %1 already exists. Overwrite?\n" -msgstr "Datoteka %1 već postoji. Pišite preko?\n" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:890 -#, kde-format -msgid "Image file %1 already exists. Overwrite?" -msgstr "Datoteka slike %1 već postoji. Pišite preko?" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:911 -msgid "Save DVD Project" -msgstr "Sačuvaj DVD projekat" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:911 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:948 -msgid "DVD project (*.kdvd)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:957 -#, kde-format -msgid "File %1 is not a Kdenlive project file." -msgstr "Datoteka %1 nije Kdenlive projekat." - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardmenu.cpp:42 src/monitor/monitor.cpp:185 -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:303 src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:79 -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:405 src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:444 -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:873 -msgid "Play" -msgstr "Pokreni" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardmenu.cpp:54 -msgid "Add new button" -msgstr "Dodaj novo dugme" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardmenu.cpp:55 -msgid "Delete current button" -msgstr "Dodaj trenutno dugme" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardmenu.cpp:300 -msgid "Play All" -msgstr "Pusti sve" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:104 -#, kde-format -msgid "Program %1 is required for the DVD wizard." -msgstr "Program %1 se zahtjeva za DVD čarobnjaka." - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:105 -msgid "mkisofs" -msgstr "mkisofs" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:105 -msgid "genisoimage" -msgstr "genisoimage" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:105 -#, kde-format -msgid "Program %1 or %2 is required for the DVD wizard." -msgstr "Program %1 ili %2 je potreban za DVD čarobnjaka." - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:111 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:316 -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:768 -msgid "PAL 4:3" -msgstr "PAl 4:3" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:111 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:313 -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:765 -msgid "PAL 16:9" -msgstr "PAL 16:9" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:111 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:310 -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:762 -msgid "NTSC 4:3" -msgstr "NTSC 4:3" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:111 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:307 -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:759 -msgid "NTSC 16:9" -msgstr "NTSC 16:9" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:138 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:791 -msgid "Your clips do not match selected DVD format, transcoding required." -msgstr "" -"Vaši isječci se ne slažu sa izabranim DVD formatom, potrebno je " -"transkodiranje." - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:210 src/project/cliptranscode.cpp:244 -msgid "Transcoding failed!" -msgstr "Dekodiranje nije uspjelo!" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:247 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "All Files" -msgid "MPEG Files" -msgstr "Sve datoteke" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:248 -msgid "Add new video file" -msgstr "Dodaj novi video dokumenat" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:337 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:779 -#, kde-format -msgid "The clip %1 is invalid." -msgstr "Isječak %1 je neispravan." - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:674 -#: src/effectstack/collapsibleeffect.cpp:352 -#: src/effectstack/collapsiblegroup.cpp:178 src/monitor/monitor.cpp:845 -#: src/project/clipstabilize.cpp:222 src/project/cliptranscode.cpp:141 -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:297 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"File %1 already exists.\n" -"Do you want to overwrite it?" -msgstr "" -"Fajl %1 već postoji.\n" -"Da li želite pisati preko njega?" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:699 -#, fuzzy, kde-format -#| msgid "Transcoding" -msgid "Transcoding: %1" -msgstr "Dekodiranje" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslist.cpp:197 -msgid "Author:" -msgstr "Autor:" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:63 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Search in the effect list" -msgid "Search in effects list" -msgstr "Traži u listi efekata" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:72 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Show/Hide the effect description" -msgid "Show/Hide effect description" -msgstr "Prikaži/Sakrij efekt u opisu" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:83 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Delete selected clip" -#| msgid_plural "Delete selected clips" -msgid "Add Effect to Selected Clip" -msgstr "Obriši odabrani snimak" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:84 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Copy profile to favorites" -msgid "Add Effect to Favorites" -msgstr "Kopiraj profil u omiljene" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:85 -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:231 -#: src/effectstack/collapsibleeffect.cpp:70 -#: src/effectstack/collapsiblegroup.cpp:77 -msgid "Delete effect" -msgstr "Izbriši efekat" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:93 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Move transition" -msgid "Show all transitions" -msgstr "Pomjeri prijelaz" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:94 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Move transition" -msgid "Show GPU transitions" -msgstr "Pomjeri prijelaz" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:101 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Show all profiles" -msgid "Show all effects" -msgstr "Prikaži sve profile" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:103 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Move effect" -msgid "Show video effects" -msgstr "Pomjeri efekat" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:105 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Show audio effects" -msgstr "Podesi audio referencu" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:107 -msgid "Show GPU effects" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:109 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Show custom effects" -msgstr "Podesi audio referencu" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:110 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Move effect" -msgid "Show favorite effects" -msgstr "Pomjeri efekat" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:239 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Remove file" -msgid "Remove from favorites" -msgstr "Ukloni datoteku" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_audio) -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, abitrates) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_audiothumbnails) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, audio_thumbs) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, audiobitrateLabel) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, rec_audio) -#: src/effectslist/effectslistwidget.cpp:100 -#: src/effectslist/effectslistwidget.cpp:129 -#: src/effectslist/effectslistwidget.cpp:131 src/monitor/recmanager.cpp:57 -#: src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:39 -#: src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:121 -#: src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:155 -#: src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:194 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:131 -#: src/ui/configtimeline_ui.ui:38 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:224 -#: src/ui/recmonitor_ui.ui:107 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:195 -#: src/ui/saveprofile_ui.ui:67 -msgid "Audio" -msgstr "Zvuk" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistwidget.cpp:100 -#: src/effectslist/effectslistwidget.cpp:137 -#: src/effectslist/effectslistwidget.cpp:139 -#: src/effectslist/effectslistwidget.cpp:464 -msgctxt "Folder Name" -msgid "Custom" -msgstr "Podešeno" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistwidget.cpp:194 -msgctxt "menu name for effects names between these 2 letters" -msgid "0 - F" -msgstr "0 - F" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistwidget.cpp:196 -msgctxt "menu name for effects names between these 2 letters" -msgid "G - L" -msgstr "G - L" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistwidget.cpp:198 -msgctxt "menu name for effects names between these 2 letters" -msgid "M - R" -msgstr "M - R" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistwidget.cpp:200 -msgctxt "menu name for effects names between these 2 letters" -msgid "S - Z" -msgstr "S-Z" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:47 src/project/clipproperties.cpp:346 -#: src/project/dialogs/slideshowclip.cpp:72 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:59 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:153 -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:541 -msgid "None" -msgstr "Niti jedan" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:363 -#, kde-format -msgid "Group %1" -msgstr "Grupa %1" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:624 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Dissolve" -msgid "None (Dissolve)" -msgstr "Rastopi" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, slide_luma) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, luma_fade) -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:706 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:292 -#: src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:203 -msgid "Wipe" -msgstr "Čisti" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:707 -msgid "Applies a stationary transition between the current and next frames." -msgstr "Primjenjuje stacionarne prenose između trenutnog i slijedećih okvira." - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:710 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:785 -msgctxt "@property: means that the image is inverted" -msgid "Invert" -msgstr "Obrni" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:711 -msgid "Image File" -msgstr "Dokument slike" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:712 -msgid "Reverse Transition" -msgstr "Okreni tranziciju" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:716 src/timeline/headertrack.cpp:89 -#: src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:74 -msgid "Composite" -msgstr "Smjesa" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:717 -msgid "A key-framable alpha-channel compositor for two frames." -msgstr "Kompozitor alfa kanala s ključnim kadrovima." - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:719 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:764 -msgid "Alpha Channel Operation" -msgstr "Operacija Alfa Kanala" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:719 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:764 -msgid "Over,And,Or,Xor" -msgstr "Preko,I,Ili,Xili" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:720 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:765 -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:785 -msgid "Align" -msgstr "Poravnanje" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:723 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:768 -msgid "Wipe File" -msgstr "Čisti Datoteku" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:724 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:769 -msgid "Wipe Softness" -msgstr "Obrišite mekoću" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:725 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:770 -msgid "Wipe Invert" -msgstr "Obriši izvrtanje" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:726 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:771 -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:785 -msgid "Force Progressive Rendering" -msgstr "Progresivna vizualizacija" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:727 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:772 -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:785 -msgid "Force Deinterlace Overlay" -msgstr "Prisili Raspletavanje Preklapanja" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:729 -msgid "Affine" -msgstr "Srodan" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:753 -msgid "Fix Shear Y" -msgstr "Popravi smicanje Y" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:754 -msgid "Fix Shear X" -msgstr "Popravi smicanje X" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:755 -msgid "Fix Shear Z" -msgstr "Popravi smicanje Z" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:761 -msgid "Use alpha channel of another clip to create a transition." -msgstr "Koristi alfa kanal drugog snimka za kreiranje prenosa." - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:762 -msgid "Transparency clip" -msgstr "Transparentni isječak" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:785 -msgid "Slide" -msgstr "Gurač" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:785 -msgid "Slide image from one side to another." -msgstr "Pomjeri sliku sa jedne na drugu stranu." - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:785 -msgid "Direction" -msgstr "Pravac" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, slide_fade) -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:790 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:262 -#: src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:167 -msgid "Dissolve" -msgstr "Rastopi" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:790 -msgid "Fade out one video while fading in the other video." -msgstr "Izblijedi jedan video dok se ubacuje drugi video." - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:790 -msgid "Reverse" -msgstr "Obrni" - -#: src/effectstack/collapsibleeffect.cpp:64 -#: src/effectstack/collapsiblegroup.cpp:72 -msgid "Move effect up" -msgstr "Pomjeri efekat gore" - -#: src/effectstack/collapsibleeffect.cpp:67 -#: src/effectstack/collapsiblegroup.cpp:74 -msgid "Move effect down" -msgstr "Pomjeri efekat dolje" - -#: src/effectstack/collapsibleeffect.cpp:82 -msgid "Reset Effect" -msgstr "Restartuj efekat" - -#: src/effectstack/collapsibleeffect.cpp:83 -#: src/effectstack/collapsibleeffect.cpp:345 -msgid "Save Effect" -msgstr "Sačuvaj efekat" - -#: src/effectstack/collapsibleeffect.cpp:91 -#: src/effectstack/collapsiblegroup.cpp:89 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Disable effect" -#| msgid_plural "Disable effects" -msgid "Disable Effect" -msgstr "Onemogući efekt" - -#: src/effectstack/collapsibleeffect.cpp:91 -#: src/effectstack/collapsiblegroup.cpp:89 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Enable effect" -#| msgid_plural "Enable effects" -msgid "Enable Effect" -msgstr "Omogući efekt" - -#: src/effectstack/collapsibleeffect.cpp:96 -msgid "Create Group" -msgstr "Kreiraj grupu" - -#: src/effectstack/collapsibleeffect.cpp:136 -msgid "Create Region" -msgstr "Kreiraj region" - -#: src/effectstack/collapsibleeffect.cpp:345 -msgid "Name for saved effect: " -msgstr "Ime za sačuvani efekat " - -#: src/effectstack/collapsiblegroup.cpp:68 -#: src/effectstack/collapsiblegroup.cpp:383 -msgid "Effect Group" -msgstr "Efekat grupe" - -#: src/effectstack/collapsiblegroup.cpp:81 -msgid "Reset Group" -msgstr "Restartuj grupu" - -#: src/effectstack/collapsiblegroup.cpp:82 -#: src/effectstack/collapsiblegroup.cpp:171 -msgid "Save Group" -msgstr "Sačuvaj grupu" - -#: src/effectstack/collapsiblegroup.cpp:84 -msgid "Ungroup" -msgstr "Razgrupiranje" - -#: src/effectstack/collapsiblegroup.cpp:171 -msgid "Name for saved group: " -msgstr "Ime za sačuvanu grupu " - -#: src/effectstack/complexparameter.cpp:36 -msgid "Allow horizontal moves" -msgstr "Dopusti horizontalne poteze" - -#: src/effectstack/complexparameter.cpp:38 -msgid "Allow vertical moves" -msgstr "Dopusti vertikalne poteze" - -#: src/effectstack/complexparameter.cpp:40 -msgid "Show keyframes in timeline" -msgstr "Prikaži ključne okvire na vremenskoj osi" - -#: src/effectstack/complexparameter.cpp:42 -msgid "Parameter info" -msgstr "Parametar info" - -#: src/effectstack/complexparameter.cpp:44 src/effectstack/geometryval.cpp:81 -#: src/effectstack/keyframeedit.cpp:47 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:84 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:417 -#: src/simplekeyframes/simplekeyframewidget.cpp:42 -#: src/simplekeyframes/simplekeyframewidget.cpp:132 -msgid "Add keyframe" -msgstr "Dodaj glavni okvir" - -#: src/effectstack/dragvalue.cpp:109 -msgid "Normal scale" -msgstr "Normalna skala" - -#: src/effectstack/dragvalue.cpp:110 -msgid "Pixel scale" -msgstr "Skala piksela" - -#: src/effectstack/dragvalue.cpp:111 -msgid "Nonlinear scale" -msgstr "Nelinearna skala" - -#: src/effectstack/dragvalue.cpp:115 -msgid "Direct update" -msgstr "Direktno ažuriranje" - -#: src/effectstack/dragvalue.cpp:120 -msgid "Reset value" -msgstr "Resetuj vrijednost" - -#: src/effectstack/dragvalue.cpp:125 -#, kde-format -msgid "Show %1 in timeline" -msgstr "Prikaži %1 na vremenskoj osi" - -#: src/effectstack/effectstackview2.cpp:71 -msgid "Enable/Disable all effects" -msgstr "Omogući/onemoguči sve efekte" - -#: src/effectstack/effectstackview2.cpp:73 -msgid "Show additional information for the parameters" -msgstr "Prikaži dodatne informacije za parametre" - -#: src/effectstack/effectstackview2.cpp:174 -#: src/effectstack/effectstackview2.cpp:176 -#: src/effectstack/effectstackview2.cpp:179 -#, kde-format -msgid "Effects for %1" -msgstr "Efekti za %1" - -#: src/effectstack/effectstackview2.cpp:229 -#: src/effectstack/effectstackview2.cpp:231 -#: src/effectstack/effectstackview2.cpp:234 -#, fuzzy, kde-format -#| msgid "Effects for %1" -msgid "Bin effects for %1" -msgstr "Efekti za %1" - -#: src/effectstack/effectstackview2.cpp:276 -#, kde-format -msgid "Effects for track %1" -msgstr "Efekti za traku %1" - -#: src/effectstack/geometryval.cpp:77 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:81 -#: src/simplekeyframes/simplekeyframewidget.cpp:52 -msgid "Go to next keyframe" -msgstr "Idi na novi ključni okvir" - -#: src/effectstack/geometryval.cpp:79 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:78 -#: src/simplekeyframes/simplekeyframewidget.cpp:47 -msgid "Go to previous keyframe" -msgstr "Idi na prethodni ključni okvir" - -#: src/effectstack/geometryval.cpp:83 src/effectstack/keyframeedit.cpp:49 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:423 -#: src/simplekeyframes/simplekeyframewidget.cpp:129 -msgid "Delete keyframe" -msgstr "Izbriši glavni okvir" - -#: src/effectstack/geometryval.cpp:85 src/monitor/monitor.cpp:206 -msgid "Misc..." -msgstr "Misc..." - -#: src/effectstack/geometryval.cpp:89 -msgid "Show/Hide options" -msgstr "Pokaži/sakrij opcije" - -#: src/effectstack/geometryval.cpp:97 -msgid "Sync timeline cursor" -msgstr "Harmoniziraj kursor vremenske ose" - -#: src/effectstack/geometryval.cpp:116 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:343 -msgid "Align item horizontally" -msgstr "Centriraj detalj horizontalno" - -#: src/effectstack/geometryval.cpp:118 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:345 -msgid "Align item vertically" -msgstr "Centriraj detalj vertikalno" - -#: src/effectstack/geometryval.cpp:120 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:347 -msgid "Align item to top" -msgstr "Centriraj detalje na vrh" - -#: src/effectstack/geometryval.cpp:122 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:349 -msgid "Align item to bottom" -msgstr "Centriraj detalje na dno" - -#: src/effectstack/geometryval.cpp:124 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:351 -msgid "Align item to right" -msgstr "Centriraj detalje na desno" - -#: src/effectstack/geometryval.cpp:126 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:353 -msgid "Align item to left" -msgstr "Centriraj detalje na lijevo" - -#: src/effectstack/parametercontainer.cpp:467 -msgid "" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/bezier/beziersplinewidget.cpp:67 -msgid "Handle 1:" -msgstr "Gestor 1:" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/bezier/beziersplinewidget.cpp:70 -msgid "Handle 2:" -msgstr "Gestor 2:" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/colorpickerwidget.cpp:71 -msgid "" -"Pick a color on the screen. By pressing the mouse button and then moving " -"your mouse you can select a section of the screen from which to get an " -"average color." -msgstr "" -"Preneu un color de la pantalla. Si premeu el botó del ratolí i després moveu " -"el ratolí podeu seleccionar una secció de la pantalla per obtenir-ne un " -"color mitjà." - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/colorpickerwidget.cpp:101 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/colorpickerwidget.cpp:125 -msgid "Requesting color information..." -msgstr "S'està sol·licitant informació del color..." - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/colorpickerwidget.cpp:134 -msgid "Calculated average color for rectangle." -msgstr "Color mitjà calculat del rectangle." - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:96 -msgctxt "x axis position" -msgid "X" -msgstr "X" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:99 -msgctxt "y axis position" -msgid "Y" -msgstr "Y" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:102 -msgctxt "Frame width" -msgid "W" -msgstr "W" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:105 -msgctxt "Frame height" -msgid "H" -msgstr "H" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:111 -msgid "Adjust to original size" -msgstr "Ajusta a la mida original" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:113 -msgid "Fit to width" -msgstr "Ajusta a l'amplada" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:115 -msgid "Fit to height" -msgstr "Ajusta a l'alçada" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:118 -msgid "Import keyframes from clip" -msgstr "Importa fotogrames clau des del clip" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:121 -msgid "Reset all keyframes" -msgstr "Reinicia tots els fotogrames clau" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:125 -msgid "Reset keyframes after cursor" -msgstr "Reinicia tots els fotogrames clau després del cursor" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:128 -msgid "Reset keyframes before cursor" -msgstr "Reinicia tots els fotogrames clau abans del cursor" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:133 -msgid "Synchronize with timeline cursor" -msgstr "Sincronitza amb el cursor de la línia de temps" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:139 -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:244 -msgid "Align left" -msgstr "Alinea a l'esquerra" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:141 -msgid "Center horizontally" -msgstr "Centra horitzontalment" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:143 -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:243 -msgid "Align right" -msgstr "Alinea a la dreta" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:145 -msgid "Align top" -msgstr "Alinea a dalt" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:147 -msgid "Center vertically" -msgstr "Centra verticalment" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:149 -msgid "Align bottom" -msgstr "Alinea a baix" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:154 -#: src/ui/clipstabilize_ui.ui:30 -msgid "Options" -msgstr "Opcions" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (suffix), widget (QSpinBox, spinResize) -#. i18n: ectx: property (suffix), widget (QSpinBox, kcfg_volume) -#. i18n: ectx: property (suffix), widget (QSpinBox, zoom_spin) -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:208 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:211 -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:125 src/ui/configsdl_ui.ui:89 -#: src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:226 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:611 -#, no-c-format -msgid "%" -msgstr "%" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/lumaliftgain.cpp:61 -msgid "Lift" -msgstr "Elevació" - -#: src/hidetitlebars.cpp:21 -msgid "Show Title Bars" -msgstr "Mostra les barres de títol" - -#: src/layoutmanagement.cpp:27 -msgid "Layouts" -msgstr "Disposicions" - -#: src/layoutmanagement.cpp:28 -msgid "Load Layout" -msgstr "Carrega la disposició" - -#: src/layoutmanagement.cpp:30 -#, kde-format -msgid "Layout %1" -msgstr "Disposició %1" - -#: src/layoutmanagement.cpp:34 -#, kde-format -msgid "Save As Layout %1" -msgstr "Desa com a disposició %1" - -#: src/layoutmanagement.cpp:69 -#, kde-format -msgid "Save as %1" -msgstr "Desa com a %1" - -#: src/layoutmanagement.cpp:101 -msgid "Save Layout" -msgstr "Desa la disposició" - -#: src/layoutmanagement.cpp:101 -msgid "Layout name:" -msgstr "Nom de la disposició:" - -#: src/lib/audio/audioCorrelation.cpp:43 -msgid "Audio analysis finished" -msgstr "Ha finalitzat l'anàlisi de l'àudio" - -#: src/main.cpp:48 -msgid "Kdenlive" -msgstr "Kdenlive" - -#: src/main.cpp:49 -msgid "An open source video editor." -msgstr "Un editor de vídeo de codi obert." - -#: src/main.cpp:51 -msgid "Copyright © 2007–2015 Kdenlive authors" -msgstr "Copyright © 2007–2015 Kdenlive authors" - -#: src/main.cpp:52 -msgid "Please report bugs to http://bugs.kde.org" -msgstr "Si us plau, informeu dels errors a http://bugs.kde.org" - -#: src/main.cpp:54 -msgid "Jean-Baptiste Mardelle" -msgstr "Jean-Baptiste Mardelle" - -#: src/main.cpp:54 -msgid "MLT and KDE SC 4 / KF5 port, main developer and maintainer" -msgstr "" -"Adaptació al MLT i la KDE SC 4 / KF5. Desenvolupador i mantenidor principal" - -#: src/main.cpp:55 -msgid "Vincent Pinon" -msgstr "Vincent Pinon" - -#: src/main.cpp:55 -msgid "" -"Interim maintainer, KF5 port, bugs fixing, minor functions, profiles " -"updates, etc." -msgstr "" -"Mantenidor interí, adaptació a KF5, esmena d'errors, funcions menors, " -"actualització de perfils, etc." - -#: src/main.cpp:56 -msgid "Laurent Montel" -msgstr "Laurent Montel" - -#: src/main.cpp:56 -msgid "Bugs fixing, clean up code, optimization etc." -msgstr "Esmena d'errors, neteja de codi, optimització, etc." - -#: src/main.cpp:57 -msgid "Marco Gittler" -msgstr "Marco Gittler" - -#: src/main.cpp:57 -msgid "MLT transitions and effects, timeline, audio thumbs" -msgstr "Transicions i efectes del MLT, línia de temps, miniatures d'àudio" - -#: src/main.cpp:58 -msgid "Dan Dennedy" -msgstr "Dan Dennedy" - -#: src/main.cpp:58 src/main.cpp:60 src/main.cpp:63 src/main.cpp:64 -msgid "Bug fixing, etc." -msgstr "Correcció d'errors, etc." - -#: src/main.cpp:59 -msgid "Simon A. Eugster" -msgstr "Simon A. Eugster" - -#: src/main.cpp:59 -msgid "Color scopes, bug fixing, etc." -msgstr "Àmbits de color, esmena d'errors, etc." - -#: src/main.cpp:60 -msgid "Till Theato" -msgstr "Till Theato" - -#: src/main.cpp:61 -msgid "Alberto Villa" -msgstr "Alberto Villa" - -#: src/main.cpp:61 -msgid "Bug fixing, logo, etc." -msgstr "Esmena d'errors, logo, etc." - -#: src/main.cpp:62 -msgid "Jean-Michel Poure" -msgstr "Jean-Michel Poure" - -#: src/main.cpp:62 -msgid "Rendering profiles customization" -msgstr "Personalització dels perfils de renderització" - -#: src/main.cpp:63 -msgid "Ray Lehtiniemi" -msgstr "Ray Lehtiniemi" - -#: src/main.cpp:64 -msgid "Steve Guilford" -msgstr "Steve Guilford" - -#: src/main.cpp:65 -msgid "Jason Wood" -msgstr "Jason Wood" - -#: src/main.cpp:65 -msgid "Original KDE 3 version author (not active anymore)" -msgstr "Autor de la versió original pel KDE 3 (inactiva)" - -#: src/main.cpp:66 -msgid "NAME OF TRANSLATORS" -msgstr "Joan M. Herrera,Orestes Mas" - -#: src/main.cpp:66 -msgid "EMAIL OF TRANSLATORS" -msgstr "herrej01@gmail.com,orestes@tsc.upc.edu" - -#: src/main.cpp:86 -msgid "Set the path for MLT environment" -msgstr "Estableix el camí a l'entorn MLT" - -#: src/main.cpp:87 -msgid "Comma separated list of clips to add" -msgstr "Llista de clips a afegir, separats per comes" - -#: src/main.cpp:88 -msgid "Document to open" -msgstr "Document a obrir" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:148 -msgid "Theme" -msgstr "Tema" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:177 -msgid "Project Bin" -msgstr "Safata de projecte" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, properties) -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:216 src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:395 -#: src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:43 -msgid "Properties" -msgstr "Propietats" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:219 src/mainwindow.cpp:280 -msgid "Effects" -msgstr "Efectes" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:222 src/mainwindow.cpp:284 src/mainwindow.cpp:1272 -msgid "Transitions" -msgstr "Transicions" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:225 -msgid "Clip Monitor" -msgstr "Monitor del clip" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:226 -msgid "Project Monitor" -msgstr "Monitor del projecte" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:228 -msgid "Record Monitor" -msgstr "Monitor d'enregistrament" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:233 -msgid "Clean" -msgstr "Neteja" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:235 -msgid "Undo History" -msgstr "Historial de desfer" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:263 -msgid "Stop Motion" -msgstr "Fotograma a fotograma" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, capture_button) -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:264 src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:105 -msgid "Capture frame" -msgstr "Captura un fotograma" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:267 -msgid "Switch live / captured frame" -msgstr "Commuta fotograma en viu/capturat" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:270 -msgid "Show last frame over video" -msgstr "Mostra el darrer fotograma sobre el vídeo" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:283 -msgid "Add Transition" -msgstr "Afegeix una transició" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:315 src/mainwindow.cpp:316 src/mainwindow.cpp:325 -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:326 src/mainwindow.cpp:330 -msgid "Favorite Effects" -msgstr "Efectes preferits" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:563 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"You have 1 rendering job waiting in the queue.\n" -"What do you want to do with this job?" -msgid_plural "" -"You have %1 rendering jobs waiting in the queue.\n" -"What do you want to do with these jobs?" -msgstr[0] "" -"Teniu 1 treball de renderització esperant a la cua.\n" -"Què voleu fer amb aquest treball?" -msgstr[1] "" -"Teniu %1 treballs de renderització esperant a la cua.\n" -"Què voleu fer amb aquests treballs?" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:563 -msgid "Start them now" -msgstr "Començar-los ara" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:563 -msgid "Delete them" -msgstr "Suprimeix-los" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:784 -msgid "Normal mode" -msgstr "Mode normal" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:785 -msgctxt "Normal editing" -msgid "n" -msgstr "n" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:790 -msgid "Overwrite mode" -msgstr "Mode de sobreescriptura" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:796 -msgid "Insert mode" -msgstr "Mode d'inserció" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:815 -msgid "Selection tool" -msgstr "Eina de selecció" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:816 -msgctxt "Selection tool shortcut" -msgid "s" -msgstr "s" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:821 -msgid "Razor tool" -msgstr "Eina de tall" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:822 -msgctxt "Razor tool shortcut" -msgid "x" -msgstr "x" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:827 -msgid "Spacer tool" -msgstr "Eina espaiadora" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:828 -msgctxt "Spacer tool shortcut" -msgid "m" -msgstr "m" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:869 -msgid "Fit zoom to project" -msgstr "Ajusta zoom al projecte" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:873 -msgid "Zoom Out" -msgstr "Allunya" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:887 -msgid "Zoom In" -msgstr "Apropa" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:915 -msgid "Split audio and video automatically" -msgstr "Separa automàticament l'àudio i el vídeo" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, videothumbs) -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:921 src/ui/wizardextra_ui.ui:35 -msgid "Show video thumbnails" -msgstr "Mostra les miniatures de vídeo" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, audiothumbs) -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:927 src/ui/wizardextra_ui.ui:42 -msgid "Show audio thumbnails" -msgstr "Mostra les miniatures d'àudio" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:933 -msgid "Show markers comments" -msgstr "Mostra els comentaris dels marcadors" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:938 -msgid "Snap" -msgstr "Desplaça" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, tc_type) -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:972 src/project/clipproperties.cpp:372 -#: src/project/dialogs/slideshowclip.cpp:89 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:284 -msgid "hh:mm:ss:ff" -msgstr "hh:mm:ss:ff" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, tc_type) -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:973 src/project/clipproperties.cpp:373 -#: src/project/dialogs/slideshowclip.cpp:90 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:289 -msgid "Frames" -msgstr "Fotogrames" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1002 -msgid "Manage Project Profiles" -msgstr "Gestiona els perfils de projecte" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1003 -msgid "Download New Wipes..." -msgstr "Descarrega cortinetes noves..." - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1004 -msgid "Download New Render Profiles..." -msgstr "Descarrega perfils de renderització nous..." - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1005 -msgid "Download New Project Profiles..." -msgstr "Descarrega perfils de projecte nous..." - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1006 -msgid "Download New Title Templates..." -msgstr "Descarrega plantilles de títols noves..." - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1008 -msgid "Run Config Wizard" -msgstr "Executa l'assistent de configuració" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, ProjectSettings_UI) -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1009 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Project Settings" -msgstr "Paràmetres del projecte" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1010 -msgid "Render" -msgstr "Renderitza" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1012 -msgid "Clean Project" -msgstr "Neteja el projecte" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1016 -msgid "Play Zone" -msgstr "Zona de reproducció" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1018 -msgid "Loop Zone" -msgstr "Zona de bucle" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1020 -msgid "Loop selected clip" -msgstr "Repeteix el clip seleccionat" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1024 -msgid "Transcode Clips" -msgstr "Recodifica els clips" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1025 src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:55 -msgid "Archive Project" -msgstr "Arxiva el projecte" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1026 -msgid "Switch monitor" -msgstr "Commuta el monitor " - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1027 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6364 -msgid "Expand Clip" -msgstr "Expandeix clip" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1029 -msgid "Monitor Info Overlay" -msgstr "Informació superposada al monitor" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1035 -msgid "Real Time (drop frames)" -msgstr "Temps real (descartant fotogrames)" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1040 -msgid "Monitor Gamma" -msgstr "Gamma del monitor" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1041 -msgid "sRGB (computer)" -msgstr "sRGB (ordinador)" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1042 -msgid "Rec. 709 (TV)" -msgstr "Rec. 709 (TV)" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1047 -msgid "Insert Zone in Project Bin" -msgstr "Insereix una zona a la safata del projecte" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1048 -msgid "Insert Zone in Timeline" -msgstr "Insereix una zona a la línia de temps" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1050 -msgid "Resize Item Start" -msgstr "Redimensiona l'inici de l'element" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1055 -msgid "Resize Item End" -msgstr "Redimensiona el final de l'element" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1060 -msgid "Go to Previous Snap Point" -msgstr "Vés a l'anterior punt d'ajust" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1062 -msgid "Go to Clip Start" -msgstr "Vés a l'inici del clip" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1063 -msgid "Go to Clip End" -msgstr "Vés al final del clip" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1064 -msgid "Go to Next Snap Point" -msgstr "Vés al següent punt d'ajust" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1066 -msgid "Delete Selected Item" -msgstr "Suprimeix l'element seleccionat" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1067 -msgid "Align Playhead to Mouse Position" -msgstr "Alinea el capçal de reproducció amb la posició del ratolí" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1069 -msgid "Automatic Transition" -msgstr "Transició automàtica" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1076 -msgid "Group Clips" -msgstr "Agrupa clips" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1078 -msgid "Ungroup Clips" -msgstr "Desagrupa clips" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1083 -msgid "Edit Duration" -msgstr "Edita la durada" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1084 src/mainwindow.cpp:3232 -msgid "Save clip" -msgstr "Desa el clip" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1085 -msgid "Clip in Project Bin" -msgstr "Clip a la safata de projecte" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1086 -msgid "Insert Clip Zone in Timeline (Overwrite)" -msgstr "Insereix la zona del clip a la línia de temps (sobreescriu)" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1087 -msgid "Select Clip" -msgstr "Selecciona un clip" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1088 -msgid "Deselect Clip" -msgstr "Desselecciona un clip" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1089 -msgid "Add Clip To Selection" -msgstr "Afegeix un clip a la selecció" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1091 -msgid "Select Transition" -msgstr "Selecciona una transició" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1093 -msgid "Deselect Transition" -msgstr "Desselecciona una transició" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1095 -msgid "Add Transition To Selection" -msgstr "Afegeix una transició a la selecció" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, CutJobDialog_UI) -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1097 src/ui/cutjobdialog_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Cut Clip" -msgstr "Retalla el clip" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1098 src/mainwindow.cpp:1833 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:729 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:803 -msgid "Add Marker" -msgstr "Afegeix un marcador" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1099 -msgid "Delete Marker" -msgstr "Suprimeix marcador" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1100 -msgid "Delete All Markers" -msgstr "Suprimeix tots els marcadors" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1102 src/mainwindow.cpp:1921 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:702 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:827 -msgid "Edit Marker" -msgstr "Edita un marcador" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1105 -msgid "Add Marker/Guide quickly" -msgstr "Afegeix un marcador/guia ràpidament" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1108 -msgid "Split Audio" -msgstr "Divideix l'àudio" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1112 -msgid "Set Audio Reference" -msgstr "Estableix la referència d'àudio" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1116 -msgid "Align Audio to Reference" -msgstr "Alinea l'àudio a la referència" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1120 -msgid "Audio Only" -msgstr "Només àudio" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1125 -msgid "Video Only" -msgstr "Només vídeo" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1130 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7007 -msgid "Audio and Video" -msgstr "Àudio i vídeo" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1142 -msgid "Insert Space" -msgstr "Insereix un espai" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1143 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:3426 -msgid "Remove Space" -msgstr "Elimina espai" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1146 -msgid "Insert Track" -msgstr "Insereix una pista" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1150 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6556 -#: src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:94 -msgid "Delete Track" -msgstr "Suprimeix la pista" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, TracksConfigDialog_UI) -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1155 src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:250 -#: src/ui/tracksconfigdialog_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Configure Tracks" -msgstr "Configura les pistes" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1159 -msgid "Select All in Current Track" -msgstr "Selecciona-ho tot en la pista actual" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1170 src/timeline/customruler.cpp:85 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5781 -msgid "Add Guide" -msgstr "Afegeix una guia" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1171 src/timeline/customruler.cpp:89 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:231 -msgid "Delete Guide" -msgstr "Suprimeix la guia" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1172 src/timeline/customruler.cpp:87 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:235 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5815 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5829 -msgid "Edit Guide" -msgstr "Edita la guia" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1173 src/timeline/customruler.cpp:91 -msgid "Delete All Guides" -msgstr "Suprimeix totes les guies" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1175 -msgid "Paste Effects" -msgstr "Enganxa efectes" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1180 -msgid "Save Selection" -msgstr "Desa la selecció" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1208 -msgid "Add Clip" -msgstr "Afegeix un clip" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1210 -msgid "Add Color Clip" -msgstr "Afegeix un clip de color" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1213 src/project/dialogs/slideshowclip.cpp:41 -msgid "Add Slideshow Clip" -msgstr "Afegeix un clip de presentació amb diapositives" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1216 -msgid "Add Title Clip" -msgstr "Afegeix un clip de títol" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1219 -msgid "Add Template Title" -msgstr "Afegeix una plantilla de títol" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1223 -msgid "Create Folder" -msgstr "Crea una carpeta" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1224 -msgid "Online Resources" -msgstr "Recursos en línia" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, ClipProperties_UI) -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1226 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Clip Properties" -msgstr "Propietats del clip" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1230 -msgid "Edit Clip" -msgstr "Edita clip" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1238 -msgid "Reload Clip" -msgstr "Recarrega el clip" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1242 -msgid "Disable Timeline Effects" -msgstr "Deshabilita els efectes de la línia de temps" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1247 -msgid "Duplicate Clip" -msgstr "Duplica un clip" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1259 -msgid "Ripple Delete" -msgstr "Supressió d'ones" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1389 -msgid "" -"You have changed the proxy parameters. Do you want to recreate all proxy " -"clips for this project?" -msgstr "" -"Heu canviat els paràmetres dels intermediaris. Voleu tornar a crear tots els " -"clips intermediaris per aquest projecte?" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1487 -msgid "This will remove all unused clips from your project." -msgstr "Això eliminarà tots els clips no usats d'aquest projecte." - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1487 -msgid "Clean up project" -msgstr "Neteja el projecte" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1647 -msgctxt "general keyboard shortcuts" -msgid "General" -msgstr "General" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1827 src/mainwindow.cpp:1945 -msgid "Cannot find clip to add marker" -msgstr "No s'ha pogut trobar cap clip per afegir el marcador" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1859 src/mainwindow.cpp:1886 src/mainwindow.cpp:1909 -msgid "Cannot find clip to remove marker" -msgstr "No s'ha pogut trobar cap clip per eliminar el marcador" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1866 src/mainwindow.cpp:1916 -msgid "No marker found at cursor time" -msgstr "No s'ha trobat cap marcador al temps del cursor" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2194 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot find effect %1 / %2" -msgstr "No s'ha pogut trobar l'efecte %1 / %2" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2252 -#, kde-format -msgid "Zoom Level: %1/13" -msgstr "Nivell de zoom: %1/13" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2378 -msgid "Ctrl + click to use spacer on current track only" -msgstr "Ctrl + clic per usar l'eina espaiadora únicament a la pista actual" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2381 -msgid "Click on a clip to cut it" -msgstr "Cliqueu en un clip per retallar-lo" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2384 -msgid "" -"Shift + click to create a selection rectangle, Ctrl + click to add an item " -"to selection" -msgstr "" -"Majúscules + clic per a crear un rectangle de selecció, Ctrl + clic per " -"afegir un element a la selecció" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2707 -msgid "Stabilize" -msgstr "Estabilitza" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2719 -msgid "Automatic scene split" -msgstr "Divisió automàtica d'escena" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2729 src/project/jobs/filterjob.cpp:83 -msgid "Reverse clip" -msgstr "Clip revers" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2736 -msgid "Analyse keyframes" -msgstr "Anàlisi de fotogrames clau" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2751 -msgid "Transcoders" -msgstr "Codificadors" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2784 -msgid "Interface" -msgstr "Interfície" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2821 -msgid "No clip to transcode" -msgstr "No hi ha cap clip per recodificar" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2834 -msgid "Files to transcode" -msgstr "Fitxers a recodificar" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2867 -msgid "Create Render Script" -msgstr "Crea un script de renderització" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2877 -msgid "Script file already exists. Do you want to overwrite it?" -msgstr "El fitxer de script ja existeix. Voleu sobreescriure'l?" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2923 -msgctxt "the first in a list of chapters" -msgid "Start" -msgstr "Inici" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:3200 -msgid "Archiving project" -msgstr "Arxivar el projecte" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:3229 -msgid "Select a clip to save" -msgstr "Seleccioneu un clip per desar" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:3232 src/renderer.cpp:1386 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7865 -msgid "MLT playlist (*.mlt)" -msgstr "Llista de reproducció MLT (*.mlt)" - -#: src/mltconnection.cpp:51 -msgid "Cannot find the melt program required for rendering (part of MLT)" -msgstr "" -"No s'ha pogut trobar el programa «melt» necessari per a renderitzar (part " -"del MLT)" - -#: src/mltconnection.cpp:83 -msgid "Cannot find your MLT profiles, please give the path" -msgstr "No es poden trobar els perfils del MLT. Si us plau, indiqueu el camí" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:87 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:476 src/project/projectcommands.cpp:166 -msgid "Edit marker" -msgstr "Edita un marcador" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:88 -msgid "Export markers" -msgstr "Exporta marcadors" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:89 -msgid "Import markers" -msgstr "Importa marcadors" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:115 -msgid "Analysis data" -msgstr "Anàlisi de dades" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:118 -msgid "Delete analysis" -msgstr "Suprimeix anàlisi" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:119 -msgid "Export analysis" -msgstr "Exporta anàlisi" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:120 -msgid "Import analysis" -msgstr "Importa anàlisi" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, clip_transparency) -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:166 -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:842 -msgid "Transparent" -msgstr "Transparent" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:181 -msgid "Aspect Ratio" -msgstr "Relació d'aspecte" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_18) -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:236 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:618 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:623 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:679 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:440 -#: src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:86 -msgid "Frame rate" -msgstr "Velocitat dels fotogrames" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_5) -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:260 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:634 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:686 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:105 -msgid "Scanning" -msgstr "Escaneig" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:282 -msgid "Field order" -msgstr "Ordre dels camps" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:286 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:129 -msgid "Bottom first" -msgstr "Primer el de sota" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:287 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:130 -msgid "Top first" -msgstr "Primer el de dalt" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:304 -msgid "Threads" -msgstr "Fils" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, clip_force_vindex) -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:320 -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:693 -msgid "Video index" -msgstr "Índex de vídeo" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, clip_force_aindex) -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:336 -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:720 -msgid "Audio index" -msgstr "Índex d'àudio" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_12) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_32) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_15) -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:350 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:644 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:696 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:294 -#: src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:222 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:149 -msgid "Colorspace" -msgstr "Espai de color" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, clip_full_luma) -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:380 -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:772 -msgid "Full luma range" -msgstr "Interval de luma completa" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:399 -msgid "Force properties" -msgstr "Força les propietats" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_5) -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_3) -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:401 -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:511 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:349 -msgid "Metadata" -msgstr "Metadades" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:403 -msgid "Analysis" -msgstr "Anàlisi" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:609 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:671 src/project/clipproperties.cpp:673 -msgid "Video codec" -msgstr "Còdec de vídeo" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:613 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:676 -msgid "Frame size" -msgstr "Mida de fotograma" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:630 -msgid "Video bitrate" -msgstr "Taxa de bits del vídeo" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:630 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:664 -msgctxt "seconds" -msgid "s" -msgstr "s" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_9) -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:641 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:690 src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:120 -msgid "Pixel aspect ratio" -msgstr "Relació d'aspecte del píxel" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:642 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:693 -msgid "Pixel format" -msgstr "Format del píxel" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:651 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:243 -msgid "Audio codec" -msgstr "Còdec d'àudio" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:659 -msgid "Audio frequency" -msgstr "Freqüència d'àudio" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:664 -msgid "Audio bitrate" -msgstr "Taxa de bits de l'àudio" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:760 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:788 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:813 -msgid "Exif" -msgstr "Exif" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:832 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:854 -msgid "Magic Lantern" -msgstr "Magic Lantern" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:893 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:858 -msgid "Save Analysis Data" -msgstr "Desa l'anàlisi de dades" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:893 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:904 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:858 src/project/clipproperties.cpp:869 -msgid "Text File (*.txt)" -msgstr "Fitxer de text (*.txt)" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:904 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:869 -msgid "Open Analysis Data" -msgstr "Obre una anàlisi de dades" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:183 -msgid "Play..." -msgstr "Reprodueix..." - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:185 src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:303 -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:310 src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:449 -msgid "Pause" -msgstr "Pausa" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:210 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:210 -msgid "Go to marker..." -msgstr "Vés al marcador..." - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:215 -msgid "Force Monitor Size" -msgstr "Força la mida del monitor" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:216 -msgid "Force 100%" -msgstr "Força 100%" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:218 -msgid "Force 50%" -msgstr "Força 50%" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:220 -msgid "Free Resize" -msgstr "Redimensió lliure" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:233 -msgid "Audio volume" -msgstr "Volum d'àudio" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:248 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Split view" -msgid "Split" -msgstr "Divideix la vista" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:248 -msgid "Unsplit" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:281 src/monitor/monitoreditwidget.cpp:58 -msgid "Show/Hide edit mode" -msgstr "Mostra/oculta el mode d'edició" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:400 -msgid "Save zone" -msgstr "Desa una zona" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:401 -msgid "Extract Zone" -msgstr "Extreu una zona" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:404 -msgid "Extract frame" -msgstr "Extreu un fotograma" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:408 -msgid "Split view" -msgstr "Divideix la vista" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:412 -msgid "Set current image as thumbnail" -msgstr "Estableix la imatge actual com a miniatura" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:416 -msgid "Overlay audio waveform" -msgstr "Sobreposa la forma d'ona d'àudio" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:453 -msgid "Your screen resolution is not sufficient for this action" -msgstr "La resolució de la pantalla no és suficient per a aquesta acció" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:838 -msgid "Save Image" -msgstr "Desa la imatge" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:894 -msgid "In Point" -msgstr "Punt inicial" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:896 -msgid "Out Point" -msgstr "Punt de sortida" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:1520 -msgid "Select a clip in project bin to compare effect" -msgstr "Seleccioneu un clip de la safata del projecte per comparar l'efecte" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:1524 -msgid "Clip has no effects" -msgstr "El clip no té cap efecte" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:1533 -msgid "" -"The scal0tilt filter is required for that feature, please install frei0r and " -"restart Kdenlive" -msgstr "" -"Es requereix el filtre «scal0tilt» per a aquesta funcionalitat. Si us plau, " -"instal·leu el «frei0r» i reinicieu el Kdenlive" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:1540 -msgid "" -"The cairoblend transition is required for that feature, please install " -"frei0r and restart Kdenlive" -msgstr "" -"Es requereix la transició «cairoblend» per a aquesta funcionalitat. Si us " -"plau, instal·leu el «frei0r» i reinicieu el Kdenlive" - -#: src/monitor/monitoreditwidget.cpp:64 -msgid "Update parameters while monitor scene changes" -msgstr "Actualitza els paràmetres mentre l'escena del monitor canvia" - -#: src/monitor/monitoreditwidget.cpp:68 -msgid "Fit zoom to monitor size" -msgstr "Ajusta zoom a la mida del monitor" - -#: src/monitor/monitoreditwidget.cpp:70 -msgid "Original size" -msgstr "Mida original" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:326 -msgid "Switch monitor fullscreen" -msgstr "Commuta el monitor a pantalla completa" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:331 src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:76 -msgid "Rewind" -msgstr "Rebobina" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:336 -msgid "Rewind 1 Frame" -msgstr "Rebobina 1 fotograma" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:341 -msgid "Rewind 1 Second" -msgstr "Rebobina 1 segon" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:346 src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:85 -msgid "Forward" -msgstr "Endavant" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:351 -msgid "Go to Project Start" -msgstr "Vés a l'inici del projecte" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:356 -msgid "Go to Project End" -msgstr "Vés al final del projecte" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:361 -msgid "Forward 1 Frame" -msgstr "Avança 1 fotograma" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:366 -msgid "Forward 1 Second" -msgstr "Avança 1 segon" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:371 -msgid "Deinterlacer" -msgstr "Desentrellaçador" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:372 -msgid "One Field (fast)" -msgstr "Un camp (ràpid)" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:373 -msgid "Linear Blend (fast)" -msgstr "Fusió lineal (ràpida)" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:374 -msgid "YADIF - temporal only (good)" -msgstr "YADIF - només temporal (bé)" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:375 -msgid "YADIF - temporal + spacial (best)" -msgstr "YADIF - temporal + espacial (millor)" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:384 -msgid "Nearest Neighbor (fast)" -msgstr "Veí més proper (ràpid)" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:385 -msgid "Bilinear (good)" -msgstr "Bilineal (bé)" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:386 -msgid "Bicubic (better)" -msgstr "Bicúbic (millor)" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:387 -msgid "Hyper/Lanczos (best)" -msgstr "Hyper/Lanczos (millor)" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:395 -msgid "Go to Zone Start" -msgstr "Vés a l'inici de la zona" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:400 -msgid "Mute monitor" -msgstr "Silencia el monitor" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:400 -msgid "Unmute monitor" -msgstr "So al monitor" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:406 -msgid "Go to Zone End" -msgstr "Vés al final de la zona" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:411 -msgid "Set Zone In" -msgstr "Estableix l'inici de zona" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:416 -msgid "Set Zone Out" -msgstr "Estableix el final de zona" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_preview) -#: src/monitor/recmanager.cpp:48 src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:147 -#: src/ui/freesound_ui.ui:144 src/utils/archiveorg.cpp:181 -#: src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:158 src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:263 -#: src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:277 src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:575 -msgid "Preview" -msgstr "Vista prèvia" - -#: src/monitor/recmanager.cpp:52 src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:88 -msgid "Record" -msgstr "Enregistra" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_video) -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, vbitrates) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, background_list) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_videothumbnails) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, video_thumbs) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, bitrateLabel) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, rec_video) -#: src/monitor/recmanager.cpp:56 src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:38 -#: src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:153 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:86 -#: src/ui/configtimeline_ui.ui:29 src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:207 -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:217 src/ui/recmonitor_ui.ui:100 -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:169 src/ui/saveprofile_ui.ui:20 -msgid "Video" -msgstr "Vídeo" - -#: src/monitor/recmanager.cpp:68 src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:135 -#, kde-format -msgid "Monitor %1" -msgstr "Monitor %1" - -#: src/monitor/recmanager.cpp:80 -msgid "Webcam" -msgstr "Webcam" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_3) -#: src/monitor/recmanager.cpp:81 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:427 -msgid "Screen Grab" -msgstr "Captura la pantalla" - -#: src/monitor/recmanager.cpp:86 -msgid "Configure Recording" -msgstr "Configura l'enregistrament" - -#: src/monitor/recmanager.cpp:89 -msgid "Show Record Control" -msgstr "Mostra el control de l'enregistrament" - -#: src/monitor/recmanager.cpp:198 src/monitor/recmanager.cpp:279 -#: src/monitor/recmanager.cpp:284 src/monitor/recmanager.cpp:390 -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:879 src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:886 -msgid "Capture crashed, please check your parameters" -msgstr "Captura trencada. Si us plau, verifiqueu els paràmetres" - -#: src/monitor/recmanager.cpp:265 src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:753 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Failed to start the capture application:\n" -"%1" -msgstr "" -"Ha fallat en iniciar l'aplicació de captura:\n" -"%1" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:73 src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:862 -msgid "Connect" -msgstr "Connecta" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:82 src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:249 -#: src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:262 src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:271 -msgid "Stop" -msgstr "Atura" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:94 -msgid "Add Captured File to Project" -msgstr "Afegeix un fitxer capturat al projecte" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:102 -msgid "Recording Preview" -msgstr "Enregistra la vista prèvia" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:110 src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:245 -msgid "Configure" -msgstr "Configura" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:202 -msgid "" -"You need to disconnect and reconnect in the capture monitor to apply your " -"changes" -msgstr "" -"Cal que desconnecteu i reconnecteu el monitor de captura per fer efectius " -"els canvis" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:202 src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:203 -msgid "Capturing" -msgstr "S'està capturant" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:203 -msgid "You need to stop capture before your changes can be applied" -msgstr "Per tal de poder aplicar els canvis cal que atureu abans la captura" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:256 -msgid "" -"ffmpeg or avconv not found,\n" -" please install it for screen grabs" -msgstr "" -"No s'ha trobat ni el ffmpeg ni l'avconv.\n" -"Instal·leu-ne un per poder fer captures de pantalla" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:262 -msgid "" -"Your FFmpeg / Libav installation\n" -" does not support screen grab" -msgstr "" -"Aquesta instal·lació del FFmpeg / Libav\n" -" no admet captures de pantalla" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:265 src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:888 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Press record button\n" -"to start screen capture\n" -"Files will be saved in:\n" -"%1" -msgstr "" -"Premeu el botó d'enregistrar\n" -"per començar la captura de pantalla.\n" -"Els fitxers es desaran a:\n" -"%1" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:283 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Plug your camcorder and\n" -"press play button\n" -"to start preview.\n" -"Files will be saved in:\n" -"%1" -msgstr "" -"Connecteu la videocàmera i\n" -"premeu el botó de connectar\n" -"per iniciar la previsualització.\n" -"Els fitxers es desaran a:\n" -"%1" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:296 -msgid "" -"dvgrab utility not found,\n" -" please install it for firewire capture" -msgstr "" -"No s'ha trobat la utilitat «dvgrab».\n" -" Si us plau, instal·leu-la per fer captures del «firewire»" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:320 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Plug your camcorder and\n" -"press connect button\n" -"to initialize connection\n" -"Files will be saved in:\n" -"%1" -msgstr "" -"Connecteu la videocàmera i\n" -"premeu el botó de connectar\n" -"per inicialitzar la connexió.\n" -"Els fitxers es desaran a:\n" -"%1" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:355 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Cannot read from device %1\n" -"Please check drivers and access rights." -msgstr "" -"No es pot llegir des del dispositiu %1\n" -"Si us plau, verifiqueu els controladors i els drets d'accés." - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:358 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Press play or record button\n" -"to start video capture\n" -"Files will be saved in:\n" -"%1" -msgstr "" -"Premeu el botó de reproduir o enregistrar\n" -"per començar la captura de vídeo.\n" -"Els fitxers es desaran a:\n" -"%1" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:370 -msgid "Disconnect" -msgstr "Desconnecta" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:423 -msgid "Capture stopped" -msgstr "S'ha aturat la captura" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:523 -msgid "" -"Failed to start Video4Linux,\n" -"check your parameters..." -msgstr "" -"No s'ha pogut iniciar el Video4Linux,\n" -"comproveu els paràmetres..." - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:539 src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:701 -msgid "" -"Failed to start Decklink,\n" -"check your parameters..." -msgstr "" -"No s'ha pogut iniciar el Decklink,\n" -"comproveu els paràmetres..." - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:677 -msgid "" -"Failed to start ffmpeg capture,\n" -"check your parameters..." -msgstr "" -"Ha fallat en iniciar la captura del ffmpeg,\n" -"comproveu els paràmetres..." - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:695 -#, kde-format -msgid "Capturing to %1" -msgstr "S'està capturant a %1" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:702 -msgid "Failed to start capture" -msgstr "Ha fallat en iniciar la captura" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:766 -msgid "Initialising..." -msgstr "S'està inicialitzant..." - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:782 -msgid "Show log" -msgstr "Mostra el registre" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, video_frame) -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:882 src/ui/recmonitor_ui.ui:35 -msgid "Not connected" -msgstr "No connectat" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:971 -#, kde-format -msgid "Free space: %1" -msgstr "Espai lliure: %1" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:1014 -#, kde-format -msgid "%1 dropped frames" -msgstr "%1 fotogrames descartats" - -#: src/monitor/smallruler.cpp:201 src/timeline/customruler.cpp:233 -#: src/timeline/customruler.cpp:234 -#, kde-format -msgid "Zone start: %1" -msgstr "Inici de zona: %1" - -#: src/monitor/smallruler.cpp:205 src/timeline/customruler.cpp:237 -#: src/timeline/customruler.cpp:238 -#, kde-format -msgid "Zone end: %1" -msgstr "Final de zona: %1" - -#: src/monitor/smallruler.cpp:236 src/timeline/customruler.cpp:241 -#: src/timeline/customruler.cpp:242 -#, kde-format -msgid "Zone duration: %1" -msgstr "Durada de la zona: %1" - -#: src/monitor/smallruler.cpp:238 src/timeline/customruler.cpp:245 -#: src/timeline/customruler.cpp:246 -#, kde-format -msgid "Position: %1" -msgstr "Posició: %1" - -#: src/project/clipmanager.cpp:220 -msgid "Delete subclip" -msgid_plural "Delete subclips" -msgstr[0] "Suprimeix el subclip" -msgstr[1] "Suprimeix els subclips" - -#: src/project/clipmanager.cpp:223 src/project/projectcommands.cpp:74 -msgid "Delete folder" -msgid_plural "Delete folders" -msgstr[0] "Suprimeix carpeta" -msgstr[1] "Suprimeix carpetes" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:200 -msgid "Libav" -msgstr "Libav" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_8) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, kcfg_defaultcapture) -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_2) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, device_selector) -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:204 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:42 -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:181 src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:105 -#: src/ui/recmonitor_ui.ui:139 -msgid "FFmpeg" -msgstr "FFmpeg" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_11) -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:246 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:187 -#: src/utils/freesound.cpp:207 -msgid "Channels" -msgstr "Canals" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:263 -#, kde-format -msgid "Proxy clip: %1 (%2)" -msgstr "Clip intermediari: %1 (%2)" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:265 -msgid "Delete proxy" -msgstr "Suprimeix intermediari" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:292 -msgid "Playlist" -msgstr "Llista de reproducció" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:348 src/project/dialogs/slideshowclip.cpp:74 -msgid "Pan, low-pass" -msgstr "Panoràmica, passa-baixos" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:349 src/project/dialogs/slideshowclip.cpp:75 -msgid "Pan and zoom" -msgstr "Panoràmica i zoom" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:350 src/project/dialogs/slideshowclip.cpp:76 -msgid "Pan and zoom, low-pass" -msgstr "Panoràmica i zoom, passa-baixos" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:352 src/project/dialogs/slideshowclip.cpp:78 -msgid "Zoom, low-pass" -msgstr "Zoom, passa-baixos" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:480 -msgid "Save markers" -msgstr "Desa els marcadors" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:482 -msgid "Load markers" -msgstr "Carrega els marcadors" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:484 -msgid "Delete analysis data" -msgstr "Suprimeix l'anàlisi de dades" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:486 -msgid "Load analysis data" -msgstr "Carrega una anàlisi de dades" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:488 -msgid "Save analysis data" -msgstr "Desa l'anàlisi de dades" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:527 src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:360 -#, kde-format -msgid "(%1 clip)" -msgid_plural "(%1 clips)" -msgstr[0] "(%1 clip)" -msgstr[1] "(%1 clips)" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, slide_info) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_info) -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:1166 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:319 -#: src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:265 -msgid "No image found" -msgstr "No s'ha trobat cap imatge" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:1171 -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:573 -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:586 -#: src/project/dialogs/slideshowclip.cpp:247 -#, kde-format -msgid "1 image found" -msgid_plural "%1 images found" -msgstr[0] "S'ha trobat 1 imatge" -msgstr[1] "S'han trobat %1 imatges" - -#: src/project/clippropertiesmanager.cpp:182 -msgid "Edit clips" -msgstr "Edita els clips" - -#: src/project/clipstabilize.cpp:41 -msgid "Stabilize Clip" -msgstr "Estabilitza el clip" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, auto_add) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, add_clip) -#: src/project/clipstabilize.cpp:42 src/project/cliptranscode.cpp:47 -#: src/ui/clipstabilize_ui.ui:57 src/ui/cliptranscode_ui.ui:47 -#: src/ui/cutjobdialog_ui.ui:57 -msgid "Add clip to project" -msgid_plural "Add clips to project" -msgstr[0] "Afegeix un clip al projecte" -msgstr[1] "Afegeix clips al projecte" - -#: src/project/clipstabilize.cpp:69 src/project/cliptranscode.cpp:63 -msgid "Destination folder" -msgstr "Carpeta de destinació" - -#: src/project/clipstabilize.cpp:159 -msgid "Stabilised" -msgstr "Estabilitzat" - -#: src/project/clipstabilize.cpp:173 -msgid "Stabilize clip" -msgstr "Estabilitza el clip" - -#: src/project/clipstabilize.cpp:232 -msgid "The stabilize job will overwrite the following files:" -msgstr "El treball d'estabilització sobreescriurà els fitxers següents:" - -#: src/project/cliptranscode.cpp:43 -msgid "Transcode Clip" -msgstr "Recodifica el clip" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, convert_abort) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_abort) -#: src/project/cliptranscode.cpp:168 src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:636 -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:884 src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:94 -#: src/ui/dvdwizardvob_ui.ui:160 -msgid "Abort" -msgstr "Interromp" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, buttonClose) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, buttonClose2) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, buttonClose3) -#: src/project/cliptranscode.cpp:210 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:382 -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:657 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:805 -msgid "Close" -msgstr "Tanca" - -#: src/project/cliptranscode.cpp:221 src/project/cliptranscode.cpp:239 -msgid "Transcoding finished." -msgstr "La recodificació ha finalitzat." - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:63 -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:302 -msgid "Video clips" -msgstr "Clips de vídeo" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:67 -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:305 -msgid "Audio clips" -msgstr "Clips d'àudio" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:71 -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:308 src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:113 -msgid "Image clips" -msgstr "Clips d'imatges" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:75 -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:311 -msgid "Slideshow clips" -msgstr "Clips de presentació amb diapositives" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:79 -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:314 -msgid "Text clips" -msgstr "Clips de text" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:83 -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:317 -msgid "Playlist clips" -msgstr "Clips de llista de reproducció" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:87 -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:320 -msgid "Other clips" -msgstr "Altres clips" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:91 -msgid "Luma files" -msgstr "Fitxers de luma" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:167 -#, kde-format -msgid "You have %1 missing clip in your project." -msgid_plural "You have %1 missing clips in your project." -msgstr[0] "Manca %1 clip en el projecte." -msgstr[1] "Manquen %1 clips en el projecte." - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:192 -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:1017 -#, kde-format -msgid "(%1 item)" -msgid_plural "(%1 items)" -msgstr[0] "(%1 element)" -msgstr[1] "(%1 elements)" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:197 -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:1019 -#, kde-format -msgid "%1 file to archive, requires %2" -msgid_plural "%1 files to archive, requires %2" -msgstr[0] "%1 fitxer per arxivar, es requereix %2." -msgstr[1] "%1 fitxers per arxivar, es requereix %2." - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:198 -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:664 -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:854 -msgid "Archive" -msgstr "Arxiu" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:232 -msgid "Extract to" -msgstr "Extreu a" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:233 -msgid "Open Archived Project" -msgstr "Obre un projecte arxivat" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:235 -msgid "Extract" -msgstr "Extreu" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:264 -msgid "Opening archive..." -msgstr "S'està obrint l'arxiu..." - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:267 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Cannot open archive file:\n" -" %1" -msgstr "" -"No es pot obrir el fitxer d'arxiu:\n" -" %1" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:284 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"File %1\n" -" is not an archived Kdenlive project" -msgstr "" -"El fitxer %1\n" -" no és un projecte arxivat del Kdenlive" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:290 -msgid "Ready" -msgstr "Preparat" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:310 -msgid "Archiving in progress, do you want to stop it?" -msgstr "S'està arxivant; voleu aturar el procés?" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:310 -msgid "Stop Archiving" -msgstr "Atura l'arxivament" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:493 -#, kde-format -msgid "Available space on drive: %1" -msgstr "Espai disponible al disc: %1" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:497 -#, kde-format -msgid "Not enough space on drive, free space: %1" -msgstr "No hi ha prou espai al disc, l'espai lliure és: %1" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:518 -msgid "Archiving..." -msgstr "S'està arxivant..." - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:546 -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:628 -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:881 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot create directory %1" -msgstr "No s'ha pogut crear el directori %1" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:652 -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:847 -msgid "Project was successfully archived." -msgstr "El projecte s'ha arxivat amb èxit." - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:655 -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:851 -msgid "There was an error processing project file" -msgstr "S'ha produït un error en processar el fitxer de projecte" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:661 -#, kde-format -msgid "There was an error while copying the files: %1" -msgstr "S'ha produït un error en copiar els fitxers: %1" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:785 -msgid "Cannot create temporary file" -msgstr "No s'ha pogut crear el fitxer temporal" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:883 -msgid "Extracting..." -msgstr "S'està extraient..." - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:947 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot open project file %1" -msgstr "No es pot obrir el fitxer de projecte %1" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:947 -msgid "Cannot open file" -msgstr "No es pot obrir el fitxer" - -#: src/project/dialogs/backupwidget.cpp:30 -msgid "Restore Backup File" -msgstr "Restauració de fitxer de còpia de seguretat" - -#: src/project/dialogs/backupwidget.cpp:34 -msgid "Showing all backup files in folder" -msgstr "Es mostren tots els fitxers de còpia de seguretat de la carpeta" - -#: src/project/dialogs/backupwidget.cpp:37 -#, kde-format -msgid "Showing backup files for %1" -msgstr "Es mostren els fitxers de còpia de seguretat de %1" - -#: src/project/dialogs/noteswidget.cpp:40 -msgid "Insert current timecode" -msgstr "Insereix el codi de temps actual" - -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:120 -msgid "Current Settings" -msgstr "Paràmetres actuals" - -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:139 -msgid "Title" -msgstr "Títol" - -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:146 -#: src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:189 -msgid "Author" -msgstr "Autor" - -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:153 -msgid "Artist" -msgstr "Artista" - -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:159 -msgid "Copyright" -msgstr "Copyright" - -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:259 -msgid "Deleting proxy clips will disable proxies for this project." -msgstr "" -"L'eliminació dels clips intermediaris desactivarà els intermediaris per " -"aquest projecte." - -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:410 -msgid "" -"Changing the profile of your project cannot be undone.\n" -"It is recommended to save your project before attempting this operation that " -"might cause some corruption in transitions.\n" -" Are you sure you want to proceed?" -msgstr "" -"Canviar el perfil del vostre projecte no es pot desfer.\n" -"Es recomana desar el vostre projecte abans d'intentar aquesta operació, la " -"qual pot provocar algunes incorreccions a les transicions.\n" -" Segur que voleu continuar?" - -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:410 -msgid "Confirm profile change" -msgstr "Confirma el canvi de perfil" - -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:425 -#, kde-format -msgid "Interlaced (%1 fields per second)" -msgstr "Entrellaçat (%1 fotogrames per segon)" - -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:596 -#, kde-format -msgid "Project folder: %1" -msgstr "Carpeta del projecte: %1" - -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:597 -#, kde-format -msgid "Project profile: %1" -msgstr "Perfil del projecte: %1" - -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:598 -#, kde-format -msgid "Total clips: %1 (%2 used in timeline)." -msgstr "Clips totals: %1 (%2 usats a la línia de temps)." - -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:650 -msgid "field_name" -msgstr "nom_de_camp" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, SlideshowClip_UI) -#: src/project/dialogs/slideshowclip.cpp:47 src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Slideshow Clip" -msgstr "Clip de presentació amb diapositives" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:46 -msgid "Transcode clip" -msgstr "Recodifica el clip" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:49 -msgid "Cut clip" -msgstr "Retalla el clip" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:53 -msgid "Analyse clip" -msgstr "Anàlisi de clip" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:125 -msgid "Failed to create file." -msgstr "Ha fallat en crear el fitxer." - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:140 -msgid "Cannot process this clip type." -msgstr "No s'ha pogut processar aquest tipus de clip." - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:202 -msgid "Transcoding clip" -msgstr "S'està recodificant el clip" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:203 -msgid "Extracting clip cut" -msgstr "S'està extraient el retall del clip" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:204 -msgid "Analysing clip" -msgstr "S'està analitzant el clip" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:207 -msgid "Waiting - transcode clip" -msgstr "En espera - Recodificació del clip" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:208 -msgid "Waiting - cut clip" -msgstr "En espera - Retall del clip" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:209 -msgid "Waiting - analyse clip" -msgstr "En espera - Anàlisi de clip" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:278 -#, kde-format -msgid "Extracting %1 out of %2" -msgstr "S'està extraient: %1 de %2" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:292 -msgid "You cannot overwrite original clip." -msgstr "No podeu sobreescriure el clip original." - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:293 -#, kde-format -msgid "Overwrite file %1" -msgstr "Sobreescriu el fitxer %1" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:338 -msgid "The transcoding job will overwrite the following files:" -msgstr "El treball de recodificació sobreescriurà els fitxers següents:" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:344 -msgid "Transcoding" -msgstr "S'està recodificant" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:432 -msgid "I-Frame " -msgstr "Fotograma I" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:433 -#, c-format -msgid "Found %count I-Frames" -msgstr "S'han trobat %count fotogrames I" - -#: src/project/jobs/filterjob.cpp:133 -#, kde-format -msgid "Found %1 scenes." -msgstr "S'han trobat %1 escenes." - -#: src/project/jobs/filterjob.cpp:146 -msgid "Scene " -msgstr "Escena " - -#: src/project/jobs/filterjob.cpp:174 -msgid "Auto split" -msgstr "Tall automàtic" - -#: src/project/jobs/jobmanager.cpp:178 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot write to path: %1" -msgstr "No es pot escriure al camí: %1" - -#: src/project/jobs/jobmanager.cpp:225 -#, kde-format -msgid "Filter %1" -msgstr "Filtre %1" - -#: src/project/jobs/jobmanager.cpp:234 -msgid "No valid clip to process" -msgstr "No s'ha trobat cap clip vàlid a processar" - -#: src/project/jobs/meltjob.cpp:53 -msgid "Processing clip" -msgstr "S'està processant el clip" - -#: src/project/jobs/meltjob.cpp:63 -msgid "No producer for this clip." -msgstr "No hi ha cap processador per aquest clip." - -#: src/project/jobs/meltjob.cpp:86 -#, kde-format -msgid "Clip zone undefined (%1 - %2)." -msgstr "Zona de clip indefinida (%1 - %2)." - -#: src/project/jobs/meltjob.cpp:157 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot create consumer %1." -msgstr "No s'ha pogut crear el consumidor %1." - -#: src/project/jobs/meltjob.cpp:179 -#, kde-format -msgid "Filter %1 crashed" -msgstr "El filtre %1 ha fallat" - -#: src/project/jobs/meltjob.cpp:248 -msgid "Waiting to process clip" -msgstr "S'està esperant el processament del clip" - -#: src/project/jobs/proxyclipjob.cpp:38 -msgid "proxy" -msgstr "intermediari" - -#: src/project/jobs/proxyclipjob.cpp:90 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot load image %1." -msgstr "No s'ha pogut carregar la imatge %1." - -#: src/project/jobs/proxyclipjob.cpp:170 -msgid "Failed to create proxy clip." -msgstr "No s'ha pogut crear el clip intermediari." - -#: src/project/jobs/proxyclipjob.cpp:245 -msgid "Creating proxy" -msgstr "S'està creant l'intermediari" - -#: src/project/jobs/proxyclipjob.cpp:248 -msgid "Waiting - proxy" -msgstr "En espera - Intermediari" - -#: src/project/jobs/proxyclipjob.cpp:283 src/project/projectlist.cpp:2073 -msgid "Failed to create proxy, empty path." -msgstr "Ha fallat en crear l'intermediari, el camí és buit." - -#: src/project/notesplugin.cpp:27 -msgid "Enter your project notes here ..." -msgstr "Introduïu aquí les notes del projecte..." - -#: src/project/notesplugin.cpp:28 -msgid "Project Notes" -msgstr "Notes del projecte" - -#: src/project/projectcommands.cpp:38 -msgid "Add clip cut" -msgstr "Afegeix un retall de clip" - -#: src/project/projectcommands.cpp:72 -msgid "Add folder" -msgstr "Afegeix una carpeta" - -#: src/project/projectcommands.cpp:107 -msgid "Edit clip cut" -msgstr "Edita retall de clip" - -#: src/project/projectcommands.cpp:136 -msgid "Rename folder" -msgstr "Canviar nom de carpeta" - -#: src/project/projectitem.cpp:92 src/project/projectitem.cpp:221 -msgid "Contains proxies" -msgstr "Conté intermediaris" - -#: src/project/projectitem.cpp:186 -msgid "Missing" -msgstr "Falta" - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:446 -msgid "No available clip selected" -msgstr "No hi ha cap clip seleccionat disponible" - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:982 -msgid "Delete Clip Zone" -msgstr "Suprimeix la zona d'un clip" - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:995 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Delete folder %2?
This will also remove the clip in that folder" -msgid_plural "" -"Delete folder %2?
This will also remove the %1 clips in that " -"folder" -msgstr[0] "" -"Suprimeixo la carpeta %2?
Això també eliminarà el clip en " -"aquesta carpeta" -msgstr[1] "" -"Suprimeixo la carpeta %2?
Això també eliminarà %1 clips " -"d'aquesta carpeta" - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:1004 -#, kde-format -msgid "Delete clip %2?
This will also remove the clip in timeline" -msgid_plural "" -"Delete clip %2?
This will also remove its %1 clips in timeline" -msgstr[0] "" -"Suprimeixo el clip %2?
Això també l'eliminarà de la línia de " -"temps" -msgstr[1] "" -"Suprimeixo el clip %2?
Això també eliminarà %1 clips de la línia " -"de temps" - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:1430 -msgid "Clip is missing or invalid. Remove it from project?" -msgstr "El clip no és vàlid o no existeix. L'elimino del projecte?" - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:1455 -msgid "Proxy clip unusable (duration is different from original)." -msgstr "" -"El clip intermediari no es pot usar (la durada és diferent de l'original)." - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:1457 -#, kde-format -msgid "Failed to create proxy for %1. check parameters" -msgstr "No s'ha pogut crear l'intermediari per %1. Comproveu els paràmetres" - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:1752 -msgid "Cannot find profile from current clip" -msgstr "No s'ha pogut trobar el perfil pel clip actual" - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:1769 -msgid "Change project profile" -msgstr "Canvia el perfil del projecte" - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:1773 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Your clip does not match current project's profile.\n" -"Do you want to change the project profile?\n" -"\n" -"The following profiles match the clip (size: %1, fps: %2)" -msgstr "" -"El clip no coincideix amb el perfil del projecte actual.\n" -"Voleu canviar el perfil del projecte?\n" -"\n" -"Els perfils següents coincideixen amb el clip (mida: %1, fps: %2)" - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:1791 -msgid "Update profile" -msgstr "Actualitza el perfil" - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:1806 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Your clip does not match current project's profile.\n" -"No existing profile found to match the clip's properties.\n" -"Clip size: %1\n" -"Fps: %2\n" -msgstr "" -"El clip no coincideix amb el perfil del projecte actual.\n" -"No s'ha trobat cap perfil que coincideixi amb les propietats del clip.\n" -"Mida del clip: %1\n" -"Fps: %2\n" - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:2042 -msgid "Sequence not found" -msgstr "No s'ha trobat la seqüència" - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:2212 -msgid "Update proxy settings" -msgstr "Actualitza els paràmetres de l'intermediari" - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:2374 -msgid "Remove Proxy" -msgstr "Elimina un intermediari" - -#: src/project/projectlistview.cpp:59 -msgid "Rating" -msgstr "Puntuació" - -#: src/project/projectlistview.cpp:105 -msgctxt "@title:menu" -msgid "Columns" -msgstr "Columnes" - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:61 -msgid "Open Backup File" -msgstr "Obre una còpia de seguretat" - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:202 -msgid "Save changes to document?" -msgstr "Voleu desar els canvis al document?" - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:204 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"The project \"%1\" has been changed.\n" -"Do you want to save your changes?" -msgstr "" -"El projecte «%1» ha canviat.\n" -"Voleu desar els canvis?" - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:379 -msgid "Auto-saved files exist. Do you want to recover them now?" -msgstr "Existeixen fitxers desats automàticament. Voleu recuperar-los ara?" - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:380 -msgid "File Recovery" -msgstr "Recuperació de fitxer" - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:381 -msgid "Don't recover" -msgstr "No recuperis" - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:436 -#, kde-format -msgid "Opening file %1" -msgstr "S'està obrint el fitxer %1" - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:456 -msgid "Loading project" -msgstr "S'està carregant el projecte" - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:458 -msgid "Loading playlist" -msgstr "S'estan carregant la llista de reproducció" - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:478 src/project/projectmanager.cpp:483 -msgid "Loading clips" -msgstr "S'estan carregant els clips" - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:507 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Cannot open file %1.\n" -"Project is corrupted." -msgstr "" -"No s'ha pogut obrir el fitxer %1.\n" -"El projecte és corrupte." - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:527 -msgid "" -"This will delete all changes made since you last saved your project. Are you " -"sure you want to continue?" -msgstr "" -"Això suprimirà tots els canvis efectuats des de la darrera vegada que es va " -"desar el projecte. Esteu segur que voleu continuar?" - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:527 -msgid "Revert to last saved version" -msgstr "Retorna a la darrera versió desada" - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:537 -msgid "Kdenlive project (*.kdenlive)" -msgstr "Projecte del Kdenlive (*.kdenlive)" - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:538 -msgid "Archived project (*.tar.gz)" -msgstr "Projecte arxivat (*.tar.gz)" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, scanning_list) -#: src/project/transitionsettings.cpp:151 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:126 -msgid "Auto" -msgstr "Auto" - -#: src/project/transitionsettings.cpp:162 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:54 -msgid "Black" -msgstr "Negre" - -#: src/renderer.cpp:1181 -msgid "" -"Could not create the video preview window.\n" -"There is something wrong with your Kdenlive install or your driver settings, " -"please fix it." -msgstr "" -"No es pot crear la finestra de visualització de vídeo.\n" -"Hi ha algun error a la instal·lació del Kdenlive o als paràmetres del " -"controlador. Si us plau, solucioneu-ho." - -#: src/renderer.cpp:1386 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7865 -msgid "Save Zone" -msgstr "Desa una zona" - -#: src/renderer.cpp:3283 -msgid "Import selected clips" -msgstr "Importa els clips seleccionats" - -#: src/renderer.cpp:3285 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Additional streams for clip\n" -" %1" -msgstr "" -"Fluxos addicionals pel clip\n" -" %1" - -#: src/renderer.cpp:3294 -#, kde-format -msgid "Video stream %1" -msgstr "Flux de vídeo %1" - -#: src/renderer.cpp:3309 -#, kde-format -msgid "Audio stream %1" -msgstr "Flux d'àudio %1" - -#: src/scopes/abstractscopewidget.cpp:84 -msgid "Auto Refresh" -msgstr "Refresc automàtic" - -#: src/scopes/abstractscopewidget.cpp:86 -msgid "Realtime (with precision loss)" -msgstr "Temps real (amb pèrdua de precisió)" - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:67 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:52 -msgid "Reset maximum frequency to sampling rate" -msgstr "Reinicia la freqüència màxima a la freqüència de mostratge" - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:68 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:55 -msgid "Track mouse" -msgstr "Seguiment del ratolí" - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:70 -msgid "Show maximum" -msgstr "Mostra el màxim" - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:86 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:74 -msgid "Rectangular window" -msgstr "Finestra rectangular" - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:87 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:75 -msgid "Triangular window" -msgstr "Finestra triangular" - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:88 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:76 -msgid "Hamming window" -msgstr "Finestra de Hamming" - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:97 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:79 -msgid "The maximum window size is limited by the number of samples per frame." -msgstr "" -"La mida màxima de la finestra està limitada pel nombre de mostres per " -"fotograma." - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:98 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:80 -msgid "" -"A bigger window improves the accuracy at the cost of computational power." -msgstr "" -"Una finestra més gran millora la precisió però necessita més potència de " -"càlcul." - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:99 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:81 -msgid "" -"The rectangular window function is good for signals with equal signal " -"strength (narrow peak), but creates more smearing. See Window function on " -"Wikipedia." -msgstr "" -"La funció de finestra rectangular és bona per a senyals amb potència de " -"senyal similar (pics estrets), però crea més soroll. Vegeu la funció " -"finestra a la Viquipèdia." - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:389 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:392 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:394 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:485 -#, kde-format -msgid "%1 dB" -msgstr "%1 dB" - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:412 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:487 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:280 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:289 -#, kde-format -msgid "%1 kHz" -msgstr "%1 kHz" - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:53 -msgid "Draw grid" -msgstr "Dibuixa la graella" - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:57 -msgid "Highlight peaks" -msgstr "Ressalta els pics" - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:234 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Frame\n" -"%1" -msgstr "" -"Fotograma\n" -"%1" - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:305 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:306 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"%1\n" -"dB" -msgstr "" -"%1\n" -"dB" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:31 -msgid "YUV UV plane" -msgstr "Pla YUV UV" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:32 -msgid "YUV Y plane" -msgstr "Pla YUV Y" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:33 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:55 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:61 -msgid "Modified YUV (Chroma)" -msgstr "YUV modificat (croma)" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:34 -msgid "YCbCr CbCr plane" -msgstr "Pla YCbCr CbCr" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:35 -msgid "RGB plane, one component varying" -msgstr "Pla RGB, varia un component" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:36 -msgid "HSV Hue Shift" -msgstr "Canvi del to HSV" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:37 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:254 -msgid "HSV Saturation" -msgstr "Saturació HSV" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:118 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:250 -#, kde-format -msgid "%1°" -msgstr "%1°" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:125 -#, kde-format -msgid "%1 px" -msgstr "%1 px" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:218 -msgid "Y value" -msgstr "Valor Y" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:219 -msgid "The Y value describes the brightness of the colors." -msgstr "El valor Y descriu la lluminositat dels colors." - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:231 -msgid "UV angle" -msgstr "Angle UV" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:232 -msgid "Angle through the UV plane, with all possible Y values." -msgstr "Angle a través del pla UV, amb tots els valors Y possibles." - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:240 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:268 -msgid "Red" -msgstr "Vermell" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:241 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:269 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:53 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/waveform.cpp:34 -msgid "Green" -msgstr "Verd" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:242 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:270 -msgid "Blue" -msgstr "Blau" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:243 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:271 -msgid "Luma" -msgstr "Luma" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:255 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:262 -msgid "HSV Value" -msgstr "Valor HSV" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/histogram.cpp:26 -msgid "Unscaled" -msgstr "Sense escalar" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/histogram.cpp:29 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/waveform.cpp:37 -msgid "Rec. 601" -msgstr "Rec. 601" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/histogram.cpp:31 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/waveform.cpp:39 -msgid "Rec. 709" -msgstr "Rec. 709" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/histogram.cpp:39 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/waveform.cpp:44 -msgid "Luma mode" -msgstr "Mode de luma" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/histogramgenerator.cpp:178 -msgid "min" -msgstr "mín" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/histogramgenerator.cpp:181 -msgid "max" -msgstr "màx" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/rgbparade.cpp:27 -msgid "RGB" -msgstr "RGB" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/rgbparade.cpp:28 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/waveform.cpp:33 -msgid "White" -msgstr "Blanc" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/rgbparade.cpp:32 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:89 -msgid "Draw axis" -msgstr "Dibuixa els eixos" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/rgbparade.cpp:37 -msgid "Gradient reference line" -msgstr "Línia de referència del degradat" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/rgbparadegenerator.cpp:167 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/rgbparadegenerator.cpp:169 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/rgbparadegenerator.cpp:171 -msgid "min: " -msgstr "mín: " - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/rgbparadegenerator.cpp:175 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/rgbparadegenerator.cpp:177 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/rgbparadegenerator.cpp:179 -msgid "max: " -msgstr "màx: " - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:52 -msgid "Green 2" -msgstr "Verd 2" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:56 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:60 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:102 -msgid "YUV" -msgstr "YUV" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:57 -msgid "Original Color" -msgstr "Color original" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:62 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:100 -msgid "YPbPr" -msgstr "YPbPr" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:76 -msgid "Tools" -msgstr "Eines" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:78 -msgid "Export background" -msgstr "Exporta el fons" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:82 -msgid "Drawing options" -msgstr "Opcions de dibuixat" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:84 -msgid "75% box" -msgstr "Quadre 75%" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:94 -msgid "Draw I/Q lines" -msgstr "Dibuixa les línies I/Q" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:99 -msgid "Color Space" -msgstr "Espai de color" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:247 -#, kde-format -msgid "%1 \\%" -msgstr "%1 \\%" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/waveform.cpp:32 -msgid "Yellow" -msgstr "Groc" - -#: src/scopes/scopemanager.cpp:307 -msgid "Waveform" -msgstr "Forma d'ona" - -#: src/scopes/scopemanager.cpp:309 -msgid "Histogram" -msgstr "Histograma" - -#: src/scopes/scopemanager.cpp:311 -msgid "Audio Signal" -msgstr "Senyal d'àudio" - -#: src/scopes/scopemanager.cpp:312 -msgid "AudioSpectrum" -msgstr "Espectre d'àudio" - -#: src/scopes/scopemanager.cpp:313 -msgid "Spectrogram" -msgstr "Espectrograma" - -#: src/statusbarmessagelabel.cpp:51 -msgctxt "@action:button" -msgid "Confirm" -msgstr "Confirma" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:162 -msgid "Send frames to color scopes" -msgstr "Envia els fotogrames als àmbits de color" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:167 -msgid "Mirror display" -msgstr "Emmiralla" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:174 -msgid "Stop Motion Capture" -msgstr "Captura fotograma a fotograma" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, capture_interval) -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:187 src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:115 -msgid "Interval capture" -msgstr "Interval de captura" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:205 -msgid "Overlay effect" -msgstr "Efecte de superposició" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:207 -msgid "No Effect" -msgstr "Sense efecte" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:211 -msgid "Edge detect" -msgstr "Detecció de vores" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:213 -msgid "Brighten" -msgstr "Brillantor" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:236 -msgid "Show sequence thumbnails" -msgstr "Mostra les miniatures de la seqüència" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:241 -msgid "Delete current frame" -msgstr "Suprimeix el fotograma actual" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:369 -msgid "Configure Stop Motion" -msgstr "Configura la captura fotograma a fotograma" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:371 src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:372 -msgid " second" -msgid_plural " seconds" -msgstr[0] " segon" -msgstr[1] " segons" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:520 -msgid "Stopped" -msgstr "Aturat" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:560 -msgid "No previous frame found" -msgstr "No s'ha trobat cap fotograma anterior" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:632 -msgid "Create New Sequence" -msgstr "Crea una nova seqüència" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:632 -msgid "Enter sequence name" -msgstr "Introduïu el nom de la seqüència" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:653 -msgid "Frame Captured" -msgstr "Fotograma capturat" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:667 -msgid "Going to Capture Frame" -msgstr "Va a un fotograma capturat" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:822 -#, kde-format -msgid "Delete frame %1 from disk?" -msgstr "Suprimeixo el fotograma %1 del disc?" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:822 -msgid "Delete Frame" -msgstr "Suprimeix el fotograma" - -#: src/timecode.cpp:261 -msgid "hour" -msgstr "hora" - -#: src/timecode.cpp:269 -msgid "min." -msgstr "min." - -#: src/timecode.cpp:277 -msgid "sec." -msgstr "seg." - -#: src/timecode.cpp:282 -msgid "frames" -msgstr "fotogrames" - -#: src/timeline/abstractclipitem.cpp:379 -msgid "seconds" -msgstr "segons" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:589 -msgid "Crop from start:" -msgstr "Escapça des del començament:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, clip_filesize_2) -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:589 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:602 -#: src/ui/spacerdialog_ui.ui:30 -msgid "Duration:" -msgstr "Durada:" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:589 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:602 -msgid "Offset:" -msgstr "Desplaçament:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:695 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:804 -msgid ":" -msgstr ":" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:696 -msgid " Position:" -msgstr " Posició:" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:697 -msgid " Duration:" -msgstr " Durada:" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:701 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:707 -msgid " Selection duration:" -msgstr " Durada de la selecció:" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:703 -msgid " Group duration:" -msgstr "Durada del grup:" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:714 -msgid "Crop from start: " -msgstr "Escapça des del començament: " - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:716 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:722 -msgid "" -"Use Ctrl to resize only current item, otherwise all items in this group will " -"be resized at once." -msgstr "" -"Useu Ctrl per redimensionar només l'element actual, altrament es " -"redimensionaran alhora tots els elements d'aquest grup." - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:720 -msgid "Duration: " -msgstr "Durada: " - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:726 -msgid "Fade in duration: " -msgstr "Durada de la fosa d'entrada: " - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:729 -msgid "Fade out duration: " -msgstr "Durada de la fosa de sortida: " - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:732 -msgid "Drag to add or resize a fade effect." -msgstr "Arrossegueu per afegir o redimensionar un efecte de fosa." - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:736 -msgid "Click to add a transition." -msgstr "Cliqueu per afegir una transició." - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:739 -msgid "" -"Move keyframe above or below clip to remove it, double click to add a new " -"one." -msgstr "" -"Moveu el fotograma clau a sobre o sota del clip per eliminar-lo, clic doble " -"per afegir-ne un de nou." - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:784 -msgid "Cannot use spacer in a locked track" -msgstr "No es pot usar l'eina espaiadora en una pista bloquejada." - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:792 -msgid "Cannot use spacer in a track with a group" -msgstr "No es pot usar l'eina espaiadora en una pista amb un grup" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1105 -msgid "Cannot cut a transition" -msgstr "No es pot retallar una transició" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1331 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1366 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2668 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2694 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2720 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2743 -msgid "Cannot add transition" -msgstr "No es pot afegir cap transició" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1586 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1594 -msgid "Cannot find clip to edit" -msgstr "No s'ha pogut trobar cap clip per editar" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1588 -msgid "Cannot edit the duration of multiple items" -msgstr "No es pot editar la durada de múltiples elements" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1599 -msgid "Cannot edit an item in a group" -msgstr "No es pot editar un element dins d'un grup" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1664 -msgid "Item is locked" -msgstr "L'element està bloquejat" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1747 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2897 -msgid "Cannot insert clip in timeline" -msgstr "No es pot inserir un clip a la línia de temps" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1753 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2866 -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:75 -msgid "Add timeline clip" -msgstr "Afegeix un clip de línia de temps" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1787 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1849 -msgid "Clip not ready" -msgstr "El clip no està llest" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1970 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2033 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2050 -msgid "Problem deleting effect" -msgstr "Problema en suprimir l'efecte" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1977 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2002 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2017 -msgid "Problem adding effect to clip" -msgstr "Problema en afegir l'efecte al clip" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1986 -msgid "Cannot add speed effect to track" -msgstr "No es pot afegir un efecte de velocitat a la pista" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2022 -msgid "Cannot find clip to add effect" -msgstr "No s'ha pogut trobar un clip per afegir l'efecte" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2068 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2160 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2263 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7513 -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:42 src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:282 -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:374 -msgid "effect" -msgstr "efecte" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2069 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2162 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7515 src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:44 -#, kde-format -msgid "Add %1" -msgstr "Afegeix %1" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2171 -msgid "Select a clip if you want to apply an effect" -msgstr "Seleccioneu un clip si voleu aplicar un efecte" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2219 -msgid "Cannot add an audio effect to this clip" -msgstr "No es pot afegir un efecte de so a aquest clip" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2228 -msgid "Cannot add a video effect to this clip" -msgstr "No es pot afegir un efecte de vídeo a aquest clip" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2233 -msgid "Effect already present in clip" -msgstr "Efecte ja existent al clip" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2264 src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:46 -#, kde-format -msgid "Delete %1" -msgstr "Suprimeix %1" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2300 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2315 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2371 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2381 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2402 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5486 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5507 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5530 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5552 -msgid "Problem editing effect" -msgstr "Problema en editar l'efecte" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2373 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2404 -msgid "Cannot find clip to update effect" -msgstr "No s'ha pogut trobar un clip per actualitzar l'efecte" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2429 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2450 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2463 -msgid "Cannot move effect" -msgstr "No es pot moure l'efecte" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2527 -msgid "Cannot find clip to cut" -msgstr "No s'ha pogut trobar un clip per retallar" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2600 -msgid "Cannot find clip to uncut" -msgstr "No s'ha pogut trobar un clip per desfer el tall" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2604 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4101 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4392 -#, kde-format -msgid "Error removing clip at %1 on track %2" -msgstr "S'ha produït un error eliminant el clip a %1 de la pista %2" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2629 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5309 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5427 -msgid "Error when resizing clip" -msgstr "S'ha produït un error en redimensionar el clip" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2728 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6204 -msgid "Invalid transition" -msgstr "Transició no vàlida" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2752 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4435 -msgid "Select clip to delete" -msgstr "Selecciona un clip per suprimir" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2768 -msgid "Cannot update transition" -msgstr "No es pot actualitzar la transició" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:3442 -msgid "Cannot remove space in a locked track" -msgstr "No es pot suprimir espai en una pista bloquejada" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:3448 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:3453 -#, kde-format -msgid "You must be in an empty space to remove space (time: %1, track: %2)" -msgstr "" -"Heu de situar-vos en un espai buit per eliminar espais (temps: %1, pista: %2)" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:3464 -msgid "Cannot remove space in a track with a group" -msgstr "No es pot suprimir espai en una pista amb un grup" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:3543 -msgid "Cannot insert space in a locked track" -msgstr "No es pot inserir un espai en una pista bloquejada" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:3556 -msgid "Cannot insert space in a track with a group" -msgstr "No es pot inserir un espai en una pista amb un grup" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:3612 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot move clip at position %1, track %2" -msgstr "No es pot moure el clip a la posició %1, pista %2" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:3625 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot move transition at position %1, track %2" -msgstr "No es pot moure la transició a la posició %1, pista %2" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:3897 src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:484 -msgid "Move clip" -msgstr "Mou el clip" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4045 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5002 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot move clip to position %1" -msgstr "No es pot moure el clip a la posició %1" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4052 -msgid "Cannot move transition" -msgstr "No es pot moure la transició" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4056 src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:579 -msgid "Move transition" -msgstr "Mou la transició" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4083 src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:556 -msgid "Move group" -msgstr "Mou el grup" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4215 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4242 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6386 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6418 -msgid "Resize group" -msgstr "Redimensiona el clip" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4488 -msgid "Delete selected group" -msgid_plural "Delete selected groups" -msgstr[0] "Suprimeix el grup seleccionat" -msgstr[1] "Suprimeix els grups seleccionats" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4490 -msgid "Delete selected clip" -msgid_plural "Delete selected clips" -msgstr[0] "Suprimeix el clip seleccionat" -msgstr[1] "Suprimeix els clips seleccionats" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4492 -msgid "Delete selected transition" -msgid_plural "Delete selected transitions" -msgstr[0] "Suprimeix la transició seleccionada" -msgstr[1] "Suprimeix les transicions seleccionades" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4493 -msgid "Delete selected items" -msgstr "Suprimeix objectes seleccionats" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4505 -msgid "Cannot find clip for speed change" -msgstr "No s'ha pogut trobar un clip per canviar la velocitat" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4563 -msgid "Cut Group" -msgstr "Retalla el grup" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4645 src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:411 -msgid "Group clips" -msgstr "Agrupa clips" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4744 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4760 -msgid "Cannot insert clip..." -msgstr "No es pot inserir el clip..." - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4749 -msgid "Waiting for clip..." -msgstr "S'està esperant un clip..." - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4963 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5192 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot move clip at time: %1 on track %2" -msgstr "No es pot moure el clip al temps: %1 a la pista %2" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5142 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot move transition at time: %1 on track %2" -msgstr "No es pot moure la transició al temps %1, pista %2" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5236 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5352 -msgid "Not possible to resize" -msgstr "No és possible redimensionar" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5248 -msgid "Resize clip start" -msgstr "Redimensiona l'inici del clip" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5318 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5437 -msgid "Cannot resize transition" -msgstr "No es pot redimensionar la transició" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5372 -msgid "Resize clip end" -msgstr "Final del redimensionat del clip" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5430 -msgid "Resize transition end" -msgstr "Redimensiona el final de la transició" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5742 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5810 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5851 -msgid "No guide at cursor time" -msgstr "No hi ha cap guia al temps del cursor" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5762 -#, kde-format -msgid "A guide already exists at position %1" -msgstr "Ja hi ha una guia a la posició %1" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5778 -msgid "Guide" -msgstr "Guia" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6068 -msgid "Select a clip before copying" -msgstr "Seleccioneu un clip abans de copiar" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6139 -msgid "No clip copied" -msgstr "No s'ha copiat cap clip" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6175 -msgid "Cannot paste selected clips" -msgstr "No es poden enganxar els clips seleccionats" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6192 -msgid "Cannot paste clip to selected place" -msgstr "No es pot enganxar el clip al lloc seleccionat" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6206 -msgid "Cannot paste transition to selected place" -msgstr "No es pot enganxar la transició al lloc seleccionat" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6217 -msgid "You must copy exactly one clip before pasting effects" -msgstr "Heu de copiar exactament un clip abans d'enganxar efectes" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6353 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6377 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6410 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7016 -msgid "You must select one clip for this action" -msgstr "Heu de seleccionar un clip per aquesta acció" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6359 -msgid "You must select a playlist clip for this action" -msgstr "Cal seleccionar un clip de la llista de reproducció per aquesta acció" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6517 src/ui/addtrack_ui.ui:67 -msgid "Insert track" -msgstr "Insereix una pista" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6518 -#, kde-format -msgid "Video %1" -msgstr "Vídeo %1" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6519 -msgid "Insert New Track" -msgstr "Insereix una pista nova" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6552 src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:108 -msgid "Delete track" -msgstr "Suprimeix pista" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6667 -msgid "You must select one transition for this action" -msgstr "Heu de seleccionar una transició per aquesta acció" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6754 -msgid "You must select at least one clip for this action" -msgstr "Heu de seleccionar un clip com a mínim per aquesta acció" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6759 src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:718 -msgid "Split audio" -msgstr "Divideix l'àudio" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6765 -msgid "Cannot split audio of grouped clips" -msgstr "No es pot dividir l'àudio de clips agrupats" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6779 -msgid "No clip to split" -msgstr "No hi ha cap clip a dividir" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6788 -msgid "You must select exactly one clip for the audio reference." -msgstr "Heu de seleccionar exactament un clip per la referència de l'àudio." - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6809 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6858 -msgid "Processing audio, please wait." -msgstr "S'està processant l'àudio, espereu." - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6813 -msgid "Reference for audio alignment must contain audio data." -msgstr "" -"La referència per l'alineació de l'àudio cal que contingui dades d'àudio." - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6829 -msgid "Audio alignment reference not yet set." -msgstr "Encara no s'ha definit la referència per l'alineació de l'àudio." - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6866 -msgid "Cannot find clip to align." -msgstr "No s'ha pogut trobar cap clip per alinear." - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6881 -msgid "Unable to move clip out of timeline." -msgstr "No es pot moure el clip fora de la línia de temps." - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6896 -msgid "Unable to move clip due to collision." -msgstr "No es pot moure el clip per causa d'una col·lisió." - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6899 -msgid "Clip aligned." -msgstr "El clip s'ha alineat." - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6900 -msgid "Auto-align clip" -msgstr "Alineació automàtica del clip" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6932 -msgid "No empty space to put clip audio" -msgstr "No hi ha espai lliure per posar el clip d'àudio" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6944 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6981 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7057 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot update clip (time: %1, track: %2)" -msgstr "No es pot actualitzar el clip (temps: %1, pista: %2)" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7009 -msgid "Video only" -msgstr "Només vídeo" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7026 -msgid "Cannot change grouped clips" -msgstr "No es poden canviar clips agrupats" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7045 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot find clip to edit (time: %1, track: %2)" -msgstr "No s'ha pogut trobar cap clip per editar (temps: %1, pista: %2)" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7358 -msgid "error" -msgstr "error" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7358 -msgid "TRACTOR" -msgstr "TRACTOR" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7371 -msgid "Insert clip" -msgstr "Insereix un clip" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7521 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7529 -msgid "Effect already present in track" -msgstr "Efecte ja existent en la pista" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7641 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot find clip for effect update %1." -msgstr "No s'ha pogut trobar cap clip per actualitzar l'efecte %1." - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7668 -msgid "You need to select one clip and one transition" -msgstr "Heu de seleccionar un clip i una transició" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7686 -msgid "No clip found" -msgstr "No s'ha trobat cap clip" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7694 -msgid "No keyframe data found in clip" -msgstr "No s'ha trobat cap dada de fotograma clau en el clip" - -#: src/timeline/headertrack.cpp:66 src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:461 -msgid "Lock track" -msgstr "Bloqueja la pista" - -#: src/timeline/headertrack.cpp:66 src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:463 -msgid "Unlock track" -msgstr "Desbloqueja la pista" - -#: src/timeline/headertrack.cpp:72 -msgid "Disable audio" -msgstr "Desactiva l'àudio" - -#: src/timeline/headertrack.cpp:72 -msgid "Enable audio" -msgstr "Activa l'àudio" - -#: src/timeline/headertrack.cpp:82 -msgid "Disable video" -msgstr "Desactiva el vídeo" - -#: src/timeline/headertrack.cpp:82 -msgid "Enable video" -msgstr "Activa el vídeo" - -#: src/timeline/headertrack.cpp:89 -msgid "Opaque" -msgstr "Opac" - -#: src/timeline/spacerdialog.cpp:52 -msgid "All tracks" -msgstr "Totes les pistes" - -#: src/timeline/timeline.cpp:89 -msgid "Smaller tracks" -msgstr "Pistes menors" - -#: src/timeline/timeline.cpp:96 -msgid "Bigger tracks" -msgstr "Pistes més grans" - -#: src/timeline/timeline.cpp:359 src/timeline/timeline.cpp:363 -#, kde-format -msgid "Transition %1 had an invalid track: %2 > %3" -msgstr "La transició %1 té una pista no vàlida: %2 > %3" - -#: src/timeline/timeline.cpp:372 -#, kde-format -msgid "Removed invalid transition: %1" -msgstr "Transició no vàlida %1 eliminada" - -#: src/timeline/timeline.cpp:469 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Your project file was upgraded to the latest Kdenlive document version.\n" -"To make sure you don't lose data, a backup copy called %1 was created." -msgstr "" -"El fitxer del projecte s'ha actualitzat a la darrera versió de document del " -"Kdenlive.\n" -"Per tal d'assegurar que no perdeu dades, s'ha creat una còpia de seguretat " -"anomenada %1." - -#: src/timeline/timeline.cpp:471 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Your project file was modified by Kdenlive.\n" -"To make sure you don't lose data, a backup copy called %1 was created." -msgstr "" -"El Kdenlive ha modificat el fitxer del projecte.\n" -"Per tal d'assegurar que no perdeu dades, s'ha creat una còpia de seguretat " -"anomenada %1." - -#: src/timeline/timeline.cpp:477 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Your project file was upgraded to the latest Kdenlive document version, but " -"it was not possible to create the backup copy %1." -msgstr "" -"El fitxer del projecte s'ha actualitzat a la darrera versió de document del " -"Kdenlive, però no ha estat possible crear la còpia de seguretat %1." - -#: src/timeline/timeline.cpp:868 -#, kde-format -msgid "Invalid clip removed from track %1 at %2\n" -msgstr "Clip no vàlid eliminat de la pista %1 a %2\n" - -#: src/timeline/timeline.cpp:946 -#, kde-format -msgid "Effect %1:%2 not found in MLT, it was removed from this project\n" -msgstr "Efecte %1:%2 no trobat a MLT. Es va eliminar d'aquest projecte\n" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:76 -msgid "Delete timeline clip" -msgstr "Suprimeix el clip de la línia de temps" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:106 -msgid "Add track" -msgstr "Afegeix una pista" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:137 -msgid "Delete transition from clip" -msgstr "Suprimeix transició del clip" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:139 -msgid "Add transition to clip" -msgstr "Afegeix una transició al clip" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:175 -msgid "Change clip type" -msgstr "Canvia el tipus de clip" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:199 -msgid "Disable effect" -msgid_plural "Disable effects" -msgstr[0] "Deshabilita l'efecte" -msgstr[1] "Deshabilita els efectes" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:201 -msgid "Enable effect" -msgid_plural "Enable effects" -msgstr[0] "Habilita l'efecte" -msgstr[1] "Habilita els efectes" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:228 -msgid "Adjust clip length" -msgstr "Ajusta la longitud del clip" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:283 -#, kde-format -msgid "Edit effect %1" -msgstr "Edita efecte %1" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:337 -msgid "Add guide" -msgstr "Afegeix una guia" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:341 -msgid "Edit guide" -msgstr "Edita guia" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:343 -msgid "Delete guide" -msgstr "Suprimeix la guia" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:345 -msgid "Move guide" -msgstr "Mou la guia" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:375 -#, kde-format -msgid "Edit transition %1" -msgstr "Edita transició %1" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:413 -msgid "Ungroup clips" -msgstr "Desagrupa clips" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:436 -msgid "Insert space" -msgstr "Insereix un espai" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:438 -msgid "Remove space" -msgstr "Elimina espai" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:523 -msgid "Move effect" -msgstr "Mou l'efecte" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:607 -msgid "Razor clip" -msgstr "Talla el clip" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:653 -msgid "Rebuild Group" -msgstr "Reconstrueix el grup" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:695 -msgid "Resize clip" -msgstr "Redimensiona el clip" - -#: src/timeline/timelinesearch.cpp:27 -msgid "Find" -msgstr "Cerca" - -#: src/timeline/timelinesearch.cpp:29 -msgid "Find Next" -msgstr "Cerca el següent" - -#: src/timeline/timelinesearch.cpp:38 -msgid "Starting -- find text as you type" -msgstr "Començant -- cercant text mentre escriviu" - -#: src/timeline/timelinesearch.cpp:46 -msgid "Find stopped" -msgstr "Cerca aturada" - -#: src/timeline/timelinesearch.cpp:56 src/timeline/timelinesearch.cpp:67 -#, kde-format -msgid "Found: %1" -msgstr "Trobat: %1" - -#: src/timeline/timelinesearch.cpp:58 -msgid "Reached end of project" -msgstr "S'ha arribat al final del projecte" - -#: src/timeline/timelinesearch.cpp:70 -#, kde-format -msgid "Not found: %1" -msgstr "No trobat: %1" - -#: src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:74 -msgid "Hidden" -msgstr "Ocult" - -#: src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:74 -msgid "Muted" -msgstr "Silenciat" - -#: src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:74 -msgid "Locked" -msgstr "Bloquejat" - -#: src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:90 -msgid "Add Track" -msgstr "Afegeix una pista" - -#: src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:98 -msgid "Move Track upwards" -msgstr "Mou la pista amunt" - -#: src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:102 -msgid "Move Track downwards" -msgstr "Mou la pista avall" - -#: src/titler/titledocument.cpp:331 -msgid "This title clip was created with a different frame size." -msgstr "Aquest clip de títol va ser creat amb una mida de fotograma diferent." - -#: src/titler/titledocument.cpp:331 -msgid "Title Profile" -msgstr "Perfil del títol" - -#: src/titler/titledocument.cpp:380 -msgid "" -"Some of your text clips were saved with size in points, which means " -"different sizes on different displays. They will be converted to pixel size, " -"making them portable, but you could have to adjust their size." -msgstr "" -"Alguns dels vostres clips de text s'han desat amb la mida en punts, la qual " -"cosa significa que tindran mides diferents en pantalles diferents. Es " -"convertiran a mida en píxels, fent-los portables, però haureu d'ajustar la " -"seva mida." - -#: src/titler/titledocument.cpp:380 -msgid "Text Clips Updated" -msgstr "Clips de text actualitzats" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:93 -msgid "Outline width" -msgstr "Amplada del contorn" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:99 -msgid "Background color opacity" -msgstr "Opacitat del color de fons" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:105 -msgid "Rotation around the X axis" -msgstr "Gir al voltant de l'eix X" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:111 -msgid "Rotation around the Y axis" -msgstr "Gir al voltant de l'eix Y" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:117 -msgid "Rotation around the Z axis" -msgstr "Gir al voltant de l'eix Z" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:123 -msgid "Border width" -msgstr "Amplada de la vora" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:156 -msgid "Typewriter" -msgstr "Màquina d'escriure" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:215 -msgctxt "Font style" -msgid "Light" -msgstr "Fi" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:216 -msgctxt "Font style" -msgid "Normal" -msgstr "Normal" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:217 -msgctxt "Font style" -msgid "Demi-Bold" -msgstr "Semi negreta" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:218 -msgctxt "Font style" -msgid "Bold" -msgstr "Negreta" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:219 -msgctxt "Font style" -msgid "Black" -msgstr "Gruixut" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:220 -msgid "Font weight" -msgstr "Estil del tipus de lletra" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:242 -msgid "No alignment" -msgstr "Sense alineació" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:245 -msgid "Align center" -msgstr "Alineació centrada" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:249 -msgid "Insert Unicode character" -msgstr "Insereix un caràcter Unicode" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:255 -msgid "Raise object" -msgstr "Eleva un objecte" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:261 -msgid "Lower object" -msgstr "Enfonsa un objecte" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:269 -msgid "Raise object to top" -msgstr "Eleva un objecte a la part superior" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:276 -msgid "Lower object to bottom" -msgstr "Enfonsa un objecte a la part inferior" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:320 -msgid "Invert x axis and change 0 point" -msgstr "Inverteix l'eix X i canvia el punt 0" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:321 -msgid "Invert y axis and change 0 point" -msgstr "Inverteix l'eix Y i canvia el punt 0" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:322 -msgid "Select fill color" -msgstr "Selecciona el color d'emplenat" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:323 -msgid "Select border color" -msgstr "Selecciona el color de la vora" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:325 -msgid "Original size (1:1)" -msgstr "Mida original (1:1)" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:326 -msgid "Fit zoom" -msgstr "Ajusta zoom" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:327 -msgid "Select background color" -msgstr "Selecciona el color de fons" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:328 -msgid "Background opacity" -msgstr "Opacitat del fons" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:329 -msgid "Select all" -msgstr "Selecciona-ho tot" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:330 -msgid "Select text items in current selection" -msgstr "Selecciona els elements de text de la selecció actual" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:331 -msgid "Select rect items in current selection" -msgstr "Selecciona els elements rectangulars de la selecció actual" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:332 -msgid "Select image items in current selection" -msgstr "Selecciona els elements d'imatge de la selecció actual" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:333 -msgid "Unselect all" -msgstr "Desselecciona-ho tot" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:362 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:365 -msgid "Selection Tool" -msgstr "Eina de selecció" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:368 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:371 -msgid "Add Text" -msgstr "Afegeix un text" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:374 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:377 -msgid "Add Rectangle" -msgstr "Afegeix un rectangle" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:380 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:383 -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:670 -msgid "Add Image" -msgstr "Afegeix una imatge" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:388 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:391 -msgid "Open Document" -msgstr "Obre un document" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:394 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:397 -msgid "Save As" -msgstr "Desa com a" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:566 -msgid "" -"Do you really want to load a new template? Changes in this title will be " -"lost!" -msgstr "" -"Esteu segur que voleu carregar una plantilla nova? Es perdran els canvis en " -"aquest títol!" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:658 -msgid "All Images" -msgstr "Totes les imatges" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:660 -#, kde-format -msgid "%1 Image" -msgstr "Imatge %1" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:1346 -msgid "\\u2212X" -msgstr "\\u2212X" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, origin_x_left) -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:1348 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:63 -msgid "+X" -msgstr "+X" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:1371 -msgid "\\u2212Y" -msgstr "\\u2212Y" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, origin_y_top) -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:1373 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:86 -msgid "+Y" -msgstr "+Y" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:1713 -msgid "Load Title" -msgstr "Carrega un títol" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:1713 -msgid "Kdenlive title (*.kdenlivetitle)" -msgstr "Títol del Kdenlive (*.kdenlivetitle)" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:1761 -msgid "" -"Do you want to embed Images into this TitleDocument?\n" -"This is most needed for sharing Titles." -msgstr "" -"Voleu incrustar les imatges en aquest document de títol?\n" -"Això és molt necessari per compartir títols." - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:2039 -msgctxt "Indicates the start of an animation" -msgid "Start" -msgstr "Inici" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:2040 -msgctxt "Indicates the end of an animation" -msgid "End" -msgstr "Final" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:30 -msgid "Details" -msgstr "Detalls" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:85 -msgid "" -"Information about unicode characters: http://decodeunicode.org" -msgstr "" -"Informació sobre caràcters Unicode: http://decodeunicode.org" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:86 -msgid "Previous Unicode character (Arrow Up)" -msgstr "Caràcter Unicode previ (Fletxa amunt)" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:87 -msgid "Next Unicode character (Arrow Down)" -msgstr "Caràcter Unicode següent (Fletxa avall)" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:88 -msgid "Enter your Unicode number here. Allowed characters: [0-9] and [a-f]." -msgstr "Introduïu el valor Unicode aquí. Caràcters permesos: [0-9] i [a-f]." - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:148 -msgid "(no character selected)" -msgstr "(no s'ha seleccionat cap caràcter)" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:154 -msgid "" -"Control character. Cannot be inserted/printed. See Wikipedia:Control_character" -msgstr "" -"Caràcter de control. No es pot inserir o imprimir. Vegeu Wikipedia:Control_character" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:156 -msgid "Line Feed (newline character, \\\\n)" -msgstr "Salt de línia (caràcter de nova línia, \\\\n)" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:158 -msgid "" -"Standard space character. (Other space characters: U+00a0, U" -"+2000–200b, U+202f)" -msgstr "" -"Caràcter d'espai estàndard. (Altres caràcter d'espai: U+00a0, U" -"+2000–200b, U+202f)" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:160 -msgid "No-break space. &nbsp; in HTML. See U+2009 and U+0020." -msgstr "Espai irrompible. &nbsp; en HTML. Vegeu U+2009 i U+0020." - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:162 -msgid "" -"

« (u+00ab, &lfquo; in HTML) and " -"» (u+00bb, &rfquo; in HTML) are " -"called Guillemets or angle quotes. Usage in different countries: France " -"(with non-breaking Space 0x00a0), Switzerland, Germany, Finland and Sweden.

and (U+2039/203a, " -"&lsaquo;/&rsaquo;) are their single quote equivalents.

See Wikipedia:" -"Guillemets

" -msgstr "" -"

Els caràcters « (u+00ab, &lfquo; " -"en HTML) i » (u+00bb, &rfquo; en " -"HTML) s'anomenen guillemets o cometes angulars. S'utilitzen en diferents " -"països: França (conjuntament amb l'Espai irrompible 0x00a0), Suïssa, " -"Alemanya, Finlàndia i Suècia.

Els caràcters " -"i (U+2039/203a, &lsaquo;/&rsaquo;) són les cometes equivalents simples.

Vegeu la Viquipèdia:Guillemets

" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:164 -msgid "En Space (width of an n)" -msgstr "Espai ena (amplada d'una «n»)" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:166 -msgid "Em Space (width of an m)" -msgstr "Espai ema (amplada d'una «m»)" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:168 -msgid "Three-Per-Em Space. Width: 1/3 of one em" -msgstr "Espai tres-per-ema. Amplada: 1/3 d'una ema" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:170 -msgid "Four-Per-Em Space. Width: 1/4 of one em" -msgstr "Espai quatre-per-ema. Amplada: 1/4 d'una ema" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:172 -msgid "Six-Per-Em Space. Width: 1/6 of one em" -msgstr "Espai Sis-per-ema. Amplada: 1/6 d'una ema" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:174 -msgid "" -"Figure space (non-breaking). Width of a digit if digits have fixed width in " -"this font." -msgstr "" -"Espai de figura (irrompible). És l'amplada d'un dígit si aquests tenen " -"amplada fixa en aquest tipus de lletra." - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:176 -msgid "" -"Punctuation Space. Width the same as between a punctuation character and the " -"next character." -msgstr "" -"Espai de puntuació. De la mateixa amplada que entre un caràcter de puntuació " -"i el caràcter següent." - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:178 -msgid "" -"Thin space, in HTML also &thinsp;. See U+202f and Wikipedia:Space_(punctuation)" -msgstr "" -"Espai prim, en HTML també &thinsp;. Vegeu U+202f i Wikipedia:Space_(punctuation)" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:180 -msgid "Hair Space. Thinner than U+2009." -msgstr "Espai capil·lar. Més prim que U+2009." - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:182 -msgid "" -"Punctuation Apostrophe. Should be used instead of U+0027. See Wikipedia:Apostrophe" -msgstr "" -"Apòstrof rodó o tipogràfic (U+2019). S'hauria d'usar en lloc de U+0027. " -"Vegeu Viquipèdia:Apòstrof" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:184 -msgid "" -"

An en Dash (dash of the width of an n).

Usage examples: In English " -"language for value ranges (1878–1903), for relationships/connections " -"(Zurich–Dublin). In the German language it is also used (with " -"spaces!) for showing thoughts: “Es war – wie immer in den " -"Ferien – ein regnerischer Tag.

See Wikipedia:Dash

" -msgstr "" -"

Un guionet (guió curt, de l'amplada d'una «n»).

Exemple d'ús: " -"separa algunes paraules compostes (Puig–reig), el verb dels pronoms " -"febles enclítics (anar–hi) i les xifres (vint–i–u); " -"També per indicar intervals, etc.

Vegeu Vikipedia:Guionet

" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:186 -msgid "" -"

An em Dash (dash of the width of an m).

Usage examples: In English " -"language to mark—like here—thoughts. Traditionally without " -"spaces.

See Wikipedia:" -"Dash

" -msgstr "" -"

Un guió (guió llarg, de l'amplada d'una «m»).

Exemples d'ús: En " -"llengua catalana s'utilitza per separar paraules, alguns pronoms febles i " -"per denotar intervals. Tradicionalment sense espais.

Vegeu Viquipèdia:Guionet;

" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:188 -msgid "" -"

Narrow no-break space. Has the same width as U+2009.

Usage: For " -"units (spaces are marked with U+2423, ␣): 230␣V, " -"−21␣°C, 50␣lb, but 90° (no space). In " -"German for abbreviations (like: i. d. R. instead of i. d." -" R. with U+00a0).

See Wikipedia:de:Schmales_Leerzeichen

" -msgstr "" -"

Espai irrompible estret. Té la mateixa amplada que U+2009.

Ús: Per " -"a unitats (els espais es marquen amb U+2423, ␣): 230␣V, " -"−21␣°C, 50␣kg, però 90° (sense espai). " -"En alemany per abreviatures (com ara: i. d. R. en lloc de i." -" d. R. amb U+00a0).

Vegeu Wikipedia:de:Schmales_Leerzeichen

" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:190 -msgid "" -"Ellipsis: If text has been left o… See Wikipedia:Ellipsis" -msgstr "" -"Punts suspensius: Per indicar text que s'ha eliminat… Vegeu Viquipèdia:" -"Punts_suspensius" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:192 -msgid "Minus sign. For numbers: −42" -msgstr "Signe menys. Per als nombres: −42" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:194 -msgid "Open box; stands for a space." -msgstr "Quadre obert; representa un espai." - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:196 -msgid "" -"Quarter note (Am.) or crochet (Brit.). See Wikipedia:Quarter_note" -msgstr "" -"Corxera. Vegeu Viquipèdia:" -"Corxera" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:198 -msgid "" -"Eighth note (Am.) or quaver (Brit.). Half as long as a quarter note (U" -"+2669). See Wikipedia:" -"Eighth_note" -msgstr "" -"Corxera. De durada equivalent a mitja negra (U+2669). Vegeu Viquipèdia:Corxera" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:200 -msgid "" -"Sixteenth note (Am.) or semiquaver (Brit.). Half as long as an eighth note (U" -"+266a). See Wikipedia:Sixteenth_note" -msgstr "" -"Semicorxera. De durada equivalent a mitja corxera (U+266a). Vegeu Viquipèdia:Semicorxera" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:202 -msgid "" -"Thirty-second note (Am.) or demisemiquaver (Brit.). Half as long as a " -"sixteenth note (U+266b). See Wikipedia:Thirty-second_note" -msgstr "" -"Fusa. De durada meitat a la semicorxera (U+266b). Vegeu Viquipèdia:Fusa" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:204 -msgid "No additional information available for this character." -msgstr "" -"No hi ha informació addicional disponible per aquest caràcter." - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, before_select) -#: src/ui/addtrack_ui.ui:34 -msgid "Above" -msgstr "A sobre" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, before_select) -#: src/ui/addtrack_ui.ui:39 -msgid "Under" -msgstr "A sota" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, video_track) -#: src/ui/addtrack_ui.ui:57 -msgid "Video &track" -msgstr "Pis&ta de vídeo" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, audio_track) -#: src/ui/addtrack_ui.ui:74 -msgid "A&udio track" -msgstr "Pista d'à&udio" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, name_label) -#: src/ui/addtrack_ui.ui:81 -msgid "Track name" -msgstr "Nom de la pista" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/archivewidget_ui.ui:29 -msgid "Archive folder" -msgstr "Arxiva la carpeta" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, compressed_archive) -#: src/ui/archivewidget_ui.ui:46 -msgid "Compressed archive" -msgstr "Arxiu comprimit" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, proxy_only) -#: src/ui/archivewidget_ui.ui:53 -msgid "Archive only proxy clips when available" -msgstr "Arxiva només els clips intermediaris quan estiguin disponibles" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, labelFFTSize) -#: src/ui/audiospectrum_ui.ui:52 -msgid "True FFT size: " -msgstr "Mida real de la FFT: " - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, buttonLinkHandles) -#: src/ui/bezierspline_ui.ui:89 -msgid "Link the handles' position.
Results in a natural spline." -msgstr "Enllaça la posició de les nanses.
S'obté una «spline» natural." - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, marker_save) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, marker_load) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, analysis_delete) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, analysis_save) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, analysis_load) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, arrowUp) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, arrowDown) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, config_button) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonleft) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonhcenter) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonright) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttontop) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonvcenter) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonbottom) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonDirectUpdate) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonZoomOriginal) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonZoomFit) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonAddDelete) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonPrevious) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonNext) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, toolBtnReload) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonUp) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonDown) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonAdd) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonDelete) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonReset) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, zoom_button) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, unzoom_button) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonResetKeyframe) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonSeek) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, reload_blackmagic) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonLinkHandles) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonShowPixmap) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonZoomIn) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonZoomOut) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonGridChange) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonResetSpline) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonShowAllHandles) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, v4l_showprofileinfo) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, v4l_manageprofile) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, grab_manageprofile) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, grab_showprofileinfo) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, decklink_manageprofile) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, decklink_showprofileinfo) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, button_up) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, button_down) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, button_transcode) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, proxy_showprofileinfo) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, add_metadata) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, delete_metadata) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, effectsAll) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, effectsVideo) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, effectsAudio) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, effectsGPU) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, effectsCustom) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, proxy_manageprofile) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, button_add) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, button_edit) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, button_delete) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, button_download) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, button_more) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonLeftRight) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonUpDown) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonShowInTimeline) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonNewPoints) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonHelp) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonFavorite) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, rescale_keep) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, hide_log) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, collapseButton) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, enabledButton) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, menuButton) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonDel) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, rec_options) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonItalic) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonUnder) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonAlignNone) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonAlignLeft) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonInsertUnicode) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonAlignCenter) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonAlignRight) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, itemleft) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, itemhcenter) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, itemright) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, itemtop) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, itemvcenter) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, itembottom) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, live_button) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, capture_button) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, capture_interval) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, overlay_button) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, preview_button) -#: src/ui/bezierspline_ui.ui:92 src/ui/bezierspline_ui.ui:130 -#: src/ui/bezierspline_ui.ui:146 src/ui/bezierspline_ui.ui:156 -#: src/ui/bezierspline_ui.ui:169 src/ui/bezierspline_ui.ui:195 -#: src/ui/bezierspline_ui.ui:208 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:490 -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:500 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:587 -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:597 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:607 -#: src/ui/collapsiblewidget_ui.ui:86 src/ui/collapsiblewidget_ui.ui:118 -#: src/ui/collapsiblewidget_ui.ui:137 src/ui/collapsiblewidget_ui.ui:156 -#: src/ui/collapsiblewidget_ui.ui:172 src/ui/collapsiblewidget_ui.ui:188 -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:211 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:396 -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:433 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:616 -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:742 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:749 -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:78 src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:220 -#: src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:230 src/ui/configsdl_ui.ui:154 -#: src/ui/cutjobdialog_ui.ui:32 src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:262 -#: src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:269 src/ui/dvdwizardvob_ui.ui:29 -#: src/ui/dvdwizardvob_ui.ui:49 src/ui/dvdwizardvob_ui.ui:100 -#: src/ui/effectlist_ui.ui:22 src/ui/effectlist_ui.ui:41 -#: src/ui/effectlist_ui.ui:57 src/ui/effectlist_ui.ui:73 -#: src/ui/effectlist_ui.ui:89 src/ui/freesound_ui.ui:39 -#: src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:249 src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:256 -#: src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:263 src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:270 -#: src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:277 src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:284 -#: src/ui/geometrywidget_ui.ui:70 src/ui/geometrywidget_ui.ui:83 -#: src/ui/geometrywidget_ui.ui:93 src/ui/keyframeeditor_ui.ui:91 -#: src/ui/keyframeeditor_ui.ui:101 src/ui/keyframewidget_ui.ui:46 -#: src/ui/keyframewidget_ui.ui:59 src/ui/keyframewidget_ui.ui:72 -#: src/ui/keyframewidget_ui.ui:85 src/ui/keyframewidget_ui.ui:124 -#: src/ui/manageencodingprofile_ui.ui:44 src/ui/manageencodingprofile_ui.ui:51 -#: src/ui/manageencodingprofile_ui.ui:58 src/ui/manageencodingprofile_ui.ui:68 -#: src/ui/monitoreditwidget_ui.ui:53 src/ui/monitoreditwidget_ui.ui:66 -#: src/ui/monitoreditwidget_ui.ui:76 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:335 -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:386 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:393 -#: src/ui/recmonitor_ui.ui:72 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:407 -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:592 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:717 -#: src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:76 src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:92 -#: src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:108 src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:118 -#: src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:128 src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:141 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:364 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:384 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:401 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:417 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:440 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:447 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:460 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:801 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:808 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:815 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:822 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:829 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:836 src/ui/tracksconfigdialog_ui.ui:61 -#: src/ui/tracksconfigdialog_ui.ui:68 src/ui/tracksconfigdialog_ui.ui:75 -#: src/ui/tracksconfigdialog_ui.ui:82 src/ui/tracksconfigdialog_ui.ui:89 -#: src/ui/unicodewidget_ui.ui:185 src/ui/unicodewidget_ui.ui:210 -msgid "..." -msgstr "..." - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, buttonShowPixmap) -#: src/ui/bezierspline_ui.ui:127 -msgid "Show background indicating changes caused by modifying the curve." -msgstr "Mostra el fons indicant els canvis causats en modificar la corba." - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, buttonGridChange) -#: src/ui/bezierspline_ui.ui:166 -msgid "" -"Increases the number of lines in the grid.
After 8 lines it will begin " -"from 0 again." -msgstr "" -"Incrementa el nombre de línies de la graella.
Després de 8 línies " -"tornarà a començar de zero." - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, buttonResetSpline) -#: src/ui/bezierspline_ui.ui:192 -msgid "Reset the selected spline" -msgstr "Reinicia la «spline» seleccionada" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, buttonShowAllHandles) -#: src/ui/bezierspline_ui.ui:205 -msgid "Show handles for all points or only for the selected one" -msgstr "Mostra les nanses per tots els punts o només pel seleccionat" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, name) -#: src/ui/boolval_ui.ui:30 src/ui/fontval_ui.ui:23 src/ui/listval_ui.ui:23 -msgid "TextLabel" -msgstr "Etiqueta de text" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, crop_label) -#: src/ui/clipdurationdialog_ui.ui:30 -msgid "Crop start" -msgstr "Inici de l'escapçat" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, end_label) -#: src/ui/clipdurationdialog_ui.ui:50 -msgid "Crop end" -msgstr "Final de l'escapçat" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_path) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, treeWidget) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:27 src/ui/missingclips_ui.ui:72 -msgid "Path" -msgstr "Camí" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_size) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_6) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_5) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:51 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:231 -#: src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:41 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:93 -msgid "Size:" -msgstr "Mida:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, clip_filesize) -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, groupBox) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:65 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:157 -#: src/utils/freesound.cpp:212 -msgid "File size" -msgstr "Mida del fitxer" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, clip_vproperties) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, clip_aproperties) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, metadata_list) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, analysis_list) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, programList) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:117 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:162 -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:542 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:574 -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:371 src/ui/wizardmltcheck_ui.ui:49 -msgid "1" -msgstr "1" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, clip_vproperties) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, clip_aproperties) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, metadata_list) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, analysis_list) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:122 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:167 -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:547 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:579 -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:376 -msgid "2" -msgstr "2" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_slideshow) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:206 -msgid "Slideshow" -msgstr "Passi de diapositives" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, slide_type_label) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:212 -msgid "Image type" -msgstr "Tipus d'imatge" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, clip_filesize_4) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:222 -msgid "Frame duration" -msgstr "Durada del fotograma" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, slide_loop) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, loop_movie) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, sm_loop) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:255 src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:221 -#: src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:160 src/ui/smconfig_ui.ui:26 -msgid "Loop" -msgstr "Repetició" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, slide_crop) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:339 src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:284 -msgid "Center crop" -msgstr "Escapçat pel centre" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_animation) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_6) -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:346 src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:291 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:1121 -msgid "Animation" -msgstr "Animació" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_image) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, background_list) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:357 src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:202 -msgid "Image" -msgstr "Imatge" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_16) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:365 -msgid "Image size" -msgstr "Mida de la imatge" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, image_transparency) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:381 -msgid "Transparent background" -msgstr "Fons transparent" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, markers_list) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, clip_filesize_3) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:432 src/ui/markerdialog_ui.ui:56 -msgid "Comment" -msgstr "Comentari" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, marker_new) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonNext) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonUnselectAll) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:440 src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:83 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:700 -msgid "N" -msgstr "N" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, marker_edit) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonEdit) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:450 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:414 -msgid "E" -msgstr "E" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, marker_delete) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonDelete) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, button_delete) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, delete_button) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:460 src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:252 -#: src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:103 src/ui/keyframeeditor_ui.ui:78 -#: src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:279 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:428 -msgid "D" -msgstr "D" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_advanced) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:634 -msgid "Advanced" -msgstr "Avançat" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, clip_force_ar) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:653 -msgid "Force aspect ratio" -msgstr "Força la relació d'aspecte" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, clip_force_threads) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:686 -msgid "Decoding threads" -msgstr "Fils de descodificació" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, clip_force_progressive) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:700 -msgid "Force scanning" -msgstr "Força l'escaneig" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, clip_force_framerate) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:727 -msgid "Force frame rate" -msgstr "Força la velocitat de fotograma" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, clip_force_out) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:734 -msgid "Force duration" -msgstr "Força la durada" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, clip_force_colorspace) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:751 -msgid "Force colorspace" -msgstr "Força l'espai de color" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, clip_force_fieldorder) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:765 -msgid "Force field order" -msgstr "Força l'ordre dels camps" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, clip_force_transparency) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:829 -msgid "Image background" -msgstr "Imatge de fons" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, clip_transparency) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:837 -msgid "Normal" -msgstr "Normal" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_dest) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_5) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_6) -#: src/ui/clipstabilize_ui.ui:20 src/ui/cliptranscode_ui.ui:30 -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:45 src/ui/saveprofile_ui.ui:138 -msgid "Destination" -msgstr "Destinació" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_source) -#: src/ui/cliptranscode_ui.ui:20 -msgid "Source" -msgstr "Font" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, ffmpeg_label) -#: src/ui/cliptranscode_ui.ui:40 -msgid "FFmpeg parameters" -msgstr "Paràmetres de FFmpeg" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_4) -#: src/ui/cliptranscode_ui.ui:54 -msgid "Job status" -msgstr "Estat del treball" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_start) -#: src/ui/cliptranscode_ui.ui:61 -msgctxt "@action:button start transcode" -msgid "Start" -msgstr "Inicia" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_profile) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: src/ui/cliptranscode_ui.ui:68 src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:29 -#: src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:20 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:74 -msgid "Profile" -msgstr "Perfil" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, auto_close) -#: src/ui/cliptranscode_ui.ui:88 -msgid "Close after transcode" -msgstr "Tanca després de recodificar" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/colorclip_ui.ui:30 -msgid "Clip Color" -msgstr "Color del clip" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, ColorPlaneExport_UI) -#: src/ui/colorplaneexport_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Export color plane to PNG" -msgstr "Exporta el pla de colors a PNG" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, lblSpace) -#: src/ui/colorplaneexport_ui.ui:20 -msgid "Color space" -msgstr "Espai de color" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, lblVariant) -#: src/ui/colorplaneexport_ui.ui:37 -msgid "Variant" -msgstr "Variant" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QSlider, sliderScaling) -#: src/ui/colorplaneexport_ui.ui:81 -msgid "How much to zoom in" -msgstr "Quantitat d'ampliació" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, lblRes) -#: src/ui/colorplaneexport_ui.ui:101 -msgid "Resolution" -msgstr "Resolució" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, lblFilename) -#: src/ui/colorplaneexport_ui.ui:144 -msgid "Filename" -msgstr "Nom del fitxer" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:23 -msgid "Default capture device" -msgstr "Dispositiu de captura predeterminat" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, kcfg_defaultcapture) -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, device_selector) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:37 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:70 -#: src/ui/recmonitor_ui.ui:134 -msgid "Firewire" -msgstr "Firewire" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, kcfg_defaultcapture) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, device_selector) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:47 src/ui/recmonitor_ui.ui:144 -msgid "Screen grab" -msgstr "Captura la pantalla" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, kcfg_defaultcapture) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, device_selector) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:52 src/ui/recmonitor_ui.ui:149 -msgid "Blackmagic card" -msgstr "Targeta Blackmagic" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_9) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:89 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:221 -msgid "Capture format" -msgstr "Format de captura" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, kcfg_firewireformat) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:97 -msgid "DV Raw" -msgstr "Raw DV" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, kcfg_firewireformat) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:102 -msgid "DV AVI type 1" -msgstr "AVI DV tipus 1" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, kcfg_firewireformat) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:107 -msgid "DV AVI type 2" -msgstr "AVI DV tipus 2" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, button_hdv) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, kcfg_firewireformat) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:112 src/ui/wizardstandard_ui.ui:54 -msgid "HDV" -msgstr "HDV" - -# skip-rule: kct-cut -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_firewireautosplit) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:133 -msgid "Automatically start a new file on scene cut" -msgstr "Comença automàticament un fitxer nou a cada tall d'escena" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_firewiretimestamp) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:140 -msgid "Add recording time to captured file name" -msgstr "Afegeix l'hora de l'enregistrament al nom del fitxer capturat " - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_5) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_29) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:147 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:696 -msgid "Capture file name" -msgstr "Nom del fitxer de captura" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_7) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:157 -msgid "dvgrab additional parameters" -msgstr "Paràmetres addicionals de dvgrab" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_14) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:197 -msgid "Video device" -msgstr "Dispositiu de vídeo" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_30) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_27) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:204 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:666 -msgid "Detected devices" -msgstr "Dispositius detectats" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, p_size) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:238 src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:48 -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:100 -msgid "720x576" -msgstr "720x576" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, p_fps) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:252 src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:62 -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:114 -msgid "25/1" -msgstr "25/1" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, p_aspect) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:273 src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:76 -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:128 -msgid "59/54" -msgstr "59/54" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, p_display) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:287 src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:90 -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:142 -msgid "4/3" -msgstr "4/3" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, config_v4l) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:308 -msgid "Edit" -msgstr "Edita" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_v4l_captureaudio) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:342 -msgid "Capture audio (ALSA)" -msgstr "Captura l'àudio (ALSA)" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_24) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_screengrab) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_16) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:362 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:632 -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:725 src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:203 -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:305 -msgid "Encoding profile" -msgstr "Perfil de codificació" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_v4l_capturevideo) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:389 -msgid "Capture video (Video4Linux2)" -msgstr "Captura de vídeo (Video4Linux2)" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, kcfg_grab_capture_type) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:471 -msgid "Full screen capture" -msgstr "Captura en pantalla completa" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, kcfg_grab_capture_type) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:476 -msgid "Region capture" -msgstr "Captura una regió" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_grab_follow_mouse) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:495 -msgid "Follow mouse" -msgstr "Segueix al ratolí" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_grab_hide_frame) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:502 -msgid "Hide frame" -msgstr "Oculta un fotograma" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_19) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_10) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:524 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:951 -msgid "Offset" -msgstr "Desplaçament" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_grab_hide_mouse) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:652 -msgid "Hide cursor" -msgstr "Oculta el cursor" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_4) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:660 -msgid "Blackmagic" -msgstr "Blackmagic" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_9) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:42 -msgid "Concurrent threads" -msgstr "Fils de processat concurrents" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:69 -msgid "MLT environment" -msgstr "Entorn MLT" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_6) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:78 -msgid "Processing threads" -msgstr "Fils de processament" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_7) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:91 -msgid "(>1 is experimental)" -msgstr "(>1 és experimental)" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:98 -msgid "Melt path" -msgstr "Camí al Melt" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:112 -msgid "MLT profiles folder" -msgstr "Carpeta de perfils de MLT" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_13) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:135 -msgid "FFplay" -msgstr "FFplay" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_14) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:155 -msgid "FFprobe" -msgstr "FFprobe" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_2) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:166 -msgid "Default folders" -msgstr "Carpetes predeterminades" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_5) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_4) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:172 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:56 -msgid "Project folder" -msgstr "Carpeta del projecte" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:182 -msgid "Temporary files" -msgstr "Fitxers temporals" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_10) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:192 -msgid "Capture folder" -msgstr "Carpeta de captura" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_capturetoprojectfolder) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:212 -msgid "Use project folder" -msgstr "Usa la carpeta del projecte" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_3) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:223 -msgid "Default apps" -msgstr "Aplicacions predeterminades" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_4) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:229 -msgid "Image editing" -msgstr "Edició d'imatges" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, kp_image) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, kp_audio) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, kp_player) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:243 src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:264 -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:285 -msgid "Change" -msgstr "Canvia" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_11) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:250 -msgid "Audio editing" -msgstr "Edició d'àudio" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_12) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:271 -msgid "Video player" -msgstr "Reproductor de vídeo" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_enableshuttle) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:23 -msgid "Enable Jog Shuttle device" -msgstr "Habilita el dispositiu Jog Shuttle" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, shuttledisabled) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:30 -msgid "Jog Shuttle device disabled." -msgstr "S'ha desactivat el dispositiu Jog Shuttle." - -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, config_group) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:53 -msgid "Device configuration" -msgstr "Configuració del dispositiu" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:85 -msgid "Button 1" -msgstr "Botó 1" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_17) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:98 -msgid "Device" -msgstr "Dispositiu" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_16) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:111 -msgid "Button 15" -msgstr "Botó 15" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_14) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:137 -msgid "Button 13" -msgstr "Botó 13" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_9) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:150 -msgid "Button 8" -msgstr "Botó 8" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_7) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:166 -msgid "Button 4" -msgstr "Botó 4" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:179 -msgid "Device name" -msgstr "Nom del dispositiu" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_5) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:192 -msgid "Button 5" -msgstr "Botó 5" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_8) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:214 -msgid "Button 7" -msgstr "Botó 7" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_10) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:243 -msgid "Button 9" -msgstr "Botó 9" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_4) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:256 -msgid "Button 2" -msgstr "Botó 2" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_11) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:272 -msgid "Button 10" -msgstr "Botó 10" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_12) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:285 -msgid "Button 11" -msgstr "Botó 11" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_6) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:308 -msgid "Button 6" -msgstr "Botó 6" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_15) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:336 -msgid "Button 14" -msgstr "Botó 14" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:349 -msgid "Button 3" -msgstr "Botó 3" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_13) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:362 -msgid "Button 12" -msgstr "Botó 12" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_usekuiserver) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:23 -msgid "Use KDE job tracking for render jobs" -msgstr "Usa el seguiment de tasques del KDE per a les tasques de renderització" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_checkfirstprojectclip) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:30 -msgid "Check if first added clip matches project profile" -msgstr "Comprova si el primer clip afegit concorda amb el perfil del projecte" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_crashrecovery) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:37 -msgid "Crash recovery (automatic backup)" -msgstr "Recuperació de fallada (còpia de seguretat automàtica)" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_automultistreams) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:44 -msgid "Automatically import all streams in multi stream clips" -msgstr "Importa automàticament tots els fluxos en els clips multiflux" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_disable_effect_parameters) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:51 -msgid "Disable parameters when the effect is disabled" -msgstr "Deshabilita els paràmetres quan l'efecte està deshabilitat" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_bypasscodeccheck) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:58 -msgid "Bypass codec verification" -msgstr "Evita la verificació dels còdecs" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_autoimagesequence) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:65 -msgid "Automatically import image sequences" -msgstr "Importa automàticament seqüències d'imatges" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_projectloading_avformatnovalidate) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:72 -msgid "Do not validate the video files when loading a project (faster)" -msgstr "No validis els fitxers de vídeo en carregar el projecte (és més ràpid)" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_on_monitor_effects) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:79 -msgid "Use on-monitor effects" -msgstr "Usa efectes en el monitor" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_use_exiftool) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:86 -msgid "Get clip metadata with exiftool" -msgstr "Obtén les metadades del clip amb l'«exiftool»" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_openlastproject) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:93 -msgid "Open last project on startup" -msgstr "Obre el darrer projecte en iniciar" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, groupBox) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:100 -msgid "Default Durations" -msgstr "Durades predeterminades" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:106 -msgid "Color clips" -msgstr "Clips de color" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_8) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:123 -msgid "Title clips" -msgstr "Clips de títol" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:130 -msgid "Image sequence" -msgstr "Seqüència d'imatges" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_autoimagetransparency) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:149 -msgid "Transparent background for imported images" -msgstr "Fons transparent per les imatges importades" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_use_magicLantern) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:169 -msgid "Get clip metadata created by Magic Lantern" -msgstr "Obtén les metadades creades amb el «Magic Lantern»" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, properties) -#: src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:23 -msgid "Default Profile" -msgstr "Perfil predeterminat" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_9) -#: src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:69 -msgid "Aspect ratio:" -msgstr "Relació d'aspecte:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_10) -#: src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:83 -msgid "Display ratio:" -msgstr "Relació de visualització:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_7) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_6) -#: src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:109 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:175 -msgid "Video tracks" -msgstr "Pistes de vídeo" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_8) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_7) -#: src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:119 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:185 -msgid "Audio tracks" -msgstr "Pistes d'àudio" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, generate_proxy) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_generateproxy) -#: src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:154 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:256 -msgid "Generate for videos larger than" -msgstr "Genera'n per vídeos més grans de" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (suffix), widget (QSpinBox, proxy_minsize) -#. i18n: ectx: property (suffix), widget (QSpinBox, proxy_imageminsize) -#. i18n: ectx: property (suffix), widget (QSpinBox, kcfg_proxyminsize) -#. i18n: ectx: property (suffix), widget (QSpinBox, kcfg_proxyimageminsize) -#: src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:161 src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:181 -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:263 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:283 -msgid "pixels" -msgstr "píxels" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, generate_imageproxy) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_generateimageproxy) -#: src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:174 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:276 -msgid "Generate for images larger than" -msgstr "Genera'n per imatges més grans de" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/ui/configsdl_ui.ui:17 -msgid "" -"Warning: changes to the drivers and devices can make Kdenlive unstable. " -"Change only if you know what you do." -msgstr "" -"Atenció: els canvis als controladors i dispositius poden fer inestable " -"Kdenlive. Canvieu-los només si sabeu el que esteu fent." - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_gpu_accel) -#: src/ui/configsdl_ui.ui:27 -msgid "Use GPU processing (Movit library) - restart Kdenlive to apply" -msgstr "" -"Usa el processament de la GPU (biblioteca Movit) - Reinicieu el Kdenlive per " -"fer-ho servir" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_4) -#: src/ui/configsdl_ui.ui:34 -msgid "Audio backend" -msgstr "Dorsal d'àudio" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, textLabel1_2) -#: src/ui/configsdl_ui.ui:53 -msgid "Audio driver:" -msgstr "Controlador d'àudio:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, textLabel1) -#: src/ui/configsdl_ui.ui:66 -msgid "Audio device:" -msgstr "Dispositiu d'àudio:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: src/ui/configsdl_ui.ui:82 -msgid "Preview volume:" -msgstr "Volum de la previsualització:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/configsdl_ui.ui:102 -msgid "Monitor background color:" -msgstr "Color de fons del monitor:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_external_display) -#: src/ui/configsdl_ui.ui:127 -msgid "Use external display (Blackmagic card)" -msgstr "Usa una pantalla externa (targeta Blackmagic)" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_5) -#: src/ui/configsdl_ui.ui:134 -msgid "Output device" -msgstr "Dispositiu de sortida" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, groupBox) -#: src/ui/configtimeline_ui.ui:23 -msgid "Thumbnails" -msgstr "Miniatures" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_displayallchannels) -#: src/ui/configtimeline_ui.ui:48 -msgid "Separate channels" -msgstr "Canals separats" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_showmarkers) -#: src/ui/configtimeline_ui.ui:73 -msgid "Display clip markers comments" -msgstr "Mostra els comentaris als marcadors del clip" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_autoscroll) -#: src/ui/configtimeline_ui.ui:80 -msgid "Autoscroll while playing" -msgstr "Desplaçament automàtic durant la reproducció" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_verticalzoom) -#: src/ui/configtimeline_ui.ui:87 -msgid "Zoom using vertical drag in ruler" -msgstr "Fes zoom usant l'arrossegament vertical en el regle" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_splitaudio) -#: src/ui/configtimeline_ui.ui:94 -msgid "Automatically split audio and video" -msgstr "Separa automàticament l'àudio del vídeo" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/configtimeline_ui.ui:103 -msgid "Track height" -msgstr "Alçada de la pista" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_add) -#: src/ui/configtranscode_ui.ui:24 -msgid "Add Profile" -msgstr "Afegeix un perfil" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_update) -#: src/ui/configtranscode_ui.ui:31 -msgid "Update Profile" -msgstr "Actualitza el perfil" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_delete) -#: src/ui/configtranscode_ui.ui:38 -msgid "Delete Profile" -msgstr "Suprimeix el perfil" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_4) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: src/ui/configtranscode_ui.ui:90 src/ui/saveprofile_ui.ui:121 -msgid "Extension" -msgstr "Extensió" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_4) -#: src/ui/configtranscode_ui.ui:107 -msgid "Parameters" -msgstr "Paràmetres" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, button_more) -#: src/ui/cutjobdialog_ui.ui:29 -msgid "Configure job" -msgstr "Configura el treball" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_add) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardchapters_ui.ui:39 -msgid "Add chapter" -msgstr "Afegeix un capítol" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardchapters_ui.ui:46 -msgid "Movie file" -msgstr "Fitxer de pel·lícula" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_delete) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardchapters_ui.ui:66 -msgid "Remove chapter" -msgstr "Elimina capítol" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, create_menu) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:20 -msgid "Create basic menu" -msgstr "Crea un menú bàsic" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:49 -msgid "Button" -msgstr "Botó" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_6) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:65 -msgid "Target" -msgstr "Objectiu" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, back_to_menu) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:82 -msgid "Back to menu" -msgstr "Torna al menú" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, use_shadow) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:126 -msgid "Shadow" -msgstr "Ombra" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:138 -msgid "Underline" -msgstr "Subratllat" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_2) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, lblBackground) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:183 src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:189 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:1076 src/ui/vectorscope_ui.ui:46 -msgid "Background" -msgstr "Fons" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonAdd) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, add_button) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, button_add) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonSelectAll) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonAudio) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:232 src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:93 -#: src/ui/keyframeeditor_ui.ui:68 src/ui/timelinebuttons_ui.ui:71 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:723 -msgid "A" -msgstr "A" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:29 -msgid "Temporary data folder" -msgstr "Carpeta de dades temporals" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:39 -msgid "DVD ISO image" -msgstr "Imatge ISO del DVD" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (QListWidget, job_progress) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:56 -msgid "Creating menu images" -msgstr "S'estan creant les imatges del menú" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (QListWidget, job_progress) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:61 -msgid "Creating menu background" -msgstr "S'està creant el fons del menú" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (QListWidget, job_progress) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:66 -msgid "Creating menu movie" -msgstr "S'està creant la pel·lícula del menú" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (QListWidget, job_progress) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:71 -msgid "Creating dvd structure" -msgstr "S'està creant l'estructura del DVD" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (QListWidget, job_progress) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:76 -msgid "Creating iso file" -msgstr "S'està creant el fitxer ISO" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_start) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:84 -msgid "Create ISO image" -msgstr "Crea una imatge ISO" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_2) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:118 -msgid "Log" -msgstr "Registre" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_7) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:124 -msgid "Status" -msgstr "Estat" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, button_burn) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:154 -msgid "Burn" -msgstr "Enregistra" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:172 -msgid "Menu File" -msgstr "Fitxer de menú" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_3) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:186 -msgid "Dvdauthor File" -msgstr "Fitxer «dvdauthor»" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, use_intro) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardvob_ui.ui:59 -msgid "Use first movie as intro" -msgstr "Usa la primera pel·lícula com a introducció" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardvob_ui.ui:66 -msgid "DVD format" -msgstr "Format del DVD" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_delete) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardvob_ui.ui:73 -msgid "Remove file" -msgstr "Elimina fitxer" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_add) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardvob_ui.ui:130 -msgid "Add movie file" -msgstr "Afegeix un fitxer de pel·lícula" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, convert_label) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardvob_ui.ui:146 -msgid "Converting files" -msgstr "Conversió de fitxers" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: src/ui/freesound_ui.ui:22 -msgid "Service" -msgstr "Servei" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, page_prev) -#: src/ui/freesound_ui.ui:67 -msgid "<<" -msgstr "<<" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, page_next) -#: src/ui/freesound_ui.ui:104 -msgid ">>" -msgstr ">>" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_import) -#: src/ui/freesound_ui.ui:137 src/utils/archiveorg.cpp:181 -msgid "Import" -msgstr "Importa" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/freesound_ui.ui:177 -msgid "License" -msgstr "Llicència" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonMenu) -#: src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:63 -msgid "M" -msgstr "M" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonPrevious) -#: src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:73 -msgid "P" -msgstr "P" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_pos) -#: src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:127 -msgid "Pos" -msgstr "Posició" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_6) -#: src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:198 -msgid "Height" -msgstr "Alçada" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:219 -msgid "Resize:" -msgstr "Redimensiona:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, buttonResize) -#: src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:242 -msgid "Original" -msgstr "Original" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QCheckBox, cbY) -#: src/ui/histogram_ui.ui:17 -msgid "Luma value" -msgstr "Valor de luma" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, lblComponents) -#: src/ui/histogram_ui.ui:64 -msgid "Components" -msgstr "Components" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QCheckBox, cbS) -#: src/ui/histogram_ui.ui:71 -msgid "RGB summed up" -msgstr "Suma de RGB" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, cbS) -#: src/ui/histogram_ui.ui:74 -msgid "Sum" -msgstr "Suma" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, ImportKeyframesDialog_UI) -#: src/ui/importkeyframesdialog_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Import Keyframes" -msgstr "Importa fotogrames clau" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, limit_keyframes) -#: src/ui/importkeyframesdialog_ui.ui:48 -msgid "Limit keyframes number" -msgstr "Limita el nombre de fotogrames clau" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/importkeyframesdialog_ui.ui:90 -msgid "Data to import" -msgstr "Dades a importar" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, KeyFrameDialog_UI) -#: src/ui/keyframedialog_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Edit Keyframe" -msgstr "Edita el fotograma clau" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, clip_filesize_3) -#: src/ui/keyframedialog_ui.ui:27 -msgid "Value" -msgstr "Valor" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, buttonResetKeyframe) -#: src/ui/keyframeeditor_ui.ui:88 -msgid "Reset the parameters to their default values" -msgstr "Restableix tots els paràmetres als seus valors predeterminats" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, buttonSeek) -#: src/ui/keyframeeditor_ui.ui:98 -msgid "Seek to active keyframe" -msgstr "Cerca fotograma clau actiu" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, buttonKeyframes) -#: src/ui/keyframeeditor_ui.ui:114 -msgid "Add keyframes" -msgstr "Afegeix fotogrames clau" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, buttonLeftRight) -#: src/ui/keyframewidget_ui.ui:43 -msgid "move on X axis" -msgstr "mou sobre l'eix X" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, buttonUpDown) -#: src/ui/keyframewidget_ui.ui:56 -msgid "move on Y axis" -msgstr "mou sobre l'eix Y" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, buttonShowInTimeline) -#: src/ui/keyframewidget_ui.ui:69 -msgid "update values in timeline" -msgstr "actualitza valors a la línia de temps" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, buttonNewPoints) -#: src/ui/keyframewidget_ui.ui:82 -msgid "create new points" -msgstr "crea punts nous" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, checkBox) -#: src/ui/keyframewidget_ui.ui:105 -msgid "GraphView" -msgstr "GraphView" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, buttonHelp) -#: src/ui/keyframewidget_ui.ui:121 -msgid "parameter description" -msgstr "descripció del paràmetre" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/keywordval_ui.ui:23 src/ui/urlval_ui.ui:26 -msgid "Param" -msgstr "Paràmetre" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, ManageCaptures_UI) -#: src/ui/managecaptures_ui.ui:13 -msgid "Captured files" -msgstr "Fitxers de captura" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, treeWidget) -#: src/ui/managecaptures_ui.ui:35 -msgid "File name" -msgstr "Nom del fitxer" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, deleteButton) -#: src/ui/managecaptures_ui.ui:48 -msgid "Delete current file" -msgstr "Suprimeix el fitxer actual" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, toggleButton) -#: src/ui/managecaptures_ui.ui:55 -msgid "Toggle selection" -msgstr "Commuta la selecció" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/manageencodingprofile_ui.ui:20 -msgid "Editing profiles for" -msgstr "S'estan editant els perfils de" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_category) -#: src/ui/markerdialog_ui.ui:76 -msgid "Category" -msgstr "Categoria" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, clip_thumb) -#: src/ui/markerdialog_ui.ui:86 -msgid "Image preview" -msgstr "Vista prèvia de la imatge" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, MissingClips_UI) -#: src/ui/missingclips_ui.ui:14 -msgid " Clip Problems" -msgstr " Problemes del clip" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, removeSelected) -#: src/ui/missingclips_ui.ui:20 -msgid "Remove selected clips" -msgstr "Elimina els clips seleccionats" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, usePlaceholders) -#: src/ui/missingclips_ui.ui:37 -msgid "Use placeholders for missing clips" -msgstr "Utilitza marcadors de posició pels clips perduts" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, recursiveSearch) -#: src/ui/missingclips_ui.ui:80 -msgid "Search recursively" -msgstr "Cerca recursivament" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, ProfilesDialog_UI) -#: src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Profiles" -msgstr "Perfils" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_4) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_7) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_8) -#: src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:106 src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:140 -#: src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:174 -msgid "/" -msgstr "/" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_10) -#: src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:154 -msgid "Display aspect ratio" -msgstr "Relació d'aspecte de la pantalla" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_11) -#: src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:208 -msgid "Fields per second" -msgstr "Camps per segon" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_default) -#: src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:242 -msgid "Use as default" -msgstr "Utilitza com a predeterminat" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, button_create) -#: src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:259 -msgid "C" -msgstr "C" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, button_save) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonSave) -#: src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:269 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:421 -msgid "S" -msgstr "S" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, properties) -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:66 -msgid "Video Profile" -msgstr "Perfil de vídeo" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:210 -msgid "Thumbnails:" -msgstr "Miniatures:" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_2) -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:416 -msgid "Project Files" -msgstr "Fitxers del projecte" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_12) -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:422 -msgid "Clips used in project:" -msgstr "Clips usats al projecte:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_6) -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:443 -msgid "Unused clips:" -msgstr "Clips sense usar:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, delete_unused) -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:464 -msgid "Delete files" -msgstr "Suprimeix fitxers" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_11) -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:471 -msgid "Thumbnails cache:" -msgstr "Cau de miniatures:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, clear_cache) -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:492 -msgid "Clear cache" -msgstr "Neteja el cau" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, delete_proxies) -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:520 -msgid "Delete proxies" -msgstr "Suprimeix intermediaris" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_13) -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:527 -msgid "Project files" -msgstr "Fitxers del projecte" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_fonts) -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:561 -msgid "Fonts" -msgstr "Tipus de lletra" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_export) -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:575 -msgid "Plain text export" -msgstr "Exporta text net" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:39 -msgid "Render Project" -msgstr "Renderitza el projecte" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:52 -msgid "Output file" -msgstr "Fitxer de sortida" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_9) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:112 -msgid "Encoder threads" -msgstr "Fils del codificador" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, scanning_list) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:131 -msgid "Force Progressive" -msgstr "Força l'escombrat progressiu" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, scanning_list) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:136 -msgid "Force Interlaced" -msgstr "Força l'entrellaçat" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QLineEdit, vbitrates_list) -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QLineEdit, abitrates_list) -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (KComboBox, comboBitrates) -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (KComboBox, comboAudioBitrates) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:176 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:202 -#: src/ui/saveprofile_ui.ui:33 src/ui/saveprofile_ui.ui:87 -msgid "Best to worst quality" -msgstr "De millor a pitjor qualitat" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, checkTwoPass) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:215 -msgid "2 pass" -msgstr "2 passades" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, rescale) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:222 -msgid "Rescale" -msgstr "Reescala" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, export_meta) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:250 -msgid "Export metadata" -msgstr "Exporta metadades" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, tc_overlay) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:276 -msgid "Overlay" -msgstr "Superposició" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, render_full) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:314 -msgid "Fu&ll project" -msgstr "Pro&jecte sencer" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, render_zone) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:324 -msgid "Selected &zone" -msgstr "&Zona seleccionada" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, render_guide) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:331 -msgid "&Guide zone" -msgstr "Zona &guia" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, buttonRender) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:355 -msgid "Render to File" -msgstr "Renderitza a fitxer" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, buttonGenerateScript) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:362 -msgid "Generate Script" -msgstr "Genera un script" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonInfo) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonSelectImages) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:393 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:680 -msgid "I" -msgstr "I" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, show_all_profiles) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:400 -msgid "Show all profiles" -msgstr "Mostra tots els perfils" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, open_browser) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:466 -msgid "Open browser window after export" -msgstr "Obre la finestra de visualització després d'exportar" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, play_after) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:473 -msgid "Play after render" -msgstr "Reprodueix després de renderitzar" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:503 -msgid "to" -msgstr "a" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, create_chapter) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:523 -msgid "Create chapter file based on guides" -msgstr "Crea un fitxer de capítols basat en les guies" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, open_dvd) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:530 -msgid "Open Dvd wizard after rendering" -msgstr "Obre l'assistent de DVD després de renderitzar" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, proxy_render) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:537 -msgid "Render using proxy clips" -msgstr "Renderitza usant clips intermediaris" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, stemAudioExport) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:623 -msgid "Stem audio export" -msgstr "Exportació d'àudio de submescles" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_2) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:631 -msgid "Job Queue" -msgstr "Cua de tasques" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_7) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:710 -msgid "Error Log" -msgstr "Registre d'errors" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, clean_up) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:728 -msgid "Clean Up" -msgstr "Neteja" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, shutdown) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:735 -msgid "Shutdown computer after renderings" -msgstr "Apaga l'ordinador després dels renderitzats" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, start_job) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:742 -msgid "Start Job" -msgstr "Inicia el treball" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_3) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:750 -msgid "Scripts" -msgstr "Scripts" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, start_script) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:778 -msgid "Start Script" -msgstr "Iniciar script" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, delete_script) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:785 -msgid "Delete Script" -msgstr "Suprimeix script" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, lblPaintmode) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, lblPaintMode) -#: src/ui/rgbparade_ui.ui:33 src/ui/vectorscope_ui.ui:29 -#: src/ui/waveform_ui.ui:30 -msgid "Paint mode" -msgstr "Mode de pintat" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, SaveProfile_UI) -#: src/ui/saveprofile_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Save Profile" -msgstr "Desa el perfil" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/ui/saveprofile_ui.ui:60 -msgid "Group" -msgstr "Grup" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: src/ui/saveprofile_ui.ui:108 -msgid "Profile name" -msgstr "Nom del perfil" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/saveprofile_ui.ui:128 -msgid "" -"Parameters (see MLT documentation)" -msgstr "" -"Paràmetres (vegeu la documentació del MLT)" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, SceneCutDialog_UI) -#: src/ui/scenecutdialog_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Scene Cut" -msgstr "Retall d'escena" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, add_markers) -#: src/ui/scenecutdialog_ui.ui:23 -msgid "Add clip markers" -msgstr "Afegeix marcador de clip" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, zone_only) -#: src/ui/scenecutdialog_ui.ui:33 -msgid "Analyze only selected zone" -msgstr "Analitza només la zona seleccionada" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, cut_scenes) -#: src/ui/scenecutdialog_ui.ui:63 -msgid "Cut scenes" -msgstr "Retalla escenes" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, store_data) -#: src/ui/scenecutdialog_ui.ui:70 -msgid "Save result in clip metadata" -msgstr "Desa el resultat en les metadades del clip" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, groupBox) -#: src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:30 -msgid "Image selection method" -msgstr "Mètode de selecció de la imatge" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, method_mime) -#: src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:36 -msgid "&Mimetype" -msgstr "Tipus &MIME" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, method_pattern) -#: src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:46 -msgid "Fi&lename pattern" -msgstr "Pa&tró de nom de fitxer" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_4) -#: src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:70 -msgid "Image Type" -msgstr "Tipus d'imatge" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_5) -#: src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:97 -msgid "First frame" -msgstr "Primer fotograma" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:127 -msgid "Frame Duration" -msgstr "Durada del fotograma" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, show_thumbs) -#: src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:245 -msgid "Show thumbnails" -msgstr "Mostra les miniatures" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: src/ui/smconfig_ui.ui:33 -msgid "Number of frames to play (0 to play all frames)" -msgstr "Nombre de fotogrames a reproduir (0 per reproduir-los tots)" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, groupBox_2) -#: src/ui/smconfig_ui.ui:73 -msgid "Interval Capture" -msgstr "Interval de captura" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/smconfig_ui.ui:79 -msgid "Capture delay" -msgstr "Retard de la captura" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, sm_prenotify) -#: src/ui/smconfig_ui.ui:96 -msgid "Notify before capture" -msgstr "Notifica abans de la captura" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, SpacerDialog_UI) -#: src/ui/spacerdialog_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Add space" -msgstr "Afegeix un espai" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, clip_filesize_3) -#: src/ui/spacerdialog_ui.ui:37 -msgid "Track:" -msgstr "Pista:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, labelFFTSize) -#: src/ui/spectrogram_ui.ui:52 -msgid "True FFT size:" -msgstr "Mida real de la FFT:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, live_button) -#: src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:86 -msgid "Live view" -msgstr "Visualització en directe" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, preview_button) -#: src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:135 -msgid "Preview sequence" -msgstr "Previsualitza la seqüència" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (KComboBox, sequence_name) -#: src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:151 src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:158 -msgid "Sequence name" -msgstr "Nom de la seqüència" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_addsequence) -#: src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:194 -msgid "Add to project" -msgstr "Afegeix al projecte" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/templateclip_ui.ui:17 -msgid "Template" -msgstr "Plantilla" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonFitZoom) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonRealSize) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonVideo) -#: src/ui/timelinebuttons_ui.ui:16 src/ui/timelinebuttons_ui.ui:64 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:553 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:563 -msgid "V" -msgstr "V" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, TitleWidget_UI) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Title Clip" -msgstr "Clip de títol" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, lWidth) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:109 -msgid "W" -msgstr "W" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_19) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:126 -msgid "H" -msgstr "H" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_12) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:184 -msgid "Z-Index:" -msgstr "Índex Z:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:232 -msgid "Item Properties" -msgstr "Propietats de l'element" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:243 -msgid "Fill color" -msgstr "Color d'emplenat" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_11) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:275 -msgid "Border color" -msgstr "Color de la vora" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_18) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:394 -msgid "Outline" -msgstr "Contorn" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, displayBg) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:631 -msgid "Show background" -msgstr "Mostra el fons" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_22) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:645 -msgid "Template:" -msgstr "Plantilla:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonSelectText) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:690 -msgid "T" -msgstr "T" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (whatsThis), widget (QToolButton, buttonSelectAll) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:720 -msgid "Selects all items on the canvas." -msgstr "Selecciona tots els elements en el llenç." - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_14) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:761 -msgid "Zoom:" -msgstr "Zoom:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_21) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:778 -msgid "Rotate Z:" -msgstr "Gir Z:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_20) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:785 -msgid "Rotate Y:" -msgstr "Gir Y:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_15) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:792 -msgid "Rotate X:" -msgstr "Gir X:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_5) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:877 -msgid "Effect" -msgstr "Efecte" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (suffix), widget (QSpinBox, typewriter_delay) -#. i18n: ectx: property (suffix), widget (QSpinBox, typewriter_start) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:1007 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:1030 -msgid " frames" -msgstr " fotogrames" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_16) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:1023 -msgid "Start at" -msgstr "Comença a" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, anim_start) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:1127 -msgid "Edit start" -msgstr "Edita l'inici" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, anim_end) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:1137 -msgid "Edit end" -msgstr "Edita el final" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_7) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:1162 -msgid "Resize" -msgstr "Redimensiona" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, resize50) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:1169 -#, no-c-format -msgid "50%" -msgstr "50%" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, resize100) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:1176 -#, no-c-format -msgid "100%" -msgstr "100%" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, resize200) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:1183 -#, no-c-format -msgid "200%" -msgstr "200%" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, keep_aspect) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:1190 -msgid "Keep aspect ratio" -msgstr "Mantén la relació d'aspecte" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/ui/transitionsettings_ui.ui:23 -msgid "track" -msgstr "pista" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QWidget, UnicodeWidget_UI) -#: src/ui/unicodewidget_ui.ui:20 -msgid "Enter Unicode value" -msgstr "Introduïu el valor Unicode" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/ui/unicodewidget_ui.ui:251 -msgid "Additional Information" -msgstr "Informació addicional" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_reload) -#: src/ui/wizardcapture_ui.ui:17 -msgid "Check" -msgstr "Comprova" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_9) -#: src/ui/wizardcapture_ui.ui:57 -msgid "Capture format:" -msgstr "Format de captura:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/wizardextra_ui.ui:16 -msgid "Default folder for project files" -msgstr "Carpeta predeterminada pels fitxers de projecte" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, autosave) -#: src/ui/wizardextra_ui.ui:59 -msgid "Activate crash recovery (auto save)" -msgstr "Activa la recuperació de fallada (desament automàtic)" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, installmimes) -#: src/ui/wizardextra_ui.ui:66 -msgid "Install extra video mimetypes" -msgstr "Instal·la tipus MIME de vídeo extres" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab) -#: src/ui/wizardmltcheck_ui.ui:21 -msgid "Installed modules" -msgstr "Mòduls instal·lats" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_2) -#: src/ui/wizardmltcheck_ui.ui:63 -msgid "Available Codecs (avformat)" -msgstr "Còdecs disponibles (avformat)" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: src/ui/wizardmltcheck_ui.ui:90 -msgid "Formats" -msgstr "Formats" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/ui/wizardmltcheck_ui.ui:97 -msgid "Video Codecs" -msgstr "Còdecs de vídeo" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/wizardmltcheck_ui.ui:104 -msgid "Audio Codecs" -msgstr "Còdecs d'àudio" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: src/ui/wizardstandard_ui.ui:17 -msgid "Please set your default video profile" -msgstr "Indiqueu el vostre perfil de vídeo predeterminat" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/ui/wizardstandard_ui.ui:24 -msgid "Video Resolution" -msgstr "Resolució de vídeo" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, button_dv) -#: src/ui/wizardstandard_ui.ui:44 -msgid "DV" -msgstr "DV" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, button_all) -#: src/ui/wizardstandard_ui.ui:61 -msgid "Show All" -msgstr "Mostra-ho tot" - -#: src/utils/archiveorg.cpp:78 src/utils/freesound.cpp:86 -#: src/utils/freesound.cpp:184 src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:362 -msgid "Error Loading Data" -msgstr "Error en carregar dades" - -#: src/utils/archiveorg.cpp:91 src/utils/freesound.cpp:95 -#, kde-format -msgid "Found %1 result" -msgid_plural "Found %1 results" -msgstr[0] "S'ha trobat %1 resultat" -msgstr[1] "S'han trobat %1 resultats" - -#: src/utils/freesound.cpp:203 -msgid "Samplerate" -msgstr "Freqüència de mostreig" - -#: src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:67 -msgid "Freesound Audio Library" -msgstr "Biblioteca d'àudio Freesound" - -#: src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:68 -msgid "Archive.org Video Library" -msgstr "Biblioteca de vídeo Archive.org" - -#: src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:69 -msgid "Open Clip Art Graphic Library" -msgstr "Biblioteca de gràfics Open Clip Art" - -#: src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:70 -msgid "Search Online Resources" -msgstr "Cerca recursos en línia" - -#: src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:92 -msgid "Auto Play" -msgstr "Reproducció automàtica" - -#: src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:182 -msgctxt "the url link pointing to a web page" -msgid "link" -msgstr "enllaç" - -#: src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:327 -msgid "File Exists" -msgstr "El fitxer existeix" - -# skip-rule: punctuation-period -#: src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:328 -msgid "Do you want to overwrite the existing file?." -msgstr "Voleu sobreescriure el fitxer existent?" - -#: src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:371 -msgid "Data Imported" -msgstr "Dades importades" - -#: src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:437 -msgid "" -"You need to be online\n" -" for searching" -msgstr "" -"Cal que estigueu connectat\n" -" per cercar" - -#: src/utils/thememanager.cpp:70 -msgctxt "default theme name" -msgid "Default" -msgstr "Per omissió" - -#: src/utils/thememanager.cpp:213 -msgid "Configuration..." -msgstr "Configuració..." - -#: src/utils/thememanager.cpp:227 -msgid "" -"Cannot start Colors Settings panel from KDE Control Center. Please check " -"your system..." -msgstr "" -"No s'ha pogut iniciar el plafó Arranjament del color del Centre de control " -"del KDE. Reviseu el vostre sistema..." - -#~ msgid "Compare effect" -#~ msgstr "Compara un efecte" - -#~ msgid "Blue Screen" -#~ msgstr "Pantalla blava" - -#~ msgid "Selection Parameters" -#~ msgstr "Paràmetres de selecció" - -#~ msgid "Effect List" -#~ msgstr "Llista d'efectes" - -#~ msgid "Transition List" -#~ msgstr "Llista de transicions" - -#~ msgid "Lossless / HQ" -#~ msgstr "Sense pèrdua / HQ" - -#~ msgid "Cannot open playlist producer." -#~ msgstr "No s'ha pogut obrir el productor de la llista de reproducció." - -#~ msgid "Cannot find proper playlist." -#~ msgstr "No s'ha pogut trobar cap llista de reproducció adequada." - -#~| msgid "Reload Clip" -#~ msgid "Expland Clip" -#~ msgstr "Expandeix un clip" - -#~ msgid "Effect Stack" -#~ msgstr "Pila d'efectes" - -#~ msgid "Transition" -#~ msgstr "Transició" - -#~ msgid "Show additional controls" -#~ msgstr "Mostra els controls addicionals" - -#~ msgid "Show/Hide the lines connecting the corners" -#~ msgstr "Mostra/oculta les línies que connecten les cantonades" - -#~ msgid "Playing %1x%2 (%3 fps)" -#~ msgstr "S'està reproduint %1x%2 (%3 fps)" - -#~ msgid "Failed to start device" -#~ msgstr "No s'ha pogut inicialitzar el dispositiu" - -#~ msgid "Estimated time %1" -#~ msgstr "Temps estimat %1" - -#~ msgid "Loading" -#~ msgstr "S'està carregant" - -#~ msgid "Adding clips" -#~ msgstr "Afegint clips" - -#~ msgid "Loading thumbnails" -#~ msgstr "S'estan carregant les miniatures" - -#~ msgid "Loading timeline" -#~ msgstr "S'està carregant la línia de temps" - -#~ msgid "Setting monitor" -#~ msgstr "S'està configurant el monitor" - -#~ msgid "Up" -#~ msgstr "A dalt" - -#~ msgid "Add effect to Current Stack" -#~ msgstr "Afegeix un efecte a la pila actual" - -#~ msgid "Fun" -#~ msgstr "Diversió" - -#~ msgctxt "effects and transitions keyboard shortcuts" -#~ msgid "Effects & Transitions" -#~ msgstr "Efectes i transicions" - -#~ msgctxt "timeline track keyboard shortcuts" -#~ msgid "Timeline and Tracks" -#~ msgstr "Línia de temps i pistes" - -#~ msgid "MPEG clip (*.mpeg *.mpg *.vob)" -#~ msgstr "Clip MPEG (*.mpeg *.mpg *.vob)" - -#~ msgid "Transcoding to DVD format" -#~ msgstr "S'està recodificant al format DVD" - -#~ msgid "before" -#~ msgstr "abans" - -#~ msgid "after" -#~ msgstr "després" - -#~ msgid "Set zone start" -#~ msgstr "Estableix l'inici de zona" - -#~ msgid "Set zone end" -#~ msgstr "Estableix el final de zona" - -#~ msgid "Project profile was not found, using default profile." -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "No s'ha trobat el perfil de projecte. S'utilitzarà el perfil " -#~ "predeterminat." - -#~ msgid "Missing Profile" -#~ msgstr "No s'ha trobat el perfil" - -#~ msgid "Project profile not found, replacing with existing one: %1" -#~ msgstr "Perfil del projecte no trobat. Es reemplaça amb un existent: %1" - -#~ msgid "Existing Profile" -#~ msgstr "Perfil existent" - -#~ msgid "" -#~ "Your project uses an unknown profile.\n" -#~ "It uses an existing profile name: %1.\n" -#~ "Please choose a new name to save it" -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "El vostre projecte fa servir un perfil desconegut.\n" -#~ "Fa servir un nom de perfil existent: %1.\n" -#~ "Si us plau, escolliu un nom nou per desar-lo." - -#~ msgid "Project profile was not found, it will be added to your system now." -#~ msgstr "Perfil del projecte no trobat. S'afegirà al sistema ara." - -#~ msgid "Buttons overlapping" -#~ msgstr "Botons sobreposats" - -#~ msgid "No button in menu" -#~ msgstr "No hi ha cap botó al menú" - -#~ msgid "Missing background image" -#~ msgstr "Manca una imatge de fons" - -#~ msgid "No menu entry for %1" -#~ msgstr "No hi ha cap entrada de menú per %1" - -#~ msgid "Blackmagic Decklink" -#~ msgstr "Blackmagic Decklink" - -#~ msgid "Delete data" -#~ msgstr "Suprimeix les dades" - -#~ msgid "Add data" -#~ msgstr "Afegeix dades" - -#~ msgid "Importing project effects" -#~ msgstr "S'està important els efectes del projecte" - -#~ msgid "Load Image" -#~ msgstr "Carrega una imatge" - -#~ msgid "" -#~ "The project file contains missing clips or files and clip duration " -#~ "mismatch" -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "El fitxer del projecte conté clips o fitxers que manquen i durades de " -#~ "clip desquadrades" - -#~ msgid "The project file contains clips with duration mismatch" -#~ msgstr "El fitxer del projecte conté clips amb durades desquadrades" - -#~ msgid "Duration mismatch" -#~ msgstr "Durades desquadrades" - -#~ msgid "Fix duration mismatch" -#~ msgstr "Corregeix durades desiguals" - -#~ msgid "Movit: Blur" -#~ msgstr "Movit: Difuminat" - -#~ msgid "Sharpens in a more intelligent way" -#~ msgstr "Aguditza d'una manera més intel·ligent" - -#~ msgid "Movit: Diffusion" -#~ msgstr "Movit: Difusió" - -#~ msgid "Movit: Glow" -#~ msgstr "Movit: Lluïssor" - -#~ msgid "Do simple color grading" -#~ msgstr "Fa una gradació senzilla de colors " - -#~ msgid "Movit: Mirror" -#~ msgstr "Movit: Mirall" - -#~ msgid "Flips the image horizontally" -#~ msgstr "Gira la imatge horitzontalment" - -#~ msgid "Movit: Opacity" -#~ msgstr "Movit: Opacitat" - -#~ msgid "Change the opacity of the image" -#~ msgstr "Canvia l'opacitat de la imatge" - -#~ msgid "Movit: Saturation" -#~ msgstr "Movit: Saturació" - -#~ msgid "Saturate or desaturate the image" -#~ msgstr "Satura o dessatura la imatge" - -#~ msgid "Sharpens the image by subtracting a blurred copy" -#~ msgstr "Aguditza la imatge restant una còpia borrosa" - -#~ msgid "Movit: Vignette" -#~ msgstr "Movit: Vinyetatge" - -#~ msgid "Movit: White balance" -#~ msgstr "Movit: Balanç de blancs" - -#~ msgid "XVideo" -#~ msgstr "XVideo" - -#~ msgid "X11" -#~ msgstr "X11" - -#~ msgid "XFree86 DGA 2.0" -#~ msgstr "XFree86 DGA 2.0" - -#~ msgid "Nano X" -#~ msgstr "Nano X" - -#~ msgid "Framebuffer console" -#~ msgstr "Consola Framebuffer" - -#~ msgid "Direct FB" -#~ msgstr "FB directe" - -#~ msgid "SVGAlib" -#~ msgstr "SVGAlib" - -#~ msgid "General graphics interface" -#~ msgstr "Interfície gràfica general" - -#~ msgid "Ascii art library" -#~ msgstr "Biblioteca d'art Ascii " - -#~ msgid "Clip %1
is invalid, what do you want to do?" -#~ msgstr "El clip %1
no és vàlid. Què voleu fer?" - -#~ msgid "File not found" -#~ msgstr "No s'ha trobat el fitxer" - -#~ msgid "Search automatically" -#~ msgstr "Cerca automàticament" - -#~ msgid "Keep as placeholder" -#~ msgstr "Mantén com a text variable" - -#~ msgid "Clip %1
is invalid or missing, what do you want to do?" -#~ msgstr "El clip %1
no és vàlid o manca. Què voleu fer?" - -#~ msgid "Search manually" -#~ msgstr "Cerca manualment" - -#~ msgid "Looking for %1" -#~ msgstr "S'està cercant %1" - -#~ msgid "Show previous keyframe" -#~ msgstr "Mostra el fotograma clau anterior" - -#~ msgid "Project Tree" -#~ msgstr "Arbre del projecte" - -#~ msgid "Adjust Profile to Current Clip" -#~ msgstr "Ajusta el perfil al clip actual" - -#~ msgid "Save clip zone as:" -#~ msgstr "Desa la zona del clip com a:" - -#~ msgid "Description:" -#~ msgstr "Descripció:" - -#~ msgid "" -#~ "Cannot start MLT's renderer:\n" -#~ "%1" -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "No s'ha pogut iniciar el renderitzador del MLT:\n" -#~ "%1" - -#~ msgid "Timeout while creating xml output" -#~ msgstr "Ha caducat el temps en crear la sortida XML" - -#~ msgid "Resize (100%)" -#~ msgstr "Redimensiona (100%)" - -#~ msgid "Resize (50%)" -#~ msgstr "Redimensiona (50%)" - -#~ msgid "" -#~ "Clip %1
already exists in project, what do you want to do?" -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "El clip %1
ja no existeix en el projecte. Què voleu fer?" - -#~ msgid "Clip already exists" -#~ msgstr "El clip ja existeix" - -#~ msgid "" -#~ "Clip %1
is on a removable device, will not be available when " -#~ "device is unplugged" -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "El clip %1
està en un dispositiu extraïble. No estarà " -#~ "disponible quan el dispositiu es desendolli" - -#~ msgid "File on a Removable Device" -#~ msgstr "Fitxer en un dispositiu extraïble" - -#~ msgid "Copy file to project folder" -#~ msgstr "Copia el fitxer a la carpeta del projecte" - -#~ msgid "Continue" -#~ msgstr "Continua" - -#~ msgid "" -#~ "This will remove the following files from your hard drive.\n" -#~ "This action cannot be undone, only use if you know what you are doing.\n" -#~ "Are you sure you want to continue?" -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "Això eliminarà els següents fitxers del vostre disc dur.\n" -#~ "Aquesta acció no es pot desfer; utilitzeu-la només si sabeu què esteu " -#~ "fent.\n" -#~ "Esteu segur que voleu continuar?" - -#~ msgid "Delete unused clips" -#~ msgstr "Suprimeix els clips no utilitzats" - -#~ msgid "Process clip" -#~ msgstr "Processament del clip" - -#~ msgid "Open Clips" -#~ msgstr "Obre clips" - -#~ msgid "Cancel job" -#~ msgid_plural "Cancel jobs" -#~ msgstr[0] "Cancel·la el treball" -#~ msgstr[1] "Cancel·la els treballs" - -#~ msgid "Cannot find clip to process filter %1" -#~ msgstr "No s'ha pogut trobar cap clip per processar el filtre %1" - -#~ msgid "Cannot reverse clip" -#~ msgstr "No s'ha pogut invertir el clip" - -#~ msgid "Cannot render reversed clip" -#~ msgstr "No s'ha pogut renderitzar el clip invertit" - -#~ msgid "" -#~ "Your project's profile %1 is not compatible with the blackmagic output " -#~ "card. Please see supported profiles below. Switching to normal video " -#~ "display." -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "El perfil del projecte %1 no és compatible amb la targeta de sortida " -#~ "«blackmagic». Vegeu els perfils acceptats a sota. Es tornarà a la " -#~ "pantalla de vídeo normal." - -#~ msgid "Hide track" -#~ msgstr "Oculta la pista" - -#~ msgid "Mute track" -#~ msgstr "Silencia la pista" - -#~ msgid "Invalid clip producer %1\n" -#~ msgstr "Productor de clip no vàlid %1\n" - -#~ msgid "Removed invalid transition: (%1, %2, %3)" -#~ msgstr "S'ha eliminat una transició no vàlida: (%1, %2, %3)" - -#~ msgid "Removed overlapping transition: (%1, %2, %3)" -#~ msgstr "S'ha eliminat una transició superposada: (%1, %2, %3)" - -#~ msgid "Replaced wrong clip producer %1 with %2" -#~ msgstr "Productor de clips no valid %1 reemplaçat per %2" - -#~ msgid "Broken clip producer %1, recreated base clip: %2" -#~ msgstr "El productor de clip %1 és erroni, s'ha recreat el clip base: %2" - -#~ msgid "Broken clip producer %1, removed from project" -#~ msgstr "El productor de clip %1 és erroni, s'ha eliminat del projecte" - -#~ msgid "Desktop search integration" -#~ msgstr "Integració amb la cerca d'escriptori" - -#~ msgid "Video driver:" -#~ msgstr "Controlador de vídeo:" - -#~ msgid "Normalise audio for thumbnails" -#~ msgstr "Normalitza l'àudio a les miniatures" - -#~ msgid "All" -#~ msgstr "Tots" - -#~ msgid "Custom" -#~ msgstr "A mida" - -#~ msgid "with track" -#~ msgstr "amb la pista" - -#~ msgid "DV module (libdv)" -#~ msgstr "Mòdul DV (libdv)" - -#~ msgid "Required to work with dv files if avformat module is not installed" -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "Necessari per treballar amb fitxers dv si el mòdul avformat no està " -#~ "instal·lat" - -#~ msgid "Open projects in new tabs" -#~ msgstr "Obre els projectes en pestanyes noves" - -#~ msgid "Delete clips" -#~ msgstr "Suprimeix els clips" - -#~ msgid "Check online manual" -#~ msgstr "Comprova al manual en línia" - -#~ msgid "" -#~ "Please report bugs to http://" -#~ "kdenlive.org/mantis" -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "Si us plau, informeu dels errors a http://kdenlive.org/mantis" - -#~ msgid "Close the current tab" -#~ msgstr "Tanca la pestanya actual" - -#~ msgid "License: %1" -#~ msgstr "Llicència: %1" - -#~ msgid "Edit keyframe" -#~ msgstr "Edita fotograma clau" - -#~ msgid "99:99:99:99; " -#~ msgstr "99:99:99:99; " - -#~ msgid ":::" -#~ msgstr ":::" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Stabilize" -#~ msgid "Stabilize (vid.stab)" -#~ msgstr "Estabilitza" - -#, fuzzy -#~ msgid "Lower is better" -#~ msgstr "Projecte" - -#~ msgid "Bitrate" -#~ msgstr "Taxa de bits" - -#~ msgid "Color opacity" -#~ msgstr "Opacitat del color" - -#~ msgid "Border opacity" -#~ msgstr "Opacitat de la vora" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Color opacity" -#~ msgid "Font color opacity" -#~ msgstr "Opacitat del color" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Background color opacity" -#~ msgid "Outline color opacity" -#~ msgstr "Opacitat del color de fons" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Stabilize" -#~ msgid "Stabilize (vstab)" -#~ msgstr "Estabilitza" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Stabilize finished." -#~ msgid "Stabilize (transcode)" -#~ msgstr "Ha acabat l'estabilització" - -#~ msgid "" -#~ "Firewire is not enabled on your system.\n" -#~ " Please install Libiec61883 and recompile Kdenlive" -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "Firewire no està activat al teu sistema.\n" -#~ "Si us plau instal·la Libiec61883 i torna a compilar Kdenlive" - -#~ msgid "There is no clip, cannot extract frame." -#~ msgstr "No hi ha cap clip. No es pot extreure cap fotograma." - -#~ msgid "Clone" -#~ msgstr "Clona" - -#~ msgid "" -#~ "Select a region using the mouse. To take the snapshot, press the Enter " -#~ "key. Press Esc to quit." -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "Selecciona una regió fent servir el ratolí. Per prendre la captura de " -#~ "pantalla, prem la tecla Enter. Prem Esc per sortir." - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Edit effect %1" -#~ msgid "Add effect %1" -#~ msgstr "Edita efecte %1" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "GraphView" -#~ msgid "Graphic Scene" -#~ msgstr "GraphView" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Min" -#~ msgid "Bin" -#~ msgstr "Mín" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Set Zone In" -#~ msgid "Zone in" -#~ msgstr "Estableix l'inici de zona" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Set Zone Out" -#~ msgid "Zone out" -#~ msgstr "Estableix el final de zona" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Monitor audio signal" -#~ msgid "Monitor Audio" -#~ msgstr "Monitoritza el senyal d'àudio" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Set Zone In" -#~ msgid "Use Zone" -#~ msgstr "Estableix l'inici de zona" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Set Zone In" -#~ msgid "Zone In" -#~ msgstr "Estableix l'inici de zona" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Set Zone Out" -#~ msgid "Zone Out" -#~ msgstr "Estableix el final de zona" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Edit clip" -#~ msgid "Editing clip: %1" -#~ msgstr "Edita clip" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Author:" -#~ msgid "Author: " -#~ msgstr "Autor:" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Add Clip To Selection" -#~ msgid "Add clip to timeline" -#~ msgstr "Afegeix un clip a la selecció" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Remove proxy clip" -#~| msgid_plural "Remove proxy clips" -#~ msgid "Remove clip from timeline" -#~ msgstr "Elimina el clip intermediari" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Resize clip" -#~ msgid "Resize Clip" -#~ msgstr "Redimensiona el clip" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Unable to open project" -#~ msgid "Failed to open project %1" -#~ msgstr "No s'ha pogut obrir el projecte" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Change track" -#~ msgid "Change track name" -#~ msgstr "Canvia la pista" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Hide track" -#~ msgid "Hide Track" -#~ msgstr "Oculta la pista" - -#, fuzzy -#~ msgid "Show Track" -#~ msgstr "Mostra les miniatures" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Mute track" -#~ msgid "Mute Track" -#~ msgstr "Silencia la pista" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Rename Track" -#~ msgid "Unmute Track" -#~ msgstr "Reanomena la pista" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Lock track" -#~ msgid "Lock Track" -#~ msgstr "Bloqueja la pista" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Unlock track" -#~ msgid "Unlock Track" -#~ msgstr "Desbloqueja la pista" - -#, fuzzy -#~ msgid "Marker %1" -#~ msgstr "Marcador" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Show Timeline" -#~ msgid "Show Tool Panel" -#~ msgstr "Mostra la línia de temps" - -#~ msgid "Add new effect" -#~ msgstr "Afegeix un nou efecte" - -#~ msgid "Reset effect" -#~ msgstr "Reinicialitzar efecte" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Effect Stack" -#~ msgid "EffStack3" -#~ msgstr "Pila d'efectes" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Image clip" -#~ msgid "Image Clip" -#~ msgstr "Clip d'imatge" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Video clip" -#~ msgid "Video Clip" -#~ msgstr "Vídeo clip" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Move clip" -#~ msgid "Webvfx Clip" -#~ msgstr "Mou el clip" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Format" -#~ msgid "Form" -#~ msgstr "Format" - -#, fuzzy -#~ msgid "" -#~ "Capture crashed, please check your parameters.\n" -#~ "Exit code: %1" -#~ msgstr "Captura trencada. Si us plau verifiqueu els vostres paràmetres" - -#~ msgid "" -#~ "Recordmydesktop utility not found, please install it for " -#~ "screen grabs" -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "No s'ha trobat la utilitat Recordmydesktop. Si us plau, " -#~ "instal·leu-la per poder fer captures de pantalla" - -#~ msgid "Recordmydesktop found at: %1" -#~ msgstr "Recordmydesktop trobat a: %1" - -#~ msgid "Encoding captured video..." -#~ msgstr "S'està codificant el vídeo capturat..." - -#~ msgid "48000" -#~ msgstr "48000" - -#~ msgid "41000" -#~ msgstr "41000" - -#~ msgid "32000" -#~ msgstr "32000" - -#~ msgid "22500" -#~ msgstr "22500" - -#~ msgid "11250" -#~ msgstr "11250" - -#~ msgid "Buffer" -#~ msgstr "Memòria intermèdia" - -#~ msgid "Jack" -#~ msgstr "Jack" - -#~ msgid "Ports:" -#~ msgstr "Ports:" - -#~ msgid "Bit rate" -#~ msgstr "Taxa de bits" - -#~ msgid "Full shots" -#~ msgstr "Fotogrames sencers" - -#~ msgid "Required for webcam capture" -#~ msgstr "Necessari per la captura amb càmeres web" - -#~ msgid "recordmydesktop" -#~ msgstr "recordmydesktop" - -#~ msgid "Script name (will be saved in: %1)" -#~ msgstr "Nom de l'script (serà desat a %1)" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Motion" -#~ msgid "Motion vectors" -#~ msgstr "Moviment" - -#~ msgid "Button colors" -#~ msgstr "Colors del botó" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Luma file" -#~ msgid "Load marker file" -#~ msgstr "Fitxer de luma" - -#~ msgid "You need program %1 to perform this action" -#~ msgstr "Necessiteu el programa %1 per dur a terme aquesta acció" - -#, fuzzy -#~ msgid "Add new clip to project" -#~ msgstr "Afegeix un clip al projecte" - -#~ msgid "x1" -#~ msgstr "x1" - -#~ msgid "Crop" -#~ msgstr "Escapça" - -#~ msgid "Autodetected capture devices" -#~ msgstr "Dispositius de captura autodetectats" - -#~ msgid "Select capture format" -#~ msgstr "Selecciona el format de captura" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Region" -#~ msgid "Change Region" -#~ msgstr "Regió" - -#~ msgctxt "@action:button" -#~ msgid "Close" -#~ msgstr "Tanca" - -#~ msgid "fps" -#~ msgstr "fps" - -#~ msgid "Image name" -#~ msgstr "Nom d'imatge" - -#~ msgid "Supported capture modes:\n" -#~ msgstr "Modes de captura implementats:\n" - -#~ msgid "Stabilizing FAILED!" -#~ msgstr "Ha FALLAT l'estabilització!" - -#~ msgid "Close after stabilizing" -#~ msgstr "Tanca després d'estabilitzar" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Project Settings" -#~ msgid "Preview Settings" -#~ msgstr "Paràmetres del projecte" - -#~ msgid "Quick preview" -#~ msgstr "Vista prèvia ràpida" - -#~ msgid "Full preview" -#~ msgstr "Vista prèvia completa" - -#~ msgid "No preview" -#~ msgstr "Sense vista prèvia" - -#~ msgid "Blur image with keyframes" -#~ msgstr "Difumina imatge amb fotogrames clau" - -#~ msgid "IIR Blur" -#~ msgstr "Difuminat IIR" - -#~ msgid "Variable-size square blur (frei0r.squareblur)" -#~ msgstr "Difuminat quadrat de mida variable (frei0r.squareblur)" - -#~ msgid "Configure Track" -#~ msgstr "Configura la pista" - -#~ msgid "Job crashed" -#~ msgstr "La tasca ha fallat" - -#~ msgid "Progress" -#~ msgstr "Progrés" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Output file" -#~ msgid "Cut file" -#~ msgstr "Fitxer de sortida" - -#~| msgid "Parameters" -#~ msgid "Extra parameters" -#~ msgstr "Paràmetres extra" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Add clip" -#~ msgid "clip cut" -#~ msgstr "Afegeix un clip" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Monitor Preview Speedup Settings" -#~ msgid "Capture preview settings" -#~ msgstr "Paràmetres de velocitat del monitor de previsualització" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "video4linux2" -#~ msgid "Video4Linux" -#~ msgstr "Video4Linux" - -#~ msgid "Transcoding FAILED!" -#~ msgstr "Ha FALLAT la transcodificació!" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Add proxy clip" -#~| msgid_plural "Add proxy clips" -#~ msgid "Building proxy clip" -#~ msgstr "Afegeix un clip intermediari" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Transcoding finished." -#~ msgid "Transcoding crashed" -#~ msgstr "La transcodificació ha finalitzat." - -#~ msgid "Proxy %1\\%" -#~ msgstr "Intermediari %1\\%" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Opacity" -#~ msgid "Fill opacity" -#~ msgstr "Opacitat" - -#~ msgid "Select clip to change speed" -#~ msgstr "Selecciona un clip per canviar la velocitat" - -#~ msgid "Edit Clip Speed" -#~ msgstr "Edita la velocitat del clip" - -#~ msgid "New speed (percents)" -#~ msgstr "Nova velocitat (percentatge)" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Reached end of project" -#~ msgid "Read only project" -#~ msgstr "S'ha arribat al final del projecte" - -#~ msgid "/dev/dsp" -#~ msgstr "/dev/dsp" - -#~ msgid "/dev/video0" -#~ msgstr "/dev/video0" - -#~ msgid "0" -#~ msgstr "0" - -#~ msgid "320x240" -#~ msgstr "320x240" - -#~ msgid "Add audio fade" -#~ msgstr "Afegeix un esvaïment d'àudio" - -#~ msgid "Add transition" -#~ msgstr "Afegeix una transició" - -#~ msgid "Audio device" -#~ msgstr "Dispositiu d'àudio" - -#~ msgid "Audio fade duration: %1s" -#~ msgstr "Durada de l'esvaïment d'àudio: %1s" - -#~ msgid "Cannot find clip with keyframe" -#~ msgstr "No es pot trobar un clip amb fotograma clau" - -#~ msgid "Capture params" -#~ msgstr "Paràmetres de captura" - -#~ msgid "Center" -#~ msgstr "Centre" - -#~ msgid "Change Track" -#~ msgstr "Canvia la pista" - -#~ msgid "Change Track Type" -#~ msgstr "Canvia el tipus de pista" - -#~ msgid "Change track type" -#~ msgstr "Canvia el tipus de pista" - -#~ msgid "Channel 1" -#~ msgstr "Canal 1" - -#~ msgid "Channel 2" -#~ msgstr "Canal 2" - -#~ msgid "Channel 3" -#~ msgstr "Canal 3" - -#~ msgid "Channel 4" -#~ msgstr "Canal 4" - -#~ msgid "Channel 5" -#~ msgstr "Canal 5" - -#~ msgid "Channel 6" -#~ msgstr "Canal 6" - -#~ msgid "Clip duration: %1s" -#~ msgstr "Durada del clip: %1s" - -#~ msgid "Clip speed" -#~ msgstr "Velocitat del clip" - -#~ msgid "Contrast0r" -#~ msgstr "Contrast0r" - -#~ msgid "Copyright (c) 2009 Development team" -#~ msgstr "Copyright (c) 2009 L'equip de desenvolupament" - -#~ msgid "Cut" -#~ msgstr "Retalla" - -#~ msgid "Do nothing" -#~ msgstr "No fer res" - -#~ msgid "Drop B frames on H.264 clips" -#~ msgstr "Descarta els fotogrames B als clips H.264" - -#~ msgid "Dw" -#~ msgstr "Dw" - -#~ msgid "Encoding params" -#~ msgstr "Paràmetres de codificació" - -#~ msgid "Error starting MLT's command line player (melt)" -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "S'ha produït un error en arrancar el reproductor de línia d'ordres de MLT " -#~ "(melt)" - -#~ msgid "Error starting MLT's command line player (melt)." -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "S'ha produït un error en iniciar el reproductor de línia d'ordres de MLT " -#~ "(melt)." - -#~ msgid "Fill transparency" -#~ msgstr "Omplir transparència" - -#~ msgid "Forward 1 frame" -#~ msgstr "Avança 1 fotograma" - -#~ msgid "Frame Geometry" -#~ msgstr "Geometria del fotograma" - -#~ msgid "Gain out" -#~ msgstr "Pèrdua" - -#~ msgid "Hor. Center" -#~ msgstr "Centrat horitzontal" - -#~ msgid "Horizontal factor" -#~ msgstr "Factor horitzontal" - -#~ msgid "Invalid action" -#~ msgstr "Acció no vàlida" - -#~ msgid "MLT Connection, Transition, Effect, Timeline Developer" -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "Connexió amb MLT, desenvolupament de transicions, efectes i línia de temps" - -#~ msgid "MLT version is correct" -#~ msgstr "La versió de MLT és correcta" - -#~ msgid "" -#~ "MLT's SDL module not found. Please check your MLT install. Kdenlive will " -#~ "not work until this issue is fixed." -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "No s'ha trobat el mòdul SDL de MLT. Si us plau verifiqueu la vostra " -#~ "instal·lació de MLT. Kdenlive no pot executar-se fins que aquest problema " -#~ "no s'hagi resolt." - -#~ msgid "Monitor background color (requires restart)" -#~ msgstr "Color de fons del monitor (requereix reiniciar)" - -#~ msgid "NTSC" -#~ msgstr "NTSC" - -#~ msgid "New Track Name" -#~ msgstr "Nou nom de pista" - -#~ msgid "PAL" -#~ msgstr "PAL" - -#~ msgid "Play / Pause" -#~ msgstr "Reproducció / Pausa" - -#~ msgid "Resize..." -#~ msgstr "Redimensiona..." - -#~ msgid "Reverb Time" -#~ msgstr "Temps de reverberació" - -#~ msgid "Reverse playing" -#~ msgstr "Reproducció enrere" - -#~ msgid "Rewind 1 frame" -#~ msgstr "Rebobina 1 fotograma" - -#~ msgid "Rotate:" -#~ msgstr "Girar:" - -#~ msgid "Saturat0r" -#~ msgstr "Saturat0r" - -#~ msgid "Set In Point" -#~ msgstr "Punt d'entrada" - -#~ msgid "Set Out Point" -#~ msgstr "Punt de sortida" - -#~ msgid "Sox Vibro" -#~ msgstr "«Vibro» del Sox" - -#~ msgid "Sox change audio balance" -#~ msgstr "Efecte d'àudio balanç del Sox" - -#~ msgid "Start Rendering" -#~ msgstr "Inicia la renderització" - -#~ msgid "Thumbnail" -#~ msgstr "Miniatura" - -#~ msgid "Timecode overlay" -#~ msgstr "Solapament de codi de temps" - -#~ msgid "Vert. Center" -#~ msgstr "Centrat vertical" - -#~ msgid "Vertical factor" -#~ msgstr "Factor vertical" - -#~ msgid "You must be in an empty space to remove space (time: %1, track:%2)" -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "Heu de ser en un espai buit per poder eliminar espai (temps: %1, pista: " -#~ "%2)" - -#~ msgid "" -#~ "_: EMAIL OF TRANSLATORS\n" -#~ "Your emails" -#~ msgstr "herrej01@gmail.com,orestes@tsc.upc.edu" - -#~ msgid "" -#~ "_: NAME OF TRANSLATORS\n" -#~ "Your names" -#~ msgstr "Joan M. Herrera,Orestes Mas" - -#~ msgid "oss" -#~ msgstr "oss" - -#~ msgid "Change Clip Speed" -#~ msgstr "Canvia la velocitat del clip" - -#~ msgid "EndViewport" -#~ msgstr "EndViewport" - -#~ msgid "Gain as Percentage" -#~ msgstr "Guany com a percentatge" - -#~ msgid "Mkisofs" -#~ msgstr "Mkisofs" - -#~ msgid "Normal title clip" -#~ msgstr "Clip de títol normal" - -#~ msgid "Rendering %1" -#~ msgstr "Renderitzant %1" - -#~ msgid "Rendering of %1 aborted, resulting video will probably be corrupted." -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "Renderització de %1 interrompuda. El vídeo obtingut probablement s'ha fet " -#~ "malbé." - -#~ msgid "Start-/EndViewport" -#~ msgstr "Start-/EndViewport" - -#~ msgid "Y:" -#~ msgstr "Y:" - -#~ msgid "You must be in an empty space to remove space (time=%1, track:%2)" -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "Heu de ser-hi en un espai buit per eliminar espais (temps: %1, pista: %2)" diff -Nru kdenlive-15.13.0+git20160206.6705c57a/po/ca@valencia/CMakeLists.txt kdenlive-15.13.0+git20160206.cee1bbb6/po/ca@valencia/CMakeLists.txt --- kdenlive-15.13.0+git20160206.6705c57a/po/ca@valencia/CMakeLists.txt 2016-02-06 09:13:45.000000000 +0000 +++ kdenlive-15.13.0+git20160206.cee1bbb6/po/ca@valencia/CMakeLists.txt 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -GETTEXT_PROCESS_PO_FILES(ca@valencia ALL INSTALL_DESTINATION ${LOCALE_INSTALL_DIR} kdenlive.po) diff -Nru kdenlive-15.13.0+git20160206.6705c57a/po/ca@valencia/kdenlive.po kdenlive-15.13.0+git20160206.cee1bbb6/po/ca@valencia/kdenlive.po --- kdenlive-15.13.0+git20160206.6705c57a/po/ca@valencia/kdenlive.po 2016-02-06 09:13:45.000000000 +0000 +++ kdenlive-15.13.0+git20160206.cee1bbb6/po/ca@valencia/kdenlive.po 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 @@ -1,13151 +0,0 @@ -# Translation of kdenlive.po to Catalan (Valencian) -# Copyright (C) 2009-2015 This_file_is_part_of_KDE -# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package. -# -# Orestes Mas , 2009, 2011, 2012, 2015. -# Josep Ma. Ferrer , 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015. -# Antoni Bella Pérez , 2012, 2014, 2015. -msgid "" -msgstr "" -"Project-Id-Version: kdenlive\n" -"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugs.kde.org\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-12-11 07:07+0000\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-12-06 16:59+0100\n" -"Last-Translator: Josep Ma. Ferrer \n" -"Language-Team: Catalan \n" -"Language: ca@valencia\n" -"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" -"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" -"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" -"X-Generator: Lokalize 1.5\n" -"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;\n" -"X-Accelerator-Marker: &\n" - -msgctxt "NAME OF TRANSLATORS" -msgid "Your names" -msgstr "Josep Ma. Ferrer,Orestes Mas" - -msgctxt "EMAIL OF TRANSLATORS" -msgid "Your emails" -msgstr "txemaq@gmail.com,orestes@tsc.upc.edu" - -#: data/effects/audiobalance.xml:3 data/effects/audiobalance.xml:7 -msgid "Balance" -msgstr "Balanç" - -#: data/effects/audiobalance.xml:4 -msgid "Adjust the left/right balance" -msgstr "Ajusta el balanç esquerra/dreta" - -#: data/effects/audiopan.xml:3 data/effects/audiopan.xml:11 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:347 src/project/dialogs/slideshowclip.cpp:73 -msgid "Pan" -msgstr "Panoràmica" - -#: data/effects/audiopan.xml:4 -msgid "Adjust the left/right spread of a channel" -msgstr "Ajusta la difusió esquerra/dreta d'un canal." - -#: data/effects/audiopan.xml:7 data/effects/channelcopy.xml:7 -#: data/effects/channelcopy.xml:11 -msgid "Left,Right" -msgstr "Esquerra,Dreta" - -#: data/effects/audiopan.xml:8 data/effects/frei0r_bezier_curves.xml:9 -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:9 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:66 -#: data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:10 data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:42 -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:25 -msgid "Channel" -msgstr "Canal" - -#: data/effects/audiowave.xml:3 -msgid "Audio Wave" -msgstr "Ona d'àudio" - -#: data/effects/audiowave.xml:4 -msgid "Display the audio waveform instead of the video" -msgstr "Mostra la forma de l'ona de l'àudio en lloc del vídeo" - -#: data/effects/audiowaveform.xml:3 -msgid "Audio Waveform Filter" -msgstr "Filtre de forma d'ona d'àudio" - -#: data/effects/audiowaveform.xml:6 data/effects/dynamictext.xml:22 -#: data/effects/pan_zoom.xml:13 data/effects/rotation.xml:40 -#: data/effects/rotation_keyframable.xml:22 -msgid "Background Color" -msgstr "Color de fons" - -#: data/effects/audiowaveform.xml:9 data/effects/dynamictext.xml:19 -msgid "Foreground Color" -msgstr "Color de primer pla" - -#: data/effects/audiowaveform.xml:12 -msgid "Line Thickness" -msgstr "Gruix línia" - -#: data/effects/audiowaveform.xml:15 data/effects/movit_rect.xml:6 -#: data/effects/pan_zoom.xml:7 -msgid "Rectangle" -msgstr "Rectangle" - -#: data/effects/audiowaveform.xml:18 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:721 -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:766 -msgid "Fill" -msgstr "Omple" - -#: data/effects/automask.xml:3 -msgid "Auto Mask" -msgstr "Auto màscara" - -#: data/effects/automask.xml:4 -msgid "Hide a selected zone and follow its movements" -msgstr "Oculta una zona seleccionada i seguir els seus moviments" - -#: data/effects/automask.xml:7 data/effects/dynamictext.xml:7 -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:718 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:745 -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:763 -msgid "Geometry" -msgstr "Geometria" - -#: data/effects/automask.xml:10 -msgid "Macroblock width" -msgstr "Amplada del macrobloc" - -#: data/effects/automask.xml:13 -msgid "Macroblock height" -msgstr "Alçada del macrobloc" - -#: data/effects/automask.xml:16 -msgid "Maximum x distance" -msgstr "Distància X màxima" - -#: data/effects/automask.xml:19 -msgid "Maximum y distance" -msgstr "Distància Y màxima" - -#: data/effects/automask.xml:22 -msgid "Denoise" -msgstr "Reducció de soroll" - -#: data/effects/automask.xml:25 -msgid "Debug" -msgstr "Depuració" - -#: data/effects/automask.xml:28 data/effects/obscure.xml:3 -msgid "Obscure" -msgstr "Enfosquir" - -#: data/effects/automask.xml:36 data/effects/loudness.xml:12 -msgid "Analyse" -msgstr "Anàlisi" - -#: data/effects/boxblur.xml:3 -msgid "Box Blur" -msgstr "Difuminat de quadre" - -#: data/effects/boxblur.xml:4 -msgid "Box blur (separate horizontal and vertical blur)" -msgstr "Difuminat de quadre (separa el difuminat horitzontal i el vertical)" - -#: data/effects/boxblur.xml:7 -msgid "Horizontal multiplicator" -msgstr "Multiplicador horitzontal" - -#: data/effects/boxblur.xml:10 -msgid "Vertical multiplicator" -msgstr "Multiplicador vertical" - -#: data/effects/boxblur.xml:13 -msgid "Blur factor" -msgstr "Factor de difuminat" - -#: data/effects/brightness.xml:3 -msgid "Brightness (keyframable)" -msgstr "Brillantor (amb fotogrames clau)" - -#: data/effects/brightness.xml:4 -msgid "Change image brightness with keyframes" -msgstr "Canvia la brillantor d'imatge amb fotogrames clau" - -#: data/effects/brightness.xml:7 -msgid "Intensity" -msgstr "Intensitat" - -#: data/effects/channelcopy.xml:3 -msgid "Mono to stereo" -msgstr "Mono a estèreo" - -#: data/effects/channelcopy.xml:4 -msgid "Copy one channel to another" -msgstr "Copia un canal a l'altre" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_4) -#: data/effects/channelcopy.xml:8 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:486 -msgid "From" -msgstr "De" - -#: data/effects/channelcopy.xml:12 -msgid "To" -msgstr "A" - -#: data/effects/charcoal.xml:3 -msgid "Charcoal" -msgstr "Carbó" - -#: data/effects/charcoal.xml:4 -msgid "Charcoal drawing effect" -msgstr "Efecte de dibuix al carbó" - -#: data/effects/charcoal.xml:7 -msgid "Horizontal scatter" -msgstr "Dispersió horitzontal" - -#: data/effects/charcoal.xml:10 -msgid "Vertical scatter" -msgstr "Dispersió vertical" - -#: data/effects/charcoal.xml:13 -msgid "Scale" -msgstr "Escala" - -#: data/effects/charcoal.xml:16 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:757 -msgid "Mix" -msgstr "Mescla" - -#: data/effects/charcoal.xml:19 data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:31 -#: data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:63 data/effects/frei0r_mask0mate.xml:19 -#: data/effects/invert.xml:3 data/effects/mirror.xml:11 -#: data/effects/rotoscoping.xml:18 src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:215 -msgid "Invert" -msgstr "Inverteix" - -#: data/effects/chroma.xml:3 -msgid "Chroma Key" -msgstr "Clau de croma" - -#: data/effects/chroma.xml:4 -msgid "Make selected color transparent" -msgstr "Fa transparent el color seleccionat" - -#: data/effects/chroma.xml:7 data/effects/chroma_hold.xml:7 -msgid "Color key" -msgstr "Clau de color" - -#: data/effects/chroma.xml:10 data/effects/chroma_hold.xml:10 -msgid "Variance" -msgstr "Variància" - -#: data/effects/chroma_hold.xml:3 -msgid "Chroma Hold" -msgstr "Mantén la croma" - -#: data/effects/chroma_hold.xml:4 -msgid "Make image greyscale except for chosen color" -msgstr "Converteix la imatge a escala de grisos, excepte el color seleccionat" - -#: data/effects/crop.xml:3 -msgid "Edge Crop" -msgstr "Retall de vores" - -#: data/effects/crop.xml:4 -msgid "Trim the edges of a clip" -msgstr "Retalla les vores d'un clip" - -#: data/effects/crop.xml:7 data/effects/frei0r_mask0mate.xml:13 -msgid "Top" -msgstr "Dalt" - -#: data/effects/crop.xml:10 data/effects/frei0r_mask0mate.xml:7 -msgid "Left" -msgstr "Esquerra" - -#: data/effects/crop.xml:13 data/effects/frei0r_mask0mate.xml:16 -msgid "Bottom" -msgstr "Baix" - -#: data/effects/crop.xml:16 data/effects/frei0r_mask0mate.xml:10 -msgid "Right" -msgstr "Dreta" - -#: data/effects/crop.xml:19 -msgid "Automatic center-crop" -msgstr "Centrat-retallat automàtic" - -#: data/effects/crop.xml:22 -msgid "Center balance" -msgstr "Balanç al centre" - -#: data/effects/crop.xml:25 -msgid "Use project resolution" -msgstr "Usa la resolució del projecte" - -#: data/effects/dust.xml:3 -msgid "Dust" -msgstr "Pols" - -#: data/effects/dust.xml:4 -msgid "Add dust and specks to the video, as in old movies" -msgstr "Afig pols i punts al vídeo, com a les pel·lícules antigues" - -#: data/effects/dust.xml:7 -msgid "Maximal Diameter" -msgstr "Diàmetre màxim" - -#: data/effects/dust.xml:10 -msgid "Maximal number of dust" -msgstr "Nombre màxim de pols" - -#: data/effects/dynamictext.xml:3 -msgid "Dynamic Text" -msgstr "Text dinàmic" - -#: data/effects/dynamictext.xml:4 -msgid "Overlay text with keywords replaced" -msgstr "Sobreposa text amb paraules clau substituïdes" - -#: data/effects/dynamictext.xml:10 -msgid "Font Family" -msgstr "Família del tipus de lletra" - -#: data/effects/dynamictext.xml:13 -msgid "Font Size" -msgstr "Mida del tipus de lletra" - -#: data/effects/dynamictext.xml:16 -msgid "Font Weight" -msgstr "Estil del tipus de lletra" - -#: data/effects/dynamictext.xml:25 -msgid "Outline Color" -msgstr "Color del contorn" - -#: data/effects/dynamictext.xml:28 -msgid "Outline Width" -msgstr "Amplada del contorn" - -#: data/effects/dynamictext.xml:31 -msgid "Padding" -msgstr "Farciment" - -#: data/effects/dynamictext.xml:34 -msgid "Left,Center,Right" -msgstr "Esquerra,Centre,Dreta" - -#: data/effects/dynamictext.xml:35 -msgid "Horizontal Alignment" -msgstr "Alineació horitzontal" - -#: data/effects/dynamictext.xml:38 -msgid "Top,Middle,Bottom" -msgstr "Superior,Mig,Inferior" - -#: data/effects/dynamictext.xml:39 -msgid "Vertical Alignment" -msgstr "Alineació vertical" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, text_box) -#: data/effects/dynamictext.xml:42 src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:55 -#: src/ui/templateclip_ui.ui:34 -msgid "Text" -msgstr "Text" - -#: data/effects/fade_from_black.xml:3 -msgid "Fade from Black" -msgstr "Fosa des de negre" - -#: data/effects/fade_from_black.xml:4 -msgid "Fade video from black" -msgstr "Fosa del vídeo des de negre" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_duration) -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, ClipDurationDialog_UI) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, duration_label) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: data/effects/fade_from_black.xml:7 data/effects/fade_to_black.xml:7 -#: data/effects/fadein.xml:10 data/effects/fadeout.xml:7 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:133 -#: src/ui/clipdurationdialog_ui.ui:14 src/ui/clipdurationdialog_ui.ui:40 -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:58 src/ui/colorclip_ui.ui:37 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:747 src/utils/freesound.cpp:157 -#: src/utils/freesound.cpp:196 src/utils/freesound.cpp:197 -#: src/utils/freesound.cpp:198 -msgid "Duration" -msgstr "Durada" - -#: data/effects/fade_from_black.xml:10 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/bezier/beziersplinewidget.cpp:52 -msgid "In" -msgstr "Dins" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: data/effects/fade_from_black.xml:13 data/effects/fade_to_black.xml:13 -#: src/ui/wipeval_ui.ui:22 -msgid "Start" -msgstr "Inici" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_4) -#: data/effects/fade_from_black.xml:16 data/effects/fade_to_black.xml:16 -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:409 src/ui/wipeval_ui.ui:167 -msgid "End" -msgstr "Final" - -#: data/effects/fade_to_black.xml:3 -msgid "Fade to Black" -msgstr "Fosa a negre" - -#: data/effects/fade_to_black.xml:4 -msgid "Fade video to black" -msgstr "Fosa del vídeo a negre" - -#: data/effects/fade_to_black.xml:10 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/bezier/beziersplinewidget.cpp:54 -msgid "Out" -msgstr "Eixida" - -#: data/effects/fadein.xml:3 -msgid "Fade in" -msgstr "Fosa d'entrada" - -#: data/effects/fadein.xml:4 -msgid "Fade in audio track" -msgstr "Fosa d'entrada de la pista d'àudio" - -#: data/effects/fadein.xml:13 data/effects/fadeout.xml:13 -msgid "Start Gain" -msgstr "Guany inicial" - -#: data/effects/fadein.xml:16 data/effects/fadeout.xml:16 -msgid "End Gain" -msgstr "Guany final" - -#: data/effects/fadeout.xml:3 -msgid "Fade out" -msgstr "Fosa d'eixida" - -#: data/effects/fadeout.xml:4 -msgid "Fade out audio track" -msgstr "Fosa d'eixida de la pista d'àudio" - -#: data/effects/freeze.xml:3 -msgid "Freeze" -msgstr "Congela" - -#: data/effects/freeze.xml:4 -msgid "Freeze video on a chosen frame" -msgstr "Congela el vídeo al fotograma escollit" - -#: data/effects/freeze.xml:7 -msgid "Freeze at" -msgstr "Congela a" - -#: data/effects/freeze.xml:10 -msgid "Freeze Before" -msgstr "Congela abans" - -#: data/effects/freeze.xml:13 -msgid "Freeze After" -msgstr "Congela després" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_3dflippo.xml:3 -msgid "3dflippo" -msgstr "3dflippo" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_3dflippo.xml:4 -msgid "Frame rotation in 3D space" -msgstr "Rotació de fotograma en l'espai 3D" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_3dflippo.xml:7 -msgid "X axis rotation" -msgstr "Rotació de l'eix X" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_3dflippo.xml:10 -msgid "Y axis rotation" -msgstr "Rotació de l'eix Y" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_3dflippo.xml:13 -msgid "Z axis rotation" -msgstr "Rotació de l'eix Z" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_3dflippo.xml:16 -msgid "X axis rotation rate" -msgstr "Velocitat de rotació de l'eix X" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_3dflippo.xml:19 -msgid "Y axis rotation rate" -msgstr "Velocitat de rotació de l'eix Y" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_3dflippo.xml:22 -msgid "Z axis rotation rate" -msgstr "Velocitat de rotació de l'eix Z" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_3dflippo.xml:25 -msgid "Center position (X)" -msgstr "Posició del centre (X)" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_3dflippo.xml:28 -msgid "Center position (Y)" -msgstr "Posició del centre (Y)" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_3dflippo.xml:31 -msgid "Invert rotation assignment" -msgstr "Inverteix una assignació de rotació" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_3dflippo.xml:34 -msgid "Don't blank mask" -msgstr "No neteja la màscara" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_3dflippo.xml:37 -msgid "Fill with image or black" -msgstr "Omple amb una imatge o amb negre" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:4 data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:36 -msgid "Alpha operations" -msgstr "Operacions d'alfa" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:5 data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:37 -msgid "Display and manipulation of the alpha channel" -msgstr "Visualització i manipulació del canal alfa" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:9 data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:41 -msgid "" -"Image,Alpha as gray,Gray + red,Selection on black,Selection on gray," -"Selection on white,Selection on checkers" -msgstr "" -"Imatge,Alfa com a gris,Gris + roig,Selecció en negre,Selecció en gris," -"Selecció en blanc,Selecció en quadres" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:10 data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:42 -msgid "Display" -msgstr "Visualització" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:14 data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:46 -msgid "Display input alpha" -msgstr "Mostra l'alfa d'entrada" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:18 -msgid "NO OP,Shave,Shrink hard,Shrink soft,Grow hard,Grow soft,Threshold" -msgstr "" -"Sense OP,Retallar,Reducció forta,Reducció suau,Augment fort,Augment suau," -"Llindar" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:19 data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:51 -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphagrad.xml:30 data/effects/frei0r_alphaspot.xml:47 -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:45 data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:96 -msgid "Operation" -msgstr "Operació" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:23 data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:55 -#: data/effects/frei0r_threshold0r.xml:7 data/effects/threshold.xml:3 -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:217 -msgid "Threshold" -msgstr "Llindar" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:27 -msgid "Shrink/grow amount" -msgstr "Quantitat de reducció/augment" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:50 -msgid "NO OP,Shave,Shrink hard,Shrink soft,Grow hard,Grow soft,Threshold,Blur" -msgstr "" -"Sense OP,Retallar,Reducció forta,Reducció suau,Augment fort,Augment suau," -"Llindar,Difuminat" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:59 -msgid "Shrink/Grow/Blur amount" -msgstr "Quantitat de reducció/augment/difuminat" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphagrad.xml:3 -msgid "Alpha gradient" -msgstr "Degradat d'alfa" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphagrad.xml:4 -msgid "Fill the alpha channel with a specified gradient" -msgstr "Omple el canal alfa amb un degradat especificat" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, clip_filesize_2) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, position_label) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, import_position) -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphagrad.xml:9 src/effectstack/keyframeedit.cpp:55 -#: src/ui/clipdurationdialog_ui.ui:20 src/ui/importkeyframesdialog_ui.ui:80 -#: src/ui/keyframedialog_ui.ui:20 src/ui/markerdialog_ui.ui:20 -msgid "Position" -msgstr "Posició" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphagrad.xml:13 data/effects/frei0r_alphaspot.xml:34 -msgid "Transition width" -msgstr "Amplada de la transició" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphagrad.xml:17 data/effects/frei0r_alphaspot.xml:30 -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:16 -msgid "Tilt" -msgstr "Inclinació" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphagrad.xml:21 data/effects/frei0r_alphaspot.xml:38 -msgid "Min" -msgstr "Mín." - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphagrad.xml:25 data/effects/frei0r_alphaspot.xml:42 -msgid "Max" -msgstr "Màx." - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphagrad.xml:29 data/effects/frei0r_alphaspot.xml:46 -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:44 data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:95 -msgid "Write on clear,Max,Min,Add,Subtract" -msgstr "Escriure en net,Màx.,Mín.,Afegir,Sostreure" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphaspot.xml:3 -msgid "Alpha shapes" -msgstr "Formes d'alfa" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphaspot.xml:4 -msgid "Draws simple shapes into the alpha channel" -msgstr "Dibuixa formes simples al canal alfa" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphaspot.xml:9 -msgid "Rectangle,Ellipse,Triangle,Diamond" -msgstr "Rectangle,El·lipse,Triangle,Diamant" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphaspot.xml:10 data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:29 -#: data/effects/sox_flanger.xml:22 -msgid "Shape" -msgstr "Forma" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphaspot.xml:14 -msgid "Position X" -msgstr "Posició X" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphaspot.xml:18 -msgid "Position Y" -msgstr "Posició Y" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphaspot.xml:22 -msgid "Size X" -msgstr "Mida X" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphaspot.xml:26 -msgid "Size Y" -msgstr "Mida Y" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_balanc0r.xml:4 data/effects/frei0r_balanc0r.xml:15 -msgid "White Balance" -msgstr "Balanç de blancs" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_balanc0r.xml:5 data/effects/frei0r_balanc0r.xml:16 -msgid "Adjust the white balance / color temperature" -msgstr "Ajusta el balanç de blancs / temperatura de color" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_balanc0r.xml:8 data/effects/frei0r_balanc0r.xml:19 -#: data/effects/frei0r_colgate.xml:8 data/effects/movit_white_balance.xml:6 -msgid "Neutral Color" -msgstr "Color neutre" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_balanc0r.xml:11 data/effects/frei0r_balanc0r.xml:22 -msgid "Green Tint" -msgstr "Tintura verda" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_baltan.xml:3 -msgid "Baltan" -msgstr "Baltan" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_baltan.xml:4 -msgid "Delayed alpha smoothed blit of time" -msgstr "Suavitzat alfa retardat en períodes de temps" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_bezier_curves.xml:3 -msgid "Bézier Curves" -msgstr "Corbes de Bézier" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_bezier_curves.xml:4 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:5 -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:62 -msgid "Color curves adjustment" -msgstr "Ajust de les corbes de color" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_bezier_curves.xml:8 -msgid "RGB,Red,Green,Blue,Alpha,Luma,Hue,Saturation" -msgstr "RGB,Roig,Verd,Blau,Alfa,Luma,To,Saturació" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_bezier_curves.xml:13 -#: data/effects/frei0r_coloradj_rgb.xml:33 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:12 -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:69 -msgid "Rec. 601,Rec. 709" -msgstr "Rec. 601,Rec. 709" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_bezier_curves.xml:14 -#: data/effects/frei0r_coloradj_rgb.xml:34 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:13 -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:70 -msgid "Luma formula" -msgstr "Fórmula de la luma" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_brightness.xml:3 data/effects/frei0r_brightness.xml:7 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lenscorrection.xml:19 data/effects/grain.xml:13 -msgid "Brightness" -msgstr "Lluminositat" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_brightness.xml:4 -msgid "Adjusts the brightness of a source image" -msgstr "Ajusta la brillantor de la imatge origen" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:3 -msgid "Corners" -msgstr "Cantonades" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:4 -msgid "Four corners geometry engine" -msgstr "Motor de geometria de quatre cantonades" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:8 -msgid "Corner 1 X" -msgstr "Cantonada 1 X" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:12 -msgid "Corner 1 Y" -msgstr "Cantonada 1 Y" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:16 -msgid "Corner 2 X" -msgstr "Cantonada 2 X" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:20 -msgid "Corner 2 Y" -msgstr "Cantonada 2 Y" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:24 -msgid "Corner 3 X" -msgstr "Cantonada 3 X" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:28 -msgid "Corner 3 Y" -msgstr "Cantonada 3 Y" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:32 -msgid "Corner 4 X" -msgstr "Cantonada 4 X" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:36 -msgid "Corner 4 Y" -msgstr "Cantonada 4 Y" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:40 -msgid "Stretch X" -msgstr "Estirament X" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:44 -msgid "Stretch Y" -msgstr "Estirament Y" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:48 -msgid "Feather Alpha" -msgstr "Ploma d'alfa" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:52 -msgid "Enable Stretch" -msgstr "Activa l'estirament" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:56 data/effects/frei0r_defish0r.xml:24 -msgid "" -"Nearest neighbor,Bilinear,Bicubic smooth,Bicubic sharp,Spline 4x4,Spline 6x6," -"Lanczos" -msgstr "" -"Veí proper,Bilineal,Suavitzat bicúbic,Agudització bicúbica,Spline 4x4,Spline " -"6x6,Lanczos" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:57 data/effects/frei0r_defish0r.xml:25 -msgid "Interpolator" -msgstr "Interpolador" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:61 data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:63 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:136 -msgid "Transparent Background" -msgstr "Fons transparent" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:65 data/effects/rotoscoping.xml:13 -msgid "Write on clear,Maximum,Minimum,Add,Subtract" -msgstr "Escriure en net,Màxim,Mínim,Afegir,Sostreure" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:66 -msgid "Alpha operation" -msgstr "Operació d'alfa" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_cartoon.xml:4 data/effects/frei0r_cartoon.xml:15 -msgid "Cartoon" -msgstr "Còmic" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_cartoon.xml:5 data/effects/frei0r_cartoon.xml:16 -msgid "Cartoonify video, do a form of edge detect" -msgstr "Dóna aspecte de còmic, fa una espècie de detecció de vores" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_cartoon.xml:8 data/effects/frei0r_cartoon.xml:19 -msgid "Level of trip" -msgstr "Nivell de viatge" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_cartoon.xml:11 data/effects/frei0r_cartoon.xml:22 -msgid "Difference space" -msgstr "Espai de diferència" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_cluster.xml:3 -msgid "K-Means Clustering" -msgstr "Grups de K-Means" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_cluster.xml:4 -msgid "Clusters of a source image by color and spatial distance" -msgstr "Grups d'una imatge original per color i distància espacial" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_cluster.xml:7 -msgid "Amount of clusters" -msgstr "Quantitat de grups" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_cluster.xml:10 -msgid "Weight on distance" -msgstr "Ponderació en la distància" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_colgate.xml:3 -msgid "White Balance (LMS space)" -msgstr "Balanç de blancs (espai LMS)" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_colgate.xml:5 -msgid "" -"Do simple color correction, in a physically meaningful\n" -"way" -msgstr "Fa una correcció de color senzilla, de forma física significativa" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_colgate.xml:12 data/effects/movit_white_balance.xml:9 -msgid "Color Temperature" -msgstr "Temperatura del color" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_coloradj_rgb.xml:3 -msgid "RGB adjustment" -msgstr "Ajust RGB" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_coloradj_rgb.xml:4 -msgid "Simple color adjustment" -msgstr "Ajust de color senzill" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, cbR) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonSelectRects) -#: data/effects/frei0r_coloradj_rgb.xml:8 src/ui/histogram_ui.ui:30 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:733 -msgid "R" -msgstr "R" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, cbG) -#: data/effects/frei0r_coloradj_rgb.xml:12 src/ui/histogram_ui.ui:37 -msgid "G" -msgstr "G" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, cbB) -#: data/effects/frei0r_coloradj_rgb.xml:16 src/ui/histogram_ui.ui:44 -msgid "B" -msgstr "B" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_coloradj_rgb.xml:20 -msgid "Add constant,Change gamma,Multiply" -msgstr "Afig constant,Canvia gamma,Multiplica" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_coloradj_rgb.xml:21 -msgid "Action" -msgstr "Acció" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_coloradj_rgb.xml:25 -msgid "Keep luma" -msgstr "Mantén la luma" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_coloradj_rgb.xml:29 -msgid "Alpha controlled" -msgstr "Controlat per l'alfa" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_colordistance.xml:3 -msgid "Color Distance" -msgstr "Distància de color" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_colordistance.xml:4 -msgid "" -"Calculates the distance between the selected color and the current pixel and " -"uses that value as new pixel value" -msgstr "" -"Calcula la distància entre el color seleccionat i el píxel actual i usa este " -"valor com a valor nou de píxel" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_colordistance.xml:7 -msgid "Source Color" -msgstr "Color original" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_colortap.xml:3 -msgid "Color Effect" -msgstr "Efecte de color" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_colortap.xml:4 -msgid "Applies a pre-made color effect to image" -msgstr "Aplica un efecte de color existent a una imatge" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, treeWidget) -#: data/effects/frei0r_colortap.xml:7 data/effects/frei0r_defish0r.xml:14 -#: data/effects/frei0r_iirblur.xml:14 data/effects/frei0r_medians.xml:9 -#: src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:74 src/ui/missingclips_ui.ui:67 -msgid "Type" -msgstr "Tipus" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_contrast0r.xml:3 data/effects/frei0r_contrast0r.xml:7 -#: data/effects/grain.xml:10 src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:209 -msgid "Contrast" -msgstr "Contrast" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_contrast0r.xml:4 -msgid "Adjusts the contrast of a source image" -msgstr "Ajusta el contrast de la imatge origen" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:4 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:61 -msgid "Curves" -msgstr "Corbes" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:8 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:65 -#: data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:9 data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:41 -msgid "Red,Green,Blue,Luma" -msgstr "Roig,Verd,Blau,Luma" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:20 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:77 -msgid "Number of curve points" -msgstr "Nombre de punts de la corba" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:23 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:80 -msgid "Point 1 input value" -msgstr "Valor d'entrada del punt 1" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:26 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:83 -msgid "Point 1 output value" -msgstr "Valor d'eixida del punt 1" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:29 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:86 -msgid "Point 2 input value" -msgstr "Valor d'entrada del punt 2" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:32 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:89 -msgid "Point 2 output value" -msgstr "Valor d'eixida del punt 2" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:35 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:92 -msgid "Point 3 input value" -msgstr "Valor d'entrada del punt 3" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:38 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:95 -msgid "Point 3 output value" -msgstr "Valor d'eixida del punt 3" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:41 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:98 -msgid "Point 4 input value" -msgstr "Valor d'entrada del punt 4" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:44 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:101 -msgid "Point 4 output value" -msgstr "Valor d'eixida del punt 4" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:47 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:104 -msgid "Point 5 input value" -msgstr "Valor d'entrada del punt 5" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:50 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:107 -msgid "Point 5 output value" -msgstr "Valor d'eixida del punt 5" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:53 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:110 -msgid "Show graph in picture" -msgstr "Mostra el gràfic en la imatge" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:56 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:113 -#: data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:31 data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:63 -msgid "Top Left,Top Right,Bottom Left,Bottom Right" -msgstr "Superior esquerra,Superior dreta,Inferior esquerra,Inferior dreta" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:57 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:114 -msgid "Graph position" -msgstr "Posició del gràfic" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_d90stairsteppingfix.xml:3 -msgid "Nikon D90 Stairstepping fix" -msgstr "Esmena del «Stairstepping» de la Nikon D90" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_d90stairsteppingfix.xml:7 -msgid "" -"Removes stairstepping artifacts from Nikon D90's 720p videos.\n" -" \n" -" " -msgstr "" -"Elimina els defectes «stairstepping» dels vídeos a 720p de la Nikon D90.\n" -" \n" -" " - -#: data/effects/frei0r_defish0r.xml:3 -msgid "Defish" -msgstr "Defish" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_defish0r.xml:4 -msgid "Non rectilinear lens mappings" -msgstr "Mapatges de lents no rectilínies" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_defish0r.xml:7 data/effects/frei0r_iirblur.xml:8 -#: data/effects/frei0r_sharpness.xml:8 data/effects/movit_unsharp_mask.xml:9 -msgid "Amount" -msgstr "Total" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_defish0r.xml:10 -msgid "DeFish" -msgstr "DeFish" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_defish0r.xml:13 -msgid "Equidistant,Orthographic,Equiarea,Stereographic" -msgstr "Equidistant,Ortogràfica,Equiàrea,Estereogràfica" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_defish0r.xml:17 -msgid "Fill,Center,Fit,Manual" -msgstr "Omple,Centra,Ajusta,Manual" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, lblScaling) -#: data/effects/frei0r_defish0r.xml:18 src/effectstack/dragvalue.cpp:108 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:207 -#: src/ui/colorplaneexport_ui.ui:74 -msgid "Scaling" -msgstr "Escalat" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_defish0r.xml:21 -msgid "Manual Scale" -msgstr "Escalat manual" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_defish0r.xml:28 -msgid "Square,PAL DV,NTSC DV,HDV,Manual" -msgstr "Quadrat,PAL DV,NTSC DV,HDV,Manual" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_defish0r.xml:29 -msgid "Aspect type" -msgstr "Tipus d'aspecte" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_defish0r.xml:32 -msgid "Manual Aspect" -msgstr "Aspecte manual" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_delay0r.xml:3 -msgid "delay0r" -msgstr "Retardador" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_delay0r.xml:4 -msgid "Video delay" -msgstr "Retard de vídeo" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_delay0r.xml:7 -msgid "Delay time" -msgstr "Temps de retard" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_delaygrab.xml:3 -msgid "Delay grab" -msgstr "Captura del retard" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_delaygrab.xml:4 -msgid "Delayed frame blitting mapped on a time bitmap" -msgstr "Combinació retardada de fotogrames mapats en un mapa de bits temporal" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_distort0r.xml:3 data/effects/pan_zoom.xml:10 -#: data/kdenliveeffectscategory.rc:35 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:722 -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:746 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:767 -msgid "Distort" -msgstr "Distorsiona" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_distort0r.xml:4 -msgid "Plasma" -msgstr "Plasma" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_distort0r.xml:7 data/effects/wave.xml:7 -msgid "Amplitude" -msgstr "Amplitud" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_distort0r.xml:10 data/effects/sox_bass.xml:10 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:249 -msgid "Frequency" -msgstr "Freqüència" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_edgeglow.xml:3 -msgid "Edge glow" -msgstr "Vores lluents" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_edgeglow.xml:4 -msgid "Edge glow filter" -msgstr "Filtre de vores lluents" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_edgeglow.xml:7 -msgid "Edge lightening threshold" -msgstr "Llindar de lluminositat de les vores" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_edgeglow.xml:10 -msgid "Edge brightness upscaling multiplier" -msgstr "Multiplicador d'escala de lluminositat de les vores" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_edgeglow.xml:13 -msgid "Non-edge brightness downscaling multiplier" -msgstr "Desmultiplicador d'escala de lluminositat de les no vores" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_equaliz0r.xml:3 -msgid "Equaliz0r" -msgstr "Equalitzador" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_equaliz0r.xml:4 -msgid "Equalizes the intensity histograms" -msgstr "Equalitza els histogrames d'intensitat" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facebl0r.xml:3 -msgid "Face blur" -msgstr "Difuminat de les cares" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facebl0r.xml:4 -msgid "Automatically detect and blur a face using OpenCV" -msgstr "Detecta automàticament les cares i les difumina emprant OpenCV" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facebl0r.xml:8 data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:8 -msgid "Search scale" -msgstr "Escala de cerca" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facebl0r.xml:9 data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:9 -#, no-c-format -msgid "" -"The search window scale factor. For example, 120 = 1.20 = increases by 20% " -"on each pass." -msgstr "" -"El factor d'escala de la finestra de cerca. Per exemple, 120 = 1.20 = " -"increments del 20% de cada pas." - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facebl0r.xml:13 data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:13 -msgid "Neighbors" -msgstr "Veïns" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facebl0r.xml:14 data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:14 -msgid "Minimum number of rectangles that determines an object." -msgstr "Nombre mínim de rectangles que determinen un objecte." - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facebl0r.xml:18 data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:18 -msgid "Smallest" -msgstr "El més petit" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facebl0r.xml:19 data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:19 -msgid "The minimum window size in pixels." -msgstr "La mida mínima de la finestra, en píxels." - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facebl0r.xml:23 -msgid "Largest" -msgstr "El més gran" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facebl0r.xml:24 -msgid "" -"The largest size face in pixels - both horizontally and vertically (square " -"window)." -msgstr "" -"La mida més gran de cara, en píxels - tant horitzontalment com verticalment " -"(finestra quadrada)." - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facebl0r.xml:28 data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:23 -msgid "Recheck" -msgstr "Torna a comprovar" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facebl0r.xml:29 data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:24 -msgid "" -"How often to detect a face. In between checks, it does object motion " -"tracking." -msgstr "" -"Amb quina freqüència cal detectar una cara. Entre comprovació i comprovació " -"es fa un seguiment del moviment de l'objecte." - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facebl0r.xml:33 -msgid "Show ellipse" -msgstr "Mostra l'el·lipse" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facebl0r.xml:34 -msgid "Draw a blue ellipse around the face area?" -msgstr "Cal dibuixar una el·lipse blava al voltant de l'àrea de la cara?" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:3 -msgid "Face detect" -msgstr "Detecta les cares" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:4 -msgid "Detect faces and draw shapes on them using OpenCV" -msgstr "Detecta cares i dibuixa formes sobre elles emprant OpenCV" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:28 -msgid "circle,ellipse,rectangle,random" -msgstr "cercle,el·lipse,rectangle,aleatori" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:33 -msgid "Stroke width" -msgstr "Amplada del traç" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:34 -msgid "" -"0 means fill; otherwise, draw unfilled with a stroke width of this size." -msgstr "" -"0 vol dir farcit; altrament, dibuixa sense omplir amb un traç d'esta mida " -"d'amplada." - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:38 -msgid "Alpha" -msgstr "Alfa" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:39 -msgid "" -"Set the alpha channel of the shape area to a percentage of fully opaque." -msgstr "" -"Estableix el canal alfa de l'àrea enformada a un percentatge de l'opacitat " -"total." - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:43 -msgid "Antialias" -msgstr "Antialiàsing" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:44 -msgid "Draw with anti-aliasing?" -msgstr "Dibuix amb antialiàsing?" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:50 -msgid "Color 1" -msgstr "Color 1" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:51 -msgid "Set the shape color of the first detected face." -msgstr "Indiqueu el color de la forma de la primera cara detectada." - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:55 -msgid "Color 2" -msgstr "Color 2" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:56 -msgid "Set the shape color of the second detected face." -msgstr "Indiqueu el color de la forma de la segona cara detectada." - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:60 -msgid "Color 3" -msgstr "Color 3" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:61 -msgid "Set the shape color of the third detected face." -msgstr "Indiqueu el color de la forma de la tercera cara detectada." - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:65 -msgid "Color 4" -msgstr "Color 4" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:66 -msgid "Set the shape color of the fourth detected face." -msgstr "Indiqueu el color de la forma de la quarta cara detectada." - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:70 -msgid "Color 5" -msgstr "Color 5" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:71 -msgid "Set the shape color of the fifth detected face." -msgstr "Indiqueu el color de la forma de la cinquena cara detectada." - -#: data/effects/frei0r_flippo.xml:3 -msgid "Flippo" -msgstr "Flippo" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_flippo.xml:4 -msgid "Flipping in X and Y axis" -msgstr "Inversió dels eixos X i Y" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_flippo.xml:7 -msgid "X axis" -msgstr "Eix X" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_flippo.xml:10 -msgid "Y axis" -msgstr "Eix Y" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_glow.xml:3 -msgid "Glow" -msgstr "Lluïssor" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_glow.xml:4 -msgid "Creates a Glamorous Glow" -msgstr "Crea una lluïssor glamurosa" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_glow.xml:7 data/effects/frei0r_iirblur.xml:3 -#: data/effects/frei0r_mask0mate.xml:22 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:158 -msgid "Blur" -msgstr "Difuminat" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_hqdn3d.xml:3 -msgid "Denoiser" -msgstr "Reducció de soroll" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_hqdn3d.xml:4 -msgid "High quality 3D denoiser" -msgstr "Reductor de soroll 3D d'alta qualitat" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_hqdn3d.xml:8 -msgid "Spatial" -msgstr "Espacial" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_hqdn3d.xml:9 -msgid "Amount of spatial filtering" -msgstr "Quantitat de filtratge espacial" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_hqdn3d.xml:13 -msgid "Temporal" -msgstr "Temporal" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_hqdn3d.xml:14 -msgid "Amount of temporal filtering" -msgstr "Quantitat de filtratge temporal" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_hueshift0r.xml:3 -msgid "Hue shift" -msgstr "Canvi de to" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_hueshift0r.xml:4 -msgid "Shifts the hue of a source image" -msgstr "Canvia el to d'una imatge origen" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_hueshift0r.xml:7 -msgid "Hue" -msgstr "To" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_iirblur.xml:4 -msgid "Blur using 2D IIR filters (Exponential, Lowpass, Gaussian)" -msgstr "Difuminat usant filtres 2D IIR (Exponencial, Passa-baix, Gaussià)" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_iirblur.xml:9 -msgid "Amount of blur" -msgstr "Quantitat de difuminat" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_iirblur.xml:13 -msgid "Exponential,Lowpass,Gaussian" -msgstr "Exponencial,Passa-baix,Gaussià" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_iirblur.xml:15 -msgid "Select blurring algorithm" -msgstr "Selecciona l'algorisme de difuminat" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_iirblur.xml:19 -msgid "Edge" -msgstr "Vora" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_iirblur.xml:20 -msgid "Enable edge compensation" -msgstr "Activa la compensació de les vores" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:3 -msgid "Key Spill Mop Up" -msgstr "Neteja de desbordament de color clau" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:4 -msgid "Reduces the visibility of key color spill in chroma keying" -msgstr "Redueix la visibilitat del desbordament de color clau en la croma" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:8 -msgid "Key color" -msgstr "Color clau" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:12 -msgid "Target color" -msgstr "Color de la destinació" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:16 -msgid "Color distance, Transparency, Edge inwards, Edge outwards" -msgstr "Distància de color, Transparència, Vores endins, Vores enfora" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:17 -msgid "Mask type" -msgstr "Tipus de màscara" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:21 -msgid "Tolerance" -msgstr "Tolerància" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:25 -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:91 -msgid "Slope" -msgstr "Desnivell" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:29 -msgid "Hue gate" -msgstr "Nivell del to" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:33 -msgid "Saturation threshold" -msgstr "Llindar de saturació" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:37 -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:46 -msgid "None, De-Key, Target, Desaturate, Luma adjust" -msgstr "Cap, Sense clau, Destinació, Dessaturat, Ajust de luma" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:38 -msgid "Operation 1" -msgstr "Operació 1" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:42 -msgid "Amount 1" -msgstr "Quantitat 1" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:47 -msgid "Operation 2" -msgstr "Operació 2" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:51 -msgid "Amount 2" -msgstr "Quantitat 2" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:55 -msgid "Show mask" -msgstr "Mostra la màscara" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:59 -msgid "Mask to Alpha" -msgstr "Màscara a alfa" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lenscorrection.xml:3 -msgid "Lens Correction" -msgstr "Correcció de lent" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lenscorrection.xml:4 -msgid "Allows compensation of lens distortion" -msgstr "Permet la compensació de la distorsió de la lent" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lenscorrection.xml:7 -msgid "Horizontal center" -msgstr "Centrat horitzontal" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lenscorrection.xml:10 -msgid "Vertical center" -msgstr "Centre vertical" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lenscorrection.xml:13 -msgid "Center correction" -msgstr "Correcció del centre" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lenscorrection.xml:16 -msgid "Edges correction" -msgstr "Correcció de les vores" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_letterb0xed.xml:3 -msgid "LetterB0xed" -msgstr "Vores negres" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_letterb0xed.xml:4 -msgid "Adds black borders at top and bottom for cinema look" -msgstr "" -"Afig vores negres a la part superior i a la inferior per aparentar un cine" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_letterb0xed.xml:7 -msgid "Border Width" -msgstr "Amplada de la vora" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: data/effects/frei0r_letterb0xed.xml:10 data/effects/frei0r_timeout.xml:13 -#: src/ui/wipeval_ui.ui:136 src/ui/wipeval_ui.ui:281 -msgid "Transparency" -msgstr "Transparència" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:4 data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:36 -msgid "Levels" -msgstr "Nivells" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:5 data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:37 -msgid "Adjust levels" -msgstr "Ajusta els nivells" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:13 data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:45 -msgid "Input black level" -msgstr "Nivell de negre d'entrada" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:16 data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:48 -msgid "Input white level" -msgstr "Nivell de blanc d'entrada" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:19 data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:51 -#: data/effects/gamma.xml:3 data/effects/gamma.xml:7 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/lumaliftgain.cpp:63 -msgid "Gamma" -msgstr "Gamma" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:22 data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:54 -msgid "Black output" -msgstr "Eixida de negre" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:25 data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:57 -msgid "White output" -msgstr "Eixida de blanc" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:28 data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:60 -msgid "Show histogram" -msgstr "Mostra l'histograma" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:32 data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:64 -msgid "Histogram position" -msgstr "Posició de l'histograma" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:4 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:77 -msgid "Light Graffiti" -msgstr "Graffiti de llum" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:7 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:80 -msgid "" -"Light Graffiti effect.\n" -" " -msgstr "" -"Efecte de graffiti de llum.\n" -" " - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:10 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:83 -msgid "Brightness Threshold" -msgstr "Llindar de lluminositat" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:12 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:85 -msgid "" -"R+G+B
) does a pixel need to be in order to " -"be recognized as a light source?
\n" -" Increasing this threshold requires brighter light sources (i.e. " -"more white or less color, respectively) but prevents some «false alarms» " -"where semi-bright parts, e.g. hands where colors can change quite a lot " -"compared to the background, are incorrectly recognized as light source.]]>" -msgstr "" -"R+G+B) necessita un píxel per tal de " -"ser reconegut com a font de llum?
\n" -" En augmentar este llindar es requereixen fonts de llum més " -"brillants (és a dir, més blanc o menys color, respectivament) però evita " -"algunes «alarmes falses» a on les parts semibrillants, p. ex. mans a on els " -"colors poden canviar bastant en comparació al fons, es reconeixen " -"incorrectament com a fonts de llum.]]>" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:15 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:88 -msgid "Difference Threshold" -msgstr "Llindar de diferències" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:17 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:90 -msgid "" -"max(dR, dG, dB)), in " -"order to be recognized as light source?
\n" -" Increasing this threshold makes it harder for light sources to " -"be accepted on bright backgrounds, but decreases the danger of noise or " -"generally bright spots counting as light source.]]>" -msgstr "" -"max(dR, dG, dB)), per tal de " -"ser reconegut com a font de llum?
\n" -" En augmentar este llindar es fa més difícil acceptar les fonts " -"de llum en fons brillants, però disminueix el perill de soroll o de punts " -"brillants generals que es tinguen en compte com a fonts de llum.]]>" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:20 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:93 -msgid "Difference Sum Threshold" -msgstr "Llindar de la suma de les diferències" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:22 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:95 -msgid "" -"relative to the " -"background image
(dR + dG + dB) have to change until a " -"pixel is recognized as a light source?
\n" -" Raising this value might, in some cases, avoid that some light " -"objects lit by the light source are added to the light mask.]]>" -msgstr "" -"respecte a la imatge de fons (dR + dG + dB) fins que " -"un píxel es reconegui com a font de llum?
\n" -" En augmentar este valor pot, en alguns casos, evitar que alguns " -"objectes lluminosos il·luminats per la font de llum s'afigen a la màscara de " -"llum.]]>" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:25 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:98 -msgid "Sensitivity" -msgstr "Sensibilitat" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:27 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:100 -msgid "" -"\n" -" For slowly moving light source try to use a lower sensitivity to " -"obtain a better exposure.]]>" -msgstr "" -"\n" -" Per a fonts de llum en moviment lent intenteu usar una " -"sensitivitat més baixa per obtindre una exposició millor.]]>" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:30 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:103 -msgid "Lower Overexposure" -msgstr "Sobreexposició baixa" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:32 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:105 -msgid "" -"\n" -" The light mask does not get white immediately when the light " -"source is moving slowly or staying steady.]]>" -msgstr "" -"\n" -" La màscara de llum no esdevé blanca immediatament quan la font " -"de llum es mou lentament o és estàtica.]]>" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:35 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:108 -msgid "Dimming" -msgstr "Enfosquiment" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:36 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:109 -msgid "" -"Dims the light mask. Lights will leave a fainting trail if it is set to a " -"value > 0." -msgstr "" -"Enfosqueix la màscara de llum. Els llums deixaran un rastre tènue si " -"s'assigna un valor > 0." - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:39 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:112 -msgid "Background Weight" -msgstr "Pes del fons" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:40 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:113 -msgid "" -"Strength of the (calculated) background image. Setting it to 100 paints the " -"light mask directly over the background, without the painting person in the " -"image if the video starts with a «clean» background image. (See the α " -"parameter.)" -msgstr "" -"La potència de la imatge de fons (calculada). Assignant-hi 100, la màscara " -"de llum es pinta directament sobre el fons, sense la persona pintada en la " -"imatge si el vídeo comença amb una imatge de fons «neta» (vegeu el paràmetre " -"α)." - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:43 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:116 -msgid "α" -msgstr "α" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:45 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:118 -msgid "" -"\n" -" The Light Graffiti effect remembers the first frame of the clip " -"it is applied to, so the clip should always start with the painter " -"outside of the video. If the background constantly changes, e.g. on a " -"street, try to set α > 0 to calculate an average background image.]]>" -msgstr "" -"\n" -" L'efecte de Graffiti de llum recorda el primer fotograma del " -"clip al qual s'aplica, així que el clip sempre ha de començar amb " -"el pintor fora del vídeo. Si el fons canvia constantment, p. ex. en un " -"carrer, intenteu assignar α > 0 per calcular una imatge de fons mitjana.]]>" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:48 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:121 -#: data/effects/frei0r_saturat0r.xml:3 data/effects/frei0r_saturat0r.xml:7 -#: data/effects/movit_saturation.xml:6 -msgid "Saturation" -msgstr "Saturació" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:49 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:122 -msgid "Increases the saturation of lights." -msgstr "Augmenta la saturació dels llums." - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:52 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:125 -msgid "Show brightness statistics" -msgstr "Mostra les estadístiques de lluminositat" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:54 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:127 -msgid "" -"\n" -" Example: To adjust the brightness threshold, check this box and " -"adjust the threshold until the whole light source is highlighted. Repeat the " -"same with the other parameters. Only parts that are highlighted in all thresholds will count as light source.]]>" -msgstr "" -"\n" -" Exemple: Per ajustar el llindar de lluminositat, activeu esta " -"casella i ajusteu el llindar fins que tota la font de llum es ressalti. " -"Repetiu el mateix amb els altres paràmetres. Només es comptaran com a fonts " -"de llum les parts ressaltades en tots els llindars.]]>" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:57 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:130 -msgid "Show background difference statistics" -msgstr "Mostra les estadístiques de diferències del fons" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:60 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:133 -msgid "Show background difference sum statistics" -msgstr "Mostra les estadístiques de les sumes de diferències del fons" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:64 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:137 -msgid "" -"Makes the background transparent, allowing to apply a composite effect and " -"paint the light mask over a completely different video." -msgstr "" -"Fa el fons transparent, permeten aplicar un efecte de composició i pinta la " -"màscara de llum sobre un vídeo completament diferent." - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:67 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:140 -msgid "Nonlinear dimming" -msgstr "Enfosquiment no lineal" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:68 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:141 -msgid "If normal dimming does not look natural enough, try this one." -msgstr "Si l'enfosquiment normal no pareix prou natural, proveu este." - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:71 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:144 -#: src/effectstack/geometryval.cpp:95 src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:86 -msgid "Reset" -msgstr "Reinicialitza" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:72 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:145 -msgid "" -"Resets the light mask and the background image. This is necessary e.g. if " -"you apply this effect to a clip in the timeline and then move the timeline " -"cursor from outside of the clip to the middle of it. The effect receives " -"this frame in the middle as first frame and uses it as background image. For " -"proper threshold adjusting move the timeline cursor to the beginning of the " -"clip, check the Reset box and uncheck it again." -msgstr "" -"Reinicialitza la màscara de llum i la imatge de fons. Això és necessari si " -"apliqueu este efecte a un clip de la línia de temps i després moveu el " -"cursor de la línia de temps des de fora del clip cap a la seua meitat. " -"L'efecte rep este fotograma del mig com a primer fotograma i l'usa com a " -"imatge de fons. Per a un ajust adequat dels llindars, moveu el cursor de la " -"línia de temps al començament del clip, activeu la casella Reinicialitza i " -"desactiveu-la una altra vegada." - -#: data/effects/frei0r_luminance.xml:3 -msgid "Luminance" -msgstr "Luminància" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_luminance.xml:4 -msgid "Creates a luminance map of the image" -msgstr "Crea un mapa de luminància de la imatge" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_mask0mate.xml:3 -msgid "Mask0Mate" -msgstr "Màscara" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_mask0mate.xml:4 -msgid "Creates an square alpha-channel mask" -msgstr "Crea una màscara quadrada de canal alfa" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_medians.xml:3 -msgid "Medians" -msgstr "Medianes" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_medians.xml:4 -msgid "Implements several median-type filters" -msgstr "Implementa diversos filtres de tipus mediana" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_medians.xml:8 -msgid "" -"Cross5,Square3x3,Bilevel,Diamond3x3,Square5x5,Temp3,Temp5,ArceBI,ML3D,ML3dEX," -"VarSize" -msgstr "" -"Creu5,Quadre3x3,BiNivell,Diamant3x3,Quadre5x5,Temp3,Temp5,ArceBI,ML3D,ML3dEX," -"VarSize" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_5) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, import_size) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_20) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, treeWidget) -#: data/effects/frei0r_medians.xml:13 data/effects/frei0r_sharpness.xml:12 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:208 -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:563 src/ui/importkeyframesdialog_ui.ui:73 -#: src/ui/managecaptures_ui.ui:40 src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:201 -msgid "Size" -msgstr "Mida" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_nervous.xml:3 -msgid "Nervous" -msgstr "Nerviós" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_nervous.xml:4 -msgid "Flushes frames in time in a nervous way" -msgstr "Elimina fotogrames en el temps de manera nerviosa" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_nosync0r.xml:3 -msgid "nosync0r" -msgstr "Sense sincronització" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_nosync0r.xml:4 -msgid "Broken TV" -msgstr "TV espatllada" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_nosync0r.xml:7 -msgid "HSync" -msgstr "Sincronització H" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pixeliz0r.xml:3 -msgid "Pixelize" -msgstr "Pixela" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pixeliz0r.xml:4 -msgid "Pixelize input image." -msgstr "Pixela la imatge d'entrada." - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pixeliz0r.xml:7 -msgid "Block Size X" -msgstr "Mida X del bloc" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pixeliz0r.xml:10 -msgid "Block Size Y" -msgstr "Mida Y del bloc" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0be.xml:3 -msgid "pr0be" -msgstr "Prova" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0be.xml:4 -msgid "Measure video values" -msgstr "Mesura els valors del vídeo" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0be.xml:8 -msgid "RGB,Y'PbPr - rec. 601,Y'PbPr - rec. 709,HSV,HSL" -msgstr "RGB,Y'PbPr - rec. 601,Y'PbPr - rec. 709,HSV,HSL" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0be.xml:9 -msgid "Measurement" -msgstr "Mesura" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0be.xml:13 data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:8 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/bezier/beziersplinewidget.cpp:56 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/bezier/beziersplinewidget.cpp:60 -#: src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:144 -msgid "X" -msgstr "X" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_5) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, cbY) -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0be.xml:17 data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:12 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/bezier/beziersplinewidget.cpp:58 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/bezier/beziersplinewidget.cpp:62 -#: src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:164 src/ui/histogram_ui.ui:23 -msgid "Y" -msgstr "Y" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0be.xml:21 -msgid "X size" -msgstr "Mida X" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0be.xml:25 -msgid "Y size" -msgstr "Mida Y" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0be.xml:29 data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:81 -msgid "256 scale" -msgstr "Escala de 256" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0be.xml:33 -msgid "Show alpha" -msgstr "Mostra l'alfa" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0be.xml:37 -msgid "Big window" -msgstr "Finestra gran" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:3 -msgid "pr0file" -msgstr "Perfil" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:4 -msgid "2D video oscilloscope" -msgstr "Oscil·loscopi de vídeo 2D" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:20 -msgid "Length" -msgstr "Durada" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:24 -msgid "R,G,B,Y',Pr,Pb,Alpha" -msgstr "R,G,B,Y',Pr,Pb,Alfa" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:29 -msgid "Marker 1" -msgstr "Marcador 1" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:33 -msgid "Marker 2" -msgstr "Marcador 2" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:37 -msgid "R trace" -msgstr "Traça R" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:41 -msgid "G trace" -msgstr "Traça G" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:45 -msgid "B trace" -msgstr "Traça B" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:49 -msgid "Y trace" -msgstr "Traça Y" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:53 -msgid "Pr trace" -msgstr "Traça Pr" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:57 -msgid "Pb trace" -msgstr "Traça Pb" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:61 -msgid "Alpha trace" -msgstr "Traça alfa" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:65 -msgid "Display average" -msgstr "Mostra el mitjà" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:69 -msgid "Display RMS" -msgstr "Mostra el RMS" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:73 -msgid "Display minimum" -msgstr "Mostra el mínim" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:77 -msgid "Display maximum" -msgstr "Mostra el màxim" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:85 -msgid "CCIR rec. 601,CCIR rec. 709" -msgstr "CCIR rec. 601,CCIR rec. 709" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_13) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, background_list) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_9) -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:86 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:156 -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:176 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:182 -#: src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:197 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:944 -msgid "Color" -msgstr "Color" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:90 -msgid "Crosshair color" -msgstr "Color del punt de mira" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_primaries.xml:3 -msgid "Primaries" -msgstr "Primaris" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_primaries.xml:4 -msgid "Reduce image to primary colors" -msgstr "Redueix la imatge als colors primaris" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_primaries.xml:7 data/effects/sox_stretch.xml:7 -msgid "Factor" -msgstr "Factor" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_primaries.xml:8 -msgid " 32 = 0]]>" -msgstr " 32 = 0]]>" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QWidget, RGBParade_UI) -#: data/effects/frei0r_rgbparade.xml:3 src/scopes/scopemanager.cpp:308 -#: src/ui/rgbparade_ui.ui:14 -msgid "RGB Parade" -msgstr "Desfilada RGB" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_rgbparade.xml:4 -msgid "Display a histogram of R, G and B components of the video data" -msgstr "Mostra un histograma dels components R, G i B de les dades del vídeo" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_saturat0r.xml:4 -msgid "Adjusts the saturation of a source image" -msgstr "Ajusta la saturació de la imatge origen" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_scale0tilt.xml:3 -msgid "Crop, Scale and Position" -msgstr "Escapça, escala i posició" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_scale0tilt.xml:4 -msgid "Scales, Tilts and Crops an Image" -msgstr "Escala, bascula i escapça una imatge" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_scale0tilt.xml:7 -msgid "Clip left" -msgstr "Retalla a l'esquerra" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_scale0tilt.xml:10 -msgid "Clip right" -msgstr "Retalla a la dreta" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_scale0tilt.xml:13 -msgid "Clip top" -msgstr "Retalla a dalt" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_scale0tilt.xml:16 -msgid "Clip bottom" -msgstr "Retalla a baix" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_scale0tilt.xml:19 -msgid "Scale X" -msgstr "Escala X" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_scale0tilt.xml:22 -msgid "Scale Y" -msgstr "Escala Y" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_scale0tilt.xml:25 -msgid "Tilt X" -msgstr "Girar X" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_scale0tilt.xml:28 -msgid "Tilt Y" -msgstr "Girar Y" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_scanline0r.xml:3 -msgid "scanline0r" -msgstr "Línies entrellaçades" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_scanline0r.xml:4 -msgid "Interlaced black lines" -msgstr "Línies negres entrellaçades" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:4 data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:51 -msgid "Color Selection" -msgstr "Selecció de color" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:5 data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:52 -msgid "Color based alpha selection" -msgstr "Selecció alfa basada en el color" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:9 data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:56 -msgid "Color to select" -msgstr "Color a seleccionar" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:13 data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:60 -msgid "Invert selection" -msgstr "Inverteix la selecció" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:17 data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:79 -msgid "Delta R / A / Hue" -msgstr "Delta R / A / To" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:21 data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:83 -msgid "Delta G / B / Chroma" -msgstr "Delta G / B / Croma" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:25 data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:87 -msgid "Delta B / I / I" -msgstr "Delta B / I / I" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:29 data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:64 -msgid "RGB,ABI,HCI" -msgstr "RGB,ABI,HCI" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:30 data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:65 -msgid "Selection subspace" -msgstr "Subespai de selecció" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:34 data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:69 -msgid "Box,Ellipsoid,Diamond" -msgstr "Quadre,El·lipsoide,Diamant" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:35 data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:70 -msgid "Subspace shape" -msgstr "Forma del subespai" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:39 -msgid "Hard,Fat,Normal,Skinny" -msgstr "Molt grossa,Grossa,Normal,Fina" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:40 data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:75 -msgid "Edge mode" -msgstr "Mode de vora" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:74 -msgid "Hard,Fat,Normal,Skinny,Slope" -msgstr "Molt grossa,Grossa,Normal,Fina,Desnivell" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sharpness.xml:3 -msgid "Sharpen" -msgstr "Agudització" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sharpness.xml:4 -msgid "Unsharp masking (port from Mplayer)" -msgstr "Màscara de suavitzat (adaptació del Mplayer)" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sobel.xml:3 -msgid "Sobel" -msgstr "Sobel" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sobel.xml:4 -msgid "Sobel filter" -msgstr "Filtre Sobel" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:4 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:59 -msgid "SOP/Sat" -msgstr "SOP/Sat" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:5 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:60 -msgid "" -"Changes Slope, Offset, and Power of the color components, and the overall " -"Saturation, according to the ASC CDL (Color Decision List)." -msgstr "" -"Canvia el pendent, desplaçament i potència dels components del color, i la " -"saturació global, d'acord amb la CDL (Llista de Decisió del Color) de l'ASC." - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:8 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:63 -msgid "Slope Red" -msgstr "Desnivell del roig" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:10 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:65 -msgid "" -"\n" -" All effects can be observed well when applied on a greyscale " -"gradient and looking at the RGB Parade monitor.]]>" -msgstr "" -"\n" -" Tots els efectes es poden observar bé quan s'apliquen a un " -"degradat d'escala de grisos i mirant el monitor de Parada del RGB.]]>" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:13 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:68 -msgid "Slope Green" -msgstr "Desnivell del verd" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:16 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:71 -msgid "Slope Blue" -msgstr "Desnivell del blau" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:19 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:74 -msgid "Slope Alpha" -msgstr "Desnivell de l'alfa" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:23 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:78 -msgid "Offset Red" -msgstr "Desplaçament del roig" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:24 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:79 -msgid "" -"Changing the offset lifts (or lowers) the brightness of each pixel by the " -"given value." -msgstr "" -"El canvi del desplaçament eleva (o baixa) la lluminositat de cada píxel pel " -"valor indicat." - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:27 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:82 -msgid "Offset Green" -msgstr "Desplaçament del verd" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:30 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:85 -msgid "Offset Blue" -msgstr "Desplaçament del blau" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:33 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:88 -msgid "Offset Alpha" -msgstr "Desplaçament de l'alfa" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:37 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:92 -msgid "Power Red" -msgstr "Potència del roig" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:39 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:94 -msgid "" -"\n" -" Mathematically, what happens is an exponentiation of the " -"pixel brightness on [0,1] by the gamma value.]]>" -msgstr "" -"\n" -" Matemàticament, hi ha una potenciació de la brillantor dels " -"píxels en [0,1] pel valor de la gamma.]]>" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:42 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:97 -msgid "Power Green" -msgstr "Potència del verd" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:45 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:100 -msgid "Power Blue" -msgstr "Potència del blau" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:48 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:103 -msgid "Power Alpha" -msgstr "Potència de l'alfa" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:52 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:107 -msgid "Overall Saturation" -msgstr "Saturació global" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:53 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:108 -msgid "The overall saturation will be changed in the last step of this filter." -msgstr "La saturació global es canviarà en el darrer pas d'este filtre." - -#: data/effects/frei0r_squareblur.xml:3 -msgid "Square Blur" -msgstr "Difuminat quadrat" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_squareblur.xml:4 -msgid "Square blur" -msgstr "Difuminat quadrat" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_squareblur.xml:7 -msgid "Kernel size" -msgstr "Mida del nucli" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_tehroxx0r.xml:3 -msgid "TehRoxx0r" -msgstr "TehRoxx0r" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_tehroxx0r.xml:4 -msgid "Something videowall-ish" -msgstr "Quelcom de videomosaic" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_tehroxx0r.xml:7 -msgid "Interval" -msgstr "Interval" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_three_point_balance.xml:3 -msgid "3 point balance" -msgstr "Equilibri de 3 punts" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_three_point_balance.xml:4 -msgid "Balances colors along with 3 points" -msgstr "Equilibra els colors entre 3 punts" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_three_point_balance.xml:7 -msgid "Black color" -msgstr "Color negre" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_three_point_balance.xml:10 -msgid "Gray color" -msgstr "Color gris" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_three_point_balance.xml:13 -msgid "White color" -msgstr "Color blanc" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_three_point_balance.xml:16 -msgid "Split screen preview" -msgstr "Divideix la vista prèvia de la pantalla" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_three_point_balance.xml:19 -msgid "Source image on left side" -msgstr "Imatge origen a la part esquerra" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_threelay0r.xml:3 -msgid "threelay0r" -msgstr "Tres nivells" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_threelay0r.xml:4 -msgid "Dynamic 3-level thresholding" -msgstr "Llindars dinàmics de 3 nivells" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_threshold0r.xml:3 -msgid "Threshold0r" -msgstr "Limitador" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_threshold0r.xml:4 -msgid "Thresholds a source image" -msgstr "Limita una imatge origen" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_timeout.xml:4 -msgid "Timeout indicator" -msgstr "Indicador de temps límit" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_timeout.xml:7 -msgid "Indicator color" -msgstr "Color d'indicador" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, markers_list) -#: data/effects/frei0r_timeout.xml:10 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:427 -msgid "Time" -msgstr "Temps" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_tint0r.xml:3 -msgid "Tint" -msgstr "Acolorit" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_tint0r.xml:4 -msgid "Maps source image luminance between two colors specified" -msgstr "" -"Associa la luminància d'una imatge origen entre dos colors especificats" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_tint0r.xml:7 -msgid "Map black to" -msgstr "Associa el negre a" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_tint0r.xml:10 -msgid "Map white to" -msgstr "Associa el negre a" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_tint0r.xml:13 -msgid "Tint amount" -msgstr "Quantitat d'acoloriment" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_twolay0r.xml:3 -msgid "twolay0r" -msgstr "Dues capes" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_twolay0r.xml:4 -msgid "Dynamic thresholding" -msgstr "Llindars dinàmics" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_vectorscope.xml:3 src/scopes/scopemanager.cpp:306 -msgid "Vectorscope" -msgstr "Vectoscopi" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_vectorscope.xml:4 -msgid "Display a vectorscope of the video data" -msgstr "Mostra un vectoscopi de les dades del vídeo" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_vertigo.xml:4 data/effects/frei0r_vertigo.xml:15 -msgid "Vertigo" -msgstr "Vertigen" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_vertigo.xml:5 data/effects/frei0r_vertigo.xml:16 -msgid "Alpha blending with zoomed and rotated images" -msgstr "Mescla alfa amb imatges ampliades i girades" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_vertigo.xml:8 data/effects/frei0r_vertigo.xml:19 -msgid "Phase Increment" -msgstr "Increment de fase" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_vertigo.xml:11 data/effects/frei0r_vertigo.xml:22 -msgid "Zoom Rate" -msgstr "Ràtio de zoom" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_vignette.xml:3 -msgid "Vignette" -msgstr "Vinyetatge" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_vignette.xml:4 -msgid "Natural lens vignetting effect" -msgstr "Efecte de vinyetatge natural de les lents" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_vignette.xml:7 -msgid "Aspect ratio" -msgstr "Relació d'aspecte" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_vignette.xml:10 -msgid "Clear center size" -msgstr "Neteja la mida central" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_softness) -#: data/effects/frei0r_vignette.xml:13 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:709 -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:302 src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:220 -msgid "Softness" -msgstr "Suavitat" - -#: data/effects/gain.xml:3 data/effects/gain.xml:7 data/effects/mute.xml:7 -#: data/effects/normalise.xml:7 data/effects/sox_bass.xml:7 -#: data/effects/sox_gain.xml:7 data/effects/volume.xml:7 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/lumaliftgain.cpp:65 -msgid "Gain" -msgstr "Guany" - -#: data/effects/gain.xml:4 -msgid "Adjust the audio volume without keyframes" -msgstr "Ajusta el volum d'àudio sense fotogrames clau" - -#: data/effects/gamma.xml:4 -msgid "Change gamma color value" -msgstr "Canvia el valor de la gamma del color" - -#: data/effects/grain.xml:3 -msgid "Grain" -msgstr "Gra" - -#: data/effects/grain.xml:4 -msgid "Grain over the image" -msgstr "Gra sobre la imatge" - -#: data/effects/grain.xml:7 data/effects/movit_deconvolution_sharpen.xml:18 -#: plugins/sampleplugin/sampleplugin.cpp:34 -#: plugins/sampleplugin/sampleplugin.cpp:42 -#: plugins/sampleplugin/sampleplugin.cpp:54 -#: plugins/sampleplugin/sampleplugin.cpp:78 -msgid "Noise" -msgstr "Soroll" - -#: data/effects/greyscale.xml:3 -msgid "Greyscale" -msgstr "Escala de grisos" - -#: data/effects/greyscale.xml:4 -msgid "Discard color information" -msgstr "Descarta la informació de color" - -#: data/effects/invert.xml:4 -msgid "Invert colors" -msgstr "Invertir colors" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_declipper.xml:3 -msgid "Declipper" -msgstr "Eliminació de talls" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_declipper.xml:4 -msgid "LADSPA declipper audio effect" -msgstr "Efecte d'àudio d'eliminació de talls d'àudio LADSPA" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer.xml:3 -msgid "Equalizer" -msgstr "Equalitzador" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer.xml:4 -msgid "LADSPA equalizer audio effect" -msgstr "Efecte d'àudio de l'equalitzador LADSPA" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer.xml:7 -msgid "Lo gain" -msgstr "Guany de baixos" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer.xml:10 -msgid "Mid gain" -msgstr "Guany de mitjos" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer.xml:13 -msgid "Hi gain" -msgstr "Guany d'aguts" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:3 -msgid "15 Band Equalizer" -msgstr "Equalitzador de 15 bandes" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:4 -msgid "LADSPA equalizer audio effect (15 band)" -msgstr "Efecte d'àudio de l'equalitzador LADSPA (15 bandes)" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:7 -msgid "50 Hz" -msgstr "50 Hz" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:10 -msgid "100 Hz" -msgstr "100 Hz" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:13 -msgid "156 Hz" -msgstr "156 Hz" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:16 -msgid "220 Hz" -msgstr "220 Hz" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:19 -msgid "311 Hz" -msgstr "311 Hz" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:22 -msgid "440 Hz" -msgstr "440 Hz" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:25 -msgid "622 Hz" -msgstr "622 Hz" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:28 -msgid "880 Hz" -msgstr "880 Hz" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:31 -msgid "1250 Hz" -msgstr "1250 Hz" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:34 -msgid "1750 Hz" -msgstr "1750 Hz" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:37 -msgid "2500 Hz" -msgstr "2500 Hz" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:40 -msgid "3500 Hz" -msgstr "3500 Hz" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:43 -msgid "5000 Hz" -msgstr "5000 Hz" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:46 -msgid "10000 Hz" -msgstr "10000 Hz" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:49 -msgid "20000 Hz" -msgstr "20000 Hz" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_limiter.xml:3 -msgid "Limiter" -msgstr "Limitador" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_limiter.xml:4 -msgid "LADSPA limiter audio effect" -msgstr "Efecte del LADSPA per limitar el senyal d'àudio a un valor màxim" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_limiter.xml:7 -msgid "Input gain (dB)" -msgstr "Guany d'entrada (dB)" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_limiter.xml:10 -msgid "Limit (dB)" -msgstr "Límit (dB)" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_limiter.xml:13 -msgid "Release time (s)" -msgstr "Temps d'alliberament (s)" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_phaser.xml:3 -msgid "Phaser" -msgstr "Phaser" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_phaser.xml:4 -msgid "LADSPA phaser audio effect" -msgstr "Efecte «phaser» del LADSPA" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_phaser.xml:7 -msgid "Rate (Hz)" -msgstr "Freqüència (Hz)" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_phaser.xml:10 data/effects/sox_flanger.xml:10 -msgid "Depth" -msgstr "Profunditat" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_phaser.xml:13 -msgid "Feedback" -msgstr "Comentari" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_phaser.xml:16 -msgid "Spread" -msgstr "Estendre" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_pitch.xml:3 -msgid "Pitch Shift" -msgstr "Canvi de tons" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_pitch.xml:4 -msgid "LADSPA change pitch audio effect" -msgstr "Efecte del LADSPA per canviar el to del senyal d'àudio" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_pitch.xml:7 data/effects/sox_pitch.xml:7 -msgid "Shift" -msgstr "Decalatge" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_pitch_scale.xml:3 -msgid "Pitch Scaler" -msgstr "Escala de tons" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_pitch_scale.xml:4 -msgid "LADSPA pitch scale audio effect" -msgstr "Efecte del LADSPA per escalar el to del senyal d'àudio" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_pitch_scale.xml:7 -msgid "Co-efficient" -msgstr "Coeficient" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_rate_scale.xml:3 -msgid "Rate Scaler" -msgstr "Escalat de freqüència" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_rate_scale.xml:4 -msgid "LADSPA rate scale audio effect" -msgstr "" -"Efecte del LADSPA per escalar la freqüència de mostratge del senyal d'àudio" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_rate_scale.xml:7 -msgid "Rate" -msgstr "Freqüència" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_reverb.xml:3 -msgid "Reverb" -msgstr "Reverberació" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_reverb.xml:4 -msgid "LADSPA reverb audio effect" -msgstr "Efecte del LADSPA per afegir reverberació al senyal d'àudio" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_reverb.xml:7 -msgid "Reverb time" -msgstr "Temps de reverberació" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_reverb.xml:10 data/effects/ladspa_room_reverb.xml:13 -msgid "Damping" -msgstr "Esmorteïment" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_room_reverb.xml:3 -msgid "Room Reverb" -msgstr "Reverberació d'habitació" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_room_reverb.xml:4 -msgid "LADSPA room reverb audio effect" -msgstr "" -"Efecte del LADSPA per afegir reverberació d'habitació al senyal d'àudio" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_room_reverb.xml:7 -msgid "Room size (m)" -msgstr "Mida de l'habitació" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_room_reverb.xml:10 -msgid "Delay (s/10)" -msgstr "Retard (s/10)" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_vinyl.xml:3 -msgid "Vinyl" -msgstr "Vinil" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_vinyl.xml:4 -msgid "Simulates a vinyl audio player - LADSPA audio effect" -msgstr "Efecte d'àudio del LADSPA que simula un tocadiscs de vinil" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_vinyl.xml:7 src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:166 -msgid "Year" -msgstr "Any" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_vinyl.xml:10 -msgid "RPM" -msgstr "RPM" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_vinyl.xml:13 -msgid "Surface warping" -msgstr "Deformació superficial" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_vinyl.xml:16 -msgid "Crackle" -msgstr "Crepitació" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_vinyl.xml:19 -msgid "Wear" -msgstr "Wear" - -#: data/effects/lift_gamma_gain.xml:3 -msgid "Lift/gamma/gain" -msgstr "Elevació/gamma/guany" - -#: data/effects/lift_gamma_gain.xml:6 data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain.xml:6 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain2.xml:6 -msgid "Lift: Red" -msgstr "Elevació: Roig" - -#: data/effects/lift_gamma_gain.xml:9 data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain.xml:9 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain2.xml:9 -msgid "Lift: Green" -msgstr "Elevació: Verd" - -#: data/effects/lift_gamma_gain.xml:12 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain.xml:12 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain2.xml:12 -msgid "Lift: Blue" -msgstr "Elevació: Blau" - -#: data/effects/lift_gamma_gain.xml:15 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain.xml:15 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain2.xml:15 -msgid "Gamma: Red" -msgstr "Gamma: Roig" - -#: data/effects/lift_gamma_gain.xml:18 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain.xml:18 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain2.xml:18 -msgid "Gamma: Green" -msgstr "Gamma: Verd" - -#: data/effects/lift_gamma_gain.xml:21 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain.xml:21 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain2.xml:21 -msgid "Gamma: Blue" -msgstr "Gamma: Blau" - -#: data/effects/lift_gamma_gain.xml:24 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain.xml:24 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain2.xml:24 -msgid "Gain: Red" -msgstr "Guany: Roig" - -#: data/effects/lift_gamma_gain.xml:27 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain.xml:27 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain2.xml:27 -msgid "Gain: Green" -msgstr "Guany: Verd" - -#: data/effects/lift_gamma_gain.xml:30 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain.xml:30 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain2.xml:30 -msgid "Gain: Blue" -msgstr "Guany: Blau" - -#: data/effects/loudness.xml:3 -msgid "Loudness" -msgstr "Sonoritat" - -#: data/effects/loudness.xml:4 -msgid "Correct audio loudness as recommended by EBU R128" -msgstr "" -"Corregeix la sonoritat de l'àudio d'acord amb la recomanació d'EBU R128" - -#: data/effects/loudness.xml:7 -msgid "Target Program Loudness" -msgstr "Sonoritat del programa de destí" - -#: data/effects/mirror.xml:3 -msgid "Mirror" -msgstr "Mirall" - -#: data/effects/mirror.xml:4 -msgid "Flip your image in any direction" -msgstr "Gira la imatge en qualsevol direcció" - -#: data/effects/mirror.xml:7 -msgid "Horizontal,Vertical,Diagonal,X Diagonal,Flip,Flop" -msgstr "Horitzontal,Vertical,Diagonal,Diagonal X,Gir,Contragir" - -#: data/effects/mirror.xml:8 -msgid "Mirroring direction" -msgstr "Direcció del reflex" - -#: data/effects/movit_blur.xml:3 -msgid "Blur (GPU)" -msgstr "Difuminat (GPU)" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_6) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_8) -#: data/effects/movit_blur.xml:6 data/effects/movit_diffusion.xml:6 -#: data/effects/movit_glow.xml:6 data/effects/movit_unsharp_mask.xml:6 -#: data/effects/movit_vignette.xml:6 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:891 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:915 -msgid "Radius" -msgstr "Radi" - -#: data/effects/movit_deconvolution_sharpen.xml:3 -msgid "Deconvolution sharpen (GPU)" -msgstr "Agudització per desconvolució (GPU)" - -#: data/effects/movit_deconvolution_sharpen.xml:6 -msgid "Matrix size" -msgstr "Mida de la matriu" - -#: data/effects/movit_deconvolution_sharpen.xml:9 -msgid "Circle radius" -msgstr "Radi del cercle" - -#: data/effects/movit_deconvolution_sharpen.xml:12 -msgid "Gaussian radius" -msgstr "Radi gaussià" - -#: data/effects/movit_deconvolution_sharpen.xml:15 -msgid "Correlation" -msgstr "Correlació" - -#: data/effects/movit_diffusion.xml:3 -msgid "Diffusion (GPU)" -msgstr "Difusió (GPU)" - -#: data/effects/movit_diffusion.xml:9 -msgid "Mix amount" -msgstr "Quantitat de mescla" - -#: data/effects/movit_glow.xml:3 -msgid "Glow (GPU)" -msgstr "Lluïssor (GPU)" - -#: data/effects/movit_glow.xml:9 -msgid "Glow strength" -msgstr "Potència de la lluïssor" - -#: data/effects/movit_glow.xml:12 -msgid "Highlight cutoff threshold" -msgstr "Llindar de tall de les llums altes" - -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain.xml:3 -msgid "Lift/gamma/gain (GPU)" -msgstr "Elevació/gamma/guany (GPU)" - -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain2.xml:3 -msgid "Movit: Lift/gamma/gain (colors)" -msgstr "Movit: Elevació/gamma/guany (colors)" - -#: data/effects/movit_mirror.xml:3 -msgid "Mirror (GPU)" -msgstr "Mirall (GPU)" - -#: data/effects/movit_opacity.xml:3 -msgid "Opacity (GPU)" -msgstr "Opacitat (GPU)" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_opacity) -#: data/effects/movit_opacity.xml:6 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:211 src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:113 -msgid "Opacity" -msgstr "Opacitat" - -#: data/effects/movit_rect.xml:3 -msgid "Pan and Zoom (GPU)" -msgstr "Desplaçament i ampliació (GPU)" - -#: data/effects/movit_rect.xml:9 -msgid "Allow upscale" -msgstr "Permet la conversió ascendent («upscale»)" - -#: data/effects/movit_saturation.xml:3 -msgid "Saturation (GPU)" -msgstr "Saturació (GPU)" - -#: data/effects/movit_unsharp_mask.xml:3 -msgid "Unsharp mask (GPU)" -msgstr "Màscara de suavitzat (GPU)" - -#: data/effects/movit_vignette.xml:3 -msgid "Vignette (GPU)" -msgstr "Vinyetatge (GPU)" - -#: data/effects/movit_vignette.xml:9 -msgid "Inner radius" -msgstr "Radi interior" - -#: data/effects/movit_white_balance.xml:3 -msgid "White Balance (GPU)" -msgstr "Balanç de blancs (GPU)" - -#: data/effects/mute.xml:3 -msgid "Mute" -msgstr "Silenci" - -#: data/effects/mute.xml:4 -msgid "Mute clip" -msgstr "Silencia el clip" - -#: data/effects/normalise.xml:3 -msgid "Normalise" -msgstr "Normalitza" - -#: data/effects/normalise.xml:4 -msgid "Dynamically normalise the audio volume" -msgstr "Normalitza el volum d'àudio dinàmicament" - -#: data/effects/normalise.xml:10 -msgid "Maximum gain" -msgstr "Guany màxim" - -#: data/effects/normalise.xml:13 data/effects/sox_stretch.xml:10 -msgid "Window" -msgstr "Finestra" - -#: data/effects/obscure.xml:4 -msgid "Hide a region of the clip" -msgstr "Oculta una regió del clip" - -#: data/effects/obscure.xml:7 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:760 -msgid "Region" -msgstr "Regió" - -#: data/effects/oldfilm.xml:3 -msgid "Oldfilm" -msgstr "Film antic" - -#: data/effects/oldfilm.xml:4 -msgid "Moves the Picture up and down and random brightness change" -msgstr "Mou la imatge amunt i avall i fa canvis aleatoris de lluminositat" - -#: data/effects/oldfilm.xml:7 -msgid "Y-Delta" -msgstr "Delta-Y" - -#: data/effects/oldfilm.xml:10 -#, no-c-format -msgid "% of picture have a delta" -msgstr "% de la imatge té un delta" - -#: data/effects/oldfilm.xml:13 -msgid "Brightness up" -msgstr "Augmenta la lluminositat" - -#: data/effects/oldfilm.xml:16 -msgid "Brightness down" -msgstr "Baixa la lluminositat" - -#: data/effects/oldfilm.xml:19 -msgid "Brightness every" -msgstr "Lluminositat cada" - -#: data/effects/oldfilm.xml:22 -msgid "Unevendevelop up" -msgstr "Augmenta la claredat" - -#: data/effects/oldfilm.xml:25 -msgid "Unevendevelop down" -msgstr "Disminueix la claredat" - -#: data/effects/oldfilm.xml:28 -msgid "Unevendevelop Duration" -msgstr "Durada de la claredat" - -#: data/effects/pan_zoom.xml:3 data/effects/region.xml:10 -#: data/effects/rotation.xml:37 -msgid "Pan and Zoom" -msgstr "Desplaçament i ampliació" - -#: data/effects/pan_zoom.xml:4 -msgid "Adjust size and position of clip" -msgstr "Ajusta la mida i posició del clip" - -#: data/effects/region.xml:3 -msgid "Regionalize" -msgstr "Regionalitza" - -#: data/effects/region.xml:4 -msgid "Apply sub-effects to a region defined by a clip's alpha channel" -msgstr "Aplica subefectes a una regió definida per un canal alfa de retall" - -#: data/effects/region.xml:7 -msgid "Url" -msgstr "URL" - -#: data/effects/rotation.xml:3 -msgid "Rotate and Shear" -msgstr "Gira i retalla" - -#: data/effects/rotation.xml:4 data/effects/rotation_keyframable.xml:4 -msgid "Rotate clip in any 3 directions" -msgstr "Gira el clip en qualsevol de les tres direccions" - -#: data/effects/rotation.xml:7 data/effects/rotation_keyframable.xml:7 -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:747 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:216 -msgid "Rotate X" -msgstr "Gira en X" - -#: data/effects/rotation.xml:10 data/effects/rotation_keyframable.xml:10 -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:748 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:219 -msgid "Rotate Y" -msgstr "Gira en Y" - -#: data/effects/rotation.xml:13 data/effects/rotation_keyframable.xml:13 -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:749 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:222 -msgid "Rotate Z" -msgstr "Gira en Z" - -#: data/effects/rotation.xml:16 -msgid "Animate Rotate X" -msgstr "Gir en X animat" - -#: data/effects/rotation.xml:19 -msgid "Animate Rotate Y" -msgstr "Gir en Y animat" - -#: data/effects/rotation.xml:22 -msgid "Animate Rotate Z" -msgstr "Gir en Z animat" - -#: data/effects/rotation.xml:25 -msgid "Shear X" -msgstr "Retalla X" - -#: data/effects/rotation.xml:28 -msgid "Shear Y" -msgstr "Retalla Y" - -#: data/effects/rotation.xml:31 -msgid "Animate Shear X" -msgstr "Retalla X animat" - -#: data/effects/rotation.xml:34 -msgid "Animate Shear Y" -msgstr "Retalla Y animat" - -#: data/effects/rotation_keyframable.xml:3 -msgid "Rotate (keyframable)" -msgstr "Gira (amb fotogrames clau)" - -#: data/effects/rotation_keyframable.xml:16 -msgid "Offset X" -msgstr "Desplaçament X" - -#: data/effects/rotation_keyframable.xml:19 -msgid "Offset Y" -msgstr "Desplaçament Y" - -#: data/effects/rotoscoping.xml:3 -msgid "Rotoscoping" -msgstr "Giroscopi" - -#: data/effects/rotoscoping.xml:4 -msgid "Keyframable vector based rotoscoping" -msgstr "Giroscopi vectorial basat en fotogrames clau" - -#: data/effects/rotoscoping.xml:8 -msgid "Alpha,Luma,RGB" -msgstr "Alfa,luma,RGB" - -#: data/effects/rotoscoping.xml:9 -msgid "Mode" -msgstr "Mode" - -#: data/effects/rotoscoping.xml:14 -msgid "Alpha Operation" -msgstr "Operació d'alfa" - -#: data/effects/rotoscoping.xml:22 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:3422 -msgid "Track" -msgstr "Pista" - -#: data/effects/rotoscoping.xml:26 -msgid "Feather width" -msgstr "Amplada de la ploma" - -#: data/effects/rotoscoping.xml:30 -msgid "Feathering passes" -msgstr "Passades de la ploma" - -#: data/effects/scratchlines.xml:3 -msgid "Scratchlines" -msgstr "Ratllades" - -#: data/effects/scratchlines.xml:4 -msgid "Scratchlines over the picture" -msgstr "Ratllades sobre la imatge" - -#: data/effects/scratchlines.xml:7 -msgid "Width of line" -msgstr "Amplada de les línies" - -#: data/effects/scratchlines.xml:10 -msgid "Max number of lines" -msgstr "Nombre màxim de línies" - -#: data/effects/scratchlines.xml:13 -msgid "Max darker" -msgstr "Fosc màxim" - -#: data/effects/scratchlines.xml:16 -msgid "Max lighter" -msgstr "Clar màxim" - -#: data/effects/sepia.xml:3 -msgid "Sepia" -msgstr "Sèpia" - -#: data/effects/sepia.xml:4 -msgid "Turn clip colors to sepia" -msgstr "Canvia els colors del clip a sèpia" - -#: data/effects/sepia.xml:7 -msgid "Chrominance U" -msgstr "Crominància U" - -#: data/effects/sepia.xml:10 -msgid "Chrominance V" -msgstr "Crominància V" - -#: data/effects/sox_band.xml:3 -msgid "Sox Band" -msgstr "«Passa-banda» del Sox" - -#: data/effects/sox_band.xml:4 -msgid "Sox band audio effect" -msgstr "Efecte d'àudio passa-banda del Sox" - -#: data/effects/sox_band.xml:7 -msgid "Center Frequency" -msgstr "Freqüència central" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_4) -#: data/effects/sox_band.xml:10 data/effects/sox_flanger.xml:16 -#: src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:181 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:307 -msgid "Width" -msgstr "Amplada" - -#: data/effects/sox_bass.xml:3 -msgid "Sox Bass" -msgstr "«Greus» del Sox" - -#: data/effects/sox_bass.xml:4 -msgid "Sox bass audio effect" -msgstr "Efecte d'àudio de greus del Sox" - -#: data/effects/sox_echo.xml:3 -msgid "Sox Echo" -msgstr "«Eco» del Sox" - -#: data/effects/sox_echo.xml:4 -msgid "Sox echo audio effect" -msgstr "Efecte d'àudio d'eco del Sox" - -#: data/effects/sox_echo.xml:7 data/effects/sox_phaser.xml:7 -msgid "Gain In" -msgstr "Guany" - -#: data/effects/sox_echo.xml:10 data/effects/sox_phaser.xml:10 -msgid "Gain Out" -msgstr "Pèrdua" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_13) -#: data/effects/sox_echo.xml:13 data/effects/sox_flanger.xml:7 -#: data/effects/sox_phaser.xml:13 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:994 -msgid "Delay" -msgstr "Retard" - -#: data/effects/sox_echo.xml:16 data/effects/sox_phaser.xml:16 -msgid "Decay" -msgstr "Decaïment" - -#: data/effects/sox_flanger.xml:3 -msgid "Sox Flanger" -msgstr "«Flanger» del Sox" - -#: data/effects/sox_flanger.xml:4 -msgid "Sox flanger audio effect" -msgstr "Efecte d'àudio «flanger» del Sox" - -#: data/effects/sox_flanger.xml:13 -msgid "Regeneration" -msgstr "Regeneració" - -#: data/effects/sox_flanger.xml:19 data/effects/sox_phaser.xml:19 -#: data/effects/speed.xml:3 data/effects/speed.xml:7 -msgid "Speed" -msgstr "Velocitat" - -#: data/effects/sox_flanger.xml:25 -msgid "Phase" -msgstr "Fase" - -#: data/effects/sox_flanger.xml:28 src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:383 -msgid "Interpolation" -msgstr "Interpolació" - -#: data/effects/sox_gain.xml:3 -msgid "Sox Gain" -msgstr "«Guany» del Sox" - -#: data/effects/sox_gain.xml:4 -msgid "Sox gain audio effect" -msgstr "Efecte d'àudio de guany del Sox" - -#: data/effects/sox_gain.xml:12 -msgid "Normalize" -msgstr "Normalitza" - -#: data/effects/sox_phaser.xml:3 -msgid "Sox Phaser" -msgstr "«Phaser» del Sox" - -#: data/effects/sox_phaser.xml:4 -msgid "Sox phaser audio effect" -msgstr "Efecte d'àudio «phaser» del Sox" - -#: data/effects/sox_pitch.xml:3 -msgid "Sox Pitch Shift" -msgstr "«Desplaçament de to» del Sox" - -#: data/effects/sox_pitch.xml:4 -msgid "Sox change pitch audio effect" -msgstr "Efecte d'àudio de canvi de to del Sox" - -#: data/effects/sox_pitch.xml:10 -msgid "Time window (ms)" -msgstr "Marge de temps (ms)" - -#: data/effects/sox_reverb.xml:3 -msgid "Sox Reverb" -msgstr "«Reverberació» del Sox" - -#: data/effects/sox_reverb.xml:4 -msgid "Sox reverb audio effect" -msgstr "Efecte d'àudio de reverberació del Sox" - -#: data/effects/sox_reverb.xml:7 -msgid "Reverberance" -msgstr "Reverberació" - -#: data/effects/sox_reverb.xml:10 -msgid "High frequency damping" -msgstr "Esmorteïment de les freqüències altes" - -#: data/effects/sox_reverb.xml:13 -msgid "Room scale" -msgstr "Escala de la sala" - -#: data/effects/sox_reverb.xml:16 -msgid "Stereo depth" -msgstr "Profunditat de l'estèreo" - -#: data/effects/sox_reverb.xml:19 -msgid "Pre-delay" -msgstr "Preretard" - -#: data/effects/sox_reverb.xml:22 -msgid "Wet gain" -msgstr "Guany humit" - -#: data/effects/sox_stretch.xml:3 -msgid "Sox Stretch" -msgstr "«Estirament» del Sox" - -#: data/effects/sox_stretch.xml:4 -msgid "Sox stretch audio effect" -msgstr "Efecte d'àudio d'estirament del Sox" - -#: data/effects/speed.xml:4 -msgid "Make clip play faster or slower" -msgstr "Fa més lenta o més ràpida la reproducció del clip" - -#: data/effects/speed.xml:10 -msgid "Stroboscope" -msgstr "Estroboscopi" - -#: data/effects/swapchannels.xml:3 -msgid "Swap channels" -msgstr "Intercanvia els canals" - -#: data/effects/swapchannels.xml:4 -msgid "Move the left channel to the right and right-to-left" -msgstr "Mou el canal esquerre al dret i viceversa" - -#: data/effects/tcolor.xml:3 -msgid "Technicolor" -msgstr "Technicolor" - -#: data/effects/tcolor.xml:4 -msgid "Oversaturate the color in video, like in old Technicolor movies" -msgstr "" -"Sobresatura el color en el vídeo, com a les pel·lícules antigues en " -"Technicolor" - -#: data/effects/tcolor.xml:7 -msgid "Blue/Yellow axis" -msgstr "Eix blau/groc" - -#: data/effects/tcolor.xml:10 -msgid "Red/Green axis" -msgstr "Eix roig/verd" - -#: data/effects/threshold.xml:4 -msgid "Make monochrome clip" -msgstr "Converteix el clip a monocrom" - -#: data/effects/threshold.xml:7 -msgid "Threshold value" -msgstr "Valor límit" - -#: data/effects/threshold.xml:10 -msgid "Use transparency" -msgstr "Utilitzar transparència" - -#: data/effects/vignette.xml:3 -msgid "Vignette Effect" -msgstr "Efecte de vinyetatge" - -#: data/effects/vignette.xml:4 -msgid "Adjustable Vignette" -msgstr "Vinyetatge ajustable" - -#: data/effects/vignette.xml:7 -msgid "smooth" -msgstr "suavitzat" - -#: data/effects/vignette.xml:10 -msgid "radius" -msgstr "radi" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_6) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_8) -#: data/effects/vignette.xml:13 src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:72 -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:575 -msgid "x" -msgstr "x" - -#: data/effects/vignette.xml:16 -msgid "y" -msgstr "y" - -#: data/effects/vignette.xml:19 -msgid "opacity" -msgstr "opacitat" - -#: data/effects/vignette.xml:22 -msgid "use cos instead of linear" -msgstr "usa el «cos» en lloc del lineal" - -#: data/effects/volume.xml:3 -msgid "Volume (keyframable)" -msgstr "Volum (amb fotogrames clau)" - -#: data/effects/volume.xml:4 -msgid "Adjust audio volume with keyframes" -msgstr "Ajusta el volum d'àudio amb fotogrames clau" - -#: data/effects/wave.xml:3 -msgid "Wave" -msgstr "Ona" - -#: data/effects/wave.xml:4 -msgid "Make waves on your clip with keyframes" -msgstr "Crea ones al vostre clip amb fotogrames clau" - -#: data/effects/wave.xml:10 -msgid "Horizontal" -msgstr "Horitzontal" - -#: data/effects/wave.xml:13 -msgid "Vertical" -msgstr "Vertical" - -#: data/kdenliveeffectscategory.rc:5 -msgid "Colour correction" -msgstr "Correcció del color" - -#: data/kdenliveeffectscategory.rc:8 -msgid "Colour" -msgstr "Color" - -#: data/kdenliveeffectscategory.rc:11 -msgid "Crop and transform" -msgstr "Escapçament i transformació" - -#: data/kdenliveeffectscategory.rc:14 -msgid "Audio correction" -msgstr "Correcció d'àudio" - -#: data/kdenliveeffectscategory.rc:17 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:655 -msgid "Audio channels" -msgstr "Canals d'àudio" - -#: data/kdenliveeffectscategory.rc:20 -msgid "Analysis and data" -msgstr "Anàlisi i dades" - -#: data/kdenliveeffectscategory.rc:23 -msgid "Fade" -msgstr "Fosa" - -#: data/kdenliveeffectscategory.rc:26 -msgid "Artistic" -msgstr "Artístic" - -#: data/kdenliveeffectscategory.rc:29 -msgid "Blur and hide" -msgstr "Difumina i oculta" - -#: data/kdenliveeffectscategory.rc:32 -msgid "Motion" -msgstr "Moviment" - -#: data/kdenliveeffectscategory.rc:38 -msgid "Alpha manipulation" -msgstr "Manipulació d'alfa" - -#: data/kdenliveeffectscategory.rc:41 -msgid "Enhancement" -msgstr "Millora" - -#: data/kdenliveeffectscategory.rc:44 -msgid "GPU effects" -msgstr "Efectes de la GPU" - -#. i18n: ectx: ToolBar (extraToolBar) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:4 -msgid "Extra Toolbar" -msgstr "Barra d'eines extra" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (project) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:21 -msgid "Project" -msgstr "Projecte" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (extract_audio) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:29 src/mainwindow.cpp:2752 -msgid "Extract Audio" -msgstr "Extreu l'àudio" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (clip_actions) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:32 src/mainwindow.cpp:2699 -msgid "Clip Jobs" -msgstr "Treballs del clip" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (transcoders) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:35 src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:184 -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:125 -msgid "Transcode" -msgstr "Recodifica" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (generators) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:38 -msgid "Generators" -msgstr "Generadors" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (track_menu) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:40 src/mainwindow.cpp:1145 -msgid "Tracks" -msgstr "Pistes" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (clip_in_timeline) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:55 -msgid "Clip in Timeline" -msgstr "Clip a la línia de temps" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (tool) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:70 -msgid "Tool" -msgstr "Eina" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (clip) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:80 src/project/projectlistview.cpp:59 -msgid "Clip" -msgstr "Clip" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (marker_menu) -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_3) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:81 src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:397 -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:402 -msgid "Markers" -msgstr "Marcadors" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (timeline) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:96 src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:81 -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2785 -msgid "Timeline" -msgstr "Línia de temps" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (keyboard_selection) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:97 -msgid "Selection" -msgstr "Selecció" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (keyboard_insert) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:105 -msgid "Insertion" -msgstr "Insereix" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (current_clip) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:110 -msgid "Current clip" -msgstr "Clip actual" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (all_clips) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:117 -msgid "All clips" -msgstr "Tots els clips" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (guide_menu) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:120 -msgid "Guides" -msgstr "Guies" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (space_menu) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:126 -msgid "Space" -msgstr "Espai" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (video_effects_menu) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:134 src/mainwindow.cpp:279 -msgid "Add Effect" -msgstr "Afig un efecte" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (monitor) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:148 -msgid "Monitor" -msgstr "Monitor" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (monitor_go) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:154 src/timeline/customruler.cpp:93 -msgid "Go To" -msgstr "Anar a" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (monitor_config) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:176 -msgid "Monitor config" -msgstr "Configuració del monitor" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (dockwindows) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:187 -msgid "View" -msgstr "Vista" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (layout_save_as) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:188 -msgid "Save Layout As" -msgstr "Guarda la disposició com a" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, CountDown_UI) -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, ClipStabilize_UI) -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, FreeSound_UI) -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, ArchiveWidget_UI) -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, BackupDialog_UI) -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, ClipTranscode_UI) -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, AddTrack_UI) -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, SmConfig_UI) -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, ManageEncodingProfile_UI) -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, ColorClip_UI) -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, RenderWidget_UI) -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, Stopmotion_UI) -#: plugins/sampleplugin/countdown_ui.ui:13 src/ui/addtrack_ui.ui:14 -#: src/ui/archivewidget_ui.ui:14 src/ui/backupdialog_ui.ui:14 -#: src/ui/clipstabilize_ui.ui:14 src/ui/cliptranscode_ui.ui:14 -#: src/ui/colorclip_ui.ui:14 src/ui/freesound_ui.ui:14 -#: src/ui/manageencodingprofile_ui.ui:14 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:14 -#: src/ui/smconfig_ui.ui:14 src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Dialog" -msgstr "Diàleg" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, destination_label) -#: plugins/sampleplugin/countdown_ui.ui:19 src/ui/cutjobdialog_ui.ui:47 -msgid "Save to" -msgstr "Guarda a" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, duration_label) -#: plugins/sampleplugin/countdown_ui.ui:29 -msgid "Duration (seconds)" -msgstr "Durada (segons)" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, font_label) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_4) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_17) -#: plugins/sampleplugin/countdown_ui.ui:46 src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:89 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:331 -msgid "Font" -msgstr "Tipus de lletra" - -#: plugins/sampleplugin/sampleplugin.cpp:33 -msgid "Countdown" -msgstr "Compte arrere" - -#: plugins/sampleplugin/sampleplugin.cpp:55 -msgid "Create Noise Clip" -msgstr "Crea un clip de soroll" - -#: plugins/sampleplugin/sampleplugin.cpp:59 -msgid "Create Countdown Clip" -msgstr "Crea un clip de compte arrere" - -#: plugins/sampleplugin/sampleplugin.cpp:97 -#: plugins/sampleplugin/sampleplugin.cpp:105 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Failed to generate clip:\n" -"%1" -msgstr "" -"Ha fallat en generar el clip:\n" -"%1" - -#: plugins/sampleplugin/sampleplugin.cpp:97 -#: plugins/sampleplugin/sampleplugin.cpp:105 -msgid "Generator Failed" -msgstr "El generador ha fallat" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:210 src/project/projectlist.cpp:133 -#, kde-format -msgid "%1 job" -msgid_plural "%1 jobs" -msgstr[0] "%1 treball" -msgstr[1] "%1 treballs" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:211 src/project/projectlist.cpp:134 -#, kde-format -msgid "%1 pending job" -msgid_plural "%1 pending jobs" -msgstr[0] "%1 treball pendent" -msgstr[1] "%1 treballs pendents" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_search) -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:300 src/ui/freesound_ui.ui:74 -msgid "Search" -msgstr "Cerca" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:336 -msgid "View Mode" -msgstr "Mode de vista" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:338 -msgid "Tree View" -msgstr "Vista en arbre" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:346 -msgid "Icon View" -msgstr "Vista d'icones" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:353 -msgid "Disable Bin Effects" -msgstr "Deshabilita els efectes de la safata" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:361 src/bin/bincommands.cpp:102 -msgid "Rename Folder" -msgstr "Reanomena la carpeta" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab) -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:370 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:50 -msgid "Settings" -msgstr "Arranjament" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:372 src/project/clipproperties.cpp:351 -#: src/project/dialogs/slideshowclip.cpp:77 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:324 -msgid "Zoom" -msgstr "Zoom" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:378 -msgid "Show date" -msgstr "Mostra la data" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:381 -msgid "Show description" -msgstr "Mostra la descripció" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:399 src/project/projectlist.cpp:213 -msgid "Cancel All Jobs" -msgstr "Cancel·la tots els treballs" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:401 src/project/projectlist.cpp:217 -msgid "Cancel Current Clip Jobs" -msgstr "Cancel·la tots els treballs del clip actual" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:431 src/project/projectlist.cpp:254 -msgid "Show Log" -msgstr "Mostra el registre" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:504 -msgid "Creating audio thumbnails" -msgstr "S'estan creant miniatures d'àudio" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:511 -msgid "Audio thumbnails done" -msgstr "S'han fet les miniatures d'àudio" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:805 -msgctxt "append to clip name to indicate a copied idem" -msgid " (copy)" -msgstr " (copia)" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:929 src/bin/bin.cpp:2217 -#: src/project/folderprojectitem.cpp:37 src/project/projectlist.cpp:1085 -#: src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:60 -msgid "Folder" -msgstr "Carpeta" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:1056 -#, kde-format -msgid "Folder contains a clip, delete anyways ?" -msgid_plural "Folder contains %1 clips, delete anyways ?" -msgstr[0] "La carpeta conté un clip. La suprimeixo tanmateix?" -msgstr[1] "La carpeta conté %1 clips. La suprimeixo tanmateix?" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:1173 src/mainwindow.cpp:1234 -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:1004 -msgid "Delete Clip" -msgstr "Suprimeix un clip" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:1174 src/mainwindow.cpp:1251 -msgid "Proxy Clip" -msgstr "Clip intermediari" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:1181 src/project/projectlist.cpp:995 -msgid "Delete Folder" -msgstr "Suprimeix la carpeta" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:1182 -msgid "Proxy Folder" -msgstr "Carpeta dels intermediaris" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2015 src/bin/bincommands.cpp:62 src/bin/bincommands.cpp:82 -msgid "Move Clip" -msgid_plural "Move Clips" -msgstr[0] "Mou el clip" -msgstr[1] "Mou els clips" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2231 -#, kde-format -msgid "Playlist clip %1 is invalid." -msgstr "El clip %1 de la llista de reproducció no és vàlid." - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2236 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Playlist clip %1 has too many tracks (%2) to be imported. Add new tracks to " -"your project." -msgstr "" -"El clip %1 de la llista de reproducció té massa pistes (%2) per a ser " -"importat. Afegiu pistes noves al projecte." - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2449 src/project/projectlist.cpp:465 -msgid "Please set a default application to open images in the Settings dialog" -msgstr "" -"Per favor, indiqueu l'aplicació per defecte per obrir imatges al diàleg de " -"configuració" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2455 src/project/projectlist.cpp:471 -msgid "" -"Please set a default application to open audio files in the Settings dialog" -msgstr "" -"Per favor, indiqueu l'aplicació per defecte per obrir fitxers d'àudio al " -"diàleg de configuració" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2511 src/project/projectlist.cpp:2661 -msgid "No data returned from clip analysis" -msgstr "No s'ha obtingut cap dada de l'anàlisi del clip" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2525 src/project/projectlist.cpp:2674 -msgid "Processing data analysis" -msgstr "S'està processant l'anàlisi de dades" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2531 src/project/projectlist.cpp:2680 -msgid "Auto Split Clip" -msgstr "Tall automàtic de clip" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2549 src/project/projectlist.cpp:2698 -msgid "Add Markers" -msgstr "Afig marcadors" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2592 src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:85 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:474 src/project/projectcommands.cpp:164 -msgid "Add marker" -msgid_plural "Add markers" -msgstr[0] "Afig un marcador" -msgstr[1] "Afig marcadors" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2603 src/bin/bin.cpp:2685 src/project/jobs/filterjob.cpp:96 -#: src/timeline/markerdialog.cpp:45 -#, kde-format -msgid "Category %1" -msgstr "Categoria %1" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2608 -msgid "Load Clip Markers" -msgstr "Carrega els marcadors del clip" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2623 src/bin/bin.cpp:2720 -#: src/dialogs/profilesdialog.cpp:219 src/dialogs/profilesdialog.cpp:520 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot open file %1" -msgstr "No s'ha pogut obrir el fitxer %1" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, MarkerDialog_UI) -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2649 src/definitions.cpp:78 src/definitions.cpp:95 -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:367 src/mainwindow.cpp:1831 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:727 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:801 src/ui/markerdialog_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Marker" -msgstr "Marcador" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2683 -msgid "All categories" -msgstr "Totes les categories" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2690 -msgid "Save Clip Markers" -msgstr "Guarda els marcadors del clip" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2733 src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:86 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:478 src/project/projectcommands.cpp:162 -msgid "Delete marker" -msgstr "Suprimeix marcador" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2748 -msgid "Delete clip markers" -msgstr "Suprimeix els marcadors del clip" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2750 -msgid "Clip has no markers" -msgstr "El clip no té marcadors" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2788 src/project/clippropertiesmanager.cpp:126 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"You are editing an external title clip (%1). Do you want to save your " -"changes to the title file or save the changes for this project only?" -msgstr "" -"Esteu editant un clip de títol extern (%1). Voleu guardar els canvis al " -"fitxer de títol o només guardar-los per este projecte concret?" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2788 src/project/clippropertiesmanager.cpp:126 -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:1766 -msgid "Save Title" -msgstr "Guarda el títol" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2788 src/project/clippropertiesmanager.cpp:126 -msgid "Save to title file" -msgstr "Guarda al fitxer de títol" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2788 src/project/clippropertiesmanager.cpp:126 -msgid "Save in project only" -msgstr "Guarda només en el projecte" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2852 src/project/projectlist.cpp:1428 -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:1430 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4517 -msgid "Invalid clip" -msgstr "El clip no és vàlid" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2852 src/project/projectlist.cpp:1428 -msgid "Clip is invalid, will be removed from project." -msgstr "El clip no és vàlid. S'eliminarà del projecte." - -#: src/bin/bincommands.cpp:34 -msgid "Remove Folder" -msgstr "Elimina carpeta" - -#: src/bin/bincommands.cpp:35 -msgid "Add Folder" -msgstr "Afig carpeta" - -#: src/bin/bincommands.cpp:121 -msgid "Add Bin Effect" -msgstr "Afig un efecte a la safata" - -#: src/bin/bincommands.cpp:140 -msgid "Remove Bin Effect" -msgstr "Elimina un efecte de la safata" - -#: src/bin/bincommands.cpp:162 -msgid "Rename Zone" -msgstr "Reanomena una zona" - -#: src/bin/bincommands.cpp:184 -msgid "Add Sub Clip" -msgstr "Afig un subclip" - -#: src/bin/bincommands.cpp:217 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1628 -msgid "Edit clip" -msgstr "Edita clip" - -#: src/bin/projectclip.cpp:90 src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:879 -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:195 -msgid "Untitled" -msgstr "Sense títol" - -#: src/bin/projectclip.cpp:272 src/project/projectlist.cpp:2458 -msgctxt "The first letter of Proxy, used as abbreviation" -msgid "P" -msgstr "P" - -#: src/bin/projectclip.cpp:940 src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:1228 -#, kde-format -msgid "Clip already contains analysis data %1" -msgstr "El clip ja conté l'anàlisi de dades %1" - -#: src/bin/projectclip.cpp:940 src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:1228 -msgid "Merge" -msgstr "Fusiona" - -#: src/bin/projectclip.cpp:940 src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:1228 -msgid "Add" -msgstr "Afig" - -#: src/bin/projectfolder.cpp:74 -#, kde-format -msgid "%1 clip" -msgid_plural "%1 clips" -msgstr[0] "%1 clip" -msgstr[1] "%1 clips" - -#: src/bin/projectfolderup.cpp:35 -msgid "Back" -msgstr "Arrere" - -#: src/bin/projectfolderup.cpp:59 -msgid "Go up" -msgstr "Puja" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/bin/projectitemmodel.cpp:169 src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:74 -#: src/ui/colorclip_ui.ui:20 src/ui/configtranscode_ui.ui:70 -#: src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:20 -msgid "Name" -msgstr "Nom" - -#: src/bin/projectitemmodel.cpp:172 -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:173 -#: src/project/projectlistview.cpp:59 -msgid "Date" -msgstr "Data" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_description) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/bin/projectitemmodel.cpp:175 src/project/projectlistview.cpp:59 -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:41 src/ui/configtranscode_ui.ui:80 -#: src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:49 -msgid "Description" -msgstr "Descripció" - -#: src/bin/projectitemmodel.cpp:178 src/dialogs/profilesdialog.cpp:585 -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:231 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:319 -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:771 src/mltcontroller/clipcontroller.cpp:266 -#: src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:483 -msgid "Unknown" -msgstr "Desconegut" - -#: src/bin/projectsubclip.cpp:41 src/doc/documentvalidator.cpp:1441 -#, kde-format -msgid "Zone %1" -msgstr "Zona %1" - -#: src/capture/managecapturesdialog.cpp:42 -msgid "import" -msgstr "importa" - -#: src/dialogs/clipcreationdialog.cpp:97 src/dialogs/clipcreationdialog.cpp:98 -msgid "Color Clip" -msgstr "Clip de Color" - -#: src/dialogs/clipcreationdialog.cpp:188 -msgid "Title clip" -msgstr "Clip de títol" - -#: src/dialogs/clipcreationdialog.cpp:236 src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:1117 -msgid "Template title clip" -msgstr "Clip de plantilla de títol" - -#: src/dialogs/clipcreationdialog.cpp:428 src/doc/doccommands.cpp:32 -msgid "Add clip" -msgid_plural "Add clips" -msgstr[0] "Afig un clip" -msgstr[1] "Afegir clips" - -#: src/dialogs/clipcreationdialog.cpp:437 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:247 -#: src/effectstack/collapsibleeffect.cpp:200 src/mainwindow.cpp:2832 -msgid "All Supported Files" -msgstr "Tots els fitxers acceptats" - -#: src/dialogs/clipcreationdialog.cpp:437 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:247 -#: src/effectstack/collapsibleeffect.cpp:200 src/mainwindow.cpp:2832 -msgid "All Files" -msgstr "Tots els fitxers" - -#: src/dialogs/clipcreationdialog.cpp:438 -msgid "Import image sequence" -msgstr "Importa una seqüència d'imatges" - -#: src/dialogs/clipcreationdialog.cpp:440 -msgid "Transparent background for images" -msgstr "Fons transparent per les imatges" - -#: src/dialogs/encodingprofilesdialog.cpp:37 -msgid "Manage Encoding Profiles" -msgstr "Administra els perfils de codificació" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, groupBox) -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, enable_proxy) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_14) -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, kcfg_enableproxy) -#: src/dialogs/encodingprofilesdialog.cpp:38 -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:96 src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:36 -#: src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:142 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:244 -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:499 -msgid "Proxy clips" -msgstr "Clips intermediaris" - -#: src/dialogs/encodingprofilesdialog.cpp:39 -msgid "Video4Linux capture" -msgstr "Captura via Video4Linux" - -#: src/dialogs/encodingprofilesdialog.cpp:40 -msgid "Screen capture" -msgstr "Captura de pantalla" - -#: src/dialogs/encodingprofilesdialog.cpp:41 -msgid "Decklink capture" -msgstr "Captura via «Decklink»" - -#: src/dialogs/encodingprofilesdialog.cpp:125 -#: src/dialogs/encodingprofilesdialog.cpp:157 -msgid "Profile name:" -msgstr "Nom de perfil:" - -#: src/dialogs/encodingprofilesdialog.cpp:128 -#: src/dialogs/encodingprofilesdialog.cpp:160 -msgid "Parameters:" -msgstr "Paràmetres:" - -#: src/dialogs/encodingprofilesdialog.cpp:131 -#: src/dialogs/encodingprofilesdialog.cpp:163 -msgid "File extension:" -msgstr "Extensió de fitxer:" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:64 -#: src/effectslist/effectslistwidget.cpp:100 -#: src/effectslist/effectslistwidget.cpp:121 -#: src/effectslist/effectslistwidget.cpp:123 -msgid "Misc" -msgstr "Miscel·lània" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:73 -msgid "Project Defaults" -msgstr "Valors predeterminats del projecte" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:101 -msgid "Environment" -msgstr "Entorn" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:126 -msgid "Capture" -msgstr "Captura" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:131 -msgid "Capture is not yet available on Mac OS X." -msgstr "La captura encara no està disponible en el Mac OS X." - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:170 -msgid "JogShuttle" -msgstr "Jog Shuttle" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, groupBox) -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:180 src/ui/smconfig_ui.ui:20 -msgid "Playback" -msgstr "Reproducció" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:275 -msgid "GPU processing needs MLT compiled with Movit and Rtaudio modules" -msgstr "" -"El processament de GPU necessita que el MLT estiga compilat amb els mòduls " -"Movit i Rtaudio" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:300 -#, kde-format -msgid "dvgrab version %1 at %2" -msgstr "versió de dvgrab %1 a %2" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:301 -msgid "" -"dvgrab utility not found, please install it for firewire " -"capture" -msgstr "" -"No s'ha trobat la utilitat dvgrab. Per favor, instal·leu-la " -"per poder fer captures a través de firewire." - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:438 -msgid "Automatic" -msgstr "Automàtic" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:440 -msgid "OSS" -msgstr "OSS" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:441 -msgid "ALSA" -msgstr "ALSA" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:442 -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:487 -msgid "PulseAudio" -msgstr "PulseAudio" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:443 -msgid "OSS with DMA access" -msgstr "OSS amb accés DMA" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:444 -msgid "Esound daemon" -msgstr "Dimoni Esound" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:445 -msgid "ARTS daemon" -msgstr "Dimoni ARTS" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:457 -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:458 -msgid "Default" -msgstr "Per omissió" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:503 -msgid "SDL" -msgstr "SDL" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:504 -msgid "RtAudio" -msgstr "RtAudio" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:566 -msgid "Select default video player" -msgstr "Selecciona el reproductor de vídeo predeterminat" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:578 -msgid "Select default audio editor" -msgstr "Selecciona l'editor d'àudio predeterminat" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:590 -msgid "Select default image editor" -msgstr "Selecciona l'editor d'imatges predeterminat" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:809 -msgid "Kdenlive must be restarted to change this setting" -msgstr "Cal reiniciar el Kdenlive per canviar este paràmetre" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, p_progressive) -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:832 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:264 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:634 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:118 src/project/clipproperties.cpp:685 -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:322 src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:99 -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:163 -msgid "Interlaced" -msgstr "Entrellaçat" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, progressive) -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:834 -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:1039 -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:1072 -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:1088 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:265 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:634 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:119 src/project/clipproperties.cpp:685 -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:428 src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:232 -msgid "Progressive" -msgstr "Progressiu" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:892 -msgid "A profile with that name already exists" -msgstr "Ja existeix un perfil amb este nom" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:1003 -msgid "Current settings" -msgstr "Paràmetres actuals" - -#: src/dialogs/profilesdialog.cpp:50 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:163 -msgid "Delete profile" -msgstr "Suprimeix perfil" - -#: src/dialogs/profilesdialog.cpp:52 src/dialogs/profilesdialog.cpp:95 -msgid "Save profile" -msgstr "Guarda el perfil" - -#: src/dialogs/profilesdialog.cpp:54 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:171 -msgid "Create new profile" -msgstr "Crea un nou perfil" - -#: src/dialogs/profilesdialog.cpp:163 -msgid "The custom profile was modified, do you want to save it?" -msgstr "El perfil personalitzat ha sigut modificat. Vols guardar-ho?" - -#: src/dialogs/profilesdialog.cpp:194 -msgid "" -"A profile with same name already exists in MLT's default profiles, please " -"choose another description for your custom profile." -msgstr "" -"Ja hi ha un perfil amb el mateix nom als perfils predeterminats del MLT. Per " -"favor, escolliu una altra descripció pel vostre perfil personalitzat." - -#: src/dialogs/profilesdialog.cpp:225 src/dialogs/profilesdialog.cpp:526 -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:612 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:799 -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:805 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:865 -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1003 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1168 -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2382 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2405 -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:669 src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:675 -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:934 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:940 -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:3046 src/mainwindow.cpp:3051 -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:796 -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:802 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:1780 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot write to file %1" -msgstr "No es pot escriure al fitxer %1" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:108 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1233 -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2295 -msgid "Waiting..." -msgstr "S'està esperant..." - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:111 -msgid "Rendering finished" -msgstr "Ha acabat la renderització" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:116 -msgid "Rendering crashed" -msgstr "La renderització ha fallat" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:121 -msgid "Rendering aborted" -msgstr "S'ha interromput la renderització" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:155 -msgid "Rendering" -msgstr "S'està renderitzant" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:167 -msgid "Edit profile" -msgstr "Edita perfil" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:177 -msgid "Copy profile to favorites" -msgstr "Afig el perfil als preferits" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:179 -msgid "Show profiles with different framerate" -msgstr "Mostra els perfils amb freqüències de fotogrames diferents" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, preserveAspectRatio) -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:223 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:534 -msgid "Preserve aspect ratio" -msgstr "Preserva la relació d'aspecte" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:289 -msgid "File" -msgstr "Fitxer" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:298 -msgid "Script Files" -msgstr "Fitxers de script" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:392 -msgid "Beginning" -msgstr "Inici" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:478 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:494 -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:688 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:706 -msgid "Qualities" -msgstr "Qualitats" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:479 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:495 -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:689 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:707 -msgid "Default quality" -msgstr "Qualitat per defecte" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, vbitrates_label) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, abitrates_label) -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:481 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:497 -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:691 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:709 -#: src/ui/saveprofile_ui.ui:40 src/ui/saveprofile_ui.ui:73 -msgid "Bitrates" -msgstr "Taxes de bits" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, default_vbitrate_label) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, default_abitrate_label) -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:482 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:498 -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:692 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:710 -#: src/ui/saveprofile_ui.ui:26 src/ui/saveprofile_ui.ui:80 -msgid "Default bitrate" -msgstr "Taxa de bits per defecte" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:509 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:515 -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:679 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:749 -msgctxt "Group Name" -msgid "Custom" -msgstr "A mida" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:591 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:760 -msgid "Profile already exists" -msgstr "El perfil ja existeix" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:591 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:760 -msgid "" -"This profile name already exists. Change the name if you don't want to " -"overwrite it." -msgstr "" -"El nom del perfil ja existeix. Canvieu el nom si no voleu sobreescriure'l." - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:606 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:859 -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1859 -#, kde-format -msgid "Unable to write to file %1" -msgstr "No és possible escriure al fitxer %1" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:632 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1843 -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1892 -msgctxt "Category Name" -msgid "Custom" -msgstr "Personalitzada" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:720 -msgid "Edit Profile" -msgstr "Edita perfil" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:918 -msgid "Cannot find the melt program required for rendering (part of Mlt)" -msgstr "" -"No s'ha pogut trobar el programa «melt» necessari per a renderitzar (part " -"del MLT)" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:922 -msgid "" -"Cannot play video after rendering because the default video player " -"application is not set.\n" -"Please define it in Kdenlive settings dialog." -msgstr "" -"No es pot reproduir el vídeo després de renderitzar-lo perquè no s'ha " -"establit el reproductor de vídeo predeterminat.\n" -"Per favor, definiu-lo al diàleg de configuració del Kdenlive." - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:930 src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:259 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"The directory %1, could not be created.\n" -"Please make sure you have the required permissions." -msgstr "" -"No s'ha pogut crear el directori %1.\n" -"Assegureu-vos que teniu els permisos requerits." - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:973 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:165 -#, kde-format -msgid "File has no extension. Add extension (%1)?" -msgstr "El fitxer no té cap extensió. Afegeixo una extensió (%1)?" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:988 -msgid "Output file already exists. Do you want to overwrite it?" -msgstr "El fitxer d'eixida ja existeix. Voleu sobreescriure'l?" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1222 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2283 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"There is already a job writing file:
Abort the job if " -"you want to overwrite it..." -msgstr "" -"Ja existeix un treball escrivint a fitxer:
Interrompeu " -"el treball si el voleu sobreescriure..." - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1222 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2283 -msgid "Already running" -msgstr "Encara s'està executant" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1266 -msgid "Video without audio track" -msgstr "Vídeo sense pista d'àudio" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1317 -#, kde-format -msgid "Rendering %1 started" -msgstr "Ha començat la renderització de %1" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1473 -#, kde-format -msgid "Frame rate (%1) not compatible with project profile (%2)" -msgstr "" -"La velocitat dels fotogrames (%1) no és compatible amb el perfil del " -"projecte (%2)" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1491 -#, kde-format -msgid "Unsupported video format: %1" -msgstr "Format de vídeo no admés: %1" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1507 -#, kde-format -msgid "Unsupported audio codec: %1" -msgstr "Còdec d'àudio no admés: %1" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1524 -#, kde-format -msgid "Unsupported video codec: %1" -msgstr "Còdec de vídeo no admés: %1" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1533 -msgid "" -"This render profile uses a 'profile' parameter.
Unless you know what " -"you are doing you will probably have to change it to 'mlt_profile'." -msgstr "" -"Este perfil de renderització utilitza un paràmetre «profile».
A menys " -"que sapigueu què esteu fent, probablement cal canviar-ho a «mlt_profile»." - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1546 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1584 -msgid "No matching profile" -msgstr "No concorda cap perfil" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1561 -msgid "untitled" -msgstr "sense títol" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1586 -msgid "Invalid profile" -msgstr "El perfil no és vàlid" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1630 -msgid "" -"Video\n" -"quality" -msgstr "" -"Qualitat\n" -"del vídeo" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1632 -msgid "" -"Video\n" -"bitrate" -msgstr "" -"Taxa de bits\n" -"del vídeo" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1652 -msgid "" -"Audio\n" -"quality" -msgstr "" -"Qualitat\n" -"de l'àudio" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1654 -msgid "" -"Audio\n" -"bitrate" -msgstr "" -"Taxa de bits\n" -"de l'àudio" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1692 -msgid "File rendering" -msgstr "Renderització del fitxer" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1693 -msgid "Favorites" -msgstr "Preferits" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1694 -msgid "DVD" -msgstr "DVD" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, profile_audioonly) -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1695 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7011 -#: src/ui/configtranscode_ui.ui:100 -msgid "Audio only" -msgstr "Només àudio" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1696 -msgid "Web sites" -msgstr "Llocs web" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1697 -msgid "Media players" -msgstr "Reproductors multimèdia" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1698 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1738 -msgid "Lossless/HQ" -msgstr "Sense pèrdua/HQU" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1699 -msgid "Mobile devices" -msgstr "Dispositius mòbils" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1783 -msgctxt "Category Name" -msgid "Images sequence" -msgstr "Seqüència d'imatges" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1987 -msgctxt "Attribute Name" -msgid "Custom" -msgstr "Personalitzat" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2085 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2108 -#, kde-format -msgid "%1 day " -msgid_plural "%1 days " -msgstr[0] "%1 dia " -msgstr[1] "%1 dies " - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2087 -#, kde-format -msgid "Remaining time %1" -msgstr "Temps restant %1" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2110 -#, kde-format -msgid "Rendering finished in %1" -msgstr "Ha acabat la renderització a %1" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2112 -#, kde-format -msgid "Rendering of %1 finished in %2" -msgstr "Renderització de %1 finalitzada a %2" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2125 -#, kde-format -msgid "Rendering of %1 crashed
" -msgstr "Ha fallat la renderització de %1
" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, abort_job) -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2165 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:650 -msgid "Abort Job" -msgstr "Interromp el treball" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2168 -msgid "Remove Job" -msgstr "Elimina el treball" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2236 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2240 -#, kde-format -msgid "Script contains wrong command: %1" -msgstr "L'script conte una orde errònia: %1" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2424 -msgid "script" -msgstr "script" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2445 src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:228 -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:640 -msgid "Check missing clips" -msgstr "Comprova els clips perduts" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2502 -msgid "Export audio (automatic)" -msgstr "Exporta l'àudio (automàtic)" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, export_audio) -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2504 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:544 -msgid "Export audio" -msgstr "Exporta l'àudio" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:60 -msgid "Config Wizard" -msgstr "Assistent de configuració" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:64 -msgid "Welcome" -msgstr "Benvingut" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:66 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Your Kdenlive version was upgraded to version %1. Please take some time to " -"review the basic settings" -msgstr "" -"La vostra versió del Kdenlive s'ha actualitzat a la versió %1, Per favor, " -"dediqueu una mica de temps a revisar els paràmetres bàsics." - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:68 -msgid "" -"This is the first time you run Kdenlive. This wizard will let you adjust " -"some basic settings, you will be ready to edit your first movie in a few " -"seconds..." -msgstr "" -"Esta és la primera vegada que executeu el Kdenlive. Este assistent vos " -"permetrà ajustar alguns paràmetres bàsics. Estareu llestos per editar la " -"primera pel·lícula en pocs segons..." - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:72 -msgid "Discover the features of this Kdenlive release" -msgstr "Descobriu les característiques d'esta versió del Kdenlive" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:82 -msgid "Checking MLT engine" -msgstr "S'està verificant el motor MLT" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:90 -msgid "Video Standard" -msgstr "Vídeo estàndard" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:128 -msgid "Additional Settings" -msgstr "Arranjaments addicionals" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (KComboBox, capture_device) -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:142 src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:168 -msgid "Capture device" -msgstr "Dispositiu de captura" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:146 -msgid "Default Blackmagic Decklink card:" -msgstr "Targeta Decklink Blackmagic predeterminada:" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:147 -msgid "No Blackmagic Decklink device found" -msgstr "No s'ha trobat cap dispositiu Decklink Blackmagic" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:158 -msgid "Checking system" -msgstr "S'està verificant el sistema" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:186 -msgid "Default video4linux device:" -msgstr "Dispositiu video4linux per defecte:" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:199 -msgid "No device found, plug your webcam and refresh." -msgstr "No s'ha trobat cap dispositiu. Endolleu la vostra webcam i refresqueu." - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:221 -#, kde-format -msgid "Current settings (%1x%2, %3/%4fps)" -msgstr "Paràmetres actuals (%1x%2, %3/%4fps)" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:257 -#, kde-format -msgid "Default settings (%1x%2, %3/%4fps)" -msgstr "Paràmetres per defecte (%1x%2, %3/%4fps)" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:272 -msgid "Melt" -msgstr "Melt" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:273 -msgid "Required for rendering (part of MLT package)" -msgstr "Necessari per a renderitzar (part del paquet MLT)" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:280 -msgid "Cannot start the MLT video backend!" -msgstr "No s'ha pogut iniciar el dorsal de vídeo MLT!" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:287 -#, kde-format -msgid "MLT version: %1" -msgstr "Versió de MLT: %1" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:290 -msgid "Your MLT version is unsupported!!!" -msgstr "Esta versió del MLT no està implementada." - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:296 -#, kde-format -msgid "Please upgrade to MLT %1.%2.%3" -msgstr "Per favor, actualitzeu a la versió %1.%2.%3 del MLT" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:300 -msgid "MLT video backend!" -msgstr "Dorsal de vídeo MLT!" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:318 -msgid "SDL module" -msgstr "Mòdul SDL" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:319 -msgid "Required for Kdenlive" -msgstr "Necessari per al Kdenlive" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:332 -msgid "Avformat module (FFmpeg)" -msgstr "Mòdul «avformat» (FFmpeg)" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:333 -msgid "Required to work with various video formats (hdv, mpeg, flash, ...)" -msgstr "" -"Necessari per treballar amb diferents formats de vídeo (hdv, mpeg, flash,...)" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:372 -msgid "QImage module" -msgstr "Mòdul QImage" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:373 src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:378 -msgid "Required to work with images" -msgstr "Necessari per treballar amb imatges" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:377 -msgid "Pixbuf module" -msgstr "Mòdul Pixbuf" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:392 -msgid "Title module" -msgstr "Mòdul de títols" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:393 -msgid "Required to work with titles" -msgstr "Necessari per treballar amb títols" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:456 -msgid "" -"The following codecs were not found on your system. Check our online manual if you need them: " -msgstr "" -"Els còdecs següents no s'han trobat en el sistema. Comproveu al nostre manual en línia si els necessiteu: " - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:477 -msgid "FFmpeg & ffplay" -msgstr "FFmpeg i ffplay" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:478 -msgid "Required for proxy clips, transcoding and screen capture" -msgstr "" -"Necessari per clips intermediaris, recodificació i captura de pantalles" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:504 -msgid "dvgrab" -msgstr "dvgrab" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:505 -msgid "Required for firewire capture" -msgstr "Necessari per a la captura amb firewire" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:511 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:104 -msgid "dvdauthor" -msgstr "dvdauthor" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:512 -msgid "Required for creation of DVD" -msgstr "Necessari per a la creació de DVD" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:518 -msgid "genisoimage or mkisofs" -msgstr "genisoimage o mkisofs" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:519 -msgid "Required for creation of DVD ISO images" -msgstr "Necessari per a la creació d'imatges ISO de DVD" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:528 -msgid "xine" -msgstr "xine" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:529 -msgid "Required to preview your DVD" -msgstr "Necessari per previsualitzar els DVD" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:533 -msgid "vlc" -msgstr "vlc" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:685 -msgid "Frame size:" -msgstr "Mida de fotograma:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_4) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:685 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:245 -#: src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:55 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:107 -msgid "Frame rate:" -msgstr "Velocitat de fotograma:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_23) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_9) -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:685 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:266 -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:121 -msgid "Pixel aspect ratio:" -msgstr "Relació d'aspecte del píxel:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_31) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_10) -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:685 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:280 -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:135 -msgid "Display aspect ratio:" -msgstr "Relació d'aspecte de la pantalla:" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:732 -msgid "" -"Your MLT installation cannot be found. Install MLT and restart Kdenlive.\n" -msgstr "" -"No s'ha trobat la vostra instal·lació de MLT. Instal·leu el MLT i reinicieu " -"el Kdenlive.\n" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:736 -msgid "Fatal Error" -msgstr "Error fatal" - -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:279 -#, kde-format -msgid "%1 fps" -msgstr "%1 fps" - -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:284 -msgid "Hz" -msgstr "Hz" - -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:289 -msgid "Audio clip" -msgstr "Clip d'àudio" - -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:292 -msgid "Mute video clip" -msgstr "Silencia el clip de vídeo" - -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:295 src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:214 -msgid "Video clip" -msgstr "Clip de vídeo" - -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:298 -msgid "Color clip" -msgstr "Clip de color" - -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:301 src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:216 -msgid "Image clip" -msgstr "Clip d'imatge" - -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:304 -msgid "Template text clip" -msgstr "Clip de plantilla de text" - -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:305 -msgid "Text clip" -msgstr "Clip de text" - -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:308 -msgid "Slideshow clip" -msgstr "Clip de presentació amb diapositives" - -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:311 -msgid "Virtual clip" -msgstr "Clip virtual" - -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:314 src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:218 -msgid "Playlist clip" -msgstr "Clip de llista de reproducció" - -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:317 -msgid "Unknown clip" -msgstr "Clip desconegut" - -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:684 src/renderer.cpp:141 -msgid "Missing clip" -msgstr "No s'ha trobat el clip" - -#: src/doc/doccommands.cpp:33 src/project/clipmanager.cpp:226 -msgid "Delete clip" -msgid_plural "Delete clips" -msgstr[0] "Suprimeix el clip" -msgstr[1] "Suprimeix els clips" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:199 -msgid "Luma file" -msgstr "Fitxer de luma" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:223 -msgid "Title Image" -msgstr "Imatge de títol" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:226 -msgid "Title Font" -msgstr "Tipus de lletra del títol" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:247 -#, kde-format -msgid "%1 will be replaced by %2" -msgstr "%1 se substituirà per %2" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:261 -msgid "Missing item" -msgstr "No s'ha trobat l'element" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:265 -msgid "The project file contains missing clips or files" -msgstr "El fitxer del projecte conté clips o fitxers que manquen" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:269 -msgid "Missing proxies will be recreated after opening." -msgstr "" -"Els intermediaris que manquen es tornaran a crear després de l'obertura." - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:273 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"The project file contains a missing clip, you can still work with its proxy." -msgid_plural "" -"The project file contains %1 missing clips, you can still work with their " -"proxies." -msgstr[0] "" -"El fitxer del projecte conté un clip que manca, encara podeu treballar amb " -"el seu intermediari." -msgstr[1] "" -"El fitxer del projecte conté %1 clips que manquen, encara podeu treballar " -"amb els seus intermediaris." - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:283 src/project/projectitem.cpp:192 -msgid "Proxy clip" -msgstr "Clip intermediari" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:285 -#, kde-format -msgid "%1 missing proxy clip, will be recreated on project opening" -msgid_plural "%1 missing proxy clips, will be recreated on project opening" -msgstr[0] "" -"Manca %1 clip intermediari, es tornarà a crear en l'obertura del projecte" -msgstr[1] "" -"Manquen %1 clips intermediaris, es tornaran a crear en l'obertura del " -"projecte" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:288 -msgid "Missing proxy" -msgstr "Manca intermediari" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:335 src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:348 -msgid "Source clip" -msgstr "Clip origen" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:337 -#, kde-format -msgid "%1 missing source clips, you can only use the proxies" -msgstr "Manquen %1 clips d'origen, només podeu usar els intermediaris" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:340 -msgid "Missing source clip" -msgstr "Manca clip d'origen" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:411 -msgid "Clips folder" -msgstr "Carpeta de clips" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:567 -msgid "Enter new location for file" -msgstr "Indiqueu la nova ubicació per al fitxer" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:780 -msgid "This will remove the selected clip from this project" -msgid_plural "This will remove the selected clips from this project" -msgstr[0] "Això eliminarà el clip seleccionat d'este projecte" -msgstr[1] "Això eliminarà els clips seleccionats d'este projecte" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:780 -msgid "Remove clips" -msgstr "Elimina clips" - -#: src/doc/documentvalidator.cpp:90 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"The document was created in \"%1\" locale, which is not installed on your " -"system. Please install that language pack. Until then, Kdenlive might not be " -"able to correctly open the document." -msgstr "" -"El document es va crear amb la configuració regional («locale») «%1», que no " -"està instal·lat en este sistema. Per favor, instal·leu el paquet d'idiomes. " -"Fins llavors, el Kdenlive podria no ser capaç d'obrir correctament el " -"document." - -#: src/doc/documentvalidator.cpp:94 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"There is a locale conflict on your system. The document uses locale %1 which " -"uses a \"%2\" as numeric separator (in system libraries) but Qt expects " -"\"%3\". You might not be able to correctly open the project." -msgstr "" -"Hi ha un conflicte de configuració regional («locale») en este sistema. El " -"document usa la configuració regional %1 que utilitza un «%2» com a " -"separador numèric (en les biblioteques del sistema) però les Qt esperen " -"«%3». Podríeu no ser capaç d'obrir correctament el projecte." - -#: src/doc/documentvalidator.cpp:279 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"This project type is unsupported (version %1) and can't be loaded.\n" -"Please consider upgrading your Kdenlive version." -msgstr "" -"El tipus de projecte no és compatible (versió %1) i no es pot carregar.\n" -"Considereu l'actualització de la versió del Kdenlive." - -#: src/doc/documentvalidator.cpp:279 src/doc/documentvalidator.cpp:286 -msgid "Unable to open project" -msgstr "No s'ha pogut obrir el projecte" - -#: src/doc/documentvalidator.cpp:286 -#, kde-format -msgid "This project type is unsupported (version %1) and can't be loaded." -msgstr "" -"El tipus de projecte no és compatible (versió %1) i no pot ser carregat." - -#: src/doc/documentvalidator.cpp:840 -msgid "" -"Some of your text clips were saved with size in points, which means " -"different sizes on different displays. Do you want to convert them to pixel " -"size, making them portable? It is recommended you do this on the computer " -"they were first created on, or you could have to adjust their size." -msgstr "" -"Alguns dels vostres clips de text s'han guardat amb la mida en punts, la " -"qual cosa significa que tindran mides diferents en pantalles diferents. " -"Desitgeu convertir-los a mida en píxels, fent-los portables? Es recomana que " -"ho feu a l'ordinador on van ser creats inicialment o, possiblement, haureu " -"d'ajustar la seua mida." - -#: src/doc/documentvalidator.cpp:840 -msgid "Update Text Clips" -msgstr "Actualitza clips de text" - -#: src/doc/documentvalidator.cpp:1679 -msgid "" -"The project file uses some GPU effects. GPU acceleration is not currently " -"enabled.\n" -"Do you want to convert the project to a non-GPU version ?\n" -"This might result in data loss." -msgstr "" -"El fitxer del projecte usa alguns efectes de GPU. L'acceleració de la GPU " -"actualment no està activada.\n" -"Voleu convertir el projecte a una versió sense GPU?\n" -"Això podria resultar en la pèrdua de les dades." - -#: src/doc/documentvalidator.cpp:1770 -msgid "The following filters/transitions were converted to non GPU versions:" -msgstr "Els filtres/transicions següents s'han convertit a versions sense GPU:" - -#: src/doc/documentvalidator.cpp:1773 -msgid "The following filters/transitions were deleted from the project:" -msgstr "Els filtres/transicions següents s'han suprimit del projecte:" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:152 -msgid "" -"Cannot open the project file,\n" -"Do you want to open a backup file?" -msgstr "" -"No s'ha pogut obrir el fitxer de projecte.\n" -"Voleu obrir una còpia de seguretat?" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:152 src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:168 -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:213 -msgid "Error opening file" -msgstr "Error en obrir el fitxer" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:152 src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:168 -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:213 -msgid "Open Backup" -msgstr "Obri una còpia de seguretat" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:168 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Cannot open the project file, error is:\n" -"%1 (line %2, col %3)\n" -"Do you want to open a backup file?" -msgstr "" -"No s'ha pogut obrir el fitxer de projecte. L'error és:\n" -"%1 (línia %2, col %3\n" -"Voleu obrir un fitxer de còpia de seguretat?" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:168 src/project/projectmanager.cpp:381 -msgid "Recover" -msgstr "Recupera" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:194 -msgid "Cannot recover this project file" -msgstr "No s'ha pogut recuperar este fitxer de projecte" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:206 -msgid "Validating" -msgstr "S'està validant" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:212 -#, kde-format -msgid "File %1 is not a Kdenlive project file" -msgstr "El fitxer %1 no és cap fitxer de projecte del Kdenlive" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:213 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"File %1 is not a valid project file.\n" -"Do you want to open a backup file?" -msgstr "" -"El fitxer %1 no és cap fitxer de projecte vàlid.\n" -"Voleu obrir un fitxer de còpia de seguretat?" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:254 -#, kde-format -msgid "Project directory %1 does not exist. Create it?" -msgstr "El directori %1 del projecte no existeix. El creo?" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:266 -#, kde-format -msgid "Document project folder is invalid, setting it to the default one: %1" -msgstr "" -"La carpeta de documents del projecte no és vàlida. S'establirà a la carpeta " -"predeterminada: %1" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:548 src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:659 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot write to file %1, scene list is corrupted." -msgstr "No es pot escriure al fitxer %1, la llista d'escenes és defectuosa." - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:719 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"You have changed the project folder. Do you want to copy the cached data " -"from %1 to the new folder %2?" -msgstr "" -"Heu canviat la carpeta del projecte. Voleu copiar les dades del cau des de " -"%1 a la carpeta %2 nova?" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:1105 -msgid "Enter Template Path" -msgstr "Introduïu el camí de les plantilles" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:1179 -msgid "The following effects were imported from the project:" -msgstr "Els efectes següents s'han importat des del projecte:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:1209 src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:1223 -#: src/ui/backupdialog_ui.ui:22 -msgid "Project Folder" -msgstr "Carpeta del projecte" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:1287 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Cannot create backup copy:\n" -"%1" -msgstr "" -"No s'ha pogut crear la còpia de seguretat:\n" -"%1" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:1400 src/project/projectlist.cpp:2317 -msgid "Add proxy clip" -msgid_plural "Add proxy clips" -msgstr[0] "Afig un clip intermediari" -msgstr[1] "Afig un clip" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:1401 src/project/projectlist.cpp:2318 -msgid "Remove proxy clip" -msgid_plural "Remove proxy clips" -msgstr[0] "Elimina el clip intermediari" -msgstr[1] "Elimina els clips intermediaris" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:62 src/mainwindow.cpp:1023 -msgid "DVD Wizard" -msgstr "Assistent per als DVD" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:65 -msgid "Select Files For Your DVD" -msgstr "Selecciona els fitxers pel teu DVD" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:69 -msgid "DVD Chapters" -msgstr "Capítols del DVD" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:75 -msgid "Create DVD Menu" -msgstr "Crea un menú de DVD" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:79 -msgid "Creating DVD Image" -msgstr "S'està creant la imatge de DVD" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:104 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:111 -#, kde-format -msgid "Burn with %1" -msgstr "Enregistra amb %1" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:114 -msgid "No burning program found (K3b, Brasero)" -msgstr "No s'ha trobat cap programa d'enregistrament (K3b, Brasero)" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:120 -msgid "Load" -msgstr "Carrega" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:121 -msgid "Save" -msgstr "Guarda" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:188 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot create temporary directory %1" -msgstr "No s'ha pogut crear el directori temporal %1" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:271 -msgid "Menu movie is invalid" -msgstr "La pel·lícula del menú no és vàlida" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:383 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:464 -msgid "Rendering job timed out" -msgstr "S'ha excedit el temps per al treball de renderització " - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:385 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:466 -msgid "Menu job timed out" -msgstr "S'ha excedit el temps del treball de menú" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:674 -msgid "Rendering menu crashed" -msgstr "La renderització del menú ha fallat" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:710 -msgid "DVDAuthor process crashed" -msgstr "El procés del DVDAuthor ha fallat" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:713 -msgid "DVDAuthor process crashed.
" -msgstr "El procés del DVDAuthor ha fallat.
" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:737 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:738 -msgid "DVD structure broken" -msgstr "L'estructura del DVD no és vàlida" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:785 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:788 -msgid "ISO creation process crashed." -msgstr "El procés de creació de l'ISO ha fallat." - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:817 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:818 -msgid "DVD ISO is broken" -msgstr "La imatge ISO del DVD no és vàlida" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:832 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:834 -#, kde-format -msgid "DVD ISO image %1 successfully created." -msgstr "La imatge ISO del DVD %1 s'ha creat correctament." - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:864 -#, kde-format -msgid "Previewing requires one of these applications (%1)" -msgstr "La vista prèvia requereix una d'estes aplicacions (%1)" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:888 -#, kde-format -msgid "Folder %1 already exists. Overwrite?\n" -msgstr "La carpeta %1 ja existeix. S'ha de sobreescriure?\n" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:890 -#, kde-format -msgid "Image file %1 already exists. Overwrite?" -msgstr "El fitxer d'imatge %1 ja existeix. S'ha de sobreescriure?" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:911 -msgid "Save DVD Project" -msgstr "Guarda un projecte de DVD" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:911 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:948 -msgid "DVD project (*.kdvd)" -msgstr "Projecte de DVD (*.kdvd)" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:957 -#, kde-format -msgid "File %1 is not a Kdenlive project file." -msgstr "El fitxer %1 no és cap fitxer de projecte del Kdenlive." - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardmenu.cpp:42 src/monitor/monitor.cpp:185 -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:303 src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:79 -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:405 src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:444 -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:873 -msgid "Play" -msgstr "Reprodueix" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardmenu.cpp:54 -msgid "Add new button" -msgstr "Afig un nou botó" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardmenu.cpp:55 -msgid "Delete current button" -msgstr "Suprimeix el botó actual" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardmenu.cpp:300 -msgid "Play All" -msgstr "Reprodueix-ho tot" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:104 -#, kde-format -msgid "Program %1 is required for the DVD wizard." -msgstr "Cal el programa %1 per l'assistent dels DVD." - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:105 -msgid "mkisofs" -msgstr "mkisofs" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:105 -msgid "genisoimage" -msgstr "genisoimage" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:105 -#, kde-format -msgid "Program %1 or %2 is required for the DVD wizard." -msgstr "Calen els programes %1 o %2 per l'assistent dels DVD." - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:111 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:316 -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:768 -msgid "PAL 4:3" -msgstr "PAL 4:3" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:111 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:313 -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:765 -msgid "PAL 16:9" -msgstr "PAL 16:9" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:111 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:310 -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:762 -msgid "NTSC 4:3" -msgstr "NTSC 4:3" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:111 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:307 -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:759 -msgid "NTSC 16:9" -msgstr "NTSC 16:9" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:138 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:791 -msgid "Your clips do not match selected DVD format, transcoding required." -msgstr "" -"Els clips no coincideixen amb el format seleccionat del DVD, es requereix " -"una recodificació." - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:210 src/project/cliptranscode.cpp:244 -msgid "Transcoding failed!" -msgstr "La recodificació ha fallat!" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:247 -msgid "MPEG Files" -msgstr "Fitxers MPEG" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:248 -msgid "Add new video file" -msgstr "Afig un fitxer de vídeo nou" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:337 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:779 -#, kde-format -msgid "The clip %1 is invalid." -msgstr "El clip %1 no és vàlid." - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:674 -#: src/effectstack/collapsibleeffect.cpp:352 -#: src/effectstack/collapsiblegroup.cpp:178 src/monitor/monitor.cpp:845 -#: src/project/clipstabilize.cpp:222 src/project/cliptranscode.cpp:141 -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:297 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"File %1 already exists.\n" -"Do you want to overwrite it?" -msgstr "" -"El fitxer %1 ja existeix.\n" -"Voleu sobreescriure'l?" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:699 -#, kde-format -msgid "Transcoding: %1" -msgstr "S'està recodificant: %1" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslist.cpp:197 -msgid "Author:" -msgstr "Autor:" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:63 -msgid "Search in effects list" -msgstr "Cerca a la llista d'efectes" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:72 -msgid "Show/Hide effect description" -msgstr "Mostra/oculta la descripció dels efectes" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:83 -msgid "Add Effect to Selected Clip" -msgstr "Afig un efecte al clip seleccionat" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:84 -msgid "Add Effect to Favorites" -msgstr "Afig l'efecte als preferits" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:85 -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:231 -#: src/effectstack/collapsibleeffect.cpp:70 -#: src/effectstack/collapsiblegroup.cpp:77 -msgid "Delete effect" -msgstr "Suprimeix l'efecte" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:93 -msgid "Show all transitions" -msgstr "Mostra totes les transicions" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:94 -msgid "Show GPU transitions" -msgstr "Mostra les transicions de GPU" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:101 -msgid "Show all effects" -msgstr "Mostra tots els efectes" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:103 -msgid "Show video effects" -msgstr "Mostra els efectes de vídeo" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:105 -msgid "Show audio effects" -msgstr "Mostra els efectes d'àudio" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:107 -msgid "Show GPU effects" -msgstr "Mostra els efectes de GPU" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:109 -msgid "Show custom effects" -msgstr "Mostra els efectes personalitzats" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:110 -msgid "Show favorite effects" -msgstr "Mostra els efectes preferits" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:239 -msgid "Remove from favorites" -msgstr "Elimina dels preferits" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_audio) -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, abitrates) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_audiothumbnails) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, audio_thumbs) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, audiobitrateLabel) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, rec_audio) -#: src/effectslist/effectslistwidget.cpp:100 -#: src/effectslist/effectslistwidget.cpp:129 -#: src/effectslist/effectslistwidget.cpp:131 src/monitor/recmanager.cpp:57 -#: src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:39 -#: src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:121 -#: src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:155 -#: src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:194 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:131 -#: src/ui/configtimeline_ui.ui:38 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:224 -#: src/ui/recmonitor_ui.ui:107 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:195 -#: src/ui/saveprofile_ui.ui:67 -msgid "Audio" -msgstr "Àudio" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistwidget.cpp:100 -#: src/effectslist/effectslistwidget.cpp:137 -#: src/effectslist/effectslistwidget.cpp:139 -#: src/effectslist/effectslistwidget.cpp:464 -msgctxt "Folder Name" -msgid "Custom" -msgstr "Personalitzada" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistwidget.cpp:194 -msgctxt "menu name for effects names between these 2 letters" -msgid "0 - F" -msgstr "0 - F" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistwidget.cpp:196 -msgctxt "menu name for effects names between these 2 letters" -msgid "G - L" -msgstr "G - L" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistwidget.cpp:198 -msgctxt "menu name for effects names between these 2 letters" -msgid "M - R" -msgstr "M - R" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistwidget.cpp:200 -msgctxt "menu name for effects names between these 2 letters" -msgid "S - Z" -msgstr "S - Z" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:47 src/project/clipproperties.cpp:346 -#: src/project/dialogs/slideshowclip.cpp:72 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:59 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:153 -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:541 -msgid "None" -msgstr "Cap" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:363 -#, kde-format -msgid "Group %1" -msgstr "Grup %1" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:624 -msgid "None (Dissolve)" -msgstr "Cap (Dissoldre)" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, slide_luma) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, luma_fade) -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:706 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:292 -#: src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:203 -msgid "Wipe" -msgstr "Cortineta" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:707 -msgid "Applies a stationary transition between the current and next frames." -msgstr "Aplica una transició immòbil entre el fotograma actual i el següent." - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:710 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:785 -msgctxt "@property: means that the image is inverted" -msgid "Invert" -msgstr "Invertida" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:711 -msgid "Image File" -msgstr "Fitxer d'imatge" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:712 -msgid "Reverse Transition" -msgstr "Inverteix la transició" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:716 src/timeline/headertrack.cpp:89 -#: src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:74 -msgid "Composite" -msgstr "Composició" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:717 -msgid "A key-framable alpha-channel compositor for two frames." -msgstr "Un compositor del canal alfa de fotograma clau per a dos fotogrames." - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:719 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:764 -msgid "Alpha Channel Operation" -msgstr "Operació de canal alfa" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:719 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:764 -msgid "Over,And,Or,Xor" -msgstr "Over,And,Or,Xor" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:720 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:765 -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:785 -msgid "Align" -msgstr "Alinea" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:723 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:768 -msgid "Wipe File" -msgstr "Fitxer de cortineta" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:724 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:769 -msgid "Wipe Softness" -msgstr "Suavitat de cortineta" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:725 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:770 -msgid "Wipe Invert" -msgstr "Inverteix la cortineta" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:726 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:771 -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:785 -msgid "Force Progressive Rendering" -msgstr "Força la renderització progressiva" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:727 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:772 -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:785 -msgid "Force Deinterlace Overlay" -msgstr "Força la superposició desentrellaçada" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:729 -msgid "Affine" -msgstr "Afí" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:753 -msgid "Fix Shear Y" -msgstr "Corregeix la cisalla en Y" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:754 -msgid "Fix Shear X" -msgstr "Corregeix la cisalla en X" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:755 -msgid "Fix Shear Z" -msgstr "Corregeix la cisalla en Z" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:761 -msgid "Use alpha channel of another clip to create a transition." -msgstr "Utilitza el canal alfa d'un altre clip per crear una transició." - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:762 -msgid "Transparency clip" -msgstr "Clip de transparència" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:785 -msgid "Slide" -msgstr "Lliscament" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:785 -msgid "Slide image from one side to another." -msgstr "Llisca la imatge d'una banda a l'altra." - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:785 -msgid "Direction" -msgstr "Direcció" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, slide_fade) -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:790 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:262 -#: src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:167 -msgid "Dissolve" -msgstr "Dissoldre" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:790 -msgid "Fade out one video while fading in the other video." -msgstr "Fosa d'eixida d'un vídeo mentre apareix l'altre vídeo." - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:790 -msgid "Reverse" -msgstr "Revers" - -#: src/effectstack/collapsibleeffect.cpp:64 -#: src/effectstack/collapsiblegroup.cpp:72 -msgid "Move effect up" -msgstr "Puja l'efecte" - -#: src/effectstack/collapsibleeffect.cpp:67 -#: src/effectstack/collapsiblegroup.cpp:74 -msgid "Move effect down" -msgstr "Baixa l'efecte" - -#: src/effectstack/collapsibleeffect.cpp:82 -msgid "Reset Effect" -msgstr "Reinicia l'efecte" - -#: src/effectstack/collapsibleeffect.cpp:83 -#: src/effectstack/collapsibleeffect.cpp:345 -msgid "Save Effect" -msgstr "Guarda l'efecte" - -#: src/effectstack/collapsibleeffect.cpp:91 -#: src/effectstack/collapsiblegroup.cpp:89 -msgid "Disable Effect" -msgstr "Deshabilita l'efecte" - -#: src/effectstack/collapsibleeffect.cpp:91 -#: src/effectstack/collapsiblegroup.cpp:89 -msgid "Enable Effect" -msgstr "Habilita l'efecte" - -#: src/effectstack/collapsibleeffect.cpp:96 -msgid "Create Group" -msgstr "Crea un grup" - -#: src/effectstack/collapsibleeffect.cpp:136 -msgid "Create Region" -msgstr "Crea una regió" - -#: src/effectstack/collapsibleeffect.cpp:345 -msgid "Name for saved effect: " -msgstr "Nom per l'efecte guardat: " - -#: src/effectstack/collapsiblegroup.cpp:68 -#: src/effectstack/collapsiblegroup.cpp:383 -msgid "Effect Group" -msgstr "Grup d'efectes" - -#: src/effectstack/collapsiblegroup.cpp:81 -msgid "Reset Group" -msgstr "Reinicia el grup" - -#: src/effectstack/collapsiblegroup.cpp:82 -#: src/effectstack/collapsiblegroup.cpp:171 -msgid "Save Group" -msgstr "Guarda el grup" - -#: src/effectstack/collapsiblegroup.cpp:84 -msgid "Ungroup" -msgstr "Desagrupa" - -#: src/effectstack/collapsiblegroup.cpp:171 -msgid "Name for saved group: " -msgstr "Nom pel grup guardat: " - -#: src/effectstack/complexparameter.cpp:36 -msgid "Allow horizontal moves" -msgstr "Permet moviments horitzontals" - -#: src/effectstack/complexparameter.cpp:38 -msgid "Allow vertical moves" -msgstr "Permet moviments verticals" - -#: src/effectstack/complexparameter.cpp:40 -msgid "Show keyframes in timeline" -msgstr "Mostra els fotogrames clau a la línia de temps" - -#: src/effectstack/complexparameter.cpp:42 -msgid "Parameter info" -msgstr "Informació del paràmetre" - -#: src/effectstack/complexparameter.cpp:44 src/effectstack/geometryval.cpp:81 -#: src/effectstack/keyframeedit.cpp:47 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:84 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:417 -#: src/simplekeyframes/simplekeyframewidget.cpp:42 -#: src/simplekeyframes/simplekeyframewidget.cpp:132 -msgid "Add keyframe" -msgstr "Afig un fotograma clau" - -#: src/effectstack/dragvalue.cpp:109 -msgid "Normal scale" -msgstr "Escala normal" - -#: src/effectstack/dragvalue.cpp:110 -msgid "Pixel scale" -msgstr "Escala de píxel" - -#: src/effectstack/dragvalue.cpp:111 -msgid "Nonlinear scale" -msgstr "Escala no lineal" - -#: src/effectstack/dragvalue.cpp:115 -msgid "Direct update" -msgstr "Actualització directa" - -#: src/effectstack/dragvalue.cpp:120 -msgid "Reset value" -msgstr "Reinicia el valor" - -#: src/effectstack/dragvalue.cpp:125 -#, kde-format -msgid "Show %1 in timeline" -msgstr "Mostra %1 a la línia de temps" - -#: src/effectstack/effectstackview2.cpp:71 -msgid "Enable/Disable all effects" -msgstr "Habilita/deshabilita tots els efectes" - -#: src/effectstack/effectstackview2.cpp:73 -msgid "Show additional information for the parameters" -msgstr "Mostra la informació addicional pels paràmetres" - -#: src/effectstack/effectstackview2.cpp:174 -#: src/effectstack/effectstackview2.cpp:176 -#: src/effectstack/effectstackview2.cpp:179 -#, kde-format -msgid "Effects for %1" -msgstr "Efectes per %1" - -#: src/effectstack/effectstackview2.cpp:229 -#: src/effectstack/effectstackview2.cpp:231 -#: src/effectstack/effectstackview2.cpp:234 -#, kde-format -msgid "Bin effects for %1" -msgstr "Safata d'efectes per %1" - -#: src/effectstack/effectstackview2.cpp:276 -#, kde-format -msgid "Effects for track %1" -msgstr "Efectes per la pista %1" - -#: src/effectstack/geometryval.cpp:77 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:81 -#: src/simplekeyframes/simplekeyframewidget.cpp:52 -msgid "Go to next keyframe" -msgstr "Vés al fotograma clau següent" - -#: src/effectstack/geometryval.cpp:79 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:78 -#: src/simplekeyframes/simplekeyframewidget.cpp:47 -msgid "Go to previous keyframe" -msgstr "Vés al fotograma clau anterior" - -#: src/effectstack/geometryval.cpp:83 src/effectstack/keyframeedit.cpp:49 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:423 -#: src/simplekeyframes/simplekeyframewidget.cpp:129 -msgid "Delete keyframe" -msgstr "Suprimeix fotograma clau" - -#: src/effectstack/geometryval.cpp:85 src/monitor/monitor.cpp:206 -msgid "Misc..." -msgstr "Miscel·lània..." - -#: src/effectstack/geometryval.cpp:89 -msgid "Show/Hide options" -msgstr "Mostra/oculta les opcions" - -#: src/effectstack/geometryval.cpp:97 -msgid "Sync timeline cursor" -msgstr "Sincronitza amb el cursor de la línia de temps" - -#: src/effectstack/geometryval.cpp:116 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:343 -msgid "Align item horizontally" -msgstr "Alinea l'element horitzontalment" - -#: src/effectstack/geometryval.cpp:118 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:345 -msgid "Align item vertically" -msgstr "Alinea l'element verticalment" - -#: src/effectstack/geometryval.cpp:120 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:347 -msgid "Align item to top" -msgstr "Alinea l'element a dalt" - -#: src/effectstack/geometryval.cpp:122 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:349 -msgid "Align item to bottom" -msgstr "Alinea l'element a baix" - -#: src/effectstack/geometryval.cpp:124 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:351 -msgid "Align item to right" -msgstr "Alinea l'element a la dreta" - -#: src/effectstack/geometryval.cpp:126 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:353 -msgid "Align item to left" -msgstr "Alinea l'element a l'esquerra" - -#: src/effectstack/parametercontainer.cpp:467 -msgid "" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/bezier/beziersplinewidget.cpp:67 -msgid "Handle 1:" -msgstr "Úchyt 1:" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/bezier/beziersplinewidget.cpp:70 -msgid "Handle 2:" -msgstr "Úchyt 2:" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/colorpickerwidget.cpp:71 -msgid "" -"Pick a color on the screen. By pressing the mouse button and then moving " -"your mouse you can select a section of the screen from which to get an " -"average color." -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/colorpickerwidget.cpp:101 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/colorpickerwidget.cpp:125 -msgid "Requesting color information..." -msgstr "Zjišťuje se barevná informace..." - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/colorpickerwidget.cpp:134 -msgid "Calculated average color for rectangle." -msgstr "Spočítané průměrné barvy pro obdélník." - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:96 -msgctxt "x axis position" -msgid "X" -msgstr "X" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:99 -msgctxt "y axis position" -msgid "Y" -msgstr "Y" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:102 -msgctxt "Frame width" -msgid "W" -msgstr "Š" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:105 -msgctxt "Frame height" -msgid "H" -msgstr "V" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:111 -msgid "Adjust to original size" -msgstr "Nastavit na původní velikost" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:113 -msgid "Fit to width" -msgstr "Přizpůsobit šířce" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:115 -msgid "Fit to height" -msgstr "Přizpůsobit výšce" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:118 -msgid "Import keyframes from clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:121 -msgid "Reset all keyframes" -msgstr "Resetovat všechny klíčové snímky" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:125 -msgid "Reset keyframes after cursor" -msgstr "Resetovat klíčové snímky za kurzorem" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:128 -msgid "Reset keyframes before cursor" -msgstr "Resetovat klíčové snímky před kurzorem" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:133 -msgid "Synchronize with timeline cursor" -msgstr "Synchronizovat s kurzorem časové osy" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:139 -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:244 -msgid "Align left" -msgstr "Zarovnat vlevo" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:141 -msgid "Center horizontally" -msgstr "Zarovnat vodorovně" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:143 -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:243 -msgid "Align right" -msgstr "Zarovnat vpravo" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:145 -msgid "Align top" -msgstr "Zarovnat nahoru" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:147 -msgid "Center vertically" -msgstr "Zarovnat svisle" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:149 -msgid "Align bottom" -msgstr "Zarovnat dolů" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:154 -#: src/ui/clipstabilize_ui.ui:30 -msgid "Options" -msgstr "Volby" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (suffix), widget (QSpinBox, spinResize) -#. i18n: ectx: property (suffix), widget (QSpinBox, kcfg_volume) -#. i18n: ectx: property (suffix), widget (QSpinBox, zoom_spin) -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:208 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:211 -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:125 src/ui/configsdl_ui.ui:89 -#: src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:226 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:611 -#, no-c-format -msgid "%" -msgstr "%" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/lumaliftgain.cpp:61 -msgid "Lift" -msgstr "" - -#: src/hidetitlebars.cpp:21 -msgid "Show Title Bars" -msgstr "Zobrazit hlavičkové sloupce" - -#: src/layoutmanagement.cpp:27 -msgid "Layouts" -msgstr "Rozložení" - -#: src/layoutmanagement.cpp:28 -msgid "Load Layout" -msgstr "Načíst rozložení" - -#: src/layoutmanagement.cpp:30 -#, kde-format -msgid "Layout %1" -msgstr "Rozvržení %1" - -#: src/layoutmanagement.cpp:34 -#, kde-format -msgid "Save As Layout %1" -msgstr "Uložit jako rozložení %1" - -#: src/layoutmanagement.cpp:69 -#, kde-format -msgid "Save as %1" -msgstr "Uložit jako %1" - -#: src/layoutmanagement.cpp:101 -msgid "Save Layout" -msgstr "Uložit rozložení" - -#: src/layoutmanagement.cpp:101 -msgid "Layout name:" -msgstr "Název rozložení:" - -#: src/lib/audio/audioCorrelation.cpp:43 -msgid "Audio analysis finished" -msgstr "" - -#: src/main.cpp:48 -msgid "Kdenlive" -msgstr "Kdenlive" - -#: src/main.cpp:49 -msgid "An open source video editor." -msgstr "Open source video editor" - -#: src/main.cpp:51 -msgid "Copyright © 2007–2015 Kdenlive authors" -msgstr "Copyright © 2007–2015 autoři Kdenlive" - -#: src/main.cpp:52 -msgid "Please report bugs to http://bugs.kde.org" -msgstr "Prosím, chyby hlaste na http://bugs.kde.org" - -#: src/main.cpp:54 -msgid "Jean-Baptiste Mardelle" -msgstr "Jean-Baptiste Mardelle" - -#: src/main.cpp:54 -msgid "MLT and KDE SC 4 / KF5 port, main developer and maintainer" -msgstr "Práce na MLT, portování na KDE SC 4 / KF5, hlavní vývojář a údržbář" - -#: src/main.cpp:55 -msgid "Vincent Pinon" -msgstr "" - -#: src/main.cpp:55 -msgid "" -"Interim maintainer, KF5 port, bugs fixing, minor functions, profiles " -"updates, etc." -msgstr "" - -#: src/main.cpp:56 -msgid "Laurent Montel" -msgstr "Laurent Montel" - -#: src/main.cpp:56 -msgid "Bugs fixing, clean up code, optimization etc." -msgstr "" - -#: src/main.cpp:57 -msgid "Marco Gittler" -msgstr "Marco Gittler" - -#: src/main.cpp:57 -msgid "MLT transitions and effects, timeline, audio thumbs" -msgstr "Práce na MLT přechodech, efektech, časové ose a audio miniaturách" - -#: src/main.cpp:58 -msgid "Dan Dennedy" -msgstr "Dan Dennedy" - -#: src/main.cpp:58 src/main.cpp:60 src/main.cpp:63 src/main.cpp:64 -msgid "Bug fixing, etc." -msgstr "Opravování chyb apod." - -#: src/main.cpp:59 -msgid "Simon A. Eugster" -msgstr "Simon A. Eugster" - -#: src/main.cpp:59 -msgid "Color scopes, bug fixing, etc." -msgstr "Analyzátory barev, opravování chyb apod." - -#: src/main.cpp:60 -msgid "Till Theato" -msgstr "Till Theato" - -#: src/main.cpp:61 -msgid "Alberto Villa" -msgstr "Alberto Villa" - -#: src/main.cpp:61 -msgid "Bug fixing, logo, etc." -msgstr "Opravování chyb, logo apod." - -#: src/main.cpp:62 -msgid "Jean-Michel Poure" -msgstr "Jean-Michel Poure" - -#: src/main.cpp:62 -msgid "Rendering profiles customization" -msgstr "Úprava renderovacích profilů" - -#: src/main.cpp:63 -msgid "Ray Lehtiniemi" -msgstr "Ray Lehtiniemi" - -#: src/main.cpp:64 -msgid "Steve Guilford" -msgstr "" - -#: src/main.cpp:65 -msgid "Jason Wood" -msgstr "Jason Wood" - -#: src/main.cpp:65 -msgid "Original KDE 3 version author (not active anymore)" -msgstr "Autor verze pro KDE 3. (již neaktivní)" - -#: src/main.cpp:66 -msgid "NAME OF TRANSLATORS" -msgstr "Jan Drábek,Vít Pelčák" - -#: src/main.cpp:66 -msgid "EMAIL OF TRANSLATORS" -msgstr "me@jandrabek.cz,vit@pelcak.org" - -#: src/main.cpp:86 -msgid "Set the path for MLT environment" -msgstr "Nastavení cesty k prostředí MLT" - -#: src/main.cpp:87 -msgid "Comma separated list of clips to add" -msgstr "Seznam přidávaných klipů oddělených čárkami" - -#: src/main.cpp:88 -msgid "Document to open" -msgstr "Dokument pro otevření" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:148 -msgid "Theme" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:177 -msgid "Project Bin" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, properties) -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:216 src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:395 -#: src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:43 -msgid "Properties" -msgstr "Vlastnosti" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:219 src/mainwindow.cpp:280 -msgid "Effects" -msgstr "Efekty" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:222 src/mainwindow.cpp:284 src/mainwindow.cpp:1272 -msgid "Transitions" -msgstr "Přechody" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:225 -msgid "Clip Monitor" -msgstr "Monitor klipu" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:226 -msgid "Project Monitor" -msgstr "Monitor projektu" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:228 -msgid "Record Monitor" -msgstr "Monitor nahrávání" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:233 -msgid "Clean" -msgstr "Vyčistit" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:235 -msgid "Undo History" -msgstr "Historie činností" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:263 -msgid "Stop Motion" -msgstr "Stop Motion" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, capture_button) -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:264 src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:105 -msgid "Capture frame" -msgstr "Zachytit snímek" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:267 -msgid "Switch live / captured frame" -msgstr "Přepnout mezi zachycenými a živými snímky" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:270 -msgid "Show last frame over video" -msgstr "Zobrazit poslední snímek přes video" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:283 -msgid "Add Transition" -msgstr "Přidat přechod" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:315 src/mainwindow.cpp:316 src/mainwindow.cpp:325 -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:326 src/mainwindow.cpp:330 -msgid "Favorite Effects" -msgstr "Oblíbené efekty" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:563 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"You have 1 rendering job waiting in the queue.\n" -"What do you want to do with this job?" -msgid_plural "" -"You have %1 rendering jobs waiting in the queue.\n" -"What do you want to do with these jobs?" -msgstr[0] "" -"Ve frontě úloh čeká 1 úloha.\n" -"Co si s ní přejete provést?" -msgstr[1] "" -"Ve frontě úloh čeká %1 úlohy.\n" -"Co si s nimi přejete provést?" -msgstr[2] "" -"Ve frontě úloh čeká %1 úloh.\n" -"Co si s nimi přejete provést?" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:563 -msgid "Start them now" -msgstr "Spustit je nyní" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:563 -msgid "Delete them" -msgstr "Smazat je" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:784 -msgid "Normal mode" -msgstr "Normální režim" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:785 -msgctxt "Normal editing" -msgid "n" -msgstr "n" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:790 -msgid "Overwrite mode" -msgstr "Přepisovací režim" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:796 -msgid "Insert mode" -msgstr "Vkládací režim" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:815 -msgid "Selection tool" -msgstr "Nástroj výběru" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:816 -msgctxt "Selection tool shortcut" -msgid "s" -msgstr "s" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:821 -msgid "Razor tool" -msgstr "Nástroj střihu" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:822 -msgctxt "Razor tool shortcut" -msgid "x" -msgstr "x" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:827 -msgid "Spacer tool" -msgstr "Nástroj pro práci s místem" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:828 -msgctxt "Spacer tool shortcut" -msgid "m" -msgstr "m" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:869 -msgid "Fit zoom to project" -msgstr "Zobrazit celý projekt" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:873 -msgid "Zoom Out" -msgstr "Oddálit" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:887 -msgid "Zoom In" -msgstr "Přiblížit" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:915 -msgid "Split audio and video automatically" -msgstr "Rozdělovat audio a video automaticky" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, videothumbs) -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:921 src/ui/wizardextra_ui.ui:35 -msgid "Show video thumbnails" -msgstr "Zobrazovat video miniatury" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, audiothumbs) -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:927 src/ui/wizardextra_ui.ui:42 -msgid "Show audio thumbnails" -msgstr "Zobrazovat audio miniatury" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:933 -msgid "Show markers comments" -msgstr "Zobrazovat komentáře značek" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:938 -msgid "Snap" -msgstr "Přichytávat" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, tc_type) -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:972 src/project/clipproperties.cpp:372 -#: src/project/dialogs/slideshowclip.cpp:89 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:284 -msgid "hh:mm:ss:ff" -msgstr "hh:mm:ss:ff" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, tc_type) -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:973 src/project/clipproperties.cpp:373 -#: src/project/dialogs/slideshowclip.cpp:90 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:289 -msgid "Frames" -msgstr "Snímky" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1002 -msgid "Manage Project Profiles" -msgstr "Spravovat projektové profily" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1003 -msgid "Download New Wipes..." -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1004 -msgid "Download New Render Profiles..." -msgstr "Stáhnout nové renderovací profily..." - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1005 -msgid "Download New Project Profiles..." -msgstr "Stáhnout nové projektové profily..." - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1006 -msgid "Download New Title Templates..." -msgstr "Stáhnout nové šablony titulků..." - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1008 -msgid "Run Config Wizard" -msgstr "Spustit konfiguračního průvodce" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, ProjectSettings_UI) -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1009 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Project Settings" -msgstr "Vlastnosti projektu" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1010 -msgid "Render" -msgstr "Renderovat" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1012 -msgid "Clean Project" -msgstr "Vyčistit projekt" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1016 -msgid "Play Zone" -msgstr "Přehrát výběr" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1018 -msgid "Loop Zone" -msgstr "Smyčka" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1020 -msgid "Loop selected clip" -msgstr "Zacyklit vybraný klip" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1024 -msgid "Transcode Clips" -msgstr "Překódovat klipy" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1025 src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:55 -msgid "Archive Project" -msgstr "Archivovat projekt" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1026 -msgid "Switch monitor" -msgstr "Přepnout monitor" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1027 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6364 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Edit Clip" -msgid "Expand Clip" -msgstr "Upravit klip" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1029 -msgid "Monitor Info Overlay" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1035 -msgid "Real Time (drop frames)" -msgstr "V reálném čase (může zahazovat snímky)" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1040 -msgid "Monitor Gamma" -msgstr "Gama monitoru" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1041 -msgid "sRGB (computer)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1042 -msgid "Rec. 709 (TV)" -msgstr "Rec. 709 (TV)" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1047 -msgid "Insert Zone in Project Bin" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1048 -msgid "Insert Zone in Timeline" -msgstr "Vložit výběr do časové osy" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1050 -msgid "Resize Item Start" -msgstr "Nastavit začátek položky" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1055 -msgid "Resize Item End" -msgstr "Nastavit konec položky" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1060 -msgid "Go to Previous Snap Point" -msgstr "Jít na předchozí bod přichycení" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1062 -msgid "Go to Clip Start" -msgstr "Jít na začátek klipu" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1063 -msgid "Go to Clip End" -msgstr "Jít na konec klipu" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1064 -msgid "Go to Next Snap Point" -msgstr "Jít na následující bod přichycení" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1066 -msgid "Delete Selected Item" -msgstr "Smazat vybranou položku" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1067 -msgid "Align Playhead to Mouse Position" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1069 -msgid "Automatic Transition" -msgstr "Automatický přechod" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1076 -msgid "Group Clips" -msgstr "Seskupit klipy" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1078 -msgid "Ungroup Clips" -msgstr "Zrušit seskupení klipů" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1083 -msgid "Edit Duration" -msgstr "Upravit délku trvání" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1084 src/mainwindow.cpp:3232 -msgid "Save clip" -msgstr "Uložit klip" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1085 -msgid "Clip in Project Bin" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1086 -msgid "Insert Clip Zone in Timeline (Overwrite)" -msgstr "Vložit klip do časové osy (přepisovací režim)" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1087 -msgid "Select Clip" -msgstr "Vybrat klip" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1088 -msgid "Deselect Clip" -msgstr "Zrušit výběr klipu" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1089 -msgid "Add Clip To Selection" -msgstr "Přidat klip do výběru" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1091 -msgid "Select Transition" -msgstr "Vybrat přechod" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1093 -msgid "Deselect Transition" -msgstr "Zrušit výběr přechodu" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1095 -msgid "Add Transition To Selection" -msgstr "Přidat přechod do výběru" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, CutJobDialog_UI) -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1097 src/ui/cutjobdialog_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Cut Clip" -msgstr "Rozdělit klip" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1098 src/mainwindow.cpp:1833 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:729 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:803 -msgid "Add Marker" -msgstr "Přidat značku" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1099 -msgid "Delete Marker" -msgstr "Smazat značku" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1100 -msgid "Delete All Markers" -msgstr "Smazat všechny značky" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1102 src/mainwindow.cpp:1921 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:702 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:827 -msgid "Edit Marker" -msgstr "Upravit značku" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1105 -msgid "Add Marker/Guide quickly" -msgstr "Přidat značku/zarážku rychle" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1108 -msgid "Split Audio" -msgstr "Oddělit audio" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1112 -msgid "Set Audio Reference" -msgstr "Nastavit audio frekvenci" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1116 -msgid "Align Audio to Reference" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1120 -msgid "Audio Only" -msgstr "Pouze audio" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1125 -msgid "Video Only" -msgstr "Pouze video" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1130 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7007 -msgid "Audio and Video" -msgstr "Audio a video" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1142 -msgid "Insert Space" -msgstr "Vložit místo" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1143 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:3426 -msgid "Remove Space" -msgstr "Smazat místo" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1146 -msgid "Insert Track" -msgstr "Vložit stopu" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1150 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6556 -#: src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:94 -msgid "Delete Track" -msgstr "Smazat stopu" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, TracksConfigDialog_UI) -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1155 src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:250 -#: src/ui/tracksconfigdialog_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Configure Tracks" -msgstr "Nastavit stopy" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1159 -msgid "Select All in Current Track" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1170 src/timeline/customruler.cpp:85 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5781 -msgid "Add Guide" -msgstr "Přidat zarážku" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1171 src/timeline/customruler.cpp:89 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:231 -msgid "Delete Guide" -msgstr "Smazat zarážku" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1172 src/timeline/customruler.cpp:87 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:235 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5815 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5829 -msgid "Edit Guide" -msgstr "Upravit zarážku" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1173 src/timeline/customruler.cpp:91 -msgid "Delete All Guides" -msgstr "Smazat všechny zarážky" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1175 -msgid "Paste Effects" -msgstr "Vložit efekty" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1180 -msgid "Save Selection" -msgstr "Uložit výběr" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1208 -msgid "Add Clip" -msgstr "Přidat klip" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1210 -msgid "Add Color Clip" -msgstr "Vytvořit klip barvy" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1213 src/project/dialogs/slideshowclip.cpp:41 -msgid "Add Slideshow Clip" -msgstr "Vytvořit slideshow" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1216 -msgid "Add Title Clip" -msgstr "Vytvořit titulky" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1219 -msgid "Add Template Title" -msgstr "Přidat titulky dle šablony" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1223 -msgid "Create Folder" -msgstr "Vytvořit složku" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1224 -msgid "Online Resources" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, ClipProperties_UI) -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1226 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Clip Properties" -msgstr "Vlastnosti klipu" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1230 -msgid "Edit Clip" -msgstr "Upravit klip" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1238 -msgid "Reload Clip" -msgstr "Znovu načíst klip" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1242 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Disable Effect" -msgid "Disable Timeline Effects" -msgstr "Vypnout efekt" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1247 -msgid "Duplicate Clip" -msgstr "Duplikovat klip" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1259 -msgid "Ripple Delete" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1389 -msgid "" -"You have changed the proxy parameters. Do you want to recreate all proxy " -"clips for this project?" -msgstr "" -"Změnili jste parametry zástupných klipů. Přejete si znovu vytvořit zástupné " -"klipy pro všechny klipy v tomto projektu?" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1487 -msgid "This will remove all unused clips from your project." -msgstr "Tímto smažete z vašeho projektu všechny nepoužívané klipy." - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1487 -msgid "Clean up project" -msgstr "Vyčištění projektu" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1647 -msgctxt "general keyboard shortcuts" -msgid "General" -msgstr "Obecné" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1827 src/mainwindow.cpp:1945 -msgid "Cannot find clip to add marker" -msgstr "Nelze přidat značku neznámému klipu" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1859 src/mainwindow.cpp:1886 src/mainwindow.cpp:1909 -msgid "Cannot find clip to remove marker" -msgstr "Nelze najít značku ke smazání" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1866 src/mainwindow.cpp:1916 -msgid "No marker found at cursor time" -msgstr "Na pozici kurzoru neexistuje žádná značka" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2194 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot find effect %1 / %2" -msgstr "Nelze se najít efekt %1 / %2" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2252 -#, kde-format -msgid "Zoom Level: %1/13" -msgstr "Úroveň přiblížení %1/13" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2378 -msgid "Ctrl + click to use spacer on current track only" -msgstr "" -"K použití nástroje pro práci s místem pouze v aktuální stopě použijte Ctrl + " -"kliknutí myší." - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2381 -msgid "Click on a clip to cut it" -msgstr "Klip rozdělíte kliknutím" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2384 -msgid "" -"Shift + click to create a selection rectangle, Ctrl + click to add an item " -"to selection" -msgstr "" -"K výběru více položek pomocí obdélníku držte Shift, pro výběr více položek " -"pouhým klikáním držte Ctrl." - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2707 -msgid "Stabilize" -msgstr "Stabilizovat" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2719 -msgid "Automatic scene split" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2729 src/project/jobs/filterjob.cpp:83 -msgid "Reverse clip" -msgstr "Obrátit klipu" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2736 -msgid "Analyse keyframes" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2751 -msgid "Transcoders" -msgstr "Převodníky" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2784 -msgid "Interface" -msgstr "Rozhraní" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2821 -msgid "No clip to transcode" -msgstr "Žádný klip k překódování" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2834 -msgid "Files to transcode" -msgstr "Soubory k překódování" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2867 -msgid "Create Render Script" -msgstr "Vytvořit dávkový soubor" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2877 -msgid "Script file already exists. Do you want to overwrite it?" -msgstr "Soubor s dávkou již existuje. Přejete si jej přepsat?" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2923 -msgctxt "the first in a list of chapters" -msgid "Start" -msgstr "Spustit" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:3200 -msgid "Archiving project" -msgstr "Archivuji projekt" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:3229 -msgid "Select a clip to save" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:3232 src/renderer.cpp:1386 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7865 -msgid "MLT playlist (*.mlt)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mltconnection.cpp:51 -msgid "Cannot find the melt program required for rendering (part of MLT)" -msgstr "" -"Nelze najít program melt (součást MLT), který je vyžadován pro renderování" - -#: src/mltconnection.cpp:83 -msgid "Cannot find your MLT profiles, please give the path" -msgstr "Nelze najít profily MLT, vyberte prosím správnou cestu" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:87 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:476 src/project/projectcommands.cpp:166 -msgid "Edit marker" -msgstr "Upravit značku" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:88 -msgid "Export markers" -msgstr "Exportovat značky" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:89 -msgid "Import markers" -msgstr "Importovat značky" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:115 -msgid "Analysis data" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:118 -msgid "Delete analysis" -msgstr "Smazat analýzu" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:119 -msgid "Export analysis" -msgstr "Exportovat analýzu" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:120 -msgid "Import analysis" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, clip_transparency) -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:166 -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:842 -msgid "Transparent" -msgstr "Průhledné" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:181 -msgid "Aspect Ratio" -msgstr "Poměr stran" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_18) -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:236 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:618 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:623 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:679 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:440 -#: src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:86 -msgid "Frame rate" -msgstr "Snímků za sekundu" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_5) -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:260 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:634 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:686 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:105 -msgid "Scanning" -msgstr "Skenování" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:282 -msgid "Field order" -msgstr "Pořadí půlsnímků" - -# Ponechal bych sudý, je to používaná terminologie (týká se půl snímků) -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:286 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:129 -msgid "Bottom first" -msgstr "Sudý první" - -# Totéž jako bottom first -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:287 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:130 -msgid "Top first" -msgstr "Lichý první" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:304 -msgid "Threads" -msgstr "Vlákna" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, clip_force_vindex) -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:320 -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:693 -msgid "Video index" -msgstr "Video index" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, clip_force_aindex) -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:336 -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:720 -msgid "Audio index" -msgstr "Audio index" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_12) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_32) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_15) -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:350 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:644 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:696 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:294 -#: src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:222 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:149 -msgid "Colorspace" -msgstr "Barevný prostor" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, clip_full_luma) -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:380 -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:772 -msgid "Full luma range" -msgstr "Plný rozsah lumy" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:399 -msgid "Force properties" -msgstr "Vynutit vlastnosti" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_5) -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_3) -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:401 -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:511 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:349 -msgid "Metadata" -msgstr "Metadata" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:403 -msgid "Analysis" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:609 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:671 src/project/clipproperties.cpp:673 -msgid "Video codec" -msgstr "Video kodek" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:613 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:676 -msgid "Frame size" -msgstr "Velikost snímku" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:630 -msgid "Video bitrate" -msgstr "Datový tok videa" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:630 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:664 -msgctxt "seconds" -msgid "s" -msgstr "s" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_9) -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:641 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:690 src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:120 -msgid "Pixel aspect ratio" -msgstr "Poměr stran pixelu" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:642 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:693 -msgid "Pixel format" -msgstr "Formát pixelu" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:651 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:243 -msgid "Audio codec" -msgstr "Audio kodek" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:659 -msgid "Audio frequency" -msgstr "Frekvence audio" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:664 -msgid "Audio bitrate" -msgstr "Datový tok zvuku" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:760 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:788 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:813 -msgid "Exif" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:832 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:854 -msgid "Magic Lantern" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:893 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:858 -msgid "Save Analysis Data" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:893 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:904 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:858 src/project/clipproperties.cpp:869 -msgid "Text File (*.txt)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:904 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:869 -msgid "Open Analysis Data" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:183 -msgid "Play..." -msgstr "Přehrát..." - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:185 src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:303 -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:310 src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:449 -msgid "Pause" -msgstr "Pozastavit" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:210 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:210 -msgid "Go to marker..." -msgstr "Přejít na značku..." - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:215 -msgid "Force Monitor Size" -msgstr "Vynutit velikost monitoru" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:216 -msgid "Force 100%" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:218 -msgid "Force 50%" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:220 -msgid "Free Resize" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:233 -msgid "Audio volume" -msgstr "Hlasitost audia" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:248 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Split view" -msgid "Split" -msgstr "Rozdělit pohled" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:248 -msgid "Unsplit" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:281 src/monitor/monitoreditwidget.cpp:58 -msgid "Show/Hide edit mode" -msgstr "Zobrazit/Skrýt režim úprav" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:400 -msgid "Save zone" -msgstr "Uložit výběr" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:401 -msgid "Extract Zone" -msgstr "Rozbalit oblast" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:404 -msgid "Extract frame" -msgstr "Uložit aktuální snímek" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:408 -msgid "Split view" -msgstr "Rozdělit pohled" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:412 -msgid "Set current image as thumbnail" -msgstr "Nastavit aktuální obrázek jako miniaturu" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:416 -msgid "Overlay audio waveform" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:453 -msgid "Your screen resolution is not sufficient for this action" -msgstr "Pro tuto činnost nemáte dostatečné rozlišení obrazovky" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:838 -msgid "Save Image" -msgstr "Uložit obrázek" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:894 -msgid "In Point" -msgstr "Počáteční bod" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:896 -msgid "Out Point" -msgstr "Koncový bod" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:1520 -msgid "Select a clip in project bin to compare effect" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:1524 -msgid "Clip has no effects" -msgstr "Klip nemá žádné efekty" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:1533 -msgid "" -"The scal0tilt filter is required for that feature, please install frei0r and " -"restart Kdenlive" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:1540 -msgid "" -"The cairoblend transition is required for that feature, please install " -"frei0r and restart Kdenlive" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitoreditwidget.cpp:64 -msgid "Update parameters while monitor scene changes" -msgstr "Aktualizovat parametry při změně scény v monitoru" - -#: src/monitor/monitoreditwidget.cpp:68 -msgid "Fit zoom to monitor size" -msgstr "Přiblížit podle velikosti monitoru" - -#: src/monitor/monitoreditwidget.cpp:70 -msgid "Original size" -msgstr "Původní velikost" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:326 -msgid "Switch monitor fullscreen" -msgstr "Přepnout monitor na celou obrazovku" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:331 src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:76 -msgid "Rewind" -msgstr "Přetáčet vzad" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:336 -msgid "Rewind 1 Frame" -msgstr "Přetočit zpět o 1 snímek" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:341 -msgid "Rewind 1 Second" -msgstr "Přetočit zpět o 1 sekundu" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:346 src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:85 -msgid "Forward" -msgstr "Přetáčet vpřed" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:351 -msgid "Go to Project Start" -msgstr "Jít na začátek projektu" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:356 -msgid "Go to Project End" -msgstr "Jít na konec projektu" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:361 -msgid "Forward 1 Frame" -msgstr "Přetočit o 1 snímek vpřed" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:366 -msgid "Forward 1 Second" -msgstr "Přetočit o 1 sekundu vpřed" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:371 -msgid "Deinterlacer" -msgstr "Deinterlacer" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:372 -msgid "One Field (fast)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:373 -msgid "Linear Blend (fast)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:374 -msgid "YADIF - temporal only (good)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:375 -msgid "YADIF - temporal + spacial (best)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:384 -msgid "Nearest Neighbor (fast)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:385 -msgid "Bilinear (good)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:386 -msgid "Bicubic (better)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:387 -msgid "Hyper/Lanczos (best)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:395 -msgid "Go to Zone Start" -msgstr "Jít na začátek výběru" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:400 -msgid "Mute monitor" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:400 -msgid "Unmute monitor" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:406 -msgid "Go to Zone End" -msgstr "Jít na konec výběru" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:411 -msgid "Set Zone In" -msgstr "Nastavit začátek výběru" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:416 -msgid "Set Zone Out" -msgstr "Nastavit konec výběru" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_preview) -#: src/monitor/recmanager.cpp:48 src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:147 -#: src/ui/freesound_ui.ui:144 src/utils/archiveorg.cpp:181 -#: src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:158 src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:263 -#: src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:277 src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:575 -msgid "Preview" -msgstr "Náhled" - -#: src/monitor/recmanager.cpp:52 src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:88 -msgid "Record" -msgstr "Nahrávat" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_video) -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, vbitrates) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, background_list) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_videothumbnails) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, video_thumbs) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, bitrateLabel) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, rec_video) -#: src/monitor/recmanager.cpp:56 src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:38 -#: src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:153 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:86 -#: src/ui/configtimeline_ui.ui:29 src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:207 -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:217 src/ui/recmonitor_ui.ui:100 -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:169 src/ui/saveprofile_ui.ui:20 -msgid "Video" -msgstr "Video" - -#: src/monitor/recmanager.cpp:68 src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:135 -#, kde-format -msgid "Monitor %1" -msgstr "Monitor %1" - -#: src/monitor/recmanager.cpp:80 -msgid "Webcam" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_3) -#: src/monitor/recmanager.cpp:81 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:427 -msgid "Screen Grab" -msgstr "Zachycení obrazovky" - -#: src/monitor/recmanager.cpp:86 -msgid "Configure Recording" -msgstr "Nastavit nahrávání" - -#: src/monitor/recmanager.cpp:89 -msgid "Show Record Control" -msgstr "Zobrazit ovládání nahrávání" - -#: src/monitor/recmanager.cpp:198 src/monitor/recmanager.cpp:279 -#: src/monitor/recmanager.cpp:284 src/monitor/recmanager.cpp:390 -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:879 src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:886 -msgid "Capture crashed, please check your parameters" -msgstr "Nahrávání selhalo, zkontrolujte prosím parametry" - -#: src/monitor/recmanager.cpp:265 src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:753 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Failed to start the capture application:\n" -"%1" -msgstr "" -"Nelze spustit aplikaci pro nahrávání:\n" -"%1" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:73 src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:862 -msgid "Connect" -msgstr "Připojit" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:82 src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:249 -#: src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:262 src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:271 -msgid "Stop" -msgstr "Zastavit" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:94 -msgid "Add Captured File to Project" -msgstr "Přidat zachycený soubor do projektu" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:102 -msgid "Recording Preview" -msgstr "Nahrávání náhledu" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:110 src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:245 -msgid "Configure" -msgstr "Nastavit" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:202 -msgid "" -"You need to disconnect and reconnect in the capture monitor to apply your " -"changes" -msgstr "" -"Pro provedení změn musíte zařízení v nahrávacím monitoru odpojit a znovu " -"připojit" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:202 src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:203 -msgid "Capturing" -msgstr "Nahrávání" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:203 -msgid "You need to stop capture before your changes can be applied" -msgstr "Pro provedení změn je potřeba zastavit nahrávání" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:256 -msgid "" -"ffmpeg or avconv not found,\n" -" please install it for screen grabs" -msgstr "" -"ffmpeg nebo avconv nebyly nalezeny,\n" -" nainstalujte je pokud si přejete nahrávat dění na obrazovce" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:262 -msgid "" -"Your FFmpeg / Libav installation\n" -" does not support screen grab" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:265 src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:888 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Press record button\n" -"to start screen capture\n" -"Files will be saved in:\n" -"%1" -msgstr "" -"Kliknutím na tlačítko nahrávat\n" -"pro začátek nahrávání obrazovky\n" -"
Soubory budou uloženy do:\n" -"
%1" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:283 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Plug your camcorder and\n" -"press play button\n" -"to start preview.\n" -"Files will be saved in:\n" -"%1" -msgstr "" -"Prosím, připojte vaši kameru\n" -"stiskněte tlačítko přehrát\n" -"pro náhled.\n" -"Soubory budou uloženy v:\n" -"%1" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:296 -msgid "" -"dvgrab utility not found,\n" -" please install it for firewire capture" -msgstr "" -"Program 'dvgrab' nebyl nalezen,\n" -" nainstalujte jej pokud si přejete nahrávat přes firewire" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:320 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Plug your camcorder and\n" -"press connect button\n" -"to initialize connection\n" -"Files will be saved in:\n" -"%1" -msgstr "" -"Prosím, připojte nyní vaši kameru\n" -"a stiskněte tlačítko připojit\n" -"k iniciaci spojení. \n" -"Soubory budou uloženy do:\n" -"%1" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:355 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Cannot read from device %1\n" -"Please check drivers and access rights." -msgstr "" -"Nelze číst ze zařízení %1\n" -"
Prosím zkontrolujte ovladače a přístupová práva." - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:358 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Press play or record button\n" -"to start video capture\n" -"Files will be saved in:\n" -"%1" -msgstr "" -"Kliknutím na tlačítko přehrát nebo nahrávat\n" -"zahájíte nahrávání videa.\n" -"Soubory budou uloženy do:\n" -"%1" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:370 -msgid "Disconnect" -msgstr "Odpojit" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:423 -msgid "Capture stopped" -msgstr "Nahrávání zastaveno" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:523 -msgid "" -"Failed to start Video4Linux,\n" -"check your parameters..." -msgstr "" -"Nelze zahájit práci se zařízením Video4Linux,\n" -"zkontrolujte nastavení...." - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:539 src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:701 -msgid "" -"Failed to start Decklink,\n" -"check your parameters..." -msgstr "" -"Nelze zahájit práci se zařízením Decklink,\n" -"zkontrolujte nastavení..." - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:677 -msgid "" -"Failed to start ffmpeg capture,\n" -"check your parameters..." -msgstr "" -"Nelze zahájit nahrávání s ffmpeg,\n" -"zkontrolujte parametry..." - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:695 -#, kde-format -msgid "Capturing to %1" -msgstr "Nahrávání do %1" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:702 -msgid "Failed to start capture" -msgstr "Nelze zahájit nahrávání" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:766 -msgid "Initialising..." -msgstr "Inicializace..." - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:782 -msgid "Show log" -msgstr "Zobrazit záznamy" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, video_frame) -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:882 src/ui/recmonitor_ui.ui:35 -msgid "Not connected" -msgstr "Nepřipojeno" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:971 -#, kde-format -msgid "Free space: %1" -msgstr "Volné místo: %1" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:1014 -#, kde-format -msgid "%1 dropped frames" -msgstr "%1 zahozených snímků" - -#: src/monitor/smallruler.cpp:201 src/timeline/customruler.cpp:233 -#: src/timeline/customruler.cpp:234 -#, kde-format -msgid "Zone start: %1" -msgstr "Začátek výběru: %1" - -#: src/monitor/smallruler.cpp:205 src/timeline/customruler.cpp:237 -#: src/timeline/customruler.cpp:238 -#, kde-format -msgid "Zone end: %1" -msgstr "Konec výběru: %1" - -#: src/monitor/smallruler.cpp:236 src/timeline/customruler.cpp:241 -#: src/timeline/customruler.cpp:242 -#, kde-format -msgid "Zone duration: %1" -msgstr "Trvání výběru: %1" - -#: src/monitor/smallruler.cpp:238 src/timeline/customruler.cpp:245 -#: src/timeline/customruler.cpp:246 -#, kde-format -msgid "Position: %1" -msgstr "Pozice: %1" - -#: src/project/clipmanager.cpp:220 -msgid "Delete subclip" -msgid_plural "Delete subclips" -msgstr[0] "Smazat podklip" -msgstr[1] "Smazat podklipy" -msgstr[2] "Smazat podklipy" - -#: src/project/clipmanager.cpp:223 src/project/projectcommands.cpp:74 -msgid "Delete folder" -msgid_plural "Delete folders" -msgstr[0] "Smazat složku" -msgstr[1] "Smazat složky" -msgstr[2] "Smazat složky" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:200 -msgid "Libav" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_8) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, kcfg_defaultcapture) -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_2) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, device_selector) -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:204 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:42 -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:181 src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:105 -#: src/ui/recmonitor_ui.ui:139 -msgid "FFmpeg" -msgstr "FFmpeg" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_11) -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:246 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:187 -#: src/utils/freesound.cpp:207 -msgid "Channels" -msgstr "Kanály" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:263 -#, kde-format -msgid "Proxy clip: %1 (%2)" -msgstr "Zástupný klip: %1 (%2)" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:265 -msgid "Delete proxy" -msgstr "Smazat zástupný klip" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:292 -msgid "Playlist" -msgstr "Seznam skladeb" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:348 src/project/dialogs/slideshowclip.cpp:74 -msgid "Pan, low-pass" -msgstr "Roztažení, low-pass" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:349 src/project/dialogs/slideshowclip.cpp:75 -msgid "Pan and zoom" -msgstr "Roztažení a přiblížení" - -# Dolní propust je matematický pojem, ve terminologii videa bude low-pass pochopitelnější. -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:350 src/project/dialogs/slideshowclip.cpp:76 -msgid "Pan and zoom, low-pass" -msgstr "Roztažení a přiblížení, low-pass" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:352 src/project/dialogs/slideshowclip.cpp:78 -msgid "Zoom, low-pass" -msgstr "Přiblížení, low-pass" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:480 -msgid "Save markers" -msgstr "Uložit značky" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:482 -msgid "Load markers" -msgstr "Načíst značky" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:484 -msgid "Delete analysis data" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:486 -msgid "Load analysis data" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:488 -msgid "Save analysis data" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:527 src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:360 -#, kde-format -msgid "(%1 clip)" -msgid_plural "(%1 clips)" -msgstr[0] "(%1 klip)" -msgstr[1] "(%1 klipy)" -msgstr[2] "(%1 klipů)" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, slide_info) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_info) -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:1166 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:319 -#: src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:265 -msgid "No image found" -msgstr "Nebyl nalezen žádný obrázek" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:1171 -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:573 -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:586 -#: src/project/dialogs/slideshowclip.cpp:247 -#, kde-format -msgid "1 image found" -msgid_plural "%1 images found" -msgstr[0] "Nalezen 1 obrázek" -msgstr[1] "Nalezeny %1 obrázky" -msgstr[2] "Nalezeno %1 obrázků" - -#: src/project/clippropertiesmanager.cpp:182 -msgid "Edit clips" -msgstr "Upravit klipy" - -#: src/project/clipstabilize.cpp:41 -msgid "Stabilize Clip" -msgstr "Stabilizovat klip" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, auto_add) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, add_clip) -#: src/project/clipstabilize.cpp:42 src/project/cliptranscode.cpp:47 -#: src/ui/clipstabilize_ui.ui:57 src/ui/cliptranscode_ui.ui:47 -#: src/ui/cutjobdialog_ui.ui:57 -msgid "Add clip to project" -msgid_plural "Add clips to project" -msgstr[0] "Přidat klip do projektu" -msgstr[1] "Přidat klipy do projektu" -msgstr[2] "Přidat klipy do projektu" - -#: src/project/clipstabilize.cpp:69 src/project/cliptranscode.cpp:63 -msgid "Destination folder" -msgstr "Cílová složka" - -#: src/project/clipstabilize.cpp:159 -msgid "Stabilised" -msgstr "Stabilizováno" - -#: src/project/clipstabilize.cpp:173 -msgid "Stabilize clip" -msgstr "Stabilizovat klip" - -#: src/project/clipstabilize.cpp:232 -msgid "The stabilize job will overwrite the following files:" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/cliptranscode.cpp:43 -msgid "Transcode Clip" -msgstr "Překódovat klip" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, convert_abort) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_abort) -#: src/project/cliptranscode.cpp:168 src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:636 -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:884 src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:94 -#: src/ui/dvdwizardvob_ui.ui:160 -msgid "Abort" -msgstr "Přerušit" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, buttonClose) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, buttonClose2) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, buttonClose3) -#: src/project/cliptranscode.cpp:210 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:382 -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:657 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:805 -msgid "Close" -msgstr "Zavřít" - -#: src/project/cliptranscode.cpp:221 src/project/cliptranscode.cpp:239 -msgid "Transcoding finished." -msgstr "Překódování dokončeno." - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:63 -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:302 -msgid "Video clips" -msgstr "Video klipy" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:67 -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:305 -msgid "Audio clips" -msgstr "Audio klipy" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:71 -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:308 src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:113 -msgid "Image clips" -msgstr "Obrázky" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:75 -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:311 -msgid "Slideshow clips" -msgstr "Klipy prezentací" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:79 -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:314 -msgid "Text clips" -msgstr "Textové klipy" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:83 -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:317 -msgid "Playlist clips" -msgstr "Klipy seznamu skladeb" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:87 -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:320 -msgid "Other clips" -msgstr "Ostatní klipy" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:91 -msgid "Luma files" -msgstr "Luma soubory" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:167 -#, kde-format -msgid "You have %1 missing clip in your project." -msgid_plural "You have %1 missing clips in your project." -msgstr[0] "" -msgstr[1] "" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:192 -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:1017 -#, kde-format -msgid "(%1 item)" -msgid_plural "(%1 items)" -msgstr[0] "(%1 položka)" -msgstr[1] "(%1 položky)" -msgstr[2] "(%1 položek)" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:197 -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:1019 -#, kde-format -msgid "%1 file to archive, requires %2" -msgid_plural "%1 files to archive, requires %2" -msgstr[0] "%1 soubor k archivaci, vyžaduje %2" -msgstr[1] "%1 soubory k archivaci, vyžaduje %2" -msgstr[2] "%1 souborů k archivaci, vyžaduje %2" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:198 -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:664 -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:854 -msgid "Archive" -msgstr "Archivovat" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:232 -msgid "Extract to" -msgstr "Rozbalit do" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:233 -msgid "Open Archived Project" -msgstr "Otevřít archivovaný projekt" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:235 -msgid "Extract" -msgstr "Rozbalit" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:264 -msgid "Opening archive..." -msgstr "Otevírání archivu..." - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:267 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Cannot open archive file:\n" -" %1" -msgstr "" -"Nelze otevřít soubor pro archivaci:\n" -" %1" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:284 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"File %1\n" -" is not an archived Kdenlive project" -msgstr "" -"Soubor %1\n" -" není archivovaným projektem Kdenlive" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:290 -msgid "Ready" -msgstr "Připraven" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:310 -msgid "Archiving in progress, do you want to stop it?" -msgstr "Probíhá archivování, přejete si jej zastavit?" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:310 -msgid "Stop Archiving" -msgstr "Zastavit archivování" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:493 -#, kde-format -msgid "Available space on drive: %1" -msgstr "Dostupné místo na zařízení: %1" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:497 -#, kde-format -msgid "Not enough space on drive, free space: %1" -msgstr "Nedostatek místa na zařízení, volné místo: %1" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:518 -msgid "Archiving..." -msgstr "Probíhá archivování..." - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:546 -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:628 -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:881 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot create directory %1" -msgstr "Nelze vytvořit dočasný soubor %1" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:652 -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:847 -msgid "Project was successfully archived." -msgstr "Projekt byl úspěšně archivován." - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:655 -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:851 -msgid "There was an error processing project file" -msgstr "Nastala chyba při zpracování projektového souboru" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:661 -#, kde-format -msgid "There was an error while copying the files: %1" -msgstr "Nastala chyba při kopírování souborů %1" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:785 -msgid "Cannot create temporary file" -msgstr "Nelze vytvořit dočasný soubor" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:883 -msgid "Extracting..." -msgstr "Rozbalování..." - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:947 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot open project file %1" -msgstr "Nelze otevřít projektový soubor %1" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:947 -msgid "Cannot open file" -msgstr "Nelze otevřít soubor" - -#: src/project/dialogs/backupwidget.cpp:30 -msgid "Restore Backup File" -msgstr "Obnovit záložní soubor" - -#: src/project/dialogs/backupwidget.cpp:34 -msgid "Showing all backup files in folder" -msgstr "Všechny záložní soubory ve složce" - -#: src/project/dialogs/backupwidget.cpp:37 -#, kde-format -msgid "Showing backup files for %1" -msgstr "Záložní soubory pro %1" - -#: src/project/dialogs/noteswidget.cpp:40 -msgid "Insert current timecode" -msgstr "Vložit aktuální časový kód" - -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:120 -msgid "Current Settings" -msgstr "Současné nastavení" - -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:139 -msgid "Title" -msgstr "Titul" - -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:146 -#: src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:189 -msgid "Author" -msgstr "Autor" - -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:153 -msgid "Artist" -msgstr "Umělec" - -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:159 -msgid "Copyright" -msgstr "Copyright" - -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:259 -msgid "Deleting proxy clips will disable proxies for this project." -msgstr "Smazáním zástupných klipů vypnete jejich používání v tomto projektu." - -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:410 -msgid "" -"Changing the profile of your project cannot be undone.\n" -"It is recommended to save your project before attempting this operation that " -"might cause some corruption in transitions.\n" -" Are you sure you want to proceed?" -msgstr "" -"Změna profilu vašeho projektu nemůže být vrácena zpět.\n" -"Je doporučeno projekt před provedením uložit, protože změna by mohla " -"způsobit nesrovnalosti v přechodech.\n" -" Opravdu si přejete pokračovat?" - -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:410 -msgid "Confirm profile change" -msgstr "Potvrzení změny profilu" - -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:425 -#, kde-format -msgid "Interlaced (%1 fields per second)" -msgstr "Prokládané (%1 půlsnímků za sekundu)" - -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:596 -#, kde-format -msgid "Project folder: %1" -msgstr "Složka projektu: %1" - -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:597 -#, kde-format -msgid "Project profile: %1" -msgstr "Profil projektu: %1" - -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:598 -#, kde-format -msgid "Total clips: %1 (%2 used in timeline)." -msgstr "Celkem klipů: %1 (%2 použitých v časové ose)." - -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:650 -msgid "field_name" -msgstr "název_pole" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, SlideshowClip_UI) -#: src/project/dialogs/slideshowclip.cpp:47 src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Slideshow Clip" -msgstr "Slideshow" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:46 -msgid "Transcode clip" -msgstr "Překódovat klip" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:49 -msgid "Cut clip" -msgstr "Rozdělit klip" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:53 -msgid "Analyse clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:125 -msgid "Failed to create file." -msgstr "Nelze vytvořit soubor." - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:140 -msgid "Cannot process this clip type." -msgstr "Nelze zpracovat tento typ klipu." - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:202 -msgid "Transcoding clip" -msgstr "Převádím klip " - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:203 -msgid "Extracting clip cut" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:204 -msgid "Analysing clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:207 -msgid "Waiting - transcode clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:208 -msgid "Waiting - cut clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:209 -msgid "Waiting - analyse clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:278 -#, kde-format -msgid "Extracting %1 out of %2" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:292 -msgid "You cannot overwrite original clip." -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:293 -#, kde-format -msgid "Overwrite file %1" -msgstr "Přepsat soubor %1" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:338 -msgid "The transcoding job will overwrite the following files:" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:344 -msgid "Transcoding" -msgstr "Převod" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:432 -msgid "I-Frame " -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:433 -#, c-format -msgid "Found %count I-Frames" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/jobs/filterjob.cpp:133 -#, kde-format -msgid "Found %1 scenes." -msgstr "Nalezeno %1 scén." - -#: src/project/jobs/filterjob.cpp:146 -msgid "Scene " -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/jobs/filterjob.cpp:174 -msgid "Auto split" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/jobs/jobmanager.cpp:178 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot write to path: %1" -msgstr "Nelze zapisovat do cesty: %1" - -#: src/project/jobs/jobmanager.cpp:225 -#, kde-format -msgid "Filter %1" -msgstr "Filtr %1" - -#: src/project/jobs/jobmanager.cpp:234 -msgid "No valid clip to process" -msgstr "Neplatný klipu ke zpracování" - -#: src/project/jobs/meltjob.cpp:53 -msgid "Processing clip" -msgstr "Zpracovávám klip" - -#: src/project/jobs/meltjob.cpp:63 -msgid "No producer for this clip." -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/jobs/meltjob.cpp:86 -#, kde-format -msgid "Clip zone undefined (%1 - %2)." -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/jobs/meltjob.cpp:157 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot create consumer %1." -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/jobs/meltjob.cpp:179 -#, kde-format -msgid "Filter %1 crashed" -msgstr "Filtr %1 selhal" - -#: src/project/jobs/meltjob.cpp:248 -msgid "Waiting to process clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/jobs/proxyclipjob.cpp:38 -msgid "proxy" -msgstr "zástupný klip" - -#: src/project/jobs/proxyclipjob.cpp:90 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot load image %1." -msgstr "Nelze načíst obrázek %1." - -#: src/project/jobs/proxyclipjob.cpp:170 -msgid "Failed to create proxy clip." -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/jobs/proxyclipjob.cpp:245 -msgid "Creating proxy" -msgstr "Vytváří se zástupný klip" - -#: src/project/jobs/proxyclipjob.cpp:248 -msgid "Waiting - proxy" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/jobs/proxyclipjob.cpp:283 src/project/projectlist.cpp:2073 -msgid "Failed to create proxy, empty path." -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/notesplugin.cpp:27 -msgid "Enter your project notes here ..." -msgstr "Zde zadejte své poznámky k projektu..." - -#: src/project/notesplugin.cpp:28 -msgid "Project Notes" -msgstr "Poznámky k projektu" - -#: src/project/projectcommands.cpp:38 -msgid "Add clip cut" -msgstr "Přidat střih klipu" - -#: src/project/projectcommands.cpp:72 -msgid "Add folder" -msgstr "Přidat složku" - -#: src/project/projectcommands.cpp:107 -msgid "Edit clip cut" -msgstr "Upravit střih klipu" - -#: src/project/projectcommands.cpp:136 -msgid "Rename folder" -msgstr "Přejmenovat složku" - -#: src/project/projectitem.cpp:92 src/project/projectitem.cpp:221 -msgid "Contains proxies" -msgstr "Obsahuje zástupné klipy" - -#: src/project/projectitem.cpp:186 -msgid "Missing" -msgstr "Chybí" - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:446 -msgid "No available clip selected" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:982 -msgid "Delete Clip Zone" -msgstr "Smazat výběr klipu" - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:995 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Delete folder %2?
This will also remove the clip in that folder" -msgid_plural "" -"Delete folder %2?
This will also remove the %1 clips in that " -"folder" -msgstr[0] "Smazat složku %2Tím odstraníte klip, který obsahuje" -msgstr[1] "Smazat složku %2Tím odstraníte %1 klipy, které obsahuje" -msgstr[2] "Smazat složku %2Tím odstraníte %1 klipů, které obsahuje" - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:1004 -#, kde-format -msgid "Delete clip %2?
This will also remove the clip in timeline" -msgid_plural "" -"Delete clip %2?
This will also remove its %1 clips in timeline" -msgstr[0] "Smazat složku %2 Tím odstraníte klip z časové osy" -msgstr[1] "Smazat složku %2 Tím odstraníte %1 klipy z časové osy" -msgstr[2] "Smazat složku %2 Tím odstraníte %1 klipů z časové osy" - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:1430 -msgid "Clip is missing or invalid. Remove it from project?" -msgstr "Klip chybí anebo je neplatný. Přejete si jej smazat z projektu?" - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:1455 -msgid "Proxy clip unusable (duration is different from original)." -msgstr "Zástupný klip je nepoužitelný (délka je odlišná od původního)." - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:1457 -#, kde-format -msgid "Failed to create proxy for %1. check parameters" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:1752 -msgid "Cannot find profile from current clip" -msgstr "Nelze najít profil pro současný klip" - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:1769 -msgid "Change project profile" -msgstr "Změnit profil projektu" - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:1773 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Your clip does not match current project's profile.\n" -"Do you want to change the project profile?\n" -"\n" -"The following profiles match the clip (size: %1, fps: %2)" -msgstr "" -"Váš klip neodpovídá současnému projektovému profilu.\n" -"Přejete si změnit profil projektu?\n" -"\n" -"Následující profily odpovídají vašemu klipu (velikost: %1, fps: %2)" - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:1791 -msgid "Update profile" -msgstr "Aktualizovat profil" - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:1806 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Your clip does not match current project's profile.\n" -"No existing profile found to match the clip's properties.\n" -"Clip size: %1\n" -"Fps: %2\n" -msgstr "" -"Váš klip neodpovídá současnému projektovému profilu.\n" -"Nebyl nalezen žádný vhodný profil.\n" -"Velikost klipu: %1\n" -"Snímků za sekundu: %2\n" - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:2042 -msgid "Sequence not found" -msgstr "Sekvence nebyla nalezena" - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:2212 -msgid "Update proxy settings" -msgstr "Upravit nastavení zástupných klipů" - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:2374 -msgid "Remove Proxy" -msgstr "Odstranit zástupný klip" - -#: src/project/projectlistview.cpp:59 -msgid "Rating" -msgstr "Hodnocení" - -#: src/project/projectlistview.cpp:105 -msgctxt "@title:menu" -msgid "Columns" -msgstr "Sloupce" - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:61 -msgid "Open Backup File" -msgstr "Otevřít záložní soubor" - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:202 -msgid "Save changes to document?" -msgstr "Uložit změny v dokumentu?" - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:204 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"The project \"%1\" has been changed.\n" -"Do you want to save your changes?" -msgstr "" -"Projekt \"%1\" byl změněn.\n" -"Přejete si uložit změny?" - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:379 -msgid "Auto-saved files exist. Do you want to recover them now?" -msgstr "" -"Existují soubory z automatického uložení. Přejete si nyní obnovit projekt?" - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:380 -msgid "File Recovery" -msgstr "Obnovení souboru" - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:381 -msgid "Don't recover" -msgstr "Neobnovovat" - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:436 -#, kde-format -msgid "Opening file %1" -msgstr "Otevírá se soubor %1" - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:456 -msgid "Loading project" -msgstr "Načítání projektu" - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:458 -msgid "Loading playlist" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:478 src/project/projectmanager.cpp:483 -msgid "Loading clips" -msgstr "Načítání klipů" - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:507 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Cannot open file %1.\n" -"Project is corrupted." -msgstr "" -"Nelze otevřít soubor %1.\n" -"Projekt je poškozený." - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:527 -msgid "" -"This will delete all changes made since you last saved your project. Are you " -"sure you want to continue?" -msgstr "" -"Tato činnost zahodí veškeré změny, které jste provedli od posledního uložení " -"projektu. Opravdu si přejete pokračovat?" - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:527 -msgid "Revert to last saved version" -msgstr "Navrátit se k poslední uložené verzi" - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:537 -msgid "Kdenlive project (*.kdenlive)" -msgstr "Projekt Kdenlive (*.kdenlive)" - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:538 -msgid "Archived project (*.tar.gz)" -msgstr "Archivovaný projekt (*.tar.gz)" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, scanning_list) -#: src/project/transitionsettings.cpp:151 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:126 -msgid "Auto" -msgstr "Automaticky
" - -#: src/project/transitionsettings.cpp:162 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:54 -msgid "Black" -msgstr "Černá" - -#: src/renderer.cpp:1181 -msgid "" -"Could not create the video preview window.\n" -"There is something wrong with your Kdenlive install or your driver settings, " -"please fix it." -msgstr "" -"Nelze vytvořit okno pro náhled videa.\n" -"
Něco je v nepořádku s vaší instalací Kdenlive nebo vašimi ovladači, napravte " -"to prosím." - -#: src/renderer.cpp:1386 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7865 -msgid "Save Zone" -msgstr "Uložit výběr" - -#: src/renderer.cpp:3283 -msgid "Import selected clips" -msgstr "Importovat vybrané klipy" - -#: src/renderer.cpp:3285 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Additional streams for clip\n" -" %1" -msgstr "" -"Dodatečné proudy pro klip\n" -" %1" - -#: src/renderer.cpp:3294 -#, kde-format -msgid "Video stream %1" -msgstr "Video proud %1" - -#: src/renderer.cpp:3309 -#, kde-format -msgid "Audio stream %1" -msgstr "Zvukový proud %1" - -#: src/scopes/abstractscopewidget.cpp:84 -msgid "Auto Refresh" -msgstr "Obnovovat automaticky" - -#: src/scopes/abstractscopewidget.cpp:86 -msgid "Realtime (with precision loss)" -msgstr "V reálném čase (se ztrátou přesnosti)" - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:67 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:52 -msgid "Reset maximum frequency to sampling rate" -msgstr "Vrátit maximální frekvenci na vzorkovací frekvenci" - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:68 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:55 -msgid "Track mouse" -msgstr "Sledovat kurzor" - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:70 -msgid "Show maximum" -msgstr "Zobrazit maximum" - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:86 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:74 -msgid "Rectangular window" -msgstr "Obdélníkové okno" - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:87 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:75 -msgid "Triangular window" -msgstr "Trojúhelníkové okno" - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:88 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:76 -msgid "Hamming window" -msgstr "Hammingovo okno" - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:97 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:79 -msgid "The maximum window size is limited by the number of samples per frame." -msgstr "Maximální velikost okna je omezena množstvím vzorků za snímek." - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:98 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:80 -msgid "" -"A bigger window improves the accuracy at the cost of computational power." -msgstr "Větší okno zlepší přesnost za cenu větší výpočetní náročnosti." - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:99 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:81 -msgid "" -"The rectangular window function is good for signals with equal signal " -"strength (narrow peak), but creates more smearing. See Window function on " -"Wikipedia." -msgstr "" -"Funkce čtvercového okna je dobrá pro signály se stejnou sílou (úzké " -"vrcholy), ale vytváří více skvrn. Pro více informací se podívejte na heslo " -"Window function na anglické Wikipedii." - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:389 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:392 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:394 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:485 -#, kde-format -msgid "%1 dB" -msgstr "%1 dB" - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:412 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:487 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:280 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:289 -#, kde-format -msgid "%1 kHz" -msgstr "%1 kHz" - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:53 -msgid "Draw grid" -msgstr "Zobrazit mřížku" - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:57 -msgid "Highlight peaks" -msgstr "Zvýraznit vrcholy" - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:234 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Frame\n" -"%1" -msgstr "" -"Snímek\n" -"%1" - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:305 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:306 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"%1\n" -"dB" -msgstr "" -"%1\n" -"dB" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:31 -msgid "YUV UV plane" -msgstr "YUV UV rovina" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:32 -msgid "YUV Y plane" -msgstr "YUV Y rovina" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:33 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:55 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:61 -msgid "Modified YUV (Chroma)" -msgstr "Upravený YUV (sytost barvy)" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:34 -msgid "YCbCr CbCr plane" -msgstr "YCbCr CbCr rovina" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:35 -msgid "RGB plane, one component varying" -msgstr "RGB rovina, přičemž jedna složka je nastavitelná" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:36 -msgid "HSV Hue Shift" -msgstr "Posun HSV barevného odstínu" - -# Viz saturation -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:37 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:254 -msgid "HSV Saturation" -msgstr "HSV saturace" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:118 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:250 -#, kde-format -msgid "%1°" -msgstr "%1°" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:125 -#, kde-format -msgid "%1 px" -msgstr "%1 px" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:218 -msgid "Y value" -msgstr "Hodnota Y" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:219 -msgid "The Y value describes the brightness of the colors." -msgstr "Hodnota Y udává jasnost barev." - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:231 -msgid "UV angle" -msgstr "Úhel UV" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:232 -msgid "Angle through the UV plane, with all possible Y values." -msgstr "Úhel napříč UV rovinnou se všemi možnými hodnotami Y." - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:240 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:268 -msgid "Red" -msgstr "Červená" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:241 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:269 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:53 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/waveform.cpp:34 -msgid "Green" -msgstr "Zelená" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:242 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:270 -msgid "Blue" -msgstr "Modrá" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:243 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:271 -msgid "Luma" -msgstr "Luma" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:255 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:262 -msgid "HSV Value" -msgstr "HSV hodnota" - -# Zaškrtávací položka v kontextovém menu nad histogramem. -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/histogram.cpp:26 -msgid "Unscaled" -msgstr "Neškálovat" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/histogram.cpp:29 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/waveform.cpp:37 -msgid "Rec. 601" -msgstr "Rec. 601" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/histogram.cpp:31 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/waveform.cpp:39 -msgid "Rec. 709" -msgstr "Rec. 709" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/histogram.cpp:39 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/waveform.cpp:44 -msgid "Luma mode" -msgstr "Režim luma" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/histogramgenerator.cpp:178 -msgid "min" -msgstr "min" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/histogramgenerator.cpp:181 -msgid "max" -msgstr "max" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/rgbparade.cpp:27 -msgid "RGB" -msgstr "RGB" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/rgbparade.cpp:28 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/waveform.cpp:33 -msgid "White" -msgstr "Bílá" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/rgbparade.cpp:32 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:89 -msgid "Draw axis" -msgstr "Zobrazit osy" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/rgbparade.cpp:37 -msgid "Gradient reference line" -msgstr "Referenční přímka přechodu" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/rgbparadegenerator.cpp:167 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/rgbparadegenerator.cpp:169 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/rgbparadegenerator.cpp:171 -msgid "min: " -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/rgbparadegenerator.cpp:175 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/rgbparadegenerator.cpp:177 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/rgbparadegenerator.cpp:179 -msgid "max: " -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:52 -msgid "Green 2" -msgstr "Zelená 2" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:56 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:60 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:102 -msgid "YUV" -msgstr "YUV" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:57 -msgid "Original Color" -msgstr "Původní barva" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:62 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:100 -msgid "YPbPr" -msgstr "YPbPr" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:76 -msgid "Tools" -msgstr "Nástroje" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:78 -msgid "Export background" -msgstr "Uložit pozadí" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:82 -msgid "Drawing options" -msgstr "Volby kreslení" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:84 -msgid "75% box" -msgstr "obdélník 75%" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:94 -msgid "Draw I/Q lines" -msgstr "Vykreslit I/Q čáry" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:99 -msgid "Color Space" -msgstr "Barevný prostor" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:247 -#, kde-format -msgid "%1 \\%" -msgstr "%1 \\%" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/waveform.cpp:32 -msgid "Yellow" -msgstr "Žlutá" - -#: src/scopes/scopemanager.cpp:307 -msgid "Waveform" -msgstr "Časový průběh signálu" - -#: src/scopes/scopemanager.cpp:309 -msgid "Histogram" -msgstr "Histogram" - -#: src/scopes/scopemanager.cpp:311 -msgid "Audio Signal" -msgstr "Audio signál" - -#: src/scopes/scopemanager.cpp:312 -msgid "AudioSpectrum" -msgstr "Spektrum audia" - -#: src/scopes/scopemanager.cpp:313 -msgid "Spectrogram" -msgstr "Spektrogram" - -#: src/statusbarmessagelabel.cpp:51 -msgctxt "@action:button" -msgid "Confirm" -msgstr "Potvrdit" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:162 -msgid "Send frames to color scopes" -msgstr "Poslat snímky do analyzátorů barvy" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:167 -msgid "Mirror display" -msgstr "Zrcadlit zobrazení" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:174 -msgid "Stop Motion Capture" -msgstr "Zastavit Motion Capture" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, capture_interval) -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:187 src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:115 -msgid "Interval capture" -msgstr "Interval zachytávání" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:205 -msgid "Overlay effect" -msgstr "Efekt překrytí" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:207 -msgid "No Effect" -msgstr "Žádný efekt" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:211 -msgid "Edge detect" -msgstr "Rozpoznání hran" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:213 -msgid "Brighten" -msgstr "Zesvětlit" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:236 -msgid "Show sequence thumbnails" -msgstr "Zobrazit sekvenční miniatury" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:241 -msgid "Delete current frame" -msgstr "Smazat současný snímek" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:369 -msgid "Configure Stop Motion" -msgstr "Nastavit Stop Motion" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:371 src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:372 -msgid " second" -msgid_plural " seconds" -msgstr[0] " sekunda" -msgstr[1] " sekundy" -msgstr[2] " sekund" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:520 -msgid "Stopped" -msgstr "Zastaveno" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:560 -msgid "No previous frame found" -msgstr "Nebyly nalezeny žádné předchozí snímky" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:632 -msgid "Create New Sequence" -msgstr "Vytvořit novou sekvenci" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:632 -msgid "Enter sequence name" -msgstr "Zadejte název sekvence" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:653 -msgid "Frame Captured" -msgstr "Snímek zachycen" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:667 -msgid "Going to Capture Frame" -msgstr "Příprava na zachycení snímku" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:822 -#, kde-format -msgid "Delete frame %1 from disk?" -msgstr "Smazat sníme %1 z disku?" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:822 -msgid "Delete Frame" -msgstr "Smazat snímek" - -#: src/timecode.cpp:261 -msgid "hour" -msgstr "hodina" - -#: src/timecode.cpp:269 -msgid "min." -msgstr "min." - -#: src/timecode.cpp:277 -msgid "sec." -msgstr "sec." - -#: src/timecode.cpp:282 -msgid "frames" -msgstr "snímky" - -#: src/timeline/abstractclipitem.cpp:379 -msgid "seconds" -msgstr "sekundy" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:589 -msgid "Crop from start:" -msgstr "Ořezat od začátku:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, clip_filesize_2) -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:589 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:602 -#: src/ui/spacerdialog_ui.ui:30 -msgid "Duration:" -msgstr "Délka trvání:" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:589 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:602 -msgid "Offset:" -msgstr "Posun:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:695 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:804 -msgid ":" -msgstr ":" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:696 -msgid " Position:" -msgstr " Pozice:" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:697 -msgid " Duration:" -msgstr " Délka trvání:" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:701 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:707 -msgid " Selection duration:" -msgstr " Délka trvání výběru:" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:703 -msgid " Group duration:" -msgstr " Délka trvání skupiny:" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:714 -msgid "Crop from start: " -msgstr "Ořezat od začátku:" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:716 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:722 -msgid "" -"Use Ctrl to resize only current item, otherwise all items in this group will " -"be resized at once." -msgstr "" -"Použijte Ctrl ke změně velikosti aktuální položky, v opačném případě byste " -"zvětšili všechny položky naráz." - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:720 -msgid "Duration: " -msgstr "Délka trvání: " - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:726 -msgid "Fade in duration: " -msgstr "Délka trvání roztmívačky:" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:729 -msgid "Fade out duration: " -msgstr "Délka trvání stmívačky:" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:732 -msgid "Drag to add or resize a fade effect." -msgstr "Táhnutím přidáte nebo změníte délku postupného zesílení/zeslabení." - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:736 -msgid "Click to add a transition." -msgstr "Klikněte pro přidání přechodu." - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:739 -msgid "" -"Move keyframe above or below clip to remove it, double click to add a new " -"one." -msgstr "" -"Přesuňte klíčový snímek nad nebo pod klip k jeho odstranění, klikněte " -"dvakrát pro přidání nového." - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:784 -msgid "Cannot use spacer in a locked track" -msgstr "Nástroj pro práci s místem nelze použít v uzamčené stopě" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:792 -msgid "Cannot use spacer in a track with a group" -msgstr "Nástroj pro práci s místem nelze použít ve stopě se skupinou klipů" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1105 -msgid "Cannot cut a transition" -msgstr "Nelze rozdělit přechod" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1331 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1366 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2668 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2694 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2720 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2743 -msgid "Cannot add transition" -msgstr "Nelze přidat přechod" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1586 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1594 -msgid "Cannot find clip to edit" -msgstr "Nelze najít klip k úpravě" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1588 -msgid "Cannot edit the duration of multiple items" -msgstr "Nelze upravit délku trvání více položek zároveň" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1599 -msgid "Cannot edit an item in a group" -msgstr "Nelze upravit klip ve skupině" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1664 -msgid "Item is locked" -msgstr "Položka je uzamčena" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1747 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2897 -msgid "Cannot insert clip in timeline" -msgstr "Nelze vložit klip do časové osy" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1753 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2866 -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:75 -msgid "Add timeline clip" -msgstr "Přidat klip časové osy" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1787 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1849 -msgid "Clip not ready" -msgstr "Klip není připraven" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1970 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2033 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2050 -msgid "Problem deleting effect" -msgstr "Problém při mazání efektu" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1977 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2002 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2017 -msgid "Problem adding effect to clip" -msgstr "Při přidávání efektu do klipu došlo k chybě" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1986 -msgid "Cannot add speed effect to track" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2022 -msgid "Cannot find clip to add effect" -msgstr "Efekt není kam přidat" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2068 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2160 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2263 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7513 -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:42 src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:282 -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:374 -msgid "effect" -msgstr "efekt" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2069 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2162 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7515 src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:44 -#, kde-format -msgid "Add %1" -msgstr "Přidat %1" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2171 -msgid "Select a clip if you want to apply an effect" -msgstr "Před aplikováním efektu vyberte klip" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2219 -msgid "Cannot add an audio effect to this clip" -msgstr "Tomuto klipu nelze přidat audio efekt" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2228 -msgid "Cannot add a video effect to this clip" -msgstr "Tomuto klipu nelze přidat video efekt" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2233 -msgid "Effect already present in clip" -msgstr "Stejný efekt už u klipu existuje" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2264 src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:46 -#, kde-format -msgid "Delete %1" -msgstr "Smazat %1" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2300 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2315 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2371 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2381 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2402 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5486 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5507 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5530 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5552 -msgid "Problem editing effect" -msgstr "Problém při úpravě efektu" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2373 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2404 -msgid "Cannot find clip to update effect" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2429 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2450 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2463 -msgid "Cannot move effect" -msgstr "Efekt nelze přesunout" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2527 -msgid "Cannot find clip to cut" -msgstr "Nelze najít klip k rozdělení" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2600 -msgid "Cannot find clip to uncut" -msgstr "Není co spojovat" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2604 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4101 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4392 -#, kde-format -msgid "Error removing clip at %1 on track %2" -msgstr "Nelze smazat klip na %1 ve stopě %2" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2629 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5309 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5427 -msgid "Error when resizing clip" -msgstr "Chyba při změně délky klipu" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2728 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6204 -msgid "Invalid transition" -msgstr "Neplatný přechod" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2752 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4435 -msgid "Select clip to delete" -msgstr "Vyberte prosím klip, který si přejete odstranit" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2768 -msgid "Cannot update transition" -msgstr "Nelze upravit přechod" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:3442 -msgid "Cannot remove space in a locked track" -msgstr "Nelze odebrat místo z uzamčené stopy" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:3448 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:3453 -#, kde-format -msgid "You must be in an empty space to remove space (time: %1, track: %2)" -msgstr "" -"Ke smazání volného místa musíte být v prázdném prostoru (nyní jste v čase %1 " -"ve stopě %2)" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:3464 -msgid "Cannot remove space in a track with a group" -msgstr "Nelze rozdělit klip, který leží ve skupině klipů" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:3543 -msgid "Cannot insert space in a locked track" -msgstr "Nelze vložit místo do uzamčené stopy" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:3556 -msgid "Cannot insert space in a track with a group" -msgstr "Do stopy se seskupenými klipy nelze vložit volné místo" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:3612 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot move clip at position %1, track %2" -msgstr "Nelze přesunout klip na pozici %1 ve stopě %2" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:3625 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot move transition at position %1, track %2" -msgstr "Nelze přesunout přechod na pozici %1 ve stopě %2" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:3897 src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:484 -msgid "Move clip" -msgstr "Přesunout klip" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4045 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5002 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot move clip to position %1" -msgstr "Nelze přesunout klip na pozici %1" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4052 -msgid "Cannot move transition" -msgstr "Nelze provést přesunout přechod" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4056 src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:579 -msgid "Move transition" -msgstr "Přesunout přechod" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4083 src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:556 -msgid "Move group" -msgstr "Přesunout skupinu" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4215 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4242 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6386 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6418 -msgid "Resize group" -msgstr "Změnit délku skupiny" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4488 -msgid "Delete selected group" -msgid_plural "Delete selected groups" -msgstr[0] "Smazat vybranou skupinu" -msgstr[1] "Smazat vybrané skupiny" -msgstr[2] "Smazat vybrané skupiny" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4490 -msgid "Delete selected clip" -msgid_plural "Delete selected clips" -msgstr[0] "Smazat vybraný klip" -msgstr[1] "Smazat vybrané klipy" -msgstr[2] "Smazat vybrané klipy" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4492 -msgid "Delete selected transition" -msgid_plural "Delete selected transitions" -msgstr[0] "Smazat vybraný přechod" -msgstr[1] "Smazat vybrané přechody" -msgstr[2] "Smazat vybrané přechody" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4493 -msgid "Delete selected items" -msgstr "Smazat vybrané položky" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4505 -msgid "Cannot find clip for speed change" -msgstr "Nelze najít klip pro změnu rychlosti" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4563 -msgid "Cut Group" -msgstr "Rozdělit skupinu" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4645 src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:411 -msgid "Group clips" -msgstr "Seskupit klipy" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4744 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4760 -msgid "Cannot insert clip..." -msgstr "Nelze vložit klip..." - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4749 -msgid "Waiting for clip..." -msgstr "Čeká se na klip..." - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4963 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5192 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot move clip at time: %1 on track %2" -msgstr "Nelze přesunout klip v čase: %1 ve stopě %2 " - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5142 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot move transition at time: %1 on track %2" -msgstr "Nelze přesunout přechod v čase: %1 ve stopě %2" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5236 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5352 -msgid "Not possible to resize" -msgstr "Nelze změnit velikost" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5248 -msgid "Resize clip start" -msgstr "Změnit začátek klipu" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5318 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5437 -msgid "Cannot resize transition" -msgstr "Nelze změnit velikost přechodu" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5372 -msgid "Resize clip end" -msgstr "Změnit konec klipu" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5430 -msgid "Resize transition end" -msgstr "Změnit velikost konce přechodu" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5742 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5810 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5851 -msgid "No guide at cursor time" -msgstr "Na pozici kurzoru neexistuje zarážka" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5762 -#, kde-format -msgid "A guide already exists at position %1" -msgstr "Na pozici %1 již zarážka existuje" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5778 -msgid "Guide" -msgstr "Zarážka" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6068 -msgid "Select a clip before copying" -msgstr "Před kopírování vyberte klip" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6139 -msgid "No clip copied" -msgstr "Nebyl zkopírován žádný klip" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6175 -msgid "Cannot paste selected clips" -msgstr "Nelze vložit vybrané klipy" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6192 -msgid "Cannot paste clip to selected place" -msgstr "Nelze vložit klip na vybrané místo" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6206 -msgid "Cannot paste transition to selected place" -msgstr "Nelze vložit přechod na vybrané místo" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6217 -msgid "You must copy exactly one clip before pasting effects" -msgstr "Nebyl zkopírován efekt, který by mohl být vložen" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6353 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6377 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6410 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7016 -msgid "You must select one clip for this action" -msgstr "Pro tuto akci musíte vybrat jeden klip" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6359 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "You must select at least one clip for this action" -msgid "You must select a playlist clip for this action" -msgstr "Pro tuto akci musíte vybrat alespoň jeden klip" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6517 src/ui/addtrack_ui.ui:67 -msgid "Insert track" -msgstr "Vložit stopu" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6518 -#, kde-format -msgid "Video %1" -msgstr "Video %1" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6519 -msgid "Insert New Track" -msgstr "Vložit novou stopu" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6552 src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:108 -msgid "Delete track" -msgstr "Smazat stopu" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6667 -msgid "You must select one transition for this action" -msgstr "Pro tuto akci musíte vybrat právě jeden přechod" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6754 -msgid "You must select at least one clip for this action" -msgstr "Pro tuto akci musíte vybrat alespoň jeden klip" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6759 src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:718 -msgid "Split audio" -msgstr "Rozdělit audio" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6765 -msgid "Cannot split audio of grouped clips" -msgstr "Nelze rozdělit audio seskupených klipů" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6779 -msgid "No clip to split" -msgstr "Není žádný klip pro oddělení" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6788 -msgid "You must select exactly one clip for the audio reference." -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6809 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6858 -msgid "Processing audio, please wait." -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6813 -msgid "Reference for audio alignment must contain audio data." -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6829 -msgid "Audio alignment reference not yet set." -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6866 -msgid "Cannot find clip to align." -msgstr "Nelze najít klip k zarovnání." - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6881 -msgid "Unable to move clip out of timeline." -msgstr "Klip z časové osy nelze odstranit." - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6896 -msgid "Unable to move clip due to collision." -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6899 -msgid "Clip aligned." -msgstr "Klip byl zarovnán." - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6900 -msgid "Auto-align clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6932 -msgid "No empty space to put clip audio" -msgstr "Není dostatek místa k vložení audia z klipu" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6944 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6981 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7057 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot update clip (time: %1, track: %2)" -msgstr "Nelze upravit klip v čase: %1 ve stopě %2 " - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7009 -msgid "Video only" -msgstr "Pouze video" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7026 -msgid "Cannot change grouped clips" -msgstr "Nelze změnit seskupené klipy" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7045 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot find clip to edit (time: %1, track: %2)" -msgstr "Nelze najít klip k úpravě (čas: %1, stopa\" %2)" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7358 -msgid "error" -msgstr "chyba" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7358 -msgid "TRACTOR" -msgstr "Nastal problém s časovou osou." - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7371 -msgid "Insert clip" -msgstr "Vložit klip" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7521 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7529 -msgid "Effect already present in track" -msgstr "Stejný efekt už ve skladbě existuje" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7641 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot find clip for effect update %1." -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7668 -msgid "You need to select one clip and one transition" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7686 -msgid "No clip found" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7694 -msgid "No keyframe data found in clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/headertrack.cpp:66 src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:461 -msgid "Lock track" -msgstr "Uzamknout stopu" - -#: src/timeline/headertrack.cpp:66 src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:463 -msgid "Unlock track" -msgstr "Odemknout stopu" - -#: src/timeline/headertrack.cpp:72 -msgid "Disable audio" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/headertrack.cpp:72 -msgid "Enable audio" -msgstr "Povolit audio" - -#: src/timeline/headertrack.cpp:82 -msgid "Disable video" -msgstr "Zakázat video" - -#: src/timeline/headertrack.cpp:82 -msgid "Enable video" -msgstr "Povolit video" - -#: src/timeline/headertrack.cpp:89 -msgid "Opaque" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/spacerdialog.cpp:52 -msgid "All tracks" -msgstr "Všechny stopy" - -#: src/timeline/timeline.cpp:89 -msgid "Smaller tracks" -msgstr "Menší stopy" - -#: src/timeline/timeline.cpp:96 -msgid "Bigger tracks" -msgstr "Větší stopy" - -#: src/timeline/timeline.cpp:359 src/timeline/timeline.cpp:363 -#, kde-format -msgid "Transition %1 had an invalid track: %2 > %3" -msgstr "Přechod %1 měl nastavenu neplatnou stopu: %2 > %3" - -#: src/timeline/timeline.cpp:372 -#, kde-format -msgid "Removed invalid transition: %1" -msgstr "Byl smazán neplatný přechod %1" - -#: src/timeline/timeline.cpp:469 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Your project file was upgraded to the latest Kdenlive document version.\n" -"To make sure you don't lose data, a backup copy called %1 was created." -msgstr "" -"Váš projektový soubor byl převeden na nejnovější verzi projektu Kdenlive.\n" -"Aby se předešlo ztrátě dat, byl vytvořen záložní soubor s názvem: %1." - -#: src/timeline/timeline.cpp:471 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Your project file was modified by Kdenlive.\n" -"To make sure you don't lose data, a backup copy called %1 was created." -msgstr "" -"Váš projektový soubor byl upraven.\n" -"Aby se předešlo ztrátě dat, byl vytvořen záložní soubor s názvem: %1." - -#: src/timeline/timeline.cpp:477 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Your project file was upgraded to the latest Kdenlive document version, but " -"it was not possible to create the backup copy %1." -msgstr "" -"Váš projektový soubor byl převeden na nejnovější verzi projektu Kdenlive, " -"nelze však vytvořit záložní kopii %1." - -#: src/timeline/timeline.cpp:868 -#, kde-format -msgid "Invalid clip removed from track %1 at %2\n" -msgstr "Byl smazán neplatný klip ve stopě %1 na pozici %2\n" - -#: src/timeline/timeline.cpp:946 -#, kde-format -msgid "Effect %1:%2 not found in MLT, it was removed from this project\n" -msgstr "" -"Efekt %1:%2 nebyl v MLT nalezen, a proto byl z aktuálního projektu " -"odstraněn\n" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:76 -msgid "Delete timeline clip" -msgstr "Smazat klip časové osy" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:106 -msgid "Add track" -msgstr "Přidat stopu" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:137 -msgid "Delete transition from clip" -msgstr "Smazat přechod z klipu" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:139 -msgid "Add transition to clip" -msgstr "Přidat klipu přechod" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:175 -msgid "Change clip type" -msgstr "Změnit typ klipu" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:199 -msgid "Disable effect" -msgid_plural "Disable effects" -msgstr[0] "Vypnout efekt" -msgstr[1] "Vypnout efekty" -msgstr[2] "Vypnout efekty" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:201 -msgid "Enable effect" -msgid_plural "Enable effects" -msgstr[0] "Povolit efekt" -msgstr[1] "Povolit efekty" -msgstr[2] "Povolit efekty" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:228 -msgid "Adjust clip length" -msgstr "Upravit délku klipu" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:283 -#, kde-format -msgid "Edit effect %1" -msgstr "Upravit efekt %1" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:337 -msgid "Add guide" -msgstr "Přidat zarážku" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:341 -msgid "Edit guide" -msgstr "Upravit zarážku" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:343 -msgid "Delete guide" -msgstr "Smazat zarážku" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:345 -msgid "Move guide" -msgstr "Přesunout zarážku" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:375 -#, kde-format -msgid "Edit transition %1" -msgstr "Upravit přechod %1" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:413 -msgid "Ungroup clips" -msgstr "Zrušit seskupení klipů" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:436 -msgid "Insert space" -msgstr "Vložit místo" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:438 -msgid "Remove space" -msgstr "Smazat místo" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:523 -msgid "Move effect" -msgstr "Přesunout efekt" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:607 -msgid "Razor clip" -msgstr "Rozdělit klip" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:653 -msgid "Rebuild Group" -msgstr "Znovu sestavit skupinu" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:695 -msgid "Resize clip" -msgstr "Změnit délku klipu" - -#: src/timeline/timelinesearch.cpp:27 -msgid "Find" -msgstr "Najít" - -#: src/timeline/timelinesearch.cpp:29 -msgid "Find Next" -msgstr "Najít následující" - -#: src/timeline/timelinesearch.cpp:38 -msgid "Starting -- find text as you type" -msgstr "Vyhledává text zatímco vy píšete" - -#: src/timeline/timelinesearch.cpp:46 -msgid "Find stopped" -msgstr "Hledání zastaveno" - -#: src/timeline/timelinesearch.cpp:56 src/timeline/timelinesearch.cpp:67 -#, kde-format -msgid "Found: %1" -msgstr "Nalezeno: %1" - -#: src/timeline/timelinesearch.cpp:58 -msgid "Reached end of project" -msgstr "Dosažen konec projektu" - -#: src/timeline/timelinesearch.cpp:70 -#, kde-format -msgid "Not found: %1" -msgstr "Nenalezeno: %1" - -#: src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:74 -msgid "Hidden" -msgstr "Skryto" - -#: src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:74 -msgid "Muted" -msgstr "Ztlumeno" - -#: src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:74 -msgid "Locked" -msgstr "Uzamčeno" - -#: src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:90 -msgid "Add Track" -msgstr "Přidat stopu" - -#: src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:98 -msgid "Move Track upwards" -msgstr "Přesunout stopu nahoru" - -#: src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:102 -msgid "Move Track downwards" -msgstr "Přesunout stopu dolů" - -#: src/titler/titledocument.cpp:331 -msgid "This title clip was created with a different frame size." -msgstr "Tyto titulky byly vytvořeny s jinou velikostí snímku." - -#: src/titler/titledocument.cpp:331 -msgid "Title Profile" -msgstr "Profil titulků" - -#: src/titler/titledocument.cpp:380 -msgid "" -"Some of your text clips were saved with size in points, which means " -"different sizes on different displays. They will be converted to pixel size, " -"making them portable, but you could have to adjust their size." -msgstr "" -"Některé z vašich textových klipů byly uloženy s velikostí, které se na " -"různých monitorech zobrazí různě. Přejete si je převést do velikosti v " -"pixelech?" - -#: src/titler/titledocument.cpp:380 -msgid "Text Clips Updated" -msgstr "Textové klipy byly aktualizovány" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:93 -msgid "Outline width" -msgstr "Šířka obrysové čáry" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:99 -msgid "Background color opacity" -msgstr "Neprůhlednost barvy pozadí" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:105 -msgid "Rotation around the X axis" -msgstr "Otočení okolo osy X" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:111 -msgid "Rotation around the Y axis" -msgstr "Otočení okolo osy Y" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:117 -msgid "Rotation around the Z axis" -msgstr "Otočení podle osy Z" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:123 -msgid "Border width" -msgstr "Šířka čáry" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:156 -msgid "Typewriter" -msgstr "Psací stroj" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:215 -msgctxt "Font style" -msgid "Light" -msgstr "Lehké" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:216 -msgctxt "Font style" -msgid "Normal" -msgstr "Normální" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:217 -msgctxt "Font style" -msgid "Demi-Bold" -msgstr "Polotučné" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:218 -msgctxt "Font style" -msgid "Bold" -msgstr "Tučné" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:219 -msgctxt "Font style" -msgid "Black" -msgstr "Nejtučnější" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:220 -msgid "Font weight" -msgstr "Tloušťka písma" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:242 -msgid "No alignment" -msgstr "Žádné zarovnání" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:245 -msgid "Align center" -msgstr "Zarovnat na střed" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:249 -msgid "Insert Unicode character" -msgstr "Vložit znak unicode" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:255 -msgid "Raise object" -msgstr "Přenést blíž" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:261 -msgid "Lower object" -msgstr "Odsunout dál" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:269 -msgid "Raise object to top" -msgstr "Přesunout do popředí" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:276 -msgid "Lower object to bottom" -msgstr "Odsunout do pozadí" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:320 -msgid "Invert x axis and change 0 point" -msgstr "Obrátit osu x a změnit bod 0" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:321 -msgid "Invert y axis and change 0 point" -msgstr "Obrátit osu y a změnit bod 0" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:322 -msgid "Select fill color" -msgstr "Vybrat barvu výplně" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:323 -msgid "Select border color" -msgstr "Vybrat barvu čáry" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:325 -msgid "Original size (1:1)" -msgstr "Reálná velikost (1:1)" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:326 -msgid "Fit zoom" -msgstr "Optimální přiblížení" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:327 -msgid "Select background color" -msgstr "Vybrat barvu pozadí" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:328 -msgid "Background opacity" -msgstr "Neprůhlednost pozadí" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:329 -msgid "Select all" -msgstr "Vybrat vše" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:330 -msgid "Select text items in current selection" -msgstr "Vybrat textové objekty v současném výběru" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:331 -msgid "Select rect items in current selection" -msgstr "Vybrat obdélníky v současném výběru" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:332 -msgid "Select image items in current selection" -msgstr "Vybrat obrázky v současném výběru" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:333 -msgid "Unselect all" -msgstr "Odznačit vše" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:362 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:365 -msgid "Selection Tool" -msgstr "Nástroj výběru" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:368 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:371 -msgid "Add Text" -msgstr "Přidat text" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:374 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:377 -msgid "Add Rectangle" -msgstr "Přidat obdélník" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:380 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:383 -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:670 -msgid "Add Image" -msgstr "Přidat obrázek" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:388 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:391 -msgid "Open Document" -msgstr "Otevřít dokument" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:394 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:397 -msgid "Save As" -msgstr "Uložit jako" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:566 -msgid "" -"Do you really want to load a new template? Changes in this title will be " -"lost!" -msgstr "Opravdu si přejete načíst novou šablonu? Veškeré změny budou ztraceny." - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:658 -msgid "All Images" -msgstr "Všechny obrázky" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:660 -#, kde-format -msgid "%1 Image" -msgstr "Obrázek %1" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:1346 -msgid "\\u2212X" -msgstr "\\u2212X" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, origin_x_left) -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:1348 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:63 -msgid "+X" -msgstr "+X" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:1371 -msgid "\\u2212Y" -msgstr "\\u2212Y" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, origin_y_top) -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:1373 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:86 -msgid "+Y" -msgstr "+Y" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:1713 -msgid "Load Title" -msgstr "Načíst titulky" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:1713 -msgid "Kdenlive title (*.kdenlivetitle)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:1761 -msgid "" -"Do you want to embed Images into this TitleDocument?\n" -"This is most needed for sharing Titles." -msgstr "" -"Přejete si vložit obrázky přímo do titulků?\n" -"Toto je většinou potřeba pro sdílení titulků." - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:2039 -msgctxt "Indicates the start of an animation" -msgid "Start" -msgstr "Spustit" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:2040 -msgctxt "Indicates the end of an animation" -msgid "End" -msgstr "Konec" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:30 -msgid "Details" -msgstr "Podrobnosti" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:85 -msgid "" -"Information about unicode characters: http://decodeunicode.org" -msgstr "" -"Pro informace o unicode znacích navštivte http://decodeunicode.org" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:86 -msgid "Previous Unicode character (Arrow Up)" -msgstr "Předchozí znak unicode (šipka nahoru)" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:87 -msgid "Next Unicode character (Arrow Down)" -msgstr "Následující znak unicode (šipka dolů)" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:88 -msgid "Enter your Unicode number here. Allowed characters: [0-9] and [a-f]." -msgstr "Zde zadejte číslo unicode. Povolenými znaky jsou 0 až 9 a a až f." - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:148 -msgid "(no character selected)" -msgstr "(nebyl vybrán žádný znak)" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:154 -msgid "" -"Control character. Cannot be inserted/printed. See Wikipedia:Control_character" -msgstr "" -"Řídící znaky nemohou být vloženy/zobrazeny. Více na Wikipedii: Řídící znaky" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:156 -msgid "Line Feed (newline character, \\\\n)" -msgstr "Konec řádku (znak nového řádku, \\\\n)" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:158 -msgid "" -"Standard space character. (Other space characters: U+00a0, U" -"+2000–200b, U+202f)" -msgstr "" -"Standardní znak pro mezeru. (Další znaky pro mezeru: U+00a0, U" -"+2000–200b, U+202f)" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:160 -msgid "No-break space. &nbsp; in HTML. See U+2009 and U+0020." -msgstr "Nezlomitelná mezera. &nbsp; v HTML. Viz U+2009 a U+0020." - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:162 -msgid "" -"

« (u+00ab, &lfquo; in HTML) and " -"» (u+00bb, &rfquo; in HTML) are " -"called Guillemets or angle quotes. Usage in different countries: France " -"(with non-breaking Space 0x00a0), Switzerland, Germany, Finland and Sweden.

and (U+2039/203a, " -"&lsaquo;/&rsaquo;) are their single quote equivalents.

See Wikipedia:" -"Guillemets

" -msgstr "" -"

« (u+00ab, &lfquo; v HTML) a " -"» (u+00bb, &rfquo; v HTML) se " -"nazývají úhlové uvozovky. Používají se v zemích jako Francie, Švýcarsko, " -"Německo, Finsko a Švédsko.

a ›" -" (U+2039/203a, &lsaquo;/&rsaquo;) jsou jejich " -"ekvivalenty s jednou uvozovkou.

Pro více informací navštivte Wikipedii:Guillemets

" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:164 -msgid "En Space (width of an n)" -msgstr "En mezera (šířky n)" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:166 -msgid "Em Space (width of an m)" -msgstr "Em mezera (šířky m)" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:168 -msgid "Three-Per-Em Space. Width: 1/3 of one em" -msgstr "1/3 mezera šířky em" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:170 -msgid "Four-Per-Em Space. Width: 1/4 of one em" -msgstr "1/4 mezery šířky em" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:172 -msgid "Six-Per-Em Space. Width: 1/6 of one em" -msgstr "1/6 mezera šířky em" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:174 -msgid "" -"Figure space (non-breaking). Width of a digit if digits have fixed width in " -"this font." -msgstr "" -"Nezlomitelná mezera šířky číslice. S pevnou šířkou, je-li v tomto písmu " -"přítomna." - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:176 -msgid "" -"Punctuation Space. Width the same as between a punctuation character and the " -"next character." -msgstr "Mezera se stejnou šířkou jako má interpunkční znaménko." - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:178 -msgid "" -"Thin space, in HTML also &thinsp;. See U+202f and Wikipedia:Space_(punctuation)" -msgstr "" -"Tenká mezera, &thinsp; v HTML. Viz U+202f and Wikipedia:Space_(punctuation)" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:180 -msgid "Hair Space. Thinner than U+2009." -msgstr "Titěrná mezera, tenčí než U+2009." - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:182 -msgid "" -"Punctuation Apostrophe. Should be used instead of U+0027. See Wikipedia:Apostrophe" -msgstr "" -"Anglický apostrof, v angličtině by měl být používán místo U+0027. Viz Wikipedia:Apostrophe" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:184 -msgid "" -"

An en Dash (dash of the width of an n).

Usage examples: In English " -"language for value ranges (1878–1903), for relationships/connections " -"(Zurich–Dublin). In the German language it is also used (with " -"spaces!) for showing thoughts: “Es war – wie immer in den " -"Ferien – ein regnerischer Tag.

See Wikipedia:Dash

" -msgstr "" -"

En pomlčka (pomlčka šířky n)

V češtině se taktéž používá mezi slovy " -"a je z obou stran mezerou.

Viz Wikipedia:Dash

" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:186 -msgid "" -"

An em Dash (dash of the width of an m).

Usage examples: In English " -"language to mark—like here—thoughts. Traditionally without " -"spaces.

See Wikipedia:" -"Dash

" -msgstr "" -"

Em pomlčka (pomlčka šířky m).

V češtině se používá mezi slovy a je " -"z obou stran oddělena mezerou.

Viz Wikipedia:Dash

" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:188 -msgid "" -"

Narrow no-break space. Has the same width as U+2009.

Usage: For " -"units (spaces are marked with U+2423, ␣): 230␣V, " -"−21␣°C, 50␣lb, but 90° (no space). In " -"German for abbreviations (like: i. d. R. instead of i. d." -" R. with U+00a0).

See Wikipedia:de:Schmales_Leerzeichen

" -msgstr "" -"

Zúžená nezlomitelná mezera se stejnou šířkou jako U+2009.

V češtině " -"se používá například mezi číslem a znakem °

Viz Wikipedia:de:Schmales_Leerzeichen

" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:190 -msgid "" -"Ellipsis: If text has been left o… See Wikipedia:Ellipsis" -msgstr "Výpustka (pro neukončenou výpověď.)" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:192 -msgid "Minus sign. For numbers: −42" -msgstr "Znak pro mínus. Pro čísla: −42" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:194 -msgid "Open box; stands for a space." -msgstr "Znak znázornění mezery." - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:196 -msgid "" -"Quarter note (Am.) or crochet (Brit.). See Wikipedia:Quarter_note" -msgstr "Čtvrťová nota" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:198 -msgid "" -"Eighth note (Am.) or quaver (Brit.). Half as long as a quarter note (U" -"+2669). See Wikipedia:" -"Eighth_note" -msgstr "Osminová nota. O polovinu kratší než čtvrťová nota (U+2669)." - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:200 -msgid "" -"Sixteenth note (Am.) or semiquaver (Brit.). Half as long as an eighth note (U" -"+266a). See Wikipedia:Sixteenth_note" -msgstr "Šestnáctinová nota. O polovinu kratší než osminová nota (U+266a)." - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:202 -msgid "" -"Thirty-second note (Am.) or demisemiquaver (Brit.). Half as long as a " -"sixteenth note (U+266b). See Wikipedia:Thirty-second_note" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:204 -msgid "No additional information available for this character." -msgstr "O tomto znaku nejsou dostupné žádné další informace." - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, before_select) -#: src/ui/addtrack_ui.ui:34 -msgid "Above" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, before_select) -#: src/ui/addtrack_ui.ui:39 -msgid "Under" -msgstr "Pod" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, video_track) -#: src/ui/addtrack_ui.ui:57 -msgid "Video &track" -msgstr "Video s&topa" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, audio_track) -#: src/ui/addtrack_ui.ui:74 -msgid "A&udio track" -msgstr "Zv&uková skladba" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, name_label) -#: src/ui/addtrack_ui.ui:81 -msgid "Track name" -msgstr "Název skladby" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/archivewidget_ui.ui:29 -msgid "Archive folder" -msgstr "Složka pro archivaci" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, compressed_archive) -#: src/ui/archivewidget_ui.ui:46 -msgid "Compressed archive" -msgstr "Komprimovaný archiv" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, proxy_only) -#: src/ui/archivewidget_ui.ui:53 -msgid "Archive only proxy clips when available" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, labelFFTSize) -#: src/ui/audiospectrum_ui.ui:52 -msgid "True FFT size: " -msgstr "Skutečná velikost TTF: " - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, buttonLinkHandles) -#: src/ui/bezierspline_ui.ui:89 -msgid "Link the handles' position.
Results in a natural spline." -msgstr "Propojit pozice úchytů.
Výsledkem je přirozený Splajn." - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, marker_save) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, marker_load) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, analysis_delete) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, analysis_save) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, analysis_load) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, arrowUp) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, arrowDown) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, config_button) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonleft) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonhcenter) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonright) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttontop) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonvcenter) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonbottom) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonDirectUpdate) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonZoomOriginal) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonZoomFit) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonAddDelete) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonPrevious) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonNext) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, toolBtnReload) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonUp) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonDown) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonAdd) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonDelete) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonReset) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, zoom_button) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, unzoom_button) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonResetKeyframe) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonSeek) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, reload_blackmagic) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonLinkHandles) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonShowPixmap) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonZoomIn) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonZoomOut) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonGridChange) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonResetSpline) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonShowAllHandles) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, v4l_showprofileinfo) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, v4l_manageprofile) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, grab_manageprofile) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, grab_showprofileinfo) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, decklink_manageprofile) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, decklink_showprofileinfo) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, button_up) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, button_down) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, button_transcode) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, proxy_showprofileinfo) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, add_metadata) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, delete_metadata) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, effectsAll) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, effectsVideo) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, effectsAudio) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, effectsGPU) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, effectsCustom) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, proxy_manageprofile) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, button_add) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, button_edit) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, button_delete) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, button_download) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, button_more) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonLeftRight) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonUpDown) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonShowInTimeline) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonNewPoints) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonHelp) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonFavorite) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, rescale_keep) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, hide_log) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, collapseButton) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, enabledButton) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, menuButton) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonDel) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, rec_options) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonItalic) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonUnder) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonAlignNone) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonAlignLeft) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonInsertUnicode) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonAlignCenter) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonAlignRight) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, itemleft) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, itemhcenter) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, itemright) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, itemtop) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, itemvcenter) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, itembottom) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, live_button) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, capture_button) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, capture_interval) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, overlay_button) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, preview_button) -#: src/ui/bezierspline_ui.ui:92 src/ui/bezierspline_ui.ui:130 -#: src/ui/bezierspline_ui.ui:146 src/ui/bezierspline_ui.ui:156 -#: src/ui/bezierspline_ui.ui:169 src/ui/bezierspline_ui.ui:195 -#: src/ui/bezierspline_ui.ui:208 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:490 -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:500 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:587 -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:597 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:607 -#: src/ui/collapsiblewidget_ui.ui:86 src/ui/collapsiblewidget_ui.ui:118 -#: src/ui/collapsiblewidget_ui.ui:137 src/ui/collapsiblewidget_ui.ui:156 -#: src/ui/collapsiblewidget_ui.ui:172 src/ui/collapsiblewidget_ui.ui:188 -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:211 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:396 -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:433 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:616 -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:742 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:749 -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:78 src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:220 -#: src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:230 src/ui/configsdl_ui.ui:154 -#: src/ui/cutjobdialog_ui.ui:32 src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:262 -#: src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:269 src/ui/dvdwizardvob_ui.ui:29 -#: src/ui/dvdwizardvob_ui.ui:49 src/ui/dvdwizardvob_ui.ui:100 -#: src/ui/effectlist_ui.ui:22 src/ui/effectlist_ui.ui:41 -#: src/ui/effectlist_ui.ui:57 src/ui/effectlist_ui.ui:73 -#: src/ui/effectlist_ui.ui:89 src/ui/freesound_ui.ui:39 -#: src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:249 src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:256 -#: src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:263 src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:270 -#: src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:277 src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:284 -#: src/ui/geometrywidget_ui.ui:70 src/ui/geometrywidget_ui.ui:83 -#: src/ui/geometrywidget_ui.ui:93 src/ui/keyframeeditor_ui.ui:91 -#: src/ui/keyframeeditor_ui.ui:101 src/ui/keyframewidget_ui.ui:46 -#: src/ui/keyframewidget_ui.ui:59 src/ui/keyframewidget_ui.ui:72 -#: src/ui/keyframewidget_ui.ui:85 src/ui/keyframewidget_ui.ui:124 -#: src/ui/manageencodingprofile_ui.ui:44 src/ui/manageencodingprofile_ui.ui:51 -#: src/ui/manageencodingprofile_ui.ui:58 src/ui/manageencodingprofile_ui.ui:68 -#: src/ui/monitoreditwidget_ui.ui:53 src/ui/monitoreditwidget_ui.ui:66 -#: src/ui/monitoreditwidget_ui.ui:76 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:335 -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:386 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:393 -#: src/ui/recmonitor_ui.ui:72 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:407 -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:592 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:717 -#: src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:76 src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:92 -#: src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:108 src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:118 -#: src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:128 src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:141 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:364 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:384 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:401 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:417 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:440 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:447 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:460 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:801 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:808 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:815 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:822 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:829 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:836 src/ui/tracksconfigdialog_ui.ui:61 -#: src/ui/tracksconfigdialog_ui.ui:68 src/ui/tracksconfigdialog_ui.ui:75 -#: src/ui/tracksconfigdialog_ui.ui:82 src/ui/tracksconfigdialog_ui.ui:89 -#: src/ui/unicodewidget_ui.ui:185 src/ui/unicodewidget_ui.ui:210 -msgid "..." -msgstr "..." - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, buttonShowPixmap) -#: src/ui/bezierspline_ui.ui:127 -msgid "Show background indicating changes caused by modifying the curve." -msgstr "Zobrazit pozadí indikující změnu způsobenou úpravou křivky." - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, buttonGridChange) -#: src/ui/bezierspline_ui.ui:166 -msgid "" -"Increases the number of lines in the grid.
After 8 lines it will begin " -"from 0 again." -msgstr "Zvýší počet čar v mřížce.
Po 8 čárách se vrátí opět na 0." - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, buttonResetSpline) -#: src/ui/bezierspline_ui.ui:192 -msgid "Reset the selected spline" -msgstr "Vrátit vybraný Splajn na výchozí hodnoty" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, buttonShowAllHandles) -#: src/ui/bezierspline_ui.ui:205 -msgid "Show handles for all points or only for the selected one" -msgstr "Zobrazit úchyty pro všechny body nebo pouze pro vybrané" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, name) -#: src/ui/boolval_ui.ui:30 src/ui/fontval_ui.ui:23 src/ui/listval_ui.ui:23 -msgid "TextLabel" -msgstr "Textová popiska" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, crop_label) -#: src/ui/clipdurationdialog_ui.ui:30 -msgid "Crop start" -msgstr "Začátek ořezání" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, end_label) -#: src/ui/clipdurationdialog_ui.ui:50 -msgid "Crop end" -msgstr "Konec ořezání" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_path) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, treeWidget) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:27 src/ui/missingclips_ui.ui:72 -msgid "Path" -msgstr "Cesta" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_size) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_6) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_5) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:51 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:231 -#: src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:41 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:93 -msgid "Size:" -msgstr "Velikost:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, clip_filesize) -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, groupBox) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:65 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:157 -#: src/utils/freesound.cpp:212 -msgid "File size" -msgstr "Velikost souboru" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, clip_vproperties) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, clip_aproperties) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, metadata_list) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, analysis_list) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, programList) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:117 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:162 -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:542 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:574 -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:371 src/ui/wizardmltcheck_ui.ui:49 -msgid "1" -msgstr "1" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, clip_vproperties) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, clip_aproperties) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, metadata_list) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, analysis_list) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:122 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:167 -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:547 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:579 -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:376 -msgid "2" -msgstr "2" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_slideshow) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:206 -msgid "Slideshow" -msgstr "Promítání" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, slide_type_label) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:212 -msgid "Image type" -msgstr "Typ obrázku" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, clip_filesize_4) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:222 -msgid "Frame duration" -msgstr "Trvání snímku" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, slide_loop) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, loop_movie) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, sm_loop) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:255 src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:221 -#: src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:160 src/ui/smconfig_ui.ui:26 -msgid "Loop" -msgstr "Smyčka" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, slide_crop) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:339 src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:284 -msgid "Center crop" -msgstr "Středové ořezání" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_animation) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_6) -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:346 src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:291 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:1121 -msgid "Animation" -msgstr "Animace" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_image) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, background_list) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:357 src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:202 -msgid "Image" -msgstr "Obrázek" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_16) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:365 -msgid "Image size" -msgstr "Rozlišení" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, image_transparency) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:381 -msgid "Transparent background" -msgstr "Průhledné pozadí" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, markers_list) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, clip_filesize_3) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:432 src/ui/markerdialog_ui.ui:56 -msgid "Comment" -msgstr "Komentář" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, marker_new) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonNext) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonUnselectAll) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:440 src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:83 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:700 -msgid "N" -msgstr "N" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, marker_edit) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonEdit) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:450 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:414 -msgid "E" -msgstr "E" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, marker_delete) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonDelete) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, button_delete) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, delete_button) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:460 src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:252 -#: src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:103 src/ui/keyframeeditor_ui.ui:78 -#: src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:279 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:428 -msgid "D" -msgstr "D" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_advanced) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:634 -msgid "Advanced" -msgstr "Pokročilé" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, clip_force_ar) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:653 -msgid "Force aspect ratio" -msgstr "Vynutit poměr stran" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, clip_force_threads) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:686 -msgid "Decoding threads" -msgstr "Dekódovací vlákna" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, clip_force_progressive) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:700 -msgid "Force scanning" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, clip_force_framerate) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:727 -msgid "Force frame rate" -msgstr "Vynutit snímkovou frekvenci" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, clip_force_out) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:734 -msgid "Force duration" -msgstr "Vynutit délku trvání" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, clip_force_colorspace) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:751 -msgid "Force colorspace" -msgstr "Vynutit barevný prostor" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, clip_force_fieldorder) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:765 -msgid "Force field order" -msgstr "Vynutit pořadí půlsnímků" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, clip_force_transparency) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:829 -msgid "Image background" -msgstr "Obrázek na pozadí" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, clip_transparency) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:837 -msgid "Normal" -msgstr "Normální" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_dest) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_5) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_6) -#: src/ui/clipstabilize_ui.ui:20 src/ui/cliptranscode_ui.ui:30 -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:45 src/ui/saveprofile_ui.ui:138 -msgid "Destination" -msgstr "Cíl" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_source) -#: src/ui/cliptranscode_ui.ui:20 -msgid "Source" -msgstr "Zdroj" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, ffmpeg_label) -#: src/ui/cliptranscode_ui.ui:40 -msgid "FFmpeg parameters" -msgstr "Parametry pro FFmpeg" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_4) -#: src/ui/cliptranscode_ui.ui:54 -msgid "Job status" -msgstr "Stav úlohy" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_start) -#: src/ui/cliptranscode_ui.ui:61 -msgctxt "@action:button start transcode" -msgid "Start" -msgstr "Spustit" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_profile) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: src/ui/cliptranscode_ui.ui:68 src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:29 -#: src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:20 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:74 -msgid "Profile" -msgstr "Profil" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, auto_close) -#: src/ui/cliptranscode_ui.ui:88 -msgid "Close after transcode" -msgstr "Zavřít po překódování" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/colorclip_ui.ui:30 -msgid "Clip Color" -msgstr "Barva klipu" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, ColorPlaneExport_UI) -#: src/ui/colorplaneexport_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Export color plane to PNG" -msgstr "Uložit barevnou plochu do souboru PNG" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, lblSpace) -#: src/ui/colorplaneexport_ui.ui:20 -msgid "Color space" -msgstr "Barevný prostor" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, lblVariant) -#: src/ui/colorplaneexport_ui.ui:37 -msgid "Variant" -msgstr "Varianta" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QSlider, sliderScaling) -#: src/ui/colorplaneexport_ui.ui:81 -msgid "How much to zoom in" -msgstr "Jak velké má být přiblížení" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, lblRes) -#: src/ui/colorplaneexport_ui.ui:101 -msgid "Resolution" -msgstr "Rozlišení" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, lblFilename) -#: src/ui/colorplaneexport_ui.ui:144 -msgid "Filename" -msgstr "Název souboru" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:23 -msgid "Default capture device" -msgstr "Výchozí zařízení pro nahrávání" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, kcfg_defaultcapture) -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, device_selector) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:37 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:70 -#: src/ui/recmonitor_ui.ui:134 -msgid "Firewire" -msgstr "Firewire" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, kcfg_defaultcapture) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, device_selector) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:47 src/ui/recmonitor_ui.ui:144 -msgid "Screen grab" -msgstr "Zachycení obrazovky" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, kcfg_defaultcapture) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, device_selector) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:52 src/ui/recmonitor_ui.ui:149 -msgid "Blackmagic card" -msgstr "Karta od Blackmagic" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_9) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:89 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:221 -msgid "Capture format" -msgstr "Formát nahrávání" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, kcfg_firewireformat) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:97 -msgid "DV Raw" -msgstr "DV raw" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, kcfg_firewireformat) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:102 -msgid "DV AVI type 1" -msgstr "DV AVI typ 1" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, kcfg_firewireformat) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:107 -msgid "DV AVI type 2" -msgstr "DV AVI typ 2" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, button_hdv) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, kcfg_firewireformat) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:112 src/ui/wizardstandard_ui.ui:54 -msgid "HDV" -msgstr "HDV" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_firewireautosplit) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:133 -msgid "Automatically start a new file on scene cut" -msgstr "Automaticky začít nový soubor pro novou scénu" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_firewiretimestamp) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:140 -msgid "Add recording time to captured file name" -msgstr "Přidat délku do názvu souboru" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_5) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_29) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:147 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:696 -msgid "Capture file name" -msgstr "Název nahrávaného souboru" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_7) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:157 -msgid "dvgrab additional parameters" -msgstr "dodatečné parametry pro dvgrab" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_14) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:197 -msgid "Video device" -msgstr "Video zařízení" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_30) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_27) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:204 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:666 -msgid "Detected devices" -msgstr "Nalezená zařízení" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, p_size) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:238 src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:48 -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:100 -msgid "720x576" -msgstr "720x576 
" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, p_fps) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:252 src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:62 -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:114 -msgid "25/1" -msgstr "25/1" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, p_aspect) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:273 src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:76 -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:128 -msgid "59/54" -msgstr "59/54" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, p_display) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:287 src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:90 -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:142 -msgid "4/3" -msgstr "4/3" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, config_v4l) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:308 -msgid "Edit" -msgstr "Upravit" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_v4l_captureaudio) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:342 -msgid "Capture audio (ALSA)" -msgstr "Nahrávat audio (ALSA)" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_24) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_screengrab) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_16) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:362 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:632 -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:725 src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:203 -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:305 -msgid "Encoding profile" -msgstr "Kódovací profil" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_v4l_capturevideo) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:389 -msgid "Capture video (Video4Linux2)" -msgstr "Nahrávat video (Video4Linux2)" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, kcfg_grab_capture_type) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:471 -msgid "Full screen capture" -msgstr "Nahrávat celou obrazovku" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, kcfg_grab_capture_type) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:476 -msgid "Region capture" -msgstr "Nahrávat část obrazovky" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_grab_follow_mouse) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:495 -msgid "Follow mouse" -msgstr "Následovat myš" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_grab_hide_frame) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:502 -msgid "Hide frame" -msgstr "Skrýt snímek" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_19) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_10) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:524 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:951 -msgid "Offset" -msgstr "Posunutí" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_grab_hide_mouse) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:652 -msgid "Hide cursor" -msgstr "Skrýt kurzor" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_4) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:660 -msgid "Blackmagic" -msgstr "Blackmagic" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_9) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:42 -msgid "Concurrent threads" -msgstr "Souběžná vlákna" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:69 -msgid "MLT environment" -msgstr "Prostředí MLT" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_6) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:78 -msgid "Processing threads" -msgstr "Pracující vlákna" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_7) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:91 -msgid "(>1 is experimental)" -msgstr "(>1 je experimentální)" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:98 -msgid "Melt path" -msgstr "Cesta k melt" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:112 -msgid "MLT profiles folder" -msgstr "Složka s profily MLT" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_13) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:135 -msgid "FFplay" -msgstr "FFplay" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_14) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:155 -msgid "FFprobe" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_2) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:166 -msgid "Default folders" -msgstr "Výchozí složky" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_5) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_4) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:172 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:56 -msgid "Project folder" -msgstr "Složka projektu" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:182 -msgid "Temporary files" -msgstr "Dočasné soubory" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_10) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:192 -msgid "Capture folder" -msgstr "Složka pro nahrávání" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_capturetoprojectfolder) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:212 -msgid "Use project folder" -msgstr "Použít složku projektu" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_3) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:223 -msgid "Default apps" -msgstr "Výchozí aplikace" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_4) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:229 -msgid "Image editing" -msgstr "Úprava obrázku" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, kp_image) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, kp_audio) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, kp_player) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:243 src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:264 -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:285 -msgid "Change" -msgstr "Změnit" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_11) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:250 -msgid "Audio editing" -msgstr "Úprava audia" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_12) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:271 -msgid "Video player" -msgstr "Video přehrávač" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_enableshuttle) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:23 -msgid "Enable Jog Shuttle device" -msgstr "Povolit zařízení Jog Shuttle" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, shuttledisabled) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:30 -msgid "Jog Shuttle device disabled." -msgstr "Zařízení Jog Shuttle je deaktivováno." - -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, config_group) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:53 -msgid "Device configuration" -msgstr "Konfigurace zařízení" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:85 -msgid "Button 1" -msgstr "Tlačítko 1" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_17) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:98 -msgid "Device" -msgstr "Zařízení" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_16) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:111 -msgid "Button 15" -msgstr "Tlačítko 15" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_14) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:137 -msgid "Button 13" -msgstr "Tlačítko 13" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_9) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:150 -msgid "Button 8" -msgstr "Tlačítko 8" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_7) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:166 -msgid "Button 4" -msgstr "Tlačítko 4" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:179 -msgid "Device name" -msgstr "Název zařízení" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_5) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:192 -msgid "Button 5" -msgstr "Tlačítko 5" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_8) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:214 -msgid "Button 7" -msgstr "Tlačítko 7" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_10) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:243 -msgid "Button 9" -msgstr "Tlačítko 9" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_4) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:256 -msgid "Button 2" -msgstr "Tlačítko 2" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_11) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:272 -msgid "Button 10" -msgstr "Tlačítko 10" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_12) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:285 -msgid "Button 11" -msgstr "Tlačítko 11" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_6) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:308 -msgid "Button 6" -msgstr "Tlačítko 6" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_15) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:336 -msgid "Button 14" -msgstr "Tlačítko 14" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:349 -msgid "Button 3" -msgstr "Tlačítko 3" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_13) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:362 -msgid "Button 12" -msgstr "Tlačítko 12" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_usekuiserver) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:23 -msgid "Use KDE job tracking for render jobs" -msgstr "Použít sledování úloh KDE pro renderovací úlohy" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_checkfirstprojectclip) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:30 -msgid "Check if first added clip matches project profile" -msgstr "Zkontrolovat, zda první přidaný klip odpovídá s profilu projektu" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_crashrecovery) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:37 -msgid "Crash recovery (automatic backup)" -msgstr "Obnovení po pádu (automatické ukládání)" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_automultistreams) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:44 -msgid "Automatically import all streams in multi stream clips" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_disable_effect_parameters) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:51 -msgid "Disable parameters when the effect is disabled" -msgstr "Zakázat parametry pokud je efekt zakázaný" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_bypasscodeccheck) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:58 -msgid "Bypass codec verification" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_autoimagesequence) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:65 -msgid "Automatically import image sequences" -msgstr "Automaticky importovat sekvence obrázků" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_projectloading_avformatnovalidate) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:72 -msgid "Do not validate the video files when loading a project (faster)" -msgstr "Nekontrolovat video soubory při načítání projektu (rychlejší)" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_on_monitor_effects) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:79 -msgid "Use on-monitor effects" -msgstr "Používat efekty v monitoru" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_use_exiftool) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:86 -msgid "Get clip metadata with exiftool" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_openlastproject) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:93 -msgid "Open last project on startup" -msgstr "Po spouštění načíst poslední otevřený projekt" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, groupBox) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:100 -msgid "Default Durations" -msgstr "Výchozí délka trvání" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:106 -msgid "Color clips" -msgstr "Klipy barev" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_8) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:123 -msgid "Title clips" -msgstr "Klipy titulků" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:130 -msgid "Image sequence" -msgstr "Obrázková sekvence" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_autoimagetransparency) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:149 -msgid "Transparent background for imported images" -msgstr "Průhledné pozadí pro importované obrázky" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_use_magicLantern) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:169 -msgid "Get clip metadata created by Magic Lantern" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, properties) -#: src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:23 -msgid "Default Profile" -msgstr "Výchozí profil" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_9) -#: src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:69 -msgid "Aspect ratio:" -msgstr "Poměr stran pixelu:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_10) -#: src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:83 -msgid "Display ratio:" -msgstr "Poměr stran:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_7) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_6) -#: src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:109 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:175 -msgid "Video tracks" -msgstr "Video stopy" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_8) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_7) -#: src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:119 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:185 -msgid "Audio tracks" -msgstr "Audio stopy" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, generate_proxy) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_generateproxy) -#: src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:154 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:256 -msgid "Generate for videos larger than" -msgstr "Generovat pro videa větší než" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (suffix), widget (QSpinBox, proxy_minsize) -#. i18n: ectx: property (suffix), widget (QSpinBox, proxy_imageminsize) -#. i18n: ectx: property (suffix), widget (QSpinBox, kcfg_proxyminsize) -#. i18n: ectx: property (suffix), widget (QSpinBox, kcfg_proxyimageminsize) -#: src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:161 src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:181 -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:263 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:283 -msgid "pixels" -msgstr "pixelů" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, generate_imageproxy) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_generateimageproxy) -#: src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:174 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:276 -msgid "Generate for images larger than" -msgstr "Generovat pro obrázky větší než" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/ui/configsdl_ui.ui:17 -msgid "" -"Warning: changes to the drivers and devices can make Kdenlive unstable. " -"Change only if you know what you do." -msgstr "" -"Varování: změna ovladače nebo zařízení může způsobit, že se Kdenlive bude " -"chovat nestabilně. Měňte tato nastavení pouze pokud dobře víte co děláte." - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_gpu_accel) -#: src/ui/configsdl_ui.ui:27 -msgid "Use GPU processing (Movit library) - restart Kdenlive to apply" -msgstr "" -"Používat zpracování GPU (knihovna Movit) - pro použití restartujte Kdenlive" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_4) -#: src/ui/configsdl_ui.ui:34 -msgid "Audio backend" -msgstr "Podprůrná vrstva pro audio" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, textLabel1_2) -#: src/ui/configsdl_ui.ui:53 -msgid "Audio driver:" -msgstr "Audio ovladač:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, textLabel1) -#: src/ui/configsdl_ui.ui:66 -msgid "Audio device:" -msgstr "Audio zařízení:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: src/ui/configsdl_ui.ui:82 -msgid "Preview volume:" -msgstr "Hlasitost náhledu:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/configsdl_ui.ui:102 -msgid "Monitor background color:" -msgstr "Barva pozadí monitoru:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_external_display) -#: src/ui/configsdl_ui.ui:127 -msgid "Use external display (Blackmagic card)" -msgstr "Použít externí displej (pouze pro karty od Blackmagic)" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_5) -#: src/ui/configsdl_ui.ui:134 -msgid "Output device" -msgstr "Výstupní zařízení" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, groupBox) -#: src/ui/configtimeline_ui.ui:23 -msgid "Thumbnails" -msgstr "Miniatury" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_displayallchannels) -#: src/ui/configtimeline_ui.ui:48 -msgid "Separate channels" -msgstr "OddělenéProhodit kanály" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_showmarkers) -#: src/ui/configtimeline_ui.ui:73 -msgid "Display clip markers comments" -msgstr "Zobrazit komentáře značek" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_autoscroll) -#: src/ui/configtimeline_ui.ui:80 -msgid "Autoscroll while playing" -msgstr "Automatický posun při přehrávání " - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_verticalzoom) -#: src/ui/configtimeline_ui.ui:87 -msgid "Zoom using vertical drag in ruler" -msgstr "Měnit přiblížení svislým tažením v hlavičce časové osy" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_splitaudio) -#: src/ui/configtimeline_ui.ui:94 -msgid "Automatically split audio and video" -msgstr "Automaticky rozdělovat audio a video" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/configtimeline_ui.ui:103 -msgid "Track height" -msgstr "Výška stopy" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_add) -#: src/ui/configtranscode_ui.ui:24 -msgid "Add Profile" -msgstr "Přidat profil" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_update) -#: src/ui/configtranscode_ui.ui:31 -msgid "Update Profile" -msgstr "Aktualizovat profil" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_delete) -#: src/ui/configtranscode_ui.ui:38 -msgid "Delete Profile" -msgstr "Smazat profil" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_4) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: src/ui/configtranscode_ui.ui:90 src/ui/saveprofile_ui.ui:121 -msgid "Extension" -msgstr "Přípona" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_4) -#: src/ui/configtranscode_ui.ui:107 -msgid "Parameters" -msgstr "Parametry" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, button_more) -#: src/ui/cutjobdialog_ui.ui:29 -msgid "Configure job" -msgstr "Nastavit úlohu" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_add) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardchapters_ui.ui:39 -msgid "Add chapter" -msgstr "Přidat kapitolu" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardchapters_ui.ui:46 -msgid "Movie file" -msgstr "Filmový soubor" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_delete) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardchapters_ui.ui:66 -msgid "Remove chapter" -msgstr "Smazat kapitolu" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, create_menu) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:20 -msgid "Create basic menu" -msgstr "Vytvořit základní nabídku" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:49 -msgid "Button" -msgstr "Tlačítko" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_6) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:65 -msgid "Target" -msgstr "Cíl" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, back_to_menu) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:82 -msgid "Back to menu" -msgstr "Zpět do nabídky" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, use_shadow) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:126 -msgid "Shadow" -msgstr "Stín" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:138 -msgid "Underline" -msgstr "Podtržené" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_2) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, lblBackground) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:183 src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:189 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:1076 src/ui/vectorscope_ui.ui:46 -msgid "Background" -msgstr "Pozadí" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonAdd) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, add_button) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, button_add) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonSelectAll) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonAudio) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:232 src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:93 -#: src/ui/keyframeeditor_ui.ui:68 src/ui/timelinebuttons_ui.ui:71 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:723 -msgid "A" -msgstr "A" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:29 -msgid "Temporary data folder" -msgstr "Složka pro dočasná data" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:39 -msgid "DVD ISO image" -msgstr "Obraz DVD" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (QListWidget, job_progress) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:56 -msgid "Creating menu images" -msgstr "Vytváření obrázků nabídky" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (QListWidget, job_progress) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:61 -msgid "Creating menu background" -msgstr "Vytváření pozadí nabídky" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (QListWidget, job_progress) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:66 -msgid "Creating menu movie" -msgstr "Vytváření nabídky filmu" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (QListWidget, job_progress) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:71 -msgid "Creating dvd structure" -msgstr "Vytváření struktury DVD" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (QListWidget, job_progress) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:76 -msgid "Creating iso file" -msgstr "Vytvořit ISO obraz" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_start) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:84 -msgid "Create ISO image" -msgstr "Vytváření ISO obrazu" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_2) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:118 -msgid "Log" -msgstr "Záznam" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_7) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:124 -msgid "Status" -msgstr "Stav" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, button_burn) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:154 -msgid "Burn" -msgstr "Vypálit" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:172 -msgid "Menu File" -msgstr "Soubor nabídky" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_3) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:186 -msgid "Dvdauthor File" -msgstr "Soubor programu Dvdauthor" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, use_intro) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardvob_ui.ui:59 -msgid "Use first movie as intro" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardvob_ui.ui:66 -msgid "DVD format" -msgstr "Formát DVD" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_delete) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardvob_ui.ui:73 -msgid "Remove file" -msgstr "Odstranit soubor" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_add) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardvob_ui.ui:130 -msgid "Add movie file" -msgstr "Přidat video soubor" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, convert_label) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardvob_ui.ui:146 -msgid "Converting files" -msgstr "Převádím soubory" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: src/ui/freesound_ui.ui:22 -msgid "Service" -msgstr "Služba" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, page_prev) -#: src/ui/freesound_ui.ui:67 -msgid "<<" -msgstr "<<" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, page_next) -#: src/ui/freesound_ui.ui:104 -msgid ">>" -msgstr ">>" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_import) -#: src/ui/freesound_ui.ui:137 src/utils/archiveorg.cpp:181 -msgid "Import" -msgstr "Importovat" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/freesound_ui.ui:177 -msgid "License" -msgstr "Licence" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonMenu) -#: src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:63 -msgid "M" -msgstr "M" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonPrevious) -#: src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:73 -msgid "P" -msgstr "P" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_pos) -#: src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:127 -msgid "Pos" -msgstr "Poz" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_6) -#: src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:198 -msgid "Height" -msgstr "Výška" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:219 -msgid "Resize:" -msgstr "Změnit:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, buttonResize) -#: src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:242 -msgid "Original" -msgstr "Původní" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QCheckBox, cbY) -#: src/ui/histogram_ui.ui:17 -msgid "Luma value" -msgstr "Hodnota luma" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, lblComponents) -#: src/ui/histogram_ui.ui:64 -msgid "Components" -msgstr "Složky" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QCheckBox, cbS) -#: src/ui/histogram_ui.ui:71 -msgid "RGB summed up" -msgstr "Celkové RGB" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, cbS) -#: src/ui/histogram_ui.ui:74 -msgid "Sum" -msgstr "Celkem" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, ImportKeyframesDialog_UI) -#: src/ui/importkeyframesdialog_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Import Keyframes" -msgstr "Importovat klíčové snímky" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, limit_keyframes) -#: src/ui/importkeyframesdialog_ui.ui:48 -msgid "Limit keyframes number" -msgstr "Omezit počet klíčových snímků" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/importkeyframesdialog_ui.ui:90 -msgid "Data to import" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, KeyFrameDialog_UI) -#: src/ui/keyframedialog_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Edit Keyframe" -msgstr "Upravit klíčový snímek" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, clip_filesize_3) -#: src/ui/keyframedialog_ui.ui:27 -msgid "Value" -msgstr "Hodnota" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, buttonResetKeyframe) -#: src/ui/keyframeeditor_ui.ui:88 -msgid "Reset the parameters to their default values" -msgstr "Vrátit parametry na výchozí hodnoty" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, buttonSeek) -#: src/ui/keyframeeditor_ui.ui:98 -msgid "Seek to active keyframe" -msgstr "Synchronně posouvat kurzor časové osy" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, buttonKeyframes) -#: src/ui/keyframeeditor_ui.ui:114 -msgid "Add keyframes" -msgstr "Přidat klíčové snímky" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, buttonLeftRight) -#: src/ui/keyframewidget_ui.ui:43 -msgid "move on X axis" -msgstr "přesunout po ose X" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, buttonUpDown) -#: src/ui/keyframewidget_ui.ui:56 -msgid "move on Y axis" -msgstr "přesunout po ose Y" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, buttonShowInTimeline) -#: src/ui/keyframewidget_ui.ui:69 -msgid "update values in timeline" -msgstr "aktualizovat hodnoty na časové ose" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, buttonNewPoints) -#: src/ui/keyframewidget_ui.ui:82 -msgid "create new points" -msgstr "Vytvořit nové body" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, checkBox) -#: src/ui/keyframewidget_ui.ui:105 -msgid "GraphView" -msgstr "Graf" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, buttonHelp) -#: src/ui/keyframewidget_ui.ui:121 -msgid "parameter description" -msgstr "Popis parametru" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/keywordval_ui.ui:23 src/ui/urlval_ui.ui:26 -msgid "Param" -msgstr "Parametr" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, ManageCaptures_UI) -#: src/ui/managecaptures_ui.ui:13 -msgid "Captured files" -msgstr "Nahrané soubory" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, treeWidget) -#: src/ui/managecaptures_ui.ui:35 -msgid "File name" -msgstr "Název souboru" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, deleteButton) -#: src/ui/managecaptures_ui.ui:48 -msgid "Delete current file" -msgstr "Smazat současný soubor" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, toggleButton) -#: src/ui/managecaptures_ui.ui:55 -msgid "Toggle selection" -msgstr "Přepnout výběr" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/manageencodingprofile_ui.ui:20 -msgid "Editing profiles for" -msgstr "Úprava profilů pro" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_category) -#: src/ui/markerdialog_ui.ui:76 -msgid "Category" -msgstr "Kategorie" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, clip_thumb) -#: src/ui/markerdialog_ui.ui:86 -msgid "Image preview" -msgstr "Náhled obrázku" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, MissingClips_UI) -#: src/ui/missingclips_ui.ui:14 -msgid " Clip Problems" -msgstr " Problémy s klipem" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, removeSelected) -#: src/ui/missingclips_ui.ui:20 -msgid "Remove selected clips" -msgstr "Smazat vybrané klipy" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, usePlaceholders) -#: src/ui/missingclips_ui.ui:37 -msgid "Use placeholders for missing clips" -msgstr "Použít dočasné zástupce pro chybějící klipy" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, recursiveSearch) -#: src/ui/missingclips_ui.ui:80 -msgid "Search recursively" -msgstr "Vyhledat rekurzivně" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, ProfilesDialog_UI) -#: src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Profiles" -msgstr "Profily" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_4) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_7) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_8) -#: src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:106 src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:140 -#: src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:174 -msgid "/" -msgstr "/" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_10) -#: src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:154 -msgid "Display aspect ratio" -msgstr "Poměr stran" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_11) -#: src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:208 -msgid "Fields per second" -msgstr "Půlsnímků za sekundu" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_default) -#: src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:242 -msgid "Use as default" -msgstr "Použít jako výchozí" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, button_create) -#: src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:259 -msgid "C" -msgstr "C" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, button_save) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonSave) -#: src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:269 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:421 -msgid "S" -msgstr "S" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, properties) -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:66 -msgid "Video Profile" -msgstr "Profil videa" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:210 -msgid "Thumbnails:" -msgstr "Miniatury:" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_2) -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:416 -msgid "Project Files" -msgstr "Projektové soubory" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_12) -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:422 -msgid "Clips used in project:" -msgstr "Klipy použité v projektu:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_6) -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:443 -msgid "Unused clips:" -msgstr "Nepoužívané klipy:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, delete_unused) -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:464 -msgid "Delete files" -msgstr "Smazat soubory" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_11) -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:471 -msgid "Thumbnails cache:" -msgstr "Mezipaměť miniatur:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, clear_cache) -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:492 -msgid "Clear cache" -msgstr "Vyprázdnit mezipaměti" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, delete_proxies) -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:520 -msgid "Delete proxies" -msgstr "Smazat zástupné klipy" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_13) -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:527 -msgid "Project files" -msgstr "Projektové soubory" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_fonts) -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:561 -msgid "Fonts" -msgstr "Písma" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_export) -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:575 -msgid "Plain text export" -msgstr "Exportovat v čistém textu" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:39 -msgid "Render Project" -msgstr "Renderovat projekt" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:52 -msgid "Output file" -msgstr "Výstupní soubor" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_9) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:112 -msgid "Encoder threads" -msgstr "Počet vláken" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, scanning_list) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:131 -msgid "Force Progressive" -msgstr "Vynutit progresivní obraz" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, scanning_list) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:136 -msgid "Force Interlaced" -msgstr "Vynutit prokládaný obraz" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QLineEdit, vbitrates_list) -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QLineEdit, abitrates_list) -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (KComboBox, comboBitrates) -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (KComboBox, comboAudioBitrates) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:176 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:202 -#: src/ui/saveprofile_ui.ui:33 src/ui/saveprofile_ui.ui:87 -msgid "Best to worst quality" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, checkTwoPass) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:215 -msgid "2 pass" -msgstr "2 průchody" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, rescale) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:222 -msgid "Rescale" -msgstr "Změnit měřítko" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, export_meta) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:250 -msgid "Export metadata" -msgstr "Exportovat metadata" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, tc_overlay) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:276 -msgid "Overlay" -msgstr "Překrytí" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, render_full) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:314 -msgid "Fu&ll project" -msgstr "Ce&lý projekt" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, render_zone) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:324 -msgid "Selected &zone" -msgstr "Vý&běr" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, render_guide) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:331 -msgid "&Guide zone" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, buttonRender) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:355 -msgid "Render to File" -msgstr "Renderovat do souboru" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, buttonGenerateScript) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:362 -msgid "Generate Script" -msgstr "Vygenerovat dávku" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonInfo) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonSelectImages) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:393 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:680 -msgid "I" -msgstr "I" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, show_all_profiles) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:400 -msgid "Show all profiles" -msgstr "Zobrazit všechny profily" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, open_browser) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:466 -msgid "Open browser window after export" -msgstr "Otevřít prohlížeč po skončení renderování" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, play_after) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:473 -msgid "Play after render" -msgstr "Po dokončení přehrát výsledný soubor" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:503 -msgid "to" -msgstr "do" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, create_chapter) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:523 -msgid "Create chapter file based on guides" -msgstr "Vytvořit kapitoly na základě zarážek" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, open_dvd) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:530 -msgid "Open Dvd wizard after rendering" -msgstr "Otevřít průvodce DVD po skončení renderování" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, proxy_render) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:537 -msgid "Render using proxy clips" -msgstr "Renderovat s použitím zástupných klipů" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, stemAudioExport) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:623 -msgid "Stem audio export" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_2) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:631 -msgid "Job Queue" -msgstr "Fronta úloh" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_7) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:710 -msgid "Error Log" -msgstr "Záznam o chybách" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, clean_up) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:728 -msgid "Clean Up" -msgstr "Vyčistit" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, shutdown) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:735 -msgid "Shutdown computer after renderings" -msgstr "Vypnout počítač po dokončení renderování" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, start_job) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:742 -msgid "Start Job" -msgstr "Spustit úlohu" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_3) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:750 -msgid "Scripts" -msgstr "Skripty" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, start_script) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:778 -msgid "Start Script" -msgstr "Spustit skript" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, delete_script) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:785 -msgid "Delete Script" -msgstr "Smazat skript" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, lblPaintmode) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, lblPaintMode) -#: src/ui/rgbparade_ui.ui:33 src/ui/vectorscope_ui.ui:29 -#: src/ui/waveform_ui.ui:30 -msgid "Paint mode" -msgstr "Kreslicí režim" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, SaveProfile_UI) -#: src/ui/saveprofile_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Save Profile" -msgstr "Uložit profil" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/ui/saveprofile_ui.ui:60 -msgid "Group" -msgstr "Skupina" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: src/ui/saveprofile_ui.ui:108 -msgid "Profile name" -msgstr "Název profilu" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/saveprofile_ui.ui:128 -msgid "" -"Parameters (see MLT documentation)" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, SceneCutDialog_UI) -#: src/ui/scenecutdialog_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Scene Cut" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, add_markers) -#: src/ui/scenecutdialog_ui.ui:23 -msgid "Add clip markers" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, zone_only) -#: src/ui/scenecutdialog_ui.ui:33 -msgid "Analyze only selected zone" -msgstr "Analyzovat pouze vybranou část" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, cut_scenes) -#: src/ui/scenecutdialog_ui.ui:63 -msgid "Cut scenes" -msgstr "Vyjmout scény" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, store_data) -#: src/ui/scenecutdialog_ui.ui:70 -msgid "Save result in clip metadata" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, groupBox) -#: src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:30 -msgid "Image selection method" -msgstr "Metoda výběru obrázku" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, method_mime) -#: src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:36 -msgid "&Mimetype" -msgstr "Typ &MIME" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, method_pattern) -#: src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:46 -msgid "Fi&lename pattern" -msgstr "Vzor pro výběr soubo&rů" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_4) -#: src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:70 -msgid "Image Type" -msgstr "Typ obrázku" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_5) -#: src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:97 -msgid "First frame" -msgstr "První rámec" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:127 -msgid "Frame Duration" -msgstr "Délka trvání snímku" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, show_thumbs) -#: src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:245 -msgid "Show thumbnails" -msgstr "Zobrazit miniatury" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: src/ui/smconfig_ui.ui:33 -msgid "Number of frames to play (0 to play all frames)" -msgstr "Počet snímků k přehrání (použijte 0 pro přehrání všech snímků)" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, groupBox_2) -#: src/ui/smconfig_ui.ui:73 -msgid "Interval Capture" -msgstr "Interval zachytávání" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/smconfig_ui.ui:79 -msgid "Capture delay" -msgstr "Zpoždění nahrávání" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, sm_prenotify) -#: src/ui/smconfig_ui.ui:96 -msgid "Notify before capture" -msgstr "Upozornit před nahráváním" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, SpacerDialog_UI) -#: src/ui/spacerdialog_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Add space" -msgstr "Přidat místo" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, clip_filesize_3) -#: src/ui/spacerdialog_ui.ui:37 -msgid "Track:" -msgstr "Skladba:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, labelFFTSize) -#: src/ui/spectrogram_ui.ui:52 -msgid "True FFT size:" -msgstr "Skutečná velikost TTF:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, live_button) -#: src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:86 -msgid "Live view" -msgstr "Živý náhled" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, preview_button) -#: src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:135 -msgid "Preview sequence" -msgstr "Náhled sekvence" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (KComboBox, sequence_name) -#: src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:151 src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:158 -msgid "Sequence name" -msgstr "Název sekvence" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_addsequence) -#: src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:194 -msgid "Add to project" -msgstr "Přidat do projektu" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/templateclip_ui.ui:17 -msgid "Template" -msgstr "Šablona" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonFitZoom) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonRealSize) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonVideo) -#: src/ui/timelinebuttons_ui.ui:16 src/ui/timelinebuttons_ui.ui:64 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:553 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:563 -msgid "V" -msgstr "V" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, TitleWidget_UI) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Title Clip" -msgstr "Titulky" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, lWidth) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:109 -msgid "W" -msgstr "W" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_19) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:126 -msgid "H" -msgstr "H" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_12) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:184 -msgid "Z-Index:" -msgstr "Z-Index:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:232 -msgid "Item Properties" -msgstr "Vlastnosti položky" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:243 -msgid "Fill color" -msgstr "Vyplnit barvou" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_11) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:275 -msgid "Border color" -msgstr "Barva čáry" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_18) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:394 -msgid "Outline" -msgstr "Obrysová čára" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, displayBg) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:631 -msgid "Show background" -msgstr "Zobrazovat pozadí" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_22) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:645 -msgid "Template:" -msgstr "Šablona:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonSelectText) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:690 -msgid "T" -msgstr "T" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (whatsThis), widget (QToolButton, buttonSelectAll) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:720 -msgid "Selects all items on the canvas." -msgstr "Vybere všechny položky na plátně." - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_14) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:761 -msgid "Zoom:" -msgstr "Přiblížení:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_21) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:778 -msgid "Rotate Z:" -msgstr "Otočení Z:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_20) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:785 -msgid "Rotate Y:" -msgstr "Otočení Y:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_15) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:792 -msgid "Rotate X:" -msgstr "Otočení X:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_5) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:877 -msgid "Effect" -msgstr "Efekt" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (suffix), widget (QSpinBox, typewriter_delay) -#. i18n: ectx: property (suffix), widget (QSpinBox, typewriter_start) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:1007 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:1030 -msgid " frames" -msgstr " snímků" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_16) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:1023 -msgid "Start at" -msgstr "Začít na" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, anim_start) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:1127 -msgid "Edit start" -msgstr "Upravit začátek" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, anim_end) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:1137 -msgid "Edit end" -msgstr "Upravit konec" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_7) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:1162 -msgid "Resize" -msgstr "Změnit velikost" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, resize50) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:1169 -#, no-c-format -msgid "50%" -msgstr "50% " - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, resize100) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:1176 -#, no-c-format -msgid "100%" -msgstr "100%" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, resize200) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:1183 -#, no-c-format -msgid "200%" -msgstr "200%" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, keep_aspect) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:1190 -msgid "Keep aspect ratio" -msgstr "Zachovat poměr stran" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/ui/transitionsettings_ui.ui:23 -msgid "track" -msgstr "stopa" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QWidget, UnicodeWidget_UI) -#: src/ui/unicodewidget_ui.ui:20 -msgid "Enter Unicode value" -msgstr "Zadejte hodnotu unicode" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/ui/unicodewidget_ui.ui:251 -msgid "Additional Information" -msgstr "Další nastavení" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_reload) -#: src/ui/wizardcapture_ui.ui:17 -msgid "Check" -msgstr "Zkontrolovat" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_9) -#: src/ui/wizardcapture_ui.ui:57 -msgid "Capture format:" -msgstr "Formát nahrávání:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/wizardextra_ui.ui:16 -msgid "Default folder for project files" -msgstr "Výchozí složka pro projekty Kdenlive" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, autosave) -#: src/ui/wizardextra_ui.ui:59 -msgid "Activate crash recovery (auto save)" -msgstr "Zapnout automatické ukládání (pro případ pádu)" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, installmimes) -#: src/ui/wizardextra_ui.ui:66 -msgid "Install extra video mimetypes" -msgstr "Nainstalovat extra video mime-typy" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab) -#: src/ui/wizardmltcheck_ui.ui:21 -msgid "Installed modules" -msgstr "Nainstalované moduly" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_2) -#: src/ui/wizardmltcheck_ui.ui:63 -msgid "Available Codecs (avformat)" -msgstr "Dostupné kodeky (avformat)" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: src/ui/wizardmltcheck_ui.ui:90 -msgid "Formats" -msgstr "Formáty" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/ui/wizardmltcheck_ui.ui:97 -msgid "Video Codecs" -msgstr "Video kodeky" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/wizardmltcheck_ui.ui:104 -msgid "Audio Codecs" -msgstr "Audio kodeky" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: src/ui/wizardstandard_ui.ui:17 -msgid "Please set your default video profile" -msgstr "Nastavte prosím výchozí profil videa" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/ui/wizardstandard_ui.ui:24 -msgid "Video Resolution" -msgstr "Rozlišení videa" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, button_dv) -#: src/ui/wizardstandard_ui.ui:44 -msgid "DV" -msgstr "DV" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, button_all) -#: src/ui/wizardstandard_ui.ui:61 -msgid "Show All" -msgstr "Zobrazit vše" - -#: src/utils/archiveorg.cpp:78 src/utils/freesound.cpp:86 -#: src/utils/freesound.cpp:184 src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:362 -msgid "Error Loading Data" -msgstr "Chyba při načítání dat" - -#: src/utils/archiveorg.cpp:91 src/utils/freesound.cpp:95 -#, kde-format -msgid "Found %1 result" -msgid_plural "Found %1 results" -msgstr[0] "Nalezen jeden výsledek" -msgstr[1] "Nalezeny %1 výsledky" -msgstr[2] "Nalezeno %1 výsledků" - -#: src/utils/freesound.cpp:203 -msgid "Samplerate" -msgstr "Vzorkovací frekvence" - -#: src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:67 -msgid "Freesound Audio Library" -msgstr "" - -#: src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:68 -msgid "Archive.org Video Library" -msgstr "" - -#: src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:69 -msgid "Open Clip Art Graphic Library" -msgstr "" - -#: src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:70 -msgid "Search Online Resources" -msgstr "" - -#: src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:92 -msgid "Auto Play" -msgstr "Automaticky přehrát" - -#: src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:182 -msgctxt "the url link pointing to a web page" -msgid "link" -msgstr "odkaz" - -#: src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:327 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "File extension:" -msgid "File Exists" -msgstr "Přípona souboru:" - -#: src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:328 -msgid "Do you want to overwrite the existing file?." -msgstr "" - -#: src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:371 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Import" -msgid "Data Imported" -msgstr "Importovat" - -#: src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:437 -msgid "" -"You need to be online\n" -" for searching" -msgstr "" - -#: src/utils/thememanager.cpp:70 -msgctxt "default theme name" -msgid "Default" -msgstr "Výchozí" - -#: src/utils/thememanager.cpp:213 -msgid "Configuration..." -msgstr "Nastavení..." - -#: src/utils/thememanager.cpp:227 -msgid "" -"Cannot start Colors Settings panel from KDE Control Center. Please check " -"your system..." -msgstr "" - -#~ msgid "Compare effect" -#~ msgstr "Porovnat efekt" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Parameters" -#~ msgid "Selection Parameters" -#~ msgstr "Parametry" - -#~ msgid "Effect List" -#~ msgstr "Seznam efektů" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Transitions" -#~ msgid "Transition List" -#~ msgstr "Přechody" - -#~ msgid "Lossless / HQ" -#~ msgstr "Bezeztrátový / HQ" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Cannot open file" -#~ msgid "Cannot open playlist producer." -#~ msgstr "Nelze otevřít soubor" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Cannot find clip to align." -#~ msgid "Cannot find proper playlist." -#~ msgstr "Nelze najít klip k zarovnání." - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Reload Clip" -#~ msgid "Expland Clip" -#~ msgstr "Znovu načíst klip" - -#~ msgid "Effect Stack" -#~ msgstr "Pořadí efektů" - -#~ msgid "Transition" -#~ msgstr "Přechod" - -#~ msgid "Show additional controls" -#~ msgstr "Zobrazit další nastavení" - -#~ msgid "Show/Hide the lines connecting the corners" -#~ msgstr "Zobrazit/Skrýt čáry spojující rohy" - -#~ msgid "Playing %1x%2 (%3 fps)" -#~ msgstr "Přehrávám %1x%2 (%3 fps)" - -#~ msgid "Failed to start device" -#~ msgstr "Nelze zahájit práci se zařízením" diff -Nru kdenlive-15.13.0+git20160206.6705c57a/po/da/CMakeLists.txt kdenlive-15.13.0+git20160206.cee1bbb6/po/da/CMakeLists.txt --- kdenlive-15.13.0+git20160206.6705c57a/po/da/CMakeLists.txt 2016-02-06 09:13:45.000000000 +0000 +++ kdenlive-15.13.0+git20160206.cee1bbb6/po/da/CMakeLists.txt 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -GETTEXT_PROCESS_PO_FILES(da ALL INSTALL_DESTINATION ${LOCALE_INSTALL_DIR} kdenlive.po) diff -Nru kdenlive-15.13.0+git20160206.6705c57a/po/da/kdenlive.po kdenlive-15.13.0+git20160206.cee1bbb6/po/da/kdenlive.po --- kdenlive-15.13.0+git20160206.6705c57a/po/da/kdenlive.po 2016-02-06 09:13:45.000000000 +0000 +++ kdenlive-15.13.0+git20160206.cee1bbb6/po/da/kdenlive.po 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 @@ -1,13467 +0,0 @@ -# translation of kdenlive.po to Dansk -# Copyright (C) YEAR THE PACKAGE'S COPYRIGHT HOLDER -# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package. -# -# Mads Bondo Dydensborg , 2008, 2009. -# Martin Schlander , 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015. -# Claus Christensen , 2012. -# Keld Simonsen , 2012. -msgid "" -msgstr "" -"Project-Id-Version: kdenlive\n" -"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugs.kde.org\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-12-11 07:07+0000\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-12-08 19:46+0100\n" -"Last-Translator: Martin Schlander \n" -"Language-Team: Danish \n" -"Language: da\n" -"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" -"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" -"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" -"X-Generator: Lokalize 2.0\n" -"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;\n" - -msgctxt "NAME OF TRANSLATORS" -msgid "Your names" -msgstr "Martin Schlander,Claus Christensen" - -msgctxt "EMAIL OF TRANSLATORS" -msgid "Your emails" -msgstr "mschlander@opensuse.org,claus_chr@webspeed.dk" - -#: data/effects/audiobalance.xml:3 data/effects/audiobalance.xml:7 -msgid "Balance" -msgstr "Balance" - -#: data/effects/audiobalance.xml:4 -msgid "Adjust the left/right balance" -msgstr "Justér venstre-/højrebalancen" - -#: data/effects/audiopan.xml:3 data/effects/audiopan.xml:11 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:347 src/project/dialogs/slideshowclip.cpp:73 -msgid "Pan" -msgstr "Panorér" - -#: data/effects/audiopan.xml:4 -msgid "Adjust the left/right spread of a channel" -msgstr "Justér venstre-/højrespredning for en kanal" - -#: data/effects/audiopan.xml:7 data/effects/channelcopy.xml:7 -#: data/effects/channelcopy.xml:11 -msgid "Left,Right" -msgstr "Venstre,højre" - -#: data/effects/audiopan.xml:8 data/effects/frei0r_bezier_curves.xml:9 -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:9 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:66 -#: data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:10 data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:42 -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:25 -msgid "Channel" -msgstr "Kanal" - -#: data/effects/audiowave.xml:3 -msgid "Audio Wave" -msgstr "Lydbølge" - -#: data/effects/audiowave.xml:4 -msgid "Display the audio waveform instead of the video" -msgstr "Vis lydens bølgeform i stedet for videoen" - -#: data/effects/audiowaveform.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Audio Wave" -msgid "Audio Waveform Filter" -msgstr "Lydbølge" - -#: data/effects/audiowaveform.xml:6 data/effects/dynamictext.xml:22 -#: data/effects/pan_zoom.xml:13 data/effects/rotation.xml:40 -#: data/effects/rotation_keyframable.xml:22 -msgid "Background Color" -msgstr "Baggrundsfarve" - -#: data/effects/audiowaveform.xml:9 data/effects/dynamictext.xml:19 -msgid "Foreground Color" -msgstr "Forgrundsfarve" - -#: data/effects/audiowaveform.xml:12 -msgid "Line Thickness" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/audiowaveform.xml:15 data/effects/movit_rect.xml:6 -#: data/effects/pan_zoom.xml:7 -msgid "Rectangle" -msgstr "Firkant" - -#: data/effects/audiowaveform.xml:18 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:721 -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:766 -msgid "Fill" -msgstr "Udfyld" - -#: data/effects/automask.xml:3 -msgid "Auto Mask" -msgstr "Automaskering" - -#: data/effects/automask.xml:4 -msgid "Hide a selected zone and follow its movements" -msgstr "Skjul en valgt zone og følg dens bevægelser" - -#: data/effects/automask.xml:7 data/effects/dynamictext.xml:7 -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:718 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:745 -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:763 -msgid "Geometry" -msgstr "Geometri" - -#: data/effects/automask.xml:10 -msgid "Macroblock width" -msgstr "Bredde på makroblok" - -#: data/effects/automask.xml:13 -msgid "Macroblock height" -msgstr "Højde på makroblok" - -#: data/effects/automask.xml:16 -msgid "Maximum x distance" -msgstr "Maksimal x-afstand" - -#: data/effects/automask.xml:19 -msgid "Maximum y distance" -msgstr "Maksimal y-afstand" - -#: data/effects/automask.xml:22 -msgid "Denoise" -msgstr "Denoisér" - -#: data/effects/automask.xml:25 -msgid "Debug" -msgstr "Fejlsøgning" - -#: data/effects/automask.xml:28 data/effects/obscure.xml:3 -msgid "Obscure" -msgstr "Dæk for" - -#: data/effects/automask.xml:36 data/effects/loudness.xml:12 -msgid "Analyse" -msgstr "Analysér" - -#: data/effects/boxblur.xml:3 -msgid "Box Blur" -msgstr "Bokssløring" - -#: data/effects/boxblur.xml:4 -msgid "Box blur (separate horizontal and vertical blur)" -msgstr "Bokssløring (separat vandret og lodret sløring)" - -#: data/effects/boxblur.xml:7 -msgid "Horizontal multiplicator" -msgstr "Vandret multiplikator" - -#: data/effects/boxblur.xml:10 -msgid "Vertical multiplicator" -msgstr "Lodret multiplikator" - -#: data/effects/boxblur.xml:13 -msgid "Blur factor" -msgstr "Sløringsfaktor" - -#: data/effects/brightness.xml:3 -msgid "Brightness (keyframable)" -msgstr "Lysstyrke (keyframebar)" - -#: data/effects/brightness.xml:4 -msgid "Change image brightness with keyframes" -msgstr "Skift lysstyrke på billedet med keyframes" - -#: data/effects/brightness.xml:7 -msgid "Intensity" -msgstr "Intensitet" - -#: data/effects/channelcopy.xml:3 -msgid "Mono to stereo" -msgstr "Mono til stereo" - -#: data/effects/channelcopy.xml:4 -msgid "Copy one channel to another" -msgstr "Kopiér en kanal til en anden" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_4) -#: data/effects/channelcopy.xml:8 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:486 -msgid "From" -msgstr "Fra" - -#: data/effects/channelcopy.xml:12 -msgid "To" -msgstr "Til" - -#: data/effects/charcoal.xml:3 -msgid "Charcoal" -msgstr "Kul" - -#: data/effects/charcoal.xml:4 -msgid "Charcoal drawing effect" -msgstr "Kultegningseffekt" - -#: data/effects/charcoal.xml:7 -msgid "Horizontal scatter" -msgstr "Vandret spredning" - -#: data/effects/charcoal.xml:10 -msgid "Vertical scatter" -msgstr "Lodret spredning" - -#: data/effects/charcoal.xml:13 -msgid "Scale" -msgstr "Skalér" - -#: data/effects/charcoal.xml:16 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:757 -msgid "Mix" -msgstr "Miks" - -#: data/effects/charcoal.xml:19 data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:31 -#: data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:63 data/effects/frei0r_mask0mate.xml:19 -#: data/effects/invert.xml:3 data/effects/mirror.xml:11 -#: data/effects/rotoscoping.xml:18 src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:215 -msgid "Invert" -msgstr "Invertér" - -#: data/effects/chroma.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Chroma Hold" -msgid "Chroma Key" -msgstr "Chroma hold" - -#: data/effects/chroma.xml:4 -msgid "Make selected color transparent" -msgstr "Gør den valgte farve gennemsigtig" - -#: data/effects/chroma.xml:7 data/effects/chroma_hold.xml:7 -msgid "Color key" -msgstr "Farve key" - -#: data/effects/chroma.xml:10 data/effects/chroma_hold.xml:10 -msgid "Variance" -msgstr "Varians" - -#: data/effects/chroma_hold.xml:3 -msgid "Chroma Hold" -msgstr "Chroma hold" - -#: data/effects/chroma_hold.xml:4 -msgid "Make image greyscale except for chosen color" -msgstr "Omdan billede til gråtoner, undtagen den valgte farve" - -#: data/effects/crop.xml:3 -msgid "Edge Crop" -msgstr "Kantbeskæring" - -#: data/effects/crop.xml:4 -msgid "Trim the edges of a clip" -msgstr "Tilpas et klips kanter" - -#: data/effects/crop.xml:7 data/effects/frei0r_mask0mate.xml:13 -msgid "Top" -msgstr "Øverst" - -#: data/effects/crop.xml:10 data/effects/frei0r_mask0mate.xml:7 -msgid "Left" -msgstr "Venstre" - -#: data/effects/crop.xml:13 data/effects/frei0r_mask0mate.xml:16 -msgid "Bottom" -msgstr "Nederst" - -#: data/effects/crop.xml:16 data/effects/frei0r_mask0mate.xml:10 -msgid "Right" -msgstr "Højre" - -#: data/effects/crop.xml:19 -msgid "Automatic center-crop" -msgstr "Automatisk centerbeskæring" - -#: data/effects/crop.xml:22 -msgid "Center balance" -msgstr "Centrér balance" - -#: data/effects/crop.xml:25 -msgid "Use project resolution" -msgstr "Brug projektets opløsning" - -#: data/effects/dust.xml:3 -msgid "Dust" -msgstr "Støv" - -#: data/effects/dust.xml:4 -msgid "Add dust and specks to the video, as in old movies" -msgstr "Føj støv og pletter til videoen som i gamle film" - -#: data/effects/dust.xml:7 -msgid "Maximal Diameter" -msgstr "Maksimal diameter" - -#: data/effects/dust.xml:10 -msgid "Maximal number of dust" -msgstr "Maksimal mængde af støv" - -#: data/effects/dynamictext.xml:3 -msgid "Dynamic Text" -msgstr "Dynamisk tekst" - -#: data/effects/dynamictext.xml:4 -msgid "Overlay text with keywords replaced" -msgstr "Overlay-tekst med erstattede nøgleord" - -#: data/effects/dynamictext.xml:10 -msgid "Font Family" -msgstr "Skriftfamilie" - -#: data/effects/dynamictext.xml:13 -msgid "Font Size" -msgstr "Skriftstørrelse" - -#: data/effects/dynamictext.xml:16 -msgid "Font Weight" -msgstr "Skriftsnit" - -#: data/effects/dynamictext.xml:25 -msgid "Outline Color" -msgstr "Farve af omrids" - -#: data/effects/dynamictext.xml:28 -msgid "Outline Width" -msgstr "Bredde af omrids" - -#: data/effects/dynamictext.xml:31 -msgid "Padding" -msgstr "Polstring" - -# Søgeord til effekter -#: data/effects/dynamictext.xml:34 -msgid "Left,Center,Right" -msgstr "Venstre,Centreret,Højre" - -#: data/effects/dynamictext.xml:35 -msgid "Horizontal Alignment" -msgstr "Vandret justering" - -# Søgeord til effekter -#: data/effects/dynamictext.xml:38 -msgid "Top,Middle,Bottom" -msgstr "Øverst,Midten,Nederst" - -#: data/effects/dynamictext.xml:39 -msgid "Vertical Alignment" -msgstr "Lodret justering" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, text_box) -#: data/effects/dynamictext.xml:42 src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:55 -#: src/ui/templateclip_ui.ui:34 -msgid "Text" -msgstr "Tekst" - -#: data/effects/fade_from_black.xml:3 -msgid "Fade from Black" -msgstr "Krydsblænd fra sort" - -#: data/effects/fade_from_black.xml:4 -msgid "Fade video from black" -msgstr "Krydsblænd video fra sort" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_duration) -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, ClipDurationDialog_UI) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, duration_label) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: data/effects/fade_from_black.xml:7 data/effects/fade_to_black.xml:7 -#: data/effects/fadein.xml:10 data/effects/fadeout.xml:7 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:133 -#: src/ui/clipdurationdialog_ui.ui:14 src/ui/clipdurationdialog_ui.ui:40 -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:58 src/ui/colorclip_ui.ui:37 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:747 src/utils/freesound.cpp:157 -#: src/utils/freesound.cpp:196 src/utils/freesound.cpp:197 -#: src/utils/freesound.cpp:198 -msgid "Duration" -msgstr "Varighed" - -#: data/effects/fade_from_black.xml:10 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/bezier/beziersplinewidget.cpp:52 -msgid "In" -msgstr "Ind" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: data/effects/fade_from_black.xml:13 data/effects/fade_to_black.xml:13 -#: src/ui/wipeval_ui.ui:22 -msgid "Start" -msgstr "Start" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_4) -#: data/effects/fade_from_black.xml:16 data/effects/fade_to_black.xml:16 -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:409 src/ui/wipeval_ui.ui:167 -msgid "End" -msgstr "Slut" - -#: data/effects/fade_to_black.xml:3 -msgid "Fade to Black" -msgstr "Krydsblænd til sort" - -#: data/effects/fade_to_black.xml:4 -msgid "Fade video to black" -msgstr "Krydsblænd video til sort" - -#: data/effects/fade_to_black.xml:10 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/bezier/beziersplinewidget.cpp:54 -msgid "Out" -msgstr "Ud" - -#: data/effects/fadein.xml:3 -msgid "Fade in" -msgstr "Indtoning" - -#: data/effects/fadein.xml:4 -msgid "Fade in audio track" -msgstr "Ton lydsporet ind" - -#: data/effects/fadein.xml:13 data/effects/fadeout.xml:13 -msgid "Start Gain" -msgstr "Startgain" - -#: data/effects/fadein.xml:16 data/effects/fadeout.xml:16 -msgid "End Gain" -msgstr "Slutgain" - -#: data/effects/fadeout.xml:3 -msgid "Fade out" -msgstr "Udtoning" - -#: data/effects/fadeout.xml:4 -msgid "Fade out audio track" -msgstr "Ton lydsporet ud" - -#: data/effects/freeze.xml:3 -msgid "Freeze" -msgstr "Frys" - -#: data/effects/freeze.xml:4 -msgid "Freeze video on a chosen frame" -msgstr "Frys video på en valgt frame" - -#: data/effects/freeze.xml:7 -msgid "Freeze at" -msgstr "Frys på" - -#: data/effects/freeze.xml:10 -msgid "Freeze Before" -msgstr "Frys før" - -#: data/effects/freeze.xml:13 -msgid "Freeze After" -msgstr "Frys efter" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_3dflippo.xml:3 -msgid "3dflippo" -msgstr "3dflippo" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_3dflippo.xml:4 -msgid "Frame rotation in 3D space" -msgstr "Frame-rotation i 3D-rum" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_3dflippo.xml:7 -msgid "X axis rotation" -msgstr "Rotation om x-akse" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_3dflippo.xml:10 -msgid "Y axis rotation" -msgstr "Rotation om y-akse" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_3dflippo.xml:13 -msgid "Z axis rotation" -msgstr "Rotation om z-akse" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_3dflippo.xml:16 -msgid "X axis rotation rate" -msgstr "Rotationshastighed om x-akse" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_3dflippo.xml:19 -msgid "Y axis rotation rate" -msgstr "Rotationshastighed om y-akse" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_3dflippo.xml:22 -msgid "Z axis rotation rate" -msgstr "Rotationshastighed om z-akse" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_3dflippo.xml:25 -msgid "Center position (X)" -msgstr "Centerposition (x)" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_3dflippo.xml:28 -msgid "Center position (Y)" -msgstr "Centerposition (y)" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_3dflippo.xml:31 -msgid "Invert rotation assignment" -msgstr "Invertér rotationstildeling" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_3dflippo.xml:34 -msgid "Don't blank mask" -msgstr "Gør ikke maske blank" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_3dflippo.xml:37 -msgid "Fill with image or black" -msgstr "Udfyld med billede eller sort" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:4 data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:36 -msgid "Alpha operations" -msgstr "Alfa-operationer" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:5 data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:37 -msgid "Display and manipulation of the alpha channel" -msgstr "Visning og manipulation af alfa-kanalen" - -# Søgeord til effekter -#: data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:9 data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:41 -msgid "" -"Image,Alpha as gray,Gray + red,Selection on black,Selection on gray," -"Selection on white,Selection on checkers" -msgstr "" -"Billede,Alfa som grå,Grå + rød,Markering på sort,Markering på grå,Markering " -"på hvid,Markering på tern" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:10 data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:42 -msgid "Display" -msgstr "Vis" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:14 data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:46 -msgid "Display input alpha" -msgstr "Vis input-alfa" - -# Søgeord til effekter -#: data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:18 -msgid "NO OP,Shave,Shrink hard,Shrink soft,Grow hard,Grow soft,Threshold" -msgstr "NO OP,Barbér,Skrump hårdt,Skrump blødt,Forøg hårdt,Forøg blødt,Tærskel" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:19 data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:51 -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphagrad.xml:30 data/effects/frei0r_alphaspot.xml:47 -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:45 data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:96 -msgid "Operation" -msgstr "Operation" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:23 data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:55 -#: data/effects/frei0r_threshold0r.xml:7 data/effects/threshold.xml:3 -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:217 -msgid "Threshold" -msgstr "Tærskel" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:27 -msgid "Shrink/grow amount" -msgstr "Omfang af skrumpning/forøgelse" - -# Søgeord til effekter -#: data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:50 -msgid "NO OP,Shave,Shrink hard,Shrink soft,Grow hard,Grow soft,Threshold,Blur" -msgstr "" -"NO OP,Barbér,Skrump hårdt,Skrump blødt,Forøg hårdt,Forøg blødt,Tærskel,Slør" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:59 -msgid "Shrink/Grow/Blur amount" -msgstr "Omfang af skrumpning/forøgelse/slør" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphagrad.xml:3 -msgid "Alpha gradient" -msgstr "Alfagradient" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphagrad.xml:4 -msgid "Fill the alpha channel with a specified gradient" -msgstr "Udfyld alfakanalen med en angiven gradient" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, clip_filesize_2) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, position_label) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, import_position) -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphagrad.xml:9 src/effectstack/keyframeedit.cpp:55 -#: src/ui/clipdurationdialog_ui.ui:20 src/ui/importkeyframesdialog_ui.ui:80 -#: src/ui/keyframedialog_ui.ui:20 src/ui/markerdialog_ui.ui:20 -msgid "Position" -msgstr "Position" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphagrad.xml:13 data/effects/frei0r_alphaspot.xml:34 -msgid "Transition width" -msgstr "Overgangsbredde" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphagrad.xml:17 data/effects/frei0r_alphaspot.xml:30 -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:16 -msgid "Tilt" -msgstr "Hældning" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphagrad.xml:21 data/effects/frei0r_alphaspot.xml:38 -msgid "Min" -msgstr "Min." - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphagrad.xml:25 data/effects/frei0r_alphaspot.xml:42 -msgid "Max" -msgstr "Maks." - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphagrad.xml:29 data/effects/frei0r_alphaspot.xml:46 -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:44 data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:95 -msgid "Write on clear,Max,Min,Add,Subtract" -msgstr "Skriv ved ryd,Maks.,Min.,læg til,træk fra" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphaspot.xml:3 -msgid "Alpha shapes" -msgstr "Alfaformer" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphaspot.xml:4 -msgid "Draws simple shapes into the alpha channel" -msgstr "Tegner simple former ind i alfakanalen" - -# Søgeord til effekter -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphaspot.xml:9 -msgid "Rectangle,Ellipse,Triangle,Diamond" -msgstr "Rektangel,Ellipse,Trekant,Ruder" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphaspot.xml:10 data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:29 -#: data/effects/sox_flanger.xml:22 -msgid "Shape" -msgstr "Form" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphaspot.xml:14 -msgid "Position X" -msgstr "Position x" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphaspot.xml:18 -msgid "Position Y" -msgstr "Position y" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphaspot.xml:22 -msgid "Size X" -msgstr "Størrelse x" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphaspot.xml:26 -msgid "Size Y" -msgstr "Størrelse y" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_balanc0r.xml:4 data/effects/frei0r_balanc0r.xml:15 -msgid "White Balance" -msgstr "Hvidbalance" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_balanc0r.xml:5 data/effects/frei0r_balanc0r.xml:16 -msgid "Adjust the white balance / color temperature" -msgstr "Juster hvidbalancen / farvetemperaturen" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_balanc0r.xml:8 data/effects/frei0r_balanc0r.xml:19 -#: data/effects/frei0r_colgate.xml:8 data/effects/movit_white_balance.xml:6 -msgid "Neutral Color" -msgstr "Neutral farve" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_balanc0r.xml:11 data/effects/frei0r_balanc0r.xml:22 -msgid "Green Tint" -msgstr "Grøn nuance" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_baltan.xml:3 -msgid "Baltan" -msgstr "Baltan" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_baltan.xml:4 -msgid "Delayed alpha smoothed blit of time" -msgstr "Forsinket alfaudjævnet blit af tid" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_bezier_curves.xml:3 -msgid "Bézier Curves" -msgstr "Bézier-kurver" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_bezier_curves.xml:4 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:5 -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:62 -msgid "Color curves adjustment" -msgstr "Justering af farvekurver" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_bezier_curves.xml:8 -msgid "RGB,Red,Green,Blue,Alpha,Luma,Hue,Saturation" -msgstr "RGB,Rød,Grøn,Blå,Alpha,alfa,Luma,Farvetone,Hue,Saturation,Mætning" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_bezier_curves.xml:13 -#: data/effects/frei0r_coloradj_rgb.xml:33 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:12 -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:69 -msgid "Rec. 601,Rec. 709" -msgstr "Rec. 601,Rec. 709" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_bezier_curves.xml:14 -#: data/effects/frei0r_coloradj_rgb.xml:34 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:13 -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:70 -msgid "Luma formula" -msgstr "Luma-formel" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_brightness.xml:3 data/effects/frei0r_brightness.xml:7 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lenscorrection.xml:19 data/effects/grain.xml:13 -msgid "Brightness" -msgstr "Lysstyrke" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_brightness.xml:4 -msgid "Adjusts the brightness of a source image" -msgstr "Justerer lysstyrken for et kildebillede" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:3 -msgid "Corners" -msgstr "Hjørner" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:4 -msgid "Four corners geometry engine" -msgstr "Geometrimotor med fire hjørner" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:8 -msgid "Corner 1 X" -msgstr "Hjørne 1 x" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:12 -msgid "Corner 1 Y" -msgstr "Hjørne 1 y" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:16 -msgid "Corner 2 X" -msgstr "Hjørne 2 x" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:20 -msgid "Corner 2 Y" -msgstr "Hjørne 2 y" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:24 -msgid "Corner 3 X" -msgstr "Hjørne 3 x" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:28 -msgid "Corner 3 Y" -msgstr "Hjørne 3 y" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:32 -msgid "Corner 4 X" -msgstr "Hjørne 4 x" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:36 -msgid "Corner 4 Y" -msgstr "Hjørne 4 y" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:40 -msgid "Stretch X" -msgstr "Stræk x" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:44 -msgid "Stretch Y" -msgstr "Stræk y" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:48 -msgid "Feather Alpha" -msgstr "Fjer-alfa" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:52 -msgid "Enable Stretch" -msgstr "Aktivér stræk" - -# Søgeord til effekter -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:56 data/effects/frei0r_defish0r.xml:24 -msgid "" -"Nearest neighbor,Bilinear,Bicubic smooth,Bicubic sharp,Spline 4x4,Spline 6x6," -"Lanczos" -msgstr "" -"Nærmeste nabo,Bilineær,Bikubisk glat,Bikubisk skarp,Spline 4x4,Spline 6x6," -"Lanczos" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:57 data/effects/frei0r_defish0r.xml:25 -msgid "Interpolator" -msgstr "Interpolator" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:61 data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:63 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:136 -msgid "Transparent Background" -msgstr "Gennemsigtig baggrund" - -# Søgeord til effekter -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:65 data/effects/rotoscoping.xml:13 -msgid "Write on clear,Maximum,Minimum,Add,Subtract" -msgstr "Write on clear,Maksimum,Minimum,Addere,Subtrahere" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:66 -msgid "Alpha operation" -msgstr "Alfaoperation" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_cartoon.xml:4 data/effects/frei0r_cartoon.xml:15 -msgid "Cartoon" -msgstr "Tegnefilm" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_cartoon.xml:5 data/effects/frei0r_cartoon.xml:16 -msgid "Cartoonify video, do a form of edge detect" -msgstr "Gør videoen tegneserieagtig med en slags kantdetektion" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_cartoon.xml:8 data/effects/frei0r_cartoon.xml:19 -msgid "Level of trip" -msgstr "Niveau af trip" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_cartoon.xml:11 data/effects/frei0r_cartoon.xml:22 -msgid "Difference space" -msgstr "Rum for forskelle" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_cluster.xml:3 -msgid "K-Means Clustering" -msgstr "K-midlingsgruppering" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_cluster.xml:4 -msgid "Clusters of a source image by color and spatial distance" -msgstr "Gruppering af et kildebilleds pixels efter farve og rumlig afstand" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_cluster.xml:7 -msgid "Amount of clusters" -msgstr "Mængden af gruppering" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_cluster.xml:10 -msgid "Weight on distance" -msgstr "Vægtning af afstand" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_colgate.xml:3 -msgid "White Balance (LMS space)" -msgstr "Hvidbalance (LMS-rum)" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_colgate.xml:5 -msgid "" -"Do simple color correction, in a physically meaningful\n" -"way" -msgstr "" -"Foretag simpel farvekorrektion, på en måde der giver mening\n" -"fysisk" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_colgate.xml:12 data/effects/movit_white_balance.xml:9 -msgid "Color Temperature" -msgstr "Farvetemperatur" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_coloradj_rgb.xml:3 -msgid "RGB adjustment" -msgstr "RGB-justering" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_coloradj_rgb.xml:4 -msgid "Simple color adjustment" -msgstr "Simpel farvejustering" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, cbR) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonSelectRects) -#: data/effects/frei0r_coloradj_rgb.xml:8 src/ui/histogram_ui.ui:30 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:733 -msgid "R" -msgstr "R" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, cbG) -#: data/effects/frei0r_coloradj_rgb.xml:12 src/ui/histogram_ui.ui:37 -msgid "G" -msgstr "G" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, cbB) -#: data/effects/frei0r_coloradj_rgb.xml:16 src/ui/histogram_ui.ui:44 -msgid "B" -msgstr "B" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_coloradj_rgb.xml:20 -msgid "Add constant,Change gamma,Multiply" -msgstr "Tilføj konstant,ændre gamma,multiplicér" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_coloradj_rgb.xml:21 -msgid "Action" -msgstr "Handling" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_coloradj_rgb.xml:25 -msgid "Keep luma" -msgstr "Behold luma" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_coloradj_rgb.xml:29 -msgid "Alpha controlled" -msgstr "Alfa-kontrolleret" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_colordistance.xml:3 -msgid "Color Distance" -msgstr "Farveafstand" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_colordistance.xml:4 -msgid "" -"Calculates the distance between the selected color and the current pixel and " -"uses that value as new pixel value" -msgstr "" -"Beregn afstanden imellem den valgte farve og den aktuelle pixel og brug den " -"værdi som den nye værdi" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_colordistance.xml:7 -msgid "Source Color" -msgstr "Kildefarve" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_colortap.xml:3 -msgid "Color Effect" -msgstr "Farveeffekt" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_colortap.xml:4 -msgid "Applies a pre-made color effect to image" -msgstr "Anvender en præfremstillet farveeffekt på billedet" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, treeWidget) -#: data/effects/frei0r_colortap.xml:7 data/effects/frei0r_defish0r.xml:14 -#: data/effects/frei0r_iirblur.xml:14 data/effects/frei0r_medians.xml:9 -#: src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:74 src/ui/missingclips_ui.ui:67 -msgid "Type" -msgstr "Type" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_contrast0r.xml:3 data/effects/frei0r_contrast0r.xml:7 -#: data/effects/grain.xml:10 src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:209 -msgid "Contrast" -msgstr "Kontrast" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_contrast0r.xml:4 -msgid "Adjusts the contrast of a source image" -msgstr "Justér kontrasten i et kildebillede" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:4 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:61 -msgid "Curves" -msgstr "Kurver" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:8 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:65 -#: data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:9 data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:41 -msgid "Red,Green,Blue,Luma" -msgstr "Rød,Grøn,Blå,Luma" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:20 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:77 -msgid "Number of curve points" -msgstr "Antal kurvepunkter" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:23 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:80 -msgid "Point 1 input value" -msgstr "Punkt 1 inputværdi" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:26 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:83 -msgid "Point 1 output value" -msgstr "Punkt 1 outputværdi" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:29 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:86 -msgid "Point 2 input value" -msgstr "Punkt 2 inputværdi" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:32 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:89 -msgid "Point 2 output value" -msgstr "Punkt 2 outputværdi" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:35 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:92 -msgid "Point 3 input value" -msgstr "Punkt 3 inputværdi" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:38 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:95 -msgid "Point 3 output value" -msgstr "Punkt 3 outputværdi" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:41 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:98 -msgid "Point 4 input value" -msgstr "Punkt 4 inputværdi" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:44 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:101 -msgid "Point 4 output value" -msgstr "Punkt 4 outputværdi" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:47 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:104 -msgid "Point 5 input value" -msgstr "Punkt 5 inputværdi" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:50 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:107 -msgid "Point 5 output value" -msgstr "Punkt 5 outputværdi" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:53 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:110 -msgid "Show graph in picture" -msgstr "Vis graf i billede" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:56 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:113 -#: data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:31 data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:63 -msgid "Top Left,Top Right,Bottom Left,Bottom Right" -msgstr "" -"Øverst til venstre,øverst til højre,nederst til venstre,nederst til højre" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:57 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:114 -msgid "Graph position" -msgstr "Grafens position" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_d90stairsteppingfix.xml:3 -msgid "Nikon D90 Stairstepping fix" -msgstr "Nikon D90: korrektion for trappetrinseffekt" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_d90stairsteppingfix.xml:7 -msgid "" -"Removes stairstepping artifacts from Nikon D90's 720p videos.\n" -" \n" -" " -msgstr "" -"Fjerner trappetrinseffekten fra videoer optaget med Nikon D90 i 720p.\n" -" \n" -" " - -#: data/effects/frei0r_defish0r.xml:3 -msgid "Defish" -msgstr "Defish" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_defish0r.xml:4 -msgid "Non rectilinear lens mappings" -msgstr "Ikke-retlinjede linsekoblinger" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_defish0r.xml:7 data/effects/frei0r_iirblur.xml:8 -#: data/effects/frei0r_sharpness.xml:8 data/effects/movit_unsharp_mask.xml:9 -msgid "Amount" -msgstr "Mængde" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_defish0r.xml:10 -msgid "DeFish" -msgstr "DeFish" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_defish0r.xml:13 -msgid "Equidistant,Orthographic,Equiarea,Stereographic" -msgstr "Afstandsbevarende,ækvidistant,ortografisk,arealbevarende,stereografisk" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_defish0r.xml:17 -msgid "Fill,Center,Fit,Manual" -msgstr "Udfyld,centrér,tilpas,manuel" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, lblScaling) -#: data/effects/frei0r_defish0r.xml:18 src/effectstack/dragvalue.cpp:108 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:207 -#: src/ui/colorplaneexport_ui.ui:74 -msgid "Scaling" -msgstr "Skalering" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_defish0r.xml:21 -msgid "Manual Scale" -msgstr "Manuel skalering" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_defish0r.xml:28 -msgid "Square,PAL DV,NTSC DV,HDV,Manual" -msgstr "Kvadratisk,PAL DV,NTSC DV,HDV,manuel" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_defish0r.xml:29 -msgid "Aspect type" -msgstr "Aspekttype" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_defish0r.xml:32 -msgid "Manual Aspect" -msgstr "Manuelt aspekt" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_delay0r.xml:3 -msgid "delay0r" -msgstr "Forsinkelse" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_delay0r.xml:4 -msgid "Video delay" -msgstr "Videoforsinkelse" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_delay0r.xml:7 -msgid "Delay time" -msgstr "Forsink med" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_delaygrab.xml:3 -msgid "Delay grab" -msgstr "Forsink optagelse" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_delaygrab.xml:4 -msgid "Delayed frame blitting mapped on a time bitmap" -msgstr "Forsinket frame-blitning styret af en tids-bitmap" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_distort0r.xml:3 data/effects/pan_zoom.xml:10 -#: data/kdenliveeffectscategory.rc:35 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:722 -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:746 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:767 -msgid "Distort" -msgstr "Forvræng" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_distort0r.xml:4 -msgid "Plasma" -msgstr "Plasma" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_distort0r.xml:7 data/effects/wave.xml:7 -msgid "Amplitude" -msgstr "Amplitude" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_distort0r.xml:10 data/effects/sox_bass.xml:10 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:249 -msgid "Frequency" -msgstr "Frekvens" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_edgeglow.xml:3 -msgid "Edge glow" -msgstr "Kanter med glød" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_edgeglow.xml:4 -msgid "Edge glow filter" -msgstr "Filter til kanter med glød" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_edgeglow.xml:7 -msgid "Edge lightening threshold" -msgstr "Tærskel for lyn fra kanterne" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_edgeglow.xml:10 -msgid "Edge brightness upscaling multiplier" -msgstr "Multiplikator til opskalering af kanternes lysstyrke" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_edgeglow.xml:13 -msgid "Non-edge brightness downscaling multiplier" -msgstr "Multiplikator til nedskalering af lysstyrken væk fra kanterne" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_equaliz0r.xml:3 -msgid "Equaliz0r" -msgstr "Udjævner" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_equaliz0r.xml:4 -msgid "Equalizes the intensity histograms" -msgstr "Udjævner intensitetshistogrammet" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facebl0r.xml:3 -msgid "Face blur" -msgstr "Sløring af ansigter" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facebl0r.xml:4 -msgid "Automatically detect and blur a face using OpenCV" -msgstr "Genkend automatisk et ansigt og slør det med OpenCV" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facebl0r.xml:8 data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:8 -msgid "Search scale" -msgstr "Søgningsskala" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facebl0r.xml:9 data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:9 -#, no-c-format -msgid "" -"The search window scale factor. For example, 120 = 1.20 = increases by 20% " -"on each pass." -msgstr "" -"Søgevinduets skalafaktor. For eksempel betyder 120 = 1.20 dvs. en " -"forstørrelse på 20% for hvert forsøg." - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facebl0r.xml:13 data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:13 -msgid "Neighbors" -msgstr "Naboer" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facebl0r.xml:14 data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:14 -msgid "Minimum number of rectangles that determines an object." -msgstr "Mindste antal rektangler, som bestemmer et objekt." - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facebl0r.xml:18 data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:18 -msgid "Smallest" -msgstr "Mindste" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facebl0r.xml:19 data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:19 -msgid "The minimum window size in pixels." -msgstr "Vinduets mindste størrelse i pixel." - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facebl0r.xml:23 -msgid "Largest" -msgstr "Største" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facebl0r.xml:24 -msgid "" -"The largest size face in pixels - both horizontally and vertically (square " -"window)." -msgstr "" -"Den maksimale størrelse af et ansigt i pixel - både vandret og lodret " -"(kvadratisk vindue)." - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facebl0r.xml:28 data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:23 -msgid "Recheck" -msgstr "Tjek igen" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facebl0r.xml:29 data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:24 -msgid "" -"How often to detect a face. In between checks, it does object motion " -"tracking." -msgstr "" -"Hvor ofte der skal søges efter et ansigt. Imellem tjek følges objektets " -"bevægelse." - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facebl0r.xml:33 -msgid "Show ellipse" -msgstr "Vis ellipse" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facebl0r.xml:34 -msgid "Draw a blue ellipse around the face area?" -msgstr "Tegn en blå ellipse omkring ansigtet?" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:3 -msgid "Face detect" -msgstr "Ansigtsgenkendelse" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:4 -msgid "Detect faces and draw shapes on them using OpenCV" -msgstr "Genkend ansigter og tegn former på dem med OpenCV" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:28 -msgid "circle,ellipse,rectangle,random" -msgstr "cirkel,ellipse,rektangel,firkant,tilfældig" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:33 -msgid "Stroke width" -msgstr "Bredde af strøg" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:34 -msgid "" -"0 means fill; otherwise, draw unfilled with a stroke width of this size." -msgstr "" -"0 betyder udfyld; ellers tegnes uudfyldt med et penselstrøg af denne vidde." - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:38 -msgid "Alpha" -msgstr "Alfa" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:39 -msgid "" -"Set the alpha channel of the shape area to a percentage of fully opaque." -msgstr "" -"Sæt alfakanalen for formens areal til en procentdel af helt uigennemsigtig." - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:43 -msgid "Antialias" -msgstr "Anti-alias" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:44 -msgid "Draw with anti-aliasing?" -msgstr "Tegn med anti-aliasing?" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:50 -msgid "Color 1" -msgstr "Farve 1" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:51 -msgid "Set the shape color of the first detected face." -msgstr "Sæt farven af formen til det første genkendte ansigt." - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:55 -msgid "Color 2" -msgstr "Farve 2" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:56 -msgid "Set the shape color of the second detected face." -msgstr "Sæt farven af formen til det andet genkendte ansigt." - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:60 -msgid "Color 3" -msgstr "Farve 3" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:61 -msgid "Set the shape color of the third detected face." -msgstr "Sæt farven af formen til det tredje genkendte ansigt." - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:65 -msgid "Color 4" -msgstr "Farve 4" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:66 -msgid "Set the shape color of the fourth detected face." -msgstr "Sæt farven af formen til det fjerde genkendte ansigt." - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:70 -msgid "Color 5" -msgstr "Farve 5" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:71 -msgid "Set the shape color of the fifth detected face." -msgstr "Sæt farven af formen til det femte genkendte ansigt." - -#: data/effects/frei0r_flippo.xml:3 -msgid "Flippo" -msgstr "Flippo" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_flippo.xml:4 -msgid "Flipping in X and Y axis" -msgstr "Byt om på x- og y-aksen" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_flippo.xml:7 -msgid "X axis" -msgstr "x-akse" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_flippo.xml:10 -msgid "Y axis" -msgstr "y-akse" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_glow.xml:3 -msgid "Glow" -msgstr "Glød" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_glow.xml:4 -msgid "Creates a Glamorous Glow" -msgstr "Laver en glamourøs glød" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_glow.xml:7 data/effects/frei0r_iirblur.xml:3 -#: data/effects/frei0r_mask0mate.xml:22 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:158 -msgid "Blur" -msgstr "Slør" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_hqdn3d.xml:3 -msgid "Denoiser" -msgstr "Denoiser" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_hqdn3d.xml:4 -msgid "High quality 3D denoiser" -msgstr "3D-denoiser af høj kvalitet" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_hqdn3d.xml:8 -msgid "Spatial" -msgstr "Rumlig" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_hqdn3d.xml:9 -msgid "Amount of spatial filtering" -msgstr "Omfang af rumlig filtrering" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_hqdn3d.xml:13 -msgid "Temporal" -msgstr "Tidslig" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_hqdn3d.xml:14 -msgid "Amount of temporal filtering" -msgstr "Mængde af tidslig filtrering" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_hueshift0r.xml:3 -msgid "Hue shift" -msgstr "Forskydning af farvetone" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_hueshift0r.xml:4 -msgid "Shifts the hue of a source image" -msgstr "Forskyder kildebilledets farvetone" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_hueshift0r.xml:7 -msgid "Hue" -msgstr "Farvetone" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_iirblur.xml:4 -msgid "Blur using 2D IIR filters (Exponential, Lowpass, Gaussian)" -msgstr "Sløring ved brug ad 2D-IIR-filtre (eksponentilet, lowpass, gaussisk)" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_iirblur.xml:9 -msgid "Amount of blur" -msgstr "Mængden af slør" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_iirblur.xml:13 -msgid "Exponential,Lowpass,Gaussian" -msgstr "Eksponentielt,Lowpass,Gaussisk" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_iirblur.xml:15 -msgid "Select blurring algorithm" -msgstr "Vælg sløringsalgoritme" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_iirblur.xml:19 -msgid "Edge" -msgstr "Kant" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_iirblur.xml:20 -msgid "Enable edge compensation" -msgstr "Aktivér kantkompensation" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:3 -msgid "Key Spill Mop Up" -msgstr "Oprensning af key-spild" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:4 -msgid "Reduces the visibility of key color spill in chroma keying" -msgstr "Reducér synlighed af key-farve-spildet ved anvendelse af chroma-key" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:8 -msgid "Key color" -msgstr "Key-farve" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:12 -msgid "Target color" -msgstr "Målfarve" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:16 -msgid "Color distance, Transparency, Edge inwards, Edge outwards" -msgstr "Farveafstand, gennemsigtighed, ind fra kant, ud mod kant" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:17 -msgid "Mask type" -msgstr "Masketype" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:21 -msgid "Tolerance" -msgstr "Tolerance" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:25 -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:91 -msgid "Slope" -msgstr "Hældning" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:29 -msgid "Hue gate" -msgstr "Farvetone-gate" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:33 -msgid "Saturation threshold" -msgstr "Mætningstærskel" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:37 -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:46 -msgid "None, De-Key, Target, Desaturate, Luma adjust" -msgstr "Ingen, de-key, mål, afmæt, tilpasning af luma" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:38 -msgid "Operation 1" -msgstr "Operation 1" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:42 -msgid "Amount 1" -msgstr "Mængde 1" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:47 -msgid "Operation 2" -msgstr "Operation 2" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:51 -msgid "Amount 2" -msgstr "Mængde 2" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:55 -msgid "Show mask" -msgstr "Vis maske" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:59 -msgid "Mask to Alpha" -msgstr "Maske til alfa" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lenscorrection.xml:3 -msgid "Lens Correction" -msgstr "Linsekorrektion" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lenscorrection.xml:4 -msgid "Allows compensation of lens distortion" -msgstr "Muliggør kompensation for linseforvrængning" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lenscorrection.xml:7 -msgid "Horizontal center" -msgstr "Vandret midte" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lenscorrection.xml:10 -msgid "Vertical center" -msgstr "Lodret midte" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lenscorrection.xml:13 -msgid "Center correction" -msgstr "Centerkorrektion" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lenscorrection.xml:16 -msgid "Edges correction" -msgstr "Kantkorrektion" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_letterb0xed.xml:3 -msgid "LetterB0xed" -msgstr "Brevformat" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_letterb0xed.xml:4 -msgid "Adds black borders at top and bottom for cinema look" -msgstr "Tilføj sorte kanter øverst og nederst som i en biograf" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_letterb0xed.xml:7 -msgid "Border Width" -msgstr "Kantbredde" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: data/effects/frei0r_letterb0xed.xml:10 data/effects/frei0r_timeout.xml:13 -#: src/ui/wipeval_ui.ui:136 src/ui/wipeval_ui.ui:281 -msgid "Transparency" -msgstr "Gennemsigtighed" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:4 data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:36 -msgid "Levels" -msgstr "Niveauer" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:5 data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:37 -msgid "Adjust levels" -msgstr "Justér niveauer" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:13 data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:45 -msgid "Input black level" -msgstr "Inputniveau for sort" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:16 data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:48 -msgid "Input white level" -msgstr "Inputniveau for hvid" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:19 data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:51 -#: data/effects/gamma.xml:3 data/effects/gamma.xml:7 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/lumaliftgain.cpp:63 -msgid "Gamma" -msgstr "Gamma" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:22 data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:54 -msgid "Black output" -msgstr "Output af sort" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:25 data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:57 -msgid "White output" -msgstr "Output af hvid" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:28 data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:60 -msgid "Show histogram" -msgstr "Vis histogram" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:32 data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:64 -msgid "Histogram position" -msgstr "Position for histogram" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:4 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:77 -msgid "Light Graffiti" -msgstr "Lysgrafitti" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:7 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:80 -msgid "" -"Light Graffiti effect.\n" -" " -msgstr "" -"Lysgraffitieffekt.\n" -" " - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:10 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:83 -msgid "Brightness Threshold" -msgstr "Tærskel for lysstyrke" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:12 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:85 -msgid "" -"R+G+B) does a pixel need to be in order to " -"be recognized as a light source?
\n" -" Increasing this threshold requires brighter light sources (i.e. " -"more white or less color, respectively) but prevents some «false alarms» " -"where semi-bright parts, e.g. hands where colors can change quite a lot " -"compared to the background, are incorrectly recognized as light source.]]>" -msgstr "" -"R+G+B) skal en pixel være for at blive " -"opfattet som en lyskilde?
\n" -" Øges tærsklen, så skal der en stærkere lysende kilde til (dvs. " -"mere hvid og mindre farve), men det forhindrer \"falske alarmer\", hvor lyse " -"dele ukorrekt opfattes som lyskilder, for eksempel hænder hvor farverne kan " -"ændres en hel del i forhold til baggrunden.]]>" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:15 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:88 -msgid "Difference Threshold" -msgstr "Tærskel for forskelle" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:17 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:90 -msgid "" -"max(dR, dG, dB)), in " -"order to be recognized as light source?
\n" -" Increasing this threshold makes it harder for light sources to " -"be accepted on bright backgrounds, but decreases the danger of noise or " -"generally bright spots counting as light source.]]>" -msgstr "" -"maks(dR, dG, dB)) for at blive opfattet " -"som en lyskilde?
\n" -" Forøges denne tærskel, så bliver det sværere for lyskilder at " -"blive opfattet på en lys baggrund, men det formindsker faren for at støj " -"eller lyse steder bliver regnet for lyskilder.]]>" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:20 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:93 -msgid "Difference Sum Threshold" -msgstr "Tærskel for sumforskellen" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:22 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:95 -msgid "" -"relative to the " -"background image
(dR + dG + dB) have to change until a " -"pixel is recognized as a light source?
\n" -" Raising this value might, in some cases, avoid that some light " -"objects lit by the light source are added to the light mask.]]>" -msgstr "" -"i forhold til " -"baggrunden (dR + dG + dB) før en pixel opfattes som en " -"lyskilde?
\n" -" I nogle tilfælde kan man forhindre visse lyse objekter oplyst af " -"lyskilden i at blive føjet til lysmasken ved at forøge denne værdi.]]>" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:25 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:98 -msgid "Sensitivity" -msgstr "Følsomhed" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:27 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:100 -msgid "" -"\n" -" For slowly moving light source try to use a lower sensitivity to " -"obtain a better exposure.]]>" -msgstr "" -"\n" -" Prøv at bruge en lavere følsomhed når lyskilder bevæger sig " -"langsomt for at opnå bedre eksponering.]]>" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:30 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:103 -msgid "Lower Overexposure" -msgstr "Mindre overeksponering" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:32 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:105 -msgid "" -"\n" -" The light mask does not get white immediately when the light " -"source is moving slowly or staying steady.]]>" -msgstr "" -"\n" -" Lysmasken bliver ikke hvid med det samme når lyskilden bevæges " -"langsomt og når den holdes stille.]]>" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:35 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:108 -msgid "Dimming" -msgstr "Dæmpning" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:36 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:109 -msgid "" -"Dims the light mask. Lights will leave a fainting trail if it is set to a " -"value > 0." -msgstr "" -"Dæmp lysmasken. Lyset vil efterlade et aftagende lysspor, hvis denne er sat " -"til en værdi større end 0." - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:39 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:112 -msgid "Background Weight" -msgstr "Baggrundsvægtning" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:40 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:113 -msgid "" -"Strength of the (calculated) background image. Setting it to 100 paints the " -"light mask directly over the background, without the painting person in the " -"image if the video starts with a «clean» background image. (See the α " -"parameter.)" -msgstr "" -"Det beregnede baggrundsbilledes styrke. Hvis det sættes til 100, så males " -"masken direkte over baggrunden uden at tage den person som tegner med i " -"billedet, hvis videoen starter med et \"rent\" baggrundsbillede. (Se " -"parameteren α.)" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:43 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:116 -msgid "α" -msgstr "α" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:45 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:118 -msgid "" -"\n" -" The Light Graffiti effect remembers the first frame of the clip " -"it is applied to, so the clip should always start with the painter " -"outside of the video. If the background constantly changes, e.g. on a " -"street, try to set α > 0 to calculate an average background image.]]>" -msgstr "" -"\n" -" Lysgraffiti-effekten husker den første frame i det klip den " -"anvendes på, så klippet bør altid starte med tegneren uden for " -"videoen. Hvis baggrunden ændres hele tiden, f.eks. på en gade, så prøv at " -"sætte α > 0 for at beregne det gennemsnitlige baggrundsbillede.]]>" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:48 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:121 -#: data/effects/frei0r_saturat0r.xml:3 data/effects/frei0r_saturat0r.xml:7 -#: data/effects/movit_saturation.xml:6 -msgid "Saturation" -msgstr "Mætning" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:49 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:122 -msgid "Increases the saturation of lights." -msgstr "Forøger lysenes mætning." - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:52 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:125 -msgid "Show brightness statistics" -msgstr "Vis statistik for lysstyrke" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:54 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:127 -msgid "" -"\n" -" Example: To adjust the brightness threshold, check this box and " -"adjust the threshold until the whole light source is highlighted. Repeat the " -"same with the other parameters. Only parts that are highlighted in all thresholds will count as light source.]]>" -msgstr "" -"\n" -" Eksempel: Markér denne boks før du justerer tærsklen for " -"lysstyrke og justér så tærsklen indtil hele lyskilden er fremhævet. Gentag " -"proceduren med de andre parametre. Kun dele, som fremhæves med alle " -"tærskler regnes for lyskilder.]]>" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:57 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:130 -msgid "Show background difference statistics" -msgstr "Vis statistik for forskel til baggrunden" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:60 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:133 -msgid "Show background difference sum statistics" -msgstr "Vis statistik for sumforskellen" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:64 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:137 -msgid "" -"Makes the background transparent, allowing to apply a composite effect and " -"paint the light mask over a completely different video." -msgstr "" -"Gør baggrunden gennemsigtig, hvilket gør det muligt at bruge en " -"sammensætningseffekt og male lysmasken over en helt anden video." - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:67 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:140 -msgid "Nonlinear dimming" -msgstr "Ikke-lineær dæmpning" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:68 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:141 -msgid "If normal dimming does not look natural enough, try this one." -msgstr "Hvis normal dæmpning ikke ser naturlig nok ud, så prøv denne." - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:71 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:144 -#: src/effectstack/geometryval.cpp:95 src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:86 -msgid "Reset" -msgstr "Nulstil" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:72 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:145 -msgid "" -"Resets the light mask and the background image. This is necessary e.g. if " -"you apply this effect to a clip in the timeline and then move the timeline " -"cursor from outside of the clip to the middle of it. The effect receives " -"this frame in the middle as first frame and uses it as background image. For " -"proper threshold adjusting move the timeline cursor to the beginning of the " -"clip, check the Reset box and uncheck it again." -msgstr "" -"Nulstiller lysmasken og baggrundsbilledet. Dette er nødvendigt hvis du f." -"eks. bruger denne effekt på et klip på tidslinjen og så flytter " -"tidslinjemarkøren fra et sted uden for klippet til et sted indenfor. " -"Effekten bruger så denne frame indenfor klippet som første frame og bruger " -"den som baggrundsbillede. For at opnå korrekt justering af tærskler skal du " -"flytte tidslinjemarkøren til begyndelsen af klippet, markere boksen Nulstil " -"og så fjerne markeringen igen." - -#: data/effects/frei0r_luminance.xml:3 -msgid "Luminance" -msgstr "Luminans" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_luminance.xml:4 -msgid "Creates a luminance map of the image" -msgstr "Laver et luminanskort over billedet" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_mask0mate.xml:3 -msgid "Mask0Mate" -msgstr "Mask0Mate" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_mask0mate.xml:4 -msgid "Creates an square alpha-channel mask" -msgstr "Laver en kvadratisk alfakanalsmaske" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_medians.xml:3 -msgid "Medians" -msgstr "Medianer" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_medians.xml:4 -msgid "Implements several median-type filters" -msgstr "Implementerer flere median-agtige filtre" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_medians.xml:8 -msgid "" -"Cross5,Square3x3,Bilevel,Diamond3x3,Square5x5,Temp3,Temp5,ArceBI,ML3D,ML3dEX," -"VarSize" -msgstr "" -"Cross5,Square3x3,Bilevel,Diamond3x3,Square5x5,Temp3,Temp5,ArceBI,ML3D,ML3dEX," -"VarSize" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_5) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, import_size) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_20) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, treeWidget) -#: data/effects/frei0r_medians.xml:13 data/effects/frei0r_sharpness.xml:12 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:208 -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:563 src/ui/importkeyframesdialog_ui.ui:73 -#: src/ui/managecaptures_ui.ui:40 src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:201 -msgid "Size" -msgstr "Størrelse" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_nervous.xml:3 -msgid "Nervous" -msgstr "Nervøs" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_nervous.xml:4 -msgid "Flushes frames in time in a nervous way" -msgstr "Fjerner frames i tiden på en nervøs måde" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_nosync0r.xml:3 -msgid "nosync0r" -msgstr "nosync0r" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_nosync0r.xml:4 -msgid "Broken TV" -msgstr "Defekt tv" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_nosync0r.xml:7 -msgid "HSync" -msgstr "HSync" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pixeliz0r.xml:3 -msgid "Pixelize" -msgstr "Pixelering" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pixeliz0r.xml:4 -msgid "Pixelize input image." -msgstr "Pixelér inputbilledet." - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pixeliz0r.xml:7 -msgid "Block Size X" -msgstr "Blokstørrelse x" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pixeliz0r.xml:10 -msgid "Block Size Y" -msgstr "Blokstørrelse y" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0be.xml:3 -msgid "pr0be" -msgstr "Probe" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0be.xml:4 -msgid "Measure video values" -msgstr "Måler videoværdier" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0be.xml:8 -msgid "RGB,Y'PbPr - rec. 601,Y'PbPr - rec. 709,HSV,HSL" -msgstr "RGB,Y'PbPr - rec. 601,Y'PbPr - rec. 709,HSV,HSL" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0be.xml:9 -msgid "Measurement" -msgstr "Måling" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0be.xml:13 data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:8 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/bezier/beziersplinewidget.cpp:56 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/bezier/beziersplinewidget.cpp:60 -#: src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:144 -msgid "X" -msgstr "X" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_5) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, cbY) -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0be.xml:17 data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:12 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/bezier/beziersplinewidget.cpp:58 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/bezier/beziersplinewidget.cpp:62 -#: src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:164 src/ui/histogram_ui.ui:23 -msgid "Y" -msgstr "Y" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0be.xml:21 -msgid "X size" -msgstr "x-størrelse" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0be.xml:25 -msgid "Y size" -msgstr "y-størrelse" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0be.xml:29 data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:81 -msgid "256 scale" -msgstr "256-skala" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0be.xml:33 -msgid "Show alpha" -msgstr "Vis alfa" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0be.xml:37 -msgid "Big window" -msgstr "Stort vindue" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:3 -msgid "pr0file" -msgstr "Profil" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:4 -msgid "2D video oscilloscope" -msgstr "2D-video-oscilloskop" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:20 -msgid "Length" -msgstr "Længde" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:24 -msgid "R,G,B,Y',Pr,Pb,Alpha" -msgstr "R,G,B,Y',Pr,Pb,Alfa" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:29 -msgid "Marker 1" -msgstr "Markør 1" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:33 -msgid "Marker 2" -msgstr "Markør 2" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:37 -msgid "R trace" -msgstr "R-spor" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:41 -msgid "G trace" -msgstr "G-spor" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:45 -msgid "B trace" -msgstr "B-spor" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:49 -msgid "Y trace" -msgstr "Y-spor" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:53 -msgid "Pr trace" -msgstr "Pr-spor" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:57 -msgid "Pb trace" -msgstr "Pb-spor" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:61 -msgid "Alpha trace" -msgstr "Alfa-spor" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:65 -msgid "Display average" -msgstr "Vis gennemsnit" - -# RMS = root mean square -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:69 -msgid "Display RMS" -msgstr "Vis RMS" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:73 -msgid "Display minimum" -msgstr "Vis minimum" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:77 -msgid "Display maximum" -msgstr "Vis maksimum" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:85 -msgid "CCIR rec. 601,CCIR rec. 709" -msgstr "CCIR rec. 601,CCIR rec. 709" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_13) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, background_list) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_9) -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:86 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:156 -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:176 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:182 -#: src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:197 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:944 -msgid "Color" -msgstr "Farve" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:90 -msgid "Crosshair color" -msgstr "Farve på trådkors" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_primaries.xml:3 -msgid "Primaries" -msgstr "Primærfarver" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_primaries.xml:4 -msgid "Reduce image to primary colors" -msgstr "Reducér billedet til primærfarver" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_primaries.xml:7 data/effects/sox_stretch.xml:7 -msgid "Factor" -msgstr "Faktor" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_primaries.xml:8 -msgid " 32 = 0]]>" -msgstr " 32 = 0]]>" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QWidget, RGBParade_UI) -#: data/effects/frei0r_rgbparade.xml:3 src/scopes/scopemanager.cpp:308 -#: src/ui/rgbparade_ui.ui:14 -msgid "RGB Parade" -msgstr "RGB-parade" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_rgbparade.xml:4 -msgid "Display a histogram of R, G and B components of the video data" -msgstr "Vis et histogram af videodatas R-, G- og B-komponenter" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_saturat0r.xml:4 -msgid "Adjusts the saturation of a source image" -msgstr "Justér mætningen af kildebilledet" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_scale0tilt.xml:3 -msgid "Crop, Scale and Position" -msgstr "Beskær, skalér og positionér" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_scale0tilt.xml:4 -msgid "Scales, Tilts and Crops an Image" -msgstr "Skalerer, skråtstiller og beskærer et billede" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_scale0tilt.xml:7 -msgid "Clip left" -msgstr "Klip til venstre" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_scale0tilt.xml:10 -msgid "Clip right" -msgstr "Klip til højre" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_scale0tilt.xml:13 -msgid "Clip top" -msgstr "Klip øverst" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_scale0tilt.xml:16 -msgid "Clip bottom" -msgstr "Klip nederst" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_scale0tilt.xml:19 -msgid "Scale X" -msgstr "Skalér x" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_scale0tilt.xml:22 -msgid "Scale Y" -msgstr "Skalér y" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_scale0tilt.xml:25 -msgid "Tilt X" -msgstr "Skråtstil x" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_scale0tilt.xml:28 -msgid "Tilt Y" -msgstr "Skråtstil y" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_scanline0r.xml:3 -msgid "scanline0r" -msgstr "scanlinjer" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_scanline0r.xml:4 -msgid "Interlaced black lines" -msgstr "Interlacede sorte linjer" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:4 data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:51 -msgid "Color Selection" -msgstr "Farvevalg" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:5 data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:52 -msgid "Color based alpha selection" -msgstr "Farvebaseret alfa-valg" - -# Must be: color to select by, since alpha is selecteb by color -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:9 data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:56 -msgid "Color to select" -msgstr "Farve at vælge efter" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:13 data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:60 -msgid "Invert selection" -msgstr "Omvend markering" - -# Delta = increase -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:17 data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:79 -msgid "Delta R / A / Hue" -msgstr "Tilvækst R / A / Farvetone" - -# Delta = increase -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:21 data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:83 -msgid "Delta G / B / Chroma" -msgstr "Tilvækst G / B / Chroma" - -# Delat = increase -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:25 data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:87 -msgid "Delta B / I / I" -msgstr "Tilvækst B / I / I" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:29 data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:64 -msgid "RGB,ABI,HCI" -msgstr "RGB,ABI,HCI" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:30 data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:65 -msgid "Selection subspace" -msgstr "Underrum at vælge fra" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:34 data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:69 -msgid "Box,Ellipsoid,Diamond" -msgstr "Boks,Ellipsoide,Ruder" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:35 data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:70 -msgid "Subspace shape" -msgstr "Underrummets form" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:39 -msgid "Hard,Fat,Normal,Skinny" -msgstr "Hård,Fed,Normal,Tynd" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:40 data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:75 -msgid "Edge mode" -msgstr "Kanttilstand" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:74 -msgid "Hard,Fat,Normal,Skinny,Slope" -msgstr "Hård,Fed,Normal,Tynd,Hældning" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sharpness.xml:3 -msgid "Sharpen" -msgstr "Gør skarpere" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sharpness.xml:4 -msgid "Unsharp masking (port from Mplayer)" -msgstr "Uskarp maskering (porteret fra Mplayer)" - -# Name of image processing function -#: data/effects/frei0r_sobel.xml:3 -msgid "Sobel" -msgstr "Sobel" - -# Sobel = name of image processing method -#: data/effects/frei0r_sobel.xml:4 -msgid "Sobel filter" -msgstr "Sobel-filter" - -# ASC CDL parameters: slope, offset, power, saturation -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:4 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:59 -msgid "SOP/Sat" -msgstr "SOP/sat" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:5 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:60 -msgid "" -"Changes Slope, Offset, and Power of the color components, and the overall " -"Saturation, according to the ASC CDL (Color Decision List)." -msgstr "" -"Ændrer farvekomponenternes hældning, forskydning og potens og den " -"overordnede mætning ifølge ASC CDL." - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:8 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:63 -msgid "Slope Red" -msgstr "Hældning for rød" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:10 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:65 -msgid "" -"\n" -" All effects can be observed well when applied on a greyscale " -"gradient and looking at the RGB Parade monitor.]]>" -msgstr "" -"\n" -" Du kan få en et godt indblik i effekterne ved at anvende dem " -"på en gråskala og se resultatet i monitoren RGB Parade.]]>" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:13 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:68 -msgid "Slope Green" -msgstr "Hældning for grøn" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:16 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:71 -msgid "Slope Blue" -msgstr "Hældning for blå" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:19 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:74 -msgid "Slope Alpha" -msgstr "Hældning for alfa" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:23 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:78 -msgid "Offset Red" -msgstr "Forskydning for rød" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:24 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:79 -msgid "" -"Changing the offset lifts (or lowers) the brightness of each pixel by the " -"given value." -msgstr "" -"Forskydningen øger (eller formindsker) hver pixels lysstyrke med den givne " -"værdi." - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:27 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:82 -msgid "Offset Green" -msgstr "Forskydning for grøn" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:30 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:85 -msgid "Offset Blue" -msgstr "Forskydning for blå" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:33 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:88 -msgid "Offset Alpha" -msgstr "Forskydning for alfa" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:37 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:92 -msgid "Power Red" -msgstr "Potens for rød" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:39 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:94 -msgid "" -"\n" -" Mathematically, what happens is an exponentiation of the " -"pixel brightness on [0,1] by the gamma value.]]>" -msgstr "" -"\n" -" Det der sker er, at pixlens lysstyrke bliver opløftet i en " -"potens på intervallet [0,1] af gamma-værdien.]]>" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:42 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:97 -msgid "Power Green" -msgstr "Potens for grøn" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:45 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:100 -msgid "Power Blue" -msgstr "Potens for blå" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:48 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:103 -msgid "Power Alpha" -msgstr "Potens for alfa" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:52 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:107 -msgid "Overall Saturation" -msgstr "Overordnet mætning" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:53 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:108 -msgid "The overall saturation will be changed in the last step of this filter." -msgstr "Det sidste skridt i dette filter er at ændre den overordnede mætning." - -#: data/effects/frei0r_squareblur.xml:3 -msgid "Square Blur" -msgstr "Kvadratisk sløring" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_squareblur.xml:4 -msgid "Square blur" -msgstr "Kvadratisk sløring" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_squareblur.xml:7 -msgid "Kernel size" -msgstr "Kernestørrelse" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_tehroxx0r.xml:3 -msgid "TehRoxx0r" -msgstr "TehRoxx0r" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_tehroxx0r.xml:4 -msgid "Something videowall-ish" -msgstr "Noget der minder om en videovæg" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_tehroxx0r.xml:7 -msgid "Interval" -msgstr "Interval" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_three_point_balance.xml:3 -msgid "3 point balance" -msgstr "3-punkters balance" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_three_point_balance.xml:4 -msgid "Balances colors along with 3 points" -msgstr "Balancér farver i forhold til 3 punkter" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_three_point_balance.xml:7 -msgid "Black color" -msgstr "Sort farve" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_three_point_balance.xml:10 -msgid "Gray color" -msgstr "Grå farve" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_three_point_balance.xml:13 -msgid "White color" -msgstr "Hvid farve" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_three_point_balance.xml:16 -msgid "Split screen preview" -msgstr "Forhåndsvisning i delt skærm" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_three_point_balance.xml:19 -msgid "Source image on left side" -msgstr "Kildebillede på venstre side" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_threelay0r.xml:3 -msgid "threelay0r" -msgstr "threelay0r" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_threelay0r.xml:4 -msgid "Dynamic 3-level thresholding" -msgstr "Dynamisk anvendelse af tærskler i tre niveauer" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_threshold0r.xml:3 -msgid "Threshold0r" -msgstr "Threshold0r" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_threshold0r.xml:4 -msgid "Thresholds a source image" -msgstr "Anvender tærskeler på et kildebillede" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_timeout.xml:4 -msgid "Timeout indicator" -msgstr "Indikator for tidsudløb" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_timeout.xml:7 -msgid "Indicator color" -msgstr "Indikatorfarve" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, markers_list) -#: data/effects/frei0r_timeout.xml:10 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:427 -msgid "Time" -msgstr "Tid" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_tint0r.xml:3 -msgid "Tint" -msgstr "Toning" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_tint0r.xml:4 -msgid "Maps source image luminance between two colors specified" -msgstr "Afbilder kildebilledets luminans imellem to givne farver" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_tint0r.xml:7 -msgid "Map black to" -msgstr "Afbilder sort til" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_tint0r.xml:10 -msgid "Map white to" -msgstr "Afbilder hvid til" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_tint0r.xml:13 -msgid "Tint amount" -msgstr "Omfang af toning" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_twolay0r.xml:3 -msgid "twolay0r" -msgstr "twolay0r" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_twolay0r.xml:4 -msgid "Dynamic thresholding" -msgstr "Dynamisk anvendelse af tærskler" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_vectorscope.xml:3 src/scopes/scopemanager.cpp:306 -msgid "Vectorscope" -msgstr "Vektorrækkevidde" - -# A vectorscope is a sort of oscilliscope for video data -#: data/effects/frei0r_vectorscope.xml:4 -msgid "Display a vectorscope of the video data" -msgstr "Viser et vektorskop af videoens data" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_vertigo.xml:4 data/effects/frei0r_vertigo.xml:15 -msgid "Vertigo" -msgstr "Vertigo" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_vertigo.xml:5 data/effects/frei0r_vertigo.xml:16 -msgid "Alpha blending with zoomed and rotated images" -msgstr "Alfa-blanding med zoomede og roterede billeder" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_vertigo.xml:8 data/effects/frei0r_vertigo.xml:19 -msgid "Phase Increment" -msgstr "Faseforøgelse" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_vertigo.xml:11 data/effects/frei0r_vertigo.xml:22 -msgid "Zoom Rate" -msgstr "Zoomhastighed" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_vignette.xml:3 -msgid "Vignette" -msgstr "Vignettering" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_vignette.xml:4 -msgid "Natural lens vignetting effect" -msgstr "Naturlig linsevignetteringseffekt" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_vignette.xml:7 -msgid "Aspect ratio" -msgstr "Aspektforhold" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_vignette.xml:10 -msgid "Clear center size" -msgstr "Størrelse af upåvirket centrum" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_softness) -#: data/effects/frei0r_vignette.xml:13 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:709 -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:302 src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:220 -msgid "Softness" -msgstr "Blødhed" - -#: data/effects/gain.xml:3 data/effects/gain.xml:7 data/effects/mute.xml:7 -#: data/effects/normalise.xml:7 data/effects/sox_bass.xml:7 -#: data/effects/sox_gain.xml:7 data/effects/volume.xml:7 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/lumaliftgain.cpp:65 -msgid "Gain" -msgstr "Gain" - -#: data/effects/gain.xml:4 -msgid "Adjust the audio volume without keyframes" -msgstr "Juster lydvolumen uden keyframes" - -#: data/effects/gamma.xml:4 -msgid "Change gamma color value" -msgstr "Skift gamma-farveværdi" - -#: data/effects/grain.xml:3 -msgid "Grain" -msgstr "Korn" - -#: data/effects/grain.xml:4 -msgid "Grain over the image" -msgstr "Danner et kornet billede" - -#: data/effects/grain.xml:7 data/effects/movit_deconvolution_sharpen.xml:18 -#: plugins/sampleplugin/sampleplugin.cpp:34 -#: plugins/sampleplugin/sampleplugin.cpp:42 -#: plugins/sampleplugin/sampleplugin.cpp:54 -#: plugins/sampleplugin/sampleplugin.cpp:78 -msgid "Noise" -msgstr "Støj" - -#: data/effects/greyscale.xml:3 -msgid "Greyscale" -msgstr "Gråskala" - -#: data/effects/greyscale.xml:4 -msgid "Discard color information" -msgstr "Kassér farveinformation" - -#: data/effects/invert.xml:4 -msgid "Invert colors" -msgstr "Invertér farver" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_declipper.xml:3 -msgid "Declipper" -msgstr "Deklipper" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_declipper.xml:4 -msgid "LADSPA declipper audio effect" -msgstr "LADSPA's declipper-lydeffekt" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer.xml:3 -msgid "Equalizer" -msgstr "Equalizer" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer.xml:4 -msgid "LADSPA equalizer audio effect" -msgstr "LADSPA's equalizer-lydeffekt" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer.xml:7 -msgid "Lo gain" -msgstr "Lav gain" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer.xml:10 -msgid "Mid gain" -msgstr "Mellem gain" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer.xml:13 -msgid "Hi gain" -msgstr "Høj gain" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:3 -msgid "15 Band Equalizer" -msgstr "15-bånds equalizer" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:4 -msgid "LADSPA equalizer audio effect (15 band)" -msgstr "LADSPA'a equalizer-lydeffekt (15 bånds)" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:7 -msgid "50 Hz" -msgstr "50 Hz" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:10 -msgid "100 Hz" -msgstr "100 Hz" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:13 -msgid "156 Hz" -msgstr "156 Hz" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:16 -msgid "220 Hz" -msgstr "220 Hz" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:19 -msgid "311 Hz" -msgstr "311 Hz" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:22 -msgid "440 Hz" -msgstr "440 Hz" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:25 -msgid "622 Hz" -msgstr "622 Hz" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:28 -msgid "880 Hz" -msgstr "880 Hz" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:31 -msgid "1250 Hz" -msgstr "1250 Hz" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:34 -msgid "1750 Hz" -msgstr "1750 Hz" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:37 -msgid "2500 Hz" -msgstr "2500 Hz" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:40 -msgid "3500 Hz" -msgstr "3500 Hz" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:43 -msgid "5000 Hz" -msgstr "5000 Hz" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:46 -msgid "10000 Hz" -msgstr "10000 Hz" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:49 -msgid "20000 Hz" -msgstr "20000 Hz" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_limiter.xml:3 -msgid "Limiter" -msgstr "Begrænser" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_limiter.xml:4 -msgid "LADSPA limiter audio effect" -msgstr "LADSPA's limiter-lydeffekt" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_limiter.xml:7 -msgid "Input gain (dB)" -msgstr "Input gain (dB)" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_limiter.xml:10 -msgid "Limit (dB)" -msgstr "Begrænsning (dB)" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_limiter.xml:13 -msgid "Release time (s)" -msgstr "Udgivelsestider" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_phaser.xml:3 -msgid "Phaser" -msgstr "Phaser" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_phaser.xml:4 -msgid "LADSPA phaser audio effect" -msgstr "LADSPA's phaser-lydeffekt" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_phaser.xml:7 -msgid "Rate (Hz)" -msgstr "Hastighed (Hz)" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_phaser.xml:10 data/effects/sox_flanger.xml:10 -msgid "Depth" -msgstr "Dybde" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_phaser.xml:13 -msgid "Feedback" -msgstr "Tilbagekobling" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_phaser.xml:16 -msgid "Spread" -msgstr "Udspredning" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_pitch.xml:3 -msgid "Pitch Shift" -msgstr "Tonehøjdeforskydning" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_pitch.xml:4 -msgid "LADSPA change pitch audio effect" -msgstr "LADSPA's lydeffekt til at ændre tonehøjde" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_pitch.xml:7 data/effects/sox_pitch.xml:7 -msgid "Shift" -msgstr "Forskydning" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_pitch_scale.xml:3 -msgid "Pitch Scaler" -msgstr "Skalering af tonehøjde" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_pitch_scale.xml:4 -msgid "LADSPA pitch scale audio effect" -msgstr "LADSPA's lydeffekt til skalering af tonehøjde" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_pitch_scale.xml:7 -msgid "Co-efficient" -msgstr "Koefficient" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_rate_scale.xml:3 -msgid "Rate Scaler" -msgstr "Hastighedsskalering" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_rate_scale.xml:4 -msgid "LADSPA rate scale audio effect" -msgstr "LADSPA's lydeffekt til hastighedsskalering" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_rate_scale.xml:7 -msgid "Rate" -msgstr "Hastighed" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_reverb.xml:3 -msgid "Reverb" -msgstr "Efterklang" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_reverb.xml:4 -msgid "LADSPA reverb audio effect" -msgstr "LADSPA's efterklangs-lydeffekt " - -#: data/effects/ladspa_reverb.xml:7 -msgid "Reverb time" -msgstr "Efterklangstid" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_reverb.xml:10 data/effects/ladspa_room_reverb.xml:13 -msgid "Damping" -msgstr "Dæmpning" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_room_reverb.xml:3 -msgid "Room Reverb" -msgstr "Rum-efterklang" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_room_reverb.xml:4 -msgid "LADSPA room reverb audio effect" -msgstr "LADSPA's rum-efterklangs-lydeffekt" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_room_reverb.xml:7 -msgid "Room size (m)" -msgstr "Rumstørrelse (m) " - -#: data/effects/ladspa_room_reverb.xml:10 -msgid "Delay (s/10)" -msgstr "Forsinkelse (s/10)" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_vinyl.xml:3 -msgid "Vinyl" -msgstr "Vinyl" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_vinyl.xml:4 -msgid "Simulates a vinyl audio player - LADSPA audio effect" -msgstr "Simulerer en grammofonpladeafspiller - LADSPA lydeffekt" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_vinyl.xml:7 src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:166 -msgid "Year" -msgstr "År" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_vinyl.xml:10 -msgid "RPM" -msgstr "RPM" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_vinyl.xml:13 -msgid "Surface warping" -msgstr "Overfladebøjning" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_vinyl.xml:16 -msgid "Crackle" -msgstr "Ridser" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_vinyl.xml:19 -msgid "Wear" -msgstr "Slid" - -#: data/effects/lift_gamma_gain.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Movit: Lift/gamma/gain" -msgid "Lift/gamma/gain" -msgstr "Movit: Løft/gamma/gain" - -#: data/effects/lift_gamma_gain.xml:6 data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain.xml:6 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain2.xml:6 -msgid "Lift: Red" -msgstr "Løft: Rød" - -#: data/effects/lift_gamma_gain.xml:9 data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain.xml:9 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain2.xml:9 -msgid "Lift: Green" -msgstr "Løft: Grøn" - -#: data/effects/lift_gamma_gain.xml:12 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain.xml:12 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain2.xml:12 -msgid "Lift: Blue" -msgstr "Løft: Blå" - -#: data/effects/lift_gamma_gain.xml:15 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain.xml:15 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain2.xml:15 -msgid "Gamma: Red" -msgstr "Gamma: Rød" - -#: data/effects/lift_gamma_gain.xml:18 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain.xml:18 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain2.xml:18 -msgid "Gamma: Green" -msgstr "Gamma: Grøn" - -#: data/effects/lift_gamma_gain.xml:21 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain.xml:21 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain2.xml:21 -msgid "Gamma: Blue" -msgstr "Gamma: Blå" - -#: data/effects/lift_gamma_gain.xml:24 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain.xml:24 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain2.xml:24 -msgid "Gain: Red" -msgstr "Gain: Rød" - -#: data/effects/lift_gamma_gain.xml:27 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain.xml:27 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain2.xml:27 -msgid "Gain: Green" -msgstr "Gain: Grøn" - -#: data/effects/lift_gamma_gain.xml:30 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain.xml:30 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain2.xml:30 -msgid "Gain: Blue" -msgstr "Gain: Blå" - -#: data/effects/loudness.xml:3 -msgid "Loudness" -msgstr "Støjniveau" - -#: data/effects/loudness.xml:4 -msgid "Correct audio loudness as recommended by EBU R128" -msgstr "Korrigér lydstøj som anbefalet af EBU R128" - -#: data/effects/loudness.xml:7 -msgid "Target Program Loudness" -msgstr "Målprogrammets støjniveau" - -#: data/effects/mirror.xml:3 -msgid "Mirror" -msgstr "Spejlvend" - -#: data/effects/mirror.xml:4 -msgid "Flip your image in any direction" -msgstr "Spejlvend billede i vilkårlig retning" - -#: data/effects/mirror.xml:7 -msgid "Horizontal,Vertical,Diagonal,X Diagonal,Flip,Flop" -msgstr "Vandret,Lodret,Diagonal,x diagonal,Spejlvend" - -#: data/effects/mirror.xml:8 -msgid "Mirroring direction" -msgstr "Spejlingsretning" - -#: data/effects/movit_blur.xml:3 -msgid "Blur (GPU)" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_6) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_8) -#: data/effects/movit_blur.xml:6 data/effects/movit_diffusion.xml:6 -#: data/effects/movit_glow.xml:6 data/effects/movit_unsharp_mask.xml:6 -#: data/effects/movit_vignette.xml:6 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:891 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:915 -msgid "Radius" -msgstr "Radius" - -#: data/effects/movit_deconvolution_sharpen.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Movit: Deconvolution sharpen" -msgid "Deconvolution sharpen (GPU)" -msgstr "Movit: Dekonvolution gør skarpere" - -#: data/effects/movit_deconvolution_sharpen.xml:6 -msgid "Matrix size" -msgstr "Matrixstørrelse" - -#: data/effects/movit_deconvolution_sharpen.xml:9 -msgid "Circle radius" -msgstr "Cirkelradius" - -#: data/effects/movit_deconvolution_sharpen.xml:12 -msgid "Gaussian radius" -msgstr "Gaussisk radius" - -#: data/effects/movit_deconvolution_sharpen.xml:15 -msgid "Correlation" -msgstr "Korrelation" - -#: data/effects/movit_diffusion.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Diffusion" -msgid "Diffusion (GPU)" -msgstr "Diffusion" - -#: data/effects/movit_diffusion.xml:9 -msgid "Mix amount" -msgstr "Omfang af blanding" - -#: data/effects/movit_glow.xml:3 -msgid "Glow (GPU)" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/movit_glow.xml:9 -msgid "Glow strength" -msgstr "Glødstyrke" - -#: data/effects/movit_glow.xml:12 -msgid "Highlight cutoff threshold" -msgstr "Tærskel for begrænsning af fremhævning" - -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Movit: Lift/gamma/gain" -msgid "Lift/gamma/gain (GPU)" -msgstr "Movit: Løft/gamma/gain" - -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain2.xml:3 -msgid "Movit: Lift/gamma/gain (colors)" -msgstr "Movit: Løft/gamma/gain (farver)" - -#: data/effects/movit_mirror.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Mirror" -msgid "Mirror (GPU)" -msgstr "Spejlvend" - -#: data/effects/movit_opacity.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Opacity" -msgid "Opacity (GPU)" -msgstr "Ugennemsigtighed" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_opacity) -#: data/effects/movit_opacity.xml:6 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:211 src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:113 -msgid "Opacity" -msgstr "Ugennemsigtighed" - -#: data/effects/movit_rect.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Pan and Zoom" -msgid "Pan and Zoom (GPU)" -msgstr "Panorér og zoom" - -#: data/effects/movit_rect.xml:9 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Follow mouse" -msgid "Allow upscale" -msgstr "Følg musen" - -#: data/effects/movit_saturation.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Saturation" -msgid "Saturation (GPU)" -msgstr "Mætning" - -#: data/effects/movit_unsharp_mask.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Movit: Unsharp mask" -msgid "Unsharp mask (GPU)" -msgstr "Movit: Gør uskarp-maske" - -#: data/effects/movit_vignette.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Vignette" -msgid "Vignette (GPU)" -msgstr "Vignettering" - -#: data/effects/movit_vignette.xml:9 -msgid "Inner radius" -msgstr "Indre radius" - -#: data/effects/movit_white_balance.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "White Balance" -msgid "White Balance (GPU)" -msgstr "Hvidbalance" - -#: data/effects/mute.xml:3 -msgid "Mute" -msgstr "Lydløs" - -#: data/effects/mute.xml:4 -msgid "Mute clip" -msgstr "Gør klip lydløst" - -#: data/effects/normalise.xml:3 -msgid "Normalise" -msgstr "Normalisér" - -#: data/effects/normalise.xml:4 -msgid "Dynamically normalise the audio volume" -msgstr "Normalisér lydstyrke dynamisk" - -#: data/effects/normalise.xml:10 -msgid "Maximum gain" -msgstr "Maksimal gain" - -#: data/effects/normalise.xml:13 data/effects/sox_stretch.xml:10 -msgid "Window" -msgstr "Vindue" - -#: data/effects/obscure.xml:4 -msgid "Hide a region of the clip" -msgstr "Skjul et område af klippet" - -#: data/effects/obscure.xml:7 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:760 -msgid "Region" -msgstr "Område" - -#: data/effects/oldfilm.xml:3 -msgid "Oldfilm" -msgstr "Gammel film" - -#: data/effects/oldfilm.xml:4 -msgid "Moves the Picture up and down and random brightness change" -msgstr "Bevæger filmen op og ned og ændrer lysstyrke tilfældigt" - -#: data/effects/oldfilm.xml:7 -msgid "Y-Delta" -msgstr "y-tilvækst" - -#: data/effects/oldfilm.xml:10 -#, no-c-format -msgid "% of picture have a delta" -msgstr "% af filmen, som får en tilvækst" - -#: data/effects/oldfilm.xml:13 -msgid "Brightness up" -msgstr "Lysstyrke: op" - -#: data/effects/oldfilm.xml:16 -msgid "Brightness down" -msgstr "Lysstyrke: ned" - -#: data/effects/oldfilm.xml:19 -msgid "Brightness every" -msgstr "Lysstyrke: hver" - -#: data/effects/oldfilm.xml:22 -msgid "Unevendevelop up" -msgstr "Ujævnt fremkaldt: op" - -#: data/effects/oldfilm.xml:25 -msgid "Unevendevelop down" -msgstr "Ujævnt fremkaldt: ned" - -#: data/effects/oldfilm.xml:28 -msgid "Unevendevelop Duration" -msgstr "Ujævnt fremkaldt: varighed" - -#: data/effects/pan_zoom.xml:3 data/effects/region.xml:10 -#: data/effects/rotation.xml:37 -msgid "Pan and Zoom" -msgstr "Panorér og zoom" - -#: data/effects/pan_zoom.xml:4 -msgid "Adjust size and position of clip" -msgstr "Juster størrelse og position af klip" - -#: data/effects/region.xml:3 -msgid "Regionalize" -msgstr "Anvend på område" - -#: data/effects/region.xml:4 -msgid "Apply sub-effects to a region defined by a clip's alpha channel" -msgstr "Anvend en undereffekt på et område defineret af klippets alfa-kanal" - -#: data/effects/region.xml:7 -msgid "Url" -msgstr "URL" - -#: data/effects/rotation.xml:3 -msgid "Rotate and Shear" -msgstr "Rotér og trapezér" - -#: data/effects/rotation.xml:4 data/effects/rotation_keyframable.xml:4 -msgid "Rotate clip in any 3 directions" -msgstr "Rotér klip i enhver af 3 retninger" - -#: data/effects/rotation.xml:7 data/effects/rotation_keyframable.xml:7 -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:747 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:216 -msgid "Rotate X" -msgstr "Rotér X" - -#: data/effects/rotation.xml:10 data/effects/rotation_keyframable.xml:10 -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:748 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:219 -msgid "Rotate Y" -msgstr "Rotér Y" - -#: data/effects/rotation.xml:13 data/effects/rotation_keyframable.xml:13 -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:749 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:222 -msgid "Rotate Z" -msgstr "Rotér Z" - -#: data/effects/rotation.xml:16 -msgid "Animate Rotate X" -msgstr "Animér rotation x" - -#: data/effects/rotation.xml:19 -msgid "Animate Rotate Y" -msgstr "Animér rotation y" - -#: data/effects/rotation.xml:22 -msgid "Animate Rotate Z" -msgstr "Animér rotation z" - -#: data/effects/rotation.xml:25 -msgid "Shear X" -msgstr "Trapezér x" - -#: data/effects/rotation.xml:28 -msgid "Shear Y" -msgstr "Trapezér y" - -#: data/effects/rotation.xml:31 -msgid "Animate Shear X" -msgstr "Animér trapezering x" - -#: data/effects/rotation.xml:34 -msgid "Animate Shear Y" -msgstr "Animér trapezering y" - -#: data/effects/rotation_keyframable.xml:3 -msgid "Rotate (keyframable)" -msgstr "Rotér (keyframebar)" - -#: data/effects/rotation_keyframable.xml:16 -msgid "Offset X" -msgstr "Forskydning x" - -#: data/effects/rotation_keyframable.xml:19 -msgid "Offset Y" -msgstr "Forskydning y" - -#: data/effects/rotoscoping.xml:3 -msgid "Rotoscoping" -msgstr "Rotoscoping" - -#: data/effects/rotoscoping.xml:4 -msgid "Keyframable vector based rotoscoping" -msgstr "Keyframbar vektorbaseret rotoscoping" - -#: data/effects/rotoscoping.xml:8 -msgid "Alpha,Luma,RGB" -msgstr "Alpha,Luma,RGB" - -#: data/effects/rotoscoping.xml:9 -msgid "Mode" -msgstr "Tilstand" - -#: data/effects/rotoscoping.xml:14 -msgid "Alpha Operation" -msgstr "Alfa-operation" - -#: data/effects/rotoscoping.xml:22 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:3422 -msgid "Track" -msgstr "Spor" - -#: data/effects/rotoscoping.xml:26 -msgid "Feather width" -msgstr "Fjerbredde" - -#: data/effects/rotoscoping.xml:30 -msgid "Feathering passes" -msgstr "Fjeragtige pas" - -#: data/effects/scratchlines.xml:3 -msgid "Scratchlines" -msgstr "Ridser" - -#: data/effects/scratchlines.xml:4 -msgid "Scratchlines over the picture" -msgstr "Ridser hen over billedet" - -#: data/effects/scratchlines.xml:7 -msgid "Width of line" -msgstr "Bredden af linjerne" - -#: data/effects/scratchlines.xml:10 -msgid "Max number of lines" -msgstr "Største antal linjer" - -#: data/effects/scratchlines.xml:13 -msgid "Max darker" -msgstr "Maks. mørkere" - -#: data/effects/scratchlines.xml:16 -msgid "Max lighter" -msgstr "Maks. lysere" - -#: data/effects/sepia.xml:3 -msgid "Sepia" -msgstr "Sepia" - -#: data/effects/sepia.xml:4 -msgid "Turn clip colors to sepia" -msgstr "Ændre klipfarver til sepia" - -#: data/effects/sepia.xml:7 -msgid "Chrominance U" -msgstr "Krominans U" - -#: data/effects/sepia.xml:10 -msgid "Chrominance V" -msgstr "Krominans V" - -#: data/effects/sox_band.xml:3 -msgid "Sox Band" -msgstr "Sox båndfilter" - -#: data/effects/sox_band.xml:4 -msgid "Sox band audio effect" -msgstr "Sox båndfilter-lydeffekt" - -#: data/effects/sox_band.xml:7 -msgid "Center Frequency" -msgstr "Centerfrekvens" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_4) -#: data/effects/sox_band.xml:10 data/effects/sox_flanger.xml:16 -#: src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:181 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:307 -msgid "Width" -msgstr "Bredde" - -#: data/effects/sox_bass.xml:3 -msgid "Sox Bass" -msgstr "Sox bas" - -#: data/effects/sox_bass.xml:4 -msgid "Sox bass audio effect" -msgstr "Sox bas-lydeffekt" - -#: data/effects/sox_echo.xml:3 -msgid "Sox Echo" -msgstr "Sox ekko" - -#: data/effects/sox_echo.xml:4 -msgid "Sox echo audio effect" -msgstr "Sox ekko-lydeffekt" - -#: data/effects/sox_echo.xml:7 data/effects/sox_phaser.xml:7 -msgid "Gain In" -msgstr "Gain ind" - -#: data/effects/sox_echo.xml:10 data/effects/sox_phaser.xml:10 -msgid "Gain Out" -msgstr "Gain ud" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_13) -#: data/effects/sox_echo.xml:13 data/effects/sox_flanger.xml:7 -#: data/effects/sox_phaser.xml:13 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:994 -msgid "Delay" -msgstr "Forsinkelse" - -#: data/effects/sox_echo.xml:16 data/effects/sox_phaser.xml:16 -msgid "Decay" -msgstr "Henfald" - -#: data/effects/sox_flanger.xml:3 -msgid "Sox Flanger" -msgstr "Sox flanger" - -#: data/effects/sox_flanger.xml:4 -msgid "Sox flanger audio effect" -msgstr "Sox flanger-lydeffekt" - -#: data/effects/sox_flanger.xml:13 -msgid "Regeneration" -msgstr "Gendannelse" - -#: data/effects/sox_flanger.xml:19 data/effects/sox_phaser.xml:19 -#: data/effects/speed.xml:3 data/effects/speed.xml:7 -msgid "Speed" -msgstr "Hastighed" - -#: data/effects/sox_flanger.xml:25 -msgid "Phase" -msgstr "Fase" - -#: data/effects/sox_flanger.xml:28 src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:383 -msgid "Interpolation" -msgstr "Interpolation" - -#: data/effects/sox_gain.xml:3 -msgid "Sox Gain" -msgstr "Sox gain" - -#: data/effects/sox_gain.xml:4 -msgid "Sox gain audio effect" -msgstr "Sox gain-lydeffekt" - -#: data/effects/sox_gain.xml:12 -msgid "Normalize" -msgstr "Normalisér" - -#: data/effects/sox_phaser.xml:3 -msgid "Sox Phaser" -msgstr "Sox phaser" - -#: data/effects/sox_phaser.xml:4 -msgid "Sox phaser audio effect" -msgstr "Sox phaser-lydeffekt" - -#: data/effects/sox_pitch.xml:3 -msgid "Sox Pitch Shift" -msgstr "Sox tonehøjdeforskydning" - -#: data/effects/sox_pitch.xml:4 -msgid "Sox change pitch audio effect" -msgstr "Sox tonehøjdeforskydnings-lydeffekt" - -#: data/effects/sox_pitch.xml:10 -msgid "Time window (ms)" -msgstr "Tidsvindue (ms)" - -#: data/effects/sox_reverb.xml:3 -msgid "Sox Reverb" -msgstr "Sox reverb" - -#: data/effects/sox_reverb.xml:4 -msgid "Sox reverb audio effect" -msgstr "Sox reverb lydeffekt" - -#: data/effects/sox_reverb.xml:7 -msgid "Reverberance" -msgstr "Efterklang" - -#: data/effects/sox_reverb.xml:10 -msgid "High frequency damping" -msgstr "Dæmpning af høje frekvenser" - -#: data/effects/sox_reverb.xml:13 -msgid "Room scale" -msgstr "Rumskala" - -#: data/effects/sox_reverb.xml:16 -msgid "Stereo depth" -msgstr "Stereodybde" - -#: data/effects/sox_reverb.xml:19 -msgid "Pre-delay" -msgstr "Præ-forsinkelse" - -#: data/effects/sox_reverb.xml:22 -msgid "Wet gain" -msgstr "Våd gain" - -#: data/effects/sox_stretch.xml:3 -msgid "Sox Stretch" -msgstr "Sox stretch" - -#: data/effects/sox_stretch.xml:4 -msgid "Sox stretch audio effect" -msgstr "Sox stretch-lydeffekt" - -#: data/effects/speed.xml:4 -msgid "Make clip play faster or slower" -msgstr "Afspil klippet hurtigere eller langsommere" - -#: data/effects/speed.xml:10 -msgid "Stroboscope" -msgstr "Stroboskop" - -#: data/effects/swapchannels.xml:3 -msgid "Swap channels" -msgstr "Ombyt kanalerne" - -#: data/effects/swapchannels.xml:4 -msgid "Move the left channel to the right and right-to-left" -msgstr "Flyt venstre kanal til højre og højre kanal til venstre" - -#: data/effects/tcolor.xml:3 -msgid "Technicolor" -msgstr "Technicolor" - -#: data/effects/tcolor.xml:4 -msgid "Oversaturate the color in video, like in old Technicolor movies" -msgstr "Overmæt farverne i videoen ligesom en gammel Technicolor-film" - -#: data/effects/tcolor.xml:7 -msgid "Blue/Yellow axis" -msgstr "Blå/gul akse" - -#: data/effects/tcolor.xml:10 -msgid "Red/Green axis" -msgstr "Rød/grøn akse" - -#: data/effects/threshold.xml:4 -msgid "Make monochrome clip" -msgstr "Omdan klip til monokrom" - -#: data/effects/threshold.xml:7 -msgid "Threshold value" -msgstr "Grænseværdi" - -#: data/effects/threshold.xml:10 -msgid "Use transparency" -msgstr "Brug gennemsigtighed" - -#: data/effects/vignette.xml:3 -msgid "Vignette Effect" -msgstr "Vignetterings-effekt" - -#: data/effects/vignette.xml:4 -msgid "Adjustable Vignette" -msgstr "Justérbar vignettering" - -#: data/effects/vignette.xml:7 -msgid "smooth" -msgstr "glat" - -#: data/effects/vignette.xml:10 -msgid "radius" -msgstr "radius" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_6) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_8) -#: data/effects/vignette.xml:13 src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:72 -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:575 -msgid "x" -msgstr "x" - -#: data/effects/vignette.xml:16 -msgid "y" -msgstr "y" - -#: data/effects/vignette.xml:19 -msgid "opacity" -msgstr "ugennemsigtighed" - -#: data/effects/vignette.xml:22 -msgid "use cos instead of linear" -msgstr "Brug cosinus i stedet for lineær" - -#: data/effects/volume.xml:3 -msgid "Volume (keyframable)" -msgstr "Lydstyrke (keyframebar)" - -#: data/effects/volume.xml:4 -msgid "Adjust audio volume with keyframes" -msgstr "Juster lydvolumen med keyframes" - -#: data/effects/wave.xml:3 -msgid "Wave" -msgstr "Bølge" - -#: data/effects/wave.xml:4 -msgid "Make waves on your clip with keyframes" -msgstr "Dan bølger på klip med keyframes" - -#: data/effects/wave.xml:10 -msgid "Horizontal" -msgstr "Vandret" - -#: data/effects/wave.xml:13 -msgid "Vertical" -msgstr "Lodret" - -#: data/kdenliveeffectscategory.rc:5 -msgid "Colour correction" -msgstr "Farvekorrektion" - -#: data/kdenliveeffectscategory.rc:8 -msgid "Colour" -msgstr "Farve" - -#: data/kdenliveeffectscategory.rc:11 -msgid "Crop and transform" -msgstr "Beskær og transformér" - -#: data/kdenliveeffectscategory.rc:14 -msgid "Audio correction" -msgstr "Lydkorrektion" - -#: data/kdenliveeffectscategory.rc:17 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:655 -msgid "Audio channels" -msgstr "Lyd kanaler" - -#: data/kdenliveeffectscategory.rc:20 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Load analysis data" -msgid "Analysis and data" -msgstr "Indlæs analysedata" - -#: data/kdenliveeffectscategory.rc:23 -msgid "Fade" -msgstr "Krydsblænd" - -#: data/kdenliveeffectscategory.rc:26 -msgid "Artistic" -msgstr "Kunstnerisk" - -#: data/kdenliveeffectscategory.rc:29 -msgid "Blur and hide" -msgstr "Slør og gem" - -#: data/kdenliveeffectscategory.rc:32 -msgid "Motion" -msgstr "Bevægelse" - -#: data/kdenliveeffectscategory.rc:38 -msgid "Alpha manipulation" -msgstr "Alfamanipulation" - -#: data/kdenliveeffectscategory.rc:41 -msgid "Enhancement" -msgstr "Fremhævelse" - -#: data/kdenliveeffectscategory.rc:44 -msgid "GPU effects" -msgstr "GPU-effekter" - -#. i18n: ectx: ToolBar (extraToolBar) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:4 -msgid "Extra Toolbar" -msgstr "Ekstra værktøjslinje" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (project) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:21 -msgid "Project" -msgstr "Projekt" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (extract_audio) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:29 src/mainwindow.cpp:2752 -msgid "Extract Audio" -msgstr "Udtræk lyd" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (clip_actions) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:32 src/mainwindow.cpp:2699 -msgid "Clip Jobs" -msgstr "Klipjob" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (transcoders) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:35 src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:184 -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:125 -msgid "Transcode" -msgstr "Omkodning" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (generators) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:38 -msgid "Generators" -msgstr "Generatorer" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (track_menu) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:40 src/mainwindow.cpp:1145 -msgid "Tracks" -msgstr "Spor" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (clip_in_timeline) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:55 -msgid "Clip in Timeline" -msgstr "Klip i tidslinje" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (tool) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:70 -msgid "Tool" -msgstr "Værktøj" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (clip) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:80 src/project/projectlistview.cpp:59 -msgid "Clip" -msgstr "Klip" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (marker_menu) -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_3) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:81 src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:397 -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:402 -msgid "Markers" -msgstr "Markører" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (timeline) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:96 src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:81 -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2785 -msgid "Timeline" -msgstr "Tidslinje" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (keyboard_selection) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:97 -msgid "Selection" -msgstr "Markering" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (keyboard_insert) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:105 -msgid "Insertion" -msgstr "Indsættelse" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (current_clip) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:110 -msgid "Current clip" -msgstr "Aktuelt klip" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (all_clips) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:117 -msgid "All clips" -msgstr "Alle klip" - -# I menuen tidslinje -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (guide_menu) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:120 -msgid "Guides" -msgstr "Hjælpelinjer" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (space_menu) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:126 -msgid "Space" -msgstr "Tomrum" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (video_effects_menu) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:134 src/mainwindow.cpp:279 -msgid "Add Effect" -msgstr "Tilføj effekt" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (monitor) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:148 -msgid "Monitor" -msgstr "Monitor" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (monitor_go) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:154 src/timeline/customruler.cpp:93 -msgid "Go To" -msgstr "Gå til" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (monitor_config) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:176 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Monitor" -msgid "Monitor config" -msgstr "Monitor" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (dockwindows) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:187 -msgid "View" -msgstr "Vis" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (layout_save_as) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:188 -msgid "Save Layout As" -msgstr "Gem layout som" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, CountDown_UI) -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, ClipStabilize_UI) -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, FreeSound_UI) -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, ArchiveWidget_UI) -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, BackupDialog_UI) -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, ClipTranscode_UI) -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, AddTrack_UI) -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, SmConfig_UI) -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, ManageEncodingProfile_UI) -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, ColorClip_UI) -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, RenderWidget_UI) -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, Stopmotion_UI) -#: plugins/sampleplugin/countdown_ui.ui:13 src/ui/addtrack_ui.ui:14 -#: src/ui/archivewidget_ui.ui:14 src/ui/backupdialog_ui.ui:14 -#: src/ui/clipstabilize_ui.ui:14 src/ui/cliptranscode_ui.ui:14 -#: src/ui/colorclip_ui.ui:14 src/ui/freesound_ui.ui:14 -#: src/ui/manageencodingprofile_ui.ui:14 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:14 -#: src/ui/smconfig_ui.ui:14 src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Dialog" -msgstr "Dialog" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, destination_label) -#: plugins/sampleplugin/countdown_ui.ui:19 src/ui/cutjobdialog_ui.ui:47 -msgid "Save to" -msgstr "Gem til" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, duration_label) -#: plugins/sampleplugin/countdown_ui.ui:29 -msgid "Duration (seconds)" -msgstr "Varighed (sekunder)" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, font_label) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_4) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_17) -#: plugins/sampleplugin/countdown_ui.ui:46 src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:89 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:331 -msgid "Font" -msgstr "Skrifttype" - -#: plugins/sampleplugin/sampleplugin.cpp:33 -msgid "Countdown" -msgstr "Nedtælling" - -#: plugins/sampleplugin/sampleplugin.cpp:55 -msgid "Create Noise Clip" -msgstr "Opret støjklip" - -#: plugins/sampleplugin/sampleplugin.cpp:59 -msgid "Create Countdown Clip" -msgstr "Opret nedtællingsklip" - -#: plugins/sampleplugin/sampleplugin.cpp:97 -#: plugins/sampleplugin/sampleplugin.cpp:105 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Failed to generate clip:\n" -"%1" -msgstr "" -"Kunne ikke generere klip:\n" -"%1" - -#: plugins/sampleplugin/sampleplugin.cpp:97 -#: plugins/sampleplugin/sampleplugin.cpp:105 -msgid "Generator Failed" -msgstr "Generatoren fejlede" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:210 src/project/projectlist.cpp:133 -#, kde-format -msgid "%1 job" -msgid_plural "%1 jobs" -msgstr[0] "%1 job" -msgstr[1] "%1 job" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:211 src/project/projectlist.cpp:134 -#, kde-format -msgid "%1 pending job" -msgid_plural "%1 pending jobs" -msgstr[0] "%1 forestående job" -msgstr[1] "%1 forestående job" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_search) -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:300 src/ui/freesound_ui.ui:74 -msgid "Search" -msgstr "Søg" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:336 -msgid "View Mode" -msgstr "Visningstilstand" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:338 -msgid "Tree View" -msgstr "Trævisning" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:346 -msgid "Icon View" -msgstr "Ikonvisning" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:353 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Disable effect" -#| msgid_plural "Disable effects" -msgid "Disable Bin Effects" -msgstr "Deaktivér effekt" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:361 src/bin/bincommands.cpp:102 -msgid "Rename Folder" -msgstr "Omdøb mappe" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab) -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:370 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:50 -msgid "Settings" -msgstr "Indstillinger" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:372 src/project/clipproperties.cpp:351 -#: src/project/dialogs/slideshowclip.cpp:77 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:324 -msgid "Zoom" -msgstr "Zoom" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:378 -msgid "Show date" -msgstr "Vis dato" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:381 -msgid "Show description" -msgstr "Vis beskrivelse" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:399 src/project/projectlist.cpp:213 -msgid "Cancel All Jobs" -msgstr "Annullér alle job" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:401 src/project/projectlist.cpp:217 -msgid "Cancel Current Clip Jobs" -msgstr "Annullér aktuelle klipjob" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:431 src/project/projectlist.cpp:254 -msgid "Show Log" -msgstr "Vis log" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:504 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Creating audio thumbnail for %1" -msgid "Creating audio thumbnails" -msgstr "Opretter lydminiaturer for %1" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:511 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Show audio thumbnails" -msgid "Audio thumbnails done" -msgstr "Vis lydminiaturer" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:805 -msgctxt "append to clip name to indicate a copied idem" -msgid " (copy)" -msgstr " (kopiér)" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:929 src/bin/bin.cpp:2217 -#: src/project/folderprojectitem.cpp:37 src/project/projectlist.cpp:1085 -#: src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:60 -msgid "Folder" -msgstr "Mappe" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:1056 -#, kde-format -msgid "Folder contains a clip, delete anyways ?" -msgid_plural "Folder contains %1 clips, delete anyways ?" -msgstr[0] "" -msgstr[1] "" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:1173 src/mainwindow.cpp:1234 -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:1004 -msgid "Delete Clip" -msgstr "Slet klip" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:1174 src/mainwindow.cpp:1251 -msgid "Proxy Clip" -msgstr "Proxy-klip" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:1181 src/project/projectlist.cpp:995 -msgid "Delete Folder" -msgstr "Slet mappe" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:1182 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Project Folder" -msgid "Proxy Folder" -msgstr "Projektmappe" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2015 src/bin/bincommands.cpp:62 src/bin/bincommands.cpp:82 -msgid "Move Clip" -msgid_plural "Move Clips" -msgstr[0] "Flyt klip" -msgstr[1] "Flyt klip" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2231 -#, fuzzy, kde-format -#| msgid "The clip %1 is invalid." -msgid "Playlist clip %1 is invalid." -msgstr "Klippet %1 er ugyldigt." - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2236 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Playlist clip %1 has too many tracks (%2) to be imported. Add new tracks to " -"your project." -msgstr "" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2449 src/project/projectlist.cpp:465 -msgid "Please set a default application to open images in the Settings dialog" -msgstr "" -"Angiv venligst et standardprogram til åbning af billedfiler i " -"indstillingsdialogen" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2455 src/project/projectlist.cpp:471 -msgid "" -"Please set a default application to open audio files in the Settings dialog" -msgstr "" -"Angiv venligst et standardprogram til åbning af lydfiler i " -"indstillingsdialogen" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2511 src/project/projectlist.cpp:2661 -msgid "No data returned from clip analysis" -msgstr "Ingen data blev returneret fra klipanalysen" - -# number of threads -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2525 src/project/projectlist.cpp:2674 -msgid "Processing data analysis" -msgstr "Behandler dataanalyse" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2531 src/project/projectlist.cpp:2680 -msgid "Auto Split Clip" -msgstr "Autoopdel klip" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2549 src/project/projectlist.cpp:2698 -msgid "Add Markers" -msgstr "Tilføj markører" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2592 src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:85 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:474 src/project/projectcommands.cpp:164 -msgid "Add marker" -msgid_plural "Add markers" -msgstr[0] "Tilføj markør" -msgstr[1] "Tilføj markører" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2603 src/bin/bin.cpp:2685 src/project/jobs/filterjob.cpp:96 -#: src/timeline/markerdialog.cpp:45 -#, kde-format -msgid "Category %1" -msgstr "Kategori %1" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2608 -msgid "Load Clip Markers" -msgstr "Indlæs klipmarkører" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2623 src/bin/bin.cpp:2720 -#: src/dialogs/profilesdialog.cpp:219 src/dialogs/profilesdialog.cpp:520 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot open file %1" -msgstr "Kan ikke åbne filen %1" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, MarkerDialog_UI) -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2649 src/definitions.cpp:78 src/definitions.cpp:95 -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:367 src/mainwindow.cpp:1831 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:727 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:801 src/ui/markerdialog_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Marker" -msgstr "Markør" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2683 -msgid "All categories" -msgstr "Alle kategorier" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2690 -msgid "Save Clip Markers" -msgstr "Gem klipmarkører" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2733 src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:86 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:478 src/project/projectcommands.cpp:162 -msgid "Delete marker" -msgstr "Slet markør" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2748 -msgid "Delete clip markers" -msgstr "Slet klipmarkører" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2750 -msgid "Clip has no markers" -msgstr "Klip har ingen markører" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2788 src/project/clippropertiesmanager.cpp:126 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"You are editing an external title clip (%1). Do you want to save your " -"changes to the title file or save the changes for this project only?" -msgstr "" -"Du er ved at redigere et eksternt titelklip (%1). Vil du gemme dine " -"ændringer af titelfilen eller kun gemme ændringerne for dette projekt?" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2788 src/project/clippropertiesmanager.cpp:126 -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:1766 -msgid "Save Title" -msgstr "Gem titel" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2788 src/project/clippropertiesmanager.cpp:126 -msgid "Save to title file" -msgstr "Gem til titelfil" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2788 src/project/clippropertiesmanager.cpp:126 -msgid "Save in project only" -msgstr "Gem kun i projekt" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2852 src/project/projectlist.cpp:1428 -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:1430 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4517 -msgid "Invalid clip" -msgstr "Ugyldigt klip" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2852 src/project/projectlist.cpp:1428 -msgid "Clip is invalid, will be removed from project." -msgstr "Klippet er ugyldigt, det vil blive fjernet fra projektet." - -#: src/bin/bincommands.cpp:34 -msgid "Remove Folder" -msgstr "Fjern mappe" - -#: src/bin/bincommands.cpp:35 -msgid "Add Folder" -msgstr "Tilføj mappe" - -#: src/bin/bincommands.cpp:121 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Add Effect" -msgid "Add Bin Effect" -msgstr "Tilføj effekt" - -#: src/bin/bincommands.cpp:140 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Reset Effect" -msgid "Remove Bin Effect" -msgstr "Nulstil effekt" - -#: src/bin/bincommands.cpp:162 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Rename folder" -msgid "Rename Zone" -msgstr "Omdøb mappe" - -#: src/bin/bincommands.cpp:184 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Add Clip" -msgid "Add Sub Clip" -msgstr "Tilføj klip" - -#: src/bin/bincommands.cpp:217 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1628 -msgid "Edit clip" -msgstr "Redigér klip" - -#: src/bin/projectclip.cpp:90 src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:879 -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:195 -msgid "Untitled" -msgstr "Unavngivet" - -#: src/bin/projectclip.cpp:272 src/project/projectlist.cpp:2458 -msgctxt "The first letter of Proxy, used as abbreviation" -msgid "P" -msgstr "P" - -#: src/bin/projectclip.cpp:940 src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:1228 -#, kde-format -msgid "Clip already contains analysis data %1" -msgstr "Klippet indeholder allerede analysedata %1" - -#: src/bin/projectclip.cpp:940 src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:1228 -msgid "Merge" -msgstr "Sammenflet" - -#: src/bin/projectclip.cpp:940 src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:1228 -msgid "Add" -msgstr "Tilføj" - -#: src/bin/projectfolder.cpp:74 -#, kde-format -msgid "%1 clip" -msgid_plural "%1 clips" -msgstr[0] "%1 klip" -msgstr[1] "%1 klip" - -#: src/bin/projectfolderup.cpp:35 -msgid "Back" -msgstr "Tilbage" - -#: src/bin/projectfolderup.cpp:59 -msgid "Go up" -msgstr "Gå op" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/bin/projectitemmodel.cpp:169 src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:74 -#: src/ui/colorclip_ui.ui:20 src/ui/configtranscode_ui.ui:70 -#: src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:20 -msgid "Name" -msgstr "Navn" - -#: src/bin/projectitemmodel.cpp:172 -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:173 -#: src/project/projectlistview.cpp:59 -msgid "Date" -msgstr "Dato" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_description) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/bin/projectitemmodel.cpp:175 src/project/projectlistview.cpp:59 -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:41 src/ui/configtranscode_ui.ui:80 -#: src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:49 -msgid "Description" -msgstr "Beskrivelse" - -#: src/bin/projectitemmodel.cpp:178 src/dialogs/profilesdialog.cpp:585 -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:231 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:319 -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:771 src/mltcontroller/clipcontroller.cpp:266 -#: src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:483 -msgid "Unknown" -msgstr "Ukendt" - -#: src/bin/projectsubclip.cpp:41 src/doc/documentvalidator.cpp:1441 -#, kde-format -msgid "Zone %1" -msgstr "Zone %1" - -#: src/capture/managecapturesdialog.cpp:42 -msgid "import" -msgstr "importér" - -#: src/dialogs/clipcreationdialog.cpp:97 src/dialogs/clipcreationdialog.cpp:98 -msgid "Color Clip" -msgstr "Farveklip" - -#: src/dialogs/clipcreationdialog.cpp:188 -msgid "Title clip" -msgstr "Titelklip" - -#: src/dialogs/clipcreationdialog.cpp:236 src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:1117 -msgid "Template title clip" -msgstr "Skabelon til titelklip" - -#: src/dialogs/clipcreationdialog.cpp:428 src/doc/doccommands.cpp:32 -msgid "Add clip" -msgid_plural "Add clips" -msgstr[0] "Tilføj klip" -msgstr[1] "Tilføj klip" - -#: src/dialogs/clipcreationdialog.cpp:437 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:247 -#: src/effectstack/collapsibleeffect.cpp:200 src/mainwindow.cpp:2832 -msgid "All Supported Files" -msgstr "Alle understøttede filer" - -#: src/dialogs/clipcreationdialog.cpp:437 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:247 -#: src/effectstack/collapsibleeffect.cpp:200 src/mainwindow.cpp:2832 -msgid "All Files" -msgstr "Alle filer" - -#: src/dialogs/clipcreationdialog.cpp:438 -msgid "Import image sequence" -msgstr "Importér billedsekvens" - -#: src/dialogs/clipcreationdialog.cpp:440 -msgid "Transparent background for images" -msgstr "Gennemsigtig baggrund til billeder" - -#: src/dialogs/encodingprofilesdialog.cpp:37 -msgid "Manage Encoding Profiles" -msgstr "Håndtér indkodningsprofiler" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, groupBox) -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, enable_proxy) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_14) -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, kcfg_enableproxy) -#: src/dialogs/encodingprofilesdialog.cpp:38 -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:96 src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:36 -#: src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:142 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:244 -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:499 -msgid "Proxy clips" -msgstr "Proxy-klip" - -#: src/dialogs/encodingprofilesdialog.cpp:39 -msgid "Video4Linux capture" -msgstr "Video4Linux-optagelse" - -#: src/dialogs/encodingprofilesdialog.cpp:40 -msgid "Screen capture" -msgstr "Skærmoptagelse" - -#: src/dialogs/encodingprofilesdialog.cpp:41 -msgid "Decklink capture" -msgstr "Decklink-optagelse" - -#: src/dialogs/encodingprofilesdialog.cpp:125 -#: src/dialogs/encodingprofilesdialog.cpp:157 -msgid "Profile name:" -msgstr "Profilnavn:" - -#: src/dialogs/encodingprofilesdialog.cpp:128 -#: src/dialogs/encodingprofilesdialog.cpp:160 -msgid "Parameters:" -msgstr "Parametre:" - -#: src/dialogs/encodingprofilesdialog.cpp:131 -#: src/dialogs/encodingprofilesdialog.cpp:163 -msgid "File extension:" -msgstr "Filendelse:" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:64 -#: src/effectslist/effectslistwidget.cpp:100 -#: src/effectslist/effectslistwidget.cpp:121 -#: src/effectslist/effectslistwidget.cpp:123 -msgid "Misc" -msgstr "Diverse" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:73 -msgid "Project Defaults" -msgstr "Standardindstillinger for projekt" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:101 -msgid "Environment" -msgstr "Miljø" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:126 -msgid "Capture" -msgstr "Optagelse" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:131 -msgid "Capture is not yet available on Mac OS X." -msgstr "Optagelse er endnu ikke tilgængeligt på Mac OS X." - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:170 -msgid "JogShuttle" -msgstr "JogShuttle" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, groupBox) -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:180 src/ui/smconfig_ui.ui:20 -msgid "Playback" -msgstr "Afspilning" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:275 -msgid "GPU processing needs MLT compiled with Movit and Rtaudio modules" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:300 -#, kde-format -msgid "dvgrab version %1 at %2" -msgstr "dvgrab-version %1 i %2" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:301 -msgid "" -"dvgrab utility not found, please install it for firewire " -"capture" -msgstr "" -"Programmet dvgrab blev ikke fundet. Installér det til " -"optagelse via firewire" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:438 -msgid "Automatic" -msgstr "Automatisk" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:440 -msgid "OSS" -msgstr "OSS" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:441 -msgid "ALSA" -msgstr "ALSA" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:442 -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:487 -msgid "PulseAudio" -msgstr "PulseAudio" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:443 -msgid "OSS with DMA access" -msgstr "OSS med DMA-adgang" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:444 -msgid "Esound daemon" -msgstr "Esound-dæmonen" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:445 -msgid "ARTS daemon" -msgstr "ARTS-dæmonen" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:457 -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:458 -msgid "Default" -msgstr "Standard" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:503 -msgid "SDL" -msgstr "SDL" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:504 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Audio" -msgid "RtAudio" -msgstr "Lyd" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:566 -msgid "Select default video player" -msgstr "Vælg standard videoafspiller" - -# Er der tale om et program her, eller hvad? -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:578 -msgid "Select default audio editor" -msgstr "Vælg standard lydredigeringsprogram" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:590 -msgid "Select default image editor" -msgstr "Vælg standard billedredigeringsprogram" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:809 -msgid "Kdenlive must be restarted to change this setting" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, p_progressive) -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:832 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:264 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:634 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:118 src/project/clipproperties.cpp:685 -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:322 src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:99 -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:163 -msgid "Interlaced" -msgstr "Interlaced" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, progressive) -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:834 -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:1039 -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:1072 -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:1088 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:265 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:634 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:119 src/project/clipproperties.cpp:685 -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:428 src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:232 -msgid "Progressive" -msgstr "Progressiv" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:892 -msgid "A profile with that name already exists" -msgstr "En profil med det navn findes allerede" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:1003 -msgid "Current settings" -msgstr "Aktuelle indstillinger" - -#: src/dialogs/profilesdialog.cpp:50 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:163 -msgid "Delete profile" -msgstr "Slet profil" - -#: src/dialogs/profilesdialog.cpp:52 src/dialogs/profilesdialog.cpp:95 -msgid "Save profile" -msgstr "Gem profil" - -#: src/dialogs/profilesdialog.cpp:54 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:171 -msgid "Create new profile" -msgstr "Opret ny profil" - -#: src/dialogs/profilesdialog.cpp:163 -msgid "The custom profile was modified, do you want to save it?" -msgstr "Den tilpassede profil blev ændret. Vil du gemme den?" - -#: src/dialogs/profilesdialog.cpp:194 -msgid "" -"A profile with same name already exists in MLT's default profiles, please " -"choose another description for your custom profile." -msgstr "" -"En profil med samme navn findes allerede blandt MLT's standardprofiler. Vælg " -"en anden beskrivelse til din tilpassede profil." - -#: src/dialogs/profilesdialog.cpp:225 src/dialogs/profilesdialog.cpp:526 -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:612 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:799 -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:805 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:865 -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1003 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1168 -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2382 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2405 -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:669 src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:675 -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:934 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:940 -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:3046 src/mainwindow.cpp:3051 -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:796 -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:802 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:1780 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot write to file %1" -msgstr "Kan ikke skrive til filen %1" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:108 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1233 -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2295 -msgid "Waiting..." -msgstr "Venter..." - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:111 -msgid "Rendering finished" -msgstr "Rendering gennemført" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:116 -msgid "Rendering crashed" -msgstr "Renderingen brød sammen" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:121 -msgid "Rendering aborted" -msgstr "Rendering afbrudt" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:155 -msgid "Rendering" -msgstr "Rendering" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:167 -msgid "Edit profile" -msgstr "Redigér profil" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:177 -msgid "Copy profile to favorites" -msgstr "Kopiér profil til favoritter" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:179 -msgid "Show profiles with different framerate" -msgstr "Vis profiler med anden framerate" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, preserveAspectRatio) -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:223 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:534 -msgid "Preserve aspect ratio" -msgstr "Bevar aspektforhold" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:289 -msgid "File" -msgstr "Fil" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:298 -msgid "Script Files" -msgstr "Script-filer" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:392 -msgid "Beginning" -msgstr "Start" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:478 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:494 -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:688 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:706 -msgid "Qualities" -msgstr "Kvaliteter" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:479 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:495 -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:689 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:707 -msgid "Default quality" -msgstr "Standardkvalitet" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, vbitrates_label) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, abitrates_label) -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:481 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:497 -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:691 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:709 -#: src/ui/saveprofile_ui.ui:40 src/ui/saveprofile_ui.ui:73 -msgid "Bitrates" -msgstr "Bitrater" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, default_vbitrate_label) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, default_abitrate_label) -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:482 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:498 -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:692 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:710 -#: src/ui/saveprofile_ui.ui:26 src/ui/saveprofile_ui.ui:80 -msgid "Default bitrate" -msgstr "Standard bitrate" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:509 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:515 -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:679 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:749 -msgctxt "Group Name" -msgid "Custom" -msgstr "Brugertilpasset" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:591 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:760 -msgid "Profile already exists" -msgstr "Profilen findes allerede" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:591 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:760 -msgid "" -"This profile name already exists. Change the name if you don't want to " -"overwrite it." -msgstr "" -"Profilnavnet findes allerede. Ændr navnet hvis du ikke vil overskrive den." - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:606 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:859 -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1859 -#, kde-format -msgid "Unable to write to file %1" -msgstr "Kan ikke skrive til filen %1" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:632 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1843 -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1892 -msgctxt "Category Name" -msgid "Custom" -msgstr "Brugertilpasset" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:720 -msgid "Edit Profile" -msgstr "Redigér profil" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:918 -msgid "Cannot find the melt program required for rendering (part of Mlt)" -msgstr "" -"Kan ikke finde programmet melt, som er påkrævet for at rendere (del af MLT)" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:922 -msgid "" -"Cannot play video after rendering because the default video player " -"application is not set.\n" -"Please define it in Kdenlive settings dialog." -msgstr "" -"Kan ikke afspille video efter rendering fordi der ikke er angivet en " -"standard videoafspiller.\n" -"Angiv den venligst i Kdenlives indstillingsdialog." - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:930 src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:259 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"The directory %1, could not be created.\n" -"Please make sure you have the required permissions." -msgstr "" -"Mappen %1 kunne ikke oprettes.\n" -"Sørg for at du har de nødvendige rettigheder." - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:973 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:165 -#, kde-format -msgid "File has no extension. Add extension (%1)?" -msgstr "Filen har ikke nogen endelse. Tilføj endelse (%1)?" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:988 -msgid "Output file already exists. Do you want to overwrite it?" -msgstr "Outputfilen findes allerede. Vil du overskrive den?" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1222 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2283 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"There is already a job writing file:
Abort the job if " -"you want to overwrite it..." -msgstr "" -"Der er allerede et job der skriver filen:
Afbryd jobbet " -"hvis du vil overskrive filen..." - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1222 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2283 -msgid "Already running" -msgstr "Kører allerede" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1266 -msgid "Video without audio track" -msgstr "Video uden lydspor" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1317 -#, kde-format -msgid "Rendering %1 started" -msgstr "Rendering af %1 påbegyndt" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1473 -#, kde-format -msgid "Frame rate (%1) not compatible with project profile (%2)" -msgstr "Frameraten (%1) er ikke kompatibel med projektprofilen (%2)" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1491 -#, kde-format -msgid "Unsupported video format: %1" -msgstr "Ikke-understøttet videoformat: %1" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1507 -#, kde-format -msgid "Unsupported audio codec: %1" -msgstr "Ikke-understøttet lydcodec: %1" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1524 -#, kde-format -msgid "Unsupported video codec: %1" -msgstr "Ikke-understøttet videocodec: %1" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1533 -msgid "" -"This render profile uses a 'profile' parameter.
Unless you know what " -"you are doing you will probably have to change it to 'mlt_profile'." -msgstr "" -"Denne renderingsprofil bruger et \"profil\"-parameter.
Medmindre du ved " -"hvad du laver, skal du nok ændre det til \"mlt_profile\"." - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1546 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1584 -msgid "No matching profile" -msgstr "Ingen matchende profil" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1561 -msgid "untitled" -msgstr "unavngivet" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1586 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Invalid clip" -msgid "Invalid profile" -msgstr "Ugyldigt klip" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1630 -msgid "" -"Video\n" -"quality" -msgstr "" -"Videoens\n" -"kvalitet" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1632 -msgid "" -"Video\n" -"bitrate" -msgstr "" -"Videoens\n" -"bitrate" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1652 -msgid "" -"Audio\n" -"quality" -msgstr "" -"Lydens\n" -"kvalitet" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1654 -msgid "" -"Audio\n" -"bitrate" -msgstr "" -"Lydens\n" -"bitrate" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1692 -msgid "File rendering" -msgstr "Filrendering" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1693 -msgid "Favorites" -msgstr "Favoritter" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1694 -msgid "DVD" -msgstr "Dvd" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, profile_audioonly) -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1695 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7011 -#: src/ui/configtranscode_ui.ui:100 -msgid "Audio only" -msgstr "Kun lyd" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1696 -msgid "Web sites" -msgstr "Websider" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1697 -msgid "Media players" -msgstr "Medieafspillere" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1698 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1738 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Lossless / HQ" -msgid "Lossless/HQ" -msgstr "Tabsfri / HQ" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1699 -msgid "Mobile devices" -msgstr "Mobile enheder" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1783 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Image sequence" -msgctxt "Category Name" -msgid "Images sequence" -msgstr "Billedsekvens" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1987 -msgctxt "Attribute Name" -msgid "Custom" -msgstr "Tilpasset" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2085 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2108 -#, fuzzy, kde-format -#| msgid "%1 dB" -msgid "%1 day " -msgid_plural "%1 days " -msgstr[0] "%1 dB" -msgstr[1] "%1 dB" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2087 -#, fuzzy, kde-format -#| msgid "Remaining time" -msgid "Remaining time %1" -msgstr "Tilbageværende tid" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2110 -#, kde-format -msgid "Rendering finished in %1" -msgstr "Renderingen gennemført på %1" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2112 -#, kde-format -msgid "Rendering of %1 finished in %2" -msgstr "Generéring af %1 afsluttede i %2" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2125 -#, kde-format -msgid "Rendering of %1 crashed
" -msgstr "Rendering af %1 brød sammen
" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, abort_job) -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2165 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:650 -msgid "Abort Job" -msgstr "Afbryd job" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2168 -msgid "Remove Job" -msgstr "Fjern job" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2236 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2240 -#, kde-format -msgid "Script contains wrong command: %1" -msgstr "Scriptet indeholder forkert kommando: %1" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2424 -msgid "script" -msgstr "script" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2445 src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:228 -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:640 -msgid "Check missing clips" -msgstr "Tjek manglende klip" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2502 -msgid "Export audio (automatic)" -msgstr "Eksporter lyd (automatisk)" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, export_audio) -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2504 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:544 -msgid "Export audio" -msgstr "Eksportér lyd" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:60 -msgid "Config Wizard" -msgstr "Konfigurationsguide" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:64 -msgid "Welcome" -msgstr "Velkommen" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:66 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Your Kdenlive version was upgraded to version %1. Please take some time to " -"review the basic settings" -msgstr "" -"Din Kdenlive-version blev opgraderet til version %1. Brug venligst lidt tid " -"på at gennemse de basale indstillinger" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:68 -msgid "" -"This is the first time you run Kdenlive. This wizard will let you adjust " -"some basic settings, you will be ready to edit your first movie in a few " -"seconds..." -msgstr "" -"Dette er første gang du kører Kdenlive. Denne assistent lader dig justere " -"nogle basale indstillinger. Du vil være klar til at redigere din først film " -"i løbet af få sekunder..." - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:72 -msgid "Discover the features of this Kdenlive release" -msgstr "Opdag funktionerne i denne udgave af Kdenlive" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:82 -msgid "Checking MLT engine" -msgstr "Kontrollerer MLT-motor" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:90 -msgid "Video Standard" -msgstr "Videostandard" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:128 -msgid "Additional Settings" -msgstr "Yderligere indstillinger" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (KComboBox, capture_device) -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:142 src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:168 -msgid "Capture device" -msgstr "Optageenhed" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:146 -msgid "Default Blackmagic Decklink card:" -msgstr "Standard Blackmagic Decklink-kort:" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:147 -msgid "No Blackmagic Decklink device found" -msgstr "Ingen Blackmagic Decklink-enhed fundet" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:158 -msgid "Checking system" -msgstr "Tjekker system" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:186 -msgid "Default video4linux device:" -msgstr "Standard video4linux-enhed:" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:199 -msgid "No device found, plug your webcam and refresh." -msgstr "Ingen enhed fundet. Tilslut dit webkamera og genopfrisk." - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:221 -#, kde-format -msgid "Current settings (%1x%2, %3/%4fps)" -msgstr "Aktuelle indstillinger (%1x%2, %3/%4fps)" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:257 -#, kde-format -msgid "Default settings (%1x%2, %3/%4fps)" -msgstr "Standardindstillinger (%1x%2, %3/%4fps)" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:272 -msgid "Melt" -msgstr "Melt" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:273 -msgid "Required for rendering (part of MLT package)" -msgstr "Påkrævet til rendering (del af pakken MLT)" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:280 -msgid "Cannot start the MLT video backend!" -msgstr "Kan ikke starte MLT-video-backend!" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:287 -#, kde-format -msgid "MLT version: %1" -msgstr "MLT-version: %1" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:290 -msgid "Your MLT version is unsupported!!!" -msgstr "Din MLT-version er ikke understøttet!!!" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:296 -#, kde-format -msgid "Please upgrade to MLT %1.%2.%3" -msgstr "Opgradér venligst til MLT %1.%2.%3" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:300 -msgid "MLT video backend!" -msgstr "MLT-video-backend!" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:318 -msgid "SDL module" -msgstr "SDL-modul" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:319 -msgid "Required for Kdenlive" -msgstr "Påkrævet af Kdenlive" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:332 -msgid "Avformat module (FFmpeg)" -msgstr "Avformat-modul (FFmpeg)" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:333 -msgid "Required to work with various video formats (hdv, mpeg, flash, ...)" -msgstr "" -"Påkrævet for at arbejde med diverse videoformater (HDV, MPEG, Flash, ...)" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:372 -msgid "QImage module" -msgstr "QImage-modul" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:373 src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:378 -msgid "Required to work with images" -msgstr "Påkrævet for at arbejde med billeder" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:377 -msgid "Pixbuf module" -msgstr "Pixbuf-modul" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:392 -msgid "Title module" -msgstr "Titelmodul" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:393 -msgid "Required to work with titles" -msgstr "Påkrævet for at arbejde med titler" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:456 -msgid "" -"The following codecs were not found on your system. Check our online manual if you need them: " -msgstr "" -"Følgende codecs blev ikke fundet på dit system. Se i vores online-" -"manual om du har brug for dem: " - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:477 -msgid "FFmpeg & ffplay" -msgstr "FFmpeg og ffplay" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:478 -msgid "Required for proxy clips, transcoding and screen capture" -msgstr "Påkrævet til proxy-klip, omkodning og skærmoptagelse" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:504 -msgid "dvgrab" -msgstr "dvgrab" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:505 -msgid "Required for firewire capture" -msgstr "Påkrævet til optagelse via firewire" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:511 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:104 -msgid "dvdauthor" -msgstr "dvdauthor" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:512 -msgid "Required for creation of DVD" -msgstr "Påkrævet for oprettelse af dvd'er" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:518 -msgid "genisoimage or mkisofs" -msgstr "genisoimage eller mkisofs" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:519 -msgid "Required for creation of DVD ISO images" -msgstr "Påkrævet for at oprette dvd-ISO-imagefiler" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:528 -msgid "xine" -msgstr "xine" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:529 -msgid "Required to preview your DVD" -msgstr "Påkrævet til forhåndsvisning af din dvd" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:533 -msgid "vlc" -msgstr "vlc" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:685 -msgid "Frame size:" -msgstr "Framestørrelse:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_4) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:685 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:245 -#: src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:55 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:107 -msgid "Frame rate:" -msgstr "Framerate:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_23) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_9) -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:685 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:266 -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:121 -msgid "Pixel aspect ratio:" -msgstr "Aspektforhold i pixel:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_31) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_10) -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:685 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:280 -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:135 -msgid "Display aspect ratio:" -msgstr "Skærmens aspektforhold:" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:732 -msgid "" -"Your MLT installation cannot be found. Install MLT and restart Kdenlive.\n" -msgstr "" -"Din MLT-installation kan ikke findes. Installér MLT og genstart Kdenlive.\n" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:736 -msgid "Fatal Error" -msgstr "Fatal fejl" - -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:279 -#, kde-format -msgid "%1 fps" -msgstr "%1 fps" - -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:284 -msgid "Hz" -msgstr "Hz" - -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:289 -msgid "Audio clip" -msgstr "Lydklip" - -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:292 -msgid "Mute video clip" -msgstr "Afbryd lyd på videoklip" - -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:295 src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:214 -msgid "Video clip" -msgstr "Videoklip" - -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:298 -msgid "Color clip" -msgstr "Farveklip" - -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:301 src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:216 -msgid "Image clip" -msgstr "Billedeklip" - -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:304 -msgid "Template text clip" -msgstr "Skabelontekst-klip" - -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:305 -msgid "Text clip" -msgstr "Tekstklip" - -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:308 -msgid "Slideshow clip" -msgstr "Diasshow-klip" - -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:311 -msgid "Virtual clip" -msgstr "Virtuelt klip" - -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:314 src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:218 -msgid "Playlist clip" -msgstr "Spillelisteklip" - -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:317 -msgid "Unknown clip" -msgstr "Ukendt klip" - -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:684 src/renderer.cpp:141 -msgid "Missing clip" -msgstr "Manglende klip" - -#: src/doc/doccommands.cpp:33 src/project/clipmanager.cpp:226 -msgid "Delete clip" -msgid_plural "Delete clips" -msgstr[0] "Slet klip" -msgstr[1] "Slet klip" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:199 -msgid "Luma file" -msgstr "Luma-fil" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:223 -msgid "Title Image" -msgstr "Titelbillede" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:226 -msgid "Title Font" -msgstr "Titelskrifttype" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:247 -#, kde-format -msgid "%1 will be replaced by %2" -msgstr "%1 vil blive erstattet af %2" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:261 -msgid "Missing item" -msgstr "Manglende element" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:265 -msgid "The project file contains missing clips or files" -msgstr "Projektfilen indeholder manglende klip eller filer" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:269 -msgid "Missing proxies will be recreated after opening." -msgstr "Manglende proxyer vil blive oprettet efter åbning." - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:273 -#, fuzzy, kde-format -#| msgid "" -#| "The project file contains a missing clip, you can still work with its " -#| "proxy." -#| msgid_plural "" -#| "The project file contains missing clips, you can still work with their " -#| "proxies." -msgid "" -"The project file contains a missing clip, you can still work with its proxy." -msgid_plural "" -"The project file contains %1 missing clips, you can still work with their " -"proxies." -msgstr[0] "" -"Projektfilen indeholder et manglende klip, men du kan stadig arbejde med " -"dens proxy." -msgstr[1] "" -"Projektfilen indeholder manglende klip, men du kan stadig arbejde med deres " -"proxyer." - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:283 src/project/projectitem.cpp:192 -msgid "Proxy clip" -msgstr "Proxy-klip" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:285 -#, fuzzy, kde-format -#| msgid "%1 missing proxy clips, will be recreated on project opening" -msgid "%1 missing proxy clip, will be recreated on project opening" -msgid_plural "%1 missing proxy clips, will be recreated on project opening" -msgstr[0] "" -"%1 manglende proxyklip, vil blive genoprettet ved åbning af projektet" -msgstr[1] "" -"%1 manglende proxyklip, vil blive genoprettet ved åbning af projektet" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:288 -msgid "Missing proxy" -msgstr "Manglende proxy" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:335 src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:348 -msgid "Source clip" -msgstr "Kildeklip" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:337 -#, kde-format -msgid "%1 missing source clips, you can only use the proxies" -msgstr "%1 manglende kildeklip, du kan kun bruge proxyerne" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:340 -msgid "Missing source clip" -msgstr "Manglende kildeklip" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:411 -msgid "Clips folder" -msgstr "Klipmappe" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:567 -msgid "Enter new location for file" -msgstr "Angiv ny placering til fil" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:780 -msgid "This will remove the selected clip from this project" -msgid_plural "This will remove the selected clips from this project" -msgstr[0] "Dette vil fjerne det valgte klip fra dette projekt" -msgstr[1] "Dette vil fjerne de valgte klip fra dette projekt" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:780 -msgid "Remove clips" -msgstr "Fjern klip" - -#: src/doc/documentvalidator.cpp:90 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"The document was created in \"%1\" locale, which is not installed on your " -"system. Please install that language pack. Until then, Kdenlive might not be " -"able to correctly open the document." -msgstr "" -"Dokumentet blev oprettet med lokaliteten \"%1\", som ikke er installeret på " -"dit system. Installér venligst den sprogpakke. Indtil da vil Kdenlive måske " -"ikke kunne åbne dokumentet korrekt." - -#: src/doc/documentvalidator.cpp:94 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"There is a locale conflict on your system. The document uses locale %1 which " -"uses a \"%2\" as numeric separator (in system libraries) but Qt expects " -"\"%3\". You might not be able to correctly open the project." -msgstr "" -"Der er en lokalitetskonflikt på dit system. Dokumentet bruger lokaliteten %1 " -"som bruger \"%2\" som numerisk separator (i systembiblioteker), men Qt " -"forventer \"%3\". Du vil måske ikke kunne åbne projektet korrekt." - -#: src/doc/documentvalidator.cpp:279 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"This project type is unsupported (version %1) and can't be loaded.\n" -"Please consider upgrading your Kdenlive version." -msgstr "" -"Denne projekttype er ikke understøttet (version %1) og kan ikke indlæses.\n" -"Overvej at opgradere din Kdenlive-version." - -#: src/doc/documentvalidator.cpp:279 src/doc/documentvalidator.cpp:286 -msgid "Unable to open project" -msgstr "Kan ikke åbne projektet" - -#: src/doc/documentvalidator.cpp:286 -#, kde-format -msgid "This project type is unsupported (version %1) and can't be loaded." -msgstr "" -"Denne projekttype er ikke understøttet (version %1) og kan ikke indlæses." - -#: src/doc/documentvalidator.cpp:840 -msgid "" -"Some of your text clips were saved with size in points, which means " -"different sizes on different displays. Do you want to convert them to pixel " -"size, making them portable? It is recommended you do this on the computer " -"they were first created on, or you could have to adjust their size." -msgstr "" -"Nogle af dine tekstklip blev gemt med størrelser i punkter, hvilket betyder " -"forskellige størrelser på forskellige skærme. Vil du konvertere dem til " -"pixelstørrelser, og derved gøre dem portable? Det anbefales at du gør dette " -"på den computer hvor du oprettede dem, ellers kan det blive nødvendigt at " -"justere deres størrelse." - -#: src/doc/documentvalidator.cpp:840 -msgid "Update Text Clips" -msgstr "Opdater tekstklip" - -#: src/doc/documentvalidator.cpp:1679 -msgid "" -"The project file uses some GPU effects. GPU acceleration is not currently " -"enabled.\n" -"Do you want to convert the project to a non-GPU version ?\n" -"This might result in data loss." -msgstr "" - -#: src/doc/documentvalidator.cpp:1770 -msgid "The following filters/transitions were converted to non GPU versions:" -msgstr "" - -#: src/doc/documentvalidator.cpp:1773 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "The following effects were imported from the project:" -msgid "The following filters/transitions were deleted from the project:" -msgstr "Følgende effekter blev importeret fra projektet:" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:152 -msgid "" -"Cannot open the project file,\n" -"Do you want to open a backup file?" -msgstr "" -"Kan ikke åbne projektfilen,\n" -"Vil du åbne en backupfil?" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:152 src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:168 -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:213 -msgid "Error opening file" -msgstr "Fejl under åbning af fil" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:152 src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:168 -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:213 -msgid "Open Backup" -msgstr "Åbn backup" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:168 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Cannot open the project file, error is:\n" -"%1 (line %2, col %3)\n" -"Do you want to open a backup file?" -msgstr "" -"Kan ikke åbne projektfilen, fejlen er:\n" -"%1 (linje %2, kol. %3)\n" -"Vil du åbne en backupfil?" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:168 src/project/projectmanager.cpp:381 -msgid "Recover" -msgstr "Gendan" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:194 -msgid "Cannot recover this project file" -msgstr "Kan ikke genskabe denne projektfil" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:206 -msgid "Validating" -msgstr "Validering" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:212 -#, kde-format -msgid "File %1 is not a Kdenlive project file" -msgstr "Filen %1 er ikke en Kdenlive projektfil" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:213 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"File %1 is not a valid project file.\n" -"Do you want to open a backup file?" -msgstr "" -"Filen %1 er ikke en gyldig projektfil.\n" -"Vil du åbne en backupfil?" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:254 -#, kde-format -msgid "Project directory %1 does not exist. Create it?" -msgstr "Projektmappen %1 findes ikke. Vil du oprette den?" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:266 -#, kde-format -msgid "Document project folder is invalid, setting it to the default one: %1" -msgstr "Dokumentets projektmappe er ugyldig, sætter den til standard: %1" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:548 src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:659 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot write to file %1, scene list is corrupted." -msgstr "Kan ikke skrive til filen %1, scenelisten er defekt." - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:719 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"You have changed the project folder. Do you want to copy the cached data " -"from %1 to the new folder %2?" -msgstr "" -"Du har ændret projektmappen. Vil du kopiere de cachede data fra %1 til den " -"nye mappe %2?" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:1105 -msgid "Enter Template Path" -msgstr "Angiv skabelonsti" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:1179 -msgid "The following effects were imported from the project:" -msgstr "Følgende effekter blev importeret fra projektet:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:1209 src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:1223 -#: src/ui/backupdialog_ui.ui:22 -msgid "Project Folder" -msgstr "Projektmappe" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:1287 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Cannot create backup copy:\n" -"%1" -msgstr "" -"Kan ikke oprette backup-kopi:\n" -"%1" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:1400 src/project/projectlist.cpp:2317 -msgid "Add proxy clip" -msgid_plural "Add proxy clips" -msgstr[0] "Tilføj proxy-klip" -msgstr[1] "Tilføj proxy-klip" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:1401 src/project/projectlist.cpp:2318 -msgid "Remove proxy clip" -msgid_plural "Remove proxy clips" -msgstr[0] "Fjern proxy-klip" -msgstr[1] "Fjern proxy-klip" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:62 src/mainwindow.cpp:1023 -msgid "DVD Wizard" -msgstr "Dvd-guide" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:65 -msgid "Select Files For Your DVD" -msgstr "Vælg filer til din dvd" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:69 -msgid "DVD Chapters" -msgstr "Dvd-kapitler" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:75 -msgid "Create DVD Menu" -msgstr "Opret dvd-menu" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:79 -msgid "Creating DVD Image" -msgstr "Opretter dvd-imagefil" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:104 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:111 -#, kde-format -msgid "Burn with %1" -msgstr "Brænd med %1" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:114 -msgid "No burning program found (K3b, Brasero)" -msgstr "Intet brænderprogram fundet (K3b, Brasero)" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:120 -msgid "Load" -msgstr "Indlæs" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:121 -msgid "Save" -msgstr "Gem" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:188 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot create temporary directory %1" -msgstr "Kan ikke oprette midlertidig mappe %1" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:271 -msgid "Menu movie is invalid" -msgstr "Menufilmen er ugyldig" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:383 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:464 -msgid "Rendering job timed out" -msgstr "Renderingsjobbet havde tidsudløb" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:385 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:466 -msgid "Menu job timed out" -msgstr "Menujobbet havde tidsudløb" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:674 -msgid "Rendering menu crashed" -msgstr "Renderingsmenuen brød sammen" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:710 -msgid "DVDAuthor process crashed" -msgstr "DVDAuthor-processen brød sammen" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:713 -msgid "DVDAuthor process crashed.
" -msgstr "DVDAuthor-processen brød sammen.
" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:737 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:738 -msgid "DVD structure broken" -msgstr "Dvd-struktur defekt" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:785 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:788 -msgid "ISO creation process crashed." -msgstr "ISO-oprettelsesprocessen brød sammen." - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:817 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:818 -msgid "DVD ISO is broken" -msgstr "Dvd-ISO-imagefilen er defekt" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:832 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:834 -#, kde-format -msgid "DVD ISO image %1 successfully created." -msgstr "Oprettelse af dvd-ISO-imagefilen %1 gennemført." - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:864 -#, kde-format -msgid "Previewing requires one of these applications (%1)" -msgstr "Forhåndsvisning kræver et af disse programmer (%1)" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:888 -#, kde-format -msgid "Folder %1 already exists. Overwrite?\n" -msgstr "Mappen %1 findes allerede. Overskriv?\n" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:890 -#, kde-format -msgid "Image file %1 already exists. Overwrite?" -msgstr "Imagefilen %1 findes allerede. Overskriv?" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:911 -msgid "Save DVD Project" -msgstr "Gem dvd-projekt" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:911 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:948 -msgid "DVD project (*.kdvd)" -msgstr "Dvd-projekt (*.kdvd)" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:957 -#, kde-format -msgid "File %1 is not a Kdenlive project file." -msgstr "Filen %1 er ikke en Kdenlive-projektfil." - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardmenu.cpp:42 src/monitor/monitor.cpp:185 -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:303 src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:79 -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:405 src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:444 -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:873 -msgid "Play" -msgstr "Afspil" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardmenu.cpp:54 -msgid "Add new button" -msgstr "Tilføj ny knap" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardmenu.cpp:55 -msgid "Delete current button" -msgstr "Slet nuværende knap" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardmenu.cpp:300 -msgid "Play All" -msgstr "Afspil alle" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:104 -#, kde-format -msgid "Program %1 is required for the DVD wizard." -msgstr "Programmet %1 kræves til dvd-guiden." - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:105 -msgid "mkisofs" -msgstr "mkisofs" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:105 -msgid "genisoimage" -msgstr "genisoimage" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:105 -#, kde-format -msgid "Program %1 or %2 is required for the DVD wizard." -msgstr "Programmet %1 eller %2 kræves til dvd-guiden." - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:111 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:316 -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:768 -msgid "PAL 4:3" -msgstr "PAL 4:3" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:111 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:313 -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:765 -msgid "PAL 16:9" -msgstr "PAl 16:9" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:111 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:310 -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:762 -msgid "NTSC 4:3" -msgstr "NTSC 4:3" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:111 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:307 -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:759 -msgid "NTSC 16:9" -msgstr "NTSC 16:9" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:138 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:791 -msgid "Your clips do not match selected DVD format, transcoding required." -msgstr "Dine klip matcher ikke det valgte dvd-format, omkodning er påkrævet." - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:210 src/project/cliptranscode.cpp:244 -msgid "Transcoding failed!" -msgstr "Omkodning mislykkedes!" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:247 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "All Files" -msgid "MPEG Files" -msgstr "Alle filer" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:248 -msgid "Add new video file" -msgstr "Tilføj ny videofil" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:337 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:779 -#, kde-format -msgid "The clip %1 is invalid." -msgstr "Klippet %1 er ugyldigt." - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:674 -#: src/effectstack/collapsibleeffect.cpp:352 -#: src/effectstack/collapsiblegroup.cpp:178 src/monitor/monitor.cpp:845 -#: src/project/clipstabilize.cpp:222 src/project/cliptranscode.cpp:141 -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:297 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"File %1 already exists.\n" -"Do you want to overwrite it?" -msgstr "" -"Filen %1 findes allerede.\n" -"Vil du overskrive den?" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:699 -#, fuzzy, kde-format -#| msgid "Transcoding" -msgid "Transcoding: %1" -msgstr "Omkoder" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslist.cpp:197 -msgid "Author:" -msgstr "Ophavsmand:" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:63 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Search in the effect list" -msgid "Search in effects list" -msgstr "Søg i effektlisten" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:72 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Show/Hide the effect description" -msgid "Show/Hide effect description" -msgstr "Vis/skjul effektbeskrivelsen" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:83 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Delete selected clip" -#| msgid_plural "Delete selected clips" -msgid "Add Effect to Selected Clip" -msgstr "Slet valgt klip" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:84 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Copy profile to favorites" -msgid "Add Effect to Favorites" -msgstr "Kopiér profil til favoritter" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:85 -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:231 -#: src/effectstack/collapsibleeffect.cpp:70 -#: src/effectstack/collapsiblegroup.cpp:77 -msgid "Delete effect" -msgstr "Slet effekt" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:93 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Move transition" -msgid "Show all transitions" -msgstr "Flyt overgang" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:94 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Move transition" -msgid "Show GPU transitions" -msgstr "Flyt overgang" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:101 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Show all profiles" -msgid "Show all effects" -msgstr "Vis alle profiler" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:103 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Sox vibro audio effect" -msgid "Show video effects" -msgstr "Sox vibro lydeffekt" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:105 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Sox echo audio effect" -msgid "Show audio effects" -msgstr "Sox ekko-lydeffekt" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:107 -msgid "Show GPU effects" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:109 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Add Custom Effect" -msgid "Show custom effects" -msgstr "Tilføj tilpasset effekt" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:110 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Save effect" -msgid "Show favorite effects" -msgstr "Gem effekt" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:239 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Remove file" -msgid "Remove from favorites" -msgstr "Fjern fil" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_audio) -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, abitrates) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_audiothumbnails) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, audio_thumbs) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, audiobitrateLabel) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, rec_audio) -#: src/effectslist/effectslistwidget.cpp:100 -#: src/effectslist/effectslistwidget.cpp:129 -#: src/effectslist/effectslistwidget.cpp:131 src/monitor/recmanager.cpp:57 -#: src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:39 -#: src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:121 -#: src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:155 -#: src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:194 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:131 -#: src/ui/configtimeline_ui.ui:38 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:224 -#: src/ui/recmonitor_ui.ui:107 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:195 -#: src/ui/saveprofile_ui.ui:67 -msgid "Audio" -msgstr "Lyd" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistwidget.cpp:100 -#: src/effectslist/effectslistwidget.cpp:137 -#: src/effectslist/effectslistwidget.cpp:139 -#: src/effectslist/effectslistwidget.cpp:464 -msgctxt "Folder Name" -msgid "Custom" -msgstr "Tilpasset" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistwidget.cpp:194 -msgctxt "menu name for effects names between these 2 letters" -msgid "0 - F" -msgstr "0 - F" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistwidget.cpp:196 -msgctxt "menu name for effects names between these 2 letters" -msgid "G - L" -msgstr "G - L" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistwidget.cpp:198 -msgctxt "menu name for effects names between these 2 letters" -msgid "M - R" -msgstr "M - R" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistwidget.cpp:200 -msgctxt "menu name for effects names between these 2 letters" -msgid "S - Z" -msgstr "S - Z" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:47 src/project/clipproperties.cpp:346 -#: src/project/dialogs/slideshowclip.cpp:72 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:59 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:153 -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:541 -msgid "None" -msgstr "Ingen" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:363 -#, kde-format -msgid "Group %1" -msgstr "Gruppe %1" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:624 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Dissolve" -msgid "None (Dissolve)" -msgstr "Opløs" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, slide_luma) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, luma_fade) -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:706 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:292 -#: src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:203 -msgid "Wipe" -msgstr "Wipe" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:707 -msgid "Applies a stationary transition between the current and next frames." -msgstr "Anvender en stationær overgang mellem den aktuelle og de næste frames." - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:710 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:785 -msgctxt "@property: means that the image is inverted" -msgid "Invert" -msgstr "Invertér" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:711 -msgid "Image File" -msgstr "Billedfil" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:712 -msgid "Reverse Transition" -msgstr "Omvendt overgang" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:716 src/timeline/headertrack.cpp:89 -#: src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:74 -msgid "Composite" -msgstr "Sammensat" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:717 -msgid "A key-framable alpha-channel compositor for two frames." -msgstr "En alfakanal-sammensætning af to frames som kan key-frames." - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:719 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:764 -msgid "Alpha Channel Operation" -msgstr "Alfakanal-operation" - -# Søgeord til effekter -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:719 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:764 -msgid "Over,And,Or,Xor" -msgstr "Over,Og,Eller,Xor" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:720 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:765 -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:785 -msgid "Align" -msgstr "Justér" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:723 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:768 -msgid "Wipe File" -msgstr "Wipe-fil" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:724 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:769 -msgid "Wipe Softness" -msgstr "Blødhed af wipe" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:725 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:770 -msgid "Wipe Invert" -msgstr "Invertering af wipe" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:726 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:771 -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:785 -msgid "Force Progressive Rendering" -msgstr "Gennemtving progressiv rendering" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:727 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:772 -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:785 -msgid "Force Deinterlace Overlay" -msgstr "Gennemtving deinterlace-overlay" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:729 -msgid "Affine" -msgstr "Affin" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:753 -msgid "Fix Shear Y" -msgstr "Fiksér trapezering af Y" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:754 -msgid "Fix Shear X" -msgstr "Fiksér trapezering af X" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:755 -msgid "Fix Shear Z" -msgstr "Fiksér trapezering af Z" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:761 -msgid "Use alpha channel of another clip to create a transition." -msgstr "Brug alfakanal fra et andet klip til at oprette en overgang." - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:762 -msgid "Transparency clip" -msgstr "Gennemsigtighedsklip" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:785 -msgid "Slide" -msgstr "Glid" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:785 -msgid "Slide image from one side to another." -msgstr "Glid billedet fra den ene side til den anden." - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:785 -msgid "Direction" -msgstr "Retning" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, slide_fade) -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:790 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:262 -#: src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:167 -msgid "Dissolve" -msgstr "Opløs" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:790 -msgid "Fade out one video while fading in the other video." -msgstr "Udton én video, mens den anden video tones ind." - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:790 -msgid "Reverse" -msgstr "Omvendt" - -#: src/effectstack/collapsibleeffect.cpp:64 -#: src/effectstack/collapsiblegroup.cpp:72 -msgid "Move effect up" -msgstr "Flyt effekt op" - -#: src/effectstack/collapsibleeffect.cpp:67 -#: src/effectstack/collapsiblegroup.cpp:74 -msgid "Move effect down" -msgstr "Flyt effekt ned" - -#: src/effectstack/collapsibleeffect.cpp:82 -msgid "Reset Effect" -msgstr "Nulstil effekt" - -#: src/effectstack/collapsibleeffect.cpp:83 -#: src/effectstack/collapsibleeffect.cpp:345 -msgid "Save Effect" -msgstr "Gem effekt" - -#: src/effectstack/collapsibleeffect.cpp:91 -#: src/effectstack/collapsiblegroup.cpp:89 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Disable effect" -#| msgid_plural "Disable effects" -msgid "Disable Effect" -msgstr "Deaktivér effekt" - -#: src/effectstack/collapsibleeffect.cpp:91 -#: src/effectstack/collapsiblegroup.cpp:89 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Enable effect" -#| msgid_plural "Enable effects" -msgid "Enable Effect" -msgstr "Aktivér effekt" - -#: src/effectstack/collapsibleeffect.cpp:96 -msgid "Create Group" -msgstr "Opret gruppe" - -#: src/effectstack/collapsibleeffect.cpp:136 -msgid "Create Region" -msgstr "Opret område" - -#: src/effectstack/collapsibleeffect.cpp:345 -msgid "Name for saved effect: " -msgstr "Navn til gemt effekt: " - -#: src/effectstack/collapsiblegroup.cpp:68 -#: src/effectstack/collapsiblegroup.cpp:383 -msgid "Effect Group" -msgstr "Effektgruppe" - -#: src/effectstack/collapsiblegroup.cpp:81 -msgid "Reset Group" -msgstr "Nulstil gruppe" - -#: src/effectstack/collapsiblegroup.cpp:82 -#: src/effectstack/collapsiblegroup.cpp:171 -msgid "Save Group" -msgstr "Gem gruppe" - -#: src/effectstack/collapsiblegroup.cpp:84 -msgid "Ungroup" -msgstr "Afgruppér" - -#: src/effectstack/collapsiblegroup.cpp:171 -msgid "Name for saved group: " -msgstr "Navn til gemt gruppe: " - -#: src/effectstack/complexparameter.cpp:36 -msgid "Allow horizontal moves" -msgstr "Tillad vandret flytning" - -#: src/effectstack/complexparameter.cpp:38 -msgid "Allow vertical moves" -msgstr "Tillad vertikal flytning" - -#: src/effectstack/complexparameter.cpp:40 -msgid "Show keyframes in timeline" -msgstr "Vis keyframes i tidslinje" - -#: src/effectstack/complexparameter.cpp:42 -msgid "Parameter info" -msgstr "Parameterinformation" - -#: src/effectstack/complexparameter.cpp:44 src/effectstack/geometryval.cpp:81 -#: src/effectstack/keyframeedit.cpp:47 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:84 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:417 -#: src/simplekeyframes/simplekeyframewidget.cpp:42 -#: src/simplekeyframes/simplekeyframewidget.cpp:132 -msgid "Add keyframe" -msgstr "Tilføj keyframe" - -#: src/effectstack/dragvalue.cpp:109 -msgid "Normal scale" -msgstr "Normal skalering" - -#: src/effectstack/dragvalue.cpp:110 -msgid "Pixel scale" -msgstr "Pixelskalering" - -#: src/effectstack/dragvalue.cpp:111 -msgid "Nonlinear scale" -msgstr "Ikke-lineær skalering" - -#: src/effectstack/dragvalue.cpp:115 -msgid "Direct update" -msgstr "Direkte opdatering" - -#: src/effectstack/dragvalue.cpp:120 -msgid "Reset value" -msgstr "Nulstil værdi" - -#: src/effectstack/dragvalue.cpp:125 -#, kde-format -msgid "Show %1 in timeline" -msgstr "Vis %1 i tidslinje" - -#: src/effectstack/effectstackview2.cpp:71 -msgid "Enable/Disable all effects" -msgstr "Aktivér/deaktivér alle effekter" - -#: src/effectstack/effectstackview2.cpp:73 -msgid "Show additional information for the parameters" -msgstr "Vis yderligere information om parametrene" - -#: src/effectstack/effectstackview2.cpp:174 -#: src/effectstack/effectstackview2.cpp:176 -#: src/effectstack/effectstackview2.cpp:179 -#, kde-format -msgid "Effects for %1" -msgstr "Effekter til %1" - -#: src/effectstack/effectstackview2.cpp:229 -#: src/effectstack/effectstackview2.cpp:231 -#: src/effectstack/effectstackview2.cpp:234 -#, fuzzy, kde-format -#| msgid "Effects for %1" -msgid "Bin effects for %1" -msgstr "Effekter til %1" - -#: src/effectstack/effectstackview2.cpp:276 -#, kde-format -msgid "Effects for track %1" -msgstr "Effekter til sporet %1" - -#: src/effectstack/geometryval.cpp:77 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:81 -#: src/simplekeyframes/simplekeyframewidget.cpp:52 -msgid "Go to next keyframe" -msgstr "Gå til næste keyframe" - -#: src/effectstack/geometryval.cpp:79 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:78 -#: src/simplekeyframes/simplekeyframewidget.cpp:47 -msgid "Go to previous keyframe" -msgstr "Gå til forrige keyframe" - -#: src/effectstack/geometryval.cpp:83 src/effectstack/keyframeedit.cpp:49 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:423 -#: src/simplekeyframes/simplekeyframewidget.cpp:129 -msgid "Delete keyframe" -msgstr "Slet keyframe" - -#: src/effectstack/geometryval.cpp:85 src/monitor/monitor.cpp:206 -msgid "Misc..." -msgstr "Diverse..." - -#: src/effectstack/geometryval.cpp:89 -msgid "Show/Hide options" -msgstr "Vis/skjul indstillinger" - -#: src/effectstack/geometryval.cpp:97 -msgid "Sync timeline cursor" -msgstr "Synkronisér tidslinjemarkør" - -#: src/effectstack/geometryval.cpp:116 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:343 -msgid "Align item horizontally" -msgstr "Justér element vandret" - -#: src/effectstack/geometryval.cpp:118 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:345 -msgid "Align item vertically" -msgstr "Justér element lodret" - -#: src/effectstack/geometryval.cpp:120 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:347 -msgid "Align item to top" -msgstr "Justér element øverst" - -#: src/effectstack/geometryval.cpp:122 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:349 -msgid "Align item to bottom" -msgstr "Justér element nederst" - -#: src/effectstack/geometryval.cpp:124 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:351 -msgid "Align item to right" -msgstr "Højrejustér element" - -#: src/effectstack/geometryval.cpp:126 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:353 -msgid "Align item to left" -msgstr "Venstrejustér element" - -#: src/effectstack/parametercontainer.cpp:467 -msgid "" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/bezier/beziersplinewidget.cpp:67 -msgid "Handle 1:" -msgstr "Griff 1:" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/bezier/beziersplinewidget.cpp:70 -msgid "Handle 2:" -msgstr "Griff 2:" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/colorpickerwidget.cpp:71 -msgid "" -"Pick a color on the screen. By pressing the mouse button and then moving " -"your mouse you can select a section of the screen from which to get an " -"average color." -msgstr "" -"Wählen Sie eine Farbe auf dem Bildschirm. Drücken Sie die Maustaste und " -"ziehen Sie die Maus, um einen Bereich auf dem Bildschirm auszuwählen, aus " -"dem eine durchschnittliche Farbe genommen wird." - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/colorpickerwidget.cpp:101 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/colorpickerwidget.cpp:125 -msgid "Requesting color information..." -msgstr "Farbinformationen anfordern ..." - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/colorpickerwidget.cpp:134 -msgid "Calculated average color for rectangle." -msgstr "Berechneter mittlerer Farbwert für Rechteck." - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:96 -msgctxt "x axis position" -msgid "X" -msgstr "X" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:99 -msgctxt "y axis position" -msgid "Y" -msgstr "Y" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:102 -msgctxt "Frame width" -msgid "W" -msgstr "W" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:105 -msgctxt "Frame height" -msgid "H" -msgstr "H" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:111 -msgid "Adjust to original size" -msgstr "Auf Originalgröße anpassen" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:113 -msgid "Fit to width" -msgstr "An Breite anpassen" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:115 -msgid "Fit to height" -msgstr "An Höhe anpassen" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:118 -msgid "Import keyframes from clip" -msgstr "Keyframes aus Clip importieren" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:121 -msgid "Reset all keyframes" -msgstr "Alle Keyframes zurücksetzen" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:125 -msgid "Reset keyframes after cursor" -msgstr "Alle Keyframes nach dem Cursor zurücksetzen" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:128 -msgid "Reset keyframes before cursor" -msgstr "Alle Keyframes vor dem Cursor zurücksetzen" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:133 -msgid "Synchronize with timeline cursor" -msgstr "Mit Zeitleisten-Cursor abgleichen" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:139 -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:244 -msgid "Align left" -msgstr "Links ausrichten" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:141 -msgid "Center horizontally" -msgstr "Horizontal zentrieren" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:143 -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:243 -msgid "Align right" -msgstr "Rechts ausrichten" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:145 -msgid "Align top" -msgstr "Oben ausrichten" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:147 -msgid "Center vertically" -msgstr "Vertikal zentrieren" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:149 -msgid "Align bottom" -msgstr "Unten ausrichten" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:154 -#: src/ui/clipstabilize_ui.ui:30 -msgid "Options" -msgstr "Optionen" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (suffix), widget (QSpinBox, spinResize) -#. i18n: ectx: property (suffix), widget (QSpinBox, kcfg_volume) -#. i18n: ectx: property (suffix), widget (QSpinBox, zoom_spin) -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:208 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:211 -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:125 src/ui/configsdl_ui.ui:89 -#: src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:226 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:611 -#, no-c-format -msgid "%" -msgstr " %" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/lumaliftgain.cpp:61 -msgid "Lift" -msgstr "Anheben" - -#: src/hidetitlebars.cpp:21 -msgid "Show Title Bars" -msgstr "Titelbalken anzeigen" - -#: src/layoutmanagement.cpp:27 -msgid "Layouts" -msgstr "Layouts" - -#: src/layoutmanagement.cpp:28 -msgid "Load Layout" -msgstr "Layout laden" - -#: src/layoutmanagement.cpp:30 -#, kde-format -msgid "Layout %1" -msgstr "Layout %1" - -#: src/layoutmanagement.cpp:34 -#, kde-format -msgid "Save As Layout %1" -msgstr "Layout speichern als %1" - -#: src/layoutmanagement.cpp:69 -#, kde-format -msgid "Save as %1" -msgstr "Speichern als %1" - -#: src/layoutmanagement.cpp:101 -msgid "Save Layout" -msgstr "Layout speichern" - -#: src/layoutmanagement.cpp:101 -msgid "Layout name:" -msgstr "Layout-Name:" - -#: src/lib/audio/audioCorrelation.cpp:43 -msgid "Audio analysis finished" -msgstr "Audio-Analyse abgeschlossen" - -#: src/main.cpp:48 -msgid "Kdenlive" -msgstr "Kdenlive" - -#: src/main.cpp:49 -msgid "An open source video editor." -msgstr "Ein Open-Source-Videoschnittprogramm." - -#: src/main.cpp:51 -msgid "Copyright © 2007–2015 Kdenlive authors" -msgstr "Copyright © 2007–2015 Kdenlive-Autoren" - -#: src/main.cpp:52 -msgid "Please report bugs to http://bugs.kde.org" -msgstr "Melden Sie Problemberichte an http://bugs.kde.org" - -#: src/main.cpp:54 -msgid "Jean-Baptiste Mardelle" -msgstr "Jean-Baptiste Mardelle" - -#: src/main.cpp:54 -msgid "MLT and KDE SC 4 / KF5 port, main developer and maintainer" -msgstr "Portierung nach MLT und KDE SC 4/KF5, Hauptentwickler und Betreuer" - -#: src/main.cpp:55 -msgid "Vincent Pinon" -msgstr "Vincent Pinon" - -#: src/main.cpp:55 -msgid "" -"Interim maintainer, KF5 port, bugs fixing, minor functions, profiles " -"updates, etc." -msgstr "" -"Vorläufiger Betreuer, KF5-Portierung, Fehlerkorrekturen, kleinere " -"Funktionen, Aktualisierung des Profile usw." - -#: src/main.cpp:56 -msgid "Laurent Montel" -msgstr "Laurent Montel" - -#: src/main.cpp:56 -msgid "Bugs fixing, clean up code, optimization etc." -msgstr "Fehlerkorrekturen, Aufräumen des Quelltextes, Optimierungen usw." - -#: src/main.cpp:57 -msgid "Marco Gittler" -msgstr "Marco Gittler" - -#: src/main.cpp:57 -msgid "MLT transitions and effects, timeline, audio thumbs" -msgstr "MLT-Übergänge und -Effekte, Zeitleiste, Tonspur" - -#: src/main.cpp:58 -msgid "Dan Dennedy" -msgstr "Dan Dennedy" - -#: src/main.cpp:58 src/main.cpp:60 src/main.cpp:63 src/main.cpp:64 -msgid "Bug fixing, etc." -msgstr "Fehlerkorrekturen usw." - -#: src/main.cpp:59 -msgid "Simon A. Eugster" -msgstr "Simon A. Eugster" - -#: src/main.cpp:59 -msgid "Color scopes, bug fixing, etc." -msgstr "Farb-Scopes, Fehlerberichtigung usw." - -#: src/main.cpp:60 -msgid "Till Theato" -msgstr "Till Theato" - -#: src/main.cpp:61 -msgid "Alberto Villa" -msgstr "Alberto Villa" - -#: src/main.cpp:61 -msgid "Bug fixing, logo, etc." -msgstr "Fehlerberichtigung, Logo usw." - -#: src/main.cpp:62 -msgid "Jean-Michel Poure" -msgstr "Jean-Michel Poure" - -#: src/main.cpp:62 -msgid "Rendering profiles customization" -msgstr "Anpassung der Render-Profile" - -#: src/main.cpp:63 -msgid "Ray Lehtiniemi" -msgstr "Ray Lehtiniemi" - -#: src/main.cpp:64 -msgid "Steve Guilford" -msgstr "Steve Guilford" - -#: src/main.cpp:65 -msgid "Jason Wood" -msgstr "Jason Wood" - -#: src/main.cpp:65 -msgid "Original KDE 3 version author (not active anymore)" -msgstr "Originaler Autor der KDE-3-Version (nicht mehr aktiv)" - -#: src/main.cpp:66 -msgid "NAME OF TRANSLATORS" -msgstr "" -"Marco Gittler, Felix Hammer, Thomas Holzmann, Simon Eugster, Markus " -"Slopianka, Till Theato" - -#: src/main.cpp:66 -msgid "EMAIL OF TRANSLATORS" -msgstr "" -"g.marco@freenet.de, f.hammer@gmx.de, holzi1@gmx.at, simon.eu@gmail.com, " -"markus.s@kdemail.net, root@ttill.de" - -#: src/main.cpp:86 -msgid "Set the path for MLT environment" -msgstr "Pfad für MLT-Umgebung setzen" - -#: src/main.cpp:87 -msgid "Comma separated list of clips to add" -msgstr "Liste von Clips, die hinzugefügt werden sollen (durch Komma getrennt)" - -#: src/main.cpp:88 -msgid "Document to open" -msgstr "Zu öffnendes Dokument" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:148 -msgid "Theme" -msgstr "Design" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:177 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Project" -msgid "Project Bin" -msgstr "Projekt" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, properties) -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:216 src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:395 -#: src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:43 -msgid "Properties" -msgstr "Eigenschaften" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:219 src/mainwindow.cpp:280 -msgid "Effects" -msgstr "Effekte" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:222 src/mainwindow.cpp:284 src/mainwindow.cpp:1272 -msgid "Transitions" -msgstr "Übergänge" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:225 -msgid "Clip Monitor" -msgstr "Clip-Monitor" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:226 -msgid "Project Monitor" -msgstr "Projektmonitor" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:228 -msgid "Record Monitor" -msgstr "Aufnahmemonitor" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:233 -msgid "Clean" -msgstr "Aufräumen" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:235 -msgid "Undo History" -msgstr "Aktionsverlauf" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:263 -msgid "Stop Motion" -msgstr "Stop-Motion" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, capture_button) -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:264 src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:105 -msgid "Capture frame" -msgstr "Bild-Schnappschuss" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:267 -msgid "Switch live / captured frame" -msgstr "Umschalten zwischen Live-Bildern und aufgenommenen Bildern" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:270 -msgid "Show last frame over video" -msgstr "Letztes Bild über dem Video anzeigen" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:283 -msgid "Add Transition" -msgstr "Übergang hinzufügen" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:315 src/mainwindow.cpp:316 src/mainwindow.cpp:325 -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:326 src/mainwindow.cpp:330 -msgid "Favorite Effects" -msgstr "Bevorzugte Effekte" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:563 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"You have 1 rendering job waiting in the queue.\n" -"What do you want to do with this job?" -msgid_plural "" -"You have %1 rendering jobs waiting in the queue.\n" -"What do you want to do with these jobs?" -msgstr[0] "" -"Sie haben einen Render-Vorgang in der Warteschlange.\n" -"Was soll mit diesem Vorgang geschehen?" -msgstr[1] "" -"Sie haben %1 Render-Vorgänge in der Warteschlange.\n" -"Was soll mit diesen Vorgängen geschehen?" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:563 -msgid "Start them now" -msgstr "Jetzt starten" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:563 -msgid "Delete them" -msgstr "Diese löschen" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:784 -msgid "Normal mode" -msgstr "Normaler Modus" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:785 -msgctxt "Normal editing" -msgid "n" -msgstr "n" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:790 -msgid "Overwrite mode" -msgstr "Überschreiben-Modus" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:796 -msgid "Insert mode" -msgstr "Einfüge-Modus" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:815 -msgid "Selection tool" -msgstr "Auswahlwerkzeug" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:816 -msgctxt "Selection tool shortcut" -msgid "s" -msgstr "Sek" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:821 -msgid "Razor tool" -msgstr "Schneidewerkzeug" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:822 -msgctxt "Razor tool shortcut" -msgid "x" -msgstr "x" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:827 -msgid "Spacer tool" -msgstr "Abstandwerkzeug" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:828 -msgctxt "Spacer tool shortcut" -msgid "m" -msgstr "Min" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:869 -msgid "Fit zoom to project" -msgstr "Ganzes Projekt in Zeitleiste anzeigen" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:873 -msgid "Zoom Out" -msgstr "Verkleinern" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:887 -msgid "Zoom In" -msgstr "Vergrößern" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:915 -msgid "Split audio and video automatically" -msgstr "Audio und Video automatisch trennen" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, videothumbs) -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:921 src/ui/wizardextra_ui.ui:35 -msgid "Show video thumbnails" -msgstr "Videobilder anzeigen" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, audiothumbs) -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:927 src/ui/wizardextra_ui.ui:42 -msgid "Show audio thumbnails" -msgstr "Tonspur anzeigen" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:933 -msgid "Show markers comments" -msgstr "Kommentare der Markierung anzeigen" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:938 -msgid "Snap" -msgstr "Einrasten" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, tc_type) -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:972 src/project/clipproperties.cpp:372 -#: src/project/dialogs/slideshowclip.cpp:89 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:284 -msgid "hh:mm:ss:ff" -msgstr "hh:mm:ss:ff" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, tc_type) -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:973 src/project/clipproperties.cpp:373 -#: src/project/dialogs/slideshowclip.cpp:90 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:289 -msgid "Frames" -msgstr "Bilder" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1002 -msgid "Manage Project Profiles" -msgstr "Projekt-Profile verwalten" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1003 -msgid "Download New Wipes..." -msgstr "Neue Wipes herunterladen ..." - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1004 -msgid "Download New Render Profiles..." -msgstr "Neue Render-Profile herunterladen ..." - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1005 -msgid "Download New Project Profiles..." -msgstr "Neue Projekt-Profile herunterladen ..." - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1006 -msgid "Download New Title Templates..." -msgstr "Neue Titelvorlagen herunterladen ..." - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1008 -msgid "Run Config Wizard" -msgstr "Konfigurationsassistenten starten" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, ProjectSettings_UI) -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1009 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Project Settings" -msgstr "Projekteinstellungen" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1010 -msgid "Render" -msgstr "Rendern" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1012 -msgid "Clean Project" -msgstr "Projekt bereinigen" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1016 -msgid "Play Zone" -msgstr "Bereich abspielen" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1018 -msgid "Loop Zone" -msgstr "Bereich wiederholen (Schleife)" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1020 -msgid "Loop selected clip" -msgstr "Ausgewählten Clip wiederholen (Schleife)" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1024 -msgid "Transcode Clips" -msgstr "Clips transkodieren" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1025 src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:55 -msgid "Archive Project" -msgstr "Projekt archivieren" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1026 -msgid "Switch monitor" -msgstr "Monitor wechseln" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1027 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6364 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Edit Clip" -msgid "Expand Clip" -msgstr "Clip bearbeiten" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1029 -msgid "Monitor Info Overlay" -msgstr "Overlay-Informationen überwachen" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1035 -msgid "Real Time (drop frames)" -msgstr "Echtzeit (Bilder verwerfen)" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1040 -msgid "Monitor Gamma" -msgstr "Gamma überwachen" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1041 -msgid "sRGB (computer)" -msgstr "sRGB (Rechner)" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1042 -msgid "Rec. 709 (TV)" -msgstr "Rec. 709 (TV)" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1047 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Insert zone in project tree" -msgid "Insert Zone in Project Bin" -msgstr "Bereich zum Projektbaum hinzufügen" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1048 -msgid "Insert Zone in Timeline" -msgstr "Bereich in die Zeitleiste einfügen" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1050 -msgid "Resize Item Start" -msgstr "Anfangs-Größe des Elements anpassen" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1055 -msgid "Resize Item End" -msgstr "End-Größe des Elements anpassen" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1060 -msgid "Go to Previous Snap Point" -msgstr "Zum vorherigen Einrastpunkt gehen" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1062 -msgid "Go to Clip Start" -msgstr "Zum Anfang des Clips gehen" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1063 -msgid "Go to Clip End" -msgstr "Zum Ende des Clips gehen" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1064 -msgid "Go to Next Snap Point" -msgstr "Zum nächsten Einrastpunkt gehen" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1066 -msgid "Delete Selected Item" -msgstr "Ausgewähltes Element löschen" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1067 -msgid "Align Playhead to Mouse Position" -msgstr "Wiedergabekopf an Mausposition ausrichten" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1069 -msgid "Automatic Transition" -msgstr "Automatischer Übergang" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1076 -msgid "Group Clips" -msgstr "Clips gruppieren" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1078 -msgid "Ungroup Clips" -msgstr "Clip-Gruppierung auflösen" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1083 -msgid "Edit Duration" -msgstr "Länge bearbeiten" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1084 src/mainwindow.cpp:3232 -msgid "Save clip" -msgstr "Clip speichern" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1085 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Clip in Project Tree" -msgid "Clip in Project Bin" -msgstr "Clip im Projektbaum" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1086 -msgid "Insert Clip Zone in Timeline (Overwrite)" -msgstr "Clip-Bereich in Zeitleiste einfügen (Überschreiben)" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1087 -msgid "Select Clip" -msgstr "Clip auswählen" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1088 -msgid "Deselect Clip" -msgstr "Clip-Auswahl aufheben" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1089 -msgid "Add Clip To Selection" -msgstr "Clip zur Auswahl hinzufügen" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1091 -msgid "Select Transition" -msgstr "Übergang auswählen" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1093 -msgid "Deselect Transition" -msgstr "Übergang-Auswahl aufheben" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1095 -msgid "Add Transition To Selection" -msgstr "Übergang zur Auswahl hinzufügen" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, CutJobDialog_UI) -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1097 src/ui/cutjobdialog_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Cut Clip" -msgstr "Clip schneiden" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1098 src/mainwindow.cpp:1833 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:729 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:803 -msgid "Add Marker" -msgstr "Markierung hinzufügen" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1099 -msgid "Delete Marker" -msgstr "Markierung löschen" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1100 -msgid "Delete All Markers" -msgstr "Alle Markierungen löschen" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1102 src/mainwindow.cpp:1921 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:702 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:827 -msgid "Edit Marker" -msgstr "Markierung bearbeiten" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1105 -msgid "Add Marker/Guide quickly" -msgstr "Markierung/Hilfslinie schnell hinzufügen" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1108 -msgid "Split Audio" -msgstr "Audio teilen" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1112 -msgid "Set Audio Reference" -msgstr "Audio-Referenz einstellen" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1116 -msgid "Align Audio to Reference" -msgstr "Audio an Referenz ausrichten" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1120 -msgid "Audio Only" -msgstr "Nur Audio" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1125 -msgid "Video Only" -msgstr "Nur Video" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1130 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7007 -msgid "Audio and Video" -msgstr "Audio und Video" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1142 -msgid "Insert Space" -msgstr "Abstand einfügen" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1143 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:3426 -msgid "Remove Space" -msgstr "Abstand entfernen" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1146 -msgid "Insert Track" -msgstr "Spur einfügen" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1150 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6556 -#: src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:94 -msgid "Delete Track" -msgstr "Spur löschen" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, TracksConfigDialog_UI) -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1155 src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:250 -#: src/ui/tracksconfigdialog_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Configure Tracks" -msgstr "Spuren einrichten" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1159 -msgid "Select All in Current Track" -msgstr "Alles in der aktuellen Spur auswählen" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1170 src/timeline/customruler.cpp:85 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5781 -msgid "Add Guide" -msgstr "Hilfslinie hinzufügen" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1171 src/timeline/customruler.cpp:89 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:231 -msgid "Delete Guide" -msgstr "Hilfslinie löschen" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1172 src/timeline/customruler.cpp:87 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:235 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5815 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5829 -msgid "Edit Guide" -msgstr "Hilfslinie bearbeiten" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1173 src/timeline/customruler.cpp:91 -msgid "Delete All Guides" -msgstr "Alle Hilfslinien löschen" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1175 -msgid "Paste Effects" -msgstr "Effekte einfügen" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1180 -msgid "Save Selection" -msgstr "Auswahl speichern" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1208 -msgid "Add Clip" -msgstr "Clip hinzufügen" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1210 -msgid "Add Color Clip" -msgstr "Farb-Clip hinzufügen" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1213 src/project/dialogs/slideshowclip.cpp:41 -msgid "Add Slideshow Clip" -msgstr "Diashow-Clip hinzufügen" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1216 -msgid "Add Title Clip" -msgstr "Titelclip hinzufügen" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1219 -msgid "Add Template Title" -msgstr "Vorlagentitel hinzufügen" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1223 -msgid "Create Folder" -msgstr "Ordner erstellen" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1224 -msgid "Online Resources" -msgstr "Online-Ressourcen" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, ClipProperties_UI) -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1226 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Clip Properties" -msgstr "Clip-Eigenschaften" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1230 -msgid "Edit Clip" -msgstr "Clip bearbeiten" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1238 -msgid "Reload Clip" -msgstr "Clip neu laden" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1242 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Disable Effect" -msgid "Disable Timeline Effects" -msgstr "Effekt deaktivieren" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1247 -msgid "Duplicate Clip" -msgstr "Clip duplizieren" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1259 -msgid "Ripple Delete" -msgstr "Löschen und Lücke schließen" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1389 -msgid "" -"You have changed the proxy parameters. Do you want to recreate all proxy " -"clips for this project?" -msgstr "" -"Sie haben die Proxy-Parameter geändert. Möchten Sie alle Proxy-Clips für " -"dieses Projekt neu erstellen?" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1487 -msgid "This will remove all unused clips from your project." -msgstr "Dies wird alle unbenutzten Clips aus diesem Projekt entfernen." - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1487 -msgid "Clean up project" -msgstr "Projekt bereinigen" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1647 -msgctxt "general keyboard shortcuts" -msgid "General" -msgstr "Allgemein" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1827 src/mainwindow.cpp:1945 -msgid "Cannot find clip to add marker" -msgstr "Keinen Clip gefunden, um die Markierung hinzuzufügen" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1859 src/mainwindow.cpp:1886 src/mainwindow.cpp:1909 -msgid "Cannot find clip to remove marker" -msgstr "Keinen Clip gefunden, um die Markierung zu entfernen" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1866 src/mainwindow.cpp:1916 -msgid "No marker found at cursor time" -msgstr "Keine Markierung an Cursor-Position vorhanden" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2194 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot find effect %1 / %2" -msgstr "Effekt %1/%2 kann nicht gefunden werden" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2252 -#, kde-format -msgid "Zoom Level: %1/13" -msgstr "Zoomstufe: %1/13" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2378 -msgid "Ctrl + click to use spacer on current track only" -msgstr "" -"Strg + Klick, um Abstandwerkzeug nur auf der aktuellen Spur zu verwenden" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2381 -msgid "Click on a clip to cut it" -msgstr "Zum Schneiden auf einen Clip klicken" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2384 -msgid "" -"Shift + click to create a selection rectangle, Ctrl + click to add an item " -"to selection" -msgstr "" -"Umschalt + Klick zum Erstellen eines Auswahlrechtecks. Strg + Klick zum " -"Hinzufügen eines Elements zur Auswahl" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2707 -msgid "Stabilize" -msgstr "Stabilisieren" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2719 -msgid "Automatic scene split" -msgstr "Automatisches Aufteilen der Szene" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2729 src/project/jobs/filterjob.cpp:83 -msgid "Reverse clip" -msgstr "Clip umkehren" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2736 -msgid "Analyse keyframes" -msgstr "Keyframes analysieren" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2751 -msgid "Transcoders" -msgstr "Transkoder" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2784 -msgid "Interface" -msgstr "Schnittstelle" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2821 -msgid "No clip to transcode" -msgstr "Kein Clip zum Transkodieren" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2834 -msgid "Files to transcode" -msgstr "Dateien zum Transkodieren" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2867 -msgid "Create Render Script" -msgstr "Render-Skript erstellen" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2877 -msgid "Script file already exists. Do you want to overwrite it?" -msgstr "Die Skriptdatei existiert bereits. Soll sie überschrieben werden?" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2923 -msgctxt "the first in a list of chapters" -msgid "Start" -msgstr "Start" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:3200 -msgid "Archiving project" -msgstr "Projekt wird archiviert" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:3229 -msgid "Select a clip to save" -msgstr "Wählen Sie einen zu speichernden Clip" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:3232 src/renderer.cpp:1386 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7865 -msgid "MLT playlist (*.mlt)" -msgstr "MLT-Wiedergabeliste (*.mlt)" - -#: src/mltconnection.cpp:51 -msgid "Cannot find the melt program required for rendering (part of MLT)" -msgstr "" -"Das Programm „melt“ (Teil von MLT), das zum Rendern benötigt wird, wurde " -"nicht gefunden" - -#: src/mltconnection.cpp:83 -msgid "Cannot find your MLT profiles, please give the path" -msgstr "Die MLT-Profile wurden nicht gefunden, bitte einen Pfad angeben" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:87 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:476 src/project/projectcommands.cpp:166 -msgid "Edit marker" -msgstr "Markierung bearbeiten" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:88 -msgid "Export markers" -msgstr "Markierung exportieren" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:89 -msgid "Import markers" -msgstr "Markierungen importieren" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:115 -msgid "Analysis data" -msgstr "Datenanalyse" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:118 -msgid "Delete analysis" -msgstr "Analyse löschen" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:119 -msgid "Export analysis" -msgstr "Analyse exportieren" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:120 -msgid "Import analysis" -msgstr "Analyse importieren" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, clip_transparency) -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:166 -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:842 -msgid "Transparent" -msgstr "Transparent" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:181 -msgid "Aspect Ratio" -msgstr "Seitenverhältnis" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_18) -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:236 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:618 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:623 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:679 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:440 -#: src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:86 -msgid "Frame rate" -msgstr "Bildwiederholfrequenz" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_5) -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:260 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:634 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:686 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:105 -msgid "Scanning" -msgstr "Abtastung" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:282 -msgid "Field order" -msgstr "Feldreihenfolge" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:286 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:129 -msgid "Bottom first" -msgstr "Unten zuerst" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:287 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:130 -msgid "Top first" -msgstr "Oben zuerst" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:304 -msgid "Threads" -msgstr "Threads" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, clip_force_vindex) -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:320 -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:693 -msgid "Video index" -msgstr "Videoindex" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, clip_force_aindex) -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:336 -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:720 -msgid "Audio index" -msgstr "Audioindex" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_12) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_32) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_15) -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:350 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:644 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:696 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:294 -#: src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:222 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:149 -msgid "Colorspace" -msgstr "Farbraum" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, clip_full_luma) -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:380 -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:772 -msgid "Full luma range" -msgstr "Voller Luminanz-Bereich" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:399 -msgid "Force properties" -msgstr "Eigenschaften erzwingen" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_5) -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_3) -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:401 -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:511 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:349 -msgid "Metadata" -msgstr "Metadaten" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:403 -msgid "Analysis" -msgstr "Analyse" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:609 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:671 src/project/clipproperties.cpp:673 -msgid "Video codec" -msgstr "Video-Codec" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:613 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:676 -msgid "Frame size" -msgstr "Bildgröße" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:630 -msgid "Video bitrate" -msgstr "Video-Bitrate" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:630 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:664 -msgctxt "seconds" -msgid "s" -msgstr " Sek" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_9) -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:641 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:690 src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:120 -msgid "Pixel aspect ratio" -msgstr "Pixel-Seitenverhältnis (PAR)" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:642 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:693 -msgid "Pixel format" -msgstr "Pixelformat" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:651 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:243 -msgid "Audio codec" -msgstr "Audio-Codec" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:659 -msgid "Audio frequency" -msgstr "Audio-Frequenz" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:664 -msgid "Audio bitrate" -msgstr "Audio-Bitrate" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:760 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:788 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:813 -msgid "Exif" -msgstr "Exif" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:832 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:854 -msgid "Magic Lantern" -msgstr "Magic Lantern" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:893 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:858 -msgid "Save Analysis Data" -msgstr "Analysedaten speichern" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:893 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:904 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:858 src/project/clipproperties.cpp:869 -msgid "Text File (*.txt)" -msgstr "Textdatei (*.txt)" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:904 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:869 -msgid "Open Analysis Data" -msgstr "Analysedaten öffnen" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:183 -msgid "Play..." -msgstr "Wiedergabe ..." - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:185 src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:303 -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:310 src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:449 -msgid "Pause" -msgstr "Pause" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:210 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:210 -msgid "Go to marker..." -msgstr "Gehe zu Markierung ..." - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:215 -msgid "Force Monitor Size" -msgstr "Monitorgröße erzwingen" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:216 -msgid "Force 100%" -msgstr "100 % erzwingen" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:218 -msgid "Force 50%" -msgstr "50 % erzwingen" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:220 -msgid "Free Resize" -msgstr "Beliebige Bildgröße" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:233 -msgid "Audio volume" -msgstr "Lautstärke" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:248 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Split view" -msgid "Split" -msgstr "Geteilte Ansicht" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:248 -msgid "Unsplit" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:281 src/monitor/monitoreditwidget.cpp:58 -msgid "Show/Hide edit mode" -msgstr "Bearbeitungsmodus anzeigen/ausblenden" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:400 -msgid "Save zone" -msgstr "Bereich speichern" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:401 -msgid "Extract Zone" -msgstr "Bereich extrahieren" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:404 -msgid "Extract frame" -msgstr "Bild extrahieren" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:408 -msgid "Split view" -msgstr "Geteilte Ansicht" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:412 -msgid "Set current image as thumbnail" -msgstr "Aktuelles Bild als Vorschaubild festlegen" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:416 -msgid "Overlay audio waveform" -msgstr "Audio-Wellenform-Overlay" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:453 -msgid "Your screen resolution is not sufficient for this action" -msgstr "Ihre Bildschirmauflösung reicht für diese Aktion nicht aus" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:838 -msgid "Save Image" -msgstr "Bild speichern" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:894 -msgid "In Point" -msgstr "Eingangspunkt" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:896 -msgid "Out Point" -msgstr "Ausgangspunkt" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:1520 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Select a clip if you want to apply an effect" -msgid "Select a clip in project bin to compare effect" -msgstr "Bitte wählen Sie einen Clip, auf den Sie einen Effekt anwenden möchten" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:1524 -msgid "Clip has no effects" -msgstr "Clip enthält keine Effekte" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:1533 -msgid "" -"The scal0tilt filter is required for that feature, please install frei0r and " -"restart Kdenlive" -msgstr "" -"Der Filter „scal0tilt“ wird für diese Funktion benötigt, bitte installieren " -"Sie „frei0r“ und starten Sie Kdenlive neu" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:1540 -msgid "" -"The cairoblend transition is required for that feature, please install " -"frei0r and restart Kdenlive" -msgstr "" -"Der Übergang „cairoblend“ wird für diese Funktion benötigt, bitte " -"installieren Sie „frei0r“ und starten Sie Kdenlive neu" - -#: src/monitor/monitoreditwidget.cpp:64 -msgid "Update parameters while monitor scene changes" -msgstr "Parameter aktualisieren während sich die Monitorszene ändert" - -#: src/monitor/monitoreditwidget.cpp:68 -msgid "Fit zoom to monitor size" -msgstr "Zoom an Monitorgröße anpassen" - -#: src/monitor/monitoreditwidget.cpp:70 -msgid "Original size" -msgstr "Originalgröße" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:326 -msgid "Switch monitor fullscreen" -msgstr "Vollbild-Monitor wechseln" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:331 src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:76 -msgid "Rewind" -msgstr "Schneller Rücklauf" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:336 -msgid "Rewind 1 Frame" -msgstr "1 Bild zurück" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:341 -msgid "Rewind 1 Second" -msgstr "1 Sekunde zurück" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:346 src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:85 -msgid "Forward" -msgstr "Vorwärts" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:351 -msgid "Go to Project Start" -msgstr "Zum Anfang des Projekts gehen" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:356 -msgid "Go to Project End" -msgstr "Zum Ende des Projekts gehen" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:361 -msgid "Forward 1 Frame" -msgstr "1 Bild vorwärts" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:366 -msgid "Forward 1 Second" -msgstr "1 Sekunde vorwärts" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:371 -msgid "Deinterlacer" -msgstr "Deinterlacer" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:372 -msgid "One Field (fast)" -msgstr "Ein Feld (schnell)" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:373 -msgid "Linear Blend (fast)" -msgstr "Lineares Überblenden (schnell)" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:374 -msgid "YADIF - temporal only (good)" -msgstr "YADIF - nur zeitlich (gut)" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:375 -msgid "YADIF - temporal + spacial (best)" -msgstr "YADIF - zeitlich + räumlich (am besten)" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:384 -msgid "Nearest Neighbor (fast)" -msgstr "Ungefähr (schnell)" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:385 -msgid "Bilinear (good)" -msgstr "Bilinear (gut)" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:386 -msgid "Bicubic (better)" -msgstr "Bikubisch (besser)" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:387 -msgid "Hyper/Lanczos (best)" -msgstr "Hyper/Lanczos (am besten)" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:395 -msgid "Go to Zone Start" -msgstr "Zum Anfang des Bereichs gehen" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:400 -msgid "Mute monitor" -msgstr "Monitor deaktivieren" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:400 -msgid "Unmute monitor" -msgstr "Monitor aktivieren" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:406 -msgid "Go to Zone End" -msgstr "Zum Ende des Bereichs gehen" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:411 -msgid "Set Zone In" -msgstr "Bereichs-Anfangspunkt setzen" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:416 -msgid "Set Zone Out" -msgstr "Bereichs-Endpunkt setzen" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_preview) -#: src/monitor/recmanager.cpp:48 src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:147 -#: src/ui/freesound_ui.ui:144 src/utils/archiveorg.cpp:181 -#: src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:158 src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:263 -#: src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:277 src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:575 -msgid "Preview" -msgstr "Vorschau" - -#: src/monitor/recmanager.cpp:52 src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:88 -msgid "Record" -msgstr "Aufnehmen" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_video) -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, vbitrates) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, background_list) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_videothumbnails) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, video_thumbs) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, bitrateLabel) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, rec_video) -#: src/monitor/recmanager.cpp:56 src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:38 -#: src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:153 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:86 -#: src/ui/configtimeline_ui.ui:29 src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:207 -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:217 src/ui/recmonitor_ui.ui:100 -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:169 src/ui/saveprofile_ui.ui:20 -msgid "Video" -msgstr "Video" - -#: src/monitor/recmanager.cpp:68 src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:135 -#, kde-format -msgid "Monitor %1" -msgstr "Monitor %1" - -#: src/monitor/recmanager.cpp:80 -msgid "Webcam" -msgstr "Webcam" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_3) -#: src/monitor/recmanager.cpp:81 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:427 -msgid "Screen Grab" -msgstr "Bildschirmaufnahme" - -#: src/monitor/recmanager.cpp:86 -msgid "Configure Recording" -msgstr "Aufnahme einrichten" - -#: src/monitor/recmanager.cpp:89 -msgid "Show Record Control" -msgstr "Aufnahmesteuerung anzeigen" - -#: src/monitor/recmanager.cpp:198 src/monitor/recmanager.cpp:279 -#: src/monitor/recmanager.cpp:284 src/monitor/recmanager.cpp:390 -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:879 src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:886 -msgid "Capture crashed, please check your parameters" -msgstr "Aufnahme abgebrochen, bitte überprüfen Sie die Parameter" - -#: src/monitor/recmanager.cpp:265 src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:753 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Failed to start the capture application:\n" -"%1" -msgstr "" -"Das Starten des Aufnahmeprogramms ist fehlgeschlagen:\n" -"%1" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:73 src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:862 -msgid "Connect" -msgstr "Verbinden" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:82 src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:249 -#: src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:262 src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:271 -msgid "Stop" -msgstr "Stopp" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:94 -msgid "Add Captured File to Project" -msgstr "Aufgenommene Datei zum Projekt hinzufügen" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:102 -msgid "Recording Preview" -msgstr "Aufnahmen-Vorschau" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:110 src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:245 -msgid "Configure" -msgstr "Einrichten" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:202 -msgid "" -"You need to disconnect and reconnect in the capture monitor to apply your " -"changes" -msgstr "" -"Sie müssen die Verbindung im Aufnahmemonitor trennen und wiederherstellen um " -"Ihre Änderungen anzuwenden." - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:202 src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:203 -msgid "Capturing" -msgstr "Aufnahme" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:203 -msgid "You need to stop capture before your changes can be applied" -msgstr "" -"Sie müssen die Aufnahme beenden, bevor Ihre Änderungen angewandt werden " -"können." - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:256 -msgid "" -"ffmpeg or avconv not found,\n" -" please install it for screen grabs" -msgstr "" -"ffmpeg oder avconv nicht gefunden,\n" -"bitte installieren Sie es für Bildschirmaufnahmen" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:262 -msgid "" -"Your FFmpeg / Libav installation\n" -" does not support screen grab" -msgstr "" -"Ihre Installation von FFmpeg/Libav\n" -"unterstützt keine Bildschirmaufnahmen" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:265 src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:888 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Press record button\n" -"to start screen capture\n" -"Files will be saved in:\n" -"%1" -msgstr "" -"Drücken Sie den Aufnahmeknopf,\n" -"um die Bildschirmaufnahme zu starten.\n" -"Dateien werden gespeichert in:\n" -"%1" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:283 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Plug your camcorder and\n" -"press play button\n" -"to start preview.\n" -"Files will be saved in:\n" -"%1" -msgstr "" -"Schließen Sie Ihren Camcorder an\n" -"und drücken Sie den Abspielknopf,\n" -"um die Verbindung zu starten.\n" -"Dateien werden gespeichert in:\n" -"%1" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:296 -msgid "" -"dvgrab utility not found,\n" -" please install it for firewire capture" -msgstr "" -"dvgrab nicht gefunden,\n" -"bitte installieren Sie es für die Aufnahme über Firewire" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:320 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Plug your camcorder and\n" -"press connect button\n" -"to initialize connection\n" -"Files will be saved in:\n" -"%1" -msgstr "" -"Schließen Sie Ihren Camcorder an\n" -"und drücken Sie den Verbindungsknopf,\n" -"um die Verbindung zu starten.\n" -"Dateien werden gespeichert in:\n" -"%1" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:355 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Cannot read from device %1\n" -"Please check drivers and access rights." -msgstr "" -"Von Gerät %1 kann nicht gelesen werden.\n" -"Bitte überprüfen Sie Treiber und Zugriffsrechte." - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:358 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Press play or record button\n" -"to start video capture\n" -"Files will be saved in:\n" -"%1" -msgstr "" -"Drücken Sie den Abspiel- oder Aufnahmeknopf,\n" -"um die Videoaufnahme zu starten.\n" -"Dateien werden gespeichert in:\n" -"%1" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:370 -msgid "Disconnect" -msgstr "Verbindung trennen" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:423 -msgid "Capture stopped" -msgstr "Aufnahme angehalten" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:523 -msgid "" -"Failed to start Video4Linux,\n" -"check your parameters..." -msgstr "" -"Fehler beim Starten von Video4Linux,\n" -"überprüfen Sie die Parameter ..." - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:539 src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:701 -msgid "" -"Failed to start Decklink,\n" -"check your parameters..." -msgstr "" -"Fehler beim Starten von Decklink,\n" -"überprüfen Sie die Parameter ..." - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:677 -msgid "" -"Failed to start ffmpeg capture,\n" -"check your parameters..." -msgstr "" -"Fehler beim Starten der ffmpeg-Aufnahme,\n" -"überprüfen Sie die Parameter ..." - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:695 -#, kde-format -msgid "Capturing to %1" -msgstr "Aufnahme nach %1" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:702 -msgid "Failed to start capture" -msgstr "Die Aufnahme kann nicht gestartet werden" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:766 -msgid "Initialising..." -msgstr "Initialisierung ..." - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:782 -msgid "Show log" -msgstr "Protokoll anzeigen" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, video_frame) -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:882 src/ui/recmonitor_ui.ui:35 -msgid "Not connected" -msgstr "Nicht verbunden" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:971 -#, kde-format -msgid "Free space: %1" -msgstr "Freier Platz: %1" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:1014 -#, kde-format -msgid "%1 dropped frames" -msgstr "%1 verworfene Bilder" - -#: src/monitor/smallruler.cpp:201 src/timeline/customruler.cpp:233 -#: src/timeline/customruler.cpp:234 -#, kde-format -msgid "Zone start: %1" -msgstr "Bereichsbeginn: %1" - -#: src/monitor/smallruler.cpp:205 src/timeline/customruler.cpp:237 -#: src/timeline/customruler.cpp:238 -#, kde-format -msgid "Zone end: %1" -msgstr "Bereichsende: %1" - -#: src/monitor/smallruler.cpp:236 src/timeline/customruler.cpp:241 -#: src/timeline/customruler.cpp:242 -#, kde-format -msgid "Zone duration: %1" -msgstr "Bereichsdauer: %1" - -#: src/monitor/smallruler.cpp:238 src/timeline/customruler.cpp:245 -#: src/timeline/customruler.cpp:246 -#, kde-format -msgid "Position: %1" -msgstr "Position: %1" - -#: src/project/clipmanager.cpp:220 -msgid "Delete subclip" -msgid_plural "Delete subclips" -msgstr[0] "Unterclip löschen" -msgstr[1] "Unterclips löschen" - -#: src/project/clipmanager.cpp:223 src/project/projectcommands.cpp:74 -msgid "Delete folder" -msgid_plural "Delete folders" -msgstr[0] "Ordner löschen" -msgstr[1] "Ordner löschen" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:200 -msgid "Libav" -msgstr "Libav" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_8) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, kcfg_defaultcapture) -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_2) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, device_selector) -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:204 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:42 -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:181 src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:105 -#: src/ui/recmonitor_ui.ui:139 -msgid "FFmpeg" -msgstr "FFmpeg" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_11) -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:246 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:187 -#: src/utils/freesound.cpp:207 -msgid "Channels" -msgstr "Kanäle" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:263 -#, kde-format -msgid "Proxy clip: %1 (%2)" -msgstr "Proxy-Clip: %1 (%2)" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:265 -msgid "Delete proxy" -msgstr "Proxy löschen" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:292 -msgid "Playlist" -msgstr "Wiedergabeliste" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:348 src/project/dialogs/slideshowclip.cpp:74 -msgid "Pan, low-pass" -msgstr "Verschieben, Tiefpass" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:349 src/project/dialogs/slideshowclip.cpp:75 -msgid "Pan and zoom" -msgstr "Verschieben und Zoomen" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:350 src/project/dialogs/slideshowclip.cpp:76 -msgid "Pan and zoom, low-pass" -msgstr "Verschieben und Zoomen, Tiefpass" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:352 src/project/dialogs/slideshowclip.cpp:78 -msgid "Zoom, low-pass" -msgstr "Zoomen, Tiefpass" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:480 -msgid "Save markers" -msgstr "Markierungen speichern" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:482 -msgid "Load markers" -msgstr "Markierungen laden" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:484 -msgid "Delete analysis data" -msgstr "Analysedaten löschen" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:486 -msgid "Load analysis data" -msgstr "Analysedaten laden" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:488 -msgid "Save analysis data" -msgstr "Analysedaten speichern" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:527 src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:360 -#, kde-format -msgid "(%1 clip)" -msgid_plural "(%1 clips)" -msgstr[0] "(%1 Clip)" -msgstr[1] "(%1 Clips)" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, slide_info) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_info) -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:1166 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:319 -#: src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:265 -msgid "No image found" -msgstr "Kein Bild gefunden" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:1171 -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:573 -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:586 -#: src/project/dialogs/slideshowclip.cpp:247 -#, kde-format -msgid "1 image found" -msgid_plural "%1 images found" -msgstr[0] "Ein Bild gefunden" -msgstr[1] "%1 Bilder gefunden" - -#: src/project/clippropertiesmanager.cpp:182 -msgid "Edit clips" -msgstr "Clips bearbeiten" - -#: src/project/clipstabilize.cpp:41 -msgid "Stabilize Clip" -msgstr "Clip stabilisieren" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, auto_add) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, add_clip) -#: src/project/clipstabilize.cpp:42 src/project/cliptranscode.cpp:47 -#: src/ui/clipstabilize_ui.ui:57 src/ui/cliptranscode_ui.ui:47 -#: src/ui/cutjobdialog_ui.ui:57 -msgid "Add clip to project" -msgid_plural "Add clips to project" -msgstr[0] "Clip zum Projekt hinzufügen" -msgstr[1] "Clips zum Projekt hinzufügen" - -#: src/project/clipstabilize.cpp:69 src/project/cliptranscode.cpp:63 -msgid "Destination folder" -msgstr "Zielordner" - -#: src/project/clipstabilize.cpp:159 -msgid "Stabilised" -msgstr "Stabilisiert" - -#: src/project/clipstabilize.cpp:173 -msgid "Stabilize clip" -msgstr "Clip stabilisieren" - -#: src/project/clipstabilize.cpp:232 -msgid "The stabilize job will overwrite the following files:" -msgstr "Beim Stabilisieren werden die folgenden Dateien überschrieben:" - -#: src/project/cliptranscode.cpp:43 -msgid "Transcode Clip" -msgstr "Clip transkodieren" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, convert_abort) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_abort) -#: src/project/cliptranscode.cpp:168 src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:636 -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:884 src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:94 -#: src/ui/dvdwizardvob_ui.ui:160 -msgid "Abort" -msgstr "Abbrechen" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, buttonClose) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, buttonClose2) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, buttonClose3) -#: src/project/cliptranscode.cpp:210 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:382 -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:657 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:805 -msgid "Close" -msgstr "Schließen" - -#: src/project/cliptranscode.cpp:221 src/project/cliptranscode.cpp:239 -msgid "Transcoding finished." -msgstr "Transkodieren fertiggestellt." - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:63 -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:302 -msgid "Video clips" -msgstr "Video-Clips" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:67 -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:305 -msgid "Audio clips" -msgstr "Audio-Clips" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:71 -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:308 src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:113 -msgid "Image clips" -msgstr "Bilder-Clips" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:75 -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:311 -msgid "Slideshow clips" -msgstr "Diashow-Clips" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:79 -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:314 -msgid "Text clips" -msgstr "Text-Clips" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:83 -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:317 -msgid "Playlist clips" -msgstr "Wiedergabelisten-Clips" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:87 -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:320 -msgid "Other clips" -msgstr "Andere Clips" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:91 -msgid "Luma files" -msgstr "Luma-Dateien" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:167 -#, kde-format -msgid "You have %1 missing clip in your project." -msgid_plural "You have %1 missing clips in your project." -msgstr[0] "Es fehlt %1 Clip in Ihrem Projekt." -msgstr[1] "Es fehlen %1 Clips in Ihrem Projekt." - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:192 -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:1017 -#, kde-format -msgid "(%1 item)" -msgid_plural "(%1 items)" -msgstr[0] "(%1 Element)" -msgstr[1] "(%1 Elemente)" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:197 -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:1019 -#, kde-format -msgid "%1 file to archive, requires %2" -msgid_plural "%1 files to archive, requires %2" -msgstr[0] "%1 Datei zu archivieren, erfordert %2" -msgstr[1] "%1 Dateien zu archivieren, erfordert %2" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:198 -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:664 -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:854 -msgid "Archive" -msgstr "Archivieren" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:232 -msgid "Extract to" -msgstr "Extrahieren nach" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:233 -msgid "Open Archived Project" -msgstr "Archiviertes Projekt öffnen" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:235 -msgid "Extract" -msgstr "Extrahieren" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:264 -msgid "Opening archive..." -msgstr "Archiv wird geöffnet ..." - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:267 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Cannot open archive file:\n" -" %1" -msgstr "" -"Archivdatei kann nicht geöffnet werden: \n" -"%1" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:284 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"File %1\n" -" is not an archived Kdenlive project" -msgstr "" -"Datei %1\n" -" ist keine archivierte Kdenlive-Projektdatei" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:290 -msgid "Ready" -msgstr "Bereit" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:310 -msgid "Archiving in progress, do you want to stop it?" -msgstr "Möchten Sie die Archivierung anhalten?" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:310 -msgid "Stop Archiving" -msgstr "Archivierung anhalten" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:493 -#, kde-format -msgid "Available space on drive: %1" -msgstr "Verfügbarer Speicherplatz auf Gerät: %1" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:497 -#, kde-format -msgid "Not enough space on drive, free space: %1" -msgstr "Nicht genügend Platz auf dem Laufwerk, freier Speicherplatz: %1" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:518 -msgid "Archiving..." -msgstr "Archivierung läuft ..." - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:546 -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:628 -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:881 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot create directory %1" -msgstr "Der Ordner %1 lässt sich nicht erstellen" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:652 -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:847 -msgid "Project was successfully archived." -msgstr "Das Projekt wurde erfolgreich archiviert." - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:655 -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:851 -msgid "There was an error processing project file" -msgstr "Beim Verarbeiten der Projektdatei ist ein Fehler aufgetreten" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:661 -#, kde-format -msgid "There was an error while copying the files: %1" -msgstr "Beim Kopieren der Dateien ist ein Fehler aufgetreten: %1" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:785 -msgid "Cannot create temporary file" -msgstr "Temporäre Datei kann nicht erstellt werden" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:883 -msgid "Extracting..." -msgstr "Wird extrahiert ..." - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:947 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot open project file %1" -msgstr "Projektdatei %1 kann nicht geöffnet werden" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:947 -msgid "Cannot open file" -msgstr "Datei kann nicht geöffnet werden" - -#: src/project/dialogs/backupwidget.cpp:30 -msgid "Restore Backup File" -msgstr "Sicherungskopie wiederherstellen" - -#: src/project/dialogs/backupwidget.cpp:34 -msgid "Showing all backup files in folder" -msgstr "Es werden alle Sicherungskopien im Ordner angezeigt" - -#: src/project/dialogs/backupwidget.cpp:37 -#, kde-format -msgid "Showing backup files for %1" -msgstr "Es werden Sicherheitskopien für %1 angezeigt" - -#: src/project/dialogs/noteswidget.cpp:40 -msgid "Insert current timecode" -msgstr "Aktuelles Datum einfügen" - -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:120 -msgid "Current Settings" -msgstr "Aktuelle Einstellungen" - -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:139 -msgid "Title" -msgstr "Titel" - -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:146 -#: src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:189 -msgid "Author" -msgstr "Autor" - -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:153 -msgid "Artist" -msgstr "Künstler" - -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:159 -msgid "Copyright" -msgstr "Copyright" - -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:259 -msgid "Deleting proxy clips will disable proxies for this project." -msgstr "Das Löschen von Proxy-Clips deaktiviert Proxies für dieses Projekt." - -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:410 -msgid "" -"Changing the profile of your project cannot be undone.\n" -"It is recommended to save your project before attempting this operation that " -"might cause some corruption in transitions.\n" -" Are you sure you want to proceed?" -msgstr "" -"Eine Profiländerung kann nicht rückgängig gemacht werden.\n" -"Es wird empfohlen, das Projekt zu speichern, bevor die Operation ausgeführt " -"wird, um defekte Übergänge zu vermeiden.\n" -"Möchten Sie mit dem Vorgang fortfahren?" - -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:410 -msgid "Confirm profile change" -msgstr "Profiländerung bestätigen" - -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:425 -#, kde-format -msgid "Interlaced (%1 fields per second)" -msgstr "Interlaced (%1 Felder pro Sekunde)" - -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:596 -#, kde-format -msgid "Project folder: %1" -msgstr "Projektordner: %1" - -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:597 -#, kde-format -msgid "Project profile: %1" -msgstr "Projektprofil: %1" - -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:598 -#, kde-format -msgid "Total clips: %1 (%2 used in timeline)." -msgstr "Gesamtzahl der Clips: %1 (%2 in der Zeitleiste verwendet)." - -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:650 -msgid "field_name" -msgstr "Feldname" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, SlideshowClip_UI) -#: src/project/dialogs/slideshowclip.cpp:47 src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Slideshow Clip" -msgstr "Diashow-Clip" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:46 -msgid "Transcode clip" -msgstr "Transkodier-Clip" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:49 -msgid "Cut clip" -msgstr "Schnitt-Clip" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:53 -msgid "Analyse clip" -msgstr "Analyse-Clip" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:125 -msgid "Failed to create file." -msgstr "Die Datei kann nicht erstellt werden." - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:140 -msgid "Cannot process this clip type." -msgstr "Dieser Clip-Typ kann nicht bearbeitet werden." - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:202 -msgid "Transcoding clip" -msgstr "Clip wird transkodiert" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:203 -msgid "Extracting clip cut" -msgstr "Clip-Schnitt wird extrahiert" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:204 -msgid "Analysing clip" -msgstr "Clip wird analysiert" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:207 -msgid "Waiting - transcode clip" -msgstr "Warten - Clip transkodieren" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:208 -msgid "Waiting - cut clip" -msgstr "Warten - Clip schneiden" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:209 -msgid "Waiting - analyse clip" -msgstr "Warten - Clip analysieren" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:278 -#, kde-format -msgid "Extracting %1 out of %2" -msgstr "%1 von %2 wird extrahiert" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:292 -msgid "You cannot overwrite original clip." -msgstr "Sie können den ursprünglichen Clip nicht überschreiben." - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:293 -#, kde-format -msgid "Overwrite file %1" -msgstr "Datei %1 überschreiben" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:338 -msgid "The transcoding job will overwrite the following files:" -msgstr "Beim Transkodieren werden die folgenden Dateien überschrieben:" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:344 -msgid "Transcoding" -msgstr "Wird transkodiert" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:432 -msgid "I-Frame " -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:433 -#, c-format -msgid "Found %count I-Frames" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/jobs/filterjob.cpp:133 -#, kde-format -msgid "Found %1 scenes." -msgstr "%1 Szenen gefunden." - -#: src/project/jobs/filterjob.cpp:146 -msgid "Scene " -msgstr "Szene " - -#: src/project/jobs/filterjob.cpp:174 -msgid "Auto split" -msgstr "Automatisch teilen" - -#: src/project/jobs/jobmanager.cpp:178 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot write to path: %1" -msgstr "In Pfad %1 kann nicht geschrieben werden" - -#: src/project/jobs/jobmanager.cpp:225 -#, kde-format -msgid "Filter %1" -msgstr "Filter %1" - -#: src/project/jobs/jobmanager.cpp:234 -msgid "No valid clip to process" -msgstr "Kein gültiger Clip zur Bearbeitung" - -#: src/project/jobs/meltjob.cpp:53 -msgid "Processing clip" -msgstr "Clip wird bearbeitet" - -#: src/project/jobs/meltjob.cpp:63 -msgid "No producer for this clip." -msgstr "Es gibt keine Möglichkeit für die Erstellung dieses Clips." - -#: src/project/jobs/meltjob.cpp:86 -#, kde-format -msgid "Clip zone undefined (%1 - %2)." -msgstr "Clip-Bereich nicht definiert (%1-%2)." - -#: src/project/jobs/meltjob.cpp:157 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot create consumer %1." -msgstr "Empfängerdaten %1 können nicht erstellt werden." - -#: src/project/jobs/meltjob.cpp:179 -#, kde-format -msgid "Filter %1 crashed" -msgstr "Filter %1 ist abgestürzt" - -#: src/project/jobs/meltjob.cpp:248 -msgid "Waiting to process clip" -msgstr "Warten auf die Bearbeitung des Clips" - -#: src/project/jobs/proxyclipjob.cpp:38 -msgid "proxy" -msgstr "Proxy" - -#: src/project/jobs/proxyclipjob.cpp:90 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot load image %1." -msgstr "Bild %1 kann nicht geladen werden." - -#: src/project/jobs/proxyclipjob.cpp:170 -msgid "Failed to create proxy clip." -msgstr "Proxy-Clip kann nicht erstellt werden." - -#: src/project/jobs/proxyclipjob.cpp:245 -msgid "Creating proxy" -msgstr "Proxy wird generiert" - -#: src/project/jobs/proxyclipjob.cpp:248 -msgid "Waiting - proxy" -msgstr "Warten auf Proxy" - -#: src/project/jobs/proxyclipjob.cpp:283 src/project/projectlist.cpp:2073 -msgid "Failed to create proxy, empty path." -msgstr "Fehler beim Erstellen des Proxy, leerer Pfad." - -#: src/project/notesplugin.cpp:27 -msgid "Enter your project notes here ..." -msgstr "Geben Sie Ihre Anmerkungen zum Projekt hier ein ..." - -#: src/project/notesplugin.cpp:28 -msgid "Project Notes" -msgstr "Projektnotizen" - -#: src/project/projectcommands.cpp:38 -msgid "Add clip cut" -msgstr "Clip-Schnitt hinzufügen" - -#: src/project/projectcommands.cpp:72 -msgid "Add folder" -msgstr "Ordner hinzufügen" - -#: src/project/projectcommands.cpp:107 -msgid "Edit clip cut" -msgstr "Clip-Schnitt bearbeiten" - -#: src/project/projectcommands.cpp:136 -msgid "Rename folder" -msgstr "Ordner umbenennen" - -#: src/project/projectitem.cpp:92 src/project/projectitem.cpp:221 -msgid "Contains proxies" -msgstr "Enthält Proxies" - -#: src/project/projectitem.cpp:186 -msgid "Missing" -msgstr "Fehlt" - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:446 -msgid "No available clip selected" -msgstr "Kein verfügbarer Clip ausgewählt" - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:982 -msgid "Delete Clip Zone" -msgstr "Clip-Bereich löschen" - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:995 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Delete folder %2?
This will also remove the clip in that folder" -msgid_plural "" -"Delete folder %2?
This will also remove the %1 clips in that " -"folder" -msgstr[0] "" -"Ordner %2 löschen?
Dies entfernt auch den Clip in diesem Ordner" -msgstr[1] "" -"Ordner %2 löschen?
Dies entfernt auch %1 Clips in diesem Ordner" - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:1004 -#, kde-format -msgid "Delete clip %2?
This will also remove the clip in timeline" -msgid_plural "" -"Delete clip %2?
This will also remove its %1 clips in timeline" -msgstr[0] "" -"Clip %2 löschen?
Dies entfernt den Clip auch in der Zeitleiste" -msgstr[1] "" -"Clip %2 löschen?
Dies entfernt die %1 Clips auch in der " -"Zeitleiste" - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:1430 -msgid "Clip is missing or invalid. Remove it from project?" -msgstr "Clip fehlt oder ist ungültig. Aus dem Projekt entfernen?" - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:1455 -msgid "Proxy clip unusable (duration is different from original)." -msgstr "" -"Der Proxy-Clip kann nicht benutzt werden (Abspielzeit unterscheidet sich vom " -"Original)." - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:1457 -#, kde-format -msgid "Failed to create proxy for %1. check parameters" -msgstr "Fehler beim Erstellen des Proxy für %1. Überprüfen Sie die Parameter" - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:1752 -msgid "Cannot find profile from current clip" -msgstr "Profil des aktuellen Clips wurde nicht gefunden" - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:1769 -msgid "Change project profile" -msgstr "Projektprofil ändern" - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:1773 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Your clip does not match current project's profile.\n" -"Do you want to change the project profile?\n" -"\n" -"The following profiles match the clip (size: %1, fps: %2)" -msgstr "" -"Ihr Clip passt nicht zum aktuellen Projektprofil.\n" -"Möchten Sie das Projektprofil ändern?\n" -"\n" -"Die folgenden Profile passen zum Clip (Größe %1, Fps: %2)" - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:1791 -msgid "Update profile" -msgstr "Profil aktualisieren" - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:1806 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Your clip does not match current project's profile.\n" -"No existing profile found to match the clip's properties.\n" -"Clip size: %1\n" -"Fps: %2\n" -msgstr "" -"Ihr Clip passt nicht zum aktuellen Projektprofil.\n" -"Es wurde kein vorhandenes Profil gefunden, das\n" -"zu den Eigenschaften des Clips passt.\n" -"Clip-Größe: %1\n" -"Fps: %2\n" - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:2042 -msgid "Sequence not found" -msgstr "Sequenz nicht gefunden" - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:2212 -msgid "Update proxy settings" -msgstr "Proxy-Einstellungen aktualisieren" - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:2374 -msgid "Remove Proxy" -msgstr "Proxy-Clip entfernen" - -#: src/project/projectlistview.cpp:59 -msgid "Rating" -msgstr "Bewertung" - -#: src/project/projectlistview.cpp:105 -msgctxt "@title:menu" -msgid "Columns" -msgstr "Spalten" - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:61 -msgid "Open Backup File" -msgstr "Sicherungskopie-Datei öffnen" - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:202 -msgid "Save changes to document?" -msgstr "Änderungen des Dokuments speichern?" - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:204 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"The project \"%1\" has been changed.\n" -"Do you want to save your changes?" -msgstr "" -"Das Projekt „%1“ wurde geändert.\n" -"Möchten Sie Ihre Änderungen speichern?" - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:379 -msgid "Auto-saved files exist. Do you want to recover them now?" -msgstr "" -"Eine automatisch gespeicherte Datei existiert. Möchten Sie diese Datei jetzt " -"wiederherstellen?" - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:380 -msgid "File Recovery" -msgstr "Datei-Wiederherstellung" - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:381 -msgid "Don't recover" -msgstr "Nicht wiederherstellen" - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:436 -#, kde-format -msgid "Opening file %1" -msgstr "Datei %1 wird geöffnet" - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:456 -msgid "Loading project" -msgstr "Projekt wird geladen" - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:458 -msgid "Loading playlist" -msgstr "Wiedergabeliste wird geladen" - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:478 src/project/projectmanager.cpp:483 -msgid "Loading clips" -msgstr "Clips werden geladen" - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:507 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Cannot open file %1.\n" -"Project is corrupted." -msgstr "" -"Die Datei %1 kann nicht geöffnet werden.\n" -"Projekt ist fehlerhaft." - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:527 -msgid "" -"This will delete all changes made since you last saved your project. Are you " -"sure you want to continue?" -msgstr "" -"Dies wird alle Änderungen seit dem letzten Speichern verwerfen. Möchten Sie " -"wirklich fortfahren?" - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:527 -msgid "Revert to last saved version" -msgstr "Zur letzten gespeicherten Version zurückkehren" - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:537 -msgid "Kdenlive project (*.kdenlive)" -msgstr "Kdenlive-Projekt (*.kdenlive)" - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:538 -msgid "Archived project (*.tar.gz)" -msgstr "Archiviertes Projekt (*.tar.gz)" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, scanning_list) -#: src/project/transitionsettings.cpp:151 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:126 -msgid "Auto" -msgstr "Automatisch" - -#: src/project/transitionsettings.cpp:162 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:54 -msgid "Black" -msgstr "Schwarz" - -#: src/renderer.cpp:1181 -msgid "" -"Could not create the video preview window.\n" -"There is something wrong with your Kdenlive install or your driver settings, " -"please fix it." -msgstr "" -"Video-Vorschau-Fenster kann nicht erstellt werden.\n" -"Es stimmt etwas mit Ihrer Kdenlive-Installation oder den Treiber-" -"Einstellungen nicht. Bitte beheben Sie dieses Problem." - -#: src/renderer.cpp:1386 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7865 -msgid "Save Zone" -msgstr "Bereich speichern" - -#: src/renderer.cpp:3283 -msgid "Import selected clips" -msgstr "Ausgewählte Clips importieren" - -#: src/renderer.cpp:3285 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Additional streams for clip\n" -" %1" -msgstr "" -"Zusätzliche Streams für Clip\n" -" %1" - -#: src/renderer.cpp:3294 -#, kde-format -msgid "Video stream %1" -msgstr "Video-Stream %1" - -#: src/renderer.cpp:3309 -#, kde-format -msgid "Audio stream %1" -msgstr "Audio-Stream %1" - -#: src/scopes/abstractscopewidget.cpp:84 -msgid "Auto Refresh" -msgstr "Automatisch aktualisieren" - -#: src/scopes/abstractscopewidget.cpp:86 -msgid "Realtime (with precision loss)" -msgstr "Echtzeit (mit Genauigkeitsverlust)" - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:67 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:52 -msgid "Reset maximum frequency to sampling rate" -msgstr "Maximalfrequenz auf Samplingfrequenz zurücksetzen" - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:68 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:55 -msgid "Track mouse" -msgstr "Maus verfolgen" - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:70 -msgid "Show maximum" -msgstr "Maximum anzeigen" - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:86 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:74 -msgid "Rectangular window" -msgstr "Rechteck-Fenster" - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:87 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:75 -msgid "Triangular window" -msgstr "Dreieck-Fenster" - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:88 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:76 -msgid "Hamming window" -msgstr "Hamming-Fenster" - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:97 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:79 -msgid "The maximum window size is limited by the number of samples per frame." -msgstr "" -"Die maximale Fenstergrüße wird durch die Anzahl der Messwerte je Bild " -"begrenzt." - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:98 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:80 -msgid "" -"A bigger window improves the accuracy at the cost of computational power." -msgstr "" -"Ein grösseres Fenster erhöht die Genauigkeit auf Kosten der Rechenleistung." - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:99 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:81 -msgid "" -"The rectangular window function is good for signals with equal signal " -"strength (narrow peak), but creates more smearing. See Window function on " -"Wikipedia." -msgstr "" -"Das Rechteckfenster ist ideal für Signale mit gleicher Stärke (schmale " -"Peaks), verschmiert jedoch mehr. Siehe Fensterfunktion auf Wikipedia." - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:389 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:392 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:394 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:485 -#, kde-format -msgid "%1 dB" -msgstr "%1 dB" - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:412 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:487 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:280 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:289 -#, kde-format -msgid "%1 kHz" -msgstr "%1 kHz" - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:53 -msgid "Draw grid" -msgstr "Gitter zeichnen" - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:57 -msgid "Highlight peaks" -msgstr "Peaks hervorheben" - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:234 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Frame\n" -"%1" -msgstr "" -"Bild\n" -"%1" - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:305 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:306 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"%1\n" -"dB" -msgstr "" -"%1\n" -"dB" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:31 -msgid "YUV UV plane" -msgstr "YUV-UV-Fläche" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:32 -msgid "YUV Y plane" -msgstr "YUV-Y-Fläche" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:33 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:55 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:61 -msgid "Modified YUV (Chroma)" -msgstr "Modifiziertes YUV (Chroma)" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:34 -msgid "YCbCr CbCr plane" -msgstr "YCbCr-CbCr-Fläche" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:35 -msgid "RGB plane, one component varying" -msgstr "RGB-Fläche, eine Komponente variierend" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:36 -msgid "HSV Hue Shift" -msgstr "HSV-Farbtonverschiebung" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:37 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:254 -msgid "HSV Saturation" -msgstr "HSV-Sättigung" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:118 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:250 -#, kde-format -msgid "%1°" -msgstr "%1°" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:125 -#, kde-format -msgid "%1 px" -msgstr "%1 px" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:218 -msgid "Y value" -msgstr "Y-Wert" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:219 -msgid "The Y value describes the brightness of the colors." -msgstr "Der Y-Wert beschreibt die Helligkeit der Farben." - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:231 -msgid "UV angle" -msgstr "UV-Winkel" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:232 -msgid "Angle through the UV plane, with all possible Y values." -msgstr "Winkel durch die UV-Fläche, mit allen möglichen Y-Werten." - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:240 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:268 -msgid "Red" -msgstr "Rot" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:241 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:269 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:53 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/waveform.cpp:34 -msgid "Green" -msgstr "Grün" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:242 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:270 -msgid "Blue" -msgstr "Blau" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:243 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:271 -msgid "Luma" -msgstr "Luma" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:255 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:262 -msgid "HSV Value" -msgstr "HSV-Wert" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/histogram.cpp:26 -msgid "Unscaled" -msgstr "Unskaliert" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/histogram.cpp:29 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/waveform.cpp:37 -msgid "Rec. 601" -msgstr "Rec. 601" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/histogram.cpp:31 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/waveform.cpp:39 -msgid "Rec. 709" -msgstr "Rec. 709" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/histogram.cpp:39 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/waveform.cpp:44 -msgid "Luma mode" -msgstr "Luma-Modus" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/histogramgenerator.cpp:178 -msgid "min" -msgstr "Min" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/histogramgenerator.cpp:181 -msgid "max" -msgstr "Max" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/rgbparade.cpp:27 -msgid "RGB" -msgstr "RGB" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/rgbparade.cpp:28 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/waveform.cpp:33 -msgid "White" -msgstr "Weiß" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/rgbparade.cpp:32 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:89 -msgid "Draw axis" -msgstr "Achse zeichnen" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/rgbparade.cpp:37 -msgid "Gradient reference line" -msgstr "Gradient-Referenzlinie" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/rgbparadegenerator.cpp:167 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/rgbparadegenerator.cpp:169 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/rgbparadegenerator.cpp:171 -msgid "min: " -msgstr "Min: " - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/rgbparadegenerator.cpp:175 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/rgbparadegenerator.cpp:177 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/rgbparadegenerator.cpp:179 -msgid "max: " -msgstr "Max: " - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:52 -msgid "Green 2" -msgstr "Grün 2" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:56 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:60 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:102 -msgid "YUV" -msgstr "YUV" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:57 -msgid "Original Color" -msgstr "Ursprüngliche Farbe" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:62 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:100 -msgid "YPbPr" -msgstr "YPbPr" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:76 -msgid "Tools" -msgstr "Werkzeuge" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:78 -msgid "Export background" -msgstr "Hintergrund exportieren" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:82 -msgid "Drawing options" -msgstr "Zeichenoptionen" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:84 -msgid "75% box" -msgstr "75 % Box" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:94 -msgid "Draw I/Q lines" -msgstr "I/Q-Linien zeichnen" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:99 -msgid "Color Space" -msgstr "Farbraum" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:247 -#, kde-format -msgid "%1 \\%" -msgstr "%1 \\%" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/waveform.cpp:32 -msgid "Yellow" -msgstr "Gelb" - -#: src/scopes/scopemanager.cpp:307 -msgid "Waveform" -msgstr "Waveform" - -#: src/scopes/scopemanager.cpp:309 -msgid "Histogram" -msgstr "Histogramm" - -#: src/scopes/scopemanager.cpp:311 -msgid "Audio Signal" -msgstr "Audiosignal" - -#: src/scopes/scopemanager.cpp:312 -msgid "AudioSpectrum" -msgstr "AudioSpectrum" - -#: src/scopes/scopemanager.cpp:313 -msgid "Spectrogram" -msgstr "Spektrogramm" - -#: src/statusbarmessagelabel.cpp:51 -msgctxt "@action:button" -msgid "Confirm" -msgstr "Bestätigen" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:162 -msgid "Send frames to color scopes" -msgstr "Bilder an Farb-Scopes senden" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:167 -msgid "Mirror display" -msgstr "Anzeige spiegeln" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:174 -msgid "Stop Motion Capture" -msgstr "„Stop Motion“-Aufnahme" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, capture_interval) -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:187 src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:115 -msgid "Interval capture" -msgstr "Intervallaufnahme" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:205 -msgid "Overlay effect" -msgstr "Überlagerungs-Effekt" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:207 -msgid "No Effect" -msgstr "Kein Effekt" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:211 -msgid "Edge detect" -msgstr "Kantenerkennung" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:213 -msgid "Brighten" -msgstr "Aufhellen" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:236 -msgid "Show sequence thumbnails" -msgstr "Sequenz-Vorschaubilder anzeigen" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:241 -msgid "Delete current frame" -msgstr "Aktuelles Bild löschen" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:369 -msgid "Configure Stop Motion" -msgstr "„Stop Motion“ einrichten" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:371 src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:372 -msgid " second" -msgid_plural " seconds" -msgstr[0] "Sekunde" -msgstr[1] "Sekunden" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:520 -msgid "Stopped" -msgstr "Angehalten" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:560 -msgid "No previous frame found" -msgstr "Kein vorheriges Bild gefunden" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:632 -msgid "Create New Sequence" -msgstr "Neue Sequenz erstellen" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:632 -msgid "Enter sequence name" -msgstr "Sequenznamen eingeben" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:653 -msgid "Frame Captured" -msgstr "Bild aufgenommen" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:667 -msgid "Going to Capture Frame" -msgstr "Übergang zur Bildaufnahme" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:822 -#, kde-format -msgid "Delete frame %1 from disk?" -msgstr "Soll das Bild %1 von der Festplatte gelöscht werden?" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:822 -msgid "Delete Frame" -msgstr "Bild löschen" - -#: src/timecode.cpp:261 -msgid "hour" -msgstr "Stunde" - -#: src/timecode.cpp:269 -msgid "min." -msgstr "Min." - -#: src/timecode.cpp:277 -msgid "sec." -msgstr "Sek." - -#: src/timecode.cpp:282 -msgid "frames" -msgstr "Bilder" - -#: src/timeline/abstractclipitem.cpp:379 -msgid "seconds" -msgstr "Sekunden" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:589 -msgid "Crop from start:" -msgstr "Zuschneiden von Beginn:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, clip_filesize_2) -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:589 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:602 -#: src/ui/spacerdialog_ui.ui:30 -msgid "Duration:" -msgstr "Dauer:" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:589 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:602 -msgid "Offset:" -msgstr "Versatz:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:695 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:804 -msgid ":" -msgstr ":" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:696 -msgid " Position:" -msgstr "Position:" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:697 -msgid " Duration:" -msgstr "Dauer:" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:701 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:707 -msgid " Selection duration:" -msgstr "Dauer der Auswahl:" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:703 -msgid " Group duration:" -msgstr "Dauer der Gruppe:" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:714 -msgid "Crop from start: " -msgstr "Abgeschnitten vom Anfang:" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:716 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:722 -msgid "" -"Use Ctrl to resize only current item, otherwise all items in this group will " -"be resized at once." -msgstr "" -"Verwenden Sie die Taste Strg, um nur die Größe des aktuellen Elements zu " -"ändern, ansonsten werden alle Elemente in dieser Gruppe geändert." - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:720 -msgid "Duration: " -msgstr "Dauer: " - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:726 -msgid "Fade in duration: " -msgstr "Einblendedauer: " - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:729 -msgid "Fade out duration: " -msgstr "Ausblendedauer: " - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:732 -msgid "Drag to add or resize a fade effect." -msgstr "" -"Ziehen Sie, um einen Verblassungseffekt hinzuzufügen oder dessen Größe zu " -"ändern." - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:736 -msgid "Click to add a transition." -msgstr "Klicken, um einen Übergang hinzuzufügen." - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:739 -msgid "" -"Move keyframe above or below clip to remove it, double click to add a new " -"one." -msgstr "" -"Verschieben Sie einen Keyframe über oder unter den Clip, um ihn zu " -"entfernen. Doppelklicken Sie, um einen neuen Keyframe hinzuzufügen." - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:784 -msgid "Cannot use spacer in a locked track" -msgstr "" -"Das Abstandswerkzeug kann in einer geschützten Spur nicht verwendet werden" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:792 -msgid "Cannot use spacer in a track with a group" -msgstr "" -"Das Abstandswerkzeug in einer Spur mit einer Gruppe nicht verwendet werden" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1105 -msgid "Cannot cut a transition" -msgstr "Ein Szenenübergang kann nicht geschnitten werden" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1331 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1366 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2668 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2694 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2720 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2743 -msgid "Cannot add transition" -msgstr "Übergang kann nicht hinzugefügt werden" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1586 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1594 -msgid "Cannot find clip to edit" -msgstr "Kein Clip zum Bearbeiten gefunden" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1588 -msgid "Cannot edit the duration of multiple items" -msgstr "Die Dauer von mehreren Clips kann nicht bearbeitet werden" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1599 -msgid "Cannot edit an item in a group" -msgstr "Clip in einer Gruppe kann nicht bearbeitet werden" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1664 -msgid "Item is locked" -msgstr "Clip ist gesperrt" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1747 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2897 -msgid "Cannot insert clip in timeline" -msgstr "Clip kann nicht in die Zeitleiste eingefügt werden" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1753 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2866 -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:75 -msgid "Add timeline clip" -msgstr "Zeitleisten-Clip hinzufügen" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1787 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1849 -msgid "Clip not ready" -msgstr "Clip nicht bereit" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1970 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2033 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2050 -msgid "Problem deleting effect" -msgstr "Problem beim Löschen des Effekts" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1977 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2002 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2017 -msgid "Problem adding effect to clip" -msgstr "Problem beim Hinzufügen des Effekts zum Clip" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1986 -msgid "Cannot add speed effect to track" -msgstr "Geschwindigkeits-Effekt kann nicht zur Spur hinzugefügt werden" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2022 -msgid "Cannot find clip to add effect" -msgstr "Keinen Clip gefunden, um den Effekt hinzuzufügen" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2068 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2160 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2263 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7513 -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:42 src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:282 -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:374 -msgid "effect" -msgstr "Effekt" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2069 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2162 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7515 src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:44 -#, kde-format -msgid "Add %1" -msgstr "%1 hinzufügen" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2171 -msgid "Select a clip if you want to apply an effect" -msgstr "Bitte wählen Sie einen Clip, auf den Sie einen Effekt anwenden möchten" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2219 -msgid "Cannot add an audio effect to this clip" -msgstr "Problem beim Hinzufügen des Audio-Effekts zum Clip" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2228 -msgid "Cannot add a video effect to this clip" -msgstr "Problem beim Hinzufügen des Video-Effekts zum Clip" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2233 -msgid "Effect already present in clip" -msgstr "Effekt schon im Clip vorhanden" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2264 src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:46 -#, kde-format -msgid "Delete %1" -msgstr "%1 löschen" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2300 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2315 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2371 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2381 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2402 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5486 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5507 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5530 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5552 -msgid "Problem editing effect" -msgstr "Problem beim Bearbeiten des Effekts" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2373 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2404 -msgid "Cannot find clip to update effect" -msgstr "Keinen Clip gefunden, um den Effekt zu aktualisieren" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2429 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2450 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2463 -msgid "Cannot move effect" -msgstr "Effekt kann nicht verschoben werden" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2527 -msgid "Cannot find clip to cut" -msgstr "Keinen Clip gefunden, um zu schneiden" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2600 -msgid "Cannot find clip to uncut" -msgstr "Keinen Clip gefunden, um Schnitt rückgängig zu machen" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2604 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4101 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4392 -#, kde-format -msgid "Error removing clip at %1 on track %2" -msgstr "Fehler beim Entfernen von Clip %1 auf Spur %2" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2629 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5309 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5427 -msgid "Error when resizing clip" -msgstr "Fehler bei Größenänderung des Clips" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2728 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6204 -msgid "Invalid transition" -msgstr "Ungültiger Übergang" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2752 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4435 -msgid "Select clip to delete" -msgstr "Wählen Sie den zu löschenden Clip" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2768 -msgid "Cannot update transition" -msgstr "Übergang kann nicht aktualisiert werden" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:3442 -msgid "Cannot remove space in a locked track" -msgstr "Abstand kann von gesperrter Spur nicht gelöscht werden" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:3448 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:3453 -#, kde-format -msgid "You must be in an empty space to remove space (time: %1, track: %2)" -msgstr "Es kann nur ein leerer Bereich entfernt werden (Zeit: %1, Spur: %2)" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:3464 -msgid "Cannot remove space in a track with a group" -msgstr "In einer Spur mit einer Gruppe kann kein Abstand entfernt werden" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:3543 -msgid "Cannot insert space in a locked track" -msgstr "Abstand kann auf gesperrter Spur nicht eingefügt werden" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:3556 -msgid "Cannot insert space in a track with a group" -msgstr "In einer Spur mit einer Gruppe kann kein Abstand eingefügt werden" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:3612 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot move clip at position %1, track %2" -msgstr "Clip bei Position %1, Spur %2 kann nicht verschoben werden" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:3625 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot move transition at position %1, track %2" -msgstr "Szenenübergang bei Position %1, Spur %2 kann nicht verschoben werden" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:3897 src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:484 -msgid "Move clip" -msgstr "Clip verschieben" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4045 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5002 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot move clip to position %1" -msgstr "Clip kann nicht an die Position %1 verschoben werden" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4052 -msgid "Cannot move transition" -msgstr "Übergang kann nicht verschoben werden" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4056 src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:579 -msgid "Move transition" -msgstr "Übergang verschieben" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4083 src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:556 -msgid "Move group" -msgstr "Gruppe verschieben" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4215 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4242 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6386 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6418 -msgid "Resize group" -msgstr "Größe der Gruppe ändern" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4488 -msgid "Delete selected group" -msgid_plural "Delete selected groups" -msgstr[0] "Ausgewählte Gruppe löschen" -msgstr[1] "Ausgewählte Gruppen löschen" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4490 -msgid "Delete selected clip" -msgid_plural "Delete selected clips" -msgstr[0] "Ausgewählten Clip löschen" -msgstr[1] "Ausgewählte Clips löschen" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4492 -msgid "Delete selected transition" -msgid_plural "Delete selected transitions" -msgstr[0] "Ausgewählten Übergang löschen" -msgstr[1] "Ausgewählte Übergänge löschen" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4493 -msgid "Delete selected items" -msgstr "Ausgewähltes Element löschen" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4505 -msgid "Cannot find clip for speed change" -msgstr "Keinen Clip für Geschwindigkeitsänderung gefunden" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4563 -msgid "Cut Group" -msgstr "Gruppe schneiden" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4645 src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:411 -msgid "Group clips" -msgstr "Clips gruppieren" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4744 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4760 -msgid "Cannot insert clip..." -msgstr "Der Clip kann nicht eingefügt werden ..." - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4749 -msgid "Waiting for clip..." -msgstr "Warten auf Clip ..." - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4963 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5192 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot move clip at time: %1 on track %2" -msgstr "Clip bei Zeitpunkt %1 auf Spur %2 kann nicht verschoben werden" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5142 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot move transition at time: %1 on track %2" -msgstr "" -"Szeneübergang bei Zeitpunkt %1 auf Spur %2 kann nicht verschoben werden" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5236 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5352 -msgid "Not possible to resize" -msgstr "Die Größe kann nicht geändert werden" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5248 -msgid "Resize clip start" -msgstr "Größe des Clip-Starts anpassen" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5318 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5437 -msgid "Cannot resize transition" -msgstr "Größe des Übergangs kann nicht geändert werden" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5372 -msgid "Resize clip end" -msgstr "Größe des Clip-Endes anpassen" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5430 -msgid "Resize transition end" -msgstr "Größe des Übergangsendes anpassen" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5742 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5810 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5851 -msgid "No guide at cursor time" -msgstr "Keine Hilfslinie an Cursor-Position vorhanden" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5762 -#, kde-format -msgid "A guide already exists at position %1" -msgstr "An Position %1 existiert schon eine Hilfslinie" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5778 -msgid "Guide" -msgstr "Hilfslinie" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6068 -msgid "Select a clip before copying" -msgstr "Bitte wählen Sie vor dem Kopieren einen Clip" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6139 -msgid "No clip copied" -msgstr "Kein Clip kopiert" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6175 -msgid "Cannot paste selected clips" -msgstr "Gewählte Clips können nicht eingefügt werden" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6192 -msgid "Cannot paste clip to selected place" -msgstr "Clip kann am gewählten Ort nicht eingefügt werden" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6206 -msgid "Cannot paste transition to selected place" -msgstr "Übergang kann am gewählten Ort nicht eingefügt werden" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6217 -msgid "You must copy exactly one clip before pasting effects" -msgstr "Bevor Sie Effekte einfügen, müssen Sie genau einen Clip kopieren" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6353 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6377 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6410 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7016 -msgid "You must select one clip for this action" -msgstr "Für diese Aktion müssen Sie einen Clip auswählen" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6359 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "You must select at least one clip for this action" -msgid "You must select a playlist clip for this action" -msgstr "Für diese Aktion müssen Sie mindestens einen Clip auswählen" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6517 src/ui/addtrack_ui.ui:67 -msgid "Insert track" -msgstr "Spur einfügen" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6518 -#, kde-format -msgid "Video %1" -msgstr "Video %1" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6519 -msgid "Insert New Track" -msgstr "Neue Spur einfügen" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6552 src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:108 -msgid "Delete track" -msgstr "Spur löschen" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6667 -msgid "You must select one transition for this action" -msgstr "Für diese Aktion müssen Sie einen Übergang auswählen" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6754 -msgid "You must select at least one clip for this action" -msgstr "Für diese Aktion müssen Sie mindestens einen Clip auswählen" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6759 src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:718 -msgid "Split audio" -msgstr "Audio teilen" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6765 -msgid "Cannot split audio of grouped clips" -msgstr "Audio der gruppierten Clips kann nicht geteilt werden" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6779 -msgid "No clip to split" -msgstr "Kein Clip zum Teilen" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6788 -msgid "You must select exactly one clip for the audio reference." -msgstr "Sie müssen genau einen Clip für die Audio-Referenz auswählen." - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6809 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6858 -msgid "Processing audio, please wait." -msgstr "Audio-Daten werden verarbeitet, bitte warten." - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6813 -msgid "Reference for audio alignment must contain audio data." -msgstr "Die Referenz zur Audio-Ausrichtung muss Audio-Daten enthalten." - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6829 -msgid "Audio alignment reference not yet set." -msgstr "Die Referenz zur Audio-Ausrichtung ist bisher noch nicht festgelegt." - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6866 -msgid "Cannot find clip to align." -msgstr "Es wurde kein Clip zum Ausrichten gefunden." - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6881 -msgid "Unable to move clip out of timeline." -msgstr "Der Clip kann nicht aus der Zeitleiste verschoben werden." - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6896 -msgid "Unable to move clip due to collision." -msgstr "Der Clip kann wegen einer Kollision nicht verschoben werden." - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6899 -msgid "Clip aligned." -msgstr "Der Clip wurde ausgerichtet." - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6900 -msgid "Auto-align clip" -msgstr "Clip automatisch ausrichten" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6932 -msgid "No empty space to put clip audio" -msgstr "Kein freier Platz für Clip-Audio" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6944 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6981 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7057 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot update clip (time: %1, track: %2)" -msgstr "Clip kann nicht aktualisiert werden (Zeit: %1, Spur: %2)" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7009 -msgid "Video only" -msgstr "Nur Video" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7026 -msgid "Cannot change grouped clips" -msgstr "Gruppierte Clips können nicht geändert werden" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7045 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot find clip to edit (time: %1, track: %2)" -msgstr "Clip zum Bearbeiten wurde nicht gefunden (Zeit: %1, Spur: %2)" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7358 -msgid "error" -msgstr "Fehler" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7358 -msgid "TRACTOR" -msgstr "TRACTOR" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7371 -msgid "Insert clip" -msgstr "Clip einfügen" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7521 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7529 -msgid "Effect already present in track" -msgstr "Effekt schon in Spur vorhanden" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7641 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot find clip for effect update %1." -msgstr "Keinen Clip gefunden, um den Effekt %1 zu aktualisieren." - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7668 -msgid "You need to select one clip and one transition" -msgstr "Sie müssen einen Clip und einen Übergang auswählen" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7686 -msgid "No clip found" -msgstr "Kein Clip gefunden" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7694 -msgid "No keyframe data found in clip" -msgstr "Im Clip wurden keine Keyframe-Daten gefunden" - -#: src/timeline/headertrack.cpp:66 src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:461 -msgid "Lock track" -msgstr "Spur sperren" - -#: src/timeline/headertrack.cpp:66 src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:463 -msgid "Unlock track" -msgstr "Spur entsperren" - -#: src/timeline/headertrack.cpp:72 -msgid "Disable audio" -msgstr "Audio deaktivieren" - -#: src/timeline/headertrack.cpp:72 -msgid "Enable audio" -msgstr "Audio aktivieren" - -#: src/timeline/headertrack.cpp:82 -msgid "Disable video" -msgstr "Video deaktivieren" - -#: src/timeline/headertrack.cpp:82 -msgid "Enable video" -msgstr "Video aktivieren" - -#: src/timeline/headertrack.cpp:89 -msgid "Opaque" -msgstr "Deckend" - -#: src/timeline/spacerdialog.cpp:52 -msgid "All tracks" -msgstr "Alle Spuren" - -#: src/timeline/timeline.cpp:89 -msgid "Smaller tracks" -msgstr "Kleinere Spuren" - -#: src/timeline/timeline.cpp:96 -msgid "Bigger tracks" -msgstr "Größere Spuren" - -#: src/timeline/timeline.cpp:359 src/timeline/timeline.cpp:363 -#, kde-format -msgid "Transition %1 had an invalid track: %2 > %3" -msgstr "Ungültige Spur bei Übergang %1: %2 > %3" - -#: src/timeline/timeline.cpp:372 -#, kde-format -msgid "Removed invalid transition: %1" -msgstr "Ungültiger Übergang entfernt: %1" - -#: src/timeline/timeline.cpp:469 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Your project file was upgraded to the latest Kdenlive document version.\n" -"To make sure you don't lose data, a backup copy called %1 was created." -msgstr "" -"Ihre Projektdatei wurde zur neusten Kdenlive-Dokumentversion aktualisiert.\n" -"Um sicherzustellen, dass keine Daten verloren gehen, wurde die " -"Sicherungskopie %1 erstellt." - -#: src/timeline/timeline.cpp:471 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Your project file was modified by Kdenlive.\n" -"To make sure you don't lose data, a backup copy called %1 was created." -msgstr "" -"Ihre Projektdatei wurde von Kdenlive modifiziert.\n" -"Um sicherzustellen, dass keine Daten verloren gehen, wurde die " -"Sicherungskopie %1 erstellt." - -#: src/timeline/timeline.cpp:477 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Your project file was upgraded to the latest Kdenlive document version, but " -"it was not possible to create the backup copy %1." -msgstr "" -"Ihre Projektdatei wurde zur neusten Kdenlive-Dokumentversion aktualisiert, " -"aber es war nicht möglich die Sicherungskopie %1 zu erstellen." - -#: src/timeline/timeline.cpp:868 -#, kde-format -msgid "Invalid clip removed from track %1 at %2\n" -msgstr "Ungültiger Clip von Spur %1 bei %2 entfernt\n" - -#: src/timeline/timeline.cpp:946 -#, kde-format -msgid "Effect %1:%2 not found in MLT, it was removed from this project\n" -msgstr "" -"Effekt %1:%2 wurde in MLT nicht gefunden und wurde aus diesem Projekt " -"entfernt\n" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:76 -msgid "Delete timeline clip" -msgstr "Zeitleisten-Clip entfernen" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:106 -msgid "Add track" -msgstr "Spur hinzufügen" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:137 -msgid "Delete transition from clip" -msgstr "Übergang von Datei löschen" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:139 -msgid "Add transition to clip" -msgstr "Übergang zu Clip hinzufügen" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:175 -msgid "Change clip type" -msgstr "Clip-Typ ändern" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:199 -msgid "Disable effect" -msgid_plural "Disable effects" -msgstr[0] "Effekt deaktivieren" -msgstr[1] "Effekte deaktivieren" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:201 -msgid "Enable effect" -msgid_plural "Enable effects" -msgstr[0] "Effekt aktivieren" -msgstr[1] "Effekte aktivieren" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:228 -msgid "Adjust clip length" -msgstr "Clip-Länge einstellen" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:283 -#, kde-format -msgid "Edit effect %1" -msgstr "Effekt %1 bearbeiten" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:337 -msgid "Add guide" -msgstr "Hilfslinie hinzufügen" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:341 -msgid "Edit guide" -msgstr "Hilfslinie bearbeiten" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:343 -msgid "Delete guide" -msgstr "Hilfslinie löschen" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:345 -msgid "Move guide" -msgstr "Hilfslinie verschieben" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:375 -#, kde-format -msgid "Edit transition %1" -msgstr "Übergang bearbeiten %1" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:413 -msgid "Ungroup clips" -msgstr "Clip-Gruppierung auflösen" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:436 -msgid "Insert space" -msgstr "Abstand einfügen" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:438 -msgid "Remove space" -msgstr "Abstand entfernen" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:523 -msgid "Move effect" -msgstr "Effekt verschieben" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:607 -msgid "Razor clip" -msgstr "Clip schneiden" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:653 -msgid "Rebuild Group" -msgstr "Gruppe neu erstellen" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:695 -msgid "Resize clip" -msgstr "Clip-Größe ändern" - -#: src/timeline/timelinesearch.cpp:27 -msgid "Find" -msgstr "Suchen" - -#: src/timeline/timelinesearch.cpp:29 -msgid "Find Next" -msgstr "Weitersuchen" - -#: src/timeline/timelinesearch.cpp:38 -msgid "Starting -- find text as you type" -msgstr "Beginnen – Text während der Eingabe suchen" - -#: src/timeline/timelinesearch.cpp:46 -msgid "Find stopped" -msgstr "Suche angehalten" - -#: src/timeline/timelinesearch.cpp:56 src/timeline/timelinesearch.cpp:67 -#, kde-format -msgid "Found: %1" -msgstr "Gefunden: %1" - -#: src/timeline/timelinesearch.cpp:58 -msgid "Reached end of project" -msgstr "Ende des Projekts erreicht" - -#: src/timeline/timelinesearch.cpp:70 -#, kde-format -msgid "Not found: %1" -msgstr "Nicht gefunden: %1" - -#: src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:74 -msgid "Hidden" -msgstr "Ausgeblendet" - -#: src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:74 -msgid "Muted" -msgstr "Lautlos" - -#: src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:74 -msgid "Locked" -msgstr "Gesperrt" - -#: src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:90 -msgid "Add Track" -msgstr "Spur hinzufügen" - -#: src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:98 -msgid "Move Track upwards" -msgstr "Spur nach oben verschieben" - -#: src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:102 -msgid "Move Track downwards" -msgstr "Spur nach unten verschieben" - -#: src/titler/titledocument.cpp:331 -msgid "This title clip was created with a different frame size." -msgstr "" -"Dieser Titel-Clip wurde mit einer unterschiedlichen Bildgröße erstellt." - -#: src/titler/titledocument.cpp:331 -msgid "Title Profile" -msgstr "Titelprofil" - -#: src/titler/titledocument.cpp:380 -msgid "" -"Some of your text clips were saved with size in points, which means " -"different sizes on different displays. They will be converted to pixel size, " -"making them portable, but you could have to adjust their size." -msgstr "" -"Einige Ihrer Texte wurden nicht in Pixel gespeichert, sondern in der " -"Schriftgröße in Punkten. Sie werden nun in Pixel-Größe gespeichert um das " -"Projekt portabel zu machen. Sie können die Größe des Textes einstellen." - -#: src/titler/titledocument.cpp:380 -msgid "Text Clips Updated" -msgstr "Text-Clips aktualisiert" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:93 -msgid "Outline width" -msgstr "Breite der Außenlinie" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:99 -msgid "Background color opacity" -msgstr "Deckkraft Hintergrundfarbe" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:105 -msgid "Rotation around the X axis" -msgstr "Drehung um die x-Achse" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:111 -msgid "Rotation around the Y axis" -msgstr "Drehung um die y-Achse" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:117 -msgid "Rotation around the Z axis" -msgstr "Drehung um die z-Achse" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:123 -msgid "Border width" -msgstr "Rahmenbreite" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:156 -msgid "Typewriter" -msgstr "Schreibmaschine" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:215 -msgctxt "Font style" -msgid "Light" -msgstr "Fein" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:216 -msgctxt "Font style" -msgid "Normal" -msgstr "Normal" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:217 -msgctxt "Font style" -msgid "Demi-Bold" -msgstr "Halbfett" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:218 -msgctxt "Font style" -msgid "Bold" -msgstr "Fett" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:219 -msgctxt "Font style" -msgid "Black" -msgstr "Schwarz" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:220 -msgid "Font weight" -msgstr "Schriftstärke" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:242 -msgid "No alignment" -msgstr "Nicht ausgerichtet" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:245 -msgid "Align center" -msgstr "Mittig ausrichten" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:249 -msgid "Insert Unicode character" -msgstr "Unicode-Zeichen einfügen" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:255 -msgid "Raise object" -msgstr "Objekt anheben" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:261 -msgid "Lower object" -msgstr "Objekt absenken" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:269 -msgid "Raise object to top" -msgstr "Objekt nach ganz oben anheben" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:276 -msgid "Lower object to bottom" -msgstr "Objekt nach ganz unten absenken" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:320 -msgid "Invert x axis and change 0 point" -msgstr "x-Achse invertieren und Ursprungspunkt ändern" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:321 -msgid "Invert y axis and change 0 point" -msgstr "y-Achse invertieren und Ursprungspunkt ändern" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:322 -msgid "Select fill color" -msgstr "Füllfarbe wählen" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:323 -msgid "Select border color" -msgstr "Rahmenfarbe wählen" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:325 -msgid "Original size (1:1)" -msgstr "Originalgröße (1:1)" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:326 -msgid "Fit zoom" -msgstr "Zoom einpassen" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:327 -msgid "Select background color" -msgstr "Hintergrundfarbe wählen" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:328 -msgid "Background opacity" -msgstr "Deckkraft des Hintergrunds" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:329 -msgid "Select all" -msgstr "Alles auswählen" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:330 -msgid "Select text items in current selection" -msgstr "Textelemente in der aktuellen Auswahl wählen" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:331 -msgid "Select rect items in current selection" -msgstr "Rechteckige Elemente in der aktuellen Auswahl wählen" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:332 -msgid "Select image items in current selection" -msgstr "Bildelemente in der aktuellen Auswahl wählen" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:333 -msgid "Unselect all" -msgstr "Auswahl aufheben" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:362 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:365 -msgid "Selection Tool" -msgstr "Auswahlwerkzeug" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:368 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:371 -msgid "Add Text" -msgstr "Text hinzufügen" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:374 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:377 -msgid "Add Rectangle" -msgstr "Rechteck hinzufügen" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:380 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:383 -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:670 -msgid "Add Image" -msgstr "Bild hinzufügen" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:388 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:391 -msgid "Open Document" -msgstr "Dokument öffnen" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:394 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:397 -msgid "Save As" -msgstr "Speichern unter" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:566 -msgid "" -"Do you really want to load a new template? Changes in this title will be " -"lost!" -msgstr "" -"Möchten Sie wirklich eine neue Titelvorlage laden? Alle bisherigen " -"Änderungen gehen verloren." - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:658 -msgid "All Images" -msgstr "Alle Bilder" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:660 -#, kde-format -msgid "%1 Image" -msgstr "Bild %1" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:1346 -msgid "\\u2212X" -msgstr "\\u2212X" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, origin_x_left) -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:1348 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:63 -msgid "+X" -msgstr "+X" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:1371 -msgid "\\u2212Y" -msgstr "\\u2212Y" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, origin_y_top) -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:1373 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:86 -msgid "+Y" -msgstr "+Y" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:1713 -msgid "Load Title" -msgstr "Titel laden" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:1713 -msgid "Kdenlive title (*.kdenlivetitle)" -msgstr "Kdenlive-Titel (*.kdenlivetitle)" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:1761 -msgid "" -"Do you want to embed Images into this TitleDocument?\n" -"This is most needed for sharing Titles." -msgstr "" -"Möchten Sie die Bilder in dieses Titel-Dokument einbetten?\n" -"Dies wird meistens für die Freigabe von Titeln benötigt." - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:2039 -msgctxt "Indicates the start of an animation" -msgid "Start" -msgstr "Start" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:2040 -msgctxt "Indicates the end of an animation" -msgid "End" -msgstr "Ende" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:30 -msgid "Details" -msgstr "Details" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:85 -msgid "" -"Information about unicode characters: http://decodeunicode.org" -msgstr "" -"Informationen zu Unicode-Zeichen: http://decodeunicode.org" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:86 -msgid "Previous Unicode character (Arrow Up)" -msgstr "Vorheriges Unicode-Zeichen (Pfeil hoch)" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:87 -msgid "Next Unicode character (Arrow Down)" -msgstr "Nächstes Unicode-Zeichen (Pfeil runter)" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:88 -msgid "Enter your Unicode number here. Allowed characters: [0-9] and [a-f]." -msgstr "" -"Geben Sie hier Ihre Unicode-Nummer ein. Erlaubte Zeichen: [0-9] und [a-f]." - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:148 -msgid "(no character selected)" -msgstr "(kein Zeichen ausgewählt)" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:154 -msgid "" -"Control character. Cannot be inserted/printed. See Wikipedia:Control_character" -msgstr "" -"Ein Steuerzeichen kann nicht eingefügt/gedruckt werden. Siehe Wikipedia:Steuerzeichen" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:156 -msgid "Line Feed (newline character, \\\\n)" -msgstr "Zeilenvorschub, Line Feed (Zeichen für eine neue Zeile, \\\\n)" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:158 -msgid "" -"Standard space character. (Other space characters: U+00a0, U" -"+2000–200b, U+202f)" -msgstr "" -"Standard-Leerzeichen. (Andere Leerzeichen: U+00a0, U+2000–200b, U" -"+202f)" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:160 -msgid "No-break space. &nbsp; in HTML. See U+2009 and U+0020." -msgstr "Geschütztes Leerzeichen. &nbsp; in HTML. Siehe U+2009 und U+0020." - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:162 -msgid "" -"

« (u+00ab, &lfquo; in HTML) and " -"» (u+00bb, &rfquo; in HTML) are " -"called Guillemets or angle quotes. Usage in different countries: France " -"(with non-breaking Space 0x00a0), Switzerland, Germany, Finland and Sweden.

and (U+2039/203a, " -"&lsaquo;/&rsaquo;) are their single quote equivalents.

See Wikipedia:" -"Guillemets

" -msgstr "" -"

« (u+00ab, &lfquo; in HTML) " -"und» (u+00bb, &rfquo; in HTML) " -"werden Guillemets oder Französische Anführungszeichen genannt. Verwendung in " -"verschiedenen Ländern: Frankreich (mit geschütztem Leerzeichen 0x00a0: «" -" Text »), Schweiz («Text»), Deutschland (»" -"Text«), Finnland und Schweden (»Text»).

" -"

und (U+2039/203a, " -"&lsaquo;/&rsaquo;) sind die dazugehörigen einfachen " -"Anführungszeichen.

Siehe Wikipedia:Guillemets

" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:164 -msgid "En Space (width of an n)" -msgstr "Halbgeviert-Leerzeichen" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:166 -msgid "Em Space (width of an m)" -msgstr "Geviert-Leerzeichen" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:168 -msgid "Three-Per-Em Space. Width: 1/3 of one em" -msgstr "Drittelgeviert-Leerzeichen" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:170 -msgid "Four-Per-Em Space. Width: 1/4 of one em" -msgstr "Viertelgeviert-Leerzeichen" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:172 -msgid "Six-Per-Em Space. Width: 1/6 of one em" -msgstr "Sechstelgeviert-Leerzeichen" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:174 -msgid "" -"Figure space (non-breaking). Width of a digit if digits have fixed width in " -"this font." -msgstr "" -"Figure Space (kein Umbruch). In Schriften mit Ziffern fester Breite " -"entspricht Figure Space der Breite einer Ziffer." - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:176 -msgid "" -"Punctuation Space. Width the same as between a punctuation character and the " -"next character." -msgstr "" -"Interpunktationsleerzeichen (Punctuation Space). Selbe Breite wie " -"zwischen einem Satzzeichen und dem nächsten Zeichen." - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:178 -msgid "" -"Thin space, in HTML also &thinsp;. See U+202f and Wikipedia:Space_(punctuation)" -msgstr "" -"Thin space, in HTML auch &thinsp; Siehe U+202f und Wikipedia:Leerzeichen" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:180 -msgid "Hair Space. Thinner than U+2009." -msgstr "Hair Space. Noch dünner als U+2009." - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:182 -msgid "" -"Punctuation Apostrophe. Should be used instead of U+0027. See Wikipedia:Apostrophe" -msgstr "" -"Interpunktations-Apostroph (Punctuation Apostrophe). Dieser sollte " -"anstelle von U+0027 verwendet werden. Siehe Wikipedia:Apostroph" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:184 -msgid "" -"

An en Dash (dash of the width of an n).

Usage examples: In English " -"language for value ranges (1878–1903), for relationships/connections " -"(Zurich–Dublin). In the German language it is also used (with " -"spaces!) for showing thoughts: “Es war – wie immer in den " -"Ferien – ein regnerischer Tag.

See Wikipedia:Dash

" -msgstr "" -"

Ein Halbgeviertstrich (Breite eines n).

Verwendung: Als " -"Gedankenstrich – mit Leerschlägen –, Streckenstrich (Flug " -"Zürich–Dublin), Bis-Strich (10–20 °C).

Siehe Wikipedia:" -"Halbgeviertstrich

" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:186 -msgid "" -"

An em Dash (dash of the width of an m).

Usage examples: In English " -"language to mark—like here—thoughts. Traditionally without " -"spaces.

See Wikipedia:" -"Dash

" -msgstr "" -"

Ein Geviertstrich (so breit wie ein m).

Verwendung: Vor allem in " -"traditionellen Englischen Texten als Gedankenstrich, ohne Leerschläge davor " -"und danach. Im Deutschen zur Bezeichnung von glatten Währungsbeträgen (42." -"— CHF)

Siehe Wikipedia:Geviertstrich

" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:188 -msgid "" -"

Narrow no-break space. Has the same width as U+2009.

Usage: For " -"units (spaces are marked with U+2423, ␣): 230␣V, " -"−21␣°C, 50␣lb, but 90° (no space). In " -"German for abbreviations (like: i. d. R. instead of i. d." -" R. with U+00a0).

See Wikipedia:de:Schmales_Leerzeichen

" -msgstr "" -"

Schmales geschütztes Leerzeichen. Hat dieselbe Breite wie U+2009.

Verwendung: Für Einheiten (Leerschläge werden mit U+2423, ␣ " -"markiert): 230␣V, −21␣°C, 50␣lb, aber 90° (kein Leerschlag). Außerdem für Abkürzungen (wie i. d." -" R. statt i. d. R. mit U+00a0).

Siehe Wikipedia:" -"Schmales_Leerzeichen

" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:190 -msgid "" -"Ellipsis: If text has been left o… See Wikipedia:Ellipsis" -msgstr "" -"Ellipse oder Auslassungspunkte, falls Text ausgelassen wurde … Siehe " -"Wikipedia:" -"Auslassungspunkte" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:192 -msgid "Minus sign. For numbers: −42" -msgstr "Minuszeichen. Für Zahlen: −42" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:194 -msgid "Open box; stands for a space." -msgstr "Open box; Steht für einen Leerschlag." - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:196 -msgid "" -"Quarter note (Am.) or crochet (Brit.). See Wikipedia:Quarter_note" -msgstr "" -"Viertelnote. Siehe Wikipedia:Notenwert" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:198 -msgid "" -"Eighth note (Am.) or quaver (Brit.). Half as long as a quarter note (U" -"+2669). See Wikipedia:" -"Eighth_note" -msgstr "" -"Achtelnote. Halb so lange wie die Viertelnote (U+2669). Siehe Wikipedia:Notenwert" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:200 -msgid "" -"Sixteenth note (Am.) or semiquaver (Brit.). Half as long as an eighth note (U" -"+266a). See Wikipedia:Sixteenth_note" -msgstr "" -"Sechzehntelnote. Halb so lang wie eine Achtelnote (U+266a). Siehe Wikipedia:Sechzehntelnote" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:202 -msgid "" -"Thirty-second note (Am.) or demisemiquaver (Brit.). Half as long as a " -"sixteenth note (U+266b). See Wikipedia:Thirty-second_note" -msgstr "" -"Zweiunddreißigstelnote. Halb so lang wie eine Sechzehntelnote (U+266b). " -"Siehe Wikipedia:Zweiunddreißigstelnote" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:204 -msgid "No additional information available for this character." -msgstr "" -"Keine zusätzlichen Informationen zu diesem Zeichen verfügbar." - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, before_select) -#: src/ui/addtrack_ui.ui:34 -msgid "Above" -msgstr "Über" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, before_select) -#: src/ui/addtrack_ui.ui:39 -msgid "Under" -msgstr "Unter" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, video_track) -#: src/ui/addtrack_ui.ui:57 -msgid "Video &track" -msgstr "&Videospur" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, audio_track) -#: src/ui/addtrack_ui.ui:74 -msgid "A&udio track" -msgstr "A&udiospur" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, name_label) -#: src/ui/addtrack_ui.ui:81 -msgid "Track name" -msgstr "Spurname" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/archivewidget_ui.ui:29 -msgid "Archive folder" -msgstr "Ordner archivieren" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, compressed_archive) -#: src/ui/archivewidget_ui.ui:46 -msgid "Compressed archive" -msgstr "Komprimiertes Archiv" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, proxy_only) -#: src/ui/archivewidget_ui.ui:53 -msgid "Archive only proxy clips when available" -msgstr "Proxy-Clips nur archivieren, wenn verfügbar" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, labelFFTSize) -#: src/ui/audiospectrum_ui.ui:52 -msgid "True FFT size: " -msgstr "Tatsächliche FFT-Größe: " - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, buttonLinkHandles) -#: src/ui/bezierspline_ui.ui:89 -msgid "Link the handles' position.
Results in a natural spline." -msgstr "Verknüpfung der Griffpositionen.
Ergibt einen natürlichen Spline." - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, marker_save) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, marker_load) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, analysis_delete) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, analysis_save) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, analysis_load) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, arrowUp) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, arrowDown) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, config_button) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonleft) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonhcenter) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonright) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttontop) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonvcenter) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonbottom) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonDirectUpdate) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonZoomOriginal) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonZoomFit) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonAddDelete) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonPrevious) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonNext) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, toolBtnReload) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonUp) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonDown) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonAdd) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonDelete) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonReset) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, zoom_button) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, unzoom_button) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonResetKeyframe) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonSeek) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, reload_blackmagic) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonLinkHandles) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonShowPixmap) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonZoomIn) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonZoomOut) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonGridChange) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonResetSpline) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonShowAllHandles) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, v4l_showprofileinfo) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, v4l_manageprofile) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, grab_manageprofile) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, grab_showprofileinfo) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, decklink_manageprofile) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, decklink_showprofileinfo) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, button_up) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, button_down) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, button_transcode) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, proxy_showprofileinfo) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, add_metadata) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, delete_metadata) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, effectsAll) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, effectsVideo) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, effectsAudio) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, effectsGPU) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, effectsCustom) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, proxy_manageprofile) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, button_add) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, button_edit) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, button_delete) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, button_download) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, button_more) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonLeftRight) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonUpDown) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonShowInTimeline) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonNewPoints) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonHelp) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonFavorite) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, rescale_keep) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, hide_log) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, collapseButton) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, enabledButton) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, menuButton) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonDel) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, rec_options) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonItalic) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonUnder) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonAlignNone) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonAlignLeft) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonInsertUnicode) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonAlignCenter) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonAlignRight) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, itemleft) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, itemhcenter) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, itemright) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, itemtop) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, itemvcenter) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, itembottom) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, live_button) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, capture_button) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, capture_interval) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, overlay_button) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, preview_button) -#: src/ui/bezierspline_ui.ui:92 src/ui/bezierspline_ui.ui:130 -#: src/ui/bezierspline_ui.ui:146 src/ui/bezierspline_ui.ui:156 -#: src/ui/bezierspline_ui.ui:169 src/ui/bezierspline_ui.ui:195 -#: src/ui/bezierspline_ui.ui:208 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:490 -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:500 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:587 -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:597 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:607 -#: src/ui/collapsiblewidget_ui.ui:86 src/ui/collapsiblewidget_ui.ui:118 -#: src/ui/collapsiblewidget_ui.ui:137 src/ui/collapsiblewidget_ui.ui:156 -#: src/ui/collapsiblewidget_ui.ui:172 src/ui/collapsiblewidget_ui.ui:188 -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:211 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:396 -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:433 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:616 -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:742 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:749 -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:78 src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:220 -#: src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:230 src/ui/configsdl_ui.ui:154 -#: src/ui/cutjobdialog_ui.ui:32 src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:262 -#: src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:269 src/ui/dvdwizardvob_ui.ui:29 -#: src/ui/dvdwizardvob_ui.ui:49 src/ui/dvdwizardvob_ui.ui:100 -#: src/ui/effectlist_ui.ui:22 src/ui/effectlist_ui.ui:41 -#: src/ui/effectlist_ui.ui:57 src/ui/effectlist_ui.ui:73 -#: src/ui/effectlist_ui.ui:89 src/ui/freesound_ui.ui:39 -#: src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:249 src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:256 -#: src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:263 src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:270 -#: src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:277 src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:284 -#: src/ui/geometrywidget_ui.ui:70 src/ui/geometrywidget_ui.ui:83 -#: src/ui/geometrywidget_ui.ui:93 src/ui/keyframeeditor_ui.ui:91 -#: src/ui/keyframeeditor_ui.ui:101 src/ui/keyframewidget_ui.ui:46 -#: src/ui/keyframewidget_ui.ui:59 src/ui/keyframewidget_ui.ui:72 -#: src/ui/keyframewidget_ui.ui:85 src/ui/keyframewidget_ui.ui:124 -#: src/ui/manageencodingprofile_ui.ui:44 src/ui/manageencodingprofile_ui.ui:51 -#: src/ui/manageencodingprofile_ui.ui:58 src/ui/manageencodingprofile_ui.ui:68 -#: src/ui/monitoreditwidget_ui.ui:53 src/ui/monitoreditwidget_ui.ui:66 -#: src/ui/monitoreditwidget_ui.ui:76 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:335 -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:386 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:393 -#: src/ui/recmonitor_ui.ui:72 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:407 -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:592 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:717 -#: src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:76 src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:92 -#: src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:108 src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:118 -#: src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:128 src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:141 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:364 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:384 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:401 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:417 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:440 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:447 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:460 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:801 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:808 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:815 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:822 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:829 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:836 src/ui/tracksconfigdialog_ui.ui:61 -#: src/ui/tracksconfigdialog_ui.ui:68 src/ui/tracksconfigdialog_ui.ui:75 -#: src/ui/tracksconfigdialog_ui.ui:82 src/ui/tracksconfigdialog_ui.ui:89 -#: src/ui/unicodewidget_ui.ui:185 src/ui/unicodewidget_ui.ui:210 -msgid "..." -msgstr " ..." - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, buttonShowPixmap) -#: src/ui/bezierspline_ui.ui:127 -msgid "Show background indicating changes caused by modifying the curve." -msgstr "" -"Hintergrund anzeigen, der Änderungen verursacht durch Bearbeiten der Kurve " -"kenntlich macht." - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, buttonGridChange) -#: src/ui/bezierspline_ui.ui:166 -msgid "" -"Increases the number of lines in the grid.
After 8 lines it will begin " -"from 0 again." -msgstr "" -"Erhöht die Anzahl der Zeilen im Gitter.
Nach 8 Zeilen geht es wieder " -"mit 0 weiter." - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, buttonResetSpline) -#: src/ui/bezierspline_ui.ui:192 -msgid "Reset the selected spline" -msgstr "Ausgewählten Spline zurücksetzen" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, buttonShowAllHandles) -#: src/ui/bezierspline_ui.ui:205 -msgid "Show handles for all points or only for the selected one" -msgstr "Zeigt Griffe für alle Punkte oder nur für den ausgewählten an" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, name) -#: src/ui/boolval_ui.ui:30 src/ui/fontval_ui.ui:23 src/ui/listval_ui.ui:23 -msgid "TextLabel" -msgstr "Text-Label" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, crop_label) -#: src/ui/clipdurationdialog_ui.ui:30 -msgid "Crop start" -msgstr "Beginn beschneiden" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, end_label) -#: src/ui/clipdurationdialog_ui.ui:50 -msgid "Crop end" -msgstr "Ende beschneiden" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_path) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, treeWidget) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:27 src/ui/missingclips_ui.ui:72 -msgid "Path" -msgstr "Pfad" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_size) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_6) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_5) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:51 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:231 -#: src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:41 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:93 -msgid "Size:" -msgstr "Größe:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, clip_filesize) -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, groupBox) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:65 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:157 -#: src/utils/freesound.cpp:212 -msgid "File size" -msgstr "Dateigröße" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, clip_vproperties) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, clip_aproperties) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, metadata_list) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, analysis_list) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, programList) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:117 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:162 -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:542 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:574 -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:371 src/ui/wizardmltcheck_ui.ui:49 -msgid "1" -msgstr "1" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, clip_vproperties) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, clip_aproperties) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, metadata_list) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, analysis_list) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:122 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:167 -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:547 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:579 -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:376 -msgid "2" -msgstr "2" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_slideshow) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:206 -msgid "Slideshow" -msgstr "Diashow" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, slide_type_label) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:212 -msgid "Image type" -msgstr "Bild-Typ" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, clip_filesize_4) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:222 -msgid "Frame duration" -msgstr "Bild-Dauer" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, slide_loop) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, loop_movie) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, sm_loop) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:255 src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:221 -#: src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:160 src/ui/smconfig_ui.ui:26 -msgid "Loop" -msgstr "Schleife" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, slide_crop) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:339 src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:284 -msgid "Center crop" -msgstr "Zentriertes Zuschneiden" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_animation) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_6) -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:346 src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:291 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:1121 -msgid "Animation" -msgstr "Animation" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_image) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, background_list) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:357 src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:202 -msgid "Image" -msgstr "Bild" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_16) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:365 -msgid "Image size" -msgstr "Bildgröße" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, image_transparency) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:381 -msgid "Transparent background" -msgstr "Transparenter Hintergrund" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, markers_list) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, clip_filesize_3) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:432 src/ui/markerdialog_ui.ui:56 -msgid "Comment" -msgstr "Kommentar" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, marker_new) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonNext) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonUnselectAll) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:440 src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:83 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:700 -msgid "N" -msgstr "N" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, marker_edit) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonEdit) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:450 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:414 -msgid "E" -msgstr "E" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, marker_delete) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonDelete) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, button_delete) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, delete_button) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:460 src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:252 -#: src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:103 src/ui/keyframeeditor_ui.ui:78 -#: src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:279 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:428 -msgid "D" -msgstr "D" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_advanced) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:634 -msgid "Advanced" -msgstr "Erweitert" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, clip_force_ar) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:653 -msgid "Force aspect ratio" -msgstr "Seitenverhältnis erzwingen" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, clip_force_threads) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:686 -msgid "Decoding threads" -msgstr "Dekodier-Threads" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, clip_force_progressive) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:700 -msgid "Force scanning" -msgstr "Abtastung erzwingen" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, clip_force_framerate) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:727 -msgid "Force frame rate" -msgstr "Bildwiederholfrequenz erzwingen" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, clip_force_out) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:734 -msgid "Force duration" -msgstr "Länge erzwingen" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, clip_force_colorspace) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:751 -msgid "Force colorspace" -msgstr "Farbraum erzwingen" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, clip_force_fieldorder) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:765 -msgid "Force field order" -msgstr "Feldreihenfolge erzwingen" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, clip_force_transparency) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:829 -msgid "Image background" -msgstr "Bildhintergrund" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, clip_transparency) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:837 -msgid "Normal" -msgstr "Normal" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_dest) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_5) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_6) -#: src/ui/clipstabilize_ui.ui:20 src/ui/cliptranscode_ui.ui:30 -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:45 src/ui/saveprofile_ui.ui:138 -msgid "Destination" -msgstr "Ziel" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_source) -#: src/ui/cliptranscode_ui.ui:20 -msgid "Source" -msgstr "Quelle" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, ffmpeg_label) -#: src/ui/cliptranscode_ui.ui:40 -msgid "FFmpeg parameters" -msgstr "FFmpeg-Parameter" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_4) -#: src/ui/cliptranscode_ui.ui:54 -msgid "Job status" -msgstr "Vorgangsstatus" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_start) -#: src/ui/cliptranscode_ui.ui:61 -msgctxt "@action:button start transcode" -msgid "Start" -msgstr "Start" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_profile) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: src/ui/cliptranscode_ui.ui:68 src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:29 -#: src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:20 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:74 -msgid "Profile" -msgstr "Profil" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, auto_close) -#: src/ui/cliptranscode_ui.ui:88 -msgid "Close after transcode" -msgstr "Nach dem Transkodieren schließen" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/colorclip_ui.ui:30 -msgid "Clip Color" -msgstr "Clip-Farbe" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, ColorPlaneExport_UI) -#: src/ui/colorplaneexport_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Export color plane to PNG" -msgstr "Farbfläche in ein PNG exportieren" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, lblSpace) -#: src/ui/colorplaneexport_ui.ui:20 -msgid "Color space" -msgstr "Farbraum" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, lblVariant) -#: src/ui/colorplaneexport_ui.ui:37 -msgid "Variant" -msgstr "Art" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QSlider, sliderScaling) -#: src/ui/colorplaneexport_ui.ui:81 -msgid "How much to zoom in" -msgstr "Wie viel hineinzuzoomen" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, lblRes) -#: src/ui/colorplaneexport_ui.ui:101 -msgid "Resolution" -msgstr "Auflösung" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, lblFilename) -#: src/ui/colorplaneexport_ui.ui:144 -msgid "Filename" -msgstr "Dateiname" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:23 -msgid "Default capture device" -msgstr "Standardaufnahmegerät" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, kcfg_defaultcapture) -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, device_selector) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:37 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:70 -#: src/ui/recmonitor_ui.ui:134 -msgid "Firewire" -msgstr "Firewire" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, kcfg_defaultcapture) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, device_selector) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:47 src/ui/recmonitor_ui.ui:144 -msgid "Screen grab" -msgstr "Bildschirmaufnahme" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, kcfg_defaultcapture) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, device_selector) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:52 src/ui/recmonitor_ui.ui:149 -msgid "Blackmagic card" -msgstr "Blackmagic-Karte" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_9) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:89 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:221 -msgid "Capture format" -msgstr "Aufnahmeformat" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, kcfg_firewireformat) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:97 -msgid "DV Raw" -msgstr "DV Raw" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, kcfg_firewireformat) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:102 -msgid "DV AVI type 1" -msgstr "DV AVI Typ 1" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, kcfg_firewireformat) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:107 -msgid "DV AVI type 2" -msgstr "DV AVI Typ 2" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, button_hdv) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, kcfg_firewireformat) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:112 src/ui/wizardstandard_ui.ui:54 -msgid "HDV" -msgstr "HDV" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_firewireautosplit) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:133 -msgid "Automatically start a new file on scene cut" -msgstr "Bei Szenenwechsel automatisch eine neue Datei erstellen" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_firewiretimestamp) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:140 -msgid "Add recording time to captured file name" -msgstr "Aufnahmezeit an Dateinamen anhängen" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_5) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_29) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:147 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:696 -msgid "Capture file name" -msgstr "Dateiname der Aufnahme" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_7) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:157 -msgid "dvgrab additional parameters" -msgstr "dvgrab: Zusätzliche Parameter" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_14) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:197 -msgid "Video device" -msgstr "Video-Gerät" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_30) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_27) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:204 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:666 -msgid "Detected devices" -msgstr "Erkannte Geräte" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, p_size) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:238 src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:48 -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:100 -msgid "720x576" -msgstr "720×576" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, p_fps) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:252 src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:62 -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:114 -msgid "25/1" -msgstr "25/1" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, p_aspect) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:273 src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:76 -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:128 -msgid "59/54" -msgstr "59/54" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, p_display) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:287 src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:90 -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:142 -msgid "4/3" -msgstr "4/3" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, config_v4l) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:308 -msgid "Edit" -msgstr "Bearbeiten" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_v4l_captureaudio) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:342 -msgid "Capture audio (ALSA)" -msgstr "Audio aufnehmen (ALSA)" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_24) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_screengrab) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_16) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:362 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:632 -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:725 src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:203 -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:305 -msgid "Encoding profile" -msgstr "Kodierprofil" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_v4l_capturevideo) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:389 -msgid "Capture video (Video4Linux2)" -msgstr "Video aufnehmen (Video4Linux)" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, kcfg_grab_capture_type) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:471 -msgid "Full screen capture" -msgstr "Vollbild-Aufnahme" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, kcfg_grab_capture_type) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:476 -msgid "Region capture" -msgstr "Bereichsaufnahme" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_grab_follow_mouse) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:495 -msgid "Follow mouse" -msgstr "Maus folgen" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_grab_hide_frame) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:502 -msgid "Hide frame" -msgstr "Bild ausblenden" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_19) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_10) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:524 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:951 -msgid "Offset" -msgstr "Versatz" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_grab_hide_mouse) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:652 -msgid "Hide cursor" -msgstr "Cursor ausblenden" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_4) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:660 -msgid "Blackmagic" -msgstr "Blackmagic" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_9) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:42 -msgid "Concurrent threads" -msgstr "Gleichzeitige Threads" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:69 -msgid "MLT environment" -msgstr "MLT-Umgebung" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_6) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:78 -msgid "Processing threads" -msgstr "Threads werden bearbeitet" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_7) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:91 -msgid "(>1 is experimental)" -msgstr "(>1 ist experimentell)" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:98 -msgid "Melt path" -msgstr "Melt-Pfad" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:112 -msgid "MLT profiles folder" -msgstr "MLT-Profilordner" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_13) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:135 -msgid "FFplay" -msgstr "FFplay" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_14) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:155 -msgid "FFprobe" -msgstr "FFprobe" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_2) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:166 -msgid "Default folders" -msgstr "Standard-Ordner" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_5) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_4) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:172 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:56 -msgid "Project folder" -msgstr "Projektordner" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:182 -msgid "Temporary files" -msgstr "Temporäre Dateien" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_10) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:192 -msgid "Capture folder" -msgstr "Aufnahmeordner" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_capturetoprojectfolder) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:212 -msgid "Use project folder" -msgstr "Projektordner benutzen" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_3) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:223 -msgid "Default apps" -msgstr "Standardanwendungen" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_4) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:229 -msgid "Image editing" -msgstr "Bildbearbeitung" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, kp_image) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, kp_audio) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, kp_player) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:243 src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:264 -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:285 -msgid "Change" -msgstr "Ändern" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_11) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:250 -msgid "Audio editing" -msgstr "Audiobearbeitung" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_12) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:271 -msgid "Video player" -msgstr "Videospieler" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_enableshuttle) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:23 -msgid "Enable Jog Shuttle device" -msgstr "Jog/Shuttle-Gerät aktivieren" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, shuttledisabled) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:30 -msgid "Jog Shuttle device disabled." -msgstr "Jog/Shuttle-Gerät deaktiviert." - -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, config_group) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:53 -msgid "Device configuration" -msgstr "Geräteeinstellungen" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:85 -msgid "Button 1" -msgstr "Knopf 1" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_17) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:98 -msgid "Device" -msgstr "Gerät" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_16) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:111 -msgid "Button 15" -msgstr "Knopf 15" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_14) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:137 -msgid "Button 13" -msgstr "Knopf 13" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_9) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:150 -msgid "Button 8" -msgstr "Knopf 8" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_7) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:166 -msgid "Button 4" -msgstr "Knopf 4" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:179 -msgid "Device name" -msgstr "Gerätename" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_5) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:192 -msgid "Button 5" -msgstr "Knopf 5" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_8) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:214 -msgid "Button 7" -msgstr "Knopf 7" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_10) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:243 -msgid "Button 9" -msgstr "Knopf 9" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_4) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:256 -msgid "Button 2" -msgstr "Knopf 2" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_11) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:272 -msgid "Button 10" -msgstr "Knopf 10" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_12) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:285 -msgid "Button 11" -msgstr "Knopf 11" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_6) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:308 -msgid "Button 6" -msgstr "Knopf 6" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_15) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:336 -msgid "Button 14" -msgstr "Knopf 14" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:349 -msgid "Button 3" -msgstr "Knopf 3" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_13) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:362 -msgid "Button 12" -msgstr "Knopf 12" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_usekuiserver) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:23 -msgid "Use KDE job tracking for render jobs" -msgstr "KDE-weite Fortschrittsanzeige für Render-Vorgang verwenden" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_checkfirstprojectclip) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:30 -msgid "Check if first added clip matches project profile" -msgstr "" -"Überprüfen, ob der zuerst hinzugefügte Clip dem Projektprofil entspricht" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_crashrecovery) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:37 -msgid "Crash recovery (automatic backup)" -msgstr "Absturzwiederherstellung (automatische Sicherungskopie)" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_automultistreams) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:44 -msgid "Automatically import all streams in multi stream clips" -msgstr "Automatisch alle Streams in Multistream-Clips importieren" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_disable_effect_parameters) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:51 -msgid "Disable parameters when the effect is disabled" -msgstr "Parameter deaktivieren, wenn der Effekt deaktiviert ist" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_bypasscodeccheck) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:58 -msgid "Bypass codec verification" -msgstr "Codec-Verifizierung übergehen" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_autoimagesequence) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:65 -msgid "Automatically import image sequences" -msgstr "Bildsequenzen automatisch importieren" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_projectloading_avformatnovalidate) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:72 -msgid "Do not validate the video files when loading a project (faster)" -msgstr "Videodateien beim Laden eines Projekts nicht überprüfen (schneller)" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_on_monitor_effects) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:79 -msgid "Use on-monitor effects" -msgstr "Effekte auf dem Monitor benutzen" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_use_exiftool) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:86 -msgid "Get clip metadata with exiftool" -msgstr "Clip-Metadaten mit Exiftool ermitteln" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_openlastproject) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:93 -msgid "Open last project on startup" -msgstr "Letztes Projekt beim Start öffnen" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, groupBox) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:100 -msgid "Default Durations" -msgstr "Standarddauer" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:106 -msgid "Color clips" -msgstr "Farb-Clips" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_8) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:123 -msgid "Title clips" -msgstr "Titel-Clips" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:130 -msgid "Image sequence" -msgstr "Bildsequenz" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_autoimagetransparency) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:149 -msgid "Transparent background for imported images" -msgstr "Transparenter Hintergrund für importierte Bilder" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_use_magicLantern) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:169 -msgid "Get clip metadata created by Magic Lantern" -msgstr "Clip-Metadaten mit „Magic Lantern“ ermitteln" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, properties) -#: src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:23 -msgid "Default Profile" -msgstr "Standardprofil" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_9) -#: src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:69 -msgid "Aspect ratio:" -msgstr "Seitenverhältnis:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_10) -#: src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:83 -msgid "Display ratio:" -msgstr "Anzeigeseitenverhältnis:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_7) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_6) -#: src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:109 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:175 -msgid "Video tracks" -msgstr "Videospuren" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_8) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_7) -#: src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:119 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:185 -msgid "Audio tracks" -msgstr "Audiospuren" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, generate_proxy) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_generateproxy) -#: src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:154 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:256 -msgid "Generate for videos larger than" -msgstr "Erstellen für Videos größer als" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (suffix), widget (QSpinBox, proxy_minsize) -#. i18n: ectx: property (suffix), widget (QSpinBox, proxy_imageminsize) -#. i18n: ectx: property (suffix), widget (QSpinBox, kcfg_proxyminsize) -#. i18n: ectx: property (suffix), widget (QSpinBox, kcfg_proxyimageminsize) -#: src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:161 src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:181 -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:263 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:283 -msgid "pixels" -msgstr "Pixel" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, generate_imageproxy) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_generateimageproxy) -#: src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:174 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:276 -msgid "Generate for images larger than" -msgstr "Erstellen für Bilder größer als" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/ui/configsdl_ui.ui:17 -msgid "" -"Warning: changes to the drivers and devices can make Kdenlive unstable. " -"Change only if you know what you do." -msgstr "" -"Achtung: Änderungen an Treibern und Geräten können Kdenlive instabil machen. " -"Verändern Sie diese Einstellungen nur, wenn Sie wissen, was Sie tun." - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_gpu_accel) -#: src/ui/configsdl_ui.ui:27 -msgid "Use GPU processing (Movit library) - restart Kdenlive to apply" -msgstr "" -"OpenGL mit der Bibliothek Movit für die Bearbeitung verwenden. Dazu muss " -"Kdenlive neu gestartet werden." - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_4) -#: src/ui/configsdl_ui.ui:34 -msgid "Audio backend" -msgstr "Audio-Backend" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, textLabel1_2) -#: src/ui/configsdl_ui.ui:53 -msgid "Audio driver:" -msgstr "Audiotreiber:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, textLabel1) -#: src/ui/configsdl_ui.ui:66 -msgid "Audio device:" -msgstr "Audiogerät:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: src/ui/configsdl_ui.ui:82 -msgid "Preview volume:" -msgstr "Lautstärke der Vorschau:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/configsdl_ui.ui:102 -msgid "Monitor background color:" -msgstr "Bildschirmhintergrundfarbe:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_external_display) -#: src/ui/configsdl_ui.ui:127 -msgid "Use external display (Blackmagic card)" -msgstr "Externe Anzeige verwenden (Blackmagic-Karte)" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_5) -#: src/ui/configsdl_ui.ui:134 -msgid "Output device" -msgstr "Ausgabegerät" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, groupBox) -#: src/ui/configtimeline_ui.ui:23 -msgid "Thumbnails" -msgstr "Vorschau" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_displayallchannels) -#: src/ui/configtimeline_ui.ui:48 -msgid "Separate channels" -msgstr "Kanäle trennen" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_showmarkers) -#: src/ui/configtimeline_ui.ui:73 -msgid "Display clip markers comments" -msgstr "Markierungs-Kommentare des Clips anzeigen" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_autoscroll) -#: src/ui/configtimeline_ui.ui:80 -msgid "Autoscroll while playing" -msgstr "Beim Abspielen automatisch scrollen" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_verticalzoom) -#: src/ui/configtimeline_ui.ui:87 -msgid "Zoom using vertical drag in ruler" -msgstr "Zoom durch vertikales Ziehen auf dem Lineal" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_splitaudio) -#: src/ui/configtimeline_ui.ui:94 -msgid "Automatically split audio and video" -msgstr "Video und Audio automatisch aufteilen" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/configtimeline_ui.ui:103 -msgid "Track height" -msgstr "Spurhöhe" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_add) -#: src/ui/configtranscode_ui.ui:24 -msgid "Add Profile" -msgstr "Profil hinzufügen" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_update) -#: src/ui/configtranscode_ui.ui:31 -msgid "Update Profile" -msgstr "Profil aktualisieren " - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_delete) -#: src/ui/configtranscode_ui.ui:38 -msgid "Delete Profile" -msgstr "Profil löschen" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_4) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: src/ui/configtranscode_ui.ui:90 src/ui/saveprofile_ui.ui:121 -msgid "Extension" -msgstr "Endung" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_4) -#: src/ui/configtranscode_ui.ui:107 -msgid "Parameters" -msgstr "Parameter" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, button_more) -#: src/ui/cutjobdialog_ui.ui:29 -msgid "Configure job" -msgstr "Vorgang einrichten" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_add) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardchapters_ui.ui:39 -msgid "Add chapter" -msgstr "Kapitel hinzufügen" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardchapters_ui.ui:46 -msgid "Movie file" -msgstr "Film-Datei" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_delete) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardchapters_ui.ui:66 -msgid "Remove chapter" -msgstr "Kapitel entfernen" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, create_menu) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:20 -msgid "Create basic menu" -msgstr "Einfaches Menü erstellen" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:49 -msgid "Button" -msgstr "Knopf" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_6) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:65 -msgid "Target" -msgstr "Ziel" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, back_to_menu) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:82 -msgid "Back to menu" -msgstr "Zurück zum Menü" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, use_shadow) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:126 -msgid "Shadow" -msgstr "Schatten" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:138 -msgid "Underline" -msgstr "Unterstrichen" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_2) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, lblBackground) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:183 src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:189 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:1076 src/ui/vectorscope_ui.ui:46 -msgid "Background" -msgstr "Hintergrund" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonAdd) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, add_button) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, button_add) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonSelectAll) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonAudio) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:232 src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:93 -#: src/ui/keyframeeditor_ui.ui:68 src/ui/timelinebuttons_ui.ui:71 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:723 -msgid "A" -msgstr "A" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:29 -msgid "Temporary data folder" -msgstr "Ordner für temporäre Dateien" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:39 -msgid "DVD ISO image" -msgstr "DVD-ISO-Abbild" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (QListWidget, job_progress) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:56 -msgid "Creating menu images" -msgstr "Menübilder werden erstellt" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (QListWidget, job_progress) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:61 -msgid "Creating menu background" -msgstr "Menühintergrund wird erstellt" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (QListWidget, job_progress) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:66 -msgid "Creating menu movie" -msgstr "Menüfilm wird erstellt" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (QListWidget, job_progress) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:71 -msgid "Creating dvd structure" -msgstr "DVD-Struktur wird erstellt" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (QListWidget, job_progress) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:76 -msgid "Creating iso file" -msgstr "ISO-Datei wird erstellt" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_start) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:84 -msgid "Create ISO image" -msgstr "ISO-Abbild erzeugen" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_2) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:118 -msgid "Log" -msgstr "Protokoll" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_7) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:124 -msgid "Status" -msgstr "Status" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, button_burn) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:154 -msgid "Burn" -msgstr "Brennen" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:172 -msgid "Menu File" -msgstr "Menüdatei" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_3) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:186 -msgid "Dvdauthor File" -msgstr "DVDAuthor-Datei" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, use_intro) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardvob_ui.ui:59 -msgid "Use first movie as intro" -msgstr "Ersten Film als Einleitung verwenden" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardvob_ui.ui:66 -msgid "DVD format" -msgstr "DVD-Formatierung" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_delete) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardvob_ui.ui:73 -msgid "Remove file" -msgstr "Datei entfernen" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_add) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardvob_ui.ui:130 -msgid "Add movie file" -msgstr "Film-Datei hinzufügen" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, convert_label) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardvob_ui.ui:146 -msgid "Converting files" -msgstr "Dateien werden konvertiert" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: src/ui/freesound_ui.ui:22 -msgid "Service" -msgstr "Dienst" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, page_prev) -#: src/ui/freesound_ui.ui:67 -msgid "<<" -msgstr "<<" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, page_next) -#: src/ui/freesound_ui.ui:104 -msgid ">>" -msgstr ">>" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_import) -#: src/ui/freesound_ui.ui:137 src/utils/archiveorg.cpp:181 -msgid "Import" -msgstr "Importieren" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/freesound_ui.ui:177 -msgid "License" -msgstr "Lizenz" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonMenu) -#: src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:63 -msgid "M" -msgstr "M" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonPrevious) -#: src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:73 -msgid "P" -msgstr "P" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_pos) -#: src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:127 -msgid "Pos" -msgstr "Pos" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_6) -#: src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:198 -msgid "Height" -msgstr "Höhe" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:219 -msgid "Resize:" -msgstr "Größe andern:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, buttonResize) -#: src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:242 -msgid "Original" -msgstr "Original" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QCheckBox, cbY) -#: src/ui/histogram_ui.ui:17 -msgid "Luma value" -msgstr "Luma-Wert" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, lblComponents) -#: src/ui/histogram_ui.ui:64 -msgid "Components" -msgstr "Komponenten" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QCheckBox, cbS) -#: src/ui/histogram_ui.ui:71 -msgid "RGB summed up" -msgstr "RGB summiert" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, cbS) -#: src/ui/histogram_ui.ui:74 -msgid "Sum" -msgstr "Summe" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, ImportKeyframesDialog_UI) -#: src/ui/importkeyframesdialog_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Import Keyframes" -msgstr "Keyframes importieren" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, limit_keyframes) -#: src/ui/importkeyframesdialog_ui.ui:48 -msgid "Limit keyframes number" -msgstr "Keyframe-Anzahl begrenzen" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/importkeyframesdialog_ui.ui:90 -msgid "Data to import" -msgstr "Zu importierende Daten" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, KeyFrameDialog_UI) -#: src/ui/keyframedialog_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Edit Keyframe" -msgstr "Keyframe bearbeiten" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, clip_filesize_3) -#: src/ui/keyframedialog_ui.ui:27 -msgid "Value" -msgstr "Wert" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, buttonResetKeyframe) -#: src/ui/keyframeeditor_ui.ui:88 -msgid "Reset the parameters to their default values" -msgstr "Parameter auf ihre Standardwerte zurücksetzen" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, buttonSeek) -#: src/ui/keyframeeditor_ui.ui:98 -msgid "Seek to active keyframe" -msgstr "Aktuelles Keyframe aufsuchen" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, buttonKeyframes) -#: src/ui/keyframeeditor_ui.ui:114 -msgid "Add keyframes" -msgstr "Keyframes hinzufügen" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, buttonLeftRight) -#: src/ui/keyframewidget_ui.ui:43 -msgid "move on X axis" -msgstr "auf x-Achse verschieben" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, buttonUpDown) -#: src/ui/keyframewidget_ui.ui:56 -msgid "move on Y axis" -msgstr "auf y-Achse verschieben" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, buttonShowInTimeline) -#: src/ui/keyframewidget_ui.ui:69 -msgid "update values in timeline" -msgstr "Werte in Zeitleiste aktualisieren" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, buttonNewPoints) -#: src/ui/keyframewidget_ui.ui:82 -msgid "create new points" -msgstr "neue Punkte erstellen" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, checkBox) -#: src/ui/keyframewidget_ui.ui:105 -msgid "GraphView" -msgstr "Graphen-Ansicht" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, buttonHelp) -#: src/ui/keyframewidget_ui.ui:121 -msgid "parameter description" -msgstr "Parameterbeschreibung" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/keywordval_ui.ui:23 src/ui/urlval_ui.ui:26 -msgid "Param" -msgstr "Parameter" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, ManageCaptures_UI) -#: src/ui/managecaptures_ui.ui:13 -msgid "Captured files" -msgstr "Aufgenommene Dateien" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, treeWidget) -#: src/ui/managecaptures_ui.ui:35 -msgid "File name" -msgstr "Dateiname" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, deleteButton) -#: src/ui/managecaptures_ui.ui:48 -msgid "Delete current file" -msgstr "Aktuelle Datei löschen" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, toggleButton) -#: src/ui/managecaptures_ui.ui:55 -msgid "Toggle selection" -msgstr "Auswahl umkehren" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/manageencodingprofile_ui.ui:20 -msgid "Editing profiles for" -msgstr "Bearbeiten der Profile für" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_category) -#: src/ui/markerdialog_ui.ui:76 -msgid "Category" -msgstr "Kategorie" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, clip_thumb) -#: src/ui/markerdialog_ui.ui:86 -msgid "Image preview" -msgstr "Bildvorschau" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, MissingClips_UI) -#: src/ui/missingclips_ui.ui:14 -msgid " Clip Problems" -msgstr "Clip-Probleme" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, removeSelected) -#: src/ui/missingclips_ui.ui:20 -msgid "Remove selected clips" -msgstr "Ausgewählte Clips entfernen" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, usePlaceholders) -#: src/ui/missingclips_ui.ui:37 -msgid "Use placeholders for missing clips" -msgstr "Platzhalter für fehlende Clips verwenden" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, recursiveSearch) -#: src/ui/missingclips_ui.ui:80 -msgid "Search recursively" -msgstr "Rekursiv suchen" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, ProfilesDialog_UI) -#: src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Profiles" -msgstr "Profile" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_4) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_7) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_8) -#: src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:106 src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:140 -#: src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:174 -msgid "/" -msgstr "/" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_10) -#: src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:154 -msgid "Display aspect ratio" -msgstr "Anzeigeseitenverhältnis" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_11) -#: src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:208 -msgid "Fields per second" -msgstr "Felder pro Sekunde" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_default) -#: src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:242 -msgid "Use as default" -msgstr "Als Standard benutzen" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, button_create) -#: src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:259 -msgid "C" -msgstr "C" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, button_save) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonSave) -#: src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:269 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:421 -msgid "S" -msgstr "S" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, properties) -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:66 -msgid "Video Profile" -msgstr "Videoprofil" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:210 -msgid "Thumbnails:" -msgstr "Vorschauen:" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_2) -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:416 -msgid "Project Files" -msgstr "Projektdateien" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_12) -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:422 -msgid "Clips used in project:" -msgstr "Im Projekt verwendete Clips:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_6) -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:443 -msgid "Unused clips:" -msgstr "Unbenutzte Clips:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, delete_unused) -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:464 -msgid "Delete files" -msgstr "Dateien löschen" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_11) -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:471 -msgid "Thumbnails cache:" -msgstr "Vorschau-Zwischenspeicher:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, clear_cache) -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:492 -msgid "Clear cache" -msgstr "Zwischenspeicher leeren" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, delete_proxies) -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:520 -msgid "Delete proxies" -msgstr "Proxys löschen" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_13) -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:527 -msgid "Project files" -msgstr "Projektdateien" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_fonts) -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:561 -msgid "Fonts" -msgstr "Schriften" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_export) -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:575 -msgid "Plain text export" -msgstr "Export als einfacher Text" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:39 -msgid "Render Project" -msgstr "Projekt rendern" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:52 -msgid "Output file" -msgstr "Ausgabedatei" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_9) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:112 -msgid "Encoder threads" -msgstr "Kodier-Threads" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, scanning_list) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:131 -msgid "Force Progressive" -msgstr "Progressiv erzwingen" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, scanning_list) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:136 -msgid "Force Interlaced" -msgstr "Interlaced erzwingen" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QLineEdit, vbitrates_list) -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QLineEdit, abitrates_list) -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (KComboBox, comboBitrates) -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (KComboBox, comboAudioBitrates) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:176 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:202 -#: src/ui/saveprofile_ui.ui:33 src/ui/saveprofile_ui.ui:87 -msgid "Best to worst quality" -msgstr "Höchster zu niedrigster Qualität" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, checkTwoPass) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:215 -msgid "2 pass" -msgstr "2 Durchläufe" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, rescale) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:222 -msgid "Rescale" -msgstr "Skalieren" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, export_meta) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:250 -msgid "Export metadata" -msgstr "Metadaten exportieren" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, tc_overlay) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:276 -msgid "Overlay" -msgstr "Overlay" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, render_full) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:314 -msgid "Fu&ll project" -msgstr "&Ganzes Projekt" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, render_zone) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:324 -msgid "Selected &zone" -msgstr "Nur &markiertes Teilstück" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, render_guide) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:331 -msgid "&Guide zone" -msgstr "&Hilfslinien-Bereich" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, buttonRender) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:355 -msgid "Render to File" -msgstr "In Datei rendern" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, buttonGenerateScript) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:362 -msgid "Generate Script" -msgstr "Skript generieren" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonInfo) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonSelectImages) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:393 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:680 -msgid "I" -msgstr "I" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, show_all_profiles) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:400 -msgid "Show all profiles" -msgstr "Alle Profil anzeigen" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, open_browser) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:466 -msgid "Open browser window after export" -msgstr "Browserfenster nach dem Export öffnen" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, play_after) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:473 -msgid "Play after render" -msgstr "Wiedergabe nach Erstellen" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:503 -msgid "to" -msgstr "nach" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, create_chapter) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:523 -msgid "Create chapter file based on guides" -msgstr "Kapitel anhand der Hilfslinien erstellen" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, open_dvd) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:530 -msgid "Open Dvd wizard after rendering" -msgstr "DVD-Assistenten nach dem Rendern öffnen" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, proxy_render) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:537 -msgid "Render using proxy clips" -msgstr "Rendern mit Proxy-Clips" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, stemAudioExport) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:623 -msgid "Stem audio export" -msgstr "Stem-Audioexport" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_2) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:631 -msgid "Job Queue" -msgstr "Vorgang-Warteschlange" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_7) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:710 -msgid "Error Log" -msgstr "Fehlerprotokoll" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, clean_up) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:728 -msgid "Clean Up" -msgstr "Aufräumen" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, shutdown) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:735 -msgid "Shutdown computer after renderings" -msgstr "Rechner nach Rendern herunterfahren" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, start_job) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:742 -msgid "Start Job" -msgstr "Vorgang starten" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_3) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:750 -msgid "Scripts" -msgstr "Skripte" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, start_script) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:778 -msgid "Start Script" -msgstr "Skript starten" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, delete_script) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:785 -msgid "Delete Script" -msgstr "Skript löschen" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, lblPaintmode) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, lblPaintMode) -#: src/ui/rgbparade_ui.ui:33 src/ui/vectorscope_ui.ui:29 -#: src/ui/waveform_ui.ui:30 -msgid "Paint mode" -msgstr "Zeichenmodus" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, SaveProfile_UI) -#: src/ui/saveprofile_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Save Profile" -msgstr "Profil speichern" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/ui/saveprofile_ui.ui:60 -msgid "Group" -msgstr "Gruppe" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: src/ui/saveprofile_ui.ui:108 -msgid "Profile name" -msgstr "Profilname" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/saveprofile_ui.ui:128 -msgid "" -"Parameters (see MLT documentation)" -msgstr "" -"Parameter (siehe MLT-Dokumentation)" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, SceneCutDialog_UI) -#: src/ui/scenecutdialog_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Scene Cut" -msgstr "Szenenschnitt" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, add_markers) -#: src/ui/scenecutdialog_ui.ui:23 -msgid "Add clip markers" -msgstr "Clip-Markierungen hinzufügen" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, zone_only) -#: src/ui/scenecutdialog_ui.ui:33 -msgid "Analyze only selected zone" -msgstr "Nur ausgewähltes Teilstück analysieren" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, cut_scenes) -#: src/ui/scenecutdialog_ui.ui:63 -msgid "Cut scenes" -msgstr "Szenen zuschneiden" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, store_data) -#: src/ui/scenecutdialog_ui.ui:70 -msgid "Save result in clip metadata" -msgstr "Ergebnis in Clip-Metadaten speichern" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, groupBox) -#: src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:30 -msgid "Image selection method" -msgstr "Bild-Auswahlmethode" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, method_mime) -#: src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:36 -msgid "&Mimetype" -msgstr "&MIME-Typ" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, method_pattern) -#: src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:46 -msgid "Fi&lename pattern" -msgstr "&Dateinamen-Muster" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_4) -#: src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:70 -msgid "Image Type" -msgstr "Bild-Typ" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_5) -#: src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:97 -msgid "First frame" -msgstr "Erstes Bild" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:127 -msgid "Frame Duration" -msgstr "Bild-Dauer" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, show_thumbs) -#: src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:245 -msgid "Show thumbnails" -msgstr "Vorschaubilder anzeigen" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: src/ui/smconfig_ui.ui:33 -msgid "Number of frames to play (0 to play all frames)" -msgstr "Anzahl der abzuspielenden Bilder (0 für alle Bilder)" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, groupBox_2) -#: src/ui/smconfig_ui.ui:73 -msgid "Interval Capture" -msgstr "Intervallaufnahme" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/smconfig_ui.ui:79 -msgid "Capture delay" -msgstr "Aufnahmeverzögerung" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, sm_prenotify) -#: src/ui/smconfig_ui.ui:96 -msgid "Notify before capture" -msgstr "Benachrichtigung vor der Aufnahme" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, SpacerDialog_UI) -#: src/ui/spacerdialog_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Add space" -msgstr "Abstand hinzufügen" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, clip_filesize_3) -#: src/ui/spacerdialog_ui.ui:37 -msgid "Track:" -msgstr "Spur:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, labelFFTSize) -#: src/ui/spectrogram_ui.ui:52 -msgid "True FFT size:" -msgstr "Tatsächliche FFT-Größe:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, live_button) -#: src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:86 -msgid "Live view" -msgstr "Echtzeitansicht" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, preview_button) -#: src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:135 -msgid "Preview sequence" -msgstr "Vorschausequenz" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (KComboBox, sequence_name) -#: src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:151 src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:158 -msgid "Sequence name" -msgstr "Sequenzname" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_addsequence) -#: src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:194 -msgid "Add to project" -msgstr "Zum Projekt hinzufügen" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/templateclip_ui.ui:17 -msgid "Template" -msgstr "Vorlage" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonFitZoom) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonRealSize) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonVideo) -#: src/ui/timelinebuttons_ui.ui:16 src/ui/timelinebuttons_ui.ui:64 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:553 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:563 -msgid "V" -msgstr "V" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, TitleWidget_UI) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Title Clip" -msgstr "Titel-Clip" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, lWidth) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:109 -msgid "W" -msgstr "W" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_19) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:126 -msgid "H" -msgstr "H" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_12) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:184 -msgid "Z-Index:" -msgstr "Z-Index:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:232 -msgid "Item Properties" -msgstr "Element-Eigenschaften" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:243 -msgid "Fill color" -msgstr "Füllfarbe" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_11) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:275 -msgid "Border color" -msgstr "Rahmenfarbe" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_18) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:394 -msgid "Outline" -msgstr "Außenlinie" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, displayBg) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:631 -msgid "Show background" -msgstr "Hintergrund anzeigen" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_22) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:645 -msgid "Template:" -msgstr "Vorlage:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonSelectText) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:690 -msgid "T" -msgstr "T" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (whatsThis), widget (QToolButton, buttonSelectAll) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:720 -msgid "Selects all items on the canvas." -msgstr "Wählt alle Elemente auf der Leinwand aus." - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_14) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:761 -msgid "Zoom:" -msgstr "Zoom:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_21) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:778 -msgid "Rotate Z:" -msgstr "Rotieren Z:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_20) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:785 -msgid "Rotate Y:" -msgstr "Rotieren Y:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_15) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:792 -msgid "Rotate X:" -msgstr "Rotieren X:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_5) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:877 -msgid "Effect" -msgstr "Effekt" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (suffix), widget (QSpinBox, typewriter_delay) -#. i18n: ectx: property (suffix), widget (QSpinBox, typewriter_start) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:1007 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:1030 -msgid " frames" -msgstr " Bilder" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_16) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:1023 -msgid "Start at" -msgstr "Starten bei" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, anim_start) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:1127 -msgid "Edit start" -msgstr "Start bearbeiten" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, anim_end) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:1137 -msgid "Edit end" -msgstr "Ende bearbeiten" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_7) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:1162 -msgid "Resize" -msgstr "Größe ändern" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, resize50) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:1169 -#, no-c-format -msgid "50%" -msgstr "50  %" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, resize100) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:1176 -#, no-c-format -msgid "100%" -msgstr "100  %" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, resize200) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:1183 -#, no-c-format -msgid "200%" -msgstr "200  %" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, keep_aspect) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:1190 -msgid "Keep aspect ratio" -msgstr "Seitenverhältnis beibehalten" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/ui/transitionsettings_ui.ui:23 -msgid "track" -msgstr "Spur" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QWidget, UnicodeWidget_UI) -#: src/ui/unicodewidget_ui.ui:20 -msgid "Enter Unicode value" -msgstr "Unicode-Wert eingeben" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/ui/unicodewidget_ui.ui:251 -msgid "Additional Information" -msgstr "Zusätzliche Informationen" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_reload) -#: src/ui/wizardcapture_ui.ui:17 -msgid "Check" -msgstr "Überprüfen" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_9) -#: src/ui/wizardcapture_ui.ui:57 -msgid "Capture format:" -msgstr "Aufnahmeformat:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/wizardextra_ui.ui:16 -msgid "Default folder for project files" -msgstr "Standard-Ordner für Projektdateien" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, autosave) -#: src/ui/wizardextra_ui.ui:59 -msgid "Activate crash recovery (auto save)" -msgstr "Absturzwiederherstellung aktivieren (automatisches Speichern)" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, installmimes) -#: src/ui/wizardextra_ui.ui:66 -msgid "Install extra video mimetypes" -msgstr "Weitere Video-MIME-Typen installieren" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab) -#: src/ui/wizardmltcheck_ui.ui:21 -msgid "Installed modules" -msgstr "Installierte Module" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_2) -#: src/ui/wizardmltcheck_ui.ui:63 -msgid "Available Codecs (avformat)" -msgstr "Verfügbare Codecs (avformat)" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: src/ui/wizardmltcheck_ui.ui:90 -msgid "Formats" -msgstr "Formate" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/ui/wizardmltcheck_ui.ui:97 -msgid "Video Codecs" -msgstr "Video-Codecs" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/wizardmltcheck_ui.ui:104 -msgid "Audio Codecs" -msgstr "Audio-Codecs" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: src/ui/wizardstandard_ui.ui:17 -msgid "Please set your default video profile" -msgstr "Bitte geben Sie Ihr Standard-Videoprofil an" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/ui/wizardstandard_ui.ui:24 -msgid "Video Resolution" -msgstr "Videoauflösung" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, button_dv) -#: src/ui/wizardstandard_ui.ui:44 -msgid "DV" -msgstr "DV" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, button_all) -#: src/ui/wizardstandard_ui.ui:61 -msgid "Show All" -msgstr "Alle anzeigen" - -#: src/utils/archiveorg.cpp:78 src/utils/freesound.cpp:86 -#: src/utils/freesound.cpp:184 src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:362 -msgid "Error Loading Data" -msgstr "Fehler beim Laden der Daten" - -#: src/utils/archiveorg.cpp:91 src/utils/freesound.cpp:95 -#, kde-format -msgid "Found %1 result" -msgid_plural "Found %1 results" -msgstr[0] "%1 Ergebnis gefunden" -msgstr[1] "%1 Ergebnisse gefunden" - -#: src/utils/freesound.cpp:203 -msgid "Samplerate" -msgstr "Abtastrate" - -#: src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:67 -msgid "Freesound Audio Library" -msgstr "Audio-Bibliothek „Freesound“" - -#: src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:68 -msgid "Archive.org Video Library" -msgstr "Video-Bibliothek „Archive.org“" - -#: src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:69 -msgid "Open Clip Art Graphic Library" -msgstr "Grafische Bibliothek „Open Clip Art“" - -#: src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:70 -msgid "Search Online Resources" -msgstr "Online-Ressourcen suchen" - -#: src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:92 -msgid "Auto Play" -msgstr "Automatische Wiedergabe" - -#: src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:182 -msgctxt "the url link pointing to a web page" -msgid "link" -msgstr "Verknüpfung" - -#: src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:327 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "File extension:" -msgid "File Exists" -msgstr "Dateierweiterung:" - -#: src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:328 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "" -#| "File already exists.\n" -#| "Do you want to overwrite it ?" -msgid "Do you want to overwrite the existing file?." -msgstr "" -"Datei existiert bereits.\n" -"Wollen Sie die Datei überschreiben?" - -#: src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:371 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Data to import" -msgid "Data Imported" -msgstr "Zu importierende Daten" - -#: src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:437 -msgid "" -"You need to be online\n" -" for searching" -msgstr "" -"Zur Suche müssen Sie\n" -"online sein" - -#: src/utils/thememanager.cpp:70 -msgctxt "default theme name" -msgid "Default" -msgstr "Standard" - -#: src/utils/thememanager.cpp:213 -msgid "Configuration..." -msgstr "Einstellungen ..." - -#: src/utils/thememanager.cpp:227 -msgid "" -"Cannot start Colors Settings panel from KDE Control Center. Please check " -"your system..." -msgstr "" -"Die Farbeinstellungen der KDE-Systemsteuerung können nicht geöffnet werden. " -"Überprüfen Sie Ihr System ..." - -#~ msgid "Compare effect" -#~ msgstr "Effekt vergleichen" - -#~ msgid "Blue Screen" -#~ msgstr "Bluescreen-Filter" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Parameters" -#~ msgid "Selection Parameters" -#~ msgstr "Parameter" - -#~ msgid "Effect List" -#~ msgstr "Effektliste" - -#~ msgid "Transition List" -#~ msgstr "Liste der Übergänge" - -#~ msgid "Lossless / HQ" -#~ msgstr "Verlustfrei/HQ" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Cannot open file" -#~ msgid "Cannot open playlist producer." -#~ msgstr "Datei kann nicht geöffnet werden" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Cannot find clip to align." -#~ msgid "Cannot find proper playlist." -#~ msgstr "Es wurde kein Clip zum Ausrichten gefunden." - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Reload Clip" -#~ msgid "Expland Clip" -#~ msgstr "Clip neu laden" - -#~ msgid "Effect Stack" -#~ msgstr "Effektmagazin" - -#~ msgid "Transition" -#~ msgstr "Übergang" - -#~ msgid "Show additional controls" -#~ msgstr "Zusätzliche Steuerelemente anzeigen" - -#~ msgid "Show/Hide the lines connecting the corners" -#~ msgstr "Die Linien zwischen den Ecken anzeigen/ausblenden" - -#~ msgid "Playing %1x%2 (%3 fps)" -#~ msgstr "Wiedergabe von %1x%2 (%3 fps)" - -#~ msgid "Failed to start device" -#~ msgstr "Das Gerät kann nicht gestartet werden" - -#~ msgid "Estimated time %1" -#~ msgstr "Geschätzte Zeit: %1" - -#~ msgid "Loading" -#~ msgstr "Wird geladen" - -#~ msgid "Adding clips" -#~ msgstr "Clips werden hinzugefügt" - -#~ msgid "Loading thumbnails" -#~ msgstr "Vorschaubilder werden geladen" - -#~ msgid "Loading timeline" -#~ msgstr "Zeitleiste wird geladen" - -#~ msgid "Setting monitor" -#~ msgstr "Monitor einstellen" - -#~ msgid "Up" -#~ msgstr "Hoch" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Select All in Current Track" -#~ msgid "Add effect to Current Stack" -#~ msgstr "Alles in der aktuellen Spur auswählen" - -#~ msgid "Fun" -#~ msgstr "Spaß" - -#~ msgctxt "effects and transitions keyboard shortcuts" -#~ msgid "Effects & Transitions" -#~ msgstr "Effekte & Übergänge" - -#~ msgctxt "timeline track keyboard shortcuts" -#~ msgid "Timeline and Tracks" -#~ msgstr "Zeitleiste und Spuren" - -#~ msgid "MPEG clip (*.mpeg *.mpg *.vob)" -#~ msgstr "MPEG-Clip (*.mpeg *.mpg *.vob)" - -#~ msgid "Transcoding to DVD format" -#~ msgstr "Transkodieren in DVD-Format läuft" - -#~ msgid "before" -#~ msgstr "davor" - -#~ msgid "after" -#~ msgstr "danach" - -#~ msgid "Set zone start" -#~ msgstr "Bereichs-Anfangspunkt setzen" - -#~ msgid "Set zone end" -#~ msgstr "Bereichs-Endpunkt setzen" - -#~ msgid "Project profile was not found, using default profile." -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "Projektprofil kann nicht gefunden werden, Standardprofil wird verwendet." - -#~ msgid "Missing Profile" -#~ msgstr "Fehlendes Profil" - -#~ msgid "Project profile not found, replacing with existing one: %1" -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "Projektprofil nicht gefunden, es wird durch ein Vorhandenes ersetzt: %1" - -#~ msgid "Existing Profile" -#~ msgstr "Existierendes Profil" - -#~ msgid "" -#~ "Your project uses an unknown profile.\n" -#~ "It uses an existing profile name: %1.\n" -#~ "Please choose a new name to save it" -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "Ihr Projekt verwendet ein unbekanntes Profil.\n" -#~ "Es verwendet einen existierenden Profilnamen: %1.\n" -#~ "Bitte verwenden Sie einen neuen Namen, um es zu speichern." - -#~ msgid "Project profile was not found, it will be added to your system now." -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "Das Projektprofil wurde nicht gefunden. Er wird zu Ihrem System " -#~ "hinzugefügt." - -#~ msgid "Buttons overlapping" -#~ msgstr "Knöpfe überschneiden" - -#~ msgid "No button in menu" -#~ msgstr "Kein Knopf im Menü" - -#~ msgid "Missing background image" -#~ msgstr "Fehlendes Hintergrundbild" - -#~ msgid "No menu entry for %1" -#~ msgstr "Kein Menüeintrag für %1" - -#~ msgid "Blackmagic Decklink" -#~ msgstr "Blackmagic-Decklink" - -#~ msgid "Delete data" -#~ msgstr "Daten löschen" - -#~ msgid "Add data" -#~ msgstr "Daten hinzufügen" - -#~ msgid "Importing project effects" -#~ msgstr "Projekteffekte werden importiert" - -#~ msgid "Load Image" -#~ msgstr "Bild laden" - -#~ msgid "" -#~ "The project file contains missing clips or files and clip duration " -#~ "mismatch" -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "Die Projektdatei enthält fehlende Clips oder Dateien und Clips mit nicht " -#~ "übereinstimmender Dauer" - -#~ msgid "The project file contains clips with duration mismatch" -#~ msgstr "Die Projektdatei enthält Clips mit nicht übereinstimmender Dauer" - -#~ msgid "Duration mismatch" -#~ msgstr "Nicht übereinstimmende Dauer" - -#~ msgid "Fix duration mismatch" -#~ msgstr "Nicht übereinstimmende Dauer korrigieren" - -#~ msgid "Movit: Blur" -#~ msgstr "Movit: Verwischen" - -#~ msgid "Sharpens in a more intelligent way" -#~ msgstr "Schärft auf intelligentere Art" - -#~ msgid "Movit: Diffusion" -#~ msgstr "Movit: Diffusion" - -#~ msgid "Movit: Glow" -#~ msgstr "Movit: Glühen" - -#~ msgid "Do simple color grading" -#~ msgstr "Einfachen Farbverlauf anwenden" - -#~ msgid "Movit: Mirror" -#~ msgstr "Movit: Spiegel" - -#~ msgid "Flips the image horizontally" -#~ msgstr "Spiegelt das Bild horizontal" - -#~ msgid "Movit: Opacity" -#~ msgstr "Movit: Deckkraft" - -#~ msgid "Change the opacity of the image" -#~ msgstr "Ändert die Deckkraft des Bilds" - -#~ msgid "Movit: Saturation" -#~ msgstr "Movit: Sättigung" - -#~ msgid "Saturate or desaturate the image" -#~ msgstr "Sättigung des Bilds vergrößern oder verkleinern" - -#~ msgid "Sharpens the image by subtracting a blurred copy" -#~ msgstr "Schärft das Bild durch Abziehen einer verschwommenen Kopie" - -#~ msgid "Movit: Vignette" -#~ msgstr "Movit: Vignettierung" - -#~ msgid "Movit: White balance" -#~ msgstr "Movit: Weißabgleich" - -#~ msgid "XVideo" -#~ msgstr "XVideo" - -#~ msgid "X11" -#~ msgstr "X11" - -#~ msgid "XFree86 DGA 2.0" -#~ msgstr "XFree86 DGA 2.0" - -#~ msgid "Nano X" -#~ msgstr "Nano X" - -#~ msgid "Framebuffer console" -#~ msgstr "Framepuffer-Konsole" - -#~ msgid "Direct FB" -#~ msgstr "Direct FB" - -#~ msgid "SVGAlib" -#~ msgstr "SVGAlib" - -#~ msgid "General graphics interface" -#~ msgstr "Standard-Grafikschnittstelle" - -#~ msgid "Ascii art library" -#~ msgstr "Ascii-Art-Bibliothek" - -#~ msgid "Clip %1
is invalid, what do you want to do?" -#~ msgstr "Clip %1
ist ungültig. Was möchten Sie tun?" - -#~ msgid "File not found" -#~ msgstr "Datei nicht gefunden" - -#~ msgid "Search automatically" -#~ msgstr "Suche automatisch" - -#~ msgid "Keep as placeholder" -#~ msgstr "Behalte als Platzhalter" - -#~ msgid "Clip %1
is invalid or missing, what do you want to do?" -#~ msgstr "Clip %1
fehlt oder ist ungültig. Was möchten Sie tun?" - -#~ msgid "Search manually" -#~ msgstr "Suche manuell" - -#~ msgid "Looking for %1" -#~ msgstr "Suche %1" - -#~ msgid "Show previous keyframe" -#~ msgstr "Vorherigen Keyframe anzeigen" - -#~ msgid "Project Tree" -#~ msgstr "Projektbaum" - -#~ msgid "Adjust Profile to Current Clip" -#~ msgstr "Profil an aktuellen Clip anpassen" - -#~ msgid "Save clip zone as:" -#~ msgstr "Clip-Bereich speichern als:" - -#~ msgid "Description:" -#~ msgstr "Beschreibung:" - -#~ msgid "" -#~ "Cannot start MLT's renderer:\n" -#~ "%1" -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "MLT's renderer kann nicht gestartet werden:\n" -#~ "%1" - -#~ msgid "Timeout while creating xml output" -#~ msgstr "Zeitablauf beim Erstellen der XML-Ausgabe" - -#~ msgid "Resize (100%)" -#~ msgstr "Größenanpassung (100  %)" - -#~ msgid "Resize (50%)" -#~ msgstr "Größenanpassung (50  %)" - -#~ msgid "" -#~ "Clip %1
already exists in project, what do you want to do?" -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "Clip %1
existiert bereits im Projekt. Was möchten Sie tun?" - -#~ msgid "Clip already exists" -#~ msgstr "Clip existiert bereits" - -#~ msgid "" -#~ "Clip %1
is on a removable device, will not be available when " -#~ "device is unplugged" -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "Der Clip %1
befindet sich auf einem Wechselmedium, er ist " -#~ "nicht verfügbar, wenn das Gerät ausgehängt wird." - -#~ msgid "File on a Removable Device" -#~ msgstr "Datei auf einem Wechselmedium" - -#~ msgid "Copy file to project folder" -#~ msgstr "Datei in Projektordner kopieren" - -#~ msgid "Continue" -#~ msgstr "Fortsetzen" - -#~ msgid "" -#~ "This will remove the following files from your hard drive.\n" -#~ "This action cannot be undone, only use if you know what you are doing.\n" -#~ "Are you sure you want to continue?" -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "Dies wird die folgenden Dateien von Ihrer Festplatte entfernen.\n" -#~ "Dieser Vorgang kann nicht rückgängig gemacht werden, setzen Sie die " -#~ "Funktion mit Bedacht ein.\n" -#~ "Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie fortfahren möchten?" - -#~ msgid "Delete unused clips" -#~ msgstr "Unbenutzte Clips löschen" - -#~ msgid "Process clip" -#~ msgstr "Clip bearbeiten" - -#~ msgid "Open Clips" -#~ msgstr "Clips öffnen" - -#~ msgid "Cancel job" -#~ msgid_plural "Cancel jobs" -#~ msgstr[0] "Vorgang abbrechen" -#~ msgstr[1] "Vorgänge abbrechen" - -#~ msgid "Cannot find clip to process filter %1" -#~ msgstr "Kein Clip zum Ausführen des Filters %1 gefunden" - -#~ msgid "Cannot reverse clip" -#~ msgstr "Clip kann nicht umgekehrt werden" - -#~ msgid "Cannot render reversed clip" -#~ msgstr "Umgekehrter Clips kann nicht gerendert werden" - -#~ msgid "" -#~ "Your project's profile %1 is not compatible with the blackmagic output " -#~ "card. Please see supported profiles below. Switching to normal video " -#~ "display." -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "Ihr Projektprofil %1 ist mit der Blackmagic-Ausgabekarte nicht " -#~ "kompatibel. Unten finden Sie die unterstützten Profile. Es wird zur " -#~ "normalen Videoanzeige gewechselt." - -#~ msgid "Hide track" -#~ msgstr "Spur ausblenden" - -#~ msgid "Mute track" -#~ msgstr "Spur stumm schalten" - -#~ msgid "Invalid clip producer %1\n" -#~ msgstr "Ungültiger Clip-Produzent %1\n" - -#~ msgid "Removed invalid transition: (%1, %2, %3)" -#~ msgstr "Ungültige Übergänge wurden entfernt: (%1, %2, %3)" - -#~ msgid "Removed overlapping transition: (%1, %2, %3)" -#~ msgstr "Überlappende Übergänge wurden entfernt: (%1, %2, %3)" - -#~ msgid "Replaced wrong clip producer %1 with %2" -#~ msgstr "Falscher Clip-Produzent %1 durch %2 ersetzt" - -#~ msgid "Broken clip producer %1, recreated base clip: %2" -#~ msgstr "Beschädigter Clip-Produzent %1, Basis Clip wurde neu erschaffen: %2" - -#~ msgid "Broken clip producer %1, removed from project" -#~ msgstr "Beschädigter Clip-Produzent %1 (wurde vom Projekt entfernt)" - -#~ msgid "Desktop search integration" -#~ msgstr "Integration in die Desktop-Suche" - -#~ msgid "Video driver:" -#~ msgstr "Videotreiber:" - -#~ msgid "Normalise audio for thumbnails" -#~ msgstr "Ton für Vorschau normalisieren" - -#~ msgid "All" -#~ msgstr "Alle" - -#~ msgid "Custom" -#~ msgstr "Benutzerdefiniert" - -#~ msgid "with track" -#~ msgstr "mit Spur" - -#~ msgid "DV module (libdv)" -#~ msgstr "DV-Modul (libdv)" - -#~ msgid "Required to work with dv files if avformat module is not installed" -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "Für die Arbeit mit dv-Dateien benötigt, falls das Modul avformat nicht " -#~ "installiert ist" - -#~ msgid "Open projects in new tabs" -#~ msgstr "Projekte in neuem Tab öffnen" - -#, fuzzy -#~ msgid "Delete clips" -#~ msgstr "Clip löschen" - -#~ msgid "Check online manual" -#~ msgstr "Online-Handbuch prüfen" - -#~ msgid "" -#~ "Please report bugs to http://" -#~ "kdenlive.org/mantis" -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "Fehler bitte bei http://kdenlive." -#~ "org/mantis melden." - -#~ msgid "Close the current tab" -#~ msgstr "Aktuelles Unterfenster schließen" - -#~ msgid "License: %1" -#~ msgstr "Lizenz: %1" - -#~ msgid "Edit keyframe" -#~ msgstr "Keyframe bearbeiten" - -#~ msgid "99:99:99:99; " -#~ msgstr "99:99:99:99;" - -#~ msgid ":::" -#~ msgstr ":::" - -#~ msgid "Stabilize (vid.stab)" -#~ msgstr "Stabilisieren (vid.stab)" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Lower object" -#~ msgid "Lower is better" -#~ msgstr "Objekt absenken" - -#~ msgid "Bitrate" -#~ msgstr "Bitrate" - -#~ msgid "Color opacity" -#~ msgstr "Farbdeckkraft" - -#~ msgid "Border opacity" -#~ msgstr "Rand-Deckkraft" - -#~ msgid "Font color opacity" -#~ msgstr "Deckkraft der Schriftfarbe" - -#~ msgid "Outline color opacity" -#~ msgstr "Deckkraft der Außenlinienfarbe" - -#~ msgid "Stabilize (vstab)" -#~ msgstr "Stabilisieren (vstab)" - -#~ msgid "Stabilize (transcode)" -#~ msgstr "Stabilisieren (transcode)" - -#~ msgid "" -#~ "Firewire is not enabled on your system.\n" -#~ " Please install Libiec61883 and recompile Kdenlive" -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "Firewire ist auf Ihrem System nicht aktiviert.\n" -#~ "Bitte installieren Sie Libiec61883 und kompilieren Sie Kdenlive neu" - -#~ msgid "There is no clip, cannot extract frame." -#~ msgstr "Kein Clip vorhanden, es kann kein Bild extrahiert werden." - -#~ msgid "Clone" -#~ msgstr "Duplizieren" - -#~ msgid "Wipe (GLSL)" -#~ msgstr "Wischen (GLSL)" - -#~ msgid "Missing OpenGL support" -#~ msgstr "Fehlende Unterstützung für OpenGL-" - -#~ msgid "You need working OpenGL support to run Kdenlive. Exiting." -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "Sie brauchen eine funktionierende Unterstützung für OpenGL, um Kdenlive " -#~ "auszuführen. Das Programm wird beendet." - -#~ msgid "Movit failed initialization" -#~ msgstr "Die Initialisierung von Movit ist fehlgeschlagen" - -#~ msgid "Initialization of OpenGL filters failed. Exiting." -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "Die Initialisierung der OpenGL-Filter ist fehlgeschlagen. Das Programm " -#~ "wird beendet." - -#~ msgid "" -#~ "Select a region using the mouse. To take the snapshot, press the Enter " -#~ "key. Press Esc to quit." -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "Wählen Sie einen Bereich mit der Maus aus. Drücken Sie die Eingabetaste, " -#~ "um den Schnappschuss aufzunehmen, oder ESC um abzubrechen" - -#~ msgid "Audio align reference set." -#~ msgstr "Die Referenz zur Audio-Ausrichtung ist festgelegt." - -#~ msgid "No audio clips selected." -#~ msgstr "Kein Audio-Clip ausgewählt." - -#~ msgid "Auto-aligned %1 clips." -#~ msgstr "%1 Clips wurden automatisch ausgerichtet." - -#~ msgid "Clip %1
is invalid, will be removed from project." -#~ msgstr "Clip %1
ist ungültig und wird vom Projekt entfernt." - -#~ msgid "Clip %1
is missing or invalid. Remove it from project?" -#~ msgstr "Clip %1
fehlt oder ist ungültig. Vom Projekt entfernen?" - -#~ msgid "Add effect %1" -#~ msgstr "Effekt %1 hinzufügen" - -#~ msgid "OpenGL" -#~ msgstr "OpenGL" - -#~ msgid "Accelerated GLSL" -#~ msgstr "Beschleunigtes GLSL" - -#~ msgid "Graphic Scene" -#~ msgstr "Grafikszene" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Min" -#~ msgid "Bin" -#~ msgstr "Minimum" - -#~ msgid "Zone in" -#~ msgstr "Bereichs-Anfangspunkt" - -#~ msgid "Zone out" -#~ msgstr "Bereichs-Endpunkt" - -#~ msgid "" -#~ "Your MLT config does not support OpenGL nor SDL, Kdenlive will not be " -#~ "usable" -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "Ihre MLT-Einrichtung unterstützt weder OpenGL noch SDL, Kdenlive ist " -#~ "nicht benutzbar" - -#~ msgid "Monitor Audio" -#~ msgstr "Audiomonitor" - -#~ msgid "Use Zone" -#~ msgstr "Bereich verwenden" - -#~ msgid "The video mode %1 is not available on your system" -#~ msgstr "Auf Ihrem System steht der Videomodus %1 zur Verfügung" - -#~ msgid "Only one %1 monitor can be used" -#~ msgstr "Es kann nur %1Monitor verwendet werden" - -#~ msgid "Zone In" -#~ msgstr "Bereichs-Anfangspunkt" - -#~ msgid "Zone Out" -#~ msgstr "Bereichs-Endpunkt" - -#~ msgid "Editing clip: %1" -#~ msgstr "Clip wird bearbeitet: %1" - -#~ msgid "Author: " -#~ msgstr "Autor: " - -#~ msgid "Done" -#~ msgstr "Abgeschlossen" - -#~ msgid "Add clip to timeline" -#~ msgstr "Clip zur Zeitleiste hinzufügen" - -#~ msgid "Remove clip from timeline" -#~ msgstr "Clip aus der Zeitleiste entfernen" - -#~ msgid "Resize Clip" -#~ msgstr "Clip-Größe ändern" - -#~ msgid "Failed to open project %1" -#~ msgstr "Das Öffnen des Projekts %1 ist fehlgeschlagen" - -#~ msgid "Change track name" -#~ msgstr "Spurnamen ändern" - -#~ msgid "Hide Track" -#~ msgstr "Spur ausblenden" - -#~ msgid "Show Track" -#~ msgstr "Spur anzeigen" - -#~ msgid "Mute Track" -#~ msgstr "Spur stumm schalten" - -#~ msgid "Unmute Track" -#~ msgstr "Spur-Stummschaltung aufheben" - -#~ msgid "Lock Track" -#~ msgstr "Spur sperren" - -#~ msgid "Unlock Track" -#~ msgstr "Spur entsperren" - -#~ msgid "Marker %1" -#~ msgstr "Markierung %1" - -#~ msgid "Show Tool Panel" -#~ msgstr "Werkzeugleiste anzeigen" - -#~ msgid "Add new effect" -#~ msgstr "Neuen Effekt hinzufügen" - -#~ msgid "Reset effect" -#~ msgstr "Effekt zurücksetzen" - -#~ msgid "EffStack3" -#~ msgstr "EffStack3" - -#~ msgid "Image Clip" -#~ msgstr "Bild-Clip" - -#~ msgid "Video Clip" -#~ msgstr "Video-Clip" - -#~ msgid "Webvfx Clip" -#~ msgstr "Webvfx-Clip" - -#~ msgid "Form" -#~ msgstr "Form" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "" -#~| "Capture crashed, please check your parameters\n" -#~| "RecordMyDesktop exit code: %1" -#~ msgid "" -#~ "Capture crashed, please check your parameters.\n" -#~ "Exit code: %1" -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "Aufnahme ist abgestürzt, bitte Parameter überprofen\n" -#~ "Exit-Code von recordmydesktop: %1" - -#~ msgid "" -#~ "Recordmydesktop utility not found, please install it for " -#~ "screen grabs" -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "Hilfsprogramm Recordmydesktop nicht gefunden, bitte " -#~ "installieren Sie es für Bildschirmaufnahmen" - -#~ msgid "Recordmydesktop found at: %1" -#~ msgstr "Recordmydesktop gefunden bei: %1" - -#~ msgid "Encoding captured video..." -#~ msgstr "Aufgenommenes Video kodieren ..." - -#~ msgid "48000" -#~ msgstr "48000" - -#~ msgid "41000" -#~ msgstr "41000" - -#~ msgid "32000" -#~ msgstr "32000" - -#~ msgid "22500" -#~ msgstr "22500" - -#~ msgid "11250" -#~ msgstr "11250" - -#~ msgid "Buffer" -#~ msgstr "Puffer" - -#~ msgid "Jack" -#~ msgstr "Jack" - -#~ msgid "Ports:" -#~ msgstr "Ports:" - -#~ msgid "Bit rate" -#~ msgstr "Bitrate" - -#~ msgid "Full shots" -#~ msgstr "Volle Bilder" - -#~ msgid "Required for webcam capture" -#~ msgstr "Benötigt für die Aufnahme über Webcam" - -#~ msgid "recordmydesktop" -#~ msgstr "recordmydesktop" - -#~ msgid "Script name (will be saved in: %1)" -#~ msgstr "Skriptname (wird in %1 gespeichert werden)" - -#~ msgid "Intro movie" -#~ msgstr "Intro-Film" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Motion" -#~ msgid "Motion vectors" -#~ msgstr "Bewegung" - -#~ msgid "Button colors" -#~ msgstr "Knopffarben" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Luma file" -#~ msgid "Load marker file" -#~ msgstr "Luma-Datei" - -#~ msgid "You need program %1 to perform this action" -#~ msgstr "Sie benötigen das Programm %1 um diesen Vorgang auszuführen" - -#~ msgid "Add new clip to project" -#~ msgstr "Neuen Clip zum Projekt hinzufügen" - -#~ msgid "x1" -#~ msgstr "x1" - -#~ msgid "Crop" -#~ msgstr "Zuschneiden" - -#~ msgid "Autodetected capture devices" -#~ msgstr "Aufnahmegeräte automatisch erkennen" - -#~ msgid "Select capture format" -#~ msgstr "Aufnahmeformat auswählen" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Region" -#~ msgid "Change Region" -#~ msgstr "Bereich" - -#~ msgctxt "@action:button" -#~ msgid "Close" -#~ msgstr "Schließen" - -#~ msgid "fps" -#~ msgstr "fps" - -#~ msgid "Image name" -#~ msgstr "Bildname" - -#~ msgid "Supported capture modes:\n" -#~ msgstr "Unterstützte Aufnahmemodi:\n" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Transcoding FAILED!" -#~ msgid "Stabilizing FAILED!" -#~ msgstr "Transkodieren fehlgeschlagen!" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Close after transcode" -#~ msgid "Close after stabilizing" -#~ msgstr "Schließen nach dem Transkodieren" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Project Settings" -#~ msgid "Preview Settings" -#~ msgstr "Projekteinstellungen" - -#~ msgid "Quick preview" -#~ msgstr "Schnelle Vorschau" - -#~ msgid "Full preview" -#~ msgstr "Ganze Vorschau" - -#~ msgid "No preview" -#~ msgstr "Keine Vorschau" - -#~ msgid "Blur image with keyframes" -#~ msgstr "Bild mit Keyframes verwischen" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Blur" -#~ msgid "IIR Blur" -#~ msgstr "Verwischen" - -#~ msgid "Variable-size square blur (frei0r.squareblur)" -#~ msgstr "Verwischen, variable Breite (frei0r.squareblur)" - -#~ msgid "Configure Track" -#~ msgstr "Spur konfigurieren" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Proxy crashed" -#~ msgid "Job crashed" -#~ msgstr "Der Proxy ist abgestürzt" - -#~ msgid "Progress" -#~ msgstr "Fortschritt" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Output file" -#~ msgid "Cut file" -#~ msgstr "Ausgabedatei" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Parameters" -#~ msgid "Extra parameters" -#~ msgstr "Parameter" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Add clip cut" -#~ msgid "clip cut" -#~ msgstr "Clip-Schnitt hinzufügen" - -#~ msgid "Capture preview settings" -#~ msgstr "Aufnahmevorschau-Einstellungen" - -#~ msgid "Video4Linux" -#~ msgstr "Video4Linux" - -#~ msgid "Transcoding FAILED!" -#~ msgstr "Transkodieren fehlgeschlagen!" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Add proxy clip" -#~| msgid_plural "Add proxy clips" -#~ msgid "Building proxy clip" -#~ msgstr "Proxy Clip hinzufügen" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Transcoding finished." -#~ msgid "Transcoding crashed" -#~ msgstr "Transkodieren fertiggestellt." - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Proxy clip: %1" -#~ msgid "Proxy %1\\%" -#~ msgstr "Proxy-Clip: %1" - -#~ msgid "Fill opacity" -#~ msgstr "Deckkraft füllen" - -#~ msgid "Select clip to change speed" -#~ msgstr "Wähle Clip um die Geschwindigkeit zu ändern" - -#~ msgid "Edit Clip Speed" -#~ msgstr "Clip-Geschwindigkeit bearbeiten" - -#~ msgid "New speed (percents)" -#~ msgstr "Neue Geschwindigkeit (Prozent)" - -#~ msgid "Pick a color on the screen" -#~ msgstr "Wählen Sie eine Farbe auf dem Bildschirm" - -#~ msgid "Read only project" -#~ msgstr "Schreibgeschütztes Projekt" - -#~ msgid "(notr)" -#~ msgstr "(notr)" - -#~ msgid "(notranslate) % display" -#~ msgstr "-" - -#~ msgid "Audio device" -#~ msgstr "Audiogerät" - -#~ msgid "Bézier Spline Widget" -#~ msgstr "Bézier-Spline-Widget" - -#~ msgid "Capacities" -#~ msgstr "Kapazitäten" - -#~ msgid "Capture failed" -#~ msgstr "Aufnahme fehlgeschlagen" - -#~ msgid "Capture params" -#~ msgstr "Aufnahmeparameter" - -#~ msgid "Codec" -#~ msgstr "Codec" - -#~ msgid "Could not open audio output file %1" -#~ msgstr "Konnte Audioausgabedatei %1 nicht öffnen" - -#~ msgid "Could not open video output file %1" -#~ msgstr "Konnte Videoausgabedatei %1 nicht öffnen" - -#~ msgid "Crop & scale" -#~ msgstr "Zuschneiden & Skalieren" - -#~ msgid "Encoding params" -#~ msgstr "Kodier-Parameter" - -#~ msgid "Error starting MLT's command line player (melt)" -#~ msgstr "Fehler beim Starten von MLTs Kommandozeilen-Abspieler (melt)" - -#~ msgid "Error starting MLT's command line player (melt)." -#~ msgstr "Fehler beim Starten von MLTs Kommandozeilen-Abspieler (melt)" - -#, fuzzy -#~ msgid "FFmpeg video transcoding parameters" -#~ msgstr "Kodier-Parameter" - -#~ msgid "Format" -#~ msgstr "Format" - -#~ msgid "Frame (%1) - No input signal" -#~ msgstr "Bild (%1) – Kein Eingangssignal" - -#~ msgid "MLT version is correct" -#~ msgstr "MLT-Version ist korrekt" - -#~ msgid "" -#~ "MLT's SDL module not found. Please check your MLT install. Kdenlive will " -#~ "not work until this issue is fixed." -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "MLTs SDL-Modul wurde nicht gefunden. Bitte überprüfen Sie Ihre MLT-" -#~ "Installation. Kdenlive wird nicht funktionieren bis das Problem behoben " -#~ "ist." - -#~ msgid "NTSC" -#~ msgstr "NTSC" - -#~ msgid "No DeckLink PCI cards found." -#~ msgstr "Keine DeckLink PCI Karte gefunden." - -#~ msgid "No video mode specified" -#~ msgstr "Kein Videomodus angegeben" - -#~ msgid "PAL" -#~ msgstr "PAL" - -#~ msgid "Rotoscopy Spline" -#~ msgstr "Rotoskopie Spline" - -#~ msgid "avi" -#~ msgstr "avi" - -#~ msgid "Black and White" -#~ msgstr "Schwarz/Weiss" - -#~ msgid "Bottom Left" -#~ msgstr "Unten links" - -#~ msgid "Bottom Right" -#~ msgstr "Unten rechts" - -#~ msgid "Distance" -#~ msgstr "Distanz" - -#, fuzzy -#~ msgid "H1" -#~ msgstr "1" - -#, fuzzy -#~ msgid "H2" -#~ msgstr "2" - -#, fuzzy -#~ msgid "Handle 1 Y" -#~ msgstr "1. Ecke: Y" - -#, fuzzy -#~ msgid "Handle 2 Y" -#~ msgstr "2. Ecke: Y" - -#~ msgid "Horizontal factor" -#~ msgstr "Horizontal-Faktor" - -#~ msgid "Perspective" -#~ msgstr "Perspektive" - -#~ msgid "Point" -#~ msgstr "Punkt" - -#, fuzzy -#~ msgid "Point In" -#~ msgstr "Eingangspunkt" - -#, fuzzy -#~ msgid "Point Out" -#~ msgstr "Ausgangsverstärkung" - -#~ msgid "Precision" -#~ msgstr "Präzision" - -#~ msgid "Timecode overlay" -#~ msgstr "Zeitcode-Überlagerung" - -#, fuzzy -#~ msgid "Top Left" -#~ msgstr "Links" - -#, fuzzy -#~ msgid "Top Right" -#~ msgstr "Rechts" - -#~ msgid "Vertical factor" -#~ msgstr "Vertikal-Faktor" - -#, fuzzy -#~ msgid "bluescreen0r" -#~ msgstr "Bluescreen-Filter" - -#~ msgid "Add Audio Effect" -#~ msgstr "Audioeffekt hinzufügen" - -#~ msgid "Add Custom Effect" -#~ msgstr "Benutzerdefinierten Effekt hinzufügen" - -#~ msgid "Add Video Effect" -#~ msgstr "Videoeffekt hinzufügen" - -#~ msgid "Add audio fade" -#~ msgstr "Audio-Überblendung hinzufügen" - -#~ msgid "Add transition" -#~ msgstr "Übergang hinzufügen" - -#~ msgid "Audio fade duration: %1s" -#~ msgstr "Audio-Überblendungsdauer: %1 Sek." - -#~ msgid "Clip duration: %1s" -#~ msgstr "Clip-Länge: %1 Sek." - -#~ msgid "Crop from start: %1s" -#~ msgstr "Vom Beginn %1 Sekunde abscheiden" - -#, fuzzy -#~ msgid "Generate proxy clips" -#~ msgstr "Skript generieren" - -#~ msgid "Move to bottom" -#~ msgstr "Nach unten bewegen" - -#~ msgid "Move to left" -#~ msgstr "Nach links bewegen" - -#~ msgid "Move to right" -#~ msgstr "Nach rechts bewegen" - -#~ msgid "Move to top" -#~ msgstr "Nach oben bewegen" - -#~ msgid "Shear Z" -#~ msgstr "Scheren Z" - -#~ msgid "100Hz" -#~ msgstr "100 Hz" - -#~ msgid "Contrast0r" -#~ msgstr "Contrast0r" - -#~ msgid "Cut" -#~ msgstr "Schnitt" - -#~ msgid "Distort0r" -#~ msgstr "Distort0r" - -#~ msgid "Do nothing" -#~ msgstr "Nichts unternehmen" - -#~ msgid "Drop B frames on H.264 clips" -#~ msgstr "B-Frames bei H.264-Clips fallen lassen" - -#~ msgid "Gain out" -#~ msgstr "Ausgangsverstärkung" - -#~ msgid "GroupBox" -#~ msgstr "Gruppen-Box" - -#~ msgid "Monitor Preview Speedup Settings" -#~ msgstr "Beschleunigungseinstellungen für Monitorvorschau" - -#~ msgid "Play / Pause" -#~ msgstr "Wiedergabe / Pause" - -#~ msgid "Reverb Time" -#~ msgstr "Hall-Dauer" - -#~ msgid "Saturat0r" -#~ msgstr "Saturat0r" - -#~ msgid "Select0r" -#~ msgstr "Select0r" - -#~ msgid "Show monitor scene" -#~ msgstr "Monitor-Szene anzeigen" - -#~ msgid "Show/Hide settings" -#~ msgstr "Zeige/Verstecke Einstellungen" - -#~ msgid "Sox Vibro" -#~ msgstr "Sox-Vibro" - -#~ msgid "Sox vibro audio effect" -#~ msgstr "Sox-Vibro (Audioeffekt)" - -#~ msgid "Zoom in" -#~ msgstr "Rein zoomen" - -#~ msgid "Zoom out" -#~ msgstr "Raus zoomen" - -#~ msgid "alpha0ps" -#~ msgstr "alpha0ps" - -#~ msgid "%1, will be replaced by %2" -#~ msgstr "%1 wird ersetzt werden durch %2" - -#~ msgid "/dev/dsp" -#~ msgstr "/dev/dsp" - -#~ msgid "/dev/video0" -#~ msgstr "/dev/video0" - -#~ msgid "0" -#~ msgstr "0" - -#~ msgid "320x240" -#~ msgstr "320×240" - -#~ msgid "Align..." -#~ msgstr "Ausrichten ..." - -#~ msgid "Background Transparency" -#~ msgstr "Hintergrund-Transparenz" - -#~ msgid "Border transparency" -#~ msgstr "Rand-Transparenz" - -#~ msgid "Cannot cut a clip in a group" -#~ msgstr "Kann in einer Gruppe keine Clips schneiden" - -#~ msgid "Cannot find clip with keyframe" -#~ msgstr "Keinen Clip mit Keyframe gefunden" - -#~ msgid "Cannot find your Mlt profiles, please give the path" -#~ msgstr "Kann MLT-Profile nicht finden. Bitte geben Sie den Pfad an" - -#~ msgid "Center" -#~ msgstr "Mitte" - -#~ msgid "Change Track" -#~ msgstr "Spur ändern" - -#~ msgid "Change Track Type" -#~ msgstr "Spur-Typ ändern" - -#~ msgid "Change track type" -#~ msgstr "Spur-Typ ändern" - -#~ msgid "Clip %1
is invalid or missing, what do you want to do?" -#~ msgstr "Clip %1
ist ungültig oder fehlt. Was wollen Sie tun?" - -#~ msgid "Clip %1
is invalid, what do you want to do?" -#~ msgstr "Clip %1
ist ungültig. Was wollen Sie tun?" - -#~ msgid "Copyright (c) 2009 Development team" -#~ msgstr "Copyright © 2009–2010 Entwickler-Team" - -#~ msgid "Curve point number" -#~ msgstr "Nummer des Kurvenpunktes" - -#~ msgid "Delete clip %2?
This will also remove the clip in timeline" -#~ msgid_plural "" -#~ "Delete clip %2?
This will also remove its %1 clips in timeline" -#~ msgstr[0] "" -#~ "Clip %2 löschen?
Dies wird den Clip auch aus der Zeitleiste " -#~ "entfernen." -#~ msgstr[1] "" -#~ "Clip %2 löschen?
Dies wird die Clips auch aus der Zeitleiste " -#~ "entfernen." - -#~ msgid "" -#~ "Delete folder %2?
This will also remove the clip in that folder" -#~ msgid_plural "" -#~ "Delete folder %2?
This will also remove the %1 clips in that " -#~ "folder" -#~ msgstr[0] "" -#~ "Ordner %2 löschen?
Dies wird auch den Clip in diesem Ordner " -#~ "entfernen." -#~ msgstr[1] "" -#~ "Ordner %2 löschen?
Dies wird auch die Clips in diesem Ordner " -#~ "entfernen." - -#~ msgid "Dw" -#~ msgstr "Dw" - -#~ msgid "" -#~ "File already exists.\n" -#~ "Do you want to overwrite it?" -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "Datei existiert bereits.\n" -#~ "Wollen Sie sie überschreiben?" - -#~ msgid "Fill transparency" -#~ msgstr "Transparenz füllen" - -#~ msgid "Folder %1 already exists. Overwrite?" -#~ msgstr "Ordner %1 existiert bereits. Überschreiben?" - -#~ msgid "Forward 1 frame" -#~ msgstr "Ein Bild vorwärts" - -#~ msgid "Frame Geometry" -#~ msgstr "Frame-Geometrie" - -#~ msgid "Hor. Center" -#~ msgstr "Hor. Mitte" - -#~ msgid "Invalid action" -#~ msgstr "Ungültige Aktion" - -#~ msgid "MLT Connection, Transition, Effect, Timeline Developer" -#~ msgstr "MLT-Verbindung, Übergang, Effekt, Zeitleisten-Entwickler" - -#~ msgid "MLT porting, KDE 4 porting, Main developer" -#~ msgstr "MLT-Portierung, KDE-SC-4-Portierung, Hauptentwickler" - -#~ msgid "Monitor background color (requires restart)" -#~ msgstr "Hintergrundfarbe überwachen (erfordert Kdenlive-Neustart)" - -#~ msgid "New Track Name" -#~ msgstr "Neuer Spurname" - -#~ msgid "Resize..." -#~ msgstr "Größenanpassung ..." - -#~ msgid "Rewind 1 frame" -#~ msgstr "1 Bild zurück" - -#~ msgid "Show curves" -#~ msgstr "Kurven anzeigen" - -#~ msgid "Start Rendering" -#~ msgstr "Rendern beginnen" - -#~ msgid "" -#~ "There is already a job writing file:
Abort the job if you " -#~ "want to overwrite it..." -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "Eine Aufgabe schreibt gerade die Datei
Brechen Sie die " -#~ "Aufgabe ab, wenn Sie die Datei überschreiben wollen." - -#~ msgid "Vert. Center" -#~ msgstr "Vert. Mitte" - -#~ msgid "" -#~ "Your project file was upgraded to the latest Kdenlive document version, " -#~ "it was not possible to create a backup copy." -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "Ihre Projektdatei wurde zur neusten Kdenlive Dokumentversion " -#~ "aufgebessert. Es war nicht möglich eine Sicherheitskopie zu erstellen." - -#~ msgid "oss" -#~ msgstr "oss" - -#~ msgid "video4linux2" -#~ msgstr "Video4Linux2" - -#~ msgid "Channel 1" -#~ msgstr "Kanal 1" - -#~ msgid "Channel 2" -#~ msgstr "Kanal 2" - -#~ msgid "Channel 3" -#~ msgstr "Kanal 3" - -#~ msgid "Channel 4" -#~ msgstr "Kanal 4" - -#~ msgid "Channel 5" -#~ msgstr "Kanal 5" - -#~ msgid "Channel 6" -#~ msgstr "Kanal 6" - -#~ msgid "Clip duration" -#~ msgstr "Clip-Länge" - -#~ msgid "Clip speed" -#~ msgstr "Clip-Geschwindigkeit" - -#~ msgid "Reverse playing" -#~ msgstr "Rückwärts abspielen" - -#~ msgid "Rotate:" -#~ msgstr "Rotieren:" - -#~ msgid "Set In Point" -#~ msgstr "Setze Eingangspunkt" - -#~ msgid "Set Out Point" -#~ msgstr "Setze Ausgangspunkt" - -#~ msgid "Sox Balance" -#~ msgstr "Sox-Balance" - -#~ msgid "Sox change audio balance" -#~ msgstr "Sox-Tonbalance ändern (Audioeffekt)" - -#~ msgid "Stroboscope effect" -#~ msgstr "Stroboskop-Effekt" - -#~ msgid "Thumbnail" -#~ msgstr "Vorschau" - -#~ msgid "You must be in an empty space to remove space (time: %1, track:%2)" -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "Sie müssen in einem leeren Raum sein, um ihn entfernen zu können (Zeit: " -#~ "%1, Spur:%2)" - -#~ msgid "" -#~ "_: EMAIL OF TRANSLATORS\n" -#~ "Your emails" -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "g.marco@freenet.de, f.hammer@gmx.de, holzi1@gmx.at, simon.eu@gmail.com, " -#~ "kamikazow@web.de, root@ttill.de" - -#~ msgid "" -#~ "_: NAME OF TRANSLATORS\n" -#~ "Your names" -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "Marco Gittler, Felix Hammer, Thomas Holzmann, Simon Eugster, Markus " -#~ "Slopianka, Till Theato" - -#~ msgid "BasicOperations" -#~ msgstr "Basisoperationen" - -#~ msgid "Change Clip Speed" -#~ msgstr "Clip-Geschwindigkeit ändern" - -#~ msgid "Crop to frame size" -#~ msgstr "Auf Frame-Größe zuschneiden" - -#~ msgid "Dvdauthor" -#~ msgstr "Dvdauthor" - -#~ msgid "EndViewport" -#~ msgstr "Endfenster" - -#~ msgid "Gain as Percentage" -#~ msgstr "Verstärkung in Prozent" - -#~ msgid "Mkisofs" -#~ msgstr "Mkisofs" - -#~ msgid "Normal title clip" -#~ msgstr "Normaler Titel-Clip" - -#~ msgid "Rendering %1" -#~ msgstr "Rendere %1" - -#~ msgid "Rendering of %1 aborted, resulting video will probably be corrupted." -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "Rendern von %1 abgebrochen. Das entstandene Video ist wahrscheinlich " -#~ "unbrauchbar." - -#~ msgid "Start-/EndViewport" -#~ msgstr "Start-/Endbereich" - -#~ msgid "X:" -#~ msgstr "X:" - -#~ msgid "Y:" -#~ msgstr "Y:" - -#~ msgid "You must be in an empty space to remove space (time=%1, track:%2)" -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "Sie müssen in einem leeren Raum sein, um ihn entfernen zu können (Zeit: " -#~ "%1, Spur: %2)" - -#~ msgid "Add Image (Alt+I)" -#~ msgstr "Bild hinzufügen (Alt+I)" - -#~ msgid "Add Rectangle (Alt+R)" -#~ msgstr "Rechteck hinzufügen (Alt+R)" - -#~ msgid "Selection Tool (Alt+S)" -#~ msgstr "Auswahlwerkzeug (Alt+S)" - -#~ msgid "Crossfade" -#~ msgstr "kreuzweise überblenden" - -#~ msgid "Luma File" -#~ msgstr "Luma-Datei" - -#~ msgid "save" -#~ msgstr "speichern" - -#~ msgid "DVD Files" -#~ msgstr "DVD-Dateien" - -#~ msgid "Inigo" -#~ msgstr "Inigo" - -#~ msgid "Inigo path" -#~ msgstr "Inigo-Pfad" - -#~ msgid " 320× 240" -#~ msgstr " 320× 240" - -#~ msgid "0099\\×0099; " -#~ msgstr "0099\\×0099; " - -#~ msgid "Clip %1
is invalid or missing, what do you want to do?" -#~ msgstr "Clip %1
ist ungültig oder fehlt, was wollen Sie tun?" - -#~ msgid "Aborted by user" -#~ msgstr "Durch Benutzer abgebrochen" - -#~ msgid "" -#~ "Cannot access Desktop Search info for %1.\n" -#~ "Disabling Desktop Search integration." -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "Kann auf Informationen zu %1 über die Desktopsuche nicht zugreifen.\n" -#~ "Desktopsuche-Integration wird deaktiviert." - -#~ msgid "Rotation x" -#~ msgstr "x-Rotation" - -#~ msgid "Rotation y" -#~ msgstr "y-Rotation" - -#~ msgid "Rotation z" -#~ msgstr "z-Rotation" diff -Nru kdenlive-15.13.0+git20160206.6705c57a/po/el/CMakeLists.txt kdenlive-15.13.0+git20160206.cee1bbb6/po/el/CMakeLists.txt --- kdenlive-15.13.0+git20160206.6705c57a/po/el/CMakeLists.txt 2016-02-06 09:13:45.000000000 +0000 +++ kdenlive-15.13.0+git20160206.cee1bbb6/po/el/CMakeLists.txt 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -GETTEXT_PROCESS_PO_FILES(el ALL INSTALL_DESTINATION ${LOCALE_INSTALL_DIR} kdenlive.po) diff -Nru kdenlive-15.13.0+git20160206.6705c57a/po/el/kdenlive.po kdenlive-15.13.0+git20160206.cee1bbb6/po/el/kdenlive.po --- kdenlive-15.13.0+git20160206.6705c57a/po/el/kdenlive.po 2016-02-06 09:13:45.000000000 +0000 +++ kdenlive-15.13.0+git20160206.cee1bbb6/po/el/kdenlive.po 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 @@ -1,12707 +0,0 @@ -# Copyright (C) YEAR This_file_is_part_of_KDE -# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package. -# -# Dimitris Kardarakos , 2015. -msgid "" -msgstr "" -"Project-Id-Version: \n" -"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugs.kde.org\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-12-11 07:07+0000\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-02-20 21:56+0200\n" -"Last-Translator: Dimitris Kardarakos \n" -"Language-Team: Greek \n" -"Language: el\n" -"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" -"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" -"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" -"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;\n" -"X-Generator: Lokalize 1.5\n" - -msgctxt "NAME OF TRANSLATORS" -msgid "Your names" -msgstr "Stelios, Δημήτρης Καρδαράκος" - -msgctxt "EMAIL OF TRANSLATORS" -msgid "Your emails" -msgstr "sstavra@gmail.com, dimkard@gmail.com" - -#: data/effects/audiobalance.xml:3 data/effects/audiobalance.xml:7 -msgid "Balance" -msgstr "Ισορροπία" - -#: data/effects/audiobalance.xml:4 -msgid "Adjust the left/right balance" -msgstr "Προσαρμογή ισορροπίας αριστερά/δεξιά" - -#: data/effects/audiopan.xml:3 data/effects/audiopan.xml:11 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:347 src/project/dialogs/slideshowclip.cpp:73 -msgid "Pan" -msgstr "Μετακίνηση" - -#: data/effects/audiopan.xml:4 -msgid "Adjust the left/right spread of a channel" -msgstr "Προσαρμόζει την αριστερή/δεξιά διασπορά ενός καναλιού" - -#: data/effects/audiopan.xml:7 data/effects/channelcopy.xml:7 -#: data/effects/channelcopy.xml:11 -msgid "Left,Right" -msgstr "Αριστερά,δεξιά" - -#: data/effects/audiopan.xml:8 data/effects/frei0r_bezier_curves.xml:9 -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:9 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:66 -#: data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:10 data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:42 -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:25 -msgid "Channel" -msgstr "Κανάλι" - -#: data/effects/audiowave.xml:3 -msgid "Audio Wave" -msgstr "Ηχητικό κύμα" - -#: data/effects/audiowave.xml:4 -msgid "Display the audio waveform instead of the video" -msgstr "Εμφάνιση ηχητικής κυματομορφής αντί για το βίντεο" - -#: data/effects/audiowaveform.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Audio Wave" -msgid "Audio Waveform Filter" -msgstr "Ηχητικό κύμα" - -#: data/effects/audiowaveform.xml:6 data/effects/dynamictext.xml:22 -#: data/effects/pan_zoom.xml:13 data/effects/rotation.xml:40 -#: data/effects/rotation_keyframable.xml:22 -msgid "Background Color" -msgstr "Χρώμα φόντου" - -#: data/effects/audiowaveform.xml:9 data/effects/dynamictext.xml:19 -msgid "Foreground Color" -msgstr "Χρώμα προσκηνίου" - -#: data/effects/audiowaveform.xml:12 -msgid "Line Thickness" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/audiowaveform.xml:15 data/effects/movit_rect.xml:6 -#: data/effects/pan_zoom.xml:7 -msgid "Rectangle" -msgstr "Ορθογώνιο" - -#: data/effects/audiowaveform.xml:18 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:721 -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:766 -msgid "Fill" -msgstr "Γέμισμα" - -#: data/effects/automask.xml:3 -msgid "Auto Mask" -msgstr "Αυτόματη μάσκα" - -#: data/effects/automask.xml:4 -msgid "Hide a selected zone and follow its movements" -msgstr "Απόκρυψη μιας επιλεγμένης περιοχής και παρακολούθηση των κινήσεών της" - -#: data/effects/automask.xml:7 data/effects/dynamictext.xml:7 -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:718 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:745 -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:763 -msgid "Geometry" -msgstr "Γεωμετρία" - -#: data/effects/automask.xml:10 -msgid "Macroblock width" -msgstr "Εύρος Macroblock" - -#: data/effects/automask.xml:13 -msgid "Macroblock height" -msgstr "Ύψος Macroblock" - -#: data/effects/automask.xml:16 -msgid "Maximum x distance" -msgstr "Μέγιστη απόσταση στο x" - -#: data/effects/automask.xml:19 -msgid "Maximum y distance" -msgstr "Μέγιστη απόσταση στο y" - -#: data/effects/automask.xml:22 -msgid "Denoise" -msgstr "Αφαίρεση θορύβου" - -#: data/effects/automask.xml:25 -msgid "Debug" -msgstr "Εντοπισμός σφαλμάτων" - -#: data/effects/automask.xml:28 data/effects/obscure.xml:3 -msgid "Obscure" -msgstr "Μείωση ευκρίνειας" - -#: data/effects/automask.xml:36 data/effects/loudness.xml:12 -msgid "Analyse" -msgstr "Ανάλυση" - -#: data/effects/boxblur.xml:3 -msgid "Box Blur" -msgstr "Πλαίσιο θολώματος" - -#: data/effects/boxblur.xml:4 -msgid "Box blur (separate horizontal and vertical blur)" -msgstr "Πλαίσιο θολώματος (οριζόντιο και κάθετο θόλωμα ξεχωριστά)" - -#: data/effects/boxblur.xml:7 -msgid "Horizontal multiplicator" -msgstr "Οριζόντιος πολλαπλασιαστής" - -#: data/effects/boxblur.xml:10 -msgid "Vertical multiplicator" -msgstr "Κατακόρυφος πολλαπλασιαστής" - -#: data/effects/boxblur.xml:13 -msgid "Blur factor" -msgstr "Συντελεστής θολώματος" - -#: data/effects/brightness.xml:3 -msgid "Brightness (keyframable)" -msgstr "Λαμπρότητα (με υποστήριξη keyframe)" - -#: data/effects/brightness.xml:4 -msgid "Change image brightness with keyframes" -msgstr "Τροποποίηση λαμπρότητας εικόνας με keyframes" - -#: data/effects/brightness.xml:7 -msgid "Intensity" -msgstr "Ένταση χρωμάτων" - -#: data/effects/channelcopy.xml:3 -msgid "Mono to stereo" -msgstr "Mono σε stereo" - -#: data/effects/channelcopy.xml:4 -msgid "Copy one channel to another" -msgstr "Αντιγραφή ενός καναλιού σε ένα άλλο" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_4) -#: data/effects/channelcopy.xml:8 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:486 -msgid "From" -msgstr "Από" - -#: data/effects/channelcopy.xml:12 -msgid "To" -msgstr "Σε" - -#: data/effects/charcoal.xml:3 -msgid "Charcoal" -msgstr "Κάρβουνο" - -#: data/effects/charcoal.xml:4 -msgid "Charcoal drawing effect" -msgstr "Εφέ σχεδίασης με κάρβουνο" - -#: data/effects/charcoal.xml:7 -msgid "Horizontal scatter" -msgstr "Οριζόντια διασπορά" - -#: data/effects/charcoal.xml:10 -msgid "Vertical scatter" -msgstr "Κατακόρυφη διασπορά" - -#: data/effects/charcoal.xml:13 -msgid "Scale" -msgstr "Κλίμακα" - -#: data/effects/charcoal.xml:16 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:757 -msgid "Mix" -msgstr "Μίξη" - -#: data/effects/charcoal.xml:19 data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:31 -#: data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:63 data/effects/frei0r_mask0mate.xml:19 -#: data/effects/invert.xml:3 data/effects/mirror.xml:11 -#: data/effects/rotoscoping.xml:18 src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:215 -msgid "Invert" -msgstr "Αντιστροφή" - -#: data/effects/chroma.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Chroma Hold" -msgid "Chroma Key" -msgstr "Διατήρηση chroma" - -#: data/effects/chroma.xml:4 -msgid "Make selected color transparent" -msgstr "Μετατροπή του επιλεγμένου χρώματος σε διάφανο" - -#: data/effects/chroma.xml:7 data/effects/chroma_hold.xml:7 -msgid "Color key" -msgstr "Κλειδί χρώματος" - -#: data/effects/chroma.xml:10 data/effects/chroma_hold.xml:10 -msgid "Variance" -msgstr "Διακύμανση" - -#: data/effects/chroma_hold.xml:3 -msgid "Chroma Hold" -msgstr "Διατήρηση chroma" - -#: data/effects/chroma_hold.xml:4 -msgid "Make image greyscale except for chosen color" -msgstr "" -"Μετατροπή της εικόνες σε βαθμίδες του γκρι εκτός του επιλεγμένου χρώματος" - -#: data/effects/crop.xml:3 -msgid "Edge Crop" -msgstr "Κόψιμο άκρων" - -#: data/effects/crop.xml:4 -msgid "Trim the edges of a clip" -msgstr "Κόψιμο των άκρων ενός κλιπ" - -#: data/effects/crop.xml:7 data/effects/frei0r_mask0mate.xml:13 -msgid "Top" -msgstr "Κορυφή" - -#: data/effects/crop.xml:10 data/effects/frei0r_mask0mate.xml:7 -msgid "Left" -msgstr "Αριστερά" - -#: data/effects/crop.xml:13 data/effects/frei0r_mask0mate.xml:16 -msgid "Bottom" -msgstr "Βάση" - -#: data/effects/crop.xml:16 data/effects/frei0r_mask0mate.xml:10 -msgid "Right" -msgstr "Δεξιά" - -#: data/effects/crop.xml:19 -msgid "Automatic center-crop" -msgstr "Αυτόματη κεντραρισμένη περικοπή" - -#: data/effects/crop.xml:22 -msgid "Center balance" -msgstr "Κεντράρισμα ισορροπίας" - -#: data/effects/crop.xml:25 -msgid "Use project resolution" -msgstr "Χρήση ανάλυσης έργου" - -#: data/effects/dust.xml:3 -msgid "Dust" -msgstr "Κόκκοι" - -#: data/effects/dust.xml:4 -msgid "Add dust and specks to the video, as in old movies" -msgstr "Προσθήκη κόκκων και στιγμάτων στο βίντεο, όπως στις παλιές ταινίες" - -#: data/effects/dust.xml:7 -msgid "Maximal Diameter" -msgstr "Μέγιστη διάμετρος" - -#: data/effects/dust.xml:10 -msgid "Maximal number of dust" -msgstr "Μέγιστο πλήθος κόκκων" - -#: data/effects/dynamictext.xml:3 -msgid "Dynamic Text" -msgstr "Δυναμικό κείμενο" - -#: data/effects/dynamictext.xml:4 -msgid "Overlay text with keywords replaced" -msgstr "Επικάλυψη κειμένου με αντικατάσταση λέξεων-κλειδιών" - -#: data/effects/dynamictext.xml:10 -msgid "Font Family" -msgstr "Οικογένεια γραμματοσειρών" - -#: data/effects/dynamictext.xml:13 -msgid "Font Size" -msgstr "Μέγεθος γραμματοσειράς" - -#: data/effects/dynamictext.xml:16 -msgid "Font Weight" -msgstr "Πάχος γραμματοσειράς" - -#: data/effects/dynamictext.xml:25 -msgid "Outline Color" -msgstr "Χρώμα περιγράμματος" - -#: data/effects/dynamictext.xml:28 -msgid "Outline Width" -msgstr "Πάχος περιγράμματος" - -#: data/effects/dynamictext.xml:31 -msgid "Padding" -msgstr "Γέμιση" - -#: data/effects/dynamictext.xml:34 -msgid "Left,Center,Right" -msgstr "Αριστερά,κέντρο,δεξιά" - -#: data/effects/dynamictext.xml:35 -msgid "Horizontal Alignment" -msgstr "Οριζόντια στοίχιση" - -#: data/effects/dynamictext.xml:38 -msgid "Top,Middle,Bottom" -msgstr "Κορυφή,μέση,βάση" - -#: data/effects/dynamictext.xml:39 -msgid "Vertical Alignment" -msgstr "Κατακόρυφη στοίχιση" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, text_box) -#: data/effects/dynamictext.xml:42 src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:55 -#: src/ui/templateclip_ui.ui:34 -msgid "Text" -msgstr "Κείμενο" - -#: data/effects/fade_from_black.xml:3 -msgid "Fade from Black" -msgstr "Ομαλή μετάβαση από μαύρο" - -#: data/effects/fade_from_black.xml:4 -msgid "Fade video from black" -msgstr "Ομαλή μετάβαση στο βίντεο από μαύρο" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_duration) -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, ClipDurationDialog_UI) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, duration_label) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: data/effects/fade_from_black.xml:7 data/effects/fade_to_black.xml:7 -#: data/effects/fadein.xml:10 data/effects/fadeout.xml:7 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:133 -#: src/ui/clipdurationdialog_ui.ui:14 src/ui/clipdurationdialog_ui.ui:40 -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:58 src/ui/colorclip_ui.ui:37 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:747 src/utils/freesound.cpp:157 -#: src/utils/freesound.cpp:196 src/utils/freesound.cpp:197 -#: src/utils/freesound.cpp:198 -msgid "Duration" -msgstr "Διάρκεια" - -#: data/effects/fade_from_black.xml:10 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/bezier/beziersplinewidget.cpp:52 -msgid "In" -msgstr "Είσοδος" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: data/effects/fade_from_black.xml:13 data/effects/fade_to_black.xml:13 -#: src/ui/wipeval_ui.ui:22 -msgid "Start" -msgstr "Έναρξη" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_4) -#: data/effects/fade_from_black.xml:16 data/effects/fade_to_black.xml:16 -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:409 src/ui/wipeval_ui.ui:167 -msgid "End" -msgstr "Τέλος" - -#: data/effects/fade_to_black.xml:3 -msgid "Fade to Black" -msgstr "Ομαλή μετάβαση σε μαύρο" - -#: data/effects/fade_to_black.xml:4 -msgid "Fade video to black" -msgstr "Ομαλή μετάβαση από το βίντεο σε μαύρο" - -#: data/effects/fade_to_black.xml:10 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/bezier/beziersplinewidget.cpp:54 -msgid "Out" -msgstr "Έξοδος" - -#: data/effects/fadein.xml:3 -msgid "Fade in" -msgstr "Ομαλή είσοδος" - -#: data/effects/fadein.xml:4 -msgid "Fade in audio track" -msgstr "Ομαλή είσοδος σε κομμάτι ήχου" - -#: data/effects/fadein.xml:13 data/effects/fadeout.xml:13 -msgid "Start Gain" -msgstr "Αρχική ανακλαστικότητα" - -#: data/effects/fadein.xml:16 data/effects/fadeout.xml:16 -msgid "End Gain" -msgstr "Τελική ανακλαστικότητα" - -#: data/effects/fadeout.xml:3 -msgid "Fade out" -msgstr "Ομαλή έξοδος" - -#: data/effects/fadeout.xml:4 -msgid "Fade out audio track" -msgstr "Ομαλή έξοδος από κομμάτι ήχου" - -#: data/effects/freeze.xml:3 -msgid "Freeze" -msgstr "Πάγωμα" - -#: data/effects/freeze.xml:4 -msgid "Freeze video on a chosen frame" -msgstr "Πάγωμα του βίντεο σε επιλεγμένο καρέ" - -#: data/effects/freeze.xml:7 -msgid "Freeze at" -msgstr "Πάγωμα σε" - -#: data/effects/freeze.xml:10 -msgid "Freeze Before" -msgstr "Πάγωμα πριν από" - -#: data/effects/freeze.xml:13 -msgid "Freeze After" -msgstr "Πάγωμα μετά από" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_3dflippo.xml:3 -msgid "3dflippo" -msgstr "3dflippo" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_3dflippo.xml:4 -msgid "Frame rotation in 3D space" -msgstr "Περιστροφή καρέ σε τρισδιάστατο χώρο" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_3dflippo.xml:7 -msgid "X axis rotation" -msgstr "Περιστροφή του άξονα x" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_3dflippo.xml:10 -msgid "Y axis rotation" -msgstr "Περιστροφή του άξονα y" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_3dflippo.xml:13 -msgid "Z axis rotation" -msgstr "Περιστροφή του άξονα z" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_3dflippo.xml:16 -msgid "X axis rotation rate" -msgstr "Βαθμός περιστροφής άξονα x" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_3dflippo.xml:19 -msgid "Y axis rotation rate" -msgstr "Βαθμός περιστροφής άξονα y" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_3dflippo.xml:22 -msgid "Z axis rotation rate" -msgstr "Βαθμός περιστροφής άξονα z" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_3dflippo.xml:25 -msgid "Center position (X)" -msgstr "Κεντρική θέση (Χ)" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_3dflippo.xml:28 -msgid "Center position (Y)" -msgstr "Κεντρική θέση (Y)" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_3dflippo.xml:31 -msgid "Invert rotation assignment" -msgstr "Αντιστροφή ανάθεσης περιστροφής" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_3dflippo.xml:34 -msgid "Don't blank mask" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_3dflippo.xml:37 -msgid "Fill with image or black" -msgstr "Γέμισμα με εικόνα ή μαύρο" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:4 data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:36 -msgid "Alpha operations" -msgstr "Λειτουργίες καναλιού άλφα" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:5 data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:37 -msgid "Display and manipulation of the alpha channel" -msgstr "Προβολή και τροποποίηση του καναλιού άλφα" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:9 data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:41 -msgid "" -"Image,Alpha as gray,Gray + red,Selection on black,Selection on gray," -"Selection on white,Selection on checkers" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:10 data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:42 -msgid "Display" -msgstr "Εμφάνιση" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:14 data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:46 -msgid "Display input alpha" -msgstr "Προβολή άλφα εισόδου" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:18 -msgid "NO OP,Shave,Shrink hard,Shrink soft,Grow hard,Grow soft,Threshold" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:19 data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:51 -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphagrad.xml:30 data/effects/frei0r_alphaspot.xml:47 -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:45 data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:96 -msgid "Operation" -msgstr "Λειτουργία" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:23 data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:55 -#: data/effects/frei0r_threshold0r.xml:7 data/effects/threshold.xml:3 -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:217 -msgid "Threshold" -msgstr "Κατώφλι" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:27 -msgid "Shrink/grow amount" -msgstr "Σμίκρυνση/μεγέθυνση ποσού" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:50 -msgid "NO OP,Shave,Shrink hard,Shrink soft,Grow hard,Grow soft,Threshold,Blur" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:59 -msgid "Shrink/Grow/Blur amount" -msgstr "Σμίκρυνση/μεγέθυνση/θόλωμα ποσού" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphagrad.xml:3 -msgid "Alpha gradient" -msgstr "Διαβάθμιση άλφα" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphagrad.xml:4 -msgid "Fill the alpha channel with a specified gradient" -msgstr "Γέμισμα του καναλιού άλφα με μια καθορισμένη διαβάθμιση" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, clip_filesize_2) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, position_label) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, import_position) -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphagrad.xml:9 src/effectstack/keyframeedit.cpp:55 -#: src/ui/clipdurationdialog_ui.ui:20 src/ui/importkeyframesdialog_ui.ui:80 -#: src/ui/keyframedialog_ui.ui:20 src/ui/markerdialog_ui.ui:20 -msgid "Position" -msgstr "Θέση" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphagrad.xml:13 data/effects/frei0r_alphaspot.xml:34 -msgid "Transition width" -msgstr "Πλάτος μετάβασης" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphagrad.xml:17 data/effects/frei0r_alphaspot.xml:30 -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:16 -msgid "Tilt" -msgstr "Κλίση" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphagrad.xml:21 data/effects/frei0r_alphaspot.xml:38 -msgid "Min" -msgstr "Ελάχιστο" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphagrad.xml:25 data/effects/frei0r_alphaspot.xml:42 -msgid "Max" -msgstr "Μέγιστο" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphagrad.xml:29 data/effects/frei0r_alphaspot.xml:46 -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:44 data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:95 -msgid "Write on clear,Max,Min,Add,Subtract" -msgstr "Καθαρισμός,μέγιστο,ελάχιστο,προσθήκη,αφαίρεση" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphaspot.xml:3 -msgid "Alpha shapes" -msgstr "Σχήματα άλφα" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphaspot.xml:4 -msgid "Draws simple shapes into the alpha channel" -msgstr "Σχεδίαση απλών σχημάτων εντός ενός καναλιού άλφα" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphaspot.xml:9 -msgid "Rectangle,Ellipse,Triangle,Diamond" -msgstr "Ορθογώνιο,έλλειψη,τρίγωνο,ρόμβος" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphaspot.xml:10 data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:29 -#: data/effects/sox_flanger.xml:22 -msgid "Shape" -msgstr "Σχήμα" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphaspot.xml:14 -msgid "Position X" -msgstr "Θέση Χ" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphaspot.xml:18 -msgid "Position Y" -msgstr "Θέση Υ" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphaspot.xml:22 -msgid "Size X" -msgstr "Μέγεθος X" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphaspot.xml:26 -msgid "Size Y" -msgstr "Μέγεθος Y" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_balanc0r.xml:4 data/effects/frei0r_balanc0r.xml:15 -msgid "White Balance" -msgstr "Ισορροπία λευκού" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_balanc0r.xml:5 data/effects/frei0r_balanc0r.xml:16 -msgid "Adjust the white balance / color temperature" -msgstr "Προσαρμογή της θερμοκρασίας ισορροπίας / χρώματος του λευκού" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_balanc0r.xml:8 data/effects/frei0r_balanc0r.xml:19 -#: data/effects/frei0r_colgate.xml:8 data/effects/movit_white_balance.xml:6 -msgid "Neutral Color" -msgstr "Ουδέτερο χρώμα" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_balanc0r.xml:11 data/effects/frei0r_balanc0r.xml:22 -msgid "Green Tint" -msgstr "Πρασίνισμα" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_baltan.xml:3 -msgid "Baltan" -msgstr "Baltan" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_baltan.xml:4 -msgid "Delayed alpha smoothed blit of time" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_bezier_curves.xml:3 -msgid "Bézier Curves" -msgstr "Καμπύλες Bézier" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_bezier_curves.xml:4 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:5 -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:62 -msgid "Color curves adjustment" -msgstr "Προσαρμογή χρωματικών καμπύλων" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_bezier_curves.xml:8 -msgid "RGB,Red,Green,Blue,Alpha,Luma,Hue,Saturation" -msgstr "RGB,κόκκινο,πράσινο,μπλε,alpha,luma,απόχρωση,κορεσμός" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_bezier_curves.xml:13 -#: data/effects/frei0r_coloradj_rgb.xml:33 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:12 -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:69 -msgid "Rec. 601,Rec. 709" -msgstr "Rec. 601,Rec. 709" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_bezier_curves.xml:14 -#: data/effects/frei0r_coloradj_rgb.xml:34 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:13 -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:70 -msgid "Luma formula" -msgstr "Τύπος Luma" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_brightness.xml:3 data/effects/frei0r_brightness.xml:7 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lenscorrection.xml:19 data/effects/grain.xml:13 -msgid "Brightness" -msgstr "Λαμπρότητα" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_brightness.xml:4 -msgid "Adjusts the brightness of a source image" -msgstr "Προσαρμόζει τη λαμπρότητα μιας εισαχθείσης εικόνας" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:3 -msgid "Corners" -msgstr "Γωνίες" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:4 -msgid "Four corners geometry engine" -msgstr "Μηχανή γεωμετρίας τεσσάρων γωνιών" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:8 -msgid "Corner 1 X" -msgstr "Γωνία 1 X" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:12 -msgid "Corner 1 Y" -msgstr "Γωνία 1 Y" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:16 -msgid "Corner 2 X" -msgstr "Γωνία 2 X" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:20 -msgid "Corner 2 Y" -msgstr "Γωνία 2 Y" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:24 -msgid "Corner 3 X" -msgstr "Γωνία 3 X" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:28 -msgid "Corner 3 Y" -msgstr "Γωνία 3 Y" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:32 -msgid "Corner 4 X" -msgstr "Γωνία 4 X" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:36 -msgid "Corner 4 Y" -msgstr "Γωνία 4 Y" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:40 -msgid "Stretch X" -msgstr "Επιμήκυνση X" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:44 -msgid "Stretch Y" -msgstr "Επιμήκυνση Y" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:48 -msgid "Feather Alpha" -msgstr "Απάλυνση άλφα στα όρια" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:52 -msgid "Enable Stretch" -msgstr "Ενεργοποίηση επιμήκυνσης" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:56 data/effects/frei0r_defish0r.xml:24 -msgid "" -"Nearest neighbor,Bilinear,Bicubic smooth,Bicubic sharp,Spline 4x4,Spline 6x6," -"Lanczos" -msgstr "" -"πλησιέστερος γείτονας,διγραμμική,δικυβική ομαλή,δικυβική οξεία,Spline 4x4," -"Spline 6x6,Lanczos" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:57 data/effects/frei0r_defish0r.xml:25 -msgid "Interpolator" -msgstr "Παρεμβάλουσα" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:61 data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:63 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:136 -msgid "Transparent Background" -msgstr "Διαφανές φόντο" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:65 data/effects/rotoscoping.xml:13 -msgid "Write on clear,Maximum,Minimum,Add,Subtract" -msgstr "Καθαρισμός,μέγιστο,ελάχιστο,προσθήκη,αφαίρεση" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:66 -msgid "Alpha operation" -msgstr "Λειτουργία άλφα" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_cartoon.xml:4 data/effects/frei0r_cartoon.xml:15 -msgid "Cartoon" -msgstr "Γελοιογραφία" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_cartoon.xml:5 data/effects/frei0r_cartoon.xml:16 -msgid "Cartoonify video, do a form of edge detect" -msgstr "Μετατροπή βίντεο σε γελοιογραφία, μια μορφή ανίχνευσης άκρων" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_cartoon.xml:8 data/effects/frei0r_cartoon.xml:19 -msgid "Level of trip" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_cartoon.xml:11 data/effects/frei0r_cartoon.xml:22 -msgid "Difference space" -msgstr "Διάστημα διαφοράς" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_cluster.xml:3 -msgid "K-Means Clustering" -msgstr "Συστοιχία K-Means" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_cluster.xml:4 -msgid "Clusters of a source image by color and spatial distance" -msgstr "Συστοιχίες εικόνας πηγής με βάση το χρώμα και τη χωρική απόσταση" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_cluster.xml:7 -msgid "Amount of clusters" -msgstr "Πλήθος συστοιχιών" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_cluster.xml:10 -msgid "Weight on distance" -msgstr "Μέτρηση απόστασης" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_colgate.xml:3 -msgid "White Balance (LMS space)" -msgstr "Ισορροπία λευκού (χώρος LMS)" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_colgate.xml:5 -msgid "" -"Do simple color correction, in a physically meaningful\n" -"way" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_colgate.xml:12 data/effects/movit_white_balance.xml:9 -msgid "Color Temperature" -msgstr "Θερμοκρασία χρώματος" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_coloradj_rgb.xml:3 -msgid "RGB adjustment" -msgstr "Προσαρμογή RGB" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_coloradj_rgb.xml:4 -msgid "Simple color adjustment" -msgstr "Απλή χρωματική προσαρμογή" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, cbR) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonSelectRects) -#: data/effects/frei0r_coloradj_rgb.xml:8 src/ui/histogram_ui.ui:30 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:733 -msgid "R" -msgstr "R" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, cbG) -#: data/effects/frei0r_coloradj_rgb.xml:12 src/ui/histogram_ui.ui:37 -msgid "G" -msgstr "G" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, cbB) -#: data/effects/frei0r_coloradj_rgb.xml:16 src/ui/histogram_ui.ui:44 -msgid "B" -msgstr "B" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_coloradj_rgb.xml:20 -msgid "Add constant,Change gamma,Multiply" -msgstr "Προσθήκη σταθεράς,αλλαγή γάμμα,πολλαπλασιασμός" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_coloradj_rgb.xml:21 -msgid "Action" -msgstr "Ενέργεια" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_coloradj_rgb.xml:25 -msgid "Keep luma" -msgstr "Διατήρηση luma" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_coloradj_rgb.xml:29 -msgid "Alpha controlled" -msgstr "Ελεγχόμενο βάσει άλφα" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_colordistance.xml:3 -msgid "Color Distance" -msgstr "Χρωματική απόσταση" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_colordistance.xml:4 -msgid "" -"Calculates the distance between the selected color and the current pixel and " -"uses that value as new pixel value" -msgstr "" -"Υπολογίζει την απόσταση ανάμεσα στο επιλεγμένο χρώμα και το τρέχον " -"εικονοστοιχείο και χρησιμοποιεί την τιμή αυτή ως νέα τιμή εικονοστοιχείου" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_colordistance.xml:7 -msgid "Source Color" -msgstr "Χρώμα πηγής" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_colortap.xml:3 -msgid "Color Effect" -msgstr "Εφέ χρώματος" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_colortap.xml:4 -msgid "Applies a pre-made color effect to image" -msgstr "Εφαρμόζει ένα προκατασκευασμένο εφέ χρώματος σε εικόνα" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, treeWidget) -#: data/effects/frei0r_colortap.xml:7 data/effects/frei0r_defish0r.xml:14 -#: data/effects/frei0r_iirblur.xml:14 data/effects/frei0r_medians.xml:9 -#: src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:74 src/ui/missingclips_ui.ui:67 -msgid "Type" -msgstr "Τύπος" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_contrast0r.xml:3 data/effects/frei0r_contrast0r.xml:7 -#: data/effects/grain.xml:10 src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:209 -msgid "Contrast" -msgstr "Αντίθεση" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_contrast0r.xml:4 -msgid "Adjusts the contrast of a source image" -msgstr "Προσαρμόζει την αντίθεση μιας εισαχθείσης εικόνας" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:4 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:61 -msgid "Curves" -msgstr "Καμπύλες" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:8 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:65 -#: data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:9 data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:41 -msgid "Red,Green,Blue,Luma" -msgstr "Κόκκινο,πράσινο,μπλε,luma" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:20 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:77 -msgid "Number of curve points" -msgstr "Πλήθος σημείων καμπύλης" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:23 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:80 -msgid "Point 1 input value" -msgstr "Σημείο 1, τιμή εισόδου" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:26 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:83 -msgid "Point 1 output value" -msgstr "Σημείο 1, τιμή εξόδου" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:29 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:86 -msgid "Point 2 input value" -msgstr "Σημείο 2, τιμή εισόδου" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:32 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:89 -msgid "Point 2 output value" -msgstr "Σημείο 2, τιμή εξόδου" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:35 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:92 -msgid "Point 3 input value" -msgstr "Σημείο 3, τιμή εισόδου" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:38 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:95 -msgid "Point 3 output value" -msgstr "Σημείο 3, τιμή εξόδου" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:41 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:98 -msgid "Point 4 input value" -msgstr "Σημείο 4, τιμή εισόδου" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:44 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:101 -msgid "Point 4 output value" -msgstr "Σημείο 4, τιμή εξόδου" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:47 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:104 -msgid "Point 5 input value" -msgstr "Σημείο 5, τιμή εισόδου" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:50 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:107 -msgid "Point 5 output value" -msgstr "Σημείο 5, τιμή εξόδου" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:53 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:110 -msgid "Show graph in picture" -msgstr "Εμφάνιση γραφήματος στην εικόνα" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:56 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:113 -#: data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:31 data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:63 -msgid "Top Left,Top Right,Bottom Left,Bottom Right" -msgstr "Κορυφή αριστερά,κορυφή δεξιά,βάση αριστερά,βάση δεξιά" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:57 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:114 -msgid "Graph position" -msgstr "Θέση γραφήματος" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_d90stairsteppingfix.xml:3 -msgid "Nikon D90 Stairstepping fix" -msgstr "Διόρθωση προοπτικής τοποθέτησης για τη Nikon D90" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_d90stairsteppingfix.xml:7 -msgid "" -"Removes stairstepping artifacts from Nikon D90's 720p videos.\n" -" \n" -" " -msgstr "" -"Αφαιρεί ενδείξεις προοπτικής τοποθέτησης από τα βίντεο των 720p της Nikon " -"D90.\n" -" \n" -" " - -#: data/effects/frei0r_defish0r.xml:3 -msgid "Defish" -msgstr "Defish" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_defish0r.xml:4 -msgid "Non rectilinear lens mappings" -msgstr "Μη ευθύγραμμες προβολές φακού" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_defish0r.xml:7 data/effects/frei0r_iirblur.xml:8 -#: data/effects/frei0r_sharpness.xml:8 data/effects/movit_unsharp_mask.xml:9 -msgid "Amount" -msgstr "Ποσό" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_defish0r.xml:10 -msgid "DeFish" -msgstr "DeFish" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_defish0r.xml:13 -msgid "Equidistant,Orthographic,Equiarea,Stereographic" -msgstr "Ισαπέχουσα,Ορθοκανονική,Equiarea,Στερεογραφική" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_defish0r.xml:17 -msgid "Fill,Center,Fit,Manual" -msgstr "Γέμισμα,Κεντράρισμα,Ταίριασμα,Χειροκίνητα" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, lblScaling) -#: data/effects/frei0r_defish0r.xml:18 src/effectstack/dragvalue.cpp:108 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:207 -#: src/ui/colorplaneexport_ui.ui:74 -msgid "Scaling" -msgstr "Κλιμάκωση" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_defish0r.xml:21 -msgid "Manual Scale" -msgstr "Χειροκίνητη κλίμακα" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_defish0r.xml:28 -msgid "Square,PAL DV,NTSC DV,HDV,Manual" -msgstr "Square,PAL DV,NTSC DV,HDV,Χειροκίνητα" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_defish0r.xml:29 -msgid "Aspect type" -msgstr "Είδος αναλογίας" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_defish0r.xml:32 -msgid "Manual Aspect" -msgstr "Χειροκίνητη αναλογία" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_delay0r.xml:3 -msgid "delay0r" -msgstr "delay0r" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_delay0r.xml:4 -msgid "Video delay" -msgstr "Καθυστέρηση βίντεο" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_delay0r.xml:7 -msgid "Delay time" -msgstr "Χρονική καθυστέρηση" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_delaygrab.xml:3 -msgid "Delay grab" -msgstr "Καθυστέρηση σύλληψης" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_delaygrab.xml:4 -msgid "Delayed frame blitting mapped on a time bitmap" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_distort0r.xml:3 data/effects/pan_zoom.xml:10 -#: data/kdenliveeffectscategory.rc:35 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:722 -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:746 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:767 -msgid "Distort" -msgstr "Παραμόρφωση" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_distort0r.xml:4 -msgid "Plasma" -msgstr "Πλάσμα" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_distort0r.xml:7 data/effects/wave.xml:7 -msgid "Amplitude" -msgstr "Εύρος" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_distort0r.xml:10 data/effects/sox_bass.xml:10 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:249 -msgid "Frequency" -msgstr "Συχνότητα" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_edgeglow.xml:3 -msgid "Edge glow" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_edgeglow.xml:4 -msgid "Edge glow filter" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_edgeglow.xml:7 -msgid "Edge lightening threshold" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_edgeglow.xml:10 -msgid "Edge brightness upscaling multiplier" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_edgeglow.xml:13 -msgid "Non-edge brightness downscaling multiplier" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_equaliz0r.xml:3 -msgid "Equaliz0r" -msgstr "Equaliz0r" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_equaliz0r.xml:4 -msgid "Equalizes the intensity histograms" -msgstr "Ισοσταθμίζει τα ιστογράμματα έντασης" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facebl0r.xml:3 -msgid "Face blur" -msgstr "Θόλωμα προσώπου" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facebl0r.xml:4 -msgid "Automatically detect and blur a face using OpenCV" -msgstr "Αυτόματη ανίχνευση και θόλωμα προσώπου με το OpenCV" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facebl0r.xml:8 data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:8 -msgid "Search scale" -msgstr "Κλίμακα αναζήτησης" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facebl0r.xml:9 data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:9 -#, no-c-format -msgid "" -"The search window scale factor. For example, 120 = 1.20 = increases by 20% " -"on each pass." -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facebl0r.xml:13 data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:13 -msgid "Neighbors" -msgstr "Γείτονες" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facebl0r.xml:14 data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:14 -msgid "Minimum number of rectangles that determines an object." -msgstr "" -"Ελάχιστο πλήθος ορθογωνίων παραλληλογράμμων που καθορίζουν ένα αντικείμενο." - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facebl0r.xml:18 data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:18 -msgid "Smallest" -msgstr "Το μικρότερο" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facebl0r.xml:19 data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:19 -msgid "The minimum window size in pixels." -msgstr "Το ελάχιστο μέγεθος παραθύρου σε εικονοστοιχεία." - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facebl0r.xml:23 -msgid "Largest" -msgstr "Το μεγαλύτερο" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facebl0r.xml:24 -msgid "" -"The largest size face in pixels - both horizontally and vertically (square " -"window)." -msgstr "" -"Το μεγαλύτερο μέγεθος προσώπου σε εικονοστοιχεία - και οριζόντια και κάθετα " -"(τετράγωνο παράθυρο)." - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facebl0r.xml:28 data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:23 -msgid "Recheck" -msgstr "Επανέλεγχος" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facebl0r.xml:29 data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:24 -msgid "" -"How often to detect a face. In between checks, it does object motion " -"tracking." -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facebl0r.xml:33 -msgid "Show ellipse" -msgstr "Προβολή έλλειψης" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facebl0r.xml:34 -msgid "Draw a blue ellipse around the face area?" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:3 -msgid "Face detect" -msgstr "Ανίχνευση προσώπων" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:4 -msgid "Detect faces and draw shapes on them using OpenCV" -msgstr "Ανιχνεύει πρόσωπα και σχεδιάζει σχήματα πάνω του με το OpenCV" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:28 -msgid "circle,ellipse,rectangle,random" -msgstr "κύκλος,έλλειψη,ορθογώνιο,τυχαίο" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:33 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Stroke width" -msgstr "Εύρος μετάβασης" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:34 -msgid "" -"0 means fill; otherwise, draw unfilled with a stroke width of this size." -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:38 -msgid "Alpha" -msgstr "Άλφα" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:39 -msgid "" -"Set the alpha channel of the shape area to a percentage of fully opaque." -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:43 -msgid "Antialias" -msgstr "Eξομάλυνση" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:44 -msgid "Draw with anti-aliasing?" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:50 -msgid "Color 1" -msgstr "Χρώμα 1" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:51 -msgid "Set the shape color of the first detected face." -msgstr "Καθορισμός χρώματος σχήματος του πρώτου ανιχνευθέντος προσώπου." - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:55 -msgid "Color 2" -msgstr "Χρώμα 2" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:56 -msgid "Set the shape color of the second detected face." -msgstr "Καθορισμός χρώματος σχήματος του δεύτερου ανιχνευθέντος προσώπου." - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:60 -msgid "Color 3" -msgstr "Χρώμα 3" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:61 -msgid "Set the shape color of the third detected face." -msgstr "Καθορισμός χρώματος σχήματος του τρίτου ανιχνευθέντος προσώπου." - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:65 -msgid "Color 4" -msgstr "Χρώμα 4" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:66 -msgid "Set the shape color of the fourth detected face." -msgstr "Καθορισμός χρώματος σχήματος του τέταρτου ανιχνευθέντος προσώπου." - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:70 -msgid "Color 5" -msgstr "Χρώμα 5" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:71 -msgid "Set the shape color of the fifth detected face." -msgstr "Καθορισμός χρώματος σχήματος του πέμπτου ανιχνευθέντος προσώπου." - -#: data/effects/frei0r_flippo.xml:3 -msgid "Flippo" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_flippo.xml:4 -msgid "Flipping in X and Y axis" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_flippo.xml:7 -msgid "X axis" -msgstr "Άξονας X" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_flippo.xml:10 -msgid "Y axis" -msgstr "Άξονας Y" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_glow.xml:3 -msgid "Glow" -msgstr "Λάμψη" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_glow.xml:4 -msgid "Creates a Glamorous Glow" -msgstr "Δημιουργία εκθαμβωτικής λάμψης" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_glow.xml:7 data/effects/frei0r_iirblur.xml:3 -#: data/effects/frei0r_mask0mate.xml:22 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:158 -msgid "Blur" -msgstr "Θόλωμα" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_hqdn3d.xml:3 -msgid "Denoiser" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_hqdn3d.xml:4 -msgid "High quality 3D denoiser" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_hqdn3d.xml:8 -msgid "Spatial" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_hqdn3d.xml:9 -msgid "Amount of spatial filtering" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_hqdn3d.xml:13 -msgid "Temporal" -msgstr "Προσωρινό" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_hqdn3d.xml:14 -msgid "Amount of temporal filtering" -msgstr "Ποσό χρονικά εξαρτώμενου φιλτραρίσματος" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_hueshift0r.xml:3 -msgid "Hue shift" -msgstr "Μετατόπιση απόχρωσης" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_hueshift0r.xml:4 -msgid "Shifts the hue of a source image" -msgstr "Μετατοπίζει την απόχρωση μιας εισαχθείσης εικόνας" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_hueshift0r.xml:7 -msgid "Hue" -msgstr "Απόχρωση" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_iirblur.xml:4 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Blur using 2D IIR filters (Exponential, Lowpass, Gaussian)" -msgstr "Exponential,Lowpass,Gaussian" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_iirblur.xml:9 -msgid "Amount of blur" -msgstr "Ποσό θολώματος" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_iirblur.xml:13 -msgid "Exponential,Lowpass,Gaussian" -msgstr "Exponential,Lowpass,Gaussian" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_iirblur.xml:15 -msgid "Select blurring algorithm" -msgstr "Επιλογή αλγορίθμου θόλωσης" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_iirblur.xml:19 -msgid "Edge" -msgstr "Ακμή" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_iirblur.xml:20 -msgid "Enable edge compensation" -msgstr "Ενεργοποίηση διόρθωσης ακμών" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:3 -msgid "Key Spill Mop Up" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:4 -msgid "Reduces the visibility of key color spill in chroma keying" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:8 -msgid "Key color" -msgstr "Χρώμα κλειδί" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:12 -msgid "Target color" -msgstr "Χρώμα προορισμός" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:16 -msgid "Color distance, Transparency, Edge inwards, Edge outwards" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:17 -msgid "Mask type" -msgstr "Τύπος μάσκας" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:21 -msgid "Tolerance" -msgstr "Ανοχή" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:25 -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:91 -msgid "Slope" -msgstr "Κλίση" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:29 -msgid "Hue gate" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:33 -msgid "Saturation threshold" -msgstr "Κατώφλι κορεσμού" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:37 -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:46 -msgid "None, De-Key, Target, Desaturate, Luma adjust" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:38 -msgid "Operation 1" -msgstr "Λειτουργία 1" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:42 -msgid "Amount 1" -msgstr "Ποσό 1" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:47 -msgid "Operation 2" -msgstr "Λειτουργία 2" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:51 -msgid "Amount 2" -msgstr "Ποσό 2" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:55 -msgid "Show mask" -msgstr "Εμφάνιση μάσκας" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:59 -msgid "Mask to Alpha" -msgstr "Μάσκα σε άλφα" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lenscorrection.xml:3 -msgid "Lens Correction" -msgstr "Διόρθωση φακού" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lenscorrection.xml:4 -msgid "Allows compensation of lens distortion" -msgstr "Επιτρέπει την αντιστάθμιση της παραμόρφωσης του φακού" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lenscorrection.xml:7 -msgid "Horizontal center" -msgstr "Οριζόντια στοίχιση" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lenscorrection.xml:10 -msgid "Vertical center" -msgstr "Κατακόρυφη στοίχιση" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lenscorrection.xml:13 -msgid "Center correction" -msgstr "Διόρθωση κεντρικής συχνότητας" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lenscorrection.xml:16 -msgid "Edges correction" -msgstr "Διόρθωση ακμών" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_letterb0xed.xml:3 -msgid "LetterB0xed" -msgstr "LetterB0xed" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_letterb0xed.xml:4 -msgid "Adds black borders at top and bottom for cinema look" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_letterb0xed.xml:7 -msgid "Border Width" -msgstr "Πλάτος περιγράμματος" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: data/effects/frei0r_letterb0xed.xml:10 data/effects/frei0r_timeout.xml:13 -#: src/ui/wipeval_ui.ui:136 src/ui/wipeval_ui.ui:281 -msgid "Transparency" -msgstr "Διαφάνεια" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:4 data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:36 -msgid "Levels" -msgstr "Επίπεδα" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:5 data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:37 -msgid "Adjust levels" -msgstr "Προσαρμογή επιπέδων" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:13 data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:45 -msgid "Input black level" -msgstr "Επίπεδο μαύρου εισόδου" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:16 data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:48 -msgid "Input white level" -msgstr "Επίπεδο λευκού εισόδου" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:19 data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:51 -#: data/effects/gamma.xml:3 data/effects/gamma.xml:7 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/lumaliftgain.cpp:63 -msgid "Gamma" -msgstr "Γάμμα" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:22 data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:54 -msgid "Black output" -msgstr "Έξοδος μαύρου" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:25 data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:57 -msgid "White output" -msgstr "Έξοδος λευκού" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:28 data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:60 -msgid "Show histogram" -msgstr "Προβολή ιστογράμματος" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:32 data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:64 -msgid "Histogram position" -msgstr "Θέση ιστογράμματος" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:4 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:77 -msgid "Light Graffiti" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:7 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:80 -msgid "" -"Light Graffiti effect.\n" -" " -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:10 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:83 -msgid "Brightness Threshold" -msgstr "Κατώφλι λαμπρότητας" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:12 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:85 -msgid "" -"R+G+B) does a pixel need to be in order to " -"be recognized as a light source?
\n" -" Increasing this threshold requires brighter light sources (i.e. " -"more white or less color, respectively) but prevents some «false alarms» " -"where semi-bright parts, e.g. hands where colors can change quite a lot " -"compared to the background, are incorrectly recognized as light source.]]>" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:15 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:88 -msgid "Difference Threshold" -msgstr "Κατώφλι διαφοράς" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:17 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:90 -msgid "" -"max(dR, dG, dB)), in " -"order to be recognized as light source?
\n" -" Increasing this threshold makes it harder for light sources to " -"be accepted on bright backgrounds, but decreases the danger of noise or " -"generally bright spots counting as light source.]]>" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:20 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:93 -msgid "Difference Sum Threshold" -msgstr "Κατώφλι άθροισης διαφορών" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:22 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:95 -msgid "" -"relative to the " -"background image
(dR + dG + dB) have to change until a " -"pixel is recognized as a light source?
\n" -" Raising this value might, in some cases, avoid that some light " -"objects lit by the light source are added to the light mask.]]>" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:25 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:98 -msgid "Sensitivity" -msgstr "Ευαισθησία" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:27 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:100 -msgid "" -"\n" -" For slowly moving light source try to use a lower sensitivity to " -"obtain a better exposure.]]>" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:30 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:103 -msgid "Lower Overexposure" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:32 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:105 -msgid "" -"\n" -" The light mask does not get white immediately when the light " -"source is moving slowly or staying steady.]]>" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:35 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:108 -msgid "Dimming" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:36 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:109 -msgid "" -"Dims the light mask. Lights will leave a fainting trail if it is set to a " -"value > 0." -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:39 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:112 -msgid "Background Weight" -msgstr "Βάρος φόντου" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:40 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:113 -msgid "" -"Strength of the (calculated) background image. Setting it to 100 paints the " -"light mask directly over the background, without the painting person in the " -"image if the video starts with a «clean» background image. (See the α " -"parameter.)" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:43 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:116 -msgid "α" -msgstr "α" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:45 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:118 -msgid "" -"\n" -" The Light Graffiti effect remembers the first frame of the clip " -"it is applied to, so the clip should always start with the painter " -"outside of the video. If the background constantly changes, e.g. on a " -"street, try to set α > 0 to calculate an average background image.]]>" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:48 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:121 -#: data/effects/frei0r_saturat0r.xml:3 data/effects/frei0r_saturat0r.xml:7 -#: data/effects/movit_saturation.xml:6 -msgid "Saturation" -msgstr "Κορεσμός" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:49 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:122 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Increases the saturation of lights." -msgstr "Προσαρμόζει τον κορεσμό μιας εισαχθείσης εικόνας" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:52 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:125 -msgid "Show brightness statistics" -msgstr "Εμφάνιση στατιστικών λαμπρότητας" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:54 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:127 -msgid "" -"\n" -" Example: To adjust the brightness threshold, check this box and " -"adjust the threshold until the whole light source is highlighted. Repeat the " -"same with the other parameters. Only parts that are highlighted in all thresholds will count as light source.]]>" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:57 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:130 -msgid "Show background difference statistics" -msgstr "Εμφάνιση στατιστικών διαφορών φόντου" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:60 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:133 -msgid "Show background difference sum statistics" -msgstr "Εμφάνιση στατιστικών άθροισης διαφορών φόντου" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:64 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:137 -msgid "" -"Makes the background transparent, allowing to apply a composite effect and " -"paint the light mask over a completely different video." -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:67 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:140 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Nonlinear dimming" -msgstr "Εκκαθάριση της λανθάνουσας μνήμης" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:68 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:141 -msgid "If normal dimming does not look natural enough, try this one." -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:71 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:144 -#: src/effectstack/geometryval.cpp:95 src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:86 -msgid "Reset" -msgstr "Επαναφορά" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:72 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:145 -msgid "" -"Resets the light mask and the background image. This is necessary e.g. if " -"you apply this effect to a clip in the timeline and then move the timeline " -"cursor from outside of the clip to the middle of it. The effect receives " -"this frame in the middle as first frame and uses it as background image. For " -"proper threshold adjusting move the timeline cursor to the beginning of the " -"clip, check the Reset box and uncheck it again." -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_luminance.xml:3 -msgid "Luminance" -msgstr "Ακτινοβολία" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_luminance.xml:4 -msgid "Creates a luminance map of the image" -msgstr "Δημιουργεί έναν χάρτη ακτινοβολίας της εικόνας" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_mask0mate.xml:3 -msgid "Mask0Mate" -msgstr "Mask0Mate" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_mask0mate.xml:4 -msgid "Creates an square alpha-channel mask" -msgstr "Δημιουργεί μια τετράγωνη μάσκα καναλιού άλφα" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_medians.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Medians" -msgstr "Αναπαραγωγείς μέσων" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_medians.xml:4 -msgid "Implements several median-type filters" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_medians.xml:8 -msgid "" -"Cross5,Square3x3,Bilevel,Diamond3x3,Square5x5,Temp3,Temp5,ArceBI,ML3D,ML3dEX," -"VarSize" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_5) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, import_size) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_20) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, treeWidget) -#: data/effects/frei0r_medians.xml:13 data/effects/frei0r_sharpness.xml:12 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:208 -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:563 src/ui/importkeyframesdialog_ui.ui:73 -#: src/ui/managecaptures_ui.ui:40 src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:201 -msgid "Size" -msgstr "Μέγεθος" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_nervous.xml:3 -msgid "Nervous" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_nervous.xml:4 -msgid "Flushes frames in time in a nervous way" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_nosync0r.xml:3 -msgid "nosync0r" -msgstr "nosync0r" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_nosync0r.xml:4 -msgid "Broken TV" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_nosync0r.xml:7 -msgid "HSync" -msgstr "HSync" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pixeliz0r.xml:3 -msgid "Pixelize" -msgstr "Ψηφιδοποίηση" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pixeliz0r.xml:4 -msgid "Pixelize input image." -msgstr "Ψηφιδοποίηση της εικόνας εισόδου." - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pixeliz0r.xml:7 -msgid "Block Size X" -msgstr "Μέγεθος μπλοκ X" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pixeliz0r.xml:10 -msgid "Block Size Y" -msgstr "Μέγεθος μπλοκ Y" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0be.xml:3 -msgid "pr0be" -msgstr "pr0be" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0be.xml:4 -msgid "Measure video values" -msgstr "Μέτρηση τιμών βίντεο" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0be.xml:8 -msgid "RGB,Y'PbPr - rec. 601,Y'PbPr - rec. 709,HSV,HSL" -msgstr "RGB,Y'PbPr - rec. 601,Y'PbPr - rec. 709,HSV,HSL" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0be.xml:9 -msgid "Measurement" -msgstr "Μέτρηση" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0be.xml:13 data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:8 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/bezier/beziersplinewidget.cpp:56 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/bezier/beziersplinewidget.cpp:60 -#: src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:144 -msgid "X" -msgstr "X" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_5) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, cbY) -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0be.xml:17 data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:12 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/bezier/beziersplinewidget.cpp:58 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/bezier/beziersplinewidget.cpp:62 -#: src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:164 src/ui/histogram_ui.ui:23 -msgid "Y" -msgstr "Y" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0be.xml:21 -msgid "X size" -msgstr "Μέγεθος X" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0be.xml:25 -msgid "Y size" -msgstr "Μέγεθος Y" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0be.xml:29 data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:81 -msgid "256 scale" -msgstr "Κλίμακα 256" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0be.xml:33 -msgid "Show alpha" -msgstr "Εμφάνιση άλφα" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0be.xml:37 -msgid "Big window" -msgstr "Μεγάλο παράθυρο" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:3 -msgid "pr0file" -msgstr "pr0file" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:4 -msgid "2D video oscilloscope" -msgstr "Δισδιάστατο βίντεο παλμογράφος" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:20 -msgid "Length" -msgstr "Μήκος" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:24 -msgid "R,G,B,Y',Pr,Pb,Alpha" -msgstr "R,G,B,Y',Pr,Pb,Alpha" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:29 -msgid "Marker 1" -msgstr "Δείκτης 1" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:33 -msgid "Marker 2" -msgstr "Δείκτης 2" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:37 -msgid "R trace" -msgstr "Ίχνος R" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:41 -msgid "G trace" -msgstr "Ίχνος G" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:45 -msgid "B trace" -msgstr "Ίχνος B" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:49 -msgid "Y trace" -msgstr "Ίχνος Y" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:53 -msgid "Pr trace" -msgstr "Ίχνος Pr" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:57 -msgid "Pb trace" -msgstr "Ίχνος Pb" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:61 -msgid "Alpha trace" -msgstr "Ίχνος άλφα" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:65 -msgid "Display average" -msgstr "Προβολή μέσης τιμής" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:69 -msgid "Display RMS" -msgstr "Προβολή RMS" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:73 -msgid "Display minimum" -msgstr "Προβολή ελάχιστου" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:77 -msgid "Display maximum" -msgstr "Προβολή μέγιστου" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:85 -msgid "CCIR rec. 601,CCIR rec. 709" -msgstr "CCIR rec. 601,CCIR rec. 709" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_13) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, background_list) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_9) -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:86 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:156 -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:176 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:182 -#: src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:197 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:944 -msgid "Color" -msgstr "Χρώμα" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:90 -msgid "Crosshair color" -msgstr "Χρώμα σταυρονήματος" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_primaries.xml:3 -msgid "Primaries" -msgstr "Πρωτεύοντα" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_primaries.xml:4 -msgid "Reduce image to primary colors" -msgstr "Αναγωγή εικόνας στα πρωτεύοντα χρώματα" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_primaries.xml:7 data/effects/sox_stretch.xml:7 -msgid "Factor" -msgstr "Συντελεστής" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_primaries.xml:8 -msgid " 32 = 0]]>" -msgstr " 32 = 0]]>" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QWidget, RGBParade_UI) -#: data/effects/frei0r_rgbparade.xml:3 src/scopes/scopemanager.cpp:308 -#: src/ui/rgbparade_ui.ui:14 -msgid "RGB Parade" -msgstr "Προβολή RGB" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_rgbparade.xml:4 -msgid "Display a histogram of R, G and B components of the video data" -msgstr "Προβολή ιστογράμματος των R, G, B συστατικών των δεδομένων του βίντεο" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_saturat0r.xml:4 -msgid "Adjusts the saturation of a source image" -msgstr "Προσαρμόζει τον κορεσμό μιας εισαχθείσης εικόνας" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_scale0tilt.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Crop, Scale and Position" -msgstr "Scale0tilt" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_scale0tilt.xml:4 -msgid "Scales, Tilts and Crops an Image" -msgstr "Μεγεθύνει, δίνει κλίση και περικόπτει μία εικόνα" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_scale0tilt.xml:7 -msgid "Clip left" -msgstr "Περικοπή αριστερά" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_scale0tilt.xml:10 -msgid "Clip right" -msgstr "Περικοπή δεξιά" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_scale0tilt.xml:13 -msgid "Clip top" -msgstr "Περικοπή πάνω" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_scale0tilt.xml:16 -msgid "Clip bottom" -msgstr "Περικοπή κάτω" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_scale0tilt.xml:19 -msgid "Scale X" -msgstr "Κλίμακα X" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_scale0tilt.xml:22 -msgid "Scale Y" -msgstr "Κλίμακα Y" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_scale0tilt.xml:25 -msgid "Tilt X" -msgstr "Κλίση X" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_scale0tilt.xml:28 -msgid "Tilt Y" -msgstr "Κλίση Y" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_scanline0r.xml:3 -msgid "scanline0r" -msgstr "scanline0r" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_scanline0r.xml:4 -msgid "Interlaced black lines" -msgstr "Πεπλεγμένες μαύρες γραμμές" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:4 data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:51 -msgid "Color Selection" -msgstr "Χρωματική επιλογή" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:5 data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:52 -msgid "Color based alpha selection" -msgstr "Επιλογή άλφα βάσει χρώματος" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:9 data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:56 -msgid "Color to select" -msgstr "Χρώμα προς επιλογή" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:13 data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:60 -msgid "Invert selection" -msgstr "Αντιστροφή επιλογής" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:17 data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:79 -msgid "Delta R / A / Hue" -msgstr "Δέλτα R / A / Hue" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:21 data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:83 -msgid "Delta G / B / Chroma" -msgstr "Δέλτα G / B / Chroma" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:25 data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:87 -msgid "Delta B / I / I" -msgstr "Δέλτα B / I / I" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:29 data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:64 -msgid "RGB,ABI,HCI" -msgstr "RGB,ABI,HCI" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:30 data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:65 -msgid "Selection subspace" -msgstr "Υποχώρος επιλογής" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:34 data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:69 -msgid "Box,Ellipsoid,Diamond" -msgstr "Box,Ellipsoid,Diamond" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:35 data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:70 -msgid "Subspace shape" -msgstr "Σχήμα υποπεριοχής" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:39 -msgid "Hard,Fat,Normal,Skinny" -msgstr "Hard,Fat,Normal,Skinny" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:40 data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:75 -msgid "Edge mode" -msgstr "Λειτουργία ακμών" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:74 -msgid "Hard,Fat,Normal,Skinny,Slope" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sharpness.xml:3 -msgid "Sharpen" -msgstr "Όξυνση" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sharpness.xml:4 -msgid "Unsharp masking (port from Mplayer)" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sobel.xml:3 -msgid "Sobel" -msgstr "Sobel" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sobel.xml:4 -msgid "Sobel filter" -msgstr "Φίλτρο Sobel" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:4 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:59 -msgid "SOP/Sat" -msgstr "SOP/Sat" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:5 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:60 -msgid "" -"Changes Slope, Offset, and Power of the color components, and the overall " -"Saturation, according to the ASC CDL (Color Decision List)." -msgstr "" -"Τροποποιεί την κλίση, τη μετατόπιση και τη δύναμη των χρωματικών συνιστωσών " -"καθώς και τον γενικό κορεσμό, σύμφωνα με το ASC CDL (Color Decision List)." - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:8 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:63 -msgid "Slope Red" -msgstr "Κλίση κόκκινου" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:10 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:65 -msgid "" -"\n" -" All effects can be observed well when applied on a greyscale " -"gradient and looking at the RGB Parade monitor.]]>" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:13 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:68 -msgid "Slope Green" -msgstr "Κλίση πράσινου" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:16 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:71 -msgid "Slope Blue" -msgstr "Κλίση μπλε" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:19 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:74 -msgid "Slope Alpha" -msgstr "Κλίση άλφα" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:23 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:78 -msgid "Offset Red" -msgstr "Μετατόπιση κόκκινου" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:24 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:79 -msgid "" -"Changing the offset lifts (or lowers) the brightness of each pixel by the " -"given value." -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:27 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:82 -msgid "Offset Green" -msgstr "Μετατόπιση πράσινου" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:30 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:85 -msgid "Offset Blue" -msgstr "Μετατόπιση μπλε" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:33 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:88 -msgid "Offset Alpha" -msgstr "Μετατόπιση άλφα" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:37 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:92 -msgid "Power Red" -msgstr "Δύναμη κόκκινου" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:39 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:94 -msgid "" -"\n" -" Mathematically, what happens is an exponentiation of the " -"pixel brightness on [0,1] by the gamma value.]]>" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:42 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:97 -msgid "Power Green" -msgstr "Δύναμη πράσινου" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:45 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:100 -msgid "Power Blue" -msgstr "Δύναμη μπλε" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:48 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:103 -msgid "Power Alpha" -msgstr "Δύναμη άλφα" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:52 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:107 -msgid "Overall Saturation" -msgstr "Γενικός κορεσμός" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:53 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:108 -msgid "The overall saturation will be changed in the last step of this filter." -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_squareblur.xml:3 -msgid "Square Blur" -msgstr "Τετράγωνο θόλωμα" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_squareblur.xml:4 -msgid "Square blur" -msgstr "Τετράγωνο θόλωμα" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_squareblur.xml:7 -msgid "Kernel size" -msgstr "Μέγεθος πυρήνα" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_tehroxx0r.xml:3 -msgid "TehRoxx0r" -msgstr "TehRoxx0r" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_tehroxx0r.xml:4 -msgid "Something videowall-ish" -msgstr "Κάτι όπως το βίντεο σε τοίχο" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_tehroxx0r.xml:7 -msgid "Interval" -msgstr "Χρονικό διάστημα" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_three_point_balance.xml:3 -msgid "3 point balance" -msgstr "Ισορροπία 3 σημείων" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_three_point_balance.xml:4 -msgid "Balances colors along with 3 points" -msgstr "Εξισορροπεί τα χρώματα βάσει 3 σημείων" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_three_point_balance.xml:7 -msgid "Black color" -msgstr "Μαύρο χρώμα" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_three_point_balance.xml:10 -msgid "Gray color" -msgstr "Γκρι χρώμα" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_three_point_balance.xml:13 -msgid "White color" -msgstr "Λευκό χρώμα" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_three_point_balance.xml:16 -msgid "Split screen preview" -msgstr "Διαίρεση οθόνης προεπισκόπησης" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_three_point_balance.xml:19 -msgid "Source image on left side" -msgstr "Εισαχθείσα εικόνα στα αριστερά" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_threelay0r.xml:3 -msgid "threelay0r" -msgstr "threelay0r" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_threelay0r.xml:4 -msgid "Dynamic 3-level thresholding" -msgstr "Δυναμικός καθορισμός κατωφλίου τριών επιπέδων" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_threshold0r.xml:3 -msgid "Threshold0r" -msgstr "Threshold0r" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_threshold0r.xml:4 -msgid "Thresholds a source image" -msgstr "Εφαρμογή κατωφλιού σε μια εισαχθείσα εικόνα" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_timeout.xml:4 -msgid "Timeout indicator" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_timeout.xml:7 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Indicator color" -msgstr "Αντιστροφή χρωμάτων" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, markers_list) -#: data/effects/frei0r_timeout.xml:10 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:427 -msgid "Time" -msgstr "Χρόνος" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_tint0r.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Tint" -msgstr "Tint0r" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_tint0r.xml:4 -msgid "Maps source image luminance between two colors specified" -msgstr "" -"Χαρτογραφεί την ακτινοβολία της πηγαίας εικόνας μεταξύ δυο καθορισμένων " -"χρωμάτων" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_tint0r.xml:7 -msgid "Map black to" -msgstr "Αντιστοίχηση μαύρου σε" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_tint0r.xml:10 -msgid "Map white to" -msgstr "Αντιστοίχηση λευκού σε" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_tint0r.xml:13 -msgid "Tint amount" -msgstr "Ποσό χρωματισμού" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_twolay0r.xml:3 -msgid "twolay0r" -msgstr "twolay0r" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_twolay0r.xml:4 -msgid "Dynamic thresholding" -msgstr "Δυναμικός καθορισμός κατωφλίου" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_vectorscope.xml:3 src/scopes/scopemanager.cpp:306 -msgid "Vectorscope" -msgstr "Διανυσματοσκόπιο" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_vectorscope.xml:4 -msgid "Display a vectorscope of the video data" -msgstr "Διανυσματοσκοπική προβολή των δεδομένων του βίντεο" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_vertigo.xml:4 data/effects/frei0r_vertigo.xml:15 -msgid "Vertigo" -msgstr "Vertigo" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_vertigo.xml:5 data/effects/frei0r_vertigo.xml:16 -msgid "Alpha blending with zoomed and rotated images" -msgstr "Ανάμιξη άλφα με εστίαση και περιστροφή εικόνων" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_vertigo.xml:8 data/effects/frei0r_vertigo.xml:19 -msgid "Phase Increment" -msgstr "Αύξηση φάσης" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_vertigo.xml:11 data/effects/frei0r_vertigo.xml:22 -msgid "Zoom Rate" -msgstr "Βαθμός εστίασης" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_vignette.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Vignette" -msgstr "Βινιετάρισμα" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_vignette.xml:4 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Natural lens vignetting effect" -msgstr "Πρόβλημα κατά την τροποποίηση του εφέ" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_vignette.xml:7 -msgid "Aspect ratio" -msgstr "Αναλογία διαστάσεων" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_vignette.xml:10 -msgid "Clear center size" -msgstr "Καθαρισμός μεγέθους κέντρου" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_softness) -#: data/effects/frei0r_vignette.xml:13 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:709 -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:302 src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:220 -msgid "Softness" -msgstr "Απαλότητα" - -#: data/effects/gain.xml:3 data/effects/gain.xml:7 data/effects/mute.xml:7 -#: data/effects/normalise.xml:7 data/effects/sox_bass.xml:7 -#: data/effects/sox_gain.xml:7 data/effects/volume.xml:7 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/lumaliftgain.cpp:65 -msgid "Gain" -msgstr "Κέρδος" - -#: data/effects/gain.xml:4 -msgid "Adjust the audio volume without keyframes" -msgstr "Προσαρμογή της έντασης ήχου χωρίς keyframes" - -#: data/effects/gamma.xml:4 -msgid "Change gamma color value" -msgstr "Τροποποίηση της τιμής γάμμα του χρώματος" - -#: data/effects/grain.xml:3 -msgid "Grain" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/grain.xml:4 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Grain over the image" -msgstr "Δημιουργία εικόνων μενού" - -#: data/effects/grain.xml:7 data/effects/movit_deconvolution_sharpen.xml:18 -#: plugins/sampleplugin/sampleplugin.cpp:34 -#: plugins/sampleplugin/sampleplugin.cpp:42 -#: plugins/sampleplugin/sampleplugin.cpp:54 -#: plugins/sampleplugin/sampleplugin.cpp:78 -msgid "Noise" -msgstr "Θόρυβος" - -#: data/effects/greyscale.xml:3 -msgid "Greyscale" -msgstr "Διαβαθμίσεις του γκρι" - -#: data/effects/greyscale.xml:4 -msgid "Discard color information" -msgstr "Απόρριψη πληροφορίας χρώματος" - -#: data/effects/invert.xml:4 -msgid "Invert colors" -msgstr "Αντιστροφή χρωμάτων" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_declipper.xml:3 -msgid "Declipper" -msgstr "Declipper" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_declipper.xml:4 -msgid "LADSPA declipper audio effect" -msgstr "LADSPA ηχητικό εφέ declipper" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer.xml:3 -msgid "Equalizer" -msgstr "Ισοσταθμιστής" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer.xml:4 -msgid "LADSPA equalizer audio effect" -msgstr "LADSPA ηχητικό εφέ ισοσταθμιστή" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer.xml:7 -msgid "Lo gain" -msgstr "Κέρδος βάθους" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer.xml:10 -msgid "Mid gain" -msgstr "Μεσαίο κέρδος" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer.xml:13 -msgid "Hi gain" -msgstr "Κέρδος ύψους" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -msgid "15 Band Equalizer" -msgstr "Ισοσταθμιστής" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:4 -#, fuzzy -msgid "LADSPA equalizer audio effect (15 band)" -msgstr "LADSPA ηχητικό εφέ ισοσταθμιστή" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:7 -msgid "50 Hz" -msgstr "50 Hz" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:10 -msgid "100 Hz" -msgstr "100 Hz" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:13 -msgid "156 Hz" -msgstr "156 Hz" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:16 -msgid "220 Hz" -msgstr "220 Hz" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:19 -msgid "311 Hz" -msgstr "311 Hz" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:22 -msgid "440 Hz" -msgstr "440 Hz" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:25 -msgid "622 Hz" -msgstr "622 Hz" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:28 -msgid "880 Hz" -msgstr "880 Hz" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:31 -msgid "1250 Hz" -msgstr "1250 Hz" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:34 -msgid "1750 Hz" -msgstr "1750 Hz" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:37 -msgid "2500 Hz" -msgstr "2500 Hz" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:40 -msgid "3500 Hz" -msgstr "3500 Hz" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:43 -msgid "5000 Hz" -msgstr "5000 Hz" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:46 -msgid "10000 Hz" -msgstr "10000 Hz" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:49 -msgid "20000 Hz" -msgstr "20000 Hz" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_limiter.xml:3 -msgid "Limiter" -msgstr "Περιοριστής" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_limiter.xml:4 -msgid "LADSPA limiter audio effect" -msgstr "LADSPA ηχητικό εφέ περιοριστή" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_limiter.xml:7 -msgid "Input gain (dB)" -msgstr "Ενίσχυση εισόδου (dB)" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_limiter.xml:10 -msgid "Limit (dB)" -msgstr "Όριο (dB)" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_limiter.xml:13 -msgid "Release time (s)" -msgstr "Ώρα έκδοσης (δευτ.)" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_phaser.xml:3 -msgid "Phaser" -msgstr "Phaser" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_phaser.xml:4 -msgid "LADSPA phaser audio effect" -msgstr "LADSPA ηχητικό εφέ phaser" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_phaser.xml:7 -msgid "Rate (Hz)" -msgstr "Συχνότητα (Hz):" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_phaser.xml:10 data/effects/sox_flanger.xml:10 -msgid "Depth" -msgstr "Βάθος" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_phaser.xml:13 -msgid "Feedback" -msgstr "Ανάδραση" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_phaser.xml:16 -msgid "Spread" -msgstr "Εξάπλωση" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_pitch.xml:3 -msgid "Pitch Shift" -msgstr "Μετατόπιση pitch" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_pitch.xml:4 -msgid "LADSPA change pitch audio effect" -msgstr "LADSPA τροποποίηση ηχητικού εφέ pitch" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_pitch.xml:7 data/effects/sox_pitch.xml:7 -msgid "Shift" -msgstr "Shift" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_pitch_scale.xml:3 -msgid "Pitch Scaler" -msgstr "Αυξομείωση pitch" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_pitch_scale.xml:4 -msgid "LADSPA pitch scale audio effect" -msgstr "LADSPA ηχητικό εφέ pitch scale" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_pitch_scale.xml:7 -msgid "Co-efficient" -msgstr "Συντελεστής" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_rate_scale.xml:3 -msgid "Rate Scaler" -msgstr "Κλιμάκωση συχνότητας" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_rate_scale.xml:4 -msgid "LADSPA rate scale audio effect" -msgstr "LADSPA ηχητικό εφέ rate scale" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_rate_scale.xml:7 -msgid "Rate" -msgstr "Συχνότητα" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_reverb.xml:3 -msgid "Reverb" -msgstr "Αντήχηση" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_reverb.xml:4 -msgid "LADSPA reverb audio effect" -msgstr "LADSPA ηχητικό εφέ αντήχησης" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_reverb.xml:7 -msgid "Reverb time" -msgstr "Χρόνος αντήχησης" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_reverb.xml:10 data/effects/ladspa_room_reverb.xml:13 -msgid "Damping" -msgstr "Απόσβεση" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_room_reverb.xml:3 -msgid "Room Reverb" -msgstr "Αντήχηση δωματίου" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_room_reverb.xml:4 -msgid "LADSPA room reverb audio effect" -msgstr "LADSPA ηχητικό εφέ αντήχησης δωματίου" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_room_reverb.xml:7 -msgid "Room size (m)" -msgstr "Μέγεθος δωματίου" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_room_reverb.xml:10 -msgid "Delay (s/10)" -msgstr "Καθυστέρηση (s/10)" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_vinyl.xml:3 -msgid "Vinyl" -msgstr "Βινύλιο" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_vinyl.xml:4 -msgid "Simulates a vinyl audio player - LADSPA audio effect" -msgstr "" -"Προσομοιώνει μια συσκευή αναπαραγωγής ήχου από βινύλιο - LADSPA ηχητικό εφέ" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_vinyl.xml:7 src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:166 -msgid "Year" -msgstr "Έτος" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_vinyl.xml:10 -msgid "RPM" -msgstr "RPM" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_vinyl.xml:13 -msgid "Surface warping" -msgstr "Στρέβλωση επιφάνειας" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_vinyl.xml:16 -msgid "Crackle" -msgstr "Κροτάλισμα" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_vinyl.xml:19 -msgid "Wear" -msgstr "Φθορά" - -#: data/effects/lift_gamma_gain.xml:3 -msgid "Lift/gamma/gain" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/lift_gamma_gain.xml:6 data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain.xml:6 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain2.xml:6 -msgid "Lift: Red" -msgstr "Ανύψωση: κόκκινο" - -#: data/effects/lift_gamma_gain.xml:9 data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain.xml:9 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain2.xml:9 -msgid "Lift: Green" -msgstr "Ανύψωση: πράσινο" - -#: data/effects/lift_gamma_gain.xml:12 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain.xml:12 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain2.xml:12 -msgid "Lift: Blue" -msgstr "Ανύψωση: μπλε" - -#: data/effects/lift_gamma_gain.xml:15 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain.xml:15 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain2.xml:15 -msgid "Gamma: Red" -msgstr "Γάμμα: κόκκινο" - -#: data/effects/lift_gamma_gain.xml:18 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain.xml:18 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain2.xml:18 -msgid "Gamma: Green" -msgstr "Γάμμα: πράσινο" - -#: data/effects/lift_gamma_gain.xml:21 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain.xml:21 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain2.xml:21 -msgid "Gamma: Blue" -msgstr "Γάμμα: μπλε" - -#: data/effects/lift_gamma_gain.xml:24 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain.xml:24 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain2.xml:24 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Gain: Red" -msgstr "Κέρδος εισόδου" - -#: data/effects/lift_gamma_gain.xml:27 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain.xml:27 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain2.xml:27 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Gain: Green" -msgstr "Κέρδος εισόδου" - -#: data/effects/lift_gamma_gain.xml:30 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain.xml:30 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain2.xml:30 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Gain: Blue" -msgstr "Κέρδος εξόδου" - -#: data/effects/loudness.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Loudness" -msgstr "Απαλότητα" - -#: data/effects/loudness.xml:4 -msgid "Correct audio loudness as recommended by EBU R128" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/loudness.xml:7 -msgid "Target Program Loudness" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/mirror.xml:3 -msgid "Mirror" -msgstr "Καθρέπτης" - -#: data/effects/mirror.xml:4 -msgid "Flip your image in any direction" -msgstr "Κατοπτρισμός της εικόνας σε οποιαδήποτε διεύθυνση" - -#: data/effects/mirror.xml:7 -msgid "Horizontal,Vertical,Diagonal,X Diagonal,Flip,Flop" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/mirror.xml:8 -msgid "Mirroring direction" -msgstr "Διεύθυνση κατοπτρισμού" - -#: data/effects/movit_blur.xml:3 -msgid "Blur (GPU)" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_6) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_8) -#: data/effects/movit_blur.xml:6 data/effects/movit_diffusion.xml:6 -#: data/effects/movit_glow.xml:6 data/effects/movit_unsharp_mask.xml:6 -#: data/effects/movit_vignette.xml:6 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:891 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:915 -msgid "Radius" -msgstr "Ακτίνα" - -#: data/effects/movit_deconvolution_sharpen.xml:3 -msgid "Deconvolution sharpen (GPU)" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/movit_deconvolution_sharpen.xml:6 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Matrix size" -msgstr "Μέγεθος αρχείου" - -#: data/effects/movit_deconvolution_sharpen.xml:9 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Circle radius" -msgstr "ακτίνα" - -#: data/effects/movit_deconvolution_sharpen.xml:12 -msgid "Gaussian radius" -msgstr "Ακτίνα Gauss" - -#: data/effects/movit_deconvolution_sharpen.xml:15 -msgid "Correlation" -msgstr "Συσχέτιση" - -#: data/effects/movit_diffusion.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Diffusion" -msgid "Diffusion (GPU)" -msgstr "Διάχυση" - -#: data/effects/movit_diffusion.xml:9 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Mix amount" -msgstr "Ποσό χρωματισμού" - -#: data/effects/movit_glow.xml:3 -msgid "Glow (GPU)" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/movit_glow.xml:9 -msgid "Glow strength" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/movit_glow.xml:12 -msgid "Highlight cutoff threshold" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain.xml:3 -msgid "Lift/gamma/gain (GPU)" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain2.xml:3 -msgid "Movit: Lift/gamma/gain (colors)" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/movit_mirror.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Mirror" -msgid "Mirror (GPU)" -msgstr "Καθρέπτης" - -#: data/effects/movit_opacity.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Opacity" -msgid "Opacity (GPU)" -msgstr "Αδιαφάνεια" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_opacity) -#: data/effects/movit_opacity.xml:6 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:211 src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:113 -msgid "Opacity" -msgstr "Αδιαφάνεια" - -#: data/effects/movit_rect.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Pan and Zoom" -msgid "Pan and Zoom (GPU)" -msgstr "Μετακίνηση και εστίαση" - -#: data/effects/movit_rect.xml:9 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Follow mouse" -msgid "Allow upscale" -msgstr "Παρακολούθηση ποντικιού" - -#: data/effects/movit_saturation.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Saturation" -msgid "Saturation (GPU)" -msgstr "Κορεσμός" - -#: data/effects/movit_unsharp_mask.xml:3 -msgid "Unsharp mask (GPU)" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/movit_vignette.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Vignette (GPU)" -msgstr "Βινιετάρισμα" - -#: data/effects/movit_vignette.xml:9 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Inner radius" -msgstr "ακτίνα" - -#: data/effects/movit_white_balance.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "White Balance" -msgid "White Balance (GPU)" -msgstr "Ισορροπία λευκού" - -#: data/effects/mute.xml:3 -msgid "Mute" -msgstr "Σίγαση" - -#: data/effects/mute.xml:4 -msgid "Mute clip" -msgstr "Σίγαση κλιπ" - -#: data/effects/normalise.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Normalise" -msgstr "Κανονικό" - -#: data/effects/normalise.xml:4 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Dynamically normalise the audio volume" -msgstr "Κανονικοποίηση ένταση ήχου" - -#: data/effects/normalise.xml:10 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Maximum gain" -msgstr "Μεσαίο κέρδος" - -#: data/effects/normalise.xml:13 data/effects/sox_stretch.xml:10 -msgid "Window" -msgstr "Παράθυρο" - -#: data/effects/obscure.xml:4 -msgid "Hide a region of the clip" -msgstr "Απόκρυψη μιας περιοχής του κλιπ" - -#: data/effects/obscure.xml:7 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:760 -msgid "Region" -msgstr "Περιοχή" - -#: data/effects/oldfilm.xml:3 -msgid "Oldfilm" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/oldfilm.xml:4 -msgid "Moves the Picture up and down and random brightness change" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/oldfilm.xml:7 -msgid "Y-Delta" -msgstr "Y-Delta" - -#: data/effects/oldfilm.xml:10 -#, no-c-format -msgid "% of picture have a delta" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/oldfilm.xml:13 -msgid "Brightness up" -msgstr "Λαμπρότητα αύξηση" - -#: data/effects/oldfilm.xml:16 -msgid "Brightness down" -msgstr "Λαμπρότητα μείωση" - -#: data/effects/oldfilm.xml:19 -msgid "Brightness every" -msgstr "Λαμπρότητα κάθε" - -#: data/effects/oldfilm.xml:22 -msgid "Unevendevelop up" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/oldfilm.xml:25 -msgid "Unevendevelop down" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/oldfilm.xml:28 -msgid "Unevendevelop Duration" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/pan_zoom.xml:3 data/effects/region.xml:10 -#: data/effects/rotation.xml:37 -msgid "Pan and Zoom" -msgstr "Μετακίνηση και εστίαση" - -#: data/effects/pan_zoom.xml:4 -msgid "Adjust size and position of clip" -msgstr "Προσαρμογή μεγέθους και θέσης του κλιπ" - -#: data/effects/region.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Regionalize" -msgstr "Περιοχή" - -#: data/effects/region.xml:4 -msgid "Apply sub-effects to a region defined by a clip's alpha channel" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/region.xml:7 -msgid "Url" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/rotation.xml:3 -msgid "Rotate and Shear" -msgstr "Περιστροφή και διάτμηση" - -#: data/effects/rotation.xml:4 data/effects/rotation_keyframable.xml:4 -msgid "Rotate clip in any 3 directions" -msgstr "Περιστροφή του κλιπ σε οποιαδήποτε των 3 διευθύνσεων" - -#: data/effects/rotation.xml:7 data/effects/rotation_keyframable.xml:7 -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:747 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:216 -msgid "Rotate X" -msgstr "Περιστροφή ως προς τον άξονα X" - -#: data/effects/rotation.xml:10 data/effects/rotation_keyframable.xml:10 -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:748 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:219 -msgid "Rotate Y" -msgstr "Περιστροφή ως προς τον άξονα Y" - -#: data/effects/rotation.xml:13 data/effects/rotation_keyframable.xml:13 -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:749 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:222 -msgid "Rotate Z" -msgstr "Περιστροφή ως προς τον άξονα Z" - -#: data/effects/rotation.xml:16 -msgid "Animate Rotate X" -msgstr "Κινούμενη περιστροφή X" - -#: data/effects/rotation.xml:19 -msgid "Animate Rotate Y" -msgstr "Κινούμενη περιστροφή Y" - -#: data/effects/rotation.xml:22 -msgid "Animate Rotate Z" -msgstr "Κινούμενη περιστροφή Z" - -#: data/effects/rotation.xml:25 -msgid "Shear X" -msgstr "Διάτμηση Χ" - -#: data/effects/rotation.xml:28 -msgid "Shear Y" -msgstr "Διάτμηση Υ" - -#: data/effects/rotation.xml:31 -msgid "Animate Shear X" -msgstr "Κινούμενη διάτμηση X" - -#: data/effects/rotation.xml:34 -msgid "Animate Shear Y" -msgstr "Κινούμενη διάτμηση Y" - -#: data/effects/rotation_keyframable.xml:3 -msgid "Rotate (keyframable)" -msgstr "Περιστροφή (με υποστήριξη keyframes)" - -#: data/effects/rotation_keyframable.xml:16 -msgid "Offset X" -msgstr "Μετατόπιση X" - -#: data/effects/rotation_keyframable.xml:19 -msgid "Offset Y" -msgstr "Μετατόπιση Y" - -#: data/effects/rotoscoping.xml:3 -msgid "Rotoscoping" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/rotoscoping.xml:4 -msgid "Keyframable vector based rotoscoping" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/rotoscoping.xml:8 -msgid "Alpha,Luma,RGB" -msgstr "Alpha,Luma,RGB" - -#: data/effects/rotoscoping.xml:9 -msgid "Mode" -msgstr "Λειτουργία" - -#: data/effects/rotoscoping.xml:14 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Alpha Operation" -msgstr "Λειτουργία καναλιού άλφα" - -#: data/effects/rotoscoping.xml:22 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:3422 -msgid "Track" -msgstr "Κομμάτι" - -#: data/effects/rotoscoping.xml:26 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Feather width" -msgstr "Απάλυνση άλφα στα όρια" - -#: data/effects/rotoscoping.xml:30 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Feathering passes" -msgstr "Απάλυνση άλφα στα όρια" - -#: data/effects/scratchlines.xml:3 -msgid "Scratchlines" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/scratchlines.xml:4 -msgid "Scratchlines over the picture" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/scratchlines.xml:7 -msgid "Width of line" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/scratchlines.xml:10 -msgid "Max number of lines" -msgstr "Μέγιστο πλήθος γραμμών" - -#: data/effects/scratchlines.xml:13 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Max darker" -msgstr "Δείκτης" - -#: data/effects/scratchlines.xml:16 -msgid "Max lighter" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/sepia.xml:3 -msgid "Sepia" -msgstr "Σέπια" - -#: data/effects/sepia.xml:4 -msgid "Turn clip colors to sepia" -msgstr "Μετατροπή χρωμάτων κλιπ σε σέπια" - -#: data/effects/sepia.xml:7 -msgid "Chrominance U" -msgstr "Chrominance U" - -#: data/effects/sepia.xml:10 -msgid "Chrominance V" -msgstr "Chrominance V" - -#: data/effects/sox_band.xml:3 -msgid "Sox Band" -msgstr "Sox band" - -#: data/effects/sox_band.xml:4 -msgid "Sox band audio effect" -msgstr "Sox ηχητικό εφέ band" - -#: data/effects/sox_band.xml:7 -msgid "Center Frequency" -msgstr "Κεντρική συχνότητα" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_4) -#: data/effects/sox_band.xml:10 data/effects/sox_flanger.xml:16 -#: src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:181 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:307 -msgid "Width" -msgstr "Πλάτος" - -#: data/effects/sox_bass.xml:3 -msgid "Sox Bass" -msgstr "Sox μπάσα" - -#: data/effects/sox_bass.xml:4 -msgid "Sox bass audio effect" -msgstr "Sox ηχητικό εφέ μπάσα" - -#: data/effects/sox_echo.xml:3 -msgid "Sox Echo" -msgstr "Sox ηχώ" - -#: data/effects/sox_echo.xml:4 -msgid "Sox echo audio effect" -msgstr "Sox ηχητικό εφέ ηχώ" - -#: data/effects/sox_echo.xml:7 data/effects/sox_phaser.xml:7 -msgid "Gain In" -msgstr "Κέρδος εισόδου" - -#: data/effects/sox_echo.xml:10 data/effects/sox_phaser.xml:10 -msgid "Gain Out" -msgstr "Κέρδος εξόδου" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_13) -#: data/effects/sox_echo.xml:13 data/effects/sox_flanger.xml:7 -#: data/effects/sox_phaser.xml:13 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:994 -msgid "Delay" -msgstr "Καθυστέρηση" - -#: data/effects/sox_echo.xml:16 data/effects/sox_phaser.xml:16 -msgid "Decay" -msgstr "Εξασθένιση" - -#: data/effects/sox_flanger.xml:3 -msgid "Sox Flanger" -msgstr "Sox flanger" - -#: data/effects/sox_flanger.xml:4 -msgid "Sox flanger audio effect" -msgstr "Sox ηχητικό εφέ flanger" - -#: data/effects/sox_flanger.xml:13 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Regeneration" -msgstr "Λειτουργία" - -#: data/effects/sox_flanger.xml:19 data/effects/sox_phaser.xml:19 -#: data/effects/speed.xml:3 data/effects/speed.xml:7 -msgid "Speed" -msgstr "Ταχύτητα" - -#: data/effects/sox_flanger.xml:25 -msgid "Phase" -msgstr "Φάση" - -#: data/effects/sox_flanger.xml:28 src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:383 -msgid "Interpolation" -msgstr "Παρεμβολή" - -#: data/effects/sox_gain.xml:3 -msgid "Sox Gain" -msgstr "Sox κέρδος" - -#: data/effects/sox_gain.xml:4 -msgid "Sox gain audio effect" -msgstr "Sox ηχητικό εφέ κέρδος" - -#: data/effects/sox_gain.xml:12 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Normalize" -msgstr "Κανονικό" - -#: data/effects/sox_phaser.xml:3 -msgid "Sox Phaser" -msgstr "Sox phaser" - -#: data/effects/sox_phaser.xml:4 -msgid "Sox phaser audio effect" -msgstr "Sox ηχητικό εφέ phaser" - -#: data/effects/sox_pitch.xml:3 -msgid "Sox Pitch Shift" -msgstr "Sox pitch shift" - -#: data/effects/sox_pitch.xml:4 -msgid "Sox change pitch audio effect" -msgstr "Sox ηχητικό εφέ αλλαγής pitch" - -#: data/effects/sox_pitch.xml:10 -msgid "Time window (ms)" -msgstr "Χρονικό παράθυρο (ms):" - -#: data/effects/sox_reverb.xml:3 -msgid "Sox Reverb" -msgstr "Sox αντήχηση" - -#: data/effects/sox_reverb.xml:4 -msgid "Sox reverb audio effect" -msgstr "Sox ηχητικό εφέ αντήχηση" - -#: data/effects/sox_reverb.xml:7 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Reverberance" -msgstr "Αντήχηση" - -#: data/effects/sox_reverb.xml:10 -msgid "High frequency damping" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/sox_reverb.xml:13 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Room scale" -msgstr "Κανονικοποίηση" - -#: data/effects/sox_reverb.xml:16 -msgid "Stereo depth" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/sox_reverb.xml:19 -msgid "Pre-delay" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/sox_reverb.xml:22 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Wet gain" -msgstr "Κέρδος ύψους" - -#: data/effects/sox_stretch.xml:3 -msgid "Sox Stretch" -msgstr "Sox stretch" - -#: data/effects/sox_stretch.xml:4 -msgid "Sox stretch audio effect" -msgstr "Sox ηχητικό εφέ stretch" - -#: data/effects/speed.xml:4 -msgid "Make clip play faster or slower" -msgstr "Επιτάχυνση ή επιβράδυνση του κλιπ" - -#: data/effects/speed.xml:10 -msgid "Stroboscope" -msgstr "Στροβοσκόπιο" - -#: data/effects/swapchannels.xml:3 -msgid "Swap channels" -msgstr "Εναλλαγή καναλιών" - -#: data/effects/swapchannels.xml:4 -msgid "Move the left channel to the right and right-to-left" -msgstr "Αντιγραφή του αριστερού καναλιού στο δεξί και του δεξιού στο αριστερό" - -#: data/effects/tcolor.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Technicolor" -msgstr "Λευκό χρώμα" - -#: data/effects/tcolor.xml:4 -msgid "Oversaturate the color in video, like in old Technicolor movies" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/tcolor.xml:7 -msgid "Blue/Yellow axis" -msgstr "Άξονας μπλε/κίτρινο" - -#: data/effects/tcolor.xml:10 -msgid "Red/Green axis" -msgstr "Άξονας κόκκινο/πράσινο" - -#: data/effects/threshold.xml:4 -msgid "Make monochrome clip" -msgstr "Δημιουργία μονόχρωμου κλιπ" - -#: data/effects/threshold.xml:7 -msgid "Threshold value" -msgstr "Τιμή κατωφλιού" - -#: data/effects/threshold.xml:10 -msgid "Use transparency" -msgstr "Χρήση διαφάνειας" - -#: data/effects/vignette.xml:3 -msgid "Vignette Effect" -msgstr "Βινιετάρισμα" - -#: data/effects/vignette.xml:4 -msgid "Adjustable Vignette" -msgstr "Προσαρμόσιμο βινιετάρισμα" - -#: data/effects/vignette.xml:7 -msgid "smooth" -msgstr "ομαλό" - -#: data/effects/vignette.xml:10 -msgid "radius" -msgstr "ακτίνα" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_6) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_8) -#: data/effects/vignette.xml:13 src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:72 -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:575 -msgid "x" -msgstr "x" - -#: data/effects/vignette.xml:16 -msgid "y" -msgstr "y" - -#: data/effects/vignette.xml:19 -msgid "opacity" -msgstr "αδιαφάνεια" - -#: data/effects/vignette.xml:22 -msgid "use cos instead of linear" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/volume.xml:3 -msgid "Volume (keyframable)" -msgstr "Ένταση (με υποστήριξη keyframes)" - -#: data/effects/volume.xml:4 -msgid "Adjust audio volume with keyframes" -msgstr "Προσαρμογή της έντασης του ήχου με keyframes" - -#: data/effects/wave.xml:3 -msgid "Wave" -msgstr "Κύμα" - -#: data/effects/wave.xml:4 -msgid "Make waves on your clip with keyframes" -msgstr "Εισαγωγή κυμάτων στο κλιπ σας με keyframes" - -#: data/effects/wave.xml:10 -msgid "Horizontal" -msgstr "Οριζόντια" - -#: data/effects/wave.xml:13 -msgid "Vertical" -msgstr "Κατακόρυφη" - -#: data/kdenliveeffectscategory.rc:5 -msgid "Colour correction" -msgstr "Χρωματική διόρθωση" - -#: data/kdenliveeffectscategory.rc:8 -msgid "Colour" -msgstr "Χρώμα" - -#: data/kdenliveeffectscategory.rc:11 -msgid "Crop and transform" -msgstr "Περικοπή και μετασχηματισμός" - -#: data/kdenliveeffectscategory.rc:14 -msgid "Audio correction" -msgstr "Διόρθωση ήχου" - -#: data/kdenliveeffectscategory.rc:17 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:655 -msgid "Audio channels" -msgstr "Κανάλια ήχου" - -#: data/kdenliveeffectscategory.rc:20 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Analyse" -msgid "Analysis and data" -msgstr "Ανάλυση" - -#: data/kdenliveeffectscategory.rc:23 -msgid "Fade" -msgstr "Ομαλή μετάβαση" - -#: data/kdenliveeffectscategory.rc:26 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Artist" -msgid "Artistic" -msgstr "Καλλιτέχνης" - -#: data/kdenliveeffectscategory.rc:29 -msgid "Blur and hide" -msgstr "Θόλωμα και απόκρυψη" - -#: data/kdenliveeffectscategory.rc:32 -msgid "Motion" -msgstr "Κίνηση" - -#: data/kdenliveeffectscategory.rc:38 -msgid "Alpha manipulation" -msgstr "Τροποποίηση άλφα" - -#: data/kdenliveeffectscategory.rc:41 -msgid "Enhancement" -msgstr "Εμπλουτισμός" - -#: data/kdenliveeffectscategory.rc:44 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "effect" -msgid "GPU effects" -msgstr "εφέ" - -#. i18n: ectx: ToolBar (extraToolBar) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:4 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Extract to" -msgid "Extra Toolbar" -msgstr "Εξαγωγή σε" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (project) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:21 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Project" -msgstr "Έργο" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (extract_audio) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:29 src/mainwindow.cpp:2752 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Extract to" -msgid "Extract Audio" -msgstr "Εξαγωγή σε" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (clip_actions) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:32 src/mainwindow.cpp:2699 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Clip top" -msgid "Clip Jobs" -msgstr "Περικοπή πάνω" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (transcoders) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:35 src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:184 -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:125 -msgid "Transcode" -msgstr "Μετατροπή" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (generators) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:38 -#, fuzzy -#| msgctxt "general keyboard shortcuts" -#| msgid "General" -msgid "Generators" -msgstr "Γενικά" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (track_menu) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:40 src/mainwindow.cpp:1145 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Track" -msgid "Tracks" -msgstr "Κομμάτι" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (clip_in_timeline) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:55 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Timeline" -msgid "Clip in Timeline" -msgstr "Χρονοδιάγραμμα" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (tool) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:70 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Tools" -msgid "Tool" -msgstr "Εργαλεία" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (clip) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:80 src/project/projectlistview.cpp:59 -msgid "Clip" -msgstr "Κλιπ" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (marker_menu) -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_3) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:81 src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:397 -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:402 -msgid "Markers" -msgstr "Δείκτες" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (timeline) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:96 src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:81 -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2785 -msgid "Timeline" -msgstr "Χρονοδιάγραμμα" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (keyboard_selection) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:97 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Selection tool" -msgid "Selection" -msgstr "Εργαλείο επιλογής" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (keyboard_insert) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:105 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Interpolation" -msgid "Insertion" -msgstr "Παρεμβολή" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (current_clip) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:110 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Cut clip" -msgid "Current clip" -msgstr "Διαίρεση κλιπ" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (all_clips) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:117 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Add clip" -#| msgid_plural "Add clips" -msgid "All clips" -msgstr "Προσθήκη κλιπ" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (guide_menu) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:120 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Guide" -msgid "Guides" -msgstr "Οδηγός" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (space_menu) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:126 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Spacer tool" -msgid "Space" -msgstr "Εργαλείο κενού διαστήματος" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (video_effects_menu) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:134 src/mainwindow.cpp:279 -msgid "Add Effect" -msgstr "Προσθήκη εφέ" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (monitor) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:148 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Monitor %1" -msgid "Monitor" -msgstr "Επισκόπηση %1" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (monitor_go) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:154 src/timeline/customruler.cpp:93 -msgid "Go To" -msgstr "Μετάβαση σε" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (monitor_config) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:176 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Monitor %1" -msgid "Monitor config" -msgstr "Επισκόπηση %1" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (dockwindows) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:187 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "GraphView" -msgid "View" -msgstr "GraphView" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (layout_save_as) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:188 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Save Layout" -msgid "Save Layout As" -msgstr "Αποθήκευση διάταξης" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, CountDown_UI) -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, ClipStabilize_UI) -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, FreeSound_UI) -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, ArchiveWidget_UI) -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, BackupDialog_UI) -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, ClipTranscode_UI) -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, AddTrack_UI) -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, SmConfig_UI) -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, ManageEncodingProfile_UI) -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, ColorClip_UI) -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, RenderWidget_UI) -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, Stopmotion_UI) -#: plugins/sampleplugin/countdown_ui.ui:13 src/ui/addtrack_ui.ui:14 -#: src/ui/archivewidget_ui.ui:14 src/ui/backupdialog_ui.ui:14 -#: src/ui/clipstabilize_ui.ui:14 src/ui/cliptranscode_ui.ui:14 -#: src/ui/colorclip_ui.ui:14 src/ui/freesound_ui.ui:14 -#: src/ui/manageencodingprofile_ui.ui:14 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:14 -#: src/ui/smconfig_ui.ui:14 src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Dialog" -msgstr "Διάλογος" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, destination_label) -#: plugins/sampleplugin/countdown_ui.ui:19 src/ui/cutjobdialog_ui.ui:47 -msgid "Save to" -msgstr "Αποθήκευση σε" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, duration_label) -#: plugins/sampleplugin/countdown_ui.ui:29 -msgid "Duration (seconds)" -msgstr "Διάρκεια (δευτερόλεπτα)" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, font_label) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_4) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_17) -#: plugins/sampleplugin/countdown_ui.ui:46 src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:89 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:331 -msgid "Font" -msgstr "Γραμματοσειρά" - -#: plugins/sampleplugin/sampleplugin.cpp:33 -msgid "Countdown" -msgstr "Αντίστροφη μέτρηση" - -#: plugins/sampleplugin/sampleplugin.cpp:55 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Create Noise Clip" -msgstr "Αποκοπή ομάδας" - -#: plugins/sampleplugin/sampleplugin.cpp:59 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Create Countdown Clip" -msgstr "Αποκοπή ομάδας" - -#: plugins/sampleplugin/sampleplugin.cpp:97 -#: plugins/sampleplugin/sampleplugin.cpp:105 -#, fuzzy, kde-format -msgid "" -"Failed to generate clip:\n" -"%1" -msgstr "Αποτυχία δημιουργίας κλιπ διαμεσολάβησης." - -#: plugins/sampleplugin/sampleplugin.cpp:97 -#: plugins/sampleplugin/sampleplugin.cpp:105 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Generator Failed" -msgstr "Γεννήτριες" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:210 src/project/projectlist.cpp:133 -#, kde-format -msgid "%1 job" -msgid_plural "%1 jobs" -msgstr[0] "" -msgstr[1] "" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:211 src/project/projectlist.cpp:134 -#, kde-format -msgid "%1 pending job" -msgid_plural "%1 pending jobs" -msgstr[0] "" -msgstr[1] "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_search) -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:300 src/ui/freesound_ui.ui:74 -msgid "Search" -msgstr "Αναζήτηση" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:336 -#, fuzzy -msgid "View Mode" -msgstr "Λειτουργία" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:338 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Tree View" -msgstr "Προβολή" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:346 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Icon View" -msgstr "Προβολή" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:353 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Disable effect" -#| msgid_plural "Disable effects" -msgid "Disable Bin Effects" -msgstr "Απενεργοποίηση εφέ" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:361 src/bin/bincommands.cpp:102 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Rename Folder" -msgstr "Μετονομασία φακέλου" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab) -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:370 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:50 -msgid "Settings" -msgstr "Ρυθμίσεις" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:372 src/project/clipproperties.cpp:351 -#: src/project/dialogs/slideshowclip.cpp:77 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:324 -msgid "Zoom" -msgstr "Εστίαση" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:378 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Show path" -msgid "Show date" -msgstr "Εμφάνιση διαδρομής" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:381 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Description" -msgid "Show description" -msgstr "Περιγραφή" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:399 src/project/projectlist.cpp:213 -msgid "Cancel All Jobs" -msgstr "" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:401 src/project/projectlist.cpp:217 -msgid "Cancel Current Clip Jobs" -msgstr "Ακύρωση τρεχουσών εργασιών κλιπ" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:431 src/project/projectlist.cpp:254 -msgid "Show Log" -msgstr "Προβολή καταγραφής" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:504 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Normalise audio for thumbnails" -msgid "Creating audio thumbnails" -msgstr "Κανονικοποίηση ήχου για τις μικρογραφίες" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:511 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Show audio thumbnails" -msgid "Audio thumbnails done" -msgstr "Εμφάνιση μικρογραφιών ήχου" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:805 -msgctxt "append to clip name to indicate a copied idem" -msgid " (copy)" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:929 src/bin/bin.cpp:2217 -#: src/project/folderprojectitem.cpp:37 src/project/projectlist.cpp:1085 -#: src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:60 -msgid "Folder" -msgstr "Κατάλογος" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:1056 -#, kde-format -msgid "Folder contains a clip, delete anyways ?" -msgid_plural "Folder contains %1 clips, delete anyways ?" -msgstr[0] "" -msgstr[1] "" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:1173 src/mainwindow.cpp:1234 -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:1004 -msgid "Delete Clip" -msgstr "Διαγραφή κλιπ" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:1174 src/mainwindow.cpp:1251 -msgid "Proxy Clip" -msgstr "Κλιπ διαμεσολάβησης" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:1181 src/project/projectlist.cpp:995 -msgid "Delete Folder" -msgstr "Διαγραφή φακέλου" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:1182 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Proxy Folder" -msgstr "Φάκελος έργου" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2015 src/bin/bincommands.cpp:62 src/bin/bincommands.cpp:82 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Move Clip" -msgid_plural "Move Clips" -msgstr[0] "Μετακίνηση κλιπ" -msgstr[1] "Μετακίνηση κλιπ" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2231 -#, fuzzy, kde-format -#| msgid "Playlist clips" -msgid "Playlist clip %1 is invalid." -msgstr "Κλιπ λίστας αναπαραγωγής" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2236 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Playlist clip %1 has too many tracks (%2) to be imported. Add new tracks to " -"your project." -msgstr "" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2449 src/project/projectlist.cpp:465 -msgid "Please set a default application to open images in the Settings dialog" -msgstr "" -"Παρακαλώ ορίσετε στον διάλογο ρυθμίσεων μία εφαρμογή για το άνοιγμα εικόνων" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2455 src/project/projectlist.cpp:471 -msgid "" -"Please set a default application to open audio files in the Settings dialog" -msgstr "" -"Παρακαλώ ορίσετε στον διάλογο ρυθμίσεων μία εφαρμογή για το άνοιγμα αρχείων " -"ήχου" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2511 src/project/projectlist.cpp:2661 -msgid "No data returned from clip analysis" -msgstr "" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2525 src/project/projectlist.cpp:2674 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Processing data analysis" -msgstr "Αποκωδικοποίηση νημάτων" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2531 src/project/projectlist.cpp:2680 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Auto Split Clip" -msgstr "Φόρτωση κλιπ" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2549 src/project/projectlist.cpp:2698 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Add Markers" -msgstr "Προσθήκη δείκτη" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2592 src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:85 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:474 src/project/projectcommands.cpp:164 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Add marker" -msgid "Add marker" -msgid_plural "Add markers" -msgstr[0] "Προσθήκη δείκτη" -msgstr[1] "Προσθήκη δείκτη" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2603 src/bin/bin.cpp:2685 src/project/jobs/filterjob.cpp:96 -#: src/timeline/markerdialog.cpp:45 -#, kde-format -msgid "Category %1" -msgstr "Κατηγορία %1" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2608 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Load Clip Markers" -msgstr "Επεξεργασία δείκτη" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2623 src/bin/bin.cpp:2720 -#: src/dialogs/profilesdialog.cpp:219 src/dialogs/profilesdialog.cpp:520 -#, fuzzy, kde-format -msgid "Cannot open file %1" -msgstr "Αδυναμία ανοίγματος αρχείου" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, MarkerDialog_UI) -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2649 src/definitions.cpp:78 src/definitions.cpp:95 -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:367 src/mainwindow.cpp:1831 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:727 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:801 src/ui/markerdialog_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Marker" -msgstr "Δείκτης" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2683 -msgid "All categories" -msgstr "Όλες οι κατηγορίες" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2690 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Save Clip Markers" -msgstr "Διαγραφή όλων των δεικτών" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2733 src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:86 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:478 src/project/projectcommands.cpp:162 -msgid "Delete marker" -msgstr "Διαγραφή δείκτη" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2748 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Delete marker" -msgid "Delete clip markers" -msgstr "Διαγραφή δείκτη" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2750 -msgid "Clip has no markers" -msgstr "Το κλιπ δεν περιέχει δείκτες" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2788 src/project/clippropertiesmanager.cpp:126 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"You are editing an external title clip (%1). Do you want to save your " -"changes to the title file or save the changes for this project only?" -msgstr "" -"Επεξεργάζεστε έναν εξωτερικό τίτλο κλιπ (%1). Θέλετε να αποθηκεύσετε τις " -"αλλαγές σας στον τίτλο αρχείου ή να τις αποθηκεύσετε για το έργο αυτό μόνο;" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2788 src/project/clippropertiesmanager.cpp:126 -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:1766 -msgid "Save Title" -msgstr "Αποθήκευση τίτλου" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2788 src/project/clippropertiesmanager.cpp:126 -msgid "Save to title file" -msgstr "Αποθήκευση σε τίτλο αρχείου" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2788 src/project/clippropertiesmanager.cpp:126 -msgid "Save in project only" -msgstr "Αποθήκευση στο έργο μόνο" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2852 src/project/projectlist.cpp:1428 -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:1430 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4517 -msgid "Invalid clip" -msgstr "Μη έγκυρο κλιπ" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2852 src/project/projectlist.cpp:1428 -msgid "Clip is invalid, will be removed from project." -msgstr "Το κλιπ δεν είναι έγκυρο, θα αφαιρεθεί από το έργο." - -#: src/bin/bincommands.cpp:34 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Remove Folder" -msgstr "Μετονομασία φακέλου" - -#: src/bin/bincommands.cpp:35 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Add Folder" -msgstr "Προσθήκη φακέλου" - -#: src/bin/bincommands.cpp:121 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Add Effect" -msgid "Add Bin Effect" -msgstr "Προσθήκη εφέ" - -#: src/bin/bincommands.cpp:140 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Reset Effect" -msgid "Remove Bin Effect" -msgstr "Επαναφορά εφέ" - -#: src/bin/bincommands.cpp:162 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Rename Zone" -msgstr "Μετονομασία φακέλου" - -#: src/bin/bincommands.cpp:184 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Add Sub Clip" -msgstr "Προσθήκη κλιπ" - -#: src/bin/bincommands.cpp:217 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1628 -msgid "Edit clip" -msgstr "Επεξεργασία κλιπ" - -#: src/bin/projectclip.cpp:90 src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:879 -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:195 -msgid "Untitled" -msgstr "Χωρίς τίτλο" - -#: src/bin/projectclip.cpp:272 src/project/projectlist.cpp:2458 -msgctxt "The first letter of Proxy, used as abbreviation" -msgid "P" -msgstr "δ" - -#: src/bin/projectclip.cpp:940 src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:1228 -#, kde-format -msgid "Clip already contains analysis data %1" -msgstr "" - -#: src/bin/projectclip.cpp:940 src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:1228 -msgid "Merge" -msgstr "Συγχώνευση" - -#: src/bin/projectclip.cpp:940 src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:1228 -msgid "Add" -msgstr "Προσθήκη" - -#: src/bin/projectfolder.cpp:74 -#, fuzzy, kde-format -msgid "%1 clip" -msgid_plural "%1 clips" -msgstr[0] "(%1 κλιπ)" -msgstr[1] "(%1 κλιπ)" - -#: src/bin/projectfolderup.cpp:35 -msgid "Back" -msgstr "" - -#: src/bin/projectfolderup.cpp:59 -msgid "Go up" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/bin/projectitemmodel.cpp:169 src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:74 -#: src/ui/colorclip_ui.ui:20 src/ui/configtranscode_ui.ui:70 -#: src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:20 -msgid "Name" -msgstr "Όνομα" - -#: src/bin/projectitemmodel.cpp:172 -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:173 -#: src/project/projectlistview.cpp:59 -msgid "Date" -msgstr "Ημερομηνία" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_description) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/bin/projectitemmodel.cpp:175 src/project/projectlistview.cpp:59 -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:41 src/ui/configtranscode_ui.ui:80 -#: src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:49 -msgid "Description" -msgstr "Περιγραφή" - -#: src/bin/projectitemmodel.cpp:178 src/dialogs/profilesdialog.cpp:585 -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:231 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:319 -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:771 src/mltcontroller/clipcontroller.cpp:266 -#: src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:483 -msgid "Unknown" -msgstr "Άγνωστο" - -#: src/bin/projectsubclip.cpp:41 src/doc/documentvalidator.cpp:1441 -#, fuzzy, kde-format -msgid "Zone %1" -msgstr "Αρχή ζώνης: %1 " - -#: src/capture/managecapturesdialog.cpp:42 -msgid "import" -msgstr "εισαγωγή" - -#: src/dialogs/clipcreationdialog.cpp:97 src/dialogs/clipcreationdialog.cpp:98 -msgid "Color Clip" -msgstr "Κλιπ χρώματος" - -#: src/dialogs/clipcreationdialog.cpp:188 -msgid "Title clip" -msgstr "Κλιπ τίτλου" - -#: src/dialogs/clipcreationdialog.cpp:236 src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:1117 -msgid "Template title clip" -msgstr "Πρότυπο κλιπ τίτλου" - -#: src/dialogs/clipcreationdialog.cpp:428 src/doc/doccommands.cpp:32 -msgid "Add clip" -msgid_plural "Add clips" -msgstr[0] "Προσθήκη κλιπ" -msgstr[1] "Προσθήκη κλιπ" - -#: src/dialogs/clipcreationdialog.cpp:437 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:247 -#: src/effectstack/collapsibleeffect.cpp:200 src/mainwindow.cpp:2832 -msgid "All Supported Files" -msgstr "Όλα τα υποστηριζόμενα αρχεία" - -#: src/dialogs/clipcreationdialog.cpp:437 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:247 -#: src/effectstack/collapsibleeffect.cpp:200 src/mainwindow.cpp:2832 -msgid "All Files" -msgstr "Όλα τα αρχεία" - -#: src/dialogs/clipcreationdialog.cpp:438 -msgid "Import image sequence" -msgstr "Εισαγωγή ακολουθίας εικόνων" - -#: src/dialogs/clipcreationdialog.cpp:440 -msgid "Transparent background for images" -msgstr "Διαφανές φόντο για εικόνες" - -#: src/dialogs/encodingprofilesdialog.cpp:37 -msgid "Manage Encoding Profiles" -msgstr "Διαχείριση κωδικοποιημένων προφίλ" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, groupBox) -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, enable_proxy) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_14) -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, kcfg_enableproxy) -#: src/dialogs/encodingprofilesdialog.cpp:38 -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:96 src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:36 -#: src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:142 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:244 -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:499 -msgid "Proxy clips" -msgstr "Κλιπ διαμεσολάβησης" - -#: src/dialogs/encodingprofilesdialog.cpp:39 -msgid "Video4Linux capture" -msgstr "Σύλληψη Video4Linux" - -#: src/dialogs/encodingprofilesdialog.cpp:40 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Screen capture" -msgstr "Σύλληψη πλήρους οθόνης" - -#: src/dialogs/encodingprofilesdialog.cpp:41 -msgid "Decklink capture" -msgstr "Σύλληψη Decklink" - -#: src/dialogs/encodingprofilesdialog.cpp:125 -#: src/dialogs/encodingprofilesdialog.cpp:157 -msgid "Profile name:" -msgstr "Όνομα προφίλ:" - -#: src/dialogs/encodingprofilesdialog.cpp:128 -#: src/dialogs/encodingprofilesdialog.cpp:160 -msgid "Parameters:" -msgstr "Παράμετροι:" - -#: src/dialogs/encodingprofilesdialog.cpp:131 -#: src/dialogs/encodingprofilesdialog.cpp:163 -msgid "File extension:" -msgstr "Επέκταση αρχείου:" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:64 -#: src/effectslist/effectslistwidget.cpp:100 -#: src/effectslist/effectslistwidget.cpp:121 -#: src/effectslist/effectslistwidget.cpp:123 -msgid "Misc" -msgstr "Διάφορα" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:73 -msgid "Project Defaults" -msgstr "Προεπιλογές του έργου" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:101 -msgid "Environment" -msgstr "Περιβάλλον" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:126 -msgid "Capture" -msgstr "Σύλληψη" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:131 -msgid "Capture is not yet available on Mac OS X." -msgstr "Η δυνατότητα καταγραφής δεν είναι ακόμα διαθέσιμη για το OS X." - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:170 -msgid "JogShuttle" -msgstr "JogShuttle" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, groupBox) -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:180 src/ui/smconfig_ui.ui:20 -msgid "Playback" -msgstr "Αναπαραγωγή" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:275 -msgid "GPU processing needs MLT compiled with Movit and Rtaudio modules" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:300 -#, kde-format -msgid "dvgrab version %1 at %2" -msgstr "dvgrab έκδοση %1 στο %2" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:301 -msgid "" -"dvgrab utility not found, please install it for firewire " -"capture" -msgstr "" -"η εφαρμογή dvgrab δε βρέθηκε, για καταγραφή μέσω firewire " -"παρακαλείστε να την εγκαταστήσετε" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:438 -msgid "Automatic" -msgstr "Αυτόματο" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:440 -msgid "OSS" -msgstr "OSS" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:441 -msgid "ALSA" -msgstr "ALSA" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:442 -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:487 -msgid "PulseAudio" -msgstr "PulseAudio" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:443 -msgid "OSS with DMA access" -msgstr "OSS με πρόσβαση DMA" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:444 -msgid "Esound daemon" -msgstr "Δαίμονας Esound" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:445 -msgid "ARTS daemon" -msgstr "Δαίμονας ARTS" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:457 -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:458 -msgid "Default" -msgstr "Προεπιλεγμένο" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:503 -msgid "SDL" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:504 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Audio" -msgid "RtAudio" -msgstr "Ήχος" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:566 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Please set your default video profile" -msgid "Select default video player" -msgstr "Παρακαλώ ορίσετε το προεπιλεγμένο προφίλ βίντεο" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:578 -msgid "Select default audio editor" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:590 -msgid "Select default image editor" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:809 -msgid "Kdenlive must be restarted to change this setting" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, p_progressive) -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:832 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:264 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:634 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:118 src/project/clipproperties.cpp:685 -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:322 src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:99 -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:163 -msgid "Interlaced" -msgstr "Πεπλεγμένo" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, progressive) -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:834 -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:1039 -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:1072 -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:1088 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:265 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:634 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:119 src/project/clipproperties.cpp:685 -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:428 src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:232 -msgid "Progressive" -msgstr "Προοδευτικό" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:892 -msgid "A profile with that name already exists" -msgstr "Προφίλ με αυτό το όνομα υπάρχει ήδη" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:1003 -msgid "Current settings" -msgstr "Τρέχουσες ρυθμίσεις" - -#: src/dialogs/profilesdialog.cpp:50 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:163 -msgid "Delete profile" -msgstr "Διαγραφή προφίλ" - -#: src/dialogs/profilesdialog.cpp:52 src/dialogs/profilesdialog.cpp:95 -msgid "Save profile" -msgstr "Αποθήκευση προφίλ" - -#: src/dialogs/profilesdialog.cpp:54 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:171 -msgid "Create new profile" -msgstr "Δημιουργία ενός νέου προφίλ" - -#: src/dialogs/profilesdialog.cpp:163 -msgid "The custom profile was modified, do you want to save it?" -msgstr "Το προσαρμοσμένο προφίλ τροποποιήθηκε, επιθυμείτε να το αποθηκεύσετε;" - -#: src/dialogs/profilesdialog.cpp:194 -msgid "" -"A profile with same name already exists in MLT's default profiles, please " -"choose another description for your custom profile." -msgstr "" -"Υπάρχει ήδη ένα προφίλ με το ίδιο όνομα μεταξύ των προεγκατεστημένων προφίλ " -"MLT, παρακαλώ επιλέξτε μια διαφορετική περιγραφή για το προσαρμοσμένο προφίλ " -"σας." - -#: src/dialogs/profilesdialog.cpp:225 src/dialogs/profilesdialog.cpp:526 -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:612 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:799 -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:805 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:865 -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1003 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1168 -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2382 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2405 -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:669 src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:675 -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:934 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:940 -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:3046 src/mainwindow.cpp:3051 -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:796 -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:802 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:1780 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot write to file %1" -msgstr "Αδύνατη η εγγραφή στο αρχείο %1" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:108 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1233 -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2295 -msgid "Waiting..." -msgstr "Αναμονή..." - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:111 -msgid "Rendering finished" -msgstr "Η υλοποίηση βίντεο τελείωσε" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:116 -msgid "Rendering crashed" -msgstr "Κατάρρευση της υλοποίησης βίντεο" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:121 -msgid "Rendering aborted" -msgstr "Εγκατάλειψη υλοποίησης βίντεο" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:155 -msgid "Rendering" -msgstr "Υλοποίηση βίντεο" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:167 -msgid "Edit profile" -msgstr "Επεξεργασία προφίλ" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:177 -msgid "Copy profile to favorites" -msgstr "Αντιγραφή του προφίλ στα αγαπημένα" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:179 -msgid "Show profiles with different framerate" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, preserveAspectRatio) -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:223 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:534 -msgid "Preserve aspect ratio" -msgstr "Διατήρηση αναλογίας διαστάσεων" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:289 -msgid "File" -msgstr "Αρχείο" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:298 -msgid "Script Files" -msgstr "Αρχεία σεναρίων" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:392 -msgid "Beginning" -msgstr "Έναρξη" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:478 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:494 -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:688 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:706 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Qualities" -msgstr "Ποιότητα" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:479 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:495 -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:689 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:707 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Default quality" -msgstr "Προεπιλεγμένες διάρκειες" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, vbitrates_label) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, abitrates_label) -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:481 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:497 -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:691 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:709 -#: src/ui/saveprofile_ui.ui:40 src/ui/saveprofile_ui.ui:73 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Bitrates" -msgstr "Ρυθμός μετάδοσης δεδομένων" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, default_vbitrate_label) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, default_abitrate_label) -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:482 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:498 -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:692 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:710 -#: src/ui/saveprofile_ui.ui:26 src/ui/saveprofile_ui.ui:80 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Default bitrate" -msgstr "Προεπιλεγμένες διάρκειες" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:509 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:515 -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:679 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:749 -msgctxt "Group Name" -msgid "Custom" -msgstr "Προσαρμοσμένα" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:591 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:760 -msgid "Profile already exists" -msgstr "Το προφίλ αυτό υπάρχει ήδη" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:591 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:760 -msgid "" -"This profile name already exists. Change the name if you don't want to " -"overwrite it." -msgstr "" -"Το όνομα του προφίλ υπάρχει ήδη. Αλλάξετε το όνομα εάν δε θέλετε να το " -"αντικαταστήσετε." - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:606 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:859 -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1859 -#, kde-format -msgid "Unable to write to file %1" -msgstr "Αδυναμία εγγραφής στο αρχείο %1" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:632 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1843 -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1892 -msgctxt "Category Name" -msgid "Custom" -msgstr "Προσαρμοσμένα" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:720 -msgid "Edit Profile" -msgstr "Επεξεργασία προφίλ" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:918 -msgid "Cannot find the melt program required for rendering (part of Mlt)" -msgstr "" -"Αδύνατη η εύρεση του προγράμματος melt που απαιτείται για την υλοποίηση " -"βίντεο (τμήμα του MLT)" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:922 -msgid "" -"Cannot play video after rendering because the default video player " -"application is not set.\n" -"Please define it in Kdenlive settings dialog." -msgstr "" -"Αδυναμία αναπαραγωγής βίντεο μετά την ολοκλήρωση της υλοποίησης βίντεο " -"επειδή δεν έχει ορισθεί προεπιλεγμένη εφαρμογή αναπαραγωγής βίντεο.\n" -"Παρακαλώ καθορίστε το στον διάλογο ρυθμίσεων του Kdenlive." - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:930 src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:259 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"The directory %1, could not be created.\n" -"Please make sure you have the required permissions." -msgstr "" -"Αδυναμία δημιουργίας του καταλόγου %1.\n" -"Παρακαλώ ελέγξετε ότι διαθέτετε τα απαραίτητα δικαιώματα." - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:973 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:165 -#, kde-format -msgid "File has no extension. Add extension (%1)?" -msgstr "Το αρχείο δεν έχει επέκταση. Προσθήκη επέκτασης (%1);" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:988 -msgid "Output file already exists. Do you want to overwrite it?" -msgstr "Το αρχείο υπάρχει ήδη. Επιθυμείτε την αντικατάστασή του;" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1222 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2283 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"There is already a job writing file:
Abort the job if " -"you want to overwrite it..." -msgstr "" -"Υπάρχει ήδη μία εργασία εγγραφής αρχείου:
Ακυρώσετε την " -"εργασία αν επιθυμείτε αντικατάστασή του..." - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1222 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2283 -msgid "Already running" -msgstr "Εκτελείται ήδη" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1266 -msgid "Video without audio track" -msgstr "Βίντεο χωρίς ήχο" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1317 -#, kde-format -msgid "Rendering %1 started" -msgstr "Εκκίνηση υλοποίησης βίντεο του %1" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1473 -#, kde-format -msgid "Frame rate (%1) not compatible with project profile (%2)" -msgstr "Η συχνότητα καρέ (%1) δεν είναι συμβατή με το προφίλ του έργου (%2)" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1491 -#, kde-format -msgid "Unsupported video format: %1" -msgstr "Μη υποστηριζόμενος τύπος βίντεο: %1" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1507 -#, kde-format -msgid "Unsupported audio codec: %1" -msgstr "Μη υποστηριζόμενος τύπος συμπίεσης ήχου: %1" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1524 -#, kde-format -msgid "Unsupported video codec: %1" -msgstr "Μη υποστηριζόμενος τύπος συμπίεσης βίντεο: %1" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1533 -msgid "" -"This render profile uses a 'profile' parameter.
Unless you know what " -"you are doing you will probably have to change it to 'mlt_profile'." -msgstr "" -"Αυτό το προφίλ υλοποίησης βίντεο χρησιμοποιεί μια παράμετρο 'profile'.
Εκτός εάν γνωρίζετε τι κάνετε ίσως θα πρέπει να το αλλάξετε σε " -"'mlt_profile'." - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1546 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1584 -msgid "No matching profile" -msgstr "Κανένα ταιριαστό προφίλ" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1561 -msgid "untitled" -msgstr "Χωρίς τίτλο" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1586 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Invalid clip" -msgid "Invalid profile" -msgstr "Μη έγκυρο κλιπ" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1630 -#, fuzzy -msgid "" -"Video\n" -"quality" -msgstr "Βιντεοκλίπ" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1632 -#, fuzzy -msgid "" -"Video\n" -"bitrate" -msgstr "Κομμάτι βίντεο" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1652 -#, fuzzy -msgid "" -"Audio\n" -"quality" -msgstr "Ηχητικό κλιπ" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1654 -#, fuzzy -msgid "" -"Audio\n" -"bitrate" -msgstr "Ηχητικό κομμάτι" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1692 -#, fuzzy -msgid "File rendering" -msgstr "Απεικόνιση αρχείου" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1693 -msgid "Favorites" -msgstr "Αγαπημένα" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1694 -msgid "DVD" -msgstr "DVD" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, profile_audioonly) -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1695 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7011 -#: src/ui/configtranscode_ui.ui:100 -msgid "Audio only" -msgstr "Ήχος μόνο" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1696 -msgid "Web sites" -msgstr "Ιστοσελίδες" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1697 -msgid "Media players" -msgstr "Αναπαραγωγείς μέσων" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1698 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1738 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Lossless / HQ" -msgid "Lossless/HQ" -msgstr "Χωρίς απώλειες / HQ" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1699 -msgid "Mobile devices" -msgstr "Φορητές συσκευές" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1783 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Image sequence" -msgctxt "Category Name" -msgid "Images sequence" -msgstr "Ακολουθία εικόνων" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1987 -msgctxt "Attribute Name" -msgid "Custom" -msgstr "Προσαρμοσμένα" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2085 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2108 -#, fuzzy, kde-format -#| msgid "%1 dB" -msgid "%1 day " -msgid_plural "%1 days " -msgstr[0] "%1 dB" -msgstr[1] "%1 dB" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2087 -#, fuzzy, kde-format -#| msgid "Opening file %1" -msgid "Remaining time %1" -msgstr "Άνοιγμα του αρχείου %1" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2110 -#, kde-format -msgid "Rendering finished in %1" -msgstr "Η υλοποίηση βίντεο τελείωσε σε %1" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2112 -#, fuzzy, kde-format -msgid "Rendering of %1 finished in %2" -msgstr "Η απεικόνιση τελείωσε σε %1" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2125 -#, kde-format -msgid "Rendering of %1 crashed
" -msgstr "Κατάρρευση της υλοποίησης βίντεο του %1
" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, abort_job) -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2165 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:650 -msgid "Abort Job" -msgstr "Εγκατάλειψη εργασίας" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2168 -msgid "Remove Job" -msgstr "Αφαίρεση εργασίας" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2236 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2240 -#, kde-format -msgid "Script contains wrong command: %1" -msgstr "Το σενάριο περιέχει εσφαλμένη εντολή: %1" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2424 -msgid "script" -msgstr "σενάριο" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2445 src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:228 -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:640 -msgid "Check missing clips" -msgstr "Έλεγχος για μη διαθέσιμα κλιπ" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2502 -msgid "Export audio (automatic)" -msgstr "Εξαγωγή ήχου (αυτόματο)" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, export_audio) -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2504 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:544 -msgid "Export audio" -msgstr "Εξαγωγή ήχου" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:60 -msgid "Config Wizard" -msgstr "Βοηθός διαμόρφωσης" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:64 -msgid "Welcome" -msgstr "Καλωσορίσατε" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:66 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Your Kdenlive version was upgraded to version %1. Please take some time to " -"review the basic settings" -msgstr "" -"Η έκδοση του Kdenlive σας αναβαθμίστηκε στην έκδοση %1. Παρακαλώ αφιερώστε " -"λίγο χρόνο για να ελέγξετε τις βασικές ρυθμίσεις" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:68 -msgid "" -"This is the first time you run Kdenlive. This wizard will let you adjust " -"some basic settings, you will be ready to edit your first movie in a few " -"seconds..." -msgstr "" -"Αυτήν είναι η πρώτη φορά που τρέχετε το Kdenlive. Αυτός ο βοηθός θα σας " -"επιτρέψει να καθορίσετε ορισμένες βασικές ρυθμίσεις, θα είστε έτοιμοι να " -"επεξεργαστείτε την πρώτη σας ταινία σε λίγα δευτερόλεπτα..." - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:72 -msgid "Discover the features of this Kdenlive release" -msgstr "Ανακαλύψτε τα χαρακτηριστικά αυτής της έκδοσης του Kdenlive" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:82 -msgid "Checking MLT engine" -msgstr "Έλεγχος μηχανής MLT" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:90 -msgid "Video Standard" -msgstr "Τύπος βίντεο" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:128 -msgid "Additional Settings" -msgstr "Επιπλέον ρυθμίσεις" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (KComboBox, capture_device) -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:142 src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:168 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Capture device" -msgstr "Σύλληψη ήχου" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:146 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Default Blackmagic Decklink card:" -msgstr "Μαύρο χρώμα" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:147 -msgid "No Blackmagic Decklink device found" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:158 -msgid "Checking system" -msgstr "Έλεγχος συστήματος" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:186 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Default video4linux device:" -msgstr "Επιλέξτε την προκαθορισμένη σας συσκευή video4linux" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:199 -msgid "No device found, plug your webcam and refresh." -msgstr "Δε βρέθηκε συσκευή, συνδέστε την web κάμερα και ανανεώστε." - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:221 -#, kde-format -msgid "Current settings (%1x%2, %3/%4fps)" -msgstr "Τρέχουσες ρυθμίσεις (%1x%2, %3/%4fps)" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:257 -#, kde-format -msgid "Default settings (%1x%2, %3/%4fps)" -msgstr "Προκαθορισμένες ρυθμίσεις (%1x%2, %3/%4fps)" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:272 -msgid "Melt" -msgstr "Melt" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:273 -msgid "Required for rendering (part of MLT package)" -msgstr "Απαιτείται για υλοποίηση βίντεο (μέρος του πακέτου MLT)" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:280 -msgid "Cannot start the MLT video backend!" -msgstr "Αδυναμία εκκίνησης του συστήματος υποστήριξης βίντεο του MLT!" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:287 -#, kde-format -msgid "MLT version: %1" -msgstr "Έκδοση MLT: %1" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:290 -msgid "Your MLT version is unsupported!!!" -msgstr "Η έκδοση MLT που διαθέτετε δεν υποστηρίζεται!!!" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:296 -#, kde-format -msgid "Please upgrade to MLT %1.%2.%3" -msgstr "Παρακαλώ κάνετε αναβάθμιση σε MLT %1.%2.%3" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:300 -msgid "MLT video backend!" -msgstr "Σύστημα υποστήριξης βίντεο MLT" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:318 -msgid "SDL module" -msgstr "Άρθρωμα SDL" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:319 -msgid "Required for Kdenlive" -msgstr "Απαιτείται για το Kdenlive" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:332 -msgid "Avformat module (FFmpeg)" -msgstr "Άρθρωμα avformat (FFmpeg)" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:333 -msgid "Required to work with various video formats (hdv, mpeg, flash, ...)" -msgstr "" -"Απαιτείται για τη χρήση διαφόρων τύπων αρχειοθέτησης βίντεο (hdv, mpeg, " -"flash, ...)" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:372 -msgid "QImage module" -msgstr "Άρθρωμα QImage" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:373 src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:378 -msgid "Required to work with images" -msgstr "Απαιτείται για την επεξεργασία εικόνων" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:377 -msgid "Pixbuf module" -msgstr "Άρθρωμα pixbuf" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:392 -msgid "Title module" -msgstr "Άρθρωμα τίτλου" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:393 -msgid "Required to work with titles" -msgstr "Απαιτείται για την επεξεργασία τίτλων" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:456 -msgid "" -"The following codecs were not found on your system. Check our online manual if you need them: " -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:477 -msgid "FFmpeg & ffplay" -msgstr "FFmpeg & ffplay" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:478 -msgid "Required for proxy clips, transcoding and screen capture" -msgstr "" -"Απαιτείται για τα κλιπ διαμεσολάβησης, τη μετατροπή και τη σύλληψη οθόνης" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:504 -msgid "dvgrab" -msgstr "Dvgrab" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:505 -msgid "Required for firewire capture" -msgstr "Απαιτείται για σύλληψη μέσω firewire" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:511 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:104 -msgid "dvdauthor" -msgstr "dvdauthor" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:512 -msgid "Required for creation of DVD" -msgstr "Απαιτείται για τη δημιουργία DVD" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:518 -msgid "genisoimage or mkisofs" -msgstr "genisoimage ή mkisofs" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:519 -msgid "Required for creation of DVD ISO images" -msgstr "Απαιτείται για τη δημιουργία εικόνων ISO DVD" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:528 -msgid "xine" -msgstr "xine" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:529 -msgid "Required to preview your DVD" -msgstr "Απαιτείται για προεπισκόπηση DVD" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:533 -msgid "vlc" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:685 -msgid "Frame size:" -msgstr "Μέγεθος καρέ:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_4) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:685 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:245 -#: src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:55 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:107 -msgid "Frame rate:" -msgstr "Συχνότητα καρέ:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_23) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_9) -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:685 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:266 -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:121 -msgid "Pixel aspect ratio:" -msgstr "Αναλογία διαστάσεων εικονοστοιχείων:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_31) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_10) -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:685 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:280 -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:135 -msgid "Display aspect ratio:" -msgstr "Αναλογία διαστάσεων οθόνης:" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:732 -msgid "" -"Your MLT installation cannot be found. Install MLT and restart Kdenlive.\n" -msgstr "" -"Δε βρέθηκε εγκατάσταση του MLT. Εγκαταστήσετε το MLT κι επανεκκινήστε το " -"Kdenlive.\n" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:736 -msgid "Fatal Error" -msgstr "Μοιραίο σφάλμα" - -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:279 -#, kde-format -msgid "%1 fps" -msgstr "%1 fps" - -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:284 -msgid "Hz" -msgstr "Hz" - -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:289 -msgid "Audio clip" -msgstr "Ηχητικό κλιπ" - -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:292 -msgid "Mute video clip" -msgstr "Σίγαση βιντεοκλίπ" - -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:295 src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:214 -msgid "Video clip" -msgstr "Βιντεοκλίπ" - -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:298 -msgid "Color clip" -msgstr "Κλιπ χρώματος" - -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:301 src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:216 -msgid "Image clip" -msgstr "Εικονοκλίπ" - -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:304 -msgid "Template text clip" -msgstr "Πρότυπο κλιπ κειμένου" - -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:305 -msgid "Text clip" -msgstr "Κλιπ κειμένου" - -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:308 -msgid "Slideshow clip" -msgstr "Κλιπ προβολής διαφανειών" - -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:311 -msgid "Virtual clip" -msgstr "Εικονικό κλιπ" - -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:314 src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:218 -msgid "Playlist clip" -msgstr "Κλιπ λίστας αναπαραγωγής" - -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:317 -msgid "Unknown clip" -msgstr "Άγνωστο κλιπ" - -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:684 src/renderer.cpp:141 -msgid "Missing clip" -msgstr "Κλιπ που δεν έχει βρεθεί" - -#: src/doc/doccommands.cpp:33 src/project/clipmanager.cpp:226 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Delete clip" -msgid "Delete clip" -msgid_plural "Delete clips" -msgstr[0] "Διαγραφή κλιπ" -msgstr[1] "Διαγραφή κλιπ" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:199 -msgid "Luma file" -msgstr "Αρχείο luma" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:223 -msgid "Title Image" -msgstr "Εικόνα τίτλου" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:226 -msgid "Title Font" -msgstr "Γραμματοσειρά τίτλου" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:247 -#, kde-format -msgid "%1 will be replaced by %2" -msgstr "Το %1 θα αντικατασταθεί με το %2" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:261 -msgid "Missing item" -msgstr "Μη διαθέσιμο αντικείμενο" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:265 -msgid "The project file contains missing clips or files" -msgstr "Το αρχείο έργου περιέχει μη διαθέσιμα κλιπ ή αρχεία" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:269 -msgid "Missing proxies will be recreated after opening." -msgstr "Οι διαμεσολαβητές που λείπουν θα αναδημιουργηθούν μετά από το άνοιγμα." - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:273 -#, fuzzy, kde-format -msgid "" -"The project file contains a missing clip, you can still work with its proxy." -msgid_plural "" -"The project file contains %1 missing clips, you can still work with their " -"proxies." -msgstr[0] "Το αρχείο έργου περιέχει μη διαθέσιμα κλιπ ή αρχεία" -msgstr[1] "Το αρχείο έργου περιέχει μη διαθέσιμα κλιπ ή αρχεία" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:283 src/project/projectitem.cpp:192 -msgid "Proxy clip" -msgstr "Κλιπ διαμεσολάβησης" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:285 -#, fuzzy, kde-format -#| msgid "%1 missing proxy clips, will be recreated on project opening" -msgid "%1 missing proxy clip, will be recreated on project opening" -msgid_plural "%1 missing proxy clips, will be recreated on project opening" -msgstr[0] "" -"%1 κλιπ διαμεσολάβησης λείπουν, θα αναδημιουργηθούν στο άνοιγμα του έργου" -msgstr[1] "" -"%1 κλιπ διαμεσολάβησης λείπουν, θα αναδημιουργηθούν στο άνοιγμα του έργου" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:288 -msgid "Missing proxy" -msgstr "Μη διαθέσιμος διαμεσολαβητής" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:335 src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:348 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Source clip" -msgstr "Πηγή" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:337 -#, kde-format -msgid "%1 missing source clips, you can only use the proxies" -msgstr "" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:340 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Missing source clip" -msgstr "Κλιπ που δεν έχει βρεθεί" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:411 -msgid "Clips folder" -msgstr "Φάκελος κλιπ" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:567 -msgid "Enter new location for file" -msgstr "Εισάγετε μία νέα τοποθεσία αρχείου" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:780 -msgid "This will remove the selected clip from this project" -msgid_plural "This will remove the selected clips from this project" -msgstr[0] "Αυτή η ενέργεια θα απομακρύνει το επιλεγμένο κλιπ από το παρόν έργο" -msgstr[1] "Αυτή η ενέργεια θα απομακρύνει τα επιλεγμένα κλιπ από το παρόν έργο" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:780 -msgid "Remove clips" -msgstr "Αφαίρεση κλιπ" - -#: src/doc/documentvalidator.cpp:90 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"The document was created in \"%1\" locale, which is not installed on your " -"system. Please install that language pack. Until then, Kdenlive might not be " -"able to correctly open the document." -msgstr "" - -#: src/doc/documentvalidator.cpp:94 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"There is a locale conflict on your system. The document uses locale %1 which " -"uses a \"%2\" as numeric separator (in system libraries) but Qt expects " -"\"%3\". You might not be able to correctly open the project." -msgstr "" - -#: src/doc/documentvalidator.cpp:279 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"This project type is unsupported (version %1) and can't be loaded.\n" -"Please consider upgrading your Kdenlive version." -msgstr "" -"Αυτό το είδος έργου δεν υποστηρίζεται (έκδοση %1) και δεν μπορεί να " -"φορτωθεί.\n" -"Παρακαλώ αναβαθμίσετε την έκδοση του Kdenlive." - -#: src/doc/documentvalidator.cpp:279 src/doc/documentvalidator.cpp:286 -msgid "Unable to open project" -msgstr "Αδυναμία ανοίγματος έργου" - -#: src/doc/documentvalidator.cpp:286 -#, kde-format -msgid "This project type is unsupported (version %1) and can't be loaded." -msgstr "" -"Αυτό το είδος έργου δεν υποστηρίζεται (έκδοση %1) και δεν μπορεί να φορτωθεί." - -#: src/doc/documentvalidator.cpp:840 -msgid "" -"Some of your text clips were saved with size in points, which means " -"different sizes on different displays. Do you want to convert them to pixel " -"size, making them portable? It is recommended you do this on the computer " -"they were first created on, or you could have to adjust their size." -msgstr "" -"Μερικά από τα κλιπ σας είχαν σωθεί με διαστάσεις σε σημεία, που συνεπάγεται " -"διαφορετικά μεγέθη σε διαφορετικές οθόνες. Επιθυμείτε μετατροπή σε " -"διαστάσεις εικονοστοιχείων για να καταστήστε τα κλιπ σας φορητά; Συνίσταται " -"να κάνετε αυτή την ενέργεια στον υπολογιστή όπου αρχικά δημιουργήθηκαν. " -"Διαφορετικά πιθανόν να χρειαστεί να προσαρμόσετε το μέγεθός τους." - -#: src/doc/documentvalidator.cpp:840 -msgid "Update Text Clips" -msgstr "Ανανέωση των κλιπ τίτλου" - -#: src/doc/documentvalidator.cpp:1679 -msgid "" -"The project file uses some GPU effects. GPU acceleration is not currently " -"enabled.\n" -"Do you want to convert the project to a non-GPU version ?\n" -"This might result in data loss." -msgstr "" - -#: src/doc/documentvalidator.cpp:1770 -msgid "The following filters/transitions were converted to non GPU versions:" -msgstr "" - -#: src/doc/documentvalidator.cpp:1773 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "The following effects were imported from the project:" -msgid "The following filters/transitions were deleted from the project:" -msgstr "Τα ακόλουθα εφέ εισήχθησαν από το έργο:" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:152 -#, fuzzy -msgid "" -"Cannot open the project file,\n" -"Do you want to open a backup file?" -msgstr "" -"Αδυναμία ανοίγματος του αρχείου έργου, το σφάλμα είναι:\n" -"%1\n" -"Θέλετε να ανοίξετε ένα εφεδρικό αρχείο;" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:152 src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:168 -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:213 -msgid "Error opening file" -msgstr "Σφάλμα στο άνοιγμα του αρχείου" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:152 src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:168 -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:213 -msgid "Open Backup" -msgstr "Άνοιγμα εφεδρικού" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:168 -#, fuzzy, kde-format -msgid "" -"Cannot open the project file, error is:\n" -"%1 (line %2, col %3)\n" -"Do you want to open a backup file?" -msgstr "" -"Αδυναμία ανοίγματος του αρχείου έργου, το σφάλμα είναι:\n" -"%1\n" -"Θέλετε να ανοίξετε ένα εφεδρικό αρχείο;" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:168 src/project/projectmanager.cpp:381 -msgid "Recover" -msgstr "Ανάκτηση" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:194 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Cannot recover this project file" -msgstr "Αδυναμία ανοίγματος του αρχείου %1 του έργου" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:206 -msgid "Validating" -msgstr "Επικύρωση" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:212 -#, kde-format -msgid "File %1 is not a Kdenlive project file" -msgstr "Το αρχείο %1 δεν είναι αρχείο έργου Kdenlive" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:213 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"File %1 is not a valid project file.\n" -"Do you want to open a backup file?" -msgstr "" -"Το αρχείο %1 δεν είναι ένα έγκυρο αρχείο έργου.\n" -"Θέλετε να ανοίξετε ένα εφεδρικό αρχείο;" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:254 -#, kde-format -msgid "Project directory %1 does not exist. Create it?" -msgstr "Ο κατάλογος έργου %1 δεν υπάρχει. Να δημιουργηθεί;" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:266 -#, kde-format -msgid "Document project folder is invalid, setting it to the default one: %1" -msgstr "" -"Ο κατάλογος έργου του εγγράφου είναι μη έγκυρος, επαναφορά της προεπιλογής: " -"%1" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:548 src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:659 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot write to file %1, scene list is corrupted." -msgstr "Αδυναμία εγγραφής στο αρχείο %1, η λίστα σκηνών είναι κατεστραμμένη." - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:719 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"You have changed the project folder. Do you want to copy the cached data " -"from %1 to the new folder %2?" -msgstr "" -"Αλλάξατε το φάκελο του έργου. Θέλετε να αντιγράψετε τα προσωρινά δεδομένα " -"από το %1 στον νέο φάκελο %2;" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:1105 -msgid "Enter Template Path" -msgstr "Εισάγετε τη διαδρομή του προτύπου" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:1179 -msgid "The following effects were imported from the project:" -msgstr "Τα ακόλουθα εφέ εισήχθησαν από το έργο:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:1209 src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:1223 -#: src/ui/backupdialog_ui.ui:22 -msgid "Project Folder" -msgstr "Φάκελος έργου" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:1287 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Cannot create backup copy:\n" -"%1" -msgstr "" -"Αδυναμία δημιουργίας εφεδρικού αντιγράφου:\n" -"%1" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:1400 src/project/projectlist.cpp:2317 -msgid "Add proxy clip" -msgid_plural "Add proxy clips" -msgstr[0] "Προσθήκη κλιπ διαμεσολάβησης" -msgstr[1] "Προσθήκη κλιπ διαμεσολάβησης" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:1401 src/project/projectlist.cpp:2318 -msgid "Remove proxy clip" -msgid_plural "Remove proxy clips" -msgstr[0] "Αφαίρεση κλιπ διαμεσολάβησης" -msgstr[1] "Αφαίρεση κλιπ διαμεσολάβησης" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:62 src/mainwindow.cpp:1023 -msgid "DVD Wizard" -msgstr "Βοηθός DVD" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:65 -msgid "Select Files For Your DVD" -msgstr "Επιλέξτε αρχεία για το DVD σας" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:69 -msgid "DVD Chapters" -msgstr "Κεφάλαια DVD" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:75 -msgid "Create DVD Menu" -msgstr "Δημιουργία μενού DVD" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:79 -msgid "Creating DVD Image" -msgstr "Δημιουργία εικόνας DVD" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:104 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:111 -#, kde-format -msgid "Burn with %1" -msgstr "Εγγραφή με %1" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:114 -msgid "No burning program found (K3b, Brasero)" -msgstr "Δε βρέθηκε πρόγραμμα εγγραφής (K3b, Brasero)" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:120 -msgid "Load" -msgstr "Φόρτωση" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:121 -msgid "Save" -msgstr "Αποθήκευση" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:188 -#, fuzzy, kde-format -msgid "Cannot create temporary directory %1" -msgstr "Αδυναμία δημιουργίας προσωρινού αρχείου" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:271 -msgid "Menu movie is invalid" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:383 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:464 -msgid "Rendering job timed out" -msgstr "Υπέρβαση χρονικού ορίου εργασίας υλοποίησης βίντεο" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:385 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:466 -msgid "Menu job timed out" -msgstr "Λήξη χρόνου εργασίας μενού" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:674 -msgid "Rendering menu crashed" -msgstr "Η απεικόνιση του μενού κατέρρευσε" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:710 -msgid "DVDAuthor process crashed" -msgstr "Η διεργασία DVDAuthor κατέρρευσε" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:713 -msgid "DVDAuthor process crashed.
" -msgstr "Κατάρρευση της διεργασίας DVDAuthor.
" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:737 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:738 -msgid "DVD structure broken" -msgstr "Κατεστραμμένη δομή DVD" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:785 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:788 -msgid "ISO creation process crashed." -msgstr "Κατάρρευση της διεργασίας δημιουργίας εικόνας ISO" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:817 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:818 -msgid "DVD ISO is broken" -msgstr "Κατεστραμμένο DVD ISO" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:832 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:834 -#, kde-format -msgid "DVD ISO image %1 successfully created." -msgstr "Επιτυχής δημιουργία της εικόνας ISO DVD %1" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:864 -#, kde-format -msgid "Previewing requires one of these applications (%1)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:888 -#, kde-format -msgid "Folder %1 already exists. Overwrite?\n" -msgstr "Ο φάκελος %1 υπάρχει ήδη. Να αντικατασταθεί;\n" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:890 -#, kde-format -msgid "Image file %1 already exists. Overwrite?" -msgstr "Το αρχείο %1 υπάρχει ήδη, να αντικατασταθεί;" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:911 -msgid "Save DVD Project" -msgstr "Αποθήκευση έργου DVD" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:911 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:948 -msgid "DVD project (*.kdvd)" -msgstr "Έργο DVD (*.kdvd)" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:957 -#, kde-format -msgid "File %1 is not a Kdenlive project file." -msgstr "Το αρχείο %1 δεν είναι αρχείο έργου Kdenlive." - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardmenu.cpp:42 src/monitor/monitor.cpp:185 -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:303 src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:79 -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:405 src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:444 -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:873 -msgid "Play" -msgstr "Αναπαραγωγή" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardmenu.cpp:54 -msgid "Add new button" -msgstr "Προσθήκη νέου κουμπιού" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardmenu.cpp:55 -msgid "Delete current button" -msgstr "Διαγραφή τρέχοντος κουμπιού" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardmenu.cpp:300 -msgid "Play All" -msgstr "Αναπαραγωγή όλων" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:104 -#, kde-format -msgid "Program %1 is required for the DVD wizard." -msgstr "Το πρόγραμμα %1 απαιτείται για το βοηθό DVD." - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:105 -msgid "mkisofs" -msgstr "mkisofs" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:105 -msgid "genisoimage" -msgstr "genisoimage" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:105 -#, kde-format -msgid "Program %1 or %2 is required for the DVD wizard." -msgstr "Το πρόγραμμα %1 ή %2 απαιτείται για το βοηθό DVD." - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:111 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:316 -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:768 -msgid "PAL 4:3" -msgstr "PAL 4:3" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:111 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:313 -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:765 -msgid "PAL 16:9" -msgstr "PAL 16:9" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:111 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:310 -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:762 -msgid "NTSC 4:3" -msgstr "NTSC 4:3" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:111 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:307 -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:759 -msgid "NTSC 16:9" -msgstr "NTSC 16:9" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:138 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:791 -msgid "Your clips do not match selected DVD format, transcoding required." -msgstr "" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:210 src/project/cliptranscode.cpp:244 -msgid "Transcoding failed!" -msgstr "Η μετατροπή απέτυχε!" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:247 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "All Files" -msgid "MPEG Files" -msgstr "Όλα τα αρχεία" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:248 -msgid "Add new video file" -msgstr "Προσθήκη νέου αρχείου βίντεο" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:337 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:779 -#, kde-format -msgid "The clip %1 is invalid." -msgstr "" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:674 -#: src/effectstack/collapsibleeffect.cpp:352 -#: src/effectstack/collapsiblegroup.cpp:178 src/monitor/monitor.cpp:845 -#: src/project/clipstabilize.cpp:222 src/project/cliptranscode.cpp:141 -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:297 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"File %1 already exists.\n" -"Do you want to overwrite it?" -msgstr "" -"Το αρχείο %1 υπάρχει ήδη.\n" -"Επιθυμείτε να το αντικαταστήσετε;" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:699 -#, fuzzy, kde-format -#| msgid "Transcoding" -msgid "Transcoding: %1" -msgstr "Μετατροπή" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslist.cpp:197 -msgid "Author:" -msgstr "Συντάκτης:" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:63 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Search in the effect list" -msgid "Search in effects list" -msgstr "Αναζήτηση στη λίστα των εφέ" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:72 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Show/Hide the effect description" -msgid "Show/Hide effect description" -msgstr "Εμφάνιση απόκρυψη της περιγραφής του εφέ" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:83 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Delete selected clip" -#| msgid_plural "Delete selected clips" -msgid "Add Effect to Selected Clip" -msgstr "Διαγραφή του επιλεγμένου κλιπ" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:84 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Copy profile to favorites" -msgid "Add Effect to Favorites" -msgstr "Αντιγραφή του προφίλ στα αγαπημένα" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:85 -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:231 -#: src/effectstack/collapsibleeffect.cpp:70 -#: src/effectstack/collapsiblegroup.cpp:77 -msgid "Delete effect" -msgstr "Διαγραφή εφέ" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:93 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Move transition" -msgid "Show all transitions" -msgstr "Μετακίνηση μετάβασης" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:94 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Move transition" -msgid "Show GPU transitions" -msgstr "Μετακίνηση μετάβασης" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:101 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Show all profiles" -msgid "Show all effects" -msgstr "Εμφάνιση όλων των προφίλ" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:103 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Move effect" -msgid "Show video effects" -msgstr "Μετακίνηση εφέ" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:105 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Sox echo audio effect" -msgid "Show audio effects" -msgstr "Sox ηχητικό εφέ ηχώ" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:107 -msgid "Show GPU effects" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:109 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Sox echo audio effect" -msgid "Show custom effects" -msgstr "Sox ηχητικό εφέ ηχώ" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:110 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Move effect" -msgid "Show favorite effects" -msgstr "Μετακίνηση εφέ" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:239 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Remove file" -msgid "Remove from favorites" -msgstr "Αφαίρεση αρχείου" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_audio) -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, abitrates) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_audiothumbnails) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, audio_thumbs) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, audiobitrateLabel) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, rec_audio) -#: src/effectslist/effectslistwidget.cpp:100 -#: src/effectslist/effectslistwidget.cpp:129 -#: src/effectslist/effectslistwidget.cpp:131 src/monitor/recmanager.cpp:57 -#: src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:39 -#: src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:121 -#: src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:155 -#: src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:194 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:131 -#: src/ui/configtimeline_ui.ui:38 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:224 -#: src/ui/recmonitor_ui.ui:107 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:195 -#: src/ui/saveprofile_ui.ui:67 -msgid "Audio" -msgstr "Ήχος" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistwidget.cpp:100 -#: src/effectslist/effectslistwidget.cpp:137 -#: src/effectslist/effectslistwidget.cpp:139 -#: src/effectslist/effectslistwidget.cpp:464 -msgctxt "Folder Name" -msgid "Custom" -msgstr "Προσαρμοσμένος" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistwidget.cpp:194 -msgctxt "menu name for effects names between these 2 letters" -msgid "0 - F" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistwidget.cpp:196 -msgctxt "menu name for effects names between these 2 letters" -msgid "G - L" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistwidget.cpp:198 -msgctxt "menu name for effects names between these 2 letters" -msgid "M - R" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistwidget.cpp:200 -msgctxt "menu name for effects names between these 2 letters" -msgid "S - Z" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:47 src/project/clipproperties.cpp:346 -#: src/project/dialogs/slideshowclip.cpp:72 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:59 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:153 -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:541 -msgid "None" -msgstr "Κανένα" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:363 -#, kde-format -msgid "Group %1" -msgstr "Ομάδα %1" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:624 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Dissolve" -msgid "None (Dissolve)" -msgstr "Εφέ διάλυσης (Dissolve)" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, slide_luma) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, luma_fade) -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:706 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:292 -#: src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:203 -msgid "Wipe" -msgstr "Εφέ σάρωσης (wipe)" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:707 -msgid "Applies a stationary transition between the current and next frames." -msgstr "" -"Εφαρμόζει μία στατική μετάβαση μεταξύ του τρέχοντος και των επόμενων καρέ." - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:710 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:785 -msgctxt "@property: means that the image is inverted" -msgid "Invert" -msgstr "Αντεστραμμένη" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:711 -msgid "Image File" -msgstr "Αρχείο εικόνας" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:712 -msgid "Reverse Transition" -msgstr "Αντίστροφη μετάβαση" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:716 src/timeline/headertrack.cpp:89 -#: src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:74 -msgid "Composite" -msgstr "Σύνθεση" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:717 -msgid "A key-framable alpha-channel compositor for two frames." -msgstr "Συνθέτης καναλιών άλφα με υποστήριξη keyframe για δύο καρέ." - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:719 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:764 -msgid "Alpha Channel Operation" -msgstr "Λειτουργία καναλιού άλφα" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:719 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:764 -msgid "Over,And,Or,Xor" -msgstr "Over,And,Or,Xor" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:720 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:765 -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:785 -msgid "Align" -msgstr "Στοίχιση" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:723 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:768 -msgid "Wipe File" -msgstr "Αρχείο σβησίματος" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:724 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:769 -msgid "Wipe Softness" -msgstr "Απαλότητα σβησίματος" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:725 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:770 -msgid "Wipe Invert" -msgstr "Αντιστροφή σβησίματος" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:726 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:771 -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:785 -msgid "Force Progressive Rendering" -msgstr "Επιβολή βαθμιαίας απεικόνισης" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:727 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:772 -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:785 -msgid "Force Deinterlace Overlay" -msgstr "Επιβολή επικάλυψης απόπλεξης" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:729 -msgid "Affine" -msgstr "Συναφές" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:753 -msgid "Fix Shear Y" -msgstr "Σταθερή διάτμηση Υ" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:754 -msgid "Fix Shear X" -msgstr "Σταθερή διάτμηση Χ" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:755 -msgid "Fix Shear Z" -msgstr "Σταθερή διάτμηση Z" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:761 -msgid "Use alpha channel of another clip to create a transition." -msgstr "Χρήση του καναλιού άλφα ενός άλλου κλιπ για τη δημιουργία μετάβασης." - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:762 -msgid "Transparency clip" -msgstr "Κλιπ διαφάνειας" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:785 -msgid "Slide" -msgstr "Κύλιση" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:785 -msgid "Slide image from one side to another." -msgstr "Κύλιση εικόνας από τη μία πλευρά στην άλλη." - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:785 -msgid "Direction" -msgstr "Κατεύθυνση" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, slide_fade) -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:790 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:262 -#: src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:167 -msgid "Dissolve" -msgstr "Εφέ διάλυσης (Dissolve)" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:790 -msgid "Fade out one video while fading in the other video." -msgstr "Ομαλή έξοδος από ένα βίντεο κατά την ομαλή είσοδο στο επόμενο." - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:790 -msgid "Reverse" -msgstr "Αντιστροφή" - -#: src/effectstack/collapsibleeffect.cpp:64 -#: src/effectstack/collapsiblegroup.cpp:72 -msgid "Move effect up" -msgstr "Μετακίνηση εφέ πάνω" - -#: src/effectstack/collapsibleeffect.cpp:67 -#: src/effectstack/collapsiblegroup.cpp:74 -msgid "Move effect down" -msgstr "Μετακίνηση εφέ κάτω" - -#: src/effectstack/collapsibleeffect.cpp:82 -msgid "Reset Effect" -msgstr "Επαναφορά εφέ" - -#: src/effectstack/collapsibleeffect.cpp:83 -#: src/effectstack/collapsibleeffect.cpp:345 -msgid "Save Effect" -msgstr "Αποθήκευση εφέ" - -#: src/effectstack/collapsibleeffect.cpp:91 -#: src/effectstack/collapsiblegroup.cpp:89 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Disable effect" -#| msgid_plural "Disable effects" -msgid "Disable Effect" -msgstr "Απενεργοποίηση εφέ" - -#: src/effectstack/collapsibleeffect.cpp:91 -#: src/effectstack/collapsiblegroup.cpp:89 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Enable effect" -#| msgid_plural "Enable effects" -msgid "Enable Effect" -msgstr "Ενεργοποίηση εφέ" - -#: src/effectstack/collapsibleeffect.cpp:96 -msgid "Create Group" -msgstr "Δημιουργία ομάδας" - -#: src/effectstack/collapsibleeffect.cpp:136 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Create Region" -msgstr "Δημιουργία μενού DVD" - -#: src/effectstack/collapsibleeffect.cpp:345 -msgid "Name for saved effect: " -msgstr "Όνομα αποθηκευμένου εφέ: " - -#: src/effectstack/collapsiblegroup.cpp:68 -#: src/effectstack/collapsiblegroup.cpp:383 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Effect Group" -msgstr "Αποκοπή ομάδας" - -#: src/effectstack/collapsiblegroup.cpp:81 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Reset Group" -msgstr "Αλλαγή μεγέθους ομάδας" - -#: src/effectstack/collapsiblegroup.cpp:82 -#: src/effectstack/collapsiblegroup.cpp:171 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Save Group" -msgstr "Αποθήκευση σε" - -#: src/effectstack/collapsiblegroup.cpp:84 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Ungroup" -msgstr "Αναίρεση ομαδοποίησης αντικειμένων" - -#: src/effectstack/collapsiblegroup.cpp:171 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Name for saved group: " -msgstr "Όνομα αποθηκευμένου εφέ: " - -#: src/effectstack/complexparameter.cpp:36 -msgid "Allow horizontal moves" -msgstr "Δυνατότητα οριζόντιας μετακίνησης" - -#: src/effectstack/complexparameter.cpp:38 -msgid "Allow vertical moves" -msgstr "Δυνατότητα κατακόρυφης μετακίνησης" - -#: src/effectstack/complexparameter.cpp:40 -msgid "Show keyframes in timeline" -msgstr "Εμφάνιση των keyframes στο χρονοδιάγραμμα" - -#: src/effectstack/complexparameter.cpp:42 -msgid "Parameter info" -msgstr "Πληροφορίες παραμέτρων" - -#: src/effectstack/complexparameter.cpp:44 src/effectstack/geometryval.cpp:81 -#: src/effectstack/keyframeedit.cpp:47 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:84 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:417 -#: src/simplekeyframes/simplekeyframewidget.cpp:42 -#: src/simplekeyframes/simplekeyframewidget.cpp:132 -msgid "Add keyframe" -msgstr "Προσθήκη keyframe" - -#: src/effectstack/dragvalue.cpp:109 -msgid "Normal scale" -msgstr "Κανονική κλίμακα" - -#: src/effectstack/dragvalue.cpp:110 -msgid "Pixel scale" -msgstr "Κλίμακα εικονοστοιχείων" - -#: src/effectstack/dragvalue.cpp:111 -msgid "Nonlinear scale" -msgstr "Μη γραμμική κλίμακα" - -#: src/effectstack/dragvalue.cpp:115 -msgid "Direct update" -msgstr "Άμεση ανανέωση" - -#: src/effectstack/dragvalue.cpp:120 -msgid "Reset value" -msgstr "Επαναφορά τιμής" - -#: src/effectstack/dragvalue.cpp:125 -#, kde-format -msgid "Show %1 in timeline" -msgstr "Εμφάνιση %1 στο χρονοδιάγραμμα" - -#: src/effectstack/effectstackview2.cpp:71 -msgid "Enable/Disable all effects" -msgstr "Ενεργοποίηση/απενεργοποίηση όλων των εφέ." - -#: src/effectstack/effectstackview2.cpp:73 -msgid "Show additional information for the parameters" -msgstr "Εμφάνιση επιπλέον πληροφοριών για τις παραμέτρους" - -#: src/effectstack/effectstackview2.cpp:174 -#: src/effectstack/effectstackview2.cpp:176 -#: src/effectstack/effectstackview2.cpp:179 -#, kde-format -msgid "Effects for %1" -msgstr "Εφέ για %1" - -#: src/effectstack/effectstackview2.cpp:229 -#: src/effectstack/effectstackview2.cpp:231 -#: src/effectstack/effectstackview2.cpp:234 -#, fuzzy, kde-format -#| msgid "Effects for %1" -msgid "Bin effects for %1" -msgstr "Εφέ για %1" - -#: src/effectstack/effectstackview2.cpp:276 -#, kde-format -msgid "Effects for track %1" -msgstr "Εφέ για το κομμάτι %1" - -#: src/effectstack/geometryval.cpp:77 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:81 -#: src/simplekeyframes/simplekeyframewidget.cpp:52 -msgid "Go to next keyframe" -msgstr "Μετάβαση στο επόμενο keyframe" - -#: src/effectstack/geometryval.cpp:79 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:78 -#: src/simplekeyframes/simplekeyframewidget.cpp:47 -msgid "Go to previous keyframe" -msgstr "Μετάβαση στο προηγούμενο keyframe" - -#: src/effectstack/geometryval.cpp:83 src/effectstack/keyframeedit.cpp:49 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:423 -#: src/simplekeyframes/simplekeyframewidget.cpp:129 -msgid "Delete keyframe" -msgstr "Διαγραφή του keyframe" - -#: src/effectstack/geometryval.cpp:85 src/monitor/monitor.cpp:206 -msgid "Misc..." -msgstr "Διάφορα..." - -#: src/effectstack/geometryval.cpp:89 -msgid "Show/Hide options" -msgstr "Εμφάνιση/απόκρυψη επιλογών" - -#: src/effectstack/geometryval.cpp:97 -msgid "Sync timeline cursor" -msgstr "Συγχρονισμός δρομέα χρονοδιαγράμματος" - -#: src/effectstack/geometryval.cpp:116 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:343 -msgid "Align item horizontally" -msgstr "Οριζόντια στοίχιση του αντικειμένου" - -#: src/effectstack/geometryval.cpp:118 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:345 -msgid "Align item vertically" -msgstr "Κατακόρυφη στοίχιση του αντικειμένου" - -#: src/effectstack/geometryval.cpp:120 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:347 -msgid "Align item to top" -msgstr "Στοίχιση του αντικειμένου πάνω" - -#: src/effectstack/geometryval.cpp:122 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:349 -msgid "Align item to bottom" -msgstr "Στοίχιση του αντικειμένου κάτω" - -#: src/effectstack/geometryval.cpp:124 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:351 -msgid "Align item to right" -msgstr "Στοίχιση του αντικειμένου δεξιά" - -#: src/effectstack/geometryval.cpp:126 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:353 -msgid "Align item to left" -msgstr "Στοίχιση του αντικειμένου αριστερά" - -#: src/effectstack/parametercontainer.cpp:467 -msgid "" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/bezier/beziersplinewidget.cpp:67 -msgid "Handle 1:" -msgstr "Handle 1:" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/bezier/beziersplinewidget.cpp:70 -msgid "Handle 2:" -msgstr "Handle 2:" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/colorpickerwidget.cpp:71 -msgid "" -"Pick a color on the screen. By pressing the mouse button and then moving " -"your mouse you can select a section of the screen from which to get an " -"average color." -msgstr "" -"Επιλέξτε χρώμα στην οθόνη. Πιέζοντας το κουμπί του ποντικιού και " -"μετακινώντας το ποντίκι μπορείτε να επιλέξετε ένα τμήμα οθόνης από το οποίο " -"να έχετε μια μέση χρωματική τιμή." - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/colorpickerwidget.cpp:101 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/colorpickerwidget.cpp:125 -msgid "Requesting color information..." -msgstr "Ζητήθηκαν πληροφορίες χρώματος..." - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/colorpickerwidget.cpp:134 -msgid "Calculated average color for rectangle." -msgstr "Υπολογισμένο μέσο χρώμα σε ορθογώνιο." - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:96 -msgctxt "x axis position" -msgid "X" -msgstr "X" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:99 -msgctxt "y axis position" -msgid "Y" -msgstr "Y" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:102 -msgctxt "Frame width" -msgid "W" -msgstr "W" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:105 -msgctxt "Frame height" -msgid "H" -msgstr "H" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:111 -msgid "Adjust to original size" -msgstr "Προσαρμογή στο αρχικό μέγεθος" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:113 -msgid "Fit to width" -msgstr "Προσαρμογή στο πλάτος" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:115 -msgid "Fit to height" -msgstr "Προσαρμογή στο ύψος" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:118 -msgid "Import keyframes from clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:121 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Reset all keyframes" -msgstr "Διαγραφή του keyframe" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:125 -msgid "Reset keyframes after cursor" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:128 -msgid "Reset keyframes before cursor" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:133 -msgid "Synchronize with timeline cursor" -msgstr "Συγχρονισμός με τον δρομέα του χρονοδιαγράμματος" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:139 -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:244 -msgid "Align left" -msgstr "Στοίχιση αριστερά" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:141 -msgid "Center horizontally" -msgstr "Οριζόντιο κεντράρισμα" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:143 -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:243 -msgid "Align right" -msgstr "Στοίχιση δεξιά" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:145 -msgid "Align top" -msgstr "Στοίχιση στην κορυφή" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:147 -msgid "Center vertically" -msgstr "Κατακόρυφο κεντράρισμα" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:149 -msgid "Align bottom" -msgstr "Στοίχιση στη βάση" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:154 -#: src/ui/clipstabilize_ui.ui:30 -msgid "Options" -msgstr "Επιλογές" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (suffix), widget (QSpinBox, spinResize) -#. i18n: ectx: property (suffix), widget (QSpinBox, kcfg_volume) -#. i18n: ectx: property (suffix), widget (QSpinBox, zoom_spin) -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:208 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:211 -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:125 src/ui/configsdl_ui.ui:89 -#: src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:226 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:611 -#, no-c-format -msgid "%" -msgstr "%" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/lumaliftgain.cpp:61 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Lift: Red" -msgid "Lift" -msgstr "Ανύψωση: κόκκινο" - -#: src/hidetitlebars.cpp:21 -msgid "Show Title Bars" -msgstr "Προβολή γραμμών τίτλων" - -#: src/layoutmanagement.cpp:27 -msgid "Layouts" -msgstr "Διατάξεις" - -#: src/layoutmanagement.cpp:28 -msgid "Load Layout" -msgstr "Φόρτωση διάταξης" - -#: src/layoutmanagement.cpp:30 -#, kde-format -msgid "Layout %1" -msgstr "Διάταξη %1" - -#: src/layoutmanagement.cpp:34 -#, kde-format -msgid "Save As Layout %1" -msgstr "Αποθήκευση ως διάταξη %1" - -#: src/layoutmanagement.cpp:69 -#, kde-format -msgid "Save as %1" -msgstr "Αποθήκευση ως %1" - -#: src/layoutmanagement.cpp:101 -msgid "Save Layout" -msgstr "Αποθήκευση διάταξης" - -#: src/layoutmanagement.cpp:101 -msgid "Layout name:" -msgstr "Όνομα διάταξης:" - -#: src/lib/audio/audioCorrelation.cpp:43 -msgid "Audio analysis finished" -msgstr "" - -#: src/main.cpp:48 -msgid "Kdenlive" -msgstr "Kdenlive" - -#: src/main.cpp:49 -msgid "An open source video editor." -msgstr "Ένας επεξεργαστής βίντεο ανοιχτού κώδικα" - -#: src/main.cpp:51 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Copyright © 2007–2014 Kdenlive authors" -msgid "Copyright © 2007–2015 Kdenlive authors" -msgstr "Πνευματικά δικαιώματα © 2007–2014 οι δημιουργοί του Kdenlive" - -#: src/main.cpp:52 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Please report bugs to http://bugs.kde.org" -msgstr "" -"Παρακαλώ χρησιμοποιήστε το http://kdenlive.org/mantis για να αναφέρετε " -"σφάλματα" - -#: src/main.cpp:54 -msgid "Jean-Baptiste Mardelle" -msgstr "Jean-Baptiste Mardelle" - -#: src/main.cpp:54 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "MLT and KDE SC 4 porting, main developer and maintainer" -msgid "MLT and KDE SC 4 / KF5 port, main developer and maintainer" -msgstr "Προσαρμογή MLT και KDE SC 4, βασικός προγραμματιστής και συντηρητής" - -#: src/main.cpp:55 -msgid "Vincent Pinon" -msgstr "Vincent Pinon" - -#: src/main.cpp:55 -msgid "" -"Interim maintainer, KF5 port, bugs fixing, minor functions, profiles " -"updates, etc." -msgstr "" - -#: src/main.cpp:56 -msgid "Laurent Montel" -msgstr "Laurent Montel" - -#: src/main.cpp:56 -msgid "Bugs fixing, clean up code, optimization etc." -msgstr "" - -#: src/main.cpp:57 -msgid "Marco Gittler" -msgstr "Marco Gittler" - -#: src/main.cpp:57 -msgid "MLT transitions and effects, timeline, audio thumbs" -msgstr "Μεταβάσεις και εφέ MLT, χρονοδιάγραμμα, μικρογραφίες ήχου" - -#: src/main.cpp:58 -msgid "Dan Dennedy" -msgstr "Dan Dennedy" - -#: src/main.cpp:58 src/main.cpp:60 src/main.cpp:63 src/main.cpp:64 -msgid "Bug fixing, etc." -msgstr "Διορθώσεις σφαλμάτων κτλ." - -#: src/main.cpp:59 -msgid "Simon A. Eugster" -msgstr "Simon A. Eugster" - -#: src/main.cpp:59 -msgid "Color scopes, bug fixing, etc." -msgstr "Εύρος χρωμάτων, διορθώσεις σφαλμάτων κτλ." - -#: src/main.cpp:60 -msgid "Till Theato" -msgstr "Till Theato" - -#: src/main.cpp:61 -msgid "Alberto Villa" -msgstr "Alberto Villa" - -#: src/main.cpp:61 -msgid "Bug fixing, logo, etc." -msgstr "Διορθώσεις σφαλμάτων, λογότυπο, κτλ." - -#: src/main.cpp:62 -msgid "Jean-Michel Poure" -msgstr "Jean-Michel Poure" - -#: src/main.cpp:62 -msgid "Rendering profiles customization" -msgstr "Προσαρμογή προφίλ υλοποίησης βίντεο" - -#: src/main.cpp:63 -msgid "Ray Lehtiniemi" -msgstr "Ray Lehtiniemi" - -#: src/main.cpp:64 -msgid "Steve Guilford" -msgstr "Steve Guilford" - -#: src/main.cpp:65 -msgid "Jason Wood" -msgstr "Jason Wood" - -#: src/main.cpp:65 -msgid "Original KDE 3 version author (not active anymore)" -msgstr "Αρχικός συγγραφέας της έκδοσης για KDE 3 (μη ενεργός πλέον)" - -#: src/main.cpp:66 -msgid "NAME OF TRANSLATORS" -msgstr "Κωνσταντίνος Πούλιος" - -#: src/main.cpp:66 -msgid "EMAIL OF TRANSLATORS" -msgstr "logari81@googlemail.com" - -#: src/main.cpp:86 -msgid "Set the path for MLT environment" -msgstr "Ορίσετε τη διαδρομή για το περιβάλλον MLT" - -#: src/main.cpp:87 -msgid "Comma separated list of clips to add" -msgstr "Λίστα με κλιπ διαχωρισμένα με κόμμα για προσθήκη" - -#: src/main.cpp:88 -msgid "Document to open" -msgstr "Έγγραφο για άνοιγμα" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:148 -msgid "Theme" -msgstr "Θέμα" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:177 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Project Bin" -msgstr "Έργο" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, properties) -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:216 src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:395 -#: src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:43 -msgid "Properties" -msgstr "Ιδιότητες" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:219 src/mainwindow.cpp:280 -msgid "Effects" -msgstr "Εφέ" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:222 src/mainwindow.cpp:284 src/mainwindow.cpp:1272 -msgid "Transitions" -msgstr "Μεταβάσεις" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:225 -msgid "Clip Monitor" -msgstr "Επισκόπηση κλιπ" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:226 -msgid "Project Monitor" -msgstr "Επισκόπηση έργου" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:228 -msgid "Record Monitor" -msgstr "Επισκόπηση εγγραφής" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:233 -msgid "Clean" -msgstr "Καθαρισμός" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:235 -msgid "Undo History" -msgstr "Ιστορικό αναιρέσεων" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:263 -msgid "Stop Motion" -msgstr "Διακοπή κίνησης" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, capture_button) -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:264 src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:105 -msgid "Capture frame" -msgstr "Σύλληψη καρέ" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:267 -msgid "Switch live / captured frame" -msgstr "Εναλλαγή ζωντανού / καταγεγραμμένου καρέ" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:270 -msgid "Show last frame over video" -msgstr "Εμφάνιση τελευταίου καρέ πάνω από το βίντεο" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:283 -msgid "Add Transition" -msgstr "Προσθήκη μετάβασης" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:315 src/mainwindow.cpp:316 src/mainwindow.cpp:325 -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:326 src/mainwindow.cpp:330 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Paste Effects" -msgid "Favorite Effects" -msgstr "Επικόλληση εφέ" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:563 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"You have 1 rendering job waiting in the queue.\n" -"What do you want to do with this job?" -msgid_plural "" -"You have %1 rendering jobs waiting in the queue.\n" -"What do you want to do with these jobs?" -msgstr[0] "" -"Έχετε 1 εργασία υλοποίησης βίντεο σε αναμονή.\n" -"Τι θα θέλετε να κάνετε με αυτή τις εργασία;" -msgstr[1] "" -"Έχετε %1 εργασίες υλοποίησης βίντεο σε αναμονή.\n" -"Τι θα θέλετε να κάνετε με αυτές τις εργασίες;" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:563 -msgid "Start them now" -msgstr "Εκκίνησή τους τώρα" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:563 -msgid "Delete them" -msgstr "Διαγραφή τους" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:784 -msgid "Normal mode" -msgstr "Κανονική λειτουργία" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:785 -msgctxt "Normal editing" -msgid "n" -msgstr "n" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:790 -msgid "Overwrite mode" -msgstr "Λειτουργία αντικατάστασης" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:796 -msgid "Insert mode" -msgstr "Λειτουργία εισαγωγής" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:815 -msgid "Selection tool" -msgstr "Εργαλείο επιλογής" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:816 -msgctxt "Selection tool shortcut" -msgid "s" -msgstr "δευτ." - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:821 -msgid "Razor tool" -msgstr "Εργαλείο κοψίματος" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:822 -msgctxt "Razor tool shortcut" -msgid "x" -msgstr "x" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:827 -msgid "Spacer tool" -msgstr "Εργαλείο κενού διαστήματος" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:828 -msgctxt "Spacer tool shortcut" -msgid "m" -msgstr "λεπτά" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:869 -msgid "Fit zoom to project" -msgstr "Προσαρμογή εστίασης στο παρόν έργο" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:873 -msgid "Zoom Out" -msgstr "Σμίκρυνση" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:887 -msgid "Zoom In" -msgstr "Μεγέθυνση" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:915 -msgid "Split audio and video automatically" -msgstr "Αυτόματος διαχωρισμός ήχου και βίντεο" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, videothumbs) -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:921 src/ui/wizardextra_ui.ui:35 -msgid "Show video thumbnails" -msgstr "Εμφάνιση μικρογραφιών βίντεο" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, audiothumbs) -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:927 src/ui/wizardextra_ui.ui:42 -msgid "Show audio thumbnails" -msgstr "Εμφάνιση μικρογραφιών ήχου" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:933 -msgid "Show markers comments" -msgstr "Εμφάνιση σχολίων των δεικτών" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:938 -msgid "Snap" -msgstr "Ζώνες αρπαγής" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, tc_type) -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:972 src/project/clipproperties.cpp:372 -#: src/project/dialogs/slideshowclip.cpp:89 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:284 -msgid "hh:mm:ss:ff" -msgstr "hh:mm:ss:ff" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, tc_type) -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:973 src/project/clipproperties.cpp:373 -#: src/project/dialogs/slideshowclip.cpp:90 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:289 -msgid "Frames" -msgstr "Καρέ" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1002 -msgid "Manage Project Profiles" -msgstr "Διαχείριση των προφίλ έργου" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1003 -msgid "Download New Wipes..." -msgstr "Λήψη νέων wipes..." - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1004 -msgid "Download New Render Profiles..." -msgstr "Λήψη νέων προφίλ υλοποίησης βίντεο..." - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1005 -msgid "Download New Project Profiles..." -msgstr "Λήψη νέων προφίλ έργου..." - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1006 -msgid "Download New Title Templates..." -msgstr "Λήψη νέων προτύπων τίτλου..." - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1008 -msgid "Run Config Wizard" -msgstr "Εκτέλεση του οδηγού διαμόρφωσης" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, ProjectSettings_UI) -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1009 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Project Settings" -msgstr "Ρυθμίσεις έργου" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1010 -msgid "Render" -msgstr "Υλοποίηση βίντεο" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1012 -msgid "Clean Project" -msgstr "Καθαρισμός έργου" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1016 -msgid "Play Zone" -msgstr "Αναπαραγωγή ζώνης" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1018 -msgid "Loop Zone" -msgstr "Επανάληψη ζώνης" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1020 -msgid "Loop selected clip" -msgstr "Επανάληψη επιλεγμένου κλιπ" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1024 -msgid "Transcode Clips" -msgstr "Μετατροπή κλιπ" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1025 src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:55 -msgid "Archive Project" -msgstr "Αρχειοθέτηση έργου" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1026 -msgid "Switch monitor" -msgstr "Εναλλαγή επισκόπησης" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1027 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6364 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Edit Clip" -msgid "Expand Clip" -msgstr "Επεξεργασία κλιπ" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1029 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Monitor overlay infos" -msgid "Monitor Info Overlay" -msgstr "Επισκόπηση πληροφοριών επικάλυψης" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1035 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Real time (drop frames)" -msgid "Real Time (drop frames)" -msgstr "Σε πραγματικό χρόνο (υπερπήδηση καρέ)" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1040 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Monitor %1" -msgid "Monitor Gamma" -msgstr "Επισκόπηση %1" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1041 -msgid "sRGB (computer)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1042 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Rec. 709" -msgid "Rec. 709 (TV)" -msgstr "Rec. 709" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1047 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Insert zone in project tree" -msgid "Insert Zone in Project Bin" -msgstr "Εισαγωγή ζώνης στο δέντρο του έργου" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1048 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Insert zone in timeline" -msgid "Insert Zone in Timeline" -msgstr "Εισαγωγή ζώνης στο χρονοδιάγραμμα" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1050 -msgid "Resize Item Start" -msgstr "Ορισμός αρχής του αντικειμένου" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1055 -msgid "Resize Item End" -msgstr "Ορισμός τέλους του αντικειμένου" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1060 -msgid "Go to Previous Snap Point" -msgstr "Μετάβαση στο προηγούμενο σημείο αρπαγής" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1062 -msgid "Go to Clip Start" -msgstr "Μετάβαση στην αρχή του κλιπ" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1063 -msgid "Go to Clip End" -msgstr "Μετάβαση στο τέλος του κλιπ" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1064 -msgid "Go to Next Snap Point" -msgstr "Μετάβαση στο επόμενο σημείο αρπαγής" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1066 -msgid "Delete Selected Item" -msgstr "Διαγραφή του επιλεγμένου αντικειμένου" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1067 -msgid "Align Playhead to Mouse Position" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1069 -msgid "Automatic Transition" -msgstr "Αυτόματη μετάβαση" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1076 -msgid "Group Clips" -msgstr "Ομαδοποίηση κλιπ" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1078 -msgid "Ungroup Clips" -msgstr "Αναίρεση ομαδοποίησης κλιπ" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1083 -msgid "Edit Duration" -msgstr "Τροποποίηση διάρκειας" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1084 src/mainwindow.cpp:3232 -msgid "Save clip" -msgstr "Αποθήκευση κλιπ" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1085 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Clip in Project Tree" -msgid "Clip in Project Bin" -msgstr "Κλιπ στο δέντρο έργου" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1086 -msgid "Insert Clip Zone in Timeline (Overwrite)" -msgstr "Εισαγωγή ζώνης κλιπ στο χρονοδιάγραμμα (αντικατάσταση)" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1087 -msgid "Select Clip" -msgstr "Επιλογή κλιπ" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1088 -msgid "Deselect Clip" -msgstr "Αποεπιλογή κλιπ" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1089 -msgid "Add Clip To Selection" -msgstr "Προσθήκη κλιπ στην επιλογή" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1091 -msgid "Select Transition" -msgstr "Επιλογή μετάβασης" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1093 -msgid "Deselect Transition" -msgstr "Αποεπιλογή μετάβασης" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1095 -msgid "Add Transition To Selection" -msgstr "Προσθήκη μετάβασης στην επιλογή" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, CutJobDialog_UI) -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1097 src/ui/cutjobdialog_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Cut Clip" -msgstr "Διαίρεση κλιπ" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1098 src/mainwindow.cpp:1833 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:729 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:803 -msgid "Add Marker" -msgstr "Προσθήκη δείκτη" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1099 -msgid "Delete Marker" -msgstr "Διαγραφή δείκτη" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1100 -msgid "Delete All Markers" -msgstr "Διαγραφή όλων των δεικτών" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1102 src/mainwindow.cpp:1921 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:702 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:827 -msgid "Edit Marker" -msgstr "Επεξεργασία δείκτη" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1105 -msgid "Add Marker/Guide quickly" -msgstr "Προσθήκη δείκτη/οδηγού γρήγορα" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1108 -msgid "Split Audio" -msgstr "Διαχωρισμός κομματιού ήχου" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1112 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Set Audio Reference" -msgstr "Συχνότητα ήχου" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1116 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Align Audio to Reference" -msgstr "Στοίχιση του αντικειμένου αριστερά" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1120 -msgid "Audio Only" -msgstr "Μόνο ήχος" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1125 -msgid "Video Only" -msgstr "Μόνο βίντεο" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1130 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7007 -msgid "Audio and Video" -msgstr "Ήχος και βίντεο" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1142 -msgid "Insert Space" -msgstr "Εισαγωγή κενού διαστήματος" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1143 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:3426 -msgid "Remove Space" -msgstr "Αφαίρεση κενού διαστήματος" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1146 -msgid "Insert Track" -msgstr "Εισαγωγή κομματιού" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1150 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6556 -#: src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:94 -msgid "Delete Track" -msgstr "Διαγραφή κομματιού" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, TracksConfigDialog_UI) -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1155 src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:250 -#: src/ui/tracksconfigdialog_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Configure Tracks" -msgstr "Διαμόρφωση κομματιών" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1159 -msgid "Select All in Current Track" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1170 src/timeline/customruler.cpp:85 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5781 -msgid "Add Guide" -msgstr "Προσθήκη οδηγού" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1171 src/timeline/customruler.cpp:89 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:231 -msgid "Delete Guide" -msgstr "Διαγραφή οδηγού" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1172 src/timeline/customruler.cpp:87 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:235 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5815 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5829 -msgid "Edit Guide" -msgstr "Επεξεργασία οδηγού" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1173 src/timeline/customruler.cpp:91 -msgid "Delete All Guides" -msgstr "Διαγραφή όλων των οδηγών" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1175 -msgid "Paste Effects" -msgstr "Επικόλληση εφέ" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1180 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Selection tool" -msgid "Save Selection" -msgstr "Εργαλείο επιλογής" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1208 -msgid "Add Clip" -msgstr "Προσθήκη κλιπ" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1210 -msgid "Add Color Clip" -msgstr "Προσθήκη κλιπ χρώματος" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1213 src/project/dialogs/slideshowclip.cpp:41 -msgid "Add Slideshow Clip" -msgstr "Προσθήκη προβολής διαφανειών" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1216 -msgid "Add Title Clip" -msgstr "Προσθήκη κλιπ τίτλου" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1219 -msgid "Add Template Title" -msgstr "Προσθήκη προτύπου τίτλου" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1223 -msgid "Create Folder" -msgstr "Δημιουργία φακέλου" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1224 -msgid "Online Resources" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, ClipProperties_UI) -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1226 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Clip Properties" -msgstr "Ιδιότητες κλιπ" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1230 -msgid "Edit Clip" -msgstr "Επεξεργασία κλιπ" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1238 -msgid "Reload Clip" -msgstr "Επαναφόρτωση κλιπ" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1242 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Disable effect" -#| msgid_plural "Disable effects" -msgid "Disable Timeline Effects" -msgstr "Απενεργοποίηση εφέ" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1247 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Delete Clip" -msgid "Duplicate Clip" -msgstr "Διαγραφή κλιπ" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1259 -msgid "Ripple Delete" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1389 -msgid "" -"You have changed the proxy parameters. Do you want to recreate all proxy " -"clips for this project?" -msgstr "" -"Αλλάξατε τις παραμέτρους του διαμεσολαβητή. Θέλετε να αναδημιουργήσετε όλα " -"τα διαμεσολαβημένα κλιπ για το έργο αυτό;" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1487 -msgid "This will remove all unused clips from your project." -msgstr "" -"Αυτή η ενέργεια θα απομακρύνει όλα τα μη χρησιμοποιημένα κλιπ από το έργο." - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1487 -msgid "Clean up project" -msgstr "Καθαρισμός έργου" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1647 -msgctxt "general keyboard shortcuts" -msgid "General" -msgstr "Γενικά" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1827 src/mainwindow.cpp:1945 -msgid "Cannot find clip to add marker" -msgstr "Αδύνατη η εύρεση κλιπ για την προσθήκη δείκτη" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1859 src/mainwindow.cpp:1886 src/mainwindow.cpp:1909 -msgid "Cannot find clip to remove marker" -msgstr "Αδύνατη η εύρεση κλιπ για την αφαίρεση δείκτη" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1866 src/mainwindow.cpp:1916 -msgid "No marker found at cursor time" -msgstr "Δε βρέθηκε δείκτης στη χρονική στιγμή του δρομέα" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2194 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot find effect %1 / %2" -msgstr "Αδυναμία εύρεσης εφέ %1 / %2" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2252 -#, kde-format -msgid "Zoom Level: %1/13" -msgstr "Επίπεδο εστίασης: %1/13" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2378 -msgid "Ctrl + click to use spacer on current track only" -msgstr "" -"Ctrl + κλικ για χρήση του εργαλείου κενού διαστήματος μόνο στο τρέχον κομμάτι" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2381 -msgid "Click on a clip to cut it" -msgstr "Κάνετε κλικ σε ένα κλιπ για να το κόψετε" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2384 -msgid "" -"Shift + click to create a selection rectangle, Ctrl + click to add an item " -"to selection" -msgstr "" -"Shift + κλικ για την δημιουργία ενός πλαισίου επιλογής, Ctrl + κλικ για την " -"προσθήκη ενός αντικειμένου στην επιλογή" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2707 -msgid "Stabilize" -msgstr "Σταθεροποίηση" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2719 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Automatic scene split" -msgstr "Αυτόματη κεντραρισμένη περικοπή" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2729 src/project/jobs/filterjob.cpp:83 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Reverse clip" -msgstr "Αλλαγή μεγέθους κλιπ" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2736 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Add keyframes" -msgid "Analyse keyframes" -msgstr "Προσθήκη keyframe" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2751 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Transcode" -msgid "Transcoders" -msgstr "Μετατροπή" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2784 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Interface" -msgstr "Πεπλεγμένo" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2821 -msgid "No clip to transcode" -msgstr "Δεν υπάρχει κλιπ προς μετατροπή" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2834 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Files to transcode" -msgstr "Δεν υπάρχει κλιπ προς μετατροπή" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2867 -msgid "Create Render Script" -msgstr "Δημιουργία σεναρίου υλοποίησης βίντεο" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2877 -msgid "Script file already exists. Do you want to overwrite it?" -msgstr "Το αρχείο σεναρίου υπάρχει ήδη. Επιθυμείτε την αντικατάστασή του;" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2923 -msgctxt "the first in a list of chapters" -msgid "Start" -msgstr "Έναρξη" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:3200 -msgid "Archiving project" -msgstr "Αρχειοθέτηση έργου" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:3229 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Select a clip to save" -msgstr "Επιλογή κλιπ προς διαγραφή" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:3232 src/renderer.cpp:1386 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7865 -msgid "MLT playlist (*.mlt)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mltconnection.cpp:51 -msgid "Cannot find the melt program required for rendering (part of MLT)" -msgstr "" -"Αδύνατη η εύρεση του προγράμματος melt που απαιτείται για την υλοποίηση " -"βίντεο (τμήμα του MLT)" - -#: src/mltconnection.cpp:83 -msgid "Cannot find your MLT profiles, please give the path" -msgstr "Αδύνατη η εύρεση των προφίλ MLT, παρακαλώ προσδιορίστε την διαδρομή" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:87 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:476 src/project/projectcommands.cpp:166 -msgid "Edit marker" -msgstr "Επεξεργασία δείκτη" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:88 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Edit marker" -msgid "Export markers" -msgstr "Επεξεργασία δείκτη" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:89 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Import markers" -msgstr "Προσθήκη δείκτη" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:115 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Analyse" -msgid "Analysis data" -msgstr "Ανάλυση" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:118 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Delete Clip" -msgid "Delete analysis" -msgstr "Διαγραφή κλιπ" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:119 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Export audio" -msgid "Export analysis" -msgstr "Εξαγωγή ήχου" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:120 -msgid "Import analysis" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, clip_transparency) -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:166 -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:842 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Transparent" -msgstr "Διαφάνεια" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:181 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Aspect ratio" -msgid "Aspect Ratio" -msgstr "Αναλογία διαστάσεων" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_18) -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:236 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:618 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:623 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:679 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:440 -#: src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:86 -msgid "Frame rate" -msgstr "Συχνότητα καρέ" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_5) -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:260 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:634 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:686 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:105 -msgid "Scanning" -msgstr "Σάρωση" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:282 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Field order" -msgstr "Επιβολή συχνότητας καρέ" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:286 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:129 -msgid "Bottom first" -msgstr "Η βάση πρώτα" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:287 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:130 -msgid "Top first" -msgstr "Η κορυφή πρώτα" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:304 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Threshold" -msgid "Threads" -msgstr "Κατώφλι" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, clip_force_vindex) -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:320 -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:693 -msgid "Video index" -msgstr "Δείκτης ευρετηρίου βίντεο" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, clip_force_aindex) -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:336 -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:720 -msgid "Audio index" -msgstr "Δείκτης ευρετηρίου ήχων" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_12) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_32) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_15) -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:350 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:644 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:696 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:294 -#: src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:222 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:149 -msgid "Colorspace" -msgstr "Χρωματικός χώρος" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, clip_full_luma) -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:380 -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:772 -msgid "Full luma range" -msgstr "Πλήρες εύρος luma (ακτινοβολίας)" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:399 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Item Properties" -msgid "Force properties" -msgstr "Ιδιότητες αντικειμένου" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_5) -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_3) -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:401 -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:511 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:349 -msgid "Metadata" -msgstr "Μετα-δεδομένα" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:403 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Analyse" -msgid "Analysis" -msgstr "Ανάλυση" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:609 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:671 src/project/clipproperties.cpp:673 -msgid "Video codec" -msgstr "Kωδικοποιητής βίντεο" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:613 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:676 -msgid "Frame size" -msgstr "Μέγεθος καρέ" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:630 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Video bitrate" -msgstr "Κομμάτι βίντεο" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:630 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:664 -#, fuzzy -#| msgctxt "Selection tool shortcut" -#| msgid "s" -msgctxt "seconds" -msgid "s" -msgstr "δευτ." - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_9) -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:641 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:690 src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:120 -msgid "Pixel aspect ratio" -msgstr "Αναλογία διαστάσεων εικονοστοιχείων" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:642 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:693 -msgid "Pixel format" -msgstr "Τύπος εικονοστοιχείου" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:651 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:243 -msgid "Audio codec" -msgstr "Kωδικοποιητής ήχου" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:659 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Frequency" -msgid "Audio frequency" -msgstr "Συχνότητα" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:664 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Audio bitrate" -msgstr "Ηχητικό κομμάτι" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:760 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:788 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:813 -msgid "Exif" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:832 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:854 -msgid "Magic Lantern" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:893 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:858 -msgid "Save Analysis Data" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:893 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:904 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:858 src/project/clipproperties.cpp:869 -msgid "Text File (*.txt)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:904 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:869 -msgid "Open Analysis Data" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:183 -msgid "Play..." -msgstr "Αναπαραγωγή..." - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:185 src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:303 -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:310 src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:449 -msgid "Pause" -msgstr "Παύση" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:210 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:210 -msgid "Go to marker..." -msgstr "Μετάβαση στον δείκτη..." - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:215 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Font Size" -msgid "Force Monitor Size" -msgstr "Μέγεθος γραμματοσειράς" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:216 -msgid "Force 100%" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:218 -msgid "Force 50%" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:220 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Frame size" -msgid "Free Resize" -msgstr "Μέγεθος καρέ" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:233 -msgid "Audio volume" -msgstr "Ένταση ήχου" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:248 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Split view" -msgid "Split" -msgstr "Διαίρεση προβολής" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:248 -msgid "Unsplit" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:281 src/monitor/monitoreditwidget.cpp:58 -msgid "Show/Hide edit mode" -msgstr "Εμφάνιση/απόκρυψη λειτουργίας επεξεργασίας" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:400 -msgid "Save zone" -msgstr "Αποθήκευση ζώνης" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:401 -msgid "Extract Zone" -msgstr "Εξαγωγή ζώνης" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:404 -msgid "Extract frame" -msgstr "Εξαγωγή καρέ" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:408 -msgid "Split view" -msgstr "Διαίρεση προβολής" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:412 -msgid "Set current image as thumbnail" -msgstr "Ορισμός της τρέχουσας εικόνας ως μικρογραφία" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:416 -msgid "Overlay audio waveform" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:453 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "You must select one transition for this action" -msgid "Your screen resolution is not sufficient for this action" -msgstr "Πρέπει να επιλέξετε μία μετάβαση για αυτήν την ενέργεια" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:838 -msgid "Save Image" -msgstr "Αποθήκευση εικόνας" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:894 -msgid "In Point" -msgstr "Σημείο εισόδου" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:896 -msgid "Out Point" -msgstr "Σημείο εξόδου" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:1520 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Select a clip if you want to apply an effect" -msgid "Select a clip in project bin to compare effect" -msgstr "Επιλέξετε ένα κλιπ για την εφαρμογή ενός εφέ" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:1524 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Clip has no markers" -msgid "Clip has no effects" -msgstr "Το κλιπ δεν περιέχει δείκτες" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:1533 -msgid "" -"The scal0tilt filter is required for that feature, please install frei0r and " -"restart Kdenlive" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:1540 -msgid "" -"The cairoblend transition is required for that feature, please install " -"frei0r and restart Kdenlive" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitoreditwidget.cpp:64 -msgid "Update parameters while monitor scene changes" -msgstr "Ανανέωση παραμέτρων καθώς μεταβάλλεται η σκηνή σε επισκόπηση" - -#: src/monitor/monitoreditwidget.cpp:68 -msgid "Fit zoom to monitor size" -msgstr "Προσαρμογή εστίασης στις διαστάσεις της οθόνης" - -#: src/monitor/monitoreditwidget.cpp:70 -msgid "Original size" -msgstr "Αρχικό μέγεθος" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:326 -msgid "Switch monitor fullscreen" -msgstr "Εναλλαγή επισκόπησης σε πλήρη οθόνη" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:331 src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:76 -msgid "Rewind" -msgstr "Μετακίνηση στην αρχή" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:336 -msgid "Rewind 1 Frame" -msgstr "Πίσω 1 καρέ" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:341 -msgid "Rewind 1 Second" -msgstr "Πίσω 1 δευτερόλεπτο" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:346 src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:85 -msgid "Forward" -msgstr "Μπροστά" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:351 -msgid "Go to Project Start" -msgstr "Μετάβαση στην αρχή του έργου" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:356 -msgid "Go to Project End" -msgstr "Μετάβαση στο τέλος του έργου" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:361 -msgid "Forward 1 Frame" -msgstr "Μπροστά 1 καρέ" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:366 -msgid "Forward 1 Second" -msgstr "Μπροστά 1 δευτερόλεπτο" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:371 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Deinterlacer" -msgstr "Πεπλεγμένo" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:372 -msgid "One Field (fast)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:373 -msgid "Linear Blend (fast)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:374 -msgid "YADIF - temporal only (good)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:375 -msgid "YADIF - temporal + spacial (best)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:384 -msgid "Nearest Neighbor (fast)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:385 -msgid "Bilinear (good)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:386 -msgid "Bicubic (better)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:387 -msgid "Hyper/Lanczos (best)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:395 -msgid "Go to Zone Start" -msgstr "Μετάβαση στην αρχή της ζώνης" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:400 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Monitor %1" -msgid "Mute monitor" -msgstr "Επισκόπηση %1" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:400 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Switch monitor" -msgid "Unmute monitor" -msgstr "Εναλλαγή επισκόπησης" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:406 -msgid "Go to Zone End" -msgstr "Μετάβαση στο τέλος της ζώνης" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:411 -msgid "Set Zone In" -msgstr "Ορισμός αρχής ζώνης" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:416 -msgid "Set Zone Out" -msgstr "Ορισμός τέλους ζώνης" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_preview) -#: src/monitor/recmanager.cpp:48 src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:147 -#: src/ui/freesound_ui.ui:144 src/utils/archiveorg.cpp:181 -#: src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:158 src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:263 -#: src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:277 src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:575 -msgid "Preview" -msgstr "Προεπισκόπηση" - -#: src/monitor/recmanager.cpp:52 src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:88 -msgid "Record" -msgstr "Εγγραφή" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_video) -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, vbitrates) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, background_list) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_videothumbnails) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, video_thumbs) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, bitrateLabel) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, rec_video) -#: src/monitor/recmanager.cpp:56 src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:38 -#: src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:153 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:86 -#: src/ui/configtimeline_ui.ui:29 src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:207 -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:217 src/ui/recmonitor_ui.ui:100 -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:169 src/ui/saveprofile_ui.ui:20 -msgid "Video" -msgstr "Βίντεο" - -#: src/monitor/recmanager.cpp:68 src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:135 -#, kde-format -msgid "Monitor %1" -msgstr "Επισκόπηση %1" - -#: src/monitor/recmanager.cpp:80 -msgid "Webcam" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_3) -#: src/monitor/recmanager.cpp:81 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:427 -msgid "Screen Grab" -msgstr "Σύλληψη οθόνης" - -#: src/monitor/recmanager.cpp:86 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Configure job" -msgid "Configure Recording" -msgstr "Διαμόρφωση εργασίας" - -#: src/monitor/recmanager.cpp:89 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Record Monitor" -msgid "Show Record Control" -msgstr "Επισκόπηση εγγραφής" - -#: src/monitor/recmanager.cpp:198 src/monitor/recmanager.cpp:279 -#: src/monitor/recmanager.cpp:284 src/monitor/recmanager.cpp:390 -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:879 src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:886 -msgid "Capture crashed, please check your parameters" -msgstr "Κατάρρευση διεργασίας σύλληψης, παρακαλώ ελέγξετε τις παραμέτρους σας" - -#: src/monitor/recmanager.cpp:265 src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:753 -#, fuzzy, kde-format -msgid "" -"Failed to start the capture application:\n" -"%1" -msgstr "Αποτυχία έναρξης σύλληψης" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:73 src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:862 -msgid "Connect" -msgstr "Σύνδεση" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:82 src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:249 -#: src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:262 src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:271 -msgid "Stop" -msgstr "Διακοπή" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:94 -msgid "Add Captured File to Project" -msgstr "Προσθήκη σύλληψης κλιπ στο έργο" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:102 -msgid "Recording Preview" -msgstr "Προεπισκόπηση εγγραφής" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:110 src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:245 -msgid "Configure" -msgstr "Διαμόρφωση" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:202 -msgid "" -"You need to disconnect and reconnect in the capture monitor to apply your " -"changes" -msgstr "" -"Για την εφαρμογή των αλλαγών σας χρειάζεται να αποσυνδεθείτε και να " -"επανασυνδεθείτε στην επισκόπηση σύλληψης" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:202 src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:203 -msgid "Capturing" -msgstr "Σύλληψη" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:203 -msgid "You need to stop capture before your changes can be applied" -msgstr "" -"Χρειάζεται να σταματήσετε την καταγραφή για να μπορέσουν να εφαρμοστούν οι " -"αλλαγές σας" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:256 -#, fuzzy -msgid "" -"ffmpeg or avconv not found,\n" -" please install it for screen grabs" -msgstr "" -"Δεν βρέθηκε η εφαρμογή recordmydesktop, παρακαλώ\n" -"εγκαταστήστε την για υποστήριξη σύλληψης οθόνης" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:262 -msgid "" -"Your FFmpeg / Libav installation\n" -" does not support screen grab" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:265 src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:888 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Press record button\n" -"to start screen capture\n" -"Files will be saved in:\n" -"%1" -msgstr "" -"Πιέστε το κουμπί εγγραφής\n" -"για να ξεκινήσετε τη σύλληψη οθόνης\n" -"Τα αρχεία θα αποθηκευθούν στο:\n" -"%1" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:283 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Plug your camcorder and\n" -"press play button\n" -"to start preview.\n" -"Files will be saved in:\n" -"%1" -msgstr "" -"Συνδέστε τη βιντεοκάμερά σας και\n" -"πιέστε το κουμπί αναπαραγωγής\n" -"για να ξεκινήσει η προεπισκόπηση.\n" -"Τα αρχεία θα αποθηκευθούν στο:\n" -"%1" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:296 -msgid "" -"dvgrab utility not found,\n" -" please install it for firewire capture" -msgstr "" -"Δε βρέθηκε η εφαρμογή dvgrab,\n" -"παρακαλώ εγκαταστήσετε την για σύλληψη με firewire" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:320 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Plug your camcorder and\n" -"press connect button\n" -"to initialize connection\n" -"Files will be saved in:\n" -"%1" -msgstr "" -"Συνδέστε τη βιντεοκάμερά σας\n" -"και πιέστε το κουμπί σύνδεσης\n" -"για να ξεκινήσει η σύνδεση\n" -"Τα αρχεία θα αποθηκευθούν στο:\n" -"%1" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:355 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Cannot read from device %1\n" -"Please check drivers and access rights." -msgstr "" -"Αδυναμία ανάγνωσης από τη συσκευή %1\n" -"Παρακαλώ ελέγξετε τους οδηγούς συσκευής και τα δικαιώματα πρόσβασης." - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:358 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Press play or record button\n" -"to start video capture\n" -"Files will be saved in:\n" -"%1" -msgstr "" -"Πιέστε το κουμπί αναπαραγωγής ή εγγραφής\n" -"για να ξεκινήσει η σύλληψη βίντεο\n" -"Τα αρχεία θα αποθηκευθούν στο:\n" -"%1" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:370 -msgid "Disconnect" -msgstr "Αποσύνδεση" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:423 -msgid "Capture stopped" -msgstr "Η σύλληψη διακόπηκε" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:523 -msgid "" -"Failed to start Video4Linux,\n" -"check your parameters..." -msgstr "" -"Αποτυχία εκκίνησης Video4Linux,\n" -"ελέγξτε τις παραμέτρους σας..." - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:539 src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:701 -msgid "" -"Failed to start Decklink,\n" -"check your parameters..." -msgstr "" -"Αποτυχία εκκίνησης Decklink,\n" -"ελέγξτε τις παραμέτρους σας..." - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:677 -msgid "" -"Failed to start ffmpeg capture,\n" -"check your parameters..." -msgstr "" -"Αποτυχία εκκίνησης σύλληψης ffmpeg,\n" -"ελέγξτε τις παραμέτρους σας..." - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:695 -#, kde-format -msgid "Capturing to %1" -msgstr "Σύλληψη στο %1" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:702 -msgid "Failed to start capture" -msgstr "Αποτυχία έναρξης σύλληψης" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:766 -msgid "Initialising..." -msgstr "Αρχικοποίηση..." - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:782 -msgid "Show log" -msgstr "Προβολή καταγραφής" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, video_frame) -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:882 src/ui/recmonitor_ui.ui:35 -msgid "Not connected" -msgstr "Δίχως σύνδεση" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:971 -#, kde-format -msgid "Free space: %1" -msgstr "Ελεύθερος χώρος: %1" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:1014 -#, kde-format -msgid "%1 dropped frames" -msgstr "%1 καρέ σε υπερπήδηση" - -#: src/monitor/smallruler.cpp:201 src/timeline/customruler.cpp:233 -#: src/timeline/customruler.cpp:234 -#, kde-format -msgid "Zone start: %1" -msgstr "Τέλος ζώνης: %1" - -#: src/monitor/smallruler.cpp:205 src/timeline/customruler.cpp:237 -#: src/timeline/customruler.cpp:238 -#, kde-format -msgid "Zone end: %1" -msgstr "Αρχή ζώνης: %1 " - -#: src/monitor/smallruler.cpp:236 src/timeline/customruler.cpp:241 -#: src/timeline/customruler.cpp:242 -#, kde-format -msgid "Zone duration: %1" -msgstr "Διάρκεια ζώνης: %1" - -#: src/monitor/smallruler.cpp:238 src/timeline/customruler.cpp:245 -#: src/timeline/customruler.cpp:246 -#, kde-format -msgid "Position: %1" -msgstr "Θέση: %1" - -#: src/project/clipmanager.cpp:220 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Delete clip" -msgid "Delete subclip" -msgid_plural "Delete subclips" -msgstr[0] "Διαγραφή κλιπ" -msgstr[1] "Διαγραφή κλιπ" - -#: src/project/clipmanager.cpp:223 src/project/projectcommands.cpp:74 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Delete folder" -msgid "Delete folder" -msgid_plural "Delete folders" -msgstr[0] "Διαγραφή φακέλου" -msgstr[1] "Διαγραφή φακέλου" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:200 -msgid "Libav" -msgstr "Libav" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_8) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, kcfg_defaultcapture) -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_2) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, device_selector) -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:204 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:42 -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:181 src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:105 -#: src/ui/recmonitor_ui.ui:139 -msgid "FFmpeg" -msgstr "FFmpeg" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_11) -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:246 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:187 -#: src/utils/freesound.cpp:207 -msgid "Channels" -msgstr "Κανάλια" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:263 -#, fuzzy, kde-format -msgid "Proxy clip: %1 (%2)" -msgstr "Κλιπ διαμεσολάβησης: %1" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:265 -msgid "Delete proxy" -msgstr "Διαγραφή διαμεσολαβητή" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:292 -msgid "Playlist" -msgstr "Λίστα αναπαραγωγής" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:348 src/project/dialogs/slideshowclip.cpp:74 -msgid "Pan, low-pass" -msgstr "Μετακίνηση, κατώφλι" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:349 src/project/dialogs/slideshowclip.cpp:75 -msgid "Pan and zoom" -msgstr "Μετακίνηση και εστίαση" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:350 src/project/dialogs/slideshowclip.cpp:76 -msgid "Pan and zoom, low-pass" -msgstr "Μετακίνηση και εστίαση, κατώφλι" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:352 src/project/dialogs/slideshowclip.cpp:78 -msgid "Zoom, low-pass" -msgstr "Εστίαση, κατώφλι" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:480 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Save markers" -msgstr "Διαγραφή δείκτη" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:482 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Load markers" -msgstr "Προσθήκη δείκτη" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:484 -msgid "Delete analysis data" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:486 -msgid "Load analysis data" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:488 -msgid "Save analysis data" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:527 src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:360 -#, kde-format -msgid "(%1 clip)" -msgid_plural "(%1 clips)" -msgstr[0] "(%1 κλιπ)" -msgstr[1] "(%1 κλιπ)" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, slide_info) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_info) -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:1166 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:319 -#: src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:265 -msgid "No image found" -msgstr "Δε βρέθηκε καμία εικόνα" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:1171 -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:573 -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:586 -#: src/project/dialogs/slideshowclip.cpp:247 -#, kde-format -msgid "1 image found" -msgid_plural "%1 images found" -msgstr[0] "Βρέθηκε 1 εικόνα" -msgstr[1] "Βρέθηκαν %1 εικόνες" - -#: src/project/clippropertiesmanager.cpp:182 -msgid "Edit clips" -msgstr "Επεξεργασία κλιπ" - -#: src/project/clipstabilize.cpp:41 -msgid "Stabilize Clip" -msgstr "Σταθεροποίηση κλιπ" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, auto_add) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, add_clip) -#: src/project/clipstabilize.cpp:42 src/project/cliptranscode.cpp:47 -#: src/ui/clipstabilize_ui.ui:57 src/ui/cliptranscode_ui.ui:47 -#: src/ui/cutjobdialog_ui.ui:57 -msgid "Add clip to project" -msgid_plural "Add clips to project" -msgstr[0] "Προσθήκη κλιπ στο έργο" -msgstr[1] "Προσθήκη κλιπ στο έργο" - -#: src/project/clipstabilize.cpp:69 src/project/cliptranscode.cpp:63 -msgid "Destination folder" -msgstr "Φάκελος προορισμού" - -#: src/project/clipstabilize.cpp:159 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Stabilised" -msgstr "Σταθεροποίηση" - -#: src/project/clipstabilize.cpp:173 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Stabilize clip" -msgstr "Σταθεροποίηση κλιπ" - -#: src/project/clipstabilize.cpp:232 -#, fuzzy -msgid "The stabilize job will overwrite the following files:" -msgstr "Η εργασία μετατροπής θα αντικαταστήσει τα ακόλουθα αρχεία:" - -#: src/project/cliptranscode.cpp:43 -msgid "Transcode Clip" -msgstr "Μετατροπή κλιπ" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, convert_abort) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_abort) -#: src/project/cliptranscode.cpp:168 src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:636 -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:884 src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:94 -#: src/ui/dvdwizardvob_ui.ui:160 -msgid "Abort" -msgstr "Εγκατάλειψη" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, buttonClose) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, buttonClose2) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, buttonClose3) -#: src/project/cliptranscode.cpp:210 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:382 -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:657 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:805 -msgid "Close" -msgstr "Κλείσιμο" - -#: src/project/cliptranscode.cpp:221 src/project/cliptranscode.cpp:239 -msgid "Transcoding finished." -msgstr "Η μετατροπή ολοκληρώθηκε." - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:63 -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:302 -msgid "Video clips" -msgstr "Βιντεοκλίπ" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:67 -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:305 -msgid "Audio clips" -msgstr "Ηχητικά κλιπ" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:71 -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:308 src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:113 -msgid "Image clips" -msgstr "Εικονοκλίπ" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:75 -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:311 -msgid "Slideshow clips" -msgstr "Κλιπ προβολής διαφανειών" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:79 -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:314 -msgid "Text clips" -msgstr "Κλιπ κειμένου" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:83 -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:317 -msgid "Playlist clips" -msgstr "Κλιπ λίστας αναπαραγωγής" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:87 -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:320 -msgid "Other clips" -msgstr "Άλλα κλιπ" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:91 -msgid "Luma files" -msgstr "Αρχεία luma" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:167 -#, kde-format -msgid "You have %1 missing clip in your project." -msgid_plural "You have %1 missing clips in your project." -msgstr[0] "" -msgstr[1] "" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:192 -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:1017 -#, kde-format -msgid "(%1 item)" -msgid_plural "(%1 items)" -msgstr[0] "(%1 αντικείμενο)" -msgstr[1] "(%1 αντικείμενα)" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:197 -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:1019 -#, kde-format -msgid "%1 file to archive, requires %2" -msgid_plural "%1 files to archive, requires %2" -msgstr[0] "%1 αρχείο για αρχειοθέτηση, απαιτεί %2" -msgstr[1] "%1 αρχεία για αρχειοθέτηση, απαιτεί %2" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:198 -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:664 -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:854 -msgid "Archive" -msgstr "Αρχειοθήκη" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:232 -msgid "Extract to" -msgstr "Εξαγωγή σε" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:233 -msgid "Open Archived Project" -msgstr "Άνοιγμα αρχειοθετημένου έργου" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:235 -msgid "Extract" -msgstr "Εξαγωγή" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:264 -msgid "Opening archive..." -msgstr "Άνοιγμα αρχειοθήκης..." - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:267 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Cannot open archive file:\n" -" %1" -msgstr "" -"Αδυναμία ανοίγματος αρχειοθετημένου αρχείου:\n" -" %1" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:284 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"File %1\n" -" is not an archived Kdenlive project" -msgstr "" -"To αρχείο %1\n" -" δεν είναι αρχειοθετημένο έργο του Kdenlive" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:290 -msgid "Ready" -msgstr "Έτοιμο" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:310 -msgid "Archiving in progress, do you want to stop it?" -msgstr "Αρχειοθέτηση σε εξέλιξη, θέλετε να τη διακόψετε;" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:310 -msgid "Stop Archiving" -msgstr "Διακοπή αρχειοθέτησης" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:493 -#, kde-format -msgid "Available space on drive: %1" -msgstr "Διαθέσιμος χώρος στο δίσκο: %1" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:497 -#, kde-format -msgid "Not enough space on drive, free space: %1" -msgstr "Ανεπαρκής χώρος στο δίσκο, ελεύθερος χώρος: %1" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:518 -msgid "Archiving..." -msgstr "Αρχειοθέτηση..." - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:546 -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:628 -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:881 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot create directory %1" -msgstr "Αδυναμία δημιουργίας του καταλόγου %1" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:652 -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:847 -msgid "Project was successfully archived." -msgstr "Το έργο αρχειοθετήθηκε επιτυχώς." - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:655 -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:851 -msgid "There was an error processing project file" -msgstr "Παρουσιάστηκε ένα σφάλμα κατά την επεξεργασία αρχείου του έργου" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:661 -#, kde-format -msgid "There was an error while copying the files: %1" -msgstr "Παρουσιάστηκε ένα σφάλμα κατά την αντιγραφή των αρχείων: %1" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:785 -msgid "Cannot create temporary file" -msgstr "Αδυναμία δημιουργίας προσωρινού αρχείου" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:883 -msgid "Extracting..." -msgstr "Εξαγωγή..." - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:947 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot open project file %1" -msgstr "Αδυναμία ανοίγματος του αρχείου %1 του έργου" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:947 -msgid "Cannot open file" -msgstr "Αδυναμία ανοίγματος αρχείου" - -#: src/project/dialogs/backupwidget.cpp:30 -msgid "Restore Backup File" -msgstr "Επαναφορά εφεδρικού αρχείου" - -#: src/project/dialogs/backupwidget.cpp:34 -msgid "Showing all backup files in folder" -msgstr "Εμφάνιση όλων των εφεδρικών αρχείων στο φάκελο" - -#: src/project/dialogs/backupwidget.cpp:37 -#, kde-format -msgid "Showing backup files for %1" -msgstr "Εμφάνιση εφεδρικών αρχείων για το %1" - -#: src/project/dialogs/noteswidget.cpp:40 -msgid "Insert current timecode" -msgstr "Εισαγωγή τρέχοντος χρονικού κώδικα" - -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:120 -msgid "Current Settings" -msgstr "Τρέχουσες ρυθμίσεις" - -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:139 -msgid "Title" -msgstr "Τίτλος" - -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:146 -#: src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:189 -msgid "Author" -msgstr "Συγγραφέας" - -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:153 -msgid "Artist" -msgstr "Καλλιτέχνης" - -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:159 -msgid "Copyright" -msgstr "Πνευματικά δικαιώματα" - -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:259 -msgid "Deleting proxy clips will disable proxies for this project." -msgstr "" -"Η διαγραφή των κλιπ διαμεσολάβησης θα απενεργοποιήσει τις διαμεσολαβήσεις " -"για το έργο αυτό." - -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:410 -msgid "" -"Changing the profile of your project cannot be undone.\n" -"It is recommended to save your project before attempting this operation that " -"might cause some corruption in transitions.\n" -" Are you sure you want to proceed?" -msgstr "" -"Αλλαγή του προφίλ του έργου σας δεν μπορεί να αναιρεθεί.\n" -"Συνίσταται να σώσετε το έργο πριν επιχειρήσετε αυτήν την ενέργεια που " -"πιθανόν να προκαλέσει την αλλοίωση κάποιων μεταβάσεων.\n" -" Είστε σίγουρος ότι επιθυμείτε να συνεχίσετε;" - -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:410 -msgid "Confirm profile change" -msgstr "Επιβεβαίωση αλλαγής προφίλ" - -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:425 -#, kde-format -msgid "Interlaced (%1 fields per second)" -msgstr "Πεπλεγμένο (%1 πεδία ανά δευτερόλεπτο)" - -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:596 -#, kde-format -msgid "Project folder: %1" -msgstr "Φάκελος έργου: %1" - -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:597 -#, kde-format -msgid "Project profile: %1" -msgstr "Προφίλ έργου: %1" - -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:598 -#, kde-format -msgid "Total clips: %1 (%2 used in timeline)." -msgstr "Σύνολο κλιπ: %1 (%2 σε χρήση στο χρονοδιάγραμμα)." - -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:650 -#, fuzzy -msgid "field_name" -msgstr "Όνομα αρχείου" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, SlideshowClip_UI) -#: src/project/dialogs/slideshowclip.cpp:47 src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Slideshow Clip" -msgstr "Κλιπ προβολής διαφανειών" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:46 -msgid "Transcode clip" -msgstr "Μετατροπή κλιπ" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:49 -msgid "Cut clip" -msgstr "Διαίρεση κλιπ" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:53 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Analyse" -msgid "Analyse clip" -msgstr "Ανάλυση" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:125 -msgid "Failed to create file." -msgstr "Αποτυχία δημιουργίας αρχείου." - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:140 -msgid "Cannot process this clip type." -msgstr "Αδυναμία επεξεργασίας των κλιπ αυτού του τύπου." - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:202 -msgid "Transcoding clip" -msgstr "Μετατροπή κλιπ" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:203 -msgid "Extracting clip cut" -msgstr "Εξαγωγή διαίρεσης κλιπ" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:204 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Missing clip" -msgid "Analysing clip" -msgstr "Κλιπ που δεν έχει βρεθεί" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:207 -msgid "Waiting - transcode clip" -msgstr "Αναμονή - μετατροπή κλιπ" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:208 -msgid "Waiting - cut clip" -msgstr "Αναμονή - διαίρεση κλιπ" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:209 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Waiting - transcode clip" -msgid "Waiting - analyse clip" -msgstr "Αναμονή - μετατροπή κλιπ" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:278 -#, kde-format -msgid "Extracting %1 out of %2" -msgstr "Εξαγωγή %1 από %2" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:292 -msgid "You cannot overwrite original clip." -msgstr "Δεν μπορείτε να αντικαταστήσετε το αρχικό κλιπ." - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:293 -#, kde-format -msgid "Overwrite file %1" -msgstr "Αντικατάσταση αρχείου %1" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:338 -msgid "The transcoding job will overwrite the following files:" -msgstr "Η εργασία μετατροπής θα αντικαταστήσει τα ακόλουθα αρχεία:" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:344 -msgid "Transcoding" -msgstr "Μετατροπή" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:432 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Frames" -msgid "I-Frame " -msgstr "Καρέ" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:433 -#, fuzzy, c-format -#| msgid "Found %1 result" -#| msgid_plural "Found %1 results" -msgid "Found %count I-Frames" -msgstr "Βρέθηκε %1 αποτέλεσμα" - -#: src/project/jobs/filterjob.cpp:133 -#, fuzzy, kde-format -msgid "Found %1 scenes." -msgstr "Βρέθηκε %1 αποτέλεσμα" - -#: src/project/jobs/filterjob.cpp:146 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Scene Cut" -msgid "Scene " -msgstr "Αποκοπή σκηνής" - -#: src/project/jobs/filterjob.cpp:174 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Auto split" -msgstr "Αυτόματη αναπαραγωγή" - -#: src/project/jobs/jobmanager.cpp:178 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot write to path: %1" -msgstr "Αδυναμία εγγραφής στη διαδρομή: %1" - -#: src/project/jobs/jobmanager.cpp:225 -#, fuzzy, kde-format -msgid "Filter %1" -msgstr "Κεφάλαιο %1" - -#: src/project/jobs/jobmanager.cpp:234 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Cannot find clip to edit" -msgid "No valid clip to process" -msgstr "Αδυναμία εύρεσης κλιπ προς επεξεργασία" - -#: src/project/jobs/meltjob.cpp:53 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Processing clip" -msgid "Processing clip" -msgstr "Επεξεργασία κλιπ" - -#: src/project/jobs/meltjob.cpp:63 -msgid "No producer for this clip." -msgstr "Δεν υπάρχει παραγωγός για αυτό το κλιπ." - -#: src/project/jobs/meltjob.cpp:86 -#, kde-format -msgid "Clip zone undefined (%1 - %2)." -msgstr "Απροσδιόριστη ζώνη κλιπ (%1 - %2)." - -#: src/project/jobs/meltjob.cpp:157 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot create consumer %1." -msgstr "Αδυναμία δημιουργίας καταναλωτή %1." - -#: src/project/jobs/meltjob.cpp:179 -#, fuzzy, kde-format -msgid "Filter %1 crashed" -msgstr "Κεφάλαιο %1" - -#: src/project/jobs/meltjob.cpp:248 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Waiting to process clip" -msgstr "Αναμονή - επεξεργασία κλιπ" - -#: src/project/jobs/proxyclipjob.cpp:38 -msgid "proxy" -msgstr "διαμεσολαβητής" - -#: src/project/jobs/proxyclipjob.cpp:90 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot load image %1." -msgstr "Αδυναμία φόρτωσης εικόνας %1." - -#: src/project/jobs/proxyclipjob.cpp:170 -msgid "Failed to create proxy clip." -msgstr "Αποτυχία δημιουργίας κλιπ διαμεσολάβησης." - -#: src/project/jobs/proxyclipjob.cpp:245 -msgid "Creating proxy" -msgstr "Δημιουργία διαμεσολαβητή" - -#: src/project/jobs/proxyclipjob.cpp:248 -msgid "Waiting - proxy" -msgstr "Αναμονή - διαμεσολαβητής" - -#: src/project/jobs/proxyclipjob.cpp:283 src/project/projectlist.cpp:2073 -msgid "Failed to create proxy, empty path." -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/notesplugin.cpp:27 -msgid "Enter your project notes here ..." -msgstr "Εισάγετε εδώ τις σημειώσεις του έργου σας ..." - -#: src/project/notesplugin.cpp:28 -msgid "Project Notes" -msgstr "Σημειώσεις έργου" - -#: src/project/projectcommands.cpp:38 -msgid "Add clip cut" -msgstr "Προσθήκη διαίρεσης κλιπ" - -#: src/project/projectcommands.cpp:72 -msgid "Add folder" -msgstr "Προσθήκη φακέλου" - -#: src/project/projectcommands.cpp:107 -msgid "Edit clip cut" -msgstr "Επεξεργασία διαίρεσης κλιπ" - -#: src/project/projectcommands.cpp:136 -msgid "Rename folder" -msgstr "Μετονομασία φακέλου" - -#: src/project/projectitem.cpp:92 src/project/projectitem.cpp:221 -msgid "Contains proxies" -msgstr "Περιέχει διαμεσολαβητές" - -#: src/project/projectitem.cpp:186 -msgid "Missing" -msgstr "Μη διαθέσιμα" - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:446 -msgid "No available clip selected" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:982 -msgid "Delete Clip Zone" -msgstr "Διαγραφή ζώνης κλιπ" - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:995 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Delete folder %2?
This will also remove the clip in that folder" -msgid_plural "" -"Delete folder %2?
This will also remove the %1 clips in that " -"folder" -msgstr[0] "" -"Διαγραφή του καταλόγου %2;
Αυτή η ενέργεια θα αφαιρέσει επίσης " -"το κλιπ σε αυτόν τον φάκελο" -msgstr[1] "" -"Διαγραφή του καταλόγου %2;
Αυτή η ενέργεια θα αφαιρέσει επίσης " -"τα %1 κλιπ σε αυτόν τον φάκελο " - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:1004 -#, kde-format -msgid "Delete clip %2?
This will also remove the clip in timeline" -msgid_plural "" -"Delete clip %2?
This will also remove its %1 clips in timeline" -msgstr[0] "" -"Διαγραφή κλιπ %2;
Αυτή η ενέργεια θα αφαιρέσει επίσης το κλιπ " -"από το χρονοδιάγραμμα" -msgstr[1] "" -"Διαγραφή κλιπ %2;
Αυτή η ενέργεια θα αφαιρέσει επίσης %1 κλιπ " -"από το χρονοδιάγραμμα" - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:1430 -msgid "Clip is missing or invalid. Remove it from project?" -msgstr "Το κλιπ λείπει ή είναι μη έγκυρο. Να αφαιρεθεί από το έργο;" - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:1455 -msgid "Proxy clip unusable (duration is different from original)." -msgstr "" -"Άχρηστο κλιπ διαμεσολάβησης (η διάρκεια είναι διαφορετική από του αρχικού)." - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:1457 -#, kde-format -msgid "Failed to create proxy for %1. check parameters" -msgstr "Αποτυχία δημιουργίας διαμεσολαβητή για %1. Να γίνει έλεγχος παραμέτρων" - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:1752 -msgid "Cannot find profile from current clip" -msgstr "Αδυναμία εύρεσης προφίλ από το τρέχον κλιπ" - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:1769 -msgid "Change project profile" -msgstr "Αλλαγή προφίλ έργου" - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:1773 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Your clip does not match current project's profile.\n" -"Do you want to change the project profile?\n" -"\n" -"The following profiles match the clip (size: %1, fps: %2)" -msgstr "" -"Το κλιπ σας δεν ταιριάζει με το προφίλ του τρέχοντος έργου.\n" -"Θέλετε να αλλάξετε το προφίλ του έργου;\n" -"\n" -"Τα ακόλουθα προφίλ ταιριάζουν με το κλιπ (μέγεθος %1, fps: %2)" - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:1791 -msgid "Update profile" -msgstr "Ενημέρωση προφίλ" - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:1806 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Your clip does not match current project's profile.\n" -"No existing profile found to match the clip's properties.\n" -"Clip size: %1\n" -"Fps: %2\n" -msgstr "" -"Το κλιπ σας δεν ταιριάζει με το προφίλ του τρέχοντος έργου.\n" -"Δε βρέθηκε κανένα προφίλ που να ταιριάζει με τις ιδιότητες του κλιπ.\n" -"Μέγεθος κλιπ: %1\n" -"Fps: %2\n" - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:2042 -msgid "Sequence not found" -msgstr "Η ακολουθία δε βρέθηκε" - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:2212 -msgid "Update proxy settings" -msgstr "Ενημέρωση ρυθμίσεων διαμεσολάβησης" - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:2374 -msgid "Remove Proxy" -msgstr "Αφαίρεση διαμεσολάβησης" - -#: src/project/projectlistview.cpp:59 -msgid "Rating" -msgstr "Βαθμολόγηση" - -#: src/project/projectlistview.cpp:105 -msgctxt "@title:menu" -msgid "Columns" -msgstr "Στήλες" - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:61 -msgid "Open Backup File" -msgstr "Άνοιγμα εφεδρικού αρχείου" - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:202 -msgid "Save changes to document?" -msgstr "Αποθήκευση αλλαγών στο έγγραφο;" - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:204 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"The project \"%1\" has been changed.\n" -"Do you want to save your changes?" -msgstr "" -"Το έργο \"%1\" έχει τροποποιηθεί.\n" -"Επιθυμείτε την αποθήκευση των αλλαγών σας;" - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:379 -msgid "Auto-saved files exist. Do you want to recover them now?" -msgstr "" -"Υπάρχουν αυτόματα αποθηκευμένα αρχεία. Επιθυμείτε να τα ανακτήσετε τώρα;" - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:380 -msgid "File Recovery" -msgstr "Ανάκτηση αρχείου" - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:381 -msgid "Don't recover" -msgstr "Να μην γίνει ανάκτηση" - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:436 -#, kde-format -msgid "Opening file %1" -msgstr "Άνοιγμα του αρχείου %1" - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:456 -msgid "Loading project" -msgstr "Φόρτωση έργου" - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:458 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Adding clips" -msgid "Loading playlist" -msgstr "Προστίθενται κλιπ" - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:478 src/project/projectmanager.cpp:483 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Adding clips" -msgid "Loading clips" -msgstr "Προστίθενται κλιπ" - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:507 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Cannot open file %1.\n" -"Project is corrupted." -msgstr "" -"Αδύνατο το άνοιγμα του αρχείου %1.\n" -"Το έργο περιέχει σφάλματα." - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:527 -msgid "" -"This will delete all changes made since you last saved your project. Are you " -"sure you want to continue?" -msgstr "" -"Θα διαγραφούν οι αλλαγές μετά την τελευταία αποθήκευση του έργου σας. Είστε " -"σίγουρος ότι επιθυμείτε να συνεχίσετε;" - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:527 -msgid "Revert to last saved version" -msgstr "Επαναφορά στην τελευταία αποθηκευμένη έκδοση" - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:537 -msgid "Kdenlive project (*.kdenlive)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:538 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Archived project (*.tar.gz)" -msgstr "Αρχειοθέτηση έργου" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, scanning_list) -#: src/project/transitionsettings.cpp:151 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:126 -msgid "Auto" -msgstr "Αυτόματο" - -#: src/project/transitionsettings.cpp:162 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:54 -msgid "Black" -msgstr "Μαύρο" - -#: src/renderer.cpp:1181 -msgid "" -"Could not create the video preview window.\n" -"There is something wrong with your Kdenlive install or your driver settings, " -"please fix it." -msgstr "" -"Αδυναμία δημιουργίας του παραθύρου προεπισκόπησης βίντεο.\n" -"Υπάρχει κάποιο σφάλμα στην εγκατάσταση του Kdenlive ή στις ρυθμίσεις του " -"οδηγού, παρακαλώ διορθώστε το." - -#: src/renderer.cpp:1386 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7865 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Save zone" -msgid "Save Zone" -msgstr "Αποθήκευση ζώνης" - -#: src/renderer.cpp:3283 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Import selected clips" -msgstr "Διαγραφή του επιλεγμένου κλιπ" - -#: src/renderer.cpp:3285 -#, fuzzy, kde-format -msgid "" -"Additional streams for clip\n" -" %1" -msgstr "Προσθήκη μετάβασης στο κλιπ" - -#: src/renderer.cpp:3294 -#, fuzzy, kde-format -msgid "Video stream %1" -msgstr "Κομμάτι βίντεο" - -#: src/renderer.cpp:3309 -#, fuzzy, kde-format -msgid "Audio stream %1" -msgstr "Ηχητικό κομμάτι" - -#: src/scopes/abstractscopewidget.cpp:84 -msgid "Auto Refresh" -msgstr "Αυτόματη ανανέωση" - -#: src/scopes/abstractscopewidget.cpp:86 -msgid "Realtime (with precision loss)" -msgstr "Σε πραγματικό χρόνο (με απώλεια ακρίβειας)" - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:67 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:52 -msgid "Reset maximum frequency to sampling rate" -msgstr "Επαναφορά μέγιστης συχνότητας σε συχνότητα δειγματοληψίας" - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:68 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:55 -msgid "Track mouse" -msgstr "Ανίχνευση ποντικιού" - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:70 -msgid "Show maximum" -msgstr "Εμφάνιση μέγιστου" - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:86 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:74 -msgid "Rectangular window" -msgstr "Ορθογώνιο παράθυρο" - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:87 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:75 -msgid "Triangular window" -msgstr "Τριγωνικό παράθυρο" - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:88 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:76 -msgid "Hamming window" -msgstr "Παράθυρο Hamming" - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:97 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:79 -msgid "The maximum window size is limited by the number of samples per frame." -msgstr "" -"Το μέγιστο μέγεθος παραθύρου περιορίζεται από τον αριθμό δειγμάτων ανά καρέ." - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:98 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:80 -msgid "" -"A bigger window improves the accuracy at the cost of computational power." -msgstr "" -"Ένα μεγαλύτερο παράθυρο βελτιώνει την ακρίβεια σε βάρος της υπολογιστικής " -"ισχύος." - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:99 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:81 -msgid "" -"The rectangular window function is good for signals with equal signal " -"strength (narrow peak), but creates more smearing. See Window function on " -"Wikipedia." -msgstr "" -"Η λειτουργία του ορθογώνιου παραθύρου είναι καλή για σήματα ίσης ισχύος " -"(στενή κορυφή), αλλά προκαλεί μεγαλύτερη κηλίδωση. Δείτε τη λειτουργία " -"παραθύρου στη Wikipedia." - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:389 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:392 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:394 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:485 -#, kde-format -msgid "%1 dB" -msgstr "%1 dB" - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:412 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:487 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:280 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:289 -#, kde-format -msgid "%1 kHz" -msgstr "%1 kHz" - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:53 -msgid "Draw grid" -msgstr "Σχεδίαση πλέγματος" - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:57 -msgid "Highlight peaks" -msgstr "Τονισμός κορυφών" - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:234 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Frame\n" -"%1" -msgstr "" -"Καρέ\n" -"%1" - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:305 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:306 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"%1\n" -"dB" -msgstr "" -"%1\n" -"dB" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:31 -msgid "YUV UV plane" -msgstr "YUV επίπεδο UV" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:32 -msgid "YUV Y plane" -msgstr "YUV επίπεδο Y" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:33 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:55 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:61 -msgid "Modified YUV (Chroma)" -msgstr "Τροποποιημένο YUV (Chroma)" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:34 -msgid "YCbCr CbCr plane" -msgstr "YCbCr επίπεδο CbCr" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:35 -msgid "RGB plane, one component varying" -msgstr "Επίπεδο RGB, μεταβολή μιας συνιστώσας" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:36 -msgid "HSV Hue Shift" -msgstr "Μετατόπιση HSV απόχρωσης" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:37 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:254 -msgid "HSV Saturation" -msgstr "Κορεσμός HSV" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:118 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:250 -#, kde-format -msgid "%1°" -msgstr "%1°" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:125 -#, kde-format -msgid "%1 px" -msgstr "%1 px" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:218 -msgid "Y value" -msgstr "Τιμή Y" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:219 -msgid "The Y value describes the brightness of the colors." -msgstr "Η τιμή Υ περιγράφει τη λαμπρότητα των χρωμάτων." - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:231 -msgid "UV angle" -msgstr "Γωνία UV" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:232 -msgid "Angle through the UV plane, with all possible Y values." -msgstr "Γωνία διαμέσου του επιπέδου UV, με όλες τις δυνατές τιμές Y." - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:240 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:268 -msgid "Red" -msgstr "Κόκκινο" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:241 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:269 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:53 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/waveform.cpp:34 -msgid "Green" -msgstr "Πράσινο" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:242 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:270 -msgid "Blue" -msgstr "Μπλε" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:243 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:271 -msgid "Luma" -msgstr "Luma" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:255 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:262 -msgid "HSV Value" -msgstr "Τιμή HSV" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/histogram.cpp:26 -msgid "Unscaled" -msgstr "Χωρίς κλίμακα" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/histogram.cpp:29 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/waveform.cpp:37 -msgid "Rec. 601" -msgstr "Rec. 601" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/histogram.cpp:31 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/waveform.cpp:39 -msgid "Rec. 709" -msgstr "Rec. 709" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/histogram.cpp:39 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/waveform.cpp:44 -msgid "Luma mode" -msgstr "Κατάσταση Luma" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/histogramgenerator.cpp:178 -msgid "min" -msgstr "ελαχ" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/histogramgenerator.cpp:181 -msgid "max" -msgstr "μεγ" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/rgbparade.cpp:27 -msgid "RGB" -msgstr "RGB" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/rgbparade.cpp:28 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/waveform.cpp:33 -msgid "White" -msgstr "Λευκό" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/rgbparade.cpp:32 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:89 -msgid "Draw axis" -msgstr "Σχεδίαση άξονα" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/rgbparade.cpp:37 -msgid "Gradient reference line" -msgstr "Γραμμή αναφοράς διαβάθμισης" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/rgbparadegenerator.cpp:167 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/rgbparadegenerator.cpp:169 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/rgbparadegenerator.cpp:171 -msgid "min: " -msgstr "ελαχ: " - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/rgbparadegenerator.cpp:175 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/rgbparadegenerator.cpp:177 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/rgbparadegenerator.cpp:179 -msgid "max: " -msgstr "μεγ: " - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:52 -msgid "Green 2" -msgstr "Πράσινο 2" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:56 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:60 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:102 -msgid "YUV" -msgstr "YUV" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:57 -msgid "Original Color" -msgstr "Αρχικό χρώμα" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:62 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:100 -msgid "YPbPr" -msgstr "YPbPr" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:76 -msgid "Tools" -msgstr "Εργαλεία" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:78 -msgid "Export background" -msgstr "Εξαγωγή φόντου" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:82 -msgid "Drawing options" -msgstr "Επιλογές σχεδίασης" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:84 -msgid "75% box" -msgstr "75% πλαίσιο" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:94 -msgid "Draw I/Q lines" -msgstr "Σχεδίαση I/Q γραμμών" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:99 -msgid "Color Space" -msgstr "Χρωματικός χώρος" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:247 -#, kde-format -msgid "%1 \\%" -msgstr "%1 \\%" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/waveform.cpp:32 -msgid "Yellow" -msgstr "Κίτρινο" - -#: src/scopes/scopemanager.cpp:307 -msgid "Waveform" -msgstr "Κυματομορφή" - -#: src/scopes/scopemanager.cpp:309 -msgid "Histogram" -msgstr "Ιστόγραμμα" - -#: src/scopes/scopemanager.cpp:311 -msgid "Audio Signal" -msgstr "Ηχητικό σήμα" - -#: src/scopes/scopemanager.cpp:312 -msgid "AudioSpectrum" -msgstr "Ηχητικό φάσμα" - -#: src/scopes/scopemanager.cpp:313 -msgid "Spectrogram" -msgstr "Φασματόγραμμα" - -#: src/statusbarmessagelabel.cpp:51 -msgctxt "@action:button" -msgid "Confirm" -msgstr "Επιβεβαίωση" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:162 -msgid "Send frames to color scopes" -msgstr "Αποστολή καρέ σε χρωματικές εμβέλειες" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:167 -msgid "Mirror display" -msgstr "Εμφάνιση κατόπτρου" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:174 -msgid "Stop Motion Capture" -msgstr "Διακοπή σύλληψης κίνησης" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, capture_interval) -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:187 src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:115 -msgid "Interval capture" -msgstr "Σύλληψη διαστήματος" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:205 -msgid "Overlay effect" -msgstr "Εφέ επικάλυψης" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:207 -msgid "No Effect" -msgstr "Χωρίς εφέ" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:211 -msgid "Edge detect" -msgstr "" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:213 -msgid "Brighten" -msgstr "Λαμπρό" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:236 -msgid "Show sequence thumbnails" -msgstr "Εμφάνιση μικρογραφιών ακολουθίας" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:241 -msgid "Delete current frame" -msgstr "Διαγραφή του τρέχοντος καρέ" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:369 -msgid "Configure Stop Motion" -msgstr "Διαμόρφωση διακοπής κίνησης" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:371 src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:372 -msgid " second" -msgid_plural " seconds" -msgstr[0] " δευτερόλεπτο" -msgstr[1] " δευτερόλεπτα" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:520 -msgid "Stopped" -msgstr "Διακόπηκε" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:560 -msgid "No previous frame found" -msgstr "Δε βρέθηκε προηγούμενο καρέ" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:632 -msgid "Create New Sequence" -msgstr "Δημιουργία νέας ακολουθίας" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:632 -msgid "Enter sequence name" -msgstr "Εισάγετε όνομα ακολουθίας" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:653 -msgid "Frame Captured" -msgstr "Το καρέ καταγράφηκε" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:667 -msgid "Going to Capture Frame" -msgstr "Επίκειται σύλληψη καρέ" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:822 -#, kde-format -msgid "Delete frame %1 from disk?" -msgstr "Διαγραφή του καρέ %1 από τον δίσκο;" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:822 -msgid "Delete Frame" -msgstr "Διαγραφή καρέ" - -#: src/timecode.cpp:261 -msgid "hour" -msgstr "ώρα" - -#: src/timecode.cpp:269 -msgid "min." -msgstr "λεπτά" - -#: src/timecode.cpp:277 -msgid "sec." -msgstr "δευτ." - -#: src/timecode.cpp:282 -msgid "frames" -msgstr "καρέ" - -#: src/timeline/abstractclipitem.cpp:379 -msgid "seconds" -msgstr "δευτερόλεπτα" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:589 -msgid "Crop from start:" -msgstr "Περικοπή από την αρχή:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, clip_filesize_2) -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:589 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:602 -#: src/ui/spacerdialog_ui.ui:30 -msgid "Duration:" -msgstr "Διάρκεια:" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:589 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:602 -msgid "Offset:" -msgstr "Μετατόπιση:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:695 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:804 -msgid ":" -msgstr ":" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:696 -msgid " Position:" -msgstr " Θέση:" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:697 -msgid " Duration:" -msgstr " Διάρκεια:" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:701 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:707 -msgid " Selection duration:" -msgstr " Διάρκεια επιλογής:" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:703 -msgid " Group duration:" -msgstr " Διάρκεια ομάδας:" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:714 -msgid "Crop from start: " -msgstr "Περικοπή από την αρχή: " - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:716 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:722 -msgid "" -"Use Ctrl to resize only current item, otherwise all items in this group will " -"be resized at once." -msgstr "" -"Χρησιμοποιήστε το Ctrl για να αλλάξετε το μέγεθος ενός αντικειμένου μόνο, " -"διαφορετικά όλα τα αντικείμενα εντός της ομάδας θα τροποποιηθούν συγχρόνως." - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:720 -msgid "Duration: " -msgstr "Διάρκεια: " - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:726 -msgid "Fade in duration: " -msgstr "Διάρκεια ομαλής εισόδου: " - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:729 -msgid "Fade out duration: " -msgstr "Διάρκεια ομαλής εξόδου: " - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:732 -msgid "Drag to add or resize a fade effect." -msgstr "Σύρετε για να εισάγετε ή να τροποποιήσετε ένα εφέ ομαλής μετάβασης." - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:736 -msgid "Click to add a transition." -msgstr "Κάντε κλικ για να προσθέσετε μία μετάβαση." - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:739 -msgid "" -"Move keyframe above or below clip to remove it, double click to add a new " -"one." -msgstr "" -"Μετακινήστε το keyframe πάνω ή κάτω από το κλιπ για να το αφαιρέσετε, κάνετε " -"διπλό κλικ για να προσθέσετε ένα νέο." - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:784 -msgid "Cannot use spacer in a locked track" -msgstr "" -"Αδυναμία χρήσης του εργαλείου κενού διαστήματος σε ένα κλειδωμένο κομμάτι" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:792 -msgid "Cannot use spacer in a track with a group" -msgstr "" -"Αδυναμία χρήσης του εργαλείου κενού διαστήματος σε ένα κομμάτι σε ομαδοποίηση" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1105 -msgid "Cannot cut a transition" -msgstr "Αδυναμία διαίρεσης μιας μετάβασης" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1331 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1366 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2668 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2694 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2720 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2743 -msgid "Cannot add transition" -msgstr "Αδυναμία προσθήκης μετάβασης" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1586 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1594 -msgid "Cannot find clip to edit" -msgstr "Αδυναμία εύρεσης κλιπ προς επεξεργασία" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1588 -msgid "Cannot edit the duration of multiple items" -msgstr "Αδυναμία επεξεργασίας της διάρκειας πολλαπλών αντικειμένων" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1599 -msgid "Cannot edit an item in a group" -msgstr "Αδυναμία επεξεργασίας ενός αντικειμένου εντός μιας ομάδας" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1664 -msgid "Item is locked" -msgstr "Το αντικείμενο είναι κλειδωμένο" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1747 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2897 -msgid "Cannot insert clip in timeline" -msgstr "Αδυναμία εισαγωγής του κλιπ στο χρονοδιάγραμμα" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1753 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2866 -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:75 -msgid "Add timeline clip" -msgstr "Προσθήκη κλιπ χρονοδιαγράμματος" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1787 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1849 -msgid "Clip not ready" -msgstr "Το κλιπ δεν είναι έτοιμο" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1970 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2033 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2050 -msgid "Problem deleting effect" -msgstr "Πρόβλημα κατά τη διαγραφή του εφέ" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1977 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2002 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2017 -msgid "Problem adding effect to clip" -msgstr "Πρόβλημα προσθήκης εφέ στο κλιπ" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1986 -msgid "Cannot add speed effect to track" -msgstr "Αδυναμία προσθήκης εφέ επιτάχυνσης σε αυτό το κλιπ" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2022 -msgid "Cannot find clip to add effect" -msgstr "Αδυναμία εύρεσης κλιπ για την προσθήκη εφέ" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2068 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2160 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2263 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7513 -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:42 src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:282 -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:374 -msgid "effect" -msgstr "εφέ" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2069 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2162 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7515 src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:44 -#, kde-format -msgid "Add %1" -msgstr "Προσθήκη %1" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2171 -msgid "Select a clip if you want to apply an effect" -msgstr "Επιλέξετε ένα κλιπ για την εφαρμογή ενός εφέ" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2219 -msgid "Cannot add an audio effect to this clip" -msgstr "Αδυναμία προσθήκης εφέ ήχου σε αυτό το κλιπ" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2228 -msgid "Cannot add a video effect to this clip" -msgstr "Αδυναμία προσθήκης εφέ βίντεο σε αυτό το κλιπ" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2233 -msgid "Effect already present in clip" -msgstr "Αυτό το εφέ υπάρχει ήδη στο κλιπ" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2264 src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:46 -#, kde-format -msgid "Delete %1" -msgstr "Διαγραφή %1" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2300 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2315 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2371 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2381 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2402 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5486 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5507 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5530 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5552 -msgid "Problem editing effect" -msgstr "Πρόβλημα κατά την τροποποίηση του εφέ" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2373 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2404 -msgid "Cannot find clip to update effect" -msgstr "Αδυναμία εύρεσης κλιπ για την ενημέρωση εφέ" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2429 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2450 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2463 -msgid "Cannot move effect" -msgstr "Αδυναμία μετακίνησης του εφέ" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2527 -msgid "Cannot find clip to cut" -msgstr "Αδυναμία εύρεσης κλιπ προς διαίρεση" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2600 -msgid "Cannot find clip to uncut" -msgstr "Αδυναμία εύρεσης κλιπ προς αναίρεση διαίρεσης" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2604 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4101 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4392 -#, kde-format -msgid "Error removing clip at %1 on track %2" -msgstr "Σφάλμα απομάκρυνσης του κλιπ στο %1 του κομματιού %2" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2629 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5309 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5427 -msgid "Error when resizing clip" -msgstr "Σφάλμα κατά την αλλαγή μεγέθους του κλιπ" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2728 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6204 -msgid "Invalid transition" -msgstr "Μη έγκυρη μετάβαση" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2752 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4435 -msgid "Select clip to delete" -msgstr "Επιλογή κλιπ προς διαγραφή" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2768 -msgid "Cannot update transition" -msgstr "Αδυναμία ανανέωσης της μετάβασης" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:3442 -msgid "Cannot remove space in a locked track" -msgstr "Αδυναμία αφαίρεσης κενού διαστήματος από ένα κλειδωμένο κομμάτι" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:3448 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:3453 -#, kde-format -msgid "You must be in an empty space to remove space (time: %1, track: %2)" -msgstr "" -"Πρέπει να βρίσκεστε σε κάποιο κενό διάστημα για να αφαιρέσετε διάστημα " -"(χρόνος: %1, κομμάτι: %2)" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:3464 -msgid "Cannot remove space in a track with a group" -msgstr "Αδυναμία εισαγωγής κενού διαστήματος σε ένα κομμάτι σε ομαδοποίηση" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:3543 -msgid "Cannot insert space in a locked track" -msgstr "Αδυναμία παρεμβολής κενού διαστήματος σε ένα κλειδωμένο κομμάτι" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:3556 -msgid "Cannot insert space in a track with a group" -msgstr "Αδυναμία εισαγωγής κενού διαστήματος σε ένα κομμάτι σε ομαδοποίηση" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:3612 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot move clip at position %1, track %2" -msgstr "Αδυναμία μετακίνησης του κλιπ στη θέση %1 του κομματιού %2" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:3625 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot move transition at position %1, track %2" -msgstr "Αδυναμία μετακίνησης της μετάβασης στη θέση %1 του κομματιού %2" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:3897 src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:484 -msgid "Move clip" -msgstr "Μετακίνηση κλιπ" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4045 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5002 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot move clip to position %1" -msgstr "Αδυναμία μετακίνησης του κλιπ στη θέση %1" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4052 -msgid "Cannot move transition" -msgstr "Αδυναμία μετακίνησης της μετάβασης" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4056 src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:579 -msgid "Move transition" -msgstr "Μετακίνηση μετάβασης" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4083 src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:556 -msgid "Move group" -msgstr "Μετακίνηση ομάδας" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4215 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4242 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6386 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6418 -msgid "Resize group" -msgstr "Αλλαγή μεγέθους ομάδας" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4488 -msgid "Delete selected group" -msgid_plural "Delete selected groups" -msgstr[0] "Διαγραφή της επιλεγμένης ομάδας" -msgstr[1] "Διαγραφή των επιλεγμένων ομάδων" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4490 -msgid "Delete selected clip" -msgid_plural "Delete selected clips" -msgstr[0] "Διαγραφή του επιλεγμένου κλιπ" -msgstr[1] "Διαγραφή των επιλεγμένων κλιπ" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4492 -msgid "Delete selected transition" -msgid_plural "Delete selected transitions" -msgstr[0] "Διαγραφή της επιλεγμένης μετάβασης" -msgstr[1] "Διαγραφή των επιλεγμένων μεταβάσεων" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4493 -msgid "Delete selected items" -msgstr "Διαγραφή των επιλεγμένων αντικειμένων" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4505 -msgid "Cannot find clip for speed change" -msgstr "Αδύνατη η εύρεση κλιπ για την τροποποίηση της ταχύτητας" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4563 -msgid "Cut Group" -msgstr "Αποκοπή ομάδας" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4645 src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:411 -msgid "Group clips" -msgstr "Ομαδοποίηση κλιπ" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4744 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4760 -msgid "Cannot insert clip..." -msgstr "Αδυναμία εισαγωγής του κλιπ..." - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4749 -msgid "Waiting for clip..." -msgstr "Αναμονή κλιπ..." - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4963 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5192 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot move clip at time: %1 on track %2" -msgstr "Αδυναμία μετακίνησης του κλιπ στον χρόνο: %1 του κομματιού %2" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5142 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot move transition at time: %1 on track %2" -msgstr "Αδυναμία μετακίνησης της μετάβασης στη θέση %1 του κομματιού %2" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5236 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5352 -msgid "Not possible to resize" -msgstr "Μη εφικτή η αλλαγή μεγέθους" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5248 -msgid "Resize clip start" -msgstr "Αλλαγή μεγέθους αρχής κλιπ" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5318 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5437 -msgid "Cannot resize transition" -msgstr "Αδυναμία αλλαγής μεγέθους της μετάβασης" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5372 -msgid "Resize clip end" -msgstr "Αλλαγή μεγέθους τέλους κλιπ" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5430 -msgid "Resize transition end" -msgstr "Αλλαγή μεγέθους τέλους μετάβασης" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5742 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5810 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5851 -msgid "No guide at cursor time" -msgstr "Δεν υπάρχει οδηγός στην χρονική στιγμή του δρομέα" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5762 -#, kde-format -msgid "A guide already exists at position %1" -msgstr "Υπάρχει ήδη ένας οδηγός στη θέση %1" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5778 -msgid "Guide" -msgstr "Οδηγός" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6068 -msgid "Select a clip before copying" -msgstr "Επιλέξτε ένα κλιπ πριν την αντιγραφή" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6139 -msgid "No clip copied" -msgstr "Καμία αντιγραφή κλιπ" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6175 -msgid "Cannot paste selected clips" -msgstr "Αδυναμία επικόλλησης των επιλεγμένων κλιπ" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6192 -msgid "Cannot paste clip to selected place" -msgstr "Αδυναμία επικόλλησης του κλιπ στην επιλεγμένη θέση" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6206 -msgid "Cannot paste transition to selected place" -msgstr "Αδυναμία επικόλλησης της μετάβασης στην επιλεγμένη θέση" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6217 -msgid "You must copy exactly one clip before pasting effects" -msgstr "Πρέπει να αντιγράψετε ακριβώς ένα κλιπ πριν επικολλήσετε εφέ" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6353 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6377 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6410 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7016 -msgid "You must select one clip for this action" -msgstr "Πρέπει να επιλέξετε ένα κλιπ για αυτήν την ενέργεια" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6359 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "You must select at least one clip for this action" -msgid "You must select a playlist clip for this action" -msgstr "Πρέπει να επιλέξετε τουλάχιστον ένα κλιπ για αυτήν την ενέργεια" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6517 src/ui/addtrack_ui.ui:67 -msgid "Insert track" -msgstr "Εισαγωγή κομματιού" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6518 -#, fuzzy, kde-format -#| msgid "Video" -msgid "Video %1" -msgstr "Βίντεο" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6519 -msgid "Insert New Track" -msgstr "Εισαγωγή νέου κομματιού" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6552 src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:108 -msgid "Delete track" -msgstr "Διαγραφή κομματιού" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6667 -msgid "You must select one transition for this action" -msgstr "Πρέπει να επιλέξετε μία μετάβαση για αυτήν την ενέργεια" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6754 -msgid "You must select at least one clip for this action" -msgstr "Πρέπει να επιλέξετε τουλάχιστον ένα κλιπ για αυτήν την ενέργεια" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6759 src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:718 -msgid "Split audio" -msgstr "Διαχωρισμός κομματιού ήχου" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6765 -msgid "Cannot split audio of grouped clips" -msgstr "Αδυναμία διαχωρισμού του ήχου ομαδοποιημένων κλιπ" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6779 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "No clip copied" -msgid "No clip to split" -msgstr "Καμία αντιγραφή κλιπ" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6788 -#, fuzzy -msgid "You must select exactly one clip for the audio reference." -msgstr "Πρέπει να επιλέξετε τουλάχιστον ένα κλιπ για αυτήν την ενέργεια" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6809 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6858 -msgid "Processing audio, please wait." -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6813 -msgid "Reference for audio alignment must contain audio data." -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6829 -msgid "Audio alignment reference not yet set." -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6866 -msgid "Cannot find clip to align." -msgstr "Αδυναμία εύρεσης κλιπ προς στοίχιση." - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6881 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Unable to move clip out of timeline." -msgstr "Αδυναμία μετακίνησης του κλιπ στην θέση %1" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6896 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Unable to move clip due to collision." -msgstr "Αδυναμία μετακίνησης του κλιπ στην θέση %1" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6899 -msgid "Clip aligned." -msgstr "Το κλιπ στοιχήθηκε." - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6900 -msgid "Auto-align clip" -msgstr "Αυτόματη στοίχιση κλιπ" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6932 -msgid "No empty space to put clip audio" -msgstr "Δεν υπάρχει ελεύθερος χώρος για την προσθήκη του κλιπ ήχου" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6944 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6981 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7057 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot update clip (time: %1, track: %2)" -msgstr "Αδυναμία ανανέωσης του κλιπ στον χρόνο: %1 του κομματιού %2" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7009 -msgid "Video only" -msgstr "Μόνο βίντεο" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7026 -msgid "Cannot change grouped clips" -msgstr "Αδυναμία τροποποίησης των ομαδοποιημένων κλιπ" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7045 -#, fuzzy, kde-format -#| msgid "Cannot update clip (time: %1, track: %2)" -msgid "Cannot find clip to edit (time: %1, track: %2)" -msgstr "Αδυναμία ανανέωσης του κλιπ στον χρόνο: %1 του κομματιού %2" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7358 -msgid "error" -msgstr "σφάλμα" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7358 -msgid "TRACTOR" -msgstr "TRACTOR" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7371 -msgid "Insert clip" -msgstr "Εισαγωγή κλιπ" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7521 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7529 -msgid "Effect already present in track" -msgstr "Το εφέ υπάρχει ήδη στο κομμάτι" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7641 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot find clip for effect update %1." -msgstr "Αδυναμία εύρεσης κλιπ για την ενημέρωση του εφέ %1." - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7668 -msgid "You need to select one clip and one transition" -msgstr "Πρέπει να επιλέξετε ένα κλιπ και μια μετάβαση" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7686 -msgid "No clip found" -msgstr "Δε βρέθηκε κλιπ" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7694 -msgid "No keyframe data found in clip" -msgstr "Δε βρέθηκαν δεδομένα keyframe στο κλιπ" - -#: src/timeline/headertrack.cpp:66 src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:461 -msgid "Lock track" -msgstr "Κλείδωμα κομματιού" - -#: src/timeline/headertrack.cpp:66 src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:463 -msgid "Unlock track" -msgstr "Ξεκλείδωμα κομματιού" - -#: src/timeline/headertrack.cpp:72 -msgid "Disable audio" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/headertrack.cpp:72 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Split audio" -msgid "Enable audio" -msgstr "Διαχωρισμός κομματιού ήχου" - -#: src/timeline/headertrack.cpp:82 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Disable effect" -#| msgid_plural "Disable effects" -msgid "Disable video" -msgstr "Απενεργοποίηση εφέ" - -#: src/timeline/headertrack.cpp:82 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Enable effect" -#| msgid_plural "Enable effects" -msgid "Enable video" -msgstr "Ενεργοποίηση εφέ" - -#: src/timeline/headertrack.cpp:89 -msgid "Opaque" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/spacerdialog.cpp:52 -msgid "All tracks" -msgstr "Όλα τα κομμάτια" - -#: src/timeline/timeline.cpp:89 -msgid "Smaller tracks" -msgstr "Μικρότερα κομμάτια" - -#: src/timeline/timeline.cpp:96 -msgid "Bigger tracks" -msgstr "Μεγαλύτερα κομμάτια" - -#: src/timeline/timeline.cpp:359 src/timeline/timeline.cpp:363 -#, kde-format -msgid "Transition %1 had an invalid track: %2 > %3" -msgstr "Η μετάβαση %1 περιέχει ένα μη έγκυρο κομμάτι: %2 > %3" - -#: src/timeline/timeline.cpp:372 -#, kde-format -msgid "Removed invalid transition: %1" -msgstr "Αφαίρεση μη έγκυρης μετάβασης: %1" - -#: src/timeline/timeline.cpp:469 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Your project file was upgraded to the latest Kdenlive document version.\n" -"To make sure you don't lose data, a backup copy called %1 was created." -msgstr "" -"Το αρχείο του έργου σας αναβαθμίστηκε στην τελευταία έκδοση εγγράφων του " -"Kdenlive.\n" -" Προς αποφυγή απώλειας δεδομένων, δημιουργήθηκε ένα εφεδρικό αντίγραφο με το " -"όνομα: %1 ." - -#: src/timeline/timeline.cpp:471 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Your project file was modified by Kdenlive.\n" -"To make sure you don't lose data, a backup copy called %1 was created." -msgstr "" -"Το αρχείο του έργου σας τροποποιήθηκε από το Kdenlive.\n" -" Προς αποφυγή απώλειας δεδομένων, δημιουργήθηκε ένα εφεδρικό αντίγραφο με το " -"όνομα: %1 ." - -#: src/timeline/timeline.cpp:477 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Your project file was upgraded to the latest Kdenlive document version, but " -"it was not possible to create the backup copy %1." -msgstr "" -"Το αρχείο του έργου σας αναβαθμίστηκε στην τελευταία έκδοση εγγράφων του " -"Kdenlive, όμως δεν κατέστη δυνατή η δημιουργία του εφεδρικού αντιγράφου %1." - -#: src/timeline/timeline.cpp:868 -#, kde-format -msgid "Invalid clip removed from track %1 at %2\n" -msgstr "Μη έγκυρο κλιπ αφαιρέθηκε από το κομμάτι %1 στο %2\n" - -#: src/timeline/timeline.cpp:946 -#, kde-format -msgid "Effect %1:%2 not found in MLT, it was removed from this project\n" -msgstr "Εφέ %1: το %2 δεν βρέθηκε στο MLT, αφαιρέθηκε από αυτό το έργο\n" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:76 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Delete timeline clip" -#| msgid_plural "Delete timeline clips" -msgid "Delete timeline clip" -msgstr "Διαγραφή κλιπ χρόνου" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:106 -msgid "Add track" -msgstr "Προσθήκη κομματιού" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:137 -msgid "Delete transition from clip" -msgstr "Διαγραφή μετάβασης από το κλιπ" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:139 -msgid "Add transition to clip" -msgstr "Προσθήκη μετάβασης στο κλιπ" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:175 -msgid "Change clip type" -msgstr "Τροποποίηση τύπου κλιπ" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:199 -msgid "Disable effect" -msgid_plural "Disable effects" -msgstr[0] "Απενεργοποίηση εφέ" -msgstr[1] "Απενεργοποίηση εφέ" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:201 -msgid "Enable effect" -msgid_plural "Enable effects" -msgstr[0] "Ενεργοποίηση εφέ" -msgstr[1] "Ενεργοποίηση εφέ" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:228 -msgid "Adjust clip length" -msgstr "Προσαρμογή διάρκειας κλιπ" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:283 -#, kde-format -msgid "Edit effect %1" -msgstr "Επεξεργασία εφέ %1" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:337 -msgid "Add guide" -msgstr "Προσθήκη οδηγού" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:341 -msgid "Edit guide" -msgstr "Επεξεργασία οδηγού" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:343 -msgid "Delete guide" -msgstr "Διαγραφή οδηγού" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:345 -msgid "Move guide" -msgstr "Μετακίνηση οδηγού" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:375 -#, kde-format -msgid "Edit transition %1" -msgstr "Επεξεργασία μετάβασης %1" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:413 -msgid "Ungroup clips" -msgstr "Αναίρεση ομαδοποίησης αντικειμένων" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:436 -msgid "Insert space" -msgstr "Εισαγωγή κενού διαστήματος" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:438 -msgid "Remove space" -msgstr "Αφαίρεση κενού διαστήματος" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:523 -msgid "Move effect" -msgstr "Μετακίνηση εφέ" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:607 -msgid "Razor clip" -msgstr "Κόψιμο κλιπ" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:653 -msgid "Rebuild Group" -msgstr "Ανασυγκρότηση ομάδας" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:695 -msgid "Resize clip" -msgstr "Αλλαγή μεγέθους κλιπ" - -#: src/timeline/timelinesearch.cpp:27 -msgid "Find" -msgstr "Εύρεση" - -#: src/timeline/timelinesearch.cpp:29 -msgid "Find Next" -msgstr "Εύρεση επόμενου" - -#: src/timeline/timelinesearch.cpp:38 -msgid "Starting -- find text as you type" -msgstr "Εκκίνηση -- αναζήτηση κειμένου κατά την πληκτρολόγηση" - -#: src/timeline/timelinesearch.cpp:46 -msgid "Find stopped" -msgstr "Η αναζήτηση σταμάτησε" - -#: src/timeline/timelinesearch.cpp:56 src/timeline/timelinesearch.cpp:67 -#, kde-format -msgid "Found: %1" -msgstr "Βρέθηκαν: %1 " - -#: src/timeline/timelinesearch.cpp:58 -msgid "Reached end of project" -msgstr "Τέλος του έργου" - -#: src/timeline/timelinesearch.cpp:70 -#, kde-format -msgid "Not found: %1" -msgstr "Δε βρέθηκε: %1" - -#: src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:74 -msgid "Hidden" -msgstr "Κρυμμένο" - -#: src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:74 -msgid "Muted" -msgstr "Χωρίς ήχο" - -#: src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:74 -msgid "Locked" -msgstr "Κλειδωμένο" - -#: src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:90 -msgid "Add Track" -msgstr "Προσθήκη κομματιού" - -#: src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:98 -msgid "Move Track upwards" -msgstr "Μετακίνηση κομματιού προς τα πάνω" - -#: src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:102 -msgid "Move Track downwards" -msgstr "Μετακίνηση κομματιού προς τα κάτω" - -#: src/titler/titledocument.cpp:331 -msgid "This title clip was created with a different frame size." -msgstr "Αυτό το κλιπ τίτλου έχει δημιουργηθεί με διαφορετικό μέγεθος καρέ." - -#: src/titler/titledocument.cpp:331 -msgid "Title Profile" -msgstr "Προφίλ τίτλου" - -#: src/titler/titledocument.cpp:380 -msgid "" -"Some of your text clips were saved with size in points, which means " -"different sizes on different displays. They will be converted to pixel size, " -"making them portable, but you could have to adjust their size." -msgstr "" -"Μερικά από τα κλιπ σας είχαν σωθεί με διαστάσεις σε σημεία, που συνεπάγεται " -"διαφορετικά μεγέθη σε διαφορετικές οθόνες. Θα μετατραπούν σε διαστάσεις " -"εικονοστοιχείων για να καταστούν φορητά, αλλά είναι πιθανόν να χρειαστεί να " -"προσαρμόσετε το μέγεθός τους." - -#: src/titler/titledocument.cpp:380 -msgid "Text Clips Updated" -msgstr "Έγινε ανανέωση των κλιπ κειμένου" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:93 -msgid "Outline width" -msgstr "Πάχος περιγράμματος" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:99 -msgid "Background color opacity" -msgstr "Αδιαφάνεια χρώματος φόντου" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:105 -msgid "Rotation around the X axis" -msgstr "Περιστροφή ως προς τον άξονα X" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:111 -msgid "Rotation around the Y axis" -msgstr "Περιστροφή ως προς τον άξονα Y" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:117 -msgid "Rotation around the Z axis" -msgstr "Περιστροφή ως προς τον άξονα Z" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:123 -msgid "Border width" -msgstr "Πλάτος περιγράμματος" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:156 -msgid "Typewriter" -msgstr "Εφέ γραφομηχανής" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:215 -msgctxt "Font style" -msgid "Light" -msgstr "Ασθενές" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:216 -msgctxt "Font style" -msgid "Normal" -msgstr "Κανονικό" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:217 -msgctxt "Font style" -msgid "Demi-Bold" -msgstr "Ημι-έντονο" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:218 -msgctxt "Font style" -msgid "Bold" -msgstr "Έντονο" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:219 -msgctxt "Font style" -msgid "Black" -msgstr "Μαύρο" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:220 -msgid "Font weight" -msgstr "Πάχος γραμματοσειράς" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:242 -msgid "No alignment" -msgstr "Χωρίς στοίχιση" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:245 -msgid "Align center" -msgstr "Στοίχιση στο κέντρο" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:249 -msgid "Insert Unicode character" -msgstr "Εισαγωγή χαρακτήρα unicode" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:255 -msgid "Raise object" -msgstr "Ανύψωση αντικειμένου" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:261 -msgid "Lower object" -msgstr "Κατέβασμα αντικειμένου" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:269 -msgid "Raise object to top" -msgstr "Ανύψωση αντικειμένου στην κορυφή" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:276 -msgid "Lower object to bottom" -msgstr "Κατέβασμα αντικειμένου στη βάση" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:320 -msgid "Invert x axis and change 0 point" -msgstr "Αντιστροφή του άξονα x και αλλαγή του σημείου 0" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:321 -msgid "Invert y axis and change 0 point" -msgstr "Αντιστροφή του άξονα y και αλλαγή του σημείου 0" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:322 -msgid "Select fill color" -msgstr "Επιλογή χρώματος γεμίσματος" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:323 -msgid "Select border color" -msgstr "Επιλογή χρώματος πλαισίου" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:325 -msgid "Original size (1:1)" -msgstr "Αρχικό μέγεθος (1:1)" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:326 -msgid "Fit zoom" -msgstr "Προσαρμοσμένη εστίαση" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:327 -msgid "Select background color" -msgstr "Επιλογή χρώματος φόντου" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:328 -msgid "Background opacity" -msgstr "Αδιαφάνεια φόντου" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:329 -msgid "Select all" -msgstr "Επιλογή όλων" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:330 -msgid "Select text items in current selection" -msgstr "Επιλογή των αντικειμένων κειμένου εντός της τρέχουσας επιλογής" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:331 -msgid "Select rect items in current selection" -msgstr "Επιλογή των αντικειμένων rect εντός της τρέχουσας επιλογής" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:332 -msgid "Select image items in current selection" -msgstr "Επιλογή των αντικειμένων εικόνας εντός της τρέχουσας επιλογής" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:333 -msgid "Unselect all" -msgstr "Αποεπιλογή όλων" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:362 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:365 -msgid "Selection Tool" -msgstr "Εργαλείο επιλογής" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:368 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:371 -msgid "Add Text" -msgstr "Προσθήκη κειμένου" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:374 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:377 -msgid "Add Rectangle" -msgstr "Προσθήκη ορθογωνίου" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:380 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:383 -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:670 -msgid "Add Image" -msgstr "Προσθήκη εικόνας" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:388 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:391 -msgid "Open Document" -msgstr "Άνοιγμα εγγράφου" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:394 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:397 -msgid "Save As" -msgstr "Αποθήκευση ως" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:566 -msgid "" -"Do you really want to load a new template? Changes in this title will be " -"lost!" -msgstr "" -"Επιθυμείτε πραγματικά να φορτώσετε ένα νέο πρότυπο; Τυχόν αλλαγές στον τίτλο " -"αυτόν θα χαθούν!" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:658 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Add Image" -msgid "All Images" -msgstr "Προσθήκη εικόνας" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:660 -#, fuzzy, kde-format -#| msgid "Image" -msgid "%1 Image" -msgstr "Εικόνα" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:1346 -msgid "\\u2212X" -msgstr "\\u2212X" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, origin_x_left) -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:1348 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:63 -msgid "+X" -msgstr "+X" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:1371 -msgid "\\u2212Y" -msgstr "\\u2212Y" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, origin_y_top) -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:1373 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:86 -msgid "+Y" -msgstr "+Y" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:1713 -msgid "Load Title" -msgstr "Φόρτωση τίτλου" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:1713 -msgid "Kdenlive title (*.kdenlivetitle)" -msgstr "Τίτλος Kdenlive (*.kdenlivetitle)" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:1761 -msgid "" -"Do you want to embed Images into this TitleDocument?\n" -"This is most needed for sharing Titles." -msgstr "" -"Θέλετε να ενσωματώσετε Εικόνες σε αυτό το TitleDocument;\n" -"Αυτό περισσότερο απαιτείται για κοινόχρηστους Τίτλους." - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:2039 -msgctxt "Indicates the start of an animation" -msgid "Start" -msgstr "Έναρξη" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:2040 -msgctxt "Indicates the end of an animation" -msgid "End" -msgstr "Τέλος" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:30 -msgid "Details" -msgstr "Λεπτομέρειες" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:85 -msgid "" -"Information about unicode characters: http://decodeunicode.org" -msgstr "" -"Πληροφορίες σχετικά με χαρακτήρες unicode: http://decodeunicode.org" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:86 -msgid "Previous Unicode character (Arrow Up)" -msgstr "Προηγούμενος χαρακτήρας unicode (πάνω βέλος)" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:87 -msgid "Next Unicode character (Arrow Down)" -msgstr "Επόμενος χαρακτήρας unicode (κάτω βέλος)" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:88 -msgid "Enter your Unicode number here. Allowed characters: [0-9] and [a-f]." -msgstr "" -"Εισάγετε τον αριθμό unicode εδώ. Επιτρεπόμενοι χαρακτήρες: [0-9] και [a-f]." - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:148 -msgid "(no character selected)" -msgstr "(δεν έχει επιλεχθεί χαρακτήρας)" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:154 -msgid "" -"Control character. Cannot be inserted/printed. See Wikipedia:Control_character" -msgstr "" -"Χαρακτήρας ελέγχου. Αδυναμία εισαγωγής/εκτύπωσης. Βλ. Wikipedia:Control_character" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:156 -msgid "Line Feed (newline character, \\\\n)" -msgstr "Αλλαγή γραμμής (χαρακτήρας νέας γραμμής, \\\\n)" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:158 -msgid "" -"Standard space character. (Other space characters: U+00a0, U" -"+2000–200b, U+202f)" -msgstr "" -"Κανονικός χαρακτήρας διαστήματος. (Άλλοι χαρακτήρες διαστήματος: U+00a0, U" -"+2000–200b, U+202f)" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:160 -msgid "No-break space. &nbsp; in HTML. See U+2009 and U+0020." -msgstr "No-break space. &nbsp; σε HTML. Βλ. U+2009 και U+0020." - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:162 -msgid "" -"

« (u+00ab, &lfquo; in HTML) and " -"» (u+00bb, &rfquo; in HTML) are " -"called Guillemets or angle quotes. Usage in different countries: France " -"(with non-breaking Space 0x00a0), Switzerland, Germany, Finland and Sweden.

and (U+2039/203a, " -"&lsaquo;/&rsaquo;) are their single quote equivalents.

See Wikipedia:" -"Guillemets

" -msgstr "" -"

Τα « (u+00ab, &lfquo; σε HTML) " -"και » (u+00bb, &rfquo; σε HTML) " -"λέγονται Guillemets ή angle quotes. Χρήσεις σε διαφορετικές χώρες: Γαλλία " -"(with non-breaking Space 0x00a0), Ελβετία, Γερμανία, Φινλανδία και Σουηδία.

Τα και (U" -"+2039/203a, &lsaquo;/&rsaquo;) είναι τα ισοδύναμα τους " -"μονά εισαγωγικά.

Βλ. Wikipedia:Guillemets

" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:164 -msgid "En Space (width of an n)" -msgstr "Μεγάλο κενό (πλάτος αντίστοιχο ενός n)" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:166 -msgid "Em Space (width of an m)" -msgstr "Μεγάλο κενό (πλάτος αντίστοιχο ενός m)" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:168 -msgid "Three-Per-Em Space. Width: 1/3 of one em" -msgstr "Three-Per-Em Space. Πλάτος: 1/3 ενός em" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:170 -msgid "Four-Per-Em Space. Width: 1/4 of one em" -msgstr "Four-Per-Em Space. Πλάτος: 1/4 ενός em" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:172 -msgid "Six-Per-Em Space. Width: 1/6 of one em" -msgstr "Six-Per-Em Space. Πλάτος: 1/6 ενός em" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:174 -msgid "" -"Figure space (non-breaking). Width of a digit if digits have fixed width in " -"this font." -msgstr "" -"Figure space (μη-διακοπτόμενο). Πλάτος ενός ψηφίου εάν τα ψηφία έχουν " -"σταθερό πλάτος σε αυτήν τη γραμματοσειρά." - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:176 -msgid "" -"Punctuation Space. Width the same as between a punctuation character and the " -"next character." -msgstr "" -"Punctuation Space. Πλάτος ίδιο με αυτό μεταξύ ενός χαρακτήρα στίξης και του " -"επόμενου χαρακτήρα." - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:178 -msgid "" -"Thin space, in HTML also &thinsp;. See U+202f and Wikipedia:Space_(punctuation)" -msgstr "" -"Thin space, σε HTML επίσης &thinsp;. Βλ. U+202f και Wikipedia:Space_(punctuation)" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:180 -msgid "Hair Space. Thinner than U+2009." -msgstr "Hair Space. Στενότερο του U+2009." - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:182 -msgid "" -"Punctuation Apostrophe. Should be used instead of U+0027. See Wikipedia:Apostrophe" -msgstr "" -"Punctuation Apostrophe. Θα έπρεπε να χρησιμοποιείται αντί του U+0027. Βλ. Wikipedia:Apostrophe" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:184 -msgid "" -"

An en Dash (dash of the width of an n).

Usage examples: In English " -"language for value ranges (1878–1903), for relationships/connections " -"(Zurich–Dublin). In the German language it is also used (with " -"spaces!) for showing thoughts: “Es war – wie immer in den " -"Ferien – ein regnerischer Tag.

See Wikipedia:Dash

" -msgstr "" -"

Μία μικρή παύλα (παύλα με πλάτος ίσο με αυτό ενός n).

Παραδείγματα " -"χρήσης: Στα αγγλικά για διαστήματα τιμών (1878–1903), για σχέσεις/" -"συνδέσεις (Zurich–Dublin). Στα γερμανικά χρησιμοποιείται επίσης (με " -"κενά!) για την αναπαράσταση σκέψεων: “Es war – wie immer in den " -"Ferien – ein regnerischer Tag.

Βλ. Wikipedia:Dash

" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:186 -msgid "" -"

An em Dash (dash of the width of an m).

Usage examples: In English " -"language to mark—like here—thoughts. Traditionally without " -"spaces.

See Wikipedia:" -"Dash

" -msgstr "" -"

Μία μεγάλη παύλα (παύλα με πλάτος ίσο με αυτό ενός m).

Παραδείγματα " -"χρήσης: In English language to mark—like here—thoughts. " -"Κανονικά χωρίς κενά.

Βλ. Wikipedia:Dash

" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:188 -msgid "" -"

Narrow no-break space. Has the same width as U+2009.

Usage: For " -"units (spaces are marked with U+2423, ␣): 230␣V, " -"−21␣°C, 50␣lb, but 90° (no space). In " -"German for abbreviations (like: i. d. R. instead of i. d." -" R. with U+00a0).

See Wikipedia:de:Schmales_Leerzeichen

" -msgstr "" -"

Narrow no-break space. Έχει το ίδιο πλάτος με το U+2009.

Χρήση: Για " -"μονάδες (τα κενά σημειώνονται με U+2423, ␣): 230␣V, " -"−21␣°C, 50␣lb, αλλά 90° (χωρίς κενό). " -"Στα γερμανικά για συντομεύσεις (όπως: i. d. R. αντί του i." -" d. R. με U+00a0).

Βλ. Wikipedia:de:Schmales_Leerzeichen

" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:190 -msgid "" -"Ellipsis: If text has been left o… See Wikipedia:Ellipsis" -msgstr "" -"Ellipsis: Αν ένα κομμάτι κείμενου έχει παραληφ… See Wikipedia:Ellipsis" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:192 -msgid "Minus sign. For numbers: −42" -msgstr "Σύμβολο μείον. Για αριθμούς: −42" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:194 -msgid "Open box; stands for a space." -msgstr "Open box, συμβολίζει ένα κενό." - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:196 -msgid "" -"Quarter note (Am.) or crochet (Brit.). See Wikipedia:Quarter_note" -msgstr "" -"Quarter note ή crochet. Βλ. Wikipedia:Quarter_note" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:198 -msgid "" -"Eighth note (Am.) or quaver (Brit.). Half as long as a quarter note (U" -"+2669). See Wikipedia:" -"Eighth_note" -msgstr "" -"Eighth note ή quaver. Έχει το μισό πλάτος ενός quarter note (U+2669). Βλ. Wikipedia:Eighth_note" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:200 -msgid "" -"Sixteenth note (Am.) or semiquaver (Brit.). Half as long as an eighth note (U" -"+266a). See Wikipedia:Sixteenth_note" -msgstr "" -"Sixteenth note ή semiquaver. Έχει το μισό πλάτος ενός eighth note (U+266a). " -"Βλ. Wikipedia:" -"Sixteenth_note" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:202 -msgid "" -"Thirty-second note (Am.) or demisemiquaver (Brit.). Half as long as a " -"sixteenth note (U+266b). See Wikipedia:Thirty-second_note" -msgstr "" -"Thirty-second note (Am.) ή demisemiquaver. Έχει το μισό πλάτος ενός " -"sixteenth note (U+266b). Βλ. Wikipedia:Thirty-second_note" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:204 -msgid "No additional information available for this character." -msgstr "" -"Δεν υπάρχουν επιπλέον πληροφορίες διαθέσιμες για αυτόν τον χαρακτήρα." -"" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, before_select) -#: src/ui/addtrack_ui.ui:34 -msgid "Above" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, before_select) -#: src/ui/addtrack_ui.ui:39 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Render" -msgid "Under" -msgstr "Υλοποίηση βίντεο" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, video_track) -#: src/ui/addtrack_ui.ui:57 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Video track" -msgid "Video &track" -msgstr "Κομμάτι βίντεο" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, audio_track) -#: src/ui/addtrack_ui.ui:74 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Audio track" -msgid "A&udio track" -msgstr "Ηχητικό κομμάτι" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, name_label) -#: src/ui/addtrack_ui.ui:81 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Track mouse" -msgid "Track name" -msgstr "Ανίχνευση ποντικιού" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/archivewidget_ui.ui:29 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Archive folder" -msgstr "Αποθήκευση έργου DVD" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, compressed_archive) -#: src/ui/archivewidget_ui.ui:46 -msgid "Compressed archive" -msgstr "Συμπιεσμένη αρχειοθήκη" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, proxy_only) -#: src/ui/archivewidget_ui.ui:53 -msgid "Archive only proxy clips when available" -msgstr "Αρχειοθέτηση μόνο των κλιπ διαμεσολάβησης όταν είναι διαθέσιμα" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, labelFFTSize) -#: src/ui/audiospectrum_ui.ui:52 -msgid "True FFT size: " -msgstr "Πραγματικό μέγεθος FFT: " - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, buttonLinkHandles) -#: src/ui/bezierspline_ui.ui:89 -msgid "Link the handles' position.
Results in a natural spline." -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, marker_save) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, marker_load) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, analysis_delete) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, analysis_save) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, analysis_load) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, arrowUp) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, arrowDown) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, config_button) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonleft) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonhcenter) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonright) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttontop) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonvcenter) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonbottom) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonDirectUpdate) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonZoomOriginal) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonZoomFit) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonAddDelete) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonPrevious) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonNext) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, toolBtnReload) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonUp) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonDown) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonAdd) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonDelete) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonReset) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, zoom_button) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, unzoom_button) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonResetKeyframe) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonSeek) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, reload_blackmagic) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonLinkHandles) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonShowPixmap) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonZoomIn) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonZoomOut) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonGridChange) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonResetSpline) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonShowAllHandles) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, v4l_showprofileinfo) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, v4l_manageprofile) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, grab_manageprofile) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, grab_showprofileinfo) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, decklink_manageprofile) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, decklink_showprofileinfo) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, button_up) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, button_down) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, button_transcode) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, proxy_showprofileinfo) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, add_metadata) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, delete_metadata) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, effectsAll) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, effectsVideo) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, effectsAudio) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, effectsGPU) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, effectsCustom) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, proxy_manageprofile) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, button_add) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, button_edit) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, button_delete) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, button_download) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, button_more) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonLeftRight) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonUpDown) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonShowInTimeline) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonNewPoints) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonHelp) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonFavorite) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, rescale_keep) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, hide_log) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, collapseButton) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, enabledButton) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, menuButton) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonDel) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, rec_options) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonItalic) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonUnder) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonAlignNone) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonAlignLeft) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonInsertUnicode) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonAlignCenter) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonAlignRight) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, itemleft) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, itemhcenter) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, itemright) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, itemtop) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, itemvcenter) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, itembottom) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, live_button) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, capture_button) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, capture_interval) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, overlay_button) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, preview_button) -#: src/ui/bezierspline_ui.ui:92 src/ui/bezierspline_ui.ui:130 -#: src/ui/bezierspline_ui.ui:146 src/ui/bezierspline_ui.ui:156 -#: src/ui/bezierspline_ui.ui:169 src/ui/bezierspline_ui.ui:195 -#: src/ui/bezierspline_ui.ui:208 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:490 -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:500 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:587 -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:597 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:607 -#: src/ui/collapsiblewidget_ui.ui:86 src/ui/collapsiblewidget_ui.ui:118 -#: src/ui/collapsiblewidget_ui.ui:137 src/ui/collapsiblewidget_ui.ui:156 -#: src/ui/collapsiblewidget_ui.ui:172 src/ui/collapsiblewidget_ui.ui:188 -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:211 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:396 -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:433 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:616 -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:742 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:749 -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:78 src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:220 -#: src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:230 src/ui/configsdl_ui.ui:154 -#: src/ui/cutjobdialog_ui.ui:32 src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:262 -#: src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:269 src/ui/dvdwizardvob_ui.ui:29 -#: src/ui/dvdwizardvob_ui.ui:49 src/ui/dvdwizardvob_ui.ui:100 -#: src/ui/effectlist_ui.ui:22 src/ui/effectlist_ui.ui:41 -#: src/ui/effectlist_ui.ui:57 src/ui/effectlist_ui.ui:73 -#: src/ui/effectlist_ui.ui:89 src/ui/freesound_ui.ui:39 -#: src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:249 src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:256 -#: src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:263 src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:270 -#: src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:277 src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:284 -#: src/ui/geometrywidget_ui.ui:70 src/ui/geometrywidget_ui.ui:83 -#: src/ui/geometrywidget_ui.ui:93 src/ui/keyframeeditor_ui.ui:91 -#: src/ui/keyframeeditor_ui.ui:101 src/ui/keyframewidget_ui.ui:46 -#: src/ui/keyframewidget_ui.ui:59 src/ui/keyframewidget_ui.ui:72 -#: src/ui/keyframewidget_ui.ui:85 src/ui/keyframewidget_ui.ui:124 -#: src/ui/manageencodingprofile_ui.ui:44 src/ui/manageencodingprofile_ui.ui:51 -#: src/ui/manageencodingprofile_ui.ui:58 src/ui/manageencodingprofile_ui.ui:68 -#: src/ui/monitoreditwidget_ui.ui:53 src/ui/monitoreditwidget_ui.ui:66 -#: src/ui/monitoreditwidget_ui.ui:76 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:335 -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:386 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:393 -#: src/ui/recmonitor_ui.ui:72 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:407 -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:592 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:717 -#: src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:76 src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:92 -#: src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:108 src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:118 -#: src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:128 src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:141 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:364 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:384 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:401 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:417 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:440 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:447 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:460 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:801 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:808 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:815 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:822 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:829 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:836 src/ui/tracksconfigdialog_ui.ui:61 -#: src/ui/tracksconfigdialog_ui.ui:68 src/ui/tracksconfigdialog_ui.ui:75 -#: src/ui/tracksconfigdialog_ui.ui:82 src/ui/tracksconfigdialog_ui.ui:89 -#: src/ui/unicodewidget_ui.ui:185 src/ui/unicodewidget_ui.ui:210 -msgid "..." -msgstr "..." - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, buttonShowPixmap) -#: src/ui/bezierspline_ui.ui:127 -msgid "Show background indicating changes caused by modifying the curve." -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, buttonGridChange) -#: src/ui/bezierspline_ui.ui:166 -msgid "" -"Increases the number of lines in the grid.
After 8 lines it will begin " -"from 0 again." -msgstr "" -"Αυξάνει τον αριθμό των γραμμών στο πλέγμα.
Μετά από 8 γραμμές θα " -"ξεκινήσει πάλι από το 0." - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, buttonResetSpline) -#: src/ui/bezierspline_ui.ui:192 -msgid "Reset the selected spline" -msgstr "Επαναφορά του επιλεγμένου σπλάιν" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, buttonShowAllHandles) -#: src/ui/bezierspline_ui.ui:205 -msgid "Show handles for all points or only for the selected one" -msgstr "Εμφάνιση χειριστηρίων για όλα τα σημεία ή μόνο για το επιλεγμένο" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, name) -#: src/ui/boolval_ui.ui:30 src/ui/fontval_ui.ui:23 src/ui/listval_ui.ui:23 -msgid "TextLabel" -msgstr "ΕτικέταΚειμένου" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, crop_label) -#: src/ui/clipdurationdialog_ui.ui:30 -msgid "Crop start" -msgstr "Έναρξη περικοπής" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, end_label) -#: src/ui/clipdurationdialog_ui.ui:50 -msgid "Crop end" -msgstr "Τέλος περικοπής" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_path) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, treeWidget) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:27 src/ui/missingclips_ui.ui:72 -msgid "Path" -msgstr "Διαδρομή" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_size) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_6) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_5) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:51 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:231 -#: src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:41 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:93 -msgid "Size:" -msgstr "Μέγεθος:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, clip_filesize) -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, groupBox) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:65 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:157 -#: src/utils/freesound.cpp:212 -msgid "File size" -msgstr "Μέγεθος αρχείου" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, clip_vproperties) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, clip_aproperties) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, metadata_list) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, analysis_list) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, programList) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:117 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:162 -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:542 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:574 -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:371 src/ui/wizardmltcheck_ui.ui:49 -msgid "1" -msgstr "1" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, clip_vproperties) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, clip_aproperties) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, metadata_list) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, analysis_list) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:122 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:167 -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:547 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:579 -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:376 -msgid "2" -msgstr "2" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_slideshow) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:206 -msgid "Slideshow" -msgstr "Προβολή διαφανειών" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, slide_type_label) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:212 -msgid "Image type" -msgstr "Τύπος εικόνας" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, clip_filesize_4) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:222 -msgid "Frame duration" -msgstr "Διάρκεια καρέ" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, slide_loop) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, loop_movie) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, sm_loop) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:255 src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:221 -#: src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:160 src/ui/smconfig_ui.ui:26 -msgid "Loop" -msgstr "Επανάληψη" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, slide_crop) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:339 src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:284 -msgid "Center crop" -msgstr "Κεντράρισμα περικοπής" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_animation) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_6) -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:346 src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:291 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:1121 -msgid "Animation" -msgstr "Κίνηση" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_image) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, background_list) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:357 src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:202 -msgid "Image" -msgstr "Εικόνα" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_16) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:365 -msgid "Image size" -msgstr "Μέγεθος εικόνας" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, image_transparency) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:381 -msgid "Transparent background" -msgstr "Διαφανές φόντο" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, markers_list) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, clip_filesize_3) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:432 src/ui/markerdialog_ui.ui:56 -msgid "Comment" -msgstr "Σχόλιο" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, marker_new) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonNext) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonUnselectAll) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:440 src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:83 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:700 -msgid "N" -msgstr "N" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, marker_edit) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonEdit) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:450 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:414 -msgid "E" -msgstr "E" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, marker_delete) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonDelete) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, button_delete) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, delete_button) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:460 src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:252 -#: src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:103 src/ui/keyframeeditor_ui.ui:78 -#: src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:279 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:428 -msgid "D" -msgstr "D" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_advanced) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:634 -msgid "Advanced" -msgstr "Για προχωρημένους" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, clip_force_ar) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:653 -msgid "Force aspect ratio" -msgstr "Επιβολή αναλογίας διαστάσεων" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, clip_force_threads) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:686 -msgid "Decoding threads" -msgstr "Αποκωδικοποίηση νημάτων" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, clip_force_progressive) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:700 -msgid "Force scanning" -msgstr "Επιβολή σάρωσης" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, clip_force_framerate) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:727 -msgid "Force frame rate" -msgstr "Επιβολή συχνότητας καρέ" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, clip_force_out) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:734 -msgid "Force duration" -msgstr "Επιβολή διάρκειας" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, clip_force_colorspace) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:751 -msgid "Force colorspace" -msgstr "Επιβολή χρωματικού χώρου" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, clip_force_fieldorder) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:765 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Force field order" -msgstr "Επιβολή συχνότητας καρέ" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, clip_force_transparency) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:829 -msgid "Image background" -msgstr "Φόντο εικόνας" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, clip_transparency) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:837 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Normal" -msgstr "Κανονικό" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_dest) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_5) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_6) -#: src/ui/clipstabilize_ui.ui:20 src/ui/cliptranscode_ui.ui:30 -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:45 src/ui/saveprofile_ui.ui:138 -msgid "Destination" -msgstr "Προορισμός" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_source) -#: src/ui/cliptranscode_ui.ui:20 -msgid "Source" -msgstr "Πηγή" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, ffmpeg_label) -#: src/ui/cliptranscode_ui.ui:40 -msgid "FFmpeg parameters" -msgstr "Παράμετροι FFmpeg" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_4) -#: src/ui/cliptranscode_ui.ui:54 -msgid "Job status" -msgstr "Κατάσταση εργασίας" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_start) -#: src/ui/cliptranscode_ui.ui:61 -msgctxt "@action:button start transcode" -msgid "Start" -msgstr "Έναρξη" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_profile) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: src/ui/cliptranscode_ui.ui:68 src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:29 -#: src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:20 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:74 -msgid "Profile" -msgstr "Προφίλ" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, auto_close) -#: src/ui/cliptranscode_ui.ui:88 -msgid "Close after transcode" -msgstr "Κλείσιμο μετά το τέλος της μετατροπής" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/colorclip_ui.ui:30 -msgid "Clip Color" -msgstr "Χρώμα κλιπ" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, ColorPlaneExport_UI) -#: src/ui/colorplaneexport_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Export color plane to PNG" -msgstr "Εξαγωγή επιπέδου χρωμάτων σε PNG" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, lblSpace) -#: src/ui/colorplaneexport_ui.ui:20 -msgid "Color space" -msgstr "Χρωματικός χώρος" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, lblVariant) -#: src/ui/colorplaneexport_ui.ui:37 -msgid "Variant" -msgstr "Παραλλαγή" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QSlider, sliderScaling) -#: src/ui/colorplaneexport_ui.ui:81 -msgid "How much to zoom in" -msgstr "Ποσό μεγέθυνσης" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, lblRes) -#: src/ui/colorplaneexport_ui.ui:101 -msgid "Resolution" -msgstr "Ανάλυση" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, lblFilename) -#: src/ui/colorplaneexport_ui.ui:144 -msgid "Filename" -msgstr "Όνομα αρχείου" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:23 -msgid "Default capture device" -msgstr "Προεπιλεγμένη συσκευή σύλληψης" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, kcfg_defaultcapture) -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, device_selector) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:37 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:70 -#: src/ui/recmonitor_ui.ui:134 -msgid "Firewire" -msgstr "Firewire" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, kcfg_defaultcapture) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, device_selector) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:47 src/ui/recmonitor_ui.ui:144 -msgid "Screen grab" -msgstr "Σύλληψη οθόνης" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, kcfg_defaultcapture) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, device_selector) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:52 src/ui/recmonitor_ui.ui:149 -msgid "Blackmagic card" -msgstr "Κάρτα Blackmagic" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_9) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:89 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:221 -msgid "Capture format" -msgstr "Μορφή σύλληψης" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, kcfg_firewireformat) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:97 -msgid "DV Raw" -msgstr "DV Raw" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, kcfg_firewireformat) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:102 -msgid "DV AVI type 1" -msgstr "DV AVI τύπος 1" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, kcfg_firewireformat) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:107 -msgid "DV AVI type 2" -msgstr "DV AVI τύπος 2" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, button_hdv) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, kcfg_firewireformat) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:112 src/ui/wizardstandard_ui.ui:54 -msgid "HDV" -msgstr "HDV" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_firewireautosplit) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:133 -msgid "Automatically start a new file on scene cut" -msgstr "Αυτόματη δημιουργία νέου αρχείου κατά το κόψιμο σκηνής" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_firewiretimestamp) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:140 -msgid "Add recording time to captured file name" -msgstr "Προσθήκη ώρας εγγραφής στο όνομα του αρχείου" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_5) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_29) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:147 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:696 -msgid "Capture file name" -msgstr "Όνομα αρχείου σύλληψης" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_7) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:157 -msgid "dvgrab additional parameters" -msgstr "Επιπλέον παράμετροι του dvgrab" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_14) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:197 -msgid "Video device" -msgstr "Συσκευή βίντεο" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_30) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_27) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:204 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:666 -msgid "Detected devices" -msgstr "Ανιχνευμένες συσκευές" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, p_size) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:238 src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:48 -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:100 -msgid "720x576" -msgstr "720x576" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, p_fps) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:252 src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:62 -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:114 -msgid "25/1" -msgstr "25/1" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, p_aspect) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:273 src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:76 -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:128 -msgid "59/54" -msgstr "59/54" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, p_display) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:287 src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:90 -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:142 -msgid "4/3" -msgstr "4/3" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, config_v4l) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:308 -msgid "Edit" -msgstr "Επεξεργασία" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_v4l_captureaudio) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:342 -msgid "Capture audio (ALSA)" -msgstr "Σύλληψη ήχου (ALSA)" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_24) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_screengrab) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_16) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:362 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:632 -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:725 src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:203 -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:305 -msgid "Encoding profile" -msgstr "Προφίλ κωδικοποίησης" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_v4l_capturevideo) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:389 -msgid "Capture video (Video4Linux2)" -msgstr "Σύλληψη βίντεο (Video4Linux2)" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, kcfg_grab_capture_type) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:471 -msgid "Full screen capture" -msgstr "Σύλληψη πλήρους οθόνης" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, kcfg_grab_capture_type) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:476 -msgid "Region capture" -msgstr "Σύλληψη περιοχής" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_grab_follow_mouse) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:495 -msgid "Follow mouse" -msgstr "Παρακολούθηση ποντικιού" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_grab_hide_frame) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:502 -msgid "Hide frame" -msgstr "Απόκρυψη καρέ" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_19) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_10) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:524 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:951 -msgid "Offset" -msgstr "Μετατόπιση" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_grab_hide_mouse) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:652 -msgid "Hide cursor" -msgstr "Απόκρυψη δείκτη" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_4) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:660 -msgid "Blackmagic" -msgstr "Blackmagic" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_9) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:42 -msgid "Concurrent threads" -msgstr "Ταυτόχρονα νήματα" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:69 -msgid "MLT environment" -msgstr "Περιβάλλον MLT" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_6) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:78 -msgid "Processing threads" -msgstr "Επεξεργασία νημάτων" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_7) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:91 -msgid "(>1 is experimental)" -msgstr "(>1 είναι πειραματικό)" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:98 -msgid "Melt path" -msgstr "Διαδρομή Melt" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:112 -msgid "MLT profiles folder" -msgstr "Κατάλογος των προφίλ MLT" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_13) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:135 -msgid "FFplay" -msgstr "FFplay" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_14) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:155 -msgid "FFprobe" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_2) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:166 -msgid "Default folders" -msgstr "Προκαθορισμένοι φάκελοι" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_5) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_4) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:172 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:56 -msgid "Project folder" -msgstr "Φάκελος έργου" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:182 -msgid "Temporary files" -msgstr "Προσωρινά αρχεία" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_10) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:192 -msgid "Capture folder" -msgstr "Φάκελος σύλληψης" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_capturetoprojectfolder) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:212 -msgid "Use project folder" -msgstr "Χρήση φακέλου έργου" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_3) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:223 -msgid "Default apps" -msgstr "Προκαθορισμένες εφαρμογές" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_4) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:229 -msgid "Image editing" -msgstr "Επεξεργασία εικόνων" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, kp_image) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, kp_audio) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, kp_player) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:243 src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:264 -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:285 -msgid "Change" -msgstr "Τροποποίηση" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_11) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:250 -msgid "Audio editing" -msgstr "Επεξεργασία ήχου" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_12) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:271 -msgid "Video player" -msgstr "Αναπαραγωγέας βίντεο" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_enableshuttle) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:23 -msgid "Enable Jog Shuttle device" -msgstr "Ενεργοποίηση της συσκευής Jog Shuttle" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, shuttledisabled) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:30 -msgid "Jog Shuttle device disabled." -msgstr "Απενεργοποίηση της συσκευής Jog Shuttle." - -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, config_group) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:53 -msgid "Device configuration" -msgstr "Διαμόρφωση συσκευών" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:85 -msgid "Button 1" -msgstr "Κουμπί 1" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_17) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:98 -msgid "Device" -msgstr "Συσκευή" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_16) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:111 -msgid "Button 15" -msgstr "Κουμπί 15" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_14) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:137 -msgid "Button 13" -msgstr "Κουμπί 13" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_9) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:150 -msgid "Button 8" -msgstr "Κουμπί 8" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_7) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:166 -msgid "Button 4" -msgstr "Κουμπί 4" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:179 -msgid "Device name" -msgstr "Όνομα συσκευής" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_5) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:192 -msgid "Button 5" -msgstr "Κουμπί 5" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_8) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:214 -msgid "Button 7" -msgstr "Κουμπί 7" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_10) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:243 -msgid "Button 9" -msgstr "Κουμπί 9" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_4) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:256 -msgid "Button 2" -msgstr "Κουμπί 2" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_11) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:272 -msgid "Button 10" -msgstr "Κουμπί 10" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_12) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:285 -msgid "Button 11" -msgstr "Κουμπί 11" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_6) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:308 -msgid "Button 6" -msgstr "Κουμπί 6" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_15) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:336 -msgid "Button 14" -msgstr "Κουμπί 14" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:349 -msgid "Button 3" -msgstr "Κουμπί 3" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_13) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:362 -msgid "Button 12" -msgstr "Κουμπί 12" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_usekuiserver) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:23 -msgid "Use KDE job tracking for render jobs" -msgstr "" -"Χρήση του ανιχνευτή εργασιών του KDE για τις εργασίες υλοποίησης βίντεο" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_checkfirstprojectclip) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:30 -msgid "Check if first added clip matches project profile" -msgstr "" -"Έλεγχος αν το πρώτο κλιπ που προστέθηκε ταιριάζει με το προφίλ του έργου" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_crashrecovery) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:37 -msgid "Crash recovery (automatic backup)" -msgstr "Ανάκτηση μετά από κατάρρευση (αυτόματα αντίγραφα ασφαλείας)" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_automultistreams) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:44 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Automatically import all streams in multi stream clips" -msgstr "Αυτόματη εισαγωγή ακολουθίας εικόνων" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_disable_effect_parameters) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:51 -msgid "Disable parameters when the effect is disabled" -msgstr "Απενεργοποίηση παραμέτρων όταν το εφέ είναι απενεργοποιημένο" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_bypasscodeccheck) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:58 -msgid "Bypass codec verification" -msgstr "Παράκαμψη επαλήθευσης κωδικοποιητή" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_autoimagesequence) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:65 -msgid "Automatically import image sequences" -msgstr "Αυτόματη εισαγωγή ακολουθίας εικόνων" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_projectloading_avformatnovalidate) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:72 -msgid "Do not validate the video files when loading a project (faster)" -msgstr "" -"Χωρίς επικύρωση των αρχείων βίντεο κατά τη φόρτωση του έργου (πιο γρήγορο)" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_on_monitor_effects) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:79 -msgid "Use on-monitor effects" -msgstr "Χρήση εφέ σε επισκόπηση" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_use_exiftool) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:86 -msgid "Get clip metadata with exiftool" -msgstr "Ανάκτηση μεταδεδομένων κλιπ με το exiftool" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_openlastproject) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:93 -msgid "Open last project on startup" -msgstr "Άνοιγμα του τελευταίου έργου κατά την εκκίνηση" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, groupBox) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:100 -msgid "Default Durations" -msgstr "Προκαθορισμένες διάρκειες" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:106 -msgid "Color clips" -msgstr "Κλιπ χρώματος" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_8) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:123 -msgid "Title clips" -msgstr "Κλιπ τίτλου" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:130 -msgid "Image sequence" -msgstr "Ακολουθία εικόνων" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_autoimagetransparency) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:149 -msgid "Transparent background for imported images" -msgstr "Διαφανές φόντο για τις εικόνες που εισήχθησαν" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_use_magicLantern) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:169 -msgid "Get clip metadata created by Magic Lantern" -msgstr "Ανάκτηση μεταδεδομένων κλιπ που δημιουργήθηκαν από Magic Lantern" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, properties) -#: src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:23 -msgid "Default Profile" -msgstr "Προκαθορισμένο προφίλ" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_9) -#: src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:69 -msgid "Aspect ratio:" -msgstr "Αναλογία πλευρών:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_10) -#: src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:83 -msgid "Display ratio:" -msgstr "Αναλογία διαστάσεων οθόνης:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_7) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_6) -#: src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:109 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:175 -msgid "Video tracks" -msgstr "Κομμάτια βίντεο" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_8) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_7) -#: src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:119 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:185 -msgid "Audio tracks" -msgstr "Ηχητικά κομμάτια" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, generate_proxy) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_generateproxy) -#: src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:154 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:256 -msgid "Generate for videos larger than" -msgstr "Δημιουργία για βίντεο μεγαλύτερα από" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (suffix), widget (QSpinBox, proxy_minsize) -#. i18n: ectx: property (suffix), widget (QSpinBox, proxy_imageminsize) -#. i18n: ectx: property (suffix), widget (QSpinBox, kcfg_proxyminsize) -#. i18n: ectx: property (suffix), widget (QSpinBox, kcfg_proxyimageminsize) -#: src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:161 src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:181 -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:263 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:283 -msgid "pixels" -msgstr "εικονοστοιχεία" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, generate_imageproxy) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_generateimageproxy) -#: src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:174 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:276 -msgid "Generate for images larger than" -msgstr "Δημιουργία για εικόνες μεγαλύτερες από" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/ui/configsdl_ui.ui:17 -msgid "" -"Warning: changes to the drivers and devices can make Kdenlive unstable. " -"Change only if you know what you do." -msgstr "" -"Προειδοποίηση: αλλαγές στους οδηγούς και τις συσκευές μπορούν να κάνουν το " -"Kdenlive ασταθές. Πραγματοποιήσετε τις αλλαγές μόνο αν γνωρίζετε τι κάνετε." - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_gpu_accel) -#: src/ui/configsdl_ui.ui:27 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Use OpenGL for video display (restart Kdenlive to apply)" -msgid "Use GPU processing (Movit library) - restart Kdenlive to apply" -msgstr "" -"Χρήση του OpenGL για την προβολή βίντεο (επανεκκίνηση του Kdenlive για " -"εφαρμογή)" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_4) -#: src/ui/configsdl_ui.ui:34 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Audio tracks" -msgid "Audio backend" -msgstr "Ηχητικά κομμάτια" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, textLabel1_2) -#: src/ui/configsdl_ui.ui:53 -msgid "Audio driver:" -msgstr "Οδηγός ήχου:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, textLabel1) -#: src/ui/configsdl_ui.ui:66 -msgid "Audio device:" -msgstr "Συσκευή ήχου:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: src/ui/configsdl_ui.ui:82 -msgid "Preview volume:" -msgstr "Προεπισκόπηση έντασης:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/configsdl_ui.ui:102 -msgid "Monitor background color:" -msgstr "Χρώμα φόντου επισκόπησης:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_external_display) -#: src/ui/configsdl_ui.ui:127 -msgid "Use external display (Blackmagic card)" -msgstr "Χρήση εξωτερικής προβολής (κάρτα Blackmagic)" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_5) -#: src/ui/configsdl_ui.ui:134 -msgid "Output device" -msgstr "Συσκευή εξόδου" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, groupBox) -#: src/ui/configtimeline_ui.ui:23 -msgid "Thumbnails" -msgstr "Μικρογραφίες" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_displayallchannels) -#: src/ui/configtimeline_ui.ui:48 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Swap channels" -msgid "Separate channels" -msgstr "Εναλλαγή καναλιών" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_showmarkers) -#: src/ui/configtimeline_ui.ui:73 -msgid "Display clip markers comments" -msgstr "Προβολή σχολίων δεικτών κλιπ" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_autoscroll) -#: src/ui/configtimeline_ui.ui:80 -msgid "Autoscroll while playing" -msgstr "Αυτόματη κύλιση κατά την αναπαραγωγή" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_verticalzoom) -#: src/ui/configtimeline_ui.ui:87 -msgid "Zoom using vertical drag in ruler" -msgstr "Εστίαση με χρήση του κατακόρυφου ρυθμιστή στον χάρακα" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_splitaudio) -#: src/ui/configtimeline_ui.ui:94 -msgid "Automatically split audio and video" -msgstr "Αυτόματος διαχωρισμός ήχου και βίντεο" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/configtimeline_ui.ui:103 -msgid "Track height" -msgstr "Ύψος κομματιού" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_add) -#: src/ui/configtranscode_ui.ui:24 -msgid "Add Profile" -msgstr "Προσθήκη προφίλ" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_update) -#: src/ui/configtranscode_ui.ui:31 -msgid "Update Profile" -msgstr "Ενημέρωση προφίλ" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_delete) -#: src/ui/configtranscode_ui.ui:38 -msgid "Delete Profile" -msgstr "Διαγραφή προφίλ" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_4) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: src/ui/configtranscode_ui.ui:90 src/ui/saveprofile_ui.ui:121 -msgid "Extension" -msgstr "Επέκταση" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_4) -#: src/ui/configtranscode_ui.ui:107 -msgid "Parameters" -msgstr "Παράμετροι" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, button_more) -#: src/ui/cutjobdialog_ui.ui:29 -msgid "Configure job" -msgstr "Διαμόρφωση εργασίας" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_add) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardchapters_ui.ui:39 -msgid "Add chapter" -msgstr "Προσθήκη κεφαλαίου" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardchapters_ui.ui:46 -msgid "Movie file" -msgstr "Αρχείο βίντεο" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_delete) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardchapters_ui.ui:66 -msgid "Remove chapter" -msgstr "Αφαίρεση κεφαλαίου" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, create_menu) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:20 -msgid "Create basic menu" -msgstr "Δημιουργία βασικού μενού" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:49 -msgid "Button" -msgstr "Κουμπί" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_6) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:65 -msgid "Target" -msgstr "Προορισμός" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, back_to_menu) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:82 -msgid "Back to menu" -msgstr "Επιστροφή στο μενού" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, use_shadow) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:126 -msgid "Shadow" -msgstr "Σκίαση" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:138 -msgid "Underline" -msgstr "Υπογράμμιση" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_2) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, lblBackground) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:183 src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:189 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:1076 src/ui/vectorscope_ui.ui:46 -msgid "Background" -msgstr "Φόντο" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonAdd) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, add_button) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, button_add) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonSelectAll) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonAudio) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:232 src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:93 -#: src/ui/keyframeeditor_ui.ui:68 src/ui/timelinebuttons_ui.ui:71 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:723 -msgid "A" -msgstr "A" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:29 -msgid "Temporary data folder" -msgstr "Κατάλογος προσωρινών δεδομένων" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:39 -msgid "DVD ISO image" -msgstr "ISO εικόνα DVD" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (QListWidget, job_progress) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:56 -msgid "Creating menu images" -msgstr "Δημιουργία εικόνων μενού" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (QListWidget, job_progress) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:61 -msgid "Creating menu background" -msgstr "Δημιουργία φόντου μενού" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (QListWidget, job_progress) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:66 -msgid "Creating menu movie" -msgstr "Δημιουργία ταινίας μενού" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (QListWidget, job_progress) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:71 -msgid "Creating dvd structure" -msgstr "Δημιουργία δομής DVD" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (QListWidget, job_progress) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:76 -msgid "Creating iso file" -msgstr "Δημιουργία αρχείου ISO" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_start) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:84 -msgid "Create ISO image" -msgstr "Δημιουργία εικόνας ISO" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_2) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:118 -msgid "Log" -msgstr "Καταγραφή" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_7) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:124 -msgid "Status" -msgstr "Κατάσταση" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, button_burn) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:154 -msgid "Burn" -msgstr "Εγγραφή" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:172 -msgid "Menu File" -msgstr "Αρχείο μενού" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_3) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:186 -msgid "Dvdauthor File" -msgstr "Αρχείο Dvdauthor" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, use_intro) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardvob_ui.ui:59 -msgid "Use first movie as intro" -msgstr "Χρήση του πρώτου βίντεο σαν εισαγωγή" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardvob_ui.ui:66 -msgid "DVD format" -msgstr "Μορφή DVD" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_delete) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardvob_ui.ui:73 -msgid "Remove file" -msgstr "Αφαίρεση αρχείου" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_add) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardvob_ui.ui:130 -msgid "Add movie file" -msgstr "Προσθήκη αρχείου βίντεο" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, convert_label) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardvob_ui.ui:146 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Creating iso file" -msgid "Converting files" -msgstr "Δημιουργία αρχείου ISO" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: src/ui/freesound_ui.ui:22 -msgid "Service" -msgstr "Υπηρεσία" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, page_prev) -#: src/ui/freesound_ui.ui:67 -msgid "<<" -msgstr "<<" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, page_next) -#: src/ui/freesound_ui.ui:104 -msgid ">>" -msgstr ">>" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_import) -#: src/ui/freesound_ui.ui:137 src/utils/archiveorg.cpp:181 -msgid "Import" -msgstr "Εισαγωγή" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/freesound_ui.ui:177 -msgid "License" -msgstr "Άδεια χρήσης" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonMenu) -#: src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:63 -msgid "M" -msgstr "M" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonPrevious) -#: src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:73 -msgid "P" -msgstr "P" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_pos) -#: src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:127 -msgid "Pos" -msgstr "Pos" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_6) -#: src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:198 -msgid "Height" -msgstr "Ύψος" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:219 -msgid "Resize:" -msgstr "Αλλαγή μεγέθους:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, buttonResize) -#: src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:242 -msgid "Original" -msgstr "Αρχικό" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QCheckBox, cbY) -#: src/ui/histogram_ui.ui:17 -msgid "Luma value" -msgstr "Τιμή luma" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, lblComponents) -#: src/ui/histogram_ui.ui:64 -msgid "Components" -msgstr "Συνιστώσες" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QCheckBox, cbS) -#: src/ui/histogram_ui.ui:71 -msgid "RGB summed up" -msgstr "RGB αθροισμένο" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, cbS) -#: src/ui/histogram_ui.ui:74 -msgid "Sum" -msgstr "Άθροισμα" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, ImportKeyframesDialog_UI) -#: src/ui/importkeyframesdialog_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Import Keyframes" -msgstr "Εισαγωγή keyframe" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, limit_keyframes) -#: src/ui/importkeyframesdialog_ui.ui:48 -msgid "Limit keyframes number" -msgstr "Περιορισμός αριθμού keyframe" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/importkeyframesdialog_ui.ui:90 -msgid "Data to import" -msgstr "Δεδομένα για εισαγωγή" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, KeyFrameDialog_UI) -#: src/ui/keyframedialog_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Edit Keyframe" -msgstr "Επεξεργασία keyframe" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, clip_filesize_3) -#: src/ui/keyframedialog_ui.ui:27 -msgid "Value" -msgstr "Τιμή" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, buttonResetKeyframe) -#: src/ui/keyframeeditor_ui.ui:88 -msgid "Reset the parameters to their default values" -msgstr "Επαναφορά όλων των παραμέτρων στις προκαθορισμένες τους τιμές" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, buttonSeek) -#: src/ui/keyframeeditor_ui.ui:98 -msgid "Seek to active keyframe" -msgstr "Μετάβαση στο τρέχον keyframe" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, buttonKeyframes) -#: src/ui/keyframeeditor_ui.ui:114 -msgid "Add keyframes" -msgstr "Προσθήκη keyframe" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, buttonLeftRight) -#: src/ui/keyframewidget_ui.ui:43 -msgid "move on X axis" -msgstr "Μετακίνηση στον άξονα X" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, buttonUpDown) -#: src/ui/keyframewidget_ui.ui:56 -msgid "move on Y axis" -msgstr "Μετακίνηση στον άξονα Y" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, buttonShowInTimeline) -#: src/ui/keyframewidget_ui.ui:69 -msgid "update values in timeline" -msgstr "ανανέωση τιμών στο χρονοδιάγραμμα" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, buttonNewPoints) -#: src/ui/keyframewidget_ui.ui:82 -msgid "create new points" -msgstr "δημιουργία νέων σημείων" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, checkBox) -#: src/ui/keyframewidget_ui.ui:105 -msgid "GraphView" -msgstr "GraphView" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, buttonHelp) -#: src/ui/keyframewidget_ui.ui:121 -msgid "parameter description" -msgstr "παραμετρική περιγραφή" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/keywordval_ui.ui:23 src/ui/urlval_ui.ui:26 -msgid "Param" -msgstr "Παράμετρος" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, ManageCaptures_UI) -#: src/ui/managecaptures_ui.ui:13 -msgid "Captured files" -msgstr "Αρχεία σύλληψης" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, treeWidget) -#: src/ui/managecaptures_ui.ui:35 -msgid "File name" -msgstr "Όνομα αρχείου" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, deleteButton) -#: src/ui/managecaptures_ui.ui:48 -msgid "Delete current file" -msgstr "Διαγραφή του τρέχοντος αρχείου" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, toggleButton) -#: src/ui/managecaptures_ui.ui:55 -msgid "Toggle selection" -msgstr "Εναλλαγή επιλογής" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/manageencodingprofile_ui.ui:20 -msgid "Editing profiles for" -msgstr "Επεξεργασία προφίλ για" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_category) -#: src/ui/markerdialog_ui.ui:76 -msgid "Category" -msgstr "Κατηγορία" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, clip_thumb) -#: src/ui/markerdialog_ui.ui:86 -msgid "Image preview" -msgstr "Προεπισκόπηση εικόνας" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, MissingClips_UI) -#: src/ui/missingclips_ui.ui:14 -msgid " Clip Problems" -msgstr "Προβλήματα κλιπ" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, removeSelected) -#: src/ui/missingclips_ui.ui:20 -msgid "Remove selected clips" -msgstr "Διαγραφή των επιλεγμένων κλιπ" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, usePlaceholders) -#: src/ui/missingclips_ui.ui:37 -msgid "Use placeholders for missing clips" -msgstr "Δέσμευση χώρου για κλιπ που δεν έχουν βρεθεί" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, recursiveSearch) -#: src/ui/missingclips_ui.ui:80 -msgid "Search recursively" -msgstr "Αναζήτηση αναδρομικά" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, ProfilesDialog_UI) -#: src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Profiles" -msgstr "Προφίλ" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_4) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_7) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_8) -#: src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:106 src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:140 -#: src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:174 -msgid "/" -msgstr "/" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_10) -#: src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:154 -msgid "Display aspect ratio" -msgstr "Αναλογία διαστάσεων οθόνης" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_11) -#: src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:208 -msgid "Fields per second" -msgstr "Πεδία ανά δευτερόλεπτο" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_default) -#: src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:242 -msgid "Use as default" -msgstr "Χρήση ως προεπιλογή" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, button_create) -#: src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:259 -msgid "C" -msgstr "C" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, button_save) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonSave) -#: src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:269 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:421 -msgid "S" -msgstr "S" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, properties) -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:66 -msgid "Video Profile" -msgstr "Προφίλ βίντεο" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:210 -msgid "Thumbnails:" -msgstr "Μικρογραφίες:" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_2) -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:416 -msgid "Project Files" -msgstr "Αρχεία έργου" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_12) -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:422 -msgid "Clips used in project:" -msgstr "Κλιπ που χρησιμοποιούνται σε αυτό το έργο:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_6) -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:443 -msgid "Unused clips:" -msgstr "Μη χρησιμοποιημένα κλιπ:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, delete_unused) -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:464 -msgid "Delete files" -msgstr "Διαγραφή αρχείων" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_11) -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:471 -msgid "Thumbnails cache:" -msgstr "Λανθάνουσα μνήμη μικρογραφιών:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, clear_cache) -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:492 -msgid "Clear cache" -msgstr "Καθαρισμός λανθάνουσας μνήμης" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, delete_proxies) -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:520 -msgid "Delete proxies" -msgstr "Διαγραφή διαμεσολαβητών" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_13) -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:527 -msgid "Project files" -msgstr "Αρχεία έργου" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_fonts) -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:561 -msgid "Fonts" -msgstr "Γραμματοσειρές" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_export) -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:575 -msgid "Plain text export" -msgstr "Εξαγωγή απλού κειμένου" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:39 -msgid "Render Project" -msgstr "Υλοποίηση βίντεο έργου" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:52 -msgid "Output file" -msgstr "Αρχείο εξόδου" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_9) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:112 -msgid "Encoder threads" -msgstr "Νήματα αποκωδικοποιητή" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, scanning_list) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:131 -msgid "Force Progressive" -msgstr "Επιβολή βαθμιαίου" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, scanning_list) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:136 -msgid "Force Interlaced" -msgstr "Επιβολή πεπλεγμένου" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QLineEdit, vbitrates_list) -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QLineEdit, abitrates_list) -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (KComboBox, comboBitrates) -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (KComboBox, comboAudioBitrates) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:176 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:202 -#: src/ui/saveprofile_ui.ui:33 src/ui/saveprofile_ui.ui:87 -msgid "Best to worst quality" -msgstr "Βέλτιστη προς χείριστη ποιότητα" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, checkTwoPass) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:215 -msgid "2 pass" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, rescale) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:222 -msgid "Rescale" -msgstr "Επανακλιμάκωση" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, export_meta) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:250 -msgid "Export metadata" -msgstr "Εξαγωγή μεταδεδομένων" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, tc_overlay) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:276 -msgid "Overlay" -msgstr "Επικάλυψη" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, render_full) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:314 -msgid "Fu&ll project" -msgstr "&Πλήρες έργο" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, render_zone) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:324 -msgid "Selected &zone" -msgstr "&Επιλεγμένη ζώνη" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, render_guide) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:331 -msgid "&Guide zone" -msgstr "&Ζώνη οδηγού" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, buttonRender) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:355 -msgid "Render to File" -msgstr "Υλοποίηση βίντεο σε αρχείο" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, buttonGenerateScript) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:362 -msgid "Generate Script" -msgstr "Δημιουργία σεναρίου" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonInfo) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonSelectImages) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:393 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:680 -msgid "I" -msgstr "I" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, show_all_profiles) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:400 -msgid "Show all profiles" -msgstr "Εμφάνιση όλων των προφίλ" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, open_browser) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:466 -msgid "Open browser window after export" -msgstr "Άνοιγμα παράθυρου περιηγητή μετά την εξαγωγή" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, play_after) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:473 -msgid "Play after render" -msgstr "Αναπαραγωγή μετά την υλοποίηση βίντεο" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:503 -msgid "to" -msgstr "μέχρι" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, create_chapter) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:523 -msgid "Create chapter file based on guides" -msgstr "Δημιουργία αρχείου κεφαλαίου βάσει των οδηγών" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, open_dvd) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:530 -msgid "Open Dvd wizard after rendering" -msgstr "Άνοιγμα του οδηγού DVD μετά την υλοποίηση βίντεο" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, proxy_render) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:537 -msgid "Render using proxy clips" -msgstr "Υλοποίηση βίντεο με χρήση των κλιπ διαμεσολάβησης" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, stemAudioExport) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:623 -msgid "Stem audio export" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_2) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:631 -msgid "Job Queue" -msgstr "Λίστα αναμονής εργασιών" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_7) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:710 -msgid "Error Log" -msgstr "Καταγραφή σφαλμάτων" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, clean_up) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:728 -msgid "Clean Up" -msgstr "Εκκαθάριση" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, shutdown) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:735 -msgid "Shutdown computer after renderings" -msgstr "Τερματισμός του υπολογιστή μετά την ολοκλήρωση της υλοποίησης βίντεο" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, start_job) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:742 -msgid "Start Job" -msgstr "Έναρξη εργασίας" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_3) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:750 -msgid "Scripts" -msgstr "Σενάρια" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, start_script) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:778 -msgid "Start Script" -msgstr "Εκκίνηση σεναρίου" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, delete_script) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:785 -msgid "Delete Script" -msgstr "Διαγραφή σεναρίου" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, lblPaintmode) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, lblPaintMode) -#: src/ui/rgbparade_ui.ui:33 src/ui/vectorscope_ui.ui:29 -#: src/ui/waveform_ui.ui:30 -msgid "Paint mode" -msgstr "Αναπαράσταση" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, SaveProfile_UI) -#: src/ui/saveprofile_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Save Profile" -msgstr "Αποθήκευση προφίλ" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/ui/saveprofile_ui.ui:60 -msgid "Group" -msgstr "Ομαδοποίηση" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: src/ui/saveprofile_ui.ui:108 -msgid "Profile name" -msgstr "Όνομα προφίλ" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/saveprofile_ui.ui:128 -msgid "" -"Parameters (see MLT documentation)" -msgstr "" -"Παράμετροι (δείτε Τεκμηρίωση MLT)" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, SceneCutDialog_UI) -#: src/ui/scenecutdialog_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Scene Cut" -msgstr "Αποκοπή σκηνής" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, add_markers) -#: src/ui/scenecutdialog_ui.ui:23 -msgid "Add clip markers" -msgstr "Προσθήκη δεικτών κλιπ" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, zone_only) -#: src/ui/scenecutdialog_ui.ui:33 -msgid "Analyze only selected zone" -msgstr "Ανάλυση μόνο της επιλεγμένης ζώνης" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, cut_scenes) -#: src/ui/scenecutdialog_ui.ui:63 -msgid "Cut scenes" -msgstr "Αποκοπή σκηνών" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, store_data) -#: src/ui/scenecutdialog_ui.ui:70 -msgid "Save result in clip metadata" -msgstr "Αποθήκευση αποτελέσματος στα μεταδεδομένα του κλιπ" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, groupBox) -#: src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:30 -msgid "Image selection method" -msgstr "Μέθοδος επιλογής εικόνων" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, method_mime) -#: src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:36 -msgid "&Mimetype" -msgstr "&Mimetype" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, method_pattern) -#: src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:46 -msgid "Fi&lename pattern" -msgstr "&Μοτίβο ονόματος αρχείου" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_4) -#: src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:70 -msgid "Image Type" -msgstr "Τύπος εικόνας" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_5) -#: src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:97 -msgid "First frame" -msgstr "Πρώτο καρέ" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:127 -msgid "Frame Duration" -msgstr "Διάρκεια καρέ" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, show_thumbs) -#: src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:245 -msgid "Show thumbnails" -msgstr "Εμφάνιση μικρογραφιών" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: src/ui/smconfig_ui.ui:33 -msgid "Number of frames to play (0 to play all frames)" -msgstr "Αριθμός καρέ για αναπαραγωγή (0 για αναπαραγωγή όλων των καρέ)" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, groupBox_2) -#: src/ui/smconfig_ui.ui:73 -msgid "Interval Capture" -msgstr "Χρονικό διάστημα σύλληψης" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/smconfig_ui.ui:79 -msgid "Capture delay" -msgstr "Καθυστέρηση σύλληψης" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, sm_prenotify) -#: src/ui/smconfig_ui.ui:96 -msgid "Notify before capture" -msgstr "Ειδοποίηση πριν τη σύλληψη" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, SpacerDialog_UI) -#: src/ui/spacerdialog_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Add space" -msgstr "Προσθήκη κενού" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, clip_filesize_3) -#: src/ui/spacerdialog_ui.ui:37 -msgid "Track:" -msgstr "Κομμάτι:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, labelFFTSize) -#: src/ui/spectrogram_ui.ui:52 -msgid "True FFT size:" -msgstr "Πραγματικό μέγεθος FFT:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, live_button) -#: src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:86 -msgid "Live view" -msgstr "Ζωντανή προβολή" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, preview_button) -#: src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:135 -msgid "Preview sequence" -msgstr "Προεπισκόπηση ακολουθίας" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (KComboBox, sequence_name) -#: src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:151 src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:158 -msgid "Sequence name" -msgstr "Όνομα ακολουθίας" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_addsequence) -#: src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:194 -msgid "Add to project" -msgstr "Προσθήκη στο έργο" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/templateclip_ui.ui:17 -msgid "Template" -msgstr "Πρότυπο" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonFitZoom) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonRealSize) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonVideo) -#: src/ui/timelinebuttons_ui.ui:16 src/ui/timelinebuttons_ui.ui:64 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:553 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:563 -msgid "V" -msgstr "V" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, TitleWidget_UI) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Title Clip" -msgstr "Κλιπ τίτλου" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, lWidth) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:109 -msgid "W" -msgstr "W" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_19) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:126 -msgid "H" -msgstr "H" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_12) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:184 -msgid "Z-Index:" -msgstr "Δείκτης ευρετηρίου Z:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:232 -msgid "Item Properties" -msgstr "Ιδιότητες αντικειμένου" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:243 -msgid "Fill color" -msgstr "Χρώμα γεμίσματος" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_11) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:275 -msgid "Border color" -msgstr "Χρώμα περιγράμματος" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_18) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:394 -msgid "Outline" -msgstr "Περίγραμμα" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, displayBg) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:631 -msgid "Show background" -msgstr "Εμφάνιση φόντου" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_22) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:645 -msgid "Template:" -msgstr "Πρότυπο:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonSelectText) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:690 -msgid "T" -msgstr "T" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (whatsThis), widget (QToolButton, buttonSelectAll) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:720 -msgid "Selects all items on the canvas." -msgstr "Επιλογή όλων των αντικειμένων στον καμβά." - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_14) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:761 -msgid "Zoom:" -msgstr "Εστίαση:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_21) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:778 -msgid "Rotate Z:" -msgstr "Περιστροφή Z:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_20) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:785 -msgid "Rotate Y:" -msgstr "Περιστροφή Y:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_15) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:792 -msgid "Rotate X:" -msgstr "Περιστροφή X:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_5) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:877 -msgid "Effect" -msgstr "Εφέ" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (suffix), widget (QSpinBox, typewriter_delay) -#. i18n: ectx: property (suffix), widget (QSpinBox, typewriter_start) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:1007 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:1030 -msgid " frames" -msgstr " καρέ" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_16) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:1023 -msgid "Start at" -msgstr "Έναρξη στο" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, anim_start) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:1127 -msgid "Edit start" -msgstr "Αρχή επεξεργασίας" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, anim_end) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:1137 -msgid "Edit end" -msgstr "Τέλος επεξεργασίας" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_7) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:1162 -msgid "Resize" -msgstr "Αλλαγή μεγέθους" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, resize50) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:1169 -#, no-c-format -msgid "50%" -msgstr "50%" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, resize100) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:1176 -#, no-c-format -msgid "100%" -msgstr "100%" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, resize200) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:1183 -#, no-c-format -msgid "200%" -msgstr "200%" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, keep_aspect) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:1190 -msgid "Keep aspect ratio" -msgstr "Διατήρηση αναλογίας διαστάσεων" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/ui/transitionsettings_ui.ui:23 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Track" -msgid "track" -msgstr "Κομμάτι" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QWidget, UnicodeWidget_UI) -#: src/ui/unicodewidget_ui.ui:20 -msgid "Enter Unicode value" -msgstr "Εισάγετε τιμή unicode" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/ui/unicodewidget_ui.ui:251 -msgid "Additional Information" -msgstr "Επιπλέον πληροφορίες" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_reload) -#: src/ui/wizardcapture_ui.ui:17 -msgid "Check" -msgstr "Επιλογή" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_9) -#: src/ui/wizardcapture_ui.ui:57 -msgid "Capture format:" -msgstr "Μορφή σύλληψης" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/wizardextra_ui.ui:16 -msgid "Default folder for project files" -msgstr "Προκαθορισμένος κατάλογος για τα αρχεία του έργου" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, autosave) -#: src/ui/wizardextra_ui.ui:59 -msgid "Activate crash recovery (auto save)" -msgstr "" -"Ενεργοποίηση ανάκτησης δεδομένων μετά από κατάρρευση (αυτόματη αποθήκευση)" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, installmimes) -#: src/ui/wizardextra_ui.ui:66 -msgid "Install extra video mimetypes" -msgstr "Εγκατάσταση επιπλέον συντομεύσεων βίντεο " - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab) -#: src/ui/wizardmltcheck_ui.ui:21 -msgid "Installed modules" -msgstr "Εγκατεστημένα αρθρώματα" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_2) -#: src/ui/wizardmltcheck_ui.ui:63 -msgid "Available Codecs (avformat)" -msgstr "Διαθέσιμοι κωδικοποιητές (avformat)" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: src/ui/wizardmltcheck_ui.ui:90 -msgid "Formats" -msgstr "Μορφές δεδομένων" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/ui/wizardmltcheck_ui.ui:97 -msgid "Video Codecs" -msgstr "Κωδικοποιητές βίντεο" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/wizardmltcheck_ui.ui:104 -msgid "Audio Codecs" -msgstr "Κωδικοποιητές ήχου" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: src/ui/wizardstandard_ui.ui:17 -msgid "Please set your default video profile" -msgstr "Παρακαλώ ορίσετε το προεπιλεγμένο προφίλ βίντεο" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/ui/wizardstandard_ui.ui:24 -msgid "Video Resolution" -msgstr "Ανάλυση βίντεο" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, button_dv) -#: src/ui/wizardstandard_ui.ui:44 -msgid "DV" -msgstr "DV" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, button_all) -#: src/ui/wizardstandard_ui.ui:61 -msgid "Show All" -msgstr "Εμφάνιση όλων" - -#: src/utils/archiveorg.cpp:78 src/utils/freesound.cpp:86 -#: src/utils/freesound.cpp:184 src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:362 -msgid "Error Loading Data" -msgstr "Σφάλμα φόρτωσης δεδομένων" - -#: src/utils/archiveorg.cpp:91 src/utils/freesound.cpp:95 -#, kde-format -msgid "Found %1 result" -msgid_plural "Found %1 results" -msgstr[0] "Βρέθηκε %1 αποτέλεσμα" -msgstr[1] "Βρέθηκαν %1 αποτελέσματα" - -#: src/utils/freesound.cpp:203 -msgid "Samplerate" -msgstr "Συχνότητα δειγματοληψίας" - -#: src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:67 -msgid "Freesound Audio Library" -msgstr "Βιβλιοθήκη ήχου freesound" - -#: src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:68 -msgid "Archive.org Video Library" -msgstr "Βιντεοθήκη archive.org" - -#: src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:69 -msgid "Open Clip Art Graphic Library" -msgstr "Βιβλιοθήκη γραφικών open clip art" - -#: src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:70 -msgid "Search Online Resources" -msgstr "Αναζήτηση πόρων σε σύνδεση" - -#: src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:92 -msgid "Auto Play" -msgstr "Αυτόματη αναπαραγωγή" - -#: src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:182 -msgctxt "the url link pointing to a web page" -msgid "link" -msgstr "σύνδεσμος" - -#: src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:327 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "File extension:" -msgid "File Exists" -msgstr "Επέκταση αρχείου:" - -#: src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:328 -msgid "Do you want to overwrite the existing file?." -msgstr "" - -#: src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:371 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Data to import" -msgid "Data Imported" -msgstr "Δεδομένα για εισαγωγή" - -#: src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:437 -msgid "" -"You need to be online\n" -" for searching" -msgstr "" -"Πρέπει να είστε συνδεδεμένοι\n" -" για την αναζήτηση" - -#: src/utils/thememanager.cpp:70 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Default" -msgctxt "default theme name" -msgid "Default" -msgstr "Προεπιλεγμένο" - -#: src/utils/thememanager.cpp:213 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Device configuration" -msgid "Configuration..." -msgstr "Διαμόρφωση συσκευών" - -#: src/utils/thememanager.cpp:227 -msgid "" -"Cannot start Colors Settings panel from KDE Control Center. Please check " -"your system..." -msgstr "" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Move effect" -#~ msgid "Compare effect" -#~ msgstr "Μετακίνηση εφέ" - -#~ msgid "Blue Screen" -#~ msgstr "Μπλε οθόνη" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Parameters" -#~ msgid "Selection Parameters" -#~ msgstr "Παράμετροι" - -#~ msgid "Effect List" -#~ msgstr "Λίστα εφέ" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Transitions" -#~ msgid "Transition List" -#~ msgstr "Μεταβάσεις" - -#~ msgid "Lossless / HQ" -#~ msgstr "Χωρίς απώλειες / HQ" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Cannot open file" -#~ msgid "Cannot open playlist producer." -#~ msgstr "Αδυναμία ανοίγματος αρχείου" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Cannot find clip to align." -#~ msgid "Cannot find proper playlist." -#~ msgstr "Αδυναμία εύρεσης κλιπ προς στοίχιση." - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Reload Clip" -#~ msgid "Expland Clip" -#~ msgstr "Επαναφόρτωση κλιπ" - -#~ msgid "Effect Stack" -#~ msgstr "Στοίβα εφέ" - -#~ msgid "Transition" -#~ msgstr "Μετάβαση" - -#~ msgid "Show additional controls" -#~ msgstr "Εμφάνιση επιπλέον συστατικών ελέγχου" - -#~ msgid "Show/Hide the lines connecting the corners" -#~ msgstr "Εμφάνιση/απόκρυψη γραμμών που συνδέουν γωνίες" - -#~ msgid "Playing %1x%2 (%3 fps)" -#~ msgstr "Αναπαραγωγή %1x%2 (%3 fps)" - -#~ msgid "Failed to start device" -#~ msgstr "Αποτυχία εκκίνησης συσκευής" - -#~ msgid "Estimated time %1" -#~ msgstr "Εκτιμώμενος χρόνος %1" - -#~ msgid "Loading" -#~ msgstr "Φόρτωση" - -#~ msgid "Adding clips" -#~ msgstr "Προστίθενται κλιπ" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Show audio thumbnails" -#~ msgid "Loading thumbnails" -#~ msgstr "Εμφάνιση μικρογραφιών ήχου" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Adding clips" -#~ msgid "Loading timeline" -#~ msgstr "Προστίθενται κλιπ" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Switch monitor" -#~ msgid "Setting monitor" -#~ msgstr "Εναλλαγή επισκόπησης" - -#~ msgid "Fun" -#~ msgstr "Διασκεδαστικό" - -#~ msgctxt "effects and transitions keyboard shortcuts" -#~ msgid "Effects & Transitions" -#~ msgstr "Εφέ και μεταβάσεις" - -#~ msgid "MPEG clip (*.mpeg *.mpg *.vob)" -#~ msgstr "Κλιπ MPEG (*.mpeg *.mpg *.vob)" - -#, fuzzy -#~ msgid "Transcoding to DVD format" -#~ msgstr "Η μετατροπή απέτυχε!" - -#~ msgid "before" -#~ msgstr "πριν" - -#~ msgid "after" -#~ msgstr "μετά" - -#~ msgid "Set zone start" -#~ msgstr "Ορισμός αρχής ζώνης" - -#~ msgid "Set zone end" -#~ msgstr "Ορισμός τέλους ζώνης" - -#~ msgid "Project profile was not found, using default profile." -#~ msgstr "Το προφίλ του έργου δε βρέθηκε. Χρήση του προεπιλεγμένου προφίλ." - -#~ msgid "Missing Profile" -#~ msgstr "Μη διαθέσιμο προφίλ" - -#~ msgid "Project profile not found, replacing with existing one: %1" -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "Το προφίλ του έργου δε βρέθηκε. Αντικατάστασή του με ένα ήδη υπάρχον: %1" - -#~ msgid "Existing Profile" -#~ msgstr "Υπάρχον προφίλ" - -#~ msgid "" -#~ "Your project uses an unknown profile.\n" -#~ "It uses an existing profile name: %1.\n" -#~ "Please choose a new name to save it" -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "Το έργο σας χρησιμοποιεί ένα άγνωστο προφίλ,\n" -#~ "το οποίο χρησιμοποιεί το όνομα ενός ήδη υπάρχοντος προφίλ: %1.\n" -#~ "Παρακαλώ επιλέξτε ένα νέο όνομα για να το αποθηκεύσετε" - -#~ msgid "Project profile was not found, it will be added to your system now." -#~ msgstr "Το προφίλ του έργου δε βρέθηκε, θα προστεθεί τώρα στο σύστημά σας." - -#~ msgid "Buttons overlapping" -#~ msgstr "Αλληλεπικάλυψη κουμπιών" - -#~ msgid "No button in menu" -#~ msgstr "Κανένα κουμπί στο μενού" - -#~ msgid "Missing background image" -#~ msgstr "Μη διαθέσιμη εικόνα φόντου" - -#~ msgid "No menu entry for %1" -#~ msgstr "Δεν υπάρχει καταχώρηση στο μενού για το %1" - -#, fuzzy -#~ msgid "Blackmagic Decklink" -#~ msgstr "Μαύρο χρώμα" - -#~ msgid "Delete data" -#~ msgstr "Διαγραφή δεδομένων" - -#~ msgid "Add data" -#~ msgstr "Προσθήκη δεδομένων" - -#~ msgid "Importing project effects" -#~ msgstr "Εισαγωγή εφέ του έργου" - -#~ msgid "Load Image" -#~ msgstr "Φόρτωση εικόνας" - -#~ msgid "" -#~ "The project file contains missing clips or files and clip duration " -#~ "mismatch" -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "Το αρχείο έργου περιέχει μη διαθέσιμα κλιπ ή αρχεία και αναντιστοιχίες " -#~ "στη διάρκεια των κλιπ" - -#~ msgid "The project file contains clips with duration mismatch" -#~ msgstr "Το αρχείο έργου περιέχει αναντιστοιχίες στη διάρκεια των κλιπ" - -#~ msgid "Duration mismatch" -#~ msgstr "Αναντιστοιχία διάρκειας" - -#~ msgid "Fix duration mismatch" -#~ msgstr "Διόρθωση αποτυχίας ταιριάσματος διάρκειας" - -#, fuzzy -#~ msgid "Movit: Blur" -#~ msgstr "Πλαίσιο θολώματος" - -#~ msgid "Do simple color grading" -#~ msgstr "Απλή χρωματική διαβάθμιση" - -#, fuzzy -#~ msgid "Movit: Mirror" -#~ msgstr "Καθρέπτης" - -#~ msgid "Flips the image horizontally" -#~ msgstr "Οριζόντια αναστροφή της εικόνας" - -#, fuzzy -#~ msgid "Movit: Opacity" -#~ msgstr "Αδιαφάνεια" - -#, fuzzy -#~ msgid "Movit: Saturation" -#~ msgstr "Κορεσμός" - -#, fuzzy -#~ msgid "Saturate or desaturate the image" -#~ msgstr "Δημιουργία εικόνων μενού" - -#, fuzzy -#~ msgid "Movit: Vignette" -#~ msgstr "Βινιετάρισμα" - -#, fuzzy -#~ msgid "Movit: White balance" -#~ msgstr "Ισορροπία λευκού" - -#~ msgid "XVideo" -#~ msgstr "XVideo" - -#~ msgid "X11" -#~ msgstr "X11" - -#~ msgid "XFree86 DGA 2.0" -#~ msgstr "XFree86 DGA 2.0" - -#~ msgid "Nano X" -#~ msgstr "Nano X" - -#~ msgid "Framebuffer console" -#~ msgstr "Κονσόλα framebuffer" - -#~ msgid "Direct FB" -#~ msgstr "Απευθείας FB" - -#~ msgid "SVGAlib" -#~ msgstr "SVGAlib" - -#~ msgid "General graphics interface" -#~ msgstr "Γενικευμένη διεπαφή γραφικών" - -#~ msgid "Ascii art library" -#~ msgstr "Βιβλιοθήκη ascii art" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Sequence not found" -#~ msgid "File not found" -#~ msgstr "Η ακολουθία δε βρέθηκε" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Search scale" -#~ msgid "Search automatically" -#~ msgstr "Κλίμακα αναζήτησης" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Search scale" -#~ msgid "Search manually" -#~ msgstr "Κλίμακα αναζήτησης" - -#~ msgid "Show previous keyframe" -#~ msgstr "Εμφάνιση προηγούμενου keyframe" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Clip in Project Tree" -#~ msgid "Project Tree" -#~ msgstr "Κλιπ στο δέντρο έργου" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Cannot find profile from current clip" -#~ msgid "Adjust Profile to Current Clip" -#~ msgstr "Αδυναμία εύρεσης προφίλ από το τρέχον κλιπ" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Save clip" -#~ msgid "Save clip zone as:" -#~ msgstr "Αποθήκευση κλιπ" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Description" -#~ msgid "Description:" -#~ msgstr "Περιγραφή" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Cannot start the MLT video backend!" -#~ msgid "" -#~ "Cannot start MLT's renderer:\n" -#~ "%1" -#~ msgstr "Αδυναμία εκκίνησης του συστήματος υποστήριξης βίντεο του MLT!" - -#~ msgid "Resize (100%)" -#~ msgstr "Αλλαγή μεγέθους (100%)" - -#~ msgid "Resize (50%)" -#~ msgstr "Αλλαγή μεγέθους (50%)" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Profile already exists" -#~ msgid "Clip already exists" -#~ msgstr "Το προφίλ αυτό υπάρχει ήδη" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Use project folder" -#~ msgid "Copy file to project folder" -#~ msgstr "Χρήση φακέλου έργου" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Delete clips" -#~ msgid "Delete unused clips" -#~ msgstr "Διαγραφή κλιπ" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Group Clips" -#~ msgid "Open Clips" -#~ msgstr "Ομαδοποίηση κλιπ" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Configure job" -#~ msgid "Cancel job" -#~ msgid_plural "Cancel jobs" -#~ msgstr[0] "Διαμόρφωση εργασίας" -#~ msgstr[1] "Διαμόρφωση εργασίας" - -#, fuzzy -#~ msgid "Cannot reverse clip" -#~ msgstr "Αλλαγή μεγέθους κλιπ" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Cannot paste selected clips" -#~ msgid "Cannot render reversed clip" -#~ msgstr "Αδυναμία επικόλλησης των επιλεγμένων κλιπ" - -#~ msgid "" -#~ "Your project's profile %1 is not compatible with the blackmagic output " -#~ "card. Please see supported profiles below. Switching to normal video " -#~ "display." -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "Το προφίλ %1 του έργου σας δεν είναι συμβατό με την κάρτα εξόδου " -#~ "blackmagic. Παρακαλώ δείτε τα παρακάτω υποστηριζόμενα προφίλ. Γίνεται " -#~ "εναλλαγή σε κανονικό βίντεο." - -#~ msgid "Hide track" -#~ msgstr "Απόκρυψη κομματιού" - -#~ msgid "Mute track" -#~ msgstr "Σίγαση κομματιού" - -#, fuzzy -#~ msgid "Invalid clip producer %1\n" -#~ msgstr "Αδυναμία εύρεσης κλιπ προς επεξεργασία" - -#~ msgid "Removed invalid transition: (%1, %2, %3)" -#~ msgstr "Αφαίρεση μη έγκυρης μετάβασης: (%1, %2, %3)" - -#~ msgid "Removed overlapping transition: (%1, %2, %3)" -#~ msgstr "Αφαίρεση επικαλυπτόμενης μετάβασης: (%1, %2, %3)" - -#~ msgid "Desktop search integration" -#~ msgstr "Ενσωμάτωση αναζήτησης επιφάνειας εργασίας" - -#~ msgid "Video driver:" -#~ msgstr "Οδηγός βίντεο:" - -#~ msgid "Normalise audio for thumbnails" -#~ msgstr "Κανονικοποίηση ήχου για τις μικρογραφίες" - -#~ msgid "All" -#~ msgstr "Όλα" - -#, fuzzy -#~ msgid "Custom" -#~ msgstr "Προσαρμογή" - -#~ msgid "with track" -#~ msgstr "με το κομμάτι" - -#~ msgid "DV module (libdv)" -#~ msgstr "DV module (libdv)" - -#~ msgid "Required to work with dv files if avformat module is not installed" -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "Απαιτείται για την χρήση αρχείων dv εάν δεν έχει εγκατασταθεί το άρθρωμα " -#~ "avformat" - -#~ msgid "Open projects in new tabs" -#~ msgstr "Άνοιγμα έργων σε νέες καρτέλες" diff -Nru kdenlive-15.13.0+git20160206.6705c57a/po/en_GB/CMakeLists.txt kdenlive-15.13.0+git20160206.cee1bbb6/po/en_GB/CMakeLists.txt --- kdenlive-15.13.0+git20160206.6705c57a/po/en_GB/CMakeLists.txt 2016-02-06 09:13:45.000000000 +0000 +++ kdenlive-15.13.0+git20160206.cee1bbb6/po/en_GB/CMakeLists.txt 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -GETTEXT_PROCESS_PO_FILES(en_GB ALL INSTALL_DESTINATION ${LOCALE_INSTALL_DIR} kdenlive.po) diff -Nru kdenlive-15.13.0+git20160206.6705c57a/po/en_GB/kdenlive.po kdenlive-15.13.0+git20160206.cee1bbb6/po/en_GB/kdenlive.po --- kdenlive-15.13.0+git20160206.6705c57a/po/en_GB/kdenlive.po 2016-02-06 09:13:45.000000000 +0000 +++ kdenlive-15.13.0+git20160206.cee1bbb6/po/en_GB/kdenlive.po 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 @@ -1,12396 +0,0 @@ -# Copyright (C) YEAR This_file_is_part_of_KDE -# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package. -# -# Steve Allewell , 2015. -msgid "" -msgstr "" -"Project-Id-Version: \n" -"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugs.kde.org\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-12-11 07:07+0000\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-12-08 14:56+0000\n" -"Last-Translator: Steve Allewell \n" -"Language-Team: British English \n" -"Language: en_GB\n" -"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" -"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" -"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" -"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;\n" -"X-Generator: Lokalize 1.5\n" - -msgctxt "NAME OF TRANSLATORS" -msgid "Your names" -msgstr "Steve Allewell" - -msgctxt "EMAIL OF TRANSLATORS" -msgid "Your emails" -msgstr "steve.allewell@gmail.com" - -#: data/effects/audiobalance.xml:3 data/effects/audiobalance.xml:7 -msgid "Balance" -msgstr "Balance" - -#: data/effects/audiobalance.xml:4 -msgid "Adjust the left/right balance" -msgstr "Adjust the left/right balance" - -#: data/effects/audiopan.xml:3 data/effects/audiopan.xml:11 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:347 src/project/dialogs/slideshowclip.cpp:73 -msgid "Pan" -msgstr "Pan" - -#: data/effects/audiopan.xml:4 -msgid "Adjust the left/right spread of a channel" -msgstr "Adjust the left/right spread of a channel" - -#: data/effects/audiopan.xml:7 data/effects/channelcopy.xml:7 -#: data/effects/channelcopy.xml:11 -msgid "Left,Right" -msgstr "Left,Right" - -#: data/effects/audiopan.xml:8 data/effects/frei0r_bezier_curves.xml:9 -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:9 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:66 -#: data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:10 data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:42 -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:25 -msgid "Channel" -msgstr "Channel" - -#: data/effects/audiowave.xml:3 -msgid "Audio Wave" -msgstr "Audio Wave" - -#: data/effects/audiowave.xml:4 -msgid "Display the audio waveform instead of the video" -msgstr "Display the audio waveform instead of the video" - -#: data/effects/audiowaveform.xml:3 -msgid "Audio Waveform Filter" -msgstr "Audio Waveform Filter" - -#: data/effects/audiowaveform.xml:6 data/effects/dynamictext.xml:22 -#: data/effects/pan_zoom.xml:13 data/effects/rotation.xml:40 -#: data/effects/rotation_keyframable.xml:22 -msgid "Background Color" -msgstr "Background Colour" - -#: data/effects/audiowaveform.xml:9 data/effects/dynamictext.xml:19 -msgid "Foreground Color" -msgstr "Foreground Colour" - -#: data/effects/audiowaveform.xml:12 -msgid "Line Thickness" -msgstr "Line Thickness" - -#: data/effects/audiowaveform.xml:15 data/effects/movit_rect.xml:6 -#: data/effects/pan_zoom.xml:7 -msgid "Rectangle" -msgstr "Rectangle" - -#: data/effects/audiowaveform.xml:18 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:721 -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:766 -msgid "Fill" -msgstr "Fill" - -#: data/effects/automask.xml:3 -msgid "Auto Mask" -msgstr "Auto Mask" - -#: data/effects/automask.xml:4 -msgid "Hide a selected zone and follow its movements" -msgstr "Hide a selected zone and follow its movements" - -#: data/effects/automask.xml:7 data/effects/dynamictext.xml:7 -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:718 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:745 -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:763 -msgid "Geometry" -msgstr "Geometry" - -#: data/effects/automask.xml:10 -msgid "Macroblock width" -msgstr "Macroblock width" - -#: data/effects/automask.xml:13 -msgid "Macroblock height" -msgstr "Macroblock height" - -#: data/effects/automask.xml:16 -msgid "Maximum x distance" -msgstr "Maximum x distance" - -#: data/effects/automask.xml:19 -msgid "Maximum y distance" -msgstr "Maximum y distance" - -#: data/effects/automask.xml:22 -msgid "Denoise" -msgstr "Denoise" - -#: data/effects/automask.xml:25 -msgid "Debug" -msgstr "Debug" - -#: data/effects/automask.xml:28 data/effects/obscure.xml:3 -msgid "Obscure" -msgstr "Obscure" - -#: data/effects/automask.xml:36 data/effects/loudness.xml:12 -msgid "Analyse" -msgstr "Analyse" - -#: data/effects/boxblur.xml:3 -msgid "Box Blur" -msgstr "Box Blur" - -#: data/effects/boxblur.xml:4 -msgid "Box blur (separate horizontal and vertical blur)" -msgstr "Box blur (separate horizontal and vertical blur)" - -#: data/effects/boxblur.xml:7 -msgid "Horizontal multiplicator" -msgstr "Horizontal multiplicator" - -#: data/effects/boxblur.xml:10 -msgid "Vertical multiplicator" -msgstr "Vertical multiplicator" - -#: data/effects/boxblur.xml:13 -msgid "Blur factor" -msgstr "Blur factor" - -#: data/effects/brightness.xml:3 -msgid "Brightness (keyframable)" -msgstr "Brightness (keyframable)" - -#: data/effects/brightness.xml:4 -msgid "Change image brightness with keyframes" -msgstr "Change image brightness with keyframes" - -#: data/effects/brightness.xml:7 -msgid "Intensity" -msgstr "Intensity" - -#: data/effects/channelcopy.xml:3 -msgid "Mono to stereo" -msgstr "Mono to stereo" - -#: data/effects/channelcopy.xml:4 -msgid "Copy one channel to another" -msgstr "Copy one channel to another" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_4) -#: data/effects/channelcopy.xml:8 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:486 -msgid "From" -msgstr "From" - -#: data/effects/channelcopy.xml:12 -msgid "To" -msgstr "To" - -#: data/effects/charcoal.xml:3 -msgid "Charcoal" -msgstr "Charcoal" - -#: data/effects/charcoal.xml:4 -msgid "Charcoal drawing effect" -msgstr "Charcoal drawing effect" - -#: data/effects/charcoal.xml:7 -msgid "Horizontal scatter" -msgstr "Horizontal scatter" - -#: data/effects/charcoal.xml:10 -msgid "Vertical scatter" -msgstr "Vertical scatter" - -#: data/effects/charcoal.xml:13 -msgid "Scale" -msgstr "Scale" - -#: data/effects/charcoal.xml:16 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:757 -msgid "Mix" -msgstr "Mix" - -#: data/effects/charcoal.xml:19 data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:31 -#: data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:63 data/effects/frei0r_mask0mate.xml:19 -#: data/effects/invert.xml:3 data/effects/mirror.xml:11 -#: data/effects/rotoscoping.xml:18 src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:215 -msgid "Invert" -msgstr "Invert" - -#: data/effects/chroma.xml:3 -msgid "Chroma Key" -msgstr "Chroma Key" - -#: data/effects/chroma.xml:4 -msgid "Make selected color transparent" -msgstr "Make selected colour transparent" - -#: data/effects/chroma.xml:7 data/effects/chroma_hold.xml:7 -msgid "Color key" -msgstr "Colour key" - -#: data/effects/chroma.xml:10 data/effects/chroma_hold.xml:10 -msgid "Variance" -msgstr "Variance" - -#: data/effects/chroma_hold.xml:3 -msgid "Chroma Hold" -msgstr "Chroma Hold" - -#: data/effects/chroma_hold.xml:4 -msgid "Make image greyscale except for chosen color" -msgstr "Make image greyscale except for chosen colour" - -#: data/effects/crop.xml:3 -msgid "Edge Crop" -msgstr "Edge Crop" - -#: data/effects/crop.xml:4 -msgid "Trim the edges of a clip" -msgstr "Trim the edges of a clip" - -#: data/effects/crop.xml:7 data/effects/frei0r_mask0mate.xml:13 -msgid "Top" -msgstr "Top" - -#: data/effects/crop.xml:10 data/effects/frei0r_mask0mate.xml:7 -msgid "Left" -msgstr "Left" - -#: data/effects/crop.xml:13 data/effects/frei0r_mask0mate.xml:16 -msgid "Bottom" -msgstr "Bottom" - -#: data/effects/crop.xml:16 data/effects/frei0r_mask0mate.xml:10 -msgid "Right" -msgstr "Right" - -#: data/effects/crop.xml:19 -msgid "Automatic center-crop" -msgstr "Automatic centre-crop" - -#: data/effects/crop.xml:22 -msgid "Center balance" -msgstr "Centre balance" - -#: data/effects/crop.xml:25 -msgid "Use project resolution" -msgstr "Use project resolution" - -#: data/effects/dust.xml:3 -msgid "Dust" -msgstr "Dust" - -#: data/effects/dust.xml:4 -msgid "Add dust and specks to the video, as in old movies" -msgstr "Add dust and specks to the video, as in old movies" - -#: data/effects/dust.xml:7 -msgid "Maximal Diameter" -msgstr "Maximal Diameter" - -#: data/effects/dust.xml:10 -msgid "Maximal number of dust" -msgstr "Maximal number of dust" - -#: data/effects/dynamictext.xml:3 -msgid "Dynamic Text" -msgstr "Dynamic Text" - -#: data/effects/dynamictext.xml:4 -msgid "Overlay text with keywords replaced" -msgstr "Overlay text with keywords replaced" - -#: data/effects/dynamictext.xml:10 -msgid "Font Family" -msgstr "Font Family" - -#: data/effects/dynamictext.xml:13 -msgid "Font Size" -msgstr "Font Size" - -#: data/effects/dynamictext.xml:16 -msgid "Font Weight" -msgstr "Font Weight" - -#: data/effects/dynamictext.xml:25 -msgid "Outline Color" -msgstr "Outline Colour" - -#: data/effects/dynamictext.xml:28 -msgid "Outline Width" -msgstr "Outline Width" - -#: data/effects/dynamictext.xml:31 -msgid "Padding" -msgstr "Padding" - -#: data/effects/dynamictext.xml:34 -msgid "Left,Center,Right" -msgstr "Left,Centre,Right" - -#: data/effects/dynamictext.xml:35 -msgid "Horizontal Alignment" -msgstr "Horizontal Alignment" - -#: data/effects/dynamictext.xml:38 -msgid "Top,Middle,Bottom" -msgstr "Top,Middle,Bottom" - -#: data/effects/dynamictext.xml:39 -msgid "Vertical Alignment" -msgstr "Vertical Alignment" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, text_box) -#: data/effects/dynamictext.xml:42 src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:55 -#: src/ui/templateclip_ui.ui:34 -msgid "Text" -msgstr "Text" - -#: data/effects/fade_from_black.xml:3 -msgid "Fade from Black" -msgstr "Fade from Black" - -#: data/effects/fade_from_black.xml:4 -msgid "Fade video from black" -msgstr "Fade video from black" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_duration) -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, ClipDurationDialog_UI) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, duration_label) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: data/effects/fade_from_black.xml:7 data/effects/fade_to_black.xml:7 -#: data/effects/fadein.xml:10 data/effects/fadeout.xml:7 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:133 -#: src/ui/clipdurationdialog_ui.ui:14 src/ui/clipdurationdialog_ui.ui:40 -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:58 src/ui/colorclip_ui.ui:37 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:747 src/utils/freesound.cpp:157 -#: src/utils/freesound.cpp:196 src/utils/freesound.cpp:197 -#: src/utils/freesound.cpp:198 -msgid "Duration" -msgstr "Duration" - -#: data/effects/fade_from_black.xml:10 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/bezier/beziersplinewidget.cpp:52 -msgid "In" -msgstr "In" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: data/effects/fade_from_black.xml:13 data/effects/fade_to_black.xml:13 -#: src/ui/wipeval_ui.ui:22 -msgid "Start" -msgstr "Start" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_4) -#: data/effects/fade_from_black.xml:16 data/effects/fade_to_black.xml:16 -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:409 src/ui/wipeval_ui.ui:167 -msgid "End" -msgstr "End" - -#: data/effects/fade_to_black.xml:3 -msgid "Fade to Black" -msgstr "Fade to Black" - -#: data/effects/fade_to_black.xml:4 -msgid "Fade video to black" -msgstr "Fade video to black" - -#: data/effects/fade_to_black.xml:10 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/bezier/beziersplinewidget.cpp:54 -msgid "Out" -msgstr "Out" - -#: data/effects/fadein.xml:3 -msgid "Fade in" -msgstr "Fade in" - -#: data/effects/fadein.xml:4 -msgid "Fade in audio track" -msgstr "Fade in audio track" - -#: data/effects/fadein.xml:13 data/effects/fadeout.xml:13 -msgid "Start Gain" -msgstr "Start Gain" - -#: data/effects/fadein.xml:16 data/effects/fadeout.xml:16 -msgid "End Gain" -msgstr "End Gain" - -#: data/effects/fadeout.xml:3 -msgid "Fade out" -msgstr "Fade out" - -#: data/effects/fadeout.xml:4 -msgid "Fade out audio track" -msgstr "Fade out audio track" - -#: data/effects/freeze.xml:3 -msgid "Freeze" -msgstr "Freeze" - -#: data/effects/freeze.xml:4 -msgid "Freeze video on a chosen frame" -msgstr "Freeze video on a chosen frame" - -#: data/effects/freeze.xml:7 -msgid "Freeze at" -msgstr "Freeze at" - -#: data/effects/freeze.xml:10 -msgid "Freeze Before" -msgstr "Freeze Before" - -#: data/effects/freeze.xml:13 -msgid "Freeze After" -msgstr "Freeze After" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_3dflippo.xml:3 -msgid "3dflippo" -msgstr "3dflippo" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_3dflippo.xml:4 -msgid "Frame rotation in 3D space" -msgstr "Frame rotation in 3D space" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_3dflippo.xml:7 -msgid "X axis rotation" -msgstr "X axis rotation" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_3dflippo.xml:10 -msgid "Y axis rotation" -msgstr "Y axis rotation" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_3dflippo.xml:13 -msgid "Z axis rotation" -msgstr "Z axis rotation" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_3dflippo.xml:16 -msgid "X axis rotation rate" -msgstr "X axis rotation rate" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_3dflippo.xml:19 -msgid "Y axis rotation rate" -msgstr "Y axis rotation rate" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_3dflippo.xml:22 -msgid "Z axis rotation rate" -msgstr "Z axis rotation rate" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_3dflippo.xml:25 -msgid "Center position (X)" -msgstr "Centre position (X)" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_3dflippo.xml:28 -msgid "Center position (Y)" -msgstr "Centre position (Y)" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_3dflippo.xml:31 -msgid "Invert rotation assignment" -msgstr "Invert rotation assignment" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_3dflippo.xml:34 -msgid "Don't blank mask" -msgstr "Don't blank mask" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_3dflippo.xml:37 -msgid "Fill with image or black" -msgstr "Fill with image or black" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:4 data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:36 -msgid "Alpha operations" -msgstr "Alpha operations" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:5 data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:37 -msgid "Display and manipulation of the alpha channel" -msgstr "Display and manipulation of the alpha channel" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:9 data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:41 -msgid "" -"Image,Alpha as gray,Gray + red,Selection on black,Selection on gray," -"Selection on white,Selection on checkers" -msgstr "" -"Image,Alpha as gray,Gray + red,Selection on black,Selection on gray," -"Selection on white,Selection on checkers" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:10 data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:42 -msgid "Display" -msgstr "Display" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:14 data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:46 -msgid "Display input alpha" -msgstr "Display input alpha" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:18 -msgid "NO OP,Shave,Shrink hard,Shrink soft,Grow hard,Grow soft,Threshold" -msgstr "NO OP,Shave,Shrink hard,Shrink soft,Grow hard,Grow soft,Threshold" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:19 data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:51 -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphagrad.xml:30 data/effects/frei0r_alphaspot.xml:47 -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:45 data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:96 -msgid "Operation" -msgstr "Operation" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:23 data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:55 -#: data/effects/frei0r_threshold0r.xml:7 data/effects/threshold.xml:3 -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:217 -msgid "Threshold" -msgstr "Threshold" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:27 -msgid "Shrink/grow amount" -msgstr "Shrink/grow amount" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:50 -msgid "NO OP,Shave,Shrink hard,Shrink soft,Grow hard,Grow soft,Threshold,Blur" -msgstr "NO OP,Shave,Shrink hard,Shrink soft,Grow hard,Grow soft,Threshold,Blur" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:59 -msgid "Shrink/Grow/Blur amount" -msgstr "Shrink/Grow/Blur amount" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphagrad.xml:3 -msgid "Alpha gradient" -msgstr "Alpha gradient" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphagrad.xml:4 -msgid "Fill the alpha channel with a specified gradient" -msgstr "Fill the alpha channel with a specified gradient" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, clip_filesize_2) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, position_label) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, import_position) -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphagrad.xml:9 src/effectstack/keyframeedit.cpp:55 -#: src/ui/clipdurationdialog_ui.ui:20 src/ui/importkeyframesdialog_ui.ui:80 -#: src/ui/keyframedialog_ui.ui:20 src/ui/markerdialog_ui.ui:20 -msgid "Position" -msgstr "Position" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphagrad.xml:13 data/effects/frei0r_alphaspot.xml:34 -msgid "Transition width" -msgstr "Transition width" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphagrad.xml:17 data/effects/frei0r_alphaspot.xml:30 -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:16 -msgid "Tilt" -msgstr "Tilt" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphagrad.xml:21 data/effects/frei0r_alphaspot.xml:38 -msgid "Min" -msgstr "Min" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphagrad.xml:25 data/effects/frei0r_alphaspot.xml:42 -msgid "Max" -msgstr "Max" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphagrad.xml:29 data/effects/frei0r_alphaspot.xml:46 -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:44 data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:95 -msgid "Write on clear,Max,Min,Add,Subtract" -msgstr "Write on clear,Max,Min,Add,Subtract" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphaspot.xml:3 -msgid "Alpha shapes" -msgstr "Alpha shapes" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphaspot.xml:4 -msgid "Draws simple shapes into the alpha channel" -msgstr "Draws simple shapes into the alpha channel" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphaspot.xml:9 -msgid "Rectangle,Ellipse,Triangle,Diamond" -msgstr "Rectangle,Ellipse,Triangle,Diamond" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphaspot.xml:10 data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:29 -#: data/effects/sox_flanger.xml:22 -msgid "Shape" -msgstr "Shape" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphaspot.xml:14 -msgid "Position X" -msgstr "Position X" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphaspot.xml:18 -msgid "Position Y" -msgstr "Position Y" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphaspot.xml:22 -msgid "Size X" -msgstr "Size X" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphaspot.xml:26 -msgid "Size Y" -msgstr "Size Y" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_balanc0r.xml:4 data/effects/frei0r_balanc0r.xml:15 -msgid "White Balance" -msgstr "White Balance" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_balanc0r.xml:5 data/effects/frei0r_balanc0r.xml:16 -msgid "Adjust the white balance / color temperature" -msgstr "Adjust the white balance / colour temperature" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_balanc0r.xml:8 data/effects/frei0r_balanc0r.xml:19 -#: data/effects/frei0r_colgate.xml:8 data/effects/movit_white_balance.xml:6 -msgid "Neutral Color" -msgstr "Neutral Colour" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_balanc0r.xml:11 data/effects/frei0r_balanc0r.xml:22 -msgid "Green Tint" -msgstr "Green Tint" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_baltan.xml:3 -msgid "Baltan" -msgstr "Baltan" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_baltan.xml:4 -msgid "Delayed alpha smoothed blit of time" -msgstr "Delayed alpha smoothed blit of time" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_bezier_curves.xml:3 -msgid "Bézier Curves" -msgstr "Bézier Curves" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_bezier_curves.xml:4 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:5 -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:62 -msgid "Color curves adjustment" -msgstr "Colour curves adjustment" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_bezier_curves.xml:8 -msgid "RGB,Red,Green,Blue,Alpha,Luma,Hue,Saturation" -msgstr "RGB,Red,Green,Blue,Alpha,Luma,Hue,Saturation" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_bezier_curves.xml:13 -#: data/effects/frei0r_coloradj_rgb.xml:33 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:12 -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:69 -msgid "Rec. 601,Rec. 709" -msgstr "Rec. 601,Rec. 709" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_bezier_curves.xml:14 -#: data/effects/frei0r_coloradj_rgb.xml:34 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:13 -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:70 -msgid "Luma formula" -msgstr "Luma formula" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_brightness.xml:3 data/effects/frei0r_brightness.xml:7 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lenscorrection.xml:19 data/effects/grain.xml:13 -msgid "Brightness" -msgstr "Brightness" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_brightness.xml:4 -msgid "Adjusts the brightness of a source image" -msgstr "Adjusts the brightness of a source image" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:3 -msgid "Corners" -msgstr "Corners" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:4 -msgid "Four corners geometry engine" -msgstr "Four corners geometry engine" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:8 -msgid "Corner 1 X" -msgstr "Corner 1 X" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:12 -msgid "Corner 1 Y" -msgstr "Corner 1 Y" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:16 -msgid "Corner 2 X" -msgstr "Corner 2 X" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:20 -msgid "Corner 2 Y" -msgstr "Corner 2 Y" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:24 -msgid "Corner 3 X" -msgstr "Corner 3 X" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:28 -msgid "Corner 3 Y" -msgstr "Corner 3 Y" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:32 -msgid "Corner 4 X" -msgstr "Corner 4 X" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:36 -msgid "Corner 4 Y" -msgstr "Corner 4 Y" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:40 -msgid "Stretch X" -msgstr "Stretch X" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:44 -msgid "Stretch Y" -msgstr "Stretch Y" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:48 -msgid "Feather Alpha" -msgstr "Feather Alpha" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:52 -msgid "Enable Stretch" -msgstr "Enable Stretch" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:56 data/effects/frei0r_defish0r.xml:24 -msgid "" -"Nearest neighbor,Bilinear,Bicubic smooth,Bicubic sharp,Spline 4x4,Spline 6x6," -"Lanczos" -msgstr "" -"Nearest neighbor,Bilinear,Bicubic smooth,Bicubic sharp,Spline 4x4,Spline 6x6," -"Lanczos" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:57 data/effects/frei0r_defish0r.xml:25 -msgid "Interpolator" -msgstr "Interpolator" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:61 data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:63 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:136 -msgid "Transparent Background" -msgstr "Transparent Background" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:65 data/effects/rotoscoping.xml:13 -msgid "Write on clear,Maximum,Minimum,Add,Subtract" -msgstr "Write on clear,Maximum,Minimum,Add,Subtract" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:66 -msgid "Alpha operation" -msgstr "Alpha operation" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_cartoon.xml:4 data/effects/frei0r_cartoon.xml:15 -msgid "Cartoon" -msgstr "Cartoon" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_cartoon.xml:5 data/effects/frei0r_cartoon.xml:16 -msgid "Cartoonify video, do a form of edge detect" -msgstr "Cartoonify video, do a form of edge detect" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_cartoon.xml:8 data/effects/frei0r_cartoon.xml:19 -msgid "Level of trip" -msgstr "Level of trip" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_cartoon.xml:11 data/effects/frei0r_cartoon.xml:22 -msgid "Difference space" -msgstr "Difference space" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_cluster.xml:3 -msgid "K-Means Clustering" -msgstr "K-Means Clustering" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_cluster.xml:4 -msgid "Clusters of a source image by color and spatial distance" -msgstr "Clusters of a source image by colour and spatial distance" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_cluster.xml:7 -msgid "Amount of clusters" -msgstr "Amount of clusters" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_cluster.xml:10 -msgid "Weight on distance" -msgstr "Weight on distance" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_colgate.xml:3 -msgid "White Balance (LMS space)" -msgstr "White Balance (LMS space)" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_colgate.xml:5 -msgid "" -"Do simple color correction, in a physically meaningful\n" -"way" -msgstr "" -"Do simple colour correction, in a physically meaningful\n" -"way" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_colgate.xml:12 data/effects/movit_white_balance.xml:9 -msgid "Color Temperature" -msgstr "Colour Temperature" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_coloradj_rgb.xml:3 -msgid "RGB adjustment" -msgstr "RGB adjustment" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_coloradj_rgb.xml:4 -msgid "Simple color adjustment" -msgstr "Simple colour adjustment" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, cbR) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonSelectRects) -#: data/effects/frei0r_coloradj_rgb.xml:8 src/ui/histogram_ui.ui:30 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:733 -msgid "R" -msgstr "R" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, cbG) -#: data/effects/frei0r_coloradj_rgb.xml:12 src/ui/histogram_ui.ui:37 -msgid "G" -msgstr "G" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, cbB) -#: data/effects/frei0r_coloradj_rgb.xml:16 src/ui/histogram_ui.ui:44 -msgid "B" -msgstr "B" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_coloradj_rgb.xml:20 -msgid "Add constant,Change gamma,Multiply" -msgstr "Add constant,Change gamma,Multiply" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_coloradj_rgb.xml:21 -msgid "Action" -msgstr "Action" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_coloradj_rgb.xml:25 -msgid "Keep luma" -msgstr "Keep luma" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_coloradj_rgb.xml:29 -msgid "Alpha controlled" -msgstr "Alpha controlled" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_colordistance.xml:3 -msgid "Color Distance" -msgstr "Colour Distance" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_colordistance.xml:4 -msgid "" -"Calculates the distance between the selected color and the current pixel and " -"uses that value as new pixel value" -msgstr "" -"Calculates the distance between the selected colour and the current pixel " -"and uses that value as new pixel value" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_colordistance.xml:7 -msgid "Source Color" -msgstr "Source Colour" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_colortap.xml:3 -msgid "Color Effect" -msgstr "Colour Effect" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_colortap.xml:4 -msgid "Applies a pre-made color effect to image" -msgstr "Applies a pre-made colour effect to image" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, treeWidget) -#: data/effects/frei0r_colortap.xml:7 data/effects/frei0r_defish0r.xml:14 -#: data/effects/frei0r_iirblur.xml:14 data/effects/frei0r_medians.xml:9 -#: src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:74 src/ui/missingclips_ui.ui:67 -msgid "Type" -msgstr "Type" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_contrast0r.xml:3 data/effects/frei0r_contrast0r.xml:7 -#: data/effects/grain.xml:10 src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:209 -msgid "Contrast" -msgstr "Contrast" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_contrast0r.xml:4 -msgid "Adjusts the contrast of a source image" -msgstr "Adjusts the contrast of a source image" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:4 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:61 -msgid "Curves" -msgstr "Curves" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:8 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:65 -#: data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:9 data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:41 -msgid "Red,Green,Blue,Luma" -msgstr "Red,Green,Blue,Luma" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:20 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:77 -msgid "Number of curve points" -msgstr "Number of curve points" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:23 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:80 -msgid "Point 1 input value" -msgstr "Point 1 input value" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:26 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:83 -msgid "Point 1 output value" -msgstr "Point 1 output value" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:29 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:86 -msgid "Point 2 input value" -msgstr "Point 2 input value" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:32 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:89 -msgid "Point 2 output value" -msgstr "Point 2 output value" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:35 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:92 -msgid "Point 3 input value" -msgstr "Point 3 input value" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:38 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:95 -msgid "Point 3 output value" -msgstr "Point 3 output value" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:41 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:98 -msgid "Point 4 input value" -msgstr "Point 4 input value" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:44 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:101 -msgid "Point 4 output value" -msgstr "Point 4 output value" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:47 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:104 -msgid "Point 5 input value" -msgstr "Point 5 input value" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:50 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:107 -msgid "Point 5 output value" -msgstr "Point 5 output value" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:53 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:110 -msgid "Show graph in picture" -msgstr "Show graph in picture" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:56 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:113 -#: data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:31 data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:63 -msgid "Top Left,Top Right,Bottom Left,Bottom Right" -msgstr "Top Left,Top Right,Bottom Left,Bottom Right" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:57 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:114 -msgid "Graph position" -msgstr "Graph position" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_d90stairsteppingfix.xml:3 -msgid "Nikon D90 Stairstepping fix" -msgstr "Nikon D90 Stairstepping fix" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_d90stairsteppingfix.xml:7 -msgid "" -"Removes stairstepping artifacts from Nikon D90's 720p videos.\n" -" \n" -" " -msgstr "" -"Removes stairstepping artifacts from Nikon D90's 720p videos.\n" -" \n" -" " - -#: data/effects/frei0r_defish0r.xml:3 -msgid "Defish" -msgstr "Defish" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_defish0r.xml:4 -msgid "Non rectilinear lens mappings" -msgstr "Non rectilinear lens mappings" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_defish0r.xml:7 data/effects/frei0r_iirblur.xml:8 -#: data/effects/frei0r_sharpness.xml:8 data/effects/movit_unsharp_mask.xml:9 -msgid "Amount" -msgstr "Amount" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_defish0r.xml:10 -msgid "DeFish" -msgstr "DeFish" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_defish0r.xml:13 -msgid "Equidistant,Orthographic,Equiarea,Stereographic" -msgstr "Equidistant,Orthographic,Equiarea,Stereographic" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_defish0r.xml:17 -msgid "Fill,Center,Fit,Manual" -msgstr "Fill,Centre,Fit,Manual" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, lblScaling) -#: data/effects/frei0r_defish0r.xml:18 src/effectstack/dragvalue.cpp:108 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:207 -#: src/ui/colorplaneexport_ui.ui:74 -msgid "Scaling" -msgstr "Scaling" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_defish0r.xml:21 -msgid "Manual Scale" -msgstr "Manual Scale" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_defish0r.xml:28 -msgid "Square,PAL DV,NTSC DV,HDV,Manual" -msgstr "Square,PAL DV,NTSC DV,HDV,Manual" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_defish0r.xml:29 -msgid "Aspect type" -msgstr "Aspect type" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_defish0r.xml:32 -msgid "Manual Aspect" -msgstr "Manual Aspect" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_delay0r.xml:3 -msgid "delay0r" -msgstr "delay0r" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_delay0r.xml:4 -msgid "Video delay" -msgstr "Video delay" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_delay0r.xml:7 -msgid "Delay time" -msgstr "Delay time" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_delaygrab.xml:3 -msgid "Delay grab" -msgstr "Delay grab" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_delaygrab.xml:4 -msgid "Delayed frame blitting mapped on a time bitmap" -msgstr "Delayed frame blitting mapped on a time bitmap" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_distort0r.xml:3 data/effects/pan_zoom.xml:10 -#: data/kdenliveeffectscategory.rc:35 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:722 -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:746 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:767 -msgid "Distort" -msgstr "Distort" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_distort0r.xml:4 -msgid "Plasma" -msgstr "Plasma" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_distort0r.xml:7 data/effects/wave.xml:7 -msgid "Amplitude" -msgstr "Amplitude" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_distort0r.xml:10 data/effects/sox_bass.xml:10 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:249 -msgid "Frequency" -msgstr "Frequency" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_edgeglow.xml:3 -msgid "Edge glow" -msgstr "Edge glow" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_edgeglow.xml:4 -msgid "Edge glow filter" -msgstr "Edge glow filter" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_edgeglow.xml:7 -msgid "Edge lightening threshold" -msgstr "Edge lightening threshold" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_edgeglow.xml:10 -msgid "Edge brightness upscaling multiplier" -msgstr "Edge brightness upscaling multiplier" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_edgeglow.xml:13 -msgid "Non-edge brightness downscaling multiplier" -msgstr "Non-edge brightness downscaling multiplier" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_equaliz0r.xml:3 -msgid "Equaliz0r" -msgstr "Equaliz0r" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_equaliz0r.xml:4 -msgid "Equalizes the intensity histograms" -msgstr "Equalises the intensity histograms" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facebl0r.xml:3 -msgid "Face blur" -msgstr "Face blur" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facebl0r.xml:4 -msgid "Automatically detect and blur a face using OpenCV" -msgstr "Automatically detect and blur a face using OpenCV" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facebl0r.xml:8 data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:8 -msgid "Search scale" -msgstr "Search scale" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facebl0r.xml:9 data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:9 -#, no-c-format -msgid "" -"The search window scale factor. For example, 120 = 1.20 = increases by 20% " -"on each pass." -msgstr "" -"The search window scale factor. For example, 120 = 1.20 = increases by 20% " -"on each pass." - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facebl0r.xml:13 data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:13 -msgid "Neighbors" -msgstr "Neighbours" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facebl0r.xml:14 data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:14 -msgid "Minimum number of rectangles that determines an object." -msgstr "Minimum number of rectangles that determines an object." - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facebl0r.xml:18 data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:18 -msgid "Smallest" -msgstr "Smallest" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facebl0r.xml:19 data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:19 -msgid "The minimum window size in pixels." -msgstr "The minimum window size in pixels." - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facebl0r.xml:23 -msgid "Largest" -msgstr "Largest" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facebl0r.xml:24 -msgid "" -"The largest size face in pixels - both horizontally and vertically (square " -"window)." -msgstr "" -"The largest size face in pixels - both horizontally and vertically (square " -"window)." - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facebl0r.xml:28 data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:23 -msgid "Recheck" -msgstr "Recheck" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facebl0r.xml:29 data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:24 -msgid "" -"How often to detect a face. In between checks, it does object motion " -"tracking." -msgstr "" -"How often to detect a face. In between checks, it does object motion " -"tracking." - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facebl0r.xml:33 -msgid "Show ellipse" -msgstr "Show ellipse" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facebl0r.xml:34 -msgid "Draw a blue ellipse around the face area?" -msgstr "Draw a blue ellipse around the face area?" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:3 -msgid "Face detect" -msgstr "Face detect" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:4 -msgid "Detect faces and draw shapes on them using OpenCV" -msgstr "Detect faces and draw shapes on them using OpenCV" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:28 -msgid "circle,ellipse,rectangle,random" -msgstr "circle,ellipse,rectangle,random" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:33 -msgid "Stroke width" -msgstr "Stroke width" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:34 -msgid "" -"0 means fill; otherwise, draw unfilled with a stroke width of this size." -msgstr "" -"0 means fill; otherwise, draw unfilled with a stroke width of this size." - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:38 -msgid "Alpha" -msgstr "Alpha" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:39 -msgid "" -"Set the alpha channel of the shape area to a percentage of fully opaque." -msgstr "" -"Set the alpha channel of the shape area to a percentage of fully opaque." - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:43 -msgid "Antialias" -msgstr "Antialias" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:44 -msgid "Draw with anti-aliasing?" -msgstr "Draw with anti-aliasing?" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:50 -msgid "Color 1" -msgstr "Colour 1" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:51 -msgid "Set the shape color of the first detected face." -msgstr "Set the shape colour of the first detected face." - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:55 -msgid "Color 2" -msgstr "Colour 2" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:56 -msgid "Set the shape color of the second detected face." -msgstr "Set the shape colour of the second detected face." - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:60 -msgid "Color 3" -msgstr "Colour 3" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:61 -msgid "Set the shape color of the third detected face." -msgstr "Set the shape colour of the third detected face." - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:65 -msgid "Color 4" -msgstr "Colour 4" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:66 -msgid "Set the shape color of the fourth detected face." -msgstr "Set the shape colour of the fourth detected face." - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:70 -msgid "Color 5" -msgstr "Colour 5" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:71 -msgid "Set the shape color of the fifth detected face." -msgstr "Set the shape colour of the fifth detected face." - -#: data/effects/frei0r_flippo.xml:3 -msgid "Flippo" -msgstr "Flippo" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_flippo.xml:4 -msgid "Flipping in X and Y axis" -msgstr "Flipping in X and Y axis" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_flippo.xml:7 -msgid "X axis" -msgstr "X axis" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_flippo.xml:10 -msgid "Y axis" -msgstr "Y axis" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_glow.xml:3 -msgid "Glow" -msgstr "Glow" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_glow.xml:4 -msgid "Creates a Glamorous Glow" -msgstr "Creates a Glamorous Glow" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_glow.xml:7 data/effects/frei0r_iirblur.xml:3 -#: data/effects/frei0r_mask0mate.xml:22 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:158 -msgid "Blur" -msgstr "Blur" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_hqdn3d.xml:3 -msgid "Denoiser" -msgstr "Denoiser" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_hqdn3d.xml:4 -msgid "High quality 3D denoiser" -msgstr "High quality 3D denoiser" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_hqdn3d.xml:8 -msgid "Spatial" -msgstr "Spatial" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_hqdn3d.xml:9 -msgid "Amount of spatial filtering" -msgstr "Amount of spatial filtering" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_hqdn3d.xml:13 -msgid "Temporal" -msgstr "Temporal" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_hqdn3d.xml:14 -msgid "Amount of temporal filtering" -msgstr "Amount of temporal filtering" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_hueshift0r.xml:3 -msgid "Hue shift" -msgstr "Hue shift" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_hueshift0r.xml:4 -msgid "Shifts the hue of a source image" -msgstr "Shifts the hue of a source image" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_hueshift0r.xml:7 -msgid "Hue" -msgstr "Hue" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_iirblur.xml:4 -msgid "Blur using 2D IIR filters (Exponential, Lowpass, Gaussian)" -msgstr "Blur using 2D IIR filters (Exponential, Lowpass, Gaussian)" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_iirblur.xml:9 -msgid "Amount of blur" -msgstr "Amount of blur" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_iirblur.xml:13 -msgid "Exponential,Lowpass,Gaussian" -msgstr "Exponential,Lowpass,Gaussian" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_iirblur.xml:15 -msgid "Select blurring algorithm" -msgstr "Select blurring algorithm" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_iirblur.xml:19 -msgid "Edge" -msgstr "Edge" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_iirblur.xml:20 -msgid "Enable edge compensation" -msgstr "Enable edge compensation" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:3 -msgid "Key Spill Mop Up" -msgstr "Key Spill Mop Up" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:4 -msgid "Reduces the visibility of key color spill in chroma keying" -msgstr "Reduces the visibility of key colour spill in chroma keying" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:8 -msgid "Key color" -msgstr "Key colour" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:12 -msgid "Target color" -msgstr "Target colour" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:16 -msgid "Color distance, Transparency, Edge inwards, Edge outwards" -msgstr "Colour distance, Transparency, Edge inwards, Edge outwards" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:17 -msgid "Mask type" -msgstr "Mask type" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:21 -msgid "Tolerance" -msgstr "Tolerance" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:25 -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:91 -msgid "Slope" -msgstr "Slope" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:29 -msgid "Hue gate" -msgstr "Hue gate" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:33 -msgid "Saturation threshold" -msgstr "Saturation threshold" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:37 -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:46 -msgid "None, De-Key, Target, Desaturate, Luma adjust" -msgstr "None, De-Key, Target, Desaturate, Luma adjust" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:38 -msgid "Operation 1" -msgstr "Operation 1" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:42 -msgid "Amount 1" -msgstr "Amount 1" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:47 -msgid "Operation 2" -msgstr "Operation 2" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:51 -msgid "Amount 2" -msgstr "Amount 2" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:55 -msgid "Show mask" -msgstr "Show mask" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:59 -msgid "Mask to Alpha" -msgstr "Mask to Alpha" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lenscorrection.xml:3 -msgid "Lens Correction" -msgstr "Lens Correction" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lenscorrection.xml:4 -msgid "Allows compensation of lens distortion" -msgstr "Allows compensation of lens distortion" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lenscorrection.xml:7 -msgid "Horizontal center" -msgstr "Horizontal centre" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lenscorrection.xml:10 -msgid "Vertical center" -msgstr "Vertical centre" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lenscorrection.xml:13 -msgid "Center correction" -msgstr "Centre correction" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lenscorrection.xml:16 -msgid "Edges correction" -msgstr "Edges correction" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_letterb0xed.xml:3 -msgid "LetterB0xed" -msgstr "LetterB0xed" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_letterb0xed.xml:4 -msgid "Adds black borders at top and bottom for cinema look" -msgstr "Adds black borders at top and bottom for cinema look" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_letterb0xed.xml:7 -msgid "Border Width" -msgstr "Border Width" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: data/effects/frei0r_letterb0xed.xml:10 data/effects/frei0r_timeout.xml:13 -#: src/ui/wipeval_ui.ui:136 src/ui/wipeval_ui.ui:281 -msgid "Transparency" -msgstr "Transparency" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:4 data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:36 -msgid "Levels" -msgstr "Levels" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:5 data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:37 -msgid "Adjust levels" -msgstr "Adjust levels" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:13 data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:45 -msgid "Input black level" -msgstr "Input black level" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:16 data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:48 -msgid "Input white level" -msgstr "Input white level" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:19 data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:51 -#: data/effects/gamma.xml:3 data/effects/gamma.xml:7 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/lumaliftgain.cpp:63 -msgid "Gamma" -msgstr "Gamma" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:22 data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:54 -msgid "Black output" -msgstr "Black output" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:25 data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:57 -msgid "White output" -msgstr "White output" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:28 data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:60 -msgid "Show histogram" -msgstr "Show histogram" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:32 data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:64 -msgid "Histogram position" -msgstr "Histogram position" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:4 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:77 -msgid "Light Graffiti" -msgstr "Light Graffiti" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:7 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:80 -msgid "" -"Light Graffiti effect.\n" -" " -msgstr "" -"Light Graffiti effect.\n" -" " - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:10 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:83 -msgid "Brightness Threshold" -msgstr "Brightness Threshold" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:12 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:85 -msgid "" -"R+G+B) does a pixel need to be in order to " -"be recognized as a light source?
\n" -" Increasing this threshold requires brighter light sources (i.e. " -"more white or less color, respectively) but prevents some «false alarms» " -"where semi-bright parts, e.g. hands where colors can change quite a lot " -"compared to the background, are incorrectly recognized as light source.]]>" -msgstr "" -"R+G+B) does a pixel need to be in order to " -"be recognised as a light source?
\n" -" Increasing this threshold requires brighter light sources (i.e. " -"more white or less colour, respectively) but prevents some «false alarms» " -"where semi-bright parts, e.g. hands where colours can change quite a lot " -"compared to the background, are incorrectly recognised as light source.]]>" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:15 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:88 -msgid "Difference Threshold" -msgstr "Difference Threshold" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:17 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:90 -msgid "" -"max(dR, dG, dB)), in " -"order to be recognized as light source?
\n" -" Increasing this threshold makes it harder for light sources to " -"be accepted on bright backgrounds, but decreases the danger of noise or " -"generally bright spots counting as light source.]]>" -msgstr "" -"max(dR, dG, dB)), in " -"order to be recognised as light source?
\n" -" Increasing this threshold makes it harder for light sources to " -"be accepted on bright backgrounds, but decreases the danger of noise or " -"generally bright spots counting as light source.]]>" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:20 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:93 -msgid "Difference Sum Threshold" -msgstr "Difference Sum Threshold" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:22 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:95 -msgid "" -"relative to the " -"background image
(dR + dG + dB) have to change until a " -"pixel is recognized as a light source?
\n" -" Raising this value might, in some cases, avoid that some light " -"objects lit by the light source are added to the light mask.]]>" -msgstr "" -"relative to the " -"background image
(dR + dG + dB) have to change until a " -"pixel is recognised as a light source?
\n" -" Raising this value might, in some cases, avoid that some light " -"objects lit by the light source are added to the light mask.]]>" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:25 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:98 -msgid "Sensitivity" -msgstr "Sensitivity" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:27 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:100 -msgid "" -"\n" -" For slowly moving light source try to use a lower sensitivity to " -"obtain a better exposure.]]>" -msgstr "" -"\n" -" For slowly moving light source try to use a lower sensitivity to " -"obtain a better exposure.]]>" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:30 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:103 -msgid "Lower Overexposure" -msgstr "Lower Overexposure" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:32 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:105 -msgid "" -"\n" -" The light mask does not get white immediately when the light " -"source is moving slowly or staying steady.]]>" -msgstr "" -"\n" -" The light mask does not get white immediately when the light " -"source is moving slowly or staying steady.]]>" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:35 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:108 -msgid "Dimming" -msgstr "Dimming" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:36 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:109 -msgid "" -"Dims the light mask. Lights will leave a fainting trail if it is set to a " -"value > 0." -msgstr "" -"Dims the light mask. Lights will leave a fainting trail if it is set to a " -"value > 0." - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:39 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:112 -msgid "Background Weight" -msgstr "Background Weight" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:40 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:113 -msgid "" -"Strength of the (calculated) background image. Setting it to 100 paints the " -"light mask directly over the background, without the painting person in the " -"image if the video starts with a «clean» background image. (See the α " -"parameter.)" -msgstr "" -"Strength of the (calculated) background image. Setting it to 100 paints the " -"light mask directly over the background, without the painting person in the " -"image if the video starts with a «clean» background image. (See the α " -"parameter.)" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:43 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:116 -msgid "α" -msgstr "α" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:45 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:118 -msgid "" -"\n" -" The Light Graffiti effect remembers the first frame of the clip " -"it is applied to, so the clip should always start with the painter " -"outside of the video. If the background constantly changes, e.g. on a " -"street, try to set α > 0 to calculate an average background image.]]>" -msgstr "" -"\n" -" The Light Graffiti effect remembers the first frame of the clip " -"it is applied to, so the clip should always start with the painter " -"outside of the video. If the background constantly changes, e.g. on a " -"street, try to set α > 0 to calculate an average background image.]]>" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:48 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:121 -#: data/effects/frei0r_saturat0r.xml:3 data/effects/frei0r_saturat0r.xml:7 -#: data/effects/movit_saturation.xml:6 -msgid "Saturation" -msgstr "Saturation" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:49 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:122 -msgid "Increases the saturation of lights." -msgstr "Increases the saturation of lights." - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:52 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:125 -msgid "Show brightness statistics" -msgstr "Show brightness statistics" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:54 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:127 -msgid "" -"\n" -" Example: To adjust the brightness threshold, check this box and " -"adjust the threshold until the whole light source is highlighted. Repeat the " -"same with the other parameters. Only parts that are highlighted in all thresholds will count as light source.]]>" -msgstr "" -"\n" -" Example: To adjust the brightness threshold, tick this box and " -"adjust the threshold until the whole light source is highlighted. Repeat the " -"same with the other parameters. Only parts that are highlighted in all thresholds will count as light source.]]>" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:57 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:130 -msgid "Show background difference statistics" -msgstr "Show background difference statistics" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:60 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:133 -msgid "Show background difference sum statistics" -msgstr "Show background difference sum statistics" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:64 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:137 -msgid "" -"Makes the background transparent, allowing to apply a composite effect and " -"paint the light mask over a completely different video." -msgstr "" -"Makes the background transparent, allowing to apply a composite effect and " -"paint the light mask over a completely different video." - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:67 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:140 -msgid "Nonlinear dimming" -msgstr "Nonlinear dimming" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:68 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:141 -msgid "If normal dimming does not look natural enough, try this one." -msgstr "If normal dimming does not look natural enough, try this one." - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:71 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:144 -#: src/effectstack/geometryval.cpp:95 src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:86 -msgid "Reset" -msgstr "Reset" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:72 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:145 -msgid "" -"Resets the light mask and the background image. This is necessary e.g. if " -"you apply this effect to a clip in the timeline and then move the timeline " -"cursor from outside of the clip to the middle of it. The effect receives " -"this frame in the middle as first frame and uses it as background image. For " -"proper threshold adjusting move the timeline cursor to the beginning of the " -"clip, check the Reset box and uncheck it again." -msgstr "" -"Resets the light mask and the background image. This is necessary e.g. if " -"you apply this effect to a clip in the timeline and then move the timeline " -"cursor from outside of the clip to the middle of it. The effect receives " -"this frame in the middle as first frame and uses it as background image. For " -"proper threshold adjusting move the timeline cursor to the beginning of the " -"clip, tick the Reset box and untick it again." - -#: data/effects/frei0r_luminance.xml:3 -msgid "Luminance" -msgstr "Luminance" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_luminance.xml:4 -msgid "Creates a luminance map of the image" -msgstr "Creates a luminance map of the image" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_mask0mate.xml:3 -msgid "Mask0Mate" -msgstr "Mask0Mate" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_mask0mate.xml:4 -msgid "Creates an square alpha-channel mask" -msgstr "Creates an square alpha-channel mask" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_medians.xml:3 -msgid "Medians" -msgstr "Medians" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_medians.xml:4 -msgid "Implements several median-type filters" -msgstr "Implements several median-type filters" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_medians.xml:8 -msgid "" -"Cross5,Square3x3,Bilevel,Diamond3x3,Square5x5,Temp3,Temp5,ArceBI,ML3D,ML3dEX," -"VarSize" -msgstr "" -"Cross5,Square3x3,Bilevel,Diamond3x3,Square5x5,Temp3,Temp5,ArceBI,ML3D,ML3dEX," -"VarSize" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_5) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, import_size) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_20) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, treeWidget) -#: data/effects/frei0r_medians.xml:13 data/effects/frei0r_sharpness.xml:12 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:208 -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:563 src/ui/importkeyframesdialog_ui.ui:73 -#: src/ui/managecaptures_ui.ui:40 src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:201 -msgid "Size" -msgstr "Size" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_nervous.xml:3 -msgid "Nervous" -msgstr "Nervous" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_nervous.xml:4 -msgid "Flushes frames in time in a nervous way" -msgstr "Flushes frames in time in a nervous way" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_nosync0r.xml:3 -msgid "nosync0r" -msgstr "nosync0r" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_nosync0r.xml:4 -msgid "Broken TV" -msgstr "Broken TV" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_nosync0r.xml:7 -msgid "HSync" -msgstr "HSync" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pixeliz0r.xml:3 -msgid "Pixelize" -msgstr "Pixelise" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pixeliz0r.xml:4 -msgid "Pixelize input image." -msgstr "Pixelise input image." - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pixeliz0r.xml:7 -msgid "Block Size X" -msgstr "Block Size X" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pixeliz0r.xml:10 -msgid "Block Size Y" -msgstr "Block Size Y" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0be.xml:3 -msgid "pr0be" -msgstr "pr0be" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0be.xml:4 -msgid "Measure video values" -msgstr "Measure video values" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0be.xml:8 -msgid "RGB,Y'PbPr - rec. 601,Y'PbPr - rec. 709,HSV,HSL" -msgstr "RGB,Y'PbPr - rec. 601,Y'PbPr - rec. 709,HSV,HSL" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0be.xml:9 -msgid "Measurement" -msgstr "Measurement" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0be.xml:13 data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:8 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/bezier/beziersplinewidget.cpp:56 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/bezier/beziersplinewidget.cpp:60 -#: src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:144 -msgid "X" -msgstr "X" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_5) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, cbY) -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0be.xml:17 data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:12 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/bezier/beziersplinewidget.cpp:58 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/bezier/beziersplinewidget.cpp:62 -#: src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:164 src/ui/histogram_ui.ui:23 -msgid "Y" -msgstr "Y" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0be.xml:21 -msgid "X size" -msgstr "X size" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0be.xml:25 -msgid "Y size" -msgstr "Y size" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0be.xml:29 data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:81 -msgid "256 scale" -msgstr "256 scale" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0be.xml:33 -msgid "Show alpha" -msgstr "Show alpha" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0be.xml:37 -msgid "Big window" -msgstr "Big window" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:3 -msgid "pr0file" -msgstr "profile" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:4 -msgid "2D video oscilloscope" -msgstr "2D video oscilloscope" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:20 -msgid "Length" -msgstr "Length" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:24 -msgid "R,G,B,Y',Pr,Pb,Alpha" -msgstr "R,G,B,Y',Pr,Pb,Alpha" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:29 -msgid "Marker 1" -msgstr "Marker 1" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:33 -msgid "Marker 2" -msgstr "Marker 2" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:37 -msgid "R trace" -msgstr "R trace" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:41 -msgid "G trace" -msgstr "G trace" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:45 -msgid "B trace" -msgstr "B trace" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:49 -msgid "Y trace" -msgstr "Y trace" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:53 -msgid "Pr trace" -msgstr "Pr trace" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:57 -msgid "Pb trace" -msgstr "Pb trace" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:61 -msgid "Alpha trace" -msgstr "Alpha trace" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:65 -msgid "Display average" -msgstr "Display average" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:69 -msgid "Display RMS" -msgstr "Display RMS" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:73 -msgid "Display minimum" -msgstr "Display minimum" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:77 -msgid "Display maximum" -msgstr "Display maximum" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:85 -msgid "CCIR rec. 601,CCIR rec. 709" -msgstr "CCIR rec. 601,CCIR rec. 709" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_13) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, background_list) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_9) -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:86 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:156 -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:176 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:182 -#: src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:197 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:944 -msgid "Color" -msgstr "Colour" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:90 -msgid "Crosshair color" -msgstr "Crosshair colour" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_primaries.xml:3 -msgid "Primaries" -msgstr "Primaries" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_primaries.xml:4 -msgid "Reduce image to primary colors" -msgstr "Reduce image to primary colours" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_primaries.xml:7 data/effects/sox_stretch.xml:7 -msgid "Factor" -msgstr "Factor" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_primaries.xml:8 -msgid " 32 = 0]]>" -msgstr " 32 = 0]]>" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QWidget, RGBParade_UI) -#: data/effects/frei0r_rgbparade.xml:3 src/scopes/scopemanager.cpp:308 -#: src/ui/rgbparade_ui.ui:14 -msgid "RGB Parade" -msgstr "RGB Parade" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_rgbparade.xml:4 -msgid "Display a histogram of R, G and B components of the video data" -msgstr "Display a histogram of R, G and B components of the video data" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_saturat0r.xml:4 -msgid "Adjusts the saturation of a source image" -msgstr "Adjusts the saturation of a source image" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_scale0tilt.xml:3 -msgid "Crop, Scale and Position" -msgstr "Crop, Scale and Position" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_scale0tilt.xml:4 -msgid "Scales, Tilts and Crops an Image" -msgstr "Scales, Tilts and Crops an Image" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_scale0tilt.xml:7 -msgid "Clip left" -msgstr "Clip left" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_scale0tilt.xml:10 -msgid "Clip right" -msgstr "Clip right" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_scale0tilt.xml:13 -msgid "Clip top" -msgstr "Clip top" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_scale0tilt.xml:16 -msgid "Clip bottom" -msgstr "Clip bottom" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_scale0tilt.xml:19 -msgid "Scale X" -msgstr "Scale X" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_scale0tilt.xml:22 -msgid "Scale Y" -msgstr "Scale Y" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_scale0tilt.xml:25 -msgid "Tilt X" -msgstr "Tilt X" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_scale0tilt.xml:28 -msgid "Tilt Y" -msgstr "Tilt Y" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_scanline0r.xml:3 -msgid "scanline0r" -msgstr "scanline0r" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_scanline0r.xml:4 -msgid "Interlaced black lines" -msgstr "Interlaced black lines" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:4 data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:51 -msgid "Color Selection" -msgstr "Colour Selection" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:5 data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:52 -msgid "Color based alpha selection" -msgstr "Colour based alpha selection" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:9 data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:56 -msgid "Color to select" -msgstr "Colour to select" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:13 data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:60 -msgid "Invert selection" -msgstr "Invert selection" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:17 data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:79 -msgid "Delta R / A / Hue" -msgstr "Delta R / A / Hue" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:21 data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:83 -msgid "Delta G / B / Chroma" -msgstr "Delta G / B / Chroma" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:25 data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:87 -msgid "Delta B / I / I" -msgstr "Delta B / I / I" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:29 data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:64 -msgid "RGB,ABI,HCI" -msgstr "RGB,ABI,HCI" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:30 data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:65 -msgid "Selection subspace" -msgstr "Selection subspace" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:34 data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:69 -msgid "Box,Ellipsoid,Diamond" -msgstr "Box,Ellipsoid,Diamond" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:35 data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:70 -msgid "Subspace shape" -msgstr "Subspace shape" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:39 -msgid "Hard,Fat,Normal,Skinny" -msgstr "Hard,Fat,Normal,Skinny" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:40 data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:75 -msgid "Edge mode" -msgstr "Edge mode" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:74 -msgid "Hard,Fat,Normal,Skinny,Slope" -msgstr "Hard,Fat,Normal,Skinny,Slope" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sharpness.xml:3 -msgid "Sharpen" -msgstr "Sharpen" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sharpness.xml:4 -msgid "Unsharp masking (port from Mplayer)" -msgstr "Unsharp masking (port from Mplayer)" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sobel.xml:3 -msgid "Sobel" -msgstr "Sobel" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sobel.xml:4 -msgid "Sobel filter" -msgstr "Sobel filter" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:4 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:59 -msgid "SOP/Sat" -msgstr "SOP/Sat" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:5 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:60 -msgid "" -"Changes Slope, Offset, and Power of the color components, and the overall " -"Saturation, according to the ASC CDL (Color Decision List)." -msgstr "" -"Changes Slope, Offset, and Power of the colour components, and the overall " -"Saturation, according to the ASC CDL (Colour Decision List)." - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:8 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:63 -msgid "Slope Red" -msgstr "Slope Red" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:10 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:65 -msgid "" -"\n" -" All effects can be observed well when applied on a greyscale " -"gradient and looking at the RGB Parade monitor.]]>" -msgstr "" -"\n" -" All effects can be observed well when applied on a greyscale " -"gradient and looking at the RGB Parade monitor.]]>" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:13 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:68 -msgid "Slope Green" -msgstr "Slope Green" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:16 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:71 -msgid "Slope Blue" -msgstr "Slope Blue" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:19 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:74 -msgid "Slope Alpha" -msgstr "Slope Alpha" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:23 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:78 -msgid "Offset Red" -msgstr "Offset Red" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:24 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:79 -msgid "" -"Changing the offset lifts (or lowers) the brightness of each pixel by the " -"given value." -msgstr "" -"Changing the offset lifts (or lowers) the brightness of each pixel by the " -"given value." - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:27 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:82 -msgid "Offset Green" -msgstr "Offset Green" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:30 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:85 -msgid "Offset Blue" -msgstr "Offset Blue" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:33 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:88 -msgid "Offset Alpha" -msgstr "Offset Alpha" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:37 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:92 -msgid "Power Red" -msgstr "Power Red" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:39 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:94 -msgid "" -"\n" -" Mathematically, what happens is an exponentiation of the " -"pixel brightness on [0,1] by the gamma value.]]>" -msgstr "" -"\n" -" Mathematically, what happens is an exponentiation of the " -"pixel brightness on [0,1] by the gamma value.]]>" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:42 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:97 -msgid "Power Green" -msgstr "Power Green" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:45 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:100 -msgid "Power Blue" -msgstr "Power Blue" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:48 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:103 -msgid "Power Alpha" -msgstr "Power Alpha" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:52 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:107 -msgid "Overall Saturation" -msgstr "Overall Saturation" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:53 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:108 -msgid "The overall saturation will be changed in the last step of this filter." -msgstr "" -"The overall saturation will be changed in the last step of this filter." - -#: data/effects/frei0r_squareblur.xml:3 -msgid "Square Blur" -msgstr "Square Blur" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_squareblur.xml:4 -msgid "Square blur" -msgstr "Square blur" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_squareblur.xml:7 -msgid "Kernel size" -msgstr "Kernel size" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_tehroxx0r.xml:3 -msgid "TehRoxx0r" -msgstr "TehRoxx0r" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_tehroxx0r.xml:4 -msgid "Something videowall-ish" -msgstr "Something videowall-ish" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_tehroxx0r.xml:7 -msgid "Interval" -msgstr "Interval" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_three_point_balance.xml:3 -msgid "3 point balance" -msgstr "3 point balance" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_three_point_balance.xml:4 -msgid "Balances colors along with 3 points" -msgstr "Balances colours along with 3 points" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_three_point_balance.xml:7 -msgid "Black color" -msgstr "Black colour" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_three_point_balance.xml:10 -msgid "Gray color" -msgstr "Gray colour" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_three_point_balance.xml:13 -msgid "White color" -msgstr "White colour" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_three_point_balance.xml:16 -msgid "Split screen preview" -msgstr "Split screen preview" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_three_point_balance.xml:19 -msgid "Source image on left side" -msgstr "Source image on left side" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_threelay0r.xml:3 -msgid "threelay0r" -msgstr "threelay0r" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_threelay0r.xml:4 -msgid "Dynamic 3-level thresholding" -msgstr "Dynamic 3-level thresholding" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_threshold0r.xml:3 -msgid "Threshold0r" -msgstr "Threshold0r" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_threshold0r.xml:4 -msgid "Thresholds a source image" -msgstr "Thresholds a source image" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_timeout.xml:4 -msgid "Timeout indicator" -msgstr "Timeout indicator" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_timeout.xml:7 -msgid "Indicator color" -msgstr "Indicator colour" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, markers_list) -#: data/effects/frei0r_timeout.xml:10 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:427 -msgid "Time" -msgstr "Time" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_tint0r.xml:3 -msgid "Tint" -msgstr "Tint" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_tint0r.xml:4 -msgid "Maps source image luminance between two colors specified" -msgstr "Maps source image luminance between two colours specified" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_tint0r.xml:7 -msgid "Map black to" -msgstr "Map black to" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_tint0r.xml:10 -msgid "Map white to" -msgstr "Map white to" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_tint0r.xml:13 -msgid "Tint amount" -msgstr "Tint amount" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_twolay0r.xml:3 -msgid "twolay0r" -msgstr "twolay0r" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_twolay0r.xml:4 -msgid "Dynamic thresholding" -msgstr "Dynamic thresholding" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_vectorscope.xml:3 src/scopes/scopemanager.cpp:306 -msgid "Vectorscope" -msgstr "Vectorscope" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_vectorscope.xml:4 -msgid "Display a vectorscope of the video data" -msgstr "Display a vectorscope of the video data" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_vertigo.xml:4 data/effects/frei0r_vertigo.xml:15 -msgid "Vertigo" -msgstr "Vertigo" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_vertigo.xml:5 data/effects/frei0r_vertigo.xml:16 -msgid "Alpha blending with zoomed and rotated images" -msgstr "Alpha blending with zoomed and rotated images" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_vertigo.xml:8 data/effects/frei0r_vertigo.xml:19 -msgid "Phase Increment" -msgstr "Phase Increment" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_vertigo.xml:11 data/effects/frei0r_vertigo.xml:22 -msgid "Zoom Rate" -msgstr "Zoom Rate" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_vignette.xml:3 -msgid "Vignette" -msgstr "Vignette" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_vignette.xml:4 -msgid "Natural lens vignetting effect" -msgstr "Natural lens vignetting effect" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_vignette.xml:7 -msgid "Aspect ratio" -msgstr "Aspect ratio" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_vignette.xml:10 -msgid "Clear center size" -msgstr "Clear centre size" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_softness) -#: data/effects/frei0r_vignette.xml:13 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:709 -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:302 src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:220 -msgid "Softness" -msgstr "Softness" - -#: data/effects/gain.xml:3 data/effects/gain.xml:7 data/effects/mute.xml:7 -#: data/effects/normalise.xml:7 data/effects/sox_bass.xml:7 -#: data/effects/sox_gain.xml:7 data/effects/volume.xml:7 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/lumaliftgain.cpp:65 -msgid "Gain" -msgstr "Gain" - -#: data/effects/gain.xml:4 -msgid "Adjust the audio volume without keyframes" -msgstr "Adjust the audio volume without keyframes" - -#: data/effects/gamma.xml:4 -msgid "Change gamma color value" -msgstr "Change gamma colour value" - -#: data/effects/grain.xml:3 -msgid "Grain" -msgstr "Grain" - -#: data/effects/grain.xml:4 -msgid "Grain over the image" -msgstr "Grain over the image" - -#: data/effects/grain.xml:7 data/effects/movit_deconvolution_sharpen.xml:18 -#: plugins/sampleplugin/sampleplugin.cpp:34 -#: plugins/sampleplugin/sampleplugin.cpp:42 -#: plugins/sampleplugin/sampleplugin.cpp:54 -#: plugins/sampleplugin/sampleplugin.cpp:78 -msgid "Noise" -msgstr "Noise" - -#: data/effects/greyscale.xml:3 -msgid "Greyscale" -msgstr "Greyscale" - -#: data/effects/greyscale.xml:4 -msgid "Discard color information" -msgstr "Discard colour information" - -#: data/effects/invert.xml:4 -msgid "Invert colors" -msgstr "Invert colours" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_declipper.xml:3 -msgid "Declipper" -msgstr "Declipper" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_declipper.xml:4 -msgid "LADSPA declipper audio effect" -msgstr "LADSPA declipper audio effect" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer.xml:3 -msgid "Equalizer" -msgstr "Equaliser" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer.xml:4 -msgid "LADSPA equalizer audio effect" -msgstr "LADSPA equaliser audio effect" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer.xml:7 -msgid "Lo gain" -msgstr "Lo gain" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer.xml:10 -msgid "Mid gain" -msgstr "Mid gain" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer.xml:13 -msgid "Hi gain" -msgstr "Hi gain" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:3 -msgid "15 Band Equalizer" -msgstr "15 Band Equaliser" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:4 -msgid "LADSPA equalizer audio effect (15 band)" -msgstr "LADSPA equaliser audio effect (15 band)" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:7 -msgid "50 Hz" -msgstr "50 Hz" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:10 -msgid "100 Hz" -msgstr "100 Hz" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:13 -msgid "156 Hz" -msgstr "156 Hz" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:16 -msgid "220 Hz" -msgstr "220 Hz" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:19 -msgid "311 Hz" -msgstr "311 Hz" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:22 -msgid "440 Hz" -msgstr "440 Hz" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:25 -msgid "622 Hz" -msgstr "622 Hz" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:28 -msgid "880 Hz" -msgstr "880 Hz" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:31 -msgid "1250 Hz" -msgstr "1250 Hz" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:34 -msgid "1750 Hz" -msgstr "1750 Hz" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:37 -msgid "2500 Hz" -msgstr "2500 Hz" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:40 -msgid "3500 Hz" -msgstr "3500 Hz" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:43 -msgid "5000 Hz" -msgstr "5000 Hz" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:46 -msgid "10000 Hz" -msgstr "10000 Hz" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:49 -msgid "20000 Hz" -msgstr "20000 Hz" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_limiter.xml:3 -msgid "Limiter" -msgstr "Limiter" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_limiter.xml:4 -msgid "LADSPA limiter audio effect" -msgstr "LADSPA limiter audio effect" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_limiter.xml:7 -msgid "Input gain (dB)" -msgstr "Input gain (dB)" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_limiter.xml:10 -msgid "Limit (dB)" -msgstr "Limit (dB)" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_limiter.xml:13 -msgid "Release time (s)" -msgstr "Release time (s)" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_phaser.xml:3 -msgid "Phaser" -msgstr "Phaser" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_phaser.xml:4 -msgid "LADSPA phaser audio effect" -msgstr "LADSPA phaser audio effect" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_phaser.xml:7 -msgid "Rate (Hz)" -msgstr "Rate (Hz)" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_phaser.xml:10 data/effects/sox_flanger.xml:10 -msgid "Depth" -msgstr "Depth" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_phaser.xml:13 -msgid "Feedback" -msgstr "Feedback" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_phaser.xml:16 -msgid "Spread" -msgstr "Spread" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_pitch.xml:3 -msgid "Pitch Shift" -msgstr "Pitch Shift" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_pitch.xml:4 -msgid "LADSPA change pitch audio effect" -msgstr "LADSPA change pitch audio effect" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_pitch.xml:7 data/effects/sox_pitch.xml:7 -msgid "Shift" -msgstr "Shift" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_pitch_scale.xml:3 -msgid "Pitch Scaler" -msgstr "Pitch Scaler" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_pitch_scale.xml:4 -msgid "LADSPA pitch scale audio effect" -msgstr "LADSPA pitch scale audio effect" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_pitch_scale.xml:7 -msgid "Co-efficient" -msgstr "Co-efficient" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_rate_scale.xml:3 -msgid "Rate Scaler" -msgstr "Rate Scaler" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_rate_scale.xml:4 -msgid "LADSPA rate scale audio effect" -msgstr "LADSPA rate scale audio effect" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_rate_scale.xml:7 -msgid "Rate" -msgstr "Rate" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_reverb.xml:3 -msgid "Reverb" -msgstr "Reverb" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_reverb.xml:4 -msgid "LADSPA reverb audio effect" -msgstr "LADSPA reverb audio effect" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_reverb.xml:7 -msgid "Reverb time" -msgstr "Reverb time" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_reverb.xml:10 data/effects/ladspa_room_reverb.xml:13 -msgid "Damping" -msgstr "Damping" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_room_reverb.xml:3 -msgid "Room Reverb" -msgstr "Room Reverb" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_room_reverb.xml:4 -msgid "LADSPA room reverb audio effect" -msgstr "LADSPA room reverb audio effect" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_room_reverb.xml:7 -msgid "Room size (m)" -msgstr "Room size (m)" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_room_reverb.xml:10 -msgid "Delay (s/10)" -msgstr "Delay (s/10)" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_vinyl.xml:3 -msgid "Vinyl" -msgstr "Vinyl" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_vinyl.xml:4 -msgid "Simulates a vinyl audio player - LADSPA audio effect" -msgstr "Simulates a vinyl audio player - LADSPA audio effect" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_vinyl.xml:7 src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:166 -msgid "Year" -msgstr "Year" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_vinyl.xml:10 -msgid "RPM" -msgstr "RPM" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_vinyl.xml:13 -msgid "Surface warping" -msgstr "Surface warping" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_vinyl.xml:16 -msgid "Crackle" -msgstr "Crackle" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_vinyl.xml:19 -msgid "Wear" -msgstr "Wear" - -#: data/effects/lift_gamma_gain.xml:3 -msgid "Lift/gamma/gain" -msgstr "Lift/gamma/gain" - -#: data/effects/lift_gamma_gain.xml:6 data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain.xml:6 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain2.xml:6 -msgid "Lift: Red" -msgstr "Lift: Red" - -#: data/effects/lift_gamma_gain.xml:9 data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain.xml:9 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain2.xml:9 -msgid "Lift: Green" -msgstr "Lift: Green" - -#: data/effects/lift_gamma_gain.xml:12 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain.xml:12 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain2.xml:12 -msgid "Lift: Blue" -msgstr "Lift: Blue" - -#: data/effects/lift_gamma_gain.xml:15 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain.xml:15 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain2.xml:15 -msgid "Gamma: Red" -msgstr "Gamma: Red" - -#: data/effects/lift_gamma_gain.xml:18 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain.xml:18 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain2.xml:18 -msgid "Gamma: Green" -msgstr "Gamma: Green" - -#: data/effects/lift_gamma_gain.xml:21 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain.xml:21 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain2.xml:21 -msgid "Gamma: Blue" -msgstr "Gamma: Blue" - -#: data/effects/lift_gamma_gain.xml:24 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain.xml:24 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain2.xml:24 -msgid "Gain: Red" -msgstr "Gain: Red" - -#: data/effects/lift_gamma_gain.xml:27 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain.xml:27 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain2.xml:27 -msgid "Gain: Green" -msgstr "Gain: Green" - -#: data/effects/lift_gamma_gain.xml:30 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain.xml:30 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain2.xml:30 -msgid "Gain: Blue" -msgstr "Gain: Blue" - -#: data/effects/loudness.xml:3 -msgid "Loudness" -msgstr "Loudness" - -#: data/effects/loudness.xml:4 -msgid "Correct audio loudness as recommended by EBU R128" -msgstr "Correct audio loudness as recommended by EBU R128" - -#: data/effects/loudness.xml:7 -msgid "Target Program Loudness" -msgstr "Target Program Loudness" - -#: data/effects/mirror.xml:3 -msgid "Mirror" -msgstr "Mirror" - -#: data/effects/mirror.xml:4 -msgid "Flip your image in any direction" -msgstr "Flip your image in any direction" - -#: data/effects/mirror.xml:7 -msgid "Horizontal,Vertical,Diagonal,X Diagonal,Flip,Flop" -msgstr "Horizontal,Vertical,Diagonal,X Diagonal,Flip,Flop" - -#: data/effects/mirror.xml:8 -msgid "Mirroring direction" -msgstr "Mirroring direction" - -#: data/effects/movit_blur.xml:3 -msgid "Blur (GPU)" -msgstr "Blur (GPU)" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_6) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_8) -#: data/effects/movit_blur.xml:6 data/effects/movit_diffusion.xml:6 -#: data/effects/movit_glow.xml:6 data/effects/movit_unsharp_mask.xml:6 -#: data/effects/movit_vignette.xml:6 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:891 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:915 -msgid "Radius" -msgstr "Radius" - -#: data/effects/movit_deconvolution_sharpen.xml:3 -msgid "Deconvolution sharpen (GPU)" -msgstr "Deconvolution sharpen (GPU)" - -#: data/effects/movit_deconvolution_sharpen.xml:6 -msgid "Matrix size" -msgstr "Matrix size" - -#: data/effects/movit_deconvolution_sharpen.xml:9 -msgid "Circle radius" -msgstr "Circle radius" - -#: data/effects/movit_deconvolution_sharpen.xml:12 -msgid "Gaussian radius" -msgstr "Gaussian radius" - -#: data/effects/movit_deconvolution_sharpen.xml:15 -msgid "Correlation" -msgstr "Correlation" - -#: data/effects/movit_diffusion.xml:3 -msgid "Diffusion (GPU)" -msgstr "Diffusion (GPU)" - -#: data/effects/movit_diffusion.xml:9 -msgid "Mix amount" -msgstr "Mix amount" - -#: data/effects/movit_glow.xml:3 -msgid "Glow (GPU)" -msgstr "Glow (GPU)" - -#: data/effects/movit_glow.xml:9 -msgid "Glow strength" -msgstr "Glow strength" - -#: data/effects/movit_glow.xml:12 -msgid "Highlight cutoff threshold" -msgstr "Highlight cutoff threshold" - -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain.xml:3 -msgid "Lift/gamma/gain (GPU)" -msgstr "Lift/gamma/gain (GPU)" - -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain2.xml:3 -msgid "Movit: Lift/gamma/gain (colors)" -msgstr "Movit: Lift/gamma/gain (colours)" - -#: data/effects/movit_mirror.xml:3 -msgid "Mirror (GPU)" -msgstr "Mirror (GPU)" - -#: data/effects/movit_opacity.xml:3 -msgid "Opacity (GPU)" -msgstr "Opacity (GPU)" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_opacity) -#: data/effects/movit_opacity.xml:6 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:211 src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:113 -msgid "Opacity" -msgstr "Opacity" - -#: data/effects/movit_rect.xml:3 -msgid "Pan and Zoom (GPU)" -msgstr "Pan and Zoom (GPU)" - -#: data/effects/movit_rect.xml:9 -msgid "Allow upscale" -msgstr "Allow upscale" - -#: data/effects/movit_saturation.xml:3 -msgid "Saturation (GPU)" -msgstr "Saturation (GPU)" - -#: data/effects/movit_unsharp_mask.xml:3 -msgid "Unsharp mask (GPU)" -msgstr "Unsharp mask (GPU)" - -#: data/effects/movit_vignette.xml:3 -msgid "Vignette (GPU)" -msgstr "Vignette (GPU)" - -#: data/effects/movit_vignette.xml:9 -msgid "Inner radius" -msgstr "Inner radius" - -#: data/effects/movit_white_balance.xml:3 -msgid "White Balance (GPU)" -msgstr "White Balance (GPU)" - -#: data/effects/mute.xml:3 -msgid "Mute" -msgstr "Mute" - -#: data/effects/mute.xml:4 -msgid "Mute clip" -msgstr "Mute clip" - -#: data/effects/normalise.xml:3 -msgid "Normalise" -msgstr "Normalise" - -#: data/effects/normalise.xml:4 -msgid "Dynamically normalise the audio volume" -msgstr "Dynamically normalise the audio volume" - -#: data/effects/normalise.xml:10 -msgid "Maximum gain" -msgstr "Maximum gain" - -#: data/effects/normalise.xml:13 data/effects/sox_stretch.xml:10 -msgid "Window" -msgstr "Window" - -#: data/effects/obscure.xml:4 -msgid "Hide a region of the clip" -msgstr "Hide a region of the clip" - -#: data/effects/obscure.xml:7 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:760 -msgid "Region" -msgstr "Region" - -#: data/effects/oldfilm.xml:3 -msgid "Oldfilm" -msgstr "Oldfilm" - -#: data/effects/oldfilm.xml:4 -msgid "Moves the Picture up and down and random brightness change" -msgstr "Moves the Picture up and down and random brightness change" - -#: data/effects/oldfilm.xml:7 -msgid "Y-Delta" -msgstr "Y-Delta" - -#: data/effects/oldfilm.xml:10 -#, no-c-format -msgid "% of picture have a delta" -msgstr "% of picture have a delta" - -#: data/effects/oldfilm.xml:13 -msgid "Brightness up" -msgstr "Brightness up" - -#: data/effects/oldfilm.xml:16 -msgid "Brightness down" -msgstr "Brightness down" - -#: data/effects/oldfilm.xml:19 -msgid "Brightness every" -msgstr "Brightness every" - -#: data/effects/oldfilm.xml:22 -msgid "Unevendevelop up" -msgstr "Unevendevelop up" - -#: data/effects/oldfilm.xml:25 -msgid "Unevendevelop down" -msgstr "Unevendevelop down" - -#: data/effects/oldfilm.xml:28 -msgid "Unevendevelop Duration" -msgstr "Unevendevelop Duration" - -#: data/effects/pan_zoom.xml:3 data/effects/region.xml:10 -#: data/effects/rotation.xml:37 -msgid "Pan and Zoom" -msgstr "Pan and Zoom" - -#: data/effects/pan_zoom.xml:4 -msgid "Adjust size and position of clip" -msgstr "Adjust size and position of clip" - -#: data/effects/region.xml:3 -msgid "Regionalize" -msgstr "Regionalise" - -#: data/effects/region.xml:4 -msgid "Apply sub-effects to a region defined by a clip's alpha channel" -msgstr "Apply sub-effects to a region defined by a clip's alpha channel" - -#: data/effects/region.xml:7 -msgid "Url" -msgstr "Url" - -#: data/effects/rotation.xml:3 -msgid "Rotate and Shear" -msgstr "Rotate and Shear" - -#: data/effects/rotation.xml:4 data/effects/rotation_keyframable.xml:4 -msgid "Rotate clip in any 3 directions" -msgstr "Rotate clip in any 3 directions" - -#: data/effects/rotation.xml:7 data/effects/rotation_keyframable.xml:7 -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:747 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:216 -msgid "Rotate X" -msgstr "Rotate X" - -#: data/effects/rotation.xml:10 data/effects/rotation_keyframable.xml:10 -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:748 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:219 -msgid "Rotate Y" -msgstr "Rotate Y" - -#: data/effects/rotation.xml:13 data/effects/rotation_keyframable.xml:13 -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:749 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:222 -msgid "Rotate Z" -msgstr "Rotate Z" - -#: data/effects/rotation.xml:16 -msgid "Animate Rotate X" -msgstr "Animate Rotate X" - -#: data/effects/rotation.xml:19 -msgid "Animate Rotate Y" -msgstr "Animate Rotate Y" - -#: data/effects/rotation.xml:22 -msgid "Animate Rotate Z" -msgstr "Animate Rotate Z" - -#: data/effects/rotation.xml:25 -msgid "Shear X" -msgstr "Shear X" - -#: data/effects/rotation.xml:28 -msgid "Shear Y" -msgstr "Shear Y" - -#: data/effects/rotation.xml:31 -msgid "Animate Shear X" -msgstr "Animate Shear X" - -#: data/effects/rotation.xml:34 -msgid "Animate Shear Y" -msgstr "Animate Shear Y" - -#: data/effects/rotation_keyframable.xml:3 -msgid "Rotate (keyframable)" -msgstr "Rotate (keyframable)" - -#: data/effects/rotation_keyframable.xml:16 -msgid "Offset X" -msgstr "Offset X" - -#: data/effects/rotation_keyframable.xml:19 -msgid "Offset Y" -msgstr "Offset Y" - -#: data/effects/rotoscoping.xml:3 -msgid "Rotoscoping" -msgstr "Rotoscoping" - -#: data/effects/rotoscoping.xml:4 -msgid "Keyframable vector based rotoscoping" -msgstr "Keyframable vector based rotoscoping" - -#: data/effects/rotoscoping.xml:8 -msgid "Alpha,Luma,RGB" -msgstr "Alpha,Luma,RGB" - -#: data/effects/rotoscoping.xml:9 -msgid "Mode" -msgstr "Mode" - -#: data/effects/rotoscoping.xml:14 -msgid "Alpha Operation" -msgstr "Alpha Operation" - -#: data/effects/rotoscoping.xml:22 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:3422 -msgid "Track" -msgstr "Track" - -#: data/effects/rotoscoping.xml:26 -msgid "Feather width" -msgstr "Feather width" - -#: data/effects/rotoscoping.xml:30 -msgid "Feathering passes" -msgstr "Feathering passes" - -#: data/effects/scratchlines.xml:3 -msgid "Scratchlines" -msgstr "Scratchlines" - -#: data/effects/scratchlines.xml:4 -msgid "Scratchlines over the picture" -msgstr "Scratchlines over the picture" - -#: data/effects/scratchlines.xml:7 -msgid "Width of line" -msgstr "Width of line" - -#: data/effects/scratchlines.xml:10 -msgid "Max number of lines" -msgstr "Max number of lines" - -#: data/effects/scratchlines.xml:13 -msgid "Max darker" -msgstr "Max darker" - -#: data/effects/scratchlines.xml:16 -msgid "Max lighter" -msgstr "Max lighter" - -#: data/effects/sepia.xml:3 -msgid "Sepia" -msgstr "Sepia" - -#: data/effects/sepia.xml:4 -msgid "Turn clip colors to sepia" -msgstr "Turn clip colours to sepia" - -#: data/effects/sepia.xml:7 -msgid "Chrominance U" -msgstr "Chrominance U" - -#: data/effects/sepia.xml:10 -msgid "Chrominance V" -msgstr "Chrominance V" - -#: data/effects/sox_band.xml:3 -msgid "Sox Band" -msgstr "Sox Band" - -#: data/effects/sox_band.xml:4 -msgid "Sox band audio effect" -msgstr "Sox band audio effect" - -#: data/effects/sox_band.xml:7 -msgid "Center Frequency" -msgstr "Centre Frequency" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_4) -#: data/effects/sox_band.xml:10 data/effects/sox_flanger.xml:16 -#: src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:181 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:307 -msgid "Width" -msgstr "Width" - -#: data/effects/sox_bass.xml:3 -msgid "Sox Bass" -msgstr "Sox Bass" - -#: data/effects/sox_bass.xml:4 -msgid "Sox bass audio effect" -msgstr "Sox bass audio effect" - -#: data/effects/sox_echo.xml:3 -msgid "Sox Echo" -msgstr "Sox Echo" - -#: data/effects/sox_echo.xml:4 -msgid "Sox echo audio effect" -msgstr "Sox echo audio effect" - -#: data/effects/sox_echo.xml:7 data/effects/sox_phaser.xml:7 -msgid "Gain In" -msgstr "Gain In" - -#: data/effects/sox_echo.xml:10 data/effects/sox_phaser.xml:10 -msgid "Gain Out" -msgstr "Gain Out" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_13) -#: data/effects/sox_echo.xml:13 data/effects/sox_flanger.xml:7 -#: data/effects/sox_phaser.xml:13 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:994 -msgid "Delay" -msgstr "Delay" - -#: data/effects/sox_echo.xml:16 data/effects/sox_phaser.xml:16 -msgid "Decay" -msgstr "Decay" - -#: data/effects/sox_flanger.xml:3 -msgid "Sox Flanger" -msgstr "Sox Flanger" - -#: data/effects/sox_flanger.xml:4 -msgid "Sox flanger audio effect" -msgstr "Sox flanger audio effect" - -#: data/effects/sox_flanger.xml:13 -msgid "Regeneration" -msgstr "Regeneration" - -#: data/effects/sox_flanger.xml:19 data/effects/sox_phaser.xml:19 -#: data/effects/speed.xml:3 data/effects/speed.xml:7 -msgid "Speed" -msgstr "Speed" - -#: data/effects/sox_flanger.xml:25 -msgid "Phase" -msgstr "Phase" - -#: data/effects/sox_flanger.xml:28 src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:383 -msgid "Interpolation" -msgstr "Interpolation" - -#: data/effects/sox_gain.xml:3 -msgid "Sox Gain" -msgstr "Sox Gain" - -#: data/effects/sox_gain.xml:4 -msgid "Sox gain audio effect" -msgstr "Sox gain audio effect" - -#: data/effects/sox_gain.xml:12 -msgid "Normalize" -msgstr "Normalise" - -#: data/effects/sox_phaser.xml:3 -msgid "Sox Phaser" -msgstr "Sox Phaser" - -#: data/effects/sox_phaser.xml:4 -msgid "Sox phaser audio effect" -msgstr "Sox phaser audio effect" - -#: data/effects/sox_pitch.xml:3 -msgid "Sox Pitch Shift" -msgstr "Sox Pitch Shift" - -#: data/effects/sox_pitch.xml:4 -msgid "Sox change pitch audio effect" -msgstr "Sox change pitch audio effect" - -#: data/effects/sox_pitch.xml:10 -msgid "Time window (ms)" -msgstr "Time window (ms)" - -#: data/effects/sox_reverb.xml:3 -msgid "Sox Reverb" -msgstr "Sox Reverb" - -#: data/effects/sox_reverb.xml:4 -msgid "Sox reverb audio effect" -msgstr "Sox reverb audio effect" - -#: data/effects/sox_reverb.xml:7 -msgid "Reverberance" -msgstr "Reverberance" - -#: data/effects/sox_reverb.xml:10 -msgid "High frequency damping" -msgstr "High frequency damping" - -#: data/effects/sox_reverb.xml:13 -msgid "Room scale" -msgstr "Room scale" - -#: data/effects/sox_reverb.xml:16 -msgid "Stereo depth" -msgstr "Stereo depth" - -#: data/effects/sox_reverb.xml:19 -msgid "Pre-delay" -msgstr "Pre-delay" - -#: data/effects/sox_reverb.xml:22 -msgid "Wet gain" -msgstr "Wet gain" - -#: data/effects/sox_stretch.xml:3 -msgid "Sox Stretch" -msgstr "Sox Stretch" - -#: data/effects/sox_stretch.xml:4 -msgid "Sox stretch audio effect" -msgstr "Sox stretch audio effect" - -#: data/effects/speed.xml:4 -msgid "Make clip play faster or slower" -msgstr "Make clip play faster or slower" - -#: data/effects/speed.xml:10 -msgid "Stroboscope" -msgstr "Stroboscope" - -#: data/effects/swapchannels.xml:3 -msgid "Swap channels" -msgstr "Swap channels" - -#: data/effects/swapchannels.xml:4 -msgid "Move the left channel to the right and right-to-left" -msgstr "Move the left channel to the right and right-to-left" - -#: data/effects/tcolor.xml:3 -msgid "Technicolor" -msgstr "Technicolor" - -#: data/effects/tcolor.xml:4 -msgid "Oversaturate the color in video, like in old Technicolor movies" -msgstr "Oversaturate the colour in video, like in old Technicolor movies" - -#: data/effects/tcolor.xml:7 -msgid "Blue/Yellow axis" -msgstr "Blue/Yellow axis" - -#: data/effects/tcolor.xml:10 -msgid "Red/Green axis" -msgstr "Red/Green axis" - -#: data/effects/threshold.xml:4 -msgid "Make monochrome clip" -msgstr "Make monochrome clip" - -#: data/effects/threshold.xml:7 -msgid "Threshold value" -msgstr "Threshold value" - -#: data/effects/threshold.xml:10 -msgid "Use transparency" -msgstr "Use transparency" - -#: data/effects/vignette.xml:3 -msgid "Vignette Effect" -msgstr "Vignette Effect" - -#: data/effects/vignette.xml:4 -msgid "Adjustable Vignette" -msgstr "Adjustable Vignette" - -#: data/effects/vignette.xml:7 -msgid "smooth" -msgstr "smooth" - -#: data/effects/vignette.xml:10 -msgid "radius" -msgstr "radius" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_6) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_8) -#: data/effects/vignette.xml:13 src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:72 -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:575 -msgid "x" -msgstr "x" - -#: data/effects/vignette.xml:16 -msgid "y" -msgstr "y" - -#: data/effects/vignette.xml:19 -msgid "opacity" -msgstr "opacity" - -#: data/effects/vignette.xml:22 -msgid "use cos instead of linear" -msgstr "use cos instead of linear" - -#: data/effects/volume.xml:3 -msgid "Volume (keyframable)" -msgstr "Volume (keyframable)" - -#: data/effects/volume.xml:4 -msgid "Adjust audio volume with keyframes" -msgstr "Adjust audio volume with keyframes" - -#: data/effects/wave.xml:3 -msgid "Wave" -msgstr "Wave" - -#: data/effects/wave.xml:4 -msgid "Make waves on your clip with keyframes" -msgstr "Make waves on your clip with keyframes" - -#: data/effects/wave.xml:10 -msgid "Horizontal" -msgstr "Horizontal" - -#: data/effects/wave.xml:13 -msgid "Vertical" -msgstr "Vertical" - -#: data/kdenliveeffectscategory.rc:5 -msgid "Colour correction" -msgstr "Colour correction" - -#: data/kdenliveeffectscategory.rc:8 -msgid "Colour" -msgstr "Colour" - -#: data/kdenliveeffectscategory.rc:11 -msgid "Crop and transform" -msgstr "Crop and transform" - -#: data/kdenliveeffectscategory.rc:14 -msgid "Audio correction" -msgstr "Audio correction" - -#: data/kdenliveeffectscategory.rc:17 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:655 -msgid "Audio channels" -msgstr "Audio channels" - -#: data/kdenliveeffectscategory.rc:20 -msgid "Analysis and data" -msgstr "Analysis and data" - -#: data/kdenliveeffectscategory.rc:23 -msgid "Fade" -msgstr "Fade" - -#: data/kdenliveeffectscategory.rc:26 -msgid "Artistic" -msgstr "Artistic" - -#: data/kdenliveeffectscategory.rc:29 -msgid "Blur and hide" -msgstr "Blur and hide" - -#: data/kdenliveeffectscategory.rc:32 -msgid "Motion" -msgstr "Motion" - -#: data/kdenliveeffectscategory.rc:38 -msgid "Alpha manipulation" -msgstr "Alpha manipulation" - -#: data/kdenliveeffectscategory.rc:41 -msgid "Enhancement" -msgstr "Enhancement" - -#: data/kdenliveeffectscategory.rc:44 -msgid "GPU effects" -msgstr "GPU effects" - -#. i18n: ectx: ToolBar (extraToolBar) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:4 -msgid "Extra Toolbar" -msgstr "Extra Toolbar" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (project) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:21 -msgid "Project" -msgstr "Project" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (extract_audio) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:29 src/mainwindow.cpp:2752 -msgid "Extract Audio" -msgstr "Extract Audio" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (clip_actions) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:32 src/mainwindow.cpp:2699 -msgid "Clip Jobs" -msgstr "Clip Jobs" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (transcoders) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:35 src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:184 -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:125 -msgid "Transcode" -msgstr "Transcode" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (generators) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:38 -msgid "Generators" -msgstr "Generators" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (track_menu) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:40 src/mainwindow.cpp:1145 -msgid "Tracks" -msgstr "Tracks" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (clip_in_timeline) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:55 -msgid "Clip in Timeline" -msgstr "Clip in Timeline" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (tool) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:70 -msgid "Tool" -msgstr "Tool" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (clip) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:80 src/project/projectlistview.cpp:59 -msgid "Clip" -msgstr "Clip" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (marker_menu) -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_3) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:81 src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:397 -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:402 -msgid "Markers" -msgstr "Markers" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (timeline) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:96 src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:81 -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2785 -msgid "Timeline" -msgstr "Timeline" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (keyboard_selection) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:97 -msgid "Selection" -msgstr "Selection" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (keyboard_insert) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:105 -msgid "Insertion" -msgstr "Insertion" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (current_clip) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:110 -msgid "Current clip" -msgstr "Current clip" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (all_clips) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:117 -msgid "All clips" -msgstr "All clips" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (guide_menu) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:120 -msgid "Guides" -msgstr "Guides" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (space_menu) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:126 -msgid "Space" -msgstr "Space" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (video_effects_menu) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:134 src/mainwindow.cpp:279 -msgid "Add Effect" -msgstr "Add Effect" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (monitor) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:148 -msgid "Monitor" -msgstr "Monitor" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (monitor_go) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:154 src/timeline/customruler.cpp:93 -msgid "Go To" -msgstr "Go To" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (monitor_config) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:176 -msgid "Monitor config" -msgstr "Monitor config" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (dockwindows) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:187 -msgid "View" -msgstr "View" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (layout_save_as) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:188 -msgid "Save Layout As" -msgstr "Save Layout As" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, CountDown_UI) -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, ClipStabilize_UI) -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, FreeSound_UI) -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, ArchiveWidget_UI) -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, BackupDialog_UI) -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, ClipTranscode_UI) -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, AddTrack_UI) -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, SmConfig_UI) -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, ManageEncodingProfile_UI) -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, ColorClip_UI) -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, RenderWidget_UI) -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, Stopmotion_UI) -#: plugins/sampleplugin/countdown_ui.ui:13 src/ui/addtrack_ui.ui:14 -#: src/ui/archivewidget_ui.ui:14 src/ui/backupdialog_ui.ui:14 -#: src/ui/clipstabilize_ui.ui:14 src/ui/cliptranscode_ui.ui:14 -#: src/ui/colorclip_ui.ui:14 src/ui/freesound_ui.ui:14 -#: src/ui/manageencodingprofile_ui.ui:14 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:14 -#: src/ui/smconfig_ui.ui:14 src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Dialog" -msgstr "Dialog" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, destination_label) -#: plugins/sampleplugin/countdown_ui.ui:19 src/ui/cutjobdialog_ui.ui:47 -msgid "Save to" -msgstr "Save to" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, duration_label) -#: plugins/sampleplugin/countdown_ui.ui:29 -msgid "Duration (seconds)" -msgstr "Duration (seconds)" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, font_label) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_4) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_17) -#: plugins/sampleplugin/countdown_ui.ui:46 src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:89 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:331 -msgid "Font" -msgstr "Font" - -#: plugins/sampleplugin/sampleplugin.cpp:33 -msgid "Countdown" -msgstr "Countdown" - -#: plugins/sampleplugin/sampleplugin.cpp:55 -msgid "Create Noise Clip" -msgstr "Create Noise Clip" - -#: plugins/sampleplugin/sampleplugin.cpp:59 -msgid "Create Countdown Clip" -msgstr "Create Countdown Clip" - -#: plugins/sampleplugin/sampleplugin.cpp:97 -#: plugins/sampleplugin/sampleplugin.cpp:105 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Failed to generate clip:\n" -"%1" -msgstr "" -"Failed to generate clip:\n" -"%1" - -#: plugins/sampleplugin/sampleplugin.cpp:97 -#: plugins/sampleplugin/sampleplugin.cpp:105 -msgid "Generator Failed" -msgstr "Generator Failed" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:210 src/project/projectlist.cpp:133 -#, kde-format -msgid "%1 job" -msgid_plural "%1 jobs" -msgstr[0] "%1 job" -msgstr[1] "%1 jobs" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:211 src/project/projectlist.cpp:134 -#, kde-format -msgid "%1 pending job" -msgid_plural "%1 pending jobs" -msgstr[0] "%1 pending job" -msgstr[1] "%1 pending jobs" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_search) -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:300 src/ui/freesound_ui.ui:74 -msgid "Search" -msgstr "Search" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:336 -msgid "View Mode" -msgstr "View Mode" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:338 -msgid "Tree View" -msgstr "Tree View" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:346 -msgid "Icon View" -msgstr "Icon View" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:353 -msgid "Disable Bin Effects" -msgstr "Disable Bin Effects" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:361 src/bin/bincommands.cpp:102 -msgid "Rename Folder" -msgstr "Rename Folder" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab) -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:370 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:50 -msgid "Settings" -msgstr "Settings" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:372 src/project/clipproperties.cpp:351 -#: src/project/dialogs/slideshowclip.cpp:77 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:324 -msgid "Zoom" -msgstr "Zoom" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:378 -msgid "Show date" -msgstr "Show date" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:381 -msgid "Show description" -msgstr "Show description" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:399 src/project/projectlist.cpp:213 -msgid "Cancel All Jobs" -msgstr "Cancel All Jobs" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:401 src/project/projectlist.cpp:217 -msgid "Cancel Current Clip Jobs" -msgstr "Cancel Current Clip Jobs" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:431 src/project/projectlist.cpp:254 -msgid "Show Log" -msgstr "Show Log" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:504 -msgid "Creating audio thumbnails" -msgstr "Creating audio thumbnails" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:511 -msgid "Audio thumbnails done" -msgstr "Audio thumbnails done" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:805 -msgctxt "append to clip name to indicate a copied idem" -msgid " (copy)" -msgstr " (copy)" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:929 src/bin/bin.cpp:2217 -#: src/project/folderprojectitem.cpp:37 src/project/projectlist.cpp:1085 -#: src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:60 -msgid "Folder" -msgstr "Folder" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:1056 -#, kde-format -msgid "Folder contains a clip, delete anyways ?" -msgid_plural "Folder contains %1 clips, delete anyways ?" -msgstr[0] "Folder contains a clip, delete anyways ?" -msgstr[1] "Folder contains %1 clips, delete anyways ?" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:1173 src/mainwindow.cpp:1234 -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:1004 -msgid "Delete Clip" -msgstr "Delete Clip" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:1174 src/mainwindow.cpp:1251 -msgid "Proxy Clip" -msgstr "Proxy Clip" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:1181 src/project/projectlist.cpp:995 -msgid "Delete Folder" -msgstr "Delete Folder" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:1182 -msgid "Proxy Folder" -msgstr "Proxy Folder" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2015 src/bin/bincommands.cpp:62 src/bin/bincommands.cpp:82 -msgid "Move Clip" -msgid_plural "Move Clips" -msgstr[0] "Move Clip" -msgstr[1] "Move Clips" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2231 -#, kde-format -msgid "Playlist clip %1 is invalid." -msgstr "Playlist clip %1 is invalid." - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2236 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Playlist clip %1 has too many tracks (%2) to be imported. Add new tracks to " -"your project." -msgstr "" -"Playlist clip %1 has too many tracks (%2) to be imported. Add new tracks to " -"your project." - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2449 src/project/projectlist.cpp:465 -msgid "Please set a default application to open images in the Settings dialog" -msgstr "Please set a default application to open images in the Settings dialog" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2455 src/project/projectlist.cpp:471 -msgid "" -"Please set a default application to open audio files in the Settings dialog" -msgstr "" -"Please set a default application to open audio files in the Settings dialog" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2511 src/project/projectlist.cpp:2661 -msgid "No data returned from clip analysis" -msgstr "No data returned from clip analysis" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2525 src/project/projectlist.cpp:2674 -msgid "Processing data analysis" -msgstr "Processing data analysis" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2531 src/project/projectlist.cpp:2680 -msgid "Auto Split Clip" -msgstr "Auto Split Clip" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2549 src/project/projectlist.cpp:2698 -msgid "Add Markers" -msgstr "Add Markers" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2592 src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:85 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:474 src/project/projectcommands.cpp:164 -msgid "Add marker" -msgid_plural "Add markers" -msgstr[0] "Add marker" -msgstr[1] "Add markers" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2603 src/bin/bin.cpp:2685 src/project/jobs/filterjob.cpp:96 -#: src/timeline/markerdialog.cpp:45 -#, kde-format -msgid "Category %1" -msgstr "Category %1" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2608 -msgid "Load Clip Markers" -msgstr "Load Clip Markers" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2623 src/bin/bin.cpp:2720 -#: src/dialogs/profilesdialog.cpp:219 src/dialogs/profilesdialog.cpp:520 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot open file %1" -msgstr "Cannot open file %1" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, MarkerDialog_UI) -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2649 src/definitions.cpp:78 src/definitions.cpp:95 -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:367 src/mainwindow.cpp:1831 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:727 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:801 src/ui/markerdialog_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Marker" -msgstr "Marker" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2683 -msgid "All categories" -msgstr "All categories" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2690 -msgid "Save Clip Markers" -msgstr "Save Clip Markers" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2733 src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:86 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:478 src/project/projectcommands.cpp:162 -msgid "Delete marker" -msgstr "Delete marker" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2748 -msgid "Delete clip markers" -msgstr "Delete clip markers" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2750 -msgid "Clip has no markers" -msgstr "Clip has no markers" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2788 src/project/clippropertiesmanager.cpp:126 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"You are editing an external title clip (%1). Do you want to save your " -"changes to the title file or save the changes for this project only?" -msgstr "" -"You are editing an external title clip (%1). Do you want to save your " -"changes to the title file or save the changes for this project only?" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2788 src/project/clippropertiesmanager.cpp:126 -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:1766 -msgid "Save Title" -msgstr "Save Title" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2788 src/project/clippropertiesmanager.cpp:126 -msgid "Save to title file" -msgstr "Save to title file" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2788 src/project/clippropertiesmanager.cpp:126 -msgid "Save in project only" -msgstr "Save in project only" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2852 src/project/projectlist.cpp:1428 -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:1430 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4517 -msgid "Invalid clip" -msgstr "Invalid clip" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2852 src/project/projectlist.cpp:1428 -msgid "Clip is invalid, will be removed from project." -msgstr "Clip is invalid, will be removed from project." - -#: src/bin/bincommands.cpp:34 -msgid "Remove Folder" -msgstr "Remove Folder" - -#: src/bin/bincommands.cpp:35 -msgid "Add Folder" -msgstr "Add Folder" - -#: src/bin/bincommands.cpp:121 -msgid "Add Bin Effect" -msgstr "Add Bin Effect" - -#: src/bin/bincommands.cpp:140 -msgid "Remove Bin Effect" -msgstr "Remove Bin Effect" - -#: src/bin/bincommands.cpp:162 -msgid "Rename Zone" -msgstr "Rename Zone" - -#: src/bin/bincommands.cpp:184 -msgid "Add Sub Clip" -msgstr "Add Sub Clip" - -#: src/bin/bincommands.cpp:217 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1628 -msgid "Edit clip" -msgstr "Edit clip" - -#: src/bin/projectclip.cpp:90 src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:879 -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:195 -msgid "Untitled" -msgstr "Untitled" - -#: src/bin/projectclip.cpp:272 src/project/projectlist.cpp:2458 -msgctxt "The first letter of Proxy, used as abbreviation" -msgid "P" -msgstr "P" - -#: src/bin/projectclip.cpp:940 src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:1228 -#, kde-format -msgid "Clip already contains analysis data %1" -msgstr "Clip already contains analysis data %1" - -#: src/bin/projectclip.cpp:940 src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:1228 -msgid "Merge" -msgstr "Merge" - -#: src/bin/projectclip.cpp:940 src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:1228 -msgid "Add" -msgstr "Add" - -#: src/bin/projectfolder.cpp:74 -#, kde-format -msgid "%1 clip" -msgid_plural "%1 clips" -msgstr[0] "%1 clip" -msgstr[1] "%1 clips" - -#: src/bin/projectfolderup.cpp:35 -msgid "Back" -msgstr "Back" - -#: src/bin/projectfolderup.cpp:59 -msgid "Go up" -msgstr "Go up" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/bin/projectitemmodel.cpp:169 src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:74 -#: src/ui/colorclip_ui.ui:20 src/ui/configtranscode_ui.ui:70 -#: src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:20 -msgid "Name" -msgstr "Name" - -#: src/bin/projectitemmodel.cpp:172 -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:173 -#: src/project/projectlistview.cpp:59 -msgid "Date" -msgstr "Date" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_description) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/bin/projectitemmodel.cpp:175 src/project/projectlistview.cpp:59 -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:41 src/ui/configtranscode_ui.ui:80 -#: src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:49 -msgid "Description" -msgstr "Description" - -#: src/bin/projectitemmodel.cpp:178 src/dialogs/profilesdialog.cpp:585 -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:231 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:319 -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:771 src/mltcontroller/clipcontroller.cpp:266 -#: src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:483 -msgid "Unknown" -msgstr "Unknown" - -#: src/bin/projectsubclip.cpp:41 src/doc/documentvalidator.cpp:1441 -#, kde-format -msgid "Zone %1" -msgstr "Zone %1" - -#: src/capture/managecapturesdialog.cpp:42 -msgid "import" -msgstr "import" - -#: src/dialogs/clipcreationdialog.cpp:97 src/dialogs/clipcreationdialog.cpp:98 -msgid "Color Clip" -msgstr "Colour Clip" - -#: src/dialogs/clipcreationdialog.cpp:188 -msgid "Title clip" -msgstr "Title clip" - -#: src/dialogs/clipcreationdialog.cpp:236 src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:1117 -msgid "Template title clip" -msgstr "Template title clip" - -#: src/dialogs/clipcreationdialog.cpp:428 src/doc/doccommands.cpp:32 -msgid "Add clip" -msgid_plural "Add clips" -msgstr[0] "Add clip" -msgstr[1] "Add clips" - -#: src/dialogs/clipcreationdialog.cpp:437 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:247 -#: src/effectstack/collapsibleeffect.cpp:200 src/mainwindow.cpp:2832 -msgid "All Supported Files" -msgstr "All Supported Files" - -#: src/dialogs/clipcreationdialog.cpp:437 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:247 -#: src/effectstack/collapsibleeffect.cpp:200 src/mainwindow.cpp:2832 -msgid "All Files" -msgstr "All Files" - -#: src/dialogs/clipcreationdialog.cpp:438 -msgid "Import image sequence" -msgstr "Import image sequence" - -#: src/dialogs/clipcreationdialog.cpp:440 -msgid "Transparent background for images" -msgstr "Transparent background for images" - -#: src/dialogs/encodingprofilesdialog.cpp:37 -msgid "Manage Encoding Profiles" -msgstr "Manage Encoding Profiles" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, groupBox) -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, enable_proxy) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_14) -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, kcfg_enableproxy) -#: src/dialogs/encodingprofilesdialog.cpp:38 -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:96 src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:36 -#: src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:142 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:244 -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:499 -msgid "Proxy clips" -msgstr "Proxy clips" - -#: src/dialogs/encodingprofilesdialog.cpp:39 -msgid "Video4Linux capture" -msgstr "Video4Linux capture" - -#: src/dialogs/encodingprofilesdialog.cpp:40 -msgid "Screen capture" -msgstr "Screen capture" - -#: src/dialogs/encodingprofilesdialog.cpp:41 -msgid "Decklink capture" -msgstr "Decklink capture" - -#: src/dialogs/encodingprofilesdialog.cpp:125 -#: src/dialogs/encodingprofilesdialog.cpp:157 -msgid "Profile name:" -msgstr "Profile name:" - -#: src/dialogs/encodingprofilesdialog.cpp:128 -#: src/dialogs/encodingprofilesdialog.cpp:160 -msgid "Parameters:" -msgstr "Parameters:" - -#: src/dialogs/encodingprofilesdialog.cpp:131 -#: src/dialogs/encodingprofilesdialog.cpp:163 -msgid "File extension:" -msgstr "File extension:" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:64 -#: src/effectslist/effectslistwidget.cpp:100 -#: src/effectslist/effectslistwidget.cpp:121 -#: src/effectslist/effectslistwidget.cpp:123 -msgid "Misc" -msgstr "Misc" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:73 -msgid "Project Defaults" -msgstr "Project Defaults" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:101 -msgid "Environment" -msgstr "Environment" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:126 -msgid "Capture" -msgstr "Capture" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:131 -msgid "Capture is not yet available on Mac OS X." -msgstr "Capture is not yet available on Mac OS X." - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:170 -msgid "JogShuttle" -msgstr "JogShuttle" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, groupBox) -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:180 src/ui/smconfig_ui.ui:20 -msgid "Playback" -msgstr "Playback" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:275 -msgid "GPU processing needs MLT compiled with Movit and Rtaudio modules" -msgstr "GPU processing needs MLT compiled with Movit and Rtaudio modules" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:300 -#, kde-format -msgid "dvgrab version %1 at %2" -msgstr "dvgrab version %1 at %2" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:301 -msgid "" -"dvgrab utility not found, please install it for firewire " -"capture" -msgstr "" -"dvgrab utility not found, please install it for firewire " -"capture" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:438 -msgid "Automatic" -msgstr "Automatic" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:440 -msgid "OSS" -msgstr "OSS" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:441 -msgid "ALSA" -msgstr "ALSA" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:442 -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:487 -msgid "PulseAudio" -msgstr "PulseAudio" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:443 -msgid "OSS with DMA access" -msgstr "OSS with DMA access" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:444 -msgid "Esound daemon" -msgstr "Esound daemon" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:445 -msgid "ARTS daemon" -msgstr "ARTS daemon" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:457 -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:458 -msgid "Default" -msgstr "Default" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:503 -msgid "SDL" -msgstr "SDL" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:504 -msgid "RtAudio" -msgstr "RtAudio" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:566 -msgid "Select default video player" -msgstr "Select default video player" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:578 -msgid "Select default audio editor" -msgstr "Select default audio editor" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:590 -msgid "Select default image editor" -msgstr "Select default image editor" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:809 -msgid "Kdenlive must be restarted to change this setting" -msgstr "Kdenlive must be restarted to change this setting" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, p_progressive) -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:832 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:264 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:634 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:118 src/project/clipproperties.cpp:685 -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:322 src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:99 -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:163 -msgid "Interlaced" -msgstr "Interlaced" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, progressive) -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:834 -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:1039 -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:1072 -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:1088 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:265 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:634 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:119 src/project/clipproperties.cpp:685 -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:428 src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:232 -msgid "Progressive" -msgstr "Progressive" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:892 -msgid "A profile with that name already exists" -msgstr "A profile with that name already exists" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:1003 -msgid "Current settings" -msgstr "Current settings" - -#: src/dialogs/profilesdialog.cpp:50 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:163 -msgid "Delete profile" -msgstr "Delete profile" - -#: src/dialogs/profilesdialog.cpp:52 src/dialogs/profilesdialog.cpp:95 -msgid "Save profile" -msgstr "Save profile" - -#: src/dialogs/profilesdialog.cpp:54 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:171 -msgid "Create new profile" -msgstr "Create new profile" - -#: src/dialogs/profilesdialog.cpp:163 -msgid "The custom profile was modified, do you want to save it?" -msgstr "The custom profile was modified, do you want to save it?" - -#: src/dialogs/profilesdialog.cpp:194 -msgid "" -"A profile with same name already exists in MLT's default profiles, please " -"choose another description for your custom profile." -msgstr "" -"A profile with same name already exists in MLT's default profiles, please " -"choose another description for your custom profile." - -#: src/dialogs/profilesdialog.cpp:225 src/dialogs/profilesdialog.cpp:526 -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:612 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:799 -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:805 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:865 -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1003 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1168 -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2382 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2405 -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:669 src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:675 -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:934 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:940 -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:3046 src/mainwindow.cpp:3051 -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:796 -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:802 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:1780 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot write to file %1" -msgstr "Cannot write to file %1" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:108 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1233 -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2295 -msgid "Waiting..." -msgstr "Waiting..." - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:111 -msgid "Rendering finished" -msgstr "Rendering finished" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:116 -msgid "Rendering crashed" -msgstr "Rendering crashed" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:121 -msgid "Rendering aborted" -msgstr "Rendering aborted" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:155 -msgid "Rendering" -msgstr "Rendering" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:167 -msgid "Edit profile" -msgstr "Edit profile" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:177 -msgid "Copy profile to favorites" -msgstr "Copy profile to favorites" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:179 -msgid "Show profiles with different framerate" -msgstr "Show profiles with different framerate" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, preserveAspectRatio) -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:223 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:534 -msgid "Preserve aspect ratio" -msgstr "Preserve aspect ratio" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:289 -msgid "File" -msgstr "File" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:298 -msgid "Script Files" -msgstr "Script Files" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:392 -msgid "Beginning" -msgstr "Beginning" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:478 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:494 -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:688 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:706 -msgid "Qualities" -msgstr "Qualities" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:479 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:495 -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:689 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:707 -msgid "Default quality" -msgstr "Default quality" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, vbitrates_label) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, abitrates_label) -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:481 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:497 -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:691 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:709 -#: src/ui/saveprofile_ui.ui:40 src/ui/saveprofile_ui.ui:73 -msgid "Bitrates" -msgstr "Bitrates" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, default_vbitrate_label) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, default_abitrate_label) -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:482 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:498 -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:692 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:710 -#: src/ui/saveprofile_ui.ui:26 src/ui/saveprofile_ui.ui:80 -msgid "Default bitrate" -msgstr "Default bitrate" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:509 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:515 -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:679 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:749 -msgctxt "Group Name" -msgid "Custom" -msgstr "Custom" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:591 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:760 -msgid "Profile already exists" -msgstr "Profile already exists" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:591 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:760 -msgid "" -"This profile name already exists. Change the name if you don't want to " -"overwrite it." -msgstr "" -"This profile name already exists. Change the name if you don't want to " -"overwrite it." - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:606 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:859 -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1859 -#, kde-format -msgid "Unable to write to file %1" -msgstr "Unable to write to file %1" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:632 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1843 -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1892 -msgctxt "Category Name" -msgid "Custom" -msgstr "Custom" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:720 -msgid "Edit Profile" -msgstr "Edit Profile" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:918 -msgid "Cannot find the melt program required for rendering (part of Mlt)" -msgstr "Cannot find the melt program required for rendering (part of Mlt)" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:922 -msgid "" -"Cannot play video after rendering because the default video player " -"application is not set.\n" -"Please define it in Kdenlive settings dialog." -msgstr "" -"Cannot play video after rendering because the default video player " -"application is not set.\n" -"Please define it in Kdenlive settings dialog." - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:930 src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:259 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"The directory %1, could not be created.\n" -"Please make sure you have the required permissions." -msgstr "" -"The directory %1, could not be created.\n" -"Please make sure you have the required permissions." - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:973 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:165 -#, kde-format -msgid "File has no extension. Add extension (%1)?" -msgstr "File has no extension. Add extension (%1)?" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:988 -msgid "Output file already exists. Do you want to overwrite it?" -msgstr "Output file already exists. Do you want to overwrite it?" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1222 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2283 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"There is already a job writing file:
Abort the job if " -"you want to overwrite it..." -msgstr "" -"There is already a job writing file:
Abort the job if " -"you want to overwrite it..." - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1222 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2283 -msgid "Already running" -msgstr "Already running" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1266 -msgid "Video without audio track" -msgstr "Video without audio track" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1317 -#, kde-format -msgid "Rendering %1 started" -msgstr "Rendering %1 started" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1473 -#, kde-format -msgid "Frame rate (%1) not compatible with project profile (%2)" -msgstr "Frame rate (%1) not compatible with project profile (%2)" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1491 -#, kde-format -msgid "Unsupported video format: %1" -msgstr "Unsupported video format: %1" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1507 -#, kde-format -msgid "Unsupported audio codec: %1" -msgstr "Unsupported audio codec: %1" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1524 -#, kde-format -msgid "Unsupported video codec: %1" -msgstr "Unsupported video codec: %1" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1533 -msgid "" -"This render profile uses a 'profile' parameter.
Unless you know what " -"you are doing you will probably have to change it to 'mlt_profile'." -msgstr "" -"This render profile uses a 'profile' parameter.
Unless you know what " -"you are doing you will probably have to change it to 'mlt_profile'." - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1546 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1584 -msgid "No matching profile" -msgstr "No matching profile" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1561 -msgid "untitled" -msgstr "untitled" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1586 -msgid "Invalid profile" -msgstr "Invalid profile" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1630 -msgid "" -"Video\n" -"quality" -msgstr "" -"Video\n" -"quality" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1632 -msgid "" -"Video\n" -"bitrate" -msgstr "" -"Video\n" -"bitrate" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1652 -msgid "" -"Audio\n" -"quality" -msgstr "" -"Audio\n" -"quality" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1654 -msgid "" -"Audio\n" -"bitrate" -msgstr "" -"Audio\n" -"bitrate" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1692 -msgid "File rendering" -msgstr "File rendering" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1693 -msgid "Favorites" -msgstr "Favorites" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1694 -msgid "DVD" -msgstr "DVD" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, profile_audioonly) -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1695 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7011 -#: src/ui/configtranscode_ui.ui:100 -msgid "Audio only" -msgstr "Audio only" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1696 -msgid "Web sites" -msgstr "Web sites" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1697 -msgid "Media players" -msgstr "Media players" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1698 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1738 -msgid "Lossless/HQ" -msgstr "Lossless/HQ" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1699 -msgid "Mobile devices" -msgstr "Mobile devices" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1783 -msgctxt "Category Name" -msgid "Images sequence" -msgstr "Images sequence" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1987 -msgctxt "Attribute Name" -msgid "Custom" -msgstr "Custom" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2085 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2108 -#, kde-format -msgid "%1 day " -msgid_plural "%1 days " -msgstr[0] "%1 day " -msgstr[1] "%1 days " - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2087 -#, kde-format -msgid "Remaining time %1" -msgstr "Remaining time %1" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2110 -#, kde-format -msgid "Rendering finished in %1" -msgstr "Rendering finished in %1" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2112 -#, kde-format -msgid "Rendering of %1 finished in %2" -msgstr "Rendering of %1 finished in %2" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2125 -#, kde-format -msgid "Rendering of %1 crashed
" -msgstr "Rendering of %1 crashed
" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, abort_job) -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2165 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:650 -msgid "Abort Job" -msgstr "Abort Job" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2168 -msgid "Remove Job" -msgstr "Remove Job" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2236 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2240 -#, kde-format -msgid "Script contains wrong command: %1" -msgstr "Script contains wrong command: %1" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2424 -msgid "script" -msgstr "script" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2445 src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:228 -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:640 -msgid "Check missing clips" -msgstr "Check missing clips" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2502 -msgid "Export audio (automatic)" -msgstr "Export audio (automatic)" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, export_audio) -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2504 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:544 -msgid "Export audio" -msgstr "Export audio" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:60 -msgid "Config Wizard" -msgstr "Config Wizard" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:64 -msgid "Welcome" -msgstr "Welcome" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:66 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Your Kdenlive version was upgraded to version %1. Please take some time to " -"review the basic settings" -msgstr "" -"Your Kdenlive version was upgraded to version %1. Please take some time to " -"review the basic settings" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:68 -msgid "" -"This is the first time you run Kdenlive. This wizard will let you adjust " -"some basic settings, you will be ready to edit your first movie in a few " -"seconds..." -msgstr "" -"This is the first time you run Kdenlive. This wizard will let you adjust " -"some basic settings, you will be ready to edit your first movie in a few " -"seconds..." - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:72 -msgid "Discover the features of this Kdenlive release" -msgstr "Discover the features of this Kdenlive release" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:82 -msgid "Checking MLT engine" -msgstr "Checking MLT engine" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:90 -msgid "Video Standard" -msgstr "Video Standard" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:128 -msgid "Additional Settings" -msgstr "Additional Settings" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (KComboBox, capture_device) -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:142 src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:168 -msgid "Capture device" -msgstr "Capture device" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:146 -msgid "Default Blackmagic Decklink card:" -msgstr "Default Blackmagic Decklink card:" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:147 -msgid "No Blackmagic Decklink device found" -msgstr "No Blackmagic Decklink device found" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:158 -msgid "Checking system" -msgstr "Checking system" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:186 -msgid "Default video4linux device:" -msgstr "Default video4linux device:" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:199 -msgid "No device found, plug your webcam and refresh." -msgstr "No device found, plug your webcam and refresh." - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:221 -#, kde-format -msgid "Current settings (%1x%2, %3/%4fps)" -msgstr "Current settings (%1x%2, %3/%4fps)" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:257 -#, kde-format -msgid "Default settings (%1x%2, %3/%4fps)" -msgstr "Default settings (%1x%2, %3/%4fps)" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:272 -msgid "Melt" -msgstr "Melt" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:273 -msgid "Required for rendering (part of MLT package)" -msgstr "Required for rendering (part of MLT package)" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:280 -msgid "Cannot start the MLT video backend!" -msgstr "Cannot start the MLT video backend!" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:287 -#, kde-format -msgid "MLT version: %1" -msgstr "MLT version: %1" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:290 -msgid "Your MLT version is unsupported!!!" -msgstr "Your MLT version is unsupported!!!" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:296 -#, kde-format -msgid "Please upgrade to MLT %1.%2.%3" -msgstr "Please upgrade to MLT %1.%2.%3" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:300 -msgid "MLT video backend!" -msgstr "MLT video backend!" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:318 -msgid "SDL module" -msgstr "SDL module" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:319 -msgid "Required for Kdenlive" -msgstr "Required for Kdenlive" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:332 -msgid "Avformat module (FFmpeg)" -msgstr "Avformat module (FFmpeg)" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:333 -msgid "Required to work with various video formats (hdv, mpeg, flash, ...)" -msgstr "Required to work with various video formats (hdv, mpeg, flash, ...)" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:372 -msgid "QImage module" -msgstr "QImage module" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:373 src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:378 -msgid "Required to work with images" -msgstr "Required to work with images" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:377 -msgid "Pixbuf module" -msgstr "Pixbuf module" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:392 -msgid "Title module" -msgstr "Title module" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:393 -msgid "Required to work with titles" -msgstr "Required to work with titles" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:456 -msgid "" -"The following codecs were not found on your system. Check our online manual if you need them: " -msgstr "" -"The following codecs were not found on your system. Check our online manual if you need them: " - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:477 -msgid "FFmpeg & ffplay" -msgstr "FFmpeg & ffplay" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:478 -msgid "Required for proxy clips, transcoding and screen capture" -msgstr "Required for proxy clips, transcoding and screen capture" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:504 -msgid "dvgrab" -msgstr "dvgrab" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:505 -msgid "Required for firewire capture" -msgstr "Required for firewire capture" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:511 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:104 -msgid "dvdauthor" -msgstr "dvdauthor" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:512 -msgid "Required for creation of DVD" -msgstr "Required for creation of DVD" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:518 -msgid "genisoimage or mkisofs" -msgstr "genisoimage or mkisofs" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:519 -msgid "Required for creation of DVD ISO images" -msgstr "Required for creation of DVD ISO images" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:528 -msgid "xine" -msgstr "xine" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:529 -msgid "Required to preview your DVD" -msgstr "Required to preview your DVD" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:533 -msgid "vlc" -msgstr "vlc" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:685 -msgid "Frame size:" -msgstr "Frame size:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_4) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:685 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:245 -#: src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:55 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:107 -msgid "Frame rate:" -msgstr "Frame rate:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_23) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_9) -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:685 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:266 -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:121 -msgid "Pixel aspect ratio:" -msgstr "Pixel aspect ratio:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_31) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_10) -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:685 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:280 -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:135 -msgid "Display aspect ratio:" -msgstr "Display aspect ratio:" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:732 -msgid "" -"Your MLT installation cannot be found. Install MLT and restart Kdenlive.\n" -msgstr "" -"Your MLT installation cannot be found. Install MLT and restart Kdenlive.\n" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:736 -msgid "Fatal Error" -msgstr "Fatal Error" - -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:279 -#, kde-format -msgid "%1 fps" -msgstr "%1 fps" - -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:284 -msgid "Hz" -msgstr "Hz" - -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:289 -msgid "Audio clip" -msgstr "Audio clip" - -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:292 -msgid "Mute video clip" -msgstr "Mute video clip" - -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:295 src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:214 -msgid "Video clip" -msgstr "Video clip" - -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:298 -msgid "Color clip" -msgstr "Colour clip" - -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:301 src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:216 -msgid "Image clip" -msgstr "Image clip" - -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:304 -msgid "Template text clip" -msgstr "Template text clip" - -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:305 -msgid "Text clip" -msgstr "Text clip" - -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:308 -msgid "Slideshow clip" -msgstr "Slideshow clip" - -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:311 -msgid "Virtual clip" -msgstr "Virtual clip" - -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:314 src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:218 -msgid "Playlist clip" -msgstr "Playlist clip" - -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:317 -msgid "Unknown clip" -msgstr "Unknown clip" - -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:684 src/renderer.cpp:141 -msgid "Missing clip" -msgstr "Missing clip" - -#: src/doc/doccommands.cpp:33 src/project/clipmanager.cpp:226 -msgid "Delete clip" -msgid_plural "Delete clips" -msgstr[0] "Delete clip" -msgstr[1] "Delete clips" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:199 -msgid "Luma file" -msgstr "Luma file" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:223 -msgid "Title Image" -msgstr "Title Image" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:226 -msgid "Title Font" -msgstr "Title Font" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:247 -#, kde-format -msgid "%1 will be replaced by %2" -msgstr "%1 will be replaced by %2" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:261 -msgid "Missing item" -msgstr "Missing item" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:265 -msgid "The project file contains missing clips or files" -msgstr "The project file contains missing clips or files" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:269 -msgid "Missing proxies will be recreated after opening." -msgstr "Missing proxies will be recreated after opening." - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:273 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"The project file contains a missing clip, you can still work with its proxy." -msgid_plural "" -"The project file contains %1 missing clips, you can still work with their " -"proxies." -msgstr[0] "" -"The project file contains a missing clip, you can still work with its proxy." -msgstr[1] "" -"The project file contains %1 missing clips, you can still work with their " -"proxies." - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:283 src/project/projectitem.cpp:192 -msgid "Proxy clip" -msgstr "Proxy clip" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:285 -#, kde-format -msgid "%1 missing proxy clip, will be recreated on project opening" -msgid_plural "%1 missing proxy clips, will be recreated on project opening" -msgstr[0] "%1 missing proxy clip, will be recreated on project opening" -msgstr[1] "%1 missing proxy clips, will be recreated on project opening" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:288 -msgid "Missing proxy" -msgstr "Missing proxy" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:335 src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:348 -msgid "Source clip" -msgstr "Source clip" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:337 -#, kde-format -msgid "%1 missing source clips, you can only use the proxies" -msgstr "%1 missing source clips, you can only use the proxies" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:340 -msgid "Missing source clip" -msgstr "Missing source clip" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:411 -msgid "Clips folder" -msgstr "Clips folder" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:567 -msgid "Enter new location for file" -msgstr "Enter new location for file" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:780 -msgid "This will remove the selected clip from this project" -msgid_plural "This will remove the selected clips from this project" -msgstr[0] "This will remove the selected clip from this project" -msgstr[1] "This will remove the selected clips from this project" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:780 -msgid "Remove clips" -msgstr "Remove clips" - -#: src/doc/documentvalidator.cpp:90 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"The document was created in \"%1\" locale, which is not installed on your " -"system. Please install that language pack. Until then, Kdenlive might not be " -"able to correctly open the document." -msgstr "" -"The document was created in \"%1\" locale, which is not installed on your " -"system. Please install that language pack. Until then, Kdenlive might not be " -"able to correctly open the document." - -#: src/doc/documentvalidator.cpp:94 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"There is a locale conflict on your system. The document uses locale %1 which " -"uses a \"%2\" as numeric separator (in system libraries) but Qt expects " -"\"%3\". You might not be able to correctly open the project." -msgstr "" -"There is a locale conflict on your system. The document uses locale %1 which " -"uses a \"%2\" as numeric separator (in system libraries) but Qt expects " -"\"%3\". You might not be able to correctly open the project." - -#: src/doc/documentvalidator.cpp:279 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"This project type is unsupported (version %1) and can't be loaded.\n" -"Please consider upgrading your Kdenlive version." -msgstr "" -"This project type is unsupported (version %1) and can't be loaded.\n" -"Please consider upgrading your Kdenlive version." - -#: src/doc/documentvalidator.cpp:279 src/doc/documentvalidator.cpp:286 -msgid "Unable to open project" -msgstr "Unable to open project" - -#: src/doc/documentvalidator.cpp:286 -#, kde-format -msgid "This project type is unsupported (version %1) and can't be loaded." -msgstr "This project type is unsupported (version %1) and can't be loaded." - -#: src/doc/documentvalidator.cpp:840 -msgid "" -"Some of your text clips were saved with size in points, which means " -"different sizes on different displays. Do you want to convert them to pixel " -"size, making them portable? It is recommended you do this on the computer " -"they were first created on, or you could have to adjust their size." -msgstr "" -"Some of your text clips were saved with size in points, which means " -"different sizes on different displays. Do you want to convert them to pixel " -"size, making them portable? It is recommended you do this on the computer " -"they were first created on, or you could have to adjust their size." - -#: src/doc/documentvalidator.cpp:840 -msgid "Update Text Clips" -msgstr "Update Text Clips" - -#: src/doc/documentvalidator.cpp:1679 -msgid "" -"The project file uses some GPU effects. GPU acceleration is not currently " -"enabled.\n" -"Do you want to convert the project to a non-GPU version ?\n" -"This might result in data loss." -msgstr "" -"The project file uses some GPU effects. GPU acceleration is not currently " -"enabled.\n" -"Do you want to convert the project to a non-GPU version ?\n" -"This might result in data loss." - -#: src/doc/documentvalidator.cpp:1770 -msgid "The following filters/transitions were converted to non GPU versions:" -msgstr "The following filters/transitions were converted to non GPU versions:" - -#: src/doc/documentvalidator.cpp:1773 -msgid "The following filters/transitions were deleted from the project:" -msgstr "The following filters/transitions were deleted from the project:" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:152 -msgid "" -"Cannot open the project file,\n" -"Do you want to open a backup file?" -msgstr "" -"Cannot open the project file,\n" -"Do you want to open a backup file?" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:152 src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:168 -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:213 -msgid "Error opening file" -msgstr "Error opening file" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:152 src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:168 -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:213 -msgid "Open Backup" -msgstr "Open Backup" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:168 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Cannot open the project file, error is:\n" -"%1 (line %2, col %3)\n" -"Do you want to open a backup file?" -msgstr "" -"Cannot open the project file, error is:\n" -"%1 (line %2, col %3)\n" -"Do you want to open a backup file?" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:168 src/project/projectmanager.cpp:381 -msgid "Recover" -msgstr "Recover" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:194 -msgid "Cannot recover this project file" -msgstr "Cannot recover this project file" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:206 -msgid "Validating" -msgstr "Validating" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:212 -#, kde-format -msgid "File %1 is not a Kdenlive project file" -msgstr "File %1 is not a Kdenlive project file" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:213 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"File %1 is not a valid project file.\n" -"Do you want to open a backup file?" -msgstr "" -"File %1 is not a valid project file.\n" -"Do you want to open a backup file?" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:254 -#, kde-format -msgid "Project directory %1 does not exist. Create it?" -msgstr "Project directory %1 does not exist. Create it?" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:266 -#, kde-format -msgid "Document project folder is invalid, setting it to the default one: %1" -msgstr "Document project folder is invalid, setting it to the default one: %1" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:548 src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:659 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot write to file %1, scene list is corrupted." -msgstr "Cannot write to file %1, scene list is corrupted." - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:719 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"You have changed the project folder. Do you want to copy the cached data " -"from %1 to the new folder %2?" -msgstr "" -"You have changed the project folder. Do you want to copy the cached data " -"from %1 to the new folder %2?" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:1105 -msgid "Enter Template Path" -msgstr "Enter Template Path" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:1179 -msgid "The following effects were imported from the project:" -msgstr "The following effects were imported from the project:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:1209 src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:1223 -#: src/ui/backupdialog_ui.ui:22 -msgid "Project Folder" -msgstr "Project Folder" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:1287 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Cannot create backup copy:\n" -"%1" -msgstr "" -"Cannot create backup copy:\n" -"%1" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:1400 src/project/projectlist.cpp:2317 -msgid "Add proxy clip" -msgid_plural "Add proxy clips" -msgstr[0] "Add proxy clip" -msgstr[1] "Add proxy clips" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:1401 src/project/projectlist.cpp:2318 -msgid "Remove proxy clip" -msgid_plural "Remove proxy clips" -msgstr[0] "Remove proxy clip" -msgstr[1] "Remove proxy clips" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:62 src/mainwindow.cpp:1023 -msgid "DVD Wizard" -msgstr "DVD Wizard" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:65 -msgid "Select Files For Your DVD" -msgstr "Select Files For Your DVD" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:69 -msgid "DVD Chapters" -msgstr "DVD Chapters" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:75 -msgid "Create DVD Menu" -msgstr "Create DVD Menu" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:79 -msgid "Creating DVD Image" -msgstr "Creating DVD Image" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:104 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:111 -#, kde-format -msgid "Burn with %1" -msgstr "Burn with %1" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:114 -msgid "No burning program found (K3b, Brasero)" -msgstr "No burning program found (K3b, Brasero)" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:120 -msgid "Load" -msgstr "Load" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:121 -msgid "Save" -msgstr "Save" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:188 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot create temporary directory %1" -msgstr "Cannot create temporary directory %1" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:271 -msgid "Menu movie is invalid" -msgstr "Menu movie is invalid" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:383 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:464 -msgid "Rendering job timed out" -msgstr "Rendering job timed out" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:385 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:466 -msgid "Menu job timed out" -msgstr "Menu job timed out" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:674 -msgid "Rendering menu crashed" -msgstr "Rendering menu crashed" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:710 -msgid "DVDAuthor process crashed" -msgstr "DVDAuthor process crashed" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:713 -msgid "DVDAuthor process crashed.
" -msgstr "DVDAuthor process crashed.
" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:737 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:738 -msgid "DVD structure broken" -msgstr "DVD structure broken" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:785 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:788 -msgid "ISO creation process crashed." -msgstr "ISO creation process crashed." - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:817 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:818 -msgid "DVD ISO is broken" -msgstr "DVD ISO is broken" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:832 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:834 -#, kde-format -msgid "DVD ISO image %1 successfully created." -msgstr "DVD ISO image %1 successfully created." - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:864 -#, kde-format -msgid "Previewing requires one of these applications (%1)" -msgstr "Previewing requires one of these applications (%1)" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:888 -#, kde-format -msgid "Folder %1 already exists. Overwrite?\n" -msgstr "Folder %1 already exists. Overwrite?\n" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:890 -#, kde-format -msgid "Image file %1 already exists. Overwrite?" -msgstr "Image file %1 already exists. Overwrite?" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:911 -msgid "Save DVD Project" -msgstr "Save DVD Project" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:911 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:948 -msgid "DVD project (*.kdvd)" -msgstr "DVD project (*.kdvd)" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:957 -#, kde-format -msgid "File %1 is not a Kdenlive project file." -msgstr "File %1 is not a Kdenlive project file." - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardmenu.cpp:42 src/monitor/monitor.cpp:185 -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:303 src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:79 -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:405 src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:444 -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:873 -msgid "Play" -msgstr "Play" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardmenu.cpp:54 -msgid "Add new button" -msgstr "Add new button" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardmenu.cpp:55 -msgid "Delete current button" -msgstr "Delete current button" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardmenu.cpp:300 -msgid "Play All" -msgstr "Play All" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:104 -#, kde-format -msgid "Program %1 is required for the DVD wizard." -msgstr "Program %1 is required for the DVD wizard." - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:105 -msgid "mkisofs" -msgstr "mkisofs" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:105 -msgid "genisoimage" -msgstr "genisoimage" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:105 -#, kde-format -msgid "Program %1 or %2 is required for the DVD wizard." -msgstr "Program %1 or %2 is required for the DVD wizard." - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:111 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:316 -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:768 -msgid "PAL 4:3" -msgstr "PAL 4:3" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:111 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:313 -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:765 -msgid "PAL 16:9" -msgstr "PAL 16:9" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:111 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:310 -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:762 -msgid "NTSC 4:3" -msgstr "NTSC 4:3" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:111 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:307 -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:759 -msgid "NTSC 16:9" -msgstr "NTSC 16:9" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:138 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:791 -msgid "Your clips do not match selected DVD format, transcoding required." -msgstr "Your clips do not match selected DVD format, transcoding required." - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:210 src/project/cliptranscode.cpp:244 -msgid "Transcoding failed!" -msgstr "Transcoding failed!" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:247 -msgid "MPEG Files" -msgstr "MPEG Files" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:248 -msgid "Add new video file" -msgstr "Add new video file" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:337 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:779 -#, kde-format -msgid "The clip %1 is invalid." -msgstr "The clip %1 is invalid." - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:674 -#: src/effectstack/collapsibleeffect.cpp:352 -#: src/effectstack/collapsiblegroup.cpp:178 src/monitor/monitor.cpp:845 -#: src/project/clipstabilize.cpp:222 src/project/cliptranscode.cpp:141 -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:297 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"File %1 already exists.\n" -"Do you want to overwrite it?" -msgstr "" -"File %1 already exists.\n" -"Do you want to overwrite it?" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:699 -#, kde-format -msgid "Transcoding: %1" -msgstr "Transcoding: %1" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslist.cpp:197 -msgid "Author:" -msgstr "Author:" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:63 -msgid "Search in effects list" -msgstr "Search in effects list" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:72 -msgid "Show/Hide effect description" -msgstr "Show/Hide effect description" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:83 -msgid "Add Effect to Selected Clip" -msgstr "Add Effect to Selected Clip" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:84 -msgid "Add Effect to Favorites" -msgstr "Add Effect to Favorites" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:85 -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:231 -#: src/effectstack/collapsibleeffect.cpp:70 -#: src/effectstack/collapsiblegroup.cpp:77 -msgid "Delete effect" -msgstr "Delete effect" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:93 -msgid "Show all transitions" -msgstr "Show all transitions" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:94 -msgid "Show GPU transitions" -msgstr "Show GPU transitions" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:101 -msgid "Show all effects" -msgstr "Show all effects" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:103 -msgid "Show video effects" -msgstr "Show video effects" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:105 -msgid "Show audio effects" -msgstr "Show audio effects" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:107 -msgid "Show GPU effects" -msgstr "Show GPU effects" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:109 -msgid "Show custom effects" -msgstr "Show custom effects" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:110 -msgid "Show favorite effects" -msgstr "Show favorite effects" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:239 -msgid "Remove from favorites" -msgstr "Remove from favorites" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_audio) -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, abitrates) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_audiothumbnails) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, audio_thumbs) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, audiobitrateLabel) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, rec_audio) -#: src/effectslist/effectslistwidget.cpp:100 -#: src/effectslist/effectslistwidget.cpp:129 -#: src/effectslist/effectslistwidget.cpp:131 src/monitor/recmanager.cpp:57 -#: src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:39 -#: src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:121 -#: src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:155 -#: src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:194 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:131 -#: src/ui/configtimeline_ui.ui:38 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:224 -#: src/ui/recmonitor_ui.ui:107 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:195 -#: src/ui/saveprofile_ui.ui:67 -msgid "Audio" -msgstr "Audio" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistwidget.cpp:100 -#: src/effectslist/effectslistwidget.cpp:137 -#: src/effectslist/effectslistwidget.cpp:139 -#: src/effectslist/effectslistwidget.cpp:464 -msgctxt "Folder Name" -msgid "Custom" -msgstr "Custom" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistwidget.cpp:194 -msgctxt "menu name for effects names between these 2 letters" -msgid "0 - F" -msgstr "0 - F" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistwidget.cpp:196 -msgctxt "menu name for effects names between these 2 letters" -msgid "G - L" -msgstr "G - L" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistwidget.cpp:198 -msgctxt "menu name for effects names between these 2 letters" -msgid "M - R" -msgstr "M - R" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistwidget.cpp:200 -msgctxt "menu name for effects names between these 2 letters" -msgid "S - Z" -msgstr "S - Z" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:47 src/project/clipproperties.cpp:346 -#: src/project/dialogs/slideshowclip.cpp:72 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:59 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:153 -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:541 -msgid "None" -msgstr "None" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:363 -#, kde-format -msgid "Group %1" -msgstr "Group %1" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:624 -msgid "None (Dissolve)" -msgstr "None (Dissolve)" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, slide_luma) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, luma_fade) -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:706 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:292 -#: src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:203 -msgid "Wipe" -msgstr "Wipe" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:707 -msgid "Applies a stationary transition between the current and next frames." -msgstr "Applies a stationary transition between the current and next frames." - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:710 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:785 -msgctxt "@property: means that the image is inverted" -msgid "Invert" -msgstr "Invert" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:711 -msgid "Image File" -msgstr "Image File" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:712 -msgid "Reverse Transition" -msgstr "Reverse Transition" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:716 src/timeline/headertrack.cpp:89 -#: src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:74 -msgid "Composite" -msgstr "Composite" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:717 -msgid "A key-framable alpha-channel compositor for two frames." -msgstr "A key-framable alpha-channel compositor for two frames." - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:719 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:764 -msgid "Alpha Channel Operation" -msgstr "Alpha Channel Operation" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:719 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:764 -msgid "Over,And,Or,Xor" -msgstr "Over,And,Or,Xor" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:720 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:765 -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:785 -msgid "Align" -msgstr "Align" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:723 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:768 -msgid "Wipe File" -msgstr "Wipe File" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:724 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:769 -msgid "Wipe Softness" -msgstr "Wipe Softness" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:725 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:770 -msgid "Wipe Invert" -msgstr "Wipe Invert" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:726 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:771 -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:785 -msgid "Force Progressive Rendering" -msgstr "Force Progressive Rendering" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:727 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:772 -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:785 -msgid "Force Deinterlace Overlay" -msgstr "Force Deinterlace Overlay" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:729 -msgid "Affine" -msgstr "Affine" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:753 -msgid "Fix Shear Y" -msgstr "Fix Shear Y" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:754 -msgid "Fix Shear X" -msgstr "Fix Shear X" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:755 -msgid "Fix Shear Z" -msgstr "Fix Shear Z" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:761 -msgid "Use alpha channel of another clip to create a transition." -msgstr "Use alpha channel of another clip to create a transition." - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:762 -msgid "Transparency clip" -msgstr "Transparency clip" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:785 -msgid "Slide" -msgstr "Slide" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:785 -msgid "Slide image from one side to another." -msgstr "Slide image from one side to another." - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:785 -msgid "Direction" -msgstr "Direction" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, slide_fade) -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:790 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:262 -#: src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:167 -msgid "Dissolve" -msgstr "Dissolve" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:790 -msgid "Fade out one video while fading in the other video." -msgstr "Fade out one video while fading in the other video." - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:790 -msgid "Reverse" -msgstr "Reverse" - -#: src/effectstack/collapsibleeffect.cpp:64 -#: src/effectstack/collapsiblegroup.cpp:72 -msgid "Move effect up" -msgstr "Move effect up" - -#: src/effectstack/collapsibleeffect.cpp:67 -#: src/effectstack/collapsiblegroup.cpp:74 -msgid "Move effect down" -msgstr "Move effect down" - -#: src/effectstack/collapsibleeffect.cpp:82 -msgid "Reset Effect" -msgstr "Reset Effect" - -#: src/effectstack/collapsibleeffect.cpp:83 -#: src/effectstack/collapsibleeffect.cpp:345 -msgid "Save Effect" -msgstr "Save Effect" - -#: src/effectstack/collapsibleeffect.cpp:91 -#: src/effectstack/collapsiblegroup.cpp:89 -msgid "Disable Effect" -msgstr "Disable Effect" - -#: src/effectstack/collapsibleeffect.cpp:91 -#: src/effectstack/collapsiblegroup.cpp:89 -msgid "Enable Effect" -msgstr "Enable Effect" - -#: src/effectstack/collapsibleeffect.cpp:96 -msgid "Create Group" -msgstr "Create Group" - -#: src/effectstack/collapsibleeffect.cpp:136 -msgid "Create Region" -msgstr "Create Region" - -#: src/effectstack/collapsibleeffect.cpp:345 -msgid "Name for saved effect: " -msgstr "Name for saved effect: " - -#: src/effectstack/collapsiblegroup.cpp:68 -#: src/effectstack/collapsiblegroup.cpp:383 -msgid "Effect Group" -msgstr "Effect Group" - -#: src/effectstack/collapsiblegroup.cpp:81 -msgid "Reset Group" -msgstr "Reset Group" - -#: src/effectstack/collapsiblegroup.cpp:82 -#: src/effectstack/collapsiblegroup.cpp:171 -msgid "Save Group" -msgstr "Save Group" - -#: src/effectstack/collapsiblegroup.cpp:84 -msgid "Ungroup" -msgstr "Ungroup" - -#: src/effectstack/collapsiblegroup.cpp:171 -msgid "Name for saved group: " -msgstr "Name for saved group: " - -#: src/effectstack/complexparameter.cpp:36 -msgid "Allow horizontal moves" -msgstr "Allow horizontal moves" - -#: src/effectstack/complexparameter.cpp:38 -msgid "Allow vertical moves" -msgstr "Allow vertical moves" - -#: src/effectstack/complexparameter.cpp:40 -msgid "Show keyframes in timeline" -msgstr "Show keyframes in timeline" - -#: src/effectstack/complexparameter.cpp:42 -msgid "Parameter info" -msgstr "Parameter info" - -#: src/effectstack/complexparameter.cpp:44 src/effectstack/geometryval.cpp:81 -#: src/effectstack/keyframeedit.cpp:47 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:84 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:417 -#: src/simplekeyframes/simplekeyframewidget.cpp:42 -#: src/simplekeyframes/simplekeyframewidget.cpp:132 -msgid "Add keyframe" -msgstr "Add keyframe" - -#: src/effectstack/dragvalue.cpp:109 -msgid "Normal scale" -msgstr "Normal scale" - -#: src/effectstack/dragvalue.cpp:110 -msgid "Pixel scale" -msgstr "Pixel scale" - -#: src/effectstack/dragvalue.cpp:111 -msgid "Nonlinear scale" -msgstr "Nonlinear scale" - -#: src/effectstack/dragvalue.cpp:115 -msgid "Direct update" -msgstr "Direct update" - -#: src/effectstack/dragvalue.cpp:120 -msgid "Reset value" -msgstr "Reset value" - -#: src/effectstack/dragvalue.cpp:125 -#, kde-format -msgid "Show %1 in timeline" -msgstr "Show %1 in timeline" - -#: src/effectstack/effectstackview2.cpp:71 -msgid "Enable/Disable all effects" -msgstr "Enable/Disable all effects" - -#: src/effectstack/effectstackview2.cpp:73 -msgid "Show additional information for the parameters" -msgstr "Show additional information for the parameters" - -#: src/effectstack/effectstackview2.cpp:174 -#: src/effectstack/effectstackview2.cpp:176 -#: src/effectstack/effectstackview2.cpp:179 -#, kde-format -msgid "Effects for %1" -msgstr "Effects for %1" - -#: src/effectstack/effectstackview2.cpp:229 -#: src/effectstack/effectstackview2.cpp:231 -#: src/effectstack/effectstackview2.cpp:234 -#, kde-format -msgid "Bin effects for %1" -msgstr "Bin effects for %1" - -#: src/effectstack/effectstackview2.cpp:276 -#, kde-format -msgid "Effects for track %1" -msgstr "Effects for track %1" - -#: src/effectstack/geometryval.cpp:77 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:81 -#: src/simplekeyframes/simplekeyframewidget.cpp:52 -msgid "Go to next keyframe" -msgstr "Go to next keyframe" - -#: src/effectstack/geometryval.cpp:79 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:78 -#: src/simplekeyframes/simplekeyframewidget.cpp:47 -msgid "Go to previous keyframe" -msgstr "Go to previous keyframe" - -#: src/effectstack/geometryval.cpp:83 src/effectstack/keyframeedit.cpp:49 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:423 -#: src/simplekeyframes/simplekeyframewidget.cpp:129 -msgid "Delete keyframe" -msgstr "Delete keyframe" - -#: src/effectstack/geometryval.cpp:85 src/monitor/monitor.cpp:206 -msgid "Misc..." -msgstr "Misc..." - -#: src/effectstack/geometryval.cpp:89 -msgid "Show/Hide options" -msgstr "Show/Hide options" - -#: src/effectstack/geometryval.cpp:97 -msgid "Sync timeline cursor" -msgstr "Sync timeline cursor" - -#: src/effectstack/geometryval.cpp:116 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:343 -msgid "Align item horizontally" -msgstr "Align item horizontally" - -#: src/effectstack/geometryval.cpp:118 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:345 -msgid "Align item vertically" -msgstr "Align item vertically" - -#: src/effectstack/geometryval.cpp:120 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:347 -msgid "Align item to top" -msgstr "Align item to top" - -#: src/effectstack/geometryval.cpp:122 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:349 -msgid "Align item to bottom" -msgstr "Align item to bottom" - -#: src/effectstack/geometryval.cpp:124 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:351 -msgid "Align item to right" -msgstr "Align item to right" - -#: src/effectstack/geometryval.cpp:126 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:353 -msgid "Align item to left" -msgstr "Align item to left" - -#: src/effectstack/parametercontainer.cpp:467 -msgid "" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/bezier/beziersplinewidget.cpp:67 -msgid "Handle 1:" -msgstr "Handle 1:" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/bezier/beziersplinewidget.cpp:70 -msgid "Handle 2:" -msgstr "Handle 2:" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/colorpickerwidget.cpp:71 -msgid "" -"Pick a color on the screen. By pressing the mouse button and then moving " -"your mouse you can select a section of the screen from which to get an " -"average color." -msgstr "" -"Pick a colour on the screen. By pressing the mouse button and then moving " -"your mouse you can select a section of the screen from which to get an " -"average colour." - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/colorpickerwidget.cpp:101 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/colorpickerwidget.cpp:125 -msgid "Requesting color information..." -msgstr "Requesting colour information..." - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/colorpickerwidget.cpp:134 -msgid "Calculated average color for rectangle." -msgstr "Calculated average colour for rectangle." - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:96 -msgctxt "x axis position" -msgid "X" -msgstr "X" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:99 -msgctxt "y axis position" -msgid "Y" -msgstr "Y" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:102 -msgctxt "Frame width" -msgid "W" -msgstr "W" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:105 -msgctxt "Frame height" -msgid "H" -msgstr "H" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:111 -msgid "Adjust to original size" -msgstr "Adjust to original size" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:113 -msgid "Fit to width" -msgstr "Fit to width" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:115 -msgid "Fit to height" -msgstr "Fit to height" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:118 -msgid "Import keyframes from clip" -msgstr "Import keyframes from clip" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:121 -msgid "Reset all keyframes" -msgstr "Reset all keyframes" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:125 -msgid "Reset keyframes after cursor" -msgstr "Reset keyframes after cursor" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:128 -msgid "Reset keyframes before cursor" -msgstr "Reset keyframes before cursor" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:133 -msgid "Synchronize with timeline cursor" -msgstr "Synchronise with timeline cursor" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:139 -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:244 -msgid "Align left" -msgstr "Align left" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:141 -msgid "Center horizontally" -msgstr "Centre horizontally" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:143 -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:243 -msgid "Align right" -msgstr "Align right" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:145 -msgid "Align top" -msgstr "Align top" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:147 -msgid "Center vertically" -msgstr "Centre vertically" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:149 -msgid "Align bottom" -msgstr "Align bottom" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:154 -#: src/ui/clipstabilize_ui.ui:30 -msgid "Options" -msgstr "Options" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (suffix), widget (QSpinBox, spinResize) -#. i18n: ectx: property (suffix), widget (QSpinBox, kcfg_volume) -#. i18n: ectx: property (suffix), widget (QSpinBox, zoom_spin) -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:208 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:211 -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:125 src/ui/configsdl_ui.ui:89 -#: src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:226 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:611 -#, no-c-format -msgid "%" -msgstr "%" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/lumaliftgain.cpp:61 -msgid "Lift" -msgstr "Lift" - -#: src/hidetitlebars.cpp:21 -msgid "Show Title Bars" -msgstr "Show Title Bars" - -#: src/layoutmanagement.cpp:27 -msgid "Layouts" -msgstr "Layouts" - -#: src/layoutmanagement.cpp:28 -msgid "Load Layout" -msgstr "Load Layout" - -#: src/layoutmanagement.cpp:30 -#, kde-format -msgid "Layout %1" -msgstr "Layout %1" - -#: src/layoutmanagement.cpp:34 -#, kde-format -msgid "Save As Layout %1" -msgstr "Save As Layout %1" - -#: src/layoutmanagement.cpp:69 -#, kde-format -msgid "Save as %1" -msgstr "Save as %1" - -#: src/layoutmanagement.cpp:101 -msgid "Save Layout" -msgstr "Save Layout" - -#: src/layoutmanagement.cpp:101 -msgid "Layout name:" -msgstr "Layout name:" - -#: src/lib/audio/audioCorrelation.cpp:43 -msgid "Audio analysis finished" -msgstr "Audio analysis finished" - -#: src/main.cpp:48 -msgid "Kdenlive" -msgstr "Kdenlive" - -#: src/main.cpp:49 -msgid "An open source video editor." -msgstr "An open source video editor." - -#: src/main.cpp:51 -msgid "Copyright © 2007–2015 Kdenlive authors" -msgstr "Copyright © 2007–2015 Kdenlive authors" - -#: src/main.cpp:52 -msgid "Please report bugs to http://bugs.kde.org" -msgstr "Please report bugs to http://bugs.kde.org" - -#: src/main.cpp:54 -msgid "Jean-Baptiste Mardelle" -msgstr "Jean-Baptiste Mardelle" - -#: src/main.cpp:54 -msgid "MLT and KDE SC 4 / KF5 port, main developer and maintainer" -msgstr "MLT and KDE SC 4 / KF5 port, main developer and maintainer" - -#: src/main.cpp:55 -msgid "Vincent Pinon" -msgstr "Vincent Pinon" - -#: src/main.cpp:55 -msgid "" -"Interim maintainer, KF5 port, bugs fixing, minor functions, profiles " -"updates, etc." -msgstr "" -"Interim maintainer, KF5 port, bugs fixing, minor functions, profiles " -"updates, etc." - -#: src/main.cpp:56 -msgid "Laurent Montel" -msgstr "Laurent Montel" - -#: src/main.cpp:56 -msgid "Bugs fixing, clean up code, optimization etc." -msgstr "Bugs fixing, clean up code, optimisation etc." - -#: src/main.cpp:57 -msgid "Marco Gittler" -msgstr "Marco Gittler" - -#: src/main.cpp:57 -msgid "MLT transitions and effects, timeline, audio thumbs" -msgstr "MLT transitions and effects, timeline, audio thumbs" - -#: src/main.cpp:58 -msgid "Dan Dennedy" -msgstr "Dan Dennedy" - -#: src/main.cpp:58 src/main.cpp:60 src/main.cpp:63 src/main.cpp:64 -msgid "Bug fixing, etc." -msgstr "Bug fixing, etc." - -#: src/main.cpp:59 -msgid "Simon A. Eugster" -msgstr "Simon A. Eugster" - -#: src/main.cpp:59 -msgid "Color scopes, bug fixing, etc." -msgstr "Colour scopes, bug fixing, etc." - -#: src/main.cpp:60 -msgid "Till Theato" -msgstr "Till Theato" - -#: src/main.cpp:61 -msgid "Alberto Villa" -msgstr "Alberto Villa" - -#: src/main.cpp:61 -msgid "Bug fixing, logo, etc." -msgstr "Bug fixing, logo, etc." - -#: src/main.cpp:62 -msgid "Jean-Michel Poure" -msgstr "Jean-Michel Poure" - -#: src/main.cpp:62 -msgid "Rendering profiles customization" -msgstr "Rendering profiles customisation" - -#: src/main.cpp:63 -msgid "Ray Lehtiniemi" -msgstr "Ray Lehtiniemi" - -#: src/main.cpp:64 -msgid "Steve Guilford" -msgstr "Steve Guilford" - -#: src/main.cpp:65 -msgid "Jason Wood" -msgstr "Jason Wood" - -#: src/main.cpp:65 -msgid "Original KDE 3 version author (not active anymore)" -msgstr "Original KDE 3 version author (not active anymore)" - -#: src/main.cpp:66 -msgid "NAME OF TRANSLATORS" -msgstr "NAME OF TRANSLATORS" - -#: src/main.cpp:66 -msgid "EMAIL OF TRANSLATORS" -msgstr "EMAIL OF TRANSLATORS" - -#: src/main.cpp:86 -msgid "Set the path for MLT environment" -msgstr "Set the path for MLT environment" - -#: src/main.cpp:87 -msgid "Comma separated list of clips to add" -msgstr "Comma separated list of clips to add" - -#: src/main.cpp:88 -msgid "Document to open" -msgstr "Document to open" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:148 -msgid "Theme" -msgstr "Theme" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:177 -msgid "Project Bin" -msgstr "Project Bin" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, properties) -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:216 src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:395 -#: src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:43 -msgid "Properties" -msgstr "Properties" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:219 src/mainwindow.cpp:280 -msgid "Effects" -msgstr "Effects" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:222 src/mainwindow.cpp:284 src/mainwindow.cpp:1272 -msgid "Transitions" -msgstr "Transitions" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:225 -msgid "Clip Monitor" -msgstr "Clip Monitor" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:226 -msgid "Project Monitor" -msgstr "Project Monitor" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:228 -msgid "Record Monitor" -msgstr "Record Monitor" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:233 -msgid "Clean" -msgstr "Clean" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:235 -msgid "Undo History" -msgstr "Undo History" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:263 -msgid "Stop Motion" -msgstr "Stop Motion" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, capture_button) -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:264 src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:105 -msgid "Capture frame" -msgstr "Capture frame" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:267 -msgid "Switch live / captured frame" -msgstr "Switch live / captured frame" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:270 -msgid "Show last frame over video" -msgstr "Show last frame over video" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:283 -msgid "Add Transition" -msgstr "Add Transition" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:315 src/mainwindow.cpp:316 src/mainwindow.cpp:325 -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:326 src/mainwindow.cpp:330 -msgid "Favorite Effects" -msgstr "Favorite Effects" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:563 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"You have 1 rendering job waiting in the queue.\n" -"What do you want to do with this job?" -msgid_plural "" -"You have %1 rendering jobs waiting in the queue.\n" -"What do you want to do with these jobs?" -msgstr[0] "" -"You have 1 rendering job waiting in the queue.\n" -"What do you want to do with this job?" -msgstr[1] "" -"You have %1 rendering jobs waiting in the queue.\n" -"What do you want to do with these jobs?" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:563 -msgid "Start them now" -msgstr "Start them now" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:563 -msgid "Delete them" -msgstr "Delete them" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:784 -msgid "Normal mode" -msgstr "Normal mode" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:785 -msgctxt "Normal editing" -msgid "n" -msgstr "n" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:790 -msgid "Overwrite mode" -msgstr "Overwrite mode" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:796 -msgid "Insert mode" -msgstr "Insert mode" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:815 -msgid "Selection tool" -msgstr "Selection tool" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:816 -msgctxt "Selection tool shortcut" -msgid "s" -msgstr "s" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:821 -msgid "Razor tool" -msgstr "Razor tool" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:822 -msgctxt "Razor tool shortcut" -msgid "x" -msgstr "x" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:827 -msgid "Spacer tool" -msgstr "Spacer tool" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:828 -msgctxt "Spacer tool shortcut" -msgid "m" -msgstr "m" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:869 -msgid "Fit zoom to project" -msgstr "Fit zoom to project" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:873 -msgid "Zoom Out" -msgstr "Zoom Out" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:887 -msgid "Zoom In" -msgstr "Zoom In" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:915 -msgid "Split audio and video automatically" -msgstr "Split audio and video automatically" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, videothumbs) -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:921 src/ui/wizardextra_ui.ui:35 -msgid "Show video thumbnails" -msgstr "Show video thumbnails" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, audiothumbs) -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:927 src/ui/wizardextra_ui.ui:42 -msgid "Show audio thumbnails" -msgstr "Show audio thumbnails" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:933 -msgid "Show markers comments" -msgstr "Show markers comments" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:938 -msgid "Snap" -msgstr "Snap" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, tc_type) -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:972 src/project/clipproperties.cpp:372 -#: src/project/dialogs/slideshowclip.cpp:89 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:284 -msgid "hh:mm:ss:ff" -msgstr "hh:mm:ss:ff" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, tc_type) -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:973 src/project/clipproperties.cpp:373 -#: src/project/dialogs/slideshowclip.cpp:90 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:289 -msgid "Frames" -msgstr "Frames" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1002 -msgid "Manage Project Profiles" -msgstr "Manage Project Profiles" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1003 -msgid "Download New Wipes..." -msgstr "Download New Wipes..." - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1004 -msgid "Download New Render Profiles..." -msgstr "Download New Render Profiles..." - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1005 -msgid "Download New Project Profiles..." -msgstr "Download New Project Profiles..." - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1006 -msgid "Download New Title Templates..." -msgstr "Download New Title Templates..." - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1008 -msgid "Run Config Wizard" -msgstr "Run Config Wizard" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, ProjectSettings_UI) -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1009 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Project Settings" -msgstr "Project Settings" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1010 -msgid "Render" -msgstr "Render" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1012 -msgid "Clean Project" -msgstr "Clean Project" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1016 -msgid "Play Zone" -msgstr "Play Zone" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1018 -msgid "Loop Zone" -msgstr "Loop Zone" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1020 -msgid "Loop selected clip" -msgstr "Loop selected clip" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1024 -msgid "Transcode Clips" -msgstr "Transcode Clips" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1025 src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:55 -msgid "Archive Project" -msgstr "Archive Project" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1026 -msgid "Switch monitor" -msgstr "Switch monitor" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1027 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6364 -msgid "Expand Clip" -msgstr "Expand Clip" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1029 -msgid "Monitor Info Overlay" -msgstr "Monitor Info Overlay" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1035 -msgid "Real Time (drop frames)" -msgstr "Real Time (drop frames)" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1040 -msgid "Monitor Gamma" -msgstr "Monitor Gamma" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1041 -msgid "sRGB (computer)" -msgstr "sRGB (computer)" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1042 -msgid "Rec. 709 (TV)" -msgstr "Rec. 709 (TV)" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1047 -msgid "Insert Zone in Project Bin" -msgstr "Insert Zone in Project Bin" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1048 -msgid "Insert Zone in Timeline" -msgstr "Insert Zone in Timeline" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1050 -msgid "Resize Item Start" -msgstr "Resize Item Start" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1055 -msgid "Resize Item End" -msgstr "Resize Item End" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1060 -msgid "Go to Previous Snap Point" -msgstr "Go to Previous Snap Point" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1062 -msgid "Go to Clip Start" -msgstr "Go to Clip Start" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1063 -msgid "Go to Clip End" -msgstr "Go to Clip End" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1064 -msgid "Go to Next Snap Point" -msgstr "Go to Next Snap Point" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1066 -msgid "Delete Selected Item" -msgstr "Delete Selected Item" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1067 -msgid "Align Playhead to Mouse Position" -msgstr "Align Playhead to Mouse Position" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1069 -msgid "Automatic Transition" -msgstr "Automatic Transition" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1076 -msgid "Group Clips" -msgstr "Group Clips" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1078 -msgid "Ungroup Clips" -msgstr "Ungroup Clips" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1083 -msgid "Edit Duration" -msgstr "Edit Duration" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1084 src/mainwindow.cpp:3232 -msgid "Save clip" -msgstr "Save clip" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1085 -msgid "Clip in Project Bin" -msgstr "Clip in Project Bin" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1086 -msgid "Insert Clip Zone in Timeline (Overwrite)" -msgstr "Insert Clip Zone in Timeline (Overwrite)" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1087 -msgid "Select Clip" -msgstr "Select Clip" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1088 -msgid "Deselect Clip" -msgstr "Deselect Clip" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1089 -msgid "Add Clip To Selection" -msgstr "Add Clip To Selection" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1091 -msgid "Select Transition" -msgstr "Select Transition" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1093 -msgid "Deselect Transition" -msgstr "Deselect Transition" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1095 -msgid "Add Transition To Selection" -msgstr "Add Transition To Selection" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, CutJobDialog_UI) -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1097 src/ui/cutjobdialog_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Cut Clip" -msgstr "Cut Clip" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1098 src/mainwindow.cpp:1833 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:729 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:803 -msgid "Add Marker" -msgstr "Add Marker" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1099 -msgid "Delete Marker" -msgstr "Delete Marker" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1100 -msgid "Delete All Markers" -msgstr "Delete All Markers" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1102 src/mainwindow.cpp:1921 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:702 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:827 -msgid "Edit Marker" -msgstr "Edit Marker" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1105 -msgid "Add Marker/Guide quickly" -msgstr "Add Marker/Guide quickly" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1108 -msgid "Split Audio" -msgstr "Split Audio" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1112 -msgid "Set Audio Reference" -msgstr "Set Audio Reference" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1116 -msgid "Align Audio to Reference" -msgstr "Align Audio to Reference" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1120 -msgid "Audio Only" -msgstr "Audio Only" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1125 -msgid "Video Only" -msgstr "Video Only" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1130 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7007 -msgid "Audio and Video" -msgstr "Audio and Video" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1142 -msgid "Insert Space" -msgstr "Insert Space" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1143 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:3426 -msgid "Remove Space" -msgstr "Remove Space" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1146 -msgid "Insert Track" -msgstr "Insert Track" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1150 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6556 -#: src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:94 -msgid "Delete Track" -msgstr "Delete Track" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, TracksConfigDialog_UI) -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1155 src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:250 -#: src/ui/tracksconfigdialog_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Configure Tracks" -msgstr "Configure Tracks" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1159 -msgid "Select All in Current Track" -msgstr "Select All in Current Track" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1170 src/timeline/customruler.cpp:85 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5781 -msgid "Add Guide" -msgstr "Add Guide" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1171 src/timeline/customruler.cpp:89 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:231 -msgid "Delete Guide" -msgstr "Delete Guide" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1172 src/timeline/customruler.cpp:87 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:235 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5815 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5829 -msgid "Edit Guide" -msgstr "Edit Guide" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1173 src/timeline/customruler.cpp:91 -msgid "Delete All Guides" -msgstr "Delete All Guides" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1175 -msgid "Paste Effects" -msgstr "Paste Effects" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1180 -msgid "Save Selection" -msgstr "Save Selection" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1208 -msgid "Add Clip" -msgstr "Add Clip" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1210 -msgid "Add Color Clip" -msgstr "Add Colour Clip" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1213 src/project/dialogs/slideshowclip.cpp:41 -msgid "Add Slideshow Clip" -msgstr "Add Slideshow Clip" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1216 -msgid "Add Title Clip" -msgstr "Add Title Clip" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1219 -msgid "Add Template Title" -msgstr "Add Template Title" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1223 -msgid "Create Folder" -msgstr "Create Folder" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1224 -msgid "Online Resources" -msgstr "Online Resources" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, ClipProperties_UI) -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1226 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Clip Properties" -msgstr "Clip Properties" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1230 -msgid "Edit Clip" -msgstr "Edit Clip" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1238 -msgid "Reload Clip" -msgstr "Reload Clip" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1242 -msgid "Disable Timeline Effects" -msgstr "Disable Timeline Effects" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1247 -msgid "Duplicate Clip" -msgstr "Duplicate Clip" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1259 -msgid "Ripple Delete" -msgstr "Ripple Delete" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1389 -msgid "" -"You have changed the proxy parameters. Do you want to recreate all proxy " -"clips for this project?" -msgstr "" -"You have changed the proxy parameters. Do you want to recreate all proxy " -"clips for this project?" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1487 -msgid "This will remove all unused clips from your project." -msgstr "This will remove all unused clips from your project." - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1487 -msgid "Clean up project" -msgstr "Clean up project" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1647 -msgctxt "general keyboard shortcuts" -msgid "General" -msgstr "General" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1827 src/mainwindow.cpp:1945 -msgid "Cannot find clip to add marker" -msgstr "Cannot find clip to add marker" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1859 src/mainwindow.cpp:1886 src/mainwindow.cpp:1909 -msgid "Cannot find clip to remove marker" -msgstr "Cannot find clip to remove marker" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1866 src/mainwindow.cpp:1916 -msgid "No marker found at cursor time" -msgstr "No marker found at cursor time" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2194 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot find effect %1 / %2" -msgstr "Cannot find effect %1 / %2" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2252 -#, kde-format -msgid "Zoom Level: %1/13" -msgstr "Zoom Level: %1/13" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2378 -msgid "Ctrl + click to use spacer on current track only" -msgstr "Ctrl + click to use spacer on current track only" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2381 -msgid "Click on a clip to cut it" -msgstr "Click on a clip to cut it" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2384 -msgid "" -"Shift + click to create a selection rectangle, Ctrl + click to add an item " -"to selection" -msgstr "" -"Shift + click to create a selection rectangle, Ctrl + click to add an item " -"to selection" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2707 -msgid "Stabilize" -msgstr "Stabilise" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2719 -msgid "Automatic scene split" -msgstr "Automatic scene split" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2729 src/project/jobs/filterjob.cpp:83 -msgid "Reverse clip" -msgstr "Reverse clip" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2736 -msgid "Analyse keyframes" -msgstr "Analyse keyframes" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2751 -msgid "Transcoders" -msgstr "Transcoders" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2784 -msgid "Interface" -msgstr "Interface" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2821 -msgid "No clip to transcode" -msgstr "No clip to transcode" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2834 -msgid "Files to transcode" -msgstr "Files to transcode" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2867 -msgid "Create Render Script" -msgstr "Create Render Script" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2877 -msgid "Script file already exists. Do you want to overwrite it?" -msgstr "Script file already exists. Do you want to overwrite it?" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2923 -msgctxt "the first in a list of chapters" -msgid "Start" -msgstr "Start" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:3200 -msgid "Archiving project" -msgstr "Archiving project" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:3229 -msgid "Select a clip to save" -msgstr "Select a clip to save" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:3232 src/renderer.cpp:1386 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7865 -msgid "MLT playlist (*.mlt)" -msgstr "MLT playlist (*.mlt)" - -#: src/mltconnection.cpp:51 -msgid "Cannot find the melt program required for rendering (part of MLT)" -msgstr "Cannot find the melt program required for rendering (part of MLT)" - -#: src/mltconnection.cpp:83 -msgid "Cannot find your MLT profiles, please give the path" -msgstr "Cannot find your MLT profiles, please give the path" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:87 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:476 src/project/projectcommands.cpp:166 -msgid "Edit marker" -msgstr "Edit marker" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:88 -msgid "Export markers" -msgstr "Export markers" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:89 -msgid "Import markers" -msgstr "Import markers" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:115 -msgid "Analysis data" -msgstr "Analysis data" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:118 -msgid "Delete analysis" -msgstr "Delete analysis" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:119 -msgid "Export analysis" -msgstr "Export analysis" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:120 -msgid "Import analysis" -msgstr "Import analysis" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, clip_transparency) -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:166 -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:842 -msgid "Transparent" -msgstr "Transparent" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:181 -msgid "Aspect Ratio" -msgstr "Aspect Ratio" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_18) -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:236 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:618 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:623 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:679 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:440 -#: src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:86 -msgid "Frame rate" -msgstr "Frame rate" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_5) -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:260 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:634 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:686 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:105 -msgid "Scanning" -msgstr "Scanning" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:282 -msgid "Field order" -msgstr "Field order" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:286 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:129 -msgid "Bottom first" -msgstr "Bottom first" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:287 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:130 -msgid "Top first" -msgstr "Top first" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:304 -msgid "Threads" -msgstr "Threads" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, clip_force_vindex) -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:320 -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:693 -msgid "Video index" -msgstr "Video index" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, clip_force_aindex) -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:336 -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:720 -msgid "Audio index" -msgstr "Audio index" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_12) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_32) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_15) -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:350 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:644 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:696 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:294 -#: src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:222 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:149 -msgid "Colorspace" -msgstr "Colourspace" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, clip_full_luma) -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:380 -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:772 -msgid "Full luma range" -msgstr "Full luma range" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:399 -msgid "Force properties" -msgstr "Force properties" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_5) -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_3) -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:401 -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:511 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:349 -msgid "Metadata" -msgstr "Metadata" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:403 -msgid "Analysis" -msgstr "Analysis" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:609 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:671 src/project/clipproperties.cpp:673 -msgid "Video codec" -msgstr "Video codec" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:613 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:676 -msgid "Frame size" -msgstr "Frame size" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:630 -msgid "Video bitrate" -msgstr "Video bitrate" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:630 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:664 -msgctxt "seconds" -msgid "s" -msgstr "s" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_9) -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:641 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:690 src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:120 -msgid "Pixel aspect ratio" -msgstr "Pixel aspect ratio" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:642 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:693 -msgid "Pixel format" -msgstr "Pixel format" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:651 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:243 -msgid "Audio codec" -msgstr "Audio codec" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:659 -msgid "Audio frequency" -msgstr "Audio frequency" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:664 -msgid "Audio bitrate" -msgstr "Audio bitrate" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:760 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:788 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:813 -msgid "Exif" -msgstr "Exif" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:832 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:854 -msgid "Magic Lantern" -msgstr "Magic Lantern" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:893 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:858 -msgid "Save Analysis Data" -msgstr "Save Analysis Data" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:893 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:904 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:858 src/project/clipproperties.cpp:869 -msgid "Text File (*.txt)" -msgstr "Text File (*.txt)" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:904 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:869 -msgid "Open Analysis Data" -msgstr "Open Analysis Data" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:183 -msgid "Play..." -msgstr "Play..." - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:185 src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:303 -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:310 src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:449 -msgid "Pause" -msgstr "Pause" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:210 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:210 -msgid "Go to marker..." -msgstr "Go to marker..." - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:215 -msgid "Force Monitor Size" -msgstr "Force Monitor Size" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:216 -msgid "Force 100%" -msgstr "Force 100%" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:218 -msgid "Force 50%" -msgstr "Force 50%" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:220 -msgid "Free Resize" -msgstr "Free Resize" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:233 -msgid "Audio volume" -msgstr "Audio volume" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:248 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Split view" -msgid "Split" -msgstr "Split view" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:248 -msgid "Unsplit" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:281 src/monitor/monitoreditwidget.cpp:58 -msgid "Show/Hide edit mode" -msgstr "Show/Hide edit mode" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:400 -msgid "Save zone" -msgstr "Save zone" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:401 -msgid "Extract Zone" -msgstr "Extract Zone" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:404 -msgid "Extract frame" -msgstr "Extract frame" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:408 -msgid "Split view" -msgstr "Split view" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:412 -msgid "Set current image as thumbnail" -msgstr "Set current image as thumbnail" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:416 -msgid "Overlay audio waveform" -msgstr "Overlay audio waveform" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:453 -msgid "Your screen resolution is not sufficient for this action" -msgstr "Your screen resolution is not sufficient for this action" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:838 -msgid "Save Image" -msgstr "Save Image" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:894 -msgid "In Point" -msgstr "In Point" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:896 -msgid "Out Point" -msgstr "Out Point" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:1520 -msgid "Select a clip in project bin to compare effect" -msgstr "Select a clip in project bin to compare effect" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:1524 -msgid "Clip has no effects" -msgstr "Clip has no effects" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:1533 -msgid "" -"The scal0tilt filter is required for that feature, please install frei0r and " -"restart Kdenlive" -msgstr "" -"The scal0tilt filter is required for that feature, please install frei0r and " -"restart Kdenlive" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:1540 -msgid "" -"The cairoblend transition is required for that feature, please install " -"frei0r and restart Kdenlive" -msgstr "" -"The cairoblend transition is required for that feature, please install " -"frei0r and restart Kdenlive" - -#: src/monitor/monitoreditwidget.cpp:64 -msgid "Update parameters while monitor scene changes" -msgstr "Update parameters while monitor scene changes" - -#: src/monitor/monitoreditwidget.cpp:68 -msgid "Fit zoom to monitor size" -msgstr "Fit zoom to monitor size" - -#: src/monitor/monitoreditwidget.cpp:70 -msgid "Original size" -msgstr "Original size" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:326 -msgid "Switch monitor fullscreen" -msgstr "Switch monitor fullscreen" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:331 src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:76 -msgid "Rewind" -msgstr "Rewind" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:336 -msgid "Rewind 1 Frame" -msgstr "Rewind 1 Frame" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:341 -msgid "Rewind 1 Second" -msgstr "Rewind 1 Second" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:346 src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:85 -msgid "Forward" -msgstr "Forward" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:351 -msgid "Go to Project Start" -msgstr "Go to Project Start" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:356 -msgid "Go to Project End" -msgstr "Go to Project End" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:361 -msgid "Forward 1 Frame" -msgstr "Forward 1 Frame" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:366 -msgid "Forward 1 Second" -msgstr "Forward 1 Second" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:371 -msgid "Deinterlacer" -msgstr "Deinterlacer" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:372 -msgid "One Field (fast)" -msgstr "One Field (fast)" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:373 -msgid "Linear Blend (fast)" -msgstr "Linear Blend (fast)" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:374 -msgid "YADIF - temporal only (good)" -msgstr "YADIF - temporal only (good)" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:375 -msgid "YADIF - temporal + spacial (best)" -msgstr "YADIF - temporal + spacial (best)" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:384 -msgid "Nearest Neighbor (fast)" -msgstr "Nearest Neighbor (fast)" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:385 -msgid "Bilinear (good)" -msgstr "Bilinear (good)" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:386 -msgid "Bicubic (better)" -msgstr "Bicubic (better)" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:387 -msgid "Hyper/Lanczos (best)" -msgstr "Hyper/Lanczos (best)" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:395 -msgid "Go to Zone Start" -msgstr "Go to Zone Start" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:400 -msgid "Mute monitor" -msgstr "Mute monitor" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:400 -msgid "Unmute monitor" -msgstr "Unmute monitor" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:406 -msgid "Go to Zone End" -msgstr "Go to Zone End" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:411 -msgid "Set Zone In" -msgstr "Set Zone In" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:416 -msgid "Set Zone Out" -msgstr "Set Zone Out" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_preview) -#: src/monitor/recmanager.cpp:48 src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:147 -#: src/ui/freesound_ui.ui:144 src/utils/archiveorg.cpp:181 -#: src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:158 src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:263 -#: src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:277 src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:575 -msgid "Preview" -msgstr "Preview" - -#: src/monitor/recmanager.cpp:52 src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:88 -msgid "Record" -msgstr "Record" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_video) -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, vbitrates) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, background_list) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_videothumbnails) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, video_thumbs) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, bitrateLabel) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, rec_video) -#: src/monitor/recmanager.cpp:56 src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:38 -#: src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:153 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:86 -#: src/ui/configtimeline_ui.ui:29 src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:207 -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:217 src/ui/recmonitor_ui.ui:100 -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:169 src/ui/saveprofile_ui.ui:20 -msgid "Video" -msgstr "Video" - -#: src/monitor/recmanager.cpp:68 src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:135 -#, kde-format -msgid "Monitor %1" -msgstr "Monitor %1" - -#: src/monitor/recmanager.cpp:80 -msgid "Webcam" -msgstr "Webcam" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_3) -#: src/monitor/recmanager.cpp:81 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:427 -msgid "Screen Grab" -msgstr "Screen Grab" - -#: src/monitor/recmanager.cpp:86 -msgid "Configure Recording" -msgstr "Configure Recording" - -#: src/monitor/recmanager.cpp:89 -msgid "Show Record Control" -msgstr "Show Record Control" - -#: src/monitor/recmanager.cpp:198 src/monitor/recmanager.cpp:279 -#: src/monitor/recmanager.cpp:284 src/monitor/recmanager.cpp:390 -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:879 src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:886 -msgid "Capture crashed, please check your parameters" -msgstr "Capture crashed, please check your parameters" - -#: src/monitor/recmanager.cpp:265 src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:753 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Failed to start the capture application:\n" -"%1" -msgstr "" -"Failed to start the capture application:\n" -"%1" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:73 src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:862 -msgid "Connect" -msgstr "Connect" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:82 src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:249 -#: src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:262 src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:271 -msgid "Stop" -msgstr "Stop" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:94 -msgid "Add Captured File to Project" -msgstr "Add Captured File to Project" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:102 -msgid "Recording Preview" -msgstr "Recording Preview" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:110 src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:245 -msgid "Configure" -msgstr "Configure" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:202 -msgid "" -"You need to disconnect and reconnect in the capture monitor to apply your " -"changes" -msgstr "" -"You need to disconnect and reconnect in the capture monitor to apply your " -"changes" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:202 src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:203 -msgid "Capturing" -msgstr "Capturing" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:203 -msgid "You need to stop capture before your changes can be applied" -msgstr "You need to stop capture before your changes can be applied" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:256 -msgid "" -"ffmpeg or avconv not found,\n" -" please install it for screen grabs" -msgstr "" -"ffmpeg or avconv not found,\n" -" please install it for screen grabs" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:262 -msgid "" -"Your FFmpeg / Libav installation\n" -" does not support screen grab" -msgstr "" -"Your FFmpeg / Libav installation\n" -" does not support screen grab" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:265 src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:888 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Press record button\n" -"to start screen capture\n" -"Files will be saved in:\n" -"%1" -msgstr "" -"Press record button\n" -"to start screen capture\n" -"Files will be saved in:\n" -"%1" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:283 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Plug your camcorder and\n" -"press play button\n" -"to start preview.\n" -"Files will be saved in:\n" -"%1" -msgstr "" -"Plug your camcorder and\n" -"press play button\n" -"to start preview.\n" -"Files will be saved in:\n" -"%1" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:296 -msgid "" -"dvgrab utility not found,\n" -" please install it for firewire capture" -msgstr "" -"dvgrab utility not found,\n" -" please install it for firewire capture" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:320 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Plug your camcorder and\n" -"press connect button\n" -"to initialize connection\n" -"Files will be saved in:\n" -"%1" -msgstr "" -"Plug your camcorder and\n" -"press connect button\n" -"to initialise connection\n" -"Files will be saved in:\n" -"%1" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:355 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Cannot read from device %1\n" -"Please check drivers and access rights." -msgstr "" -"Cannot read from device %1\n" -"Please check drivers and access rights." - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:358 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Press play or record button\n" -"to start video capture\n" -"Files will be saved in:\n" -"%1" -msgstr "" -"Press play or record button\n" -"to start video capture\n" -"Files will be saved in:\n" -"%1" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:370 -msgid "Disconnect" -msgstr "Disconnect" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:423 -msgid "Capture stopped" -msgstr "Capture stopped" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:523 -msgid "" -"Failed to start Video4Linux,\n" -"check your parameters..." -msgstr "" -"Failed to start Video4Linux,\n" -"check your parameters..." - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:539 src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:701 -msgid "" -"Failed to start Decklink,\n" -"check your parameters..." -msgstr "" -"Failed to start Decklink,\n" -"check your parameters..." - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:677 -msgid "" -"Failed to start ffmpeg capture,\n" -"check your parameters..." -msgstr "" -"Failed to start ffmpeg capture,\n" -"check your parameters..." - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:695 -#, kde-format -msgid "Capturing to %1" -msgstr "Capturing to %1" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:702 -msgid "Failed to start capture" -msgstr "Failed to start capture" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:766 -msgid "Initialising..." -msgstr "Initialising..." - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:782 -msgid "Show log" -msgstr "Show log" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, video_frame) -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:882 src/ui/recmonitor_ui.ui:35 -msgid "Not connected" -msgstr "Not connected" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:971 -#, kde-format -msgid "Free space: %1" -msgstr "Free space: %1" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:1014 -#, kde-format -msgid "%1 dropped frames" -msgstr "%1 dropped frames" - -#: src/monitor/smallruler.cpp:201 src/timeline/customruler.cpp:233 -#: src/timeline/customruler.cpp:234 -#, kde-format -msgid "Zone start: %1" -msgstr "Zone start: %1" - -#: src/monitor/smallruler.cpp:205 src/timeline/customruler.cpp:237 -#: src/timeline/customruler.cpp:238 -#, kde-format -msgid "Zone end: %1" -msgstr "Zone end: %1" - -#: src/monitor/smallruler.cpp:236 src/timeline/customruler.cpp:241 -#: src/timeline/customruler.cpp:242 -#, kde-format -msgid "Zone duration: %1" -msgstr "Zone duration: %1" - -#: src/monitor/smallruler.cpp:238 src/timeline/customruler.cpp:245 -#: src/timeline/customruler.cpp:246 -#, kde-format -msgid "Position: %1" -msgstr "Position: %1" - -#: src/project/clipmanager.cpp:220 -msgid "Delete subclip" -msgid_plural "Delete subclips" -msgstr[0] "Delete subclip" -msgstr[1] "Delete subclips" - -#: src/project/clipmanager.cpp:223 src/project/projectcommands.cpp:74 -msgid "Delete folder" -msgid_plural "Delete folders" -msgstr[0] "Delete folder" -msgstr[1] "Delete folders" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:200 -msgid "Libav" -msgstr "Libav" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_8) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, kcfg_defaultcapture) -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_2) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, device_selector) -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:204 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:42 -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:181 src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:105 -#: src/ui/recmonitor_ui.ui:139 -msgid "FFmpeg" -msgstr "FFmpeg" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_11) -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:246 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:187 -#: src/utils/freesound.cpp:207 -msgid "Channels" -msgstr "Channels" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:263 -#, kde-format -msgid "Proxy clip: %1 (%2)" -msgstr "Proxy clip: %1 (%2)" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:265 -msgid "Delete proxy" -msgstr "Delete proxy" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:292 -msgid "Playlist" -msgstr "Playlist" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:348 src/project/dialogs/slideshowclip.cpp:74 -msgid "Pan, low-pass" -msgstr "Pan, low-pass" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:349 src/project/dialogs/slideshowclip.cpp:75 -msgid "Pan and zoom" -msgstr "Pan and zoom" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:350 src/project/dialogs/slideshowclip.cpp:76 -msgid "Pan and zoom, low-pass" -msgstr "Pan and zoom, low-pass" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:352 src/project/dialogs/slideshowclip.cpp:78 -msgid "Zoom, low-pass" -msgstr "Zoom, low-pass" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:480 -msgid "Save markers" -msgstr "Save markers" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:482 -msgid "Load markers" -msgstr "Load markers" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:484 -msgid "Delete analysis data" -msgstr "Delete analysis data" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:486 -msgid "Load analysis data" -msgstr "Load analysis data" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:488 -msgid "Save analysis data" -msgstr "Save analysis data" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:527 src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:360 -#, kde-format -msgid "(%1 clip)" -msgid_plural "(%1 clips)" -msgstr[0] "(%1 clip)" -msgstr[1] "(%1 clips)" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, slide_info) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_info) -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:1166 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:319 -#: src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:265 -msgid "No image found" -msgstr "No image found" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:1171 -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:573 -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:586 -#: src/project/dialogs/slideshowclip.cpp:247 -#, kde-format -msgid "1 image found" -msgid_plural "%1 images found" -msgstr[0] "1 image found" -msgstr[1] "%1 images found" - -#: src/project/clippropertiesmanager.cpp:182 -msgid "Edit clips" -msgstr "Edit clips" - -#: src/project/clipstabilize.cpp:41 -msgid "Stabilize Clip" -msgstr "Stabilise Clip" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, auto_add) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, add_clip) -#: src/project/clipstabilize.cpp:42 src/project/cliptranscode.cpp:47 -#: src/ui/clipstabilize_ui.ui:57 src/ui/cliptranscode_ui.ui:47 -#: src/ui/cutjobdialog_ui.ui:57 -msgid "Add clip to project" -msgid_plural "Add clips to project" -msgstr[0] "Add clip to project" -msgstr[1] "Add clips to project" - -#: src/project/clipstabilize.cpp:69 src/project/cliptranscode.cpp:63 -msgid "Destination folder" -msgstr "Destination folder" - -#: src/project/clipstabilize.cpp:159 -msgid "Stabilised" -msgstr "Stabilised" - -#: src/project/clipstabilize.cpp:173 -msgid "Stabilize clip" -msgstr "Stabilise clip" - -#: src/project/clipstabilize.cpp:232 -msgid "The stabilize job will overwrite the following files:" -msgstr "The stabilise job will overwrite the following files:" - -#: src/project/cliptranscode.cpp:43 -msgid "Transcode Clip" -msgstr "Transcode Clip" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, convert_abort) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_abort) -#: src/project/cliptranscode.cpp:168 src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:636 -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:884 src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:94 -#: src/ui/dvdwizardvob_ui.ui:160 -msgid "Abort" -msgstr "Abort" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, buttonClose) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, buttonClose2) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, buttonClose3) -#: src/project/cliptranscode.cpp:210 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:382 -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:657 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:805 -msgid "Close" -msgstr "Close" - -#: src/project/cliptranscode.cpp:221 src/project/cliptranscode.cpp:239 -msgid "Transcoding finished." -msgstr "Transcoding finished." - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:63 -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:302 -msgid "Video clips" -msgstr "Video clips" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:67 -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:305 -msgid "Audio clips" -msgstr "Audio clips" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:71 -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:308 src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:113 -msgid "Image clips" -msgstr "Image clips" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:75 -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:311 -msgid "Slideshow clips" -msgstr "Slideshow clips" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:79 -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:314 -msgid "Text clips" -msgstr "Text clips" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:83 -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:317 -msgid "Playlist clips" -msgstr "Playlist clips" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:87 -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:320 -msgid "Other clips" -msgstr "Other clips" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:91 -msgid "Luma files" -msgstr "Luma files" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:167 -#, kde-format -msgid "You have %1 missing clip in your project." -msgid_plural "You have %1 missing clips in your project." -msgstr[0] "You have %1 missing clip in your project." -msgstr[1] "You have %1 missing clips in your project." - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:192 -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:1017 -#, kde-format -msgid "(%1 item)" -msgid_plural "(%1 items)" -msgstr[0] "(%1 item)" -msgstr[1] "(%1 items)" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:197 -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:1019 -#, kde-format -msgid "%1 file to archive, requires %2" -msgid_plural "%1 files to archive, requires %2" -msgstr[0] "%1 file to archive, requires %2" -msgstr[1] "%1 files to archive, requires %2" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:198 -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:664 -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:854 -msgid "Archive" -msgstr "Archive" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:232 -msgid "Extract to" -msgstr "Extract to" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:233 -msgid "Open Archived Project" -msgstr "Open Archived Project" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:235 -msgid "Extract" -msgstr "Extract" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:264 -msgid "Opening archive..." -msgstr "Opening archive..." - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:267 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Cannot open archive file:\n" -" %1" -msgstr "" -"Cannot open archive file:\n" -" %1" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:284 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"File %1\n" -" is not an archived Kdenlive project" -msgstr "" -"File %1\n" -" is not an archived Kdenlive project" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:290 -msgid "Ready" -msgstr "Ready" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:310 -msgid "Archiving in progress, do you want to stop it?" -msgstr "Archiving in progress, do you want to stop it?" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:310 -msgid "Stop Archiving" -msgstr "Stop Archiving" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:493 -#, kde-format -msgid "Available space on drive: %1" -msgstr "Available space on drive: %1" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:497 -#, kde-format -msgid "Not enough space on drive, free space: %1" -msgstr "Not enough space on drive, free space: %1" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:518 -msgid "Archiving..." -msgstr "Archiving..." - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:546 -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:628 -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:881 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot create directory %1" -msgstr "Cannot create directory %1" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:652 -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:847 -msgid "Project was successfully archived." -msgstr "Project was successfully archived." - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:655 -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:851 -msgid "There was an error processing project file" -msgstr "There was an error processing project file" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:661 -#, kde-format -msgid "There was an error while copying the files: %1" -msgstr "There was an error while copying the files: %1" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:785 -msgid "Cannot create temporary file" -msgstr "Cannot create temporary file" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:883 -msgid "Extracting..." -msgstr "Extracting..." - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:947 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot open project file %1" -msgstr "Cannot open project file %1" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:947 -msgid "Cannot open file" -msgstr "Cannot open file" - -#: src/project/dialogs/backupwidget.cpp:30 -msgid "Restore Backup File" -msgstr "Restore Backup File" - -#: src/project/dialogs/backupwidget.cpp:34 -msgid "Showing all backup files in folder" -msgstr "Showing all backup files in folder" - -#: src/project/dialogs/backupwidget.cpp:37 -#, kde-format -msgid "Showing backup files for %1" -msgstr "Showing backup files for %1" - -#: src/project/dialogs/noteswidget.cpp:40 -msgid "Insert current timecode" -msgstr "Insert current timecode" - -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:120 -msgid "Current Settings" -msgstr "Current Settings" - -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:139 -msgid "Title" -msgstr "Title" - -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:146 -#: src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:189 -msgid "Author" -msgstr "Author" - -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:153 -msgid "Artist" -msgstr "Artist" - -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:159 -msgid "Copyright" -msgstr "Copyright" - -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:259 -msgid "Deleting proxy clips will disable proxies for this project." -msgstr "Deleting proxy clips will disable proxies for this project." - -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:410 -msgid "" -"Changing the profile of your project cannot be undone.\n" -"It is recommended to save your project before attempting this operation that " -"might cause some corruption in transitions.\n" -" Are you sure you want to proceed?" -msgstr "" -"Changing the profile of your project cannot be undone.\n" -"It is recommended to save your project before attempting this operation that " -"might cause some corruption in transitions.\n" -" Are you sure you want to proceed?" - -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:410 -msgid "Confirm profile change" -msgstr "Confirm profile change" - -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:425 -#, kde-format -msgid "Interlaced (%1 fields per second)" -msgstr "Interlaced (%1 fields per second)" - -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:596 -#, kde-format -msgid "Project folder: %1" -msgstr "Project folder: %1" - -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:597 -#, kde-format -msgid "Project profile: %1" -msgstr "Project profile: %1" - -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:598 -#, kde-format -msgid "Total clips: %1 (%2 used in timeline)." -msgstr "Total clips: %1 (%2 used in timeline)." - -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:650 -msgid "field_name" -msgstr "field_name" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, SlideshowClip_UI) -#: src/project/dialogs/slideshowclip.cpp:47 src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Slideshow Clip" -msgstr "Slideshow Clip" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:46 -msgid "Transcode clip" -msgstr "Transcode clip" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:49 -msgid "Cut clip" -msgstr "Cut clip" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:53 -msgid "Analyse clip" -msgstr "Analyse clip" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:125 -msgid "Failed to create file." -msgstr "Failed to create file." - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:140 -msgid "Cannot process this clip type." -msgstr "Cannot process this clip type." - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:202 -msgid "Transcoding clip" -msgstr "Transcoding clip" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:203 -msgid "Extracting clip cut" -msgstr "Extracting clip cut" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:204 -msgid "Analysing clip" -msgstr "Analysing clip" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:207 -msgid "Waiting - transcode clip" -msgstr "Waiting - transcode clip" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:208 -msgid "Waiting - cut clip" -msgstr "Waiting - cut clip" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:209 -msgid "Waiting - analyse clip" -msgstr "Waiting - analyse clip" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:278 -#, kde-format -msgid "Extracting %1 out of %2" -msgstr "Extracting %1 out of %2" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:292 -msgid "You cannot overwrite original clip." -msgstr "You cannot overwrite original clip." - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:293 -#, kde-format -msgid "Overwrite file %1" -msgstr "Overwrite file %1" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:338 -msgid "The transcoding job will overwrite the following files:" -msgstr "The transcoding job will overwrite the following files:" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:344 -msgid "Transcoding" -msgstr "Transcoding" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:432 -msgid "I-Frame " -msgstr "I-Frame " - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:433 -#, c-format -msgid "Found %count I-Frames" -msgstr "Found %count I-Frames" - -#: src/project/jobs/filterjob.cpp:133 -#, kde-format -msgid "Found %1 scenes." -msgstr "Found %1 scenes." - -#: src/project/jobs/filterjob.cpp:146 -msgid "Scene " -msgstr "Scene " - -#: src/project/jobs/filterjob.cpp:174 -msgid "Auto split" -msgstr "Auto split" - -#: src/project/jobs/jobmanager.cpp:178 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot write to path: %1" -msgstr "Cannot write to path: %1" - -#: src/project/jobs/jobmanager.cpp:225 -#, kde-format -msgid "Filter %1" -msgstr "Filter %1" - -#: src/project/jobs/jobmanager.cpp:234 -msgid "No valid clip to process" -msgstr "No valid clip to process" - -#: src/project/jobs/meltjob.cpp:53 -msgid "Processing clip" -msgstr "Processing clip" - -#: src/project/jobs/meltjob.cpp:63 -msgid "No producer for this clip." -msgstr "No producer for this clip." - -#: src/project/jobs/meltjob.cpp:86 -#, kde-format -msgid "Clip zone undefined (%1 - %2)." -msgstr "Clip zone undefined (%1 - %2)." - -#: src/project/jobs/meltjob.cpp:157 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot create consumer %1." -msgstr "Cannot create consumer %1." - -#: src/project/jobs/meltjob.cpp:179 -#, kde-format -msgid "Filter %1 crashed" -msgstr "Filter %1 crashed" - -#: src/project/jobs/meltjob.cpp:248 -msgid "Waiting to process clip" -msgstr "Waiting to process clip" - -#: src/project/jobs/proxyclipjob.cpp:38 -msgid "proxy" -msgstr "proxy" - -#: src/project/jobs/proxyclipjob.cpp:90 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot load image %1." -msgstr "Cannot load image %1." - -#: src/project/jobs/proxyclipjob.cpp:170 -msgid "Failed to create proxy clip." -msgstr "Failed to create proxy clip." - -#: src/project/jobs/proxyclipjob.cpp:245 -msgid "Creating proxy" -msgstr "Creating proxy" - -#: src/project/jobs/proxyclipjob.cpp:248 -msgid "Waiting - proxy" -msgstr "Waiting - proxy" - -#: src/project/jobs/proxyclipjob.cpp:283 src/project/projectlist.cpp:2073 -msgid "Failed to create proxy, empty path." -msgstr "Failed to create proxy, empty path." - -#: src/project/notesplugin.cpp:27 -msgid "Enter your project notes here ..." -msgstr "Enter your project notes here ..." - -#: src/project/notesplugin.cpp:28 -msgid "Project Notes" -msgstr "Project Notes" - -#: src/project/projectcommands.cpp:38 -msgid "Add clip cut" -msgstr "Add clip cut" - -#: src/project/projectcommands.cpp:72 -msgid "Add folder" -msgstr "Add folder" - -#: src/project/projectcommands.cpp:107 -msgid "Edit clip cut" -msgstr "Edit clip cut" - -#: src/project/projectcommands.cpp:136 -msgid "Rename folder" -msgstr "Rename folder" - -#: src/project/projectitem.cpp:92 src/project/projectitem.cpp:221 -msgid "Contains proxies" -msgstr "Contains proxies" - -#: src/project/projectitem.cpp:186 -msgid "Missing" -msgstr "Missing" - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:446 -msgid "No available clip selected" -msgstr "No available clip selected" - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:982 -msgid "Delete Clip Zone" -msgstr "Delete Clip Zone" - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:995 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Delete folder %2?
This will also remove the clip in that folder" -msgid_plural "" -"Delete folder %2?
This will also remove the %1 clips in that " -"folder" -msgstr[0] "" -"Delete folder %2?
This will also remove the clip in that folder" -msgstr[1] "" -"Delete folder %2?
This will also remove the %1 clips in that " -"folder" - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:1004 -#, kde-format -msgid "Delete clip %2?
This will also remove the clip in timeline" -msgid_plural "" -"Delete clip %2?
This will also remove its %1 clips in timeline" -msgstr[0] "" -"Delete clip %2?
This will also remove the clip in timeline" -msgstr[1] "" -"Delete clip %2?
This will also remove its %1 clips in timeline" - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:1430 -msgid "Clip is missing or invalid. Remove it from project?" -msgstr "Clip is missing or invalid. Remove it from project?" - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:1455 -msgid "Proxy clip unusable (duration is different from original)." -msgstr "Proxy clip unusable (duration is different from original)." - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:1457 -#, kde-format -msgid "Failed to create proxy for %1. check parameters" -msgstr "Failed to create proxy for %1. check parameters" - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:1752 -msgid "Cannot find profile from current clip" -msgstr "Cannot find profile from current clip" - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:1769 -msgid "Change project profile" -msgstr "Change project profile" - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:1773 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Your clip does not match current project's profile.\n" -"Do you want to change the project profile?\n" -"\n" -"The following profiles match the clip (size: %1, fps: %2)" -msgstr "" -"Your clip does not match current project's profile.\n" -"Do you want to change the project profile?\n" -"\n" -"The following profiles match the clip (size: %1, fps: %2)" - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:1791 -msgid "Update profile" -msgstr "Update profile" - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:1806 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Your clip does not match current project's profile.\n" -"No existing profile found to match the clip's properties.\n" -"Clip size: %1\n" -"Fps: %2\n" -msgstr "" -"Your clip does not match current project's profile.\n" -"No existing profile found to match the clip's properties.\n" -"Clip size: %1\n" -"Fps: %2\n" - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:2042 -msgid "Sequence not found" -msgstr "Sequence not found" - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:2212 -msgid "Update proxy settings" -msgstr "Update proxy settings" - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:2374 -msgid "Remove Proxy" -msgstr "Remove Proxy" - -#: src/project/projectlistview.cpp:59 -msgid "Rating" -msgstr "Rating" - -#: src/project/projectlistview.cpp:105 -msgctxt "@title:menu" -msgid "Columns" -msgstr "Columns" - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:61 -msgid "Open Backup File" -msgstr "Open Backup File" - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:202 -msgid "Save changes to document?" -msgstr "Save changes to document?" - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:204 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"The project \"%1\" has been changed.\n" -"Do you want to save your changes?" -msgstr "" -"The project \"%1\" has been changed.\n" -"Do you want to save your changes?" - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:379 -msgid "Auto-saved files exist. Do you want to recover them now?" -msgstr "Auto-saved files exist. Do you want to recover them now?" - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:380 -msgid "File Recovery" -msgstr "File Recovery" - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:381 -msgid "Don't recover" -msgstr "Don't recover" - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:436 -#, kde-format -msgid "Opening file %1" -msgstr "Opening file %1" - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:456 -msgid "Loading project" -msgstr "Loading project" - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:458 -msgid "Loading playlist" -msgstr "Loading playlist" - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:478 src/project/projectmanager.cpp:483 -msgid "Loading clips" -msgstr "Loading clips" - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:507 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Cannot open file %1.\n" -"Project is corrupted." -msgstr "" -"Cannot open file %1.\n" -"Project is corrupted." - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:527 -msgid "" -"This will delete all changes made since you last saved your project. Are you " -"sure you want to continue?" -msgstr "" -"This will delete all changes made since you last saved your project. Are you " -"sure you want to continue?" - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:527 -msgid "Revert to last saved version" -msgstr "Revert to last saved version" - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:537 -msgid "Kdenlive project (*.kdenlive)" -msgstr "Kdenlive project (*.kdenlive)" - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:538 -msgid "Archived project (*.tar.gz)" -msgstr "Archived project (*.tar.gz)" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, scanning_list) -#: src/project/transitionsettings.cpp:151 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:126 -msgid "Auto" -msgstr "Auto" - -#: src/project/transitionsettings.cpp:162 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:54 -msgid "Black" -msgstr "Black" - -#: src/renderer.cpp:1181 -msgid "" -"Could not create the video preview window.\n" -"There is something wrong with your Kdenlive install or your driver settings, " -"please fix it." -msgstr "" -"Could not create the video preview window.\n" -"There is something wrong with your Kdenlive install or your driver settings, " -"please fix it." - -#: src/renderer.cpp:1386 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7865 -msgid "Save Zone" -msgstr "Save Zone" - -#: src/renderer.cpp:3283 -msgid "Import selected clips" -msgstr "Import selected clips" - -#: src/renderer.cpp:3285 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Additional streams for clip\n" -" %1" -msgstr "" -"Additional streams for clip\n" -" %1" - -#: src/renderer.cpp:3294 -#, kde-format -msgid "Video stream %1" -msgstr "Video stream %1" - -#: src/renderer.cpp:3309 -#, kde-format -msgid "Audio stream %1" -msgstr "Audio stream %1" - -#: src/scopes/abstractscopewidget.cpp:84 -msgid "Auto Refresh" -msgstr "Auto Refresh" - -#: src/scopes/abstractscopewidget.cpp:86 -msgid "Realtime (with precision loss)" -msgstr "Realtime (with precision loss)" - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:67 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:52 -msgid "Reset maximum frequency to sampling rate" -msgstr "Reset maximum frequency to sampling rate" - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:68 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:55 -msgid "Track mouse" -msgstr "Track mouse" - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:70 -msgid "Show maximum" -msgstr "Show maximum" - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:86 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:74 -msgid "Rectangular window" -msgstr "Rectangular window" - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:87 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:75 -msgid "Triangular window" -msgstr "Triangular window" - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:88 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:76 -msgid "Hamming window" -msgstr "Hamming window" - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:97 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:79 -msgid "The maximum window size is limited by the number of samples per frame." -msgstr "The maximum window size is limited by the number of samples per frame." - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:98 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:80 -msgid "" -"A bigger window improves the accuracy at the cost of computational power." -msgstr "" -"A bigger window improves the accuracy at the cost of computational power." - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:99 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:81 -msgid "" -"The rectangular window function is good for signals with equal signal " -"strength (narrow peak), but creates more smearing. See Window function on " -"Wikipedia." -msgstr "" -"The rectangular window function is good for signals with equal signal " -"strength (narrow peak), but creates more smearing. See Window function on " -"Wikipedia." - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:389 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:392 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:394 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:485 -#, kde-format -msgid "%1 dB" -msgstr "%1 dB" - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:412 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:487 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:280 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:289 -#, kde-format -msgid "%1 kHz" -msgstr "%1 kHz" - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:53 -msgid "Draw grid" -msgstr "Draw grid" - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:57 -msgid "Highlight peaks" -msgstr "Highlight peaks" - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:234 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Frame\n" -"%1" -msgstr "" -"Frame\n" -"%1" - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:305 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:306 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"%1\n" -"dB" -msgstr "" -"%1\n" -"dB" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:31 -msgid "YUV UV plane" -msgstr "YUV UV plane" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:32 -msgid "YUV Y plane" -msgstr "YUV Y plane" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:33 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:55 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:61 -msgid "Modified YUV (Chroma)" -msgstr "Modified YUV (Chroma)" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:34 -msgid "YCbCr CbCr plane" -msgstr "YCbCr CbCr plane" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:35 -msgid "RGB plane, one component varying" -msgstr "RGB plane, one component varying" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:36 -msgid "HSV Hue Shift" -msgstr "HSV Hue Shift" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:37 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:254 -msgid "HSV Saturation" -msgstr "HSV Saturation" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:118 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:250 -#, kde-format -msgid "%1°" -msgstr "%1°" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:125 -#, kde-format -msgid "%1 px" -msgstr "%1 px" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:218 -msgid "Y value" -msgstr "Y value" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:219 -msgid "The Y value describes the brightness of the colors." -msgstr "The Y value describes the brightness of the colours." - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:231 -msgid "UV angle" -msgstr "UV angle" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:232 -msgid "Angle through the UV plane, with all possible Y values." -msgstr "Angle through the UV plane, with all possible Y values." - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:240 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:268 -msgid "Red" -msgstr "Red" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:241 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:269 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:53 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/waveform.cpp:34 -msgid "Green" -msgstr "Green" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:242 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:270 -msgid "Blue" -msgstr "Blue" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:243 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:271 -msgid "Luma" -msgstr "Luma" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:255 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:262 -msgid "HSV Value" -msgstr "HSV Value" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/histogram.cpp:26 -msgid "Unscaled" -msgstr "Unscaled" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/histogram.cpp:29 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/waveform.cpp:37 -msgid "Rec. 601" -msgstr "Rec. 601" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/histogram.cpp:31 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/waveform.cpp:39 -msgid "Rec. 709" -msgstr "Rec. 709" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/histogram.cpp:39 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/waveform.cpp:44 -msgid "Luma mode" -msgstr "Luma mode" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/histogramgenerator.cpp:178 -msgid "min" -msgstr "min" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/histogramgenerator.cpp:181 -msgid "max" -msgstr "max" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/rgbparade.cpp:27 -msgid "RGB" -msgstr "RGB" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/rgbparade.cpp:28 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/waveform.cpp:33 -msgid "White" -msgstr "White" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/rgbparade.cpp:32 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:89 -msgid "Draw axis" -msgstr "Draw axis" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/rgbparade.cpp:37 -msgid "Gradient reference line" -msgstr "Gradient reference line" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/rgbparadegenerator.cpp:167 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/rgbparadegenerator.cpp:169 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/rgbparadegenerator.cpp:171 -msgid "min: " -msgstr "min: " - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/rgbparadegenerator.cpp:175 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/rgbparadegenerator.cpp:177 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/rgbparadegenerator.cpp:179 -msgid "max: " -msgstr "max: " - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:52 -msgid "Green 2" -msgstr "Green 2" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:56 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:60 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:102 -msgid "YUV" -msgstr "YUV" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:57 -msgid "Original Color" -msgstr "Original Colour" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:62 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:100 -msgid "YPbPr" -msgstr "YPbPr" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:76 -msgid "Tools" -msgstr "Tools" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:78 -msgid "Export background" -msgstr "Export background" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:82 -msgid "Drawing options" -msgstr "Drawing options" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:84 -msgid "75% box" -msgstr "75% box" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:94 -msgid "Draw I/Q lines" -msgstr "Draw I/Q lines" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:99 -msgid "Color Space" -msgstr "Colour Space" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:247 -#, kde-format -msgid "%1 \\%" -msgstr "%1 \\%" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/waveform.cpp:32 -msgid "Yellow" -msgstr "Yellow" - -#: src/scopes/scopemanager.cpp:307 -msgid "Waveform" -msgstr "Waveform" - -#: src/scopes/scopemanager.cpp:309 -msgid "Histogram" -msgstr "Histogram" - -#: src/scopes/scopemanager.cpp:311 -msgid "Audio Signal" -msgstr "Audio Signal" - -#: src/scopes/scopemanager.cpp:312 -msgid "AudioSpectrum" -msgstr "AudioSpectrum" - -#: src/scopes/scopemanager.cpp:313 -msgid "Spectrogram" -msgstr "Spectrogram" - -#: src/statusbarmessagelabel.cpp:51 -msgctxt "@action:button" -msgid "Confirm" -msgstr "Confirm" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:162 -msgid "Send frames to color scopes" -msgstr "Send frames to colour scopes" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:167 -msgid "Mirror display" -msgstr "Mirror display" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:174 -msgid "Stop Motion Capture" -msgstr "Stop Motion Capture" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, capture_interval) -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:187 src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:115 -msgid "Interval capture" -msgstr "Interval capture" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:205 -msgid "Overlay effect" -msgstr "Overlay effect" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:207 -msgid "No Effect" -msgstr "No Effect" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:211 -msgid "Edge detect" -msgstr "Edge detect" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:213 -msgid "Brighten" -msgstr "Brighten" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:236 -msgid "Show sequence thumbnails" -msgstr "Show sequence thumbnails" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:241 -msgid "Delete current frame" -msgstr "Delete current frame" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:369 -msgid "Configure Stop Motion" -msgstr "Configure Stop Motion" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:371 src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:372 -msgid " second" -msgid_plural " seconds" -msgstr[0] " second" -msgstr[1] " seconds" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:520 -msgid "Stopped" -msgstr "Stopped" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:560 -msgid "No previous frame found" -msgstr "No previous frame found" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:632 -msgid "Create New Sequence" -msgstr "Create New Sequence" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:632 -msgid "Enter sequence name" -msgstr "Enter sequence name" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:653 -msgid "Frame Captured" -msgstr "Frame Captured" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:667 -msgid "Going to Capture Frame" -msgstr "Going to Capture Frame" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:822 -#, kde-format -msgid "Delete frame %1 from disk?" -msgstr "Delete frame %1 from disk?" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:822 -msgid "Delete Frame" -msgstr "Delete Frame" - -#: src/timecode.cpp:261 -msgid "hour" -msgstr "hour" - -#: src/timecode.cpp:269 -msgid "min." -msgstr "min." - -#: src/timecode.cpp:277 -msgid "sec." -msgstr "sec." - -#: src/timecode.cpp:282 -msgid "frames" -msgstr "frames" - -#: src/timeline/abstractclipitem.cpp:379 -msgid "seconds" -msgstr "seconds" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:589 -msgid "Crop from start:" -msgstr "Crop from start:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, clip_filesize_2) -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:589 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:602 -#: src/ui/spacerdialog_ui.ui:30 -msgid "Duration:" -msgstr "Duration:" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:589 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:602 -msgid "Offset:" -msgstr "Offset:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:695 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:804 -msgid ":" -msgstr ":" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:696 -msgid " Position:" -msgstr " Position:" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:697 -msgid " Duration:" -msgstr " Duration:" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:701 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:707 -msgid " Selection duration:" -msgstr " Selection duration:" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:703 -msgid " Group duration:" -msgstr " Group duration:" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:714 -msgid "Crop from start: " -msgstr "Crop from start: " - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:716 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:722 -msgid "" -"Use Ctrl to resize only current item, otherwise all items in this group will " -"be resized at once." -msgstr "" -"Use Ctrl to resize only current item, otherwise all items in this group will " -"be resized at once." - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:720 -msgid "Duration: " -msgstr "Duration: " - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:726 -msgid "Fade in duration: " -msgstr "Fade in duration: " - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:729 -msgid "Fade out duration: " -msgstr "Fade out duration: " - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:732 -msgid "Drag to add or resize a fade effect." -msgstr "Drag to add or resize a fade effect." - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:736 -msgid "Click to add a transition." -msgstr "Click to add a transition." - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:739 -msgid "" -"Move keyframe above or below clip to remove it, double click to add a new " -"one." -msgstr "" -"Move keyframe above or below clip to remove it, double click to add a new " -"one." - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:784 -msgid "Cannot use spacer in a locked track" -msgstr "Cannot use spacer in a locked track" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:792 -msgid "Cannot use spacer in a track with a group" -msgstr "Cannot use spacer in a track with a group" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1105 -msgid "Cannot cut a transition" -msgstr "Cannot cut a transition" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1331 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1366 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2668 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2694 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2720 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2743 -msgid "Cannot add transition" -msgstr "Cannot add transition" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1586 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1594 -msgid "Cannot find clip to edit" -msgstr "Cannot find clip to edit" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1588 -msgid "Cannot edit the duration of multiple items" -msgstr "Cannot edit the duration of multiple items" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1599 -msgid "Cannot edit an item in a group" -msgstr "Cannot edit an item in a group" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1664 -msgid "Item is locked" -msgstr "Item is locked" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1747 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2897 -msgid "Cannot insert clip in timeline" -msgstr "Cannot insert clip in timeline" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1753 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2866 -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:75 -msgid "Add timeline clip" -msgstr "Add timeline clip" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1787 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1849 -msgid "Clip not ready" -msgstr "Clip not ready" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1970 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2033 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2050 -msgid "Problem deleting effect" -msgstr "Problem deleting effect" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1977 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2002 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2017 -msgid "Problem adding effect to clip" -msgstr "Problem adding effect to clip" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1986 -msgid "Cannot add speed effect to track" -msgstr "Cannot add speed effect to track" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2022 -msgid "Cannot find clip to add effect" -msgstr "Cannot find clip to add effect" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2068 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2160 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2263 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7513 -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:42 src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:282 -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:374 -msgid "effect" -msgstr "effect" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2069 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2162 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7515 src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:44 -#, kde-format -msgid "Add %1" -msgstr "Add %1" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2171 -msgid "Select a clip if you want to apply an effect" -msgstr "Select a clip if you want to apply an effect" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2219 -msgid "Cannot add an audio effect to this clip" -msgstr "Cannot add an audio effect to this clip" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2228 -msgid "Cannot add a video effect to this clip" -msgstr "Cannot add a video effect to this clip" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2233 -msgid "Effect already present in clip" -msgstr "Effect already present in clip" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2264 src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:46 -#, kde-format -msgid "Delete %1" -msgstr "Delete %1" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2300 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2315 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2371 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2381 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2402 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5486 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5507 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5530 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5552 -msgid "Problem editing effect" -msgstr "Problem editing effect" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2373 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2404 -msgid "Cannot find clip to update effect" -msgstr "Cannot find clip to update effect" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2429 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2450 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2463 -msgid "Cannot move effect" -msgstr "Cannot move effect" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2527 -msgid "Cannot find clip to cut" -msgstr "Cannot find clip to cut" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2600 -msgid "Cannot find clip to uncut" -msgstr "Cannot find clip to uncut" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2604 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4101 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4392 -#, kde-format -msgid "Error removing clip at %1 on track %2" -msgstr "Error removing clip at %1 on track %2" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2629 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5309 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5427 -msgid "Error when resizing clip" -msgstr "Error when resizing clip" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2728 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6204 -msgid "Invalid transition" -msgstr "Invalid transition" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2752 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4435 -msgid "Select clip to delete" -msgstr "Select clip to delete" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2768 -msgid "Cannot update transition" -msgstr "Cannot update transition" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:3442 -msgid "Cannot remove space in a locked track" -msgstr "Cannot remove space in a locked track" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:3448 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:3453 -#, kde-format -msgid "You must be in an empty space to remove space (time: %1, track: %2)" -msgstr "You must be in an empty space to remove space (time: %1, track: %2)" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:3464 -msgid "Cannot remove space in a track with a group" -msgstr "Cannot remove space in a track with a group" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:3543 -msgid "Cannot insert space in a locked track" -msgstr "Cannot insert space in a locked track" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:3556 -msgid "Cannot insert space in a track with a group" -msgstr "Cannot insert space in a track with a group" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:3612 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot move clip at position %1, track %2" -msgstr "Cannot move clip at position %1, track %2" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:3625 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot move transition at position %1, track %2" -msgstr "Cannot move transition at position %1, track %2" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:3897 src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:484 -msgid "Move clip" -msgstr "Move clip" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4045 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5002 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot move clip to position %1" -msgstr "Cannot move clip to position %1" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4052 -msgid "Cannot move transition" -msgstr "Cannot move transition" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4056 src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:579 -msgid "Move transition" -msgstr "Move transition" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4083 src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:556 -msgid "Move group" -msgstr "Move group" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4215 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4242 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6386 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6418 -msgid "Resize group" -msgstr "Resize group" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4488 -msgid "Delete selected group" -msgid_plural "Delete selected groups" -msgstr[0] "Delete selected group" -msgstr[1] "Delete selected groups" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4490 -msgid "Delete selected clip" -msgid_plural "Delete selected clips" -msgstr[0] "Delete selected clip" -msgstr[1] "Delete selected clips" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4492 -msgid "Delete selected transition" -msgid_plural "Delete selected transitions" -msgstr[0] "Delete selected transition" -msgstr[1] "Delete selected transitions" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4493 -msgid "Delete selected items" -msgstr "Delete selected items" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4505 -msgid "Cannot find clip for speed change" -msgstr "Cannot find clip for speed change" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4563 -msgid "Cut Group" -msgstr "Cut Group" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4645 src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:411 -msgid "Group clips" -msgstr "Group clips" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4744 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4760 -msgid "Cannot insert clip..." -msgstr "Cannot insert clip..." - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4749 -msgid "Waiting for clip..." -msgstr "Waiting for clip..." - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4963 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5192 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot move clip at time: %1 on track %2" -msgstr "Cannot move clip at time: %1 on track %2" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5142 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot move transition at time: %1 on track %2" -msgstr "Cannot move transition at time: %1 on track %2" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5236 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5352 -msgid "Not possible to resize" -msgstr "Not possible to resize" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5248 -msgid "Resize clip start" -msgstr "Resize clip start" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5318 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5437 -msgid "Cannot resize transition" -msgstr "Cannot resize transition" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5372 -msgid "Resize clip end" -msgstr "Resize clip end" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5430 -msgid "Resize transition end" -msgstr "Resize transition end" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5742 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5810 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5851 -msgid "No guide at cursor time" -msgstr "No guide at cursor time" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5762 -#, kde-format -msgid "A guide already exists at position %1" -msgstr "A guide already exists at position %1" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5778 -msgid "Guide" -msgstr "Guide" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6068 -msgid "Select a clip before copying" -msgstr "Select a clip before copying" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6139 -msgid "No clip copied" -msgstr "No clip copied" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6175 -msgid "Cannot paste selected clips" -msgstr "Cannot paste selected clips" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6192 -msgid "Cannot paste clip to selected place" -msgstr "Cannot paste clip to selected place" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6206 -msgid "Cannot paste transition to selected place" -msgstr "Cannot paste transition to selected place" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6217 -msgid "You must copy exactly one clip before pasting effects" -msgstr "You must copy exactly one clip before pasting effects" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6353 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6377 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6410 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7016 -msgid "You must select one clip for this action" -msgstr "You must select one clip for this action" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6359 -msgid "You must select a playlist clip for this action" -msgstr "You must select a playlist clip for this action" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6517 src/ui/addtrack_ui.ui:67 -msgid "Insert track" -msgstr "Insert track" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6518 -#, kde-format -msgid "Video %1" -msgstr "Video %1" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6519 -msgid "Insert New Track" -msgstr "Insert New Track" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6552 src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:108 -msgid "Delete track" -msgstr "Delete track" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6667 -msgid "You must select one transition for this action" -msgstr "You must select one transition for this action" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6754 -msgid "You must select at least one clip for this action" -msgstr "You must select at least one clip for this action" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6759 src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:718 -msgid "Split audio" -msgstr "Split audio" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6765 -msgid "Cannot split audio of grouped clips" -msgstr "Cannot split audio of grouped clips" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6779 -msgid "No clip to split" -msgstr "No clip to split" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6788 -msgid "You must select exactly one clip for the audio reference." -msgstr "You must select exactly one clip for the audio reference." - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6809 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6858 -msgid "Processing audio, please wait." -msgstr "Processing audio, please wait." - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6813 -msgid "Reference for audio alignment must contain audio data." -msgstr "Reference for audio alignment must contain audio data." - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6829 -msgid "Audio alignment reference not yet set." -msgstr "Audio alignment reference not yet set." - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6866 -msgid "Cannot find clip to align." -msgstr "Cannot find clip to align." - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6881 -msgid "Unable to move clip out of timeline." -msgstr "Unable to move clip out of timeline." - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6896 -msgid "Unable to move clip due to collision." -msgstr "Unable to move clip due to collision." - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6899 -msgid "Clip aligned." -msgstr "Clip aligned." - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6900 -msgid "Auto-align clip" -msgstr "Auto-align clip" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6932 -msgid "No empty space to put clip audio" -msgstr "No empty space to put clip audio" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6944 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6981 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7057 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot update clip (time: %1, track: %2)" -msgstr "Cannot update clip (time: %1, track: %2)" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7009 -msgid "Video only" -msgstr "Video only" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7026 -msgid "Cannot change grouped clips" -msgstr "Cannot change grouped clips" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7045 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot find clip to edit (time: %1, track: %2)" -msgstr "Cannot find clip to edit (time: %1, track: %2)" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7358 -msgid "error" -msgstr "error" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7358 -msgid "TRACTOR" -msgstr "TRACTOR" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7371 -msgid "Insert clip" -msgstr "Insert clip" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7521 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7529 -msgid "Effect already present in track" -msgstr "Effect already present in track" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7641 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot find clip for effect update %1." -msgstr "Cannot find clip for effect update %1." - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7668 -msgid "You need to select one clip and one transition" -msgstr "You need to select one clip and one transition" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7686 -msgid "No clip found" -msgstr "No clip found" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7694 -msgid "No keyframe data found in clip" -msgstr "No keyframe data found in clip" - -#: src/timeline/headertrack.cpp:66 src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:461 -msgid "Lock track" -msgstr "Lock track" - -#: src/timeline/headertrack.cpp:66 src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:463 -msgid "Unlock track" -msgstr "Unlock track" - -#: src/timeline/headertrack.cpp:72 -msgid "Disable audio" -msgstr "Disable audio" - -#: src/timeline/headertrack.cpp:72 -msgid "Enable audio" -msgstr "Enable audio" - -#: src/timeline/headertrack.cpp:82 -msgid "Disable video" -msgstr "Disable video" - -#: src/timeline/headertrack.cpp:82 -msgid "Enable video" -msgstr "Enable video" - -#: src/timeline/headertrack.cpp:89 -msgid "Opaque" -msgstr "Opaque" - -#: src/timeline/spacerdialog.cpp:52 -msgid "All tracks" -msgstr "All tracks" - -#: src/timeline/timeline.cpp:89 -msgid "Smaller tracks" -msgstr "Smaller tracks" - -#: src/timeline/timeline.cpp:96 -msgid "Bigger tracks" -msgstr "Bigger tracks" - -#: src/timeline/timeline.cpp:359 src/timeline/timeline.cpp:363 -#, kde-format -msgid "Transition %1 had an invalid track: %2 > %3" -msgstr "Transition %1 had an invalid track: %2 > %3" - -#: src/timeline/timeline.cpp:372 -#, kde-format -msgid "Removed invalid transition: %1" -msgstr "Removed invalid transition: %1" - -#: src/timeline/timeline.cpp:469 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Your project file was upgraded to the latest Kdenlive document version.\n" -"To make sure you don't lose data, a backup copy called %1 was created." -msgstr "" -"Your project file was upgraded to the latest Kdenlive document version.\n" -"To make sure you don't lose data, a backup copy called %1 was created." - -#: src/timeline/timeline.cpp:471 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Your project file was modified by Kdenlive.\n" -"To make sure you don't lose data, a backup copy called %1 was created." -msgstr "" -"Your project file was modified by Kdenlive.\n" -"To make sure you don't lose data, a backup copy called %1 was created." - -#: src/timeline/timeline.cpp:477 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Your project file was upgraded to the latest Kdenlive document version, but " -"it was not possible to create the backup copy %1." -msgstr "" -"Your project file was upgraded to the latest Kdenlive document version, but " -"it was not possible to create the backup copy %1." - -#: src/timeline/timeline.cpp:868 -#, kde-format -msgid "Invalid clip removed from track %1 at %2\n" -msgstr "Invalid clip removed from track %1 at %2\n" - -#: src/timeline/timeline.cpp:946 -#, kde-format -msgid "Effect %1:%2 not found in MLT, it was removed from this project\n" -msgstr "Effect %1:%2 not found in MLT, it was removed from this project\n" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:76 -msgid "Delete timeline clip" -msgstr "Delete timeline clip" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:106 -msgid "Add track" -msgstr "Add track" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:137 -msgid "Delete transition from clip" -msgstr "Delete transition from clip" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:139 -msgid "Add transition to clip" -msgstr "Add transition to clip" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:175 -msgid "Change clip type" -msgstr "Change clip type" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:199 -msgid "Disable effect" -msgid_plural "Disable effects" -msgstr[0] "Disable effect" -msgstr[1] "Disable effects" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:201 -msgid "Enable effect" -msgid_plural "Enable effects" -msgstr[0] "Enable effect" -msgstr[1] "Enable effects" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:228 -msgid "Adjust clip length" -msgstr "Adjust clip length" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:283 -#, kde-format -msgid "Edit effect %1" -msgstr "Edit effect %1" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:337 -msgid "Add guide" -msgstr "Add guide" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:341 -msgid "Edit guide" -msgstr "Edit guide" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:343 -msgid "Delete guide" -msgstr "Delete guide" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:345 -msgid "Move guide" -msgstr "Move guide" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:375 -#, kde-format -msgid "Edit transition %1" -msgstr "Edit transition %1" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:413 -msgid "Ungroup clips" -msgstr "Ungroup clips" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:436 -msgid "Insert space" -msgstr "Insert space" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:438 -msgid "Remove space" -msgstr "Remove space" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:523 -msgid "Move effect" -msgstr "Move effect" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:607 -msgid "Razor clip" -msgstr "Razor clip" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:653 -msgid "Rebuild Group" -msgstr "Rebuild Group" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:695 -msgid "Resize clip" -msgstr "Resize clip" - -#: src/timeline/timelinesearch.cpp:27 -msgid "Find" -msgstr "Find" - -#: src/timeline/timelinesearch.cpp:29 -msgid "Find Next" -msgstr "Find Next" - -#: src/timeline/timelinesearch.cpp:38 -msgid "Starting -- find text as you type" -msgstr "Starting -- find text as you type" - -#: src/timeline/timelinesearch.cpp:46 -msgid "Find stopped" -msgstr "Find stopped" - -#: src/timeline/timelinesearch.cpp:56 src/timeline/timelinesearch.cpp:67 -#, kde-format -msgid "Found: %1" -msgstr "Found: %1" - -#: src/timeline/timelinesearch.cpp:58 -msgid "Reached end of project" -msgstr "Reached end of project" - -#: src/timeline/timelinesearch.cpp:70 -#, kde-format -msgid "Not found: %1" -msgstr "Not found: %1" - -#: src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:74 -msgid "Hidden" -msgstr "Hidden" - -#: src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:74 -msgid "Muted" -msgstr "Muted" - -#: src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:74 -msgid "Locked" -msgstr "Locked" - -#: src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:90 -msgid "Add Track" -msgstr "Add Track" - -#: src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:98 -msgid "Move Track upwards" -msgstr "Move Track upwards" - -#: src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:102 -msgid "Move Track downwards" -msgstr "Move Track downwards" - -#: src/titler/titledocument.cpp:331 -msgid "This title clip was created with a different frame size." -msgstr "This title clip was created with a different frame size." - -#: src/titler/titledocument.cpp:331 -msgid "Title Profile" -msgstr "Title Profile" - -#: src/titler/titledocument.cpp:380 -msgid "" -"Some of your text clips were saved with size in points, which means " -"different sizes on different displays. They will be converted to pixel size, " -"making them portable, but you could have to adjust their size." -msgstr "" -"Some of your text clips were saved with size in points, which means " -"different sizes on different displays. They will be converted to pixel size, " -"making them portable, but you could have to adjust their size." - -#: src/titler/titledocument.cpp:380 -msgid "Text Clips Updated" -msgstr "Text Clips Updated" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:93 -msgid "Outline width" -msgstr "Outline width" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:99 -msgid "Background color opacity" -msgstr "Background colour opacity" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:105 -msgid "Rotation around the X axis" -msgstr "Rotation around the X axis" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:111 -msgid "Rotation around the Y axis" -msgstr "Rotation around the Y axis" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:117 -msgid "Rotation around the Z axis" -msgstr "Rotation around the Z axis" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:123 -msgid "Border width" -msgstr "Border width" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:156 -msgid "Typewriter" -msgstr "Typewriter" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:215 -msgctxt "Font style" -msgid "Light" -msgstr "Light" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:216 -msgctxt "Font style" -msgid "Normal" -msgstr "Normal" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:217 -msgctxt "Font style" -msgid "Demi-Bold" -msgstr "Demi-Bold" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:218 -msgctxt "Font style" -msgid "Bold" -msgstr "Bold" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:219 -msgctxt "Font style" -msgid "Black" -msgstr "Black" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:220 -msgid "Font weight" -msgstr "Font weight" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:242 -msgid "No alignment" -msgstr "No alignment" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:245 -msgid "Align center" -msgstr "Align centre" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:249 -msgid "Insert Unicode character" -msgstr "Insert Unicode character" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:255 -msgid "Raise object" -msgstr "Raise object" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:261 -msgid "Lower object" -msgstr "Lower object" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:269 -msgid "Raise object to top" -msgstr "Raise object to top" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:276 -msgid "Lower object to bottom" -msgstr "Lower object to bottom" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:320 -msgid "Invert x axis and change 0 point" -msgstr "Invert x axis and change 0 point" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:321 -msgid "Invert y axis and change 0 point" -msgstr "Invert y axis and change 0 point" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:322 -msgid "Select fill color" -msgstr "Select fill colour" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:323 -msgid "Select border color" -msgstr "Select border colour" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:325 -msgid "Original size (1:1)" -msgstr "Original size (1:1)" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:326 -msgid "Fit zoom" -msgstr "Fit zoom" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:327 -msgid "Select background color" -msgstr "Select background colour" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:328 -msgid "Background opacity" -msgstr "Background opacity" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:329 -msgid "Select all" -msgstr "Select all" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:330 -msgid "Select text items in current selection" -msgstr "Select text items in current selection" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:331 -msgid "Select rect items in current selection" -msgstr "Select rect items in current selection" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:332 -msgid "Select image items in current selection" -msgstr "Select image items in current selection" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:333 -msgid "Unselect all" -msgstr "Unselect all" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:362 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:365 -msgid "Selection Tool" -msgstr "Selection Tool" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:368 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:371 -msgid "Add Text" -msgstr "Add Text" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:374 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:377 -msgid "Add Rectangle" -msgstr "Add Rectangle" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:380 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:383 -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:670 -msgid "Add Image" -msgstr "Add Image" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:388 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:391 -msgid "Open Document" -msgstr "Open Document" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:394 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:397 -msgid "Save As" -msgstr "Save As" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:566 -msgid "" -"Do you really want to load a new template? Changes in this title will be " -"lost!" -msgstr "" -"Do you really want to load a new template? Changes in this title will be " -"lost!" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:658 -msgid "All Images" -msgstr "All Images" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:660 -#, kde-format -msgid "%1 Image" -msgstr "%1 Image" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:1346 -msgid "\\u2212X" -msgstr "\\u2212X" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, origin_x_left) -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:1348 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:63 -msgid "+X" -msgstr "+X" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:1371 -msgid "\\u2212Y" -msgstr "\\u2212Y" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, origin_y_top) -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:1373 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:86 -msgid "+Y" -msgstr "+Y" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:1713 -msgid "Load Title" -msgstr "Load Title" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:1713 -msgid "Kdenlive title (*.kdenlivetitle)" -msgstr "Kdenlive title (*.kdenlivetitle)" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:1761 -msgid "" -"Do you want to embed Images into this TitleDocument?\n" -"This is most needed for sharing Titles." -msgstr "" -"Do you want to embed Images into this TitleDocument?\n" -"This is most needed for sharing Titles." - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:2039 -msgctxt "Indicates the start of an animation" -msgid "Start" -msgstr "Start" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:2040 -msgctxt "Indicates the end of an animation" -msgid "End" -msgstr "End" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:30 -msgid "Details" -msgstr "Details" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:85 -msgid "" -"Information about unicode characters: http://decodeunicode.org" -msgstr "" -"Information about unicode characters: http://decodeunicode.org" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:86 -msgid "Previous Unicode character (Arrow Up)" -msgstr "Previous Unicode character (Arrow Up)" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:87 -msgid "Next Unicode character (Arrow Down)" -msgstr "Next Unicode character (Arrow Down)" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:88 -msgid "Enter your Unicode number here. Allowed characters: [0-9] and [a-f]." -msgstr "Enter your Unicode number here. Allowed characters: [0-9] and [a-f]." - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:148 -msgid "(no character selected)" -msgstr "(no character selected)" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:154 -msgid "" -"Control character. Cannot be inserted/printed. See Wikipedia:Control_character" -msgstr "" -"Control character. Cannot be inserted/printed. See Wikipedia:Control_character" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:156 -msgid "Line Feed (newline character, \\\\n)" -msgstr "Line Feed (newline character, \\\\n)" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:158 -msgid "" -"Standard space character. (Other space characters: U+00a0, U" -"+2000–200b, U+202f)" -msgstr "" -"Standard space character. (Other space characters: U+00a0, U" -"+2000–200b, U+202f)" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:160 -msgid "No-break space. &nbsp; in HTML. See U+2009 and U+0020." -msgstr "No-break space. &nbsp; in HTML. See U+2009 and U+0020." - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:162 -msgid "" -"

« (u+00ab, &lfquo; in HTML) and " -"» (u+00bb, &rfquo; in HTML) are " -"called Guillemets or angle quotes. Usage in different countries: France " -"(with non-breaking Space 0x00a0), Switzerland, Germany, Finland and Sweden.

and (U+2039/203a, " -"&lsaquo;/&rsaquo;) are their single quote equivalents.

See Wikipedia:" -"Guillemets

" -msgstr "" -"

« (u+00ab, &lfquo; in HTML) and " -"» (u+00bb, &rfquo; in HTML) are " -"called Guillemets or angle quotes. Usage in different countries: France " -"(with non-breaking Space 0x00a0), Switzerland, Germany, Finland and Sweden.

and (U+2039/203a, " -"&lsaquo;/&rsaquo;) are their single quote equivalents.

See Wikipedia:" -"Guillemets

" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:164 -msgid "En Space (width of an n)" -msgstr "En Space (width of an n)" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:166 -msgid "Em Space (width of an m)" -msgstr "Em Space (width of an m)" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:168 -msgid "Three-Per-Em Space. Width: 1/3 of one em" -msgstr "Three-Per-Em Space. Width: 1/3 of one em" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:170 -msgid "Four-Per-Em Space. Width: 1/4 of one em" -msgstr "Four-Per-Em Space. Width: 1/4 of one em" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:172 -msgid "Six-Per-Em Space. Width: 1/6 of one em" -msgstr "Six-Per-Em Space. Width: 1/6 of one em" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:174 -msgid "" -"Figure space (non-breaking). Width of a digit if digits have fixed width in " -"this font." -msgstr "" -"Figure space (non-breaking). Width of a digit if digits have fixed width in " -"this font." - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:176 -msgid "" -"Punctuation Space. Width the same as between a punctuation character and the " -"next character." -msgstr "" -"Punctuation Space. Width the same as between a punctuation character and the " -"next character." - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:178 -msgid "" -"Thin space, in HTML also &thinsp;. See U+202f and Wikipedia:Space_(punctuation)" -msgstr "" -"Thin space, in HTML also &thinsp;. See U+202f and Wikipedia:Space_(punctuation)" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:180 -msgid "Hair Space. Thinner than U+2009." -msgstr "Hair Space. Thinner than U+2009." - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:182 -msgid "" -"Punctuation Apostrophe. Should be used instead of U+0027. See Wikipedia:Apostrophe" -msgstr "" -"Punctuation Apostrophe. Should be used instead of U+0027. See Wikipedia:Apostrophe" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:184 -msgid "" -"

An en Dash (dash of the width of an n).

Usage examples: In English " -"language for value ranges (1878–1903), for relationships/connections " -"(Zurich–Dublin). In the German language it is also used (with " -"spaces!) for showing thoughts: “Es war – wie immer in den " -"Ferien – ein regnerischer Tag.

See Wikipedia:Dash

" -msgstr "" -"

An en Dash (dash of the width of an n).

Usage examples: In English " -"language for value ranges (1878–1903), for relationships/connections " -"(Zurich–Dublin). In the German language it is also used (with " -"spaces!) for showing thoughts: “Es war – wie immer in den " -"Ferien – ein regnerischer Tag.

See Wikipedia:Dash

" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:186 -msgid "" -"

An em Dash (dash of the width of an m).

Usage examples: In English " -"language to mark—like here—thoughts. Traditionally without " -"spaces.

See Wikipedia:" -"Dash

" -msgstr "" -"

An em Dash (dash of the width of an m).

Usage examples: In English " -"language to mark—like here—thoughts. Traditionally without " -"spaces.

See Wikipedia:" -"Dash

" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:188 -msgid "" -"

Narrow no-break space. Has the same width as U+2009.

Usage: For " -"units (spaces are marked with U+2423, ␣): 230␣V, " -"−21␣°C, 50␣lb, but 90° (no space). In " -"German for abbreviations (like: i. d. R. instead of i. d." -" R. with U+00a0).

See Wikipedia:de:Schmales_Leerzeichen

" -msgstr "" -"

Narrow no-break space. Has the same width as U+2009.

Usage: For " -"units (spaces are marked with U+2423, ␣): 230␣V, " -"−21␣°C, 50␣lb, but 90° (no space). In " -"German for abbreviations (like: i. d. R. instead of i. d." -" R. with U+00a0).

See Wikipedia:de:Schmales_Leerzeichen

" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:190 -msgid "" -"Ellipsis: If text has been left o… See Wikipedia:Ellipsis" -msgstr "" -"Ellipsis: If text has been left o… See Wikipedia:Ellipsis" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:192 -msgid "Minus sign. For numbers: −42" -msgstr "Minus sign. For numbers: −42" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:194 -msgid "Open box; stands for a space." -msgstr "Open box; stands for a space." - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:196 -msgid "" -"Quarter note (Am.) or crochet (Brit.). See Wikipedia:Quarter_note" -msgstr "" -"Quarter note (Am.) or crochet (Brit.). See Wikipedia:Quarter_note" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:198 -msgid "" -"Eighth note (Am.) or quaver (Brit.). Half as long as a quarter note (U" -"+2669). See Wikipedia:" -"Eighth_note" -msgstr "" -"Eighth note (Am.) or quaver (Brit.). Half as long as a quarter note (U" -"+2669). See Wikipedia:" -"Eighth_note" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:200 -msgid "" -"Sixteenth note (Am.) or semiquaver (Brit.). Half as long as an eighth note (U" -"+266a). See Wikipedia:Sixteenth_note" -msgstr "" -"Sixteenth note (Am.) or semiquaver (Brit.). Half as long as an eighth note (U" -"+266a). See Wikipedia:Sixteenth_note" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:202 -msgid "" -"Thirty-second note (Am.) or demisemiquaver (Brit.). Half as long as a " -"sixteenth note (U+266b). See Wikipedia:Thirty-second_note" -msgstr "" -"Thirty-second note (Am.) or demisemiquaver (Brit.). Half as long as a " -"sixteenth note (U+266b). See Wikipedia:Thirty-second_note" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:204 -msgid "No additional information available for this character." -msgstr "No additional information available for this character." - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, before_select) -#: src/ui/addtrack_ui.ui:34 -msgid "Above" -msgstr "Above" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, before_select) -#: src/ui/addtrack_ui.ui:39 -msgid "Under" -msgstr "Under" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, video_track) -#: src/ui/addtrack_ui.ui:57 -msgid "Video &track" -msgstr "Video &track" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, audio_track) -#: src/ui/addtrack_ui.ui:74 -msgid "A&udio track" -msgstr "A&udio track" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, name_label) -#: src/ui/addtrack_ui.ui:81 -msgid "Track name" -msgstr "Track name" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/archivewidget_ui.ui:29 -msgid "Archive folder" -msgstr "Archive folder" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, compressed_archive) -#: src/ui/archivewidget_ui.ui:46 -msgid "Compressed archive" -msgstr "Compressed archive" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, proxy_only) -#: src/ui/archivewidget_ui.ui:53 -msgid "Archive only proxy clips when available" -msgstr "Archive only proxy clips when available" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, labelFFTSize) -#: src/ui/audiospectrum_ui.ui:52 -msgid "True FFT size: " -msgstr "True FFT size: " - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, buttonLinkHandles) -#: src/ui/bezierspline_ui.ui:89 -msgid "Link the handles' position.
Results in a natural spline." -msgstr "Link the handles' position.
Results in a natural spline." - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, marker_save) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, marker_load) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, analysis_delete) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, analysis_save) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, analysis_load) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, arrowUp) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, arrowDown) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, config_button) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonleft) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonhcenter) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonright) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttontop) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonvcenter) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonbottom) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonDirectUpdate) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonZoomOriginal) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonZoomFit) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonAddDelete) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonPrevious) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonNext) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, toolBtnReload) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonUp) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonDown) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonAdd) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonDelete) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonReset) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, zoom_button) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, unzoom_button) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonResetKeyframe) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonSeek) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, reload_blackmagic) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonLinkHandles) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonShowPixmap) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonZoomIn) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonZoomOut) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonGridChange) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonResetSpline) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonShowAllHandles) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, v4l_showprofileinfo) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, v4l_manageprofile) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, grab_manageprofile) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, grab_showprofileinfo) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, decklink_manageprofile) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, decklink_showprofileinfo) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, button_up) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, button_down) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, button_transcode) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, proxy_showprofileinfo) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, add_metadata) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, delete_metadata) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, effectsAll) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, effectsVideo) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, effectsAudio) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, effectsGPU) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, effectsCustom) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, proxy_manageprofile) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, button_add) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, button_edit) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, button_delete) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, button_download) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, button_more) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonLeftRight) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonUpDown) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonShowInTimeline) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonNewPoints) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonHelp) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonFavorite) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, rescale_keep) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, hide_log) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, collapseButton) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, enabledButton) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, menuButton) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonDel) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, rec_options) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonItalic) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonUnder) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonAlignNone) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonAlignLeft) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonInsertUnicode) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonAlignCenter) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonAlignRight) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, itemleft) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, itemhcenter) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, itemright) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, itemtop) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, itemvcenter) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, itembottom) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, live_button) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, capture_button) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, capture_interval) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, overlay_button) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, preview_button) -#: src/ui/bezierspline_ui.ui:92 src/ui/bezierspline_ui.ui:130 -#: src/ui/bezierspline_ui.ui:146 src/ui/bezierspline_ui.ui:156 -#: src/ui/bezierspline_ui.ui:169 src/ui/bezierspline_ui.ui:195 -#: src/ui/bezierspline_ui.ui:208 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:490 -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:500 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:587 -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:597 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:607 -#: src/ui/collapsiblewidget_ui.ui:86 src/ui/collapsiblewidget_ui.ui:118 -#: src/ui/collapsiblewidget_ui.ui:137 src/ui/collapsiblewidget_ui.ui:156 -#: src/ui/collapsiblewidget_ui.ui:172 src/ui/collapsiblewidget_ui.ui:188 -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:211 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:396 -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:433 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:616 -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:742 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:749 -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:78 src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:220 -#: src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:230 src/ui/configsdl_ui.ui:154 -#: src/ui/cutjobdialog_ui.ui:32 src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:262 -#: src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:269 src/ui/dvdwizardvob_ui.ui:29 -#: src/ui/dvdwizardvob_ui.ui:49 src/ui/dvdwizardvob_ui.ui:100 -#: src/ui/effectlist_ui.ui:22 src/ui/effectlist_ui.ui:41 -#: src/ui/effectlist_ui.ui:57 src/ui/effectlist_ui.ui:73 -#: src/ui/effectlist_ui.ui:89 src/ui/freesound_ui.ui:39 -#: src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:249 src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:256 -#: src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:263 src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:270 -#: src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:277 src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:284 -#: src/ui/geometrywidget_ui.ui:70 src/ui/geometrywidget_ui.ui:83 -#: src/ui/geometrywidget_ui.ui:93 src/ui/keyframeeditor_ui.ui:91 -#: src/ui/keyframeeditor_ui.ui:101 src/ui/keyframewidget_ui.ui:46 -#: src/ui/keyframewidget_ui.ui:59 src/ui/keyframewidget_ui.ui:72 -#: src/ui/keyframewidget_ui.ui:85 src/ui/keyframewidget_ui.ui:124 -#: src/ui/manageencodingprofile_ui.ui:44 src/ui/manageencodingprofile_ui.ui:51 -#: src/ui/manageencodingprofile_ui.ui:58 src/ui/manageencodingprofile_ui.ui:68 -#: src/ui/monitoreditwidget_ui.ui:53 src/ui/monitoreditwidget_ui.ui:66 -#: src/ui/monitoreditwidget_ui.ui:76 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:335 -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:386 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:393 -#: src/ui/recmonitor_ui.ui:72 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:407 -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:592 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:717 -#: src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:76 src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:92 -#: src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:108 src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:118 -#: src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:128 src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:141 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:364 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:384 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:401 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:417 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:440 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:447 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:460 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:801 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:808 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:815 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:822 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:829 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:836 src/ui/tracksconfigdialog_ui.ui:61 -#: src/ui/tracksconfigdialog_ui.ui:68 src/ui/tracksconfigdialog_ui.ui:75 -#: src/ui/tracksconfigdialog_ui.ui:82 src/ui/tracksconfigdialog_ui.ui:89 -#: src/ui/unicodewidget_ui.ui:185 src/ui/unicodewidget_ui.ui:210 -msgid "..." -msgstr "..." - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, buttonShowPixmap) -#: src/ui/bezierspline_ui.ui:127 -msgid "Show background indicating changes caused by modifying the curve." -msgstr "Show background indicating changes caused by modifying the curve." - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, buttonGridChange) -#: src/ui/bezierspline_ui.ui:166 -msgid "" -"Increases the number of lines in the grid.
After 8 lines it will begin " -"from 0 again." -msgstr "" -"Increases the number of lines in the grid.
After 8 lines it will begin " -"from 0 again." - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, buttonResetSpline) -#: src/ui/bezierspline_ui.ui:192 -msgid "Reset the selected spline" -msgstr "Reset the selected spline" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, buttonShowAllHandles) -#: src/ui/bezierspline_ui.ui:205 -msgid "Show handles for all points or only for the selected one" -msgstr "Show handles for all points or only for the selected one" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, name) -#: src/ui/boolval_ui.ui:30 src/ui/fontval_ui.ui:23 src/ui/listval_ui.ui:23 -msgid "TextLabel" -msgstr "TextLabel" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, crop_label) -#: src/ui/clipdurationdialog_ui.ui:30 -msgid "Crop start" -msgstr "Crop start" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, end_label) -#: src/ui/clipdurationdialog_ui.ui:50 -msgid "Crop end" -msgstr "Crop end" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_path) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, treeWidget) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:27 src/ui/missingclips_ui.ui:72 -msgid "Path" -msgstr "Path" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_size) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_6) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_5) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:51 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:231 -#: src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:41 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:93 -msgid "Size:" -msgstr "Size:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, clip_filesize) -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, groupBox) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:65 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:157 -#: src/utils/freesound.cpp:212 -msgid "File size" -msgstr "File size" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, clip_vproperties) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, clip_aproperties) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, metadata_list) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, analysis_list) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, programList) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:117 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:162 -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:542 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:574 -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:371 src/ui/wizardmltcheck_ui.ui:49 -msgid "1" -msgstr "1" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, clip_vproperties) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, clip_aproperties) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, metadata_list) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, analysis_list) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:122 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:167 -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:547 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:579 -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:376 -msgid "2" -msgstr "2" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_slideshow) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:206 -msgid "Slideshow" -msgstr "Slideshow" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, slide_type_label) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:212 -msgid "Image type" -msgstr "Image type" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, clip_filesize_4) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:222 -msgid "Frame duration" -msgstr "Frame duration" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, slide_loop) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, loop_movie) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, sm_loop) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:255 src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:221 -#: src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:160 src/ui/smconfig_ui.ui:26 -msgid "Loop" -msgstr "Loop" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, slide_crop) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:339 src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:284 -msgid "Center crop" -msgstr "Centre crop" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_animation) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_6) -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:346 src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:291 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:1121 -msgid "Animation" -msgstr "Animation" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_image) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, background_list) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:357 src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:202 -msgid "Image" -msgstr "Image" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_16) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:365 -msgid "Image size" -msgstr "Image size" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, image_transparency) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:381 -msgid "Transparent background" -msgstr "Transparent background" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, markers_list) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, clip_filesize_3) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:432 src/ui/markerdialog_ui.ui:56 -msgid "Comment" -msgstr "Comment" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, marker_new) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonNext) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonUnselectAll) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:440 src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:83 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:700 -msgid "N" -msgstr "N" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, marker_edit) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonEdit) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:450 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:414 -msgid "E" -msgstr "E" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, marker_delete) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonDelete) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, button_delete) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, delete_button) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:460 src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:252 -#: src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:103 src/ui/keyframeeditor_ui.ui:78 -#: src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:279 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:428 -msgid "D" -msgstr "D" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_advanced) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:634 -msgid "Advanced" -msgstr "Advanced" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, clip_force_ar) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:653 -msgid "Force aspect ratio" -msgstr "Force aspect ratio" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, clip_force_threads) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:686 -msgid "Decoding threads" -msgstr "Decoding threads" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, clip_force_progressive) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:700 -msgid "Force scanning" -msgstr "Force scanning" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, clip_force_framerate) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:727 -msgid "Force frame rate" -msgstr "Force frame rate" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, clip_force_out) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:734 -msgid "Force duration" -msgstr "Force duration" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, clip_force_colorspace) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:751 -msgid "Force colorspace" -msgstr "Force colourspace" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, clip_force_fieldorder) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:765 -msgid "Force field order" -msgstr "Force field order" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, clip_force_transparency) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:829 -msgid "Image background" -msgstr "Image background" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, clip_transparency) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:837 -msgid "Normal" -msgstr "Normal" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_dest) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_5) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_6) -#: src/ui/clipstabilize_ui.ui:20 src/ui/cliptranscode_ui.ui:30 -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:45 src/ui/saveprofile_ui.ui:138 -msgid "Destination" -msgstr "Destination" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_source) -#: src/ui/cliptranscode_ui.ui:20 -msgid "Source" -msgstr "Source" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, ffmpeg_label) -#: src/ui/cliptranscode_ui.ui:40 -msgid "FFmpeg parameters" -msgstr "FFmpeg parameters" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_4) -#: src/ui/cliptranscode_ui.ui:54 -msgid "Job status" -msgstr "Job status" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_start) -#: src/ui/cliptranscode_ui.ui:61 -msgctxt "@action:button start transcode" -msgid "Start" -msgstr "Start" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_profile) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: src/ui/cliptranscode_ui.ui:68 src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:29 -#: src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:20 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:74 -msgid "Profile" -msgstr "Profile" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, auto_close) -#: src/ui/cliptranscode_ui.ui:88 -msgid "Close after transcode" -msgstr "Close after transcode" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/colorclip_ui.ui:30 -msgid "Clip Color" -msgstr "Clip Colour" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, ColorPlaneExport_UI) -#: src/ui/colorplaneexport_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Export color plane to PNG" -msgstr "Export colour plane to PNG" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, lblSpace) -#: src/ui/colorplaneexport_ui.ui:20 -msgid "Color space" -msgstr "Colour space" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, lblVariant) -#: src/ui/colorplaneexport_ui.ui:37 -msgid "Variant" -msgstr "Variant" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QSlider, sliderScaling) -#: src/ui/colorplaneexport_ui.ui:81 -msgid "How much to zoom in" -msgstr "How much to zoom in" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, lblRes) -#: src/ui/colorplaneexport_ui.ui:101 -msgid "Resolution" -msgstr "Resolution" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, lblFilename) -#: src/ui/colorplaneexport_ui.ui:144 -msgid "Filename" -msgstr "Filename" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:23 -msgid "Default capture device" -msgstr "Default capture device" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, kcfg_defaultcapture) -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, device_selector) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:37 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:70 -#: src/ui/recmonitor_ui.ui:134 -msgid "Firewire" -msgstr "Firewire" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, kcfg_defaultcapture) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, device_selector) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:47 src/ui/recmonitor_ui.ui:144 -msgid "Screen grab" -msgstr "Screen grab" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, kcfg_defaultcapture) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, device_selector) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:52 src/ui/recmonitor_ui.ui:149 -msgid "Blackmagic card" -msgstr "Blackmagic card" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_9) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:89 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:221 -msgid "Capture format" -msgstr "Capture format" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, kcfg_firewireformat) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:97 -msgid "DV Raw" -msgstr "DV Raw" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, kcfg_firewireformat) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:102 -msgid "DV AVI type 1" -msgstr "DV AVI type 1" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, kcfg_firewireformat) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:107 -msgid "DV AVI type 2" -msgstr "DV AVI type 2" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, button_hdv) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, kcfg_firewireformat) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:112 src/ui/wizardstandard_ui.ui:54 -msgid "HDV" -msgstr "HDV" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_firewireautosplit) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:133 -msgid "Automatically start a new file on scene cut" -msgstr "Automatically start a new file on scene cut" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_firewiretimestamp) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:140 -msgid "Add recording time to captured file name" -msgstr "Add recording time to captured file name" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_5) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_29) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:147 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:696 -msgid "Capture file name" -msgstr "Capture file name" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_7) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:157 -msgid "dvgrab additional parameters" -msgstr "dvgrab additional parameters" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_14) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:197 -msgid "Video device" -msgstr "Video device" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_30) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_27) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:204 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:666 -msgid "Detected devices" -msgstr "Detected devices" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, p_size) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:238 src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:48 -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:100 -msgid "720x576" -msgstr "720x576" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, p_fps) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:252 src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:62 -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:114 -msgid "25/1" -msgstr "25/1" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, p_aspect) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:273 src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:76 -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:128 -msgid "59/54" -msgstr "59/54" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, p_display) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:287 src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:90 -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:142 -msgid "4/3" -msgstr "4/3" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, config_v4l) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:308 -msgid "Edit" -msgstr "Edit" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_v4l_captureaudio) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:342 -msgid "Capture audio (ALSA)" -msgstr "Capture audio (ALSA)" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_24) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_screengrab) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_16) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:362 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:632 -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:725 src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:203 -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:305 -msgid "Encoding profile" -msgstr "Encoding profile" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_v4l_capturevideo) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:389 -msgid "Capture video (Video4Linux2)" -msgstr "Capture video (Video4Linux2)" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, kcfg_grab_capture_type) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:471 -msgid "Full screen capture" -msgstr "Full screen capture" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, kcfg_grab_capture_type) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:476 -msgid "Region capture" -msgstr "Region capture" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_grab_follow_mouse) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:495 -msgid "Follow mouse" -msgstr "Follow mouse" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_grab_hide_frame) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:502 -msgid "Hide frame" -msgstr "Hide frame" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_19) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_10) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:524 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:951 -msgid "Offset" -msgstr "Offset" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_grab_hide_mouse) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:652 -msgid "Hide cursor" -msgstr "Hide cursor" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_4) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:660 -msgid "Blackmagic" -msgstr "Blackmagic" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_9) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:42 -msgid "Concurrent threads" -msgstr "Concurrent threads" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:69 -msgid "MLT environment" -msgstr "MLT environment" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_6) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:78 -msgid "Processing threads" -msgstr "Processing threads" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_7) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:91 -msgid "(>1 is experimental)" -msgstr "(>1 is experimental)" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:98 -msgid "Melt path" -msgstr "Melt path" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:112 -msgid "MLT profiles folder" -msgstr "MLT profiles folder" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_13) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:135 -msgid "FFplay" -msgstr "FFplay" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_14) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:155 -msgid "FFprobe" -msgstr "FFprobe" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_2) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:166 -msgid "Default folders" -msgstr "Default folders" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_5) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_4) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:172 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:56 -msgid "Project folder" -msgstr "Project folder" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:182 -msgid "Temporary files" -msgstr "Temporary files" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_10) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:192 -msgid "Capture folder" -msgstr "Capture folder" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_capturetoprojectfolder) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:212 -msgid "Use project folder" -msgstr "Use project folder" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_3) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:223 -msgid "Default apps" -msgstr "Default apps" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_4) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:229 -msgid "Image editing" -msgstr "Image editing" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, kp_image) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, kp_audio) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, kp_player) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:243 src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:264 -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:285 -msgid "Change" -msgstr "Change" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_11) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:250 -msgid "Audio editing" -msgstr "Audio editing" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_12) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:271 -msgid "Video player" -msgstr "Video player" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_enableshuttle) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:23 -msgid "Enable Jog Shuttle device" -msgstr "Enable Jog Shuttle device" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, shuttledisabled) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:30 -msgid "Jog Shuttle device disabled." -msgstr "Jog Shuttle device disabled." - -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, config_group) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:53 -msgid "Device configuration" -msgstr "Device configuration" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:85 -msgid "Button 1" -msgstr "Button 1" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_17) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:98 -msgid "Device" -msgstr "Device" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_16) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:111 -msgid "Button 15" -msgstr "Button 15" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_14) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:137 -msgid "Button 13" -msgstr "Button 13" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_9) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:150 -msgid "Button 8" -msgstr "Button 8" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_7) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:166 -msgid "Button 4" -msgstr "Button 4" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:179 -msgid "Device name" -msgstr "Device name" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_5) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:192 -msgid "Button 5" -msgstr "Button 5" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_8) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:214 -msgid "Button 7" -msgstr "Button 7" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_10) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:243 -msgid "Button 9" -msgstr "Button 9" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_4) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:256 -msgid "Button 2" -msgstr "Button 2" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_11) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:272 -msgid "Button 10" -msgstr "Button 10" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_12) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:285 -msgid "Button 11" -msgstr "Button 11" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_6) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:308 -msgid "Button 6" -msgstr "Button 6" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_15) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:336 -msgid "Button 14" -msgstr "Button 14" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:349 -msgid "Button 3" -msgstr "Button 3" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_13) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:362 -msgid "Button 12" -msgstr "Button 12" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_usekuiserver) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:23 -msgid "Use KDE job tracking for render jobs" -msgstr "Use KDE job tracking for render jobs" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_checkfirstprojectclip) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:30 -msgid "Check if first added clip matches project profile" -msgstr "Check if first added clip matches project profile" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_crashrecovery) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:37 -msgid "Crash recovery (automatic backup)" -msgstr "Crash recovery (automatic backup)" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_automultistreams) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:44 -msgid "Automatically import all streams in multi stream clips" -msgstr "Automatically import all streams in multi stream clips" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_disable_effect_parameters) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:51 -msgid "Disable parameters when the effect is disabled" -msgstr "Disable parameters when the effect is disabled" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_bypasscodeccheck) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:58 -msgid "Bypass codec verification" -msgstr "Bypass codec verification" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_autoimagesequence) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:65 -msgid "Automatically import image sequences" -msgstr "Automatically import image sequences" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_projectloading_avformatnovalidate) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:72 -msgid "Do not validate the video files when loading a project (faster)" -msgstr "Do not validate the video files when loading a project (faster)" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_on_monitor_effects) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:79 -msgid "Use on-monitor effects" -msgstr "Use on-monitor effects" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_use_exiftool) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:86 -msgid "Get clip metadata with exiftool" -msgstr "Get clip metadata with exiftool" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_openlastproject) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:93 -msgid "Open last project on startup" -msgstr "Open last project on startup" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, groupBox) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:100 -msgid "Default Durations" -msgstr "Default Durations" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:106 -msgid "Color clips" -msgstr "Colour clips" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_8) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:123 -msgid "Title clips" -msgstr "Title clips" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:130 -msgid "Image sequence" -msgstr "Image sequence" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_autoimagetransparency) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:149 -msgid "Transparent background for imported images" -msgstr "Transparent background for imported images" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_use_magicLantern) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:169 -msgid "Get clip metadata created by Magic Lantern" -msgstr "Get clip metadata created by Magic Lantern" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, properties) -#: src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:23 -msgid "Default Profile" -msgstr "Default Profile" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_9) -#: src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:69 -msgid "Aspect ratio:" -msgstr "Aspect ratio:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_10) -#: src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:83 -msgid "Display ratio:" -msgstr "Display ratio:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_7) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_6) -#: src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:109 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:175 -msgid "Video tracks" -msgstr "Video tracks" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_8) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_7) -#: src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:119 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:185 -msgid "Audio tracks" -msgstr "Audio tracks" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, generate_proxy) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_generateproxy) -#: src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:154 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:256 -msgid "Generate for videos larger than" -msgstr "Generate for videos larger than" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (suffix), widget (QSpinBox, proxy_minsize) -#. i18n: ectx: property (suffix), widget (QSpinBox, proxy_imageminsize) -#. i18n: ectx: property (suffix), widget (QSpinBox, kcfg_proxyminsize) -#. i18n: ectx: property (suffix), widget (QSpinBox, kcfg_proxyimageminsize) -#: src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:161 src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:181 -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:263 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:283 -msgid "pixels" -msgstr "pixels" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, generate_imageproxy) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_generateimageproxy) -#: src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:174 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:276 -msgid "Generate for images larger than" -msgstr "Generate for images larger than" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/ui/configsdl_ui.ui:17 -msgid "" -"Warning: changes to the drivers and devices can make Kdenlive unstable. " -"Change only if you know what you do." -msgstr "" -"Warning: changes to the drivers and devices can make Kdenlive unstable. " -"Change only if you know what you do." - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_gpu_accel) -#: src/ui/configsdl_ui.ui:27 -msgid "Use GPU processing (Movit library) - restart Kdenlive to apply" -msgstr "Use GPU processing (Movit library) - restart Kdenlive to apply" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_4) -#: src/ui/configsdl_ui.ui:34 -msgid "Audio backend" -msgstr "Audio backend" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, textLabel1_2) -#: src/ui/configsdl_ui.ui:53 -msgid "Audio driver:" -msgstr "Audio driver:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, textLabel1) -#: src/ui/configsdl_ui.ui:66 -msgid "Audio device:" -msgstr "Audio device:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: src/ui/configsdl_ui.ui:82 -msgid "Preview volume:" -msgstr "Preview volume:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/configsdl_ui.ui:102 -msgid "Monitor background color:" -msgstr "Monitor background colour:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_external_display) -#: src/ui/configsdl_ui.ui:127 -msgid "Use external display (Blackmagic card)" -msgstr "Use external display (Blackmagic card)" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_5) -#: src/ui/configsdl_ui.ui:134 -msgid "Output device" -msgstr "Output device" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, groupBox) -#: src/ui/configtimeline_ui.ui:23 -msgid "Thumbnails" -msgstr "Thumbnails" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_displayallchannels) -#: src/ui/configtimeline_ui.ui:48 -msgid "Separate channels" -msgstr "Separate channels" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_showmarkers) -#: src/ui/configtimeline_ui.ui:73 -msgid "Display clip markers comments" -msgstr "Display clip markers comments" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_autoscroll) -#: src/ui/configtimeline_ui.ui:80 -msgid "Autoscroll while playing" -msgstr "Autoscroll while playing" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_verticalzoom) -#: src/ui/configtimeline_ui.ui:87 -msgid "Zoom using vertical drag in ruler" -msgstr "Zoom using vertical drag in ruler" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_splitaudio) -#: src/ui/configtimeline_ui.ui:94 -msgid "Automatically split audio and video" -msgstr "Automatically split audio and video" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/configtimeline_ui.ui:103 -msgid "Track height" -msgstr "Track height" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_add) -#: src/ui/configtranscode_ui.ui:24 -msgid "Add Profile" -msgstr "Add Profile" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_update) -#: src/ui/configtranscode_ui.ui:31 -msgid "Update Profile" -msgstr "Update Profile" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_delete) -#: src/ui/configtranscode_ui.ui:38 -msgid "Delete Profile" -msgstr "Delete Profile" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_4) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: src/ui/configtranscode_ui.ui:90 src/ui/saveprofile_ui.ui:121 -msgid "Extension" -msgstr "Extension" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_4) -#: src/ui/configtranscode_ui.ui:107 -msgid "Parameters" -msgstr "Parameters" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, button_more) -#: src/ui/cutjobdialog_ui.ui:29 -msgid "Configure job" -msgstr "Configure job" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_add) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardchapters_ui.ui:39 -msgid "Add chapter" -msgstr "Add chapter" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardchapters_ui.ui:46 -msgid "Movie file" -msgstr "Movie file" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_delete) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardchapters_ui.ui:66 -msgid "Remove chapter" -msgstr "Remove chapter" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, create_menu) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:20 -msgid "Create basic menu" -msgstr "Create basic menu" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:49 -msgid "Button" -msgstr "Button" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_6) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:65 -msgid "Target" -msgstr "Target" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, back_to_menu) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:82 -msgid "Back to menu" -msgstr "Back to menu" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, use_shadow) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:126 -msgid "Shadow" -msgstr "Shadow" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:138 -msgid "Underline" -msgstr "Underline" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_2) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, lblBackground) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:183 src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:189 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:1076 src/ui/vectorscope_ui.ui:46 -msgid "Background" -msgstr "Background" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonAdd) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, add_button) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, button_add) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonSelectAll) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonAudio) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:232 src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:93 -#: src/ui/keyframeeditor_ui.ui:68 src/ui/timelinebuttons_ui.ui:71 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:723 -msgid "A" -msgstr "A" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:29 -msgid "Temporary data folder" -msgstr "Temporary data folder" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:39 -msgid "DVD ISO image" -msgstr "DVD ISO image" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (QListWidget, job_progress) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:56 -msgid "Creating menu images" -msgstr "Creating menu images" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (QListWidget, job_progress) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:61 -msgid "Creating menu background" -msgstr "Creating menu background" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (QListWidget, job_progress) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:66 -msgid "Creating menu movie" -msgstr "Creating menu movie" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (QListWidget, job_progress) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:71 -msgid "Creating dvd structure" -msgstr "Creating dvd structure" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (QListWidget, job_progress) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:76 -msgid "Creating iso file" -msgstr "Creating iso file" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_start) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:84 -msgid "Create ISO image" -msgstr "Create ISO image" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_2) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:118 -msgid "Log" -msgstr "Log" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_7) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:124 -msgid "Status" -msgstr "Status" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, button_burn) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:154 -msgid "Burn" -msgstr "Burn" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:172 -msgid "Menu File" -msgstr "Menu File" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_3) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:186 -msgid "Dvdauthor File" -msgstr "Dvdauthor File" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, use_intro) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardvob_ui.ui:59 -msgid "Use first movie as intro" -msgstr "Use first movie as intro" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardvob_ui.ui:66 -msgid "DVD format" -msgstr "DVD format" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_delete) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardvob_ui.ui:73 -msgid "Remove file" -msgstr "Remove file" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_add) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardvob_ui.ui:130 -msgid "Add movie file" -msgstr "Add movie file" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, convert_label) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardvob_ui.ui:146 -msgid "Converting files" -msgstr "Converting files" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: src/ui/freesound_ui.ui:22 -msgid "Service" -msgstr "Service" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, page_prev) -#: src/ui/freesound_ui.ui:67 -msgid "<<" -msgstr "<<" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, page_next) -#: src/ui/freesound_ui.ui:104 -msgid ">>" -msgstr ">>" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_import) -#: src/ui/freesound_ui.ui:137 src/utils/archiveorg.cpp:181 -msgid "Import" -msgstr "Import" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/freesound_ui.ui:177 -msgid "License" -msgstr "Licence" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonMenu) -#: src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:63 -msgid "M" -msgstr "M" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonPrevious) -#: src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:73 -msgid "P" -msgstr "P" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_pos) -#: src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:127 -msgid "Pos" -msgstr "Pos" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_6) -#: src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:198 -msgid "Height" -msgstr "Height" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:219 -msgid "Resize:" -msgstr "Resize:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, buttonResize) -#: src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:242 -msgid "Original" -msgstr "Original" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QCheckBox, cbY) -#: src/ui/histogram_ui.ui:17 -msgid "Luma value" -msgstr "Luma value" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, lblComponents) -#: src/ui/histogram_ui.ui:64 -msgid "Components" -msgstr "Components" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QCheckBox, cbS) -#: src/ui/histogram_ui.ui:71 -msgid "RGB summed up" -msgstr "RGB summed up" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, cbS) -#: src/ui/histogram_ui.ui:74 -msgid "Sum" -msgstr "Sum" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, ImportKeyframesDialog_UI) -#: src/ui/importkeyframesdialog_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Import Keyframes" -msgstr "Import Keyframes" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, limit_keyframes) -#: src/ui/importkeyframesdialog_ui.ui:48 -msgid "Limit keyframes number" -msgstr "Limit keyframes number" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/importkeyframesdialog_ui.ui:90 -msgid "Data to import" -msgstr "Data to import" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, KeyFrameDialog_UI) -#: src/ui/keyframedialog_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Edit Keyframe" -msgstr "Edit Keyframe" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, clip_filesize_3) -#: src/ui/keyframedialog_ui.ui:27 -msgid "Value" -msgstr "Value" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, buttonResetKeyframe) -#: src/ui/keyframeeditor_ui.ui:88 -msgid "Reset the parameters to their default values" -msgstr "Reset the parameters to their default values" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, buttonSeek) -#: src/ui/keyframeeditor_ui.ui:98 -msgid "Seek to active keyframe" -msgstr "Seek to active keyframe" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, buttonKeyframes) -#: src/ui/keyframeeditor_ui.ui:114 -msgid "Add keyframes" -msgstr "Add keyframes" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, buttonLeftRight) -#: src/ui/keyframewidget_ui.ui:43 -msgid "move on X axis" -msgstr "move on X axis" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, buttonUpDown) -#: src/ui/keyframewidget_ui.ui:56 -msgid "move on Y axis" -msgstr "move on Y axis" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, buttonShowInTimeline) -#: src/ui/keyframewidget_ui.ui:69 -msgid "update values in timeline" -msgstr "update values in timeline" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, buttonNewPoints) -#: src/ui/keyframewidget_ui.ui:82 -msgid "create new points" -msgstr "create new points" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, checkBox) -#: src/ui/keyframewidget_ui.ui:105 -msgid "GraphView" -msgstr "GraphView" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, buttonHelp) -#: src/ui/keyframewidget_ui.ui:121 -msgid "parameter description" -msgstr "parameter description" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/keywordval_ui.ui:23 src/ui/urlval_ui.ui:26 -msgid "Param" -msgstr "Param" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, ManageCaptures_UI) -#: src/ui/managecaptures_ui.ui:13 -msgid "Captured files" -msgstr "Captured files" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, treeWidget) -#: src/ui/managecaptures_ui.ui:35 -msgid "File name" -msgstr "File name" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, deleteButton) -#: src/ui/managecaptures_ui.ui:48 -msgid "Delete current file" -msgstr "Delete current file" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, toggleButton) -#: src/ui/managecaptures_ui.ui:55 -msgid "Toggle selection" -msgstr "Toggle selection" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/manageencodingprofile_ui.ui:20 -msgid "Editing profiles for" -msgstr "Editing profiles for" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_category) -#: src/ui/markerdialog_ui.ui:76 -msgid "Category" -msgstr "Category" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, clip_thumb) -#: src/ui/markerdialog_ui.ui:86 -msgid "Image preview" -msgstr "Image preview" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, MissingClips_UI) -#: src/ui/missingclips_ui.ui:14 -msgid " Clip Problems" -msgstr " Clip Problems" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, removeSelected) -#: src/ui/missingclips_ui.ui:20 -msgid "Remove selected clips" -msgstr "Remove selected clips" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, usePlaceholders) -#: src/ui/missingclips_ui.ui:37 -msgid "Use placeholders for missing clips" -msgstr "Use placeholders for missing clips" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, recursiveSearch) -#: src/ui/missingclips_ui.ui:80 -msgid "Search recursively" -msgstr "Search recursively" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, ProfilesDialog_UI) -#: src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Profiles" -msgstr "Profiles" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_4) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_7) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_8) -#: src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:106 src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:140 -#: src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:174 -msgid "/" -msgstr "/" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_10) -#: src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:154 -msgid "Display aspect ratio" -msgstr "Display aspect ratio" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_11) -#: src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:208 -msgid "Fields per second" -msgstr "Fields per second" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_default) -#: src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:242 -msgid "Use as default" -msgstr "Use as default" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, button_create) -#: src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:259 -msgid "C" -msgstr "C" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, button_save) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonSave) -#: src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:269 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:421 -msgid "S" -msgstr "S" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, properties) -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:66 -msgid "Video Profile" -msgstr "Video Profile" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:210 -msgid "Thumbnails:" -msgstr "Thumbnails:" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_2) -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:416 -msgid "Project Files" -msgstr "Project Files" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_12) -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:422 -msgid "Clips used in project:" -msgstr "Clips used in project:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_6) -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:443 -msgid "Unused clips:" -msgstr "Unused clips:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, delete_unused) -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:464 -msgid "Delete files" -msgstr "Delete files" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_11) -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:471 -msgid "Thumbnails cache:" -msgstr "Thumbnails cache:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, clear_cache) -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:492 -msgid "Clear cache" -msgstr "Clear cache" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, delete_proxies) -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:520 -msgid "Delete proxies" -msgstr "Delete proxies" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_13) -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:527 -msgid "Project files" -msgstr "Project files" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_fonts) -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:561 -msgid "Fonts" -msgstr "Fonts" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_export) -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:575 -msgid "Plain text export" -msgstr "Plain text export" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:39 -msgid "Render Project" -msgstr "Render Project" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:52 -msgid "Output file" -msgstr "Output file" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_9) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:112 -msgid "Encoder threads" -msgstr "Encoder threads" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, scanning_list) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:131 -msgid "Force Progressive" -msgstr "Force Progressive" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, scanning_list) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:136 -msgid "Force Interlaced" -msgstr "Force Interlaced" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QLineEdit, vbitrates_list) -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QLineEdit, abitrates_list) -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (KComboBox, comboBitrates) -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (KComboBox, comboAudioBitrates) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:176 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:202 -#: src/ui/saveprofile_ui.ui:33 src/ui/saveprofile_ui.ui:87 -msgid "Best to worst quality" -msgstr "Best to worst quality" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, checkTwoPass) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:215 -msgid "2 pass" -msgstr "2 pass" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, rescale) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:222 -msgid "Rescale" -msgstr "Rescale" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, export_meta) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:250 -msgid "Export metadata" -msgstr "Export metadata" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, tc_overlay) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:276 -msgid "Overlay" -msgstr "Overlay" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, render_full) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:314 -msgid "Fu&ll project" -msgstr "Fu&ll project" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, render_zone) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:324 -msgid "Selected &zone" -msgstr "Selected &zone" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, render_guide) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:331 -msgid "&Guide zone" -msgstr "&Guide zone" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, buttonRender) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:355 -msgid "Render to File" -msgstr "Render to File" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, buttonGenerateScript) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:362 -msgid "Generate Script" -msgstr "Generate Script" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonInfo) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonSelectImages) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:393 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:680 -msgid "I" -msgstr "I" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, show_all_profiles) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:400 -msgid "Show all profiles" -msgstr "Show all profiles" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, open_browser) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:466 -msgid "Open browser window after export" -msgstr "Open browser window after export" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, play_after) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:473 -msgid "Play after render" -msgstr "Play after render" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:503 -msgid "to" -msgstr "to" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, create_chapter) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:523 -msgid "Create chapter file based on guides" -msgstr "Create chapter file based on guides" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, open_dvd) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:530 -msgid "Open Dvd wizard after rendering" -msgstr "Open Dvd wizard after rendering" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, proxy_render) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:537 -msgid "Render using proxy clips" -msgstr "Render using proxy clips" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, stemAudioExport) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:623 -msgid "Stem audio export" -msgstr "Stem audio export" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_2) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:631 -msgid "Job Queue" -msgstr "Job Queue" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_7) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:710 -msgid "Error Log" -msgstr "Error Log" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, clean_up) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:728 -msgid "Clean Up" -msgstr "Clean Up" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, shutdown) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:735 -msgid "Shutdown computer after renderings" -msgstr "Shutdown computer after renderings" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, start_job) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:742 -msgid "Start Job" -msgstr "Start Job" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_3) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:750 -msgid "Scripts" -msgstr "Scripts" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, start_script) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:778 -msgid "Start Script" -msgstr "Start Script" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, delete_script) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:785 -msgid "Delete Script" -msgstr "Delete Script" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, lblPaintmode) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, lblPaintMode) -#: src/ui/rgbparade_ui.ui:33 src/ui/vectorscope_ui.ui:29 -#: src/ui/waveform_ui.ui:30 -msgid "Paint mode" -msgstr "Paint mode" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, SaveProfile_UI) -#: src/ui/saveprofile_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Save Profile" -msgstr "Save Profile" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/ui/saveprofile_ui.ui:60 -msgid "Group" -msgstr "Group" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: src/ui/saveprofile_ui.ui:108 -msgid "Profile name" -msgstr "Profile name" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/saveprofile_ui.ui:128 -msgid "" -"Parameters (see MLT documentation)" -msgstr "" -"Parameters (see MLT documentation)" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, SceneCutDialog_UI) -#: src/ui/scenecutdialog_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Scene Cut" -msgstr "Scene Cut" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, add_markers) -#: src/ui/scenecutdialog_ui.ui:23 -msgid "Add clip markers" -msgstr "Add clip markers" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, zone_only) -#: src/ui/scenecutdialog_ui.ui:33 -msgid "Analyze only selected zone" -msgstr "Analyse only selected zone" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, cut_scenes) -#: src/ui/scenecutdialog_ui.ui:63 -msgid "Cut scenes" -msgstr "Cut scenes" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, store_data) -#: src/ui/scenecutdialog_ui.ui:70 -msgid "Save result in clip metadata" -msgstr "Save result in clip metadata" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, groupBox) -#: src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:30 -msgid "Image selection method" -msgstr "Image selection method" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, method_mime) -#: src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:36 -msgid "&Mimetype" -msgstr "&Mimetype" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, method_pattern) -#: src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:46 -msgid "Fi&lename pattern" -msgstr "Fi&lename pattern" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_4) -#: src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:70 -msgid "Image Type" -msgstr "Image Type" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_5) -#: src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:97 -msgid "First frame" -msgstr "First frame" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:127 -msgid "Frame Duration" -msgstr "Frame Duration" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, show_thumbs) -#: src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:245 -msgid "Show thumbnails" -msgstr "Show thumbnails" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: src/ui/smconfig_ui.ui:33 -msgid "Number of frames to play (0 to play all frames)" -msgstr "Number of frames to play (0 to play all frames)" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, groupBox_2) -#: src/ui/smconfig_ui.ui:73 -msgid "Interval Capture" -msgstr "Interval Capture" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/smconfig_ui.ui:79 -msgid "Capture delay" -msgstr "Capture delay" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, sm_prenotify) -#: src/ui/smconfig_ui.ui:96 -msgid "Notify before capture" -msgstr "Notify before capture" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, SpacerDialog_UI) -#: src/ui/spacerdialog_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Add space" -msgstr "Add space" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, clip_filesize_3) -#: src/ui/spacerdialog_ui.ui:37 -msgid "Track:" -msgstr "Track:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, labelFFTSize) -#: src/ui/spectrogram_ui.ui:52 -msgid "True FFT size:" -msgstr "True FFT size:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, live_button) -#: src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:86 -msgid "Live view" -msgstr "Live view" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, preview_button) -#: src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:135 -msgid "Preview sequence" -msgstr "Preview sequence" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (KComboBox, sequence_name) -#: src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:151 src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:158 -msgid "Sequence name" -msgstr "Sequence name" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_addsequence) -#: src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:194 -msgid "Add to project" -msgstr "Add to project" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/templateclip_ui.ui:17 -msgid "Template" -msgstr "Template" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonFitZoom) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonRealSize) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonVideo) -#: src/ui/timelinebuttons_ui.ui:16 src/ui/timelinebuttons_ui.ui:64 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:553 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:563 -msgid "V" -msgstr "V" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, TitleWidget_UI) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Title Clip" -msgstr "Title Clip" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, lWidth) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:109 -msgid "W" -msgstr "W" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_19) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:126 -msgid "H" -msgstr "H" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_12) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:184 -msgid "Z-Index:" -msgstr "Z-Index:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:232 -msgid "Item Properties" -msgstr "Item Properties" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:243 -msgid "Fill color" -msgstr "Fill colour" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_11) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:275 -msgid "Border color" -msgstr "Border colour" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_18) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:394 -msgid "Outline" -msgstr "Outline" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, displayBg) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:631 -msgid "Show background" -msgstr "Show background" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_22) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:645 -msgid "Template:" -msgstr "Template:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonSelectText) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:690 -msgid "T" -msgstr "T" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (whatsThis), widget (QToolButton, buttonSelectAll) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:720 -msgid "Selects all items on the canvas." -msgstr "Selects all items on the canvas." - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_14) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:761 -msgid "Zoom:" -msgstr "Zoom:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_21) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:778 -msgid "Rotate Z:" -msgstr "Rotate Z:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_20) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:785 -msgid "Rotate Y:" -msgstr "Rotate Y:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_15) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:792 -msgid "Rotate X:" -msgstr "Rotate X:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_5) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:877 -msgid "Effect" -msgstr "Effect" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (suffix), widget (QSpinBox, typewriter_delay) -#. i18n: ectx: property (suffix), widget (QSpinBox, typewriter_start) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:1007 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:1030 -msgid " frames" -msgstr " frames" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_16) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:1023 -msgid "Start at" -msgstr "Start at" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, anim_start) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:1127 -msgid "Edit start" -msgstr "Edit start" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, anim_end) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:1137 -msgid "Edit end" -msgstr "Edit end" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_7) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:1162 -msgid "Resize" -msgstr "Resize" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, resize50) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:1169 -#, no-c-format -msgid "50%" -msgstr "50%" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, resize100) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:1176 -#, no-c-format -msgid "100%" -msgstr "100%" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, resize200) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:1183 -#, no-c-format -msgid "200%" -msgstr "200%" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, keep_aspect) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:1190 -msgid "Keep aspect ratio" -msgstr "Keep aspect ratio" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/ui/transitionsettings_ui.ui:23 -msgid "track" -msgstr "track" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QWidget, UnicodeWidget_UI) -#: src/ui/unicodewidget_ui.ui:20 -msgid "Enter Unicode value" -msgstr "Enter Unicode value" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/ui/unicodewidget_ui.ui:251 -msgid "Additional Information" -msgstr "Additional Information" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_reload) -#: src/ui/wizardcapture_ui.ui:17 -msgid "Check" -msgstr "Check" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_9) -#: src/ui/wizardcapture_ui.ui:57 -msgid "Capture format:" -msgstr "Capture format:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/wizardextra_ui.ui:16 -msgid "Default folder for project files" -msgstr "Default folder for project files" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, autosave) -#: src/ui/wizardextra_ui.ui:59 -msgid "Activate crash recovery (auto save)" -msgstr "Activate crash recovery (auto save)" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, installmimes) -#: src/ui/wizardextra_ui.ui:66 -msgid "Install extra video mimetypes" -msgstr "Install extra video mimetypes" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab) -#: src/ui/wizardmltcheck_ui.ui:21 -msgid "Installed modules" -msgstr "Installed modules" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_2) -#: src/ui/wizardmltcheck_ui.ui:63 -msgid "Available Codecs (avformat)" -msgstr "Available Codecs (avformat)" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: src/ui/wizardmltcheck_ui.ui:90 -msgid "Formats" -msgstr "Formats" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/ui/wizardmltcheck_ui.ui:97 -msgid "Video Codecs" -msgstr "Video Codecs" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/wizardmltcheck_ui.ui:104 -msgid "Audio Codecs" -msgstr "Audio Codecs" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: src/ui/wizardstandard_ui.ui:17 -msgid "Please set your default video profile" -msgstr "Please set your default video profile" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/ui/wizardstandard_ui.ui:24 -msgid "Video Resolution" -msgstr "Video Resolution" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, button_dv) -#: src/ui/wizardstandard_ui.ui:44 -msgid "DV" -msgstr "DV" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, button_all) -#: src/ui/wizardstandard_ui.ui:61 -msgid "Show All" -msgstr "Show All" - -#: src/utils/archiveorg.cpp:78 src/utils/freesound.cpp:86 -#: src/utils/freesound.cpp:184 src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:362 -msgid "Error Loading Data" -msgstr "Error Loading Data" - -#: src/utils/archiveorg.cpp:91 src/utils/freesound.cpp:95 -#, kde-format -msgid "Found %1 result" -msgid_plural "Found %1 results" -msgstr[0] "Found %1 result" -msgstr[1] "Found %1 results" - -#: src/utils/freesound.cpp:203 -msgid "Samplerate" -msgstr "Samplerate" - -#: src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:67 -msgid "Freesound Audio Library" -msgstr "Freesound Audio Library" - -#: src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:68 -msgid "Archive.org Video Library" -msgstr "Archive.org Video Library" - -#: src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:69 -msgid "Open Clip Art Graphic Library" -msgstr "Open Clip Art Graphic Library" - -#: src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:70 -msgid "Search Online Resources" -msgstr "Search Online Resources" - -#: src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:92 -msgid "Auto Play" -msgstr "Auto Play" - -#: src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:182 -msgctxt "the url link pointing to a web page" -msgid "link" -msgstr "link" - -#: src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:327 -msgid "File Exists" -msgstr "File Exists" - -#: src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:328 -msgid "Do you want to overwrite the existing file?." -msgstr "Do you want to overwrite the existing file?." - -#: src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:371 -msgid "Data Imported" -msgstr "Data Imported" - -#: src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:437 -msgid "" -"You need to be online\n" -" for searching" -msgstr "" -"You need to be online\n" -" for searching" - -#: src/utils/thememanager.cpp:70 -msgctxt "default theme name" -msgid "Default" -msgstr "Default" - -#: src/utils/thememanager.cpp:213 -msgid "Configuration..." -msgstr "Configuration..." - -#: src/utils/thememanager.cpp:227 -msgid "" -"Cannot start Colors Settings panel from KDE Control Center. Please check " -"your system..." -msgstr "" -"Cannot start Colours Settings panel from KDE Control Centre. Please check " -"your system..." - -#~ msgid "Compare effect" -#~ msgstr "Compare effect" - -#~ msgid "Blue Screen" -#~ msgstr "Blue Screen" - -#~ msgid "Selection Parameters" -#~ msgstr "Selection Parameters" - -#~ msgid "Effect List" -#~ msgstr "Effect List" - -#~ msgid "Transition List" -#~ msgstr "Transition List" - -#~ msgid "Lossless / HQ" -#~ msgstr "Lossless / HQ" - -#~ msgid "Cannot open playlist producer." -#~ msgstr "Cannot open playlist producer." - -#~ msgid "Cannot find proper playlist." -#~ msgstr "Cannot find proper playlist." - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Reload Clip" -#~ msgid "Expland Clip" -#~ msgstr "Reload Clip" - -#~ msgid "Effect Stack" -#~ msgstr "Effect Stack" - -#~ msgid "Transition" -#~ msgstr "Transition" - -#~ msgid "Show additional controls" -#~ msgstr "Show additional controls" - -#~ msgid "Show/Hide the lines connecting the corners" -#~ msgstr "Show/Hide the lines connecting the corners" - -#~ msgid "Playing %1x%2 (%3 fps)" -#~ msgstr "Playing %1x%2 (%3 fps)" - -#~ msgid "Failed to start device" -#~ msgstr "Failed to start device" - -#~ msgid "Estimated time %1" -#~ msgstr "Estimated time %1" - -#~ msgid "Loading" -#~ msgstr "Loading" - -#~ msgid "Adding clips" -#~ msgstr "Adding clips" - -#~ msgid "Loading thumbnails" -#~ msgstr "Loading thumbnails" - -#~ msgid "Loading timeline" -#~ msgstr "Loading timeline" - -#~ msgid "Setting monitor" -#~ msgstr "Setting monitor" - -#~ msgid "Up" -#~ msgstr "Up" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Select All in Current Track" -#~ msgid "Add effect to Current Stack" -#~ msgstr "Select All in Current Track" - -#~ msgid "Fun" -#~ msgstr "Fun" - -#~ msgctxt "effects and transitions keyboard shortcuts" -#~ msgid "Effects & Transitions" -#~ msgstr "Effects & Transitions" - -#~ msgctxt "timeline track keyboard shortcuts" -#~ msgid "Timeline and Tracks" -#~ msgstr "Timeline and Tracks" - -#~ msgid "MPEG clip (*.mpeg *.mpg *.vob)" -#~ msgstr "MPEG clip (*.mpeg *.mpg *.vob)" - -#~ msgid "Transcoding to DVD format" -#~ msgstr "Transcoding to DVD format" - -#~ msgid "before" -#~ msgstr "before" - -#~ msgid "after" -#~ msgstr "after" - -#~ msgid "Set zone start" -#~ msgstr "Set zone start" - -#~ msgid "Set zone end" -#~ msgstr "Set zone end" - -#~ msgid "Project profile was not found, using default profile." -#~ msgstr "Project profile was not found, using default profile." - -#~ msgid "Missing Profile" -#~ msgstr "Missing Profile" - -#~ msgid "Project profile not found, replacing with existing one: %1" -#~ msgstr "Project profile not found, replacing with existing one: %1" - -#~ msgid "Existing Profile" -#~ msgstr "Existing Profile" - -#~ msgid "" -#~ "Your project uses an unknown profile.\n" -#~ "It uses an existing profile name: %1.\n" -#~ "Please choose a new name to save it" -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "Your project uses an unknown profile.\n" -#~ "It uses an existing profile name: %1.\n" -#~ "Please choose a new name to save it" - -#~ msgid "Project profile was not found, it will be added to your system now." -#~ msgstr "Project profile was not found, it will be added to your system now." - -#~ msgid "Buttons overlapping" -#~ msgstr "Buttons overlapping" - -#~ msgid "No button in menu" -#~ msgstr "No button in menu" - -#~ msgid "Missing background image" -#~ msgstr "Missing background image" - -#~ msgid "No menu entry for %1" -#~ msgstr "No menu entry for %1" - -#~ msgid "Blackmagic Decklink" -#~ msgstr "Blackmagic Decklink" - -#~ msgid "Delete data" -#~ msgstr "Delete data" - -#~ msgid "Add data" -#~ msgstr "Add data" - -#~ msgid "Importing project effects" -#~ msgstr "Importing project effects" - -#~ msgid "Load Image" -#~ msgstr "Load Image" - -#~ msgid "" -#~ "The project file contains missing clips or files and clip duration " -#~ "mismatch" -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "The project file contains missing clips or files and clip duration " -#~ "mismatch" - -#~ msgid "The project file contains clips with duration mismatch" -#~ msgstr "The project file contains clips with duration mismatch" - -#~ msgid "Duration mismatch" -#~ msgstr "Duration mismatch" - -#~ msgid "Fix duration mismatch" -#~ msgstr "Fix duration mismatch" - -#~ msgid "Movit: Blur" -#~ msgstr "Movit: Blur" - -#~ msgid "Sharpens in a more intelligent way" -#~ msgstr "Sharpens in a more intelligent way" - -#~ msgid "Movit: Diffusion" -#~ msgstr "Movit: Diffusion" - -#~ msgid "Movit: Glow" -#~ msgstr "Movit: Glow" - -#~ msgid "Do simple color grading" -#~ msgstr "Do simple colour grading" - -#~ msgid "Movit: Mirror" -#~ msgstr "Movit: Mirror" - -#~ msgid "Flips the image horizontally" -#~ msgstr "Flips the image horizontally" - -#~ msgid "Movit: Opacity" -#~ msgstr "Movit: Opacity" - -#~ msgid "Change the opacity of the image" -#~ msgstr "Change the opacity of the image" - -#~ msgid "Movit: Saturation" -#~ msgstr "Movit: Saturation" - -#~ msgid "Saturate or desaturate the image" -#~ msgstr "Saturate or desaturate the image" - -#~ msgid "Sharpens the image by subtracting a blurred copy" -#~ msgstr "Sharpens the image by subtracting a blurred copy" - -#~ msgid "Movit: Vignette" -#~ msgstr "Movit: Vignette" - -#~ msgid "Movit: White balance" -#~ msgstr "Movit: White balance" - -#~ msgid "XVideo" -#~ msgstr "XVideo" - -#~ msgid "X11" -#~ msgstr "X11" - -#~ msgid "XFree86 DGA 2.0" -#~ msgstr "XFree86 DGA 2.0" - -#~ msgid "Nano X" -#~ msgstr "Nano X" - -#~ msgid "Framebuffer console" -#~ msgstr "Framebuffer console" - -#~ msgid "Direct FB" -#~ msgstr "Direct FB" - -#~ msgid "SVGAlib" -#~ msgstr "SVGAlib" - -#~ msgid "General graphics interface" -#~ msgstr "General graphics interface" - -#~ msgid "Ascii art library" -#~ msgstr "Ascii art library" - -#~ msgid "Clip %1
is invalid, what do you want to do?" -#~ msgstr "Clip %1
is invalid, what do you want to do?" - -#~ msgid "File not found" -#~ msgstr "File not found" - -#~ msgid "Search automatically" -#~ msgstr "Search automatically" - -#~ msgid "Keep as placeholder" -#~ msgstr "Keep as placeholder" - -#~ msgid "Clip %1
is invalid or missing, what do you want to do?" -#~ msgstr "Clip %1
is invalid or missing, what do you want to do?" - -#~ msgid "Search manually" -#~ msgstr "Search manually" - -#~ msgid "Looking for %1" -#~ msgstr "Looking for %1" - -#~ msgid "Show previous keyframe" -#~ msgstr "Show previous keyframe" - -#~ msgid "Project Tree" -#~ msgstr "Project Tree" - -#~ msgid "Adjust Profile to Current Clip" -#~ msgstr "Adjust Profile to Current Clip" - -#~ msgid "Save clip zone as:" -#~ msgstr "Save clip zone as:" - -#~ msgid "Description:" -#~ msgstr "Description:" - -#~ msgid "" -#~ "Cannot start MLT's renderer:\n" -#~ "%1" -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "Cannot start MLT's renderer:\n" -#~ "%1" - -#~ msgid "Timeout while creating xml output" -#~ msgstr "Timeout while creating xml output" - -#~ msgid "Resize (100%)" -#~ msgstr "Resize (100%)" - -#~ msgid "Resize (50%)" -#~ msgstr "Resize (50%)" - -#~ msgid "" -#~ "Clip %1
already exists in project, what do you want to do?" -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "Clip %1
already exists in project, what do you want to do?" - -#~ msgid "Clip already exists" -#~ msgstr "Clip already exists" - -#~ msgid "" -#~ "Clip %1
is on a removable device, will not be available when " -#~ "device is unplugged" -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "Clip %1
is on a removable device, will not be available when " -#~ "device is unplugged" - -#~ msgid "File on a Removable Device" -#~ msgstr "File on a Removable Device" - -#~ msgid "Copy file to project folder" -#~ msgstr "Copy file to project folder" - -#~ msgid "Continue" -#~ msgstr "Continue" - -#~ msgid "" -#~ "This will remove the following files from your hard drive.\n" -#~ "This action cannot be undone, only use if you know what you are doing.\n" -#~ "Are you sure you want to continue?" -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "This will remove the following files from your hard drive.\n" -#~ "This action cannot be undone, only use if you know what you are doing.\n" -#~ "Are you sure you want to continue?" - -#~ msgid "Delete unused clips" -#~ msgstr "Delete unused clips" - -#~ msgid "Open Clips" -#~ msgstr "Open Clips" - -#~ msgid "Cancel job" -#~ msgid_plural "Cancel jobs" -#~ msgstr[0] "Cancel job" -#~ msgstr[1] "Cancel jobs" - -#~ msgid "Cannot reverse clip" -#~ msgstr "Cannot reverse clip" - -#~ msgid "Cannot render reversed clip" -#~ msgstr "Cannot render reversed clip" - -#~ msgid "" -#~ "Your project's profile %1 is not compatible with the blackmagic output " -#~ "card. Please see supported profiles below. Switching to normal video " -#~ "display." -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "Your project's profile %1 is not compatible with the blackmagic output " -#~ "card. Please see supported profiles below. Switching to normal video " -#~ "display." - -#~ msgid "Hide track" -#~ msgstr "Hide track" - -#~ msgid "Mute track" -#~ msgstr "Mute track" - -#~ msgid "Invalid clip producer %1\n" -#~ msgstr "Invalid clip producer %1\n" - -#~ msgid "Removed invalid transition: (%1, %2, %3)" -#~ msgstr "Removed invalid transition: (%1, %2, %3)" - -#~ msgid "Removed overlapping transition: (%1, %2, %3)" -#~ msgstr "Removed overlapping transition: (%1, %2, %3)" - -#~ msgid "Replaced wrong clip producer %1 with %2" -#~ msgstr "Replaced wrong clip producer %1 with %2" - -#~ msgid "Broken clip producer %1, recreated base clip: %2" -#~ msgstr "Broken clip producer %1, recreated base clip: %2" - -#~ msgid "Broken clip producer %1, removed from project" -#~ msgstr "Broken clip producer %1, removed from project" - -#~ msgid "Desktop search integration" -#~ msgstr "Desktop search integration" - -#~ msgid "Video driver:" -#~ msgstr "Video driver:" - -#~ msgid "Normalise audio for thumbnails" -#~ msgstr "Normalise audio for thumbnails" - -#~ msgid "All" -#~ msgstr "All" - -#~ msgid "Custom" -#~ msgstr "Custom" - -#~ msgid "with track" -#~ msgstr "with track" - -#~ msgid "DV module (libdv)" -#~ msgstr "DV module (libdv)" - -#~ msgid "Required to work with dv files if avformat module is not installed" -#~ msgstr "Required to work with dv files if avformat module is not installed" - -#~ msgid "Open projects in new tabs" -#~ msgstr "Open projects in new tabs" diff -Nru kdenlive-15.13.0+git20160206.6705c57a/po/es/CMakeLists.txt kdenlive-15.13.0+git20160206.cee1bbb6/po/es/CMakeLists.txt --- kdenlive-15.13.0+git20160206.6705c57a/po/es/CMakeLists.txt 2016-02-06 09:13:45.000000000 +0000 +++ kdenlive-15.13.0+git20160206.cee1bbb6/po/es/CMakeLists.txt 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -GETTEXT_PROCESS_PO_FILES(es ALL INSTALL_DESTINATION ${LOCALE_INSTALL_DIR} kdenlive.po) diff -Nru kdenlive-15.13.0+git20160206.6705c57a/po/es/kdenlive.po kdenlive-15.13.0+git20160206.cee1bbb6/po/es/kdenlive.po --- kdenlive-15.13.0+git20160206.6705c57a/po/es/kdenlive.po 2016-02-06 09:13:45.000000000 +0000 +++ kdenlive-15.13.0+git20160206.cee1bbb6/po/es/kdenlive.po 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 @@ -1,12437 +0,0 @@ -# Spanish translations for kdenlive.po package. -# Copyright (C) 2015 This_file_is_part_of_KDE -# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package. -# -# Automatically generated, 2015. -# Eloy Cuadra , 2015. -msgid "" -msgstr "" -"Project-Id-Version: kdenlive\n" -"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugs.kde.org\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-12-11 07:07+0000\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-12-09 12:23+0100\n" -"Last-Translator: Eloy Cuadra \n" -"Language-Team: Spanish \n" -"Language: es\n" -"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" -"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" -"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" -"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;\n" -"X-Generator: Lokalize 1.5\n" - -msgctxt "NAME OF TRANSLATORS" -msgid "Your names" -msgstr "Gabriel Gazzán" - -msgctxt "EMAIL OF TRANSLATORS" -msgid "Your emails" -msgstr "gabcorreo@gmail.com" - -#: data/effects/audiobalance.xml:3 data/effects/audiobalance.xml:7 -msgid "Balance" -msgstr "Balance" - -#: data/effects/audiobalance.xml:4 -msgid "Adjust the left/right balance" -msgstr "Ajustar el balance derecha/izquierda" - -#: data/effects/audiopan.xml:3 data/effects/audiopan.xml:11 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:347 src/project/dialogs/slideshowclip.cpp:73 -msgid "Pan" -msgstr "Paneo" - -#: data/effects/audiopan.xml:4 -msgid "Adjust the left/right spread of a channel" -msgstr "Ajustar la propagación derecha/izquierda de un canal" - -#: data/effects/audiopan.xml:7 data/effects/channelcopy.xml:7 -#: data/effects/channelcopy.xml:11 -msgid "Left,Right" -msgstr "Izquierda,Derecha" - -#: data/effects/audiopan.xml:8 data/effects/frei0r_bezier_curves.xml:9 -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:9 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:66 -#: data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:10 data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:42 -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:25 -msgid "Channel" -msgstr "Canal" - -#: data/effects/audiowave.xml:3 -msgid "Audio Wave" -msgstr "Onda de audio" - -#: data/effects/audiowave.xml:4 -msgid "Display the audio waveform instead of the video" -msgstr "Mostrar la onda de audio en lugar del video" - -#: data/effects/audiowaveform.xml:3 -msgid "Audio Waveform Filter" -msgstr "Filtro Onda de audio" - -#: data/effects/audiowaveform.xml:6 data/effects/dynamictext.xml:22 -#: data/effects/pan_zoom.xml:13 data/effects/rotation.xml:40 -#: data/effects/rotation_keyframable.xml:22 -msgid "Background Color" -msgstr "Color de fondo" - -#: data/effects/audiowaveform.xml:9 data/effects/dynamictext.xml:19 -msgid "Foreground Color" -msgstr "Color de primer plano" - -#: data/effects/audiowaveform.xml:12 -msgid "Line Thickness" -msgstr "Grosor de línea" - -#: data/effects/audiowaveform.xml:15 data/effects/movit_rect.xml:6 -#: data/effects/pan_zoom.xml:7 -msgid "Rectangle" -msgstr "Rectángulo" - -#: data/effects/audiowaveform.xml:18 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:721 -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:766 -msgid "Fill" -msgstr "Rellenar" - -#: data/effects/automask.xml:3 -msgid "Auto Mask" -msgstr "Máscara automática" - -#: data/effects/automask.xml:4 -msgid "Hide a selected zone and follow its movements" -msgstr "Permite ocultar una zona seleccionada y rastrear sus movimientos" - -#: data/effects/automask.xml:7 data/effects/dynamictext.xml:7 -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:718 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:745 -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:763 -msgid "Geometry" -msgstr "Geometría" - -#: data/effects/automask.xml:10 -msgid "Macroblock width" -msgstr "Ancho del macro bloque" - -#: data/effects/automask.xml:13 -msgid "Macroblock height" -msgstr "Altura del macro bloque" - -#: data/effects/automask.xml:16 -msgid "Maximum x distance" -msgstr "Distancia máxima en X" - -#: data/effects/automask.xml:19 -msgid "Maximum y distance" -msgstr "Distancia máxima en Y" - -#: data/effects/automask.xml:22 -msgid "Denoise" -msgstr "Quitar ruido" - -#: data/effects/automask.xml:25 -msgid "Debug" -msgstr "Depurar" - -#: data/effects/automask.xml:28 data/effects/obscure.xml:3 -msgid "Obscure" -msgstr "Oscurecer" - -#: data/effects/automask.xml:36 data/effects/loudness.xml:12 -msgid "Analyse" -msgstr "Analizar" - -#: data/effects/boxblur.xml:3 -msgid "Box Blur" -msgstr "Desenfoque de caja" - -#: data/effects/boxblur.xml:4 -msgid "Box blur (separate horizontal and vertical blur)" -msgstr "" -"Desenfoque de caja (permite separar el desenfoque horizontal y vertical)" - -#: data/effects/boxblur.xml:7 -msgid "Horizontal multiplicator" -msgstr "Multiplicador horizontal" - -#: data/effects/boxblur.xml:10 -msgid "Vertical multiplicator" -msgstr "Multiplicador vertical" - -#: data/effects/boxblur.xml:13 -msgid "Blur factor" -msgstr "Factor de desenfoque" - -#: data/effects/brightness.xml:3 -msgid "Brightness (keyframable)" -msgstr "Brillo (animable)" - -#: data/effects/brightness.xml:4 -msgid "Change image brightness with keyframes" -msgstr "Permite cambiar el brillo de la imagen usando fotogramas clave" - -#: data/effects/brightness.xml:7 -msgid "Intensity" -msgstr "Intensidad" - -#: data/effects/channelcopy.xml:3 -msgid "Mono to stereo" -msgstr "Mono a estéreo" - -#: data/effects/channelcopy.xml:4 -msgid "Copy one channel to another" -msgstr "Copiar un canal en otro" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_4) -#: data/effects/channelcopy.xml:8 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:486 -msgid "From" -msgstr "Desde" - -#: data/effects/channelcopy.xml:12 -msgid "To" -msgstr "Hasta" - -#: data/effects/charcoal.xml:3 -msgid "Charcoal" -msgstr "Carboncillo" - -#: data/effects/charcoal.xml:4 -msgid "Charcoal drawing effect" -msgstr "Efecto de dibujo con carboncillo" - -#: data/effects/charcoal.xml:7 -msgid "Horizontal scatter" -msgstr "Dispersión horizontal" - -#: data/effects/charcoal.xml:10 -msgid "Vertical scatter" -msgstr "Dispersión vertical" - -#: data/effects/charcoal.xml:13 -msgid "Scale" -msgstr "Escala" - -#: data/effects/charcoal.xml:16 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:757 -msgid "Mix" -msgstr "Mezclar" - -#: data/effects/charcoal.xml:19 data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:31 -#: data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:63 data/effects/frei0r_mask0mate.xml:19 -#: data/effects/invert.xml:3 data/effects/mirror.xml:11 -#: data/effects/rotoscoping.xml:18 src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:215 -msgid "Invert" -msgstr "Invertir" - -#: data/effects/chroma.xml:3 -msgid "Chroma Key" -msgstr "Inserción croma" - -#: data/effects/chroma.xml:4 -msgid "Make selected color transparent" -msgstr "Hacer transparente al color seleccionado" - -#: data/effects/chroma.xml:7 data/effects/chroma_hold.xml:7 -msgid "Color key" -msgstr "Recorte por color" - -#: data/effects/chroma.xml:10 data/effects/chroma_hold.xml:10 -msgid "Variance" -msgstr "Varianza" - -#: data/effects/chroma_hold.xml:3 -msgid "Chroma Hold" -msgstr "Preservar color" - -#: data/effects/chroma_hold.xml:4 -msgid "Make image greyscale except for chosen color" -msgstr "Convertir la imagen a tonos de gris, exceptuando el color escogido" - -#: data/effects/crop.xml:3 -msgid "Edge Crop" -msgstr "Recortar bordes" - -#: data/effects/crop.xml:4 -msgid "Trim the edges of a clip" -msgstr "Permite recortar los bordes de un clip" - -#: data/effects/crop.xml:7 data/effects/frei0r_mask0mate.xml:13 -msgid "Top" -msgstr "Arriba" - -#: data/effects/crop.xml:10 data/effects/frei0r_mask0mate.xml:7 -msgid "Left" -msgstr "Izquierda" - -#: data/effects/crop.xml:13 data/effects/frei0r_mask0mate.xml:16 -msgid "Bottom" -msgstr "Abajo" - -#: data/effects/crop.xml:16 data/effects/frei0r_mask0mate.xml:10 -msgid "Right" -msgstr "Derecha" - -#: data/effects/crop.xml:19 -msgid "Automatic center-crop" -msgstr "Centrar recorte automáticamente" - -#: data/effects/crop.xml:22 -msgid "Center balance" -msgstr "Centrar balance" - -#: data/effects/crop.xml:25 -msgid "Use project resolution" -msgstr "Usar resolución del proyecto" - -#: data/effects/dust.xml:3 -msgid "Dust" -msgstr "Polvo" - -#: data/effects/dust.xml:4 -msgid "Add dust and specks to the video, as in old movies" -msgstr "Permite agregar polvo y motas al video, como en las películas antiguas" - -#: data/effects/dust.xml:7 -msgid "Maximal Diameter" -msgstr "Diámetro máximo" - -#: data/effects/dust.xml:10 -msgid "Maximal number of dust" -msgstr "Cantidad máxima de polvo" - -#: data/effects/dynamictext.xml:3 -msgid "Dynamic Text" -msgstr "Texto dinámico" - -#: data/effects/dynamictext.xml:4 -msgid "Overlay text with keywords replaced" -msgstr "Permite superponer texto sustituyendo sus palabras clave" - -#: data/effects/dynamictext.xml:10 -msgid "Font Family" -msgstr "Familia tipográfica" - -#: data/effects/dynamictext.xml:13 -msgid "Font Size" -msgstr "Tamaño de la tipografía" - -#: data/effects/dynamictext.xml:16 -msgid "Font Weight" -msgstr "Cuerpo de la tipografía" - -#: data/effects/dynamictext.xml:25 -msgid "Outline Color" -msgstr "Color del contorno" - -#: data/effects/dynamictext.xml:28 -msgid "Outline Width" -msgstr "Anchura del contorno" - -#: data/effects/dynamictext.xml:31 -msgid "Padding" -msgstr "Relleno" - -#: data/effects/dynamictext.xml:34 -msgid "Left,Center,Right" -msgstr "Izquierda,Centro,Derecha" - -#: data/effects/dynamictext.xml:35 -msgid "Horizontal Alignment" -msgstr "Alineación horizontal" - -#: data/effects/dynamictext.xml:38 -msgid "Top,Middle,Bottom" -msgstr "Arriba,Centro,Abajo" - -#: data/effects/dynamictext.xml:39 -msgid "Vertical Alignment" -msgstr "Alineación vertical" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, text_box) -#: data/effects/dynamictext.xml:42 src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:55 -#: src/ui/templateclip_ui.ui:34 -msgid "Text" -msgstr "Texto" - -#: data/effects/fade_from_black.xml:3 -msgid "Fade from Black" -msgstr "Fundido desde negro" - -#: data/effects/fade_from_black.xml:4 -msgid "Fade video from black" -msgstr "Permite fundir el video desde negro" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_duration) -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, ClipDurationDialog_UI) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, duration_label) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: data/effects/fade_from_black.xml:7 data/effects/fade_to_black.xml:7 -#: data/effects/fadein.xml:10 data/effects/fadeout.xml:7 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:133 -#: src/ui/clipdurationdialog_ui.ui:14 src/ui/clipdurationdialog_ui.ui:40 -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:58 src/ui/colorclip_ui.ui:37 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:747 src/utils/freesound.cpp:157 -#: src/utils/freesound.cpp:196 src/utils/freesound.cpp:197 -#: src/utils/freesound.cpp:198 -msgid "Duration" -msgstr "Duración" - -#: data/effects/fade_from_black.xml:10 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/bezier/beziersplinewidget.cpp:52 -msgid "In" -msgstr "Entrada" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: data/effects/fade_from_black.xml:13 data/effects/fade_to_black.xml:13 -#: src/ui/wipeval_ui.ui:22 -msgid "Start" -msgstr "Inicio" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_4) -#: data/effects/fade_from_black.xml:16 data/effects/fade_to_black.xml:16 -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:409 src/ui/wipeval_ui.ui:167 -msgid "End" -msgstr "Fin" - -#: data/effects/fade_to_black.xml:3 -msgid "Fade to Black" -msgstr "Fundido a negro" - -#: data/effects/fade_to_black.xml:4 -msgid "Fade video to black" -msgstr "Permite fundir el video hacia negro" - -#: data/effects/fade_to_black.xml:10 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/bezier/beziersplinewidget.cpp:54 -msgid "Out" -msgstr "Salida" - -#: data/effects/fadein.xml:3 -msgid "Fade in" -msgstr "Fundido entrante" - -#: data/effects/fadein.xml:4 -msgid "Fade in audio track" -msgstr "Permite fundir una pista de audio" - -#: data/effects/fadein.xml:13 data/effects/fadeout.xml:13 -msgid "Start Gain" -msgstr "Ganancia inicial" - -#: data/effects/fadein.xml:16 data/effects/fadeout.xml:16 -msgid "End Gain" -msgstr "Ganancia final" - -#: data/effects/fadeout.xml:3 -msgid "Fade out" -msgstr "Fundido saliente" - -#: data/effects/fadeout.xml:4 -msgid "Fade out audio track" -msgstr "Permite fundir una pista de audio" - -#: data/effects/freeze.xml:3 -msgid "Freeze" -msgstr "Congelar" - -#: data/effects/freeze.xml:4 -msgid "Freeze video on a chosen frame" -msgstr "Permite congelar el video en un fotograma específico" - -#: data/effects/freeze.xml:7 -msgid "Freeze at" -msgstr "Congelar en" - -#: data/effects/freeze.xml:10 -msgid "Freeze Before" -msgstr "Congelar antes de" - -#: data/effects/freeze.xml:13 -msgid "Freeze After" -msgstr "Congelar después de" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_3dflippo.xml:3 -msgid "3dflippo" -msgstr "Rotación 3D" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_3dflippo.xml:4 -msgid "Frame rotation in 3D space" -msgstr "Rotación del fotograma en el espacio 3D" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_3dflippo.xml:7 -msgid "X axis rotation" -msgstr "Rotación en el eje X" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_3dflippo.xml:10 -msgid "Y axis rotation" -msgstr "Rotación en el eje Y" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_3dflippo.xml:13 -msgid "Z axis rotation" -msgstr "Rotación en el eje Z" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_3dflippo.xml:16 -msgid "X axis rotation rate" -msgstr "Frecuencia de rotación en el eje X" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_3dflippo.xml:19 -msgid "Y axis rotation rate" -msgstr "Frecuencia de rotación en el eje Y" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_3dflippo.xml:22 -msgid "Z axis rotation rate" -msgstr "Frecuencia de rotación en el eje Z" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_3dflippo.xml:25 -msgid "Center position (X)" -msgstr "Centrar posición (X)" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_3dflippo.xml:28 -msgid "Center position (Y)" -msgstr "Centrar posición (Y)" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_3dflippo.xml:31 -msgid "Invert rotation assignment" -msgstr "Invertir asignación de rotación" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_3dflippo.xml:34 -msgid "Don't blank mask" -msgstr "No blanquear la máscara" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_3dflippo.xml:37 -msgid "Fill with image or black" -msgstr "Rellenar con imagen o negro" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:4 data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:36 -msgid "Alpha operations" -msgstr "Operaciones de canal alfa" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:5 data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:37 -msgid "Display and manipulation of the alpha channel" -msgstr "Visualización y manipulación del canal alfa" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:9 data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:41 -msgid "" -"Image,Alpha as gray,Gray + red,Selection on black,Selection on gray," -"Selection on white,Selection on checkers" -msgstr "" -"Imagen,Alfa como gris,Gris + rojo,Selección sobre negro,Selección sobre gris," -"Selección sobre blanco,Selección sobre damero" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:10 data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:42 -msgid "Display" -msgstr "Mostrar" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:14 data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:46 -msgid "Display input alpha" -msgstr "Permite ver el alfa de origen" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:18 -msgid "NO OP,Shave,Shrink hard,Shrink soft,Grow hard,Grow soft,Threshold" -msgstr "" -"Ninguno,Afeitar,Contraer duro,Contraer suave,Expandir duro,Expandir suave," -"Umbral" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:19 data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:51 -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphagrad.xml:30 data/effects/frei0r_alphaspot.xml:47 -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:45 data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:96 -msgid "Operation" -msgstr "Operación" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:23 data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:55 -#: data/effects/frei0r_threshold0r.xml:7 data/effects/threshold.xml:3 -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:217 -msgid "Threshold" -msgstr "Umbral" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:27 -msgid "Shrink/grow amount" -msgstr "Cantidad de contracción/expansión" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:50 -msgid "NO OP,Shave,Shrink hard,Shrink soft,Grow hard,Grow soft,Threshold,Blur" -msgstr "" -"Ninguno,Afeitar,Contraer duro,Contraer suave,Expandir duro,Expandir suave," -"Umbral,Desenfoque" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:59 -msgid "Shrink/Grow/Blur amount" -msgstr "Cantidad de Contracción/Expansión/Desenfoque" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphagrad.xml:3 -msgid "Alpha gradient" -msgstr "Gradiente alfa" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphagrad.xml:4 -msgid "Fill the alpha channel with a specified gradient" -msgstr "Permite rellenar el canal alfa con un gradiente especificado" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, clip_filesize_2) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, position_label) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, import_position) -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphagrad.xml:9 src/effectstack/keyframeedit.cpp:55 -#: src/ui/clipdurationdialog_ui.ui:20 src/ui/importkeyframesdialog_ui.ui:80 -#: src/ui/keyframedialog_ui.ui:20 src/ui/markerdialog_ui.ui:20 -msgid "Position" -msgstr "Posición" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphagrad.xml:13 data/effects/frei0r_alphaspot.xml:34 -msgid "Transition width" -msgstr "Ancho de la transición" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphagrad.xml:17 data/effects/frei0r_alphaspot.xml:30 -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:16 -msgid "Tilt" -msgstr "Inclinar" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphagrad.xml:21 data/effects/frei0r_alphaspot.xml:38 -msgid "Min" -msgstr "Mín" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphagrad.xml:25 data/effects/frei0r_alphaspot.xml:42 -msgid "Max" -msgstr "Máx" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphagrad.xml:29 data/effects/frei0r_alphaspot.xml:46 -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:44 data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:95 -msgid "Write on clear,Max,Min,Add,Subtract" -msgstr "Escribir en limpio,Máx,Mín,Agregar,Sustraer" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphaspot.xml:3 -msgid "Alpha shapes" -msgstr "Formas alfa" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphaspot.xml:4 -msgid "Draws simple shapes into the alpha channel" -msgstr "Permite dibujar formas simples en el canal alfa" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphaspot.xml:9 -msgid "Rectangle,Ellipse,Triangle,Diamond" -msgstr "Rectángulo,Elipse,Triángulo,Diamante" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphaspot.xml:10 data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:29 -#: data/effects/sox_flanger.xml:22 -msgid "Shape" -msgstr "Forma" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphaspot.xml:14 -msgid "Position X" -msgstr "Posición X" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphaspot.xml:18 -msgid "Position Y" -msgstr "Posición Y" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphaspot.xml:22 -msgid "Size X" -msgstr "Tamaño X" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphaspot.xml:26 -msgid "Size Y" -msgstr "Tamaño Y" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_balanc0r.xml:4 data/effects/frei0r_balanc0r.xml:15 -msgid "White Balance" -msgstr "Balance de blancos" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_balanc0r.xml:5 data/effects/frei0r_balanc0r.xml:16 -msgid "Adjust the white balance / color temperature" -msgstr "Permite ajustar el balance de blancos y la temperatura de color" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_balanc0r.xml:8 data/effects/frei0r_balanc0r.xml:19 -#: data/effects/frei0r_colgate.xml:8 data/effects/movit_white_balance.xml:6 -msgid "Neutral Color" -msgstr "Color neutral" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_balanc0r.xml:11 data/effects/frei0r_balanc0r.xml:22 -msgid "Green Tint" -msgstr "Tinte de verde" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_baltan.xml:3 -msgid "Baltan" -msgstr "Baltan" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_baltan.xml:4 -msgid "Delayed alpha smoothed blit of time" -msgstr "Retardo de tiempo, compuesto usando un suavizado mediante alfa" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_bezier_curves.xml:3 -msgid "Bézier Curves" -msgstr "Curvas Bézier" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_bezier_curves.xml:4 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:5 -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:62 -msgid "Color curves adjustment" -msgstr "Ajuste mediante curvas de color" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_bezier_curves.xml:8 -msgid "RGB,Red,Green,Blue,Alpha,Luma,Hue,Saturation" -msgstr "RVA,Rojo,Verde,Azul,Alfa,Luma,Tono,Saturación" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_bezier_curves.xml:13 -#: data/effects/frei0r_coloradj_rgb.xml:33 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:12 -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:69 -msgid "Rec. 601,Rec. 709" -msgstr "Rec. 601,Rec. 709" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_bezier_curves.xml:14 -#: data/effects/frei0r_coloradj_rgb.xml:34 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:13 -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:70 -msgid "Luma formula" -msgstr "Fórmula de luma" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_brightness.xml:3 data/effects/frei0r_brightness.xml:7 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lenscorrection.xml:19 data/effects/grain.xml:13 -msgid "Brightness" -msgstr "Brillo" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_brightness.xml:4 -msgid "Adjusts the brightness of a source image" -msgstr "Permite ajustar el brillo de una imagen" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:3 -msgid "Corners" -msgstr "Esquinas" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:4 -msgid "Four corners geometry engine" -msgstr "Método de geometría de cuatros esquinas" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:8 -msgid "Corner 1 X" -msgstr "Esquina 1 X" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:12 -msgid "Corner 1 Y" -msgstr "Esquina 1 Y" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:16 -msgid "Corner 2 X" -msgstr "Esquina 2 X" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:20 -msgid "Corner 2 Y" -msgstr "Esquina 2 Y" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:24 -msgid "Corner 3 X" -msgstr "Esquina 3 X" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:28 -msgid "Corner 3 Y" -msgstr "Esquina 3 Y" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:32 -msgid "Corner 4 X" -msgstr "Esquina 4 X" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:36 -msgid "Corner 4 Y" -msgstr "Esquina 4 Y" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:40 -msgid "Stretch X" -msgstr "Estiramiento en X" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:44 -msgid "Stretch Y" -msgstr "Estiramiento en Y" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:48 -msgid "Feather Alpha" -msgstr "Suavizar alfa" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:52 -msgid "Enable Stretch" -msgstr "Habilitar estiramiento" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:56 data/effects/frei0r_defish0r.xml:24 -msgid "" -"Nearest neighbor,Bilinear,Bicubic smooth,Bicubic sharp,Spline 4x4,Spline 6x6," -"Lanczos" -msgstr "" -"Más próximo,Bilineal,Bicúbico suave,Bicúbico definido,Spline 4x4,Spline 6x6," -"Lanczos" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:57 data/effects/frei0r_defish0r.xml:25 -msgid "Interpolator" -msgstr "Interpolador" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:61 data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:63 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:136 -msgid "Transparent Background" -msgstr "Fondo transparente" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:65 data/effects/rotoscoping.xml:13 -msgid "Write on clear,Maximum,Minimum,Add,Subtract" -msgstr "Escribir en limpio,Máximo,Mínimo,Agregar,Sustraer" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:66 -msgid "Alpha operation" -msgstr "Operación del canal alfa" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_cartoon.xml:4 data/effects/frei0r_cartoon.xml:15 -msgid "Cartoon" -msgstr "Dibujo animado" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_cartoon.xml:5 data/effects/frei0r_cartoon.xml:16 -msgid "Cartoonify video, do a form of edge detect" -msgstr "" -"Permite hacer que el video luzca como un dibujo animado, mediante una forma " -"de detección de bordes" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_cartoon.xml:8 data/effects/frei0r_cartoon.xml:19 -msgid "Level of trip" -msgstr "Nivel de recorrido" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_cartoon.xml:11 data/effects/frei0r_cartoon.xml:22 -msgid "Difference space" -msgstr "Espacio de diferencia" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_cluster.xml:3 -msgid "K-Means Clustering" -msgstr "Agrupamiento K-medias" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_cluster.xml:4 -msgid "Clusters of a source image by color and spatial distance" -msgstr "Permite agrupar una imagen de origen por distancia espacial y de color" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_cluster.xml:7 -msgid "Amount of clusters" -msgstr "Cantidad de grupos" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_cluster.xml:10 -msgid "Weight on distance" -msgstr "Influencia de la distancia" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_colgate.xml:3 -msgid "White Balance (LMS space)" -msgstr "Balance de blancos (espacio LMS)" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_colgate.xml:5 -msgid "" -"Do simple color correction, in a physically meaningful\n" -"way" -msgstr "" -"Permite realizar una corrección de color simple,\n" -"de una forma físicamente plausible" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_colgate.xml:12 data/effects/movit_white_balance.xml:9 -msgid "Color Temperature" -msgstr "Temperatura de color" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_coloradj_rgb.xml:3 -msgid "RGB adjustment" -msgstr "Ajuste RVA" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_coloradj_rgb.xml:4 -msgid "Simple color adjustment" -msgstr "Ajuste de color simple" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, cbR) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonSelectRects) -#: data/effects/frei0r_coloradj_rgb.xml:8 src/ui/histogram_ui.ui:30 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:733 -msgid "R" -msgstr "R" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, cbG) -#: data/effects/frei0r_coloradj_rgb.xml:12 src/ui/histogram_ui.ui:37 -msgid "G" -msgstr "V" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, cbB) -#: data/effects/frei0r_coloradj_rgb.xml:16 src/ui/histogram_ui.ui:44 -msgid "B" -msgstr "A" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_coloradj_rgb.xml:20 -msgid "Add constant,Change gamma,Multiply" -msgstr "Agregar constante,Cambiar gama,Multiplicar" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_coloradj_rgb.xml:21 -msgid "Action" -msgstr "Acción" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_coloradj_rgb.xml:25 -msgid "Keep luma" -msgstr "Mantener luma" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_coloradj_rgb.xml:29 -msgid "Alpha controlled" -msgstr "Controlado por el alfa" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_colordistance.xml:3 -msgid "Color Distance" -msgstr "Distancia de color" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_colordistance.xml:4 -msgid "" -"Calculates the distance between the selected color and the current pixel and " -"uses that value as new pixel value" -msgstr "" -"Calcula la distancia entre el color seleccionado y el píxel actual, y " -"utiliza ésta como nuevo valor del píxel" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_colordistance.xml:7 -msgid "Source Color" -msgstr "Color original" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_colortap.xml:3 -msgid "Color Effect" -msgstr "Efecto de color" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_colortap.xml:4 -msgid "Applies a pre-made color effect to image" -msgstr "Aplica un efecto de color pre hecho a la imagen" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, treeWidget) -#: data/effects/frei0r_colortap.xml:7 data/effects/frei0r_defish0r.xml:14 -#: data/effects/frei0r_iirblur.xml:14 data/effects/frei0r_medians.xml:9 -#: src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:74 src/ui/missingclips_ui.ui:67 -msgid "Type" -msgstr "Tipo" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_contrast0r.xml:3 data/effects/frei0r_contrast0r.xml:7 -#: data/effects/grain.xml:10 src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:209 -msgid "Contrast" -msgstr "Contraste" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_contrast0r.xml:4 -msgid "Adjusts the contrast of a source image" -msgstr "Ajusta el contraste de la imagen de origen" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:4 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:61 -msgid "Curves" -msgstr "Curvas" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:8 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:65 -#: data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:9 data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:41 -msgid "Red,Green,Blue,Luma" -msgstr "Rojo,Verde,Azul,Luma" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:20 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:77 -msgid "Number of curve points" -msgstr "Cantidad de puntos de la curva" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:23 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:80 -msgid "Point 1 input value" -msgstr "Punto 1 valor de entrada" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:26 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:83 -msgid "Point 1 output value" -msgstr "Punto 1 valor de salida" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:29 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:86 -msgid "Point 2 input value" -msgstr "Punto 2 valor de entrada" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:32 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:89 -msgid "Point 2 output value" -msgstr "Punto 2 valor de salida" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:35 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:92 -msgid "Point 3 input value" -msgstr "Punto 3 valor de entrada" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:38 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:95 -msgid "Point 3 output value" -msgstr "Punto 3 valor de salida" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:41 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:98 -msgid "Point 4 input value" -msgstr "Punto 4 valor de entrada" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:44 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:101 -msgid "Point 4 output value" -msgstr "Punto 4 valor de salida" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:47 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:104 -msgid "Point 5 input value" -msgstr "Punto 5 valor de entrada" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:50 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:107 -msgid "Point 5 output value" -msgstr "Punto 5 valor de salida" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:53 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:110 -msgid "Show graph in picture" -msgstr "Mostrar la gráfica en la imagen" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:56 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:113 -#: data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:31 data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:63 -msgid "Top Left,Top Right,Bottom Left,Bottom Right" -msgstr "Superior izq.,Superior der.,Inferior izq.,Inferior der." - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:57 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:114 -msgid "Graph position" -msgstr "Posición de la gráfica" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_d90stairsteppingfix.xml:3 -msgid "Nikon D90 Stairstepping fix" -msgstr "Corrección de escalonado de Nikon D90" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_d90stairsteppingfix.xml:7 -msgid "" -"Removes stairstepping artifacts from Nikon D90's 720p videos.\n" -" \n" -" " -msgstr "" -"Permite remover los defectos de escalonado en los videos de la Nikon D90's " -"720p.\n" -" \n" -" " - -#: data/effects/frei0r_defish0r.xml:3 -msgid "Defish" -msgstr "Quitar distorsión" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_defish0r.xml:4 -msgid "Non rectilinear lens mappings" -msgstr "Mapeo de lentes no rectilíneos" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_defish0r.xml:7 data/effects/frei0r_iirblur.xml:8 -#: data/effects/frei0r_sharpness.xml:8 data/effects/movit_unsharp_mask.xml:9 -msgid "Amount" -msgstr "Cantidad" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_defish0r.xml:10 -msgid "DeFish" -msgstr "Quitar distorsión" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_defish0r.xml:13 -msgid "Equidistant,Orthographic,Equiarea,Stereographic" -msgstr "Equidistante,Ortogonal,Equiárea,Estereográfico" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_defish0r.xml:17 -msgid "Fill,Center,Fit,Manual" -msgstr "Rellenar,Centrar,Ajustar,Manual" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, lblScaling) -#: data/effects/frei0r_defish0r.xml:18 src/effectstack/dragvalue.cpp:108 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:207 -#: src/ui/colorplaneexport_ui.ui:74 -msgid "Scaling" -msgstr "Redimensionando" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_defish0r.xml:21 -msgid "Manual Scale" -msgstr "Escalar manualmente" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_defish0r.xml:28 -msgid "Square,PAL DV,NTSC DV,HDV,Manual" -msgstr "Cuadrado,PAL DV,NTSC DV,HDV,Manual" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_defish0r.xml:29 -msgid "Aspect type" -msgstr "Tipo de proporción" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_defish0r.xml:32 -msgid "Manual Aspect" -msgstr "Proporción manual" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_delay0r.xml:3 -msgid "delay0r" -msgstr "Retardar" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_delay0r.xml:4 -msgid "Video delay" -msgstr "Permite retardar el video" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_delay0r.xml:7 -msgid "Delay time" -msgstr "Tiempo de retardo" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_delaygrab.xml:3 -msgid "Delay grab" -msgstr "Capturar retardo" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_delaygrab.xml:4 -msgid "Delayed frame blitting mapped on a time bitmap" -msgstr "" -"Composición con retardo de fotogramas mapeados en un mapa de bits de tiempo" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_distort0r.xml:3 data/effects/pan_zoom.xml:10 -#: data/kdenliveeffectscategory.rc:35 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:722 -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:746 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:767 -msgid "Distort" -msgstr "Distorsionar" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_distort0r.xml:4 -msgid "Plasma" -msgstr "Plasma" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_distort0r.xml:7 data/effects/wave.xml:7 -msgid "Amplitude" -msgstr "Amplitud" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_distort0r.xml:10 data/effects/sox_bass.xml:10 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:249 -msgid "Frequency" -msgstr "Frecuencia" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_edgeglow.xml:3 -msgid "Edge glow" -msgstr "Resplandor de bordes" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_edgeglow.xml:4 -msgid "Edge glow filter" -msgstr "Filtro de resplandor de bordes" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_edgeglow.xml:7 -msgid "Edge lightening threshold" -msgstr "Umbral de iluminación de bordes" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_edgeglow.xml:10 -msgid "Edge brightness upscaling multiplier" -msgstr "Multiplicador de brillo de los bordes" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_edgeglow.xml:13 -msgid "Non-edge brightness downscaling multiplier" -msgstr "Factor de reducción del brillo fuera de los bordes" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_equaliz0r.xml:3 -msgid "Equaliz0r" -msgstr "Ecualizador" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_equaliz0r.xml:4 -msgid "Equalizes the intensity histograms" -msgstr "Permite ecualizar los histogramas de intensidad" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facebl0r.xml:3 -msgid "Face blur" -msgstr "Desenfocar rostro" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facebl0r.xml:4 -msgid "Automatically detect and blur a face using OpenCV" -msgstr "Permite detectar y desenfocar automáticamente un rostro usando OpenCV" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facebl0r.xml:8 data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:8 -msgid "Search scale" -msgstr "Escala de búsqueda" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facebl0r.xml:9 data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:9 -#, no-c-format -msgid "" -"The search window scale factor. For example, 120 = 1.20 = increases by 20% " -"on each pass." -msgstr "" -"El factor de escala de la ventana de búsqueda. Por ejemplo, 120 = 1.20 = se " -"incrementa en un 20% con cada pasada." - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facebl0r.xml:13 data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:13 -msgid "Neighbors" -msgstr "Próximos" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facebl0r.xml:14 data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:14 -msgid "Minimum number of rectangles that determines an object." -msgstr "Cantidad mínima de rectángulos que determinan un objeto." - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facebl0r.xml:18 data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:18 -msgid "Smallest" -msgstr "Menor" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facebl0r.xml:19 data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:19 -msgid "The minimum window size in pixels." -msgstr "El tamaño mínimo de la ventana, en píxeles." - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facebl0r.xml:23 -msgid "Largest" -msgstr "Mayor" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facebl0r.xml:24 -msgid "" -"The largest size face in pixels - both horizontally and vertically (square " -"window)." -msgstr "" -"El rostro de mayor tamaño en píxeles - tanto horizontal como verticalmente " -"(ventana cuadrada)." - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facebl0r.xml:28 data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:23 -msgid "Recheck" -msgstr "Verificación" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facebl0r.xml:29 data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:24 -msgid "" -"How often to detect a face. In between checks, it does object motion " -"tracking." -msgstr "" -"Cada cuánto detectar un rostro. Verificaciones intermedias, realiza un " -"rastreo de movimiento de objetos." - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facebl0r.xml:33 -msgid "Show ellipse" -msgstr "Mostrar elipse" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facebl0r.xml:34 -msgid "Draw a blue ellipse around the face area?" -msgstr "Permite dibujar una elipse azul alrededor del área del rostro." - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:3 -msgid "Face detect" -msgstr "Detectar rostros" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:4 -msgid "Detect faces and draw shapes on them using OpenCV" -msgstr "Permite detectar rostros y dibujar figuras sobre ellos, usando OpenCV" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:28 -msgid "circle,ellipse,rectangle,random" -msgstr "círculo,elipse,rectángulo,aleatoria" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:33 -msgid "Stroke width" -msgstr "Ancho del trazo" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:34 -msgid "" -"0 means fill; otherwise, draw unfilled with a stroke width of this size." -msgstr "" -"0 es rellena; de lo contrario se dibujará solo el contorno, usando un trazo " -"de este ancho." - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:38 -msgid "Alpha" -msgstr "Alfa" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:39 -msgid "" -"Set the alpha channel of the shape area to a percentage of fully opaque." -msgstr "" -"Permite definir el canal alfa del área de la figura, como porcentaje de la " -"opacidad completa" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:43 -msgid "Antialias" -msgstr "Suavizado de bordes" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:44 -msgid "Draw with anti-aliasing?" -msgstr "¿Dibujar con suavizado de bordes?" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:50 -msgid "Color 1" -msgstr "Color 1" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:51 -msgid "Set the shape color of the first detected face." -msgstr "Permite definir el color de la figura del primer rostro detectado." - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:55 -msgid "Color 2" -msgstr "Color 2" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:56 -msgid "Set the shape color of the second detected face." -msgstr "Permite definir el color de la figura del segundo rostro detectado." - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:60 -msgid "Color 3" -msgstr "Color 3" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:61 -msgid "Set the shape color of the third detected face." -msgstr "Permite definir el color de la figura del tercer rostro detectado." - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:65 -msgid "Color 4" -msgstr "Color 4" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:66 -msgid "Set the shape color of the fourth detected face." -msgstr "Permite definir el color de la figura del cuarto rostro detectado." - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:70 -msgid "Color 5" -msgstr "Color 5" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:71 -msgid "Set the shape color of the fifth detected face." -msgstr "Permite definir el color de la figura del quinto rostro detectado." - -#: data/effects/frei0r_flippo.xml:3 -msgid "Flippo" -msgstr "Invertir" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_flippo.xml:4 -msgid "Flipping in X and Y axis" -msgstr "Permite realizar una inversión en el eje X e Y" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_flippo.xml:7 -msgid "X axis" -msgstr "Eje X" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_flippo.xml:10 -msgid "Y axis" -msgstr "Eje Y" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_glow.xml:3 -msgid "Glow" -msgstr "Resplandor" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_glow.xml:4 -msgid "Creates a Glamorous Glow" -msgstr "Permite crear un resplandor glamoroso" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_glow.xml:7 data/effects/frei0r_iirblur.xml:3 -#: data/effects/frei0r_mask0mate.xml:22 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:158 -msgid "Blur" -msgstr "Desenfocar" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_hqdn3d.xml:3 -msgid "Denoiser" -msgstr "Quitar ruido" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_hqdn3d.xml:4 -msgid "High quality 3D denoiser" -msgstr "Algoritmo eliminador de ruido 3D de alta calidad" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_hqdn3d.xml:8 -msgid "Spatial" -msgstr "Espacial" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_hqdn3d.xml:9 -msgid "Amount of spatial filtering" -msgstr "Cantidad de filtrado espacial" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_hqdn3d.xml:13 -msgid "Temporal" -msgstr "Temporal" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_hqdn3d.xml:14 -msgid "Amount of temporal filtering" -msgstr "Cantidad de filtrado temporal" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_hueshift0r.xml:3 -msgid "Hue shift" -msgstr "Desplazar tono" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_hueshift0r.xml:4 -msgid "Shifts the hue of a source image" -msgstr "Permite desplazar el tono de la imagen de origen" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_hueshift0r.xml:7 -msgid "Hue" -msgstr "Tono" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_iirblur.xml:4 -msgid "Blur using 2D IIR filters (Exponential, Lowpass, Gaussian)" -msgstr "Desenfocar usando filtros 2D IIR (Exponencial, Paso bajo, Gaussiano)" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_iirblur.xml:9 -msgid "Amount of blur" -msgstr "Cantidad de desenfoque" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_iirblur.xml:13 -msgid "Exponential,Lowpass,Gaussian" -msgstr "Exponencial,Paso bajo,Gaussiano" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_iirblur.xml:15 -msgid "Select blurring algorithm" -msgstr "Seleccionar el método de desenfoque" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_iirblur.xml:19 -msgid "Edge" -msgstr "Bordes" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_iirblur.xml:20 -msgid "Enable edge compensation" -msgstr "Permite habilitar la compensación de bordes" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:3 -msgid "Key Spill Mop Up" -msgstr "Limpiar derrame en recorte" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:4 -msgid "Reduces the visibility of key color spill in chroma keying" -msgstr "" -"Permite reducir la visibilidad del derrame de color de recorte, en una " -"inserción croma" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:8 -msgid "Key color" -msgstr "Color de recorte" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:12 -msgid "Target color" -msgstr "Color objetivo" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:16 -msgid "Color distance, Transparency, Edge inwards, Edge outwards" -msgstr "" -"Distancia de color, Transparencia, Borde hacia adentro, Borde hacia afuera" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:17 -msgid "Mask type" -msgstr "Tipo de máscara" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:21 -msgid "Tolerance" -msgstr "Tolerancia" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:25 -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:91 -msgid "Slope" -msgstr "Pendiente" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:29 -msgid "Hue gate" -msgstr "Rango tonal" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:33 -msgid "Saturation threshold" -msgstr "Umbral de saturación" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:37 -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:46 -msgid "None, De-Key, Target, Desaturate, Luma adjust" -msgstr "Ninguna, Remover color, Objetivo, Desaturar, Ajustar luma" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:38 -msgid "Operation 1" -msgstr "Operación 1" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:42 -msgid "Amount 1" -msgstr "Cantidad 1" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:47 -msgid "Operation 2" -msgstr "Operación 2" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:51 -msgid "Amount 2" -msgstr "Cantidad 2" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:55 -msgid "Show mask" -msgstr "Mostrar máscara" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:59 -msgid "Mask to Alpha" -msgstr "Máscara a alfa" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lenscorrection.xml:3 -msgid "Lens Correction" -msgstr "Corrección de lente" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lenscorrection.xml:4 -msgid "Allows compensation of lens distortion" -msgstr "Permite compensar la distorsión de la lente" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lenscorrection.xml:7 -msgid "Horizontal center" -msgstr "Centro horizontal" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lenscorrection.xml:10 -msgid "Vertical center" -msgstr "Centro vertical" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lenscorrection.xml:13 -msgid "Center correction" -msgstr "Corrección del centro" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lenscorrection.xml:16 -msgid "Edges correction" -msgstr "Corrección de bordes" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_letterb0xed.xml:3 -msgid "LetterB0xed" -msgstr "Pantalla ancha" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_letterb0xed.xml:4 -msgid "Adds black borders at top and bottom for cinema look" -msgstr "" -"Agrega bordes negros arriba y abajo para una apariencia cinematográfica" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_letterb0xed.xml:7 -msgid "Border Width" -msgstr "Ancho del borde" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: data/effects/frei0r_letterb0xed.xml:10 data/effects/frei0r_timeout.xml:13 -#: src/ui/wipeval_ui.ui:136 src/ui/wipeval_ui.ui:281 -msgid "Transparency" -msgstr "Transparencia" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:4 data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:36 -msgid "Levels" -msgstr "Niveles" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:5 data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:37 -msgid "Adjust levels" -msgstr "Permite ajustar los niveles" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:13 data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:45 -msgid "Input black level" -msgstr "Nivel negro de entrada" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:16 data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:48 -msgid "Input white level" -msgstr "Nivel blanco de entrada" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:19 data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:51 -#: data/effects/gamma.xml:3 data/effects/gamma.xml:7 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/lumaliftgain.cpp:63 -msgid "Gamma" -msgstr "Gama" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:22 data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:54 -msgid "Black output" -msgstr "Negro de salida" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:25 data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:57 -msgid "White output" -msgstr "Blanco de salida" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:28 data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:60 -msgid "Show histogram" -msgstr "Mostrar histograma" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:32 data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:64 -msgid "Histogram position" -msgstr "Posición del histograma" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:4 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:77 -msgid "Light Graffiti" -msgstr "Grafiti de luz" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:7 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:80 -msgid "" -"Light Graffiti effect.\n" -" " -msgstr "" -"Efecto de Grafiti de luz.\n" -" " - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:10 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:83 -msgid "Brightness Threshold" -msgstr "Umbral de brillo" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:12 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:85 -msgid "" -"R+G+B) does a pixel need to be in order to " -"be recognized as a light source?
\n" -" Increasing this threshold requires brighter light sources (i.e. " -"more white or less color, respectively) but prevents some «false alarms» " -"where semi-bright parts, e.g. hands where colors can change quite a lot " -"compared to the background, are incorrectly recognized as light source.]]>" -msgstr "" -"R+V+A) necesita ser un pixel para " -"ser reconocido como una fuente de luz.
\n" -" Al aumentar este umbral se requerirán fuentes de luz más " -"brillantes (más blancas o menos coloreadas, respectivamente) evitando " -"algunas «falsas alarmas», donde partes semi iluminadas (p.ej: manos con " -"colores cambiantes respecto al fondo) sean incorrectamente reconocidas como " -"fuentes luminosas.]]>" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:15 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:88 -msgid "Difference Threshold" -msgstr "Umbral de diferencia" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:17 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:90 -msgid "" -"max(dR, dG, dB)), in " -"order to be recognized as light source?
\n" -" Increasing this threshold makes it harder for light sources to " -"be accepted on bright backgrounds, but decreases the danger of noise or " -"generally bright spots counting as light source.]]>" -msgstr "" -"max(dR, dV, dA)), para ser " -"reconocido como una fuente luminosa.
\n" -" Al aumentar este umbral se hace más dificil que la luz " -"proveniente de fondos iluminados sea aceptada como fuentes luminosas, " -"reduciendo el peligro de obtener ruido o que puntos luminosos sean tomados " -"en cuenta como fuentes luminosas.]]>" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:20 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:93 -msgid "Difference Sum Threshold" -msgstr "Umbral de suma de diferencias" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:22 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:95 -msgid "" -"relative to the " -"background image
(dR + dG + dB) have to change until a " -"pixel is recognized as a light source?
\n" -" Raising this value might, in some cases, avoid that some light " -"objects lit by the light source are added to the light mask.]]>" -msgstr "" -"en relación a la imagen de fondo
(dR + dV + dA) para " -"que un pixel sea reconocido como una fuente luminosa.
\n" -" Incrementar este valor puede, en algunos casos, evitar que " -"algunos objetos iluminados por la fuente luminosa sean agregados a la " -"máscara de luz.]]>" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:25 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:98 -msgid "Sensitivity" -msgstr "Sensibilidad" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:27 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:100 -msgid "" -"\n" -" For slowly moving light source try to use a lower sensitivity to " -"obtain a better exposure.]]>" -msgstr "" -"\n" -" Para fuentes luminosas con un movimiento lent, usar una " -"sensibilidad más baja para obtener una mejor exposición.]]>" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:30 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:103 -msgid "Lower Overexposure" -msgstr "Reducir sobreexposición" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:32 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:105 -msgid "" -"\n" -" The light mask does not get white immediately when the light " -"source is moving slowly or staying steady.]]>" -msgstr "" -"\n" -" La máscara de luz no se torna blanca inmediatamente con fuentes " -"luminosas de movimiento lento o estáticas.]]>" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:35 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:108 -msgid "Dimming" -msgstr "Atenuación" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:36 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:109 -msgid "" -"Dims the light mask. Lights will leave a fainting trail if it is set to a " -"value > 0." -msgstr "" -"Atenúa la máscara de luz. Las luces dejarán un rastro tenue si se usa un " -"valor > 0." - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:39 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:112 -msgid "Background Weight" -msgstr "Influencia del fondo" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:40 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:113 -msgid "" -"Strength of the (calculated) background image. Setting it to 100 paints the " -"light mask directly over the background, without the painting person in the " -"image if the video starts with a «clean» background image. (See the α " -"parameter.)" -msgstr "" -"Intensidad de la imagen de fondo (calculada). Establecerlo en 100 pintará la " -"máscara de luz directamente sobre el fondo, sin que la persona que realiza " -"la pintura aparezca en la imagen, si el video comienza con una imagen de " -"fondo «limpia». (Ver el uso del parámetro α.)" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:43 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:116 -msgid "α" -msgstr "α" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:45 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:118 -msgid "" -"\n" -" The Light Graffiti effect remembers the first frame of the clip " -"it is applied to, so the clip should always start with the painter " -"outside of the video. If the background constantly changes, e.g. on a " -"street, try to set α > 0 to calculate an average background image.]]>" -msgstr "" -"\n" -" El efecto Grafiti de luz recuerda el primer fotograma del clip " -"en el que se encuentra aplicado, de manera que el mismo debería comenzar " -"siempre con el pintor fuera del encuadre. Si el fondo cambia " -"constantemente, p.ej: en una calle, intentar establecer α > 0 para calcular " -"una imagen de fondo promedio.]]>" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:48 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:121 -#: data/effects/frei0r_saturat0r.xml:3 data/effects/frei0r_saturat0r.xml:7 -#: data/effects/movit_saturation.xml:6 -msgid "Saturation" -msgstr "Saturación" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:49 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:122 -msgid "Increases the saturation of lights." -msgstr "Incrementa la saturación de las luces." - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:52 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:125 -msgid "Show brightness statistics" -msgstr "Mostrar estadísticas de brillo" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:54 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:127 -msgid "" -"\n" -" Example: To adjust the brightness threshold, check this box and " -"adjust the threshold until the whole light source is highlighted. Repeat the " -"same with the other parameters. Only parts that are highlighted in all thresholds will count as light source.]]>" -msgstr "" -"\n" -" Ejemplo: Para ajustar el umbral de brillo, marcar esta opción y " -"ajustar el umbral hasta que toda la fuente luminosa sea resaltada. Repetir " -"lo mismo con los otros parámetros. Solo las partes resaltadas en todos los umbrales contarán como fuentes luminosas.]]>" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:57 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:130 -msgid "Show background difference statistics" -msgstr "Mostrar estadísticas de diferencia del fondo" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:60 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:133 -msgid "Show background difference sum statistics" -msgstr "Mostrar estadísticas de suma de diferencias del fondo" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:64 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:137 -msgid "" -"Makes the background transparent, allowing to apply a composite effect and " -"paint the light mask over a completely different video." -msgstr "" -"Hace transparente al fondo, permitiendo aplicar un efecto de composición " -"para pintar la máscara de luz sobre un video completamente distinto." - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:67 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:140 -msgid "Nonlinear dimming" -msgstr "Atenuación no lineal" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:68 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:141 -msgid "If normal dimming does not look natural enough, try this one." -msgstr "" -"Si la atenuación normal no luce suficientemente natural, intentar con esta." - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:71 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:144 -#: src/effectstack/geometryval.cpp:95 src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:86 -msgid "Reset" -msgstr "Restablecer" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:72 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:145 -msgid "" -"Resets the light mask and the background image. This is necessary e.g. if " -"you apply this effect to a clip in the timeline and then move the timeline " -"cursor from outside of the clip to the middle of it. The effect receives " -"this frame in the middle as first frame and uses it as background image. For " -"proper threshold adjusting move the timeline cursor to the beginning of the " -"clip, check the Reset box and uncheck it again." -msgstr "" -"Restablece la máscara de luz y la imagen de fondo. Esto es necesario p.ej. " -"si se aplica este efecto a un clip en la línea de tiempo y luego se mueve el " -"cursor desde fuera del mismo sobre él. El efecto recibe este fotograma del " -"medio como el primer fotograma y lo usa como imagen de fondo. Para un ajuste " -"apropiado del umbral, mover el cursor de tiempo al comienzo del clip, marcar " -"el cuadro Restablecer y luego desmarcarlo otra vez." - -#: data/effects/frei0r_luminance.xml:3 -msgid "Luminance" -msgstr "Luminancia" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_luminance.xml:4 -msgid "Creates a luminance map of the image" -msgstr "Crea un mapa de luminancia sobre la imagen" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_mask0mate.xml:3 -msgid "Mask0Mate" -msgstr "Máscara automática" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_mask0mate.xml:4 -msgid "Creates an square alpha-channel mask" -msgstr "Crea una máscara de forma cuadrada en el canal alfa" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_medians.xml:3 -msgid "Medians" -msgstr "Medianas" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_medians.xml:4 -msgid "Implements several median-type filters" -msgstr "Implementa varios filtros de tipo mediana" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_medians.xml:8 -msgid "" -"Cross5,Square3x3,Bilevel,Diamond3x3,Square5x5,Temp3,Temp5,ArceBI,ML3D,ML3dEX," -"VarSize" -msgstr "" -"Cruz5,Cuadrado3x3,Bi nivel,Diamante3x3,Cuadrado5x5,Temp3,Temp5,ArceBI,ML3D," -"ML3dEX,TamVar" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_5) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, import_size) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_20) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, treeWidget) -#: data/effects/frei0r_medians.xml:13 data/effects/frei0r_sharpness.xml:12 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:208 -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:563 src/ui/importkeyframesdialog_ui.ui:73 -#: src/ui/managecaptures_ui.ui:40 src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:201 -msgid "Size" -msgstr "Tamaño" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_nervous.xml:3 -msgid "Nervous" -msgstr "Nervioso" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_nervous.xml:4 -msgid "Flushes frames in time in a nervous way" -msgstr "Sacude los fotogramas de forma nerviosa con el tiempo" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_nosync0r.xml:3 -msgid "nosync0r" -msgstr "Sin sincronismo" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_nosync0r.xml:4 -msgid "Broken TV" -msgstr "TV dañada" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_nosync0r.xml:7 -msgid "HSync" -msgstr "Sincr. horizontal" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pixeliz0r.xml:3 -msgid "Pixelize" -msgstr "Pixelizar" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pixeliz0r.xml:4 -msgid "Pixelize input image." -msgstr "Permite pixelizar la imagen de origen." - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pixeliz0r.xml:7 -msgid "Block Size X" -msgstr "Tamaño X del bloque" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pixeliz0r.xml:10 -msgid "Block Size Y" -msgstr "Tamaño Y del bloque" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0be.xml:3 -msgid "pr0be" -msgstr "Medir" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0be.xml:4 -msgid "Measure video values" -msgstr "Permite medir valores del video" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0be.xml:8 -msgid "RGB,Y'PbPr - rec. 601,Y'PbPr - rec. 709,HSV,HSL" -msgstr "RVA,Y'PbPr - rec. 601,Y'PbPr - rec. 709,TSV,TSL" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0be.xml:9 -msgid "Measurement" -msgstr "Medida" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0be.xml:13 data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:8 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/bezier/beziersplinewidget.cpp:56 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/bezier/beziersplinewidget.cpp:60 -#: src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:144 -msgid "X" -msgstr "X" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_5) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, cbY) -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0be.xml:17 data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:12 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/bezier/beziersplinewidget.cpp:58 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/bezier/beziersplinewidget.cpp:62 -#: src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:164 src/ui/histogram_ui.ui:23 -msgid "Y" -msgstr "Y" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0be.xml:21 -msgid "X size" -msgstr "Tamaño en X" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0be.xml:25 -msgid "Y size" -msgstr "Tamaño en Y" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0be.xml:29 data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:81 -msgid "256 scale" -msgstr "Escala 256" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0be.xml:33 -msgid "Show alpha" -msgstr "Mostrar alfa" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0be.xml:37 -msgid "Big window" -msgstr "Ventana grande" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:3 -msgid "pr0file" -msgstr "Perfil" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:4 -msgid "2D video oscilloscope" -msgstr "Osciloscopio 2D" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:20 -msgid "Length" -msgstr "Longitud" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:24 -msgid "R,G,B,Y',Pr,Pb,Alpha" -msgstr "R,V,A,Y',Pr,Pb,Alfa" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:29 -msgid "Marker 1" -msgstr "Marcador 1" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:33 -msgid "Marker 2" -msgstr "Marcador 2" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:37 -msgid "R trace" -msgstr "Trazo R" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:41 -msgid "G trace" -msgstr "Trazo V" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:45 -msgid "B trace" -msgstr "Trazo A" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:49 -msgid "Y trace" -msgstr "Trazo Y" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:53 -msgid "Pr trace" -msgstr "Trazo Pr" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:57 -msgid "Pb trace" -msgstr "Trazo Pb" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:61 -msgid "Alpha trace" -msgstr "Trazo Alfa" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:65 -msgid "Display average" -msgstr "Mostrar promedio" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:69 -msgid "Display RMS" -msgstr "Mostrar RMS" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:73 -msgid "Display minimum" -msgstr "Mostrar mínimo" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:77 -msgid "Display maximum" -msgstr "Mostrar máximo" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:85 -msgid "CCIR rec. 601,CCIR rec. 709" -msgstr "CCIR rec. 601,CCIR rec. 709" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_13) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, background_list) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_9) -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:86 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:156 -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:176 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:182 -#: src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:197 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:944 -msgid "Color" -msgstr "Color" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:90 -msgid "Crosshair color" -msgstr "Color de la mira" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_primaries.xml:3 -msgid "Primaries" -msgstr "Primarios" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_primaries.xml:4 -msgid "Reduce image to primary colors" -msgstr "Reduce la imagen a los colores primarios" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_primaries.xml:7 data/effects/sox_stretch.xml:7 -msgid "Factor" -msgstr "Factor" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_primaries.xml:8 -msgid " 32 = 0]]>" -msgstr " 32 = 0]]>" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QWidget, RGBParade_UI) -#: data/effects/frei0r_rgbparade.xml:3 src/scopes/scopemanager.cpp:308 -#: src/ui/rgbparade_ui.ui:14 -msgid "RGB Parade" -msgstr "Presentación RVA" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_rgbparade.xml:4 -msgid "Display a histogram of R, G and B components of the video data" -msgstr "" -"Muestra un histograma de los componentes R, V y A de los datos del video" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_saturat0r.xml:4 -msgid "Adjusts the saturation of a source image" -msgstr "Permite ajustar la saturación de la imagen de origen" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_scale0tilt.xml:3 -msgid "Crop, Scale and Position" -msgstr "Recortar, escalar e inclinar" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_scale0tilt.xml:4 -msgid "Scales, Tilts and Crops an Image" -msgstr "Permite escalar, inclinar y recortar una imagen" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_scale0tilt.xml:7 -msgid "Clip left" -msgstr "Recorte izquierdo" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_scale0tilt.xml:10 -msgid "Clip right" -msgstr "Recorte derecho" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_scale0tilt.xml:13 -msgid "Clip top" -msgstr "Recorte superior" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_scale0tilt.xml:16 -msgid "Clip bottom" -msgstr "Recorte inferior" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_scale0tilt.xml:19 -msgid "Scale X" -msgstr "Escala X" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_scale0tilt.xml:22 -msgid "Scale Y" -msgstr "Escala Y" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_scale0tilt.xml:25 -msgid "Tilt X" -msgstr "Inclinación X" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_scale0tilt.xml:28 -msgid "Tilt Y" -msgstr "Inclinación Y" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_scanline0r.xml:3 -msgid "scanline0r" -msgstr "Líneas de barrido" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_scanline0r.xml:4 -msgid "Interlaced black lines" -msgstr "Líneas negras entrelazadas" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:4 data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:51 -msgid "Color Selection" -msgstr "Selección de color" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:5 data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:52 -msgid "Color based alpha selection" -msgstr "Selección de alfa basado en el color" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:9 data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:56 -msgid "Color to select" -msgstr "Color a seleccionar" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:13 data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:60 -msgid "Invert selection" -msgstr "Invertir selección" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:17 data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:79 -msgid "Delta R / A / Hue" -msgstr "Delta R / A / Tono" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:21 data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:83 -msgid "Delta G / B / Chroma" -msgstr "Delta V / B / Croma" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:25 data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:87 -msgid "Delta B / I / I" -msgstr "Delta A / I / I" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:29 data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:64 -msgid "RGB,ABI,HCI" -msgstr "RVA,ABI,TCI" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:30 data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:65 -msgid "Selection subspace" -msgstr "Subespacio de selección" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:34 data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:69 -msgid "Box,Ellipsoid,Diamond" -msgstr "Caja,Elipsoide,Diamante" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:35 data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:70 -msgid "Subspace shape" -msgstr "Forma del subespacio" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:39 -msgid "Hard,Fat,Normal,Skinny" -msgstr "Definido,Grueso,Normal,Delgado" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:40 data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:75 -msgid "Edge mode" -msgstr "Modo de bordes" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:74 -msgid "Hard,Fat,Normal,Skinny,Slope" -msgstr "Definido,Grueso,Normal,Delgado,Pendiente" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sharpness.xml:3 -msgid "Sharpen" -msgstr "Enfocar" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sharpness.xml:4 -msgid "Unsharp masking (port from Mplayer)" -msgstr "Máscara de enfoque (transportado desde Mplayer)" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sobel.xml:3 -msgid "Sobel" -msgstr "Sobel" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sobel.xml:4 -msgid "Sobel filter" -msgstr "Filtro Sobel" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:4 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:59 -msgid "SOP/Sat" -msgstr "PDP/Sat" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:5 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:60 -msgid "" -"Changes Slope, Offset, and Power of the color components, and the overall " -"Saturation, according to the ASC CDL (Color Decision List)." -msgstr "" -"Permite cambiar la Pendiente, Desplazamiento y Potencia de los componentes " -"de color, así como la Saturación global, de acuerdo a la ASC CDL (Lista de " -"decisión de color)." - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:8 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:63 -msgid "Slope Red" -msgstr "Pendiente Rojo" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:10 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:65 -msgid "" -"\n" -" All effects can be observed well when applied on a greyscale " -"gradient and looking at the RGB Parade monitor.]]>" -msgstr "" -"\n" -" El efecto puede ser apreciado al aplicarse a un gradiente de " -"grises y mirar en el monitor de Presentación RVA.]]>" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:13 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:68 -msgid "Slope Green" -msgstr "Pendiente Verde" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:16 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:71 -msgid "Slope Blue" -msgstr "Pendiente Azul" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:19 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:74 -msgid "Slope Alpha" -msgstr "Pendiente Alfa" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:23 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:78 -msgid "Offset Red" -msgstr "Desplazamiento Rojo" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:24 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:79 -msgid "" -"Changing the offset lifts (or lowers) the brightness of each pixel by the " -"given value." -msgstr "" -"Cambiar el Desplazamiento permite elevar (o bajar) el brillo de cada pixel " -"en la medida indicada." - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:27 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:82 -msgid "Offset Green" -msgstr "Desplazamiento Verde" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:30 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:85 -msgid "Offset Blue" -msgstr "Desplazamiento Azul" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:33 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:88 -msgid "Offset Alpha" -msgstr "Desplazamiento Alfa" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:37 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:92 -msgid "Power Red" -msgstr "Potencia Azul" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:39 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:94 -msgid "" -"\n" -" Mathematically, what happens is an exponentiation of the " -"pixel brightness on [0,1] by the gamma value.]]>" -msgstr "" -"\n" -" Matematicamente hablando, lo que sucede es una " -"exponenciación del brillo de los píxeles entre [0,1] por el " -"valor de gama.]]>" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:42 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:97 -msgid "Power Green" -msgstr "Potencia Verde" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:45 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:100 -msgid "Power Blue" -msgstr "Potencia Azul" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:48 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:103 -msgid "Power Alpha" -msgstr "Potencia Alfa" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:52 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:107 -msgid "Overall Saturation" -msgstr "Saturación global" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:53 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:108 -msgid "The overall saturation will be changed in the last step of this filter." -msgstr "La saturación global cambiará en la etapa final de este filtro." - -#: data/effects/frei0r_squareblur.xml:3 -msgid "Square Blur" -msgstr "Desenfoque cuadrado" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_squareblur.xml:4 -msgid "Square blur" -msgstr "Desenfoque cuadrado" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_squareblur.xml:7 -msgid "Kernel size" -msgstr "Tamaño del núcleo" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_tehroxx0r.xml:3 -msgid "TehRoxx0r" -msgstr "Videowall" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_tehroxx0r.xml:4 -msgid "Something videowall-ish" -msgstr "Algo del estilo de un videowall" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_tehroxx0r.xml:7 -msgid "Interval" -msgstr "Intervalo" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_three_point_balance.xml:3 -msgid "3 point balance" -msgstr "Balance de 3 puntos" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_three_point_balance.xml:4 -msgid "Balances colors along with 3 points" -msgstr "Efectúa un balance de color a lo largo de 3 puntos" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_three_point_balance.xml:7 -msgid "Black color" -msgstr "Color negro" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_three_point_balance.xml:10 -msgid "Gray color" -msgstr "Color gris" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_three_point_balance.xml:13 -msgid "White color" -msgstr "Color blanco" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_three_point_balance.xml:16 -msgid "Split screen preview" -msgstr "Previsualizar a pantalla dividida" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_three_point_balance.xml:19 -msgid "Source image on left side" -msgstr "Imagen original a la izquierda" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_threelay0r.xml:3 -msgid "threelay0r" -msgstr "Umbral de tres capas" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_threelay0r.xml:4 -msgid "Dynamic 3-level thresholding" -msgstr "Segmentación de color de 3 niveles" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_threshold0r.xml:3 -msgid "Threshold0r" -msgstr "Umbral" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_threshold0r.xml:4 -msgid "Thresholds a source image" -msgstr "Segmenta los colores de la imagen de origen" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_timeout.xml:4 -msgid "Timeout indicator" -msgstr "Indicador de tiempo de espera" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_timeout.xml:7 -msgid "Indicator color" -msgstr "Color de indicador" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, markers_list) -#: data/effects/frei0r_timeout.xml:10 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:427 -msgid "Time" -msgstr "Tiempo" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_tint0r.xml:3 -msgid "Tint" -msgstr "Tinte" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_tint0r.xml:4 -msgid "Maps source image luminance between two colors specified" -msgstr "" -"Mapea la luminancia de la imagen de origen entre los dos colores " -"especificados" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_tint0r.xml:7 -msgid "Map black to" -msgstr "Mapear negro a" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_tint0r.xml:10 -msgid "Map white to" -msgstr "Mapear blanco a" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_tint0r.xml:13 -msgid "Tint amount" -msgstr "Cantidad de tinte" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_twolay0r.xml:3 -msgid "twolay0r" -msgstr "Umbral de dos capas" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_twolay0r.xml:4 -msgid "Dynamic thresholding" -msgstr "Segmentación de color de 2 niveles" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_vectorscope.xml:3 src/scopes/scopemanager.cpp:306 -msgid "Vectorscope" -msgstr "Vectorscopio" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_vectorscope.xml:4 -msgid "Display a vectorscope of the video data" -msgstr "Muestra un vectorscopio con los datos del video" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_vertigo.xml:4 data/effects/frei0r_vertigo.xml:15 -msgid "Vertigo" -msgstr "Vértigo" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_vertigo.xml:5 data/effects/frei0r_vertigo.xml:16 -msgid "Alpha blending with zoomed and rotated images" -msgstr "Fundido alfa con zoom y rotación de las imágenes" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_vertigo.xml:8 data/effects/frei0r_vertigo.xml:19 -msgid "Phase Increment" -msgstr "Incremento de fase" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_vertigo.xml:11 data/effects/frei0r_vertigo.xml:22 -msgid "Zoom Rate" -msgstr "Incidencia del zoom" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_vignette.xml:3 -msgid "Vignette" -msgstr "Viñeta" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_vignette.xml:4 -msgid "Natural lens vignetting effect" -msgstr "Efecto que simula la viñeta producida por una lente" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_vignette.xml:7 -msgid "Aspect ratio" -msgstr "Proporción" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_vignette.xml:10 -msgid "Clear center size" -msgstr "Tamaño del centro limpio" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_softness) -#: data/effects/frei0r_vignette.xml:13 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:709 -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:302 src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:220 -msgid "Softness" -msgstr "Suavidad" - -#: data/effects/gain.xml:3 data/effects/gain.xml:7 data/effects/mute.xml:7 -#: data/effects/normalise.xml:7 data/effects/sox_bass.xml:7 -#: data/effects/sox_gain.xml:7 data/effects/volume.xml:7 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/lumaliftgain.cpp:65 -msgid "Gain" -msgstr "Ganancia" - -#: data/effects/gain.xml:4 -msgid "Adjust the audio volume without keyframes" -msgstr "Permite ajustar el volumen del audio sin fotogramas clave" - -#: data/effects/gamma.xml:4 -msgid "Change gamma color value" -msgstr "Permite cambiar el valor de gama del color" - -#: data/effects/grain.xml:3 -msgid "Grain" -msgstr "Grano" - -#: data/effects/grain.xml:4 -msgid "Grain over the image" -msgstr "Permite crear grano sobre la imagen" - -#: data/effects/grain.xml:7 data/effects/movit_deconvolution_sharpen.xml:18 -#: plugins/sampleplugin/sampleplugin.cpp:34 -#: plugins/sampleplugin/sampleplugin.cpp:42 -#: plugins/sampleplugin/sampleplugin.cpp:54 -#: plugins/sampleplugin/sampleplugin.cpp:78 -msgid "Noise" -msgstr "Ruido" - -#: data/effects/greyscale.xml:3 -msgid "Greyscale" -msgstr "Escala de grises" - -#: data/effects/greyscale.xml:4 -msgid "Discard color information" -msgstr "Descarta la información de color" - -#: data/effects/invert.xml:4 -msgid "Invert colors" -msgstr "Invertir colores" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_declipper.xml:3 -msgid "Declipper" -msgstr "Reparar ondas recortadas" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_declipper.xml:4 -msgid "LADSPA declipper audio effect" -msgstr "Efecto LADSPA para reparar ondas de audio recortadas" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer.xml:3 -msgid "Equalizer" -msgstr "Ecualizador" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer.xml:4 -msgid "LADSPA equalizer audio effect" -msgstr "Efecto LADSPA para ecualizar el audio" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer.xml:7 -msgid "Lo gain" -msgstr "Ganancia baja" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer.xml:10 -msgid "Mid gain" -msgstr "Ganancia media" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer.xml:13 -msgid "Hi gain" -msgstr "Ganancia alta" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:3 -msgid "15 Band Equalizer" -msgstr "Ecualizador de 15 bandas" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:4 -msgid "LADSPA equalizer audio effect (15 band)" -msgstr "Efecto LADSPA para ecualizar el audio (15 bandas)" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:7 -msgid "50 Hz" -msgstr "50 Hz" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:10 -msgid "100 Hz" -msgstr "100 Hz" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:13 -msgid "156 Hz" -msgstr "156 Hz" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:16 -msgid "220 Hz" -msgstr "220 Hz" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:19 -msgid "311 Hz" -msgstr "311 Hz" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:22 -msgid "440 Hz" -msgstr "440 Hz" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:25 -msgid "622 Hz" -msgstr "622 Hz" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:28 -msgid "880 Hz" -msgstr "880 Hz" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:31 -msgid "1250 Hz" -msgstr "1250 Hz" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:34 -msgid "1750 Hz" -msgstr "1750 Hz" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:37 -msgid "2500 Hz" -msgstr "2500 Hz" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:40 -msgid "3500 Hz" -msgstr "3500 Hz" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:43 -msgid "5000 Hz" -msgstr "5000 Hz" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:46 -msgid "10000 Hz" -msgstr "10000 Hz" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:49 -msgid "20000 Hz" -msgstr "20000 Hz" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_limiter.xml:3 -msgid "Limiter" -msgstr "Limitador" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_limiter.xml:4 -msgid "LADSPA limiter audio effect" -msgstr "Efecto LADSPA para limitar el audio" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_limiter.xml:7 -msgid "Input gain (dB)" -msgstr "Ganancia de entrada (dB)" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_limiter.xml:10 -msgid "Limit (dB)" -msgstr "Límite (dB)" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_limiter.xml:13 -msgid "Release time (s)" -msgstr "Tiempo de relajación (s)" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_phaser.xml:3 -msgid "Phaser" -msgstr "Phaser" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_phaser.xml:4 -msgid "LADSPA phaser audio effect" -msgstr "Efecto LADSPA para modular la fase del audio" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_phaser.xml:7 -msgid "Rate (Hz)" -msgstr "Frecuencia (Hz)" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_phaser.xml:10 data/effects/sox_flanger.xml:10 -msgid "Depth" -msgstr "Profundidad" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_phaser.xml:13 -msgid "Feedback" -msgstr "Retroalimentación" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_phaser.xml:16 -msgid "Spread" -msgstr "Dispersión" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_pitch.xml:3 -msgid "Pitch Shift" -msgstr "Desplazamiento de tono" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_pitch.xml:4 -msgid "LADSPA change pitch audio effect" -msgstr "Efecto LADSPA para cambiar el tono del audio" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_pitch.xml:7 data/effects/sox_pitch.xml:7 -msgid "Shift" -msgstr "Desplazamiento" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_pitch_scale.xml:3 -msgid "Pitch Scaler" -msgstr "Escalar tono" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_pitch_scale.xml:4 -msgid "LADSPA pitch scale audio effect" -msgstr "Efecto LADSPA para escalar el tono del audio" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_pitch_scale.xml:7 -msgid "Co-efficient" -msgstr "Coeficiente" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_rate_scale.xml:3 -msgid "Rate Scaler" -msgstr "Escala de frecuencia" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_rate_scale.xml:4 -msgid "LADSPA rate scale audio effect" -msgstr "Efecto LADSPA para escalar la frecuencia del audio" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_rate_scale.xml:7 -msgid "Rate" -msgstr "Frecuencia" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_reverb.xml:3 -msgid "Reverb" -msgstr "Reverberación" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_reverb.xml:4 -msgid "LADSPA reverb audio effect" -msgstr "Efecto LADSPA para crear reverberación en el audio" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_reverb.xml:7 -msgid "Reverb time" -msgstr "Tiempo de reverberación" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_reverb.xml:10 data/effects/ladspa_room_reverb.xml:13 -msgid "Damping" -msgstr "Amortiguación" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_room_reverb.xml:3 -msgid "Room Reverb" -msgstr "Reverberación de cámara" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_room_reverb.xml:4 -msgid "LADSPA room reverb audio effect" -msgstr "Efecto LADSPA para crear reverberación de cámara en el audio" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_room_reverb.xml:7 -msgid "Room size (m)" -msgstr "Tamaño de la cámara (m)" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_room_reverb.xml:10 -msgid "Delay (s/10)" -msgstr "Retardo (s/10)" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_vinyl.xml:3 -msgid "Vinyl" -msgstr "Vinilo" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_vinyl.xml:4 -msgid "Simulates a vinyl audio player - LADSPA audio effect" -msgstr "Efecto LADSPA para simular un tocadiscos de vinilo" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_vinyl.xml:7 src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:166 -msgid "Year" -msgstr "Año" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_vinyl.xml:10 -msgid "RPM" -msgstr "RPM" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_vinyl.xml:13 -msgid "Surface warping" -msgstr "Deformación de superficie" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_vinyl.xml:16 -msgid "Crackle" -msgstr "Crepitación" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_vinyl.xml:19 -msgid "Wear" -msgstr "Desgaste" - -#: data/effects/lift_gamma_gain.xml:3 -msgid "Lift/gamma/gain" -msgstr "Realce/Gama/Ganancia" - -#: data/effects/lift_gamma_gain.xml:6 data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain.xml:6 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain2.xml:6 -msgid "Lift: Red" -msgstr "Realce: Rojo" - -#: data/effects/lift_gamma_gain.xml:9 data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain.xml:9 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain2.xml:9 -msgid "Lift: Green" -msgstr "Realce: Verde" - -#: data/effects/lift_gamma_gain.xml:12 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain.xml:12 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain2.xml:12 -msgid "Lift: Blue" -msgstr "Realce: Azul" - -#: data/effects/lift_gamma_gain.xml:15 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain.xml:15 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain2.xml:15 -msgid "Gamma: Red" -msgstr "Gama: Rojo" - -#: data/effects/lift_gamma_gain.xml:18 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain.xml:18 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain2.xml:18 -msgid "Gamma: Green" -msgstr "Gama: Verde" - -#: data/effects/lift_gamma_gain.xml:21 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain.xml:21 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain2.xml:21 -msgid "Gamma: Blue" -msgstr "Gama: Azul" - -#: data/effects/lift_gamma_gain.xml:24 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain.xml:24 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain2.xml:24 -msgid "Gain: Red" -msgstr "Ganancia: Rojo" - -#: data/effects/lift_gamma_gain.xml:27 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain.xml:27 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain2.xml:27 -msgid "Gain: Green" -msgstr "Ganancia: Verde" - -#: data/effects/lift_gamma_gain.xml:30 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain.xml:30 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain2.xml:30 -msgid "Gain: Blue" -msgstr "Ganancia: Azul" - -#: data/effects/loudness.xml:3 -msgid "Loudness" -msgstr "Intesidad" - -#: data/effects/loudness.xml:4 -msgid "Correct audio loudness as recommended by EBU R128" -msgstr "" -"Permite corregir la intensidad del sonido tal como es recomendado por EBU " -"R128" - -#: data/effects/loudness.xml:7 -msgid "Target Program Loudness" -msgstr "Intensidad objetivo del programa" - -#: data/effects/mirror.xml:3 -msgid "Mirror" -msgstr "Espejar" - -#: data/effects/mirror.xml:4 -msgid "Flip your image in any direction" -msgstr "Permite invertir la imagen en cualquier dirección" - -#: data/effects/mirror.xml:7 -msgid "Horizontal,Vertical,Diagonal,X Diagonal,Flip,Flop" -msgstr "Horizontal,Vertical,Diagonal,Diagonal X,Flip,Flop" - -#: data/effects/mirror.xml:8 -msgid "Mirroring direction" -msgstr "Dirección de espejado" - -#: data/effects/movit_blur.xml:3 -msgid "Blur (GPU)" -msgstr "Desenfocar (GPU)" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_6) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_8) -#: data/effects/movit_blur.xml:6 data/effects/movit_diffusion.xml:6 -#: data/effects/movit_glow.xml:6 data/effects/movit_unsharp_mask.xml:6 -#: data/effects/movit_vignette.xml:6 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:891 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:915 -msgid "Radius" -msgstr "Radio" - -#: data/effects/movit_deconvolution_sharpen.xml:3 -msgid "Deconvolution sharpen (GPU)" -msgstr "Enfocar con descircunvolución (GPU)" - -#: data/effects/movit_deconvolution_sharpen.xml:6 -msgid "Matrix size" -msgstr "Tamaño de matriz" - -#: data/effects/movit_deconvolution_sharpen.xml:9 -msgid "Circle radius" -msgstr "Radio del círculo" - -#: data/effects/movit_deconvolution_sharpen.xml:12 -msgid "Gaussian radius" -msgstr "Radio gaussiano" - -#: data/effects/movit_deconvolution_sharpen.xml:15 -msgid "Correlation" -msgstr "Correlación" - -#: data/effects/movit_diffusion.xml:3 -msgid "Diffusion (GPU)" -msgstr "Difusión (GPU)" - -#: data/effects/movit_diffusion.xml:9 -msgid "Mix amount" -msgstr "Cantidad de mezcla" - -#: data/effects/movit_glow.xml:3 -msgid "Glow (GPU)" -msgstr "Resplandor (GPU)" - -#: data/effects/movit_glow.xml:9 -msgid "Glow strength" -msgstr "Intensidad del resplandor" - -#: data/effects/movit_glow.xml:12 -msgid "Highlight cutoff threshold" -msgstr "Umbral de aparición del resplandor" - -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain.xml:3 -msgid "Lift/gamma/gain (GPU)" -msgstr "Realce/Gama/Ganancia (GPU)" - -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain2.xml:3 -msgid "Movit: Lift/gamma/gain (colors)" -msgstr "Movit: Realce/Gama/Ganancia (colores)" - -#: data/effects/movit_mirror.xml:3 -msgid "Mirror (GPU)" -msgstr "Espejar (GPU)" - -#: data/effects/movit_opacity.xml:3 -msgid "Opacity (GPU)" -msgstr "Opacidad (GPU)" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_opacity) -#: data/effects/movit_opacity.xml:6 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:211 src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:113 -msgid "Opacity" -msgstr "Opacidad" - -#: data/effects/movit_rect.xml:3 -msgid "Pan and Zoom (GPU)" -msgstr "Paneo y zoom (GPU)" - -#: data/effects/movit_rect.xml:9 -msgid "Allow upscale" -msgstr "Permitir aumento de escala" - -#: data/effects/movit_saturation.xml:3 -msgid "Saturation (GPU)" -msgstr "Saturación (GPU)" - -#: data/effects/movit_unsharp_mask.xml:3 -msgid "Unsharp mask (GPU)" -msgstr "Máscara de enfoque (GPU)" - -#: data/effects/movit_vignette.xml:3 -msgid "Vignette (GPU)" -msgstr "Viñeta (GPU)" - -#: data/effects/movit_vignette.xml:9 -msgid "Inner radius" -msgstr "Radio interior" - -#: data/effects/movit_white_balance.xml:3 -msgid "White Balance (GPU)" -msgstr "Balance de blancos (GPU)" - -#: data/effects/mute.xml:3 -msgid "Mute" -msgstr "Silenciar" - -#: data/effects/mute.xml:4 -msgid "Mute clip" -msgstr "Permite silenciar el clip" - -#: data/effects/normalise.xml:3 -msgid "Normalise" -msgstr "Normalizar" - -#: data/effects/normalise.xml:4 -msgid "Dynamically normalise the audio volume" -msgstr "Permite normalizar dinámicamente el volumen del audio" - -#: data/effects/normalise.xml:10 -msgid "Maximum gain" -msgstr "Ganancia máxima" - -#: data/effects/normalise.xml:13 data/effects/sox_stretch.xml:10 -msgid "Window" -msgstr "Ventana" - -#: data/effects/obscure.xml:4 -msgid "Hide a region of the clip" -msgstr "Permite ocultar una región del clip" - -#: data/effects/obscure.xml:7 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:760 -msgid "Region" -msgstr "Región" - -#: data/effects/oldfilm.xml:3 -msgid "Oldfilm" -msgstr "Película antigua" - -#: data/effects/oldfilm.xml:4 -msgid "Moves the Picture up and down and random brightness change" -msgstr "" -"Permite mover la imagen de arriba a abajo y cambiar aleatoriamente su brillo" - -#: data/effects/oldfilm.xml:7 -msgid "Y-Delta" -msgstr "Delta-Y" - -#: data/effects/oldfilm.xml:10 -#, no-c-format -msgid "% of picture have a delta" -msgstr "% de la imagen que presenta desplazamiento" - -#: data/effects/oldfilm.xml:13 -msgid "Brightness up" -msgstr "Aumento de brillo" - -#: data/effects/oldfilm.xml:16 -msgid "Brightness down" -msgstr "Disminución de brillo" - -#: data/effects/oldfilm.xml:19 -msgid "Brightness every" -msgstr "Brillo cada" - -#: data/effects/oldfilm.xml:22 -msgid "Unevendevelop up" -msgstr "Aumento de revelado desparejo" - -#: data/effects/oldfilm.xml:25 -msgid "Unevendevelop down" -msgstr "Disminución de revelado desparejo" - -#: data/effects/oldfilm.xml:28 -msgid "Unevendevelop Duration" -msgstr "Duración de revelado desparejo" - -#: data/effects/pan_zoom.xml:3 data/effects/region.xml:10 -#: data/effects/rotation.xml:37 -msgid "Pan and Zoom" -msgstr "Paneo y zoom" - -#: data/effects/pan_zoom.xml:4 -msgid "Adjust size and position of clip" -msgstr "Permite ajustar el tamaño y posición del clip" - -#: data/effects/region.xml:3 -msgid "Regionalize" -msgstr "Regionalizar" - -#: data/effects/region.xml:4 -msgid "Apply sub-effects to a region defined by a clip's alpha channel" -msgstr "" -"Permite aplicar sub efectos a una región definida por el canal alfa del clip" - -#: data/effects/region.xml:7 -msgid "Url" -msgstr "Url" - -#: data/effects/rotation.xml:3 -msgid "Rotate and Shear" -msgstr "Rotar e inclinar" - -#: data/effects/rotation.xml:4 data/effects/rotation_keyframable.xml:4 -msgid "Rotate clip in any 3 directions" -msgstr "Permite rotar el clip en cualquiera de las 3 direcciones" - -#: data/effects/rotation.xml:7 data/effects/rotation_keyframable.xml:7 -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:747 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:216 -msgid "Rotate X" -msgstr "Rotación X" - -#: data/effects/rotation.xml:10 data/effects/rotation_keyframable.xml:10 -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:748 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:219 -msgid "Rotate Y" -msgstr "Rotación Y" - -#: data/effects/rotation.xml:13 data/effects/rotation_keyframable.xml:13 -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:749 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:222 -msgid "Rotate Z" -msgstr "Rotación Z" - -#: data/effects/rotation.xml:16 -msgid "Animate Rotate X" -msgstr "Animar rotación X" - -#: data/effects/rotation.xml:19 -msgid "Animate Rotate Y" -msgstr "Animar rotación Y" - -#: data/effects/rotation.xml:22 -msgid "Animate Rotate Z" -msgstr "Animar rotación Z" - -#: data/effects/rotation.xml:25 -msgid "Shear X" -msgstr "Inclinación X" - -#: data/effects/rotation.xml:28 -msgid "Shear Y" -msgstr "Inclinación Y" - -#: data/effects/rotation.xml:31 -msgid "Animate Shear X" -msgstr "Animar inclinación X" - -#: data/effects/rotation.xml:34 -msgid "Animate Shear Y" -msgstr "Animar inclinación Y" - -#: data/effects/rotation_keyframable.xml:3 -msgid "Rotate (keyframable)" -msgstr "Rotar (animable)" - -#: data/effects/rotation_keyframable.xml:16 -msgid "Offset X" -msgstr "Desplazamiento X" - -#: data/effects/rotation_keyframable.xml:19 -msgid "Offset Y" -msgstr "Desplazamiento Y" - -#: data/effects/rotoscoping.xml:3 -msgid "Rotoscoping" -msgstr "Rotoscopía" - -#: data/effects/rotoscoping.xml:4 -msgid "Keyframable vector based rotoscoping" -msgstr "Rotoscopía vectorial animable" - -#: data/effects/rotoscoping.xml:8 -msgid "Alpha,Luma,RGB" -msgstr "Alfa,Luma,RVA" - -#: data/effects/rotoscoping.xml:9 -msgid "Mode" -msgstr "Modo" - -#: data/effects/rotoscoping.xml:14 -msgid "Alpha Operation" -msgstr "Operación del alfa" - -#: data/effects/rotoscoping.xml:22 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:3422 -msgid "Track" -msgstr "Pista" - -#: data/effects/rotoscoping.xml:26 -msgid "Feather width" -msgstr "Ancho del suavizado" - -#: data/effects/rotoscoping.xml:30 -msgid "Feathering passes" -msgstr "Pasadas de suavizado" - -#: data/effects/scratchlines.xml:3 -msgid "Scratchlines" -msgstr "Rasguños" - -#: data/effects/scratchlines.xml:4 -msgid "Scratchlines over the picture" -msgstr "Permite generar líneas de rasguños sobre la imagen" - -#: data/effects/scratchlines.xml:7 -msgid "Width of line" -msgstr "Ancho de línea" - -#: data/effects/scratchlines.xml:10 -msgid "Max number of lines" -msgstr "Cantidad máxima de líneas" - -#: data/effects/scratchlines.xml:13 -msgid "Max darker" -msgstr "Máx. oscuras" - -#: data/effects/scratchlines.xml:16 -msgid "Max lighter" -msgstr "Máx. claras" - -#: data/effects/sepia.xml:3 -msgid "Sepia" -msgstr "Sepia" - -#: data/effects/sepia.xml:4 -msgid "Turn clip colors to sepia" -msgstr "Permite convertir los colores de la imagen en tonos sepia" - -#: data/effects/sepia.xml:7 -msgid "Chrominance U" -msgstr "Crominancia U" - -#: data/effects/sepia.xml:10 -msgid "Chrominance V" -msgstr "Crominancia V" - -#: data/effects/sox_band.xml:3 -msgid "Sox Band" -msgstr "Sox: Bandas" - -#: data/effects/sox_band.xml:4 -msgid "Sox band audio effect" -msgstr "Efecto de audio Sox de bandas" - -#: data/effects/sox_band.xml:7 -msgid "Center Frequency" -msgstr "Frecuencia central" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_4) -#: data/effects/sox_band.xml:10 data/effects/sox_flanger.xml:16 -#: src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:181 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:307 -msgid "Width" -msgstr "Ancho" - -#: data/effects/sox_bass.xml:3 -msgid "Sox Bass" -msgstr "Sox: Bajos" - -#: data/effects/sox_bass.xml:4 -msgid "Sox bass audio effect" -msgstr "Efecto de audio Sox de bajos" - -#: data/effects/sox_echo.xml:3 -msgid "Sox Echo" -msgstr "Sox: Eco" - -#: data/effects/sox_echo.xml:4 -msgid "Sox echo audio effect" -msgstr "Efecto de audio Sox de eco" - -#: data/effects/sox_echo.xml:7 data/effects/sox_phaser.xml:7 -msgid "Gain In" -msgstr "Ganancia entrante" - -#: data/effects/sox_echo.xml:10 data/effects/sox_phaser.xml:10 -msgid "Gain Out" -msgstr "Ganancia saliente" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_13) -#: data/effects/sox_echo.xml:13 data/effects/sox_flanger.xml:7 -#: data/effects/sox_phaser.xml:13 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:994 -msgid "Delay" -msgstr "Retardo" - -#: data/effects/sox_echo.xml:16 data/effects/sox_phaser.xml:16 -msgid "Decay" -msgstr "Decaimiento" - -#: data/effects/sox_flanger.xml:3 -msgid "Sox Flanger" -msgstr "Sox: Flanger" - -#: data/effects/sox_flanger.xml:4 -msgid "Sox flanger audio effect" -msgstr "Efecto de audio Sox de flanger" - -#: data/effects/sox_flanger.xml:13 -msgid "Regeneration" -msgstr "Regeneración" - -#: data/effects/sox_flanger.xml:19 data/effects/sox_phaser.xml:19 -#: data/effects/speed.xml:3 data/effects/speed.xml:7 -msgid "Speed" -msgstr "Velocidad" - -#: data/effects/sox_flanger.xml:25 -msgid "Phase" -msgstr "Fase" - -#: data/effects/sox_flanger.xml:28 src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:383 -msgid "Interpolation" -msgstr "Interpolación" - -#: data/effects/sox_gain.xml:3 -msgid "Sox Gain" -msgstr "Sox: Ganancia" - -#: data/effects/sox_gain.xml:4 -msgid "Sox gain audio effect" -msgstr "Efecto de audio Sox de ganancia" - -#: data/effects/sox_gain.xml:12 -msgid "Normalize" -msgstr "Normalizar" - -#: data/effects/sox_phaser.xml:3 -msgid "Sox Phaser" -msgstr "Sox: Phaser" - -#: data/effects/sox_phaser.xml:4 -msgid "Sox phaser audio effect" -msgstr "Efecto de audio Sox de modulación de fase" - -#: data/effects/sox_pitch.xml:3 -msgid "Sox Pitch Shift" -msgstr "Sox: Desplazamiento de tono" - -#: data/effects/sox_pitch.xml:4 -msgid "Sox change pitch audio effect" -msgstr "Efecto de audio Sox de desplazamiento de tono" - -#: data/effects/sox_pitch.xml:10 -msgid "Time window (ms)" -msgstr "Ventana de tiempo (ms)" - -#: data/effects/sox_reverb.xml:3 -msgid "Sox Reverb" -msgstr "Sox: Reverberación" - -#: data/effects/sox_reverb.xml:4 -msgid "Sox reverb audio effect" -msgstr "Efecto de audio Sox de reverberación" - -#: data/effects/sox_reverb.xml:7 -msgid "Reverberance" -msgstr "Reverberancia" - -#: data/effects/sox_reverb.xml:10 -msgid "High frequency damping" -msgstr "Amortiguación de alta frecuencia" - -#: data/effects/sox_reverb.xml:13 -msgid "Room scale" -msgstr "Escala de la cámara" - -#: data/effects/sox_reverb.xml:16 -msgid "Stereo depth" -msgstr "Profundidad del estéreo" - -#: data/effects/sox_reverb.xml:19 -msgid "Pre-delay" -msgstr "Pre retardo" - -#: data/effects/sox_reverb.xml:22 -msgid "Wet gain" -msgstr "Ganancia húmeda" - -#: data/effects/sox_stretch.xml:3 -msgid "Sox Stretch" -msgstr "Sox: Estirar" - -#: data/effects/sox_stretch.xml:4 -msgid "Sox stretch audio effect" -msgstr "Efecto de audio Sox de estiramiento" - -#: data/effects/speed.xml:4 -msgid "Make clip play faster or slower" -msgstr "Permite hacer que el clip se reproduzca más rápido o más lento" - -#: data/effects/speed.xml:10 -msgid "Stroboscope" -msgstr "Estroboscopio" - -#: data/effects/swapchannels.xml:3 -msgid "Swap channels" -msgstr "Intercambiar canales" - -#: data/effects/swapchannels.xml:4 -msgid "Move the left channel to the right and right-to-left" -msgstr "Permite mover intercambiar los canales derecho e izquierdo" - -#: data/effects/tcolor.xml:3 -msgid "Technicolor" -msgstr "Tecnicolor" - -#: data/effects/tcolor.xml:4 -msgid "Oversaturate the color in video, like in old Technicolor movies" -msgstr "" -"Permite sobresaturar el color del video, como en las antiguas películas en " -"Tecnicolor" - -#: data/effects/tcolor.xml:7 -msgid "Blue/Yellow axis" -msgstr "Eje azul/amarillo" - -#: data/effects/tcolor.xml:10 -msgid "Red/Green axis" -msgstr "Eje rojo/verde" - -#: data/effects/threshold.xml:4 -msgid "Make monochrome clip" -msgstr "Hace al clip monocromático" - -#: data/effects/threshold.xml:7 -msgid "Threshold value" -msgstr "Valor de umbral" - -#: data/effects/threshold.xml:10 -msgid "Use transparency" -msgstr "Usar transparencia" - -#: data/effects/vignette.xml:3 -msgid "Vignette Effect" -msgstr "Efecto de viñeta" - -#: data/effects/vignette.xml:4 -msgid "Adjustable Vignette" -msgstr "Viñeta ajustable" - -#: data/effects/vignette.xml:7 -msgid "smooth" -msgstr "suavizado" - -#: data/effects/vignette.xml:10 -msgid "radius" -msgstr "radio" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_6) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_8) -#: data/effects/vignette.xml:13 src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:72 -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:575 -msgid "x" -msgstr "x" - -#: data/effects/vignette.xml:16 -msgid "y" -msgstr "y" - -#: data/effects/vignette.xml:19 -msgid "opacity" -msgstr "opacidad" - -#: data/effects/vignette.xml:22 -msgid "use cos instead of linear" -msgstr "usar coseno en vez de lineal" - -#: data/effects/volume.xml:3 -msgid "Volume (keyframable)" -msgstr "Volumen (animable)" - -#: data/effects/volume.xml:4 -msgid "Adjust audio volume with keyframes" -msgstr "Permite ajustar el volumen del audio usando fotogramas clave" - -#: data/effects/wave.xml:3 -msgid "Wave" -msgstr "Onda" - -#: data/effects/wave.xml:4 -msgid "Make waves on your clip with keyframes" -msgstr "Permite hacer ondas en un clip usando fotogramas clave" - -#: data/effects/wave.xml:10 -msgid "Horizontal" -msgstr "Horizontal" - -#: data/effects/wave.xml:13 -msgid "Vertical" -msgstr "Vertical" - -#: data/kdenliveeffectscategory.rc:5 -msgid "Colour correction" -msgstr "Corrección de color" - -#: data/kdenliveeffectscategory.rc:8 -msgid "Colour" -msgstr "Color" - -#: data/kdenliveeffectscategory.rc:11 -msgid "Crop and transform" -msgstr "Recortar y transformar" - -#: data/kdenliveeffectscategory.rc:14 -msgid "Audio correction" -msgstr "Corrección de audio" - -#: data/kdenliveeffectscategory.rc:17 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:655 -msgid "Audio channels" -msgstr "Canales de audio" - -#: data/kdenliveeffectscategory.rc:20 -msgid "Analysis and data" -msgstr "Análisis e información" - -#: data/kdenliveeffectscategory.rc:23 -msgid "Fade" -msgstr "Fundido" - -#: data/kdenliveeffectscategory.rc:26 -msgid "Artistic" -msgstr "Artístico" - -#: data/kdenliveeffectscategory.rc:29 -msgid "Blur and hide" -msgstr "Desenfocar y ocultar" - -#: data/kdenliveeffectscategory.rc:32 -msgid "Motion" -msgstr "Movimiento" - -#: data/kdenliveeffectscategory.rc:38 -msgid "Alpha manipulation" -msgstr "Manipulación del canal alfa" - -#: data/kdenliveeffectscategory.rc:41 -msgid "Enhancement" -msgstr "Mejora" - -#: data/kdenliveeffectscategory.rc:44 -msgid "GPU effects" -msgstr "Efectos GPU" - -#. i18n: ectx: ToolBar (extraToolBar) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:4 -msgid "Extra Toolbar" -msgstr "Barra de herramientas extra" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (project) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:21 -msgid "Project" -msgstr "Proyecto" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (extract_audio) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:29 src/mainwindow.cpp:2752 -msgid "Extract Audio" -msgstr "Extraer audio" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (clip_actions) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:32 src/mainwindow.cpp:2699 -msgid "Clip Jobs" -msgstr "Trabajos del clip" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (transcoders) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:35 src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:184 -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:125 -msgid "Transcode" -msgstr "Transcodificar" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (generators) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:38 -msgid "Generators" -msgstr "Generadores" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (track_menu) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:40 src/mainwindow.cpp:1145 -msgid "Tracks" -msgstr "Pistas" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (clip_in_timeline) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:55 -msgid "Clip in Timeline" -msgstr "Clip en la línea de tiempo" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (tool) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:70 -msgid "Tool" -msgstr "Herramienta" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (clip) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:80 src/project/projectlistview.cpp:59 -msgid "Clip" -msgstr "Clip" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (marker_menu) -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_3) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:81 src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:397 -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:402 -msgid "Markers" -msgstr "Marcadores" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (timeline) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:96 src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:81 -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2785 -msgid "Timeline" -msgstr "Línea de Tiempo" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (keyboard_selection) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:97 -msgid "Selection" -msgstr "Selección" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (keyboard_insert) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:105 -msgid "Insertion" -msgstr "Inserción" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (current_clip) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:110 -msgid "Current clip" -msgstr "Clip actual" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (all_clips) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:117 -msgid "All clips" -msgstr "Todos los clips" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (guide_menu) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:120 -msgid "Guides" -msgstr "Guías" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (space_menu) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:126 -msgid "Space" -msgstr "Espacio" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (video_effects_menu) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:134 src/mainwindow.cpp:279 -msgid "Add Effect" -msgstr "Agregar efecto" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (monitor) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:148 -msgid "Monitor" -msgstr "Monitor" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (monitor_go) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:154 src/timeline/customruler.cpp:93 -msgid "Go To" -msgstr "Ir a" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (monitor_config) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:176 -msgid "Monitor config" -msgstr "Configuración del monitor" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (dockwindows) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:187 -msgid "View" -msgstr "Vista" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (layout_save_as) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:188 -msgid "Save Layout As" -msgstr "Guardar organización como" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, CountDown_UI) -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, ClipStabilize_UI) -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, FreeSound_UI) -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, ArchiveWidget_UI) -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, BackupDialog_UI) -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, ClipTranscode_UI) -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, AddTrack_UI) -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, SmConfig_UI) -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, ManageEncodingProfile_UI) -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, ColorClip_UI) -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, RenderWidget_UI) -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, Stopmotion_UI) -#: plugins/sampleplugin/countdown_ui.ui:13 src/ui/addtrack_ui.ui:14 -#: src/ui/archivewidget_ui.ui:14 src/ui/backupdialog_ui.ui:14 -#: src/ui/clipstabilize_ui.ui:14 src/ui/cliptranscode_ui.ui:14 -#: src/ui/colorclip_ui.ui:14 src/ui/freesound_ui.ui:14 -#: src/ui/manageencodingprofile_ui.ui:14 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:14 -#: src/ui/smconfig_ui.ui:14 src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Dialog" -msgstr "Diálogo" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, destination_label) -#: plugins/sampleplugin/countdown_ui.ui:19 src/ui/cutjobdialog_ui.ui:47 -msgid "Save to" -msgstr "Guardar en" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, duration_label) -#: plugins/sampleplugin/countdown_ui.ui:29 -msgid "Duration (seconds)" -msgstr "Duración (segundos)" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, font_label) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_4) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_17) -#: plugins/sampleplugin/countdown_ui.ui:46 src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:89 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:331 -msgid "Font" -msgstr "Tipografía" - -#: plugins/sampleplugin/sampleplugin.cpp:33 -msgid "Countdown" -msgstr "Cuenta regresiva" - -#: plugins/sampleplugin/sampleplugin.cpp:55 -msgid "Create Noise Clip" -msgstr "Crear clip de ruido" - -#: plugins/sampleplugin/sampleplugin.cpp:59 -msgid "Create Countdown Clip" -msgstr "Crear clip de cuenta regresiva" - -#: plugins/sampleplugin/sampleplugin.cpp:97 -#: plugins/sampleplugin/sampleplugin.cpp:105 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Failed to generate clip:\n" -"%1" -msgstr "" -"Falla al generar clip:\n" -"%1" - -#: plugins/sampleplugin/sampleplugin.cpp:97 -#: plugins/sampleplugin/sampleplugin.cpp:105 -msgid "Generator Failed" -msgstr "Falló la generación" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:210 src/project/projectlist.cpp:133 -#, kde-format -msgid "%1 job" -msgid_plural "%1 jobs" -msgstr[0] "%1 tarea" -msgstr[1] "%1 tareas" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:211 src/project/projectlist.cpp:134 -#, kde-format -msgid "%1 pending job" -msgid_plural "%1 pending jobs" -msgstr[0] "%1 tarea pendiente" -msgstr[1] "%1 tareas pendientes" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_search) -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:300 src/ui/freesound_ui.ui:74 -msgid "Search" -msgstr "Buscar" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:336 -msgid "View Mode" -msgstr "Modo de la vista" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:338 -msgid "Tree View" -msgstr "Vista de árbol" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:346 -msgid "Icon View" -msgstr "Vista de íconos" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:353 -msgid "Disable Bin Effects" -msgstr "Deshabilitar efectos de carpeta" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:361 src/bin/bincommands.cpp:102 -msgid "Rename Folder" -msgstr "Cambiar nombre de carpeta" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab) -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:370 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:50 -msgid "Settings" -msgstr "Preferencias" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:372 src/project/clipproperties.cpp:351 -#: src/project/dialogs/slideshowclip.cpp:77 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:324 -msgid "Zoom" -msgstr "Zoom" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:378 -msgid "Show date" -msgstr "Mostrar fecha" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:381 -msgid "Show description" -msgstr "Mostrar descripción" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:399 src/project/projectlist.cpp:213 -msgid "Cancel All Jobs" -msgstr "Cancelar todas las tareas" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:401 src/project/projectlist.cpp:217 -msgid "Cancel Current Clip Jobs" -msgstr "Cancelar las tareas del clip actual" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:431 src/project/projectlist.cpp:254 -msgid "Show Log" -msgstr "Mostrar registro" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:504 -msgid "Creating audio thumbnails" -msgstr "Creando miniaturas de audio" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:511 -msgid "Audio thumbnails done" -msgstr "Miniaturas de audio creadas" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:805 -msgctxt "append to clip name to indicate a copied idem" -msgid " (copy)" -msgstr " (copia)" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:929 src/bin/bin.cpp:2217 -#: src/project/folderprojectitem.cpp:37 src/project/projectlist.cpp:1085 -#: src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:60 -msgid "Folder" -msgstr "Carpeta" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:1056 -#, kde-format -msgid "Folder contains a clip, delete anyways ?" -msgid_plural "Folder contains %1 clips, delete anyways ?" -msgstr[0] "La carpeta contiene un clip, borrar de todas formas ?" -msgstr[1] "La carpeta contiene %1 clips, borrar de todas formas ?" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:1173 src/mainwindow.cpp:1234 -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:1004 -msgid "Delete Clip" -msgstr "Eliminar clip" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:1174 src/mainwindow.cpp:1251 -msgid "Proxy Clip" -msgstr "Clip de reemplazo" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:1181 src/project/projectlist.cpp:995 -msgid "Delete Folder" -msgstr "Eliminar carpeta" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:1182 -msgid "Proxy Folder" -msgstr "Carpeta de reemplazos" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2015 src/bin/bincommands.cpp:62 src/bin/bincommands.cpp:82 -msgid "Move Clip" -msgid_plural "Move Clips" -msgstr[0] "Mover clip" -msgstr[1] "Mover clips" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2231 -#, kde-format -msgid "Playlist clip %1 is invalid." -msgstr "El clip %1 de la lista de reproducción no es válido." - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2236 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Playlist clip %1 has too many tracks (%2) to be imported. Add new tracks to " -"your project." -msgstr "" -"El clip %1 de la lista de reproducción contiene demasiadas pistas (%2) como " -"para ser importado. Agregar nuevas pistas al proyecto." - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2449 src/project/projectlist.cpp:465 -msgid "Please set a default application to open images in the Settings dialog" -msgstr "" -"Por favor, definir la aplicación predeterminada para abrir imágenes en el " -"diálogo de Preferencias." - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2455 src/project/projectlist.cpp:471 -msgid "" -"Please set a default application to open audio files in the Settings dialog" -msgstr "" -"Por favor, definir la aplicación predeterminada para abrir archivos de audio " -"en el diálogo de Preferencias." - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2511 src/project/projectlist.cpp:2661 -msgid "No data returned from clip analysis" -msgstr "No hay información resultante del análisis del clip" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2525 src/project/projectlist.cpp:2674 -msgid "Processing data analysis" -msgstr "Procesando análisis de información" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2531 src/project/projectlist.cpp:2680 -msgid "Auto Split Clip" -msgstr "Dividir clip automáticamente" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2549 src/project/projectlist.cpp:2698 -msgid "Add Markers" -msgstr "Agregar marcadores" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2592 src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:85 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:474 src/project/projectcommands.cpp:164 -msgid "Add marker" -msgid_plural "Add markers" -msgstr[0] "Agregar marcador" -msgstr[1] "Agregar marcadores" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2603 src/bin/bin.cpp:2685 src/project/jobs/filterjob.cpp:96 -#: src/timeline/markerdialog.cpp:45 -#, kde-format -msgid "Category %1" -msgstr "Categoría %1" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2608 -msgid "Load Clip Markers" -msgstr "Cargar marcadores de clip" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2623 src/bin/bin.cpp:2720 -#: src/dialogs/profilesdialog.cpp:219 src/dialogs/profilesdialog.cpp:520 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot open file %1" -msgstr "No se puede abrir el archivo %1" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, MarkerDialog_UI) -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2649 src/definitions.cpp:78 src/definitions.cpp:95 -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:367 src/mainwindow.cpp:1831 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:727 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:801 src/ui/markerdialog_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Marker" -msgstr "Marcador" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2683 -msgid "All categories" -msgstr "Todas las categorías" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2690 -msgid "Save Clip Markers" -msgstr "Guardar marcadores del clip" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2733 src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:86 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:478 src/project/projectcommands.cpp:162 -msgid "Delete marker" -msgstr "Eliminar marcador" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2748 -msgid "Delete clip markers" -msgstr "Eliminar marcadores del clip" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2750 -msgid "Clip has no markers" -msgstr "El clip no tiene marcadores" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2788 src/project/clippropertiesmanager.cpp:126 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"You are editing an external title clip (%1). Do you want to save your " -"changes to the title file or save the changes for this project only?" -msgstr "" -"Se está editando un archivo externo de título (%1). ¿Guardar los cambios en " -"el archivo de título o solo en este proyecto?" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2788 src/project/clippropertiesmanager.cpp:126 -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:1766 -msgid "Save Title" -msgstr "Guardar título" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2788 src/project/clippropertiesmanager.cpp:126 -msgid "Save to title file" -msgstr "Guardar en archivo de título" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2788 src/project/clippropertiesmanager.cpp:126 -msgid "Save in project only" -msgstr "Guardar solo en el proyecto" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2852 src/project/projectlist.cpp:1428 -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:1430 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4517 -msgid "Invalid clip" -msgstr "Clip no válido" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2852 src/project/projectlist.cpp:1428 -msgid "Clip is invalid, will be removed from project." -msgstr "El clip no es válido, será eliminado del proyecto." - -#: src/bin/bincommands.cpp:34 -msgid "Remove Folder" -msgstr "Eliminar carpeta" - -#: src/bin/bincommands.cpp:35 -msgid "Add Folder" -msgstr "Agregar carpeta" - -#: src/bin/bincommands.cpp:121 -msgid "Add Bin Effect" -msgstr "Agregar efecto a carpeta" - -#: src/bin/bincommands.cpp:140 -msgid "Remove Bin Effect" -msgstr "Eliminar efecto de carpeta" - -#: src/bin/bincommands.cpp:162 -msgid "Rename Zone" -msgstr "Cambiar nombre de zona" - -#: src/bin/bincommands.cpp:184 -msgid "Add Sub Clip" -msgstr "Agregar sub clip" - -#: src/bin/bincommands.cpp:217 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1628 -msgid "Edit clip" -msgstr "Editar clip" - -#: src/bin/projectclip.cpp:90 src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:879 -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:195 -msgid "Untitled" -msgstr "Sin nombre" - -#: src/bin/projectclip.cpp:272 src/project/projectlist.cpp:2458 -msgctxt "The first letter of Proxy, used as abbreviation" -msgid "P" -msgstr "P" - -#: src/bin/projectclip.cpp:940 src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:1228 -#, kde-format -msgid "Clip already contains analysis data %1" -msgstr "El clip ya contiene información de análisis %1" - -#: src/bin/projectclip.cpp:940 src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:1228 -msgid "Merge" -msgstr "Mezclar" - -#: src/bin/projectclip.cpp:940 src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:1228 -msgid "Add" -msgstr "Agregar" - -#: src/bin/projectfolder.cpp:74 -#, kde-format -msgid "%1 clip" -msgid_plural "%1 clips" -msgstr[0] "%1 clip" -msgstr[1] "%1 clips" - -#: src/bin/projectfolderup.cpp:35 -msgid "Back" -msgstr "Atrás" - -#: src/bin/projectfolderup.cpp:59 -msgid "Go up" -msgstr "Ir arriba" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/bin/projectitemmodel.cpp:169 src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:74 -#: src/ui/colorclip_ui.ui:20 src/ui/configtranscode_ui.ui:70 -#: src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:20 -msgid "Name" -msgstr "Nombre" - -#: src/bin/projectitemmodel.cpp:172 -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:173 -#: src/project/projectlistview.cpp:59 -msgid "Date" -msgstr "Fecha" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_description) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/bin/projectitemmodel.cpp:175 src/project/projectlistview.cpp:59 -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:41 src/ui/configtranscode_ui.ui:80 -#: src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:49 -msgid "Description" -msgstr "Descripción" - -#: src/bin/projectitemmodel.cpp:178 src/dialogs/profilesdialog.cpp:585 -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:231 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:319 -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:771 src/mltcontroller/clipcontroller.cpp:266 -#: src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:483 -msgid "Unknown" -msgstr "Desconocido" - -#: src/bin/projectsubclip.cpp:41 src/doc/documentvalidator.cpp:1441 -#, kde-format -msgid "Zone %1" -msgstr "Zona: %1" - -#: src/capture/managecapturesdialog.cpp:42 -msgid "import" -msgstr "importar" - -#: src/dialogs/clipcreationdialog.cpp:97 src/dialogs/clipcreationdialog.cpp:98 -msgid "Color Clip" -msgstr "Clip de color" - -#: src/dialogs/clipcreationdialog.cpp:188 -msgid "Title clip" -msgstr "Clip de título" - -#: src/dialogs/clipcreationdialog.cpp:236 src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:1117 -msgid "Template title clip" -msgstr "Plantilla de clip de título" - -#: src/dialogs/clipcreationdialog.cpp:428 src/doc/doccommands.cpp:32 -msgid "Add clip" -msgid_plural "Add clips" -msgstr[0] "Agregar clip" -msgstr[1] "Agregar clips" - -#: src/dialogs/clipcreationdialog.cpp:437 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:247 -#: src/effectstack/collapsibleeffect.cpp:200 src/mainwindow.cpp:2832 -msgid "All Supported Files" -msgstr "Todos los archivos soportados" - -#: src/dialogs/clipcreationdialog.cpp:437 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:247 -#: src/effectstack/collapsibleeffect.cpp:200 src/mainwindow.cpp:2832 -msgid "All Files" -msgstr "Todos los archivos" - -#: src/dialogs/clipcreationdialog.cpp:438 -msgid "Import image sequence" -msgstr "Importar secuencia de imágenes" - -#: src/dialogs/clipcreationdialog.cpp:440 -msgid "Transparent background for images" -msgstr "Fondo transparente en imágenes" - -#: src/dialogs/encodingprofilesdialog.cpp:37 -msgid "Manage Encoding Profiles" -msgstr "Administrar perfiles de codificación" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, groupBox) -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, enable_proxy) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_14) -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, kcfg_enableproxy) -#: src/dialogs/encodingprofilesdialog.cpp:38 -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:96 src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:36 -#: src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:142 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:244 -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:499 -msgid "Proxy clips" -msgstr "Clips de reemplazo" - -#: src/dialogs/encodingprofilesdialog.cpp:39 -msgid "Video4Linux capture" -msgstr "Captura con Video4Linux" - -#: src/dialogs/encodingprofilesdialog.cpp:40 -msgid "Screen capture" -msgstr "Captura de pantalla" - -#: src/dialogs/encodingprofilesdialog.cpp:41 -msgid "Decklink capture" -msgstr "Captura con Decklink" - -#: src/dialogs/encodingprofilesdialog.cpp:125 -#: src/dialogs/encodingprofilesdialog.cpp:157 -msgid "Profile name:" -msgstr "Nombre del perfil:" - -#: src/dialogs/encodingprofilesdialog.cpp:128 -#: src/dialogs/encodingprofilesdialog.cpp:160 -msgid "Parameters:" -msgstr "Parámetros:" - -#: src/dialogs/encodingprofilesdialog.cpp:131 -#: src/dialogs/encodingprofilesdialog.cpp:163 -msgid "File extension:" -msgstr "Extensión del archivo:" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:64 -#: src/effectslist/effectslistwidget.cpp:100 -#: src/effectslist/effectslistwidget.cpp:121 -#: src/effectslist/effectslistwidget.cpp:123 -msgid "Misc" -msgstr "Varios" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:73 -msgid "Project Defaults" -msgstr "Opciones predeterminadas del proyecto" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:101 -msgid "Environment" -msgstr "Entorno" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:126 -msgid "Capture" -msgstr "Capturar" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:131 -msgid "Capture is not yet available on Mac OS X." -msgstr "Capturar no está disponible aún en Mac OS X." - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:170 -msgid "JogShuttle" -msgstr "JogShuttle" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, groupBox) -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:180 src/ui/smconfig_ui.ui:20 -msgid "Playback" -msgstr "Reproducción" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:275 -msgid "GPU processing needs MLT compiled with Movit and Rtaudio modules" -msgstr "" -"El procesamiento mediante la GPU necesita que MLT se haya compilado con los " -"módulos Movit y Rtaudio" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:300 -#, kde-format -msgid "dvgrab version %1 at %2" -msgstr "versión %1 de dvgrab en %2" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:301 -msgid "" -"dvgrab utility not found, please install it for firewire " -"capture" -msgstr "" -"Utilidad dvgrab no encontrada. Instalarla para capturar " -"desde firewire." - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:438 -msgid "Automatic" -msgstr "Automático" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:440 -msgid "OSS" -msgstr "OSS" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:441 -msgid "ALSA" -msgstr "ALSA" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:442 -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:487 -msgid "PulseAudio" -msgstr "PulseAudio" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:443 -msgid "OSS with DMA access" -msgstr "OSS con acceso DMA" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:444 -msgid "Esound daemon" -msgstr "Demonio Esound" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:445 -msgid "ARTS daemon" -msgstr "Demonio ARTS" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:457 -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:458 -msgid "Default" -msgstr "Predeterminado" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:503 -msgid "SDL" -msgstr "SDL" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:504 -msgid "RtAudio" -msgstr "RtAudio" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:566 -msgid "Select default video player" -msgstr "Seleccionar reproductor de video predeterminado" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:578 -msgid "Select default audio editor" -msgstr "Seleccionar editor de audio predeterminado" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:590 -msgid "Select default image editor" -msgstr "Seleccionar editor de video predeterminado" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:809 -msgid "Kdenlive must be restarted to change this setting" -msgstr "Kdenlive debe ser reiniciado para poder cambiar esta opción" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, p_progressive) -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:832 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:264 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:634 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:118 src/project/clipproperties.cpp:685 -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:322 src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:99 -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:163 -msgid "Interlaced" -msgstr "Entrelazado" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, progressive) -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:834 -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:1039 -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:1072 -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:1088 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:265 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:634 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:119 src/project/clipproperties.cpp:685 -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:428 src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:232 -msgid "Progressive" -msgstr "Progresivo" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:892 -msgid "A profile with that name already exists" -msgstr "Ya existe un perfil con ese nombre" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:1003 -msgid "Current settings" -msgstr "Preferencias actuales" - -#: src/dialogs/profilesdialog.cpp:50 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:163 -msgid "Delete profile" -msgstr "Eliminar perfil" - -#: src/dialogs/profilesdialog.cpp:52 src/dialogs/profilesdialog.cpp:95 -msgid "Save profile" -msgstr "Guardar perfil" - -#: src/dialogs/profilesdialog.cpp:54 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:171 -msgid "Create new profile" -msgstr "Crear nuevo perfil" - -#: src/dialogs/profilesdialog.cpp:163 -msgid "The custom profile was modified, do you want to save it?" -msgstr "El perfil personalizado ha sido modificado. ¿Desea guardarlo?" - -#: src/dialogs/profilesdialog.cpp:194 -msgid "" -"A profile with same name already exists in MLT's default profiles, please " -"choose another description for your custom profile." -msgstr "" -"Ya existe un perfil predeterminado de MLT con el mismo nombre. Por favor, " -"escoger una nueva descripción para el perfil personalizado." - -#: src/dialogs/profilesdialog.cpp:225 src/dialogs/profilesdialog.cpp:526 -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:612 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:799 -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:805 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:865 -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1003 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1168 -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2382 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2405 -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:669 src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:675 -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:934 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:940 -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:3046 src/mainwindow.cpp:3051 -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:796 -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:802 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:1780 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot write to file %1" -msgstr "No se puede escribir en el archivo %1" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:108 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1233 -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2295 -msgid "Waiting..." -msgstr "Esperando..." - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:111 -msgid "Rendering finished" -msgstr "Procesamiento finalizado" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:116 -msgid "Rendering crashed" -msgstr "Falló el procesamiento" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:121 -msgid "Rendering aborted" -msgstr "Procesamiento cancelado" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:155 -msgid "Rendering" -msgstr "Procesando" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:167 -msgid "Edit profile" -msgstr "Editar perfil" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:177 -msgid "Copy profile to favorites" -msgstr "Copiar perfil a favoritos" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:179 -msgid "Show profiles with different framerate" -msgstr "Mostrar perfiles con distinta velocidad de fotogramas" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, preserveAspectRatio) -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:223 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:534 -msgid "Preserve aspect ratio" -msgstr "Preservar la proporción" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:289 -msgid "File" -msgstr "Archivo" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:298 -msgid "Script Files" -msgstr "Archivos de script" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:392 -msgid "Beginning" -msgstr "Comienzo" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:478 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:494 -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:688 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:706 -msgid "Qualities" -msgstr "Calidades" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:479 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:495 -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:689 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:707 -msgid "Default quality" -msgstr "Calidad predeterminada" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, vbitrates_label) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, abitrates_label) -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:481 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:497 -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:691 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:709 -#: src/ui/saveprofile_ui.ui:40 src/ui/saveprofile_ui.ui:73 -msgid "Bitrates" -msgstr "Frecuencias de muestreo" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, default_vbitrate_label) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, default_abitrate_label) -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:482 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:498 -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:692 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:710 -#: src/ui/saveprofile_ui.ui:26 src/ui/saveprofile_ui.ui:80 -msgid "Default bitrate" -msgstr "Frecuencia de muestreo predeterminada" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:509 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:515 -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:679 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:749 -msgctxt "Group Name" -msgid "Custom" -msgstr "Personalizado" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:591 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:760 -msgid "Profile already exists" -msgstr "El perfil ya existe" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:591 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:760 -msgid "" -"This profile name already exists. Change the name if you don't want to " -"overwrite it." -msgstr "" -"Este nombre de perfil ya existe. Cambiar el nombre si no se desea " -"sobrescribirlo." - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:606 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:859 -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1859 -#, kde-format -msgid "Unable to write to file %1" -msgstr "No se puede escribir en el archivo %1" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:632 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1843 -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1892 -msgctxt "Category Name" -msgid "Custom" -msgstr "Personalizado" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:720 -msgid "Edit Profile" -msgstr "Editar perfil" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:918 -msgid "Cannot find the melt program required for rendering (part of Mlt)" -msgstr "" -"No se encuentra el programa Melt (parte de MLT) requerido para el " -"procesamiento" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:922 -msgid "" -"Cannot play video after rendering because the default video player " -"application is not set.\n" -"Please define it in Kdenlive settings dialog." -msgstr "" -"No se puede reproducir el video procesado; no se definió una aplicación de " -"reproducción de video predeterminada.\n" -"Por favor, definirla en las Preferencias de Kdenlive." - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:930 src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:259 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"The directory %1, could not be created.\n" -"Please make sure you have the required permissions." -msgstr "" -"No se pudo crear la carpeta %1\n" -"Por favor, asegurarse de tener los permisos necesarios." - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:973 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:165 -#, kde-format -msgid "File has no extension. Add extension (%1)?" -msgstr "El archivo no tiene extensión. ¿Agregar extensión (%1)?" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:988 -msgid "Output file already exists. Do you want to overwrite it?" -msgstr "El archivo de salida ya existe. ¿Sobrescribirlo?" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1222 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2283 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"There is already a job writing file:
Abort the job if " -"you want to overwrite it..." -msgstr "" -"Ya existe una tarea escribiendo al archivo:
Cancelar esa " -"tarea si quiere sobrescribirlo..." - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1222 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2283 -msgid "Already running" -msgstr "Ya se está ejecutando" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1266 -msgid "Video without audio track" -msgstr "Video sin pista de audio" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1317 -#, kde-format -msgid "Rendering %1 started" -msgstr "Procesamiento de %1 iniciado" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1473 -#, kde-format -msgid "Frame rate (%1) not compatible with project profile (%2)" -msgstr "" -"Velocidad de fotogramas (%1) incompatible con el perfil del proyecto (%2)" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1491 -#, kde-format -msgid "Unsupported video format: %1" -msgstr "Formato de video %1 no compatible" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1507 -#, kde-format -msgid "Unsupported audio codec: %1" -msgstr "Compresor de audio %1 no compatible" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1524 -#, kde-format -msgid "Unsupported video codec: %1" -msgstr "Compresor de video %1 no compatible" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1533 -msgid "" -"This render profile uses a 'profile' parameter.
Unless you know what " -"you are doing you will probably have to change it to 'mlt_profile'." -msgstr "" -"Este perfil de procesamiento usa un parámetro «profile».
A menos que se " -"tengan conocimientos suficientes, probablemente debería cambiarlo a " -"«mlt_profile»." - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1546 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1584 -msgid "No matching profile" -msgstr "No hay un perfil coincidente" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1561 -msgid "untitled" -msgstr "sin nombre" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1586 -msgid "Invalid profile" -msgstr "Perfil no válido" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1630 -msgid "" -"Video\n" -"quality" -msgstr "" -"Calidad\n" -"del video" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1632 -msgid "" -"Video\n" -"bitrate" -msgstr "" -"Frecuencia de muestreo\n" -"del video" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1652 -msgid "" -"Audio\n" -"quality" -msgstr "" -"Calidad\n" -"del audio" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1654 -msgid "" -"Audio\n" -"bitrate" -msgstr "" -"Frecuencia de muestreo\n" -"del audio" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1692 -msgid "File rendering" -msgstr "Procesar a archivo" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1693 -msgid "Favorites" -msgstr "Favoritos" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1694 -msgid "DVD" -msgstr "DVD" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, profile_audioonly) -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1695 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7011 -#: src/ui/configtranscode_ui.ui:100 -msgid "Audio only" -msgstr "Solo audio" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1696 -msgid "Web sites" -msgstr "Sitios web" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1697 -msgid "Media players" -msgstr "Reproductores de medios" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1698 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1738 -msgid "Lossless/HQ" -msgstr "Sin pérdida/Alta calidad" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1699 -msgid "Mobile devices" -msgstr "Dispositivos móviles" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1783 -msgctxt "Category Name" -msgid "Images sequence" -msgstr "Secuencia de imágenes" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1987 -msgctxt "Attribute Name" -msgid "Custom" -msgstr "Personalizado" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2085 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2108 -#, kde-format -msgid "%1 day " -msgid_plural "%1 days " -msgstr[0] "%1 día" -msgstr[1] "%1 días" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2087 -#, kde-format -msgid "Remaining time %1" -msgstr "Tiempo restante %1" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2110 -#, kde-format -msgid "Rendering finished in %1" -msgstr "Procesamiento finalizado en %1" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2112 -#, kde-format -msgid "Rendering of %1 finished in %2" -msgstr "Procesamiento de %1 finalizado en %2" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2125 -#, kde-format -msgid "Rendering of %1 crashed
" -msgstr "Falló el procesamiento de %1
" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, abort_job) -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2165 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:650 -msgid "Abort Job" -msgstr "Cancelar tarea" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2168 -msgid "Remove Job" -msgstr "Eliminar tarea" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2236 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2240 -#, kde-format -msgid "Script contains wrong command: %1" -msgstr "El script contiene una orden errónea: %1" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2424 -msgid "script" -msgstr "script" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2445 src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:228 -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:640 -msgid "Check missing clips" -msgstr "Verificar clips no encontrados" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2502 -msgid "Export audio (automatic)" -msgstr "Exportar audio (automático)" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, export_audio) -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2504 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:544 -msgid "Export audio" -msgstr "Exportar audio" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:60 -msgid "Config Wizard" -msgstr "Asistente de configuración" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:64 -msgid "Welcome" -msgstr "Bienvenido" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:66 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Your Kdenlive version was upgraded to version %1. Please take some time to " -"review the basic settings" -msgstr "" -"La versión de Kdenlive se ha actualizado a la versión %1. Por favor, tomarse " -"un tiempo para revisar las preferencias básicas" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:68 -msgid "" -"This is the first time you run Kdenlive. This wizard will let you adjust " -"some basic settings, you will be ready to edit your first movie in a few " -"seconds..." -msgstr "" -"Esta es la primera vez que se ejecuta Kdenlive. Este asistente ayudará a " -"ajustar algunas preferencias básicas. Estará listo para editar la primera " -"película en pocos segundos..." - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:72 -msgid "Discover the features of this Kdenlive release" -msgstr "Descubrir las características de esta versión de Kdenlive" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:82 -msgid "Checking MLT engine" -msgstr "Verificando el motor MLT" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:90 -msgid "Video Standard" -msgstr "Estándar de video" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:128 -msgid "Additional Settings" -msgstr "Preferencias adicionales" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (KComboBox, capture_device) -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:142 src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:168 -msgid "Capture device" -msgstr "Dispositivo de captura" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:146 -msgid "Default Blackmagic Decklink card:" -msgstr "Placa Blackmagic Decklink predeterminada:" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:147 -msgid "No Blackmagic Decklink device found" -msgstr "No se ha encontrado un dispositivo Blackmagic Decklink" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:158 -msgid "Checking system" -msgstr "Verificando el sistema" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:186 -msgid "Default video4linux device:" -msgstr "Dispositivo video4linux predeterminado:" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:199 -msgid "No device found, plug your webcam and refresh." -msgstr "No se ha encontrado un dispositivo, conectar la webcam y refrescar." - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:221 -#, kde-format -msgid "Current settings (%1x%2, %3/%4fps)" -msgstr "Preferencias actuales (%1x%2, %3/%4fps)" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:257 -#, kde-format -msgid "Default settings (%1x%2, %3/%4fps)" -msgstr "Preferencias predeterminadas (%1x%2, %3/%4fps)" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:272 -msgid "Melt" -msgstr "Melt" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:273 -msgid "Required for rendering (part of MLT package)" -msgstr "Requerido para generar video (parte del paquete MLT)" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:280 -msgid "Cannot start the MLT video backend!" -msgstr "¡No se puede iniciar el motor de video MLT!" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:287 -#, kde-format -msgid "MLT version: %1" -msgstr "Versión de MLT: %1" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:290 -msgid "Your MLT version is unsupported!!!" -msgstr "¡¡¡Esta versión de MLT no es compatible!!!" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:296 -#, kde-format -msgid "Please upgrade to MLT %1.%2.%3" -msgstr "Por favor, actualizar a MLT %1.%2.%3" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:300 -msgid "MLT video backend!" -msgstr "¡Motor de video MLT!" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:318 -msgid "SDL module" -msgstr "Módulo SDL" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:319 -msgid "Required for Kdenlive" -msgstr "Requerido por Kdenlive" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:332 -msgid "Avformat module (FFmpeg)" -msgstr "Módulo avformat (FFmpeg)" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:333 -msgid "Required to work with various video formats (hdv, mpeg, flash, ...)" -msgstr "" -"Requerido para trabajar con varios formatos de video (hdv, mpeg, flash, ...)" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:372 -msgid "QImage module" -msgstr "Módulo QImage" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:373 src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:378 -msgid "Required to work with images" -msgstr "Requerido para trabajar con imágenes" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:377 -msgid "Pixbuf module" -msgstr "Módulo Pixbuf" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:392 -msgid "Title module" -msgstr "Módulo de Titulación" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:393 -msgid "Required to work with titles" -msgstr "Requerido para trabajar con títulos" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:456 -msgid "" -"The following codecs were not found on your system. Check our online manual if you need them: " -msgstr "" -"Los siguientes compresores no han sido encontrados en el sistema. Verificar " -"el manual de usuario si fueran necesarios: " - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:477 -msgid "FFmpeg & ffplay" -msgstr "FFmpeg y FFplay" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:478 -msgid "Required for proxy clips, transcoding and screen capture" -msgstr "" -"Requerido para clip de reemplazo, transcodificación y captura de pantalla" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:504 -msgid "dvgrab" -msgstr "dvgrab" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:505 -msgid "Required for firewire capture" -msgstr "Requerido para captura desde firewire" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:511 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:104 -msgid "dvdauthor" -msgstr "dvdauthor" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:512 -msgid "Required for creation of DVD" -msgstr "Requerido para la creación de DVD" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:518 -msgid "genisoimage or mkisofs" -msgstr "genisoimage o mkisofs" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:519 -msgid "Required for creation of DVD ISO images" -msgstr "Requerido para la creación de imágenes iso de DVD" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:528 -msgid "xine" -msgstr "xine" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:529 -msgid "Required to preview your DVD" -msgstr "Requerido para previsualizar DVD" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:533 -msgid "vlc" -msgstr "vlc" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:685 -msgid "Frame size:" -msgstr "Tamaño de fotograma:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_4) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:685 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:245 -#: src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:55 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:107 -msgid "Frame rate:" -msgstr "Velocidad de fotogramas:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_23) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_9) -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:685 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:266 -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:121 -msgid "Pixel aspect ratio:" -msgstr "Proporción de píxel:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_31) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_10) -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:685 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:280 -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:135 -msgid "Display aspect ratio:" -msgstr "Proporción de pantalla:" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:732 -msgid "" -"Your MLT installation cannot be found. Install MLT and restart Kdenlive.\n" -msgstr "" -"No se puede encontrar la instalación de MLT. Instalar MLT y reiniciar " -"Kdenlive.\n" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:736 -msgid "Fatal Error" -msgstr "Error fatal" - -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:279 -#, kde-format -msgid "%1 fps" -msgstr "%1 fps" - -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:284 -msgid "Hz" -msgstr "Hz" - -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:289 -msgid "Audio clip" -msgstr "Clip de audio" - -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:292 -msgid "Mute video clip" -msgstr "Silenciar clip de video" - -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:295 src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:214 -msgid "Video clip" -msgstr "Clip de video" - -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:298 -msgid "Color clip" -msgstr "Clip de color" - -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:301 src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:216 -msgid "Image clip" -msgstr "Clip de imagen" - -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:304 -msgid "Template text clip" -msgstr "Plantilla de clip de texto" - -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:305 -msgid "Text clip" -msgstr "Clip de texto" - -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:308 -msgid "Slideshow clip" -msgstr "Clip de presentación" - -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:311 -msgid "Virtual clip" -msgstr "Clip virtual" - -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:314 src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:218 -msgid "Playlist clip" -msgstr "Clip de lista de reproducción" - -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:317 -msgid "Unknown clip" -msgstr "Clip desconocido" - -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:684 src/renderer.cpp:141 -msgid "Missing clip" -msgstr "Clip no encontrado" - -#: src/doc/doccommands.cpp:33 src/project/clipmanager.cpp:226 -msgid "Delete clip" -msgid_plural "Delete clips" -msgstr[0] "Eliminar clip" -msgstr[1] "Eliminar clips" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:199 -msgid "Luma file" -msgstr "Archivo de luma" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:223 -msgid "Title Image" -msgstr "Imagen de título" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:226 -msgid "Title Font" -msgstr "Fuente de título" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:247 -#, kde-format -msgid "%1 will be replaced by %2" -msgstr "%1 será reemplazado por %2" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:261 -msgid "Missing item" -msgstr "Elemento no encontrado" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:265 -msgid "The project file contains missing clips or files" -msgstr "El archivo de proyecto contiene clips o archivos perdidos" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:269 -msgid "Missing proxies will be recreated after opening." -msgstr "Los reemplazos perdidos se recrearán después de la apertura." - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:273 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"The project file contains a missing clip, you can still work with its proxy." -msgid_plural "" -"The project file contains %1 missing clips, you can still work with their " -"proxies." -msgstr[0] "" -"El archivo de proyecto contiene un clip perdido, aun es posible trabajar con " -"su reemplazo." -msgstr[1] "" -"El archivo de proyecto contiene %1 clips perdidos, aun es posible trabajar " -"con sus reemplazos." - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:283 src/project/projectitem.cpp:192 -msgid "Proxy clip" -msgstr "Clip de reemplazo" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:285 -#, kde-format -msgid "%1 missing proxy clip, will be recreated on project opening" -msgid_plural "%1 missing proxy clips, will be recreated on project opening" -msgstr[0] "%1 clip de reemplazo perdido, se recreará al abrir el proyecto" -msgstr[1] "%1 clips de reemplazo perdidos, se recrearán al abrir el proyecto" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:288 -msgid "Missing proxy" -msgstr "Reemplazo no encontrado" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:335 src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:348 -msgid "Source clip" -msgstr "Clip original" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:337 -#, kde-format -msgid "%1 missing source clips, you can only use the proxies" -msgstr "%1 clips originales perdidos, solo es posible usar los reemplazos" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:340 -msgid "Missing source clip" -msgstr "Clip original no encontrado" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:411 -msgid "Clips folder" -msgstr "Carpeta de clips" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:567 -msgid "Enter new location for file" -msgstr "Ingresar nueva ubicación para el archivo" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:780 -msgid "This will remove the selected clip from this project" -msgid_plural "This will remove the selected clips from this project" -msgstr[0] "Esto eliminará el clip seleccionado de este proyecto" -msgstr[1] "Esto eliminará los clips seleccionados de este proyecto" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:780 -msgid "Remove clips" -msgstr "Eliminar clips" - -#: src/doc/documentvalidator.cpp:90 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"The document was created in \"%1\" locale, which is not installed on your " -"system. Please install that language pack. Until then, Kdenlive might not be " -"able to correctly open the document." -msgstr "" -"El documento fue creado en la localización «%1», que no está instalada en el " -"sistema. Por favor instalar ese paquete de idioma. Hasta ese entonces, es " -"posible que Kdenlive no sea capaz de abrir el documento correctamente." - -#: src/doc/documentvalidator.cpp:94 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"There is a locale conflict on your system. The document uses locale %1 which " -"uses a \"%2\" as numeric separator (in system libraries) but Qt expects " -"\"%3\". You might not be able to correctly open the project." -msgstr "" -"Existe un confilicto de localización en el sistema. El documento utiliza la " -"localización %1 que usa «%2» como separador numérico (en las bibliotecas del " -"sistema) pero Qt espera «%3». Puede que no sea capaz de abrir correctamente " -"el proyecto." - -#: src/doc/documentvalidator.cpp:279 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"This project type is unsupported (version %1) and can't be loaded.\n" -"Please consider upgrading your Kdenlive version." -msgstr "" -"Este tipo de proyecto no es compatible (versión %1) y no puede ser cargado.\n" -"Por favor, considerar la actualización a una nueva versión de Kdenlive." - -#: src/doc/documentvalidator.cpp:279 src/doc/documentvalidator.cpp:286 -msgid "Unable to open project" -msgstr "No se puede abrir el proyecto" - -#: src/doc/documentvalidator.cpp:286 -#, kde-format -msgid "This project type is unsupported (version %1) and can't be loaded." -msgstr "" -"El tipo de proyecto no es compatible (versión %1) y no puede ser cargado." - -#: src/doc/documentvalidator.cpp:840 -msgid "" -"Some of your text clips were saved with size in points, which means " -"different sizes on different displays. Do you want to convert them to pixel " -"size, making them portable? It is recommended you do this on the computer " -"they were first created on, or you could have to adjust their size." -msgstr "" -"Algunos de los clips de texto han sido guardados con su tamaño expresado en " -"puntos, lo que producirá diferentes tamaños a distintas resoluciones. ¿Desea " -"convertir su tamaño a píxeles, haciendo que sean transportables? Es " -"recomendable hacer esto en el mismo equipo en que fueron creados, de lo " -"contrario podría ser necesario ajustar su tamaño luego." - -#: src/doc/documentvalidator.cpp:840 -msgid "Update Text Clips" -msgstr "Actualizar clips de texto" - -#: src/doc/documentvalidator.cpp:1679 -msgid "" -"The project file uses some GPU effects. GPU acceleration is not currently " -"enabled.\n" -"Do you want to convert the project to a non-GPU version ?\n" -"This might result in data loss." -msgstr "" -"El archivo de proyecto utiliza algunos efectos GPU. La aceleración por GPU " -"no se encuentra activada.\n" -"¿Convertir el proyecto a una versión sin GPU?\n" -"Esto podría provocar pérdida de datos." - -#: src/doc/documentvalidator.cpp:1770 -msgid "The following filters/transitions were converted to non GPU versions:" -msgstr "" -"Los siguientes filtros/transiciones fueron convertidos a versiones sin " -"aceleración por GPU:" - -#: src/doc/documentvalidator.cpp:1773 -msgid "The following filters/transitions were deleted from the project:" -msgstr "Los siguientes filtros/transiciones fueron eliminados del proyecto:" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:152 -msgid "" -"Cannot open the project file,\n" -"Do you want to open a backup file?" -msgstr "" -"No se puede abrir el archivo del proyecto,\n" -"¿Abrir un archivo de respaldo?" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:152 src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:168 -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:213 -msgid "Error opening file" -msgstr "Error al abrir el archivo" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:152 src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:168 -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:213 -msgid "Open Backup" -msgstr "Abrir respaldo" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:168 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Cannot open the project file, error is:\n" -"%1 (line %2, col %3)\n" -"Do you want to open a backup file?" -msgstr "" -"No se puede abrir el archivo de proyecto, el error es:\n" -"%1 (línea %2, col %3)\n" -"¿Abrir un archivo de respaldo?" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:168 src/project/projectmanager.cpp:381 -msgid "Recover" -msgstr "Recuperar" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:194 -msgid "Cannot recover this project file" -msgstr "No se puede recuperar este archivo de proyecto" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:206 -msgid "Validating" -msgstr "Validando" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:212 -#, kde-format -msgid "File %1 is not a Kdenlive project file" -msgstr "El archivo %1 no es un archivo de proyecto de Kdenlive." - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:213 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"File %1 is not a valid project file.\n" -"Do you want to open a backup file?" -msgstr "" -"El archivo %1 no es un archivo válido de proyecto.\n" -"¿Abrir un archivo de respaldo?" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:254 -#, kde-format -msgid "Project directory %1 does not exist. Create it?" -msgstr "La carpeta de proyecto %1 no existe. ¿Crearla?" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:266 -#, kde-format -msgid "Document project folder is invalid, setting it to the default one: %1" -msgstr "" -"La carpeta de documentos del proyecto es inválida. Se la cambió por la " -"predeterminada: %1" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:548 src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:659 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot write to file %1, scene list is corrupted." -msgstr "No se puede escribir en el archivo %1, lista de escenas corrupta." - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:719 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"You have changed the project folder. Do you want to copy the cached data " -"from %1 to the new folder %2?" -msgstr "" -"Ha cambiado la carpeta del proyecto. ¿Desea copiar los datos guardados de %1 " -"a la nueva carpeta %2?" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:1105 -msgid "Enter Template Path" -msgstr "Ingresar ruta de plantilla" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:1179 -msgid "The following effects were imported from the project:" -msgstr "Los siguientes efectos fueron importados desde el proyecto:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:1209 src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:1223 -#: src/ui/backupdialog_ui.ui:22 -msgid "Project Folder" -msgstr "Carpeta del proyecto" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:1287 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Cannot create backup copy:\n" -"%1" -msgstr "" -"No se puede crear copia de respaldo:\n" -"%1" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:1400 src/project/projectlist.cpp:2317 -msgid "Add proxy clip" -msgid_plural "Add proxy clips" -msgstr[0] "Agregar clip de reemplazo" -msgstr[1] "Agregar clips de reemplazo" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:1401 src/project/projectlist.cpp:2318 -msgid "Remove proxy clip" -msgid_plural "Remove proxy clips" -msgstr[0] "Eliminar clip de reemplazo" -msgstr[1] "Eliminar clips de reemplazo" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:62 src/mainwindow.cpp:1023 -msgid "DVD Wizard" -msgstr "Asistente para DVD" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:65 -msgid "Select Files For Your DVD" -msgstr "Seleccionar archivos para el DVD" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:69 -msgid "DVD Chapters" -msgstr "Capítulos de DVD" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:75 -msgid "Create DVD Menu" -msgstr "Crear menú de DVD" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:79 -msgid "Creating DVD Image" -msgstr "Creando imagen de DVD" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:104 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:111 -#, kde-format -msgid "Burn with %1" -msgstr "Grabar con %1" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:114 -msgid "No burning program found (K3b, Brasero)" -msgstr "No se encuentran programas de grabación (K3b, Brasero)" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:120 -msgid "Load" -msgstr "Cargar" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:121 -msgid "Save" -msgstr "Guardar" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:188 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot create temporary directory %1" -msgstr "No se puede crear el directorio temporal %1" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:271 -msgid "Menu movie is invalid" -msgstr "Película de menú inválida" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:383 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:464 -msgid "Rendering job timed out" -msgstr "Tiempo de espera agotado para tarea de procesamiento" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:385 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:466 -msgid "Menu job timed out" -msgstr "Tiempo de espera agotado en la tarea de menú" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:674 -msgid "Rendering menu crashed" -msgstr "Falló el procesamiento del menú" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:710 -msgid "DVDAuthor process crashed" -msgstr "Falló el proceso de DVDAuthor" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:713 -msgid "DVDAuthor process crashed.
" -msgstr "Proceso de DVDAuthor falló.
" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:737 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:738 -msgid "DVD structure broken" -msgstr "Estructura del DVD corrupta" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:785 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:788 -msgid "ISO creation process crashed." -msgstr "Proceso de creación del ISO falló." - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:817 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:818 -msgid "DVD ISO is broken" -msgstr "Imagen ISO del DVD corrupta" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:832 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:834 -#, kde-format -msgid "DVD ISO image %1 successfully created." -msgstr "Imagen ISO de DVD %1 creada exitosamente." - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:864 -#, kde-format -msgid "Previewing requires one of these applications (%1)" -msgstr "Para la previsualización se requiere una de estas aplicaciones (%1)" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:888 -#, kde-format -msgid "Folder %1 already exists. Overwrite?\n" -msgstr "La carpeta %1 ya existe. ¿Sobrescribirla?\n" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:890 -#, kde-format -msgid "Image file %1 already exists. Overwrite?" -msgstr "El archivo de imagen %1 ya existe. ¿Sobrescribirlo?" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:911 -msgid "Save DVD Project" -msgstr "Guardar proyecto de DVD" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:911 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:948 -msgid "DVD project (*.kdvd)" -msgstr "Proyecto de DVD (*.kdvd)" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:957 -#, kde-format -msgid "File %1 is not a Kdenlive project file." -msgstr "El archivo %1 no es un archivo de proyecto Kdenlive." - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardmenu.cpp:42 src/monitor/monitor.cpp:185 -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:303 src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:79 -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:405 src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:444 -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:873 -msgid "Play" -msgstr "Reproducir" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardmenu.cpp:54 -msgid "Add new button" -msgstr "Agregar nuevo botón" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardmenu.cpp:55 -msgid "Delete current button" -msgstr "Eliminar botón actual" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardmenu.cpp:300 -msgid "Play All" -msgstr "Reproducir todo" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:104 -#, kde-format -msgid "Program %1 is required for the DVD wizard." -msgstr "" -"El programa %1 es necesario para ejecutar el asistente de creación " -"de DVD." - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:105 -msgid "mkisofs" -msgstr "mkisofs" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:105 -msgid "genisoimage" -msgstr "genisoimage" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:105 -#, kde-format -msgid "Program %1 or %2 is required for the DVD wizard." -msgstr "" -"Los programas %1 o %2 son necesarios para ejecutar el asistente de " -"creación de DVD." - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:111 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:316 -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:768 -msgid "PAL 4:3" -msgstr "PAL 4:3" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:111 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:313 -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:765 -msgid "PAL 16:9" -msgstr "PAL 16:9" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:111 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:310 -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:762 -msgid "NTSC 4:3" -msgstr "NTSC 4:3" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:111 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:307 -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:759 -msgid "NTSC 16:9" -msgstr "NTSC 16:9" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:138 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:791 -msgid "Your clips do not match selected DVD format, transcoding required." -msgstr "" -"Los clips no concuerdan con el formato de DVD seleccionado, se requerirá una " -"transcodificación." - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:210 src/project/cliptranscode.cpp:244 -msgid "Transcoding failed!" -msgstr "¡Falló la transcodificación!" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:247 -msgid "MPEG Files" -msgstr "Archivos MPEG" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:248 -msgid "Add new video file" -msgstr "Agregar nuevo archivo de video" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:337 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:779 -#, kde-format -msgid "The clip %1 is invalid." -msgstr "El clip %1 no es válido." - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:674 -#: src/effectstack/collapsibleeffect.cpp:352 -#: src/effectstack/collapsiblegroup.cpp:178 src/monitor/monitor.cpp:845 -#: src/project/clipstabilize.cpp:222 src/project/cliptranscode.cpp:141 -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:297 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"File %1 already exists.\n" -"Do you want to overwrite it?" -msgstr "" -"El archivo %1 ya existe.\n" -"¿Sobrescribirlo?" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:699 -#, kde-format -msgid "Transcoding: %1" -msgstr "Transcodificando: %1" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslist.cpp:197 -msgid "Author:" -msgstr "Autor:" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:63 -msgid "Search in effects list" -msgstr "Buscar en la lista de efectos" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:72 -msgid "Show/Hide effect description" -msgstr "Mostrar/ocultar la descripción del efecto" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:83 -msgid "Add Effect to Selected Clip" -msgstr "Agregar efectos al clip seleccionado" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:84 -msgid "Add Effect to Favorites" -msgstr "Agregar efecto a favoritos" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:85 -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:231 -#: src/effectstack/collapsibleeffect.cpp:70 -#: src/effectstack/collapsiblegroup.cpp:77 -msgid "Delete effect" -msgstr "Eliminar efecto" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:93 -msgid "Show all transitions" -msgstr "Mostrar todas las transiciones" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:94 -msgid "Show GPU transitions" -msgstr "Mostrar las transiciones por GPU" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:101 -msgid "Show all effects" -msgstr "Mostrar todos los efectos" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:103 -msgid "Show video effects" -msgstr "Mostrar efectos de video" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:105 -msgid "Show audio effects" -msgstr "Mostrar efectos de audio" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:107 -msgid "Show GPU effects" -msgstr "Mostrar efectos GPU" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:109 -msgid "Show custom effects" -msgstr "Mostrar efectos personalizados" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:110 -msgid "Show favorite effects" -msgstr "Mostrar efectos favoritos" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:239 -msgid "Remove from favorites" -msgstr "Eliminar de favoritos" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_audio) -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, abitrates) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_audiothumbnails) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, audio_thumbs) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, audiobitrateLabel) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, rec_audio) -#: src/effectslist/effectslistwidget.cpp:100 -#: src/effectslist/effectslistwidget.cpp:129 -#: src/effectslist/effectslistwidget.cpp:131 src/monitor/recmanager.cpp:57 -#: src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:39 -#: src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:121 -#: src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:155 -#: src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:194 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:131 -#: src/ui/configtimeline_ui.ui:38 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:224 -#: src/ui/recmonitor_ui.ui:107 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:195 -#: src/ui/saveprofile_ui.ui:67 -msgid "Audio" -msgstr "Audio" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistwidget.cpp:100 -#: src/effectslist/effectslistwidget.cpp:137 -#: src/effectslist/effectslistwidget.cpp:139 -#: src/effectslist/effectslistwidget.cpp:464 -msgctxt "Folder Name" -msgid "Custom" -msgstr "Personalizado" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistwidget.cpp:194 -msgctxt "menu name for effects names between these 2 letters" -msgid "0 - F" -msgstr "0 - F" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistwidget.cpp:196 -msgctxt "menu name for effects names between these 2 letters" -msgid "G - L" -msgstr "G - L" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistwidget.cpp:198 -msgctxt "menu name for effects names between these 2 letters" -msgid "M - R" -msgstr "M - R" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistwidget.cpp:200 -msgctxt "menu name for effects names between these 2 letters" -msgid "S - Z" -msgstr "S - Z" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:47 src/project/clipproperties.cpp:346 -#: src/project/dialogs/slideshowclip.cpp:72 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:59 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:153 -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:541 -msgid "None" -msgstr "Ninguno" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:363 -#, kde-format -msgid "Group %1" -msgstr "Grupo %1" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:624 -msgid "None (Dissolve)" -msgstr "Ninguno (Disolver)" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, slide_luma) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, luma_fade) -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:706 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:292 -#: src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:203 -msgid "Wipe" -msgstr "Barrido" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:707 -msgid "Applies a stationary transition between the current and next frames." -msgstr "" -"Aplica una transición estacionaria entre el fotograma actual y los " -"siguientes." - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:710 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:785 -msgctxt "@property: means that the image is inverted" -msgid "Invert" -msgstr "Invertir" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:711 -msgid "Image File" -msgstr "Archivo de imagen" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:712 -msgid "Reverse Transition" -msgstr "Invertir transición" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:716 src/timeline/headertrack.cpp:89 -#: src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:74 -msgid "Composite" -msgstr "Componer" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:717 -msgid "A key-framable alpha-channel compositor for two frames." -msgstr "Un compositor mediante canal alfa, para dos capas, animable." - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:719 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:764 -msgid "Alpha Channel Operation" -msgstr "Modo de operación del canal alfa" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:719 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:764 -msgid "Over,And,Or,Xor" -msgstr "Sobre,Y,O,Oex" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:720 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:765 -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:785 -msgid "Align" -msgstr "Alinear" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:723 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:768 -msgid "Wipe File" -msgstr "Archivo de barrido" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:724 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:769 -msgid "Wipe Softness" -msgstr "Suavizado del barrido" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:725 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:770 -msgid "Wipe Invert" -msgstr "Invertir barrido" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:726 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:771 -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:785 -msgid "Force Progressive Rendering" -msgstr "Forzar procesamiento progresivo" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:727 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:772 -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:785 -msgid "Force Deinterlace Overlay" -msgstr "Forzar superposición desentrelazada" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:729 -msgid "Affine" -msgstr "Afín" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:753 -msgid "Fix Shear Y" -msgstr "Corregir inclinación Y" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:754 -msgid "Fix Shear X" -msgstr "Corregir inclinación X" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:755 -msgid "Fix Shear Z" -msgstr "Corregir inclinación Z" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:761 -msgid "Use alpha channel of another clip to create a transition." -msgstr "Usa el canal alfa de otro clip para crear una transición." - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:762 -msgid "Transparency clip" -msgstr "Clip de transparencia" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:785 -msgid "Slide" -msgstr "Deslizar" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:785 -msgid "Slide image from one side to another." -msgstr "Desliza la imagen de un lado al otro." - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:785 -msgid "Direction" -msgstr "Dirección" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, slide_fade) -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:790 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:262 -#: src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:167 -msgid "Dissolve" -msgstr "Disolver" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:790 -msgid "Fade out one video while fading in the other video." -msgstr "Fundido saliente de un video y entrante del otro." - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:790 -msgid "Reverse" -msgstr "Invertir" - -#: src/effectstack/collapsibleeffect.cpp:64 -#: src/effectstack/collapsiblegroup.cpp:72 -msgid "Move effect up" -msgstr "Subir efecto" - -#: src/effectstack/collapsibleeffect.cpp:67 -#: src/effectstack/collapsiblegroup.cpp:74 -msgid "Move effect down" -msgstr "Bajar efecto" - -#: src/effectstack/collapsibleeffect.cpp:82 -msgid "Reset Effect" -msgstr "Restablecer efecto" - -#: src/effectstack/collapsibleeffect.cpp:83 -#: src/effectstack/collapsibleeffect.cpp:345 -msgid "Save Effect" -msgstr "Guardar efecto" - -#: src/effectstack/collapsibleeffect.cpp:91 -#: src/effectstack/collapsiblegroup.cpp:89 -msgid "Disable Effect" -msgstr "Deshabilitar efecto" - -#: src/effectstack/collapsibleeffect.cpp:91 -#: src/effectstack/collapsiblegroup.cpp:89 -msgid "Enable Effect" -msgstr "Habilitar efecto" - -#: src/effectstack/collapsibleeffect.cpp:96 -msgid "Create Group" -msgstr "Crear grupo" - -#: src/effectstack/collapsibleeffect.cpp:136 -msgid "Create Region" -msgstr "Crear región" - -#: src/effectstack/collapsibleeffect.cpp:345 -msgid "Name for saved effect: " -msgstr "Nombre para el efecto guardado:" - -#: src/effectstack/collapsiblegroup.cpp:68 -#: src/effectstack/collapsiblegroup.cpp:383 -msgid "Effect Group" -msgstr "Grupo de efectos" - -#: src/effectstack/collapsiblegroup.cpp:81 -msgid "Reset Group" -msgstr "Restablecer grupo" - -#: src/effectstack/collapsiblegroup.cpp:82 -#: src/effectstack/collapsiblegroup.cpp:171 -msgid "Save Group" -msgstr "Guardar grupo" - -#: src/effectstack/collapsiblegroup.cpp:84 -msgid "Ungroup" -msgstr "Desagrupar" - -#: src/effectstack/collapsiblegroup.cpp:171 -msgid "Name for saved group: " -msgstr "Nombre para el grupo guardado:" - -#: src/effectstack/complexparameter.cpp:36 -msgid "Allow horizontal moves" -msgstr "Permitir movimientos horizontales" - -#: src/effectstack/complexparameter.cpp:38 -msgid "Allow vertical moves" -msgstr "Permitir movimientos verticales" - -#: src/effectstack/complexparameter.cpp:40 -msgid "Show keyframes in timeline" -msgstr "Mostrar fotogramas clave en línea de tiempo" - -#: src/effectstack/complexparameter.cpp:42 -msgid "Parameter info" -msgstr "Información del parámetro" - -#: src/effectstack/complexparameter.cpp:44 src/effectstack/geometryval.cpp:81 -#: src/effectstack/keyframeedit.cpp:47 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:84 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:417 -#: src/simplekeyframes/simplekeyframewidget.cpp:42 -#: src/simplekeyframes/simplekeyframewidget.cpp:132 -msgid "Add keyframe" -msgstr "Agregar fotograma clave" - -#: src/effectstack/dragvalue.cpp:109 -msgid "Normal scale" -msgstr "Escala normal" - -#: src/effectstack/dragvalue.cpp:110 -msgid "Pixel scale" -msgstr "Escala de píxel" - -#: src/effectstack/dragvalue.cpp:111 -msgid "Nonlinear scale" -msgstr "Escala no lineal" - -#: src/effectstack/dragvalue.cpp:115 -msgid "Direct update" -msgstr "Actualización directa" - -#: src/effectstack/dragvalue.cpp:120 -msgid "Reset value" -msgstr "Restablecer valor" - -#: src/effectstack/dragvalue.cpp:125 -#, kde-format -msgid "Show %1 in timeline" -msgstr "Mostrar %1 en la línea de tiempo" - -#: src/effectstack/effectstackview2.cpp:71 -msgid "Enable/Disable all effects" -msgstr "Habilitar/Deshabilitar todos los efectos" - -#: src/effectstack/effectstackview2.cpp:73 -msgid "Show additional information for the parameters" -msgstr "Mostrar información adicional de los parámetros" - -#: src/effectstack/effectstackview2.cpp:174 -#: src/effectstack/effectstackview2.cpp:176 -#: src/effectstack/effectstackview2.cpp:179 -#, kde-format -msgid "Effects for %1" -msgstr "Efectos de %1" - -#: src/effectstack/effectstackview2.cpp:229 -#: src/effectstack/effectstackview2.cpp:231 -#: src/effectstack/effectstackview2.cpp:234 -#, kde-format -msgid "Bin effects for %1" -msgstr "Efectos de carpeta de %1" - -#: src/effectstack/effectstackview2.cpp:276 -#, kde-format -msgid "Effects for track %1" -msgstr "Efectos de la pista %1" - -#: src/effectstack/geometryval.cpp:77 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:81 -#: src/simplekeyframes/simplekeyframewidget.cpp:52 -msgid "Go to next keyframe" -msgstr "Ir al fotograma clave siguiente" - -#: src/effectstack/geometryval.cpp:79 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:78 -#: src/simplekeyframes/simplekeyframewidget.cpp:47 -msgid "Go to previous keyframe" -msgstr "Ir al fotograma clave anterior" - -#: src/effectstack/geometryval.cpp:83 src/effectstack/keyframeedit.cpp:49 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:423 -#: src/simplekeyframes/simplekeyframewidget.cpp:129 -msgid "Delete keyframe" -msgstr "Eliminar fotograma clave" - -#: src/effectstack/geometryval.cpp:85 src/monitor/monitor.cpp:206 -msgid "Misc..." -msgstr "Varios..." - -#: src/effectstack/geometryval.cpp:89 -msgid "Show/Hide options" -msgstr "Mostrar/ocultar opciones" - -#: src/effectstack/geometryval.cpp:97 -msgid "Sync timeline cursor" -msgstr "Sincr. cursor línea de tiempo" - -#: src/effectstack/geometryval.cpp:116 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:343 -msgid "Align item horizontally" -msgstr "Alinea el elemento horizontalmente" - -#: src/effectstack/geometryval.cpp:118 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:345 -msgid "Align item vertically" -msgstr "Alinea el elemento verticalmente" - -#: src/effectstack/geometryval.cpp:120 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:347 -msgid "Align item to top" -msgstr "Alinea el elemento hacia arriba" - -#: src/effectstack/geometryval.cpp:122 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:349 -msgid "Align item to bottom" -msgstr "Alinea el elemento hacia abajo" - -#: src/effectstack/geometryval.cpp:124 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:351 -msgid "Align item to right" -msgstr "Alinea el elemento hacia la derecha" - -#: src/effectstack/geometryval.cpp:126 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:353 -msgid "Align item to left" -msgstr "Alinea el elemento hacia la izquierda" - -#: src/effectstack/parametercontainer.cpp:467 -msgid "" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/bezier/beziersplinewidget.cpp:67 -msgid "Handle 1:" -msgstr "Pide 1:" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/bezier/beziersplinewidget.cpp:70 -msgid "Handle 2:" -msgstr "Pide 2:" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/colorpickerwidget.cpp:71 -msgid "" -"Pick a color on the screen. By pressing the mouse button and then moving " -"your mouse you can select a section of the screen from which to get an " -"average color." -msgstr "" -"Vali ekraanil värv. Hiirenuppu vajutades ja siis hiirt liigutades saab " -"valida ekraanil terve ala, mille põhjal luuakse keskmine värv." - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/colorpickerwidget.cpp:101 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/colorpickerwidget.cpp:125 -msgid "Requesting color information..." -msgstr "Värviteabe päring..." - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/colorpickerwidget.cpp:134 -msgid "Calculated average color for rectangle." -msgstr "Arvutatud keskmine värv nelinurgale." - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:96 -msgctxt "x axis position" -msgid "X" -msgstr "X" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:99 -msgctxt "y axis position" -msgid "Y" -msgstr "Y" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:102 -msgctxt "Frame width" -msgid "W" -msgstr "W" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:105 -msgctxt "Frame height" -msgid "H" -msgstr "H" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:111 -msgid "Adjust to original size" -msgstr "Kohanda originaalsuurusele" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:113 -msgid "Fit to width" -msgstr "Mahuta laiusele" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:115 -msgid "Fit to height" -msgstr "Mahuta kõrgusele" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:118 -msgid "Import keyframes from clip" -msgstr "Impordi klipist võtmekaadrid" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:121 -msgid "Reset all keyframes" -msgstr "Lähtesta kõik võtmekaadrid" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:125 -msgid "Reset keyframes after cursor" -msgstr "Lähtesta võtmekaadrid pärast kursorit" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:128 -msgid "Reset keyframes before cursor" -msgstr "Lähtesta võtmekaadrid enne kursorit" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:133 -msgid "Synchronize with timeline cursor" -msgstr "Ajatelje kursoriga sünkroonimine" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:139 -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:244 -msgid "Align left" -msgstr "Joonda vasakule" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:141 -msgid "Center horizontally" -msgstr "Horisontaalselt keskele" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:143 -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:243 -msgid "Align right" -msgstr "Joonda paremale" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:145 -msgid "Align top" -msgstr "Joonda üles" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:147 -msgid "Center vertically" -msgstr "Vertikaalselt keskele" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:149 -msgid "Align bottom" -msgstr "Joonda alla" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:154 -#: src/ui/clipstabilize_ui.ui:30 -msgid "Options" -msgstr "Valikud" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (suffix), widget (QSpinBox, spinResize) -#. i18n: ectx: property (suffix), widget (QSpinBox, kcfg_volume) -#. i18n: ectx: property (suffix), widget (QSpinBox, zoom_spin) -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:208 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:211 -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:125 src/ui/configsdl_ui.ui:89 -#: src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:226 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:611 -#, no-c-format -msgid "%" -msgstr "% " - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/lumaliftgain.cpp:61 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Offset Red" -msgid "Lift" -msgstr "Punase kõrvalekalle" - -#: src/hidetitlebars.cpp:21 -msgid "Show Title Bars" -msgstr "Tiitliribade näitamine" - -#: src/layoutmanagement.cpp:27 -msgid "Layouts" -msgstr "Paigutused" - -#: src/layoutmanagement.cpp:28 -msgid "Load Layout" -msgstr "Paigutuse laadimine" - -#: src/layoutmanagement.cpp:30 -#, kde-format -msgid "Layout %1" -msgstr "Paigutus %1" - -#: src/layoutmanagement.cpp:34 -#, kde-format -msgid "Save As Layout %1" -msgstr "Salvesta kui paigutus %1" - -#: src/layoutmanagement.cpp:69 -#, kde-format -msgid "Save as %1" -msgstr "Salvesta kui %1" - -#: src/layoutmanagement.cpp:101 -msgid "Save Layout" -msgstr "Paigutuse salvestamine" - -#: src/layoutmanagement.cpp:101 -msgid "Layout name:" -msgstr "Paigutuse nimi:" - -#: src/lib/audio/audioCorrelation.cpp:43 -msgid "Audio analysis finished" -msgstr "" - -#: src/main.cpp:48 -msgid "Kdenlive" -msgstr "Kdenlive" - -#: src/main.cpp:49 -msgid "An open source video editor." -msgstr "Avatud lähtekoodiga videoredaktor" - -#: src/main.cpp:51 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Copyright © 2007–2012 Kdenlive authors" -msgid "Copyright © 2007–2015 Kdenlive authors" -msgstr "Autoriõigus © 2007–2012: Kdenlive'i autorid" - -#: src/main.cpp:52 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Please report bugs to http://kdenlive.org/mantis" -msgid "Please report bugs to http://bugs.kde.org" -msgstr "Palun teata vigadest aadressil: http://kdenlive.org/mantis" - -#: src/main.cpp:54 -msgid "Jean-Baptiste Mardelle" -msgstr "Jean-Baptiste Mardelle" - -#: src/main.cpp:54 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "MLT and KDE SC 4 porting, main developer and maintainer" -msgid "MLT and KDE SC 4 / KF5 port, main developer and maintainer" -msgstr "MLT ja KDE SC 4 portimine, peamine arendaja ja hooldaja" - -#: src/main.cpp:55 -msgid "Vincent Pinon" -msgstr "" - -#: src/main.cpp:55 -msgid "" -"Interim maintainer, KF5 port, bugs fixing, minor functions, profiles " -"updates, etc." -msgstr "" - -#: src/main.cpp:56 -msgid "Laurent Montel" -msgstr "" - -#: src/main.cpp:56 -msgid "Bugs fixing, clean up code, optimization etc." -msgstr "" - -#: src/main.cpp:57 -msgid "Marco Gittler" -msgstr "Marco Gittler" - -#: src/main.cpp:57 -msgid "MLT transitions and effects, timeline, audio thumbs" -msgstr "MLT üleminekud ja efektid, ajatelg, heli pisipildid" - -#: src/main.cpp:58 -msgid "Dan Dennedy" -msgstr "Dan Dennedy" - -#: src/main.cpp:58 src/main.cpp:60 src/main.cpp:63 src/main.cpp:64 -msgid "Bug fixing, etc." -msgstr "Veaparandus jne." - -#: src/main.cpp:59 -msgid "Simon A. Eugster" -msgstr "Simon A. Eugster" - -#: src/main.cpp:59 -msgid "Color scopes, bug fixing, etc." -msgstr "Värviskoobid, veaparandus jne." - -#: src/main.cpp:60 -msgid "Till Theato" -msgstr "Till Theato" - -#: src/main.cpp:61 -msgid "Alberto Villa" -msgstr "Alberto Villa" - -#: src/main.cpp:61 -msgid "Bug fixing, logo, etc." -msgstr "Veaparandus, logo jne." - -#: src/main.cpp:62 -msgid "Jean-Michel Poure" -msgstr "Jean-Michel Poure" - -#: src/main.cpp:62 -msgid "Rendering profiles customization" -msgstr "Renderdusprofiilide kohandamine" - -#: src/main.cpp:63 -msgid "Ray Lehtiniemi" -msgstr "Ray Lehtiniemi" - -#: src/main.cpp:64 -msgid "Steve Guilford" -msgstr "" - -#: src/main.cpp:65 -msgid "Jason Wood" -msgstr "Jason Wood" - -#: src/main.cpp:65 -msgid "Original KDE 3 version author (not active anymore)" -msgstr "Algse KDE 3 versiooni autor (pole enam aktiivne)" - -#: src/main.cpp:66 -msgid "NAME OF TRANSLATORS" -msgstr "Heiki Nooremäe, Marek Laane" - -#: src/main.cpp:66 -msgid "EMAIL OF TRANSLATORS" -msgstr "heiki.nooremae@gmail.com, bald@smail.ee" - -#: src/main.cpp:86 -msgid "Set the path for MLT environment" -msgstr "MLT keskonna asukoha määramine" - -#: src/main.cpp:87 -msgid "Comma separated list of clips to add" -msgstr "Komadega eraldatud lisatavate klippide loend" - -#: src/main.cpp:88 -msgid "Document to open" -msgstr "Avatav dokument" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:148 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Themes" -msgid "Theme" -msgstr "Välimus" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:177 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Project" -msgid "Project Bin" -msgstr "Projekt" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, properties) -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:216 src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:395 -#: src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:43 -msgid "Properties" -msgstr "Omadused" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:219 src/mainwindow.cpp:280 -msgid "Effects" -msgstr "Efektid" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:222 src/mainwindow.cpp:284 src/mainwindow.cpp:1272 -msgid "Transitions" -msgstr "Üleminekud" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:225 -msgid "Clip Monitor" -msgstr "Klipimonitor" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:226 -msgid "Project Monitor" -msgstr "Projektimonitor" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:228 -msgid "Record Monitor" -msgstr "Salvestusmonitor" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:233 -msgid "Clean" -msgstr "Puhasta" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:235 -msgid "Undo History" -msgstr "Tegevuste ajalugu" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:263 -msgid "Stop Motion" -msgstr "Stoppkaader" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, capture_button) -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:264 src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:105 -msgid "Capture frame" -msgstr "Kaadri salvestamine" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:267 -msgid "Switch live / captured frame" -msgstr "Live / kaadri salvestamise lülitamine" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:270 -msgid "Show last frame over video" -msgstr "Viimase kaadri näitamine video kohal" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:283 -msgid "Add Transition" -msgstr "Lisa üleminek" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:315 src/mainwindow.cpp:316 src/mainwindow.cpp:325 -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:326 src/mainwindow.cpp:330 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Paste Effects" -msgid "Favorite Effects" -msgstr "Aseta efektid" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:563 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"You have 1 rendering job waiting in the queue.\n" -"What do you want to do with this job?" -msgid_plural "" -"You have %1 rendering jobs waiting in the queue.\n" -"What do you want to do with these jobs?" -msgstr[0] "" -"Järjekorras ootab 1 renderdustöö.\n" -"Mida sellega ette võtta?" -msgstr[1] "" -"Järjekorras ootab %1 renderdustööd.\n" -"Mida nendega ette võtta?" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:563 -msgid "Start them now" -msgstr "Käivita need kohe" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:563 -msgid "Delete them" -msgstr "Kustuta need" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:784 -msgid "Normal mode" -msgstr "Tavarežiim" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:785 -msgctxt "Normal editing" -msgid "n" -msgstr "n" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:790 -msgid "Overwrite mode" -msgstr "Ülekirjutusrežiim" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:796 -msgid "Insert mode" -msgstr "Lisamisrežiim" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:815 -msgid "Selection tool" -msgstr "Valikutööriist" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:816 -msgctxt "Selection tool shortcut" -msgid "s" -msgstr "s" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:821 -msgid "Razor tool" -msgstr "Tükeldaja" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:822 -msgctxt "Razor tool shortcut" -msgid "x" -msgstr "x " - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:827 -msgid "Spacer tool" -msgstr "Eraldaja" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:828 -msgctxt "Spacer tool shortcut" -msgid "m" -msgstr "m" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:869 -msgid "Fit zoom to project" -msgstr "Mahuta projekt aknasse" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:873 -msgid "Zoom Out" -msgstr "Vähenda" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:887 -msgid "Zoom In" -msgstr "Suurenda" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:915 -msgid "Split audio and video automatically" -msgstr "Heli ja pildi automaatne eraldamine" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, videothumbs) -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:921 src/ui/wizardextra_ui.ui:35 -msgid "Show video thumbnails" -msgstr "Video pisipiltide näitamine" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, audiothumbs) -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:927 src/ui/wizardextra_ui.ui:42 -msgid "Show audio thumbnails" -msgstr "Heli pisipiltide näitamine" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:933 -msgid "Show markers comments" -msgstr "Markerite kommentaaride näitamine" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:938 -msgid "Snap" -msgstr "Tõmme" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, tc_type) -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:972 src/project/clipproperties.cpp:372 -#: src/project/dialogs/slideshowclip.cpp:89 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:284 -msgid "hh:mm:ss:ff" -msgstr "hh:mm:ss:ff" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, tc_type) -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:973 src/project/clipproperties.cpp:373 -#: src/project/dialogs/slideshowclip.cpp:90 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:289 -msgid "Frames" -msgstr "kaadrit" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1002 -msgid "Manage Project Profiles" -msgstr "Projektiprofiilide haldamine" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1003 -msgid "Download New Wipes..." -msgstr "Uute pühkimisefektide allalaadimine..." - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1004 -msgid "Download New Render Profiles..." -msgstr "Uute renderdusprofiilide allalaadimine..." - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1005 -msgid "Download New Project Profiles..." -msgstr "Uute projektiprofiilide allalaadimine..." - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1006 -msgid "Download New Title Templates..." -msgstr "Uute tiitrimallide allalaadimine..." - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1008 -msgid "Run Config Wizard" -msgstr "Seadistusnõustaja käivitamine" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, ProjectSettings_UI) -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1009 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Project Settings" -msgstr "Projekti seadistused" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1010 -msgid "Render" -msgstr "Renderda" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1012 -msgid "Clean Project" -msgstr "Puhasta projekt" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1016 -msgid "Play Zone" -msgstr "Esita tsoon" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1018 -msgid "Loop Zone" -msgstr "Korda tsooni" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1020 -msgid "Loop selected clip" -msgstr "Korda valitud klippi" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1024 -msgid "Transcode Clips" -msgstr "Klippide ümberkodeerimine" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1025 src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:55 -msgid "Archive Project" -msgstr "Projekti arhiveerimine" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1026 -msgid "Switch monitor" -msgstr "Vaheta akent" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1027 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6364 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Edit Clip" -msgid "Expand Clip" -msgstr "Muuda klippi" - -# Jälgi ülekatteteavet? -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1029 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Monitor overlay infos" -msgid "Monitor Info Overlay" -msgstr "Ülekatteteabe näitamine" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1035 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Real time (drop frames)" -msgid "Real Time (drop frames)" -msgstr "Reaalajas (kaadrite hülgamine)" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1040 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Monitor" -msgid "Monitor Gamma" -msgstr "Aken" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1041 -msgid "sRGB (computer)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1042 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Rec. 709" -msgid "Rec. 709 (TV)" -msgstr "Salv. 709" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1047 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Insert zone in project tree" -msgid "Insert Zone in Project Bin" -msgstr "Sisesta tsoon projektipuusse" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1048 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Insert zone in timeline" -msgid "Insert Zone in Timeline" -msgstr "Sisesta tsoon ajateljele" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1050 -msgid "Resize Item Start" -msgstr "Muuda üksuse alguse suurust" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1055 -msgid "Resize Item End" -msgstr "Muuda üksuse lõpu suurust" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1060 -msgid "Go to Previous Snap Point" -msgstr "Eelmisse tõmbepunkti" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1062 -msgid "Go to Clip Start" -msgstr "Klipi algusesse" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1063 -msgid "Go to Clip End" -msgstr "Klipi lõppu" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1064 -msgid "Go to Next Snap Point" -msgstr "Järgmisse tõmbepunkti" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1066 -msgid "Delete Selected Item" -msgstr "Kustuta valitud üksus" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1067 -msgid "Align Playhead to Mouse Position" -msgstr "Joonda esitusjärg hiire asukohaga" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1069 -msgid "Automatic Transition" -msgstr "Automaatne üleminek" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1076 -msgid "Group Clips" -msgstr "Rühmita klipid" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1078 -msgid "Ungroup Clips" -msgstr "Lõhu klipirühm" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1083 -msgid "Edit Duration" -msgstr "Muuda kestust" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1084 src/mainwindow.cpp:3232 -msgid "Save clip" -msgstr "Salvesta klipp" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1085 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Clip in Project Tree" -msgid "Clip in Project Bin" -msgstr "Näita klippi projektipuus" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1086 -msgid "Insert Clip Zone in Timeline (Overwrite)" -msgstr "Sisesta klipitsoon ajateljele (kirjuta üle)" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1087 -msgid "Select Clip" -msgstr "Vali klipp" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1088 -msgid "Deselect Clip" -msgstr "Eemalda klipp valikust" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1089 -msgid "Add Clip To Selection" -msgstr "Lisa klipp valikusse" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1091 -msgid "Select Transition" -msgstr "Vali üleminek" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1093 -msgid "Deselect Transition" -msgstr "Eemalda üleminek valikust" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1095 -msgid "Add Transition To Selection" -msgstr "Lisa üleminek valikusse" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, CutJobDialog_UI) -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1097 src/ui/cutjobdialog_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Cut Clip" -msgstr "Lõika klipp" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1098 src/mainwindow.cpp:1833 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:729 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:803 -msgid "Add Marker" -msgstr "Lisa marker" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1099 -msgid "Delete Marker" -msgstr "Kustuta marker" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1100 -msgid "Delete All Markers" -msgstr "Kustuta kõik markerid" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1102 src/mainwindow.cpp:1921 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:702 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:827 -msgid "Edit Marker" -msgstr "Muuda markerit" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1105 -msgid "Add Marker/Guide quickly" -msgstr "Lisa marker/abijoon kiiresti" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1108 -msgid "Split Audio" -msgstr "Eralda heli" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1112 -msgid "Set Audio Reference" -msgstr "Määra heliviide" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1116 -msgid "Align Audio to Reference" -msgstr "Joonda heli viite järgi" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1120 -msgid "Audio Only" -msgstr "Ainult heli" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1125 -msgid "Video Only" -msgstr "Ainult video" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1130 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7007 -msgid "Audio and Video" -msgstr "Heli ja video" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1142 -msgid "Insert Space" -msgstr "Sisesta vahe" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1143 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:3426 -msgid "Remove Space" -msgstr "Eemalda vahe" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1146 -msgid "Insert Track" -msgstr "Sisesta rada" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1150 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6556 -#: src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:94 -msgid "Delete Track" -msgstr "Kustuta rada" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, TracksConfigDialog_UI) -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1155 src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:250 -#: src/ui/tracksconfigdialog_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Configure Tracks" -msgstr "Radade seadistamine" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1159 -msgid "Select All in Current Track" -msgstr "Vali kõik aktiivses rajas" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1170 src/timeline/customruler.cpp:85 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5781 -msgid "Add Guide" -msgstr "Lisa abijoon" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1171 src/timeline/customruler.cpp:89 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:231 -msgid "Delete Guide" -msgstr "Kustuta abijoon" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1172 src/timeline/customruler.cpp:87 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:235 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5815 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5829 -msgid "Edit Guide" -msgstr "Muuda abijoont" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1173 src/timeline/customruler.cpp:91 -msgid "Delete All Guides" -msgstr "Kustuta kõik abijooned" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1175 -msgid "Paste Effects" -msgstr "Aseta efektid" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1180 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Selection" -msgid "Save Selection" -msgstr "Valik" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1208 -msgid "Add Clip" -msgstr "Lisa klipp" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1210 -msgid "Add Color Clip" -msgstr "Lisa värviklipp" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1213 src/project/dialogs/slideshowclip.cpp:41 -msgid "Add Slideshow Clip" -msgstr "Lisa slaidiesituse klipp" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1216 -msgid "Add Title Clip" -msgstr "Lisa tiitriklipp" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1219 -msgid "Add Template Title" -msgstr "Lisa malltiiter" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1223 -msgid "Create Folder" -msgstr "Loo kataloog" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1224 -msgid "Online Resources" -msgstr "Võrguressursid" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, ClipProperties_UI) -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1226 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Clip Properties" -msgstr "Klipi omadused" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1230 -msgid "Edit Clip" -msgstr "Muuda klippi" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1238 -msgid "Reload Clip" -msgstr "Laadi klipp uuesti" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1242 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Disable effect" -#| msgid_plural "Disable effects" -msgid "Disable Timeline Effects" -msgstr "Keela efekt" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1247 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Delete Clip" -msgid "Duplicate Clip" -msgstr "Kustuta klipp" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1259 -msgid "Ripple Delete" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1389 -msgid "" -"You have changed the proxy parameters. Do you want to recreate all proxy " -"clips for this project?" -msgstr "" -"Oled muutnud asendusklipi parameetreid. Kas luua kõik projekti asendusklipid " -"uuesti?" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1487 -msgid "This will remove all unused clips from your project." -msgstr "See eemaldab su projektist kõik kasutamata klipid." - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1487 -msgid "Clean up project" -msgstr "Projekti puhastamine" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1647 -msgctxt "general keyboard shortcuts" -msgid "General" -msgstr "Üldine" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1827 src/mainwindow.cpp:1945 -msgid "Cannot find clip to add marker" -msgstr "Ei leitud klippi, millele marker lisada" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1859 src/mainwindow.cpp:1886 src/mainwindow.cpp:1909 -msgid "Cannot find clip to remove marker" -msgstr "Ei leitud klippi, millelt marker eemaldada" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1866 src/mainwindow.cpp:1916 -msgid "No marker found at cursor time" -msgstr "Kursoriajal ei leitud ühtki markerit" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2194 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot find effect %1 / %2" -msgstr "Ei leitud efekti %1 / %2" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2252 -#, kde-format -msgid "Zoom Level: %1/13" -msgstr "Suurenduse aste: %1/13" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2378 -msgid "Ctrl + click to use spacer on current track only" -msgstr "" -"Eraldaja kasutamiseks ainult praegusel rajal on kombinatsioon Ctrl + klõps" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2381 -msgid "Click on a clip to cut it" -msgstr "Klipi lõikamiseks klõpsa sellel" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2384 -msgid "" -"Shift + click to create a selection rectangle, Ctrl + click to add an item " -"to selection" -msgstr "" -"Valikuruudu tekitamiseks Shift + klõps, üksuse valikusse lisamiseks Ctrl + " -"klõps" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2707 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Stabilised" -msgid "Stabilize" -msgstr "Stabiliseeritud" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2719 -msgid "Automatic scene split" -msgstr "Automaatne stseenideks tükeldamine" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2729 src/project/jobs/filterjob.cpp:83 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Resize clip" -msgid "Reverse clip" -msgstr "Klipi suuruse muutmine" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2736 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Add keyframes" -msgid "Analyse keyframes" -msgstr "Lisa võtmekaadrid" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2751 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Transcode" -msgid "Transcoders" -msgstr "Ümberkodeerimine" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2784 -msgid "Interface" -msgstr "Liides" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2821 -msgid "No clip to transcode" -msgstr "Pole klippi, mida ümber kodeerida" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2834 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "No clip to transcode" -msgid "Files to transcode" -msgstr "Pole klippi, mida ümber kodeerida" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2867 -msgid "Create Render Script" -msgstr "Renderdusskripti loomine" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2877 -msgid "Script file already exists. Do you want to overwrite it?" -msgstr "Skriptifail on juba olemas. Kas kirjutada see üle?" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2923 -msgctxt "the first in a list of chapters" -msgid "Start" -msgstr "Algus" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:3200 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Archive Project" -msgid "Archiving project" -msgstr "Projekti arhiveerimine" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:3229 -msgid "Select a clip to save" -msgstr "Salvestatava klipi valimine" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:3232 src/renderer.cpp:1386 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7865 -msgid "MLT playlist (*.mlt)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mltconnection.cpp:51 -msgid "Cannot find the melt program required for rendering (part of MLT)" -msgstr "Renderdamiseks vajalikku programmi melt (MLT osa) ei leitud" - -#: src/mltconnection.cpp:83 -msgid "Cannot find your MLT profiles, please give the path" -msgstr "MLT profiile ei leitud, palun sisesta asukoht" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:87 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:476 src/project/projectcommands.cpp:166 -msgid "Edit marker" -msgstr "Markeri muutmine" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:88 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Edit marker" -msgid "Export markers" -msgstr "Markeri muutmine" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:89 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Load markers" -msgid "Import markers" -msgstr "Markerite laadimine" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:115 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Load analysis data" -msgid "Analysis data" -msgstr "Analüüsiandmete laadimine" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:118 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Delete analysis data" -msgid "Delete analysis" -msgstr "Analüüsiandmete kustutamine" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:119 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Export audio" -msgid "Export analysis" -msgstr "Heli eksportimine" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:120 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Load analysis data" -msgid "Import analysis" -msgstr "Analüüsiandmete laadimine" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, clip_transparency) -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:166 -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:842 -msgid "Transparent" -msgstr "Läbipaistev" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:181 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Aspect ratio" -msgid "Aspect Ratio" -msgstr "Külgede suhe" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_18) -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:236 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:618 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:623 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:679 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:440 -#: src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:86 -msgid "Frame rate" -msgstr "Kaadrisagedus" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_5) -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:260 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:634 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:686 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:105 -msgid "Scanning" -msgstr "Realaotus" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:282 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Force field order" -msgid "Field order" -msgstr "Väljajärjestus jõuga" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:286 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:129 -msgid "Bottom first" -msgstr "Alumine esimesena" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:287 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:130 -msgid "Top first" -msgstr "Ülemine esimesena" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:304 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Threshold" -msgid "Threads" -msgstr "Lävi" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, clip_force_vindex) -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:320 -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:693 -msgid "Video index" -msgstr "Videoindeks" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, clip_force_aindex) -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:336 -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:720 -msgid "Audio index" -msgstr "Heliindeks" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_12) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_32) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_15) -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:350 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:644 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:696 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:294 -#: src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:222 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:149 -msgid "Colorspace" -msgstr "Värviruum" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, clip_full_luma) -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:380 -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:772 -msgid "Full luma range" -msgstr "Heleduse täisvahemik" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:399 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Force progressive" -msgid "Force properties" -msgstr "Progressiivne jõuga" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_5) -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_3) -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:401 -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:511 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:349 -msgid "Metadata" -msgstr "Metaandmed" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:403 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Analyse" -msgid "Analysis" -msgstr "Analüüs" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:609 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:671 src/project/clipproperties.cpp:673 -msgid "Video codec" -msgstr "Videokoodek" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:613 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:676 -msgid "Frame size" -msgstr "Kaadrisuurus" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:630 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Video track" -msgid "Video bitrate" -msgstr "Videorada" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:630 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:664 -#, fuzzy -#| msgctxt "Selection tool shortcut" -#| msgid "s" -msgctxt "seconds" -msgid "s" -msgstr "s" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_9) -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:641 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:690 src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:120 -msgid "Pixel aspect ratio" -msgstr "Küljesuhe pikslites" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:642 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:693 -msgid "Pixel format" -msgstr "Pikslivorming" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:651 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:243 -msgid "Audio codec" -msgstr "Helikoodek" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:659 -msgid "Audio frequency" -msgstr "Helisagedus" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:664 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Audio track" -msgid "Audio bitrate" -msgstr "Helirada" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:760 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:788 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:813 -msgid "Exif" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:832 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:854 -msgid "Magic Lantern" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:893 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:858 -msgid "Save Analysis Data" -msgstr "Analüüsiandmete salvestamine" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:893 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:904 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:858 src/project/clipproperties.cpp:869 -msgid "Text File (*.txt)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:904 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:869 -msgid "Open Analysis Data" -msgstr "Analüüsiandmete avamine" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:183 -msgid "Play..." -msgstr "Esitus..." - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:185 src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:303 -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:310 src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:449 -msgid "Pause" -msgstr "Paus" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:210 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:210 -msgid "Go to marker..." -msgstr "Markerile..." - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:215 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Font Size" -msgid "Force Monitor Size" -msgstr "Fondi suurus" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:216 -msgid "Force 100%" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:218 -msgid "Force 50%" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:220 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Frame size" -msgid "Free Resize" -msgstr "Kaadrisuurus" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:233 -msgid "Audio volume" -msgstr "Helitugevus" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:248 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Split view" -msgid "Split" -msgstr "Tükeldatud vaade" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:248 -msgid "Unsplit" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:281 src/monitor/monitoreditwidget.cpp:58 -msgid "Show/Hide edit mode" -msgstr "Redigeerimisrežiimi näitamine/peitmine" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:400 -msgid "Save zone" -msgstr "Salvesta tsoon" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:401 -msgid "Extract Zone" -msgstr "Eralda tsoon" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:404 -msgid "Extract frame" -msgstr "Eralda üks kaader" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:408 -msgid "Split view" -msgstr "Tükeldatud vaade" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:412 -msgid "Set current image as thumbnail" -msgstr "Määra praegune pilt pisipildiks" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:416 -msgid "Overlay audio waveform" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:453 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "You must select one transition for this action" -msgid "Your screen resolution is not sufficient for this action" -msgstr "Selle tegevuse jaoks pead valima ühe ülemineku" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:838 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Save markers" -msgid "Save Image" -msgstr "Markerite salvestamine" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:894 -msgid "In Point" -msgstr "Alguspunkt" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:896 -msgid "Out Point" -msgstr "Lõpp-punkt" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:1520 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Select a clip if you want to apply an effect" -msgid "Select a clip in project bin to compare effect" -msgstr "Kui tahad efekti rakendada, siis vali klipp" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:1524 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Clip has no markers" -msgid "Clip has no effects" -msgstr "Klipil pole ühtki markerit" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:1533 -msgid "" -"The scal0tilt filter is required for that feature, please install frei0r and " -"restart Kdenlive" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:1540 -msgid "" -"The cairoblend transition is required for that feature, please install " -"frei0r and restart Kdenlive" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitoreditwidget.cpp:64 -msgid "Update parameters while monitor scene changes" -msgstr "Parameetrite uuendamine monitoristseeni muutudes" - -#: src/monitor/monitoreditwidget.cpp:68 -msgid "Fit zoom to monitor size" -msgstr "Mahuta projekt ekraanile" - -#: src/monitor/monitoreditwidget.cpp:70 -msgid "Original size" -msgstr "Originaalsuurus" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:326 -msgid "Switch monitor fullscreen" -msgstr "Lülita monitor täisekraanirežiimi" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:331 src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:76 -msgid "Rewind" -msgstr "Keri tagasi" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:336 -msgid "Rewind 1 Frame" -msgstr "Eelmine kaader" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:341 -msgid "Rewind 1 Second" -msgstr "1 sekund tagasi" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:346 src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:85 -msgid "Forward" -msgstr "Keri edasi" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:351 -msgid "Go to Project Start" -msgstr "Projekti algusse" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:356 -msgid "Go to Project End" -msgstr "Projekti lõppu" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:361 -msgid "Forward 1 Frame" -msgstr "Järgmine kaader" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:366 -msgid "Forward 1 Second" -msgstr "1 sekund edasi" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:371 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Interlaced" -msgid "Deinterlacer" -msgstr "Ülerealaotusega" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:372 -msgid "One Field (fast)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:373 -msgid "Linear Blend (fast)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:374 -msgid "YADIF - temporal only (good)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:375 -msgid "YADIF - temporal + spacial (best)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:384 -msgid "Nearest Neighbor (fast)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:385 -msgid "Bilinear (good)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:386 -msgid "Bicubic (better)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:387 -msgid "Hyper/Lanczos (best)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:395 -msgid "Go to Zone Start" -msgstr "Tsooni algusse" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:400 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Monitor" -msgid "Mute monitor" -msgstr "Aken" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:400 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Switch monitor" -msgid "Unmute monitor" -msgstr "Vaheta akent" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:406 -msgid "Go to Zone End" -msgstr "Tsooni lõppu" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:411 -msgid "Set Zone In" -msgstr "Määra tsooni alguspunkt" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:416 -msgid "Set Zone Out" -msgstr "Määra tsooni lõpp-punkt" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_preview) -#: src/monitor/recmanager.cpp:48 src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:147 -#: src/ui/freesound_ui.ui:144 src/utils/archiveorg.cpp:181 -#: src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:158 src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:263 -#: src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:277 src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:575 -msgid "Preview" -msgstr "Eelvaatlus" - -#: src/monitor/recmanager.cpp:52 src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:88 -msgid "Record" -msgstr "Salvesta" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_video) -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, vbitrates) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, background_list) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_videothumbnails) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, video_thumbs) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, bitrateLabel) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, rec_video) -#: src/monitor/recmanager.cpp:56 src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:38 -#: src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:153 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:86 -#: src/ui/configtimeline_ui.ui:29 src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:207 -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:217 src/ui/recmonitor_ui.ui:100 -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:169 src/ui/saveprofile_ui.ui:20 -msgid "Video" -msgstr "Video" - -#: src/monitor/recmanager.cpp:68 src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:135 -#, fuzzy, kde-format -#| msgid "Monitor" -msgid "Monitor %1" -msgstr "Aken" - -#: src/monitor/recmanager.cpp:80 -msgid "Webcam" -msgstr "Veebikaamera" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_3) -#: src/monitor/recmanager.cpp:81 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:427 -msgid "Screen Grab" -msgstr "Ekraanil toimuva salvestamine" - -#: src/monitor/recmanager.cpp:86 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Configure job" -msgid "Configure Recording" -msgstr "Töö seadistamine" - -#: src/monitor/recmanager.cpp:89 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Record Monitor" -msgid "Show Record Control" -msgstr "Salvestusmonitor" - -#: src/monitor/recmanager.cpp:198 src/monitor/recmanager.cpp:279 -#: src/monitor/recmanager.cpp:284 src/monitor/recmanager.cpp:390 -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:879 src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:886 -msgid "Capture crashed, please check your parameters" -msgstr "Salvestamist tabas krahh, palun kontrolli parameetreid" - -#: src/monitor/recmanager.cpp:265 src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:753 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Failed to start the capture application:\n" -"%1" -msgstr "" -"Salvestamisrakenduse käivitamine nurjus:\n" -"%1" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:73 src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:862 -msgid "Connect" -msgstr "Ühenda" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:82 src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:249 -#: src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:262 src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:271 -msgid "Stop" -msgstr "Peata" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:94 -msgid "Add Captured File to Project" -msgstr "Salvestatud faili lisamine projektile" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:102 -msgid "Recording Preview" -msgstr "Salvestamise eelvaatlus" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:110 src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:245 -msgid "Configure" -msgstr "Seadistamine" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:202 -msgid "" -"You need to disconnect and reconnect in the capture monitor to apply your " -"changes" -msgstr "" -"Oma muudatuste salvestamiseks pead kaamera salvestusaknas lahti ja uuesti " -"külge ühendama" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:202 src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:203 -msgid "Capturing" -msgstr "Hõivamine" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:203 -msgid "You need to stop capture before your changes can be applied" -msgstr "Enne muudatuste rakendamist pead salvestuse peatama" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:256 -msgid "" -"ffmpeg or avconv not found,\n" -" please install it for screen grabs" -msgstr "" -"Utiliiti ffmpeg või avconv ei leitud,\n" -" ekraanil toimuva salvestamiseks palun paigalda see" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:262 -msgid "" -"Your FFmpeg / Libav installation\n" -" does not support screen grab" -msgstr "" -"Sinu FFmpegi/Libavi paigaldus\n" -" ei toeta ekraanil toimuva salvestamist" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:265 src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:888 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Press record button\n" -"to start screen capture\n" -"Files will be saved in:\n" -"%1" -msgstr "" -"Ekraanipildi salvestamise alustamiseks\n" -"vajuta salvestusnuppu.\n" -"Failid salvestatakse kataloogi:\n" -"%1" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:283 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Plug your camcorder and\n" -"press play button\n" -"to start preview.\n" -"Files will be saved in:\n" -"%1" -msgstr "" -"Ühenda kaamera juhe ja\n" -"eelvaatluse alustamiseks\n" -"vajuta esitamisnuppu\n" -"Failid salvestatakse kataloogi:\n" -"%1" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:296 -msgid "" -"dvgrab utility not found,\n" -" please install it for firewire capture" -msgstr "" -"Utiliiti dvgrab ei leitud,\n" -" firewire kaudu video salvestamiseks palun paigalda see" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:320 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Plug your camcorder and\n" -"press connect button\n" -"to initialize connection\n" -"Files will be saved in:\n" -"%1" -msgstr "" -"Ühenda kaamera juhe ja\n" -"ühenduse alustamiseks\n" -"vajuta ühendamise nuppu\n" -"Failid salvestatakse kataloogi:\n" -"%1" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:355 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Cannot read from device %1\n" -"Please check drivers and access rights." -msgstr "" -"Lugemine seadmest %1 nurjus\n" -"Palun kontrolli draivereid ja juurdepääsuõigusi." - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:358 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Press play or record button\n" -"to start video capture\n" -"Files will be saved in:\n" -"%1" -msgstr "" -"Video salvestamise alustamiseks vajuta\n" -"esituse või salvestuse nuppu\n" -"Failid salvestatakse kataloogi:\n" -"%1" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:370 -msgid "Disconnect" -msgstr "Ühenda lahti" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:423 -msgid "Capture stopped" -msgstr "Salvestamine on peatatud" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:523 -msgid "" -"Failed to start Video4Linux,\n" -"check your parameters..." -msgstr "" -"Video4Linuxi käivitamine nurjus,\n" -"palun kontrolli parameetreid..." - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:539 src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:701 -msgid "" -"Failed to start Decklink,\n" -"check your parameters..." -msgstr "" -"Decklinki käivitamine nurjus,\n" -"palun kontrolli parameetreid..." - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:677 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "" -#| "Failed to start Decklink,\n" -#| "check your parameters..." -msgid "" -"Failed to start ffmpeg capture,\n" -"check your parameters..." -msgstr "" -"Decklinki käivitamine nurjus,\n" -"palun kontrolli parameetreid..." - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:695 -#, kde-format -msgid "Capturing to %1" -msgstr "Salvestamine faili %1" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:702 -msgid "Failed to start capture" -msgstr "Salvestamise alustamine nurjus" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:766 -msgid "Initialising..." -msgstr "Algväärtustamine..." - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:782 -msgid "Show log" -msgstr "Näita logi" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, video_frame) -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:882 src/ui/recmonitor_ui.ui:35 -msgid "Not connected" -msgstr "Pole ühendatud" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:971 -#, kde-format -msgid "Free space: %1" -msgstr "Vaba ruumi: %1" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:1014 -#, kde-format -msgid "%1 dropped frames" -msgstr "%1 hüljatud kaadrit" - -#: src/monitor/smallruler.cpp:201 src/timeline/customruler.cpp:233 -#: src/timeline/customruler.cpp:234 -#, kde-format -msgid "Zone start: %1" -msgstr "Tsooni algus: %1" - -#: src/monitor/smallruler.cpp:205 src/timeline/customruler.cpp:237 -#: src/timeline/customruler.cpp:238 -#, kde-format -msgid "Zone end: %1" -msgstr "Tsooni lõpp: %1" - -#: src/monitor/smallruler.cpp:236 src/timeline/customruler.cpp:241 -#: src/timeline/customruler.cpp:242 -#, kde-format -msgid "Zone duration: %1" -msgstr "Tsooni kestus: %1" - -#: src/monitor/smallruler.cpp:238 src/timeline/customruler.cpp:245 -#: src/timeline/customruler.cpp:246 -#, kde-format -msgid "Position: %1" -msgstr "Asukoht: %1" - -#: src/project/clipmanager.cpp:220 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Delete clip" -#| msgid_plural "Delete clips" -msgid "Delete subclip" -msgid_plural "Delete subclips" -msgstr[0] "Klipi kustutamine" -msgstr[1] "Klippide kustutamine" - -#: src/project/clipmanager.cpp:223 src/project/projectcommands.cpp:74 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Delete folder" -msgid "Delete folder" -msgid_plural "Delete folders" -msgstr[0] "Kustuta kataloog" -msgstr[1] "Kustuta kataloog" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:200 -msgid "Libav" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_8) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, kcfg_defaultcapture) -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_2) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, device_selector) -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:204 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:42 -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:181 src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:105 -#: src/ui/recmonitor_ui.ui:139 -msgid "FFmpeg" -msgstr "FFmpeg" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_11) -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:246 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:187 -#: src/utils/freesound.cpp:207 -msgid "Channels" -msgstr "Kanalid" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:263 -#, fuzzy, kde-format -#| msgid "Proxy clip: %1" -msgid "Proxy clip: %1 (%2)" -msgstr "Asendusklipp: %1" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:265 -msgid "Delete proxy" -msgstr "Kustuta asendusklipp" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:292 -msgid "Playlist" -msgstr "Esitusloend" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:348 src/project/dialogs/slideshowclip.cpp:74 -msgid "Pan, low-pass" -msgstr "Paanimine, madala sagedusega" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:349 src/project/dialogs/slideshowclip.cpp:75 -msgid "Pan and zoom" -msgstr "Paanimine ja suurendus" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:350 src/project/dialogs/slideshowclip.cpp:76 -msgid "Pan and zoom, low-pass" -msgstr "Paanimine ja suurendus, madala sagedusega" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:352 src/project/dialogs/slideshowclip.cpp:78 -msgid "Zoom, low-pass" -msgstr "Suurendus, madala sagedusega" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:480 -msgid "Save markers" -msgstr "Markerite salvestamine" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:482 -msgid "Load markers" -msgstr "Markerite laadimine" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:484 -msgid "Delete analysis data" -msgstr "Analüüsiandmete kustutamine" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:486 -msgid "Load analysis data" -msgstr "Analüüsiandmete laadimine" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:488 -msgid "Save analysis data" -msgstr "Analüüsiandmete salvestamine" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:527 src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:360 -#, kde-format -msgid "(%1 clip)" -msgid_plural "(%1 clips)" -msgstr[0] "(%1 klipp)" -msgstr[1] "(%1 klippi)" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, slide_info) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_info) -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:1166 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:319 -#: src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:265 -msgid "No image found" -msgstr "Ühtki pilti ei leitud" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:1171 -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:573 -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:586 -#: src/project/dialogs/slideshowclip.cpp:247 -#, kde-format -msgid "1 image found" -msgid_plural "%1 images found" -msgstr[0] "Leitud 1 pilt" -msgstr[1] "Leitud %1 pilti" - -#: src/project/clippropertiesmanager.cpp:182 -msgid "Edit clips" -msgstr "Muuda klippe" - -#: src/project/clipstabilize.cpp:41 -msgid "Stabilize Clip" -msgstr "Klipi stabiliseerimine" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, auto_add) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, add_clip) -#: src/project/clipstabilize.cpp:42 src/project/cliptranscode.cpp:47 -#: src/ui/clipstabilize_ui.ui:57 src/ui/cliptranscode_ui.ui:47 -#: src/ui/cutjobdialog_ui.ui:57 -msgid "Add clip to project" -msgid_plural "Add clips to project" -msgstr[0] "Klipi lisamine projektile" -msgstr[1] "Klippide lisamine projektile" - -#: src/project/clipstabilize.cpp:69 src/project/cliptranscode.cpp:63 -msgid "Destination folder" -msgstr "Sihtkataloog" - -#: src/project/clipstabilize.cpp:159 -msgid "Stabilised" -msgstr "Stabiliseeritud" - -#: src/project/clipstabilize.cpp:173 -msgid "Stabilize clip" -msgstr "Stabiliseeri klipp" - -#: src/project/clipstabilize.cpp:232 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "The transcoding job will overwrite the following files:" -msgid "The stabilize job will overwrite the following files:" -msgstr "Ümberkodeerimisega kirjutatakse üle järgmised failid:" - -#: src/project/cliptranscode.cpp:43 -msgid "Transcode Clip" -msgstr "Klipi ümberkodeerimine" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, convert_abort) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_abort) -#: src/project/cliptranscode.cpp:168 src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:636 -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:884 src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:94 -#: src/ui/dvdwizardvob_ui.ui:160 -msgid "Abort" -msgstr "Katkesta" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, buttonClose) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, buttonClose2) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, buttonClose3) -#: src/project/cliptranscode.cpp:210 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:382 -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:657 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:805 -msgid "Close" -msgstr "Sulge" - -#: src/project/cliptranscode.cpp:221 src/project/cliptranscode.cpp:239 -msgid "Transcoding finished." -msgstr "Ümberkodeerimine valmis." - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:63 -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:302 -msgid "Video clips" -msgstr "Videoklipid" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:67 -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:305 -msgid "Audio clips" -msgstr "Heliklipid" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:71 -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:308 src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:113 -msgid "Image clips" -msgstr "Pildiklipid" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:75 -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:311 -msgid "Slideshow clips" -msgstr "Slaidiesituse klipid" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:79 -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:314 -msgid "Text clips" -msgstr "Tekstiklipid" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:83 -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:317 -msgid "Playlist clips" -msgstr "Esitusloendi klipid" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:87 -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:320 -msgid "Other clips" -msgstr "Muud klipid" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:91 -msgid "Luma files" -msgstr "Luma failid" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:167 -#, kde-format -msgid "You have %1 missing clip in your project." -msgid_plural "You have %1 missing clips in your project." -msgstr[0] "Projektis on %1 puuduv klipp." -msgstr[1] "Projektis on %1 puuduvat klippi." - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:192 -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:1017 -#, kde-format -msgid "(%1 item)" -msgid_plural "(%1 items)" -msgstr[0] "(%1 üksus)" -msgstr[1] "(%1 elementi)" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:197 -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:1019 -#, kde-format -msgid "%1 file to archive, requires %2" -msgid_plural "%1 files to archive, requires %2" -msgstr[0] "Arhiveeritakse %1 fail, vaja läheb %2" -msgstr[1] "Arhiveeritakse %1 faili, vaja läheb %2" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:198 -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:664 -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:854 -msgid "Archive" -msgstr "Arhiveeri" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:232 -msgid "Extract to" -msgstr "Lahtipakkimine " - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:233 -msgid "Open Archived Project" -msgstr "Arhiveeritud projekti avamine" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:235 -msgid "Extract" -msgstr "Paki lahti" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:264 -msgid "Opening archive..." -msgstr "Arhiivi avamine..." - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:267 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Cannot open archive file:\n" -" %1" -msgstr "" -"Arhiivifaili avamine nurjus:\n" -" %1" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:284 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"File %1\n" -" is not an archived Kdenlive project" -msgstr "" -"Fail %1\n" -" ei ole arhiveeritud Kdenlive'i projekt" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:290 -msgid "Ready" -msgstr "Valmis" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:310 -msgid "Archiving in progress, do you want to stop it?" -msgstr "Arhiveerimine parajasti käib, kas peatada see?" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:310 -msgid "Stop Archiving" -msgstr "Peata arhiveerimine" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:493 -#, kde-format -msgid "Available space on drive: %1" -msgstr "Saadaolev kettaruum: %1" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:497 -#, kde-format -msgid "Not enough space on drive, free space: %1" -msgstr "Kettal pole piisavalt ruumi, vaba on: %1" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:518 -msgid "Archiving..." -msgstr "Arhiveerimine..." - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:546 -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:628 -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:881 -#, fuzzy, kde-format -#| msgid "Cannot create consumer %1." -msgid "Cannot create directory %1" -msgstr "Tarbija %1 loomine nurjus." - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:652 -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:847 -msgid "Project was successfully archived." -msgstr "Projekti arhiveeriti edukalt." - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:655 -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:851 -msgid "There was an error processing project file" -msgstr "Projektifaili töötlemisel tekkis tõrge" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:661 -#, kde-format -msgid "There was an error while copying the files: %1" -msgstr "Failide kopeerimisel tekkis tõrge: %1" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:785 -msgid "Cannot create temporary file" -msgstr "Ajutise faili loomine nurjus" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:883 -msgid "Extracting..." -msgstr "Lahtipakkimine..." - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:947 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot open project file %1" -msgstr "Projektifaili %1 avamine nurjus" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:947 -msgid "Cannot open file" -msgstr "Faili avamine nurjus" - -#: src/project/dialogs/backupwidget.cpp:30 -msgid "Restore Backup File" -msgstr "Varukoopiafaili taastamine" - -#: src/project/dialogs/backupwidget.cpp:34 -msgid "Showing all backup files in folder" -msgstr "Kõigi varukoopiate näitamine kataloogis" - -#: src/project/dialogs/backupwidget.cpp:37 -#, kde-format -msgid "Showing backup files for %1" -msgstr "%1 varukoopiafailide näitamine" - -#: src/project/dialogs/noteswidget.cpp:40 -msgid "Insert current timecode" -msgstr "Sisesta praegune ajakood" - -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:120 -msgid "Current Settings" -msgstr "Kehtivad seadistused" - -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:139 -msgid "Title" -msgstr "Tiiter" - -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:146 -#: src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:189 -msgid "Author" -msgstr "Autor" - -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:153 -msgid "Artist" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:159 -msgid "Copyright" -msgstr "Autoriõigus" - -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:259 -msgid "Deleting proxy clips will disable proxies for this project." -msgstr "Asendusklippide kustutamine ei võimalda neid enam projektis kasutada." - -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:410 -msgid "" -"Changing the profile of your project cannot be undone.\n" -"It is recommended to save your project before attempting this operation that " -"might cause some corruption in transitions.\n" -" Are you sure you want to proceed?" -msgstr "" -"Projektiprofiili muutmist ei saa tagasi võtta.\n" -"Enne sellise toimingu alustamist, mis võib põhjustada üleminekute riknemist, " -"on soovitatav projekt salvestada.\n" -"Kas oled kindel, et tahad jätkata?" - -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:410 -msgid "Confirm profile change" -msgstr "Profiilimuudatuse kinnitamise" - -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:425 -#, kde-format -msgid "Interlaced (%1 fields per second)" -msgstr "Ülerealaotusega (%1 välja sekundis)" - -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:596 -#, kde-format -msgid "Project folder: %1" -msgstr "Projekti kataloog: %1" - -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:597 -#, kde-format -msgid "Project profile: %1" -msgstr "Projekti profiil: %1" - -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:598 -#, kde-format -msgid "Total clips: %1 (%2 used in timeline)." -msgstr "Klippe kokku: %1 (%2 kasutatud ajateljel)." - -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:650 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Filename" -msgid "field_name" -msgstr "Failinimi" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, SlideshowClip_UI) -#: src/project/dialogs/slideshowclip.cpp:47 src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Slideshow Clip" -msgstr "Slaidiesituse klipp" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:46 -msgid "Transcode clip" -msgstr "Kodeeri klipp ümber" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:49 -msgid "Cut clip" -msgstr "Lõika klipp" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:53 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Analyse" -msgid "Analyse clip" -msgstr "Analüüs" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:125 -msgid "Failed to create file." -msgstr "Faili loomine nurjus." - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:140 -msgid "Cannot process this clip type." -msgstr "Seda tüüpi klippi ei saa töödelda." - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:202 -msgid "Transcoding clip" -msgstr "Klipi ümberkodeerimine" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:203 -msgid "Extracting clip cut" -msgstr "Eraldatakse lõigatud klipp" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:204 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Missing clip" -msgid "Analysing clip" -msgstr "Puuduv klipp" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:207 -msgid "Waiting - transcode clip" -msgstr "Ootamine - klipi ümberkodeerimine" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:208 -msgid "Waiting - cut clip" -msgstr "Ootamine - klipi lõikamine" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:209 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Waiting - transcode clip" -msgid "Waiting - analyse clip" -msgstr "Ootamine - klipi ümberkodeerimine" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:278 -#, kde-format -msgid "Extracting %1 out of %2" -msgstr "Eraldatakse %1 / %2" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:292 -msgid "You cannot overwrite original clip." -msgstr "Originaalklippi ei saa üle kirjutada." - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:293 -#, kde-format -msgid "Overwrite file %1" -msgstr "Faili %1 ülekirjutamine" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:338 -msgid "The transcoding job will overwrite the following files:" -msgstr "Ümberkodeerimisega kirjutatakse üle järgmised failid:" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:344 -msgid "Transcoding" -msgstr "Ümberkodeerimine" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:432 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Frames" -msgid "I-Frame " -msgstr "kaadrit" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:433 -#, fuzzy, c-format -#| msgid "Found %1 result" -#| msgid_plural "Found %1 results" -msgid "Found %count I-Frames" -msgstr "Leiti %1 tulemus" - -#: src/project/jobs/filterjob.cpp:133 -#, kde-format -msgid "Found %1 scenes." -msgstr "Leiti %1 stseeni." - -#: src/project/jobs/filterjob.cpp:146 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Scene Cut" -msgid "Scene " -msgstr "Stseeni lõikamine" - -#: src/project/jobs/filterjob.cpp:174 -msgid "Auto split" -msgstr "Automaatne tükeldamine" - -#: src/project/jobs/jobmanager.cpp:178 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot write to path: %1" -msgstr "Kirjutamine asukohta %1 nurjus" - -#: src/project/jobs/jobmanager.cpp:225 -#, kde-format -msgid "Filter %1" -msgstr "Filter %1" - -#: src/project/jobs/jobmanager.cpp:234 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Cannot find clip to process filter %1" -msgid "No valid clip to process" -msgstr "Ei leia klippi, mida töödelda filtriga %1" - -#: src/project/jobs/meltjob.cpp:53 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Missing clips" -msgid "Processing clip" -msgstr "Puuduvad klipid" - -#: src/project/jobs/meltjob.cpp:63 -msgid "No producer for this clip." -msgstr "Sellele klipile pole generaatorit." - -#: src/project/jobs/meltjob.cpp:86 -#, kde-format -msgid "Clip zone undefined (%1 - %2)." -msgstr "Klipi tsoon on määramata (%1 - %2)." - -#: src/project/jobs/meltjob.cpp:157 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot create consumer %1." -msgstr "Tarbija %1 loomine nurjus." - -#: src/project/jobs/meltjob.cpp:179 -#, kde-format -msgid "Filter %1 crashed" -msgstr "Filtrit %1 tabas krahh" - -#: src/project/jobs/meltjob.cpp:248 -msgid "Waiting to process clip" -msgstr "Ootamine klipi töötlemise järel" - -#: src/project/jobs/proxyclipjob.cpp:38 -msgid "proxy" -msgstr "asendusklipp" - -#: src/project/jobs/proxyclipjob.cpp:90 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot load image %1." -msgstr "Pildi %1 laadimine nurjus." - -#: src/project/jobs/proxyclipjob.cpp:170 -msgid "Failed to create proxy clip." -msgstr "Asendusklipi loomine nurjus." - -#: src/project/jobs/proxyclipjob.cpp:245 -msgid "Creating proxy" -msgstr "Asendusklipi loomine" - -#: src/project/jobs/proxyclipjob.cpp:248 -msgid "Waiting - proxy" -msgstr "Ootamine - asendusklipp" - -#: src/project/jobs/proxyclipjob.cpp:283 src/project/projectlist.cpp:2073 -msgid "Failed to create proxy, empty path." -msgstr "Asendusklipi loomine nurjus, asukoht on tühi." - -#: src/project/notesplugin.cpp:27 -msgid "Enter your project notes here ..." -msgstr "Siia saab kirjutada märkusi projekti kohta ..." - -#: src/project/notesplugin.cpp:28 -msgid "Project Notes" -msgstr "Projekti märkused" - -#: src/project/projectcommands.cpp:38 -msgid "Add clip cut" -msgstr "Lisa klipi lõige " - -#: src/project/projectcommands.cpp:72 -msgid "Add folder" -msgstr "Kataloogi lisamine" - -#: src/project/projectcommands.cpp:107 -msgid "Edit clip cut" -msgstr "Muuda klipi lõiget" - -#: src/project/projectcommands.cpp:136 -msgid "Rename folder" -msgstr "Muuda kataloogi nime" - -#: src/project/projectitem.cpp:92 src/project/projectitem.cpp:221 -msgid "Contains proxies" -msgstr "Sisaldab asendusklippe" - -#: src/project/projectitem.cpp:186 -msgid "Missing" -msgstr "Puudub" - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:446 -msgid "No available clip selected" -msgstr "Ühtki saadaolevat klippi pole valitud" - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:982 -msgid "Delete Clip Zone" -msgstr "Kustuta klipi tsoon" - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:995 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Delete folder %2?
This will also remove the clip in that folder" -msgid_plural "" -"Delete folder %2?
This will also remove the %1 clips in that " -"folder" -msgstr[0] "" -"Kas kustutada kataloog %2?
See eemaldab ka selles kataloogis " -"asuva klipi" -msgstr[1] "" -"Kas kustutada kataloog %2?
See eemaldab ka selles kataloogis " -"asuvad %1 klippi" - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:1004 -#, kde-format -msgid "Delete clip %2?
This will also remove the clip in timeline" -msgid_plural "" -"Delete clip %2?
This will also remove its %1 clips in timeline" -msgstr[0] "" -"Kas kustutada klipp %2?
See eemaldab klipi ka ajateljelt" -msgstr[1] "" -"Kas kustutada klipp %2?
See eemaldab ka %1 klippi ajateljelt" - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:1430 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Clip %1
is missing or invalid. Remove it from project?" -msgid "Clip is missing or invalid. Remove it from project?" -msgstr "" -"Klipp %1
on vigane või puudub. Kas eemaldada see projektist?" - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:1455 -msgid "Proxy clip unusable (duration is different from original)." -msgstr "Asendusklipp on kasutamiskõlbmatu (kestus erineb oiginaalist)." - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:1457 -#, kde-format -msgid "Failed to create proxy for %1. check parameters" -msgstr "%1 asendusklipi loomine nurjus, kontrolli parameetreid" - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:1752 -msgid "Cannot find profile from current clip" -msgstr "Aktiivsest klipist ei leitud profiili" - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:1769 -msgid "Change project profile" -msgstr "Projektiprofiili muutmine" - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:1773 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Your clip does not match current project's profile.\n" -"Do you want to change the project profile?\n" -"\n" -"The following profiles match the clip (size: %1, fps: %2)" -msgstr "" -"Klipp ei klapi aktiivse projektiprofiiliga.\n" -"Kas muuta projektiprofiili?\n" -"\n" -"Järgmised profiilid sobivad klipiga (suurus: %1, fps: %2)" - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:1791 -msgid "Update profile" -msgstr "Profiili uuendamine" - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:1806 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Your clip does not match current project's profile.\n" -"No existing profile found to match the clip's properties.\n" -"Clip size: %1\n" -"Fps: %2\n" -msgstr "" -"Klipp ei klapi aktiivse projektiprofiiliga.\n" -"Ei leitud ühtegi profiili, mis klipi omadustega klapiks.\n" -"Klipi suurus: %1\n" -"Fps: %2\n" - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:2042 -msgid "Sequence not found" -msgstr "Seeriat ei leitud" - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:2212 -msgid "Update proxy settings" -msgstr "Uuenda asendusklipi seadistusi" - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:2374 -msgid "Remove Proxy" -msgstr "Eemalda asendusklipp" - -#: src/project/projectlistview.cpp:59 -msgid "Rating" -msgstr "Hinnang" - -#: src/project/projectlistview.cpp:105 -msgctxt "@title:menu" -msgid "Columns" -msgstr "Tulbad" - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:61 -msgid "Open Backup File" -msgstr "Ava varukoopiafail" - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:202 -msgid "Save changes to document?" -msgstr "Kas salvestada dokumendi muudatused?" - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:204 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"The project \"%1\" has been changed.\n" -"Do you want to save your changes?" -msgstr "" -"Projekti \"%1\" on muudetud.\n" -"Kas salvestada muudatused?" - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:379 -msgid "Auto-saved files exist. Do you want to recover them now?" -msgstr "Automaatsalvestatud failid on olemas. Kas soovid need praegu taastada?" - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:380 -msgid "File Recovery" -msgstr "Failitaaste" - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:381 -msgid "Don't recover" -msgstr "Ära taasta" - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:436 -#, kde-format -msgid "Opening file %1" -msgstr "Faili %1 avamine" - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:456 -msgid "Loading project" -msgstr "Projekti laadimine" - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:458 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Loading clips" -msgid "Loading playlist" -msgstr "Klippide laadimine" - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:478 src/project/projectmanager.cpp:483 -msgid "Loading clips" -msgstr "Klippide laadimine" - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:507 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Cannot open file %1.\n" -"Project is corrupted." -msgstr "" -"Faili %1 avamine nurjus.\n" -"Projekt on vigane." - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:527 -msgid "" -"This will delete all changes made since you last saved your project. Are you " -"sure you want to continue?" -msgstr "" -"See kustutab kõik muudatused alates projekti viimasest salvestamisest. Kas " -"oled kindel, et tahad jätkata?" - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:527 -msgid "Revert to last saved version" -msgstr "Viimati salvestatud versiooni taastamine" - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:537 -msgid "Kdenlive project (*.kdenlive)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:538 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Archive Project" -msgid "Archived project (*.tar.gz)" -msgstr "Projekti arhiveerimine" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, scanning_list) -#: src/project/transitionsettings.cpp:151 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:126 -msgid "Auto" -msgstr "Automaatne" - -#: src/project/transitionsettings.cpp:162 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:54 -msgid "Black" -msgstr "Must" - -#: src/renderer.cpp:1181 -msgid "" -"Could not create the video preview window.\n" -"There is something wrong with your Kdenlive install or your driver settings, " -"please fix it." -msgstr "" -"Video eelvaatluse akent ei saanud luua.\n" -"Kdenlive'i paigalduse või draiverite seadistusega on midagi valesti, palun " -"tee korda." - -#: src/renderer.cpp:1386 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7865 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Save zone" -msgid "Save Zone" -msgstr "Salvesta tsoon" - -#: src/renderer.cpp:3283 -msgid "Import selected clips" -msgstr "Valitud klippide import" - -#: src/renderer.cpp:3285 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Additional streams for clip\n" -" %1" -msgstr "" -"Lisavood klipile\n" -" %1" - -#: src/renderer.cpp:3294 -#, kde-format -msgid "Video stream %1" -msgstr "Videovoog %1" - -#: src/renderer.cpp:3309 -#, kde-format -msgid "Audio stream %1" -msgstr "Helivoog %1" - -#: src/scopes/abstractscopewidget.cpp:84 -msgid "Auto Refresh" -msgstr "Automaatne värskendamine" - -#: src/scopes/abstractscopewidget.cpp:86 -msgid "Realtime (with precision loss)" -msgstr "Reaalajas (täpsusekaoga)" - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:67 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:52 -msgid "Reset maximum frequency to sampling rate" -msgstr "Maksimaalse sageduse lähtestamine diskreetimissagedusele" - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:68 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:55 -msgid "Track mouse" -msgstr "Hiire jälgimine" - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:70 -msgid "Show maximum" -msgstr "Maksimumi näitamine" - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:86 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:74 -msgid "Rectangular window" -msgstr "Ristkülikaken" - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:87 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:75 -msgid "Triangular window" -msgstr "Kolmnurkaken" - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:88 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:76 -msgid "Hamming window" -msgstr "Hamming-aken" - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:97 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:79 -msgid "The maximum window size is limited by the number of samples per frame." -msgstr "Akna maksimaalset suurust piirab sämplite arv kaadri kohta." - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:98 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:80 -msgid "" -"A bigger window improves the accuracy at the cost of computational power." -msgstr "Suurem aken parandab täpsust, aga nõuab rohkem arvutusvõimsust." - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:99 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:81 -msgid "" -"The rectangular window function is good for signals with equal signal " -"strength (narrow peak), but creates more smearing. See Window function on " -"Wikipedia." -msgstr "" -"Ristkülikakna funktsioon sobib hästi võrdse signaalitugevusega signaalidele " -"(kitsas tipp), aga tekitab rohkem määrdumist. Vaata Wikipediast artiklit " -"\"Window function\"." - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:389 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:392 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:394 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:485 -#, kde-format -msgid "%1 dB" -msgstr "%1 dB" - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:412 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:487 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:280 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:289 -#, kde-format -msgid "%1 kHz" -msgstr "%1 kHz" - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:53 -msgid "Draw grid" -msgstr "Võrgustiku näitamine" - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:57 -msgid "Highlight peaks" -msgstr "Tippude esiletõstmine" - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:234 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Frame\n" -"%1" -msgstr "" -"Kaader\n" -"%1" - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:305 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:306 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"%1\n" -"dB" -msgstr "" -"%1\n" -"dB" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:31 -msgid "YUV UV plane" -msgstr "YUV UV tasand" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:32 -msgid "YUV Y plane" -msgstr "YUV Y tasand" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:33 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:55 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:61 -msgid "Modified YUV (Chroma)" -msgstr "Muudetud YUV (värvus)" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:34 -msgid "YCbCr CbCr plane" -msgstr "YCbCr CbCr tasand" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:35 -msgid "RGB plane, one component varying" -msgstr "RGB tasand, üks komponent muutub" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:36 -msgid "HSV Hue Shift" -msgstr "HSV tooni nihe" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:37 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:254 -msgid "HSV Saturation" -msgstr "HSV küllastus" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:118 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:250 -#, kde-format -msgid "%1°" -msgstr "%1°" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:125 -#, kde-format -msgid "%1 px" -msgstr "%1 px" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:218 -msgid "Y value" -msgstr "Y väärtus" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:219 -msgid "The Y value describes the brightness of the colors." -msgstr "Y väärtus kirjeldab värvide eredust." - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:231 -msgid "UV angle" -msgstr "UV nurk" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:232 -msgid "Angle through the UV plane, with all possible Y values." -msgstr "Nurk läbi UV tasandi, kõigi võimalike Y väärtustega" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:240 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:268 -msgid "Red" -msgstr "Punane" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:241 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:269 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:53 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/waveform.cpp:34 -msgid "Green" -msgstr "Roheline" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:242 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:270 -msgid "Blue" -msgstr "Sinine" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:243 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:271 -msgid "Luma" -msgstr "Heledus" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:255 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:262 -msgid "HSV Value" -msgstr "HSV väärtus" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/histogram.cpp:26 -msgid "Unscaled" -msgstr "Mõõtmed muutmata" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/histogram.cpp:29 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/waveform.cpp:37 -msgid "Rec. 601" -msgstr "Salv. 601" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/histogram.cpp:31 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/waveform.cpp:39 -msgid "Rec. 709" -msgstr "Salv. 709" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/histogram.cpp:39 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/waveform.cpp:44 -msgid "Luma mode" -msgstr "Heleduse režiim" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/histogramgenerator.cpp:178 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "min." -msgid "min" -msgstr "min." - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/histogramgenerator.cpp:181 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Max" -msgid "max" -msgstr "Maks." - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/rgbparade.cpp:27 -msgid "RGB" -msgstr "RGB" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/rgbparade.cpp:28 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/waveform.cpp:33 -msgid "White" -msgstr "Valge" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/rgbparade.cpp:32 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:89 -msgid "Draw axis" -msgstr "Telje näitamine" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/rgbparade.cpp:37 -msgid "Gradient reference line" -msgstr "Värviülemineku etalonjoon" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/rgbparadegenerator.cpp:167 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/rgbparadegenerator.cpp:169 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/rgbparadegenerator.cpp:171 -msgid "min: " -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/rgbparadegenerator.cpp:175 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/rgbparadegenerator.cpp:177 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/rgbparadegenerator.cpp:179 -msgid "max: " -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:52 -msgid "Green 2" -msgstr "Roheline 2" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:56 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:60 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:102 -msgid "YUV" -msgstr "YUV" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:57 -msgid "Original Color" -msgstr "Originaalvärv" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:62 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:100 -msgid "YPbPr" -msgstr "YPbPr" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:76 -msgid "Tools" -msgstr "Tööriistad" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:78 -msgid "Export background" -msgstr "Tausta eksportimine" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:82 -msgid "Drawing options" -msgstr "Kujutamisvalikud" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:84 -msgid "75% box" -msgstr "75% kast" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:94 -msgid "Draw I/Q lines" -msgstr "I/Q joonte näitamine" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:99 -msgid "Color Space" -msgstr "Värviruum" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:247 -#, kde-format -msgid "%1 \\%" -msgstr "%1 \\%" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/waveform.cpp:32 -msgid "Yellow" -msgstr "Kollane" - -#: src/scopes/scopemanager.cpp:307 -msgid "Waveform" -msgstr "Lainekuju" - -#: src/scopes/scopemanager.cpp:309 -msgid "Histogram" -msgstr "Histogramm" - -#: src/scopes/scopemanager.cpp:311 -msgid "Audio Signal" -msgstr "Helisignaal" - -#: src/scopes/scopemanager.cpp:312 -msgid "AudioSpectrum" -msgstr "Helispekter" - -#: src/scopes/scopemanager.cpp:313 -msgid "Spectrogram" -msgstr "Spektrogramm" - -#: src/statusbarmessagelabel.cpp:51 -msgctxt "@action:button" -msgid "Confirm" -msgstr "Kinnita" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:162 -msgid "Send frames to color scopes" -msgstr "Saada kaadrid värviskoopidesse" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:167 -msgid "Mirror display" -msgstr "Peegeldamine" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:174 -msgid "Stop Motion Capture" -msgstr "Stoppkaadri salvestamine" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, capture_interval) -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:187 src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:115 -msgid "Interval capture" -msgstr "Intervalliga salvestus" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:205 -msgid "Overlay effect" -msgstr "Ülekatteefekt" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:207 -msgid "No Effect" -msgstr "Efekt puudub" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:211 -msgid "Edge detect" -msgstr "Servade tuvastamine" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:213 -msgid "Brighten" -msgstr "Helestamine" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:236 -msgid "Show sequence thumbnails" -msgstr "Seeria pisipiltide näitamine" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:241 -msgid "Delete current frame" -msgstr "Kustuta aktiivne kaader" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:369 -msgid "Configure Stop Motion" -msgstr "Stoppkaadrite seadistamine" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:371 src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:372 -msgid " second" -msgid_plural " seconds" -msgstr[0] " sekund" -msgstr[1] " sekundit" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:520 -msgid "Stopped" -msgstr "Peatatud" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:560 -msgid "No previous frame found" -msgstr "Eelmist kaadrit ei leitud" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:632 -msgid "Create New Sequence" -msgstr "Uue seeria loomine" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:632 -msgid "Enter sequence name" -msgstr "Sisesta seeria nimi" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:653 -msgid "Frame Captured" -msgstr "Kaader on salvestatud" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:667 -msgid "Going to Capture Frame" -msgstr "Liikumine salvestatud kaadrile" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:822 -#, kde-format -msgid "Delete frame %1 from disk?" -msgstr "Kas kustutada kaader %1 kettalt?" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:822 -msgid "Delete Frame" -msgstr "Kaadri kustutamine" - -#: src/timecode.cpp:261 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "hour" -msgid "hour" -msgstr "tund" - -#: src/timecode.cpp:269 -msgid "min." -msgstr "min." - -#: src/timecode.cpp:277 -msgid "sec." -msgstr "s" - -#: src/timecode.cpp:282 -msgid "frames" -msgstr "kaadrit" - -#: src/timeline/abstractclipitem.cpp:379 -msgid "seconds" -msgstr "sekundit" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:589 -msgid "Crop from start:" -msgstr "Kärpimine algusest:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, clip_filesize_2) -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:589 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:602 -#: src/ui/spacerdialog_ui.ui:30 -msgid "Duration:" -msgstr "Kestus:" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:589 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:602 -msgid "Offset:" -msgstr "Kõrvalekalle:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:695 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:804 -msgid ":" -msgstr ":" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:696 -msgid " Position:" -msgstr " Asukoht:" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:697 -msgid " Duration:" -msgstr " Kestus:" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:701 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:707 -msgid " Selection duration:" -msgstr " Valiku kestus:" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:703 -msgid " Group duration:" -msgstr " Rühma kestus:" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:714 -msgid "Crop from start: " -msgstr "Kärpimine algusest: " - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:716 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:722 -msgid "" -"Use Ctrl to resize only current item, otherwise all items in this group will " -"be resized at once." -msgstr "" -"Ainult praeguse üksuse suuruse muutmiseks kasuta klahvi Ctrl, muidu " -"muudetakse kõigi rühma üksuste suurust korraga." - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:720 -msgid "Duration: " -msgstr "Kestus: " - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:726 -msgid "Fade in duration: " -msgstr "Sisse hajutamise kestus: " - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:729 -msgid "Fade out duration: " -msgstr "Välja hajutamise kestus: " - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:732 -msgid "Drag to add or resize a fade effect." -msgstr "Lohista hajutamisefekti lisamiseks või selle suuruse muutmiseks." - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:736 -msgid "Click to add a transition." -msgstr "Klõpsa ülemineku lisamiseks." - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:739 -msgid "" -"Move keyframe above or below clip to remove it, double click to add a new " -"one." -msgstr "" -"Võtmekaadri eemaldamiseks liiguta seda klipist üles- või allapoole, uue " -"lisamiseks tee topeltklõps." - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:784 -msgid "Cannot use spacer in a locked track" -msgstr "Lukus rajal ei saa eraldajat kasutada" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:792 -msgid "Cannot use spacer in a track with a group" -msgstr "Rühma kuuluval rajal ei saa eraldajat kasutada" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1105 -msgid "Cannot cut a transition" -msgstr "Üleminekut ei saa lõigata" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1331 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1366 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2668 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2694 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2720 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2743 -msgid "Cannot add transition" -msgstr "Üleminekut ei saa lisada" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1586 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1594 -msgid "Cannot find clip to edit" -msgstr "Ei leitud klippi, mida muuta" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1588 -msgid "Cannot edit the duration of multiple items" -msgstr "Mitme üksuse kestust ei saa muuta" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1599 -msgid "Cannot edit an item in a group" -msgstr "Rühmas olevat üksust ei saa muuta" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1664 -msgid "Item is locked" -msgstr "Üksus on lukus" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1747 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2897 -msgid "Cannot insert clip in timeline" -msgstr "Klippi ei saa ajateljele sisestada" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1753 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2866 -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:75 -msgid "Add timeline clip" -msgstr "Klipi lisamine ajateljele" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1787 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1849 -msgid "Clip not ready" -msgstr "Klipp ei ole valmis" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1970 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2033 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2050 -msgid "Problem deleting effect" -msgstr "Probleem efekti kustutamisega" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1977 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2002 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2017 -msgid "Problem adding effect to clip" -msgstr "Probleem klipile efekti lisamisega" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1986 -msgid "Cannot add speed effect to track" -msgstr "Rajale ei saa kiiruseefekti lisada" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2022 -msgid "Cannot find clip to add effect" -msgstr "Ei leitud klippi, millele efekt lisada" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2068 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2160 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2263 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7513 -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:42 src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:282 -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:374 -msgid "effect" -msgstr "efekt" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2069 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2162 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7515 src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:44 -#, kde-format -msgid "Add %1" -msgstr "Efekti %1 lisamine" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2171 -msgid "Select a clip if you want to apply an effect" -msgstr "Kui tahad efekti rakendada, siis vali klipp" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2219 -msgid "Cannot add an audio effect to this clip" -msgstr "Sellele klipile ei saa heliefekti lisada" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2228 -msgid "Cannot add a video effect to this clip" -msgstr "Sellele klipile ei saa videoefekti lisada" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2233 -msgid "Effect already present in clip" -msgstr "Klipis on juba see efekt" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2264 src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:46 -#, kde-format -msgid "Delete %1" -msgstr "Kustuta %1" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2300 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2315 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2371 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2381 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2402 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5486 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5507 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5530 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5552 -msgid "Problem editing effect" -msgstr "Probleem efekti muutmisega" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2373 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2404 -msgid "Cannot find clip to update effect" -msgstr "Ei leitud klippi, mille efekti uuendada" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2429 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2450 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2463 -msgid "Cannot move effect" -msgstr "Efekti ei saa liigutada" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2527 -msgid "Cannot find clip to cut" -msgstr "Ei leitud klippi, mida lõigata" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2600 -msgid "Cannot find clip to uncut" -msgstr "Ei leitud klippi, mille lõikamist tagasi võtta" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2604 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4101 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4392 -#, kde-format -msgid "Error removing clip at %1 on track %2" -msgstr "Tõrge klipi eemaldamisel kohast %1 rajal %2" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2629 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5309 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5427 -msgid "Error when resizing clip" -msgstr "Tõrge klipi suuruse muutmisel" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2728 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6204 -msgid "Invalid transition" -msgstr "Sobimatu üleminek" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2752 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4435 -msgid "Select clip to delete" -msgstr "Vali kustutatav klipp" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2768 -msgid "Cannot update transition" -msgstr "Üleminekut ei saa uuendada" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:3442 -msgid "Cannot remove space in a locked track" -msgstr "Lukus rajalt ei saa eraldajat eemaldada" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:3448 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:3453 -#, kde-format -msgid "You must be in an empty space to remove space (time: %1, track: %2)" -msgstr "Vahe eemaldamiseks pead olema tühjas kohas (aeg: %1, rada: %2)" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:3464 -msgid "Cannot remove space in a track with a group" -msgstr "Rühma kuuluvalt rajalt ei saa vahet eemaldada" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:3543 -msgid "Cannot insert space in a locked track" -msgstr "Lukus rajale ei saa eraldajat panna" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:3556 -msgid "Cannot insert space in a track with a group" -msgstr "Rühma kuuluvale rajale ei saa vahet sisestada" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:3612 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot move clip at position %1, track %2" -msgstr "Ei saa liigutada klippi asukohas %1, rada %2" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:3625 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot move transition at position %1, track %2" -msgstr "Ei saa liigutada üleminekut asukohas %1, rajal %2" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:3897 src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:484 -msgid "Move clip" -msgstr "Klipi liigutamine" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4045 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5002 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot move clip to position %1" -msgstr "Klippi ei saa liigutada asukohta %1" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4052 -msgid "Cannot move transition" -msgstr "Üleminekut ei saa liigutada" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4056 src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:579 -msgid "Move transition" -msgstr "Ülemineku liigutamine" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4083 src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:556 -msgid "Move group" -msgstr "Liiguta rühma" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4215 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4242 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6386 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6418 -msgid "Resize group" -msgstr "Rühma suuruse muutmine" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4488 -msgid "Delete selected group" -msgid_plural "Delete selected groups" -msgstr[0] "Kustuta valitud rühm" -msgstr[1] "Kustuta valitud rühmad" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4490 -msgid "Delete selected clip" -msgid_plural "Delete selected clips" -msgstr[0] "Valitud klipi kustutamine" -msgstr[1] "Valitud klippide kustutamine" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4492 -msgid "Delete selected transition" -msgid_plural "Delete selected transitions" -msgstr[0] "Valitud ülemineku kustutamine" -msgstr[1] "Valitud üleminekute kustutamine" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4493 -msgid "Delete selected items" -msgstr "Valitud üksuste kustutamine" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4505 -msgid "Cannot find clip for speed change" -msgstr "Ei leitud klippi, mille kiirust muuta" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4563 -msgid "Cut Group" -msgstr "Lõika rühm" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4645 src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:411 -msgid "Group clips" -msgstr "Klippide rühmitamine" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4744 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4760 -msgid "Cannot insert clip..." -msgstr "Ei saa klippi sisestada..." - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4749 -msgid "Waiting for clip..." -msgstr "Klipi ootamine..." - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4963 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5192 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot move clip at time: %1 on track %2" -msgstr "Ei saa liigutada klippi ajal: %1 rajal %2" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5142 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot move transition at time: %1 on track %2" -msgstr "Ei saa liigutada üleminekut ajal: %1 rajal %2" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5236 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5352 -msgid "Not possible to resize" -msgstr "Suurust pole võimalik muuta" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5248 -msgid "Resize clip start" -msgstr "Klipi alguse suuruse muutmine" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5318 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5437 -msgid "Cannot resize transition" -msgstr "Ei saa ülemineku suurust muuta" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5372 -msgid "Resize clip end" -msgstr "Klipi lõpu suuruse muutmine" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5430 -msgid "Resize transition end" -msgstr "Ülemineku lõpu suuruse muutmine" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5742 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5810 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5851 -msgid "No guide at cursor time" -msgstr "Kursoriajal pole abijoont" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5762 -#, kde-format -msgid "A guide already exists at position %1" -msgstr "Asukohas %1 on abijoon juba olemas" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5778 -msgid "Guide" -msgstr "Abijoon" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6068 -msgid "Select a clip before copying" -msgstr "Enne kopeerimist vali klipp" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6139 -msgid "No clip copied" -msgstr "Ühtki klippi ei kopeeritud" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6175 -msgid "Cannot paste selected clips" -msgstr "Valitud klippe ei saa asetada" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6192 -msgid "Cannot paste clip to selected place" -msgstr "Valitud kohta ei saa klippi asetada" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6206 -msgid "Cannot paste transition to selected place" -msgstr "Valitud kohta ei saa üleminekut asetada" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6217 -msgid "You must copy exactly one clip before pasting effects" -msgstr "Enne efektide asetamist peab kopeerima täpselt ühe klipi" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6353 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6377 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6410 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7016 -msgid "You must select one clip for this action" -msgstr "Selle tegevuse jaoks pead valima ühe klipi" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6359 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "You must select at least one clip for this action" -msgid "You must select a playlist clip for this action" -msgstr "Selle tegevuse jaoks pead valima vähemalt ühe klipi" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6517 src/ui/addtrack_ui.ui:67 -msgid "Insert track" -msgstr "Raja sisestamine" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6518 -#, fuzzy, kde-format -#| msgid "Video" -msgid "Video %1" -msgstr "Video" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6519 -msgid "Insert New Track" -msgstr "Uue raja sisestamine" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6552 src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:108 -msgid "Delete track" -msgstr "Kustuta rada" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6667 -msgid "You must select one transition for this action" -msgstr "Selle tegevuse jaoks pead valima ühe ülemineku" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6754 -msgid "You must select at least one clip for this action" -msgstr "Selle tegevuse jaoks pead valima vähemalt ühe klipi" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6759 src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:718 -msgid "Split audio" -msgstr "Eralda heli" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6765 -msgid "Cannot split audio of grouped clips" -msgstr "Rühmitatud klippide heli ei saa eraldada" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6779 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "No clip copied" -msgid "No clip to split" -msgstr "Ühtki klippi ei kopeeritud" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6788 -msgid "You must select exactly one clip for the audio reference." -msgstr "Heliviitele tuleb valida täpselt üks klipp" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6809 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6858 -msgid "Processing audio, please wait." -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6813 -msgid "Reference for audio alignment must contain audio data." -msgstr "Heli joondamise viide peab sisaldama heliandmeid." - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6829 -msgid "Audio alignment reference not yet set." -msgstr "Helijoonduse viidet pole veel määratud." - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6866 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Cannot find clip to edit" -msgid "Cannot find clip to align." -msgstr "Ei leitud klippi, mida muuta" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6881 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Unable to move clip due to collision." -msgid "Unable to move clip out of timeline." -msgstr "Klippi ei saa liigutada kokkupõrke tõttu." - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6896 -msgid "Unable to move clip due to collision." -msgstr "Klippi ei saa liigutada kokkupõrke tõttu." - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6899 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Clip left" -msgid "Clip aligned." -msgstr "Vasakult kärpimine" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6900 -msgid "Auto-align clip" -msgstr "Klipi automaatne joondamine" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6932 -msgid "No empty space to put clip audio" -msgstr "Klipi heli paigutamiseks pole tühja ruumi" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6944 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6981 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7057 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot update clip (time: %1, track: %2)" -msgstr "Klippi ei saa uuendada (aeg %1, rada: %2)" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7009 -msgid "Video only" -msgstr "Ainult video" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7026 -msgid "Cannot change grouped clips" -msgstr "Rühmitatud klippe ei saa muuta" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7045 -#, fuzzy, kde-format -#| msgid "Cannot update clip (time: %1, track: %2)" -msgid "Cannot find clip to edit (time: %1, track: %2)" -msgstr "Klippi ei saa uuendada (aeg %1, rada: %2)" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7358 -msgid "error" -msgstr "tõrge" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7358 -msgid "TRACTOR" -msgstr "TRACTOR" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7371 -msgid "Insert clip" -msgstr "Sisesta klipp" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7521 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7529 -msgid "Effect already present in track" -msgstr "Rajal on juba see efekt" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7641 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot find clip for effect update %1." -msgstr "Efekti uuendusele %1 ei leitud klippi." - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7668 -msgid "You need to select one clip and one transition" -msgstr "Valida tuleb üks klipp ja üks üleminek" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7686 -msgid "No clip found" -msgstr "Klippi ei leitud" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7694 -msgid "No keyframe data found in clip" -msgstr "Klipis ei leitud võtmekaadri andmeid" - -#: src/timeline/headertrack.cpp:66 src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:461 -msgid "Lock track" -msgstr "Raja lukustamine" - -#: src/timeline/headertrack.cpp:66 src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:463 -msgid "Unlock track" -msgstr "Raja lukustuse eemaldamine" - -#: src/timeline/headertrack.cpp:72 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Capture audio" -msgid "Disable audio" -msgstr "Heli salvestamine" - -#: src/timeline/headertrack.cpp:72 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Capture audio" -msgid "Enable audio" -msgstr "Heli salvestamine" - -#: src/timeline/headertrack.cpp:82 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Disable effect" -#| msgid_plural "Disable effects" -msgid "Disable video" -msgstr "Keela efekt" - -#: src/timeline/headertrack.cpp:82 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Enable effect" -#| msgid_plural "Enable effects" -msgid "Enable video" -msgstr "Luba efekt" - -#: src/timeline/headertrack.cpp:89 -msgid "Opaque" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/spacerdialog.cpp:52 -msgid "All tracks" -msgstr "Kõik rajad" - -#: src/timeline/timeline.cpp:89 -msgid "Smaller tracks" -msgstr "Rajad kitsamaks" - -#: src/timeline/timeline.cpp:96 -msgid "Bigger tracks" -msgstr "Rajad laiemaks" - -#: src/timeline/timeline.cpp:359 src/timeline/timeline.cpp:363 -#, kde-format -msgid "Transition %1 had an invalid track: %2 > %3" -msgstr "Üleminekul %1 oli sobimatu rada: %2 > %3" - -#: src/timeline/timeline.cpp:372 -#, kde-format -msgid "Removed invalid transition: %1" -msgstr "Eemalda sobimatu üleminek: %1" - -#: src/timeline/timeline.cpp:469 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Your project file was upgraded to the latest Kdenlive document version.\n" -"To make sure you don't lose data, a backup copy called %1 was created." -msgstr "" -"Projektifail uuendati viimasele Kdenlive'i dokumendi versioonile.\n" -"Andmekao vältimiseks loodi varukoopia nimega %1." - -#: src/timeline/timeline.cpp:471 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Your project file was modified by Kdenlive.\n" -"To make sure you don't lose data, a backup copy called %1 was created." -msgstr "" -"Kdenlive muutis projektifaili.\n" -"Andmekao vältimiseks loodi varukoopia nimega %1." - -#: src/timeline/timeline.cpp:477 -#, fuzzy, kde-format -#| msgid "" -#| "Your project file was upgraded to the latest Kdenlive document version, " -#| "but it was not possible to create a backup copy." -msgid "" -"Your project file was upgraded to the latest Kdenlive document version, but " -"it was not possible to create the backup copy %1." -msgstr "" -"Projektifail uuendati viimasele Kdenlive'i dokumendi versioonile, aga " -"varukoopiat polnud võimalik luua." - -#: src/timeline/timeline.cpp:868 -#, kde-format -msgid "Invalid clip removed from track %1 at %2\n" -msgstr "Vigane klipp eemaldatud rajalt %1, kohast %2\n" - -#: src/timeline/timeline.cpp:946 -#, kde-format -msgid "Effect %1:%2 not found in MLT, it was removed from this project\n" -msgstr "Efekti %1:%2 ei leitud MLT-st, see eemaldati projektist\n" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:76 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Delete timeline clip" -#| msgid_plural "Delete timeline clips" -msgid "Delete timeline clip" -msgstr "Klipi kustutamine ajateljelt" - -# riba, rida? -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:106 -msgid "Add track" -msgstr "Raja lisamine" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:137 -msgid "Delete transition from clip" -msgstr "Kustuta klipist üleminek" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:139 -msgid "Add transition to clip" -msgstr "Klipile ülemineku lisamine" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:175 -msgid "Change clip type" -msgstr "Muuda klipi tüüpi" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:199 -msgid "Disable effect" -msgid_plural "Disable effects" -msgstr[0] "Keela efekt" -msgstr[1] "Keela efektid" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:201 -msgid "Enable effect" -msgid_plural "Enable effects" -msgstr[0] "Luba efekt" -msgstr[1] "Luba efektid" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:228 -msgid "Adjust clip length" -msgstr "Klipi pikkuse kohandamine" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:283 -#, kde-format -msgid "Edit effect %1" -msgstr "Efekti \"%1\" muutmine" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:337 -msgid "Add guide" -msgstr "Abijoone lisamine" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:341 -msgid "Edit guide" -msgstr "Abijoone muutmine" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:343 -msgid "Delete guide" -msgstr "Abijoone kustutamine" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:345 -msgid "Move guide" -msgstr "Liiguta abijoont" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:375 -#, kde-format -msgid "Edit transition %1" -msgstr "Ülemineku %1 muutmine" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:413 -msgid "Ungroup clips" -msgstr "Klipirühma lõhkumine" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:436 -msgid "Insert space" -msgstr "Vahe sisestamine" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:438 -msgid "Remove space" -msgstr "Vahe eemaldamine" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:523 -msgid "Move effect" -msgstr "Liiguta efekti" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:607 -msgid "Razor clip" -msgstr "Tükelda klipp" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:653 -msgid "Rebuild Group" -msgstr "Loo rühm uuesti" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:695 -msgid "Resize clip" -msgstr "Klipi suuruse muutmine" - -#: src/timeline/timelinesearch.cpp:27 -msgid "Find" -msgstr "Otsi" - -#: src/timeline/timelinesearch.cpp:29 -msgid "Find Next" -msgstr "Otsi järgmine" - -#: src/timeline/timelinesearch.cpp:38 -msgid "Starting -- find text as you type" -msgstr "Alustamine -- teksti leidmine kirjutamise ajal" - -#: src/timeline/timelinesearch.cpp:46 -msgid "Find stopped" -msgstr "Otsimine peatatud" - -#: src/timeline/timelinesearch.cpp:56 src/timeline/timelinesearch.cpp:67 -#, kde-format -msgid "Found: %1" -msgstr "Leitud: %1" - -#: src/timeline/timelinesearch.cpp:58 -msgid "Reached end of project" -msgstr "Jõuti projekti lõppu" - -#: src/timeline/timelinesearch.cpp:70 -#, kde-format -msgid "Not found: %1" -msgstr "Ei leitud: %1" - -#: src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:74 -msgid "Hidden" -msgstr "Peidetud" - -#: src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:74 -msgid "Muted" -msgstr "Vaigistatud" - -#: src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:74 -msgid "Locked" -msgstr "Lukus" - -# riba, rida? -#: src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:90 -msgid "Add Track" -msgstr "Raja lisamine" - -#: src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:98 -msgid "Move Track upwards" -msgstr "Liiguta rada ülespoole" - -#: src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:102 -msgid "Move Track downwards" -msgstr "Liiguta rada allapoole" - -#: src/titler/titledocument.cpp:331 -msgid "This title clip was created with a different frame size." -msgstr "See tiitriklipp loodi teistsuguse kaadrisuurusega." - -#: src/titler/titledocument.cpp:331 -msgid "Title Profile" -msgstr "Tiitriprofiil" - -#: src/titler/titledocument.cpp:380 -msgid "" -"Some of your text clips were saved with size in points, which means " -"different sizes on different displays. They will be converted to pixel size, " -"making them portable, but you could have to adjust their size." -msgstr "" -"Mõnel salvestatud tekstiklipil on suurus punktides, mis tähendab erinevaid " -"suurusi erinevatel ekraanidel. Suurus teisendatakse pikslitesse, mis muudab " -"need igal pool vaadatavaks, aga võib-olla pead nende suurust kohandama." - -#: src/titler/titledocument.cpp:380 -msgid "Text Clips Updated" -msgstr "Tekstiklipid on uuendatud" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:93 -msgid "Outline width" -msgstr "Kontuuri laius" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:99 -msgid "Background color opacity" -msgstr "Taustavärvi läbipaistmatus" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:105 -msgid "Rotation around the X axis" -msgstr "Pööramine ümber X-telje" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:111 -msgid "Rotation around the Y axis" -msgstr "Pööramine ümber Y-telje" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:117 -msgid "Rotation around the Z axis" -msgstr "Pööramine ümber Z-telje" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:123 -msgid "Border width" -msgstr "Piirjoone laius" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:156 -msgid "Typewriter" -msgstr "Kirjutusmasin" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:215 -msgctxt "Font style" -msgid "Light" -msgstr "Peen" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:216 -msgctxt "Font style" -msgid "Normal" -msgstr "Tavaline" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:217 -msgctxt "Font style" -msgid "Demi-Bold" -msgstr "Poolrasvane" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:218 -msgctxt "Font style" -msgid "Bold" -msgstr "Rasvane" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:219 -msgctxt "Font style" -msgid "Black" -msgstr "Must" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:220 -msgid "Font weight" -msgstr "Fondi rasvasus" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:242 -msgid "No alignment" -msgstr "Joondust ei ole" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:245 -msgid "Align center" -msgstr "Joonda keskele" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:249 -msgid "Insert Unicode character" -msgstr "Sisesta Unicode märk" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:255 -msgid "Raise object" -msgstr "Tõsta objekti" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:261 -msgid "Lower object" -msgstr "Langeta objekti" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:269 -msgid "Raise object to top" -msgstr "Tõsta objekt peale" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:276 -msgid "Lower object to bottom" -msgstr "Langeta objekt alla" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:320 -msgid "Invert x axis and change 0 point" -msgstr "Pööra X-telge ja muuda nullpunkti" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:321 -msgid "Invert y axis and change 0 point" -msgstr "Pööra Y-telge ja muuda nullpunkti" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:322 -msgid "Select fill color" -msgstr "Vali täitevärv" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:323 -msgid "Select border color" -msgstr "Vali piirde värv" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:325 -msgid "Original size (1:1)" -msgstr "Originaalsuurus (1:1)" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:326 -msgid "Fit zoom" -msgstr "Sobita suurendus" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:327 -msgid "Select background color" -msgstr "Vali taustavärv" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:328 -msgid "Background opacity" -msgstr "Tausta läbipaistmatus" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:329 -msgid "Select all" -msgstr "Vali kõik" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:330 -msgid "Select text items in current selection" -msgstr "Vali tekst praegusest valikust" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:331 -msgid "Select rect items in current selection" -msgstr "Vali nelinurgad praegusest valikust" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:332 -msgid "Select image items in current selection" -msgstr "Vali pildid praegusest valikust" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:333 -msgid "Unselect all" -msgstr "Eemalda kõik valikust" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:362 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:365 -msgid "Selection Tool" -msgstr "Valikutööriist" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:368 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:371 -msgid "Add Text" -msgstr "Lisa tekst " - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:374 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:377 -msgid "Add Rectangle" -msgstr "Lisa ristkülik" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:380 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:383 -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:670 -msgid "Add Image" -msgstr "Lisa pilt" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:388 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:391 -msgid "Open Document" -msgstr "Ava dokument" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:394 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:397 -msgid "Save As" -msgstr "Salvestamine" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:566 -msgid "" -"Do you really want to load a new template? Changes in this title will be " -"lost!" -msgstr "Kas tõesti laadida uus mall? Kõik selle dokumendi muudatused kaovad!" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:658 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Add Image" -msgid "All Images" -msgstr "Lisa pilt" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:660 -#, fuzzy, kde-format -#| msgid "Image" -msgid "%1 Image" -msgstr "Pilt" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:1346 -msgid "\\u2212X" -msgstr "\\u2212X" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, origin_x_left) -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:1348 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:63 -msgid "+X" -msgstr "+X" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:1371 -msgid "\\u2212Y" -msgstr "\\u2212Y" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, origin_y_top) -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:1373 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:86 -msgid "+Y" -msgstr "+Y" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:1713 -msgid "Load Title" -msgstr "Tiitri laadimine" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:1713 -msgid "Kdenlive title (*.kdenlivetitle)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:1761 -msgid "" -"Do you want to embed Images into this TitleDocument?\n" -"This is most needed for sharing Titles." -msgstr "" -"Kas põimida pildid tiitridokumenti?\n" -"Seda läheb kõige rohkem vaja tiitrite jagamisel." - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:2039 -msgctxt "Indicates the start of an animation" -msgid "Start" -msgstr "Algus" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:2040 -msgctxt "Indicates the end of an animation" -msgid "End" -msgstr "Lõpp" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:30 -msgid "Details" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:85 -msgid "" -"Information about unicode characters: http://decodeunicode.org" -msgstr "" -"Teave Unicode'i märkide kohta: http://" -"decodeunicode.org" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:86 -msgid "Previous Unicode character (Arrow Up)" -msgstr "Eelmine Unicode'i märk (nool üles)" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:87 -msgid "Next Unicode character (Arrow Down)" -msgstr "Järgmine Unicode'i märk (nool alla)" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:88 -msgid "Enter your Unicode number here. Allowed characters: [0-9] and [a-f]." -msgstr "Sisesta siia oma Unicode'i arv. Lubatud märgid: [0-9] ja [a-f]." - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:148 -msgid "(no character selected)" -msgstr "(ühtki märki pole valitud)" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:154 -msgid "" -"Control character. Cannot be inserted/printed. See Wikipedia:Control_character" -msgstr "" -"Kontrollmärk. Ei saa lisada/printida. Vaata Wikipedia:Control_character" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:156 -msgid "Line Feed (newline character, \\\\n)" -msgstr "Reavahetus (realõpu märk, \\\\n)" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:158 -msgid "" -"Standard space character. (Other space characters: U+00a0, U" -"+2000–200b, U+202f)" -msgstr "" -"Standardne tühikumärk. Teised tühikumärgid: U+00a0, U+2000–200b, U" -"+202f)" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:160 -msgid "No-break space. &nbsp; in HTML. See U+2009 and U+0020." -msgstr "Katkematu tühik. &nbsp; HTML-is. Vaata U+2009 ja U+0020." - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:162 -msgid "" -"

« (u+00ab, &lfquo; in HTML) and " -"» (u+00bb, &rfquo; in HTML) are " -"called Guillemets or angle quotes. Usage in different countries: France " -"(with non-breaking Space 0x00a0), Switzerland, Germany, Finland and Sweden.

and (U+2039/203a, " -"&lsaquo;/&rsaquo;) are their single quote equivalents.

See Wikipedia:" -"Guillemets

" -msgstr "" -"

« (u+00ab, &lfquo; HTML-is) " -"ja» (u+00bb, &rfquo; HTML-is) " -"kutsutakse guillemetideks või nurkjutumärkideks. Kasutus erinevates " -"riikides: Prantsusmaa (katkematu tühikuga 0x00a0), Sveitš, Saksamaa, Soome " -"ja Rootsi.

ja (U" -"+2039/203a, &lsaquo;/&rsaquo;) on nende ühekordsed " -"vasted.

Vaata Wikipedia:Guillemets

" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:164 -msgid "En Space (width of an n)" -msgstr "N-tühik (n-tähe laiune)" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:166 -msgid "Em Space (width of an m)" -msgstr "M-tühik (m-tähe laiune)" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:168 -msgid "Three-Per-Em Space. Width: 1/3 of one em" -msgstr "Kolmandik-M tühik. Laius: 1/3 ühe m-i laiusest" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:170 -msgid "Four-Per-Em Space. Width: 1/4 of one em" -msgstr "Neljandik-M tühik. Laius: 1/4 ühe m-i laiusest" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:172 -msgid "Six-Per-Em Space. Width: 1/6 of one em" -msgstr "Kuuendik-M tühik. Laius: 1/6 ühe m-i laiusest" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:174 -msgid "" -"Figure space (non-breaking). Width of a digit if digits have fixed width in " -"this font." -msgstr "" -"Kujund-tühik (katkematu). Ühe numbri laiune, kui numbrid on selles fondis " -"kindlaks määratud laiusega." - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:176 -msgid "" -"Punctuation Space. Width the same as between a punctuation character and the " -"next character." -msgstr "Tühik. Sama lai kui vahe kirjavahemärgi ja järgmise märgi vahel." - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:178 -msgid "" -"Thin space, in HTML also &thinsp;. See U+202f and Wikipedia:Space_(punctuation)" -msgstr "" -"Kitsas tühik, HTML-is ka &thinsp;. Vaata U+202f ja Wikipedia:Space_(punctuation)" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:180 -msgid "Hair Space. Thinner than U+2009." -msgstr "Juuksekarva suurune vahe. Kitsam kui U+2009." - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:182 -msgid "" -"Punctuation Apostrophe. Should be used instead of U+0027. See Wikipedia:Apostrophe" -msgstr "" -"Ülakoma. Tuleks kasutada U+0027 asemel. Vaata Wikipedia:Apostrophe" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:184 -msgid "" -"

An en Dash (dash of the width of an n).

Usage examples: In English " -"language for value ranges (1878–1903), for relationships/connections " -"(Zurich–Dublin). In the German language it is also used (with " -"spaces!) for showing thoughts: “Es war – wie immer in den " -"Ferien – ein regnerischer Tag.

See Wikipedia:Dash

" -msgstr "" -"

N-kriips (n-tähe laiune kriips).

Kasutusnäited: inglise keeles " -"väärtusvahemike jaoks (1878–1903), suhete/ühenduste jaoks " -"(Zurich–Dublin). Saksa keeles kasutatakse seda ka (koos tühikutega) " -"mõtete näitamiseks: “Es war – wie immer in den Ferien – " -"ein regnerischer Tag.

Vaata Wikipedia:Dash

" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:186 -msgid "" -"

An em Dash (dash of the width of an m).

Usage examples: In English " -"language to mark—like here—thoughts. Traditionally without " -"spaces.

See Wikipedia:" -"Dash

" -msgstr "" -"

M-kriips (m-tähe laiune kriips).

Kasutusnäited: inglise keeles " -"tähistab —nagu siin—mõtteid. Traditsiooniliselt ilma " -"tühikuteta.

Vaata Wikipedia:Dash

" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:188 -msgid "" -"

Narrow no-break space. Has the same width as U+2009.

Usage: For " -"units (spaces are marked with U+2423, ␣): 230␣V, " -"−21␣°C, 50␣lb, but 90° (no space). In " -"German for abbreviations (like: i. d. R. instead of i. d." -" R. with U+00a0).

See Wikipedia:de:Schmales_Leerzeichen

" -msgstr "" -"

Kitsas katkematu tühik. Sama lai kui U+2009.

Kasutus: ühikute puhul " -"(tühikud on märgitud: U+2423, ␣): 230␣V, −21␣" -"°C, 50␣lb, aga 90° (tühik puudub). Saksa keeles " -"lühendite jaoks (näiteks: i. d. R. i asemel. d. R. " -"koos U+00a0-ga).

Vaata Wikipedia:de:Schmales_Leerzeichen

" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:190 -msgid "" -"Ellipsis: If text has been left o… See Wikipedia:Ellipsis" -msgstr "" -"Ellips: Kui tekst on ära jäe… Vaata Wikipedia:Ellipsis" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:192 -msgid "Minus sign. For numbers: −42" -msgstr "Miinusmärk. Arvudele: −42" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:194 -msgid "Open box; stands for a space." -msgstr "Avatud kast; täidab vahe aset." - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:196 -msgid "" -"Quarter note (Am.) or crochet (Brit.). See Wikipedia:Quarter_note" -msgstr "" -"Veerandnoot või crochet (Brit. ing.). Vaata Wikipedia:Quarter_note" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:198 -msgid "" -"Eighth note (Am.) or quaver (Brit.). Half as long as a quarter note (U" -"+2669). See Wikipedia:" -"Eighth_note" -msgstr "" -"Kaheksandiknoot või quaver (Brit. ing.). Poole lühem kui veerandnoot (U" -"+2669). Vaata Wikipedia:" -"Eighth_note" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:200 -msgid "" -"Sixteenth note (Am.) or semiquaver (Brit.). Half as long as an eighth note (U" -"+266a). See Wikipedia:Sixteenth_note" -msgstr "" -"Kuueteistkümnendiknoot või semiquaver (Brit. ing.). Poole lühem kui " -"kaheksandiknoot (U+266a). Vaata Wikipedia:Sixteenth_note" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:202 -msgid "" -"Thirty-second note (Am.) or demisemiquaver (Brit.). Half as long as a " -"sixteenth note (U+266b). See Wikipedia:Thirty-second_note" -msgstr "" -"Kolmekümnekahendiknoot või demisemiquaver (Brit. ing.). Poole lühem kui " -"kuueteistkümnendiknoot (U+266b). Vaata Wikipedia:Thirty-second_note" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:204 -msgid "No additional information available for this character." -msgstr "Selle märgi kohta pole lisateavet." - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, before_select) -#: src/ui/addtrack_ui.ui:34 -msgid "Above" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, before_select) -#: src/ui/addtrack_ui.ui:39 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Render" -msgid "Under" -msgstr "Renderda" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, video_track) -#: src/ui/addtrack_ui.ui:57 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Video track" -msgid "Video &track" -msgstr "Videorada" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, audio_track) -#: src/ui/addtrack_ui.ui:74 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Audio track" -msgid "A&udio track" -msgstr "Helirada" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, name_label) -#: src/ui/addtrack_ui.ui:81 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Track mouse" -msgid "Track name" -msgstr "Hiire jälgimine" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/archivewidget_ui.ui:29 -msgid "Archive folder" -msgstr "Arhiivi kataloog" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, compressed_archive) -#: src/ui/archivewidget_ui.ui:46 -msgid "Compressed archive" -msgstr "Tihendatud arhiiv" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, proxy_only) -#: src/ui/archivewidget_ui.ui:53 -msgid "Archive only proxy clips when available" -msgstr "Võimaluse korral ainult asendusklippide arhiveerimine" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, labelFFTSize) -#: src/ui/audiospectrum_ui.ui:52 -msgid "True FFT size: " -msgstr "Tõeline FFT suurus: " - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, buttonLinkHandles) -#: src/ui/bezierspline_ui.ui:89 -msgid "Link the handles' position.
Results in a natural spline." -msgstr "Pidemete asukoha linkimine.
Tulemuseks on naturaalne splain." - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, marker_save) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, marker_load) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, analysis_delete) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, analysis_save) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, analysis_load) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, arrowUp) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, arrowDown) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, config_button) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonleft) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonhcenter) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonright) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttontop) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonvcenter) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonbottom) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonDirectUpdate) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonZoomOriginal) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonZoomFit) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonAddDelete) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonPrevious) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonNext) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, toolBtnReload) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonUp) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonDown) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonAdd) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonDelete) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonReset) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, zoom_button) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, unzoom_button) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonResetKeyframe) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonSeek) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, reload_blackmagic) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonLinkHandles) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonShowPixmap) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonZoomIn) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonZoomOut) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonGridChange) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonResetSpline) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonShowAllHandles) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, v4l_showprofileinfo) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, v4l_manageprofile) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, grab_manageprofile) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, grab_showprofileinfo) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, decklink_manageprofile) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, decklink_showprofileinfo) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, button_up) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, button_down) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, button_transcode) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, proxy_showprofileinfo) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, add_metadata) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, delete_metadata) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, effectsAll) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, effectsVideo) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, effectsAudio) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, effectsGPU) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, effectsCustom) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, proxy_manageprofile) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, button_add) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, button_edit) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, button_delete) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, button_download) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, button_more) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonLeftRight) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonUpDown) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonShowInTimeline) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonNewPoints) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonHelp) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonFavorite) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, rescale_keep) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, hide_log) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, collapseButton) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, enabledButton) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, menuButton) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonDel) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, rec_options) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonItalic) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonUnder) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonAlignNone) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonAlignLeft) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonInsertUnicode) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonAlignCenter) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonAlignRight) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, itemleft) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, itemhcenter) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, itemright) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, itemtop) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, itemvcenter) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, itembottom) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, live_button) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, capture_button) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, capture_interval) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, overlay_button) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, preview_button) -#: src/ui/bezierspline_ui.ui:92 src/ui/bezierspline_ui.ui:130 -#: src/ui/bezierspline_ui.ui:146 src/ui/bezierspline_ui.ui:156 -#: src/ui/bezierspline_ui.ui:169 src/ui/bezierspline_ui.ui:195 -#: src/ui/bezierspline_ui.ui:208 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:490 -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:500 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:587 -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:597 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:607 -#: src/ui/collapsiblewidget_ui.ui:86 src/ui/collapsiblewidget_ui.ui:118 -#: src/ui/collapsiblewidget_ui.ui:137 src/ui/collapsiblewidget_ui.ui:156 -#: src/ui/collapsiblewidget_ui.ui:172 src/ui/collapsiblewidget_ui.ui:188 -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:211 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:396 -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:433 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:616 -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:742 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:749 -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:78 src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:220 -#: src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:230 src/ui/configsdl_ui.ui:154 -#: src/ui/cutjobdialog_ui.ui:32 src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:262 -#: src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:269 src/ui/dvdwizardvob_ui.ui:29 -#: src/ui/dvdwizardvob_ui.ui:49 src/ui/dvdwizardvob_ui.ui:100 -#: src/ui/effectlist_ui.ui:22 src/ui/effectlist_ui.ui:41 -#: src/ui/effectlist_ui.ui:57 src/ui/effectlist_ui.ui:73 -#: src/ui/effectlist_ui.ui:89 src/ui/freesound_ui.ui:39 -#: src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:249 src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:256 -#: src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:263 src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:270 -#: src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:277 src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:284 -#: src/ui/geometrywidget_ui.ui:70 src/ui/geometrywidget_ui.ui:83 -#: src/ui/geometrywidget_ui.ui:93 src/ui/keyframeeditor_ui.ui:91 -#: src/ui/keyframeeditor_ui.ui:101 src/ui/keyframewidget_ui.ui:46 -#: src/ui/keyframewidget_ui.ui:59 src/ui/keyframewidget_ui.ui:72 -#: src/ui/keyframewidget_ui.ui:85 src/ui/keyframewidget_ui.ui:124 -#: src/ui/manageencodingprofile_ui.ui:44 src/ui/manageencodingprofile_ui.ui:51 -#: src/ui/manageencodingprofile_ui.ui:58 src/ui/manageencodingprofile_ui.ui:68 -#: src/ui/monitoreditwidget_ui.ui:53 src/ui/monitoreditwidget_ui.ui:66 -#: src/ui/monitoreditwidget_ui.ui:76 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:335 -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:386 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:393 -#: src/ui/recmonitor_ui.ui:72 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:407 -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:592 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:717 -#: src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:76 src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:92 -#: src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:108 src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:118 -#: src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:128 src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:141 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:364 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:384 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:401 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:417 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:440 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:447 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:460 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:801 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:808 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:815 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:822 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:829 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:836 src/ui/tracksconfigdialog_ui.ui:61 -#: src/ui/tracksconfigdialog_ui.ui:68 src/ui/tracksconfigdialog_ui.ui:75 -#: src/ui/tracksconfigdialog_ui.ui:82 src/ui/tracksconfigdialog_ui.ui:89 -#: src/ui/unicodewidget_ui.ui:185 src/ui/unicodewidget_ui.ui:210 -msgid "..." -msgstr "..." - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, buttonShowPixmap) -#: src/ui/bezierspline_ui.ui:127 -msgid "Show background indicating changes caused by modifying the curve." -msgstr "Kõvera muutmisest tingitud muutustele osutava tausta näitamine." - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, buttonGridChange) -#: src/ui/bezierspline_ui.ui:166 -msgid "" -"Increases the number of lines in the grid.
After 8 lines it will begin " -"from 0 again." -msgstr "" -"Alusvõrgu joonte arvu suurendamine.
Pärast 8 rida alustatakse taas " -"nullist." - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, buttonResetSpline) -#: src/ui/bezierspline_ui.ui:192 -msgid "Reset the selected spline" -msgstr "Valitud splaini lähtestamine" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, buttonShowAllHandles) -#: src/ui/bezierspline_ui.ui:205 -msgid "Show handles for all points or only for the selected one" -msgstr "Pidemete näitamine kõigile punktidele või ainult valitud punktile" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, name) -#: src/ui/boolval_ui.ui:30 src/ui/fontval_ui.ui:23 src/ui/listval_ui.ui:23 -msgid "TextLabel" -msgstr "Tekstipealdis" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, crop_label) -#: src/ui/clipdurationdialog_ui.ui:30 -msgid "Crop start" -msgstr "Kärpimise algus" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, end_label) -#: src/ui/clipdurationdialog_ui.ui:50 -msgid "Crop end" -msgstr "Kärpimise lõpp" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_path) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, treeWidget) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:27 src/ui/missingclips_ui.ui:72 -msgid "Path" -msgstr "Asukoht" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_size) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_6) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_5) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:51 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:231 -#: src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:41 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:93 -msgid "Size:" -msgstr "Suurus:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, clip_filesize) -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, groupBox) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:65 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:157 -#: src/utils/freesound.cpp:212 -msgid "File size" -msgstr "Failisuurus" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, clip_vproperties) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, clip_aproperties) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, metadata_list) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, analysis_list) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, programList) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:117 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:162 -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:542 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:574 -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:371 src/ui/wizardmltcheck_ui.ui:49 -msgid "1" -msgstr "1" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, clip_vproperties) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, clip_aproperties) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, metadata_list) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, analysis_list) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:122 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:167 -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:547 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:579 -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:376 -msgid "2" -msgstr "2" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_slideshow) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:206 -msgid "Slideshow" -msgstr "Slaidiesitus" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, slide_type_label) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:212 -msgid "Image type" -msgstr "Pildi tüüp" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, clip_filesize_4) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:222 -msgid "Frame duration" -msgstr "Kaadri kestus" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, slide_loop) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, loop_movie) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, sm_loop) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:255 src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:221 -#: src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:160 src/ui/smconfig_ui.ui:26 -msgid "Loop" -msgstr "Kordamine" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, slide_crop) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:339 src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:284 -msgid "Center crop" -msgstr "Keskkoha kärpimine" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_animation) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_6) -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:346 src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:291 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:1121 -msgid "Animation" -msgstr "Animatsioon" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_image) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, background_list) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:357 src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:202 -msgid "Image" -msgstr "Pilt" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_16) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:365 -msgid "Image size" -msgstr "Pildi suurus" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, image_transparency) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:381 -msgid "Transparent background" -msgstr "Läbipaistev taust" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, markers_list) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, clip_filesize_3) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:432 src/ui/markerdialog_ui.ui:56 -msgid "Comment" -msgstr "Kommentaar" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, marker_new) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonNext) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonUnselectAll) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:440 src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:83 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:700 -msgid "N" -msgstr "N" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, marker_edit) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonEdit) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:450 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:414 -msgid "E" -msgstr "E" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, marker_delete) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonDelete) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, button_delete) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, delete_button) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:460 src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:252 -#: src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:103 src/ui/keyframeeditor_ui.ui:78 -#: src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:279 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:428 -msgid "D" -msgstr "D" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_advanced) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:634 -msgid "Advanced" -msgstr "Täpsemalt" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, clip_force_ar) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:653 -msgid "Force aspect ratio" -msgstr "Külgede suhe jõuga" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, clip_force_threads) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:686 -msgid "Decoding threads" -msgstr "Lõimede lahtikodeerimine" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, clip_force_progressive) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:700 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Force duration" -msgid "Force scanning" -msgstr "Kestus jõuga" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, clip_force_framerate) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:727 -msgid "Force frame rate" -msgstr "Kaadrisagedus jõuga" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, clip_force_out) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:734 -msgid "Force duration" -msgstr "Kestus jõuga" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, clip_force_colorspace) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:751 -msgid "Force colorspace" -msgstr "Värviruum jõuga" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, clip_force_fieldorder) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:765 -msgid "Force field order" -msgstr "Väljajärjestus jõuga" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, clip_force_transparency) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:829 -msgid "Image background" -msgstr "Pildi taust" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, clip_transparency) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:837 -msgid "Normal" -msgstr "Tavaline" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_dest) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_5) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_6) -#: src/ui/clipstabilize_ui.ui:20 src/ui/cliptranscode_ui.ui:30 -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:45 src/ui/saveprofile_ui.ui:138 -msgid "Destination" -msgstr "Sihtkoht" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_source) -#: src/ui/cliptranscode_ui.ui:20 -msgid "Source" -msgstr "Lähtefail" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, ffmpeg_label) -#: src/ui/cliptranscode_ui.ui:40 -msgid "FFmpeg parameters" -msgstr "FFmpeg parameetrid" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_4) -#: src/ui/cliptranscode_ui.ui:54 -msgid "Job status" -msgstr "Töö olek" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_start) -#: src/ui/cliptranscode_ui.ui:61 -msgctxt "@action:button start transcode" -msgid "Start" -msgstr "Käivita" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_profile) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: src/ui/cliptranscode_ui.ui:68 src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:29 -#: src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:20 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:74 -msgid "Profile" -msgstr "Profiil" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, auto_close) -#: src/ui/cliptranscode_ui.ui:88 -msgid "Close after transcode" -msgstr "Sulgemine pärast ümberkodeerimist" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/colorclip_ui.ui:30 -msgid "Clip Color" -msgstr "Klipi värv" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, ColorPlaneExport_UI) -#: src/ui/colorplaneexport_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Export color plane to PNG" -msgstr "Värvitasandi PNG-ks eksportimine" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, lblSpace) -#: src/ui/colorplaneexport_ui.ui:20 -msgid "Color space" -msgstr "Värviruum" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, lblVariant) -#: src/ui/colorplaneexport_ui.ui:37 -msgid "Variant" -msgstr "Variant" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QSlider, sliderScaling) -#: src/ui/colorplaneexport_ui.ui:81 -msgid "How much to zoom in" -msgstr "Kui palju suurendada" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, lblRes) -#: src/ui/colorplaneexport_ui.ui:101 -msgid "Resolution" -msgstr "Eraldusvõime" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, lblFilename) -#: src/ui/colorplaneexport_ui.ui:144 -msgid "Filename" -msgstr "Failinimi" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:23 -msgid "Default capture device" -msgstr "Vaikimisi salvestusseade" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, kcfg_defaultcapture) -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, device_selector) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:37 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:70 -#: src/ui/recmonitor_ui.ui:134 -msgid "Firewire" -msgstr "Firewire" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, kcfg_defaultcapture) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, device_selector) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:47 src/ui/recmonitor_ui.ui:144 -msgid "Screen grab" -msgstr "Ekraanil toimuva salvestamine" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, kcfg_defaultcapture) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, device_selector) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:52 src/ui/recmonitor_ui.ui:149 -msgid "Blackmagic card" -msgstr "Blackmagicu kaart" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_9) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:89 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:221 -msgid "Capture format" -msgstr "Salvestusvorming" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, kcfg_firewireformat) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:97 -msgid "DV Raw" -msgstr "Toores DV" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, kcfg_firewireformat) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:102 -msgid "DV AVI type 1" -msgstr "DV AVI tüüp 1" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, kcfg_firewireformat) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:107 -msgid "DV AVI type 2" -msgstr "DV AVI tüüp 2" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, button_hdv) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, kcfg_firewireformat) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:112 src/ui/wizardstandard_ui.ui:54 -msgid "HDV" -msgstr "HDV" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_firewireautosplit) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:133 -msgid "Automatically start a new file on scene cut" -msgstr "Automaatne uue faili alustamine stseeni lõikamisel" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_firewiretimestamp) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:140 -msgid "Add recording time to captured file name" -msgstr "Salvestatud faili nimele salvestusaja lisamine" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_5) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_29) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:147 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:696 -msgid "Capture file name" -msgstr "Salvestatud faili nimi" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_7) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:157 -msgid "dvgrab additional parameters" -msgstr "dvgrabi lisaparameetrid" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_14) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:197 -msgid "Video device" -msgstr "Videoseade" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_30) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_27) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:204 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:666 -msgid "Detected devices" -msgstr "Tuvastatud seadmed" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, p_size) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:238 src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:48 -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:100 -msgid "720x576" -msgstr "720x576" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, p_fps) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:252 src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:62 -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:114 -msgid "25/1" -msgstr "25/1" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, p_aspect) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:273 src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:76 -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:128 -msgid "59/54" -msgstr "59/54" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, p_display) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:287 src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:90 -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:142 -msgid "4/3" -msgstr "4/3" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, config_v4l) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:308 -msgid "Edit" -msgstr "Muuda" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_v4l_captureaudio) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:342 -msgid "Capture audio (ALSA)" -msgstr "Heli salvestamine (ALSA)" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_24) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_screengrab) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_16) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:362 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:632 -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:725 src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:203 -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:305 -msgid "Encoding profile" -msgstr "Profiili kodeering" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_v4l_capturevideo) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:389 -msgid "Capture video (Video4Linux2)" -msgstr "Video salvestamine (Video4Linux2)" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, kcfg_grab_capture_type) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:471 -msgid "Full screen capture" -msgstr "Täisekraani salvestus" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, kcfg_grab_capture_type) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:476 -msgid "Region capture" -msgstr "Piirkonna salvestamine" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_grab_follow_mouse) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:495 -msgid "Follow mouse" -msgstr "Hiire järgimine" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_grab_hide_frame) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:502 -msgid "Hide frame" -msgstr "Kaadri peitmine" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_19) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_10) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:524 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:951 -msgid "Offset" -msgstr "Distants" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_grab_hide_mouse) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:652 -msgid "Hide cursor" -msgstr "Kursori peitmine" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_4) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:660 -msgid "Blackmagic" -msgstr "Blackmagic" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_9) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:42 -msgid "Concurrent threads" -msgstr "Üheaegsed lõimed" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:69 -msgid "MLT environment" -msgstr "MLT keskkond" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_6) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:78 -msgid "Processing threads" -msgstr "Töödeldavaid lõimi" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_7) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:91 -msgid "(>1 is experimental)" -msgstr "(üle 1 on eksperimentaalne)" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:98 -msgid "Melt path" -msgstr "Melti asukoht" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:112 -msgid "MLT profiles folder" -msgstr "MLT profiilide kataloog" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_13) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:135 -msgid "FFplay" -msgstr "FFplay" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_14) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:155 -msgid "FFprobe" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_2) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:166 -msgid "Default folders" -msgstr "Vaikekataloogid" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_5) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_4) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:172 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:56 -msgid "Project folder" -msgstr "Projektikataloog" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:182 -msgid "Temporary files" -msgstr "Ajutised failid" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_10) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:192 -msgid "Capture folder" -msgstr "Salvestuse kataloog" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_capturetoprojectfolder) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:212 -msgid "Use project folder" -msgstr "Projektikataloogi kasutamine" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_3) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:223 -msgid "Default apps" -msgstr "Vaikerakendused" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_4) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:229 -msgid "Image editing" -msgstr "Pildi redigeerimine" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, kp_image) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, kp_audio) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, kp_player) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:243 src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:264 -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:285 -msgid "Change" -msgstr "Muuda" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_11) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:250 -msgid "Audio editing" -msgstr "Heli redigeerimine" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_12) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:271 -msgid "Video player" -msgstr "Videomängija" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_enableshuttle) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:23 -msgid "Enable Jog Shuttle device" -msgstr "Ratasvalijaga seadme lubamine" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, shuttledisabled) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:30 -msgid "Jog Shuttle device disabled." -msgstr "Ratasvalijaga seade keelatud." - -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, config_group) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:53 -msgid "Device configuration" -msgstr "Seadme seadistamine" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:85 -msgid "Button 1" -msgstr "Nupp 1" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_17) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:98 -msgid "Device" -msgstr "Seade" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_16) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:111 -msgid "Button 15" -msgstr "Nupp 15" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_14) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:137 -msgid "Button 13" -msgstr "Nupp 13" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_9) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:150 -msgid "Button 8" -msgstr "Nupp 8" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_7) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:166 -msgid "Button 4" -msgstr "Nupp 4" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:179 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Device" -msgid "Device name" -msgstr "Seade" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_5) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:192 -msgid "Button 5" -msgstr "Nupp 5" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_8) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:214 -msgid "Button 7" -msgstr "Nupp 7" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_10) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:243 -msgid "Button 9" -msgstr "Nupp 9" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_4) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:256 -msgid "Button 2" -msgstr "Nupp 2" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_11) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:272 -msgid "Button 10" -msgstr "Nupp 10" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_12) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:285 -msgid "Button 11" -msgstr "Nupp 11" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_6) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:308 -msgid "Button 6" -msgstr "Nupp 6" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_15) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:336 -msgid "Button 14" -msgstr "Nupp 14" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:349 -msgid "Button 3" -msgstr "Nupp 3" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_13) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:362 -msgid "Button 12" -msgstr "Nupp 12" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_usekuiserver) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:23 -msgid "Use KDE job tracking for render jobs" -msgstr "KDE tööde jälgimise kasutamine renderdustööde puhul" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_checkfirstprojectclip) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:30 -msgid "Check if first added clip matches project profile" -msgstr "Kontrollimine, kas esimesena lisatud klipp sobib projektiprofiiliga" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_crashrecovery) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:37 -msgid "Crash recovery (automatic backup)" -msgstr "Krahhist taastamine (automaatne varundus)" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_automultistreams) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:44 -msgid "Automatically import all streams in multi stream clips" -msgstr "Kõigi voogude automaatne importimine mitmevooklippidesse" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_disable_effect_parameters) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:51 -msgid "Disable parameters when the effect is disabled" -msgstr "Parameetrite keelamine efekti keelamisel" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_bypasscodeccheck) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:58 -msgid "Bypass codec verification" -msgstr "Koodeki kontrollimise vahelejätmine" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_autoimagesequence) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:65 -msgid "Automatically import image sequences" -msgstr "Pildiseeriate automaatne importimine" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_projectloading_avformatnovalidate) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:72 -msgid "Do not validate the video files when loading a project (faster)" -msgstr "Videofaile ei valideerita projekti laadimisel (kiirem)" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_on_monitor_effects) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:79 -msgid "Use on-monitor effects" -msgstr "Monitori efektide kasutamine" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_use_exiftool) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:86 -msgid "Get clip metadata with exiftool" -msgstr "Klipi metaandmete hankimine programmiga exiftool" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_openlastproject) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:93 -msgid "Open last project on startup" -msgstr "Viimase projekti avamine käivitamisel" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, groupBox) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:100 -msgid "Default Durations" -msgstr "Vaikekestused" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:106 -msgid "Color clips" -msgstr "Värviklipid" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_8) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:123 -msgid "Title clips" -msgstr "Tiitriklipid" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:130 -msgid "Image sequence" -msgstr "Pildiseeria" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_autoimagetransparency) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:149 -msgid "Transparent background for imported images" -msgstr "Läbipaistev taust imporditud piltidele" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_use_magicLantern) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:169 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Get clip metadata with exiftool" -msgid "Get clip metadata created by Magic Lantern" -msgstr "Klipi metaandmete hankimine programmiga exiftool" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, properties) -#: src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:23 -msgid "Default Profile" -msgstr "Vaikeprofiil" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_9) -#: src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:69 -msgid "Aspect ratio:" -msgstr "Külgede suhe:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_10) -#: src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:83 -msgid "Display ratio:" -msgstr "Kuvasuhe:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_7) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_6) -#: src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:109 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:175 -msgid "Video tracks" -msgstr "Videoradu" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_8) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_7) -#: src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:119 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:185 -msgid "Audio tracks" -msgstr "Heliradu" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, generate_proxy) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_generateproxy) -#: src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:154 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:256 -msgid "Generate for videos larger than" -msgstr "Luuakse videole, mis on suurem kui" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (suffix), widget (QSpinBox, proxy_minsize) -#. i18n: ectx: property (suffix), widget (QSpinBox, proxy_imageminsize) -#. i18n: ectx: property (suffix), widget (QSpinBox, kcfg_proxyminsize) -#. i18n: ectx: property (suffix), widget (QSpinBox, kcfg_proxyimageminsize) -#: src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:161 src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:181 -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:263 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:283 -msgid "pixels" -msgstr "pikslit" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, generate_imageproxy) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_generateimageproxy) -#: src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:174 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:276 -msgid "Generate for images larger than" -msgstr "Luuakse pildile, mis on suurem kui" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/ui/configsdl_ui.ui:17 -msgid "" -"Warning: changes to the drivers and devices can make Kdenlive unstable. " -"Change only if you know what you do." -msgstr "" -"Hoiatus: draiverite ja seadmete muutmine võib põhjustada Kdenlive'i " -"ebastabiilsust. Muuda ainult siis, kui tead, mida teha." - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_gpu_accel) -#: src/ui/configsdl_ui.ui:27 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Use OpenGL for video display (restart Kdenlive to apply)" -msgid "Use GPU processing (Movit library) - restart Kdenlive to apply" -msgstr "" -"OpenGL-i kasutamine video esitamisel (rakendamiseks tuleb Kdenlive " -"taaskäivitada)" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_4) -#: src/ui/configsdl_ui.ui:34 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Audio tracks" -msgid "Audio backend" -msgstr "Heliradu" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, textLabel1_2) -#: src/ui/configsdl_ui.ui:53 -msgid "Audio driver:" -msgstr "Helidraiver:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, textLabel1) -#: src/ui/configsdl_ui.ui:66 -msgid "Audio device:" -msgstr "Heliseade: " - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: src/ui/configsdl_ui.ui:82 -msgid "Preview volume:" -msgstr "Eelvaatluse helitugevus:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/configsdl_ui.ui:102 -msgid "Monitor background color:" -msgstr "Monitori taustavärv:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_external_display) -#: src/ui/configsdl_ui.ui:127 -msgid "Use external display (Blackmagic card)" -msgstr "Välise kuva kasutamine (Blackmagicu kaart)" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_5) -#: src/ui/configsdl_ui.ui:134 -msgid "Output device" -msgstr "Väljundseade" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, groupBox) -#: src/ui/configtimeline_ui.ui:23 -msgid "Thumbnails" -msgstr "Pisipildid" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_displayallchannels) -#: src/ui/configtimeline_ui.ui:48 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Swap channels" -msgid "Separate channels" -msgstr "Kanalite vahetamine" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_showmarkers) -#: src/ui/configtimeline_ui.ui:73 -msgid "Display clip markers comments" -msgstr "Klipimarkerite kommentaaride kuvamine" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_autoscroll) -#: src/ui/configtimeline_ui.ui:80 -msgid "Autoscroll while playing" -msgstr "Automaatne kerimine esituse ajal" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_verticalzoom) -#: src/ui/configtimeline_ui.ui:87 -msgid "Zoom using vertical drag in ruler" -msgstr "Suuruse muutmine joonlaua vertikaalse lohistamisega" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_splitaudio) -#: src/ui/configtimeline_ui.ui:94 -msgid "Automatically split audio and video" -msgstr "Heli ja pildi automaatne eraldamine" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/configtimeline_ui.ui:103 -msgid "Track height" -msgstr "Raja kõrgus" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_add) -#: src/ui/configtranscode_ui.ui:24 -msgid "Add Profile" -msgstr "Lisa profiil" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_update) -#: src/ui/configtranscode_ui.ui:31 -msgid "Update Profile" -msgstr "Uuenda profiili" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_delete) -#: src/ui/configtranscode_ui.ui:38 -msgid "Delete Profile" -msgstr "Kustuta profiil" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_4) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: src/ui/configtranscode_ui.ui:90 src/ui/saveprofile_ui.ui:121 -msgid "Extension" -msgstr "Laiend" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_4) -#: src/ui/configtranscode_ui.ui:107 -msgid "Parameters" -msgstr "Parameetrid" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, button_more) -#: src/ui/cutjobdialog_ui.ui:29 -msgid "Configure job" -msgstr "Töö seadistamine" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_add) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardchapters_ui.ui:39 -msgid "Add chapter" -msgstr "Lisa peatükk" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardchapters_ui.ui:46 -msgid "Movie file" -msgstr "Videofail" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_delete) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardchapters_ui.ui:66 -msgid "Remove chapter" -msgstr "Eemalda peatükk" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, create_menu) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:20 -msgid "Create basic menu" -msgstr "Põhimenüü loomine" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:49 -msgid "Button" -msgstr "Nupp " - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_6) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:65 -msgid "Target" -msgstr "Sihtkoht" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, back_to_menu) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:82 -msgid "Back to menu" -msgstr "Tagasi menüüsse" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, use_shadow) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:126 -msgid "Shadow" -msgstr "Vari" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:138 -msgid "Underline" -msgstr "Allajoonimine" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_2) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, lblBackground) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:183 src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:189 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:1076 src/ui/vectorscope_ui.ui:46 -msgid "Background" -msgstr "Taust" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonAdd) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, add_button) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, button_add) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonSelectAll) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonAudio) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:232 src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:93 -#: src/ui/keyframeeditor_ui.ui:68 src/ui/timelinebuttons_ui.ui:71 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:723 -msgid "A" -msgstr "A" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:29 -msgid "Temporary data folder" -msgstr "Ajutiste andmete kataloog" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:39 -msgid "DVD ISO image" -msgstr "DVD ISO tõmmis" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (QListWidget, job_progress) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:56 -msgid "Creating menu images" -msgstr "Menüüpiltide loomine" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (QListWidget, job_progress) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:61 -msgid "Creating menu background" -msgstr "Menüütausta loomine" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (QListWidget, job_progress) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:66 -msgid "Creating menu movie" -msgstr "Menüüvideo loomine" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (QListWidget, job_progress) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:71 -msgid "Creating dvd structure" -msgstr "DVD struktuuri loomine" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (QListWidget, job_progress) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:76 -msgid "Creating iso file" -msgstr "ISO faili loomine" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_start) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:84 -msgid "Create ISO image" -msgstr "Loo ISO tõmmis" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_2) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:118 -msgid "Log" -msgstr "Logi" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_7) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:124 -msgid "Status" -msgstr "Olek" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, button_burn) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:154 -msgid "Burn" -msgstr "Kirjuta" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:172 -msgid "Menu File" -msgstr "Menüüfail" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_3) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:186 -msgid "Dvdauthor File" -msgstr "Dvdauthori fail" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, use_intro) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardvob_ui.ui:59 -msgid "Use first movie as intro" -msgstr "Esimese filmi kasutamine sissejuhatusena" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardvob_ui.ui:66 -msgid "DVD format" -msgstr "DVD vorming" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_delete) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardvob_ui.ui:73 -msgid "Remove file" -msgstr "Eemalda fail" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_add) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardvob_ui.ui:130 -msgid "Add movie file" -msgstr "Lisa filmifail" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, convert_label) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardvob_ui.ui:146 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Creating iso file" -msgid "Converting files" -msgstr "ISO faili loomine" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: src/ui/freesound_ui.ui:22 -msgid "Service" -msgstr "Teenus" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, page_prev) -#: src/ui/freesound_ui.ui:67 -msgid "<<" -msgstr "<<" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, page_next) -#: src/ui/freesound_ui.ui:104 -msgid ">>" -msgstr ">>" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_import) -#: src/ui/freesound_ui.ui:137 src/utils/archiveorg.cpp:181 -msgid "Import" -msgstr "Impordi" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/freesound_ui.ui:177 -msgid "License" -msgstr "Litsents" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonMenu) -#: src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:63 -msgid "M" -msgstr "M" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonPrevious) -#: src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:73 -msgid "P" -msgstr "P" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_pos) -#: src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:127 -msgid "Pos" -msgstr "Asuk." - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_6) -#: src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:198 -msgid "Height" -msgstr "Kõrgus" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:219 -msgid "Resize:" -msgstr "Suuruse muutmine:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, buttonResize) -#: src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:242 -msgid "Original" -msgstr "Originaal" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QCheckBox, cbY) -#: src/ui/histogram_ui.ui:17 -msgid "Luma value" -msgstr "Heleduse väärtus" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, lblComponents) -#: src/ui/histogram_ui.ui:64 -msgid "Components" -msgstr "Komponendid" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QCheckBox, cbS) -#: src/ui/histogram_ui.ui:71 -msgid "RGB summed up" -msgstr "Summeeritud RGB" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, cbS) -#: src/ui/histogram_ui.ui:74 -msgid "Sum" -msgstr "Summa" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, ImportKeyframesDialog_UI) -#: src/ui/importkeyframesdialog_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Import Keyframes" -msgstr "Võtmekaadrite import" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, limit_keyframes) -#: src/ui/importkeyframesdialog_ui.ui:48 -msgid "Limit keyframes number" -msgstr "Võtmekaadrite arvu piirang" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/importkeyframesdialog_ui.ui:90 -msgid "Data to import" -msgstr "Imporditavad andmed" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, KeyFrameDialog_UI) -#: src/ui/keyframedialog_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Edit Keyframe" -msgstr "Võtmekaadri muutmine" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, clip_filesize_3) -#: src/ui/keyframedialog_ui.ui:27 -msgid "Value" -msgstr "Väärtus" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, buttonResetKeyframe) -#: src/ui/keyframeeditor_ui.ui:88 -msgid "Reset the parameters to their default values" -msgstr "Parameetrite lähtestamine vaikeväärtustele" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, buttonSeek) -#: src/ui/keyframeeditor_ui.ui:98 -msgid "Seek to active keyframe" -msgstr "Otsimine aktiivse võtmekaadrini" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, buttonKeyframes) -#: src/ui/keyframeeditor_ui.ui:114 -msgid "Add keyframes" -msgstr "Lisa võtmekaadrid" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, buttonLeftRight) -#: src/ui/keyframewidget_ui.ui:43 -msgid "move on X axis" -msgstr "Liikumine X-teljel" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, buttonUpDown) -#: src/ui/keyframewidget_ui.ui:56 -msgid "move on Y axis" -msgstr "Liikumine Y-teljel" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, buttonShowInTimeline) -#: src/ui/keyframewidget_ui.ui:69 -msgid "update values in timeline" -msgstr "Väärtuste uuendamine ajateljel" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, buttonNewPoints) -#: src/ui/keyframewidget_ui.ui:82 -msgid "create new points" -msgstr "Uute punktide loomine" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, checkBox) -#: src/ui/keyframewidget_ui.ui:105 -msgid "GraphView" -msgstr "Graafikuvaade" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, buttonHelp) -#: src/ui/keyframewidget_ui.ui:121 -msgid "parameter description" -msgstr "Parameetri kirjeldus" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/keywordval_ui.ui:23 src/ui/urlval_ui.ui:26 -msgid "Param" -msgstr "Param." - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, ManageCaptures_UI) -#: src/ui/managecaptures_ui.ui:13 -msgid "Captured files" -msgstr "Salvestatud failid" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, treeWidget) -#: src/ui/managecaptures_ui.ui:35 -msgid "File name" -msgstr "Failinimi" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, deleteButton) -#: src/ui/managecaptures_ui.ui:48 -msgid "Delete current file" -msgstr "Kustuta aktiivne fail" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, toggleButton) -#: src/ui/managecaptures_ui.ui:55 -msgid "Toggle selection" -msgstr "Valiku lülitamine" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/manageencodingprofile_ui.ui:20 -msgid "Editing profiles for" -msgstr "Profiilide muutmine - " - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_category) -#: src/ui/markerdialog_ui.ui:76 -msgid "Category" -msgstr "Kategooria" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, clip_thumb) -#: src/ui/markerdialog_ui.ui:86 -msgid "Image preview" -msgstr "Pildi eelvaatlus" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, MissingClips_UI) -#: src/ui/missingclips_ui.ui:14 -msgid " Clip Problems" -msgstr " Klipi probleemid" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, removeSelected) -#: src/ui/missingclips_ui.ui:20 -msgid "Remove selected clips" -msgstr "Eemalda valitud klipid" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, usePlaceholders) -#: src/ui/missingclips_ui.ui:37 -msgid "Use placeholders for missing clips" -msgstr "Kasuta puuduvate klippide asemel kohatäiteid" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, recursiveSearch) -#: src/ui/missingclips_ui.ui:80 -msgid "Search recursively" -msgstr "Otsi tagasiulatuvalt" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, ProfilesDialog_UI) -#: src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Profiles" -msgstr "Profiilid" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_4) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_7) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_8) -#: src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:106 src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:140 -#: src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:174 -msgid "/" -msgstr "/" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_10) -#: src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:154 -msgid "Display aspect ratio" -msgstr "Kuvasuhe" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_11) -#: src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:208 -msgid "Fields per second" -msgstr "Välja sekundis" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_default) -#: src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:242 -msgid "Use as default" -msgstr "Kasuta vaikeseadistusena" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, button_create) -#: src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:259 -msgid "C" -msgstr "C" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, button_save) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonSave) -#: src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:269 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:421 -msgid "S" -msgstr "S" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, properties) -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:66 -msgid "Video Profile" -msgstr "Videoprofiil" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:210 -msgid "Thumbnails:" -msgstr "Pisipildid:" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_2) -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:416 -msgid "Project Files" -msgstr "Projektifailid" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_12) -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:422 -msgid "Clips used in project:" -msgstr "Projektis kasutatut klipid:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_6) -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:443 -msgid "Unused clips:" -msgstr "Kasutamata klipid:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, delete_unused) -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:464 -msgid "Delete files" -msgstr "Kustuta failid" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_11) -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:471 -msgid "Thumbnails cache:" -msgstr "Pisipiltide vahemälu:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, clear_cache) -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:492 -msgid "Clear cache" -msgstr "Tühjenda vahemälu" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, delete_proxies) -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:520 -msgid "Delete proxies" -msgstr "Kustuta asendusklipid" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_13) -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:527 -msgid "Project files" -msgstr "Projektifailid" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_fonts) -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:561 -msgid "Fonts" -msgstr "Fondid" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_export) -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:575 -msgid "Plain text export" -msgstr "Ekspordi lihttekstina" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:39 -msgid "Render Project" -msgstr "Projekti renderdamine" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:52 -msgid "Output file" -msgstr "Väljundfail" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_9) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:112 -msgid "Encoder threads" -msgstr "Kodeerija lõimed" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, scanning_list) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:131 -msgid "Force Progressive" -msgstr "Progressiivne jõuga" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, scanning_list) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:136 -msgid "Force Interlaced" -msgstr "Ülerealaotusega jõuga" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QLineEdit, vbitrates_list) -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QLineEdit, abitrates_list) -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (KComboBox, comboBitrates) -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (KComboBox, comboAudioBitrates) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:176 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:202 -#: src/ui/saveprofile_ui.ui:33 src/ui/saveprofile_ui.ui:87 -msgid "Best to worst quality" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, checkTwoPass) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:215 -msgid "2 pass" -msgstr "2 käiku" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, rescale) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:222 -msgid "Rescale" -msgstr "Mõõtmete muutmine" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, export_meta) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:250 -msgid "Export metadata" -msgstr "Metaandmete eksportimine" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, tc_overlay) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:276 -msgid "Overlay" -msgstr "Ülekatmine" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, render_full) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:314 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Full project" -msgid "Fu&ll project" -msgstr "Terve projekt" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, render_zone) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:324 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Selected zone" -msgid "Selected &zone" -msgstr "Valitud tsoon" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, render_guide) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:331 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Guide zone" -msgid "&Guide zone" -msgstr "Abijoone tsoon" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, buttonRender) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:355 -msgid "Render to File" -msgstr "Renderda ja salvesta faili" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, buttonGenerateScript) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:362 -msgid "Generate Script" -msgstr "Tekita skript" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonInfo) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonSelectImages) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:393 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:680 -msgid "I" -msgstr "I" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, show_all_profiles) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:400 -msgid "Show all profiles" -msgstr "Kõigi profiilide näitamine" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, open_browser) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:466 -msgid "Open browser window after export" -msgstr "Brauseriakna avamine pärast eksportimist" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, play_after) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:473 -msgid "Play after render" -msgstr "Esitus pärast renderdamist" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:503 -msgid "to" -msgstr "kuni" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, create_chapter) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:523 -msgid "Create chapter file based on guides" -msgstr "Peatükifaili loomine abijoonte põhjal" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, open_dvd) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:530 -msgid "Open Dvd wizard after rendering" -msgstr "DVD nõustaja avamine pärast renderdamist" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, proxy_render) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:537 -msgid "Render using proxy clips" -msgstr "Renderdamine asendusklippide abil" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, stemAudioExport) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:623 -msgid "Stem audio export" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_2) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:631 -msgid "Job Queue" -msgstr "Tööde järjekord" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_7) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:710 -msgid "Error Log" -msgstr "Vealogi" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, clean_up) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:728 -msgid "Clean Up" -msgstr "Puhasta" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, shutdown) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:735 -msgid "Shutdown computer after renderings" -msgstr "Arvuti väljalülitamine pärast renderduste lõppu" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, start_job) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:742 -msgid "Start Job" -msgstr "Käivita töö" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_3) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:750 -msgid "Scripts" -msgstr "Skriptid" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, start_script) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:778 -msgid "Start Script" -msgstr "Käivita skript" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, delete_script) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:785 -msgid "Delete Script" -msgstr "Kustuta skript" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, lblPaintmode) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, lblPaintMode) -#: src/ui/rgbparade_ui.ui:33 src/ui/vectorscope_ui.ui:29 -#: src/ui/waveform_ui.ui:30 -msgid "Paint mode" -msgstr "Värvimisrežiim" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, SaveProfile_UI) -#: src/ui/saveprofile_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Save Profile" -msgstr "Profiili salvestamine" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/ui/saveprofile_ui.ui:60 -msgid "Group" -msgstr "Rühm" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: src/ui/saveprofile_ui.ui:108 -msgid "Profile name" -msgstr "Profiili nimi" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/saveprofile_ui.ui:128 -msgid "" -"Parameters (see MLT documentation)" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, SceneCutDialog_UI) -#: src/ui/scenecutdialog_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Scene Cut" -msgstr "Stseeni lõikamine" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, add_markers) -#: src/ui/scenecutdialog_ui.ui:23 -msgid "Add clip markers" -msgstr "Klipi markerite lisamine" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, zone_only) -#: src/ui/scenecutdialog_ui.ui:33 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Analyse only selected zone" -msgid "Analyze only selected zone" -msgstr "Ainult valitud tsooni analüüsimine" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, cut_scenes) -#: src/ui/scenecutdialog_ui.ui:63 -msgid "Cut scenes" -msgstr "Stseenide lõikamine" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, store_data) -#: src/ui/scenecutdialog_ui.ui:70 -msgid "Save result in clip metadata" -msgstr "Tulemuse salvestamine klipi metaandmetesse" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, groupBox) -#: src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:30 -msgid "Image selection method" -msgstr "Pildivaliku moodus" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, method_mime) -#: src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:36 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Mimetype" -msgid "&Mimetype" -msgstr "MIME tüüp" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, method_pattern) -#: src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:46 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Filename pattern" -msgid "Fi&lename pattern" -msgstr "Failinime muster" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_4) -#: src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:70 -msgid "Image Type" -msgstr "Pildi tüüp" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_5) -#: src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:97 -msgid "First frame" -msgstr "Esimene kaader" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:127 -msgid "Frame Duration" -msgstr "Kaadri kestus" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, show_thumbs) -#: src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:245 -msgid "Show thumbnails" -msgstr "Pisipiltide näitamine" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: src/ui/smconfig_ui.ui:33 -msgid "Number of frames to play (0 to play all frames)" -msgstr "Esitatavate kaadrite arv (0 kõigi kaadrite esitamiseks)" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, groupBox_2) -#: src/ui/smconfig_ui.ui:73 -msgid "Interval Capture" -msgstr "Intervalliga salvestus" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/smconfig_ui.ui:79 -msgid "Capture delay" -msgstr "Salvestamise viivitus" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, sm_prenotify) -#: src/ui/smconfig_ui.ui:96 -msgid "Notify before capture" -msgstr "Märguanne enne salvestamist" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, SpacerDialog_UI) -#: src/ui/spacerdialog_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Add space" -msgstr "Vahe lisamine" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, clip_filesize_3) -#: src/ui/spacerdialog_ui.ui:37 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Track" -msgid "Track:" -msgstr "Rada" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, labelFFTSize) -#: src/ui/spectrogram_ui.ui:52 -msgid "True FFT size:" -msgstr "Tõeline FFT suurus:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, live_button) -#: src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:86 -msgid "Live view" -msgstr "Live-vaade" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, preview_button) -#: src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:135 -msgid "Preview sequence" -msgstr "Seeria eelvaatlus" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (KComboBox, sequence_name) -#: src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:151 src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:158 -msgid "Sequence name" -msgstr "Seeria nimi" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_addsequence) -#: src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:194 -msgid "Add to project" -msgstr "Lisa projekti" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/templateclip_ui.ui:17 -msgid "Template" -msgstr "Mall" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonFitZoom) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonRealSize) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonVideo) -#: src/ui/timelinebuttons_ui.ui:16 src/ui/timelinebuttons_ui.ui:64 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:553 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:563 -msgid "V" -msgstr "V" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, TitleWidget_UI) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Title Clip" -msgstr "Tiitriklipp" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, lWidth) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:109 -msgid "W" -msgstr "W" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_19) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:126 -msgid "H" -msgstr "H" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_12) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:184 -msgid "Z-Index:" -msgstr "Z-indeks:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:232 -msgid "Item Properties" -msgstr "Üksuse omadused" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:243 -msgid "Fill color" -msgstr "Täitevärv" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_11) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:275 -msgid "Border color" -msgstr "Piirjoone värv" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_18) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:394 -msgid "Outline" -msgstr "Kontuur" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, displayBg) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:631 -msgid "Show background" -msgstr "Tausta näitamine" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_22) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:645 -msgid "Template:" -msgstr "Mall:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonSelectText) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:690 -msgid "T" -msgstr "T" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (whatsThis), widget (QToolButton, buttonSelectAll) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:720 -msgid "Selects all items on the canvas." -msgstr "Kõigi lõuendil olevate üksuste valimine." - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_14) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:761 -msgid "Zoom:" -msgstr "Suurendus:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_21) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:778 -msgid "Rotate Z:" -msgstr "Z pööramine:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_20) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:785 -msgid "Rotate Y:" -msgstr "Y pööramine:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_15) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:792 -msgid "Rotate X:" -msgstr "X pööramine:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_5) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:877 -msgid "Effect" -msgstr "Efekt" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (suffix), widget (QSpinBox, typewriter_delay) -#. i18n: ectx: property (suffix), widget (QSpinBox, typewriter_start) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:1007 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:1030 -msgid " frames" -msgstr " kaadrit" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_16) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:1023 -msgid "Start at" -msgstr "Alguskoht " - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, anim_start) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:1127 -msgid "Edit start" -msgstr "Muuda algust" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, anim_end) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:1137 -msgid "Edit end" -msgstr "Muuda lõppu" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_7) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:1162 -msgid "Resize" -msgstr "Muuda suurust" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, resize50) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:1169 -#, no-c-format -msgid "50%" -msgstr "50%" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, resize100) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:1176 -#, no-c-format -msgid "100%" -msgstr "100%" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, resize200) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:1183 -#, no-c-format -msgid "200%" -msgstr "200% " - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, keep_aspect) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:1190 -msgid "Keep aspect ratio" -msgstr "Küljesuhte säilitamine" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/ui/transitionsettings_ui.ui:23 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Track" -msgid "track" -msgstr "Rada" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QWidget, UnicodeWidget_UI) -#: src/ui/unicodewidget_ui.ui:20 -msgid "Enter Unicode value" -msgstr "Unicode'i väärtuse sisestamine" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/ui/unicodewidget_ui.ui:251 -msgid "Additional Information" -msgstr "Lisateave" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_reload) -#: src/ui/wizardcapture_ui.ui:17 -msgid "Check" -msgstr "Kontrolli" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_9) -#: src/ui/wizardcapture_ui.ui:57 -msgid "Capture format:" -msgstr "Salvestusvorming:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/wizardextra_ui.ui:16 -msgid "Default folder for project files" -msgstr "Projektifailide vaikekataloog" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, autosave) -#: src/ui/wizardextra_ui.ui:59 -msgid "Activate crash recovery (auto save)" -msgstr "Krahhist taastamise (automaatsalvestuse) aktiveerimine" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, installmimes) -#: src/ui/wizardextra_ui.ui:66 -msgid "Install extra video mimetypes" -msgstr "Täiendavate video MIME tüüpide paigaldamine" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab) -#: src/ui/wizardmltcheck_ui.ui:21 -msgid "Installed modules" -msgstr "Paigaldatud moodulid" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_2) -#: src/ui/wizardmltcheck_ui.ui:63 -msgid "Available Codecs (avformat)" -msgstr "Saadaolevad koodekid (avformat)" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: src/ui/wizardmltcheck_ui.ui:90 -msgid "Formats" -msgstr "Vormingud" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/ui/wizardmltcheck_ui.ui:97 -msgid "Video Codecs" -msgstr "Videokoodekid" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/wizardmltcheck_ui.ui:104 -msgid "Audio Codecs" -msgstr "Helikoodekid" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: src/ui/wizardstandard_ui.ui:17 -msgid "Please set your default video profile" -msgstr "Palun määra oma vaikimisi videoprofiil" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/ui/wizardstandard_ui.ui:24 -msgid "Video Resolution" -msgstr "Video eraldusvõime" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, button_dv) -#: src/ui/wizardstandard_ui.ui:44 -msgid "DV" -msgstr "DV" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, button_all) -#: src/ui/wizardstandard_ui.ui:61 -msgid "Show All" -msgstr "Kõigi näitamine" - -#: src/utils/archiveorg.cpp:78 src/utils/freesound.cpp:86 -#: src/utils/freesound.cpp:184 src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:362 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Error Log" -msgid "Error Loading Data" -msgstr "Vealogi" - -#: src/utils/archiveorg.cpp:91 src/utils/freesound.cpp:95 -#, kde-format -msgid "Found %1 result" -msgid_plural "Found %1 results" -msgstr[0] "Leiti %1 tulemus" -msgstr[1] "Leiti %1 tulemust" - -#: src/utils/freesound.cpp:203 -msgid "Samplerate" -msgstr "Diskreetimissagedus" - -#: src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:67 -msgid "Freesound Audio Library" -msgstr "Freesoundi heliteek" - -#: src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:68 -msgid "Archive.org Video Library" -msgstr "Archive.org-i videoteek" - -#: src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:69 -msgid "Open Clip Art Graphic Library" -msgstr "Open Clip Arti graafikateek" - -#: src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:70 -msgid "Search Online Resources" -msgstr "Võrguressursside otsing" - -#: src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:92 -msgid "Auto Play" -msgstr "Automaatne esitus" - -#: src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:182 -msgctxt "the url link pointing to a web page" -msgid "link" -msgstr "link" - -#: src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:327 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "File extension:" -msgid "File Exists" -msgstr "Faililaiend:" - -#: src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:328 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "" -#| "File already exists.\n" -#| "Do you want to overwrite it?" -msgid "Do you want to overwrite the existing file?." -msgstr "" -"Fail on juba olemas.\n" -"Kas tahad selle üle kirjutada?" - -#: src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:371 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Data to import" -msgid "Data Imported" -msgstr "Imporditavad andmed" - -#: src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:437 -msgid "" -"You need to be online\n" -" for searching" -msgstr "" -"Otsimiseks tuleb\n" -" olla võrgus" - -#: src/utils/thememanager.cpp:70 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Default" -msgctxt "default theme name" -msgid "Default" -msgstr "Vaikimisi" - -#: src/utils/thememanager.cpp:213 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Device configuration" -msgid "Configuration..." -msgstr "Seadme seadistamine" - -#: src/utils/thememanager.cpp:227 -msgid "" -"Cannot start Colors Settings panel from KDE Control Center. Please check " -"your system..." -msgstr "" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Move effect" -#~ msgid "Compare effect" -#~ msgstr "Liiguta efekti" - -#~ msgid "Blue Screen" -#~ msgstr "Sinine ekraan" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Parameters" -#~ msgid "Selection Parameters" -#~ msgstr "Parameetrid" - -#~ msgid "Effect List" -#~ msgstr "Efektiloend" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Transitions" -#~ msgid "Transition List" -#~ msgstr "Üleminekud" - -#~ msgid "Lossless / HQ" -#~ msgstr "Kadudeta/kõrge kvaliteediga" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Cannot open file" -#~ msgid "Cannot open playlist producer." -#~ msgstr "Faili avamine nurjus" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Cannot find clip to edit" -#~ msgid "Cannot find proper playlist." -#~ msgstr "Ei leitud klippi, mida muuta" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Reload Clip" -#~ msgid "Expland Clip" -#~ msgstr "Laadi klipp uuesti" - -#~ msgid "Effect Stack" -#~ msgstr "Efektid" - -#~ msgid "Transition" -#~ msgstr "Üleminek" - -#~ msgid "Show additional controls" -#~ msgstr "Lisajuhiste näitamine" - -#~ msgid "Show/Hide the lines connecting the corners" -#~ msgstr "Nurki ühendavate joonte näitamine/peitmine" - -#~ msgid "Playing %1x%2 (%3 fps)" -#~ msgstr "Esitus %1x%2 (%3 fps)" - -#~ msgid "Failed to start device" -#~ msgstr "Seadme käivitamine nurjus" - -#~ msgid "Estimated time %1" -#~ msgstr "Järelejäänud aeg %1" - -#~ msgid "Loading" -#~ msgstr "Laadimine" - -#~ msgid "Adding clips" -#~ msgstr "Klippide lisamine" - -#~ msgid "Loading thumbnails" -#~ msgstr "Pisipiltide laadimine" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Loading clips" -#~ msgid "Loading timeline" -#~ msgstr "Klippide laadimine" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Switch monitor" -#~ msgid "Setting monitor" -#~ msgstr "Vaheta akent" - -#~ msgid "Up" -#~ msgstr "Üles" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Select All in Current Track" -#~ msgid "Add effect to Current Stack" -#~ msgstr "Vali kõik aktiivses rajas" - -#~ msgid "Fun" -#~ msgstr "Lõbu" - -#~ msgctxt "effects and transitions keyboard shortcuts" -#~ msgid "Effects & Transitions" -#~ msgstr "Efektid & üleminekud" - -#~ msgctxt "timeline track keyboard shortcuts" -#~ msgid "Timeline and Tracks" -#~ msgstr "Ajatelg ja rajad" - -#~ msgid "Transcoding to DVD format" -#~ msgstr "Ümberkodeerimine DVD vormingusse" - -#~ msgid "before" -#~ msgstr "enne" - -#~ msgid "after" -#~ msgstr "pärast" - -#~ msgid "Set zone start" -#~ msgstr "Määra tsooni algus" - -#~ msgid "Set zone end" -#~ msgstr "Määra tsooni lõpp" - -#~ msgid "Project profile was not found, using default profile." -#~ msgstr "Projektiprofiili ei leitud, kasutatakse vaikimisi profiili." - -#~ msgid "Missing Profile" -#~ msgstr "Profiil puudub" - -#~ msgid "Project profile not found, replacing with existing one: %1" -#~ msgstr "Projektiprofiili ei leitud, asendatakse olemasolevaga: %1" - -#~ msgid "Existing Profile" -#~ msgstr "Olemasolev profiil" - -#~ msgid "" -#~ "Your project uses an unknown profile.\n" -#~ "It uses an existing profile name: %1.\n" -#~ "Please choose a new name to save it" -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "Projekt kasutab tundmatut profiili.\n" -#~ "See kasutab olemasoleva profiili nime: %1.\n" -#~ "Palun vali selle salvestamiseks uus nimi" - -#~ msgid "Project profile was not found, it will be added to your system now." -#~ msgstr "Projektiprofiili ei leitud, see lisatakse nüüd su süsteemi." - -#~ msgid "Buttons overlapping" -#~ msgstr "Nupud kattuvad" - -#~ msgid "No button in menu" -#~ msgstr "Menüüs pole nuppu" - -#~ msgid "Missing background image" -#~ msgstr "Taustapilt puudub" - -#~ msgid "No menu entry for %1" -#~ msgstr "%1 jaoks pole menüükirjet" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Default Blackmagic Decklink card:" -#~ msgid "Blackmagic Decklink" -#~ msgstr "Vaikimisi Blackmagicu Decklinki kaart:" - -#~ msgid "Delete data" -#~ msgstr "Kustuta andmed" - -# riba, rida? -#~ msgid "Add data" -#~ msgstr "Lisa andmed" - -#~ msgid "Importing project effects" -#~ msgstr "Projekti efektide import" - -#~ msgid "Load Image" -#~ msgstr "Pildi laadimine" - -#~ msgid "" -#~ "The project file contains missing clips or files and clip duration " -#~ "mismatch" -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "Projektifail sisaldab puuduvaid klippe või faile ja klipi kestus ei klapi" - -#~ msgid "The project file contains clips with duration mismatch" -#~ msgstr "Projektifail sisaldab sobimatu kestusega klippe" - -#~ msgid "Duration mismatch" -#~ msgstr "Kestus ei klapi" - -#~ msgid "Fix duration mismatch" -#~ msgstr "Paranda kestuse mitteklappimist" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Box Blur" -#~ msgid "Movit: Blur" -#~ msgstr "Ruuthägustamine" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Saturation" -#~ msgid "Movit: Diffusion" -#~ msgstr "Küllastus" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Box Blur" -#~ msgid "Movit: Glow" -#~ msgstr "Ruuthägustamine" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Simple color adjustment" -#~ msgid "Do simple color grading" -#~ msgstr "Lihtne värvikõverate kohandamine" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Mirror" -#~ msgid "Movit: Mirror" -#~ msgstr "Peegeldamine" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Align item horizontally" -#~ msgid "Flips the image horizontally" -#~ msgstr "Joonda üksus horisontaalselt" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Opacity" -#~ msgid "Movit: Opacity" -#~ msgstr "Läbipaistmatus" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Saturation" -#~ msgid "Movit: Saturation" -#~ msgstr "Küllastus" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Grain over the image" -#~ msgid "Saturate or desaturate the image" -#~ msgstr "Pildile teralisuse andmine" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Vignette" -#~ msgid "Movit: Vignette" -#~ msgstr "Vinjett" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "White Balance" -#~ msgid "Movit: White balance" -#~ msgstr "Valge tasakaal" - -#~ msgid "XVideo" -#~ msgstr "XVideo" - -#~ msgid "X11" -#~ msgstr "X11" - -#~ msgid "XFree86 DGA 2.0" -#~ msgstr "XFree86 DGA 2.0" - -#~ msgid "Nano X" -#~ msgstr "Nano X" - -#~ msgid "Framebuffer console" -#~ msgstr "Kaadripuhvri konsool" - -#~ msgid "Direct FB" -#~ msgstr "Otsene FB" - -#~ msgid "SVGAlib" -#~ msgstr "SVGAlib" - -#~ msgid "General graphics interface" -#~ msgstr "Üldine graafikaliides" - -#~ msgid "Ascii art library" -#~ msgstr "Ascii kunsti teek" - -#~ msgid "Clip %1
is invalid, what do you want to do?" -#~ msgstr "Klipp %1
on vigane, mida teha tahad?" - -#~ msgid "File not found" -#~ msgstr "Faili ei leitud" - -#~ msgid "Search automatically" -#~ msgstr "Otsi automaatselt" - -#~ msgid "Keep as placeholder" -#~ msgstr "Hoia kohatäitena" - -#~ msgid "Clip %1
is invalid or missing, what do you want to do?" -#~ msgstr "Klipp %1
on vigane või puudub, mida teha tahad?" - -#~ msgid "Search manually" -#~ msgstr "Otsi käsitsi" - -#~ msgid "Looking for %1" -#~ msgstr "%1 otsimine" - -#~ msgid "Show previous keyframe" -#~ msgstr "Eelmise võtmekaadri näitamine" - -#~ msgid "Project Tree" -#~ msgstr "Projektipuu" - -#~ msgid "Adjust Profile to Current Clip" -#~ msgstr "Kohanda projekti aktiivse klipi järgi" - -#~ msgid "Save clip zone as:" -#~ msgstr "Klipi tsooni salvestamine: " - -#~ msgid "Description:" -#~ msgstr "Kirjeldus:" - -#~ msgid "" -#~ "Cannot start MLT's renderer:\n" -#~ "%1" -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "MLT renderdaja käivitamine nurjus:\n" -#~ "%1" - -#~ msgid "Timeout while creating xml output" -#~ msgstr "XML-väljundi loomisel tekkis ajaületus" - -#~ msgid "Resize (100%)" -#~ msgstr "Muuda suurust (100%)" - -#~ msgid "Resize (50%)" -#~ msgstr "Muuda suurust (50%)" - -#~ msgid "" -#~ "Clip %1
already exists in project, what do you want to do?" -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "Klipp %1
on projektis juba olemas, mida soovid ette võtta?" - -#~ msgid "Clip already exists" -#~ msgstr "Klipp on juba olemas" - -#~ msgid "" -#~ "Clip %1
is on a removable device, will not be available when " -#~ "device is unplugged" -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "Klipp %1
asub eemaldataval seadmel ega ole kättesaadav, kui " -#~ "seade lahti ühendatakse" - -#~ msgid "File on a Removable Device" -#~ msgstr "Fail eemaldataval seadmel" - -#~ msgid "Copy file to project folder" -#~ msgstr "Kopeeri fail projektikataloogi" - -#~ msgid "Continue" -#~ msgstr "Jätka" - -#~ msgid "" -#~ "This will remove the following files from your hard drive.\n" -#~ "This action cannot be undone, only use if you know what you are doing.\n" -#~ "Are you sure you want to continue?" -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "See eemaldab järgnevad failid su kõvakettalt.\n" -#~ "Seda tegevust ei saa tagasi võtta, kasuta ainult siis, kui tead, mida " -#~ "teed.\n" -#~ "Kas oled kindel, et tahad jätkata?" - -#~ msgid "Delete unused clips" -#~ msgstr "Kasutamata klippide kustutamine" - -#~ msgid "Process clip" -#~ msgstr "Klipi töötlemine" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Group Clips" -#~ msgid "Open Clips" -#~ msgstr "Rühmita klipid" - -#~ msgid "Cancel job" -#~ msgid_plural "Cancel jobs" -#~ msgstr[0] "Katkesta töö" -#~ msgstr[1] "Katkesta tööd" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Cannot insert clip..." -#~ msgid "Cannot reverse clip" -#~ msgstr "Ei saa klippi sisestada..." - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Cannot paste selected clips" -#~ msgid "Cannot render reversed clip" -#~ msgstr "Valitud klippe ei saa asetada" - -#~ msgid "" -#~ "Your project's profile %1 is not compatible with the blackmagic output " -#~ "card. Please see supported profiles below. Switching to normal video " -#~ "display." -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "Projektiprofiil %1 ei ühildu Blackmagicu väljundkaardiga. Palun vaata " -#~ "allpool toetatud profiile. Lülitutakse tavalisele video kuvamisele." - -#~ msgid "Hide track" -#~ msgstr "Raja peitmine" - -#~ msgid "Mute track" -#~ msgstr "Raja heli vaigistamine" - -#~ msgid "Invalid clip producer %1\n" -#~ msgstr "Sobimatu klipigeneraator %1\n" - -#~ msgid "Removed invalid transition: (%1, %2, %3)" -#~ msgstr "Eemalda sobimatu üleminek: (%1, %2, %3)" - -#~ msgid "Removed overlapping transition: (%1, %2, %3)" -#~ msgstr "Eemalda kattuv üleminek: (%1, %2, %3)" - -#~ msgid "Replaced wrong clip producer %1 with %2" -#~ msgstr "Vale klipigeneraator %1 asendati generaatoriga %2" - -#~ msgid "Broken clip producer %1, recreated base clip: %2" -#~ msgstr "Katkine klipigeneraator %1, loodi uuesti baasklipp: %2" - -#~ msgid "Broken clip producer %1, removed from project" -#~ msgstr "Katkine klipigeneraator %1, eemaldati projektist" - -#~ msgid "Desktop search integration" -#~ msgstr "Lõimimine töölauaotsinguga" - -#~ msgid "Video driver:" -#~ msgstr "Videodraiver:" - -#~ msgid "Normalise audio for thumbnails" -#~ msgstr "Heli normaliseerimine pisipiltide jaoks" - -#~ msgid "All" -#~ msgstr "Kõik" - -#~ msgid "Custom" -#~ msgstr "Kohandatud" - -#~ msgid "with track" -#~ msgstr "koos rajaga" - -#~ msgid "DV module (libdv)" -#~ msgstr "DV moodul (libdv)" - -#~ msgid "Required to work with dv files if avformat module is not installed" -#~ msgstr "Nõutav tööks dv failidega, kui moodulit avformat pole paigaldatud" - -#~ msgid "Open projects in new tabs" -#~ msgstr "Projektide avamine uutel kaartidel" - -#~ msgid "Check online manual" -#~ msgstr "Vaata käsiraamatut" - -#~ msgid "" -#~ "Please report bugs to http://" -#~ "kdenlive.org/mantis" -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "Palun teata vigadest aadressil: http://kdenlive.org/mantis" - -#~ msgid "Close the current tab" -#~ msgstr "Sulge praegune vahekaart" - -#~ msgid "License: %1" -#~ msgstr "Litsents: %1" - -#~ msgid "Edit keyframe" -#~ msgstr "Redigeeri võtmekaadrit" - -#~ msgid "99:99:99:99; " -#~ msgstr "99:99:99:99; " - -#~ msgid ":::" -#~ msgstr ":::" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Stabilize (vstab)" -#~ msgid "Stabilize (vid.stab)" -#~ msgstr "Stabiliseeri (vstab)" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Lower object" -#~ msgid "Lower is better" -#~ msgstr "Langeta objekti" - -#~ msgid "Bitrate" -#~ msgstr "Bitikiirus" - -#~ msgid "Color opacity" -#~ msgstr "Värvi läbipaistmatus" - -#~ msgid "Border opacity" -#~ msgstr "Piirjoone läbipaistmatus" - -#~ msgid "Font color opacity" -#~ msgstr "Fondivärvi läbipaistmatus" - -#~ msgid "Outline color opacity" -#~ msgstr "Kontuuri värvi läbipaistmatus" - -#~ msgid "Stabilize (vstab)" -#~ msgstr "Stabiliseeri (vstab)" - -#~ msgid "Stabilize (transcode)" -#~ msgstr "Stabiliseeri (transcode)" - -#~ msgid "" -#~ "Firewire is not enabled on your system.\n" -#~ " Please install Libiec61883 and recompile Kdenlive" -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "Firewire pole su süsteemis võimaldatud.\n" -#~ " Palun paigalda Libiec61883 ja kompileeri Kdenlive uuesti" - -#~ msgid "There is no clip, cannot extract frame." -#~ msgstr "Klippi pole, ei saa kaadrit eraldada." - -#~ msgid "Clone" -#~ msgstr "Klooni" - -#~ msgid "" -#~ "Select a region using the mouse. To take the snapshot, press the Enter " -#~ "key. Press Esc to quit." -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "Vali hiirt kasutades piirkond. Pildi tegemiseks vajuta klahvi Enter. " -#~ "Lõpetamiseks vajuta Esc." - -#~ msgid "Audio align reference set." -#~ msgstr "Helijoonduse viide on määratud." - -#~ msgid "No audio clips selected." -#~ msgstr "Ühtki heliklippi pole valitud." - -#~ msgid "Auto-aligned %1 clips." -#~ msgstr "Joondati automaatselt %1 klippi." - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Edit effect %1" -#~ msgid "Add effect %1" -#~ msgstr "Efekti \"%1\" muutmine" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "GraphView" -#~ msgid "Graphic Scene" -#~ msgstr "Graafikuvaade" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Min" -#~ msgid "Bin" -#~ msgstr "Min." - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Set Zone In" -#~ msgid "Zone in" -#~ msgstr "Määra tsooni alguspunkt" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Set Zone Out" -#~ msgid "Zone out" -#~ msgstr "Määra tsooni lõpp-punkt" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Monitor" -#~ msgid "Monitor Audio" -#~ msgstr "Aken" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Set Zone In" -#~ msgid "Use Zone" -#~ msgstr "Määra tsooni alguspunkt" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Set Zone In" -#~ msgid "Zone In" -#~ msgstr "Määra tsooni alguspunkt" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Set Zone Out" -#~ msgid "Zone Out" -#~ msgstr "Määra tsooni lõpp-punkt" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Edit clip" -#~ msgid "Editing clip: %1" -#~ msgstr "Klipi muutmine" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Author:" -#~ msgid "Author: " -#~ msgstr "Autor:" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Add Clip To Selection" -#~ msgid "Add clip to timeline" -#~ msgstr "Lisa klipp valikusse" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Remove proxy clip" -#~| msgid_plural "Remove proxy clips" -#~ msgid "Remove clip from timeline" -#~ msgstr "Eemalda asendusklipp" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Resize clip" -#~ msgid "Resize Clip" -#~ msgstr "Klipi suuruse muutmine" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Unable to open project" -#~ msgid "Failed to open project %1" -#~ msgstr "Projekti avamine nurjus" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Change track" -#~ msgid "Change track name" -#~ msgstr "Muudetav rada" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Hide track" -#~ msgid "Hide Track" -#~ msgstr "Raja peitmine" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Show mask" -#~ msgid "Show Track" -#~ msgstr "Maski näitamine" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Mute track" -#~ msgid "Mute Track" -#~ msgstr "Raja heli vaigistamine" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Rename Track" -#~ msgid "Unmute Track" -#~ msgstr "Nimeta rada ümber" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Lock track" -#~ msgid "Lock Track" -#~ msgstr "Raja lukustamine" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Unlock track" -#~ msgid "Unlock Track" -#~ msgstr "Raja lukustuse eemaldamine" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Marker 1" -#~ msgid "Marker %1" -#~ msgstr "Marker 1" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Show Timeline" -#~ msgid "Show Tool Panel" -#~ msgstr "Ajatelje näitamine" - -#~ msgid "Add new effect" -#~ msgstr "Lisa uus efekt" - -#~ msgid "Reset effect" -#~ msgstr "Efekti algseaded" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Effect Stack" -#~ msgid "EffStack3" -#~ msgstr "Efektid" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Image clip" -#~ msgid "Image Clip" -#~ msgstr "Pildiklipp" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Video clip" -#~ msgid "Video Clip" -#~ msgstr "Videoklipp" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Move clip" -#~ msgid "Webvfx Clip" -#~ msgstr "Klipi liigutamine" - -#~ msgid "Form" -#~ msgstr "Vorm" - -#~| msgid "" -#~| "Capture crashed, please check your parameters\n" -#~| "RecordMyDesktop exit code: %1" -#~ msgid "" -#~ "Capture crashed, please check your parameters.\n" -#~ "Exit code: %1" -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "Salvestamist tabas krahh, palun kontrolli parameetreid\n" -#~ "Väljumiskood: %1" - -#~ msgid "" -#~ "Recordmydesktop utility not found, please install it for " -#~ "screen grabs" -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "Utiliiti Recordmydesktop ei leitud, ekraanil toimuva " -#~ "salvestamiseks palun paigalda see" - -#~ msgid "Recordmydesktop found at: %1" -#~ msgstr "Recordmydesktop leiti asukohas: %1" - -#~ msgid "Encoding captured video..." -#~ msgstr "Salvestatud video kodeerimine..." - -#~ msgid "48000" -#~ msgstr "48000" - -#~ msgid "41000" -#~ msgstr "41000" - -#~ msgid "32000" -#~ msgstr "32000" - -#~ msgid "22500" -#~ msgstr "22500" - -#~ msgid "11250" -#~ msgstr "11250" - -#~ msgid "Buffer" -#~ msgstr "Puhver" - -#~ msgid "Jack" -#~ msgstr "Jack" - -#~ msgid "Ports:" -#~ msgstr "Pordid:" - -#~ msgid "Bit rate" -#~ msgstr "Bitikiirus" - -#~ msgid "Full shots" -#~ msgstr "Täiskaadri pildid" - -#~ msgid "Required for webcam capture" -#~ msgstr "Nõutav video salvestamiseks veebikaamerast" - -#~ msgid "recordmydesktop" -#~ msgstr "recordmydesktop" - -#~ msgid "Script name (will be saved in: %1)" -#~ msgstr "Skripti nimi (salvestatakse kataloogi: %1)" - -#~ msgid "Intro movie" -#~ msgstr "Sissejuhatusvideo" - -#~ msgid "Motion vectors" -#~ msgstr "Liikumisvektorid" - -#~ msgid "Button colors" -#~ msgstr "Nupuvärvid" - -#~ msgid "Load marker file" -#~ msgstr "Markerifaili laadimine" - -#~ msgid "You need program %1 to perform this action" -#~ msgstr "Selle tegevuse sooritamiseks on vaja programmi %1" - -#~ msgid "Add new clip to project" -#~ msgstr "Uue klipi lisamine projektile" - -#~ msgid "x1" -#~ msgstr "x1" - -#~ msgid "Crop" -#~ msgstr "Kärpimine" - -#~ msgid "Autodetected capture devices" -#~ msgstr "Automaatselt tuvastatud salvestusseadmed" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Select border color" -#~ msgid "Select capture format" -#~ msgstr "Vali piirde värv" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Region" -#~ msgid "Change Region" -#~ msgstr "Piirkond" - -#~ msgctxt "@action:button" -#~ msgid "Close" -#~ msgstr "Sulge" - -#~ msgid "Image name" -#~ msgstr "Pildi nimi" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Unsupported audio codec: %1" -#~ msgid "Supported capture modes:\n" -#~ msgstr "Helikoodek %1 ei ole toetatud" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Transcoding FAILED!" -#~ msgid "Stabilizing FAILED!" -#~ msgstr "Ümberkodeerimine ebaõnnestus!" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Close after transcode" -#~ msgid "Close after stabilizing" -#~ msgstr "Sulgemine pärast ümberkodeerimist" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Project Settings" -#~ msgid "Preview Settings" -#~ msgstr "Projekti seadistused" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Image preview" -#~ msgid "Quick preview" -#~ msgstr "Pildi eelvaatlus" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Full project" -#~ msgid "Full preview" -#~ msgstr "Terve projekt" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Preview" -#~ msgid "No preview" -#~ msgstr "Eelvaatlus" - -#~ msgid "Blur image with keyframes" -#~ msgstr "Hägusta pilt võtmekaadritega" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Blur" -#~ msgid "IIR Blur" -#~ msgstr "Hägustamine" - -#~ msgid "Variable-size square blur (frei0r.squareblur)" -#~ msgstr "Muutuva suurusega hägustamisruut" - -#~ msgid "Configure Track" -#~ msgstr "Raja seadistamine" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Rendering crashed" -#~ msgid "Job crashed" -#~ msgstr "Renderdamine krahhis" - -#~ msgid "Progress" -#~ msgstr "Edenemine" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Add clip cut" -#~ msgid "clip cut" -#~ msgstr "Lisa klipi lõige " - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Output file" -#~ msgid "Cut file" -#~ msgstr "Väljundfail" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Parameters" -#~ msgid "Extra parameters" -#~ msgstr "Parameetrid" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Monitor Preview Speedup Settings" -#~ msgid "Capture preview settings" -#~ msgstr "Akna eelvaatluse kiirendamise seadistused" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "video4linux2" -#~ msgid "Video4Linux" -#~ msgstr "video4linux2" - -#~ msgid "Transcoding FAILED!" -#~ msgstr "Ümberkodeerimine ebaõnnestus!" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Add clip" -#~| msgid_plural "Add clips" -#~ msgid "Building proxy clip" -#~ msgstr "Klipi lisamine" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Transcoding finished." -#~ msgid "Transcoding crashed" -#~ msgstr "Ümberkodeerimine valmis." - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Group Clips" -#~ msgid "Proxy %1\\%" -#~ msgstr "Grupeeri klipid" - -#~ msgid "Fill opacity" -#~ msgstr "Täite läbipaistmatus" - -#~ msgid "Select clip to change speed" -#~ msgstr "Vali klipp, mille kiirust muuta" - -#~ msgid "Edit Clip Speed" -#~ msgstr "Redigeeri klipi kiirust" - -#~ msgid "New speed (percents)" -#~ msgstr "Uus kiirus (protsentides)" - -#~ msgid "Pick a color on the screen" -#~ msgstr "Vali ekraanilt värv" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Reached end of project" -#~ msgid "Read only project" -#~ msgstr "Jõuti projekti lõppu" - -#, fuzzy -#~ msgid "(notranslate) % display" -#~ msgstr " " - -#~ msgid "Add Audio Effect" -#~ msgstr "Lisa heliefekt" - -#~ msgid "Add Custom Effect" -#~ msgstr "Lisa kohandatud efekt" - -#~ msgid "Add Video Effect" -#~ msgstr "Lisa videoefekt" - -#~ msgid "Add audio fade" -#~ msgstr "Lisa heli hajumine" - -#~ msgid "Add transition" -#~ msgstr "Lisa üleminek" - -#~ msgid "Audio device" -#~ msgstr "Heliseade" - -#~ msgid "Audio fade duration: %1s" -#~ msgstr "Heli hajutamise kestus: %1s" - -#~ msgid "Capture params" -#~ msgstr "Salvestuse parameetrid" - -#~ msgid "Clip duration: %1s" -#~ msgstr "Klipi kestus: %1s" - -#~ msgid "Codec" -#~ msgstr "Koodek" - -#~ msgid "Contrast0r" -#~ msgstr "Kontrasti muutmine" - -#~ msgid "Crop & scale" -#~ msgstr "Kärpimine & mõõtuviimine" - -#~ msgid "Curve Widget" -#~ msgstr "Kurvividin" - -#~ msgid "Cut" -#~ msgstr "Lõika" - -#~ msgid "Distort0r" -#~ msgstr "Moonutamine" - -#~ msgid "Do nothing" -#~ msgstr "Ära tee midagi" - -#~ msgid "Drop B frames on H.264 clips" -#~ msgstr "H.264 klippide B-kaadrite hülgamine" - -#~ msgid "Encoding params" -#~ msgstr "Kodeerimise parameetrid" - -#~ msgid "Error starting MLT's command line player (melt)" -#~ msgstr "Viga MLT käsureaesitaja (melt) käivitamisel" - -#~ msgid "Error starting MLT's command line player (melt)." -#~ msgstr "Viga MLT käsureaesitaja (melt) käivitamisel." - -#~ msgid "Fix Rotate X" -#~ msgstr "Paranda X-i pööramine" - -#~ msgid "Fix Rotate Y" -#~ msgstr "Paranda Y-i pööramine" - -#~ msgid "Fix Rotate Z" -#~ msgstr "Paranda Z-i pööramine" - -#~ msgid "Format" -#~ msgstr "Vorming" - -#~ msgid "GroupBox" -#~ msgstr "Grupikast" - -#~ msgid "Horizontal factor" -#~ msgstr "Horisontaalfaktor" - -#~ msgid "MLT version is correct" -#~ msgstr "MLT versioon on õige" - -#~ msgid "" -#~ "MLT's SDL module not found. Please check your MLT install. Kdenlive will " -#~ "not work until this issue is fixed." -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "MLT SDL moodulit ei leitud. Palun kontrolli oma MLT paigaldust. Kdenlive " -#~ "ei tööta enne kui see viga on parandatud." - -#~ msgid "Move to bottom" -#~ msgstr "Liiguta lõppu" - -#~ msgid "Move to left" -#~ msgstr "Liiguta vasakule" - -#~ msgid "Move to right" -#~ msgstr "Liiguta paremale" - -#~ msgid "Move to top" -#~ msgstr "Liiguta algusesse" - -#~ msgid "NTSC" -#~ msgstr "NTSC" - -#~ msgid "PAL" -#~ msgstr "PAL" - -#~ msgid "Play / Pause" -#~ msgstr "Esitus/Paus" - -#~ msgid "Saturat0r" -#~ msgstr "Küllastuse muutmine" - -#~ msgid "Select0r" -#~ msgstr "Valimine" - -#~ msgid "Shear Z" -#~ msgstr "Z-i nihe" - -#~ msgid "Show monitor scene" -#~ msgstr "Monitori stseeni näitamine" - -#~ msgid "Show/Hide settings" -#~ msgstr "Näitamise/peitmise seadistused" - -#~ msgid "Timecode overlay" -#~ msgstr "Ajakoodi ülekate" - -#~ msgid "Vertical factor" -#~ msgstr "Vertikaalfaktor" - -#~ msgid "Width of square to pick color from:" -#~ msgstr "Värvivaliku ruudu laius:" - -#~ msgid "Zoom in" -#~ msgstr "Suurenda" - -#~ msgid "Zoom out" -#~ msgstr "Vähenda" - -#~ msgid "alpha0ps" -#~ msgstr "alpha0ps" - -#~ msgid "Gain out" -#~ msgstr "Väljundsignaali võimendus" - -#~ msgid "Reverb Time" -#~ msgstr "Ruumikaja aeg" - -#~ msgid "Sox Vibro" -#~ msgstr "Soxi vibrato" - -#~ msgid "Sox vibro audio effect" -#~ msgstr "Heliefekt Soxi vibratsioon" - -#~ msgid "/dev/dsp" -#~ msgstr "/dev/dsp" - -#~ msgid "/dev/video0" -#~ msgstr "/dev/video0 " - -#~ msgid "0" -#~ msgstr "0" - -#~ msgid "320x240" -#~ msgstr "320x240" - -#~ msgid "Cannot find clip with keyframe" -#~ msgstr "Võtmekaadriga klippi ei leitud" - -#~ msgid "Change Track" -#~ msgstr "Muuda rada" - -#~ msgid "Change Track Type" -#~ msgstr "Raja tüübi muutmine" - -#~ msgid "Change track type" -#~ msgstr "Raja tüübi muutmine" - -#~ msgid "Copyright (c) 2009 Development team" -#~ msgstr "Autoriõigus (c) 2009 Arendusmeeskond" - -#~ msgid "Curve point number" -#~ msgstr "Kurvipunkti number" - -#~ msgid "Dw" -#~ msgstr "Dw" - -#~ msgid "Forward 1 frame" -#~ msgstr "Järgmine kaader" - -#~ msgid "Frame Geometry" -#~ msgstr "Kaadri geomeetria" - -#~ msgid "Hor. Center" -#~ msgstr "Hor. keskkoht" - -#~ msgid "Invalid action" -#~ msgstr "Sobimatu tegevus" - -#~ msgid "MLT Connection, Transition, Effect, Timeline Developer" -#~ msgstr "MLT ühendus, üleminekud, efektid, ajatelje arendaja" - -#~ msgid "Monitor background color (requires restart)" -#~ msgstr "Akna taustavärv (nõuab taaskäivitust)" - -#~ msgid "New Track Name" -#~ msgstr "Uue raja nimi" - -#~ msgid "Resize..." -#~ msgstr "Muuda suurust..." - -#~ msgid "Rewind 1 frame" -#~ msgstr "Eelmine kaader" - -#~ msgid "Show curves" -#~ msgstr "Näita kurve" - -#~ msgid "Start Rendering" -#~ msgstr "Käivita renderdamine" - -#~ msgid "Vert. Center" -#~ msgstr "Vert. keskkoht" - -#~ msgid "oss" -#~ msgstr "oss" diff -Nru kdenlive-15.13.0+git20160206.6705c57a/po/fi/CMakeLists.txt kdenlive-15.13.0+git20160206.cee1bbb6/po/fi/CMakeLists.txt --- kdenlive-15.13.0+git20160206.6705c57a/po/fi/CMakeLists.txt 2016-02-06 09:13:45.000000000 +0000 +++ kdenlive-15.13.0+git20160206.cee1bbb6/po/fi/CMakeLists.txt 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -GETTEXT_PROCESS_PO_FILES(fi ALL INSTALL_DESTINATION ${LOCALE_INSTALL_DIR} kdenlive.po) diff -Nru kdenlive-15.13.0+git20160206.6705c57a/po/fi/kdenlive.po kdenlive-15.13.0+git20160206.cee1bbb6/po/fi/kdenlive.po --- kdenlive-15.13.0+git20160206.6705c57a/po/fi/kdenlive.po 2016-02-06 09:13:45.000000000 +0000 +++ kdenlive-15.13.0+git20160206.cee1bbb6/po/fi/kdenlive.po 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 @@ -1,12421 +0,0 @@ -# Copyright © 2009 THE PACKAGE'S COPYRIGHT HOLDER -# This file is distributed under the same license as the kdenlive package. -# Antti Sokero , 2009, 2010. -# Lasse Liehu , 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015. -# Tommi Nieminen , 2014, 2015. -# -# -# KDE Finnish translation sprint participants: -# Author: Artnay -# Author: Lliehu -msgid "" -msgstr "" -"Project-Id-Version: kdenlive\n" -"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugs.kde.org\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-12-11 07:07+0000\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-09-19 19:03+0300\n" -"Last-Translator: Tommi Nieminen \n" -"Language-Team: Finnish \n" -"Language: fi\n" -"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" -"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" -"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" -"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n" -"X-POT-Import-Date: 2013-01-13 20:43:15+0000\n" -"X-Generator: Lokalize 1.5\n" - -msgctxt "NAME OF TRANSLATORS" -msgid "Your names" -msgstr "Tommi Nieminen,Lasse Liehu" - -msgctxt "EMAIL OF TRANSLATORS" -msgid "Your emails" -msgstr "translator@legisign.org,lasse.liehu@gmail.com" - -#: data/effects/audiobalance.xml:3 data/effects/audiobalance.xml:7 -msgid "Balance" -msgstr "Balanssi" - -#: data/effects/audiobalance.xml:4 -msgid "Adjust the left/right balance" -msgstr "Säädä vasen/oikea-balanssia" - -#: data/effects/audiopan.xml:3 data/effects/audiopan.xml:11 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:347 src/project/dialogs/slideshowclip.cpp:73 -msgid "Pan" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/audiopan.xml:4 -msgid "Adjust the left/right spread of a channel" -msgstr "Säädä kanavan vasen/oikea-levitystä" - -#: data/effects/audiopan.xml:7 data/effects/channelcopy.xml:7 -#: data/effects/channelcopy.xml:11 -msgid "Left,Right" -msgstr "Vasen,Oikea" - -#: data/effects/audiopan.xml:8 data/effects/frei0r_bezier_curves.xml:9 -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:9 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:66 -#: data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:10 data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:42 -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:25 -msgid "Channel" -msgstr "Kanava" - -#: data/effects/audiowave.xml:3 -msgid "Audio Wave" -msgstr "Ääniaalto" - -#: data/effects/audiowave.xml:4 -msgid "Display the audio waveform instead of the video" -msgstr "Näytä ääniaaltomuoto videon sijaan" - -#: data/effects/audiowaveform.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Audio Wave" -msgid "Audio Waveform Filter" -msgstr "Ääniaalto" - -#: data/effects/audiowaveform.xml:6 data/effects/dynamictext.xml:22 -#: data/effects/pan_zoom.xml:13 data/effects/rotation.xml:40 -#: data/effects/rotation_keyframable.xml:22 -msgid "Background Color" -msgstr "Taustaväri" - -#: data/effects/audiowaveform.xml:9 data/effects/dynamictext.xml:19 -msgid "Foreground Color" -msgstr "Edustaväri" - -#: data/effects/audiowaveform.xml:12 -msgid "Line Thickness" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/audiowaveform.xml:15 data/effects/movit_rect.xml:6 -#: data/effects/pan_zoom.xml:7 -msgid "Rectangle" -msgstr "Nelikulmio" - -#: data/effects/audiowaveform.xml:18 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:721 -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:766 -msgid "Fill" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/automask.xml:3 -msgid "Auto Mask" -msgstr "Automaattinen maski" - -#: data/effects/automask.xml:4 -msgid "Hide a selected zone and follow its movements" -msgstr "Piilota valittu alue ja seuraa sen liikettä" - -#: data/effects/automask.xml:7 data/effects/dynamictext.xml:7 -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:718 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:745 -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:763 -msgid "Geometry" -msgstr "Geometria" - -#: data/effects/automask.xml:10 -msgid "Macroblock width" -msgstr "Makrolohkon leveys" - -#: data/effects/automask.xml:13 -msgid "Macroblock height" -msgstr "Makrolohkon korkeus" - -#: data/effects/automask.xml:16 -msgid "Maximum x distance" -msgstr "Enin x-etäisyys" - -#: data/effects/automask.xml:19 -msgid "Maximum y distance" -msgstr "Enin y-etäisyys" - -#: data/effects/automask.xml:22 -msgid "Denoise" -msgstr "Kohinan poisto" - -#: data/effects/automask.xml:25 -msgid "Debug" -msgstr "Vianjäljitys" - -#: data/effects/automask.xml:28 data/effects/obscure.xml:3 -msgid "Obscure" -msgstr "Hämärä" - -#: data/effects/automask.xml:36 data/effects/loudness.xml:12 -msgid "Analyse" -msgstr "Analysoi" - -#: data/effects/boxblur.xml:3 -msgid "Box Blur" -msgstr "Laatikkosumennus" - -#: data/effects/boxblur.xml:4 -msgid "Box blur (separate horizontal and vertical blur)" -msgstr "Laatikkosumennus (erota vaaka- ja pystysumennus)" - -#: data/effects/boxblur.xml:7 -msgid "Horizontal multiplicator" -msgstr "Vaakamonistaminen" - -#: data/effects/boxblur.xml:10 -msgid "Vertical multiplicator" -msgstr "Pystymonistaminen" - -#: data/effects/boxblur.xml:13 -msgid "Blur factor" -msgstr "Sumennusaste" - -#: data/effects/brightness.xml:3 -msgid "Brightness (keyframable)" -msgstr "Kirkkaus avainruuduilla (keyframe)" - -#: data/effects/brightness.xml:4 -msgid "Change image brightness with keyframes" -msgstr "Muuta kuvan kirkkautta avainruuduilla (keyframe)" - -#: data/effects/brightness.xml:7 -msgid "Intensity" -msgstr "Intensiteetti" - -#: data/effects/channelcopy.xml:3 -msgid "Mono to stereo" -msgstr "Mono stereoksi" - -#: data/effects/channelcopy.xml:4 -msgid "Copy one channel to another" -msgstr "Kopioi kanava toiseksi" - -# *** TARKISTA: Oletan, että ”Copy one channel from another” liittyy tähän -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_4) -#: data/effects/channelcopy.xml:8 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:486 -msgid "From" -msgstr "Kanavasta" - -# *** TARKISTA: Oletan, että ”Copy one channel from another” liittyy tähän -#: data/effects/channelcopy.xml:12 -msgid "To" -msgstr "Kanavaan" - -#: data/effects/charcoal.xml:3 -msgid "Charcoal" -msgstr "Puuhiili" - -#: data/effects/charcoal.xml:4 -msgid "Charcoal drawing effect" -msgstr "Puuhiilipiirustus-tehoste" - -#: data/effects/charcoal.xml:7 -msgid "Horizontal scatter" -msgstr "Vaakasirotus" - -#: data/effects/charcoal.xml:10 -msgid "Vertical scatter" -msgstr "Pystysirotus" - -#: data/effects/charcoal.xml:13 -msgid "Scale" -msgstr "Skaalaus" - -#: data/effects/charcoal.xml:16 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:757 -msgid "Mix" -msgstr "Sekoitus" - -#: data/effects/charcoal.xml:19 data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:31 -#: data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:63 data/effects/frei0r_mask0mate.xml:19 -#: data/effects/invert.xml:3 data/effects/mirror.xml:11 -#: data/effects/rotoscoping.xml:18 src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:215 -msgid "Invert" -msgstr "Käännä päinvastaiseksi" - -#: data/effects/chroma.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Chroma Hold" -msgid "Chroma Key" -msgstr "Chroma-pysäytys" - -#: data/effects/chroma.xml:4 -msgid "Make selected color transparent" -msgstr "Tee valitusta väristä läpinäkyvä" - -#: data/effects/chroma.xml:7 data/effects/chroma_hold.xml:7 -msgid "Color key" -msgstr "Väriavain" - -#: data/effects/chroma.xml:10 data/effects/chroma_hold.xml:10 -msgid "Variance" -msgstr "Varianssi" - -#: data/effects/chroma_hold.xml:3 -msgid "Chroma Hold" -msgstr "Chroma-pysäytys" - -#: data/effects/chroma_hold.xml:4 -msgid "Make image greyscale except for chosen color" -msgstr "Tee kuvasta harmaasävyinen lukuun ottamatta valittua väriä" - -#: data/effects/crop.xml:3 -msgid "Edge Crop" -msgstr "Reunarajaus" - -#: data/effects/crop.xml:4 -msgid "Trim the edges of a clip" -msgstr "Rajaa pois leikkeen reunat" - -#: data/effects/crop.xml:7 data/effects/frei0r_mask0mate.xml:13 -msgid "Top" -msgstr "Ylä" - -#: data/effects/crop.xml:10 data/effects/frei0r_mask0mate.xml:7 -msgid "Left" -msgstr "Vasen" - -#: data/effects/crop.xml:13 data/effects/frei0r_mask0mate.xml:16 -msgid "Bottom" -msgstr "Ala" - -#: data/effects/crop.xml:16 data/effects/frei0r_mask0mate.xml:10 -msgid "Right" -msgstr "Oikea" - -#: data/effects/crop.xml:19 -msgid "Automatic center-crop" -msgstr "Automaattinen keskirajaus" - -#: data/effects/crop.xml:22 -msgid "Center balance" -msgstr "Keskibalanssi" - -#: data/effects/crop.xml:25 -msgid "Use project resolution" -msgstr "Käytä projektin tarkkuutta" - -#: data/effects/dust.xml:3 -msgid "Dust" -msgstr "Pöly" - -#: data/effects/dust.xml:4 -msgid "Add dust and specks to the video, as in old movies" -msgstr "Lisää pölyä ja täpliä videoon (kuten vanhoissa elokuvissa)" - -#: data/effects/dust.xml:7 -msgid "Maximal Diameter" -msgstr "Enimmäishalkaisija" - -#: data/effects/dust.xml:10 -msgid "Maximal number of dust" -msgstr "Pölyn enimmäismäärä" - -#: data/effects/dynamictext.xml:3 -msgid "Dynamic Text" -msgstr "Dynaaminen teksti" - -#: data/effects/dynamictext.xml:4 -msgid "Overlay text with keywords replaced" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/dynamictext.xml:10 -msgid "Font Family" -msgstr "Fonttiperhe" - -#: data/effects/dynamictext.xml:13 -msgid "Font Size" -msgstr "Fonttikoko" - -#: data/effects/dynamictext.xml:16 -msgid "Font Weight" -msgstr "Fontin lihavuus" - -#: data/effects/dynamictext.xml:25 -msgid "Outline Color" -msgstr "Reunaväri" - -#: data/effects/dynamictext.xml:28 -msgid "Outline Width" -msgstr "Reunan leveys" - -#: data/effects/dynamictext.xml:31 -msgid "Padding" -msgstr "Täyte" - -#: data/effects/dynamictext.xml:34 -msgid "Left,Center,Right" -msgstr "Vasemmalle,Keskitä,Oikealle" - -#: data/effects/dynamictext.xml:35 -msgid "Horizontal Alignment" -msgstr "Vaakatasaus" - -#: data/effects/dynamictext.xml:38 -msgid "Top,Middle,Bottom" -msgstr "Ylös,Keskitä,Alas" - -#: data/effects/dynamictext.xml:39 -msgid "Vertical Alignment" -msgstr "Pystytasaus" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, text_box) -#: data/effects/dynamictext.xml:42 src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:55 -#: src/ui/templateclip_ui.ui:34 -msgid "Text" -msgstr "Teksti" - -#: data/effects/fade_from_black.xml:3 -msgid "Fade from Black" -msgstr "Häivytä mustasta" - -#: data/effects/fade_from_black.xml:4 -msgid "Fade video from black" -msgstr "Häivytä mustasta videoon" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_duration) -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, ClipDurationDialog_UI) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, duration_label) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: data/effects/fade_from_black.xml:7 data/effects/fade_to_black.xml:7 -#: data/effects/fadein.xml:10 data/effects/fadeout.xml:7 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:133 -#: src/ui/clipdurationdialog_ui.ui:14 src/ui/clipdurationdialog_ui.ui:40 -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:58 src/ui/colorclip_ui.ui:37 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:747 src/utils/freesound.cpp:157 -#: src/utils/freesound.cpp:196 src/utils/freesound.cpp:197 -#: src/utils/freesound.cpp:198 -msgid "Duration" -msgstr "Kesto" - -#: data/effects/fade_from_black.xml:10 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/bezier/beziersplinewidget.cpp:52 -msgid "In" -msgstr "Sisään" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: data/effects/fade_from_black.xml:13 data/effects/fade_to_black.xml:13 -#: src/ui/wipeval_ui.ui:22 -msgid "Start" -msgstr "Aloita" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_4) -#: data/effects/fade_from_black.xml:16 data/effects/fade_to_black.xml:16 -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:409 src/ui/wipeval_ui.ui:167 -msgid "End" -msgstr "Loppu" - -#: data/effects/fade_to_black.xml:3 -msgid "Fade to Black" -msgstr "Häivytä mustaan" - -#: data/effects/fade_to_black.xml:4 -msgid "Fade video to black" -msgstr "Häivytä video mustaan" - -#: data/effects/fade_to_black.xml:10 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/bezier/beziersplinewidget.cpp:54 -msgid "Out" -msgstr "Ulos" - -#: data/effects/fadein.xml:3 -msgid "Fade in" -msgstr "Häivytä sisään" - -#: data/effects/fadein.xml:4 -msgid "Fade in audio track" -msgstr "Häivytä ääniraita sisään" - -#: data/effects/fadein.xml:13 data/effects/fadeout.xml:13 -msgid "Start Gain" -msgstr "Aloita voimakkuudesta" - -#: data/effects/fadein.xml:16 data/effects/fadeout.xml:16 -msgid "End Gain" -msgstr "Päätä voimakkuuteen" - -#: data/effects/fadeout.xml:3 -msgid "Fade out" -msgstr "Häivytä ulos" - -#: data/effects/fadeout.xml:4 -msgid "Fade out audio track" -msgstr "Häivytä ääniraita ulos" - -#: data/effects/freeze.xml:3 -msgid "Freeze" -msgstr "Pysäytä" - -#: data/effects/freeze.xml:4 -msgid "Freeze video on a chosen frame" -msgstr "Pysäytä video valittuun ruutuun" - -#: data/effects/freeze.xml:7 -msgid "Freeze at" -msgstr "Pysähdy kohtaan" - -#: data/effects/freeze.xml:10 -msgid "Freeze Before" -msgstr "Pysäytä ennen" - -#: data/effects/freeze.xml:13 -msgid "Freeze After" -msgstr "Pysäytä jälkeen" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_3dflippo.xml:3 -msgid "3dflippo" -msgstr "3dflippo" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_3dflippo.xml:4 -msgid "Frame rotation in 3D space" -msgstr "Ruudun kolmiulotteinen pyöräytys" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_3dflippo.xml:7 -msgid "X axis rotation" -msgstr "X-akselin kierto" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_3dflippo.xml:10 -msgid "Y axis rotation" -msgstr "Y-akselin kierto" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_3dflippo.xml:13 -msgid "Z axis rotation" -msgstr "Z-akselin kierto" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_3dflippo.xml:16 -msgid "X axis rotation rate" -msgstr "X-akselin kiertonopeus" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_3dflippo.xml:19 -msgid "Y axis rotation rate" -msgstr "Y-akselin kiertonopeus" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_3dflippo.xml:22 -msgid "Z axis rotation rate" -msgstr "Z-akselin kiertonopeus" - -# Vai keskiön, keskikohdan…? -#: data/effects/frei0r_3dflippo.xml:25 -msgid "Center position (X)" -msgstr "Keskustan sijainti (X)" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_3dflippo.xml:28 -msgid "Center position (Y)" -msgstr "Keskustan sijainti (Y)" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_3dflippo.xml:31 -msgid "Invert rotation assignment" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_3dflippo.xml:34 -msgid "Don't blank mask" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_3dflippo.xml:37 -msgid "Fill with image or black" -msgstr "Täytä kuvalla tai mustalla" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:4 data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:36 -msgid "Alpha operations" -msgstr "Alfatoiminnot" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:5 data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:37 -msgid "Display and manipulation of the alpha channel" -msgstr "Näytä alfakanava ja käsittele sitä" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:9 data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:41 -msgid "" -"Image,Alpha as gray,Gray + red,Selection on black,Selection on gray," -"Selection on white,Selection on checkers" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:10 data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:42 -msgid "Display" -msgstr "Näytä" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:14 data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:46 -msgid "Display input alpha" -msgstr "Näytä syötealfa" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:18 -msgid "NO OP,Shave,Shrink hard,Shrink soft,Grow hard,Grow soft,Threshold" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:19 data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:51 -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphagrad.xml:30 data/effects/frei0r_alphaspot.xml:47 -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:45 data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:96 -msgid "Operation" -msgstr "Toiminto" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:23 data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:55 -#: data/effects/frei0r_threshold0r.xml:7 data/effects/threshold.xml:3 -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:217 -msgid "Threshold" -msgstr "Kynnys" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:27 -msgid "Shrink/grow amount" -msgstr "Pienennä/suurenna määrää" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:50 -msgid "NO OP,Shave,Shrink hard,Shrink soft,Grow hard,Grow soft,Threshold,Blur" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:59 -msgid "Shrink/Grow/Blur amount" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphagrad.xml:3 -msgid "Alpha gradient" -msgstr "Alfaliuku" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphagrad.xml:4 -msgid "Fill the alpha channel with a specified gradient" -msgstr "Täytä alfakanava valitulla liu’ulla" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, clip_filesize_2) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, position_label) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, import_position) -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphagrad.xml:9 src/effectstack/keyframeedit.cpp:55 -#: src/ui/clipdurationdialog_ui.ui:20 src/ui/importkeyframesdialog_ui.ui:80 -#: src/ui/keyframedialog_ui.ui:20 src/ui/markerdialog_ui.ui:20 -msgid "Position" -msgstr "Sijainti" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphagrad.xml:13 data/effects/frei0r_alphaspot.xml:34 -msgid "Transition width" -msgstr "Siirtymän leveys" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphagrad.xml:17 data/effects/frei0r_alphaspot.xml:30 -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:16 -msgid "Tilt" -msgstr "Kallistus" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphagrad.xml:21 data/effects/frei0r_alphaspot.xml:38 -msgid "Min" -msgstr "Väh." - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphagrad.xml:25 data/effects/frei0r_alphaspot.xml:42 -msgid "Max" -msgstr "Enint." - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphagrad.xml:29 data/effects/frei0r_alphaspot.xml:46 -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:44 data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:95 -msgid "Write on clear,Max,Min,Add,Subtract" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphaspot.xml:3 -msgid "Alpha shapes" -msgstr "Alfakuviot" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphaspot.xml:4 -msgid "Draws simple shapes into the alpha channel" -msgstr "Piirrä yksinkertaisia kuvioita alfakanavaan" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphaspot.xml:9 -msgid "Rectangle,Ellipse,Triangle,Diamond" -msgstr "Nelikulmio,Soikio,Kolmio,Timantti" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphaspot.xml:10 data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:29 -#: data/effects/sox_flanger.xml:22 -msgid "Shape" -msgstr "Kuvio" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphaspot.xml:14 -msgid "Position X" -msgstr "X-sijainti" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphaspot.xml:18 -msgid "Position Y" -msgstr "Y-sijainti" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphaspot.xml:22 -msgid "Size X" -msgstr "X-koko" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphaspot.xml:26 -msgid "Size Y" -msgstr "Y-koko" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_balanc0r.xml:4 data/effects/frei0r_balanc0r.xml:15 -msgid "White Balance" -msgstr "Valkotasapaino" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_balanc0r.xml:5 data/effects/frei0r_balanc0r.xml:16 -msgid "Adjust the white balance / color temperature" -msgstr "Säädä valkotasapainoa/värin lämpötilaa" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_balanc0r.xml:8 data/effects/frei0r_balanc0r.xml:19 -#: data/effects/frei0r_colgate.xml:8 data/effects/movit_white_balance.xml:6 -msgid "Neutral Color" -msgstr "Neutraali väri" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_balanc0r.xml:11 data/effects/frei0r_balanc0r.xml:22 -msgid "Green Tint" -msgstr "Vihreä sävy" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_baltan.xml:3 -msgid "Baltan" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_baltan.xml:4 -msgid "Delayed alpha smoothed blit of time" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_bezier_curves.xml:3 -msgid "Bézier Curves" -msgstr "Bézier-käyrät" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_bezier_curves.xml:4 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:5 -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:62 -msgid "Color curves adjustment" -msgstr "Värikäyrien säätö" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_bezier_curves.xml:8 -msgid "RGB,Red,Green,Blue,Alpha,Luma,Hue,Saturation" -msgstr "RGB,Punainen,Vihreä,Sininen,Alfa,Luma,Sävy,Kylläisyys" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_bezier_curves.xml:13 -#: data/effects/frei0r_coloradj_rgb.xml:33 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:12 -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:69 -msgid "Rec. 601,Rec. 709" -msgstr "Rec. 601,Rec. 709" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_bezier_curves.xml:14 -#: data/effects/frei0r_coloradj_rgb.xml:34 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:13 -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:70 -msgid "Luma formula" -msgstr "Luma-kaava" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_brightness.xml:3 data/effects/frei0r_brightness.xml:7 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lenscorrection.xml:19 data/effects/grain.xml:13 -msgid "Brightness" -msgstr "Kirkkaus" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_brightness.xml:4 -msgid "Adjusts the brightness of a source image" -msgstr "Säädä lähdekuvan kirkkautta" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:3 -msgid "Corners" -msgstr "Kulmat" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:4 -msgid "Four corners geometry engine" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:8 -msgid "Corner 1 X" -msgstr "Kulma 1 X" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:12 -msgid "Corner 1 Y" -msgstr "Kulma 1 Y" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:16 -msgid "Corner 2 X" -msgstr "Kulma 2 X" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:20 -msgid "Corner 2 Y" -msgstr "Kulma 2 Y" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:24 -msgid "Corner 3 X" -msgstr "Kulma 3 X" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:28 -msgid "Corner 3 Y" -msgstr "Kulma 3 Y" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:32 -msgid "Corner 4 X" -msgstr "Kulma 4 X" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:36 -msgid "Corner 4 Y" -msgstr "Kulma 4 Y" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:40 -msgid "Stretch X" -msgstr "Venytä X" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:44 -msgid "Stretch Y" -msgstr "Venytä Y" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:48 -msgid "Feather Alpha" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:52 -msgid "Enable Stretch" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:56 data/effects/frei0r_defish0r.xml:24 -msgid "" -"Nearest neighbor,Bilinear,Bicubic smooth,Bicubic sharp,Spline 4x4,Spline 6x6," -"Lanczos" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:57 data/effects/frei0r_defish0r.xml:25 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Interlaced" -msgid "Interpolator" -msgstr "Lomitettu" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:61 data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:63 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:136 -msgid "Transparent Background" -msgstr "Läpinäkyvä tausta" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:65 data/effects/rotoscoping.xml:13 -msgid "Write on clear,Maximum,Minimum,Add,Subtract" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:66 -msgid "Alpha operation" -msgstr "Alfatoiminto" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_cartoon.xml:4 data/effects/frei0r_cartoon.xml:15 -msgid "Cartoon" -msgstr "Sarjakuva" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_cartoon.xml:5 data/effects/frei0r_cartoon.xml:16 -msgid "Cartoonify video, do a form of edge detect" -msgstr "Sarjakuvamaista video (tekee eräänlaisen reunantunnistuksen)" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_cartoon.xml:8 data/effects/frei0r_cartoon.xml:19 -msgid "Level of trip" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_cartoon.xml:11 data/effects/frei0r_cartoon.xml:22 -msgid "Difference space" -msgstr "Erotusavaruus" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_cluster.xml:3 -msgid "K-Means Clustering" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_cluster.xml:4 -msgid "Clusters of a source image by color and spatial distance" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_cluster.xml:7 -msgid "Amount of clusters" -msgstr "Klusterien määrä" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_cluster.xml:10 -msgid "Weight on distance" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_colgate.xml:3 -msgid "White Balance (LMS space)" -msgstr "Valkobalanssi (LMS-avaruus)" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_colgate.xml:5 -msgid "" -"Do simple color correction, in a physically meaningful\n" -"way" -msgstr "" -"Tee yksinkertainen värinkorjaus fysikaalisesti mielekkäällä\n" -"tavalla" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_colgate.xml:12 data/effects/movit_white_balance.xml:9 -msgid "Color Temperature" -msgstr "Värilämpötila" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_coloradj_rgb.xml:3 -msgid "RGB adjustment" -msgstr "RGB-säätö" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_coloradj_rgb.xml:4 -msgid "Simple color adjustment" -msgstr "Yksinkertainen värinsäätö" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, cbR) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonSelectRects) -#: data/effects/frei0r_coloradj_rgb.xml:8 src/ui/histogram_ui.ui:30 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:733 -msgid "R" -msgstr "R" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, cbG) -#: data/effects/frei0r_coloradj_rgb.xml:12 src/ui/histogram_ui.ui:37 -msgid "G" -msgstr "G" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, cbB) -#: data/effects/frei0r_coloradj_rgb.xml:16 src/ui/histogram_ui.ui:44 -msgid "B" -msgstr "B" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_coloradj_rgb.xml:20 -msgid "Add constant,Change gamma,Multiply" -msgstr "Lisää vakio,Muuta gammaa,Moninkertaista" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_coloradj_rgb.xml:21 -msgid "Action" -msgstr "Toiminto" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_coloradj_rgb.xml:25 -msgid "Keep luma" -msgstr "Säilytä luma" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_coloradj_rgb.xml:29 -msgid "Alpha controlled" -msgstr "Alfaohjattu" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_colordistance.xml:3 -msgid "Color Distance" -msgstr "Värietäisyys" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_colordistance.xml:4 -msgid "" -"Calculates the distance between the selected color and the current pixel and " -"uses that value as new pixel value" -msgstr "" -"Laskee etäisyyden valitun värin ja nykyisen kuvapisteen välillä ja käyttää " -"arvoa uuden kuvapisteen arvona" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_colordistance.xml:7 -msgid "Source Color" -msgstr "Lähdeväri" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_colortap.xml:3 -msgid "Color Effect" -msgstr "Väritehoste" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_colortap.xml:4 -msgid "Applies a pre-made color effect to image" -msgstr "Käyttää ennalta luotua väritehostetta kuvaan" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, treeWidget) -#: data/effects/frei0r_colortap.xml:7 data/effects/frei0r_defish0r.xml:14 -#: data/effects/frei0r_iirblur.xml:14 data/effects/frei0r_medians.xml:9 -#: src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:74 src/ui/missingclips_ui.ui:67 -msgid "Type" -msgstr "Tyyppi" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_contrast0r.xml:3 data/effects/frei0r_contrast0r.xml:7 -#: data/effects/grain.xml:10 src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:209 -msgid "Contrast" -msgstr "Kontrasti" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_contrast0r.xml:4 -msgid "Adjusts the contrast of a source image" -msgstr "Säädä lähdekuvan kontrastia" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:4 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:61 -msgid "Curves" -msgstr "Käyrät" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:8 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:65 -#: data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:9 data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:41 -msgid "Red,Green,Blue,Luma" -msgstr "Punainen,Vihreä,Sininen,Luma" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:20 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:77 -msgid "Number of curve points" -msgstr "Käyrän pisteiden määrä" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:23 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:80 -msgid "Point 1 input value" -msgstr "Pisteen 1 syötearvo" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:26 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:83 -msgid "Point 1 output value" -msgstr "Pisteen 1 tulosarvo" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:29 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:86 -msgid "Point 2 input value" -msgstr "Pisteen 2 syötearvo" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:32 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:89 -msgid "Point 2 output value" -msgstr "Pisteen 2 tulosarvo" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:35 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:92 -msgid "Point 3 input value" -msgstr "Pisteen 3 syötearvo" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:38 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:95 -msgid "Point 3 output value" -msgstr "Pisteen 3 tulosarvo" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:41 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:98 -msgid "Point 4 input value" -msgstr "Pisteen 4 syötearvo" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:44 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:101 -msgid "Point 4 output value" -msgstr "Pisteen 4 tulosarvo" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:47 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:104 -msgid "Point 5 input value" -msgstr "Pisteen 5 syötearvo" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:50 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:107 -msgid "Point 5 output value" -msgstr "Pisteen 5 tulosarvo" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:53 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:110 -msgid "Show graph in picture" -msgstr "Näytä kaavio kuvassa" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:56 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:113 -#: data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:31 data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:63 -msgid "Top Left,Top Right,Bottom Left,Bottom Right" -msgstr "Ylävasen,Yläoikea,Alavasen,Alaoikea" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:57 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:114 -msgid "Graph position" -msgstr "Kaavion sijainti" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_d90stairsteppingfix.xml:3 -msgid "Nikon D90 Stairstepping fix" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_d90stairsteppingfix.xml:7 -msgid "" -"Removes stairstepping artifacts from Nikon D90's 720p videos.\n" -" \n" -" " -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_defish0r.xml:3 -msgid "Defish" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_defish0r.xml:4 -msgid "Non rectilinear lens mappings" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_defish0r.xml:7 data/effects/frei0r_iirblur.xml:8 -#: data/effects/frei0r_sharpness.xml:8 data/effects/movit_unsharp_mask.xml:9 -msgid "Amount" -msgstr "Määrä" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_defish0r.xml:10 -msgid "DeFish" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_defish0r.xml:13 -msgid "Equidistant,Orthographic,Equiarea,Stereographic" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_defish0r.xml:17 -msgid "Fill,Center,Fit,Manual" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, lblScaling) -#: data/effects/frei0r_defish0r.xml:18 src/effectstack/dragvalue.cpp:108 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:207 -#: src/ui/colorplaneexport_ui.ui:74 -msgid "Scaling" -msgstr "Skaalaus" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_defish0r.xml:21 -msgid "Manual Scale" -msgstr "Manuaalinen skaalaus" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_defish0r.xml:28 -msgid "Square,PAL DV,NTSC DV,HDV,Manual" -msgstr "Neliömäinen,PAL DV,NTSC DV,HDV,Manuaalinen" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_defish0r.xml:29 -msgid "Aspect type" -msgstr "Kuvasuhdetyyppi" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_defish0r.xml:32 -msgid "Manual Aspect" -msgstr "Oma kuvasuhde" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_delay0r.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Delay" -msgid "delay0r" -msgstr "Viive" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_delay0r.xml:4 -msgid "Video delay" -msgstr "Videoviive" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_delay0r.xml:7 -msgid "Delay time" -msgstr "Viipeen aika" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_delaygrab.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Delay" -msgid "Delay grab" -msgstr "Viive" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_delaygrab.xml:4 -msgid "Delayed frame blitting mapped on a time bitmap" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_distort0r.xml:3 data/effects/pan_zoom.xml:10 -#: data/kdenliveeffectscategory.rc:35 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:722 -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:746 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:767 -msgid "Distort" -msgstr "Vääristys" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_distort0r.xml:4 -msgid "Plasma" -msgstr "Plasma" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_distort0r.xml:7 data/effects/wave.xml:7 -msgid "Amplitude" -msgstr "Amplitudi" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_distort0r.xml:10 data/effects/sox_bass.xml:10 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:249 -msgid "Frequency" -msgstr "Taajuus" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_edgeglow.xml:3 -msgid "Edge glow" -msgstr "Reunahehkutus" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_edgeglow.xml:4 -msgid "Edge glow filter" -msgstr "Reunahehkutussuodatin" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_edgeglow.xml:7 -msgid "Edge lightening threshold" -msgstr "Reunan vaalennuksen kynnys" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_edgeglow.xml:10 -msgid "Edge brightness upscaling multiplier" -msgstr "Reunan kirkkauden korotuskerroin" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_edgeglow.xml:13 -msgid "Non-edge brightness downscaling multiplier" -msgstr "Muun kuin reunan kirkkauden vähentämiskerroin" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_equaliz0r.xml:3 -msgid "Equaliz0r" -msgstr "Equaliz0r" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_equaliz0r.xml:4 -msgid "Equalizes the intensity histograms" -msgstr "Ekvalisoi intensiteettihistogrammit" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facebl0r.xml:3 -msgid "Face blur" -msgstr "Kasvosumennus" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facebl0r.xml:4 -msgid "Automatically detect and blur a face using OpenCV" -msgstr "Tunnista ja sumenna kasvot automaattisesti OpenCV:n avulla" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facebl0r.xml:8 data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:8 -msgid "Search scale" -msgstr "Haun mittakaava" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facebl0r.xml:9 data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:9 -#, no-c-format -msgid "" -"The search window scale factor. For example, 120 = 1.20 = increases by 20% " -"on each pass." -msgstr "" -"Hakuikkunan mittakaavakerroin. Esimerkiksi 120 = 1,20 = lisää 20 % joka " -"kerralla." - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facebl0r.xml:13 data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:13 -msgid "Neighbors" -msgstr "Naapurit" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facebl0r.xml:14 data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:14 -msgid "Minimum number of rectangles that determines an object." -msgstr "Pienin kohteen määrittävä nelikulmioiden määrä." - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facebl0r.xml:18 data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:18 -msgid "Smallest" -msgstr "Pienin" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facebl0r.xml:19 data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:19 -msgid "The minimum window size in pixels." -msgstr "Pienin ikkunan koko kuvapisteinä." - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facebl0r.xml:23 -msgid "Largest" -msgstr "Suurin" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facebl0r.xml:24 -msgid "" -"The largest size face in pixels - both horizontally and vertically (square " -"window)." -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facebl0r.xml:28 data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:23 -msgid "Recheck" -msgstr "Tarkista uudestaan" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facebl0r.xml:29 data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:24 -msgid "" -"How often to detect a face. In between checks, it does object motion " -"tracking." -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facebl0r.xml:33 -msgid "Show ellipse" -msgstr "Näytä soikio" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facebl0r.xml:34 -msgid "Draw a blue ellipse around the face area?" -msgstr "Piirretäänkö sininen soikio kasvojen alueen ympärille?" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:3 -msgid "Face detect" -msgstr "Kasvontunnistus" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:4 -msgid "Detect faces and draw shapes on them using OpenCV" -msgstr "Tunnista kasvot ja merkitse ne OpenCV:tä käyttäen" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:28 -msgid "circle,ellipse,rectangle,random" -msgstr "ympyrä,soikio,nelikulmio,satunnainen" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:33 -msgid "Stroke width" -msgstr "Viivan paksuus" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:34 -msgid "" -"0 means fill; otherwise, draw unfilled with a stroke width of this size." -msgstr "" -"0 tarkoittaa täyttöä; muussa tapauksessa piirrä täyttämättä tämän paksuisin " -"vedoin." - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:38 -msgid "Alpha" -msgstr "Alfa" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:39 -msgid "" -"Set the alpha channel of the shape area to a percentage of fully opaque." -msgstr "" -"Asettaa kuvion alueen alfakanavan prosentteina täysin läpinäkymättömästä." - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:43 -msgid "Antialias" -msgstr "Antialiasointi" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:44 -msgid "Draw with anti-aliasing?" -msgstr "Piirretäänkö antialiasoiden?" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:50 -msgid "Color 1" -msgstr "Väri 1" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:51 -msgid "Set the shape color of the first detected face." -msgstr "Asettaa ensimmäisten tunnistettujen kasvojen kuviovärin." - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:55 -msgid "Color 2" -msgstr "Väri 2" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:56 -msgid "Set the shape color of the second detected face." -msgstr "Asettaa toisten tunnistettujen kasvojen kuviovärin." - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:60 -msgid "Color 3" -msgstr "Väri 3" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:61 -msgid "Set the shape color of the third detected face." -msgstr "Asettaa kolmansien tunnistettujen kasvojen kuviovärin." - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:65 -msgid "Color 4" -msgstr "Väri 4" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:66 -msgid "Set the shape color of the fourth detected face." -msgstr "Asettaa neljänsien tunnistettujen kasvojen kuviovärin." - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:70 -msgid "Color 5" -msgstr "Väri 5" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:71 -msgid "Set the shape color of the fifth detected face." -msgstr "Asettaa viidensien tunnistettujen kasvojen kuviovärin." - -#: data/effects/frei0r_flippo.xml:3 -msgid "Flippo" -msgstr "Flippo" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_flippo.xml:4 -msgid "Flipping in X and Y axis" -msgstr "X- ja akselien kääntö" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_flippo.xml:7 -msgid "X axis" -msgstr "X-akseli" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_flippo.xml:10 -msgid "Y axis" -msgstr "Y-akseli" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_glow.xml:3 -msgid "Glow" -msgstr "Hohto" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_glow.xml:4 -msgid "Creates a Glamorous Glow" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_glow.xml:7 data/effects/frei0r_iirblur.xml:3 -#: data/effects/frei0r_mask0mate.xml:22 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:158 -msgid "Blur" -msgstr "Sumennus" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_hqdn3d.xml:3 -msgid "Denoiser" -msgstr "Kohinan poisto" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_hqdn3d.xml:4 -msgid "High quality 3D denoiser" -msgstr "Hyvälaatuinen kolmiulotteinen kohinan poisto" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_hqdn3d.xml:8 -msgid "Spatial" -msgstr "Tila" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_hqdn3d.xml:9 -msgid "Amount of spatial filtering" -msgstr "Tilasuodatuksen määrä" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_hqdn3d.xml:13 -msgid "Temporal" -msgstr "Aika" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_hqdn3d.xml:14 -msgid "Amount of temporal filtering" -msgstr "Ajallisen suodatuksen määrä" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_hueshift0r.xml:3 -msgid "Hue shift" -msgstr "Sävysiirtymä" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_hueshift0r.xml:4 -msgid "Shifts the hue of a source image" -msgstr "Siirtää lähdekuvan värisävyä" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_hueshift0r.xml:7 -msgid "Hue" -msgstr "Sävy" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_iirblur.xml:4 -msgid "Blur using 2D IIR filters (Exponential, Lowpass, Gaussian)" -msgstr "" -"Sumenna kaksiulotteisin IIR-suodattimin (eksponentiaalinen, matalapäästö, " -"Gauss)" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_iirblur.xml:9 -msgid "Amount of blur" -msgstr "Sumennuksen määrä" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_iirblur.xml:13 -msgid "Exponential,Lowpass,Gaussian" -msgstr "Eksponentiaalinen,Matalapäästö,Gauss" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_iirblur.xml:15 -msgid "Select blurring algorithm" -msgstr "Valitse sumennusalgoritmi" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_iirblur.xml:19 -msgid "Edge" -msgstr "Reuna" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_iirblur.xml:20 -msgid "Enable edge compensation" -msgstr "Käytä reunojen kompensointia" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:3 -msgid "Key Spill Mop Up" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:4 -msgid "Reduces the visibility of key color spill in chroma keying" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:8 -msgid "Key color" -msgstr "Avainväri" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:12 -msgid "Target color" -msgstr "Kohdeväri" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:16 -msgid "Color distance, Transparency, Edge inwards, Edge outwards" -msgstr "Värietäisyys,Läpinäkyvyys,Reuna sisään,Reuna ulos" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:17 -msgid "Mask type" -msgstr "Maskin tyyppi" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:21 -msgid "Tolerance" -msgstr "Toleranssi" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:25 -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:91 -msgid "Slope" -msgstr "Kaltevuus" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:29 -msgid "Hue gate" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:33 -msgid "Saturation threshold" -msgstr "Kylläisyyskynnys" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:37 -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:46 -msgid "None, De-Key, Target, Desaturate, Luma adjust" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:38 -msgid "Operation 1" -msgstr "Toiminto 1" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:42 -msgid "Amount 1" -msgstr "Määrä 1" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:47 -msgid "Operation 2" -msgstr "Toiminto 2" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:51 -msgid "Amount 2" -msgstr "Määrä 2" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:55 -msgid "Show mask" -msgstr "Näytä maski" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:59 -msgid "Mask to Alpha" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lenscorrection.xml:3 -msgid "Lens Correction" -msgstr "Linssikorjaus" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lenscorrection.xml:4 -msgid "Allows compensation of lens distortion" -msgstr "Salli linssivääristymän kompensointi" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lenscorrection.xml:7 -msgid "Horizontal center" -msgstr "Vaakakeskikohta" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lenscorrection.xml:10 -msgid "Vertical center" -msgstr "Pystykeskikohta" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lenscorrection.xml:13 -msgid "Center correction" -msgstr "Keskikohdan korjaus" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lenscorrection.xml:16 -msgid "Edges correction" -msgstr "Reunakorjaus" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_letterb0xed.xml:3 -msgid "LetterB0xed" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_letterb0xed.xml:4 -msgid "Adds black borders at top and bottom for cinema look" -msgstr "Lisää ylös ja alas elokuvateatterimaiset mustat reunukset" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_letterb0xed.xml:7 -msgid "Border Width" -msgstr "Reunuksen leveys" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: data/effects/frei0r_letterb0xed.xml:10 data/effects/frei0r_timeout.xml:13 -#: src/ui/wipeval_ui.ui:136 src/ui/wipeval_ui.ui:281 -msgid "Transparency" -msgstr "Läpinäkyvyys" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:4 data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:36 -msgid "Levels" -msgstr "Tasot" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:5 data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:37 -msgid "Adjust levels" -msgstr "Säädä tasoja" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:13 data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:45 -msgid "Input black level" -msgstr "Syötteen mustan taso" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:16 data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:48 -msgid "Input white level" -msgstr "Syötteen valkoisen taso" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:19 data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:51 -#: data/effects/gamma.xml:3 data/effects/gamma.xml:7 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/lumaliftgain.cpp:63 -msgid "Gamma" -msgstr "Gamma" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:22 data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:54 -msgid "Black output" -msgstr "Musta ulostulo" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:25 data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:57 -msgid "White output" -msgstr "Valkoinen ulostulo" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:28 data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:60 -msgid "Show histogram" -msgstr "Näytä histogrammi" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:32 data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:64 -msgid "Histogram position" -msgstr "Histogrammin sijainti" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:4 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:77 -msgid "Light Graffiti" -msgstr "Kevyt graffiti" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:7 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:80 -msgid "" -"Light Graffiti effect.\n" -" " -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:10 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:83 -msgid "Brightness Threshold" -msgstr "Kirkkauskynnys" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:12 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:85 -msgid "" -"R+G+B) does a pixel need to be in order to " -"be recognized as a light source?
\n" -" Increasing this threshold requires brighter light sources (i.e. " -"more white or less color, respectively) but prevents some «false alarms» " -"where semi-bright parts, e.g. hands where colors can change quite a lot " -"compared to the background, are incorrectly recognized as light source.]]>" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:15 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:88 -msgid "Difference Threshold" -msgstr "Erotuskynnys" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:17 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:90 -msgid "" -"max(dR, dG, dB)), in " -"order to be recognized as light source?
\n" -" Increasing this threshold makes it harder for light sources to " -"be accepted on bright backgrounds, but decreases the danger of noise or " -"generally bright spots counting as light source.]]>" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:20 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:93 -msgid "Difference Sum Threshold" -msgstr "Erotussummakynnys" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:22 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:95 -msgid "" -"relative to the " -"background image
(dR + dG + dB) have to change until a " -"pixel is recognized as a light source?
\n" -" Raising this value might, in some cases, avoid that some light " -"objects lit by the light source are added to the light mask.]]>" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:25 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:98 -msgid "Sensitivity" -msgstr "Herkkyys" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:27 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:100 -msgid "" -"\n" -" For slowly moving light source try to use a lower sensitivity to " -"obtain a better exposure.]]>" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:30 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:103 -msgid "Lower Overexposure" -msgstr "Alempi ylivalotus" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:32 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:105 -msgid "" -"\n" -" The light mask does not get white immediately when the light " -"source is moving slowly or staying steady.]]>" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:35 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:108 -msgid "Dimming" -msgstr "Himmennys" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:36 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:109 -msgid "" -"Dims the light mask. Lights will leave a fainting trail if it is set to a " -"value > 0." -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:39 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:112 -msgid "Background Weight" -msgstr "Taustan painotus" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:40 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:113 -msgid "" -"Strength of the (calculated) background image. Setting it to 100 paints the " -"light mask directly over the background, without the painting person in the " -"image if the video starts with a «clean» background image. (See the α " -"parameter.)" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:43 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:116 -msgid "α" -msgstr "α" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:45 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:118 -msgid "" -"\n" -" The Light Graffiti effect remembers the first frame of the clip " -"it is applied to, so the clip should always start with the painter " -"outside of the video. If the background constantly changes, e.g. on a " -"street, try to set α > 0 to calculate an average background image.]]>" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:48 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:121 -#: data/effects/frei0r_saturat0r.xml:3 data/effects/frei0r_saturat0r.xml:7 -#: data/effects/movit_saturation.xml:6 -msgid "Saturation" -msgstr "Kylläisyys" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:49 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:122 -msgid "Increases the saturation of lights." -msgstr "Lisää vaalean kylläisyyttä." - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:52 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:125 -msgid "Show brightness statistics" -msgstr "Näytä kirkkaustilastot" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:54 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:127 -msgid "" -"\n" -" Example: To adjust the brightness threshold, check this box and " -"adjust the threshold until the whole light source is highlighted. Repeat the " -"same with the other parameters. Only parts that are highlighted in all thresholds will count as light source.]]>" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:57 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:130 -msgid "Show background difference statistics" -msgstr "Näytä taustaerojen tilastot" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:60 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:133 -msgid "Show background difference sum statistics" -msgstr "Näytä taustaerosummien tilastot" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:64 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:137 -msgid "" -"Makes the background transparent, allowing to apply a composite effect and " -"paint the light mask over a completely different video." -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:67 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:140 -msgid "Nonlinear dimming" -msgstr "Ei-lineaarinen himmennys" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:68 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:141 -msgid "If normal dimming does not look natural enough, try this one." -msgstr "" -"Ellei tavallinen himmennys näytä tarpeeksi luonnolliselta, kokeile tätä." - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:71 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:144 -#: src/effectstack/geometryval.cpp:95 src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:86 -msgid "Reset" -msgstr "Nollaa" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:72 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:145 -msgid "" -"Resets the light mask and the background image. This is necessary e.g. if " -"you apply this effect to a clip in the timeline and then move the timeline " -"cursor from outside of the clip to the middle of it. The effect receives " -"this frame in the middle as first frame and uses it as background image. For " -"proper threshold adjusting move the timeline cursor to the beginning of the " -"clip, check the Reset box and uncheck it again." -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_luminance.xml:3 -msgid "Luminance" -msgstr "Luminanssi" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_luminance.xml:4 -msgid "Creates a luminance map of the image" -msgstr "Luo kuvasta luminanssikartan" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_mask0mate.xml:3 -msgid "Mask0Mate" -msgstr "Mask0Mate" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_mask0mate.xml:4 -msgid "Creates an square alpha-channel mask" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_medians.xml:3 -msgid "Medians" -msgstr "Mediaanit" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_medians.xml:4 -msgid "Implements several median-type filters" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_medians.xml:8 -msgid "" -"Cross5,Square3x3,Bilevel,Diamond3x3,Square5x5,Temp3,Temp5,ArceBI,ML3D,ML3dEX," -"VarSize" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_5) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, import_size) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_20) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, treeWidget) -#: data/effects/frei0r_medians.xml:13 data/effects/frei0r_sharpness.xml:12 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:208 -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:563 src/ui/importkeyframesdialog_ui.ui:73 -#: src/ui/managecaptures_ui.ui:40 src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:201 -msgid "Size" -msgstr "Koko" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_nervous.xml:3 -msgid "Nervous" -msgstr "Hermostunut" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_nervous.xml:4 -msgid "Flushes frames in time in a nervous way" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_nosync0r.xml:3 -msgid "nosync0r" -msgstr "nosync0r" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_nosync0r.xml:4 -msgid "Broken TV" -msgstr "Rikkinäinen TV" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_nosync0r.xml:7 -msgid "HSync" -msgstr "HSync" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pixeliz0r.xml:3 -msgid "Pixelize" -msgstr "Pikselöinti" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pixeliz0r.xml:4 -msgid "Pixelize input image." -msgstr "Pikselöi syötekuva." - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pixeliz0r.xml:7 -msgid "Block Size X" -msgstr "Lohkon X-koko" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pixeliz0r.xml:10 -msgid "Block Size Y" -msgstr "Lohkon Y-koko" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0be.xml:3 -msgid "pr0be" -msgstr "pr0be" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0be.xml:4 -msgid "Measure video values" -msgstr "Mittaa videoarvot" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0be.xml:8 -msgid "RGB,Y'PbPr - rec. 601,Y'PbPr - rec. 709,HSV,HSL" -msgstr "RGB,Y'PbPr - rec. 601,Y'PbPr - rec. 709,HSV,HSL" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0be.xml:9 -msgid "Measurement" -msgstr "Mittaus" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0be.xml:13 data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:8 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/bezier/beziersplinewidget.cpp:56 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/bezier/beziersplinewidget.cpp:60 -#: src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:144 -msgid "X" -msgstr "X" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_5) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, cbY) -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0be.xml:17 data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:12 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/bezier/beziersplinewidget.cpp:58 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/bezier/beziersplinewidget.cpp:62 -#: src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:164 src/ui/histogram_ui.ui:23 -msgid "Y" -msgstr "Y" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0be.xml:21 -msgid "X size" -msgstr "X-koko" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0be.xml:25 -msgid "Y size" -msgstr "Y-koko" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0be.xml:29 data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:81 -msgid "256 scale" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0be.xml:33 -msgid "Show alpha" -msgstr "Näytä alfa" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0be.xml:37 -msgid "Big window" -msgstr "Iso ikkuna" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Profile" -msgid "pr0file" -msgstr "Profiili" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:4 -msgid "2D video oscilloscope" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:20 -msgid "Length" -msgstr "Pituus" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:24 -msgid "R,G,B,Y',Pr,Pb,Alpha" -msgstr "R,G,B,Y',Pr,Pb,Alfa" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:29 -msgid "Marker 1" -msgstr "Merkki 1" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:33 -msgid "Marker 2" -msgstr "Merkki 2" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:37 -msgid "R trace" -msgstr "R-jälki" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:41 -msgid "G trace" -msgstr "G-jälki" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:45 -msgid "B trace" -msgstr "B-jälki" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:49 -msgid "Y trace" -msgstr "Y-jälki" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:53 -msgid "Pr trace" -msgstr "Pr-jälki" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:57 -msgid "Pb trace" -msgstr "Pb-jälki" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:61 -msgid "Alpha trace" -msgstr "Alfa-jälki" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:65 -msgid "Display average" -msgstr "Näytä keskiarvo" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:69 -msgid "Display RMS" -msgstr "Näytä RMS" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:73 -msgid "Display minimum" -msgstr "Näytä minimi" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:77 -msgid "Display maximum" -msgstr "Näytä maksimi" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:85 -msgid "CCIR rec. 601,CCIR rec. 709" -msgstr "CCIR rec. 601,CCIR rec. 709" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_13) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, background_list) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_9) -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:86 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:156 -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:176 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:182 -#: src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:197 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:944 -msgid "Color" -msgstr "Väri" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:90 -msgid "Crosshair color" -msgstr "Ristikon väri" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_primaries.xml:3 -msgid "Primaries" -msgstr "Päävärit" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_primaries.xml:4 -msgid "Reduce image to primary colors" -msgstr "Vähennä kuvan värit pääväreiksi" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_primaries.xml:7 data/effects/sox_stretch.xml:7 -msgid "Factor" -msgstr "Kerroin" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_primaries.xml:8 -msgid " 32 = 0]]>" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QWidget, RGBParade_UI) -#: data/effects/frei0r_rgbparade.xml:3 src/scopes/scopemanager.cpp:308 -#: src/ui/rgbparade_ui.ui:14 -msgid "RGB Parade" -msgstr "RGB Parade" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_rgbparade.xml:4 -msgid "Display a histogram of R, G and B components of the video data" -msgstr "Näytä videon R-, G- ja B-komponenttien histogrammi" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_saturat0r.xml:4 -msgid "Adjusts the saturation of a source image" -msgstr "Säädä lähdekuvan saturaatiota" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_scale0tilt.xml:3 -msgid "Crop, Scale and Position" -msgstr "Rajaa, skaalaa ja aseta" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_scale0tilt.xml:4 -msgid "Scales, Tilts and Crops an Image" -msgstr "Skaalaa, kallistaa ja rajaa kuvaa" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_scale0tilt.xml:7 -msgid "Clip left" -msgstr "Leikkaa vasemmalta" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_scale0tilt.xml:10 -msgid "Clip right" -msgstr "Leikkaa oikealta" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_scale0tilt.xml:13 -msgid "Clip top" -msgstr "Leikkaa ylhäältä" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_scale0tilt.xml:16 -msgid "Clip bottom" -msgstr "Leikkaa alhaalta" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_scale0tilt.xml:19 -msgid "Scale X" -msgstr "Skaalaa (X)" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_scale0tilt.xml:22 -msgid "Scale Y" -msgstr "Skaalaa (Y)" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_scale0tilt.xml:25 -msgid "Tilt X" -msgstr "Kallista (X)" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_scale0tilt.xml:28 -msgid "Tilt Y" -msgstr "Kallista (Y)" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_scanline0r.xml:3 -msgid "scanline0r" -msgstr "scanline0r" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_scanline0r.xml:4 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Interlaced" -msgid "Interlaced black lines" -msgstr "Lomitettu" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:4 data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:51 -msgid "Color Selection" -msgstr "Värinvalinta" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:5 data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:52 -msgid "Color based alpha selection" -msgstr "Väriperustainen alfanvalinta" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:9 data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:56 -msgid "Color to select" -msgstr "Valittava väri" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:13 data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:60 -msgid "Invert selection" -msgstr "Käännä valinta" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:17 data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:79 -msgid "Delta R / A / Hue" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:21 data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:83 -msgid "Delta G / B / Chroma" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:25 data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:87 -msgid "Delta B / I / I" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:29 data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:64 -msgid "RGB,ABI,HCI" -msgstr "RGB,ABI,HCI" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:30 data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:65 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Selection tool" -msgid "Selection subspace" -msgstr "Valintatyökalu" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:34 data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:69 -msgid "Box,Ellipsoid,Diamond" -msgstr "Laatikko,Soikio,Timantti" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:35 data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:70 -msgid "Subspace shape" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:39 -msgid "Hard,Fat,Normal,Skinny" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:40 data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:75 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "QImage module" -msgid "Edge mode" -msgstr "QImage-moduuli" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:74 -msgid "Hard,Fat,Normal,Skinny,Slope" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sharpness.xml:3 -msgid "Sharpen" -msgstr "Terävöitä" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sharpness.xml:4 -msgid "Unsharp masking (port from Mplayer)" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sobel.xml:3 -msgid "Sobel" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sobel.xml:4 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Movie file" -msgid "Sobel filter" -msgstr "Elokuvatiedosto" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:4 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:59 -msgid "SOP/Sat" -msgstr "SOP/Sat" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:5 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:60 -msgid "" -"Changes Slope, Offset, and Power of the color components, and the overall " -"Saturation, according to the ASC CDL (Color Decision List)." -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:8 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:63 -msgid "Slope Red" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:10 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:65 -msgid "" -"\n" -" All effects can be observed well when applied on a greyscale " -"gradient and looking at the RGB Parade monitor.]]>" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:13 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:68 -msgid "Slope Green" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:16 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:71 -msgid "Slope Blue" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:19 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:74 -msgid "Slope Alpha" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:23 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:78 -msgid "Offset Red" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:24 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:79 -msgid "" -"Changing the offset lifts (or lowers) the brightness of each pixel by the " -"given value." -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:27 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:82 -msgid "Offset Green" -msgstr "Vihreän siirtymä" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:30 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:85 -msgid "Offset Blue" -msgstr "Sinisen siirtymä" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:33 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:88 -msgid "Offset Alpha" -msgstr "Alfan siirtymä" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:37 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:92 -msgid "Power Red" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:39 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:94 -msgid "" -"\n" -" Mathematically, what happens is an exponentiation of the " -"pixel brightness on [0,1] by the gamma value.]]>" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:42 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:97 -msgid "Power Green" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:45 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:100 -msgid "Power Blue" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:48 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:103 -msgid "Power Alpha" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:52 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:107 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Default Durations" -msgid "Overall Saturation" -msgstr "Oletuskestot" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:53 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:108 -msgid "The overall saturation will be changed in the last step of this filter." -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_squareblur.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Square Blur" -msgstr "Neliöpehmennys" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_squareblur.xml:4 -msgid "Square blur" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_squareblur.xml:7 -msgid "Kernel size" -msgstr "Ytimen koko" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_tehroxx0r.xml:3 -msgid "TehRoxx0r" -msgstr "TehRoxx0r" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_tehroxx0r.xml:4 -msgid "Something videowall-ish" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_tehroxx0r.xml:7 -msgid "Interval" -msgstr "Aikaväli" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_three_point_balance.xml:3 -msgid "3 point balance" -msgstr "Kolmen pisteen tasapaino" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_three_point_balance.xml:4 -msgid "Balances colors along with 3 points" -msgstr "Tasapainottaa värit kolmen pisteen välillä" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_three_point_balance.xml:7 -msgid "Black color" -msgstr "Mustaväri" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_three_point_balance.xml:10 -msgid "Gray color" -msgstr "Harmaa väri" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_three_point_balance.xml:13 -msgid "White color" -msgstr "Valkoinen väri" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_three_point_balance.xml:16 -msgid "Split screen preview" -msgstr "Jaa ruudun esikatselu" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_three_point_balance.xml:19 -msgid "Source image on left side" -msgstr "Lähdekuva vasemmalla puolella" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_threelay0r.xml:3 -msgid "threelay0r" -msgstr "threelay0r" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_threelay0r.xml:4 -msgid "Dynamic 3-level thresholding" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_threshold0r.xml:3 -msgid "Threshold0r" -msgstr "Threshold0r" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_threshold0r.xml:4 -msgid "Thresholds a source image" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_timeout.xml:4 -msgid "Timeout indicator" -msgstr "Aikakatkaisun osoitin" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_timeout.xml:7 -msgid "Indicator color" -msgstr "Osoitinväri" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, markers_list) -#: data/effects/frei0r_timeout.xml:10 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:427 -msgid "Time" -msgstr "Aika" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_tint0r.xml:3 -msgid "Tint" -msgstr "Sävytys" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_tint0r.xml:4 -msgid "Maps source image luminance between two colors specified" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_tint0r.xml:7 -msgid "Map black to" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_tint0r.xml:10 -msgid "Map white to" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_tint0r.xml:13 -msgid "Tint amount" -msgstr "Sävytyksen määrä" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_twolay0r.xml:3 -msgid "twolay0r" -msgstr "twolay0r" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_twolay0r.xml:4 -msgid "Dynamic thresholding" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_vectorscope.xml:3 src/scopes/scopemanager.cpp:306 -msgid "Vectorscope" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_vectorscope.xml:4 -msgid "Display a vectorscope of the video data" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_vertigo.xml:4 data/effects/frei0r_vertigo.xml:15 -msgid "Vertigo" -msgstr "Pyörrytys" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_vertigo.xml:5 data/effects/frei0r_vertigo.xml:16 -msgid "Alpha blending with zoomed and rotated images" -msgstr "Lähennettyjen ja käännettyjen kuvien alfasekoitus" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_vertigo.xml:8 data/effects/frei0r_vertigo.xml:19 -msgid "Phase Increment" -msgstr "Vaihelisäys" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_vertigo.xml:11 data/effects/frei0r_vertigo.xml:22 -msgid "Zoom Rate" -msgstr "Lähennysnopeus" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_vignette.xml:3 -msgid "Vignette" -msgstr "Vinjetti" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_vignette.xml:4 -msgid "Natural lens vignetting effect" -msgstr "Luonnollinen linsin vinjettitehoste" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_vignette.xml:7 -msgid "Aspect ratio" -msgstr "Kuvasuhde" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_vignette.xml:10 -msgid "Clear center size" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_softness) -#: data/effects/frei0r_vignette.xml:13 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:709 -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:302 src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:220 -msgid "Softness" -msgstr "Pehmeys" - -#: data/effects/gain.xml:3 data/effects/gain.xml:7 data/effects/mute.xml:7 -#: data/effects/normalise.xml:7 data/effects/sox_bass.xml:7 -#: data/effects/sox_gain.xml:7 data/effects/volume.xml:7 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/lumaliftgain.cpp:65 -msgid "Gain" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/gain.xml:4 -msgid "Adjust the audio volume without keyframes" -msgstr "Säädä äänenvoimakkuutta ilman avainruutuja (keyframe)" - -#: data/effects/gamma.xml:4 -msgid "Change gamma color value" -msgstr "Muuta värin gamma-arvoa" - -#: data/effects/grain.xml:3 -msgid "Grain" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/grain.xml:4 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Creating menu images" -msgid "Grain over the image" -msgstr "Luodaan valikoiden kuvia" - -#: data/effects/grain.xml:7 data/effects/movit_deconvolution_sharpen.xml:18 -#: plugins/sampleplugin/sampleplugin.cpp:34 -#: plugins/sampleplugin/sampleplugin.cpp:42 -#: plugins/sampleplugin/sampleplugin.cpp:54 -#: plugins/sampleplugin/sampleplugin.cpp:78 -msgid "Noise" -msgstr "Kohina" - -#: data/effects/greyscale.xml:3 -msgid "Greyscale" -msgstr "Harmaasävy" - -#: data/effects/greyscale.xml:4 -msgid "Discard color information" -msgstr "Hylkää väritieto" - -#: data/effects/invert.xml:4 -msgid "Invert colors" -msgstr "Käännä värit päinvastaiseksi" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_declipper.xml:3 -msgid "Declipper" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_declipper.xml:4 -msgid "LADSPA declipper audio effect" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer.xml:3 -msgid "Equalizer" -msgstr "Ekvalisoija" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer.xml:4 -msgid "LADSPA equalizer audio effect" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer.xml:7 -msgid "Lo gain" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer.xml:10 -msgid "Mid gain" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer.xml:13 -msgid "Hi gain" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:3 -msgid "15 Band Equalizer" -msgstr "15-kaistainen ekvalisoija" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:4 -msgid "LADSPA equalizer audio effect (15 band)" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:7 -msgid "50 Hz" -msgstr "50 Hz" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:10 -msgid "100 Hz" -msgstr "100 Hz" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:13 -msgid "156 Hz" -msgstr "156 Hz" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:16 -msgid "220 Hz" -msgstr "220 Hz" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:19 -msgid "311 Hz" -msgstr "311 Hz" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:22 -msgid "440 Hz" -msgstr "440 Hz" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:25 -msgid "622 Hz" -msgstr "622 Hz" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:28 -msgid "880 Hz" -msgstr "880 Hz" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:31 -msgid "1250 Hz" -msgstr "1250 Hz" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:34 -msgid "1750 Hz" -msgstr "1750 Hz" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:37 -msgid "2500 Hz" -msgstr "2500 Hz" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:40 -msgid "3500 Hz" -msgstr "3500 Hz" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:43 -msgid "5000 Hz" -msgstr "5000 Hz" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:46 -msgid "10000 Hz" -msgstr "10 000 Hz" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:49 -msgid "20000 Hz" -msgstr "20 000 Hz" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_limiter.xml:3 -msgid "Limiter" -msgstr "Rajoitin" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_limiter.xml:4 -msgid "LADSPA limiter audio effect" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_limiter.xml:7 -msgid "Input gain (dB)" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_limiter.xml:10 -msgid "Limit (dB)" -msgstr "Rajoita (db)" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_limiter.xml:13 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Real time (drop frames)" -msgid "Release time (s)" -msgstr "Reaaliaikainen (pudota ruutuja toistettaessa)" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_phaser.xml:3 -msgid "Phaser" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_phaser.xml:4 -msgid "LADSPA phaser audio effect" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_phaser.xml:7 -msgid "Rate (Hz)" -msgstr "Taso (Hz)" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_phaser.xml:10 data/effects/sox_flanger.xml:10 -msgid "Depth" -msgstr "Syvyys" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_phaser.xml:13 -msgid "Feedback" -msgstr "Palaute" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_phaser.xml:16 -msgid "Spread" -msgstr "Levitä" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_pitch.xml:3 -msgid "Pitch Shift" -msgstr "Äänenkorkeuden siirto" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_pitch.xml:4 -msgid "LADSPA change pitch audio effect" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_pitch.xml:7 data/effects/sox_pitch.xml:7 -msgid "Shift" -msgstr "Vaihto" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_pitch_scale.xml:3 -msgid "Pitch Scaler" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_pitch_scale.xml:4 -msgid "LADSPA pitch scale audio effect" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_pitch_scale.xml:7 -msgid "Co-efficient" -msgstr "Kerroin" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_rate_scale.xml:3 -msgid "Rate Scaler" -msgstr "\t" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_rate_scale.xml:4 -msgid "LADSPA rate scale audio effect" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_rate_scale.xml:7 -msgid "Rate" -msgstr "Taso" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_reverb.xml:3 -msgid "Reverb" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_reverb.xml:4 -msgid "LADSPA reverb audio effect" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_reverb.xml:7 -msgid "Reverb time" -msgstr "Kaikuefektin aika" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_reverb.xml:10 data/effects/ladspa_room_reverb.xml:13 -msgid "Damping" -msgstr "Kosteutus" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_room_reverb.xml:3 -msgid "Room Reverb" -msgstr "Huone-kaikutehoste" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_room_reverb.xml:4 -msgid "LADSPA room reverb audio effect" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_room_reverb.xml:7 -msgid "Room size (m)" -msgstr "Huoneen koko (m)" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_room_reverb.xml:10 -msgid "Delay (s/10)" -msgstr "Viive (1/10 s)" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_vinyl.xml:3 -msgid "Vinyl" -msgstr "Vinyyli" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_vinyl.xml:4 -msgid "Simulates a vinyl audio player - LADSPA audio effect" -msgstr "Jäljittele vinyylilevysointinta – LADSPA-äänitehoste" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_vinyl.xml:7 src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:166 -msgid "Year" -msgstr "Vuosi" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_vinyl.xml:10 -msgid "RPM" -msgstr "kierr./min (RPM)" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_vinyl.xml:13 -msgid "Surface warping" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_vinyl.xml:16 -msgid "Crackle" -msgstr "Rätinä" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_vinyl.xml:19 -msgid "Wear" -msgstr "Kuluta" - -#: data/effects/lift_gamma_gain.xml:3 -msgid "Lift/gamma/gain" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/lift_gamma_gain.xml:6 data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain.xml:6 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain2.xml:6 -msgid "Lift: Red" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/lift_gamma_gain.xml:9 data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain.xml:9 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain2.xml:9 -msgid "Lift: Green" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/lift_gamma_gain.xml:12 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain.xml:12 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain2.xml:12 -msgid "Lift: Blue" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/lift_gamma_gain.xml:15 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain.xml:15 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain2.xml:15 -msgid "Gamma: Red" -msgstr "Gamma: Punainen" - -#: data/effects/lift_gamma_gain.xml:18 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain.xml:18 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain2.xml:18 -msgid "Gamma: Green" -msgstr "Gamma: Vihreä" - -#: data/effects/lift_gamma_gain.xml:21 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain.xml:21 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain2.xml:21 -msgid "Gamma: Blue" -msgstr "Gamma: Sininen" - -#: data/effects/lift_gamma_gain.xml:24 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain.xml:24 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain2.xml:24 -msgid "Gain: Red" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/lift_gamma_gain.xml:27 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain.xml:27 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain2.xml:27 -msgid "Gain: Green" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/lift_gamma_gain.xml:30 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain.xml:30 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain2.xml:30 -msgid "Gain: Blue" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/loudness.xml:3 -msgid "Loudness" -msgstr "Äänekkyys" - -#: data/effects/loudness.xml:4 -msgid "Correct audio loudness as recommended by EBU R128" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/loudness.xml:7 -msgid "Target Program Loudness" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/mirror.xml:3 -msgid "Mirror" -msgstr "Peilaus" - -#: data/effects/mirror.xml:4 -msgid "Flip your image in any direction" -msgstr "Käännä kuvaa mihin tahansa suuntaan" - -#: data/effects/mirror.xml:7 -msgid "Horizontal,Vertical,Diagonal,X Diagonal,Flip,Flop" -msgstr "Vaaka,Pysty,Vino,X-vino,Käännä,Pyöräytä" - -#: data/effects/mirror.xml:8 -msgid "Mirroring direction" -msgstr "Peilaussuunta" - -#: data/effects/movit_blur.xml:3 -msgid "Blur (GPU)" -msgstr "Sumennus (GPU)" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_6) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_8) -#: data/effects/movit_blur.xml:6 data/effects/movit_diffusion.xml:6 -#: data/effects/movit_glow.xml:6 data/effects/movit_unsharp_mask.xml:6 -#: data/effects/movit_vignette.xml:6 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:891 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:915 -msgid "Radius" -msgstr "Säde" - -#: data/effects/movit_deconvolution_sharpen.xml:3 -msgid "Deconvolution sharpen (GPU)" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/movit_deconvolution_sharpen.xml:6 -msgid "Matrix size" -msgstr "Matriisin koko" - -#: data/effects/movit_deconvolution_sharpen.xml:9 -msgid "Circle radius" -msgstr "Ympyrän säde" - -#: data/effects/movit_deconvolution_sharpen.xml:12 -msgid "Gaussian radius" -msgstr "Gaussin säde" - -#: data/effects/movit_deconvolution_sharpen.xml:15 -msgid "Correlation" -msgstr "Korrelaatio" - -#: data/effects/movit_diffusion.xml:3 -msgid "Diffusion (GPU)" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/movit_diffusion.xml:9 -msgid "Mix amount" -msgstr "Sekoituksen määrä" - -#: data/effects/movit_glow.xml:3 -msgid "Glow (GPU)" -msgstr "Hehkutus (GPU)" - -#: data/effects/movit_glow.xml:9 -msgid "Glow strength" -msgstr "Hehkutusvoima" - -#: data/effects/movit_glow.xml:12 -msgid "Highlight cutoff threshold" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain.xml:3 -msgid "Lift/gamma/gain (GPU)" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain2.xml:3 -msgid "Movit: Lift/gamma/gain (colors)" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/movit_mirror.xml:3 -msgid "Mirror (GPU)" -msgstr "Peilaus (GPU)" - -#: data/effects/movit_opacity.xml:3 -msgid "Opacity (GPU)" -msgstr "Peittävys (GPU)" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_opacity) -#: data/effects/movit_opacity.xml:6 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:211 src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:113 -msgid "Opacity" -msgstr "Peittävyys" - -#: data/effects/movit_rect.xml:3 -msgid "Pan and Zoom (GPU)" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/movit_rect.xml:9 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Follow mouse" -msgid "Allow upscale" -msgstr "Seuraa hiirtä" - -#: data/effects/movit_saturation.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Saturation" -msgid "Saturation (GPU)" -msgstr "Kylläisyys" - -#: data/effects/movit_unsharp_mask.xml:3 -msgid "Unsharp mask (GPU)" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/movit_vignette.xml:3 -msgid "Vignette (GPU)" -msgstr "Vinjetti (GPU)" - -#: data/effects/movit_vignette.xml:9 -msgid "Inner radius" -msgstr "Sisäsäde" - -#: data/effects/movit_white_balance.xml:3 -msgid "White Balance (GPU)" -msgstr "Valkotasapaino (GPU)" - -#: data/effects/mute.xml:3 -msgid "Mute" -msgstr "Vaimennus" - -#: data/effects/mute.xml:4 -msgid "Mute clip" -msgstr "Vaimenna leike" - -#: data/effects/normalise.xml:3 -msgid "Normalise" -msgstr "Normalisoi" - -#: data/effects/normalise.xml:4 -msgid "Dynamically normalise the audio volume" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/normalise.xml:10 -msgid "Maximum gain" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/normalise.xml:13 data/effects/sox_stretch.xml:10 -msgid "Window" -msgstr "Ikkuna" - -#: data/effects/obscure.xml:4 -msgid "Hide a region of the clip" -msgstr "Piilota alue leikkeestä" - -#: data/effects/obscure.xml:7 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:760 -msgid "Region" -msgstr "Alue" - -#: data/effects/oldfilm.xml:3 -msgid "Oldfilm" -msgstr "Vanha filmi" - -#: data/effects/oldfilm.xml:4 -msgid "Moves the Picture up and down and random brightness change" -msgstr "Siirtää kuvaa ylös alas satunnaisin kirkkauden muutoksin" - -#: data/effects/oldfilm.xml:7 -msgid "Y-Delta" -msgstr "Y-delta" - -#: data/effects/oldfilm.xml:10 -#, no-c-format -msgid "% of picture have a delta" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/oldfilm.xml:13 -msgid "Brightness up" -msgstr "Kirkkauden nosto" - -#: data/effects/oldfilm.xml:16 -msgid "Brightness down" -msgstr "Kirkkauden lasku" - -#: data/effects/oldfilm.xml:19 -msgid "Brightness every" -msgstr "Kirkkaus joka" - -#: data/effects/oldfilm.xml:22 -msgid "Unevendevelop up" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/oldfilm.xml:25 -msgid "Unevendevelop down" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/oldfilm.xml:28 -msgid "Unevendevelop Duration" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/pan_zoom.xml:3 data/effects/region.xml:10 -#: data/effects/rotation.xml:37 -msgid "Pan and Zoom" -msgstr "Panorointi ja lähennys" - -#: data/effects/pan_zoom.xml:4 -msgid "Adjust size and position of clip" -msgstr "Säädä leikkeen kokoa ja sijaintia" - -#: data/effects/region.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Region" -msgid "Regionalize" -msgstr "Alue" - -#: data/effects/region.xml:4 -msgid "Apply sub-effects to a region defined by a clip's alpha channel" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/region.xml:7 -msgid "Url" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/rotation.xml:3 -msgid "Rotate and Shear" -msgstr "Kierrä ja murra" - -#: data/effects/rotation.xml:4 data/effects/rotation_keyframable.xml:4 -msgid "Rotate clip in any 3 directions" -msgstr "Kierrä leikettä kolmessa eri suunnassa" - -#: data/effects/rotation.xml:7 data/effects/rotation_keyframable.xml:7 -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:747 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:216 -msgid "Rotate X" -msgstr "Pyöritä (X)" - -#: data/effects/rotation.xml:10 data/effects/rotation_keyframable.xml:10 -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:748 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:219 -msgid "Rotate Y" -msgstr "Pyöritä (Y)" - -#: data/effects/rotation.xml:13 data/effects/rotation_keyframable.xml:13 -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:749 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:222 -msgid "Rotate Z" -msgstr "Pyöritä (Z)" - -#: data/effects/rotation.xml:16 -msgid "Animate Rotate X" -msgstr "Animoi pyöritys (X)" - -#: data/effects/rotation.xml:19 -msgid "Animate Rotate Y" -msgstr "Animoi pyöritys (Y)" - -#: data/effects/rotation.xml:22 -msgid "Animate Rotate Z" -msgstr "Animoi pyöritys (Z)" - -#: data/effects/rotation.xml:25 -msgid "Shear X" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/rotation.xml:28 -msgid "Shear Y" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/rotation.xml:31 -msgid "Animate Shear X" -msgstr "Animoi murtuma (x)" - -#: data/effects/rotation.xml:34 -msgid "Animate Shear Y" -msgstr "Animoi murtuma (Y)" - -#: data/effects/rotation_keyframable.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Delete keyframe" -msgid "Rotate (keyframable)" -msgstr "Poista avainruutu (keyframe)" - -#: data/effects/rotation_keyframable.xml:16 -msgid "Offset X" -msgstr "X-siirtymä" - -#: data/effects/rotation_keyframable.xml:19 -msgid "Offset Y" -msgstr "Y-siirtymä" - -#: data/effects/rotoscoping.xml:3 -msgid "Rotoscoping" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/rotoscoping.xml:4 -msgid "Keyframable vector based rotoscoping" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/rotoscoping.xml:8 -msgid "Alpha,Luma,RGB" -msgstr "Alfa,Luma,RGB" - -#: data/effects/rotoscoping.xml:9 -msgid "Mode" -msgstr "Tila" - -#: data/effects/rotoscoping.xml:14 -msgid "Alpha Operation" -msgstr "Alfatoiminto" - -#: data/effects/rotoscoping.xml:22 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:3422 -msgid "Track" -msgstr "Raita" - -#: data/effects/rotoscoping.xml:26 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Border width" -msgid "Feather width" -msgstr "Reunuksen leveys" - -#: data/effects/rotoscoping.xml:30 -msgid "Feathering passes" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/scratchlines.xml:3 -msgid "Scratchlines" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/scratchlines.xml:4 -msgid "Scratchlines over the picture" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/scratchlines.xml:7 -msgid "Width of line" -msgstr "Viivan paksuus" - -#: data/effects/scratchlines.xml:10 -msgid "Max number of lines" -msgstr "Viivoja enintään" - -#: data/effects/scratchlines.xml:13 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Marker" -msgid "Max darker" -msgstr "Merkintä" - -#: data/effects/scratchlines.xml:16 -msgid "Max lighter" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/sepia.xml:3 -msgid "Sepia" -msgstr "Seepia" - -#: data/effects/sepia.xml:4 -msgid "Turn clip colors to sepia" -msgstr "Muuta leikkeen värit seepiaksi" - -#: data/effects/sepia.xml:7 -msgid "Chrominance U" -msgstr "U-krominanssi" - -#: data/effects/sepia.xml:10 -msgid "Chrominance V" -msgstr "V-krominanssi" - -#: data/effects/sox_band.xml:3 -msgid "Sox Band" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/sox_band.xml:4 -msgid "Sox band audio effect" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/sox_band.xml:7 -msgid "Center Frequency" -msgstr "Keskitaajuus" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_4) -#: data/effects/sox_band.xml:10 data/effects/sox_flanger.xml:16 -#: src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:181 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:307 -msgid "Width" -msgstr "Leveys" - -#: data/effects/sox_bass.xml:3 -msgid "Sox Bass" -msgstr "Sox-basso" - -#: data/effects/sox_bass.xml:4 -msgid "Sox bass audio effect" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/sox_echo.xml:3 -msgid "Sox Echo" -msgstr "Sox-kaiku" - -#: data/effects/sox_echo.xml:4 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Set Audio Reference" -msgid "Sox echo audio effect" -msgstr "Aseta viiteääni" - -#: data/effects/sox_echo.xml:7 data/effects/sox_phaser.xml:7 -msgid "Gain In" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/sox_echo.xml:10 data/effects/sox_phaser.xml:10 -msgid "Gain Out" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_13) -#: data/effects/sox_echo.xml:13 data/effects/sox_flanger.xml:7 -#: data/effects/sox_phaser.xml:13 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:994 -msgid "Delay" -msgstr "Viive" - -#: data/effects/sox_echo.xml:16 data/effects/sox_phaser.xml:16 -msgid "Decay" -msgstr "Lahoaminen" - -#: data/effects/sox_flanger.xml:3 -msgid "Sox Flanger" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/sox_flanger.xml:4 -msgid "Sox flanger audio effect" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/sox_flanger.xml:13 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Destination" -msgid "Regeneration" -msgstr "Kohde" - -#: data/effects/sox_flanger.xml:19 data/effects/sox_phaser.xml:19 -#: data/effects/speed.xml:3 data/effects/speed.xml:7 -msgid "Speed" -msgstr "Nopeus" - -#: data/effects/sox_flanger.xml:25 -msgid "Phase" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/sox_flanger.xml:28 src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:383 -msgid "Interpolation" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/sox_gain.xml:3 -msgid "Sox Gain" -msgstr "Sox -lisää voimakkuutta" - -#: data/effects/sox_gain.xml:4 -msgid "Sox gain audio effect" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/sox_gain.xml:12 -msgid "Normalize" -msgstr "Normalisoi" - -#: data/effects/sox_phaser.xml:3 -msgid "Sox Phaser" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/sox_phaser.xml:4 -msgid "Sox phaser audio effect" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/sox_pitch.xml:3 -msgid "Sox Pitch Shift" -msgstr "Sox- äänenkorkeuden siirto" - -#: data/effects/sox_pitch.xml:4 -msgid "Sox change pitch audio effect" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/sox_pitch.xml:10 -msgid "Time window (ms)" -msgstr "Aikaikkuna (ms)" - -#: data/effects/sox_reverb.xml:3 -msgid "Sox Reverb" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/sox_reverb.xml:4 -msgid "Sox reverb audio effect" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/sox_reverb.xml:7 -msgid "Reverberance" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/sox_reverb.xml:10 -msgid "High frequency damping" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/sox_reverb.xml:13 -msgid "Room scale" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/sox_reverb.xml:16 -msgid "Stereo depth" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/sox_reverb.xml:19 -msgid "Pre-delay" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/sox_reverb.xml:22 -msgid "Wet gain" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/sox_stretch.xml:3 -msgid "Sox Stretch" -msgstr "Sox -venytä" - -#: data/effects/sox_stretch.xml:4 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Set Audio Reference" -msgid "Sox stretch audio effect" -msgstr "Aseta viiteääni" - -#: data/effects/speed.xml:4 -msgid "Make clip play faster or slower" -msgstr "Aseta leike toistumaan nopeammin tai hitaammin" - -#: data/effects/speed.xml:10 -msgid "Stroboscope" -msgstr "Stroboskooppi" - -#: data/effects/swapchannels.xml:3 -msgid "Swap channels" -msgstr "Vaihda kanavat keskenään" - -#: data/effects/swapchannels.xml:4 -msgid "Move the left channel to the right and right-to-left" -msgstr "Siirtää vasemman kanavan oikealle ja oikean vasemmalle" - -#: data/effects/tcolor.xml:3 -msgid "Technicolor" -msgstr "Technicolor" - -#: data/effects/tcolor.xml:4 -msgid "Oversaturate the color in video, like in old Technicolor movies" -msgstr "Ylikyllästä videon värit kuten vanhoissa Technicolor-elokuvissa" - -#: data/effects/tcolor.xml:7 -msgid "Blue/Yellow axis" -msgstr "Sininen/keltainen-akseli" - -#: data/effects/tcolor.xml:10 -msgid "Red/Green axis" -msgstr "Punainen/vihreä-akseli" - -#: data/effects/threshold.xml:4 -msgid "Make monochrome clip" -msgstr "Tee mustavalkoleike" - -#: data/effects/threshold.xml:7 -msgid "Threshold value" -msgstr "Kynnysarvo" - -#: data/effects/threshold.xml:10 -msgid "Use transparency" -msgstr "Käytä läpinäkyvyyttä" - -#: data/effects/vignette.xml:3 -msgid "Vignette Effect" -msgstr "Häivytä reunoja -tehoste" - -#: data/effects/vignette.xml:4 -msgid "Adjustable Vignette" -msgstr "Säädettävä reunojen häivytys" - -#: data/effects/vignette.xml:7 -msgid "smooth" -msgstr "pehmeä" - -#: data/effects/vignette.xml:10 -msgid "radius" -msgstr "säde" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_6) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_8) -#: data/effects/vignette.xml:13 src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:72 -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:575 -msgid "x" -msgstr "x" - -#: data/effects/vignette.xml:16 -msgid "y" -msgstr "y" - -#: data/effects/vignette.xml:19 -msgid "opacity" -msgstr "Peittävyys" - -#: data/effects/vignette.xml:22 -msgid "use cos instead of linear" -msgstr "käytä kosinia lineaarisen sijaan" - -#: data/effects/volume.xml:3 -msgid "Volume (keyframable)" -msgstr "Äänenvoimakkuus avainruuduilla" - -#: data/effects/volume.xml:4 -msgid "Adjust audio volume with keyframes" -msgstr "Säädä äänenvoimakkuutta avainruutujen avulla" - -#: data/effects/wave.xml:3 -msgid "Wave" -msgstr "Aalto" - -#: data/effects/wave.xml:4 -msgid "Make waves on your clip with keyframes" -msgstr "Luo leikkeeseen aaltoja avainruuduilla (keyframe)" - -#: data/effects/wave.xml:10 -msgid "Horizontal" -msgstr "Vaaka" - -#: data/effects/wave.xml:13 -msgid "Vertical" -msgstr "Pysty" - -#: data/kdenliveeffectscategory.rc:5 -msgid "Colour correction" -msgstr "Värinkorjaus" - -#: data/kdenliveeffectscategory.rc:8 -msgid "Colour" -msgstr "Väri" - -#: data/kdenliveeffectscategory.rc:11 -msgid "Crop and transform" -msgstr "Rajaa ja muunna" - -#: data/kdenliveeffectscategory.rc:14 -msgid "Audio correction" -msgstr "Äänen korjaus" - -#: data/kdenliveeffectscategory.rc:17 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:655 -msgid "Audio channels" -msgstr "Äänikanavat" - -#: data/kdenliveeffectscategory.rc:20 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Analyse" -msgid "Analysis and data" -msgstr "Analysoi" - -#: data/kdenliveeffectscategory.rc:23 -msgid "Fade" -msgstr "Häivytä" - -#: data/kdenliveeffectscategory.rc:26 -msgid "Artistic" -msgstr "" - -#: data/kdenliveeffectscategory.rc:29 -msgid "Blur and hide" -msgstr "Sekoita ja piilota" - -#: data/kdenliveeffectscategory.rc:32 -msgid "Motion" -msgstr "Liike" - -#: data/kdenliveeffectscategory.rc:38 -msgid "Alpha manipulation" -msgstr "Alfan käsittely" - -#: data/kdenliveeffectscategory.rc:41 -msgid "Enhancement" -msgstr "Tehostus" - -#: data/kdenliveeffectscategory.rc:44 -msgid "GPU effects" -msgstr "GPU-tehosteet" - -#. i18n: ectx: ToolBar (extraToolBar) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:4 -msgid "Extra Toolbar" -msgstr "Lisätyökalut" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (project) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:21 -msgid "Project" -msgstr "Projekti" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (extract_audio) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:29 src/mainwindow.cpp:2752 -msgid "Extract Audio" -msgstr "Erota ääni" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (clip_actions) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:32 src/mainwindow.cpp:2699 -msgid "Clip Jobs" -msgstr "Leiketyöt" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (transcoders) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:35 src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:184 -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:125 -msgid "Transcode" -msgstr "Muunna" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (generators) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:38 -#, fuzzy -#| msgctxt "general keyboard shortcuts" -#| msgid "General" -msgid "Generators" -msgstr "Yleistä" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (track_menu) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:40 src/mainwindow.cpp:1145 -msgid "Tracks" -msgstr "Raidat" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (clip_in_timeline) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:55 -msgid "Clip in Timeline" -msgstr "Leike aikajanalla" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (tool) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:70 -msgid "Tool" -msgstr "Työkalu" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (clip) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:80 src/project/projectlistview.cpp:59 -msgid "Clip" -msgstr "Leike" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (marker_menu) -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_3) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:81 src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:397 -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:402 -msgid "Markers" -msgstr "Merkinnät" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (timeline) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:96 src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:81 -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2785 -msgid "Timeline" -msgstr "Aikajana" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (keyboard_selection) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:97 -msgid "Selection" -msgstr "Valinta" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (keyboard_insert) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:105 -msgid "Insertion" -msgstr "Lisäys" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (current_clip) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:110 -msgid "Current clip" -msgstr "Nykyinen leike" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (all_clips) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:117 -msgid "All clips" -msgstr "Kaikki leikkeet" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (guide_menu) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:120 -msgid "Guides" -msgstr "Opasteet" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (space_menu) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:126 -msgid "Space" -msgstr "Tila" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (video_effects_menu) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:134 src/mainwindow.cpp:279 -msgid "Add Effect" -msgstr "Lisää tehoste" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (monitor) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:148 -msgid "Monitor" -msgstr "Valvonta" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (monitor_go) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:154 src/timeline/customruler.cpp:93 -msgid "Go To" -msgstr "Mene" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (monitor_config) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:176 -msgid "Monitor config" -msgstr "Valvonta-asetukset" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (dockwindows) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:187 -msgid "View" -msgstr "Näkymä" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (layout_save_as) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:188 -msgid "Save Layout As" -msgstr "Tallenna asettelu nimellä" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, CountDown_UI) -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, ClipStabilize_UI) -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, FreeSound_UI) -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, ArchiveWidget_UI) -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, BackupDialog_UI) -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, ClipTranscode_UI) -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, AddTrack_UI) -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, SmConfig_UI) -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, ManageEncodingProfile_UI) -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, ColorClip_UI) -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, RenderWidget_UI) -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, Stopmotion_UI) -#: plugins/sampleplugin/countdown_ui.ui:13 src/ui/addtrack_ui.ui:14 -#: src/ui/archivewidget_ui.ui:14 src/ui/backupdialog_ui.ui:14 -#: src/ui/clipstabilize_ui.ui:14 src/ui/cliptranscode_ui.ui:14 -#: src/ui/colorclip_ui.ui:14 src/ui/freesound_ui.ui:14 -#: src/ui/manageencodingprofile_ui.ui:14 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:14 -#: src/ui/smconfig_ui.ui:14 src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Dialog" -msgstr "Kyselyikkuna" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, destination_label) -#: plugins/sampleplugin/countdown_ui.ui:19 src/ui/cutjobdialog_ui.ui:47 -msgid "Save to" -msgstr "Tallenna kohteeseen" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, duration_label) -#: plugins/sampleplugin/countdown_ui.ui:29 -msgid "Duration (seconds)" -msgstr "Kesto (sekunteina)" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, font_label) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_4) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_17) -#: plugins/sampleplugin/countdown_ui.ui:46 src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:89 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:331 -msgid "Font" -msgstr "Fontti" - -#: plugins/sampleplugin/sampleplugin.cpp:33 -msgid "Countdown" -msgstr "Lähtölaskenta" - -#: plugins/sampleplugin/sampleplugin.cpp:55 -msgid "Create Noise Clip" -msgstr "Luo kohinaleike" - -#: plugins/sampleplugin/sampleplugin.cpp:59 -msgid "Create Countdown Clip" -msgstr "Luo lähtölaskentaleike" - -#: plugins/sampleplugin/sampleplugin.cpp:97 -#: plugins/sampleplugin/sampleplugin.cpp:105 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Failed to generate clip:\n" -"%1" -msgstr "" - -#: plugins/sampleplugin/sampleplugin.cpp:97 -#: plugins/sampleplugin/sampleplugin.cpp:105 -msgid "Generator Failed" -msgstr "" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:210 src/project/projectlist.cpp:133 -#, kde-format -msgid "%1 job" -msgid_plural "%1 jobs" -msgstr[0] "%1 työ" -msgstr[1] "%1 työtä" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:211 src/project/projectlist.cpp:134 -#, kde-format -msgid "%1 pending job" -msgid_plural "%1 pending jobs" -msgstr[0] "%1 odottava työ" -msgstr[1] "%1 odottavaa työtä" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_search) -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:300 src/ui/freesound_ui.ui:74 -msgid "Search" -msgstr "Etsi" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:336 -msgid "View Mode" -msgstr "Näkymätila" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:338 -msgid "Tree View" -msgstr "Puunäkymä" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:346 -msgid "Icon View" -msgstr "Kuvakenäkymä" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:353 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Disable effect" -#| msgid_plural "Disable effects" -msgid "Disable Bin Effects" -msgstr "Poista tehoste käytöstä" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:361 src/bin/bincommands.cpp:102 -msgid "Rename Folder" -msgstr "Muuta kansion nimeä" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab) -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:370 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:50 -msgid "Settings" -msgstr "Asetukset" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:372 src/project/clipproperties.cpp:351 -#: src/project/dialogs/slideshowclip.cpp:77 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:324 -msgid "Zoom" -msgstr "Lähennys" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:378 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Show mask" -msgid "Show date" -msgstr "Näytä maski" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:381 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Description" -msgid "Show description" -msgstr "Kuvaus" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:399 src/project/projectlist.cpp:213 -msgid "Cancel All Jobs" -msgstr "Peru kaikki työt" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:401 src/project/projectlist.cpp:217 -msgid "Cancel Current Clip Jobs" -msgstr "Peru nykyiset leiketyöt" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:431 src/project/projectlist.cpp:254 -msgid "Show Log" -msgstr "Näytä loki" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:504 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Normalise audio for thumbnails" -msgid "Creating audio thumbnails" -msgstr "Normalisoi ääni pienoiskuvakkeille" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:511 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Show audio thumbnails" -msgid "Audio thumbnails done" -msgstr "Näytä äänten pienoiskuvat" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:805 -msgctxt "append to clip name to indicate a copied idem" -msgid " (copy)" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:929 src/bin/bin.cpp:2217 -#: src/project/folderprojectitem.cpp:37 src/project/projectlist.cpp:1085 -#: src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:60 -msgid "Folder" -msgstr "Kansio" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:1056 -#, kde-format -msgid "Folder contains a clip, delete anyways ?" -msgid_plural "Folder contains %1 clips, delete anyways ?" -msgstr[0] "" -msgstr[1] "" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:1173 src/mainwindow.cpp:1234 -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:1004 -msgid "Delete Clip" -msgstr "Poista leike" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:1174 src/mainwindow.cpp:1251 -msgid "Proxy Clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:1181 src/project/projectlist.cpp:995 -msgid "Delete Folder" -msgstr "Poista kansio" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:1182 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Project Folder" -msgid "Proxy Folder" -msgstr "Projektikansio" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2015 src/bin/bincommands.cpp:62 src/bin/bincommands.cpp:82 -msgid "Move Clip" -msgid_plural "Move Clips" -msgstr[0] "Siirrä leikettä" -msgstr[1] "Siirrä leikkeitä" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2231 -#, fuzzy, kde-format -#| msgid "Playlist clip" -msgid "Playlist clip %1 is invalid." -msgstr "Soittolistaleike" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2236 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Playlist clip %1 has too many tracks (%2) to be imported. Add new tracks to " -"your project." -msgstr "" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2449 src/project/projectlist.cpp:465 -msgid "Please set a default application to open images in the Settings dialog" -msgstr "Valitse kuvatiedostot oletusarvoisesti avaava ohjelma asetusikkunassa" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2455 src/project/projectlist.cpp:471 -msgid "" -"Please set a default application to open audio files in the Settings dialog" -msgstr "Valitse äänitiedostot oletusarvoisesti avaava ohjelma asetusikkunassa" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2511 src/project/projectlist.cpp:2661 -msgid "No data returned from clip analysis" -msgstr "" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2525 src/project/projectlist.cpp:2674 -msgid "Processing data analysis" -msgstr "" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2531 src/project/projectlist.cpp:2680 -msgid "Auto Split Clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2549 src/project/projectlist.cpp:2698 -msgid "Add Markers" -msgstr "" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2592 src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:85 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:474 src/project/projectcommands.cpp:164 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Add marker" -msgid "Add marker" -msgid_plural "Add markers" -msgstr[0] "Lisää merkintä" -msgstr[1] "Lisää merkintä" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2603 src/bin/bin.cpp:2685 src/project/jobs/filterjob.cpp:96 -#: src/timeline/markerdialog.cpp:45 -#, kde-format -msgid "Category %1" -msgstr "Luokka %1" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2608 -msgid "Load Clip Markers" -msgstr "" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2623 src/bin/bin.cpp:2720 -#: src/dialogs/profilesdialog.cpp:219 src/dialogs/profilesdialog.cpp:520 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot open file %1" -msgstr "Ei voida avata tiedostoa %1" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, MarkerDialog_UI) -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2649 src/definitions.cpp:78 src/definitions.cpp:95 -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:367 src/mainwindow.cpp:1831 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:727 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:801 src/ui/markerdialog_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Marker" -msgstr "Merkintä" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2683 -msgid "All categories" -msgstr "Kaikki luokat" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2690 -msgid "Save Clip Markers" -msgstr "Tallenna leikemerkit" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2733 src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:86 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:478 src/project/projectcommands.cpp:162 -msgid "Delete marker" -msgstr "Poista merkintä" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2748 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Delete marker" -msgid "Delete clip markers" -msgstr "Poista merkintä" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2750 -msgid "Clip has no markers" -msgstr "Videoleikkeellä ei ole merkintöjä" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2788 src/project/clippropertiesmanager.cpp:126 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"You are editing an external title clip (%1). Do you want to save your " -"changes to the title file or save the changes for this project only?" -msgstr "" -"Muokkaat ulkoista otsikkoleikettä (%1). Haluatko tallentaa muutoksesi myös " -"otsikkotiedostoon vai ainoastaan tähän projektiin?" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2788 src/project/clippropertiesmanager.cpp:126 -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:1766 -msgid "Save Title" -msgstr "Tallenna otsikko" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2788 src/project/clippropertiesmanager.cpp:126 -msgid "Save to title file" -msgstr "Tallenna otsikkotiedostoon" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2788 src/project/clippropertiesmanager.cpp:126 -msgid "Save in project only" -msgstr "Tallenna vain projektiin" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2852 src/project/projectlist.cpp:1428 -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:1430 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4517 -msgid "Invalid clip" -msgstr "Virheellinen leike" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2852 src/project/projectlist.cpp:1428 -msgid "Clip is invalid, will be removed from project." -msgstr "" - -#: src/bin/bincommands.cpp:34 -msgid "Remove Folder" -msgstr "Poista kansio" - -#: src/bin/bincommands.cpp:35 -msgid "Add Folder" -msgstr "Lisää kansio" - -#: src/bin/bincommands.cpp:121 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Add Effect" -msgid "Add Bin Effect" -msgstr "Lisää tehoste" - -#: src/bin/bincommands.cpp:140 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Save Effect" -msgid "Remove Bin Effect" -msgstr "Tallenna tehoste" - -#: src/bin/bincommands.cpp:162 -msgid "Rename Zone" -msgstr "Muuta vyöhykkeen nimeä" - -#: src/bin/bincommands.cpp:184 -msgid "Add Sub Clip" -msgstr "Lisää alileike" - -#: src/bin/bincommands.cpp:217 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1628 -msgid "Edit clip" -msgstr "Muokkaa leikettä" - -#: src/bin/projectclip.cpp:90 src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:879 -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:195 -msgid "Untitled" -msgstr "Nimetön" - -#: src/bin/projectclip.cpp:272 src/project/projectlist.cpp:2458 -msgctxt "The first letter of Proxy, used as abbreviation" -msgid "P" -msgstr "P" - -#: src/bin/projectclip.cpp:940 src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:1228 -#, kde-format -msgid "Clip already contains analysis data %1" -msgstr "" - -#: src/bin/projectclip.cpp:940 src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:1228 -msgid "Merge" -msgstr "Yhdistä" - -#: src/bin/projectclip.cpp:940 src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:1228 -msgid "Add" -msgstr "Lisää" - -#: src/bin/projectfolder.cpp:74 -#, kde-format -msgid "%1 clip" -msgid_plural "%1 clips" -msgstr[0] "%1 leike" -msgstr[1] "%1 leikettä" - -#: src/bin/projectfolderup.cpp:35 -msgid "Back" -msgstr "" - -#: src/bin/projectfolderup.cpp:59 -msgid "Go up" -msgstr "Siirry ylemmäs" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/bin/projectitemmodel.cpp:169 src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:74 -#: src/ui/colorclip_ui.ui:20 src/ui/configtranscode_ui.ui:70 -#: src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:20 -msgid "Name" -msgstr "Nimi" - -#: src/bin/projectitemmodel.cpp:172 -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:173 -#: src/project/projectlistview.cpp:59 -msgid "Date" -msgstr "Päiväys" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_description) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/bin/projectitemmodel.cpp:175 src/project/projectlistview.cpp:59 -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:41 src/ui/configtranscode_ui.ui:80 -#: src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:49 -msgid "Description" -msgstr "Kuvaus" - -#: src/bin/projectitemmodel.cpp:178 src/dialogs/profilesdialog.cpp:585 -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:231 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:319 -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:771 src/mltcontroller/clipcontroller.cpp:266 -#: src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:483 -msgid "Unknown" -msgstr "Tuntematon" - -#: src/bin/projectsubclip.cpp:41 src/doc/documentvalidator.cpp:1441 -#, kde-format -msgid "Zone %1" -msgstr "Vyöhyke %1" - -#: src/capture/managecapturesdialog.cpp:42 -msgid "import" -msgstr "tuo" - -#: src/dialogs/clipcreationdialog.cpp:97 src/dialogs/clipcreationdialog.cpp:98 -msgid "Color Clip" -msgstr "Värileike" - -#: src/dialogs/clipcreationdialog.cpp:188 -msgid "Title clip" -msgstr "Tekstileike" - -#: src/dialogs/clipcreationdialog.cpp:236 src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:1117 -msgid "Template title clip" -msgstr "Tekstileikkeen mallipohja" - -#: src/dialogs/clipcreationdialog.cpp:428 src/doc/doccommands.cpp:32 -msgid "Add clip" -msgid_plural "Add clips" -msgstr[0] "Lisää leike" -msgstr[1] "Lisää leikkeitä" - -#: src/dialogs/clipcreationdialog.cpp:437 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:247 -#: src/effectstack/collapsibleeffect.cpp:200 src/mainwindow.cpp:2832 -msgid "All Supported Files" -msgstr "Kaikki tuetut tiedostot" - -#: src/dialogs/clipcreationdialog.cpp:437 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:247 -#: src/effectstack/collapsibleeffect.cpp:200 src/mainwindow.cpp:2832 -msgid "All Files" -msgstr "Kaikki tiedostot" - -#: src/dialogs/clipcreationdialog.cpp:438 -msgid "Import image sequence" -msgstr "Tuo kuvasekvenssi" - -#: src/dialogs/clipcreationdialog.cpp:440 -msgid "Transparent background for images" -msgstr "Läpinäkyvä tausta kuville" - -#: src/dialogs/encodingprofilesdialog.cpp:37 -msgid "Manage Encoding Profiles" -msgstr "Koodausprofiilien hallinta" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, groupBox) -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, enable_proxy) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_14) -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, kcfg_enableproxy) -#: src/dialogs/encodingprofilesdialog.cpp:38 -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:96 src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:36 -#: src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:142 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:244 -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:499 -msgid "Proxy clips" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/encodingprofilesdialog.cpp:39 -msgid "Video4Linux capture" -msgstr "Video4Linux-kaappaus" - -#: src/dialogs/encodingprofilesdialog.cpp:40 -msgid "Screen capture" -msgstr "Kuvankaappaus" - -#: src/dialogs/encodingprofilesdialog.cpp:41 -msgid "Decklink capture" -msgstr "Decklink-kaappaus" - -#: src/dialogs/encodingprofilesdialog.cpp:125 -#: src/dialogs/encodingprofilesdialog.cpp:157 -msgid "Profile name:" -msgstr "Profiilin nimi:" - -#: src/dialogs/encodingprofilesdialog.cpp:128 -#: src/dialogs/encodingprofilesdialog.cpp:160 -msgid "Parameters:" -msgstr "Parametrit:" - -#: src/dialogs/encodingprofilesdialog.cpp:131 -#: src/dialogs/encodingprofilesdialog.cpp:163 -msgid "File extension:" -msgstr "Tiedostopääte:" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:64 -#: src/effectslist/effectslistwidget.cpp:100 -#: src/effectslist/effectslistwidget.cpp:121 -#: src/effectslist/effectslistwidget.cpp:123 -msgid "Misc" -msgstr "Sekalaiset" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:73 -msgid "Project Defaults" -msgstr "Projektin oletukset" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:101 -msgid "Environment" -msgstr "Ympäristö" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:126 -msgid "Capture" -msgstr "Kaappaus" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:131 -msgid "Capture is not yet available on Mac OS X." -msgstr "Kaappausta ei vielä tueta Mac OS X:ssä." - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:170 -msgid "JogShuttle" -msgstr "JogShuttle" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, groupBox) -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:180 src/ui/smconfig_ui.ui:20 -msgid "Playback" -msgstr "Toisto" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:275 -msgid "GPU processing needs MLT compiled with Movit and Rtaudio modules" -msgstr "GPU-käsittely vaatii Movit- ja Rtaudio-moduulein koostetun MLT:n" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:300 -#, kde-format -msgid "dvgrab version %1 at %2" -msgstr "dvgrab versio %1 – %2" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:301 -msgid "" -"dvgrab utility not found, please install it for firewire " -"capture" -msgstr "" -"dvgrab sovellusta ei löydy. Asenna kyseinen sovellus " -"voidaksesi kaapata videota Firewire -laitteelta" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:438 -msgid "Automatic" -msgstr "Automaattinen" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:440 -msgid "OSS" -msgstr "OSS" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:441 -msgid "ALSA" -msgstr "ALSA" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:442 -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:487 -msgid "PulseAudio" -msgstr "PulseAudio" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:443 -msgid "OSS with DMA access" -msgstr "OSS DMA-saannilla" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:444 -msgid "Esound daemon" -msgstr "Esound-palvelu" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:445 -msgid "ARTS daemon" -msgstr "ARTS-palvelu" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:457 -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:458 -msgid "Default" -msgstr "Oletus" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:503 -msgid "SDL" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:504 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Audio" -msgid "RtAudio" -msgstr "Ääni" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:566 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Please set your default video profile" -msgid "Select default video player" -msgstr "Aseta oletusvideoprofiilisi" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:578 -msgid "Select default audio editor" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:590 -msgid "Select default image editor" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:809 -msgid "Kdenlive must be restarted to change this setting" -msgstr "Kdenlive täytyy käynnistää uudelleen, jotta asetus tulee voimaan" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, p_progressive) -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:832 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:264 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:634 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:118 src/project/clipproperties.cpp:685 -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:322 src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:99 -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:163 -msgid "Interlaced" -msgstr "Lomitettu" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, progressive) -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:834 -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:1039 -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:1072 -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:1088 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:265 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:634 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:119 src/project/clipproperties.cpp:685 -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:428 src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:232 -msgid "Progressive" -msgstr "Progressiivinen" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:892 -msgid "A profile with that name already exists" -msgstr "Saman niminen profiili on jo olemassa" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:1003 -msgid "Current settings" -msgstr "Nykyiset asetukset" - -#: src/dialogs/profilesdialog.cpp:50 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:163 -msgid "Delete profile" -msgstr "Poista profiili" - -#: src/dialogs/profilesdialog.cpp:52 src/dialogs/profilesdialog.cpp:95 -msgid "Save profile" -msgstr "Tallenna profiili" - -#: src/dialogs/profilesdialog.cpp:54 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:171 -msgid "Create new profile" -msgstr "Luo uusi profiili" - -#: src/dialogs/profilesdialog.cpp:163 -msgid "The custom profile was modified, do you want to save it?" -msgstr "Mukautettua profiilia on muutettu. Tallennetaanko se?" - -#: src/dialogs/profilesdialog.cpp:194 -msgid "" -"A profile with same name already exists in MLT's default profiles, please " -"choose another description for your custom profile." -msgstr "" -"Saman niminen profiili on jo olemassa MLT:n oletusprofiileissa. Valitse " -"profiilille toinen nimi." - -#: src/dialogs/profilesdialog.cpp:225 src/dialogs/profilesdialog.cpp:526 -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:612 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:799 -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:805 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:865 -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1003 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1168 -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2382 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2405 -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:669 src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:675 -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:934 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:940 -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:3046 src/mainwindow.cpp:3051 -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:796 -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:802 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:1780 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot write to file %1" -msgstr "Tiedostoon %1 ei voida kirjoittaa" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:108 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1233 -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2295 -msgid "Waiting..." -msgstr "Odottaa…" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:111 -msgid "Rendering finished" -msgstr "Hahmonnus valmis" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:116 -msgid "Rendering crashed" -msgstr "Hahmonnus kaatui" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:121 -msgid "Rendering aborted" -msgstr "Hahmonnus keskeytetty" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:155 -msgid "Rendering" -msgstr "Hahmonnetaan" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:167 -msgid "Edit profile" -msgstr "Muokkaa profiilia" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:177 -msgid "Copy profile to favorites" -msgstr "Kopioi profiili suosikiksi" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:179 -msgid "Show profiles with different framerate" -msgstr "Näytä eri kehysnopeuksien profiilit" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, preserveAspectRatio) -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:223 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:534 -msgid "Preserve aspect ratio" -msgstr "Säilytä kuvasuhde" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:289 -msgid "File" -msgstr "Tiedosto" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:298 -msgid "Script Files" -msgstr "Skriptitiedostot" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:392 -msgid "Beginning" -msgstr "Alku" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:478 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:494 -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:688 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:706 -msgid "Qualities" -msgstr "Laadut" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:479 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:495 -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:689 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:707 -msgid "Default quality" -msgstr "Oletuslaatu" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, vbitrates_label) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, abitrates_label) -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:481 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:497 -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:691 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:709 -#: src/ui/saveprofile_ui.ui:40 src/ui/saveprofile_ui.ui:73 -msgid "Bitrates" -msgstr "Bittinopeudet" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, default_vbitrate_label) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, default_abitrate_label) -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:482 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:498 -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:692 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:710 -#: src/ui/saveprofile_ui.ui:26 src/ui/saveprofile_ui.ui:80 -msgid "Default bitrate" -msgstr "Oletusbittinopeus" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:509 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:515 -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:679 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:749 -msgctxt "Group Name" -msgid "Custom" -msgstr "Mukautettu" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:591 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:760 -msgid "Profile already exists" -msgstr "Profiili on jo olemassa" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:591 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:760 -msgid "" -"This profile name already exists. Change the name if you don't want to " -"overwrite it." -msgstr "" -"Profiilin nimi on jo olemassa. Muuta nimi jollet halua, että se korvataan." - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:606 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:859 -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1859 -#, kde-format -msgid "Unable to write to file %1" -msgstr "Tiedostoa %1 ei voitu kirjoittaa" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:632 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1843 -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1892 -msgctxt "Category Name" -msgid "Custom" -msgstr "Mukautettu" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:720 -msgid "Edit Profile" -msgstr "Muokkaa profiilia" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:918 -msgid "Cannot find the melt program required for rendering (part of Mlt)" -msgstr "Renderöintiin vaadittavaa Melt -ohjelmaa ei löydy (osa MLT:tä)" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:922 -msgid "" -"Cannot play video after rendering because the default video player " -"application is not set.\n" -"Please define it in Kdenlive settings dialog." -msgstr "" -"Valmista videota ei voida toistaa, koska oletusvideosoitinta ei ole " -"asetettu.\n" -"Määritä oletussoitin Kdenlive-asetuksiin." - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:930 src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:259 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"The directory %1, could not be created.\n" -"Please make sure you have the required permissions." -msgstr "" -"Kansiota %1 ei voida luoda.\n" -"Varmista, että sinulla on vaadittavat oikeudet." - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:973 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:165 -#, kde-format -msgid "File has no extension. Add extension (%1)?" -msgstr "Tiedostolla ei ole päätettä. Lisätäänkö tiedostopääte (%1)?" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:988 -msgid "Output file already exists. Do you want to overwrite it?" -msgstr "Tiedosto on jo olemassa. Korvataanko?" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1222 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2283 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"There is already a job writing file:
Abort the job if " -"you want to overwrite it..." -msgstr "" -"Työtä kirjoitetaan jo tiedostoon:
Keskeytä työ, jos " -"haluat korvata sen…" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1222 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2283 -msgid "Already running" -msgstr "On jo käynnissä" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1266 -msgid "Video without audio track" -msgstr "Ääniraidaton video" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1317 -#, kde-format -msgid "Rendering %1 started" -msgstr "Tiedoston %1 renderöinti aloitettu" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1473 -#, kde-format -msgid "Frame rate (%1) not compatible with project profile (%2)" -msgstr "Kehysnopeus (%1) ei ole yhteensopiva projektin profiilin (%2) kanssa" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1491 -#, kde-format -msgid "Unsupported video format: %1" -msgstr "Videomuoto %1 ei ole tuettu" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1507 -#, kde-format -msgid "Unsupported audio codec: %1" -msgstr "Äänikoodekkia %1 ei tueta" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1524 -#, kde-format -msgid "Unsupported video codec: %1" -msgstr "Videokoodekkia %1 ei tueta" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1533 -msgid "" -"This render profile uses a 'profile' parameter.
Unless you know what " -"you are doing you will probably have to change it to 'mlt_profile'." -msgstr "" -"Hahmonnusprofiili käyttää ”profile”-parametria.
Ellet tiedä, mitä teet, " -"se olisi paras muuttaa muotoon ”mlt_profile”." - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1546 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1584 -msgid "No matching profile" -msgstr "Sopivaa profiilia ei ole" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1561 -msgid "untitled" -msgstr "nimetön" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1586 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Invalid clip" -msgid "Invalid profile" -msgstr "Virheellinen leike" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1630 -msgid "" -"Video\n" -"quality" -msgstr "" -"Videon\n" -"laatu" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1632 -msgid "" -"Video\n" -"bitrate" -msgstr "" -"Videon\n" -"bittinopeus" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1652 -msgid "" -"Audio\n" -"quality" -msgstr "" -"Äänen\n" -"laatu" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1654 -msgid "" -"Audio\n" -"bitrate" -msgstr "" -"Äänen\n" -"bittinopeus" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1692 -msgid "File rendering" -msgstr "Hahmonna tiedostoon" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1693 -msgid "Favorites" -msgstr "Suosikit" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1694 -msgid "DVD" -msgstr "DVD" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, profile_audioonly) -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1695 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7011 -#: src/ui/configtranscode_ui.ui:100 -msgid "Audio only" -msgstr "Vain ääni" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1696 -msgid "Web sites" -msgstr "Verkkosivut" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1697 -msgid "Media players" -msgstr "Mediatoistimet" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1698 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1738 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Lossless / HQ" -msgid "Lossless/HQ" -msgstr "Häviötön / hyvä laatu (HQ)" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1699 -msgid "Mobile devices" -msgstr "Mobiililaitteet" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1783 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Image sequence" -msgctxt "Category Name" -msgid "Images sequence" -msgstr "Kuvasekvenssi" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1987 -msgctxt "Attribute Name" -msgid "Custom" -msgstr "Mukautettu" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2085 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2108 -#, fuzzy, kde-format -#| msgid "%1 dB" -msgid "%1 day " -msgid_plural "%1 days " -msgstr[0] "%1 dB" -msgstr[1] "%1 dB" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2087 -#, fuzzy, kde-format -#| msgid "Opening file %1" -msgid "Remaining time %1" -msgstr "Avataan tiedostoa %1" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2110 -#, kde-format -msgid "Rendering finished in %1" -msgstr "Hahmonnus valmis ajassa %1" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2112 -#, kde-format -msgid "Rendering of %1 finished in %2" -msgstr "Työn %1 hahmonnus valmis ajassa %2" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2125 -#, kde-format -msgid "Rendering of %1 crashed
" -msgstr "Työn %1 hahmonnus kaatui
" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, abort_job) -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2165 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:650 -msgid "Abort Job" -msgstr "Keskeytä työ" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2168 -msgid "Remove Job" -msgstr "Poista työ" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2236 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2240 -#, kde-format -msgid "Script contains wrong command: %1" -msgstr "Skriptissä on väärä komento: %1" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2424 -msgid "script" -msgstr "skripti" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2445 src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:228 -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:640 -msgid "Check missing clips" -msgstr "Tarkista puuttuvat leikkeet" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2502 -msgid "Export audio (automatic)" -msgstr "Vie ääni (automaattinen)" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, export_audio) -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2504 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:544 -msgid "Export audio" -msgstr "Vie ääni" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:60 -msgid "Config Wizard" -msgstr "Opastettu asetuksien tekeminen" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:64 -msgid "Welcome" -msgstr "Tervetuloa" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:66 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Your Kdenlive version was upgraded to version %1. Please take some time to " -"review the basic settings" -msgstr "" -"Kdenlive on päivittynyt versioon %1. Käytä hetki aikaa perusasetusten " -"tarkastamiseen." - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:68 -msgid "" -"This is the first time you run Kdenlive. This wizard will let you adjust " -"some basic settings, you will be ready to edit your first movie in a few " -"seconds..." -msgstr "" -"Tämä on ensimmäinen kerta, kun Kdenlive käynnistetään. Tämän opastetun " -"asetuksien tekemisen avulla voit tehdä itsellesi sopivat perusasetukset. " -"Asetusten tekeminen kestää vain hetken." - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:72 -msgid "Discover the features of this Kdenlive release" -msgstr "Tutustu tämän Kdenlive-version uusiin ominaisuuksiin" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:82 -msgid "Checking MLT engine" -msgstr "Tarkistetaan MLT-moottoria" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:90 -msgid "Video Standard" -msgstr "Videomuoto" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:128 -msgid "Additional Settings" -msgstr "Lisäasetukset" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (KComboBox, capture_device) -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:142 src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:168 -msgid "Capture device" -msgstr "Kaappauslaite" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:146 -msgid "Default Blackmagic Decklink card:" -msgstr "Blackmagic Decklink -oletuskortti:" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:147 -msgid "No Blackmagic Decklink device found" -msgstr "Blackmagic Decklink -laitetta ei löytynyt" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:158 -msgid "Checking system" -msgstr "Tarkistetaan järjestelmää" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:186 -msgid "Default video4linux device:" -msgstr "Video4Linux-oletuslaite:" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:199 -msgid "No device found, plug your webcam and refresh." -msgstr "Laitetta ei löytynyt, kytke verkkokamerasi ja virkistä." - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:221 -#, kde-format -msgid "Current settings (%1x%2, %3/%4fps)" -msgstr "Nykyiset asetukset (%1×%2, %3/%4 fps)" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:257 -#, kde-format -msgid "Default settings (%1x%2, %3/%4fps)" -msgstr "Oletusasetukset (%1×%2, %3/%4 fps)" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:272 -msgid "Melt" -msgstr "Melt" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:273 -msgid "Required for rendering (part of MLT package)" -msgstr "Vaaditaan hahmonnukseen (osa MLT-pakettia)" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:280 -msgid "Cannot start the MLT video backend!" -msgstr "MLT-videotaustaosaa ei voi käynnistää!" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:287 -#, kde-format -msgid "MLT version: %1" -msgstr "MLT:n versio: %1" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:290 -msgid "Your MLT version is unsupported!!!" -msgstr "Käyttämääsi MLT-versiota ei tueta!" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:296 -#, kde-format -msgid "Please upgrade to MLT %1.%2.%3" -msgstr "Päivitä MLT versioon %1.%2.%3" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:300 -msgid "MLT video backend!" -msgstr "MLT-videotaustaosa!" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:318 -msgid "SDL module" -msgstr "SDL-moduuli" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:319 -msgid "Required for Kdenlive" -msgstr "Kdenlive vaatii" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:332 -msgid "Avformat module (FFmpeg)" -msgstr "Avformat-moduuli (FFmpeg)" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:333 -msgid "Required to work with various video formats (hdv, mpeg, flash, ...)" -msgstr "Vaaditaan eri videomuotojen kanssa työskentelyyn (hdv, mpeg, flash,…)" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:372 -msgid "QImage module" -msgstr "QImage-moduuli" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:373 src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:378 -msgid "Required to work with images" -msgstr "Vaaditaan kuvien kanssa työskentelyyn" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:377 -msgid "Pixbuf module" -msgstr "Pixbuf-moduuli" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:392 -msgid "Title module" -msgstr "Tekstimoduuli" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:393 -msgid "Required to work with titles" -msgstr "Vaaditaan tekstileikkeiden kanssa työskentelyyn" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:456 -msgid "" -"The following codecs were not found on your system. Check our online manual if you need them: " -msgstr "" -"Järjestelmä ei löydy seuraavia koodekkeja. Jos tarvitset niitä, katso verkko-ohjettamme:" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:477 -msgid "FFmpeg & ffplay" -msgstr "FFmpeg ja ffplay" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:478 -msgid "Required for proxy clips, transcoding and screen capture" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:504 -msgid "dvgrab" -msgstr "dvgrab" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:505 -msgid "Required for firewire capture" -msgstr "Vaaditaan Firewire-kaappaukseen" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:511 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:104 -msgid "dvdauthor" -msgstr "dvdauthor" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:512 -msgid "Required for creation of DVD" -msgstr "Vaaditaan DVD-levyn tekemiseen " - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:518 -msgid "genisoimage or mkisofs" -msgstr "genisoimage tai mkisofs" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:519 -msgid "Required for creation of DVD ISO images" -msgstr "Vaaditaan DVD-ISO-kuvan tekemiseen" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:528 -msgid "xine" -msgstr "xine" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:529 -msgid "Required to preview your DVD" -msgstr "Vaaditaan DVD-levyn esikatseluun" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:533 -msgid "vlc" -msgstr "vlc" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:685 -msgid "Frame size:" -msgstr "Ruutukoko:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_4) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:685 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:245 -#: src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:55 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:107 -msgid "Frame rate:" -msgstr "Ruutua/sekunti" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_23) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_9) -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:685 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:266 -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:121 -msgid "Pixel aspect ratio:" -msgstr "Pikselien kuvasuhde:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_31) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_10) -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:685 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:280 -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:135 -msgid "Display aspect ratio:" -msgstr "Kuvasuhde" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:732 -msgid "" -"Your MLT installation cannot be found. Install MLT and restart Kdenlive.\n" -msgstr "" -"MLT:n asennusta ei löydy. Asenna MLT ja käynnistä Kdenlive uudelleen.\n" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:736 -msgid "Fatal Error" -msgstr "Vakava virhe" - -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:279 -#, kde-format -msgid "%1 fps" -msgstr "%1 fps" - -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:284 -msgid "Hz" -msgstr "Hz" - -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:289 -msgid "Audio clip" -msgstr "Äänileike" - -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:292 -msgid "Mute video clip" -msgstr "Videoleikkeen ääni pois" - -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:295 src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:214 -msgid "Video clip" -msgstr "Videoleike" - -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:298 -msgid "Color clip" -msgstr "Värileike" - -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:301 src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:216 -msgid "Image clip" -msgstr "Kuvaleike" - -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:304 -msgid "Template text clip" -msgstr "Tekstileikkeen mallipohja" - -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:305 -msgid "Text clip" -msgstr "Tekstileike" - -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:308 -msgid "Slideshow clip" -msgstr "Kuvaesitysleike" - -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:311 -msgid "Virtual clip" -msgstr "Virtuaalinen leike" - -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:314 src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:218 -msgid "Playlist clip" -msgstr "Soittolistaleike" - -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:317 -msgid "Unknown clip" -msgstr "Tuntematon leike" - -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:684 src/renderer.cpp:141 -msgid "Missing clip" -msgstr "Puuttuva leike" - -#: src/doc/doccommands.cpp:33 src/project/clipmanager.cpp:226 -msgid "Delete clip" -msgid_plural "Delete clips" -msgstr[0] "Poista leike" -msgstr[1] "Poista leikkeet" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:199 -msgid "Luma file" -msgstr "Luma-tiedosto" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:223 -msgid "Title Image" -msgstr "Tekstiruudun kuva" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:226 -msgid "Title Font" -msgstr "Tekstileikkeen fontti" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:247 -#, kde-format -msgid "%1 will be replaced by %2" -msgstr "%1 korvataan %2:lla" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:261 -msgid "Missing item" -msgstr "Puuttuva kohde" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:265 -msgid "The project file contains missing clips or files" -msgstr "Projektitiedostosta puuttuu leikkeitä tai tiedostoja" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:269 -msgid "Missing proxies will be recreated after opening." -msgstr "" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:273 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"The project file contains a missing clip, you can still work with its proxy." -msgid_plural "" -"The project file contains %1 missing clips, you can still work with their " -"proxies." -msgstr[0] "" -msgstr[1] "" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:283 src/project/projectitem.cpp:192 -msgid "Proxy clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:285 -#, kde-format -msgid "%1 missing proxy clip, will be recreated on project opening" -msgid_plural "%1 missing proxy clips, will be recreated on project opening" -msgstr[0] "" -msgstr[1] "" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:288 -msgid "Missing proxy" -msgstr "" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:335 src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:348 -msgid "Source clip" -msgstr "Lähdeleike" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:337 -#, kde-format -msgid "%1 missing source clips, you can only use the proxies" -msgstr "" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:340 -msgid "Missing source clip" -msgstr "Puuttuvat lähdeleike" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:411 -msgid "Clips folder" -msgstr "Leikkeen kansio" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:567 -msgid "Enter new location for file" -msgstr "Syötä tiedostolle uusi sijainti" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:780 -msgid "This will remove the selected clip from this project" -msgid_plural "This will remove the selected clips from this project" -msgstr[0] "Tämä poistaa valitun leikkeen projektista" -msgstr[1] "Tämä poistaa valitut leikkeet projektista" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:780 -msgid "Remove clips" -msgstr "Poista leikkeet" - -#: src/doc/documentvalidator.cpp:90 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"The document was created in \"%1\" locale, which is not installed on your " -"system. Please install that language pack. Until then, Kdenlive might not be " -"able to correctly open the document." -msgstr "" -"Tiedosto luotiin maa-asetuksin ”%1”, jota ei ole asennettu järjestelmään. " -"Asenna tarvittava kielipaketti, jonka jälkeen Kdenlive pystynee avamaan " -"tiedoston ongelmitta." - -#: src/doc/documentvalidator.cpp:94 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"There is a locale conflict on your system. The document uses locale %1 which " -"uses a \"%2\" as numeric separator (in system libraries) but Qt expects " -"\"%3\". You might not be able to correctly open the project." -msgstr "" -"Järjestelmäsi maa-asetuksissa on ristiriita. Tiedosto käyttää maa-asetusta " -"%1, jossa lukuerottimena (järjestelmäkirjastoissa) on ”%2”, mutta Qt odottaa " -"”%3”. Et ehkä pysty avaamaan projektia oikein." - -#: src/doc/documentvalidator.cpp:279 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"This project type is unsupported (version %1) and can't be loaded.\n" -"Please consider upgrading your Kdenlive version." -msgstr "" -"Projektin tyyppiä ei tueta (versio %1) ja sitä ei voida ladata.\n" -"Harkitse Kdenlive -version päivittämistä." - -#: src/doc/documentvalidator.cpp:279 src/doc/documentvalidator.cpp:286 -msgid "Unable to open project" -msgstr "Projektia ei voitu avata" - -#: src/doc/documentvalidator.cpp:286 -#, kde-format -msgid "This project type is unsupported (version %1) and can't be loaded." -msgstr "Projektin tyyppiä ei enää tueta (versio %1) ja sitä ei voida ladata." - -#: src/doc/documentvalidator.cpp:840 -msgid "" -"Some of your text clips were saved with size in points, which means " -"different sizes on different displays. Do you want to convert them to pixel " -"size, making them portable? It is recommended you do this on the computer " -"they were first created on, or you could have to adjust their size." -msgstr "" - -#: src/doc/documentvalidator.cpp:840 -msgid "Update Text Clips" -msgstr "Päivitä tekstileikkeet" - -#: src/doc/documentvalidator.cpp:1679 -msgid "" -"The project file uses some GPU effects. GPU acceleration is not currently " -"enabled.\n" -"Do you want to convert the project to a non-GPU version ?\n" -"This might result in data loss." -msgstr "" - -#: src/doc/documentvalidator.cpp:1770 -msgid "The following filters/transitions were converted to non GPU versions:" -msgstr "" - -#: src/doc/documentvalidator.cpp:1773 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "The following effects were imported from the project:" -msgid "The following filters/transitions were deleted from the project:" -msgstr "Seuraavat tehosteet tuotiin projektista:" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:152 -msgid "" -"Cannot open the project file,\n" -"Do you want to open a backup file?" -msgstr "" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:152 src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:168 -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:213 -msgid "Error opening file" -msgstr "Virhe avattaessa tiedostoa" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:152 src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:168 -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:213 -msgid "Open Backup" -msgstr "Avaa varmuuskopio" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:168 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Cannot open the project file, error is:\n" -"%1 (line %2, col %3)\n" -"Do you want to open a backup file?" -msgstr "" -"Projektitiedostoa ei voida avata, virhe on:\n" -"%1 (rivi %2, sarake %3)\n" -"Haluatko avata varmuuskopion?" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:168 src/project/projectmanager.cpp:381 -msgid "Recover" -msgstr "Palauta" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:194 -msgid "Cannot recover this project file" -msgstr "Tätä projektitiedostoa ei voida palauttaa" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:206 -msgid "Validating" -msgstr "Tarkistetaan" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:212 -#, kde-format -msgid "File %1 is not a Kdenlive project file" -msgstr "Tiedosto %1 ei ole Kdenlive -projektitiedosto." - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:213 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"File %1 is not a valid project file.\n" -"Do you want to open a backup file?" -msgstr "" -"Tiedosto %1 ei ole kelvollinen projektitiedosto.\n" -"Haluatko avata varmuuskopion?" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:254 -#, kde-format -msgid "Project directory %1 does not exist. Create it?" -msgstr "Projektin kansiota %1 ei ole olemassa. Luodaanko se?" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:266 -#, kde-format -msgid "Document project folder is invalid, setting it to the default one: %1" -msgstr "Tiedoston projektikansio on virheellinen. Asetetaan oletukseksi: %1" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:548 src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:659 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot write to file %1, scene list is corrupted." -msgstr "Tiedostoon %1 ei voi kirjoittaa, kohtausluettelo on vioittunut." - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:719 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"You have changed the project folder. Do you want to copy the cached data " -"from %1 to the new folder %2?" -msgstr "" -"Olet muuttanut projektin kansiota. Haluatko kopioida välimuistitiedot (cache " -"data) kansiosta %1 uuteen kansioon %2?" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:1105 -msgid "Enter Template Path" -msgstr "Syötä mallipohjan sijainti" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:1179 -msgid "The following effects were imported from the project:" -msgstr "Seuraavat tehosteet tuotiin projektista:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:1209 src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:1223 -#: src/ui/backupdialog_ui.ui:22 -msgid "Project Folder" -msgstr "Projektikansio" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:1287 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Cannot create backup copy:\n" -"%1" -msgstr "" -"Varmuuskopiota ei voida luoda:\n" -"%1" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:1400 src/project/projectlist.cpp:2317 -msgid "Add proxy clip" -msgid_plural "Add proxy clips" -msgstr[0] "" -msgstr[1] "" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:1401 src/project/projectlist.cpp:2318 -msgid "Remove proxy clip" -msgid_plural "Remove proxy clips" -msgstr[0] "" -msgstr[1] "" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:62 src/mainwindow.cpp:1023 -msgid "DVD Wizard" -msgstr "Opastettu DVD:n luonti" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:65 -msgid "Select Files For Your DVD" -msgstr "Valitse tiedostot DVD-levylle" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:69 -msgid "DVD Chapters" -msgstr "DVD-kappaleet" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:75 -msgid "Create DVD Menu" -msgstr "Luo DVD-valikko" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:79 -msgid "Creating DVD Image" -msgstr "Luodaan DVD-kuvatiedosto" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:104 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:111 -#, kde-format -msgid "Burn with %1" -msgstr "Polta %1" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:114 -msgid "No burning program found (K3b, Brasero)" -msgstr "Poltto-ohjelmaa ei löytynyt (k3b, Brasero)" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:120 -msgid "Load" -msgstr "Avaa" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:121 -msgid "Save" -msgstr "Tallenna" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:188 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot create temporary directory %1" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:271 -msgid "Menu movie is invalid" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:383 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:464 -msgid "Rendering job timed out" -msgstr "Renderöinti aikakatkaistu" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:385 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:466 -msgid "Menu job timed out" -msgstr "Valikko-työ aikakatkaistiin" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:674 -msgid "Rendering menu crashed" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:710 -msgid "DVDAuthor process crashed" -msgstr "DVDAuthor-prosessi kaatui" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:713 -msgid "DVDAuthor process crashed.
" -msgstr "DVDAuthor-prosessi kaatui.
" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:737 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:738 -msgid "DVD structure broken" -msgstr "DVD:n rakenne on rikkonainen" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:785 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:788 -msgid "ISO creation process crashed." -msgstr "ISO-kuvan luontiprosessi kaatui." - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:817 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:818 -msgid "DVD ISO is broken" -msgstr "DVD-ISO-kuva on rikkonainen" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:832 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:834 -#, kde-format -msgid "DVD ISO image %1 successfully created." -msgstr "DVD-ISO-kuva %1 luotiin onnistuneesti" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:864 -#, kde-format -msgid "Previewing requires one of these applications (%1)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:888 -#, kde-format -msgid "Folder %1 already exists. Overwrite?\n" -msgstr "Kansio %1 on jo olemassa. Korvataanko?\n" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:890 -#, kde-format -msgid "Image file %1 already exists. Overwrite?" -msgstr "Kuvatiedosto %1 on jo olemassa. Korvataanko?" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:911 -msgid "Save DVD Project" -msgstr "Tallenna DVD-projekti" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:911 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:948 -msgid "DVD project (*.kdvd)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:957 -#, kde-format -msgid "File %1 is not a Kdenlive project file." -msgstr "Tiedosto %1 ei ole Kdenliven projektitiedosto." - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardmenu.cpp:42 src/monitor/monitor.cpp:185 -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:303 src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:79 -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:405 src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:444 -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:873 -msgid "Play" -msgstr "Toista" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardmenu.cpp:54 -msgid "Add new button" -msgstr "Lisää uusi painike" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardmenu.cpp:55 -msgid "Delete current button" -msgstr "Poista tämänhetkinen painike" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardmenu.cpp:300 -msgid "Play All" -msgstr "Toista kaikki" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:104 -#, kde-format -msgid "Program %1 is required for the DVD wizard." -msgstr "" -"Ohjelmisto %1 vaaditaan opastetun DVD:n luonnin käyttämiseksi." - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:105 -msgid "mkisofs" -msgstr "mkisofs" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:105 -msgid "genisoimage" -msgstr "genisoimage" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:105 -#, kde-format -msgid "Program %1 or %2 is required for the DVD wizard." -msgstr "" -"Ohjelmisto %1 tai %2 vaaditaan opastetun DVD:n luonnin käyttämiseksi." -"" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:111 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:316 -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:768 -msgid "PAL 4:3" -msgstr "PAL 4:3" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:111 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:313 -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:765 -msgid "PAL 16:9" -msgstr "PAL 16:9" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:111 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:310 -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:762 -msgid "NTSC 4:3" -msgstr "NTSC 4:3" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:111 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:307 -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:759 -msgid "NTSC 16:9" -msgstr "NTSC 16:9" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:138 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:791 -msgid "Your clips do not match selected DVD format, transcoding required." -msgstr "" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:210 src/project/cliptranscode.cpp:244 -msgid "Transcoding failed!" -msgstr "Muunnos epäonnistui!" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:247 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "All Files" -msgid "MPEG Files" -msgstr "Kaikki tiedostot" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:248 -msgid "Add new video file" -msgstr "Lisää uusi videotiedosto" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:337 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:779 -#, kde-format -msgid "The clip %1 is invalid." -msgstr "" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:674 -#: src/effectstack/collapsibleeffect.cpp:352 -#: src/effectstack/collapsiblegroup.cpp:178 src/monitor/monitor.cpp:845 -#: src/project/clipstabilize.cpp:222 src/project/cliptranscode.cpp:141 -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:297 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"File %1 already exists.\n" -"Do you want to overwrite it?" -msgstr "" -"Tiedosto %1 on jo olemassa.\n" -"Korvataanko?" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:699 -#, kde-format -msgid "Transcoding: %1" -msgstr "Muunnetaan: %1" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslist.cpp:197 -msgid "Author:" -msgstr "Tekijä:" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:63 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Set Audio Reference" -msgid "Search in effects list" -msgstr "Aseta viiteääni" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:72 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Description" -msgid "Show/Hide effect description" -msgstr "Kuvaus" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:83 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Delete selected clip" -#| msgid_plural "Delete selected clips" -msgid "Add Effect to Selected Clip" -msgstr "Poista valittu leike" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:84 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Copy profile to favorites" -msgid "Add Effect to Favorites" -msgstr "Kopioi profiili suosikiksi" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:85 -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:231 -#: src/effectstack/collapsibleeffect.cpp:70 -#: src/effectstack/collapsiblegroup.cpp:77 -msgid "Delete effect" -msgstr "Poista tehoste" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:93 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Move transition" -msgid "Show all transitions" -msgstr "Siirrä siirtymätehostetta" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:94 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Move transition" -msgid "Show GPU transitions" -msgstr "Siirrä siirtymätehostetta" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:101 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Set Audio Reference" -msgid "Show all effects" -msgstr "Aseta viiteääni" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:103 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Move effect" -msgid "Show video effects" -msgstr "Siirrä tehoste" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:105 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Set Audio Reference" -msgid "Show audio effects" -msgstr "Aseta viiteääni" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:107 -msgid "Show GPU effects" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:109 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Set Audio Reference" -msgid "Show custom effects" -msgstr "Aseta viiteääni" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:110 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Move effect" -msgid "Show favorite effects" -msgstr "Siirrä tehoste" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:239 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Remove file" -msgid "Remove from favorites" -msgstr "Poista tiedosto" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_audio) -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, abitrates) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_audiothumbnails) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, audio_thumbs) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, audiobitrateLabel) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, rec_audio) -#: src/effectslist/effectslistwidget.cpp:100 -#: src/effectslist/effectslistwidget.cpp:129 -#: src/effectslist/effectslistwidget.cpp:131 src/monitor/recmanager.cpp:57 -#: src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:39 -#: src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:121 -#: src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:155 -#: src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:194 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:131 -#: src/ui/configtimeline_ui.ui:38 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:224 -#: src/ui/recmonitor_ui.ui:107 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:195 -#: src/ui/saveprofile_ui.ui:67 -msgid "Audio" -msgstr "Ääni" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistwidget.cpp:100 -#: src/effectslist/effectslistwidget.cpp:137 -#: src/effectslist/effectslistwidget.cpp:139 -#: src/effectslist/effectslistwidget.cpp:464 -msgctxt "Folder Name" -msgid "Custom" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistwidget.cpp:194 -msgctxt "menu name for effects names between these 2 letters" -msgid "0 - F" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistwidget.cpp:196 -msgctxt "menu name for effects names between these 2 letters" -msgid "G - L" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistwidget.cpp:198 -msgctxt "menu name for effects names between these 2 letters" -msgid "M - R" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistwidget.cpp:200 -msgctxt "menu name for effects names between these 2 letters" -msgid "S - Z" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:47 src/project/clipproperties.cpp:346 -#: src/project/dialogs/slideshowclip.cpp:72 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:59 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:153 -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:541 -msgid "None" -msgstr "Ei mitään" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:363 -#, kde-format -msgid "Group %1" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:624 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Dissolve" -msgid "None (Dissolve)" -msgstr "Häivytä" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, slide_luma) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, luma_fade) -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:706 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:292 -#: src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:203 -msgid "Wipe" -msgstr "Pyyhkäise" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:707 -msgid "Applies a stationary transition between the current and next frames." -msgstr "Käyttää staattista siirtymää nykyisen ja seuraavien ruutujen välillä." - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:710 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:785 -msgctxt "@property: means that the image is inverted" -msgid "Invert" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:711 -msgid "Image File" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:712 -msgid "Reverse Transition" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:716 src/timeline/headertrack.cpp:89 -#: src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:74 -msgid "Composite" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:717 -msgid "A key-framable alpha-channel compositor for two frames." -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:719 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:764 -msgid "Alpha Channel Operation" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:719 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:764 -msgid "Over,And,Or,Xor" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:720 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:765 -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:785 -msgid "Align" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:723 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:768 -msgid "Wipe File" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:724 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:769 -msgid "Wipe Softness" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:725 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:770 -msgid "Wipe Invert" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:726 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:771 -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:785 -msgid "Force Progressive Rendering" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:727 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:772 -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:785 -msgid "Force Deinterlace Overlay" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:729 -msgid "Affine" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:753 -msgid "Fix Shear Y" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:754 -msgid "Fix Shear X" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:755 -msgid "Fix Shear Z" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:761 -msgid "Use alpha channel of another clip to create a transition." -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:762 -msgid "Transparency clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:785 -msgid "Slide" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:785 -msgid "Slide image from one side to another." -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:785 -msgid "Direction" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, slide_fade) -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:790 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:262 -#: src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:167 -msgid "Dissolve" -msgstr "Häivytä" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:790 -msgid "Fade out one video while fading in the other video." -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:790 -msgid "Reverse" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/collapsibleeffect.cpp:64 -#: src/effectstack/collapsiblegroup.cpp:72 -msgid "Move effect up" -msgstr "Siirrä tehoste ylös" - -#: src/effectstack/collapsibleeffect.cpp:67 -#: src/effectstack/collapsiblegroup.cpp:74 -msgid "Move effect down" -msgstr "Siirrä tehoste alas" - -#: src/effectstack/collapsibleeffect.cpp:82 -msgid "Reset Effect" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/collapsibleeffect.cpp:83 -#: src/effectstack/collapsibleeffect.cpp:345 -msgid "Save Effect" -msgstr "Tallenna tehoste" - -#: src/effectstack/collapsibleeffect.cpp:91 -#: src/effectstack/collapsiblegroup.cpp:89 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Disable effect" -#| msgid_plural "Disable effects" -msgid "Disable Effect" -msgstr "Poista tehoste käytöstä" - -#: src/effectstack/collapsibleeffect.cpp:91 -#: src/effectstack/collapsiblegroup.cpp:89 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Enable effect" -#| msgid_plural "Enable effects" -msgid "Enable Effect" -msgstr "Ota tehoste käyttöön" - -#: src/effectstack/collapsibleeffect.cpp:96 -msgid "Create Group" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/collapsibleeffect.cpp:136 -msgid "Create Region" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/collapsibleeffect.cpp:345 -msgid "Name for saved effect: " -msgstr "Tallennettujen tehosteiden nimi:" - -#: src/effectstack/collapsiblegroup.cpp:68 -#: src/effectstack/collapsiblegroup.cpp:383 -msgid "Effect Group" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/collapsiblegroup.cpp:81 -msgid "Reset Group" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/collapsiblegroup.cpp:82 -#: src/effectstack/collapsiblegroup.cpp:171 -msgid "Save Group" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/collapsiblegroup.cpp:84 -msgid "Ungroup" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/collapsiblegroup.cpp:171 -msgid "Name for saved group: " -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/complexparameter.cpp:36 -msgid "Allow horizontal moves" -msgstr "Salli siirrot vaakatasossa" - -#: src/effectstack/complexparameter.cpp:38 -msgid "Allow vertical moves" -msgstr "Salli siirrot pystytasossa" - -#: src/effectstack/complexparameter.cpp:40 -msgid "Show keyframes in timeline" -msgstr "Näytä avainruudut (keyframe) aikajanalla" - -#: src/effectstack/complexparameter.cpp:42 -msgid "Parameter info" -msgstr "Parametri-info" - -#: src/effectstack/complexparameter.cpp:44 src/effectstack/geometryval.cpp:81 -#: src/effectstack/keyframeedit.cpp:47 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:84 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:417 -#: src/simplekeyframes/simplekeyframewidget.cpp:42 -#: src/simplekeyframes/simplekeyframewidget.cpp:132 -msgid "Add keyframe" -msgstr "Lisää avainruutu (keyframe)" - -#: src/effectstack/dragvalue.cpp:109 -msgid "Normal scale" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/dragvalue.cpp:110 -msgid "Pixel scale" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/dragvalue.cpp:111 -msgid "Nonlinear scale" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/dragvalue.cpp:115 -msgid "Direct update" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/dragvalue.cpp:120 -msgid "Reset value" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/dragvalue.cpp:125 -#, kde-format -msgid "Show %1 in timeline" -msgstr "Näytä %1 aikajanalla" - -#: src/effectstack/effectstackview2.cpp:71 -msgid "Enable/Disable all effects" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/effectstackview2.cpp:73 -msgid "Show additional information for the parameters" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/effectstackview2.cpp:174 -#: src/effectstack/effectstackview2.cpp:176 -#: src/effectstack/effectstackview2.cpp:179 -#, kde-format -msgid "Effects for %1" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/effectstackview2.cpp:229 -#: src/effectstack/effectstackview2.cpp:231 -#: src/effectstack/effectstackview2.cpp:234 -#, fuzzy, kde-format -#| msgid "Edit effect %1" -msgid "Bin effects for %1" -msgstr "Muokkaa tehostetta %1" - -#: src/effectstack/effectstackview2.cpp:276 -#, kde-format -msgid "Effects for track %1" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/geometryval.cpp:77 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:81 -#: src/simplekeyframes/simplekeyframewidget.cpp:52 -msgid "Go to next keyframe" -msgstr "Siirry seuraavaan ruutuun" - -#: src/effectstack/geometryval.cpp:79 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:78 -#: src/simplekeyframes/simplekeyframewidget.cpp:47 -msgid "Go to previous keyframe" -msgstr "Siirry edelliseen ruutuun" - -#: src/effectstack/geometryval.cpp:83 src/effectstack/keyframeedit.cpp:49 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:423 -#: src/simplekeyframes/simplekeyframewidget.cpp:129 -msgid "Delete keyframe" -msgstr "Poista avainruutu" - -#: src/effectstack/geometryval.cpp:85 src/monitor/monitor.cpp:206 -msgid "Misc..." -msgstr "Sekalainen…" - -#: src/effectstack/geometryval.cpp:89 -msgid "Show/Hide options" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/geometryval.cpp:97 -msgid "Sync timeline cursor" -msgstr "Synkronoi aikajanan kohdistin" - -#: src/effectstack/geometryval.cpp:116 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:343 -msgid "Align item horizontally" -msgstr "Tasaa kohde vaakasuunnassa" - -#: src/effectstack/geometryval.cpp:118 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:345 -msgid "Align item vertically" -msgstr "Tasaa kohde pystysuunnassa" - -#: src/effectstack/geometryval.cpp:120 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:347 -msgid "Align item to top" -msgstr "Tasaa kohde ylös" - -#: src/effectstack/geometryval.cpp:122 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:349 -msgid "Align item to bottom" -msgstr "Tasaa kohde alas" - -#: src/effectstack/geometryval.cpp:124 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:351 -msgid "Align item to right" -msgstr "Tasaa kohde oikealle" - -#: src/effectstack/geometryval.cpp:126 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:353 -msgid "Align item to left" -msgstr "Tasaa kohde vasemmalle" - -#: src/effectstack/parametercontainer.cpp:467 -msgid "" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/bezier/beziersplinewidget.cpp:67 -msgid "Handle 1:" -msgstr "Poignée 1 :" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/bezier/beziersplinewidget.cpp:70 -msgid "Handle 2:" -msgstr "Poignée 2 :" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/colorpickerwidget.cpp:71 -msgid "" -"Pick a color on the screen. By pressing the mouse button and then moving " -"your mouse you can select a section of the screen from which to get an " -"average color." -msgstr "" -"Choisissez une couleur sur l'écran. Vous pouvez sélectionner un région de " -"l'écran pour obtenir une couleur moyenne." - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/colorpickerwidget.cpp:101 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/colorpickerwidget.cpp:125 -msgid "Requesting color information..." -msgstr "Les informations de couleur sont nécessaires..." - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/colorpickerwidget.cpp:134 -msgid "Calculated average color for rectangle." -msgstr "Couleur moyenne calculée pour le rectangle" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:96 -msgctxt "x axis position" -msgid "X" -msgstr "X" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:99 -msgctxt "y axis position" -msgid "Y" -msgstr "Y" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:102 -msgctxt "Frame width" -msgid "W" -msgstr "W" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:105 -msgctxt "Frame height" -msgid "H" -msgstr "H" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:111 -msgid "Adjust to original size" -msgstr "Ajuster à la taille d'origine" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:113 -msgid "Fit to width" -msgstr "Ajuster en largeur" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:115 -msgid "Fit to height" -msgstr "Ajuster en hauteur" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:118 -msgid "Import keyframes from clip" -msgstr "Importer les images clés du clip" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:121 -msgid "Reset all keyframes" -msgstr "Réinitialiser toutes les images clés" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:125 -msgid "Reset keyframes after cursor" -msgstr "Réinitialiser les images clés après le curseur" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:128 -msgid "Reset keyframes before cursor" -msgstr "Réinitialiser les images clés avant le curseur" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:133 -msgid "Synchronize with timeline cursor" -msgstr "Synchroniser avec le curseur de le montage" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:139 -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:244 -msgid "Align left" -msgstr "Aligner à gauche" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:141 -msgid "Center horizontally" -msgstr "Centrer l'élément horizontalement" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:143 -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:243 -msgid "Align right" -msgstr "Aligner à droite" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:145 -msgid "Align top" -msgstr "Aligner en haut" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:147 -msgid "Center vertically" -msgstr "Centrer l'élément verticalement" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:149 -msgid "Align bottom" -msgstr "Aligner en bas" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:154 -#: src/ui/clipstabilize_ui.ui:30 -msgid "Options" -msgstr "Options" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (suffix), widget (QSpinBox, spinResize) -#. i18n: ectx: property (suffix), widget (QSpinBox, kcfg_volume) -#. i18n: ectx: property (suffix), widget (QSpinBox, zoom_spin) -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:208 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:211 -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:125 src/ui/configsdl_ui.ui:89 -#: src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:226 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:611 -#, no-c-format -msgid "%" -msgstr "%" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/lumaliftgain.cpp:61 -msgid "Lift" -msgstr "Réhausser" - -#: src/hidetitlebars.cpp:21 -msgid "Show Title Bars" -msgstr "Afficher les barres de titre" - -#: src/layoutmanagement.cpp:27 -msgid "Layouts" -msgstr "Agencements" - -#: src/layoutmanagement.cpp:28 -msgid "Load Layout" -msgstr "Charger l'agencement" - -#: src/layoutmanagement.cpp:30 -#, kde-format -msgid "Layout %1" -msgstr "Agencement %1" - -#: src/layoutmanagement.cpp:34 -#, kde-format -msgid "Save As Layout %1" -msgstr "Enregistrer sous l'agencement %1" - -#: src/layoutmanagement.cpp:69 -#, kde-format -msgid "Save as %1" -msgstr "Enregistrer sous %1" - -#: src/layoutmanagement.cpp:101 -msgid "Save Layout" -msgstr "Enregistrer l'agencement" - -#: src/layoutmanagement.cpp:101 -msgid "Layout name:" -msgstr "Nom de l'agencement :" - -#: src/lib/audio/audioCorrelation.cpp:43 -msgid "Audio analysis finished" -msgstr "Analyse de l'audio terminée" - -#: src/main.cpp:48 -msgid "Kdenlive" -msgstr "Kdenlive" - -#: src/main.cpp:49 -msgid "An open source video editor." -msgstr "Un éditeur vidéo Open Source." - -#: src/main.cpp:51 -msgid "Copyright © 2007–2015 Kdenlive authors" -msgstr "Copyright © 2007–2015 les auteurs de Kdenlive" - -#: src/main.cpp:52 -msgid "Please report bugs to http://bugs.kde.org" -msgstr "Veuillez signaler les bogues sur http://bugs.kde.org" - -#: src/main.cpp:54 -msgid "Jean-Baptiste Mardelle" -msgstr "Jean-Baptiste Mardelle" - -#: src/main.cpp:54 -msgid "MLT and KDE SC 4 / KF5 port, main developer and maintainer" -msgstr "MLT et portage KDE SC 4 / KF5, développeur et mainteneur principal" - -#: src/main.cpp:55 -msgid "Vincent Pinon" -msgstr "Vincent Pinon" - -#: src/main.cpp:55 -msgid "" -"Interim maintainer, KF5 port, bugs fixing, minor functions, profiles " -"updates, etc." -msgstr "" -"Maintenance par intérim, portage KF5, correction de bugs, fonctions " -"mineures, mise à jour des profils, etc." - -#: src/main.cpp:56 -msgid "Laurent Montel" -msgstr "Laurent Montel" - -#: src/main.cpp:56 -msgid "Bugs fixing, clean up code, optimization etc." -msgstr "Correction, nettoyage, optimisation de code etc." - -#: src/main.cpp:57 -msgid "Marco Gittler" -msgstr "Marco Gittler" - -#: src/main.cpp:57 -msgid "MLT transitions and effects, timeline, audio thumbs" -msgstr "Transitions et effets MLT, montage, vignettes audio" - -#: src/main.cpp:58 -msgid "Dan Dennedy" -msgstr "Dan Dennedy" - -#: src/main.cpp:58 src/main.cpp:60 src/main.cpp:63 src/main.cpp:64 -msgid "Bug fixing, etc." -msgstr "Correction de bogues, etc." - -#: src/main.cpp:59 -msgid "Simon A. Eugster" -msgstr "Simon A. Eugster" - -#: src/main.cpp:59 -msgid "Color scopes, bug fixing, etc." -msgstr "Graphes des couleurs, correction de bogues, etc." - -#: src/main.cpp:60 -msgid "Till Theato" -msgstr "Till Theato" - -#: src/main.cpp:61 -msgid "Alberto Villa" -msgstr "Alberto Villa" - -#: src/main.cpp:61 -msgid "Bug fixing, logo, etc." -msgstr "Correction de bogues, logo, etc." - -#: src/main.cpp:62 -msgid "Jean-Michel Poure" -msgstr "Jean-Michel Pouré" - -#: src/main.cpp:62 -msgid "Rendering profiles customization" -msgstr "Profils de rendu personnalisés" - -#: src/main.cpp:63 -msgid "Ray Lehtiniemi" -msgstr "Ray Lehtiniemi" - -#: src/main.cpp:64 -msgid "Steve Guilford" -msgstr "Steve Guilford" - -#: src/main.cpp:65 -msgid "Jason Wood" -msgstr "Jason Wood" - -#: src/main.cpp:65 -msgid "Original KDE 3 version author (not active anymore)" -msgstr "" -"Auteur de la première version fonctionnant sous KDE3 (ayant quitté le projet)" - -#: src/main.cpp:66 -msgid "NAME OF TRANSLATORS" -msgstr "" -"Jean-Michel Pouré, Jean-Baptiste Mardelle, Stanislas Zeller, Florent Faget, " -"Vincent Pinon" - -#: src/main.cpp:66 -msgid "EMAIL OF TRANSLATORS" -msgstr "" -"jmpoure@free.fr, jb@kdenlive.org, uncensored.assault@gmail.com, florent." -"faget@orange.fr" - -#: src/main.cpp:86 -msgid "Set the path for MLT environment" -msgstr "Définir l'emplacement vers l'environnement MLT" - -#: src/main.cpp:87 -msgid "Comma separated list of clips to add" -msgstr "Liste des clips à ajouter (séparés par des virgules)" - -#: src/main.cpp:88 -msgid "Document to open" -msgstr "Document à ouvrir" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:148 -msgid "Theme" -msgstr "Thème" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:177 -msgid "Project Bin" -msgstr "Sources du projet" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, properties) -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:216 src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:395 -#: src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:43 -msgid "Properties" -msgstr "Propriétés" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:219 src/mainwindow.cpp:280 -msgid "Effects" -msgstr "Effets" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:222 src/mainwindow.cpp:284 src/mainwindow.cpp:1272 -msgid "Transitions" -msgstr "Transitions" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:225 -msgid "Clip Monitor" -msgstr "Moniteur de clip" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:226 -msgid "Project Monitor" -msgstr "Moniteur de projet" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:228 -msgid "Record Monitor" -msgstr "Moniteur d'acquisition" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:233 -msgid "Clean" -msgstr "Effacer" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:235 -msgid "Undo History" -msgstr "Historique d'annulation" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:263 -msgid "Stop Motion" -msgstr "Animation image par image" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, capture_button) -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:264 src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:105 -msgid "Capture frame" -msgstr "Capturer l'image" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:267 -msgid "Switch live / captured frame" -msgstr "Basculer entre image directe / capturée" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:270 -msgid "Show last frame over video" -msgstr "Afficher la dernière image sur la vidéo" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:283 -msgid "Add Transition" -msgstr "Ajouter une transition" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:315 src/mainwindow.cpp:316 src/mainwindow.cpp:325 -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:326 src/mainwindow.cpp:330 -msgid "Favorite Effects" -msgstr "Effets favoris" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:563 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"You have 1 rendering job waiting in the queue.\n" -"What do you want to do with this job?" -msgid_plural "" -"You have %1 rendering jobs waiting in the queue.\n" -"What do you want to do with these jobs?" -msgstr[0] "" -"Vous avez %1 travaux de rendu en file d'attente.\n" -"Que voulez-vous en faire ?" -msgstr[1] "" -"Vous avez %1 tâches en cours de traitement dans la file d'attente.\n" -"Que voulez-vous faire avec ces tâches ?" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:563 -msgid "Start them now" -msgstr "Lancer les maintenant" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:563 -msgid "Delete them" -msgstr "Les supprimer" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:784 -msgid "Normal mode" -msgstr "Mode normal" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:785 -msgctxt "Normal editing" -msgid "n" -msgstr "n" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:790 -msgid "Overwrite mode" -msgstr "Mode d'écrasement" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:796 -msgid "Insert mode" -msgstr "Méthode d'insertion" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:815 -msgid "Selection tool" -msgstr "Outil de sélection" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:816 -msgctxt "Selection tool shortcut" -msgid "s" -msgstr "s" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:821 -msgid "Razor tool" -msgstr "Découper" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:822 -msgctxt "Razor tool shortcut" -msgid "x" -msgstr "x" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:827 -msgid "Spacer tool" -msgstr "Déplacer" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:828 -msgctxt "Spacer tool shortcut" -msgid "m" -msgstr "m" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:869 -msgid "Fit zoom to project" -msgstr "Adapter le zoom au projet" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:873 -msgid "Zoom Out" -msgstr "Zoom arrière" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:887 -msgid "Zoom In" -msgstr "Zoom avant" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:915 -msgid "Split audio and video automatically" -msgstr "Automatiquement séparer l'audio et la vidéo" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, videothumbs) -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:921 src/ui/wizardextra_ui.ui:35 -msgid "Show video thumbnails" -msgstr "Afficher les vignettes vidéo" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, audiothumbs) -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:927 src/ui/wizardextra_ui.ui:42 -msgid "Show audio thumbnails" -msgstr "Afficher les vignettes audio" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:933 -msgid "Show markers comments" -msgstr "Afficher les commentaires des repères" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:938 -msgid "Snap" -msgstr "Aimanter" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, tc_type) -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:972 src/project/clipproperties.cpp:372 -#: src/project/dialogs/slideshowclip.cpp:89 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:284 -msgid "hh:mm:ss:ff" -msgstr "h : m : s : i" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, tc_type) -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:973 src/project/clipproperties.cpp:373 -#: src/project/dialogs/slideshowclip.cpp:90 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:289 -msgid "Frames" -msgstr "Images" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1002 -msgid "Manage Project Profiles" -msgstr "Gérer les profils du projet" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1003 -msgid "Download New Wipes..." -msgstr "Télécharger des transitions par balayage" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1004 -msgid "Download New Render Profiles..." -msgstr "Télécharger des profils de rendu..." - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1005 -msgid "Download New Project Profiles..." -msgstr "Télécharger des profils de projet..." - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1006 -msgid "Download New Title Templates..." -msgstr "Télécharger des nouveaux modèles de titrage" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1008 -msgid "Run Config Wizard" -msgstr "Lancer l'assistant de configuration" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, ProjectSettings_UI) -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1009 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Project Settings" -msgstr "Configuration du projet" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1010 -msgid "Render" -msgstr "Rendu" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1012 -msgid "Clean Project" -msgstr "Nettoyer le projet" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1016 -msgid "Play Zone" -msgstr "Lire la zone" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1018 -msgid "Loop Zone" -msgstr "Zone de lecture en boucle" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1020 -msgid "Loop selected clip" -msgstr "Boucler le clip sélectionné" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1024 -msgid "Transcode Clips" -msgstr "Transcoder des clips" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1025 src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:55 -msgid "Archive Project" -msgstr "Archiver le projet" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1026 -msgid "Switch monitor" -msgstr "intervertir les moniteurs" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1027 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6364 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Edit Clip" -msgid "Expand Clip" -msgstr "Modifier le clip" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1029 -msgid "Monitor Info Overlay" -msgstr "Informations incrustées sur le moniteur" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1035 -msgid "Real Time (drop frames)" -msgstr "Affichage temps réel (supprimer des trames si nécessaire)" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1040 -msgid "Monitor Gamma" -msgstr "Gamma du moniteur" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1041 -msgid "sRGB (computer)" -msgstr "sRGB (ordinateur)" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1042 -msgid "Rec. 709 (TV)" -msgstr "Rec. 709 (TV)" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1047 -msgid "Insert Zone in Project Bin" -msgstr "Ajouter la zone dans les source du projet" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1048 -msgid "Insert Zone in Timeline" -msgstr "Insérer une zone dans le montage" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1050 -msgid "Resize Item Start" -msgstr "Redimensionner le début de l'élément" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1055 -msgid "Resize Item End" -msgstr "Redimensionner la fin de l'élément" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1060 -msgid "Go to Previous Snap Point" -msgstr "Aller au nœud précédent" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1062 -msgid "Go to Clip Start" -msgstr "Aller au début du clip" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1063 -msgid "Go to Clip End" -msgstr "Aller à la fin du clip" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1064 -msgid "Go to Next Snap Point" -msgstr "Aller au nœud suivant" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1066 -msgid "Delete Selected Item" -msgstr "Supprimer les éléments sélectionnés" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1067 -msgid "Align Playhead to Mouse Position" -msgstr "Aligner la tête de lecture sur la position de la souris" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1069 -msgid "Automatic Transition" -msgstr "Transition automatique" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1076 -msgid "Group Clips" -msgstr "Grouper les clips" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1078 -msgid "Ungroup Clips" -msgstr "Dégrouper les clips" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1083 -msgid "Edit Duration" -msgstr "Modifier la durée" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1084 src/mainwindow.cpp:3232 -msgid "Save clip" -msgstr "Enregistrer le clip" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1085 -msgid "Clip in Project Bin" -msgstr "Clip dans les sources du projet" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1086 -msgid "Insert Clip Zone in Timeline (Overwrite)" -msgstr "Insérer le clip sélectionner dans le montage (en écrasant)" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1087 -msgid "Select Clip" -msgstr "Sélectionner le clip" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1088 -msgid "Deselect Clip" -msgstr "Dé-sélectionner le clip" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1089 -msgid "Add Clip To Selection" -msgstr "Ajouter un clip à la sélection" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1091 -msgid "Select Transition" -msgstr "Sélectionner la transition" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1093 -msgid "Deselect Transition" -msgstr "Dé-sélectionner la transition" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1095 -msgid "Add Transition To Selection" -msgstr "Ajouter une transition à la sélection" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, CutJobDialog_UI) -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1097 src/ui/cutjobdialog_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Cut Clip" -msgstr "Couper le clip" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1098 src/mainwindow.cpp:1833 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:729 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:803 -msgid "Add Marker" -msgstr "Ajouter un repère" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1099 -msgid "Delete Marker" -msgstr "Supprimer le repère" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1100 -msgid "Delete All Markers" -msgstr "Supprimer tous les repères" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1102 src/mainwindow.cpp:1921 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:702 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:827 -msgid "Edit Marker" -msgstr "Modifier le repère" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1105 -msgid "Add Marker/Guide quickly" -msgstr "Ajouter un repère/guide rapidement" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1108 -msgid "Split Audio" -msgstr "Scinder l'audio" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1112 -msgid "Set Audio Reference" -msgstr "Définir la référence audio" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1116 -msgid "Align Audio to Reference" -msgstr "Aligner l'audio sur la référence" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1120 -msgid "Audio Only" -msgstr "Audio seulement" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1125 -msgid "Video Only" -msgstr "Vidéo seulement" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1130 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7007 -msgid "Audio and Video" -msgstr "Audio et vidéo" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1142 -msgid "Insert Space" -msgstr "Insérer un espace" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1143 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:3426 -msgid "Remove Space" -msgstr "Supprimer l'espace" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1146 -msgid "Insert Track" -msgstr "Insérer une piste" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1150 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6556 -#: src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:94 -msgid "Delete Track" -msgstr "Supprimer la piste" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, TracksConfigDialog_UI) -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1155 src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:250 -#: src/ui/tracksconfigdialog_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Configure Tracks" -msgstr "Configurer les pistes" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1159 -msgid "Select All in Current Track" -msgstr "Tout sélectionner sur la piste courante" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1170 src/timeline/customruler.cpp:85 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5781 -msgid "Add Guide" -msgstr "Ajouter un guide" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1171 src/timeline/customruler.cpp:89 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:231 -msgid "Delete Guide" -msgstr "Supprimer le guide" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1172 src/timeline/customruler.cpp:87 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:235 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5815 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5829 -msgid "Edit Guide" -msgstr "Modifier le guide" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1173 src/timeline/customruler.cpp:91 -msgid "Delete All Guides" -msgstr "Supprimer tous les guides" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1175 -msgid "Paste Effects" -msgstr "Coller les effets" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1180 -msgid "Save Selection" -msgstr "Enregistrer la sélection" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1208 -msgid "Add Clip" -msgstr "Ajouter un clip" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1210 -msgid "Add Color Clip" -msgstr "Ajouter un clip couleur" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1213 src/project/dialogs/slideshowclip.cpp:41 -msgid "Add Slideshow Clip" -msgstr "Ajouter un clip diaporama" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1216 -msgid "Add Title Clip" -msgstr "Ajouter un clip titre" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1219 -msgid "Add Template Title" -msgstr "Ajouter un modèle de titre" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1223 -msgid "Create Folder" -msgstr "Créer un dossier" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1224 -msgid "Online Resources" -msgstr "Ressources en ligne" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, ClipProperties_UI) -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1226 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Clip Properties" -msgstr "Propriétés du clip" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1230 -msgid "Edit Clip" -msgstr "Modifier le clip" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1238 -msgid "Reload Clip" -msgstr "Recharger le clip" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1242 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Disable Effect" -msgid "Disable Timeline Effects" -msgstr "Désactiver l'effet" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1247 -msgid "Duplicate Clip" -msgstr "Dupliquer le clip" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1259 -msgid "Ripple Delete" -msgstr "Supprimer et raccorder" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1389 -msgid "" -"You have changed the proxy parameters. Do you want to recreate all proxy " -"clips for this project?" -msgstr "" -"Vous avez changé les paramètres d'intermédiaires. Voulez-vous recréer tous " -"les clips intermédiaires pour ce projet ?" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1487 -msgid "This will remove all unused clips from your project." -msgstr "Cette action supprimera tous les clips non utilisés de votre projet." - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1487 -msgid "Clean up project" -msgstr "Nettoyer le projet" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1647 -msgctxt "general keyboard shortcuts" -msgid "General" -msgstr "Général" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1827 src/mainwindow.cpp:1945 -msgid "Cannot find clip to add marker" -msgstr "Impossible de trouver le clip pour ajouter un repère" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1859 src/mainwindow.cpp:1886 src/mainwindow.cpp:1909 -msgid "Cannot find clip to remove marker" -msgstr "Impossible de trouver le clip pour supprimer le repère" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1866 src/mainwindow.cpp:1916 -msgid "No marker found at cursor time" -msgstr "Aucun repère à l'emplacement du curseur" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2194 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot find effect %1 / %2" -msgstr "Impossible de trouver l'effet %1 / %2" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2252 -#, kde-format -msgid "Zoom Level: %1/13" -msgstr "Facteur de zoom : %1/13" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2378 -msgid "Ctrl + click to use spacer on current track only" -msgstr "Ctrl + clic pour insérer un séparateur seulement sur la piste en cours" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2381 -msgid "Click on a clip to cut it" -msgstr "Cliquer sur un clip pour le découper" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2384 -msgid "" -"Shift + click to create a selection rectangle, Ctrl + click to add an item " -"to selection" -msgstr "" -"Maj + clic pour effectuer une sélection rectangulaire, Ctrl + clic pour " -"ajouter un élément à la sélection" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2707 -msgid "Stabilize" -msgstr "Stabiliser" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2719 -msgid "Automatic scene split" -msgstr "Séparation automatique des plans" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2729 src/project/jobs/filterjob.cpp:83 -msgid "Reverse clip" -msgstr "Inverser le clip" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2736 -msgid "Analyse keyframes" -msgstr "Analyse des images clés" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2751 -msgid "Transcoders" -msgstr "Convertisseurs" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2784 -msgid "Interface" -msgstr "Interface" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2821 -msgid "No clip to transcode" -msgstr "Aucun clip à encoder" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2834 -msgid "Files to transcode" -msgstr "Fichiers à transcoder" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2867 -msgid "Create Render Script" -msgstr "Créer un script de rendu" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2877 -msgid "Script file already exists. Do you want to overwrite it?" -msgstr "Le script existe déjà. Voulez-vous l'écraser ?" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2923 -msgctxt "the first in a list of chapters" -msgid "Start" -msgstr "Début" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:3200 -msgid "Archiving project" -msgstr "Archivage du projet" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:3229 -msgid "Select a clip to save" -msgstr "Sélectionner un clip à enregistrer" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:3232 src/renderer.cpp:1386 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7865 -msgid "MLT playlist (*.mlt)" -msgstr "Liste de lecture MLT (*.mlt)" - -#: src/mltconnection.cpp:51 -msgid "Cannot find the melt program required for rendering (part of MLT)" -msgstr "" -"Impossible de trouver le programme Melt nécessaire pour le rendu (une " -"élément de MLT)" - -#: src/mltconnection.cpp:83 -msgid "Cannot find your MLT profiles, please give the path" -msgstr "Impossible de trouver vos profils MLT, veuillez indiquer l'emplacement" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:87 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:476 src/project/projectcommands.cpp:166 -msgid "Edit marker" -msgstr "Modifier le repère" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:88 -msgid "Export markers" -msgstr "Exporter les repères" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:89 -msgid "Import markers" -msgstr "Importer les repères" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:115 -msgid "Analysis data" -msgstr "Données d'analyse" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:118 -msgid "Delete analysis" -msgstr "Supprimer l'analyse" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:119 -msgid "Export analysis" -msgstr "Exporter l'analyse" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:120 -msgid "Import analysis" -msgstr "Importer l'analyse" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, clip_transparency) -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:166 -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:842 -msgid "Transparent" -msgstr "Transparent" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:181 -msgid "Aspect Ratio" -msgstr "Rapport d'affichage" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_18) -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:236 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:618 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:623 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:679 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:440 -#: src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:86 -msgid "Frame rate" -msgstr "Fréquence de l'image" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_5) -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:260 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:634 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:686 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:105 -msgid "Scanning" -msgstr "Balayage" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:282 -msgid "Field order" -msgstr "Ordre des trames" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:286 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:129 -msgid "Bottom first" -msgstr "Bas en premier" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:287 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:130 -msgid "Top first" -msgstr "Commencer par le haut" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:304 -msgid "Threads" -msgstr "Processus" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, clip_force_vindex) -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:320 -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:693 -msgid "Video index" -msgstr "Index vidéo" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, clip_force_aindex) -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:336 -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:720 -msgid "Audio index" -msgstr "Index audio" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_12) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_32) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_15) -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:350 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:644 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:696 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:294 -#: src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:222 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:149 -msgid "Colorspace" -msgstr "Espace de couleur" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, clip_full_luma) -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:380 -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:772 -msgid "Full luma range" -msgstr "Pleine échelle de luminosité" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:399 -msgid "Force properties" -msgstr "Forcer les propriétés" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_5) -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_3) -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:401 -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:511 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:349 -msgid "Metadata" -msgstr "Méta-données" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:403 -msgid "Analysis" -msgstr "Analyse" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:609 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:671 src/project/clipproperties.cpp:673 -msgid "Video codec" -msgstr "Codec vidéo" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:613 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:676 -msgid "Frame size" -msgstr "Taille de l'image" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:630 -msgid "Video bitrate" -msgstr "Débit vidéo" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:630 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:664 -msgctxt "seconds" -msgid "s" -msgstr "s" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_9) -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:641 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:690 src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:120 -msgid "Pixel aspect ratio" -msgstr "Format de pixel" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:642 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:693 -msgid "Pixel format" -msgstr "Format de pixel" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:651 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:243 -msgid "Audio codec" -msgstr "Codec audio" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:659 -msgid "Audio frequency" -msgstr "Fréquence audio" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:664 -msgid "Audio bitrate" -msgstr "Débit audio" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:760 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:788 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:813 -msgid "Exif" -msgstr "Exif" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:832 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:854 -msgid "Magic Lantern" -msgstr "Magic Lantern" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:893 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:858 -msgid "Save Analysis Data" -msgstr "Enregistrer les données d'analyse" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:893 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:904 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:858 src/project/clipproperties.cpp:869 -msgid "Text File (*.txt)" -msgstr "Fichier texte (*.txt)" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:904 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:869 -msgid "Open Analysis Data" -msgstr "Ouvrir les données d'analyse" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:183 -msgid "Play..." -msgstr "Lire..." - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:185 src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:303 -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:310 src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:449 -msgid "Pause" -msgstr "Pause" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:210 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:210 -msgid "Go to marker..." -msgstr "Aller au repère…" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:215 -msgid "Force Monitor Size" -msgstr "Forcer la taille du moniteur" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:216 -msgid "Force 100%" -msgstr "Forcer à 100%" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:218 -msgid "Force 50%" -msgstr "Forcer à 50%" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:220 -msgid "Free Resize" -msgstr "Redimensionnement libre" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:233 -msgid "Audio volume" -msgstr "Volume audio" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:248 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Split view" -msgid "Split" -msgstr "Scinder la vue" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:248 -msgid "Unsplit" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:281 src/monitor/monitoreditwidget.cpp:58 -msgid "Show/Hide edit mode" -msgstr "Afficher/cacher le mode d'édition" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:400 -msgid "Save zone" -msgstr "Enregistrer la zone" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:401 -msgid "Extract Zone" -msgstr "Extraire une zone" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:404 -msgid "Extract frame" -msgstr "Extraire l'image" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:408 -msgid "Split view" -msgstr "Scinder la vue" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:412 -msgid "Set current image as thumbnail" -msgstr "Choisir l'image courante comme vignette" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:416 -msgid "Overlay audio waveform" -msgstr "Incruster l'onde audio" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:453 -msgid "Your screen resolution is not sufficient for this action" -msgstr "Votre résolution d'écran est insuffisante pour cette action" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:838 -msgid "Save Image" -msgstr "Enregistrer l'image" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:894 -msgid "In Point" -msgstr "Point d'entrée" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:896 -msgid "Out Point" -msgstr "Point de sortie" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:1520 -msgid "Select a clip in project bin to compare effect" -msgstr "Sélectionner un clip dans les sources du projet pour comparer l'effet" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:1524 -msgid "Clip has no effects" -msgstr "Le clip n'a aucun effet" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:1533 -msgid "" -"The scal0tilt filter is required for that feature, please install frei0r and " -"restart Kdenlive" -msgstr "" -"Le filtre scal0tilt est nécessaire à cette fonction, veuillez installer les " -"modules frei0r et redémarrer Kdenlive" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:1540 -msgid "" -"The cairoblend transition is required for that feature, please install " -"frei0r and restart Kdenlive" -msgstr "" -"La transition cairoblend est nécessaire à cette fonction, veuillez installer " -"les modules frei0r et redémarrer Kdenlive" - -#: src/monitor/monitoreditwidget.cpp:64 -msgid "Update parameters while monitor scene changes" -msgstr "Mise à jour des paramètres en suivant les changements de scène" - -#: src/monitor/monitoreditwidget.cpp:68 -msgid "Fit zoom to monitor size" -msgstr "Adapter le zoom aux dimensions du Moniteur" - -#: src/monitor/monitoreditwidget.cpp:70 -msgid "Original size" -msgstr "Taille d'origine" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:326 -msgid "Switch monitor fullscreen" -msgstr "Commuter le moniteur en plein-écran" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:331 src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:76 -msgid "Rewind" -msgstr "Retour rapide" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:336 -msgid "Rewind 1 Frame" -msgstr "Reculer d'une image" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:341 -msgid "Rewind 1 Second" -msgstr "Reculer l'une seconde" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:346 src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:85 -msgid "Forward" -msgstr "Avance rapide" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:351 -msgid "Go to Project Start" -msgstr "Aller au début du projet" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:356 -msgid "Go to Project End" -msgstr "Aller à la fin du projet" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:361 -msgid "Forward 1 Frame" -msgstr "Avancer d'une image" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:366 -msgid "Forward 1 Second" -msgstr "Avancer d'une seconde" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:371 -msgid "Deinterlacer" -msgstr "Désentrelacer" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:372 -msgid "One Field (fast)" -msgstr "Une ligne (rapide)" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:373 -msgid "Linear Blend (fast)" -msgstr "Mélange linéaire (rapide)" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:374 -msgid "YADIF - temporal only (good)" -msgstr "YADIF - temporel seulement (bon)" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:375 -msgid "YADIF - temporal + spacial (best)" -msgstr "YADIF - temporel + spacial (meilleur)" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:384 -msgid "Nearest Neighbor (fast)" -msgstr "Plus proche voisin (rapide)" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:385 -msgid "Bilinear (good)" -msgstr "Bilinéaire (bon)" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:386 -msgid "Bicubic (better)" -msgstr "Bicubique (meilleur)" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:387 -msgid "Hyper/Lanczos (best)" -msgstr "Hyper/Lanczos (meilleur)" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:395 -msgid "Go to Zone Start" -msgstr "Aller au début de la zone" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:400 -msgid "Mute monitor" -msgstr "Couper le son du moniteur" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:400 -msgid "Unmute monitor" -msgstr "Rétablir le son du moniteur" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:406 -msgid "Go to Zone End" -msgstr "Aller à la fin de la zone" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:411 -msgid "Set Zone In" -msgstr "Définir le début de la zone" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:416 -msgid "Set Zone Out" -msgstr "Définir la fin de la zone" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_preview) -#: src/monitor/recmanager.cpp:48 src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:147 -#: src/ui/freesound_ui.ui:144 src/utils/archiveorg.cpp:181 -#: src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:158 src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:263 -#: src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:277 src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:575 -msgid "Preview" -msgstr "Aperçu" - -#: src/monitor/recmanager.cpp:52 src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:88 -msgid "Record" -msgstr "Enregistrer" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_video) -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, vbitrates) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, background_list) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_videothumbnails) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, video_thumbs) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, bitrateLabel) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, rec_video) -#: src/monitor/recmanager.cpp:56 src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:38 -#: src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:153 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:86 -#: src/ui/configtimeline_ui.ui:29 src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:207 -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:217 src/ui/recmonitor_ui.ui:100 -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:169 src/ui/saveprofile_ui.ui:20 -msgid "Video" -msgstr "Vidéo" - -#: src/monitor/recmanager.cpp:68 src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:135 -#, kde-format -msgid "Monitor %1" -msgstr "Moniteur %1" - -#: src/monitor/recmanager.cpp:80 -msgid "Webcam" -msgstr "Webcam" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_3) -#: src/monitor/recmanager.cpp:81 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:427 -msgid "Screen Grab" -msgstr "Filmer l'écran" - -#: src/monitor/recmanager.cpp:86 -msgid "Configure Recording" -msgstr "Configurer l'enregistrement" - -#: src/monitor/recmanager.cpp:89 -msgid "Show Record Control" -msgstr "Afficher le contrôleur d'enregistrement" - -#: src/monitor/recmanager.cpp:198 src/monitor/recmanager.cpp:279 -#: src/monitor/recmanager.cpp:284 src/monitor/recmanager.cpp:390 -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:879 src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:886 -msgid "Capture crashed, please check your parameters" -msgstr "Plantage de l'acquisition, veuillez vérifier vos paramètres" - -#: src/monitor/recmanager.cpp:265 src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:753 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Failed to start the capture application:\n" -"%1" -msgstr "Échec au démarrage du programme de capture : %1" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:73 src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:862 -msgid "Connect" -msgstr "Connecter" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:82 src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:249 -#: src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:262 src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:271 -msgid "Stop" -msgstr "Arrêt" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:94 -msgid "Add Captured File to Project" -msgstr "Ajouter le fichier acquis au projet" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:102 -msgid "Recording Preview" -msgstr "Aperçu de l'enregistrement" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:110 src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:245 -msgid "Configure" -msgstr "Configurer" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:202 -msgid "" -"You need to disconnect and reconnect in the capture monitor to apply your " -"changes" -msgstr "" -"Vous devez déconnecter et reconnecter le moniteur de capture pour appliquer " -"les changements" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:202 src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:203 -msgid "Capturing" -msgstr "Acquisition en cours" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:203 -msgid "You need to stop capture before your changes can be applied" -msgstr "" -"Vous devez arrêter la capture en cours pour pouvoir appliquer les changements" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:256 -msgid "" -"ffmpeg or avconv not found,\n" -" please install it for screen grabs" -msgstr "" -"Impossible de trouver ffmpeg ou avconv,\n" -" veuillez installer l'un d'eux pour réaliser des captures d'écran" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:262 -msgid "" -"Your FFmpeg / Libav installation\n" -" does not support screen grab" -msgstr "" -"Votre version de ffmpeg/libav ne prend pas en charge la capture d'écran" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:265 src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:888 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Press record button\n" -"to start screen capture\n" -"Files will be saved in:\n" -"%1" -msgstr "" -"Pour filmer l'écran\n" -"appuyez sur le bouton « Enregistrer ».\n" -"Les fichiers seront enregistrés dans : \n" -"%1" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:283 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Plug your camcorder and\n" -"press play button\n" -"to start preview.\n" -"Files will be saved in:\n" -"%1" -msgstr "" -"Branchez votre caméra et appuyez sur le bouton lecture pour démarrer " -"l'aperçu.\n" -"Les fichiers seront enregistrés dans :\n" -"%1" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:296 -msgid "" -"dvgrab utility not found,\n" -" please install it for firewire capture" -msgstr "" -"Impossible de trouver l'utilitaire dvgrab,\n" -"Veuillez l'installer pour toute acquisition à partir du port FireWire" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:320 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Plug your camcorder and\n" -"press connect button\n" -"to initialize connection\n" -"Files will be saved in:\n" -"%1" -msgstr "" -"Relier votre caméra à l'ordinateur puis appuyer sur le bouton " -"« Connecter ».\n" -"Les fichiers acquis seront enregistrés dans le dossier :\n" -"%1" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:355 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Cannot read from device %1\n" -"Please check drivers and access rights." -msgstr "" -"Impossible de lire depuis le périphérique %1\n" -"Veuillez vérifier les pilotes et les droits d'accès." - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:358 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Press play or record button\n" -"to start video capture\n" -"Files will be saved in:\n" -"%1" -msgstr "" -"Pour lancer la capture vidéo appuyez\n" -"sur le bouton « Lire » ou « Enregistrer ».\n" -"Les fichiers seront enregistrés dans : \n" -"%1" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:370 -msgid "Disconnect" -msgstr "Déconnecter" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:423 -msgid "Capture stopped" -msgstr "Acquisition arrêtée" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:523 -msgid "" -"Failed to start Video4Linux,\n" -"check your parameters..." -msgstr "" -"Échec pour démarrer Video4Linux,\n" -"vérifiez vos paramètres..." - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:539 src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:701 -msgid "" -"Failed to start Decklink,\n" -"check your parameters..." -msgstr "" -"Échec pour démarrer Decklink,\n" -"vérifiez vos paramètres..." - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:677 -msgid "" -"Failed to start ffmpeg capture,\n" -"check your parameters..." -msgstr "" -"Échec au démarrage de la capture via ffmpeg,\n" -"vérifiez vos paramètres..." - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:695 -#, kde-format -msgid "Capturing to %1" -msgstr "Acquisition vers %1" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:702 -msgid "Failed to start capture" -msgstr "Échec au démarrage de l'acquisition" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:766 -msgid "Initialising..." -msgstr "Initialisation en cours..." - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:782 -msgid "Show log" -msgstr "Afficher le log" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, video_frame) -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:882 src/ui/recmonitor_ui.ui:35 -msgid "Not connected" -msgstr "Déconnecté" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:971 -#, kde-format -msgid "Free space: %1" -msgstr "Espace disponible : %1" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:1014 -#, kde-format -msgid "%1 dropped frames" -msgstr "%1 images perdues" - -#: src/monitor/smallruler.cpp:201 src/timeline/customruler.cpp:233 -#: src/timeline/customruler.cpp:234 -#, kde-format -msgid "Zone start: %1" -msgstr "Début de la zone : %1" - -#: src/monitor/smallruler.cpp:205 src/timeline/customruler.cpp:237 -#: src/timeline/customruler.cpp:238 -#, kde-format -msgid "Zone end: %1" -msgstr "Fin de la zone : %1" - -#: src/monitor/smallruler.cpp:236 src/timeline/customruler.cpp:241 -#: src/timeline/customruler.cpp:242 -#, kde-format -msgid "Zone duration: %1" -msgstr "Durée due la zone : %1" - -#: src/monitor/smallruler.cpp:238 src/timeline/customruler.cpp:245 -#: src/timeline/customruler.cpp:246 -#, kde-format -msgid "Position: %1" -msgstr "Position : %1" - -#: src/project/clipmanager.cpp:220 -msgid "Delete subclip" -msgid_plural "Delete subclips" -msgstr[0] "Supprimer le sous-clip" -msgstr[1] "Supprimer les sous-clips" - -#: src/project/clipmanager.cpp:223 src/project/projectcommands.cpp:74 -msgid "Delete folder" -msgid_plural "Delete folders" -msgstr[0] "Supprimer le dossier" -msgstr[1] "Supprimer les dossiers" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:200 -msgid "Libav" -msgstr "Libav" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_8) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, kcfg_defaultcapture) -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_2) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, device_selector) -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:204 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:42 -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:181 src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:105 -#: src/ui/recmonitor_ui.ui:139 -msgid "FFmpeg" -msgstr "FFmpeg" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_11) -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:246 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:187 -#: src/utils/freesound.cpp:207 -msgid "Channels" -msgstr "Canaux" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:263 -#, kde-format -msgid "Proxy clip: %1 (%2)" -msgstr "Clip intermédiaire : %1 (%2)" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:265 -msgid "Delete proxy" -msgstr "Supprimer l'intermédiaire" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:292 -msgid "Playlist" -msgstr "Liste de lecture" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:348 src/project/dialogs/slideshowclip.cpp:74 -msgid "Pan, low-pass" -msgstr "Panoramique, passe lente" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:349 src/project/dialogs/slideshowclip.cpp:75 -msgid "Pan and zoom" -msgstr "Panoramique et zoom" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:350 src/project/dialogs/slideshowclip.cpp:76 -msgid "Pan and zoom, low-pass" -msgstr "Panoramique et zoom, passe lente" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:352 src/project/dialogs/slideshowclip.cpp:78 -msgid "Zoom, low-pass" -msgstr "Zoom, passe lente" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:480 -msgid "Save markers" -msgstr "Enregistrer les repères" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:482 -msgid "Load markers" -msgstr "Charger des repères" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:484 -msgid "Delete analysis data" -msgstr "Supprimer les données d'analyse" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:486 -msgid "Load analysis data" -msgstr "Charger les données d'analyse" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:488 -msgid "Save analysis data" -msgstr "Enregistrer les données d'analyse" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:527 src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:360 -#, kde-format -msgid "(%1 clip)" -msgid_plural "(%1 clips)" -msgstr[0] "(%1 clip)" -msgstr[1] "(%1 clips)" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, slide_info) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_info) -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:1166 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:319 -#: src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:265 -msgid "No image found" -msgstr "Aucune image trouvée" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:1171 -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:573 -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:586 -#: src/project/dialogs/slideshowclip.cpp:247 -#, kde-format -msgid "1 image found" -msgid_plural "%1 images found" -msgstr[0] "Une image trouvée" -msgstr[1] "%1 images trouvées" - -#: src/project/clippropertiesmanager.cpp:182 -msgid "Edit clips" -msgstr "Modifier les clips" - -#: src/project/clipstabilize.cpp:41 -msgid "Stabilize Clip" -msgstr "Stabiliser le clip" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, auto_add) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, add_clip) -#: src/project/clipstabilize.cpp:42 src/project/cliptranscode.cpp:47 -#: src/ui/clipstabilize_ui.ui:57 src/ui/cliptranscode_ui.ui:47 -#: src/ui/cutjobdialog_ui.ui:57 -msgid "Add clip to project" -msgid_plural "Add clips to project" -msgstr[0] "Ajouter un clip au projet" -msgstr[1] "Ajouter un clip au projet" - -#: src/project/clipstabilize.cpp:69 src/project/cliptranscode.cpp:63 -msgid "Destination folder" -msgstr "Dossier cible" - -#: src/project/clipstabilize.cpp:159 -msgid "Stabilised" -msgstr "Stabilisé" - -#: src/project/clipstabilize.cpp:173 -msgid "Stabilize clip" -msgstr "Stabiliser le clip" - -#: src/project/clipstabilize.cpp:232 -msgid "The stabilize job will overwrite the following files:" -msgstr "Le processus de stabilisation écrasera les fichiers suivants :" - -#: src/project/cliptranscode.cpp:43 -msgid "Transcode Clip" -msgstr "Convertir le clip" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, convert_abort) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_abort) -#: src/project/cliptranscode.cpp:168 src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:636 -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:884 src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:94 -#: src/ui/dvdwizardvob_ui.ui:160 -msgid "Abort" -msgstr "Interrompre" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, buttonClose) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, buttonClose2) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, buttonClose3) -#: src/project/cliptranscode.cpp:210 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:382 -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:657 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:805 -msgid "Close" -msgstr "Fermer" - -#: src/project/cliptranscode.cpp:221 src/project/cliptranscode.cpp:239 -msgid "Transcoding finished." -msgstr "Conversion achevée." - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:63 -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:302 -msgid "Video clips" -msgstr "Clips vidéo" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:67 -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:305 -msgid "Audio clips" -msgstr "Clips audio" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:71 -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:308 src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:113 -msgid "Image clips" -msgstr "Clips image" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:75 -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:311 -msgid "Slideshow clips" -msgstr "Clips diaporama" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:79 -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:314 -msgid "Text clips" -msgstr "Clips texte" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:83 -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:317 -msgid "Playlist clips" -msgstr "Clips liste de lecture" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:87 -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:320 -msgid "Other clips" -msgstr "Autres clips" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:91 -msgid "Luma files" -msgstr "Fichiers luminosité" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:167 -#, kde-format -msgid "You have %1 missing clip in your project." -msgid_plural "You have %1 missing clips in your project." -msgstr[0] "%1 clip manque dans le projet" -msgstr[1] "%1 clips manquent dans le projet" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:192 -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:1017 -#, kde-format -msgid "(%1 item)" -msgid_plural "(%1 items)" -msgstr[0] "(%1 élément)" -msgstr[1] "(%1 éléments)" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:197 -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:1019 -#, kde-format -msgid "%1 file to archive, requires %2" -msgid_plural "%1 files to archive, requires %2" -msgstr[0] "%1 fichier à archiver, requiert %2" -msgstr[1] "%1 fichiers à archiver, requiert %2" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:198 -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:664 -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:854 -msgid "Archive" -msgstr "Archive" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:232 -msgid "Extract to" -msgstr "Extraire vers" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:233 -msgid "Open Archived Project" -msgstr "Ouvrir un projet archivé" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:235 -msgid "Extract" -msgstr "Extraire" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:264 -msgid "Opening archive..." -msgstr "Ouverture de l'archive..." - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:267 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Cannot open archive file:\n" -" %1" -msgstr "" -"Impossible d'ouvrir le fichier archive :\n" -" %1" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:284 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"File %1\n" -" is not an archived Kdenlive project" -msgstr "" -"Le fichier %1\n" -" n'est pas un projet Kdenlive archivé." - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:290 -msgid "Ready" -msgstr "Prêt" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:310 -msgid "Archiving in progress, do you want to stop it?" -msgstr "Archivage en cours, voulez-vous l'arrêter ?" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:310 -msgid "Stop Archiving" -msgstr "Arrêter l'archivage" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:493 -#, kde-format -msgid "Available space on drive: %1" -msgstr "Espace disponible sur le disque : %1" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:497 -#, kde-format -msgid "Not enough space on drive, free space: %1" -msgstr "Espace disque insuffisant, espace libre : %1" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:518 -msgid "Archiving..." -msgstr "Archivage..." - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:546 -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:628 -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:881 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot create directory %1" -msgstr "Impossible de créer le dossier %1" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:652 -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:847 -msgid "Project was successfully archived." -msgstr "Le projet a été archivé avec succès" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:655 -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:851 -msgid "There was an error processing project file" -msgstr "Il y a eu une erreur durant le traitement du fichier du projet" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:661 -#, kde-format -msgid "There was an error while copying the files: %1" -msgstr "Un erreur s'est produite lors de la copie de fichiers : %1" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:785 -msgid "Cannot create temporary file" -msgstr "Impossible de créer le fichier temporaire" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:883 -msgid "Extracting..." -msgstr "Extraction..." - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:947 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot open project file %1" -msgstr "Impossible d'ouvrir le fichier projet %1" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:947 -msgid "Cannot open file" -msgstr "Impossible d'ouvrir le ficher" - -#: src/project/dialogs/backupwidget.cpp:30 -msgid "Restore Backup File" -msgstr "Restaurer une copie de sauvegarde" - -#: src/project/dialogs/backupwidget.cpp:34 -msgid "Showing all backup files in folder" -msgstr "Afficher tous les fichiers de sauvegarde dans le dossier" - -#: src/project/dialogs/backupwidget.cpp:37 -#, kde-format -msgid "Showing backup files for %1" -msgstr "Afficher les fichiers de sauvegarde pour %1" - -#: src/project/dialogs/noteswidget.cpp:40 -msgid "Insert current timecode" -msgstr "Insérer le marqueur de temps actif" - -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:120 -msgid "Current Settings" -msgstr "Réglages courants" - -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:139 -msgid "Title" -msgstr "Titre" - -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:146 -#: src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:189 -msgid "Author" -msgstr "Auteur" - -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:153 -msgid "Artist" -msgstr "Artiste" - -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:159 -msgid "Copyright" -msgstr "Copyright" - -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:259 -msgid "Deleting proxy clips will disable proxies for this project." -msgstr "" -"Supprimer les clips intermédiaires désactivera les intermédiaires pour ce " -"projet" - -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:410 -msgid "" -"Changing the profile of your project cannot be undone.\n" -"It is recommended to save your project before attempting this operation that " -"might cause some corruption in transitions.\n" -" Are you sure you want to proceed?" -msgstr "" -"Le changement de profil du projet ne pourra pas être annulé.\n" -"Il est recommandé de sauvegarder votre projet avant d'effectuer cette " -"opération qui peut provoquer des défauts sur les transitions.\n" -"Voulez-vous vraiment modifier le profil ?" - -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:410 -msgid "Confirm profile change" -msgstr "Confirmation du changement de profil" - -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:425 -#, kde-format -msgid "Interlaced (%1 fields per second)" -msgstr "Entrelacé (%1 trames par seconde)" - -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:596 -#, kde-format -msgid "Project folder: %1" -msgstr "Dossier de projet : %1" - -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:597 -#, kde-format -msgid "Project profile: %1" -msgstr "Profil de projet : %1" - -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:598 -#, kde-format -msgid "Total clips: %1 (%2 used in timeline)." -msgstr "Total de clips : %1 (%2 utilisé dans le montage)" - -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:650 -msgid "field_name" -msgstr "Nom du champ" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, SlideshowClip_UI) -#: src/project/dialogs/slideshowclip.cpp:47 src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Slideshow Clip" -msgstr "Clip diaporama" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:46 -msgid "Transcode clip" -msgstr "Convertir le clip" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:49 -msgid "Cut clip" -msgstr "Couper le clip" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:53 -msgid "Analyse clip" -msgstr "Analyse du clip" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:125 -msgid "Failed to create file." -msgstr "Impossible de créer le fichier." - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:140 -msgid "Cannot process this clip type." -msgstr "Impossible de traiter ce type de clip." - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:202 -msgid "Transcoding clip" -msgstr "Convertir le clip" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:203 -msgid "Extracting clip cut" -msgstr "Extraire la coupure du clip" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:204 -msgid "Analysing clip" -msgstr "Analyse du clip en cours" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:207 -msgid "Waiting - transcode clip" -msgstr "Attente - conversion de clip" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:208 -msgid "Waiting - cut clip" -msgstr "Attente - coupure de clip" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:209 -msgid "Waiting - analyse clip" -msgstr "Attente - analyse du clip" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:278 -#, kde-format -msgid "Extracting %1 out of %2" -msgstr "Extraction de %1 de %2" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:292 -msgid "You cannot overwrite original clip." -msgstr "Impossible d'écraser le clip original" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:293 -#, kde-format -msgid "Overwrite file %1" -msgstr "Écraser le fichier %1" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:338 -msgid "The transcoding job will overwrite the following files:" -msgstr "La conversion écrasera les fichiers suivants :" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:344 -msgid "Transcoding" -msgstr "Conversion" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:432 -msgid "I-Frame " -msgstr "Image I" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:433 -#, c-format -msgid "Found %count I-Frames" -msgstr "Trouvé %count images I" - -#: src/project/jobs/filterjob.cpp:133 -#, kde-format -msgid "Found %1 scenes." -msgstr "%1 scènes trouvées" - -#: src/project/jobs/filterjob.cpp:146 -msgid "Scene " -msgstr "Plan " - -#: src/project/jobs/filterjob.cpp:174 -msgid "Auto split" -msgstr "Séparation automatique" - -#: src/project/jobs/jobmanager.cpp:178 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot write to path: %1" -msgstr "Impossible d'écrire à l'emplacement : %1" - -#: src/project/jobs/jobmanager.cpp:225 -#, kde-format -msgid "Filter %1" -msgstr "Filtre %1" - -#: src/project/jobs/jobmanager.cpp:234 -msgid "No valid clip to process" -msgstr "Aucun clip valable à traiter" - -#: src/project/jobs/meltjob.cpp:53 -msgid "Processing clip" -msgstr "Traitement du clip" - -#: src/project/jobs/meltjob.cpp:63 -msgid "No producer for this clip." -msgstr "Pas de source pour ce clip" - -#: src/project/jobs/meltjob.cpp:86 -#, kde-format -msgid "Clip zone undefined (%1 - %2)." -msgstr "Zone de clip non définie (%1 - %2)." - -#: src/project/jobs/meltjob.cpp:157 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot create consumer %1." -msgstr "Impossible de créer la destination %1." - -#: src/project/jobs/meltjob.cpp:179 -#, kde-format -msgid "Filter %1 crashed" -msgstr "Le filtre %1 a planté" - -#: src/project/jobs/meltjob.cpp:248 -msgid "Waiting to process clip" -msgstr "Attente du traitement du clip" - -#: src/project/jobs/proxyclipjob.cpp:38 -msgid "proxy" -msgstr "Intermédiaire" - -#: src/project/jobs/proxyclipjob.cpp:90 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot load image %1." -msgstr "Impossible de charger l'image %1." - -#: src/project/jobs/proxyclipjob.cpp:170 -msgid "Failed to create proxy clip." -msgstr "Impossible de créer le clip intermédiaire." - -#: src/project/jobs/proxyclipjob.cpp:245 -msgid "Creating proxy" -msgstr "Création de l'intermédiaire" - -#: src/project/jobs/proxyclipjob.cpp:248 -msgid "Waiting - proxy" -msgstr "Attente de l'intermédiaire" - -#: src/project/jobs/proxyclipjob.cpp:283 src/project/projectlist.cpp:2073 -msgid "Failed to create proxy, empty path." -msgstr "Impossible de créer l'intermédiaire, emplacement vide." - -#: src/project/notesplugin.cpp:27 -msgid "Enter your project notes here ..." -msgstr "Saisissez vos notes de projet ici…" - -#: src/project/notesplugin.cpp:28 -msgid "Project Notes" -msgstr "Notes de projet" - -#: src/project/projectcommands.cpp:38 -msgid "Add clip cut" -msgstr "Ajouter une coupure de clip" - -#: src/project/projectcommands.cpp:72 -msgid "Add folder" -msgstr "Ajouter un dossier" - -#: src/project/projectcommands.cpp:107 -msgid "Edit clip cut" -msgstr "Modifier la coupure du clip" - -#: src/project/projectcommands.cpp:136 -msgid "Rename folder" -msgstr "Renommer le dossier" - -#: src/project/projectitem.cpp:92 src/project/projectitem.cpp:221 -msgid "Contains proxies" -msgstr "Contient des intermédiaires" - -#: src/project/projectitem.cpp:186 -msgid "Missing" -msgstr "Manquant" - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:446 -msgid "No available clip selected" -msgstr "Aucun clip disponible sélectionné" - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:982 -msgid "Delete Clip Zone" -msgstr "Supprimer le zone de clip" - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:995 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Delete folder %2?
This will also remove the clip in that folder" -msgid_plural "" -"Delete folder %2?
This will also remove the %1 clips in that " -"folder" -msgstr[0] "" -"Supprimer le dossier %2 ?
Cela supprimera aussi le clip dans ce " -"dossier" -msgstr[1] "" -"Supprimer le dossier %2 ?
Cela supprimera aussi %1 clips dans ce " -"dossier" - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:1004 -#, kde-format -msgid "Delete clip %2?
This will also remove the clip in timeline" -msgid_plural "" -"Delete clip %2?
This will also remove its %1 clips in timeline" -msgstr[0] "" -"Supprimer le clip %2 ?
Cela supprimera aussi le clip dans le " -"montage" -msgstr[1] "" -"Supprimer le clip %2 ?
Cela supprimera aussi ses %1 clips dans le " -"montage" - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:1430 -msgid "Clip is missing or invalid. Remove it from project?" -msgstr "Le clip est manquant ou non valable. Le supprimer du projet ?" - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:1455 -msgid "Proxy clip unusable (duration is different from original)." -msgstr "" -"Clip intermédiaire inutilisable (la durée est différente de l'original)." - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:1457 -#, kde-format -msgid "Failed to create proxy for %1. check parameters" -msgstr "Impossible de créer l'intermédiaire pour %1. Vérifier les paramètres" - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:1752 -msgid "Cannot find profile from current clip" -msgstr "Impossible de trouver le profil depuis le clip courant" - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:1769 -msgid "Change project profile" -msgstr "Changer le profil du projet" - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:1773 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Your clip does not match current project's profile.\n" -"Do you want to change the project profile?\n" -"\n" -"The following profiles match the clip (size: %1, fps: %2)" -msgstr "" -"Votre clip ne correspond pas au profil du projet en cours. Voulez-vous " -"changer le profil du projet ? Les profils suivants correspondent au clip " -"(taille : %1, fréquence : %2)" - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:1791 -msgid "Update profile" -msgstr "Mettre à jour le profil" - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:1806 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Your clip does not match current project's profile.\n" -"No existing profile found to match the clip's properties.\n" -"Clip size: %1\n" -"Fps: %2\n" -msgstr "" -"Votre clip ne correspond pas au profil du projet en cours. Aucun profil " -"existant ne correspond aux propriétés du clip. Taille du clip : %1\n" -"Fréquence : %2\n" - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:2042 -msgid "Sequence not found" -msgstr "Séquence introuvable" - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:2212 -msgid "Update proxy settings" -msgstr "Mettre à jour les configurations de l'intermédiaire" - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:2374 -msgid "Remove Proxy" -msgstr "Enlever l'intermédiaire" - -#: src/project/projectlistview.cpp:59 -msgid "Rating" -msgstr "En cours de ré-échantillonnage..." - -#: src/project/projectlistview.cpp:105 -msgctxt "@title:menu" -msgid "Columns" -msgstr "Colonnes" - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:61 -msgid "Open Backup File" -msgstr "Ouvrir un fichier de sauvegarde" - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:202 -msgid "Save changes to document?" -msgstr "Enregistrer les modifications du document ?" - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:204 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"The project \"%1\" has been changed.\n" -"Do you want to save your changes?" -msgstr "" -"Le projet « %1 » a été modifié.\n" -"Voulez-vous enregistrer les modifications ?" - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:379 -msgid "Auto-saved files exist. Do you want to recover them now?" -msgstr "" -"Des fichiers enregistrés automatiquement sont disponibles. Voulez-vous les " -"récupérer ?" - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:380 -msgid "File Recovery" -msgstr "Récupération du fichier" - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:381 -msgid "Don't recover" -msgstr "Ne pas récupérer" - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:436 -#, kde-format -msgid "Opening file %1" -msgstr "Ouverture du fichier %1" - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:456 -msgid "Loading project" -msgstr "Chargement du projet" - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:458 -msgid "Loading playlist" -msgstr "Chargement de la liste de lecture" - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:478 src/project/projectmanager.cpp:483 -msgid "Loading clips" -msgstr "Chargement des clips" - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:507 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Cannot open file %1.\n" -"Project is corrupted." -msgstr "" -"Impossible d'ouvrir le fichier %1\n" -"Le projet est corrompu." - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:527 -msgid "" -"This will delete all changes made since you last saved your project. Are you " -"sure you want to continue?" -msgstr "" -"Cela va effacer tous les changements effectués depuis le dernier " -"enregistrement. Voulez-vous vraiment continuer ?" - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:527 -msgid "Revert to last saved version" -msgstr "Revenir à la dernière version enregistrée" - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:537 -msgid "Kdenlive project (*.kdenlive)" -msgstr "Projet Kdenlive (*.kdenlive)" - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:538 -msgid "Archived project (*.tar.gz)" -msgstr "Projet archivé (*.tar.gz)" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, scanning_list) -#: src/project/transitionsettings.cpp:151 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:126 -msgid "Auto" -msgstr "Auto" - -#: src/project/transitionsettings.cpp:162 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:54 -msgid "Black" -msgstr "Noir" - -#: src/renderer.cpp:1181 -msgid "" -"Could not create the video preview window.\n" -"There is something wrong with your Kdenlive install or your driver settings, " -"please fix it." -msgstr "" -"Impossible d'afficher la fenêtre d'aperçu vidéo.\n" -"Il y a probablement un problème d'installation de Kdenlive ou de " -"configuration des pilotes, qu'il est nécessaire de corriger." - -#: src/renderer.cpp:1386 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7865 -msgid "Save Zone" -msgstr "Enregistrer la zone" - -#: src/renderer.cpp:3283 -msgid "Import selected clips" -msgstr "Importer les clips sélectionnés" - -#: src/renderer.cpp:3285 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Additional streams for clip\n" -" %1" -msgstr "" -"Flux supplémentaires pour le clip\n" -" %1" - -#: src/renderer.cpp:3294 -#, kde-format -msgid "Video stream %1" -msgstr "Flux vidéo %1" - -#: src/renderer.cpp:3309 -#, kde-format -msgid "Audio stream %1" -msgstr "Flux audio %1" - -#: src/scopes/abstractscopewidget.cpp:84 -msgid "Auto Refresh" -msgstr "Rafraîchissement automatique" - -#: src/scopes/abstractscopewidget.cpp:86 -msgid "Realtime (with precision loss)" -msgstr "Temps-réel (avec perte de précision)" - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:67 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:52 -msgid "Reset maximum frequency to sampling rate" -msgstr "Réinitialiser la fréquence maximale au taux d'échantillonnage" - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:68 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:55 -msgid "Track mouse" -msgstr "Suivre la souris" - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:70 -msgid "Show maximum" -msgstr "Afficher le maximum" - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:86 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:74 -msgid "Rectangular window" -msgstr "Fenêtrage rectangulaire" - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:87 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:75 -msgid "Triangular window" -msgstr "Fenêtrage triangulaire" - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:88 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:76 -msgid "Hamming window" -msgstr "Fenêtrage de Hamming" - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:97 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:79 -msgid "The maximum window size is limited by the number of samples per frame." -msgstr "" -"La taille de fenêtre maximale est limitée par le nombre d'échantillons par " -"trame." - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:98 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:80 -msgid "" -"A bigger window improves the accuracy at the cost of computational power." -msgstr "" -"Une fenêtre plus grande augmente la précision au prix de la complexité de " -"calcul" - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:99 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:81 -msgid "" -"The rectangular window function is good for signals with equal signal " -"strength (narrow peak), but creates more smearing. See Window function on " -"Wikipedia." -msgstr "" -"La fenêtre rectangulaire est bonne pour des signaux dont les composantes ont " -"des puissances similaires (pic étroit), mais crée plus de bavures. Voir " -"l'article Fenêtrage sur Wikipédia." - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:389 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:392 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:394 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:485 -#, kde-format -msgid "%1 dB" -msgstr "%1 dB" - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:412 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:487 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:280 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:289 -#, kde-format -msgid "%1 kHz" -msgstr "%1 kHz" - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:53 -msgid "Draw grid" -msgstr "Afficher la grille" - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:57 -msgid "Highlight peaks" -msgstr "Mettre en surbrillance les sommets" - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:234 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Frame\n" -"%1" -msgstr "" -"Image\n" -"%1" - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:305 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:306 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"%1\n" -"dB" -msgstr "" -"%1\n" -"dB" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:31 -msgid "YUV UV plane" -msgstr "YUV plan UV" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:32 -msgid "YUV Y plane" -msgstr "YUV plan Y" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:33 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:55 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:61 -msgid "Modified YUV (Chroma)" -msgstr "YUV modifié (Chroma)" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:34 -msgid "YCbCr CbCr plane" -msgstr "YCbCr plan CbCr" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:35 -msgid "RGB plane, one component varying" -msgstr "Plan RVB, avec une composante variable" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:36 -msgid "HSV Hue Shift" -msgstr "décalage de teinte en TSV" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:37 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:254 -msgid "HSV Saturation" -msgstr "Saturation en TSV" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:118 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:250 -#, kde-format -msgid "%1°" -msgstr "%1°" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:125 -#, kde-format -msgid "%1 px" -msgstr "%1 px" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:218 -msgid "Y value" -msgstr "Valeur Y" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:219 -msgid "The Y value describes the brightness of the colors." -msgstr "La valeur Y décrit la brillance des couleurs." - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:231 -msgid "UV angle" -msgstr "angle UV" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:232 -msgid "Angle through the UV plane, with all possible Y values." -msgstr "Angle sur le plan UV, avec toutes les valeurs de Y possibles." - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:240 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:268 -msgid "Red" -msgstr "Rouge" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:241 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:269 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:53 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/waveform.cpp:34 -msgid "Green" -msgstr "Vert" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:242 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:270 -msgid "Blue" -msgstr "Bleu" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:243 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:271 -msgid "Luma" -msgstr "Luminosité" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:255 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:262 -msgid "HSV Value" -msgstr "Valeur en TSV" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/histogram.cpp:26 -msgid "Unscaled" -msgstr "Non redimensionné" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/histogram.cpp:29 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/waveform.cpp:37 -msgid "Rec. 601" -msgstr "CCIR 601" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/histogram.cpp:31 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/waveform.cpp:39 -msgid "Rec. 709" -msgstr "CCIR 709" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/histogram.cpp:39 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/waveform.cpp:44 -msgid "Luma mode" -msgstr "Mode de luminosité" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/histogramgenerator.cpp:178 -msgid "min" -msgstr "min" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/histogramgenerator.cpp:181 -msgid "max" -msgstr "max" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/rgbparade.cpp:27 -msgid "RGB" -msgstr "RVB" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/rgbparade.cpp:28 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/waveform.cpp:33 -msgid "White" -msgstr "Blanc" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/rgbparade.cpp:32 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:89 -msgid "Draw axis" -msgstr "Dessiner un axe" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/rgbparade.cpp:37 -msgid "Gradient reference line" -msgstr "Niveau de référence du dégradé" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/rgbparadegenerator.cpp:167 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/rgbparadegenerator.cpp:169 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/rgbparadegenerator.cpp:171 -msgid "min: " -msgstr "min : " - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/rgbparadegenerator.cpp:175 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/rgbparadegenerator.cpp:177 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/rgbparadegenerator.cpp:179 -msgid "max: " -msgstr "max : " - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:52 -msgid "Green 2" -msgstr "Nuance de vert 2" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:56 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:60 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:102 -msgid "YUV" -msgstr "YUV" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:57 -msgid "Original Color" -msgstr "Couleur d'origine" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:62 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:100 -msgid "YPbPr" -msgstr "YPbPr" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:76 -msgid "Tools" -msgstr "Outils" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:78 -msgid "Export background" -msgstr "Exporter l'arrière-plan" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:82 -msgid "Drawing options" -msgstr "Options de dessin" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:84 -msgid "75% box" -msgstr "boîte 75 %" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:94 -msgid "Draw I/Q lines" -msgstr "Tracer les lignes I/Q" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:99 -msgid "Color Space" -msgstr "Espace de couleur" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:247 -#, kde-format -msgid "%1 \\%" -msgstr "%1 %" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/waveform.cpp:32 -msgid "Yellow" -msgstr "Jaune" - -#: src/scopes/scopemanager.cpp:307 -msgid "Waveform" -msgstr "Forme d'onde" - -#: src/scopes/scopemanager.cpp:309 -msgid "Histogram" -msgstr "Histogramme" - -#: src/scopes/scopemanager.cpp:311 -msgid "Audio Signal" -msgstr "Signal audio" - -#: src/scopes/scopemanager.cpp:312 -msgid "AudioSpectrum" -msgstr "Spectre audio" - -#: src/scopes/scopemanager.cpp:313 -msgid "Spectrogram" -msgstr "Spectre" - -#: src/statusbarmessagelabel.cpp:51 -msgctxt "@action:button" -msgid "Confirm" -msgstr "Confirmer" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:162 -msgid "Send frames to color scopes" -msgstr "Envoyer les images vers les graphes couleur" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:167 -msgid "Mirror display" -msgstr "Affichage en miroir" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:174 -msgid "Stop Motion Capture" -msgstr "Acquisition d'animation image par image" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, capture_interval) -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:187 src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:115 -msgid "Interval capture" -msgstr "Acquisition à intervalle" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:205 -msgid "Overlay effect" -msgstr "Effet d'incrustation" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:207 -msgid "No Effect" -msgstr "Pas d'effet" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:211 -msgid "Edge detect" -msgstr "Détection des bords" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:213 -msgid "Brighten" -msgstr "Éclaircir" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:236 -msgid "Show sequence thumbnails" -msgstr "Afficher les vignettes de la séquence" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:241 -msgid "Delete current frame" -msgstr "Supprimer l'image courante" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:369 -msgid "Configure Stop Motion" -msgstr "Configurer l'animation image par image" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:371 src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:372 -msgid " second" -msgid_plural " seconds" -msgstr[0] " seconde" -msgstr[1] " secondes" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:520 -msgid "Stopped" -msgstr "Arrêté" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:560 -msgid "No previous frame found" -msgstr "Pas d'image trouvée avant" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:632 -msgid "Create New Sequence" -msgstr "Créer une nouvelle séquence" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:632 -msgid "Enter sequence name" -msgstr "Saisissez un nom de séquence" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:653 -msgid "Frame Captured" -msgstr "Image acquise" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:667 -msgid "Going to Capture Frame" -msgstr "Prêt à acquérir l'image" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:822 -#, kde-format -msgid "Delete frame %1 from disk?" -msgstr "Supprimer l'image %1 du disque ?" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:822 -msgid "Delete Frame" -msgstr "Supprimer l'image" - -#: src/timecode.cpp:261 -msgid "hour" -msgstr "heure" - -#: src/timecode.cpp:269 -msgid "min." -msgstr "min." - -#: src/timecode.cpp:277 -msgid "sec." -msgstr "sec." - -#: src/timecode.cpp:282 -msgid "frames" -msgstr "images" - -#: src/timeline/abstractclipitem.cpp:379 -msgid "seconds" -msgstr "secondes" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:589 -msgid "Crop from start:" -msgstr "Rogner à partir du début :" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, clip_filesize_2) -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:589 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:602 -#: src/ui/spacerdialog_ui.ui:30 -msgid "Duration:" -msgstr "Durée :" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:589 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:602 -msgid "Offset:" -msgstr "Décalage :" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:695 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:804 -msgid ":" -msgstr ":" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:696 -msgid " Position:" -msgstr "Position :" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:697 -msgid " Duration:" -msgstr "Durée :" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:701 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:707 -msgid " Selection duration:" -msgstr "Sélectionner la durée :" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:703 -msgid " Group duration:" -msgstr "Durée du clip :" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:714 -msgid "Crop from start: " -msgstr "Rogner à partir du début : " - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:716 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:722 -msgid "" -"Use Ctrl to resize only current item, otherwise all items in this group will " -"be resized at once." -msgstr "" -"Utilisez Ctrl pour redimensionner un seul élément, sinon tous les éléments " -"seront affectés." - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:720 -msgid "Duration: " -msgstr "Durée :" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:726 -msgid "Fade in duration: " -msgstr "Durée de fondu entrant : " - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:729 -msgid "Fade out duration: " -msgstr "Durée de fondu sortant : " - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:732 -msgid "Drag to add or resize a fade effect." -msgstr "Déplacez pour ajouter ou redimensionner un effet de fondu." - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:736 -msgid "Click to add a transition." -msgstr "Cliquez pour ajouter une transition" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:739 -msgid "" -"Move keyframe above or below clip to remove it, double click to add a new " -"one." -msgstr "" -"Déplacer l'image-clé au-dessus ou en-dessous du clip pour la supprimer, " -"double-cliquer pour en ajouter une nouvelle." - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:784 -msgid "Cannot use spacer in a locked track" -msgstr "Impossible d'utiliser un séparateur dans une piste verrouillée" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:792 -msgid "Cannot use spacer in a track with a group" -msgstr "Impossible d'utiliser un séparateur dans une piste au sein d'un groupe" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1105 -msgid "Cannot cut a transition" -msgstr "Impossible de couper une transition" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1331 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1366 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2668 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2694 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2720 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2743 -msgid "Cannot add transition" -msgstr "Impossible d'ajouter la transition" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1586 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1594 -msgid "Cannot find clip to edit" -msgstr "Impossible de trouver le clip à modifier" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1588 -msgid "Cannot edit the duration of multiple items" -msgstr "Impossible de modifier la durée de plusieurs éléments" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1599 -msgid "Cannot edit an item in a group" -msgstr "Impossible de modifier un élément au sein d'un groupe" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1664 -msgid "Item is locked" -msgstr "L'élément est verrouillé" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1747 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2897 -msgid "Cannot insert clip in timeline" -msgstr "Impossible d'insérer le clip dans le montage" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1753 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2866 -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:75 -msgid "Add timeline clip" -msgstr "Ajouter un clip de montage" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1787 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1849 -msgid "Clip not ready" -msgstr "Clip pas prêt" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1970 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2033 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2050 -msgid "Problem deleting effect" -msgstr "Un problème est intervenu durant l'effacement de l'effet" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1977 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2002 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2017 -msgid "Problem adding effect to clip" -msgstr "Un problème est survenu durant l'ajout d'un effet au clip" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1986 -msgid "Cannot add speed effect to track" -msgstr "Impossible d'ajouter un effet de vitesse à la piste" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2022 -msgid "Cannot find clip to add effect" -msgstr "Impossible de trouver le clip pour appliquer un effet" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2068 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2160 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2263 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7513 -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:42 src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:282 -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:374 -msgid "effect" -msgstr "effet" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2069 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2162 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7515 src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:44 -#, kde-format -msgid "Add %1" -msgstr "Ajouter %1" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2171 -msgid "Select a clip if you want to apply an effect" -msgstr "Sélectionner le clip où vous souhaitez appliquer un effet" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2219 -msgid "Cannot add an audio effect to this clip" -msgstr "Impossible d'ajouter un effet audio au clip" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2228 -msgid "Cannot add a video effect to this clip" -msgstr "Impossible d'ajouter un effet vidéo au clip" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2233 -msgid "Effect already present in clip" -msgstr "Le clip se trouve déjà dans le projet" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2264 src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:46 -#, kde-format -msgid "Delete %1" -msgstr "Supprimer %1" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2300 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2315 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2371 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2381 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2402 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5486 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5507 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5530 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5552 -msgid "Problem editing effect" -msgstr "Un problème est survenu durant la modification d'un effet" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2373 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2404 -msgid "Cannot find clip to update effect" -msgstr "Impossible de trouver le clip pour mettre à jour l'effet" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2429 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2450 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2463 -msgid "Cannot move effect" -msgstr "Impossible de déplacer l'effet" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2527 -msgid "Cannot find clip to cut" -msgstr "Impossible de trouver le clip à couper" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2600 -msgid "Cannot find clip to uncut" -msgstr "Impossible de trouver le clip pour annuler l'action « couper »" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2604 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4101 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4392 -#, kde-format -msgid "Error removing clip at %1 on track %2" -msgstr "Erreur durant la suppression du clip à %1 sur la piste %2" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2629 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5309 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5427 -msgid "Error when resizing clip" -msgstr "Erreur durant le redimensionnement du clip" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2728 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6204 -msgid "Invalid transition" -msgstr "Transition non valable" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2752 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4435 -msgid "Select clip to delete" -msgstr "Sélectionner le clip à supprimer" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2768 -msgid "Cannot update transition" -msgstr "Impossible de mettre à jour la transition" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:3442 -msgid "Cannot remove space in a locked track" -msgstr "Impossible de supprimer un espace dans une piste verrouillée" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:3448 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:3453 -#, kde-format -msgid "You must be in an empty space to remove space (time: %1, track: %2)" -msgstr "" -"Veuillez vous placer dans un espace libre pour supprimer un espace " -"(horaire : %1, piste : %2)" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:3464 -msgid "Cannot remove space in a track with a group" -msgstr "Impossible de supprimer un espace dans un clip comportant un groupe" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:3543 -msgid "Cannot insert space in a locked track" -msgstr "Impossible d'insérer un espace dans une piste verrouillée" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:3556 -msgid "Cannot insert space in a track with a group" -msgstr "Impossible d'insérer un espace dans un clip comportant un groupe" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:3612 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot move clip at position %1, track %2" -msgstr "Impossible de déplacer le clip à la position %1, piste %2" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:3625 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot move transition at position %1, track %2" -msgstr "Impossible de déplacer la transition à la position %1, piste %2" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:3897 src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:484 -msgid "Move clip" -msgstr "Déplacer le clip" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4045 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5002 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot move clip to position %1" -msgstr "Impossible de déplacer le clip à l'emplacement %1" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4052 -msgid "Cannot move transition" -msgstr "Impossible de déplacer la transition" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4056 src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:579 -msgid "Move transition" -msgstr "Déplacer la transition" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4083 src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:556 -msgid "Move group" -msgstr "Déplacer le groupe" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4215 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4242 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6386 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6418 -msgid "Resize group" -msgstr "Redimensionner le groupe" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4488 -msgid "Delete selected group" -msgid_plural "Delete selected groups" -msgstr[0] "Supprimer le groupe sélectionné" -msgstr[1] "Supprimer les groupes sélectionnés" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4490 -msgid "Delete selected clip" -msgid_plural "Delete selected clips" -msgstr[0] "Supprimer l'élément sélectionné" -msgstr[1] "Supprimer les éléments sélectionnés" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4492 -msgid "Delete selected transition" -msgid_plural "Delete selected transitions" -msgstr[0] "Supprimer la transition sélectionnée" -msgstr[1] "Supprimer les transitions sélectionnées" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4493 -msgid "Delete selected items" -msgstr "Supprimer les éléments sélectionnés" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4505 -msgid "Cannot find clip for speed change" -msgstr "Impossible de trouver le clip pour la modification de la vitesse" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4563 -msgid "Cut Group" -msgstr "Grouper le groupe" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4645 src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:411 -msgid "Group clips" -msgstr "Grouper les clips" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4744 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4760 -msgid "Cannot insert clip..." -msgstr "Impossible d'insérer le clip..." - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4749 -msgid "Waiting for clip..." -msgstr "En attente du clip..." - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4963 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5192 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot move clip at time: %1 on track %2" -msgstr "Impossible de déplacer le clip à l'horodatage : %1 sur la piste %2" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5142 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot move transition at time: %1 on track %2" -msgstr "" -"Impossible de déplacer la transition à l'horodatage : %1 sur la piste %2" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5236 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5352 -msgid "Not possible to resize" -msgstr "Impossible de redimensionner" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5248 -msgid "Resize clip start" -msgstr "Redimensionner le début du clip" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5318 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5437 -msgid "Cannot resize transition" -msgstr "Impossible de redimensionner la transition" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5372 -msgid "Resize clip end" -msgstr "Redimensionner la fin du clip" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5430 -msgid "Resize transition end" -msgstr "Fin de la transition redimensionnement" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5742 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5810 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5851 -msgid "No guide at cursor time" -msgstr "Aucun guide à l'emplacement du curseur" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5762 -#, kde-format -msgid "A guide already exists at position %1" -msgstr "Un guide est déjà placé à la position %1" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5778 -msgid "Guide" -msgstr "Guide" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6068 -msgid "Select a clip before copying" -msgstr "Sélectionner un clip avant de copier" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6139 -msgid "No clip copied" -msgstr "Aucun clip n'a été copié" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6175 -msgid "Cannot paste selected clips" -msgstr "Impossible de coller les clips sélectionnés" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6192 -msgid "Cannot paste clip to selected place" -msgstr "Impossible de coller le clip à l'emplacement sélectionné" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6206 -msgid "Cannot paste transition to selected place" -msgstr "Impossible de coller la transition à l'emplacement indiqué" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6217 -msgid "You must copy exactly one clip before pasting effects" -msgstr "" -"Il est nécessaire de copier un clip avant de pouvoir y coller des effets" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6353 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6377 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6410 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7016 -msgid "You must select one clip for this action" -msgstr "Sélectionnez un clip pour réaliser cette action" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6359 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "You must select at least one clip for this action" -msgid "You must select a playlist clip for this action" -msgstr "Vous devez sélectionner au moins un clip pour réaliser cette action" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6517 src/ui/addtrack_ui.ui:67 -msgid "Insert track" -msgstr "Insérer une piste" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6518 -#, kde-format -msgid "Video %1" -msgstr "Vidéo %1" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6519 -msgid "Insert New Track" -msgstr "Insérer une nouvelle piste" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6552 src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:108 -msgid "Delete track" -msgstr "Supprimer la piste" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6667 -msgid "You must select one transition for this action" -msgstr "Sélectionnez une transition pour réaliser cette action" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6754 -msgid "You must select at least one clip for this action" -msgstr "Vous devez sélectionner au moins un clip pour réaliser cette action" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6759 src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:718 -msgid "Split audio" -msgstr "Scinder l'audio" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6765 -msgid "Cannot split audio of grouped clips" -msgstr "Impossible de scinder la piste audio des clips groupés" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6779 -msgid "No clip to split" -msgstr "Aucun clip à séparer" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6788 -msgid "You must select exactly one clip for the audio reference." -msgstr "Vous devez sélectionner exactement un clip comme référence audio" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6809 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6858 -msgid "Processing audio, please wait." -msgstr "Traitement de l'audio, veuillez patienter." - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6813 -msgid "Reference for audio alignment must contain audio data." -msgstr "La référence pour l'alignement audio doit contenir des données audio." - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6829 -msgid "Audio alignment reference not yet set." -msgstr "Référence d'alignement audio encore non définie." - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6866 -msgid "Cannot find clip to align." -msgstr "Impossible de trouver le clip à aligner." - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6881 -msgid "Unable to move clip out of timeline." -msgstr "Impossible de déplacer le clip hors du montage." - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6896 -msgid "Unable to move clip due to collision." -msgstr "Impossible de déplacer le clip à cause d'une collision." - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6899 -msgid "Clip aligned." -msgstr "Clip aligné." - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6900 -msgid "Auto-align clip" -msgstr "Aligner le clip automatiquement" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6932 -msgid "No empty space to put clip audio" -msgstr "Aucun espace vide pour placer le clip audio" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6944 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6981 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7057 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot update clip (time: %1, track: %2)" -msgstr "Impossible de mettre à jour le clip : (horodatage : %1, piste : %2)" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7009 -msgid "Video only" -msgstr "Vidéo seulement" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7026 -msgid "Cannot change grouped clips" -msgstr "Impossible de modifier les clips groupés" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7045 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot find clip to edit (time: %1, track: %2)" -msgstr "" -"Impossible de trouver le clip à modifier : (horodatage : %1, piste : %2)" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7358 -msgid "error" -msgstr "Erreur" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7358 -msgid "TRACTOR" -msgstr "TRACTOR" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7371 -msgid "Insert clip" -msgstr "Insérer un clip" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7521 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7529 -msgid "Effect already present in track" -msgstr "L'effet se trouve déjà sur la piste" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7641 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot find clip for effect update %1." -msgstr "Impossible de trouver le clip pour mettre à jour l'effet %1." - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7668 -msgid "You need to select one clip and one transition" -msgstr "Sélectionnez un clip et une transition" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7686 -msgid "No clip found" -msgstr "Aucun clip trouvé" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7694 -msgid "No keyframe data found in clip" -msgstr "Aucune donnée d'image clé trouvée dans le clip" - -#: src/timeline/headertrack.cpp:66 src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:461 -msgid "Lock track" -msgstr "Piste bloquée" - -#: src/timeline/headertrack.cpp:66 src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:463 -msgid "Unlock track" -msgstr "Débloquer la piste" - -#: src/timeline/headertrack.cpp:72 -msgid "Disable audio" -msgstr "Désactiver l'audio" - -#: src/timeline/headertrack.cpp:72 -msgid "Enable audio" -msgstr "Activer l'audio" - -#: src/timeline/headertrack.cpp:82 -msgid "Disable video" -msgstr "Désactiver la vidéo" - -#: src/timeline/headertrack.cpp:82 -msgid "Enable video" -msgstr "Activer la vidéo" - -#: src/timeline/headertrack.cpp:89 -msgid "Opaque" -msgstr "Opaque" - -#: src/timeline/spacerdialog.cpp:52 -msgid "All tracks" -msgstr "Toutes les pistes" - -#: src/timeline/timeline.cpp:89 -msgid "Smaller tracks" -msgstr "Diminuer la taille des pistes" - -#: src/timeline/timeline.cpp:96 -msgid "Bigger tracks" -msgstr "Agrandir la taille des pistes" - -#: src/timeline/timeline.cpp:359 src/timeline/timeline.cpp:363 -#, kde-format -msgid "Transition %1 had an invalid track: %2 > %3" -msgstr "La transition %1 implique une piste non valable : %2 > %3" - -#: src/timeline/timeline.cpp:372 -#, kde-format -msgid "Removed invalid transition: %1" -msgstr "Transition non-valable supprimée : %1" - -#: src/timeline/timeline.cpp:469 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Your project file was upgraded to the latest Kdenlive document version.\n" -"To make sure you don't lose data, a backup copy called %1 was created." -msgstr "" -"Votre projet a été mis à jour pour la dernière version de Kdenlive.\n" -"Pour éviter toute perte de données, une copie de sauvegarde %1 a été créée." - -#: src/timeline/timeline.cpp:471 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Your project file was modified by Kdenlive.\n" -"To make sure you don't lose data, a backup copy called %1 was created." -msgstr "" -"Votre fichier projet a été modifié par Kdenlive.\n" -"Pour éviter toute perte de données, une copie de sauvegarde %1 a été créée." - -#: src/timeline/timeline.cpp:477 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Your project file was upgraded to the latest Kdenlive document version, but " -"it was not possible to create the backup copy %1." -msgstr "" -"Votre projet a été mis à jour à le dernière version de Kdenlive, mais il n'a " -"pas été possible de créer une copie de sauvegarde %1." - -#: src/timeline/timeline.cpp:868 -#, kde-format -msgid "Invalid clip removed from track %1 at %2\n" -msgstr "Clip non valable supprimé de la piste %1 à la piste %2\n" - -#: src/timeline/timeline.cpp:946 -#, kde-format -msgid "Effect %1:%2 not found in MLT, it was removed from this project\n" -msgstr "" -"L'effet %1 : %2 n'étant pas disponible dans MLT, il a été supprimé du " -"projet.\n" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:76 -msgid "Delete timeline clip" -msgstr "Supprimer le clip du montage" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:106 -msgid "Add track" -msgstr "Ajouter une piste" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:137 -msgid "Delete transition from clip" -msgstr "Supprimer la transition dans le clip" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:139 -msgid "Add transition to clip" -msgstr "Ajouter une transition au clip" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:175 -msgid "Change clip type" -msgstr "Modifier le type du clip" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:199 -msgid "Disable effect" -msgid_plural "Disable effects" -msgstr[0] "Désactiver l'effet" -msgstr[1] "Désactiver les effets" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:201 -msgid "Enable effect" -msgid_plural "Enable effects" -msgstr[0] "Activer l'effet" -msgstr[1] "Activer les effets" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:228 -msgid "Adjust clip length" -msgstr "Ajuster la longueur du clip" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:283 -#, kde-format -msgid "Edit effect %1" -msgstr "Modifier l'effet %1" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:337 -msgid "Add guide" -msgstr "Ajouter un guide" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:341 -msgid "Edit guide" -msgstr "Modifier le guide" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:343 -msgid "Delete guide" -msgstr "Supprimer le guide" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:345 -msgid "Move guide" -msgstr "Déplacer le guide" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:375 -#, kde-format -msgid "Edit transition %1" -msgstr "Modifier la transition %1" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:413 -msgid "Ungroup clips" -msgstr "Dégrouper les clips" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:436 -msgid "Insert space" -msgstr "Insérer un espace" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:438 -msgid "Remove space" -msgstr "Supprimer l'espace" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:523 -msgid "Move effect" -msgstr "Déplacer l'effet" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:607 -msgid "Razor clip" -msgstr "Scinder le clip" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:653 -msgid "Rebuild Group" -msgstr "Reconstruire le groupe" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:695 -msgid "Resize clip" -msgstr "Redimensionner le clip" - -#: src/timeline/timelinesearch.cpp:27 -msgid "Find" -msgstr "Rechercher" - -#: src/timeline/timelinesearch.cpp:29 -msgid "Find Next" -msgstr "Rechercher le suivant" - -#: src/timeline/timelinesearch.cpp:38 -msgid "Starting -- find text as you type" -msgstr "Lancement - recherche du texte au fil de la saisie" - -#: src/timeline/timelinesearch.cpp:46 -msgid "Find stopped" -msgstr "Recherche stoppée" - -#: src/timeline/timelinesearch.cpp:56 src/timeline/timelinesearch.cpp:67 -#, kde-format -msgid "Found: %1" -msgstr "Trouvé : %1" - -#: src/timeline/timelinesearch.cpp:58 -msgid "Reached end of project" -msgstr "Fin du projet atteint" - -#: src/timeline/timelinesearch.cpp:70 -#, kde-format -msgid "Not found: %1" -msgstr "Non trouvé : %1" - -#: src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:74 -msgid "Hidden" -msgstr "Caché" - -#: src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:74 -msgid "Muted" -msgstr "Muet" - -#: src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:74 -msgid "Locked" -msgstr "Verrouillé" - -#: src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:90 -msgid "Add Track" -msgstr "Ajouter une piste" - -#: src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:98 -msgid "Move Track upwards" -msgstr "Déplacer la piste vers le haut" - -#: src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:102 -msgid "Move Track downwards" -msgstr "Déplacer la piste vers le bas" - -#: src/titler/titledocument.cpp:331 -msgid "This title clip was created with a different frame size." -msgstr "Ce clip de titrage a été crée pour une taille d'image différente." - -#: src/titler/titledocument.cpp:331 -msgid "Title Profile" -msgstr "Profil titre" - -#: src/titler/titledocument.cpp:380 -msgid "" -"Some of your text clips were saved with size in points, which means " -"different sizes on different displays. They will be converted to pixel size, " -"making them portable, but you could have to adjust their size." -msgstr "" -"Les clips de texte ont été enregistrés avec une taille en points, ce qui " -"veut dire des tailles différentes sur des affichages différents. Ils seront " -"convertis en taille de pixel, les rendant portable, mais vous pouvez ajuster " -"leur taille." - -#: src/titler/titledocument.cpp:380 -msgid "Text Clips Updated" -msgstr "Clips texte mis à jour" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:93 -msgid "Outline width" -msgstr "Épaisseur du contour" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:99 -msgid "Background color opacity" -msgstr "Transparence de la couleur d'arrière-plan" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:105 -msgid "Rotation around the X axis" -msgstr "Pivotement autour de l'axe X" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:111 -msgid "Rotation around the Y axis" -msgstr "Pivotement autour de l'axe Y" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:117 -msgid "Rotation around the Z axis" -msgstr "Pivotement autour de l'axe Z" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:123 -msgid "Border width" -msgstr "Épaisseur des bordures" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:156 -msgid "Typewriter" -msgstr "Machine à écrire" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:215 -msgctxt "Font style" -msgid "Light" -msgstr "Lumière" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:216 -msgctxt "Font style" -msgid "Normal" -msgstr "Normal" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:217 -msgctxt "Font style" -msgid "Demi-Bold" -msgstr "Demi-gras" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:218 -msgctxt "Font style" -msgid "Bold" -msgstr "Gras" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:219 -msgctxt "Font style" -msgid "Black" -msgstr "Noir" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:220 -msgid "Font weight" -msgstr "Épaisseur de police" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:242 -msgid "No alignment" -msgstr "Aucun alignement" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:245 -msgid "Align center" -msgstr "Aligner au centre" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:249 -msgid "Insert Unicode character" -msgstr "Insérer un caractère Unicode" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:255 -msgid "Raise object" -msgstr "Élever l'objet" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:261 -msgid "Lower object" -msgstr "Objet inférieur" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:269 -msgid "Raise object to top" -msgstr "Élever l'objet au plus haut niveau" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:276 -msgid "Lower object to bottom" -msgstr "Descendre l'objet en-dessous" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:320 -msgid "Invert x axis and change 0 point" -msgstr "Inverser l'axe x et modifier le point 0" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:321 -msgid "Invert y axis and change 0 point" -msgstr "Inverser l'axe y et modifier le point 0" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:322 -msgid "Select fill color" -msgstr "Choisir la couleur de remplissage" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:323 -msgid "Select border color" -msgstr "Choisir la couleur de la bordure" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:325 -msgid "Original size (1:1)" -msgstr "Taille d'origine (1:1)" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:326 -msgid "Fit zoom" -msgstr "Ajuster le zoom" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:327 -msgid "Select background color" -msgstr "Choisir la couleur de l'arrière-plan" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:328 -msgid "Background opacity" -msgstr "Transparence de l'arrière-plan" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:329 -msgid "Select all" -msgstr "Tout sélectionner" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:330 -msgid "Select text items in current selection" -msgstr "Sélectionner les éléments de type texte dans la sélection actuelle" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:331 -msgid "Select rect items in current selection" -msgstr "Sélectionner les éléments de type rectangle dans la sélection actuelle" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:332 -msgid "Select image items in current selection" -msgstr "Sélectionner les éléments de type image dans la sélection actuelle" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:333 -msgid "Unselect all" -msgstr "Tout dé-sélectionner" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:362 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:365 -msgid "Selection Tool" -msgstr "Outil de sélection" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:368 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:371 -msgid "Add Text" -msgstr "Ajouter du texte" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:374 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:377 -msgid "Add Rectangle" -msgstr "Ajouter un rectangle" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:380 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:383 -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:670 -msgid "Add Image" -msgstr "Ajouter une image" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:388 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:391 -msgid "Open Document" -msgstr "Ouvrir un document" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:394 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:397 -msgid "Save As" -msgstr "Enregistrer sous" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:566 -msgid "" -"Do you really want to load a new template? Changes in this title will be " -"lost!" -msgstr "" -"Voulez-vous vraiment charger un nouveau modèle ? Les changements dans le " -"titre actuel seront perdus !" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:658 -msgid "All Images" -msgstr "Toutes les images" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:660 -#, kde-format -msgid "%1 Image" -msgstr "%1 Image" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:1346 -msgid "\\u2212X" -msgstr "\\u2212X" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, origin_x_left) -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:1348 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:63 -msgid "+X" -msgstr "+X" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:1371 -msgid "\\u2212Y" -msgstr "\\u2212Y" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, origin_y_top) -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:1373 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:86 -msgid "+Y" -msgstr "+Y" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:1713 -msgid "Load Title" -msgstr "Charger le titre" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:1713 -msgid "Kdenlive title (*.kdenlivetitle)" -msgstr "Titre Kdenlive (*.kdenlivetitle)" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:1761 -msgid "" -"Do you want to embed Images into this TitleDocument?\n" -"This is most needed for sharing Titles." -msgstr "" -"Voulez-vous embarquer les images dans ce document de titrage ? Cela est " -"nécessaire pour partager des titrages" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:2039 -msgctxt "Indicates the start of an animation" -msgid "Start" -msgstr "Début" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:2040 -msgctxt "Indicates the end of an animation" -msgid "End" -msgstr "Fin" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:30 -msgid "Details" -msgstr "Détails" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:85 -msgid "" -"Information about unicode characters: http://decodeunicode.org" -msgstr "" -"Informations à propos des caractères Unicode : http://decodeunicode.org" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:86 -msgid "Previous Unicode character (Arrow Up)" -msgstr "Caractère Unicode précédent (flèche du haut)" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:87 -msgid "Next Unicode character (Arrow Down)" -msgstr "Caractère Unicode suivant (flèche du bas)" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:88 -msgid "Enter your Unicode number here. Allowed characters: [0-9] and [a-f]." -msgstr "Saisir la valeur unicode. Caractères autorisés : [0-9] et [a-f]." - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:148 -msgid "(no character selected)" -msgstr "(pas de caractère sélectionné)" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:154 -msgid "" -"Control character. Cannot be inserted/printed. See Wikipedia:Control_character" -msgstr "" -"Lettre non imprimable. Impossible de l'insérer ou de l'imprimer. Lire " -"l'article sur Wikipedia" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:156 -msgid "Line Feed (newline character, \\\\n)" -msgstr "Fin de ligne (caractère de nouvelle ligne, \\\\n)" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:158 -msgid "" -"Standard space character. (Other space characters: U+00a0, U" -"+2000–200b, U+202f)" -msgstr "" -"Espace standard. (D'autres caractères d'espace : U+00a0, U+2000–200b, " -"U+202f)" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:160 -msgid "No-break space. &nbsp; in HTML. See U+2009 and U+0020." -msgstr "Espace insécable. &nbsp; en HTML. Voir U+2009 et U+0020." - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:162 -msgid "" -"

« (u+00ab, &lfquo; in HTML) and " -"» (u+00bb, &rfquo; in HTML) are " -"called Guillemets or angle quotes. Usage in different countries: France " -"(with non-breaking Space 0x00a0), Switzerland, Germany, Finland and Sweden.

and (U+2039/203a, " -"&lsaquo;/&rsaquo;) are their single quote equivalents.

See Wikipedia:" -"Guillemets

" -msgstr "" -"

« (u+00ab, &lfquo; en HTML) et " -"» (u+00bb, &rfquo; en HTML) sont " -"appelés « guillemets ». Utilisation dans différents pays : France (avec des " -"espaces insécables 0x00a0), Suisse, Allemagne, Finlande et Suède.

et (U+2039/203a, " -"&lsaquo;/&rsaquo; ) sont leurs équivalents.

Lire " -"l'article sur " -"Wikipedia : guillemets

." - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:164 -msgid "En Space (width of an n)" -msgstr "Espace En (de la largeur d'un n)" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:166 -msgid "Em Space (width of an m)" -msgstr "Espace Em (de la largeur d'un m)" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:168 -msgid "Three-Per-Em Space. Width: 1/3 of one em" -msgstr "Espace tiers de cadratin. 1/3 de la largeur d'un em" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:170 -msgid "Four-Per-Em Space. Width: 1/4 of one em" -msgstr "Espace quart de cadratin. 1/4 de la largeur d'un em" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:172 -msgid "Six-Per-Em Space. Width: 1/6 of one em" -msgstr "Espace sixième de cadratin. 1/6 de la largeur d'un em" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:174 -msgid "" -"Figure space (non-breaking). Width of a digit if digits have fixed width in " -"this font." -msgstr "" -"Espace insécable de chiffre. Longueur d'un chiffre si les chiffres ont une " -"longueur fixe dans cette police." - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:176 -msgid "" -"Punctuation Space. Width the same as between a punctuation character and the " -"next character." -msgstr "" -"Espace. La largeur est la même qu'entre un caractère de ponctuation et le " -"caractère suivant." - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:178 -msgid "" -"Thin space, in HTML also &thinsp;. See U+202f and Wikipedia:Space_(punctuation)" -msgstr "" -"Espace fine, noté également &thinsp; en HTML. Voir U+202f et Wikipedia : espace " -"typographique." - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:180 -msgid "Hair Space. Thinner than U+2009." -msgstr "Espace étroite. Plus étroit qu'un U+2009." - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:182 -msgid "" -"Punctuation Apostrophe. Should be used instead of U+0027. See Wikipedia:Apostrophe" -msgstr "" -"Apostrophe. Devrait être utilisée à la place de U+0027. Lire l'article sur " -"Wikipedia : apostrophe." - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:184 -msgid "" -"

An en Dash (dash of the width of an n).

Usage examples: In English " -"language for value ranges (1878–1903), for relationships/connections " -"(Zurich–Dublin). In the German language it is also used (with " -"spaces!) for showing thoughts: “Es war – wie immer in den " -"Ferien – ein regnerischer Tag.

See Wikipedia:Dash

" -msgstr "" -"

« En » est un tiret court (de la largeur d'un n).

Exemples " -"d'utilisation : dans la langue anglaise pour les valeurs de dates " -"(1878–1903), pour les connexions / relations (Zurich–Dublin). " -"Dans la langue allemande, il est aussi utilisé (avec des espaces !) pour " -"afficher des considérations : “Es war – wie immer in den Ferien " -"– ein regnerischer Tag.

Lire l'article sur Wikipedia : tiret

." - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:186 -msgid "" -"

An em Dash (dash of the width of an m).

Usage examples: In English " -"language to mark—like here—thoughts. Traditionally without " -"spaces.

See Wikipedia:" -"Dash

" -msgstr "" -"

« Em » est un tiret long (de la largeur d'un m).

Exemples " -"d'utilisation : dans la langue anglaise pour écrire —comme " -"ceci—. Traditionnellement sans espaces.

Lire l'article sur Wikipedia : tiret

." - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:188 -msgid "" -"

Narrow no-break space. Has the same width as U+2009.

Usage: For " -"units (spaces are marked with U+2423, ␣): 230␣V, " -"−21␣°C, 50␣lb, but 90° (no space). In " -"German for abbreviations (like: i. d. R. instead of i. d." -" R. with U+00a0).

See Wikipedia:de:Schmales_Leerzeichen

" -msgstr "" -"

Espace insécable étroit. A la même largeur que U+2009.

" -"Utilisation : pour les unités (les espaces sont affichés avec U+2423, " -"␣) : 230␣V, −21␣°C, 50␣lb, mais 90° (pas d'espace). En allemand pour les abréviations (comme : i." -" d. R. à la place de i. d. R. avec U+00a0).

Lire l'article sur Wikipedia.de : Schmales Leerzeichen

." - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:190 -msgid "" -"Ellipsis: If text has been left o… See Wikipedia:Ellipsis" -msgstr "" -"Points de suspension : si le texte a o… Lire l'article sur Wikipedia : points de " -"suspension." - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:192 -msgid "Minus sign. For numbers: −42" -msgstr "Signe moins. Pour les chiffres : −42" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:194 -msgid "Open box; stands for a space." -msgstr "Ouvrir une boîte ; représente un espace." - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:196 -msgid "" -"Quarter note (Am.) or crochet (Brit.). See Wikipedia:Quarter_note" -msgstr "" -"Une noire. Lire l'article sur Wikipedia : une note noire" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:198 -msgid "" -"Eighth note (Am.) or quaver (Brit.). Half as long as a quarter note (U" -"+2669). See Wikipedia:" -"Eighth_note" -msgstr "" -"Une croche. La moitié de la durée d'une noire (U+2669). Lire l'article sur " -"Wikipedia : " -"croche." - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:200 -msgid "" -"Sixteenth note (Am.) or semiquaver (Brit.). Half as long as an eighth note (U" -"+266a). See Wikipedia:Sixteenth_note" -msgstr "" -"Double croche. La moitié d'une croche (U+266a). lire l'article sur Wikipedia : double croche." - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:202 -msgid "" -"Thirty-second note (Am.) or demisemiquaver (Brit.). Half as long as a " -"sixteenth note (U+266b). See Wikipedia:Thirty-second_note" -msgstr "" -"Triple croche. La moitié d'une double croche (U+266b). Voir Wikipedia : triple croche." - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:204 -msgid "No additional information available for this character." -msgstr "Aucune information n'est disponible pour ce caractère." - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, before_select) -#: src/ui/addtrack_ui.ui:34 -msgid "Above" -msgstr "Au-dessus" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, before_select) -#: src/ui/addtrack_ui.ui:39 -msgid "Under" -msgstr "Sous" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, video_track) -#: src/ui/addtrack_ui.ui:57 -msgid "Video &track" -msgstr "Pis&te vidéo" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, audio_track) -#: src/ui/addtrack_ui.ui:74 -msgid "A&udio track" -msgstr "Piste a&udio" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, name_label) -#: src/ui/addtrack_ui.ui:81 -msgid "Track name" -msgstr "Nom de la piste" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/archivewidget_ui.ui:29 -msgid "Archive folder" -msgstr "Archiver le dossier" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, compressed_archive) -#: src/ui/archivewidget_ui.ui:46 -msgid "Compressed archive" -msgstr "Archive compressée" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, proxy_only) -#: src/ui/archivewidget_ui.ui:53 -msgid "Archive only proxy clips when available" -msgstr "Archiver seulement les clips intermédiaires quand ils sont disponibles" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, labelFFTSize) -#: src/ui/audiospectrum_ui.ui:52 -msgid "True FFT size: " -msgstr "Taille réelle de la FFT : " - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, buttonLinkHandles) -#: src/ui/bezierspline_ui.ui:89 -msgid "Link the handles' position.
Results in a natural spline." -msgstr "Relie les positions des poignées. Obtient une spline naturelle." - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, marker_save) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, marker_load) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, analysis_delete) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, analysis_save) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, analysis_load) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, arrowUp) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, arrowDown) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, config_button) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonleft) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonhcenter) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonright) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttontop) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonvcenter) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonbottom) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonDirectUpdate) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonZoomOriginal) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonZoomFit) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonAddDelete) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonPrevious) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonNext) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, toolBtnReload) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonUp) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonDown) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonAdd) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonDelete) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonReset) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, zoom_button) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, unzoom_button) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonResetKeyframe) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonSeek) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, reload_blackmagic) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonLinkHandles) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonShowPixmap) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonZoomIn) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonZoomOut) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonGridChange) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonResetSpline) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonShowAllHandles) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, v4l_showprofileinfo) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, v4l_manageprofile) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, grab_manageprofile) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, grab_showprofileinfo) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, decklink_manageprofile) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, decklink_showprofileinfo) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, button_up) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, button_down) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, button_transcode) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, proxy_showprofileinfo) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, add_metadata) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, delete_metadata) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, effectsAll) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, effectsVideo) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, effectsAudio) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, effectsGPU) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, effectsCustom) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, proxy_manageprofile) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, button_add) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, button_edit) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, button_delete) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, button_download) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, button_more) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonLeftRight) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonUpDown) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonShowInTimeline) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonNewPoints) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonHelp) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonFavorite) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, rescale_keep) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, hide_log) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, collapseButton) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, enabledButton) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, menuButton) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonDel) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, rec_options) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonItalic) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonUnder) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonAlignNone) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonAlignLeft) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonInsertUnicode) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonAlignCenter) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonAlignRight) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, itemleft) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, itemhcenter) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, itemright) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, itemtop) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, itemvcenter) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, itembottom) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, live_button) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, capture_button) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, capture_interval) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, overlay_button) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, preview_button) -#: src/ui/bezierspline_ui.ui:92 src/ui/bezierspline_ui.ui:130 -#: src/ui/bezierspline_ui.ui:146 src/ui/bezierspline_ui.ui:156 -#: src/ui/bezierspline_ui.ui:169 src/ui/bezierspline_ui.ui:195 -#: src/ui/bezierspline_ui.ui:208 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:490 -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:500 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:587 -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:597 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:607 -#: src/ui/collapsiblewidget_ui.ui:86 src/ui/collapsiblewidget_ui.ui:118 -#: src/ui/collapsiblewidget_ui.ui:137 src/ui/collapsiblewidget_ui.ui:156 -#: src/ui/collapsiblewidget_ui.ui:172 src/ui/collapsiblewidget_ui.ui:188 -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:211 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:396 -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:433 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:616 -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:742 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:749 -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:78 src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:220 -#: src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:230 src/ui/configsdl_ui.ui:154 -#: src/ui/cutjobdialog_ui.ui:32 src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:262 -#: src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:269 src/ui/dvdwizardvob_ui.ui:29 -#: src/ui/dvdwizardvob_ui.ui:49 src/ui/dvdwizardvob_ui.ui:100 -#: src/ui/effectlist_ui.ui:22 src/ui/effectlist_ui.ui:41 -#: src/ui/effectlist_ui.ui:57 src/ui/effectlist_ui.ui:73 -#: src/ui/effectlist_ui.ui:89 src/ui/freesound_ui.ui:39 -#: src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:249 src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:256 -#: src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:263 src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:270 -#: src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:277 src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:284 -#: src/ui/geometrywidget_ui.ui:70 src/ui/geometrywidget_ui.ui:83 -#: src/ui/geometrywidget_ui.ui:93 src/ui/keyframeeditor_ui.ui:91 -#: src/ui/keyframeeditor_ui.ui:101 src/ui/keyframewidget_ui.ui:46 -#: src/ui/keyframewidget_ui.ui:59 src/ui/keyframewidget_ui.ui:72 -#: src/ui/keyframewidget_ui.ui:85 src/ui/keyframewidget_ui.ui:124 -#: src/ui/manageencodingprofile_ui.ui:44 src/ui/manageencodingprofile_ui.ui:51 -#: src/ui/manageencodingprofile_ui.ui:58 src/ui/manageencodingprofile_ui.ui:68 -#: src/ui/monitoreditwidget_ui.ui:53 src/ui/monitoreditwidget_ui.ui:66 -#: src/ui/monitoreditwidget_ui.ui:76 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:335 -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:386 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:393 -#: src/ui/recmonitor_ui.ui:72 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:407 -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:592 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:717 -#: src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:76 src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:92 -#: src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:108 src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:118 -#: src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:128 src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:141 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:364 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:384 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:401 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:417 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:440 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:447 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:460 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:801 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:808 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:815 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:822 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:829 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:836 src/ui/tracksconfigdialog_ui.ui:61 -#: src/ui/tracksconfigdialog_ui.ui:68 src/ui/tracksconfigdialog_ui.ui:75 -#: src/ui/tracksconfigdialog_ui.ui:82 src/ui/tracksconfigdialog_ui.ui:89 -#: src/ui/unicodewidget_ui.ui:185 src/ui/unicodewidget_ui.ui:210 -msgid "..." -msgstr "..." - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, buttonShowPixmap) -#: src/ui/bezierspline_ui.ui:127 -msgid "Show background indicating changes caused by modifying the curve." -msgstr "" -"Afficher un fond indiquant les changements causés par les actions sur la " -"courbe." - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, buttonGridChange) -#: src/ui/bezierspline_ui.ui:166 -msgid "" -"Increases the number of lines in the grid.
After 8 lines it will begin " -"from 0 again." -msgstr "" -"Augmente le nombre de lignes dans la grille
Après 8 lignes, il va " -"commencer de 0." - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, buttonResetSpline) -#: src/ui/bezierspline_ui.ui:192 -msgid "Reset the selected spline" -msgstr "Réinitialiser la courbe spline sélectionnée" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, buttonShowAllHandles) -#: src/ui/bezierspline_ui.ui:205 -msgid "Show handles for all points or only for the selected one" -msgstr "" -"Afficher des poignées pour tous les points ou seulement pour celui qui est " -"sélectionné" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, name) -#: src/ui/boolval_ui.ui:30 src/ui/fontval_ui.ui:23 src/ui/listval_ui.ui:23 -msgid "TextLabel" -msgstr "TitreTexte" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, crop_label) -#: src/ui/clipdurationdialog_ui.ui:30 -msgid "Crop start" -msgstr "Rogner le début" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, end_label) -#: src/ui/clipdurationdialog_ui.ui:50 -msgid "Crop end" -msgstr "Rogner l'extrémité" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_path) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, treeWidget) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:27 src/ui/missingclips_ui.ui:72 -msgid "Path" -msgstr "Emplacement" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_size) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_6) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_5) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:51 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:231 -#: src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:41 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:93 -msgid "Size:" -msgstr "Taille : " - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, clip_filesize) -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, groupBox) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:65 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:157 -#: src/utils/freesound.cpp:212 -msgid "File size" -msgstr "Taille du fichier" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, clip_vproperties) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, clip_aproperties) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, metadata_list) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, analysis_list) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, programList) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:117 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:162 -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:542 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:574 -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:371 src/ui/wizardmltcheck_ui.ui:49 -msgid "1" -msgstr "1" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, clip_vproperties) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, clip_aproperties) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, metadata_list) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, analysis_list) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:122 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:167 -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:547 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:579 -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:376 -msgid "2" -msgstr "2" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_slideshow) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:206 -msgid "Slideshow" -msgstr "Diaporama" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, slide_type_label) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:212 -msgid "Image type" -msgstr "Type d'image" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, clip_filesize_4) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:222 -msgid "Frame duration" -msgstr "Durée de l'image" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, slide_loop) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, loop_movie) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, sm_loop) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:255 src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:221 -#: src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:160 src/ui/smconfig_ui.ui:26 -msgid "Loop" -msgstr "Boucle" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, slide_crop) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:339 src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:284 -msgid "Center crop" -msgstr "Rognage centré" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_animation) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_6) -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:346 src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:291 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:1121 -msgid "Animation" -msgstr "Animation" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_image) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, background_list) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:357 src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:202 -msgid "Image" -msgstr "Image" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_16) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:365 -msgid "Image size" -msgstr "Taille de l'image" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, image_transparency) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:381 -msgid "Transparent background" -msgstr "Arrière-plan transparent" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, markers_list) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, clip_filesize_3) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:432 src/ui/markerdialog_ui.ui:56 -msgid "Comment" -msgstr "Commentaire" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, marker_new) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonNext) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonUnselectAll) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:440 src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:83 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:700 -msgid "N" -msgstr "N" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, marker_edit) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonEdit) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:450 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:414 -msgid "E" -msgstr "E" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, marker_delete) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonDelete) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, button_delete) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, delete_button) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:460 src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:252 -#: src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:103 src/ui/keyframeeditor_ui.ui:78 -#: src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:279 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:428 -msgid "D" -msgstr "D" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_advanced) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:634 -msgid "Advanced" -msgstr "Expert" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, clip_force_ar) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:653 -msgid "Force aspect ratio" -msgstr "Forcer le ratio d'affichage" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, clip_force_threads) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:686 -msgid "Decoding threads" -msgstr "Processus de décodage" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, clip_force_progressive) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:700 -msgid "Force scanning" -msgstr "Forcer le scan" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, clip_force_framerate) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:727 -msgid "Force frame rate" -msgstr "Forcer la fréquence de l'image" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, clip_force_out) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:734 -msgid "Force duration" -msgstr "Forcer la durée de l'image" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, clip_force_colorspace) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:751 -msgid "Force colorspace" -msgstr "Forcer l'espace de couleurs" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, clip_force_fieldorder) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:765 -msgid "Force field order" -msgstr "Forcer l'ordre des trames" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, clip_force_transparency) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:829 -msgid "Image background" -msgstr "Arrière-plan de l'image" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, clip_transparency) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:837 -msgid "Normal" -msgstr "Normal" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_dest) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_5) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_6) -#: src/ui/clipstabilize_ui.ui:20 src/ui/cliptranscode_ui.ui:30 -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:45 src/ui/saveprofile_ui.ui:138 -msgid "Destination" -msgstr "Cible" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_source) -#: src/ui/cliptranscode_ui.ui:20 -msgid "Source" -msgstr "Source" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, ffmpeg_label) -#: src/ui/cliptranscode_ui.ui:40 -msgid "FFmpeg parameters" -msgstr "Paramètres FFmpeg" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_4) -#: src/ui/cliptranscode_ui.ui:54 -msgid "Job status" -msgstr "Avancement des tâches" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_start) -#: src/ui/cliptranscode_ui.ui:61 -msgctxt "@action:button start transcode" -msgid "Start" -msgstr "Début" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_profile) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: src/ui/cliptranscode_ui.ui:68 src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:29 -#: src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:20 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:74 -msgid "Profile" -msgstr "Profil" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, auto_close) -#: src/ui/cliptranscode_ui.ui:88 -msgid "Close after transcode" -msgstr "Fermer après conversion" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/colorclip_ui.ui:30 -msgid "Clip Color" -msgstr "Clip couleur" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, ColorPlaneExport_UI) -#: src/ui/colorplaneexport_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Export color plane to PNG" -msgstr "Exporter le plan de couleur en PNG" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, lblSpace) -#: src/ui/colorplaneexport_ui.ui:20 -msgid "Color space" -msgstr "Espace de couleur" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, lblVariant) -#: src/ui/colorplaneexport_ui.ui:37 -msgid "Variant" -msgstr "Variant" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QSlider, sliderScaling) -#: src/ui/colorplaneexport_ui.ui:81 -msgid "How much to zoom in" -msgstr "Régler le facteur de zoom" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, lblRes) -#: src/ui/colorplaneexport_ui.ui:101 -msgid "Resolution" -msgstr "Résolution vidéo" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, lblFilename) -#: src/ui/colorplaneexport_ui.ui:144 -msgid "Filename" -msgstr "Nom de fichier" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:23 -msgid "Default capture device" -msgstr "Périphérique d'acquisition par défaut" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, kcfg_defaultcapture) -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, device_selector) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:37 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:70 -#: src/ui/recmonitor_ui.ui:134 -msgid "Firewire" -msgstr "Firewire" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, kcfg_defaultcapture) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, device_selector) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:47 src/ui/recmonitor_ui.ui:144 -msgid "Screen grab" -msgstr "Filmer l'écran" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, kcfg_defaultcapture) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, device_selector) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:52 src/ui/recmonitor_ui.ui:149 -msgid "Blackmagic card" -msgstr "Carte Blackmagic" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_9) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:89 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:221 -msgid "Capture format" -msgstr "Format d'acquisition" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, kcfg_firewireformat) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:97 -msgid "DV Raw" -msgstr "DV brut" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, kcfg_firewireformat) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:102 -msgid "DV AVI type 1" -msgstr "AVI DV type 1" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, kcfg_firewireformat) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:107 -msgid "DV AVI type 2" -msgstr "AVI DV type 2" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, button_hdv) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, kcfg_firewireformat) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:112 src/ui/wizardstandard_ui.ui:54 -msgid "HDV" -msgstr "HDV" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_firewireautosplit) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:133 -msgid "Automatically start a new file on scene cut" -msgstr "Démarrer automatiquement un nouveau fichier sur une scène coupée" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_firewiretimestamp) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:140 -msgid "Add recording time to captured file name" -msgstr "Ajouter la date et l'heure du film au nom du fichier capturé" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_5) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_29) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:147 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:696 -msgid "Capture file name" -msgstr "Nom du fichier d'acquisition" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_7) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:157 -msgid "dvgrab additional parameters" -msgstr "Paramètres additionnels dvgrab" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_14) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:197 -msgid "Video device" -msgstr "Périphérique vidéo" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_30) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_27) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:204 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:666 -msgid "Detected devices" -msgstr "Périphériques détectés" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, p_size) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:238 src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:48 -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:100 -msgid "720x576" -msgstr "720x576" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, p_fps) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:252 src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:62 -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:114 -msgid "25/1" -msgstr "25/1" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, p_aspect) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:273 src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:76 -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:128 -msgid "59/54" -msgstr "59/54" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, p_display) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:287 src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:90 -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:142 -msgid "4/3" -msgstr "4/3" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, config_v4l) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:308 -msgid "Edit" -msgstr "Éditer" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_v4l_captureaudio) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:342 -msgid "Capture audio (ALSA)" -msgstr "Acquisition audio (ALSA)" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_24) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_screengrab) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_16) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:362 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:632 -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:725 src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:203 -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:305 -msgid "Encoding profile" -msgstr "Profil d'encodage" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_v4l_capturevideo) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:389 -msgid "Capture video (Video4Linux2)" -msgstr "Acquisition vidéo (Video4Linux2)" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, kcfg_grab_capture_type) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:471 -msgid "Full screen capture" -msgstr "Capture plein écran" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, kcfg_grab_capture_type) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:476 -msgid "Region capture" -msgstr "Capture d'une zone" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_grab_follow_mouse) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:495 -msgid "Follow mouse" -msgstr "Suivre la souris" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_grab_hide_frame) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:502 -msgid "Hide frame" -msgstr "Cacher l'image" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_19) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_10) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:524 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:951 -msgid "Offset" -msgstr "Écart" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_grab_hide_mouse) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:652 -msgid "Hide cursor" -msgstr "Masquer le curseur" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_4) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:660 -msgid "Blackmagic" -msgstr "Blackmagic" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_9) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:42 -msgid "Concurrent threads" -msgstr "Processus de calcul" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:69 -msgid "MLT environment" -msgstr "Environnement MLT" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_6) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:78 -msgid "Processing threads" -msgstr "Processus de calcul" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_7) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:91 -msgid "(>1 is experimental)" -msgstr "(>1 est expérimental)" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:98 -msgid "Melt path" -msgstr "Emplacement de Melt" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:112 -msgid "MLT profiles folder" -msgstr "Dossier des profils MLT" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_13) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:135 -msgid "FFplay" -msgstr "FFplay" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_14) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:155 -msgid "FFprobe" -msgstr "FFprobe" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_2) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:166 -msgid "Default folders" -msgstr "Dossiers par défaut" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_5) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_4) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:172 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:56 -msgid "Project folder" -msgstr "Dossier du projet" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:182 -msgid "Temporary files" -msgstr "Fichiers temporaires" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_10) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:192 -msgid "Capture folder" -msgstr "Dossier d'acquisition" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_capturetoprojectfolder) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:212 -msgid "Use project folder" -msgstr "Utiliser le dossier du projet" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_3) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:223 -msgid "Default apps" -msgstr "Applications par défaut" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_4) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:229 -msgid "Image editing" -msgstr "Retouche d'image" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, kp_image) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, kp_audio) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, kp_player) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:243 src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:264 -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:285 -msgid "Change" -msgstr "Modifier" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_11) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:250 -msgid "Audio editing" -msgstr "Retouche audio" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_12) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:271 -msgid "Video player" -msgstr "Lecteur vidéo" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_enableshuttle) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:23 -msgid "Enable Jog Shuttle device" -msgstr "Activer la roue de montage" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, shuttledisabled) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:30 -msgid "Jog Shuttle device disabled." -msgstr "Roue de montage désactivée." - -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, config_group) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:53 -msgid "Device configuration" -msgstr "Configuration du périphérique" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:85 -msgid "Button 1" -msgstr "Bouton 1" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_17) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:98 -msgid "Device" -msgstr "Périphérique" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_16) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:111 -msgid "Button 15" -msgstr "Bouton 15" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_14) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:137 -msgid "Button 13" -msgstr "Bouton 13" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_9) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:150 -msgid "Button 8" -msgstr "Bouton 8" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_7) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:166 -msgid "Button 4" -msgstr "Bouton 4" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:179 -msgid "Device name" -msgstr "Nom du périphérique" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_5) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:192 -msgid "Button 5" -msgstr "Bouton 5" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_8) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:214 -msgid "Button 7" -msgstr "Bouton 7" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_10) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:243 -msgid "Button 9" -msgstr "Bouton 9" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_4) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:256 -msgid "Button 2" -msgstr "Bouton 2" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_11) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:272 -msgid "Button 10" -msgstr "Bouton 10" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_12) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:285 -msgid "Button 11" -msgstr "Bouton 11" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_6) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:308 -msgid "Button 6" -msgstr "Bouton 6" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_15) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:336 -msgid "Button 14" -msgstr "Bouton 14" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:349 -msgid "Button 3" -msgstr "Bouton 3" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_13) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:362 -msgid "Button 12" -msgstr "Bouton 12" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_usekuiserver) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:23 -msgid "Use KDE job tracking for render jobs" -msgstr "Utiliser le moniteur de travaux KDE pour suivre le rendu des travaux" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_checkfirstprojectclip) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:30 -msgid "Check if first added clip matches project profile" -msgstr "" -"Vérifier si le premier clip ajouté est compatible avec le profil du projet" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_crashrecovery) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:37 -msgid "Crash recovery (automatic backup)" -msgstr "Récupération en cas de plantage (sauvegarde automatique)" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_automultistreams) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:44 -msgid "Automatically import all streams in multi stream clips" -msgstr "" -"Importer automatiquement tous les flux dans les clips qui en contiennent " -"plusieurs" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_disable_effect_parameters) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:51 -msgid "Disable parameters when the effect is disabled" -msgstr "Désactiver les paramètres quand l'effet est désactivé" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_bypasscodeccheck) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:58 -msgid "Bypass codec verification" -msgstr "Sauter la vérification de codec" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_autoimagesequence) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:65 -msgid "Automatically import image sequences" -msgstr "Importer automatiquement des suites d'images" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_projectloading_avformatnovalidate) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:72 -msgid "Do not validate the video files when loading a project (faster)" -msgstr "" -"Ne pas valider les fichiers vidéos durant le chargement d'un projet (plus " -"rapide)" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_on_monitor_effects) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:79 -msgid "Use on-monitor effects" -msgstr "Utiliser les effets sur le moniteur" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_use_exiftool) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:86 -msgid "Get clip metadata with exiftool" -msgstr "Obtenir les méta-données du clip avec exiftool" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_openlastproject) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:93 -msgid "Open last project on startup" -msgstr "Au démarrage, ouvrir automatiquement le dernier projet" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, groupBox) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:100 -msgid "Default Durations" -msgstr "Durées par défaut" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:106 -msgid "Color clips" -msgstr "Clips couleur" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_8) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:123 -msgid "Title clips" -msgstr "Clips titre" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:130 -msgid "Image sequence" -msgstr "Séquence d'images" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_autoimagetransparency) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:149 -msgid "Transparent background for imported images" -msgstr "Arrière-plan transparent pour les images importées" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_use_magicLantern) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:169 -msgid "Get clip metadata created by Magic Lantern" -msgstr "Obtenir les méta-données du clip avec Magic Lantern" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, properties) -#: src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:23 -msgid "Default Profile" -msgstr "Profil par défaut" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_9) -#: src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:69 -msgid "Aspect ratio:" -msgstr "Rapport d'affichage :" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_10) -#: src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:83 -msgid "Display ratio:" -msgstr "Format d'affichage : " - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_7) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_6) -#: src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:109 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:175 -msgid "Video tracks" -msgstr "Pistes vidéo" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_8) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_7) -#: src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:119 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:185 -msgid "Audio tracks" -msgstr "Pistes audio" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, generate_proxy) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_generateproxy) -#: src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:154 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:256 -msgid "Generate for videos larger than" -msgstr "Générer pour les vidéos plus grandes que" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (suffix), widget (QSpinBox, proxy_minsize) -#. i18n: ectx: property (suffix), widget (QSpinBox, proxy_imageminsize) -#. i18n: ectx: property (suffix), widget (QSpinBox, kcfg_proxyminsize) -#. i18n: ectx: property (suffix), widget (QSpinBox, kcfg_proxyimageminsize) -#: src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:161 src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:181 -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:263 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:283 -msgid "pixels" -msgstr "pixels" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, generate_imageproxy) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_generateimageproxy) -#: src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:174 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:276 -msgid "Generate for images larger than" -msgstr "Générer pour les images plus grandes que" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/ui/configsdl_ui.ui:17 -msgid "" -"Warning: changes to the drivers and devices can make Kdenlive unstable. " -"Change only if you know what you do." -msgstr "" -"Attention : modifier les pilotes et les périphériques peut rendre Kdenlive " -"instable. Modifiez les réglages par défaut uniquement si vous savez ce que " -"vous faites !" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_gpu_accel) -#: src/ui/configsdl_ui.ui:27 -msgid "Use GPU processing (Movit library) - restart Kdenlive to apply" -msgstr "" -"Utiliser le traitement par GPU (bibliothèque Movit ; redémarrer Kdenlive " -"pour appliquer)" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_4) -#: src/ui/configsdl_ui.ui:34 -msgid "Audio backend" -msgstr "Moteur audio" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, textLabel1_2) -#: src/ui/configsdl_ui.ui:53 -msgid "Audio driver:" -msgstr "Pilote audio : " - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, textLabel1) -#: src/ui/configsdl_ui.ui:66 -msgid "Audio device:" -msgstr "Périphérique audio : " - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: src/ui/configsdl_ui.ui:82 -msgid "Preview volume:" -msgstr "Aperçu du volume :" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/configsdl_ui.ui:102 -msgid "Monitor background color:" -msgstr "Couleur d'arrière-plan du moniteur :" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_external_display) -#: src/ui/configsdl_ui.ui:127 -msgid "Use external display (Blackmagic card)" -msgstr "Utiliser un affichage externe (carte Blackmagic)" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_5) -#: src/ui/configsdl_ui.ui:134 -msgid "Output device" -msgstr "Périphérique de sortie" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, groupBox) -#: src/ui/configtimeline_ui.ui:23 -msgid "Thumbnails" -msgstr "Vignettes" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_displayallchannels) -#: src/ui/configtimeline_ui.ui:48 -msgid "Separate channels" -msgstr "Séparer les canaux" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_showmarkers) -#: src/ui/configtimeline_ui.ui:73 -msgid "Display clip markers comments" -msgstr "Afficher les commentaires des repères du clip" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_autoscroll) -#: src/ui/configtimeline_ui.ui:80 -msgid "Autoscroll while playing" -msgstr "Faire défiler automatiquement la barre de montage durant la lecture" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_verticalzoom) -#: src/ui/configtimeline_ui.ui:87 -msgid "Zoom using vertical drag in ruler" -msgstr "Zoomer en suivant un repère vertical" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_splitaudio) -#: src/ui/configtimeline_ui.ui:94 -msgid "Automatically split audio and video" -msgstr "Séparer automatiquement l'audio et la vidéo" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/configtimeline_ui.ui:103 -msgid "Track height" -msgstr "Hauteur de la piste" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_add) -#: src/ui/configtranscode_ui.ui:24 -msgid "Add Profile" -msgstr "Ajouter un profil" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_update) -#: src/ui/configtranscode_ui.ui:31 -msgid "Update Profile" -msgstr "Mettre à jour le profil" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_delete) -#: src/ui/configtranscode_ui.ui:38 -msgid "Delete Profile" -msgstr "Supprimer le profil" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_4) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: src/ui/configtranscode_ui.ui:90 src/ui/saveprofile_ui.ui:121 -msgid "Extension" -msgstr "Extension" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_4) -#: src/ui/configtranscode_ui.ui:107 -msgid "Parameters" -msgstr "Paramètres" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, button_more) -#: src/ui/cutjobdialog_ui.ui:29 -msgid "Configure job" -msgstr "Configurer la tâche" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_add) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardchapters_ui.ui:39 -msgid "Add chapter" -msgstr "Ajouter un chapitre" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardchapters_ui.ui:46 -msgid "Movie file" -msgstr "Fichier vidéo" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_delete) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardchapters_ui.ui:66 -msgid "Remove chapter" -msgstr "Supprimer le chapitre" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, create_menu) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:20 -msgid "Create basic menu" -msgstr "Créer un menu simple" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:49 -msgid "Button" -msgstr "Bouton" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_6) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:65 -msgid "Target" -msgstr "Cible" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, back_to_menu) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:82 -msgid "Back to menu" -msgstr "Retour au menu" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, use_shadow) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:126 -msgid "Shadow" -msgstr "Ombre" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:138 -msgid "Underline" -msgstr "Souligner" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_2) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, lblBackground) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:183 src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:189 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:1076 src/ui/vectorscope_ui.ui:46 -msgid "Background" -msgstr "Arrière-plan" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonAdd) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, add_button) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, button_add) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonSelectAll) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonAudio) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:232 src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:93 -#: src/ui/keyframeeditor_ui.ui:68 src/ui/timelinebuttons_ui.ui:71 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:723 -msgid "A" -msgstr "A" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:29 -msgid "Temporary data folder" -msgstr "Dossier de données temporaires" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:39 -msgid "DVD ISO image" -msgstr "Image ISO DVD" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (QListWidget, job_progress) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:56 -msgid "Creating menu images" -msgstr "Création des images du menu" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (QListWidget, job_progress) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:61 -msgid "Creating menu background" -msgstr "Création du fond d'écran du menu" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (QListWidget, job_progress) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:66 -msgid "Creating menu movie" -msgstr "Création du film du menu" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (QListWidget, job_progress) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:71 -msgid "Creating dvd structure" -msgstr "Création de la structure du DVD" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (QListWidget, job_progress) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:76 -msgid "Creating iso file" -msgstr "Création de l'image ISO" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_start) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:84 -msgid "Create ISO image" -msgstr "Créer une image ISO" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_2) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:118 -msgid "Log" -msgstr "Journal" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_7) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:124 -msgid "Status" -msgstr "Avancement" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, button_burn) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:154 -msgid "Burn" -msgstr "Graver" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:172 -msgid "Menu File" -msgstr "Fichier menu" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_3) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:186 -msgid "Dvdauthor File" -msgstr "Fichier DVDauthor : " - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, use_intro) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardvob_ui.ui:59 -msgid "Use first movie as intro" -msgstr "Utiliser le premier film comme introduction" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardvob_ui.ui:66 -msgid "DVD format" -msgstr "Format DVD" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_delete) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardvob_ui.ui:73 -msgid "Remove file" -msgstr "Supprimer fichier" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_add) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardvob_ui.ui:130 -msgid "Add movie file" -msgstr "Ajouter un fichier vidéo" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, convert_label) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardvob_ui.ui:146 -msgid "Converting files" -msgstr "Conversion des fichiers" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: src/ui/freesound_ui.ui:22 -msgid "Service" -msgstr "Service" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, page_prev) -#: src/ui/freesound_ui.ui:67 -msgid "<<" -msgstr "<<" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, page_next) -#: src/ui/freesound_ui.ui:104 -msgid ">>" -msgstr ">>" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_import) -#: src/ui/freesound_ui.ui:137 src/utils/archiveorg.cpp:181 -msgid "Import" -msgstr "Importer" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/freesound_ui.ui:177 -msgid "License" -msgstr "Licence" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonMenu) -#: src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:63 -msgid "M" -msgstr "M" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonPrevious) -#: src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:73 -msgid "P" -msgstr "P" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_pos) -#: src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:127 -msgid "Pos" -msgstr "Pos" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_6) -#: src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:198 -msgid "Height" -msgstr "Hauteur" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:219 -msgid "Resize:" -msgstr "Redimensionner :" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, buttonResize) -#: src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:242 -msgid "Original" -msgstr "Taille d'origine" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QCheckBox, cbY) -#: src/ui/histogram_ui.ui:17 -msgid "Luma value" -msgstr "Valeur de luminosité" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, lblComponents) -#: src/ui/histogram_ui.ui:64 -msgid "Components" -msgstr "Composantes" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QCheckBox, cbS) -#: src/ui/histogram_ui.ui:71 -msgid "RGB summed up" -msgstr "Résumé RVB" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, cbS) -#: src/ui/histogram_ui.ui:74 -msgid "Sum" -msgstr "Somme" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, ImportKeyframesDialog_UI) -#: src/ui/importkeyframesdialog_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Import Keyframes" -msgstr "Importer les images clés" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, limit_keyframes) -#: src/ui/importkeyframesdialog_ui.ui:48 -msgid "Limit keyframes number" -msgstr "Limiter le nombre d'images clés" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/importkeyframesdialog_ui.ui:90 -msgid "Data to import" -msgstr "Données à importer" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, KeyFrameDialog_UI) -#: src/ui/keyframedialog_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Edit Keyframe" -msgstr "Modifier l'image clé" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, clip_filesize_3) -#: src/ui/keyframedialog_ui.ui:27 -msgid "Value" -msgstr "Valeur" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, buttonResetKeyframe) -#: src/ui/keyframeeditor_ui.ui:88 -msgid "Reset the parameters to their default values" -msgstr "Réinitialiser les paramètres à leurs valeurs par défaut" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, buttonSeek) -#: src/ui/keyframeeditor_ui.ui:98 -msgid "Seek to active keyframe" -msgstr "Chercher l'image-clé active" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, buttonKeyframes) -#: src/ui/keyframeeditor_ui.ui:114 -msgid "Add keyframes" -msgstr "Ajouter des images clé" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, buttonLeftRight) -#: src/ui/keyframewidget_ui.ui:43 -msgid "move on X axis" -msgstr "Déplacer sur l'axe des X" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, buttonUpDown) -#: src/ui/keyframewidget_ui.ui:56 -msgid "move on Y axis" -msgstr "Déplacer sur l'axe des Y" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, buttonShowInTimeline) -#: src/ui/keyframewidget_ui.ui:69 -msgid "update values in timeline" -msgstr "Mettre à jour les valeurs dans le montage" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, buttonNewPoints) -#: src/ui/keyframewidget_ui.ui:82 -msgid "create new points" -msgstr "Créer de nouveaux points" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, checkBox) -#: src/ui/keyframewidget_ui.ui:105 -msgid "GraphView" -msgstr "GraphView" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, buttonHelp) -#: src/ui/keyframewidget_ui.ui:121 -msgid "parameter description" -msgstr "Description du paramètre" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/keywordval_ui.ui:23 src/ui/urlval_ui.ui:26 -msgid "Param" -msgstr "Paramètres" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, ManageCaptures_UI) -#: src/ui/managecaptures_ui.ui:13 -msgid "Captured files" -msgstr "Fichiers acquis" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, treeWidget) -#: src/ui/managecaptures_ui.ui:35 -msgid "File name" -msgstr "Nom de fichier" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, deleteButton) -#: src/ui/managecaptures_ui.ui:48 -msgid "Delete current file" -msgstr "Supprimer le fichier courant" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, toggleButton) -#: src/ui/managecaptures_ui.ui:55 -msgid "Toggle selection" -msgstr "Basculer la sélection" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/manageencodingprofile_ui.ui:20 -msgid "Editing profiles for" -msgstr "Modification des profils pour" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_category) -#: src/ui/markerdialog_ui.ui:76 -msgid "Category" -msgstr "Catégorie" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, clip_thumb) -#: src/ui/markerdialog_ui.ui:86 -msgid "Image preview" -msgstr "Aperçu de l'image" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, MissingClips_UI) -#: src/ui/missingclips_ui.ui:14 -msgid " Clip Problems" -msgstr "Problèmes du clip" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, removeSelected) -#: src/ui/missingclips_ui.ui:20 -msgid "Remove selected clips" -msgstr "Supprimer les clips sélectionnés" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, usePlaceholders) -#: src/ui/missingclips_ui.ui:37 -msgid "Use placeholders for missing clips" -msgstr "Utiliser des substituts pour les clips manquants" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, recursiveSearch) -#: src/ui/missingclips_ui.ui:80 -msgid "Search recursively" -msgstr "Chercher récursivement" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, ProfilesDialog_UI) -#: src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Profiles" -msgstr "Profils" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_4) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_7) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_8) -#: src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:106 src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:140 -#: src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:174 -msgid "/" -msgstr "/" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_10) -#: src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:154 -msgid "Display aspect ratio" -msgstr "Afficher le rapport d'affichage" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_11) -#: src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:208 -msgid "Fields per second" -msgstr "Trames par seconde" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_default) -#: src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:242 -msgid "Use as default" -msgstr "Utiliser par défaut" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, button_create) -#: src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:259 -msgid "C" -msgstr "C" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, button_save) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonSave) -#: src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:269 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:421 -msgid "S" -msgstr "S" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, properties) -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:66 -msgid "Video Profile" -msgstr "Profil vidéo" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:210 -msgid "Thumbnails:" -msgstr "Vignettes : " - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_2) -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:416 -msgid "Project Files" -msgstr "Fichiers du projet" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_12) -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:422 -msgid "Clips used in project:" -msgstr "Clips utilisés par le projet :" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_6) -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:443 -msgid "Unused clips:" -msgstr "Clips non-utilisés :" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, delete_unused) -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:464 -msgid "Delete files" -msgstr "Supprimer fichiers" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_11) -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:471 -msgid "Thumbnails cache:" -msgstr "Cache des vignettes :" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, clear_cache) -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:492 -msgid "Clear cache" -msgstr "Vider le cache" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, delete_proxies) -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:520 -msgid "Delete proxies" -msgstr "Supprimer les intermédiaires" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_13) -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:527 -msgid "Project files" -msgstr "Fichiers du projet" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_fonts) -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:561 -msgid "Fonts" -msgstr "Polices" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_export) -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:575 -msgid "Plain text export" -msgstr "Export texte brut" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:39 -msgid "Render Project" -msgstr "Rendu du projet" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:52 -msgid "Output file" -msgstr "Fichier de sortie" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_9) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:112 -msgid "Encoder threads" -msgstr "Processus d'encodage" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, scanning_list) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:131 -msgid "Force Progressive" -msgstr "Forcer le progressif" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, scanning_list) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:136 -msgid "Force Interlaced" -msgstr "Forcer entrelacé" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QLineEdit, vbitrates_list) -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QLineEdit, abitrates_list) -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (KComboBox, comboBitrates) -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (KComboBox, comboAudioBitrates) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:176 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:202 -#: src/ui/saveprofile_ui.ui:33 src/ui/saveprofile_ui.ui:87 -msgid "Best to worst quality" -msgstr "De la meilleure à la plus mauvaise qualité" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, checkTwoPass) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:215 -msgid "2 pass" -msgstr "2 passes" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, rescale) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:222 -msgid "Rescale" -msgstr "Redimensionner" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, export_meta) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:250 -msgid "Export metadata" -msgstr "Exporter les méta-données" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, tc_overlay) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:276 -msgid "Overlay" -msgstr "Incrustation" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, render_full) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:314 -msgid "Fu&ll project" -msgstr "Projet comp&let" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, render_zone) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:324 -msgid "Selected &zone" -msgstr "&Zone sélectionnée" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, render_guide) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:331 -msgid "&Guide zone" -msgstr "Zone de &guide" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, buttonRender) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:355 -msgid "Render to File" -msgstr "Vers un fichier" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, buttonGenerateScript) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:362 -msgid "Generate Script" -msgstr "Générer un script" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonInfo) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonSelectImages) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:393 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:680 -msgid "I" -msgstr "I" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, show_all_profiles) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:400 -msgid "Show all profiles" -msgstr "Afficher tous les profils" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, open_browser) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:466 -msgid "Open browser window after export" -msgstr "Ouvrir la fenêtre du navigateur après le rendu" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, play_after) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:473 -msgid "Play after render" -msgstr "Lire immédiatement après rendu" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:503 -msgid "to" -msgstr "jusqu'à" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, create_chapter) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:523 -msgid "Create chapter file based on guides" -msgstr "Créer un fichier chapitre fondé sur les guides" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, open_dvd) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:530 -msgid "Open Dvd wizard after rendering" -msgstr "Ouvrir l'assistant de DVD après le rendu" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, proxy_render) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:537 -msgid "Render using proxy clips" -msgstr "Rendu en utilisant les clips intermédiaires" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, stemAudioExport) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:623 -msgid "Stem audio export" -msgstr "Export audio multipiste" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_2) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:631 -msgid "Job Queue" -msgstr "Tâches en attente d'exécution" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_7) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:710 -msgid "Error Log" -msgstr "Journal d'erreurs" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, clean_up) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:728 -msgid "Clean Up" -msgstr "Nettoyer" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, shutdown) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:735 -msgid "Shutdown computer after renderings" -msgstr "Éteindre l'ordinateur après les rendus" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, start_job) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:742 -msgid "Start Job" -msgstr "Démarre le Job" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_3) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:750 -msgid "Scripts" -msgstr "Scripts" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, start_script) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:778 -msgid "Start Script" -msgstr "Exécuter le script" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, delete_script) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:785 -msgid "Delete Script" -msgstr "Supprimer le script" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, lblPaintmode) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, lblPaintMode) -#: src/ui/rgbparade_ui.ui:33 src/ui/vectorscope_ui.ui:29 -#: src/ui/waveform_ui.ui:30 -msgid "Paint mode" -msgstr "Module Pixbuf (peinture)" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, SaveProfile_UI) -#: src/ui/saveprofile_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Save Profile" -msgstr "Enregistrer le profil" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/ui/saveprofile_ui.ui:60 -msgid "Group" -msgstr "Grouper" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: src/ui/saveprofile_ui.ui:108 -msgid "Profile name" -msgstr "Nom du profil" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/saveprofile_ui.ui:128 -msgid "" -"Parameters (see MLT documentation)" -msgstr "" -"Paramètres (voir la documentation de MLT)" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, SceneCutDialog_UI) -#: src/ui/scenecutdialog_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Scene Cut" -msgstr "Séparation de plans" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, add_markers) -#: src/ui/scenecutdialog_ui.ui:23 -msgid "Add clip markers" -msgstr "Ajouter un repère" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, zone_only) -#: src/ui/scenecutdialog_ui.ui:33 -msgid "Analyze only selected zone" -msgstr "Analyser seulement la zone sélectionnée" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, cut_scenes) -#: src/ui/scenecutdialog_ui.ui:63 -msgid "Cut scenes" -msgstr "Séparer les plans" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, store_data) -#: src/ui/scenecutdialog_ui.ui:70 -msgid "Save result in clip metadata" -msgstr "Enregistrer le résultat dans les méta-données du clip" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, groupBox) -#: src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:30 -msgid "Image selection method" -msgstr "Méthode de sélection d'image" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, method_mime) -#: src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:36 -msgid "&Mimetype" -msgstr "Type &MIME" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, method_pattern) -#: src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:46 -msgid "Fi&lename pattern" -msgstr "Modè&le de nom de fichier" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_4) -#: src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:70 -msgid "Image Type" -msgstr "Type d'image" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_5) -#: src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:97 -msgid "First frame" -msgstr "Première image" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:127 -msgid "Frame Duration" -msgstr "Durée de l'image" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, show_thumbs) -#: src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:245 -msgid "Show thumbnails" -msgstr "Afficher les vignettes" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: src/ui/smconfig_ui.ui:33 -msgid "Number of frames to play (0 to play all frames)" -msgstr "Nombre d'images à lire (0 pour lire toutes les images)" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, groupBox_2) -#: src/ui/smconfig_ui.ui:73 -msgid "Interval Capture" -msgstr "Acquisition à intervalle" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/smconfig_ui.ui:79 -msgid "Capture delay" -msgstr "Délai d'acquisition" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, sm_prenotify) -#: src/ui/smconfig_ui.ui:96 -msgid "Notify before capture" -msgstr "Signaler avant la capture" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, SpacerDialog_UI) -#: src/ui/spacerdialog_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Add space" -msgstr "Ajouter un espace" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, clip_filesize_3) -#: src/ui/spacerdialog_ui.ui:37 -msgid "Track:" -msgstr "Piste :" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, labelFFTSize) -#: src/ui/spectrogram_ui.ui:52 -msgid "True FFT size:" -msgstr "Taille réelle de la FFT :" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, live_button) -#: src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:86 -msgid "Live view" -msgstr "Vue en direct" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, preview_button) -#: src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:135 -msgid "Preview sequence" -msgstr "Aperçu de la séquence" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (KComboBox, sequence_name) -#: src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:151 src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:158 -msgid "Sequence name" -msgstr "Nom de séquence" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_addsequence) -#: src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:194 -msgid "Add to project" -msgstr "Ajouter au projet" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/templateclip_ui.ui:17 -msgid "Template" -msgstr "Modèle" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonFitZoom) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonRealSize) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonVideo) -#: src/ui/timelinebuttons_ui.ui:16 src/ui/timelinebuttons_ui.ui:64 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:553 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:563 -msgid "V" -msgstr "V" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, TitleWidget_UI) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Title Clip" -msgstr "Clip titre" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, lWidth) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:109 -msgid "W" -msgstr "W" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_19) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:126 -msgid "H" -msgstr "H" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_12) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:184 -msgid "Z-Index:" -msgstr "Index-Z : " - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:232 -msgid "Item Properties" -msgstr "Propriétés de l'élément" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:243 -msgid "Fill color" -msgstr "Couleur de remplissage" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_11) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:275 -msgid "Border color" -msgstr "Couleur de bordure" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_18) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:394 -msgid "Outline" -msgstr "Contour" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, displayBg) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:631 -msgid "Show background" -msgstr "Afficher l'arrière-plan" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_22) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:645 -msgid "Template:" -msgstr "Modèle :" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonSelectText) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:690 -msgid "T" -msgstr "T" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (whatsThis), widget (QToolButton, buttonSelectAll) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:720 -msgid "Selects all items on the canvas." -msgstr "Sélectionner tous les éléments dans le canevas" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_14) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:761 -msgid "Zoom:" -msgstr "Zoom : " - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_21) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:778 -msgid "Rotate Z:" -msgstr "Rotation Z :" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_20) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:785 -msgid "Rotate Y:" -msgstr "Rotation Y :" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_15) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:792 -msgid "Rotate X:" -msgstr "Rotation X :" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_5) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:877 -msgid "Effect" -msgstr "Effet" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (suffix), widget (QSpinBox, typewriter_delay) -#. i18n: ectx: property (suffix), widget (QSpinBox, typewriter_start) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:1007 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:1030 -msgid " frames" -msgstr "images" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_16) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:1023 -msgid "Start at" -msgstr "Démarrer à" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, anim_start) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:1127 -msgid "Edit start" -msgstr "Éditer le début" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, anim_end) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:1137 -msgid "Edit end" -msgstr "Éditer la fin" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_7) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:1162 -msgid "Resize" -msgstr "Redimensionner" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, resize50) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:1169 -#, no-c-format -msgid "50%" -msgstr "50 %" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, resize100) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:1176 -#, no-c-format -msgid "100%" -msgstr "100 %" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, resize200) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:1183 -#, no-c-format -msgid "200%" -msgstr "200 %" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, keep_aspect) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:1190 -msgid "Keep aspect ratio" -msgstr "Conserver le rapport d'affichage" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/ui/transitionsettings_ui.ui:23 -msgid "track" -msgstr "piste" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QWidget, UnicodeWidget_UI) -#: src/ui/unicodewidget_ui.ui:20 -msgid "Enter Unicode value" -msgstr "Saisir la valeur Unicode" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/ui/unicodewidget_ui.ui:251 -msgid "Additional Information" -msgstr "Informations additionnelles" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_reload) -#: src/ui/wizardcapture_ui.ui:17 -msgid "Check" -msgstr "Valider" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_9) -#: src/ui/wizardcapture_ui.ui:57 -msgid "Capture format:" -msgstr "Format d'acquisition :" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/wizardextra_ui.ui:16 -msgid "Default folder for project files" -msgstr "Dossier par défaut des fichiers projet" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, autosave) -#: src/ui/wizardextra_ui.ui:59 -msgid "Activate crash recovery (auto save)" -msgstr "Activer la récupération après plantage (enregistrement automatique)" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, installmimes) -#: src/ui/wizardextra_ui.ui:66 -msgid "Install extra video mimetypes" -msgstr "Installer des types MIME vidéos supplémentaires" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab) -#: src/ui/wizardmltcheck_ui.ui:21 -msgid "Installed modules" -msgstr "Modules installés" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_2) -#: src/ui/wizardmltcheck_ui.ui:63 -msgid "Available Codecs (avformat)" -msgstr "Codecs disponibles (libavformat)" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: src/ui/wizardmltcheck_ui.ui:90 -msgid "Formats" -msgstr "Formats" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/ui/wizardmltcheck_ui.ui:97 -msgid "Video Codecs" -msgstr "Codecs vidéos" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/wizardmltcheck_ui.ui:104 -msgid "Audio Codecs" -msgstr "Codecs audio" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: src/ui/wizardstandard_ui.ui:17 -msgid "Please set your default video profile" -msgstr "Veuillez choisir le profil vidéo par défaut" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/ui/wizardstandard_ui.ui:24 -msgid "Video Resolution" -msgstr "Résolution vidéo" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, button_dv) -#: src/ui/wizardstandard_ui.ui:44 -msgid "DV" -msgstr "DV" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, button_all) -#: src/ui/wizardstandard_ui.ui:61 -msgid "Show All" -msgstr "Tout afficher" - -#: src/utils/archiveorg.cpp:78 src/utils/freesound.cpp:86 -#: src/utils/freesound.cpp:184 src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:362 -msgid "Error Loading Data" -msgstr "Erreur lors du chargement des données" - -#: src/utils/archiveorg.cpp:91 src/utils/freesound.cpp:95 -#, kde-format -msgid "Found %1 result" -msgid_plural "Found %1 results" -msgstr[0] "Trouvé %1 résultat" -msgstr[1] "Trouvé %1 résultats" - -#: src/utils/freesound.cpp:203 -msgid "Samplerate" -msgstr "Fréquence d'échantillonnage" - -#: src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:67 -msgid "Freesound Audio Library" -msgstr "Librairie audio Freesound" - -#: src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:68 -msgid "Archive.org Video Library" -msgstr "Librairie vidéo Archive.org" - -#: src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:69 -msgid "Open Clip Art Graphic Library" -msgstr "Librairie graphique Open Clip Art" - -#: src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:70 -msgid "Search Online Resources" -msgstr "Chercher des ressources en ligne" - -#: src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:92 -msgid "Auto Play" -msgstr "Lecture automatique" - -#: src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:182 -msgctxt "the url link pointing to a web page" -msgid "link" -msgstr "lien" - -#: src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:327 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "File extension:" -msgid "File Exists" -msgstr "Extension de fichier :" - -#: src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:328 -msgid "Do you want to overwrite the existing file?." -msgstr "" - -#: src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:371 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Data to import" -msgid "Data Imported" -msgstr "Données à importer" - -#: src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:437 -msgid "" -"You need to be online\n" -" for searching" -msgstr "" -"Vous devez être connecté\n" -"pour la recherche" - -#: src/utils/thememanager.cpp:70 -msgctxt "default theme name" -msgid "Default" -msgstr "Par défaut" - -#: src/utils/thememanager.cpp:213 -msgid "Configuration..." -msgstr "Configuration..." - -#: src/utils/thememanager.cpp:227 -msgid "" -"Cannot start Colors Settings panel from KDE Control Center. Please check " -"your system..." -msgstr "" -"Impossible de lancer le panneau de configuration des couleurs à partir du " -"centre de contrôle de KDE. Veuillez vérifier votre système..." - -#~ msgid "Compare effect" -#~ msgstr "Comparer l'effet" - -#~ msgid "Blue Screen" -#~ msgstr "Écran bleu" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Parameters" -#~ msgid "Selection Parameters" -#~ msgstr "Paramètres" - -#~ msgid "Effect List" -#~ msgstr "Liste des effets" - -#~ msgid "Transition List" -#~ msgstr "Liste de transitions" - -#~ msgid "Lossless / HQ" -#~ msgstr "Sans perte / Haute qualité" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Cannot open file" -#~ msgid "Cannot open playlist producer." -#~ msgstr "Impossible d'ouvrir le ficher" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Cannot find clip to align." -#~ msgid "Cannot find proper playlist." -#~ msgstr "Impossible de trouver le clip à aligner." - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Reload Clip" -#~ msgid "Expland Clip" -#~ msgstr "Recharger le clip" - -#~ msgid "Effect Stack" -#~ msgstr "Effets utilisés" - -#~ msgid "Transition" -#~ msgstr "Transition" - -#~ msgid "Show additional controls" -#~ msgstr "Afficher les contrôles supplémentaires" - -#~ msgid "Show/Hide the lines connecting the corners" -#~ msgstr "Afficher/cacher les lignes raccordant les coins" - -#~ msgid "Playing %1x%2 (%3 fps)" -#~ msgstr "Lecture %1x%2 (%3 fps)" - -#~ msgid "Failed to start device" -#~ msgstr "Échec au démarrage du périphérique" - -#~ msgid "Estimated time %1" -#~ msgstr "Temps estimé %1" - -#~ msgid "Loading" -#~ msgstr "Chargement" - -#~ msgid "Adding clips" -#~ msgstr "Ajouter des clips" - -#~ msgid "Loading thumbnails" -#~ msgstr "Chargement des vignettes" - -#~ msgid "Loading timeline" -#~ msgstr "Chargement du montage" - -#~ msgid "Setting monitor" -#~ msgstr "Paramétrage du moniteur" - -#~ msgid "Up" -#~ msgstr "Haut" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Select All in Current Track" -#~ msgid "Add effect to Current Stack" -#~ msgstr "Tout sélectionner sur la piste courante" - -#~ msgid "Fun" -#~ msgstr "Amusant" - -#~ msgctxt "effects and transitions keyboard shortcuts" -#~ msgid "Effects & Transitions" -#~ msgstr "Effets et transitions" - -#~ msgctxt "timeline track keyboard shortcuts" -#~ msgid "Timeline and Tracks" -#~ msgstr "Montage et pistes" - -#~ msgid "MPEG clip (*.mpeg *.mpg *.vob)" -#~ msgstr "Clip MPEG (*.mpeg *.mpg *.vob)" - -#~ msgid "Transcoding to DVD format" -#~ msgstr "Conversion au format du DVD" - -#~ msgid "before" -#~ msgstr "Avant" - -#~ msgid "after" -#~ msgstr "Après" - -#~ msgid "Set zone start" -#~ msgstr "Définir le début de la zone" - -#~ msgid "Set zone end" -#~ msgstr "Définir la fin de la zone" - -#~ msgid "Project profile was not found, using default profile." -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "Impossible de trouver le profil du projet. Le projet par défaut sera " -#~ "utilisé." - -#~ msgid "Missing Profile" -#~ msgstr "Profil manquant" - -#~ msgid "Project profile not found, replacing with existing one: %1" -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "Impossible de trouver le profil du projet. Celui-ci sera remplacé avec le " -#~ "profil existant : %1" - -#~ msgid "Existing Profile" -#~ msgstr "Profil existant" - -#~ msgid "" -#~ "Your project uses an unknown profile.\n" -#~ "It uses an existing profile name: %1.\n" -#~ "Please choose a new name to save it" -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "Votre projet utilise un profil inconnu.\n" -#~ "Il utilise un nom de profil existant : %1.\n" -#~ "Veuillez choisir un nouveau nom pour l'enregistrer." - -#~ msgid "Project profile was not found, it will be added to your system now." -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "Impossible de trouver le profile du projet. Celui-ci va maintenant être " -#~ "ajouté à votre système." - -#~ msgid "Buttons overlapping" -#~ msgstr "Superposition des boutons" - -#~ msgid "No button in menu" -#~ msgstr "Aucun bouton dans le menu" - -#~ msgid "Missing background image" -#~ msgstr "Image d'arrière-plan manquante" - -#~ msgid "No menu entry for %1" -#~ msgstr "Pas d'entrée de menu pour %1" - -#~ msgid "Blackmagic Decklink" -#~ msgstr "Blackmagic Decklink" - -#~ msgid "Delete data" -#~ msgstr "Supprimer les données" - -#~ msgid "Add data" -#~ msgstr "Ajouter des données" - -#~ msgid "Importing project effects" -#~ msgstr "Importation des effets du projet" - -#~ msgid "Load Image" -#~ msgstr "Charger l'image" - -#~ msgid "" -#~ "The project file contains missing clips or files and clip duration " -#~ "mismatch" -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "Le fichier projet contient des clips ou fichiers manquants et des clips " -#~ "de durées discordantes" - -#~ msgid "The project file contains clips with duration mismatch" -#~ msgstr "Le fichier projet contient des clips de durées discordantes" - -#~ msgid "Duration mismatch" -#~ msgstr "Durées non concordantes" - -#~ msgid "Fix duration mismatch" -#~ msgstr "Corriger discordances de durée" - -#~ msgid "Movit: Blur" -#~ msgstr "Movit : flou" - -#~ msgid "Sharpens in a more intelligent way" -#~ msgstr "Augmente la netteté par une méthode plus intelligente" - -#~ msgid "Movit: Diffusion" -#~ msgstr "Movit : diffusion" - -#~ msgid "Movit: Glow" -#~ msgstr "Movit : lueur" - -#~ msgid "Do simple color grading" -#~ msgstr "Opérations colorimétriques simples" - -#~ msgid "Movit: Mirror" -#~ msgstr "Movit : miroir" - -#~ msgid "Flips the image horizontally" -#~ msgstr "Retourne l'image horizontalement" - -#~ msgid "Movit: Opacity" -#~ msgstr "Movit: opacité" - -#~ msgid "Change the opacity of the image" -#~ msgstr "Changer l'opacité de l'image" - -#~ msgid "Movit: Saturation" -#~ msgstr "Movit : saturation" - -#~ msgid "Saturate or desaturate the image" -#~ msgstr "Saturer ou désaturer l'image" - -#~ msgid "Sharpens the image by subtracting a blurred copy" -#~ msgstr "Adoucit l'image en soustrayant une copie floutée" - -#~ msgid "Movit: Vignette" -#~ msgstr "Movit : vignette" - -#~ msgid "Movit: White balance" -#~ msgstr "Movit : balance des blancs" - -#~ msgid "XVideo" -#~ msgstr "XVideo" - -#~ msgid "X11" -#~ msgstr "X11" - -#~ msgid "XFree86 DGA 2.0" -#~ msgstr "XFree86 DGA 2.0" - -#~ msgid "Nano X" -#~ msgstr "Nano X" - -#~ msgid "Framebuffer console" -#~ msgstr "Console framebuffer" - -#~ msgid "Direct FB" -#~ msgstr "DirectFB" - -#~ msgid "SVGAlib" -#~ msgstr "SVGAlib" - -#~ msgid "General graphics interface" -#~ msgstr "Interface graphique classique" - -#~ msgid "Ascii art library" -#~ msgstr "Bibliothèque art ASCII" - -#~ msgid "Clip %1
is invalid, what do you want to do?" -#~ msgstr "Le clip %1
est non valable, que décidez-vous ?" - -#~ msgid "File not found" -#~ msgstr "Impossible de trouver le fichier" - -#~ msgid "Search automatically" -#~ msgstr "Recherche automatique" - -#~ msgid "Keep as placeholder" -#~ msgstr "Conserver en remplacement" - -#~ msgid "Clip %1
is invalid or missing, what do you want to do?" -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "Le clip %1
est non valable ou manquant, que décidez-vous ?" - -#~ msgid "Search manually" -#~ msgstr "Recherche manuelle" - -#~ msgid "Looking for %1" -#~ msgstr "Recherche de %1" - -#~ msgid "Show previous keyframe" -#~ msgstr "Afficher la précédente image clé" - -#~ msgid "Project Tree" -#~ msgstr "Arborescence du projet" - -#~ msgid "Adjust Profile to Current Clip" -#~ msgstr "Ajuster le profile vers le clip actif" - -#~ msgid "Save clip zone as:" -#~ msgstr "Enregistrer la zone du clip sous : " - -#~ msgid "Description:" -#~ msgstr "Description : " - -#~ msgid "" -#~ "Cannot start MLT's renderer:\n" -#~ "%1" -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "Impossible de démarrer le moteur de rendu de MLT :\n" -#~ "%1" - -#~ msgid "Timeout while creating xml output" -#~ msgstr "Délai d'attente atteint en créant la sortie xml" - -#~ msgid "Resize (100%)" -#~ msgstr "Redimensionner (100 %)" - -#~ msgid "Resize (50%)" -#~ msgstr "Redimensionner (50 %)" - -#~ msgid "" -#~ "Clip %1
already exists in project, what do you want to do?" -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "Le clip %1
existe déjà dans le projet, que voulez-vous " -#~ "faire ?" - -#~ msgid "Clip already exists" -#~ msgstr "Le clip %1 existe déjà" - -#~ msgid "" -#~ "Clip %1
is on a removable device, will not be available when " -#~ "device is unplugged" -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "Le clip %1 est sur un périphérique amovible, il ne sera pas disponible " -#~ "quand le périphérique sera débranché" - -#~ msgid "File on a Removable Device" -#~ msgstr "Fichier sur un périphérique amovible" - -#~ msgid "Copy file to project folder" -#~ msgstr "Copier le fichier dans le dossier du projet" - -#~ msgid "Continue" -#~ msgstr "Continuer" - -#~ msgid "" -#~ "This will remove the following files from your hard drive.\n" -#~ "This action cannot be undone, only use if you know what you are doing.\n" -#~ "Are you sure you want to continue?" -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "Cela va effacer les fichiers suivants de votre disque dur.\n" -#~ "Impossible d'annuler cette action, ne l'effectuez que si vous savez ce " -#~ "que vous faites.\n" -#~ "Voulez-vous vraiment continuer ?" - -#~ msgid "Delete unused clips" -#~ msgstr "Supprimer les clips non utilisés" - -#~ msgid "Open Clips" -#~ msgstr "Ouvrir les clips" - -#~ msgid "Cancel job" -#~ msgid_plural "Cancel jobs" -#~ msgstr[0] "Annuler la tâche" -#~ msgstr[1] "Annuler les tâches" - -#~ msgid "Cannot reverse clip" -#~ msgstr "Impossible d'inverser le clip" - -#~ msgid "Cannot render reversed clip" -#~ msgstr "Rendu du clip inversé impossible" - -#~ msgid "" -#~ "Your project's profile %1 is not compatible with the blackmagic output " -#~ "card. Please see supported profiles below. Switching to normal video " -#~ "display." -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "Le profil de votre projet %1 n'est pas compatible avec la carte de sortie " -#~ "Blackmagic. Consultez les profils pris en charge ci-dessous. Passage à " -#~ "l'affichage vidéo normal." - -#~ msgid "Hide track" -#~ msgstr "Cacher la piste" - -#~ msgid "Mute track" -#~ msgstr "Rendre muet la piste" - -#~ msgid "Invalid clip producer %1\n" -#~ msgstr "Producteur de clip %1 non valable\n" - -#~ msgid "Removed invalid transition: (%1, %2, %3)" -#~ msgstr "Transitions non valables supprimées : (%1, %2, %3)" - -#~ msgid "Removed overlapping transition: (%1, %2, %3)" -#~ msgstr "Transitions recouvrantes supprimées : (%1, %2, %3)" - -#~ msgid "Replaced wrong clip producer %1 with %2" -#~ msgstr "Remplacement du producteur %1 non valable par %2" - -#~ msgid "Broken clip producer %1, recreated base clip: %2" -#~ msgstr "Producteur de clip %1 cassé, clip de base %2 recréé" - -#~ msgid "Broken clip producer %1, removed from project" -#~ msgstr "Producteur de clip %1 cassé, enlevé du projet" - -#~ msgid "Desktop search integration" -#~ msgstr "Intégrer au service de recherche sur le bureau de votre ordinateur" - -#~ msgid "Video driver:" -#~ msgstr "Pilote vidéo : " - -#~ msgid "Normalise audio for thumbnails" -#~ msgstr "Normaliser le volume sonore durant la création des vignettes" - -#~ msgid "All" -#~ msgstr "Tous" - -#~ msgid "Custom" -#~ msgstr "Personnalisé" - -#~ msgid "with track" -#~ msgstr "avec la piste" - -#~ msgid "DV module (libdv)" -#~ msgstr "Module DV (libdv)" - -#~ msgid "Required to work with dv files if avformat module is not installed" -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "Nécessaire pour monter les fichiers DV lorsque le module avformat n'est " -#~ "pas installé" - -#~ msgid "Open projects in new tabs" -#~ msgstr "Ouvrir les projets dans des onglets" diff -Nru kdenlive-15.13.0+git20160206.6705c57a/po/ga/CMakeLists.txt kdenlive-15.13.0+git20160206.cee1bbb6/po/ga/CMakeLists.txt --- kdenlive-15.13.0+git20160206.6705c57a/po/ga/CMakeLists.txt 2016-02-06 09:13:45.000000000 +0000 +++ kdenlive-15.13.0+git20160206.cee1bbb6/po/ga/CMakeLists.txt 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -GETTEXT_PROCESS_PO_FILES(ga ALL INSTALL_DESTINATION ${LOCALE_INSTALL_DIR} kdenlive.po) diff -Nru kdenlive-15.13.0+git20160206.6705c57a/po/ga/kdenlive.po kdenlive-15.13.0+git20160206.cee1bbb6/po/ga/kdenlive.po --- kdenlive-15.13.0+git20160206.6705c57a/po/ga/kdenlive.po 2016-02-06 09:13:45.000000000 +0000 +++ kdenlive-15.13.0+git20160206.cee1bbb6/po/ga/kdenlive.po 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 @@ -1,12980 +0,0 @@ -# Irish translation of kdenlive -# Copyright (C) 2011 This_file_is_part_of_KDE -# This file is distributed under the same license as the kdenlive package. -# Kevin Scannell , 2011. -msgid "" -msgstr "" -"Project-Id-Version: kdenlive\n" -"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugs.kde.org\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-12-11 07:07+0000\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2011-12-28 12:28-0500\n" -"Last-Translator: Kevin Scannell \n" -"Language-Team: Irish \n" -"Language: \n" -"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" -"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" -"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" -"Plural-Forms: nplurals=5; plural=n==1 ? 0 : n==2 ? 1 : n<7 ? 2 : n < 11 ? " -"3 : 4\n" - -msgctxt "NAME OF TRANSLATORS" -msgid "Your names" -msgstr "Kevin Scannell" - -msgctxt "EMAIL OF TRANSLATORS" -msgid "Your emails" -msgstr "kscanne@gmail.com" - -#: data/effects/audiobalance.xml:3 data/effects/audiobalance.xml:7 -msgid "Balance" -msgstr "Cothromaíocht" - -#: data/effects/audiobalance.xml:4 -msgid "Adjust the left/right balance" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/audiopan.xml:3 data/effects/audiopan.xml:11 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:347 src/project/dialogs/slideshowclip.cpp:73 -msgid "Pan" -msgstr "Peanáil" - -#: data/effects/audiopan.xml:4 -msgid "Adjust the left/right spread of a channel" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/audiopan.xml:7 data/effects/channelcopy.xml:7 -#: data/effects/channelcopy.xml:11 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Right" -msgid "Left,Right" -msgstr "Ar Dheis" - -#: data/effects/audiopan.xml:8 data/effects/frei0r_bezier_curves.xml:9 -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:9 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:66 -#: data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:10 data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:42 -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:25 -msgid "Channel" -msgstr "Cainéal" - -#: data/effects/audiowave.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Audio device:" -msgid "Audio Wave" -msgstr "Gléas fuaime:" - -#: data/effects/audiowave.xml:4 -msgid "Display the audio waveform instead of the video" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/audiowaveform.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Audio device:" -msgid "Audio Waveform Filter" -msgstr "Gléas fuaime:" - -#: data/effects/audiowaveform.xml:6 data/effects/dynamictext.xml:22 -#: data/effects/pan_zoom.xml:13 data/effects/rotation.xml:40 -#: data/effects/rotation_keyframable.xml:22 -msgid "Background Color" -msgstr "Dath an Chúlra" - -#: data/effects/audiowaveform.xml:9 data/effects/dynamictext.xml:19 -msgid "Foreground Color" -msgstr "Dath an Tulra" - -#: data/effects/audiowaveform.xml:12 -msgid "Line Thickness" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/audiowaveform.xml:15 data/effects/movit_rect.xml:6 -#: data/effects/pan_zoom.xml:7 -msgid "Rectangle" -msgstr "Dronuilleog" - -#: data/effects/audiowaveform.xml:18 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:721 -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:766 -msgid "Fill" -msgstr "Líon" - -#: data/effects/automask.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Auto Play" -msgid "Auto Mask" -msgstr "Seinm Uathoibríoch" - -#: data/effects/automask.xml:4 -msgid "Hide a selected zone and follow its movements" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/automask.xml:7 data/effects/dynamictext.xml:7 -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:718 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:745 -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:763 -msgid "Geometry" -msgstr "Céimseata" - -#: data/effects/automask.xml:10 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Fit to width" -msgid "Macroblock width" -msgstr "Oiriúnaigh don leithead" - -#: data/effects/automask.xml:13 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Track mouse" -msgid "Macroblock height" -msgstr "Lorg an luch" - -#: data/effects/automask.xml:16 -msgid "Maximum x distance" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/automask.xml:19 -msgid "Maximum y distance" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/automask.xml:22 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Noise" -msgid "Denoise" -msgstr "Torann" - -#: data/effects/automask.xml:25 -msgid "Debug" -msgstr "Dílochtú" - -#: data/effects/automask.xml:28 data/effects/obscure.xml:3 -msgid "Obscure" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/automask.xml:36 data/effects/loudness.xml:12 -msgid "Analyse" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/boxblur.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Blur" -msgid "Box Blur" -msgstr "Doiléirigh" - -#: data/effects/boxblur.xml:4 -msgid "Box blur (separate horizontal and vertical blur)" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/boxblur.xml:7 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Horizontal Alignment" -msgid "Horizontal multiplicator" -msgstr "Ailíniú Cothrománach" - -#: data/effects/boxblur.xml:10 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Vertical Alignment" -msgid "Vertical multiplicator" -msgstr "Ailíniú Ingearach" - -#: data/effects/boxblur.xml:13 -msgid "Blur factor" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/brightness.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Brightness" -msgid "Brightness (keyframable)" -msgstr "Gile" - -#: data/effects/brightness.xml:4 -msgid "Change image brightness with keyframes" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/brightness.xml:7 -msgid "Intensity" -msgstr "Déine" - -#: data/effects/channelcopy.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Color Effect" -msgid "Mono to stereo" -msgstr "Maisíocht Datha" - -#: data/effects/channelcopy.xml:4 -msgid "Copy one channel to another" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_4) -#: data/effects/channelcopy.xml:8 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:486 -msgid "From" -msgstr "Ó" - -#: data/effects/channelcopy.xml:12 -msgid "To" -msgstr "Go" - -#: data/effects/charcoal.xml:3 -msgid "Charcoal" -msgstr "Gualach" - -#: data/effects/charcoal.xml:4 -msgid "Charcoal drawing effect" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/charcoal.xml:7 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Horizontal" -msgid "Horizontal scatter" -msgstr "Cothrománach" - -#: data/effects/charcoal.xml:10 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Vertical" -msgid "Vertical scatter" -msgstr "Ingearach" - -#: data/effects/charcoal.xml:13 -msgid "Scale" -msgstr "Scála" - -#: data/effects/charcoal.xml:16 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:757 -msgid "Mix" -msgstr "Measc" - -#: data/effects/charcoal.xml:19 data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:31 -#: data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:63 data/effects/frei0r_mask0mate.xml:19 -#: data/effects/invert.xml:3 data/effects/mirror.xml:11 -#: data/effects/rotoscoping.xml:18 src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:215 -msgid "Invert" -msgstr "Inbhéartaigh" - -#: data/effects/chroma.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Luminance" -msgid "Chroma Key" -msgstr "Lonras" - -#: data/effects/chroma.xml:4 -msgid "Make selected color transparent" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/chroma.xml:7 data/effects/chroma_hold.xml:7 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Color 1" -msgid "Color key" -msgstr "Dath 1" - -#: data/effects/chroma.xml:10 data/effects/chroma_hold.xml:10 -msgid "Variance" -msgstr "Athraitheas" - -#: data/effects/chroma_hold.xml:3 -msgid "Chroma Hold" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/chroma_hold.xml:4 -msgid "Make image greyscale except for chosen color" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/crop.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Edge" -msgid "Edge Crop" -msgstr "Ciumhais" - -#: data/effects/crop.xml:4 -msgid "Trim the edges of a clip" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/crop.xml:7 data/effects/frei0r_mask0mate.xml:13 -msgid "Top" -msgstr "Barr" - -#: data/effects/crop.xml:10 data/effects/frei0r_mask0mate.xml:7 -msgid "Left" -msgstr "Ar Chlé" - -#: data/effects/crop.xml:13 data/effects/frei0r_mask0mate.xml:16 -msgid "Bottom" -msgstr "Bun" - -#: data/effects/crop.xml:16 data/effects/frei0r_mask0mate.xml:10 -msgid "Right" -msgstr "Ar Dheis" - -#: data/effects/crop.xml:19 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Automatic" -msgid "Automatic center-crop" -msgstr "Uathoibríoch" - -#: data/effects/crop.xml:22 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "White Balance" -msgid "Center balance" -msgstr "Cothromaíocht Bhán" - -#: data/effects/crop.xml:25 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Resolution" -msgid "Use project resolution" -msgstr "Taifeach" - -#: data/effects/dust.xml:3 -msgid "Dust" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/dust.xml:4 -msgid "Add dust and specks to the video, as in old movies" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/dust.xml:7 -msgid "Maximal Diameter" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/dust.xml:10 -msgid "Maximal number of dust" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/dynamictext.xml:3 -msgid "Dynamic Text" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/dynamictext.xml:4 -msgid "Overlay text with keywords replaced" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/dynamictext.xml:10 -msgid "Font Family" -msgstr "Fine Cló" - -#: data/effects/dynamictext.xml:13 -msgid "Font Size" -msgstr "Clómhéid" - -#: data/effects/dynamictext.xml:16 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Font weight" -msgid "Font Weight" -msgstr "Clómheáchan" - -#: data/effects/dynamictext.xml:25 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Outline" -msgid "Outline Color" -msgstr "Imlíne" - -#: data/effects/dynamictext.xml:28 -msgid "Outline Width" -msgstr "Leithead na hImlíne" - -#: data/effects/dynamictext.xml:31 -msgid "Padding" -msgstr "Stuáil" - -#: data/effects/dynamictext.xml:34 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Right" -msgid "Left,Center,Right" -msgstr "Ar Dheis" - -#: data/effects/dynamictext.xml:35 -msgid "Horizontal Alignment" -msgstr "Ailíniú Cothrománach" - -#: data/effects/dynamictext.xml:38 -msgid "Top,Middle,Bottom" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/dynamictext.xml:39 -msgid "Vertical Alignment" -msgstr "Ailíniú Ingearach" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, text_box) -#: data/effects/dynamictext.xml:42 src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:55 -#: src/ui/templateclip_ui.ui:34 -msgid "Text" -msgstr "Téacs" - -#: data/effects/fade_from_black.xml:3 -msgid "Fade from Black" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/fade_from_black.xml:4 -msgid "Fade video from black" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_duration) -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, ClipDurationDialog_UI) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, duration_label) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: data/effects/fade_from_black.xml:7 data/effects/fade_to_black.xml:7 -#: data/effects/fadein.xml:10 data/effects/fadeout.xml:7 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:133 -#: src/ui/clipdurationdialog_ui.ui:14 src/ui/clipdurationdialog_ui.ui:40 -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:58 src/ui/colorclip_ui.ui:37 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:747 src/utils/freesound.cpp:157 -#: src/utils/freesound.cpp:196 src/utils/freesound.cpp:197 -#: src/utils/freesound.cpp:198 -msgid "Duration" -msgstr "Aga" - -#: data/effects/fade_from_black.xml:10 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/bezier/beziersplinewidget.cpp:52 -msgid "In" -msgstr "Isteach" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: data/effects/fade_from_black.xml:13 data/effects/fade_to_black.xml:13 -#: src/ui/wipeval_ui.ui:22 -msgid "Start" -msgstr "Tosaigh" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_4) -#: data/effects/fade_from_black.xml:16 data/effects/fade_to_black.xml:16 -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:409 src/ui/wipeval_ui.ui:167 -msgid "End" -msgstr "Deireadh" - -#: data/effects/fade_to_black.xml:3 -msgid "Fade to Black" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/fade_to_black.xml:4 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Add track" -msgid "Fade video to black" -msgstr "Cuir rian leis" - -#: data/effects/fade_to_black.xml:10 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/bezier/beziersplinewidget.cpp:54 -msgid "Out" -msgstr "Amach" - -#: data/effects/fadein.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Fade" -msgid "Fade in" -msgstr "Céimnigh" - -#: data/effects/fadein.xml:4 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Add track" -msgid "Fade in audio track" -msgstr "Cuir rian leis" - -#: data/effects/fadein.xml:13 data/effects/fadeout.xml:13 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Start at" -msgid "Start Gain" -msgstr "Tosaigh ag" - -#: data/effects/fadein.xml:16 data/effects/fadeout.xml:16 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Gain" -msgid "End Gain" -msgstr "Neartú" - -#: data/effects/fadeout.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Fade" -msgid "Fade out" -msgstr "Céimnigh" - -#: data/effects/fadeout.xml:4 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Add track" -msgid "Fade out audio track" -msgstr "Cuir rian leis" - -#: data/effects/freeze.xml:3 -msgid "Freeze" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/freeze.xml:4 -msgid "Freeze video on a chosen frame" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/freeze.xml:7 -msgid "Freeze at" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/freeze.xml:10 -msgid "Freeze Before" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/freeze.xml:13 -msgid "Freeze After" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_3dflippo.xml:3 -msgid "3dflippo" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_3dflippo.xml:4 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Frame rate" -msgid "Frame rotation in 3D space" -msgstr "Ráta fráma" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_3dflippo.xml:7 -msgid "X axis rotation" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_3dflippo.xml:10 -msgid "Y axis rotation" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_3dflippo.xml:13 -msgid "Z axis rotation" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_3dflippo.xml:16 -msgid "X axis rotation rate" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_3dflippo.xml:19 -msgid "Y axis rotation rate" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_3dflippo.xml:22 -msgid "Z axis rotation rate" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_3dflippo.xml:25 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Position X" -msgid "Center position (X)" -msgstr "Ionad X" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_3dflippo.xml:28 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Position Y" -msgid "Center position (Y)" -msgstr "Ionad Y" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_3dflippo.xml:31 -msgid "Invert rotation assignment" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_3dflippo.xml:34 -msgid "Don't blank mask" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_3dflippo.xml:37 -msgid "Fill with image or black" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:4 data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:36 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Operation" -msgid "Alpha operations" -msgstr "Oibríocht" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:5 data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:37 -msgid "Display and manipulation of the alpha channel" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:9 data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:41 -msgid "" -"Image,Alpha as gray,Gray + red,Selection on black,Selection on gray," -"Selection on white,Selection on checkers" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:10 data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:42 -msgid "Display" -msgstr "Taispeáin" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:14 data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:46 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Display" -msgid "Display input alpha" -msgstr "Taispeáin" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:18 -msgid "NO OP,Shave,Shrink hard,Shrink soft,Grow hard,Grow soft,Threshold" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:19 data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:51 -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphagrad.xml:30 data/effects/frei0r_alphaspot.xml:47 -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:45 data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:96 -msgid "Operation" -msgstr "Oibríocht" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:23 data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:55 -#: data/effects/frei0r_threshold0r.xml:7 data/effects/threshold.xml:3 -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:217 -msgid "Threshold" -msgstr "Tairseach" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:27 -msgid "Shrink/grow amount" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:50 -msgid "NO OP,Shave,Shrink hard,Shrink soft,Grow hard,Grow soft,Threshold,Blur" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:59 -msgid "Shrink/Grow/Blur amount" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphagrad.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Add track" -msgid "Alpha gradient" -msgstr "Cuir rian leis" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphagrad.xml:4 -msgid "Fill the alpha channel with a specified gradient" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, clip_filesize_2) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, position_label) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, import_position) -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphagrad.xml:9 src/effectstack/keyframeedit.cpp:55 -#: src/ui/clipdurationdialog_ui.ui:20 src/ui/importkeyframesdialog_ui.ui:80 -#: src/ui/keyframedialog_ui.ui:20 src/ui/markerdialog_ui.ui:20 -msgid "Position" -msgstr "Ionad" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphagrad.xml:13 data/effects/frei0r_alphaspot.xml:34 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Transitions" -msgid "Transition width" -msgstr "Trasdulta" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphagrad.xml:17 data/effects/frei0r_alphaspot.xml:30 -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:16 -msgid "Tilt" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphagrad.xml:21 data/effects/frei0r_alphaspot.xml:38 -msgid "Min" -msgstr "Íos" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphagrad.xml:25 data/effects/frei0r_alphaspot.xml:42 -msgid "Max" -msgstr "Uas" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphagrad.xml:29 data/effects/frei0r_alphaspot.xml:46 -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:44 data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:95 -msgid "Write on clear,Max,Min,Add,Subtract" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphaspot.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Add track" -msgid "Alpha shapes" -msgstr "Cuir rian leis" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphaspot.xml:4 -msgid "Draws simple shapes into the alpha channel" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphaspot.xml:9 -msgid "Rectangle,Ellipse,Triangle,Diamond" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphaspot.xml:10 data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:29 -#: data/effects/sox_flanger.xml:22 -msgid "Shape" -msgstr "Cruth" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphaspot.xml:14 -msgid "Position X" -msgstr "Ionad X" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphaspot.xml:18 -msgid "Position Y" -msgstr "Ionad Y" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphaspot.xml:22 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Size" -msgid "Size X" -msgstr "Méid" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphaspot.xml:26 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Size" -msgid "Size Y" -msgstr "Méid" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_balanc0r.xml:4 data/effects/frei0r_balanc0r.xml:15 -msgid "White Balance" -msgstr "Cothromaíocht Bhán" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_balanc0r.xml:5 data/effects/frei0r_balanc0r.xml:16 -msgid "Adjust the white balance / color temperature" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_balanc0r.xml:8 data/effects/frei0r_balanc0r.xml:19 -#: data/effects/frei0r_colgate.xml:8 data/effects/movit_white_balance.xml:6 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Source Color" -msgid "Neutral Color" -msgstr "Dath Foinse" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_balanc0r.xml:11 data/effects/frei0r_balanc0r.xml:22 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Green" -msgid "Green Tint" -msgstr "Uaine" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_baltan.xml:3 -msgid "Baltan" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_baltan.xml:4 -msgid "Delayed alpha smoothed blit of time" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_bezier_curves.xml:3 -msgid "Bézier Curves" -msgstr "Cuair Bhézier" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_bezier_curves.xml:4 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:5 -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:62 -msgid "Color curves adjustment" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_bezier_curves.xml:8 -msgid "RGB,Red,Green,Blue,Alpha,Luma,Hue,Saturation" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_bezier_curves.xml:13 -#: data/effects/frei0r_coloradj_rgb.xml:33 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:12 -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:69 -msgid "Rec. 601,Rec. 709" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_bezier_curves.xml:14 -#: data/effects/frei0r_coloradj_rgb.xml:34 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:13 -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:70 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Luma file" -msgid "Luma formula" -msgstr "Comhad Luma" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_brightness.xml:3 data/effects/frei0r_brightness.xml:7 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lenscorrection.xml:19 data/effects/grain.xml:13 -msgid "Brightness" -msgstr "Gile" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_brightness.xml:4 -msgid "Adjusts the brightness of a source image" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:3 -msgid "Corners" -msgstr "Cúinní" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:4 -msgid "Four corners geometry engine" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:8 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Corners" -msgid "Corner 1 X" -msgstr "Cúinní" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:12 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Corners" -msgid "Corner 1 Y" -msgstr "Cúinní" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:16 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Corners" -msgid "Corner 2 X" -msgstr "Cúinní" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:20 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Corners" -msgid "Corner 2 Y" -msgstr "Cúinní" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:24 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Corners" -msgid "Corner 3 X" -msgstr "Cúinní" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:28 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Corners" -msgid "Corner 3 Y" -msgstr "Cúinní" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:32 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Corners" -msgid "Corner 4 X" -msgstr "Cúinní" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:36 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Corners" -msgid "Corner 4 Y" -msgstr "Cúinní" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:40 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Enable effect" -#| msgid_plural "Enable effects" -msgid "Stretch X" -msgstr "Cumasaigh maisíocht" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:44 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Enable effect" -#| msgid_plural "Enable effects" -msgid "Stretch Y" -msgstr "Cumasaigh maisíocht" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:48 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Fit to width" -msgid "Feather Alpha" -msgstr "Oiriúnaigh don leithead" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:52 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Enable effect" -#| msgid_plural "Enable effects" -msgid "Enable Stretch" -msgstr "Cumasaigh maisíocht" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:56 data/effects/frei0r_defish0r.xml:24 -msgid "" -"Nearest neighbor,Bilinear,Bicubic smooth,Bicubic sharp,Spline 4x4,Spline 6x6," -"Lanczos" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:57 data/effects/frei0r_defish0r.xml:25 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Interlaced" -msgid "Interpolator" -msgstr "Crosfhite" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:61 data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:63 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:136 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Transparent background" -msgid "Transparent Background" -msgstr "Cúlra trédhearcach" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:65 data/effects/rotoscoping.xml:13 -msgid "Write on clear,Maximum,Minimum,Add,Subtract" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:66 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Operation" -msgid "Alpha operation" -msgstr "Oibríocht" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_cartoon.xml:4 data/effects/frei0r_cartoon.xml:15 -msgid "Cartoon" -msgstr "Cartún" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_cartoon.xml:5 data/effects/frei0r_cartoon.xml:16 -msgid "Cartoonify video, do a form of edge detect" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_cartoon.xml:8 data/effects/frei0r_cartoon.xml:19 -msgid "Level of trip" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_cartoon.xml:11 data/effects/frei0r_cartoon.xml:22 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Free space: %1" -msgid "Difference space" -msgstr "Spás saor: %1" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_cluster.xml:3 -msgid "K-Means Clustering" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_cluster.xml:4 -msgid "Clusters of a source image by color and spatial distance" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_cluster.xml:7 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Amount 1" -msgid "Amount of clusters" -msgstr "Méid 1" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_cluster.xml:10 -msgid "Weight on distance" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_colgate.xml:3 -msgid "White Balance (LMS space)" -msgstr "Cothromaíocht Bhán (spás LMS)" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_colgate.xml:5 -msgid "" -"Do simple color correction, in a physically meaningful\n" -"way" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_colgate.xml:12 data/effects/movit_white_balance.xml:9 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Color Space" -msgid "Color Temperature" -msgstr "Spás Datha" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_coloradj_rgb.xml:3 -msgid "RGB adjustment" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_coloradj_rgb.xml:4 -msgid "Simple color adjustment" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, cbR) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonSelectRects) -#: data/effects/frei0r_coloradj_rgb.xml:8 src/ui/histogram_ui.ui:30 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:733 -msgid "R" -msgstr "R" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, cbG) -#: data/effects/frei0r_coloradj_rgb.xml:12 src/ui/histogram_ui.ui:37 -msgid "G" -msgstr "G" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, cbB) -#: data/effects/frei0r_coloradj_rgb.xml:16 src/ui/histogram_ui.ui:44 -msgid "B" -msgstr "B" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_coloradj_rgb.xml:20 -msgid "Add constant,Change gamma,Multiply" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_coloradj_rgb.xml:21 -msgid "Action" -msgstr "Gníomh" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_coloradj_rgb.xml:25 -msgid "Keep luma" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_coloradj_rgb.xml:29 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Add track" -msgid "Alpha controlled" -msgstr "Cuir rian leis" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_colordistance.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Color space" -msgid "Color Distance" -msgstr "Spás datha" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_colordistance.xml:4 -msgid "" -"Calculates the distance between the selected color and the current pixel and " -"uses that value as new pixel value" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_colordistance.xml:7 -msgid "Source Color" -msgstr "Dath Foinse" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_colortap.xml:3 -msgid "Color Effect" -msgstr "Maisíocht Datha" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_colortap.xml:4 -msgid "Applies a pre-made color effect to image" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, treeWidget) -#: data/effects/frei0r_colortap.xml:7 data/effects/frei0r_defish0r.xml:14 -#: data/effects/frei0r_iirblur.xml:14 data/effects/frei0r_medians.xml:9 -#: src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:74 src/ui/missingclips_ui.ui:67 -msgid "Type" -msgstr "Cineál" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_contrast0r.xml:3 data/effects/frei0r_contrast0r.xml:7 -#: data/effects/grain.xml:10 src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:209 -msgid "Contrast" -msgstr "Codarsnacht" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_contrast0r.xml:4 -msgid "Adjusts the contrast of a source image" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:4 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:61 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Bézier Curves" -msgid "Curves" -msgstr "Cuair Bhézier" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:8 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:65 -#: data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:9 data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:41 -msgid "Red,Green,Blue,Luma" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:20 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:77 -msgid "Number of curve points" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:23 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:80 -msgid "Point 1 input value" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:26 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:83 -msgid "Point 1 output value" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:29 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:86 -msgid "Point 2 input value" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:32 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:89 -msgid "Point 2 output value" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:35 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:92 -msgid "Point 3 input value" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:38 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:95 -msgid "Point 3 output value" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:41 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:98 -msgid "Point 4 input value" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:44 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:101 -msgid "Point 4 output value" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:47 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:104 -msgid "Point 5 input value" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:50 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:107 -msgid "Point 5 output value" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:53 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:110 -msgid "Show graph in picture" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:56 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:113 -#: data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:31 data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:63 -msgid "Top Left,Top Right,Bottom Left,Bottom Right" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:57 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:114 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Transitions" -msgid "Graph position" -msgstr "Trasdulta" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_d90stairsteppingfix.xml:3 -msgid "Nikon D90 Stairstepping fix" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_d90stairsteppingfix.xml:7 -msgid "" -"Removes stairstepping artifacts from Nikon D90's 720p videos.\n" -" \n" -" " -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_defish0r.xml:3 -msgid "Defish" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_defish0r.xml:4 -msgid "Non rectilinear lens mappings" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_defish0r.xml:7 data/effects/frei0r_iirblur.xml:8 -#: data/effects/frei0r_sharpness.xml:8 data/effects/movit_unsharp_mask.xml:9 -msgid "Amount" -msgstr "Méid" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_defish0r.xml:10 -msgid "DeFish" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_defish0r.xml:13 -msgid "Equidistant,Orthographic,Equiarea,Stereographic" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_defish0r.xml:17 -msgid "Fill,Center,Fit,Manual" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, lblScaling) -#: data/effects/frei0r_defish0r.xml:18 src/effectstack/dragvalue.cpp:108 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:207 -#: src/ui/colorplaneexport_ui.ui:74 -msgid "Scaling" -msgstr "Scálú" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_defish0r.xml:21 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Rescale" -msgid "Manual Scale" -msgstr "Athscálaigh" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_defish0r.xml:28 -msgid "Square,PAL DV,NTSC DV,HDV,Manual" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_defish0r.xml:29 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Aspect ratio" -msgid "Aspect type" -msgstr "Cóimheas treoíochta" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_defish0r.xml:32 -msgid "Manual Aspect" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_delay0r.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Delay" -msgid "delay0r" -msgstr "Moill" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_delay0r.xml:4 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Video codec" -msgid "Video delay" -msgstr "(Dí-)Comhbhrú Físe" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_delay0r.xml:7 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Delay" -msgid "Delay time" -msgstr "Moill" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_delaygrab.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Delay" -msgid "Delay grab" -msgstr "Moill" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_delaygrab.xml:4 -msgid "Delayed frame blitting mapped on a time bitmap" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_distort0r.xml:3 data/effects/pan_zoom.xml:10 -#: data/kdenliveeffectscategory.rc:35 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:722 -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:746 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:767 -msgid "Distort" -msgstr "Díchum" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_distort0r.xml:4 -msgid "Plasma" -msgstr "Plasma" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_distort0r.xml:7 data/effects/wave.xml:7 -msgid "Amplitude" -msgstr "Aimplitiúid" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_distort0r.xml:10 data/effects/sox_bass.xml:10 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:249 -msgid "Frequency" -msgstr "Minicíocht" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_edgeglow.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Edge" -msgid "Edge glow" -msgstr "Ciumhais" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_edgeglow.xml:4 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Edge" -msgid "Edge glow filter" -msgstr "Ciumhais" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_edgeglow.xml:7 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Saturation threshold" -msgid "Edge lightening threshold" -msgstr "Tairseach sáithithe" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_edgeglow.xml:10 -msgid "Edge brightness upscaling multiplier" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_edgeglow.xml:13 -msgid "Non-edge brightness downscaling multiplier" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_equaliz0r.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Equalizer" -msgid "Equaliz0r" -msgstr "Cothromóir" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_equaliz0r.xml:4 -msgid "Equalizes the intensity histograms" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facebl0r.xml:3 -msgid "Face blur" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facebl0r.xml:4 -msgid "Automatically detect and blur a face using OpenCV" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facebl0r.xml:8 data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:8 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Search" -msgid "Search scale" -msgstr "Cuardaigh" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facebl0r.xml:9 data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:9 -#, no-c-format -msgid "" -"The search window scale factor. For example, 120 = 1.20 = increases by 20% " -"on each pass." -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facebl0r.xml:13 data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:13 -msgid "Neighbors" -msgstr "Comharsana" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facebl0r.xml:14 data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:14 -msgid "Minimum number of rectangles that determines an object." -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facebl0r.xml:18 data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:18 -msgid "Smallest" -msgstr "Is Lú" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facebl0r.xml:19 data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:19 -msgid "The minimum window size in pixels." -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facebl0r.xml:23 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Target" -msgid "Largest" -msgstr "Sprioc" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facebl0r.xml:24 -msgid "" -"The largest size face in pixels - both horizontally and vertically (square " -"window)." -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facebl0r.xml:28 data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:23 -msgid "Recheck" -msgstr "Seiceáil Arís" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facebl0r.xml:29 data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:24 -msgid "" -"How often to detect a face. In between checks, it does object motion " -"tracking." -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facebl0r.xml:33 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Show All" -msgid "Show ellipse" -msgstr "Taispeáin Uile" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facebl0r.xml:34 -msgid "Draw a blue ellipse around the face area?" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:3 -msgid "Face detect" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:4 -msgid "Detect faces and draw shapes on them using OpenCV" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:28 -msgid "circle,ellipse,rectangle,random" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:33 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Fit to width" -msgid "Stroke width" -msgstr "Oiriúnaigh don leithead" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:34 -msgid "" -"0 means fill; otherwise, draw unfilled with a stroke width of this size." -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:38 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Add track" -msgid "Alpha" -msgstr "Cuir rian leis" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:39 -msgid "" -"Set the alpha channel of the shape area to a percentage of fully opaque." -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:43 -msgid "Antialias" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:44 -msgid "Draw with anti-aliasing?" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:50 -msgid "Color 1" -msgstr "Dath 1" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:51 -msgid "Set the shape color of the first detected face." -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:55 -msgid "Color 2" -msgstr "Dath 2" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:56 -msgid "Set the shape color of the second detected face." -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:60 -msgid "Color 3" -msgstr "Dath 3" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:61 -msgid "Set the shape color of the third detected face." -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:65 -msgid "Color 4" -msgstr "Dath 4" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:66 -msgid "Set the shape color of the fourth detected face." -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:70 -msgid "Color 5" -msgstr "Dath 5" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:71 -msgid "Set the shape color of the fifth detected face." -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_flippo.xml:3 -msgid "Flippo" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_flippo.xml:4 -msgid "Flipping in X and Y axis" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_flippo.xml:7 -msgid "X axis" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_flippo.xml:10 -msgid "Y axis" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_glow.xml:3 -msgid "Glow" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_glow.xml:4 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Create Group" -msgid "Creates a Glamorous Glow" -msgstr "Cruthaigh Grúpa" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_glow.xml:7 data/effects/frei0r_iirblur.xml:3 -#: data/effects/frei0r_mask0mate.xml:22 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:158 -msgid "Blur" -msgstr "Doiléirigh" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_hqdn3d.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Noise" -msgid "Denoiser" -msgstr "Torann" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_hqdn3d.xml:4 -msgid "High quality 3D denoiser" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_hqdn3d.xml:8 -msgid "Spatial" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_hqdn3d.xml:9 -msgid "Amount of spatial filtering" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_hqdn3d.xml:13 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Temporary files" -msgid "Temporal" -msgstr "Comhaid Shealadacha" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_hqdn3d.xml:14 -msgid "Amount of temporal filtering" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_hueshift0r.xml:3 -msgid "Hue shift" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_hueshift0r.xml:4 -msgid "Shifts the hue of a source image" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_hueshift0r.xml:7 -msgid "Hue" -msgstr "Lí" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_iirblur.xml:4 -msgid "Blur using 2D IIR filters (Exponential, Lowpass, Gaussian)" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_iirblur.xml:9 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Amount 1" -msgid "Amount of blur" -msgstr "Méid 1" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_iirblur.xml:13 -msgid "Exponential,Lowpass,Gaussian" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_iirblur.xml:15 -msgid "Select blurring algorithm" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_iirblur.xml:19 -msgid "Edge" -msgstr "Ciumhais" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_iirblur.xml:20 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Colour correction" -msgid "Enable edge compensation" -msgstr "Ceartú na ndathanna" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:3 -msgid "Key Spill Mop Up" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:4 -msgid "Reduces the visibility of key color spill in chroma keying" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:8 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Border color" -msgid "Key color" -msgstr "Dath na himlíne" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:12 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Target" -msgid "Target color" -msgstr "Sprioc" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:16 -msgid "Color distance, Transparency, Edge inwards, Edge outwards" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:17 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Image Type" -msgid "Mask type" -msgstr "Cineál Íomhá" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:21 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Balance" -msgid "Tolerance" -msgstr "Cothromaíocht" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:25 -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:91 -msgid "Slope" -msgstr "Fána" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:29 -msgid "Hue gate" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:33 -msgid "Saturation threshold" -msgstr "Tairseach sáithithe" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:37 -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:46 -msgid "None, De-Key, Target, Desaturate, Luma adjust" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:38 -msgid "Operation 1" -msgstr "Oibríocht 1" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:42 -msgid "Amount 1" -msgstr "Méid 1" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:47 -msgid "Operation 2" -msgstr "Oibríocht 2" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:51 -msgid "Amount 2" -msgstr "Méid 2" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:55 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Show path" -msgid "Show mask" -msgstr "Taispeáin conair" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:59 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Offset" -msgid "Mask to Alpha" -msgstr "Fritháireamh" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lenscorrection.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Colour correction" -msgid "Lens Correction" -msgstr "Ceartú na ndathanna" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lenscorrection.xml:4 -msgid "Allows compensation of lens distortion" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lenscorrection.xml:7 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Horizontal Alignment" -msgid "Horizontal center" -msgstr "Ailíniú Cothrománach" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lenscorrection.xml:10 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Vertical Alignment" -msgid "Vertical center" -msgstr "Ailíniú Ingearach" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lenscorrection.xml:13 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Colour correction" -msgid "Center correction" -msgstr "Ceartú na ndathanna" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lenscorrection.xml:16 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Colour correction" -msgid "Edges correction" -msgstr "Ceartú na ndathanna" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_letterb0xed.xml:3 -msgid "LetterB0xed" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_letterb0xed.xml:4 -msgid "Adds black borders at top and bottom for cinema look" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_letterb0xed.xml:7 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Border Width" -msgid "Border Width" -msgstr "Leithead na hImlíne" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: data/effects/frei0r_letterb0xed.xml:10 data/effects/frei0r_timeout.xml:13 -#: src/ui/wipeval_ui.ui:136 src/ui/wipeval_ui.ui:281 -msgid "Transparency" -msgstr "Trédhearcacht" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:4 data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:36 -msgid "Levels" -msgstr "Leibhéil" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:5 data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:37 -msgid "Adjust levels" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:13 data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:45 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Interlaced" -msgid "Input black level" -msgstr "Crosfhite" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:16 data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:48 -msgid "Input white level" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:19 data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:51 -#: data/effects/gamma.xml:3 data/effects/gamma.xml:7 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/lumaliftgain.cpp:63 -msgid "Gamma" -msgstr "Gáma" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:22 data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:54 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Fill color" -msgid "Black output" -msgstr "Dath an líonta" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:25 data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:57 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Fill color" -msgid "White output" -msgstr "Dath an líonta" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:28 data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:60 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Histogram" -msgid "Show histogram" -msgstr "Histeagram" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:32 data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:64 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Histogram" -msgid "Histogram position" -msgstr "Histeagram" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:4 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:77 -msgid "Light Graffiti" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:7 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:80 -msgid "" -"Light Graffiti effect.\n" -" " -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:10 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:83 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Brightness" -msgid "Brightness Threshold" -msgstr "Gile" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:12 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:85 -msgid "" -"R+G+B) does a pixel need to be in order to " -"be recognized as a light source?
\n" -" Increasing this threshold requires brighter light sources (i.e. " -"more white or less color, respectively) but prevents some «false alarms» " -"where semi-bright parts, e.g. hands where colors can change quite a lot " -"compared to the background, are incorrectly recognized as light source.]]>" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:15 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:88 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Threshold" -msgid "Difference Threshold" -msgstr "Tairseach" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:17 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:90 -msgid "" -"max(dR, dG, dB)), in " -"order to be recognized as light source?
\n" -" Increasing this threshold makes it harder for light sources to " -"be accepted on bright backgrounds, but decreases the danger of noise or " -"generally bright spots counting as light source.]]>" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:20 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:93 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Threshold" -msgid "Difference Sum Threshold" -msgstr "Tairseach" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:22 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:95 -msgid "" -"relative to the " -"background image
(dR + dG + dB) have to change until a " -"pixel is recognized as a light source?
\n" -" Raising this value might, in some cases, avoid that some light " -"objects lit by the light source are added to the light mask.]]>" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:25 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:98 -msgid "Sensitivity" -msgstr "Íogaireacht" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:27 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:100 -msgid "" -"\n" -" For slowly moving light source try to use a lower sensitivity to " -"obtain a better exposure.]]>" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:30 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:103 -msgid "Lower Overexposure" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:32 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:105 -msgid "" -"\n" -" The light mask does not get white immediately when the light " -"source is moving slowly or staying steady.]]>" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:35 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:108 -msgid "Dimming" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:36 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:109 -msgid "" -"Dims the light mask. Lights will leave a fainting trail if it is set to a " -"value > 0." -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:39 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:112 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Background" -msgid "Background Weight" -msgstr "Cúlra" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:40 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:113 -msgid "" -"Strength of the (calculated) background image. Setting it to 100 paints the " -"light mask directly over the background, without the painting person in the " -"image if the video starts with a «clean» background image. (See the α " -"parameter.)" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:43 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:116 -msgid "α" -msgstr "α" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:45 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:118 -msgid "" -"\n" -" The Light Graffiti effect remembers the first frame of the clip " -"it is applied to, so the clip should always start with the painter " -"outside of the video. If the background constantly changes, e.g. on a " -"street, try to set α > 0 to calculate an average background image.]]>" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:48 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:121 -#: data/effects/frei0r_saturat0r.xml:3 data/effects/frei0r_saturat0r.xml:7 -#: data/effects/movit_saturation.xml:6 -msgid "Saturation" -msgstr "Sáithiú" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:49 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:122 -msgid "Increases the saturation of lights." -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:52 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:125 -msgid "Show brightness statistics" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:54 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:127 -msgid "" -"\n" -" Example: To adjust the brightness threshold, check this box and " -"adjust the threshold until the whole light source is highlighted. Repeat the " -"same with the other parameters. Only parts that are highlighted in all thresholds will count as light source.]]>" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:57 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:130 -msgid "Show background difference statistics" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:60 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:133 -msgid "Show background difference sum statistics" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:64 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:137 -msgid "" -"Makes the background transparent, allowing to apply a composite effect and " -"paint the light mask over a completely different video." -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:67 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:140 -msgid "Nonlinear dimming" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:68 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:141 -msgid "If normal dimming does not look natural enough, try this one." -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:71 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:144 -#: src/effectstack/geometryval.cpp:95 src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:86 -msgid "Reset" -msgstr "Athshocraigh" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:72 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:145 -msgid "" -"Resets the light mask and the background image. This is necessary e.g. if " -"you apply this effect to a clip in the timeline and then move the timeline " -"cursor from outside of the clip to the middle of it. The effect receives " -"this frame in the middle as first frame and uses it as background image. For " -"proper threshold adjusting move the timeline cursor to the beginning of the " -"clip, check the Reset box and uncheck it again." -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_luminance.xml:3 -msgid "Luminance" -msgstr "Lonras" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_luminance.xml:4 -msgid "Creates a luminance map of the image" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_mask0mate.xml:3 -msgid "Mask0Mate" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_mask0mate.xml:4 -msgid "Creates an square alpha-channel mask" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_medians.xml:3 -msgid "Medians" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_medians.xml:4 -msgid "Implements several median-type filters" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_medians.xml:8 -msgid "" -"Cross5,Square3x3,Bilevel,Diamond3x3,Square5x5,Temp3,Temp5,ArceBI,ML3D,ML3dEX," -"VarSize" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_5) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, import_size) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_20) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, treeWidget) -#: data/effects/frei0r_medians.xml:13 data/effects/frei0r_sharpness.xml:12 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:208 -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:563 src/ui/importkeyframesdialog_ui.ui:73 -#: src/ui/managecaptures_ui.ui:40 src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:201 -msgid "Size" -msgstr "Méid" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_nervous.xml:3 -msgid "Nervous" -msgstr "Neirbhíseach" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_nervous.xml:4 -msgid "Flushes frames in time in a nervous way" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_nosync0r.xml:3 -msgid "nosync0r" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_nosync0r.xml:4 -msgid "Broken TV" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_nosync0r.xml:7 -msgid "HSync" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pixeliz0r.xml:3 -msgid "Pixelize" -msgstr "Picteilíniú" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pixeliz0r.xml:4 -msgid "Pixelize input image." -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pixeliz0r.xml:7 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Size" -msgid "Block Size X" -msgstr "Méid" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pixeliz0r.xml:10 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Size" -msgid "Block Size Y" -msgstr "Méid" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0be.xml:3 -msgid "pr0be" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0be.xml:4 -msgid "Measure video values" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0be.xml:8 -msgid "RGB,Y'PbPr - rec. 601,Y'PbPr - rec. 709,HSV,HSL" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0be.xml:9 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Enhancement" -msgid "Measurement" -msgstr "Breisiú" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0be.xml:13 data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:8 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/bezier/beziersplinewidget.cpp:56 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/bezier/beziersplinewidget.cpp:60 -#: src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:144 -msgid "X" -msgstr "X" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_5) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, cbY) -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0be.xml:17 data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:12 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/bezier/beziersplinewidget.cpp:58 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/bezier/beziersplinewidget.cpp:62 -#: src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:164 src/ui/histogram_ui.ui:23 -msgid "Y" -msgstr "Y" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0be.xml:21 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "File size" -msgid "X size" -msgstr "Méid an chomhaid" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0be.xml:25 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "File size" -msgid "Y size" -msgstr "Méid an chomhaid" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0be.xml:29 data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:81 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Rescale" -msgid "256 scale" -msgstr "Athscálaigh" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0be.xml:33 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Show path" -msgid "Show alpha" -msgstr "Taispeáin conair" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0be.xml:37 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Window" -msgid "Big window" -msgstr "Fuinneog" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Profile" -msgid "pr0file" -msgstr "Próifíl" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:4 -msgid "2D video oscilloscope" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:20 -msgid "Length" -msgstr "Fad" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:24 -msgid "R,G,B,Y',Pr,Pb,Alpha" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:29 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Add Markers" -msgid "Marker 1" -msgstr "Cuir Marcóirí Leis" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:33 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Add Markers" -msgid "Marker 2" -msgstr "Cuir Marcóirí Leis" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:37 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Add track" -msgid "R trace" -msgstr "Cuir rian leis" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:41 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Add track" -msgid "G trace" -msgstr "Cuir rian leis" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:45 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Add track" -msgid "B trace" -msgstr "Cuir rian leis" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:49 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Add track" -msgid "Y trace" -msgstr "Cuir rian leis" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:53 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Add track" -msgid "Pr trace" -msgstr "Cuir rian leis" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:57 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Add track" -msgid "Pb trace" -msgstr "Cuir rian leis" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:61 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Add track" -msgid "Alpha trace" -msgstr "Cuir rian leis" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:65 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Display" -msgid "Display average" -msgstr "Taispeáin" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:69 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Display" -msgid "Display RMS" -msgstr "Taispeáin" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:73 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Display" -msgid "Display minimum" -msgstr "Taispeáin" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:77 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Display" -msgid "Display maximum" -msgstr "Taispeáin" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:85 -msgid "CCIR rec. 601,CCIR rec. 709" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_13) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, background_list) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_9) -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:86 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:156 -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:176 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:182 -#: src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:197 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:944 -msgid "Color" -msgstr "Dath" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:90 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Border color" -msgid "Crosshair color" -msgstr "Dath na himlíne" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_primaries.xml:3 -msgid "Primaries" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_primaries.xml:4 -msgid "Reduce image to primary colors" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_primaries.xml:7 data/effects/sox_stretch.xml:7 -msgid "Factor" -msgstr "Fachtóir" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_primaries.xml:8 -msgid " 32 = 0]]>" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QWidget, RGBParade_UI) -#: data/effects/frei0r_rgbparade.xml:3 src/scopes/scopemanager.cpp:308 -#: src/ui/rgbparade_ui.ui:14 -msgid "RGB Parade" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_rgbparade.xml:4 -msgid "Display a histogram of R, G and B components of the video data" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_saturat0r.xml:4 -msgid "Adjusts the saturation of a source image" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_scale0tilt.xml:3 -msgid "Crop, Scale and Position" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_scale0tilt.xml:4 -msgid "Scales, Tilts and Crops an Image" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_scale0tilt.xml:7 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Align left" -msgid "Clip left" -msgstr "Ailínigh ar chlé" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_scale0tilt.xml:10 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Align right" -msgid "Clip right" -msgstr "Ailínigh ar dheis" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_scale0tilt.xml:13 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Align left" -msgid "Clip top" -msgstr "Ailínigh ar chlé" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_scale0tilt.xml:16 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Color" -msgid "Clip bottom" -msgstr "Dath" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_scale0tilt.xml:19 -msgid "Scale X" -msgstr "Scála X" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_scale0tilt.xml:22 -msgid "Scale Y" -msgstr "Scála Y" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_scale0tilt.xml:25 -msgid "Tilt X" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_scale0tilt.xml:28 -msgid "Tilt Y" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_scanline0r.xml:3 -msgid "scanline0r" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_scanline0r.xml:4 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Interlaced" -msgid "Interlaced black lines" -msgstr "Crosfhite" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:4 data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:51 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Selection" -msgid "Color Selection" -msgstr "Roghnú" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:5 data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:52 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Selection" -msgid "Color based alpha selection" -msgstr "Roghnú" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:9 data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:56 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Color Effect" -msgid "Color to select" -msgstr "Maisíocht Datha" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:13 data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:60 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Selection" -msgid "Invert selection" -msgstr "Roghnú" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:17 data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:79 -msgid "Delta R / A / Hue" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:21 data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:83 -msgid "Delta G / B / Chroma" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:25 data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:87 -msgid "Delta B / I / I" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:29 data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:64 -msgid "RGB,ABI,HCI" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:30 data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:65 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Selection" -msgid "Selection subspace" -msgstr "Roghnú" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:34 data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:69 -msgid "Box,Ellipsoid,Diamond" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:35 data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:70 -msgid "Subspace shape" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:39 -msgid "Hard,Fat,Normal,Skinny" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:40 data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:75 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Edge" -msgid "Edge mode" -msgstr "Ciumhais" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:74 -msgid "Hard,Fat,Normal,Skinny,Slope" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sharpness.xml:3 -msgid "Sharpen" -msgstr "Géaraigh" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sharpness.xml:4 -msgid "Unsharp masking (port from Mplayer)" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sobel.xml:3 -msgid "Sobel" -msgstr "Sobel" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sobel.xml:4 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Remove file" -msgid "Sobel filter" -msgstr "Bain an comhad" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:4 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:59 -msgid "SOP/Sat" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:5 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:60 -msgid "" -"Changes Slope, Offset, and Power of the color components, and the overall " -"Saturation, according to the ASC CDL (Color Decision List)." -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:8 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:63 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Slope" -msgid "Slope Red" -msgstr "Fána" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:10 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:65 -msgid "" -"\n" -" All effects can be observed well when applied on a greyscale " -"gradient and looking at the RGB Parade monitor.]]>" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:13 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:68 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Green" -msgid "Slope Green" -msgstr "Uaine" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:16 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:71 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Slope" -msgid "Slope Blue" -msgstr "Fána" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:19 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:74 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Slope" -msgid "Slope Alpha" -msgstr "Fána" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:23 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:78 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Offset" -msgid "Offset Red" -msgstr "Fritháireamh" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:24 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:79 -msgid "" -"Changing the offset lifts (or lowers) the brightness of each pixel by the " -"given value." -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:27 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:82 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Offset" -msgid "Offset Green" -msgstr "Fritháireamh" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:30 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:85 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Offset" -msgid "Offset Blue" -msgstr "Fritháireamh" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:33 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:88 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Offset" -msgid "Offset Alpha" -msgstr "Fritháireamh" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:37 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:92 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Green" -msgid "Power Red" -msgstr "Uaine" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:39 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:94 -msgid "" -"\n" -" Mathematically, what happens is an exponentiation of the " -"pixel brightness on [0,1] by the gamma value.]]>" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:42 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:97 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Green" -msgid "Power Green" -msgstr "Uaine" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:45 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:100 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Slope" -msgid "Power Blue" -msgstr "Fána" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:48 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:103 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Slope" -msgid "Power Alpha" -msgstr "Fána" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:52 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:107 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Saturation" -msgid "Overall Saturation" -msgstr "Sáithiú" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:53 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:108 -msgid "The overall saturation will be changed in the last step of this filter." -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_squareblur.xml:3 -msgid "Square Blur" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_squareblur.xml:4 -msgid "Square blur" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_squareblur.xml:7 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Original size" -msgid "Kernel size" -msgstr "Bunmhéid" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_tehroxx0r.xml:3 -msgid "TehRoxx0r" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_tehroxx0r.xml:4 -msgid "Something videowall-ish" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_tehroxx0r.xml:7 -msgid "Interval" -msgstr "Eatramh" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_three_point_balance.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "White Balance" -msgid "3 point balance" -msgstr "Cothromaíocht Bhán" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_three_point_balance.xml:4 -msgid "Balances colors along with 3 points" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_three_point_balance.xml:7 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Fill color" -msgid "Black color" -msgstr "Dath an líonta" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_three_point_balance.xml:10 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Border color" -msgid "Gray color" -msgstr "Dath na himlíne" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_three_point_balance.xml:13 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Fill color" -msgid "White color" -msgstr "Dath an líonta" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_three_point_balance.xml:16 -msgid "Split screen preview" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_three_point_balance.xml:19 -msgid "Source image on left side" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_threelay0r.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Delay" -msgid "threelay0r" -msgstr "Moill" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_threelay0r.xml:4 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Saturation threshold" -msgid "Dynamic 3-level thresholding" -msgstr "Tairseach sáithithe" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_threshold0r.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Threshold" -msgid "Threshold0r" -msgstr "Tairseach" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_threshold0r.xml:4 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Threshold" -msgid "Thresholds a source image" -msgstr "Tairseach" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_timeout.xml:4 -msgid "Timeout indicator" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_timeout.xml:7 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Invert colors" -msgid "Indicator color" -msgstr "Inbhéartaigh dathanna" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, markers_list) -#: data/effects/frei0r_timeout.xml:10 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:427 -msgid "Time" -msgstr "Am" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_tint0r.xml:3 -msgid "Tint" -msgstr "Imir" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_tint0r.xml:4 -msgid "Maps source image luminance between two colors specified" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_tint0r.xml:7 -msgid "Map black to" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_tint0r.xml:10 -msgid "Map white to" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_tint0r.xml:13 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Amount" -msgid "Tint amount" -msgstr "Méid" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_twolay0r.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Delay" -msgid "twolay0r" -msgstr "Moill" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_twolay0r.xml:4 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Saturation threshold" -msgid "Dynamic thresholding" -msgstr "Tairseach sáithithe" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_vectorscope.xml:3 src/scopes/scopemanager.cpp:306 -msgid "Vectorscope" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_vectorscope.xml:4 -msgid "Display a vectorscope of the video data" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_vertigo.xml:4 data/effects/frei0r_vertigo.xml:15 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Vertical" -msgid "Vertigo" -msgstr "Ingearach" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_vertigo.xml:5 data/effects/frei0r_vertigo.xml:16 -msgid "Alpha blending with zoomed and rotated images" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_vertigo.xml:8 data/effects/frei0r_vertigo.xml:19 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Enhancement" -msgid "Phase Increment" -msgstr "Breisiú" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_vertigo.xml:11 data/effects/frei0r_vertigo.xml:22 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Zoom Out" -msgid "Zoom Rate" -msgstr "Súmáil Amach" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_vignette.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Reset Effect" -msgid "Vignette" -msgstr "Athshocraigh an Mhaisíocht" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_vignette.xml:4 -msgid "Natural lens vignetting effect" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_vignette.xml:7 -msgid "Aspect ratio" -msgstr "Cóimheas treoíochta" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_vignette.xml:10 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Original size" -msgid "Clear center size" -msgstr "Bunmhéid" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_softness) -#: data/effects/frei0r_vignette.xml:13 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:709 -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:302 src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:220 -msgid "Softness" -msgstr "Boige" - -#: data/effects/gain.xml:3 data/effects/gain.xml:7 data/effects/mute.xml:7 -#: data/effects/normalise.xml:7 data/effects/sox_bass.xml:7 -#: data/effects/sox_gain.xml:7 data/effects/volume.xml:7 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/lumaliftgain.cpp:65 -msgid "Gain" -msgstr "Neartú" - -#: data/effects/gain.xml:4 -msgid "Adjust the audio volume without keyframes" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/gamma.xml:4 -msgid "Change gamma color value" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/grain.xml:3 -msgid "Grain" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/grain.xml:4 -msgid "Grain over the image" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/grain.xml:7 data/effects/movit_deconvolution_sharpen.xml:18 -#: plugins/sampleplugin/sampleplugin.cpp:34 -#: plugins/sampleplugin/sampleplugin.cpp:42 -#: plugins/sampleplugin/sampleplugin.cpp:54 -#: plugins/sampleplugin/sampleplugin.cpp:78 -msgid "Noise" -msgstr "Torann" - -#: data/effects/greyscale.xml:3 -msgid "Greyscale" -msgstr "Liathscála" - -#: data/effects/greyscale.xml:4 -msgid "Discard color information" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/invert.xml:4 -msgid "Invert colors" -msgstr "Inbhéartaigh dathanna" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_declipper.xml:3 -msgid "Declipper" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_declipper.xml:4 -msgid "LADSPA declipper audio effect" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer.xml:3 -msgid "Equalizer" -msgstr "Cothromóir" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer.xml:4 -msgid "LADSPA equalizer audio effect" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer.xml:7 -msgid "Lo gain" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer.xml:10 -msgid "Mid gain" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer.xml:13 -msgid "Hi gain" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Equalizer" -msgid "15 Band Equalizer" -msgstr "Cothromóir" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:4 -msgid "LADSPA equalizer audio effect (15 band)" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:7 -msgid "50 Hz" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:10 -msgid "100 Hz" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:13 -msgid "156 Hz" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:16 -msgid "220 Hz" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:19 -msgid "311 Hz" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:22 -msgid "440 Hz" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:25 -msgid "622 Hz" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:28 -msgid "880 Hz" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:31 -msgid "1250 Hz" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:34 -msgid "1750 Hz" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:37 -msgid "2500 Hz" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:40 -msgid "3500 Hz" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:43 -msgid "5000 Hz" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:46 -msgid "10000 Hz" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:49 -msgid "20000 Hz" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_limiter.xml:3 -msgid "Limiter" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_limiter.xml:4 -msgid "LADSPA limiter audio effect" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_limiter.xml:7 -msgid "Input gain (dB)" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_limiter.xml:10 -msgid "Limit (dB)" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_limiter.xml:13 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Delay" -msgid "Release time (s)" -msgstr "Moill" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_phaser.xml:3 -msgid "Phaser" -msgstr "Phaser" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_phaser.xml:4 -msgid "LADSPA phaser audio effect" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_phaser.xml:7 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Rate" -msgid "Rate (Hz)" -msgstr "Ráta" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_phaser.xml:10 data/effects/sox_flanger.xml:10 -msgid "Depth" -msgstr "Doimhneacht" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_phaser.xml:13 -msgid "Feedback" -msgstr "Aisfhotha" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_phaser.xml:16 -msgid "Spread" -msgstr "Leath" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_pitch.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Shift" -msgid "Pitch Shift" -msgstr "Shift" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_pitch.xml:4 -msgid "LADSPA change pitch audio effect" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_pitch.xml:7 data/effects/sox_pitch.xml:7 -msgid "Shift" -msgstr "Shift" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_pitch_scale.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Rescale" -msgid "Pitch Scaler" -msgstr "Athscálaigh" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_pitch_scale.xml:4 -msgid "LADSPA pitch scale audio effect" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_pitch_scale.xml:7 -msgid "Co-efficient" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_rate_scale.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Rescale" -msgid "Rate Scaler" -msgstr "Athscálaigh" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_rate_scale.xml:4 -msgid "LADSPA rate scale audio effect" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_rate_scale.xml:7 -msgid "Rate" -msgstr "Ráta" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_reverb.xml:3 -msgid "Reverb" -msgstr "Aisfhuaimniú" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_reverb.xml:4 -msgid "LADSPA reverb audio effect" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_reverb.xml:7 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Reverb" -msgid "Reverb time" -msgstr "Aisfhuaimniú" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_reverb.xml:10 data/effects/ladspa_room_reverb.xml:13 -msgid "Damping" -msgstr "Maolú" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_room_reverb.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Reverb" -msgid "Room Reverb" -msgstr "Aisfhuaimniú" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_room_reverb.xml:4 -msgid "LADSPA room reverb audio effect" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_room_reverb.xml:7 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Rescale" -msgid "Room size (m)" -msgstr "Athscálaigh" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_room_reverb.xml:10 -msgid "Delay (s/10)" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_vinyl.xml:3 -msgid "Vinyl" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_vinyl.xml:4 -msgid "Simulates a vinyl audio player - LADSPA audio effect" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_vinyl.xml:7 src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:166 -msgid "Year" -msgstr "Bliain" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_vinyl.xml:10 -msgid "RPM" -msgstr "RPM" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_vinyl.xml:13 -msgid "Surface warping" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_vinyl.xml:16 -msgid "Crackle" -msgstr "Cnagarnach" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_vinyl.xml:19 -msgid "Wear" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/lift_gamma_gain.xml:3 -msgid "Lift/gamma/gain" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/lift_gamma_gain.xml:6 data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain.xml:6 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain2.xml:6 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Offset" -msgid "Lift: Red" -msgstr "Fritháireamh" - -#: data/effects/lift_gamma_gain.xml:9 data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain.xml:9 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain2.xml:9 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Offset" -msgid "Lift: Green" -msgstr "Fritháireamh" - -#: data/effects/lift_gamma_gain.xml:12 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain.xml:12 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain2.xml:12 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Offset" -msgid "Lift: Blue" -msgstr "Fritháireamh" - -#: data/effects/lift_gamma_gain.xml:15 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain.xml:15 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain2.xml:15 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Gamma" -msgid "Gamma: Red" -msgstr "Gáma" - -#: data/effects/lift_gamma_gain.xml:18 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain.xml:18 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain2.xml:18 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Gain" -msgid "Gamma: Green" -msgstr "Neartú" - -#: data/effects/lift_gamma_gain.xml:21 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain.xml:21 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain2.xml:21 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Gamma" -msgid "Gamma: Blue" -msgstr "Gáma" - -#: data/effects/lift_gamma_gain.xml:24 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain.xml:24 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain2.xml:24 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Gain" -msgid "Gain: Red" -msgstr "Neartú" - -#: data/effects/lift_gamma_gain.xml:27 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain.xml:27 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain2.xml:27 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Gain" -msgid "Gain: Green" -msgstr "Neartú" - -#: data/effects/lift_gamma_gain.xml:30 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain.xml:30 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain2.xml:30 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Gain" -msgid "Gain: Blue" -msgstr "Neartú" - -#: data/effects/loudness.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Softness" -msgid "Loudness" -msgstr "Boige" - -#: data/effects/loudness.xml:4 -msgid "Correct audio loudness as recommended by EBU R128" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/loudness.xml:7 -msgid "Target Program Loudness" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/mirror.xml:3 -msgid "Mirror" -msgstr "Scáthán" - -#: data/effects/mirror.xml:4 -msgid "Flip your image in any direction" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/mirror.xml:7 -msgid "Horizontal,Vertical,Diagonal,X Diagonal,Flip,Flop" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/mirror.xml:8 -msgid "Mirroring direction" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/movit_blur.xml:3 -msgid "Blur (GPU)" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_6) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_8) -#: data/effects/movit_blur.xml:6 data/effects/movit_diffusion.xml:6 -#: data/effects/movit_glow.xml:6 data/effects/movit_unsharp_mask.xml:6 -#: data/effects/movit_vignette.xml:6 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:891 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:915 -msgid "Radius" -msgstr "Ga" - -#: data/effects/movit_deconvolution_sharpen.xml:3 -msgid "Deconvolution sharpen (GPU)" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/movit_deconvolution_sharpen.xml:6 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "File size" -msgid "Matrix size" -msgstr "Méid an chomhaid" - -#: data/effects/movit_deconvolution_sharpen.xml:9 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "radius" -msgid "Circle radius" -msgstr "ga" - -#: data/effects/movit_deconvolution_sharpen.xml:12 -msgid "Gaussian radius" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/movit_deconvolution_sharpen.xml:15 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Colour correction" -msgid "Correlation" -msgstr "Ceartú na ndathanna" - -#: data/effects/movit_diffusion.xml:3 -msgid "Diffusion (GPU)" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/movit_diffusion.xml:9 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Amount" -msgid "Mix amount" -msgstr "Méid" - -#: data/effects/movit_glow.xml:3 -msgid "Glow (GPU)" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/movit_glow.xml:9 -msgid "Glow strength" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/movit_glow.xml:12 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Saturation threshold" -msgid "Highlight cutoff threshold" -msgstr "Tairseach sáithithe" - -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain.xml:3 -msgid "Lift/gamma/gain (GPU)" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain2.xml:3 -msgid "Movit: Lift/gamma/gain (colors)" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/movit_mirror.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Mirror" -msgid "Mirror (GPU)" -msgstr "Scáthán" - -#: data/effects/movit_opacity.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Opacity" -msgid "Opacity (GPU)" -msgstr "Teimhneacht" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_opacity) -#: data/effects/movit_opacity.xml:6 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:211 src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:113 -msgid "Opacity" -msgstr "Teimhneacht" - -#: data/effects/movit_rect.xml:3 -msgid "Pan and Zoom (GPU)" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/movit_rect.xml:9 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Rescale" -msgid "Allow upscale" -msgstr "Athscálaigh" - -#: data/effects/movit_saturation.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Saturation" -msgid "Saturation (GPU)" -msgstr "Sáithiú" - -#: data/effects/movit_unsharp_mask.xml:3 -msgid "Unsharp mask (GPU)" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/movit_vignette.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Reset Effect" -msgid "Vignette (GPU)" -msgstr "Athshocraigh an Mhaisíocht" - -#: data/effects/movit_vignette.xml:9 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "radius" -msgid "Inner radius" -msgstr "ga" - -#: data/effects/movit_white_balance.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "White Balance" -msgid "White Balance (GPU)" -msgstr "Cothromaíocht Bhán" - -#: data/effects/mute.xml:3 -msgid "Mute" -msgstr "Gan fuaim" - -#: data/effects/mute.xml:4 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Mute" -msgid "Mute clip" -msgstr "Gan fuaim" - -#: data/effects/normalise.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Normalize" -msgid "Normalise" -msgstr "Normalaigh" - -#: data/effects/normalise.xml:4 -msgid "Dynamically normalise the audio volume" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/normalise.xml:10 -msgid "Maximum gain" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/normalise.xml:13 data/effects/sox_stretch.xml:10 -msgid "Window" -msgstr "Fuinneog" - -#: data/effects/obscure.xml:4 -msgid "Hide a region of the clip" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/obscure.xml:7 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:760 -msgid "Region" -msgstr "Réigiún" - -#: data/effects/oldfilm.xml:3 -msgid "Oldfilm" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/oldfilm.xml:4 -msgid "Moves the Picture up and down and random brightness change" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/oldfilm.xml:7 -msgid "Y-Delta" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/oldfilm.xml:10 -#, no-c-format -msgid "% of picture have a delta" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/oldfilm.xml:13 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Brightness" -msgid "Brightness up" -msgstr "Gile" - -#: data/effects/oldfilm.xml:16 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Brightness" -msgid "Brightness down" -msgstr "Gile" - -#: data/effects/oldfilm.xml:19 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Brightness" -msgid "Brightness every" -msgstr "Gile" - -#: data/effects/oldfilm.xml:22 -msgid "Unevendevelop up" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/oldfilm.xml:25 -msgid "Unevendevelop down" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/oldfilm.xml:28 -msgid "Unevendevelop Duration" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/pan_zoom.xml:3 data/effects/region.xml:10 -#: data/effects/rotation.xml:37 -msgid "Pan and Zoom" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/pan_zoom.xml:4 -msgid "Adjust size and position of clip" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/region.xml:3 -msgid "Regionalize" -msgstr "Réigiúnaigh" - -#: data/effects/region.xml:4 -msgid "Apply sub-effects to a region defined by a clip's alpha channel" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/region.xml:7 -msgid "Url" -msgstr "URL" - -#: data/effects/rotation.xml:3 -msgid "Rotate and Shear" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/rotation.xml:4 data/effects/rotation_keyframable.xml:4 -msgid "Rotate clip in any 3 directions" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/rotation.xml:7 data/effects/rotation_keyframable.xml:7 -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:747 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:216 -msgid "Rotate X" -msgstr "Rothlaigh X" - -#: data/effects/rotation.xml:10 data/effects/rotation_keyframable.xml:10 -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:748 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:219 -msgid "Rotate Y" -msgstr "Rothlaigh Y" - -#: data/effects/rotation.xml:13 data/effects/rotation_keyframable.xml:13 -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:749 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:222 -msgid "Rotate Z" -msgstr "Rothlaigh Z" - -#: data/effects/rotation.xml:16 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Rotate X" -msgid "Animate Rotate X" -msgstr "Rothlaigh X" - -#: data/effects/rotation.xml:19 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Rotate Y" -msgid "Animate Rotate Y" -msgstr "Rothlaigh Y" - -#: data/effects/rotation.xml:22 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Rotate Z" -msgid "Animate Rotate Z" -msgstr "Rothlaigh Z" - -#: data/effects/rotation.xml:25 -msgid "Shear X" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/rotation.xml:28 -msgid "Shear Y" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/rotation.xml:31 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Rotate X" -msgid "Animate Shear X" -msgstr "Rothlaigh X" - -#: data/effects/rotation.xml:34 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Rotate Y" -msgid "Animate Shear Y" -msgstr "Rothlaigh Y" - -#: data/effects/rotation_keyframable.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Add Markers" -msgid "Rotate (keyframable)" -msgstr "Cuir Marcóirí Leis" - -#: data/effects/rotation_keyframable.xml:16 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Offset" -msgid "Offset X" -msgstr "Fritháireamh" - -#: data/effects/rotation_keyframable.xml:19 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Offset" -msgid "Offset Y" -msgstr "Fritháireamh" - -#: data/effects/rotoscoping.xml:3 -msgid "Rotoscoping" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/rotoscoping.xml:4 -msgid "Keyframable vector based rotoscoping" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/rotoscoping.xml:8 -msgid "Alpha,Luma,RGB" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/rotoscoping.xml:9 -msgid "Mode" -msgstr "Mód" - -#: data/effects/rotoscoping.xml:14 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Operation" -msgid "Alpha Operation" -msgstr "Oibríocht" - -#: data/effects/rotoscoping.xml:22 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:3422 -msgid "Track" -msgstr "Amhrán" - -#: data/effects/rotoscoping.xml:26 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Fit to width" -msgid "Feather width" -msgstr "Oiriúnaigh don leithead" - -#: data/effects/rotoscoping.xml:30 -msgid "Feathering passes" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/scratchlines.xml:3 -msgid "Scratchlines" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/scratchlines.xml:4 -msgid "Scratchlines over the picture" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/scratchlines.xml:7 -msgid "Width of line" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/scratchlines.xml:10 -msgid "Max number of lines" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/scratchlines.xml:13 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Save markers" -msgid "Max darker" -msgstr "Sábháil marcóirí" - -#: data/effects/scratchlines.xml:16 -msgid "Max lighter" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/sepia.xml:3 -msgid "Sepia" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/sepia.xml:4 -msgid "Turn clip colors to sepia" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/sepia.xml:7 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Luminance" -msgid "Chrominance U" -msgstr "Lonras" - -#: data/effects/sepia.xml:10 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Luminance" -msgid "Chrominance V" -msgstr "Lonras" - -#: data/effects/sox_band.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Gain" -msgid "Sox Band" -msgstr "Neartú" - -#: data/effects/sox_band.xml:4 -msgid "Sox band audio effect" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/sox_band.xml:7 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Frequency" -msgid "Center Frequency" -msgstr "Minicíocht" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_4) -#: data/effects/sox_band.xml:10 data/effects/sox_flanger.xml:16 -#: src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:181 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:307 -msgid "Width" -msgstr "Leithead" - -#: data/effects/sox_bass.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Phaser" -msgid "Sox Bass" -msgstr "Phaser" - -#: data/effects/sox_bass.xml:4 -msgid "Sox bass audio effect" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/sox_echo.xml:3 -msgid "Sox Echo" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/sox_echo.xml:4 -msgid "Sox echo audio effect" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/sox_echo.xml:7 data/effects/sox_phaser.xml:7 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Gain" -msgid "Gain In" -msgstr "Neartú" - -#: data/effects/sox_echo.xml:10 data/effects/sox_phaser.xml:10 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Gain" -msgid "Gain Out" -msgstr "Neartú" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_13) -#: data/effects/sox_echo.xml:13 data/effects/sox_flanger.xml:7 -#: data/effects/sox_phaser.xml:13 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:994 -msgid "Delay" -msgstr "Moill" - -#: data/effects/sox_echo.xml:16 data/effects/sox_phaser.xml:16 -msgid "Decay" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/sox_flanger.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Phaser" -msgid "Sox Flanger" -msgstr "Phaser" - -#: data/effects/sox_flanger.xml:4 -msgid "Sox flanger audio effect" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/sox_flanger.xml:13 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Operation" -msgid "Regeneration" -msgstr "Oibríocht" - -#: data/effects/sox_flanger.xml:19 data/effects/sox_phaser.xml:19 -#: data/effects/speed.xml:3 data/effects/speed.xml:7 -msgid "Speed" -msgstr "Luas" - -#: data/effects/sox_flanger.xml:25 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Phaser" -msgid "Phase" -msgstr "Phaser" - -#: data/effects/sox_flanger.xml:28 src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:383 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Insertion" -msgid "Interpolation" -msgstr "Ionsá" - -#: data/effects/sox_gain.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Gain" -msgid "Sox Gain" -msgstr "Neartú" - -#: data/effects/sox_gain.xml:4 -msgid "Sox gain audio effect" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/sox_gain.xml:12 -msgid "Normalize" -msgstr "Normalaigh" - -#: data/effects/sox_phaser.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Phaser" -msgid "Sox Phaser" -msgstr "Phaser" - -#: data/effects/sox_phaser.xml:4 -msgid "Sox phaser audio effect" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/sox_pitch.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Shift" -msgid "Sox Pitch Shift" -msgstr "Shift" - -#: data/effects/sox_pitch.xml:4 -msgid "Sox change pitch audio effect" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/sox_pitch.xml:10 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Window" -msgid "Time window (ms)" -msgstr "Fuinneog" - -#: data/effects/sox_reverb.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Reverb" -msgid "Sox Reverb" -msgstr "Aisfhuaimniú" - -#: data/effects/sox_reverb.xml:4 -msgid "Sox reverb audio effect" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/sox_reverb.xml:7 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Reverb" -msgid "Reverberance" -msgstr "Aisfhuaimniú" - -#: data/effects/sox_reverb.xml:10 -msgid "High frequency damping" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/sox_reverb.xml:13 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Rescale" -msgid "Room scale" -msgstr "Athscálaigh" - -#: data/effects/sox_reverb.xml:16 -msgid "Stereo depth" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/sox_reverb.xml:19 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Capture" -msgid "Pre-delay" -msgstr "Gabh" - -#: data/effects/sox_reverb.xml:22 -msgid "Wet gain" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/sox_stretch.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Enable effect" -#| msgid_plural "Enable effects" -msgid "Sox Stretch" -msgstr "Cumasaigh maisíocht" - -#: data/effects/sox_stretch.xml:4 -msgid "Sox stretch audio effect" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/speed.xml:4 -msgid "Make clip play faster or slower" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/speed.xml:10 -msgid "Stroboscope" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/swapchannels.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Channels" -msgid "Swap channels" -msgstr "Cainéil" - -#: data/effects/swapchannels.xml:4 -msgid "Move the left channel to the right and right-to-left" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/tcolor.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Fill color" -msgid "Technicolor" -msgstr "Dath an líonta" - -#: data/effects/tcolor.xml:4 -msgid "Oversaturate the color in video, like in old Technicolor movies" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/tcolor.xml:7 -msgid "Blue/Yellow axis" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/tcolor.xml:10 -msgid "Red/Green axis" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/threshold.xml:4 -msgid "Make monochrome clip" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/threshold.xml:7 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Threshold" -msgid "Threshold value" -msgstr "Tairseach" - -#: data/effects/threshold.xml:10 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Transparency" -msgid "Use transparency" -msgstr "Trédhearcacht" - -#: data/effects/vignette.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Reset Effect" -msgid "Vignette Effect" -msgstr "Athshocraigh an Mhaisíocht" - -#: data/effects/vignette.xml:4 -msgid "Adjustable Vignette" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/vignette.xml:7 -msgid "smooth" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/vignette.xml:10 -msgid "radius" -msgstr "ga" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_6) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_8) -#: data/effects/vignette.xml:13 src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:72 -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:575 -msgid "x" -msgstr "x" - -#: data/effects/vignette.xml:16 -msgid "y" -msgstr "y" - -#: data/effects/vignette.xml:19 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Opacity" -msgid "opacity" -msgstr "Teimhneacht" - -#: data/effects/vignette.xml:22 -msgid "use cos instead of linear" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/volume.xml:3 -msgid "Volume (keyframable)" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/volume.xml:4 -msgid "Adjust audio volume with keyframes" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/wave.xml:3 -msgid "Wave" -msgstr "Tonn" - -#: data/effects/wave.xml:4 -msgid "Make waves on your clip with keyframes" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/wave.xml:10 -msgid "Horizontal" -msgstr "Cothrománach" - -#: data/effects/wave.xml:13 -msgid "Vertical" -msgstr "Ingearach" - -#: data/kdenliveeffectscategory.rc:5 -msgid "Colour correction" -msgstr "Ceartú na ndathanna" - -#: data/kdenliveeffectscategory.rc:8 -msgid "Colour" -msgstr "Dath" - -#: data/kdenliveeffectscategory.rc:11 -msgid "Crop and transform" -msgstr "" - -#: data/kdenliveeffectscategory.rc:14 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Audio codec" -msgid "Audio correction" -msgstr "(Dí-)Comhbhrú Fuaime" - -#: data/kdenliveeffectscategory.rc:17 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:655 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Audio codec" -msgid "Audio channels" -msgstr "(Dí-)Comhbhrú Fuaime" - -#: data/kdenliveeffectscategory.rc:20 -msgid "Analysis and data" -msgstr "" - -#: data/kdenliveeffectscategory.rc:23 -msgid "Fade" -msgstr "Céimnigh" - -#: data/kdenliveeffectscategory.rc:26 -msgid "Artistic" -msgstr "" - -#: data/kdenliveeffectscategory.rc:29 -msgid "Blur and hide" -msgstr "" - -#: data/kdenliveeffectscategory.rc:32 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Position" -msgid "Motion" -msgstr "Ionad" - -#: data/kdenliveeffectscategory.rc:38 -msgid "Alpha manipulation" -msgstr "" - -#: data/kdenliveeffectscategory.rc:41 -msgid "Enhancement" -msgstr "Breisiú" - -#: data/kdenliveeffectscategory.rc:44 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Effects" -msgid "GPU effects" -msgstr "Maisíochtaí" - -#. i18n: ectx: ToolBar (extraToolBar) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:4 -msgid "Extra Toolbar" -msgstr "Barra Uirlisí Breise" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (project) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:21 -msgid "Project" -msgstr "Tionscadal" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (extract_audio) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:29 src/mainwindow.cpp:2752 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Extract" -msgid "Extract Audio" -msgstr "Bain Amach" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (clip_actions) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:32 src/mainwindow.cpp:2699 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Align left" -msgid "Clip Jobs" -msgstr "Ailínigh ar chlé" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (transcoders) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:35 src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:184 -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:125 -msgid "Transcode" -msgstr "Traschódaigh" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (generators) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:38 -#, fuzzy -#| msgctxt "general keyboard shortcuts" -#| msgid "General" -msgid "Generators" -msgstr "Ginearálta" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (track_menu) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:40 src/mainwindow.cpp:1145 -msgid "Tracks" -msgstr "Amhráin" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (clip_in_timeline) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:55 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Timeline" -msgid "Clip in Timeline" -msgstr "Amlíne" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (tool) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:70 -msgid "Tool" -msgstr "Uirlis" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (clip) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:80 src/project/projectlistview.cpp:59 -msgid "Clip" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (marker_menu) -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_3) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:81 src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:397 -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:402 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Add Markers" -msgid "Markers" -msgstr "Cuir Marcóirí Leis" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (timeline) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:96 src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:81 -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2785 -msgid "Timeline" -msgstr "Amlíne" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (keyboard_selection) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:97 -msgid "Selection" -msgstr "Roghnú" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (keyboard_insert) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:105 -msgid "Insertion" -msgstr "Ionsá" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (current_clip) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:110 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Current Settings" -msgid "Current clip" -msgstr "Socraithe Reatha" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (all_clips) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:117 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Color 1" -msgid "All clips" -msgstr "Dath 1" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (guide_menu) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:120 -msgid "Guides" -msgstr "Treoirleabhair" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (space_menu) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:126 -msgid "Space" -msgstr "Spás" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (video_effects_menu) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:134 src/mainwindow.cpp:279 -msgid "Add Effect" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (monitor) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:148 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Monitor" -msgid "Monitor" -msgstr "Monatóir" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (monitor_go) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:154 src/timeline/customruler.cpp:93 -msgid "Go To" -msgstr "Téigh Go" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (monitor_config) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:176 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Monitor" -msgid "Monitor config" -msgstr "Monatóir" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (dockwindows) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:187 -msgid "View" -msgstr "Amharc" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (layout_save_as) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:188 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Layouts" -msgid "Save Layout As" -msgstr "Leaganacha Amach" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, CountDown_UI) -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, ClipStabilize_UI) -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, FreeSound_UI) -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, ArchiveWidget_UI) -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, BackupDialog_UI) -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, ClipTranscode_UI) -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, AddTrack_UI) -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, SmConfig_UI) -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, ManageEncodingProfile_UI) -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, ColorClip_UI) -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, RenderWidget_UI) -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, Stopmotion_UI) -#: plugins/sampleplugin/countdown_ui.ui:13 src/ui/addtrack_ui.ui:14 -#: src/ui/archivewidget_ui.ui:14 src/ui/backupdialog_ui.ui:14 -#: src/ui/clipstabilize_ui.ui:14 src/ui/cliptranscode_ui.ui:14 -#: src/ui/colorclip_ui.ui:14 src/ui/freesound_ui.ui:14 -#: src/ui/manageencodingprofile_ui.ui:14 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:14 -#: src/ui/smconfig_ui.ui:14 src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Dialog" -msgstr "Dialóg" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, destination_label) -#: plugins/sampleplugin/countdown_ui.ui:19 src/ui/cutjobdialog_ui.ui:47 -msgid "Save to" -msgstr "Sábháil go" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, duration_label) -#: plugins/sampleplugin/countdown_ui.ui:29 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Duration: " -msgid "Duration (seconds)" -msgstr "Aga: " - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, font_label) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_4) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_17) -#: plugins/sampleplugin/countdown_ui.ui:46 src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:89 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:331 -msgid "Font" -msgstr "Cló" - -#: plugins/sampleplugin/sampleplugin.cpp:33 -msgid "Countdown" -msgstr "Comhaireamh anuas" - -#: plugins/sampleplugin/sampleplugin.cpp:55 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Create Group" -msgid "Create Noise Clip" -msgstr "Cruthaigh Grúpa" - -#: plugins/sampleplugin/sampleplugin.cpp:59 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Create Group" -msgid "Create Countdown Clip" -msgstr "Cruthaigh Grúpa" - -#: plugins/sampleplugin/sampleplugin.cpp:97 -#: plugins/sampleplugin/sampleplugin.cpp:105 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Failed to generate clip:\n" -"%1" -msgstr "" - -#: plugins/sampleplugin/sampleplugin.cpp:97 -#: plugins/sampleplugin/sampleplugin.cpp:105 -msgid "Generator Failed" -msgstr "" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:210 src/project/projectlist.cpp:133 -#, kde-format -msgid "%1 job" -msgid_plural "%1 jobs" -msgstr[0] "%1 jab" -msgstr[1] "%1 jab" -msgstr[2] "%1 jab" -msgstr[3] "%1 jab" -msgstr[4] "%1 jab" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:211 src/project/projectlist.cpp:134 -#, kde-format -msgid "%1 pending job" -msgid_plural "%1 pending jobs" -msgstr[0] "%1 jab ar feitheamh" -msgstr[1] "%1 jab ar feitheamh" -msgstr[2] "%1 jab ar feitheamh" -msgstr[3] "%1 jab ar feitheamh" -msgstr[4] "%1 jab ar feitheamh" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_search) -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:300 src/ui/freesound_ui.ui:74 -msgid "Search" -msgstr "Cuardaigh" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:336 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Mode" -msgid "View Mode" -msgstr "Mód" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:338 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "View" -msgid "Tree View" -msgstr "Amharc" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:346 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "View" -msgid "Icon View" -msgstr "Amharc" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:353 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Disable effect" -#| msgid_plural "Disable effects" -msgid "Disable Bin Effects" -msgstr "Díchumasaigh Maisíocht" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:361 src/bin/bincommands.cpp:102 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Create Folder" -msgid "Rename Folder" -msgstr "Cruthaigh Fillteán" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab) -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:370 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:50 -msgid "Settings" -msgstr "Socruithe" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:372 src/project/clipproperties.cpp:351 -#: src/project/dialogs/slideshowclip.cpp:77 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:324 -msgid "Zoom" -msgstr "Súmáil" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:378 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Show path" -msgid "Show date" -msgstr "Taispeáin conair" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:381 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Description" -msgid "Show description" -msgstr "Cur Síos" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:399 src/project/projectlist.cpp:213 -msgid "Cancel All Jobs" -msgstr "" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:401 src/project/projectlist.cpp:217 -msgid "Cancel Current Clip Jobs" -msgstr "" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:431 src/project/projectlist.cpp:254 -msgid "Show Log" -msgstr "" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:504 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Cannot open file" -msgid "Creating audio thumbnails" -msgstr "Ní féidir an comhad a oscailt" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:511 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Show thumbnails" -msgid "Audio thumbnails done" -msgstr "Taispeáin mionsamhlacha" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:805 -msgctxt "append to clip name to indicate a copied idem" -msgid " (copy)" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:929 src/bin/bin.cpp:2217 -#: src/project/folderprojectitem.cpp:37 src/project/projectlist.cpp:1085 -#: src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:60 -msgid "Folder" -msgstr "Fillteán" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:1056 -#, kde-format -msgid "Folder contains a clip, delete anyways ?" -msgid_plural "Folder contains %1 clips, delete anyways ?" -msgstr[0] "" -msgstr[1] "" -msgstr[2] "" -msgstr[3] "" -msgstr[4] "" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:1173 src/mainwindow.cpp:1234 -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:1004 -msgid "Delete Clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:1174 src/mainwindow.cpp:1251 -msgid "Proxy Clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:1181 src/project/projectlist.cpp:995 -msgid "Delete Folder" -msgstr "Scrios Fillteán" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:1182 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Project Files" -msgid "Proxy Folder" -msgstr "Comhaid an Tionscadail" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2015 src/bin/bincommands.cpp:62 src/bin/bincommands.cpp:82 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Title" -msgid "Move Clip" -msgid_plural "Move Clips" -msgstr[0] "Teideal" -msgstr[1] "Teideal" -msgstr[2] "Teideal" -msgstr[3] "Teideal" -msgstr[4] "Teideal" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2231 -#, kde-format -msgid "Playlist clip %1 is invalid." -msgstr "" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2236 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Playlist clip %1 has too many tracks (%2) to be imported. Add new tracks to " -"your project." -msgstr "" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2449 src/project/projectlist.cpp:465 -msgid "Please set a default application to open images in the Settings dialog" -msgstr "" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2455 src/project/projectlist.cpp:471 -msgid "" -"Please set a default application to open audio files in the Settings dialog" -msgstr "" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2511 src/project/projectlist.cpp:2661 -msgid "No data returned from clip analysis" -msgstr "" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2525 src/project/projectlist.cpp:2674 -msgid "Processing data analysis" -msgstr "" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2531 src/project/projectlist.cpp:2680 -msgid "Auto Split Clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2549 src/project/projectlist.cpp:2698 -msgid "Add Markers" -msgstr "Cuir Marcóirí Leis" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2592 src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:85 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:474 src/project/projectcommands.cpp:164 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Add marker" -msgid "Add marker" -msgid_plural "Add markers" -msgstr[0] "Cuir marcóir leis" -msgstr[1] "Cuir marcóir leis" -msgstr[2] "Cuir marcóir leis" -msgstr[3] "Cuir marcóir leis" -msgstr[4] "Cuir marcóir leis" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2603 src/bin/bin.cpp:2685 src/project/jobs/filterjob.cpp:96 -#: src/timeline/markerdialog.cpp:45 -#, kde-format -msgid "Category %1" -msgstr "Catagóir %1" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2608 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Load markers" -msgid "Load Clip Markers" -msgstr "Luchtaigh marcóirí" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2623 src/bin/bin.cpp:2720 -#: src/dialogs/profilesdialog.cpp:219 src/dialogs/profilesdialog.cpp:520 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot open file %1" -msgstr "Ní féidir comhad %1 a oscailt" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, MarkerDialog_UI) -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2649 src/definitions.cpp:78 src/definitions.cpp:95 -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:367 src/mainwindow.cpp:1831 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:727 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:801 src/ui/markerdialog_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Marker" -msgstr "" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2683 -msgid "All categories" -msgstr "Gach catagóir" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2690 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Save markers" -msgid "Save Clip Markers" -msgstr "Sábháil marcóirí" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2733 src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:86 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:478 src/project/projectcommands.cpp:162 -msgid "Delete marker" -msgstr "Scrios marcóir" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2748 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Delete marker" -msgid "Delete clip markers" -msgstr "Scrios marcóir" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2750 -msgid "Clip has no markers" -msgstr "" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2788 src/project/clippropertiesmanager.cpp:126 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"You are editing an external title clip (%1). Do you want to save your " -"changes to the title file or save the changes for this project only?" -msgstr "" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2788 src/project/clippropertiesmanager.cpp:126 -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:1766 -msgid "Save Title" -msgstr "" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2788 src/project/clippropertiesmanager.cpp:126 -msgid "Save to title file" -msgstr "" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2788 src/project/clippropertiesmanager.cpp:126 -msgid "Save in project only" -msgstr "" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2852 src/project/projectlist.cpp:1428 -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:1430 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4517 -msgid "Invalid clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2852 src/project/projectlist.cpp:1428 -msgid "Clip is invalid, will be removed from project." -msgstr "" - -#: src/bin/bincommands.cpp:34 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Remove file" -msgid "Remove Folder" -msgstr "Bain an comhad" - -#: src/bin/bincommands.cpp:35 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Add folder" -msgid "Add Folder" -msgstr "Cuir fillteán leis" - -#: src/bin/bincommands.cpp:121 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Add new effect" -msgid "Add Bin Effect" -msgstr "Cuir maisíocht nua leis" - -#: src/bin/bincommands.cpp:140 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Reset Effect" -msgid "Remove Bin Effect" -msgstr "Athshocraigh an Mhaisíocht" - -#: src/bin/bincommands.cpp:162 -msgid "Rename Zone" -msgstr "" - -#: src/bin/bincommands.cpp:184 -msgid "Add Sub Clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/bin/bincommands.cpp:217 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1628 -msgid "Edit clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/bin/projectclip.cpp:90 src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:879 -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:195 -msgid "Untitled" -msgstr "Gan Teideal" - -#: src/bin/projectclip.cpp:272 src/project/projectlist.cpp:2458 -msgctxt "The first letter of Proxy, used as abbreviation" -msgid "P" -msgstr "S" - -#: src/bin/projectclip.cpp:940 src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:1228 -#, kde-format -msgid "Clip already contains analysis data %1" -msgstr "" - -#: src/bin/projectclip.cpp:940 src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:1228 -msgid "Merge" -msgstr "Cumaisc" - -#: src/bin/projectclip.cpp:940 src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:1228 -msgid "Add" -msgstr "Cuir Leis" - -#: src/bin/projectfolder.cpp:74 -#, fuzzy, kde-format -#| msgid "Mute" -msgid "%1 clip" -msgid_plural "%1 clips" -msgstr[0] "Gan fuaim" -msgstr[1] "Gan fuaim" -msgstr[2] "Gan fuaim" -msgstr[3] "Gan fuaim" -msgstr[4] "Gan fuaim" - -#: src/bin/projectfolderup.cpp:35 -msgid "Back" -msgstr "" - -#: src/bin/projectfolderup.cpp:59 -msgid "Go up" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/bin/projectitemmodel.cpp:169 src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:74 -#: src/ui/colorclip_ui.ui:20 src/ui/configtranscode_ui.ui:70 -#: src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:20 -msgid "Name" -msgstr "Ainm" - -#: src/bin/projectitemmodel.cpp:172 -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:173 -#: src/project/projectlistview.cpp:59 -msgid "Date" -msgstr "Dáta" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_description) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/bin/projectitemmodel.cpp:175 src/project/projectlistview.cpp:59 -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:41 src/ui/configtranscode_ui.ui:80 -#: src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:49 -msgid "Description" -msgstr "Cur Síos" - -#: src/bin/projectitemmodel.cpp:178 src/dialogs/profilesdialog.cpp:585 -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:231 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:319 -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:771 src/mltcontroller/clipcontroller.cpp:266 -#: src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:483 -msgid "Unknown" -msgstr "Anaithnid" - -#: src/bin/projectsubclip.cpp:41 src/doc/documentvalidator.cpp:1441 -#, fuzzy, kde-format -#| msgid "Zoom Out" -msgid "Zone %1" -msgstr "Súmáil Amach" - -#: src/capture/managecapturesdialog.cpp:42 -msgid "import" -msgstr "iompórtáil" - -#: src/dialogs/clipcreationdialog.cpp:97 src/dialogs/clipcreationdialog.cpp:98 -msgid "Color Clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/clipcreationdialog.cpp:188 -msgid "Title clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/clipcreationdialog.cpp:236 src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:1117 -msgid "Template title clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/clipcreationdialog.cpp:428 src/doc/doccommands.cpp:32 -msgid "Add clip" -msgid_plural "Add clips" -msgstr[0] "" -msgstr[1] "" - -#: src/dialogs/clipcreationdialog.cpp:437 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:247 -#: src/effectstack/collapsibleeffect.cpp:200 src/mainwindow.cpp:2832 -msgid "All Supported Files" -msgstr "Gach Comhad a dTacaítear Leis" - -#: src/dialogs/clipcreationdialog.cpp:437 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:247 -#: src/effectstack/collapsibleeffect.cpp:200 src/mainwindow.cpp:2832 -msgid "All Files" -msgstr "Gach Comhad" - -#: src/dialogs/clipcreationdialog.cpp:438 -msgid "Import image sequence" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/clipcreationdialog.cpp:440 -msgid "Transparent background for images" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/encodingprofilesdialog.cpp:37 -msgid "Manage Encoding Profiles" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, groupBox) -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, enable_proxy) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_14) -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, kcfg_enableproxy) -#: src/dialogs/encodingprofilesdialog.cpp:38 -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:96 src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:36 -#: src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:142 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:244 -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:499 -msgid "Proxy clips" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/encodingprofilesdialog.cpp:39 -msgid "Video4Linux capture" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/encodingprofilesdialog.cpp:40 -msgid "Screen capture" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/encodingprofilesdialog.cpp:41 -msgid "Decklink capture" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/encodingprofilesdialog.cpp:125 -#: src/dialogs/encodingprofilesdialog.cpp:157 -msgid "Profile name:" -msgstr "Ainm na próifíle:" - -#: src/dialogs/encodingprofilesdialog.cpp:128 -#: src/dialogs/encodingprofilesdialog.cpp:160 -msgid "Parameters:" -msgstr "Paraiméadair:" - -#: src/dialogs/encodingprofilesdialog.cpp:131 -#: src/dialogs/encodingprofilesdialog.cpp:163 -msgid "File extension:" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:64 -#: src/effectslist/effectslistwidget.cpp:100 -#: src/effectslist/effectslistwidget.cpp:121 -#: src/effectslist/effectslistwidget.cpp:123 -msgid "Misc" -msgstr "Éagsúil" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:73 -msgid "Project Defaults" -msgstr "Réamhshocruithe an Tionscadail" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:101 -msgid "Environment" -msgstr "Timpeallacht" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:126 -msgid "Capture" -msgstr "Gabh" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:131 -msgid "Capture is not yet available on Mac OS X." -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:170 -msgid "JogShuttle" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, groupBox) -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:180 src/ui/smconfig_ui.ui:20 -msgid "Playback" -msgstr "Athsheinm" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:275 -msgid "GPU processing needs MLT compiled with Movit and Rtaudio modules" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:300 -#, kde-format -msgid "dvgrab version %1 at %2" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:301 -msgid "" -"dvgrab utility not found, please install it for firewire " -"capture" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:438 -msgid "Automatic" -msgstr "Uathoibríoch" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:440 -msgid "OSS" -msgstr "OSS" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:441 -msgid "ALSA" -msgstr "ALSA" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:442 -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:487 -msgid "PulseAudio" -msgstr "PulseAudio" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:443 -msgid "OSS with DMA access" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:444 -msgid "Esound daemon" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:445 -msgid "ARTS daemon" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:457 -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:458 -msgid "Default" -msgstr "Réamhshocrú" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:503 -msgid "SDL" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:504 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Audio" -msgid "RtAudio" -msgstr "Fuaim" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:566 -msgid "Select default video player" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:578 -msgid "Select default audio editor" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:590 -msgid "Select default image editor" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:809 -msgid "Kdenlive must be restarted to change this setting" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, p_progressive) -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:832 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:264 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:634 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:118 src/project/clipproperties.cpp:685 -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:322 src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:99 -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:163 -msgid "Interlaced" -msgstr "Crosfhite" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, progressive) -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:834 -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:1039 -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:1072 -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:1088 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:265 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:634 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:119 src/project/clipproperties.cpp:685 -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:428 src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:232 -msgid "Progressive" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:892 -msgid "A profile with that name already exists" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:1003 -msgid "Current settings" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/profilesdialog.cpp:50 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:163 -msgid "Delete profile" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/profilesdialog.cpp:52 src/dialogs/profilesdialog.cpp:95 -msgid "Save profile" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/profilesdialog.cpp:54 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:171 -msgid "Create new profile" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/profilesdialog.cpp:163 -msgid "The custom profile was modified, do you want to save it?" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/profilesdialog.cpp:194 -msgid "" -"A profile with same name already exists in MLT's default profiles, please " -"choose another description for your custom profile." -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/profilesdialog.cpp:225 src/dialogs/profilesdialog.cpp:526 -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:612 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:799 -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:805 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:865 -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1003 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1168 -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2382 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2405 -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:669 src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:675 -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:934 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:940 -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:3046 src/mainwindow.cpp:3051 -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:796 -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:802 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:1780 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot write to file %1" -msgstr "Ní féidir comhad %1 a scríobh" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:108 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1233 -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2295 -msgid "Waiting..." -msgstr "Ag feitheamh..." - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:111 -msgid "Rendering finished" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:116 -msgid "Rendering crashed" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:121 -msgid "Rendering aborted" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:155 -msgid "Rendering" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:167 -msgid "Edit profile" -msgstr "Cuir eagar ar phróifíl" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:177 -msgid "Copy profile to favorites" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:179 -msgid "Show profiles with different framerate" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, preserveAspectRatio) -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:223 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:534 -msgid "Preserve aspect ratio" -msgstr "Coimeád cóimheas treoíochta" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:289 -msgid "File" -msgstr "Comhad" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:298 -msgid "Script Files" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:392 -msgid "Beginning" -msgstr "Tosach" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:478 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:494 -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:688 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:706 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Quality" -msgid "Qualities" -msgstr "Cáilíocht" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:479 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:495 -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:689 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:707 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Edit Duration" -msgid "Default quality" -msgstr "Cuir Fad Ama in Eagar" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, vbitrates_label) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, abitrates_label) -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:481 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:497 -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:691 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:709 -#: src/ui/saveprofile_ui.ui:40 src/ui/saveprofile_ui.ui:73 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Bitrate" -msgid "Bitrates" -msgstr "Ráta giotán" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, default_vbitrate_label) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, default_abitrate_label) -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:482 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:498 -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:692 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:710 -#: src/ui/saveprofile_ui.ui:26 src/ui/saveprofile_ui.ui:80 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Edit Duration" -msgid "Default bitrate" -msgstr "Cuir Fad Ama in Eagar" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:509 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:515 -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:679 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:749 -msgctxt "Group Name" -msgid "Custom" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:591 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:760 -msgid "Profile already exists" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:591 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:760 -msgid "" -"This profile name already exists. Change the name if you don't want to " -"overwrite it." -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:606 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:859 -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1859 -#, kde-format -msgid "Unable to write to file %1" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:632 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1843 -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1892 -msgctxt "Category Name" -msgid "Custom" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:720 -msgid "Edit Profile" -msgstr "Cuir Próifíl in Eagar" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:918 -msgid "Cannot find the melt program required for rendering (part of Mlt)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:922 -msgid "" -"Cannot play video after rendering because the default video player " -"application is not set.\n" -"Please define it in Kdenlive settings dialog." -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:930 src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:259 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"The directory %1, could not be created.\n" -"Please make sure you have the required permissions." -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:973 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:165 -#, kde-format -msgid "File has no extension. Add extension (%1)?" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:988 -msgid "Output file already exists. Do you want to overwrite it?" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1222 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2283 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"There is already a job writing file:
Abort the job if " -"you want to overwrite it..." -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1222 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2283 -msgid "Already running" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1266 -msgid "Video without audio track" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1317 -#, kde-format -msgid "Rendering %1 started" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1473 -#, kde-format -msgid "Frame rate (%1) not compatible with project profile (%2)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1491 -#, kde-format -msgid "Unsupported video format: %1" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1507 -#, kde-format -msgid "Unsupported audio codec: %1" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1524 -#, kde-format -msgid "Unsupported video codec: %1" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1533 -msgid "" -"This render profile uses a 'profile' parameter.
Unless you know what " -"you are doing you will probably have to change it to 'mlt_profile'." -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1546 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1584 -msgid "No matching profile" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1561 -msgid "untitled" -msgstr "gan teideal" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1586 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Edit profile" -msgid "Invalid profile" -msgstr "Cuir eagar ar phróifíl" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1630 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Title" -msgid "" -"Video\n" -"quality" -msgstr "Teideal" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1632 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Add track" -msgid "" -"Video\n" -"bitrate" -msgstr "Cuir rian leis" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1652 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Quality" -msgid "" -"Audio\n" -"quality" -msgstr "Cáilíocht" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1654 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Add track" -msgid "" -"Audio\n" -"bitrate" -msgstr "Cuir rian leis" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1692 -msgid "File rendering" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1693 -msgid "Favorites" -msgstr "Ceanáin" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1694 -msgid "DVD" -msgstr "DVD" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, profile_audioonly) -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1695 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7011 -#: src/ui/configtranscode_ui.ui:100 -msgid "Audio only" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1696 -msgid "Web sites" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1697 -msgid "Media players" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1698 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1738 -msgid "Lossless/HQ" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1699 -msgid "Mobile devices" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1783 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Image size" -msgctxt "Category Name" -msgid "Images sequence" -msgstr "Méid na híomhá" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1987 -msgctxt "Attribute Name" -msgid "Custom" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2085 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2108 -#, kde-format -msgid "%1 day " -msgid_plural "%1 days " -msgstr[0] "" -msgstr[1] "" -msgstr[2] "" -msgstr[3] "" -msgstr[4] "" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2087 -#, kde-format -msgid "Remaining time %1" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2110 -#, kde-format -msgid "Rendering finished in %1" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2112 -#, kde-format -msgid "Rendering of %1 finished in %2" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2125 -#, kde-format -msgid "Rendering of %1 crashed
" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, abort_job) -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2165 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:650 -msgid "Abort Job" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2168 -msgid "Remove Job" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2236 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2240 -#, kde-format -msgid "Script contains wrong command: %1" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2424 -msgid "script" -msgstr "script" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2445 src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:228 -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:640 -msgid "Check missing clips" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2502 -msgid "Export audio (automatic)" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, export_audio) -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2504 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:544 -msgid "Export audio" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:60 -msgid "Config Wizard" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:64 -msgid "Welcome" -msgstr "Fáilte" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:66 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Your Kdenlive version was upgraded to version %1. Please take some time to " -"review the basic settings" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:68 -msgid "" -"This is the first time you run Kdenlive. This wizard will let you adjust " -"some basic settings, you will be ready to edit your first movie in a few " -"seconds..." -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:72 -msgid "Discover the features of this Kdenlive release" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:82 -msgid "Checking MLT engine" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:90 -msgid "Video Standard" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:128 -msgid "Additional Settings" -msgstr "Socruithe Breise" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (KComboBox, capture_device) -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:142 src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:168 -msgid "Capture device" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:146 -msgid "Default Blackmagic Decklink card:" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:147 -msgid "No Blackmagic Decklink device found" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:158 -msgid "Checking system" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:186 -msgid "Default video4linux device:" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:199 -msgid "No device found, plug your webcam and refresh." -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:221 -#, kde-format -msgid "Current settings (%1x%2, %3/%4fps)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:257 -#, kde-format -msgid "Default settings (%1x%2, %3/%4fps)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:272 -msgid "Melt" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:273 -msgid "Required for rendering (part of MLT package)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:280 -msgid "Cannot start the MLT video backend!" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:287 -#, kde-format -msgid "MLT version: %1" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:290 -msgid "Your MLT version is unsupported!!!" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:296 -#, kde-format -msgid "Please upgrade to MLT %1.%2.%3" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:300 -msgid "MLT video backend!" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:318 -msgid "SDL module" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:319 -msgid "Required for Kdenlive" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:332 -msgid "Avformat module (FFmpeg)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:333 -msgid "Required to work with various video formats (hdv, mpeg, flash, ...)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:372 -msgid "QImage module" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:373 src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:378 -msgid "Required to work with images" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:377 -msgid "Pixbuf module" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:392 -msgid "Title module" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:393 -msgid "Required to work with titles" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:456 -msgid "" -"The following codecs were not found on your system. Check our online manual if you need them: " -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:477 -msgid "FFmpeg & ffplay" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:478 -msgid "Required for proxy clips, transcoding and screen capture" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:504 -msgid "dvgrab" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:505 -msgid "Required for firewire capture" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:511 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:104 -msgid "dvdauthor" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:512 -msgid "Required for creation of DVD" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:518 -msgid "genisoimage or mkisofs" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:519 -msgid "Required for creation of DVD ISO images" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:528 -msgid "xine" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:529 -msgid "Required to preview your DVD" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:533 -msgid "vlc" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:685 -msgid "Frame size:" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_4) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:685 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:245 -#: src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:55 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:107 -msgid "Frame rate:" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_23) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_9) -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:685 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:266 -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:121 -msgid "Pixel aspect ratio:" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_31) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_10) -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:685 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:280 -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:135 -msgid "Display aspect ratio:" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:732 -msgid "" -"Your MLT installation cannot be found. Install MLT and restart Kdenlive.\n" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:736 -msgid "Fatal Error" -msgstr "Earráid Mharfach" - -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:279 -#, kde-format -msgid "%1 fps" -msgstr "" - -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:284 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "H" -msgid "Hz" -msgstr "H" - -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:289 -msgid "Audio clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:292 -msgid "Mute video clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:295 src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:214 -msgid "Video clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:298 -msgid "Color clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:301 src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:216 -msgid "Image clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:304 -msgid "Template text clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:305 -msgid "Text clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:308 -msgid "Slideshow clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:311 -msgid "Virtual clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:314 src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:218 -msgid "Playlist clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:317 -msgid "Unknown clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:684 src/renderer.cpp:141 -msgid "Missing clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/doc/doccommands.cpp:33 src/project/clipmanager.cpp:226 -msgid "Delete clip" -msgid_plural "Delete clips" -msgstr[0] "" -msgstr[1] "" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:199 -msgid "Luma file" -msgstr "Comhad Luma" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:223 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Save markers" -msgid "Title Image" -msgstr "Sábháil marcóirí" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:226 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Title" -msgid "Title Font" -msgstr "Teideal" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:247 -#, kde-format -msgid "%1 will be replaced by %2" -msgstr "" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:261 -msgid "Missing item" -msgstr "" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:265 -msgid "The project file contains missing clips or files" -msgstr "" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:269 -msgid "Missing proxies will be recreated after opening." -msgstr "" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:273 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"The project file contains a missing clip, you can still work with its proxy." -msgid_plural "" -"The project file contains %1 missing clips, you can still work with their " -"proxies." -msgstr[0] "" -msgstr[1] "" -msgstr[2] "" -msgstr[3] "" -msgstr[4] "" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:283 src/project/projectitem.cpp:192 -msgid "Proxy clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:285 -#, kde-format -msgid "%1 missing proxy clip, will be recreated on project opening" -msgid_plural "%1 missing proxy clips, will be recreated on project opening" -msgstr[0] "" -msgstr[1] "" -msgstr[2] "" -msgstr[3] "" -msgstr[4] "" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:288 -msgid "Missing proxy" -msgstr "" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:335 src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:348 -msgid "Source clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:337 -#, kde-format -msgid "%1 missing source clips, you can only use the proxies" -msgstr "" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:340 -msgid "Missing source clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:411 -msgid "Clips folder" -msgstr "" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:567 -msgid "Enter new location for file" -msgstr "" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:780 -msgid "This will remove the selected clip from this project" -msgid_plural "This will remove the selected clips from this project" -msgstr[0] "" -msgstr[1] "" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:780 -msgid "Remove clips" -msgstr "" - -#: src/doc/documentvalidator.cpp:90 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"The document was created in \"%1\" locale, which is not installed on your " -"system. Please install that language pack. Until then, Kdenlive might not be " -"able to correctly open the document." -msgstr "" - -#: src/doc/documentvalidator.cpp:94 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"There is a locale conflict on your system. The document uses locale %1 which " -"uses a \"%2\" as numeric separator (in system libraries) but Qt expects " -"\"%3\". You might not be able to correctly open the project." -msgstr "" - -#: src/doc/documentvalidator.cpp:279 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"This project type is unsupported (version %1) and can't be loaded.\n" -"Please consider upgrading your Kdenlive version." -msgstr "" - -#: src/doc/documentvalidator.cpp:279 src/doc/documentvalidator.cpp:286 -msgid "Unable to open project" -msgstr "" - -#: src/doc/documentvalidator.cpp:286 -#, kde-format -msgid "This project type is unsupported (version %1) and can't be loaded." -msgstr "" - -#: src/doc/documentvalidator.cpp:840 -msgid "" -"Some of your text clips were saved with size in points, which means " -"different sizes on different displays. Do you want to convert them to pixel " -"size, making them portable? It is recommended you do this on the computer " -"they were first created on, or you could have to adjust their size." -msgstr "" - -#: src/doc/documentvalidator.cpp:840 -msgid "Update Text Clips" -msgstr "" - -#: src/doc/documentvalidator.cpp:1679 -msgid "" -"The project file uses some GPU effects. GPU acceleration is not currently " -"enabled.\n" -"Do you want to convert the project to a non-GPU version ?\n" -"This might result in data loss." -msgstr "" - -#: src/doc/documentvalidator.cpp:1770 -msgid "The following filters/transitions were converted to non GPU versions:" -msgstr "" - -#: src/doc/documentvalidator.cpp:1773 -msgid "The following filters/transitions were deleted from the project:" -msgstr "" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:152 -msgid "" -"Cannot open the project file,\n" -"Do you want to open a backup file?" -msgstr "" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:152 src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:168 -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:213 -msgid "Error opening file" -msgstr "Earráid agus comhad á oscailt" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:152 src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:168 -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:213 -msgid "Open Backup" -msgstr "" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:168 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Cannot open the project file, error is:\n" -"%1 (line %2, col %3)\n" -"Do you want to open a backup file?" -msgstr "" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:168 src/project/projectmanager.cpp:381 -msgid "Recover" -msgstr "" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:194 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Cannot open file" -msgid "Cannot recover this project file" -msgstr "Ní féidir an comhad a oscailt" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:206 -msgid "Validating" -msgstr "" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:212 -#, kde-format -msgid "File %1 is not a Kdenlive project file" -msgstr "" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:213 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"File %1 is not a valid project file.\n" -"Do you want to open a backup file?" -msgstr "" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:254 -#, kde-format -msgid "Project directory %1 does not exist. Create it?" -msgstr "" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:266 -#, kde-format -msgid "Document project folder is invalid, setting it to the default one: %1" -msgstr "" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:548 src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:659 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot write to file %1, scene list is corrupted." -msgstr "" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:719 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"You have changed the project folder. Do you want to copy the cached data " -"from %1 to the new folder %2?" -msgstr "" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:1105 -msgid "Enter Template Path" -msgstr "" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:1179 -msgid "The following effects were imported from the project:" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:1209 src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:1223 -#: src/ui/backupdialog_ui.ui:22 -msgid "Project Folder" -msgstr "" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:1287 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Cannot create backup copy:\n" -"%1" -msgstr "" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:1400 src/project/projectlist.cpp:2317 -msgid "Add proxy clip" -msgid_plural "Add proxy clips" -msgstr[0] "" -msgstr[1] "" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:1401 src/project/projectlist.cpp:2318 -msgid "Remove proxy clip" -msgid_plural "Remove proxy clips" -msgstr[0] "" -msgstr[1] "" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:62 src/mainwindow.cpp:1023 -msgid "DVD Wizard" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:65 -msgid "Select Files For Your DVD" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:69 -msgid "DVD Chapters" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:75 -msgid "Create DVD Menu" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:79 -msgid "Creating DVD Image" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:104 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:111 -#, kde-format -msgid "Burn with %1" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:114 -msgid "No burning program found (K3b, Brasero)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:120 -msgid "Load" -msgstr "Luchtaigh" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:121 -msgid "Save" -msgstr "Sábháil" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:188 -#, fuzzy, kde-format -#| msgid "Cannot write to file %1" -msgid "Cannot create temporary directory %1" -msgstr "Ní féidir comhad %1 a scríobh" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:271 -msgid "Menu movie is invalid" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:383 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:464 -msgid "Rendering job timed out" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:385 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:466 -msgid "Menu job timed out" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:674 -msgid "Rendering menu crashed" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:710 -msgid "DVDAuthor process crashed" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:713 -msgid "DVDAuthor process crashed.

" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:737 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:738 -msgid "DVD structure broken" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:785 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:788 -msgid "ISO creation process crashed." -msgstr "" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:817 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:818 -msgid "DVD ISO is broken" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:832 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:834 -#, kde-format -msgid "DVD ISO image %1 successfully created." -msgstr "" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:864 -#, kde-format -msgid "Previewing requires one of these applications (%1)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:888 -#, kde-format -msgid "Folder %1 already exists. Overwrite?\n" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:890 -#, kde-format -msgid "Image file %1 already exists. Overwrite?" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:911 -msgid "Save DVD Project" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:911 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:948 -msgid "DVD project (*.kdvd)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:957 -#, kde-format -msgid "File %1 is not a Kdenlive project file." -msgstr "" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardmenu.cpp:42 src/monitor/monitor.cpp:185 -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:303 src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:79 -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:405 src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:444 -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:873 -msgid "Play" -msgstr "Seinn" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardmenu.cpp:54 -msgid "Add new button" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardmenu.cpp:55 -msgid "Delete current button" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardmenu.cpp:300 -msgid "Play All" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:104 -#, kde-format -msgid "Program %1 is required for the DVD wizard." -msgstr "" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:105 -msgid "mkisofs" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:105 -msgid "genisoimage" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:105 -#, kde-format -msgid "Program %1 or %2 is required for the DVD wizard." -msgstr "" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:111 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:316 -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:768 -msgid "PAL 4:3" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:111 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:313 -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:765 -msgid "PAL 16:9" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:111 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:310 -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:762 -msgid "NTSC 4:3" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:111 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:307 -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:759 -msgid "NTSC 16:9" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:138 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:791 -msgid "Your clips do not match selected DVD format, transcoding required." -msgstr "" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:210 src/project/cliptranscode.cpp:244 -msgid "Transcoding failed!" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:247 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "All Files" -msgid "MPEG Files" -msgstr "Gach Comhad" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:248 -msgid "Add new video file" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:337 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:779 -#, kde-format -msgid "The clip %1 is invalid." -msgstr "" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:674 -#: src/effectstack/collapsibleeffect.cpp:352 -#: src/effectstack/collapsiblegroup.cpp:178 src/monitor/monitor.cpp:845 -#: src/project/clipstabilize.cpp:222 src/project/cliptranscode.cpp:141 -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:297 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"File %1 already exists.\n" -"Do you want to overwrite it?" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:699 -#, fuzzy, kde-format -#| msgid "Transcode" -msgid "Transcoding: %1" -msgstr "Traschódaigh" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslist.cpp:197 -msgid "Author:" -msgstr "Údar:" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:63 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Search in the effect list" -msgid "Search in effects list" -msgstr "Cuardaigh sa liosta maisíochtaí" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:72 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Description" -msgid "Show/Hide effect description" -msgstr "Cur Síos" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:83 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Delete Selected Item" -msgid "Add Effect to Selected Clip" -msgstr "Scrios an Mhír Roghnaithe" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:84 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Delete Selected Item" -msgid "Add Effect to Favorites" -msgstr "Scrios an Mhír Roghnaithe" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:85 -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:231 -#: src/effectstack/collapsibleeffect.cpp:70 -#: src/effectstack/collapsiblegroup.cpp:77 -msgid "Delete effect" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:93 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Show all profiles" -msgid "Show all transitions" -msgstr "Taispeáin gach próifíl" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:94 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Transitions" -msgid "Show GPU transitions" -msgstr "Trasdulta" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:101 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Show all profiles" -msgid "Show all effects" -msgstr "Taispeáin gach próifíl" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:103 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Save Effect" -msgid "Show video effects" -msgstr "Sábháil an Mhaisíocht" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:105 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Save Effect" -msgid "Show audio effects" -msgstr "Sábháil an Mhaisíocht" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:107 -msgid "Show GPU effects" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:109 -msgid "Show custom effects" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:110 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Save Effect" -msgid "Show favorite effects" -msgstr "Sábháil an Mhaisíocht" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:239 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Remove file" -msgid "Remove from favorites" -msgstr "Bain an comhad" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_audio) -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, abitrates) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_audiothumbnails) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, audio_thumbs) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, audiobitrateLabel) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, rec_audio) -#: src/effectslist/effectslistwidget.cpp:100 -#: src/effectslist/effectslistwidget.cpp:129 -#: src/effectslist/effectslistwidget.cpp:131 src/monitor/recmanager.cpp:57 -#: src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:39 -#: src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:121 -#: src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:155 -#: src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:194 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:131 -#: src/ui/configtimeline_ui.ui:38 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:224 -#: src/ui/recmonitor_ui.ui:107 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:195 -#: src/ui/saveprofile_ui.ui:67 -msgid "Audio" -msgstr "Fuaim" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistwidget.cpp:100 -#: src/effectslist/effectslistwidget.cpp:137 -#: src/effectslist/effectslistwidget.cpp:139 -#: src/effectslist/effectslistwidget.cpp:464 -msgctxt "Folder Name" -msgid "Custom" -msgstr "Saincheaptha" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistwidget.cpp:194 -msgctxt "menu name for effects names between these 2 letters" -msgid "0 - F" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistwidget.cpp:196 -msgctxt "menu name for effects names between these 2 letters" -msgid "G - L" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistwidget.cpp:198 -msgctxt "menu name for effects names between these 2 letters" -msgid "M - R" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistwidget.cpp:200 -msgctxt "menu name for effects names between these 2 letters" -msgid "S - Z" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:47 src/project/clipproperties.cpp:346 -#: src/project/dialogs/slideshowclip.cpp:72 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:59 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:153 -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:541 -msgid "None" -msgstr "Neamhní" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:363 -#, kde-format -msgid "Group %1" -msgstr "Grúpa %1" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:624 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Dissolve" -msgid "None (Dissolve)" -msgstr "Díscaoil" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, slide_luma) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, luma_fade) -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:706 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:292 -#: src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:203 -msgid "Wipe" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:707 -msgid "Applies a stationary transition between the current and next frames." -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:710 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:785 -msgctxt "@property: means that the image is inverted" -msgid "Invert" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:711 -msgid "Image File" -msgstr "Comhad Íomhá" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:712 -msgid "Reverse Transition" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:716 src/timeline/headertrack.cpp:89 -#: src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:74 -msgid "Composite" -msgstr "Ilchodach" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:717 -msgid "A key-framable alpha-channel compositor for two frames." -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:719 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:764 -msgid "Alpha Channel Operation" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:719 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:764 -msgid "Over,And,Or,Xor" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:720 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:765 -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:785 -msgid "Align" -msgstr "Ailínigh" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:723 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:768 -msgid "Wipe File" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:724 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:769 -msgid "Wipe Softness" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:725 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:770 -msgid "Wipe Invert" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:726 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:771 -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:785 -msgid "Force Progressive Rendering" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:727 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:772 -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:785 -msgid "Force Deinterlace Overlay" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:729 -msgid "Affine" -msgstr "Fineach" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:753 -msgid "Fix Shear Y" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:754 -msgid "Fix Shear X" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:755 -msgid "Fix Shear Z" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:761 -msgid "Use alpha channel of another clip to create a transition." -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:762 -msgid "Transparency clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:785 -msgid "Slide" -msgstr "Sleamhnán" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:785 -msgid "Slide image from one side to another." -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:785 -msgid "Direction" -msgstr "Treo" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, slide_fade) -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:790 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:262 -#: src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:167 -msgid "Dissolve" -msgstr "Díscaoil" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:790 -msgid "Fade out one video while fading in the other video." -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:790 -msgid "Reverse" -msgstr "Aisiompaithe" - -#: src/effectstack/collapsibleeffect.cpp:64 -#: src/effectstack/collapsiblegroup.cpp:72 -msgid "Move effect up" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/collapsibleeffect.cpp:67 -#: src/effectstack/collapsiblegroup.cpp:74 -msgid "Move effect down" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/collapsibleeffect.cpp:82 -msgid "Reset Effect" -msgstr "Athshocraigh an Mhaisíocht" - -#: src/effectstack/collapsibleeffect.cpp:83 -#: src/effectstack/collapsibleeffect.cpp:345 -msgid "Save Effect" -msgstr "Sábháil an Mhaisíocht" - -#: src/effectstack/collapsibleeffect.cpp:91 -#: src/effectstack/collapsiblegroup.cpp:89 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Disable effect" -#| msgid_plural "Disable effects" -msgid "Disable Effect" -msgstr "Díchumasaigh Maisíocht" - -#: src/effectstack/collapsibleeffect.cpp:91 -#: src/effectstack/collapsiblegroup.cpp:89 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Enable effect" -#| msgid_plural "Enable effects" -msgid "Enable Effect" -msgstr "Cumasaigh maisíocht" - -#: src/effectstack/collapsibleeffect.cpp:96 -msgid "Create Group" -msgstr "Cruthaigh Grúpa" - -#: src/effectstack/collapsibleeffect.cpp:136 -msgid "Create Region" -msgstr "Cruthaigh Réigiún" - -#: src/effectstack/collapsibleeffect.cpp:345 -msgid "Name for saved effect: " -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/collapsiblegroup.cpp:68 -#: src/effectstack/collapsiblegroup.cpp:383 -msgid "Effect Group" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/collapsiblegroup.cpp:81 -msgid "Reset Group" -msgstr "Athshocraigh Grúpa" - -#: src/effectstack/collapsiblegroup.cpp:82 -#: src/effectstack/collapsiblegroup.cpp:171 -msgid "Save Group" -msgstr "Sábháil Grúpa" - -#: src/effectstack/collapsiblegroup.cpp:84 -msgid "Ungroup" -msgstr "Díghrúpáil" - -#: src/effectstack/collapsiblegroup.cpp:171 -msgid "Name for saved group: " -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/complexparameter.cpp:36 -msgid "Allow horizontal moves" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/complexparameter.cpp:38 -msgid "Allow vertical moves" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/complexparameter.cpp:40 -msgid "Show keyframes in timeline" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/complexparameter.cpp:42 -msgid "Parameter info" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/complexparameter.cpp:44 src/effectstack/geometryval.cpp:81 -#: src/effectstack/keyframeedit.cpp:47 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:84 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:417 -#: src/simplekeyframes/simplekeyframewidget.cpp:42 -#: src/simplekeyframes/simplekeyframewidget.cpp:132 -msgid "Add keyframe" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/dragvalue.cpp:109 -msgid "Normal scale" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/dragvalue.cpp:110 -msgid "Pixel scale" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/dragvalue.cpp:111 -msgid "Nonlinear scale" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/dragvalue.cpp:115 -msgid "Direct update" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/dragvalue.cpp:120 -msgid "Reset value" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/dragvalue.cpp:125 -#, kde-format -msgid "Show %1 in timeline" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/effectstackview2.cpp:71 -msgid "Enable/Disable all effects" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/effectstackview2.cpp:73 -msgid "Show additional information for the parameters" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/effectstackview2.cpp:174 -#: src/effectstack/effectstackview2.cpp:176 -#: src/effectstack/effectstackview2.cpp:179 -#, kde-format -msgid "Effects for %1" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/effectstackview2.cpp:229 -#: src/effectstack/effectstackview2.cpp:231 -#: src/effectstack/effectstackview2.cpp:234 -#, fuzzy, kde-format -#| msgid "Add new effect" -msgid "Bin effects for %1" -msgstr "Cuir maisíocht nua leis" - -#: src/effectstack/effectstackview2.cpp:276 -#, kde-format -msgid "Effects for track %1" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/geometryval.cpp:77 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:81 -#: src/simplekeyframes/simplekeyframewidget.cpp:52 -msgid "Go to next keyframe" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/geometryval.cpp:79 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:78 -#: src/simplekeyframes/simplekeyframewidget.cpp:47 -msgid "Go to previous keyframe" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/geometryval.cpp:83 src/effectstack/keyframeedit.cpp:49 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:423 -#: src/simplekeyframes/simplekeyframewidget.cpp:129 -msgid "Delete keyframe" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/geometryval.cpp:85 src/monitor/monitor.cpp:206 -msgid "Misc..." -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/geometryval.cpp:89 -msgid "Show/Hide options" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/geometryval.cpp:97 -msgid "Sync timeline cursor" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/geometryval.cpp:116 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:343 -msgid "Align item horizontally" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/geometryval.cpp:118 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:345 -msgid "Align item vertically" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/geometryval.cpp:120 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:347 -msgid "Align item to top" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/geometryval.cpp:122 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:349 -msgid "Align item to bottom" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/geometryval.cpp:124 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:351 -msgid "Align item to right" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/geometryval.cpp:126 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:353 -msgid "Align item to left" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/parametercontainer.cpp:467 -msgid "" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/bezier/beziersplinewidget.cpp:67 -msgid "Handle 1:" -msgstr "Xestionar 1:" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/bezier/beziersplinewidget.cpp:70 -msgid "Handle 2:" -msgstr "Xestionar 2:" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/colorpickerwidget.cpp:71 -msgid "" -"Pick a color on the screen. By pressing the mouse button and then moving " -"your mouse you can select a section of the screen from which to get an " -"average color." -msgstr "" -"Escolla unha cor na pantalla. Premendo o botón do rato e movendo despois o " -"rato pódese escoller unha sección da pantalla da que obter unha cor media." - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/colorpickerwidget.cpp:101 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/colorpickerwidget.cpp:125 -msgid "Requesting color information..." -msgstr "A solicitar a información sobre a cor..." - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/colorpickerwidget.cpp:134 -msgid "Calculated average color for rectangle." -msgstr "Cor media calculada do rectángulo." - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:96 -msgctxt "x axis position" -msgid "X" -msgstr "X" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:99 -msgctxt "y axis position" -msgid "Y" -msgstr "Y" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:102 -msgctxt "Frame width" -msgid "W" -msgstr "W" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:105 -msgctxt "Frame height" -msgid "H" -msgstr "H" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:111 -msgid "Adjust to original size" -msgstr "Axustar ao tamaño orixinal" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:113 -msgid "Fit to width" -msgstr "Axustar ao largo" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:115 -msgid "Fit to height" -msgstr "Axustar á altura" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:118 -msgid "Import keyframes from clip" -msgstr "Importar fotogramas clave do fragmento" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:121 -msgid "Reset all keyframes" -msgstr "Restaurar todos os fotogramas" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:125 -msgid "Reset keyframes after cursor" -msgstr "Restaurar todos os fotogramas posteriores ao cursor" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:128 -msgid "Reset keyframes before cursor" -msgstr "Restaurar todos os fotogramas anteriores ao cursor" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:133 -msgid "Synchronize with timeline cursor" -msgstr "Sincronizar co cursor da liña de tempo" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:139 -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:244 -msgid "Align left" -msgstr "Aliñar á esquerda" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:141 -msgid "Center horizontally" -msgstr "Centrar na horizontal" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:143 -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:243 -msgid "Align right" -msgstr "Aliñar á dereita" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:145 -msgid "Align top" -msgstr "Aliñar á parte superior" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:147 -msgid "Center vertically" -msgstr "Centrar na vertical" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:149 -msgid "Align bottom" -msgstr "Aliñar na parte inferior" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:154 -#: src/ui/clipstabilize_ui.ui:30 -msgid "Options" -msgstr "Opcións" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (suffix), widget (QSpinBox, spinResize) -#. i18n: ectx: property (suffix), widget (QSpinBox, kcfg_volume) -#. i18n: ectx: property (suffix), widget (QSpinBox, zoom_spin) -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:208 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:211 -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:125 src/ui/configsdl_ui.ui:89 -#: src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:226 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:611 -#, no-c-format -msgid "%" -msgstr "%" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/lumaliftgain.cpp:61 -msgid "Lift" -msgstr "Desprazamento" - -#: src/hidetitlebars.cpp:21 -msgid "Show Title Bars" -msgstr "Mostrar as barras de título" - -#: src/layoutmanagement.cpp:27 -msgid "Layouts" -msgstr "Disposicións" - -#: src/layoutmanagement.cpp:28 -msgid "Load Layout" -msgstr "Cargar unha disposición" - -#: src/layoutmanagement.cpp:30 -#, kde-format -msgid "Layout %1" -msgstr "Disposición %1" - -#: src/layoutmanagement.cpp:34 -#, kde-format -msgid "Save As Layout %1" -msgstr "Gravar como disposición %1" - -#: src/layoutmanagement.cpp:69 -#, kde-format -msgid "Save as %1" -msgstr "Gardar como %1" - -#: src/layoutmanagement.cpp:101 -msgid "Save Layout" -msgstr "Gardar a disposición" - -#: src/layoutmanagement.cpp:101 -msgid "Layout name:" -msgstr "Nome da disposición:" - -#: src/lib/audio/audioCorrelation.cpp:43 -msgid "Audio analysis finished" -msgstr "Rematou a análise do son." - -#: src/main.cpp:48 -msgid "Kdenlive" -msgstr "Kdenlive" - -#: src/main.cpp:49 -msgid "An open source video editor." -msgstr "Un editor de vídeo de código aberto" - -#: src/main.cpp:51 -msgid "Copyright © 2007–2015 Kdenlive authors" -msgstr "Copyright © 2007–2015 Os autores do Kdenlive" - -#: src/main.cpp:52 -msgid "Please report bugs to http://bugs.kde.org" -msgstr "Informe de fallos en http://bugs.kde.org" - -#: src/main.cpp:54 -msgid "Jean-Baptiste Mardelle" -msgstr "Jean-Baptiste Mardelle" - -#: src/main.cpp:54 -msgid "MLT and KDE SC 4 / KF5 port, main developer and maintainer" -msgstr "Adaptación a MLT, KDE SC 4 e KF5, desenvolvedor e mantedor principal." - -#: src/main.cpp:55 -msgid "Vincent Pinon" -msgstr "Vincent Pinon" - -#: src/main.cpp:55 -msgid "" -"Interim maintainer, KF5 port, bugs fixing, minor functions, profiles " -"updates, etc." -msgstr "" -"Mantedor provisional, adaptación a KF5, solución de erros, funcionalidades " -"menores, actualización de perfís, etc." - -#: src/main.cpp:56 -msgid "Laurent Montel" -msgstr "Laurent Montel" - -#: src/main.cpp:56 -msgid "Bugs fixing, clean up code, optimization etc." -msgstr "Arranxo de erros, limpeza do código, optimización etc." - -#: src/main.cpp:57 -msgid "Marco Gittler" -msgstr "Marco Gittler" - -#: src/main.cpp:57 -msgid "MLT transitions and effects, timeline, audio thumbs" -msgstr "Transicións e efectos de MLT, liña do tempo, miniaturas de son" - -#: src/main.cpp:58 -msgid "Dan Dennedy" -msgstr "Dan Dennedy" - -#: src/main.cpp:58 src/main.cpp:60 src/main.cpp:63 src/main.cpp:64 -msgid "Bug fixing, etc." -msgstr "Corrección de fallos, etc." - -#: src/main.cpp:59 -msgid "Simon A. Eugster" -msgstr "Simon A. Eugster" - -#: src/main.cpp:59 -msgid "Color scopes, bug fixing, etc." -msgstr "Intervalos de cores, corrección de fallos, etc." - -#: src/main.cpp:60 -msgid "Till Theato" -msgstr "Till Theato" - -#: src/main.cpp:61 -msgid "Alberto Villa" -msgstr "Alberto Villa" - -#: src/main.cpp:61 -msgid "Bug fixing, logo, etc." -msgstr "Corrección de fallos, logotipo, etc." - -#: src/main.cpp:62 -msgid "Jean-Michel Poure" -msgstr "Jean-Michel Poure" - -#: src/main.cpp:62 -msgid "Rendering profiles customization" -msgstr "Personalización dos perfís de renderización" - -#: src/main.cpp:63 -msgid "Ray Lehtiniemi" -msgstr "Ray Lehtiniemi" - -#: src/main.cpp:64 -msgid "Steve Guilford" -msgstr "Steve Guilford" - -#: src/main.cpp:65 -msgid "Jason Wood" -msgstr "Jason Wood" - -#: src/main.cpp:65 -msgid "Original KDE 3 version author (not active anymore)" -msgstr "Autor orixinal da versión KDE 3 (xa inactiva)" - -#: src/main.cpp:66 -msgid "NAME OF TRANSLATORS" -msgstr "Xosé Calvo" - -#: src/main.cpp:66 -msgid "EMAIL OF TRANSLATORS" -msgstr "xosecalvo@gmail.com" - -#: src/main.cpp:86 -msgid "Set the path for MLT environment" -msgstr "Estabelecer a ruta para o ambiente MLT" - -#: src/main.cpp:87 -msgid "Comma separated list of clips to add" -msgstr "Lista separada por vírgulas dos fragmentos que engadir" - -#: src/main.cpp:88 -msgid "Document to open" -msgstr "Documento para abrir" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:148 -msgid "Theme" -msgstr "Tema" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:177 -msgid "Project Bin" -msgstr "Caixa do proxecto" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, properties) -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:216 src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:395 -#: src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:43 -msgid "Properties" -msgstr "Propiedades" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:219 src/mainwindow.cpp:280 -msgid "Effects" -msgstr "Efectos" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:222 src/mainwindow.cpp:284 src/mainwindow.cpp:1272 -msgid "Transitions" -msgstr "Transicións" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:225 -msgid "Clip Monitor" -msgstr "Monitor do fragmento" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:226 -msgid "Project Monitor" -msgstr "Monitor do proxecto" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:228 -msgid "Record Monitor" -msgstr "Monitor de gravación" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:233 -msgid "Clean" -msgstr "Limpar" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:235 -msgid "Undo History" -msgstr "Historial para desfacer" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:263 -msgid "Stop Motion" -msgstr "Stop motion" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, capture_button) -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:264 src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:105 -msgid "Capture frame" -msgstr "Capturar un fotograma" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:267 -msgid "Switch live / captured frame" -msgstr "Conmutar entre fragmento ao vivo / capturado" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:270 -msgid "Show last frame over video" -msgstr "Mostrar o último fotograma sobre o vídeo" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:283 -msgid "Add Transition" -msgstr "Engadir unha transición" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:315 src/mainwindow.cpp:316 src/mainwindow.cpp:325 -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:326 src/mainwindow.cpp:330 -msgid "Favorite Effects" -msgstr "Efectos favoritos" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:563 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"You have 1 rendering job waiting in the queue.\n" -"What do you want to do with this job?" -msgid_plural "" -"You have %1 rendering jobs waiting in the queue.\n" -"What do you want to do with these jobs?" -msgstr[0] "" -"Ten 1 tarefa de renderización agardando na cola.\n" -"Que quere facer con ela?" -msgstr[1] "" -"Ten %1 tarefas de renderización agardando na cola.\n" -"Que quere facer con elas?" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:563 -msgid "Start them now" -msgstr "Inicialos agora" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:563 -msgid "Delete them" -msgstr "Borralos" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:784 -msgid "Normal mode" -msgstr "Modo normal" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:785 -msgctxt "Normal editing" -msgid "n" -msgstr "n" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:790 -msgid "Overwrite mode" -msgstr "Modo Sobrescribir" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:796 -msgid "Insert mode" -msgstr "Modo Inserir" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:815 -msgid "Selection tool" -msgstr "Ferramenta de selección" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:816 -msgctxt "Selection tool shortcut" -msgid "s" -msgstr "s" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:821 -msgid "Razor tool" -msgstr "Ferramenta coitela" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:822 -msgctxt "Razor tool shortcut" -msgid "x" -msgstr "x" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:827 -msgid "Spacer tool" -msgstr "Ferramenta espaciador" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:828 -msgctxt "Spacer tool shortcut" -msgid "m" -msgstr "m" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:869 -msgid "Fit zoom to project" -msgstr "Axustar zoom ao proxecto" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:873 -msgid "Zoom Out" -msgstr "Reducir zoom" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:887 -msgid "Zoom In" -msgstr "Ampliar zoom" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:915 -msgid "Split audio and video automatically" -msgstr "Quebrar automaticamente o son e o vídeo" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, videothumbs) -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:921 src/ui/wizardextra_ui.ui:35 -msgid "Show video thumbnails" -msgstr "Mostrar as miniaturas do video" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, audiothumbs) -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:927 src/ui/wizardextra_ui.ui:42 -msgid "Show audio thumbnails" -msgstr "Mostrar as miniaturas do son" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:933 -msgid "Show markers comments" -msgstr "Mostrar os comentarios dos marcadores" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:938 -msgid "Snap" -msgstr "Axustar" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, tc_type) -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:972 src/project/clipproperties.cpp:372 -#: src/project/dialogs/slideshowclip.cpp:89 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:284 -msgid "hh:mm:ss:ff" -msgstr "hh:mm:ss:ff" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, tc_type) -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:973 src/project/clipproperties.cpp:373 -#: src/project/dialogs/slideshowclip.cpp:90 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:289 -msgid "Frames" -msgstr "Fotogramas" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1002 -msgid "Manage Project Profiles" -msgstr "Xestionar os perfís do proxecto" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1003 -msgid "Download New Wipes..." -msgstr "Descargar novos limpadores..." - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1004 -msgid "Download New Render Profiles..." -msgstr "Descargar novos perfís de renderizado..." - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1005 -msgid "Download New Project Profiles..." -msgstr "Descargar novos perfís de proxecto..." - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1006 -msgid "Download New Title Templates..." -msgstr "Descargar novos modelos de títulos..." - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1008 -msgid "Run Config Wizard" -msgstr "Iniciar o asistente de configuración" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, ProjectSettings_UI) -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1009 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Project Settings" -msgstr "Configuración do proxecto" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1010 -msgid "Render" -msgstr "Renderizar" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1012 -msgid "Clean Project" -msgstr "Limpar o proxecto" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1016 -msgid "Play Zone" -msgstr "Reproducir a zona" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1018 -msgid "Loop Zone" -msgstr "Reproducir continuamente" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1020 -msgid "Loop selected clip" -msgstr "Repetir continuamente o fragmento seleccionado" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1024 -msgid "Transcode Clips" -msgstr "Transcodificar fragmentos" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1025 src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:55 -msgid "Archive Project" -msgstr "Arquivar o proxecto" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1026 -msgid "Switch monitor" -msgstr "Cambiar o monitor" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1027 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6364 -msgid "Expand Clip" -msgstr "Expandir o fragmento" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1029 -msgid "Monitor Info Overlay" -msgstr "Capa de información do monitor" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1035 -msgid "Real Time (drop frames)" -msgstr "Tempo real (descartar fotogramas)" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1040 -msgid "Monitor Gamma" -msgstr "Gamma do monitor" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1041 -msgid "sRGB (computer)" -msgstr "sRGB (computador)" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1042 -msgid "Rec. 709 (TV)" -msgstr "Rec. 709 (TV)" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1047 -msgid "Insert Zone in Project Bin" -msgstr "Inserir a zona na caixa do proxecto" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1048 -msgid "Insert Zone in Timeline" -msgstr "Inserir a zona na liña temporal" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1050 -msgid "Resize Item Start" -msgstr "Redimensionar o inicio do elemento" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1055 -msgid "Resize Item End" -msgstr "Redimensionar o final do elemento" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1060 -msgid "Go to Previous Snap Point" -msgstr "Ir ao punto de axuste anterior" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1062 -msgid "Go to Clip Start" -msgstr "Ir ao inicio do fragmento" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1063 -msgid "Go to Clip End" -msgstr "Ir ao final do fragmento" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1064 -msgid "Go to Next Snap Point" -msgstr "Ir ao punto de axuste seguinte" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1066 -msgid "Delete Selected Item" -msgstr "Borrar o elemento escollido" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1067 -msgid "Align Playhead to Mouse Position" -msgstr "Aliñar a cabeza reprodutora á posición do rato" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1069 -msgid "Automatic Transition" -msgstr "Transición automática" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1076 -msgid "Group Clips" -msgstr "Agrupar os fragmentos" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1078 -msgid "Ungroup Clips" -msgstr "Desagrupar os fragmentos" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1083 -msgid "Edit Duration" -msgstr "Editar a duración" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1084 src/mainwindow.cpp:3232 -msgid "Save clip" -msgstr "Gravar o fragmento" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1085 -msgid "Clip in Project Bin" -msgstr "Fragmento na caixa do proxecto" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1086 -msgid "Insert Clip Zone in Timeline (Overwrite)" -msgstr "Inserir a zona do fragmento na liña de tempo (Sobrescribir)" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1087 -msgid "Select Clip" -msgstr "Escoller o fragmento" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1088 -msgid "Deselect Clip" -msgstr "Quitar a selección ao fragmento" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1089 -msgid "Add Clip To Selection" -msgstr "Engadir fragmento á selección" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1091 -msgid "Select Transition" -msgstr "Seleccionar a transición" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1093 -msgid "Deselect Transition" -msgstr "Quitar a selección á transición" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1095 -msgid "Add Transition To Selection" -msgstr "Engadir a transición á selección" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, CutJobDialog_UI) -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1097 src/ui/cutjobdialog_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Cut Clip" -msgstr "Recortar o fragmento" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1098 src/mainwindow.cpp:1833 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:729 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:803 -msgid "Add Marker" -msgstr "Engadir un marcador" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1099 -msgid "Delete Marker" -msgstr "Borrar o marcador" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1100 -msgid "Delete All Markers" -msgstr "Borrar todos os marcadores" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1102 src/mainwindow.cpp:1921 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:702 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:827 -msgid "Edit Marker" -msgstr "Editar o marcador" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1105 -msgid "Add Marker/Guide quickly" -msgstr "Engadir un marcador/guía rapidamente" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1108 -msgid "Split Audio" -msgstr "Dividir o son" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1112 -msgid "Set Audio Reference" -msgstr "Indicar a referencia de son" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1116 -msgid "Align Audio to Reference" -msgstr "Aliñar o son á referencia" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1120 -msgid "Audio Only" -msgstr "Só o son" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1125 -msgid "Video Only" -msgstr "Só o vídeo" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1130 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7007 -msgid "Audio and Video" -msgstr "O son e o vídeo" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1142 -msgid "Insert Space" -msgstr "Inserir un espazo" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1143 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:3426 -msgid "Remove Space" -msgstr "Eliminar o espazo" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1146 -msgid "Insert Track" -msgstr "Inserir unha pista" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1150 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6556 -#: src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:94 -msgid "Delete Track" -msgstr "Eliminar a pista" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, TracksConfigDialog_UI) -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1155 src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:250 -#: src/ui/tracksconfigdialog_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Configure Tracks" -msgstr "Configurar as pistas" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1159 -msgid "Select All in Current Track" -msgstr "Escoller todo na pista" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1170 src/timeline/customruler.cpp:85 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5781 -msgid "Add Guide" -msgstr "Engadir unha guía" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1171 src/timeline/customruler.cpp:89 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:231 -msgid "Delete Guide" -msgstr "Eliminar a guía" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1172 src/timeline/customruler.cpp:87 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:235 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5815 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5829 -msgid "Edit Guide" -msgstr "Editar a guía" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1173 src/timeline/customruler.cpp:91 -msgid "Delete All Guides" -msgstr "Eliminar todas as guías" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1175 -msgid "Paste Effects" -msgstr "Pegar efectos" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1180 -msgid "Save Selection" -msgstr "Gardar a selección" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1208 -msgid "Add Clip" -msgstr "Engadir un fragmento" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1210 -msgid "Add Color Clip" -msgstr "Engadir un fragmento de cor" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1213 src/project/dialogs/slideshowclip.cpp:41 -msgid "Add Slideshow Clip" -msgstr "Engadir un fragmento de pase de diapositivas" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1216 -msgid "Add Title Clip" -msgstr "Engadir un fragmento de título" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1219 -msgid "Add Template Title" -msgstr "Engadir un título de modelo" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1223 -msgid "Create Folder" -msgstr "Crear un cartafol" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1224 -msgid "Online Resources" -msgstr "Recursos na rede" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, ClipProperties_UI) -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1226 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Clip Properties" -msgstr "Propiedades do fragmento" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1230 -msgid "Edit Clip" -msgstr "Editar o fragmento" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1238 -msgid "Reload Clip" -msgstr "Recargar o fragmento" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1242 -msgid "Disable Timeline Effects" -msgstr "Desactivar os efectos da liña temporal" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1247 -msgid "Duplicate Clip" -msgstr "Duplicar o fragmento" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1259 -msgid "Ripple Delete" -msgstr "Eliminación de ondas" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1389 -msgid "" -"You have changed the proxy parameters. Do you want to recreate all proxy " -"clips for this project?" -msgstr "" -"Vostede cambiou os parámetros do fragmento reducido. Quere crear de novo " -"todos os fragmentos reducidos deste proxecto?" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1487 -msgid "This will remove all unused clips from your project." -msgstr "Isto eliminará todos os fragmentos sen usar do proxecto." - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1487 -msgid "Clean up project" -msgstr "Arrombar o proxecto" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1647 -msgctxt "general keyboard shortcuts" -msgid "General" -msgstr "Xeral" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1827 src/mainwindow.cpp:1945 -msgid "Cannot find clip to add marker" -msgstr "Non se pode atopar o fragmento ao que engadir o marcador" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1859 src/mainwindow.cpp:1886 src/mainwindow.cpp:1909 -msgid "Cannot find clip to remove marker" -msgstr "Non se pode atopar o fragmento do que eliminar o marcador" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1866 src/mainwindow.cpp:1916 -msgid "No marker found at cursor time" -msgstr "Non se atoparon marcadores no tempo onde está situado o cursor" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2194 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot find effect %1 / %2" -msgstr "Non se pode atopar o efecto %1 / %2" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2252 -#, kde-format -msgid "Zoom Level: %1/13" -msgstr "Nivel de ampliación: %1/13" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2378 -msgid "Ctrl + click to use spacer on current track only" -msgstr "Facer Ctrl + click para usar o espaciador só na pista actual" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2381 -msgid "Click on a clip to cut it" -msgstr "Facer clic nun fragmento para cortalo" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2384 -msgid "" -"Shift + click to create a selection rectangle, Ctrl + click to add an item " -"to selection" -msgstr "" -"Facer Maiús. + clic para crear unha selección rectangular, Ctrl. + clic para " -"engadir un elemento á selección" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2707 -msgid "Stabilize" -msgstr "Estabilizar" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2719 -msgid "Automatic scene split" -msgstr "Quebra automática de escenas" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2729 src/project/jobs/filterjob.cpp:83 -msgid "Reverse clip" -msgstr "Inverter o fragmento" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2736 -msgid "Analyse keyframes" -msgstr "Analizar os fotogramas clave" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2751 -msgid "Transcoders" -msgstr "Transcodificadores" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2784 -msgid "Interface" -msgstr "Interface" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2821 -msgid "No clip to transcode" -msgstr "Non hai fragmentos para transcodificar" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2834 -msgid "Files to transcode" -msgstr "Ficheiros para converter" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2867 -msgid "Create Render Script" -msgstr "Crear un script de renderizado" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2877 -msgid "Script file already exists. Do you want to overwrite it?" -msgstr "O ficheiro do script xa existe. Quere sobreescribilo?" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2923 -msgctxt "the first in a list of chapters" -msgid "Start" -msgstr "Inicio" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:3200 -msgid "Archiving project" -msgstr "Arquivando o proxecto" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:3229 -msgid "Select a clip to save" -msgstr "Seleccione o fragmento que desexa gardar" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:3232 src/renderer.cpp:1386 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7865 -msgid "MLT playlist (*.mlt)" -msgstr "Lista de reprodución de MLT (*.mlt)" - -#: src/mltconnection.cpp:51 -msgid "Cannot find the melt program required for rendering (part of MLT)" -msgstr "" -"Non se pode atopar o programa «melt» requirido para a renderización (forma " -"parte de MLT)." - -#: src/mltconnection.cpp:83 -msgid "Cannot find your MLT profiles, please give the path" -msgstr "Non se poden atopar os seus perfís MLT; indique, por favor, a ruta" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:87 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:476 src/project/projectcommands.cpp:166 -msgid "Edit marker" -msgstr "Editar o marcador" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:88 -msgid "Export markers" -msgstr "Exportar os marcadores" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:89 -msgid "Import markers" -msgstr "Importar marcadores" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:115 -msgid "Analysis data" -msgstr "Datos da análise" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:118 -msgid "Delete analysis" -msgstr "Eliminar a análise" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:119 -msgid "Export analysis" -msgstr "Exportar a análise" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:120 -msgid "Import analysis" -msgstr "Importar unha análise" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, clip_transparency) -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:166 -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:842 -msgid "Transparent" -msgstr "Transparente" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:181 -msgid "Aspect Ratio" -msgstr "Proporcións" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_18) -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:236 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:618 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:623 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:679 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:440 -#: src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:86 -msgid "Frame rate" -msgstr "Frecuencia de fotogramas" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_5) -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:260 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:634 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:686 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:105 -msgid "Scanning" -msgstr "Escaneando" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:282 -msgid "Field order" -msgstr "Orde dos campos" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:286 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:129 -msgid "Bottom first" -msgstr "Inferior primeiro" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:287 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:130 -msgid "Top first" -msgstr "Superior primeiro" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:304 -msgid "Threads" -msgstr "Fíos" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, clip_force_vindex) -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:320 -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:693 -msgid "Video index" -msgstr "Índice de vídeo" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, clip_force_aindex) -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:336 -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:720 -msgid "Audio index" -msgstr "Índice de son" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_12) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_32) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_15) -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:350 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:644 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:696 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:294 -#: src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:222 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:149 -msgid "Colorspace" -msgstr "Espazo de cores" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, clip_full_luma) -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:380 -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:772 -msgid "Full luma range" -msgstr "Rango de luminancia completo" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:399 -msgid "Force properties" -msgstr "Forzar as propiedades" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_5) -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_3) -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:401 -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:511 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:349 -msgid "Metadata" -msgstr "Metadatos" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:403 -msgid "Analysis" -msgstr "Análise" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:609 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:671 src/project/clipproperties.cpp:673 -msgid "Video codec" -msgstr "Códec de vídeo" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:613 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:676 -msgid "Frame size" -msgstr "Tamaño do fotograma" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:630 -msgid "Video bitrate" -msgstr "Taxa de bits de vídeo" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:630 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:664 -msgctxt "seconds" -msgid "s" -msgstr "s" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_9) -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:641 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:690 src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:120 -msgid "Pixel aspect ratio" -msgstr "Proporcións dos píxeles" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:642 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:693 -msgid "Pixel format" -msgstr "Formato dos píxeles" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:651 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:243 -msgid "Audio codec" -msgstr "Códec de son" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:659 -msgid "Audio frequency" -msgstr "Frecuencia de son" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:664 -msgid "Audio bitrate" -msgstr "Taxa de bits do son" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:760 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:788 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:813 -msgid "Exif" -msgstr "Exif" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:832 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:854 -msgid "Magic Lantern" -msgstr "Lanterna máxina" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:893 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:858 -msgid "Save Analysis Data" -msgstr "Gravar os datos de análise" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:893 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:904 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:858 src/project/clipproperties.cpp:869 -msgid "Text File (*.txt)" -msgstr "Ficheiro de texto (*.txt)" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:904 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:869 -msgid "Open Analysis Data" -msgstr "Abrir os datos de análise" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:183 -msgid "Play..." -msgstr "Reproducir..." - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:185 src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:303 -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:310 src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:449 -msgid "Pause" -msgstr "Deter" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:210 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:210 -msgid "Go to marker..." -msgstr "Ir a un marcador..." - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:215 -msgid "Force Monitor Size" -msgstr "Forzar o tamaño do monitor" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:216 -msgid "Force 100%" -msgstr "Forzar o 100%" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:218 -msgid "Force 50%" -msgstr "Forzar o 50%" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:220 -msgid "Free Resize" -msgstr "Cambiar de tamaño libremente" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:233 -msgid "Audio volume" -msgstr "Volume de son" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:248 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Split view" -msgid "Split" -msgstr "Dividir a vista" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:248 -msgid "Unsplit" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:281 src/monitor/monitoreditwidget.cpp:58 -msgid "Show/Hide edit mode" -msgstr "Mostrar/Agochar o modo de edición" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:400 -msgid "Save zone" -msgstr "Gardar a zona" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:401 -msgid "Extract Zone" -msgstr "Extraer a zona" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:404 -msgid "Extract frame" -msgstr "Extraer fotograma" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:408 -msgid "Split view" -msgstr "Dividir a vista" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:412 -msgid "Set current image as thumbnail" -msgstr "Estabelecer a imaxe actual como miniatura" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:416 -msgid "Overlay audio waveform" -msgstr "Sobrepor a onda sonora" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:453 -msgid "Your screen resolution is not sufficient for this action" -msgstr "A súa resolución de pantalla é insuficiente para esta acción." - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:838 -msgid "Save Image" -msgstr "Gardar a imaxe" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:894 -msgid "In Point" -msgstr "Punto de entrada" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:896 -msgid "Out Point" -msgstr "Punto de saída" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:1520 -msgid "Select a clip in project bin to compare effect" -msgstr "Seleccione un fragmento na caixa do proxecto para comparar o efecto." - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:1524 -msgid "Clip has no effects" -msgstr "O fragmento non ten efectos." - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:1533 -msgid "" -"The scal0tilt filter is required for that feature, please install frei0r and " -"restart Kdenlive" -msgstr "" -"Esa funcionalidade require o filtro «scal0tilt». Instale «frei0r» e reinicie " -"Kdenlive." - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:1540 -msgid "" -"The cairoblend transition is required for that feature, please install " -"frei0r and restart Kdenlive" -msgstr "" -"Esa funcionalidade require a transición «cairoblend». Instale «frei0r» e " -"reinicie Kdenlive." - -#: src/monitor/monitoreditwidget.cpp:64 -msgid "Update parameters while monitor scene changes" -msgstr "Actualizar os parámetros segundo cambia a escena no monitor" - -#: src/monitor/monitoreditwidget.cpp:68 -msgid "Fit zoom to monitor size" -msgstr "Axustar o zoom ao tamaño do monitor" - -#: src/monitor/monitoreditwidget.cpp:70 -msgid "Original size" -msgstr "Tamaño orixinal" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:326 -msgid "Switch monitor fullscreen" -msgstr "Cambiar o monitor a pantalla completa" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:331 src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:76 -msgid "Rewind" -msgstr "Retroceder" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:336 -msgid "Rewind 1 Frame" -msgstr "Retroceder 1 fotograma" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:341 -msgid "Rewind 1 Second" -msgstr "Retroceder 1 segundo" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:346 src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:85 -msgid "Forward" -msgstr "Avanzar" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:351 -msgid "Go to Project Start" -msgstr "Ir ao inicio do proxecto" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:356 -msgid "Go to Project End" -msgstr "Ir ao final do proxecto" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:361 -msgid "Forward 1 Frame" -msgstr "Avanzar 1 fotograma" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:366 -msgid "Forward 1 Second" -msgstr "Avanzar 1 segundo" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:371 -msgid "Deinterlacer" -msgstr "Desentrelazado" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:372 -msgid "One Field (fast)" -msgstr "Un campo (rápido)" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:373 -msgid "Linear Blend (fast)" -msgstr "Mestura lineal (rápido)" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:374 -msgid "YADIF - temporal only (good)" -msgstr "YADIF - só temporal (bon)" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:375 -msgid "YADIF - temporal + spacial (best)" -msgstr "YADIF - temporal + espacial (mellor)" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:384 -msgid "Nearest Neighbor (fast)" -msgstr "O veciño máis próximo (rápido)" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:385 -msgid "Bilinear (good)" -msgstr "Bilineal (bon)" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:386 -msgid "Bicubic (better)" -msgstr "Bicúbico (mellor)" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:387 -msgid "Hyper/Lanczos (best)" -msgstr "Hiper/Lanczos (mellor)" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:395 -msgid "Go to Zone Start" -msgstr "Ir ao inicio da zona" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:400 -msgid "Mute monitor" -msgstr "Silenciar o monitor" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:400 -msgid "Unmute monitor" -msgstr "Activar o son do monitor" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:406 -msgid "Go to Zone End" -msgstr "Ir ao final da zona" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:411 -msgid "Set Zone In" -msgstr "Estabelecer o inicio da zona" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:416 -msgid "Set Zone Out" -msgstr "Estabelecer o final da zona" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_preview) -#: src/monitor/recmanager.cpp:48 src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:147 -#: src/ui/freesound_ui.ui:144 src/utils/archiveorg.cpp:181 -#: src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:158 src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:263 -#: src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:277 src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:575 -msgid "Preview" -msgstr "Previsualización" - -#: src/monitor/recmanager.cpp:52 src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:88 -msgid "Record" -msgstr "Gravar" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_video) -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, vbitrates) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, background_list) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_videothumbnails) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, video_thumbs) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, bitrateLabel) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, rec_video) -#: src/monitor/recmanager.cpp:56 src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:38 -#: src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:153 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:86 -#: src/ui/configtimeline_ui.ui:29 src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:207 -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:217 src/ui/recmonitor_ui.ui:100 -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:169 src/ui/saveprofile_ui.ui:20 -msgid "Video" -msgstr "Vídeo" - -#: src/monitor/recmanager.cpp:68 src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:135 -#, kde-format -msgid "Monitor %1" -msgstr "Monitor %1" - -#: src/monitor/recmanager.cpp:80 -msgid "Webcam" -msgstr "Cámara web" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_3) -#: src/monitor/recmanager.cpp:81 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:427 -msgid "Screen Grab" -msgstr "Captura de pantalla" - -#: src/monitor/recmanager.cpp:86 -msgid "Configure Recording" -msgstr "Configurar a gravación" - -#: src/monitor/recmanager.cpp:89 -msgid "Show Record Control" -msgstr "Mostrar o control de gravación" - -#: src/monitor/recmanager.cpp:198 src/monitor/recmanager.cpp:279 -#: src/monitor/recmanager.cpp:284 src/monitor/recmanager.cpp:390 -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:879 src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:886 -msgid "Capture crashed, please check your parameters" -msgstr "Fallou a captura; revise os seus parámetros" - -#: src/monitor/recmanager.cpp:265 src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:753 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Failed to start the capture application:\n" -"%1" -msgstr "" -"Fallou o inicio do programa de captura:\n" -"%1" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:73 src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:862 -msgid "Connect" -msgstr "Conectar" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:82 src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:249 -#: src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:262 src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:271 -msgid "Stop" -msgstr "Parar" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:94 -msgid "Add Captured File to Project" -msgstr "Engadir o ficheiro capturado ao proxecto" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:102 -msgid "Recording Preview" -msgstr "Previsualización da gravación" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:110 src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:245 -msgid "Configure" -msgstr "Configurar" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:202 -msgid "" -"You need to disconnect and reconnect in the capture monitor to apply your " -"changes" -msgstr "" -"Hai que desconectar e conectar de novo no monitor de captura para aplicar os " -"cambios" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:202 src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:203 -msgid "Capturing" -msgstr "Capturando" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:203 -msgid "You need to stop capture before your changes can be applied" -msgstr "Hai que deter a captura antes de que os cambios poidan ser aplicados" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:256 -msgid "" -"ffmpeg or avconv not found,\n" -" please install it for screen grabs" -msgstr "" -"Non se atoparon ffmpeg nin avconv;\n" -" instáleo para as gravacións da pantalla" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:262 -msgid "" -"Your FFmpeg / Libav installation\n" -" does not support screen grab" -msgstr "" -"Esta instalación de FFmpeg / Libav\n" -"non admite a captura da pantalla" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:265 src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:888 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Press record button\n" -"to start screen capture\n" -"Files will be saved in:\n" -"%1" -msgstr "" -"Prema o botón de gravación\n" -"para comezar coa captura de pantalla\n" -"Os ficheiros serán gardados en:\n" -"%1" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:283 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Plug your camcorder and\n" -"press play button\n" -"to start preview.\n" -"Files will be saved in:\n" -"%1" -msgstr "" -"Conecte a videocámara e\n" -"prema o botón de reprodución\n" -"para comezar a previsualización\n" -"Os ficheiros serán gardados en:\n" -"%1" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:296 -msgid "" -"dvgrab utility not found,\n" -" please install it for firewire capture" -msgstr "" -"non se atopou a utilidade dvgrab\n" -" instálea para capturar por firewire" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:320 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Plug your camcorder and\n" -"press connect button\n" -"to initialize connection\n" -"Files will be saved in:\n" -"%1" -msgstr "" -"Conecte a videocámara e\n" -"prema o botón de conexión\n" -"para inicializar a conexión\n" -"Os ficheiros serán gardados en:\n" -"%1" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:355 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Cannot read from device %1\n" -"Please check drivers and access rights." -msgstr "" -"Non se pode ler desde o dispositivo %1\n" -"Revise os controladores e os permisos de acceso." - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:358 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Press play or record button\n" -"to start video capture\n" -"Files will be saved in:\n" -"%1" -msgstr "" -"Prema o botón de reprodución\n" -"ou de gravación para comezar\n" -"a captura de vídeo\n" -"Os ficheiros serán gardados en:\n" -"%1" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:370 -msgid "Disconnect" -msgstr "Desconectar" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:423 -msgid "Capture stopped" -msgstr "Deteuse a captura" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:523 -msgid "" -"Failed to start Video4Linux,\n" -"check your parameters..." -msgstr "" -"Fallou o inicio de Video4Linux,\n" -"Comprobe os parámetros..." - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:539 src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:701 -msgid "" -"Failed to start Decklink,\n" -"check your parameters..." -msgstr "" -"Fallou o inicio de Decklink,\n" -"Comprobe os parámetros..." - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:677 -msgid "" -"Failed to start ffmpeg capture,\n" -"check your parameters..." -msgstr "" -"Non foi posíbel iniciar a captura mediante «ffmpeg»,\n" -"comprobe os parámetros…" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:695 -#, kde-format -msgid "Capturing to %1" -msgstr "A capturar para %1" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:702 -msgid "Failed to start capture" -msgstr "Fallou o inicio da captura" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:766 -msgid "Initialising..." -msgstr "A inicializar..." - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:782 -msgid "Show log" -msgstr "Mostrar o rexistro" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, video_frame) -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:882 src/ui/recmonitor_ui.ui:35 -msgid "Not connected" -msgstr "Non conectado" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:971 -#, kde-format -msgid "Free space: %1" -msgstr "Espazo libre: %1" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:1014 -#, kde-format -msgid "%1 dropped frames" -msgstr "%1 fotogramas omitidos" - -#: src/monitor/smallruler.cpp:201 src/timeline/customruler.cpp:233 -#: src/timeline/customruler.cpp:234 -#, kde-format -msgid "Zone start: %1" -msgstr "Inicio da zona: %1" - -#: src/monitor/smallruler.cpp:205 src/timeline/customruler.cpp:237 -#: src/timeline/customruler.cpp:238 -#, kde-format -msgid "Zone end: %1" -msgstr "Final da zona: %1" - -#: src/monitor/smallruler.cpp:236 src/timeline/customruler.cpp:241 -#: src/timeline/customruler.cpp:242 -#, kde-format -msgid "Zone duration: %1" -msgstr "Duración da zona: %1" - -#: src/monitor/smallruler.cpp:238 src/timeline/customruler.cpp:245 -#: src/timeline/customruler.cpp:246 -#, kde-format -msgid "Position: %1" -msgstr "Posición: %1" - -#: src/project/clipmanager.cpp:220 -msgid "Delete subclip" -msgid_plural "Delete subclips" -msgstr[0] "Eliminar o subfragmento" -msgstr[1] "Eliminar os subfragmentos" - -#: src/project/clipmanager.cpp:223 src/project/projectcommands.cpp:74 -msgid "Delete folder" -msgid_plural "Delete folders" -msgstr[0] "Eliminar o cartafol" -msgstr[1] "Eliminar os cartafoles" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:200 -msgid "Libav" -msgstr "Libav" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_8) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, kcfg_defaultcapture) -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_2) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, device_selector) -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:204 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:42 -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:181 src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:105 -#: src/ui/recmonitor_ui.ui:139 -msgid "FFmpeg" -msgstr "FFmpeg" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_11) -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:246 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:187 -#: src/utils/freesound.cpp:207 -msgid "Channels" -msgstr "Canles" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:263 -#, kde-format -msgid "Proxy clip: %1 (%2)" -msgstr "Fragmento reducido: %1 (%2)" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:265 -msgid "Delete proxy" -msgstr "Eliminar este fragmento reducido" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:292 -msgid "Playlist" -msgstr "Lista de reprodución" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:348 src/project/dialogs/slideshowclip.cpp:74 -msgid "Pan, low-pass" -msgstr "Panorámica, pase baixo" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:349 src/project/dialogs/slideshowclip.cpp:75 -msgid "Pan and zoom" -msgstr "Panorámica e zoom" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:350 src/project/dialogs/slideshowclip.cpp:76 -msgid "Pan and zoom, low-pass" -msgstr "Panorámica e zoom, pase baixo" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:352 src/project/dialogs/slideshowclip.cpp:78 -msgid "Zoom, low-pass" -msgstr "Zoom, pase baixo" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:480 -msgid "Save markers" -msgstr "Gravar os marcadores" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:482 -msgid "Load markers" -msgstr "Cargador os marcadores" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:484 -msgid "Delete analysis data" -msgstr "Eliminar os datos de análise" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:486 -msgid "Load analysis data" -msgstr "Cargar os datos de análise" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:488 -msgid "Save analysis data" -msgstr "Gravar os datos de análise" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:527 src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:360 -#, kde-format -msgid "(%1 clip)" -msgid_plural "(%1 clips)" -msgstr[0] "(%1 fragmento)" -msgstr[1] "(%1 fragmentos)" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, slide_info) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_info) -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:1166 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:319 -#: src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:265 -msgid "No image found" -msgstr "Non se atoparon imaxes" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:1171 -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:573 -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:586 -#: src/project/dialogs/slideshowclip.cpp:247 -#, kde-format -msgid "1 image found" -msgid_plural "%1 images found" -msgstr[0] "1 imaxe atopada" -msgstr[1] "%1 imaxes atopadas" - -#: src/project/clippropertiesmanager.cpp:182 -msgid "Edit clips" -msgstr "Editar fragmentos" - -#: src/project/clipstabilize.cpp:41 -msgid "Stabilize Clip" -msgstr "Estabilizar o fragmento" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, auto_add) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, add_clip) -#: src/project/clipstabilize.cpp:42 src/project/cliptranscode.cpp:47 -#: src/ui/clipstabilize_ui.ui:57 src/ui/cliptranscode_ui.ui:47 -#: src/ui/cutjobdialog_ui.ui:57 -msgid "Add clip to project" -msgid_plural "Add clips to project" -msgstr[0] "Engadir fragmento ao proxecto" -msgstr[1] "Engadir fragmentos ao proxecto" - -#: src/project/clipstabilize.cpp:69 src/project/cliptranscode.cpp:63 -msgid "Destination folder" -msgstr "Cartafol de destino" - -#: src/project/clipstabilize.cpp:159 -msgid "Stabilised" -msgstr "Estabilizado" - -#: src/project/clipstabilize.cpp:173 -msgid "Stabilize clip" -msgstr "Estabilizar o fragmento" - -#: src/project/clipstabilize.cpp:232 -msgid "The stabilize job will overwrite the following files:" -msgstr "A tarefa de estabilización vai substituír os seguintes ficheiros:" - -#: src/project/cliptranscode.cpp:43 -msgid "Transcode Clip" -msgstr "Transcodificar fragmento" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, convert_abort) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_abort) -#: src/project/cliptranscode.cpp:168 src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:636 -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:884 src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:94 -#: src/ui/dvdwizardvob_ui.ui:160 -msgid "Abort" -msgstr "Cancelar" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, buttonClose) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, buttonClose2) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, buttonClose3) -#: src/project/cliptranscode.cpp:210 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:382 -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:657 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:805 -msgid "Close" -msgstr "Pechar" - -#: src/project/cliptranscode.cpp:221 src/project/cliptranscode.cpp:239 -msgid "Transcoding finished." -msgstr "Rematou a conversión." - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:63 -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:302 -msgid "Video clips" -msgstr "Fragmentos de vídeo" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:67 -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:305 -msgid "Audio clips" -msgstr "Fragmentos de son" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:71 -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:308 src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:113 -msgid "Image clips" -msgstr "Fragmentos de imaxe" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:75 -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:311 -msgid "Slideshow clips" -msgstr "Fragmentos de pase de diapositivas" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:79 -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:314 -msgid "Text clips" -msgstr "Fragmentos de texto" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:83 -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:317 -msgid "Playlist clips" -msgstr "Fragmentos de lista de reprodución" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:87 -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:320 -msgid "Other clips" -msgstr "Outros fragmentos" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:91 -msgid "Luma files" -msgstr "Ficheiros de luminancia" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:167 -#, kde-format -msgid "You have %1 missing clip in your project." -msgid_plural "You have %1 missing clips in your project." -msgstr[0] "Falta %1 fragmento do proxecto." -msgstr[1] "Faltan %1 fragmentos do proxecto." - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:192 -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:1017 -#, kde-format -msgid "(%1 item)" -msgid_plural "(%1 items)" -msgstr[0] "(%1 elemento)" -msgstr[1] "(%1 elementos)" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:197 -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:1019 -#, kde-format -msgid "%1 file to archive, requires %2" -msgid_plural "%1 files to archive, requires %2" -msgstr[0] "%1 ficheiro para arquivar; precísase %2" -msgstr[1] "%1 ficheiros para arquivar; precísase %2" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:198 -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:664 -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:854 -msgid "Archive" -msgstr "Arquivar" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:232 -msgid "Extract to" -msgstr "Extraer a" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:233 -msgid "Open Archived Project" -msgstr "Abrir un proxecto arquivado" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:235 -msgid "Extract" -msgstr "Extraer" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:264 -msgid "Opening archive..." -msgstr "A abrir o arquivo..." - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:267 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Cannot open archive file:\n" -" %1" -msgstr "" -"Non é posíbel abrir o ficheiro de arquivo:\n" -" %1" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:284 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"File %1\n" -" is not an archived Kdenlive project" -msgstr "" -"O ficheiro %1\n" -"non é un arquivo de proxecto do Kdenlive" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:290 -msgid "Ready" -msgstr "Listo" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:310 -msgid "Archiving in progress, do you want to stop it?" -msgstr "O arquivado está en progreso; desexa detelo?" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:310 -msgid "Stop Archiving" -msgstr "Deter o arquivado" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:493 -#, kde-format -msgid "Available space on drive: %1" -msgstr "Espazo dispoñíbel no disco: %1" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:497 -#, kde-format -msgid "Not enough space on drive, free space: %1" -msgstr "Non hai espazo abondo no disco; espazo libre: %1" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:518 -msgid "Archiving..." -msgstr "A arquivar..." - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:546 -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:628 -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:881 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot create directory %1" -msgstr "Non é posíbel crear o cartafol %1." - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:652 -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:847 -msgid "Project was successfully archived." -msgstr "O proxecto foi arquivado correctamente." - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:655 -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:851 -msgid "There was an error processing project file" -msgstr "Houbo un erro ao procesar o ficheiro do proxecto" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:661 -#, kde-format -msgid "There was an error while copying the files: %1" -msgstr "Houbo un erro ao copiar os ficheiros: %1" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:785 -msgid "Cannot create temporary file" -msgstr "Non foi posíbel crear o ficheiro temporal" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:883 -msgid "Extracting..." -msgstr "A extraer..." - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:947 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot open project file %1" -msgstr "Non é posíbel abrir o ficheiro de proxecto %1" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:947 -msgid "Cannot open file" -msgstr "Non é posíbel abrir o ficheiro" - -#: src/project/dialogs/backupwidget.cpp:30 -msgid "Restore Backup File" -msgstr "Restaurar o ficheiro de seguranza" - -#: src/project/dialogs/backupwidget.cpp:34 -msgid "Showing all backup files in folder" -msgstr "Móstranse todos os ficheiros de seguranza que hai no cartafol" - -#: src/project/dialogs/backupwidget.cpp:37 -#, kde-format -msgid "Showing backup files for %1" -msgstr "Móstranse os ficheiros de seguranza de %1" - -#: src/project/dialogs/noteswidget.cpp:40 -msgid "Insert current timecode" -msgstr "Inserir o código temporal actual" - -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:120 -msgid "Current Settings" -msgstr "Configuración actual" - -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:139 -msgid "Title" -msgstr "Título" - -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:146 -#: src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:189 -msgid "Author" -msgstr "Autor" - -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:153 -msgid "Artist" -msgstr "Intérprete" - -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:159 -msgid "Copyright" -msgstr "Dereitos de copia" - -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:259 -msgid "Deleting proxy clips will disable proxies for this project." -msgstr "" -"Se se retiran os fragmentos reducidos desactívanse os fragmentos reducidos " -"para este proxecto." - -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:410 -msgid "" -"Changing the profile of your project cannot be undone.\n" -"It is recommended to save your project before attempting this operation that " -"might cause some corruption in transitions.\n" -" Are you sure you want to proceed?" -msgstr "" -"O cambio de perfil do seu proxecto non se pode desfacer.\n" -"Recoméndase gardar o seu proxecto antes de intentar esta operación que pode " -"causar algún problema nas transicións.\n" -"Seguro que desexa continuar?" - -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:410 -msgid "Confirm profile change" -msgstr "Confirme o cambio do perfil" - -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:425 -#, kde-format -msgid "Interlaced (%1 fields per second)" -msgstr "Entrelazado (%1 campos por segundo)" - -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:596 -#, kde-format -msgid "Project folder: %1" -msgstr "Cartafol do proxecto: %1" - -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:597 -#, kde-format -msgid "Project profile: %1" -msgstr "Perfil do proxecto: %1" - -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:598 -#, kde-format -msgid "Total clips: %1 (%2 used in timeline)." -msgstr "Número total de fragmentos: %1 (%2 empregados na liña de tempo)" - -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:650 -msgid "field_name" -msgstr "Nome_do_campo" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, SlideshowClip_UI) -#: src/project/dialogs/slideshowclip.cpp:47 src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Slideshow Clip" -msgstr "Fragmento de pase de diapositivas" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:46 -msgid "Transcode clip" -msgstr "Transcodificar o fragmento" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:49 -msgid "Cut clip" -msgstr "Recortar o fragmento" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:53 -msgid "Analyse clip" -msgstr "Analizar o fragmento" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:125 -msgid "Failed to create file." -msgstr "Fallou a creación do ficheiro." - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:140 -msgid "Cannot process this clip type." -msgstr "Non é posíbel procesar este tipo de fragmento." - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:202 -msgid "Transcoding clip" -msgstr "Convertendo o fragmento" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:203 -msgid "Extracting clip cut" -msgstr "A extraer o recorte de fragmento" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:204 -msgid "Analysing clip" -msgstr "Analizando o fragmento" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:207 -msgid "Waiting - transcode clip" -msgstr "A agardar - transcodificación de fragmento" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:208 -msgid "Waiting - cut clip" -msgstr "A agardar - recorte de fragmento" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:209 -msgid "Waiting - analyse clip" -msgstr "Agardando - Analizar o fragmento" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:278 -#, kde-format -msgid "Extracting %1 out of %2" -msgstr "A extraer %1 de %2" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:292 -msgid "You cannot overwrite original clip." -msgstr "Non se pode substituír o fragmento orixinal." - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:293 -#, kde-format -msgid "Overwrite file %1" -msgstr "Substituír o ficheiro %1" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:338 -msgid "The transcoding job will overwrite the following files:" -msgstr "A tarefa de conversión substituirá os seguintes ficheiros:" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:344 -msgid "Transcoding" -msgstr "Conversión" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:432 -msgid "I-Frame " -msgstr "Fotogramas I" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:433 -#, c-format -msgid "Found %count I-Frames" -msgstr "Atopáronse %count fotogramas I" - -#: src/project/jobs/filterjob.cpp:133 -#, kde-format -msgid "Found %1 scenes." -msgstr "Atopáronse %1 escenas." - -#: src/project/jobs/filterjob.cpp:146 -msgid "Scene " -msgstr "Escena" - -#: src/project/jobs/filterjob.cpp:174 -msgid "Auto split" -msgstr "División automática" - -#: src/project/jobs/jobmanager.cpp:178 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot write to path: %1" -msgstr "Non se pode escribir na ruta: %1" - -#: src/project/jobs/jobmanager.cpp:225 -#, kde-format -msgid "Filter %1" -msgstr "Filtro %1" - -#: src/project/jobs/jobmanager.cpp:234 -msgid "No valid clip to process" -msgstr "O fragmento para procesar non é válido." - -#: src/project/jobs/meltjob.cpp:53 -msgid "Processing clip" -msgstr "Procesando o fragmento" - -#: src/project/jobs/meltjob.cpp:63 -msgid "No producer for this clip." -msgstr "Este fragmento non ten produtor" - -#: src/project/jobs/meltjob.cpp:86 -#, kde-format -msgid "Clip zone undefined (%1 - %2)." -msgstr "A zona de recorte está sen definir (%1 - %2)." - -#: src/project/jobs/meltjob.cpp:157 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot create consumer %1." -msgstr "Non é posíbel crear o consumidor %1." - -#: src/project/jobs/meltjob.cpp:179 -#, kde-format -msgid "Filter %1 crashed" -msgstr "Fallou o filtro %1" - -#: src/project/jobs/meltjob.cpp:248 -msgid "Waiting to process clip" -msgstr "A agardar para procesar o fragmento" - -#: src/project/jobs/proxyclipjob.cpp:38 -msgid "proxy" -msgstr "fragmento reducido" - -#: src/project/jobs/proxyclipjob.cpp:90 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot load image %1." -msgstr "Non é posíbel cargar a imaxe %1." - -#: src/project/jobs/proxyclipjob.cpp:170 -msgid "Failed to create proxy clip." -msgstr "Fallou a creación do fragmento reducido." - -#: src/project/jobs/proxyclipjob.cpp:245 -msgid "Creating proxy" -msgstr "A crear o fragmento reducido" - -#: src/project/jobs/proxyclipjob.cpp:248 -msgid "Waiting - proxy" -msgstr "A agardar - fragmento reducido" - -#: src/project/jobs/proxyclipjob.cpp:283 src/project/projectlist.cpp:2073 -msgid "Failed to create proxy, empty path." -msgstr "Fallou a creación do fragmento reducido; a ruta está baleira." - -#: src/project/notesplugin.cpp:27 -msgid "Enter your project notes here ..." -msgstr "Introduza aquí as súas notas sobre este proxecto..." - -#: src/project/notesplugin.cpp:28 -msgid "Project Notes" -msgstr "Notas do proxecto" - -#: src/project/projectcommands.cpp:38 -msgid "Add clip cut" -msgstr "Engadir un recorte de fragmento" - -#: src/project/projectcommands.cpp:72 -msgid "Add folder" -msgstr "Engadir un cartafol" - -#: src/project/projectcommands.cpp:107 -msgid "Edit clip cut" -msgstr "Editar corte de fragmento" - -#: src/project/projectcommands.cpp:136 -msgid "Rename folder" -msgstr "Renomear cartafol " - -#: src/project/projectitem.cpp:92 src/project/projectitem.cpp:221 -msgid "Contains proxies" -msgstr "Contén fragmentos reducidos" - -#: src/project/projectitem.cpp:186 -msgid "Missing" -msgstr "Faltan" - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:446 -msgid "No available clip selected" -msgstr "Non se escolleu ningún fragmento dispoñíbel" - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:982 -msgid "Delete Clip Zone" -msgstr "Eliminar a zona de fragmento" - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:995 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Delete folder %2?
This will also remove the clip in that folder" -msgid_plural "" -"Delete folder %2?
This will also remove the %1 clips in that " -"folder" -msgstr[0] "" -"Eliminar o cartafol %2?
Isto tamén borra o fragmento que contén " -"o cartafol." -msgstr[1] "" -"Borrar o cartafol %2?
Isto tamén borra os %1 fragmentos que " -"contén o cartafol." - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:1004 -#, kde-format -msgid "Delete clip %2?
This will also remove the clip in timeline" -msgid_plural "" -"Delete clip %2?
This will also remove its %1 clips in timeline" -msgstr[0] "" -"Eliminar o fragmento %2?
Isto tamén elimina o fragmento da liña " -"de tempo" -msgstr[1] "" -"Eliminar o fragmento %2?
Isto tamén elimina os %1 fragmentos da " -"liña de tempo." - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:1430 -msgid "Clip is missing or invalid. Remove it from project?" -msgstr "O fragmento non se atopa ou non é válido. Quere eliminalo do proxecto?" - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:1455 -msgid "Proxy clip unusable (duration is different from original)." -msgstr "" -"Fragmento reducido non utilizábel (a duración é diferente da do orixinal)." - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:1457 -#, kde-format -msgid "Failed to create proxy for %1. check parameters" -msgstr "Fallou a creación do fragmento reducido de %1. Comprobe os parámetros" - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:1752 -msgid "Cannot find profile from current clip" -msgstr "Non se atopa o perfil deste fragmento" - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:1769 -msgid "Change project profile" -msgstr "Modificar o perfil do proxecto" - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:1773 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Your clip does not match current project's profile.\n" -"Do you want to change the project profile?\n" -"\n" -"The following profiles match the clip (size: %1, fps: %2)" -msgstr "" -"Este fragmento semella non cadrar co perfil do proxecto.\n" -"Desexa modificar o perfil do proxecto?\n" -"\n" -"Os perfís seguintes si cadran co fragmento (tamaño: %1, fps: %2)" - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:1791 -msgid "Update profile" -msgstr "Actualizar o perfil" - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:1806 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Your clip does not match current project's profile.\n" -"No existing profile found to match the clip's properties.\n" -"Clip size: %1\n" -"Fps: %2\n" -msgstr "" -"Este fragmento non se axusta ao perfil deste proxecto.\n" -"Non se atopou ningún perfil que se axuste ás propiedades do fragmento.\n" -"Tamaño do fragmento: %1\n" -"Fps: %2\n" - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:2042 -msgid "Sequence not found" -msgstr "Secuencia non atopada" - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:2212 -msgid "Update proxy settings" -msgstr "Actualizar a configuración dos fragmentos reducidos" - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:2374 -msgid "Remove Proxy" -msgstr "Retirar o fragmento reducido" - -#: src/project/projectlistview.cpp:59 -msgid "Rating" -msgstr "Medición" - -#: src/project/projectlistview.cpp:105 -msgctxt "@title:menu" -msgid "Columns" -msgstr "Columnas" - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:61 -msgid "Open Backup File" -msgstr "Abrir unha copia de seguranza" - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:202 -msgid "Save changes to document?" -msgstr "Gardar os cambios no documento?" - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:204 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"The project \"%1\" has been changed.\n" -"Do you want to save your changes?" -msgstr "" -"O proxecto «%1» cambiou.\n" -"Desexa gravar os cambios?" - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:379 -msgid "Auto-saved files exist. Do you want to recover them now?" -msgstr "Existen ficheiros gardados automaticamente. Quéreos recuperar agora?" - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:380 -msgid "File Recovery" -msgstr "Recuperación de ficheiro" - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:381 -msgid "Don't recover" -msgstr "Non recuperar" - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:436 -#, kde-format -msgid "Opening file %1" -msgstr "Abrindo o ficheiro %1" - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:456 -msgid "Loading project" -msgstr "A cargar o proxecto" - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:458 -msgid "Loading playlist" -msgstr "Cargando a lista de reprodución" - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:478 src/project/projectmanager.cpp:483 -msgid "Loading clips" -msgstr "Cargando fragmentos (%1)" - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:507 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Cannot open file %1.\n" -"Project is corrupted." -msgstr "" -"Non se pode abrir o ficheiro %1.\n" -"O proxecto está corrupto." - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:527 -msgid "" -"This will delete all changes made since you last saved your project. Are you " -"sure you want to continue?" -msgstr "" -"Isto eliminará todos os cambios feitos desde a última vez que gardou o " -"proxecto. Está seguro que desexa continuar?" - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:527 -msgid "Revert to last saved version" -msgstr "Recuperar a última versión gardada" - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:537 -msgid "Kdenlive project (*.kdenlive)" -msgstr "Proxecto de Kdenlive (*.kdenlive)" - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:538 -msgid "Archived project (*.tar.gz)" -msgstr "Proxecto arquivado (*.tar.gz)" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, scanning_list) -#: src/project/transitionsettings.cpp:151 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:126 -msgid "Auto" -msgstr "Automático" - -#: src/project/transitionsettings.cpp:162 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:54 -msgid "Black" -msgstr "Negro" - -#: src/renderer.cpp:1181 -msgid "" -"Could not create the video preview window.\n" -"There is something wrong with your Kdenlive install or your driver settings, " -"please fix it." -msgstr "" -"Non foi posíbel crear a xanela de previsualización de vídeo.\n" -"Hai algún erro na instalación do Kdenlive ou na configuración do " -"controlador; arránxea, por favor." - -#: src/renderer.cpp:1386 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7865 -msgid "Save Zone" -msgstr "Gardar a zona" - -#: src/renderer.cpp:3283 -msgid "Import selected clips" -msgstr "Importar os fragmentos escollidos" - -#: src/renderer.cpp:3285 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Additional streams for clip\n" -" %1" -msgstr "" -"Fluxos adicionais para o fragmento\n" -" %1" - -#: src/renderer.cpp:3294 -#, kde-format -msgid "Video stream %1" -msgstr "Fluxo de vídeo %1" - -#: src/renderer.cpp:3309 -#, kde-format -msgid "Audio stream %1" -msgstr "Fluxo de son %1" - -#: src/scopes/abstractscopewidget.cpp:84 -msgid "Auto Refresh" -msgstr "Anovar automaticamente" - -#: src/scopes/abstractscopewidget.cpp:86 -msgid "Realtime (with precision loss)" -msgstr "Tempo real (con perda de precisión)" - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:67 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:52 -msgid "Reset maximum frequency to sampling rate" -msgstr "Restaurar a frecuencia máxima da taxa de sampleado" - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:68 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:55 -msgid "Track mouse" -msgstr "Seguir o rato" - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:70 -msgid "Show maximum" -msgstr "Mostrar o máximo" - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:86 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:74 -msgid "Rectangular window" -msgstr "Xanela rectangular" - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:87 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:75 -msgid "Triangular window" -msgstr "Xanela triangular" - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:88 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:76 -msgid "Hamming window" -msgstr "Xanela de Hamming" - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:97 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:79 -msgid "The maximum window size is limited by the number of samples per frame." -msgstr "" -"O tamaño máximo da xanela está limitado polo de número de tomas por " -"fotograma." - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:98 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:80 -msgid "" -"A bigger window improves the accuracy at the cost of computational power." -msgstr "" -"Unha xanela máis grande mellora a precisión a costa de poder de cálculo." - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:99 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:81 -msgid "" -"The rectangular window function is good for signals with equal signal " -"strength (narrow peak), but creates more smearing. See Window function on " -"Wikipedia." -msgstr "" -"A función da xanela rectangular é boa para sinais cunha potencia de sinal " -"igual (pico estreito), mais crea máis efecto de movemento. Consulte a " -"función Xanela na Wikipedia." - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:389 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:392 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:394 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:485 -#, kde-format -msgid "%1 dB" -msgstr "%1 dB" - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:412 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:487 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:280 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:289 -#, kde-format -msgid "%1 kHz" -msgstr "%1 kHz" - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:53 -msgid "Draw grid" -msgstr "Mostrar a grella" - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:57 -msgid "Highlight peaks" -msgstr "Realzar os picos" - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:234 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Frame\n" -"%1" -msgstr "" -"Fotograma\n" -"%1" - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:305 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:306 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"%1\n" -"dB" -msgstr "" -"%1\n" -"dB" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:31 -msgid "YUV UV plane" -msgstr "Plano UV YUV" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:32 -msgid "YUV Y plane" -msgstr "Plano Y YUV" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:33 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:55 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:61 -msgid "Modified YUV (Chroma)" -msgstr "YUV modificado (croma)" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:34 -msgid "YCbCr CbCr plane" -msgstr "Plano CbCr YCbCr" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:35 -msgid "RGB plane, one component varying" -msgstr "Plano RGB, variando un compoñente" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:36 -msgid "HSV Hue Shift" -msgstr "Desprazamento do ton HSV" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:37 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:254 -msgid "HSV Saturation" -msgstr "Saturación HSV" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:118 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:250 -#, kde-format -msgid "%1°" -msgstr "%1°" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:125 -#, kde-format -msgid "%1 px" -msgstr "%1 px" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:218 -msgid "Y value" -msgstr "Valor Y" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:219 -msgid "The Y value describes the brightness of the colors." -msgstr "O valor Y describe o brillo das cores." - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:231 -msgid "UV angle" -msgstr "Ángulo UV" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:232 -msgid "Angle through the UV plane, with all possible Y values." -msgstr "O ángulo a través do plano UV, con todos os valores posíbeis de Y." - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:240 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:268 -msgid "Red" -msgstr "Vermello" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:241 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:269 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:53 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/waveform.cpp:34 -msgid "Green" -msgstr "Verde" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:242 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:270 -msgid "Blue" -msgstr "Azul" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:243 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:271 -msgid "Luma" -msgstr "Luminancia" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:255 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:262 -msgid "HSV Value" -msgstr "Valor HSV" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/histogram.cpp:26 -msgid "Unscaled" -msgstr "Sen escalar" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/histogram.cpp:29 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/waveform.cpp:37 -msgid "Rec. 601" -msgstr "Rec. 601" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/histogram.cpp:31 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/waveform.cpp:39 -msgid "Rec. 709" -msgstr "Rec. 709" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/histogram.cpp:39 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/waveform.cpp:44 -msgid "Luma mode" -msgstr "Modo de luminancia" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/histogramgenerator.cpp:178 -msgid "min" -msgstr "mín" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/histogramgenerator.cpp:181 -msgid "max" -msgstr "máx" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/rgbparade.cpp:27 -msgid "RGB" -msgstr "RGB" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/rgbparade.cpp:28 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/waveform.cpp:33 -msgid "White" -msgstr "Branco" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/rgbparade.cpp:32 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:89 -msgid "Draw axis" -msgstr "Mostrar o eixo" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/rgbparade.cpp:37 -msgid "Gradient reference line" -msgstr "Liña de referencia do gradiente" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/rgbparadegenerator.cpp:167 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/rgbparadegenerator.cpp:169 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/rgbparadegenerator.cpp:171 -msgid "min: " -msgstr "mín: " - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/rgbparadegenerator.cpp:175 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/rgbparadegenerator.cpp:177 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/rgbparadegenerator.cpp:179 -msgid "max: " -msgstr "máx: " - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:52 -msgid "Green 2" -msgstr "Verde 2" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:56 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:60 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:102 -msgid "YUV" -msgstr "YUV" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:57 -msgid "Original Color" -msgstr "Cor orixinal" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:62 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:100 -msgid "YPbPr" -msgstr "YPbPr" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:76 -msgid "Tools" -msgstr "Ferramentas" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:78 -msgid "Export background" -msgstr "Exportar o fondo" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:82 -msgid "Drawing options" -msgstr "Opcións de debuxado" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:84 -msgid "75% box" -msgstr "75% caixa" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:94 -msgid "Draw I/Q lines" -msgstr "Mostrar as liñas I/Q" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:99 -msgid "Color Space" -msgstr "Espazo de cores" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:247 -#, kde-format -msgid "%1 \\%" -msgstr "%1 \\%" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/waveform.cpp:32 -msgid "Yellow" -msgstr "Amarelo" - -#: src/scopes/scopemanager.cpp:307 -msgid "Waveform" -msgstr "Forma da onda" - -#: src/scopes/scopemanager.cpp:309 -msgid "Histogram" -msgstr "Histograma" - -#: src/scopes/scopemanager.cpp:311 -msgid "Audio Signal" -msgstr "Sinal de son" - -#: src/scopes/scopemanager.cpp:312 -msgid "AudioSpectrum" -msgstr "Espectro de son" - -#: src/scopes/scopemanager.cpp:313 -msgid "Spectrogram" -msgstr "Espectrograma" - -#: src/statusbarmessagelabel.cpp:51 -msgctxt "@action:button" -msgid "Confirm" -msgstr "Confirmar" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:162 -msgid "Send frames to color scopes" -msgstr "Enviar os fotogramas a ámbitos de cores" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:167 -msgid "Mirror display" -msgstr "Espellar" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:174 -msgid "Stop Motion Capture" -msgstr "Capturar en «stop motion»" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, capture_interval) -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:187 src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:115 -msgid "Interval capture" -msgstr "Captura de intervalo" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:205 -msgid "Overlay effect" -msgstr "Efecto de solapamento" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:207 -msgid "No Effect" -msgstr "Sen efecto" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:211 -msgid "Edge detect" -msgstr "Detectar os bordos" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:213 -msgid "Brighten" -msgstr "Iluminar" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:236 -msgid "Show sequence thumbnails" -msgstr "Mostrar as miniaturas da secuencia" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:241 -msgid "Delete current frame" -msgstr "Eliminar este fotograma" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:369 -msgid "Configure Stop Motion" -msgstr "Configurar a «stop motion»" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:371 src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:372 -msgid " second" -msgid_plural " seconds" -msgstr[0] " segundo" -msgstr[1] " segundos" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:520 -msgid "Stopped" -msgstr "Detido" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:560 -msgid "No previous frame found" -msgstr "Non se atopou ningún fotograma anterior" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:632 -msgid "Create New Sequence" -msgstr "Crear unha secuencia nova" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:632 -msgid "Enter sequence name" -msgstr "Introduza o nome da secuencia" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:653 -msgid "Frame Captured" -msgstr "Fotograma capturado" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:667 -msgid "Going to Capture Frame" -msgstr "Ir ao fotograma de captura" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:822 -#, kde-format -msgid "Delete frame %1 from disk?" -msgstr "Eliminar o fotograma %1 do disco?" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:822 -msgid "Delete Frame" -msgstr "Eliminar o fotograma" - -#: src/timecode.cpp:261 -msgid "hour" -msgstr "hora" - -#: src/timecode.cpp:269 -msgid "min." -msgstr "min." - -#: src/timecode.cpp:277 -msgid "sec." -msgstr "seg." - -#: src/timecode.cpp:282 -msgid "frames" -msgstr "fotogramas" - -#: src/timeline/abstractclipitem.cpp:379 -msgid "seconds" -msgstr "segundos" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:589 -msgid "Crop from start:" -msgstr "Recortar desde o principio:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, clip_filesize_2) -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:589 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:602 -#: src/ui/spacerdialog_ui.ui:30 -msgid "Duration:" -msgstr "Duración:" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:589 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:602 -msgid "Offset:" -msgstr "Desprazamento:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:695 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:804 -msgid ":" -msgstr ":" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:696 -msgid " Position:" -msgstr "Posición:" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:697 -msgid " Duration:" -msgstr "Duración:" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:701 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:707 -msgid " Selection duration:" -msgstr "Duración da selección:" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:703 -msgid " Group duration:" -msgstr "Duración do grupo:" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:714 -msgid "Crop from start: " -msgstr "Recortar desde o principio:" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:716 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:722 -msgid "" -"Use Ctrl to resize only current item, otherwise all items in this group will " -"be resized at once." -msgstr "" -"Empregue CTRL para mudar só o tamaño deste elemento; se non, háselle mudar o " -"tamaño de vez a todos os elementos deste grupo." - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:720 -msgid "Duration: " -msgstr "Duración: " - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:726 -msgid "Fade in duration: " -msgstr "Duración do fundido de entrada:" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:729 -msgid "Fade out duration: " -msgstr "Duración do fundido de saída:" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:732 -msgid "Drag to add or resize a fade effect." -msgstr "Arrastre para engadir ou modificar o tamaño dun efecto de fundido." - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:736 -msgid "Click to add a transition." -msgstr "Prema para engadir unha transición." - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:739 -msgid "" -"Move keyframe above or below clip to remove it, double click to add a new " -"one." -msgstr "" -"Mova o fotograma clave por enriba ou por debaixo do fragmento para retiralo; " -"prema dúas veces para engadir un novo." - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:784 -msgid "Cannot use spacer in a locked track" -msgstr "Non se pode usar o espaciador nunha pista bloqueada" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:792 -msgid "Cannot use spacer in a track with a group" -msgstr "Non se pode usar o espaciador nunha pista cun grupo" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1105 -msgid "Cannot cut a transition" -msgstr "Non se pode cortar unha transición" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1331 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1366 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2668 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2694 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2720 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2743 -msgid "Cannot add transition" -msgstr "Non se pode engadir unha transición" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1586 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1594 -msgid "Cannot find clip to edit" -msgstr "Non é posíbel atopar o fragmento que se quere editar" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1588 -msgid "Cannot edit the duration of multiple items" -msgstr "Non é posíbel editar a duración de varios elementos" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1599 -msgid "Cannot edit an item in a group" -msgstr "Non é posíbel editar un fragmento que estea nun grupo" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1664 -msgid "Item is locked" -msgstr "O elemento está bloqueado" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1747 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2897 -msgid "Cannot insert clip in timeline" -msgstr "Non se pode inserir o fragmento na liña de tempo" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1753 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2866 -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:75 -msgid "Add timeline clip" -msgstr "Engadir un fragmento de liña temporal" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1787 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1849 -msgid "Clip not ready" -msgstr "O fragmento non está listo" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1970 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2033 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2050 -msgid "Problem deleting effect" -msgstr "Problema ao borrar o efecto" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1977 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2002 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2017 -msgid "Problem adding effect to clip" -msgstr "Problema ao engadir o efecto ao fragmento" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1986 -msgid "Cannot add speed effect to track" -msgstr "Non se pode engadir un efecto de velocidade a esta pista" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2022 -msgid "Cannot find clip to add effect" -msgstr "Non se pode atopar o fragmento ao que engadir o efecto" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2068 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2160 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2263 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7513 -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:42 src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:282 -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:374 -msgid "effect" -msgstr "efecto" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2069 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2162 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7515 src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:44 -#, kde-format -msgid "Add %1" -msgstr "Engadir %1" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2171 -msgid "Select a clip if you want to apply an effect" -msgstr "Seleccione un fragmento se quere aplicar un efecto" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2219 -msgid "Cannot add an audio effect to this clip" -msgstr "Non se pode engadir un efecto de son a este fragmento" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2228 -msgid "Cannot add a video effect to this clip" -msgstr "Non se pode engadir un efecto de vídeo a este fragmento" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2233 -msgid "Effect already present in clip" -msgstr "O efecto xa está presente no fragmento" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2264 src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:46 -#, kde-format -msgid "Delete %1" -msgstr "Borrar %1" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2300 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2315 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2371 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2381 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2402 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5486 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5507 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5530 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5552 -msgid "Problem editing effect" -msgstr "Houbo un problema ao editar o efecto" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2373 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2404 -msgid "Cannot find clip to update effect" -msgstr "Non se pode atopar o fragmento para actualizar o efecto" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2429 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2450 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2463 -msgid "Cannot move effect" -msgstr "Non se pode mover o efecto" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2527 -msgid "Cannot find clip to cut" -msgstr "Non se pode atopar o fragmento que cortar" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2600 -msgid "Cannot find clip to uncut" -msgstr "Non se pode atopar o fragmento no que desfacer cortar" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2604 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4101 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4392 -#, kde-format -msgid "Error removing clip at %1 on track %2" -msgstr "Houbo un erro ao eliminar un fragmento en %1 na pista %2" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2629 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5309 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5427 -msgid "Error when resizing clip" -msgstr "Houbo un erro ao redimensionar o fragmento" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2728 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6204 -msgid "Invalid transition" -msgstr "A transición non é válida" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2752 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4435 -msgid "Select clip to delete" -msgstr "Seleccionar o fragmento que borrar" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2768 -msgid "Cannot update transition" -msgstr "Non se pode actualizar a transición" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:3442 -msgid "Cannot remove space in a locked track" -msgstr "Non se pode eliminar un espazo nunha pista bloqueada" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:3448 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:3453 -#, kde-format -msgid "You must be in an empty space to remove space (time: %1, track: %2)" -msgstr "" -"Hai que estar nun espazo baleiro para eliminar espazo (tempo: %1, pista:%2)" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:3464 -msgid "Cannot remove space in a track with a group" -msgstr "Non se pode eliminar un espazo nunha pista cun grupo" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:3543 -msgid "Cannot insert space in a locked track" -msgstr "Non se pode inserir un espazo nunha pista bloqueada" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:3556 -msgid "Cannot insert space in a track with a group" -msgstr "Non se pode inserir un espazo nunha pista cun grupo" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:3612 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot move clip at position %1, track %2" -msgstr "Non se podo mover o fragmento á posición %1, pista %2" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:3625 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot move transition at position %1, track %2" -msgstr "Non se pode mover a transición á posición %1, pista %2" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:3897 src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:484 -msgid "Move clip" -msgstr "Mover fragmento" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4045 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5002 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot move clip to position %1" -msgstr "Non se podo mover o fragmento á posición %1" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4052 -msgid "Cannot move transition" -msgstr "Non se pode mover a transición" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4056 src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:579 -msgid "Move transition" -msgstr "Mover transición" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4083 src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:556 -msgid "Move group" -msgstr "Mover grupo" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4215 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4242 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6386 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6418 -msgid "Resize group" -msgstr "Redimensionar o fragmento" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4488 -msgid "Delete selected group" -msgid_plural "Delete selected groups" -msgstr[0] "Borrar o grupo escollido" -msgstr[1] "Borrar os grupos escollidos" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4490 -msgid "Delete selected clip" -msgid_plural "Delete selected clips" -msgstr[0] "Borrar o fragmento escollido" -msgstr[1] "Borrar os fragmentos escollidos" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4492 -msgid "Delete selected transition" -msgid_plural "Delete selected transitions" -msgstr[0] "Borrar a transición escollida" -msgstr[1] "Borrar as transicións escollidas" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4493 -msgid "Delete selected items" -msgstr "Borrar os elementos escollidos" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4505 -msgid "Cannot find clip for speed change" -msgstr "Non se pode atopar o fragmento ao que cambiar a velocidade" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4563 -msgid "Cut Group" -msgstr "Recortar o grupo" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4645 src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:411 -msgid "Group clips" -msgstr "Agrupar fragmentos" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4744 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4760 -msgid "Cannot insert clip..." -msgstr "Non se pode inserir o fragmento..." - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4749 -msgid "Waiting for clip..." -msgstr "A agardar polo fragmento..." - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4963 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5192 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot move clip at time: %1 on track %2" -msgstr "Non se podo mover o fragmento ao tempo: %1 na pista %2" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5142 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot move transition at time: %1 on track %2" -msgstr "Non se pode mover a transición ao tempo: %1 na pista %2" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5236 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5352 -msgid "Not possible to resize" -msgstr "Non é posíbel redimensionar" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5248 -msgid "Resize clip start" -msgstr "Redimensionar o inicio do fragmento" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5318 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5437 -msgid "Cannot resize transition" -msgstr "Non se pode redimensionar a transición" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5372 -msgid "Resize clip end" -msgstr "Redimensionar o final do fragmento" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5430 -msgid "Resize transition end" -msgstr "Redimensionar o final da transición" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5742 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5810 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5851 -msgid "No guide at cursor time" -msgstr "Non hai guía no momento no que está situado o cursor" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5762 -#, kde-format -msgid "A guide already exists at position %1" -msgstr "Xa existe unha guía na posición %1" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5778 -msgid "Guide" -msgstr "Guía" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6068 -msgid "Select a clip before copying" -msgstr "Seleccione un fragmento antes de copiar" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6139 -msgid "No clip copied" -msgstr "Non se copiou ningún fragmento." - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6175 -msgid "Cannot paste selected clips" -msgstr "Non é posíbel pegar os fragmentos seleccionados." - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6192 -msgid "Cannot paste clip to selected place" -msgstr "Non é posíbel pegar o fragmento no lugar seleccionado." - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6206 -msgid "Cannot paste transition to selected place" -msgstr "Non é posíble pegar a transición no lugar seleccionado." - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6217 -msgid "You must copy exactly one clip before pasting effects" -msgstr "Debe copiar un único fragmento antes de pegar efectos." - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6353 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6377 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6410 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7016 -msgid "You must select one clip for this action" -msgstr "Debe seleccionar un fragmento para esta acción." - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6359 -msgid "You must select a playlist clip for this action" -msgstr "" -"Debe seleccionar un fragmento de lista de reprodución para esta acción." - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6517 src/ui/addtrack_ui.ui:67 -msgid "Insert track" -msgstr "Inserir unha pista" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6518 -#, kde-format -msgid "Video %1" -msgstr "Vídeo %1" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6519 -msgid "Insert New Track" -msgstr "Inserir unha pista nova" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6552 src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:108 -msgid "Delete track" -msgstr "Borrar pista" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6667 -msgid "You must select one transition for this action" -msgstr "Hai que escoller unha transición para esta acción" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6754 -msgid "You must select at least one clip for this action" -msgstr "Hai que escoller cando menos un fragmento para esta acción" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6759 src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:718 -msgid "Split audio" -msgstr "Dividir o son" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6765 -msgid "Cannot split audio of grouped clips" -msgstr "Non se pode dividir son de fragmentos agrupados" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6779 -msgid "No clip to split" -msgstr "Non seleccionou un fragmento para dividir." - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6788 -msgid "You must select exactly one clip for the audio reference." -msgstr "Hai que escoller exactamente un fragmento para a referencia de son." - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6809 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6858 -msgid "Processing audio, please wait." -msgstr "Procesando o son…" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6813 -msgid "Reference for audio alignment must contain audio data." -msgstr "A referencia para o aliñamento do son ten que conter datos de son." - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6829 -msgid "Audio alignment reference not yet set." -msgstr "Aínda non se indicou a referencia de aliñamento de son." - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6866 -msgid "Cannot find clip to align." -msgstr "Non é posíbel atopar o fragmento para aliñar." - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6881 -msgid "Unable to move clip out of timeline." -msgstr "Non foi posíbel mover o fragmento fóra da liña de tempo." - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6896 -msgid "Unable to move clip due to collision." -msgstr "Foi imposíbel mover o fragmento por causa dunha colisión." - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6899 -msgid "Clip aligned." -msgstr "Aliñouse o fragmento." - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6900 -msgid "Auto-align clip" -msgstr "Aliñar o fragmento automaticamente" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6932 -msgid "No empty space to put clip audio" -msgstr "Non hai espazo baleiro para situar o fragmento de son" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6944 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6981 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7057 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot update clip (time: %1, track: %2)" -msgstr "Non se pode actualizar o fragmento (tempo: %1, pista: %2)" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7009 -msgid "Video only" -msgstr "Só o vídeo" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7026 -msgid "Cannot change grouped clips" -msgstr "Non se poden cambiar fragmentos agrupados" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7045 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot find clip to edit (time: %1, track: %2)" -msgstr "Non é posíbel atopar o fragmento para editar (tempo: %1, pista: %2)" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7358 -msgid "error" -msgstr "erro" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7358 -msgid "TRACTOR" -msgstr "TRACTOR" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7371 -msgid "Insert clip" -msgstr "Inserir un fragmento" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7521 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7529 -msgid "Effect already present in track" -msgstr "O efecto xa está presente na pista" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7641 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot find clip for effect update %1." -msgstr "Non se pode atopar o fragmento no que actualizar o efecto %1." - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7668 -msgid "You need to select one clip and one transition" -msgstr "Hai que escoller un fragmento e unha transición" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7686 -msgid "No clip found" -msgstr "Non se atopou ningún fragmento" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7694 -msgid "No keyframe data found in clip" -msgstr "Non se atoparon datos de fotogramas clave no fragmento" - -#: src/timeline/headertrack.cpp:66 src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:461 -msgid "Lock track" -msgstr "Bloquear pista" - -#: src/timeline/headertrack.cpp:66 src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:463 -msgid "Unlock track" -msgstr "Desbloquear pista" - -#: src/timeline/headertrack.cpp:72 -msgid "Disable audio" -msgstr "Desactivar o son" - -#: src/timeline/headertrack.cpp:72 -msgid "Enable audio" -msgstr "Activar o son" - -#: src/timeline/headertrack.cpp:82 -msgid "Disable video" -msgstr "Desactivar o vídeo" - -#: src/timeline/headertrack.cpp:82 -msgid "Enable video" -msgstr "Activar o vídeo" - -#: src/timeline/headertrack.cpp:89 -msgid "Opaque" -msgstr "Opaco " - -#: src/timeline/spacerdialog.cpp:52 -msgid "All tracks" -msgstr "Todas as pistas" - -#: src/timeline/timeline.cpp:89 -msgid "Smaller tracks" -msgstr "Pistas máis pequenas" - -#: src/timeline/timeline.cpp:96 -msgid "Bigger tracks" -msgstr "Pistas máis grandes" - -#: src/timeline/timeline.cpp:359 src/timeline/timeline.cpp:363 -#, kde-format -msgid "Transition %1 had an invalid track: %2 > %3" -msgstr "A transición %1 tiña unha pista non válida: %2 > %3" - -#: src/timeline/timeline.cpp:372 -#, kde-format -msgid "Removed invalid transition: %1" -msgstr "Eliminouse unha transición non válida: %1" - -#: src/timeline/timeline.cpp:469 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Your project file was upgraded to the latest Kdenlive document version.\n" -"To make sure you don't lose data, a backup copy called %1 was created." -msgstr "" -"O ficheiro do proxecto foi actualizado á última versión de documento do " -"Kdenlive.\n" -"Para estar seguro de que non perde datos, foi creada unha copia de seguranza " -"chamada %1." - -#: src/timeline/timeline.cpp:471 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Your project file was modified by Kdenlive.\n" -"To make sure you don't lose data, a backup copy called %1 was created." -msgstr "" -"O ficheiro do proxecto foi actualizado á última versión de documento do " -"Kdenlive.\n" -"Para estar seguro de que non perde datos, foi creada unha copia de seguranza " -"chamada %1." - -#: src/timeline/timeline.cpp:477 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Your project file was upgraded to the latest Kdenlive document version, but " -"it was not possible to create the backup copy %1." -msgstr "" -"O ficheiro do proxecto anovouse para usar a última versión de documento de " -"Kdenlive, mais non foi posíbel crear a copia de seguranza «%1»." - -#: src/timeline/timeline.cpp:868 -#, kde-format -msgid "Invalid clip removed from track %1 at %2\n" -msgstr "Eliminouse un fragmento non válido da pista %1 en %2\n" - -#: src/timeline/timeline.cpp:946 -#, kde-format -msgid "Effect %1:%2 not found in MLT, it was removed from this project\n" -msgstr "O efecto %1:%2 non se atopou en MLT, foi eliminado de este proxecto\n" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:76 -msgid "Delete timeline clip" -msgstr "Eliminar o fragmento de liña temporal" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:106 -msgid "Add track" -msgstr "Engadir pista" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:137 -msgid "Delete transition from clip" -msgstr "Borrar transición do fragmento" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:139 -msgid "Add transition to clip" -msgstr "Engadir transición ao fragmento" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:175 -msgid "Change clip type" -msgstr "Cambiar o tipo do fragmento" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:199 -msgid "Disable effect" -msgid_plural "Disable effects" -msgstr[0] "Desactivar o efecto" -msgstr[1] "Desactivar os efectos" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:201 -msgid "Enable effect" -msgid_plural "Enable effects" -msgstr[0] "Activar o efecto" -msgstr[1] "Activar os efectos" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:228 -msgid "Adjust clip length" -msgstr "Axustar a duración do fragmento" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:283 -#, kde-format -msgid "Edit effect %1" -msgstr "Editar o efecto %1" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:337 -msgid "Add guide" -msgstr "Engadir guía" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:341 -msgid "Edit guide" -msgstr "Editar guía" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:343 -msgid "Delete guide" -msgstr "Borrar guía" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:345 -msgid "Move guide" -msgstr "Mover guía" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:375 -#, kde-format -msgid "Edit transition %1" -msgstr "Editar transición %1" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:413 -msgid "Ungroup clips" -msgstr "Desagrupar fragmentos" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:436 -msgid "Insert space" -msgstr "Inserir espazo" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:438 -msgid "Remove space" -msgstr "Eliminar espazo" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:523 -msgid "Move effect" -msgstr "Mover efecto" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:607 -msgid "Razor clip" -msgstr "Cortar fragmento" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:653 -msgid "Rebuild Group" -msgstr "Reconstruír o grupo" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:695 -msgid "Resize clip" -msgstr "Redimensionar o fragmento" - -#: src/timeline/timelinesearch.cpp:27 -msgid "Find" -msgstr "Atopar" - -#: src/timeline/timelinesearch.cpp:29 -msgid "Find Next" -msgstr "Atopar o seguinte" - -#: src/timeline/timelinesearch.cpp:38 -msgid "Starting -- find text as you type" -msgstr "Comezando -- atopar texto a medida que escribe" - -#: src/timeline/timelinesearch.cpp:46 -msgid "Find stopped" -msgstr "Busca detida" - -#: src/timeline/timelinesearch.cpp:56 src/timeline/timelinesearch.cpp:67 -#, kde-format -msgid "Found: %1" -msgstr "Atopados: %1" - -#: src/timeline/timelinesearch.cpp:58 -msgid "Reached end of project" -msgstr "Chegouse ao final do proxecto" - -#: src/timeline/timelinesearch.cpp:70 -#, kde-format -msgid "Not found: %1" -msgstr "Non se atopou: %1" - -#: src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:74 -msgid "Hidden" -msgstr "Agochado" - -#: src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:74 -msgid "Muted" -msgstr "Silenciado" - -#: src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:74 -msgid "Locked" -msgstr "Bloqueado" - -#: src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:90 -msgid "Add Track" -msgstr "Engadir unha pista" - -#: src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:98 -msgid "Move Track upwards" -msgstr "Subir a pista" - -#: src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:102 -msgid "Move Track downwards" -msgstr "Baixar a pista" - -#: src/titler/titledocument.cpp:331 -msgid "This title clip was created with a different frame size." -msgstr "Este fragmento de título foi creado cun tamaño de fotograma distinto." - -#: src/titler/titledocument.cpp:331 -msgid "Title Profile" -msgstr "Perfil de título" - -#: src/titler/titledocument.cpp:380 -msgid "" -"Some of your text clips were saved with size in points, which means " -"different sizes on different displays. They will be converted to pixel size, " -"making them portable, but you could have to adjust their size." -msgstr "" -"Algúns dos seus fragmentos de texto foron gardados co tamaño en puntos, o " -"que significa que terán diferentes tamaños en diferentes monitores. Serán " -"convertidos a tamaño de pixel, facéndoos portátiles, pero podería ter que " -"reaxustar o seu tamaño." - -#: src/titler/titledocument.cpp:380 -msgid "Text Clips Updated" -msgstr "Fragmentos de texto actualizados" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:93 -msgid "Outline width" -msgstr "Ancho do contorno" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:99 -msgid "Background color opacity" -msgstr "Opacidade da cor de fondo" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:105 -msgid "Rotation around the X axis" -msgstr "Rotación arredor do eixo X" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:111 -msgid "Rotation around the Y axis" -msgstr "Rotación arredor do eixo Y" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:117 -msgid "Rotation around the Z axis" -msgstr "Rotación arredor do eixo Z" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:123 -msgid "Border width" -msgstr "Ancho do bordo" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:156 -msgid "Typewriter" -msgstr "Máquina de escribir" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:215 -msgctxt "Font style" -msgid "Light" -msgstr "Luz" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:216 -msgctxt "Font style" -msgid "Normal" -msgstr "Normal" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:217 -msgctxt "Font style" -msgid "Demi-Bold" -msgstr "Semi-negra" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:218 -msgctxt "Font style" -msgid "Bold" -msgstr "Negra" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:219 -msgctxt "Font style" -msgid "Black" -msgstr "Negro" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:220 -msgid "Font weight" -msgstr "Tamaño da fonte" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:242 -msgid "No alignment" -msgstr "Sen aliñamento" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:245 -msgid "Align center" -msgstr "Aliñar ao centro" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:249 -msgid "Insert Unicode character" -msgstr "Inserir un carácter unicode" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:255 -msgid "Raise object" -msgstr "Levantar o obxecto" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:261 -msgid "Lower object" -msgstr "Baixar o obxecto" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:269 -msgid "Raise object to top" -msgstr "Levantar o obxecto á parte superior" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:276 -msgid "Lower object to bottom" -msgstr "Baixar o obxecto até o fondo" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:320 -msgid "Invert x axis and change 0 point" -msgstr "Inverter o eixo x e cambiar punto 0" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:321 -msgid "Invert y axis and change 0 point" -msgstr "Inverter o eixo y e cambiar punto 0" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:322 -msgid "Select fill color" -msgstr "Seleccionar a cor de recheo" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:323 -msgid "Select border color" -msgstr "Escoller a cor do bordo" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:325 -msgid "Original size (1:1)" -msgstr "Tamaño orixinal (1:1)" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:326 -msgid "Fit zoom" -msgstr "Axustar a ampliación" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:327 -msgid "Select background color" -msgstr "Escoller a cor do fondo" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:328 -msgid "Background opacity" -msgstr "Opacidade do fondo" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:329 -msgid "Select all" -msgstr "Escoller todo" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:330 -msgid "Select text items in current selection" -msgstr "Escoller os elementos de texto da selección" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:331 -msgid "Select rect items in current selection" -msgstr "Escoller os elementos rectos da selección" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:332 -msgid "Select image items in current selection" -msgstr "Escoller os elementos de imaxe da selección" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:333 -msgid "Unselect all" -msgstr "Anular toda a selección" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:362 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:365 -msgid "Selection Tool" -msgstr "Ferramenta de selección" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:368 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:371 -msgid "Add Text" -msgstr "Engadir texto" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:374 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:377 -msgid "Add Rectangle" -msgstr "Engadir un rectángulo" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:380 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:383 -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:670 -msgid "Add Image" -msgstr "Engadir unha maxe" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:388 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:391 -msgid "Open Document" -msgstr "Abrir un documento" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:394 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:397 -msgid "Save As" -msgstr "Gardar como" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:566 -msgid "" -"Do you really want to load a new template? Changes in this title will be " -"lost!" -msgstr "" -"Desexa realmente cargar un modelo novo? Perderá os cambios feitos neste " -"título!" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:658 -msgid "All Images" -msgstr "Todas as imaxes" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:660 -#, kde-format -msgid "%1 Image" -msgstr "Imaxe %1" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:1346 -msgid "\\u2212X" -msgstr "\\u2212X" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, origin_x_left) -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:1348 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:63 -msgid "+X" -msgstr "+X" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:1371 -msgid "\\u2212Y" -msgstr "\\u2212Y" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, origin_y_top) -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:1373 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:86 -msgid "+Y" -msgstr "+Y" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:1713 -msgid "Load Title" -msgstr "Cargar título" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:1713 -msgid "Kdenlive title (*.kdenlivetitle)" -msgstr "Título de Kdenlive (*.kdenlivetitle)" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:1761 -msgid "" -"Do you want to embed Images into this TitleDocument?\n" -"This is most needed for sharing Titles." -msgstr "" -"Desexa incorporar imaxes a este documento de título?\n" -"Isto é moi necesario para compartir títulos." - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:2039 -msgctxt "Indicates the start of an animation" -msgid "Start" -msgstr "Inicio" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:2040 -msgctxt "Indicates the end of an animation" -msgid "End" -msgstr "Final" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:30 -msgid "Details" -msgstr "Detalles" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:85 -msgid "" -"Information about unicode characters: http://decodeunicode.org" -msgstr "" -"Información acerca dos caracteres unicode: http://decodeunicode.org" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:86 -msgid "Previous Unicode character (Arrow Up)" -msgstr "Carácter Unicode anterior (frecha arriba)" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:87 -msgid "Next Unicode character (Arrow Down)" -msgstr "Carácter Unicode seguinte (frecha abaixo)" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:88 -msgid "Enter your Unicode number here. Allowed characters: [0-9] and [a-f]." -msgstr "" -"Introduza o seu número unicode aquí. Caracteres permitidos: [0-9] e [a-f]." - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:148 -msgid "(no character selected)" -msgstr "(non se seleccionou ningún carácter)" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:154 -msgid "" -"Control character. Cannot be inserted/printed. See Wikipedia:Control_character" -msgstr "" -"Carácter de control. Non pode ser inserido/impreso. Vexa Wikipedia: Carácter de control" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:156 -msgid "Line Feed (newline character, \\\\n)" -msgstr "Salto de liña (carácter de nova liña, \\\\n)" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:158 -msgid "" -"Standard space character. (Other space characters: U+00a0, U" -"+2000–200b, U+202f)" -msgstr "" -"Carácter estándar de espazo. (Outros caracteres de espazo: U+00a0, U" -"+2000–200b, U+202f)" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:160 -msgid "No-break space. &nbsp; in HTML. See U+2009 and U+0020." -msgstr "Espazo duro. &nbsp; en HTML. Ver U+2009 e U+0020." - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:162 -msgid "" -"

« (u+00ab, &lfquo; in HTML) and " -"» (u+00bb, &rfquo; in HTML) are " -"called Guillemets or angle quotes. Usage in different countries: France " -"(with non-breaking Space 0x00a0), Switzerland, Germany, Finland and Sweden.

and (U+2039/203a, " -"&lsaquo;/&rsaquo;) are their single quote equivalents.

See Wikipedia:" -"Guillemets

" -msgstr "" -"

Os signos « (u+00ab, &lfquo; en " -"HTML) e » (u+00bb, &rfquo; en HTML) " -"son chamados comiñas angulares (Guillemets). Empréganse en distintos países: " -"Francia (con espazo duro 0x00a0), Suíza, Alemaña, Finlandia e Suecia.

Os signos e (U" -"+2039/203a, &lsaquo;/&rsaquo;) son as súas comiñas " -"simples equivalentes.

Visite Wikipedia: Aspas

" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:164 -msgid "En Space (width of an n)" -msgstr "Espazo Ene (ancho dun n)" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:166 -msgid "Em Space (width of an m)" -msgstr "Espazo Eme (ancho dun m)" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:168 -msgid "Three-Per-Em Space. Width: 1/3 of one em" -msgstr "Espazo tres por eme. Ancho: 1/3 de un eme" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:170 -msgid "Four-Per-Em Space. Width: 1/4 of one em" -msgstr "Espazo catro por eme. Ancho: 1/4 de un eme" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:172 -msgid "Six-Per-Em Space. Width: 1/6 of one em" -msgstr "Espazo seis por eme. Ancho: 1/6 de un eme" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:174 -msgid "" -"Figure space (non-breaking). Width of a digit if digits have fixed width in " -"this font." -msgstr "" -"Espazo de número (duro). Ancho de un díxito se os díxitos teñen un ancho " -"fixo neste tipo de letra." - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:176 -msgid "" -"Punctuation Space. Width the same as between a punctuation character and the " -"next character." -msgstr "" -"Espazo de puntuación. Co mesmo que hai entre un carácter de puntuación e o " -"carácter seguinte." - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:178 -msgid "" -"Thin space, in HTML also &thinsp;. See U+202f and Wikipedia:Space_(punctuation)" -msgstr "" -"Espazo fino, en HTML tamén &thinsp;. Ver U+202f e Wikipedia: Espazo (puntuación)" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:180 -msgid "Hair Space. Thinner than U+2009." -msgstr "Espazo de cabelo. Máis fino que U+2009." - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:182 -msgid "" -"Punctuation Apostrophe. Should be used instead of U+0027. See Wikipedia:Apostrophe" -msgstr "" -"Apóstrofe de puntuación. Debe ser usada en lugar de U+0027. Visitar: Wikipedia: Apóstrofe" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:184 -msgid "" -"

An en Dash (dash of the width of an n).

Usage examples: In English " -"language for value ranges (1878–1903), for relationships/connections " -"(Zurich–Dublin). In the German language it is also used (with " -"spaces!) for showing thoughts: “Es war – wie immer in den " -"Ferien – ein regnerischer Tag.

See Wikipedia:Dash

" -msgstr "" -"

Un guión «ene» (guión do ancho dun n).

Exemplos de uso: en inglés, " -"para marcar rangos de valores (1878–1903), para relacións/conexións " -"(Zurich–Dublín). En alemán tamén se usa (con espazos!) para " -"amosar pensamentos: “Es war – wie immer in den Ferien – " -"ein regnerischer Tag.

Consulte Wikipedia:Guión_(signo_de_puntuación)

" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:186 -msgid "" -"

An em Dash (dash of the width of an m).

Usage examples: In English " -"language to mark—like here—thoughts. Traditionally without " -"spaces.

See Wikipedia:" -"Dash

" -msgstr "" -"

Un guión longo, raia ou guión «em» (guión do ancho dun m).

Exemplos " -"de uso: en inglés, para marcar—coma aquí—pensamentos. " -"Tradicionalmente sen espazos.

Consulte Wikipedia:Guión_(signo_de_puntuación)" -"

" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:188 -msgid "" -"

Narrow no-break space. Has the same width as U+2009.

Usage: For " -"units (spaces are marked with U+2423, ␣): 230␣V, " -"−21␣°C, 50␣lb, but 90° (no space). In " -"German for abbreviations (like: i. d. R. instead of i. d." -" R. with U+00a0).

See Wikipedia:de:Schmales_Leerzeichen

" -msgstr "" -"

Espazo duro estreito. Ten o mesmo ancho que U-2009.

Uso: Para " -"unidades (os espazos son marcados con U+2423, ␣): 230␣V, " -"−21␣°C, 50␣lb, excepto 90° (sen " -"espazo). En alemán, para abreviaturas (como; i. d. R. no " -"canto de de i. d. R. with U+00a0).

Consulte Wikipedia:de:" -"Schmales_Leerzeichen

" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:190 -msgid "" -"Ellipsis: If text has been left o… See Wikipedia:Ellipsis" -msgstr "" -"Puntos suspensivos. Se quedou texto... Consulte Wikipedia: Puntos suspensivos" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:192 -msgid "Minus sign. For numbers: −42" -msgstr "Signo menos. Para números: −42" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:194 -msgid "Open box; stands for a space." -msgstr "Caixa aberta; representa un espazo" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:196 -msgid "" -"Quarter note (Am.) or crochet (Brit.). See Wikipedia:Quarter_note" -msgstr "" -"Nota negra. Consulte Wikipedia: Negra" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:198 -msgid "" -"Eighth note (Am.) or quaver (Brit.). Half as long as a quarter note (U" -"+2669). See Wikipedia:" -"Eighth_note" -msgstr "" -"Nota corchea. Nota da metade de duración dunha negra (U+2669). Consulte Wikipedia: Corchea" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:200 -msgid "" -"Sixteenth note (Am.) or semiquaver (Brit.). Half as long as an eighth note (U" -"+266a). See Wikipedia:Sixteenth_note" -msgstr "" -"Nota semicorchea. A metade de longa dunha corchea (U+266a). Consulte Wikipedia :Semicorchea" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:202 -msgid "" -"Thirty-second note (Am.) or demisemiquaver (Brit.). Half as long as a " -"sixteenth note (U+266b). See Wikipedia:Thirty-second_note" -msgstr "" -"Nota fusa. A metade de duración dunha semicorchea (U+266b). Consulte Wikipedia:Fusa" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:204 -msgid "No additional information available for this character." -msgstr "" -"Non hai información adicional dispoñíbel sobre este carácter." - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, before_select) -#: src/ui/addtrack_ui.ui:34 -msgid "Above" -msgstr "Máis de" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, before_select) -#: src/ui/addtrack_ui.ui:39 -msgid "Under" -msgstr "Menos de" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, video_track) -#: src/ui/addtrack_ui.ui:57 -msgid "Video &track" -msgstr "Pis&ta de vídeo" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, audio_track) -#: src/ui/addtrack_ui.ui:74 -msgid "A&udio track" -msgstr "&Pista de son" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, name_label) -#: src/ui/addtrack_ui.ui:81 -msgid "Track name" -msgstr "Nome da pista" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/archivewidget_ui.ui:29 -msgid "Archive folder" -msgstr "Cartafol de arquivo" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, compressed_archive) -#: src/ui/archivewidget_ui.ui:46 -msgid "Compressed archive" -msgstr "Arquivo comprimido" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, proxy_only) -#: src/ui/archivewidget_ui.ui:53 -msgid "Archive only proxy clips when available" -msgstr "Arquivar só os fragmentos reducidos cando estiveren dispoñíbeis" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, labelFFTSize) -#: src/ui/audiospectrum_ui.ui:52 -msgid "True FFT size: " -msgstr "Tamaño FFT verdadeiro:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, buttonLinkHandles) -#: src/ui/bezierspline_ui.ui:89 -msgid "Link the handles' position.
Results in a natural spline." -msgstr "Ligar a posición dos manipuladores.
Conséguese un spline natural." - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, marker_save) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, marker_load) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, analysis_delete) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, analysis_save) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, analysis_load) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, arrowUp) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, arrowDown) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, config_button) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonleft) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonhcenter) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonright) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttontop) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonvcenter) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonbottom) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonDirectUpdate) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonZoomOriginal) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonZoomFit) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonAddDelete) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonPrevious) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonNext) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, toolBtnReload) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonUp) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonDown) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonAdd) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonDelete) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonReset) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, zoom_button) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, unzoom_button) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonResetKeyframe) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonSeek) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, reload_blackmagic) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonLinkHandles) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonShowPixmap) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonZoomIn) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonZoomOut) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonGridChange) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonResetSpline) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonShowAllHandles) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, v4l_showprofileinfo) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, v4l_manageprofile) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, grab_manageprofile) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, grab_showprofileinfo) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, decklink_manageprofile) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, decklink_showprofileinfo) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, button_up) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, button_down) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, button_transcode) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, proxy_showprofileinfo) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, add_metadata) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, delete_metadata) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, effectsAll) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, effectsVideo) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, effectsAudio) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, effectsGPU) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, effectsCustom) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, proxy_manageprofile) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, button_add) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, button_edit) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, button_delete) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, button_download) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, button_more) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonLeftRight) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonUpDown) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonShowInTimeline) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonNewPoints) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonHelp) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonFavorite) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, rescale_keep) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, hide_log) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, collapseButton) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, enabledButton) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, menuButton) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonDel) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, rec_options) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonItalic) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonUnder) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonAlignNone) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonAlignLeft) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonInsertUnicode) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonAlignCenter) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonAlignRight) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, itemleft) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, itemhcenter) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, itemright) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, itemtop) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, itemvcenter) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, itembottom) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, live_button) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, capture_button) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, capture_interval) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, overlay_button) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, preview_button) -#: src/ui/bezierspline_ui.ui:92 src/ui/bezierspline_ui.ui:130 -#: src/ui/bezierspline_ui.ui:146 src/ui/bezierspline_ui.ui:156 -#: src/ui/bezierspline_ui.ui:169 src/ui/bezierspline_ui.ui:195 -#: src/ui/bezierspline_ui.ui:208 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:490 -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:500 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:587 -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:597 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:607 -#: src/ui/collapsiblewidget_ui.ui:86 src/ui/collapsiblewidget_ui.ui:118 -#: src/ui/collapsiblewidget_ui.ui:137 src/ui/collapsiblewidget_ui.ui:156 -#: src/ui/collapsiblewidget_ui.ui:172 src/ui/collapsiblewidget_ui.ui:188 -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:211 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:396 -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:433 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:616 -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:742 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:749 -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:78 src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:220 -#: src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:230 src/ui/configsdl_ui.ui:154 -#: src/ui/cutjobdialog_ui.ui:32 src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:262 -#: src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:269 src/ui/dvdwizardvob_ui.ui:29 -#: src/ui/dvdwizardvob_ui.ui:49 src/ui/dvdwizardvob_ui.ui:100 -#: src/ui/effectlist_ui.ui:22 src/ui/effectlist_ui.ui:41 -#: src/ui/effectlist_ui.ui:57 src/ui/effectlist_ui.ui:73 -#: src/ui/effectlist_ui.ui:89 src/ui/freesound_ui.ui:39 -#: src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:249 src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:256 -#: src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:263 src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:270 -#: src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:277 src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:284 -#: src/ui/geometrywidget_ui.ui:70 src/ui/geometrywidget_ui.ui:83 -#: src/ui/geometrywidget_ui.ui:93 src/ui/keyframeeditor_ui.ui:91 -#: src/ui/keyframeeditor_ui.ui:101 src/ui/keyframewidget_ui.ui:46 -#: src/ui/keyframewidget_ui.ui:59 src/ui/keyframewidget_ui.ui:72 -#: src/ui/keyframewidget_ui.ui:85 src/ui/keyframewidget_ui.ui:124 -#: src/ui/manageencodingprofile_ui.ui:44 src/ui/manageencodingprofile_ui.ui:51 -#: src/ui/manageencodingprofile_ui.ui:58 src/ui/manageencodingprofile_ui.ui:68 -#: src/ui/monitoreditwidget_ui.ui:53 src/ui/monitoreditwidget_ui.ui:66 -#: src/ui/monitoreditwidget_ui.ui:76 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:335 -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:386 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:393 -#: src/ui/recmonitor_ui.ui:72 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:407 -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:592 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:717 -#: src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:76 src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:92 -#: src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:108 src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:118 -#: src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:128 src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:141 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:364 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:384 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:401 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:417 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:440 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:447 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:460 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:801 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:808 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:815 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:822 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:829 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:836 src/ui/tracksconfigdialog_ui.ui:61 -#: src/ui/tracksconfigdialog_ui.ui:68 src/ui/tracksconfigdialog_ui.ui:75 -#: src/ui/tracksconfigdialog_ui.ui:82 src/ui/tracksconfigdialog_ui.ui:89 -#: src/ui/unicodewidget_ui.ui:185 src/ui/unicodewidget_ui.ui:210 -msgid "..." -msgstr "..." - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, buttonShowPixmap) -#: src/ui/bezierspline_ui.ui:127 -msgid "Show background indicating changes caused by modifying the curve." -msgstr "" -"Mostrar un fondo que indique os cambios causados pola modificación da curva." - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, buttonGridChange) -#: src/ui/bezierspline_ui.ui:166 -msgid "" -"Increases the number of lines in the grid.
After 8 lines it will begin " -"from 0 again." -msgstr "" -"Incrementa o número de liñas da grade.
Despois de oito liñas comeza de " -"novo desde 0." - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, buttonResetSpline) -#: src/ui/bezierspline_ui.ui:192 -msgid "Reset the selected spline" -msgstr "Restaurar o spline escollido" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, buttonShowAllHandles) -#: src/ui/bezierspline_ui.ui:205 -msgid "Show handles for all points or only for the selected one" -msgstr "Mostrar os manipuladores de todos os puntos ou só do seleccionado" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, name) -#: src/ui/boolval_ui.ui:30 src/ui/fontval_ui.ui:23 src/ui/listval_ui.ui:23 -msgid "TextLabel" -msgstr "Etiqueta de texto" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, crop_label) -#: src/ui/clipdurationdialog_ui.ui:30 -msgid "Crop start" -msgstr "Inicio do recorte" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, end_label) -#: src/ui/clipdurationdialog_ui.ui:50 -msgid "Crop end" -msgstr "Remate do recorte" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_path) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, treeWidget) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:27 src/ui/missingclips_ui.ui:72 -msgid "Path" -msgstr "Ruta" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_size) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_6) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_5) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:51 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:231 -#: src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:41 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:93 -msgid "Size:" -msgstr "Tamaño:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, clip_filesize) -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, groupBox) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:65 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:157 -#: src/utils/freesound.cpp:212 -msgid "File size" -msgstr "Tamaño do ficheiro" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, clip_vproperties) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, clip_aproperties) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, metadata_list) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, analysis_list) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, programList) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:117 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:162 -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:542 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:574 -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:371 src/ui/wizardmltcheck_ui.ui:49 -msgid "1" -msgstr "1" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, clip_vproperties) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, clip_aproperties) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, metadata_list) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, analysis_list) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:122 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:167 -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:547 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:579 -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:376 -msgid "2" -msgstr "2" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_slideshow) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:206 -msgid "Slideshow" -msgstr "Presentación" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, slide_type_label) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:212 -msgid "Image type" -msgstr "Tipo de imaxe" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, clip_filesize_4) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:222 -msgid "Frame duration" -msgstr "Duración do fotograma" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, slide_loop) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, loop_movie) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, sm_loop) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:255 src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:221 -#: src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:160 src/ui/smconfig_ui.ui:26 -msgid "Loop" -msgstr "Bucle" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, slide_crop) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:339 src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:284 -msgid "Center crop" -msgstr "Recortar o centro" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_animation) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_6) -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:346 src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:291 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:1121 -msgid "Animation" -msgstr "Animación" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_image) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, background_list) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:357 src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:202 -msgid "Image" -msgstr "Imaxe" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_16) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:365 -msgid "Image size" -msgstr "Tamaño da imaxe" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, image_transparency) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:381 -msgid "Transparent background" -msgstr "Fondo transparente" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, markers_list) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, clip_filesize_3) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:432 src/ui/markerdialog_ui.ui:56 -msgid "Comment" -msgstr "Comentario" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, marker_new) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonNext) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonUnselectAll) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:440 src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:83 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:700 -msgid "N" -msgstr "N" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, marker_edit) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonEdit) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:450 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:414 -msgid "E" -msgstr "E" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, marker_delete) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonDelete) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, button_delete) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, delete_button) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:460 src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:252 -#: src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:103 src/ui/keyframeeditor_ui.ui:78 -#: src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:279 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:428 -msgid "D" -msgstr "D" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_advanced) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:634 -msgid "Advanced" -msgstr "Avanzado" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, clip_force_ar) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:653 -msgid "Force aspect ratio" -msgstr "Forzar a proporción" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, clip_force_threads) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:686 -msgid "Decoding threads" -msgstr "Decodificando fíos" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, clip_force_progressive) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:700 -msgid "Force scanning" -msgstr "Forzar a exploración" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, clip_force_framerate) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:727 -msgid "Force frame rate" -msgstr "Forzar frecuencia de fotogramas" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, clip_force_out) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:734 -msgid "Force duration" -msgstr "Forzar duración" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, clip_force_colorspace) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:751 -msgid "Force colorspace" -msgstr "Forzar o espazo de cores" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, clip_force_fieldorder) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:765 -msgid "Force field order" -msgstr "Obrigar a orde dos campos" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, clip_force_transparency) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:829 -msgid "Image background" -msgstr "Fondo da imaxe" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, clip_transparency) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:837 -msgid "Normal" -msgstr "Normal" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_dest) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_5) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_6) -#: src/ui/clipstabilize_ui.ui:20 src/ui/cliptranscode_ui.ui:30 -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:45 src/ui/saveprofile_ui.ui:138 -msgid "Destination" -msgstr "Destino" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_source) -#: src/ui/cliptranscode_ui.ui:20 -msgid "Source" -msgstr "Fonte" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, ffmpeg_label) -#: src/ui/cliptranscode_ui.ui:40 -msgid "FFmpeg parameters" -msgstr "Parámetros de FFmpeg" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_4) -#: src/ui/cliptranscode_ui.ui:54 -msgid "Job status" -msgstr "Estado da tarefa" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_start) -#: src/ui/cliptranscode_ui.ui:61 -msgctxt "@action:button start transcode" -msgid "Start" -msgstr "Iniciar" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_profile) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: src/ui/cliptranscode_ui.ui:68 src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:29 -#: src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:20 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:74 -msgid "Profile" -msgstr "Perfil" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, auto_close) -#: src/ui/cliptranscode_ui.ui:88 -msgid "Close after transcode" -msgstr "Pechar despois da transcodificación" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/colorclip_ui.ui:30 -msgid "Clip Color" -msgstr "Cor do fragmento" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, ColorPlaneExport_UI) -#: src/ui/colorplaneexport_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Export color plane to PNG" -msgstr "Exportar o plano de cores a PNG" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, lblSpace) -#: src/ui/colorplaneexport_ui.ui:20 -msgid "Color space" -msgstr "Espazo de cores" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, lblVariant) -#: src/ui/colorplaneexport_ui.ui:37 -msgid "Variant" -msgstr "Variante" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QSlider, sliderScaling) -#: src/ui/colorplaneexport_ui.ui:81 -msgid "How much to zoom in" -msgstr "Canto ampliar" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, lblRes) -#: src/ui/colorplaneexport_ui.ui:101 -msgid "Resolution" -msgstr "Resolución" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, lblFilename) -#: src/ui/colorplaneexport_ui.ui:144 -msgid "Filename" -msgstr "Nome do ficheiro" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:23 -msgid "Default capture device" -msgstr "Dispositivo de captura predeterminado" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, kcfg_defaultcapture) -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, device_selector) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:37 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:70 -#: src/ui/recmonitor_ui.ui:134 -msgid "Firewire" -msgstr "Firewire" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, kcfg_defaultcapture) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, device_selector) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:47 src/ui/recmonitor_ui.ui:144 -msgid "Screen grab" -msgstr "Captura de pantalla" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, kcfg_defaultcapture) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, device_selector) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:52 src/ui/recmonitor_ui.ui:149 -msgid "Blackmagic card" -msgstr "Placa Blackmagic" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_9) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:89 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:221 -msgid "Capture format" -msgstr "Formato de captura" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, kcfg_firewireformat) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:97 -msgid "DV Raw" -msgstr "Raw tipo DV" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, kcfg_firewireformat) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:102 -msgid "DV AVI type 1" -msgstr "DV AVI tipo 1" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, kcfg_firewireformat) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:107 -msgid "DV AVI type 2" -msgstr "DV AVI tipo 2" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, button_hdv) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, kcfg_firewireformat) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:112 src/ui/wizardstandard_ui.ui:54 -msgid "HDV" -msgstr "HDV" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_firewireautosplit) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:133 -msgid "Automatically start a new file on scene cut" -msgstr "Comezar automaticamente un novo ficheiro cando se corte a escena" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_firewiretimestamp) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:140 -msgid "Add recording time to captured file name" -msgstr "Engadir a hora da gravación ao nome do ficheiro capturado" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_5) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_29) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:147 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:696 -msgid "Capture file name" -msgstr "Nome do ficheiro da captura" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_7) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:157 -msgid "dvgrab additional parameters" -msgstr "Parámetros adicionais de dvgrab" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_14) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:197 -msgid "Video device" -msgstr "Dispositivo de vídeo" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_30) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_27) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:204 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:666 -msgid "Detected devices" -msgstr "Dispositivos detectados" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, p_size) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:238 src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:48 -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:100 -msgid "720x576" -msgstr "720x576" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, p_fps) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:252 src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:62 -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:114 -msgid "25/1" -msgstr "25/1" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, p_aspect) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:273 src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:76 -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:128 -msgid "59/54" -msgstr "59/54" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, p_display) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:287 src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:90 -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:142 -msgid "4/3" -msgstr "4/3" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, config_v4l) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:308 -msgid "Edit" -msgstr "Editar" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_v4l_captureaudio) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:342 -msgid "Capture audio (ALSA)" -msgstr "Capturar o son (ALSA)" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_24) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_screengrab) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_16) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:362 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:632 -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:725 src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:203 -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:305 -msgid "Encoding profile" -msgstr "Perfil de codificación" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_v4l_capturevideo) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:389 -msgid "Capture video (Video4Linux2)" -msgstr "Capturar o vídeo (Video4Linux2)" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, kcfg_grab_capture_type) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:471 -msgid "Full screen capture" -msgstr "Captura da pantalla completa" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, kcfg_grab_capture_type) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:476 -msgid "Region capture" -msgstr "Captura dunha rexión" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_grab_follow_mouse) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:495 -msgid "Follow mouse" -msgstr "Seguir o rato" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_grab_hide_frame) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:502 -msgid "Hide frame" -msgstr "Agochar o fotograma" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_19) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_10) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:524 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:951 -msgid "Offset" -msgstr "Desprazamento" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_grab_hide_mouse) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:652 -msgid "Hide cursor" -msgstr "Agochar o cursor" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_4) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:660 -msgid "Blackmagic" -msgstr "Maxia negra" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_9) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:42 -msgid "Concurrent threads" -msgstr "Fíos simultáneos" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:69 -msgid "MLT environment" -msgstr "Ambiente do MLT" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_6) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:78 -msgid "Processing threads" -msgstr "A procesar os fíos" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_7) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:91 -msgid "(>1 is experimental)" -msgstr "(>1 é experimental)" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:98 -msgid "Melt path" -msgstr "Ruta ao melt" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:112 -msgid "MLT profiles folder" -msgstr "Cartafol de perfís de MLT" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_13) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:135 -msgid "FFplay" -msgstr "FFplay" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_14) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:155 -msgid "FFprobe" -msgstr "FFprobe" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_2) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:166 -msgid "Default folders" -msgstr "Cartafoles predeterminados" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_5) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_4) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:172 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:56 -msgid "Project folder" -msgstr "Cartafol do proxecto" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:182 -msgid "Temporary files" -msgstr "Ficheiros temporais" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_10) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:192 -msgid "Capture folder" -msgstr "Cartafol de capturas" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_capturetoprojectfolder) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:212 -msgid "Use project folder" -msgstr "Empregar o cartafol do proxecto" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_3) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:223 -msgid "Default apps" -msgstr "Aplicativos predeterminados" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_4) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:229 -msgid "Image editing" -msgstr "Edición de imaxe" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, kp_image) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, kp_audio) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, kp_player) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:243 src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:264 -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:285 -msgid "Change" -msgstr "Cambiar" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_11) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:250 -msgid "Audio editing" -msgstr "Edición de son" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_12) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:271 -msgid "Video player" -msgstr "Reprodutor de vídeo" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_enableshuttle) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:23 -msgid "Enable Jog Shuttle device" -msgstr "Activar o dispositivo jog shuttle" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, shuttledisabled) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:30 -msgid "Jog Shuttle device disabled." -msgstr "Dispositivo jog shuttle desactivado." - -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, config_group) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:53 -msgid "Device configuration" -msgstr "Configuración do dispositivo" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:85 -msgid "Button 1" -msgstr "Botón 1" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_17) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:98 -msgid "Device" -msgstr "Dispositivo" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_16) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:111 -msgid "Button 15" -msgstr "Botón 15" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_14) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:137 -msgid "Button 13" -msgstr "Botón 13" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_9) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:150 -msgid "Button 8" -msgstr "Botón 8" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_7) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:166 -msgid "Button 4" -msgstr "Botón 4" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:179 -msgid "Device name" -msgstr "Nome do dispositivo" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_5) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:192 -msgid "Button 5" -msgstr " Botón 5" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_8) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:214 -msgid "Button 7" -msgstr "Botón 7" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_10) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:243 -msgid "Button 9" -msgstr "Botón 9" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_4) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:256 -msgid "Button 2" -msgstr "Botón 2" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_11) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:272 -msgid "Button 10" -msgstr "Botón 10" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_12) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:285 -msgid "Button 11" -msgstr "Botón 11" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_6) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:308 -msgid "Button 6" -msgstr "Botón 6" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_15) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:336 -msgid "Button 14" -msgstr "Botón 14" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:349 -msgid "Button 3" -msgstr "Botón 3" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_13) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:362 -msgid "Button 12" -msgstr "Botón 12" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_usekuiserver) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:23 -msgid "Use KDE job tracking for render jobs" -msgstr "Usar o seguimento de tarefas de KDE para as tarefas de renderización" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_checkfirstprojectclip) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:30 -msgid "Check if first added clip matches project profile" -msgstr "Comprobar se o primeiro fragmento engadido cadra co perfil do proxecto" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_crashrecovery) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:37 -msgid "Crash recovery (automatic backup)" -msgstr "Recuperación de quebras (copia de seguranza automática)" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_automultistreams) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:44 -msgid "Automatically import all streams in multi stream clips" -msgstr "Importar automaticamente todos os fluxos en fragmentos multi-fluxo" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_disable_effect_parameters) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:51 -msgid "Disable parameters when the effect is disabled" -msgstr "Desactivar os parámetros cando se active o efecto" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_bypasscodeccheck) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:58 -msgid "Bypass codec verification" -msgstr "Comprobación do códec de bypass" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_autoimagesequence) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:65 -msgid "Automatically import image sequences" -msgstr "Importar automaticamente as secuencias de imaxes" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_projectloading_avformatnovalidate) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:72 -msgid "Do not validate the video files when loading a project (faster)" -msgstr "Non validar os ficheiros de vídeo ao cargar un proxecto (máis rápido)" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_on_monitor_effects) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:79 -msgid "Use on-monitor effects" -msgstr "Empregar os efectos no monitor" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_use_exiftool) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:86 -msgid "Get clip metadata with exiftool" -msgstr "Obter os metadatos do fragmento con exiftool" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_openlastproject) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:93 -msgid "Open last project on startup" -msgstr "Abrir o último proxecto ao iniciar" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, groupBox) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:100 -msgid "Default Durations" -msgstr "Duracións predeterminadas" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:106 -msgid "Color clips" -msgstr "Fragmentos de cor" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_8) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:123 -msgid "Title clips" -msgstr "Fragmentos de título" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:130 -msgid "Image sequence" -msgstr "Secuencia de imaxes" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_autoimagetransparency) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:149 -msgid "Transparent background for imported images" -msgstr "Fondo transparente para as imaxes importadas" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_use_magicLantern) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:169 -msgid "Get clip metadata created by Magic Lantern" -msgstr "Obter os metadatos do fragmento creados por Magic Lantern" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, properties) -#: src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:23 -msgid "Default Profile" -msgstr "Perfil predeterminado" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_9) -#: src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:69 -msgid "Aspect ratio:" -msgstr "Proporcións:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_10) -#: src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:83 -msgid "Display ratio:" -msgstr "Proporcións:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_7) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_6) -#: src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:109 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:175 -msgid "Video tracks" -msgstr "Pistas de vídeo" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_8) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_7) -#: src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:119 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:185 -msgid "Audio tracks" -msgstr "Pistas de son" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, generate_proxy) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_generateproxy) -#: src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:154 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:256 -msgid "Generate for videos larger than" -msgstr "Xerar para vídeos maiores de" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (suffix), widget (QSpinBox, proxy_minsize) -#. i18n: ectx: property (suffix), widget (QSpinBox, proxy_imageminsize) -#. i18n: ectx: property (suffix), widget (QSpinBox, kcfg_proxyminsize) -#. i18n: ectx: property (suffix), widget (QSpinBox, kcfg_proxyimageminsize) -#: src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:161 src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:181 -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:263 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:283 -msgid "pixels" -msgstr "píxeles" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, generate_imageproxy) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_generateimageproxy) -#: src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:174 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:276 -msgid "Generate for images larger than" -msgstr "Xerar para imaxes maiores de" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/ui/configsdl_ui.ui:17 -msgid "" -"Warning: changes to the drivers and devices can make Kdenlive unstable. " -"Change only if you know what you do." -msgstr "" -"Advertencia: os cambios que se fagan nos controladores e dispositivos poden " -"virar o Kdenlive inestábel. Cámbieos só se sabe a que anda." - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_gpu_accel) -#: src/ui/configsdl_ui.ui:27 -msgid "Use GPU processing (Movit library) - restart Kdenlive to apply" -msgstr "" -"Empregar o procesamento da GPU mediante a biblioteca Motiv (reinicie " -"Kdenlive para aplicar os cambios)." - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_4) -#: src/ui/configsdl_ui.ui:34 -msgid "Audio backend" -msgstr "Infraestrutura de son" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, textLabel1_2) -#: src/ui/configsdl_ui.ui:53 -msgid "Audio driver:" -msgstr "Controlador de son:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, textLabel1) -#: src/ui/configsdl_ui.ui:66 -msgid "Audio device:" -msgstr "Dispositivo de son:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: src/ui/configsdl_ui.ui:82 -msgid "Preview volume:" -msgstr "Volume da previsualización:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/configsdl_ui.ui:102 -msgid "Monitor background color:" -msgstr "Cor de fondo do monitor:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_external_display) -#: src/ui/configsdl_ui.ui:127 -msgid "Use external display (Blackmagic card)" -msgstr "Empregar un monitor externo (placa Blackmagic)" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_5) -#: src/ui/configsdl_ui.ui:134 -msgid "Output device" -msgstr "Dispositivo de saída" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, groupBox) -#: src/ui/configtimeline_ui.ui:23 -msgid "Thumbnails" -msgstr "Miniaturas" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_displayallchannels) -#: src/ui/configtimeline_ui.ui:48 -msgid "Separate channels" -msgstr "Separar as canles" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_showmarkers) -#: src/ui/configtimeline_ui.ui:73 -msgid "Display clip markers comments" -msgstr "Mostrar os comentarios dos marcadores do fragmento" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_autoscroll) -#: src/ui/configtimeline_ui.ui:80 -msgid "Autoscroll while playing" -msgstr "Desprazamento automático durante a reprodución" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_verticalzoom) -#: src/ui/configtimeline_ui.ui:87 -msgid "Zoom using vertical drag in ruler" -msgstr "Facer zoom usando o arrastre vertical na regra" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_splitaudio) -#: src/ui/configtimeline_ui.ui:94 -msgid "Automatically split audio and video" -msgstr "Quebrar automaticamente o son e o vídeo" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/configtimeline_ui.ui:103 -msgid "Track height" -msgstr "Alto da pista" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_add) -#: src/ui/configtranscode_ui.ui:24 -msgid "Add Profile" -msgstr "Engadir un perfil" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_update) -#: src/ui/configtranscode_ui.ui:31 -msgid "Update Profile" -msgstr "Anovar o perfil" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_delete) -#: src/ui/configtranscode_ui.ui:38 -msgid "Delete Profile" -msgstr "Borrar o perfil" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_4) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: src/ui/configtranscode_ui.ui:90 src/ui/saveprofile_ui.ui:121 -msgid "Extension" -msgstr "Extensión" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_4) -#: src/ui/configtranscode_ui.ui:107 -msgid "Parameters" -msgstr "Parámetros" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, button_more) -#: src/ui/cutjobdialog_ui.ui:29 -msgid "Configure job" -msgstr "Configurar a tarefa" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_add) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardchapters_ui.ui:39 -msgid "Add chapter" -msgstr "Engadir un capítulo" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardchapters_ui.ui:46 -msgid "Movie file" -msgstr "Ficheiro de película" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_delete) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardchapters_ui.ui:66 -msgid "Remove chapter" -msgstr "Eliminar o capítulo" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, create_menu) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:20 -msgid "Create basic menu" -msgstr "Crear un menú básico" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:49 -msgid "Button" -msgstr "Botón" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_6) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:65 -msgid "Target" -msgstr "Destino" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, back_to_menu) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:82 -msgid "Back to menu" -msgstr "Voltar ao menú" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, use_shadow) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:126 -msgid "Shadow" -msgstr "Sombra" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:138 -msgid "Underline" -msgstr "Subliñado" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_2) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, lblBackground) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:183 src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:189 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:1076 src/ui/vectorscope_ui.ui:46 -msgid "Background" -msgstr "Fondo" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonAdd) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, add_button) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, button_add) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonSelectAll) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonAudio) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:232 src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:93 -#: src/ui/keyframeeditor_ui.ui:68 src/ui/timelinebuttons_ui.ui:71 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:723 -msgid "A" -msgstr "A" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:29 -msgid "Temporary data folder" -msgstr "Cartafol de datos temporal" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:39 -msgid "DVD ISO image" -msgstr "Imaxe ISO do DVD" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (QListWidget, job_progress) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:56 -msgid "Creating menu images" -msgstr "Creando as imaxes do menú" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (QListWidget, job_progress) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:61 -msgid "Creating menu background" -msgstr "Creando o fondo do menú" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (QListWidget, job_progress) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:66 -msgid "Creating menu movie" -msgstr "Creando a película do menú" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (QListWidget, job_progress) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:71 -msgid "Creating dvd structure" -msgstr "Creando a estrutura do DVD" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (QListWidget, job_progress) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:76 -msgid "Creating iso file" -msgstr "Creando o ficheiro ISO" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_start) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:84 -msgid "Create ISO image" -msgstr "Crear unha imaxe ISO" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_2) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:118 -msgid "Log" -msgstr "Rexistro" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_7) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:124 -msgid "Status" -msgstr "Estado" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, button_burn) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:154 -msgid "Burn" -msgstr "Gravar" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:172 -msgid "Menu File" -msgstr "Ficheiro de menú" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_3) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:186 -msgid "Dvdauthor File" -msgstr "Ficheiro de dvdauthor" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, use_intro) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardvob_ui.ui:59 -msgid "Use first movie as intro" -msgstr "Empregar a primeira película como introdución" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardvob_ui.ui:66 -msgid "DVD format" -msgstr "Formato de DVD" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_delete) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardvob_ui.ui:73 -msgid "Remove file" -msgstr "Eliminar o ficheiro" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_add) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardvob_ui.ui:130 -msgid "Add movie file" -msgstr "Engadir un ficheiro de película" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, convert_label) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardvob_ui.ui:146 -msgid "Converting files" -msgstr "Convertendo os ficheiros" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: src/ui/freesound_ui.ui:22 -msgid "Service" -msgstr "Servizo" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, page_prev) -#: src/ui/freesound_ui.ui:67 -msgid "<<" -msgstr "<<" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, page_next) -#: src/ui/freesound_ui.ui:104 -msgid ">>" -msgstr ">>" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_import) -#: src/ui/freesound_ui.ui:137 src/utils/archiveorg.cpp:181 -msgid "Import" -msgstr "Importar" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/freesound_ui.ui:177 -msgid "License" -msgstr "Licenza" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonMenu) -#: src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:63 -msgid "M" -msgstr "M" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonPrevious) -#: src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:73 -msgid "P" -msgstr "P" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_pos) -#: src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:127 -msgid "Pos" -msgstr "Pos" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_6) -#: src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:198 -msgid "Height" -msgstr "Altura" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:219 -msgid "Resize:" -msgstr "Redimensionar:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, buttonResize) -#: src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:242 -msgid "Original" -msgstr "Orixinal" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QCheckBox, cbY) -#: src/ui/histogram_ui.ui:17 -msgid "Luma value" -msgstr "Valor da luminancia" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, lblComponents) -#: src/ui/histogram_ui.ui:64 -msgid "Components" -msgstr "Compoñentes" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QCheckBox, cbS) -#: src/ui/histogram_ui.ui:71 -msgid "RGB summed up" -msgstr "Suma RGB" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, cbS) -#: src/ui/histogram_ui.ui:74 -msgid "Sum" -msgstr "Sum" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, ImportKeyframesDialog_UI) -#: src/ui/importkeyframesdialog_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Import Keyframes" -msgstr "Importar fotogramas clave" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, limit_keyframes) -#: src/ui/importkeyframesdialog_ui.ui:48 -msgid "Limit keyframes number" -msgstr "Limitar o número fotogramas clave" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/importkeyframesdialog_ui.ui:90 -msgid "Data to import" -msgstr "Datos a importar" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, KeyFrameDialog_UI) -#: src/ui/keyframedialog_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Edit Keyframe" -msgstr "Editar fotograma clave" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, clip_filesize_3) -#: src/ui/keyframedialog_ui.ui:27 -msgid "Value" -msgstr "Valor" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, buttonResetKeyframe) -#: src/ui/keyframeeditor_ui.ui:88 -msgid "Reset the parameters to their default values" -msgstr "Restablecer os parámetros cos valores predefinidos" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, buttonSeek) -#: src/ui/keyframeeditor_ui.ui:98 -msgid "Seek to active keyframe" -msgstr "Buscar o fotograma clave activo" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, buttonKeyframes) -#: src/ui/keyframeeditor_ui.ui:114 -msgid "Add keyframes" -msgstr "Engadir fotogramas clave" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, buttonLeftRight) -#: src/ui/keyframewidget_ui.ui:43 -msgid "move on X axis" -msgstr "mover no eixo X" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, buttonUpDown) -#: src/ui/keyframewidget_ui.ui:56 -msgid "move on Y axis" -msgstr "mover no eixo Y" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, buttonShowInTimeline) -#: src/ui/keyframewidget_ui.ui:69 -msgid "update values in timeline" -msgstr "actualizar valores na liña de tempo" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, buttonNewPoints) -#: src/ui/keyframewidget_ui.ui:82 -msgid "create new points" -msgstr "crear puntos novos" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, checkBox) -#: src/ui/keyframewidget_ui.ui:105 -msgid "GraphView" -msgstr "GraphView" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, buttonHelp) -#: src/ui/keyframewidget_ui.ui:121 -msgid "parameter description" -msgstr "descrición do parámetro" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/keywordval_ui.ui:23 src/ui/urlval_ui.ui:26 -msgid "Param" -msgstr "Parámetros" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, ManageCaptures_UI) -#: src/ui/managecaptures_ui.ui:13 -msgid "Captured files" -msgstr "Ficheiros capturados" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, treeWidget) -#: src/ui/managecaptures_ui.ui:35 -msgid "File name" -msgstr "Nome de ficheiro" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, deleteButton) -#: src/ui/managecaptures_ui.ui:48 -msgid "Delete current file" -msgstr "Eliminar este ficheiro" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, toggleButton) -#: src/ui/managecaptures_ui.ui:55 -msgid "Toggle selection" -msgstr "Cambiar a selección" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/manageencodingprofile_ui.ui:20 -msgid "Editing profiles for" -msgstr "A editar os perfís de" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_category) -#: src/ui/markerdialog_ui.ui:76 -msgid "Category" -msgstr "Categoría" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, clip_thumb) -#: src/ui/markerdialog_ui.ui:86 -msgid "Image preview" -msgstr "Previsualización da imaxe" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, MissingClips_UI) -#: src/ui/missingclips_ui.ui:14 -msgid " Clip Problems" -msgstr "Problemas do fragmento" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, removeSelected) -#: src/ui/missingclips_ui.ui:20 -msgid "Remove selected clips" -msgstr "Eliminar os fragmentos seleccionados" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, usePlaceholders) -#: src/ui/missingclips_ui.ui:37 -msgid "Use placeholders for missing clips" -msgstr "Usar marcadores de posición para os fragmentos que falten" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, recursiveSearch) -#: src/ui/missingclips_ui.ui:80 -msgid "Search recursively" -msgstr "Buscar recursivamente" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, ProfilesDialog_UI) -#: src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Profiles" -msgstr "Perfís" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_4) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_7) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_8) -#: src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:106 src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:140 -#: src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:174 -msgid "/" -msgstr "/" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_10) -#: src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:154 -msgid "Display aspect ratio" -msgstr "Mostrar as proporcións" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_11) -#: src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:208 -msgid "Fields per second" -msgstr "Campos por segundo" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_default) -#: src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:242 -msgid "Use as default" -msgstr "Usar como predeterminado" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, button_create) -#: src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:259 -msgid "C" -msgstr "C" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, button_save) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonSave) -#: src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:269 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:421 -msgid "S" -msgstr "S" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, properties) -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:66 -msgid "Video Profile" -msgstr "Perfil de vídeo" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:210 -msgid "Thumbnails:" -msgstr "Miniaturas:" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_2) -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:416 -msgid "Project Files" -msgstr "Ficheiros do proxecto" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_12) -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:422 -msgid "Clips used in project:" -msgstr "Fragmentos usados no proxecto:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_6) -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:443 -msgid "Unused clips:" -msgstr "Fragmentos sen usar:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, delete_unused) -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:464 -msgid "Delete files" -msgstr "Borrar ficheiros" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_11) -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:471 -msgid "Thumbnails cache:" -msgstr "Caché de miniaturas:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, clear_cache) -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:492 -msgid "Clear cache" -msgstr "Limpar a caché" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, delete_proxies) -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:520 -msgid "Delete proxies" -msgstr "Eliminar os fragmentos reducidos" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_13) -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:527 -msgid "Project files" -msgstr "Ficheiros do proxecto" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_fonts) -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:561 -msgid "Fonts" -msgstr "Tipos de letra" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_export) -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:575 -msgid "Plain text export" -msgstr "Exportación a texto simple" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:39 -msgid "Render Project" -msgstr "Renderizar o proxecto" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:52 -msgid "Output file" -msgstr "Ficheiro de saída" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_9) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:112 -msgid "Encoder threads" -msgstr "Fíos do codificador" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, scanning_list) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:131 -msgid "Force Progressive" -msgstr "Forzar o renderizado progresivo" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, scanning_list) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:136 -msgid "Force Interlaced" -msgstr "Forzar o renderizado entrelazado" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QLineEdit, vbitrates_list) -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QLineEdit, abitrates_list) -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (KComboBox, comboBitrates) -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (KComboBox, comboAudioBitrates) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:176 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:202 -#: src/ui/saveprofile_ui.ui:33 src/ui/saveprofile_ui.ui:87 -msgid "Best to worst quality" -msgstr "Mellor a peor calidade" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, checkTwoPass) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:215 -msgid "2 pass" -msgstr "2 pases" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, rescale) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:222 -msgid "Rescale" -msgstr "Mudar a escala" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, export_meta) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:250 -msgid "Export metadata" -msgstr "Exportar os metadatos" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, tc_overlay) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:276 -msgid "Overlay" -msgstr "Solapamento" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, render_full) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:314 -msgid "Fu&ll project" -msgstr "Proxecto &completo" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, render_zone) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:324 -msgid "Selected &zone" -msgstr "&Zona seleccionada" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, render_guide) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:331 -msgid "&Guide zone" -msgstr "Zona de &guía" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, buttonRender) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:355 -msgid "Render to File" -msgstr "Renderizar a ficheiro" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, buttonGenerateScript) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:362 -msgid "Generate Script" -msgstr "Xerar un script" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonInfo) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonSelectImages) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:393 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:680 -msgid "I" -msgstr "I" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, show_all_profiles) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:400 -msgid "Show all profiles" -msgstr "Mostrar todos os perfís" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, open_browser) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:466 -msgid "Open browser window after export" -msgstr "Abrir unha xanela de navegador despois da exportación" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, play_after) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:473 -msgid "Play after render" -msgstr "Reproducir despois do renderizado" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:503 -msgid "to" -msgstr "até" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, create_chapter) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:523 -msgid "Create chapter file based on guides" -msgstr "Crear un ficheiro de capítulos baseado nas guías" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, open_dvd) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:530 -msgid "Open Dvd wizard after rendering" -msgstr "Abrir o asistente de DVD despois da renderización" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, proxy_render) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:537 -msgid "Render using proxy clips" -msgstr "Renderizar empregando os fragmentos reducidos" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, stemAudioExport) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:623 -msgid "Stem audio export" -msgstr "Exportar como grupo de sons" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_2) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:631 -msgid "Job Queue" -msgstr "Fila de tarefas" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_7) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:710 -msgid "Error Log" -msgstr "Historial de erros" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, clean_up) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:728 -msgid "Clean Up" -msgstr "Arrumbar" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, shutdown) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:735 -msgid "Shutdown computer after renderings" -msgstr "Apagar o equipo despois das renderizacións" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, start_job) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:742 -msgid "Start Job" -msgstr "Iniciar a tarefa" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_3) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:750 -msgid "Scripts" -msgstr "Scripts" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, start_script) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:778 -msgid "Start Script" -msgstr "Iniciar o script" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, delete_script) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:785 -msgid "Delete Script" -msgstr "Eliminar o script" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, lblPaintmode) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, lblPaintMode) -#: src/ui/rgbparade_ui.ui:33 src/ui/vectorscope_ui.ui:29 -#: src/ui/waveform_ui.ui:30 -msgid "Paint mode" -msgstr "Modo de pintado" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, SaveProfile_UI) -#: src/ui/saveprofile_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Save Profile" -msgstr "Gardar o perfil" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/ui/saveprofile_ui.ui:60 -msgid "Group" -msgstr "Grupo" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: src/ui/saveprofile_ui.ui:108 -msgid "Profile name" -msgstr "Nome do perfil" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/saveprofile_ui.ui:128 -msgid "" -"Parameters (see MLT documentation)" -msgstr "" -"Parámetros (consulte a documentación de MLT)" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, SceneCutDialog_UI) -#: src/ui/scenecutdialog_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Scene Cut" -msgstr "Recorte de escena" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, add_markers) -#: src/ui/scenecutdialog_ui.ui:23 -msgid "Add clip markers" -msgstr "Engadir marcadores de recorte" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, zone_only) -#: src/ui/scenecutdialog_ui.ui:33 -msgid "Analyze only selected zone" -msgstr "Analizar só a zona seleccionada" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, cut_scenes) -#: src/ui/scenecutdialog_ui.ui:63 -msgid "Cut scenes" -msgstr "Recortar escenas" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, store_data) -#: src/ui/scenecutdialog_ui.ui:70 -msgid "Save result in clip metadata" -msgstr "Gravar o resultado nos metadatos do fragmento" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, groupBox) -#: src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:30 -msgid "Image selection method" -msgstr "Método de escolla da imaxe" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, method_mime) -#: src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:36 -msgid "&Mimetype" -msgstr "Tipo &MIME" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, method_pattern) -#: src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:46 -msgid "Fi&lename pattern" -msgstr "Pa&drón do nome de ficheiro" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_4) -#: src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:70 -msgid "Image Type" -msgstr "Tipo de imaxe" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_5) -#: src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:97 -msgid "First frame" -msgstr "Primeiro fotograma" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:127 -msgid "Frame Duration" -msgstr "Duración do fotograma" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, show_thumbs) -#: src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:245 -msgid "Show thumbnails" -msgstr "Mostrar as miniaturas" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: src/ui/smconfig_ui.ui:33 -msgid "Number of frames to play (0 to play all frames)" -msgstr "" -"Número de fotogramas que reproducir (0 para reproducir todos os fotogramas)" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, groupBox_2) -#: src/ui/smconfig_ui.ui:73 -msgid "Interval Capture" -msgstr "Captura de intervalo" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/smconfig_ui.ui:79 -msgid "Capture delay" -msgstr "Demora na captura" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, sm_prenotify) -#: src/ui/smconfig_ui.ui:96 -msgid "Notify before capture" -msgstr "Notificar antes de capturar" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, SpacerDialog_UI) -#: src/ui/spacerdialog_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Add space" -msgstr "Engadir espazo" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, clip_filesize_3) -#: src/ui/spacerdialog_ui.ui:37 -msgid "Track:" -msgstr "Pista:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, labelFFTSize) -#: src/ui/spectrogram_ui.ui:52 -msgid "True FFT size:" -msgstr "Tamaño FFT verdadeiro:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, live_button) -#: src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:86 -msgid "Live view" -msgstr "Ver ao vivo" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, preview_button) -#: src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:135 -msgid "Preview sequence" -msgstr "Previsualización da secuencia" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (KComboBox, sequence_name) -#: src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:151 src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:158 -msgid "Sequence name" -msgstr "Nome da secuencia" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_addsequence) -#: src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:194 -msgid "Add to project" -msgstr "Engadir ao proxecto" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/templateclip_ui.ui:17 -msgid "Template" -msgstr "Modelo" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonFitZoom) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonRealSize) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonVideo) -#: src/ui/timelinebuttons_ui.ui:16 src/ui/timelinebuttons_ui.ui:64 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:553 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:563 -msgid "V" -msgstr "V" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, TitleWidget_UI) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Title Clip" -msgstr "Fragmento de título" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, lWidth) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:109 -msgid "W" -msgstr "W" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_19) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:126 -msgid "H" -msgstr "H" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_12) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:184 -msgid "Z-Index:" -msgstr "Índice Z:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:232 -msgid "Item Properties" -msgstr "Propiedades do elemento" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:243 -msgid "Fill color" -msgstr "Cor de recheo" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_11) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:275 -msgid "Border color" -msgstr "Cor do bordo" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_18) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:394 -msgid "Outline" -msgstr "Contorno" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, displayBg) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:631 -msgid "Show background" -msgstr "Mostrar o fondo" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_22) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:645 -msgid "Template:" -msgstr "Modelo:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonSelectText) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:690 -msgid "T" -msgstr "T" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (whatsThis), widget (QToolButton, buttonSelectAll) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:720 -msgid "Selects all items on the canvas." -msgstr "Escolle todos os elementos do lenzo." - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_14) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:761 -msgid "Zoom:" -msgstr "Ampliación:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_21) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:778 -msgid "Rotate Z:" -msgstr "Xirar sobre Z:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_20) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:785 -msgid "Rotate Y:" -msgstr "Xirar sobre Y:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_15) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:792 -msgid "Rotate X:" -msgstr "Xirar sobre X:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_5) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:877 -msgid "Effect" -msgstr "Efecto" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (suffix), widget (QSpinBox, typewriter_delay) -#. i18n: ectx: property (suffix), widget (QSpinBox, typewriter_start) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:1007 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:1030 -msgid " frames" -msgstr "fotogramas" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_16) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:1023 -msgid "Start at" -msgstr "Iniciar en" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, anim_start) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:1127 -msgid "Edit start" -msgstr "Editar o inicio" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, anim_end) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:1137 -msgid "Edit end" -msgstr "Editar o final" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_7) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:1162 -msgid "Resize" -msgstr "Redimensionar" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, resize50) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:1169 -#, no-c-format -msgid "50%" -msgstr "50%" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, resize100) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:1176 -#, no-c-format -msgid "100%" -msgstr "100%" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, resize200) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:1183 -#, no-c-format -msgid "200%" -msgstr "200%" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, keep_aspect) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:1190 -msgid "Keep aspect ratio" -msgstr "Manter a proporción" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/ui/transitionsettings_ui.ui:23 -msgid "track" -msgstr "pista" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QWidget, UnicodeWidget_UI) -#: src/ui/unicodewidget_ui.ui:20 -msgid "Enter Unicode value" -msgstr "Introducir un valor Unicode" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/ui/unicodewidget_ui.ui:251 -msgid "Additional Information" -msgstr "Información adicional" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_reload) -#: src/ui/wizardcapture_ui.ui:17 -msgid "Check" -msgstr "Comprobar" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_9) -#: src/ui/wizardcapture_ui.ui:57 -msgid "Capture format:" -msgstr "Formato de captura:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/wizardextra_ui.ui:16 -msgid "Default folder for project files" -msgstr "Cartafol predeterminado para os ficheiros dos proxectos" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, autosave) -#: src/ui/wizardextra_ui.ui:59 -msgid "Activate crash recovery (auto save)" -msgstr "Activar a recuperación de fallos (gardar automaticamente)" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, installmimes) -#: src/ui/wizardextra_ui.ui:66 -msgid "Install extra video mimetypes" -msgstr "Instalar tipos mime de vídeo extra" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab) -#: src/ui/wizardmltcheck_ui.ui:21 -msgid "Installed modules" -msgstr "Módulos instalados" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_2) -#: src/ui/wizardmltcheck_ui.ui:63 -msgid "Available Codecs (avformat)" -msgstr "Codecs dispoñíbeis (avformat)" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: src/ui/wizardmltcheck_ui.ui:90 -msgid "Formats" -msgstr "Formatos" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/ui/wizardmltcheck_ui.ui:97 -msgid "Video Codecs" -msgstr "Codecs de vídeo" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/wizardmltcheck_ui.ui:104 -msgid "Audio Codecs" -msgstr "Codecs de son" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: src/ui/wizardstandard_ui.ui:17 -msgid "Please set your default video profile" -msgstr "Estabeleza o seu perfil de vídeo predeterminado" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/ui/wizardstandard_ui.ui:24 -msgid "Video Resolution" -msgstr "Resolución de vídeo" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, button_dv) -#: src/ui/wizardstandard_ui.ui:44 -msgid "DV" -msgstr "DV" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, button_all) -#: src/ui/wizardstandard_ui.ui:61 -msgid "Show All" -msgstr "Mostrar todo" - -#: src/utils/archiveorg.cpp:78 src/utils/freesound.cpp:86 -#: src/utils/freesound.cpp:184 src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:362 -msgid "Error Loading Data" -msgstr "Erro ao cargar os datos" - -#: src/utils/archiveorg.cpp:91 src/utils/freesound.cpp:95 -#, kde-format -msgid "Found %1 result" -msgid_plural "Found %1 results" -msgstr[0] "Achouse 1 resultado" -msgstr[1] "Acháronse %1 resultados" - -#: src/utils/freesound.cpp:203 -msgid "Samplerate" -msgstr "Taxa de mostraxe" - -#: src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:67 -msgid "Freesound Audio Library" -msgstr "Biblioteca de son Freesound" - -#: src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:68 -msgid "Archive.org Video Library" -msgstr "Biblioteca de vídeo Archive.org" - -#: src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:69 -msgid "Open Clip Art Graphic Library" -msgstr "Biblioteca de gráficos Open Clip Art" - -#: src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:70 -msgid "Search Online Resources" -msgstr "Buscar recursos na rede" - -#: src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:92 -msgid "Auto Play" -msgstr "Reprodución automática" - -#: src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:182 -msgctxt "the url link pointing to a web page" -msgid "link" -msgstr "ligazón" - -#: src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:327 -msgid "File Exists" -msgstr "O ficheiro xa existe" - -#: src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:328 -msgid "Do you want to overwrite the existing file?." -msgstr "Quere substituír o ficheiro existente?" - -#: src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:371 -msgid "Data Imported" -msgstr "Importáronse os datos" - -#: src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:437 -msgid "" -"You need to be online\n" -" for searching" -msgstr "" -"Hai que estar conectado\n" -"para poder buscar" - -#: src/utils/thememanager.cpp:70 -msgctxt "default theme name" -msgid "Default" -msgstr "Predeterminado" - -#: src/utils/thememanager.cpp:213 -msgid "Configuration..." -msgstr "Configuración…" - -#: src/utils/thememanager.cpp:227 -msgid "" -"Cannot start Colors Settings panel from KDE Control Center. Please check " -"your system..." -msgstr "" -"Non é posíbel iniciar o panel de configuración da cor do centro de control " -"de KDE. Comproba o sistema…" - -#~ msgid "Compare effect" -#~ msgstr "Comparar o efecto" - -#~ msgid "Blue Screen" -#~ msgstr "Pantalla azul" - -#~ msgid "Selection Parameters" -#~ msgstr "Parámetros de selección" - -#~ msgid "Effect List" -#~ msgstr "Lista de efectos" - -#~ msgid "Transition List" -#~ msgstr "Lista de transicións" - -#~ msgid "Lossless / HQ" -#~ msgstr "Sen perda / HQ" - -#~ msgid "Cannot open playlist producer." -#~ msgstr "Non é posíbel abrir o produtor da lista de reprodución." - -#~ msgid "Cannot find proper playlist." -#~ msgstr "Non é posíbel atopar a lista de reprodución axeitada." - -#~| msgid "Reload Clip" -#~ msgid "Expland Clip" -#~ msgstr "Expandir o fragmento" - -#~ msgid "Effect Stack" -#~ msgstr "Pila de efectos" - -#~ msgid "Transition" -#~ msgstr "Transición" - -#~ msgid "Show additional controls" -#~ msgstr "Mostrar controles adicionais" - -#~ msgid "Show/Hide the lines connecting the corners" -#~ msgstr "Mostrar/Agochar as liñas que conectan as esquinas" - -#~ msgid "Playing %1x%2 (%3 fps)" -#~ msgstr "A reproducir %1x%2 (%3 fps)" - -#~ msgid "Failed to start device" -#~ msgstr "Fallou o inicio do dispositivo" - -#~ msgid "Estimated time %1" -#~ msgstr "Tempo estimado %1" - -#~ msgid "Loading" -#~ msgstr "Cargando" - -#~ msgid "Adding clips" -#~ msgstr "A engadir fragmentos" - -#~ msgid "Loading thumbnails" -#~ msgstr "A cargar as miniaturas" - -#~ msgid "Loading timeline" -#~ msgstr "Cargando a liña de tempo" - -#~ msgid "Setting monitor" -#~ msgstr "Estabelecendo o monitor" - -#~ msgid "Up" -#~ msgstr "Subir" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Select All in Current Track" -#~ msgid "Add effect to Current Stack" -#~ msgstr "Escoller todo na pista" - -#~ msgid "Fun" -#~ msgstr "Divertido" - -#~ msgctxt "effects and transitions keyboard shortcuts" -#~ msgid "Effects & Transitions" -#~ msgstr "Efectos e transicións" - -#~ msgctxt "timeline track keyboard shortcuts" -#~ msgid "Timeline and Tracks" -#~ msgstr "Liña de tempo e pistas" - -#~ msgid "MPEG clip (*.mpeg *.mpg *.vob)" -#~ msgstr "Fragmento MPEG (*.mpeg *.mpg *.vob)" - -#~ msgid "Transcoding to DVD format" -#~ msgstr "Convertendo ao formato de DVD" - -#~ msgid "before" -#~ msgstr "antes" - -#~ msgid "after" -#~ msgstr "despois" - -#~ msgid "Set zone start" -#~ msgstr "Estabelecer o inicio da zona" - -#~ msgid "Set zone end" -#~ msgstr "Estabelecer o final da zona" - -#~ msgid "Project profile was not found, using default profile." -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "Non se atopou o perfil do proxecto; emprégase o perfil predeterminado." - -#~ msgid "Missing Profile" -#~ msgstr "Perfil ausente" - -#~ msgid "Project profile not found, replacing with existing one: %1" -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "Non se atopou o perfil do proxecto; substitúese por un existente: %1" - -#~ msgid "Existing Profile" -#~ msgstr "Perfil existente" - -#~ msgid "" -#~ "Your project uses an unknown profile.\n" -#~ "It uses an existing profile name: %1.\n" -#~ "Please choose a new name to save it" -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "Este proxecto emprega un perfil descoñecido.\n" -#~ "Emprega un nome de perfil existente: %1\n" -#~ "Por favor, escolla un nome novo para gardalo." - -#~ msgid "Project profile was not found, it will be added to your system now." -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "Non se atopou o perfil do proxecto,será engadido ao seu sistema agora." - -#~ msgid "Buttons overlapping" -#~ msgstr "Botóns superpostos" - -#~ msgid "No button in menu" -#~ msgstr "Non hai botón no menú" - -#~ msgid "Missing background image" -#~ msgstr "Falta a imaxe de fondo" - -#~ msgid "No menu entry for %1" -#~ msgstr "Non hai entrada de menú para %1" - -#~ msgid "Blackmagic Decklink" -#~ msgstr "Blackmagic Decklink" - -#~ msgid "Delete data" -#~ msgstr "Eliminar os datos" - -#~ msgid "Add data" -#~ msgstr "Engadir datos" - -#~ msgid "Importing project effects" -#~ msgstr "A importar os efectos do proxecto" - -#~ msgid "Load Image" -#~ msgstr "Cargar imaxe" - -#~ msgid "" -#~ "The project file contains missing clips or files and clip duration " -#~ "mismatch" -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "O ficheiro do proxecto inclúe fragmentos ou ficheiros ausentes e " -#~ "disparidade na duración dos fragmentos" - -#~ msgid "The project file contains clips with duration mismatch" -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "O ficheiro do proxecto inclúe fragmentos con disparidade na duración" - -#~ msgid "Duration mismatch" -#~ msgstr "Disparidade nas duracións" - -#~ msgid "Fix duration mismatch" -#~ msgstr "Arranxar a disparidade de duración" - -#~ msgid "Movit: Blur" -#~ msgstr "Motiv: Desenfoque" - -#~ msgid "Sharpens in a more intelligent way" -#~ msgstr "Focaliza dunha maneira máis intelixente." - -#~ msgid "Movit: Diffusion" -#~ msgstr "Motiv: Difusión" - -#~ msgid "Movit: Glow" -#~ msgstr "Motiv: Brillo" - -#~ msgid "Do simple color grading" -#~ msgstr "Gradiente de cor sinxelo" - -#~ msgid "Movit: Mirror" -#~ msgstr "Movit: Espello" - -#~ msgid "Flips the image horizontally" -#~ msgstr "Voltea a imaxe horizontalmente" - -#~ msgid "Movit: Opacity" -#~ msgstr "Motiv: Opacidade" - -#~ msgid "Change the opacity of the image" -#~ msgstr "Cambiar a opacidade da imaxe." - -#~ msgid "Movit: Saturation" -#~ msgstr "Motiv: Saturación" - -#~ msgid "Saturate or desaturate the image" -#~ msgstr "Cambiar a saturación da imaxe." - -#~ msgid "Sharpens the image by subtracting a blurred copy" -#~ msgstr "Focaliza a imaxe extraendo unha copia non enfocada." - -#~ msgid "Movit: Vignette" -#~ msgstr "Motiv: Viñeta" - -#~ msgid "Movit: White balance" -#~ msgstr "Motiv: Balance de brancos" - -#~ msgid "XVideo" -#~ msgstr "XVideo" - -#~ msgid "X11" -#~ msgstr "X11" - -#~ msgid "XFree86 DGA 2.0" -#~ msgstr "XFree86 DGA 2.0" - -#~ msgid "Nano X" -#~ msgstr "Nano X" - -#~ msgid "Framebuffer console" -#~ msgstr "Consola framebuffer" - -#~ msgid "Direct FB" -#~ msgstr "FB directo" - -#~ msgid "SVGAlib" -#~ msgstr "SVGAlib" - -#~ msgid "General graphics interface" -#~ msgstr "Interface xeral de gráficos" - -#~ msgid "Ascii art library" -#~ msgstr "Biblioteca de arte Ascii" - -#~ msgid "Clip %1
is invalid, what do you want to do?" -#~ msgstr "O fragmento %1
non é válido; que desexa facer?" - -#~ msgid "File not found" -#~ msgstr "Non se atopou o ficheiro" - -#~ msgid "Search automatically" -#~ msgstr "Buscar automaticamente" - -#~ msgid "Keep as placeholder" -#~ msgstr "Conservar como marcador de posición" - -#~ msgid "Clip %1
is invalid or missing, what do you want to do?" -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "O fragmento %1
non é válido ou non se atopa; que desexa facer?" - -#~ msgid "Search manually" -#~ msgstr "Buscar manualmente" - -#~ msgid "Looking for %1" -#~ msgstr "Buscando %1" - -#~ msgid "Show previous keyframe" -#~ msgstr "Mostrar o fotograma clave anterior" - -#~ msgid "Project Tree" -#~ msgstr "Árbore do proxecto" - -#~ msgid "Adjust Profile to Current Clip" -#~ msgstr "Axustar o perfil ao fragmento actual" - -#~ msgid "Save clip zone as:" -#~ msgstr "Gardar a zona do fragmento como:" - -#~ msgid "Description:" -#~ msgstr "Descrición:" - -#~ msgid "" -#~ "Cannot start MLT's renderer:\n" -#~ "%1" -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "Non é posíbel iniciar o renderizador de MLT:\n" -#~ "%1" - -#~ msgid "Timeout while creating xml output" -#~ msgstr "Esgotouse o tempo mentres se creaba a saída en xml" - -#~ msgid "Resize (100%)" -#~ msgstr "Redimensionar (100%)" - -#~ msgid "Resize (50%)" -#~ msgstr "Redimensionar (50%)" - -#~ msgid "" -#~ "Clip %1
already exists in project, what do you want to do?" -#~ msgstr "O fragmento %1
xa existe no proxecto; que desexa facer?" - -#~ msgid "Clip already exists" -#~ msgstr "Este fragmento xa existe" - -#~ msgid "" -#~ "Clip %1
is on a removable device, will not be available when " -#~ "device is unplugged" -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "O fragmento %1
está nun dispositivo extraíbel e non estará " -#~ "dispoñíbel cando se extraia o dispositivo" - -#~ msgid "File on a Removable Device" -#~ msgstr "Ficheiro nun dispositivo extraíbel" - -#~ msgid "Copy file to project folder" -#~ msgstr "Copiar o ficheiro ao cartafol do proxecto" - -#~ msgid "Continue" -#~ msgstr "Continuar" - -#~ msgid "" -#~ "This will remove the following files from your hard drive.\n" -#~ "This action cannot be undone, only use if you know what you are doing.\n" -#~ "Are you sure you want to continue?" -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "Isto elimina os seguintes ficheiros do disco duro.\n" -#~ "Esta acción non se poderá desfacer, úsea unicamente se sabe o que está a " -#~ "facer.\n" -#~ "Está seguro de que desexa continuar?" - -#~ msgid "Delete unused clips" -#~ msgstr "Eliminar os fragmentos sen usar" - -#~ msgid "Process clip" -#~ msgstr "Procesar o fragmento" - -#~ msgid "Open Clips" -#~ msgstr "Abrir fragmentos" - -#~ msgid "Cancel job" -#~ msgid_plural "Cancel jobs" -#~ msgstr[0] "Cancelar a tarefa" -#~ msgstr[1] "Cancelar todas as tarefas" - -#~ msgid "Cannot reverse clip" -#~ msgstr "Non é posíbel inverter o fragmento" - -#~ msgid "Cannot render reversed clip" -#~ msgstr "Non é posíbel renderizar o clip invertido" - -#~ msgid "" -#~ "Your project's profile %1 is not compatible with the blackmagic output " -#~ "card. Please see supported profiles below. Switching to normal video " -#~ "display." -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "O perfil do proxecto %1 non é compatíbel coa placa de saída blackmagic. " -#~ "Consulte embaixo que perfís se admiten. Pásase á exhibición de vídeo " -#~ "normal." - -#~ msgid "Hide track" -#~ msgstr "Ocultar a pista" - -#~ msgid "Mute track" -#~ msgstr "Silenciar a pista" - -#~ msgid "Invalid clip producer %1\n" -#~ msgstr "Produtor de fragmento non válido %1\n" - -#~ msgid "Removed invalid transition: (%1, %2, %3)" -#~ msgstr "Eliminouse unha transición non válida: (%1, %2, %3)" - -#~ msgid "Removed overlapping transition: (%1, %2, %3)" -#~ msgstr "Eliminouse unha transición que se solapaba: (%1, %2, %3)" - -#~ msgid "Replaced wrong clip producer %1 with %2" -#~ msgstr "Substituíuse o produtor de fragmento erróneo %1 con %2" - -#~ msgid "Broken clip producer %1, recreated base clip: %2" -#~ msgstr "Produtor de fragmento %1 roto; recreouse o fragmento base: %2" - -#~ msgid "Broken clip producer %1, removed from project" -#~ msgstr "Produtor de fragmento %1 roto, eliminouse no proxecto" - -#~ msgid "Desktop search integration" -#~ msgstr "Integración coa busca de escritorio" - -#~ msgid "Video driver:" -#~ msgstr "Controlador de vídeo:" - -#~ msgid "Normalise audio for thumbnails" -#~ msgstr "Normalizar o son para as miniaturas" - -#~ msgid "All" -#~ msgstr "Todo" - -#~ msgid "Custom" -#~ msgstr "Personalizado" - -#~ msgid "with track" -#~ msgstr "con pista" - -#~ msgid "DV module (libdv)" -#~ msgstr "Módulo DV (libdv)" - -#~ msgid "Required to work with dv files if avformat module is not installed" -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "Necesario para traballar con ficheiros dv se o módulo avformat non está " -#~ "instalado" - -#~ msgid "Open projects in new tabs" -#~ msgstr "Abrir os proxectos en lapelas novas" - -#~ msgid "Check online manual" -#~ msgstr "Comprobar o manual na rede" - -#~ msgid "" -#~ "Please report bugs to http://" -#~ "kdenlive.org/mantis" -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "Por favor, informe de fallos en http://kdenlive.org/mantis" - -#~ msgid "Close the current tab" -#~ msgstr "Pechar a lapela actual" - -#~ msgid "License: %1" -#~ msgstr "Licenza: %1" - -#~ msgid "Edit keyframe" -#~ msgstr "Editar fotograma clave" - -#~ msgid "99:99:99:99; " -#~ msgstr "99:99:99:99; " - -#~ msgid ":::" -#~ msgstr ":::" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Stabilize (vstab)" -#~ msgid "Stabilize (vid.stab)" -#~ msgstr "Estabilizar (vstab)" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Lower object" -#~ msgid "Lower is better" -#~ msgstr "Baixar o obxecto" - -#~ msgid "Bitrate" -#~ msgstr "Taxa de bits" - -#~ msgid "Color opacity" -#~ msgstr "Opacidade da cor" - -#~ msgid "Border opacity" -#~ msgstr "Opacidade do bordo" - -#~ msgid "Font color opacity" -#~ msgstr "Opacidade de cor da fonte" - -#~ msgid "Outline color opacity" -#~ msgstr "Opacidade da cor do contorno" - -#~ msgid "Stabilize (vstab)" -#~ msgstr "Estabilizar (vstab)" - -#~ msgid "Stabilize (transcode)" -#~ msgstr "Estabilizar (transcodificar)" - -#~ msgid "" -#~ "Firewire is not enabled on your system.\n" -#~ " Please install Libiec61883 and recompile Kdenlive" -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "O firewire non está activado neste sistema.\n" -#~ " Instale Libiec61883 e recompile o Kdenlive" - -#~ msgid "There is no clip, cannot extract frame." -#~ msgstr "Non hai fragmento, non se pode extraer o fotograma." - -#~ msgid "Clone" -#~ msgstr "Clonar" - -#~ msgid "" -#~ "Select a region using the mouse. To take the snapshot, press the Enter " -#~ "key. Press Esc to quit." -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "Escolla unha rexión co rato. Para realizar a captura, prema a tecla " -#~ "Intro. Prema Esc para saír." - -#~ msgid "Audio align reference set." -#~ msgstr "Indicouse a referencia do aliñamento de son." - -#~ msgid "No audio clips selected." -#~ msgstr "Non se escolleu ningún fragmento de son." - -#~ msgid "Auto-aligned %1 clips." -#~ msgstr "Aliñáronse %1 fragmentos automaticamente." - -#~ msgid "Add effect %1" -#~ msgstr "Engadir o efecto %1" - -#~ msgid "OpenGL" -#~ msgstr "OpenGL" - -#~ msgid "Accelerated GLSL" -#~ msgstr "GLSL acelerado" - -#~ msgid "Graphic Scene" -#~ msgstr "Escena gráfica" - -#~ msgid "Bin" -#~ msgstr "Bin" - -#~ msgid "Zone in" -#~ msgstr "Inicio da zona" - -#~ msgid "Zone out" -#~ msgstr "Final da zona" - -#~ msgid "" -#~ "Your MLT config does not support OpenGL nor SDL, Kdenlive will not be " -#~ "usable" -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "A configuración do MLT non admite OpenGL nin SDL; non é posíbel utilizar " -#~ "o Kdenlive" - -#~ msgid "Monitor Audio" -#~ msgstr "Monitor de son" - -#~ msgid "Use Zone" -#~ msgstr "Empregar a zona" - -#~ msgid "The video mode %1 is not available on your system" -#~ msgstr "O mode de vídeo %1 non está dispoñíbel neste sistema" - -#~ msgid "Only one %1 monitor can be used" -#~ msgstr "Só é posíbel empregar %1 monitor" - -#~ msgid "Zone In" -#~ msgstr "Inicio da zona" - -#~ msgid "Zone Out" -#~ msgstr "Final da zona" - -#~ msgid "Editing clip: %1" -#~ msgstr "Estase a editar o fragmento: %1" - -#~ msgid "Author: " -#~ msgstr "Autor: " - -#~ msgid "Done" -#~ msgstr "Feito" - -#~ msgid "Add clip to timeline" -#~ msgstr "Engadir o fragmento á liña temporal" - -#~ msgid "Remove clip from timeline" -#~ msgstr "Retirar o fragmento da liña temporal" - -#~ msgid "Resize Clip" -#~ msgstr "Redimensionar o fragmento" - -#~ msgid "Failed to open project %1" -#~ msgstr "Non foi posíbel abrir o proxecto %1" - -#~ msgid "Change track name" -#~ msgstr "Cambiar o nome da pista" - -#~ msgid "Hide Track" -#~ msgstr "Agochar a pista" - -#~ msgid "Show Track" -#~ msgstr "Mostrar o seguimento" - -#~ msgid "Mute Track" -#~ msgstr "Silenciar a pista" - -#~ msgid "Unmute Track" -#~ msgstr "Desactivar o silencio" - -#~ msgid "Lock Track" -#~ msgstr "Bloquear a pista" - -#~ msgid "Unlock Track" -#~ msgstr "Desbloquear a pista" - -#~ msgid "Marker %1" -#~ msgstr "Marcador %1" - -#~ msgid "Show Tool Panel" -#~ msgstr "Mostrar o panel de ferramentas" - -#~ msgid "Add new effect" -#~ msgstr "Engadir un efecto novo" - -#~ msgid "Reset effect" -#~ msgstr "Reiniciar efecto" - -#~ msgid "EffStack3" -#~ msgstr "EffStack3" - -#~ msgid "Image Clip" -#~ msgstr "Fragmento de imaxe" - -#~ msgid "Video Clip" -#~ msgstr "Fragmento de vídeo" - -#~ msgid "Webvfx Clip" -#~ msgstr "Fragmento de Webvfx" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Formats" -#~ msgid "Form" -#~ msgstr "Formatos" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "" -#~| "Capture crashed, please check your parameters\n" -#~| "RecordMyDesktop exit code: %1" -#~ msgid "" -#~ "Capture crashed, please check your parameters.\n" -#~ "Exit code: %1" -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "Fallou a captura; revise os seus parámetros\n" -#~ "Código de saída do RecordMydesktop: %1" - -#~ msgid "" -#~ "Recordmydesktop utility not found, please install it for " -#~ "screen grabs" -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "Non se atopou a utilidade Recordmydesktop;instálea para " -#~ "as capturas de pantalla" - -#~ msgid "Recordmydesktop found at: %1" -#~ msgstr "Recordmydesktop atopado en: %1" - -#~ msgid "Encoding captured video..." -#~ msgstr "Codificando o vídeo capturado..." - -#~ msgid "48000" -#~ msgstr "48000" - -#~ msgid "41000" -#~ msgstr "41000" - -#~ msgid "32000" -#~ msgstr "32000" - -#~ msgid "22500" -#~ msgstr "22500" - -#~ msgid "11250" -#~ msgstr "11250" - -#~ msgid "Buffer" -#~ msgstr "Buffer" - -#~ msgid "Jack" -#~ msgstr "Jack" - -#~ msgid "Ports:" -#~ msgstr "Portos:" - -#~ msgid "Bit rate" -#~ msgstr "Frecuencia de bits" - -#~ msgid "Full shots" -#~ msgstr "Tomas completas" - -#~ msgid "Required for webcam capture" -#~ msgstr "Necesario para capturar a cámara web" - -#~ msgid "recordmydesktop" -#~ msgstr "recordmydesktop" - -#~ msgid "Script name (will be saved in: %1)" -#~ msgstr "Nome do script (será gardado en: %1)" - -#~ msgid "Intro movie" -#~ msgstr "Película de entrada" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Motion" -#~ msgid "Motion vectors" -#~ msgstr "Movemento" - -#~ msgid "Button colors" -#~ msgstr "Cores do botón" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Luma file" -#~ msgid "Load marker file" -#~ msgstr "Ficheiro de Luminancia" - -#~ msgid "You need program %1 to perform this action" -#~ msgstr "Necesita o programa %1 para levar a cabo esta acción" - -#~ msgid "Crop" -#~ msgstr "Recorte" - -#~ msgid "x1" -#~ msgstr "x1" - -#~ msgid "Add new clip to project" -#~ msgstr "Engadir un fragmento novo ao proxecto" - -#~ msgid "Autodetected capture devices" -#~ msgstr "Dispositivos de captura detectados automaticamente" - -#~ msgid "Select capture format" -#~ msgstr "Escolla o formato de captura" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Region" -#~ msgid "Change Region" -#~ msgstr "Rexión" - -#~ msgctxt "@action:button" -#~ msgid "Close" -#~ msgstr "Pechar" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Image size" -#~ msgid "Image name" -#~ msgstr "Tamaño de imaxe" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Unsupported audio codec: %1" -#~ msgid "Supported capture modes:\n" -#~ msgstr "Codec de audio non soportado: %1" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Transcoding FAILED!" -#~ msgid "Stabilizing FAILED!" -#~ msgstr "Fallou a Transcodificación! " - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Close after transcode" -#~ msgid "Close after stabilizing" -#~ msgstr "Pechar despois da transcodificación" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Project Settings" -#~ msgid "Preview Settings" -#~ msgstr "Configuración do proxecto" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Image preview" -#~ msgid "Quick preview" -#~ msgstr "Previsualización de imaxe" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Full project" -#~ msgid "Full preview" -#~ msgstr "Proxecto completo" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Preview" -#~ msgid "No preview" -#~ msgstr "Previsualización" - -#~ msgid "Blur image with keyframes" -#~ msgstr "Desenfocar imaxe con fotogramas clave" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Blur" -#~ msgid "IIR Blur" -#~ msgstr "Desenfoque" - -#~ msgid "Variable-size square blur (frei0r.squareblur)" -#~ msgstr "Desenfoque cadrado de tamaño variable (frei0r.squareblur)" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Configure" -#~ msgid "Configure Track" -#~ msgstr "Configurar" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Rendering crashed" -#~ msgid "Job crashed" -#~ msgstr "Fallou o renderizado" - -#~ msgid "Progress" -#~ msgstr "Progreso" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Output file" -#~ msgid "Cut file" -#~ msgstr "Ficheiro de saída" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Parameters" -#~ msgid "Extra parameters" -#~ msgstr "Parámetros" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Add clip cut" -#~ msgid "clip cut" -#~ msgstr "Engadir corte de fragmento" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Monitor Preview Speedup Settings" -#~ msgid "Capture preview settings" -#~ msgstr "Configuración da aceleración da previsualización do monitor" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "video4linux2" -#~ msgid "Video4Linux" -#~ msgstr "video4linux2" - -#~ msgid "Transcoding FAILED!" -#~ msgstr "Fallou a Transcodificación! " - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Add clip" -#~ msgid "Building proxy clip" -#~ msgstr "Engadir fragmento" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Transcoding finished." -#~ msgid "Transcoding crashed" -#~ msgstr "Transcodificación rematada." - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Group Clips" -#~ msgid "Proxy %1\\%" -#~ msgstr "Agrupar fragmentos" - -#~ msgid "Fill opacity" -#~ msgstr "Opacidade de recheo" - -#~ msgid "Select clip to change speed" -#~ msgstr "Seleccione un fragmento para cambiarlle a velocidade" - -#~ msgid "Edit Clip Speed" -#~ msgstr "Editar velocidade do fragmento" - -#~ msgid "New speed (percents)" -#~ msgstr "Nova velocidade (porcentaxe)" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Reached end of project" -#~ msgid "Read only project" -#~ msgstr "Chegouse ao final do proxecto" diff -Nru kdenlive-15.13.0+git20160206.6705c57a/po/he/CMakeLists.txt kdenlive-15.13.0+git20160206.cee1bbb6/po/he/CMakeLists.txt --- kdenlive-15.13.0+git20160206.6705c57a/po/he/CMakeLists.txt 2016-02-06 09:13:45.000000000 +0000 +++ kdenlive-15.13.0+git20160206.cee1bbb6/po/he/CMakeLists.txt 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -GETTEXT_PROCESS_PO_FILES(he ALL INSTALL_DESTINATION ${LOCALE_INSTALL_DIR} kdenlive.po) diff -Nru kdenlive-15.13.0+git20160206.6705c57a/po/he/kdenlive.po kdenlive-15.13.0+git20160206.cee1bbb6/po/he/kdenlive.po --- kdenlive-15.13.0+git20160206.6705c57a/po/he/kdenlive.po 2016-02-06 09:13:45.000000000 +0000 +++ kdenlive-15.13.0+git20160206.cee1bbb6/po/he/kdenlive.po 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 @@ -1,14397 +0,0 @@ -# translation of kdenlive.po to Hebrew -# Copyright (C) YEAR THE PACKAGE'S COPYRIGHT HOLDER -# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package. -# -# Amir S. , 2008, 2009. -# amir , 2010. -# Diego Iastrubni , 2012. -msgid "" -msgstr "" -"Project-Id-Version: kdenlive\n" -"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugs.kde.org\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-12-11 07:07+0000\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-08-15 21:52+0300\n" -"Last-Translator: Diego Iastrubni \n" -"Language-Team: American English \n" -"Language: en_US\n" -"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" -"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" -"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" -"X-Generator: Lokalize 1.4\n" -"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;\n" - -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Frames" -msgctxt "NAME OF TRANSLATORS" -msgid "Your names" -msgstr "מסגרות" - -msgctxt "EMAIL OF TRANSLATORS" -msgid "Your emails" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/audiobalance.xml:3 data/effects/audiobalance.xml:7 -msgid "Balance" -msgstr "איזון" - -#: data/effects/audiobalance.xml:4 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Adjust the left/right spread of a channel" -msgid "Adjust the left/right balance" -msgstr "התאם פריסת שמאל/ימין של הערוץ" - -#: data/effects/audiopan.xml:3 data/effects/audiopan.xml:11 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:347 src/project/dialogs/slideshowclip.cpp:73 -msgid "Pan" -msgstr "הסט" - -#: data/effects/audiopan.xml:4 -msgid "Adjust the left/right spread of a channel" -msgstr "התאם פריסת שמאל/ימין של הערוץ" - -#: data/effects/audiopan.xml:7 data/effects/channelcopy.xml:7 -#: data/effects/channelcopy.xml:11 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Right" -msgid "Left,Right" -msgstr "ימין" - -#: data/effects/audiopan.xml:8 data/effects/frei0r_bezier_curves.xml:9 -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:9 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:66 -#: data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:10 data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:42 -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:25 -msgid "Channel" -msgstr "ערוץ" - -#: data/effects/audiowave.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Audio only" -msgid "Audio Wave" -msgstr "שמע בלבד" - -#: data/effects/audiowave.xml:4 -msgid "Display the audio waveform instead of the video" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/audiowaveform.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Audio only" -msgid "Audio Waveform Filter" -msgstr "שמע בלבד" - -#: data/effects/audiowaveform.xml:6 data/effects/dynamictext.xml:22 -#: data/effects/pan_zoom.xml:13 data/effects/rotation.xml:40 -#: data/effects/rotation_keyframable.xml:22 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Background" -msgid "Background Color" -msgstr "רקע" - -#: data/effects/audiowaveform.xml:9 data/effects/dynamictext.xml:19 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Source Color" -msgid "Foreground Color" -msgstr "צבע מקור" - -#: data/effects/audiowaveform.xml:12 -msgid "Line Thickness" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/audiowaveform.xml:15 data/effects/movit_rect.xml:6 -#: data/effects/pan_zoom.xml:7 -msgid "Rectangle" -msgstr "מלבן" - -#: data/effects/audiowaveform.xml:18 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:721 -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:766 -msgid "Fill" -msgstr "מלא" - -#: data/effects/automask.xml:3 -msgid "Auto Mask" -msgstr "הסתרה אוטומטית" - -#: data/effects/automask.xml:4 -msgid "Hide a selected zone and follow its movements" -msgstr "הסתר קטע נבחר ועקוב אחר תנועתו" - -#: data/effects/automask.xml:7 data/effects/dynamictext.xml:7 -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:718 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:745 -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:763 -msgid "Geometry" -msgstr "גאומטריה" - -#: data/effects/automask.xml:10 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Transition width" -msgid "Macroblock width" -msgstr "רוחב מעבר" - -#: data/effects/automask.xml:13 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Track height" -msgid "Macroblock height" -msgstr "גובה ערוץ" - -#: data/effects/automask.xml:16 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Mid gain" -msgid "Maximum x distance" -msgstr "שבח אמצעי" - -#: data/effects/automask.xml:19 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Mid gain" -msgid "Maximum y distance" -msgstr "שבח אמצעי" - -#: data/effects/automask.xml:22 -msgid "Denoise" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/automask.xml:25 -msgid "Debug" -msgstr "אתר באגים" - -#: data/effects/automask.xml:28 data/effects/obscure.xml:3 -msgid "Obscure" -msgstr "מוסתר" - -#: data/effects/automask.xml:36 data/effects/loudness.xml:12 -msgid "Analyse" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/boxblur.xml:3 -msgid "Box Blur" -msgstr "טישטוש קופסה" - -#: data/effects/boxblur.xml:4 -msgid "Box blur (separate horizontal and vertical blur)" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/boxblur.xml:7 -msgid "Horizontal multiplicator" -msgstr "מכפיל אופקי" - -#: data/effects/boxblur.xml:10 -msgid "Vertical multiplicator" -msgstr "מכפיל אנכי" - -#: data/effects/boxblur.xml:13 -msgid "Blur factor" -msgstr "מקדם טישטוש" - -#: data/effects/brightness.xml:3 -msgid "Brightness (keyframable)" -msgstr "‮עוצמת הארה (ניתן לשליטה במסגרות מפתח)" - -#: data/effects/brightness.xml:4 -msgid "Change image brightness with keyframes" -msgstr "שינוי בהירות תמונה באמצעות מסגרות מפתח" - -#: data/effects/brightness.xml:7 -msgid "Intensity" -msgstr "עוצמה" - -#: data/effects/channelcopy.xml:3 -msgid "Mono to stereo" -msgstr "מונו לסטריאו" - -#: data/effects/channelcopy.xml:4 -msgid "Copy one channel to another" -msgstr "העתק ערוץ אחד לשני" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_4) -#: data/effects/channelcopy.xml:8 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:486 -msgid "From" -msgstr "‮מ-" - -#: data/effects/channelcopy.xml:12 -msgid "To" -msgstr "ל" - -#: data/effects/charcoal.xml:3 -msgid "Charcoal" -msgstr "פחם" - -#: data/effects/charcoal.xml:4 -msgid "Charcoal drawing effect" -msgstr "אפקט ציור פחם" - -#: data/effects/charcoal.xml:7 -msgid "Horizontal scatter" -msgstr "פיזור אופקי" - -#: data/effects/charcoal.xml:10 -msgid "Vertical scatter" -msgstr "פיזור אנכי" - -#: data/effects/charcoal.xml:13 -msgid "Scale" -msgstr "קנה-מידה" - -#: data/effects/charcoal.xml:16 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:757 -msgid "Mix" -msgstr "מיקס" - -#: data/effects/charcoal.xml:19 data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:31 -#: data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:63 data/effects/frei0r_mask0mate.xml:19 -#: data/effects/invert.xml:3 data/effects/mirror.xml:11 -#: data/effects/rotoscoping.xml:18 src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:215 -msgid "Invert" -msgstr "הפוך" - -#: data/effects/chroma.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Chroma Hold" -msgid "Chroma Key" -msgstr "Chroma Hold" - -#: data/effects/chroma.xml:4 -msgid "Make selected color transparent" -msgstr "הפוך צבע נבחר לשקוף" - -#: data/effects/chroma.xml:7 data/effects/chroma_hold.xml:7 -msgid "Color key" -msgstr "מפתח צבע" - -#: data/effects/chroma.xml:10 data/effects/chroma_hold.xml:10 -msgid "Variance" -msgstr "שונות" - -#: data/effects/chroma_hold.xml:3 -msgid "Chroma Hold" -msgstr "Chroma Hold" - -#: data/effects/chroma_hold.xml:4 -msgid "Make image greyscale except for chosen color" -msgstr "הופך תמונה לגווני אפור למעט צבע נבחר" - -#: data/effects/crop.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Edge mode" -msgid "Edge Crop" -msgstr "מצב קצוות" - -#: data/effects/crop.xml:4 -msgid "Trim the edges of a clip" -msgstr "קיצוץ שולי סרטון" - -#: data/effects/crop.xml:7 data/effects/frei0r_mask0mate.xml:13 -msgid "Top" -msgstr "עליון" - -#: data/effects/crop.xml:10 data/effects/frei0r_mask0mate.xml:7 -msgid "Left" -msgstr "שמאל" - -#: data/effects/crop.xml:13 data/effects/frei0r_mask0mate.xml:16 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Bottom" -msgid "Bottom" -msgstr "תחתון" - -#: data/effects/crop.xml:16 data/effects/frei0r_mask0mate.xml:10 -msgid "Right" -msgstr "ימין" - -#: data/effects/crop.xml:19 -msgid "Automatic center-crop" -msgstr "מרכוז חיתוך אוטומטי" - -#: data/effects/crop.xml:22 -msgid "Center balance" -msgstr "מרכז איזון" - -#: data/effects/crop.xml:25 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Video Resolution" -msgid "Use project resolution" -msgstr "הפרדת וידאו" - -#: data/effects/dust.xml:3 -msgid "Dust" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/dust.xml:4 -msgid "Add dust and specks to the video, as in old movies" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/dust.xml:7 -msgid "Maximal Diameter" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/dust.xml:10 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Mid gain" -msgid "Maximal number of dust" -msgstr "שבח אמצעי" - -#: data/effects/dynamictext.xml:3 -msgid "Dynamic Text" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/dynamictext.xml:4 -msgid "Overlay text with keywords replaced" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/dynamictext.xml:10 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Size" -msgid "Font Family" -msgstr "גודל" - -#: data/effects/dynamictext.xml:13 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Size" -msgid "Font Size" -msgstr "גודל" - -#: data/effects/dynamictext.xml:16 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Font weight" -msgid "Font Weight" -msgstr "משקל פונט" - -#: data/effects/dynamictext.xml:25 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Outline color opacity" -msgid "Outline Color" -msgstr "אטימות צבע מתאר" - -#: data/effects/dynamictext.xml:28 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Outline width" -msgid "Outline Width" -msgstr "רוחב מתאר" - -#: data/effects/dynamictext.xml:31 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Loading" -msgid "Padding" -msgstr "טוען" - -#: data/effects/dynamictext.xml:34 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Right" -msgid "Left,Center,Right" -msgstr "ימין" - -#: data/effects/dynamictext.xml:35 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Horizontal center" -msgid "Horizontal Alignment" -msgstr "מרכז אופקי" - -#: data/effects/dynamictext.xml:38 -msgid "Top,Middle,Bottom" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/dynamictext.xml:39 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Vertical center" -msgid "Vertical Alignment" -msgstr "מרכז אנכי" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, text_box) -#: data/effects/dynamictext.xml:42 src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:55 -#: src/ui/templateclip_ui.ui:34 -msgid "Text" -msgstr "טקסט" - -#: data/effects/fade_from_black.xml:3 -msgid "Fade from Black" -msgstr "עמעום וידאו משחור" - -#: data/effects/fade_from_black.xml:4 -msgid "Fade video from black" -msgstr "עמעום וידאו משחור" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_duration) -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, ClipDurationDialog_UI) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, duration_label) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: data/effects/fade_from_black.xml:7 data/effects/fade_to_black.xml:7 -#: data/effects/fadein.xml:10 data/effects/fadeout.xml:7 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:133 -#: src/ui/clipdurationdialog_ui.ui:14 src/ui/clipdurationdialog_ui.ui:40 -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:58 src/ui/colorclip_ui.ui:37 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:747 src/utils/freesound.cpp:157 -#: src/utils/freesound.cpp:196 src/utils/freesound.cpp:197 -#: src/utils/freesound.cpp:198 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid " Duration:" -msgid "Duration" -msgstr "משך:" - -#: data/effects/fade_from_black.xml:10 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/bezier/beziersplinewidget.cpp:52 -msgid "In" -msgstr "כניסה" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: data/effects/fade_from_black.xml:13 data/effects/fade_to_black.xml:13 -#: src/ui/wipeval_ui.ui:22 -msgid "Start" -msgstr "התחלה" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_4) -#: data/effects/fade_from_black.xml:16 data/effects/fade_to_black.xml:16 -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:409 src/ui/wipeval_ui.ui:167 -msgid "End" -msgstr "סיום" - -#: data/effects/fade_to_black.xml:3 -msgid "Fade to Black" -msgstr "עמעום לשחור" - -#: data/effects/fade_to_black.xml:4 -msgid "Fade video to black" -msgstr "עמעום וידאו לשחור" - -#: data/effects/fade_to_black.xml:10 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/bezier/beziersplinewidget.cpp:54 -msgid "Out" -msgstr "יציאה" - -#: data/effects/fadein.xml:3 -msgid "Fade in" -msgstr "עמעום כניסה" - -#: data/effects/fadein.xml:4 -msgid "Fade in audio track" -msgstr "עמעום כניסת רצועת שמע" - -#: data/effects/fadein.xml:13 data/effects/fadeout.xml:13 -msgid "Start Gain" -msgstr "שבח תחילי" - -#: data/effects/fadein.xml:16 data/effects/fadeout.xml:16 -msgid "End Gain" -msgstr "שבח סופי" - -#: data/effects/fadeout.xml:3 -msgid "Fade out" -msgstr "עמעום יציאה" - -#: data/effects/fadeout.xml:4 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Fade in audio track" -msgid "Fade out audio track" -msgstr "עמעום כניסת רצועת שמע" - -#: data/effects/freeze.xml:3 -msgid "Freeze" -msgstr "הקפא" - -#: data/effects/freeze.xml:4 -msgid "Freeze video on a chosen frame" -msgstr "הקפא וידאו במסגרת נבחרת" - -#: data/effects/freeze.xml:7 -msgid "Freeze at" -msgstr "‫הקפא ב-" - -#: data/effects/freeze.xml:10 -msgid "Freeze Before" -msgstr "הקפא לפני" - -#: data/effects/freeze.xml:13 -msgid "Freeze After" -msgstr "הקפא לאחר" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_3dflippo.xml:3 -msgid "3dflippo" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_3dflippo.xml:4 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Frame Duration" -msgid "Frame rotation in 3D space" -msgstr "משך מסגרת" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_3dflippo.xml:7 -msgid "X axis rotation" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_3dflippo.xml:10 -msgid "Y axis rotation" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_3dflippo.xml:13 -msgid "Z axis rotation" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_3dflippo.xml:16 -msgid "X axis rotation rate" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_3dflippo.xml:19 -msgid "Y axis rotation rate" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_3dflippo.xml:22 -msgid "Z axis rotation rate" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_3dflippo.xml:25 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Center correction" -msgid "Center position (X)" -msgstr "תיקון מרכז" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_3dflippo.xml:28 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Center correction" -msgid "Center position (Y)" -msgstr "תיקון מרכז" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_3dflippo.xml:31 -msgid "Invert rotation assignment" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_3dflippo.xml:34 -msgid "Don't blank mask" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_3dflippo.xml:37 -msgid "Fill with image or black" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:4 data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:36 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Alpha Channel Operation" -msgid "Alpha operations" -msgstr "פעולה בערוץ אלפא" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:5 data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:37 -msgid "Display and manipulation of the alpha channel" -msgstr "תצוגה ותמרון של ערוץ האלפא" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:9 data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:41 -msgid "" -"Image,Alpha as gray,Gray + red,Selection on black,Selection on gray," -"Selection on white,Selection on checkers" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:10 data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:42 -msgid "Display" -msgstr "תצוגה" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:14 data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:46 -msgid "Display input alpha" -msgstr "הצג כניסת ערוץ אלפא" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:18 -msgid "NO OP,Shave,Shrink hard,Shrink soft,Grow hard,Grow soft,Threshold" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:19 data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:51 -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphagrad.xml:30 data/effects/frei0r_alphaspot.xml:47 -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:45 data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:96 -msgid "Operation" -msgstr "פעולות" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:23 data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:55 -#: data/effects/frei0r_threshold0r.xml:7 data/effects/threshold.xml:3 -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:217 -msgid "Threshold" -msgstr "סף" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:27 -msgid "Shrink/grow amount" -msgstr "הקטן/הגדל סכום" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:50 -msgid "NO OP,Shave,Shrink hard,Shrink soft,Grow hard,Grow soft,Threshold,Blur" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:59 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Shrink/grow amount" -msgid "Shrink/Grow/Blur amount" -msgstr "הקטן/הגדל סכום" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphagrad.xml:3 -msgid "Alpha gradient" -msgstr "גרדינט אלפא" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphagrad.xml:4 -msgid "Fill the alpha channel with a specified gradient" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, clip_filesize_2) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, position_label) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, import_position) -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphagrad.xml:9 src/effectstack/keyframeedit.cpp:55 -#: src/ui/clipdurationdialog_ui.ui:20 src/ui/importkeyframesdialog_ui.ui:80 -#: src/ui/keyframedialog_ui.ui:20 src/ui/markerdialog_ui.ui:20 -msgid "Position" -msgstr "מיקום" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphagrad.xml:13 data/effects/frei0r_alphaspot.xml:34 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Transition" -msgid "Transition width" -msgstr "מעבר" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphagrad.xml:17 data/effects/frei0r_alphaspot.xml:30 -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:16 -msgid "Tilt" -msgstr "רכינה" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphagrad.xml:21 data/effects/frei0r_alphaspot.xml:38 -msgid "Min" -msgstr "מינימום" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphagrad.xml:25 data/effects/frei0r_alphaspot.xml:42 -msgid "Max" -msgstr "מקס" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphagrad.xml:29 data/effects/frei0r_alphaspot.xml:46 -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:44 data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:95 -msgid "Write on clear,Max,Min,Add,Subtract" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphaspot.xml:3 -msgid "Alpha shapes" -msgstr "צורות אלפא" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphaspot.xml:4 -msgid "Draws simple shapes into the alpha channel" -msgstr "צייר צורה פשוטה לתוך ערוץ האלפא" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphaspot.xml:9 -msgid "Rectangle,Ellipse,Triangle,Diamond" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphaspot.xml:10 data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:29 -#: data/effects/sox_flanger.xml:22 -msgid "Shape" -msgstr "צורה" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphaspot.xml:14 -msgid "Position X" -msgstr "מיקום X" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphaspot.xml:18 -msgid "Position Y" -msgstr "מיקום Y" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphaspot.xml:22 -msgid "Size X" -msgstr "גודל X" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphaspot.xml:26 -msgid "Size Y" -msgstr "גודל Y" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_balanc0r.xml:4 data/effects/frei0r_balanc0r.xml:15 -msgid "White Balance" -msgstr "איזון צבע לבן" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_balanc0r.xml:5 data/effects/frei0r_balanc0r.xml:16 -msgid "Adjust the white balance / color temperature" -msgstr "כיוון איזון צבע לבן / טמפרטורת צבע" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_balanc0r.xml:8 data/effects/frei0r_balanc0r.xml:19 -#: data/effects/frei0r_colgate.xml:8 data/effects/movit_white_balance.xml:6 -msgid "Neutral Color" -msgstr "צבע טבעי" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_balanc0r.xml:11 data/effects/frei0r_balanc0r.xml:22 -msgid "Green Tint" -msgstr "עמעום ירוק" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_baltan.xml:3 -msgid "Baltan" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_baltan.xml:4 -msgid "Delayed alpha smoothed blit of time" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_bezier_curves.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Curves" -msgid "Bézier Curves" -msgstr "עקומות" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_bezier_curves.xml:4 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:5 -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:62 -msgid "Color curves adjustment" -msgstr "כיוון עקומות צבע" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_bezier_curves.xml:8 -msgid "RGB,Red,Green,Blue,Alpha,Luma,Hue,Saturation" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_bezier_curves.xml:13 -#: data/effects/frei0r_coloradj_rgb.xml:33 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:12 -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:69 -msgid "Rec. 601,Rec. 709" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_bezier_curves.xml:14 -#: data/effects/frei0r_coloradj_rgb.xml:34 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:13 -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:70 -msgid "Luma formula" -msgstr "נוסחת לומא" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_brightness.xml:3 data/effects/frei0r_brightness.xml:7 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lenscorrection.xml:19 data/effects/grain.xml:13 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Brightness" -msgid "Brightness" -msgstr "בהירות" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_brightness.xml:4 -msgid "Adjusts the brightness of a source image" -msgstr "התאם את בהירות תמונת המקור" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "C0rners" -msgid "Corners" -msgstr "אפקט פינות" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:4 -msgid "Four corners geometry engine" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:8 -msgid "Corner 1 X" -msgstr "פינה 1 X" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:12 -msgid "Corner 1 Y" -msgstr "פינה 1 Y" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:16 -msgid "Corner 2 X" -msgstr "פינה 2 X" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:20 -msgid "Corner 2 Y" -msgstr "פינה 2 Y" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:24 -msgid "Corner 3 X" -msgstr "פינה 3 X" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:28 -msgid "Corner 3 Y" -msgstr "פינה 3 Y" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:32 -msgid "Corner 4 X" -msgstr "פינה 4 X" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:36 -msgid "Corner 4 Y" -msgstr "פינה 4 Y" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:40 -msgid "Stretch X" -msgstr "מתח X" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:44 -msgid "Stretch Y" -msgstr "מתח Y" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:48 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Offset Alpha" -msgid "Feather Alpha" -msgstr "הסט אלפא" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:52 -msgid "Enable Stretch" -msgstr "אפשר מתיחה" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:56 data/effects/frei0r_defish0r.xml:24 -msgid "" -"Nearest neighbor,Bilinear,Bicubic smooth,Bicubic sharp,Spline 4x4,Spline 6x6," -"Lanczos" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:57 data/effects/frei0r_defish0r.xml:25 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Interpolator" -msgid "Interpolator" -msgstr "בין" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:61 data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:63 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:136 -msgid "Transparent Background" -msgstr "רקע שקוף" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:65 data/effects/rotoscoping.xml:13 -msgid "Write on clear,Maximum,Minimum,Add,Subtract" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:66 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Alpha Channel Operation" -msgid "Alpha operation" -msgstr "פעולה בערוץ אלפא" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_cartoon.xml:4 data/effects/frei0r_cartoon.xml:15 -msgid "Cartoon" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_cartoon.xml:5 data/effects/frei0r_cartoon.xml:16 -msgid "Cartoonify video, do a form of edge detect" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_cartoon.xml:8 data/effects/frei0r_cartoon.xml:19 -msgid "Level of trip" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_cartoon.xml:11 data/effects/frei0r_cartoon.xml:22 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Free space: %1" -msgid "Difference space" -msgstr "רווח חופשי: %1" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_cluster.xml:3 -msgid "K-Means Clustering" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_cluster.xml:4 -msgid "Clusters of a source image by color and spatial distance" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_cluster.xml:7 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Amount" -msgid "Amount of clusters" -msgstr "סכום" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_cluster.xml:10 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Mid gain" -msgid "Weight on distance" -msgstr "שבח אמצעי" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_colgate.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "White Balance" -msgid "White Balance (LMS space)" -msgstr "איזון צבע לבן" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_colgate.xml:5 -msgid "" -"Do simple color correction, in a physically meaningful\n" -"way" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_colgate.xml:12 data/effects/movit_white_balance.xml:9 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Color space" -msgid "Color Temperature" -msgstr "מרחב צבעים" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_coloradj_rgb.xml:3 -msgid "RGB adjustment" -msgstr "כיוון עקומות RGB" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_coloradj_rgb.xml:4 -msgid "Simple color adjustment" -msgstr "כיוון עקומות צבע פשוט" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, cbR) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonSelectRects) -#: data/effects/frei0r_coloradj_rgb.xml:8 src/ui/histogram_ui.ui:30 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:733 -msgid "R" -msgstr "R" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, cbG) -#: data/effects/frei0r_coloradj_rgb.xml:12 src/ui/histogram_ui.ui:37 -msgid "G" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, cbB) -#: data/effects/frei0r_coloradj_rgb.xml:16 src/ui/histogram_ui.ui:44 -msgid "B" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_coloradj_rgb.xml:20 -msgid "Add constant,Change gamma,Multiply" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_coloradj_rgb.xml:21 -msgid "Action" -msgstr "פעולה" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_coloradj_rgb.xml:25 -msgid "Keep luma" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_coloradj_rgb.xml:29 -msgid "Alpha controlled" -msgstr "בשליטת אלפא" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_colordistance.xml:3 -msgid "Color Distance" -msgstr "מרחב צבע" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_colordistance.xml:4 -msgid "" -"Calculates the distance between the selected color and the current pixel and " -"uses that value as new pixel value" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_colordistance.xml:7 -msgid "Source Color" -msgstr "צבע מקור" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_colortap.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Effect" -msgid "Color Effect" -msgstr "אפקט" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_colortap.xml:4 -msgid "Applies a pre-made color effect to image" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, treeWidget) -#: data/effects/frei0r_colortap.xml:7 data/effects/frei0r_defish0r.xml:14 -#: data/effects/frei0r_iirblur.xml:14 data/effects/frei0r_medians.xml:9 -#: src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:74 src/ui/missingclips_ui.ui:67 -msgid "Type" -msgstr "סוג" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_contrast0r.xml:3 data/effects/frei0r_contrast0r.xml:7 -#: data/effects/grain.xml:10 src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:209 -msgid "Contrast" -msgstr "ניגוד" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_contrast0r.xml:4 -msgid "Adjusts the contrast of a source image" -msgstr "התאם את ניגודיות תמונת המקור" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:4 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:61 -msgid "Curves" -msgstr "עקומות" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:8 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:65 -#: data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:9 data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:41 -msgid "Red,Green,Blue,Luma" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:20 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:77 -msgid "Number of curve points" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:23 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:80 -msgid "Point 1 input value" -msgstr "ערך כניסה של נקודה 1" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:26 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:83 -msgid "Point 1 output value" -msgstr "ערך יציאה של נקודה 1" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:29 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:86 -msgid "Point 2 input value" -msgstr "ערך כניסה של נקודה 2" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:32 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:89 -msgid "Point 2 output value" -msgstr "ערך יציאה של נקודה 2" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:35 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:92 -msgid "Point 3 input value" -msgstr "ערך כניסה של נקודה 3" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:38 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:95 -msgid "Point 3 output value" -msgstr "ערך יציאה של נקודה 3" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:41 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:98 -msgid "Point 4 input value" -msgstr "ערך כניסה של נקודה 4" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:44 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:101 -msgid "Point 4 output value" -msgstr "ערך יציאה של נקודה 4" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:47 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:104 -msgid "Point 5 input value" -msgstr "ערך כניסה של נקודה 5" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:50 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:107 -msgid "Point 5 output value" -msgstr "ערך יציאה של נקודה 5" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:53 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:110 -msgid "Show graph in picture" -msgstr "הצג גרף בתמונה" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:56 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:113 -#: data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:31 data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:63 -msgid "Top Left,Top Right,Bottom Left,Bottom Right" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:57 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:114 -msgid "Graph position" -msgstr "מיקום גרף" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_d90stairsteppingfix.xml:3 -msgid "Nikon D90 Stairstepping fix" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_d90stairsteppingfix.xml:7 -msgid "" -"Removes stairstepping artifacts from Nikon D90's 720p videos.\n" -" \n" -" " -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_defish0r.xml:3 -msgid "Defish" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_defish0r.xml:4 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Clear cache" -msgid "Non rectilinear lens mappings" -msgstr "נקה מטמון" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_defish0r.xml:7 data/effects/frei0r_iirblur.xml:8 -#: data/effects/frei0r_sharpness.xml:8 data/effects/movit_unsharp_mask.xml:9 -msgid "Amount" -msgstr "סכום" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_defish0r.xml:10 -msgid "DeFish" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_defish0r.xml:13 -msgid "Equidistant,Orthographic,Equiarea,Stereographic" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_defish0r.xml:17 -msgid "Fill,Center,Fit,Manual" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, lblScaling) -#: data/effects/frei0r_defish0r.xml:18 src/effectstack/dragvalue.cpp:108 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:207 -#: src/ui/colorplaneexport_ui.ui:74 -msgid "Scaling" -msgstr "שינוי קנה-מידה" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_defish0r.xml:21 -msgid "Manual Scale" -msgstr "קנה-מידה ידני" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_defish0r.xml:28 -msgid "Square,PAL DV,NTSC DV,HDV,Manual" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_defish0r.xml:29 -msgid "Aspect type" -msgstr "‏‮יחס מימדים" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_defish0r.xml:32 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Manual Scale" -msgid "Manual Aspect" -msgstr "קנה-מידה ידני" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_delay0r.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Delay" -msgid "delay0r" -msgstr "שיהוי" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_delay0r.xml:4 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Video player" -msgid "Video delay" -msgstr "נגן וידאו" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_delay0r.xml:7 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Delay" -msgid "Delay time" -msgstr "שיהוי" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_delaygrab.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Delay" -msgid "Delay grab" -msgstr "שיהוי" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_delaygrab.xml:4 -msgid "Delayed frame blitting mapped on a time bitmap" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_distort0r.xml:3 data/effects/pan_zoom.xml:10 -#: data/kdenliveeffectscategory.rc:35 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:722 -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:746 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:767 -msgid "Distort" -msgstr "עוות" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_distort0r.xml:4 -msgid "Plasma" -msgstr "פלזמה" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_distort0r.xml:7 data/effects/wave.xml:7 -msgid "Amplitude" -msgstr "משרעת" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_distort0r.xml:10 data/effects/sox_bass.xml:10 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:249 -msgid "Frequency" -msgstr "תדר" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_edgeglow.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Edge mode" -msgid "Edge glow" -msgstr "מצב קצוות" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_edgeglow.xml:4 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Movie file" -msgid "Edge glow filter" -msgstr "קובץ סרט" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_edgeglow.xml:7 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Threshold" -msgid "Edge lightening threshold" -msgstr "סף" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_edgeglow.xml:10 -msgid "Edge brightness upscaling multiplier" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_edgeglow.xml:13 -msgid "Non-edge brightness downscaling multiplier" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_equaliz0r.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Equalizer" -msgid "Equaliz0r" -msgstr "אקולייזר" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_equaliz0r.xml:4 -msgid "Equalizes the intensity histograms" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facebl0r.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Square Blur" -msgid "Face blur" -msgstr "טישטוש ריבועי" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facebl0r.xml:4 -msgid "Automatically detect and blur a face using OpenCV" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facebl0r.xml:8 data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:8 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Search manually" -msgid "Search scale" -msgstr "חפש ידנית" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facebl0r.xml:9 data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:9 -#, no-c-format -msgid "" -"The search window scale factor. For example, 120 = 1.20 = increases by 20% " -"on each pass." -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facebl0r.xml:13 data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:13 -msgid "Neighbors" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facebl0r.xml:14 data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:14 -msgid "Minimum number of rectangles that determines an object." -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facebl0r.xml:18 data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:18 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Smaller tracks" -msgid "Smallest" -msgstr "הקטן רצועות" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facebl0r.xml:19 data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:19 -msgid "The minimum window size in pixels." -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facebl0r.xml:23 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Target" -msgid "Largest" -msgstr "מטרה" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facebl0r.xml:24 -msgid "" -"The largest size face in pixels - both horizontally and vertically (square " -"window)." -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facebl0r.xml:28 data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:23 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "CheckBox" -msgid "Recheck" -msgstr "תיבת סימון" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facebl0r.xml:29 data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:24 -msgid "" -"How often to detect a face. In between checks, it does object motion " -"tracking." -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facebl0r.xml:33 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Show Timeline" -msgid "Show ellipse" -msgstr "הראה ציר זמן" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facebl0r.xml:34 -msgid "Draw a blue ellipse around the face area?" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Edge mode" -msgid "Face detect" -msgstr "מצב קצוות" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:4 -msgid "Detect faces and draw shapes on them using OpenCV" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:28 -msgid "circle,ellipse,rectangle,random" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:33 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Transition width" -msgid "Stroke width" -msgstr "רוחב מעבר" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:34 -msgid "" -"0 means fill; otherwise, draw unfilled with a stroke width of this size." -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:38 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Alpha trace" -msgid "Alpha" -msgstr "ערוץ אלפא" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:39 -msgid "" -"Set the alpha channel of the shape area to a percentage of fully opaque." -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:43 -msgid "Antialias" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:44 -msgid "Draw with anti-aliasing?" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:50 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Color" -msgid "Color 1" -msgstr "צבע" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:51 -msgid "Set the shape color of the first detected face." -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:55 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Color" -msgid "Color 2" -msgstr "צבע" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:56 -msgid "Set the shape color of the second detected face." -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:60 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Color" -msgid "Color 3" -msgstr "צבע" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:61 -msgid "Set the shape color of the third detected face." -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:65 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Color" -msgid "Color 4" -msgstr "צבע" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:66 -msgid "Set the shape color of the fourth detected face." -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:70 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Color" -msgid "Color 5" -msgstr "צבע" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:71 -msgid "Set the shape color of the fifth detected face." -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_flippo.xml:3 -msgid "Flippo" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_flippo.xml:4 -msgid "Flipping in X and Y axis" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_flippo.xml:7 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Draw axis" -msgid "X axis" -msgstr "צייר צירים" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_flippo.xml:10 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Draw axis" -msgid "Y axis" -msgstr "צייר צירים" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_glow.xml:3 -msgid "Glow" -msgstr "זוהר" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_glow.xml:4 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Cut Group" -msgid "Creates a Glamorous Glow" -msgstr "חתוך קבוצה" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_glow.xml:7 data/effects/frei0r_iirblur.xml:3 -#: data/effects/frei0r_mask0mate.xml:22 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:158 -msgid "Blur" -msgstr "טישטוש" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_hqdn3d.xml:3 -msgid "Denoiser" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_hqdn3d.xml:4 -msgid "High quality 3D denoiser" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_hqdn3d.xml:8 -msgid "Spatial" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_hqdn3d.xml:9 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Amount" -msgid "Amount of spatial filtering" -msgstr "סכום" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_hqdn3d.xml:13 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Temporary files" -msgid "Temporal" -msgstr "קבצים זמניים" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_hqdn3d.xml:14 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Amount" -msgid "Amount of temporal filtering" -msgstr "סכום" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_hueshift0r.xml:3 -msgid "Hue shift" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_hueshift0r.xml:4 -msgid "Shifts the hue of a source image" -msgstr "משנה את בהירות תמונת המקור" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_hueshift0r.xml:7 -msgid "Hue" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_iirblur.xml:4 -msgid "Blur using 2D IIR filters (Exponential, Lowpass, Gaussian)" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_iirblur.xml:9 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Amount" -msgid "Amount of blur" -msgstr "סכום" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_iirblur.xml:13 -msgid "Exponential,Lowpass,Gaussian" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_iirblur.xml:15 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Select border color" -msgid "Select blurring algorithm" -msgstr "בחר צבע גבול" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_iirblur.xml:19 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Edge mode" -msgid "Edge" -msgstr "מצב קצוות" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_iirblur.xml:20 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Edges correction" -msgid "Enable edge compensation" -msgstr "תיקון קצוות" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:3 -msgid "Key Spill Mop Up" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:4 -msgid "Reduces the visibility of key color spill in chroma keying" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:8 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Gray color" -msgid "Key color" -msgstr "צבע אפור" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:12 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Target" -msgid "Target color" -msgstr "מטרה" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:16 -msgid "Color distance, Transparency, Edge inwards, Edge outwards" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:17 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Image type" -msgid "Mask type" -msgstr "סוג תמונה" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:21 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Balance" -msgid "Tolerance" -msgstr "איזון" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:25 -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:91 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Slope Red" -msgid "Slope" -msgstr "מדרון אדום" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:29 -msgid "Hue gate" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:33 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Saturation" -msgid "Saturation threshold" -msgstr "רויה" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:37 -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:46 -msgid "None, De-Key, Target, Desaturate, Luma adjust" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:38 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Operation" -msgid "Operation 1" -msgstr "פעולות" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:42 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Amount" -msgid "Amount 1" -msgstr "סכום" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:47 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Operation" -msgid "Operation 2" -msgstr "פעולות" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:51 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Amount" -msgid "Amount 2" -msgstr "סכום" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:55 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Show video thumbnails" -msgid "Show mask" -msgstr "הראה צלמיות וידאו" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:59 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Offset Alpha" -msgid "Mask to Alpha" -msgstr "הסט אלפא" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lenscorrection.xml:3 -msgid "Lens Correction" -msgstr "תיקון עדשה" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lenscorrection.xml:4 -msgid "Allows compensation of lens distortion" -msgstr "אפשר קיזוז של עיוות עדשות" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lenscorrection.xml:7 -msgid "Horizontal center" -msgstr "מרכז אופקי" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lenscorrection.xml:10 -msgid "Vertical center" -msgstr "מרכז אנכי" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lenscorrection.xml:13 -msgid "Center correction" -msgstr "תיקון מרכז" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lenscorrection.xml:16 -msgid "Edges correction" -msgstr "תיקון קצוות" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_letterb0xed.xml:3 -msgid "LetterB0xed" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_letterb0xed.xml:4 -msgid "Adds black borders at top and bottom for cinema look" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_letterb0xed.xml:7 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Border width" -msgid "Border Width" -msgstr "רוחב גבול" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: data/effects/frei0r_letterb0xed.xml:10 data/effects/frei0r_timeout.xml:13 -#: src/ui/wipeval_ui.ui:136 src/ui/wipeval_ui.ui:281 -msgid "Transparency" -msgstr "שקיפות" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:4 data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:36 -msgid "Levels" -msgstr "רמות" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:5 data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:37 -msgid "Adjust levels" -msgstr "כוון רמות" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:13 data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:45 -msgid "Input black level" -msgstr "הכנס רמת שחור" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:16 data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:48 -msgid "Input white level" -msgstr "הכנס רמת לבן" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:19 data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:51 -#: data/effects/gamma.xml:3 data/effects/gamma.xml:7 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/lumaliftgain.cpp:63 -msgid "Gamma" -msgstr "גמא" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:22 data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:54 -msgid "Black output" -msgstr "יציאת שחור" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:25 data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:57 -msgid "White output" -msgstr "יציאת לבן" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:28 data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:60 -msgid "Show histogram" -msgstr "הראה היסטוגרמה" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:32 data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:64 -msgid "Histogram position" -msgstr "מיקום היסטורגרמה" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:4 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:77 -msgid "Light Graffiti" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:7 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:80 -msgid "" -"Light Graffiti effect.\n" -" " -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:10 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:83 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Threshold" -msgid "Brightness Threshold" -msgstr "סף" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:12 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:85 -msgid "" -"R+G+B) does a pixel need to be in order to " -"be recognized as a light source?
\n" -" Increasing this threshold requires brighter light sources (i.e. " -"more white or less color, respectively) but prevents some «false alarms» " -"where semi-bright parts, e.g. hands where colors can change quite a lot " -"compared to the background, are incorrectly recognized as light source.]]>" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:15 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:88 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Threshold" -msgid "Difference Threshold" -msgstr "סף" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:17 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:90 -msgid "" -"max(dR, dG, dB)), in " -"order to be recognized as light source?
\n" -" Increasing this threshold makes it harder for light sources to " -"be accepted on bright backgrounds, but decreases the danger of noise or " -"generally bright spots counting as light source.]]>" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:20 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:93 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Threshold" -msgid "Difference Sum Threshold" -msgstr "סף" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:22 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:95 -msgid "" -"relative to the " -"background image
(dR + dG + dB) have to change until a " -"pixel is recognized as a light source?
\n" -" Raising this value might, in some cases, avoid that some light " -"objects lit by the light source are added to the light mask.]]>" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:25 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:98 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Intensity" -msgid "Sensitivity" -msgstr "עוצמה" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:27 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:100 -msgid "" -"\n" -" For slowly moving light source try to use a lower sensitivity to " -"obtain a better exposure.]]>" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:30 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:103 -msgid "Lower Overexposure" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:32 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:105 -msgid "" -"\n" -" The light mask does not get white immediately when the light " -"source is moving slowly or staying steady.]]>" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:35 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:108 -msgid "Dimming" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:36 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:109 -msgid "" -"Dims the light mask. Lights will leave a fainting trail if it is set to a " -"value > 0." -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:39 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:112 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Background opacity" -msgid "Background Weight" -msgstr "אטימות רקע" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:40 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:113 -msgid "" -"Strength of the (calculated) background image. Setting it to 100 paints the " -"light mask directly over the background, without the painting person in the " -"image if the video starts with a «clean» background image. (See the α " -"parameter.)" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:43 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:116 -msgid "α" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:45 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:118 -msgid "" -"\n" -" The Light Graffiti effect remembers the first frame of the clip " -"it is applied to, so the clip should always start with the painter " -"outside of the video. If the background constantly changes, e.g. on a " -"street, try to set α > 0 to calculate an average background image.]]>" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:48 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:121 -#: data/effects/frei0r_saturat0r.xml:3 data/effects/frei0r_saturat0r.xml:7 -#: data/effects/movit_saturation.xml:6 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Saturation" -msgid "Saturation" -msgstr "רויה" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:49 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:122 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Adjusts the saturation of a source image" -msgid "Increases the saturation of lights." -msgstr "התאם את רווית הצבעים של תמונת המקור" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:52 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:125 -msgid "Show brightness statistics" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:54 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:127 -msgid "" -"\n" -" Example: To adjust the brightness threshold, check this box and " -"adjust the threshold until the whole light source is highlighted. Repeat the " -"same with the other parameters. Only parts that are highlighted in all thresholds will count as light source.]]>" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:57 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:130 -msgid "Show background difference statistics" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:60 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:133 -msgid "Show background difference sum statistics" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:64 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:137 -msgid "" -"Makes the background transparent, allowing to apply a composite effect and " -"paint the light mask over a completely different video." -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:67 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:140 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Clear cache" -msgid "Nonlinear dimming" -msgstr "נקה מטמון" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:68 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:141 -msgid "If normal dimming does not look natural enough, try this one." -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:71 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:144 -#: src/effectstack/geometryval.cpp:95 src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:86 -msgid "Reset" -msgstr "אפס" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:72 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:145 -msgid "" -"Resets the light mask and the background image. This is necessary e.g. if " -"you apply this effect to a clip in the timeline and then move the timeline " -"cursor from outside of the clip to the middle of it. The effect receives " -"this frame in the middle as first frame and uses it as background image. For " -"proper threshold adjusting move the timeline cursor to the beginning of the " -"clip, check the Reset box and uncheck it again." -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_luminance.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Chrominance U" -msgid "Luminance" -msgstr "Chrominance U" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_luminance.xml:4 -msgid "Creates a luminance map of the image" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_mask0mate.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Image type" -msgid "Mask0Mate" -msgstr "סוג תמונה" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_mask0mate.xml:4 -msgid "Creates an square alpha-channel mask" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_medians.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Media players" -msgid "Medians" -msgstr "נגני וידאו" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_medians.xml:4 -msgid "Implements several median-type filters" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_medians.xml:8 -msgid "" -"Cross5,Square3x3,Bilevel,Diamond3x3,Square5x5,Temp3,Temp5,ArceBI,ML3D,ML3dEX," -"VarSize" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_5) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, import_size) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_20) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, treeWidget) -#: data/effects/frei0r_medians.xml:13 data/effects/frei0r_sharpness.xml:12 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:208 -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:563 src/ui/importkeyframesdialog_ui.ui:73 -#: src/ui/managecaptures_ui.ui:40 src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:201 -msgid "Size" -msgstr "גודל" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_nervous.xml:3 -msgid "Nervous" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_nervous.xml:4 -msgid "Flushes frames in time in a nervous way" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_nosync0r.xml:3 -msgid "nosync0r" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_nosync0r.xml:4 -msgid "Broken TV" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_nosync0r.xml:7 -msgid "HSync" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pixeliz0r.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "pixeliz0r" -msgid "Pixelize" -msgstr "אפקט פיקסל" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pixeliz0r.xml:4 -msgid "Pixelize input image." -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pixeliz0r.xml:7 -msgid "Block Size X" -msgstr "גודל גוש X" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pixeliz0r.xml:10 -msgid "Block Size Y" -msgstr "גודל גוש Y" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0be.xml:3 -msgid "pr0be" -msgstr "אפקט גשוש" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0be.xml:4 -msgid "Measure video values" -msgstr "מדוד ערכי וידאו" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0be.xml:8 -msgid "RGB,Y'PbPr - rec. 601,Y'PbPr - rec. 709,HSV,HSL" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0be.xml:9 -msgid "Measurement" -msgstr "מדידה" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0be.xml:13 data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:8 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/bezier/beziersplinewidget.cpp:56 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/bezier/beziersplinewidget.cpp:60 -#: src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:144 -msgid "X" -msgstr "X" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_5) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, cbY) -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0be.xml:17 data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:12 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/bezier/beziersplinewidget.cpp:58 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/bezier/beziersplinewidget.cpp:62 -#: src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:164 src/ui/histogram_ui.ui:23 -msgid "Y" -msgstr "Y" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0be.xml:21 -msgid "X size" -msgstr "גודל X" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0be.xml:25 -msgid "Y size" -msgstr "גודל Y" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0be.xml:29 data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:81 -msgid "256 scale" -msgstr "קנה מידה 256" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0be.xml:33 -msgid "Show alpha" -msgstr "הצג אלפא" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0be.xml:37 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Big window" -msgid "Big window" -msgstr "חלון גדול" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:3 -msgid "pr0file" -msgstr "אפקט פרופיל" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:4 -msgid "2D video oscilloscope" -msgstr "משקף תנודות וידאו בשני ממדים" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:20 -msgid "Length" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:24 -msgid "R,G,B,Y',Pr,Pb,Alpha" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:29 -msgid "Marker 1" -msgstr "סמן 1" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:33 -msgid "Marker 2" -msgstr "סמן 2" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:37 -msgid "R trace" -msgstr "עיקבת R" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:41 -msgid "G trace" -msgstr "עיקבת G" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:45 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "G trace" -msgid "B trace" -msgstr "עיקבת G" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:49 -msgid "Y trace" -msgstr "עיקבת Y" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:53 -msgid "Pr trace" -msgstr "עיקבת Pr" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:57 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Pr trace" -msgid "Pb trace" -msgstr "עיקבת Pr" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:61 -msgid "Alpha trace" -msgstr "ערוץ אלפא" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:65 -msgid "Display average" -msgstr "הצג ממוצע" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:69 -msgid "Display RMS" -msgstr "הצג RMS" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:73 -msgid "Display minimum" -msgstr "הצג מינימום" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:77 -msgid "Display maximum" -msgstr "הצג מקסימום" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:85 -msgid "CCIR rec. 601,CCIR rec. 709" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_13) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, background_list) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_9) -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:86 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:156 -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:176 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:182 -#: src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:197 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:944 -msgid "Color" -msgstr "צבע" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:90 -msgid "Crosshair color" -msgstr "צבע צלב" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_primaries.xml:3 -msgid "Primaries" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_primaries.xml:4 -msgid "Reduce image to primary colors" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_primaries.xml:7 data/effects/sox_stretch.xml:7 -msgid "Factor" -msgstr "גורם" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_primaries.xml:8 -msgid " 32 = 0]]>" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QWidget, RGBParade_UI) -#: data/effects/frei0r_rgbparade.xml:3 src/scopes/scopemanager.cpp:308 -#: src/ui/rgbparade_ui.ui:14 -msgid "RGB Parade" -msgstr "מסדר RGB" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_rgbparade.xml:4 -msgid "Display a histogram of R, G and B components of the video data" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_saturat0r.xml:4 -msgid "Adjusts the saturation of a source image" -msgstr "התאם את רווית הצבעים של תמונת המקור" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_scale0tilt.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Scale0tilt" -msgid "Crop, Scale and Position" -msgstr "קנה-מידה והטייה" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_scale0tilt.xml:4 -msgid "Scales, Tilts and Crops an Image" -msgstr "שינוי קנה מידה, הסט וקיטוע של תמונה" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_scale0tilt.xml:7 -msgid "Clip left" -msgstr "חתוך משמאל" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_scale0tilt.xml:10 -msgid "Clip right" -msgstr "חתוך מימין" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_scale0tilt.xml:13 -msgid "Clip top" -msgstr "חתוך מלמעלה" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_scale0tilt.xml:16 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Clip bottom" -msgid "Clip bottom" -msgstr "חתוך מלמטה" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_scale0tilt.xml:19 -msgid "Scale X" -msgstr "קנה-מידה בציר X" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_scale0tilt.xml:22 -msgid "Scale Y" -msgstr "קנה-מידה בציר Y" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_scale0tilt.xml:25 -msgid "Tilt X" -msgstr "הסט בציר X" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_scale0tilt.xml:28 -msgid "Tilt Y" -msgstr "הסט בציר Y" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_scanline0r.xml:3 -msgid "scanline0r" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_scanline0r.xml:4 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Interlaced" -msgid "Interlaced black lines" -msgstr "סריקה שלובה" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:4 data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:51 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Selection" -msgid "Color Selection" -msgstr "בחירה" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:5 data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:52 -msgid "Color based alpha selection" -msgstr "בחירת ערוץ אלפא מבוססת צבע" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:9 data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:56 -msgid "Color to select" -msgstr "צבע לבחירה" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:13 data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:60 -msgid "Invert selection" -msgstr "הפוך בחירה" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:17 data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:79 -msgid "Delta R / A / Hue" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:21 data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:83 -msgid "Delta G / B / Chroma" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:25 data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:87 -msgid "Delta B / I / I" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:29 data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:64 -msgid "RGB,ABI,HCI" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:30 data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:65 -msgid "Selection subspace" -msgstr "בחירת תת-מרחב" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:34 data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:69 -msgid "Box,Ellipsoid,Diamond" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:35 data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:70 -msgid "Subspace shape" -msgstr "צורת תת מרחב" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:39 -msgid "Hard,Fat,Normal,Skinny" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:40 data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:75 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Edge mode" -msgid "Edge mode" -msgstr "מצב קצוות" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:74 -msgid "Hard,Fat,Normal,Skinny,Slope" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sharpness.xml:3 -msgid "Sharpen" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sharpness.xml:4 -msgid "Unsharp masking (port from Mplayer)" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sobel.xml:3 -msgid "Sobel" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sobel.xml:4 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Movie file" -msgid "Sobel filter" -msgstr "קובץ סרט" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:4 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:59 -msgid "SOP/Sat" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:5 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:60 -msgid "" -"Changes Slope, Offset, and Power of the color components, and the overall " -"Saturation, according to the ASC CDL (Color Decision List)." -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:8 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:63 -msgid "Slope Red" -msgstr "מדרון אדום" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:10 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:65 -msgid "" -"\n" -" All effects can be observed well when applied on a greyscale " -"gradient and looking at the RGB Parade monitor.]]>" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:13 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:68 -msgid "Slope Green" -msgstr "מדרון ירוק" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:16 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:71 -msgid "Slope Blue" -msgstr "מדרון כחול" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:19 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:74 -msgid "Slope Alpha" -msgstr "מדרון אלפא" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:23 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:78 -msgid "Offset Red" -msgstr "הסט אדום" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:24 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:79 -msgid "" -"Changing the offset lifts (or lowers) the brightness of each pixel by the " -"given value." -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:27 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:82 -msgid "Offset Green" -msgstr "הסט ירוק" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:30 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:85 -msgid "Offset Blue" -msgstr "הסט כחול" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:33 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:88 -msgid "Offset Alpha" -msgstr "הסט אלפא" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:37 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:92 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Power (Gamma) Red" -msgid "Power Red" -msgstr "עוצמת אדום (גמא)" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:39 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:94 -msgid "" -"\n" -" Mathematically, what happens is an exponentiation of the " -"pixel brightness on [0,1] by the gamma value.]]>" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:42 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:97 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Power (Gamma) Green" -msgid "Power Green" -msgstr "עוצמת ירוק (גמא)" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:45 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:100 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Power (Gamma) Blue" -msgid "Power Blue" -msgstr "עוצמת כחול (גמא)" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:48 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:103 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Power (Gamma) Alpha" -msgid "Power Alpha" -msgstr "עוצמת אלפא (גמא)" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:52 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:107 -msgid "Overall Saturation" -msgstr "רויה כללית" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:53 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:108 -msgid "The overall saturation will be changed in the last step of this filter." -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_squareblur.xml:3 -msgid "Square Blur" -msgstr "טישטוש ריבועי" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_squareblur.xml:4 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Square Blur" -msgid "Square blur" -msgstr "טישטוש ריבועי" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_squareblur.xml:7 -msgid "Kernel size" -msgstr "גודל ליבה" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_tehroxx0r.xml:3 -msgid "TehRoxx0r" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_tehroxx0r.xml:4 -msgid "Something videowall-ish" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_tehroxx0r.xml:7 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Interpolator" -msgid "Interval" -msgstr "בין" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_three_point_balance.xml:3 -msgid "3 point balance" -msgstr "איזון 3 נקודות" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_three_point_balance.xml:4 -msgid "Balances colors along with 3 points" -msgstr "מאזן צבעים לאורך בעזרת 3 נקודות" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_three_point_balance.xml:7 -msgid "Black color" -msgstr "צבע שחור" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_three_point_balance.xml:10 -msgid "Gray color" -msgstr "צבע אפור" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_three_point_balance.xml:13 -msgid "White color" -msgstr "צבע לבן" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_three_point_balance.xml:16 -msgid "Split screen preview" -msgstr "פצל מסך תצוגה מקדימה" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_three_point_balance.xml:19 -msgid "Source image on left side" -msgstr "תמונת מקור בצד שמאל" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_threelay0r.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Delay" -msgid "threelay0r" -msgstr "שיהוי" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_threelay0r.xml:4 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Saturation" -msgid "Dynamic 3-level thresholding" -msgstr "רויה" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_threshold0r.xml:3 -msgid "Threshold0r" -msgstr "סף" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_threshold0r.xml:4 -msgid "Thresholds a source image" -msgstr "ערכי סף של תמונת מקור" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_timeout.xml:4 -msgid "Timeout indicator" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_timeout.xml:7 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Invert colors" -msgid "Indicator color" -msgstr "הפוך צבעים" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, markers_list) -#: data/effects/frei0r_timeout.xml:10 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:427 -msgid "Time" -msgstr "זמן" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_tint0r.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Tint0r" -msgid "Tint" -msgstr "אפקט עמעום" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_tint0r.xml:4 -msgid "Maps source image luminance between two colors specified" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_tint0r.xml:7 -msgid "Map black to" -msgstr "מפה שחור ל" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_tint0r.xml:10 -msgid "Map white to" -msgstr "מפה לבן ל" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_tint0r.xml:13 -msgid "Tint amount" -msgstr "כמות עמעום" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_twolay0r.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Delay" -msgid "twolay0r" -msgstr "שיהוי" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_twolay0r.xml:4 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Saturation" -msgid "Dynamic thresholding" -msgstr "רויה" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_vectorscope.xml:3 src/scopes/scopemanager.cpp:306 -msgid "Vectorscope" -msgstr "מבזק מחזורי" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_vectorscope.xml:4 -msgid "Display a vectorscope of the video data" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_vertigo.xml:4 data/effects/frei0r_vertigo.xml:15 -msgid "Vertigo" -msgstr "סחרור" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_vertigo.xml:5 data/effects/frei0r_vertigo.xml:16 -msgid "Alpha blending with zoomed and rotated images" -msgstr "מזג אלפא עם זום וסיבוב תמונות" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_vertigo.xml:8 data/effects/frei0r_vertigo.xml:19 -msgid "Phase Increment" -msgstr "הגדלת מופע" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_vertigo.xml:11 data/effects/frei0r_vertigo.xml:22 -msgid "Zoom Rate" -msgstr "קצב זום" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_vignette.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Vignette Effect" -msgid "Vignette" -msgstr "אפקט עמעום שוליים" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_vignette.xml:4 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Problem editing effect" -msgid "Natural lens vignetting effect" -msgstr "בעיה בעריכת אפקט" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_vignette.xml:7 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Aspect ratio:" -msgid "Aspect ratio" -msgstr "‏‮יחס מימדים:" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_vignette.xml:10 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Kernel size" -msgid "Clear center size" -msgstr "גודל ליבה" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_softness) -#: data/effects/frei0r_vignette.xml:13 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:709 -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:302 src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:220 -msgid "Softness" -msgstr "רכות" - -#: data/effects/gain.xml:3 data/effects/gain.xml:7 data/effects/mute.xml:7 -#: data/effects/normalise.xml:7 data/effects/sox_bass.xml:7 -#: data/effects/sox_gain.xml:7 data/effects/volume.xml:7 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/lumaliftgain.cpp:65 -msgid "Gain" -msgstr "שבח" - -#: data/effects/gain.xml:4 -msgid "Adjust the audio volume without keyframes" -msgstr "כוון עוצמת שמע ללא מסגרות מפתח" - -#: data/effects/gamma.xml:4 -msgid "Change gamma color value" -msgstr "שינוי ערך צבע גמא" - -#: data/effects/grain.xml:3 -msgid "Grain" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/grain.xml:4 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Creating menu images" -msgid "Grain over the image" -msgstr "יוצר תמונות תפריט" - -#: data/effects/grain.xml:7 data/effects/movit_deconvolution_sharpen.xml:18 -#: plugins/sampleplugin/sampleplugin.cpp:34 -#: plugins/sampleplugin/sampleplugin.cpp:42 -#: plugins/sampleplugin/sampleplugin.cpp:54 -#: plugins/sampleplugin/sampleplugin.cpp:78 -msgid "Noise" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/greyscale.xml:3 -msgid "Greyscale" -msgstr "גווני אפור" - -#: data/effects/greyscale.xml:4 -msgid "Discard color information" -msgstr "סלק מידע על צבע" - -#: data/effects/invert.xml:4 -msgid "Invert colors" -msgstr "הפוך צבעים" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_declipper.xml:3 -msgid "Declipper" -msgstr "חיבור" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_declipper.xml:4 -msgid "LADSPA declipper audio effect" -msgstr "אפקט שמע - ביטול קטימה" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer.xml:3 -msgid "Equalizer" -msgstr "אקולייזר" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer.xml:4 -msgid "LADSPA equalizer audio effect" -msgstr "אפקט שמע - שווין" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer.xml:7 -msgid "Lo gain" -msgstr "שבח נמוך" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer.xml:10 -msgid "Mid gain" -msgstr "שבח אמצעי" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer.xml:13 -msgid "Hi gain" -msgstr "שבח גבוה" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Equalizer" -msgid "15 Band Equalizer" -msgstr "אקולייזר" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:4 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "LADSPA equalizer audio effect" -msgid "LADSPA equalizer audio effect (15 band)" -msgstr "אפקט שמע - שווין" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:7 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "11250" -msgid "50 Hz" -msgstr "11250" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:10 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "41000" -msgid "100 Hz" -msgstr "32000" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:13 -msgid "156 Hz" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:16 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "11250" -msgid "220 Hz" -msgstr "11250" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:19 -msgid "311 Hz" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:22 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "11250" -msgid "440 Hz" -msgstr "11250" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:25 -msgid "622 Hz" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:28 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "11250" -msgid "880 Hz" -msgstr "11250" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:31 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "11250" -msgid "1250 Hz" -msgstr "11250" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:34 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "11250" -msgid "1750 Hz" -msgstr "11250" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:37 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "22500" -msgid "2500 Hz" -msgstr "22500" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:40 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "22500" -msgid "3500 Hz" -msgstr "22500" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:43 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "22500" -msgid "5000 Hz" -msgstr "22500" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:46 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "41000" -msgid "10000 Hz" -msgstr "32000" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:49 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "32000" -msgid "20000 Hz" -msgstr "32000" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_limiter.xml:3 -msgid "Limiter" -msgstr "מגבל" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_limiter.xml:4 -msgid "LADSPA limiter audio effect" -msgstr "אפקט שמע - מגבל" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_limiter.xml:7 -msgid "Input gain (dB)" -msgstr "‫שבח כניסה (dB)" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_limiter.xml:10 -msgid "Limit (dB)" -msgstr "‫‫הגבל (dB)" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_limiter.xml:13 -msgid "Release time (s)" -msgstr "‫זמן שחרור (שנ')" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_phaser.xml:3 -msgid "Phaser" -msgstr "משלב" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_phaser.xml:4 -msgid "LADSPA phaser audio effect" -msgstr "אפקט שמע - שינוי מופע" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_phaser.xml:7 -msgid "Rate (Hz)" -msgstr "‫קצב (הרץ)" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_phaser.xml:10 data/effects/sox_flanger.xml:10 -msgid "Depth" -msgstr "עומק" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_phaser.xml:13 -msgid "Feedback" -msgstr "משוב" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_phaser.xml:16 -msgid "Spread" -msgstr "פיזור" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_pitch.xml:3 -msgid "Pitch Shift" -msgstr "שנה גובה צליל" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_pitch.xml:4 -msgid "LADSPA change pitch audio effect" -msgstr "אפקט שמע - שינוי גובה צליל" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_pitch.xml:7 data/effects/sox_pitch.xml:7 -msgid "Shift" -msgstr "הזז" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_pitch_scale.xml:3 -msgid "Pitch Scaler" -msgstr "סולם גובה צליל" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_pitch_scale.xml:4 -msgid "LADSPA pitch scale audio effect" -msgstr "אפקט שמע - סולם גובה צליל" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_pitch_scale.xml:7 -msgid "Co-efficient" -msgstr "גם יעיל" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_rate_scale.xml:3 -msgid "Rate Scaler" -msgstr "סולם קצב" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_rate_scale.xml:4 -msgid "LADSPA rate scale audio effect" -msgstr "אפקט שמע - סולם קצב" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_rate_scale.xml:7 -msgid "Rate" -msgstr "קצב" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_reverb.xml:3 -msgid "Reverb" -msgstr "החזר" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_reverb.xml:4 -msgid "LADSPA reverb audio effect" -msgstr "אפקט שמע - החזר" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_reverb.xml:7 -msgid "Reverb time" -msgstr "זמן החזר" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_reverb.xml:10 data/effects/ladspa_room_reverb.xml:13 -msgid "Damping" -msgstr "לחות" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_room_reverb.xml:3 -msgid "Room Reverb" -msgstr "החזר חדר" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_room_reverb.xml:4 -msgid "LADSPA room reverb audio effect" -msgstr "אפקט שמע - החזר חדר" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_room_reverb.xml:7 -msgid "Room size (m)" -msgstr "‫גודל חדר (מ')" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_room_reverb.xml:10 -msgid "Delay (s/10)" -msgstr "‫‮‫שיהוי (s/10)" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_vinyl.xml:3 -msgid "Vinyl" -msgstr "ויניל" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_vinyl.xml:4 -msgid "Simulates a vinyl audio player - LADSPA audio effect" -msgstr "אפקט שמע - הדמה תקליט ויניל" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_vinyl.xml:7 src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:166 -msgid "Year" -msgstr "שנה" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_vinyl.xml:10 -msgid "RPM" -msgstr "סיבובים לדקה" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_vinyl.xml:13 -msgid "Surface warping" -msgstr "עוות משטח" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_vinyl.xml:16 -msgid "Crackle" -msgstr "פיצפוץ" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_vinyl.xml:19 -msgid "Wear" -msgstr "שחיקה" - -#: data/effects/lift_gamma_gain.xml:3 -msgid "Lift/gamma/gain" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/lift_gamma_gain.xml:6 data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain.xml:6 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain2.xml:6 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Offset Red" -msgid "Lift: Red" -msgstr "הסט אדום" - -#: data/effects/lift_gamma_gain.xml:9 data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain.xml:9 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain2.xml:9 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Offset Green" -msgid "Lift: Green" -msgstr "הסט ירוק" - -#: data/effects/lift_gamma_gain.xml:12 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain.xml:12 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain2.xml:12 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Offset Blue" -msgid "Lift: Blue" -msgstr "הסט כחול" - -#: data/effects/lift_gamma_gain.xml:15 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain.xml:15 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain2.xml:15 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Gamma" -msgid "Gamma: Red" -msgstr "גמא" - -#: data/effects/lift_gamma_gain.xml:18 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain.xml:18 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain2.xml:18 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Gain In" -msgid "Gamma: Green" -msgstr "שבח כניסה" - -#: data/effects/lift_gamma_gain.xml:21 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain.xml:21 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain2.xml:21 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Gamma" -msgid "Gamma: Blue" -msgstr "גמא" - -#: data/effects/lift_gamma_gain.xml:24 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain.xml:24 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain2.xml:24 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Gain In" -msgid "Gain: Red" -msgstr "שבח כניסה" - -#: data/effects/lift_gamma_gain.xml:27 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain.xml:27 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain2.xml:27 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Gain In" -msgid "Gain: Green" -msgstr "שבח כניסה" - -#: data/effects/lift_gamma_gain.xml:30 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain.xml:30 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain2.xml:30 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Gain Out" -msgid "Gain: Blue" -msgstr "שבח יציאה" - -#: data/effects/loudness.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Softness" -msgid "Loudness" -msgstr "רכות" - -#: data/effects/loudness.xml:4 -msgid "Correct audio loudness as recommended by EBU R128" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/loudness.xml:7 -msgid "Target Program Loudness" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/mirror.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "error" -msgid "Mirror" -msgstr "שגיאה" - -#: data/effects/mirror.xml:4 -msgid "Flip your image in any direction" -msgstr "הפוך תמונה בכל תמונה" - -#: data/effects/mirror.xml:7 -msgid "Horizontal,Vertical,Diagonal,X Diagonal,Flip,Flop" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/mirror.xml:8 -msgid "Mirroring direction" -msgstr "כיוון שיקוף" - -#: data/effects/movit_blur.xml:3 -msgid "Blur (GPU)" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_6) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_8) -#: data/effects/movit_blur.xml:6 data/effects/movit_diffusion.xml:6 -#: data/effects/movit_glow.xml:6 data/effects/movit_unsharp_mask.xml:6 -#: data/effects/movit_vignette.xml:6 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:891 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:915 -msgid "Radius" -msgstr "רדיוס" - -#: data/effects/movit_deconvolution_sharpen.xml:3 -msgid "Deconvolution sharpen (GPU)" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/movit_deconvolution_sharpen.xml:6 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "File size" -msgid "Matrix size" -msgstr "גודל קובץ" - -#: data/effects/movit_deconvolution_sharpen.xml:9 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "radius" -msgid "Circle radius" -msgstr "רדיוס" - -#: data/effects/movit_deconvolution_sharpen.xml:12 -msgid "Gaussian radius" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/movit_deconvolution_sharpen.xml:15 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Lens Correction" -msgid "Correlation" -msgstr "תיקון עדשה" - -#: data/effects/movit_diffusion.xml:3 -msgid "Diffusion (GPU)" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/movit_diffusion.xml:9 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Tint amount" -msgid "Mix amount" -msgstr "כמות עמעום" - -#: data/effects/movit_glow.xml:3 -msgid "Glow (GPU)" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/movit_glow.xml:9 -msgid "Glow strength" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/movit_glow.xml:12 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Threshold" -msgid "Highlight cutoff threshold" -msgstr "סף" - -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain.xml:3 -msgid "Lift/gamma/gain (GPU)" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain2.xml:3 -msgid "Movit: Lift/gamma/gain (colors)" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/movit_mirror.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "error" -msgid "Mirror (GPU)" -msgstr "שגיאה" - -#: data/effects/movit_opacity.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Opacity" -msgid "Opacity (GPU)" -msgstr "אטימות" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_opacity) -#: data/effects/movit_opacity.xml:6 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:211 src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:113 -msgid "Opacity" -msgstr "אטימות" - -#: data/effects/movit_rect.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Pan and Zoom" -msgid "Pan and Zoom (GPU)" -msgstr "הסט וזום" - -#: data/effects/movit_rect.xml:9 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Follow mouse" -msgid "Allow upscale" -msgstr "עקוב אחר העכבר" - -#: data/effects/movit_saturation.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Saturation" -msgid "Saturation (GPU)" -msgstr "רויה" - -#: data/effects/movit_unsharp_mask.xml:3 -msgid "Unsharp mask (GPU)" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/movit_vignette.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Vignette Effect" -msgid "Vignette (GPU)" -msgstr "אפקט עמעום שוליים" - -#: data/effects/movit_vignette.xml:9 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "radius" -msgid "Inner radius" -msgstr "רדיוס" - -#: data/effects/movit_white_balance.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "White Balance" -msgid "White Balance (GPU)" -msgstr "איזון צבע לבן" - -#: data/effects/mute.xml:3 -msgid "Mute" -msgstr "השתק" - -#: data/effects/mute.xml:4 -msgid "Mute clip" -msgstr "השתק סרטון" - -#: data/effects/normalise.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -#| msgctxt "Font style" -#| msgid "Normal" -msgid "Normalise" -msgstr "נורמלי" - -#: data/effects/normalise.xml:4 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Normalise audio volume" -msgid "Dynamically normalise the audio volume" -msgstr "נרמל עוצמת שמע" - -#: data/effects/normalise.xml:10 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Mid gain" -msgid "Maximum gain" -msgstr "שבח אמצעי" - -#: data/effects/normalise.xml:13 data/effects/sox_stretch.xml:10 -msgid "Window" -msgstr "חלון" - -#: data/effects/obscure.xml:4 -msgid "Hide a region of the clip" -msgstr "הסתר אזור בסרטון" - -#: data/effects/obscure.xml:7 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:760 -msgid "Region" -msgstr "אזור" - -#: data/effects/oldfilm.xml:3 -msgid "Oldfilm" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/oldfilm.xml:4 -msgid "Moves the Picture up and down and random brightness change" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/oldfilm.xml:7 -msgid "Y-Delta" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/oldfilm.xml:10 -#, no-c-format -msgid "% of picture have a delta" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/oldfilm.xml:13 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Brightness" -msgid "Brightness up" -msgstr "בהירות" - -#: data/effects/oldfilm.xml:16 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Brightness" -msgid "Brightness down" -msgstr "בהירות" - -#: data/effects/oldfilm.xml:19 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Brightness (keyframable)" -msgid "Brightness every" -msgstr "‮עוצמת הארה (ניתן לשליטה במסגרות מפתח)" - -#: data/effects/oldfilm.xml:22 -msgid "Unevendevelop up" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/oldfilm.xml:25 -msgid "Unevendevelop down" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/oldfilm.xml:28 -msgid "Unevendevelop Duration" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/pan_zoom.xml:3 data/effects/region.xml:10 -#: data/effects/rotation.xml:37 -msgid "Pan and Zoom" -msgstr "הסט וזום" - -#: data/effects/pan_zoom.xml:4 -msgid "Adjust size and position of clip" -msgstr "התאם גודל ומיקום סרטון" - -#: data/effects/region.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Region" -msgid "Regionalize" -msgstr "אזור" - -#: data/effects/region.xml:4 -msgid "Apply sub-effects to a region defined by a clip's alpha channel" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/region.xml:7 -msgid "Url" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/rotation.xml:3 -msgid "Rotate and Shear" -msgstr "סובב וגזור" - -#: data/effects/rotation.xml:4 data/effects/rotation_keyframable.xml:4 -msgid "Rotate clip in any 3 directions" -msgstr "סובב סרטון בשלשת הכיוונים" - -#: data/effects/rotation.xml:7 data/effects/rotation_keyframable.xml:7 -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:747 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:216 -msgid "Rotate X" -msgstr "סובב בציר X" - -#: data/effects/rotation.xml:10 data/effects/rotation_keyframable.xml:10 -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:748 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:219 -msgid "Rotate Y" -msgstr "סובב בציר Y" - -#: data/effects/rotation.xml:13 data/effects/rotation_keyframable.xml:13 -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:749 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:222 -msgid "Rotate Z" -msgstr "סובב בציר Z" - -#: data/effects/rotation.xml:16 -msgid "Animate Rotate X" -msgstr "‮אנימצית סיבוב בציר X" - -#: data/effects/rotation.xml:19 -msgid "Animate Rotate Y" -msgstr "‮אנימצית סיבוב בציר Y" - -#: data/effects/rotation.xml:22 -msgid "Animate Rotate Z" -msgstr "‮אנימצית סיבוב בציר Z" - -#: data/effects/rotation.xml:25 -msgid "Shear X" -msgstr "גזור X" - -#: data/effects/rotation.xml:28 -msgid "Shear Y" -msgstr "גזור Y" - -#: data/effects/rotation.xml:31 -msgid "Animate Shear X" -msgstr "‮אנימצית גזירה X" - -#: data/effects/rotation.xml:34 -msgid "Animate Shear Y" -msgstr "‮אנימצית גזירה Y" - -#: data/effects/rotation_keyframable.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Volume (keyframable)" -msgid "Rotate (keyframable)" -msgstr "‮עוצמת שמע (ניתן לשליטה במסגרות מפתח)" - -#: data/effects/rotation_keyframable.xml:16 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Offset" -msgid "Offset X" -msgstr "הסט" - -#: data/effects/rotation_keyframable.xml:19 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Offset" -msgid "Offset Y" -msgstr "הסט" - -#: data/effects/rotoscoping.xml:3 -msgid "Rotoscoping" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/rotoscoping.xml:4 -msgid "Keyframable vector based rotoscoping" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/rotoscoping.xml:8 -msgid "Alpha,Luma,RGB" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/rotoscoping.xml:9 -msgid "Mode" -msgstr "אפן" - -#: data/effects/rotoscoping.xml:14 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Alpha Channel Operation" -msgid "Alpha Operation" -msgstr "פעולה בערוץ אלפא" - -#: data/effects/rotoscoping.xml:22 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:3422 -msgid "Track" -msgstr "ערוץ" - -#: data/effects/rotoscoping.xml:26 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Border width" -msgid "Feather width" -msgstr "רוחב גבול" - -#: data/effects/rotoscoping.xml:30 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Offset Alpha" -msgid "Feathering passes" -msgstr "הסט אלפא" - -#: data/effects/scratchlines.xml:3 -msgid "Scratchlines" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/scratchlines.xml:4 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Creating menu images" -msgid "Scratchlines over the picture" -msgstr "יוצר תמונות תפריט" - -#: data/effects/scratchlines.xml:7 -msgid "Width of line" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/scratchlines.xml:10 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Mid gain" -msgid "Max number of lines" -msgstr "שבח אמצעי" - -#: data/effects/scratchlines.xml:13 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Marker" -msgid "Max darker" -msgstr "סמן" - -#: data/effects/scratchlines.xml:16 -msgid "Max lighter" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/sepia.xml:3 -msgid "Sepia" -msgstr "ספיה" - -#: data/effects/sepia.xml:4 -msgid "Turn clip colors to sepia" -msgstr "‫הפוך צבעי סרטון לספיה (חום כהה)" - -#: data/effects/sepia.xml:7 -msgid "Chrominance U" -msgstr "Chrominance U" - -#: data/effects/sepia.xml:10 -msgid "Chrominance V" -msgstr "Chrominance V" - -#: data/effects/sox_band.xml:3 -msgid "Sox Band" -msgstr "אפקט פס" - -#: data/effects/sox_band.xml:4 -msgid "Sox band audio effect" -msgstr "אפקט שמע - פס" - -#: data/effects/sox_band.xml:7 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Frequency" -msgid "Center Frequency" -msgstr "תדר" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_4) -#: data/effects/sox_band.xml:10 data/effects/sox_flanger.xml:16 -#: src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:181 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:307 -msgid "Width" -msgstr "רוחב" - -#: data/effects/sox_bass.xml:3 -msgid "Sox Bass" -msgstr "אפקט בס" - -#: data/effects/sox_bass.xml:4 -msgid "Sox bass audio effect" -msgstr "אפקט שמע - בס" - -#: data/effects/sox_echo.xml:3 -msgid "Sox Echo" -msgstr "‫אפקט הד" - -#: data/effects/sox_echo.xml:4 -msgid "Sox echo audio effect" -msgstr "אפקט שמע - הד" - -#: data/effects/sox_echo.xml:7 data/effects/sox_phaser.xml:7 -msgid "Gain In" -msgstr "שבח כניסה" - -#: data/effects/sox_echo.xml:10 data/effects/sox_phaser.xml:10 -msgid "Gain Out" -msgstr "שבח יציאה" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_13) -#: data/effects/sox_echo.xml:13 data/effects/sox_flanger.xml:7 -#: data/effects/sox_phaser.xml:13 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:994 -msgid "Delay" -msgstr "שיהוי" - -#: data/effects/sox_echo.xml:16 data/effects/sox_phaser.xml:16 -msgid "Decay" -msgstr "דעיכה" - -#: data/effects/sox_flanger.xml:3 -msgid "Sox Flanger" -msgstr "אפקט פלאנגר" - -#: data/effects/sox_flanger.xml:4 -msgid "Sox flanger audio effect" -msgstr "אפקט שמע - פלאנגר" - -#: data/effects/sox_flanger.xml:13 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Operation" -msgid "Regeneration" -msgstr "פעולות" - -#: data/effects/sox_flanger.xml:19 data/effects/sox_phaser.xml:19 -#: data/effects/speed.xml:3 data/effects/speed.xml:7 -msgid "Speed" -msgstr "מהירות" - -#: data/effects/sox_flanger.xml:25 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Phaser" -msgid "Phase" -msgstr "משלב" - -#: data/effects/sox_flanger.xml:28 src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:383 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Insertion" -msgid "Interpolation" -msgstr "הכנסה" - -#: data/effects/sox_gain.xml:3 -msgid "Sox Gain" -msgstr "אפקט שבח" - -#: data/effects/sox_gain.xml:4 -msgid "Sox gain audio effect" -msgstr "אפקט שמע - שבח" - -#: data/effects/sox_gain.xml:12 -#, fuzzy -#| msgctxt "Font style" -#| msgid "Normal" -msgid "Normalize" -msgstr "נורמלי" - -#: data/effects/sox_phaser.xml:3 -msgid "Sox Phaser" -msgstr "אפקט מופע" - -#: data/effects/sox_phaser.xml:4 -msgid "Sox phaser audio effect" -msgstr "אפקט שמע - שינוי מופע" - -#: data/effects/sox_pitch.xml:3 -msgid "Sox Pitch Shift" -msgstr "אפקט שינוי גובה צליל" - -#: data/effects/sox_pitch.xml:4 -msgid "Sox change pitch audio effect" -msgstr "אפקט שמע - שינוי גובה צליל" - -#: data/effects/sox_pitch.xml:10 -msgid "Time window (ms)" -msgstr "‫חלון זמן (מילי שניות)" - -#: data/effects/sox_reverb.xml:3 -msgid "Sox Reverb" -msgstr "אפקט החזר" - -#: data/effects/sox_reverb.xml:4 -msgid "Sox reverb audio effect" -msgstr "אפקט שמע - החזר" - -#: data/effects/sox_reverb.xml:7 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Reverb" -msgid "Reverberance" -msgstr "החזר" - -#: data/effects/sox_reverb.xml:10 -msgid "High frequency damping" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/sox_reverb.xml:13 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Normalise" -msgid "Room scale" -msgstr "נרמל" - -#: data/effects/sox_reverb.xml:16 -msgid "Stereo depth" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/sox_reverb.xml:19 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Capture" -msgid "Pre-delay" -msgstr "לכידה" - -#: data/effects/sox_reverb.xml:22 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Hi gain" -msgid "Wet gain" -msgstr "שבח גבוה" - -#: data/effects/sox_stretch.xml:3 -msgid "Sox Stretch" -msgstr "‫אפקט מתיחה" - -#: data/effects/sox_stretch.xml:4 -msgid "Sox stretch audio effect" -msgstr "אפקט שמע - מתיחה" - -#: data/effects/speed.xml:4 -msgid "Make clip play faster or slower" -msgstr "גרום לסרטון לנגן מהר או לאט יותר" - -#: data/effects/speed.xml:10 -msgid "Stroboscope" -msgstr "מבזק מחזורי" - -#: data/effects/swapchannels.xml:3 -msgid "Swap channels" -msgstr "החלף ערוצים" - -#: data/effects/swapchannels.xml:4 -msgid "Move the left channel to the right and right-to-left" -msgstr "העבר את הערוץ השמאלי לימיני ואת הימני לשמאלי" - -#: data/effects/tcolor.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "White color" -msgid "Technicolor" -msgstr "צבע לבן" - -#: data/effects/tcolor.xml:4 -msgid "Oversaturate the color in video, like in old Technicolor movies" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/tcolor.xml:7 -msgid "Blue/Yellow axis" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/tcolor.xml:10 -msgid "Red/Green axis" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/threshold.xml:4 -msgid "Make monochrome clip" -msgstr "יוצר סרטון חד-צבעי" - -#: data/effects/threshold.xml:7 -msgid "Threshold value" -msgstr "ערך סף" - -#: data/effects/threshold.xml:10 -msgid "Use transparency" -msgstr "השתמש בשקיפות" - -#: data/effects/vignette.xml:3 -msgid "Vignette Effect" -msgstr "אפקט עמעום שוליים" - -#: data/effects/vignette.xml:4 -msgid "Adjustable Vignette" -msgstr "עמעום שוליים מתכונן" - -#: data/effects/vignette.xml:7 -msgid "smooth" -msgstr "חלק" - -#: data/effects/vignette.xml:10 -msgid "radius" -msgstr "רדיוס" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_6) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_8) -#: data/effects/vignette.xml:13 src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:72 -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:575 -msgid "x" -msgstr "x" - -#: data/effects/vignette.xml:16 -msgid "y" -msgstr "y" - -#: data/effects/vignette.xml:19 -msgid "opacity" -msgstr "אטימות" - -#: data/effects/vignette.xml:22 -msgid "use cos instead of linear" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/volume.xml:3 -msgid "Volume (keyframable)" -msgstr "‮עוצמת שמע (ניתן לשליטה במסגרות מפתח)" - -#: data/effects/volume.xml:4 -msgid "Adjust audio volume with keyframes" -msgstr "כוון עוצמת שמע למסגרות מפתח" - -#: data/effects/wave.xml:3 -msgid "Wave" -msgstr "גל" - -#: data/effects/wave.xml:4 -msgid "Make waves on your clip with keyframes" -msgstr "יוצר אפקט גלי על הסרטון בעזרת מסגרות מפתח" - -#: data/effects/wave.xml:10 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Horizontal center" -msgid "Horizontal" -msgstr "מרכז אופקי" - -#: data/effects/wave.xml:13 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Vertical center" -msgid "Vertical" -msgstr "מרכז אנכי" - -#: data/kdenliveeffectscategory.rc:5 -msgid "Colour correction" -msgstr "תיקון צבעים" - -#: data/kdenliveeffectscategory.rc:8 -msgid "Colour" -msgstr "צבע" - -#: data/kdenliveeffectscategory.rc:11 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Cannot add transition" -msgid "Crop and transform" -msgstr "לא ניתן להוסיף מעבר" - -#: data/kdenliveeffectscategory.rc:14 -msgid "Audio correction" -msgstr "תיקון שמע" - -#: data/kdenliveeffectscategory.rc:17 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:655 -msgid "Audio channels" -msgstr "ערוצי שמע" - -#: data/kdenliveeffectscategory.rc:20 -msgid "Analysis and data" -msgstr "" - -#: data/kdenliveeffectscategory.rc:23 -msgid "Fade" -msgstr "עמעום" - -#: data/kdenliveeffectscategory.rc:26 -msgid "Artistic" -msgstr "" - -#: data/kdenliveeffectscategory.rc:29 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Blur & hide" -msgid "Blur and hide" -msgstr "טשטש והסתר" - -#: data/kdenliveeffectscategory.rc:32 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Position" -msgid "Motion" -msgstr "מיקום" - -#: data/kdenliveeffectscategory.rc:38 -msgid "Alpha manipulation" -msgstr "טפלול אלפא" - -#: data/kdenliveeffectscategory.rc:41 -msgid "Enhancement" -msgstr "השבחה" - -#: data/kdenliveeffectscategory.rc:44 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "effect" -msgid "GPU effects" -msgstr "אפקט" - -#. i18n: ectx: ToolBar (extraToolBar) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:4 -msgid "Extra Toolbar" -msgstr "סרגל כלים נוסף" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (project) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:21 -msgid "Project" -msgstr "פרוייקט" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (extract_audio) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:29 src/mainwindow.cpp:2752 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Extract frame" -msgid "Extract Audio" -msgstr "שלוף מסגרת" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (clip_actions) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:32 src/mainwindow.cpp:2699 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Clip top" -msgid "Clip Jobs" -msgstr "חתוך מלמעלה" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (transcoders) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:35 src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:184 -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:125 -msgid "Transcode" -msgstr "קידוד" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (generators) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:38 -msgid "Generators" -msgstr "מחוללים" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (track_menu) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:40 src/mainwindow.cpp:1145 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Track" -msgid "Tracks" -msgstr "ערוץ" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (clip_in_timeline) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:55 -msgid "Clip in Timeline" -msgstr "סרטון בציר הזמן" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (tool) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:70 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Tool" -msgid "Tool" -msgstr "כלי" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (clip) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:80 src/project/projectlistview.cpp:59 -msgid "Clip" -msgstr "סרטון" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (marker_menu) -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_3) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:81 src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:397 -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:402 -msgid "Markers" -msgstr "סמנים" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (timeline) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:96 src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:81 -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2785 -msgid "Timeline" -msgstr "ציר זמן" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (keyboard_selection) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:97 -msgid "Selection" -msgstr "בחירה" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (keyboard_insert) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:105 -msgid "Insertion" -msgstr "הכנסה" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (current_clip) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:110 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Cut Clip" -msgid "Current clip" -msgstr "חתוך סרטון" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (all_clips) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:117 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Add clip" -#| msgid_plural "Add clips" -msgid "All clips" -msgstr "הוסף סרטון" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (guide_menu) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:120 -msgid "Guides" -msgstr "מנחים" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (space_menu) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:126 -msgid "Space" -msgstr "רווח" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (video_effects_menu) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:134 src/mainwindow.cpp:279 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Audio Effects" -msgid "Add Effect" -msgstr "אפקטי שמע" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (monitor) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:148 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Monitor" -msgid "Monitor" -msgstr "צג" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (monitor_go) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:154 src/timeline/customruler.cpp:93 -msgid "Go To" -msgstr "עבור אל" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (monitor_config) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:176 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Monitor" -msgid "Monitor config" -msgstr "צג" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (dockwindows) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:187 -msgid "View" -msgstr "תצוגה" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (layout_save_as) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:188 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Save zone" -msgid "Save Layout As" -msgstr "שמור קטע" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, CountDown_UI) -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, ClipStabilize_UI) -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, FreeSound_UI) -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, ArchiveWidget_UI) -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, BackupDialog_UI) -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, ClipTranscode_UI) -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, AddTrack_UI) -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, SmConfig_UI) -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, ManageEncodingProfile_UI) -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, ColorClip_UI) -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, RenderWidget_UI) -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, Stopmotion_UI) -#: plugins/sampleplugin/countdown_ui.ui:13 src/ui/addtrack_ui.ui:14 -#: src/ui/archivewidget_ui.ui:14 src/ui/backupdialog_ui.ui:14 -#: src/ui/clipstabilize_ui.ui:14 src/ui/cliptranscode_ui.ui:14 -#: src/ui/colorclip_ui.ui:14 src/ui/freesound_ui.ui:14 -#: src/ui/manageencodingprofile_ui.ui:14 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:14 -#: src/ui/smconfig_ui.ui:14 src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Dialog" -msgstr "דו-שיח" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, destination_label) -#: plugins/sampleplugin/countdown_ui.ui:19 src/ui/cutjobdialog_ui.ui:47 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Save zone" -msgid "Save to" -msgstr "שמור קטע" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, duration_label) -#: plugins/sampleplugin/countdown_ui.ui:29 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid " Duration:" -msgid "Duration (seconds)" -msgstr "משך:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, font_label) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_4) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_17) -#: plugins/sampleplugin/countdown_ui.ui:46 src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:89 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:331 -msgid "Font" -msgstr "גופן" - -#: plugins/sampleplugin/sampleplugin.cpp:33 -msgid "Countdown" -msgstr "" - -#: plugins/sampleplugin/sampleplugin.cpp:55 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Cut Group" -msgid "Create Noise Clip" -msgstr "חתוך קבוצה" - -#: plugins/sampleplugin/sampleplugin.cpp:59 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Cut Group" -msgid "Create Countdown Clip" -msgstr "חתוך קבוצה" - -#: plugins/sampleplugin/sampleplugin.cpp:97 -#: plugins/sampleplugin/sampleplugin.cpp:105 -#, fuzzy, kde-format -#| msgid "Enable Jog Shuttle device" -msgid "" -"Failed to generate clip:\n" -"%1" -msgstr "אפשר התקן גלגלת עריכה" - -#: plugins/sampleplugin/sampleplugin.cpp:97 -#: plugins/sampleplugin/sampleplugin.cpp:105 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Generators" -msgid "Generator Failed" -msgstr "מחוללים" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:210 src/project/projectlist.cpp:133 -#, kde-format -msgid "%1 job" -msgid_plural "%1 jobs" -msgstr[0] "" -msgstr[1] "" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:211 src/project/projectlist.cpp:134 -#, kde-format -msgid "%1 pending job" -msgid_plural "%1 pending jobs" -msgstr[0] "" -msgstr[1] "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_search) -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:300 src/ui/freesound_ui.ui:74 -msgid "Search" -msgstr "חפש" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:336 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Mode" -msgid "View Mode" -msgstr "אפן" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:338 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "View" -msgid "Tree View" -msgstr "תצוגה" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:346 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "View" -msgid "Icon View" -msgstr "תצוגה" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:353 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Delete effect" -msgid "Disable Bin Effects" -msgstr "מחק אפקט" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:361 src/bin/bincommands.cpp:102 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Rename folder" -msgid "Rename Folder" -msgstr "שנה שם תיקייה" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab) -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:370 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:50 -msgid "Settings" -msgstr "הגדרות" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:372 src/project/clipproperties.cpp:351 -#: src/project/dialogs/slideshowclip.cpp:77 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:324 -msgid "Zoom" -msgstr "זום" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:378 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Show alpha" -msgid "Show date" -msgstr "הצג אלפא" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:381 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Description" -msgid "Show description" -msgstr "תאור" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:399 src/project/projectlist.cpp:213 -msgid "Cancel All Jobs" -msgstr "" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:401 src/project/projectlist.cpp:217 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Current jobs" -msgid "Cancel Current Clip Jobs" -msgstr "עבודות עדכניות" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:431 src/project/projectlist.cpp:254 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Show histogram" -msgid "Show Log" -msgstr "הראה היסטוגרמה" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:504 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Creating thumbnail for %1" -msgid "Creating audio thumbnails" -msgstr "יוצר צלמית עבור %1" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:511 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Show audio thumbnails" -msgid "Audio thumbnails done" -msgstr "הראה צלמיות שמע" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:805 -msgctxt "append to clip name to indicate a copied idem" -msgid " (copy)" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:929 src/bin/bin.cpp:2217 -#: src/project/folderprojectitem.cpp:37 src/project/projectlist.cpp:1085 -#: src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:60 -msgid "Folder" -msgstr "תיקיה" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:1056 -#, kde-format -msgid "Folder contains a clip, delete anyways ?" -msgid_plural "Folder contains %1 clips, delete anyways ?" -msgstr[0] "" -msgstr[1] "" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:1173 src/mainwindow.cpp:1234 -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:1004 -msgid "Delete Clip" -msgstr "מחק סרטון" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:1174 src/mainwindow.cpp:1251 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Group Clips" -msgid "Proxy Clip" -msgstr "קבץ סרטונים" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:1181 src/project/projectlist.cpp:995 -msgid "Delete Folder" -msgstr "מחק תיקייה" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:1182 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Project folder" -msgid "Proxy Folder" -msgstr "תיקיית פרוייקט" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2015 src/bin/bincommands.cpp:62 src/bin/bincommands.cpp:82 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Move clip" -msgid "Move Clip" -msgid_plural "Move Clips" -msgstr[0] "העברת סרטון" -msgstr[1] "העברת סרטון" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2231 -#, fuzzy, kde-format -#| msgid "Playlist clip" -msgid "Playlist clip %1 is invalid." -msgstr "רשימת סרטונים" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2236 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Playlist clip %1 has too many tracks (%2) to be imported. Add new tracks to " -"your project." -msgstr "" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2449 src/project/projectlist.cpp:465 -msgid "Please set a default application to open images in the Settings dialog" -msgstr "קבע בדיאלוג ההגדרות את יישום ברירת מחדל לפתיחת קבצי וידאו" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2455 src/project/projectlist.cpp:471 -msgid "" -"Please set a default application to open audio files in the Settings dialog" -msgstr "קבע בדיאלוג ההגדרות את יישום ברירת מחדל לפתיחת קבצי שמע" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2511 src/project/projectlist.cpp:2661 -msgid "No data returned from clip analysis" -msgstr "" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2525 src/project/projectlist.cpp:2674 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Decoding threads" -msgid "Processing data analysis" -msgstr "פתילי פענוח" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2531 src/project/projectlist.cpp:2680 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Loading clips" -msgid "Auto Split Clip" -msgstr "טוען סרטונים" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2549 src/project/projectlist.cpp:2698 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Add Marker" -msgid "Add Markers" -msgstr "הוסף סמן" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2592 src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:85 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:474 src/project/projectcommands.cpp:164 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Add marker" -msgid "Add marker" -msgid_plural "Add markers" -msgstr[0] "הוסף סמן" -msgstr[1] "הוסף סמן" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2603 src/bin/bin.cpp:2685 src/project/jobs/filterjob.cpp:96 -#: src/timeline/markerdialog.cpp:45 -#, kde-format -msgid "Category %1" -msgstr "" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2608 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Add marker" -msgid "Load Clip Markers" -msgstr "הוסף סמן" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2623 src/bin/bin.cpp:2720 -#: src/dialogs/profilesdialog.cpp:219 src/dialogs/profilesdialog.cpp:520 -#, fuzzy, kde-format -#| msgid "Cannot move effect" -msgid "Cannot open file %1" -msgstr "לא ניתן להעביר אפקט" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, MarkerDialog_UI) -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2649 src/definitions.cpp:78 src/definitions.cpp:95 -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:367 src/mainwindow.cpp:1831 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:727 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:801 src/ui/markerdialog_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Marker" -msgstr "סמן" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2683 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "All Files" -msgid "All categories" -msgstr "כל הקבצים" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2690 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Delete marker" -msgid "Save Clip Markers" -msgstr "מחק סמן" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2733 src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:86 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:478 src/project/projectcommands.cpp:162 -msgid "Delete marker" -msgstr "מחק סמן" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2748 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Delete marker" -msgid "Delete clip markers" -msgstr "מחק סמן" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2750 -msgid "Clip has no markers" -msgstr "הסרטון אינו מכיל סמנים" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2788 src/project/clippropertiesmanager.cpp:126 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"You are editing an external title clip (%1). Do you want to save your " -"changes to the title file or save the changes for this project only?" -msgstr "" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2788 src/project/clippropertiesmanager.cpp:126 -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:1766 -msgid "Save Title" -msgstr "שמור כותר" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2788 src/project/clippropertiesmanager.cpp:126 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Save Profile" -msgid "Save to title file" -msgstr "שמור פרופיל" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2788 src/project/clippropertiesmanager.cpp:126 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Save DVD Project" -msgid "Save in project only" -msgstr "שמור פרוייקט DVD" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2852 src/project/projectlist.cpp:1428 -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:1430 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4517 -msgid "Invalid clip" -msgstr "סרטון לא תקין" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2852 src/project/projectlist.cpp:1428 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Clip %1
is invalid, will be removed from project." -msgid "Clip is invalid, will be removed from project." -msgstr "‮‫סרטון %1
אינו תקף ויוסר מהפרוייקט." - -#: src/bin/bincommands.cpp:34 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Rename folder" -msgid "Remove Folder" -msgstr "שנה שם תיקייה" - -#: src/bin/bincommands.cpp:35 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Add folder" -msgid "Add Folder" -msgstr "הוסף תיקיה" - -#: src/bin/bincommands.cpp:121 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Audio Effects" -msgid "Add Bin Effect" -msgstr "אפקטי שמע" - -#: src/bin/bincommands.cpp:140 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Reset effect" -msgid "Remove Bin Effect" -msgstr "אפס אפקט" - -#: src/bin/bincommands.cpp:162 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Rename folder" -msgid "Rename Zone" -msgstr "שנה שם תיקייה" - -#: src/bin/bincommands.cpp:184 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Add Clip" -msgid "Add Sub Clip" -msgstr "הוסף סרטון" - -#: src/bin/bincommands.cpp:217 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1628 -msgid "Edit clip" -msgstr "ערוך סרטון" - -#: src/bin/projectclip.cpp:90 src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:879 -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:195 -msgid "Untitled" -msgstr "ללא כותרת" - -#: src/bin/projectclip.cpp:272 src/project/projectlist.cpp:2458 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "P" -msgctxt "The first letter of Proxy, used as abbreviation" -msgid "P" -msgstr "P" - -#: src/bin/projectclip.cpp:940 src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:1228 -#, kde-format -msgid "Clip already contains analysis data %1" -msgstr "" - -#: src/bin/projectclip.cpp:940 src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:1228 -msgid "Merge" -msgstr "" - -#: src/bin/projectclip.cpp:940 src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:1228 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Add %1" -msgid "Add" -msgstr "‮הוסף %1" - -#: src/bin/projectfolder.cpp:74 -#, fuzzy, kde-format -#| msgid "Add clip" -#| msgid_plural "Add clips" -msgid "%1 clip" -msgid_plural "%1 clips" -msgstr[0] "הוסף סרטון" -msgstr[1] "הוסף סרטון" - -#: src/bin/projectfolderup.cpp:35 -msgid "Back" -msgstr "" - -#: src/bin/projectfolderup.cpp:59 -msgid "Go up" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/bin/projectitemmodel.cpp:169 src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:74 -#: src/ui/colorclip_ui.ui:20 src/ui/configtranscode_ui.ui:70 -#: src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:20 -msgid "Name" -msgstr "שם" - -#: src/bin/projectitemmodel.cpp:172 -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:173 -#: src/project/projectlistview.cpp:59 -msgid "Date" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_description) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/bin/projectitemmodel.cpp:175 src/project/projectlistview.cpp:59 -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:41 src/ui/configtranscode_ui.ui:80 -#: src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:49 -msgid "Description" -msgstr "תאור" - -#: src/bin/projectitemmodel.cpp:178 src/dialogs/profilesdialog.cpp:585 -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:231 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:319 -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:771 src/mltcontroller/clipcontroller.cpp:266 -#: src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:483 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Unknown clip" -msgid "Unknown" -msgstr "סרטון לא ידוע" - -#: src/bin/projectsubclip.cpp:41 src/doc/documentvalidator.cpp:1441 -#, fuzzy, kde-format -#| msgid "Zone end: %1" -msgid "Zone %1" -msgstr "סוף קטע: %1" - -#: src/capture/managecapturesdialog.cpp:42 -msgid "import" -msgstr "ייבוא" - -#: src/dialogs/clipcreationdialog.cpp:97 src/dialogs/clipcreationdialog.cpp:98 -msgid "Color Clip" -msgstr "סרטון צבע" - -#: src/dialogs/clipcreationdialog.cpp:188 -msgid "Title clip" -msgstr "סרטון כותר" - -#: src/dialogs/clipcreationdialog.cpp:236 src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:1117 -msgid "Template title clip" -msgstr "תדמית סרטון כותר" - -#: src/dialogs/clipcreationdialog.cpp:428 src/doc/doccommands.cpp:32 -msgid "Add clip" -msgid_plural "Add clips" -msgstr[0] "הוסף סרטון" -msgstr[1] "הוסף סרטון" - -#: src/dialogs/clipcreationdialog.cpp:437 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:247 -#: src/effectstack/collapsibleeffect.cpp:200 src/mainwindow.cpp:2832 -msgid "All Supported Files" -msgstr "כל הקבצים הנתמכים" - -#: src/dialogs/clipcreationdialog.cpp:437 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:247 -#: src/effectstack/collapsibleeffect.cpp:200 src/mainwindow.cpp:2832 -msgid "All Files" -msgstr "כל הקבצים" - -#: src/dialogs/clipcreationdialog.cpp:438 -msgid "Import image sequence" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/clipcreationdialog.cpp:440 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Transparent background" -msgid "Transparent background for images" -msgstr "רקע שקוף" - -#: src/dialogs/encodingprofilesdialog.cpp:37 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Manage Project Profiles" -msgid "Manage Encoding Profiles" -msgstr "ניהול פרופילי פרוייקט" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, groupBox) -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, enable_proxy) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_14) -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, kcfg_enableproxy) -#: src/dialogs/encodingprofilesdialog.cpp:38 -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:96 src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:36 -#: src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:142 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:244 -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:499 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Group clips" -msgid "Proxy clips" -msgstr "קבץ סרטונים" - -#: src/dialogs/encodingprofilesdialog.cpp:39 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Video4Linux" -msgid "Video4Linux capture" -msgstr "Video4Linux" - -#: src/dialogs/encodingprofilesdialog.cpp:40 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Full screen capture" -msgid "Screen capture" -msgstr "לכידת מסך מלא" - -#: src/dialogs/encodingprofilesdialog.cpp:41 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Region capture" -msgid "Decklink capture" -msgstr "לכידת אזור" - -#: src/dialogs/encodingprofilesdialog.cpp:125 -#: src/dialogs/encodingprofilesdialog.cpp:157 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Profile name" -msgid "Profile name:" -msgstr "שם פרופיל" - -#: src/dialogs/encodingprofilesdialog.cpp:128 -#: src/dialogs/encodingprofilesdialog.cpp:160 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Parameters" -msgid "Parameters:" -msgstr "ערכים" - -#: src/dialogs/encodingprofilesdialog.cpp:131 -#: src/dialogs/encodingprofilesdialog.cpp:163 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Extension" -msgid "File extension:" -msgstr "הרחבה" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:64 -#: src/effectslist/effectslistwidget.cpp:100 -#: src/effectslist/effectslistwidget.cpp:121 -#: src/effectslist/effectslistwidget.cpp:123 -msgid "Misc" -msgstr "שונות" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:73 -msgid "Project Defaults" -msgstr "ערכי ברירת מחדל של הפרוייקט" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:101 -msgid "Environment" -msgstr "סביבה" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:126 -msgid "Capture" -msgstr "לכידה" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:131 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Capture is not yet available on OS X." -msgid "Capture is not yet available on Mac OS X." -msgstr "לכידה עדיין לא זמינה עבור OS X." - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:170 -msgid "JogShuttle" -msgstr "גלגלת עריכה" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, groupBox) -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:180 src/ui/smconfig_ui.ui:20 -msgid "Playback" -msgstr "השמעה" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:275 -msgid "GPU processing needs MLT compiled with Movit and Rtaudio modules" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:300 -#, kde-format -msgid "dvgrab version %1 at %2" -msgstr "‫dvgrab גרסא %1 ב-%2" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:301 -msgid "" -"dvgrab utility not found, please install it for firewire " -"capture" -msgstr "" -"תוכנת dvgrab לא נמצאה, אנא התקן אותה אותה על מנת לבצע " -"לכידה מהתקן firewire" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:438 -msgid "Automatic" -msgstr "אוטומטי" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:440 -msgid "OSS" -msgstr "OSS" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:441 -msgid "ALSA" -msgstr "ALSA" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:442 -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:487 -msgid "PulseAudio" -msgstr "PulseAudio" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:443 -msgid "OSS with DMA access" -msgstr "OSS with DMA access" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:444 -msgid "Esound daemon" -msgstr "Esound daemon" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:445 -msgid "ARTS daemon" -msgstr "ARTS daemon" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:457 -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:458 -msgid "Default" -msgstr "ברירת מחדל" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:503 -msgid "SDL" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:504 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Audio" -msgid "RtAudio" -msgstr "שמע" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:566 -msgid "Select default video player" -msgstr "בחר נגן וידאו ברירת מחדל" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:578 -msgid "Select default audio editor" -msgstr "בחר עורך שמע ברירת מחדל" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:590 -msgid "Select default image editor" -msgstr "בחר עורך תמונה ברירת מחדל" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:809 -msgid "Kdenlive must be restarted to change this setting" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, p_progressive) -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:832 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:264 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:634 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:118 src/project/clipproperties.cpp:685 -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:322 src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:99 -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:163 -msgid "Interlaced" -msgstr "סריקה שלובה" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, progressive) -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:834 -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:1039 -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:1072 -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:1088 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:265 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:634 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:119 src/project/clipproperties.cpp:685 -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:428 src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:232 -msgid "Progressive" -msgstr "פרוגרסיבי" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:892 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Profile already exists" -msgid "A profile with that name already exists" -msgstr "הפרופיל כבר קיים" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:1003 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Project Settings" -msgid "Current settings" -msgstr "הגדרות פרוייקט" - -#: src/dialogs/profilesdialog.cpp:50 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:163 -msgid "Delete profile" -msgstr "מחק פרופיל" - -#: src/dialogs/profilesdialog.cpp:52 src/dialogs/profilesdialog.cpp:95 -msgid "Save profile" -msgstr "שמור פרופיל" - -#: src/dialogs/profilesdialog.cpp:54 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:171 -msgid "Create new profile" -msgstr "יצירת פרופיל חדש" - -#: src/dialogs/profilesdialog.cpp:163 -msgid "The custom profile was modified, do you want to save it?" -msgstr "‫הפרופיל המותאם אישית שונה, האם ברצונך לשמור אותו?" - -#: src/dialogs/profilesdialog.cpp:194 -msgid "" -"A profile with same name already exists in MLT's default profiles, please " -"choose another description for your custom profile." -msgstr "" -"‫פרופיל בשם זה קיים בפרופילי ברירת המחדל של MLT, אנא בחר תיאור אחר עבור " -"הפרופיל המותאם אישית." - -#: src/dialogs/profilesdialog.cpp:225 src/dialogs/profilesdialog.cpp:526 -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:612 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:799 -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:805 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:865 -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1003 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1168 -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2382 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2405 -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:669 src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:675 -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:934 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:940 -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:3046 src/mainwindow.cpp:3051 -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:796 -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:802 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:1780 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot write to file %1" -msgstr "לא ניתן לכתוב לקובץ %1" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:108 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1233 -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2295 -msgid "Waiting..." -msgstr "ממתין..." - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:111 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Rendering finished in %1" -msgid "Rendering finished" -msgstr "צלימה הסתיימה ב-%1" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:116 -msgid "Rendering crashed" -msgstr "צלימה קרסה" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:121 -msgid "Rendering aborted" -msgstr "צלימה ננטשה" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:155 -msgid "Rendering" -msgstr "צלימה" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:167 -msgid "Edit profile" -msgstr "ערוך פרופיל" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:177 -msgid "Copy profile to favorites" -msgstr "העתק פרופיל למעודפים" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:179 -msgid "Show profiles with different framerate" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, preserveAspectRatio) -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:223 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:534 -msgid "Preserve aspect ratio" -msgstr "שמור יחס מימדים" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:289 -msgid "File" -msgstr "קובץ" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:298 -msgid "Script Files" -msgstr "קבצי תסריט" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:392 -msgid "Beginning" -msgstr "התחלה" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:478 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:494 -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:688 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:706 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Quality" -msgid "Qualities" -msgstr "איכות" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:479 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:495 -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:689 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:707 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Default Durations" -msgid "Default quality" -msgstr "משך ברירת מחדל" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, vbitrates_label) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, abitrates_label) -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:481 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:497 -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:691 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:709 -#: src/ui/saveprofile_ui.ui:40 src/ui/saveprofile_ui.ui:73 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Bit rate" -msgid "Bitrates" -msgstr "קצב דגימה" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, default_vbitrate_label) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, default_abitrate_label) -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:482 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:498 -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:692 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:710 -#: src/ui/saveprofile_ui.ui:26 src/ui/saveprofile_ui.ui:80 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Default Durations" -msgid "Default bitrate" -msgstr "משך ברירת מחדל" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:509 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:515 -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:679 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:749 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Custom" -msgctxt "Group Name" -msgid "Custom" -msgstr "התאמה אישית" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:591 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:760 -msgid "Profile already exists" -msgstr "הפרופיל כבר קיים" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:591 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:760 -msgid "" -"This profile name already exists. Change the name if you don't want to " -"overwrite it." -msgstr "‫שם פרופיל כבר קיים. שנה את השם בכדי לא לדרוס אותו." - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:606 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:859 -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1859 -#, kde-format -msgid "Unable to write to file %1" -msgstr "‫‫‫לא מסוגל לכתוב לקובץ %1" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:632 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1843 -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1892 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Custom" -msgctxt "Category Name" -msgid "Custom" -msgstr "התאמה אישית" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:720 -msgid "Edit Profile" -msgstr "ערוך פרופיל" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:918 -msgid "Cannot find the melt program required for rendering (part of Mlt)" -msgstr "‫לא נמצאה תוכנת melt הדרושה לביצוע הצלימה (חלק מ-MLT)" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:922 -msgid "" -"Cannot play video after rendering because the default video player " -"application is not set.\n" -"Please define it in Kdenlive settings dialog." -msgstr "" -"לא ניתן לנגן את הוידאו לאחר הצלימה, לא נקבע נגן ברירת מחדל.\n" -"‫אנא קבע זאת בהגדרות Kdenlive." - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:930 src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:259 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"The directory %1, could not be created.\n" -"Please make sure you have the required permissions." -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:973 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:165 -#, kde-format -msgid "File has no extension. Add extension (%1)?" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:988 -msgid "Output file already exists. Do you want to overwrite it?" -msgstr "‫הקובץ קיים. האם ברצונך לדרוס אותו?" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1222 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2283 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"There is already a job writing file:
Abort the job if " -"you want to overwrite it..." -msgstr "" -"קיים קובץ עבודת כתיבה:
בטל את העבודה על מנת לשכתב את " -"הקובץ..." - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1222 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2283 -msgid "Already running" -msgstr "כבר מתבצע" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1266 -msgid "Video without audio track" -msgstr "וידאו ללא רצועת שמע" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1317 -#, kde-format -msgid "Rendering %1 started" -msgstr "‫צלימה %1 הסתיימה" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1473 -#, kde-format -msgid "Frame rate (%1) not compatible with project profile (%2)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1491 -#, kde-format -msgid "Unsupported video format: %1" -msgstr "תסדיר וידאו לא נתמך: %1" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1507 -#, kde-format -msgid "Unsupported audio codec: %1" -msgstr "מקודד שמע לא נתמך: %1" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1524 -#, kde-format -msgid "Unsupported video codec: %1" -msgstr "מקודד וידאו לא נתמך: %1" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1533 -msgid "" -"This render profile uses a 'profile' parameter.
Unless you know what " -"you are doing you will probably have to change it to 'mlt_profile'." -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1546 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1584 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Edit profile" -msgid "No matching profile" -msgstr "ערוך פרופיל" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1561 -msgid "untitled" -msgstr "ללא כותרת" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1586 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Invalid clip" -msgid "Invalid profile" -msgstr "סרטון לא תקין" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1630 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Video clip" -msgid "" -"Video\n" -"quality" -msgstr "סרטון וידאו" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1632 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Video track" -msgid "" -"Video\n" -"bitrate" -msgstr "רצועת וידאו" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1652 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Audio only" -msgid "" -"Audio\n" -"quality" -msgstr "שמע בלבד" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1654 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Audio track" -msgid "" -"Audio\n" -"bitrate" -msgstr "רצועת שמע" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1692 -msgid "File rendering" -msgstr "צלימת קובץ" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1693 -msgid "Favorites" -msgstr "מועדפים" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1694 -msgid "DVD" -msgstr "DVD" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, profile_audioonly) -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1695 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7011 -#: src/ui/configtranscode_ui.ui:100 -msgid "Audio only" -msgstr "שמע בלבד" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1696 -msgid "Web sites" -msgstr "אתרי אינטרנט" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1697 -msgid "Media players" -msgstr "נגני וידאו" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1698 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1738 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Lossless / HQ" -msgid "Lossless/HQ" -msgstr "Lossless / HQ" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1699 -msgid "Mobile devices" -msgstr "התקנים ניידים" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1783 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Image sequence" -msgctxt "Category Name" -msgid "Images sequence" -msgstr "סדרת תמונות" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1987 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Custom" -msgctxt "Attribute Name" -msgid "Custom" -msgstr "התאמה אישית" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2085 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2108 -#, kde-format -msgid "%1 day " -msgid_plural "%1 days " -msgstr[0] "" -msgstr[1] "" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2087 -#, fuzzy, kde-format -#| msgid "Remaining time" -msgid "Remaining time %1" -msgstr "שארית זמן" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2110 -#, kde-format -msgid "Rendering finished in %1" -msgstr "צלימה הסתיימה ב-%1" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2112 -#, kde-format -msgid "Rendering of %1 finished in %2" -msgstr "צלימה של %1 הסתיימה ב-%2" - -# , kde-format -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2125 -#, kde-format -msgid "Rendering of %1 crashed
" -msgstr "צלימה של %1 קרסה
" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, abort_job) -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2165 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:650 -msgid "Abort Job" -msgstr "בטל עבודה" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2168 -msgid "Remove Job" -msgstr "הסר עבודה" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2236 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2240 -#, kde-format -msgid "Script contains wrong command: %1" -msgstr "התסריט כולל פקודה לא נכונה: %1" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2424 -msgid "script" -msgstr "תסריט" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2445 src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:228 -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:640 -msgid "Check missing clips" -msgstr "בדוק סרטונים חסרים" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2502 -msgid "Export audio (automatic)" -msgstr "יצוא שמע (אוטומטי)" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, export_audio) -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2504 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:544 -msgid "Export audio" -msgstr "יצוא שמע" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:60 -msgid "Config Wizard" -msgstr "אשף הגדרות " - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:64 -msgid "Welcome" -msgstr "שלום" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:66 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Your Kdenlive version was upgraded to version %1. Please take some time to " -"review the basic settings" -msgstr "‮גרסת Kdenlive שודרגה לגרסה %1. אנא בדוק את ההגדרות הבסיסיות" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:68 -msgid "" -"This is the first time you run Kdenlive. This wizard will let you adjust " -"some basic settings, you will be ready to edit your first movie in a few " -"seconds..." -msgstr "" -"‫זו ההפעלה הראשונה של Kdenlive. האשף הזה יאפשר הגדרה של מספר הגדרות בסיסיות, " -"עריכת הסרט הראשון רחוקה רק מספר שניות..." - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:72 -msgid "Discover the features of this Kdenlive release" -msgstr "גלה את המאפיינים של גירסא זו של Kdenlive " - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:82 -msgid "Checking MLT engine" -msgstr "בודק מנוע MLT" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:90 -msgid "Video Standard" -msgstr "תקן וידאו" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:128 -msgid "Additional Settings" -msgstr "קביעות נוספות" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (KComboBox, capture_device) -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:142 src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:168 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Capture audio" -msgid "Capture device" -msgstr "לכידת שמע" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:146 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Black color" -msgid "Default Blackmagic Decklink card:" -msgstr "צבע שחור" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:147 -msgid "No Blackmagic Decklink device found" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:158 -msgid "Checking system" -msgstr "בודק מערכת" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:186 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Select default video player" -msgid "Default video4linux device:" -msgstr "בחר נגן וידאו ברירת מחדל" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:199 -msgid "No device found, plug your webcam and refresh." -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:221 -#, kde-format -msgid "Current settings (%1x%2, %3/%4fps)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:257 -#, kde-format -msgid "Default settings (%1x%2, %3/%4fps)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:272 -msgid "Melt" -msgstr "Melt" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:273 -msgid "Required for rendering (part of MLT package)" -msgstr "נדרש לביצוע הצלימה (חלק מ-MLT)" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:280 -msgid "Cannot start the MLT video backend!" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:287 -#, kde-format -msgid "MLT version: %1" -msgstr "‏‏גרסת MLT: %1" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:290 -msgid "Your MLT version is unsupported!!!" -msgstr "‮ג‏רסת MLT לא נתמכת!!!" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:296 -#, fuzzy, kde-format -#| msgid "Please upgrade to the latest MLT version" -msgid "Please upgrade to MLT %1.%2.%3" -msgstr "‮אנא שדרג לגרסת MLT האחרונה" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:300 -msgid "MLT video backend!" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:318 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Title module" -msgid "SDL module" -msgstr "מודול כותר" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:319 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Required for screen capture" -msgid "Required for Kdenlive" -msgstr "נדרש ללכידת מסך" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:332 -msgid "Avformat module (FFmpeg)" -msgstr "מודול Avformat (FFmpeg)" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:333 -msgid "Required to work with various video formats (hdv, mpeg, flash, ...)" -msgstr "נדרש לעבודה עם תסדירי וידאו שונים (hdv, mpeg, flash, ...)" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:372 -msgid "QImage module" -msgstr "מודול Qimage" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:373 src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:378 -msgid "Required to work with images" -msgstr "נדרש לעבודה עם תמונות " - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:377 -msgid "Pixbuf module" -msgstr "מודול Pixbuf" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:392 -msgid "Title module" -msgstr "מודול כותר" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:393 -msgid "Required to work with titles" -msgstr "נדרש לעבודה עם כותרות " - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:456 -msgid "" -"The following codecs were not found on your system. Check our online manual if you need them: " -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:477 -msgid "FFmpeg & ffplay" -msgstr "FFmpeg & ffplay" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:478 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Required for screen capture" -msgid "Required for proxy clips, transcoding and screen capture" -msgstr "נדרש ללכידת מסך" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:504 -msgid "dvgrab" -msgstr "dvgrab" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:505 -msgid "Required for firewire capture" -msgstr "‫נדרש עבור לכידת firewire" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:511 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:104 -msgid "dvdauthor" -msgstr "dvdauthor" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:512 -msgid "Required for creation of DVD" -msgstr "נדרש ליצירת DVD" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:518 -msgid "genisoimage or mkisofs" -msgstr "genisoimage או mkisofs" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:519 -msgid "Required for creation of DVD ISO images" -msgstr "נדרש ליצירת קבצי DVD ISO" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:528 -msgid "xine" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:529 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Required for creation of DVD" -msgid "Required to preview your DVD" -msgstr "נדרש ליצירת DVD" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:533 -msgid "vlc" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:685 -msgid "Frame size:" -msgstr "גודל מסגרת:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_4) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:685 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:245 -#: src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:55 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:107 -msgid "Frame rate:" -msgstr "‫קצב מסגרות:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_23) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_9) -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:685 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:266 -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:121 -msgid "Pixel aspect ratio:" -msgstr "כפה יחס מימדים:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_31) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_10) -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:685 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:280 -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:135 -msgid "Display aspect ratio:" -msgstr "‫יחס מימדי תצוגה:" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:732 -msgid "" -"Your MLT installation cannot be found. Install MLT and restart Kdenlive.\n" -msgstr "‫התקנת MLT לא נמצאה. התקן את MLT והתחל מחדש את Kdenlive.\n" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:736 -msgid "Fatal Error" -msgstr "שגיאה מכרעת" - -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:279 -#, kde-format -msgid "%1 fps" -msgstr "" - -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:284 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "H" -msgid "Hz" -msgstr "H" - -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:289 -msgid "Audio clip" -msgstr "סרטון שמע" - -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:292 -msgid "Mute video clip" -msgstr "השתקת סרטון וידאו" - -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:295 src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:214 -msgid "Video clip" -msgstr "סרטון וידאו" - -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:298 -msgid "Color clip" -msgstr "סרטון צבע" - -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:301 src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:216 -msgid "Image clip" -msgstr "סרטון תמונה" - -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:304 -msgid "Template text clip" -msgstr "תדמית סרטון טקסט" - -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:305 -msgid "Text clip" -msgstr "סרטון טקסט" - -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:308 -msgid "Slideshow clip" -msgstr "סרטון מצגת שקופיות" - -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:311 -msgid "Virtual clip" -msgstr "סרטון וירטואלי" - -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:314 src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:218 -msgid "Playlist clip" -msgstr "רשימת סרטונים" - -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:317 -msgid "Unknown clip" -msgstr "סרטון לא ידוע" - -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:684 src/renderer.cpp:141 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Missing clips" -msgid "Missing clip" -msgstr "סרטונים חסרים" - -#: src/doc/doccommands.cpp:33 src/project/clipmanager.cpp:226 -msgid "Delete clip" -msgid_plural "Delete clips" -msgstr[0] "מחק סרטון" -msgstr[1] "מחק סרטון" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:199 -msgid "Luma file" -msgstr "קובץ לומא" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:223 -msgid "Title Image" -msgstr "תמונת כותר" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:226 -msgid "Title Font" -msgstr "גופן כותר" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:247 -#, kde-format -msgid "%1 will be replaced by %2" -msgstr "%1 יוחלף על ידי %2" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:261 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Missing Profile" -msgid "Missing item" -msgstr "פרופיל חסר" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:265 -msgid "The project file contains missing clips or files" -msgstr "" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:269 -msgid "Missing proxies will be recreated after opening." -msgstr "" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:273 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"The project file contains a missing clip, you can still work with its proxy." -msgid_plural "" -"The project file contains %1 missing clips, you can still work with their " -"proxies." -msgstr[0] "" -msgstr[1] "" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:283 src/project/projectitem.cpp:192 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Group clips" -msgid "Proxy clip" -msgstr "קבץ סרטונים" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:285 -#, kde-format -msgid "%1 missing proxy clip, will be recreated on project opening" -msgid_plural "%1 missing proxy clips, will be recreated on project opening" -msgstr[0] "" -msgstr[1] "" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:288 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Missing Profile" -msgid "Missing proxy" -msgstr "פרופיל חסר" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:335 src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:348 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Source" -msgid "Source clip" -msgstr "מקור" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:337 -#, kde-format -msgid "%1 missing source clips, you can only use the proxies" -msgstr "" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:340 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Missing clips" -msgid "Missing source clip" -msgstr "סרטונים חסרים" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:411 -msgid "Clips folder" -msgstr "תיקיית סרטונים" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:567 -msgid "Enter new location for file" -msgstr "הכנס מיקום חדש עבור קובץ" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:780 -msgid "This will remove the selected clip from this project" -msgid_plural "This will remove the selected clips from this project" -msgstr[0] "פעולה זו תסיר את הסרטונים הנבחרים מהפרוייקט" -msgstr[1] "פעולה זו תסיר את הסרטונים הנבחרים מהפרוייקט" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:780 -msgid "Remove clips" -msgstr "הסר סרטונים" - -#: src/doc/documentvalidator.cpp:90 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"The document was created in \"%1\" locale, which is not installed on your " -"system. Please install that language pack. Until then, Kdenlive might not be " -"able to correctly open the document." -msgstr "" - -#: src/doc/documentvalidator.cpp:94 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"There is a locale conflict on your system. The document uses locale %1 which " -"uses a \"%2\" as numeric separator (in system libraries) but Qt expects " -"\"%3\". You might not be able to correctly open the project." -msgstr "" - -#: src/doc/documentvalidator.cpp:279 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"This project type is unsupported (version %1) and can't be loaded.\n" -"Please consider upgrading your Kdenlive version." -msgstr "" -"סוג זה של פרוייקט אינו נתמך (גרסה %1) ולכן לא ניתן לטעון אותו.\n" -"אנא שקול לשדרג את גרסת Kdenlive." - -#: src/doc/documentvalidator.cpp:279 src/doc/documentvalidator.cpp:286 -msgid "Unable to open project" -msgstr "לא ניתן לפתוח את הפרוייקט" - -#: src/doc/documentvalidator.cpp:286 -#, kde-format -msgid "This project type is unsupported (version %1) and can't be loaded." -msgstr "סוג זה של פרוייקט אינו נתמך ( גרסה %1) ולכן לא ניתן לטעון אותו." - -#: src/doc/documentvalidator.cpp:840 -msgid "" -"Some of your text clips were saved with size in points, which means " -"different sizes on different displays. Do you want to convert them to pixel " -"size, making them portable? It is recommended you do this on the computer " -"they were first created on, or you could have to adjust their size." -msgstr "" - -#: src/doc/documentvalidator.cpp:840 -msgid "Update Text Clips" -msgstr "עדכן סרטון טקסט" - -#: src/doc/documentvalidator.cpp:1679 -msgid "" -"The project file uses some GPU effects. GPU acceleration is not currently " -"enabled.\n" -"Do you want to convert the project to a non-GPU version ?\n" -"This might result in data loss." -msgstr "" - -#: src/doc/documentvalidator.cpp:1770 -msgid "The following filters/transitions were converted to non GPU versions:" -msgstr "" - -#: src/doc/documentvalidator.cpp:1773 -msgid "The following filters/transitions were deleted from the project:" -msgstr "" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:152 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "File %1 is not a Kdenlive project file." -msgid "" -"Cannot open the project file,\n" -"Do you want to open a backup file?" -msgstr "‫קובץ %1 אינו קובץ פרוייקט של Kdenlive." - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:152 src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:168 -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:213 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Opening file %1" -msgid "Error opening file" -msgstr "פתח קובץ %1" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:152 src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:168 -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:213 -msgid "Open Backup" -msgstr "" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:168 -#, fuzzy, kde-format -#| msgid "File %1 is not a Kdenlive project file." -msgid "" -"Cannot open the project file, error is:\n" -"%1 (line %2, col %3)\n" -"Do you want to open a backup file?" -msgstr "‫קובץ %1 אינו קובץ פרוייקט של Kdenlive." - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:168 src/project/projectmanager.cpp:381 -msgid "Recover" -msgstr "אישוש" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:194 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Cannot write to file %1" -msgid "Cannot recover this project file" -msgstr "לא ניתן לכתוב לקובץ %1" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:206 -msgid "Validating" -msgstr "מאשר" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:212 -#, kde-format -msgid "File %1 is not a Kdenlive project file" -msgstr "‫קובץ %1 אינו קובץ פרוייקט של Kdenlive" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:213 -#, fuzzy, kde-format -#| msgid "File %1 is not a Kdenlive project file." -msgid "" -"File %1 is not a valid project file.\n" -"Do you want to open a backup file?" -msgstr "‫קובץ %1 אינו קובץ פרוייקט של Kdenlive." - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:254 -#, kde-format -msgid "Project directory %1 does not exist. Create it?" -msgstr "" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:266 -#, kde-format -msgid "Document project folder is invalid, setting it to the default one: %1" -msgstr "תיקיית מסמכי פרוייקט אינה תקפה, קובע אותה לתיקיית ברירת המחדל: %1" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:548 src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:659 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot write to file %1, scene list is corrupted." -msgstr "לא ניתן לכתוב לקובץ %1, רשימת סצנות אינה תקינה." - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:719 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"You have changed the project folder. Do you want to copy the cached data " -"from %1 to the new folder %2?" -msgstr "" -"תיקיית הפרוייקט שונתה. האם ברצונך להעתיק את מטמון המידע מ-%1 לתיקייה החדשה " -"%2?" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:1105 -msgid "Enter Template Path" -msgstr "הכנס נתיב תדמית" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:1179 -msgid "The following effects were imported from the project:" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:1209 src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:1223 -#: src/ui/backupdialog_ui.ui:22 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Project folder" -msgid "Project Folder" -msgstr "תיקיית פרוייקט" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:1287 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Cannot create backup copy:\n" -"%1" -msgstr "" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:1400 src/project/projectlist.cpp:2317 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Add clip" -#| msgid_plural "Add clips" -msgid "Add proxy clip" -msgid_plural "Add proxy clips" -msgstr[0] "הוסף סרטון" -msgstr[1] "הוסף סרטון" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:1401 src/project/projectlist.cpp:2318 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Remove clips" -msgid "Remove proxy clip" -msgid_plural "Remove proxy clips" -msgstr[0] "הסר סרטונים" -msgstr[1] "הסר סרטונים" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:62 src/mainwindow.cpp:1023 -msgid "DVD Wizard" -msgstr "אשף DVD" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:65 -msgid "Select Files For Your DVD" -msgstr "בחר קבצים עבור ה-DVD" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:69 -msgid "DVD Chapters" -msgstr "פרקי DVD" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:75 -msgid "Create DVD Menu" -msgstr "צור תפריט DVD" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:79 -msgid "Creating DVD Image" -msgstr "יוצר תמונת DVD" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:104 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:111 -#, kde-format -msgid "Burn with %1" -msgstr "צרוב עם %1" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:114 -msgid "No burning program found (K3b, Brasero)" -msgstr "לא נמצאה תוכנת צריבה )K3b, Brasero)" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:120 -msgid "Load" -msgstr "טען" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:121 -msgid "Save" -msgstr "שמור" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:188 -#, fuzzy, kde-format -#| msgid "Cannot write to file %1" -msgid "Cannot create temporary directory %1" -msgstr "לא ניתן לכתוב לקובץ %1" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:271 -msgid "Menu movie is invalid" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:383 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:464 -msgid "Rendering job timed out" -msgstr "עבודת צלימה התאפסה" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:385 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:466 -msgid "Menu job timed out" -msgstr "עבודת תפריט התאפסה" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:674 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Rendering crashed" -msgid "Rendering menu crashed" -msgstr "צלימה קרסה" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:710 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "DVDAuthor process crashed.
" -msgid "DVDAuthor process crashed" -msgstr "תהליך DVDAuthor התרסק.
" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:713 -msgid "DVDAuthor process crashed.
" -msgstr "תהליך DVDAuthor התרסק.
" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:737 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:738 -msgid "DVD structure broken" -msgstr "‮מבנה DVD אינו תקין" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:785 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:788 -msgid "ISO creation process crashed." -msgstr "תהליך יצירת ISO התרסק." - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:817 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:818 -msgid "DVD ISO is broken" -msgstr "‮קובץ DVD ISO לא תקין" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:832 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:834 -#, kde-format -msgid "DVD ISO image %1 successfully created." -msgstr "קובץ DVD ISO %1 נוצר בהצלחה." - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:864 -#, kde-format -msgid "Previewing requires one of these applications (%1)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:888 -#, kde-format -msgid "Folder %1 already exists. Overwrite?\n" -msgstr "‫‫‏תיקייה %1 קיימת. ‫האם ברצונך לדרוס אותה?\n" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:890 -#, kde-format -msgid "Image file %1 already exists. Overwrite?" -msgstr "קובץ תמונה %1 קיים. ‫האם ברצונך לדרוס אותו?" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:911 -msgid "Save DVD Project" -msgstr "שמור פרוייקט DVD" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:911 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:948 -msgid "DVD project (*.kdvd)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:957 -#, kde-format -msgid "File %1 is not a Kdenlive project file." -msgstr "‫קובץ %1 אינו קובץ פרוייקט של Kdenlive." - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardmenu.cpp:42 src/monitor/monitor.cpp:185 -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:303 src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:79 -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:405 src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:444 -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:873 -msgid "Play" -msgstr "נגן" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardmenu.cpp:54 -msgid "Add new button" -msgstr "הוסף כפתור חדש" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardmenu.cpp:55 -msgid "Delete current button" -msgstr "מחק כפתור נוכחי" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardmenu.cpp:300 -msgid "Play All" -msgstr "נגן הכל" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:104 -#, kde-format -msgid "Program %1 is required for the DVD wizard." -msgstr " תוכנה %1 נדרשת בעבור אשף ה-DVD." - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:105 -msgid "mkisofs" -msgstr "mkisofs" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:105 -msgid "genisoimage" -msgstr "genisoimage" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:105 -#, kde-format -msgid "Program %1 or %2 is required for the DVD wizard." -msgstr " תוכנה %1 או %2 נדרשת בעבור אשף ה-DVD." - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:111 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:316 -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:768 -msgid "PAL 4:3" -msgstr "PAL 4:3" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:111 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:313 -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:765 -msgid "PAL 16:9" -msgstr "PAL 16:9" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:111 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:310 -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:762 -msgid "NTSC 4:3" -msgstr "NTSC 4:3" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:111 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:307 -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:759 -msgid "NTSC 16:9" -msgstr "NTSC 16:9" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:138 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:791 -msgid "Your clips do not match selected DVD format, transcoding required." -msgstr "" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:210 src/project/cliptranscode.cpp:244 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Transcoding finished." -msgid "Transcoding failed!" -msgstr "צלימה הסתיימה." - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:247 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "All Files" -msgid "MPEG Files" -msgstr "כל הקבצים" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:248 -msgid "Add new video file" -msgstr "הוסף קובץ וידאו חדש" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:337 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:779 -#, kde-format -msgid "The clip %1 is invalid." -msgstr "" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:674 -#: src/effectstack/collapsibleeffect.cpp:352 -#: src/effectstack/collapsiblegroup.cpp:178 src/monitor/monitor.cpp:845 -#: src/project/clipstabilize.cpp:222 src/project/cliptranscode.cpp:141 -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:297 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"File %1 already exists.\n" -"Do you want to overwrite it?" -msgstr "" -"הקובץ %1 קיים.\n" -"‫האם ברצונך לדרוס אותו?" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:699 -#, fuzzy, kde-format -#| msgid "Transcode Clip" -msgid "Transcoding: %1" -msgstr "קידוד סרטון" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslist.cpp:197 -msgid "Author:" -msgstr "מחבר:" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:63 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Search in the effect list" -msgid "Search in effects list" -msgstr "חפש ברשימת האפקטים." - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:72 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Description" -msgid "Show/Hide effect description" -msgstr "תאור" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:83 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Delete selected clip" -#| msgid_plural "Delete selected clips" -msgid "Add Effect to Selected Clip" -msgstr "מחק סרטונים נבחרים" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:84 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Copy profile to favorites" -msgid "Add Effect to Favorites" -msgstr "העתק פרופיל למעודפים" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:85 -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:231 -#: src/effectstack/collapsibleeffect.cpp:70 -#: src/effectstack/collapsiblegroup.cpp:77 -msgid "Delete effect" -msgstr "מחק אפקט" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:93 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Move transition" -msgid "Show all transitions" -msgstr "העברת מעבר" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:94 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Move transition" -msgid "Show GPU transitions" -msgstr "העברת מעבר" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:101 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Save profile" -msgid "Show all effects" -msgstr "שמור פרופיל" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:103 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Video Effects" -msgid "Show video effects" -msgstr "אפקטי וידאו" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:105 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Sox echo audio effect" -msgid "Show audio effects" -msgstr "אפקט שמע - הד" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:107 -msgid "Show GPU effects" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:109 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Custom Effects" -msgid "Show custom effects" -msgstr "אפקטים מותאמים אישית" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:110 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Save effect" -msgid "Show favorite effects" -msgstr "שמור אפקט" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:239 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Remove file" -msgid "Remove from favorites" -msgstr "הסר קובץ" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_audio) -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, abitrates) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_audiothumbnails) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, audio_thumbs) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, audiobitrateLabel) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, rec_audio) -#: src/effectslist/effectslistwidget.cpp:100 -#: src/effectslist/effectslistwidget.cpp:129 -#: src/effectslist/effectslistwidget.cpp:131 src/monitor/recmanager.cpp:57 -#: src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:39 -#: src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:121 -#: src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:155 -#: src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:194 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:131 -#: src/ui/configtimeline_ui.ui:38 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:224 -#: src/ui/recmonitor_ui.ui:107 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:195 -#: src/ui/saveprofile_ui.ui:67 -msgid "Audio" -msgstr "שמע" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistwidget.cpp:100 -#: src/effectslist/effectslistwidget.cpp:137 -#: src/effectslist/effectslistwidget.cpp:139 -#: src/effectslist/effectslistwidget.cpp:464 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Custom" -msgctxt "Folder Name" -msgid "Custom" -msgstr "התאמה אישית" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistwidget.cpp:194 -msgctxt "menu name for effects names between these 2 letters" -msgid "0 - F" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistwidget.cpp:196 -msgctxt "menu name for effects names between these 2 letters" -msgid "G - L" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistwidget.cpp:198 -msgctxt "menu name for effects names between these 2 letters" -msgid "M - R" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistwidget.cpp:200 -msgctxt "menu name for effects names between these 2 letters" -msgid "S - Z" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:47 src/project/clipproperties.cpp:346 -#: src/project/dialogs/slideshowclip.cpp:72 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:59 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:153 -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:541 -msgid "None" -msgstr "כלום" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:363 -#, fuzzy, kde-format -#| msgid "Group" -msgid "Group %1" -msgstr "קבוצה" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:624 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Dissolve" -msgid "None (Dissolve)" -msgstr "דיזולב" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, slide_luma) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, luma_fade) -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:706 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:292 -#: src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:203 -msgid "Wipe" -msgstr "מחיקה" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:707 -msgid "Applies a stationary transition between the current and next frames." -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:710 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:785 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Invert" -msgctxt "@property: means that the image is inverted" -msgid "Invert" -msgstr "הפוך" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:711 -msgid "Image File" -msgstr "קובץ תמונה" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:712 -msgid "Reverse Transition" -msgstr "הפוך מעבר" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:716 src/timeline/headertrack.cpp:89 -#: src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:74 -msgid "Composite" -msgstr "מרכב" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:717 -msgid "A key-framable alpha-channel compositor for two frames." -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:719 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:764 -msgid "Alpha Channel Operation" -msgstr "פעולה בערוץ אלפא" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:719 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:764 -msgid "Over,And,Or,Xor" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:720 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:765 -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:785 -msgid "Align" -msgstr "יישר" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:723 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:768 -msgid "Wipe File" -msgstr "קובץ ניגוב" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:724 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:769 -msgid "Wipe Softness" -msgstr "רכות ניגוב" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:725 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:770 -msgid "Wipe Invert" -msgstr "הפוך ניגוב" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:726 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:771 -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:785 -msgid "Force Progressive Rendering" -msgstr "כפה צלימה פרוגרסיבית" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:727 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:772 -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:785 -msgid "Force Deinterlace Overlay" -msgstr "כפה רבד סריקה שלובה" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:729 -msgid "Affine" -msgstr "אפיני" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:753 -msgid "Fix Shear Y" -msgstr "קבע גזירת Y" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:754 -msgid "Fix Shear X" -msgstr "קבע גזירת X" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:755 -msgid "Fix Shear Z" -msgstr "קבע גזירת Z" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:761 -msgid "Use alpha channel of another clip to create a transition." -msgstr "השתמש בערוץ אלפא של סרטון אחר ליצירת מעבר." - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:762 -msgid "Transparency clip" -msgstr "שקיפות סרטון" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:785 -msgid "Slide" -msgstr " שקופית" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:785 -msgid "Slide image from one side to another." -msgstr "הזז תמונה מצד אחד לשני." - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:785 -msgid "Direction" -msgstr "כיוון" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, slide_fade) -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:790 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:262 -#: src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:167 -msgid "Dissolve" -msgstr "דיזולב" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:790 -msgid "Fade out one video while fading in the other video." -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:790 -msgid "Reverse" -msgstr "החזר" - -#: src/effectstack/collapsibleeffect.cpp:64 -#: src/effectstack/collapsiblegroup.cpp:72 -msgid "Move effect up" -msgstr "העברת סרטון למעלה" - -#: src/effectstack/collapsibleeffect.cpp:67 -#: src/effectstack/collapsiblegroup.cpp:74 -msgid "Move effect down" -msgstr "העברת סרטון למטה" - -#: src/effectstack/collapsibleeffect.cpp:82 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Reset effect" -msgid "Reset Effect" -msgstr "אפס אפקט" - -#: src/effectstack/collapsibleeffect.cpp:83 -#: src/effectstack/collapsibleeffect.cpp:345 -msgid "Save Effect" -msgstr "שמור אפקט" - -#: src/effectstack/collapsibleeffect.cpp:91 -#: src/effectstack/collapsiblegroup.cpp:89 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Delete effect" -msgid "Disable Effect" -msgstr "מחק אפקט" - -#: src/effectstack/collapsibleeffect.cpp:91 -#: src/effectstack/collapsiblegroup.cpp:89 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Save effect" -msgid "Enable Effect" -msgstr "שמור אפקט" - -#: src/effectstack/collapsibleeffect.cpp:96 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Cut Group" -msgid "Create Group" -msgstr "חתוך קבוצה" - -#: src/effectstack/collapsibleeffect.cpp:136 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Create DVD Menu" -msgid "Create Region" -msgstr "צור תפריט DVD" - -#: src/effectstack/collapsibleeffect.cpp:345 -msgid "Name for saved effect: " -msgstr "‫שם עבור שמירת אפקט:" - -#: src/effectstack/collapsiblegroup.cpp:68 -#: src/effectstack/collapsiblegroup.cpp:383 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Cut Group" -msgid "Effect Group" -msgstr "חתוך קבוצה" - -#: src/effectstack/collapsiblegroup.cpp:81 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Resize group" -msgid "Reset Group" -msgstr "שנה גודל קבוצה" - -#: src/effectstack/collapsiblegroup.cpp:82 -#: src/effectstack/collapsiblegroup.cpp:171 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Save zone" -msgid "Save Group" -msgstr "שמור קטע" - -#: src/effectstack/collapsiblegroup.cpp:84 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Ungroup Clips" -msgid "Ungroup" -msgstr "ביטול קיבוץ סרטונים" - -#: src/effectstack/collapsiblegroup.cpp:171 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Name for saved effect: " -msgid "Name for saved group: " -msgstr "‫שם עבור שמירת אפקט:" - -#: src/effectstack/complexparameter.cpp:36 -msgid "Allow horizontal moves" -msgstr "אפשר תזוזות אופקיות" - -#: src/effectstack/complexparameter.cpp:38 -msgid "Allow vertical moves" -msgstr "אפשר תזוזות אנכיות" - -#: src/effectstack/complexparameter.cpp:40 -msgid "Show keyframes in timeline" -msgstr "הראה מסגרות מפתח בקו הזמן" - -#: src/effectstack/complexparameter.cpp:42 -msgid "Parameter info" -msgstr "מידע ערך" - -#: src/effectstack/complexparameter.cpp:44 src/effectstack/geometryval.cpp:81 -#: src/effectstack/keyframeedit.cpp:47 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:84 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:417 -#: src/simplekeyframes/simplekeyframewidget.cpp:42 -#: src/simplekeyframes/simplekeyframewidget.cpp:132 -msgid "Add keyframe" -msgstr "הוסף מסגרת מפתח" - -#: src/effectstack/dragvalue.cpp:109 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Normalise" -msgid "Normal scale" -msgstr "נרמל" - -#: src/effectstack/dragvalue.cpp:110 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Rescale" -msgid "Pixel scale" -msgstr "שנה קנה-מידה" - -#: src/effectstack/dragvalue.cpp:111 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Clear cache" -msgid "Nonlinear scale" -msgstr "נקה מטמון" - -#: src/effectstack/dragvalue.cpp:115 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Direct FB" -msgid "Direct update" -msgstr "FB ישיר" - -#: src/effectstack/dragvalue.cpp:120 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Reset to default value" -msgid "Reset value" -msgstr "אפש לערך ברירת מחדל" - -#: src/effectstack/dragvalue.cpp:125 -#, fuzzy, kde-format -#| msgid "Show keyframes in timeline" -msgid "Show %1 in timeline" -msgstr "הראה מסגרות מפתח בקו הזמן" - -#: src/effectstack/effectstackview2.cpp:71 -msgid "Enable/Disable all effects" -msgstr "אפשר.בטל את כל האפקטים" - -#: src/effectstack/effectstackview2.cpp:73 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "" -#| "No additional information available for this character." -msgid "Show additional information for the parameters" -msgstr "אין מידע נוסף לתו זה." - -#: src/effectstack/effectstackview2.cpp:174 -#: src/effectstack/effectstackview2.cpp:176 -#: src/effectstack/effectstackview2.cpp:179 -#, kde-format -msgid "Effects for %1" -msgstr "אפקטים עבור %1" - -#: src/effectstack/effectstackview2.cpp:229 -#: src/effectstack/effectstackview2.cpp:231 -#: src/effectstack/effectstackview2.cpp:234 -#, fuzzy, kde-format -#| msgid "Effects for %1" -msgid "Bin effects for %1" -msgstr "אפקטים עבור %1" - -#: src/effectstack/effectstackview2.cpp:276 -#, kde-format -msgid "Effects for track %1" -msgstr "אפקטים עבור רצועה %1" - -#: src/effectstack/geometryval.cpp:77 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:81 -#: src/simplekeyframes/simplekeyframewidget.cpp:52 -msgid "Go to next keyframe" -msgstr "עבור אל תמונת מסגרת הבאה" - -#: src/effectstack/geometryval.cpp:79 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:78 -#: src/simplekeyframes/simplekeyframewidget.cpp:47 -msgid "Go to previous keyframe" -msgstr "עבור אל תמונת מסגרת קודמת" - -#: src/effectstack/geometryval.cpp:83 src/effectstack/keyframeedit.cpp:49 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:423 -#: src/simplekeyframes/simplekeyframewidget.cpp:129 -msgid "Delete keyframe" -msgstr "מחק מסגרת מפתח" - -#: src/effectstack/geometryval.cpp:85 src/monitor/monitor.cpp:206 -msgid "Misc..." -msgstr "‫שונות..." - -#: src/effectstack/geometryval.cpp:89 -msgid "Show/Hide options" -msgstr "הצג/הסתר אופציות" - -#: src/effectstack/geometryval.cpp:97 -msgid "Sync timeline cursor" -msgstr "סנכרן סמן ציר זמן" - -#: src/effectstack/geometryval.cpp:116 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:343 -msgid "Align item horizontally" -msgstr "כוון פריט בציר אופקי" - -#: src/effectstack/geometryval.cpp:118 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:345 -msgid "Align item vertically" -msgstr "כוון פריט בציר אנכי" - -#: src/effectstack/geometryval.cpp:120 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:347 -msgid "Align item to top" -msgstr "יישר פריט למעלה" - -#: src/effectstack/geometryval.cpp:122 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:349 -msgid "Align item to bottom" -msgstr "יישר פריט לתחתית" - -#: src/effectstack/geometryval.cpp:124 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:351 -msgid "Align item to right" -msgstr "יישר פריט לימין" - -#: src/effectstack/geometryval.cpp:126 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:353 -msgid "Align item to left" -msgstr "יישר פריט לשמאל" - -#: src/effectstack/parametercontainer.cpp:467 -msgid "" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/bezier/beziersplinewidget.cpp:67 -msgid "Handle 1:" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/bezier/beziersplinewidget.cpp:70 -msgid "Handle 2:" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/colorpickerwidget.cpp:71 -msgid "" -"Pick a color on the screen. By pressing the mouse button and then moving " -"your mouse you can select a section of the screen from which to get an " -"average color." -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/colorpickerwidget.cpp:101 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/colorpickerwidget.cpp:125 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Requesting color information..." -msgstr "Odbaci informacije o boji" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/colorpickerwidget.cpp:134 -msgid "Calculated average color for rectangle." -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:96 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "X" -msgctxt "x axis position" -msgid "X" -msgstr "X" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:99 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Y" -msgctxt "y axis position" -msgid "Y" -msgstr "Y" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:102 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "W" -msgctxt "Frame width" -msgid "W" -msgstr "W" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:105 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "H" -msgctxt "Frame height" -msgid "H" -msgstr "H" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:111 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Adjust to original size" -msgstr "Veličina kernela" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:113 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Fit to width" -msgstr "Prijelaz" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:115 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Fit to height" -msgstr "Poravnaj desno" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:118 -msgid "Import keyframes from clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:121 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Delete keyframe" -msgid "Reset all keyframes" -msgstr "Obriši ključni okvir (keyframe)" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:125 -msgid "Reset keyframes after cursor" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:128 -msgid "Reset keyframes before cursor" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:133 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Synchronize with timeline cursor" -msgstr "Sinkroniziraj pokazivač vremenske linije" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:139 -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:244 -msgid "Align left" -msgstr "Poravnaj lijevo" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:141 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Center horizontally" -msgstr "Poravnaj horizontalno" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:143 -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:243 -msgid "Align right" -msgstr "Poravnaj desno" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:145 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Align left" -msgid "Align top" -msgstr "Poravnaj lijevo" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:147 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Center vertically" -msgstr "Poravnaj vertikalno" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:149 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Align bottom" -msgstr "Prikazivač isječka" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:154 -#: src/ui/clipstabilize_ui.ui:30 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Options" -msgstr "Osnovne operacije" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (suffix), widget (QSpinBox, spinResize) -#. i18n: ectx: property (suffix), widget (QSpinBox, kcfg_volume) -#. i18n: ectx: property (suffix), widget (QSpinBox, zoom_spin) -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:208 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:211 -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:125 src/ui/configsdl_ui.ui:89 -#: src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:226 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:611 -#, no-c-format -msgid "%" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/lumaliftgain.cpp:61 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Lift" -msgstr "Pomak" - -#: src/hidetitlebars.cpp:21 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Show Title Bars" -msgstr "Prikaži vremensku liniju" - -#: src/layoutmanagement.cpp:27 -msgid "Layouts" -msgstr "" - -#: src/layoutmanagement.cpp:28 -msgid "Load Layout" -msgstr "" - -#: src/layoutmanagement.cpp:30 -#, kde-format -msgid "Layout %1" -msgstr "" - -#: src/layoutmanagement.cpp:34 -#, kde-format -msgid "Save As Layout %1" -msgstr "" - -#: src/layoutmanagement.cpp:69 -#, fuzzy, kde-format -#| msgid "Save As" -msgid "Save as %1" -msgstr "Spremi kao" - -#: src/layoutmanagement.cpp:101 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Save zone" -msgid "Save Layout" -msgstr "Spremi zonu" - -#: src/layoutmanagement.cpp:101 -msgid "Layout name:" -msgstr "" - -#: src/lib/audio/audioCorrelation.cpp:43 -msgid "Audio analysis finished" -msgstr "" - -#: src/main.cpp:48 -msgid "Kdenlive" -msgstr "Kdenlive" - -#: src/main.cpp:49 -msgid "An open source video editor." -msgstr "Video editor otvorenog koda." - -#: src/main.cpp:51 -msgid "Copyright © 2007–2015 Kdenlive authors" -msgstr "" - -#: src/main.cpp:52 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Please report bugs to http://kdenlive.org/mantis" -msgid "Please report bugs to http://bugs.kde.org" -msgstr "Prijavite greške na http://kdenlive.org/mantis" - -#: src/main.cpp:54 -msgid "Jean-Baptiste Mardelle" -msgstr "Jean-Baptiste Mardelle" - -#: src/main.cpp:54 -#, fuzzy -msgid "MLT and KDE SC 4 / KF5 port, main developer and maintainer" -msgstr "MLT porting, KDE 4 porting, Main developer" - -#: src/main.cpp:55 -msgid "Vincent Pinon" -msgstr "" - -#: src/main.cpp:55 -msgid "" -"Interim maintainer, KF5 port, bugs fixing, minor functions, profiles " -"updates, etc." -msgstr "" - -#: src/main.cpp:56 -msgid "Laurent Montel" -msgstr "" - -#: src/main.cpp:56 -msgid "Bugs fixing, clean up code, optimization etc." -msgstr "" - -#: src/main.cpp:57 -msgid "Marco Gittler" -msgstr "" - -#: src/main.cpp:57 -msgid "MLT transitions and effects, timeline, audio thumbs" -msgstr "" - -#: src/main.cpp:58 -msgid "Dan Dennedy" -msgstr "" - -#: src/main.cpp:58 src/main.cpp:60 src/main.cpp:63 src/main.cpp:64 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Bug fixing, etc." -msgstr "Ispravak grešaka itd." - -#: src/main.cpp:59 -msgid "Simon A. Eugster" -msgstr "" - -#: src/main.cpp:59 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Color scopes, bug fixing, etc." -msgstr "Ispravak grešaka itd." - -#: src/main.cpp:60 -msgid "Till Theato" -msgstr "" - -#: src/main.cpp:61 -msgid "Alberto Villa" -msgstr "" - -#: src/main.cpp:61 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Bug fixing, logo, etc." -msgstr "Ispravak grešaka itd." - -#: src/main.cpp:62 -msgid "Jean-Michel Poure" -msgstr "Jean-Michel Poure" - -#: src/main.cpp:62 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Rendering profiles customization" -msgstr "Uređivanje profila stvaranja (render)" - -#: src/main.cpp:63 -msgid "Ray Lehtiniemi" -msgstr "Ray Lehtiniemi" - -#: src/main.cpp:64 -msgid "Steve Guilford" -msgstr "" - -#: src/main.cpp:65 -msgid "Jason Wood" -msgstr "Jason Wood" - -#: src/main.cpp:65 -msgid "Original KDE 3 version author (not active anymore)" -msgstr "Originalni KDE 3 version autor (neaktivan)" - -#: src/main.cpp:66 -msgid "NAME OF TRANSLATORS" -msgstr "NAZIVI PREVODILACA" - -#: src/main.cpp:66 -msgid "EMAIL OF TRANSLATORS" -msgstr "EMAIL PREVODITELJA" - -#: src/main.cpp:86 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Set the path for MLT environment" -msgstr "Postavi putanju za MLT okolinu" - -#: src/main.cpp:87 -msgid "Comma separated list of clips to add" -msgstr "" - -#: src/main.cpp:88 -msgid "Document to open" -msgstr "Dokument za otvoriti" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:148 -msgid "Theme" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:177 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Project" -msgid "Project Bin" -msgstr "Projekt" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, properties) -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:216 src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:395 -#: src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:43 -msgid "Properties" -msgstr "Svojstva" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:219 src/mainwindow.cpp:280 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Effects" -msgstr "efekt" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:222 src/mainwindow.cpp:284 src/mainwindow.cpp:1272 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Transitions" -msgstr "Prijelaz" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:225 -msgid "Clip Monitor" -msgstr "Prikazivač isječka" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:226 -msgid "Project Monitor" -msgstr "Projektni monitor" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:228 -msgid "Record Monitor" -msgstr "Monitor snimanja" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:233 -msgid "Clean" -msgstr "Čisto" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:235 -msgid "Undo History" -msgstr "Vrati (Undo) povijest" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:263 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Stop Motion" -msgstr "Pozicija" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, capture_button) -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:264 src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:105 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Capture format" -msgid "Capture frame" -msgstr "Format hvatanja" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:267 -msgid "Switch live / captured frame" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:270 -msgid "Show last frame over video" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:283 -msgid "Add Transition" -msgstr "Dodaj prijelaz" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:315 src/mainwindow.cpp:316 src/mainwindow.cpp:325 -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:326 src/mainwindow.cpp:330 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Paste Effects" -msgid "Favorite Effects" -msgstr "Zalijepi efekte" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:563 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"You have 1 rendering job waiting in the queue.\n" -"What do you want to do with this job?" -msgid_plural "" -"You have %1 rendering jobs waiting in the queue.\n" -"What do you want to do with these jobs?" -msgstr[0] "" -msgstr[1] "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:563 -msgid "Start them now" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:563 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Delete them" -msgstr "Obriši %1" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:784 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Normal mode" -msgstr "Normaliziraj" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:785 -#, fuzzy -msgctxt "Normal editing" -msgid "n" -msgstr "Ulaz" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:790 -msgid "Overwrite mode" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:796 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Insert mode" -msgstr "Umetni prazninu" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:815 -msgid "Selection tool" -msgstr "Alat odabira" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:816 -msgctxt "Selection tool shortcut" -msgid "s" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:821 -msgid "Razor tool" -msgstr "Alat razdvajanja" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:822 -#, fuzzy -msgctxt "Razor tool shortcut" -msgid "x" -msgstr "x" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:827 -msgid "Spacer tool" -msgstr "Alat praznine" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:828 -msgctxt "Spacer tool shortcut" -msgid "m" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:869 -msgid "Fit zoom to project" -msgstr "Prilagodi zoom prema projektu" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:873 -msgid "Zoom Out" -msgstr "Zoom van" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:887 -msgid "Zoom In" -msgstr "Zoom u" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:915 -msgid "Split audio and video automatically" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, videothumbs) -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:921 src/ui/wizardextra_ui.ui:35 -msgid "Show video thumbnails" -msgstr "Prikaži video sličice" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, audiothumbs) -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:927 src/ui/wizardextra_ui.ui:42 -msgid "Show audio thumbnails" -msgstr "Prikaži audio kratke prikaze" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:933 -msgid "Show markers comments" -msgstr "Prikaži komentare oznaka" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:938 -msgid "Snap" -msgstr "Škljoc" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, tc_type) -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:972 src/project/clipproperties.cpp:372 -#: src/project/dialogs/slideshowclip.cpp:89 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:284 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "hh:mm:ss::ff" -msgid "hh:mm:ss:ff" -msgstr "hh:mm:ss::ff" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, tc_type) -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:973 src/project/clipproperties.cpp:373 -#: src/project/dialogs/slideshowclip.cpp:90 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:289 -msgid "Frames" -msgstr "Okviri" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1002 -msgid "Manage Project Profiles" -msgstr "Upravljanje projektnim profilima" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1003 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Download New Wipes..." -msgstr "Preuzmi nove Luma-e..." - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1004 -msgid "Download New Render Profiles..." -msgstr "Preuzmi nove profile za stvaranje" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1005 -msgid "Download New Project Profiles..." -msgstr "Preuzmi nove Projektne profile" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1006 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Download New Title Templates..." -msgstr "Preuzmi nove Luma-e..." - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1008 -msgid "Run Config Wizard" -msgstr "Pokreni čarobnak za postavke" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, ProjectSettings_UI) -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1009 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Project Settings" -msgstr "Postavke projekta" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1010 -msgid "Render" -msgstr "Stvori (Render)" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1012 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Clean Project" -msgstr "Stvori projekt" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1016 -msgid "Play Zone" -msgstr "Play zonu" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1018 -msgid "Loop Zone" -msgstr "Zona petlje" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1020 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Remove selected clips" -msgid "Loop selected clip" -msgstr "Ukloni odabrane isjeèke" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1024 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Transcode Clips" -msgstr "Pretvori isječak (trancode)" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1025 src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:55 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Save DVD Project" -msgid "Archive Project" -msgstr "Spremi DVD projekt" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1026 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Switch monitor" -msgstr "Prikazivač isječka" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1027 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6364 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Edit Clip" -msgid "Expand Clip" -msgstr "Uredi isječak" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1029 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Monitor overlay infos" -msgid "Monitor Info Overlay" -msgstr "Podaci monitor overlaya" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1035 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Real Time (drop frames)" -msgstr "Vrijeme otpuštanja (s)" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1040 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Monitor" -msgid "Monitor Gamma" -msgstr "Monitor" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1041 -msgid "sRGB (computer)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1042 -msgid "Rec. 709 (TV)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1047 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Insert Zone in Project Bin" -msgstr "Ne mogu otvoriti projekt" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1048 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Insert Zone in Timeline" -msgstr "osvježi vrjednosti na vremenskoj liniji" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1050 -msgid "Resize Item Start" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1055 -msgid "Resize Item End" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1060 -msgid "Go to Previous Snap Point" -msgstr "Idi na prethodnu prihvatnu točku (snap point)" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1062 -msgid "Go to Clip Start" -msgstr "Idi na početak isječka" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1063 -msgid "Go to Clip End" -msgstr "Idi na kraj isječka" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1064 -msgid "Go to Next Snap Point" -msgstr "Idi na slijedeću prihvatnu točku (snap point)" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1066 -msgid "Delete Selected Item" -msgstr "Obriši označenu stavku" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1067 -msgid "Align Playhead to Mouse Position" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1069 -msgid "Automatic Transition" -msgstr "Automatski prijelaz" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1076 -msgid "Group Clips" -msgstr "Grupiraj isječke" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1078 -msgid "Ungroup Clips" -msgstr "Odgrupiraj isječke" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1083 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Edit Duration" -msgstr "Trajanje" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1084 src/mainwindow.cpp:3232 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Move clip" -msgid "Save clip" -msgstr "Pomakni isječak" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1085 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Clip in Project Bin" -msgstr "Projektno drvo" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1086 -msgid "Insert Clip Zone in Timeline (Overwrite)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1087 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Select Clip" -msgstr "Obriši isječak" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1088 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Deselect Clip" -msgstr "Obriši isječak" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1089 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Add Clip To Selection" -msgstr "dodaj isječak projektu" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1091 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Select Transition" -msgstr "Prijelaz" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1093 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Deselect Transition" -msgstr "Prijelaz" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1095 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Add Transition To Selection" -msgstr "Dodaj prijelaz isječku" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, CutJobDialog_UI) -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1097 src/ui/cutjobdialog_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Cut Clip" -msgstr "Izreži isječak" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1098 src/mainwindow.cpp:1833 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:729 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:803 -msgid "Add Marker" -msgstr "Dodaj oznaku" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1099 -msgid "Delete Marker" -msgstr "Obriši oznaku" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1100 -msgid "Delete All Markers" -msgstr "Obriši sve oznake" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1102 src/mainwindow.cpp:1921 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:702 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:827 -msgid "Edit Marker" -msgstr "Uredi oznaku" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1105 -msgid "Add Marker/Guide quickly" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1108 -msgid "Split Audio" -msgstr "Podijeli zvuk" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1112 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Audio frequency" -msgid "Set Audio Reference" -msgstr "Audio frekvencija" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1116 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Align Audio to Reference" -msgstr "Poravnaj lijevo" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1120 -msgid "Audio Only" -msgstr "Samo zvuk" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1125 -msgid "Video Only" -msgstr "Samo video" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1130 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7007 -msgid "Audio and Video" -msgstr "Audio i Video" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1142 -msgid "Insert Space" -msgstr "Umetni prazninu" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1143 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:3426 -msgid "Remove Space" -msgstr "Ukloni prazninu" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1146 -msgid "Insert Track" -msgstr "Umetni traku" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1150 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6556 -#: src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:94 -msgid "Delete Track" -msgstr "Obriši stavku" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, TracksConfigDialog_UI) -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1155 src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:250 -#: src/ui/tracksconfigdialog_ui.ui:14 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Configure Tracks" -msgstr "Podesi" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1159 -msgid "Select All in Current Track" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1170 src/timeline/customruler.cpp:85 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5781 -msgid "Add Guide" -msgstr "Dodaj vodić" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1171 src/timeline/customruler.cpp:89 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:231 -msgid "Delete Guide" -msgstr "Obriši vodić" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1172 src/timeline/customruler.cpp:87 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:235 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5815 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5829 -msgid "Edit Guide" -msgstr "Uredi vodić" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1173 src/timeline/customruler.cpp:91 -msgid "Delete All Guides" -msgstr "Obriši sve vodiće" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1175 -msgid "Paste Effects" -msgstr "Zalijepi efekte" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1180 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Selection tool" -msgid "Save Selection" -msgstr "Alat odabira" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1208 -msgid "Add Clip" -msgstr "Dodaj isječak" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1210 -msgid "Add Color Clip" -msgstr "Dodaj isječak boje" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1213 src/project/dialogs/slideshowclip.cpp:41 -msgid "Add Slideshow Clip" -msgstr "Dodaj isječak slajdova" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1216 -msgid "Add Title Clip" -msgstr "Dodaj isječak titla" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1219 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Add Template Title" -msgstr "Dodaj video datoteku" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1223 -msgid "Create Folder" -msgstr "Kreiraj mapu" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1224 -msgid "Online Resources" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, ClipProperties_UI) -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1226 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Clip Properties" -msgstr "Svojstva isječka" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1230 -msgid "Edit Clip" -msgstr "Uredi isječak" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1238 -msgid "Reload Clip" -msgstr "Iznova učitaj isječak" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1242 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Delete effect" -msgid "Disable Timeline Effects" -msgstr "Obriši efekt" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1247 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Delete Clip" -msgid "Duplicate Clip" -msgstr "Obriši isječak" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1259 -msgid "Ripple Delete" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1389 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "" -#| "You have changed the project folder. Do you want to copy the cached data " -#| "from %1 to the new folder %2?" -msgid "" -"You have changed the proxy parameters. Do you want to recreate all proxy " -"clips for this project?" -msgstr "" -"Promjenili ste mapu projekta. Želite li kopirati prikupljene podatke iz %1 u " -"novu mapu %2?" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1487 -#, fuzzy -msgid "This will remove all unused clips from your project." -msgstr "Ovo će izbaciti odabrane isječke iz projekta" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1487 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Clean up project" -msgstr "Cijeli projekt" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1647 -#, fuzzy -msgctxt "general keyboard shortcuts" -msgid "General" -msgstr "Generatori" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1827 src/mainwindow.cpp:1945 -msgid "Cannot find clip to add marker" -msgstr "Ne mogu naći isječak za dodati marker" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1859 src/mainwindow.cpp:1886 src/mainwindow.cpp:1909 -msgid "Cannot find clip to remove marker" -msgstr "Ne mogu naći isječak za uklonjeni oznaku" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1866 src/mainwindow.cpp:1916 -msgid "No marker found at cursor time" -msgstr "Oznaka nije pronađena kod pokazivača" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2194 -#, fuzzy, kde-format -#| msgid "Cannot find clip to add effect" -msgid "Cannot find effect %1 / %2" -msgstr "Ne mogu naći isječak za dodati efekt" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2252 -#, kde-format -msgid "Zoom Level: %1/13" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2378 -msgid "Ctrl + click to use spacer on current track only" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2381 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Click on a clip to cut it" -msgstr "Ne mogu naći isječak za izrezati" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2384 -msgid "" -"Shift + click to create a selection rectangle, Ctrl + click to add an item " -"to selection" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2707 -msgid "Stabilize" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2719 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Automatic scene split" -msgstr "Automatski prijelaz" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2729 src/project/jobs/filterjob.cpp:83 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Resize clip" -msgid "Reverse clip" -msgstr "Promjeni veličinu isječka" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2736 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Add keyframe" -msgid "Analyse keyframes" -msgstr "dodaj ključni okvir" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2751 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Transcode" -msgid "Transcoders" -msgstr "Pretvori" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2784 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Interlaced" -msgid "Interface" -msgstr "Interlaced" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2821 -#, fuzzy -msgid "No clip to transcode" -msgstr "isječak nije kopiran" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2834 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Files to transcode" -msgstr "isječak nije kopiran" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2867 -msgid "Create Render Script" -msgstr "Kreiraj skriptu za stvaranje" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2877 -msgid "Script file already exists. Do you want to overwrite it?" -msgstr "Skripta već postoji. želite je prepisati?" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2923 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Start" -msgctxt "the first in a list of chapters" -msgid "Start" -msgstr "Početak" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:3200 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Archiving project" -msgstr "dodaj isječak projektu" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:3229 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Select clip to delete" -msgid "Select a clip to save" -msgstr "Odaberite isječak za brisanje." - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:3232 src/renderer.cpp:1386 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7865 -msgid "MLT playlist (*.mlt)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mltconnection.cpp:51 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Cannot find the melt program required for rendering (part of MLT)" -msgstr "Ne mogu naæi melt program potreban za stvaranje (dio Mlt-a)" - -#: src/mltconnection.cpp:83 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Cannot find your MLT profiles, please give the path" -msgstr "Ne mogu pronaći Vaše MLT profile, molim unesite putanju" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:87 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:476 src/project/projectcommands.cpp:166 -msgid "Edit marker" -msgstr "Uredi oznaku" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:88 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Edit marker" -msgid "Export markers" -msgstr "Uredi oznaku" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:89 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Add marker" -msgid "Import markers" -msgstr "Dodaj oznaku" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:115 -msgid "Analysis data" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:118 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Delete Clip" -msgid "Delete analysis" -msgstr "Obriši isječak" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:119 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Export audio" -msgid "Export analysis" -msgstr "Izvoz audia" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:120 -msgid "Import analysis" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, clip_transparency) -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:166 -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:842 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Transparency" -msgid "Transparent" -msgstr "Prozirnost" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:181 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Aspect ratio:" -msgid "Aspect Ratio" -msgstr "Omjer:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_18) -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:236 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:618 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:623 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:679 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:440 -#: src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:86 -msgid "Frame rate" -msgstr "Frame rate" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_5) -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:260 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:634 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:686 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:105 -msgid "Scanning" -msgstr "Skeniranje" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:282 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Field order" -msgstr "Frame rate" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:286 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:129 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Bottom" -msgid "Bottom first" -msgstr "Dno" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:287 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:130 -msgid "Top first" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:304 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Threshold" -msgid "Threads" -msgstr "Prag" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, clip_force_vindex) -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:320 -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:693 -msgid "Video index" -msgstr "Video indeks" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, clip_force_aindex) -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:336 -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:720 -msgid "Audio index" -msgstr "Audio indeks" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_12) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_32) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_15) -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:350 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:644 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:696 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:294 -#: src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:222 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:149 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Colorspace" -msgstr "Udaljenost boje" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, clip_full_luma) -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:380 -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:772 -msgid "Full luma range" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:399 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Force properties" -msgstr "Forsiraj Progressive" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_5) -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_3) -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:401 -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:511 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:349 -msgid "Metadata" -msgstr "Meta podaci" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:403 -msgid "Analysis" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:609 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:671 src/project/clipproperties.cpp:673 -msgid "Video codec" -msgstr "Video kodek" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:613 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:676 -msgid "Frame size" -msgstr "Veličina okvira" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:630 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Video track" -msgid "Video bitrate" -msgstr "Video traka" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:630 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:664 -msgctxt "seconds" -msgid "s" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_9) -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:641 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:690 src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:120 -msgid "Pixel aspect ratio" -msgstr "Pixel omjer" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:642 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:693 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "DVD format" -msgid "Pixel format" -msgstr "DVD format" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:651 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:243 -msgid "Audio codec" -msgstr "Audio kodek" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:659 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Frequency" -msgid "Audio frequency" -msgstr "Frekvencija" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:664 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Audio track" -msgid "Audio bitrate" -msgstr "Audio traka" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:760 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:788 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:813 -msgid "Exif" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:832 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:854 -msgid "Magic Lantern" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:893 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:858 -msgid "Save Analysis Data" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:893 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:904 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:858 src/project/clipproperties.cpp:869 -msgid "Text File (*.txt)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:904 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:869 -msgid "Open Analysis Data" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:183 -msgid "Play..." -msgstr "Reprodukcija..." - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:185 src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:303 -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:310 src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:449 -msgid "Pause" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:210 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:210 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Go to marker..." -msgstr "Uredi oznaku" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:215 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Font" -msgid "Force Monitor Size" -msgstr "Pismo" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:216 -msgid "Force 100%" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:218 -msgid "Force 50%" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:220 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Frame size" -msgid "Free Resize" -msgstr "Veličina okvira" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:233 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Audio only" -msgid "Audio volume" -msgstr "Samo zvuk" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:248 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Split view" -msgid "Split" -msgstr "Razdvoji pogled" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:248 -msgid "Unsplit" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:281 src/monitor/monitoreditwidget.cpp:58 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Show/Hide edit mode" -msgstr "Postavke" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:400 -msgid "Save zone" -msgstr "Spremi zonu" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:401 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Extract frame" -msgid "Extract Zone" -msgstr "Izvuci okvir" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:404 -msgid "Extract frame" -msgstr "Izvuci okvir" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:408 -msgid "Split view" -msgstr "Razdvoji pogled" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:412 -msgid "Set current image as thumbnail" -msgstr "Postavi trenutnu sliku kao sličicu (thumbnail)" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:416 -msgid "Overlay audio waveform" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:453 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "You must select one transition for this action" -msgid "Your screen resolution is not sufficient for this action" -msgstr "Morate odabrati jedan prijelaz za ovu akciju" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:838 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Load Image" -msgid "Save Image" -msgstr "Učitaj sliku" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:894 -msgid "In Point" -msgstr "Ulazna točka" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:896 -msgid "Out Point" -msgstr "Izlazna točka" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:1520 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Select a clip if you want to apply an effect" -msgid "Select a clip in project bin to compare effect" -msgstr "Odaberite isječak ako želite dodati efekt" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:1524 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Clip has no markers" -msgid "Clip has no effects" -msgstr "Isječak nema oznaka" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:1533 -msgid "" -"The scal0tilt filter is required for that feature, please install frei0r and " -"restart Kdenlive" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:1540 -msgid "" -"The cairoblend transition is required for that feature, please install " -"frei0r and restart Kdenlive" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitoreditwidget.cpp:64 -msgid "Update parameters while monitor scene changes" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitoreditwidget.cpp:68 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Fit zoom to monitor size" -msgstr "Prilagodi zoom prema projektu" - -#: src/monitor/monitoreditwidget.cpp:70 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Original size" -msgstr "Veličina kernela" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:326 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Switch monitor fullscreen" -msgstr "Prikazivač isječka" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:331 src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:76 -msgid "Rewind" -msgstr "Prevrti" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:336 -msgid "Rewind 1 Frame" -msgstr "Prevrti 1 okvir" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:341 -msgid "Rewind 1 Second" -msgstr "Prevrti 1 sekundu" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:346 src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:85 -msgid "Forward" -msgstr "Naprijed" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:351 -msgid "Go to Project Start" -msgstr "Idi na početak projekta" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:356 -msgid "Go to Project End" -msgstr "Idi na kraj projekta" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:361 -msgid "Forward 1 Frame" -msgstr "Naprijed 1 okvir" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:366 -msgid "Forward 1 Second" -msgstr "Naprijed 1 sekundu" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:371 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Interlaced" -msgid "Deinterlacer" -msgstr "Interlaced" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:372 -msgid "One Field (fast)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:373 -msgid "Linear Blend (fast)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:374 -msgid "YADIF - temporal only (good)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:375 -msgid "YADIF - temporal + spacial (best)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:384 -msgid "Nearest Neighbor (fast)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:385 -msgid "Bilinear (good)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:386 -msgid "Bicubic (better)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:387 -msgid "Hyper/Lanczos (best)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:395 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Go to Zone Start" -msgstr "Idi na početak projekta" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:400 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Monitor" -msgid "Mute monitor" -msgstr "Monitor" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:400 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Unmute monitor" -msgstr "Prikazivač isječka" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:406 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Go to Zone End" -msgstr "Idi na kraj projekta" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:411 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Set Zone In" -msgstr "Postavi kraj zone" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:416 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Set Zone Out" -msgstr "Postavi početak zone" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_preview) -#: src/monitor/recmanager.cpp:48 src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:147 -#: src/ui/freesound_ui.ui:144 src/utils/archiveorg.cpp:181 -#: src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:158 src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:263 -#: src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:277 src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:575 -msgid "Preview" -msgstr "Pregled" - -#: src/monitor/recmanager.cpp:52 src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:88 -msgid "Record" -msgstr "Snimi" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_video) -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, vbitrates) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, background_list) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_videothumbnails) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, video_thumbs) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, bitrateLabel) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, rec_video) -#: src/monitor/recmanager.cpp:56 src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:38 -#: src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:153 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:86 -#: src/ui/configtimeline_ui.ui:29 src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:207 -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:217 src/ui/recmonitor_ui.ui:100 -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:169 src/ui/saveprofile_ui.ui:20 -msgid "Video" -msgstr "Video" - -#: src/monitor/recmanager.cpp:68 src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:135 -#, fuzzy, kde-format -#| msgid "Monitor" -msgid "Monitor %1" -msgstr "Monitor" - -#: src/monitor/recmanager.cpp:80 -msgid "Webcam" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_3) -#: src/monitor/recmanager.cpp:81 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:427 -msgid "Screen Grab" -msgstr "Uhvati ekran" - -#: src/monitor/recmanager.cpp:86 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Configure" -msgid "Configure Recording" -msgstr "Podesi" - -#: src/monitor/recmanager.cpp:89 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Record Monitor" -msgid "Show Record Control" -msgstr "Monitor snimanja" - -#: src/monitor/recmanager.cpp:198 src/monitor/recmanager.cpp:279 -#: src/monitor/recmanager.cpp:284 src/monitor/recmanager.cpp:390 -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:879 src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:886 -msgid "Capture crashed, please check your parameters" -msgstr "Hvatanje je puklo, provjerite parametre" - -#: src/monitor/recmanager.cpp:265 src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:753 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Failed to start the capture application:\n" -"%1" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:73 src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:862 -msgid "Connect" -msgstr "Spoji" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:82 src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:249 -#: src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:262 src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:271 -msgid "Stop" -msgstr "Stop" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:94 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Add Captured File to Project" -msgstr "dodaj isječak projektu" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:102 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Decoding threads" -msgid "Recording Preview" -msgstr "Niti dekodiranja" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:110 src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:245 -msgid "Configure" -msgstr "Podesi" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:202 -msgid "" -"You need to disconnect and reconnect in the capture monitor to apply your " -"changes" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:202 src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:203 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Capturing" -msgstr "Hvatanje" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:203 -msgid "You need to stop capture before your changes can be applied" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:256 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "" -#| "Recordmydesktop utility not found,\n" -#| " please install it for screen grabs" -msgid "" -"ffmpeg or avconv not found,\n" -" please install it for screen grabs" -msgstr "" -"Recordmydesktop alat nije pronađen,\n" -" instalirajte ga za hvatanje ekrana" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:262 -msgid "" -"Your FFmpeg / Libav installation\n" -" does not support screen grab" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:265 src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:888 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Press record button\n" -"to start screen capture\n" -"Files will be saved in:\n" -"%1" -msgstr "" -"Pritisni Rec. tipku\n" -"za hvatanje ekrana\n" -"Datoteke će biti spremljene u:\n" -"%1" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:283 -#, fuzzy, kde-format -#| msgid "" -#| "Plug your camcorder and\n" -#| "press connect button\n" -#| "to initialize connection\n" -#| "Files will be saved in:\n" -#| "%1" -msgid "" -"Plug your camcorder and\n" -"press play button\n" -"to start preview.\n" -"Files will be saved in:\n" -"%1" -msgstr "" -"Spojite svoj kamkoder i\n" -"pritisnite tipku za spajanje\n" -"kako bi inicirali spajanje\n" -"Datoteke će biti spremljene u:\n" -"%1" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:296 -msgid "" -"dvgrab utility not found,\n" -" please install it for firewire capture" -msgstr "" -"dvgrab alat nije pronađen,\n" -"instalirajte ga za hvatanje s firewire-a" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:320 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Plug your camcorder and\n" -"press connect button\n" -"to initialize connection\n" -"Files will be saved in:\n" -"%1" -msgstr "" -"Spojite svoj kamkoder i\n" -"pritisnite tipku za spajanje\n" -"kako bi inicirali spajanje\n" -"Datoteke će biti spremljene u:\n" -"%1" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:355 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Cannot read from device %1\n" -"Please check drivers and access rights." -msgstr "" -"Ne mogu čitati sa uređaja %1\n" -"Provjerite pogonitelje i pristupna prava." - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:358 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Press play or record button\n" -"to start video capture\n" -"Files will be saved in:\n" -"%1" -msgstr "" -"Pritisni Play ili Rec tipku\n" -"za hvatanje videa\n" -"Datoteke će biti spremljene u:\n" -"%1" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:370 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Disconnect" -msgstr "Prekini vezu" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:423 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Capture folder" -msgid "Capture stopped" -msgstr "Mapa za hvatanje" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:523 -msgid "" -"Failed to start Video4Linux,\n" -"check your parameters..." -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:539 src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:701 -msgid "" -"Failed to start Decklink,\n" -"check your parameters..." -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:677 -msgid "" -"Failed to start ffmpeg capture,\n" -"check your parameters..." -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:695 -#, fuzzy, kde-format -msgid "Capturing to %1" -msgstr "Hvatanje" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:702 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Required for screen capture" -msgid "Failed to start capture" -msgstr "Potrebno za hvatanje ekrana" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:766 -msgid "Initialising..." -msgstr "Inicijalizacija..." - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:782 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Show All" -msgid "Show log" -msgstr "Prikaži sve" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, video_frame) -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:882 src/ui/recmonitor_ui.ui:35 -msgid "Not connected" -msgstr "Nije spojen" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:971 -#, fuzzy, kde-format -msgid "Free space: %1" -msgstr "Ukloni prazninu" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:1014 -#, fuzzy, kde-format -msgid "%1 dropped frames" -msgstr "Vrijeme otpuštanja (s)" - -#: src/monitor/smallruler.cpp:201 src/timeline/customruler.cpp:233 -#: src/timeline/customruler.cpp:234 -#, fuzzy, kde-format -msgid "Zone start: %1" -msgstr "Izreži od početka: %1s" - -#: src/monitor/smallruler.cpp:205 src/timeline/customruler.cpp:237 -#: src/timeline/customruler.cpp:238 -#, fuzzy, kde-format -msgid "Zone end: %1" -msgstr "Pronađeno: %1" - -#: src/monitor/smallruler.cpp:236 src/timeline/customruler.cpp:241 -#: src/timeline/customruler.cpp:242 -#, fuzzy, kde-format -msgid "Zone duration: %1" -msgstr "Duljina isječka: %1s" - -#: src/monitor/smallruler.cpp:238 src/timeline/customruler.cpp:245 -#: src/timeline/customruler.cpp:246 -#, fuzzy, kde-format -msgid "Position: %1" -msgstr "Pozicija" - -#: src/project/clipmanager.cpp:220 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Delete subclip" -msgid_plural "Delete subclips" -msgstr[0] "Obriši isječak" -msgstr[1] "Obriši isječak" - -#: src/project/clipmanager.cpp:223 src/project/projectcommands.cpp:74 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Delete folder" -msgid "Delete folder" -msgid_plural "Delete folders" -msgstr[0] "Obriši mapu" -msgstr[1] "Obriši mapu" -msgstr[2] "Obriši mapu" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:200 -msgid "Libav" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_8) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, kcfg_defaultcapture) -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_2) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, device_selector) -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:204 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:42 -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:181 src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:105 -#: src/ui/recmonitor_ui.ui:139 -msgid "FFmpeg" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_11) -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:246 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:187 -#: src/utils/freesound.cpp:207 -msgid "Channels" -msgstr "Kanali" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:263 -#, kde-format -msgid "Proxy clip: %1 (%2)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:265 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Delete profile" -msgid "Delete proxy" -msgstr "Obriši profil" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:292 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Playlist clip" -msgid "Playlist" -msgstr "Playlista isječak" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:348 src/project/dialogs/slideshowclip.cpp:74 -msgid "Pan, low-pass" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:349 src/project/dialogs/slideshowclip.cpp:75 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Pan and zoom" -msgstr "Panorama i Zum" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:350 src/project/dialogs/slideshowclip.cpp:76 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Pan and zoom, low-pass" -msgstr "Panorama i Zum" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:352 src/project/dialogs/slideshowclip.cpp:78 -msgid "Zoom, low-pass" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:480 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Delete marker" -msgid "Save markers" -msgstr "Obriši oznaku" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:482 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Add marker" -msgid "Load markers" -msgstr "Dodaj oznaku" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:484 -msgid "Delete analysis data" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:486 -msgid "Load analysis data" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:488 -msgid "Save analysis data" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:527 src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:360 -#, kde-format -msgid "(%1 clip)" -msgid_plural "(%1 clips)" -msgstr[0] "" -msgstr[1] "" -msgstr[2] "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, slide_info) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_info) -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:1166 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:319 -#: src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:265 -msgid "No image found" -msgstr "Slika nije pronađena" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:1171 -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:573 -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:586 -#: src/project/dialogs/slideshowclip.cpp:247 -#, fuzzy, kde-format -msgid "1 image found" -msgid_plural "%1 images found" -msgstr[0] "%1 slike postoje" -msgstr[1] "%1 slike postoje" - -#: src/project/clippropertiesmanager.cpp:182 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Edit clips" -msgstr "Uredi isječak" - -#: src/project/clipstabilize.cpp:41 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Title Clip" -msgid "Stabilize Clip" -msgstr "isječak naslova" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, auto_add) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, add_clip) -#: src/project/clipstabilize.cpp:42 src/project/cliptranscode.cpp:47 -#: src/ui/clipstabilize_ui.ui:57 src/ui/cliptranscode_ui.ui:47 -#: src/ui/cutjobdialog_ui.ui:57 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Add clip to project" -msgid_plural "Add clips to project" -msgstr[0] "dodaj isječak projektu" -msgstr[1] "dodaj isječak projektu" - -#: src/project/clipstabilize.cpp:69 src/project/cliptranscode.cpp:63 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Destination folder" -msgstr "Odredište" - -#: src/project/clipstabilize.cpp:159 -msgid "Stabilised" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/clipstabilize.cpp:173 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Stabilize clip" -msgstr "isječak naslova" - -#: src/project/clipstabilize.cpp:232 -msgid "The stabilize job will overwrite the following files:" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/cliptranscode.cpp:43 -msgid "Transcode Clip" -msgstr "Pretvori isječak (trancode)" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, convert_abort) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_abort) -#: src/project/cliptranscode.cpp:168 src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:636 -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:884 src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:94 -#: src/ui/dvdwizardvob_ui.ui:160 -msgid "Abort" -msgstr "Prekini" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, buttonClose) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, buttonClose2) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, buttonClose3) -#: src/project/cliptranscode.cpp:210 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:382 -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:657 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:805 -msgid "Close" -msgstr "Zatvori" - -#: src/project/cliptranscode.cpp:221 src/project/cliptranscode.cpp:239 -msgid "Transcoding finished." -msgstr "Pretvaranje završeno" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:63 -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:302 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Video clip" -msgid "Video clips" -msgstr "Video isječak" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:67 -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:305 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Audio clip" -msgid "Audio clips" -msgstr "Audio isječak" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:71 -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:308 src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:113 -msgid "Image clips" -msgstr "Isječci slika" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:75 -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:311 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Slideshow clip" -msgid "Slideshow clips" -msgstr "Isječak prikaza slajdova" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:79 -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:314 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Text clip" -msgid "Text clips" -msgstr "Tekst isječak" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:83 -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:317 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Playlist clip" -msgid "Playlist clips" -msgstr "Playlista isječak" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:87 -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:320 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Other clips" -msgstr "isječak naslova" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:91 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Luma file" -msgid "Luma files" -msgstr "Luma datoteka" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:167 -#, kde-format -msgid "You have %1 missing clip in your project." -msgid_plural "You have %1 missing clips in your project." -msgstr[0] "" -msgstr[1] "" -msgstr[2] "" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:192 -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:1017 -#, kde-format -msgid "(%1 item)" -msgid_plural "(%1 items)" -msgstr[0] "" -msgstr[1] "" -msgstr[2] "" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:197 -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:1019 -#, kde-format -msgid "%1 file to archive, requires %2" -msgid_plural "%1 files to archive, requires %2" -msgstr[0] "" -msgstr[1] "" -msgstr[2] "" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:198 -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:664 -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:854 -msgid "Archive" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:232 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Extract frame" -msgid "Extract to" -msgstr "Izvuci okvir" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:233 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Render Project" -msgid "Open Archived Project" -msgstr "Stvori projekt" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:235 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Extract frame" -msgid "Extract" -msgstr "Izvuci okvir" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:264 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Opening archive..." -msgstr "Stvaranje završeno u %1" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:267 -#, fuzzy, kde-format -#| msgid "Cannot write to file %1" -msgid "" -"Cannot open archive file:\n" -" %1" -msgstr "Ne mogu pisati u datoteku %1" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:284 -#, fuzzy, kde-format -msgid "" -"File %1\n" -" is not an archived Kdenlive project" -msgstr "Datoteka %1 nije Kdenlive projekt" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:290 -msgid "Ready" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:310 -msgid "Archiving in progress, do you want to stop it?" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:310 -msgid "Stop Archiving" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:493 -#, kde-format -msgid "Available space on drive: %1" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:497 -#, kde-format -msgid "Not enough space on drive, free space: %1" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:518 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Waiting..." -msgid "Archiving..." -msgstr "Čekanje..." - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:546 -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:628 -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:881 -#, fuzzy, kde-format -#| msgid "Cannot write to file %1" -msgid "Cannot create directory %1" -msgstr "Ne mogu pisati u datoteku %1" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:652 -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:847 -msgid "Project was successfully archived." -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:655 -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:851 -msgid "There was an error processing project file" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:661 -#, kde-format -msgid "There was an error while copying the files: %1" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:785 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Cannot write to file %1" -msgid "Cannot create temporary file" -msgstr "Ne mogu pisati u datoteku %1" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:883 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Waiting..." -msgid "Extracting..." -msgstr "Čekanje..." - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:947 -#, fuzzy, kde-format -#| msgid "Cannot write to file %1" -msgid "Cannot open project file %1" -msgstr "Ne mogu pisati u datoteku %1" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:947 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Cannot open file" -msgstr "Pomakni efekt" - -#: src/project/dialogs/backupwidget.cpp:30 -msgid "Restore Backup File" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/dialogs/backupwidget.cpp:34 -msgid "Showing all backup files in folder" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/dialogs/backupwidget.cpp:37 -#, kde-format -msgid "Showing backup files for %1" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/dialogs/noteswidget.cpp:40 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Insert current timecode" -msgstr "osvježi vrjednosti na vremenskoj liniji" - -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:120 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Project Settings" -msgid "Current Settings" -msgstr "Postavke projekta" - -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:139 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Title" -msgstr "Učitaj naslov" - -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:146 -#: src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:189 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Author:" -msgid "Author" -msgstr "Autor:" - -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:153 -msgid "Artist" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:159 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Copyright" -msgstr "Poravnaj desno" - -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:259 -msgid "Deleting proxy clips will disable proxies for this project." -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:410 -msgid "" -"Changing the profile of your project cannot be undone.\n" -"It is recommended to save your project before attempting this operation that " -"might cause some corruption in transitions.\n" -" Are you sure you want to proceed?" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:410 -msgid "Confirm profile change" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:425 -#, kde-format -msgid "Interlaced (%1 fields per second)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:596 -#, fuzzy, kde-format -#| msgid "Project folder" -msgid "Project folder: %1" -msgstr "Projektna mapa" - -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:597 -#, fuzzy, kde-format -msgid "Project profile: %1" -msgstr "Projektna mapa" - -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:598 -#, kde-format -msgid "Total clips: %1 (%2 used in timeline)." -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:650 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Filename" -msgid "field_name" -msgstr "Ime datoteke" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, SlideshowClip_UI) -#: src/project/dialogs/slideshowclip.cpp:47 src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Slideshow Clip" -msgstr "Isječak prikaza slajdova" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:46 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Transcode Clip" -msgid "Transcode clip" -msgstr "Pretvori isječak (trancode)" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:49 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Cut Clip" -msgid "Cut clip" -msgstr "Izreži isječak" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:53 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Analyse clip" -msgstr "Tekst isječak" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:125 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Delete current file" -msgid "Failed to create file." -msgstr "Obriši trenutnu datoteku" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:140 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Change clip type" -msgid "Cannot process this clip type." -msgstr "Promijeni tip isječka" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:202 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Transcode Clip" -msgid "Transcoding clip" -msgstr "Pretvori isječak (trancode)" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:203 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Extracting clip cut" -msgstr "Uredi isječak" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:204 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Missing clips" -msgid "Analysing clip" -msgstr "Nedostajući isječci" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:207 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Waiting - transcode clip" -msgstr "Čekanje..." - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:208 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Waiting - cut clip" -msgstr "Čekanje..." - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:209 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Waiting - analyse clip" -msgstr "Čekanje..." - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:278 -#, kde-format -msgid "Extracting %1 out of %2" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:292 -msgid "You cannot overwrite original clip." -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:293 -#, fuzzy, kde-format -msgid "Overwrite file %1" -msgstr "Stvaranje završeno u %1" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:338 -msgid "The transcoding job will overwrite the following files:" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:344 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Transcode" -msgid "Transcoding" -msgstr "Pretvori" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:432 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Frames" -msgid "I-Frame " -msgstr "Okviri" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:433 -#, fuzzy, c-format -#| msgid "Found: %1" -msgid "Found %count I-Frames" -msgstr "Pronađeno: %1" - -#: src/project/jobs/filterjob.cpp:133 -#, fuzzy, kde-format -#| msgid "Found: %1" -msgid "Found %1 scenes." -msgstr "Pronađeno: %1" - -#: src/project/jobs/filterjob.cpp:146 -msgid "Scene " -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/jobs/filterjob.cpp:174 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Auto Mask" -msgid "Auto split" -msgstr "auto maska" - -#: src/project/jobs/jobmanager.cpp:178 -#, fuzzy, kde-format -#| msgid "Cannot write to file %1" -msgid "Cannot write to path: %1" -msgstr "Ne mogu pisati u datoteku %1" - -#: src/project/jobs/jobmanager.cpp:225 -#, fuzzy, kde-format -#| msgid "Chapter %1" -msgid "Filter %1" -msgstr "Poglavlje %1" - -#: src/project/jobs/jobmanager.cpp:234 -#, fuzzy -msgid "No valid clip to process" -msgstr "Ne mogu naći isječak za izrezati" - -#: src/project/jobs/meltjob.cpp:53 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Move clip" -msgid "Processing clip" -msgstr "Pomakni isječak" - -#: src/project/jobs/meltjob.cpp:63 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Use placeholders for missing clips" -msgid "No producer for this clip." -msgstr "Koristi držače za isječke koji nedostaju" - -#: src/project/jobs/meltjob.cpp:86 -#, kde-format -msgid "Clip zone undefined (%1 - %2)." -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/jobs/meltjob.cpp:157 -#, fuzzy, kde-format -#| msgid "Cannot write to file %1" -msgid "Cannot create consumer %1." -msgstr "Ne mogu pisati u datoteku %1" - -#: src/project/jobs/meltjob.cpp:179 -#, kde-format -msgid "Filter %1 crashed" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/jobs/meltjob.cpp:248 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Waiting to process clip" -msgstr "Čekanje..." - -#: src/project/jobs/proxyclipjob.cpp:38 -msgid "proxy" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/jobs/proxyclipjob.cpp:90 -#, fuzzy, kde-format -#| msgid "Cannot write to file %1" -msgid "Cannot load image %1." -msgstr "Ne mogu pisati u datoteku %1" - -#: src/project/jobs/proxyclipjob.cpp:170 -msgid "Failed to create proxy clip." -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/jobs/proxyclipjob.cpp:245 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Creating iso file" -msgid "Creating proxy" -msgstr "Kreiraj ISO datoteku" - -#: src/project/jobs/proxyclipjob.cpp:248 -msgid "Waiting - proxy" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/jobs/proxyclipjob.cpp:283 src/project/projectlist.cpp:2073 -msgid "Failed to create proxy, empty path." -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/notesplugin.cpp:27 -msgid "Enter your project notes here ..." -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/notesplugin.cpp:28 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Project Notes" -msgstr "Projektna mapa" - -#: src/project/projectcommands.cpp:38 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Add clip cut" -msgstr "Dodaj isječak" - -#: src/project/projectcommands.cpp:72 -msgid "Add folder" -msgstr "Dodaj mapu" - -#: src/project/projectcommands.cpp:107 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Edit clip cut" -msgstr "Uredi isječak" - -#: src/project/projectcommands.cpp:136 -msgid "Rename folder" -msgstr "Preimenuj mapi" - -#: src/project/projectitem.cpp:92 src/project/projectitem.cpp:221 -msgid "Contains proxies" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/projectitem.cpp:186 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Missing" -msgstr "Nedostajući isječci" - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:446 -msgid "No available clip selected" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:982 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Delete Clip Zone" -msgstr "Obriši isječak" - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:995 -#, fuzzy, kde-format -msgid "" -"Delete folder %2?
This will also remove the clip in that folder" -msgid_plural "" -"Delete folder %2?
This will also remove the %1 clips in that " -"folder" -msgstr[0] "" -"Obri¹i mapu %2?
Ovo æe takoðer obrisati i %1 isjeèaka u mapi." -msgstr[1] "" -"Obri¹i mapu %2?
Ovo æe takoðer obrisati i %1 isjeèaka u mapi." - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:1004 -#, fuzzy, kde-format -msgid "Delete clip %2?
This will also remove the clip in timeline" -msgid_plural "" -"Delete clip %2?
This will also remove its %1 clips in timeline" -msgstr[0] "" -"Obri¹i mapu %2?
Ovo æe takoðer obrisati i %1 isjeèaka u mapi." -msgstr[1] "" -"Obri¹i mapu %2?
Ovo æe takoðer obrisati i %1 isjeèaka u mapi." - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:1430 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Clip is missing or invalid. Remove it from project?" -msgstr "Isjeèak %1
nije valjan. uklonjeni iz projekta?" - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:1455 -msgid "Proxy clip unusable (duration is different from original)." -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:1457 -#, kde-format -msgid "Failed to create proxy for %1. check parameters" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:1752 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Cannot find clip to cut" -msgid "Cannot find profile from current clip" -msgstr "Ne mogu naći isječak za izrezati" - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:1769 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Manage Project Profiles" -msgid "Change project profile" -msgstr "Upravljanje projektnim profilima" - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:1773 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Your clip does not match current project's profile.\n" -"Do you want to change the project profile?\n" -"\n" -"The following profiles match the clip (size: %1, fps: %2)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:1791 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Save profile" -msgid "Update profile" -msgstr "Spremi profil" - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:1806 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Your clip does not match current project's profile.\n" -"No existing profile found to match the clip's properties.\n" -"Clip size: %1\n" -"Fps: %2\n" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:2042 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "File not found" -msgid "Sequence not found" -msgstr "Datoteka nije pronađena" - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:2212 -msgid "Update proxy settings" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:2374 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Remove Job" -msgid "Remove Proxy" -msgstr "Ukloni posao" - -#: src/project/projectlistview.cpp:59 -msgid "Rating" -msgstr "Procjena (rating)" - -#: src/project/projectlistview.cpp:105 -msgctxt "@title:menu" -msgid "Columns" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:61 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Open Backup File" -msgstr "Luma datoteka" - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:202 -msgid "Save changes to document?" -msgstr "Spremiti promjene u dokument ?" - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:204 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"The project \"%1\" has been changed.\n" -"Do you want to save your changes?" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:379 -msgid "Auto-saved files exist. Do you want to recover them now?" -msgstr "Postoje automatski spremljene datoteke. Želite li ih sada vratiti?" - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:380 -msgid "File Recovery" -msgstr "Popravak datoteke" - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:381 -msgid "Don't recover" -msgstr "Nemoj oporaviti" - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:436 -#, fuzzy, kde-format -msgid "Opening file %1" -msgstr "Stvaranje završeno u %1" - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:456 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Loading project" -msgstr "Cijeli projekt" - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:458 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Loading playlist" -msgstr "Učitaj projektne isječke" - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:478 src/project/projectmanager.cpp:483 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Loading clips" -msgstr "Učitaj projektne isječke" - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:507 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Cannot open file %1.\n" -"Project is corrupted." -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:527 -msgid "" -"This will delete all changes made since you last saved your project. Are you " -"sure you want to continue?" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:527 -msgid "Revert to last saved version" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:537 -msgid "Kdenlive project (*.kdenlive)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:538 -msgid "Archived project (*.tar.gz)" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, scanning_list) -#: src/project/transitionsettings.cpp:151 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:126 -msgid "Auto" -msgstr "Auto" - -#: src/project/transitionsettings.cpp:162 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:54 -msgid "Black" -msgstr "Crno" - -#: src/renderer.cpp:1181 -msgid "" -"Could not create the video preview window.\n" -"There is something wrong with your Kdenlive install or your driver settings, " -"please fix it." -msgstr "" -"Ne mogu kreirati prozor video preglednika.\n" -"Nešto je pogrešno u Kdenlive instalaciji ili postavkama pogonitelja " -"(driver), molim popravite to." - -#: src/renderer.cpp:1386 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7865 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Save zone" -msgid "Save Zone" -msgstr "Spremi zonu" - -#: src/renderer.cpp:3283 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Remove selected clips" -msgid "Import selected clips" -msgstr "Ukloni odabrane isjeèke" - -#: src/renderer.cpp:3285 -#, fuzzy, kde-format -#| msgid "Add transition to clip" -msgid "" -"Additional streams for clip\n" -" %1" -msgstr "Dodaj prijelaz isječku" - -#: src/renderer.cpp:3294 -#, fuzzy, kde-format -#| msgid "Video track" -msgid "Video stream %1" -msgstr "Video traka" - -#: src/renderer.cpp:3309 -#, fuzzy, kde-format -#| msgid "Audio track" -msgid "Audio stream %1" -msgstr "Audio traka" - -#: src/scopes/abstractscopewidget.cpp:84 -msgid "Auto Refresh" -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/abstractscopewidget.cpp:86 -msgid "Realtime (with precision loss)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:67 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:52 -msgid "Reset maximum frequency to sampling rate" -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:68 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:55 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Tracks" -msgid "Track mouse" -msgstr "Trake" - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:70 -msgid "Show maximum" -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:86 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:74 -msgid "Rectangular window" -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:87 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:75 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Triangular window" -msgstr "Prozor" - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:88 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:76 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Hamming window" -msgstr "Prozor" - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:97 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:79 -msgid "The maximum window size is limited by the number of samples per frame." -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:98 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:80 -msgid "" -"A bigger window improves the accuracy at the cost of computational power." -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:99 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:81 -msgid "" -"The rectangular window function is good for signals with equal signal " -"strength (narrow peak), but creates more smearing. See Window function on " -"Wikipedia." -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:389 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:392 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:394 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:485 -#, kde-format -msgid "%1 dB" -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:412 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:487 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:280 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:289 -#, kde-format -msgid "%1 kHz" -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:53 -msgid "Draw grid" -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:57 -msgid "Highlight peaks" -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:234 -#, fuzzy, kde-format -#| msgid "Frames" -msgid "" -"Frame\n" -"%1" -msgstr "Okviri" - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:305 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:306 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"%1\n" -"dB" -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:31 -msgid "YUV UV plane" -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:32 -msgid "YUV Y plane" -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:33 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:55 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:61 -msgid "Modified YUV (Chroma)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:34 -msgid "YCbCr CbCr plane" -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:35 -msgid "RGB plane, one component varying" -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:36 -msgid "HSV Hue Shift" -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:37 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:254 -#, fuzzy -msgid "HSV Saturation" -msgstr "Trajanje" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:118 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:250 -#, kde-format -msgid "%1°" -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:125 -#, kde-format -msgid "%1 px" -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:218 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Y value" -msgstr "Vrijednost" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:219 -msgid "The Y value describes the brightness of the colors." -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:231 -msgid "UV angle" -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:232 -msgid "Angle through the UV plane, with all possible Y values." -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:240 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:268 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Red" -msgstr "Snimi" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:241 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:269 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:53 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/waveform.cpp:34 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Green" -msgstr "Zelena tinta" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:242 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:270 -msgid "Blue" -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:243 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:271 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Luma" -msgstr "Luma datoteka" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:255 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:262 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Value" -msgid "HSV Value" -msgstr "Vrijednost" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/histogram.cpp:26 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Unscaled" -msgstr "Skaliraj" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/histogram.cpp:29 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/waveform.cpp:37 -msgid "Rec. 601" -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/histogram.cpp:31 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/waveform.cpp:39 -msgid "Rec. 709" -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/histogram.cpp:39 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/waveform.cpp:44 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Luma mode" -msgstr "Luma datoteka" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/histogramgenerator.cpp:178 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "min." -msgid "min" -msgstr "min." - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/histogramgenerator.cpp:181 -#, fuzzy -msgid "max" -msgstr "Mix" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/rgbparade.cpp:27 -msgid "RGB" -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/rgbparade.cpp:28 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/waveform.cpp:33 -msgid "White" -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/rgbparade.cpp:32 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:89 -msgid "Draw axis" -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/rgbparade.cpp:37 -msgid "Gradient reference line" -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/rgbparadegenerator.cpp:167 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/rgbparadegenerator.cpp:169 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/rgbparadegenerator.cpp:171 -msgid "min: " -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/rgbparadegenerator.cpp:175 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/rgbparadegenerator.cpp:177 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/rgbparadegenerator.cpp:179 -msgid "max: " -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:52 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Green 2" -msgstr "Zelena tinta" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:56 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:60 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:102 -msgid "YUV" -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:57 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Original Color" -msgstr "Neutralna boja" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:62 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:100 -msgid "YPbPr" -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:76 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Tool" -msgid "Tools" -msgstr "Alat" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:78 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Export background" -msgstr "Prikaži pozadinu" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:82 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Description" -msgid "Drawing options" -msgstr "Opis" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:84 -msgid "75% box" -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:94 -msgid "Draw I/Q lines" -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:99 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Color Space" -msgstr "Udaljenost boje" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:247 -#, kde-format -msgid "%1 \\%" -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/waveform.cpp:32 -msgid "Yellow" -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/scopemanager.cpp:307 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Waveform" -msgstr "Val" - -#: src/scopes/scopemanager.cpp:309 -msgid "Histogram" -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/scopemanager.cpp:311 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Audio Only" -msgid "Audio Signal" -msgstr "Samo zvuk" - -#: src/scopes/scopemanager.cpp:312 -#, fuzzy -msgid "AudioSpectrum" -msgstr "Dodaj audio efekt" - -#: src/scopes/scopemanager.cpp:313 -msgid "Spectrogram" -msgstr "" - -#: src/statusbarmessagelabel.cpp:51 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Configure" -msgctxt "@action:button" -msgid "Confirm" -msgstr "Podesi" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:162 -msgid "Send frames to color scopes" -msgstr "" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:167 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Mirror" -msgid "Mirror display" -msgstr "Zrcalo" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:174 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Region capture" -msgid "Stop Motion Capture" -msgstr "Hvatanje predjela" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, capture_interval) -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:187 src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:115 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Interval capture" -msgstr "Interlaced" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:205 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Move effect" -msgid "Overlay effect" -msgstr "Pomakni efekt" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:207 -#, fuzzy -msgid "No Effect" -msgstr "efekt" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:211 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Edge detect" -msgstr "QImage modul" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:213 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Brightness" -msgid "Brighten" -msgstr "Svjetlina" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:236 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Show sequence thumbnails" -msgstr "Prikaži audio kratke prikaze" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:241 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Delete current file" -msgid "Delete current frame" -msgstr "Obriši trenutnu datoteku" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:369 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Configure" -msgid "Configure Stop Motion" -msgstr "Podesi" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:371 src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:372 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "seconds" -msgid " second" -msgid_plural " seconds" -msgstr[0] "sekunde" -msgstr[1] "sekunde" -msgstr[2] "sekunde" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:520 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Stop" -msgid "Stopped" -msgstr "Stop" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:560 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Go to previous keyframe" -msgid "No previous frame found" -msgstr "Idi na prethodni ključni okvir (keyframe)" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:632 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Center Frequency" -msgid "Create New Sequence" -msgstr "Centriraj frekvenciju" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:632 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Center Frequency" -msgid "Enter sequence name" -msgstr "Centriraj frekvenciju" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:653 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Frame rate" -msgid "Frame Captured" -msgstr "Frame rate" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:667 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Go to previous keyframe" -msgid "Going to Capture Frame" -msgstr "Idi na prethodni ključni okvir (keyframe)" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:822 -#, fuzzy, kde-format -#| msgid "Delete transition from clip" -msgid "Delete frame %1 from disk?" -msgstr "Obriši prijelaz iz isječka" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:822 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Delete keyframe" -msgid "Delete Frame" -msgstr "Obriši ključni okvir (keyframe)" - -#: src/timecode.cpp:261 -msgid "hour" -msgstr "sat" - -#: src/timecode.cpp:269 -msgid "min." -msgstr "min." - -#: src/timecode.cpp:277 -msgid "sec." -msgstr "sek." - -#: src/timecode.cpp:282 -msgid "frames" -msgstr "okviri" - -#: src/timeline/abstractclipitem.cpp:379 -msgid "seconds" -msgstr "sekunde" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:589 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Crop from start: %1s" -msgid "Crop from start:" -msgstr "Izreži od početka: %1s" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, clip_filesize_2) -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:589 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:602 -#: src/ui/spacerdialog_ui.ui:30 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Duration:" -msgstr "Trajanje" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:589 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:602 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Offset" -msgid "Offset:" -msgstr "Pomak" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:695 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:804 -#, fuzzy -msgid ":" -msgstr "X:" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:696 -#, fuzzy -msgid " Position:" -msgstr "Pozicija" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:697 -#, fuzzy -msgid " Duration:" -msgstr "Trajanje" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:701 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:707 -#, fuzzy -msgid " Selection duration:" -msgstr "Alat odabira" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:703 -#, fuzzy -msgid " Group duration:" -msgstr "Trajanje okvira" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:714 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Crop from start: %1s" -msgid "Crop from start: " -msgstr "Izreži od početka: %1s" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:716 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:722 -msgid "" -"Use Ctrl to resize only current item, otherwise all items in this group will " -"be resized at once." -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:720 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Duration: " -msgstr "Trajanje" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:726 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Frame duration" -msgid "Fade in duration: " -msgstr "Trajanje okvira" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:729 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Fade out duration: " -msgstr "Trajanje okvira" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:732 -msgid "Drag to add or resize a fade effect." -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:736 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Click to add a transition." -msgstr "Ne mogu dodati prijelaz" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:739 -msgid "" -"Move keyframe above or below clip to remove it, double click to add a new " -"one." -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:784 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Cannot use spacer in a locked track" -msgstr "Ne mogu umetnuti isječak na odabrano mjesto" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:792 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Cannot use spacer in a track with a group" -msgstr "Ne mogu isjeći isječak u grupi" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1105 -msgid "Cannot cut a transition" -msgstr "Ne mogu isjeći prijelaz" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1331 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1366 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2668 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2694 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2720 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2743 -msgid "Cannot add transition" -msgstr "Ne mogu dodati prijelaz" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1586 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1594 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Cannot find clip to edit" -msgstr "Ne mogu naći isječak za izrezati" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1588 -msgid "Cannot edit the duration of multiple items" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1599 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Cannot edit an item in a group" -msgstr "Ne mogu isjeći isječak u grupi" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1664 -msgid "Item is locked" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1747 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2897 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Cannot insert clip in timeline" -msgstr "Ne mogu naći isječak za izrezati" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1753 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2866 -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:75 -msgid "Add timeline clip" -msgstr "Dodaj isječak vremenske linije" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1787 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1849 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Clip not ready" -msgstr "Projektno drvo" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1970 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2033 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2050 -msgid "Problem deleting effect" -msgstr "Problem pri brisanju efekta" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1977 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2002 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2017 -msgid "Problem adding effect to clip" -msgstr "Problem pri dodavanju efekata u isječak" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1986 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Cannot add speed effect to track" -msgstr "Problem pri dodavanju efekata u isječak" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2022 -msgid "Cannot find clip to add effect" -msgstr "Ne mogu naći isječak za dodati efekt" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2068 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2160 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2263 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7513 -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:42 src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:282 -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:374 -msgid "effect" -msgstr "efekt" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2069 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2162 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7515 src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:44 -#, kde-format -msgid "Add %1" -msgstr "Dodaj %1" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2171 -msgid "Select a clip if you want to apply an effect" -msgstr "Odaberite isječak ako želite dodati efekt" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2219 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Cannot add an audio effect to this clip" -msgstr "Problem pri dodavanju efekata u isječak" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2228 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Cannot add a video effect to this clip" -msgstr "Problem pri dodavanju efekata u isječak" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2233 -msgid "Effect already present in clip" -msgstr "Efekt je već prisutan u isječku" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2264 src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:46 -#, kde-format -msgid "Delete %1" -msgstr "Obriši %1" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2300 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2315 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2371 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2381 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2402 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5486 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5507 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5530 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5552 -msgid "Problem editing effect" -msgstr "Problem pri uređivanju efekta" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2373 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2404 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Cannot find clip to add effect" -msgid "Cannot find clip to update effect" -msgstr "Ne mogu naći isječak za dodati efekt" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2429 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2450 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2463 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Cannot move effect" -msgstr "Pomakni efekt" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2527 -msgid "Cannot find clip to cut" -msgstr "Ne mogu naći isječak za izrezati" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2600 -msgid "Cannot find clip to uncut" -msgstr "Ne mogu naći isječak za vratiti izrezano" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2604 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4101 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4392 -#, kde-format -msgid "Error removing clip at %1 on track %2" -msgstr "Greška pri uklanjanju isječka na %1 , traka %2" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2629 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5309 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5427 -msgid "Error when resizing clip" -msgstr "Greška pri promjeni veličine isječka" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2728 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6204 -msgid "Invalid transition" -msgstr "Nemoguć prijelaz" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2752 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4435 -msgid "Select clip to delete" -msgstr "Odaberite isječak za brisanje." - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2768 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Cannot update transition" -msgstr "Ne mogu isjeći prijelaz" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:3442 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Cannot remove space in a locked track" -msgstr "Ne mogu pouklonjeni isječak na vremenu %1 i traci %2" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:3448 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:3453 -#, kde-format -msgid "You must be in an empty space to remove space (time: %1, track: %2)" -msgstr "" -"Morate biti u praznom prostoru ako želite ukloniti prazninu (vrijeme: %1, " -"traka: %2)" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:3464 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Cannot remove space in a track with a group" -msgstr "Ne mogu isjeći isječak u grupi" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:3543 -msgid "Cannot insert space in a locked track" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:3556 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Cannot insert space in a track with a group" -msgstr "Ne mogu isjeći isječak u grupi" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:3612 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot move clip at position %1, track %2" -msgstr "Ne mogu pouklonjeni isječak na poziciji %1, traka %2" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:3625 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot move transition at position %1, track %2" -msgstr "Ne mogu pouklonjeni prijelaz na poziciji %1, traka %2" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:3897 src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:484 -msgid "Move clip" -msgstr "Pomakni isječak" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4045 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5002 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot move clip to position %1" -msgstr "Ne mogu pouklonjeni isječak na poziciju %1" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4052 -msgid "Cannot move transition" -msgstr "Ne mogu pouklonjeni prijelaz" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4056 src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:579 -msgid "Move transition" -msgstr "Pomakni prijelaz" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4083 src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:556 -msgid "Move group" -msgstr "Pomakni grupu" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4215 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4242 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6386 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6418 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Resize group" -msgstr "Promjeni veličinu isječka" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4488 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Delete selected group" -msgid_plural "Delete selected groups" -msgstr[0] "Obriši odabrane stavke" -msgstr[1] "Obriši odabrane stavke" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4490 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Delete selected clip" -msgid_plural "Delete selected clips" -msgstr[0] "Obriši odabrane stavke" -msgstr[1] "Obriši odabrane stavke" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4492 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Delete selected transition" -msgid_plural "Delete selected transitions" -msgstr[0] "Obriši odabrane stavke" -msgstr[1] "Obriši odabrane stavke" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4493 -msgid "Delete selected items" -msgstr "Obriši odabrane stavke" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4505 -msgid "Cannot find clip for speed change" -msgstr "Ne mogu naći isječak za promjenu brzine" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4563 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Cut Group" -msgstr "Grupa" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4645 src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:411 -msgid "Group clips" -msgstr "Grupiraj isječke" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4744 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4760 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Cannot insert clip..." -msgstr "Ne mogu naći isječak za izrezati" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4749 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Waiting for clip..." -msgstr "Čekanje..." - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4963 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5192 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot move clip at time: %1 on track %2" -msgstr "Ne mogu pouklonjeni isječak na vremenu %1 i traci %2" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5142 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot move transition at time: %1 on track %2" -msgstr "Ne mogu pouklonjeni prijelaz na vremenu %1 i traci %2" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5236 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5352 -msgid "Not possible to resize" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5248 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Resize clip start" -msgstr "Promjeni veličinu isječka" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5318 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5437 -msgid "Cannot resize transition" -msgstr "Ne mogu rastegnuti prijelaz" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5372 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Resize clip end" -msgstr "Promjeni veličinu isječka" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5430 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Resize transition end" -msgstr "Pomakni prijelaz" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5742 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5810 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5851 -msgid "No guide at cursor time" -msgstr "Nema vodića na mjestu pokazivača" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5762 -#, kde-format -msgid "A guide already exists at position %1" -msgstr "Vodić već postoji na poziciji %1" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5778 -msgid "Guide" -msgstr "vodić" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6068 -msgid "Select a clip before copying" -msgstr "Odaberite isječak prije kopiranja" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6139 -msgid "No clip copied" -msgstr "isječak nije kopiran" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6175 -msgid "Cannot paste selected clips" -msgstr "Ne mogu umetnuti odabrane isječke" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6192 -msgid "Cannot paste clip to selected place" -msgstr "Ne mogu umetnuti isječak na odabrano mjesto" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6206 -msgid "Cannot paste transition to selected place" -msgstr "Ne mogu umetnuti prijelaz na odabrano mjesto" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6217 -msgid "You must copy exactly one clip before pasting effects" -msgstr "Morate kopirati samo jedan isječak prije ubacivanja efekta" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6353 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6377 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6410 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7016 -msgid "You must select one clip for this action" -msgstr "Morate označiti jedan isječak za ovu akciju" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6359 -#, fuzzy -msgid "You must select a playlist clip for this action" -msgstr "Morate označiti jedan isječak za ovu akciju" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6517 src/ui/addtrack_ui.ui:67 -msgid "Insert track" -msgstr "Umetni traku" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6518 -#, fuzzy, kde-format -#| msgid "Video" -msgid "Video %1" -msgstr "Video" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6519 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Insert New Track" -msgstr "Umetni traku" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6552 src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:108 -msgid "Delete track" -msgstr "Obriši traku" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6667 -msgid "You must select one transition for this action" -msgstr "Morate odabrati jedan prijelaz za ovu akciju" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6754 -#, fuzzy -msgid "You must select at least one clip for this action" -msgstr "Morate označiti jedan isječak za ovu akciju" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6759 src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:718 -msgid "Split audio" -msgstr "Podijeli zvuk" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6765 -msgid "Cannot split audio of grouped clips" -msgstr "Ne mogu razdvojiti zvuk grupiranih isječaka" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6779 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "No clip copied" -msgid "No clip to split" -msgstr "isječak nije kopiran" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6788 -#, fuzzy -msgid "You must select exactly one clip for the audio reference." -msgstr "Morate označiti jedan isječak za ovu akciju" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6809 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6858 -msgid "Processing audio, please wait." -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6813 -msgid "Reference for audio alignment must contain audio data." -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6829 -msgid "Audio alignment reference not yet set." -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6866 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Cannot find clip to align." -msgstr "Ne mogu naći isječak za izrezati" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6881 -msgid "Unable to move clip out of timeline." -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6896 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Cannot move clip to position %1" -msgid "Unable to move clip due to collision." -msgstr "Ne mogu pouklonjeni isječak na poziciju %1" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6899 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Clip aligned." -msgstr "Poravnaj lijevo" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6900 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Auto-align clip" -msgstr "Učitaj projektne isječke" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6932 -msgid "No empty space to put clip audio" -msgstr "Nema slobodnog prostora za postaviti zvukovni isječak" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6944 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6981 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7057 -#, fuzzy, kde-format -msgid "Cannot update clip (time: %1, track: %2)" -msgstr "Ne mogu pouklonjeni isječak na vremenu %1 i traci %2" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7009 -msgid "Video only" -msgstr "Samo video" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7026 -msgid "Cannot change grouped clips" -msgstr "Ne mogu promijeniti grupirane isječke" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7045 -#, fuzzy, kde-format -msgid "Cannot find clip to edit (time: %1, track: %2)" -msgstr "Ne mogu pouklonjeni isječak na vremenu %1 i traci %2" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7358 -#, fuzzy -msgid "error" -msgstr "Zrcalo" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7358 -msgid "TRACTOR" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7371 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Insert clip" -msgstr "Tekst isječak" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7521 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7529 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Effect already present in clip" -msgid "Effect already present in track" -msgstr "Efekt je već prisutan u isječku" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7641 -#, fuzzy, kde-format -#| msgid "Cannot find clip to add effect" -msgid "Cannot find clip for effect update %1." -msgstr "Ne mogu naći isječak za dodati efekt" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7668 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "You must select one clip for this action" -msgid "You need to select one clip and one transition" -msgstr "Morate označiti jedan isječak za ovu akciju" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7686 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "No clip copied" -msgid "No clip found" -msgstr "isječak nije kopiran" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7694 -msgid "No keyframe data found in clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/headertrack.cpp:66 src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:461 -msgid "Lock track" -msgstr "Zaključaj traku" - -#: src/timeline/headertrack.cpp:66 src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:463 -msgid "Unlock track" -msgstr "Otključaj traku" - -#: src/timeline/headertrack.cpp:72 -msgid "Disable audio" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/headertrack.cpp:72 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Split audio" -msgid "Enable audio" -msgstr "Podijeli zvuk" - -#: src/timeline/headertrack.cpp:82 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Delete effect" -msgid "Disable video" -msgstr "Obriši efekt" - -#: src/timeline/headertrack.cpp:82 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Save effect" -msgid "Enable video" -msgstr "Spremi efekt" - -#: src/timeline/headertrack.cpp:89 -msgid "Opaque" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/spacerdialog.cpp:52 -msgid "All tracks" -msgstr "Sve trake" - -#: src/timeline/timeline.cpp:89 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Smaller tracks" -msgstr "Sve trake" - -#: src/timeline/timeline.cpp:96 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Bigger tracks" -msgstr "Video trake" - -#: src/timeline/timeline.cpp:359 src/timeline/timeline.cpp:363 -#, kde-format -msgid "Transition %1 had an invalid track: %2 > %3" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/timeline.cpp:372 -#, kde-format -msgid "Removed invalid transition: %1" -msgstr "Izbačen neispravan prijelaz: %1" - -#: src/timeline/timeline.cpp:469 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Your project file was upgraded to the latest Kdenlive document version.\n" -"To make sure you don't lose data, a backup copy called %1 was created." -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/timeline.cpp:471 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Your project file was modified by Kdenlive.\n" -"To make sure you don't lose data, a backup copy called %1 was created." -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/timeline.cpp:477 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Your project file was upgraded to the latest Kdenlive document version, but " -"it was not possible to create the backup copy %1." -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/timeline.cpp:868 -#, kde-format -msgid "Invalid clip removed from track %1 at %2\n" -msgstr "Nemoguće izbacivanje isječka na traci %1 pri %2\n" - -#: src/timeline/timeline.cpp:946 -#, kde-format -msgid "Effect %1:%2 not found in MLT, it was removed from this project\n" -msgstr "Efekt %1:%2 nije pronađen u MLT, bit će uklonjen iz projekta\n" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:76 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Delete timeline clip" -msgstr "Obriši vremenski isječak" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:106 -msgid "Add track" -msgstr "Dodaj traku" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:137 -msgid "Delete transition from clip" -msgstr "Obriši prijelaz iz isječka" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:139 -msgid "Add transition to clip" -msgstr "Dodaj prijelaz isječku" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:175 -msgid "Change clip type" -msgstr "Promijeni tip isječka" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:199 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Delete effect" -msgid "Disable effect" -msgid_plural "Disable effects" -msgstr[0] "Obriši efekt" -msgstr[1] "Obriši efekt" -msgstr[2] "Obriši efekt" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:201 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Save effect" -msgid "Enable effect" -msgid_plural "Enable effects" -msgstr[0] "Spremi efekt" -msgstr[1] "Spremi efekt" -msgstr[2] "Spremi efekt" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:228 -msgid "Adjust clip length" -msgstr "Podesi duljinu isječka" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:283 -#, kde-format -msgid "Edit effect %1" -msgstr "Uredi efekt %1" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:337 -msgid "Add guide" -msgstr "Dodaj vodić" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:341 -msgid "Edit guide" -msgstr "Uredi vodić" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:343 -msgid "Delete guide" -msgstr "Obriši vodić" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:345 -msgid "Move guide" -msgstr "Pomakni vodić" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:375 -#, kde-format -msgid "Edit transition %1" -msgstr "Uredi prijelaz %1" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:413 -msgid "Ungroup clips" -msgstr "Odgrupiraj isječke" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:436 -msgid "Insert space" -msgstr "Umetni prazninu" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:438 -msgid "Remove space" -msgstr "Ukloni prazninu" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:523 -msgid "Move effect" -msgstr "Pomakni efekt" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:607 -msgid "Razor clip" -msgstr "Razdvoji isječak" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:653 -msgid "Rebuild Group" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:695 -msgid "Resize clip" -msgstr "Promjeni veličinu isječka" - -#: src/timeline/timelinesearch.cpp:27 -msgid "Find" -msgstr "Pronađi" - -#: src/timeline/timelinesearch.cpp:29 -msgid "Find Next" -msgstr "Pronađi slijedeće" - -#: src/timeline/timelinesearch.cpp:38 -msgid "Starting -- find text as you type" -msgstr "Pokretanje -- pronađi tekst kako tipkaš" - -#: src/timeline/timelinesearch.cpp:46 -msgid "Find stopped" -msgstr "Pretraga zaustavljena" - -#: src/timeline/timelinesearch.cpp:56 src/timeline/timelinesearch.cpp:67 -#, kde-format -msgid "Found: %1" -msgstr "Pronađeno: %1" - -#: src/timeline/timelinesearch.cpp:58 -msgid "Reached end of project" -msgstr "Dosegnut je kraj projekta" - -#: src/timeline/timelinesearch.cpp:70 -#, kde-format -msgid "Not found: %1" -msgstr "Nije pronađeno : %1" - -#: src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:74 -msgid "Hidden" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:74 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Muted" -msgstr "Gluho" - -#: src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:74 -msgid "Locked" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:90 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Add Track" -msgstr "Dodaj traku" - -#: src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:98 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Move Track upwards" -msgstr "Ukloni traku" - -#: src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:102 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Move Track downwards" -msgstr "Pomakni efekt dolje" - -#: src/titler/titledocument.cpp:331 -msgid "This title clip was created with a different frame size." -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/titledocument.cpp:331 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Title Profile" -msgstr "Uredi profil" - -#: src/titler/titledocument.cpp:380 -msgid "" -"Some of your text clips were saved with size in points, which means " -"different sizes on different displays. They will be converted to pixel size, " -"making them portable, but you could have to adjust their size." -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/titledocument.cpp:380 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Text Clips Updated" -msgstr "Uredi brzinu isječka" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:93 -msgid "Outline width" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:99 -msgid "Background color opacity" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:105 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Rotation around the X axis" -msgstr "Rotiraj i smikni" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:111 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Rotation around the Y axis" -msgstr "Rotiraj i smikni" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:117 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Rotation around the Z axis" -msgstr "Rotiraj i smikni" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:123 -msgid "Border width" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:156 -msgid "Typewriter" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:215 -#, fuzzy -msgctxt "Font style" -msgid "Light" -msgstr "Desno" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:216 -#, fuzzy -msgctxt "Font style" -msgid "Normal" -msgstr "Normaliziraj" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:217 -msgctxt "Font style" -msgid "Demi-Bold" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:218 -msgctxt "Font style" -msgid "Bold" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:219 -#, fuzzy -msgctxt "Font style" -msgid "Black" -msgstr "Crno" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:220 -msgid "Font weight" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:242 -msgid "No alignment" -msgstr "Bez poravnanja" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:245 -msgid "Align center" -msgstr "Poravnaj po centru" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:249 -msgid "Insert Unicode character" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:255 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Raise object" -msgstr "Spremi projekt" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:261 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Lower object" -msgstr "Projekt" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:269 -msgid "Raise object to top" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:276 -msgid "Lower object to bottom" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:320 -msgid "Invert x axis and change 0 point" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:321 -msgid "Invert y axis and change 0 point" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:322 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Select fill color" -msgstr "Boja ispune" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:323 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Select border color" -msgstr "Boja okvira" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:325 -msgid "Original size (1:1)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:326 -msgid "Fit zoom" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:327 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Select background color" -msgstr "Prikaži pozadinu" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:328 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Background opacity" -msgstr "Pozadina" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:329 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Select all" -msgstr "Alat odabira" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:330 -msgid "Select text items in current selection" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:331 -msgid "Select rect items in current selection" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:332 -msgid "Select image items in current selection" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:333 -msgid "Unselect all" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:362 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:365 -msgid "Selection Tool" -msgstr "Alat odabira" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:368 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:371 -msgid "Add Text" -msgstr "Dodaj tekst" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:374 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:377 -msgid "Add Rectangle" -msgstr "Dodaj pravokutnik" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:380 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:383 -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:670 -msgid "Add Image" -msgstr "Dodaj sliku" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:388 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:391 -msgid "Open Document" -msgstr "Otvori dokument" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:394 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:397 -msgid "Save As" -msgstr "Spremi kao" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:566 -msgid "" -"Do you really want to load a new template? Changes in this title will be " -"lost!" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:658 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Add Image" -msgid "All Images" -msgstr "Dodaj sliku" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:660 -#, fuzzy, kde-format -#| msgid "Image" -msgid "%1 Image" -msgstr "Slika" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:1346 -msgid "\\u2212X" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, origin_x_left) -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:1348 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:63 -#, fuzzy -msgid "+X" -msgstr "X" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:1371 -msgid "\\u2212Y" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, origin_y_top) -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:1373 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:86 -#, fuzzy -msgid "+Y" -msgstr "Y" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:1713 -msgid "Load Title" -msgstr "Učitaj naslov" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:1713 -msgid "Kdenlive title (*.kdenlivetitle)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:1761 -msgid "" -"Do you want to embed Images into this TitleDocument?\n" -"This is most needed for sharing Titles." -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:2039 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Start" -msgctxt "Indicates the start of an animation" -msgid "Start" -msgstr "Početak" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:2040 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "End" -msgctxt "Indicates the end of an animation" -msgid "End" -msgstr "Kraj" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:30 -msgid "Details" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:85 -msgid "" -"Information about unicode characters: http://decodeunicode.org" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:86 -msgid "Previous Unicode character (Arrow Up)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:87 -msgid "Next Unicode character (Arrow Down)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:88 -msgid "Enter your Unicode number here. Allowed characters: [0-9] and [a-f]." -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:148 -msgid "(no character selected)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:154 -msgid "" -"Control character. Cannot be inserted/printed. See Wikipedia:Control_character" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:156 -msgid "Line Feed (newline character, \\\\n)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:158 -msgid "" -"Standard space character. (Other space characters: U+00a0, U" -"+2000–200b, U+202f)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:160 -msgid "No-break space. &nbsp; in HTML. See U+2009 and U+0020." -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:162 -msgid "" -"

« (u+00ab, &lfquo; in HTML) and " -"» (u+00bb, &rfquo; in HTML) are " -"called Guillemets or angle quotes. Usage in different countries: France " -"(with non-breaking Space 0x00a0), Switzerland, Germany, Finland and Sweden.

and (U+2039/203a, " -"&lsaquo;/&rsaquo;) are their single quote equivalents.

See Wikipedia:" -"Guillemets

" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:164 -msgid "En Space (width of an n)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:166 -msgid "Em Space (width of an m)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:168 -msgid "Three-Per-Em Space. Width: 1/3 of one em" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:170 -msgid "Four-Per-Em Space. Width: 1/4 of one em" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:172 -msgid "Six-Per-Em Space. Width: 1/6 of one em" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:174 -msgid "" -"Figure space (non-breaking). Width of a digit if digits have fixed width in " -"this font." -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:176 -msgid "" -"Punctuation Space. Width the same as between a punctuation character and the " -"next character." -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:178 -msgid "" -"Thin space, in HTML also &thinsp;. See U+202f and Wikipedia:Space_(punctuation)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:180 -msgid "Hair Space. Thinner than U+2009." -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:182 -msgid "" -"Punctuation Apostrophe. Should be used instead of U+0027. See Wikipedia:Apostrophe" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:184 -msgid "" -"

An en Dash (dash of the width of an n).

Usage examples: In English " -"language for value ranges (1878–1903), for relationships/connections " -"(Zurich–Dublin). In the German language it is also used (with " -"spaces!) for showing thoughts: “Es war – wie immer in den " -"Ferien – ein regnerischer Tag.

See Wikipedia:Dash

" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:186 -msgid "" -"

An em Dash (dash of the width of an m).

Usage examples: In English " -"language to mark—like here—thoughts. Traditionally without " -"spaces.

See Wikipedia:" -"Dash

" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:188 -msgid "" -"

Narrow no-break space. Has the same width as U+2009.

Usage: For " -"units (spaces are marked with U+2423, ␣): 230␣V, " -"−21␣°C, 50␣lb, but 90° (no space). In " -"German for abbreviations (like: i. d. R. instead of i. d." -" R. with U+00a0).

See Wikipedia:de:Schmales_Leerzeichen

" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:190 -msgid "" -"Ellipsis: If text has been left o… See Wikipedia:Ellipsis" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:192 -msgid "Minus sign. For numbers: −42" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:194 -msgid "Open box; stands for a space." -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:196 -msgid "" -"Quarter note (Am.) or crochet (Brit.). See Wikipedia:Quarter_note" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:198 -msgid "" -"Eighth note (Am.) or quaver (Brit.). Half as long as a quarter note (U" -"+2669). See Wikipedia:" -"Eighth_note" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:200 -msgid "" -"Sixteenth note (Am.) or semiquaver (Brit.). Half as long as an eighth note (U" -"+266a). See Wikipedia:Sixteenth_note" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:202 -msgid "" -"Thirty-second note (Am.) or demisemiquaver (Brit.). Half as long as a " -"sixteenth note (U+266b). See Wikipedia:Thirty-second_note" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:204 -msgid "No additional information available for this character." -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, before_select) -#: src/ui/addtrack_ui.ui:34 -msgid "Above" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, before_select) -#: src/ui/addtrack_ui.ui:39 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Render" -msgid "Under" -msgstr "Stvori (Render)" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, video_track) -#: src/ui/addtrack_ui.ui:57 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Video track" -msgid "Video &track" -msgstr "Video traka" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, audio_track) -#: src/ui/addtrack_ui.ui:74 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Audio track" -msgid "A&udio track" -msgstr "Audio traka" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, name_label) -#: src/ui/addtrack_ui.ui:81 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Tracks" -msgid "Track name" -msgstr "Trake" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/archivewidget_ui.ui:29 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Add folder" -msgid "Archive folder" -msgstr "Dodaj mapu" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, compressed_archive) -#: src/ui/archivewidget_ui.ui:46 -msgid "Compressed archive" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, proxy_only) -#: src/ui/archivewidget_ui.ui:53 -msgid "Archive only proxy clips when available" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, labelFFTSize) -#: src/ui/audiospectrum_ui.ui:52 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Frame size:" -msgid "True FFT size: " -msgstr "Veličina okvira:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, buttonLinkHandles) -#: src/ui/bezierspline_ui.ui:89 -msgid "Link the handles' position.
Results in a natural spline." -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, marker_save) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, marker_load) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, analysis_delete) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, analysis_save) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, analysis_load) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, arrowUp) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, arrowDown) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, config_button) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonleft) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonhcenter) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonright) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttontop) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonvcenter) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonbottom) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonDirectUpdate) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonZoomOriginal) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonZoomFit) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonAddDelete) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonPrevious) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonNext) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, toolBtnReload) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonUp) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonDown) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonAdd) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonDelete) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonReset) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, zoom_button) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, unzoom_button) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonResetKeyframe) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonSeek) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, reload_blackmagic) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonLinkHandles) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonShowPixmap) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonZoomIn) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonZoomOut) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonGridChange) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonResetSpline) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonShowAllHandles) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, v4l_showprofileinfo) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, v4l_manageprofile) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, grab_manageprofile) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, grab_showprofileinfo) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, decklink_manageprofile) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, decklink_showprofileinfo) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, button_up) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, button_down) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, button_transcode) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, proxy_showprofileinfo) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, add_metadata) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, delete_metadata) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, effectsAll) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, effectsVideo) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, effectsAudio) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, effectsGPU) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, effectsCustom) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, proxy_manageprofile) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, button_add) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, button_edit) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, button_delete) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, button_download) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, button_more) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonLeftRight) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonUpDown) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonShowInTimeline) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonNewPoints) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonHelp) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonFavorite) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, rescale_keep) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, hide_log) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, collapseButton) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, enabledButton) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, menuButton) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonDel) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, rec_options) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonItalic) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonUnder) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonAlignNone) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonAlignLeft) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonInsertUnicode) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonAlignCenter) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonAlignRight) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, itemleft) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, itemhcenter) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, itemright) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, itemtop) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, itemvcenter) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, itembottom) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, live_button) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, capture_button) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, capture_interval) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, overlay_button) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, preview_button) -#: src/ui/bezierspline_ui.ui:92 src/ui/bezierspline_ui.ui:130 -#: src/ui/bezierspline_ui.ui:146 src/ui/bezierspline_ui.ui:156 -#: src/ui/bezierspline_ui.ui:169 src/ui/bezierspline_ui.ui:195 -#: src/ui/bezierspline_ui.ui:208 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:490 -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:500 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:587 -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:597 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:607 -#: src/ui/collapsiblewidget_ui.ui:86 src/ui/collapsiblewidget_ui.ui:118 -#: src/ui/collapsiblewidget_ui.ui:137 src/ui/collapsiblewidget_ui.ui:156 -#: src/ui/collapsiblewidget_ui.ui:172 src/ui/collapsiblewidget_ui.ui:188 -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:211 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:396 -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:433 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:616 -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:742 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:749 -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:78 src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:220 -#: src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:230 src/ui/configsdl_ui.ui:154 -#: src/ui/cutjobdialog_ui.ui:32 src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:262 -#: src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:269 src/ui/dvdwizardvob_ui.ui:29 -#: src/ui/dvdwizardvob_ui.ui:49 src/ui/dvdwizardvob_ui.ui:100 -#: src/ui/effectlist_ui.ui:22 src/ui/effectlist_ui.ui:41 -#: src/ui/effectlist_ui.ui:57 src/ui/effectlist_ui.ui:73 -#: src/ui/effectlist_ui.ui:89 src/ui/freesound_ui.ui:39 -#: src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:249 src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:256 -#: src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:263 src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:270 -#: src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:277 src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:284 -#: src/ui/geometrywidget_ui.ui:70 src/ui/geometrywidget_ui.ui:83 -#: src/ui/geometrywidget_ui.ui:93 src/ui/keyframeeditor_ui.ui:91 -#: src/ui/keyframeeditor_ui.ui:101 src/ui/keyframewidget_ui.ui:46 -#: src/ui/keyframewidget_ui.ui:59 src/ui/keyframewidget_ui.ui:72 -#: src/ui/keyframewidget_ui.ui:85 src/ui/keyframewidget_ui.ui:124 -#: src/ui/manageencodingprofile_ui.ui:44 src/ui/manageencodingprofile_ui.ui:51 -#: src/ui/manageencodingprofile_ui.ui:58 src/ui/manageencodingprofile_ui.ui:68 -#: src/ui/monitoreditwidget_ui.ui:53 src/ui/monitoreditwidget_ui.ui:66 -#: src/ui/monitoreditwidget_ui.ui:76 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:335 -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:386 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:393 -#: src/ui/recmonitor_ui.ui:72 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:407 -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:592 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:717 -#: src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:76 src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:92 -#: src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:108 src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:118 -#: src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:128 src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:141 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:364 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:384 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:401 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:417 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:440 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:447 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:460 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:801 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:808 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:815 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:822 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:829 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:836 src/ui/tracksconfigdialog_ui.ui:61 -#: src/ui/tracksconfigdialog_ui.ui:68 src/ui/tracksconfigdialog_ui.ui:75 -#: src/ui/tracksconfigdialog_ui.ui:82 src/ui/tracksconfigdialog_ui.ui:89 -#: src/ui/unicodewidget_ui.ui:185 src/ui/unicodewidget_ui.ui:210 -msgid "..." -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, buttonShowPixmap) -#: src/ui/bezierspline_ui.ui:127 -msgid "Show background indicating changes caused by modifying the curve." -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, buttonGridChange) -#: src/ui/bezierspline_ui.ui:166 -msgid "" -"Increases the number of lines in the grid.
After 8 lines it will begin " -"from 0 again." -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, buttonResetSpline) -#: src/ui/bezierspline_ui.ui:192 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Reset the selected spline" -msgstr "Obriši odabrane stavke" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, buttonShowAllHandles) -#: src/ui/bezierspline_ui.ui:205 -msgid "Show handles for all points or only for the selected one" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, name) -#: src/ui/boolval_ui.ui:30 src/ui/fontval_ui.ui:23 src/ui/listval_ui.ui:23 -msgid "TextLabel" -msgstr "NaslovTeksta" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, crop_label) -#: src/ui/clipdurationdialog_ui.ui:30 -msgid "Crop start" -msgstr "Izreži početak" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, end_label) -#: src/ui/clipdurationdialog_ui.ui:50 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Crop end" -msgstr "Obreži" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_path) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, treeWidget) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:27 src/ui/missingclips_ui.ui:72 -msgid "Path" -msgstr "Putanja" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_size) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_6) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_5) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:51 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:231 -#: src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:41 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:93 -msgid "Size:" -msgstr "Veličina:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, clip_filesize) -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, groupBox) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:65 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:157 -#: src/utils/freesound.cpp:212 -msgid "File size" -msgstr "Veličina datoteke" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, clip_vproperties) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, clip_aproperties) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, metadata_list) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, analysis_list) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, programList) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:117 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:162 -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:542 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:574 -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:371 src/ui/wizardmltcheck_ui.ui:49 -msgid "1" -msgstr "1" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, clip_vproperties) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, clip_aproperties) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, metadata_list) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, analysis_list) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:122 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:167 -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:547 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:579 -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:376 -msgid "2" -msgstr "2" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_slideshow) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:206 -msgid "Slideshow" -msgstr "Prikaz slajdova" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, slide_type_label) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:212 -msgid "Image type" -msgstr "Tip slike" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, clip_filesize_4) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:222 -msgid "Frame duration" -msgstr "Trajanje okvira" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, slide_loop) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, loop_movie) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, sm_loop) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:255 src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:221 -#: src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:160 src/ui/smconfig_ui.ui:26 -msgid "Loop" -msgstr "Petlja" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, slide_crop) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:339 src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:284 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Center crop" -msgstr "Centar" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_animation) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_6) -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:346 src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:291 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:1121 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Animation" -msgstr "Prijelaz" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_image) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, background_list) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:357 src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:202 -msgid "Image" -msgstr "Slika" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_16) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:365 -msgid "Image size" -msgstr "Veličina slike" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, image_transparency) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:381 -msgid "Transparent background" -msgstr "Prozirna pozadina" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, markers_list) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, clip_filesize_3) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:432 src/ui/markerdialog_ui.ui:56 -msgid "Comment" -msgstr "Komentar" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, marker_new) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonNext) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonUnselectAll) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:440 src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:83 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:700 -msgid "N" -msgstr "N" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, marker_edit) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonEdit) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:450 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:414 -msgid "E" -msgstr "E" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, marker_delete) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonDelete) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, button_delete) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, delete_button) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:460 src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:252 -#: src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:103 src/ui/keyframeeditor_ui.ui:78 -#: src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:279 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:428 -msgid "D" -msgstr "D" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_advanced) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:634 -msgid "Advanced" -msgstr "Napredno" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, clip_force_ar) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:653 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Force pixel aspect ratio" -msgid "Force aspect ratio" -msgstr "Forsiraj pixel omjer" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, clip_force_threads) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:686 -msgid "Decoding threads" -msgstr "Niti dekodiranja" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, clip_force_progressive) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:700 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Force scanning" -msgstr "Trajanje okvira" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, clip_force_framerate) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:727 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Force frame rate" -msgstr "Frame rate" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, clip_force_out) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:734 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Force duration" -msgstr "Trajanje okvira" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, clip_force_colorspace) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:751 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Force colorspace" -msgstr "Udaljenost boje" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, clip_force_fieldorder) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:765 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Force field order" -msgstr "Frame rate" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, clip_force_transparency) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:829 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Show background" -msgid "Image background" -msgstr "Prikaži pozadinu" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, clip_transparency) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:837 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Normal" -msgstr "Normaliziraj" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_dest) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_5) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_6) -#: src/ui/clipstabilize_ui.ui:20 src/ui/cliptranscode_ui.ui:30 -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:45 src/ui/saveprofile_ui.ui:138 -msgid "Destination" -msgstr "Odredište" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_source) -#: src/ui/cliptranscode_ui.ui:20 -msgid "Source" -msgstr "Izvor" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, ffmpeg_label) -#: src/ui/cliptranscode_ui.ui:40 -msgid "FFmpeg parameters" -msgstr "FFmpeg parametri" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_4) -#: src/ui/cliptranscode_ui.ui:54 -msgid "Job status" -msgstr "Status posla" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_start) -#: src/ui/cliptranscode_ui.ui:61 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Start" -msgctxt "@action:button start transcode" -msgid "Start" -msgstr "Početak" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_profile) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: src/ui/cliptranscode_ui.ui:68 src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:29 -#: src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:20 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:74 -msgid "Profile" -msgstr "Profil" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, auto_close) -#: src/ui/cliptranscode_ui.ui:88 -msgid "Close after transcode" -msgstr "Zatvori nakon transkodiranja" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/colorclip_ui.ui:30 -msgid "Clip Color" -msgstr "Boja isječka" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, ColorPlaneExport_UI) -#: src/ui/colorplaneexport_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Export color plane to PNG" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, lblSpace) -#: src/ui/colorplaneexport_ui.ui:20 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Color space" -msgstr "Udaljenost boje" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, lblVariant) -#: src/ui/colorplaneexport_ui.ui:37 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Variant" -msgstr "Varijanca" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QSlider, sliderScaling) -#: src/ui/colorplaneexport_ui.ui:81 -msgid "How much to zoom in" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, lblRes) -#: src/ui/colorplaneexport_ui.ui:101 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Resolution" -msgstr "Video rezolucija" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, lblFilename) -#: src/ui/colorplaneexport_ui.ui:144 -msgid "Filename" -msgstr "Ime datoteke" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:23 -msgid "Default capture device" -msgstr "Zadani uređaj za hvatanje" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, kcfg_defaultcapture) -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, device_selector) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:37 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:70 -#: src/ui/recmonitor_ui.ui:134 -msgid "Firewire" -msgstr "Firewire" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, kcfg_defaultcapture) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, device_selector) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:47 src/ui/recmonitor_ui.ui:144 -msgid "Screen grab" -msgstr "Uhvati ekran" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, kcfg_defaultcapture) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, device_selector) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:52 src/ui/recmonitor_ui.ui:149 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Blackmagic card" -msgstr "Boja ispune" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_9) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:89 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:221 -msgid "Capture format" -msgstr "Format hvatanja" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, kcfg_firewireformat) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:97 -msgid "DV Raw" -msgstr "DV Sirovi (Raw)" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, kcfg_firewireformat) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:102 -msgid "DV AVI type 1" -msgstr "DV AVI tip 1" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, kcfg_firewireformat) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:107 -msgid "DV AVI type 2" -msgstr "DV AVI tip 2" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, button_hdv) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, kcfg_firewireformat) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:112 src/ui/wizardstandard_ui.ui:54 -msgid "HDV" -msgstr "HDV" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_firewireautosplit) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:133 -msgid "Automatically start a new file on scene cut" -msgstr "Automatski započni novu datoteku na rezu scene" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_firewiretimestamp) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:140 -msgid "Add recording time to captured file name" -msgstr "Dodaj vrijeme snimke imenu uhvaćene datoteke" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_5) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_29) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:147 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:696 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Capture file name" -msgstr "Uhvaćene datoteke" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_7) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:157 -msgid "dvgrab additional parameters" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_14) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:197 -msgid "Video device" -msgstr "Video uređaj" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_30) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_27) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:204 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:666 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Default capture device" -msgid "Detected devices" -msgstr "Zadani uređaj za hvatanje" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, p_size) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:238 src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:48 -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:100 -msgid "720x576" -msgstr "720x576" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, p_fps) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:252 src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:62 -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:114 -msgid "25/1" -msgstr "25/1" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, p_aspect) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:273 src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:76 -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:128 -msgid "59/54" -msgstr "59/54" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, p_display) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:287 src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:90 -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:142 -msgid "4/3" -msgstr "4/3" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, config_v4l) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:308 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Edit" -msgstr "Uredi vodić" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_v4l_captureaudio) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:342 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Capture audio" -msgid "Capture audio (ALSA)" -msgstr "Audio hvatanje" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_24) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_screengrab) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_16) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:362 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:632 -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:725 src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:203 -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:305 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Edit profile" -msgid "Encoding profile" -msgstr "Uredi profil" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_v4l_capturevideo) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:389 -msgid "Capture video (Video4Linux2)" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, kcfg_grab_capture_type) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:471 -msgid "Full screen capture" -msgstr "Hvatanje cijelog ekrana" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, kcfg_grab_capture_type) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:476 -msgid "Region capture" -msgstr "Hvatanje predjela" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_grab_follow_mouse) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:495 -msgid "Follow mouse" -msgstr "Prati miša" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_grab_hide_frame) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:502 -msgid "Hide frame" -msgstr "Sakrij okvir" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_19) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_10) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:524 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:951 -msgid "Offset" -msgstr "Pomak" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_grab_hide_mouse) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:652 -msgid "Hide cursor" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_4) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:660 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Black" -msgid "Blackmagic" -msgstr "Crno" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_9) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:42 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Close the current tab" -msgid "Concurrent threads" -msgstr "Zatvori trenutnu karticu" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:69 -msgid "MLT environment" -msgstr "MLT okolina" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_6) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:78 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Decoding threads" -msgid "Processing threads" -msgstr "Niti dekodiranja" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_7) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:91 -msgid "(>1 is experimental)" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:98 -msgid "Melt path" -msgstr "Melt putanja" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:112 -msgid "MLT profiles folder" -msgstr "Mapa MLT profila" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_13) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:135 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Display" -msgid "FFplay" -msgstr "Prikaz" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_14) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:155 -msgid "FFprobe" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_2) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:166 -msgid "Default folders" -msgstr "Zadane mape" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_5) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_4) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:172 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:56 -msgid "Project folder" -msgstr "Projektna mapa" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:182 -msgid "Temporary files" -msgstr "Privremene daoteke" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_10) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:192 -msgid "Capture folder" -msgstr "Mapa za hvatanje" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_capturetoprojectfolder) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:212 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Project folder" -msgid "Use project folder" -msgstr "Projektna mapa" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_3) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:223 -msgid "Default apps" -msgstr "Zadane aplikacije" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_4) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:229 -msgid "Image editing" -msgstr "Uređivanje slike" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, kp_image) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, kp_audio) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, kp_player) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:243 src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:264 -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:285 -msgid "Change" -msgstr "Promijeni" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_11) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:250 -msgid "Audio editing" -msgstr "Audio editiranje" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_12) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:271 -msgid "Video player" -msgstr "Video player" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_enableshuttle) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:23 -msgid "Enable Jog Shuttle device" -msgstr "Omogući Jog Shuttle uređaj" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, shuttledisabled) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:30 -msgid "Jog Shuttle device disabled." -msgstr "Jog Shuttle uređaj je onemogućen." - -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, config_group) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:53 -msgid "Device configuration" -msgstr "Postavke uređaja" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:85 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Button 1" -msgid "Button 1" -msgstr "Gumb 1" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_17) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:98 -msgid "Device" -msgstr "Uređaj" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_16) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:111 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Button 1" -msgid "Button 15" -msgstr "Gumb 1" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_14) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:137 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Button 1" -msgid "Button 13" -msgstr "Gumb 1" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_9) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:150 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Button 1" -msgid "Button 8" -msgstr "Gumb 1" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_7) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:166 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Button 4" -msgid "Button 4" -msgstr "Gumb 4" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:179 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Device" -msgid "Device name" -msgstr "Uređaj" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_5) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:192 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Button 5" -msgid "Button 5" -msgstr "Gumb 5" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_8) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:214 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Button 1" -msgid "Button 7" -msgstr "Gumb 1" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_10) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:243 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Button 1" -msgid "Button 9" -msgstr "Gumb 1" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_4) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:256 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Button 2" -msgid "Button 2" -msgstr "Gumb 2" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_11) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:272 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Button 1" -msgid "Button 10" -msgstr "Gumb 1" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_12) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:285 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Button 1" -msgid "Button 11" -msgstr "Gumb 1" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_6) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:308 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Button 1" -msgid "Button 6" -msgstr "Gumb 1" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_15) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:336 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Button 1" -msgid "Button 14" -msgstr "Gumb 1" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:349 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Button 3" -msgid "Button 3" -msgstr "Gumb 3" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_13) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:362 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Button 1" -msgid "Button 12" -msgstr "Gumb 1" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_usekuiserver) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:23 -msgid "Use KDE job tracking for render jobs" -msgstr "Koristi KDE praćenje poslova za stvaranje poslova" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_checkfirstprojectclip) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:30 -msgid "Check if first added clip matches project profile" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_crashrecovery) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:37 -msgid "Crash recovery (automatic backup)" -msgstr "Oporavak nakon rušenja (automatski backup)" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_automultistreams) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:44 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Automatically import all streams in multi stream clips" -msgstr "Automatski započni novu datoteku na rezu scene" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_disable_effect_parameters) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:51 -msgid "Disable parameters when the effect is disabled" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_bypasscodeccheck) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:58 -msgid "Bypass codec verification" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_autoimagesequence) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:65 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Automatically import image sequences" -msgstr "Automatski započni novu datoteku na rezu scene" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_projectloading_avformatnovalidate) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:72 -msgid "Do not validate the video files when loading a project (faster)" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_on_monitor_effects) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:79 -msgid "Use on-monitor effects" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_use_exiftool) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:86 -msgid "Get clip metadata with exiftool" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_openlastproject) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:93 -msgid "Open last project on startup" -msgstr "Otvori zadnji projekt prilikom pokretanja" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, groupBox) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:100 -msgid "Default Durations" -msgstr "Zadana trajanja" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:106 -msgid "Color clips" -msgstr "Isječci boje" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_8) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:123 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Title clips" -msgstr "isječak naslova" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:130 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Image sequence" -msgstr "Veličina slike" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_autoimagetransparency) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:149 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Transparent background" -msgid "Transparent background for imported images" -msgstr "Prozirna pozadina" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_use_magicLantern) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:169 -msgid "Get clip metadata created by Magic Lantern" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, properties) -#: src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:23 -msgid "Default Profile" -msgstr "Zadani profil" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_9) -#: src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:69 -msgid "Aspect ratio:" -msgstr "Omjer:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_10) -#: src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:83 -msgid "Display ratio:" -msgstr "Prikaz omjera:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_7) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_6) -#: src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:109 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:175 -msgid "Video tracks" -msgstr "Video trake" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_8) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_7) -#: src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:119 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:185 -msgid "Audio tracks" -msgstr "Audio trake" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, generate_proxy) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_generateproxy) -#: src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:154 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:256 -msgid "Generate for videos larger than" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (suffix), widget (QSpinBox, proxy_minsize) -#. i18n: ectx: property (suffix), widget (QSpinBox, proxy_imageminsize) -#. i18n: ectx: property (suffix), widget (QSpinBox, kcfg_proxyminsize) -#. i18n: ectx: property (suffix), widget (QSpinBox, kcfg_proxyimageminsize) -#: src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:161 src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:181 -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:263 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:283 -msgid "pixels" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, generate_imageproxy) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_generateimageproxy) -#: src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:174 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:276 -msgid "Generate for images larger than" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/ui/configsdl_ui.ui:17 -msgid "" -"Warning: changes to the drivers and devices can make Kdenlive unstable. " -"Change only if you know what you do." -msgstr "" -"Upozorenje: Promjene u pogoniteljima i uređajima mogu Kdenlive učiniti " -"nestabilnim. Mijenaj samo ako znaš šta radiš." - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_gpu_accel) -#: src/ui/configsdl_ui.ui:27 -msgid "Use GPU processing (Movit library) - restart Kdenlive to apply" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_4) -#: src/ui/configsdl_ui.ui:34 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Audio tracks" -msgid "Audio backend" -msgstr "Audio trake" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, textLabel1_2) -#: src/ui/configsdl_ui.ui:53 -msgid "Audio driver:" -msgstr "Audio pogonitelj:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, textLabel1) -#: src/ui/configsdl_ui.ui:66 -msgid "Audio device:" -msgstr "Audio uređaj:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: src/ui/configsdl_ui.ui:82 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Preview volume:" -msgstr "Pregled" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/configsdl_ui.ui:102 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Monitor background color:" -msgstr "Boja pozadine monitora (potreban restart)" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_external_display) -#: src/ui/configsdl_ui.ui:127 -msgid "Use external display (Blackmagic card)" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_5) -#: src/ui/configsdl_ui.ui:134 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Output file" -msgid "Output device" -msgstr "Izlazna datoteka" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, groupBox) -#: src/ui/configtimeline_ui.ui:23 -msgid "Thumbnails" -msgstr "Sličice" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_displayallchannels) -#: src/ui/configtimeline_ui.ui:48 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Separate channels" -msgstr "Audio kanali" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_showmarkers) -#: src/ui/configtimeline_ui.ui:73 -msgid "Display clip markers comments" -msgstr "Prikaz komentara oznaka isječka" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_autoscroll) -#: src/ui/configtimeline_ui.ui:80 -msgid "Autoscroll while playing" -msgstr "Auto-pomak za vrijeme izvođenja" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_verticalzoom) -#: src/ui/configtimeline_ui.ui:87 -msgid "Zoom using vertical drag in ruler" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_splitaudio) -#: src/ui/configtimeline_ui.ui:94 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Automatically split audio and video" -msgstr "Automatski započni novu datoteku na rezu scene" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/configtimeline_ui.ui:103 -msgid "Track height" -msgstr "Visina trake" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_add) -#: src/ui/configtranscode_ui.ui:24 -msgid "Add Profile" -msgstr "Dodaj profil" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_update) -#: src/ui/configtranscode_ui.ui:31 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Save Profile" -msgid "Update Profile" -msgstr "Spremi profil" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_delete) -#: src/ui/configtranscode_ui.ui:38 -msgid "Delete Profile" -msgstr "Obriši profil" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_4) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: src/ui/configtranscode_ui.ui:90 src/ui/saveprofile_ui.ui:121 -msgid "Extension" -msgstr "Proširenje" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_4) -#: src/ui/configtranscode_ui.ui:107 -msgid "Parameters" -msgstr "Parametri" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, button_more) -#: src/ui/cutjobdialog_ui.ui:29 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Configure" -msgid "Configure job" -msgstr "Podesi" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_add) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardchapters_ui.ui:39 -msgid "Add chapter" -msgstr "Dodaj poglavlje" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardchapters_ui.ui:46 -msgid "Movie file" -msgstr "Video datoteka" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_delete) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardchapters_ui.ui:66 -msgid "Remove chapter" -msgstr "Ukloni poglavlje" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, create_menu) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:20 -msgid "Create basic menu" -msgstr "Kreiraj osnovni izbornik" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:49 -msgid "Button" -msgstr "Gumb" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_6) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:65 -msgid "Target" -msgstr "Cilj" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, back_to_menu) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:82 -msgid "Back to menu" -msgstr "Povratak na izbornik" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, use_shadow) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:126 -msgid "Shadow" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:138 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Rendering" -msgid "Underline" -msgstr "Stvaranje" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_2) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, lblBackground) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:183 src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:189 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:1076 src/ui/vectorscope_ui.ui:46 -msgid "Background" -msgstr "Pozadina" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonAdd) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, add_button) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, button_add) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonSelectAll) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonAudio) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:232 src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:93 -#: src/ui/keyframeeditor_ui.ui:68 src/ui/timelinebuttons_ui.ui:71 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:723 -msgid "A" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:29 -msgid "Temporary data folder" -msgstr "Privremena mapa za podatke" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:39 -msgid "DVD ISO image" -msgstr "DVD ISO slika" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (QListWidget, job_progress) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:56 -msgid "Creating menu images" -msgstr "Kreiraj slike izbornika" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (QListWidget, job_progress) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:61 -msgid "Creating menu background" -msgstr "Kreiraj pozadinu izbornika" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (QListWidget, job_progress) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:66 -msgid "Creating menu movie" -msgstr "Kreiraj film izbornika" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (QListWidget, job_progress) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:71 -msgid "Creating dvd structure" -msgstr "Kreiraj DVD strukturu" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (QListWidget, job_progress) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:76 -msgid "Creating iso file" -msgstr "Kreiraj ISO datoteku" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_start) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:84 -msgid "Create ISO image" -msgstr "Kreiraj ISO sliku" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_2) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:118 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Log" -msgstr "Niža snaga" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_7) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:124 -msgid "Status" -msgstr "Status" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, button_burn) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:154 -msgid "Burn" -msgstr "Zaprži" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:172 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Menu File" -msgstr "Luma datoteka" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_3) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:186 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Dvdauthor File" -msgstr "Dvdauthor" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, use_intro) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardvob_ui.ui:59 -msgid "Use first movie as intro" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardvob_ui.ui:66 -msgid "DVD format" -msgstr "DVD format" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_delete) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardvob_ui.ui:73 -msgid "Remove file" -msgstr "Ukloni datoteku" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_add) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardvob_ui.ui:130 -msgid "Add movie file" -msgstr "Dodaj video datoteku" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, convert_label) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardvob_ui.ui:146 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Creating iso file" -msgid "Converting files" -msgstr "Kreiraj ISO datoteku" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: src/ui/freesound_ui.ui:22 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Device" -msgid "Service" -msgstr "Uređaj" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, page_prev) -#: src/ui/freesound_ui.ui:67 -msgid "<<" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, page_next) -#: src/ui/freesound_ui.ui:104 -msgid ">>" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_import) -#: src/ui/freesound_ui.ui:137 src/utils/archiveorg.cpp:181 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "import" -msgid "Import" -msgstr "uvoz" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/freesound_ui.ui:177 -msgid "License" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonMenu) -#: src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:63 -msgid "M" -msgstr "M" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonPrevious) -#: src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:73 -msgid "P" -msgstr "p" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_pos) -#: src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:127 -msgid "Pos" -msgstr "Poz." - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_6) -#: src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:198 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Height" -msgstr "Desno" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:219 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Resize:" -msgstr "Promjeni veličinu..." - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, buttonResize) -#: src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:242 -msgid "Original" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QCheckBox, cbY) -#: src/ui/histogram_ui.ui:17 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Luma value" -msgstr "Luma datoteka" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, lblComponents) -#: src/ui/histogram_ui.ui:64 -msgid "Components" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QCheckBox, cbS) -#: src/ui/histogram_ui.ui:71 -msgid "RGB summed up" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, cbS) -#: src/ui/histogram_ui.ui:74 -msgid "Sum" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, ImportKeyframesDialog_UI) -#: src/ui/importkeyframesdialog_ui.ui:14 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Edit Keyframe" -msgid "Import Keyframes" -msgstr "Uredi ključni okvir (keyframe)" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, limit_keyframes) -#: src/ui/importkeyframesdialog_ui.ui:48 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Edit keyframe" -msgid "Limit keyframes number" -msgstr "Uredi ključni okvir (keyframe)" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/importkeyframesdialog_ui.ui:90 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "import" -msgid "Data to import" -msgstr "uvoz" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, KeyFrameDialog_UI) -#: src/ui/keyframedialog_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Edit Keyframe" -msgstr "Uredi ključni okvir (keyframe)" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, clip_filesize_3) -#: src/ui/keyframedialog_ui.ui:27 -msgid "Value" -msgstr "Vrijednost" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, buttonResetKeyframe) -#: src/ui/keyframeeditor_ui.ui:88 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Reset the parameters to their default values" -msgstr "Odaberite zadani video player" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, buttonSeek) -#: src/ui/keyframeeditor_ui.ui:98 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Seek to active keyframe" -msgstr "Obriši ključni okvir (keyframe)" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, buttonKeyframes) -#: src/ui/keyframeeditor_ui.ui:114 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Add keyframe" -msgid "Add keyframes" -msgstr "dodaj ključni okvir" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, buttonLeftRight) -#: src/ui/keyframewidget_ui.ui:43 -msgid "move on X axis" -msgstr "pomak na X osi" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, buttonUpDown) -#: src/ui/keyframewidget_ui.ui:56 -msgid "move on Y axis" -msgstr "pomak na Y osi" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, buttonShowInTimeline) -#: src/ui/keyframewidget_ui.ui:69 -msgid "update values in timeline" -msgstr "osvježi vrjednosti na vremenskoj liniji" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, buttonNewPoints) -#: src/ui/keyframewidget_ui.ui:82 -msgid "create new points" -msgstr "kreiraj nove točke" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, checkBox) -#: src/ui/keyframewidget_ui.ui:105 -msgid "GraphView" -msgstr "Grafikon" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, buttonHelp) -#: src/ui/keyframewidget_ui.ui:121 -msgid "parameter description" -msgstr "opis parametra" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/keywordval_ui.ui:23 src/ui/urlval_ui.ui:26 -msgid "Param" -msgstr "Parametri" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, ManageCaptures_UI) -#: src/ui/managecaptures_ui.ui:13 -msgid "Captured files" -msgstr "Uhvaćene datoteke" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, treeWidget) -#: src/ui/managecaptures_ui.ui:35 -msgid "File name" -msgstr "Ime datoteke" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, deleteButton) -#: src/ui/managecaptures_ui.ui:48 -msgid "Delete current file" -msgstr "Obriši trenutnu datoteku" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, toggleButton) -#: src/ui/managecaptures_ui.ui:55 -msgid "Toggle selection" -msgstr "Zamijeni selekciju" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/manageencodingprofile_ui.ui:20 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Edit profile" -msgid "Editing profiles for" -msgstr "Uredi profil" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_category) -#: src/ui/markerdialog_ui.ui:76 -msgid "Category" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, clip_thumb) -#: src/ui/markerdialog_ui.ui:86 -msgid "Image preview" -msgstr "Pregled slike" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, MissingClips_UI) -#: src/ui/missingclips_ui.ui:14 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Clip Properties" -msgid " Clip Problems" -msgstr "Svojstva isječka" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, removeSelected) -#: src/ui/missingclips_ui.ui:20 -msgid "Remove selected clips" -msgstr "Ukloni odabrane isjeèke" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, usePlaceholders) -#: src/ui/missingclips_ui.ui:37 -msgid "Use placeholders for missing clips" -msgstr "Koristi držače za isječke koji nedostaju" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, recursiveSearch) -#: src/ui/missingclips_ui.ui:80 -msgid "Search recursively" -msgstr "Traži rekurzivno" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, ProfilesDialog_UI) -#: src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Profiles" -msgstr "Profili" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_4) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_7) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_8) -#: src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:106 src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:140 -#: src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:174 -msgid "/" -msgstr "/" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_10) -#: src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:154 -msgid "Display aspect ratio" -msgstr "Omjer prikaza" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_11) -#: src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:208 -msgid "Fields per second" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_default) -#: src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:242 -msgid "Use as default" -msgstr "Koristi kao zadano" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, button_create) -#: src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:259 -msgid "C" -msgstr "C" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, button_save) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonSave) -#: src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:269 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:421 -msgid "S" -msgstr "S" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, properties) -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:66 -msgid "Video Profile" -msgstr "Video profil" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:210 -msgid "Thumbnails:" -msgstr "Sličice:" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_2) -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:416 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Project Files" -msgstr "Projektna mapa" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_12) -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:422 -msgid "Clips used in project:" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_6) -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:443 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Unused clips:" -msgstr "Odgrupiraj isječke" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, delete_unused) -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:464 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Delete files" -msgstr "Obriši profil" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_11) -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:471 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Thumbnails cache:" -msgstr "Sličice:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, clear_cache) -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:492 -msgid "Clear cache" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, delete_proxies) -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:520 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Delete profile" -msgid "Delete proxies" -msgstr "Obriši profil" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_13) -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:527 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Project files" -msgstr "Projektna mapa" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_fonts) -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:561 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Fonts" -msgstr "Pismo" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_export) -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:575 -msgid "Plain text export" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:39 -msgid "Render Project" -msgstr "Stvori projekt" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:52 -msgid "Output file" -msgstr "Izlazna datoteka" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_9) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:112 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Decoding threads" -msgid "Encoder threads" -msgstr "Niti dekodiranja" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, scanning_list) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:131 -msgid "Force Progressive" -msgstr "Forsiraj Progressive" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, scanning_list) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:136 -msgid "Force Interlaced" -msgstr "Forsiraj interlaced" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QLineEdit, vbitrates_list) -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QLineEdit, abitrates_list) -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (KComboBox, comboBitrates) -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (KComboBox, comboAudioBitrates) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:176 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:202 -#: src/ui/saveprofile_ui.ui:33 src/ui/saveprofile_ui.ui:87 -msgid "Best to worst quality" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, checkTwoPass) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:215 -msgid "2 pass" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, rescale) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:222 -msgid "Rescale" -msgstr "Skaliraj" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, export_meta) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:250 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Export audio" -msgid "Export metadata" -msgstr "Izvoz audia" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, tc_overlay) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:276 -msgid "Overlay" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, render_full) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:314 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Full project" -msgid "Fu&ll project" -msgstr "Cijeli projekt" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, render_zone) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:324 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Selected zone" -msgid "Selected &zone" -msgstr "Odaberite zonu" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, render_guide) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:331 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Guide zone" -msgid "&Guide zone" -msgstr "Područje vodića" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, buttonRender) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:355 -msgid "Render to File" -msgstr "Stvaranje u datoteku" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, buttonGenerateScript) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:362 -msgid "Generate Script" -msgstr "Generiraj skriptu" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonInfo) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonSelectImages) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:393 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:680 -msgid "I" -msgstr "I" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, show_all_profiles) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:400 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Save profile" -msgid "Show all profiles" -msgstr "Spremi profil" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, open_browser) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:466 -msgid "Open browser window after export" -msgstr "Otvori prozor preglednika nakon izvoza" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, play_after) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:473 -msgid "Play after render" -msgstr "Reproduciraj nakon stvaranja" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:503 -msgid "to" -msgstr "za" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, create_chapter) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:523 -msgid "Create chapter file based on guides" -msgstr "Kreiraj datoteku poglavlja baziranu na vodièima" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, open_dvd) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:530 -msgid "Open Dvd wizard after rendering" -msgstr "Otvori DVD čarobnjak nakon stvaranja (render)" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, proxy_render) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:537 -msgid "Render using proxy clips" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, stemAudioExport) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:623 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "StartViewport" -msgid "Stem audio export" -msgstr "StartViewport" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_2) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:631 -msgid "Job Queue" -msgstr "Poredak poslova" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_7) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:710 -msgid "Error Log" -msgstr "Izvještaj o greškama" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, clean_up) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:728 -msgid "Clean Up" -msgstr "Očisti" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, shutdown) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:735 -msgid "Shutdown computer after renderings" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, start_job) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:742 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Start Job" -msgstr "Početak" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_3) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:750 -msgid "Scripts" -msgstr "Skripte" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, start_script) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:778 -msgid "Start Script" -msgstr "Započni skriptu" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, delete_script) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:785 -msgid "Delete Script" -msgstr "Obriši skriptu" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, lblPaintmode) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, lblPaintMode) -#: src/ui/rgbparade_ui.ui:33 src/ui/vectorscope_ui.ui:29 -#: src/ui/waveform_ui.ui:30 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Paint mode" -msgstr "Pixbuf modul" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, SaveProfile_UI) -#: src/ui/saveprofile_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Save Profile" -msgstr "Spremi profil" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/ui/saveprofile_ui.ui:60 -msgid "Group" -msgstr "Grupa" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: src/ui/saveprofile_ui.ui:108 -msgid "Profile name" -msgstr "Ime profila" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/saveprofile_ui.ui:128 -msgid "" -"Parameters (see MLT documentation)" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, SceneCutDialog_UI) -#: src/ui/scenecutdialog_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Scene Cut" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, add_markers) -#: src/ui/scenecutdialog_ui.ui:23 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Add marker" -msgid "Add clip markers" -msgstr "Dodaj oznaku" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, zone_only) -#: src/ui/scenecutdialog_ui.ui:33 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Selected zone" -msgid "Analyze only selected zone" -msgstr "Odaberite zonu" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, cut_scenes) -#: src/ui/scenecutdialog_ui.ui:63 -msgid "Cut scenes" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, store_data) -#: src/ui/scenecutdialog_ui.ui:70 -msgid "Save result in clip metadata" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, groupBox) -#: src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:30 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Image selection method" -msgstr "Zamijeni selekciju" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, method_mime) -#: src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:36 -#, fuzzy -msgid "&Mimetype" -msgstr "Tip slike" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, method_pattern) -#: src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:46 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Fi&lename pattern" -msgstr "Ime datoteke" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_4) -#: src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:70 -msgid "Image Type" -msgstr "Tip slike" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_5) -#: src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:97 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Extract frame" -msgid "First frame" -msgstr "Izvuci okvir" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:127 -msgid "Frame Duration" -msgstr "Trajanje okvira" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, show_thumbs) -#: src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:245 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Show thumbnails" -msgstr "Prikaži audio kratke prikaze" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: src/ui/smconfig_ui.ui:33 -msgid "Number of frames to play (0 to play all frames)" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, groupBox_2) -#: src/ui/smconfig_ui.ui:73 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Interval Capture" -msgstr "Interlaced" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/smconfig_ui.ui:79 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Capture folder" -msgid "Capture delay" -msgstr "Mapa za hvatanje" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, sm_prenotify) -#: src/ui/smconfig_ui.ui:96 -msgid "Notify before capture" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, SpacerDialog_UI) -#: src/ui/spacerdialog_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Add space" -msgstr "Dodaj prostor" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, clip_filesize_3) -#: src/ui/spacerdialog_ui.ui:37 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Track" -msgid "Track:" -msgstr "Traka" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, labelFFTSize) -#: src/ui/spectrogram_ui.ui:52 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Frame size:" -msgid "True FFT size:" -msgstr "Veličina okvira:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, live_button) -#: src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:86 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Split view" -msgid "Live view" -msgstr "Razdvoji pogled" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, preview_button) -#: src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:135 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Preview sequence" -msgstr "Veličina slike" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (KComboBox, sequence_name) -#: src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:151 src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:158 -msgid "Sequence name" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_addsequence) -#: src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:194 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Add to project" -msgstr "dodaj isječak projektu" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/templateclip_ui.ui:17 -msgid "Template" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonFitZoom) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonRealSize) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonVideo) -#: src/ui/timelinebuttons_ui.ui:16 src/ui/timelinebuttons_ui.ui:64 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:553 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:563 -msgid "V" -msgstr "V" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, TitleWidget_UI) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Title Clip" -msgstr "isječak naslova" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, lWidth) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:109 -msgid "W" -msgstr "W" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_19) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:126 -msgid "H" -msgstr "H" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_12) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:184 -msgid "Z-Index:" -msgstr "Z-Indeks:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:232 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Item Properties" -msgstr "Svojstva" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:243 -msgid "Fill color" -msgstr "Boja ispune" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_11) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:275 -msgid "Border color" -msgstr "Boja okvira" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_18) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:394 -msgid "Outline" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, displayBg) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:631 -msgid "Show background" -msgstr "Prikaži pozadinu" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_22) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:645 -msgid "Template:" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonSelectText) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:690 -msgid "T" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (whatsThis), widget (QToolButton, buttonSelectAll) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:720 -msgid "Selects all items on the canvas." -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_14) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:761 -msgid "Zoom:" -msgstr "Zoom:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_21) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:778 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Rotate Z:" -msgstr "Rotiraj po Z" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_20) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:785 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Rotate Y:" -msgstr "Rotiraj po Y" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_15) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:792 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Rotate X:" -msgstr "Rotiraj po X" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_5) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:877 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Effect" -msgstr "efekt" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (suffix), widget (QSpinBox, typewriter_delay) -#. i18n: ectx: property (suffix), widget (QSpinBox, typewriter_start) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:1007 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:1030 -#, fuzzy -msgid " frames" -msgstr "okviri" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_16) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:1023 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Start at" -msgstr "Početna snaga" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, anim_start) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:1127 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Edit start" -msgstr "Uredi oznaku" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, anim_end) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:1137 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Edit end" -msgstr "Uredi vodić" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_7) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:1162 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Resize" -msgstr "Promjeni veličinu..." - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, resize50) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:1169 -#, no-c-format -msgid "50%" -msgstr "50%" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, resize100) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:1176 -#, no-c-format -msgid "100%" -msgstr "100%" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, resize200) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:1183 -#, no-c-format -msgid "200%" -msgstr "200%" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, keep_aspect) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:1190 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Keep aspect ratio" -msgstr "Pixel omjer" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/ui/transitionsettings_ui.ui:23 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Track" -msgid "track" -msgstr "Traka" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QWidget, UnicodeWidget_UI) -#: src/ui/unicodewidget_ui.ui:20 -msgid "Enter Unicode value" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/ui/unicodewidget_ui.ui:251 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Additional Information" -msgstr "Dodatne postavke" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_reload) -#: src/ui/wizardcapture_ui.ui:17 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "CheckBox" -msgid "Check" -msgstr "Označnik (CheckBox)" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_9) -#: src/ui/wizardcapture_ui.ui:57 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Capture format" -msgid "Capture format:" -msgstr "Format hvatanja" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/wizardextra_ui.ui:16 -msgid "Default folder for project files" -msgstr "Zadana mapa za projekte" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, autosave) -#: src/ui/wizardextra_ui.ui:59 -msgid "Activate crash recovery (auto save)" -msgstr "Aktiviraj oporavak od rušenja aplikacije (automatsko spremanje)" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, installmimes) -#: src/ui/wizardextra_ui.ui:66 -msgid "Install extra video mimetypes" -msgstr "Instaliraj dodatne video mimetype-ove" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab) -#: src/ui/wizardmltcheck_ui.ui:21 -msgid "Installed modules" -msgstr "Instalirani moduli" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_2) -#: src/ui/wizardmltcheck_ui.ui:63 -msgid "Available Codecs (avformat)" -msgstr "Dostupni kodeci (avformat)" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: src/ui/wizardmltcheck_ui.ui:90 -msgid "Formats" -msgstr "Formati" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/ui/wizardmltcheck_ui.ui:97 -msgid "Video Codecs" -msgstr "Video kodeci" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/wizardmltcheck_ui.ui:104 -msgid "Audio Codecs" -msgstr "Audio kodek" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: src/ui/wizardstandard_ui.ui:17 -msgid "Please set your default video profile" -msgstr "Podesite svoj zadani video profil" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/ui/wizardstandard_ui.ui:24 -msgid "Video Resolution" -msgstr "Video rezolucija" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, button_dv) -#: src/ui/wizardstandard_ui.ui:44 -msgid "DV" -msgstr "DV" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, button_all) -#: src/ui/wizardstandard_ui.ui:61 -msgid "Show All" -msgstr "Prikaži sve" - -#: src/utils/archiveorg.cpp:78 src/utils/freesound.cpp:86 -#: src/utils/freesound.cpp:184 src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:362 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Error Log" -msgid "Error Loading Data" -msgstr "Izvještaj o greškama" - -#: src/utils/archiveorg.cpp:91 src/utils/freesound.cpp:95 -#, fuzzy, kde-format -#| msgid "Found: %1" -msgid "Found %1 result" -msgid_plural "Found %1 results" -msgstr[0] "Pronađeno: %1" -msgstr[1] "Pronađeno: %1" -msgstr[2] "Pronađeno: %1" - -#: src/utils/freesound.cpp:203 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Frame rate" -msgid "Samplerate" -msgstr "Frame rate" - -#: src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:67 -msgid "Freesound Audio Library" -msgstr "" - -#: src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:68 -msgid "Archive.org Video Library" -msgstr "" - -#: src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:69 -msgid "Open Clip Art Graphic Library" -msgstr "" - -#: src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:70 -msgid "Search Online Resources" -msgstr "" - -#: src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:92 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Auto add" -msgid "Auto Play" -msgstr "Auto. dodavanje" - -#: src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:182 -msgctxt "the url link pointing to a web page" -msgid "link" -msgstr "" - -#: src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:327 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Extension" -msgid "File Exists" -msgstr "Proširenje" - -#: src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:328 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "" -#| "File already exists.\n" -#| "Do you want to overwrite it ?" -msgid "Do you want to overwrite the existing file?." -msgstr "" -"Datoteka već postoji.\n" -"Želite li je prepisati?" - -#: src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:371 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "import" -msgid "Data Imported" -msgstr "uvoz" - -#: src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:437 -msgid "" -"You need to be online\n" -" for searching" -msgstr "" - -#: src/utils/thememanager.cpp:70 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Default" -msgctxt "default theme name" -msgid "Default" -msgstr "Zadano" - -#: src/utils/thememanager.cpp:213 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Device configuration" -msgid "Configuration..." -msgstr "Postavke uređaja" - -#: src/utils/thememanager.cpp:227 -msgid "" -"Cannot start Colors Settings panel from KDE Control Center. Please check " -"your system..." -msgstr "" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Move effect" -#~ msgid "Compare effect" -#~ msgstr "Pomakni efekt" - -#~ msgid "Blue Screen" -#~ msgstr "Plavi ekran" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Parameters" -#~ msgid "Selection Parameters" -#~ msgstr "Parametri" - -#~ msgid "Effect List" -#~ msgstr "Lista efekata" - -#, fuzzy -#~ msgid "Transition List" -#~ msgstr "Prijelaz" - -#~ msgid "Lossless / HQ" -#~ msgstr "Lossless / HQ" - -#, fuzzy -#~ msgid "Cannot open playlist producer." -#~ msgstr "Pomakni efekt" - -#, fuzzy -#~ msgid "Cannot find proper playlist." -#~ msgstr "Ne mogu naći isječak za izrezati" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Reload Clip" -#~ msgid "Expland Clip" -#~ msgstr "Iznova učitaj isječak" - -#~ msgid "Effect Stack" -#~ msgstr "Skladište efekata" - -#~ msgid "Transition" -#~ msgstr "Prijelaz" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Enable Jog Shuttle device" -#~ msgid "Failed to start device" -#~ msgstr "Omogući Jog Shuttle uređaj" - -#~ msgid "Estimated time %1" -#~ msgstr "Očekivano vrijeme %1" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Add clips" -#~ msgid "Adding clips" -#~ msgstr "Dodaj isječke" - -#, fuzzy -#~ msgid "Loading thumbnails" -#~ msgstr "Prikaži audio kratke prikaze" - -#, fuzzy -#~ msgid "Loading timeline" -#~ msgstr "Učitaj projektne isječke" - -#, fuzzy -#~ msgid "Setting monitor" -#~ msgstr "Prikazivač isječka" - -#~ msgid "Up" -#~ msgstr "Gore" - -#, fuzzy -#~ msgctxt "effects and transitions keyboard shortcuts" -#~ msgid "Effects & Transitions" -#~ msgstr "Prijelaz" - -#~ msgid "before" -#~ msgstr "prije" - -#~ msgid "after" -#~ msgstr "poslije" - -#~ msgid "Set zone start" -#~ msgstr "Postavi početak zone" - -#~ msgid "Set zone end" -#~ msgstr "Postavi kraj zone" - -#, fuzzy -#~ msgid "Missing Profile" -#~ msgstr "Uredi profil" - -#, fuzzy -#~ msgid "Existing Profile" -#~ msgstr "Uredi profil" - -#, fuzzy -#~ msgid "Blackmagic Decklink" -#~ msgstr "Boja ispune" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Delete track" -#~ msgid "Delete data" -#~ msgstr "Obriši traku" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Add track" -#~ msgid "Add data" -#~ msgstr "Dodaj traku" - -#, fuzzy -#~ msgid "Importing project effects" -#~ msgstr "Ne mogu otvoriti projekt" - -#~ msgid "Load Image" -#~ msgstr "Učitaj sliku" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Duration" -#~ msgid "Duration mismatch" -#~ msgstr "Trajanje" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Clip duration: %1s" -#~ msgid "Fix duration mismatch" -#~ msgstr "Duljina isječka: %1s" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Box Blur" -#~ msgid "Movit: Blur" -#~ msgstr "Okvirno zamućenje (Box Blur)" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Mirror" -#~ msgid "Movit: Mirror" -#~ msgstr "Zrcalo" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Align item horizontally" -#~ msgid "Flips the image horizontally" -#~ msgstr "Poravnaj horizontalno" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Opacity" -#~ msgid "Movit: Opacity" -#~ msgstr "Prozirnost" - -#, fuzzy -#~ msgid "Movit: Saturation" -#~ msgstr "Trajanje" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "White Balance" -#~ msgid "Movit: White balance" -#~ msgstr "Balans bijele boje" - -#~ msgid "XVideo" -#~ msgstr "XVideo" - -#~ msgid "X11" -#~ msgstr "X11" - -#~ msgid "XFree86 DGA 2.0" -#~ msgstr "XFree86 DGA 2.0" - -#~ msgid "Nano X" -#~ msgstr "Nano X" - -#~ msgid "Framebuffer console" -#~ msgstr "Framebuffer konzola" - -#~ msgid "Direct FB" -#~ msgstr "Direktni FB" - -#~ msgid "SVGAlib" -#~ msgstr "SVGAlib" - -#~ msgid "General graphics interface" -#~ msgstr "Opće grafičko sučelje" - -#~ msgid "Ascii art library" -#~ msgstr "Ascii art biblioteka" - -#, fuzzy -#~ msgid "Clip %1
is invalid, what do you want to do?" -#~ msgstr "Isječak %1
nije valjan, šta želite Učiniti?" - -#~ msgid "File not found" -#~ msgstr "Datoteka nije pronađena" - -#~ msgid "Search automatically" -#~ msgstr "Traži automatski" - -#~ msgid "Keep as placeholder" -#~ msgstr "Sačuvaj kao držač" - -#, fuzzy -#~ msgid "Clip %1
is invalid or missing, what do you want to do?" -#~ msgstr "Isječak %1
nije valjan ili nedostaje, šta želite Učiniti?" - -#~ msgid "Search manually" -#~ msgstr "Traži ručno" - -#~ msgid "Looking for %1" -#~ msgstr "Pretražujem za %1" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Go to previous keyframe" -#~ msgid "Show previous keyframe" -#~ msgstr "Idi na prethodni ključni okvir (keyframe)" - -#~ msgid "Project Tree" -#~ msgstr "Projektno drvo" - -#~ msgid "Save clip zone as:" -#~ msgstr "Spremi zonu isječka kao:" - -#~ msgid "Description:" -#~ msgstr "Opis:" - -#~ msgid "Resize (100%)" -#~ msgstr "Promjeni veličinu (100%)" - -#~ msgid "Resize (50%)" -#~ msgstr "Promjeni veličinu (50%)" - -#, fuzzy -#~ msgid "" -#~ "Clip %1
already exists in project, what do you want to do?" -#~ msgstr "Isječak %1
nije valjan, šta želite Učiniti?" - -#, fuzzy -#~ msgid "Clip already exists" -#~ msgstr "Profil već postoji" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Project folder" -#~ msgid "Copy file to project folder" -#~ msgstr "Projektna mapa" - -#, fuzzy -#~ msgid "Delete unused clips" -#~ msgstr "Obriši vremenske isječke" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Group Clips" -#~ msgid "Open Clips" -#~ msgstr "Grupiraj isječke" - -#, fuzzy -#~ msgid "Cannot reverse clip" -#~ msgstr "Ne mogu naći isječak za izrezati" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Cannot change grouped clips" -#~ msgid "Cannot render reversed clip" -#~ msgstr "Ne mogu promijeniti grupirane isječke" - -#~ msgid "Hide track" -#~ msgstr "Sakrij traku" - -#~ msgid "Mute track" -#~ msgstr "Zagluši traku" - -#~ msgid "Invalid clip producer %1\n" -#~ msgstr "Pogrešan producent isječka %1\n" - -#, fuzzy -#~ msgid "Removed invalid transition: (%1, %2, %3)" -#~ msgstr "Izbačen neispravan prijelaz: %1" - -#, fuzzy -#~ msgid "Removed overlapping transition: (%1, %2, %3)" -#~ msgstr "Izbačen neispravan prijelaz: %1" - -#~ msgid "Replaced wrong clip producer %1 with %2" -#~ msgstr "Zamjenjen krivi producent isječka %1 sa %2" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Broken clip producer %1" -#~ msgid "Broken clip producer %1, recreated base clip: %2" -#~ msgstr "Razbijen producent isječka %1" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Broken clip producer %1" -#~ msgid "Broken clip producer %1, removed from project" -#~ msgstr "Razbijen producent isječka %1" - -#~ msgid "Desktop search integration" -#~ msgstr "Desktop integracija pretraživanja" - -#~ msgid "Video driver:" -#~ msgstr "Video pogonitelj:" - -#~ msgid "Normalise audio for thumbnails" -#~ msgstr "Normaliziraj audio za kratke prikaze" - -#~ msgid "All" -#~ msgstr "Sve" - -#~ msgid "Custom" -#~ msgstr "Prilagođeno" - -#~ msgid "with track" -#~ msgstr "sa trakom" - -#~ msgid "DV module (libdv)" -#~ msgstr "DV modul (libdv)" - -#~ msgid "Required to work with dv files if avformat module is not installed" -#~ msgstr "Potrebno za rad sa dv datotekama ako avformat modul nije instaliran" - -#~ msgid "Open projects in new tabs" -#~ msgstr "Otvori projekte u novim karticama" - -#~ msgid "48000" -#~ msgstr "48000" - -#~ msgid "99:99:99:99; " -#~ msgstr "99:99:99:99; " - -#~ msgid ":::" -#~ msgstr ":::" - -#~ msgid "" -#~ "Recordmydesktop utility not found, please install it for " -#~ "screen grabs" -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "Recordmydesktop alat nije pronađen, instalirajte ga za " -#~ "snimke ekrana" - -#~ msgid "Add Audio Effect" -#~ msgstr "Dodaj audio efekt" - -#~ msgid "Add Video Effect" -#~ msgstr "Dodaj video efekt" - -#~ msgid "Add audio fade" -#~ msgstr "Dodaj audio prigušenje" - -#~ msgid "Add new effect" -#~ msgstr "Dodaj novi efekt" - -#~ msgid "Add transition" -#~ msgstr "Dodaj prijelaz" - -#~ msgid "Audio fade duration: %1s" -#~ msgstr "Duljina audio prigušenja: %1s" - -#~ msgid "Blur image with keyframes" -#~ msgstr "Zamuti sliku prema ključnim okvirima (keyframes)." - -#~ msgid "Buffer" -#~ msgstr "Buffer" - -#~ msgid "Button colors" -#~ msgstr "Boje gumba" - -#, fuzzy -#~ msgid "" -#~ "Capture crashed, please check your parameters\n" -#~ "RecordMyDesktop exit code: %1" -#~ msgstr "Hvatanje je puklo, provjerite parametre" - -#~ msgid "Capture params" -#~ msgstr "Parametri hvatanja" - -#, fuzzy -#~ msgctxt "@action:button" -#~ msgid "Close" -#~ msgstr "Zatvori" - -#, fuzzy -#~ msgid "Color opacity" -#~ msgstr "Isječak boje" - -#, fuzzy -#~ msgid "Configure Track" -#~ msgstr "Podesi" - -#~ msgid "Crop" -#~ msgstr "Obreži" - -#, fuzzy -#~ msgid "Crop & scale" -#~ msgstr "Izreži početak" - -#~ msgid "Cut" -#~ msgstr "Izreži" - -#~ msgid "Distort0r" -#~ msgstr "Distorzija0r" - -#~ msgid "Do nothing" -#~ msgstr "Ne čini ništa" - -#~ msgid "Drop B frames on H.264 clips" -#~ msgstr "Izbaci B okvire iz H.264 isječaka" - -#~ msgid "Edit Clip Speed" -#~ msgstr "Uredi brzinu isječka" - -#~ msgid "Encoding captured video..." -#~ msgstr "Enkodiranje uhvaćenog videa" - -#~ msgid "Encoding params" -#~ msgstr "Parametri enkodiranja" - -#~ msgid "Error starting MLT's command line player (melt)" -#~ msgstr "Greška pri pokretanju MLT-ovog CLI playera (melt)" - -#~ msgid "Error starting MLT's command line player (melt)." -#~ msgstr "Greška pokretanja MLT-ovog CLI playera (melt)" - -#, fuzzy -#~ msgid "Fill opacity" -#~ msgstr "Prozirnost" - -#~ msgid "" -#~ "Firewire is not enabled on your system.\n" -#~ " Please install Libiec61883 and recompile Kdenlive" -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "Firewire nije omogućen na Vašem sistemu.\n" -#~ "Instalirajte Libiec61883 i rekompajlirajte Kdenlive" - -#, fuzzy -#~ msgid "Fix Rotate X" -#~ msgstr "Rotiraj po X" - -#, fuzzy -#~ msgid "Fix Rotate Y" -#~ msgstr "Rotiraj po Y" - -#, fuzzy -#~ msgid "Fix Rotate Z" -#~ msgstr "Rotiraj po Z" - -#~ msgid "Form" -#~ msgstr "Formular" - -#~ msgid "Format" -#~ msgstr "Format" - -#~ msgid "Full shots" -#~ msgstr "Cijele snimke" - -#~ msgid "Gain out" -#~ msgstr "Izlazna Snaga" - -#~ msgid "GroupBox" -#~ msgstr "Okvir grupe" - -#~ msgid "Horizontal factor" -#~ msgstr "Horizontalni faktor" - -#, fuzzy -#~ msgid "Image name" -#~ msgstr "Tip slike" - -#~ msgid "Intro movie" -#~ msgstr "Intro film" - -#~ msgid "Jack" -#~ msgstr "Jack" - -#~ msgid "MLT version is correct" -#~ msgstr "MLT verzija je u redu" - -#~ msgid "" -#~ "MLT's SDL module not found. Please check your MLT install. Kdenlive will " -#~ "not work until this issue is fixed." -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "MLT-ov SDL modul nije pronađen. Provjerite MLT instalaciju. Kdenlive ne " -#~ "može raditi dok se ovaj problem ne riješi." - -#~ msgid "Monitor Preview Speedup Settings" -#~ msgstr "Postavke brzine monitorovog preglednika" - -#, fuzzy -#~ msgid "Move to left" -#~ msgstr "Pomakni efekt" - -#, fuzzy -#~ msgid "Move to right" -#~ msgstr "Pomakni prijelaz" - -#, fuzzy -#~ msgid "Move to top" -#~ msgstr "Pomakni grupu" - -#~ msgid "NTSC" -#~ msgstr "NTSC" - -#~ msgid "New speed (percents)" -#~ msgstr "Nova brzina (postoci)" - -#~ msgid "PAL" -#~ msgstr "PAL" - -#~ msgid "Play / Pause" -#~ msgstr "reprodukcija / Pauza" - -#~ msgid "" -#~ "Please report bugs to http://" -#~ "kdenlive.org/mantis" -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "Prijavite greške na http://" -#~ "kdenlive.org/mantis" - -#~ msgid "Ports:" -#~ msgstr "Portovi:" - -#~ msgid "Progress" -#~ msgstr "Napredak" - -#~ msgid "Recordmydesktop found at: %1" -#~ msgstr "Recordmydesktop pronađen na: %1" - -#~ msgid "Required for webcam capture" -#~ msgstr "Potrebno za hvatanje sa web kamere" - -#~ msgid "Reverb Time" -#~ msgstr "Reverb vrijeme" - -#, fuzzy -#~ msgid "Scale0tilt" -#~ msgstr "Skaliraj" - -#~ msgid "Script name (will be saved in: %1)" -#~ msgstr "Ime skripte (bit će spremljeno u: %1)" - -#~ msgid "" -#~ "Select a region using the mouse. To take the snapshot, press the Enter " -#~ "key. Press Esc to quit." -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "Odaberite područje koristeći miša. Za snimanje pritisnite Enter tipku." -#~ "Pritisni Esc za izlaz." - -#~ msgid "Select clip to change speed" -#~ msgstr "Odaberite isječak za promjenu brzine" - -#, fuzzy -#~ msgid "Shear Z" -#~ msgstr "Smikni po X" - -#~ msgid "There is no clip, cannot extract frame." -#~ msgstr "Nema isječka, ne mogu izvući okvir" - -#~ msgid "Timecode overlay" -#~ msgstr "Timecode preklapanje" - -#~ msgid "Transcoding FAILED!" -#~ msgstr "Pretvaranje NEUSPJEŠNO!" - -#~ msgid "Variable-size square blur (frei0r.squareblur)" -#~ msgstr "Pravokutno zamućenje promjenjive veličine (frei0r.squareblur)" - -#~ msgid "Vertical factor" -#~ msgstr "Vertikalni faktor" - -#~ msgid "You need program %1 to perform this action" -#~ msgstr "Potreban je program %1 za izvršenje ove akcije" - -#, fuzzy -#~ msgid "Zoom in" -#~ msgstr "Zoom u" - -#, fuzzy -#~ msgid "Zoom out" -#~ msgstr "Zoom van" - -#, fuzzy -#~ msgid "recordmydesktop" -#~ msgstr "Recordmydesktop" - -#~ msgid "x1" -#~ msgstr "x1" - -#~ msgid "/dev/dsp" -#~ msgstr "/dev/dsp" - -#~ msgid "/dev/video0" -#~ msgstr "/dev/video0" - -#~ msgid "320x240" -#~ msgstr "320x240" - -#~ msgid "Cannot find clip with keyframe" -#~ msgstr "Ne mogu naći isječak sa ključnim okvirima" - -#~ msgid "Change Clip Speed" -#~ msgstr "Promijeni brzinu isječka" - -#~ msgid "Change Track" -#~ msgstr "Promijeni traku" - -#~ msgid "Change Track Type" -#~ msgstr "Promijeni tip trake" - -#~ msgid "Change track" -#~ msgstr "Promijeni traku" - -#~ msgid "Change track type" -#~ msgstr "Promijeni tip trake" - -#~ msgid "Copyright (c) 2009 Development team" -#~ msgstr "Copyright (c) 2009 Razvojni tim" - -#~ msgid "Crossfade" -#~ msgstr "Pretapanje (CrossFade)" - -#~ msgid "Dw" -#~ msgstr "Dw" - -#~ msgid "EndViewport" -#~ msgstr "EndViewport" - -#~ msgid "" -#~ "File already exists.\n" -#~ "Do you want to overwrite it?" -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "Datoteka već postoji.\n" -#~ "Želite li ju prepisati?" - -#~ msgid "Forward 1 frame" -#~ msgstr "Naprijed 1 okvir" - -#~ msgid "Gain as Percentage" -#~ msgstr "Snaga u postocima" - -#~ msgid "Hor. Center" -#~ msgstr "Hor. Centar" - -#~ msgid "MLT Connection, Transition, Effect, Timeline Developer" -#~ msgstr "MLT Connection, Transition, Effect, Timeline Developer" - -#~ msgid "Mkisofs" -#~ msgstr "Mkisofs" - -#~ msgid "Rendering %1" -#~ msgstr "Stvaranje %1" - -#~ msgid "Rendering of %1 aborted, resulting video will probably be corrupted." -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "Stvaranje %1 je prekinuto, dobiveni video vjerojatno će biti neispravan." - -#~ msgid "Reverse playing" -#~ msgstr "Reprodukcija unatrag" - -#~ msgid "Rewind 1 frame" -#~ msgstr "Prevrti 1 okvir" - -#~ msgid "Rotate:" -#~ msgstr "Rotiraj:" - -#~ msgid "Set In Point" -#~ msgstr "Postavi ulaznu točku" - -#~ msgid "Set Out Point" -#~ msgstr "Postavi izlaznu točku" - -#~ msgid "Sox Vibro" -#~ msgstr "Sox Vibro" - -#~ msgid "Sox vibro audio effect" -#~ msgstr "Sox vibro audio efekt" - -#~ msgid "Start Rendering" -#~ msgstr "Započni stvaranje" - -#~ msgid "Start-/EndViewport" -#~ msgstr "Start-/EndViewport" - -#~ msgid "Thumbnail" -#~ msgstr "Sličica" - -#~ msgid "Vert. Center" -#~ msgstr "Vert. Centar" - -#~ msgid "Y:" -#~ msgstr "Y:" - -#~ msgid "You must be in an empty space to remove space (time=%1, track:%2)" -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "Morate biti u praznom prostoru ako želite ukloniti prazninu (vrijeme=%1, " -#~ "traka:%2)" - -#~ msgid "oss" -#~ msgstr "oss" - -#~ msgid "save" -#~ msgstr "spremi" - -#~ msgid "video4linux2" -#~ msgstr "video4linux2" - -#~ msgid "DVD Files" -#~ msgstr "DVD datoteke" - -#~ msgid "Inigo path" -#~ msgstr "Inigo putanja" - -#~ msgid "Clip %1
is invalid or missing, what do you want to do?" -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "Isječak %1
je neispravan ili nedostaje, šta želite učiniti?" - -#~ msgid "" -#~ "Cannot access Desktop Search info for %1.\n" -#~ "Disabling Desktop Search integration." -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "Ne mogu pristupiti informacijama Desktop pretrage za %1.\n" -#~ "Onemogućavam integraciju desktop pretrage." - -#~ msgid "Rotation x" -#~ msgstr "Rotacija oko x" - -#~ msgid "Rotation y" -#~ msgstr "Rotacija oko y" - -#~ msgid "Rotation z" -#~ msgstr "Rotacija oko z" diff -Nru kdenlive-15.13.0+git20160206.6705c57a/po/hu/CMakeLists.txt kdenlive-15.13.0+git20160206.cee1bbb6/po/hu/CMakeLists.txt --- kdenlive-15.13.0+git20160206.6705c57a/po/hu/CMakeLists.txt 2016-02-06 09:13:45.000000000 +0000 +++ kdenlive-15.13.0+git20160206.cee1bbb6/po/hu/CMakeLists.txt 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -GETTEXT_PROCESS_PO_FILES(hu ALL INSTALL_DESTINATION ${LOCALE_INSTALL_DIR} kdenlive.po) diff -Nru kdenlive-15.13.0+git20160206.6705c57a/po/hu/kdenlive.po kdenlive-15.13.0+git20160206.cee1bbb6/po/hu/kdenlive.po --- kdenlive-15.13.0+git20160206.6705c57a/po/hu/kdenlive.po 2016-02-06 09:13:45.000000000 +0000 +++ kdenlive-15.13.0+git20160206.cee1bbb6/po/hu/kdenlive.po 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 @@ -1,14869 +0,0 @@ -# Kristóf Kiszel , 2011, 2012. -# Balázs Úr , 2012, 2013, 2014. -msgid "" -msgstr "" -"Project-Id-Version: hu\n" -"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugs.kde.org\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-12-11 07:07+0000\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2014-12-09 21:11+0100\n" -"Last-Translator: Balázs Úr \n" -"Language-Team: Hungarian \n" -"Language: hu\n" -"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" -"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" -"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" -"X-Generator: Lokalize 1.5\n" -"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n" - -msgctxt "NAME OF TRANSLATORS" -msgid "Your names" -msgstr "Kiszel Kristóf,Szalai Kálmán,Bojtos Péter" - -msgctxt "EMAIL OF TRANSLATORS" -msgid "Your emails" -msgstr "ulysses@kubuntu.org,kami911@gmail.com,ptr@ulx.hu" - -#: data/effects/audiobalance.xml:3 data/effects/audiobalance.xml:7 -msgid "Balance" -msgstr "Egyensúly" - -#: data/effects/audiobalance.xml:4 -msgid "Adjust the left/right balance" -msgstr "Bal-jobb egyensúly szabályzása" - -#: data/effects/audiopan.xml:3 data/effects/audiopan.xml:11 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:347 src/project/dialogs/slideshowclip.cpp:73 -msgid "Pan" -msgstr "Görgetés" - -#: data/effects/audiopan.xml:4 -msgid "Adjust the left/right spread of a channel" -msgstr "A csatorna bal-jobb terjedésének szabályzása" - -#: data/effects/audiopan.xml:7 data/effects/channelcopy.xml:7 -#: data/effects/channelcopy.xml:11 -msgid "Left,Right" -msgstr "Bal, jobb" - -#: data/effects/audiopan.xml:8 data/effects/frei0r_bezier_curves.xml:9 -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:9 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:66 -#: data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:10 data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:42 -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:25 -msgid "Channel" -msgstr "Csatorna" - -#: data/effects/audiowave.xml:3 -msgid "Audio Wave" -msgstr "Hanghullám" - -#: data/effects/audiowave.xml:4 -msgid "Display the audio waveform instead of the video" -msgstr "A videó helyett megjeleníti a hanghullámformát" - -#: data/effects/audiowaveform.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Audio Wave" -msgid "Audio Waveform Filter" -msgstr "Hanghullám" - -#: data/effects/audiowaveform.xml:6 data/effects/dynamictext.xml:22 -#: data/effects/pan_zoom.xml:13 data/effects/rotation.xml:40 -#: data/effects/rotation_keyframable.xml:22 -msgid "Background Color" -msgstr "Háttérszín" - -#: data/effects/audiowaveform.xml:9 data/effects/dynamictext.xml:19 -msgid "Foreground Color" -msgstr "Előtérszín" - -#: data/effects/audiowaveform.xml:12 -msgid "Line Thickness" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/audiowaveform.xml:15 data/effects/movit_rect.xml:6 -#: data/effects/pan_zoom.xml:7 -msgid "Rectangle" -msgstr "Téglalap" - -#: data/effects/audiowaveform.xml:18 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:721 -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:766 -msgid "Fill" -msgstr "Kitöltés" - -#: data/effects/automask.xml:3 -msgid "Auto Mask" -msgstr "Automatikus maszkolás" - -#: data/effects/automask.xml:4 -msgid "Hide a selected zone and follow its movements" -msgstr "Kiválasztott zóna elrejtése és mozgásának követése" - -#: data/effects/automask.xml:7 data/effects/dynamictext.xml:7 -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:718 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:745 -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:763 -msgid "Geometry" -msgstr "Geometria" - -#: data/effects/automask.xml:10 -msgid "Macroblock width" -msgstr "Makroblokk szélessége" - -#: data/effects/automask.xml:13 -msgid "Macroblock height" -msgstr "Makroblokk magassága" - -#: data/effects/automask.xml:16 -msgid "Maximum x distance" -msgstr "Maximális x távolság" - -#: data/effects/automask.xml:19 -msgid "Maximum y distance" -msgstr "Maximális y távolság" - -#: data/effects/automask.xml:22 -msgid "Denoise" -msgstr "Zajcsökkentés" - -#: data/effects/automask.xml:25 -msgid "Debug" -msgstr "Hibakeresés" - -#: data/effects/automask.xml:28 data/effects/obscure.xml:3 -msgid "Obscure" -msgstr "Tompítás" - -#: data/effects/automask.xml:36 data/effects/loudness.xml:12 -msgid "Analyse" -msgstr "Elemzés" - -#: data/effects/boxblur.xml:3 -msgid "Box Blur" -msgstr "Szögletes elmosás" - -#: data/effects/boxblur.xml:4 -msgid "Box blur (separate horizontal and vertical blur)" -msgstr "Doboz elmosás (vízszintes és függőleges elmosás elkülönítve)" - -#: data/effects/boxblur.xml:7 -msgid "Horizontal multiplicator" -msgstr "Vízszintes szorzó" - -#: data/effects/boxblur.xml:10 -msgid "Vertical multiplicator" -msgstr "Függőleges szorzó" - -#: data/effects/boxblur.xml:13 -msgid "Blur factor" -msgstr "Elmosás mértéke" - -#: data/effects/brightness.xml:3 -msgid "Brightness (keyframable)" -msgstr "Fényerő (kulcskockázható)" - -#: data/effects/brightness.xml:4 -msgid "Change image brightness with keyframes" -msgstr "Fényerő megváltoztatása kulcskockákkal" - -#: data/effects/brightness.xml:7 -msgid "Intensity" -msgstr "Intenzitás" - -#: data/effects/channelcopy.xml:3 -msgid "Mono to stereo" -msgstr "Monóról sztereóra" - -#: data/effects/channelcopy.xml:4 -msgid "Copy one channel to another" -msgstr "Egy csatorna másolása egy másikba" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_4) -#: data/effects/channelcopy.xml:8 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:486 -msgid "From" -msgstr "Innentől" - -#: data/effects/channelcopy.xml:12 -msgid "To" -msgstr "Idáig" - -#: data/effects/charcoal.xml:3 -msgid "Charcoal" -msgstr "Szénrajz (Charcoal)" - -#: data/effects/charcoal.xml:4 -msgid "Charcoal drawing effect" -msgstr "Szénrajz effektus" - -#: data/effects/charcoal.xml:7 -msgid "Horizontal scatter" -msgstr "Vízszintes szórás" - -#: data/effects/charcoal.xml:10 -msgid "Vertical scatter" -msgstr "Függőleges szórás" - -#: data/effects/charcoal.xml:13 -msgid "Scale" -msgstr "Átméretezés" - -#: data/effects/charcoal.xml:16 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:757 -msgid "Mix" -msgstr "Keverés" - -#: data/effects/charcoal.xml:19 data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:31 -#: data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:63 data/effects/frei0r_mask0mate.xml:19 -#: data/effects/invert.xml:3 data/effects/mirror.xml:11 -#: data/effects/rotoscoping.xml:18 src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:215 -msgid "Invert" -msgstr "Invertálás" - -#: data/effects/chroma.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Chroma Hold" -msgid "Chroma Key" -msgstr "Színtartás" - -#: data/effects/chroma.xml:4 -msgid "Make selected color transparent" -msgstr "Kiválasztott szín átlátszóvá tétele" - -#: data/effects/chroma.xml:7 data/effects/chroma_hold.xml:7 -msgid "Color key" -msgstr "Szín kulcs" - -#: data/effects/chroma.xml:10 data/effects/chroma_hold.xml:10 -msgid "Variance" -msgstr "Variancia" - -#: data/effects/chroma_hold.xml:3 -msgid "Chroma Hold" -msgstr "Színtartás" - -#: data/effects/chroma_hold.xml:4 -msgid "Make image greyscale except for chosen color" -msgstr "Kép szürkeárnyalatossá alakítása a kiválasztott szín kivételével" - -#: data/effects/crop.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Edge glow" -msgid "Edge Crop" -msgstr "Szélek ragyogása" - -#: data/effects/crop.xml:4 -msgid "Trim the edges of a clip" -msgstr "Klip széleinek levágása" - -#: data/effects/crop.xml:7 data/effects/frei0r_mask0mate.xml:13 -msgid "Top" -msgstr "Felül" - -#: data/effects/crop.xml:10 data/effects/frei0r_mask0mate.xml:7 -msgid "Left" -msgstr "Balra" - -#: data/effects/crop.xml:13 data/effects/frei0r_mask0mate.xml:16 -msgid "Bottom" -msgstr "Lent" - -#: data/effects/crop.xml:16 data/effects/frei0r_mask0mate.xml:10 -msgid "Right" -msgstr "Jobbra" - -#: data/effects/crop.xml:19 -msgid "Automatic center-crop" -msgstr "Automatikusan középre és vágva" - -#: data/effects/crop.xml:22 -msgid "Center balance" -msgstr "Középre egyensúlyozott" - -#: data/effects/crop.xml:25 -msgid "Use project resolution" -msgstr "Használja a projekt felbontását" - -#: data/effects/dust.xml:3 -msgid "Dust" -msgstr "Por" - -#: data/effects/dust.xml:4 -msgid "Add dust and specks to the video, as in old movies" -msgstr "Szemcséket és foltokat ad a videóhoz, ahogy az öreg filmekben" - -#: data/effects/dust.xml:7 -msgid "Maximal Diameter" -msgstr "Legnagyobb átmérő" - -#: data/effects/dust.xml:10 -msgid "Maximal number of dust" -msgstr "A por maximális száma" - -#: data/effects/dynamictext.xml:3 -msgid "Dynamic Text" -msgstr "Dinamikus szöveg" - -#: data/effects/dynamictext.xml:4 -msgid "Overlay text with keywords replaced" -msgstr "Szöveg elfedése behelyettesített kulcsszavakkal" - -#: data/effects/dynamictext.xml:10 -msgid "Font Family" -msgstr "Betűcsalád" - -#: data/effects/dynamictext.xml:13 -msgid "Font Size" -msgstr "Betűméret" - -#: data/effects/dynamictext.xml:16 -msgid "Font Weight" -msgstr "Betűvastagság" - -#: data/effects/dynamictext.xml:25 -msgid "Outline Color" -msgstr "Körvonal színe" - -#: data/effects/dynamictext.xml:28 -msgid "Outline Width" -msgstr "Körvonal vastagsága" - -#: data/effects/dynamictext.xml:31 -msgid "Padding" -msgstr "Helykitöltés" - -#: data/effects/dynamictext.xml:34 -msgid "Left,Center,Right" -msgstr "Balra,középre,jobbra" - -#: data/effects/dynamictext.xml:35 -msgid "Horizontal Alignment" -msgstr "Vízszintes igazítás" - -#: data/effects/dynamictext.xml:38 -msgid "Top,Middle,Bottom" -msgstr "Felső,középső,alsó" - -#: data/effects/dynamictext.xml:39 -msgid "Vertical Alignment" -msgstr "Függőleges igazítás" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, text_box) -#: data/effects/dynamictext.xml:42 src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:55 -#: src/ui/templateclip_ui.ui:34 -msgid "Text" -msgstr "Szöveg" - -#: data/effects/fade_from_black.xml:3 -msgid "Fade from Black" -msgstr "Előtűnés feketéből" - -#: data/effects/fade_from_black.xml:4 -msgid "Fade video from black" -msgstr "Videó előtűnése feketéből" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_duration) -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, ClipDurationDialog_UI) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, duration_label) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: data/effects/fade_from_black.xml:7 data/effects/fade_to_black.xml:7 -#: data/effects/fadein.xml:10 data/effects/fadeout.xml:7 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:133 -#: src/ui/clipdurationdialog_ui.ui:14 src/ui/clipdurationdialog_ui.ui:40 -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:58 src/ui/colorclip_ui.ui:37 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:747 src/utils/freesound.cpp:157 -#: src/utils/freesound.cpp:196 src/utils/freesound.cpp:197 -#: src/utils/freesound.cpp:198 -msgid "Duration" -msgstr "Időtartam" - -#: data/effects/fade_from_black.xml:10 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/bezier/beziersplinewidget.cpp:52 -msgid "In" -msgstr "Bemenet" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: data/effects/fade_from_black.xml:13 data/effects/fade_to_black.xml:13 -#: src/ui/wipeval_ui.ui:22 -msgid "Start" -msgstr "Indítás" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_4) -#: data/effects/fade_from_black.xml:16 data/effects/fade_to_black.xml:16 -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:409 src/ui/wipeval_ui.ui:167 -msgid "End" -msgstr "Leállítás" - -#: data/effects/fade_to_black.xml:3 -msgid "Fade to Black" -msgstr "Eltűnés feketébe" - -#: data/effects/fade_to_black.xml:4 -msgid "Fade video to black" -msgstr "Videó eltüntetése feketébe" - -#: data/effects/fade_to_black.xml:10 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/bezier/beziersplinewidget.cpp:54 -msgid "Out" -msgstr "Kimenet" - -#: data/effects/fadein.xml:3 -msgid "Fade in" -msgstr "Fokozatos megjelenítés" - -#: data/effects/fadein.xml:4 -msgid "Fade in audio track" -msgstr "Hangsáv bevezetése" - -#: data/effects/fadein.xml:13 data/effects/fadeout.xml:13 -msgid "Start Gain" -msgstr "Erősítés indítása" - -#: data/effects/fadein.xml:16 data/effects/fadeout.xml:16 -msgid "End Gain" -msgstr "Erősítés vége" - -#: data/effects/fadeout.xml:3 -msgid "Fade out" -msgstr "Elhalványodás" - -#: data/effects/fadeout.xml:4 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Fade in audio track" -msgid "Fade out audio track" -msgstr "Hangsáv bevezetése" - -#: data/effects/freeze.xml:3 -msgid "Freeze" -msgstr "Kimerevítés" - -#: data/effects/freeze.xml:4 -msgid "Freeze video on a chosen frame" -msgstr "Klip megállítása a kiválasztott képkockánál" - -#: data/effects/freeze.xml:7 -msgid "Freeze at" -msgstr "Kimerevítés itt" - -#: data/effects/freeze.xml:10 -msgid "Freeze Before" -msgstr "Kimerevítés előtte" - -#: data/effects/freeze.xml:13 -msgid "Freeze After" -msgstr "Kimerevítés utána" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_3dflippo.xml:3 -msgid "3dflippo" -msgstr "3dflippo" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_3dflippo.xml:4 -msgid "Frame rotation in 3D space" -msgstr "Képkocka elforgatása a 3D térben" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_3dflippo.xml:7 -msgid "X axis rotation" -msgstr "X tengelyű forgatás" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_3dflippo.xml:10 -msgid "Y axis rotation" -msgstr "Y tengelyű forgatás" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_3dflippo.xml:13 -msgid "Z axis rotation" -msgstr "Z tengelyű forgatás" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_3dflippo.xml:16 -msgid "X axis rotation rate" -msgstr "X tengelyű forgatási arány" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_3dflippo.xml:19 -msgid "Y axis rotation rate" -msgstr "Y tengelyű forgatási arány" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_3dflippo.xml:22 -msgid "Z axis rotation rate" -msgstr "Z tengelyű forgatási arány" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_3dflippo.xml:25 -msgid "Center position (X)" -msgstr "Központi helyzet (X)" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_3dflippo.xml:28 -msgid "Center position (Y)" -msgstr "Központi helyzet (Y)" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_3dflippo.xml:31 -msgid "Invert rotation assignment" -msgstr "Fordított forgatási beosztás" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_3dflippo.xml:34 -msgid "Don't blank mask" -msgstr "Ne hagyja ki a maszkot" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_3dflippo.xml:37 -msgid "Fill with image or black" -msgstr "Képpel vagy feketével való kitöltés" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:4 data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:36 -msgid "Alpha operations" -msgstr "Alfa műveletek" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:5 data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:37 -msgid "Display and manipulation of the alpha channel" -msgstr "Alfa-csatorna megjelenítése és megváltoztatása" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:9 data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:41 -msgid "" -"Image,Alpha as gray,Gray + red,Selection on black,Selection on gray," -"Selection on white,Selection on checkers" -msgstr "" -"Kép, alfa szürkeként, szürke + vörös, kiválasztás feketén, kiválasztás " -"szürkén, kiválasztás fehéren, kiválasztás változatosan" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:10 data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:42 -msgid "Display" -msgstr "Megjelenítés" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:14 data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:46 -msgid "Display input alpha" -msgstr "Bemeneti alfa kijelző" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:18 -msgid "NO OP,Shave,Shrink hard,Shrink soft,Grow hard,Grow soft,Threshold" -msgstr "" -"Nincs OP,Hántolás,Kemény zsugorítás,Lágy zsugorítás,Kemény nagyítás,Lágy " -"nagyítás,Küszöbszint" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:19 data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:51 -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphagrad.xml:30 data/effects/frei0r_alphaspot.xml:47 -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:45 data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:96 -msgid "Operation" -msgstr "Művelet" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:23 data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:55 -#: data/effects/frei0r_threshold0r.xml:7 data/effects/threshold.xml:3 -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:217 -msgid "Threshold" -msgstr "Tűréshatár" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:27 -msgid "Shrink/grow amount" -msgstr "Zsugorítás/nagyítás mértéke" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:50 -msgid "NO OP,Shave,Shrink hard,Shrink soft,Grow hard,Grow soft,Threshold,Blur" -msgstr "" -"Nincs OP,Hántolás,Kemény zsugorítás,Lágy zsugorítás,Kemény növelés,Lágy " -"növelés,Küszöbszint,Elmosás" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:59 -msgid "Shrink/Grow/Blur amount" -msgstr "Zsugorítás/nagyítás/elmosás mértéke" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphagrad.xml:3 -msgid "Alpha gradient" -msgstr "Alfa színátmenet" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphagrad.xml:4 -msgid "Fill the alpha channel with a specified gradient" -msgstr "Alfa-csatorna kitöltése a megadott színátmenettel" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, clip_filesize_2) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, position_label) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, import_position) -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphagrad.xml:9 src/effectstack/keyframeedit.cpp:55 -#: src/ui/clipdurationdialog_ui.ui:20 src/ui/importkeyframesdialog_ui.ui:80 -#: src/ui/keyframedialog_ui.ui:20 src/ui/markerdialog_ui.ui:20 -msgid "Position" -msgstr "Pozíció" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphagrad.xml:13 data/effects/frei0r_alphaspot.xml:34 -msgid "Transition width" -msgstr "Átmenet szélessége" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphagrad.xml:17 data/effects/frei0r_alphaspot.xml:30 -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:16 -msgid "Tilt" -msgstr "Döntés" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphagrad.xml:21 data/effects/frei0r_alphaspot.xml:38 -msgid "Min" -msgstr "Min" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphagrad.xml:25 data/effects/frei0r_alphaspot.xml:42 -msgid "Max" -msgstr "Max" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphagrad.xml:29 data/effects/frei0r_alphaspot.xml:46 -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:44 data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:95 -msgid "Write on clear,Max,Min,Add,Subtract" -msgstr "Tisztán ábrázolja,Max,Min,Hozzáad,Kivon" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphaspot.xml:3 -msgid "Alpha shapes" -msgstr "Alfa alakzatok" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphaspot.xml:4 -msgid "Draws simple shapes into the alpha channel" -msgstr "Egyszerű alakzatok rajzolása az alfa-csatornába" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphaspot.xml:9 -msgid "Rectangle,Ellipse,Triangle,Diamond" -msgstr "Téglalap, ellipszis, háromszög, gyémánt" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphaspot.xml:10 data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:29 -#: data/effects/sox_flanger.xml:22 -msgid "Shape" -msgstr "Alakzat" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphaspot.xml:14 -msgid "Position X" -msgstr "X pozíció" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphaspot.xml:18 -msgid "Position Y" -msgstr "Y pozíció" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphaspot.xml:22 -msgid "Size X" -msgstr "X méret" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphaspot.xml:26 -msgid "Size Y" -msgstr "Y méret" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_balanc0r.xml:4 data/effects/frei0r_balanc0r.xml:15 -msgid "White Balance" -msgstr "Fehéregyensúly" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_balanc0r.xml:5 data/effects/frei0r_balanc0r.xml:16 -msgid "Adjust the white balance / color temperature" -msgstr "Fehéregyensúly és színhőmérséklet beállítása" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_balanc0r.xml:8 data/effects/frei0r_balanc0r.xml:19 -#: data/effects/frei0r_colgate.xml:8 data/effects/movit_white_balance.xml:6 -msgid "Neutral Color" -msgstr "Semleges szín" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_balanc0r.xml:11 data/effects/frei0r_balanc0r.xml:22 -msgid "Green Tint" -msgstr "Zöld tinta" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_baltan.xml:3 -msgid "Baltan" -msgstr "Baltan" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_baltan.xml:4 -msgid "Delayed alpha smoothed blit of time" -msgstr "A késleltetett alfa elsimította az idő vakuját" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_bezier_curves.xml:3 -msgid "Bézier Curves" -msgstr "Bézier görbék" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_bezier_curves.xml:4 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:5 -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:62 -msgid "Color curves adjustment" -msgstr "Színgörbék beállítása" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_bezier_curves.xml:8 -msgid "RGB,Red,Green,Blue,Alpha,Luma,Hue,Saturation" -msgstr "RGB,Vörös,Zöld,Kék,Alfa,Luma,Színárnyalat,Telítettség" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_bezier_curves.xml:13 -#: data/effects/frei0r_coloradj_rgb.xml:33 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:12 -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:69 -msgid "Rec. 601,Rec. 709" -msgstr "Rec. 601,Rec. 709" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_bezier_curves.xml:14 -#: data/effects/frei0r_coloradj_rgb.xml:34 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:13 -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:70 -msgid "Luma formula" -msgstr "Luma formula" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_brightness.xml:3 data/effects/frei0r_brightness.xml:7 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lenscorrection.xml:19 data/effects/grain.xml:13 -msgid "Brightness" -msgstr "Fényesség" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_brightness.xml:4 -msgid "Adjusts the brightness of a source image" -msgstr "Fényerő megváltoztatása a forrásképnél" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:3 -msgid "Corners" -msgstr "Sarkok" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:4 -msgid "Four corners geometry engine" -msgstr "Négy sarkú geometriai motor" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:8 -msgid "Corner 1 X" -msgstr "1. sarok X" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:12 -msgid "Corner 1 Y" -msgstr "1. sarok Y" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:16 -msgid "Corner 2 X" -msgstr "2. sarok X" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:20 -msgid "Corner 2 Y" -msgstr "2. sarok Y" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:24 -msgid "Corner 3 X" -msgstr "3. sarok X" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:28 -msgid "Corner 3 Y" -msgstr "3. sarok Y" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:32 -msgid "Corner 4 X" -msgstr "4. sarok X" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:36 -msgid "Corner 4 Y" -msgstr "4. sarok Y" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:40 -msgid "Stretch X" -msgstr "Nyújtás X" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:44 -msgid "Stretch Y" -msgstr "Nyújtás Y" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:48 -msgid "Feather Alpha" -msgstr "Feather Alfa elmosás" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:52 -msgid "Enable Stretch" -msgstr "Nyújtás engedélyezése" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:56 data/effects/frei0r_defish0r.xml:24 -msgid "" -"Nearest neighbor,Bilinear,Bicubic smooth,Bicubic sharp,Spline 4x4,Spline 6x6," -"Lanczos" -msgstr "" -"Legközelebbi szomszédos,Bilineáris,Bikubik simítás,Bikubik élesítés,Spline " -"4x4,Spline 6x6,Lanczos" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:57 data/effects/frei0r_defish0r.xml:25 -msgid "Interpolator" -msgstr "Interpolátor" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:61 data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:63 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:136 -msgid "Transparent Background" -msgstr "Átlátszó háttér" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:65 data/effects/rotoscoping.xml:13 -msgid "Write on clear,Maximum,Minimum,Add,Subtract" -msgstr "Tisztán ábrázolja,Maximum,Minimum,Hozzáadás,Kivonás" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:66 -msgid "Alpha operation" -msgstr "Alfa művelet" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_cartoon.xml:4 data/effects/frei0r_cartoon.xml:15 -msgid "Cartoon" -msgstr "Rajzfilm" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_cartoon.xml:5 data/effects/frei0r_cartoon.xml:16 -msgid "Cartoonify video, do a form of edge detect" -msgstr "A Rajzfilmező video tesz egy alakot az észlelt határokra" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_cartoon.xml:8 data/effects/frei0r_cartoon.xml:19 -msgid "Level of trip" -msgstr "A kioldás szintje" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_cartoon.xml:11 data/effects/frei0r_cartoon.xml:22 -msgid "Difference space" -msgstr "Különböző hely" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_cluster.xml:3 -msgid "K-Means Clustering" -msgstr "K-közép klaszterezés" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_cluster.xml:4 -msgid "Clusters of a source image by color and spatial distance" -msgstr "Egy forráskép csoportjai szín és térbeli távolság által" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_cluster.xml:7 -msgid "Amount of clusters" -msgstr "Csoportok összege" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_cluster.xml:10 -msgid "Weight on distance" -msgstr "Távolság a munkalapok között" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_colgate.xml:3 -msgid "White Balance (LMS space)" -msgstr "Fehéregyensúly (LMS tér)" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_colgate.xml:5 -msgid "" -"Do simple color correction, in a physically meaningful\n" -"way" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_colgate.xml:12 data/effects/movit_white_balance.xml:9 -msgid "Color Temperature" -msgstr "Színhőmérséklet" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_coloradj_rgb.xml:3 -msgid "RGB adjustment" -msgstr "RGB színbeállítás" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_coloradj_rgb.xml:4 -msgid "Simple color adjustment" -msgstr "Egyszerű színbeállítás" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, cbR) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonSelectRects) -#: data/effects/frei0r_coloradj_rgb.xml:8 src/ui/histogram_ui.ui:30 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:733 -msgid "R" -msgstr "R" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, cbG) -#: data/effects/frei0r_coloradj_rgb.xml:12 src/ui/histogram_ui.ui:37 -msgid "G" -msgstr "G" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, cbB) -#: data/effects/frei0r_coloradj_rgb.xml:16 src/ui/histogram_ui.ui:44 -msgid "B" -msgstr "B" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_coloradj_rgb.xml:20 -msgid "Add constant,Change gamma,Multiply" -msgstr "Állandók hozzáadása, gamma változtatása, szorzás" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_coloradj_rgb.xml:21 -msgid "Action" -msgstr "Művelet" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_coloradj_rgb.xml:25 -msgid "Keep luma" -msgstr "Luma megtartása" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_coloradj_rgb.xml:29 -msgid "Alpha controlled" -msgstr "Alfa irányítva" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_colordistance.xml:3 -msgid "Color Distance" -msgstr "Színtávolság" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_colordistance.xml:4 -msgid "" -"Calculates the distance between the selected color and the current pixel and " -"uses that value as new pixel value" -msgstr "" -"Kiszámítja a távolságot a kiválasztott szín és az aktuális pixel között és " -"új pixelértékként használja azt az értéket" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_colordistance.xml:7 -msgid "Source Color" -msgstr "Forrásszín" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_colortap.xml:3 -msgid "Color Effect" -msgstr "Szín effekt" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_colortap.xml:4 -msgid "Applies a pre-made color effect to image" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, treeWidget) -#: data/effects/frei0r_colortap.xml:7 data/effects/frei0r_defish0r.xml:14 -#: data/effects/frei0r_iirblur.xml:14 data/effects/frei0r_medians.xml:9 -#: src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:74 src/ui/missingclips_ui.ui:67 -msgid "Type" -msgstr "Típus" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_contrast0r.xml:3 data/effects/frei0r_contrast0r.xml:7 -#: data/effects/grain.xml:10 src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:209 -msgid "Contrast" -msgstr "Kontraszt" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_contrast0r.xml:4 -msgid "Adjusts the contrast of a source image" -msgstr "Kontraszt megváltoztatása a forrásképnél" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:4 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:61 -msgid "Curves" -msgstr "Görbék" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:8 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:65 -#: data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:9 data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:41 -msgid "Red,Green,Blue,Luma" -msgstr "Vörös,Zöld,Kék,Luma" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:20 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:77 -msgid "Number of curve points" -msgstr "Görbepontok száma" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:23 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:80 -msgid "Point 1 input value" -msgstr "Pont 1 - bemeneti érték" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:26 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:83 -msgid "Point 1 output value" -msgstr "Pont 1 - kimeneti érték" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:29 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:86 -msgid "Point 2 input value" -msgstr "Pont 2 - bemeneti érték" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:32 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:89 -msgid "Point 2 output value" -msgstr "Pont 2 - kimeneti érték" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:35 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:92 -msgid "Point 3 input value" -msgstr "Pont 3 - bemeneti érték" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:38 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:95 -msgid "Point 3 output value" -msgstr "Pont 3 - kimeneti érték" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:41 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:98 -msgid "Point 4 input value" -msgstr "Pont 4 - bemeneti érték" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:44 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:101 -msgid "Point 4 output value" -msgstr "Pont 4 - kimeneti érték" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:47 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:104 -msgid "Point 5 input value" -msgstr "Pont 5 - bemeneti érték" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:50 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:107 -msgid "Point 5 output value" -msgstr "Pont 5 - kimeneti érték" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:53 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:110 -msgid "Show graph in picture" -msgstr "Grafikon megjelenítése a képen" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:56 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:113 -#: data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:31 data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:63 -msgid "Top Left,Top Right,Bottom Left,Bottom Right" -msgstr "bal felső, Jobb felső, Bal alsó, Jobb alsó" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:57 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:114 -msgid "Graph position" -msgstr "Ábra elhelyezkedése" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_d90stairsteppingfix.xml:3 -msgid "Nikon D90 Stairstepping fix" -msgstr "Nikon D90 Stairstepping rögzítés" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_d90stairsteppingfix.xml:7 -msgid "" -"Removes stairstepping artifacts from Nikon D90's 720p videos.\n" -" \n" -" " -msgstr "" -"Eltávolítja a lépcsőzetes léptetési elemeket a Nikon D90 720p videókból.\n" -" \n" -" " - -#: data/effects/frei0r_defish0r.xml:3 -msgid "Defish" -msgstr "Halszem korrekció" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_defish0r.xml:4 -msgid "Non rectilinear lens mappings" -msgstr "Nem téglalap alakú lencseleképzés" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_defish0r.xml:7 data/effects/frei0r_iirblur.xml:8 -#: data/effects/frei0r_sharpness.xml:8 data/effects/movit_unsharp_mask.xml:9 -msgid "Amount" -msgstr "Mennyiség" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_defish0r.xml:10 -msgid "DeFish" -msgstr "DeFish" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_defish0r.xml:13 -msgid "Equidistant,Orthographic,Equiarea,Stereographic" -msgstr "Egyenlő távra lévő,helyesírási,egyenlő területű,távlati" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_defish0r.xml:17 -msgid "Fill,Center,Fit,Manual" -msgstr "Kitöltés,Közép,Illesztés,Kézi" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, lblScaling) -#: data/effects/frei0r_defish0r.xml:18 src/effectstack/dragvalue.cpp:108 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:207 -#: src/ui/colorplaneexport_ui.ui:74 -msgid "Scaling" -msgstr "Méretezés" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_defish0r.xml:21 -msgid "Manual Scale" -msgstr "Kézi átméretezés" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_defish0r.xml:28 -msgid "Square,PAL DV,NTSC DV,HDV,Manual" -msgstr "Kocka,PAL DV,NTSC DV,HDV,Kézi" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_defish0r.xml:29 -msgid "Aspect type" -msgstr "Képarány típus" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_defish0r.xml:32 -msgid "Manual Aspect" -msgstr "Megadott képarány" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_delay0r.xml:3 -msgid "delay0r" -msgstr "Szünet (delay0r)" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_delay0r.xml:4 -msgid "Video delay" -msgstr "Video késleltetés" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_delay0r.xml:7 -msgid "Delay time" -msgstr "Hátralévő idő" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_delaygrab.xml:3 -msgid "Delay grab" -msgstr "Késleltetés húzása" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_delaygrab.xml:4 -msgid "Delayed frame blitting mapped on a time bitmap" -msgstr "Elhalasztott képkocka blittolás feltérképezés egy idő bit térképen" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_distort0r.xml:3 data/effects/pan_zoom.xml:10 -#: data/kdenliveeffectscategory.rc:35 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:722 -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:746 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:767 -msgid "Distort" -msgstr "Torzítás" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_distort0r.xml:4 -msgid "Plasma" -msgstr "Plazma" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_distort0r.xml:7 data/effects/wave.xml:7 -msgid "Amplitude" -msgstr "Amplitúdó" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_distort0r.xml:10 data/effects/sox_bass.xml:10 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:249 -msgid "Frequency" -msgstr "Frekvencia" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_edgeglow.xml:3 -msgid "Edge glow" -msgstr "Szélek ragyogása" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_edgeglow.xml:4 -msgid "Edge glow filter" -msgstr "Határfény szűrő" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_edgeglow.xml:7 -msgid "Edge lightening threshold" -msgstr "Él világosító küszöb effekt" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_edgeglow.xml:10 -msgid "Edge brightness upscaling multiplier" -msgstr "Méretnövelő él fény multiplikátor " - -#: data/effects/frei0r_edgeglow.xml:13 -msgid "Non-edge brightness downscaling multiplier" -msgstr "Nem élfény méretcsökkentő multiplikátor" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_equaliz0r.xml:3 -msgid "Equaliz0r" -msgstr "Színszabályzó (Equaliz0r)" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_equaliz0r.xml:4 -msgid "Equalizes the intensity histograms" -msgstr "Kiegyenlíti a gyakoriságmegoszlási grafikon intenzitását" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facebl0r.xml:3 -msgid "Face blur" -msgstr "Arcfolt" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facebl0r.xml:4 -msgid "Automatically detect and blur a face using OpenCV" -msgstr "OpenCV használatával automatikusan érzékeli és elhomályosítja az arcot" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facebl0r.xml:8 data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:8 -msgid "Search scale" -msgstr "Arány keresése" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facebl0r.xml:9 data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:9 -#, no-c-format -msgid "" -"The search window scale factor. For example, 120 = 1.20 = increases by 20% " -"on each pass." -msgstr "" -"A keresőablak skála tényező. Például, 120 = 1.20 = növekszik 20%-al mindenen " -"felül." - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facebl0r.xml:13 data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:13 -msgid "Neighbors" -msgstr "Szomszédok" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facebl0r.xml:14 data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:14 -msgid "Minimum number of rectangles that determines an object." -msgstr "A téglalapok minimális száma, ami meghatároz egy tárgyat." - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facebl0r.xml:18 data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:18 -msgid "Smallest" -msgstr "Legkisebb" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facebl0r.xml:19 data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:19 -msgid "The minimum window size in pixels." -msgstr "Minimális ablak méret pixelekben." - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facebl0r.xml:23 -msgid "Largest" -msgstr "Legnagyobb" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facebl0r.xml:24 -msgid "" -"The largest size face in pixels - both horizontally and vertically (square " -"window)." -msgstr "" -"A legnagyobb arcméret pixelekben - mindkettő vízszintesen és függőlegesen " -"(négyzetes ablak)." - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facebl0r.xml:28 data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:23 -msgid "Recheck" -msgstr "Újra ellenőrzés" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facebl0r.xml:29 data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:24 -msgid "" -"How often to detect a face. In between checks, it does object motion " -"tracking." -msgstr "" -"Milyen gyakran észlel egy arcot. Ellenőrzések közben, tárgymozgás követést " -"csinál." - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facebl0r.xml:33 -msgid "Show ellipse" -msgstr "Ellipszis megjelenítése" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facebl0r.xml:34 -msgid "Draw a blue ellipse around the face area?" -msgstr "Rajzoljon kék ellipszist az arc területe köré?" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:3 -msgid "Face detect" -msgstr "Arc felismerés" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:4 -msgid "Detect faces and draw shapes on them using OpenCV" -msgstr "Arcokat és rajzolt formákat észlel rajtuk az OpenCV használatával" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:28 -msgid "circle,ellipse,rectangle,random" -msgstr "kör, ellipszis, téglalap, véletlenszerű" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:33 -msgid "Stroke width" -msgstr "Vonal vastagsága" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:34 -msgid "" -"0 means fill; otherwise, draw unfilled with a stroke width of this size." -msgstr "" -"0 jelenti a kitöltést; máskülönben kitöltetlenül rajzol egy simító vonalat " -"ezzel a mérettel." - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:38 -msgid "Alpha" -msgstr "Alfa" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:39 -msgid "" -"Set the alpha channel of the shape area to a percentage of fully opaque." -msgstr "" -"Beállítja a formaterület alfa-csatornáját egy teljesen átlátszatlan " -"százalékra." - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:43 -msgid "Antialias" -msgstr "Élsimítás" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:44 -msgid "Draw with anti-aliasing?" -msgstr "Rajzolás élsimítással?" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:50 -msgid "Color 1" -msgstr "Szín 1" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:51 -msgid "Set the shape color of the first detected face." -msgstr "Állítsa be az először felismert arc színformáját." - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:55 -msgid "Color 2" -msgstr "Szín 2" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:56 -msgid "Set the shape color of the second detected face." -msgstr "Állítsa be a másodszor felismert arc színformáját." - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:60 -msgid "Color 3" -msgstr "Szín 3" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:61 -msgid "Set the shape color of the third detected face." -msgstr "Állítsa be a harmadszor felismert arc színformáját." - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:65 -msgid "Color 4" -msgstr "Szín 4" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:66 -msgid "Set the shape color of the fourth detected face." -msgstr "Állítsa be a negyedszer felismert arc színformáját." - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:70 -msgid "Color 5" -msgstr "Szín 5" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:71 -msgid "Set the shape color of the fifth detected face." -msgstr "Állítsa be az ötödször felismert arc színformáját." - -#: data/effects/frei0r_flippo.xml:3 -msgid "Flippo" -msgstr "Flippo" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_flippo.xml:4 -msgid "Flipping in X and Y axis" -msgstr "Tükrözés X és Y tengelyen" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_flippo.xml:7 -msgid "X axis" -msgstr "X tengely" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_flippo.xml:10 -msgid "Y axis" -msgstr "Y tengely" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_glow.xml:3 -msgid "Glow" -msgstr "Ragyogás" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_glow.xml:4 -msgid "Creates a Glamorous Glow" -msgstr "Elbűvölő ragyogás létrehozása" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_glow.xml:7 data/effects/frei0r_iirblur.xml:3 -#: data/effects/frei0r_mask0mate.xml:22 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:158 -msgid "Blur" -msgstr "Elmosás" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_hqdn3d.xml:3 -msgid "Denoiser" -msgstr "Zajcsökkentés" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_hqdn3d.xml:4 -msgid "High quality 3D denoiser" -msgstr "Magas minőségű 3D zajszűrő" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_hqdn3d.xml:8 -msgid "Spatial" -msgstr "Térbeli" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_hqdn3d.xml:9 -msgid "Amount of spatial filtering" -msgstr "A térbeli szűrés mértéke" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_hqdn3d.xml:13 -msgid "Temporal" -msgstr "Ideiglenes" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_hqdn3d.xml:14 -msgid "Amount of temporal filtering" -msgstr "A időbeli szűrés mértéke" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_hueshift0r.xml:3 -msgid "Hue shift" -msgstr "Színárnyalat eltolás" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_hueshift0r.xml:4 -msgid "Shifts the hue of a source image" -msgstr "Fényerő eltolása a forrásképnél" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_hueshift0r.xml:7 -msgid "Hue" -msgstr "Fényerő" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_iirblur.xml:4 -msgid "Blur using 2D IIR filters (Exponential, Lowpass, Gaussian)" -msgstr "" -"Az elkenés 2D IIR filtereket használ (Exponenciális, Aluláteresztő, Gauss)" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_iirblur.xml:9 -msgid "Amount of blur" -msgstr "Elkenés mértéke (0-100%)" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_iirblur.xml:13 -msgid "Exponential,Lowpass,Gaussian" -msgstr "Exponenciális,Aluláteresztő,Gauss" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_iirblur.xml:15 -msgid "Select blurring algorithm" -msgstr "Elkenő algoritmus kiválasztása" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_iirblur.xml:19 -msgid "Edge" -msgstr "Élesít" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_iirblur.xml:20 -msgid "Enable edge compensation" -msgstr "Élkompenzáció engedélyezése" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:3 -msgid "Key Spill Mop Up" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:4 -msgid "Reduces the visibility of key color spill in chroma keying" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:8 -msgid "Key color" -msgstr "Kulcsszín" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:12 -msgid "Target color" -msgstr "Célszín" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:16 -msgid "Color distance, Transparency, Edge inwards, Edge outwards" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:17 -msgid "Mask type" -msgstr "Maszk típus" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:21 -msgid "Tolerance" -msgstr "Tűréshatár" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:25 -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:91 -msgid "Slope" -msgstr "Dőlés" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:29 -msgid "Hue gate" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:33 -msgid "Saturation threshold" -msgstr "Telítettség küszöb" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:37 -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:46 -msgid "None, De-Key, Target, Desaturate, Luma adjust" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:38 -msgid "Operation 1" -msgstr "1. művelet" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:42 -msgid "Amount 1" -msgstr "1. mennyiség" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:47 -msgid "Operation 2" -msgstr "2. művelet" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:51 -msgid "Amount 2" -msgstr "2. mennyiség" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:55 -msgid "Show mask" -msgstr "Maszk megjelenítése" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:59 -msgid "Mask to Alpha" -msgstr "Maszk alfává" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lenscorrection.xml:3 -msgid "Lens Correction" -msgstr "Lencse korrekció" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lenscorrection.xml:4 -msgid "Allows compensation of lens distortion" -msgstr "Lencsetorzítás kompenzálása" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lenscorrection.xml:7 -msgid "Horizontal center" -msgstr "Vízszintesen középre" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lenscorrection.xml:10 -msgid "Vertical center" -msgstr "Függőlegesen középre" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lenscorrection.xml:13 -msgid "Center correction" -msgstr "Középpont-korrekció" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lenscorrection.xml:16 -msgid "Edges correction" -msgstr "Keret-korrekció" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_letterb0xed.xml:3 -msgid "LetterB0xed" -msgstr "LetterB0xed" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_letterb0xed.xml:4 -msgid "Adds black borders at top and bottom for cinema look" -msgstr "A mozinézethez hozzáad felső és alső fekete kereteket" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_letterb0xed.xml:7 -msgid "Border Width" -msgstr "Szegély vastagsága" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: data/effects/frei0r_letterb0xed.xml:10 data/effects/frei0r_timeout.xml:13 -#: src/ui/wipeval_ui.ui:136 src/ui/wipeval_ui.ui:281 -msgid "Transparency" -msgstr "Átlátszóság" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:4 data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:36 -msgid "Levels" -msgstr "Szintek" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:5 data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:37 -msgid "Adjust levels" -msgstr "Szintek beállítása" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:13 data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:45 -msgid "Input black level" -msgstr "Bemeneti fekete szint" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:16 data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:48 -msgid "Input white level" -msgstr "Bemeneti fehér szint" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:19 data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:51 -#: data/effects/gamma.xml:3 data/effects/gamma.xml:7 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/lumaliftgain.cpp:63 -msgid "Gamma" -msgstr "Gamma" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:22 data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:54 -msgid "Black output" -msgstr "Fekete kimenet" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:25 data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:57 -msgid "White output" -msgstr "Fehér kimenet" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:28 data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:60 -msgid "Show histogram" -msgstr "Hisztogram megjelenítése" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:32 data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:64 -msgid "Histogram position" -msgstr "Hisztogram elhelyezkedése" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:4 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:77 -msgid "Light Graffiti" -msgstr "Világos Graffiti" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:7 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:80 -msgid "" -"Light Graffiti effect.\n" -" " -msgstr "" -"Világos Graffiti effekt.\n" -" " - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:10 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:83 -msgid "Brightness Threshold" -msgstr "Telítettség határa" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:12 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:85 -msgid "" -"R+G+B) does a pixel need to be in order to " -"be recognized as a light source?
\n" -" Increasing this threshold requires brighter light sources (i.e. " -"more white or less color, respectively) but prevents some «false alarms» " -"where semi-bright parts, e.g. hands where colors can change quite a lot " -"compared to the background, are incorrectly recognized as light source.]]>" -msgstr "" -"R+G+B) egy pixelnek, " -"hogy fényforrásként legyen azonosítva?
\n" -" A küszöb növelése fényesebb fényforrásokat igényel (azaz több " -"fehér vagy kevesebb szín, rendre) de megelőz néhány «téves riasztást» ahol " -"félfényes részek vannak, pl. kezek, ahol a színek a háttérrel " -"összehasonlítva eléggé sokat változhatnak, helytelenül fényforrásnak ismeri " -"fel.]]>" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:15 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:88 -msgid "Difference Threshold" -msgstr "Eltérő küszöbérték" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:17 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:90 -msgid "" -"max(dR, dG, dB)), in " -"order to be recognized as light source?
\n" -" Increasing this threshold makes it harder for light sources to " -"be accepted on bright backgrounds, but decreases the danger of noise or " -"generally bright spots counting as light source.]]>" -msgstr "" -"max(dR, dG, dB)), sorrendben, " -"fényforrások felismerése alapján?
\n" -" Erősebbre növeli ezt a küszöböt a fényforrásig, hogy a fényes " -"háttereken is elfogadható legyen, de csökken a zaj veszélye, vagy az " -"általános fényfoltokat is fényforrásnak számolja.]]>" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:20 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:93 -msgid "Difference Sum Threshold" -msgstr "Eltérő küszöbérték összeg" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:22 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:95 -msgid "" -"relative to the " -"background image
(dR + dG + dB) have to change until a " -"pixel is recognized as a light source?
\n" -" Raising this value might, in some cases, avoid that some light " -"objects lit by the light source are added to the light mask.]]>" -msgstr "" -"a háttérképhez " -"viszonyítva
(dR + dG + dB) addig kell változnia, ameddig " -"egy pixelt fényforrásként azonosít?
\n" -" Miközben emeli ezt az értéket néhány esetben, kerülje el azt a " -"néhány fény objektumot, amit fényforrásként hozzáadott a fény maszkhoz.]]>" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:25 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:98 -msgid "Sensitivity" -msgstr "Érzékenység" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:27 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:100 -msgid "" -"\n" -" For slowly moving light source try to use a lower sensitivity to " -"obtain a better exposure.]]>" -msgstr "" -"\n" -" Lassan mozgó fényforrást próbáljon meg alacsonyabb " -"érzékenységgel arra használni, hogy jobb expozíciót kapjon.]]>" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:30 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:103 -msgid "Lower Overexposure" -msgstr "Alacsonyabb túlexponálás" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:32 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:105 -msgid "" -"\n" -" The light mask does not get white immediately when the light " -"source is moving slowly or staying steady.]]>" -msgstr "" -"\n" -" A fény maszk nem lesz azonnal fehér amikor a fényforrás lassan " -"mozog vagy stabilan áll.]]>" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:35 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:108 -msgid "Dimming" -msgstr "Szabályzás" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:36 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:109 -msgid "" -"Dims the light mask. Lights will leave a fainting trail if it is set to a " -"value > 0." -msgstr "" -"Elhalványítja a fény maszkot. Ha az érték nagyobbra van állítva nullánál, a " -"fények halványuló nyomot fognak hagyni." - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:39 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:112 -msgid "Background Weight" -msgstr "Háttér szélessége" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:40 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:113 -msgid "" -"Strength of the (calculated) background image. Setting it to 100 paints the " -"light mask directly over the background, without the painting person in the " -"image if the video starts with a «clean» background image. (See the α " -"parameter.)" -msgstr "" -"A háttérkép (számolt) intenzitása. 100-ra állítva közvetlenül a háttér fölé " -"festi a fény maszkot, a képen lévő szereplő nélkül, ha a video egy «tiszta» " -"háttérképpel indul. (Nézze meg az α paramétert.)" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:43 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:116 -msgid "α" -msgstr "α" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:45 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:118 -msgid "" -"\n" -" The Light Graffiti effect remembers the first frame of the clip " -"it is applied to, so the clip should always start with the painter " -"outside of the video. If the background constantly changes, e.g. on a " -"street, try to set α > 0 to calculate an average background image.]]>" -msgstr "" -"\n" -" A Light Graffiti hatás emlékszik a klip első képkockájára, amin " -"alkalmazták ezt, így a klipnek mindig a videó külső festésével " -"kellene kezdődnie. Ha a háttér állandóan változik, pélául egy utcán, " -"próbálja meg beállítani α > 0-ra, hogy kiszámítson egy átlagos háttérképet.]]" -">" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:48 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:121 -#: data/effects/frei0r_saturat0r.xml:3 data/effects/frei0r_saturat0r.xml:7 -#: data/effects/movit_saturation.xml:6 -msgid "Saturation" -msgstr "Telítettség" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:49 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:122 -msgid "Increases the saturation of lights." -msgstr "Növeli a fények telítettségét." - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:52 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:125 -msgid "Show brightness statistics" -msgstr "Fényerő statisztikák megjelenítése" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:54 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:127 -msgid "" -"\n" -" Example: To adjust the brightness threshold, check this box and " -"adjust the threshold until the whole light source is highlighted. Repeat the " -"same with the other parameters. Only parts that are highlighted in all thresholds will count as light source.]]>" -msgstr "" -"\n" -" Például: Ahhoz, hogy beállítsa a ragyogásküszöböt, ellenőrizze " -"ezt a dobozt és állítsa be a küszöböt, míg az egész fényforrást " -"kihangsúlyozza. Ismételje meg ugyanezt más paraméterekkel is. Csak azok a " -"részek lesznek kiemelve mindegyik küszöbben amik fényforrásnak " -"számítanak.]]>" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:57 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:130 -msgid "Show background difference statistics" -msgstr "Háttéreltérési statisztika megjelenítése" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:60 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:133 -msgid "Show background difference sum statistics" -msgstr "Összes háttéreltérési statisztika megjelenítése" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:64 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:137 -msgid "" -"Makes the background transparent, allowing to apply a composite effect and " -"paint the light mask over a completely different video." -msgstr "" -"Átlátszó hátteret készít, engedélyezi az összetett effekt alkalmazását és " -"fénymaszkot fest egy teljesen különböző videó felett." - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:67 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:140 -msgid "Nonlinear dimming" -msgstr "Nemlineáris halványítás" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:68 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:141 -msgid "If normal dimming does not look natural enough, try this one." -msgstr "" -"Ha a normális elhalványító nem tűnik elég természetesnek, próbálkozzon ezzel." - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:71 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:144 -#: src/effectstack/geometryval.cpp:95 src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:86 -msgid "Reset" -msgstr "Visszaállítás" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:72 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:145 -msgid "" -"Resets the light mask and the background image. This is necessary e.g. if " -"you apply this effect to a clip in the timeline and then move the timeline " -"cursor from outside of the clip to the middle of it. The effect receives " -"this frame in the middle as first frame and uses it as background image. For " -"proper threshold adjusting move the timeline cursor to the beginning of the " -"clip, check the Reset box and uncheck it again." -msgstr "" -"Alaphelyzetbe hozza a fény maszkokat és a háttérképet. Ez szükséges például, " -"ha alkalmazza ezt a hatást egy képkockán az idővonalban és azt az idővonal " -"jelölőt kívülről a klip közepébe húzza. Az effekt megkapja ezt a képkockát " -"középről első képkockaként és háttérképként használja. Megfelelő határküszöb " -"beállításért mozgassa az idővonal mutatót a klip kezdetére, ellenőrizze újra " -"az alaphelyzet dobozt és a kijelölés megszüntetést." - -#: data/effects/frei0r_luminance.xml:3 -msgid "Luminance" -msgstr "Fénysűrűség" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_luminance.xml:4 -msgid "Creates a luminance map of the image" -msgstr "A kép fénysűrűség térképének elkészítése" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_mask0mate.xml:3 -msgid "Mask0Mate" -msgstr "Mask0Mate" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_mask0mate.xml:4 -msgid "Creates an square alpha-channel mask" -msgstr "Létrehoz egy négyzetes alfa-csatorna maszkot" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_medians.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Media players" -msgid "Medians" -msgstr "Médialejátszók" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_medians.xml:4 -msgid "Implements several median-type filters" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_medians.xml:8 -msgid "" -"Cross5,Square3x3,Bilevel,Diamond3x3,Square5x5,Temp3,Temp5,ArceBI,ML3D,ML3dEX," -"VarSize" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_5) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, import_size) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_20) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, treeWidget) -#: data/effects/frei0r_medians.xml:13 data/effects/frei0r_sharpness.xml:12 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:208 -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:563 src/ui/importkeyframesdialog_ui.ui:73 -#: src/ui/managecaptures_ui.ui:40 src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:201 -msgid "Size" -msgstr "Méret" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_nervous.xml:3 -msgid "Nervous" -msgstr "Ideges" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_nervous.xml:4 -msgid "Flushes frames in time in a nervous way" -msgstr "Képkocka áramlás időben feszített úton" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_nosync0r.xml:3 -msgid "nosync0r" -msgstr "nosync0r" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_nosync0r.xml:4 -msgid "Broken TV" -msgstr "Hibás TV" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_nosync0r.xml:7 -msgid "HSync" -msgstr "HSync" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pixeliz0r.xml:3 -msgid "Pixelize" -msgstr "Pixelezés" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pixeliz0r.xml:4 -msgid "Pixelize input image." -msgstr "Bemeneti kép pixelesítése." - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pixeliz0r.xml:7 -msgid "Block Size X" -msgstr "X blokkméret" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pixeliz0r.xml:10 -msgid "Block Size Y" -msgstr "Y blokkméret" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0be.xml:3 -msgid "pr0be" -msgstr "Próba (pr0be)" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0be.xml:4 -msgid "Measure video values" -msgstr "Videóértékek mérése" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0be.xml:8 -msgid "RGB,Y'PbPr - rec. 601,Y'PbPr - rec. 709,HSV,HSL" -msgstr "RGB,Y'PbPr - rec. 601,Y'PbPr - rec. 709,HSV,HSL" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0be.xml:9 -msgid "Measurement" -msgstr "Mérés" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0be.xml:13 data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:8 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/bezier/beziersplinewidget.cpp:56 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/bezier/beziersplinewidget.cpp:60 -#: src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:144 -msgid "X" -msgstr "X" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_5) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, cbY) -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0be.xml:17 data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:12 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/bezier/beziersplinewidget.cpp:58 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/bezier/beziersplinewidget.cpp:62 -#: src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:164 src/ui/histogram_ui.ui:23 -msgid "Y" -msgstr "Y" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0be.xml:21 -msgid "X size" -msgstr "X méret" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0be.xml:25 -msgid "Y size" -msgstr "Y méret" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0be.xml:29 data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:81 -msgid "256 scale" -msgstr "256-os méretezés" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0be.xml:33 -msgid "Show alpha" -msgstr "Alfa megjelenítése" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0be.xml:37 -msgid "Big window" -msgstr "Nagy ablak" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:3 -msgid "pr0file" -msgstr "Profil" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:4 -msgid "2D video oscilloscope" -msgstr "2D videó oszcilloszkóp" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:20 -msgid "Length" -msgstr "Hossz" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:24 -msgid "R,G,B,Y',Pr,Pb,Alpha" -msgstr "R,G,B,Y',Pr,Pb,Alpha" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:29 -msgid "Marker 1" -msgstr "1. jelölő" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:33 -msgid "Marker 2" -msgstr "2. jelölő" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:37 -msgid "R trace" -msgstr "R követés" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:41 -msgid "G trace" -msgstr "G követés" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:45 -msgid "B trace" -msgstr "B követés" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:49 -msgid "Y trace" -msgstr "Y követés" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:53 -msgid "Pr trace" -msgstr "Pr követés" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:57 -msgid "Pb trace" -msgstr "Pb követés" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:61 -msgid "Alpha trace" -msgstr "Alfa követés" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:65 -msgid "Display average" -msgstr "Átlag megjelenítése" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:69 -msgid "Display RMS" -msgstr "RMS megjelenítése" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:73 -msgid "Display minimum" -msgstr "Minimum megjelenítése" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:77 -msgid "Display maximum" -msgstr "Maximum megjelenítése" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:85 -msgid "CCIR rec. 601,CCIR rec. 709" -msgstr "CCIR rec. 601,CCIR rec. 709" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_13) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, background_list) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_9) -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:86 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:156 -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:176 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:182 -#: src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:197 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:944 -msgid "Color" -msgstr "Szín" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:90 -msgid "Crosshair color" -msgstr "Célkereszt színe" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_primaries.xml:3 -msgid "Primaries" -msgstr "Elsődlegesek" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_primaries.xml:4 -msgid "Reduce image to primary colors" -msgstr "Kép csökkentése elsődleges színekre" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_primaries.xml:7 data/effects/sox_stretch.xml:7 -msgid "Factor" -msgstr "Faktor" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_primaries.xml:8 -msgid " 32 = 0]]>" -msgstr " 32 = 0]]>" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QWidget, RGBParade_UI) -#: data/effects/frei0r_rgbparade.xml:3 src/scopes/scopemanager.cpp:308 -#: src/ui/rgbparade_ui.ui:14 -msgid "RGB Parade" -msgstr "RGB parádé" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_rgbparade.xml:4 -msgid "Display a histogram of R, G and B components of the video data" -msgstr "A videó adatokat R, G és B összetevőkkel kijelzi egy grafikonon" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_saturat0r.xml:4 -msgid "Adjusts the saturation of a source image" -msgstr "Telítettség megváltoztatása a forrásképnél" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_scale0tilt.xml:3 -msgid "Crop, Scale and Position" -msgstr "Levágás, méretezés és pozíció" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_scale0tilt.xml:4 -msgid "Scales, Tilts and Crops an Image" -msgstr "Átméretezi, dönti és levágja a képet" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_scale0tilt.xml:7 -msgid "Clip left" -msgstr "Levágás balra" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_scale0tilt.xml:10 -msgid "Clip right" -msgstr "Levágás jobbra" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_scale0tilt.xml:13 -msgid "Clip top" -msgstr "Levágás felül" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_scale0tilt.xml:16 -msgid "Clip bottom" -msgstr "Levágás alul" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_scale0tilt.xml:19 -msgid "Scale X" -msgstr "X-lépték" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_scale0tilt.xml:22 -msgid "Scale Y" -msgstr "Y-lépték" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_scale0tilt.xml:25 -msgid "Tilt X" -msgstr "X döntés" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_scale0tilt.xml:28 -msgid "Tilt Y" -msgstr "Y döntés" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_scanline0r.xml:3 -msgid "scanline0r" -msgstr "scanline0r" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_scanline0r.xml:4 -msgid "Interlaced black lines" -msgstr "Összefűzött sorvezető" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:4 data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:51 -msgid "Color Selection" -msgstr "Szín kiválasztása" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:5 data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:52 -msgid "Color based alpha selection" -msgstr "Szín alapú alfa kiválasztás" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:9 data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:56 -msgid "Color to select" -msgstr "Kiválasztandó szín" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:13 data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:60 -msgid "Invert selection" -msgstr "Kijelölés megfordítása" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:17 data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:79 -msgid "Delta R / A / Hue" -msgstr "Delta R / A / Fényerő" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:21 data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:83 -msgid "Delta G / B / Chroma" -msgstr "Delta G / B / Szín" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:25 data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:87 -msgid "Delta B / I / I" -msgstr "Delta B / I / I" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:29 data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:64 -msgid "RGB,ABI,HCI" -msgstr "RGB,ABI,HCI" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:30 data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:65 -msgid "Selection subspace" -msgstr "Altér kiválasztása" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:34 data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:69 -msgid "Box,Ellipsoid,Diamond" -msgstr "Doboz, ellipszoid, gyémánt" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:35 data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:70 -msgid "Subspace shape" -msgstr "Altér alakzata" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:39 -msgid "Hard,Fat,Normal,Skinny" -msgstr "Éles, kövér, szabványos, vékony" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:40 data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:75 -msgid "Edge mode" -msgstr "Él üzemmód" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:74 -msgid "Hard,Fat,Normal,Skinny,Slope" -msgstr "Éles, kövér, szabványos, vékony, dőlt" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sharpness.xml:3 -msgid "Sharpen" -msgstr "Élesítés" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sharpness.xml:4 -msgid "Unsharp masking (port from Mplayer)" -msgstr "Életlen maszkolás (port az Mplayerből)" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sobel.xml:3 -msgid "Sobel" -msgstr "Sobel" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sobel.xml:4 -msgid "Sobel filter" -msgstr "Sobel szűrő" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:4 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:59 -msgid "SOP/Sat" -msgstr "SOP/Sat" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:5 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:60 -msgid "" -"Changes Slope, Offset, and Power of the color components, and the overall " -"Saturation, according to the ASC CDL (Color Decision List)." -msgstr "" -"Megváltoztatja a színösszetevők és a telítettség a csatolását, az eltolását " -"és az erősítését az ASC CDL (Színmeghatározási Lista) értékének megfelelően." - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:8 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:63 -msgid "Slope Red" -msgstr "Vörös csatolása" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:10 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:65 -msgid "" -"\n" -" All effects can be observed well when applied on a greyscale " -"gradient and looking at the RGB Parade monitor.]]>" -msgstr "" -"\n" -" Minden hatás jól megfigyelhető, amikor egy szürkeárnyalatos " -"gradiensen alkalmazzuk és egy RGB Parade monitoron nézzük.]]>" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:13 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:68 -msgid "Slope Green" -msgstr "Zöld csatolása" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:16 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:71 -msgid "Slope Blue" -msgstr "Kék csatolása" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:19 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:74 -msgid "Slope Alpha" -msgstr "Alfa csatolása" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:23 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:78 -msgid "Offset Red" -msgstr "Vörös eltolás" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:24 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:79 -msgid "" -"Changing the offset lifts (or lowers) the brightness of each pixel by the " -"given value." -msgstr "" -"Megváltoztatja az eltolás emelkedését (vagy csökkenését) mindegyik pixel " -"ragyogásán az adott érték szerint." - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:27 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:82 -msgid "Offset Green" -msgstr "Zöld eltolás" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:30 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:85 -msgid "Offset Blue" -msgstr "Kék eltolás" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:33 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:88 -msgid "Offset Alpha" -msgstr "Alfa eltolás" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:37 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:92 -msgid "Power Red" -msgstr "Vörös mód" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:39 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:94 -msgid "" -"\n" -" Mathematically, what happens is an exponentiation of the " -"pixel brightness on [0,1] by the gamma value.]]>" -msgstr "" -"\n" -" Matematikailag az történik, hogy hatványozza a pixel " -"ragyogását [0,1] gamma érték szerint.]]>" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:42 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:97 -msgid "Power Green" -msgstr "Zöld mód" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:45 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:100 -msgid "Power Blue" -msgstr "Kék mód" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:48 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:103 -msgid "Power Alpha" -msgstr "Alfa mód" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:52 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:107 -msgid "Overall Saturation" -msgstr "Teljes telítettség" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:53 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:108 -msgid "The overall saturation will be changed in the last step of this filter." -msgstr "" -"A teljes telítettség meg fog változni ennek a szűrőnek az utolsó lépésében." - -#: data/effects/frei0r_squareblur.xml:3 -msgid "Square Blur" -msgstr "Szögletes elmosás" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_squareblur.xml:4 -msgid "Square blur" -msgstr "Négyzetes elmosás" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_squareblur.xml:7 -msgid "Kernel size" -msgstr "Kernel-méret" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_tehroxx0r.xml:3 -msgid "TehRoxx0r" -msgstr "TehRoxx0r" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_tehroxx0r.xml:4 -msgid "Something videowall-ish" -msgstr "Valami videófal-szerű" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_tehroxx0r.xml:7 -msgid "Interval" -msgstr "Lépésköz" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_three_point_balance.xml:3 -msgid "3 point balance" -msgstr "3 pontos egyensúly" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_three_point_balance.xml:4 -msgid "Balances colors along with 3 points" -msgstr "Színegyensúly elérése 3 pont mentén" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_three_point_balance.xml:7 -msgid "Black color" -msgstr "Fekete szín" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_three_point_balance.xml:10 -msgid "Gray color" -msgstr "Szürke szín" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_three_point_balance.xml:13 -msgid "White color" -msgstr "Fehér szín" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_three_point_balance.xml:16 -msgid "Split screen preview" -msgstr "Osztottképernyős előnézet" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_three_point_balance.xml:19 -msgid "Source image on left side" -msgstr "Forráskép a bal oldalon" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_threelay0r.xml:3 -msgid "threelay0r" -msgstr "Három réteg (threelay0r)" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_threelay0r.xml:4 -msgid "Dynamic 3-level thresholding" -msgstr "Dinamikus 3 szintű küszöb" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_threshold0r.xml:3 -msgid "Threshold0r" -msgstr "Tűréshatár" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_threshold0r.xml:4 -msgid "Thresholds a source image" -msgstr "Forráskép tűréshatár" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_timeout.xml:4 -msgid "Timeout indicator" -msgstr "Időtúllépés jelző" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_timeout.xml:7 -msgid "Indicator color" -msgstr "Jelzőszín" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, markers_list) -#: data/effects/frei0r_timeout.xml:10 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:427 -msgid "Time" -msgstr "Idő" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_tint0r.xml:3 -msgid "Tint" -msgstr "Színez" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_tint0r.xml:4 -msgid "Maps source image luminance between two colors specified" -msgstr "A forráskép fényességének beállítása a két megadott szín közé" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_tint0r.xml:7 -msgid "Map black to" -msgstr "Fekete szín hozzárendelése:" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_tint0r.xml:10 -msgid "Map white to" -msgstr "Fehér szín hozzárendelése:" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_tint0r.xml:13 -msgid "Tint amount" -msgstr "Színezés mértéke" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_twolay0r.xml:3 -msgid "twolay0r" -msgstr "twolay0r" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_twolay0r.xml:4 -msgid "Dynamic thresholding" -msgstr "Dinamikus küszöb" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_vectorscope.xml:3 src/scopes/scopemanager.cpp:306 -msgid "Vectorscope" -msgstr "Vektorszkóp" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_vectorscope.xml:4 -msgid "Display a vectorscope of the video data" -msgstr "Kijelzi a videóadat egy vektorterületét" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_vertigo.xml:4 data/effects/frei0r_vertigo.xml:15 -msgid "Vertigo" -msgstr "Szédülés" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_vertigo.xml:5 data/effects/frei0r_vertigo.xml:16 -msgid "Alpha blending with zoomed and rotated images" -msgstr "Áttetszőség nagyított és elforgatott képekkel" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_vertigo.xml:8 data/effects/frei0r_vertigo.xml:19 -msgid "Phase Increment" -msgstr "Fázis növelés" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_vertigo.xml:11 data/effects/frei0r_vertigo.xml:22 -msgid "Zoom Rate" -msgstr "Nagyítás mértéke" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_vignette.xml:3 -msgid "Vignette" -msgstr "Címke" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_vignette.xml:4 -msgid "Natural lens vignetting effect" -msgstr "Természetes tompító lencse effekt" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_vignette.xml:7 -msgid "Aspect ratio" -msgstr "Képméretarány" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_vignette.xml:10 -msgid "Clear center size" -msgstr "Központi méret törlése" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_softness) -#: data/effects/frei0r_vignette.xml:13 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:709 -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:302 src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:220 -msgid "Softness" -msgstr "Finomság" - -#: data/effects/gain.xml:3 data/effects/gain.xml:7 data/effects/mute.xml:7 -#: data/effects/normalise.xml:7 data/effects/sox_bass.xml:7 -#: data/effects/sox_gain.xml:7 data/effects/volume.xml:7 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/lumaliftgain.cpp:65 -msgid "Gain" -msgstr "Erősítés" - -#: data/effects/gain.xml:4 -msgid "Adjust the audio volume without keyframes" -msgstr "Hangerőszabályzás kulcskockák nélkül" - -#: data/effects/gamma.xml:4 -msgid "Change gamma color value" -msgstr "Gamma színérték változtatása" - -#: data/effects/grain.xml:3 -msgid "Grain" -msgstr "Szemcse" - -#: data/effects/grain.xml:4 -msgid "Grain over the image" -msgstr "Szemcse a kép fölött" - -#: data/effects/grain.xml:7 data/effects/movit_deconvolution_sharpen.xml:18 -#: plugins/sampleplugin/sampleplugin.cpp:34 -#: plugins/sampleplugin/sampleplugin.cpp:42 -#: plugins/sampleplugin/sampleplugin.cpp:54 -#: plugins/sampleplugin/sampleplugin.cpp:78 -msgid "Noise" -msgstr "Zaj" - -#: data/effects/greyscale.xml:3 -msgid "Greyscale" -msgstr "Szürkeárnyalat" - -#: data/effects/greyscale.xml:4 -msgid "Discard color information" -msgstr "Színinformációk figyelmen kívül hagyása" - -#: data/effects/invert.xml:4 -msgid "Invert colors" -msgstr "Színek megfordítása" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_declipper.xml:3 -msgid "Declipper" -msgstr "Declipper" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_declipper.xml:4 -msgid "LADSPA declipper audio effect" -msgstr "LADSPA deklipper hangeffekt" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer.xml:3 -msgid "Equalizer" -msgstr "Hangszínszabályzó" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer.xml:4 -msgid "LADSPA equalizer audio effect" -msgstr "LADSPA hangszínszabályzó hangeffektus" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer.xml:7 -msgid "Lo gain" -msgstr "Mélyhang-kiemelés" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer.xml:10 -msgid "Mid gain" -msgstr "Középhang-kiemelés" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer.xml:13 -msgid "Hi gain" -msgstr "Magashang-kiemelés" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:3 -msgid "15 Band Equalizer" -msgstr "15 utas equalizer" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:4 -msgid "LADSPA equalizer audio effect (15 band)" -msgstr "LADSPA hangszínszabályzó hangeffekt (15 band)" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:7 -msgid "50 Hz" -msgstr "50 Hz" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:10 -msgid "100 Hz" -msgstr "100 Hz" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:13 -msgid "156 Hz" -msgstr "156 Hz" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:16 -msgid "220 Hz" -msgstr "220 Hz" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:19 -msgid "311 Hz" -msgstr "311 Hz" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:22 -msgid "440 Hz" -msgstr "440 Hz" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:25 -msgid "622 Hz" -msgstr "622 Hz" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:28 -msgid "880 Hz" -msgstr "880 Hz" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:31 -msgid "1250 Hz" -msgstr "1250 Hz" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:34 -msgid "1750 Hz" -msgstr "1750 Hz" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:37 -msgid "2500 Hz" -msgstr "2500 Hz" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:40 -msgid "3500 Hz" -msgstr "3500 Hz" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:43 -msgid "5000 Hz" -msgstr "5000 Hz" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:46 -msgid "10000 Hz" -msgstr "10000 Hz" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:49 -msgid "20000 Hz" -msgstr "20000 Hz" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_limiter.xml:3 -msgid "Limiter" -msgstr "Limitáló" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_limiter.xml:4 -msgid "LADSPA limiter audio effect" -msgstr "LADSPA limitáló hangeffektus" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_limiter.xml:7 -msgid "Input gain (dB)" -msgstr "Bemenő erősítés (dB)" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_limiter.xml:10 -msgid "Limit (dB)" -msgstr "Határ (dB)" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_limiter.xml:13 -msgid "Release time (s)" -msgstr "Elengedési idő (s)" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_phaser.xml:3 -msgid "Phaser" -msgstr "Fáziseltoló" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_phaser.xml:4 -msgid "LADSPA phaser audio effect" -msgstr "LADSPA fázistoló audio hangeffektus" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_phaser.xml:7 -msgid "Rate (Hz)" -msgstr "Ráta (Hz)" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_phaser.xml:10 data/effects/sox_flanger.xml:10 -msgid "Depth" -msgstr "Mélység" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_phaser.xml:13 -msgid "Feedback" -msgstr "Visszajelzés" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_phaser.xml:16 -msgid "Spread" -msgstr "Terjedés" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_pitch.xml:3 -msgid "Pitch Shift" -msgstr "Hangmagasság eltolás" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_pitch.xml:4 -msgid "LADSPA change pitch audio effect" -msgstr "LADSPA hangszínváltó hangeffektus" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_pitch.xml:7 data/effects/sox_pitch.xml:7 -msgid "Shift" -msgstr "Eltolás" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_pitch_scale.xml:3 -msgid "Pitch Scaler" -msgstr "Hangmagasság skálázó" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_pitch_scale.xml:4 -msgid "LADSPA pitch scale audio effect" -msgstr "LADSPA hangmagasság-skálázó hangeffektus" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_pitch_scale.xml:7 -msgid "Co-efficient" -msgstr "Együttható" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_rate_scale.xml:3 -msgid "Rate Scaler" -msgstr "Ráta méretező" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_rate_scale.xml:4 -msgid "LADSPA rate scale audio effect" -msgstr "LADSPA ráta-méretező hangeffektus" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_rate_scale.xml:7 -msgid "Rate" -msgstr "Ráta" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_reverb.xml:3 -msgid "Reverb" -msgstr "Visszhangosítás" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_reverb.xml:4 -msgid "LADSPA reverb audio effect" -msgstr "LADSPA visszhang hangeffektus" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_reverb.xml:7 -msgid "Reverb time" -msgstr "Visszhang idő" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_reverb.xml:10 data/effects/ladspa_room_reverb.xml:13 -msgid "Damping" -msgstr "Csillapítás (Damping)" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_room_reverb.xml:3 -msgid "Room Reverb" -msgstr "Terem visszhangosítás" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_room_reverb.xml:4 -msgid "LADSPA room reverb audio effect" -msgstr "LADSPA szobai visszhang hangeffektus" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_room_reverb.xml:7 -msgid "Room size (m)" -msgstr "Terem méret (m)" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_room_reverb.xml:10 -msgid "Delay (s/10)" -msgstr "Szünet (s/10)" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_vinyl.xml:3 -msgid "Vinyl" -msgstr "Hanglemez" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_vinyl.xml:4 -msgid "Simulates a vinyl audio player - LADSPA audio effect" -msgstr "LADSPA lemezlejátszó hangeffektus" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_vinyl.xml:7 src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:166 -msgid "Year" -msgstr "Év" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_vinyl.xml:10 -msgid "RPM" -msgstr "RPM" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_vinyl.xml:13 -msgid "Surface warping" -msgstr "Felület alakítás" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_vinyl.xml:16 -msgid "Crackle" -msgstr "Ropogás" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_vinyl.xml:19 -msgid "Wear" -msgstr "Kopás" - -#: data/effects/lift_gamma_gain.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Movit: Lift/gamma/gain" -msgid "Lift/gamma/gain" -msgstr "Movit: Eltolás/gamma/erősítés" - -#: data/effects/lift_gamma_gain.xml:6 data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain.xml:6 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain2.xml:6 -msgid "Lift: Red" -msgstr "Eltolás: Vörös" - -#: data/effects/lift_gamma_gain.xml:9 data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain.xml:9 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain2.xml:9 -msgid "Lift: Green" -msgstr "Eltolás: Zöld" - -#: data/effects/lift_gamma_gain.xml:12 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain.xml:12 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain2.xml:12 -msgid "Lift: Blue" -msgstr "Eltolás: Kék" - -#: data/effects/lift_gamma_gain.xml:15 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain.xml:15 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain2.xml:15 -msgid "Gamma: Red" -msgstr "Gamma: Vörös" - -#: data/effects/lift_gamma_gain.xml:18 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain.xml:18 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain2.xml:18 -msgid "Gamma: Green" -msgstr "Gamma: Zöld" - -#: data/effects/lift_gamma_gain.xml:21 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain.xml:21 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain2.xml:21 -msgid "Gamma: Blue" -msgstr "Gamma: Kék" - -#: data/effects/lift_gamma_gain.xml:24 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain.xml:24 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain2.xml:24 -msgid "Gain: Red" -msgstr "Erősítés: Vörös" - -#: data/effects/lift_gamma_gain.xml:27 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain.xml:27 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain2.xml:27 -msgid "Gain: Green" -msgstr "Erősítés: Zöld" - -#: data/effects/lift_gamma_gain.xml:30 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain.xml:30 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain2.xml:30 -msgid "Gain: Blue" -msgstr "Erősítés: Kék" - -#: data/effects/loudness.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Softness" -msgid "Loudness" -msgstr "Finomság" - -#: data/effects/loudness.xml:4 -msgid "Correct audio loudness as recommended by EBU R128" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/loudness.xml:7 -msgid "Target Program Loudness" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/mirror.xml:3 -msgid "Mirror" -msgstr "Tükrözés" - -#: data/effects/mirror.xml:4 -msgid "Flip your image in any direction" -msgstr "Kép tükrözése bármely irányban" - -#: data/effects/mirror.xml:7 -msgid "Horizontal,Vertical,Diagonal,X Diagonal,Flip,Flop" -msgstr "Vízszintes, függőleges, átlós, X átlós, fel, le" - -#: data/effects/mirror.xml:8 -msgid "Mirroring direction" -msgstr "Tükrözés iránya" - -#: data/effects/movit_blur.xml:3 -msgid "Blur (GPU)" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_6) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_8) -#: data/effects/movit_blur.xml:6 data/effects/movit_diffusion.xml:6 -#: data/effects/movit_glow.xml:6 data/effects/movit_unsharp_mask.xml:6 -#: data/effects/movit_vignette.xml:6 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:891 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:915 -msgid "Radius" -msgstr "Sugár" - -#: data/effects/movit_deconvolution_sharpen.xml:3 -msgid "Deconvolution sharpen (GPU)" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/movit_deconvolution_sharpen.xml:6 -msgid "Matrix size" -msgstr "Mátrix méret" - -#: data/effects/movit_deconvolution_sharpen.xml:9 -msgid "Circle radius" -msgstr "Kör sugár" - -#: data/effects/movit_deconvolution_sharpen.xml:12 -msgid "Gaussian radius" -msgstr "Gauss-féle sugár" - -#: data/effects/movit_deconvolution_sharpen.xml:15 -msgid "Correlation" -msgstr "Korreláció" - -#: data/effects/movit_diffusion.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Diffusion" -msgid "Diffusion (GPU)" -msgstr "Diffúzió" - -#: data/effects/movit_diffusion.xml:9 -msgid "Mix amount" -msgstr "Mennyiség keverése" - -#: data/effects/movit_glow.xml:3 -msgid "Glow (GPU)" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/movit_glow.xml:9 -msgid "Glow strength" -msgstr "Ragyogás erőssége" - -#: data/effects/movit_glow.xml:12 -msgid "Highlight cutoff threshold" -msgstr "Levágási küszöb kiemelése" - -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Movit: Lift/gamma/gain" -msgid "Lift/gamma/gain (GPU)" -msgstr "Movit: Eltolás/gamma/erősítés" - -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain2.xml:3 -msgid "Movit: Lift/gamma/gain (colors)" -msgstr "Movit: Eltolás/gamma/erősítés (színek)" - -#: data/effects/movit_mirror.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Mirror" -msgid "Mirror (GPU)" -msgstr "Tükrözés" - -#: data/effects/movit_opacity.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Opacity" -msgid "Opacity (GPU)" -msgstr "Átlátszatlanság" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_opacity) -#: data/effects/movit_opacity.xml:6 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:211 src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:113 -msgid "Opacity" -msgstr "Átlátszatlanság" - -#: data/effects/movit_rect.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Pan and Zoom" -msgid "Pan and Zoom (GPU)" -msgstr "Görgetés és nagyítás" - -#: data/effects/movit_rect.xml:9 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Follow mouse" -msgid "Allow upscale" -msgstr "Egér követése" - -#: data/effects/movit_saturation.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Saturation" -msgid "Saturation (GPU)" -msgstr "Telítettség" - -#: data/effects/movit_unsharp_mask.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Movit: Unsharp mask" -msgid "Unsharp mask (GPU)" -msgstr "Movit: Maszk életlenné tétele" - -#: data/effects/movit_vignette.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Vignette" -msgid "Vignette (GPU)" -msgstr "Címke" - -#: data/effects/movit_vignette.xml:9 -msgid "Inner radius" -msgstr "Belső sugár" - -#: data/effects/movit_white_balance.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "White Balance" -msgid "White Balance (GPU)" -msgstr "Fehéregyensúly" - -#: data/effects/mute.xml:3 -msgid "Mute" -msgstr "Némítás" - -#: data/effects/mute.xml:4 -msgid "Mute clip" -msgstr "Videó klip elnémítása" - -#: data/effects/normalise.xml:3 -msgid "Normalise" -msgstr "Normalizálás" - -#: data/effects/normalise.xml:4 -msgid "Dynamically normalise the audio volume" -msgstr "Hangerő dinamikus normalizálása" - -#: data/effects/normalise.xml:10 -msgid "Maximum gain" -msgstr "Maximális erősítés" - -#: data/effects/normalise.xml:13 data/effects/sox_stretch.xml:10 -msgid "Window" -msgstr "Ablak" - -#: data/effects/obscure.xml:4 -msgid "Hide a region of the clip" -msgstr "Klip egy részének elrejtése" - -#: data/effects/obscure.xml:7 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:760 -msgid "Region" -msgstr "Terület" - -#: data/effects/oldfilm.xml:3 -msgid "Oldfilm" -msgstr "Régi film" - -#: data/effects/oldfilm.xml:4 -msgid "Moves the Picture up and down and random brightness change" -msgstr "Fel-le mozgatja a képet és véletlenszerűen állítja a fényerőt" - -#: data/effects/oldfilm.xml:7 -msgid "Y-Delta" -msgstr "Y-Delta" - -#: data/effects/oldfilm.xml:10 -#, no-c-format -msgid "% of picture have a delta" -msgstr "a kép %-ának van deltája" - -#: data/effects/oldfilm.xml:13 -msgid "Brightness up" -msgstr "Telítettség növelése" - -#: data/effects/oldfilm.xml:16 -msgid "Brightness down" -msgstr "Telítettség csökkentése" - -#: data/effects/oldfilm.xml:19 -msgid "Brightness every" -msgstr "Telítettség minden" - -#: data/effects/oldfilm.xml:22 -msgid "Unevendevelop up" -msgstr "Egyenlőtlen fejlődés felfelé" - -#: data/effects/oldfilm.xml:25 -msgid "Unevendevelop down" -msgstr "Egyenlőtlen fejlődés lefelé" - -#: data/effects/oldfilm.xml:28 -msgid "Unevendevelop Duration" -msgstr "Egyenlőtlen fejlődés időtartama" - -#: data/effects/pan_zoom.xml:3 data/effects/region.xml:10 -#: data/effects/rotation.xml:37 -msgid "Pan and Zoom" -msgstr "Görgetés és nagyítás" - -#: data/effects/pan_zoom.xml:4 -msgid "Adjust size and position of clip" -msgstr "Klip méretének és pozíciójának megváltoztatása" - -#: data/effects/region.xml:3 -msgid "Regionalize" -msgstr "Regionálás" - -#: data/effects/region.xml:4 -msgid "Apply sub-effects to a region defined by a clip's alpha channel" -msgstr "" -"Al-effekteket alkalmaz a klip alfa csatornájának meghatározott területén" - -#: data/effects/region.xml:7 -msgid "Url" -msgstr "Url" - -#: data/effects/rotation.xml:3 -msgid "Rotate and Shear" -msgstr "Forgatás és nyírás" - -#: data/effects/rotation.xml:4 data/effects/rotation_keyframable.xml:4 -msgid "Rotate clip in any 3 directions" -msgstr "Klip forgatása bármely irányban" - -#: data/effects/rotation.xml:7 data/effects/rotation_keyframable.xml:7 -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:747 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:216 -msgid "Rotate X" -msgstr "Forgatás X" - -#: data/effects/rotation.xml:10 data/effects/rotation_keyframable.xml:10 -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:748 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:219 -msgid "Rotate Y" -msgstr "Forgatás Y" - -#: data/effects/rotation.xml:13 data/effects/rotation_keyframable.xml:13 -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:749 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:222 -msgid "Rotate Z" -msgstr "Forgatás Z" - -#: data/effects/rotation.xml:16 -msgid "Animate Rotate X" -msgstr "Animálás és forgatás X" - -#: data/effects/rotation.xml:19 -msgid "Animate Rotate Y" -msgstr "Animálás és forgatás Y" - -#: data/effects/rotation.xml:22 -msgid "Animate Rotate Z" -msgstr "Animálás és forgatás Z" - -#: data/effects/rotation.xml:25 -msgid "Shear X" -msgstr "Nyírás X" - -#: data/effects/rotation.xml:28 -msgid "Shear Y" -msgstr "Nyírás Y" - -#: data/effects/rotation.xml:31 -msgid "Animate Shear X" -msgstr "Animálás és nyírás X" - -#: data/effects/rotation.xml:34 -msgid "Animate Shear Y" -msgstr "Animálás és nyírás Y" - -#: data/effects/rotation_keyframable.xml:3 -msgid "Rotate (keyframable)" -msgstr "Forgatás (kulcsképkocka szerint)" - -#: data/effects/rotation_keyframable.xml:16 -msgid "Offset X" -msgstr "Eltolás X" - -#: data/effects/rotation_keyframable.xml:19 -msgid "Offset Y" -msgstr "Eltolás Y" - -#: data/effects/rotoscoping.xml:3 -msgid "Rotoscoping" -msgstr "Rotoszkópia" - -#: data/effects/rotoscoping.xml:4 -msgid "Keyframable vector based rotoscoping" -msgstr "Vektor alapú roboszkópia, kulcsképkocka szerint" - -#: data/effects/rotoscoping.xml:8 -msgid "Alpha,Luma,RGB" -msgstr "Alfa,Luma,RGB" - -#: data/effects/rotoscoping.xml:9 -msgid "Mode" -msgstr "Mód" - -#: data/effects/rotoscoping.xml:14 -msgid "Alpha Operation" -msgstr "Alfa művelet" - -#: data/effects/rotoscoping.xml:22 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:3422 -msgid "Track" -msgstr "Sáv" - -#: data/effects/rotoscoping.xml:26 -msgid "Feather width" -msgstr "Feather elmosás szélessége" - -#: data/effects/rotoscoping.xml:30 -msgid "Feathering passes" -msgstr "Feathering elmosás átmenet" - -#: data/effects/scratchlines.xml:3 -msgid "Scratchlines" -msgstr "Karcolat" - -#: data/effects/scratchlines.xml:4 -msgid "Scratchlines over the picture" -msgstr "Karcvonalak a kép fölött" - -#: data/effects/scratchlines.xml:7 -msgid "Width of line" -msgstr "Vonalvastagság" - -#: data/effects/scratchlines.xml:10 -msgid "Max number of lines" -msgstr "Vonalak maximális száma" - -#: data/effects/scratchlines.xml:13 -msgid "Max darker" -msgstr "Maximális sötét" - -#: data/effects/scratchlines.xml:16 -msgid "Max lighter" -msgstr "Maximális világos" - -#: data/effects/sepia.xml:3 -msgid "Sepia" -msgstr "Szépia" - -#: data/effects/sepia.xml:4 -msgid "Turn clip colors to sepia" -msgstr "Klip színek átalakítása szépiába" - -#: data/effects/sepia.xml:7 -msgid "Chrominance U" -msgstr "Chrominance U" - -#: data/effects/sepia.xml:10 -msgid "Chrominance V" -msgstr "Chrominance V" - -#: data/effects/sox_band.xml:3 -msgid "Sox Band" -msgstr "Sox sáv" - -#: data/effects/sox_band.xml:4 -msgid "Sox band audio effect" -msgstr "Sox sáv hangeffektus" - -#: data/effects/sox_band.xml:7 -msgid "Center Frequency" -msgstr "Középső frekvencia" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_4) -#: data/effects/sox_band.xml:10 data/effects/sox_flanger.xml:16 -#: src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:181 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:307 -msgid "Width" -msgstr "Szélesség" - -#: data/effects/sox_bass.xml:3 -msgid "Sox Bass" -msgstr "Sox mélyhang" - -#: data/effects/sox_bass.xml:4 -msgid "Sox bass audio effect" -msgstr "Sox mélyhang-effektus" - -#: data/effects/sox_echo.xml:3 -msgid "Sox Echo" -msgstr "Sox visszhang" - -#: data/effects/sox_echo.xml:4 -msgid "Sox echo audio effect" -msgstr "Sox visszhang-effektus" - -#: data/effects/sox_echo.xml:7 data/effects/sox_phaser.xml:7 -msgid "Gain In" -msgstr "Bemeneti erősítés" - -#: data/effects/sox_echo.xml:10 data/effects/sox_phaser.xml:10 -msgid "Gain Out" -msgstr "Kimeneti erősítés" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_13) -#: data/effects/sox_echo.xml:13 data/effects/sox_flanger.xml:7 -#: data/effects/sox_phaser.xml:13 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:994 -msgid "Delay" -msgstr "Szünet" - -#: data/effects/sox_echo.xml:16 data/effects/sox_phaser.xml:16 -msgid "Decay" -msgstr "Szétbontás" - -#: data/effects/sox_flanger.xml:3 -msgid "Sox Flanger" -msgstr "Sox Flanger hangeffektus" - -#: data/effects/sox_flanger.xml:4 -msgid "Sox flanger audio effect" -msgstr "Sox flanger hangeffektus" - -#: data/effects/sox_flanger.xml:13 -msgid "Regeneration" -msgstr "Újragenerálás" - -#: data/effects/sox_flanger.xml:19 data/effects/sox_phaser.xml:19 -#: data/effects/speed.xml:3 data/effects/speed.xml:7 -msgid "Speed" -msgstr "Sebesség" - -#: data/effects/sox_flanger.xml:25 -msgid "Phase" -msgstr "Fázis" - -#: data/effects/sox_flanger.xml:28 src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:383 -msgid "Interpolation" -msgstr "Interpolálás" - -#: data/effects/sox_gain.xml:3 -msgid "Sox Gain" -msgstr "Sox erősítés" - -#: data/effects/sox_gain.xml:4 -msgid "Sox gain audio effect" -msgstr "Sox felerősítés hangeffektus" - -#: data/effects/sox_gain.xml:12 -msgid "Normalize" -msgstr "Normalizálás" - -#: data/effects/sox_phaser.xml:3 -msgid "Sox Phaser" -msgstr "Sox fáziseltoló" - -#: data/effects/sox_phaser.xml:4 -msgid "Sox phaser audio effect" -msgstr "Sox fáziseltoló hangeffektus" - -#: data/effects/sox_pitch.xml:3 -msgid "Sox Pitch Shift" -msgstr "Hangmagasság eltolás" - -#: data/effects/sox_pitch.xml:4 -msgid "Sox change pitch audio effect" -msgstr "Sox hangszínváltó hangeffektus" - -#: data/effects/sox_pitch.xml:10 -msgid "Time window (ms)" -msgstr "Időablak (ezredmásodperc)" - -#: data/effects/sox_reverb.xml:3 -msgid "Sox Reverb" -msgstr "Terem visszhangosítás" - -#: data/effects/sox_reverb.xml:4 -msgid "Sox reverb audio effect" -msgstr "Sox visszhang-effektus" - -#: data/effects/sox_reverb.xml:7 -msgid "Reverberance" -msgstr "Visszhangosító" - -#: data/effects/sox_reverb.xml:10 -msgid "High frequency damping" -msgstr "Nagyfrekvenciás csillapítás" - -#: data/effects/sox_reverb.xml:13 -msgid "Room scale" -msgstr "Szoba átméretezése" - -#: data/effects/sox_reverb.xml:16 -msgid "Stereo depth" -msgstr "Sztereó mélység" - -#: data/effects/sox_reverb.xml:19 -msgid "Pre-delay" -msgstr "Előkésleltetés" - -#: data/effects/sox_reverb.xml:22 -msgid "Wet gain" -msgstr "Feldolgozott-jelerősítés" - -#: data/effects/sox_stretch.xml:3 -msgid "Sox Stretch" -msgstr "Sox nyújtás" - -#: data/effects/sox_stretch.xml:4 -msgid "Sox stretch audio effect" -msgstr "Sox nyújtás hangeffektus" - -#: data/effects/speed.xml:4 -msgid "Make clip play faster or slower" -msgstr "Klip lejátszásának gyorsítása vagy lassítása" - -#: data/effects/speed.xml:10 -msgid "Stroboscope" -msgstr "Stroboszkóp" - -#: data/effects/swapchannels.xml:3 -msgid "Swap channels" -msgstr "Csatornák megcserélése" - -#: data/effects/swapchannels.xml:4 -msgid "Move the left channel to the right and right-to-left" -msgstr "Bal csatorna áthelyezése a jobb csatornára és viszont" - -#: data/effects/tcolor.xml:3 -msgid "Technicolor" -msgstr "Technicolor" - -#: data/effects/tcolor.xml:4 -msgid "Oversaturate the color in video, like in old Technicolor movies" -msgstr "Túltelíti a színt a videóban, mint a régi Technicolor filmekben" - -#: data/effects/tcolor.xml:7 -msgid "Blue/Yellow axis" -msgstr "Kék/sárga tengely" - -#: data/effects/tcolor.xml:10 -msgid "Red/Green axis" -msgstr "Vörös/zöld tengely" - -#: data/effects/threshold.xml:4 -msgid "Make monochrome clip" -msgstr "Fekete-fehér klip készítése" - -#: data/effects/threshold.xml:7 -msgid "Threshold value" -msgstr "Tűréshatár értéke" - -#: data/effects/threshold.xml:10 -msgid "Use transparency" -msgstr "Átlátszóság használata" - -#: data/effects/vignette.xml:3 -msgid "Vignette Effect" -msgstr "Vignetta effektus" - -#: data/effects/vignette.xml:4 -msgid "Adjustable Vignette" -msgstr "Szabályozható vignettálás" - -#: data/effects/vignette.xml:7 -msgid "smooth" -msgstr "finomított" - -#: data/effects/vignette.xml:10 -msgid "radius" -msgstr "sugár" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_6) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_8) -#: data/effects/vignette.xml:13 src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:72 -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:575 -msgid "x" -msgstr "x" - -#: data/effects/vignette.xml:16 -msgid "y" -msgstr "y" - -#: data/effects/vignette.xml:19 -msgid "opacity" -msgstr "átlátszatlanság" - -#: data/effects/vignette.xml:22 -msgid "use cos instead of linear" -msgstr "Használjon koszinuszt a lineáris helyett" - -#: data/effects/volume.xml:3 -msgid "Volume (keyframable)" -msgstr "Hangerő (kulcskockánként)" - -#: data/effects/volume.xml:4 -msgid "Adjust audio volume with keyframes" -msgstr "Hangerőszabályzás a kulcskockáknál" - -#: data/effects/wave.xml:3 -msgid "Wave" -msgstr "Hullám" - -#: data/effects/wave.xml:4 -msgid "Make waves on your clip with keyframes" -msgstr "Klip hullámoztatása a kulcskockáknál" - -#: data/effects/wave.xml:10 -msgid "Horizontal" -msgstr "Vízszintes" - -#: data/effects/wave.xml:13 -msgid "Vertical" -msgstr "Függőleges" - -#: data/kdenliveeffectscategory.rc:5 -msgid "Colour correction" -msgstr "Színkorrekció" - -#: data/kdenliveeffectscategory.rc:8 -msgid "Colour" -msgstr "Szín" - -#: data/kdenliveeffectscategory.rc:11 -msgid "Crop and transform" -msgstr "Kivág és átalakít" - -#: data/kdenliveeffectscategory.rc:14 -msgid "Audio correction" -msgstr "Hangkorrekció" - -#: data/kdenliveeffectscategory.rc:17 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:655 -msgid "Audio channels" -msgstr "Hang sávok" - -#: data/kdenliveeffectscategory.rc:20 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Load analysis data" -msgid "Analysis and data" -msgstr "Elemzési adatok betöltése" - -#: data/kdenliveeffectscategory.rc:23 -msgid "Fade" -msgstr "Elhalványulás" - -#: data/kdenliveeffectscategory.rc:26 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Artist" -msgid "Artistic" -msgstr "Előadó" - -#: data/kdenliveeffectscategory.rc:29 -msgid "Blur and hide" -msgstr "Elmosás és elrejtés" - -#: data/kdenliveeffectscategory.rc:32 -msgid "Motion" -msgstr "Mozgás" - -#: data/kdenliveeffectscategory.rc:38 -msgid "Alpha manipulation" -msgstr "Alfa módosítás" - -#: data/kdenliveeffectscategory.rc:41 -msgid "Enhancement" -msgstr "Javítás" - -#: data/kdenliveeffectscategory.rc:44 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "effect" -msgid "GPU effects" -msgstr "Effektus" - -#. i18n: ectx: ToolBar (extraToolBar) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:4 -msgid "Extra Toolbar" -msgstr "Extra eszköztár" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (project) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:21 -msgid "Project" -msgstr "Projekt" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (extract_audio) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:29 src/mainwindow.cpp:2752 -msgid "Extract Audio" -msgstr "Hang kibontása" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (clip_actions) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:32 src/mainwindow.cpp:2699 -msgid "Clip Jobs" -msgstr "Klipfeladatok" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (transcoders) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:35 src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:184 -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:125 -msgid "Transcode" -msgstr "Átkódolás" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (generators) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:38 -msgid "Generators" -msgstr "Létrehozók" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (track_menu) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:40 src/mainwindow.cpp:1145 -msgid "Tracks" -msgstr "Sávok" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (clip_in_timeline) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:55 -msgid "Clip in Timeline" -msgstr "Klip az idővonalon" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (tool) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:70 -msgid "Tool" -msgstr "Eszköz" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (clip) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:80 src/project/projectlistview.cpp:59 -msgid "Clip" -msgstr "Klip" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (marker_menu) -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_3) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:81 src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:397 -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:402 -msgid "Markers" -msgstr "Jelölők" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (timeline) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:96 src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:81 -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2785 -msgid "Timeline" -msgstr "Idővonal" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (keyboard_selection) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:97 -msgid "Selection" -msgstr "Kijelölés" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (keyboard_insert) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:105 -msgid "Insertion" -msgstr "Beszúrás" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (current_clip) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:110 -msgid "Current clip" -msgstr "Jelenlegi klip" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (all_clips) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:117 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Roll clips" -msgid "All clips" -msgstr "Klipek görgetése" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (guide_menu) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:120 -msgid "Guides" -msgstr "Segédpont" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (space_menu) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:126 -msgid "Space" -msgstr "Üres hely" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (video_effects_menu) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:134 src/mainwindow.cpp:279 -msgid "Add Effect" -msgstr "Effektus hozzáadása" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (monitor) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:148 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Monitor" -msgid "Monitor" -msgstr "Monitor" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (monitor_go) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:154 src/timeline/customruler.cpp:93 -msgid "Go To" -msgstr "Ugrás" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (monitor_config) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:176 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Monitor" -msgid "Monitor config" -msgstr "Monitor" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (dockwindows) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:187 -msgid "View" -msgstr "Nézet" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (layout_save_as) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:188 -msgid "Save Layout As" -msgstr "Elrendezés mentése mint" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, CountDown_UI) -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, ClipStabilize_UI) -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, FreeSound_UI) -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, ArchiveWidget_UI) -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, BackupDialog_UI) -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, ClipTranscode_UI) -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, AddTrack_UI) -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, SmConfig_UI) -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, ManageEncodingProfile_UI) -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, ColorClip_UI) -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, RenderWidget_UI) -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, Stopmotion_UI) -#: plugins/sampleplugin/countdown_ui.ui:13 src/ui/addtrack_ui.ui:14 -#: src/ui/archivewidget_ui.ui:14 src/ui/backupdialog_ui.ui:14 -#: src/ui/clipstabilize_ui.ui:14 src/ui/cliptranscode_ui.ui:14 -#: src/ui/colorclip_ui.ui:14 src/ui/freesound_ui.ui:14 -#: src/ui/manageencodingprofile_ui.ui:14 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:14 -#: src/ui/smconfig_ui.ui:14 src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Dialog" -msgstr "Párbeszédablak" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, destination_label) -#: plugins/sampleplugin/countdown_ui.ui:19 src/ui/cutjobdialog_ui.ui:47 -msgid "Save to" -msgstr "Mentés ide" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, duration_label) -#: plugins/sampleplugin/countdown_ui.ui:29 -msgid "Duration (seconds)" -msgstr "Időtartam (másodperc)" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, font_label) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_4) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_17) -#: plugins/sampleplugin/countdown_ui.ui:46 src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:89 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:331 -msgid "Font" -msgstr "Betűtípus" - -#: plugins/sampleplugin/sampleplugin.cpp:33 -msgid "Countdown" -msgstr "Visszaszámlálás" - -#: plugins/sampleplugin/sampleplugin.cpp:55 -msgid "Create Noise Clip" -msgstr "Zajklip létrehozása" - -#: plugins/sampleplugin/sampleplugin.cpp:59 -msgid "Create Countdown Clip" -msgstr "Visszaszámlálás klip létrehozása" - -#: plugins/sampleplugin/sampleplugin.cpp:97 -#: plugins/sampleplugin/sampleplugin.cpp:105 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Failed to generate clip:\n" -"%1" -msgstr "" -"Nem sikerült a klip előállítása:\n" -"%1" - -#: plugins/sampleplugin/sampleplugin.cpp:97 -#: plugins/sampleplugin/sampleplugin.cpp:105 -msgid "Generator Failed" -msgstr "A létrehozó meghiúsult" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:210 src/project/projectlist.cpp:133 -#, kde-format -msgid "%1 job" -msgid_plural "%1 jobs" -msgstr[0] "%1 feladat" -msgstr[1] "%1 feladat" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:211 src/project/projectlist.cpp:134 -#, kde-format -msgid "%1 pending job" -msgid_plural "%1 pending jobs" -msgstr[0] "%1 függő feladat" -msgstr[1] "%1 függő feladat" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_search) -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:300 src/ui/freesound_ui.ui:74 -msgid "Search" -msgstr "Keresés" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:336 -msgid "View Mode" -msgstr "Nézetmód" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:338 -msgid "Tree View" -msgstr "Fastruktúra" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:346 -msgid "Icon View" -msgstr "Ikonnézet" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:353 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Disable effect" -#| msgid_plural "Disable effects" -msgid "Disable Bin Effects" -msgstr "Effekt letiltása" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:361 src/bin/bincommands.cpp:102 -msgid "Rename Folder" -msgstr "Mappa átnevezése" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab) -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:370 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:50 -msgid "Settings" -msgstr "Beállítások" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:372 src/project/clipproperties.cpp:351 -#: src/project/dialogs/slideshowclip.cpp:77 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:324 -msgid "Zoom" -msgstr "Nagyítás" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:378 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Show path" -msgid "Show date" -msgstr "Útvonal megjelenítése" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:381 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Description" -msgid "Show description" -msgstr "Leírás" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:399 src/project/projectlist.cpp:213 -msgid "Cancel All Jobs" -msgstr "Minden feladat megszakítása" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:401 src/project/projectlist.cpp:217 -msgid "Cancel Current Clip Jobs" -msgstr "Jelenlegi klipfeladatok megszakítása" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:431 src/project/projectlist.cpp:254 -msgid "Show Log" -msgstr "Napló megjelenítése" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:504 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Creating audio thumbnail for %1" -msgid "Creating audio thumbnails" -msgstr "Hang előnézet létrehozása a következőhöz: %1" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:511 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Show audio thumbnails" -msgid "Audio thumbnails done" -msgstr "Hang előnézet megjelenítése" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:805 -msgctxt "append to clip name to indicate a copied idem" -msgid " (copy)" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:929 src/bin/bin.cpp:2217 -#: src/project/folderprojectitem.cpp:37 src/project/projectlist.cpp:1085 -#: src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:60 -msgid "Folder" -msgstr "Mappa" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:1056 -#, kde-format -msgid "Folder contains a clip, delete anyways ?" -msgid_plural "Folder contains %1 clips, delete anyways ?" -msgstr[0] "" -msgstr[1] "" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:1173 src/mainwindow.cpp:1234 -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:1004 -msgid "Delete Clip" -msgstr "Klip törlése" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:1174 src/mainwindow.cpp:1251 -msgid "Proxy Clip" -msgstr "Proxy klip" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:1181 src/project/projectlist.cpp:995 -msgid "Delete Folder" -msgstr "Mappa törlése" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:1182 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Project Folder" -msgid "Proxy Folder" -msgstr "Projekt mappa" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2015 src/bin/bincommands.cpp:62 src/bin/bincommands.cpp:82 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Move Clip" -msgid "Move Clip" -msgid_plural "Move Clips" -msgstr[0] "Klip mozgatása" -msgstr[1] "Klip mozgatása" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2231 -#, fuzzy, kde-format -#| msgid "The clip %1 is invalid." -msgid "Playlist clip %1 is invalid." -msgstr "A(z) %1 klip érvénytelen." - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2236 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Playlist clip %1 has too many tracks (%2) to be imported. Add new tracks to " -"your project." -msgstr "" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2449 src/project/projectlist.cpp:465 -msgid "Please set a default application to open images in the Settings dialog" -msgstr "" -"Állítsa be a „Beállítások” ablakban azt az alapértelmezett alkalmazást, " -"amellyel a képeket kívánja megnyitni" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2455 src/project/projectlist.cpp:471 -msgid "" -"Please set a default application to open audio files in the Settings dialog" -msgstr "" -"Állítsa be a „Beállítások” ablakban azt az alapértelmezett alkalmazást, " -"amellyel a hangfájlokat kívánja megnyitni" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2511 src/project/projectlist.cpp:2661 -msgid "No data returned from clip analysis" -msgstr "Nem tért vissza adat a klipelemzésből" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2525 src/project/projectlist.cpp:2674 -msgid "Processing data analysis" -msgstr "Adatelemzés feldolgozása" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2531 src/project/projectlist.cpp:2680 -msgid "Auto Split Clip" -msgstr "Klipek automatikus felosztása" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2549 src/project/projectlist.cpp:2698 -msgid "Add Markers" -msgstr "Jelölők hozzáadása" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2592 src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:85 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:474 src/project/projectcommands.cpp:164 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Add marker" -msgid "Add marker" -msgid_plural "Add markers" -msgstr[0] "Jelölő hozzáadása" -msgstr[1] "Jelölő hozzáadása" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2603 src/bin/bin.cpp:2685 src/project/jobs/filterjob.cpp:96 -#: src/timeline/markerdialog.cpp:45 -#, kde-format -msgid "Category %1" -msgstr "Kategória %1" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2608 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Load markers" -msgid "Load Clip Markers" -msgstr "Jelölők betöltése" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2623 src/bin/bin.cpp:2720 -#: src/dialogs/profilesdialog.cpp:219 src/dialogs/profilesdialog.cpp:520 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot open file %1" -msgstr "Nem lehet megnyitni a fájlt: %1" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, MarkerDialog_UI) -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2649 src/definitions.cpp:78 src/definitions.cpp:95 -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:367 src/mainwindow.cpp:1831 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:727 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:801 src/ui/markerdialog_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Marker" -msgstr "Jelölő" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2683 -msgid "All categories" -msgstr "Minden kategória" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2690 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Save markers" -msgid "Save Clip Markers" -msgstr "Jelölők mentése" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2733 src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:86 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:478 src/project/projectcommands.cpp:162 -msgid "Delete marker" -msgstr "Jelző törlése" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2748 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Delete marker" -msgid "Delete clip markers" -msgstr "Jelző törlése" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2750 -msgid "Clip has no markers" -msgstr "A klipnek nincsenek jelölői" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2788 src/project/clippropertiesmanager.cpp:126 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"You are editing an external title clip (%1). Do you want to save your " -"changes to the title file or save the changes for this project only?" -msgstr "" -"Egy külső klip címet szerkeszt (%1). El kívánja menteni a változásokat a cím " -"fájlba vagy csak a projekt fájlba menti a változásokat?" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2788 src/project/clippropertiesmanager.cpp:126 -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:1766 -msgid "Save Title" -msgstr "Cím mentése" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2788 src/project/clippropertiesmanager.cpp:126 -msgid "Save to title file" -msgstr "Felirat fájlba mentés" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2788 src/project/clippropertiesmanager.cpp:126 -msgid "Save in project only" -msgstr "Mentés csak a projektbe" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2852 src/project/projectlist.cpp:1428 -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:1430 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4517 -msgid "Invalid clip" -msgstr "Érvénytelen klip" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2852 src/project/projectlist.cpp:1428 -msgid "Clip is invalid, will be removed from project." -msgstr "A klip érvénytelen, ezért el lesz távolítva a projektből." - -#: src/bin/bincommands.cpp:34 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Rename Folder" -msgid "Remove Folder" -msgstr "Mappa átnevezése" - -#: src/bin/bincommands.cpp:35 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Add folder" -msgid "Add Folder" -msgstr "Mappa hozzáadása" - -#: src/bin/bincommands.cpp:121 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Add Effect" -msgid "Add Bin Effect" -msgstr "Effektus hozzáadása" - -#: src/bin/bincommands.cpp:140 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Reset Effect" -msgid "Remove Bin Effect" -msgstr "Effekt visszaállítása" - -#: src/bin/bincommands.cpp:162 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Rename folder" -msgid "Rename Zone" -msgstr "Mappa átnevezése" - -#: src/bin/bincommands.cpp:184 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Add Clip" -msgid "Add Sub Clip" -msgstr "Klip hozzáadása" - -#: src/bin/bincommands.cpp:217 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1628 -msgid "Edit clip" -msgstr "Klip szerkesztés" - -#: src/bin/projectclip.cpp:90 src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:879 -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:195 -msgid "Untitled" -msgstr "Névtelen" - -#: src/bin/projectclip.cpp:272 src/project/projectlist.cpp:2458 -msgctxt "The first letter of Proxy, used as abbreviation" -msgid "P" -msgstr "P" - -#: src/bin/projectclip.cpp:940 src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:1228 -#, kde-format -msgid "Clip already contains analysis data %1" -msgstr "A klip már tartalmaz elemzési adatokat: %1" - -#: src/bin/projectclip.cpp:940 src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:1228 -msgid "Merge" -msgstr "Egyesítés" - -#: src/bin/projectclip.cpp:940 src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:1228 -msgid "Add" -msgstr "Hozzáadás" - -#: src/bin/projectfolder.cpp:74 -#, fuzzy, kde-format -#| msgid "(%1 clip)" -#| msgid_plural "(%1 clips)" -msgid "%1 clip" -msgid_plural "%1 clips" -msgstr[0] "(%1 klip)" -msgstr[1] "(%1 klip)" - -#: src/bin/projectfolderup.cpp:35 -msgid "Back" -msgstr "" - -#: src/bin/projectfolderup.cpp:59 -msgid "Go up" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/bin/projectitemmodel.cpp:169 src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:74 -#: src/ui/colorclip_ui.ui:20 src/ui/configtranscode_ui.ui:70 -#: src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:20 -msgid "Name" -msgstr "Név" - -#: src/bin/projectitemmodel.cpp:172 -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:173 -#: src/project/projectlistview.cpp:59 -msgid "Date" -msgstr "Dátum" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_description) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/bin/projectitemmodel.cpp:175 src/project/projectlistview.cpp:59 -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:41 src/ui/configtranscode_ui.ui:80 -#: src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:49 -msgid "Description" -msgstr "Leírás" - -#: src/bin/projectitemmodel.cpp:178 src/dialogs/profilesdialog.cpp:585 -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:231 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:319 -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:771 src/mltcontroller/clipcontroller.cpp:266 -#: src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:483 -msgid "Unknown" -msgstr "Ismeretlen" - -#: src/bin/projectsubclip.cpp:41 src/doc/documentvalidator.cpp:1441 -#, fuzzy, kde-format -#| msgid "Zone end: %1" -msgid "Zone %1" -msgstr "Zóna vége: %1" - -#: src/capture/managecapturesdialog.cpp:42 -msgid "import" -msgstr "Importálás" - -#: src/dialogs/clipcreationdialog.cpp:97 src/dialogs/clipcreationdialog.cpp:98 -msgid "Color Clip" -msgstr "Szín klip" - -#: src/dialogs/clipcreationdialog.cpp:188 -msgid "Title clip" -msgstr "Cím klip" - -#: src/dialogs/clipcreationdialog.cpp:236 src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:1117 -msgid "Template title clip" -msgstr "Cím klip sablon" - -#: src/dialogs/clipcreationdialog.cpp:428 src/doc/doccommands.cpp:32 -msgid "Add clip" -msgid_plural "Add clips" -msgstr[0] "Klip hozzáadása" -msgstr[1] "Klip hozzáadása" - -#: src/dialogs/clipcreationdialog.cpp:437 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:247 -#: src/effectstack/collapsibleeffect.cpp:200 src/mainwindow.cpp:2832 -msgid "All Supported Files" -msgstr "Összes támogatott fájltípus" - -#: src/dialogs/clipcreationdialog.cpp:437 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:247 -#: src/effectstack/collapsibleeffect.cpp:200 src/mainwindow.cpp:2832 -msgid "All Files" -msgstr "Minden fájl" - -#: src/dialogs/clipcreationdialog.cpp:438 -msgid "Import image sequence" -msgstr "Képsorozat importálása" - -#: src/dialogs/clipcreationdialog.cpp:440 -msgid "Transparent background for images" -msgstr "Átlátszó háttér a képekhez" - -#: src/dialogs/encodingprofilesdialog.cpp:37 -msgid "Manage Encoding Profiles" -msgstr "Kódoló profilok kezelése" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, groupBox) -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, enable_proxy) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_14) -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, kcfg_enableproxy) -#: src/dialogs/encodingprofilesdialog.cpp:38 -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:96 src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:36 -#: src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:142 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:244 -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:499 -msgid "Proxy clips" -msgstr "Proxy klipek" - -#: src/dialogs/encodingprofilesdialog.cpp:39 -msgid "Video4Linux capture" -msgstr "Video4Linux rögzítés" - -#: src/dialogs/encodingprofilesdialog.cpp:40 -msgid "Screen capture" -msgstr "Képernyő rögzítése" - -#: src/dialogs/encodingprofilesdialog.cpp:41 -msgid "Decklink capture" -msgstr "Decklink rögzítés" - -#: src/dialogs/encodingprofilesdialog.cpp:125 -#: src/dialogs/encodingprofilesdialog.cpp:157 -msgid "Profile name:" -msgstr "Profilnév:" - -#: src/dialogs/encodingprofilesdialog.cpp:128 -#: src/dialogs/encodingprofilesdialog.cpp:160 -msgid "Parameters:" -msgstr "Paraméterek:" - -#: src/dialogs/encodingprofilesdialog.cpp:131 -#: src/dialogs/encodingprofilesdialog.cpp:163 -msgid "File extension:" -msgstr "Fájlkiterjesztés:" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:64 -#: src/effectslist/effectslistwidget.cpp:100 -#: src/effectslist/effectslistwidget.cpp:121 -#: src/effectslist/effectslistwidget.cpp:123 -msgid "Misc" -msgstr "Egyéb" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:73 -msgid "Project Defaults" -msgstr "Projekt alapértelmezések" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:101 -msgid "Environment" -msgstr "Környezet" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:126 -msgid "Capture" -msgstr "Felvétel" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:131 -msgid "Capture is not yet available on Mac OS X." -msgstr "A felvétel üzemmód még nem érhető el Mac OS X operációs rendszereken." - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:170 -msgid "JogShuttle" -msgstr "JogShuttle" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, groupBox) -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:180 src/ui/smconfig_ui.ui:20 -msgid "Playback" -msgstr "Lejátszás" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:275 -msgid "GPU processing needs MLT compiled with Movit and Rtaudio modules" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:300 -#, kde-format -msgid "dvgrab version %1 at %2" -msgstr "dvgrab Verzió %1 – %2" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:301 -msgid "" -"dvgrab utility not found, please install it for firewire " -"capture" -msgstr "" -"A dvgrab segédprogram nem található. Legyen szíves " -"telepíteni a programot a firewire rögzítéséhez." - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:438 -msgid "Automatic" -msgstr "Automatikus" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:440 -msgid "OSS" -msgstr "OSS" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:441 -msgid "ALSA" -msgstr "ALSA" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:442 -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:487 -msgid "PulseAudio" -msgstr "PulseAudio" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:443 -msgid "OSS with DMA access" -msgstr "OSS DMA eléréssel" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:444 -msgid "Esound daemon" -msgstr "Esound démon" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:445 -msgid "ARTS daemon" -msgstr "ARTS démon" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:457 -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:458 -msgid "Default" -msgstr "Alapértelmezett" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:503 -msgid "SDL" -msgstr "SDL" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:504 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Audio" -msgid "RtAudio" -msgstr "Hang" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:566 -msgid "Select default video player" -msgstr "Külső videolejátszó alkalmazás kiválasztása" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:578 -msgid "Select default audio editor" -msgstr "Külső hangszerkesztő alkalmazás kiválasztása" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:590 -msgid "Select default image editor" -msgstr "Külső képszerkesztő alkalmazás kiválasztása" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:809 -msgid "Kdenlive must be restarted to change this setting" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, p_progressive) -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:832 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:264 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:634 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:118 src/project/clipproperties.cpp:685 -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:322 src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:99 -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:163 -msgid "Interlaced" -msgstr "Váltottsoros" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, progressive) -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:834 -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:1039 -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:1072 -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:1088 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:265 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:634 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:119 src/project/clipproperties.cpp:685 -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:428 src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:232 -msgid "Progressive" -msgstr "Progresszív" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:892 -msgid "A profile with that name already exists" -msgstr "Már létezik ilyen nevű profil" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:1003 -msgid "Current settings" -msgstr "Jelenlegi beállítások" - -#: src/dialogs/profilesdialog.cpp:50 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:163 -msgid "Delete profile" -msgstr "Profil törlése" - -#: src/dialogs/profilesdialog.cpp:52 src/dialogs/profilesdialog.cpp:95 -msgid "Save profile" -msgstr "Profil mentése" - -#: src/dialogs/profilesdialog.cpp:54 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:171 -msgid "Create new profile" -msgstr "Új profil létrehozása" - -#: src/dialogs/profilesdialog.cpp:163 -msgid "The custom profile was modified, do you want to save it?" -msgstr "" -"Az egyedi profil tartalma megváltozott. El kívánja menteni a megváltozott " -"profilt? " - -#: src/dialogs/profilesdialog.cpp:194 -msgid "" -"A profile with same name already exists in MLT's default profiles, please " -"choose another description for your custom profile." -msgstr "" -"A profil neve megegyezik az MLT program alapértelmezett profilneveinek " -"egyikével. Adjon megy egy másik nevet az Ön egyedi profiljának." - -#: src/dialogs/profilesdialog.cpp:225 src/dialogs/profilesdialog.cpp:526 -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:612 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:799 -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:805 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:865 -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1003 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1168 -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2382 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2405 -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:669 src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:675 -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:934 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:940 -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:3046 src/mainwindow.cpp:3051 -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:796 -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:802 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:1780 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot write to file %1" -msgstr "A(z) %1 fájlba nem lehet írni." - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:108 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1233 -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2295 -msgid "Waiting..." -msgstr "Várakozás…" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:111 -msgid "Rendering finished" -msgstr "Leképzés befejeződött" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:116 -msgid "Rendering crashed" -msgstr "A leképzés összeomlott" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:121 -msgid "Rendering aborted" -msgstr "Leképzés megszakítva" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:155 -msgid "Rendering" -msgstr "Leképzés" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:167 -msgid "Edit profile" -msgstr "Profil szerkesztés" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:177 -msgid "Copy profile to favorites" -msgstr "Profil másolása a kedvencek közé" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:179 -msgid "Show profiles with different framerate" -msgstr "Profilok megjelenítése különböző képkocka aránnyal" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, preserveAspectRatio) -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:223 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:534 -msgid "Preserve aspect ratio" -msgstr "Méretarány megőrzése" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:289 -msgid "File" -msgstr "Fájl" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:298 -msgid "Script Files" -msgstr "Szkriptfájlok" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:392 -msgid "Beginning" -msgstr "Kezdet" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:478 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:494 -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:688 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:706 -msgid "Qualities" -msgstr "Minőségek" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:479 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:495 -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:689 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:707 -msgid "Default quality" -msgstr "Alapértelmezett minőség" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, vbitrates_label) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, abitrates_label) -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:481 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:497 -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:691 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:709 -#: src/ui/saveprofile_ui.ui:40 src/ui/saveprofile_ui.ui:73 -msgid "Bitrates" -msgstr "Bitsebességek" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, default_vbitrate_label) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, default_abitrate_label) -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:482 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:498 -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:692 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:710 -#: src/ui/saveprofile_ui.ui:26 src/ui/saveprofile_ui.ui:80 -msgid "Default bitrate" -msgstr "Alapértelmezett bitsebesség" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:509 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:515 -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:679 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:749 -msgctxt "Group Name" -msgid "Custom" -msgstr "Egyéni" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:591 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:760 -msgid "Profile already exists" -msgstr "A profil már létezik" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:591 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:760 -msgid "" -"This profile name already exists. Change the name if you don't want to " -"overwrite it." -msgstr "" -"Ez a profil már létezik. Változtassa meg a profil nevét, ha nem kívánja " -"felülírni a már létező profilt." - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:606 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:859 -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1859 -#, kde-format -msgid "Unable to write to file %1" -msgstr "A(z) %1 fájl nem írható" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:632 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1843 -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1892 -msgctxt "Category Name" -msgid "Custom" -msgstr "Egyéni" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:720 -msgid "Edit Profile" -msgstr "Profil szerkesztése" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:918 -msgid "Cannot find the melt program required for rendering (part of Mlt)" -msgstr "" -"A leképzéshez szüksége melt program nem található. A melt program az MLT " -"csomag része." - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:922 -msgid "" -"Cannot play video after rendering because the default video player " -"application is not set.\n" -"Please define it in Kdenlive settings dialog." -msgstr "" -"Leképzés után a videó nem játszható le, mert az alapértelmezett " -"videólejátszó alkalmazás nincs beállítva.\n" -"Adja meg az alapértelmezett videólejátszó alkalmazást a Kdenlive " -"„Beállítások” ablakában." - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:930 src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:259 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"The directory %1, could not be created.\n" -"Please make sure you have the required permissions." -msgstr "" -"A(z) „%1” mappa nem hozható létre.\n" -"Bizonyosodjon meg róla, hogy rendelkezik a szükséges jogosultságokkal." - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:973 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:165 -#, kde-format -msgid "File has no extension. Add extension (%1)?" -msgstr "" -"A fájlnak nincs kiterjesztése. Hozzá kívánja adni a fájl nevéhez a(z) „%1” " -"kiterjesztést?" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:988 -msgid "Output file already exists. Do you want to overwrite it?" -msgstr "A fájl már létezik. Felül kívánja írni a fájlt?" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1222 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2283 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"There is already a job writing file:
Abort the job if " -"you want to overwrite it..." -msgstr "" -"Már van feladat a következő fájl írásához:
Szakítsa " -"meg a feladatot, ha felül kívánja írni a fájlt…" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1222 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2283 -msgid "Already running" -msgstr "A program már fut." - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1266 -msgid "Video without audio track" -msgstr "Video hangsáv nélkül" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1317 -#, kde-format -msgid "Rendering %1 started" -msgstr "%1 leképzése elkezdődött" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1473 -#, kde-format -msgid "Frame rate (%1) not compatible with project profile (%2)" -msgstr "Képkocka arány (%1) nem kompatibilis a projekt fájllal (%2)" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1491 -#, kde-format -msgid "Unsupported video format: %1" -msgstr "Nem támogatott videó formátum: %1" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1507 -#, kde-format -msgid "Unsupported audio codec: %1" -msgstr "Nem támogatott hangtömörítés: %1" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1524 -#, kde-format -msgid "Unsupported video codec: %1" -msgstr "Nem támogatott videótömörítés: %1" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1533 -msgid "" -"This render profile uses a 'profile' parameter.
Unless you know what " -"you are doing you will probably have to change it to 'mlt_profile'." -msgstr "" -"Ez a leképező profil használja a 'profile' paramétert.
Hacsak nem " -"tudja, hogy mit csinál, valószínűleg 'mlt_profile' értékre van szüksége." - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1546 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1584 -msgid "No matching profile" -msgstr "Nincs illeszkedő profil" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1561 -msgid "untitled" -msgstr "névtelen" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1586 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Invalid clip" -msgid "Invalid profile" -msgstr "Érvénytelen klip" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1630 -msgid "" -"Video\n" -"quality" -msgstr "" -"Videó\n" -"minőség" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1632 -msgid "" -"Video\n" -"bitrate" -msgstr "" -"Videó\n" -"bitsebesség" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1652 -msgid "" -"Audio\n" -"quality" -msgstr "" -"Hang\n" -"minőség" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1654 -msgid "" -"Audio\n" -"bitrate" -msgstr "" -"Hang\n" -"bitsebesség" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1692 -msgid "File rendering" -msgstr "Fájl leképzés" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1693 -msgid "Favorites" -msgstr "Kedvencek" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1694 -msgid "DVD" -msgstr "DVD" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, profile_audioonly) -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1695 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7011 -#: src/ui/configtranscode_ui.ui:100 -msgid "Audio only" -msgstr "Csak hang" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1696 -msgid "Web sites" -msgstr "Weboldalak" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1697 -msgid "Media players" -msgstr "Médialejátszók" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1698 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1738 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Lossless / HQ" -msgid "Lossless/HQ" -msgstr "Veszteségmentes / magas minőségű (HQ)" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1699 -msgid "Mobile devices" -msgstr "Mobil eszközök" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1783 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Image sequence" -msgctxt "Category Name" -msgid "Images sequence" -msgstr "Képsorozat" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1987 -msgctxt "Attribute Name" -msgid "Custom" -msgstr "Egyéni" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2085 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2108 -#, fuzzy, kde-format -#| msgid "%1 dB" -msgid "%1 day " -msgid_plural "%1 days " -msgstr[0] "%1 dB" -msgstr[1] "%1 dB" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2087 -#, fuzzy, kde-format -#| msgid "Remaining time" -msgid "Remaining time %1" -msgstr "Hátralévő idő" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2110 -#, kde-format -msgid "Rendering finished in %1" -msgstr "Leképzés befejeződött %1 idő alatt" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2112 -#, kde-format -msgid "Rendering of %1 finished in %2" -msgstr "%1 leképzése, hátralévő idő: %2" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2125 -#, kde-format -msgid "Rendering of %1 crashed
" -msgstr "%1 leképezése összeomlott
" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, abort_job) -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2165 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:650 -msgid "Abort Job" -msgstr "Feladat megszakítása" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2168 -msgid "Remove Job" -msgstr "Feladat eltávolítása" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2236 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2240 -#, kde-format -msgid "Script contains wrong command: %1" -msgstr "A szkript rossz parancsot tartalmaz: „%1”" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2424 -msgid "script" -msgstr "szkript" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2445 src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:228 -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:640 -msgid "Check missing clips" -msgstr "Hiányzó klipek ellenőrzése" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2502 -msgid "Export audio (automatic)" -msgstr "Hang exportálása (automatikus)" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, export_audio) -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2504 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:544 -msgid "Export audio" -msgstr "Hang exportálása" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:60 -msgid "Config Wizard" -msgstr "Beállítástündér" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:64 -msgid "Welcome" -msgstr "Üdvözöljük" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:66 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Your Kdenlive version was upgraded to version %1. Please take some time to " -"review the basic settings" -msgstr "" -"A Kdenlive program sikeresen frissítve lett a(z) %1 verzióra. Kérem szánjon " -"egy kis időt az alapbeállítások elvégzésére" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:68 -msgid "" -"This is the first time you run Kdenlive. This wizard will let you adjust " -"some basic settings, you will be ready to edit your first movie in a few " -"seconds..." -msgstr "" -"Ez az első alkalom, hogy a Kdenlive programot futtatja. Ez a varázsló " -"lehetővé tesz néhány alapvető beállítást. Az első videóját néhány " -"másodpercen belül szerkesztheti…" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:72 -msgid "Discover the features of this Kdenlive release" -msgstr "Fedezze fel a Kdenlive ezen verziójának képességeit" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:82 -msgid "Checking MLT engine" -msgstr "MLT motor ellenőrzése" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:90 -msgid "Video Standard" -msgstr "Videó szabvány" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:128 -msgid "Additional Settings" -msgstr "További beállítások" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (KComboBox, capture_device) -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:142 src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:168 -msgid "Capture device" -msgstr "Rögzítőeszköz" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:146 -msgid "Default Blackmagic Decklink card:" -msgstr "Alapértelmezett Blackmagic Decklink kártya:" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:147 -msgid "No Blackmagic Decklink device found" -msgstr "Nem található Blackmagic Decklink eszköz" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:158 -msgid "Checking system" -msgstr "Rendszer ellenőrzése" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:186 -msgid "Default video4linux device:" -msgstr "Alapértelmezett video4linux eszköz:" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:199 -msgid "No device found, plug your webcam and refresh." -msgstr "Nem található az eszköz, csatlakoztassa a webkameráját és frissítsen." - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:221 -#, kde-format -msgid "Current settings (%1x%2, %3/%4fps)" -msgstr "Jelenlegi beállítások (%1x%2, %3/%4fps)" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:257 -#, kde-format -msgid "Default settings (%1x%2, %3/%4fps)" -msgstr "Alapértelmezett beállítások (%1x%2, %3/%4fps)" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:272 -msgid "Melt" -msgstr "Melt" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:273 -msgid "Required for rendering (part of MLT package)" -msgstr "Szükséges a leképzéshez (az MLT csomag része)" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:280 -msgid "Cannot start the MLT video backend!" -msgstr "Nem indítható el az MLT videó háttérprogram!" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:287 -#, kde-format -msgid "MLT version: %1" -msgstr "MLT verzió: %1" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:290 -msgid "Your MLT version is unsupported!!!" -msgstr "Az MLT verziója nem támogatott!!!" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:296 -#, kde-format -msgid "Please upgrade to MLT %1.%2.%3" -msgstr "Kérem frissítsen az MLT %1.%2.%3 verziójára" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:300 -msgid "MLT video backend!" -msgstr "MLT videó háttérprogram!" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:318 -msgid "SDL module" -msgstr "SDL modul" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:319 -msgid "Required for Kdenlive" -msgstr "Szükséges a Kdenlive-hoz" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:332 -msgid "Avformat module (FFmpeg)" -msgstr "Avformat modul (FFmpeg)" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:333 -msgid "Required to work with various video formats (hdv, mpeg, flash, ...)" -msgstr "" -"A különféle videoformátumokkal történő műveletek elvégzéséhez szükséges " -"(hdv, mpeg, flash, …)" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:372 -msgid "QImage module" -msgstr "QImage modul" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:373 src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:378 -msgid "Required to work with images" -msgstr "A képekkel történő műveletek elvégzéséhez szükséges" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:377 -msgid "Pixbuf module" -msgstr "Pixbuf modul" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:392 -msgid "Title module" -msgstr "Cím modul" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:393 -msgid "Required to work with titles" -msgstr "A címekkel történő műveletek elvégzéséhez szükséges" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:456 -msgid "" -"The following codecs were not found on your system. Check our online manual if you need them: " -msgstr "" -"A következő kodekek nem találhatók a rendszerén. Ellenőrizze az online kézikönyvünket, ha szüksége van rájuk:" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:477 -msgid "FFmpeg & ffplay" -msgstr "FFmpeg és ffplay" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:478 -msgid "Required for proxy clips, transcoding and screen capture" -msgstr "Szükséges a proxykliphez, átkódoláshoz és képernyőfelvételhez" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:504 -msgid "dvgrab" -msgstr "dvgrab" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:505 -msgid "Required for firewire capture" -msgstr "Szükséges a firewire rögzítéshez" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:511 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:104 -msgid "dvdauthor" -msgstr "dvdauthor" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:512 -msgid "Required for creation of DVD" -msgstr "DVD létrehozásához szükséges" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:518 -msgid "genisoimage or mkisofs" -msgstr "genisoimage vagy mkisofs" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:519 -msgid "Required for creation of DVD ISO images" -msgstr "Szükséges a DVD ISO lemezkép létrehozásához" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:528 -msgid "xine" -msgstr "xine" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:529 -msgid "Required to preview your DVD" -msgstr "Szükséges az Ön DVD-jének előnézetéhez" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:533 -msgid "vlc" -msgstr "vlc" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:685 -msgid "Frame size:" -msgstr "Képkocka mérete:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_4) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:685 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:245 -#: src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:55 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:107 -msgid "Frame rate:" -msgstr "Képsebesség:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_23) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_9) -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:685 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:266 -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:121 -msgid "Pixel aspect ratio:" -msgstr "Képpont méretarány:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_31) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_10) -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:685 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:280 -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:135 -msgid "Display aspect ratio:" -msgstr "Megjelenítés képaránya:" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:732 -msgid "" -"Your MLT installation cannot be found. Install MLT and restart Kdenlive.\n" -msgstr "" -"Az MLT keretrendszer nem található. Telepítse az MLT keretrendszert és " -"indítsa újra a a Kdenlive programot.\n" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:736 -msgid "Fatal Error" -msgstr "Végzetes hiba" - -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:279 -#, kde-format -msgid "%1 fps" -msgstr "%1 képkocka/s" - -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:284 -msgid "Hz" -msgstr "Hz" - -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:289 -msgid "Audio clip" -msgstr "Hangklip" - -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:292 -msgid "Mute video clip" -msgstr "Videoklip elnémítása" - -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:295 src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:214 -msgid "Video clip" -msgstr "Videoklip" - -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:298 -msgid "Color clip" -msgstr "Színklip" - -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:301 src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:216 -msgid "Image clip" -msgstr "Képklip" - -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:304 -msgid "Template text clip" -msgstr "Szövegklip sablon" - -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:305 -msgid "Text clip" -msgstr "Szövegklip" - -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:308 -msgid "Slideshow clip" -msgstr "Diavetítés klip" - -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:311 -msgid "Virtual clip" -msgstr "Virtuális klip" - -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:314 src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:218 -msgid "Playlist clip" -msgstr "Lejátszólista klip" - -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:317 -msgid "Unknown clip" -msgstr "Ismeretlen klip" - -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:684 src/renderer.cpp:141 -msgid "Missing clip" -msgstr "Hiányzó klip" - -#: src/doc/doccommands.cpp:33 src/project/clipmanager.cpp:226 -msgid "Delete clip" -msgid_plural "Delete clips" -msgstr[0] "Klip törlése " -msgstr[1] "Klipek törlése " - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:199 -msgid "Luma file" -msgstr "Luma fájl használata" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:223 -msgid "Title Image" -msgstr "Cím kép" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:226 -msgid "Title Font" -msgstr "Cím betűtípus" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:247 -#, kde-format -msgid "%1 will be replaced by %2" -msgstr "%1 le lesz cserélve %2 által." - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:261 -msgid "Missing item" -msgstr "Hiányzó elem" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:265 -msgid "The project file contains missing clips or files" -msgstr "A projektfájl hiányzó klipeket vagy fájlokat tartalmaz" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:269 -msgid "Missing proxies will be recreated after opening." -msgstr "A hiányzó proxyk újra létre lesznek hozva megnyitás után." - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:273 -#, fuzzy, kde-format -#| msgid "" -#| "The project file contains a missing clip, you can still work with its " -#| "proxy." -#| msgid_plural "" -#| "The project file contains missing clips, you can still work with their " -#| "proxies." -msgid "" -"The project file contains a missing clip, you can still work with its proxy." -msgid_plural "" -"The project file contains %1 missing clips, you can still work with their " -"proxies." -msgstr[0] "" -"A projekt fájl hiányzó klipet tartalmaz, ettől még mindig dolgozhat a " -"proxyjával." -msgstr[1] "" -"A projekt fájl hiányzó klipeket tartalmaz, még mindig dolgozhat a " -"proxyjaival." - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:283 src/project/projectitem.cpp:192 -msgid "Proxy clip" -msgstr "Proxyklip" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:285 -#, fuzzy, kde-format -#| msgid "%1 missing proxy clips, will be recreated on project opening" -msgid "%1 missing proxy clip, will be recreated on project opening" -msgid_plural "%1 missing proxy clips, will be recreated on project opening" -msgstr[0] "" -"%1 hiányzó proxyklip, újra létre lesznek hozva a projekt megnyitásánál" -msgstr[1] "" -"%1 hiányzó proxyklip, újra létre lesznek hozva a projekt megnyitásánál" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:288 -msgid "Missing proxy" -msgstr "Hiányzó proxy" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:335 src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:348 -msgid "Source clip" -msgstr "Forrásklip" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:337 -#, kde-format -msgid "%1 missing source clips, you can only use the proxies" -msgstr "%1 hiányzó forrásklipek, csak a proxykat tudja használni" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:340 -msgid "Missing source clip" -msgstr "Hiányzó forrásklip" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:411 -msgid "Clips folder" -msgstr "Klip mappa" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:567 -msgid "Enter new location for file" -msgstr "Kérem adja meg a fájl új helyét" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:780 -msgid "This will remove the selected clip from this project" -msgid_plural "This will remove the selected clips from this project" -msgstr[0] "" -"A művelet folytatásával eltávolítja a kiválasztott klipet ebből a projektből" -msgstr[1] "" -"A művelet folytatásával eltávolítja a kiválasztott klipeket ebből a " -"projektből" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:780 -msgid "Remove clips" -msgstr "Klipek eltávolítása" - -#: src/doc/documentvalidator.cpp:90 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"The document was created in \"%1\" locale, which is not installed on your " -"system. Please install that language pack. Until then, Kdenlive might not be " -"able to correctly open the document." -msgstr "" -"A dokumentumot \"%1\" környezetben hozták létre, amely nincs az Ön " -"rendszerén telepítve. Kérjük telepítse azt a nyelvi csomagot. Amíg ez nem " -"történik meg, a Kdenlive nem képes helyesen megnyitni a dokumentumot." - -#: src/doc/documentvalidator.cpp:94 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"There is a locale conflict on your system. The document uses locale %1 which " -"uses a \"%2\" as numeric separator (in system libraries) but Qt expects " -"\"%3\". You might not be able to correctly open the project." -msgstr "" -"Azon a ponton egy locale-ellentét van a rendszerében. A dokumentum a %1 " -"helyet használja \"%2\" numerikus elválasztóként (a rendszerkönyvtárakban) " -"de a Qt \"%3\"-at vár el. Lehet hogy nem fogja tudni helyesen megnyitni a " -"projektet." - -#: src/doc/documentvalidator.cpp:279 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"This project type is unsupported (version %1) and can't be loaded.\n" -"Please consider upgrading your Kdenlive version." -msgstr "" -"A projekt típusa nem támogatott (verzió: %1) és ezért nem tölthető be.\n" -"Szerezzen be újabb verziót a Kdenlive programból." - -#: src/doc/documentvalidator.cpp:279 src/doc/documentvalidator.cpp:286 -msgid "Unable to open project" -msgstr "A projekt nem nyitható meg" - -#: src/doc/documentvalidator.cpp:286 -#, kde-format -msgid "This project type is unsupported (version %1) and can't be loaded." -msgstr "A projekt típusa nem támogatott (verzió: %1) és ezért nem tölthető be." - -#: src/doc/documentvalidator.cpp:840 -msgid "" -"Some of your text clips were saved with size in points, which means " -"different sizes on different displays. Do you want to convert them to pixel " -"size, making them portable? It is recommended you do this on the computer " -"they were first created on, or you could have to adjust their size." -msgstr "" -"Néhány szövegklip pontban megadott mérettel lett elmentve, amely különböző " -"megjelenítőkön különböző méretet eredményez. Át kívánja konvertálni a klip " -"méretét képpontra, és így hordozhatóvá tenni? Ajánlott ezt az átalakítást " -"elvégezni azon a számítógépen amelyen ezek a klipek lettek létrehozva, vagy " -"az átalakítás után esetleg át kell majd méretezni a klipeket." - -#: src/doc/documentvalidator.cpp:840 -msgid "Update Text Clips" -msgstr "Szövegklip frissítése" - -#: src/doc/documentvalidator.cpp:1679 -msgid "" -"The project file uses some GPU effects. GPU acceleration is not currently " -"enabled.\n" -"Do you want to convert the project to a non-GPU version ?\n" -"This might result in data loss." -msgstr "" - -#: src/doc/documentvalidator.cpp:1770 -msgid "The following filters/transitions were converted to non GPU versions:" -msgstr "" - -#: src/doc/documentvalidator.cpp:1773 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "The following effects were imported from the project:" -msgid "The following filters/transitions were deleted from the project:" -msgstr "A következő effektusok kerültek importálásra a projektből:" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:152 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "" -#| "Cannot open the project file, error is:\n" -#| "%1\n" -#| "Do you want to open a backup file?" -msgid "" -"Cannot open the project file,\n" -"Do you want to open a backup file?" -msgstr "" -"Nem nyitható meg a projektfájl, a hiba:\n" -"%1\n" -"Szeretné megnyitni a biztonsági másolat fájlt?" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:152 src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:168 -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:213 -msgid "Error opening file" -msgstr "Hiba történt a fájl megnyitásakor" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:152 src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:168 -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:213 -msgid "Open Backup" -msgstr "Biztonsági mentés megnyitása" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:168 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Cannot open the project file, error is:\n" -"%1 (line %2, col %3)\n" -"Do you want to open a backup file?" -msgstr "" -"Nem nyitható meg a projektfájl, a hiba:\n" -"%1 (%2. sor, %3. oszlop)\n" -"Szeretné megnyitni a biztonsági másolat fájlt?" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:168 src/project/projectmanager.cpp:381 -msgid "Recover" -msgstr "Helyreállítás" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:194 -msgid "Cannot recover this project file" -msgstr "Nem lehet visszaállítani ezt projektfájlt" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:206 -msgid "Validating" -msgstr "Ellenőrzés" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:212 -#, kde-format -msgid "File %1 is not a Kdenlive project file" -msgstr "A(z) %1 fájl nem egy Kdenlive projektfájl…" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:213 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"File %1 is not a valid project file.\n" -"Do you want to open a backup file?" -msgstr "" -"%1 fájl nem érvényes projektfájl.\n" -"Meg akarja nyitni a biztonsági mentés fájlt?" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:254 -#, kde-format -msgid "Project directory %1 does not exist. Create it?" -msgstr "A(z) „%1” projektmappa nem létezik. Létre kívánja hozni a mappát?" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:266 -#, kde-format -msgid "Document project folder is invalid, setting it to the default one: %1" -msgstr "" -"A dokumentum projekt mappa érvénytelen. A következő alapértelmezett mappa " -"lesz használatba véve: %1" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:548 src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:659 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot write to file %1, scene list is corrupted." -msgstr "A(z) „%1” fájl nem írható, a helyszínek listája hibás." - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:719 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"You have changed the project folder. Do you want to copy the cached data " -"from %1 to the new folder %2?" -msgstr "" -"Megváltoztatta a projekt mappáját. Át kívánja másolni az gyorsítótár " -"adatokat a(z) %1 mappából az újonnan létrehozott %2 mappába?" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:1105 -msgid "Enter Template Path" -msgstr "Adja meg a sablon elérési útját" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:1179 -msgid "The following effects were imported from the project:" -msgstr "A következő effektusok kerültek importálásra a projektből:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:1209 src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:1223 -#: src/ui/backupdialog_ui.ui:22 -msgid "Project Folder" -msgstr "Projekt mappa" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:1287 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Cannot create backup copy:\n" -"%1" -msgstr "" -"Nem hozható létre biztonsági mentés:\n" -"%1" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:1400 src/project/projectlist.cpp:2317 -msgid "Add proxy clip" -msgid_plural "Add proxy clips" -msgstr[0] "Proxyklip hozzáadása" -msgstr[1] "Proxyklipek hozzáadása" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:1401 src/project/projectlist.cpp:2318 -msgid "Remove proxy clip" -msgid_plural "Remove proxy clips" -msgstr[0] "Proxyklip eltávolítása" -msgstr[1] "Proxyklipek eltávolítása" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:62 src/mainwindow.cpp:1023 -msgid "DVD Wizard" -msgstr "DVD Tündér" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:65 -msgid "Select Files For Your DVD" -msgstr "Fájlok kiválasztása DVD létrehozáshoz" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:69 -msgid "DVD Chapters" -msgstr "DVD fejezetek" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:75 -msgid "Create DVD Menu" -msgstr "DVD menü létrehozása" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:79 -msgid "Creating DVD Image" -msgstr "DVD lemezkép létrehozása" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:104 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:111 -#, kde-format -msgid "Burn with %1" -msgstr "Írás a következő programmal: %1" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:114 -msgid "No burning program found (K3b, Brasero)" -msgstr "Nem található lemezíró alkalmazás, mint amilyen a K3b vagy Brasero" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:120 -msgid "Load" -msgstr "Megnyitás" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:121 -msgid "Save" -msgstr "Mentés" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:188 -#, fuzzy, kde-format -#| msgid "Cannot create temporary file" -msgid "Cannot create temporary directory %1" -msgstr "Nem hozható létre átmeneti fájl" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:271 -msgid "Menu movie is invalid" -msgstr "A menüfilm érvénytelen" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:383 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:464 -msgid "Rendering job timed out" -msgstr "A leképzés időtúllépés miatt megszakítva" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:385 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:466 -msgid "Menu job timed out" -msgstr "A menü időtúllépést okozott" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:674 -msgid "Rendering menu crashed" -msgstr "A leképezési menü összeomlott" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:710 -msgid "DVDAuthor process crashed" -msgstr "A DVDAuthor folyamat összeomlott" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:713 -msgid "DVDAuthor process crashed.
" -msgstr "A DVDAuthor folyamat összeomlott.
" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:737 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:738 -msgid "DVD structure broken" -msgstr "Hibás DVD struktúra" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:785 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:788 -msgid "ISO creation process crashed." -msgstr "Az ISO képfájlt létrehozó folyamat váratlanul kilépett." - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:817 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:818 -msgid "DVD ISO is broken" -msgstr "A DVD ISO képfájl hibás" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:832 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:834 -#, kde-format -msgid "DVD ISO image %1 successfully created." -msgstr "A(z) „%1” DVD ISO lemezkép sikeresen létrejött." - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:864 -#, kde-format -msgid "Previewing requires one of these applications (%1)" -msgstr "Az előnézet a következő alkalmazások egyikét igényli (%1)" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:888 -#, kde-format -msgid "Folder %1 already exists. Overwrite?\n" -msgstr "A(z) „%1” mappa már létezik. Felül kívánja írni a létező mappát?\n" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:890 -#, kde-format -msgid "Image file %1 already exists. Overwrite?" -msgstr "A(z) „%1” lemezkép már létezik. Felül kívánja írni a létező fájlt?" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:911 -msgid "Save DVD Project" -msgstr "DVD projekt mentése" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:911 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:948 -msgid "DVD project (*.kdvd)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:957 -#, kde-format -msgid "File %1 is not a Kdenlive project file." -msgstr "A(z) %1 fájl nem egy Kdenlive projektfájl." - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardmenu.cpp:42 src/monitor/monitor.cpp:185 -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:303 src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:79 -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:405 src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:444 -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:873 -msgid "Play" -msgstr "Lejátszás" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardmenu.cpp:54 -msgid "Add new button" -msgstr "Új gomb hozzáadása" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardmenu.cpp:55 -msgid "Delete current button" -msgstr "Aktuális gomb törlése" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardmenu.cpp:300 -msgid "Play All" -msgstr "Mindent lejátszik" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:104 -#, kde-format -msgid "Program %1 is required for the DVD wizard." -msgstr "A(z) %1 program szükséges a DVD Tündér használatához." - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:105 -msgid "mkisofs" -msgstr "mkisofs" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:105 -msgid "genisoimage" -msgstr "genisoimage" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:105 -#, kde-format -msgid "Program %1 or %2 is required for the DVD wizard." -msgstr "" -"A(z) %1 vagy a(z) %2 program szükséges a DVD Tündér futtatásához." - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:111 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:316 -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:768 -msgid "PAL 4:3" -msgstr "PAL 4:3" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:111 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:313 -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:765 -msgid "PAL 16:9" -msgstr "PAL 16:9" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:111 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:310 -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:762 -msgid "NTSC 4:3" -msgstr "NTSC 4:3" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:111 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:307 -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:759 -msgid "NTSC 16:9" -msgstr "NTSC 16:9" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:138 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:791 -msgid "Your clips do not match selected DVD format, transcoding required." -msgstr "" -"A klipje nem illeszkedik a kiválasztott DVD formátumra, átkódolás szükséges." - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:210 src/project/cliptranscode.cpp:244 -msgid "Transcoding failed!" -msgstr "Az átkódolás sikertelen!" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:247 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "All Files" -msgid "MPEG Files" -msgstr "Minden fájl" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:248 -msgid "Add new video file" -msgstr "Új videofájl hozzáadása" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:337 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:779 -#, kde-format -msgid "The clip %1 is invalid." -msgstr "A(z) %1 klip érvénytelen." - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:674 -#: src/effectstack/collapsibleeffect.cpp:352 -#: src/effectstack/collapsiblegroup.cpp:178 src/monitor/monitor.cpp:845 -#: src/project/clipstabilize.cpp:222 src/project/cliptranscode.cpp:141 -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:297 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"File %1 already exists.\n" -"Do you want to overwrite it?" -msgstr "" -"A(z) „%1” fájl már létezik.\n" -"Felül kívánja írni a létező fájlt?" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:699 -#, fuzzy, kde-format -#| msgid "Transcoding" -msgid "Transcoding: %1" -msgstr "Átkódolás" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslist.cpp:197 -msgid "Author:" -msgstr "Szerző:" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:63 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Search in the effect list" -msgid "Search in effects list" -msgstr "Keresés az effektusok között" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:72 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Show/Hide the effect description" -msgid "Show/Hide effect description" -msgstr "Effektusleírások megjelenítése vagy elrejtése" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:83 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Delete selected clip" -#| msgid_plural "Delete selected clips" -msgid "Add Effect to Selected Clip" -msgstr "Kiválasztott klip törlése" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:84 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Copy profile to favorites" -msgid "Add Effect to Favorites" -msgstr "Profil másolása a kedvencek közé" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:85 -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:231 -#: src/effectstack/collapsibleeffect.cpp:70 -#: src/effectstack/collapsiblegroup.cpp:77 -msgid "Delete effect" -msgstr "Effektus törlése" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:93 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Move transition" -msgid "Show all transitions" -msgstr "Átmenet áthelyezése" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:94 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Move transition" -msgid "Show GPU transitions" -msgstr "Átmenet áthelyezése" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:101 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Show Effects" -msgid "Show all effects" -msgstr "Effektusok megjelenítése" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:103 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Show Effects" -msgid "Show video effects" -msgstr "Effektusok megjelenítése" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:105 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Sox echo audio effect" -msgid "Show audio effects" -msgstr "Sox visszhang-effektus" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:107 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Show Effects" -msgid "Show GPU effects" -msgstr "Effektusok megjelenítése" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:109 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Custom Effects" -msgid "Show custom effects" -msgstr "Egyedi effektusok" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:110 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Save effect" -msgid "Show favorite effects" -msgstr "Effektus mentése" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:239 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Remove file" -msgid "Remove from favorites" -msgstr "Fájl eltávolítása" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_audio) -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, abitrates) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_audiothumbnails) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, audio_thumbs) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, audiobitrateLabel) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, rec_audio) -#: src/effectslist/effectslistwidget.cpp:100 -#: src/effectslist/effectslistwidget.cpp:129 -#: src/effectslist/effectslistwidget.cpp:131 src/monitor/recmanager.cpp:57 -#: src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:39 -#: src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:121 -#: src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:155 -#: src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:194 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:131 -#: src/ui/configtimeline_ui.ui:38 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:224 -#: src/ui/recmonitor_ui.ui:107 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:195 -#: src/ui/saveprofile_ui.ui:67 -msgid "Audio" -msgstr "Hang" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistwidget.cpp:100 -#: src/effectslist/effectslistwidget.cpp:137 -#: src/effectslist/effectslistwidget.cpp:139 -#: src/effectslist/effectslistwidget.cpp:464 -msgctxt "Folder Name" -msgid "Custom" -msgstr "Egyéni" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistwidget.cpp:194 -msgctxt "menu name for effects names between these 2 letters" -msgid "0 - F" -msgstr "0 - F" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistwidget.cpp:196 -msgctxt "menu name for effects names between these 2 letters" -msgid "G - L" -msgstr "G - L" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistwidget.cpp:198 -msgctxt "menu name for effects names between these 2 letters" -msgid "M - R" -msgstr "M - R" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistwidget.cpp:200 -msgctxt "menu name for effects names between these 2 letters" -msgid "S - Z" -msgstr "S - Z" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:47 src/project/clipproperties.cpp:346 -#: src/project/dialogs/slideshowclip.cpp:72 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:59 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:153 -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:541 -msgid "None" -msgstr "Nincs" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:363 -#, kde-format -msgid "Group %1" -msgstr "%1 csoport" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:624 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Dissolve" -msgid "None (Dissolve)" -msgstr "Áttűnés" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, slide_luma) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, luma_fade) -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:706 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:292 -#: src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:203 -msgid "Wipe" -msgstr "Törlés" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:707 -msgid "Applies a stationary transition between the current and next frames." -msgstr "Állandó átmenetet alkalmaz a jelenlegi és a következő képkocka között." - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:710 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:785 -msgctxt "@property: means that the image is inverted" -msgid "Invert" -msgstr "Invertálás" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:711 -msgid "Image File" -msgstr "Képfájl" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:712 -msgid "Reverse Transition" -msgstr "Fordított átmenet" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:716 src/timeline/headertrack.cpp:89 -#: src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:74 -msgid "Composite" -msgstr "Kompozit" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:717 -msgid "A key-framable alpha-channel compositor for two frames." -msgstr "A kulcsképkockás alfa-csatorna összeállító a két képkockáért." - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:719 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:764 -msgid "Alpha Channel Operation" -msgstr "Alfa-csatorna művelet" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:719 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:764 -msgid "Over,And,Or,Xor" -msgstr "Több, És, Vagy, Kizáró vagy" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:720 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:765 -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:785 -msgid "Align" -msgstr "Igazítás" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:723 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:768 -msgid "Wipe File" -msgstr "Fájl törlése" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:724 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:769 -msgid "Wipe Softness" -msgstr "Törlés lágysága" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:725 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:770 -msgid "Wipe Invert" -msgstr "Törlés invertálása" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:726 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:771 -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:785 -msgid "Force Progressive Rendering" -msgstr "Progresszív leképzés erőltetése" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:727 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:772 -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:785 -msgid "Force Deinterlace Overlay" -msgstr "Borítás szétkapcsolás erőltetése" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:729 -msgid "Affine" -msgstr "Affin" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:753 -msgid "Fix Shear Y" -msgstr "Állandó nyírás Y" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:754 -msgid "Fix Shear X" -msgstr "Állandó nyírás X" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:755 -msgid "Fix Shear Z" -msgstr "Állandó nyírás Z" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:761 -msgid "Use alpha channel of another clip to create a transition." -msgstr "Másik klip alfa-csatornájának használata átmenet készítéséhez." - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:762 -msgid "Transparency clip" -msgstr "Átlátszóság klip" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:785 -msgid "Slide" -msgstr "Dia" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:785 -msgid "Slide image from one side to another." -msgstr "Kép átalakítása az egyikből a másikba." - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:785 -msgid "Direction" -msgstr "Irány" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, slide_fade) -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:790 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:262 -#: src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:167 -msgid "Dissolve" -msgstr "Áttűnés" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:790 -msgid "Fade out one video while fading in the other video." -msgstr "" -"Videó fokozatos elrejtése, miközben egy másik videó fokozatosan megjelenik." - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:790 -msgid "Reverse" -msgstr "Fordított" - -#: src/effectstack/collapsibleeffect.cpp:64 -#: src/effectstack/collapsiblegroup.cpp:72 -msgid "Move effect up" -msgstr "Effekt felfelé mozgatása" - -#: src/effectstack/collapsibleeffect.cpp:67 -#: src/effectstack/collapsiblegroup.cpp:74 -msgid "Move effect down" -msgstr "Effekt lefelé mozgatása" - -#: src/effectstack/collapsibleeffect.cpp:82 -msgid "Reset Effect" -msgstr "Effekt visszaállítása" - -#: src/effectstack/collapsibleeffect.cpp:83 -#: src/effectstack/collapsibleeffect.cpp:345 -msgid "Save Effect" -msgstr "Effektus mentése" - -#: src/effectstack/collapsibleeffect.cpp:91 -#: src/effectstack/collapsiblegroup.cpp:89 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Disable effect" -#| msgid_plural "Disable effects" -msgid "Disable Effect" -msgstr "Effekt letiltása" - -#: src/effectstack/collapsibleeffect.cpp:91 -#: src/effectstack/collapsiblegroup.cpp:89 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Enable effect" -#| msgid_plural "Enable effects" -msgid "Enable Effect" -msgstr "Effekt engedélyezése" - -#: src/effectstack/collapsibleeffect.cpp:96 -msgid "Create Group" -msgstr "Csoport létrehozása" - -#: src/effectstack/collapsibleeffect.cpp:136 -msgid "Create Region" -msgstr "Régió létrehozása" - -#: src/effectstack/collapsibleeffect.cpp:345 -msgid "Name for saved effect: " -msgstr "Elmentett effektus neve:" - -#: src/effectstack/collapsiblegroup.cpp:68 -#: src/effectstack/collapsiblegroup.cpp:383 -msgid "Effect Group" -msgstr "Effekt csoport" - -#: src/effectstack/collapsiblegroup.cpp:81 -msgid "Reset Group" -msgstr "Csoport visszaállítása" - -#: src/effectstack/collapsiblegroup.cpp:82 -#: src/effectstack/collapsiblegroup.cpp:171 -msgid "Save Group" -msgstr "Csoport mentése" - -#: src/effectstack/collapsiblegroup.cpp:84 -msgid "Ungroup" -msgstr "Csoport felbontása" - -#: src/effectstack/collapsiblegroup.cpp:171 -msgid "Name for saved group: " -msgstr "Elmentett csoport neve: " - -#: src/effectstack/complexparameter.cpp:36 -msgid "Allow horizontal moves" -msgstr "Vízszintes mozgások engedélyezése" - -#: src/effectstack/complexparameter.cpp:38 -msgid "Allow vertical moves" -msgstr "Függőleges mozgások engedélyezése" - -#: src/effectstack/complexparameter.cpp:40 -msgid "Show keyframes in timeline" -msgstr "Kulcsképek megjelenítése az idővonalon" - -#: src/effectstack/complexparameter.cpp:42 -msgid "Parameter info" -msgstr "Paraméter információk" - -#: src/effectstack/complexparameter.cpp:44 src/effectstack/geometryval.cpp:81 -#: src/effectstack/keyframeedit.cpp:47 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:84 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:417 -#: src/simplekeyframes/simplekeyframewidget.cpp:42 -#: src/simplekeyframes/simplekeyframewidget.cpp:132 -msgid "Add keyframe" -msgstr "Kulcskép hozzáadása" - -#: src/effectstack/dragvalue.cpp:109 -msgid "Normal scale" -msgstr "Normál arány" - -#: src/effectstack/dragvalue.cpp:110 -msgid "Pixel scale" -msgstr "Pixel arány" - -#: src/effectstack/dragvalue.cpp:111 -msgid "Nonlinear scale" -msgstr "Nemlineáris arány" - -#: src/effectstack/dragvalue.cpp:115 -msgid "Direct update" -msgstr "Közvetlen frissítés" - -#: src/effectstack/dragvalue.cpp:120 -msgid "Reset value" -msgstr "Érték alaphelyzetbe állítása" - -#: src/effectstack/dragvalue.cpp:125 -#, kde-format -msgid "Show %1 in timeline" -msgstr "%1 megjelenítése az idővonalon" - -#: src/effectstack/effectstackview2.cpp:71 -msgid "Enable/Disable all effects" -msgstr "Összes effektus engedélyezése/tiltása" - -#: src/effectstack/effectstackview2.cpp:73 -msgid "Show additional information for the parameters" -msgstr "További információk megjelenítése a paraméterek számára" - -#: src/effectstack/effectstackview2.cpp:174 -#: src/effectstack/effectstackview2.cpp:176 -#: src/effectstack/effectstackview2.cpp:179 -#, kde-format -msgid "Effects for %1" -msgstr "%1 effektusai" - -#: src/effectstack/effectstackview2.cpp:229 -#: src/effectstack/effectstackview2.cpp:231 -#: src/effectstack/effectstackview2.cpp:234 -#, fuzzy, kde-format -#| msgid "Effects for %1" -msgid "Bin effects for %1" -msgstr "%1 effektusai" - -#: src/effectstack/effectstackview2.cpp:276 -#, kde-format -msgid "Effects for track %1" -msgstr "%1 sáv effektusai" - -#: src/effectstack/geometryval.cpp:77 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:81 -#: src/simplekeyframes/simplekeyframewidget.cpp:52 -msgid "Go to next keyframe" -msgstr "Ugrás a következő kulcsképre" - -#: src/effectstack/geometryval.cpp:79 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:78 -#: src/simplekeyframes/simplekeyframewidget.cpp:47 -msgid "Go to previous keyframe" -msgstr "Ugrás az előző kulcsképre" - -#: src/effectstack/geometryval.cpp:83 src/effectstack/keyframeedit.cpp:49 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:423 -#: src/simplekeyframes/simplekeyframewidget.cpp:129 -msgid "Delete keyframe" -msgstr "Kulcskép törlése" - -#: src/effectstack/geometryval.cpp:85 src/monitor/monitor.cpp:206 -msgid "Misc..." -msgstr "Egyéb…" - -#: src/effectstack/geometryval.cpp:89 -msgid "Show/Hide options" -msgstr "Beállítások megjelenítése vagy elrejtése" - -#: src/effectstack/geometryval.cpp:97 -msgid "Sync timeline cursor" -msgstr "Idővonal kurzor szinkronizálása" - -#: src/effectstack/geometryval.cpp:116 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:343 -msgid "Align item horizontally" -msgstr "Elemek rendezése vízszintesen" - -#: src/effectstack/geometryval.cpp:118 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:345 -msgid "Align item vertically" -msgstr "Elemek rendezése függőlegesen" - -#: src/effectstack/geometryval.cpp:120 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:347 -msgid "Align item to top" -msgstr "Elem igazítása felülre" - -#: src/effectstack/geometryval.cpp:122 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:349 -msgid "Align item to bottom" -msgstr "Elem igazítása alulra" - -#: src/effectstack/geometryval.cpp:124 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:351 -msgid "Align item to right" -msgstr "Elem igazítása jobbra" - -#: src/effectstack/geometryval.cpp:126 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:353 -msgid "Align item to left" -msgstr "Elem igazítása balra" - -#: src/effectstack/parametercontainer.cpp:467 -msgid "" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/bezier/beziersplinewidget.cpp:67 -msgid "Handle 1:" -msgstr "Maniglia 1:" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/bezier/beziersplinewidget.cpp:70 -msgid "Handle 2:" -msgstr "Maniglia 2:" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/colorpickerwidget.cpp:71 -msgid "" -"Pick a color on the screen. By pressing the mouse button and then moving " -"your mouse you can select a section of the screen from which to get an " -"average color." -msgstr "" -"Cattura un colore sullo schermo. Trascinando una selezione sullo schermo si " -"otterrà un colore calcolato sulla base della media dei colori selezionati." - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/colorpickerwidget.cpp:101 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/colorpickerwidget.cpp:125 -msgid "Requesting color information..." -msgstr "Richiesta informazioni sul colore..." - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/colorpickerwidget.cpp:134 -msgid "Calculated average color for rectangle." -msgstr "Calcola una media di colore nel rettangolo." - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:96 -msgctxt "x axis position" -msgid "X" -msgstr "X" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:99 -msgctxt "y axis position" -msgid "Y" -msgstr "Y" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:102 -msgctxt "Frame width" -msgid "W" -msgstr "L" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:105 -msgctxt "Frame height" -msgid "H" -msgstr "H" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:111 -msgid "Adjust to original size" -msgstr "Adatta alla dimensione originale" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:113 -msgid "Fit to width" -msgstr "Adatta alla larghezza" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:115 -msgid "Fit to height" -msgstr "Adatta all'altezza" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:118 -msgid "Import keyframes from clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:121 -msgid "Reset all keyframes" -msgstr "Reimposta i fotogrammi chiave" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:125 -msgid "Reset keyframes after cursor" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:128 -msgid "Reset keyframes before cursor" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:133 -msgid "Synchronize with timeline cursor" -msgstr "Sincronizza con il cursore nella timeline" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:139 -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:244 -msgid "Align left" -msgstr "Allinea a sinistra" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:141 -msgid "Center horizontally" -msgstr "Allinea orizzontalmente" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:143 -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:243 -msgid "Align right" -msgstr "Allinea a destra" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:145 -msgid "Align top" -msgstr "Allinea al bordo superiore" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:147 -msgid "Center vertically" -msgstr "Allinea verticalmente" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:149 -msgid "Align bottom" -msgstr "Allinea al bordo inferiore" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:154 -#: src/ui/clipstabilize_ui.ui:30 -msgid "Options" -msgstr "Opzioni" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (suffix), widget (QSpinBox, spinResize) -#. i18n: ectx: property (suffix), widget (QSpinBox, kcfg_volume) -#. i18n: ectx: property (suffix), widget (QSpinBox, zoom_spin) -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:208 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:211 -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:125 src/ui/configsdl_ui.ui:89 -#: src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:226 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:611 -#, no-c-format -msgid "%" -msgstr "%" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/lumaliftgain.cpp:61 -msgid "Lift" -msgstr "" - -#: src/hidetitlebars.cpp:21 -msgid "Show Title Bars" -msgstr "Mostra le barre del titolo" - -#: src/layoutmanagement.cpp:27 -msgid "Layouts" -msgstr "Disposizione pannelli" - -#: src/layoutmanagement.cpp:28 -msgid "Load Layout" -msgstr "" -"La dimensione massima della finestra è limitata dal numero di campionature " -"per fotogramma" - -#: src/layoutmanagement.cpp:30 -#, kde-format -msgid "Layout %1" -msgstr "Disposizione %1" - -#: src/layoutmanagement.cpp:34 -#, kde-format -msgid "Save As Layout %1" -msgstr "Salva come disposizione dell'interfaccia %1" - -#: src/layoutmanagement.cpp:69 -#, kde-format -msgid "Save as %1" -msgstr "Salva come %1" - -#: src/layoutmanagement.cpp:101 -msgid "Save Layout" -msgstr "Salva disposizione interfaccia" - -#: src/layoutmanagement.cpp:101 -msgid "Layout name:" -msgstr "Nome della disposizione:" - -#: src/lib/audio/audioCorrelation.cpp:43 -msgid "Audio analysis finished" -msgstr "" - -#: src/main.cpp:48 -msgid "Kdenlive" -msgstr "Kdenlive" - -#: src/main.cpp:49 -msgid "An open source video editor." -msgstr "Un video editor Open Source." - -#: src/main.cpp:51 -msgid "Copyright © 2007–2015 Kdenlive authors" -msgstr "" - -#: src/main.cpp:52 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Please report bugs to http://kdenlive.org/mantis" -msgid "Please report bugs to http://bugs.kde.org" -msgstr "" -"In caso di problemi si prega di utilizzare il sito http://kdenlive.org/" -"mantis per la segnalazione" - -#: src/main.cpp:54 -msgid "Jean-Baptiste Mardelle" -msgstr "Jean-Baptiste Mardelle" - -#: src/main.cpp:54 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "MLT and KDE SC 4 porting, main developer and maintainer" -msgid "MLT and KDE SC 4 / KF5 port, main developer and maintainer" -msgstr "" -"Adattamento e riscrittura per MLT, Riscrittura per KDE4, Sviluppatore " -"principale" - -#: src/main.cpp:55 -msgid "Vincent Pinon" -msgstr "" - -#: src/main.cpp:55 -msgid "" -"Interim maintainer, KF5 port, bugs fixing, minor functions, profiles " -"updates, etc." -msgstr "" - -#: src/main.cpp:56 -msgid "Laurent Montel" -msgstr "" - -#: src/main.cpp:56 -msgid "Bugs fixing, clean up code, optimization etc." -msgstr "" - -#: src/main.cpp:57 -msgid "Marco Gittler" -msgstr "Marco Gittler" - -#: src/main.cpp:57 -msgid "MLT transitions and effects, timeline, audio thumbs" -msgstr "Transizioni ed effetti per MLT, timeline e anteprima audio" - -#: src/main.cpp:58 -msgid "Dan Dennedy" -msgstr "Dan Dennedy" - -#: src/main.cpp:58 src/main.cpp:60 src/main.cpp:63 src/main.cpp:64 -msgid "Bug fixing, etc." -msgstr "Correzione di bachi e altro" - -#: src/main.cpp:59 -msgid "Simon A. Eugster" -msgstr "Simon A. Eugster" - -#: src/main.cpp:59 -msgid "Color scopes, bug fixing, etc." -msgstr "Correzione di bachi, Analizzatore colori e altro" - -#: src/main.cpp:60 -msgid "Till Theato" -msgstr "Till Theato" - -#: src/main.cpp:61 -msgid "Alberto Villa" -msgstr "Alberto Villa" - -#: src/main.cpp:61 -msgid "Bug fixing, logo, etc." -msgstr "Correzione di bachi, logo e altro" - -#: src/main.cpp:62 -msgid "Jean-Michel Poure" -msgstr "Jean-Michel Poure" - -#: src/main.cpp:62 -msgid "Rendering profiles customization" -msgstr "Personalizzazione dei profili di esportazione" - -#: src/main.cpp:63 -msgid "Ray Lehtiniemi" -msgstr "Ray Lehtiniemi" - -#: src/main.cpp:64 -msgid "Steve Guilford" -msgstr "" - -#: src/main.cpp:65 -msgid "Jason Wood" -msgstr "Jason Wood" - -#: src/main.cpp:65 -msgid "Original KDE 3 version author (not active anymore)" -msgstr "Autore della versione originale per KDE 3 (non più attivo)" - -#: src/main.cpp:66 -msgid "NAME OF TRANSLATORS" -msgstr "Salvatore Brigaglia" - -#: src/main.cpp:66 -msgid "EMAIL OF TRANSLATORS" -msgstr "opensourcecat@gmail.com" - -#: src/main.cpp:86 -msgid "Set the path for MLT environment" -msgstr "Impostazione del percorso per l'ambiente MLT" - -#: src/main.cpp:87 -msgid "Comma separated list of clips to add" -msgstr "Lista delle clip da aggiungere (separare i nomi con una virgola)" - -#: src/main.cpp:88 -msgid "Document to open" -msgstr "Documento da aprire" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:148 -msgid "Theme" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:177 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Project Tree" -msgid "Project Bin" -msgstr "Struttura progetto" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, properties) -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:216 src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:395 -#: src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:43 -msgid "Properties" -msgstr "Proprietà" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:219 src/mainwindow.cpp:280 -msgid "Effects" -msgstr "Effetti" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:222 src/mainwindow.cpp:284 src/mainwindow.cpp:1272 -msgid "Transitions" -msgstr "Transizioni" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:225 -msgid "Clip Monitor" -msgstr "Monitor della clip" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:226 -msgid "Project Monitor" -msgstr "Monitor progetto" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:228 -msgid "Record Monitor" -msgstr "Monitor registrazione" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:233 -msgid "Clean" -msgstr "Pulito" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:235 -msgid "Undo History" -msgstr "Cronologia azioni" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:263 -msgid "Stop Motion" -msgstr "Stop Motion" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, capture_button) -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:264 src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:105 -msgid "Capture frame" -msgstr "Cattura fotogramma" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:267 -msgid "Switch live / captured frame" -msgstr "Scambia fra video in diretta o fotogramma catturato" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:270 -msgid "Show last frame over video" -msgstr "Mostra ultimo fotogramma sul video" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:283 -msgid "Add Transition" -msgstr "Aggiungi transizione" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:315 src/mainwindow.cpp:316 src/mainwindow.cpp:325 -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:326 src/mainwindow.cpp:330 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Paste Effects" -msgid "Favorite Effects" -msgstr "Incolla effetto" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:563 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"You have 1 rendering job waiting in the queue.\n" -"What do you want to do with this job?" -msgid_plural "" -"You have %1 rendering jobs waiting in the queue.\n" -"What do you want to do with these jobs?" -msgstr[0] "" -"C'è un processo di esportazione in attesa.\n" -"Cosa si intende fare con questo processo?" -msgstr[1] "" -"Ci sono %1 processi di esportazione in attesa.\n" -"Cosa si intende fare con questi processi?" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:563 -msgid "Start them now" -msgstr "Avviali adesso" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:563 -msgid "Delete them" -msgstr "Cancellali" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:784 -msgid "Normal mode" -msgstr "Modalità normale" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:785 -msgctxt "Normal editing" -msgid "n" -msgstr "n" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:790 -msgid "Overwrite mode" -msgstr "Modalità di sovrascrittura" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:796 -msgid "Insert mode" -msgstr "Modalità di inserimento" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:815 -msgid "Selection tool" -msgstr "Strumento di selezione/spostamento" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:816 -msgctxt "Selection tool shortcut" -msgid "s" -msgstr "s" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:821 -msgid "Razor tool" -msgstr "Strumento di taglio" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:822 -msgctxt "Razor tool shortcut" -msgid "x" -msgstr "x" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:827 -msgid "Spacer tool" -msgstr "Strumento per l'aggiunta di uno spazio" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:828 -msgctxt "Spacer tool shortcut" -msgid "m" -msgstr "m" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:869 -msgid "Fit zoom to project" -msgstr "Adatta lo zoom al progetto" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:873 -msgid "Zoom Out" -msgstr "Riduzione" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:887 -msgid "Zoom In" -msgstr "Ingrandimento" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:915 -msgid "Split audio and video automatically" -msgstr "Dividi audio e video automaticamente" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, videothumbs) -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:921 src/ui/wizardextra_ui.ui:35 -msgid "Show video thumbnails" -msgstr "Mostra l'anteprima video" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, audiothumbs) -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:927 src/ui/wizardextra_ui.ui:42 -msgid "Show audio thumbnails" -msgstr "Mostra la visualizzazione audio" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:933 -msgid "Show markers comments" -msgstr "Mostra i commenti nei marcatori" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:938 -msgid "Snap" -msgstr "Bordi magnetici" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, tc_type) -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:972 src/project/clipproperties.cpp:372 -#: src/project/dialogs/slideshowclip.cpp:89 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:284 -msgid "hh:mm:ss:ff" -msgstr "hh:mm:ss::ff" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, tc_type) -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:973 src/project/clipproperties.cpp:373 -#: src/project/dialogs/slideshowclip.cpp:90 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:289 -msgid "Frames" -msgstr "Fotogrammi" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1002 -msgid "Manage Project Profiles" -msgstr "Gestisci profili di progetto" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1003 -msgid "Download New Wipes..." -msgstr "Scarica nuove transizioni..." - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1004 -msgid "Download New Render Profiles..." -msgstr "Scarica nuovi profili di esportazione..." - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1005 -msgid "Download New Project Profiles..." -msgstr "Scarica nuovi profili di progetto..." - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1006 -msgid "Download New Title Templates..." -msgstr "Scarica nuovi modelli per la titolatrice..." - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1008 -msgid "Run Config Wizard" -msgstr "Esegui la procedura guidata per la configurazione" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, ProjectSettings_UI) -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1009 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Project Settings" -msgstr "Impostazioni del progetto" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1010 -msgid "Render" -msgstr "Esporta" - -# Da controlare se intende la creazione di un progetto pulito o la pulizia di un progetto esistente -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1012 -msgid "Clean Project" -msgstr "Nuovo progetto" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1016 -msgid "Play Zone" -msgstr "Riproduci zona selezionata" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1018 -msgid "Loop Zone" -msgstr "Reiterazione della selezione" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1020 -msgid "Loop selected clip" -msgstr "Ripeti la clip selezionata" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1024 -msgid "Transcode Clips" -msgstr "Converti clip" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1025 src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:55 -msgid "Archive Project" -msgstr "Archivia il progetto" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1026 -msgid "Switch monitor" -msgstr "Cambio monitor" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1027 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6364 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Edit Clip" -msgid "Expand Clip" -msgstr "Modifica clip" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1029 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Monitor overlay infos" -msgid "Monitor Info Overlay" -msgstr "Informazioni in sovrimpressione nei monitor" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1035 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Real time (drop frames)" -msgid "Real Time (drop frames)" -msgstr "Tempo reale (alcuni frame vengono ignorati)" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1040 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Clip Monitor" -msgid "Monitor Gamma" -msgstr "Monitor della clip" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1041 -msgid "sRGB (computer)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1042 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Rec. 709" -msgid "Rec. 709 (TV)" -msgstr "Rec. 709" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1047 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Insert zone in project tree" -msgid "Insert Zone in Project Bin" -msgstr "Inserisci la selezione nel progetto" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1048 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Insert zone in timeline" -msgid "Insert Zone in Timeline" -msgstr "Inserisci la selezione della timeline" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1050 -msgid "Resize Item Start" -msgstr "Inizio ridimensionamento oggetto" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1055 -msgid "Resize Item End" -msgstr "Fine ridimensionamento oggetto" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1060 -msgid "Go to Previous Snap Point" -msgstr "Vai al punto magnetico precedente" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1062 -msgid "Go to Clip Start" -msgstr "Vai all'inizio della clip" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1063 -msgid "Go to Clip End" -msgstr "Vai alla fine della clip" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1064 -msgid "Go to Next Snap Point" -msgstr "Vai al punto magnetico successivo" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1066 -msgid "Delete Selected Item" -msgstr "Cancella l'elemento selezionato" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1067 -msgid "Align Playhead to Mouse Position" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1069 -msgid "Automatic Transition" -msgstr "Transizione automatica" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1076 -msgid "Group Clips" -msgstr "Raggruppa clip" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1078 -msgid "Ungroup Clips" -msgstr "Separa un gruppo di clip" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1083 -msgid "Edit Duration" -msgstr "Modifica Durata" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1084 src/mainwindow.cpp:3232 -msgid "Save clip" -msgstr "Salva clip" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1085 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Clip in Project Tree" -msgid "Clip in Project Bin" -msgstr "Clip nella struttura progetto" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1086 -msgid "Insert Clip Zone in Timeline (Overwrite)" -msgstr "Inserisci area della clip nella timeline (Sovrascrivi)" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1087 -msgid "Select Clip" -msgstr "Seleziona clip" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1088 -msgid "Deselect Clip" -msgstr "Deseleziona clip" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1089 -msgid "Add Clip To Selection" -msgstr "Aggiungi clip alla selezione" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1091 -msgid "Select Transition" -msgstr "Seleziona Transizione" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1093 -msgid "Deselect Transition" -msgstr "Cancella la transizione" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1095 -msgid "Add Transition To Selection" -msgstr "Aggiungi transizione alla selezione" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, CutJobDialog_UI) -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1097 src/ui/cutjobdialog_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Cut Clip" -msgstr "Taglia clip" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1098 src/mainwindow.cpp:1833 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:729 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:803 -msgid "Add Marker" -msgstr "Aggiungi marcatore" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1099 -msgid "Delete Marker" -msgstr "Cancella marcatore" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1100 -msgid "Delete All Markers" -msgstr "Cancella tutti i marcatori" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1102 src/mainwindow.cpp:1921 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:702 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:827 -msgid "Edit Marker" -msgstr "Modifica marcatore" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1105 -msgid "Add Marker/Guide quickly" -msgstr "Aggiungi velocemente un marcatore o una guida" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1108 -msgid "Split Audio" -msgstr "Separa l'audio" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1112 -msgid "Set Audio Reference" -msgstr "Imposta il riferimento audio" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1116 -msgid "Align Audio to Reference" -msgstr "Allinea l'audio al riferimento" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1120 -msgid "Audio Only" -msgstr "Solo audio" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1125 -msgid "Video Only" -msgstr "Solo video" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1130 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7007 -msgid "Audio and Video" -msgstr "Audio e Video" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1142 -msgid "Insert Space" -msgstr "Inserisci uno spazio" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1143 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:3426 -msgid "Remove Space" -msgstr "Elimina lo spazio" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1146 -msgid "Insert Track" -msgstr "Inserisci traccia" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1150 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6556 -#: src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:94 -msgid "Delete Track" -msgstr "Cancella la traccia" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, TracksConfigDialog_UI) -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1155 src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:250 -#: src/ui/tracksconfigdialog_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Configure Tracks" -msgstr "Configurazione delle tracce" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1159 -msgid "Select All in Current Track" -msgstr "Seleziona tutto sulla traccia corrente" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1170 src/timeline/customruler.cpp:85 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5781 -msgid "Add Guide" -msgstr "Aggiungi guida" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1171 src/timeline/customruler.cpp:89 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:231 -msgid "Delete Guide" -msgstr "Cancella guida" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1172 src/timeline/customruler.cpp:87 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:235 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5815 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5829 -msgid "Edit Guide" -msgstr "Modifica guida" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1173 src/timeline/customruler.cpp:91 -msgid "Delete All Guides" -msgstr "Cancella tutte le guide" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1175 -msgid "Paste Effects" -msgstr "Incolla effetto" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1180 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Selection tool" -msgid "Save Selection" -msgstr "Strumento di selezione/spostamento" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1208 -msgid "Add Clip" -msgstr "Aggiungi clip" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1210 -msgid "Add Color Clip" -msgstr "Aggiungi clip colore" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1213 src/project/dialogs/slideshowclip.cpp:41 -msgid "Add Slideshow Clip" -msgstr "Aggiungi clip presentazione" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1216 -msgid "Add Title Clip" -msgstr "Aggiungi un titolo" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1219 -msgid "Add Template Title" -msgstr "Aggiungi un modello di testo" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1223 -msgid "Create Folder" -msgstr "Crea cartella " - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1224 -msgid "Online Resources" -msgstr "Risorse sulla rete" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, ClipProperties_UI) -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1226 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Clip Properties" -msgstr "Proprietà della clip" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1230 -msgid "Edit Clip" -msgstr "Modifica clip" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1238 -msgid "Reload Clip" -msgstr "Ricarica clip" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1242 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Disable effect" -#| msgid_plural "Disable effects" -msgid "Disable Timeline Effects" -msgstr "Disabilita l'effetto" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1247 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Delete Clip" -msgid "Duplicate Clip" -msgstr "Cancella clip" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1259 -msgid "Ripple Delete" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1389 -msgid "" -"You have changed the proxy parameters. Do you want to recreate all proxy " -"clips for this project?" -msgstr "" -"Sono stati modificati i parametri per la generazione delle clip " -"rappresentative, si desidera ricrearle per l'intero progetto?" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1487 -msgid "This will remove all unused clips from your project." -msgstr "" -"Questa azione eliminerà dal progetto le clip non utilizzate nella timeline" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1487 -msgid "Clean up project" -msgstr "Azzera il progetto" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1647 -msgctxt "general keyboard shortcuts" -msgid "General" -msgstr "Generale" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1827 src/mainwindow.cpp:1945 -msgid "Cannot find clip to add marker" -msgstr "Impossibile trovare una clip selezionata per l'aggiunta del marcatore" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1859 src/mainwindow.cpp:1886 src/mainwindow.cpp:1909 -msgid "Cannot find clip to remove marker" -msgstr "Impossibile trovare una clip per la rimozione del marcatore" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1866 src/mainwindow.cpp:1916 -msgid "No marker found at cursor time" -msgstr "Nessun marcatore alla posizione attuale" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2194 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot find effect %1 / %2" -msgstr "Impossibile trovare l'effetto %1 / %2" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2252 -#, kde-format -msgid "Zoom Level: %1/13" -msgstr "Livello di ingrandimento: %1/13" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2378 -msgid "Ctrl + click to use spacer on current track only" -msgstr "Ctrl + clic per usare lo spaziatore nella traccia corrente" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2381 -msgid "Click on a clip to cut it" -msgstr "Fare clic su una clip per tagliarla" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2384 -msgid "" -"Shift + click to create a selection rectangle, Ctrl + click to add an item " -"to selection" -msgstr "" -"Maiusc + clic per creare una selezione, Ctrl + clic per aggiungere un " -"oggetto alla selezione" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2707 -msgid "Stabilize" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2719 -msgid "Automatic scene split" -msgstr "Taglio automatico delle scene" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2729 src/project/jobs/filterjob.cpp:83 -msgid "Reverse clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2736 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Add keyframes" -msgid "Analyse keyframes" -msgstr "Aggiungi un fotogramma chiave" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2751 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Transcode" -msgid "Transcoders" -msgstr "Converti" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2784 -msgid "Interface" -msgstr "Interfaccia" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2821 -msgid "No clip to transcode" -msgstr "Nessuna clip da codificare" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2834 -msgid "Files to transcode" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2867 -msgid "Create Render Script" -msgstr "Crea uno script" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2877 -msgid "Script file already exists. Do you want to overwrite it?" -msgstr "Uno script con lo stesso nome esiste già. Vuoi sovrascriverlo?" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2923 -msgctxt "the first in a list of chapters" -msgid "Start" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:3200 -msgid "Archiving project" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:3229 -msgid "Select a clip to save" -msgstr "Seleziona la clip da salvare" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:3232 src/renderer.cpp:1386 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7865 -msgid "MLT playlist (*.mlt)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mltconnection.cpp:51 -msgid "Cannot find the melt program required for rendering (part of MLT)" -msgstr "" -"Non riesco a trovare il programma «melt», richiesto per l'esportazione " -"delfilmato (fa parte di MLT)" - -#: src/mltconnection.cpp:83 -msgid "Cannot find your MLT profiles, please give the path" -msgstr "" -"Non riesco a trovare I profili MLT, è necessario specificarne il percorso" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:87 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:476 src/project/projectcommands.cpp:166 -msgid "Edit marker" -msgstr "Modifica marcatore" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:88 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Edit marker" -msgid "Export markers" -msgstr "Modifica marcatore" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:89 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Load markers" -msgid "Import markers" -msgstr "Carica marcatori" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:115 -msgid "Analysis data" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:118 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Delete Clip" -msgid "Delete analysis" -msgstr "Cancella clip" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:119 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Export audio" -msgid "Export analysis" -msgstr "Esportazione audio" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:120 -msgid "Import analysis" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, clip_transparency) -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:166 -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:842 -msgid "Transparent" -msgstr "Trasparente" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:181 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Aspect ratio:" -msgid "Aspect Ratio" -msgstr "Proporzioni:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_18) -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:236 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:618 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:623 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:679 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:440 -#: src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:86 -msgid "Frame rate" -msgstr "Velocità dei fotogrammi" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_5) -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:260 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:634 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:686 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:105 -msgid "Scanning" -msgstr "Scansione" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:282 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Force field order" -msgid "Field order" -msgstr "Forza l'ordine del campi" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:286 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:129 -msgid "Bottom first" -msgstr "Parte inferiore prima" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:287 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:130 -msgid "Top first" -msgstr "Superiore prima" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:304 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Threshold" -msgid "Threads" -msgstr "Limite" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, clip_force_vindex) -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:320 -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:693 -msgid "Video index" -msgstr "Traccia video" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, clip_force_aindex) -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:336 -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:720 -msgid "Audio index" -msgstr "Traccia audio" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_12) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_32) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_15) -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:350 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:644 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:696 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:294 -#: src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:222 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:149 -msgid "Colorspace" -msgstr "Spazio di colore" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, clip_full_luma) -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:380 -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:772 -msgid "Full luma range" -msgstr "Full luma range" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:399 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Item Properties" -msgid "Force properties" -msgstr "Proprietà dell'oggetto" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_5) -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_3) -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:401 -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:511 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:349 -msgid "Metadata" -msgstr "Metadati" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:403 -msgid "Analysis" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:609 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:671 src/project/clipproperties.cpp:673 -msgid "Video codec" -msgstr "Formato video" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:613 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:676 -msgid "Frame size" -msgstr "Dimensione dei fotogrammi" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:630 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Video track" -msgid "Video bitrate" -msgstr "Traccia video" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:630 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:664 -#, fuzzy -#| msgctxt "Selection tool shortcut" -#| msgid "s" -msgctxt "seconds" -msgid "s" -msgstr "s" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_9) -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:641 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:690 src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:120 -msgid "Pixel aspect ratio" -msgstr "Proporzioni dei pixel" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:642 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:693 -msgid "Pixel format" -msgstr "Formato dei pixel" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:651 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:243 -msgid "Audio codec" -msgstr "Codifica audio" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:659 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Frequency" -msgid "Audio frequency" -msgstr "Frequenza" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:664 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Audio tracks" -msgid "Audio bitrate" -msgstr "Tracce audio" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:760 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:788 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:813 -msgid "Exif" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:832 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:854 -msgid "Magic Lantern" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:893 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:858 -msgid "Save Analysis Data" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:893 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:904 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:858 src/project/clipproperties.cpp:869 -msgid "Text File (*.txt)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:904 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:869 -msgid "Open Analysis Data" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:183 -msgid "Play..." -msgstr "Riproduci..." - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:185 src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:303 -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:310 src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:449 -msgid "Pause" -msgstr "Pausa" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:210 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:210 -msgid "Go to marker..." -msgstr "Vai al marcatore..." - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:215 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Font" -msgid "Force Monitor Size" -msgstr "Carattere" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:216 -msgid "Force 100%" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:218 -msgid "Force 50%" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:220 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Frame size" -msgid "Free Resize" -msgstr "Dimensione dei fotogrammi" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:233 -msgid "Audio volume" -msgstr "Livello volume audio" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:248 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Split view" -msgid "Split" -msgstr "Dividi visuale" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:248 -msgid "Unsplit" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:281 src/monitor/monitoreditwidget.cpp:58 -msgid "Show/Hide edit mode" -msgstr "Mostra/Nascondi modalità di modifica" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:400 -msgid "Save zone" -msgstr "Salva selezione" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:401 -msgid "Extract Zone" -msgstr "Estrazione area" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:404 -msgid "Extract frame" -msgstr "Estrai fotogramma" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:408 -msgid "Split view" -msgstr "Dividi visuale" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:412 -msgid "Set current image as thumbnail" -msgstr "Imposta l'immagine attualmente selezionata come anteprima" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:416 -msgid "Overlay audio waveform" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:453 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "You must select one transition for this action" -msgid "Your screen resolution is not sufficient for this action" -msgstr "È necessario selezionare una clip per eseguire questa azione" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:838 -msgid "Save Image" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:894 -msgid "In Point" -msgstr "Inizio selezione" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:896 -msgid "Out Point" -msgstr "Fine selezione" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:1520 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Select a clip if you want to apply an effect" -msgid "Select a clip in project bin to compare effect" -msgstr "Seleziona una clip prima di applicare un effetto" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:1524 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Clip has no markers" -msgid "Clip has no effects" -msgstr "Nessun marcatore sulla clip" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:1533 -msgid "" -"The scal0tilt filter is required for that feature, please install frei0r and " -"restart Kdenlive" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:1540 -msgid "" -"The cairoblend transition is required for that feature, please install " -"frei0r and restart Kdenlive" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitoreditwidget.cpp:64 -msgid "Update parameters while monitor scene changes" -msgstr "Aggiorna i parametri al cambiamento della scena nel monitor" - -#: src/monitor/monitoreditwidget.cpp:68 -msgid "Fit zoom to monitor size" -msgstr "Adatta lo zoom alle dimensioni del monitor" - -#: src/monitor/monitoreditwidget.cpp:70 -msgid "Original size" -msgstr "Dimensione originale" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:326 -msgid "Switch monitor fullscreen" -msgstr "Visualizza a schermo intero" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:331 src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:76 -msgid "Rewind" -msgstr "Riavvolgi" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:336 -msgid "Rewind 1 Frame" -msgstr "Riavvolgi di un fotogramma" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:341 -msgid "Rewind 1 Second" -msgstr "Riavvolgi di un secondo" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:346 src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:85 -msgid "Forward" -msgstr "Avanti" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:351 -msgid "Go to Project Start" -msgstr "Vai all'inizio del progetto " - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:356 -msgid "Go to Project End" -msgstr "Vai alla fine del progetto " - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:361 -msgid "Forward 1 Frame" -msgstr "Avanti di un fotogramma" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:366 -msgid "Forward 1 Second" -msgstr "Avanti di un secondo" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:371 -msgid "Deinterlacer" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:372 -msgid "One Field (fast)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:373 -msgid "Linear Blend (fast)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:374 -msgid "YADIF - temporal only (good)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:375 -msgid "YADIF - temporal + spacial (best)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:384 -msgid "Nearest Neighbor (fast)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:385 -msgid "Bilinear (good)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:386 -msgid "Bicubic (better)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:387 -msgid "Hyper/Lanczos (best)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:395 -msgid "Go to Zone Start" -msgstr "Vai all'inizio della selezione" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:400 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Clip Monitor" -msgid "Mute monitor" -msgstr "Monitor della clip" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:400 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Switch monitor" -msgid "Unmute monitor" -msgstr "Cambio monitor" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:406 -msgid "Go to Zone End" -msgstr "Vai alla fine della selezione" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:411 -msgid "Set Zone In" -msgstr "Imposta inizio selezione" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:416 -msgid "Set Zone Out" -msgstr "Imposta fine selezione" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_preview) -#: src/monitor/recmanager.cpp:48 src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:147 -#: src/ui/freesound_ui.ui:144 src/utils/archiveorg.cpp:181 -#: src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:158 src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:263 -#: src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:277 src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:575 -msgid "Preview" -msgstr "Anteprima" - -#: src/monitor/recmanager.cpp:52 src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:88 -msgid "Record" -msgstr "Registrazione" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_video) -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, vbitrates) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, background_list) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_videothumbnails) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, video_thumbs) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, bitrateLabel) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, rec_video) -#: src/monitor/recmanager.cpp:56 src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:38 -#: src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:153 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:86 -#: src/ui/configtimeline_ui.ui:29 src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:207 -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:217 src/ui/recmonitor_ui.ui:100 -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:169 src/ui/saveprofile_ui.ui:20 -msgid "Video" -msgstr "Video" - -#: src/monitor/recmanager.cpp:68 src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:135 -#, kde-format -msgid "Monitor %1" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/recmanager.cpp:80 -msgid "Webcam" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_3) -#: src/monitor/recmanager.cpp:81 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:427 -msgid "Screen Grab" -msgstr "Registra lo schermo" - -#: src/monitor/recmanager.cpp:86 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Configure job" -msgid "Configure Recording" -msgstr "Configura lavoro" - -#: src/monitor/recmanager.cpp:89 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Record Monitor" -msgid "Show Record Control" -msgstr "Monitor registrazione" - -#: src/monitor/recmanager.cpp:198 src/monitor/recmanager.cpp:279 -#: src/monitor/recmanager.cpp:284 src/monitor/recmanager.cpp:390 -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:879 src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:886 -msgid "Capture crashed, please check your parameters" -msgstr "" -"La registrazione si è interrotta inaspettatamente, controllare i parametri" - -#: src/monitor/recmanager.cpp:265 src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:753 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Failed to start the capture application:\n" -"%1" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:73 src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:862 -msgid "Connect" -msgstr "Collega" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:82 src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:249 -#: src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:262 src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:271 -msgid "Stop" -msgstr "Interrompi" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:94 -msgid "Add Captured File to Project" -msgstr "Aggiungi al progetto le clip registrate" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:102 -msgid "Recording Preview" -msgstr "Anteprima di registrazione" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:110 src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:245 -msgid "Configure" -msgstr "Configurazione" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:202 -msgid "" -"You need to disconnect and reconnect in the capture monitor to apply your " -"changes" -msgstr "" -"È necessario scollegare e ricollegare la sorgente video per applicare i " -"cambiamenti" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:202 src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:203 -msgid "Capturing" -msgstr "Registrazione" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:203 -msgid "You need to stop capture before your changes can be applied" -msgstr "" -"È necessario terminare la registrazione prima che i cambiamenti possano " -"essere applicati" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:256 -msgid "" -"ffmpeg or avconv not found,\n" -" please install it for screen grabs" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:262 -msgid "" -"Your FFmpeg / Libav installation\n" -" does not support screen grab" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:265 src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:888 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Press record button\n" -"to start screen capture\n" -"Files will be saved in:\n" -"%1" -msgstr "" -"Premere il pulsante di\n" -"
registrazione per iniziare.\n" -"
I filmati saranno registrati su\n" -"
%1" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:283 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Plug your camcorder and\n" -"press play button\n" -"to start preview.\n" -"Files will be saved in:\n" -"%1" -msgstr "" -"Collegare la videocamera\n" -"
e premere il pulsante di\n" -"
connessione per iniziare.\n" -"
I filmati saranno registrati su\n" -"
%1" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:296 -msgid "" -"dvgrab utility not found,\n" -" please install it for firewire capture" -msgstr "" -"dvgrab non è stato trovato,\n" -"il programma è necessario per registrare da firewire" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:320 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Plug your camcorder and\n" -"press connect button\n" -"to initialize connection\n" -"Files will be saved in:\n" -"%1" -msgstr "" -"Collegare la videocamera\n" -"
e premere il pulsante di\n" -"
connessione per iniziare.\n" -"
I filmati saranno registrati su\n" -"
%1" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:355 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Cannot read from device %1\n" -"Please check drivers and access rights." -msgstr "" -"Impossibile leggere dal dispositivo %1\n" -"
Controllare i driver e i diritti di accesso." - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:358 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Press play or record button\n" -"to start video capture\n" -"Files will be saved in:\n" -"%1" -msgstr "" -"Premere il pulsante di riproduzione\n" -"
o registrazione per iniziare.\n" -"
I filmati saranno registrati su\n" -"
%1" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:370 -msgid "Disconnect" -msgstr "Disconnessione videocamera" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:423 -msgid "Capture stopped" -msgstr "Registrazione interrotta" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:523 -msgid "" -"Failed to start Video4Linux,\n" -"check your parameters..." -msgstr "" -"Impossibile avviare Video4Linux,\n" -"controllare le impostazioni..." - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:539 src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:701 -msgid "" -"Failed to start Decklink,\n" -"check your parameters..." -msgstr "" -"Impossibile avviare Decklink,\n" -"controllare le impostazioni..." - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:677 -msgid "" -"Failed to start ffmpeg capture,\n" -"check your parameters..." -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:695 -#, kde-format -msgid "Capturing to %1" -msgstr "Registrazione in corso su %1" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:702 -msgid "Failed to start capture" -msgstr "Avvio della registrazione non riuscito" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:766 -msgid "Initialising..." -msgstr "Inizializzazione..." - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:782 -msgid "Show log" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, video_frame) -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:882 src/ui/recmonitor_ui.ui:35 -msgid "Not connected" -msgstr "Non connesso" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:971 -#, kde-format -msgid "Free space: %1" -msgstr "Spazio libero: %1" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:1014 -#, kde-format -msgid "%1 dropped frames" -msgstr "%1 fotogrammi ignorati" - -#: src/monitor/smallruler.cpp:201 src/timeline/customruler.cpp:233 -#: src/timeline/customruler.cpp:234 -#, kde-format -msgid "Zone start: %1" -msgstr "Inizio dell'area selezionata: %1" - -#: src/monitor/smallruler.cpp:205 src/timeline/customruler.cpp:237 -#: src/timeline/customruler.cpp:238 -#, kde-format -msgid "Zone end: %1" -msgstr "Fine dell'area selezionata: %1" - -#: src/monitor/smallruler.cpp:236 src/timeline/customruler.cpp:241 -#: src/timeline/customruler.cpp:242 -#, kde-format -msgid "Zone duration: %1" -msgstr "Durata dell'area selezionata: %1" - -#: src/monitor/smallruler.cpp:238 src/timeline/customruler.cpp:245 -#: src/timeline/customruler.cpp:246 -#, kde-format -msgid "Position: %1" -msgstr "Posizione: %1" - -#: src/project/clipmanager.cpp:220 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Delete Clip" -msgid "Delete subclip" -msgid_plural "Delete subclips" -msgstr[0] "Cancella clip" -msgstr[1] "Cancella clip" - -#: src/project/clipmanager.cpp:223 src/project/projectcommands.cpp:74 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Delete folder" -msgid "Delete folder" -msgid_plural "Delete folders" -msgstr[0] "Cancella cartella" -msgstr[1] "Cancella cartella" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:200 -msgid "Libav" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_8) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, kcfg_defaultcapture) -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_2) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, device_selector) -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:204 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:42 -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:181 src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:105 -#: src/ui/recmonitor_ui.ui:139 -msgid "FFmpeg" -msgstr "FFmpeg" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_11) -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:246 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:187 -#: src/utils/freesound.cpp:207 -msgid "Channels" -msgstr "Canali" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:263 -#, kde-format -msgid "Proxy clip: %1 (%2)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:265 -msgid "Delete proxy" -msgstr "Cancella la clip rappresentativa" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:292 -msgid "Playlist" -msgstr "Playlist" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:348 src/project/dialogs/slideshowclip.cpp:74 -msgid "Pan, low-pass" -msgstr "Trasla, passa-basso" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:349 src/project/dialogs/slideshowclip.cpp:75 -msgid "Pan and zoom" -msgstr "Trasla e ingrandisci" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:350 src/project/dialogs/slideshowclip.cpp:76 -msgid "Pan and zoom, low-pass" -msgstr "Trasla e ingrandisci, passa-basso" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:352 src/project/dialogs/slideshowclip.cpp:78 -msgid "Zoom, low-pass" -msgstr "Ingrandimento, passa-basso" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:480 -msgid "Save markers" -msgstr "Salva i marcatori" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:482 -msgid "Load markers" -msgstr "Carica marcatori" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:484 -msgid "Delete analysis data" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:486 -msgid "Load analysis data" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:488 -msgid "Save analysis data" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:527 src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:360 -#, kde-format -msgid "(%1 clip)" -msgid_plural "(%1 clips)" -msgstr[0] "(%1 clip)" -msgstr[1] "(%1 clip)" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, slide_info) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_info) -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:1166 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:319 -#: src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:265 -msgid "No image found" -msgstr "Nessuna immagine trovata" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:1171 -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:573 -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:586 -#: src/project/dialogs/slideshowclip.cpp:247 -#, kde-format -msgid "1 image found" -msgid_plural "%1 images found" -msgstr[0] "1 immagine trovata" -msgstr[1] "%1 immagini trovate" - -#: src/project/clippropertiesmanager.cpp:182 -msgid "Edit clips" -msgstr "Modifica clip" - -#: src/project/clipstabilize.cpp:41 -msgid "Stabilize Clip" -msgstr "Stabilizza clip" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, auto_add) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, add_clip) -#: src/project/clipstabilize.cpp:42 src/project/cliptranscode.cpp:47 -#: src/ui/clipstabilize_ui.ui:57 src/ui/cliptranscode_ui.ui:47 -#: src/ui/cutjobdialog_ui.ui:57 -msgid "Add clip to project" -msgid_plural "Add clips to project" -msgstr[0] "Aggiungi clip al progetto" -msgstr[1] "Aggiungi clip al progetto" - -#: src/project/clipstabilize.cpp:69 src/project/cliptranscode.cpp:63 -msgid "Destination folder" -msgstr "Cartella di destinazione" - -# , kde-format, kde-format -#: src/project/clipstabilize.cpp:159 -msgid "Stabilised" -msgstr "Stabilizzata" - -#: src/project/clipstabilize.cpp:173 -msgid "Stabilize clip" -msgstr "Stabilizza clip" - -#: src/project/clipstabilize.cpp:232 -msgid "The stabilize job will overwrite the following files:" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/cliptranscode.cpp:43 -msgid "Transcode Clip" -msgstr "Convertitore di clip" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, convert_abort) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_abort) -#: src/project/cliptranscode.cpp:168 src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:636 -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:884 src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:94 -#: src/ui/dvdwizardvob_ui.ui:160 -msgid "Abort" -msgstr "Annulla l'esportazione" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, buttonClose) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, buttonClose2) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, buttonClose3) -#: src/project/cliptranscode.cpp:210 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:382 -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:657 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:805 -msgid "Close" -msgstr "Chiudi" - -# , kde-format, kde-format -#: src/project/cliptranscode.cpp:221 src/project/cliptranscode.cpp:239 -msgid "Transcoding finished." -msgstr "Conversione conclusa" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:63 -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:302 -msgid "Video clips" -msgstr "Clip video" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:67 -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:305 -msgid "Audio clips" -msgstr "Clip audio" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:71 -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:308 src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:113 -msgid "Image clips" -msgstr "Clip da immagini" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:75 -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:311 -msgid "Slideshow clips" -msgstr "Clip presentazione" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:79 -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:314 -msgid "Text clips" -msgstr "Clip di testo" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:83 -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:317 -msgid "Playlist clips" -msgstr "Lista di riproduzione clip" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:87 -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:320 -msgid "Other clips" -msgstr "Altre clip" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:91 -msgid "Luma files" -msgstr "File luma" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:167 -#, kde-format -msgid "You have %1 missing clip in your project." -msgid_plural "You have %1 missing clips in your project." -msgstr[0] "una clip risulta mancante nel progetto" -msgstr[1] "%1 clip risultano mancanti dal progetto" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:192 -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:1017 -#, kde-format -msgid "(%1 item)" -msgid_plural "(%1 items)" -msgstr[0] "(%1 oggetto)" -msgstr[1] "(%1 oggetti)" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:197 -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:1019 -#, kde-format -msgid "%1 file to archive, requires %2" -msgid_plural "%1 files to archive, requires %2" -msgstr[0] "%1 file da archiviare, sono necessari %2" -msgstr[1] "%1 file da archiviare, sono necessari %2" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:198 -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:664 -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:854 -msgid "Archive" -msgstr "Archivio" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:232 -msgid "Extract to" -msgstr "Estrai in" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:233 -msgid "Open Archived Project" -msgstr "Apri un progetto archiviato" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:235 -msgid "Extract" -msgstr "Estrai" - -# , kde-format, kde-format -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:264 -msgid "Opening archive..." -msgstr "Apertura del progetto" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:267 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Cannot open archive file:\n" -" %1" -msgstr "" -"Impossibile aprire l'archivio:\n" -" %1" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:284 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"File %1\n" -" is not an archived Kdenlive project" -msgstr "" -"Il file %1\n" -"non è un progetto valido di Kdenlive." - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:290 -msgid "Ready" -msgstr "Pronto" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:310 -msgid "Archiving in progress, do you want to stop it?" -msgstr "Archiviazione in corso, la si vuole interrompere?" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:310 -msgid "Stop Archiving" -msgstr "Interrompi archiviazione" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:493 -#, kde-format -msgid "Available space on drive: %1" -msgstr "Spazio disponibile sul dispositivo: %1" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:497 -#, kde-format -msgid "Not enough space on drive, free space: %1" -msgstr "Spazio disponibile non sufficente, spazio rimanente: %1" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:518 -msgid "Archiving..." -msgstr "Archiviazione..." - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:546 -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:628 -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:881 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot create directory %1" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:652 -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:847 -msgid "Project was successfully archived." -msgstr "Archiviazione conclusa con successo." - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:655 -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:851 -msgid "There was an error processing project file" -msgstr "Si è verificato un errore durante la lettura del file di progetto" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:661 -#, kde-format -msgid "There was an error while copying the files: %1" -msgstr "Si è verificato un errore durante la copia dei file: %1" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:785 -msgid "Cannot create temporary file" -msgstr "Impossibile creare il file temporaneo" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:883 -msgid "Extracting..." -msgstr "Estrazione..." - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:947 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot open project file %1" -msgstr "Impossibile aprire il file di progetto %1" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:947 -msgid "Cannot open file" -msgstr "Impossibile aprire il file" - -#: src/project/dialogs/backupwidget.cpp:30 -msgid "Restore Backup File" -msgstr "Recupera da un salvataggio" - -#: src/project/dialogs/backupwidget.cpp:34 -msgid "Showing all backup files in folder" -msgstr "Mostra tutte le copie di sicurezza nella cartella" - -#: src/project/dialogs/backupwidget.cpp:37 -#, kde-format -msgid "Showing backup files for %1" -msgstr "Mostra copie di sicurezza per %1" - -#: src/project/dialogs/noteswidget.cpp:40 -msgid "Insert current timecode" -msgstr "Inserire il timecode corrente" - -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:120 -msgid "Current Settings" -msgstr "Impostazioni correnti" - -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:139 -msgid "Title" -msgstr "Titolo" - -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:146 -#: src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:189 -msgid "Author" -msgstr "Autore" - -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:153 -msgid "Artist" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:159 -msgid "Copyright" -msgstr "Copyright" - -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:259 -msgid "Deleting proxy clips will disable proxies for this project." -msgstr "" -"Cancellando le clip rappresentative verrà disabilitata la relativa " -"funzionalità per il progetto." - -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:410 -msgid "" -"Changing the profile of your project cannot be undone.\n" -"It is recommended to save your project before attempting this operation that " -"might cause some corruption in transitions.\n" -" Are you sure you want to proceed?" -msgstr "" -"Il cambiamento del profilo del progetto non può essere annullato.\n" -"È consigliato un salvataggio del progetto prima di applicare il cambiamento " -"poiché questa operazione potrebbe causare alcune corruzioni nelle " -"transizioni. Sei sicuro di voler proseguire?" - -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:410 -msgid "Confirm profile change" -msgstr "Conferma cambiamento del profilo" - -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:425 -#, kde-format -msgid "Interlaced (%1 fields per second)" -msgstr "Interlacciato (%1 campi al secondo)" - -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:596 -#, kde-format -msgid "Project folder: %1" -msgstr "Cartella del progetto: %1" - -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:597 -#, kde-format -msgid "Project profile: %1" -msgstr "Profilo del progetto: %1" - -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:598 -#, kde-format -msgid "Total clips: %1 (%2 used in timeline)." -msgstr "Numero di clip nel progetto: %1 (%2 utilizzate nella timeline)" - -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:650 -msgid "field_name" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, SlideshowClip_UI) -#: src/project/dialogs/slideshowclip.cpp:47 src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Slideshow Clip" -msgstr "Clip presentazione" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:46 -msgid "Transcode clip" -msgstr "Converti clip" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:49 -msgid "Cut clip" -msgstr "Taglia clip" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:53 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Insert clip" -msgid "Analyse clip" -msgstr "Inserisci clip" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:125 -msgid "Failed to create file." -msgstr "Creazione del file fallita." - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:140 -msgid "Cannot process this clip type." -msgstr "Impossibile lavorare su clip di questo formato." - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:202 -msgid "Transcoding clip" -msgstr "Codifica della clip in corso" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:203 -msgid "Extracting clip cut" -msgstr "Estrazione della porzione di clip" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:204 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Missing clip" -msgid "Analysing clip" -msgstr "Clip mancanti" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:207 -msgid "Waiting - transcode clip" -msgstr "Attendere - codifica della clip in corso" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:208 -msgid "Waiting - cut clip" -msgstr "Atendere - taglio della clip" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:209 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Waiting - transcode clip" -msgid "Waiting - analyse clip" -msgstr "Attendere - codifica della clip in corso" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:278 -#, kde-format -msgid "Extracting %1 out of %2" -msgstr "Estrazione di %1 da %2" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:292 -msgid "You cannot overwrite original clip." -msgstr "Non è possibile sovrascrivere la clip originale." - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:293 -#, kde-format -msgid "Overwrite file %1" -msgstr "Sovrascrivi il file %1" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:338 -msgid "The transcoding job will overwrite the following files:" -msgstr "Il lavoro di codifica sovrascriverà i file seguenti:" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:344 -msgid "Transcoding" -msgstr "Codifica" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:432 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Frames" -msgid "I-Frame " -msgstr "Fotogrammi" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:433 -#, fuzzy, c-format -#| msgid "Found %1 result" -#| msgid_plural "Found %1 results" -msgid "Found %count I-Frames" -msgstr "Trovato %1 risultato" - -#: src/project/jobs/filterjob.cpp:133 -#, kde-format -msgid "Found %1 scenes." -msgstr "Trovata %1 scena." - -#: src/project/jobs/filterjob.cpp:146 -msgid "Scene " -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/jobs/filterjob.cpp:174 -msgid "Auto split" -msgstr "Divisone automatica" - -#: src/project/jobs/jobmanager.cpp:178 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot write to path: %1" -msgstr "Impossibile scrivere sul percorso: %1" - -#: src/project/jobs/jobmanager.cpp:225 -#, kde-format -msgid "Filter %1" -msgstr "Filtro %1" - -#: src/project/jobs/jobmanager.cpp:234 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Cannot find clip to process filter %1" -msgid "No valid clip to process" -msgstr "Impossibile trovare la clip per elaborare il filtro %1" - -#: src/project/jobs/meltjob.cpp:53 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Process clip" -msgid "Processing clip" -msgstr "Elaborazione clip" - -#: src/project/jobs/meltjob.cpp:63 -msgid "No producer for this clip." -msgstr "Nessun generatore per questa clip." - -#: src/project/jobs/meltjob.cpp:86 -#, kde-format -msgid "Clip zone undefined (%1 - %2)." -msgstr "Area di selezione della clip non definito (%1 - %2)." - -#: src/project/jobs/meltjob.cpp:157 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot create consumer %1." -msgstr "Impossibile creare il consumer %1." - -#: src/project/jobs/meltjob.cpp:179 -#, kde-format -msgid "Filter %1 crashed" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/jobs/meltjob.cpp:248 -msgid "Waiting to process clip" -msgstr "Attendere - elaborazione della clip" - -#: src/project/jobs/proxyclipjob.cpp:38 -msgid "proxy" -msgstr "clip rappresentativa" - -#: src/project/jobs/proxyclipjob.cpp:90 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot load image %1." -msgstr "Impossibile caricare l'immagine %1." - -#: src/project/jobs/proxyclipjob.cpp:170 -msgid "Failed to create proxy clip." -msgstr "Creazione della clip rappresentativa fallita" - -#: src/project/jobs/proxyclipjob.cpp:245 -msgid "Creating proxy" -msgstr "Creazione della clip rappresentativa" - -#: src/project/jobs/proxyclipjob.cpp:248 -msgid "Waiting - proxy" -msgstr "Attesa della clip rappresentativa..." - -#: src/project/jobs/proxyclipjob.cpp:283 src/project/projectlist.cpp:2073 -msgid "Failed to create proxy, empty path." -msgstr "Creazione della clip rappresentativa fallita, percorso vuoto." - -#: src/project/notesplugin.cpp:27 -msgid "Enter your project notes here ..." -msgstr "Reimpostare la frequenza massima alla frequenza di campionamento" - -#: src/project/notesplugin.cpp:28 -msgid "Project Notes" -msgstr "Note sul progetto" - -#: src/project/projectcommands.cpp:38 -msgid "Add clip cut" -msgstr "Aggiungi ritaglio della clip" - -#: src/project/projectcommands.cpp:72 -msgid "Add folder" -msgstr "Aggiungi cartella" - -#: src/project/projectcommands.cpp:107 -msgid "Edit clip cut" -msgstr "Modifica taglio clip" - -#: src/project/projectcommands.cpp:136 -msgid "Rename folder" -msgstr "Rinomina cartella" - -#: src/project/projectitem.cpp:92 src/project/projectitem.cpp:221 -msgid "Contains proxies" -msgstr "Contiene clips rappresentative" - -#: src/project/projectitem.cpp:186 -msgid "Missing" -msgstr "Non trovato" - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:446 -msgid "No available clip selected" -msgstr "Nessuna clip disponibile selezionata" - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:982 -msgid "Delete Clip Zone" -msgstr "Cancella selezione" - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:995 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Delete folder %2?
This will also remove the clip in that folder" -msgid_plural "" -"Delete folder %2?
This will also remove the %1 clips in that " -"folder" -msgstr[0] "" -"Cancellare la cartella %2?
Questa azione eliminerà anche il " -"contenuto della stessa dalla timeline" -msgstr[1] "" -"Cancellare la cartella %2?
Questa azione eliminerà anche le %1 " -"clip contenute dalla timeline" - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:1004 -#, kde-format -msgid "Delete clip %2?
This will also remove the clip in timeline" -msgid_plural "" -"Delete clip %2?
This will also remove its %1 clips in timeline" -msgstr[0] "" -"Cancellare la clip %2?
Questa azione eliminerà anche la clip " -"dalla timeline" -msgstr[1] "" -"Cancellare clip %2?
Questa azione eliminerà le clip %1 dalla " -"timeline" - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:1430 -msgid "Clip is missing or invalid. Remove it from project?" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:1455 -msgid "Proxy clip unusable (duration is different from original)." -msgstr "" -"Clip rappresentativa inutilizzabile (la durata è differente dall'originale)." - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:1457 -#, kde-format -msgid "Failed to create proxy for %1. check parameters" -msgstr "" -"Non è stato possibile creare una clip rappresentativa per %1. Controlla i " -"parametri" - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:1752 -msgid "Cannot find profile from current clip" -msgstr "Impossibile trovare il profilo dalla clip corrente" - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:1769 -msgid "Change project profile" -msgstr "Cambia il profilo del progetto" - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:1773 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Your clip does not match current project's profile.\n" -"Do you want to change the project profile?\n" -"\n" -"The following profiles match the clip (size: %1, fps: %2)" -msgstr "" -"La clip selezionata non corrisponde al profilo di progetto corrente.\n" -"Si preferisce cambiare il profilo del progetto?\n" -"\n" -"Il seguente profilo corrisponde alla clip (dimensione: %1, fpr: %2)" - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:1791 -msgid "Update profile" -msgstr "Aggiorna profilo" - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:1806 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Your clip does not match current project's profile.\n" -"No existing profile found to match the clip's properties.\n" -"Clip size: %1\n" -"Fps: %2\n" -msgstr "" -"La clip selezionata non corrisponde al profilo di progetto corrente.\n" -"Non è stato trovato nessun profilo corrispondente alle caratteristiche della " -"clip.\n" -"Dimensioni: %1\n" -"Fps: %2\n" - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:2042 -msgid "Sequence not found" -msgstr "Sequenza non trovata" - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:2212 -msgid "Update proxy settings" -msgstr "Aggiorna impostazioni per le clip rappresentative" - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:2374 -msgid "Remove Proxy" -msgstr "Elimina la clip rappresentativa" - -#: src/project/projectlistview.cpp:59 -msgid "Rating" -msgstr "Voto" - -#: src/project/projectlistview.cpp:105 -msgctxt "@title:menu" -msgid "Columns" -msgstr "Colonne" - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:61 -msgid "Open Backup File" -msgstr "Apri il salvataggio di sicurezza" - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:202 -msgid "Save changes to document?" -msgstr "Salvare i cambiamenti al progetto?" - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:204 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"The project \"%1\" has been changed.\n" -"Do you want to save your changes?" -msgstr "" -"Il progetto \"%1\" è stato modificato.\n" -"Vuoi salvare i cambiamenti?" - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:379 -msgid "Auto-saved files exist. Do you want to recover them now?" -msgstr "" -"Trovato un file di ripristino automatico. Recuperare il progetto adesso?" - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:380 -msgid "File Recovery" -msgstr "Ripristino file" - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:381 -msgid "Don't recover" -msgstr "Evita il ripristino" - -# , kde-format, kde-format -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:436 -#, kde-format -msgid "Opening file %1" -msgstr "Apertura del file %1" - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:456 -msgid "Loading project" -msgstr "Caricamento progetto" - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:458 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Loading clips" -msgid "Loading playlist" -msgstr "Caricamento clip" - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:478 src/project/projectmanager.cpp:483 -msgid "Loading clips" -msgstr "Caricamento clip" - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:507 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Cannot open file %1.\n" -"Project is corrupted." -msgstr "" -"Impossibile aprire il file %1.\n" -"Il progetto è corrotto." - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:527 -msgid "" -"This will delete all changes made since you last saved your project. Are you " -"sure you want to continue?" -msgstr "" -"Questa operazione eliminerà qualsiasi cambiamento effettuato dall'ultimo " -"salvataggio. Si è sicuri di voler continuare?" - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:527 -msgid "Revert to last saved version" -msgstr "Ripristina l'ultima versione salvata" - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:537 -msgid "Kdenlive project (*.kdenlive)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:538 -msgid "Archived project (*.tar.gz)" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, scanning_list) -#: src/project/transitionsettings.cpp:151 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:126 -msgid "Auto" -msgstr "Auto" - -#: src/project/transitionsettings.cpp:162 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:54 -msgid "Black" -msgstr "Nero" - -#: src/renderer.cpp:1181 -msgid "" -"Could not create the video preview window.\n" -"There is something wrong with your Kdenlive install or your driver settings, " -"please fix it." -msgstr "" -"Impossibile creare la finestra di anteprima video.\n" -"C'è qualcosa di errato nella configurazione di Kdenlive o nelle impostazioni " -"dei driver." - -#: src/renderer.cpp:1386 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7865 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Save zone" -msgid "Save Zone" -msgstr "Salva selezione" - -#: src/renderer.cpp:3283 -msgid "Import selected clips" -msgstr "Importa clip selezionate" - -#: src/renderer.cpp:3285 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Additional streams for clip\n" -" %1" -msgstr "" -"Flussi addizionali per la clip\n" -" %1" - -#: src/renderer.cpp:3294 -#, kde-format -msgid "Video stream %1" -msgstr "Flusso video %1" - -#: src/renderer.cpp:3309 -#, kde-format -msgid "Audio stream %1" -msgstr "Flusso audio %1" - -#: src/scopes/abstractscopewidget.cpp:84 -msgid "Auto Refresh" -msgstr "Aggiornamento automatico" - -#: src/scopes/abstractscopewidget.cpp:86 -msgid "Realtime (with precision loss)" -msgstr "In tempo reale (con perdita di precisione)" - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:67 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:52 -msgid "Reset maximum frequency to sampling rate" -msgstr "" -"Reimpostazione della frequenza ai valori della frequenza di campionamento" - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:68 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:55 -msgid "Track mouse" -msgstr "Traccia il mouse" - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:70 -msgid "Show maximum" -msgstr "Mosta massimo" - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:86 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:74 -msgid "Rectangular window" -msgstr "Finestra rettangolare" - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:87 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:75 -msgid "Triangular window" -msgstr "Finestra triangolare" - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:88 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:76 -msgid "Hamming window" -msgstr "Finestra di Hamming" - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:97 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:79 -msgid "The maximum window size is limited by the number of samples per frame." -msgstr "" -"La dimensione massima della finestra è limitata dalla frequenza di " -"campionamento" - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:98 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:80 -msgid "" -"A bigger window improves the accuracy at the cost of computational power." -msgstr "" -"Una finestra più grande migliora l'accuratezza ma richiede maggiori " -"prestazioni." - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:99 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:81 -msgid "" -"The rectangular window function is good for signals with equal signal " -"strength (narrow peak), but creates more smearing. See Window function on " -"Wikipedia." -msgstr "" -"La funzione di disposizione rettangolare della finesta ottimizza la " -"visualizzazione di segnali della stessa intensità (narrow peak), ma crea un " -"effetto di allineamento. Informati sulla \"Funzione finestra\" su Wikipedia." - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:389 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:392 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:394 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:485 -#, kde-format -msgid "%1 dB" -msgstr "%1 dB" - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:412 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:487 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:280 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:289 -#, kde-format -msgid "%1 kHz" -msgstr "%1 kHz" - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:53 -msgid "Draw grid" -msgstr "Disegna griglia" - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:57 -msgid "Highlight peaks" -msgstr "Evidenzia picchi" - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:234 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Frame\n" -"%1" -msgstr "" -"Fotogrammi\n" -"%1" - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:305 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:306 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"%1\n" -"dB" -msgstr "" -"%1\n" -"dB" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:31 -msgid "YUV UV plane" -msgstr "YUV UV piatto" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:32 -msgid "YUV Y plane" -msgstr "YUV Y piatto" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:33 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:55 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:61 -msgid "Modified YUV (Chroma)" -msgstr "YUV Modificato (Chroma)" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:34 -msgid "YCbCr CbCr plane" -msgstr "YCbCr CbCr piatto" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:35 -msgid "RGB plane, one component varying" -msgstr "RGB piano, variazione monocomponente" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:36 -msgid "HSV Hue Shift" -msgstr "HSV Hue Shift" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:37 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:254 -msgid "HSV Saturation" -msgstr "Saturazione HSV" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:118 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:250 -#, kde-format -msgid "%1°" -msgstr "%1°" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:125 -#, kde-format -msgid "%1 px" -msgstr "%1 px" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:218 -msgid "Y value" -msgstr "Valore delle Y" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:219 -msgid "The Y value describes the brightness of the colors." -msgstr "Il parametro Y descrive la luminosità dei colori." - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:231 -msgid "UV angle" -msgstr "Angolo UV" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:232 -msgid "Angle through the UV plane, with all possible Y values." -msgstr "Angolo attraverso il piano UV, con tutti i possibili valori di Y" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:240 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:268 -msgid "Red" -msgstr "Rosso" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:241 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:269 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:53 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/waveform.cpp:34 -msgid "Green" -msgstr "Verde" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:242 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:270 -msgid "Blue" -msgstr "Blu" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:243 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:271 -msgid "Luma" -msgstr "Luma" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:255 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:262 -msgid "HSV Value" -msgstr "Valore HSV" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/histogram.cpp:26 -msgid "Unscaled" -msgstr "Non riscalato" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/histogram.cpp:29 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/waveform.cpp:37 -msgid "Rec. 601" -msgstr "Rec. 601" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/histogram.cpp:31 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/waveform.cpp:39 -msgid "Rec. 709" -msgstr "Rec. 709" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/histogram.cpp:39 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/waveform.cpp:44 -msgid "Luma mode" -msgstr "Modalità Luma" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/histogramgenerator.cpp:178 -msgid "min" -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/histogramgenerator.cpp:181 -msgid "max" -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/rgbparade.cpp:27 -msgid "RGB" -msgstr "RGB" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/rgbparade.cpp:28 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/waveform.cpp:33 -msgid "White" -msgstr "Bianco" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/rgbparade.cpp:32 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:89 -msgid "Draw axis" -msgstr "Disegna assi" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/rgbparade.cpp:37 -msgid "Gradient reference line" -msgstr "Linea di riferimento del gradiente" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/rgbparadegenerator.cpp:167 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/rgbparadegenerator.cpp:169 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/rgbparadegenerator.cpp:171 -msgid "min: " -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/rgbparadegenerator.cpp:175 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/rgbparadegenerator.cpp:177 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/rgbparadegenerator.cpp:179 -msgid "max: " -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:52 -msgid "Green 2" -msgstr "Verde 2" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:56 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:60 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:102 -msgid "YUV" -msgstr "YUV" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:57 -msgid "Original Color" -msgstr "Colore originale" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:62 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:100 -msgid "YPbPr" -msgstr "YPbPr" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:76 -msgid "Tools" -msgstr "Strumenti" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:78 -msgid "Export background" -msgstr "Esporta lo sfondo" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:82 -msgid "Drawing options" -msgstr "Opzioni di disegno" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:84 -msgid "75% box" -msgstr "Rettangolo al 75%" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:94 -msgid "Draw I/Q lines" -msgstr "Disegna linee I/Q" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:99 -msgid "Color Space" -msgstr "Spazio di colore" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:247 -#, kde-format -msgid "%1 \\%" -msgstr "%1 \\%" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/waveform.cpp:32 -msgid "Yellow" -msgstr "Giallo" - -#: src/scopes/scopemanager.cpp:307 -msgid "Waveform" -msgstr "Forma d'onda" - -#: src/scopes/scopemanager.cpp:309 -msgid "Histogram" -msgstr "Istogramma" - -#: src/scopes/scopemanager.cpp:311 -msgid "Audio Signal" -msgstr "Segnale audio" - -#: src/scopes/scopemanager.cpp:312 -msgid "AudioSpectrum" -msgstr "AudioSpectrum" - -#: src/scopes/scopemanager.cpp:313 -msgid "Spectrogram" -msgstr "Spettrogramma" - -#: src/statusbarmessagelabel.cpp:51 -msgctxt "@action:button" -msgid "Confirm" -msgstr "Conferma" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:162 -msgid "Send frames to color scopes" -msgstr "Invia i fotogrammi ai diagrammi di colore" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:167 -msgid "Mirror display" -msgstr "Visualizzazione a Specchio" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:174 -msgid "Stop Motion Capture" -msgstr "Registrazione Stop Motion" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, capture_interval) -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:187 src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:115 -msgid "Interval capture" -msgstr "Intervallo di cattura" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:205 -msgid "Overlay effect" -msgstr "Effetto sovrapposizione" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:207 -msgid "No Effect" -msgstr "Nessun effetto" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:211 -msgid "Edge detect" -msgstr "Riconoscimento del bordo" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:213 -msgid "Brighten" -msgstr "Maggiore luminosità" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:236 -msgid "Show sequence thumbnails" -msgstr "Mostra le anteprime della sequenza" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:241 -msgid "Delete current frame" -msgstr "Cancella fotogramma corrente" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:369 -msgid "Configure Stop Motion" -msgstr "Configurazione strumento stop motion" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:371 src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:372 -msgid " second" -msgid_plural " seconds" -msgstr[0] "secondo" -msgstr[1] "secondi" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:520 -msgid "Stopped" -msgstr "Interrotto" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:560 -msgid "No previous frame found" -msgstr "Nessun fotogramma precedente trovato" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:632 -msgid "Create New Sequence" -msgstr "Crea una nuova sequenza" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:632 -msgid "Enter sequence name" -msgstr "Immettere il nome della sequenza" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:653 -msgid "Frame Captured" -msgstr "Fotogrammi catturati" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:667 -msgid "Going to Capture Frame" -msgstr "Vai al fotogramma catturato" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:822 -#, kde-format -msgid "Delete frame %1 from disk?" -msgstr "Cancella il fotogramma %1 dal disco?" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:822 -msgid "Delete Frame" -msgstr "Cancella fotogramma" - -#: src/timecode.cpp:261 -msgid "hour" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timecode.cpp:269 -msgid "min." -msgstr "minuti" - -#: src/timecode.cpp:277 -msgid "sec." -msgstr "secondi" - -#: src/timecode.cpp:282 -msgid "frames" -msgstr "fotogrammi" - -#: src/timeline/abstractclipitem.cpp:379 -msgid "seconds" -msgstr "secondi" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:589 -msgid "Crop from start:" -msgstr "Restringi dall'inizio:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, clip_filesize_2) -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:589 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:602 -#: src/ui/spacerdialog_ui.ui:30 -msgid "Duration:" -msgstr "Durata:" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:589 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:602 -msgid "Offset:" -msgstr "Spostamento:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:695 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:804 -msgid ":" -msgstr ":" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:696 -msgid " Position:" -msgstr " Posizione:" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:697 -msgid " Duration:" -msgstr " Durata:" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:701 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:707 -msgid " Selection duration:" -msgstr " Durata della selezione:" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:703 -msgid " Group duration:" -msgstr " Durata del gruppo:" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:714 -msgid "Crop from start: " -msgstr "Restringi dall'inizio:" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:716 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:722 -msgid "" -"Use Ctrl to resize only current item, otherwise all items in this group will " -"be resized at once." -msgstr "" -"Utilizza Ctrl per ridimensionare l'oggetto attualmente selezionato, " -"altrimenti tutti gli oggetti nel gruppo verranno ridimensionati " -"contemporaneamente." - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:720 -msgid "Duration: " -msgstr "Durata:" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:726 -msgid "Fade in duration: " -msgstr "Durata della dissolvenza in entrata:" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:729 -msgid "Fade out duration: " -msgstr "Durata della dissolvenza in uscita:" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:732 -msgid "Drag to add or resize a fade effect." -msgstr "Trascinare per aggiungere o ridimensionare una dissolvenza." - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:736 -msgid "Click to add a transition." -msgstr "Fare clic per aggiungere la transizione." - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:739 -msgid "" -"Move keyframe above or below clip to remove it, double click to add a new " -"one." -msgstr "" -"Muovi il fotogramma chiave al di sopra o al di sotto della clip per " -"rimuoverlo. Doppio clic per aggiungerne uno nuovo." - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:784 -msgid "Cannot use spacer in a locked track" -msgstr "Impossibile usare lo spaziatore in una traccia bloccata" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:792 -msgid "Cannot use spacer in a track with a group" -msgstr "Impossibile usare lo spaziatore in una traccia con un gruppo" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1105 -msgid "Cannot cut a transition" -msgstr "Impossibile tagliare una transizione" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1331 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1366 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2668 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2694 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2720 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2743 -msgid "Cannot add transition" -msgstr "Impossibile aggiungere la transizione" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1586 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1594 -msgid "Cannot find clip to edit" -msgstr "Impossibile trovare la clip da modificare" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1588 -msgid "Cannot edit the duration of multiple items" -msgstr "Impossibile modificare la durata di un gruppo di oggetti" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1599 -msgid "Cannot edit an item in a group" -msgstr "Impossibile modificare un elemento di un gruppo" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1664 -msgid "Item is locked" -msgstr "L'oggetto è bloccato" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1747 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2897 -msgid "Cannot insert clip in timeline" -msgstr "Impossibile inserire la clip nella timeline" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1753 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2866 -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:75 -msgid "Add timeline clip" -msgstr "Aggiungi materiale alla timeline" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1787 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1849 -msgid "Clip not ready" -msgstr "Clip non ancora pronta" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1970 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2033 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2050 -msgid "Problem deleting effect" -msgstr "Errore durante la rimozione dell'effetto" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1977 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2002 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2017 -msgid "Problem adding effect to clip" -msgstr "Si è verificato un problema nell'aggiunta dell'effetto" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1986 -msgid "Cannot add speed effect to track" -msgstr "Impossibile aggiungere l'effetto \"velocità\" alla traccia" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2022 -msgid "Cannot find clip to add effect" -msgstr "Impossibile trovare una clip selezionata per l'aggiunta dell'effetto" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2068 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2160 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2263 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7513 -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:42 src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:282 -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:374 -msgid "effect" -msgstr "effetto" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2069 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2162 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7515 src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:44 -#, kde-format -msgid "Add %1" -msgstr "Aggiungi %1" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2171 -msgid "Select a clip if you want to apply an effect" -msgstr "Seleziona una clip prima di applicare un effetto" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2219 -msgid "Cannot add an audio effect to this clip" -msgstr "Impossibile aggiungere l'effetto audio alla clip" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2228 -msgid "Cannot add a video effect to this clip" -msgstr "Impossibile aggiungere l'effetto video alla clip" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2233 -msgid "Effect already present in clip" -msgstr "Effetto già presente della clip" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2264 src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:46 -#, kde-format -msgid "Delete %1" -msgstr "Cancella %1" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2300 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2315 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2371 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2381 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2402 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5486 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5507 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5530 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5552 -msgid "Problem editing effect" -msgstr "Si è verificato un problema nella modifica dell'effetto" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2373 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2404 -msgid "Cannot find clip to update effect" -msgstr "Impossibile trovare la clip con l'effetto da aggiornare" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2429 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2450 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2463 -msgid "Cannot move effect" -msgstr "Impossibile muovere l'effetto" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2527 -msgid "Cannot find clip to cut" -msgstr "Impossibile trovare una clip selezionata per il taglio" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2600 -msgid "Cannot find clip to uncut" -msgstr "Impossibile trovare una clip selezionata per l'annullamento del taglio" - -# , kde-format -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2604 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4101 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4392 -#, kde-format -msgid "Error removing clip at %1 on track %2" -msgstr "" -"Si è verificato un errore nella rimozione della clip alla posizione: %1 " -"nella traccia %2" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2629 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5309 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5427 -msgid "Error when resizing clip" -msgstr "Errore nel ridimensionamento clip" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2728 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6204 -msgid "Invalid transition" -msgstr "Transizione non valida" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2752 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4435 -msgid "Select clip to delete" -msgstr "Seleziona la clip da eliminare" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2768 -msgid "Cannot update transition" -msgstr "Impossibile aggiornare una transizione" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:3442 -msgid "Cannot remove space in a locked track" -msgstr "Impossibile rimuovere lo spazio in una traccia bloccata" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:3448 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:3453 -#, kde-format -msgid "You must be in an empty space to remove space (time: %1, track: %2)" -msgstr "" -"Ci si deve trovare in uno spazio vuoto per poter rimuovere uno spazio " -"(posizione: %1, traccia: %2)" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:3464 -msgid "Cannot remove space in a track with a group" -msgstr "Impossibile eliminare lo spazio da una traccia con un gruppo" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:3543 -msgid "Cannot insert space in a locked track" -msgstr "Impossibile inserire uno spazio in una traccia bloccata" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:3556 -msgid "Cannot insert space in a track with a group" -msgstr "Impossibile inserire uno spazio in una traccia contenente un gruppo" - -# , kde-format -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:3612 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot move clip at position %1, track %2" -msgstr "Impossibile spostare la clip alla posizione %1 nella traccia %2" - -# , kde-format -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:3625 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot move transition at position %1, track %2" -msgstr "Impossibile spostare la transizione alla posizione %1 nella traccia %2" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:3897 src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:484 -msgid "Move clip" -msgstr "Muovi clip" - -# , kde-format -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4045 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5002 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot move clip to position %1" -msgstr "Impossibile spostare la clip alla posizione %1" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4052 -msgid "Cannot move transition" -msgstr "Impossibile spostare la transizione" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4056 src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:579 -msgid "Move transition" -msgstr "Muovi la transizione" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4083 src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:556 -msgid "Move group" -msgstr "Muovi gruppo" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4215 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4242 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6386 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6418 -msgid "Resize group" -msgstr "Ridimensiona gruppo" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4488 -msgid "Delete selected group" -msgid_plural "Delete selected groups" -msgstr[0] "Cancella il gruppo selezionato" -msgstr[1] "Cancella i gruppi selezionati" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4490 -msgid "Delete selected clip" -msgid_plural "Delete selected clips" -msgstr[0] "Cancella la clip selezionata" -msgstr[1] "Cancella le clip selezionate" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4492 -msgid "Delete selected transition" -msgid_plural "Delete selected transitions" -msgstr[0] "Cancella la transizione selezionata" -msgstr[1] "Cancella le transizioni selezionate" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4493 -msgid "Delete selected items" -msgstr "Cancella gli elementi selezionati" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4505 -msgid "Cannot find clip for speed change" -msgstr "Impossibile trovare una clip per il cambio di velocità" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4563 -msgid "Cut Group" -msgstr "Taglia gruppo" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4645 src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:411 -msgid "Group clips" -msgstr "Raggruppa clip" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4744 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4760 -msgid "Cannot insert clip..." -msgstr "Impossibile inserire la clip..." - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4749 -msgid "Waiting for clip..." -msgstr "In attesa della clip..." - -# , kde-format -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4963 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5192 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot move clip at time: %1 on track %2" -msgstr "Impossibile spostare la clip alla posizione: %1 nella traccia %2" - -# , kde-format -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5142 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot move transition at time: %1 on track %2" -msgstr "" -"Impossibile spostare la transizione alla posizione: %1 nella traccia %2" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5236 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5352 -msgid "Not possible to resize" -msgstr "Impossibile ridimensionare" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5248 -msgid "Resize clip start" -msgstr "Ridimensiona inizio della clip" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5318 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5437 -msgid "Cannot resize transition" -msgstr "Impossibile ridimensionare la transizione" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5372 -msgid "Resize clip end" -msgstr "Ridimensiona termine della clip" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5430 -msgid "Resize transition end" -msgstr "Ridimensiona la fine della transizione" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5742 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5810 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5851 -msgid "No guide at cursor time" -msgstr "Nessuna guida alla posizione attuale" - -# , kde-format -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5762 -#, kde-format -msgid "A guide already exists at position %1" -msgstr "Esiste già una guida alla posizione %1" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5778 -msgid "Guide" -msgstr "Guida" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6068 -msgid "Select a clip before copying" -msgstr "Seleziona una clip prima di copiare" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6139 -msgid "No clip copied" -msgstr "Nessuna clip copiata" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6175 -msgid "Cannot paste selected clips" -msgstr "Impossibile incollare le clip selezionate" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6192 -msgid "Cannot paste clip to selected place" -msgstr "Impossibile incollare la clip alla posizione selezionata" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6206 -msgid "Cannot paste transition to selected place" -msgstr "Impossibile incollare la transizione alla posizione indicata" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6217 -msgid "You must copy exactly one clip before pasting effects" -msgstr "Devi copiare una sola clip prima di poter incollare un effetto" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6353 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6377 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6410 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7016 -msgid "You must select one clip for this action" -msgstr "È necessario selezionare una clip per eseguire questa azione" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6359 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "You must select at least one clip for this action" -msgid "You must select a playlist clip for this action" -msgstr "È necessario selezionare almeno una clip per eseguire questa azione" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6517 src/ui/addtrack_ui.ui:67 -msgid "Insert track" -msgstr "Inserisci traccia" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6518 -#, fuzzy, kde-format -#| msgid "Video" -msgid "Video %1" -msgstr "Video" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6519 -msgid "Insert New Track" -msgstr "Inserisci nuova traccia" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6552 src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:108 -msgid "Delete track" -msgstr "Cancella la traccia" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6667 -msgid "You must select one transition for this action" -msgstr "È necessario selezionare una clip per eseguire questa azione" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6754 -msgid "You must select at least one clip for this action" -msgstr "È necessario selezionare almeno una clip per eseguire questa azione" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6759 src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:718 -msgid "Split audio" -msgstr "Separa l'audio" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6765 -msgid "Cannot split audio of grouped clips" -msgstr "Impossibile separare l'audio da clip raggruppate" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6779 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "No clip copied" -msgid "No clip to split" -msgstr "Nessuna clip copiata" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6788 -msgid "You must select exactly one clip for the audio reference." -msgstr "" -"È necessario selezionare al massimo una clip per impostare il riferimento " -"audio" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6809 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6858 -msgid "Processing audio, please wait." -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6813 -msgid "Reference for audio alignment must contain audio data." -msgstr "Il riferimento per l'allineamento audio deve contenere dati audio." - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6829 -msgid "Audio alignment reference not yet set." -msgstr "Riferimento per l'allineamento dell'audio non ancora impostato." - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6866 -msgid "Cannot find clip to align." -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6881 -msgid "Unable to move clip out of timeline." -msgstr "" - -# , kde-format -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6896 -msgid "Unable to move clip due to collision." -msgstr "Impossibile spostare la clip a causa di una collisione." - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6899 -msgid "Clip aligned." -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6900 -msgid "Auto-align clip" -msgstr "Alliena automaticamente le clip" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6932 -msgid "No empty space to put clip audio" -msgstr "Nessuno spazio dove inserire l'audio della clip" - -# , kde-format -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6944 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6981 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7057 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot update clip (time: %1, track: %2)" -msgstr "Impossibile aggiornare la clip (posizione: %1, traccia: %2)" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7009 -msgid "Video only" -msgstr "Solo video" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7026 -msgid "Cannot change grouped clips" -msgstr "Impossibile modificare clip raggruppate" - -# , kde-format -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7045 -#, fuzzy, kde-format -#| msgid "Cannot update clip (time: %1, track: %2)" -msgid "Cannot find clip to edit (time: %1, track: %2)" -msgstr "Impossibile aggiornare la clip (posizione: %1, traccia: %2)" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7358 -msgid "error" -msgstr "errore" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7358 -msgid "TRACTOR" -msgstr "TRACTOR" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7371 -msgid "Insert clip" -msgstr "Inserisci clip" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7521 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7529 -msgid "Effect already present in track" -msgstr "Effetto già presente nella traccia" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7641 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot find clip for effect update %1." -msgstr "Impossibile trovare la clip per aggiornare l'effetto %1." - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7668 -msgid "You need to select one clip and one transition" -msgstr "È necessario selezionare una clip e una transizione" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7686 -msgid "No clip found" -msgstr "Nessuna clip trovata" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7694 -msgid "No keyframe data found in clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/headertrack.cpp:66 src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:461 -msgid "Lock track" -msgstr "Blocca traccia" - -#: src/timeline/headertrack.cpp:66 src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:463 -msgid "Unlock track" -msgstr "Sblocca traccia" - -#: src/timeline/headertrack.cpp:72 -msgid "Disable audio" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/headertrack.cpp:72 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Split audio" -msgid "Enable audio" -msgstr "Separa l'audio" - -#: src/timeline/headertrack.cpp:82 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Disable effect" -#| msgid_plural "Disable effects" -msgid "Disable video" -msgstr "Disabilita l'effetto" - -#: src/timeline/headertrack.cpp:82 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Enable effect" -#| msgid_plural "Enable effects" -msgid "Enable video" -msgstr "Abilita effetto" - -#: src/timeline/headertrack.cpp:89 -msgid "Opaque" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/spacerdialog.cpp:52 -msgid "All tracks" -msgstr "Tutte le tracce" - -#: src/timeline/timeline.cpp:89 -msgid "Smaller tracks" -msgstr "Tracce più piccole" - -#: src/timeline/timeline.cpp:96 -msgid "Bigger tracks" -msgstr "Tracce più grandi" - -#: src/timeline/timeline.cpp:359 src/timeline/timeline.cpp:363 -#, kde-format -msgid "Transition %1 had an invalid track: %2 > %3" -msgstr "La transizione %1 comprende una traccia non valida: %2 > %3" - -#: src/timeline/timeline.cpp:372 -#, kde-format -msgid "Removed invalid transition: %1" -msgstr "Rimossa transizione non valida alla posizione: %1" - -#: src/timeline/timeline.cpp:469 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Your project file was upgraded to the latest Kdenlive document version.\n" -"To make sure you don't lose data, a backup copy called %1 was created." -msgstr "" -"Il progetto è stato aggiornato alla più recente versione di file di " -"Kdenlive. Per essere sicuri di non perdere dati è stata creata una copia di " -"sicurezza sul file: %1." - -#: src/timeline/timeline.cpp:471 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Your project file was modified by Kdenlive.\n" -"To make sure you don't lose data, a backup copy called %1 was created." -msgstr "" -"Il il file di progetto è stato modificato da Kdenlive.\n" -"Per essere sicuri di non perdere dati è stata creata una copia di sicurezza " -"sul file: %1." - -#: src/timeline/timeline.cpp:477 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Your project file was upgraded to the latest Kdenlive document version, but " -"it was not possible to create the backup copy %1." -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/timeline.cpp:868 -#, kde-format -msgid "Invalid clip removed from track %1 at %2\n" -msgstr "Clip invalida rimossa dalla traccia %1 su %2\n" - -#: src/timeline/timeline.cpp:946 -#, kde-format -msgid "Effect %1:%2 not found in MLT, it was removed from this project\n" -msgstr "" -"Effetto %1:%2 non trovato in MLT, è stato rimosso dal progetto attuale\n" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:76 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Delete timeline clip" -#| msgid_plural "Delete timeline clips" -msgid "Delete timeline clip" -msgstr "Cancella la clip dalla timeline" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:106 -msgid "Add track" -msgstr "Aggiungi traccia" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:137 -msgid "Delete transition from clip" -msgstr "Cancella la transizione dalla clip" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:139 -msgid "Add transition to clip" -msgstr "Aggiungi transizione" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:175 -msgid "Change clip type" -msgstr "Cambia tipo di clip" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:199 -msgid "Disable effect" -msgid_plural "Disable effects" -msgstr[0] "Disabilita l'effetto" -msgstr[1] "Cancella l'effetto" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:201 -msgid "Enable effect" -msgid_plural "Enable effects" -msgstr[0] "Abilita effetto" -msgstr[1] "Salva effetto" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:228 -msgid "Adjust clip length" -msgstr "Correggi la durata della clip" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:283 -#, kde-format -msgid "Edit effect %1" -msgstr "Modifica l'effetto %1" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:337 -msgid "Add guide" -msgstr "Aggiungi guida" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:341 -msgid "Edit guide" -msgstr "Modifica guida" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:343 -msgid "Delete guide" -msgstr "Cancella la guida" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:345 -msgid "Move guide" -msgstr "Muovi guida" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:375 -#, kde-format -msgid "Edit transition %1" -msgstr "Modifica la transizione %1" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:413 -msgid "Ungroup clips" -msgstr "Separa un gruppo di clip" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:436 -msgid "Insert space" -msgstr "Inserisci spazio" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:438 -msgid "Remove space" -msgstr "Elimina lo spazio" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:523 -msgid "Move effect" -msgstr "Muovi effetto" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:607 -msgid "Razor clip" -msgstr "Taglio clip" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:653 -msgid "Rebuild Group" -msgstr "Ricostruisci gruppo" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:695 -msgid "Resize clip" -msgstr "Ridimensiona clip" - -#: src/timeline/timelinesearch.cpp:27 -msgid "Find" -msgstr "Trova" - -#: src/timeline/timelinesearch.cpp:29 -msgid "Find Next" -msgstr "Trova successivo" - -#: src/timeline/timelinesearch.cpp:38 -msgid "Starting -- find text as you type" -msgstr "Inizio ricerca -- trova corrispondenze durante la digitazione" - -#: src/timeline/timelinesearch.cpp:46 -msgid "Find stopped" -msgstr "Ricerca interrotta" - -#: src/timeline/timelinesearch.cpp:56 src/timeline/timelinesearch.cpp:67 -#, kde-format -msgid "Found: %1" -msgstr "Trovato: %1" - -#: src/timeline/timelinesearch.cpp:58 -msgid "Reached end of project" -msgstr "Raggiunta la fine del progetto" - -#: src/timeline/timelinesearch.cpp:70 -#, kde-format -msgid "Not found: %1" -msgstr "Non trovato: %1" - -#: src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:74 -msgid "Hidden" -msgstr "Nascosto" - -#: src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:74 -msgid "Muted" -msgstr "Muto" - -#: src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:74 -msgid "Locked" -msgstr "Bloccato" - -#: src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:90 -msgid "Add Track" -msgstr "Aggiungi traccia" - -#: src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:98 -msgid "Move Track upwards" -msgstr "Muovi traccia verso l'alto" - -#: src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:102 -msgid "Move Track downwards" -msgstr "Muovi traccia verso il basso" - -#: src/titler/titledocument.cpp:331 -msgid "This title clip was created with a different frame size." -msgstr "" -"Questo titolo è stato creato con una dimensione differente dei fotogrammi" - -#: src/titler/titledocument.cpp:331 -msgid "Title Profile" -msgstr "Profilo di titolo" - -#: src/titler/titledocument.cpp:380 -msgid "" -"Some of your text clips were saved with size in points, which means " -"different sizes on different displays. They will be converted to pixel size, " -"making them portable, but you could have to adjust their size." -msgstr "" -"Alcune delle clip sono state salvate con le dimensioni in punti (come unità " -"di misura), il che significa che queste avranno una dimensione differente su " -"diversi tipi di display. Saranno convertite in pixel, rendendole universali, " -"ma potrebbe verificarsi la necessità di aggiustarne le dimensioni." - -#: src/titler/titledocument.cpp:380 -msgid "Text Clips Updated" -msgstr "Clip di testo aggiornate" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:93 -msgid "Outline width" -msgstr "Dimensione del contorno" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:99 -msgid "Background color opacity" -msgstr "Opacità dello sfondo" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:105 -msgid "Rotation around the X axis" -msgstr "Rotazione sull'asse X" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:111 -msgid "Rotation around the Y axis" -msgstr "Rotazione sull'asse Y" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:117 -msgid "Rotation around the Z axis" -msgstr "Rotazione sull'asse Z" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:123 -msgid "Border width" -msgstr "Larghezza del bordo" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:156 -msgid "Typewriter" -msgstr "Macchina da scrivere" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:215 -msgctxt "Font style" -msgid "Light" -msgstr "Leggero" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:216 -msgctxt "Font style" -msgid "Normal" -msgstr "Normale" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:217 -msgctxt "Font style" -msgid "Demi-Bold" -msgstr "Demi-Bold" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:218 -msgctxt "Font style" -msgid "Bold" -msgstr "Grassetto" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:219 -msgctxt "Font style" -msgid "Black" -msgstr "Nero" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:220 -msgid "Font weight" -msgstr "Larghezza font" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:242 -msgid "No alignment" -msgstr "Nessun allineamento" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:245 -msgid "Align center" -msgstr "Allinea al centro" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:249 -msgid "Insert Unicode character" -msgstr "Inserire il carattere Unicode" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:255 -msgid "Raise object" -msgstr "Alza l'oggetto" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:261 -msgid "Lower object" -msgstr "Abbassa il livello dell'oggetto" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:269 -msgid "Raise object to top" -msgstr "Alza l'oggetto al livello più alto" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:276 -msgid "Lower object to bottom" -msgstr "Abbassa livello dell'oggetto" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:320 -msgid "Invert x axis and change 0 point" -msgstr "Inverte l'asse delle x e cambia 0 punti" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:321 -msgid "Invert y axis and change 0 point" -msgstr "Inverte l'asse delle y e cambia 0 punti" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:322 -msgid "Select fill color" -msgstr "Seleziona colore di riempimento" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:323 -msgid "Select border color" -msgstr "Selezione colore del bordo" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:325 -msgid "Original size (1:1)" -msgstr "Dimensione originale (1:1)" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:326 -msgid "Fit zoom" -msgstr "Adatta lo zoom" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:327 -msgid "Select background color" -msgstr "Seleziona il colore di sfondo" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:328 -msgid "Background opacity" -msgstr "Opacità dello sfondo" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:329 -msgid "Select all" -msgstr "Seleziona tutto" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:330 -msgid "Select text items in current selection" -msgstr "Seleziona gli elementi testuali della selezione attuale" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:331 -msgid "Select rect items in current selection" -msgstr "Seleziona solo i rettangoli nella selezione attuale" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:332 -msgid "Select image items in current selection" -msgstr "Seleziona solo le immagini della selezione attuale" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:333 -msgid "Unselect all" -msgstr "Deseleziona tutto" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:362 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:365 -msgid "Selection Tool" -msgstr "Strumento di selezione/spostamento" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:368 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:371 -msgid "Add Text" -msgstr "Aggiungi testo" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:374 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:377 -msgid "Add Rectangle" -msgstr "Aggiungi rettangolo " - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:380 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:383 -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:670 -msgid "Add Image" -msgstr "Aggiungi immagine" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:388 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:391 -msgid "Open Document" -msgstr "Apri un documento esistente" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:394 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:397 -msgid "Save As" -msgstr "Salva con nome" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:566 -msgid "" -"Do you really want to load a new template? Changes in this title will be " -"lost!" -msgstr "" -"Si intende veramente caricare un nuovo modello? In tal caso tutte le " -"modifiche apportate a questo file andranno perse." - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:658 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Add Image" -msgid "All Images" -msgstr "Aggiungi immagine" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:660 -#, fuzzy, kde-format -#| msgid "Image" -msgid "%1 Image" -msgstr "Immagine" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:1346 -msgid "\\u2212X" -msgstr "\\u2212X" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, origin_x_left) -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:1348 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:63 -msgid "+X" -msgstr "+X" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:1371 -msgid "\\u2212Y" -msgstr "\\u2212Y" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, origin_y_top) -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:1373 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:86 -msgid "+Y" -msgstr "+Y" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:1713 -msgid "Load Title" -msgstr "Carica titolo" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:1713 -msgid "Kdenlive title (*.kdenlivetitle)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:1761 -msgid "" -"Do you want to embed Images into this TitleDocument?\n" -"This is most needed for sharing Titles." -msgstr "" -"Si desidera incorporare le immagini nel file della titolatrice?\n" -"Questo è necessario per la condivisione dei titoli." - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:2039 -msgctxt "Indicates the start of an animation" -msgid "Start" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:2040 -msgctxt "Indicates the end of an animation" -msgid "End" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:30 -msgid "Details" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:85 -msgid "" -"Information about unicode characters: http://decodeunicode.org" -msgstr "" -"Informazioni sulla decodifica dei caratteri Unicode: http://decodeunicode.org" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:86 -msgid "Previous Unicode character (Arrow Up)" -msgstr "Carattere Unicode precedente (Freccia verso l'alto)" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:87 -msgid "Next Unicode character (Arrow Down)" -msgstr "Carattere Unicode successivo (Freccia verso il basso)" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:88 -msgid "Enter your Unicode number here. Allowed characters: [0-9] and [a-f]." -msgstr "" -"Inserire qui il codice Unicode. I caratteri consentiti sono: [0-9] e [a-f]." - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:148 -msgid "(no character selected)" -msgstr "(Nessun carattere selezionato)" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:154 -msgid "" -"Control character. Cannot be inserted/printed. See Wikipedia:Control_character" -msgstr "" -"Il carattere di controllo non può essere inserito o stampato. Vedi Wikipedia:Carattere " -"di controllo" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:156 -msgid "Line Feed (newline character, \\\\n)" -msgstr "Interruzione di linea (carattere di nuova linea, \\\\n)" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:158 -msgid "" -"Standard space character. (Other space characters: U+00a0, U" -"+2000–200b, U+202f)" -msgstr "Spazio standard. (altri spazi: U+00a0, U+2000–200b, U+202f)" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:160 -msgid "No-break space. &nbsp; in HTML. See U+2009 and U+0020." -msgstr "Spazio senza interruzione. &nbsp; in HTML. Vedi U+2009 e U+0020." - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:162 -msgid "" -"

« (u+00ab, &lfquo; in HTML) and " -"» (u+00bb, &rfquo; in HTML) are " -"called Guillemets or angle quotes. Usage in different countries: France " -"(with non-breaking Space 0x00a0), Switzerland, Germany, Finland and Sweden.

and (U+2039/203a, " -"&lsaquo;/&rsaquo;) are their single quote equivalents.

See Wikipedia:" -"Guillemets

" -msgstr "" -"

« (u+00ab, &lfquo; in HTML) e " -"» (u+00bb, &rfquo; in HTML) sono " -"anche chiamati sergenti, caporali o virgolette. Sono usati in differenti " -"paesi: Francia (con spazio senza interruzione 0x00a0), Svizzera, Germania, " -"Finlandia e Svezia.

e (U+2039/203a, &lsaquo;/&rsaquo;) costituiscono " -"l'equivalente singolo alle doppie virgolette.

Vedi anche, in inglese, " -"Wikipedia:Guillemets

" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:164 -msgid "En Space (width of an n)" -msgstr "Spazio en (spazio con la larghezza di una n)" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:166 -msgid "Em Space (width of an m)" -msgstr "Spazio em (spazio con la larghezza di una m)" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:168 -msgid "Three-Per-Em Space. Width: 1/3 of one em" -msgstr "" -"Spazio un-terzo-di-em (Spazio di larghezza equivalente ad un terzo di " -"em)" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:170 -msgid "Four-Per-Em Space. Width: 1/4 of one em" -msgstr "Spazio un-quarto-di-em (Spazio di un quarto di em)" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:172 -msgid "Six-Per-Em Space. Width: 1/6 of one em" -msgstr "" -"Spazio un-sesto-di-em (Uno spazio della dimensione di un sesto di un em)." - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:174 -msgid "" -"Figure space (non-breaking). Width of a digit if digits have fixed width in " -"this font." -msgstr "" -"Spazio cifra (senza interruzione). Spazio con la larghezza di una cifra se " -"le cifre di questo carattere hanno la larghezza fissa." - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:176 -msgid "" -"Punctuation Space. Width the same as between a punctuation character and the " -"next character." -msgstr "" -"Spazio. Una spaziatura uguale allo spazio fra un segno di punteggiatura e il " -"carattere successivo." - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:178 -msgid "" -"Thin space, in HTML also &thinsp;. See U+202f and Wikipedia:Space_(punctuation)" -msgstr "" -"Spazio sottile, in HTML anche &thinsp;. Vedi U+202f e Wikipedia:Spazio_" -"(punteggiatura)" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:180 -msgid "Hair Space. Thinner than U+2009." -msgstr "Spazio Hair (Spazio più sottile di U+2009)." - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:182 -msgid "" -"Punctuation Apostrophe. Should be used instead of U+0027. See Wikipedia:Apostrophe" -msgstr "" -"Apostrofo. Dovrebbe essere utilizzato al posto di U+0027. Vedi anche Wikipedia:Apostrofo" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:184 -msgid "" -"

An en Dash (dash of the width of an n).

Usage examples: In English " -"language for value ranges (1878–1903), for relationships/connections " -"(Zurich–Dublin). In the German language it is also used (with " -"spaces!) for showing thoughts: “Es war – wie immer in den " -"Ferien – ein regnerischer Tag.

See Wikipedia:Dash

" -msgstr "" -"

Un trattino en (Un trattino con la larghezza di una n).

Esempi di " -"utilizzo: In inglese, per intervalli di valori (1878–1903), per " -"relazioni/connessioni(Zurich–Dublin). In tedesco è anche usato (con " -"uno spazio prima e dopo!) per evidenziare il peniero: “Es war – " -"wie immer in den Ferien – ein regnerischer Tag.

Vedi anche Wikipedia:Trattino

" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:186 -msgid "" -"

An em Dash (dash of the width of an m).

Usage examples: In English " -"language to mark—like here—thoughts. Traditionally without " -"spaces.

See Wikipedia:" -"Dash

" -msgstr "" -"

Un trattino em (un trattino con la larghezza di un em).

Esempi di " -"utilizzo: in inglese: per evidenziare—come qui— i pensieri. " -"Tradizionalmente senza spazi

Vedi anche Wikipedia: Trattino

" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:188 -msgid "" -"

Narrow no-break space. Has the same width as U+2009.

Usage: For " -"units (spaces are marked with U+2423, ␣): 230␣V, " -"−21␣°C, 50␣lb, but 90° (no space). In " -"German for abbreviations (like: i. d. R. instead of i. d." -" R. with U+00a0).

See Wikipedia:de:Schmales_Leerzeichen

" -msgstr "" -"

Spazio ristretto. Ha la stessa dimensione di U+2009.

Utilizzo: per " -"unità ((gli spazi sono segnati con U+2423, ␣): 230␣V, " -"−21␣°C, 50␣lb, ma 90° (nessuno " -"spazio). In tedesco per le abbreviazioni (esempio: i. d. R. " -"al posto di i. d. R. con U+00a0).

Vedere Wikipedia:de:" -"Schmales_Leerzeichen

" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:190 -msgid "" -"Ellipsis: If text has been left o… See Wikipedia:Ellipsis" -msgstr "" -"Puntini: Se un testo è lasciato in sospeso o… vedi Wikipedia:Puntini" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:192 -msgid "Minus sign. For numbers: −42" -msgstr "Segno Meno: Per i numeri: −42" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:194 -msgid "Open box; stands for a space." -msgstr "Spazio aperto; In attesa di uno spazio." - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:196 -msgid "" -"Quarter note (Am.) or crochet (Brit.). See Wikipedia:Quarter_note" -msgstr "" -"Semiminima o crochet (Inglese). Vedere Wikipedia: Semiminima" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:198 -msgid "" -"Eighth note (Am.) or quaver (Brit.). Half as long as a quarter note (U" -"+2669). See Wikipedia:" -"Eighth_note" -msgstr "" -"Croma, o Quaver (Inglese). È la metà di una semiminima (U+2669). Vedere Wikipedia:Croma" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:200 -msgid "" -"Sixteenth note (Am.) or semiquaver (Brit.). Half as long as an eighth note (U" -"+266a). See Wikipedia:Sixteenth_note" -msgstr "" -"Semicroma o Semiquaver (Inglese). La metà di una croma (U+266a). Vedere Wikipedia: Semicroma" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:202 -msgid "" -"Thirty-second note (Am.) or demisemiquaver (Brit.). Half as long as a " -"sixteenth note (U+266b). See Wikipedia:Thirty-second_note" -msgstr "" -"Biscroma o Demisemiquaver (Inglese). La metà di una semicroma (U+266b). " -"Vedere Wikipedia: " -"Biscroma" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:204 -msgid "No additional information available for this character." -msgstr "" -"Nessuna informazione aggiuntiva disponibile per questo carattere." - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, before_select) -#: src/ui/addtrack_ui.ui:34 -msgid "Above" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, before_select) -#: src/ui/addtrack_ui.ui:39 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Render" -msgid "Under" -msgstr "Esporta" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, video_track) -#: src/ui/addtrack_ui.ui:57 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Video track" -msgid "Video &track" -msgstr "Traccia video" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, audio_track) -#: src/ui/addtrack_ui.ui:74 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Audio track" -msgid "A&udio track" -msgstr "Traccia audio" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, name_label) -#: src/ui/addtrack_ui.ui:81 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Track mouse" -msgid "Track name" -msgstr "Traccia il mouse" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/archivewidget_ui.ui:29 -msgid "Archive folder" -msgstr "Archivia cartella" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, compressed_archive) -#: src/ui/archivewidget_ui.ui:46 -msgid "Compressed archive" -msgstr "Archivio compresso" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, proxy_only) -#: src/ui/archivewidget_ui.ui:53 -msgid "Archive only proxy clips when available" -msgstr "Archivia solo clip rappresentative quando possibile" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, labelFFTSize) -#: src/ui/audiospectrum_ui.ui:52 -msgid "True FFT size: " -msgstr "Dimensioni FFT reali: " - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, buttonLinkHandles) -#: src/ui/bezierspline_ui.ui:89 -msgid "Link the handles' position.
Results in a natural spline." -msgstr "" -"Collega le posizioni delle maniglie.
Permette di ottenere una curvatura " -"naturale." - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, marker_save) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, marker_load) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, analysis_delete) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, analysis_save) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, analysis_load) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, arrowUp) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, arrowDown) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, config_button) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonleft) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonhcenter) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonright) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttontop) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonvcenter) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonbottom) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonDirectUpdate) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonZoomOriginal) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonZoomFit) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonAddDelete) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonPrevious) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonNext) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, toolBtnReload) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonUp) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonDown) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonAdd) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonDelete) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonReset) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, zoom_button) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, unzoom_button) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonResetKeyframe) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonSeek) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, reload_blackmagic) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonLinkHandles) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonShowPixmap) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonZoomIn) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonZoomOut) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonGridChange) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonResetSpline) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonShowAllHandles) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, v4l_showprofileinfo) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, v4l_manageprofile) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, grab_manageprofile) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, grab_showprofileinfo) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, decklink_manageprofile) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, decklink_showprofileinfo) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, button_up) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, button_down) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, button_transcode) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, proxy_showprofileinfo) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, add_metadata) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, delete_metadata) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, effectsAll) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, effectsVideo) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, effectsAudio) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, effectsGPU) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, effectsCustom) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, proxy_manageprofile) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, button_add) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, button_edit) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, button_delete) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, button_download) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, button_more) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonLeftRight) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonUpDown) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonShowInTimeline) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonNewPoints) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonHelp) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonFavorite) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, rescale_keep) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, hide_log) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, collapseButton) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, enabledButton) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, menuButton) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonDel) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, rec_options) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonItalic) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonUnder) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonAlignNone) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonAlignLeft) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonInsertUnicode) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonAlignCenter) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonAlignRight) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, itemleft) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, itemhcenter) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, itemright) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, itemtop) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, itemvcenter) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, itembottom) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, live_button) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, capture_button) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, capture_interval) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, overlay_button) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, preview_button) -#: src/ui/bezierspline_ui.ui:92 src/ui/bezierspline_ui.ui:130 -#: src/ui/bezierspline_ui.ui:146 src/ui/bezierspline_ui.ui:156 -#: src/ui/bezierspline_ui.ui:169 src/ui/bezierspline_ui.ui:195 -#: src/ui/bezierspline_ui.ui:208 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:490 -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:500 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:587 -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:597 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:607 -#: src/ui/collapsiblewidget_ui.ui:86 src/ui/collapsiblewidget_ui.ui:118 -#: src/ui/collapsiblewidget_ui.ui:137 src/ui/collapsiblewidget_ui.ui:156 -#: src/ui/collapsiblewidget_ui.ui:172 src/ui/collapsiblewidget_ui.ui:188 -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:211 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:396 -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:433 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:616 -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:742 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:749 -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:78 src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:220 -#: src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:230 src/ui/configsdl_ui.ui:154 -#: src/ui/cutjobdialog_ui.ui:32 src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:262 -#: src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:269 src/ui/dvdwizardvob_ui.ui:29 -#: src/ui/dvdwizardvob_ui.ui:49 src/ui/dvdwizardvob_ui.ui:100 -#: src/ui/effectlist_ui.ui:22 src/ui/effectlist_ui.ui:41 -#: src/ui/effectlist_ui.ui:57 src/ui/effectlist_ui.ui:73 -#: src/ui/effectlist_ui.ui:89 src/ui/freesound_ui.ui:39 -#: src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:249 src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:256 -#: src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:263 src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:270 -#: src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:277 src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:284 -#: src/ui/geometrywidget_ui.ui:70 src/ui/geometrywidget_ui.ui:83 -#: src/ui/geometrywidget_ui.ui:93 src/ui/keyframeeditor_ui.ui:91 -#: src/ui/keyframeeditor_ui.ui:101 src/ui/keyframewidget_ui.ui:46 -#: src/ui/keyframewidget_ui.ui:59 src/ui/keyframewidget_ui.ui:72 -#: src/ui/keyframewidget_ui.ui:85 src/ui/keyframewidget_ui.ui:124 -#: src/ui/manageencodingprofile_ui.ui:44 src/ui/manageencodingprofile_ui.ui:51 -#: src/ui/manageencodingprofile_ui.ui:58 src/ui/manageencodingprofile_ui.ui:68 -#: src/ui/monitoreditwidget_ui.ui:53 src/ui/monitoreditwidget_ui.ui:66 -#: src/ui/monitoreditwidget_ui.ui:76 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:335 -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:386 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:393 -#: src/ui/recmonitor_ui.ui:72 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:407 -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:592 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:717 -#: src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:76 src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:92 -#: src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:108 src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:118 -#: src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:128 src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:141 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:364 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:384 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:401 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:417 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:440 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:447 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:460 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:801 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:808 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:815 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:822 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:829 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:836 src/ui/tracksconfigdialog_ui.ui:61 -#: src/ui/tracksconfigdialog_ui.ui:68 src/ui/tracksconfigdialog_ui.ui:75 -#: src/ui/tracksconfigdialog_ui.ui:82 src/ui/tracksconfigdialog_ui.ui:89 -#: src/ui/unicodewidget_ui.ui:185 src/ui/unicodewidget_ui.ui:210 -msgid "..." -msgstr "..." - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, buttonShowPixmap) -#: src/ui/bezierspline_ui.ui:127 -msgid "Show background indicating changes caused by modifying the curve." -msgstr "" -"Mostra uno sfondo indicativo dei cambiamenti effetuati con la modifica della " -"curva." - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, buttonGridChange) -#: src/ui/bezierspline_ui.ui:166 -msgid "" -"Increases the number of lines in the grid.
After 8 lines it will begin " -"from 0 again." -msgstr "" -"Aumenta il numero delle linee nella griglia.
Dopo 8 linee ricomincia da " -"0." - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, buttonResetSpline) -#: src/ui/bezierspline_ui.ui:192 -msgid "Reset the selected spline" -msgstr "Reimposta la spline selezionata" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, buttonShowAllHandles) -#: src/ui/bezierspline_ui.ui:205 -msgid "Show handles for all points or only for the selected one" -msgstr "Mostra le maniglie per tutti i punti o solo per quelli selezionati" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, name) -#: src/ui/boolval_ui.ui:30 src/ui/fontval_ui.ui:23 src/ui/listval_ui.ui:23 -msgid "TextLabel" -msgstr "Etichetta Testuale" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, crop_label) -#: src/ui/clipdurationdialog_ui.ui:30 -msgid "Crop start" -msgstr "Taglia l'inizio" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, end_label) -#: src/ui/clipdurationdialog_ui.ui:50 -msgid "Crop end" -msgstr "Fine del ritaglio" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_path) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, treeWidget) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:27 src/ui/missingclips_ui.ui:72 -msgid "Path" -msgstr "Percorso" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_size) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_6) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_5) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:51 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:231 -#: src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:41 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:93 -msgid "Size:" -msgstr "Dimensione:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, clip_filesize) -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, groupBox) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:65 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:157 -#: src/utils/freesound.cpp:212 -msgid "File size" -msgstr "Dimensione del file" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, clip_vproperties) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, clip_aproperties) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, metadata_list) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, analysis_list) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, programList) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:117 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:162 -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:542 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:574 -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:371 src/ui/wizardmltcheck_ui.ui:49 -msgid "1" -msgstr "1" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, clip_vproperties) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, clip_aproperties) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, metadata_list) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, analysis_list) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:122 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:167 -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:547 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:579 -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:376 -msgid "2" -msgstr "2" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_slideshow) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:206 -msgid "Slideshow" -msgstr "Presentazione" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, slide_type_label) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:212 -msgid "Image type" -msgstr "Tipo immagine" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, clip_filesize_4) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:222 -msgid "Frame duration" -msgstr "Durata dei fotogrammi" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, slide_loop) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, loop_movie) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, sm_loop) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:255 src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:221 -#: src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:160 src/ui/smconfig_ui.ui:26 -msgid "Loop" -msgstr "Reiterazione" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, slide_crop) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:339 src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:284 -msgid "Center crop" -msgstr "Centra il ritaglio dei bordi" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_animation) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_6) -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:346 src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:291 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:1121 -msgid "Animation" -msgstr "Animazione" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_image) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, background_list) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:357 src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:202 -msgid "Image" -msgstr "Immagine" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_16) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:365 -msgid "Image size" -msgstr "Dimensione delle immagini" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, image_transparency) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:381 -msgid "Transparent background" -msgstr "Sfondo trasparente" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, markers_list) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, clip_filesize_3) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:432 src/ui/markerdialog_ui.ui:56 -msgid "Comment" -msgstr "Commento" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, marker_new) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonNext) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonUnselectAll) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:440 src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:83 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:700 -msgid "N" -msgstr "N" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, marker_edit) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonEdit) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:450 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:414 -msgid "E" -msgstr "E" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, marker_delete) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonDelete) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, button_delete) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, delete_button) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:460 src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:252 -#: src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:103 src/ui/keyframeeditor_ui.ui:78 -#: src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:279 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:428 -msgid "D" -msgstr "D" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_advanced) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:634 -msgid "Advanced" -msgstr "Avanzate" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, clip_force_ar) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:653 -msgid "Force aspect ratio" -msgstr "Forza le proporzioni" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, clip_force_threads) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:686 -msgid "Decoding threads" -msgstr "Processi di codifica" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, clip_force_progressive) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:700 -msgid "Force scanning" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, clip_force_framerate) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:727 -msgid "Force frame rate" -msgstr "Forza velocità dei fotogrammi" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, clip_force_out) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:734 -msgid "Force duration" -msgstr "Forza durata dei fotogrammi" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, clip_force_colorspace) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:751 -msgid "Force colorspace" -msgstr "Forza lo spazio di colore" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, clip_force_fieldorder) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:765 -msgid "Force field order" -msgstr "Forza l'ordine del campi" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, clip_force_transparency) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:829 -msgid "Image background" -msgstr "Immagine di sfondo" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, clip_transparency) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:837 -msgid "Normal" -msgstr "Normale" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_dest) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_5) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_6) -#: src/ui/clipstabilize_ui.ui:20 src/ui/cliptranscode_ui.ui:30 -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:45 src/ui/saveprofile_ui.ui:138 -msgid "Destination" -msgstr "Destinazione" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_source) -#: src/ui/cliptranscode_ui.ui:20 -msgid "Source" -msgstr "Sorgente" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, ffmpeg_label) -#: src/ui/cliptranscode_ui.ui:40 -msgid "FFmpeg parameters" -msgstr "Parametri FFmpeg" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_4) -#: src/ui/cliptranscode_ui.ui:54 -msgid "Job status" -msgstr "Stato lavori" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_start) -#: src/ui/cliptranscode_ui.ui:61 -msgctxt "@action:button start transcode" -msgid "Start" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_profile) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: src/ui/cliptranscode_ui.ui:68 src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:29 -#: src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:20 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:74 -msgid "Profile" -msgstr "Profilo" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, auto_close) -#: src/ui/cliptranscode_ui.ui:88 -msgid "Close after transcode" -msgstr "Chiudi dopo l'esportazione" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/colorclip_ui.ui:30 -msgid "Clip Color" -msgstr "Clip di colore" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, ColorPlaneExport_UI) -#: src/ui/colorplaneexport_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Export color plane to PNG" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, lblSpace) -#: src/ui/colorplaneexport_ui.ui:20 -msgid "Color space" -msgstr "Spazio di colore" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, lblVariant) -#: src/ui/colorplaneexport_ui.ui:37 -msgid "Variant" -msgstr "Variante" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QSlider, sliderScaling) -#: src/ui/colorplaneexport_ui.ui:81 -msgid "How much to zoom in" -msgstr "Ammontare del livello di ingrandimento" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, lblRes) -#: src/ui/colorplaneexport_ui.ui:101 -msgid "Resolution" -msgstr "Risoluzione" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, lblFilename) -#: src/ui/colorplaneexport_ui.ui:144 -msgid "Filename" -msgstr "Nome del file" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:23 -msgid "Default capture device" -msgstr "Dispositivo di registrazione predefinito" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, kcfg_defaultcapture) -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, device_selector) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:37 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:70 -#: src/ui/recmonitor_ui.ui:134 -msgid "Firewire" -msgstr "Firewire" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, kcfg_defaultcapture) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, device_selector) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:47 src/ui/recmonitor_ui.ui:144 -msgid "Screen grab" -msgstr "Registra lo schermo" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, kcfg_defaultcapture) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, device_selector) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:52 src/ui/recmonitor_ui.ui:149 -msgid "Blackmagic card" -msgstr "Scheda di acquisizione blackmagic" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_9) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:89 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:221 -msgid "Capture format" -msgstr "Formato di registrazione" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, kcfg_firewireformat) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:97 -msgid "DV Raw" -msgstr "DV Raw" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, kcfg_firewireformat) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:102 -msgid "DV AVI type 1" -msgstr "DV AVI tipo 1" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, kcfg_firewireformat) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:107 -msgid "DV AVI type 2" -msgstr "DV AVI tipo 2" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, button_hdv) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, kcfg_firewireformat) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:112 src/ui/wizardstandard_ui.ui:54 -msgid "HDV" -msgstr "HDV" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_firewireautosplit) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:133 -msgid "Automatically start a new file on scene cut" -msgstr "Crea automaticamente un nuovo file ad ogni taglio di scena" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_firewiretimestamp) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:140 -msgid "Add recording time to captured file name" -msgstr "Aggiungi la durata ai nomi dei file registrati" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_5) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_29) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:147 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:696 -msgid "Capture file name" -msgstr "Nome del file registrato" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_7) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:157 -msgid "dvgrab additional parameters" -msgstr "Parametri addizionali per dvgrab" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_14) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:197 -msgid "Video device" -msgstr "Dispositivo video" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_30) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_27) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:204 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:666 -msgid "Detected devices" -msgstr "Dispositivi rilevati" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, p_size) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:238 src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:48 -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:100 -msgid "720x576" -msgstr "720x576" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, p_fps) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:252 src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:62 -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:114 -msgid "25/1" -msgstr "25/1" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, p_aspect) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:273 src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:76 -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:128 -msgid "59/54" -msgstr "59/54" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, p_display) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:287 src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:90 -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:142 -msgid "4/3" -msgstr "4/3" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, config_v4l) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:308 -msgid "Edit" -msgstr "Modifica" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_v4l_captureaudio) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:342 -msgid "Capture audio (ALSA)" -msgstr "Registrazione audio (ALSA)" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_24) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_screengrab) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_16) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:362 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:632 -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:725 src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:203 -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:305 -msgid "Encoding profile" -msgstr "Profilo di codifica" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_v4l_capturevideo) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:389 -msgid "Capture video (Video4Linux2)" -msgstr "Cattura video (Video4Linux2)" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, kcfg_grab_capture_type) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:471 -msgid "Full screen capture" -msgstr "Registra lo schermo intero" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, kcfg_grab_capture_type) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:476 -msgid "Region capture" -msgstr "Area da registrate" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_grab_follow_mouse) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:495 -msgid "Follow mouse" -msgstr "Segui lo spostamento del mouse" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_grab_hide_frame) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:502 -msgid "Hide frame" -msgstr "Nascondi fotogramma" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_19) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_10) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:524 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:951 -msgid "Offset" -msgstr "Spostamento" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_grab_hide_mouse) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:652 -msgid "Hide cursor" -msgstr "Nascondi il cursore" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_4) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:660 -msgid "Blackmagic" -msgstr "Blackmagic" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_9) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:42 -msgid "Concurrent threads" -msgstr "Processi di codifica simultanei" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:69 -msgid "MLT environment" -msgstr "Ambiente MLT" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_6) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:78 -msgid "Processing threads" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_7) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:91 -msgid "(>1 is experimental)" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:98 -msgid "Melt path" -msgstr "Percorso dell'eseguibile «melt»" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:112 -msgid "MLT profiles folder" -msgstr "Cartella dei profili di MLT" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_13) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:135 -msgid "FFplay" -msgstr "FFplay" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_14) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:155 -msgid "FFprobe" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_2) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:166 -msgid "Default folders" -msgstr "Cartelle predefinite " - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_5) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_4) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:172 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:56 -msgid "Project folder" -msgstr "Cartella del progetto" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:182 -msgid "Temporary files" -msgstr "File temporanei" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_10) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:192 -msgid "Capture folder" -msgstr "Cartella per la registrazione" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_capturetoprojectfolder) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:212 -msgid "Use project folder" -msgstr "Utilizza cartella del progetto" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_3) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:223 -msgid "Default apps" -msgstr "Applicazioni predefinite" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_4) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:229 -msgid "Image editing" -msgstr "Modifica delle immagini" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, kp_image) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, kp_audio) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, kp_player) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:243 src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:264 -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:285 -msgid "Change" -msgstr "Cambia" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_11) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:250 -msgid "Audio editing" -msgstr "Elaborazione audio" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_12) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:271 -msgid "Video player" -msgstr "Riproduttore video" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_enableshuttle) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:23 -msgid "Enable Jog Shuttle device" -msgstr "Abilita un dispositivo jog/shuttle" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, shuttledisabled) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:30 -msgid "Jog Shuttle device disabled." -msgstr "Dispositivo jog/shuttle disabilitato." - -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, config_group) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:53 -msgid "Device configuration" -msgstr "Configurazione del dispositivo" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:85 -msgid "Button 1" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_17) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:98 -msgid "Device" -msgstr "Dispositivo" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_16) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:111 -msgid "Button 15" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_14) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:137 -msgid "Button 13" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_9) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:150 -msgid "Button 8" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_7) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:166 -msgid "Button 4" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:179 -msgid "Device name" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_5) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:192 -msgid "Button 5" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_8) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:214 -msgid "Button 7" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_10) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:243 -msgid "Button 9" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_4) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:256 -msgid "Button 2" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_11) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:272 -msgid "Button 10" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_12) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:285 -msgid "Button 11" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_6) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:308 -msgid "Button 6" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_15) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:336 -msgid "Button 14" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:349 -msgid "Button 3" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_13) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:362 -msgid "Button 12" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_usekuiserver) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:23 -msgid "Use KDE job tracking for render jobs" -msgstr "Utilizza la gestione delle notifiche integrata di KDE" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_checkfirstprojectclip) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:30 -msgid "Check if first added clip matches project profile" -msgstr "" -"Verifica che la prima clip aggiunta corrisponda al profilo del progetto" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_crashrecovery) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:37 -msgid "Crash recovery (automatic backup)" -msgstr "Ripristino da crash (salvataggio automatico)" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_automultistreams) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:44 -msgid "Automatically import all streams in multi stream clips" -msgstr "Importa automaticamente tutti i flussi nelle clip con più flussi" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_disable_effect_parameters) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:51 -msgid "Disable parameters when the effect is disabled" -msgstr "Disabilita i parametri quando l'effetto è disabilitato" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_bypasscodeccheck) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:58 -msgid "Bypass codec verification" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_autoimagesequence) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:65 -msgid "Automatically import image sequences" -msgstr "Importa automaticamente immagini in sequenza" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_projectloading_avformatnovalidate) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:72 -msgid "Do not validate the video files when loading a project (faster)" -msgstr "" -"Evita la convalida dei file video quando si carica un progetto (più veloce)" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_on_monitor_effects) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:79 -msgid "Use on-monitor effects" -msgstr "Anteprima degli effetti nel monitor" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_use_exiftool) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:86 -msgid "Get clip metadata with exiftool" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_openlastproject) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:93 -msgid "Open last project on startup" -msgstr "Apri l'ultimo progetto all'avvio" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, groupBox) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:100 -msgid "Default Durations" -msgstr "Durata predefinita" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:106 -msgid "Color clips" -msgstr "Clip colore" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_8) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:123 -msgid "Title clips" -msgstr "Clip di testo" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:130 -msgid "Image sequence" -msgstr "Sequenza di immagini" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_autoimagetransparency) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:149 -msgid "Transparent background for imported images" -msgstr "Sfondo trasparente per le immagini importate" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_use_magicLantern) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:169 -msgid "Get clip metadata created by Magic Lantern" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, properties) -#: src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:23 -msgid "Default Profile" -msgstr "Profilo predefinito" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_9) -#: src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:69 -msgid "Aspect ratio:" -msgstr "Proporzioni:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_10) -#: src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:83 -msgid "Display ratio:" -msgstr "Proporzioni del display:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_7) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_6) -#: src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:109 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:175 -msgid "Video tracks" -msgstr "Tracce video" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_8) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_7) -#: src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:119 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:185 -msgid "Audio tracks" -msgstr "Tracce audio" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, generate_proxy) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_generateproxy) -#: src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:154 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:256 -msgid "Generate for videos larger than" -msgstr "Genera per i video più grandi di " - -#. i18n: ectx: property (suffix), widget (QSpinBox, proxy_minsize) -#. i18n: ectx: property (suffix), widget (QSpinBox, proxy_imageminsize) -#. i18n: ectx: property (suffix), widget (QSpinBox, kcfg_proxyminsize) -#. i18n: ectx: property (suffix), widget (QSpinBox, kcfg_proxyimageminsize) -#: src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:161 src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:181 -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:263 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:283 -msgid "pixels" -msgstr "pixels" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, generate_imageproxy) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_generateimageproxy) -#: src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:174 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:276 -msgid "Generate for images larger than" -msgstr "Genera per le immagini più grandi di " - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/ui/configsdl_ui.ui:17 -msgid "" -"Warning: changes to the drivers and devices can make Kdenlive unstable. " -"Change only if you know what you do." -msgstr "" -"Attenzione: i cambiamenti fatti ai driver e ai dispositivi possono rendere " -"Kdenlive instabile. 
Apportare delle modifiche solo se si è sicuri di ciò che si sta facendo." - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_gpu_accel) -#: src/ui/configsdl_ui.ui:27 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Use OpenGL for video display (restart Kdenlive to apply)" -msgid "Use GPU processing (Movit library) - restart Kdenlive to apply" -msgstr "" -"Utilizza OpenGL per la visualizzazione (è necessario riavviare Kdenlive)" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_4) -#: src/ui/configsdl_ui.ui:34 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Audio tracks" -msgid "Audio backend" -msgstr "Tracce audio" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, textLabel1_2) -#: src/ui/configsdl_ui.ui:53 -msgid "Audio driver:" -msgstr "Driver audio:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, textLabel1) -#: src/ui/configsdl_ui.ui:66 -msgid "Audio device:" -msgstr "Dispositivo audio:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: src/ui/configsdl_ui.ui:82 -msgid "Preview volume:" -msgstr "Volume per l'anteprima:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/configsdl_ui.ui:102 -msgid "Monitor background color:" -msgstr "Colore di sfondo del monitor:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_external_display) -#: src/ui/configsdl_ui.ui:127 -msgid "Use external display (Blackmagic card)" -msgstr "Utilizza diplay esterno (Dispositivi BlackMagic)" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_5) -#: src/ui/configsdl_ui.ui:134 -msgid "Output device" -msgstr "Dispositivo di uscita" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, groupBox) -#: src/ui/configtimeline_ui.ui:23 -msgid "Thumbnails" -msgstr "Anteprime" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_displayallchannels) -#: src/ui/configtimeline_ui.ui:48 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Audio channels" -msgid "Separate channels" -msgstr "Canali audio" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_showmarkers) -#: src/ui/configtimeline_ui.ui:73 -msgid "Display clip markers comments" -msgstr "Mostra i commenti dei marcatori" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_autoscroll) -#: src/ui/configtimeline_ui.ui:80 -msgid "Autoscroll while playing" -msgstr "Segui l'indicatore di posizione durante la riproduzione" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_verticalzoom) -#: src/ui/configtimeline_ui.ui:87 -msgid "Zoom using vertical drag in ruler" -msgstr "Ingrandimento tramite lo strumento verticale nel righello" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_splitaudio) -#: src/ui/configtimeline_ui.ui:94 -msgid "Automatically split audio and video" -msgstr "Dividi automaticamente le tracce audio e video" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/configtimeline_ui.ui:103 -msgid "Track height" -msgstr "Altezza della traccia" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_add) -#: src/ui/configtranscode_ui.ui:24 -msgid "Add Profile" -msgstr "Aggiungi profilo" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_update) -#: src/ui/configtranscode_ui.ui:31 -msgid "Update Profile" -msgstr "Aggiorna profilo" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_delete) -#: src/ui/configtranscode_ui.ui:38 -msgid "Delete Profile" -msgstr "Cancella il profilo" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_4) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: src/ui/configtranscode_ui.ui:90 src/ui/saveprofile_ui.ui:121 -msgid "Extension" -msgstr "Estensione" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_4) -#: src/ui/configtranscode_ui.ui:107 -msgid "Parameters" -msgstr "Parametri" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, button_more) -#: src/ui/cutjobdialog_ui.ui:29 -msgid "Configure job" -msgstr "Configura lavoro" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_add) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardchapters_ui.ui:39 -msgid "Add chapter" -msgstr "Aggiungi capitolo" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardchapters_ui.ui:46 -msgid "Movie file" -msgstr "File filmato" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_delete) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardchapters_ui.ui:66 -msgid "Remove chapter" -msgstr "Elimina il capitolo" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, create_menu) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:20 -msgid "Create basic menu" -msgstr "Crea un menu semplice" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:49 -msgid "Button" -msgstr "Pulsante" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_6) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:65 -msgid "Target" -msgstr "Destinazione" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, back_to_menu) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:82 -msgid "Back to menu" -msgstr "Ritorna al menu" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, use_shadow) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:126 -msgid "Shadow" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:138 -msgid "Underline" -msgstr "Sottolinea" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_2) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, lblBackground) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:183 src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:189 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:1076 src/ui/vectorscope_ui.ui:46 -msgid "Background" -msgstr "Sfondo" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonAdd) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, add_button) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, button_add) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonSelectAll) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonAudio) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:232 src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:93 -#: src/ui/keyframeeditor_ui.ui:68 src/ui/timelinebuttons_ui.ui:71 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:723 -msgid "A" -msgstr "A" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:29 -msgid "Temporary data folder" -msgstr "Cartella per i dati temporanei" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:39 -msgid "DVD ISO image" -msgstr "Immagine ISO DVD" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (QListWidget, job_progress) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:56 -msgid "Creating menu images" -msgstr "Generazione delle immagini del menu" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (QListWidget, job_progress) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:61 -msgid "Creating menu background" -msgstr "Generazione dello sfondo del menu" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (QListWidget, job_progress) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:66 -msgid "Creating menu movie" -msgstr "Generazione del filmato per il menu" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (QListWidget, job_progress) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:71 -msgid "Creating dvd structure" -msgstr "Creazione della struttura del DVD" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (QListWidget, job_progress) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:76 -msgid "Creating iso file" -msgstr "Generazione del file .iso" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_start) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:84 -msgid "Create ISO image" -msgstr "Crea Immagine ISO DVD" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_2) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:118 -msgid "Log" -msgstr "Registro" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_7) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:124 -msgid "Status" -msgstr "Stato" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, button_burn) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:154 -msgid "Burn" -msgstr "Masterizza" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:172 -msgid "Menu File" -msgstr "Menu File" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_3) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:186 -msgid "Dvdauthor File" -msgstr "File dvdauthor" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, use_intro) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardvob_ui.ui:59 -msgid "Use first movie as intro" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardvob_ui.ui:66 -msgid "DVD format" -msgstr "Formato DVD" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_delete) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardvob_ui.ui:73 -msgid "Remove file" -msgstr "Elimina il file" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_add) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardvob_ui.ui:130 -msgid "Add movie file" -msgstr "Aggiungi un filmato" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, convert_label) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardvob_ui.ui:146 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Creating iso file" -msgid "Converting files" -msgstr "Generazione del file .iso" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: src/ui/freesound_ui.ui:22 -msgid "Service" -msgstr "Servizio" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, page_prev) -#: src/ui/freesound_ui.ui:67 -msgid "<<" -msgstr "<<" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, page_next) -#: src/ui/freesound_ui.ui:104 -msgid ">>" -msgstr ">>" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_import) -#: src/ui/freesound_ui.ui:137 src/utils/archiveorg.cpp:181 -msgid "Import" -msgstr "Importa" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/freesound_ui.ui:177 -msgid "License" -msgstr "Licenza" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonMenu) -#: src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:63 -msgid "M" -msgstr "M" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonPrevious) -#: src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:73 -msgid "P" -msgstr "P" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_pos) -#: src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:127 -msgid "Pos" -msgstr "Pos" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_6) -#: src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:198 -msgid "Height" -msgstr "Altezza" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:219 -msgid "Resize:" -msgstr "Ridimensiona:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, buttonResize) -#: src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:242 -msgid "Original" -msgstr "Originale" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QCheckBox, cbY) -#: src/ui/histogram_ui.ui:17 -msgid "Luma value" -msgstr "Valore Luma" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, lblComponents) -#: src/ui/histogram_ui.ui:64 -msgid "Components" -msgstr "Componenti" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QCheckBox, cbS) -#: src/ui/histogram_ui.ui:71 -msgid "RGB summed up" -msgstr "Somma RGB" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, cbS) -#: src/ui/histogram_ui.ui:74 -msgid "Sum" -msgstr "Somma" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, ImportKeyframesDialog_UI) -#: src/ui/importkeyframesdialog_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Import Keyframes" -msgstr "Importa fotogrammi chiave" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, limit_keyframes) -#: src/ui/importkeyframesdialog_ui.ui:48 -msgid "Limit keyframes number" -msgstr "Limita numero fotogrammi chiave" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/importkeyframesdialog_ui.ui:90 -msgid "Data to import" -msgstr "Dati da importare" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, KeyFrameDialog_UI) -#: src/ui/keyframedialog_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Edit Keyframe" -msgstr "Modifica fotogramma chiave" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, clip_filesize_3) -#: src/ui/keyframedialog_ui.ui:27 -msgid "Value" -msgstr "Valore" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, buttonResetKeyframe) -#: src/ui/keyframeeditor_ui.ui:88 -msgid "Reset the parameters to their default values" -msgstr "Ripristina ai valori predefiniti" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, buttonSeek) -#: src/ui/keyframeeditor_ui.ui:98 -msgid "Seek to active keyframe" -msgstr "Vai al fotogramma chiave attivo" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, buttonKeyframes) -#: src/ui/keyframeeditor_ui.ui:114 -msgid "Add keyframes" -msgstr "Aggiungi un fotogramma chiave" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, buttonLeftRight) -#: src/ui/keyframewidget_ui.ui:43 -msgid "move on X axis" -msgstr "Muovi sull'asse X" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, buttonUpDown) -#: src/ui/keyframewidget_ui.ui:56 -msgid "move on Y axis" -msgstr "Muovi sull'asse Y" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, buttonShowInTimeline) -#: src/ui/keyframewidget_ui.ui:69 -msgid "update values in timeline" -msgstr "Aggiorna i valori nella timeline" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, buttonNewPoints) -#: src/ui/keyframewidget_ui.ui:82 -msgid "create new points" -msgstr "crea nuovi punti" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, checkBox) -#: src/ui/keyframewidget_ui.ui:105 -msgid "GraphView" -msgstr "GraphView" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, buttonHelp) -#: src/ui/keyframewidget_ui.ui:121 -msgid "parameter description" -msgstr "Descrizione dei parametri" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/keywordval_ui.ui:23 src/ui/urlval_ui.ui:26 -msgid "Param" -msgstr "Parametro" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, ManageCaptures_UI) -#: src/ui/managecaptures_ui.ui:13 -msgid "Captured files" -msgstr "File registrati" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, treeWidget) -#: src/ui/managecaptures_ui.ui:35 -msgid "File name" -msgstr "Nome del file" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, deleteButton) -#: src/ui/managecaptures_ui.ui:48 -msgid "Delete current file" -msgstr "Cancella file corrente" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, toggleButton) -#: src/ui/managecaptures_ui.ui:55 -msgid "Toggle selection" -msgstr "Inverti la selezione" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/manageencodingprofile_ui.ui:20 -msgid "Editing profiles for" -msgstr "Modifica profili per" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_category) -#: src/ui/markerdialog_ui.ui:76 -msgid "Category" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, clip_thumb) -#: src/ui/markerdialog_ui.ui:86 -msgid "Image preview" -msgstr "Anteprima delle immagini" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, MissingClips_UI) -#: src/ui/missingclips_ui.ui:14 -msgid " Clip Problems" -msgstr "Problemi con la clip" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, removeSelected) -#: src/ui/missingclips_ui.ui:20 -msgid "Remove selected clips" -msgstr "Rimuovi clip selezionate" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, usePlaceholders) -#: src/ui/missingclips_ui.ui:37 -msgid "Use placeholders for missing clips" -msgstr "Usa segnaposto per le clip mancanti" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, recursiveSearch) -#: src/ui/missingclips_ui.ui:80 -msgid "Search recursively" -msgstr "Cerca ricorsivamente" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, ProfilesDialog_UI) -#: src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Profiles" -msgstr "Profili" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_4) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_7) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_8) -#: src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:106 src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:140 -#: src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:174 -msgid "/" -msgstr "/" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_10) -#: src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:154 -msgid "Display aspect ratio" -msgstr "Proporzioni del display" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_11) -#: src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:208 -msgid "Fields per second" -msgstr "Campi al secondo" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_default) -#: src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:242 -msgid "Use as default" -msgstr "Utilizza come predefinito" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, button_create) -#: src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:259 -msgid "C" -msgstr "C" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, button_save) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonSave) -#: src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:269 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:421 -msgid "S" -msgstr "S" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, properties) -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:66 -msgid "Video Profile" -msgstr "Profilo video" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:210 -msgid "Thumbnails:" -msgstr "Anteprime:" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_2) -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:416 -msgid "Project Files" -msgstr "File del progetto" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_12) -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:422 -msgid "Clips used in project:" -msgstr "Clip usate nel progetto:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_6) -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:443 -msgid "Unused clips:" -msgstr "Clip inutilizzate" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, delete_unused) -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:464 -msgid "Delete files" -msgstr "Cancella i files" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_11) -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:471 -msgid "Thumbnails cache:" -msgstr "Anteprime in memoria:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, clear_cache) -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:492 -msgid "Clear cache" -msgstr "Svuota la memoria temporanea" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, delete_proxies) -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:520 -msgid "Delete proxies" -msgstr "Cancella la clip rappresentativa" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_13) -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:527 -msgid "Project files" -msgstr "File del progetto" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_fonts) -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:561 -msgid "Fonts" -msgstr "Carattere" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_export) -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:575 -msgid "Plain text export" -msgstr "Esportazione in testo semplice" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:39 -msgid "Render Project" -msgstr "Esporta Progetto" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:52 -msgid "Output file" -msgstr "File in uscita" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_9) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:112 -msgid "Encoder threads" -msgstr "Processi di codifica" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, scanning_list) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:131 -msgid "Force Progressive" -msgstr "Forza fotogrammi Progressivi" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, scanning_list) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:136 -msgid "Force Interlaced" -msgstr "Forza Interlacciamento" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QLineEdit, vbitrates_list) -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QLineEdit, abitrates_list) -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (KComboBox, comboBitrates) -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (KComboBox, comboAudioBitrates) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:176 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:202 -#: src/ui/saveprofile_ui.ui:33 src/ui/saveprofile_ui.ui:87 -msgid "Best to worst quality" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, checkTwoPass) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:215 -msgid "2 pass" -msgstr "2 passate" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, rescale) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:222 -msgid "Rescale" -msgstr "Rescale" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, export_meta) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:250 -msgid "Export metadata" -msgstr "Esporta metadati" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, tc_overlay) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:276 -msgid "Overlay" -msgstr "Sovrapposizione" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, render_full) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:314 -msgid "Fu&ll project" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, render_zone) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:324 -msgid "Selected &zone" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, render_guide) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:331 -msgid "&Guide zone" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, buttonRender) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:355 -msgid "Render to File" -msgstr "Esporta file" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, buttonGenerateScript) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:362 -msgid "Generate Script" -msgstr "Crea uno script" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonInfo) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonSelectImages) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:393 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:680 -msgid "I" -msgstr "I" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, show_all_profiles) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:400 -msgid "Show all profiles" -msgstr "Mostra tutti i profili" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, open_browser) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:466 -msgid "Open browser window after export" -msgstr "Apri la finestra del browser dopo l'esportazione" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, play_after) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:473 -msgid "Play after render" -msgstr "Riproduci dopo l'esportazione" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:503 -msgid "to" -msgstr "a" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, create_chapter) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:523 -msgid "Create chapter file based on guides" -msgstr "Imposta i capitoli in base alle guide" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, open_dvd) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:530 -msgid "Open Dvd wizard after rendering" -msgstr "Apri la procedura guidata DVD dopo l'esportazione" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, proxy_render) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:537 -msgid "Render using proxy clips" -msgstr "sporta utilizzando clip rappresentative" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, stemAudioExport) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:623 -msgid "Stem audio export" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_2) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:631 -msgid "Job Queue" -msgstr "Coda lavori" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_7) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:710 -msgid "Error Log" -msgstr "Registro degli errori" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, clean_up) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:728 -msgid "Clean Up" -msgstr "Pulizia" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, shutdown) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:735 -msgid "Shutdown computer after renderings" -msgstr "Spegni il computer al termine dell'esportazione" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, start_job) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:742 -msgid "Start Job" -msgstr "Inizia lavoro" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_3) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:750 -msgid "Scripts" -msgstr "Script" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, start_script) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:778 -msgid "Start Script" -msgstr "Avvia script" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, delete_script) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:785 -msgid "Delete Script" -msgstr "Cancella script" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, lblPaintmode) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, lblPaintMode) -#: src/ui/rgbparade_ui.ui:33 src/ui/vectorscope_ui.ui:29 -#: src/ui/waveform_ui.ui:30 -msgid "Paint mode" -msgstr "Modalità di disegno" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, SaveProfile_UI) -#: src/ui/saveprofile_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Save Profile" -msgstr "Salva profilo" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/ui/saveprofile_ui.ui:60 -msgid "Group" -msgstr "Gruppo" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: src/ui/saveprofile_ui.ui:108 -msgid "Profile name" -msgstr "Nome profilo" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/saveprofile_ui.ui:128 -msgid "" -"Parameters (see MLT documentation)" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, SceneCutDialog_UI) -#: src/ui/scenecutdialog_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Scene Cut" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, add_markers) -#: src/ui/scenecutdialog_ui.ui:23 -msgid "Add clip markers" -msgstr "Aggiungi marcatori" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, zone_only) -#: src/ui/scenecutdialog_ui.ui:33 -msgid "Analyze only selected zone" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, cut_scenes) -#: src/ui/scenecutdialog_ui.ui:63 -msgid "Cut scenes" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, store_data) -#: src/ui/scenecutdialog_ui.ui:70 -msgid "Save result in clip metadata" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, groupBox) -#: src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:30 -msgid "Image selection method" -msgstr "Metodo di selezione dell'immagine" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, method_mime) -#: src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:36 -msgid "&Mimetype" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, method_pattern) -#: src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:46 -msgid "Fi&lename pattern" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_4) -#: src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:70 -msgid "Image Type" -msgstr "Tipo di immagine" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_5) -#: src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:97 -msgid "First frame" -msgstr "Primo fotogramma" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:127 -msgid "Frame Duration" -msgstr "Durata dei fotogrammi" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, show_thumbs) -#: src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:245 -msgid "Show thumbnails" -msgstr "Mostra le anteprime" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: src/ui/smconfig_ui.ui:33 -msgid "Number of frames to play (0 to play all frames)" -msgstr "Numero dei fotogrammi da riprodurre (0 per riprodurre tutto)" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, groupBox_2) -#: src/ui/smconfig_ui.ui:73 -msgid "Interval Capture" -msgstr "Intervallo di cattura" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/smconfig_ui.ui:79 -msgid "Capture delay" -msgstr "Ritardo nella registrazione" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, sm_prenotify) -#: src/ui/smconfig_ui.ui:96 -msgid "Notify before capture" -msgstr "Notifica prima della registrazione" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, SpacerDialog_UI) -#: src/ui/spacerdialog_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Add space" -msgstr "Aggiungi spazio" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, clip_filesize_3) -#: src/ui/spacerdialog_ui.ui:37 -msgid "Track:" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, labelFFTSize) -#: src/ui/spectrogram_ui.ui:52 -msgid "True FFT size:" -msgstr "Dimensioni FFT reali:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, live_button) -#: src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:86 -msgid "Live view" -msgstr "In diretta" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, preview_button) -#: src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:135 -msgid "Preview sequence" -msgstr "Sequenza di anteprima" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (KComboBox, sequence_name) -#: src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:151 src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:158 -msgid "Sequence name" -msgstr "Nome della sequenza" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_addsequence) -#: src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:194 -msgid "Add to project" -msgstr "Aggiungi al progetto" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/templateclip_ui.ui:17 -msgid "Template" -msgstr "Modelli" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonFitZoom) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonRealSize) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonVideo) -#: src/ui/timelinebuttons_ui.ui:16 src/ui/timelinebuttons_ui.ui:64 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:553 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:563 -msgid "V" -msgstr "V" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, TitleWidget_UI) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Title Clip" -msgstr "Titolatrice" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, lWidth) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:109 -msgid "W" -msgstr "L" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_19) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:126 -msgid "H" -msgstr "L" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_12) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:184 -msgid "Z-Index:" -msgstr "Livello oggetto:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:232 -msgid "Item Properties" -msgstr "Proprietà dell'oggetto" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:243 -msgid "Fill color" -msgstr "Colore di riempimento" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_11) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:275 -msgid "Border color" -msgstr "Colore del bordo" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_18) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:394 -msgid "Outline" -msgstr "Contorno testo" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, displayBg) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:631 -msgid "Show background" -msgstr "Mostra lo sfondo" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_22) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:645 -msgid "Template:" -msgstr "Modelli:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonSelectText) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:690 -msgid "T" -msgstr "T" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (whatsThis), widget (QToolButton, buttonSelectAll) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:720 -msgid "Selects all items on the canvas." -msgstr "Seleziona tutti gli elementi sul livello" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_14) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:761 -msgid "Zoom:" -msgstr "Zoom:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_21) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:778 -msgid "Rotate Z:" -msgstr "Rotazione Z:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_20) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:785 -msgid "Rotate Y:" -msgstr "Rotazione Y:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_15) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:792 -msgid "Rotate X:" -msgstr "Rotazione X:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_5) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:877 -msgid "Effect" -msgstr "Effetto" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (suffix), widget (QSpinBox, typewriter_delay) -#. i18n: ectx: property (suffix), widget (QSpinBox, typewriter_start) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:1007 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:1030 -msgid " frames" -msgstr "fotogrammi" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_16) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:1023 -msgid "Start at" -msgstr "Inizia a" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, anim_start) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:1127 -msgid "Edit start" -msgstr "Modifica inizio" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, anim_end) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:1137 -msgid "Edit end" -msgstr "Modifica fine" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_7) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:1162 -msgid "Resize" -msgstr "Ridimensiona" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, resize50) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:1169 -#, no-c-format -msgid "50%" -msgstr "50%" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, resize100) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:1176 -#, no-c-format -msgid "100%" -msgstr "100%" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, resize200) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:1183 -#, no-c-format -msgid "200%" -msgstr "200%" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, keep_aspect) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:1190 -msgid "Keep aspect ratio" -msgstr "Mantieni le proporzioni" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/ui/transitionsettings_ui.ui:23 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Track" -msgid "track" -msgstr "Traccia" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QWidget, UnicodeWidget_UI) -#: src/ui/unicodewidget_ui.ui:20 -msgid "Enter Unicode value" -msgstr "Inserire il valore Unicode" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/ui/unicodewidget_ui.ui:251 -msgid "Additional Information" -msgstr "Informazioni addizionali" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_reload) -#: src/ui/wizardcapture_ui.ui:17 -msgid "Check" -msgstr "Controlla" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_9) -#: src/ui/wizardcapture_ui.ui:57 -msgid "Capture format:" -msgstr "Formato di registrazione:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/wizardextra_ui.ui:16 -msgid "Default folder for project files" -msgstr "Cartelle predefinite per i file del progetto" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, autosave) -#: src/ui/wizardextra_ui.ui:59 -msgid "Activate crash recovery (auto save)" -msgstr "Attiva il ripristino automatico in caso di crash" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, installmimes) -#: src/ui/wizardextra_ui.ui:66 -msgid "Install extra video mimetypes" -msgstr "Installa tipi mime video aggiuntivi" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab) -#: src/ui/wizardmltcheck_ui.ui:21 -msgid "Installed modules" -msgstr "Moduli installati" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_2) -#: src/ui/wizardmltcheck_ui.ui:63 -msgid "Available Codecs (avformat)" -msgstr "Formati disponibili (avformat)" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: src/ui/wizardmltcheck_ui.ui:90 -msgid "Formats" -msgstr "Formati" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/ui/wizardmltcheck_ui.ui:97 -msgid "Video Codecs" -msgstr "Codec video" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/wizardmltcheck_ui.ui:104 -msgid "Audio Codecs" -msgstr "Codec audio" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: src/ui/wizardstandard_ui.ui:17 -msgid "Please set your default video profile" -msgstr "Impostare il formato video preferito" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/ui/wizardstandard_ui.ui:24 -msgid "Video Resolution" -msgstr "Risoluzione Video" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, button_dv) -#: src/ui/wizardstandard_ui.ui:44 -msgid "DV" -msgstr "DV" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, button_all) -#: src/ui/wizardstandard_ui.ui:61 -msgid "Show All" -msgstr "Mostra tutto" - -#: src/utils/archiveorg.cpp:78 src/utils/freesound.cpp:86 -#: src/utils/freesound.cpp:184 src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:362 -msgid "Error Loading Data" -msgstr "" - -#: src/utils/archiveorg.cpp:91 src/utils/freesound.cpp:95 -#, kde-format -msgid "Found %1 result" -msgid_plural "Found %1 results" -msgstr[0] "Trovato %1 risultato" -msgstr[1] "Trovati %1 risultati" - -#: src/utils/freesound.cpp:203 -msgid "Samplerate" -msgstr "Frequenza di campionamento" - -#: src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:67 -msgid "Freesound Audio Library" -msgstr "Libreria audio Freesound" - -#: src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:68 -msgid "Archive.org Video Library" -msgstr "Libreria video Archive.org " - -#: src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:69 -msgid "Open Clip Art Graphic Library" -msgstr "Galleria grafica Open Clip Art" - -#: src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:70 -msgid "Search Online Resources" -msgstr "Ricerca di risorse online" - -#: src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:92 -msgid "Auto Play" -msgstr "Riproduci automaticamente" - -#: src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:182 -msgctxt "the url link pointing to a web page" -msgid "link" -msgstr "collegamento" - -#: src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:327 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "File extension:" -msgid "File Exists" -msgstr "Estensione del file:" - -#: src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:328 -msgid "Do you want to overwrite the existing file?." -msgstr "" - -#: src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:371 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Data to import" -msgid "Data Imported" -msgstr "Dati da importare" - -#: src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:437 -msgid "" -"You need to be online\n" -" for searching" -msgstr "" -"E' necessario essere online\n" -" per effettuare una ricerca" - -#: src/utils/thememanager.cpp:70 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Default" -msgctxt "default theme name" -msgid "Default" -msgstr "Predefinito" - -#: src/utils/thememanager.cpp:213 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Device configuration" -msgid "Configuration..." -msgstr "Configurazione del dispositivo" - -#: src/utils/thememanager.cpp:227 -msgid "" -"Cannot start Colors Settings panel from KDE Control Center. Please check " -"your system..." -msgstr "" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Move effect" -#~ msgid "Compare effect" -#~ msgstr "Muovi effetto" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Parameters" -#~ msgid "Selection Parameters" -#~ msgstr "Parametri" - -#~ msgid "Effect List" -#~ msgstr "Lista degli effetti" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Transitions" -#~ msgid "Transition List" -#~ msgstr "Transizioni" - -#~ msgid "Lossless / HQ" -#~ msgstr "Senza perdita / HQ" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Cannot open file" -#~ msgid "Cannot open playlist producer." -#~ msgstr "Impossibile aprire il file" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Cannot find clip to edit" -#~ msgid "Cannot find proper playlist." -#~ msgstr "Impossibile trovare la clip da modificare" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Reload Clip" -#~ msgid "Expland Clip" -#~ msgstr "Ricarica clip" - -#~ msgid "Effect Stack" -#~ msgstr "Gestione effetti" - -#~ msgid "Transition" -#~ msgstr "Transizione" - -#~ msgid "Show additional controls" -#~ msgstr "Mostra controlli addizionali" - -#~ msgid "Show/Hide the lines connecting the corners" -#~ msgstr "Mostra/nascondi le linee di collegamento degli angoli" - -#~ msgid "Playing %1x%2 (%3 fps)" -#~ msgstr "Riproduzione %1x%2 (%3 fps)" - -#~ msgid "Failed to start device" -#~ msgstr "Avvio del dispositivo non riuscito" - -#~ msgid "Estimated time %1" -#~ msgstr "Tempo previsto %1" - -#~ msgid "Loading" -#~ msgstr "Caricamento" - -#~ msgid "Adding clips" -#~ msgstr "Aggiunta clip" - -#~ msgid "Loading thumbnails" -#~ msgstr "Caricamento miniature" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Loading clips" -#~ msgid "Loading timeline" -#~ msgstr "Caricamento clip" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Switch monitor" -#~ msgid "Setting monitor" -#~ msgstr "Cambio monitor" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Select All in Current Track" -#~ msgid "Add effect to Current Stack" -#~ msgstr "Seleziona tutto sulla traccia corrente" - -#~ msgid "Fun" -#~ msgstr "Divertenti" - -#~ msgctxt "effects and transitions keyboard shortcuts" -#~ msgid "Effects & Transitions" -#~ msgstr "Effetti e transizioni" - -#~ msgctxt "timeline track keyboard shortcuts" -#~ msgid "Timeline and Tracks" -#~ msgstr "Timeline e tracce" - -# , kde-format, kde-format -#~ msgid "Transcoding to DVD format" -#~ msgstr "Codifica in formato DVD" - -#~ msgid "before" -#~ msgstr "prima" - -#~ msgid "after" -#~ msgstr "dopo" - -#~ msgid "Set zone start" -#~ msgstr "Imposta inizio selezione" - -#~ msgid "Set zone end" -#~ msgstr "Imposta fine selezione" - -#~ msgid "Project profile was not found, using default profile." -#~ msgstr "Profilo di progetto non trovato, utilizzo il profilo predefinito." - -#~ msgid "Missing Profile" -#~ msgstr "Profilo mancante" - -#~ msgid "Project profile not found, replacing with existing one: %1" -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "Profilo del progetto non trovato, sostituisco con il profilo esistente: %1" - -#~ msgid "Existing Profile" -#~ msgstr "Profilo esistente" - -#~ msgid "" -#~ "Your project uses an unknown profile.\n" -#~ "It uses an existing profile name: %1.\n" -#~ "Please choose a new name to save it" -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "Il progetto utilizza un profilo sconosciuto.\n" -#~ "Utilizza un nome di profilo già esistente: %1.\n" -#~ "Scegliere un nuovo nome per salvarlo" - -#~ msgid "Project profile was not found, it will be added to your system now." -#~ msgstr "Profilo di progetto non trovato, sarà aggiunto al tuo sistema." - -#~ msgid "Buttons overlapping" -#~ msgstr "Sovrapposizione dei pulsanti" - -#~ msgid "No button in menu" -#~ msgstr "Nessun pulsante nel menu" - -#~ msgid "Missing background image" -#~ msgstr "Immagine dello sfondo mancante" - -#~ msgid "No menu entry for %1" -#~ msgstr "Nessuna voce di menu per %1" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Default Blackmagic Decklink card:" -#~ msgid "Blackmagic Decklink" -#~ msgstr "Scheda di acquisizione BlackMagic predefinita:" - -#~ msgid "Delete data" -#~ msgstr "Cancella i dati" - -#~ msgid "Add data" -#~ msgstr "Aggiungi dati" - -#~ msgid "Importing project effects" -#~ msgstr "Importa gli effetti del progetto" - -#~ msgid "Load Image" -#~ msgstr "Carica immagine" - -#~ msgid "" -#~ "The project file contains missing clips or files and clip duration " -#~ "mismatch" -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "Il file di progetto contiene clip mancanti o alcune inconsistenze fra " -#~ "clip nel progetto e durata del file" - -#~ msgid "The project file contains clips with duration mismatch" -#~ msgstr "Il file di progetto contiene inconsistenze di durata fra clip" - -#~ msgid "Duration mismatch" -#~ msgstr "Errore nella durata" - -#~ msgid "Fix duration mismatch" -#~ msgstr "Correggi errori della durata" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Align item horizontally" -#~ msgid "Flips the image horizontally" -#~ msgstr "Allinea elementi orizzontalmente" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Opacity" -#~ msgid "Movit: Opacity" -#~ msgstr "Opacità" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "HSV Saturation" -#~ msgid "Movit: Saturation" -#~ msgstr "Saturazione HSV" - -#~ msgid "XVideo" -#~ msgstr "XVideo" - -#~ msgid "X11" -#~ msgstr "X11" - -#~ msgid "XFree86 DGA 2.0" -#~ msgstr "XFree86 DGA 2.0" - -#~ msgid "Nano X" -#~ msgstr "Nano X" - -#~ msgid "Framebuffer console" -#~ msgstr "console Framebuffer" - -#~ msgid "Direct FB" -#~ msgstr "DirectFB" - -#~ msgid "SVGAlib" -#~ msgstr "libreria SVGA" - -#~ msgid "General graphics interface" -#~ msgstr "Interfaccia grafica generale" - -#~ msgid "Ascii art library" -#~ msgstr "Libreria ASCII art" - -# , kde-format -#~ msgid "Clip %1
is invalid, what do you want to do?" -#~ msgstr "La Clip %1
è inutilizzabile, come si intende procedere?" - -#~ msgid "File not found" -#~ msgstr "File non trovato" - -#~ msgid "Search automatically" -#~ msgstr "Cerca automaticamente" - -#~ msgid "Keep as placeholder" -#~ msgstr "Mantieni come un segnaposto" - -# , kde-format -#~ msgid "Clip %1
is invalid or missing, what do you want to do?" -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "La Clip %1
è inutilizzabile o mancante, come si intende " -#~ "procedere?" - -#~ msgid "Search manually" -#~ msgstr "Cerca manualmente" - -#~ msgid "Looking for %1" -#~ msgstr "Cerco %1" - -#~ msgid "Show previous keyframe" -#~ msgstr "Mostra il fotogramma chiave precedente" - -#~ msgid "Project Tree" -#~ msgstr "Struttura progetto" - -#~ msgid "Adjust Profile to Current Clip" -#~ msgstr "Adatta il profilo alla clip corrente" - -#~ msgid "Save clip zone as:" -#~ msgstr "Salva selezione della clip come" - -#~ msgid "Description:" -#~ msgstr "Descrizione:" - -#~ msgid "" -#~ "Cannot start MLT's renderer:\n" -#~ "%1" -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "Impossibile avviare il codificatore di MLT:\n" -#~ "%1" - -#~ msgid "Timeout while creating xml output" -#~ msgstr "Tempo scaduto nella creazione del file xml" - -#~ msgid "Resize (100%)" -#~ msgstr "Ridimensiona (100%)" - -#~ msgid "Resize (50%)" -#~ msgstr "Ridimensiona (50%)" - -# , kde-format -#~ msgid "" -#~ "Clip %1
already exists in project, what do you want to do?" -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "La Clip %1
è già presente nel progetto, come si intende " -#~ "procedere?" - -#~ msgid "Clip already exists" -#~ msgstr "La clip è già stata inserita" - -#~ msgid "" -#~ "Clip %1
is on a removable device, will not be available when " -#~ "device is unplugged" -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "La clip %1
si trova su di un dispositivo rimovibile e perciò " -#~ "non sarà disponibile quando il dispositivò non sarà collegato" - -#~ msgid "File on a Removable Device" -#~ msgstr "File su un dispositivo rimovibile" - -#~ msgid "Copy file to project folder" -#~ msgstr "Copia il file nella cartella del progetto" - -#~ msgid "Continue" -#~ msgstr "Continua" - -#~ msgid "" -#~ "This will remove the following files from your hard drive.\n" -#~ "This action cannot be undone, only use if you know what you are doing.\n" -#~ "Are you sure you want to continue?" -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "Questa operazione eliminerà i file seguenti dal disco.\n" -#~ "Questa operazione non può essere annullata, utilizzarla solamente se si è " -#~ "sicuro di ciò che si sta facendo.\n" -#~ "Si è sicuri di voler continuare?" - -#~ msgid "Delete unused clips" -#~ msgstr "Elimina clip non usate" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Group Clips" -#~ msgid "Open Clips" -#~ msgstr "Raggruppa clip" - -#~ msgid "Cancel job" -#~ msgid_plural "Cancel jobs" -#~ msgstr[0] "Annulla lavoro" -#~ msgstr[1] "Annulla lavori" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Cannot insert clip..." -#~ msgid "Cannot reverse clip" -#~ msgstr "Impossibile inserire la clip..." - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Cannot paste selected clips" -#~ msgid "Cannot render reversed clip" -#~ msgstr "Impossibile incollare le clip selezionate" - -#~ msgid "" -#~ "Your project's profile %1 is not compatible with the blackmagic output " -#~ "card. Please see supported profiles below. Switching to normal video " -#~ "display." -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "Il profilo di progeto %1 non è compatibile con la scheda blackmagic " -#~ "collegata. Verificare i profili supportati nel riquadro sottostante. " -#~ "Torno alla visualizzazione normale." - -#~ msgid "Hide track" -#~ msgstr "Nascondi traccia" - -#~ msgid "Mute track" -#~ msgstr "Silenzia la traccia" - -#~ msgid "Invalid clip producer %1\n" -#~ msgstr "generatore della clip %1 non valido\n" - -#~ msgid "Removed invalid transition: (%1, %2, %3)" -#~ msgstr "Rimossa transizione non valida: (%1, %2, %3)" - -#~ msgid "Removed overlapping transition: (%1, %2, %3)" -#~ msgstr "Rimossa transizione sovrapposta: (%1, %2, %3)" - -#~ msgid "Replaced wrong clip producer %1 with %2" -#~ msgstr "Rimpiazzato il generatore errato %1 con %2" - -#~ msgid "Broken clip producer %1, recreated base clip: %2" -#~ msgstr "Generatore %1 non funzionale, la clip %2 è stata ricreata" - -#~ msgid "Broken clip producer %1, removed from project" -#~ msgstr "Generatore %1 corrotto, rimosso dal progetto" - -#~ msgid "Desktop search integration" -#~ msgstr "Integra la ricerca Desktop" - -#~ msgid "Video driver:" -#~ msgstr "Driver video:" - -#~ msgid "Normalise audio for thumbnails" -#~ msgstr "Normalizzazione audio per le anteprime" - -#~ msgid "All" -#~ msgstr "Tutto" - -#~ msgid "Custom" -#~ msgstr "Personalizzato" - -#~ msgid "with track" -#~ msgstr "con la traccia" - -#~ msgid "DV module (libdv)" -#~ msgstr "Modulo DV (libdv)" - -#~ msgid "Required to work with dv files if avformat module is not installed" -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "Richiesto per lavorare con i file DV se il modulo avformat non è " -#~ "installato" - -#~ msgid "Open projects in new tabs" -#~ msgstr "Utilizza schede per aprire più progetti" diff -Nru kdenlive-15.13.0+git20160206.6705c57a/po/ja/CMakeLists.txt kdenlive-15.13.0+git20160206.cee1bbb6/po/ja/CMakeLists.txt --- kdenlive-15.13.0+git20160206.6705c57a/po/ja/CMakeLists.txt 2016-02-06 09:13:45.000000000 +0000 +++ kdenlive-15.13.0+git20160206.cee1bbb6/po/ja/CMakeLists.txt 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -GETTEXT_PROCESS_PO_FILES(ja ALL INSTALL_DESTINATION ${LOCALE_INSTALL_DIR} kdenlive.po) diff -Nru kdenlive-15.13.0+git20160206.6705c57a/po/ja/kdenlive.po kdenlive-15.13.0+git20160206.cee1bbb6/po/ja/kdenlive.po --- kdenlive-15.13.0+git20160206.6705c57a/po/ja/kdenlive.po 2016-02-06 09:13:45.000000000 +0000 +++ kdenlive-15.13.0+git20160206.cee1bbb6/po/ja/kdenlive.po 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 @@ -1,12318 +0,0 @@ -# translation of kdenlive.po to Japanese -# Yasuhiko Kamata , 2012. -# Fumiaki Okushi , 2012. -msgid "" -msgstr "" -"Project-Id-Version: kdenlive\n" -"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugs.kde.org\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-12-11 07:07+0000\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-03-24 16:00-0700\n" -"Last-Translator: Fumiaki Okushi \n" -"Language-Team: Japanese \n" -"Language: ja\n" -"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" -"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" -"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" -"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;\n" -"X-Accelerator-Marker: &\n" -"X-Text-Markup: kde4\n" -"X-Generator: KBabel 1.11.4\n" - -msgctxt "NAME OF TRANSLATORS" -msgid "Your names" -msgstr "Yasuhiko Kamata" - -msgctxt "EMAIL OF TRANSLATORS" -msgid "Your emails" -msgstr "belphegor@belbel.or.jp" - -#: data/effects/audiobalance.xml:3 data/effects/audiobalance.xml:7 -msgid "Balance" -msgstr "バランス" - -#: data/effects/audiobalance.xml:4 -msgid "Adjust the left/right balance" -msgstr "左右のバランスを合わせる" - -#: data/effects/audiopan.xml:3 data/effects/audiopan.xml:11 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:347 src/project/dialogs/slideshowclip.cpp:73 -msgid "Pan" -msgstr "パン" - -#: data/effects/audiopan.xml:4 -msgid "Adjust the left/right spread of a channel" -msgstr "左右のチャンネルの広がりに合わせる" - -#: data/effects/audiopan.xml:7 data/effects/channelcopy.xml:7 -#: data/effects/channelcopy.xml:11 -msgid "Left,Right" -msgstr "左,右" - -#: data/effects/audiopan.xml:8 data/effects/frei0r_bezier_curves.xml:9 -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:9 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:66 -#: data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:10 data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:42 -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:25 -msgid "Channel" -msgstr "チャンネル" - -#: data/effects/audiowave.xml:3 -msgid "Audio Wave" -msgstr "オーディオ波形" - -#: data/effects/audiowave.xml:4 -msgid "Display the audio waveform instead of the video" -msgstr "ビデオの代わりにオーディオの波形を表示する" - -#: data/effects/audiowaveform.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Audio Wave" -msgid "Audio Waveform Filter" -msgstr "オーディオ波形" - -#: data/effects/audiowaveform.xml:6 data/effects/dynamictext.xml:22 -#: data/effects/pan_zoom.xml:13 data/effects/rotation.xml:40 -#: data/effects/rotation_keyframable.xml:22 -msgid "Background Color" -msgstr "背景色" - -#: data/effects/audiowaveform.xml:9 data/effects/dynamictext.xml:19 -msgid "Foreground Color" -msgstr "前景色" - -#: data/effects/audiowaveform.xml:12 -msgid "Line Thickness" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/audiowaveform.xml:15 data/effects/movit_rect.xml:6 -#: data/effects/pan_zoom.xml:7 -msgid "Rectangle" -msgstr "長方形" - -#: data/effects/audiowaveform.xml:18 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:721 -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:766 -msgid "Fill" -msgstr "フィル" - -#: data/effects/automask.xml:3 -msgid "Auto Mask" -msgstr "自動マスク" - -#: data/effects/automask.xml:4 -msgid "Hide a selected zone and follow its movements" -msgstr "選択したゾーンを隠し、その動きに合わせる" - -#: data/effects/automask.xml:7 data/effects/dynamictext.xml:7 -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:718 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:745 -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:763 -msgid "Geometry" -msgstr "ジオメトリ" - -#: data/effects/automask.xml:10 -msgid "Macroblock width" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/automask.xml:13 -msgid "Macroblock height" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/automask.xml:16 -msgid "Maximum x distance" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/automask.xml:19 -msgid "Maximum y distance" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/automask.xml:22 -msgid "Denoise" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/automask.xml:25 -msgid "Debug" -msgstr "デバッグ" - -#: data/effects/automask.xml:28 data/effects/obscure.xml:3 -msgid "Obscure" -msgstr "不鮮明化" - -#: data/effects/automask.xml:36 data/effects/loudness.xml:12 -msgid "Analyse" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/boxblur.xml:3 -msgid "Box Blur" -msgstr "ボックス・ブラー" - -#: data/effects/boxblur.xml:4 -msgid "Box blur (separate horizontal and vertical blur)" -msgstr "ボックス・ブラー (水平方向と垂直方向のブラーを分ける)" - -#: data/effects/boxblur.xml:7 -msgid "Horizontal multiplicator" -msgstr "水平マルチプリケータ" - -#: data/effects/boxblur.xml:10 -msgid "Vertical multiplicator" -msgstr "垂直マルチプリケータ" - -#: data/effects/boxblur.xml:13 -msgid "Blur factor" -msgstr "ブラー係数" - -#: data/effects/brightness.xml:3 -msgid "Brightness (keyframable)" -msgstr "明るさ (キーフレーム化可能)" - -#: data/effects/brightness.xml:4 -msgid "Change image brightness with keyframes" -msgstr "キーフレームで画像の明るさを変更" - -#: data/effects/brightness.xml:7 -msgid "Intensity" -msgstr "強度" - -#: data/effects/channelcopy.xml:3 -msgid "Mono to stereo" -msgstr "モノラルをステレオにする" - -#: data/effects/channelcopy.xml:4 -msgid "Copy one channel to another" -msgstr "一方のチャンネルを他方にコピーする" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_4) -#: data/effects/channelcopy.xml:8 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:486 -msgid "From" -msgstr "コピー元" - -#: data/effects/channelcopy.xml:12 -msgid "To" -msgstr "コピー先" - -#: data/effects/charcoal.xml:3 -msgid "Charcoal" -msgstr "チャコール" - -#: data/effects/charcoal.xml:4 -msgid "Charcoal drawing effect" -msgstr "チャコール描画効果" - -#: data/effects/charcoal.xml:7 -msgid "Horizontal scatter" -msgstr "水平分散" - -#: data/effects/charcoal.xml:10 -msgid "Vertical scatter" -msgstr "垂直分散" - -#: data/effects/charcoal.xml:13 -msgid "Scale" -msgstr "スケール" - -#: data/effects/charcoal.xml:16 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:757 -msgid "Mix" -msgstr "混合" - -#: data/effects/charcoal.xml:19 data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:31 -#: data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:63 data/effects/frei0r_mask0mate.xml:19 -#: data/effects/invert.xml:3 data/effects/mirror.xml:11 -#: data/effects/rotoscoping.xml:18 src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:215 -msgid "Invert" -msgstr "反転" - -#: data/effects/chroma.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Chroma Hold" -msgid "Chroma Key" -msgstr "彩度の固定" - -#: data/effects/chroma.xml:4 -msgid "Make selected color transparent" -msgstr "選択した色を透過色にする" - -#: data/effects/chroma.xml:7 data/effects/chroma_hold.xml:7 -msgid "Color key" -msgstr "カラー・キー" - -#: data/effects/chroma.xml:10 data/effects/chroma_hold.xml:10 -msgid "Variance" -msgstr "バリアンス" - -#: data/effects/chroma_hold.xml:3 -msgid "Chroma Hold" -msgstr "彩度の固定" - -#: data/effects/chroma_hold.xml:4 -msgid "Make image greyscale except for chosen color" -msgstr "選択した色を除いて、それ以外の色をグレースケール化" - -#: data/effects/crop.xml:3 -msgid "Edge Crop" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/crop.xml:4 -msgid "Trim the edges of a clip" -msgstr "クリップの周囲をトリミングする" - -#: data/effects/crop.xml:7 data/effects/frei0r_mask0mate.xml:13 -msgid "Top" -msgstr "上" - -#: data/effects/crop.xml:10 data/effects/frei0r_mask0mate.xml:7 -msgid "Left" -msgstr "左" - -#: data/effects/crop.xml:13 data/effects/frei0r_mask0mate.xml:16 -msgid "Bottom" -msgstr "下" - -#: data/effects/crop.xml:16 data/effects/frei0r_mask0mate.xml:10 -msgid "Right" -msgstr "右" - -#: data/effects/crop.xml:19 -msgid "Automatic center-crop" -msgstr "自動中央クロップ" - -#: data/effects/crop.xml:22 -msgid "Center balance" -msgstr "センターバランス" - -#: data/effects/crop.xml:25 -msgid "Use project resolution" -msgstr "プロジェクトの解像度を使用する" - -#: data/effects/dust.xml:3 -msgid "Dust" -msgstr "ダスト" - -#: data/effects/dust.xml:4 -msgid "Add dust and specks to the video, as in old movies" -msgstr "古い映画にあるような、ゴミやシミをビデオに追加します" - -#: data/effects/dust.xml:7 -msgid "Maximal Diameter" -msgstr "最大直径" - -#: data/effects/dust.xml:10 -msgid "Maximal number of dust" -msgstr "ダストの最大数" - -#: data/effects/dynamictext.xml:3 -msgid "Dynamic Text" -msgstr "動的テキスト" - -#: data/effects/dynamictext.xml:4 -msgid "Overlay text with keywords replaced" -msgstr "キーワードが置き換えられた形でテキストをオーバーレイします" - -#: data/effects/dynamictext.xml:10 -msgid "Font Family" -msgstr "フォントファミリ" - -#: data/effects/dynamictext.xml:13 -msgid "Font Size" -msgstr "フォントサイズ" - -#: data/effects/dynamictext.xml:16 -msgid "Font Weight" -msgstr "フォントウェイト" - -#: data/effects/dynamictext.xml:25 -msgid "Outline Color" -msgstr "輪郭色" - -#: data/effects/dynamictext.xml:28 -msgid "Outline Width" -msgstr "輪郭幅" - -#: data/effects/dynamictext.xml:31 -msgid "Padding" -msgstr "パディング" - -#: data/effects/dynamictext.xml:34 -msgid "Left,Center,Right" -msgstr "左,中央,右" - -#: data/effects/dynamictext.xml:35 -msgid "Horizontal Alignment" -msgstr "水平方向を合わせる" - -#: data/effects/dynamictext.xml:38 -msgid "Top,Middle,Bottom" -msgstr "上,中央,下" - -#: data/effects/dynamictext.xml:39 -msgid "Vertical Alignment" -msgstr "垂直方向を合わせる" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, text_box) -#: data/effects/dynamictext.xml:42 src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:55 -#: src/ui/templateclip_ui.ui:34 -msgid "Text" -msgstr "テキスト" - -#: data/effects/fade_from_black.xml:3 -msgid "Fade from Black" -msgstr "黒からフェードインする" - -#: data/effects/fade_from_black.xml:4 -msgid "Fade video from black" -msgstr "ビデオを黒からフェードインする" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_duration) -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, ClipDurationDialog_UI) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, duration_label) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: data/effects/fade_from_black.xml:7 data/effects/fade_to_black.xml:7 -#: data/effects/fadein.xml:10 data/effects/fadeout.xml:7 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:133 -#: src/ui/clipdurationdialog_ui.ui:14 src/ui/clipdurationdialog_ui.ui:40 -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:58 src/ui/colorclip_ui.ui:37 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:747 src/utils/freesound.cpp:157 -#: src/utils/freesound.cpp:196 src/utils/freesound.cpp:197 -#: src/utils/freesound.cpp:198 -msgid "Duration" -msgstr "長さ" - -#: data/effects/fade_from_black.xml:10 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/bezier/beziersplinewidget.cpp:52 -msgid "In" -msgstr "イン" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: data/effects/fade_from_black.xml:13 data/effects/fade_to_black.xml:13 -#: src/ui/wipeval_ui.ui:22 -msgid "Start" -msgstr "開始" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_4) -#: data/effects/fade_from_black.xml:16 data/effects/fade_to_black.xml:16 -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:409 src/ui/wipeval_ui.ui:167 -msgid "End" -msgstr "終了" - -#: data/effects/fade_to_black.xml:3 -msgid "Fade to Black" -msgstr "黒にフェードする" - -#: data/effects/fade_to_black.xml:4 -msgid "Fade video to black" -msgstr "ビデオを黒にフェードアウトする" - -#: data/effects/fade_to_black.xml:10 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/bezier/beziersplinewidget.cpp:54 -msgid "Out" -msgstr "アウト" - -#: data/effects/fadein.xml:3 -msgid "Fade in" -msgstr "フェードイン" - -#: data/effects/fadein.xml:4 -msgid "Fade in audio track" -msgstr "オーディオトラックのフェードイン" - -#: data/effects/fadein.xml:13 data/effects/fadeout.xml:13 -msgid "Start Gain" -msgstr "ゲイン開始" - -#: data/effects/fadein.xml:16 data/effects/fadeout.xml:16 -msgid "End Gain" -msgstr "ゲイン終了" - -#: data/effects/fadeout.xml:3 -msgid "Fade out" -msgstr "フェードアウト" - -#: data/effects/fadeout.xml:4 -msgid "Fade out audio track" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/freeze.xml:3 -msgid "Freeze" -msgstr "フリーズ" - -#: data/effects/freeze.xml:4 -msgid "Freeze video on a chosen frame" -msgstr "選択してフレームでビデオをフリーズする" - -#: data/effects/freeze.xml:7 -msgid "Freeze at" -msgstr "ここでフリーズする" - -#: data/effects/freeze.xml:10 -msgid "Freeze Before" -msgstr "これより前でフリーズする" - -#: data/effects/freeze.xml:13 -msgid "Freeze After" -msgstr "これより後でフリーズする" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_3dflippo.xml:3 -msgid "3dflippo" -msgstr "3dflippo" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_3dflippo.xml:4 -msgid "Frame rotation in 3D space" -msgstr "三次元空間でフレームを回転する" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_3dflippo.xml:7 -msgid "X axis rotation" -msgstr "X 軸回転" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_3dflippo.xml:10 -msgid "Y axis rotation" -msgstr "Y 軸回転" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_3dflippo.xml:13 -msgid "Z axis rotation" -msgstr "Z 軸回転" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_3dflippo.xml:16 -msgid "X axis rotation rate" -msgstr "X 軸回転率" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_3dflippo.xml:19 -msgid "Y axis rotation rate" -msgstr "Y 軸回転率" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_3dflippo.xml:22 -msgid "Z axis rotation rate" -msgstr "Z 軸回転率" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_3dflippo.xml:25 -msgid "Center position (X)" -msgstr "中央位置 (X)" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_3dflippo.xml:28 -msgid "Center position (Y)" -msgstr "中央位置 (Y)" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_3dflippo.xml:31 -msgid "Invert rotation assignment" -msgstr "回転の割り当てを反転する" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_3dflippo.xml:34 -msgid "Don't blank mask" -msgstr "マスクを不可視化しない" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_3dflippo.xml:37 -msgid "Fill with image or black" -msgstr "画像または黒で塗りつぶす" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:4 data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:36 -msgid "Alpha operations" -msgstr "アルファ操作" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:5 data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:37 -msgid "Display and manipulation of the alpha channel" -msgstr "アルファチャンネルの表示および操作" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:9 data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:41 -msgid "" -"Image,Alpha as gray,Gray + red,Selection on black,Selection on gray," -"Selection on white,Selection on checkers" -msgstr "" -"画像,グレーでのアルファ,グレー+赤,黒での選択,グレーでの選択,白での選択,市松模" -"様での選択" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:10 data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:42 -msgid "Display" -msgstr "表示" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:14 data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:46 -msgid "Display input alpha" -msgstr "入力アルファの表示" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:18 -msgid "NO OP,Shave,Shrink hard,Shrink soft,Grow hard,Grow soft,Threshold" -msgstr "無操作,刈り取り,強い縮小,弱い縮小,強い拡大,弱い拡大,しきい値" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:19 data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:51 -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphagrad.xml:30 data/effects/frei0r_alphaspot.xml:47 -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:45 data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:96 -msgid "Operation" -msgstr "操作" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:23 data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:55 -#: data/effects/frei0r_threshold0r.xml:7 data/effects/threshold.xml:3 -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:217 -msgid "Threshold" -msgstr "しきい値" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:27 -msgid "Shrink/grow amount" -msgstr "縮小/拡大量" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:50 -msgid "NO OP,Shave,Shrink hard,Shrink soft,Grow hard,Grow soft,Threshold,Blur" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:59 -msgid "Shrink/Grow/Blur amount" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphagrad.xml:3 -msgid "Alpha gradient" -msgstr "アルファ傾斜" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphagrad.xml:4 -msgid "Fill the alpha channel with a specified gradient" -msgstr "指定した傾斜でアルファチャンネルを塗りつぶす" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, clip_filesize_2) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, position_label) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, import_position) -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphagrad.xml:9 src/effectstack/keyframeedit.cpp:55 -#: src/ui/clipdurationdialog_ui.ui:20 src/ui/importkeyframesdialog_ui.ui:80 -#: src/ui/keyframedialog_ui.ui:20 src/ui/markerdialog_ui.ui:20 -msgid "Position" -msgstr "位置" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphagrad.xml:13 data/effects/frei0r_alphaspot.xml:34 -msgid "Transition width" -msgstr "遷移幅" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphagrad.xml:17 data/effects/frei0r_alphaspot.xml:30 -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:16 -msgid "Tilt" -msgstr "チルト" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphagrad.xml:21 data/effects/frei0r_alphaspot.xml:38 -msgid "Min" -msgstr "最小" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphagrad.xml:25 data/effects/frei0r_alphaspot.xml:42 -msgid "Max" -msgstr "最大" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphagrad.xml:29 data/effects/frei0r_alphaspot.xml:46 -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:44 data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:95 -msgid "Write on clear,Max,Min,Add,Subtract" -msgstr "ライト・オン・クリア,最大,最小,加算,減算" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphaspot.xml:3 -msgid "Alpha shapes" -msgstr "アルファシェイプ" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphaspot.xml:4 -msgid "Draws simple shapes into the alpha channel" -msgstr "アルファチャンネルにシンプルな形 (シェイプ) を描画する" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphaspot.xml:9 -msgid "Rectangle,Ellipse,Triangle,Diamond" -msgstr "長方形,楕円,三角形,菱形" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphaspot.xml:10 data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:29 -#: data/effects/sox_flanger.xml:22 -msgid "Shape" -msgstr "シェイプ" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphaspot.xml:14 -msgid "Position X" -msgstr "X 位置" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphaspot.xml:18 -msgid "Position Y" -msgstr "Y 位置" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphaspot.xml:22 -msgid "Size X" -msgstr "X サイズ" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphaspot.xml:26 -msgid "Size Y" -msgstr "Y サイズ" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_balanc0r.xml:4 data/effects/frei0r_balanc0r.xml:15 -msgid "White Balance" -msgstr "ホワイトバランス" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_balanc0r.xml:5 data/effects/frei0r_balanc0r.xml:16 -msgid "Adjust the white balance / color temperature" -msgstr "ホワイトバランスや色温度の調整" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_balanc0r.xml:8 data/effects/frei0r_balanc0r.xml:19 -#: data/effects/frei0r_colgate.xml:8 data/effects/movit_white_balance.xml:6 -msgid "Neutral Color" -msgstr "中立色" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_balanc0r.xml:11 data/effects/frei0r_balanc0r.xml:22 -msgid "Green Tint" -msgstr "緑系の色調" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_baltan.xml:3 -msgid "Baltan" -msgstr "バルタン" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_baltan.xml:4 -msgid "Delayed alpha smoothed blit of time" -msgstr "少しの時間だけ遅延した平滑化アルファ" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_bezier_curves.xml:3 -msgid "Bézier Curves" -msgstr "ベジェ曲線" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_bezier_curves.xml:4 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:5 -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:62 -msgid "Color curves adjustment" -msgstr "色曲線の調整" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_bezier_curves.xml:8 -msgid "RGB,Red,Green,Blue,Alpha,Luma,Hue,Saturation" -msgstr "RGB,赤,緑,青,アルファ,輝度,色相,彩度" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_bezier_curves.xml:13 -#: data/effects/frei0r_coloradj_rgb.xml:33 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:12 -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:69 -msgid "Rec. 601,Rec. 709" -msgstr "Rec. 601,Rec. 709" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_bezier_curves.xml:14 -#: data/effects/frei0r_coloradj_rgb.xml:34 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:13 -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:70 -msgid "Luma formula" -msgstr "輝度式" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_brightness.xml:3 data/effects/frei0r_brightness.xml:7 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lenscorrection.xml:19 data/effects/grain.xml:13 -msgid "Brightness" -msgstr "明るさ" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_brightness.xml:4 -msgid "Adjusts the brightness of a source image" -msgstr "元画像の明るさを調整する" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:3 -msgid "Corners" -msgstr "コーナー" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:4 -msgid "Four corners geometry engine" -msgstr "四隅の幾何学エンジン" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:8 -msgid "Corner 1 X" -msgstr "コーナー 1 X" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:12 -msgid "Corner 1 Y" -msgstr "コーナー 1 Y" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:16 -msgid "Corner 2 X" -msgstr "コーナー 2 X" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:20 -msgid "Corner 2 Y" -msgstr "コーナー 2 Y" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:24 -msgid "Corner 3 X" -msgstr "コーナー 3 X" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:28 -msgid "Corner 3 Y" -msgstr "コーナー 3 Y" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:32 -msgid "Corner 4 X" -msgstr "コーナー 4 X" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:36 -msgid "Corner 4 Y" -msgstr "コーナー 4 Y" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:40 -msgid "Stretch X" -msgstr "X 伸縮" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:44 -msgid "Stretch Y" -msgstr "Y 伸縮" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:48 -msgid "Feather Alpha" -msgstr "フェザーアルファ" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:52 -msgid "Enable Stretch" -msgstr "伸縮を有効にする" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:56 data/effects/frei0r_defish0r.xml:24 -msgid "" -"Nearest neighbor,Bilinear,Bicubic smooth,Bicubic sharp,Spline 4x4,Spline 6x6," -"Lanczos" -msgstr "" -"近傍,双一次,双三次スムース,双三次シャープ,スプライン 4x4,スプライン 6x6," -"Lanczos" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:57 data/effects/frei0r_defish0r.xml:25 -msgid "Interpolator" -msgstr "補間" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:61 data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:63 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:136 -msgid "Transparent Background" -msgstr "透過背景" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:65 data/effects/rotoscoping.xml:13 -msgid "Write on clear,Maximum,Minimum,Add,Subtract" -msgstr "ライト・オン・クリア,最大値,最小値,加算,減算" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:66 -msgid "Alpha operation" -msgstr "アルファ操作" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_cartoon.xml:4 data/effects/frei0r_cartoon.xml:15 -msgid "Cartoon" -msgstr "カートゥーン" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_cartoon.xml:5 data/effects/frei0r_cartoon.xml:16 -msgid "Cartoonify video, do a form of edge detect" -msgstr "ビデオのカートゥーン化 (エッジ抽出の一種)" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_cartoon.xml:8 data/effects/frei0r_cartoon.xml:19 -msgid "Level of trip" -msgstr "トリップレベル" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_cartoon.xml:11 data/effects/frei0r_cartoon.xml:22 -msgid "Difference space" -msgstr "差異スペース" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_cluster.xml:3 -msgid "K-Means Clustering" -msgstr "K-平均クラスタリング" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_cluster.xml:4 -msgid "Clusters of a source image by color and spatial distance" -msgstr "元の画像を色や空間的な色でクラスタ化する" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_cluster.xml:7 -msgid "Amount of clusters" -msgstr "クラスタ量" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_cluster.xml:10 -msgid "Weight on distance" -msgstr "距離に対する重み" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_colgate.xml:3 -msgid "White Balance (LMS space)" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_colgate.xml:5 -msgid "" -"Do simple color correction, in a physically meaningful\n" -"way" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_colgate.xml:12 data/effects/movit_white_balance.xml:9 -msgid "Color Temperature" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_coloradj_rgb.xml:3 -msgid "RGB adjustment" -msgstr "RGB 調整" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_coloradj_rgb.xml:4 -msgid "Simple color adjustment" -msgstr "シンプルな色調整" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, cbR) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonSelectRects) -#: data/effects/frei0r_coloradj_rgb.xml:8 src/ui/histogram_ui.ui:30 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:733 -msgid "R" -msgstr "R" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, cbG) -#: data/effects/frei0r_coloradj_rgb.xml:12 src/ui/histogram_ui.ui:37 -msgid "G" -msgstr "G" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, cbB) -#: data/effects/frei0r_coloradj_rgb.xml:16 src/ui/histogram_ui.ui:44 -msgid "B" -msgstr "B" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_coloradj_rgb.xml:20 -msgid "Add constant,Change gamma,Multiply" -msgstr "定数の追加,ガンマ変更,乗算" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_coloradj_rgb.xml:21 -msgid "Action" -msgstr "動作" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_coloradj_rgb.xml:25 -msgid "Keep luma" -msgstr "輝度の維持" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_coloradj_rgb.xml:29 -msgid "Alpha controlled" -msgstr "アルファ制御" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_colordistance.xml:3 -msgid "Color Distance" -msgstr "色距離" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_colordistance.xml:4 -msgid "" -"Calculates the distance between the selected color and the current pixel and " -"uses that value as new pixel value" -msgstr "" -"選択した色と現在のピクセルの間で距離を計算し、新しいピクセルの値として使用し" -"ます" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_colordistance.xml:7 -msgid "Source Color" -msgstr "元の色" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_colortap.xml:3 -msgid "Color Effect" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_colortap.xml:4 -msgid "Applies a pre-made color effect to image" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, treeWidget) -#: data/effects/frei0r_colortap.xml:7 data/effects/frei0r_defish0r.xml:14 -#: data/effects/frei0r_iirblur.xml:14 data/effects/frei0r_medians.xml:9 -#: src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:74 src/ui/missingclips_ui.ui:67 -msgid "Type" -msgstr "タイプ" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_contrast0r.xml:3 data/effects/frei0r_contrast0r.xml:7 -#: data/effects/grain.xml:10 src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:209 -msgid "Contrast" -msgstr "コントラスト" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_contrast0r.xml:4 -msgid "Adjusts the contrast of a source image" -msgstr "元の画像のコントラストを調整する" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:4 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:61 -msgid "Curves" -msgstr "曲線" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:8 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:65 -#: data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:9 data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:41 -msgid "Red,Green,Blue,Luma" -msgstr "赤,緑,青,輝度" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:20 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:77 -msgid "Number of curve points" -msgstr "曲線に使用する点の数" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:23 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:80 -msgid "Point 1 input value" -msgstr "1 点目の入力値" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:26 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:83 -msgid "Point 1 output value" -msgstr "1 点目の出力値" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:29 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:86 -msgid "Point 2 input value" -msgstr "2 点目の入力値" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:32 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:89 -msgid "Point 2 output value" -msgstr "2 点目の出力値" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:35 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:92 -msgid "Point 3 input value" -msgstr "3 点目の入力値" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:38 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:95 -msgid "Point 3 output value" -msgstr "3 点目の出力値" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:41 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:98 -msgid "Point 4 input value" -msgstr "4 点目の入力値" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:44 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:101 -msgid "Point 4 output value" -msgstr "4 点目の出力値" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:47 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:104 -msgid "Point 5 input value" -msgstr "5 点目の入力値" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:50 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:107 -msgid "Point 5 output value" -msgstr "5 点目の出力値" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:53 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:110 -msgid "Show graph in picture" -msgstr "画像内にグラフを表示" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:56 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:113 -#: data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:31 data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:63 -msgid "Top Left,Top Right,Bottom Left,Bottom Right" -msgstr "左上,右上,左下,右下" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:57 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:114 -msgid "Graph position" -msgstr "グラフ位置" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_d90stairsteppingfix.xml:3 -msgid "Nikon D90 Stairstepping fix" -msgstr "Nikon D90 段差修復" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_d90stairsteppingfix.xml:7 -msgid "" -"Removes stairstepping artifacts from Nikon D90's 720p videos.\n" -" \n" -" " -msgstr "" -"Nikon D90 の 720p ビデオで発生する、段差形の出力を解消します。\n" -" \n" -" " - -#: data/effects/frei0r_defish0r.xml:3 -msgid "Defish" -msgstr "デフィッシュ" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_defish0r.xml:4 -msgid "Non rectilinear lens mappings" -msgstr "非直線のレンズマッピング" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_defish0r.xml:7 data/effects/frei0r_iirblur.xml:8 -#: data/effects/frei0r_sharpness.xml:8 data/effects/movit_unsharp_mask.xml:9 -msgid "Amount" -msgstr "量" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_defish0r.xml:10 -msgid "DeFish" -msgstr "デフィッシュ" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_defish0r.xml:13 -msgid "Equidistant,Orthographic,Equiarea,Stereographic" -msgstr "等距離,正射影,等領域,立体射影" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_defish0r.xml:17 -msgid "Fill,Center,Fit,Manual" -msgstr "埋め,中央,調整,手動" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, lblScaling) -#: data/effects/frei0r_defish0r.xml:18 src/effectstack/dragvalue.cpp:108 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:207 -#: src/ui/colorplaneexport_ui.ui:74 -msgid "Scaling" -msgstr "スケーリング" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_defish0r.xml:21 -msgid "Manual Scale" -msgstr "手動スケール" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_defish0r.xml:28 -msgid "Square,PAL DV,NTSC DV,HDV,Manual" -msgstr "正方形,PAL DV,NTSC DV,HDV,手動" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_defish0r.xml:29 -msgid "Aspect type" -msgstr "アスペクト種類" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_defish0r.xml:32 -msgid "Manual Aspect" -msgstr "手動アスペクト" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_delay0r.xml:3 -msgid "delay0r" -msgstr "delay0r" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_delay0r.xml:4 -msgid "Video delay" -msgstr "ビデオ遅延" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_delay0r.xml:7 -msgid "Delay time" -msgstr "遅延時間" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_delaygrab.xml:3 -msgid "Delay grab" -msgstr "遅延グラブ" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_delaygrab.xml:4 -msgid "Delayed frame blitting mapped on a time bitmap" -msgstr "時間ビットマップに割り当てられた遅延フレーム描画" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_distort0r.xml:3 data/effects/pan_zoom.xml:10 -#: data/kdenliveeffectscategory.rc:35 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:722 -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:746 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:767 -msgid "Distort" -msgstr "ゆがみ" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_distort0r.xml:4 -msgid "Plasma" -msgstr "プラズマ" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_distort0r.xml:7 data/effects/wave.xml:7 -msgid "Amplitude" -msgstr "振幅" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_distort0r.xml:10 data/effects/sox_bass.xml:10 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:249 -msgid "Frequency" -msgstr "周波数" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_edgeglow.xml:3 -msgid "Edge glow" -msgstr "輪郭強調" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_edgeglow.xml:4 -msgid "Edge glow filter" -msgstr "輪郭強調フィルタ" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_edgeglow.xml:7 -msgid "Edge lightening threshold" -msgstr "輪郭の明るさしきい値" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_edgeglow.xml:10 -msgid "Edge brightness upscaling multiplier" -msgstr "輪郭の明度加算比" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_edgeglow.xml:13 -msgid "Non-edge brightness downscaling multiplier" -msgstr "比輪郭部分の明るさ減算比" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_equaliz0r.xml:3 -msgid "Equaliz0r" -msgstr "Equaliz0r" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_equaliz0r.xml:4 -msgid "Equalizes the intensity histograms" -msgstr "強度ヒストグラムの均一化" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facebl0r.xml:3 -msgid "Face blur" -msgstr "顔ぼかし" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facebl0r.xml:4 -msgid "Automatically detect and blur a face using OpenCV" -msgstr "OpenCV を利用して顔を検出し、その顔をぼかします。" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facebl0r.xml:8 data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:8 -msgid "Search scale" -msgstr "検索スケール" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facebl0r.xml:9 data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:9 -#, no-c-format -msgid "" -"The search window scale factor. For example, 120 = 1.20 = increases by 20% " -"on each pass." -msgstr "" -"検索ウインドウのスケール比です。例えば 120 は 1.20 の意味で、各パスで 20% の" -"追加を行なう意味になります。" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facebl0r.xml:13 data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:13 -msgid "Neighbors" -msgstr "近接" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facebl0r.xml:14 data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:14 -msgid "Minimum number of rectangles that determines an object." -msgstr "オブジェクトを決定するための長方形の最小数。" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facebl0r.xml:18 data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:18 -msgid "Smallest" -msgstr "最小" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facebl0r.xml:19 data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:19 -msgid "The minimum window size in pixels." -msgstr "ピクセル単位での最小ウインドウサイズ。" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facebl0r.xml:23 -msgid "Largest" -msgstr "最大" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facebl0r.xml:24 -msgid "" -"The largest size face in pixels - both horizontally and vertically (square " -"window)." -msgstr "水平方向と垂直方向に対する、ピクセル単位での最大の顔サイズ (正方形) 。" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facebl0r.xml:28 data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:23 -msgid "Recheck" -msgstr "再チェック" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facebl0r.xml:29 data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:24 -msgid "" -"How often to detect a face. In between checks, it does object motion " -"tracking." -msgstr "顔の認識頻度。チェックの間ではオブジェクトの移動追跡が行なわれます。" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facebl0r.xml:33 -msgid "Show ellipse" -msgstr "楕円の表示" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facebl0r.xml:34 -msgid "Draw a blue ellipse around the face area?" -msgstr "顔の周囲に青い楕円を表示しますか?" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:3 -msgid "Face detect" -msgstr "顔検出" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:4 -msgid "Detect faces and draw shapes on them using OpenCV" -msgstr "OpenCV を利用して顔を検出し、形状を描画する" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:28 -msgid "circle,ellipse,rectangle,random" -msgstr "円,楕円,長方形,ランダム" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:33 -msgid "Stroke width" -msgstr "ストローク幅" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:34 -msgid "" -"0 means fill; otherwise, draw unfilled with a stroke width of this size." -msgstr "" -"0 は塗りつぶしを表わし、それ以外の値ではその幅だけ間隔をあける意味になりま" -"す。" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:38 -msgid "Alpha" -msgstr "アルファ" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:39 -msgid "" -"Set the alpha channel of the shape area to a percentage of fully opaque." -msgstr "形状の領域に対するアルファチャンネルを、不透明度の割合で指定します。" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:43 -msgid "Antialias" -msgstr "アンチエイリアス" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:44 -msgid "Draw with anti-aliasing?" -msgstr "アンチエイリアス機能を利用して描画しますか?" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:50 -msgid "Color 1" -msgstr "色 1" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:51 -msgid "Set the shape color of the first detected face." -msgstr "最初に検出した顔に対して設定する、形状色を設定します。" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:55 -msgid "Color 2" -msgstr "色 2" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:56 -msgid "Set the shape color of the second detected face." -msgstr "2 番目に検出した顔に対して設定する、形状色を設定します。" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:60 -msgid "Color 3" -msgstr "色 3" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:61 -msgid "Set the shape color of the third detected face." -msgstr "3 番目に検出した顔に対して設定する、形状色を設定します。" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:65 -msgid "Color 4" -msgstr "色 4" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:66 -msgid "Set the shape color of the fourth detected face." -msgstr "4 番目に検出した顔に対して設定する、形状色を設定します。" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:70 -msgid "Color 5" -msgstr "色 5" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:71 -msgid "Set the shape color of the fifth detected face." -msgstr "5 番目に検出した顔に対して設定する、形状色を設定します。" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_flippo.xml:3 -msgid "Flippo" -msgstr "Flippo" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_flippo.xml:4 -msgid "Flipping in X and Y axis" -msgstr "X 軸および Y 軸で裏返す" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_flippo.xml:7 -msgid "X axis" -msgstr "X 軸" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_flippo.xml:10 -msgid "Y axis" -msgstr "Y 軸" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_glow.xml:3 -msgid "Glow" -msgstr "グロー" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_glow.xml:4 -msgid "Creates a Glamorous Glow" -msgstr "Glamorous Glow 効果を作成" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_glow.xml:7 data/effects/frei0r_iirblur.xml:3 -#: data/effects/frei0r_mask0mate.xml:22 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:158 -msgid "Blur" -msgstr "ブラー" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_hqdn3d.xml:3 -msgid "Denoiser" -msgstr "ノイズ除去" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_hqdn3d.xml:4 -msgid "High quality 3D denoiser" -msgstr "高品質な三次元ノイズ除去" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_hqdn3d.xml:8 -msgid "Spatial" -msgstr "空間" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_hqdn3d.xml:9 -msgid "Amount of spatial filtering" -msgstr "空間フィルタリングの量" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_hqdn3d.xml:13 -msgid "Temporal" -msgstr "時間" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_hqdn3d.xml:14 -msgid "Amount of temporal filtering" -msgstr "時間フィルタリングの量" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_hueshift0r.xml:3 -msgid "Hue shift" -msgstr "色相シフト" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_hueshift0r.xml:4 -msgid "Shifts the hue of a source image" -msgstr "元の画像の色相をずらす" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_hueshift0r.xml:7 -msgid "Hue" -msgstr "色相" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_iirblur.xml:4 -msgid "Blur using 2D IIR filters (Exponential, Lowpass, Gaussian)" -msgstr "2D IIR フィルタを使用してぼかす (指数, ローパス, ガウス)" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_iirblur.xml:9 -msgid "Amount of blur" -msgstr "ぼかし量" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_iirblur.xml:13 -msgid "Exponential,Lowpass,Gaussian" -msgstr "指数,ローパス,ガウス" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_iirblur.xml:15 -msgid "Select blurring algorithm" -msgstr "ぼかしのアルゴリズムの選択" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_iirblur.xml:19 -msgid "Edge" -msgstr "輪郭" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_iirblur.xml:20 -msgid "Enable edge compensation" -msgstr "輪郭補正の有効化" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:3 -msgid "Key Spill Mop Up" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:4 -msgid "Reduces the visibility of key color spill in chroma keying" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:8 -msgid "Key color" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:12 -msgid "Target color" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:16 -msgid "Color distance, Transparency, Edge inwards, Edge outwards" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:17 -msgid "Mask type" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:21 -msgid "Tolerance" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:25 -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:91 -msgid "Slope" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:29 -msgid "Hue gate" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:33 -msgid "Saturation threshold" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:37 -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:46 -msgid "None, De-Key, Target, Desaturate, Luma adjust" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:38 -msgid "Operation 1" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:42 -msgid "Amount 1" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:47 -msgid "Operation 2" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:51 -msgid "Amount 2" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:55 -msgid "Show mask" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:59 -msgid "Mask to Alpha" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lenscorrection.xml:3 -msgid "Lens Correction" -msgstr "レンズ修正" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lenscorrection.xml:4 -msgid "Allows compensation of lens distortion" -msgstr "レンズのゆがみの補正を許可" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lenscorrection.xml:7 -msgid "Horizontal center" -msgstr "水平方向に中央" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lenscorrection.xml:10 -msgid "Vertical center" -msgstr "垂直方向に中央" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lenscorrection.xml:13 -msgid "Center correction" -msgstr "中央補正" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lenscorrection.xml:16 -msgid "Edges correction" -msgstr "輪郭補正" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_letterb0xed.xml:3 -msgid "LetterB0xed" -msgstr "LetterB0xed" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_letterb0xed.xml:4 -msgid "Adds black borders at top and bottom for cinema look" -msgstr "映画のように見せる目的で、上下に黒い縁を追加" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_letterb0xed.xml:7 -msgid "Border Width" -msgstr "縁の幅" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: data/effects/frei0r_letterb0xed.xml:10 data/effects/frei0r_timeout.xml:13 -#: src/ui/wipeval_ui.ui:136 src/ui/wipeval_ui.ui:281 -msgid "Transparency" -msgstr "透過性" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:4 data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:36 -msgid "Levels" -msgstr "レベル" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:5 data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:37 -msgid "Adjust levels" -msgstr "レベルの調整" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:13 data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:45 -msgid "Input black level" -msgstr "入力側の黒レベル" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:16 data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:48 -msgid "Input white level" -msgstr "入力側の白レベル" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:19 data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:51 -#: data/effects/gamma.xml:3 data/effects/gamma.xml:7 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/lumaliftgain.cpp:63 -msgid "Gamma" -msgstr "ガンマ" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:22 data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:54 -msgid "Black output" -msgstr "黒出力" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:25 data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:57 -msgid "White output" -msgstr "白出力" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:28 data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:60 -msgid "Show histogram" -msgstr "ヒストグラムの表示" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:32 data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:64 -msgid "Histogram position" -msgstr "ヒストグラムの位置" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:4 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:77 -msgid "Light Graffiti" -msgstr "ライト・グラフィティ" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:7 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:80 -msgid "" -"Light Graffiti effect.\n" -" " -msgstr "" -"ライト・グラフィティ効果。\n" -" " - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:10 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:83 -msgid "Brightness Threshold" -msgstr "明るさのしきい値" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:12 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:85 -msgid "" -"R+G+B) does a pixel need to be in order to " -"be recognized as a light source?
\n" -" Increasing this threshold requires brighter light sources (i.e. " -"more white or less color, respectively) but prevents some «false alarms» " -"where semi-bright parts, e.g. hands where colors can change quite a lot " -"compared to the background, are incorrectly recognized as light source.]]>" -msgstr "" -"R+G+B) のものを光源として認識させるの" -"か、を指定する方法です。
\n" -" このしきい値を増やすと、より明るいもの (つまり、より白に近いも" -"の) のみを光源として認識させることができ、誤った箇所 (例えば背景と比べてずっ" -"と明るい、手や指などの箇所) を光源として認識されないようにすることができま" -"す。]]>" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:15 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:88 -msgid "Difference Threshold" -msgstr "差分しきい値" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:17 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:90 -msgid "" -"max(dR, dG, dB)), in " -"order to be recognized as light source?
\n" -" Increasing this threshold makes it harder for light sources to " -"be accepted on bright backgrounds, but decreases the danger of noise or " -"generally bright spots counting as light source.]]>" -msgstr "" -"max(dR, dG, dB)) で表わす方法で" -"す。
\n" -" このしきい値を大きくすると、明るい背景内にある光源を認識しにくく" -"なりますが、光源ではない明るい点 (例えばノイズ) を光源として誤解する危険性を" -"減らすことができます。]]>" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:20 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:93 -msgid "Difference Sum Threshold" -msgstr "差分合計しきい値" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:22 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:95 -msgid "" -"relative to the " -"background image
(dR + dG + dB) have to change until a " -"pixel is recognized as a light source?
\n" -" Raising this value might, in some cases, avoid that some light " -"objects lit by the light source are added to the light mask.]]>" -msgstr "" -"背景画像に比べて、どれだけの色変化が起こった場合に光源とし" -"て認識するのかを、すべての色チャンネルの合計値 (dR + dG + dB) で" -"表わす方法です。
\n" -" この値を大きくすると、場合によっては、光源に照らされた物体が、光" -"マスクに追加されるのを防ぐことができます。]]>" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:25 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:98 -msgid "Sensitivity" -msgstr "感度" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:27 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:100 -msgid "" -"\n" -" For slowly moving light source try to use a lower sensitivity to " -"obtain a better exposure.]]>" -msgstr "" -"\n" -" ゆっくり動く光源に対しては、よりよい露出を得るために低い感度を設" -"定してください。]]>" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:30 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:103 -msgid "Lower Overexposure" -msgstr "露出過度の低減" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:32 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:105 -msgid "" -"\n" -" The light mask does not get white immediately when the light " -"source is moving slowly or staying steady.]]>" -msgstr "" -"\n" -" 光源がゆっくり動いている場合や固定されている場合、光マスクが即時" -"に白くならないようにします。]]>" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:35 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:108 -msgid "Dimming" -msgstr "減光" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:36 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:109 -msgid "" -"Dims the light mask. Lights will leave a fainting trail if it is set to a " -"value > 0." -msgstr "" -"光マスクを減光します。この値を 0 より大きくすると、光に対してかすかな軌跡を残" -"すようになります。" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:39 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:112 -msgid "Background Weight" -msgstr "背景の重み" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:40 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:113 -msgid "" -"Strength of the (calculated) background image. Setting it to 100 paints the " -"light mask directly over the background, without the painting person in the " -"image if the video starts with a «clean» background image. (See the α " -"parameter.)" -msgstr "" -"(計算処理における) 背景画像の重みを設定します。100 を指定すると、背景の上に光" -"マスクを直接描画し、背景画像のみからビデオがスタートする場合に、人が表示され" -"なくなります (αパラメータも参照してください) 。" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:43 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:116 -msgid "α" -msgstr "α" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:45 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:118 -msgid "" -"\n" -" The Light Graffiti effect remembers the first frame of the clip " -"it is applied to, so the clip should always start with the painter " -"outside of the video. If the background constantly changes, e.g. on a " -"street, try to set α > 0 to calculate an average background image.]]>" -msgstr "" -"\n" -" ライト・グラフィテイ効果では、適用先のクリップについて、その冒頭" -"のフレームを記憶します。そのため、クリップは常にビデオの外側から始ま" -"るようにしなければなりません。背景が絶えず変化しているような場合、例えば街な" -"どの場合は、α を 0 より大きく設定し、平均的な背景画像を計算させるようにしてみ" -"てください。]]>" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:48 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:121 -#: data/effects/frei0r_saturat0r.xml:3 data/effects/frei0r_saturat0r.xml:7 -#: data/effects/movit_saturation.xml:6 -msgid "Saturation" -msgstr "彩度" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:49 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:122 -msgid "Increases the saturation of lights." -msgstr "光の彩度を増加させます。" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:52 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:125 -msgid "Show brightness statistics" -msgstr "明るさの統計情報の表示" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:54 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:127 -msgid "" -"\n" -" Example: To adjust the brightness threshold, check this box and " -"adjust the threshold until the whole light source is highlighted. Repeat the " -"same with the other parameters. Only parts that are highlighted in all thresholds will count as light source.]]>" -msgstr "" -"\n" -" 例: 明るさのしきい値を調整するには、このボックスにチェックを入れ" -"てから、すべての光源がハイライト表示されるようにしきい値を調整します。他のパ" -"ラメータについても同様に設定します。すべてのしきい値でハイライト表示" -"された部分だけが、光源としてカウントされます。]]>" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:57 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:130 -msgid "Show background difference statistics" -msgstr "背景の差異統計の表示" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:60 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:133 -msgid "Show background difference sum statistics" -msgstr "背景の合計差異統計の表示" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:64 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:137 -msgid "" -"Makes the background transparent, allowing to apply a composite effect and " -"paint the light mask over a completely different video." -msgstr "" -"背景を透明に設定し、完全に異なるビデオで合成効果と光マスクの描画を適用できる" -"ようにします。" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:67 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:140 -msgid "Nonlinear dimming" -msgstr "非線形減光" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:68 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:141 -msgid "If normal dimming does not look natural enough, try this one." -msgstr "" -"通常の減光処理できれいに表示されない場合は、この設定を使用してみてください。" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:71 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:144 -#: src/effectstack/geometryval.cpp:95 src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:86 -msgid "Reset" -msgstr "リセット" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:72 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:145 -msgid "" -"Resets the light mask and the background image. This is necessary e.g. if " -"you apply this effect to a clip in the timeline and then move the timeline " -"cursor from outside of the clip to the middle of it. The effect receives " -"this frame in the middle as first frame and uses it as background image. For " -"proper threshold adjusting move the timeline cursor to the beginning of the " -"clip, check the Reset box and uncheck it again." -msgstr "" -"光マスクと背景画像をリセットします。これは例えば、この効果をタイムライン上の" -"クリップに適用し、タイムラインカーソルをクリップの外側から中央までの間に移動" -"させるような場合に必要となります。効果側では、中央にあるフレームを最初のフ" -"レームとして受け取り、それを背景画像として使用します。正しくしきい値を調整す" -"るために、タイムラインカーソルをクリップの冒頭に移動してから、ボックスをリ" -"セットしてチェックを外してください。" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_luminance.xml:3 -msgid "Luminance" -msgstr "輝度" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_luminance.xml:4 -msgid "Creates a luminance map of the image" -msgstr "画像の輝度マップを作成します" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_mask0mate.xml:3 -msgid "Mask0Mate" -msgstr "Mask0Mate" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_mask0mate.xml:4 -msgid "Creates an square alpha-channel mask" -msgstr "正方形のアルファチャンネルマスクを作成します" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_medians.xml:3 -msgid "Medians" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_medians.xml:4 -msgid "Implements several median-type filters" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_medians.xml:8 -msgid "" -"Cross5,Square3x3,Bilevel,Diamond3x3,Square5x5,Temp3,Temp5,ArceBI,ML3D,ML3dEX," -"VarSize" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_5) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, import_size) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_20) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, treeWidget) -#: data/effects/frei0r_medians.xml:13 data/effects/frei0r_sharpness.xml:12 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:208 -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:563 src/ui/importkeyframesdialog_ui.ui:73 -#: src/ui/managecaptures_ui.ui:40 src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:201 -msgid "Size" -msgstr "サイズ" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_nervous.xml:3 -msgid "Nervous" -msgstr "ナーバス" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_nervous.xml:4 -msgid "Flushes frames in time in a nervous way" -msgstr "緊張感のある方法でフレームをフラッシュします" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_nosync0r.xml:3 -msgid "nosync0r" -msgstr "nosync0r" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_nosync0r.xml:4 -msgid "Broken TV" -msgstr "壊れた TV" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_nosync0r.xml:7 -msgid "HSync" -msgstr "水平同期" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pixeliz0r.xml:3 -msgid "Pixelize" -msgstr "ピクセル化" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pixeliz0r.xml:4 -msgid "Pixelize input image." -msgstr "入力画像をピクセル化します。" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pixeliz0r.xml:7 -msgid "Block Size X" -msgstr "ブロックサイズ X" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pixeliz0r.xml:10 -msgid "Block Size Y" -msgstr "ブロックサイズ Y" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0be.xml:3 -msgid "pr0be" -msgstr "pr0be" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0be.xml:4 -msgid "Measure video values" -msgstr "ビデオ値測定" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0be.xml:8 -msgid "RGB,Y'PbPr - rec. 601,Y'PbPr - rec. 709,HSV,HSL" -msgstr "RGB,Y'PbPr - rec. 601,Y'PbPr - rec. 709,HSV,HSL" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0be.xml:9 -msgid "Measurement" -msgstr "測定" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0be.xml:13 data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:8 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/bezier/beziersplinewidget.cpp:56 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/bezier/beziersplinewidget.cpp:60 -#: src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:144 -msgid "X" -msgstr "X" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_5) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, cbY) -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0be.xml:17 data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:12 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/bezier/beziersplinewidget.cpp:58 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/bezier/beziersplinewidget.cpp:62 -#: src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:164 src/ui/histogram_ui.ui:23 -msgid "Y" -msgstr "Y" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0be.xml:21 -msgid "X size" -msgstr "X サイズ" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0be.xml:25 -msgid "Y size" -msgstr "Y サイズ" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0be.xml:29 data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:81 -msgid "256 scale" -msgstr "256 スケール" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0be.xml:33 -msgid "Show alpha" -msgstr "アルファ表示" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0be.xml:37 -msgid "Big window" -msgstr "巨大ウインドウ" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:3 -msgid "pr0file" -msgstr "pr0file" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:4 -msgid "2D video oscilloscope" -msgstr "二次元ビデオオシロスコープ" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:20 -msgid "Length" -msgstr "長さ" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:24 -msgid "R,G,B,Y',Pr,Pb,Alpha" -msgstr "R,G,B,Y',Pr,Pb,アルファ" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:29 -msgid "Marker 1" -msgstr "マーカー 1" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:33 -msgid "Marker 2" -msgstr "マーカー 2" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:37 -msgid "R trace" -msgstr "R トレース" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:41 -msgid "G trace" -msgstr "G トレース" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:45 -msgid "B trace" -msgstr "B トレース" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:49 -msgid "Y trace" -msgstr "Y トレース" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:53 -msgid "Pr trace" -msgstr "Pr トレース" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:57 -msgid "Pb trace" -msgstr "Pb トレース" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:61 -msgid "Alpha trace" -msgstr "アルファトレース" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:65 -msgid "Display average" -msgstr "平均値の表示" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:69 -msgid "Display RMS" -msgstr "RMS の表示" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:73 -msgid "Display minimum" -msgstr "最小値の表示" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:77 -msgid "Display maximum" -msgstr "最大値の表示" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:85 -msgid "CCIR rec. 601,CCIR rec. 709" -msgstr "CCIR rec. 601,CCIR rec. 709" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_13) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, background_list) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_9) -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:86 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:156 -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:176 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:182 -#: src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:197 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:944 -msgid "Color" -msgstr "色" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:90 -msgid "Crosshair color" -msgstr "十字線の色" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_primaries.xml:3 -msgid "Primaries" -msgstr "原色" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_primaries.xml:4 -msgid "Reduce image to primary colors" -msgstr "原色になるよう画像を縮小します" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_primaries.xml:7 data/effects/sox_stretch.xml:7 -msgid "Factor" -msgstr "係数" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_primaries.xml:8 -msgid " 32 = 0]]>" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QWidget, RGBParade_UI) -#: data/effects/frei0r_rgbparade.xml:3 src/scopes/scopemanager.cpp:308 -#: src/ui/rgbparade_ui.ui:14 -msgid "RGB Parade" -msgstr "RGB パレード(G)" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_rgbparade.xml:4 -msgid "Display a histogram of R, G and B components of the video data" -msgstr "ビデオデータの R, G, B の各要素に対して、ヒストグラムを表示します" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_saturat0r.xml:4 -msgid "Adjusts the saturation of a source image" -msgstr "元画像の彩度を調整します" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_scale0tilt.xml:3 -msgid "Crop, Scale and Position" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_scale0tilt.xml:4 -msgid "Scales, Tilts and Crops an Image" -msgstr "画像に対するスケール, チルト, クロップ" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_scale0tilt.xml:7 -msgid "Clip left" -msgstr "左をクリップ" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_scale0tilt.xml:10 -msgid "Clip right" -msgstr "右をクリップ" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_scale0tilt.xml:13 -msgid "Clip top" -msgstr "上をクリップ" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_scale0tilt.xml:16 -msgid "Clip bottom" -msgstr "下をクリップ" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_scale0tilt.xml:19 -msgid "Scale X" -msgstr "スケール X" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_scale0tilt.xml:22 -msgid "Scale Y" -msgstr "スケール X" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_scale0tilt.xml:25 -msgid "Tilt X" -msgstr "チルト X" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_scale0tilt.xml:28 -msgid "Tilt Y" -msgstr "チルト Y" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_scanline0r.xml:3 -msgid "scanline0r" -msgstr "scanline0r" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_scanline0r.xml:4 -msgid "Interlaced black lines" -msgstr "インターレース化した黒線" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:4 data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:51 -msgid "Color Selection" -msgstr "色の選択" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:5 data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:52 -msgid "Color based alpha selection" -msgstr "色ベースのアルファ選択" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:9 data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:56 -msgid "Color to select" -msgstr "選択する色" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:13 data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:60 -msgid "Invert selection" -msgstr "選択の反転" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:17 data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:79 -msgid "Delta R / A / Hue" -msgstr "R / A / 色相の差" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:21 data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:83 -msgid "Delta G / B / Chroma" -msgstr "G / B / 彩度の差" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:25 data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:87 -msgid "Delta B / I / I" -msgstr "B / I / I の差" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:29 data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:64 -msgid "RGB,ABI,HCI" -msgstr "RGB,ABI,HCI" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:30 data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:65 -msgid "Selection subspace" -msgstr "部分空間の選択" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:34 data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:69 -msgid "Box,Ellipsoid,Diamond" -msgstr "箱,楕円,菱形" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:35 data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:70 -msgid "Subspace shape" -msgstr "部分空間の形状" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:39 -msgid "Hard,Fat,Normal,Skinny" -msgstr "ハード,太く,普通,薄く" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:40 data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:75 -msgid "Edge mode" -msgstr "輪郭モード" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:74 -msgid "Hard,Fat,Normal,Skinny,Slope" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sharpness.xml:3 -msgid "Sharpen" -msgstr "鮮明化" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sharpness.xml:4 -msgid "Unsharp masking (port from Mplayer)" -msgstr "マスクの不鮮明化 (Mplayer からの移植)" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sobel.xml:3 -msgid "Sobel" -msgstr "ゾーベル" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sobel.xml:4 -msgid "Sobel filter" -msgstr "ゾーベルフィルタ" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:4 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:59 -msgid "SOP/Sat" -msgstr "SOP/Sat" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:5 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:60 -msgid "" -"Changes Slope, Offset, and Power of the color components, and the overall " -"Saturation, according to the ASC CDL (Color Decision List)." -msgstr "" -"各色に対して、傾斜とオフセット値、倍率のほか、全体の彩度を ASC CSL (Color " -"Decision List) に沿って設定します。" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:8 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:63 -msgid "Slope Red" -msgstr "赤の傾斜" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:10 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:65 -msgid "" -"\n" -" All effects can be observed well when applied on a greyscale " -"gradient and looking at the RGB Parade monitor.]]>" -msgstr "" -"\n" -" グレースケールの傾斜に対して適用した場合に、すべての効果をよ" -"く確認することができます。RGB パレードモニタもご覧ください。]]>" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:13 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:68 -msgid "Slope Green" -msgstr "緑の傾斜" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:16 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:71 -msgid "Slope Blue" -msgstr "青の傾斜" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:19 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:74 -msgid "Slope Alpha" -msgstr "アルファの傾斜" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:23 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:78 -msgid "Offset Red" -msgstr "赤のオフセット" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:24 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:79 -msgid "" -"Changing the offset lifts (or lowers) the brightness of each pixel by the " -"given value." -msgstr "" -"オフセット値を変更すると、それぞれのピクセルを指定した値だけ明るく(または暗" -"く)設定することができます。" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:27 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:82 -msgid "Offset Green" -msgstr "緑のオフセット" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:30 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:85 -msgid "Offset Blue" -msgstr "青のオフセット" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:33 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:88 -msgid "Offset Alpha" -msgstr "アルファのオフセット" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:37 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:92 -msgid "Power Red" -msgstr "赤の倍率" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:39 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:94 -msgid "" -"\n" -" Mathematically, what happens is an exponentiation of the " -"pixel brightness on [0,1] by the gamma value.]]>" -msgstr "" -"\n" -" 数学的には、ピクセルの明るさを [0,1] のガンマ値" -"で捉え、それに対する指数として動作します。]]>" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:42 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:97 -msgid "Power Green" -msgstr "緑の倍率" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:45 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:100 -msgid "Power Blue" -msgstr "青の倍率" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:48 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:103 -msgid "Power Alpha" -msgstr "アルファの倍率" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:52 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:107 -msgid "Overall Saturation" -msgstr "全体の彩度" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:53 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:108 -msgid "The overall saturation will be changed in the last step of this filter." -msgstr "全体の彩度は、このフィルタの最後の段階で適用されます。" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_squareblur.xml:3 -msgid "Square Blur" -msgstr "正方形のぼかし" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_squareblur.xml:4 -msgid "Square blur" -msgstr "正方形のぼかし" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_squareblur.xml:7 -msgid "Kernel size" -msgstr "カーネルサイズ" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_tehroxx0r.xml:3 -msgid "TehRoxx0r" -msgstr "TehRoxx0r" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_tehroxx0r.xml:4 -msgid "Something videowall-ish" -msgstr "テレビスクリーンのようなもの" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_tehroxx0r.xml:7 -msgid "Interval" -msgstr "間隔" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_three_point_balance.xml:3 -msgid "3 point balance" -msgstr "3 点バランス" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_three_point_balance.xml:4 -msgid "Balances colors along with 3 points" -msgstr "3 つの点の間で色をバランスします。" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_three_point_balance.xml:7 -msgid "Black color" -msgstr "黒色" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_three_point_balance.xml:10 -msgid "Gray color" -msgstr "灰色" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_three_point_balance.xml:13 -msgid "White color" -msgstr "白色" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_three_point_balance.xml:16 -msgid "Split screen preview" -msgstr "画面プレビューの分割" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_three_point_balance.xml:19 -msgid "Source image on left side" -msgstr "左側の元画像" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_threelay0r.xml:3 -msgid "threelay0r" -msgstr "threelay0r" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_threelay0r.xml:4 -msgid "Dynamic 3-level thresholding" -msgstr "動的な 3 レベルしきい値設定" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_threshold0r.xml:3 -msgid "Threshold0r" -msgstr "Threshold0r" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_threshold0r.xml:4 -msgid "Thresholds a source image" -msgstr "元画像にしきい値を設定します" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_timeout.xml:4 -msgid "Timeout indicator" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_timeout.xml:7 -msgid "Indicator color" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, markers_list) -#: data/effects/frei0r_timeout.xml:10 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:427 -msgid "Time" -msgstr "時間" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_tint0r.xml:3 -msgid "Tint" -msgstr "色調" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_tint0r.xml:4 -msgid "Maps source image luminance between two colors specified" -msgstr "指定した 2 色の間で元画像の輝度を割り当てます。" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_tint0r.xml:7 -msgid "Map black to" -msgstr "黒に割り当て" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_tint0r.xml:10 -msgid "Map white to" -msgstr "白に割り当て" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_tint0r.xml:13 -msgid "Tint amount" -msgstr "色調量" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_twolay0r.xml:3 -msgid "twolay0r" -msgstr "twolay0r" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_twolay0r.xml:4 -msgid "Dynamic thresholding" -msgstr "動的なしきい値設定" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_vectorscope.xml:3 src/scopes/scopemanager.cpp:306 -msgid "Vectorscope" -msgstr "ベクタースコープ(V)" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_vectorscope.xml:4 -msgid "Display a vectorscope of the video data" -msgstr "ビデオデータのベクトルスコープを表示" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_vertigo.xml:4 data/effects/frei0r_vertigo.xml:15 -msgid "Vertigo" -msgstr "Vertigo" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_vertigo.xml:5 data/effects/frei0r_vertigo.xml:16 -msgid "Alpha blending with zoomed and rotated images" -msgstr "拡大・回転した画像に対してアルファブレンドを適用する" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_vertigo.xml:8 data/effects/frei0r_vertigo.xml:19 -msgid "Phase Increment" -msgstr "フェーズ増加" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_vertigo.xml:11 data/effects/frei0r_vertigo.xml:22 -msgid "Zoom Rate" -msgstr "拡大率" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_vignette.xml:3 -msgid "Vignette" -msgstr "口径食" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_vignette.xml:4 -msgid "Natural lens vignetting effect" -msgstr "自然なレンズ口径食効果" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_vignette.xml:7 -msgid "Aspect ratio" -msgstr "アスペクト比" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_vignette.xml:10 -msgid "Clear center size" -msgstr "中央サイズのクリア" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_softness) -#: data/effects/frei0r_vignette.xml:13 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:709 -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:302 src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:220 -msgid "Softness" -msgstr "柔らかさ" - -#: data/effects/gain.xml:3 data/effects/gain.xml:7 data/effects/mute.xml:7 -#: data/effects/normalise.xml:7 data/effects/sox_bass.xml:7 -#: data/effects/sox_gain.xml:7 data/effects/volume.xml:7 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/lumaliftgain.cpp:65 -msgid "Gain" -msgstr "ゲイン" - -#: data/effects/gain.xml:4 -msgid "Adjust the audio volume without keyframes" -msgstr "キーフレームなしでのオーディオ音量調整" - -#: data/effects/gamma.xml:4 -msgid "Change gamma color value" -msgstr "色のガンマ値を変更" - -#: data/effects/grain.xml:3 -msgid "Grain" -msgstr "Grain" - -#: data/effects/grain.xml:4 -msgid "Grain over the image" -msgstr "画像に対してグレイン効果を適用する" - -#: data/effects/grain.xml:7 data/effects/movit_deconvolution_sharpen.xml:18 -#: plugins/sampleplugin/sampleplugin.cpp:34 -#: plugins/sampleplugin/sampleplugin.cpp:42 -#: plugins/sampleplugin/sampleplugin.cpp:54 -#: plugins/sampleplugin/sampleplugin.cpp:78 -msgid "Noise" -msgstr "ノイズ(N)" - -#: data/effects/greyscale.xml:3 -msgid "Greyscale" -msgstr "グレースケール" - -#: data/effects/greyscale.xml:4 -msgid "Discard color information" -msgstr "色情報の破棄" - -#: data/effects/invert.xml:4 -msgid "Invert colors" -msgstr "色を反転する" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_declipper.xml:3 -msgid "Declipper" -msgstr "Declipper" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_declipper.xml:4 -msgid "LADSPA declipper audio effect" -msgstr "LADSPA declipper オーディオ効果" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer.xml:3 -msgid "Equalizer" -msgstr "Equalizer" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer.xml:4 -msgid "LADSPA equalizer audio effect" -msgstr "LADSPA equalizer オーディオ効果" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer.xml:7 -msgid "Lo gain" -msgstr "低ゲイン" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer.xml:10 -msgid "Mid gain" -msgstr "中ゲイン" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer.xml:13 -msgid "Hi gain" -msgstr "高ゲイン" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:3 -msgid "15 Band Equalizer" -msgstr "15 Band Equalizer" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:4 -msgid "LADSPA equalizer audio effect (15 band)" -msgstr "LADSPA equalizer オーディオ効果 (15 バンド)" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:7 -msgid "50 Hz" -msgstr "50 Hz" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:10 -msgid "100 Hz" -msgstr "100 Hz" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:13 -msgid "156 Hz" -msgstr "156 Hz" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:16 -msgid "220 Hz" -msgstr "220 Hz" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:19 -msgid "311 Hz" -msgstr "311 Hz" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:22 -msgid "440 Hz" -msgstr "440 Hz" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:25 -msgid "622 Hz" -msgstr "622 Hz" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:28 -msgid "880 Hz" -msgstr "880 Hz" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:31 -msgid "1250 Hz" -msgstr "1250 Hz" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:34 -msgid "1750 Hz" -msgstr "1750 Hz" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:37 -msgid "2500 Hz" -msgstr "2500 Hz" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:40 -msgid "3500 Hz" -msgstr "3500 Hz" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:43 -msgid "5000 Hz" -msgstr "5000 Hz" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:46 -msgid "10000 Hz" -msgstr "10000 Hz" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:49 -msgid "20000 Hz" -msgstr "20000 Hz" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_limiter.xml:3 -msgid "Limiter" -msgstr "Limiter" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_limiter.xml:4 -msgid "LADSPA limiter audio effect" -msgstr "LADSPA limiter オーディオ効果" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_limiter.xml:7 -msgid "Input gain (dB)" -msgstr "入力ゲイン (dB)" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_limiter.xml:10 -msgid "Limit (dB)" -msgstr "制限 (dB)" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_limiter.xml:13 -msgid "Release time (s)" -msgstr "開放時間 (秒)" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_phaser.xml:3 -msgid "Phaser" -msgstr "Phaser" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_phaser.xml:4 -msgid "LADSPA phaser audio effect" -msgstr "LADSPA phaser オーディオ効果" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_phaser.xml:7 -msgid "Rate (Hz)" -msgstr "レート (Hz)" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_phaser.xml:10 data/effects/sox_flanger.xml:10 -msgid "Depth" -msgstr "深さ" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_phaser.xml:13 -msgid "Feedback" -msgstr "フィードバック" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_phaser.xml:16 -msgid "Spread" -msgstr "Spread" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_pitch.xml:3 -msgid "Pitch Shift" -msgstr "Pitch Shift" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_pitch.xml:4 -msgid "LADSPA change pitch audio effect" -msgstr "LADSPA change pitch オーディオ効果" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_pitch.xml:7 data/effects/sox_pitch.xml:7 -msgid "Shift" -msgstr "シフト" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_pitch_scale.xml:3 -msgid "Pitch Scaler" -msgstr "Pitch Scaler" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_pitch_scale.xml:4 -msgid "LADSPA pitch scale audio effect" -msgstr "LADSPA pitch scale オーディオ効果" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_pitch_scale.xml:7 -msgid "Co-efficient" -msgstr "Co-efficient" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_rate_scale.xml:3 -msgid "Rate Scaler" -msgstr "Rate Scaler" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_rate_scale.xml:4 -msgid "LADSPA rate scale audio effect" -msgstr "LADSPA rate scale オーディオ効果" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_rate_scale.xml:7 -msgid "Rate" -msgstr "レート" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_reverb.xml:3 -msgid "Reverb" -msgstr "Reverb" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_reverb.xml:4 -msgid "LADSPA reverb audio effect" -msgstr "LADSPA reverb オーディオ効果" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_reverb.xml:7 -msgid "Reverb time" -msgstr "反響時間" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_reverb.xml:10 data/effects/ladspa_room_reverb.xml:13 -msgid "Damping" -msgstr "Damping" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_room_reverb.xml:3 -msgid "Room Reverb" -msgstr "Room Reverb" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_room_reverb.xml:4 -msgid "LADSPA room reverb audio effect" -msgstr "LADSPA room reverb オーディオ効果" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_room_reverb.xml:7 -msgid "Room size (m)" -msgstr "部屋の大きさ (m)" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_room_reverb.xml:10 -msgid "Delay (s/10)" -msgstr "遅延 (10 分の 1 秒)" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_vinyl.xml:3 -msgid "Vinyl" -msgstr "Vinyl" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_vinyl.xml:4 -msgid "Simulates a vinyl audio player - LADSPA audio effect" -msgstr "vinyl オーディオプレーヤーのシミュレート - LADSPA オーディオ効果" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_vinyl.xml:7 src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:166 -msgid "Year" -msgstr "年" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_vinyl.xml:10 -msgid "RPM" -msgstr "RPM" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_vinyl.xml:13 -msgid "Surface warping" -msgstr "Surface warping" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_vinyl.xml:16 -msgid "Crackle" -msgstr "Crackle" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_vinyl.xml:19 -msgid "Wear" -msgstr "Wear" - -#: data/effects/lift_gamma_gain.xml:3 -msgid "Lift/gamma/gain" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/lift_gamma_gain.xml:6 data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain.xml:6 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain2.xml:6 -msgid "Lift: Red" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/lift_gamma_gain.xml:9 data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain.xml:9 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain2.xml:9 -msgid "Lift: Green" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/lift_gamma_gain.xml:12 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain.xml:12 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain2.xml:12 -msgid "Lift: Blue" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/lift_gamma_gain.xml:15 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain.xml:15 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain2.xml:15 -msgid "Gamma: Red" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/lift_gamma_gain.xml:18 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain.xml:18 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain2.xml:18 -msgid "Gamma: Green" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/lift_gamma_gain.xml:21 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain.xml:21 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain2.xml:21 -msgid "Gamma: Blue" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/lift_gamma_gain.xml:24 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain.xml:24 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain2.xml:24 -msgid "Gain: Red" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/lift_gamma_gain.xml:27 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain.xml:27 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain2.xml:27 -msgid "Gain: Green" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/lift_gamma_gain.xml:30 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain.xml:30 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain2.xml:30 -msgid "Gain: Blue" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/loudness.xml:3 -msgid "Loudness" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/loudness.xml:4 -msgid "Correct audio loudness as recommended by EBU R128" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/loudness.xml:7 -msgid "Target Program Loudness" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/mirror.xml:3 -msgid "Mirror" -msgstr "Mirror" - -#: data/effects/mirror.xml:4 -msgid "Flip your image in any direction" -msgstr "任意の方向に画像を裏返す" - -#: data/effects/mirror.xml:7 -msgid "Horizontal,Vertical,Diagonal,X Diagonal,Flip,Flop" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/mirror.xml:8 -msgid "Mirroring direction" -msgstr "裏返す方向" - -#: data/effects/movit_blur.xml:3 -msgid "Blur (GPU)" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_6) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_8) -#: data/effects/movit_blur.xml:6 data/effects/movit_diffusion.xml:6 -#: data/effects/movit_glow.xml:6 data/effects/movit_unsharp_mask.xml:6 -#: data/effects/movit_vignette.xml:6 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:891 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:915 -msgid "Radius" -msgstr "半径" - -#: data/effects/movit_deconvolution_sharpen.xml:3 -msgid "Deconvolution sharpen (GPU)" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/movit_deconvolution_sharpen.xml:6 -msgid "Matrix size" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/movit_deconvolution_sharpen.xml:9 -msgid "Circle radius" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/movit_deconvolution_sharpen.xml:12 -msgid "Gaussian radius" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/movit_deconvolution_sharpen.xml:15 -msgid "Correlation" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/movit_diffusion.xml:3 -msgid "Diffusion (GPU)" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/movit_diffusion.xml:9 -msgid "Mix amount" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/movit_glow.xml:3 -msgid "Glow (GPU)" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/movit_glow.xml:9 -msgid "Glow strength" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/movit_glow.xml:12 -msgid "Highlight cutoff threshold" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain.xml:3 -msgid "Lift/gamma/gain (GPU)" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain2.xml:3 -msgid "Movit: Lift/gamma/gain (colors)" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/movit_mirror.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Mirror" -msgid "Mirror (GPU)" -msgstr "Mirror" - -#: data/effects/movit_opacity.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Opacity" -msgid "Opacity (GPU)" -msgstr "不透明さ" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_opacity) -#: data/effects/movit_opacity.xml:6 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:211 src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:113 -msgid "Opacity" -msgstr "不透明さ" - -#: data/effects/movit_rect.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Pan and Zoom" -msgid "Pan and Zoom (GPU)" -msgstr "パン/ズーム" - -#: data/effects/movit_rect.xml:9 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Follow mouse" -msgid "Allow upscale" -msgstr "マウスの追跡" - -#: data/effects/movit_saturation.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Saturation" -msgid "Saturation (GPU)" -msgstr "彩度" - -#: data/effects/movit_unsharp_mask.xml:3 -msgid "Unsharp mask (GPU)" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/movit_vignette.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Vignette" -msgid "Vignette (GPU)" -msgstr "口径食" - -#: data/effects/movit_vignette.xml:9 -msgid "Inner radius" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/movit_white_balance.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "White Balance" -msgid "White Balance (GPU)" -msgstr "ホワイトバランス" - -#: data/effects/mute.xml:3 -msgid "Mute" -msgstr "無音化" - -#: data/effects/mute.xml:4 -msgid "Mute clip" -msgstr "クリップの無音化" - -#: data/effects/normalise.xml:3 -msgid "Normalise" -msgstr "ノーマライズ" - -#: data/effects/normalise.xml:4 -msgid "Dynamically normalise the audio volume" -msgstr "オーディオ音量の動的なノーマライズ" - -#: data/effects/normalise.xml:10 -msgid "Maximum gain" -msgstr "最大ゲイン" - -#: data/effects/normalise.xml:13 data/effects/sox_stretch.xml:10 -msgid "Window" -msgstr "ウインドウ" - -#: data/effects/obscure.xml:4 -msgid "Hide a region of the clip" -msgstr "クリップ部分を隠す" - -#: data/effects/obscure.xml:7 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:760 -msgid "Region" -msgstr "範囲" - -#: data/effects/oldfilm.xml:3 -msgid "Oldfilm" -msgstr "Oldfilm" - -#: data/effects/oldfilm.xml:4 -msgid "Moves the Picture up and down and random brightness change" -msgstr "画像を上下に移動し、ランダムに明るさを変える" - -#: data/effects/oldfilm.xml:7 -msgid "Y-Delta" -msgstr "Y-デルタ" - -#: data/effects/oldfilm.xml:10 -#, no-c-format -msgid "% of picture have a delta" -msgstr "画像のデルタ値 (%)" - -#: data/effects/oldfilm.xml:13 -msgid "Brightness up" -msgstr "明るさを上げる" - -#: data/effects/oldfilm.xml:16 -msgid "Brightness down" -msgstr "明るさを下げる" - -#: data/effects/oldfilm.xml:19 -msgid "Brightness every" -msgstr "すべての明るさ" - -#: data/effects/oldfilm.xml:22 -msgid "Unevendevelop up" -msgstr "Unevendevelop 上げる" - -#: data/effects/oldfilm.xml:25 -msgid "Unevendevelop down" -msgstr "Unevendevelop 下げる" - -#: data/effects/oldfilm.xml:28 -msgid "Unevendevelop Duration" -msgstr "Unevendevelop の長さ" - -#: data/effects/pan_zoom.xml:3 data/effects/region.xml:10 -#: data/effects/rotation.xml:37 -msgid "Pan and Zoom" -msgstr "パン/ズーム" - -#: data/effects/pan_zoom.xml:4 -msgid "Adjust size and position of clip" -msgstr "クリップのサイズと位置を調整" - -#: data/effects/region.xml:3 -msgid "Regionalize" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/region.xml:4 -msgid "Apply sub-effects to a region defined by a clip's alpha channel" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/region.xml:7 -msgid "Url" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/rotation.xml:3 -msgid "Rotate and Shear" -msgstr "回転して刈り取る" - -#: data/effects/rotation.xml:4 data/effects/rotation_keyframable.xml:4 -msgid "Rotate clip in any 3 directions" -msgstr "任意の 3 方向にクリップを回転" - -#: data/effects/rotation.xml:7 data/effects/rotation_keyframable.xml:7 -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:747 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:216 -msgid "Rotate X" -msgstr "X 軸回転" - -#: data/effects/rotation.xml:10 data/effects/rotation_keyframable.xml:10 -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:748 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:219 -msgid "Rotate Y" -msgstr "Y 軸回転" - -#: data/effects/rotation.xml:13 data/effects/rotation_keyframable.xml:13 -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:749 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:222 -msgid "Rotate Z" -msgstr "Z 軸回転" - -#: data/effects/rotation.xml:16 -msgid "Animate Rotate X" -msgstr "アニメーション回転 X" - -#: data/effects/rotation.xml:19 -msgid "Animate Rotate Y" -msgstr "アニメーション回転 Y" - -#: data/effects/rotation.xml:22 -msgid "Animate Rotate Z" -msgstr "アニメーション回転 Z" - -#: data/effects/rotation.xml:25 -msgid "Shear X" -msgstr "刈り取り X" - -#: data/effects/rotation.xml:28 -msgid "Shear Y" -msgstr "刈り取り Y" - -#: data/effects/rotation.xml:31 -msgid "Animate Shear X" -msgstr "アニメーション刈り取り X" - -#: data/effects/rotation.xml:34 -msgid "Animate Shear Y" -msgstr "アニメーション刈り取り Y" - -#: data/effects/rotation_keyframable.xml:3 -msgid "Rotate (keyframable)" -msgstr "回転 (キーフレーム化)" - -#: data/effects/rotation_keyframable.xml:16 -msgid "Offset X" -msgstr "オフセット X" - -#: data/effects/rotation_keyframable.xml:19 -msgid "Offset Y" -msgstr "オフセット Y" - -#: data/effects/rotoscoping.xml:3 -msgid "Rotoscoping" -msgstr "Rotoscoping" - -#: data/effects/rotoscoping.xml:4 -msgid "Keyframable vector based rotoscoping" -msgstr "キーフレーム化可能なベクトルベースのロトスコープ" - -#: data/effects/rotoscoping.xml:8 -msgid "Alpha,Luma,RGB" -msgstr "アルファ,輝度,RGB" - -#: data/effects/rotoscoping.xml:9 -msgid "Mode" -msgstr "モード" - -#: data/effects/rotoscoping.xml:14 -msgid "Alpha Operation" -msgstr "アルファ操作" - -#: data/effects/rotoscoping.xml:22 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:3422 -msgid "Track" -msgstr "トラック" - -#: data/effects/rotoscoping.xml:26 -msgid "Feather width" -msgstr "フェザリングの幅" - -#: data/effects/rotoscoping.xml:30 -msgid "Feathering passes" -msgstr "フェザリングのパス" - -#: data/effects/scratchlines.xml:3 -msgid "Scratchlines" -msgstr "Scratchlines" - -#: data/effects/scratchlines.xml:4 -msgid "Scratchlines over the picture" -msgstr "画像に対してスクラッチラインを追加する" - -#: data/effects/scratchlines.xml:7 -msgid "Width of line" -msgstr "線の幅" - -#: data/effects/scratchlines.xml:10 -msgid "Max number of lines" -msgstr "線の最大数" - -#: data/effects/scratchlines.xml:13 -msgid "Max darker" -msgstr "最大限暗くする" - -#: data/effects/scratchlines.xml:16 -msgid "Max lighter" -msgstr "最大限明るくする" - -#: data/effects/sepia.xml:3 -msgid "Sepia" -msgstr "Sepia" - -#: data/effects/sepia.xml:4 -msgid "Turn clip colors to sepia" -msgstr "クリップの色をセピア色にする" - -#: data/effects/sepia.xml:7 -msgid "Chrominance U" -msgstr "色度 U" - -#: data/effects/sepia.xml:10 -msgid "Chrominance V" -msgstr "色度 V" - -#: data/effects/sox_band.xml:3 -msgid "Sox Band" -msgstr "Sox Band" - -#: data/effects/sox_band.xml:4 -msgid "Sox band audio effect" -msgstr "Sox Band オーディオ効果" - -#: data/effects/sox_band.xml:7 -msgid "Center Frequency" -msgstr "中央周波数" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_4) -#: data/effects/sox_band.xml:10 data/effects/sox_flanger.xml:16 -#: src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:181 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:307 -msgid "Width" -msgstr "幅" - -#: data/effects/sox_bass.xml:3 -msgid "Sox Bass" -msgstr "Sox Bass" - -#: data/effects/sox_bass.xml:4 -msgid "Sox bass audio effect" -msgstr "Sox Bass オーディオ効果" - -#: data/effects/sox_echo.xml:3 -msgid "Sox Echo" -msgstr "Sox Echo" - -#: data/effects/sox_echo.xml:4 -msgid "Sox echo audio effect" -msgstr "Sox Echo オーディオ効果" - -#: data/effects/sox_echo.xml:7 data/effects/sox_phaser.xml:7 -msgid "Gain In" -msgstr "ゲイン・イン" - -#: data/effects/sox_echo.xml:10 data/effects/sox_phaser.xml:10 -msgid "Gain Out" -msgstr "ゲイン・アウト" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_13) -#: data/effects/sox_echo.xml:13 data/effects/sox_flanger.xml:7 -#: data/effects/sox_phaser.xml:13 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:994 -msgid "Delay" -msgstr "遅延" - -#: data/effects/sox_echo.xml:16 data/effects/sox_phaser.xml:16 -msgid "Decay" -msgstr "減衰" - -#: data/effects/sox_flanger.xml:3 -msgid "Sox Flanger" -msgstr "Sox Flanger" - -#: data/effects/sox_flanger.xml:4 -msgid "Sox flanger audio effect" -msgstr "Sox Flanger オーディオ効果" - -#: data/effects/sox_flanger.xml:13 -msgid "Regeneration" -msgstr "再生成" - -#: data/effects/sox_flanger.xml:19 data/effects/sox_phaser.xml:19 -#: data/effects/speed.xml:3 data/effects/speed.xml:7 -msgid "Speed" -msgstr "速度" - -#: data/effects/sox_flanger.xml:25 -msgid "Phase" -msgstr "フェーズ" - -#: data/effects/sox_flanger.xml:28 src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:383 -msgid "Interpolation" -msgstr "補間" - -#: data/effects/sox_gain.xml:3 -msgid "Sox Gain" -msgstr "Sox Gain" - -#: data/effects/sox_gain.xml:4 -msgid "Sox gain audio effect" -msgstr "Sox Gain オーディオ効果" - -#: data/effects/sox_gain.xml:12 -msgid "Normalize" -msgstr "ノーマライズ" - -#: data/effects/sox_phaser.xml:3 -msgid "Sox Phaser" -msgstr "Sox Phaser" - -#: data/effects/sox_phaser.xml:4 -msgid "Sox phaser audio effect" -msgstr "Sox Phaser オーディオ効果" - -#: data/effects/sox_pitch.xml:3 -msgid "Sox Pitch Shift" -msgstr "Sox Pitch Shift" - -#: data/effects/sox_pitch.xml:4 -msgid "Sox change pitch audio effect" -msgstr "Sox change pitch オーディオ効果" - -#: data/effects/sox_pitch.xml:10 -msgid "Time window (ms)" -msgstr "時間ウインドウ (ミリ秒)" - -#: data/effects/sox_reverb.xml:3 -msgid "Sox Reverb" -msgstr "Sox Reverb" - -#: data/effects/sox_reverb.xml:4 -msgid "Sox reverb audio effect" -msgstr "Sox Reverb オーディオ効果" - -#: data/effects/sox_reverb.xml:7 -msgid "Reverberance" -msgstr "Reverberance" - -#: data/effects/sox_reverb.xml:10 -msgid "High frequency damping" -msgstr "高周波数の抑止" - -#: data/effects/sox_reverb.xml:13 -msgid "Room scale" -msgstr "部屋の大きさ" - -#: data/effects/sox_reverb.xml:16 -msgid "Stereo depth" -msgstr "ステレオの深さ" - -#: data/effects/sox_reverb.xml:19 -msgid "Pre-delay" -msgstr "プレ・ディレイ" - -#: data/effects/sox_reverb.xml:22 -msgid "Wet gain" -msgstr "残響ゲイン" - -#: data/effects/sox_stretch.xml:3 -msgid "Sox Stretch" -msgstr "Sox Stretch" - -#: data/effects/sox_stretch.xml:4 -msgid "Sox stretch audio effect" -msgstr "Sox Stretch オーディオ効果" - -#: data/effects/speed.xml:4 -msgid "Make clip play faster or slower" -msgstr "クリップの再生を早くまたは遅く設定する" - -#: data/effects/speed.xml:10 -msgid "Stroboscope" -msgstr "Stroboscope" - -#: data/effects/swapchannels.xml:3 -msgid "Swap channels" -msgstr "チャンネルの入れ替え" - -#: data/effects/swapchannels.xml:4 -msgid "Move the left channel to the right and right-to-left" -msgstr "" -"左チャンネルを右チャンネルに、右チャンネルを左チャンネルにそれぞれ移動する" - -#: data/effects/tcolor.xml:3 -msgid "Technicolor" -msgstr "Technicolor" - -#: data/effects/tcolor.xml:4 -msgid "Oversaturate the color in video, like in old Technicolor movies" -msgstr "古い Technicolor 社の映像のように、ビデオの彩度を飽和させる" - -#: data/effects/tcolor.xml:7 -msgid "Blue/Yellow axis" -msgstr "青/黄軸" - -#: data/effects/tcolor.xml:10 -msgid "Red/Green axis" -msgstr "赤/緑軸" - -#: data/effects/threshold.xml:4 -msgid "Make monochrome clip" -msgstr "モノクロのクリップを作成する" - -#: data/effects/threshold.xml:7 -msgid "Threshold value" -msgstr "しきい値" - -#: data/effects/threshold.xml:10 -msgid "Use transparency" -msgstr "透明度を使用する" - -#: data/effects/vignette.xml:3 -msgid "Vignette Effect" -msgstr "口径食効果" - -#: data/effects/vignette.xml:4 -msgid "Adjustable Vignette" -msgstr "調整可能な口径食" - -#: data/effects/vignette.xml:7 -msgid "smooth" -msgstr "スムーズ" - -#: data/effects/vignette.xml:10 -msgid "radius" -msgstr "半径" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_6) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_8) -#: data/effects/vignette.xml:13 src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:72 -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:575 -msgid "x" -msgstr "x" - -#: data/effects/vignette.xml:16 -msgid "y" -msgstr "y" - -#: data/effects/vignette.xml:19 -msgid "opacity" -msgstr "不透明度" - -#: data/effects/vignette.xml:22 -msgid "use cos instead of linear" -msgstr "線形ではなく余弦を使用する" - -#: data/effects/volume.xml:3 -msgid "Volume (keyframable)" -msgstr "音量 (キーフレーム化)" - -#: data/effects/volume.xml:4 -msgid "Adjust audio volume with keyframes" -msgstr "キーフレームでオーディオの音量を調整する" - -#: data/effects/wave.xml:3 -msgid "Wave" -msgstr "ウェーブ" - -#: data/effects/wave.xml:4 -msgid "Make waves on your clip with keyframes" -msgstr "キーフレームでクリップにウェーブを作成する" - -#: data/effects/wave.xml:10 -msgid "Horizontal" -msgstr "水平方向" - -#: data/effects/wave.xml:13 -msgid "Vertical" -msgstr "垂直方向" - -#: data/kdenliveeffectscategory.rc:5 -msgid "Colour correction" -msgstr "色補正" - -#: data/kdenliveeffectscategory.rc:8 -msgid "Colour" -msgstr "色" - -#: data/kdenliveeffectscategory.rc:11 -msgid "Crop and transform" -msgstr "クロップと変形" - -#: data/kdenliveeffectscategory.rc:14 -msgid "Audio correction" -msgstr "オーディオ補正" - -#: data/kdenliveeffectscategory.rc:17 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:655 -msgid "Audio channels" -msgstr "オーディオチャンネル" - -#: data/kdenliveeffectscategory.rc:20 -msgid "Analysis and data" -msgstr "" - -#: data/kdenliveeffectscategory.rc:23 -msgid "Fade" -msgstr "フェード" - -#: data/kdenliveeffectscategory.rc:26 -msgid "Artistic" -msgstr "" - -#: data/kdenliveeffectscategory.rc:29 -msgid "Blur and hide" -msgstr "ぼかしと隠蔽" - -#: data/kdenliveeffectscategory.rc:32 -msgid "Motion" -msgstr "モーション" - -#: data/kdenliveeffectscategory.rc:38 -msgid "Alpha manipulation" -msgstr "アルファ操作" - -#: data/kdenliveeffectscategory.rc:41 -msgid "Enhancement" -msgstr "拡張" - -#: data/kdenliveeffectscategory.rc:44 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "effect" -msgid "GPU effects" -msgstr "効果" - -#. i18n: ectx: ToolBar (extraToolBar) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:4 -msgid "Extra Toolbar" -msgstr "拡張ツールバー(E)" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (project) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:21 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Clip in Project Tree" -msgid "Project" -msgstr "プロジェクトツリー内でクリップ" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (extract_audio) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:29 src/mainwindow.cpp:2752 -msgid "Extract Audio" -msgstr "オーディオの抽出" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (clip_actions) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:32 src/mainwindow.cpp:2699 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Clip top" -msgid "Clip Jobs" -msgstr "上をクリップ" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (transcoders) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:35 src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:184 -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:125 -msgid "Transcode" -msgstr "トランスコード" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (generators) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:38 -msgid "Generators" -msgstr "生成(G)" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (track_menu) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:40 src/mainwindow.cpp:1145 -msgid "Tracks" -msgstr "トラック(K)" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (clip_in_timeline) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:55 -msgid "Clip in Timeline" -msgstr "タイムライン内のクリップ(I)" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (tool) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:70 -msgid "Tool" -msgstr "ツール(T)" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (clip) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:80 src/project/projectlistview.cpp:59 -msgid "Clip" -msgstr "クリップ(C)" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (marker_menu) -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_3) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:81 src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:397 -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:402 -msgid "Markers" -msgstr "マーカー(M)" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (timeline) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:96 src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:81 -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2785 -msgid "Timeline" -msgstr "タイムライン(I)" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (keyboard_selection) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:97 -msgid "Selection" -msgstr "選択(S)" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (keyboard_insert) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:105 -msgid "Insertion" -msgstr "挿入(I)" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (current_clip) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:110 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Cut clip" -msgid "Current clip" -msgstr "クリップの切り取り" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (all_clips) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:117 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Add clip" -#| msgid_plural "Add clips" -msgid "All clips" -msgstr "クリップの追加" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (guide_menu) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:120 -msgid "Guides" -msgstr "ガイド(G)" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (space_menu) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:126 -msgid "Space" -msgstr "スペース(P)" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (video_effects_menu) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:134 src/mainwindow.cpp:279 -msgid "Add Effect" -msgstr "効果の追加(A)" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (monitor) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:148 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Clip Monitor" -msgid "Monitor" -msgstr "クリップモニタ(C)" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (monitor_go) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:154 src/timeline/customruler.cpp:93 -msgid "Go To" -msgstr "移動(G)" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (monitor_config) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:176 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Clip Monitor" -msgid "Monitor config" -msgstr "クリップモニタ(C)" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (dockwindows) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:187 -msgid "View" -msgstr "ビュー(V)" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (layout_save_as) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:188 -msgid "Save Layout As" -msgstr "レイアウトに名前を付けて保存(S)" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, CountDown_UI) -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, ClipStabilize_UI) -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, FreeSound_UI) -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, ArchiveWidget_UI) -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, BackupDialog_UI) -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, ClipTranscode_UI) -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, AddTrack_UI) -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, SmConfig_UI) -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, ManageEncodingProfile_UI) -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, ColorClip_UI) -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, RenderWidget_UI) -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, Stopmotion_UI) -#: plugins/sampleplugin/countdown_ui.ui:13 src/ui/addtrack_ui.ui:14 -#: src/ui/archivewidget_ui.ui:14 src/ui/backupdialog_ui.ui:14 -#: src/ui/clipstabilize_ui.ui:14 src/ui/cliptranscode_ui.ui:14 -#: src/ui/colorclip_ui.ui:14 src/ui/freesound_ui.ui:14 -#: src/ui/manageencodingprofile_ui.ui:14 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:14 -#: src/ui/smconfig_ui.ui:14 src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Dialog" -msgstr "ダイアログ" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, destination_label) -#: plugins/sampleplugin/countdown_ui.ui:19 src/ui/cutjobdialog_ui.ui:47 -msgid "Save to" -msgstr "以下に保存" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, duration_label) -#: plugins/sampleplugin/countdown_ui.ui:29 -msgid "Duration (seconds)" -msgstr "長さ (秒)" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, font_label) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_4) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_17) -#: plugins/sampleplugin/countdown_ui.ui:46 src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:89 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:331 -msgid "Font" -msgstr "フォント" - -#: plugins/sampleplugin/sampleplugin.cpp:33 -msgid "Countdown" -msgstr "カウントダウン(C)" - -#: plugins/sampleplugin/sampleplugin.cpp:55 -msgid "Create Noise Clip" -msgstr "" - -#: plugins/sampleplugin/sampleplugin.cpp:59 -msgid "Create Countdown Clip" -msgstr "" - -#: plugins/sampleplugin/sampleplugin.cpp:97 -#: plugins/sampleplugin/sampleplugin.cpp:105 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Failed to generate clip:\n" -"%1" -msgstr "" - -#: plugins/sampleplugin/sampleplugin.cpp:97 -#: plugins/sampleplugin/sampleplugin.cpp:105 -msgid "Generator Failed" -msgstr "" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:210 src/project/projectlist.cpp:133 -#, kde-format -msgid "%1 job" -msgid_plural "%1 jobs" -msgstr[0] "%1 個のジョブ" -msgstr[1] "%1 個のジョブ" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:211 src/project/projectlist.cpp:134 -#, kde-format -msgid "%1 pending job" -msgid_plural "%1 pending jobs" -msgstr[0] "%1 個の保留中ジョブ" -msgstr[1] "%1 個の保留中ジョブ" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_search) -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:300 src/ui/freesound_ui.ui:74 -msgid "Search" -msgstr "検索" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:336 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Mode" -msgid "View Mode" -msgstr "モード" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:338 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "View" -msgid "Tree View" -msgstr "ビュー(V)" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:346 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "View" -msgid "Icon View" -msgstr "ビュー(V)" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:353 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Save Effect" -msgid "Disable Bin Effects" -msgstr "効果の保存" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:361 src/bin/bincommands.cpp:102 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Rename folder" -msgid "Rename Folder" -msgstr "フォルダの名前変更" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab) -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:370 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:50 -msgid "Settings" -msgstr "設定 (S)" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:372 src/project/clipproperties.cpp:351 -#: src/project/dialogs/slideshowclip.cpp:77 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:324 -msgid "Zoom" -msgstr "ズーム" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:378 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Show alpha" -msgid "Show date" -msgstr "アルファ表示" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:381 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Description" -msgid "Show description" -msgstr "説明" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:399 src/project/projectlist.cpp:213 -msgid "Cancel All Jobs" -msgstr "すべてのジョブを取り消す" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:401 src/project/projectlist.cpp:217 -msgid "Cancel Current Clip Jobs" -msgstr "現在のクリップジョブを取り消す" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:431 src/project/projectlist.cpp:254 -msgid "Show Log" -msgstr "ログの表示" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:504 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Creating audio thumbnail for %1" -msgid "Creating audio thumbnails" -msgstr "%1 に対してオーディオサムネイルを作成しています" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:511 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Show audio thumbnails" -msgid "Audio thumbnails done" -msgstr "オーディオのサムネイルを表示する(T)" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:805 -msgctxt "append to clip name to indicate a copied idem" -msgid " (copy)" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:929 src/bin/bin.cpp:2217 -#: src/project/folderprojectitem.cpp:37 src/project/projectlist.cpp:1085 -#: src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:60 -msgid "Folder" -msgstr "フォルダ" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:1056 -#, kde-format -msgid "Folder contains a clip, delete anyways ?" -msgid_plural "Folder contains %1 clips, delete anyways ?" -msgstr[0] "" -msgstr[1] "" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:1173 src/mainwindow.cpp:1234 -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:1004 -msgid "Delete Clip" -msgstr "クリップの削除(D)" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:1174 src/mainwindow.cpp:1251 -msgid "Proxy Clip" -msgstr "代用クリップ(P)" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:1181 src/project/projectlist.cpp:995 -msgid "Delete Folder" -msgstr "フォルダの削除" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:1182 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Project Folder" -msgid "Proxy Folder" -msgstr "プロジェクトのフォルダ" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2015 src/bin/bincommands.cpp:62 src/bin/bincommands.cpp:82 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Move clip" -msgid "Move Clip" -msgid_plural "Move Clips" -msgstr[0] "クリップの移動" -msgstr[1] "クリップの移動" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2231 -#, fuzzy, kde-format -#| msgid "Playlist clips" -msgid "Playlist clip %1 is invalid." -msgstr "プレイリスト・クリップ" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2236 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Playlist clip %1 has too many tracks (%2) to be imported. Add new tracks to " -"your project." -msgstr "" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2449 src/project/projectlist.cpp:465 -msgid "Please set a default application to open images in the Settings dialog" -msgstr "" -"設定ダイアログで、画像を開くための既定のアプリケーションを設定してください。" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2455 src/project/projectlist.cpp:471 -msgid "" -"Please set a default application to open audio files in the Settings dialog" -msgstr "" -"設定ダイアログで、オーディオファイルを開くための既定のアプリケーションを設定" -"してください。" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2511 src/project/projectlist.cpp:2661 -msgid "No data returned from clip analysis" -msgstr "" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2525 src/project/projectlist.cpp:2674 -msgid "Processing data analysis" -msgstr "" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2531 src/project/projectlist.cpp:2680 -msgid "Auto Split Clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2549 src/project/projectlist.cpp:2698 -msgid "Add Markers" -msgstr "" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2592 src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:85 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:474 src/project/projectcommands.cpp:164 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Add marker" -msgid "Add marker" -msgid_plural "Add markers" -msgstr[0] "マーカーの追加(A)" -msgstr[1] "マーカーの追加(A)" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2603 src/bin/bin.cpp:2685 src/project/jobs/filterjob.cpp:96 -#: src/timeline/markerdialog.cpp:45 -#, kde-format -msgid "Category %1" -msgstr "" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2608 -msgid "Load Clip Markers" -msgstr "" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2623 src/bin/bin.cpp:2720 -#: src/dialogs/profilesdialog.cpp:219 src/dialogs/profilesdialog.cpp:520 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot open file %1" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, MarkerDialog_UI) -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2649 src/definitions.cpp:78 src/definitions.cpp:95 -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:367 src/mainwindow.cpp:1831 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:727 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:801 src/ui/markerdialog_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Marker" -msgstr "マーカー" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2683 -msgid "All categories" -msgstr "" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2690 -msgid "Save Clip Markers" -msgstr "" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2733 src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:86 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:478 src/project/projectcommands.cpp:162 -msgid "Delete marker" -msgstr "マーカーの削除(D)" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2748 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Delete marker" -msgid "Delete clip markers" -msgstr "マーカーの削除(D)" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2750 -msgid "Clip has no markers" -msgstr "クリップにはマーカーがありません" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2788 src/project/clippropertiesmanager.cpp:126 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"You are editing an external title clip (%1). Do you want to save your " -"changes to the title file or save the changes for this project only?" -msgstr "" -"外部のタイトル・クリップ (%1) を編集しています。変更点をタイトルファイルに保" -"存しますか?それとも変更点をこのプロジェクト内にのみ保存しますか?" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2788 src/project/clippropertiesmanager.cpp:126 -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:1766 -msgid "Save Title" -msgstr "タイトルの保存" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2788 src/project/clippropertiesmanager.cpp:126 -msgid "Save to title file" -msgstr "タイトルファイルへの保存" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2788 src/project/clippropertiesmanager.cpp:126 -msgid "Save in project only" -msgstr "プロジェクト内にのみ保存" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2852 src/project/projectlist.cpp:1428 -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:1430 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4517 -msgid "Invalid clip" -msgstr "正しくないクリップ" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2852 src/project/projectlist.cpp:1428 -msgid "Clip is invalid, will be removed from project." -msgstr "" - -#: src/bin/bincommands.cpp:34 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Rename folder" -msgid "Remove Folder" -msgstr "フォルダの名前変更" - -#: src/bin/bincommands.cpp:35 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Add folder" -msgid "Add Folder" -msgstr "フォルダの追加" - -#: src/bin/bincommands.cpp:121 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Add Effect" -msgid "Add Bin Effect" -msgstr "効果の追加(A)" - -#: src/bin/bincommands.cpp:140 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Save Effect" -msgid "Remove Bin Effect" -msgstr "効果の保存" - -#: src/bin/bincommands.cpp:162 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Rename folder" -msgid "Rename Zone" -msgstr "フォルダの名前変更" - -#: src/bin/bincommands.cpp:184 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Add Clip" -msgid "Add Sub Clip" -msgstr "クリップの追加(A)" - -#: src/bin/bincommands.cpp:217 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1628 -msgid "Edit clip" -msgstr "クリップの編集" - -#: src/bin/projectclip.cpp:90 src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:879 -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:195 -msgid "Untitled" -msgstr "タイトル未定" - -#: src/bin/projectclip.cpp:272 src/project/projectlist.cpp:2458 -msgctxt "The first letter of Proxy, used as abbreviation" -msgid "P" -msgstr "P" - -#: src/bin/projectclip.cpp:940 src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:1228 -#, kde-format -msgid "Clip already contains analysis data %1" -msgstr "" - -#: src/bin/projectclip.cpp:940 src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:1228 -msgid "Merge" -msgstr "" - -#: src/bin/projectclip.cpp:940 src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:1228 -msgid "Add" -msgstr "" - -#: src/bin/projectfolder.cpp:74 -#, fuzzy, kde-format -#| msgid "(%1 clip)" -#| msgid_plural "(%1 clips)" -msgid "%1 clip" -msgid_plural "%1 clips" -msgstr[0] "(%1 個のクリップ)" -msgstr[1] "(%1 個のクリップ)" - -#: src/bin/projectfolderup.cpp:35 -msgid "Back" -msgstr "" - -#: src/bin/projectfolderup.cpp:59 -msgid "Go up" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/bin/projectitemmodel.cpp:169 src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:74 -#: src/ui/colorclip_ui.ui:20 src/ui/configtranscode_ui.ui:70 -#: src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:20 -msgid "Name" -msgstr "名前" - -#: src/bin/projectitemmodel.cpp:172 -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:173 -#: src/project/projectlistview.cpp:59 -msgid "Date" -msgstr "日付" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_description) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/bin/projectitemmodel.cpp:175 src/project/projectlistview.cpp:59 -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:41 src/ui/configtranscode_ui.ui:80 -#: src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:49 -msgid "Description" -msgstr "説明" - -#: src/bin/projectitemmodel.cpp:178 src/dialogs/profilesdialog.cpp:585 -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:231 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:319 -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:771 src/mltcontroller/clipcontroller.cpp:266 -#: src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:483 -msgid "Unknown" -msgstr "不明" - -#: src/bin/projectsubclip.cpp:41 src/doc/documentvalidator.cpp:1441 -#, fuzzy, kde-format -#| msgid "Zone end: %1" -msgid "Zone %1" -msgstr "ゾーンの終了: %1" - -#: src/capture/managecapturesdialog.cpp:42 -msgid "import" -msgstr "インポート" - -#: src/dialogs/clipcreationdialog.cpp:97 src/dialogs/clipcreationdialog.cpp:98 -msgid "Color Clip" -msgstr "カラークリップ" - -#: src/dialogs/clipcreationdialog.cpp:188 -msgid "Title clip" -msgstr "タイトル・クリップ" - -#: src/dialogs/clipcreationdialog.cpp:236 src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:1117 -msgid "Template title clip" -msgstr "テンプレート・タイトル・クリップ" - -#: src/dialogs/clipcreationdialog.cpp:428 src/doc/doccommands.cpp:32 -msgid "Add clip" -msgid_plural "Add clips" -msgstr[0] "クリップの追加" -msgstr[1] "クリップの追加" - -#: src/dialogs/clipcreationdialog.cpp:437 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:247 -#: src/effectstack/collapsibleeffect.cpp:200 src/mainwindow.cpp:2832 -msgid "All Supported Files" -msgstr "対応するすべてのファイル" - -#: src/dialogs/clipcreationdialog.cpp:437 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:247 -#: src/effectstack/collapsibleeffect.cpp:200 src/mainwindow.cpp:2832 -msgid "All Files" -msgstr "すべてのファイル" - -#: src/dialogs/clipcreationdialog.cpp:438 -msgid "Import image sequence" -msgstr "イメージシーケンスのインポート" - -#: src/dialogs/clipcreationdialog.cpp:440 -msgid "Transparent background for images" -msgstr "画像に対する透過型の背景" - -#: src/dialogs/encodingprofilesdialog.cpp:37 -msgid "Manage Encoding Profiles" -msgstr "エンコーディングプロファイルの管理" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, groupBox) -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, enable_proxy) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_14) -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, kcfg_enableproxy) -#: src/dialogs/encodingprofilesdialog.cpp:38 -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:96 src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:36 -#: src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:142 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:244 -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:499 -msgid "Proxy clips" -msgstr "代用クリップ" - -#: src/dialogs/encodingprofilesdialog.cpp:39 -msgid "Video4Linux capture" -msgstr "Video4Linux キャプチャ" - -#: src/dialogs/encodingprofilesdialog.cpp:40 -msgid "Screen capture" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/encodingprofilesdialog.cpp:41 -msgid "Decklink capture" -msgstr "Decklink キャプチャ" - -#: src/dialogs/encodingprofilesdialog.cpp:125 -#: src/dialogs/encodingprofilesdialog.cpp:157 -msgid "Profile name:" -msgstr "プロファイル名:" - -#: src/dialogs/encodingprofilesdialog.cpp:128 -#: src/dialogs/encodingprofilesdialog.cpp:160 -msgid "Parameters:" -msgstr "パラメータ:" - -#: src/dialogs/encodingprofilesdialog.cpp:131 -#: src/dialogs/encodingprofilesdialog.cpp:163 -msgid "File extension:" -msgstr "ファイル拡張子:" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:64 -#: src/effectslist/effectslistwidget.cpp:100 -#: src/effectslist/effectslistwidget.cpp:121 -#: src/effectslist/effectslistwidget.cpp:123 -msgid "Misc" -msgstr "その他" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:73 -msgid "Project Defaults" -msgstr "プロジェクトの既定値" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:101 -msgid "Environment" -msgstr "環境" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:126 -msgid "Capture" -msgstr "キャプチャ" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:131 -msgid "Capture is not yet available on Mac OS X." -msgstr "Mac OS X では、キャプチャ機能には対応していません。" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:170 -msgid "JogShuttle" -msgstr "ジョグ・シャトル" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, groupBox) -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:180 src/ui/smconfig_ui.ui:20 -msgid "Playback" -msgstr "再生" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:275 -msgid "GPU processing needs MLT compiled with Movit and Rtaudio modules" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:300 -#, kde-format -msgid "dvgrab version %1 at %2" -msgstr "dvgrab バージョン %1 (%2)" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:301 -msgid "" -"dvgrab utility not found, please install it for firewire " -"capture" -msgstr "" -"dvgrab ユーティリティが見つかりません。FireWire からのキャプ" -"チャを行ないたい場合は、インストールしてください。" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:438 -msgid "Automatic" -msgstr "自動" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:440 -msgid "OSS" -msgstr "OSS" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:441 -msgid "ALSA" -msgstr "ALSA" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:442 -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:487 -msgid "PulseAudio" -msgstr "PulseAudio" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:443 -msgid "OSS with DMA access" -msgstr "DMA アクセス機能付き OSS" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:444 -msgid "Esound daemon" -msgstr "Esound デーモン" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:445 -msgid "ARTS daemon" -msgstr "ARTS デーモン" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:457 -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:458 -msgid "Default" -msgstr "既定値" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:503 -msgid "SDL" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:504 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Audio" -msgid "RtAudio" -msgstr "オーディオ" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:566 -msgid "Select default video player" -msgstr "既定のビデオプレーヤーの選択" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:578 -msgid "Select default audio editor" -msgstr "既定のオーディオエディタの選択" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:590 -msgid "Select default image editor" -msgstr "既定の画像エディタの選択" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:809 -msgid "Kdenlive must be restarted to change this setting" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, p_progressive) -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:832 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:264 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:634 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:118 src/project/clipproperties.cpp:685 -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:322 src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:99 -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:163 -msgid "Interlaced" -msgstr "インターレース" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, progressive) -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:834 -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:1039 -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:1072 -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:1088 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:265 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:634 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:119 src/project/clipproperties.cpp:685 -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:428 src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:232 -msgid "Progressive" -msgstr "プログレッシブ" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:892 -msgid "A profile with that name already exists" -msgstr "指定した名前のプロファイルは、既に存在しています" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:1003 -msgid "Current settings" -msgstr "現在の設定" - -#: src/dialogs/profilesdialog.cpp:50 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:163 -msgid "Delete profile" -msgstr "プロファイルの削除" - -#: src/dialogs/profilesdialog.cpp:52 src/dialogs/profilesdialog.cpp:95 -msgid "Save profile" -msgstr "プロファイルの保存" - -#: src/dialogs/profilesdialog.cpp:54 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:171 -msgid "Create new profile" -msgstr "新しいプロファイルの作成" - -#: src/dialogs/profilesdialog.cpp:163 -msgid "The custom profile was modified, do you want to save it?" -msgstr "カスタムプロファイルが変更されています。保存しますか?" - -#: src/dialogs/profilesdialog.cpp:194 -msgid "" -"A profile with same name already exists in MLT's default profiles, please " -"choose another description for your custom profile." -msgstr "" -"MLT の既定のプロファイル内に、既に同名のプロファイルが存在しています。カスタ" -"ム名プロファイルに対しては、別の説明を設定してください。" - -#: src/dialogs/profilesdialog.cpp:225 src/dialogs/profilesdialog.cpp:526 -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:612 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:799 -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:805 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:865 -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1003 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1168 -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2382 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2405 -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:669 src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:675 -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:934 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:940 -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:3046 src/mainwindow.cpp:3051 -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:796 -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:802 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:1780 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot write to file %1" -msgstr "ファイル %1 に書き込むことができません" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:108 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1233 -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2295 -msgid "Waiting..." -msgstr "お待ちください..." - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:111 -msgid "Rendering finished" -msgstr "レンダリングが完了しました" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:116 -msgid "Rendering crashed" -msgstr "レンダリングの処理内でクラッシュしました" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:121 -msgid "Rendering aborted" -msgstr "レンダリングを中止しました" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:155 -msgid "Rendering" -msgstr "レンダリング" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:167 -msgid "Edit profile" -msgstr "プロファイルの編集" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:177 -msgid "Copy profile to favorites" -msgstr "プロファイルをお気に入りにコピー" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:179 -msgid "Show profiles with different framerate" -msgstr "異なるフレームレートのプロファイルを表示" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, preserveAspectRatio) -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:223 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:534 -msgid "Preserve aspect ratio" -msgstr "アスペクト比を維持する" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:289 -msgid "File" -msgstr "ファイル" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:298 -msgid "Script Files" -msgstr "スクリプトファイル" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:392 -msgid "Beginning" -msgstr "開始" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:478 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:494 -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:688 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:706 -msgid "Qualities" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:479 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:495 -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:689 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:707 -msgid "Default quality" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, vbitrates_label) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, abitrates_label) -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:481 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:497 -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:691 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:709 -#: src/ui/saveprofile_ui.ui:40 src/ui/saveprofile_ui.ui:73 -msgid "Bitrates" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, default_vbitrate_label) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, default_abitrate_label) -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:482 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:498 -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:692 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:710 -#: src/ui/saveprofile_ui.ui:26 src/ui/saveprofile_ui.ui:80 -msgid "Default bitrate" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:509 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:515 -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:679 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:749 -msgctxt "Group Name" -msgid "Custom" -msgstr "カスタム" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:591 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:760 -msgid "Profile already exists" -msgstr "プロファイルは既に存在しています" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:591 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:760 -msgid "" -"This profile name already exists. Change the name if you don't want to " -"overwrite it." -msgstr "" -"このプロファイル名は既に存在しています。既に存在するものを上書きしたくない場" -"合は、名前を変えてください。" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:606 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:859 -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1859 -#, kde-format -msgid "Unable to write to file %1" -msgstr "ファイル %1 に書き込むことができません" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:632 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1843 -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1892 -msgctxt "Category Name" -msgid "Custom" -msgstr "カスタム" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:720 -msgid "Edit Profile" -msgstr "プロファイルの編集" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:918 -msgid "Cannot find the melt program required for rendering (part of Mlt)" -msgstr "" -"レンダリングに必要な melt プログラムが見つかりません (mlt パッケージに含まれ" -"ています)" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:922 -msgid "" -"Cannot play video after rendering because the default video player " -"application is not set.\n" -"Please define it in Kdenlive settings dialog." -msgstr "" -"既定のビデオプレーヤーが設定されていないため、レンダリング後にビデオを再生す" -"ることができません。\n" -"kdenlive の設定ダイアログで設定を行なってください。" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:930 src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:259 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"The directory %1, could not be created.\n" -"Please make sure you have the required permissions." -msgstr "" -"ディレクトリ %1 を作成することができませんでした。\n" -"必要な権限が設定されているか、ご確認ください。" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:973 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:165 -#, kde-format -msgid "File has no extension. Add extension (%1)?" -msgstr "ファイル名に拡張子が指定されていません。拡張子 (%1) を追加しますか?" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:988 -msgid "Output file already exists. Do you want to overwrite it?" -msgstr "出力先のファイルは既に存在しています。上書きしてよろしいですか?" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1222 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2283 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"There is already a job writing file:
Abort the job if " -"you want to overwrite it..." -msgstr "" -"ファイル
に書き込んでいるジョブが既に存在しています。上" -"書きしたい場合は、ジョブを中止してください..." - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1222 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2283 -msgid "Already running" -msgstr "既に実行中です" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1266 -msgid "Video without audio track" -msgstr "オーディオトラックなしのビデオ" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1317 -#, kde-format -msgid "Rendering %1 started" -msgstr "レンダリング %1 を開始しました" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1473 -#, kde-format -msgid "Frame rate (%1) not compatible with project profile (%2)" -msgstr "" -"フレームレート (%1) はプロジェクトのプロファイル (%2) と互換性がありません" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1491 -#, kde-format -msgid "Unsupported video format: %1" -msgstr "未対応のビデオ形式です: %1" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1507 -#, kde-format -msgid "Unsupported audio codec: %1" -msgstr "未対応のオーディオコーデックです: %1" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1524 -#, kde-format -msgid "Unsupported video codec: %1" -msgstr "未対応のビデオコーデックです: %1" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1533 -msgid "" -"This render profile uses a 'profile' parameter.
Unless you know what " -"you are doing you will probably have to change it to 'mlt_profile'." -msgstr "" -"このレンダリングプロファイルは、'profile' パラメータを使用しています。
" -"敢えて使用している場合を除き、このパラメータは 'mlt_profile' に変更すべきもの" -"であると思われます。" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1546 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1584 -msgid "No matching profile" -msgstr "該当するプロファイルがありません" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1561 -msgid "untitled" -msgstr "タイトル未定" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1586 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Invalid clip" -msgid "Invalid profile" -msgstr "正しくないクリップ" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1630 -msgid "" -"Video\n" -"quality" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1632 -msgid "" -"Video\n" -"bitrate" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1652 -msgid "" -"Audio\n" -"quality" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1654 -msgid "" -"Audio\n" -"bitrate" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1692 -msgid "File rendering" -msgstr "ファイルへのレンダリング" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1693 -msgid "Favorites" -msgstr "お気に入り" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1694 -msgid "DVD" -msgstr "DVD" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, profile_audioonly) -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1695 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7011 -#: src/ui/configtranscode_ui.ui:100 -msgid "Audio only" -msgstr "オーディオのみ" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1696 -msgid "Web sites" -msgstr "ウェブサイト" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1697 -msgid "Media players" -msgstr "メディアプレーヤー" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1698 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1738 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Lossless / HQ" -msgid "Lossless/HQ" -msgstr "ロスレス / HQ" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1699 -msgid "Mobile devices" -msgstr "携帯デバイス" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1783 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Image sequence" -msgctxt "Category Name" -msgid "Images sequence" -msgstr "イメージ・シーケンス" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1987 -msgctxt "Attribute Name" -msgid "Custom" -msgstr "カスタム" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2085 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2108 -#, fuzzy, kde-format -#| msgid "%1 dB" -msgid "%1 day " -msgid_plural "%1 days " -msgstr[0] "%1 dB" -msgstr[1] "%1 dB" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2087 -#, fuzzy, kde-format -#| msgid "Opening file %1" -msgid "Remaining time %1" -msgstr "ファイル %1 を開いています" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2110 -#, kde-format -msgid "Rendering finished in %1" -msgstr "%1 でレンダリングが完了しました" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2112 -#, kde-format -msgid "Rendering of %1 finished in %2" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2125 -#, kde-format -msgid "Rendering of %1 crashed
" -msgstr "%1 のレンダリングがクラッシュしました
" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, abort_job) -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2165 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:650 -msgid "Abort Job" -msgstr "ジョブの中止" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2168 -msgid "Remove Job" -msgstr "ジョブの削除" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2236 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2240 -#, kde-format -msgid "Script contains wrong command: %1" -msgstr "スクリプトに不正なコマンドが含まれています: %1" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2424 -msgid "script" -msgstr "スクリプト" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2445 src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:228 -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:640 -msgid "Check missing clips" -msgstr "クリップの存在チェック" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2502 -msgid "Export audio (automatic)" -msgstr "オーディオのエクスポート (自動)" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, export_audio) -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2504 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:544 -msgid "Export audio" -msgstr "オーディオのエクスポート" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:60 -msgid "Config Wizard" -msgstr "設定ウィザード" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:64 -msgid "Welcome" -msgstr "ようこそ" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:66 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Your Kdenlive version was upgraded to version %1. Please take some time to " -"review the basic settings" -msgstr "" -"Kdenlive のバージョンは %1 にアップグレードされました。基本設定を再確認してい" -"ますので、しばらくお待ちください" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:68 -msgid "" -"This is the first time you run Kdenlive. This wizard will let you adjust " -"some basic settings, you will be ready to edit your first movie in a few " -"seconds..." -msgstr "" -"Kdenlive をはじめて起動しています。このウィザードでは、いくつかの基本的な設定" -"を行なうことができます。これにより、少しの時間で映像を作成することができるよ" -"うになります。" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:72 -msgid "Discover the features of this Kdenlive release" -msgstr "この Kdenlive リリースにおける新機能の紹介" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:82 -msgid "Checking MLT engine" -msgstr "MLT エンジンの確認" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:90 -msgid "Video Standard" -msgstr "ビデオ標準" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:128 -msgid "Additional Settings" -msgstr "追加設定" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (KComboBox, capture_device) -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:142 src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:168 -msgid "Capture device" -msgstr "キャプチャデバイス" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:146 -msgid "Default Blackmagic Decklink card:" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:147 -msgid "No Blackmagic Decklink device found" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:158 -msgid "Checking system" -msgstr "システムの確認" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:186 -msgid "Default video4linux device:" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:199 -msgid "No device found, plug your webcam and refresh." -msgstr "" -"デバイスが見つかりません。ウェブカメラを接続して、更新ボタンを押してくださ" -"い。" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:221 -#, kde-format -msgid "Current settings (%1x%2, %3/%4fps)" -msgstr "現在の設定 (%1x%2, %3/%4fps)" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:257 -#, kde-format -msgid "Default settings (%1x%2, %3/%4fps)" -msgstr "既定の設定 (%1x%2, %3/%4fps)" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:272 -msgid "Melt" -msgstr "Melt" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:273 -msgid "Required for rendering (part of MLT package)" -msgstr "レンダリング処理に必要 (MLT パッケージに含まれています)" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:280 -msgid "Cannot start the MLT video backend!" -msgstr "MLT ビデオバックエンドを開始できません!" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:287 -#, kde-format -msgid "MLT version: %1" -msgstr "MLT バージョン: %1" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:290 -msgid "Your MLT version is unsupported!!!" -msgstr "お使いの MLT バージョンには対応していません!!" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:296 -#, kde-format -msgid "Please upgrade to MLT %1.%2.%3" -msgstr "MLT のバージョンを %1.%2.%3 にアップグレードしてください" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:300 -msgid "MLT video backend!" -msgstr "MLT ビデオバックエンド" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:318 -msgid "SDL module" -msgstr "SDL モジュール" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:319 -msgid "Required for Kdenlive" -msgstr "Kdenlive で必要" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:332 -msgid "Avformat module (FFmpeg)" -msgstr "Avformat モジュール (FFmpeg)" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:333 -msgid "Required to work with various video formats (hdv, mpeg, flash, ...)" -msgstr "様々なビデオ形式 (hdv, mpeg, flash, ...) に対応する際に必要となります" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:372 -msgid "QImage module" -msgstr "QImage モジュール" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:373 src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:378 -msgid "Required to work with images" -msgstr "画像を処理するために必要となります" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:377 -msgid "Pixbuf module" -msgstr "Pixbuf モジュール" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:392 -msgid "Title module" -msgstr "タイトルモジュール" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:393 -msgid "Required to work with titles" -msgstr "タイトル処理を行なう際に必要となります" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:456 -msgid "" -"The following codecs were not found on your system. Check our online manual if you need them: " -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:477 -msgid "FFmpeg & ffplay" -msgstr "FFmpeg & ffplay" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:478 -msgid "Required for proxy clips, transcoding and screen capture" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:504 -msgid "dvgrab" -msgstr "dvgrab" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:505 -msgid "Required for firewire capture" -msgstr "FireWire を介したキャプチャを行なう際に必要となります" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:511 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:104 -msgid "dvdauthor" -msgstr "dvdauthor" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:512 -msgid "Required for creation of DVD" -msgstr "DVD の作成に必要となります" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:518 -msgid "genisoimage or mkisofs" -msgstr "genisoimage または mkisofs" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:519 -msgid "Required for creation of DVD ISO images" -msgstr "DVD ISO イメージを作成する際に必要となります" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:528 -msgid "xine" -msgstr "xine" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:529 -msgid "Required to preview your DVD" -msgstr "作成した DVD をプレビューする際に必要となります" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:533 -msgid "vlc" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:685 -msgid "Frame size:" -msgstr "フレームサイズ:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_4) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:685 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:245 -#: src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:55 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:107 -msgid "Frame rate:" -msgstr "フレームレート:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_23) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_9) -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:685 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:266 -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:121 -msgid "Pixel aspect ratio:" -msgstr "ピクセルのアスペクト比:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_31) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_10) -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:685 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:280 -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:135 -msgid "Display aspect ratio:" -msgstr "表示アスペクト比:" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:732 -msgid "" -"Your MLT installation cannot be found. Install MLT and restart Kdenlive.\n" -msgstr "" -"MLT が見つかりません。MLT をインストールし、Kdenlive を再起動してください。\n" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:736 -msgid "Fatal Error" -msgstr "致命的なエラー" - -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:279 -#, kde-format -msgid "%1 fps" -msgstr "" - -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:284 -msgid "Hz" -msgstr "" - -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:289 -msgid "Audio clip" -msgstr "オーディオクリップ" - -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:292 -msgid "Mute video clip" -msgstr "無音ビデオクリップ" - -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:295 src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:214 -msgid "Video clip" -msgstr "ビデオクリップ" - -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:298 -msgid "Color clip" -msgstr "カラー・クリップ" - -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:301 src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:216 -msgid "Image clip" -msgstr "イメージ・クリップ" - -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:304 -msgid "Template text clip" -msgstr "テキスト・クリップのテンプレート" - -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:305 -msgid "Text clip" -msgstr "テキスト・クリップ" - -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:308 -msgid "Slideshow clip" -msgstr "スライドショー・クリップ" - -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:311 -msgid "Virtual clip" -msgstr "仮想クリップ" - -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:314 src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:218 -msgid "Playlist clip" -msgstr "プレイリスト・クリップ" - -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:317 -msgid "Unknown clip" -msgstr "不明なクリップ" - -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:684 src/renderer.cpp:141 -msgid "Missing clip" -msgstr "存在しないクリップ" - -#: src/doc/doccommands.cpp:33 src/project/clipmanager.cpp:226 -msgid "Delete clip" -msgid_plural "Delete clips" -msgstr[0] "" -msgstr[1] "" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:199 -msgid "Luma file" -msgstr "Luma ファイル" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:223 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Title module" -msgid "Title Image" -msgstr "タイトルモジュール" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:226 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Title" -msgid "Title Font" -msgstr "タイトル" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:247 -#, kde-format -msgid "%1 will be replaced by %2" -msgstr "" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:261 -msgid "Missing item" -msgstr "存在しない項目" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:265 -msgid "The project file contains missing clips or files" -msgstr "" -"プロジェクトファイルには、存在しないクリップまたはファイルが含まれています" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:269 -msgid "Missing proxies will be recreated after opening." -msgstr "存在しない代用情報は、ファイルを開いた後に再作成します。" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:273 -#, fuzzy, kde-format -#| msgid "" -#| "The project file contains a missing clip, you can still work with its " -#| "proxy." -#| msgid_plural "" -#| "The project file contains missing clips, you can still work with their " -#| "proxies." -msgid "" -"The project file contains a missing clip, you can still work with its proxy." -msgid_plural "" -"The project file contains %1 missing clips, you can still work with their " -"proxies." -msgstr[0] "" -"プロジェクトファイルには存在しないクリップが含まれていますが、この代用情報を" -"利用した作業を行なうことはできます。" -msgstr[1] "" -"プロジェクトファイルには存在しないクリップが含まれていますが、この代用情報を" -"利用した作業を行なうことはできます。" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:283 src/project/projectitem.cpp:192 -msgid "Proxy clip" -msgstr "代用クリップ" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:285 -#, fuzzy, kde-format -#| msgid "%1 missing proxy clips, will be recreated on project opening" -msgid "%1 missing proxy clip, will be recreated on project opening" -msgid_plural "%1 missing proxy clips, will be recreated on project opening" -msgstr[0] "" -"%1 には存在しない代用情報が含まれています。プロジェクトを開いた後に再作成しま" -"す" -msgstr[1] "" -"%1 には存在しない代用情報が含まれています。プロジェクトを開いた後に再作成しま" -"す" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:288 -msgid "Missing proxy" -msgstr "存在しない代用情報" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:335 src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:348 -msgid "Source clip" -msgstr "ソースクリップ" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:337 -#, kde-format -msgid "%1 missing source clips, you can only use the proxies" -msgstr "" -"%1 には存在しないソースクリップがあります。代用情報のみを利用できます。" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:340 -msgid "Missing source clip" -msgstr "存在しないソースクリップ" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:411 -msgid "Clips folder" -msgstr "クリップのフォルダ" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:567 -msgid "Enter new location for file" -msgstr "ファイルに対する新しい場所を入力してください" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:780 -msgid "This will remove the selected clip from this project" -msgid_plural "This will remove the selected clips from this project" -msgstr[0] "これを実行すると、このプロジェクトから選択したクリップを削除します" -msgstr[1] "これを実行すると、このプロジェクトから選択したクリップを削除します" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:780 -msgid "Remove clips" -msgstr "クリップの削除" - -#: src/doc/documentvalidator.cpp:90 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"The document was created in \"%1\" locale, which is not installed on your " -"system. Please install that language pack. Until then, Kdenlive might not be " -"able to correctly open the document." -msgstr "" -"指定のドキュメントは、お使いのシステムにはインストールされていない \"%1\" の" -"ロケールで作成されています。言語パックをインストールしてください。言語パック" -"をインストールしないと、正しく文書を開くことができない可能性があります。" - -#: src/doc/documentvalidator.cpp:94 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"There is a locale conflict on your system. The document uses locale %1 which " -"uses a \"%2\" as numeric separator (in system libraries) but Qt expects " -"\"%3\". You might not be able to correctly open the project." -msgstr "" -"お使いのシステムにはロケールの矛盾が存在しています。指定のドキュメントでは、" -"数値の区切りに \"%2\" を使用する %1 というロケールを使用していますが、qt では" -"\"%3\" を要求しています。正しくプロジェクトを開くことができない可能性がありま" -"す。" - -#: src/doc/documentvalidator.cpp:279 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"This project type is unsupported (version %1) and can't be loaded.\n" -"Please consider upgrading your Kdenlive version." -msgstr "" -"このプロジェクトタイプ (バージョン %1) には対応しておらず、読み込むことができ" -"ません。\n" -"Kdenlive のバージョンをアップグレードすることをお勧めします。" - -#: src/doc/documentvalidator.cpp:279 src/doc/documentvalidator.cpp:286 -msgid "Unable to open project" -msgstr "プロジェクトを開くことができません" - -#: src/doc/documentvalidator.cpp:286 -#, kde-format -msgid "This project type is unsupported (version %1) and can't be loaded." -msgstr "" -"このプロジェクトタイプ (バージョン %1) には対応しておらず、読み込むことができ" -"ません。" - -#: src/doc/documentvalidator.cpp:840 -msgid "" -"Some of your text clips were saved with size in points, which means " -"different sizes on different displays. Do you want to convert them to pixel " -"size, making them portable? It is recommended you do this on the computer " -"they were first created on, or you could have to adjust their size." -msgstr "" -"テキストクリップの中に、ポイント数でサイズを設定しているものがあります。これ" -"らのテキストクリップは、ディスプレイが異なると表示されるサイズが変化してしま" -"います。これらのテキストクリップをピクセルで指定しなおし、可搬性を高めます" -"か?この処理は、テキストクリップを最初に作成したコンピュータで実施しておくこ" -"とをお勧めします。それ以外のコンピュータで実施すると、後からサイズを調整しな" -"ければならなくなる場合があります。" - -#: src/doc/documentvalidator.cpp:840 -msgid "Update Text Clips" -msgstr "テキストクリップの更新" - -#: src/doc/documentvalidator.cpp:1679 -msgid "" -"The project file uses some GPU effects. GPU acceleration is not currently " -"enabled.\n" -"Do you want to convert the project to a non-GPU version ?\n" -"This might result in data loss." -msgstr "" - -#: src/doc/documentvalidator.cpp:1770 -msgid "The following filters/transitions were converted to non GPU versions:" -msgstr "" - -#: src/doc/documentvalidator.cpp:1773 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "The following effects were imported from the project:" -msgid "The following filters/transitions were deleted from the project:" -msgstr "下記の効果をプロジェクトからインポートしました:" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:152 -msgid "" -"Cannot open the project file,\n" -"Do you want to open a backup file?" -msgstr "" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:152 src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:168 -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:213 -msgid "Error opening file" -msgstr "ファイルを開く際にエラーが発生しました" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:152 src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:168 -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:213 -msgid "Open Backup" -msgstr "バックアップを開く" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:168 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Cannot open the project file, error is:\n" -"%1 (line %2, col %3)\n" -"Do you want to open a backup file?" -msgstr "" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:168 src/project/projectmanager.cpp:381 -msgid "Recover" -msgstr "復元" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:194 -msgid "Cannot recover this project file" -msgstr "" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:206 -msgid "Validating" -msgstr "検証しています" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:212 -#, kde-format -msgid "File %1 is not a Kdenlive project file" -msgstr "ファイル %1 は Kdenlive プロジェクトファイルではありません" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:213 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"File %1 is not a valid project file.\n" -"Do you want to open a backup file?" -msgstr "" -"ファイル %1 は正しいプロジェクトファイルではありません。\n" -"バックアップファイルを開きますか?" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:254 -#, kde-format -msgid "Project directory %1 does not exist. Create it?" -msgstr "プロジェクトのディレクトリ %1 は存在していません。作成しますか?" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:266 -#, kde-format -msgid "Document project folder is invalid, setting it to the default one: %1" -msgstr "" -"ドキュメントプロジェクトのフォルダが正しくありません。既定値に設定しました: " -"%1" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:548 src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:659 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot write to file %1, scene list is corrupted." -msgstr "ファイル %1 に書き込むことができません。シーンリストが壊れています。" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:719 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"You have changed the project folder. Do you want to copy the cached data " -"from %1 to the new folder %2?" -msgstr "" -"プロジェクトフォルダが変更されています。キャッシュ済みデータを %1 から、新し" -"いフォルダ %2 にコピーしますか?" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:1105 -msgid "Enter Template Path" -msgstr "テンプレートパスの入力" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:1179 -msgid "The following effects were imported from the project:" -msgstr "下記の効果をプロジェクトからインポートしました:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:1209 src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:1223 -#: src/ui/backupdialog_ui.ui:22 -msgid "Project Folder" -msgstr "プロジェクトのフォルダ" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:1287 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Cannot create backup copy:\n" -"%1" -msgstr "" -"バックアップコピーを作成できません:\n" -"%1" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:1400 src/project/projectlist.cpp:2317 -msgid "Add proxy clip" -msgid_plural "Add proxy clips" -msgstr[0] "代用クリップの追加" -msgstr[1] "代用クリップの追加" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:1401 src/project/projectlist.cpp:2318 -msgid "Remove proxy clip" -msgid_plural "Remove proxy clips" -msgstr[0] "代用クリップの削除" -msgstr[1] "代用クリップの削除" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:62 src/mainwindow.cpp:1023 -msgid "DVD Wizard" -msgstr "DVD ウィザード(D)" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:65 -msgid "Select Files For Your DVD" -msgstr "DVD に使用するファイルの選択" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:69 -msgid "DVD Chapters" -msgstr "DVD チャプター" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:75 -msgid "Create DVD Menu" -msgstr "DVD メニューの作成" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:79 -msgid "Creating DVD Image" -msgstr "DVD イメージを作成しています" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:104 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:111 -#, kde-format -msgid "Burn with %1" -msgstr "%1 を利用して書き込み" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:114 -msgid "No burning program found (K3b, Brasero)" -msgstr "書き込みプログラム (K3b, Brasero) が見つかりません" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:120 -msgid "Load" -msgstr "読み込み" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:121 -msgid "Save" -msgstr "保存" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:188 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot create temporary directory %1" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:271 -msgid "Menu movie is invalid" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:383 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:464 -msgid "Rendering job timed out" -msgstr "描画ジョブが時間切れになりました" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:385 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:466 -msgid "Menu job timed out" -msgstr "メニュージョブが時間切れになりました" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:674 -msgid "Rendering menu crashed" -msgstr "メニューの描画処理がクラッシュしました" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:710 -msgid "DVDAuthor process crashed" -msgstr "DVDAuthor の処理がクラッシュしました" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:713 -msgid "DVDAuthor process crashed.

" -msgstr "DVDAuthor の処理がクラッシュしました。

" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:737 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:738 -msgid "DVD structure broken" -msgstr "DVD の構造が壊れています" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:785 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:788 -msgid "ISO creation process crashed." -msgstr "ISO の作成処理がクラッシュしました。" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:817 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:818 -msgid "DVD ISO is broken" -msgstr "DVD ISO が壊れています" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:832 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:834 -#, kde-format -msgid "DVD ISO image %1 successfully created." -msgstr "DVD ISO イメージ %1 が正しく作成できました。" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:864 -#, kde-format -msgid "Previewing requires one of these applications (%1)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:888 -#, kde-format -msgid "Folder %1 already exists. Overwrite?\n" -msgstr "フォルダ %1 は既に存在しています。上書きしますか?\n" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:890 -#, kde-format -msgid "Image file %1 already exists. Overwrite?" -msgstr "イメージファイル %1 は既に存在しています。上書きしますか?" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:911 -msgid "Save DVD Project" -msgstr "DVD プロジェクトの保存" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:911 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:948 -msgid "DVD project (*.kdvd)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:957 -#, kde-format -msgid "File %1 is not a Kdenlive project file." -msgstr "ファイル %1 は Kdenlive プロジェクトファイルではありません。" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardmenu.cpp:42 src/monitor/monitor.cpp:185 -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:303 src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:79 -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:405 src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:444 -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:873 -msgid "Play" -msgstr "再生(P)" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardmenu.cpp:54 -msgid "Add new button" -msgstr "新しいボタンの追加" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardmenu.cpp:55 -msgid "Delete current button" -msgstr "現在のボタンの削除" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardmenu.cpp:300 -msgid "Play All" -msgstr "すべてを再生" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:104 -#, kde-format -msgid "Program %1 is required for the DVD wizard." -msgstr "DVD ウィザードには、%1 プログラムが必要です。" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:105 -msgid "mkisofs" -msgstr "mkisofs" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:105 -msgid "genisoimage" -msgstr "genisoimage" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:105 -#, kde-format -msgid "Program %1 or %2 is required for the DVD wizard." -msgstr "" -"DVD ウィザードには、%1 または %2 のプログラムが必要です。" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:111 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:316 -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:768 -msgid "PAL 4:3" -msgstr "PAL 4:3" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:111 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:313 -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:765 -msgid "PAL 16:9" -msgstr "PAL 16:9" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:111 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:310 -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:762 -msgid "NTSC 4:3" -msgstr "NTSC 4:3" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:111 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:307 -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:759 -msgid "NTSC 16:9" -msgstr "NTSC 16:9" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:138 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:791 -msgid "Your clips do not match selected DVD format, transcoding required." -msgstr "" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:210 src/project/cliptranscode.cpp:244 -msgid "Transcoding failed!" -msgstr "トランスコードが失敗しました!" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:247 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "All Files" -msgid "MPEG Files" -msgstr "すべてのファイル" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:248 -msgid "Add new video file" -msgstr "新しいビデオファイルの追加" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:337 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:779 -#, kde-format -msgid "The clip %1 is invalid." -msgstr "" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:674 -#: src/effectstack/collapsibleeffect.cpp:352 -#: src/effectstack/collapsiblegroup.cpp:178 src/monitor/monitor.cpp:845 -#: src/project/clipstabilize.cpp:222 src/project/cliptranscode.cpp:141 -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:297 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"File %1 already exists.\n" -"Do you want to overwrite it?" -msgstr "" -"ファイル %1 は既に存在しています。\n" -"上書きしてよろしいですか?" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:699 -#, fuzzy, kde-format -#| msgid "Transcoding" -msgid "Transcoding: %1" -msgstr "トランスコードしています" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslist.cpp:197 -msgid "Author:" -msgstr "作者:" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:63 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Search in the effect list" -msgid "Search in effects list" -msgstr "効果リスト内を検索" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:72 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Show/Hide the effect description" -msgid "Show/Hide effect description" -msgstr "効果の説明を表示/非表示" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:83 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Delete selected clip" -#| msgid_plural "Delete selected clips" -msgid "Add Effect to Selected Clip" -msgstr "選択したクリップの削除" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:84 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Copy profile to favorites" -msgid "Add Effect to Favorites" -msgstr "プロファイルをお気に入りにコピー" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:85 -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:231 -#: src/effectstack/collapsibleeffect.cpp:70 -#: src/effectstack/collapsiblegroup.cpp:77 -msgid "Delete effect" -msgstr "効果の削除" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:93 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Move transition" -msgid "Show all transitions" -msgstr "遷移効果の移動" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:94 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Move transition" -msgid "Show GPU transitions" -msgstr "遷移効果の移動" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:101 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Show all profiles" -msgid "Show all effects" -msgstr "すべてのプロファイルを表示" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:103 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Move effect" -msgid "Show video effects" -msgstr "効果の移動" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:105 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Sox echo audio effect" -msgid "Show audio effects" -msgstr "Sox Echo オーディオ効果" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:107 -msgid "Show GPU effects" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:109 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Sox echo audio effect" -msgid "Show custom effects" -msgstr "Sox Echo オーディオ効果" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:110 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Move effect" -msgid "Show favorite effects" -msgstr "効果の移動" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:239 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Remove file" -msgid "Remove from favorites" -msgstr "ファイルの削除" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_audio) -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, abitrates) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_audiothumbnails) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, audio_thumbs) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, audiobitrateLabel) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, rec_audio) -#: src/effectslist/effectslistwidget.cpp:100 -#: src/effectslist/effectslistwidget.cpp:129 -#: src/effectslist/effectslistwidget.cpp:131 src/monitor/recmanager.cpp:57 -#: src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:39 -#: src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:121 -#: src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:155 -#: src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:194 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:131 -#: src/ui/configtimeline_ui.ui:38 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:224 -#: src/ui/recmonitor_ui.ui:107 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:195 -#: src/ui/saveprofile_ui.ui:67 -msgid "Audio" -msgstr "オーディオ" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistwidget.cpp:100 -#: src/effectslist/effectslistwidget.cpp:137 -#: src/effectslist/effectslistwidget.cpp:139 -#: src/effectslist/effectslistwidget.cpp:464 -msgctxt "Folder Name" -msgid "Custom" -msgstr "カスタム" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistwidget.cpp:194 -msgctxt "menu name for effects names between these 2 letters" -msgid "0 - F" -msgstr "0 から F" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistwidget.cpp:196 -msgctxt "menu name for effects names between these 2 letters" -msgid "G - L" -msgstr "G から L" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistwidget.cpp:198 -msgctxt "menu name for effects names between these 2 letters" -msgid "M - R" -msgstr "M から R" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistwidget.cpp:200 -msgctxt "menu name for effects names between these 2 letters" -msgid "S - Z" -msgstr "S から Z" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:47 src/project/clipproperties.cpp:346 -#: src/project/dialogs/slideshowclip.cpp:72 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:59 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:153 -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:541 -msgid "None" -msgstr "なし" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:363 -#, kde-format -msgid "Group %1" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:624 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Dissolve" -msgid "None (Dissolve)" -msgstr "溶解" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, slide_luma) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, luma_fade) -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:706 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:292 -#: src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:203 -msgid "Wipe" -msgstr "ワイプ" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:707 -msgid "Applies a stationary transition between the current and next frames." -msgstr "現在の次のフレームの間に、静止形の遷移を適用します。" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:710 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:785 -msgctxt "@property: means that the image is inverted" -msgid "Invert" -msgstr "反転" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:711 -msgid "Image File" -msgstr "画像ファイル" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:712 -msgid "Reverse Transition" -msgstr "遷移の反転" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:716 src/timeline/headertrack.cpp:89 -#: src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:74 -msgid "Composite" -msgstr "コンポジット" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:717 -msgid "A key-framable alpha-channel compositor for two frames." -msgstr "" -"2 つのフレームに対する、キーフレーム化可能なアルファチャンネル混合です。" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:719 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:764 -msgid "Alpha Channel Operation" -msgstr "アルファチャンネルの操作" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:719 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:764 -msgid "Over,And,Or,Xor" -msgstr "Over,And,Or,Xor" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:720 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:765 -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:785 -msgid "Align" -msgstr "アライン" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:723 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:768 -msgid "Wipe File" -msgstr "ワイプファイル" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:724 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:769 -msgid "Wipe Softness" -msgstr "ワイプの柔らかさ" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:725 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:770 -msgid "Wipe Invert" -msgstr "反転ワイプ" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:726 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:771 -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:785 -msgid "Force Progressive Rendering" -msgstr "プログレッシブレンダリングの強制" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:727 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:772 -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:785 -msgid "Force Deinterlace Overlay" -msgstr "デインターレースオーバーレイの強制" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:729 -msgid "Affine" -msgstr "Affine" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:753 -msgid "Fix Shear Y" -msgstr "Y せん断の固定" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:754 -msgid "Fix Shear X" -msgstr "X せん断の固定" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:755 -msgid "Fix Shear Z" -msgstr "Z せん断の固定" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:761 -msgid "Use alpha channel of another clip to create a transition." -msgstr "他のクリップのアルファチャンネルを使用し、遷移を作成します。" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:762 -msgid "Transparency clip" -msgstr "クリップの透明度" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:785 -msgid "Slide" -msgstr "スライド" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:785 -msgid "Slide image from one side to another." -msgstr "一方から他方に画像をスライドします。" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:785 -msgid "Direction" -msgstr "方向" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, slide_fade) -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:790 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:262 -#: src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:167 -msgid "Dissolve" -msgstr "溶解" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:790 -msgid "Fade out one video while fading in the other video." -msgstr "一方のビデオをフェードアウトし、他方のビデオをフェードインします。" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:790 -msgid "Reverse" -msgstr "反転" - -#: src/effectstack/collapsibleeffect.cpp:64 -#: src/effectstack/collapsiblegroup.cpp:72 -msgid "Move effect up" -msgstr "効果を上へ" - -#: src/effectstack/collapsibleeffect.cpp:67 -#: src/effectstack/collapsiblegroup.cpp:74 -msgid "Move effect down" -msgstr "効果を下へ" - -#: src/effectstack/collapsibleeffect.cpp:82 -msgid "Reset Effect" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/collapsibleeffect.cpp:83 -#: src/effectstack/collapsibleeffect.cpp:345 -msgid "Save Effect" -msgstr "効果の保存" - -#: src/effectstack/collapsibleeffect.cpp:91 -#: src/effectstack/collapsiblegroup.cpp:89 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Save Effect" -msgid "Disable Effect" -msgstr "効果の保存" - -#: src/effectstack/collapsibleeffect.cpp:91 -#: src/effectstack/collapsiblegroup.cpp:89 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Save Effect" -msgid "Enable Effect" -msgstr "効果の保存" - -#: src/effectstack/collapsibleeffect.cpp:96 -msgid "Create Group" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/collapsibleeffect.cpp:136 -msgid "Create Region" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/collapsibleeffect.cpp:345 -msgid "Name for saved effect: " -msgstr "保存した効果の名前: " - -#: src/effectstack/collapsiblegroup.cpp:68 -#: src/effectstack/collapsiblegroup.cpp:383 -msgid "Effect Group" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/collapsiblegroup.cpp:81 -msgid "Reset Group" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/collapsiblegroup.cpp:82 -#: src/effectstack/collapsiblegroup.cpp:171 -msgid "Save Group" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/collapsiblegroup.cpp:84 -msgid "Ungroup" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/collapsiblegroup.cpp:171 -msgid "Name for saved group: " -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/complexparameter.cpp:36 -msgid "Allow horizontal moves" -msgstr "水平移動を許可する" - -#: src/effectstack/complexparameter.cpp:38 -msgid "Allow vertical moves" -msgstr "垂直移動を許可する" - -#: src/effectstack/complexparameter.cpp:40 -msgid "Show keyframes in timeline" -msgstr "タイムライン内にキーフレームを表示" - -#: src/effectstack/complexparameter.cpp:42 -msgid "Parameter info" -msgstr "パラメータ情報" - -#: src/effectstack/complexparameter.cpp:44 src/effectstack/geometryval.cpp:81 -#: src/effectstack/keyframeedit.cpp:47 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:84 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:417 -#: src/simplekeyframes/simplekeyframewidget.cpp:42 -#: src/simplekeyframes/simplekeyframewidget.cpp:132 -msgid "Add keyframe" -msgstr "キーフレームの追加" - -#: src/effectstack/dragvalue.cpp:109 -msgid "Normal scale" -msgstr "通常スケール" - -#: src/effectstack/dragvalue.cpp:110 -msgid "Pixel scale" -msgstr "ピクセルスケール" - -#: src/effectstack/dragvalue.cpp:111 -msgid "Nonlinear scale" -msgstr "非線形スケール" - -#: src/effectstack/dragvalue.cpp:115 -msgid "Direct update" -msgstr "直接更新" - -#: src/effectstack/dragvalue.cpp:120 -msgid "Reset value" -msgstr "値のリセット" - -#: src/effectstack/dragvalue.cpp:125 -#, kde-format -msgid "Show %1 in timeline" -msgstr "%1 をタイムライン内に表示" - -#: src/effectstack/effectstackview2.cpp:71 -msgid "Enable/Disable all effects" -msgstr "すべての効果を有効化/無効化" - -#: src/effectstack/effectstackview2.cpp:73 -msgid "Show additional information for the parameters" -msgstr "パラメータ用の追加情報の表示" - -#: src/effectstack/effectstackview2.cpp:174 -#: src/effectstack/effectstackview2.cpp:176 -#: src/effectstack/effectstackview2.cpp:179 -#, kde-format -msgid "Effects for %1" -msgstr "%1 向けの効果" - -#: src/effectstack/effectstackview2.cpp:229 -#: src/effectstack/effectstackview2.cpp:231 -#: src/effectstack/effectstackview2.cpp:234 -#, fuzzy, kde-format -#| msgid "Effects for %1" -msgid "Bin effects for %1" -msgstr "%1 向けの効果" - -#: src/effectstack/effectstackview2.cpp:276 -#, kde-format -msgid "Effects for track %1" -msgstr "トラック %1 向けの効果" - -#: src/effectstack/geometryval.cpp:77 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:81 -#: src/simplekeyframes/simplekeyframewidget.cpp:52 -msgid "Go to next keyframe" -msgstr "次のキーフレームに移動" - -#: src/effectstack/geometryval.cpp:79 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:78 -#: src/simplekeyframes/simplekeyframewidget.cpp:47 -msgid "Go to previous keyframe" -msgstr "前のキーフレームに移動" - -#: src/effectstack/geometryval.cpp:83 src/effectstack/keyframeedit.cpp:49 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:423 -#: src/simplekeyframes/simplekeyframewidget.cpp:129 -msgid "Delete keyframe" -msgstr "キーフレームの削除" - -#: src/effectstack/geometryval.cpp:85 src/monitor/monitor.cpp:206 -msgid "Misc..." -msgstr "その他..." - -#: src/effectstack/geometryval.cpp:89 -msgid "Show/Hide options" -msgstr "オプションの表示/非表示" - -#: src/effectstack/geometryval.cpp:97 -msgid "Sync timeline cursor" -msgstr "タイムラインカーソルの同期" - -#: src/effectstack/geometryval.cpp:116 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:343 -msgid "Align item horizontally" -msgstr "項目を水平方向に揃える" - -#: src/effectstack/geometryval.cpp:118 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:345 -msgid "Align item vertically" -msgstr "項目を垂直方向に揃える" - -#: src/effectstack/geometryval.cpp:120 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:347 -msgid "Align item to top" -msgstr "項目を一番上に合わせる" - -#: src/effectstack/geometryval.cpp:122 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:349 -msgid "Align item to bottom" -msgstr "項目を一番下に合わせる" - -#: src/effectstack/geometryval.cpp:124 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:351 -msgid "Align item to right" -msgstr "項目を右に合わせる" - -#: src/effectstack/geometryval.cpp:126 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:353 -msgid "Align item to left" -msgstr "項目を左に合わせる" - -#: src/effectstack/parametercontainer.cpp:467 -msgid "" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/bezier/beziersplinewidget.cpp:67 -msgid "Handle 1:" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/bezier/beziersplinewidget.cpp:70 -msgid "Handle 2:" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/colorpickerwidget.cpp:71 -msgid "" -"Pick a color on the screen. By pressing the mouse button and then moving " -"your mouse you can select a section of the screen from which to get an " -"average color." -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/colorpickerwidget.cpp:101 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/colorpickerwidget.cpp:125 -msgid "Requesting color information..." -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/colorpickerwidget.cpp:134 -msgid "Calculated average color for rectangle." -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:96 -msgctxt "x axis position" -msgid "X" -msgstr "X" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:99 -msgctxt "y axis position" -msgid "Y" -msgstr "Y" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:102 -msgctxt "Frame width" -msgid "W" -msgstr "P" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:105 -msgctxt "Frame height" -msgid "H" -msgstr "H" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:111 -msgid "Adjust to original size" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:113 -msgid "Fit to width" -msgstr "Sutalpinti į plotį" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:115 -msgid "Fit to height" -msgstr "Sutalpinti į aukštį" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:118 -msgid "Import keyframes from clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:121 -msgid "Reset all keyframes" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:125 -msgid "Reset keyframes after cursor" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:128 -msgid "Reset keyframes before cursor" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:133 -msgid "Synchronize with timeline cursor" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:139 -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:244 -msgid "Align left" -msgstr "Lygiuoti į kairę" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:141 -msgid "Center horizontally" -msgstr "Centruoti horizontaliai" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:143 -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:243 -msgid "Align right" -msgstr "Lygiuoti į dešinę" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:145 -msgid "Align top" -msgstr "Lygiuoti į viršų" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:147 -msgid "Center vertically" -msgstr "Horizontaliai" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:149 -msgid "Align bottom" -msgstr "Lygiuoti į apačią" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:154 -#: src/ui/clipstabilize_ui.ui:30 -msgid "Options" -msgstr "Parinktys" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (suffix), widget (QSpinBox, spinResize) -#. i18n: ectx: property (suffix), widget (QSpinBox, kcfg_volume) -#. i18n: ectx: property (suffix), widget (QSpinBox, zoom_spin) -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:208 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:211 -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:125 src/ui/configsdl_ui.ui:89 -#: src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:226 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:611 -#, no-c-format -msgid "%" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/lumaliftgain.cpp:61 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Green" -msgid "Lift" -msgstr "Žalia" - -#: src/hidetitlebars.cpp:21 -msgid "Show Title Bars" -msgstr "" - -#: src/layoutmanagement.cpp:27 -msgid "Layouts" -msgstr "Išdėstymai" - -#: src/layoutmanagement.cpp:28 -msgid "Load Layout" -msgstr "" - -#: src/layoutmanagement.cpp:30 -#, kde-format -msgid "Layout %1" -msgstr "Išdėstymas %1" - -#: src/layoutmanagement.cpp:34 -#, kde-format -msgid "Save As Layout %1" -msgstr "" - -#: src/layoutmanagement.cpp:69 -#, kde-format -msgid "Save as %1" -msgstr "Išsaugoti kaip %1" - -#: src/layoutmanagement.cpp:101 -msgid "Save Layout" -msgstr "" - -#: src/layoutmanagement.cpp:101 -msgid "Layout name:" -msgstr "Išdėliojimo pavadinimas:" - -#: src/lib/audio/audioCorrelation.cpp:43 -msgid "Audio analysis finished" -msgstr "" - -#: src/main.cpp:48 -msgid "Kdenlive" -msgstr "Kdenlive" - -#: src/main.cpp:49 -msgid "An open source video editor." -msgstr "Atviro kodo video redaktorius." - -#: src/main.cpp:51 -msgid "Copyright © 2007–2015 Kdenlive authors" -msgstr "" - -#: src/main.cpp:52 -msgid "Please report bugs to http://bugs.kde.org" -msgstr "" - -#: src/main.cpp:54 -msgid "Jean-Baptiste Mardelle" -msgstr "Jean-Baptiste Mardelle" - -#: src/main.cpp:54 -msgid "MLT and KDE SC 4 / KF5 port, main developer and maintainer" -msgstr "" - -#: src/main.cpp:55 -msgid "Vincent Pinon" -msgstr "" - -#: src/main.cpp:55 -msgid "" -"Interim maintainer, KF5 port, bugs fixing, minor functions, profiles " -"updates, etc." -msgstr "" - -#: src/main.cpp:56 -msgid "Laurent Montel" -msgstr "" - -#: src/main.cpp:56 -msgid "Bugs fixing, clean up code, optimization etc." -msgstr "" - -#: src/main.cpp:57 -msgid "Marco Gittler" -msgstr "" - -#: src/main.cpp:57 -msgid "MLT transitions and effects, timeline, audio thumbs" -msgstr "" - -#: src/main.cpp:58 -msgid "Dan Dennedy" -msgstr "" - -#: src/main.cpp:58 src/main.cpp:60 src/main.cpp:63 src/main.cpp:64 -msgid "Bug fixing, etc." -msgstr "" - -#: src/main.cpp:59 -msgid "Simon A. Eugster" -msgstr "" - -#: src/main.cpp:59 -msgid "Color scopes, bug fixing, etc." -msgstr "" - -#: src/main.cpp:60 -msgid "Till Theato" -msgstr "" - -#: src/main.cpp:61 -msgid "Alberto Villa" -msgstr "" - -#: src/main.cpp:61 -msgid "Bug fixing, logo, etc." -msgstr "" - -#: src/main.cpp:62 -msgid "Jean-Michel Poure" -msgstr "" - -#: src/main.cpp:62 -msgid "Rendering profiles customization" -msgstr "" - -#: src/main.cpp:63 -msgid "Ray Lehtiniemi" -msgstr "" - -#: src/main.cpp:64 -msgid "Steve Guilford" -msgstr "" - -#: src/main.cpp:65 -msgid "Jason Wood" -msgstr "" - -#: src/main.cpp:65 -msgid "Original KDE 3 version author (not active anymore)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/main.cpp:66 -msgid "NAME OF TRANSLATORS" -msgstr "" - -#: src/main.cpp:66 -msgid "EMAIL OF TRANSLATORS" -msgstr "" - -#: src/main.cpp:86 -msgid "Set the path for MLT environment" -msgstr "" - -#: src/main.cpp:87 -msgid "Comma separated list of clips to add" -msgstr "" - -#: src/main.cpp:88 -msgid "Document to open" -msgstr "Atvertinas dokumentas" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:148 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Themes" -msgid "Theme" -msgstr "Temos" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:177 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Project Files" -msgid "Project Bin" -msgstr "Projektų failai" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, properties) -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:216 src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:395 -#: src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:43 -msgid "Properties" -msgstr "Savybės" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:219 src/mainwindow.cpp:280 -msgid "Effects" -msgstr "Efektai" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:222 src/mainwindow.cpp:284 src/mainwindow.cpp:1272 -msgid "Transitions" -msgstr "Perėjimai" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:225 -msgid "Clip Monitor" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:226 -msgid "Project Monitor" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:228 -msgid "Record Monitor" -msgstr "Įrašymo monitorius" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:233 -msgid "Clean" -msgstr "Išvalyti" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:235 -msgid "Undo History" -msgstr "Veiksmų istorija" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:263 -msgid "Stop Motion" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, capture_button) -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:264 src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:105 -msgid "Capture frame" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:267 -msgid "Switch live / captured frame" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:270 -msgid "Show last frame over video" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:283 -msgid "Add Transition" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:315 src/mainwindow.cpp:316 src/mainwindow.cpp:325 -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:326 src/mainwindow.cpp:330 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "effect" -msgid "Favorite Effects" -msgstr "efektas" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:563 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"You have 1 rendering job waiting in the queue.\n" -"What do you want to do with this job?" -msgid_plural "" -"You have %1 rendering jobs waiting in the queue.\n" -"What do you want to do with these jobs?" -msgstr[0] "" -msgstr[1] "" -msgstr[2] "" -msgstr[3] "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:563 -msgid "Start them now" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:563 -msgid "Delete them" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:784 -msgid "Normal mode" -msgstr "Normali veiksena" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:785 -msgctxt "Normal editing" -msgid "n" -msgstr "n" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:790 -msgid "Overwrite mode" -msgstr "Perrašymo veiksena" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:796 -msgid "Insert mode" -msgstr "Įterpimo veiksena" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:815 -msgid "Selection tool" -msgstr "Žymėjimo įrankis" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:816 -#, fuzzy -msgctxt "Selection tool shortcut" -msgid "s" -msgstr "#%s" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:821 -msgid "Razor tool" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:822 -#, fuzzy -msgctxt "Razor tool shortcut" -msgid "x" -msgstr "x" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:827 -msgid "Spacer tool" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:828 -#, fuzzy -msgctxt "Spacer tool shortcut" -msgid "m" -msgstr "m" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:869 -msgid "Fit zoom to project" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:873 -msgid "Zoom Out" -msgstr "Atitolinti" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:887 -msgid "Zoom In" -msgstr "Pritraukti" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:915 -msgid "Split audio and video automatically" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, videothumbs) -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:921 src/ui/wizardextra_ui.ui:35 -msgid "Show video thumbnails" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, audiothumbs) -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:927 src/ui/wizardextra_ui.ui:42 -msgid "Show audio thumbnails" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:933 -msgid "Show markers comments" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:938 -msgid "Snap" -msgstr "Pritraukti" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, tc_type) -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:972 src/project/clipproperties.cpp:372 -#: src/project/dialogs/slideshowclip.cpp:89 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:284 -msgid "hh:mm:ss:ff" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, tc_type) -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:973 src/project/clipproperties.cpp:373 -#: src/project/dialogs/slideshowclip.cpp:90 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:289 -msgid "Frames" -msgstr "Kadrai" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1002 -msgid "Manage Project Profiles" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1003 -msgid "Download New Wipes..." -msgstr "Atsisiųsti naujas šluostes..." - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1004 -msgid "Download New Render Profiles..." -msgstr "Atsisiųsti naujus vertimo profilius..." - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1005 -msgid "Download New Project Profiles..." -msgstr "Atsisiųsti naujus projekto profilius..." - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1006 -msgid "Download New Title Templates..." -msgstr "Atsisiųsti naujus antraščių šablonus..." - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1008 -msgid "Run Config Wizard" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, ProjectSettings_UI) -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1009 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Project Settings" -msgstr "Projekto nustatymai" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1010 -msgid "Render" -msgstr "Generavimas" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1012 -msgid "Clean Project" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1016 -msgid "Play Zone" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1018 -msgid "Loop Zone" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1020 -msgid "Loop selected clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1024 -msgid "Transcode Clips" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1025 src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:55 -msgid "Archive Project" -msgstr "Archyvuoti projektą" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1026 -msgid "Switch monitor" -msgstr "Perjungti monitorių" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1027 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6364 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Move guide" -msgid "Expand Clip" -msgstr "Gairės perkėlimas" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1029 -msgid "Monitor Info Overlay" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1035 -msgid "Real Time (drop frames)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1040 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Monitor" -msgid "Monitor Gamma" -msgstr "Monitorius" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1041 -msgid "sRGB (computer)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1042 -msgid "Rec. 709 (TV)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1047 -msgid "Insert Zone in Project Bin" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1048 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Timeline" -msgid "Insert Zone in Timeline" -msgstr "Laiko juosta" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1050 -msgid "Resize Item Start" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1055 -msgid "Resize Item End" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1060 -msgid "Go to Previous Snap Point" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1062 -msgid "Go to Clip Start" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1063 -msgid "Go to Clip End" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1064 -msgid "Go to Next Snap Point" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1066 -msgid "Delete Selected Item" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1067 -msgid "Align Playhead to Mouse Position" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1069 -msgid "Automatic Transition" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1076 -msgid "Group Clips" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1078 -msgid "Ungroup Clips" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1083 -msgid "Edit Duration" -msgstr "Keisti trukmę" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1084 src/mainwindow.cpp:3232 -msgid "Save clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1085 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Project Files" -msgid "Clip in Project Bin" -msgstr "Projektų failai" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1086 -msgid "Insert Clip Zone in Timeline (Overwrite)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1087 -msgid "Select Clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1088 -msgid "Deselect Clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1089 -msgid "Add Clip To Selection" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1091 -msgid "Select Transition" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1093 -msgid "Deselect Transition" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1095 -msgid "Add Transition To Selection" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, CutJobDialog_UI) -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1097 src/ui/cutjobdialog_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Cut Clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1098 src/mainwindow.cpp:1833 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:729 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:803 -msgid "Add Marker" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1099 -msgid "Delete Marker" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1100 -msgid "Delete All Markers" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1102 src/mainwindow.cpp:1921 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:702 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:827 -msgid "Edit Marker" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1105 -msgid "Add Marker/Guide quickly" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1108 -msgid "Split Audio" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1112 -msgid "Set Audio Reference" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1116 -msgid "Align Audio to Reference" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1120 -msgid "Audio Only" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1125 -msgid "Video Only" -msgstr "Tik video" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1130 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7007 -msgid "Audio and Video" -msgstr "Garsas ir vaizdas" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1142 -msgid "Insert Space" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1143 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:3426 -msgid "Remove Space" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1146 -msgid "Insert Track" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1150 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6556 -#: src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:94 -msgid "Delete Track" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, TracksConfigDialog_UI) -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1155 src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:250 -#: src/ui/tracksconfigdialog_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Configure Tracks" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1159 -msgid "Select All in Current Track" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1170 src/timeline/customruler.cpp:85 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5781 -msgid "Add Guide" -msgstr "Pridėti gairę" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1171 src/timeline/customruler.cpp:89 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:231 -msgid "Delete Guide" -msgstr "Pašalinti gairę" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1172 src/timeline/customruler.cpp:87 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:235 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5815 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5829 -msgid "Edit Guide" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1173 src/timeline/customruler.cpp:91 -msgid "Delete All Guides" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1175 -msgid "Paste Effects" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1180 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Selection tool" -msgid "Save Selection" -msgstr "Žymėjimo įrankis" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1208 -msgid "Add Clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1210 -msgid "Add Color Clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1213 src/project/dialogs/slideshowclip.cpp:41 -msgid "Add Slideshow Clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1216 -msgid "Add Title Clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1219 -msgid "Add Template Title" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1223 -msgid "Create Folder" -msgstr "Sukurti aplanką" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1224 -msgid "Online Resources" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, ClipProperties_UI) -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1226 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Clip Properties" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1230 -msgid "Edit Clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1238 -msgid "Reload Clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1242 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "No Effect" -msgid "Disable Timeline Effects" -msgstr "Be efektų" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1247 -msgid "Duplicate Clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1259 -msgid "Ripple Delete" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1389 -msgid "" -"You have changed the proxy parameters. Do you want to recreate all proxy " -"clips for this project?" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1487 -msgid "This will remove all unused clips from your project." -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1487 -msgid "Clean up project" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1647 -msgctxt "general keyboard shortcuts" -msgid "General" -msgstr "Bendri" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1827 src/mainwindow.cpp:1945 -msgid "Cannot find clip to add marker" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1859 src/mainwindow.cpp:1886 src/mainwindow.cpp:1909 -msgid "Cannot find clip to remove marker" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1866 src/mainwindow.cpp:1916 -msgid "No marker found at cursor time" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2194 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot find effect %1 / %2" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2252 -#, kde-format -msgid "Zoom Level: %1/13" -msgstr "Didinimas lygis: %1/13" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2378 -msgid "Ctrl + click to use spacer on current track only" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2381 -msgid "Click on a clip to cut it" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2384 -msgid "" -"Shift + click to create a selection rectangle, Ctrl + click to add an item " -"to selection" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2707 -msgid "Stabilize" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2719 -msgid "Automatic scene split" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2729 src/project/jobs/filterjob.cpp:83 -msgid "Reverse clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2736 -msgid "Analyse keyframes" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2751 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Transcode" -msgid "Transcoders" -msgstr "&Perkoduoti" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2784 -msgid "Interface" -msgstr "Sąsaja" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2821 -msgid "No clip to transcode" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2834 -msgid "Files to transcode" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2867 -msgid "Create Render Script" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2877 -msgid "Script file already exists. Do you want to overwrite it?" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2923 -msgctxt "the first in a list of chapters" -msgid "Start" -msgstr "Pradėti" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:3200 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Archive Project" -msgid "Archiving project" -msgstr "Archyvuoti projektą" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:3229 -msgid "Select a clip to save" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:3232 src/renderer.cpp:1386 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7865 -msgid "MLT playlist (*.mlt)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mltconnection.cpp:51 -msgid "Cannot find the melt program required for rendering (part of MLT)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mltconnection.cpp:83 -msgid "Cannot find your MLT profiles, please give the path" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:87 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:476 src/project/projectcommands.cpp:166 -msgid "Edit marker" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:88 -msgid "Export markers" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:89 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Import" -msgid "Import markers" -msgstr "Importuoti" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:115 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Analyse" -msgid "Analysis data" -msgstr "Analizuoti" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:118 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Delete data" -msgid "Delete analysis" -msgstr "Šalinti duomenis" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:119 -msgid "Export analysis" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:120 -msgid "Import analysis" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, clip_transparency) -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:166 -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:842 -msgid "Transparent" -msgstr "Permatomas" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:181 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Aspect ratio" -msgid "Aspect Ratio" -msgstr "Proporcija" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_18) -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:236 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:618 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:623 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:679 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:440 -#: src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:86 -msgid "Frame rate" -msgstr "Kadrų dažnis" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_5) -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:260 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:634 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:686 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:105 -msgid "Scanning" -msgstr "Skenuojama" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:282 -msgid "Field order" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:286 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:129 -msgid "Bottom first" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:287 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:130 -msgid "Top first" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:304 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Threshold" -msgid "Threads" -msgstr "Slenkstis" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, clip_force_vindex) -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:320 -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:693 -msgid "Video index" -msgstr "Video indeksas" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, clip_force_aindex) -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:336 -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:720 -msgid "Audio index" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_12) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_32) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_15) -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:350 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:644 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:696 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:294 -#: src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:222 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:149 -msgid "Colorspace" -msgstr "Spalvų erdvė" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, clip_full_luma) -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:380 -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:772 -msgid "Full luma range" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:399 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Item Properties" -msgid "Force properties" -msgstr "Nuotraukos savybės" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_5) -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_3) -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:401 -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:511 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:349 -msgid "Metadata" -msgstr "Metaduomenys" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:403 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Analyse" -msgid "Analysis" -msgstr "Analizuoti" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:609 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:671 src/project/clipproperties.cpp:673 -msgid "Video codec" -msgstr "Video kodekas" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:613 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:676 -msgid "Frame size" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:630 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Video track" -msgid "Video bitrate" -msgstr "Video takelis" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:630 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:664 -#, fuzzy -msgctxt "seconds" -msgid "s" -msgstr "#%s" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_9) -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:641 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:690 src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:120 -msgid "Pixel aspect ratio" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:642 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:693 -msgid "Pixel format" -msgstr "Pikselių formatas" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:651 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:243 -msgid "Audio codec" -msgstr "Garso kodekas" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:659 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Frequency" -msgid "Audio frequency" -msgstr "Dažnis" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:664 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Audio track" -msgid "Audio bitrate" -msgstr "Garso takelis" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:760 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:788 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:813 -msgid "Exif" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:832 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:854 -msgid "Magic Lantern" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:893 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:858 -msgid "Save Analysis Data" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:893 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:904 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:858 src/project/clipproperties.cpp:869 -msgid "Text File (*.txt)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:904 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:869 -msgid "Open Analysis Data" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:183 -msgid "Play..." -msgstr "Groti..." - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:185 src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:303 -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:310 src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:449 -msgid "Pause" -msgstr "Pristabdyti" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:210 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:210 -msgid "Go to marker..." -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:215 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Font Size" -msgid "Force Monitor Size" -msgstr "Šrifto dydis" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:216 -msgid "Force 100%" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:218 -msgid "Force 50%" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:220 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Resize" -msgid "Free Resize" -msgstr "Keisti dydį" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:233 -msgid "Audio volume" -msgstr "Garso garsumas" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:248 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Split view" -msgid "Split" -msgstr "Suskaldytas vaizdas" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:248 -msgid "Unsplit" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:281 src/monitor/monitoreditwidget.cpp:58 -msgid "Show/Hide edit mode" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:400 -msgid "Save zone" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:401 -msgid "Extract Zone" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:404 -msgid "Extract frame" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:408 -msgid "Split view" -msgstr "Suskaldytas vaizdas" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:412 -msgid "Set current image as thumbnail" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:416 -msgid "Overlay audio waveform" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:453 -msgid "Your screen resolution is not sufficient for this action" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:838 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Load Image" -msgid "Save Image" -msgstr "Įkelti paveikslėlį" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:894 -msgid "In Point" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:896 -msgid "Out Point" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:1520 -msgid "Select a clip in project bin to compare effect" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:1524 -msgid "Clip has no effects" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:1533 -msgid "" -"The scal0tilt filter is required for that feature, please install frei0r and " -"restart Kdenlive" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:1540 -msgid "" -"The cairoblend transition is required for that feature, please install " -"frei0r and restart Kdenlive" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitoreditwidget.cpp:64 -msgid "Update parameters while monitor scene changes" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitoreditwidget.cpp:68 -msgid "Fit zoom to monitor size" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitoreditwidget.cpp:70 -msgid "Original size" -msgstr "Originalus dydis" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:326 -msgid "Switch monitor fullscreen" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:331 src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:76 -msgid "Rewind" -msgstr "Atsukti" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:336 -msgid "Rewind 1 Frame" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:341 -msgid "Rewind 1 Second" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:346 src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:85 -msgid "Forward" -msgstr "Pirmyn" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:351 -msgid "Go to Project Start" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:356 -msgid "Go to Project End" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:361 -msgid "Forward 1 Frame" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:366 -msgid "Forward 1 Second" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:371 -msgid "Deinterlacer" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:372 -msgid "One Field (fast)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:373 -msgid "Linear Blend (fast)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:374 -msgid "YADIF - temporal only (good)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:375 -msgid "YADIF - temporal + spacial (best)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:384 -msgid "Nearest Neighbor (fast)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:385 -msgid "Bilinear (good)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:386 -msgid "Bicubic (better)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:387 -msgid "Hyper/Lanczos (best)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:395 -msgid "Go to Zone Start" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:400 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Monitor" -msgid "Mute monitor" -msgstr "Monitorius" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:400 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Switch monitor" -msgid "Unmute monitor" -msgstr "Perjungti monitorių" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:406 -msgid "Go to Zone End" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:411 -msgid "Set Zone In" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:416 -msgid "Set Zone Out" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_preview) -#: src/monitor/recmanager.cpp:48 src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:147 -#: src/ui/freesound_ui.ui:144 src/utils/archiveorg.cpp:181 -#: src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:158 src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:263 -#: src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:277 src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:575 -msgid "Preview" -msgstr "Peržiūra" - -#: src/monitor/recmanager.cpp:52 src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:88 -msgid "Record" -msgstr "Įrašas" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_video) -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, vbitrates) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, background_list) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_videothumbnails) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, video_thumbs) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, bitrateLabel) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, rec_video) -#: src/monitor/recmanager.cpp:56 src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:38 -#: src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:153 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:86 -#: src/ui/configtimeline_ui.ui:29 src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:207 -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:217 src/ui/recmonitor_ui.ui:100 -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:169 src/ui/saveprofile_ui.ui:20 -msgid "Video" -msgstr "Video" - -#: src/monitor/recmanager.cpp:68 src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:135 -#, fuzzy, kde-format -#| msgid "Monitor" -msgid "Monitor %1" -msgstr "Monitorius" - -#: src/monitor/recmanager.cpp:80 -msgid "Webcam" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_3) -#: src/monitor/recmanager.cpp:81 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:427 -msgid "Screen Grab" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/recmanager.cpp:86 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Configure" -msgid "Configure Recording" -msgstr "Konfigūruoti" - -#: src/monitor/recmanager.cpp:89 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Record Monitor" -msgid "Show Record Control" -msgstr "Įrašymo monitorius" - -#: src/monitor/recmanager.cpp:198 src/monitor/recmanager.cpp:279 -#: src/monitor/recmanager.cpp:284 src/monitor/recmanager.cpp:390 -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:879 src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:886 -msgid "Capture crashed, please check your parameters" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/recmanager.cpp:265 src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:753 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Failed to start the capture application:\n" -"%1" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:73 src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:862 -msgid "Connect" -msgstr "Prisijungti" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:82 src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:249 -#: src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:262 src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:271 -msgid "Stop" -msgstr "Stabdyti" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:94 -msgid "Add Captured File to Project" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:102 -msgid "Recording Preview" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:110 src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:245 -msgid "Configure" -msgstr "Konfigūruoti" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:202 -msgid "" -"You need to disconnect and reconnect in the capture monitor to apply your " -"changes" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:202 src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:203 -msgid "Capturing" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:203 -msgid "You need to stop capture before your changes can be applied" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:256 -msgid "" -"ffmpeg or avconv not found,\n" -" please install it for screen grabs" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:262 -msgid "" -"Your FFmpeg / Libav installation\n" -" does not support screen grab" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:265 src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:888 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Press record button\n" -"to start screen capture\n" -"Files will be saved in:\n" -"%1" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:283 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Plug your camcorder and\n" -"press play button\n" -"to start preview.\n" -"Files will be saved in:\n" -"%1" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:296 -msgid "" -"dvgrab utility not found,\n" -" please install it for firewire capture" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:320 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Plug your camcorder and\n" -"press connect button\n" -"to initialize connection\n" -"Files will be saved in:\n" -"%1" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:355 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Cannot read from device %1\n" -"Please check drivers and access rights." -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:358 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Press play or record button\n" -"to start video capture\n" -"Files will be saved in:\n" -"%1" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:370 -msgid "Disconnect" -msgstr "Atsijungti" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:423 -msgid "Capture stopped" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:523 -msgid "" -"Failed to start Video4Linux,\n" -"check your parameters..." -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:539 src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:701 -msgid "" -"Failed to start Decklink,\n" -"check your parameters..." -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:677 -msgid "" -"Failed to start ffmpeg capture,\n" -"check your parameters..." -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:695 -#, kde-format -msgid "Capturing to %1" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:702 -msgid "Failed to start capture" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:766 -msgid "Initialising..." -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:782 -msgid "Show log" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, video_frame) -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:882 src/ui/recmonitor_ui.ui:35 -msgid "Not connected" -msgstr "Neprisijungta" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:971 -#, kde-format -msgid "Free space: %1" -msgstr "Laisvos vietos: %1" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:1014 -#, kde-format -msgid "%1 dropped frames" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/smallruler.cpp:201 src/timeline/customruler.cpp:233 -#: src/timeline/customruler.cpp:234 -#, kde-format -msgid "Zone start: %1" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/smallruler.cpp:205 src/timeline/customruler.cpp:237 -#: src/timeline/customruler.cpp:238 -#, kde-format -msgid "Zone end: %1" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/smallruler.cpp:236 src/timeline/customruler.cpp:241 -#: src/timeline/customruler.cpp:242 -#, kde-format -msgid "Zone duration: %1" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/smallruler.cpp:238 src/timeline/customruler.cpp:245 -#: src/timeline/customruler.cpp:246 -#, kde-format -msgid "Position: %1" -msgstr "Pozicija: %1" - -#: src/project/clipmanager.cpp:220 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Delete Script" -msgid "Delete subclip" -msgid_plural "Delete subclips" -msgstr[0] "Pašalinti scenarijų" -msgstr[1] "Pašalinti scenarijų" -msgstr[2] "Pašalinti scenarijų" -msgstr[3] "Pašalinti scenarijų" - -#: src/project/clipmanager.cpp:223 src/project/projectcommands.cpp:74 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Delete folder" -msgid "Delete folder" -msgid_plural "Delete folders" -msgstr[0] "Pašalinti aplanką" -msgstr[1] "Pašalinti aplanką" -msgstr[2] "Pašalinti aplanką" -msgstr[3] "Pašalinti aplanką" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:200 -msgid "Libav" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_8) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, kcfg_defaultcapture) -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_2) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, device_selector) -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:204 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:42 -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:181 src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:105 -#: src/ui/recmonitor_ui.ui:139 -msgid "FFmpeg" -msgstr "FFmpeg" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_11) -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:246 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:187 -#: src/utils/freesound.cpp:207 -msgid "Channels" -msgstr "Kanalai" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:263 -#, kde-format -msgid "Proxy clip: %1 (%2)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:265 -msgid "Delete proxy" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:292 -msgid "Playlist" -msgstr "Grojaraštis" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:348 src/project/dialogs/slideshowclip.cpp:74 -msgid "Pan, low-pass" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:349 src/project/dialogs/slideshowclip.cpp:75 -msgid "Pan and zoom" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:350 src/project/dialogs/slideshowclip.cpp:76 -msgid "Pan and zoom, low-pass" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:352 src/project/dialogs/slideshowclip.cpp:78 -msgid "Zoom, low-pass" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:480 -msgid "Save markers" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:482 -msgid "Load markers" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:484 -msgid "Delete analysis data" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:486 -msgid "Load analysis data" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:488 -msgid "Save analysis data" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:527 src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:360 -#, kde-format -msgid "(%1 clip)" -msgid_plural "(%1 clips)" -msgstr[0] "(%1 iškarpa)" -msgstr[1] "(%1 iškarpos)" -msgstr[2] "(%1 iškarpų)" -msgstr[3] "(%1 iškarpa)" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, slide_info) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_info) -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:1166 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:319 -#: src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:265 -msgid "No image found" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:1171 -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:573 -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:586 -#: src/project/dialogs/slideshowclip.cpp:247 -#, kde-format -msgid "1 image found" -msgid_plural "%1 images found" -msgstr[0] "Rastas %1 paveikslėlis" -msgstr[1] "Rasti %1 paveikslėliai" -msgstr[2] "Rasta %1 paveikslėlių" -msgstr[3] "Rastas %1 paveikslėlis" - -#: src/project/clippropertiesmanager.cpp:182 -msgid "Edit clips" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/clipstabilize.cpp:41 -msgid "Stabilize Clip" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, auto_add) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, add_clip) -#: src/project/clipstabilize.cpp:42 src/project/cliptranscode.cpp:47 -#: src/ui/clipstabilize_ui.ui:57 src/ui/cliptranscode_ui.ui:47 -#: src/ui/cutjobdialog_ui.ui:57 -msgid "Add clip to project" -msgid_plural "Add clips to project" -msgstr[0] "" -msgstr[1] "" -msgstr[2] "" -msgstr[3] "" - -#: src/project/clipstabilize.cpp:69 src/project/cliptranscode.cpp:63 -msgid "Destination folder" -msgstr "Paskirties aplankas" - -#: src/project/clipstabilize.cpp:159 -msgid "Stabilised" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/clipstabilize.cpp:173 -msgid "Stabilize clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/clipstabilize.cpp:232 -msgid "The stabilize job will overwrite the following files:" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/cliptranscode.cpp:43 -msgid "Transcode Clip" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, convert_abort) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_abort) -#: src/project/cliptranscode.cpp:168 src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:636 -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:884 src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:94 -#: src/ui/dvdwizardvob_ui.ui:160 -msgid "Abort" -msgstr "Nutraukti" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, buttonClose) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, buttonClose2) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, buttonClose3) -#: src/project/cliptranscode.cpp:210 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:382 -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:657 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:805 -msgid "Close" -msgstr "Uždaryti" - -#: src/project/cliptranscode.cpp:221 src/project/cliptranscode.cpp:239 -msgid "Transcoding finished." -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:63 -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:302 -msgid "Video clips" -msgstr "Video iškarpos" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:67 -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:305 -msgid "Audio clips" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:71 -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:308 src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:113 -msgid "Image clips" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:75 -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:311 -msgid "Slideshow clips" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:79 -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:314 -msgid "Text clips" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:83 -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:317 -msgid "Playlist clips" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:87 -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:320 -msgid "Other clips" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:91 -msgid "Luma files" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:167 -#, kde-format -msgid "You have %1 missing clip in your project." -msgid_plural "You have %1 missing clips in your project." -msgstr[0] "" -msgstr[1] "" -msgstr[2] "" -msgstr[3] "" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:192 -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:1017 -#, kde-format -msgid "(%1 item)" -msgid_plural "(%1 items)" -msgstr[0] "(%1 elementas)" -msgstr[1] "(%1 elementai)" -msgstr[2] "(%1 elementų)" -msgstr[3] "(%1 elementas)" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:197 -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:1019 -#, kde-format -msgid "%1 file to archive, requires %2" -msgid_plural "%1 files to archive, requires %2" -msgstr[0] "" -msgstr[1] "" -msgstr[2] "" -msgstr[3] "" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:198 -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:664 -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:854 -msgid "Archive" -msgstr "Archyvas" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:232 -msgid "Extract to" -msgstr "Išskleisti į" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:233 -msgid "Open Archived Project" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:235 -msgid "Extract" -msgstr "Išpakuoti" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:264 -msgid "Opening archive..." -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:267 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Cannot open archive file:\n" -" %1" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:284 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"File %1\n" -" is not an archived Kdenlive project" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:290 -msgid "Ready" -msgstr "Pasiruošęs" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:310 -msgid "Archiving in progress, do you want to stop it?" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:310 -msgid "Stop Archiving" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:493 -#, kde-format -msgid "Available space on drive: %1" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:497 -#, kde-format -msgid "Not enough space on drive, free space: %1" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:518 -msgid "Archiving..." -msgstr "Archyvuojama..." - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:546 -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:628 -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:881 -#, fuzzy, kde-format -#| msgid "Cannot create temporary file" -msgid "Cannot create directory %1" -msgstr "Negaliu sukurti laikinos bylos!" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:652 -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:847 -msgid "Project was successfully archived." -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:655 -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:851 -msgid "There was an error processing project file" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:661 -#, kde-format -msgid "There was an error while copying the files: %1" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:785 -msgid "Cannot create temporary file" -msgstr "Negaliu sukurti laikinos bylos!" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:883 -msgid "Extracting..." -msgstr "Išskleidžiama..." - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:947 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot open project file %1" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:947 -msgid "Cannot open file" -msgstr "Nepavyksta atverti failo" - -#: src/project/dialogs/backupwidget.cpp:30 -msgid "Restore Backup File" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/dialogs/backupwidget.cpp:34 -msgid "Showing all backup files in folder" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/dialogs/backupwidget.cpp:37 -#, kde-format -msgid "Showing backup files for %1" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/dialogs/noteswidget.cpp:40 -msgid "Insert current timecode" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:120 -msgid "Current Settings" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:139 -msgid "Title" -msgstr "Pavadinimas" - -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:146 -#: src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:189 -msgid "Author" -msgstr "Autorius" - -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:153 -msgid "Artist" -msgstr "Atlikėjas" - -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:159 -msgid "Copyright" -msgstr "Autorinės teisės" - -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:259 -msgid "Deleting proxy clips will disable proxies for this project." -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:410 -msgid "" -"Changing the profile of your project cannot be undone.\n" -"It is recommended to save your project before attempting this operation that " -"might cause some corruption in transitions.\n" -" Are you sure you want to proceed?" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:410 -msgid "Confirm profile change" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:425 -#, kde-format -msgid "Interlaced (%1 fields per second)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:596 -#, kde-format -msgid "Project folder: %1" -msgstr "Projekto aplankas: %1" - -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:597 -#, kde-format -msgid "Project profile: %1" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:598 -#, kde-format -msgid "Total clips: %1 (%2 used in timeline)." -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:650 -msgid "field_name" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, SlideshowClip_UI) -#: src/project/dialogs/slideshowclip.cpp:47 src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Slideshow Clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:46 -msgid "Transcode clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:49 -msgid "Cut clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:53 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Analyse" -msgid "Analyse clip" -msgstr "Analizuoti" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:125 -msgid "Failed to create file." -msgstr "Nepavyko sukurti failo." - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:140 -msgid "Cannot process this clip type." -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:202 -msgid "Transcoding clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:203 -msgid "Extracting clip cut" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:204 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Analyse" -msgid "Analysing clip" -msgstr "Analizuoti" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:207 -msgid "Waiting - transcode clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:208 -msgid "Waiting - cut clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:209 -msgid "Waiting - analyse clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:278 -#, kde-format -msgid "Extracting %1 out of %2" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:292 -msgid "You cannot overwrite original clip." -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:293 -#, kde-format -msgid "Overwrite file %1" -msgstr "Perrašyti failą %1" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:338 -msgid "The transcoding job will overwrite the following files:" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:344 -msgid "Transcoding" -msgstr "Perkoduojama" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:432 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Frames" -msgid "I-Frame " -msgstr "Kadrai" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:433 -#, fuzzy, c-format -#| msgid "Found %1 result" -#| msgid_plural "Found %1 results" -msgid "Found %count I-Frames" -msgstr "Rastas %1 rezultatas" - -#: src/project/jobs/filterjob.cpp:133 -#, kde-format -msgid "Found %1 scenes." -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/jobs/filterjob.cpp:146 -msgid "Scene " -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/jobs/filterjob.cpp:174 -msgid "Auto split" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/jobs/jobmanager.cpp:178 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot write to path: %1" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/jobs/jobmanager.cpp:225 -#, kde-format -msgid "Filter %1" -msgstr "Filtras %1" - -#: src/project/jobs/jobmanager.cpp:234 -msgid "No valid clip to process" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/jobs/meltjob.cpp:53 -msgid "Processing clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/jobs/meltjob.cpp:63 -msgid "No producer for this clip." -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/jobs/meltjob.cpp:86 -#, kde-format -msgid "Clip zone undefined (%1 - %2)." -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/jobs/meltjob.cpp:157 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot create consumer %1." -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/jobs/meltjob.cpp:179 -#, kde-format -msgid "Filter %1 crashed" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/jobs/meltjob.cpp:248 -msgid "Waiting to process clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/jobs/proxyclipjob.cpp:38 -msgid "proxy" -msgstr "įgaliotasis serveris" - -#: src/project/jobs/proxyclipjob.cpp:90 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot load image %1." -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/jobs/proxyclipjob.cpp:170 -msgid "Failed to create proxy clip." -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/jobs/proxyclipjob.cpp:245 -msgid "Creating proxy" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/jobs/proxyclipjob.cpp:248 -msgid "Waiting - proxy" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/jobs/proxyclipjob.cpp:283 src/project/projectlist.cpp:2073 -msgid "Failed to create proxy, empty path." -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/notesplugin.cpp:27 -msgid "Enter your project notes here ..." -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/notesplugin.cpp:28 -msgid "Project Notes" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/projectcommands.cpp:38 -msgid "Add clip cut" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/projectcommands.cpp:72 -msgid "Add folder" -msgstr "Pridėti aplankalą" - -#: src/project/projectcommands.cpp:107 -msgid "Edit clip cut" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/projectcommands.cpp:136 -msgid "Rename folder" -msgstr "Pervadinti aplanką" - -#: src/project/projectitem.cpp:92 src/project/projectitem.cpp:221 -msgid "Contains proxies" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/projectitem.cpp:186 -msgid "Missing" -msgstr "Trūksta" - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:446 -msgid "No available clip selected" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:982 -msgid "Delete Clip Zone" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:995 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Delete folder %2?
This will also remove the clip in that folder" -msgid_plural "" -"Delete folder %2?
This will also remove the %1 clips in that " -"folder" -msgstr[0] "" -msgstr[1] "" -msgstr[2] "" -msgstr[3] "" - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:1004 -#, kde-format -msgid "Delete clip %2?
This will also remove the clip in timeline" -msgid_plural "" -"Delete clip %2?
This will also remove its %1 clips in timeline" -msgstr[0] "" -msgstr[1] "" -msgstr[2] "" -msgstr[3] "" - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:1430 -msgid "Clip is missing or invalid. Remove it from project?" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:1455 -msgid "Proxy clip unusable (duration is different from original)." -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:1457 -#, kde-format -msgid "Failed to create proxy for %1. check parameters" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:1752 -msgid "Cannot find profile from current clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:1769 -msgid "Change project profile" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:1773 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Your clip does not match current project's profile.\n" -"Do you want to change the project profile?\n" -"\n" -"The following profiles match the clip (size: %1, fps: %2)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:1791 -msgid "Update profile" -msgstr "Atnaujinti profilį" - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:1806 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Your clip does not match current project's profile.\n" -"No existing profile found to match the clip's properties.\n" -"Clip size: %1\n" -"Fps: %2\n" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:2042 -msgid "Sequence not found" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:2212 -msgid "Update proxy settings" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:2374 -msgid "Remove Proxy" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/projectlistview.cpp:59 -msgid "Rating" -msgstr "Įvertinimas" - -#: src/project/projectlistview.cpp:105 -msgctxt "@title:menu" -msgid "Columns" -msgstr "Stulpeliai" - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:61 -msgid "Open Backup File" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:202 -msgid "Save changes to document?" -msgstr "Įrašyti pakeitimus į dokumentą?" - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:204 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"The project \"%1\" has been changed.\n" -"Do you want to save your changes?" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:379 -msgid "Auto-saved files exist. Do you want to recover them now?" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:380 -msgid "File Recovery" -msgstr "Failo atkūrimas" - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:381 -msgid "Don't recover" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:436 -#, kde-format -msgid "Opening file %1" -msgstr "Atveriamas failas %1" - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:456 -msgid "Loading project" -msgstr "Įkeliamas projektas" - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:458 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Loading project" -msgid "Loading playlist" -msgstr "Įkeliamas projektas" - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:478 src/project/projectmanager.cpp:483 -msgid "Loading clips" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:507 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Cannot open file %1.\n" -"Project is corrupted." -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:527 -msgid "" -"This will delete all changes made since you last saved your project. Are you " -"sure you want to continue?" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:527 -msgid "Revert to last saved version" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:537 -msgid "Kdenlive project (*.kdenlive)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:538 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Archive Project" -msgid "Archived project (*.tar.gz)" -msgstr "Archyvuoti projektą" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, scanning_list) -#: src/project/transitionsettings.cpp:151 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:126 -msgid "Auto" -msgstr "Auto" - -#: src/project/transitionsettings.cpp:162 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:54 -msgid "Black" -msgstr "Juoda" - -#: src/renderer.cpp:1181 -msgid "" -"Could not create the video preview window.\n" -"There is something wrong with your Kdenlive install or your driver settings, " -"please fix it." -msgstr "" - -#: src/renderer.cpp:1386 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7865 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Save to" -msgid "Save Zone" -msgstr "Išsaugoti į" - -#: src/renderer.cpp:3283 -msgid "Import selected clips" -msgstr "" - -#: src/renderer.cpp:3285 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Additional streams for clip\n" -" %1" -msgstr "" - -#: src/renderer.cpp:3294 -#, kde-format -msgid "Video stream %1" -msgstr "Video srautas %1" - -#: src/renderer.cpp:3309 -#, kde-format -msgid "Audio stream %1" -msgstr "Garso srautas %1" - -#: src/scopes/abstractscopewidget.cpp:84 -msgid "Auto Refresh" -msgstr "Automatiškai atnaujinti" - -#: src/scopes/abstractscopewidget.cpp:86 -msgid "Realtime (with precision loss)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:67 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:52 -msgid "Reset maximum frequency to sampling rate" -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:68 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:55 -msgid "Track mouse" -msgstr "Pelės sekimas" - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:70 -msgid "Show maximum" -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:86 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:74 -msgid "Rectangular window" -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:87 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:75 -msgid "Triangular window" -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:88 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:76 -msgid "Hamming window" -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:97 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:79 -msgid "The maximum window size is limited by the number of samples per frame." -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:98 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:80 -msgid "" -"A bigger window improves the accuracy at the cost of computational power." -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:99 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:81 -msgid "" -"The rectangular window function is good for signals with equal signal " -"strength (narrow peak), but creates more smearing. See Window function on " -"Wikipedia." -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:389 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:392 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:394 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:485 -#, kde-format -msgid "%1 dB" -msgstr "%1 dB" - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:412 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:487 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:280 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:289 -#, kde-format -msgid "%1 kHz" -msgstr "%1 kHz" - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:53 -msgid "Draw grid" -msgstr "Pėdsakai" - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:57 -msgid "Highlight peaks" -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:234 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Frame\n" -"%1" -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:305 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:306 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"%1\n" -"dB" -msgstr "" -"%1\n" -"dB" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:31 -msgid "YUV UV plane" -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:32 -msgid "YUV Y plane" -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:33 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:55 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:61 -msgid "Modified YUV (Chroma)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:34 -msgid "YCbCr CbCr plane" -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:35 -msgid "RGB plane, one component varying" -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:36 -msgid "HSV Hue Shift" -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:37 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:254 -msgid "HSV Saturation" -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:118 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:250 -#, kde-format -msgid "%1°" -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:125 -#, kde-format -msgid "%1 px" -msgstr "%1 piks." - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:218 -msgid "Y value" -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:219 -msgid "The Y value describes the brightness of the colors." -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:231 -msgid "UV angle" -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:232 -msgid "Angle through the UV plane, with all possible Y values." -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:240 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:268 -msgid "Red" -msgstr "Raudona" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:241 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:269 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:53 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/waveform.cpp:34 -msgid "Green" -msgstr "Žalia" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:242 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:270 -msgid "Blue" -msgstr "Mėlyna" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:243 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:271 -msgid "Luma" -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:255 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:262 -msgid "HSV Value" -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/histogram.cpp:26 -msgid "Unscaled" -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/histogram.cpp:29 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/waveform.cpp:37 -msgid "Rec. 601" -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/histogram.cpp:31 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/waveform.cpp:39 -msgid "Rec. 709" -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/histogram.cpp:39 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/waveform.cpp:44 -msgid "Luma mode" -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/histogramgenerator.cpp:178 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "min." -msgid "min" -msgstr "min." - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/histogramgenerator.cpp:181 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Max" -msgid "max" -msgstr "Maks" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/rgbparade.cpp:27 -msgid "RGB" -msgstr "RGB" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/rgbparade.cpp:28 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/waveform.cpp:33 -msgid "White" -msgstr "Balta" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/rgbparade.cpp:32 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:89 -msgid "Draw axis" -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/rgbparade.cpp:37 -msgid "Gradient reference line" -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/rgbparadegenerator.cpp:167 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/rgbparadegenerator.cpp:169 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/rgbparadegenerator.cpp:171 -msgid "min: " -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/rgbparadegenerator.cpp:175 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/rgbparadegenerator.cpp:177 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/rgbparadegenerator.cpp:179 -msgid "max: " -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:52 -msgid "Green 2" -msgstr "Žalia 2" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:56 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:60 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:102 -msgid "YUV" -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:57 -msgid "Original Color" -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:62 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:100 -msgid "YPbPr" -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:76 -msgid "Tools" -msgstr "Įrankiai" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:78 -msgid "Export background" -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:82 -msgid "Drawing options" -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:84 -msgid "75% box" -msgstr "75% dėžė" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:94 -msgid "Draw I/Q lines" -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:99 -msgid "Color Space" -msgstr "Spalvų parinkiklis" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:247 -#, kde-format -msgid "%1 \\%" -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/waveform.cpp:32 -msgid "Yellow" -msgstr "Geltona" - -#: src/scopes/scopemanager.cpp:307 -msgid "Waveform" -msgstr "Bangos Forma" - -#: src/scopes/scopemanager.cpp:309 -msgid "Histogram" -msgstr "Histograma" - -#: src/scopes/scopemanager.cpp:311 -msgid "Audio Signal" -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/scopemanager.cpp:312 -msgid "AudioSpectrum" -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/scopemanager.cpp:313 -msgid "Spectrogram" -msgstr "" - -#: src/statusbarmessagelabel.cpp:51 -msgctxt "@action:button" -msgid "Confirm" -msgstr "Patvirtinti" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:162 -msgid "Send frames to color scopes" -msgstr "" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:167 -msgid "Mirror display" -msgstr "" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:174 -msgid "Stop Motion Capture" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, capture_interval) -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:187 src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:115 -msgid "Interval capture" -msgstr "" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:205 -msgid "Overlay effect" -msgstr "" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:207 -msgid "No Effect" -msgstr "Be efektų" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:211 -msgid "Edge detect" -msgstr "" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:213 -msgid "Brighten" -msgstr "" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:236 -msgid "Show sequence thumbnails" -msgstr "" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:241 -msgid "Delete current frame" -msgstr "" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:369 -msgid "Configure Stop Motion" -msgstr "" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:371 src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:372 -msgid " second" -msgid_plural " seconds" -msgstr[0] " sekundė" -msgstr[1] " sekundės" -msgstr[2] " sekundžių" -msgstr[3] " sekundė" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:520 -msgid "Stopped" -msgstr "Sustabdytas" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:560 -msgid "No previous frame found" -msgstr "" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:632 -msgid "Create New Sequence" -msgstr "Sukurti naują seką" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:632 -msgid "Enter sequence name" -msgstr "" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:653 -msgid "Frame Captured" -msgstr "Kadras įrašytas" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:667 -msgid "Going to Capture Frame" -msgstr "" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:822 -#, kde-format -msgid "Delete frame %1 from disk?" -msgstr "" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:822 -msgid "Delete Frame" -msgstr "Ištrinti kadrą" - -#: src/timecode.cpp:261 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "hour" -msgid "hour" -msgstr "valanda" - -#: src/timecode.cpp:269 -msgid "min." -msgstr "min." - -#: src/timecode.cpp:277 -msgid "sec." -msgstr "sek." - -#: src/timecode.cpp:282 -msgid "frames" -msgstr "kadrai" - -#: src/timeline/abstractclipitem.cpp:379 -msgid "seconds" -msgstr "sekundės" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:589 -msgid "Crop from start:" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, clip_filesize_2) -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:589 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:602 -#: src/ui/spacerdialog_ui.ui:30 -msgid "Duration:" -msgstr "Trukmė:" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:589 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:602 -msgid "Offset:" -msgstr "Poslinkis:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:695 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:804 -msgid ":" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:696 -msgid " Position:" -msgstr " Pozicija:" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:697 -msgid " Duration:" -msgstr " Trukmė:" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:701 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:707 -msgid " Selection duration:" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:703 -msgid " Group duration:" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:714 -msgid "Crop from start: " -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:716 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:722 -msgid "" -"Use Ctrl to resize only current item, otherwise all items in this group will " -"be resized at once." -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:720 -msgid "Duration: " -msgstr "Trukmė: " - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:726 -msgid "Fade in duration: " -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:729 -msgid "Fade out duration: " -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:732 -msgid "Drag to add or resize a fade effect." -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:736 -msgid "Click to add a transition." -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:739 -msgid "" -"Move keyframe above or below clip to remove it, double click to add a new " -"one." -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:784 -msgid "Cannot use spacer in a locked track" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:792 -msgid "Cannot use spacer in a track with a group" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1105 -msgid "Cannot cut a transition" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1331 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1366 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2668 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2694 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2720 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2743 -msgid "Cannot add transition" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1586 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1594 -msgid "Cannot find clip to edit" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1588 -msgid "Cannot edit the duration of multiple items" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1599 -msgid "Cannot edit an item in a group" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1664 -msgid "Item is locked" -msgstr "Objektas užrakintas" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1747 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2897 -msgid "Cannot insert clip in timeline" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1753 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2866 -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:75 -msgid "Add timeline clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1787 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1849 -msgid "Clip not ready" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1970 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2033 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2050 -msgid "Problem deleting effect" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1977 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2002 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2017 -msgid "Problem adding effect to clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1986 -msgid "Cannot add speed effect to track" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2022 -msgid "Cannot find clip to add effect" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2068 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2160 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2263 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7513 -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:42 src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:282 -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:374 -msgid "effect" -msgstr "efektas" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2069 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2162 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7515 src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:44 -#, kde-format -msgid "Add %1" -msgstr "Pridėti %1" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2171 -msgid "Select a clip if you want to apply an effect" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2219 -msgid "Cannot add an audio effect to this clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2228 -msgid "Cannot add a video effect to this clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2233 -msgid "Effect already present in clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2264 src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:46 -#, kde-format -msgid "Delete %1" -msgstr "Šalinti %1" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2300 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2315 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2371 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2381 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2402 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5486 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5507 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5530 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5552 -msgid "Problem editing effect" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2373 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2404 -msgid "Cannot find clip to update effect" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2429 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2450 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2463 -msgid "Cannot move effect" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2527 -msgid "Cannot find clip to cut" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2600 -msgid "Cannot find clip to uncut" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2604 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4101 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4392 -#, kde-format -msgid "Error removing clip at %1 on track %2" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2629 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5309 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5427 -msgid "Error when resizing clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2728 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6204 -msgid "Invalid transition" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2752 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4435 -msgid "Select clip to delete" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2768 -msgid "Cannot update transition" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:3442 -msgid "Cannot remove space in a locked track" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:3448 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:3453 -#, kde-format -msgid "You must be in an empty space to remove space (time: %1, track: %2)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:3464 -msgid "Cannot remove space in a track with a group" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:3543 -msgid "Cannot insert space in a locked track" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:3556 -msgid "Cannot insert space in a track with a group" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:3612 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot move clip at position %1, track %2" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:3625 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot move transition at position %1, track %2" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:3897 src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:484 -msgid "Move clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4045 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5002 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot move clip to position %1" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4052 -msgid "Cannot move transition" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4056 src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:579 -msgid "Move transition" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4083 src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:556 -msgid "Move group" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4215 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4242 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6386 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6418 -msgid "Resize group" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4488 -msgid "Delete selected group" -msgid_plural "Delete selected groups" -msgstr[0] "Trinti pažymėtą grupęTrinti pažymėtą grupę" -msgstr[1] "" -msgstr[2] "" -msgstr[3] "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4490 -msgid "Delete selected clip" -msgid_plural "Delete selected clips" -msgstr[0] "" -msgstr[1] "" -msgstr[2] "" -msgstr[3] "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4492 -msgid "Delete selected transition" -msgid_plural "Delete selected transitions" -msgstr[0] "" -msgstr[1] "" -msgstr[2] "" -msgstr[3] "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4493 -msgid "Delete selected items" -msgstr "Pašalinti pažymėtus elementus" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4505 -msgid "Cannot find clip for speed change" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4563 -msgid "Cut Group" -msgstr "Iškirpti grupę" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4645 src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:411 -msgid "Group clips" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4744 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4760 -msgid "Cannot insert clip..." -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4749 -msgid "Waiting for clip..." -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4963 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5192 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot move clip at time: %1 on track %2" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5142 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot move transition at time: %1 on track %2" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5236 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5352 -msgid "Not possible to resize" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5248 -msgid "Resize clip start" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5318 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5437 -msgid "Cannot resize transition" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5372 -msgid "Resize clip end" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5430 -msgid "Resize transition end" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5742 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5810 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5851 -msgid "No guide at cursor time" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5762 -#, kde-format -msgid "A guide already exists at position %1" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5778 -msgid "Guide" -msgstr "Orientyras" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6068 -msgid "Select a clip before copying" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6139 -msgid "No clip copied" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6175 -msgid "Cannot paste selected clips" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6192 -msgid "Cannot paste clip to selected place" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6206 -msgid "Cannot paste transition to selected place" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6217 -msgid "You must copy exactly one clip before pasting effects" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6353 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6377 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6410 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7016 -msgid "You must select one clip for this action" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6359 -msgid "You must select a playlist clip for this action" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6517 src/ui/addtrack_ui.ui:67 -msgid "Insert track" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6518 -#, fuzzy, kde-format -#| msgid "Video" -msgid "Video %1" -msgstr "Video" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6519 -msgid "Insert New Track" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6552 src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:108 -msgid "Delete track" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6667 -msgid "You must select one transition for this action" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6754 -msgid "You must select at least one clip for this action" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6759 src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:718 -msgid "Split audio" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6765 -msgid "Cannot split audio of grouped clips" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6779 -msgid "No clip to split" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6788 -msgid "You must select exactly one clip for the audio reference." -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6809 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6858 -msgid "Processing audio, please wait." -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6813 -msgid "Reference for audio alignment must contain audio data." -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6829 -msgid "Audio alignment reference not yet set." -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6866 -msgid "Cannot find clip to align." -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6881 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Remove file" -msgid "Unable to move clip out of timeline." -msgstr "Pašalinti failą" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6896 -msgid "Unable to move clip due to collision." -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6899 -msgid "Clip aligned." -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6900 -msgid "Auto-align clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6932 -msgid "No empty space to put clip audio" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6944 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6981 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7057 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot update clip (time: %1, track: %2)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7009 -msgid "Video only" -msgstr "Tik video" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7026 -msgid "Cannot change grouped clips" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7045 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot find clip to edit (time: %1, track: %2)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7358 -msgid "error" -msgstr "klaida" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7358 -msgid "TRACTOR" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7371 -msgid "Insert clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7521 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7529 -msgid "Effect already present in track" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7641 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot find clip for effect update %1." -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7668 -msgid "You need to select one clip and one transition" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7686 -msgid "No clip found" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7694 -msgid "No keyframe data found in clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/headertrack.cpp:66 src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:461 -msgid "Lock track" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/headertrack.cpp:66 src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:463 -msgid "Unlock track" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/headertrack.cpp:72 -msgid "Disable audio" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/headertrack.cpp:72 -msgid "Enable audio" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/headertrack.cpp:82 -msgid "Disable video" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/headertrack.cpp:82 -msgid "Enable video" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/headertrack.cpp:89 -msgid "Opaque" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/spacerdialog.cpp:52 -msgid "All tracks" -msgstr "Visos dainos" - -#: src/timeline/timeline.cpp:89 -msgid "Smaller tracks" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/timeline.cpp:96 -msgid "Bigger tracks" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/timeline.cpp:359 src/timeline/timeline.cpp:363 -#, kde-format -msgid "Transition %1 had an invalid track: %2 > %3" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/timeline.cpp:372 -#, kde-format -msgid "Removed invalid transition: %1" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/timeline.cpp:469 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Your project file was upgraded to the latest Kdenlive document version.\n" -"To make sure you don't lose data, a backup copy called %1 was created." -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/timeline.cpp:471 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Your project file was modified by Kdenlive.\n" -"To make sure you don't lose data, a backup copy called %1 was created." -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/timeline.cpp:477 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Your project file was upgraded to the latest Kdenlive document version, but " -"it was not possible to create the backup copy %1." -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/timeline.cpp:868 -#, kde-format -msgid "Invalid clip removed from track %1 at %2\n" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/timeline.cpp:946 -#, kde-format -msgid "Effect %1:%2 not found in MLT, it was removed from this project\n" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:76 -msgid "Delete timeline clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:106 -msgid "Add track" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:137 -msgid "Delete transition from clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:139 -msgid "Add transition to clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:175 -msgid "Change clip type" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:199 -msgid "Disable effect" -msgid_plural "Disable effects" -msgstr[0] "" -msgstr[1] "" -msgstr[2] "" -msgstr[3] "" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:201 -msgid "Enable effect" -msgid_plural "Enable effects" -msgstr[0] "" -msgstr[1] "Įjungti efektus" -msgstr[2] "Įjungti efektus" -msgstr[3] "Įjungti efektus" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:228 -msgid "Adjust clip length" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:283 -#, kde-format -msgid "Edit effect %1" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:337 -msgid "Add guide" -msgstr "Pridėti gairę" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:341 -msgid "Edit guide" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:343 -msgid "Delete guide" -msgstr "Gairės pašalinimas" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:345 -msgid "Move guide" -msgstr "Gairės perkėlimas" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:375 -#, kde-format -msgid "Edit transition %1" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:413 -msgid "Ungroup clips" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:436 -msgid "Insert space" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:438 -msgid "Remove space" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:523 -msgid "Move effect" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:607 -msgid "Razor clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:653 -msgid "Rebuild Group" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:695 -msgid "Resize clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/timelinesearch.cpp:27 -msgid "Find" -msgstr "Rasti" - -#: src/timeline/timelinesearch.cpp:29 -msgid "Find Next" -msgstr "Rasti kitą" - -#: src/timeline/timelinesearch.cpp:38 -msgid "Starting -- find text as you type" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/timelinesearch.cpp:46 -msgid "Find stopped" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/timelinesearch.cpp:56 src/timeline/timelinesearch.cpp:67 -#, kde-format -msgid "Found: %1" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/timelinesearch.cpp:58 -msgid "Reached end of project" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/timelinesearch.cpp:70 -#, kde-format -msgid "Not found: %1" -msgstr "Nerasta: %1" - -#: src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:74 -msgid "Hidden" -msgstr "Paslėptas" - -#: src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:74 -msgid "Muted" -msgstr "Nutildytas" - -#: src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:74 -msgid "Locked" -msgstr "Užrakintas" - -#: src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:90 -msgid "Add Track" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:98 -msgid "Move Track upwards" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:102 -msgid "Move Track downwards" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/titledocument.cpp:331 -msgid "This title clip was created with a different frame size." -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/titledocument.cpp:331 -msgid "Title Profile" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/titledocument.cpp:380 -msgid "" -"Some of your text clips were saved with size in points, which means " -"different sizes on different displays. They will be converted to pixel size, " -"making them portable, but you could have to adjust their size." -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/titledocument.cpp:380 -msgid "Text Clips Updated" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:93 -msgid "Outline width" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:99 -msgid "Background color opacity" -msgstr "Fono spalvos nepermatomumas" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:105 -msgid "Rotation around the X axis" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:111 -msgid "Rotation around the Y axis" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:117 -msgid "Rotation around the Z axis" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:123 -msgid "Border width" -msgstr "Rėmelio plotis" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:156 -msgid "Typewriter" -msgstr "&Perrašyti" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:215 -msgctxt "Font style" -msgid "Light" -msgstr "Lengvas" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:216 -msgctxt "Font style" -msgid "Normal" -msgstr "Normalus" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:217 -msgctxt "Font style" -msgid "Demi-Bold" -msgstr "Pusiau paryškintas" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:218 -msgctxt "Font style" -msgid "Bold" -msgstr "Paryškintas" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:219 -msgctxt "Font style" -msgid "Black" -msgstr "Juoda" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:220 -msgid "Font weight" -msgstr "Šrifto storis" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:242 -msgid "No alignment" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:245 -msgid "Align center" -msgstr "Lygiuoti centre" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:249 -msgid "Insert Unicode character" -msgstr "Unikodo simbolio įvedimas" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:255 -msgid "Raise object" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:261 -msgid "Lower object" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:269 -msgid "Raise object to top" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:276 -msgid "Lower object to bottom" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:320 -msgid "Invert x axis and change 0 point" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:321 -msgid "Invert y axis and change 0 point" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:322 -msgid "Select fill color" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:323 -msgid "Select border color" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:325 -msgid "Original size (1:1)" -msgstr "Originalus dydis (1:1)" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:326 -msgid "Fit zoom" -msgstr "Įtalpinti" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:327 -msgid "Select background color" -msgstr "Pasirinkti fono spalvą" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:328 -msgid "Background opacity" -msgstr "Fono nepermatomumas" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:329 -msgid "Select all" -msgstr "Žymėti visus" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:330 -msgid "Select text items in current selection" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:331 -msgid "Select rect items in current selection" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:332 -msgid "Select image items in current selection" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:333 -msgid "Unselect all" -msgstr "Nežymėti jokių" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:362 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:365 -msgid "Selection Tool" -msgstr "Apibraukimo Įrankis" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:368 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:371 -msgid "Add Text" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:374 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:377 -msgid "Add Rectangle" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:380 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:383 -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:670 -msgid "Add Image" -msgstr "Pridėti paveikslėlį" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:388 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:391 -msgid "Open Document" -msgstr "Atverti dokumentą" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:394 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:397 -msgid "Save As" -msgstr "Išsaugoti kaip" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:566 -msgid "" -"Do you really want to load a new template? Changes in this title will be " -"lost!" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:658 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Add Image" -msgid "All Images" -msgstr "Pridėti paveikslėlį" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:660 -#, fuzzy, kde-format -#| msgid "Image" -msgid "%1 Image" -msgstr "Paveikslėlis" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:1346 -msgid "\\u2212X" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, origin_x_left) -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:1348 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:63 -msgid "+X" -msgstr "+X" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:1371 -msgid "\\u2212Y" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, origin_y_top) -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:1373 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:86 -msgid "+Y" -msgstr "+Y" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:1713 -msgid "Load Title" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:1713 -msgid "Kdenlive title (*.kdenlivetitle)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:1761 -msgid "" -"Do you want to embed Images into this TitleDocument?\n" -"This is most needed for sharing Titles." -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:2039 -msgctxt "Indicates the start of an animation" -msgid "Start" -msgstr "Pradžia" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:2040 -msgctxt "Indicates the end of an animation" -msgid "End" -msgstr "Pabaiga" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:30 -msgid "Details" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:85 -msgid "" -"Information about unicode characters: http://decodeunicode.org" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:86 -msgid "Previous Unicode character (Arrow Up)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:87 -msgid "Next Unicode character (Arrow Down)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:88 -msgid "Enter your Unicode number here. Allowed characters: [0-9] and [a-f]." -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:148 -msgid "(no character selected)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:154 -msgid "" -"Control character. Cannot be inserted/printed. See Wikipedia:Control_character" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:156 -msgid "Line Feed (newline character, \\\\n)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:158 -msgid "" -"Standard space character. (Other space characters: U+00a0, U" -"+2000–200b, U+202f)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:160 -msgid "No-break space. &nbsp; in HTML. See U+2009 and U+0020." -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:162 -msgid "" -"

« (u+00ab, &lfquo; in HTML) and " -"» (u+00bb, &rfquo; in HTML) are " -"called Guillemets or angle quotes. Usage in different countries: France " -"(with non-breaking Space 0x00a0), Switzerland, Germany, Finland and Sweden.

and (U+2039/203a, " -"&lsaquo;/&rsaquo;) are their single quote equivalents.

See Wikipedia:" -"Guillemets

" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:164 -msgid "En Space (width of an n)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:166 -msgid "Em Space (width of an m)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:168 -msgid "Three-Per-Em Space. Width: 1/3 of one em" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:170 -msgid "Four-Per-Em Space. Width: 1/4 of one em" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:172 -msgid "Six-Per-Em Space. Width: 1/6 of one em" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:174 -msgid "" -"Figure space (non-breaking). Width of a digit if digits have fixed width in " -"this font." -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:176 -msgid "" -"Punctuation Space. Width the same as between a punctuation character and the " -"next character." -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:178 -msgid "" -"Thin space, in HTML also &thinsp;. See U+202f and Wikipedia:Space_(punctuation)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:180 -msgid "Hair Space. Thinner than U+2009." -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:182 -msgid "" -"Punctuation Apostrophe. Should be used instead of U+0027. See Wikipedia:Apostrophe" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:184 -msgid "" -"

An en Dash (dash of the width of an n).

Usage examples: In English " -"language for value ranges (1878–1903), for relationships/connections " -"(Zurich–Dublin). In the German language it is also used (with " -"spaces!) for showing thoughts: “Es war – wie immer in den " -"Ferien – ein regnerischer Tag.

See Wikipedia:Dash

" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:186 -msgid "" -"

An em Dash (dash of the width of an m).

Usage examples: In English " -"language to mark—like here—thoughts. Traditionally without " -"spaces.

See Wikipedia:" -"Dash

" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:188 -msgid "" -"

Narrow no-break space. Has the same width as U+2009.

Usage: For " -"units (spaces are marked with U+2423, ␣): 230␣V, " -"−21␣°C, 50␣lb, but 90° (no space). In " -"German for abbreviations (like: i. d. R. instead of i. d." -" R. with U+00a0).

See Wikipedia:de:Schmales_Leerzeichen

" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:190 -msgid "" -"Ellipsis: If text has been left o… See Wikipedia:Ellipsis" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:192 -msgid "Minus sign. For numbers: −42" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:194 -msgid "Open box; stands for a space." -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:196 -msgid "" -"Quarter note (Am.) or crochet (Brit.). See Wikipedia:Quarter_note" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:198 -msgid "" -"Eighth note (Am.) or quaver (Brit.). Half as long as a quarter note (U" -"+2669). See Wikipedia:" -"Eighth_note" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:200 -msgid "" -"Sixteenth note (Am.) or semiquaver (Brit.). Half as long as an eighth note (U" -"+266a). See Wikipedia:Sixteenth_note" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:202 -msgid "" -"Thirty-second note (Am.) or demisemiquaver (Brit.). Half as long as a " -"sixteenth note (U+266b). See Wikipedia:Thirty-second_note" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:204 -msgid "No additional information available for this character." -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, before_select) -#: src/ui/addtrack_ui.ui:34 -msgid "Above" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, before_select) -#: src/ui/addtrack_ui.ui:39 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Render" -msgid "Under" -msgstr "Generavimas" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, video_track) -#: src/ui/addtrack_ui.ui:57 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Video track" -msgid "Video &track" -msgstr "Video takelis" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, audio_track) -#: src/ui/addtrack_ui.ui:74 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Audio track" -msgid "A&udio track" -msgstr "Garso takelis" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, name_label) -#: src/ui/addtrack_ui.ui:81 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Track mouse" -msgid "Track name" -msgstr "Pelės sekimas" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/archivewidget_ui.ui:29 -msgid "Archive folder" -msgstr "Archyvo aplankas" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, compressed_archive) -#: src/ui/archivewidget_ui.ui:46 -msgid "Compressed archive" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, proxy_only) -#: src/ui/archivewidget_ui.ui:53 -msgid "Archive only proxy clips when available" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, labelFFTSize) -#: src/ui/audiospectrum_ui.ui:52 -msgid "True FFT size: " -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, buttonLinkHandles) -#: src/ui/bezierspline_ui.ui:89 -msgid "Link the handles' position.
Results in a natural spline." -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, marker_save) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, marker_load) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, analysis_delete) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, analysis_save) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, analysis_load) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, arrowUp) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, arrowDown) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, config_button) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonleft) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonhcenter) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonright) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttontop) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonvcenter) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonbottom) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonDirectUpdate) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonZoomOriginal) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonZoomFit) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonAddDelete) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonPrevious) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonNext) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, toolBtnReload) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonUp) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonDown) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonAdd) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonDelete) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonReset) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, zoom_button) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, unzoom_button) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonResetKeyframe) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonSeek) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, reload_blackmagic) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonLinkHandles) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonShowPixmap) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonZoomIn) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonZoomOut) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonGridChange) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonResetSpline) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonShowAllHandles) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, v4l_showprofileinfo) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, v4l_manageprofile) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, grab_manageprofile) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, grab_showprofileinfo) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, decklink_manageprofile) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, decklink_showprofileinfo) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, button_up) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, button_down) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, button_transcode) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, proxy_showprofileinfo) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, add_metadata) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, delete_metadata) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, effectsAll) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, effectsVideo) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, effectsAudio) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, effectsGPU) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, effectsCustom) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, proxy_manageprofile) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, button_add) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, button_edit) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, button_delete) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, button_download) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, button_more) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonLeftRight) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonUpDown) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonShowInTimeline) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonNewPoints) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonHelp) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonFavorite) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, rescale_keep) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, hide_log) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, collapseButton) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, enabledButton) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, menuButton) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonDel) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, rec_options) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonItalic) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonUnder) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonAlignNone) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonAlignLeft) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonInsertUnicode) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonAlignCenter) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonAlignRight) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, itemleft) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, itemhcenter) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, itemright) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, itemtop) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, itemvcenter) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, itembottom) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, live_button) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, capture_button) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, capture_interval) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, overlay_button) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, preview_button) -#: src/ui/bezierspline_ui.ui:92 src/ui/bezierspline_ui.ui:130 -#: src/ui/bezierspline_ui.ui:146 src/ui/bezierspline_ui.ui:156 -#: src/ui/bezierspline_ui.ui:169 src/ui/bezierspline_ui.ui:195 -#: src/ui/bezierspline_ui.ui:208 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:490 -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:500 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:587 -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:597 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:607 -#: src/ui/collapsiblewidget_ui.ui:86 src/ui/collapsiblewidget_ui.ui:118 -#: src/ui/collapsiblewidget_ui.ui:137 src/ui/collapsiblewidget_ui.ui:156 -#: src/ui/collapsiblewidget_ui.ui:172 src/ui/collapsiblewidget_ui.ui:188 -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:211 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:396 -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:433 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:616 -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:742 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:749 -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:78 src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:220 -#: src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:230 src/ui/configsdl_ui.ui:154 -#: src/ui/cutjobdialog_ui.ui:32 src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:262 -#: src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:269 src/ui/dvdwizardvob_ui.ui:29 -#: src/ui/dvdwizardvob_ui.ui:49 src/ui/dvdwizardvob_ui.ui:100 -#: src/ui/effectlist_ui.ui:22 src/ui/effectlist_ui.ui:41 -#: src/ui/effectlist_ui.ui:57 src/ui/effectlist_ui.ui:73 -#: src/ui/effectlist_ui.ui:89 src/ui/freesound_ui.ui:39 -#: src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:249 src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:256 -#: src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:263 src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:270 -#: src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:277 src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:284 -#: src/ui/geometrywidget_ui.ui:70 src/ui/geometrywidget_ui.ui:83 -#: src/ui/geometrywidget_ui.ui:93 src/ui/keyframeeditor_ui.ui:91 -#: src/ui/keyframeeditor_ui.ui:101 src/ui/keyframewidget_ui.ui:46 -#: src/ui/keyframewidget_ui.ui:59 src/ui/keyframewidget_ui.ui:72 -#: src/ui/keyframewidget_ui.ui:85 src/ui/keyframewidget_ui.ui:124 -#: src/ui/manageencodingprofile_ui.ui:44 src/ui/manageencodingprofile_ui.ui:51 -#: src/ui/manageencodingprofile_ui.ui:58 src/ui/manageencodingprofile_ui.ui:68 -#: src/ui/monitoreditwidget_ui.ui:53 src/ui/monitoreditwidget_ui.ui:66 -#: src/ui/monitoreditwidget_ui.ui:76 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:335 -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:386 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:393 -#: src/ui/recmonitor_ui.ui:72 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:407 -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:592 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:717 -#: src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:76 src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:92 -#: src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:108 src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:118 -#: src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:128 src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:141 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:364 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:384 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:401 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:417 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:440 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:447 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:460 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:801 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:808 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:815 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:822 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:829 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:836 src/ui/tracksconfigdialog_ui.ui:61 -#: src/ui/tracksconfigdialog_ui.ui:68 src/ui/tracksconfigdialog_ui.ui:75 -#: src/ui/tracksconfigdialog_ui.ui:82 src/ui/tracksconfigdialog_ui.ui:89 -#: src/ui/unicodewidget_ui.ui:185 src/ui/unicodewidget_ui.ui:210 -msgid "..." -msgstr "..." - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, buttonShowPixmap) -#: src/ui/bezierspline_ui.ui:127 -msgid "Show background indicating changes caused by modifying the curve." -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, buttonGridChange) -#: src/ui/bezierspline_ui.ui:166 -msgid "" -"Increases the number of lines in the grid.
After 8 lines it will begin " -"from 0 again." -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, buttonResetSpline) -#: src/ui/bezierspline_ui.ui:192 -msgid "Reset the selected spline" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, buttonShowAllHandles) -#: src/ui/bezierspline_ui.ui:205 -msgid "Show handles for all points or only for the selected one" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, name) -#: src/ui/boolval_ui.ui:30 src/ui/fontval_ui.ui:23 src/ui/listval_ui.ui:23 -msgid "TextLabel" -msgstr "TekstoŽymė" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, crop_label) -#: src/ui/clipdurationdialog_ui.ui:30 -msgid "Crop start" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, end_label) -#: src/ui/clipdurationdialog_ui.ui:50 -msgid "Crop end" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_path) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, treeWidget) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:27 src/ui/missingclips_ui.ui:72 -msgid "Path" -msgstr "Kelias" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_size) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_6) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_5) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:51 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:231 -#: src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:41 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:93 -msgid "Size:" -msgstr "Dydis:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, clip_filesize) -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, groupBox) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:65 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:157 -#: src/utils/freesound.cpp:212 -msgid "File size" -msgstr "Failo dydis" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, clip_vproperties) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, clip_aproperties) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, metadata_list) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, analysis_list) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, programList) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:117 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:162 -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:542 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:574 -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:371 src/ui/wizardmltcheck_ui.ui:49 -msgid "1" -msgstr "1" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, clip_vproperties) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, clip_aproperties) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, metadata_list) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, analysis_list) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:122 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:167 -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:547 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:579 -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:376 -msgid "2" -msgstr "2" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_slideshow) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:206 -msgid "Slideshow" -msgstr "Skaidrių peržiūra" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, slide_type_label) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:212 -msgid "Image type" -msgstr "Paveikslėlio tipas" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, clip_filesize_4) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:222 -msgid "Frame duration" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, slide_loop) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, loop_movie) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, sm_loop) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:255 src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:221 -#: src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:160 src/ui/smconfig_ui.ui:26 -msgid "Loop" -msgstr "Ciklas" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, slide_crop) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:339 src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:284 -msgid "Center crop" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_animation) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_6) -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:346 src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:291 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:1121 -msgid "Animation" -msgstr "Animacija" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_image) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, background_list) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:357 src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:202 -msgid "Image" -msgstr "Paveikslėlis" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_16) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:365 -msgid "Image size" -msgstr "Paveikslėlio dydis" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, image_transparency) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:381 -msgid "Transparent background" -msgstr "Permatomas fonas" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, markers_list) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, clip_filesize_3) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:432 src/ui/markerdialog_ui.ui:56 -msgid "Comment" -msgstr "Komentaras" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, marker_new) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonNext) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonUnselectAll) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:440 src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:83 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:700 -#, fuzzy -msgid "N" -msgstr "n" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, marker_edit) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonEdit) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:450 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:414 -#, fuzzy -msgid "E" -msgstr "E" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, marker_delete) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonDelete) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, button_delete) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, delete_button) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:460 src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:252 -#: src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:103 src/ui/keyframeeditor_ui.ui:78 -#: src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:279 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:428 -#, fuzzy -msgid "D" -msgstr "%d %%" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_advanced) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:634 -msgid "Advanced" -msgstr "Išsamiau" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, clip_force_ar) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:653 -msgid "Force aspect ratio" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, clip_force_threads) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:686 -msgid "Decoding threads" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, clip_force_progressive) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:700 -msgid "Force scanning" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, clip_force_framerate) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:727 -msgid "Force frame rate" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, clip_force_out) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:734 -msgid "Force duration" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, clip_force_colorspace) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:751 -msgid "Force colorspace" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, clip_force_fieldorder) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:765 -msgid "Force field order" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, clip_force_transparency) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:829 -msgid "Image background" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, clip_transparency) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:837 -msgid "Normal" -msgstr "Normalus" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_dest) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_5) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_6) -#: src/ui/clipstabilize_ui.ui:20 src/ui/cliptranscode_ui.ui:30 -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:45 src/ui/saveprofile_ui.ui:138 -msgid "Destination" -msgstr "Tikslas" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_source) -#: src/ui/cliptranscode_ui.ui:20 -msgid "Source" -msgstr "Šaltinis" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, ffmpeg_label) -#: src/ui/cliptranscode_ui.ui:40 -msgid "FFmpeg parameters" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_4) -#: src/ui/cliptranscode_ui.ui:54 -msgid "Job status" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_start) -#: src/ui/cliptranscode_ui.ui:61 -msgctxt "@action:button start transcode" -msgid "Start" -msgstr "Pradžia" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_profile) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: src/ui/cliptranscode_ui.ui:68 src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:29 -#: src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:20 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:74 -msgid "Profile" -msgstr "Profilis" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, auto_close) -#: src/ui/cliptranscode_ui.ui:88 -msgid "Close after transcode" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/colorclip_ui.ui:30 -msgid "Clip Color" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, ColorPlaneExport_UI) -#: src/ui/colorplaneexport_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Export color plane to PNG" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, lblSpace) -#: src/ui/colorplaneexport_ui.ui:20 -msgid "Color space" -msgstr "Spalvų erdvė" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, lblVariant) -#: src/ui/colorplaneexport_ui.ui:37 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Variant" -msgstr "Variantas" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QSlider, sliderScaling) -#: src/ui/colorplaneexport_ui.ui:81 -msgid "How much to zoom in" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, lblRes) -#: src/ui/colorplaneexport_ui.ui:101 -msgid "Resolution" -msgstr "Skiriamoji geba" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, lblFilename) -#: src/ui/colorplaneexport_ui.ui:144 -msgid "Filename" -msgstr "Failo pavadinimas" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:23 -msgid "Default capture device" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, kcfg_defaultcapture) -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, device_selector) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:37 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:70 -#: src/ui/recmonitor_ui.ui:134 -msgid "Firewire" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, kcfg_defaultcapture) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, device_selector) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:47 src/ui/recmonitor_ui.ui:144 -msgid "Screen grab" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, kcfg_defaultcapture) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, device_selector) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:52 src/ui/recmonitor_ui.ui:149 -msgid "Blackmagic card" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_9) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:89 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:221 -msgid "Capture format" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, kcfg_firewireformat) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:97 -msgid "DV Raw" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, kcfg_firewireformat) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:102 -msgid "DV AVI type 1" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, kcfg_firewireformat) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:107 -msgid "DV AVI type 2" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, button_hdv) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, kcfg_firewireformat) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:112 src/ui/wizardstandard_ui.ui:54 -msgid "HDV" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_firewireautosplit) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:133 -msgid "Automatically start a new file on scene cut" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_firewiretimestamp) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:140 -msgid "Add recording time to captured file name" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_5) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_29) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:147 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:696 -msgid "Capture file name" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_7) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:157 -msgid "dvgrab additional parameters" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_14) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:197 -msgid "Video device" -msgstr "Vaizdo įrenginys" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_30) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_27) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:204 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:666 -msgid "Detected devices" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, p_size) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:238 src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:48 -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:100 -msgid "720x576" -msgstr "720x576" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, p_fps) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:252 src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:62 -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:114 -msgid "25/1" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, p_aspect) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:273 src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:76 -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:128 -msgid "59/54" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, p_display) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:287 src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:90 -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:142 -msgid "4/3" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, config_v4l) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:308 -msgid "Edit" -msgstr "Keisti" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_v4l_captureaudio) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:342 -msgid "Capture audio (ALSA)" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_24) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_screengrab) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_16) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:362 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:632 -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:725 src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:203 -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:305 -msgid "Encoding profile" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_v4l_capturevideo) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:389 -msgid "Capture video (Video4Linux2)" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, kcfg_grab_capture_type) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:471 -msgid "Full screen capture" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, kcfg_grab_capture_type) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:476 -msgid "Region capture" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_grab_follow_mouse) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:495 -msgid "Follow mouse" -msgstr "Sekti pelės žymeklį" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_grab_hide_frame) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:502 -msgid "Hide frame" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_19) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_10) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:524 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:951 -msgid "Offset" -msgstr "Poslinkis" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_grab_hide_mouse) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:652 -msgid "Hide cursor" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_4) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:660 -msgid "Blackmagic" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_9) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:42 -msgid "Concurrent threads" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:69 -msgid "MLT environment" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_6) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:78 -msgid "Processing threads" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_7) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:91 -msgid "(>1 is experimental)" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:98 -msgid "Melt path" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:112 -msgid "MLT profiles folder" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_13) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:135 -msgid "FFplay" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_14) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:155 -msgid "FFprobe" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_2) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:166 -msgid "Default folders" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_5) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_4) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:172 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:56 -msgid "Project folder" -msgstr "Projekto aplankas" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:182 -msgid "Temporary files" -msgstr "Laikinieji failai" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_10) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:192 -msgid "Capture folder" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_capturetoprojectfolder) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:212 -msgid "Use project folder" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_3) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:223 -msgid "Default apps" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_4) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:229 -msgid "Image editing" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, kp_image) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, kp_audio) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, kp_player) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:243 src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:264 -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:285 -msgid "Change" -msgstr "Keisti" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_11) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:250 -msgid "Audio editing" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_12) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:271 -msgid "Video player" -msgstr "Vaizdo grotuvas" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_enableshuttle) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:23 -msgid "Enable Jog Shuttle device" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, shuttledisabled) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:30 -msgid "Jog Shuttle device disabled." -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, config_group) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:53 -msgid "Device configuration" -msgstr "Įrenginio konfigūracija" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:85 -msgid "Button 1" -msgstr "Mygtukas 1" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_17) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:98 -msgid "Device" -msgstr "Įrenginys" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_16) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:111 -msgid "Button 15" -msgstr "Mygtukas 15" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_14) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:137 -msgid "Button 13" -msgstr "Mygtukas 13" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_9) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:150 -msgid "Button 8" -msgstr "Mygtukas 8" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_7) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:166 -msgid "Button 4" -msgstr "Mygtukas 4" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:179 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Device" -msgid "Device name" -msgstr "Įrenginys" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_5) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:192 -msgid "Button 5" -msgstr "Mygtukas 5" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_8) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:214 -msgid "Button 7" -msgstr "Mygtukas 7" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_10) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:243 -msgid "Button 9" -msgstr "Mygtukas 9" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_4) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:256 -msgid "Button 2" -msgstr "Mygtukas 2" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_11) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:272 -msgid "Button 10" -msgstr "Mygtukas 10" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_12) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:285 -msgid "Button 11" -msgstr "Mygtukas 11" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_6) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:308 -msgid "Button 6" -msgstr "Mygtukas 6" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_15) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:336 -msgid "Button 14" -msgstr "Mygtukas 14" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:349 -msgid "Button 3" -msgstr "Mygtukas 3" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_13) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:362 -msgid "Button 12" -msgstr "Mygtukas 12" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_usekuiserver) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:23 -msgid "Use KDE job tracking for render jobs" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_checkfirstprojectclip) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:30 -msgid "Check if first added clip matches project profile" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_crashrecovery) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:37 -msgid "Crash recovery (automatic backup)" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_automultistreams) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:44 -msgid "Automatically import all streams in multi stream clips" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_disable_effect_parameters) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:51 -msgid "Disable parameters when the effect is disabled" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_bypasscodeccheck) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:58 -msgid "Bypass codec verification" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_autoimagesequence) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:65 -msgid "Automatically import image sequences" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_projectloading_avformatnovalidate) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:72 -msgid "Do not validate the video files when loading a project (faster)" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_on_monitor_effects) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:79 -msgid "Use on-monitor effects" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_use_exiftool) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:86 -msgid "Get clip metadata with exiftool" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_openlastproject) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:93 -msgid "Open last project on startup" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, groupBox) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:100 -msgid "Default Durations" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:106 -msgid "Color clips" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_8) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:123 -msgid "Title clips" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:130 -msgid "Image sequence" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_autoimagetransparency) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:149 -msgid "Transparent background for imported images" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_use_magicLantern) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:169 -msgid "Get clip metadata created by Magic Lantern" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, properties) -#: src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:23 -msgid "Default Profile" -msgstr "Numatytas profilis" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_9) -#: src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:69 -msgid "Aspect ratio:" -msgstr "Proporcija:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_10) -#: src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:83 -msgid "Display ratio:" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_7) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_6) -#: src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:109 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:175 -msgid "Video tracks" -msgstr "Video takeliai" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_8) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_7) -#: src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:119 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:185 -msgid "Audio tracks" -msgstr "Garso takeliai" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, generate_proxy) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_generateproxy) -#: src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:154 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:256 -msgid "Generate for videos larger than" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (suffix), widget (QSpinBox, proxy_minsize) -#. i18n: ectx: property (suffix), widget (QSpinBox, proxy_imageminsize) -#. i18n: ectx: property (suffix), widget (QSpinBox, kcfg_proxyminsize) -#. i18n: ectx: property (suffix), widget (QSpinBox, kcfg_proxyimageminsize) -#: src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:161 src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:181 -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:263 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:283 -msgid "pixels" -msgstr "pikseliai" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, generate_imageproxy) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_generateimageproxy) -#: src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:174 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:276 -msgid "Generate for images larger than" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/ui/configsdl_ui.ui:17 -msgid "" -"Warning: changes to the drivers and devices can make Kdenlive unstable. " -"Change only if you know what you do." -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_gpu_accel) -#: src/ui/configsdl_ui.ui:27 -msgid "Use GPU processing (Movit library) - restart Kdenlive to apply" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_4) -#: src/ui/configsdl_ui.ui:34 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Audio tracks" -msgid "Audio backend" -msgstr "Garso takeliai" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, textLabel1_2) -#: src/ui/configsdl_ui.ui:53 -msgid "Audio driver:" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, textLabel1) -#: src/ui/configsdl_ui.ui:66 -msgid "Audio device:" -msgstr "Audio įrenginys:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: src/ui/configsdl_ui.ui:82 -msgid "Preview volume:" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/configsdl_ui.ui:102 -msgid "Monitor background color:" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_external_display) -#: src/ui/configsdl_ui.ui:127 -msgid "Use external display (Blackmagic card)" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_5) -#: src/ui/configsdl_ui.ui:134 -msgid "Output device" -msgstr "Išvesties įrenginys" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, groupBox) -#: src/ui/configtimeline_ui.ui:23 -msgid "Thumbnails" -msgstr "Miniatiūros" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_displayallchannels) -#: src/ui/configtimeline_ui.ui:48 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Swap channels" -msgid "Separate channels" -msgstr "Kanalas" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_showmarkers) -#: src/ui/configtimeline_ui.ui:73 -msgid "Display clip markers comments" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_autoscroll) -#: src/ui/configtimeline_ui.ui:80 -msgid "Autoscroll while playing" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_verticalzoom) -#: src/ui/configtimeline_ui.ui:87 -msgid "Zoom using vertical drag in ruler" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_splitaudio) -#: src/ui/configtimeline_ui.ui:94 -msgid "Automatically split audio and video" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/configtimeline_ui.ui:103 -msgid "Track height" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_add) -#: src/ui/configtranscode_ui.ui:24 -msgid "Add Profile" -msgstr "Pridėti profilį" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_update) -#: src/ui/configtranscode_ui.ui:31 -msgid "Update Profile" -msgstr "Atnaujinti profilį" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_delete) -#: src/ui/configtranscode_ui.ui:38 -msgid "Delete Profile" -msgstr "Ištrinti profilį" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_4) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: src/ui/configtranscode_ui.ui:90 src/ui/saveprofile_ui.ui:121 -msgid "Extension" -msgstr "Plėtinys" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_4) -#: src/ui/configtranscode_ui.ui:107 -msgid "Parameters" -msgstr "Parametrai" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, button_more) -#: src/ui/cutjobdialog_ui.ui:29 -msgid "Configure job" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_add) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardchapters_ui.ui:39 -msgid "Add chapter" -msgstr "Pridėti skyrių" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardchapters_ui.ui:46 -msgid "Movie file" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_delete) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardchapters_ui.ui:66 -msgid "Remove chapter" -msgstr "Pašalinti skyrių" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, create_menu) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:20 -msgid "Create basic menu" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:49 -msgid "Button" -msgstr "Mygtukas" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_6) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:65 -msgid "Target" -msgstr "Tikslas" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, back_to_menu) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:82 -msgid "Back to menu" -msgstr "Atgal į meniu" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, use_shadow) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:126 -msgid "Shadow" -msgstr "Šešėlis" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:138 -msgid "Underline" -msgstr "Pabrauktas" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_2) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, lblBackground) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:183 src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:189 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:1076 src/ui/vectorscope_ui.ui:46 -msgid "Background" -msgstr "Fonas" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonAdd) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, add_button) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, button_add) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonSelectAll) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonAudio) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:232 src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:93 -#: src/ui/keyframeeditor_ui.ui:68 src/ui/timelinebuttons_ui.ui:71 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:723 -#, fuzzy -msgid "A" -msgstr "A" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:29 -msgid "Temporary data folder" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:39 -msgid "DVD ISO image" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (QListWidget, job_progress) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:56 -msgid "Creating menu images" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (QListWidget, job_progress) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:61 -msgid "Creating menu background" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (QListWidget, job_progress) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:66 -msgid "Creating menu movie" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (QListWidget, job_progress) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:71 -msgid "Creating dvd structure" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (QListWidget, job_progress) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:76 -msgid "Creating iso file" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_start) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:84 -msgid "Create ISO image" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_2) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:118 -msgid "Log" -msgstr "Žurnalas" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_7) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:124 -msgid "Status" -msgstr "Būsena" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, button_burn) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:154 -msgid "Burn" -msgstr "Rašyti" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:172 -msgid "Menu File" -msgstr "Meniu failas" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_3) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:186 -msgid "Dvdauthor File" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, use_intro) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardvob_ui.ui:59 -msgid "Use first movie as intro" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardvob_ui.ui:66 -msgid "DVD format" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_delete) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardvob_ui.ui:73 -msgid "Remove file" -msgstr "Pašalinti failą" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_add) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardvob_ui.ui:130 -msgid "Add movie file" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, convert_label) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardvob_ui.ui:146 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Project files" -msgid "Converting files" -msgstr "Projektų failai" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: src/ui/freesound_ui.ui:22 -msgid "Service" -msgstr "Paslauga" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, page_prev) -#: src/ui/freesound_ui.ui:67 -msgid "<<" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, page_next) -#: src/ui/freesound_ui.ui:104 -msgid ">>" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_import) -#: src/ui/freesound_ui.ui:137 src/utils/archiveorg.cpp:181 -msgid "Import" -msgstr "Importuoti" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/freesound_ui.ui:177 -msgid "License" -msgstr "Licencija" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonMenu) -#: src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:63 -#, fuzzy -msgid "M" -msgstr "Pr" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonPrevious) -#: src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:73 -#, fuzzy -msgid "P" -msgstr "P" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_pos) -#: src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:127 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Pos" -msgstr "POS" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_6) -#: src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:198 -msgid "Height" -msgstr "Aukštis" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:219 -msgid "Resize:" -msgstr "Dydis:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, buttonResize) -#: src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:242 -msgid "Original" -msgstr "Originalas" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QCheckBox, cbY) -#: src/ui/histogram_ui.ui:17 -msgid "Luma value" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, lblComponents) -#: src/ui/histogram_ui.ui:64 -msgid "Components" -msgstr "Komponentai" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QCheckBox, cbS) -#: src/ui/histogram_ui.ui:71 -msgid "RGB summed up" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, cbS) -#: src/ui/histogram_ui.ui:74 -msgid "Sum" -msgstr "Suma" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, ImportKeyframesDialog_UI) -#: src/ui/importkeyframesdialog_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Import Keyframes" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, limit_keyframes) -#: src/ui/importkeyframesdialog_ui.ui:48 -msgid "Limit keyframes number" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/importkeyframesdialog_ui.ui:90 -msgid "Data to import" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, KeyFrameDialog_UI) -#: src/ui/keyframedialog_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Edit Keyframe" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, clip_filesize_3) -#: src/ui/keyframedialog_ui.ui:27 -msgid "Value" -msgstr "Reikšmė" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, buttonResetKeyframe) -#: src/ui/keyframeeditor_ui.ui:88 -msgid "Reset the parameters to their default values" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, buttonSeek) -#: src/ui/keyframeeditor_ui.ui:98 -msgid "Seek to active keyframe" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, buttonKeyframes) -#: src/ui/keyframeeditor_ui.ui:114 -msgid "Add keyframes" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, buttonLeftRight) -#: src/ui/keyframewidget_ui.ui:43 -msgid "move on X axis" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, buttonUpDown) -#: src/ui/keyframewidget_ui.ui:56 -msgid "move on Y axis" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, buttonShowInTimeline) -#: src/ui/keyframewidget_ui.ui:69 -msgid "update values in timeline" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, buttonNewPoints) -#: src/ui/keyframewidget_ui.ui:82 -msgid "create new points" -msgstr "sukurti naujus taškus" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, checkBox) -#: src/ui/keyframewidget_ui.ui:105 -msgid "GraphView" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, buttonHelp) -#: src/ui/keyframewidget_ui.ui:121 -msgid "parameter description" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/keywordval_ui.ui:23 src/ui/urlval_ui.ui:26 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Param" -msgstr "***** parametras: " - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, ManageCaptures_UI) -#: src/ui/managecaptures_ui.ui:13 -msgid "Captured files" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, treeWidget) -#: src/ui/managecaptures_ui.ui:35 -msgid "File name" -msgstr "Failo pavadinimas" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, deleteButton) -#: src/ui/managecaptures_ui.ui:48 -msgid "Delete current file" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, toggleButton) -#: src/ui/managecaptures_ui.ui:55 -msgid "Toggle selection" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/manageencodingprofile_ui.ui:20 -msgid "Editing profiles for" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_category) -#: src/ui/markerdialog_ui.ui:76 -msgid "Category" -msgstr "Kategorija" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, clip_thumb) -#: src/ui/markerdialog_ui.ui:86 -msgid "Image preview" -msgstr "Paveikslėlio peržiūra" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, MissingClips_UI) -#: src/ui/missingclips_ui.ui:14 -msgid " Clip Problems" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, removeSelected) -#: src/ui/missingclips_ui.ui:20 -msgid "Remove selected clips" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, usePlaceholders) -#: src/ui/missingclips_ui.ui:37 -msgid "Use placeholders for missing clips" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, recursiveSearch) -#: src/ui/missingclips_ui.ui:80 -msgid "Search recursively" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, ProfilesDialog_UI) -#: src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Profiles" -msgstr "Profiliai" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_4) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_7) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_8) -#: src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:106 src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:140 -#: src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:174 -msgid "/" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_10) -#: src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:154 -msgid "Display aspect ratio" -msgstr "Ekrano proporcija" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_11) -#: src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:208 -msgid "Fields per second" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_default) -#: src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:242 -msgid "Use as default" -msgstr "Naudoti kaip numatytąjį" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, button_create) -#: src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:259 -msgid "C" -msgstr "C" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, button_save) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonSave) -#: src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:269 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:421 -#, fuzzy -msgid "S" -msgstr "#%s" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, properties) -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:66 -msgid "Video Profile" -msgstr "Video profilis" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:210 -msgid "Thumbnails:" -msgstr "Miniatiūros:" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_2) -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:416 -msgid "Project Files" -msgstr "Projektų failai" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_12) -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:422 -msgid "Clips used in project:" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_6) -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:443 -msgid "Unused clips:" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, delete_unused) -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:464 -msgid "Delete files" -msgstr "Trinti failus" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_11) -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:471 -msgid "Thumbnails cache:" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, clear_cache) -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:492 -msgid "Clear cache" -msgstr "Išvalyti podėlį" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, delete_proxies) -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:520 -msgid "Delete proxies" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_13) -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:527 -msgid "Project files" -msgstr "Projektų failai" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_fonts) -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:561 -msgid "Fonts" -msgstr "Šriftai" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_export) -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:575 -msgid "Plain text export" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:39 -msgid "Render Project" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:52 -msgid "Output file" -msgstr "Išvesties failas" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_9) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:112 -msgid "Encoder threads" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, scanning_list) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:131 -msgid "Force Progressive" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, scanning_list) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:136 -msgid "Force Interlaced" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QLineEdit, vbitrates_list) -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QLineEdit, abitrates_list) -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (KComboBox, comboBitrates) -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (KComboBox, comboAudioBitrates) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:176 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:202 -#: src/ui/saveprofile_ui.ui:33 src/ui/saveprofile_ui.ui:87 -msgid "Best to worst quality" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, checkTwoPass) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:215 -msgid "2 pass" -msgstr "2 kartai" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, rescale) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:222 -msgid "Rescale" -msgstr "Keisti mastelį" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, export_meta) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:250 -msgid "Export metadata" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, tc_overlay) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:276 -msgid "Overlay" -msgstr "Perdengimas" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, render_full) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:314 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Project" -msgid "Fu&ll project" -msgstr "Projektas" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, render_zone) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:324 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Selection" -msgid "Selected &zone" -msgstr "Pažymėjimas" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, render_guide) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:331 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Guide" -msgid "&Guide zone" -msgstr "Orientyras" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, buttonRender) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:355 -msgid "Render to File" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, buttonGenerateScript) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:362 -msgid "Generate Script" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonInfo) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonSelectImages) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:393 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:680 -msgid "I" -msgstr "I" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, show_all_profiles) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:400 -msgid "Show all profiles" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, open_browser) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:466 -msgid "Open browser window after export" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, play_after) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:473 -msgid "Play after render" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:503 -msgid "to" -msgstr "iki" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, create_chapter) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:523 -msgid "Create chapter file based on guides" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, open_dvd) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:530 -msgid "Open Dvd wizard after rendering" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, proxy_render) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:537 -msgid "Render using proxy clips" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, stemAudioExport) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:623 -msgid "Stem audio export" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_2) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:631 -msgid "Job Queue" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_7) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:710 -msgid "Error Log" -msgstr "Veiksmų žurnalas" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, clean_up) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:728 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Clean Up" -msgstr "Išvalyti" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, shutdown) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:735 -msgid "Shutdown computer after renderings" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, start_job) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:742 -msgid "Start Job" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_3) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:750 -msgid "Scripts" -msgstr "Scenarijai" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, start_script) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:778 -msgid "Start Script" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, delete_script) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:785 -msgid "Delete Script" -msgstr "Pašalinti scenarijų" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, lblPaintmode) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, lblPaintMode) -#: src/ui/rgbparade_ui.ui:33 src/ui/vectorscope_ui.ui:29 -#: src/ui/waveform_ui.ui:30 -msgid "Paint mode" -msgstr "Piešimo veiksena" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, SaveProfile_UI) -#: src/ui/saveprofile_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Save Profile" -msgstr "Išsaugoti profilį" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/ui/saveprofile_ui.ui:60 -msgid "Group" -msgstr "Grupė" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: src/ui/saveprofile_ui.ui:108 -msgid "Profile name" -msgstr "Profilio pavadinimas" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/saveprofile_ui.ui:128 -msgid "" -"Parameters (see MLT documentation)" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, SceneCutDialog_UI) -#: src/ui/scenecutdialog_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Scene Cut" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, add_markers) -#: src/ui/scenecutdialog_ui.ui:23 -msgid "Add clip markers" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, zone_only) -#: src/ui/scenecutdialog_ui.ui:33 -msgid "Analyze only selected zone" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, cut_scenes) -#: src/ui/scenecutdialog_ui.ui:63 -msgid "Cut scenes" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, store_data) -#: src/ui/scenecutdialog_ui.ui:70 -msgid "Save result in clip metadata" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, groupBox) -#: src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:30 -msgid "Image selection method" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, method_mime) -#: src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:36 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Mimetype" -msgid "&Mimetype" -msgstr "Mime tipai" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, method_pattern) -#: src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:46 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Filename" -msgid "Fi&lename pattern" -msgstr "Failo pavadinimas" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_4) -#: src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:70 -msgid "Image Type" -msgstr "Paveikslėlio tipas" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_5) -#: src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:97 -msgid "First frame" -msgstr "Pirmas kadras" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:127 -msgid "Frame Duration" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, show_thumbs) -#: src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:245 -msgid "Show thumbnails" -msgstr "Rodyti miniatiūras" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: src/ui/smconfig_ui.ui:33 -msgid "Number of frames to play (0 to play all frames)" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, groupBox_2) -#: src/ui/smconfig_ui.ui:73 -msgid "Interval Capture" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/smconfig_ui.ui:79 -msgid "Capture delay" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, sm_prenotify) -#: src/ui/smconfig_ui.ui:96 -msgid "Notify before capture" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, SpacerDialog_UI) -#: src/ui/spacerdialog_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Add space" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, clip_filesize_3) -#: src/ui/spacerdialog_ui.ui:37 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Track" -msgid "Track:" -msgstr "Takelis" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, labelFFTSize) -#: src/ui/spectrogram_ui.ui:52 -msgid "True FFT size:" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, live_button) -#: src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:86 -msgid "Live view" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, preview_button) -#: src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:135 -msgid "Preview sequence" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (KComboBox, sequence_name) -#: src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:151 src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:158 -msgid "Sequence name" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_addsequence) -#: src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:194 -msgid "Add to project" -msgstr "Pridėti į projektą" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/templateclip_ui.ui:17 -msgid "Template" -msgstr "Šablonas" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonFitZoom) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonRealSize) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonVideo) -#: src/ui/timelinebuttons_ui.ui:16 src/ui/timelinebuttons_ui.ui:64 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:553 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:563 -msgid "V" -msgstr "V" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, TitleWidget_UI) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Title Clip" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, lWidth) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:109 -#, fuzzy -msgid "W" -msgstr "V" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_19) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:126 -#, fuzzy -msgid "H" -msgstr "H" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_12) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:184 -msgid "Z-Index:" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:232 -msgid "Item Properties" -msgstr "Nuotraukos savybės" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:243 -msgid "Fill color" -msgstr "Užpildo spalva" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_11) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:275 -msgid "Border color" -msgstr "Kraštinių spalva" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_18) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:394 -msgid "Outline" -msgstr "Kontūras" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, displayBg) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:631 -msgid "Show background" -msgstr "Rodyti foną" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_22) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:645 -msgid "Template:" -msgstr "Šablonas:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonSelectText) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:690 -#, fuzzy -msgid "T" -msgstr "T" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (whatsThis), widget (QToolButton, buttonSelectAll) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:720 -msgid "Selects all items on the canvas." -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_14) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:761 -msgid "Zoom:" -msgstr "Mastelis:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_21) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:778 -msgid "Rotate Z:" -msgstr "Pasukti Z:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_20) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:785 -msgid "Rotate Y:" -msgstr "Pasukti Y:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_15) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:792 -msgid "Rotate X:" -msgstr "Pasukti X:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_5) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:877 -msgid "Effect" -msgstr "Efektas" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (suffix), widget (QSpinBox, typewriter_delay) -#. i18n: ectx: property (suffix), widget (QSpinBox, typewriter_start) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:1007 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:1030 -msgid " frames" -msgstr " kadrai" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_16) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:1023 -msgid "Start at" -msgstr "Pradėti nuo" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, anim_start) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:1127 -msgid "Edit start" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, anim_end) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:1137 -msgid "Edit end" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_7) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:1162 -msgid "Resize" -msgstr "Keisti dydį" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, resize50) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:1169 -#, no-c-format -msgid "50%" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, resize100) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:1176 -#, no-c-format -msgid "100%" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, resize200) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:1183 -#, no-c-format -msgid "200%" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, keep_aspect) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:1190 -msgid "Keep aspect ratio" -msgstr "Išlaikyti proporcijas" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/ui/transitionsettings_ui.ui:23 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Track" -msgid "track" -msgstr "Takelis" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QWidget, UnicodeWidget_UI) -#: src/ui/unicodewidget_ui.ui:20 -msgid "Enter Unicode value" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/ui/unicodewidget_ui.ui:251 -msgid "Additional Information" -msgstr "Papildoma informacija" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_reload) -#: src/ui/wizardcapture_ui.ui:17 -msgid "Check" -msgstr "Tikrinti" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_9) -#: src/ui/wizardcapture_ui.ui:57 -msgid "Capture format:" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/wizardextra_ui.ui:16 -msgid "Default folder for project files" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, autosave) -#: src/ui/wizardextra_ui.ui:59 -msgid "Activate crash recovery (auto save)" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, installmimes) -#: src/ui/wizardextra_ui.ui:66 -msgid "Install extra video mimetypes" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab) -#: src/ui/wizardmltcheck_ui.ui:21 -msgid "Installed modules" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_2) -#: src/ui/wizardmltcheck_ui.ui:63 -msgid "Available Codecs (avformat)" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: src/ui/wizardmltcheck_ui.ui:90 -msgid "Formats" -msgstr "Formatai" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/ui/wizardmltcheck_ui.ui:97 -msgid "Video Codecs" -msgstr "Vaizdo kodekai" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/wizardmltcheck_ui.ui:104 -msgid "Audio Codecs" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: src/ui/wizardstandard_ui.ui:17 -msgid "Please set your default video profile" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/ui/wizardstandard_ui.ui:24 -msgid "Video Resolution" -msgstr "Video skiriamoji geba" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, button_dv) -#: src/ui/wizardstandard_ui.ui:44 -msgid "DV" -msgstr "DV" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, button_all) -#: src/ui/wizardstandard_ui.ui:61 -msgid "Show All" -msgstr "Rodyti viską" - -#: src/utils/archiveorg.cpp:78 src/utils/freesound.cpp:86 -#: src/utils/freesound.cpp:184 src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:362 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Error Log" -msgid "Error Loading Data" -msgstr "Veiksmų žurnalas" - -#: src/utils/archiveorg.cpp:91 src/utils/freesound.cpp:95 -#, kde-format -msgid "Found %1 result" -msgid_plural "Found %1 results" -msgstr[0] "Rastas %1 rezultatas" -msgstr[1] "Rasti %1 rezultatai" -msgstr[2] "Rasta %1 rezultatų" -msgstr[3] "Rastas %1 rezultatas" - -#: src/utils/freesound.cpp:203 -msgid "Samplerate" -msgstr "Išrankosdažnis" - -#: src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:67 -msgid "Freesound Audio Library" -msgstr "" - -#: src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:68 -msgid "Archive.org Video Library" -msgstr "" - -#: src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:69 -msgid "Open Clip Art Graphic Library" -msgstr "" - -#: src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:70 -msgid "Search Online Resources" -msgstr "" - -#: src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:92 -msgid "Auto Play" -msgstr "Automatinis paleidimas" - -#: src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:182 -msgctxt "the url link pointing to a web page" -msgid "link" -msgstr "nuoroda" - -#: src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:327 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "File extension:" -msgid "File Exists" -msgstr "Failo plėtinys:" - -#: src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:328 -msgid "Do you want to overwrite the existing file?." -msgstr "" - -#: src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:371 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Import" -msgid "Data Imported" -msgstr "Importuoti" - -#: src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:437 -msgid "" -"You need to be online\n" -" for searching" -msgstr "" - -#: src/utils/thememanager.cpp:70 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Default" -msgctxt "default theme name" -msgid "Default" -msgstr "Numatyta" - -#: src/utils/thememanager.cpp:213 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Device configuration" -msgid "Configuration..." -msgstr "Įrenginio konfigūracija" - -#: src/utils/thememanager.cpp:227 -msgid "" -"Cannot start Colors Settings panel from KDE Control Center. Please check " -"your system..." -msgstr "" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "effect" -#~ msgid "Compare effect" -#~ msgstr "efektas" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Parameters" -#~ msgid "Selection Parameters" -#~ msgstr "Parametrai" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Transitions" -#~ msgid "Transition List" -#~ msgstr "Perėjimai" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Cannot open file" -#~ msgid "Cannot open playlist producer." -#~ msgstr "Nepavyksta atverti failo" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Move guide" -#~ msgid "Expland Clip" -#~ msgstr "Gairės perkėlimas" - -#~ msgid "Transition" -#~ msgstr "Poslinkis" - -#~ msgid "Loading" -#~ msgstr "Įkeliama" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Timeline" -#~ msgid "Loading timeline" -#~ msgstr "Laiko juosta" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Switch monitor" -#~ msgid "Setting monitor" -#~ msgstr "Perjungti monitorių" - -#~ msgid "before" -#~ msgstr "prieš" - -#~ msgid "after" -#~ msgstr "po" - -#~ msgid "Add data" -#~ msgstr "Pridėti duomenis" - -#~ msgid "Load Image" -#~ msgstr "Įkelti paveikslėlį" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Mirror" -#~ msgid "Movit: Blur" -#~ msgstr "Veidrodis" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Saturation" -#~ msgid "Movit: Diffusion" -#~ msgstr "Sodrumas" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Mirror" -#~ msgid "Movit: Glow" -#~ msgstr "Veidrodis" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Mirror" -#~ msgid "Movit: Mirror" -#~ msgstr "Veidrodis" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Center horizontally" -#~ msgid "Flips the image horizontally" -#~ msgstr "Centruoti horizontaliai" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Opacity" -#~ msgid "Movit: Opacity" -#~ msgstr "Nepermatomumas" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Saturation" -#~ msgid "Movit: Saturation" -#~ msgstr "Sodrumas" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Opacity" -#~ msgid "Movit: Vignette" -#~ msgstr "Nepermatomumas" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "White Balance" -#~ msgid "Movit: White balance" -#~ msgstr "Baltos balansas" - -#~ msgid "XVideo" -#~ msgstr "XVideo" - -#~ msgid "X11" -#~ msgstr "X11" - -#~ msgid "File not found" -#~ msgstr "Failas nerastas" - -#~ msgid "Description:" -#~ msgstr "Aprašymas:" - -#~ msgid "Resize (100%)" -#~ msgstr "Keisti dydį (100%)" - -#~ msgid "Resize (50%)" -#~ msgstr "Keisti dydį (50%)" - -#~ msgid "Continue" -#~ msgstr "Tęsti" - -#~ msgid "Cancel job" -#~ msgid_plural "Cancel jobs" -#~ msgstr[0] "Atšaukti darbą" -#~ msgstr[1] "Atšaukti darbus" -#~ msgstr[2] "Atšaukti darbus" -#~ msgstr[3] "Atšaukti darbą" - -#~ msgid "Video driver:" -#~ msgstr "Vaizdo tvarkyklė:" - -#~ msgid "All" -#~ msgstr "Visi" - -#~ msgid "Custom" -#~ msgstr "Savitas" - -#~ msgid "Close the current tab" -#~ msgstr "Užverti dabartinę kortelę" - -#~ msgid "License: %1" -#~ msgstr "Licencija: %1" - -#~ msgid "99:99:99:99; " -#~ msgstr "99:99:99:99; " - -#~ msgid "Bitrate" -#~ msgstr "Bitų dažnis" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Color Space" -#~ msgid "Color opacity" -#~ msgstr "Spalvų parinkiklis" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Border width" -#~ msgid "Border opacity" -#~ msgstr "Rėmelio plotis" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Background color opacity" -#~ msgid "Font color opacity" -#~ msgstr "Fono spalvos nepermatomumas" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Background color opacity" -#~ msgid "Outline color opacity" -#~ msgstr "Fono spalvos nepermatomumas" - -#~ msgid "Clone" -#~ msgstr "Klonuoti" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Min" -#~ msgid "Bin" -#~ msgstr "Min" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Zoom Out" -#~ msgid "Zone out" -#~ msgstr "Atitolinti" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Monitor" -#~ msgid "Monitor Audio" -#~ msgstr "Monitorius" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Zoom Out" -#~ msgid "Zone Out" -#~ msgstr "Atitolinti" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Author:" -#~ msgid "Author: " -#~ msgstr "Autorius:" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Resize" -#~ msgid "Resize Clip" -#~ msgstr "Keisti dydį" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Add to project" -#~ msgid "Failed to open project %1" -#~ msgstr "Pridėti į projektą" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Video track" -#~ msgid "Hide Track" -#~ msgstr "Video takelis" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Show mask" -#~ msgid "Show Track" -#~ msgstr "Rodyti kaukę" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Track" -#~ msgid "Mute Track" -#~ msgstr "Takelis" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Track" -#~ msgid "Lock Track" -#~ msgstr "Takelis" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Marker 1" -#~ msgid "Marker %1" -#~ msgstr "Žymeklis 1" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Show All" -#~ msgid "Show Tool Panel" -#~ msgstr "Rodyti viską" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "effect" -#~ msgid "Reset effect" -#~ msgstr "efektas" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Video clip" -#~ msgid "Video Clip" -#~ msgstr "Video iškarpa" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Move guide" -#~ msgid "Webvfx Clip" -#~ msgstr "Gairės perkėlimas" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Formats" -#~ msgid "Form" -#~ msgstr "Formatai" diff -Nru kdenlive-15.13.0+git20160206.6705c57a/po/mr/CMakeLists.txt kdenlive-15.13.0+git20160206.cee1bbb6/po/mr/CMakeLists.txt --- kdenlive-15.13.0+git20160206.6705c57a/po/mr/CMakeLists.txt 2016-02-06 09:13:45.000000000 +0000 +++ kdenlive-15.13.0+git20160206.cee1bbb6/po/mr/CMakeLists.txt 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -GETTEXT_PROCESS_PO_FILES(mr ALL INSTALL_DESTINATION ${LOCALE_INSTALL_DIR} kdenlive.po) diff -Nru kdenlive-15.13.0+git20160206.6705c57a/po/mr/kdenlive.po kdenlive-15.13.0+git20160206.cee1bbb6/po/mr/kdenlive.po --- kdenlive-15.13.0+git20160206.6705c57a/po/mr/kdenlive.po 2016-02-06 09:13:45.000000000 +0000 +++ kdenlive-15.13.0+git20160206.cee1bbb6/po/mr/kdenlive.po 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 @@ -1,12368 +0,0 @@ -# Copyright (C) YEAR This_file_is_part_of_KDE -# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package. -# -# Chetan Khona , 2013. -msgid "" -msgstr "" -"Project-Id-Version: \n" -"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugs.kde.org\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-12-11 07:07+0000\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-03-28 14:37+0530\n" -"Last-Translator: Chetan Khona \n" -"Language-Team: Marathi \n" -"Language: mr\n" -"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" -"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" -"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" -"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n!=1);\n" -"X-Generator: Lokalize 1.5\n" - -msgctxt "NAME OF TRANSLATORS" -msgid "Your names" -msgstr "चेतन खोना" - -msgctxt "EMAIL OF TRANSLATORS" -msgid "Your emails" -msgstr "chetan@kompkin.com" - -#: data/effects/audiobalance.xml:3 data/effects/audiobalance.xml:7 -msgid "Balance" -msgstr "संतुलन" - -#: data/effects/audiobalance.xml:4 -msgid "Adjust the left/right balance" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/audiopan.xml:3 data/effects/audiopan.xml:11 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:347 src/project/dialogs/slideshowclip.cpp:73 -msgid "Pan" -msgstr "Pan" - -#: data/effects/audiopan.xml:4 -msgid "Adjust the left/right spread of a channel" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/audiopan.xml:7 data/effects/channelcopy.xml:7 -#: data/effects/channelcopy.xml:11 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Left,Right" -msgstr "उजवे" - -#: data/effects/audiopan.xml:8 data/effects/frei0r_bezier_curves.xml:9 -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:9 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:66 -#: data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:10 data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:42 -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:25 -msgid "Channel" -msgstr "मार्ग" - -#: data/effects/audiowave.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Audio Wave" -msgstr "ऑडिओ माध्यमे (&A)" - -#: data/effects/audiowave.xml:4 -msgid "Display the audio waveform instead of the video" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/audiowaveform.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Audio Waveform Filter" -msgstr "ऑडिओ माध्यमे (&A)" - -#: data/effects/audiowaveform.xml:6 data/effects/dynamictext.xml:22 -#: data/effects/pan_zoom.xml:13 data/effects/rotation.xml:40 -#: data/effects/rotation_keyframable.xml:22 -msgid "Background Color" -msgstr "पार्श्वभूमीचा रंग" - -#: data/effects/audiowaveform.xml:9 data/effects/dynamictext.xml:19 -msgid "Foreground Color" -msgstr "पृष्ठभूमी रंग" - -#: data/effects/audiowaveform.xml:12 -msgid "Line Thickness" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/audiowaveform.xml:15 data/effects/movit_rect.xml:6 -#: data/effects/pan_zoom.xml:7 -msgid "Rectangle" -msgstr "चौकोन" - -#: data/effects/audiowaveform.xml:18 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:721 -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:766 -msgid "Fill" -msgstr "भरण" - -#: data/effects/automask.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Auto" -msgid "Auto Mask" -msgstr "स्वयंचलित" - -#: data/effects/automask.xml:4 -msgid "Hide a selected zone and follow its movements" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/automask.xml:7 data/effects/dynamictext.xml:7 -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:718 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:745 -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:763 -msgid "Geometry" -msgstr "भूमिती" - -#: data/effects/automask.xml:10 -msgid "Macroblock width" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/automask.xml:13 -msgid "Macroblock height" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/automask.xml:16 -msgid "Maximum x distance" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/automask.xml:19 -msgid "Maximum y distance" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/automask.xml:22 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Noise" -msgid "Denoise" -msgstr "नॉइज़" - -#: data/effects/automask.xml:25 -msgid "Debug" -msgstr "डिबग" - -#: data/effects/automask.xml:28 data/effects/obscure.xml:3 -msgid "Obscure" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/automask.xml:36 data/effects/loudness.xml:12 -msgid "Analyse" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/boxblur.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Blur" -msgid "Box Blur" -msgstr "पुसट" - -#: data/effects/boxblur.xml:4 -msgid "Box blur (separate horizontal and vertical blur)" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/boxblur.xml:7 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Horizontal Alignment" -msgid "Horizontal multiplicator" -msgstr "आडवे जुळवणे" - -#: data/effects/boxblur.xml:10 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Vertical Alignment" -msgid "Vertical multiplicator" -msgstr "उभे जुळवणे" - -#: data/effects/boxblur.xml:13 -msgid "Blur factor" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/brightness.xml:3 -msgid "Brightness (keyframable)" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/brightness.xml:4 -msgid "Change image brightness with keyframes" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/brightness.xml:7 -msgid "Intensity" -msgstr "तीव्रता" - -#: data/effects/channelcopy.xml:3 -msgid "Mono to stereo" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/channelcopy.xml:4 -msgid "Copy one channel to another" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_4) -#: data/effects/channelcopy.xml:8 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:486 -msgid "From" -msgstr "पासून" - -#: data/effects/channelcopy.xml:12 -#, fuzzy -msgid "To" -msgstr "पर्यंत :" - -#: data/effects/charcoal.xml:3 -msgid "Charcoal" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/charcoal.xml:4 -msgid "Charcoal drawing effect" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/charcoal.xml:7 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Horizontal scatter" -msgstr "आडवे" - -#: data/effects/charcoal.xml:10 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Vertical scatter" -msgstr "उभे" - -#: data/effects/charcoal.xml:13 -msgid "Scale" -msgstr "प्रमाण" - -#: data/effects/charcoal.xml:16 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:757 -msgid "Mix" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/charcoal.xml:19 data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:31 -#: data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:63 data/effects/frei0r_mask0mate.xml:19 -#: data/effects/invert.xml:3 data/effects/mirror.xml:11 -#: data/effects/rotoscoping.xml:18 src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:215 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Invert" -msgstr "उलट करा" - -#: data/effects/chroma.xml:3 -msgid "Chroma Key" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/chroma.xml:4 -msgid "Make selected color transparent" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/chroma.xml:7 data/effects/chroma_hold.xml:7 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Color 1" -msgid "Color key" -msgstr "रंग 1" - -#: data/effects/chroma.xml:10 data/effects/chroma_hold.xml:10 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Variance" -msgstr "प्रकार :" - -#: data/effects/chroma_hold.xml:3 -msgid "Chroma Hold" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/chroma_hold.xml:4 -msgid "Make image greyscale except for chosen color" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/crop.xml:3 -msgid "Edge Crop" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/crop.xml:4 -msgid "Trim the edges of a clip" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/crop.xml:7 data/effects/frei0r_mask0mate.xml:13 -msgid "Top" -msgstr "वर" - -#: data/effects/crop.xml:10 data/effects/frei0r_mask0mate.xml:7 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Left" -msgstr "डावे" - -#: data/effects/crop.xml:13 data/effects/frei0r_mask0mate.xml:16 -msgid "Bottom" -msgstr "खाली" - -#: data/effects/crop.xml:16 data/effects/frei0r_mask0mate.xml:10 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Right" -msgstr "उजवे" - -#: data/effects/crop.xml:19 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Automatic" -msgid "Automatic center-crop" -msgstr "स्वयंचलित" - -#: data/effects/crop.xml:22 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Interface" -msgid "Center balance" -msgstr "दुवा" - -#: data/effects/crop.xml:25 -msgid "Use project resolution" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/dust.xml:3 -msgid "Dust" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/dust.xml:4 -msgid "Add dust and specks to the video, as in old movies" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/dust.xml:7 -msgid "Maximal Diameter" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/dust.xml:10 -msgid "Maximal number of dust" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/dynamictext.xml:3 -msgid "Dynamic Text" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/dynamictext.xml:4 -msgid "Overlay text with keywords replaced" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/dynamictext.xml:10 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Font Family" -msgstr "फॉन्ट परिवार" - -#: data/effects/dynamictext.xml:13 -msgid "Font Size" -msgstr "फॉन्ट आकार" - -#: data/effects/dynamictext.xml:16 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Font Weight" -msgstr "फॉन्टचे वजन" - -#: data/effects/dynamictext.xml:25 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Outline" -msgid "Outline Color" -msgstr "रूपरेषा" - -#: data/effects/dynamictext.xml:28 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Outline" -msgid "Outline Width" -msgstr "रूपरेषा" - -#: data/effects/dynamictext.xml:31 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Padding" -msgstr "दाखल करत आहे..." - -#: data/effects/dynamictext.xml:34 -msgid "Left,Center,Right" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/dynamictext.xml:35 -msgid "Horizontal Alignment" -msgstr "आडवे जुळवणे" - -#: data/effects/dynamictext.xml:38 -msgid "Top,Middle,Bottom" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/dynamictext.xml:39 -msgid "Vertical Alignment" -msgstr "उभे जुळवणे" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, text_box) -#: data/effects/dynamictext.xml:42 src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:55 -#: src/ui/templateclip_ui.ui:34 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Text" -msgstr "मजकूर" - -#: data/effects/fade_from_black.xml:3 -msgid "Fade from Black" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/fade_from_black.xml:4 -msgid "Fade video from black" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_duration) -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, ClipDurationDialog_UI) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, duration_label) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: data/effects/fade_from_black.xml:7 data/effects/fade_to_black.xml:7 -#: data/effects/fadein.xml:10 data/effects/fadeout.xml:7 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:133 -#: src/ui/clipdurationdialog_ui.ui:14 src/ui/clipdurationdialog_ui.ui:40 -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:58 src/ui/colorclip_ui.ui:37 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:747 src/utils/freesound.cpp:157 -#: src/utils/freesound.cpp:196 src/utils/freesound.cpp:197 -#: src/utils/freesound.cpp:198 -msgid "Duration" -msgstr "कालावधी" - -#: data/effects/fade_from_black.xml:10 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/bezier/beziersplinewidget.cpp:52 -msgid "In" -msgstr "च्या आत" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: data/effects/fade_from_black.xml:13 data/effects/fade_to_black.xml:13 -#: src/ui/wipeval_ui.ui:22 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Start" -msgstr "सुरु करा" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_4) -#: data/effects/fade_from_black.xml:16 data/effects/fade_to_black.xml:16 -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:409 src/ui/wipeval_ui.ui:167 -#, fuzzy -msgid "End" -msgstr "समाप्त" - -#: data/effects/fade_to_black.xml:3 -msgid "Fade to Black" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/fade_to_black.xml:4 -msgid "Fade video to black" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/fade_to_black.xml:10 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/bezier/beziersplinewidget.cpp:54 -msgid "Out" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/fadein.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Fade in" -msgstr "फीके" - -#: data/effects/fadein.xml:4 -msgid "Fade in audio track" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/fadein.xml:13 data/effects/fadeout.xml:13 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Start Gain" -msgstr "येथे सुरु करा :" - -#: data/effects/fadein.xml:16 data/effects/fadeout.xml:16 -msgid "End Gain" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/fadeout.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Fade out" -msgstr "फीके" - -#: data/effects/fadeout.xml:4 -msgid "Fade out audio track" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/freeze.xml:3 -msgid "Freeze" -msgstr "स्थिर करा" - -#: data/effects/freeze.xml:4 -msgid "Freeze video on a chosen frame" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/freeze.xml:7 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Freeze" -msgid "Freeze at" -msgstr "स्थिर करा" - -#: data/effects/freeze.xml:10 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Freeze" -msgid "Freeze Before" -msgstr "स्थिर करा" - -#: data/effects/freeze.xml:13 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Freeze" -msgid "Freeze After" -msgstr "स्थिर करा" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_3dflippo.xml:3 -msgid "3dflippo" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_3dflippo.xml:4 -msgid "Frame rotation in 3D space" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_3dflippo.xml:7 -msgid "X axis rotation" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_3dflippo.xml:10 -msgid "Y axis rotation" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_3dflippo.xml:13 -msgid "Z axis rotation" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_3dflippo.xml:16 -msgid "X axis rotation rate" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_3dflippo.xml:19 -msgid "Y axis rotation rate" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_3dflippo.xml:22 -msgid "Z axis rotation rate" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_3dflippo.xml:25 -msgid "Center position (X)" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_3dflippo.xml:28 -msgid "Center position (Y)" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_3dflippo.xml:31 -msgid "Invert rotation assignment" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_3dflippo.xml:34 -msgid "Don't blank mask" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_3dflippo.xml:37 -msgid "Fill with image or black" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:4 data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:36 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Operation" -msgid "Alpha operations" -msgstr "क्रिया" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:5 data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:37 -msgid "Display and manipulation of the alpha channel" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:9 data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:41 -msgid "" -"Image,Alpha as gray,Gray + red,Selection on black,Selection on gray," -"Selection on white,Selection on checkers" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:10 data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:42 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Display" -msgstr "दर्शवा" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:14 data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:46 -msgid "Display input alpha" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:18 -msgid "NO OP,Shave,Shrink hard,Shrink soft,Grow hard,Grow soft,Threshold" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:19 data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:51 -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphagrad.xml:30 data/effects/frei0r_alphaspot.xml:47 -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:45 data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:96 -msgid "Operation" -msgstr "क्रिया" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:23 data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:55 -#: data/effects/frei0r_threshold0r.xml:7 data/effects/threshold.xml:3 -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:217 -msgid "Threshold" -msgstr "सीमा :" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:27 -msgid "Shrink/grow amount" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:50 -msgid "NO OP,Shave,Shrink hard,Shrink soft,Grow hard,Grow soft,Threshold,Blur" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:59 -msgid "Shrink/Grow/Blur amount" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphagrad.xml:3 -msgid "Alpha gradient" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphagrad.xml:4 -msgid "Fill the alpha channel with a specified gradient" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, clip_filesize_2) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, position_label) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, import_position) -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphagrad.xml:9 src/effectstack/keyframeedit.cpp:55 -#: src/ui/clipdurationdialog_ui.ui:20 src/ui/importkeyframesdialog_ui.ui:80 -#: src/ui/keyframedialog_ui.ui:20 src/ui/markerdialog_ui.ui:20 -msgid "Position" -msgstr "स्थिती" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphagrad.xml:13 data/effects/frei0r_alphaspot.xml:34 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Transition width" -msgstr "पानाच्या रुंदीप्रमाणे समर्पक बसवा" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphagrad.xml:17 data/effects/frei0r_alphaspot.xml:30 -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:16 -msgid "Tilt" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphagrad.xml:21 data/effects/frei0r_alphaspot.xml:38 -msgid "Min" -msgstr "किमान" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphagrad.xml:25 data/effects/frei0r_alphaspot.xml:42 -msgid "Max" -msgstr "कमाल" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphagrad.xml:29 data/effects/frei0r_alphaspot.xml:46 -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:44 data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:95 -msgid "Write on clear,Max,Min,Add,Subtract" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphaspot.xml:3 -msgid "Alpha shapes" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphaspot.xml:4 -msgid "Draws simple shapes into the alpha channel" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphaspot.xml:9 -msgid "Rectangle,Ellipse,Triangle,Diamond" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphaspot.xml:10 data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:29 -#: data/effects/sox_flanger.xml:22 -msgid "Shape" -msgstr "आकार" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphaspot.xml:14 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Position" -msgid "Position X" -msgstr "स्थिती" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphaspot.xml:18 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Position" -msgid "Position Y" -msgstr "स्थिती" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphaspot.xml:22 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Size X" -msgstr "आकार: %1 x %2" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphaspot.xml:26 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Size Y" -msgstr "आकार: %1 x %2" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_balanc0r.xml:4 data/effects/frei0r_balanc0r.xml:15 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Balance" -msgid "White Balance" -msgstr "संतुलन" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_balanc0r.xml:5 data/effects/frei0r_balanc0r.xml:16 -msgid "Adjust the white balance / color temperature" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_balanc0r.xml:8 data/effects/frei0r_balanc0r.xml:19 -#: data/effects/frei0r_colgate.xml:8 data/effects/movit_white_balance.xml:6 -msgid "Neutral Color" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_balanc0r.xml:11 data/effects/frei0r_balanc0r.xml:22 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Green Tint" -msgstr "हिरवा" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_baltan.xml:3 -msgid "Baltan" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_baltan.xml:4 -msgid "Delayed alpha smoothed blit of time" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_bezier_curves.xml:3 -msgid "Bézier Curves" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_bezier_curves.xml:4 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:5 -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:62 -msgid "Color curves adjustment" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_bezier_curves.xml:8 -msgid "RGB,Red,Green,Blue,Alpha,Luma,Hue,Saturation" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_bezier_curves.xml:13 -#: data/effects/frei0r_coloradj_rgb.xml:33 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:12 -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:69 -msgid "Rec. 601,Rec. 709" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_bezier_curves.xml:14 -#: data/effects/frei0r_coloradj_rgb.xml:34 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:13 -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:70 -msgid "Luma formula" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_brightness.xml:3 data/effects/frei0r_brightness.xml:7 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lenscorrection.xml:19 data/effects/grain.xml:13 -msgid "Brightness" -msgstr "प्रखरता" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_brightness.xml:4 -msgid "Adjusts the brightness of a source image" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:3 -msgid "Corners" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:4 -msgid "Four corners geometry engine" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:8 -msgid "Corner 1 X" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:12 -msgid "Corner 1 Y" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:16 -msgid "Corner 2 X" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:20 -msgid "Corner 2 Y" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:24 -msgid "Corner 3 X" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:28 -msgid "Corner 3 Y" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:32 -msgid "Corner 4 X" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:36 -msgid "Corner 4 Y" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:40 -msgid "Stretch X" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:44 -msgid "Stretch Y" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:48 -msgid "Feather Alpha" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:52 -msgid "Enable Stretch" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:56 data/effects/frei0r_defish0r.xml:24 -msgid "" -"Nearest neighbor,Bilinear,Bicubic smooth,Bicubic sharp,Spline 4x4,Spline 6x6," -"Lanczos" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:57 data/effects/frei0r_defish0r.xml:25 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Interval" -msgid "Interpolator" -msgstr "मध्यांतर" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:61 data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:63 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:136 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Transparent Background" -msgstr "पारदर्शक पार्श्वभूमी" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:65 data/effects/rotoscoping.xml:13 -msgid "Write on clear,Maximum,Minimum,Add,Subtract" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:66 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Operation" -msgid "Alpha operation" -msgstr "क्रिया" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_cartoon.xml:4 data/effects/frei0r_cartoon.xml:15 -msgid "Cartoon" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_cartoon.xml:5 data/effects/frei0r_cartoon.xml:16 -msgid "Cartoonify video, do a form of edge detect" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_cartoon.xml:8 data/effects/frei0r_cartoon.xml:19 -msgid "Level of trip" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_cartoon.xml:11 data/effects/frei0r_cartoon.xml:22 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Difference space" -msgstr "मोकळी जागा" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_cluster.xml:3 -msgid "K-Means Clustering" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_cluster.xml:4 -msgid "Clusters of a source image by color and spatial distance" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_cluster.xml:7 -msgid "Amount of clusters" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_cluster.xml:10 -msgid "Weight on distance" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_colgate.xml:3 -msgid "White Balance (LMS space)" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_colgate.xml:5 -msgid "" -"Do simple color correction, in a physically meaningful\n" -"way" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_colgate.xml:12 data/effects/movit_white_balance.xml:9 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Color Temperature" -msgstr "अपारदर्शकता" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_coloradj_rgb.xml:3 -msgid "RGB adjustment" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_coloradj_rgb.xml:4 -msgid "Simple color adjustment" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, cbR) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonSelectRects) -#: data/effects/frei0r_coloradj_rgb.xml:8 src/ui/histogram_ui.ui:30 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:733 -#, fuzzy -msgid "R" -msgstr "R" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, cbG) -#: data/effects/frei0r_coloradj_rgb.xml:12 src/ui/histogram_ui.ui:37 -#, fuzzy -msgid "G" -msgstr "G" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, cbB) -#: data/effects/frei0r_coloradj_rgb.xml:16 src/ui/histogram_ui.ui:44 -#, fuzzy -msgid "B" -msgstr "B" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_coloradj_rgb.xml:20 -msgid "Add constant,Change gamma,Multiply" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_coloradj_rgb.xml:21 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Action" -msgstr "क्रिया" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_coloradj_rgb.xml:25 -msgid "Keep luma" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_coloradj_rgb.xml:29 -msgid "Alpha controlled" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_colordistance.xml:3 -msgid "Color Distance" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_colordistance.xml:4 -msgid "" -"Calculates the distance between the selected color and the current pixel and " -"uses that value as new pixel value" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_colordistance.xml:7 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Source" -msgid "Source Color" -msgstr "स्रोत" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_colortap.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "No Effect" -msgid "Color Effect" -msgstr "परिणाम नाही" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_colortap.xml:4 -msgid "Applies a pre-made color effect to image" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, treeWidget) -#: data/effects/frei0r_colortap.xml:7 data/effects/frei0r_defish0r.xml:14 -#: data/effects/frei0r_iirblur.xml:14 data/effects/frei0r_medians.xml:9 -#: src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:74 src/ui/missingclips_ui.ui:67 -msgid "Type" -msgstr "प्रकार" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_contrast0r.xml:3 data/effects/frei0r_contrast0r.xml:7 -#: data/effects/grain.xml:10 src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:209 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Contrast" -msgstr "काँट्रास्ट" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_contrast0r.xml:4 -msgid "Adjusts the contrast of a source image" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:4 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:61 -msgid "Curves" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:8 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:65 -#: data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:9 data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:41 -msgid "Red,Green,Blue,Luma" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:20 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:77 -msgid "Number of curve points" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:23 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:80 -msgid "Point 1 input value" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:26 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:83 -msgid "Point 1 output value" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:29 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:86 -msgid "Point 2 input value" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:32 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:89 -msgid "Point 2 output value" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:35 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:92 -msgid "Point 3 input value" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:38 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:95 -msgid "Point 3 output value" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:41 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:98 -msgid "Point 4 input value" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:44 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:101 -msgid "Point 4 output value" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:47 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:104 -msgid "Point 5 input value" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:50 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:107 -msgid "Point 5 output value" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:53 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:110 -msgid "Show graph in picture" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:56 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:113 -#: data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:31 data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:63 -msgid "Top Left,Top Right,Bottom Left,Bottom Right" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:57 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:114 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Graph position" -msgstr "स्थिती" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_d90stairsteppingfix.xml:3 -msgid "Nikon D90 Stairstepping fix" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_d90stairsteppingfix.xml:7 -msgid "" -"Removes stairstepping artifacts from Nikon D90's 720p videos.\n" -" \n" -" " -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_defish0r.xml:3 -msgid "Defish" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_defish0r.xml:4 -msgid "Non rectilinear lens mappings" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_defish0r.xml:7 data/effects/frei0r_iirblur.xml:8 -#: data/effects/frei0r_sharpness.xml:8 data/effects/movit_unsharp_mask.xml:9 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Amount" -msgstr "मात्रा :" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_defish0r.xml:10 -msgid "DeFish" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_defish0r.xml:13 -msgid "Equidistant,Orthographic,Equiarea,Stereographic" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_defish0r.xml:17 -msgid "Fill,Center,Fit,Manual" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, lblScaling) -#: data/effects/frei0r_defish0r.xml:18 src/effectstack/dragvalue.cpp:108 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:207 -#: src/ui/colorplaneexport_ui.ui:74 -msgid "Scaling" -msgstr "प्रमाण" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_defish0r.xml:21 -msgid "Manual Scale" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_defish0r.xml:28 -msgid "Square,PAL DV,NTSC DV,HDV,Manual" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_defish0r.xml:29 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Aspect type" -msgstr "क्रियाप्राप्तीचे गुणोत्तर (&R)" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_defish0r.xml:32 -msgid "Manual Aspect" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_delay0r.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -msgid "delay0r" -msgstr "विलंब : " - -#: data/effects/frei0r_delay0r.xml:4 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Video" -msgid "Video delay" -msgstr "दृश्य" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_delay0r.xml:7 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Delay time" -msgstr "विलंब : " - -#: data/effects/frei0r_delaygrab.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Delay grab" -msgstr "विलंब : " - -#: data/effects/frei0r_delaygrab.xml:4 -msgid "Delayed frame blitting mapped on a time bitmap" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_distort0r.xml:3 data/effects/pan_zoom.xml:10 -#: data/kdenliveeffectscategory.rc:35 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:722 -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:746 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:767 -msgid "Distort" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_distort0r.xml:4 -msgid "Plasma" -msgstr "प्लाज्मा" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_distort0r.xml:7 data/effects/wave.xml:7 -msgid "Amplitude" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_distort0r.xml:10 data/effects/sox_bass.xml:10 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:249 -msgid "Frequency" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_edgeglow.xml:3 -msgid "Edge glow" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_edgeglow.xml:4 -msgid "Edge glow filter" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_edgeglow.xml:7 -msgid "Edge lightening threshold" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_edgeglow.xml:10 -msgid "Edge brightness upscaling multiplier" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_edgeglow.xml:13 -msgid "Non-edge brightness downscaling multiplier" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_equaliz0r.xml:3 -msgid "Equaliz0r" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_equaliz0r.xml:4 -msgid "Equalizes the intensity histograms" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facebl0r.xml:3 -msgid "Face blur" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facebl0r.xml:4 -msgid "Automatically detect and blur a face using OpenCV" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facebl0r.xml:8 data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:8 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Search scale" -msgstr "शोधा" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facebl0r.xml:9 data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:9 -#, no-c-format -msgid "" -"The search window scale factor. For example, 120 = 1.20 = increases by 20% " -"on each pass." -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facebl0r.xml:13 data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:13 -msgid "Neighbors" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facebl0r.xml:14 data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:14 -msgid "Minimum number of rectangles that determines an object." -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facebl0r.xml:18 data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:18 -msgid "Smallest" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facebl0r.xml:19 data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:19 -msgid "The minimum window size in pixels." -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facebl0r.xml:23 -msgid "Largest" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facebl0r.xml:24 -msgid "" -"The largest size face in pixels - both horizontally and vertically (square " -"window)." -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facebl0r.xml:28 data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:23 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Check" -msgid "Recheck" -msgstr "तपासा" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facebl0r.xml:29 data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:24 -msgid "" -"How often to detect a face. In between checks, it does object motion " -"tracking." -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facebl0r.xml:33 -msgid "Show ellipse" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facebl0r.xml:34 -msgid "Draw a blue ellipse around the face area?" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:3 -msgid "Face detect" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:4 -msgid "Detect faces and draw shapes on them using OpenCV" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:28 -msgid "circle,ellipse,rectangle,random" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:33 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Stroke width" -msgstr "पानाच्या रुंदीप्रमाणे समर्पक बसवा" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:34 -msgid "" -"0 means fill; otherwise, draw unfilled with a stroke width of this size." -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:38 -msgid "Alpha" -msgstr "अल्फा" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:39 -msgid "" -"Set the alpha channel of the shape area to a percentage of fully opaque." -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:43 -msgid "Antialias" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:44 -msgid "Draw with anti-aliasing?" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:50 -msgid "Color 1" -msgstr "रंग 1" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:51 -msgid "Set the shape color of the first detected face." -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:55 -msgid "Color 2" -msgstr "रंग 2" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:56 -msgid "Set the shape color of the second detected face." -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:60 -msgid "Color 3" -msgstr "रंग 3" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:61 -msgid "Set the shape color of the third detected face." -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:65 -msgid "Color 4" -msgstr "रंग 4" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:66 -msgid "Set the shape color of the fourth detected face." -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:70 -msgid "Color 5" -msgstr "रंग 5" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:71 -msgid "Set the shape color of the fifth detected face." -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_flippo.xml:3 -msgid "Flippo" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_flippo.xml:4 -msgid "Flipping in X and Y axis" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_flippo.xml:7 -msgid "X axis" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_flippo.xml:10 -msgid "Y axis" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_glow.xml:3 -msgid "Glow" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_glow.xml:4 -msgid "Creates a Glamorous Glow" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_glow.xml:7 data/effects/frei0r_iirblur.xml:3 -#: data/effects/frei0r_mask0mate.xml:22 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:158 -msgid "Blur" -msgstr "पुसट" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_hqdn3d.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Noise" -msgid "Denoiser" -msgstr "नॉइज़" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_hqdn3d.xml:4 -msgid "High quality 3D denoiser" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_hqdn3d.xml:8 -msgid "Spatial" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_hqdn3d.xml:9 -msgid "Amount of spatial filtering" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_hqdn3d.xml:13 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Template" -msgid "Temporal" -msgstr "नमूना" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_hqdn3d.xml:14 -msgid "Amount of temporal filtering" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_hueshift0r.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Hue shift" -msgstr "ह्यु शिफ्ट" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_hueshift0r.xml:4 -msgid "Shifts the hue of a source image" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_hueshift0r.xml:7 -msgid "Hue" -msgstr "रंगछटा" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_iirblur.xml:4 -msgid "Blur using 2D IIR filters (Exponential, Lowpass, Gaussian)" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_iirblur.xml:9 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Amount of blur" -msgstr "मात्रा :" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_iirblur.xml:13 -msgid "Exponential,Lowpass,Gaussian" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_iirblur.xml:15 -msgid "Select blurring algorithm" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_iirblur.xml:19 -msgid "Edge" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_iirblur.xml:20 -msgid "Enable edge compensation" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:3 -msgid "Key Spill Mop Up" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:4 -msgid "Reduces the visibility of key color spill in chroma keying" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:8 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Key color" -msgstr "रंग उलट करा (&I)" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:12 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Target color" -msgstr "रंग उलट करा (&I)" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:16 -msgid "Color distance, Transparency, Edge inwards, Edge outwards" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:17 -msgid "Mask type" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:21 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Balance" -msgid "Tolerance" -msgstr "संतुलन" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:25 -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:91 -msgid "Slope" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:29 -msgid "Hue gate" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:33 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Saturation" -msgid "Saturation threshold" -msgstr "संपृक्तता" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:37 -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:46 -msgid "None, De-Key, Target, Desaturate, Luma adjust" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:38 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Operation 1" -msgstr "क्रिया" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:42 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Amount 1" -msgstr "मात्रा :" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:47 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Operation 2" -msgstr "क्रिया" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:51 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Amount 2" -msgstr "मात्रा :" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:55 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Track" -msgid "Show mask" -msgstr "ट्रॅक" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:59 -msgid "Mask to Alpha" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lenscorrection.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Duration" -msgid "Lens Correction" -msgstr "कालावधी" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lenscorrection.xml:4 -msgid "Allows compensation of lens distortion" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lenscorrection.xml:7 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Horizontal Alignment" -msgid "Horizontal center" -msgstr "आडवे जुळवणे" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lenscorrection.xml:10 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Vertical Alignment" -msgid "Vertical center" -msgstr "उभे जुळवणे" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lenscorrection.xml:13 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Duration" -msgid "Center correction" -msgstr "कालावधी" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lenscorrection.xml:16 -msgid "Edges correction" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_letterb0xed.xml:3 -msgid "LetterB0xed" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_letterb0xed.xml:4 -msgid "Adds black borders at top and bottom for cinema look" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_letterb0xed.xml:7 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Border Width" -msgstr "अपारदर्शकता" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: data/effects/frei0r_letterb0xed.xml:10 data/effects/frei0r_timeout.xml:13 -#: src/ui/wipeval_ui.ui:136 src/ui/wipeval_ui.ui:281 -msgid "Transparency" -msgstr "पारदर्शकता" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:4 data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:36 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Levels" -msgstr "%1 पातळ्या" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:5 data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:37 -msgid "Adjust levels" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:13 data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:45 -msgid "Input black level" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:16 data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:48 -msgid "Input white level" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:19 data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:51 -#: data/effects/gamma.xml:3 data/effects/gamma.xml:7 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/lumaliftgain.cpp:63 -msgid "Gamma" -msgstr "गॅमा" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:22 data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:54 -msgid "Black output" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:25 data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:57 -msgid "White output" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:28 data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:60 -msgid "Show histogram" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:32 data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:64 -msgid "Histogram position" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:4 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:77 -msgid "Light Graffiti" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:7 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:80 -msgid "" -"Light Graffiti effect.\n" -" " -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:10 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:83 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Brightness" -msgid "Brightness Threshold" -msgstr "प्रखरता" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:12 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:85 -msgid "" -"R+G+B) does a pixel need to be in order to " -"be recognized as a light source?
\n" -" Increasing this threshold requires brighter light sources (i.e. " -"more white or less color, respectively) but prevents some «false alarms» " -"where semi-bright parts, e.g. hands where colors can change quite a lot " -"compared to the background, are incorrectly recognized as light source.]]>" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:15 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:88 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Threshold" -msgid "Difference Threshold" -msgstr "सीमा :" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:17 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:90 -msgid "" -"max(dR, dG, dB)), in " -"order to be recognized as light source?
\n" -" Increasing this threshold makes it harder for light sources to " -"be accepted on bright backgrounds, but decreases the danger of noise or " -"generally bright spots counting as light source.]]>" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:20 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:93 -msgid "Difference Sum Threshold" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:22 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:95 -msgid "" -"relative to the " -"background image
(dR + dG + dB) have to change until a " -"pixel is recognized as a light source?
\n" -" Raising this value might, in some cases, avoid that some light " -"objects lit by the light source are added to the light mask.]]>" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:25 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:98 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Intensity" -msgid "Sensitivity" -msgstr "तीव्रता" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:27 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:100 -msgid "" -"\n" -" For slowly moving light source try to use a lower sensitivity to " -"obtain a better exposure.]]>" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:30 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:103 -msgid "Lower Overexposure" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:32 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:105 -msgid "" -"\n" -" The light mask does not get white immediately when the light " -"source is moving slowly or staying steady.]]>" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:35 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:108 -msgid "Dimming" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:36 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:109 -msgid "" -"Dims the light mask. Lights will leave a fainting trail if it is set to a " -"value > 0." -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:39 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:112 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Background" -msgid "Background Weight" -msgstr "पार्श्वभूमी" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:40 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:113 -msgid "" -"Strength of the (calculated) background image. Setting it to 100 paints the " -"light mask directly over the background, without the painting person in the " -"image if the video starts with a «clean» background image. (See the α " -"parameter.)" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:43 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:116 -msgid "α" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:45 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:118 -msgid "" -"\n" -" The Light Graffiti effect remembers the first frame of the clip " -"it is applied to, so the clip should always start with the painter " -"outside of the video. If the background constantly changes, e.g. on a " -"street, try to set α > 0 to calculate an average background image.]]>" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:48 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:121 -#: data/effects/frei0r_saturat0r.xml:3 data/effects/frei0r_saturat0r.xml:7 -#: data/effects/movit_saturation.xml:6 -msgid "Saturation" -msgstr "संपृक्तता" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:49 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:122 -msgid "Increases the saturation of lights." -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:52 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:125 -msgid "Show brightness statistics" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:54 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:127 -msgid "" -"\n" -" Example: To adjust the brightness threshold, check this box and " -"adjust the threshold until the whole light source is highlighted. Repeat the " -"same with the other parameters. Only parts that are highlighted in all thresholds will count as light source.]]>" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:57 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:130 -msgid "Show background difference statistics" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:60 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:133 -msgid "Show background difference sum statistics" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:64 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:137 -msgid "" -"Makes the background transparent, allowing to apply a composite effect and " -"paint the light mask over a completely different video." -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:67 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:140 -msgid "Nonlinear dimming" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:68 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:141 -msgid "If normal dimming does not look natural enough, try this one." -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:71 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:144 -#: src/effectstack/geometryval.cpp:95 src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:86 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Reset" -msgstr "पुन्हस्थापित करा" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:72 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:145 -msgid "" -"Resets the light mask and the background image. This is necessary e.g. if " -"you apply this effect to a clip in the timeline and then move the timeline " -"cursor from outside of the clip to the middle of it. The effect receives " -"this frame in the middle as first frame and uses it as background image. For " -"proper threshold adjusting move the timeline cursor to the beginning of the " -"clip, check the Reset box and uncheck it again." -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_luminance.xml:3 -msgid "Luminance" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_luminance.xml:4 -msgid "Creates a luminance map of the image" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_mask0mate.xml:3 -msgid "Mask0Mate" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_mask0mate.xml:4 -msgid "Creates an square alpha-channel mask" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_medians.xml:3 -msgid "Medians" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_medians.xml:4 -msgid "Implements several median-type filters" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_medians.xml:8 -msgid "" -"Cross5,Square3x3,Bilevel,Diamond3x3,Square5x5,Temp3,Temp5,ArceBI,ML3D,ML3dEX," -"VarSize" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_5) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, import_size) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_20) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, treeWidget) -#: data/effects/frei0r_medians.xml:13 data/effects/frei0r_sharpness.xml:12 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:208 -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:563 src/ui/importkeyframesdialog_ui.ui:73 -#: src/ui/managecaptures_ui.ui:40 src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:201 -msgid "Size" -msgstr "आकार" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_nervous.xml:3 -msgid "Nervous" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_nervous.xml:4 -msgid "Flushes frames in time in a nervous way" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_nosync0r.xml:3 -msgid "nosync0r" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_nosync0r.xml:4 -msgid "Broken TV" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_nosync0r.xml:7 -msgid "HSync" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pixeliz0r.xml:3 -msgid "Pixelize" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pixeliz0r.xml:4 -msgid "Pixelize input image." -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pixeliz0r.xml:7 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Block Size X" -msgstr "आकार: %1 x %2" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pixeliz0r.xml:10 -msgid "Block Size Y" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0be.xml:3 -msgid "pr0be" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0be.xml:4 -msgid "Measure video values" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0be.xml:8 -msgid "RGB,Y'PbPr - rec. 601,Y'PbPr - rec. 709,HSV,HSL" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0be.xml:9 -msgid "Measurement" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0be.xml:13 data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:8 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/bezier/beziersplinewidget.cpp:56 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/bezier/beziersplinewidget.cpp:60 -#: src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:144 -msgid "X" -msgstr "X" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_5) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, cbY) -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0be.xml:17 data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:12 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/bezier/beziersplinewidget.cpp:58 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/bezier/beziersplinewidget.cpp:62 -#: src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:164 src/ui/histogram_ui.ui:23 -msgid "Y" -msgstr "Y" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0be.xml:21 -#, fuzzy -msgid "X size" -msgstr "फाईलचा आकार" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0be.xml:25 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Y size" -msgstr "फाईलचा आकार" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0be.xml:29 data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:81 -#, fuzzy -msgid "256 scale" -msgstr "प्रमाण" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0be.xml:33 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Show alpha" -msgstr "मार्ग दर्शवा (&P)" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0be.xml:37 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Window" -msgid "Big window" -msgstr "चौकट" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Profile" -msgid "pr0file" -msgstr "रूपरेषा" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:4 -msgid "2D video oscilloscope" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:20 -msgid "Length" -msgstr "लांबी" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:24 -msgid "R,G,B,Y',Pr,Pb,Alpha" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:29 -msgid "Marker 1" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:33 -msgid "Marker 2" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:37 -msgid "R trace" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:41 -msgid "G trace" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:45 -msgid "B trace" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:49 -msgid "Y trace" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:53 -msgid "Pr trace" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:57 -msgid "Pb trace" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:61 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Alpha" -msgid "Alpha trace" -msgstr "अल्फा" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:65 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Display average" -msgstr "दर्शवा" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:69 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Display RMS" -msgstr "दर्शवा" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:73 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Display minimum" -msgstr "दर्शवा" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:77 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Display maximum" -msgstr "दर्शवा" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:85 -msgid "CCIR rec. 601,CCIR rec. 709" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_13) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, background_list) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_9) -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:86 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:156 -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:176 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:182 -#: src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:197 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:944 -msgid "Color" -msgstr "रंग" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:90 -msgid "Crosshair color" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_primaries.xml:3 -msgid "Primaries" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_primaries.xml:4 -msgid "Reduce image to primary colors" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_primaries.xml:7 data/effects/sox_stretch.xml:7 -msgid "Factor" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_primaries.xml:8 -msgid " 32 = 0]]>" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QWidget, RGBParade_UI) -#: data/effects/frei0r_rgbparade.xml:3 src/scopes/scopemanager.cpp:308 -#: src/ui/rgbparade_ui.ui:14 -msgid "RGB Parade" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_rgbparade.xml:4 -msgid "Display a histogram of R, G and B components of the video data" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_saturat0r.xml:4 -msgid "Adjusts the saturation of a source image" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_scale0tilt.xml:3 -msgid "Crop, Scale and Position" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_scale0tilt.xml:4 -msgid "Scales, Tilts and Crops an Image" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_scale0tilt.xml:7 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Clip left" -msgstr "डावीकडे स्थीत करा" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_scale0tilt.xml:10 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Clip right" -msgstr "उजवीकडे स्थीत करा" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_scale0tilt.xml:13 -msgid "Clip top" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_scale0tilt.xml:16 -msgid "Clip bottom" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_scale0tilt.xml:19 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Scale" -msgid "Scale X" -msgstr "प्रमाण" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_scale0tilt.xml:22 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Scale" -msgid "Scale Y" -msgstr "प्रमाण" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_scale0tilt.xml:25 -msgid "Tilt X" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_scale0tilt.xml:28 -msgid "Tilt Y" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_scanline0r.xml:3 -msgid "scanline0r" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_scanline0r.xml:4 -msgid "Interlaced black lines" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:4 data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:51 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Selection" -msgid "Color Selection" -msgstr "निवड" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:5 data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:52 -msgid "Color based alpha selection" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:9 data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:56 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Color to select" -msgstr "अपारदर्शकता" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:13 data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:60 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Invert selection" -msgstr "उलट निवडा" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:17 data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:79 -msgid "Delta R / A / Hue" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:21 data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:83 -msgid "Delta G / B / Chroma" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:25 data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:87 -msgid "Delta B / I / I" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:29 data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:64 -msgid "RGB,ABI,HCI" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:30 data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:65 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Selection" -msgid "Selection subspace" -msgstr "निवड" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:34 data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:69 -msgid "Box,Ellipsoid,Diamond" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:35 data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:70 -msgid "Subspace shape" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:39 -msgid "Hard,Fat,Normal,Skinny" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:40 data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:75 -msgid "Edge mode" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:74 -msgid "Hard,Fat,Normal,Skinny,Slope" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sharpness.xml:3 -msgid "Sharpen" -msgstr "तीव्र करा" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sharpness.xml:4 -msgid "Unsharp masking (port from Mplayer)" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sobel.xml:3 -msgid "Sobel" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sobel.xml:4 -msgid "Sobel filter" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:4 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:59 -msgid "SOP/Sat" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:5 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:60 -msgid "" -"Changes Slope, Offset, and Power of the color components, and the overall " -"Saturation, according to the ASC CDL (Color Decision List)." -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:8 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:63 -msgid "Slope Red" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:10 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:65 -msgid "" -"\n" -" All effects can be observed well when applied on a greyscale " -"gradient and looking at the RGB Parade monitor.]]>" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:13 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:68 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Green" -msgid "Slope Green" -msgstr "हिरवा" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:16 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:71 -msgid "Slope Blue" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:19 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:74 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Alpha" -msgid "Slope Alpha" -msgstr "अल्फा" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:23 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:78 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Offset" -msgid "Offset Red" -msgstr "ऑफसेट" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:24 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:79 -msgid "" -"Changing the offset lifts (or lowers) the brightness of each pixel by the " -"given value." -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:27 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:82 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Green" -msgid "Offset Green" -msgstr "हिरवा" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:30 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:85 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Offset" -msgid "Offset Blue" -msgstr "ऑफसेट" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:33 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:88 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Offset" -msgid "Offset Alpha" -msgstr "ऑफसेट" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:37 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:92 -msgid "Power Red" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:39 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:94 -msgid "" -"\n" -" Mathematically, what happens is an exponentiation of the " -"pixel brightness on [0,1] by the gamma value.]]>" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:42 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:97 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Green" -msgid "Power Green" -msgstr "हिरवा" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:45 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:100 -msgid "Power Blue" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:48 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:103 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Alpha" -msgid "Power Alpha" -msgstr "अल्फा" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:52 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:107 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Saturation" -msgid "Overall Saturation" -msgstr "संपृक्तता" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:53 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:108 -msgid "The overall saturation will be changed in the last step of this filter." -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_squareblur.xml:3 -msgid "Square Blur" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_squareblur.xml:4 -msgid "Square blur" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_squareblur.xml:7 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Original size" -msgid "Kernel size" -msgstr "मूळ आकार" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_tehroxx0r.xml:3 -msgid "TehRoxx0r" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_tehroxx0r.xml:4 -msgid "Something videowall-ish" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_tehroxx0r.xml:7 -msgid "Interval" -msgstr "मध्यांतर" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_three_point_balance.xml:3 -msgid "3 point balance" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_three_point_balance.xml:4 -msgid "Balances colors along with 3 points" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_three_point_balance.xml:7 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Background Color" -msgid "Black color" -msgstr "पार्श्वभूमीचा रंग" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_three_point_balance.xml:10 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Gray color" -msgstr "रंग उलट करा (&I)" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_three_point_balance.xml:13 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "White" -msgid "White color" -msgstr "पांढरा" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_three_point_balance.xml:16 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Split view" -msgid "Split screen preview" -msgstr "विभाजित दृश्य पद्धती" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_three_point_balance.xml:19 -msgid "Source image on left side" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_threelay0r.xml:3 -msgid "threelay0r" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_threelay0r.xml:4 -msgid "Dynamic 3-level thresholding" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_threshold0r.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Threshold" -msgid "Threshold0r" -msgstr "सीमा :" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_threshold0r.xml:4 -msgid "Thresholds a source image" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_timeout.xml:4 -msgid "Timeout indicator" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_timeout.xml:7 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Indicator color" -msgstr "रंग उलट करा (&I)" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, markers_list) -#: data/effects/frei0r_timeout.xml:10 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:427 -msgid "Time" -msgstr "वेळ" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_tint0r.xml:3 -msgid "Tint" -msgstr "टिंट" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_tint0r.xml:4 -msgid "Maps source image luminance between two colors specified" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_tint0r.xml:7 -msgid "Map black to" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_tint0r.xml:10 -msgid "Map white to" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_tint0r.xml:13 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Tint amount" -msgstr "मात्रा :" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_twolay0r.xml:3 -msgid "twolay0r" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_twolay0r.xml:4 -msgid "Dynamic thresholding" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_vectorscope.xml:3 src/scopes/scopemanager.cpp:306 -msgid "Vectorscope" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_vectorscope.xml:4 -msgid "Display a vectorscope of the video data" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_vertigo.xml:4 data/effects/frei0r_vertigo.xml:15 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Vertigo" -msgstr "उभे" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_vertigo.xml:5 data/effects/frei0r_vertigo.xml:16 -msgid "Alpha blending with zoomed and rotated images" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_vertigo.xml:8 data/effects/frei0r_vertigo.xml:19 -msgid "Phase Increment" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_vertigo.xml:11 data/effects/frei0r_vertigo.xml:22 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Zoom Out" -msgid "Zoom Rate" -msgstr "लहान करा" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_vignette.xml:3 -msgid "Vignette" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_vignette.xml:4 -msgid "Natural lens vignetting effect" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_vignette.xml:7 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Aspect ratio" -msgstr "क्रियाप्राप्तीचे गुणोत्तर (&R)" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_vignette.xml:10 -msgid "Clear center size" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_softness) -#: data/effects/frei0r_vignette.xml:13 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:709 -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:302 src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:220 -msgid "Softness" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/gain.xml:3 data/effects/gain.xml:7 data/effects/mute.xml:7 -#: data/effects/normalise.xml:7 data/effects/sox_bass.xml:7 -#: data/effects/sox_gain.xml:7 data/effects/volume.xml:7 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/lumaliftgain.cpp:65 -msgid "Gain" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/gain.xml:4 -msgid "Adjust the audio volume without keyframes" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/gamma.xml:4 -msgid "Change gamma color value" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/grain.xml:3 -msgid "Grain" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/grain.xml:4 -msgid "Grain over the image" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/grain.xml:7 data/effects/movit_deconvolution_sharpen.xml:18 -#: plugins/sampleplugin/sampleplugin.cpp:34 -#: plugins/sampleplugin/sampleplugin.cpp:42 -#: plugins/sampleplugin/sampleplugin.cpp:54 -#: plugins/sampleplugin/sampleplugin.cpp:78 -msgid "Noise" -msgstr "नॉइज़" - -#: data/effects/greyscale.xml:3 -msgid "Greyscale" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/greyscale.xml:4 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Discard color information" -msgstr "साधन संयोजना" - -#: data/effects/invert.xml:4 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Invert colors" -msgstr "रंग उलट करा (&I)" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_declipper.xml:3 -msgid "Declipper" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_declipper.xml:4 -msgid "LADSPA declipper audio effect" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer.xml:3 -msgid "Equalizer" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer.xml:4 -msgid "LADSPA equalizer audio effect" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer.xml:7 -msgid "Lo gain" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer.xml:10 -msgid "Mid gain" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer.xml:13 -msgid "Hi gain" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:3 -msgid "15 Band Equalizer" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:4 -msgid "LADSPA equalizer audio effect (15 band)" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:7 -#, fuzzy -msgid "50 Hz" -msgstr "%1 Hz" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:10 -#, fuzzy -msgid "100 Hz" -msgstr "%1 Hz" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:13 -#, fuzzy -msgid "156 Hz" -msgstr "%1 Hz" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:16 -#, fuzzy -msgid "220 Hz" -msgstr "%1 Hz" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:19 -#, fuzzy -msgid "311 Hz" -msgstr "%1 Hz" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:22 -#, fuzzy -msgid "440 Hz" -msgstr "%1 Hz" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:25 -#, fuzzy -msgid "622 Hz" -msgstr "%1 Hz" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:28 -#, fuzzy -msgid "880 Hz" -msgstr "%1 Hz" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:31 -#, fuzzy -msgid "1250 Hz" -msgstr "%1 Hz" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:34 -#, fuzzy -msgid "1750 Hz" -msgstr "%1 Hz" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:37 -#, fuzzy -msgid "2500 Hz" -msgstr "%1 Hz" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:40 -#, fuzzy -msgid "3500 Hz" -msgstr "%1 Hz" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:43 -#, fuzzy -msgid "5000 Hz" -msgstr "%1 Hz" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:46 -#, fuzzy -msgid "10000 Hz" -msgstr "%1 Hz" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:49 -#, fuzzy -msgid "20000 Hz" -msgstr "%1 Hz" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_limiter.xml:3 -msgid "Limiter" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_limiter.xml:4 -msgid "LADSPA limiter audio effect" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_limiter.xml:7 -msgid "Input gain (dB)" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_limiter.xml:10 -msgid "Limit (dB)" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_limiter.xml:13 -msgid "Release time (s)" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_phaser.xml:3 -msgid "Phaser" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_phaser.xml:4 -msgid "LADSPA phaser audio effect" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_phaser.xml:7 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Rate" -msgid "Rate (Hz)" -msgstr "दर" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_phaser.xml:10 data/effects/sox_flanger.xml:10 -msgid "Depth" -msgstr "खोली" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_phaser.xml:13 -msgid "Feedback" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_phaser.xml:16 -msgid "Spread" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_pitch.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Shift" -msgid "Pitch Shift" -msgstr "Shift" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_pitch.xml:4 -msgid "LADSPA change pitch audio effect" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_pitch.xml:7 data/effects/sox_pitch.xml:7 -msgid "Shift" -msgstr "Shift" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_pitch_scale.xml:3 -msgid "Pitch Scaler" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_pitch_scale.xml:4 -msgid "LADSPA pitch scale audio effect" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_pitch_scale.xml:7 -msgid "Co-efficient" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_rate_scale.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Scale" -msgid "Rate Scaler" -msgstr "प्रमाण" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_rate_scale.xml:4 -msgid "LADSPA rate scale audio effect" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_rate_scale.xml:7 -msgid "Rate" -msgstr "दर" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_reverb.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Reverse" -msgid "Reverb" -msgstr "मागे" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_reverb.xml:4 -msgid "LADSPA reverb audio effect" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_reverb.xml:7 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Reverse" -msgid "Reverb time" -msgstr "मागे" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_reverb.xml:10 data/effects/ladspa_room_reverb.xml:13 -msgid "Damping" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_room_reverb.xml:3 -msgid "Room Reverb" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_room_reverb.xml:4 -msgid "LADSPA room reverb audio effect" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_room_reverb.xml:7 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Room size (m)" -msgstr "आकार बदला" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_room_reverb.xml:10 -msgid "Delay (s/10)" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_vinyl.xml:3 -msgid "Vinyl" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_vinyl.xml:4 -msgid "Simulates a vinyl audio player - LADSPA audio effect" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_vinyl.xml:7 src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:166 -msgid "Year" -msgstr "वर्ष" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_vinyl.xml:10 -msgid "RPM" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_vinyl.xml:13 -msgid "Surface warping" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_vinyl.xml:16 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Track" -msgid "Crackle" -msgstr "ट्रॅक" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_vinyl.xml:19 -msgid "Wear" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/lift_gamma_gain.xml:3 -msgid "Lift/gamma/gain" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/lift_gamma_gain.xml:6 data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain.xml:6 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain2.xml:6 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Green" -msgid "Lift: Red" -msgstr "हिरवा" - -#: data/effects/lift_gamma_gain.xml:9 data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain.xml:9 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain2.xml:9 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Green" -msgid "Lift: Green" -msgstr "हिरवा" - -#: data/effects/lift_gamma_gain.xml:12 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain.xml:12 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain2.xml:12 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Green" -msgid "Lift: Blue" -msgstr "हिरवा" - -#: data/effects/lift_gamma_gain.xml:15 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain.xml:15 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain2.xml:15 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Gamma" -msgid "Gamma: Red" -msgstr "गॅमा" - -#: data/effects/lift_gamma_gain.xml:18 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain.xml:18 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain2.xml:18 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Green" -msgid "Gamma: Green" -msgstr "हिरवा" - -#: data/effects/lift_gamma_gain.xml:21 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain.xml:21 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain2.xml:21 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Gamma" -msgid "Gamma: Blue" -msgstr "गॅमा" - -#: data/effects/lift_gamma_gain.xml:24 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain.xml:24 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain2.xml:24 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Gamma" -msgid "Gain: Red" -msgstr "गॅमा" - -#: data/effects/lift_gamma_gain.xml:27 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain.xml:27 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain2.xml:27 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Green" -msgid "Gain: Green" -msgstr "हिरवा" - -#: data/effects/lift_gamma_gain.xml:30 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain.xml:30 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain2.xml:30 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Gamma" -msgid "Gain: Blue" -msgstr "गॅमा" - -#: data/effects/loudness.xml:3 -msgid "Loudness" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/loudness.xml:4 -msgid "Correct audio loudness as recommended by EBU R128" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/loudness.xml:7 -msgid "Target Program Loudness" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/mirror.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Mirror" -msgstr "प्रतिबिंब तयार करा" - -#: data/effects/mirror.xml:4 -msgid "Flip your image in any direction" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/mirror.xml:7 -msgid "Horizontal,Vertical,Diagonal,X Diagonal,Flip,Flop" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/mirror.xml:8 -msgid "Mirroring direction" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/movit_blur.xml:3 -msgid "Blur (GPU)" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_6) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_8) -#: data/effects/movit_blur.xml:6 data/effects/movit_diffusion.xml:6 -#: data/effects/movit_glow.xml:6 data/effects/movit_unsharp_mask.xml:6 -#: data/effects/movit_vignette.xml:6 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:891 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:915 -msgid "Radius" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/movit_deconvolution_sharpen.xml:3 -msgid "Deconvolution sharpen (GPU)" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/movit_deconvolution_sharpen.xml:6 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Matrix size" -msgstr "फाईलचा आकार" - -#: data/effects/movit_deconvolution_sharpen.xml:9 -msgid "Circle radius" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/movit_deconvolution_sharpen.xml:12 -msgid "Gaussian radius" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/movit_deconvolution_sharpen.xml:15 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Duration" -msgid "Correlation" -msgstr "कालावधी" - -#: data/effects/movit_diffusion.xml:3 -msgid "Diffusion (GPU)" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/movit_diffusion.xml:9 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Mix amount" -msgstr "मात्रा :" - -#: data/effects/movit_glow.xml:3 -msgid "Glow (GPU)" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/movit_glow.xml:9 -msgid "Glow strength" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/movit_glow.xml:12 -msgid "Highlight cutoff threshold" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain.xml:3 -msgid "Lift/gamma/gain (GPU)" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain2.xml:3 -msgid "Movit: Lift/gamma/gain (colors)" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/movit_mirror.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Mirror (GPU)" -msgstr "प्रतिबिंब तयार करा" - -#: data/effects/movit_opacity.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Opacity" -msgid "Opacity (GPU)" -msgstr "अपारदर्शकता" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_opacity) -#: data/effects/movit_opacity.xml:6 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:211 src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:113 -msgid "Opacity" -msgstr "अपारदर्शकता" - -#: data/effects/movit_rect.xml:3 -msgid "Pan and Zoom (GPU)" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/movit_rect.xml:9 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Allow upscale" -msgstr "प्रमाण" - -#: data/effects/movit_saturation.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Saturation" -msgid "Saturation (GPU)" -msgstr "संपृक्तता" - -#: data/effects/movit_unsharp_mask.xml:3 -msgid "Unsharp mask (GPU)" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/movit_vignette.xml:3 -msgid "Vignette (GPU)" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/movit_vignette.xml:9 -msgid "Inner radius" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/movit_white_balance.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Balance" -msgid "White Balance (GPU)" -msgstr "संतुलन" - -#: data/effects/mute.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Mute" -msgstr "मौन" - -#: data/effects/mute.xml:4 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Track" -msgid "Mute clip" -msgstr "ट्रॅक" - -#: data/effects/normalise.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Normal" -msgid "Normalise" -msgstr "सामान्य" - -#: data/effects/normalise.xml:4 -msgid "Dynamically normalise the audio volume" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/normalise.xml:10 -msgid "Maximum gain" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/normalise.xml:13 data/effects/sox_stretch.xml:10 -msgid "Window" -msgstr "चौकट" - -#: data/effects/obscure.xml:4 -msgid "Hide a region of the clip" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/obscure.xml:7 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:760 -msgid "Region" -msgstr "विभाग" - -#: data/effects/oldfilm.xml:3 -msgid "Oldfilm" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/oldfilm.xml:4 -msgid "Moves the Picture up and down and random brightness change" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/oldfilm.xml:7 -msgid "Y-Delta" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/oldfilm.xml:10 -#, no-c-format -msgid "% of picture have a delta" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/oldfilm.xml:13 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Brightness" -msgid "Brightness up" -msgstr "प्रखरता" - -#: data/effects/oldfilm.xml:16 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Brightness" -msgid "Brightness down" -msgstr "प्रखरता" - -#: data/effects/oldfilm.xml:19 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Brightness" -msgid "Brightness every" -msgstr "प्रखरता" - -#: data/effects/oldfilm.xml:22 -msgid "Unevendevelop up" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/oldfilm.xml:25 -msgid "Unevendevelop down" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/oldfilm.xml:28 -msgid "Unevendevelop Duration" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/pan_zoom.xml:3 data/effects/region.xml:10 -#: data/effects/rotation.xml:37 -msgid "Pan and Zoom" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/pan_zoom.xml:4 -msgid "Adjust size and position of clip" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/region.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Region" -msgid "Regionalize" -msgstr "विभाग" - -#: data/effects/region.xml:4 -msgid "Apply sub-effects to a region defined by a clip's alpha channel" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/region.xml:7 -msgid "Url" -msgstr "Url" - -#: data/effects/rotation.xml:3 -msgid "Rotate and Shear" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/rotation.xml:4 data/effects/rotation_keyframable.xml:4 -msgid "Rotate clip in any 3 directions" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/rotation.xml:7 data/effects/rotation_keyframable.xml:7 -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:747 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:216 -msgid "Rotate X" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/rotation.xml:10 data/effects/rotation_keyframable.xml:10 -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:748 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:219 -msgid "Rotate Y" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/rotation.xml:13 data/effects/rotation_keyframable.xml:13 -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:749 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:222 -msgid "Rotate Z" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/rotation.xml:16 -msgid "Animate Rotate X" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/rotation.xml:19 -msgid "Animate Rotate Y" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/rotation.xml:22 -msgid "Animate Rotate Z" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/rotation.xml:25 -msgid "Shear X" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/rotation.xml:28 -msgid "Shear Y" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/rotation.xml:31 -msgid "Animate Shear X" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/rotation.xml:34 -msgid "Animate Shear Y" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/rotation_keyframable.xml:3 -msgid "Rotate (keyframable)" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/rotation_keyframable.xml:16 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Offset" -msgid "Offset X" -msgstr "ऑफसेट" - -#: data/effects/rotation_keyframable.xml:19 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Offset" -msgid "Offset Y" -msgstr "ऑफसेट" - -#: data/effects/rotoscoping.xml:3 -msgid "Rotoscoping" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/rotoscoping.xml:4 -msgid "Keyframable vector based rotoscoping" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/rotoscoping.xml:8 -msgid "Alpha,Luma,RGB" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/rotoscoping.xml:9 -msgid "Mode" -msgstr "पद्धत" - -#: data/effects/rotoscoping.xml:14 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Operation" -msgid "Alpha Operation" -msgstr "क्रिया" - -#: data/effects/rotoscoping.xml:22 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:3422 -msgid "Track" -msgstr "ट्रॅक" - -#: data/effects/rotoscoping.xml:26 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Feather width" -msgstr "पानाच्या रुंदीप्रमाणे समर्पक बसवा" - -#: data/effects/rotoscoping.xml:30 -msgid "Feathering passes" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/scratchlines.xml:3 -msgid "Scratchlines" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/scratchlines.xml:4 -msgid "Scratchlines over the picture" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/scratchlines.xml:7 -msgid "Width of line" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/scratchlines.xml:10 -msgid "Max number of lines" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/scratchlines.xml:13 -msgid "Max darker" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/scratchlines.xml:16 -msgid "Max lighter" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/sepia.xml:3 -msgid "Sepia" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/sepia.xml:4 -msgid "Turn clip colors to sepia" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/sepia.xml:7 -msgid "Chrominance U" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/sepia.xml:10 -msgid "Chrominance V" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/sox_band.xml:3 -msgid "Sox Band" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/sox_band.xml:4 -msgid "Sox band audio effect" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/sox_band.xml:7 -msgid "Center Frequency" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_4) -#: data/effects/sox_band.xml:10 data/effects/sox_flanger.xml:16 -#: src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:181 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:307 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Width" -msgstr "रुंदी" - -#: data/effects/sox_bass.xml:3 -msgid "Sox Bass" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/sox_bass.xml:4 -msgid "Sox bass audio effect" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/sox_echo.xml:3 -msgid "Sox Echo" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/sox_echo.xml:4 -msgid "Sox echo audio effect" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/sox_echo.xml:7 data/effects/sox_phaser.xml:7 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Green" -msgid "Gain In" -msgstr "हिरवा" - -#: data/effects/sox_echo.xml:10 data/effects/sox_phaser.xml:10 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Zoom Out" -msgid "Gain Out" -msgstr "लहान करा" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_13) -#: data/effects/sox_echo.xml:13 data/effects/sox_flanger.xml:7 -#: data/effects/sox_phaser.xml:13 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:994 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Delay" -msgstr "विलंब : " - -#: data/effects/sox_echo.xml:16 data/effects/sox_phaser.xml:16 -msgid "Decay" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/sox_flanger.xml:3 -msgid "Sox Flanger" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/sox_flanger.xml:4 -msgid "Sox flanger audio effect" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/sox_flanger.xml:13 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Operation" -msgid "Regeneration" -msgstr "क्रिया" - -#: data/effects/sox_flanger.xml:19 data/effects/sox_phaser.xml:19 -#: data/effects/speed.xml:3 data/effects/speed.xml:7 -msgid "Speed" -msgstr "वेग" - -#: data/effects/sox_flanger.xml:25 -msgid "Phase" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/sox_flanger.xml:28 src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:383 -msgid "Interpolation" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/sox_gain.xml:3 -msgid "Sox Gain" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/sox_gain.xml:4 -msgid "Sox gain audio effect" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/sox_gain.xml:12 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Normal" -msgid "Normalize" -msgstr "सामान्य" - -#: data/effects/sox_phaser.xml:3 -msgid "Sox Phaser" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/sox_phaser.xml:4 -msgid "Sox phaser audio effect" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/sox_pitch.xml:3 -msgid "Sox Pitch Shift" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/sox_pitch.xml:4 -msgid "Sox change pitch audio effect" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/sox_pitch.xml:10 -msgid "Time window (ms)" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/sox_reverb.xml:3 -msgid "Sox Reverb" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/sox_reverb.xml:4 -msgid "Sox reverb audio effect" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/sox_reverb.xml:7 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Reverse" -msgid "Reverberance" -msgstr "मागे" - -#: data/effects/sox_reverb.xml:10 -msgid "High frequency damping" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/sox_reverb.xml:13 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Room scale" -msgstr "प्रमाण" - -#: data/effects/sox_reverb.xml:16 -msgid "Stereo depth" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/sox_reverb.xml:19 -msgid "Pre-delay" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/sox_reverb.xml:22 -msgid "Wet gain" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/sox_stretch.xml:3 -msgid "Sox Stretch" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/sox_stretch.xml:4 -msgid "Sox stretch audio effect" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/speed.xml:4 -msgid "Make clip play faster or slower" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/speed.xml:10 -msgid "Stroboscope" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/swapchannels.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Swap channels" -msgstr "ऑडिओ माध्यमे (&A)" - -#: data/effects/swapchannels.xml:4 -msgid "Move the left channel to the right and right-to-left" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/tcolor.xml:3 -msgid "Technicolor" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/tcolor.xml:4 -msgid "Oversaturate the color in video, like in old Technicolor movies" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/tcolor.xml:7 -msgid "Blue/Yellow axis" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/tcolor.xml:10 -msgid "Red/Green axis" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/threshold.xml:4 -msgid "Make monochrome clip" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/threshold.xml:7 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Threshold" -msgid "Threshold value" -msgstr "सीमा :" - -#: data/effects/threshold.xml:10 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Transparency" -msgid "Use transparency" -msgstr "पारदर्शकता" - -#: data/effects/vignette.xml:3 -msgid "Vignette Effect" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/vignette.xml:4 -msgid "Adjustable Vignette" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/vignette.xml:7 -msgid "smooth" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/vignette.xml:10 -msgid "radius" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_6) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_8) -#: data/effects/vignette.xml:13 src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:72 -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:575 -msgid "x" -msgstr "x" - -#: data/effects/vignette.xml:16 -#, fuzzy -msgid "y" -msgstr "Y:" - -#: data/effects/vignette.xml:19 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Opacity" -msgid "opacity" -msgstr "अपारदर्शकता" - -#: data/effects/vignette.xml:22 -msgid "use cos instead of linear" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/volume.xml:3 -msgid "Volume (keyframable)" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/volume.xml:4 -msgid "Adjust audio volume with keyframes" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/wave.xml:3 -msgid "Wave" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/wave.xml:4 -msgid "Make waves on your clip with keyframes" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/wave.xml:10 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Horizontal" -msgstr "आडवे" - -#: data/effects/wave.xml:13 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Vertical" -msgstr "उभे" - -#: data/kdenliveeffectscategory.rc:5 -msgid "Colour correction" -msgstr "" - -#: data/kdenliveeffectscategory.rc:8 -msgid "Colour" -msgstr "रंग" - -#: data/kdenliveeffectscategory.rc:11 -msgid "Crop and transform" -msgstr "" - -#: data/kdenliveeffectscategory.rc:14 -msgid "Audio correction" -msgstr "" - -#: data/kdenliveeffectscategory.rc:17 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:655 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Audio channels" -msgstr "ऑडिओ माध्यमे (&A)" - -#: data/kdenliveeffectscategory.rc:20 -msgid "Analysis and data" -msgstr "" - -#: data/kdenliveeffectscategory.rc:23 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Fade" -msgstr "फीके" - -#: data/kdenliveeffectscategory.rc:26 -msgid "Artistic" -msgstr "" - -#: data/kdenliveeffectscategory.rc:29 -msgid "Blur and hide" -msgstr "" - -#: data/kdenliveeffectscategory.rc:32 -msgid "Motion" -msgstr "" - -#: data/kdenliveeffectscategory.rc:38 -msgid "Alpha manipulation" -msgstr "" - -#: data/kdenliveeffectscategory.rc:41 -msgid "Enhancement" -msgstr "" - -#: data/kdenliveeffectscategory.rc:44 -#, fuzzy -msgid "GPU effects" -msgstr "परिणाम :" - -#. i18n: ectx: ToolBar (extraToolBar) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:4 -msgid "Extra Toolbar" -msgstr "अतिरिक्त साधनपट्टी" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (project) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:21 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Project" -msgstr "परियोजना : %1" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (extract_audio) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:29 src/mainwindow.cpp:2752 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Extract Audio" -msgstr "मॉनिटर %1" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (clip_actions) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:32 src/mainwindow.cpp:2699 -msgid "Clip Jobs" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (transcoders) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:35 src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:184 -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:125 -msgid "Transcode" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (generators) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:38 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Generators" -msgstr "सामान्य" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (track_menu) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:40 src/mainwindow.cpp:1145 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Tracks" -msgstr "1 ट्रॅक्स [%2]" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (clip_in_timeline) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:55 -msgid "Clip in Timeline" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (tool) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:70 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Tools" -msgid "Tool" -msgstr "साधने" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (clip) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:80 src/project/projectlistview.cpp:59 -msgid "Clip" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (marker_menu) -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_3) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:81 src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:397 -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:402 -msgid "Markers" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (timeline) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:96 src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:81 -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2785 -msgid "Timeline" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (keyboard_selection) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:97 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Selection" -msgstr "निवड साधन (&S)" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (keyboard_insert) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:105 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Operation" -msgid "Insertion" -msgstr "क्रिया" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (current_clip) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:110 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Track" -msgid "Current clip" -msgstr "ट्रॅक" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (all_clips) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:117 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "All Files" -msgid "All clips" -msgstr "सर्व फाईल्स" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (guide_menu) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:120 -msgid "Guides" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (space_menu) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:126 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Space" -msgstr "जागा" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (video_effects_menu) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:134 src/mainwindow.cpp:279 -msgid "Add Effect" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (monitor) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:148 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Monitor" -msgstr "मॉनिटर %1" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (monitor_go) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:154 src/timeline/customruler.cpp:93 -msgid "Go To" -msgstr "येथे जा" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (monitor_config) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:176 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Monitor config" -msgstr "मॉनिटर %1" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (dockwindows) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:187 -msgid "View" -msgstr "दृश्य" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (layout_save_as) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:188 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Save As" -msgid "Save Layout As" -msgstr "असे साठवा" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, CountDown_UI) -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, ClipStabilize_UI) -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, FreeSound_UI) -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, ArchiveWidget_UI) -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, BackupDialog_UI) -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, ClipTranscode_UI) -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, AddTrack_UI) -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, SmConfig_UI) -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, ManageEncodingProfile_UI) -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, ColorClip_UI) -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, RenderWidget_UI) -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, Stopmotion_UI) -#: plugins/sampleplugin/countdown_ui.ui:13 src/ui/addtrack_ui.ui:14 -#: src/ui/archivewidget_ui.ui:14 src/ui/backupdialog_ui.ui:14 -#: src/ui/clipstabilize_ui.ui:14 src/ui/cliptranscode_ui.ui:14 -#: src/ui/colorclip_ui.ui:14 src/ui/freesound_ui.ui:14 -#: src/ui/manageencodingprofile_ui.ui:14 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:14 -#: src/ui/smconfig_ui.ui:14 src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Dialog" -msgstr "संवाद" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, destination_label) -#: plugins/sampleplugin/countdown_ui.ui:19 src/ui/cutjobdialog_ui.ui:47 -msgid "Save to" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, duration_label) -#: plugins/sampleplugin/countdown_ui.ui:29 -msgid "Duration (seconds)" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, font_label) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_4) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_17) -#: plugins/sampleplugin/countdown_ui.ui:46 src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:89 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:331 -msgid "Font" -msgstr "फॉन्ट" - -#: plugins/sampleplugin/sampleplugin.cpp:33 -msgid "Countdown" -msgstr "" - -#: plugins/sampleplugin/sampleplugin.cpp:55 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Create Folder" -msgid "Create Noise Clip" -msgstr "संचयीका बनवा" - -#: plugins/sampleplugin/sampleplugin.cpp:59 -msgid "Create Countdown Clip" -msgstr "" - -#: plugins/sampleplugin/sampleplugin.cpp:97 -#: plugins/sampleplugin/sampleplugin.cpp:105 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Failed to generate clip:\n" -"%1" -msgstr "" - -#: plugins/sampleplugin/sampleplugin.cpp:97 -#: plugins/sampleplugin/sampleplugin.cpp:105 -msgid "Generator Failed" -msgstr "" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:210 src/project/projectlist.cpp:133 -#, fuzzy, kde-format -msgid "%1 job" -msgid_plural "%1 jobs" -msgstr[0] "कार्य : %1" -msgstr[1] "" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:211 src/project/projectlist.cpp:134 -#, kde-format -msgid "%1 pending job" -msgid_plural "%1 pending jobs" -msgstr[0] "" -msgstr[1] "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_search) -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:300 src/ui/freesound_ui.ui:74 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Search" -msgstr "शोधा" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:336 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Mode" -msgid "View Mode" -msgstr "पद्धत" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:338 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "View" -msgid "Tree View" -msgstr "दृश्य" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:346 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "View" -msgid "Icon View" -msgstr "दृश्य" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:353 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "No Effect" -msgid "Disable Bin Effects" -msgstr "परिणाम नाही" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:361 src/bin/bincommands.cpp:102 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Create Folder" -msgid "Rename Folder" -msgstr "संचयीका बनवा" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab) -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:370 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:50 -msgid "Settings" -msgstr "संयोजना" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:372 src/project/clipproperties.cpp:351 -#: src/project/dialogs/slideshowclip.cpp:77 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:324 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Zoom" -msgstr "झूम" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:378 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Show date" -msgstr "मार्ग दर्शवा (&P)" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:381 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Description" -msgid "Show description" -msgstr "वर्णन" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:399 src/project/projectlist.cpp:213 -msgid "Cancel All Jobs" -msgstr "" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:401 src/project/projectlist.cpp:217 -msgid "Cancel Current Clip Jobs" -msgstr "" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:431 src/project/projectlist.cpp:254 -msgid "Show Log" -msgstr "" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:504 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Show thumbnails" -msgid "Creating audio thumbnails" -msgstr "लघुप्रतिमा दाखवा" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:511 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Show thumbnails" -msgid "Audio thumbnails done" -msgstr "लघुप्रतिमा दाखवा" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:805 -msgctxt "append to clip name to indicate a copied idem" -msgid " (copy)" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:929 src/bin/bin.cpp:2217 -#: src/project/folderprojectitem.cpp:37 src/project/projectlist.cpp:1085 -#: src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:60 -msgid "Folder" -msgstr "संचयीका" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:1056 -#, kde-format -msgid "Folder contains a clip, delete anyways ?" -msgid_plural "Folder contains %1 clips, delete anyways ?" -msgstr[0] "" -msgstr[1] "" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:1173 src/mainwindow.cpp:1234 -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:1004 -msgid "Delete Clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:1174 src/mainwindow.cpp:1251 -msgid "Proxy Clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:1181 src/project/projectlist.cpp:995 -msgid "Delete Folder" -msgstr "संचयीका काढून टाका" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:1182 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Folder" -msgid "Proxy Folder" -msgstr "संचयीका" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2015 src/bin/bincommands.cpp:62 src/bin/bincommands.cpp:82 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Move Clip" -msgid_plural "Move Clips" -msgstr[0] "प्रतिमेचा आकार" -msgstr[1] "प्रतिमेचा आकार" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2231 -#, kde-format -msgid "Playlist clip %1 is invalid." -msgstr "" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2236 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Playlist clip %1 has too many tracks (%2) to be imported. Add new tracks to " -"your project." -msgstr "" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2449 src/project/projectlist.cpp:465 -msgid "Please set a default application to open images in the Settings dialog" -msgstr "" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2455 src/project/projectlist.cpp:471 -msgid "" -"Please set a default application to open audio files in the Settings dialog" -msgstr "" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2511 src/project/projectlist.cpp:2661 -msgid "No data returned from clip analysis" -msgstr "" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2525 src/project/projectlist.cpp:2674 -msgid "Processing data analysis" -msgstr "" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2531 src/project/projectlist.cpp:2680 -msgid "Auto Split Clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2549 src/project/projectlist.cpp:2698 -msgid "Add Markers" -msgstr "" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2592 src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:85 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:474 src/project/projectcommands.cpp:164 -msgid "Add marker" -msgid_plural "Add markers" -msgstr[0] "" -msgstr[1] "" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2603 src/bin/bin.cpp:2685 src/project/jobs/filterjob.cpp:96 -#: src/timeline/markerdialog.cpp:45 -#, fuzzy, kde-format -msgid "Category %1" -msgstr "विभाग :" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2608 -msgid "Load Clip Markers" -msgstr "" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2623 src/bin/bin.cpp:2720 -#: src/dialogs/profilesdialog.cpp:219 src/dialogs/profilesdialog.cpp:520 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot open file %1" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, MarkerDialog_UI) -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2649 src/definitions.cpp:78 src/definitions.cpp:95 -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:367 src/mainwindow.cpp:1831 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:727 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:801 src/ui/markerdialog_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Marker" -msgstr "" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2683 -#, fuzzy -msgid "All categories" -msgstr "सर्व विभाग" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2690 -msgid "Save Clip Markers" -msgstr "" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2733 src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:86 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:478 src/project/projectcommands.cpp:162 -msgid "Delete marker" -msgstr "" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2748 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Delete clip markers" -msgstr "संचयीका काढून टाका (&D)" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2750 -msgid "Clip has no markers" -msgstr "" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2788 src/project/clippropertiesmanager.cpp:126 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"You are editing an external title clip (%1). Do you want to save your " -"changes to the title file or save the changes for this project only?" -msgstr "" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2788 src/project/clippropertiesmanager.cpp:126 -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:1766 -msgid "Save Title" -msgstr "" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2788 src/project/clippropertiesmanager.cpp:126 -msgid "Save to title file" -msgstr "" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2788 src/project/clippropertiesmanager.cpp:126 -msgid "Save in project only" -msgstr "" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2852 src/project/projectlist.cpp:1428 -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:1430 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4517 -msgid "Invalid clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2852 src/project/projectlist.cpp:1428 -msgid "Clip is invalid, will be removed from project." -msgstr "" - -#: src/bin/bincommands.cpp:34 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Create Folder" -msgid "Remove Folder" -msgstr "संचयीका बनवा" - -#: src/bin/bincommands.cpp:35 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Add Folder" -msgstr "संचयीका जोडा" - -#: src/bin/bincommands.cpp:121 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Add Bin Effect" -msgstr "परिणाम :" - -#: src/bin/bincommands.cpp:140 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Remove Bin Effect" -msgstr "परिणाम :" - -#: src/bin/bincommands.cpp:162 -msgid "Rename Zone" -msgstr "" - -#: src/bin/bincommands.cpp:184 -msgid "Add Sub Clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/bin/bincommands.cpp:217 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1628 -msgid "Edit clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/bin/projectclip.cpp:90 src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:879 -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:195 -msgid "Untitled" -msgstr "शिर्षकहीन" - -#: src/bin/projectclip.cpp:272 src/project/projectlist.cpp:2458 -#, fuzzy -msgctxt "The first letter of Proxy, used as abbreviation" -msgid "P" -msgstr "P" - -#: src/bin/projectclip.cpp:940 src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:1228 -#, kde-format -msgid "Clip already contains analysis data %1" -msgstr "" - -#: src/bin/projectclip.cpp:940 src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:1228 -msgid "Merge" -msgstr "" - -#: src/bin/projectclip.cpp:940 src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:1228 -msgid "Add" -msgstr "जोडा" - -#: src/bin/projectfolder.cpp:74 -#, fuzzy, kde-format -#| msgid "Track" -msgid "%1 clip" -msgid_plural "%1 clips" -msgstr[0] "ट्रॅक" -msgstr[1] "ट्रॅक" - -#: src/bin/projectfolderup.cpp:35 -msgid "Back" -msgstr "" - -#: src/bin/projectfolderup.cpp:59 -msgid "Go up" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/bin/projectitemmodel.cpp:169 src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:74 -#: src/ui/colorclip_ui.ui:20 src/ui/configtranscode_ui.ui:70 -#: src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:20 -msgid "Name" -msgstr "नाव" - -#: src/bin/projectitemmodel.cpp:172 -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:173 -#: src/project/projectlistview.cpp:59 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Date" -msgstr "दिनांक" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_description) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/bin/projectitemmodel.cpp:175 src/project/projectlistview.cpp:59 -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:41 src/ui/configtranscode_ui.ui:80 -#: src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:49 -msgid "Description" -msgstr "वर्णन" - -#: src/bin/projectitemmodel.cpp:178 src/dialogs/profilesdialog.cpp:585 -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:231 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:319 -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:771 src/mltcontroller/clipcontroller.cpp:266 -#: src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:483 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Unknown" -msgstr "अपरिचीत" - -#: src/bin/projectsubclip.cpp:41 src/doc/documentvalidator.cpp:1441 -#, fuzzy, kde-format -#| msgid "Zoom Out" -msgid "Zone %1" -msgstr "लहान करा" - -#: src/capture/managecapturesdialog.cpp:42 -#, fuzzy -msgid "import" -msgstr "आयात..." - -#: src/dialogs/clipcreationdialog.cpp:97 src/dialogs/clipcreationdialog.cpp:98 -msgid "Color Clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/clipcreationdialog.cpp:188 -msgid "Title clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/clipcreationdialog.cpp:236 src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:1117 -msgid "Template title clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/clipcreationdialog.cpp:428 src/doc/doccommands.cpp:32 -msgid "Add clip" -msgid_plural "Add clips" -msgstr[0] "" -msgstr[1] "" - -#: src/dialogs/clipcreationdialog.cpp:437 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:247 -#: src/effectstack/collapsibleeffect.cpp:200 src/mainwindow.cpp:2832 -msgid "All Supported Files" -msgstr "सर्व समर्थीत फाईल्स" - -#: src/dialogs/clipcreationdialog.cpp:437 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:247 -#: src/effectstack/collapsibleeffect.cpp:200 src/mainwindow.cpp:2832 -msgid "All Files" -msgstr "सर्व फाईल्स" - -#: src/dialogs/clipcreationdialog.cpp:438 -msgid "Import image sequence" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/clipcreationdialog.cpp:440 -msgid "Transparent background for images" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/encodingprofilesdialog.cpp:37 -msgid "Manage Encoding Profiles" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, groupBox) -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, enable_proxy) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_14) -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, kcfg_enableproxy) -#: src/dialogs/encodingprofilesdialog.cpp:38 -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:96 src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:36 -#: src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:142 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:244 -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:499 -msgid "Proxy clips" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/encodingprofilesdialog.cpp:39 -msgid "Video4Linux capture" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/encodingprofilesdialog.cpp:40 -msgid "Screen capture" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/encodingprofilesdialog.cpp:41 -msgid "Decklink capture" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/encodingprofilesdialog.cpp:125 -#: src/dialogs/encodingprofilesdialog.cpp:157 -msgid "Profile name:" -msgstr "प्रोफाईल नाव:" - -#: src/dialogs/encodingprofilesdialog.cpp:128 -#: src/dialogs/encodingprofilesdialog.cpp:160 -msgid "Parameters:" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/encodingprofilesdialog.cpp:131 -#: src/dialogs/encodingprofilesdialog.cpp:163 -#, fuzzy -msgid "File extension:" -msgstr "फाईल विस्तारण" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:64 -#: src/effectslist/effectslistwidget.cpp:100 -#: src/effectslist/effectslistwidget.cpp:121 -#: src/effectslist/effectslistwidget.cpp:123 -msgid "Misc" -msgstr "किरकोळ" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:73 -msgid "Project Defaults" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:101 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Environment" -msgstr "वातावरण:" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:126 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Capture" -msgstr "कॅपचर: %1" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:131 -msgid "Capture is not yet available on Mac OS X." -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:170 -msgid "JogShuttle" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, groupBox) -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:180 src/ui/smconfig_ui.ui:20 -msgid "Playback" -msgstr "प्लेबॅक" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:275 -msgid "GPU processing needs MLT compiled with Movit and Rtaudio modules" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:300 -#, kde-format -msgid "dvgrab version %1 at %2" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:301 -msgid "" -"dvgrab utility not found, please install it for firewire " -"capture" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:438 -msgid "Automatic" -msgstr "स्वयंचलित" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:440 -msgid "OSS" -msgstr "OSS" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:441 -msgid "ALSA" -msgstr "ALSA" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:442 -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:487 -msgid "PulseAudio" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:443 -msgid "OSS with DMA access" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:444 -msgid "Esound daemon" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:445 -msgid "ARTS daemon" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:457 -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:458 -msgid "Default" -msgstr "मूलभूत" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:503 -msgid "SDL" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:504 -#, fuzzy -msgid "RtAudio" -msgstr "ऑडिओ" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:566 -msgid "Select default video player" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:578 -msgid "Select default audio editor" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:590 -msgid "Select default image editor" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:809 -msgid "Kdenlive must be restarted to change this setting" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, p_progressive) -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:832 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:264 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:634 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:118 src/project/clipproperties.cpp:685 -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:322 src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:99 -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:163 -msgid "Interlaced" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, progressive) -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:834 -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:1039 -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:1072 -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:1088 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:265 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:634 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:119 src/project/clipproperties.cpp:685 -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:428 src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:232 -msgid "Progressive" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:892 -msgid "A profile with that name already exists" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:1003 -msgid "Current settings" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/profilesdialog.cpp:50 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:163 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Delete profile" -msgstr "रूपरेषा नष्ट करा (&D)" - -#: src/dialogs/profilesdialog.cpp:52 src/dialogs/profilesdialog.cpp:95 -msgid "Save profile" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/profilesdialog.cpp:54 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:171 -msgid "Create new profile" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/profilesdialog.cpp:163 -msgid "The custom profile was modified, do you want to save it?" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/profilesdialog.cpp:194 -msgid "" -"A profile with same name already exists in MLT's default profiles, please " -"choose another description for your custom profile." -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/profilesdialog.cpp:225 src/dialogs/profilesdialog.cpp:526 -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:612 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:799 -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:805 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:865 -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1003 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1168 -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2382 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2405 -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:669 src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:675 -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:934 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:940 -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:3046 src/mainwindow.cpp:3051 -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:796 -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:802 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:1780 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot write to file %1" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:108 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1233 -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2295 -msgid "Waiting..." -msgstr "वाट पाहत आहे..." - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:111 -msgid "Rendering finished" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:116 -msgid "Rendering crashed" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:121 -msgid "Rendering aborted" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:155 -msgid "Rendering" -msgstr "रेंडरींग" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:167 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Edit profile" -msgstr "प्रोफाईल \"%1\" संपादित करा" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:177 -msgid "Copy profile to favorites" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:179 -msgid "Show profiles with different framerate" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, preserveAspectRatio) -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:223 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:534 -msgid "Preserve aspect ratio" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:289 -msgid "File" -msgstr "फाईल" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:298 -msgid "Script Files" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:392 -msgid "Beginning" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:478 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:494 -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:688 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:706 -msgid "Qualities" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:479 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:495 -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:689 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:707 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Default quality" -msgstr "मूलभूत रूपरेषा" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, vbitrates_label) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, abitrates_label) -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:481 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:497 -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:691 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:709 -#: src/ui/saveprofile_ui.ui:40 src/ui/saveprofile_ui.ui:73 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Bitrate" -msgid "Bitrates" -msgstr "बिटदर" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, default_vbitrate_label) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, default_abitrate_label) -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:482 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:498 -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:692 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:710 -#: src/ui/saveprofile_ui.ui:26 src/ui/saveprofile_ui.ui:80 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Default bitrate" -msgstr "मूलभूत रूपरेषा" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:509 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:515 -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:679 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:749 -msgctxt "Group Name" -msgid "Custom" -msgstr "ऐच्छिक" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:591 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:760 -msgid "Profile already exists" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:591 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:760 -msgid "" -"This profile name already exists. Change the name if you don't want to " -"overwrite it." -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:606 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:859 -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1859 -#, kde-format -msgid "Unable to write to file %1" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:632 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1843 -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1892 -msgctxt "Category Name" -msgid "Custom" -msgstr "ऐच्छिक" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:720 -msgid "Edit Profile" -msgstr "प्रोफाईल संपादित करा" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:918 -msgid "Cannot find the melt program required for rendering (part of Mlt)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:922 -msgid "" -"Cannot play video after rendering because the default video player " -"application is not set.\n" -"Please define it in Kdenlive settings dialog." -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:930 src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:259 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"The directory %1, could not be created.\n" -"Please make sure you have the required permissions." -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:973 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:165 -#, kde-format -msgid "File has no extension. Add extension (%1)?" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:988 -msgid "Output file already exists. Do you want to overwrite it?" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1222 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2283 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"There is already a job writing file:
Abort the job if " -"you want to overwrite it..." -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1222 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2283 -msgid "Already running" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1266 -msgid "Video without audio track" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1317 -#, kde-format -msgid "Rendering %1 started" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1473 -#, kde-format -msgid "Frame rate (%1) not compatible with project profile (%2)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1491 -#, kde-format -msgid "Unsupported video format: %1" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1507 -#, kde-format -msgid "Unsupported audio codec: %1" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1524 -#, kde-format -msgid "Unsupported video codec: %1" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1533 -msgid "" -"This render profile uses a 'profile' parameter.
Unless you know what " -"you are doing you will probably have to change it to 'mlt_profile'." -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1546 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1584 -msgid "No matching profile" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1561 -msgid "untitled" -msgstr "शिर्षकहीन" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1586 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Invalid profile" -msgstr "प्रोफाईल \"%1\" संपादित करा" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1630 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Video" -msgid "" -"Video\n" -"quality" -msgstr "दृश्य" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1632 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Bitrate" -msgid "" -"Video\n" -"bitrate" -msgstr "बिटदर" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1652 -msgid "" -"Audio\n" -"quality" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1654 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Bitrate" -msgid "" -"Audio\n" -"bitrate" -msgstr "बिटदर" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1692 -msgid "File rendering" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1693 -msgid "Favorites" -msgstr "पसंत" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1694 -msgid "DVD" -msgstr "डिव्हीडी" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, profile_audioonly) -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1695 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7011 -#: src/ui/configtranscode_ui.ui:100 -msgid "Audio only" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1696 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Web sites" -msgstr "संकेत स्थळ" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1697 -msgid "Media players" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1698 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1738 -msgid "Lossless/HQ" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1699 -msgid "Mobile devices" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1783 -#, fuzzy -msgctxt "Category Name" -msgid "Images sequence" -msgstr "प्रतिमेचा आकार" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1987 -msgctxt "Attribute Name" -msgid "Custom" -msgstr "ऐच्छिक" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2085 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2108 -#, kde-format -msgid "%1 day " -msgid_plural "%1 days " -msgstr[0] "" -msgstr[1] "" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2087 -#, kde-format -msgid "Remaining time %1" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2110 -#, kde-format -msgid "Rendering finished in %1" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2112 -#, kde-format -msgid "Rendering of %1 finished in %2" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2125 -#, kde-format -msgid "Rendering of %1 crashed
" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, abort_job) -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2165 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:650 -msgid "Abort Job" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2168 -msgid "Remove Job" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2236 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2240 -#, kde-format -msgid "Script contains wrong command: %1" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2424 -msgid "script" -msgstr "स्क्रिप्ट" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2445 src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:228 -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:640 -msgid "Check missing clips" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2502 -msgid "Export audio (automatic)" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, export_audio) -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2504 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:544 -msgid "Export audio" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:60 -msgid "Config Wizard" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:64 -msgid "Welcome" -msgstr "स्वागत" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:66 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Your Kdenlive version was upgraded to version %1. Please take some time to " -"review the basic settings" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:68 -msgid "" -"This is the first time you run Kdenlive. This wizard will let you adjust " -"some basic settings, you will be ready to edit your first movie in a few " -"seconds..." -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:72 -msgid "Discover the features of this Kdenlive release" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:82 -msgid "Checking MLT engine" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:90 -msgid "Video Standard" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:128 -msgid "Additional Settings" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (KComboBox, capture_device) -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:142 src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:168 -msgid "Capture device" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:146 -msgid "Default Blackmagic Decklink card:" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:147 -msgid "No Blackmagic Decklink device found" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:158 -msgid "Checking system" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:186 -msgid "Default video4linux device:" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:199 -msgid "No device found, plug your webcam and refresh." -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:221 -#, kde-format -msgid "Current settings (%1x%2, %3/%4fps)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:257 -#, kde-format -msgid "Default settings (%1x%2, %3/%4fps)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:272 -msgid "Melt" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:273 -msgid "Required for rendering (part of MLT package)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:280 -msgid "Cannot start the MLT video backend!" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:287 -#, kde-format -msgid "MLT version: %1" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:290 -msgid "Your MLT version is unsupported!!!" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:296 -#, kde-format -msgid "Please upgrade to MLT %1.%2.%3" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:300 -msgid "MLT video backend!" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:318 -msgid "SDL module" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:319 -msgid "Required for Kdenlive" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:332 -msgid "Avformat module (FFmpeg)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:333 -msgid "Required to work with various video formats (hdv, mpeg, flash, ...)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:372 -msgid "QImage module" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:373 src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:378 -msgid "Required to work with images" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:377 -msgid "Pixbuf module" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:392 -msgid "Title module" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:393 -msgid "Required to work with titles" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:456 -msgid "" -"The following codecs were not found on your system. Check our online manual if you need them: " -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:477 -msgid "FFmpeg & ffplay" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:478 -msgid "Required for proxy clips, transcoding and screen capture" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:504 -msgid "dvgrab" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:505 -msgid "Required for firewire capture" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:511 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:104 -msgid "dvdauthor" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:512 -msgid "Required for creation of DVD" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:518 -msgid "genisoimage or mkisofs" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:519 -msgid "Required for creation of DVD ISO images" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:528 -msgid "xine" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:529 -msgid "Required to preview your DVD" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:533 -msgid "vlc" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:685 -msgid "Frame size:" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_4) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:685 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:245 -#: src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:55 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:107 -msgid "Frame rate:" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_23) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_9) -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:685 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:266 -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:121 -msgid "Pixel aspect ratio:" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_31) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_10) -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:685 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:280 -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:135 -msgid "Display aspect ratio:" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:732 -msgid "" -"Your MLT installation cannot be found. Install MLT and restart Kdenlive.\n" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:736 -msgid "Fatal Error" -msgstr "गंभीर त्रुटी" - -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:279 -#, kde-format -msgid "%1 fps" -msgstr "" - -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:284 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Hz" -msgstr "%1 Hz" - -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:289 -msgid "Audio clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:292 -msgid "Mute video clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:295 src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:214 -msgid "Video clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:298 -msgid "Color clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:301 src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:216 -msgid "Image clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:304 -msgid "Template text clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:305 -msgid "Text clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:308 -msgid "Slideshow clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:311 -msgid "Virtual clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:314 src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:218 -msgid "Playlist clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:317 -msgid "Unknown clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:684 src/renderer.cpp:141 -msgid "Missing clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/doc/doccommands.cpp:33 src/project/clipmanager.cpp:226 -msgid "Delete clip" -msgid_plural "Delete clips" -msgstr[0] "" -msgstr[1] "" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:199 -msgid "Luma file" -msgstr "" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:223 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Image" -msgid "Title Image" -msgstr "प्रतिमा" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:226 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Title" -msgid "Title Font" -msgstr "शिर्षक" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:247 -#, kde-format -msgid "%1 will be replaced by %2" -msgstr "" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:261 -msgid "Missing item" -msgstr "" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:265 -msgid "The project file contains missing clips or files" -msgstr "" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:269 -msgid "Missing proxies will be recreated after opening." -msgstr "" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:273 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"The project file contains a missing clip, you can still work with its proxy." -msgid_plural "" -"The project file contains %1 missing clips, you can still work with their " -"proxies." -msgstr[0] "" -msgstr[1] "" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:283 src/project/projectitem.cpp:192 -msgid "Proxy clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:285 -#, kde-format -msgid "%1 missing proxy clip, will be recreated on project opening" -msgid_plural "%1 missing proxy clips, will be recreated on project opening" -msgstr[0] "" -msgstr[1] "" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:288 -msgid "Missing proxy" -msgstr "" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:335 src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:348 -msgid "Source clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:337 -#, kde-format -msgid "%1 missing source clips, you can only use the proxies" -msgstr "" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:340 -msgid "Missing source clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:411 -msgid "Clips folder" -msgstr "" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:567 -msgid "Enter new location for file" -msgstr "" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:780 -msgid "This will remove the selected clip from this project" -msgid_plural "This will remove the selected clips from this project" -msgstr[0] "" -msgstr[1] "" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:780 -msgid "Remove clips" -msgstr "" - -#: src/doc/documentvalidator.cpp:90 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"The document was created in \"%1\" locale, which is not installed on your " -"system. Please install that language pack. Until then, Kdenlive might not be " -"able to correctly open the document." -msgstr "" - -#: src/doc/documentvalidator.cpp:94 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"There is a locale conflict on your system. The document uses locale %1 which " -"uses a \"%2\" as numeric separator (in system libraries) but Qt expects " -"\"%3\". You might not be able to correctly open the project." -msgstr "" - -#: src/doc/documentvalidator.cpp:279 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"This project type is unsupported (version %1) and can't be loaded.\n" -"Please consider upgrading your Kdenlive version." -msgstr "" - -#: src/doc/documentvalidator.cpp:279 src/doc/documentvalidator.cpp:286 -msgid "Unable to open project" -msgstr "" - -#: src/doc/documentvalidator.cpp:286 -#, kde-format -msgid "This project type is unsupported (version %1) and can't be loaded." -msgstr "" - -#: src/doc/documentvalidator.cpp:840 -msgid "" -"Some of your text clips were saved with size in points, which means " -"different sizes on different displays. Do you want to convert them to pixel " -"size, making them portable? It is recommended you do this on the computer " -"they were first created on, or you could have to adjust their size." -msgstr "" - -#: src/doc/documentvalidator.cpp:840 -msgid "Update Text Clips" -msgstr "" - -#: src/doc/documentvalidator.cpp:1679 -msgid "" -"The project file uses some GPU effects. GPU acceleration is not currently " -"enabled.\n" -"Do you want to convert the project to a non-GPU version ?\n" -"This might result in data loss." -msgstr "" - -#: src/doc/documentvalidator.cpp:1770 -msgid "The following filters/transitions were converted to non GPU versions:" -msgstr "" - -#: src/doc/documentvalidator.cpp:1773 -msgid "The following filters/transitions were deleted from the project:" -msgstr "" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:152 -msgid "" -"Cannot open the project file,\n" -"Do you want to open a backup file?" -msgstr "" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:152 src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:168 -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:213 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Error opening file" -msgstr "फाईल उघडतेवेळी त्रुटी" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:152 src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:168 -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:213 -msgid "Open Backup" -msgstr "" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:168 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Cannot open the project file, error is:\n" -"%1 (line %2, col %3)\n" -"Do you want to open a backup file?" -msgstr "" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:168 src/project/projectmanager.cpp:381 -msgid "Recover" -msgstr "" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:194 -msgid "Cannot recover this project file" -msgstr "" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:206 -msgid "Validating" -msgstr "" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:212 -#, kde-format -msgid "File %1 is not a Kdenlive project file" -msgstr "" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:213 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"File %1 is not a valid project file.\n" -"Do you want to open a backup file?" -msgstr "" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:254 -#, kde-format -msgid "Project directory %1 does not exist. Create it?" -msgstr "" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:266 -#, kde-format -msgid "Document project folder is invalid, setting it to the default one: %1" -msgstr "" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:548 src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:659 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot write to file %1, scene list is corrupted." -msgstr "" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:719 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"You have changed the project folder. Do you want to copy the cached data " -"from %1 to the new folder %2?" -msgstr "" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:1105 -msgid "Enter Template Path" -msgstr "" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:1179 -msgid "The following effects were imported from the project:" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:1209 src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:1223 -#: src/ui/backupdialog_ui.ui:22 -msgid "Project Folder" -msgstr "" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:1287 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Cannot create backup copy:\n" -"%1" -msgstr "" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:1400 src/project/projectlist.cpp:2317 -msgid "Add proxy clip" -msgid_plural "Add proxy clips" -msgstr[0] "" -msgstr[1] "" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:1401 src/project/projectlist.cpp:2318 -msgid "Remove proxy clip" -msgid_plural "Remove proxy clips" -msgstr[0] "" -msgstr[1] "" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:62 src/mainwindow.cpp:1023 -msgid "DVD Wizard" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:65 -msgid "Select Files For Your DVD" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:69 -msgid "DVD Chapters" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:75 -msgid "Create DVD Menu" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:79 -msgid "Creating DVD Image" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:104 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:111 -#, kde-format -msgid "Burn with %1" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:114 -msgid "No burning program found (K3b, Brasero)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:120 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Load" -msgstr "लोड" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:121 -msgid "Save" -msgstr "साठवा" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:188 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot create temporary directory %1" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:271 -msgid "Menu movie is invalid" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:383 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:464 -msgid "Rendering job timed out" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:385 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:466 -msgid "Menu job timed out" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:674 -msgid "Rendering menu crashed" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:710 -msgid "DVDAuthor process crashed" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:713 -msgid "DVDAuthor process crashed.
" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:737 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:738 -msgid "DVD structure broken" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:785 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:788 -msgid "ISO creation process crashed." -msgstr "" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:817 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:818 -msgid "DVD ISO is broken" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:832 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:834 -#, kde-format -msgid "DVD ISO image %1 successfully created." -msgstr "" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:864 -#, kde-format -msgid "Previewing requires one of these applications (%1)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:888 -#, kde-format -msgid "Folder %1 already exists. Overwrite?\n" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:890 -#, kde-format -msgid "Image file %1 already exists. Overwrite?" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:911 -msgid "Save DVD Project" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:911 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:948 -msgid "DVD project (*.kdvd)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:957 -#, kde-format -msgid "File %1 is not a Kdenlive project file." -msgstr "" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardmenu.cpp:42 src/monitor/monitor.cpp:185 -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:303 src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:79 -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:405 src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:444 -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:873 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Play" -msgstr "सुरु करा" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardmenu.cpp:54 -msgid "Add new button" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardmenu.cpp:55 -msgid "Delete current button" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardmenu.cpp:300 -msgid "Play All" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:104 -#, kde-format -msgid "Program %1 is required for the DVD wizard." -msgstr "" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:105 -msgid "mkisofs" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:105 -msgid "genisoimage" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:105 -#, kde-format -msgid "Program %1 or %2 is required for the DVD wizard." -msgstr "" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:111 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:316 -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:768 -msgid "PAL 4:3" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:111 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:313 -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:765 -msgid "PAL 16:9" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:111 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:310 -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:762 -msgid "NTSC 4:3" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:111 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:307 -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:759 -msgid "NTSC 16:9" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:138 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:791 -msgid "Your clips do not match selected DVD format, transcoding required." -msgstr "" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:210 src/project/cliptranscode.cpp:244 -msgid "Transcoding failed!" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:247 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "All Files" -msgid "MPEG Files" -msgstr "सर्व फाईल्स" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:248 -msgid "Add new video file" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:337 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:779 -#, kde-format -msgid "The clip %1 is invalid." -msgstr "" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:674 -#: src/effectstack/collapsibleeffect.cpp:352 -#: src/effectstack/collapsiblegroup.cpp:178 src/monitor/monitor.cpp:845 -#: src/project/clipstabilize.cpp:222 src/project/cliptranscode.cpp:141 -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:297 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"File %1 already exists.\n" -"Do you want to overwrite it?" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:699 -#, kde-format -msgid "Transcoding: %1" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslist.cpp:197 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Author:" -msgstr "लेखक :" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:63 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Search in effects list" -msgstr "परिणाम :" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:72 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Description" -msgid "Show/Hide effect description" -msgstr "वर्णन" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:83 -msgid "Add Effect to Selected Clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:84 -msgid "Add Effect to Favorites" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:85 -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:231 -#: src/effectstack/collapsibleeffect.cpp:70 -#: src/effectstack/collapsiblegroup.cpp:77 -msgid "Delete effect" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:93 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Show all transitions" -msgstr "परिणाम :" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:94 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Description" -msgid "Show GPU transitions" -msgstr "वर्णन" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:101 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Show all effects" -msgstr "परिणाम :" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:103 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Show video effects" -msgstr "परिणाम :" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:105 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Show audio effects" -msgstr "परिणाम :" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:107 -msgid "Show GPU effects" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:109 -msgid "Show custom effects" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:110 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Show favorite effects" -msgstr "परिणाम :" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:239 -msgid "Remove from favorites" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_audio) -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, abitrates) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_audiothumbnails) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, audio_thumbs) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, audiobitrateLabel) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, rec_audio) -#: src/effectslist/effectslistwidget.cpp:100 -#: src/effectslist/effectslistwidget.cpp:129 -#: src/effectslist/effectslistwidget.cpp:131 src/monitor/recmanager.cpp:57 -#: src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:39 -#: src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:121 -#: src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:155 -#: src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:194 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:131 -#: src/ui/configtimeline_ui.ui:38 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:224 -#: src/ui/recmonitor_ui.ui:107 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:195 -#: src/ui/saveprofile_ui.ui:67 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Audio" -msgstr "ऑडिओ" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistwidget.cpp:100 -#: src/effectslist/effectslistwidget.cpp:137 -#: src/effectslist/effectslistwidget.cpp:139 -#: src/effectslist/effectslistwidget.cpp:464 -msgctxt "Folder Name" -msgid "Custom" -msgstr "ऐच्छिक" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistwidget.cpp:194 -#, fuzzy -msgctxt "menu name for effects names between these 2 letters" -msgid "0 - F" -msgstr "F" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistwidget.cpp:196 -msgctxt "menu name for effects names between these 2 letters" -msgid "G - L" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistwidget.cpp:198 -msgctxt "menu name for effects names between these 2 letters" -msgid "M - R" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistwidget.cpp:200 -msgctxt "menu name for effects names between these 2 letters" -msgid "S - Z" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:47 src/project/clipproperties.cpp:346 -#: src/project/dialogs/slideshowclip.cpp:72 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:59 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:153 -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:541 -#, fuzzy -msgid "None" -msgstr "काही नाही" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:363 -#, fuzzy, kde-format -msgid "Group %1" -msgstr "समूह" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:624 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Dissolve" -msgid "None (Dissolve)" -msgstr "विरघळवा" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, slide_luma) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, luma_fade) -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:706 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:292 -#: src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:203 -msgid "Wipe" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:707 -msgid "Applies a stationary transition between the current and next frames." -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:710 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:785 -#, fuzzy -msgctxt "@property: means that the image is inverted" -msgid "Invert" -msgstr "उलट करा" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:711 -msgid "Image File" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:712 -msgid "Reverse Transition" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:716 src/timeline/headertrack.cpp:89 -#: src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:74 -msgid "Composite" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:717 -msgid "A key-framable alpha-channel compositor for two frames." -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:719 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:764 -msgid "Alpha Channel Operation" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:719 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:764 -msgid "Over,And,Or,Xor" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:720 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:765 -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:785 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Align" -msgstr "जुळवा (&A)" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:723 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:768 -msgid "Wipe File" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:724 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:769 -msgid "Wipe Softness" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:725 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:770 -msgid "Wipe Invert" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:726 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:771 -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:785 -msgid "Force Progressive Rendering" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:727 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:772 -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:785 -msgid "Force Deinterlace Overlay" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:729 -msgid "Affine" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:753 -msgid "Fix Shear Y" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:754 -msgid "Fix Shear X" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:755 -msgid "Fix Shear Z" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:761 -msgid "Use alpha channel of another clip to create a transition." -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:762 -msgid "Transparency clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:785 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Slide" -msgstr "स्लाइड" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:785 -msgid "Slide image from one side to another." -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:785 -msgid "Direction" -msgstr "दिशा" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, slide_fade) -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:790 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:262 -#: src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:167 -msgid "Dissolve" -msgstr "विरघळवा" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:790 -msgid "Fade out one video while fading in the other video." -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:790 -msgid "Reverse" -msgstr "मागे" - -#: src/effectstack/collapsibleeffect.cpp:64 -#: src/effectstack/collapsiblegroup.cpp:72 -msgid "Move effect up" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/collapsibleeffect.cpp:67 -#: src/effectstack/collapsiblegroup.cpp:74 -msgid "Move effect down" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/collapsibleeffect.cpp:82 -msgid "Reset Effect" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/collapsibleeffect.cpp:83 -#: src/effectstack/collapsibleeffect.cpp:345 -msgid "Save Effect" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/collapsibleeffect.cpp:91 -#: src/effectstack/collapsiblegroup.cpp:89 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "No Effect" -msgid "Disable Effect" -msgstr "परिणाम नाही" - -#: src/effectstack/collapsibleeffect.cpp:91 -#: src/effectstack/collapsiblegroup.cpp:89 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "No Effect" -msgid "Enable Effect" -msgstr "परिणाम नाही" - -#: src/effectstack/collapsibleeffect.cpp:96 -msgid "Create Group" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/collapsibleeffect.cpp:136 -msgid "Create Region" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/collapsibleeffect.cpp:345 -msgid "Name for saved effect: " -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/collapsiblegroup.cpp:68 -#: src/effectstack/collapsiblegroup.cpp:383 -msgid "Effect Group" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/collapsiblegroup.cpp:81 -msgid "Reset Group" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/collapsiblegroup.cpp:82 -#: src/effectstack/collapsiblegroup.cpp:171 -msgid "Save Group" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/collapsiblegroup.cpp:84 -msgid "Ungroup" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/collapsiblegroup.cpp:171 -msgid "Name for saved group: " -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/complexparameter.cpp:36 -msgid "Allow horizontal moves" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/complexparameter.cpp:38 -msgid "Allow vertical moves" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/complexparameter.cpp:40 -msgid "Show keyframes in timeline" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/complexparameter.cpp:42 -msgid "Parameter info" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/complexparameter.cpp:44 src/effectstack/geometryval.cpp:81 -#: src/effectstack/keyframeedit.cpp:47 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:84 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:417 -#: src/simplekeyframes/simplekeyframewidget.cpp:42 -#: src/simplekeyframes/simplekeyframewidget.cpp:132 -msgid "Add keyframe" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/dragvalue.cpp:109 -msgid "Normal scale" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/dragvalue.cpp:110 -msgid "Pixel scale" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/dragvalue.cpp:111 -msgid "Nonlinear scale" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/dragvalue.cpp:115 -msgid "Direct update" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/dragvalue.cpp:120 -msgid "Reset value" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/dragvalue.cpp:125 -#, kde-format -msgid "Show %1 in timeline" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/effectstackview2.cpp:71 -msgid "Enable/Disable all effects" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/effectstackview2.cpp:73 -msgid "Show additional information for the parameters" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/effectstackview2.cpp:174 -#: src/effectstack/effectstackview2.cpp:176 -#: src/effectstack/effectstackview2.cpp:179 -#, kde-format -msgid "Effects for %1" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/effectstackview2.cpp:229 -#: src/effectstack/effectstackview2.cpp:231 -#: src/effectstack/effectstackview2.cpp:234 -#, fuzzy, kde-format -msgid "Bin effects for %1" -msgstr "परिणाम :" - -#: src/effectstack/effectstackview2.cpp:276 -#, kde-format -msgid "Effects for track %1" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/geometryval.cpp:77 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:81 -#: src/simplekeyframes/simplekeyframewidget.cpp:52 -msgid "Go to next keyframe" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/geometryval.cpp:79 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:78 -#: src/simplekeyframes/simplekeyframewidget.cpp:47 -msgid "Go to previous keyframe" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/geometryval.cpp:83 src/effectstack/keyframeedit.cpp:49 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:423 -#: src/simplekeyframes/simplekeyframewidget.cpp:129 -msgid "Delete keyframe" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/geometryval.cpp:85 src/monitor/monitor.cpp:206 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Misc..." -msgstr "किरकोळ" - -#: src/effectstack/geometryval.cpp:89 -msgid "Show/Hide options" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/geometryval.cpp:97 -msgid "Sync timeline cursor" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/geometryval.cpp:116 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:343 -msgid "Align item horizontally" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/geometryval.cpp:118 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:345 -msgid "Align item vertically" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/geometryval.cpp:120 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:347 -msgid "Align item to top" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/geometryval.cpp:122 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:349 -msgid "Align item to bottom" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/geometryval.cpp:124 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:351 -msgid "Align item to right" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/geometryval.cpp:126 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:353 -msgid "Align item to left" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/parametercontainer.cpp:467 -msgid "" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/bezier/beziersplinewidget.cpp:67 -msgid "Handle 1:" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/bezier/beziersplinewidget.cpp:70 -msgid "Handle 2:" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/colorpickerwidget.cpp:71 -msgid "" -"Pick a color on the screen. By pressing the mouse button and then moving " -"your mouse you can select a section of the screen from which to get an " -"average color." -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/colorpickerwidget.cpp:101 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/colorpickerwidget.cpp:125 -msgid "Requesting color information..." -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/colorpickerwidget.cpp:134 -msgid "Calculated average color for rectangle." -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:95 -msgctxt "x axis position" -msgid "X" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:98 -msgctxt "y axis position" -msgid "Y" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:101 -msgctxt "Frame width" -msgid "W" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:104 -msgctxt "Frame height" -msgid "H" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:110 -msgid "Adjust to original size" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:112 -msgid "Fit to width" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:114 -msgid "Fit to height" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:117 -msgid "Import keyframes from clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:120 -msgid "Reset all keyframes" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:124 -msgid "Reset keyframes after cursor" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:127 -msgid "Reset keyframes before cursor" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:132 -msgid "Synchronize with timeline cursor" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:138 -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:244 -msgid "Align left" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:140 -msgid "Center horizontally" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:142 -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:243 -msgid "Align right" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:144 -msgid "Align top" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:146 -msgid "Center vertically" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:148 -msgid "Align bottom" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:153 src/ui/clipstabilize_ui.ui:30 -msgid "Options" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (suffix), widget (QSpinBox, spinResize) -#. i18n: ectx: property (suffix), widget (QSpinBox, kcfg_volume) -#. i18n: ectx: property (suffix), widget (QSpinBox, zoom_spin) -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:207 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:210 -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:125 src/ui/configsdl_ui.ui:89 -#: src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:226 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:611 -#, no-c-format -msgid "%" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/lumaliftgain.cpp:61 -msgid "Lift" -msgstr "" - -#: src/hidetitlebars.cpp:21 -msgid "Show Title Bars" -msgstr "" - -#: src/layoutmanagement.cpp:27 -msgid "Layouts" -msgstr "" - -#: src/layoutmanagement.cpp:28 -msgid "Load Layout" -msgstr "" - -#: src/layoutmanagement.cpp:30 -#, kde-format -msgid "Layout %1" -msgstr "" - -#: src/layoutmanagement.cpp:34 -#, kde-format -msgid "Save As Layout %1" -msgstr "" - -#: src/layoutmanagement.cpp:69 -#, kde-format -msgid "Save as %1" -msgstr "" - -#: src/layoutmanagement.cpp:101 -msgid "Save Layout" -msgstr "" - -#: src/layoutmanagement.cpp:101 -msgid "Layout name:" -msgstr "" - -#: src/lib/audio/audioCorrelation.cpp:43 -msgid "Audio analysis finished" -msgstr "" - -#: src/main.cpp:48 -msgid "Kdenlive" -msgstr "" - -#: src/main.cpp:49 -msgid "An open source video editor." -msgstr "" - -#: src/main.cpp:51 -msgid "Copyright © 2007–2015 Kdenlive authors" -msgstr "" - -#: src/main.cpp:52 -msgid "Please report bugs to http://bugs.kde.org" -msgstr "" - -#: src/main.cpp:54 -msgid "Jean-Baptiste Mardelle" -msgstr "" - -#: src/main.cpp:54 -msgid "MLT and KDE SC 4 / KF5 port, main developer and maintainer" -msgstr "" - -#: src/main.cpp:55 -msgid "Vincent Pinon" -msgstr "" - -#: src/main.cpp:55 -msgid "" -"Interim maintainer, KF5 port, bugs fixing, minor functions, profiles " -"updates, etc." -msgstr "" - -#: src/main.cpp:56 -msgid "Laurent Montel" -msgstr "Laurent Montel" - -#: src/main.cpp:56 -msgid "Bugs fixing, clean up code, optimization etc." -msgstr "" - -#: src/main.cpp:57 -msgid "Marco Gittler" -msgstr "" - -#: src/main.cpp:57 -msgid "MLT transitions and effects, timeline, audio thumbs" -msgstr "" - -#: src/main.cpp:58 -msgid "Dan Dennedy" -msgstr "" - -#: src/main.cpp:58 src/main.cpp:60 src/main.cpp:63 src/main.cpp:64 -msgid "Bug fixing, etc." -msgstr "" - -#: src/main.cpp:59 -msgid "Simon A. Eugster" -msgstr "" - -#: src/main.cpp:59 -msgid "Color scopes, bug fixing, etc." -msgstr "" - -#: src/main.cpp:60 -msgid "Till Theato" -msgstr "" - -#: src/main.cpp:61 -msgid "Alberto Villa" -msgstr "" - -#: src/main.cpp:61 -msgid "Bug fixing, logo, etc." -msgstr "" - -#: src/main.cpp:62 -msgid "Jean-Michel Poure" -msgstr "" - -#: src/main.cpp:62 -msgid "Rendering profiles customization" -msgstr "" - -#: src/main.cpp:63 -msgid "Ray Lehtiniemi" -msgstr "" - -#: src/main.cpp:64 -msgid "Steve Guilford" -msgstr "" - -#: src/main.cpp:65 -msgid "Jason Wood" -msgstr "" - -#: src/main.cpp:65 -msgid "Original KDE 3 version author (not active anymore)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/main.cpp:66 -msgid "NAME OF TRANSLATORS" -msgstr "" - -#: src/main.cpp:66 -msgid "EMAIL OF TRANSLATORS" -msgstr "" - -#: src/main.cpp:86 -msgid "Set the path for MLT environment" -msgstr "" - -#: src/main.cpp:87 -msgid "Comma separated list of clips to add" -msgstr "" - -#: src/main.cpp:88 -msgid "Document to open" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:148 -msgid "Theme" -msgstr "Tema" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:176 -msgid "Project Bin" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:210 -msgid "Selection Parameters" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:213 -msgid "Effect List" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:216 -msgid "Transition List" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:219 -msgid "Clip Monitor" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:220 -msgid "Project Monitor" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:222 -msgid "Record Monitor" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:227 -msgid "Clean" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:229 -msgid "Undo History" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:258 -msgid "Stop Motion" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, capture_button) -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:259 src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:105 -msgid "Capture frame" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:262 -msgid "Switch live / captured frame" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:265 -msgid "Show last frame over video" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:275 -msgid "Effects" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:278 -msgid "Add Transition" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:279 src/mainwindow.cpp:1268 -msgid "Transitions" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:308 src/mainwindow.cpp:318 src/mainwindow.cpp:319 -msgid "Favorite Effects" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:558 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"You have 1 rendering job waiting in the queue.\n" -"What do you want to do with this job?" -msgid_plural "" -"You have %1 rendering jobs waiting in the queue.\n" -"What do you want to do with these jobs?" -msgstr[0] "" -msgstr[1] "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:558 -msgid "Start them now" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:558 -msgid "Delete them" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:781 -msgid "Normal mode" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:782 -msgctxt "Normal editing" -msgid "n" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:787 -msgid "Overwrite mode" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:793 -msgid "Insert mode" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:812 -msgid "Selection tool" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:813 -msgctxt "Selection tool shortcut" -msgid "s" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:818 -msgid "Razor tool" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:819 -msgctxt "Razor tool shortcut" -msgid "x" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:824 -msgid "Spacer tool" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:825 -msgctxt "Spacer tool shortcut" -msgid "m" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:866 -msgid "Fit zoom to project" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:870 -msgid "Zoom Out" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:884 -msgid "Zoom In" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:912 -msgid "Split audio and video automatically" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, videothumbs) -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:918 src/ui/wizardextra_ui.ui:35 -msgid "Show video thumbnails" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, audiothumbs) -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:924 src/ui/wizardextra_ui.ui:42 -msgid "Show audio thumbnails" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:930 -msgid "Show markers comments" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:935 -msgid "Snap" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, tc_type) -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:969 src/project/clipproperties.cpp:372 -#: src/project/dialogs/slideshowclip.cpp:89 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:284 -msgid "hh:mm:ss:ff" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, tc_type) -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:970 src/project/clipproperties.cpp:373 -#: src/project/dialogs/slideshowclip.cpp:90 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:289 -msgid "Frames" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:999 -msgid "Manage Project Profiles" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1000 -msgid "Download New Wipes..." -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1001 -msgid "Download New Render Profiles..." -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1002 -msgid "Download New Project Profiles..." -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1003 -msgid "Download New Title Templates..." -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1005 -msgid "Run Config Wizard" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, ProjectSettings_UI) -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1006 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Project Settings" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1007 -msgid "Render" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1009 -msgid "Clean Project" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1013 -msgid "Play Zone" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1015 -msgid "Loop Zone" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1017 -msgid "Loop selected clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1021 -msgid "Transcode Clips" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1022 src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:55 -msgid "Archive Project" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1023 -msgid "Switch monitor" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1024 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6204 -msgid "Expand Clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1026 -msgid "Monitor Info Overlay" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1032 -msgid "Real Time (drop frames)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1037 -msgid "Monitor Gamma" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1038 -msgid "sRGB (computer)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1039 -msgid "Rec. 709 (TV)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1044 -msgid "Insert Zone in Project Bin" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1045 -msgid "Insert Zone in Timeline" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1047 -msgid "Resize Item Start" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1052 -msgid "Resize Item End" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1057 -msgid "Go to Previous Snap Point" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1059 -msgid "Go to Clip Start" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1060 -msgid "Go to Clip End" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1061 -msgid "Go to Next Snap Point" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1063 -msgid "Delete Selected Item" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1064 -msgid "Align Playhead to Mouse Position" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1066 -msgid "Automatic Transition" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1073 -msgid "Group Clips" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1075 -msgid "Ungroup Clips" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1080 -msgid "Edit Duration" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1081 src/mainwindow.cpp:3215 -msgid "Save clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1082 -msgid "Clip in Project Bin" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1083 -msgid "Insert Clip Zone in Timeline (Overwrite)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1084 -msgid "Select Clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1085 -msgid "Deselect Clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1086 -msgid "Add Clip To Selection" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1088 -msgid "Select Transition" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1090 -msgid "Deselect Transition" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1092 -msgid "Add Transition To Selection" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, CutJobDialog_UI) -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1094 src/ui/cutjobdialog_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Cut Clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1095 src/mainwindow.cpp:1831 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:728 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:803 -msgid "Add Marker" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1096 -msgid "Delete Marker" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1097 -msgid "Delete All Markers" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1099 src/mainwindow.cpp:1919 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:701 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:827 -msgid "Edit Marker" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1102 -msgid "Add Marker/Guide quickly" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1105 -msgid "Split Audio" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1109 -msgid "Set Audio Reference" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1113 -msgid "Align Audio to Reference" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1117 -msgid "Audio Only" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1122 -msgid "Video Only" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1127 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6841 -msgid "Audio and Video" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1139 -msgid "Insert Space" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1140 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:3376 -msgid "Remove Space" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1143 -msgid "Insert Track" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1147 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6393 -#: src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:94 -msgid "Delete Track" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, TracksConfigDialog_UI) -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1151 src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:250 -#: src/ui/tracksconfigdialog_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Configure Tracks" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1155 -msgid "Select All in Current Track" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1166 src/timeline/customruler.cpp:85 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5621 -msgid "Add Guide" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1167 src/timeline/customruler.cpp:89 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:232 -msgid "Delete Guide" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1168 src/timeline/customruler.cpp:87 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:236 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5655 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5669 -msgid "Edit Guide" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1169 src/timeline/customruler.cpp:91 -msgid "Delete All Guides" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1171 -msgid "Paste Effects" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1176 -msgid "Save Selection" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1204 -msgid "Add Clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1206 -msgid "Add Color Clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1209 src/project/dialogs/slideshowclip.cpp:41 -msgid "Add Slideshow Clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1212 -msgid "Add Title Clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1215 -msgid "Add Template Title" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1219 -msgid "Create Folder" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1220 -msgid "Online Resources" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, ClipProperties_UI) -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1222 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Clip Properties" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1226 -msgid "Edit Clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1234 -msgid "Reload Clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1238 -msgid "Disable Timeline Effects" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1243 -msgid "Duplicate Clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1255 -msgid "Ripple Delete" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1385 -msgid "" -"You have changed the proxy parameters. Do you want to recreate all proxy " -"clips for this project?" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1483 -msgid "This will remove all unused clips from your project." -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1483 -msgid "Clean up project" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1645 -msgctxt "general keyboard shortcuts" -msgid "General" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1825 src/mainwindow.cpp:1943 -msgid "Cannot find clip to add marker" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1857 src/mainwindow.cpp:1884 src/mainwindow.cpp:1907 -msgid "Cannot find clip to remove marker" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1864 src/mainwindow.cpp:1914 -msgid "No marker found at cursor time" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2192 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot find effect %1 / %2" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2250 -#, kde-format -msgid "Zoom Level: %1/13" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2376 -msgid "Ctrl + click to use spacer on current track only" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2379 -msgid "Click on a clip to cut it" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2382 -msgid "" -"Shift + click to create a selection rectangle, Ctrl + click to add an item " -"to selection" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2663 -msgid "Stabilize" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2674 -msgid "Automatic scene split" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2683 src/project/jobs/filterjob.cpp:83 -msgid "Reverse clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2689 -msgid "Analyse keyframes" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2742 -msgid "Transcoders" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2769 -msgid "Interface" -msgstr "Grensesnitt" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2804 -msgid "No clip to transcode" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2817 -msgid "Files to transcode" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2850 -msgid "Create Render Script" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2860 -msgid "Script file already exists. Do you want to overwrite it?" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2906 -msgctxt "the first in a list of chapters" -msgid "Start" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:3183 -msgid "Archiving project" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:3212 -msgid "Select a clip to save" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:3215 src/renderer.cpp:1374 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7699 -msgid "MLT playlist (*.mlt)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mltconnection.cpp:54 -msgid "Cannot find the melt program required for rendering (part of MLT)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mltconnection.cpp:86 -msgid "Cannot find your MLT profiles, please give the path" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:86 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:476 src/project/projectcommands.cpp:166 -msgid "Edit marker" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:87 -msgid "Export markers" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:88 -msgid "Import markers" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:114 -msgid "Analysis data" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:117 -msgid "Delete analysis" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:118 -msgid "Export analysis" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:119 -msgid "Import analysis" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, clip_transparency) -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:165 -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:842 -msgid "Transparent" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:180 -msgid "Aspect Ratio" -msgstr "Bredde/høyde-forhold" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_18) -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:235 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:617 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:622 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:679 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:440 -#: src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:86 -msgid "Frame rate" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_5) -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:259 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:633 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:686 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:105 -msgid "Scanning" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:281 -msgid "Field order" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:285 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:129 -msgid "Bottom first" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:286 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:130 -msgid "Top first" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:303 -msgid "Threads" -msgstr "Tråder" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, clip_force_vindex) -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:319 -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:693 -msgid "Video index" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, clip_force_aindex) -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:335 -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:720 -msgid "Audio index" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_12) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_32) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_15) -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:349 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:643 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:696 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:294 -#: src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:222 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:149 -msgid "Colorspace" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, clip_full_luma) -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:379 -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:772 -msgid "Full luma range" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, properties) -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:394 -#: src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:43 -msgid "Properties" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:398 -msgid "Force properties" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_5) -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_3) -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:400 -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:511 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:349 -msgid "Metadata" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:402 -msgid "Analysis" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:608 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:671 src/project/clipproperties.cpp:673 -msgid "Video codec" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:612 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:676 -msgid "Frame size" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:629 -msgid "Video bitrate" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:629 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:663 -msgctxt "seconds" -msgid "s" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_9) -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:640 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:690 src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:120 -msgid "Pixel aspect ratio" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:641 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:693 -msgid "Pixel format" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:650 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:243 -msgid "Audio codec" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:658 -msgid "Audio frequency" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:663 -msgid "Audio bitrate" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:759 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:787 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:812 -msgid "Exif" -msgstr "Exif" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:831 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:853 -msgid "Magic Lantern" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:892 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:858 -msgid "Save Analysis Data" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:892 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:903 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:858 src/project/clipproperties.cpp:869 -msgid "Text File (*.txt)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:903 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:869 -msgid "Open Analysis Data" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:182 -msgid "Play..." -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:184 src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:303 -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:310 src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:449 -msgid "Pause" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:209 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:211 -msgid "Go to marker..." -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:214 -msgid "Force Monitor Size" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:215 -msgid "Force 100%" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:217 -msgid "Force 50%" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:219 -msgid "Free Resize" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:232 -msgid "Audio volume" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:248 -msgid "Compare effect" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:277 src/monitor/monitoreditwidget.cpp:58 -msgid "Show/Hide edit mode" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:396 -msgid "Save zone" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:397 -msgid "Extract Zone" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:400 -msgid "Extract frame" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:404 -msgid "Split view" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:408 -msgid "Set current image as thumbnail" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:412 -msgid "Overlay audio waveform" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:449 -msgid "Your screen resolution is not sufficient for this action" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:843 -msgid "Save Image" -msgstr "Lagre bilde" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:885 -msgid "In Point" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:887 -msgid "Out Point" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:1496 -msgid "Select a clip in project bin to compare effect" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:1500 -msgid "Clip has no effects" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:1509 -msgid "" -"The scal0tilt filter is required for that feature, please install frei0r and " -"restart Kdenlive" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:1516 -msgid "" -"The cairoblend transition is required for that feature, please install " -"frei0r and restart Kdenlive" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitoreditwidget.cpp:64 -msgid "Update parameters while monitor scene changes" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitoreditwidget.cpp:68 -msgid "Fit zoom to monitor size" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitoreditwidget.cpp:70 -msgid "Original size" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:326 -msgid "Switch monitor fullscreen" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:331 src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:76 -msgid "Rewind" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:336 -msgid "Rewind 1 Frame" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:341 -msgid "Rewind 1 Second" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:346 src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:85 -msgid "Forward" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:351 -msgid "Go to Project Start" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:356 -msgid "Go to Project End" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:361 -msgid "Forward 1 Frame" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:366 -msgid "Forward 1 Second" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:371 -msgid "Deinterlacer" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:372 -msgid "One Field (fast)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:373 -msgid "Linear Blend (fast)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:374 -msgid "YADIF - temporal only (good)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:375 -msgid "YADIF - temporal + spacial (best)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:384 -msgid "Nearest Neighbor (fast)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:385 -msgid "Bilinear (good)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:386 -msgid "Bicubic (better)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:387 -msgid "Hyper/Lanczos (best)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:395 -msgid "Go to Zone Start" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:400 -msgid "Mute monitor" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:400 -msgid "Unmute monitor" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:406 -msgid "Go to Zone End" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:411 -msgid "Set Zone In" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:416 -msgid "Set Zone Out" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_preview) -#: src/monitor/recmanager.cpp:48 src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:147 -#: src/ui/freesound_ui.ui:144 src/utils/archiveorg.cpp:181 -#: src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:216 -msgid "Preview" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/recmanager.cpp:52 src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:88 -msgid "Record" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_video) -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, vbitrates) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, background_list) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_videothumbnails) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, video_thumbs) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, bitrateLabel) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, rec_video) -#: src/monitor/recmanager.cpp:56 src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:38 -#: src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:153 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:86 -#: src/ui/configtimeline_ui.ui:29 src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:207 -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:217 src/ui/recmonitor_ui.ui:100 -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:169 src/ui/saveprofile_ui.ui:20 -msgid "Video" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/recmanager.cpp:68 src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:135 -#, kde-format -msgid "Monitor %1" -msgstr "Skjerm %1" - -#: src/monitor/recmanager.cpp:80 -msgid "Webcam" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_3) -#: src/monitor/recmanager.cpp:81 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:427 -msgid "Screen Grab" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/recmanager.cpp:86 -msgid "Configure Recording" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/recmanager.cpp:89 -msgid "Show Record Control" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/recmanager.cpp:198 src/monitor/recmanager.cpp:279 -#: src/monitor/recmanager.cpp:284 src/monitor/recmanager.cpp:390 -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:879 src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:886 -msgid "Capture crashed, please check your parameters" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/recmanager.cpp:265 src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:753 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Failed to start the capture application:\n" -"%1" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:73 src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:862 -msgid "Connect" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:82 src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:218 -msgid "Stop" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:94 -msgid "Add Captured File to Project" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:102 -msgid "Recording Preview" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:110 src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:245 -msgid "Configure" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:202 -msgid "" -"You need to disconnect and reconnect in the capture monitor to apply your " -"changes" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:202 src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:203 -msgid "Capturing" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:203 -msgid "You need to stop capture before your changes can be applied" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:256 -msgid "" -"ffmpeg or avconv not found,\n" -" please install it for screen grabs" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:262 -msgid "" -"Your FFmpeg / Libav installation\n" -" does not support screen grab" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:265 src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:888 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Press record button\n" -"to start screen capture\n" -"Files will be saved in:\n" -"%1" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:283 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Plug your camcorder and\n" -"press play button\n" -"to start preview.\n" -"Files will be saved in:\n" -"%1" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:296 -msgid "" -"dvgrab utility not found,\n" -" please install it for firewire capture" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:320 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Plug your camcorder and\n" -"press connect button\n" -"to initialize connection\n" -"Files will be saved in:\n" -"%1" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:355 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Cannot read from device %1\n" -"Please check drivers and access rights." -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:358 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Press play or record button\n" -"to start video capture\n" -"Files will be saved in:\n" -"%1" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:370 -msgid "Disconnect" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:423 -msgid "Capture stopped" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:523 -msgid "" -"Failed to start Video4Linux,\n" -"check your parameters..." -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:539 src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:701 -msgid "" -"Failed to start Decklink,\n" -"check your parameters..." -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:677 -msgid "" -"Failed to start ffmpeg capture,\n" -"check your parameters..." -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:695 -#, kde-format -msgid "Capturing to %1" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:702 -msgid "Failed to start capture" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:766 -msgid "Initialising..." -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:782 -msgid "Show log" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, video_frame) -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:882 src/ui/recmonitor_ui.ui:35 -msgid "Not connected" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:971 -#, kde-format -msgid "Free space: %1" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:1014 -#, kde-format -msgid "%1 dropped frames" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/smallruler.cpp:201 src/timeline/customruler.cpp:233 -#: src/timeline/customruler.cpp:234 -#, kde-format -msgid "Zone start: %1" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/smallruler.cpp:205 src/timeline/customruler.cpp:237 -#: src/timeline/customruler.cpp:238 -#, kde-format -msgid "Zone end: %1" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/smallruler.cpp:236 src/timeline/customruler.cpp:241 -#: src/timeline/customruler.cpp:242 -#, kde-format -msgid "Zone duration: %1" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/smallruler.cpp:238 src/timeline/customruler.cpp:245 -#: src/timeline/customruler.cpp:246 -#, kde-format -msgid "Position: %1" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/clipmanager.cpp:227 -msgid "Delete subclip" -msgid_plural "Delete subclips" -msgstr[0] "" -msgstr[1] "" - -#: src/project/clipmanager.cpp:230 src/project/projectcommands.cpp:74 -msgid "Delete folder" -msgid_plural "Delete folders" -msgstr[0] "" -msgstr[1] "" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:200 -msgid "Libav" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_8) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, kcfg_defaultcapture) -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_2) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, device_selector) -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:204 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:42 -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:181 src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:105 -#: src/ui/recmonitor_ui.ui:139 -msgid "FFmpeg" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_11) -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:246 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:187 -#: src/utils/freesound.cpp:184 -msgid "Channels" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:263 -#, kde-format -msgid "Proxy clip: %1 (%2)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:265 -msgid "Delete proxy" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:292 -msgid "Playlist" -msgstr "Spilleliste" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:348 src/project/dialogs/slideshowclip.cpp:74 -msgid "Pan, low-pass" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:349 src/project/dialogs/slideshowclip.cpp:75 -msgid "Pan and zoom" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:350 src/project/dialogs/slideshowclip.cpp:76 -msgid "Pan and zoom, low-pass" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:352 src/project/dialogs/slideshowclip.cpp:78 -msgid "Zoom, low-pass" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:480 -msgid "Save markers" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:482 -msgid "Load markers" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:484 -msgid "Delete analysis data" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:486 -msgid "Load analysis data" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:488 -msgid "Save analysis data" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:527 src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:360 -#, kde-format -msgid "(%1 clip)" -msgid_plural "(%1 clips)" -msgstr[0] "" -msgstr[1] "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, slide_info) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_info) -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:1166 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:319 -#: src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:265 -msgid "No image found" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:1171 -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:573 -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:586 -#: src/project/dialogs/slideshowclip.cpp:247 -#, kde-format -msgid "1 image found" -msgid_plural "%1 images found" -msgstr[0] "" -msgstr[1] "" - -#: src/project/clippropertiesmanager.cpp:182 -msgid "Edit clips" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/clipstabilize.cpp:41 -msgid "Stabilize Clip" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, auto_add) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, add_clip) -#: src/project/clipstabilize.cpp:42 src/project/cliptranscode.cpp:47 -#: src/ui/clipstabilize_ui.ui:57 src/ui/cliptranscode_ui.ui:47 -#: src/ui/cutjobdialog_ui.ui:57 -msgid "Add clip to project" -msgid_plural "Add clips to project" -msgstr[0] "" -msgstr[1] "" - -#: src/project/clipstabilize.cpp:69 src/project/cliptranscode.cpp:63 -msgid "Destination folder" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/clipstabilize.cpp:159 -msgid "Stabilised" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/clipstabilize.cpp:173 -msgid "Stabilize clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/clipstabilize.cpp:232 -msgid "The stabilize job will overwrite the following files:" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/cliptranscode.cpp:43 -msgid "Transcode Clip" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, convert_abort) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_abort) -#: src/project/cliptranscode.cpp:168 src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:636 -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:884 src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:94 -#: src/ui/dvdwizardvob_ui.ui:160 -msgid "Abort" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, buttonClose) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, buttonClose2) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, buttonClose3) -#: src/project/cliptranscode.cpp:210 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:382 -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:657 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:805 -msgid "Close" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/cliptranscode.cpp:221 src/project/cliptranscode.cpp:239 -msgid "Transcoding finished." -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:63 -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:302 -msgid "Video clips" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:67 -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:305 -msgid "Audio clips" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:71 -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:308 src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:113 -msgid "Image clips" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:75 -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:311 -msgid "Slideshow clips" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:79 -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:314 -msgid "Text clips" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:83 -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:317 -msgid "Playlist clips" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:87 -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:320 -msgid "Other clips" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:91 -msgid "Luma files" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:167 -#, kde-format -msgid "You have %1 missing clip in your project." -msgid_plural "You have %1 missing clips in your project." -msgstr[0] "" -msgstr[1] "" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:192 -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:1017 -#, kde-format -msgid "(%1 item)" -msgid_plural "(%1 items)" -msgstr[0] "" -msgstr[1] "" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:197 -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:1019 -#, kde-format -msgid "%1 file to archive, requires %2" -msgid_plural "%1 files to archive, requires %2" -msgstr[0] "" -msgstr[1] "" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:198 -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:664 -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:854 -msgid "Archive" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:232 -msgid "Extract to" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:233 -msgid "Open Archived Project" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:235 -msgid "Extract" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:264 -msgid "Opening archive..." -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:267 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Cannot open archive file:\n" -" %1" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:284 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"File %1\n" -" is not an archived Kdenlive project" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:290 -msgid "Ready" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:310 -msgid "Archiving in progress, do you want to stop it?" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:310 -msgid "Stop Archiving" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:493 -#, kde-format -msgid "Available space on drive: %1" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:497 -#, kde-format -msgid "Not enough space on drive, free space: %1" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:518 -msgid "Archiving..." -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:546 -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:628 -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:881 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot create directory %1" -msgstr "Kan ikke opprette mappa %1" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:652 -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:847 -msgid "Project was successfully archived." -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:655 -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:851 -msgid "There was an error processing project file" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:661 -#, kde-format -msgid "There was an error while copying the files: %1" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:785 -msgid "Cannot create temporary file" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:883 -msgid "Extracting..." -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:947 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot open project file %1" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:947 -msgid "Cannot open file" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/dialogs/backupwidget.cpp:30 -msgid "Restore Backup File" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/dialogs/backupwidget.cpp:34 -msgid "Showing all backup files in folder" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/dialogs/backupwidget.cpp:37 -#, kde-format -msgid "Showing backup files for %1" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/dialogs/noteswidget.cpp:40 -msgid "Insert current timecode" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:120 -msgid "Current Settings" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:139 -msgid "Title" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:146 src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:159 -msgid "Author" -msgstr "Forfatter" - -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:153 -msgid "Artist" -msgstr "Artist" - -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:159 -msgid "Copyright" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:259 -msgid "Deleting proxy clips will disable proxies for this project." -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:410 -msgid "" -"Changing the profile of your project cannot be undone.\n" -"It is recommended to save your project before attempting this operation that " -"might cause some corruption in transitions.\n" -" Are you sure you want to proceed?" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:410 -msgid "Confirm profile change" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:425 -#, kde-format -msgid "Interlaced (%1 fields per second)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:596 -#, kde-format -msgid "Project folder: %1" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:597 -#, kde-format -msgid "Project profile: %1" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:598 -#, kde-format -msgid "Total clips: %1 (%2 used in timeline)." -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:650 -msgid "field_name" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, SlideshowClip_UI) -#: src/project/dialogs/slideshowclip.cpp:47 src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Slideshow Clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:46 -msgid "Transcode clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:49 -msgid "Cut clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:53 -msgid "Analyse clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:125 -msgid "Failed to create file." -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:140 -msgid "Cannot process this clip type." -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:202 -msgid "Transcoding clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:203 -msgid "Extracting clip cut" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:204 -msgid "Analysing clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:207 -msgid "Waiting - transcode clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:208 -msgid "Waiting - cut clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:209 -msgid "Waiting - analyse clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:278 -#, kde-format -msgid "Extracting %1 out of %2" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:292 -msgid "You cannot overwrite original clip." -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:293 -#, kde-format -msgid "Overwrite file %1" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:338 -msgid "The transcoding job will overwrite the following files:" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:344 -msgid "Transcoding" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:432 -msgid "I-Frame " -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:433 -#, c-format -msgid "Found %count I-Frames" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/jobs/filterjob.cpp:133 -#, kde-format -msgid "Found %1 scenes." -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/jobs/filterjob.cpp:146 -msgid "Scene " -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/jobs/filterjob.cpp:174 -msgid "Auto split" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/jobs/jobmanager.cpp:178 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot write to path: %1" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/jobs/jobmanager.cpp:225 -#, kde-format -msgid "Filter %1" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/jobs/jobmanager.cpp:234 -msgid "No valid clip to process" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/jobs/meltjob.cpp:53 -msgid "Processing clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/jobs/meltjob.cpp:63 -msgid "No producer for this clip." -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/jobs/meltjob.cpp:86 -#, kde-format -msgid "Clip zone undefined (%1 - %2)." -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/jobs/meltjob.cpp:157 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot create consumer %1." -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/jobs/meltjob.cpp:179 -#, kde-format -msgid "Filter %1 crashed" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/jobs/meltjob.cpp:248 -msgid "Waiting to process clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/jobs/proxyclipjob.cpp:38 -msgid "proxy" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/jobs/proxyclipjob.cpp:90 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot load image %1." -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/jobs/proxyclipjob.cpp:170 -msgid "Failed to create proxy clip." -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/jobs/proxyclipjob.cpp:245 -msgid "Creating proxy" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/jobs/proxyclipjob.cpp:248 -msgid "Waiting - proxy" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/jobs/proxyclipjob.cpp:283 src/project/projectlist.cpp:2073 -msgid "Failed to create proxy, empty path." -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/notesplugin.cpp:27 -msgid "Enter your project notes here ..." -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/notesplugin.cpp:28 -msgid "Project Notes" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/projectcommands.cpp:38 -msgid "Add clip cut" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/projectcommands.cpp:72 -msgid "Add folder" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/projectcommands.cpp:107 -msgid "Edit clip cut" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/projectcommands.cpp:136 -msgid "Rename folder" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/projectitem.cpp:92 src/project/projectitem.cpp:221 -msgid "Contains proxies" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/projectitem.cpp:186 -msgid "Missing" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:446 -msgid "No available clip selected" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:982 -msgid "Delete Clip Zone" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:995 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Delete folder %2?
This will also remove the clip in that folder" -msgid_plural "" -"Delete folder %2?
This will also remove the %1 clips in that " -"folder" -msgstr[0] "" -msgstr[1] "" - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:1004 -#, kde-format -msgid "Delete clip %2?
This will also remove the clip in timeline" -msgid_plural "" -"Delete clip %2?
This will also remove its %1 clips in timeline" -msgstr[0] "" -msgstr[1] "" - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:1430 -msgid "Clip is missing or invalid. Remove it from project?" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:1455 -msgid "Proxy clip unusable (duration is different from original)." -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:1457 -#, kde-format -msgid "Failed to create proxy for %1. check parameters" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:1752 -msgid "Cannot find profile from current clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:1769 -msgid "Change project profile" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:1773 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Your clip does not match current project's profile.\n" -"Do you want to change the project profile?\n" -"\n" -"The following profiles match the clip (size: %1, fps: %2)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:1791 -msgid "Update profile" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:1806 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Your clip does not match current project's profile.\n" -"No existing profile found to match the clip's properties.\n" -"Clip size: %1\n" -"Fps: %2\n" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:2042 -msgid "Sequence not found" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:2212 -msgid "Update proxy settings" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:2374 -msgid "Remove Proxy" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/projectlistview.cpp:59 -msgid "Rating" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/projectlistview.cpp:105 -msgctxt "@title:menu" -msgid "Columns" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:61 -msgid "Open Backup File" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:202 -msgid "Save changes to document?" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:204 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"The project \"%1\" has been changed.\n" -"Do you want to save your changes?" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:376 -msgid "Auto-saved files exist. Do you want to recover them now?" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:377 -msgid "File Recovery" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:378 -msgid "Don't recover" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:433 -#, kde-format -msgid "Opening file %1" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:453 -msgid "Loading project" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:455 -msgid "Loading playlist" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:475 src/project/projectmanager.cpp:480 -msgid "Loading clips" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:503 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Cannot open file %1.\n" -"Project is corrupted." -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:523 -msgid "" -"This will delete all changes made since you last saved your project. Are you " -"sure you want to continue?" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:523 -msgid "Revert to last saved version" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:533 -msgid "Kdenlive project (*.kdenlive)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:534 -msgid "Archived project (*.tar.gz)" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, scanning_list) -#: src/project/transitionsettings.cpp:151 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:126 -msgid "Auto" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/transitionsettings.cpp:162 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:54 -msgid "Black" -msgstr "" - -#: src/renderer.cpp:1169 -msgid "" -"Could not create the video preview window.\n" -"There is something wrong with your Kdenlive install or your driver settings, " -"please fix it." -msgstr "" - -#: src/renderer.cpp:1374 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7699 -msgid "Save Zone" -msgstr "" - -#: src/renderer.cpp:3257 -msgid "Import selected clips" -msgstr "" - -#: src/renderer.cpp:3259 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Additional streams for clip\n" -" %1" -msgstr "" - -#: src/renderer.cpp:3268 -#, kde-format -msgid "Video stream %1" -msgstr "" - -#: src/renderer.cpp:3283 -#, kde-format -msgid "Audio stream %1" -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/abstractscopewidget.cpp:84 -msgid "Auto Refresh" -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/abstractscopewidget.cpp:86 -msgid "Realtime (with precision loss)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:67 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:52 -msgid "Reset maximum frequency to sampling rate" -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:68 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:55 -msgid "Track mouse" -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:70 -msgid "Show maximum" -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:86 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:74 -msgid "Rectangular window" -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:87 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:75 -msgid "Triangular window" -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:88 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:76 -msgid "Hamming window" -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:97 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:79 -msgid "The maximum window size is limited by the number of samples per frame." -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:98 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:80 -msgid "" -"A bigger window improves the accuracy at the cost of computational power." -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:99 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:81 -msgid "" -"The rectangular window function is good for signals with equal signal " -"strength (narrow peak), but creates more smearing. See Window function on " -"Wikipedia." -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:389 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:392 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:394 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:485 -#, kde-format -msgid "%1 dB" -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:412 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:487 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:280 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:289 -#, kde-format -msgid "%1 kHz" -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:53 -msgid "Draw grid" -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:57 -msgid "Highlight peaks" -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:234 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Frame\n" -"%1" -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:305 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:306 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"%1\n" -"dB" -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:31 -msgid "YUV UV plane" -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:32 -msgid "YUV Y plane" -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:33 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:55 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:61 -msgid "Modified YUV (Chroma)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:34 -msgid "YCbCr CbCr plane" -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:35 -msgid "RGB plane, one component varying" -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:36 -msgid "HSV Hue Shift" -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:37 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:254 -msgid "HSV Saturation" -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:118 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:250 -#, kde-format -msgid "%1°" -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:125 -#, kde-format -msgid "%1 px" -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:218 -msgid "Y value" -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:219 -msgid "The Y value describes the brightness of the colors." -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:231 -msgid "UV angle" -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:232 -msgid "Angle through the UV plane, with all possible Y values." -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:240 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:268 -msgid "Red" -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:241 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:269 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:53 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/waveform.cpp:34 -msgid "Green" -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:242 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:270 -msgid "Blue" -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:243 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:271 -msgid "Luma" -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:255 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:262 -msgid "HSV Value" -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/histogram.cpp:26 -msgid "Unscaled" -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/histogram.cpp:29 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/waveform.cpp:37 -msgid "Rec. 601" -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/histogram.cpp:31 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/waveform.cpp:39 -msgid "Rec. 709" -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/histogram.cpp:39 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/waveform.cpp:44 -msgid "Luma mode" -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/histogramgenerator.cpp:178 -msgid "min" -msgstr "min" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/histogramgenerator.cpp:181 -msgid "max" -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/rgbparade.cpp:27 -msgid "RGB" -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/rgbparade.cpp:28 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/waveform.cpp:33 -msgid "White" -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/rgbparade.cpp:32 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:89 -msgid "Draw axis" -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/rgbparade.cpp:37 -msgid "Gradient reference line" -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/rgbparadegenerator.cpp:167 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/rgbparadegenerator.cpp:169 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/rgbparadegenerator.cpp:171 -msgid "min: " -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/rgbparadegenerator.cpp:175 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/rgbparadegenerator.cpp:177 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/rgbparadegenerator.cpp:179 -msgid "max: " -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:52 -msgid "Green 2" -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:56 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:60 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:102 -msgid "YUV" -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:57 -msgid "Original Color" -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:62 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:100 -msgid "YPbPr" -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:76 -msgid "Tools" -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:78 -msgid "Export background" -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:82 -msgid "Drawing options" -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:84 -msgid "75% box" -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:94 -msgid "Draw I/Q lines" -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:99 -msgid "Color Space" -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:247 -#, kde-format -msgid "%1 \\%" -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/waveform.cpp:32 -msgid "Yellow" -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/scopemanager.cpp:307 -msgid "Waveform" -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/scopemanager.cpp:309 -msgid "Histogram" -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/scopemanager.cpp:311 -msgid "Audio Signal" -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/scopemanager.cpp:312 -msgid "AudioSpectrum" -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/scopemanager.cpp:313 -msgid "Spectrogram" -msgstr "" - -#: src/statusbarmessagelabel.cpp:51 -msgctxt "@action:button" -msgid "Confirm" -msgstr "" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:162 -msgid "Send frames to color scopes" -msgstr "" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:167 -msgid "Mirror display" -msgstr "" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:174 -msgid "Stop Motion Capture" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, capture_interval) -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:187 src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:115 -msgid "Interval capture" -msgstr "" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:205 -msgid "Overlay effect" -msgstr "" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:207 -msgid "No Effect" -msgstr "" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:211 -msgid "Edge detect" -msgstr "" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:213 -msgid "Brighten" -msgstr "" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:236 -msgid "Show sequence thumbnails" -msgstr "" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:241 -msgid "Delete current frame" -msgstr "" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:369 -msgid "Configure Stop Motion" -msgstr "" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:371 src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:372 -msgid " second" -msgid_plural " seconds" -msgstr[0] "" -msgstr[1] "" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:520 -msgid "Stopped" -msgstr "" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:560 -msgid "No previous frame found" -msgstr "" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:632 -msgid "Create New Sequence" -msgstr "" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:632 -msgid "Enter sequence name" -msgstr "" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:653 -msgid "Frame Captured" -msgstr "" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:667 -msgid "Going to Capture Frame" -msgstr "" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:822 -#, kde-format -msgid "Delete frame %1 from disk?" -msgstr "" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:822 -msgid "Delete Frame" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timecode.cpp:261 -msgid "hour" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timecode.cpp:269 -msgid "min." -msgstr "" - -#: src/timecode.cpp:277 -msgid "sec." -msgstr "" - -#: src/timecode.cpp:282 -msgid "frames" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/abstractclipitem.cpp:379 -msgid "seconds" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:577 -msgid "Crop from start:" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, clip_filesize_2) -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:577 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:591 -#: src/ui/spacerdialog_ui.ui:30 -msgid "Duration:" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:577 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:591 -msgid "Offset:" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:685 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:804 -msgid ":" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:686 -msgid " Position:" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:687 -msgid " Duration:" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:691 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:697 -msgid " Selection duration:" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:693 -msgid " Group duration:" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:704 -msgid "Crop from start: " -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:706 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:712 -msgid "" -"Use Ctrl to resize only current item, otherwise all items in this group will " -"be resized at once." -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:710 -msgid "Duration: " -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:716 -msgid "Fade in duration: " -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:719 -msgid "Fade out duration: " -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:722 -msgid "Drag to add or resize a fade effect." -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:726 -msgid "Click to add a transition." -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:729 -msgid "" -"Move keyframe above or below clip to remove it, double click to add a new " -"one." -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:781 -msgid "Cannot use spacer in a locked track" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:789 -msgid "Cannot use spacer in a track with a group" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1071 -msgid "Cannot cut a transition" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1275 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1310 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2616 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2642 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2668 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2691 -msgid "Cannot add transition" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1530 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1538 -msgid "Cannot find clip to edit" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1532 -msgid "Cannot edit the duration of multiple items" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1543 -msgid "Cannot edit an item in a group" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1608 -msgid "Item is locked" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1690 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2848 -msgid "Cannot insert clip in timeline" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1696 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2814 -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:75 -msgid "Add timeline clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1730 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1792 -msgid "Clip not ready" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1913 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1976 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1993 -msgid "Problem deleting effect" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1920 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1945 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1960 -msgid "Problem adding effect to clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1929 -msgid "Cannot add speed effect to track" -msgstr "Hastighetseffektene kan ikke brukes på dette sporet" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1965 -msgid "Cannot find clip to add effect" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2011 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2103 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2206 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7347 -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:42 src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:282 -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:374 -msgid "effect" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2012 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2105 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7349 src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:44 -#, kde-format -msgid "Add %1" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2114 -msgid "Select a clip if you want to apply an effect" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2162 -msgid "Cannot add an audio effect to this clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2171 -msgid "Cannot add a video effect to this clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2176 -msgid "Effect already present in clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2207 src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:46 -#, kde-format -msgid "Delete %1" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2243 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2258 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2319 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2329 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2350 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5327 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5347 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5372 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5392 -msgid "Problem editing effect" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2321 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2352 -msgid "Cannot find clip to update effect" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2377 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2398 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2411 -msgid "Cannot move effect" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2475 -msgid "Cannot find clip to cut" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2548 -msgid "Cannot find clip to uncut" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2552 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4026 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4295 -#, kde-format -msgid "Error removing clip at %1 on track %2" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2577 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5172 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5265 -msgid "Error when resizing clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2676 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6044 -msgid "Invalid transition" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2700 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4338 -msgid "Select clip to delete" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2716 -msgid "Cannot update transition" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:3392 -msgid "Cannot remove space in a locked track" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:3398 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:3403 -#, kde-format -msgid "You must be in an empty space to remove space (time: %1, track: %2)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:3414 -msgid "Cannot remove space in a track with a group" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:3493 -msgid "Cannot insert space in a locked track" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:3506 -msgid "Cannot insert space in a track with a group" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:3562 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot move clip at position %1, track %2" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:3575 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot move transition at position %1, track %2" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:3850 src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:484 -msgid "Move clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:3970 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4881 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot move clip to position %1" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:3977 -msgid "Cannot move transition" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:3981 src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:579 -msgid "Move transition" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4008 src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:556 -msgid "Move group" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4139 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4166 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6226 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6258 -msgid "Resize group" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4391 -msgid "Delete selected group" -msgid_plural "Delete selected groups" -msgstr[0] "" -msgstr[1] "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4393 -msgid "Delete selected clip" -msgid_plural "Delete selected clips" -msgstr[0] "" -msgstr[1] "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4395 -msgid "Delete selected transition" -msgid_plural "Delete selected transitions" -msgstr[0] "" -msgstr[1] "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4396 -msgid "Delete selected items" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4408 -msgid "Cannot find clip for speed change" -msgstr "Kan ikke finne klipp for hastighetsendring" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4466 -msgid "Cut Group" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4548 src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:411 -msgid "Group clips" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4647 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4663 -msgid "Cannot insert clip..." -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4652 -msgid "Waiting for clip..." -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4842 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5071 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot move clip at time: %1 on track %2" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5021 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot move transition at time: %1 on track %2" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5115 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5206 -msgid "Not possible to resize" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5127 -msgid "Resize clip start" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5181 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5275 -msgid "Cannot resize transition" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5226 -msgid "Resize clip end" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5268 -msgid "Resize transition end" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5582 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5650 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5691 -msgid "No guide at cursor time" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5602 -#, kde-format -msgid "A guide already exists at position %1" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5618 -msgid "Guide" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5908 -msgid "Select a clip before copying" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5979 -msgid "No clip copied" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6015 -msgid "Cannot paste selected clips" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6032 -msgid "Cannot paste clip to selected place" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6046 -msgid "Cannot paste transition to selected place" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6057 -msgid "You must copy exactly one clip before pasting effects" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6193 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6217 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6250 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6850 -msgid "You must select one clip for this action" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6199 -msgid "You must select a playlist clip for this action" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6357 src/ui/addtrack_ui.ui:67 -msgid "Insert track" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6358 -#, kde-format -msgid "Video %1" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6359 -msgid "Insert New Track" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6389 src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:108 -msgid "Delete track" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6504 -msgid "You must select one transition for this action" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6588 -msgid "You must select at least one clip for this action" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6593 src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:718 -msgid "Split audio" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6599 -msgid "Cannot split audio of grouped clips" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6613 -msgid "No clip to split" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6622 -msgid "You must select exactly one clip for the audio reference." -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6643 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6692 -msgid "Processing audio, please wait." -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6647 -msgid "Reference for audio alignment must contain audio data." -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6663 -msgid "Audio alignment reference not yet set." -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6700 -msgid "Cannot find clip to align." -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6715 -msgid "Unable to move clip out of timeline." -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6730 -msgid "Unable to move clip due to collision." -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6733 -msgid "Clip aligned." -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6734 -msgid "Auto-align clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6766 -msgid "No empty space to put clip audio" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6778 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6815 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6891 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot update clip (time: %1, track: %2)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6843 -msgid "Video only" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6860 -msgid "Cannot change grouped clips" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6879 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot find clip to edit (time: %1, track: %2)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7192 -msgid "error" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7192 -msgid "TRACTOR" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7205 -msgid "Insert clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7355 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7363 -msgid "Effect already present in track" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7475 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot find clip for effect update %1." -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7502 -msgid "You need to select one clip and one transition" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7520 -msgid "No clip found" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7528 -msgid "No keyframe data found in clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7839 src/timeline/timeline.cpp:946 -#, kde-format -msgid "Effect %1:%2 not found in MLT, it was removed from this project\n" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/headertrack.cpp:66 src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:461 -msgid "Lock track" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/headertrack.cpp:66 src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:463 -msgid "Unlock track" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/headertrack.cpp:72 -msgid "Disable audio" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/headertrack.cpp:72 -msgid "Enable audio" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/headertrack.cpp:82 -msgid "Disable video" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/headertrack.cpp:82 -msgid "Enable video" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/headertrack.cpp:89 -msgid "Opaque" -msgstr "Ugjennomsiktig" - -#: src/timeline/spacerdialog.cpp:52 -msgid "All tracks" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/timeline.cpp:89 -msgid "Smaller tracks" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/timeline.cpp:96 -msgid "Bigger tracks" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/timeline.cpp:360 src/timeline/timeline.cpp:364 -#, kde-format -msgid "Transition %1 had an invalid track: %2 > %3" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/timeline.cpp:373 -#, kde-format -msgid "Removed invalid transition: %1" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/timeline.cpp:470 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Your project file was upgraded to the latest Kdenlive document version.\n" -"To make sure you don't lose data, a backup copy called %1 was created." -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/timeline.cpp:472 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Your project file was modified by Kdenlive.\n" -"To make sure you don't lose data, a backup copy called %1 was created." -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/timeline.cpp:478 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Your project file was upgraded to the latest Kdenlive document version, but " -"it was not possible to create the backup copy %1." -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/timeline.cpp:868 -#, kde-format -msgid "Invalid clip removed from track %1 at %2\n" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:76 -msgid "Delete timeline clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:106 -msgid "Add track" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:137 -msgid "Delete transition from clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:139 -msgid "Add transition to clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:175 -msgid "Change clip type" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:199 -msgid "Disable effect" -msgid_plural "Disable effects" -msgstr[0] "" -msgstr[1] "" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:201 -msgid "Enable effect" -msgid_plural "Enable effects" -msgstr[0] "" -msgstr[1] "" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:228 -msgid "Adjust clip length" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:283 -#, kde-format -msgid "Edit effect %1" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:337 -msgid "Add guide" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:341 -msgid "Edit guide" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:343 -msgid "Delete guide" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:345 -msgid "Move guide" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:375 -#, kde-format -msgid "Edit transition %1" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:413 -msgid "Ungroup clips" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:436 -msgid "Insert space" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:438 -msgid "Remove space" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:523 -msgid "Move effect" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:607 -msgid "Razor clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:653 -msgid "Rebuild Group" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:695 -msgid "Resize clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/timelinesearch.cpp:27 -msgid "Find" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/timelinesearch.cpp:29 -msgid "Find Next" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/timelinesearch.cpp:38 -msgid "Starting -- find text as you type" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/timelinesearch.cpp:46 -msgid "Find stopped" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/timelinesearch.cpp:56 src/timeline/timelinesearch.cpp:67 -#, kde-format -msgid "Found: %1" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/timelinesearch.cpp:58 -msgid "Reached end of project" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/timelinesearch.cpp:70 -#, kde-format -msgid "Not found: %1" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:74 -msgid "Hidden" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:74 -msgid "Muted" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:74 -msgid "Locked" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:90 -msgid "Add Track" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:98 -msgid "Move Track upwards" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:102 -msgid "Move Track downwards" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/titledocument.cpp:331 -msgid "This title clip was created with a different frame size." -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/titledocument.cpp:331 -msgid "Title Profile" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/titledocument.cpp:380 -msgid "" -"Some of your text clips were saved with size in points, which means " -"different sizes on different displays. They will be converted to pixel size, " -"making them portable, but you could have to adjust their size." -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/titledocument.cpp:380 -msgid "Text Clips Updated" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:93 -msgid "Outline width" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:99 -msgid "Background color opacity" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:105 -msgid "Rotation around the X axis" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:111 -msgid "Rotation around the Y axis" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:117 -msgid "Rotation around the Z axis" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:123 -msgid "Border width" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:156 -msgid "Typewriter" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:215 -msgctxt "Font style" -msgid "Light" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:216 -msgctxt "Font style" -msgid "Normal" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:217 -msgctxt "Font style" -msgid "Demi-Bold" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:218 -msgctxt "Font style" -msgid "Bold" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:219 -msgctxt "Font style" -msgid "Black" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:220 -msgid "Font weight" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:242 -msgid "No alignment" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:245 -msgid "Align center" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:249 -msgid "Insert Unicode character" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:255 -msgid "Raise object" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:261 -msgid "Lower object" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:269 -msgid "Raise object to top" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:276 -msgid "Lower object to bottom" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:320 -msgid "Invert x axis and change 0 point" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:321 -msgid "Invert y axis and change 0 point" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:322 -msgid "Select fill color" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:323 -msgid "Select border color" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:325 -msgid "Original size (1:1)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:326 -msgid "Fit zoom" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:327 -msgid "Select background color" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:328 -msgid "Background opacity" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:329 -msgid "Select all" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:330 -msgid "Select text items in current selection" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:331 -msgid "Select rect items in current selection" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:332 -msgid "Select image items in current selection" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:333 -msgid "Unselect all" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:362 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:365 -msgid "Selection Tool" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:368 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:371 -msgid "Add Text" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:374 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:377 -msgid "Add Rectangle" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:380 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:383 -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:670 -msgid "Add Image" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:388 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:391 -msgid "Open Document" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:394 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:397 -msgid "Save As" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:566 -msgid "" -"Do you really want to load a new template? Changes in this title will be " -"lost!" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:658 -msgid "All Images" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:660 -#, kde-format -msgid "%1 Image" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:1346 -msgid "\\u2212X" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, origin_x_left) -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:1348 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:63 -msgid "+X" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:1371 -msgid "\\u2212Y" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, origin_y_top) -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:1373 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:86 -msgid "+Y" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:1713 -msgid "Load Title" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:1713 -msgid "Kdenlive title (*.kdenlivetitle)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:1761 -msgid "" -"Do you want to embed Images into this TitleDocument?\n" -"This is most needed for sharing Titles." -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:2039 -msgctxt "Indicates the start of an animation" -msgid "Start" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:2040 -msgctxt "Indicates the end of an animation" -msgid "End" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:30 -msgid "Details" -msgstr "Detaljer" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:85 -msgid "" -"Information about unicode characters: http://decodeunicode.org" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:86 -msgid "Previous Unicode character (Arrow Up)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:87 -msgid "Next Unicode character (Arrow Down)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:88 -msgid "Enter your Unicode number here. Allowed characters: [0-9] and [a-f]." -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:148 -msgid "(no character selected)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:154 -msgid "" -"Control character. Cannot be inserted/printed. See Wikipedia:Control_character" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:156 -msgid "Line Feed (newline character, \\\\n)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:158 -msgid "" -"Standard space character. (Other space characters: U+00a0, U" -"+2000–200b, U+202f)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:160 -msgid "No-break space. &nbsp; in HTML. See U+2009 and U+0020." -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:162 -msgid "" -"

« (u+00ab, &lfquo; in HTML) and " -"» (u+00bb, &rfquo; in HTML) are " -"called Guillemets or angle quotes. Usage in different countries: France " -"(with non-breaking Space 0x00a0), Switzerland, Germany, Finland and Sweden.

and (U+2039/203a, " -"&lsaquo;/&rsaquo;) are their single quote equivalents.

See Wikipedia:" -"Guillemets

" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:164 -msgid "En Space (width of an n)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:166 -msgid "Em Space (width of an m)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:168 -msgid "Three-Per-Em Space. Width: 1/3 of one em" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:170 -msgid "Four-Per-Em Space. Width: 1/4 of one em" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:172 -msgid "Six-Per-Em Space. Width: 1/6 of one em" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:174 -msgid "" -"Figure space (non-breaking). Width of a digit if digits have fixed width in " -"this font." -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:176 -msgid "" -"Punctuation Space. Width the same as between a punctuation character and the " -"next character." -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:178 -msgid "" -"Thin space, in HTML also &thinsp;. See U+202f and Wikipedia:Space_(punctuation)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:180 -msgid "Hair Space. Thinner than U+2009." -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:182 -msgid "" -"Punctuation Apostrophe. Should be used instead of U+0027. See Wikipedia:Apostrophe" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:184 -msgid "" -"

An en Dash (dash of the width of an n).

Usage examples: In English " -"language for value ranges (1878–1903), for relationships/connections " -"(Zurich–Dublin). In the German language it is also used (with " -"spaces!) for showing thoughts: “Es war – wie immer in den " -"Ferien – ein regnerischer Tag.

See Wikipedia:Dash

" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:186 -msgid "" -"

An em Dash (dash of the width of an m).

Usage examples: In English " -"language to mark—like here—thoughts. Traditionally without " -"spaces.

See Wikipedia:" -"Dash

" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:188 -msgid "" -"

Narrow no-break space. Has the same width as U+2009.

Usage: For " -"units (spaces are marked with U+2423, ␣): 230␣V, " -"−21␣°C, 50␣lb, but 90° (no space). In " -"German for abbreviations (like: i. d. R. instead of i. d." -" R. with U+00a0).

See Wikipedia:de:Schmales_Leerzeichen

" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:190 -msgid "" -"Ellipsis: If text has been left o… See Wikipedia:Ellipsis" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:192 -msgid "Minus sign. For numbers: −42" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:194 -msgid "Open box; stands for a space." -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:196 -msgid "" -"Quarter note (Am.) or crochet (Brit.). See Wikipedia:Quarter_note" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:198 -msgid "" -"Eighth note (Am.) or quaver (Brit.). Half as long as a quarter note (U" -"+2669). See Wikipedia:" -"Eighth_note" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:200 -msgid "" -"Sixteenth note (Am.) or semiquaver (Brit.). Half as long as an eighth note (U" -"+266a). See Wikipedia:Sixteenth_note" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:202 -msgid "" -"Thirty-second note (Am.) or demisemiquaver (Brit.). Half as long as a " -"sixteenth note (U+266b). See Wikipedia:Thirty-second_note" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:204 -msgid "No additional information available for this character." -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, before_select) -#: src/ui/addtrack_ui.ui:34 -msgid "Above" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, before_select) -#: src/ui/addtrack_ui.ui:39 -msgid "Under" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, video_track) -#: src/ui/addtrack_ui.ui:57 -msgid "Video &track" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, audio_track) -#: src/ui/addtrack_ui.ui:74 -msgid "A&udio track" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, name_label) -#: src/ui/addtrack_ui.ui:81 -msgid "Track name" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/archivewidget_ui.ui:29 -msgid "Archive folder" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, compressed_archive) -#: src/ui/archivewidget_ui.ui:46 -msgid "Compressed archive" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, proxy_only) -#: src/ui/archivewidget_ui.ui:53 -msgid "Archive only proxy clips when available" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, labelFFTSize) -#: src/ui/audiospectrum_ui.ui:52 -msgid "True FFT size: " -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, buttonLinkHandles) -#: src/ui/bezierspline_ui.ui:89 -msgid "Link the handles' position.
Results in a natural spline." -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, marker_save) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, marker_load) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, analysis_delete) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, analysis_save) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, analysis_load) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, arrowUp) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, arrowDown) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, config_button) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonleft) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonhcenter) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonright) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttontop) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonvcenter) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonbottom) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonDirectUpdate) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonZoomOriginal) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonZoomFit) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonAddDelete) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonPrevious) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonNext) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, toolBtnReload) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonUp) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonDown) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonAdd) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonDelete) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonReset) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, zoom_button) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, unzoom_button) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonResetKeyframe) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonSeek) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, reload_blackmagic) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonLinkHandles) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonShowPixmap) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonZoomIn) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonZoomOut) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonGridChange) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonResetSpline) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonShowAllHandles) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, v4l_showprofileinfo) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, v4l_manageprofile) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, grab_manageprofile) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, grab_showprofileinfo) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, decklink_manageprofile) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, decklink_showprofileinfo) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, button_up) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, button_down) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, button_transcode) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, proxy_showprofileinfo) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, add_metadata) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, delete_metadata) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, effectsAll) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, effectsVideo) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, effectsAudio) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, effectsGPU) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, effectsCustom) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, proxy_manageprofile) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, button_add) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, button_edit) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, button_delete) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, button_download) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, button_more) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonLeftRight) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonUpDown) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonShowInTimeline) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonNewPoints) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonHelp) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonFavorite) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, rescale_keep) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, hide_log) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, collapseButton) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, enabledButton) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, menuButton) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonDel) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, rec_options) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonItalic) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonUnder) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonAlignNone) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonAlignLeft) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonInsertUnicode) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonAlignCenter) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonAlignRight) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, itemleft) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, itemhcenter) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, itemright) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, itemtop) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, itemvcenter) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, itembottom) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, live_button) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, capture_button) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, capture_interval) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, overlay_button) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, preview_button) -#: src/ui/bezierspline_ui.ui:92 src/ui/bezierspline_ui.ui:130 -#: src/ui/bezierspline_ui.ui:146 src/ui/bezierspline_ui.ui:156 -#: src/ui/bezierspline_ui.ui:169 src/ui/bezierspline_ui.ui:195 -#: src/ui/bezierspline_ui.ui:208 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:490 -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:500 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:587 -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:597 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:607 -#: src/ui/collapsiblewidget_ui.ui:86 src/ui/collapsiblewidget_ui.ui:118 -#: src/ui/collapsiblewidget_ui.ui:137 src/ui/collapsiblewidget_ui.ui:156 -#: src/ui/collapsiblewidget_ui.ui:172 src/ui/collapsiblewidget_ui.ui:188 -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:211 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:396 -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:433 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:616 -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:742 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:749 -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:78 src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:220 -#: src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:230 src/ui/configsdl_ui.ui:154 -#: src/ui/cutjobdialog_ui.ui:32 src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:262 -#: src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:269 src/ui/dvdwizardvob_ui.ui:29 -#: src/ui/dvdwizardvob_ui.ui:49 src/ui/dvdwizardvob_ui.ui:100 -#: src/ui/effectlist_ui.ui:22 src/ui/effectlist_ui.ui:41 -#: src/ui/effectlist_ui.ui:57 src/ui/effectlist_ui.ui:73 -#: src/ui/effectlist_ui.ui:89 src/ui/freesound_ui.ui:39 -#: src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:249 src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:256 -#: src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:263 src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:270 -#: src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:277 src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:284 -#: src/ui/geometrywidget_ui.ui:70 src/ui/geometrywidget_ui.ui:83 -#: src/ui/geometrywidget_ui.ui:93 src/ui/keyframeeditor_ui.ui:91 -#: src/ui/keyframeeditor_ui.ui:101 src/ui/keyframewidget_ui.ui:46 -#: src/ui/keyframewidget_ui.ui:59 src/ui/keyframewidget_ui.ui:72 -#: src/ui/keyframewidget_ui.ui:85 src/ui/keyframewidget_ui.ui:124 -#: src/ui/manageencodingprofile_ui.ui:44 src/ui/manageencodingprofile_ui.ui:51 -#: src/ui/manageencodingprofile_ui.ui:58 src/ui/manageencodingprofile_ui.ui:68 -#: src/ui/monitoreditwidget_ui.ui:53 src/ui/monitoreditwidget_ui.ui:66 -#: src/ui/monitoreditwidget_ui.ui:76 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:335 -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:386 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:393 -#: src/ui/recmonitor_ui.ui:72 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:407 -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:592 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:717 -#: src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:76 src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:92 -#: src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:108 src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:118 -#: src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:128 src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:141 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:364 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:384 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:401 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:417 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:440 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:447 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:460 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:801 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:808 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:815 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:822 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:829 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:836 src/ui/tracksconfigdialog_ui.ui:61 -#: src/ui/tracksconfigdialog_ui.ui:68 src/ui/tracksconfigdialog_ui.ui:75 -#: src/ui/tracksconfigdialog_ui.ui:82 src/ui/tracksconfigdialog_ui.ui:89 -#: src/ui/unicodewidget_ui.ui:185 src/ui/unicodewidget_ui.ui:210 -msgid "..." -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, buttonShowPixmap) -#: src/ui/bezierspline_ui.ui:127 -msgid "Show background indicating changes caused by modifying the curve." -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, buttonGridChange) -#: src/ui/bezierspline_ui.ui:166 -msgid "" -"Increases the number of lines in the grid.
After 8 lines it will begin " -"from 0 again." -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, buttonResetSpline) -#: src/ui/bezierspline_ui.ui:192 -msgid "Reset the selected spline" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, buttonShowAllHandles) -#: src/ui/bezierspline_ui.ui:205 -msgid "Show handles for all points or only for the selected one" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, name) -#: src/ui/boolval_ui.ui:30 src/ui/fontval_ui.ui:23 src/ui/listval_ui.ui:23 -msgid "TextLabel" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, crop_label) -#: src/ui/clipdurationdialog_ui.ui:30 -msgid "Crop start" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, end_label) -#: src/ui/clipdurationdialog_ui.ui:50 -msgid "Crop end" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_path) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, treeWidget) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:27 src/ui/missingclips_ui.ui:72 -msgid "Path" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_size) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_6) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_5) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:51 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:231 -#: src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:41 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:93 -msgid "Size:" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, clip_filesize) -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, groupBox) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:65 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:157 -#: src/utils/freesound.cpp:189 -msgid "File size" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, clip_vproperties) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, clip_aproperties) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, metadata_list) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, analysis_list) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, programList) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:117 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:162 -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:542 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:574 -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:371 src/ui/wizardmltcheck_ui.ui:49 -msgid "1" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, clip_vproperties) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, clip_aproperties) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, metadata_list) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, analysis_list) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:122 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:167 -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:547 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:579 -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:376 -msgid "2" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_slideshow) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:206 -msgid "Slideshow" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, slide_type_label) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:212 -msgid "Image type" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, clip_filesize_4) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:222 -msgid "Frame duration" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, slide_loop) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, loop_movie) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, sm_loop) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:255 src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:221 -#: src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:160 src/ui/smconfig_ui.ui:26 -msgid "Loop" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, slide_crop) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:339 src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:284 -msgid "Center crop" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_animation) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_6) -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:346 src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:291 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:1121 -msgid "Animation" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_image) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, background_list) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:357 src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:202 -msgid "Image" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_16) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:365 -msgid "Image size" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, image_transparency) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:381 -msgid "Transparent background" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, markers_list) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, clip_filesize_3) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:432 src/ui/markerdialog_ui.ui:56 -msgid "Comment" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, marker_new) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonNext) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonUnselectAll) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:440 src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:83 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:700 -msgid "N" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, marker_edit) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonEdit) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:450 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:414 -msgid "E" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, marker_delete) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonDelete) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, button_delete) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, delete_button) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:460 src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:252 -#: src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:103 src/ui/keyframeeditor_ui.ui:78 -#: src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:279 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:428 -msgid "D" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_advanced) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:634 -msgid "Advanced" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, clip_force_ar) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:653 -msgid "Force aspect ratio" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, clip_force_threads) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:686 -msgid "Decoding threads" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, clip_force_progressive) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:700 -msgid "Force scanning" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, clip_force_framerate) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:727 -msgid "Force frame rate" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, clip_force_out) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:734 -msgid "Force duration" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, clip_force_colorspace) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:751 -msgid "Force colorspace" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, clip_force_fieldorder) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:765 -msgid "Force field order" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, clip_force_transparency) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:829 -msgid "Image background" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, clip_transparency) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:837 -msgid "Normal" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_dest) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_5) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_6) -#: src/ui/clipstabilize_ui.ui:20 src/ui/cliptranscode_ui.ui:30 -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:45 src/ui/saveprofile_ui.ui:138 -msgid "Destination" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_source) -#: src/ui/cliptranscode_ui.ui:20 -msgid "Source" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, ffmpeg_label) -#: src/ui/cliptranscode_ui.ui:40 -msgid "FFmpeg parameters" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_4) -#: src/ui/cliptranscode_ui.ui:54 -msgid "Job status" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_start) -#: src/ui/cliptranscode_ui.ui:61 -msgctxt "@action:button start transcode" -msgid "Start" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_profile) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: src/ui/cliptranscode_ui.ui:68 src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:29 -#: src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:20 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:74 -msgid "Profile" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, auto_close) -#: src/ui/cliptranscode_ui.ui:88 -msgid "Close after transcode" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/colorclip_ui.ui:30 -msgid "Clip Color" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, ColorPlaneExport_UI) -#: src/ui/colorplaneexport_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Export color plane to PNG" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, lblSpace) -#: src/ui/colorplaneexport_ui.ui:20 -msgid "Color space" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, lblVariant) -#: src/ui/colorplaneexport_ui.ui:37 -msgid "Variant" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QSlider, sliderScaling) -#: src/ui/colorplaneexport_ui.ui:81 -msgid "How much to zoom in" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, lblRes) -#: src/ui/colorplaneexport_ui.ui:101 -msgid "Resolution" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, lblFilename) -#: src/ui/colorplaneexport_ui.ui:144 -msgid "Filename" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:23 -msgid "Default capture device" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, kcfg_defaultcapture) -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, device_selector) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:37 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:70 -#: src/ui/recmonitor_ui.ui:134 -msgid "Firewire" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, kcfg_defaultcapture) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, device_selector) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:47 src/ui/recmonitor_ui.ui:144 -msgid "Screen grab" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, kcfg_defaultcapture) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, device_selector) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:52 src/ui/recmonitor_ui.ui:149 -msgid "Blackmagic card" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_9) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:89 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:221 -msgid "Capture format" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, kcfg_firewireformat) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:97 -msgid "DV Raw" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, kcfg_firewireformat) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:102 -msgid "DV AVI type 1" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, kcfg_firewireformat) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:107 -msgid "DV AVI type 2" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, button_hdv) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, kcfg_firewireformat) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:112 src/ui/wizardstandard_ui.ui:54 -msgid "HDV" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_firewireautosplit) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:133 -msgid "Automatically start a new file on scene cut" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_firewiretimestamp) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:140 -msgid "Add recording time to captured file name" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_5) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_29) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:147 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:696 -msgid "Capture file name" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_7) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:157 -msgid "dvgrab additional parameters" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_14) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:197 -msgid "Video device" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_30) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_27) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:204 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:666 -msgid "Detected devices" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, p_size) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:238 src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:48 -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:100 -msgid "720x576" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, p_fps) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:252 src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:62 -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:114 -msgid "25/1" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, p_aspect) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:273 src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:76 -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:128 -msgid "59/54" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, p_display) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:287 src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:90 -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:142 -msgid "4/3" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, config_v4l) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:308 -msgid "Edit" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_v4l_captureaudio) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:342 -msgid "Capture audio (ALSA)" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_24) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_screengrab) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_16) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:362 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:632 -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:725 src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:203 -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:305 -msgid "Encoding profile" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_v4l_capturevideo) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:389 -msgid "Capture video (Video4Linux2)" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, kcfg_grab_capture_type) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:471 -msgid "Full screen capture" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, kcfg_grab_capture_type) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:476 -msgid "Region capture" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_grab_follow_mouse) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:495 -msgid "Follow mouse" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_grab_hide_frame) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:502 -msgid "Hide frame" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_19) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_10) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:524 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:951 -msgid "Offset" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_grab_hide_mouse) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:652 -msgid "Hide cursor" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_4) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:660 -msgid "Blackmagic" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_9) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:42 -msgid "Concurrent threads" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:69 -msgid "MLT environment" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_6) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:78 -msgid "Processing threads" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_7) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:91 -msgid "(>1 is experimental)" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:98 -msgid "Melt path" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:112 -msgid "MLT profiles folder" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_13) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:135 -msgid "FFplay" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_14) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:155 -msgid "FFprobe" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_2) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:166 -msgid "Default folders" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_5) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_4) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:172 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:56 -msgid "Project folder" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:182 -msgid "Temporary files" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_10) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:192 -msgid "Capture folder" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_capturetoprojectfolder) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:212 -msgid "Use project folder" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_3) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:223 -msgid "Default apps" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_4) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:229 -msgid "Image editing" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, kp_image) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, kp_audio) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, kp_player) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:243 src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:264 -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:285 -msgid "Change" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_11) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:250 -msgid "Audio editing" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_12) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:271 -msgid "Video player" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_enableshuttle) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:23 -msgid "Enable Jog Shuttle device" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, shuttledisabled) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:30 -msgid "Jog Shuttle device disabled." -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, config_group) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:53 -msgid "Device configuration" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:85 -msgid "Button 1" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_17) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:98 -msgid "Device" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_16) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:111 -msgid "Button 15" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_14) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:137 -msgid "Button 13" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_9) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:150 -msgid "Button 8" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_7) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:166 -msgid "Button 4" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:179 -msgid "Device name" -msgstr "Enhetsnavn" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_5) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:192 -msgid "Button 5" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_8) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:214 -msgid "Button 7" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_10) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:243 -msgid "Button 9" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_4) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:256 -msgid "Button 2" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_11) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:272 -msgid "Button 10" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_12) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:285 -msgid "Button 11" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_6) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:308 -msgid "Button 6" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_15) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:336 -msgid "Button 14" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:349 -msgid "Button 3" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_13) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:362 -msgid "Button 12" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_usekuiserver) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:23 -msgid "Use KDE job tracking for render jobs" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_checkfirstprojectclip) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:30 -msgid "Check if first added clip matches project profile" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_crashrecovery) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:37 -msgid "Crash recovery (automatic backup)" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_automultistreams) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:44 -msgid "Automatically import all streams in multi stream clips" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_disable_effect_parameters) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:51 -msgid "Disable parameters when the effect is disabled" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_bypasscodeccheck) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:58 -msgid "Bypass codec verification" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_autoimagesequence) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:65 -msgid "Automatically import image sequences" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_projectloading_avformatnovalidate) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:72 -msgid "Do not validate the video files when loading a project (faster)" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_on_monitor_effects) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:79 -msgid "Use on-monitor effects" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_use_exiftool) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:86 -msgid "Get clip metadata with exiftool" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_openlastproject) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:93 -msgid "Open last project on startup" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, groupBox) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:100 -msgid "Default Durations" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:106 -msgid "Color clips" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_8) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:123 -msgid "Title clips" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:130 -msgid "Image sequence" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_autoimagetransparency) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:149 -msgid "Transparent background for imported images" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_use_magicLantern) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:169 -msgid "Get clip metadata created by Magic Lantern" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, properties) -#: src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:23 -msgid "Default Profile" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_9) -#: src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:69 -msgid "Aspect ratio:" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_10) -#: src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:83 -msgid "Display ratio:" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_7) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_6) -#: src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:109 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:175 -msgid "Video tracks" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_8) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_7) -#: src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:119 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:185 -msgid "Audio tracks" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, generate_proxy) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_generateproxy) -#: src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:154 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:256 -msgid "Generate for videos larger than" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (suffix), widget (QSpinBox, proxy_minsize) -#. i18n: ectx: property (suffix), widget (QSpinBox, proxy_imageminsize) -#. i18n: ectx: property (suffix), widget (QSpinBox, kcfg_proxyminsize) -#. i18n: ectx: property (suffix), widget (QSpinBox, kcfg_proxyimageminsize) -#: src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:161 src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:181 -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:263 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:283 -msgid "pixels" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, generate_imageproxy) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_generateimageproxy) -#: src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:174 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:276 -msgid "Generate for images larger than" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/ui/configsdl_ui.ui:17 -msgid "" -"Warning: changes to the drivers and devices can make Kdenlive unstable. " -"Change only if you know what you do." -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_gpu_accel) -#: src/ui/configsdl_ui.ui:27 -msgid "Use GPU processing (Movit library) - restart Kdenlive to apply" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_4) -#: src/ui/configsdl_ui.ui:34 -msgid "Audio backend" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, textLabel1_2) -#: src/ui/configsdl_ui.ui:53 -msgid "Audio driver:" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, textLabel1) -#: src/ui/configsdl_ui.ui:66 -msgid "Audio device:" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: src/ui/configsdl_ui.ui:82 -msgid "Preview volume:" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/configsdl_ui.ui:102 -msgid "Monitor background color:" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_external_display) -#: src/ui/configsdl_ui.ui:127 -msgid "Use external display (Blackmagic card)" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_5) -#: src/ui/configsdl_ui.ui:134 -msgid "Output device" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, groupBox) -#: src/ui/configtimeline_ui.ui:23 -msgid "Thumbnails" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_displayallchannels) -#: src/ui/configtimeline_ui.ui:48 -msgid "Separate channels" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_showmarkers) -#: src/ui/configtimeline_ui.ui:73 -msgid "Display clip markers comments" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_autoscroll) -#: src/ui/configtimeline_ui.ui:80 -msgid "Autoscroll while playing" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_verticalzoom) -#: src/ui/configtimeline_ui.ui:87 -msgid "Zoom using vertical drag in ruler" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_splitaudio) -#: src/ui/configtimeline_ui.ui:94 -msgid "Automatically split audio and video" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/configtimeline_ui.ui:103 -msgid "Track height" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_add) -#: src/ui/configtranscode_ui.ui:24 -msgid "Add Profile" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_update) -#: src/ui/configtranscode_ui.ui:31 -msgid "Update Profile" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_delete) -#: src/ui/configtranscode_ui.ui:38 -msgid "Delete Profile" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_4) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: src/ui/configtranscode_ui.ui:90 src/ui/saveprofile_ui.ui:121 -msgid "Extension" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_4) -#: src/ui/configtranscode_ui.ui:107 -msgid "Parameters" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, button_more) -#: src/ui/cutjobdialog_ui.ui:29 -msgid "Configure job" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_add) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardchapters_ui.ui:39 -msgid "Add chapter" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardchapters_ui.ui:46 -msgid "Movie file" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_delete) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardchapters_ui.ui:66 -msgid "Remove chapter" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, create_menu) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:20 -msgid "Create basic menu" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:49 -msgid "Button" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_6) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:65 -msgid "Target" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, back_to_menu) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:82 -msgid "Back to menu" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, use_shadow) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:126 -msgid "Shadow" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:138 -msgid "Underline" -msgstr "Understreket" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_2) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, lblBackground) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:183 src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:189 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:1076 src/ui/vectorscope_ui.ui:46 -msgid "Background" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonAdd) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, add_button) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, button_add) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonSelectAll) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonAudio) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:232 src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:93 -#: src/ui/keyframeeditor_ui.ui:68 src/ui/timelinebuttons_ui.ui:71 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:723 -msgid "A" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:29 -msgid "Temporary data folder" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:39 -msgid "DVD ISO image" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (QListWidget, job_progress) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:56 -msgid "Creating menu images" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (QListWidget, job_progress) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:61 -msgid "Creating menu background" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (QListWidget, job_progress) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:66 -msgid "Creating menu movie" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (QListWidget, job_progress) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:71 -msgid "Creating dvd structure" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (QListWidget, job_progress) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:76 -msgid "Creating iso file" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_start) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:84 -msgid "Create ISO image" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_2) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:118 -msgid "Log" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_7) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:124 -msgid "Status" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, button_burn) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:154 -msgid "Burn" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:172 -msgid "Menu File" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_3) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:186 -msgid "Dvdauthor File" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, use_intro) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardvob_ui.ui:59 -msgid "Use first movie as intro" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardvob_ui.ui:66 -msgid "DVD format" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_delete) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardvob_ui.ui:73 -msgid "Remove file" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_add) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardvob_ui.ui:130 -msgid "Add movie file" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, convert_label) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardvob_ui.ui:146 -msgid "Converting files" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: src/ui/freesound_ui.ui:22 -msgid "Service" -msgstr "Tjeneste" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, page_prev) -#: src/ui/freesound_ui.ui:67 -msgid "<<" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, page_next) -#: src/ui/freesound_ui.ui:104 -msgid ">>" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_import) -#: src/ui/freesound_ui.ui:137 src/utils/archiveorg.cpp:181 -msgid "Import" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/freesound_ui.ui:177 -msgid "License" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonMenu) -#: src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:63 -msgid "M" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonPrevious) -#: src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:73 -msgid "P" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_pos) -#: src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:127 -msgid "Pos" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_6) -#: src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:198 -msgid "Height" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:219 -msgid "Resize:" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, buttonResize) -#: src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:242 -msgid "Original" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QCheckBox, cbY) -#: src/ui/histogram_ui.ui:17 -msgid "Luma value" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, lblComponents) -#: src/ui/histogram_ui.ui:64 -msgid "Components" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QCheckBox, cbS) -#: src/ui/histogram_ui.ui:71 -msgid "RGB summed up" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, cbS) -#: src/ui/histogram_ui.ui:74 -msgid "Sum" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, ImportKeyframesDialog_UI) -#: src/ui/importkeyframesdialog_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Import Keyframes" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, limit_keyframes) -#: src/ui/importkeyframesdialog_ui.ui:48 -msgid "Limit keyframes number" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/importkeyframesdialog_ui.ui:90 -msgid "Data to import" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, KeyFrameDialog_UI) -#: src/ui/keyframedialog_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Edit Keyframe" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, clip_filesize_3) -#: src/ui/keyframedialog_ui.ui:27 -msgid "Value" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, buttonResetKeyframe) -#: src/ui/keyframeeditor_ui.ui:88 -msgid "Reset the parameters to their default values" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, buttonSeek) -#: src/ui/keyframeeditor_ui.ui:98 -msgid "Seek to active keyframe" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, buttonKeyframes) -#: src/ui/keyframeeditor_ui.ui:114 -msgid "Add keyframes" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, buttonLeftRight) -#: src/ui/keyframewidget_ui.ui:43 -msgid "move on X axis" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, buttonUpDown) -#: src/ui/keyframewidget_ui.ui:56 -msgid "move on Y axis" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, buttonShowInTimeline) -#: src/ui/keyframewidget_ui.ui:69 -msgid "update values in timeline" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, buttonNewPoints) -#: src/ui/keyframewidget_ui.ui:82 -msgid "create new points" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, checkBox) -#: src/ui/keyframewidget_ui.ui:105 -msgid "GraphView" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, buttonHelp) -#: src/ui/keyframewidget_ui.ui:121 -msgid "parameter description" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/keywordval_ui.ui:23 src/ui/urlval_ui.ui:26 -msgid "Param" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, ManageCaptures_UI) -#: src/ui/managecaptures_ui.ui:13 -msgid "Captured files" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, treeWidget) -#: src/ui/managecaptures_ui.ui:35 -msgid "File name" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, deleteButton) -#: src/ui/managecaptures_ui.ui:48 -msgid "Delete current file" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, toggleButton) -#: src/ui/managecaptures_ui.ui:55 -msgid "Toggle selection" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/manageencodingprofile_ui.ui:20 -msgid "Editing profiles for" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_category) -#: src/ui/markerdialog_ui.ui:76 -msgid "Category" -msgstr "Kategori" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, clip_thumb) -#: src/ui/markerdialog_ui.ui:86 -msgid "Image preview" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, MissingClips_UI) -#: src/ui/missingclips_ui.ui:14 -msgid " Clip Problems" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, removeSelected) -#: src/ui/missingclips_ui.ui:20 -msgid "Remove selected clips" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, usePlaceholders) -#: src/ui/missingclips_ui.ui:37 -msgid "Use placeholders for missing clips" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, recursiveSearch) -#: src/ui/missingclips_ui.ui:80 -msgid "Search recursively" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, ProfilesDialog_UI) -#: src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Profiles" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_4) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_7) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_8) -#: src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:106 src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:140 -#: src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:174 -msgid "/" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_10) -#: src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:154 -msgid "Display aspect ratio" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_11) -#: src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:208 -msgid "Fields per second" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_default) -#: src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:242 -msgid "Use as default" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, button_create) -#: src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:259 -msgid "C" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, button_save) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonSave) -#: src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:269 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:421 -msgid "S" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, properties) -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:66 -msgid "Video Profile" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:210 -msgid "Thumbnails:" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_2) -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:416 -msgid "Project Files" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_12) -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:422 -msgid "Clips used in project:" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_6) -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:443 -msgid "Unused clips:" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, delete_unused) -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:464 -msgid "Delete files" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_11) -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:471 -msgid "Thumbnails cache:" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, clear_cache) -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:492 -msgid "Clear cache" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, delete_proxies) -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:520 -msgid "Delete proxies" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_13) -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:527 -msgid "Project files" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_fonts) -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:561 -msgid "Fonts" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_export) -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:575 -msgid "Plain text export" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:39 -msgid "Render Project" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:52 -msgid "Output file" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_9) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:112 -msgid "Encoder threads" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, scanning_list) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:131 -msgid "Force Progressive" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, scanning_list) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:136 -msgid "Force Interlaced" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QLineEdit, vbitrates_list) -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QLineEdit, abitrates_list) -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (KComboBox, comboBitrates) -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (KComboBox, comboAudioBitrates) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:176 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:202 -#: src/ui/saveprofile_ui.ui:33 src/ui/saveprofile_ui.ui:87 -msgid "Best to worst quality" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, checkTwoPass) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:215 -msgid "2 pass" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, rescale) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:222 -msgid "Rescale" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, export_meta) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:250 -msgid "Export metadata" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, tc_overlay) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:276 -msgid "Overlay" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, render_full) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:314 -msgid "Fu&ll project" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, render_zone) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:324 -msgid "Selected &zone" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, render_guide) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:331 -msgid "&Guide zone" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, buttonRender) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:355 -msgid "Render to File" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, buttonGenerateScript) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:362 -msgid "Generate Script" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonInfo) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonSelectImages) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:393 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:680 -msgid "I" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, show_all_profiles) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:400 -msgid "Show all profiles" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, open_browser) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:466 -msgid "Open browser window after export" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, play_after) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:473 -msgid "Play after render" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:503 -msgid "to" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, create_chapter) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:523 -msgid "Create chapter file based on guides" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, open_dvd) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:530 -msgid "Open Dvd wizard after rendering" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, proxy_render) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:537 -msgid "Render using proxy clips" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, stemAudioExport) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:623 -msgid "Stem audio export" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_2) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:631 -msgid "Job Queue" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_7) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:710 -msgid "Error Log" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, clean_up) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:728 -msgid "Clean Up" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, shutdown) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:735 -msgid "Shutdown computer after renderings" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, start_job) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:742 -msgid "Start Job" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_3) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:750 -msgid "Scripts" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, start_script) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:778 -msgid "Start Script" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, delete_script) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:785 -msgid "Delete Script" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, lblPaintmode) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, lblPaintMode) -#: src/ui/rgbparade_ui.ui:33 src/ui/vectorscope_ui.ui:29 -#: src/ui/waveform_ui.ui:30 -msgid "Paint mode" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, SaveProfile_UI) -#: src/ui/saveprofile_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Save Profile" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/ui/saveprofile_ui.ui:60 -msgid "Group" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: src/ui/saveprofile_ui.ui:108 -msgid "Profile name" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/saveprofile_ui.ui:128 -msgid "" -"Parameters (see MLT documentation)" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, SceneCutDialog_UI) -#: src/ui/scenecutdialog_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Scene Cut" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, add_markers) -#: src/ui/scenecutdialog_ui.ui:23 -msgid "Add clip markers" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, zone_only) -#: src/ui/scenecutdialog_ui.ui:33 -msgid "Analyze only selected zone" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, cut_scenes) -#: src/ui/scenecutdialog_ui.ui:63 -msgid "Cut scenes" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, store_data) -#: src/ui/scenecutdialog_ui.ui:70 -msgid "Save result in clip metadata" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, groupBox) -#: src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:30 -msgid "Image selection method" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, method_mime) -#: src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:36 -msgid "&Mimetype" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, method_pattern) -#: src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:46 -msgid "Fi&lename pattern" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_4) -#: src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:70 -msgid "Image Type" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_5) -#: src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:97 -msgid "First frame" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:127 -msgid "Frame Duration" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, show_thumbs) -#: src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:245 -msgid "Show thumbnails" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: src/ui/smconfig_ui.ui:33 -msgid "Number of frames to play (0 to play all frames)" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, groupBox_2) -#: src/ui/smconfig_ui.ui:73 -msgid "Interval Capture" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/smconfig_ui.ui:79 -msgid "Capture delay" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, sm_prenotify) -#: src/ui/smconfig_ui.ui:96 -msgid "Notify before capture" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, SpacerDialog_UI) -#: src/ui/spacerdialog_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Add space" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, clip_filesize_3) -#: src/ui/spacerdialog_ui.ui:37 -msgid "Track:" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, labelFFTSize) -#: src/ui/spectrogram_ui.ui:52 -msgid "True FFT size:" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, live_button) -#: src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:86 -msgid "Live view" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, preview_button) -#: src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:135 -msgid "Preview sequence" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (KComboBox, sequence_name) -#: src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:151 src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:158 -msgid "Sequence name" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_addsequence) -#: src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:194 -msgid "Add to project" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/templateclip_ui.ui:17 -msgid "Template" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonFitZoom) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonRealSize) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonVideo) -#: src/ui/timelinebuttons_ui.ui:16 src/ui/timelinebuttons_ui.ui:64 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:553 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:563 -msgid "V" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, TitleWidget_UI) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Title Clip" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, lWidth) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:109 -msgid "W" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_19) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:126 -msgid "H" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_12) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:184 -msgid "Z-Index:" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:232 -msgid "Item Properties" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:243 -msgid "Fill color" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_11) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:275 -msgid "Border color" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_18) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:394 -msgid "Outline" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, displayBg) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:631 -msgid "Show background" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_22) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:645 -msgid "Template:" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonSelectText) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:690 -msgid "T" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (whatsThis), widget (QToolButton, buttonSelectAll) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:720 -msgid "Selects all items on the canvas." -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_14) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:761 -msgid "Zoom:" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_21) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:778 -msgid "Rotate Z:" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_20) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:785 -msgid "Rotate Y:" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_15) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:792 -msgid "Rotate X:" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_5) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:877 -msgid "Effect" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (suffix), widget (QSpinBox, typewriter_delay) -#. i18n: ectx: property (suffix), widget (QSpinBox, typewriter_start) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:1007 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:1030 -msgid " frames" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_16) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:1023 -msgid "Start at" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, anim_start) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:1127 -msgid "Edit start" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, anim_end) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:1137 -msgid "Edit end" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_7) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:1162 -msgid "Resize" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, resize50) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:1169 -#, no-c-format -msgid "50%" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, resize100) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:1176 -#, no-c-format -msgid "100%" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, resize200) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:1183 -#, no-c-format -msgid "200%" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, keep_aspect) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:1190 -msgid "Keep aspect ratio" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/ui/transitionsettings_ui.ui:23 -msgid "track" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QWidget, UnicodeWidget_UI) -#: src/ui/unicodewidget_ui.ui:20 -msgid "Enter Unicode value" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/ui/unicodewidget_ui.ui:251 -msgid "Additional Information" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_reload) -#: src/ui/wizardcapture_ui.ui:17 -msgid "Check" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_9) -#: src/ui/wizardcapture_ui.ui:57 -msgid "Capture format:" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/wizardextra_ui.ui:16 -msgid "Default folder for project files" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, autosave) -#: src/ui/wizardextra_ui.ui:59 -msgid "Activate crash recovery (auto save)" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, installmimes) -#: src/ui/wizardextra_ui.ui:66 -msgid "Install extra video mimetypes" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab) -#: src/ui/wizardmltcheck_ui.ui:21 -msgid "Installed modules" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_2) -#: src/ui/wizardmltcheck_ui.ui:63 -msgid "Available Codecs (avformat)" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: src/ui/wizardmltcheck_ui.ui:90 -msgid "Formats" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/ui/wizardmltcheck_ui.ui:97 -msgid "Video Codecs" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/wizardmltcheck_ui.ui:104 -msgid "Audio Codecs" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: src/ui/wizardstandard_ui.ui:17 -msgid "Please set your default video profile" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/ui/wizardstandard_ui.ui:24 -msgid "Video Resolution" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, button_dv) -#: src/ui/wizardstandard_ui.ui:44 -msgid "DV" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, button_all) -#: src/ui/wizardstandard_ui.ui:61 -msgid "Show All" -msgstr "" - -#: src/utils/archiveorg.cpp:78 src/utils/freesound.cpp:75 -#: src/utils/freesound.cpp:162 -msgid "Error Loading Data" -msgstr "" - -#: src/utils/archiveorg.cpp:91 src/utils/freesound.cpp:84 -#, kde-format -msgid "Found %1 result" -msgid_plural "Found %1 results" -msgstr[0] "" -msgstr[1] "" - -#: src/utils/freesound.cpp:180 -msgid "Samplerate" -msgstr "" - -#: src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:57 -msgid "Freesound Audio Library" -msgstr "" - -#: src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:58 -msgid "Archive.org Video Library" -msgstr "" - -#: src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:59 -msgid "Open Clip Art Graphic Library" -msgstr "" - -#: src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:60 -msgid "Search Online Resources" -msgstr "" - -#: src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:81 -msgid "Auto Play" -msgstr "" - -#: src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:152 -msgctxt "the url link pointing to a web page" -msgid "link" -msgstr "" - -#: src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:303 -msgid "" -"You need to be online\n" -" for searching" -msgstr "" - -#: src/utils/thememanager.cpp:70 -msgctxt "default theme name" -msgid "Default" -msgstr "Standard" - -#: src/utils/thememanager.cpp:213 -msgid "Configuration..." -msgstr "Oppsett …" - -#: src/utils/thememanager.cpp:227 -msgid "" -"Cannot start Colors Settings panel from KDE Control Center. Please check " -"your system..." -msgstr "" -"Kan ikke starte Fargeinnstillingsruta fra KDE kontrollsenter. Kontroller " -"systemet dit …" diff -Nru kdenlive-15.13.0+git20160206.6705c57a/po/nds/CMakeLists.txt kdenlive-15.13.0+git20160206.cee1bbb6/po/nds/CMakeLists.txt --- kdenlive-15.13.0+git20160206.6705c57a/po/nds/CMakeLists.txt 2016-02-06 09:13:45.000000000 +0000 +++ kdenlive-15.13.0+git20160206.cee1bbb6/po/nds/CMakeLists.txt 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -GETTEXT_PROCESS_PO_FILES(nds ALL INSTALL_DESTINATION ${LOCALE_INSTALL_DIR} kdenlive.po) diff -Nru kdenlive-15.13.0+git20160206.6705c57a/po/nds/kdenlive.po kdenlive-15.13.0+git20160206.cee1bbb6/po/nds/kdenlive.po --- kdenlive-15.13.0+git20160206.6705c57a/po/nds/kdenlive.po 2016-02-06 09:13:45.000000000 +0000 +++ kdenlive-15.13.0+git20160206.cee1bbb6/po/nds/kdenlive.po 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 @@ -1,12848 +0,0 @@ -# translation of kdenlive.po to Low Saxon -# Copyright (C) YEAR This_file_is_part_of_KDE -# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package. -# Manfred Wiese , 2011. -# -msgid "" -msgstr "" -"Project-Id-Version: kdenlive\n" -"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugs.kde.org\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-12-11 07:07+0000\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2011-11-16 15:57+0100\n" -"Last-Translator: Manfred Wiese \n" -"Language-Team: Low Saxon \n" -"Language: nds\n" -"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" -"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" -"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" -"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;\n" -"X-Generator: Lokalize 1.0\n" - -msgctxt "NAME OF TRANSLATORS" -msgid "Your names" -msgstr "Manfred Wiese" - -msgctxt "EMAIL OF TRANSLATORS" -msgid "Your emails" -msgstr "m.j.wiese@web.de" - -#: data/effects/audiobalance.xml:3 data/effects/audiobalance.xml:7 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "White Balance" -msgid "Balance" -msgstr "Wittbalangs" - -#: data/effects/audiobalance.xml:4 -msgid "Adjust the left/right balance" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/audiopan.xml:3 data/effects/audiopan.xml:11 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:347 src/project/dialogs/slideshowclip.cpp:73 -msgid "Pan" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/audiopan.xml:4 -msgid "Adjust the left/right spread of a channel" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/audiopan.xml:7 data/effects/channelcopy.xml:7 -#: data/effects/channelcopy.xml:11 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Brighten" -msgid "Left,Right" -msgstr "Ophellen" - -#: data/effects/audiopan.xml:8 data/effects/frei0r_bezier_curves.xml:9 -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:9 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:66 -#: data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:10 data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:42 -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:25 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Audio channels" -msgid "Channel" -msgstr "Klangkanaals" - -#: data/effects/audiowave.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Audio channels" -msgid "Audio Wave" -msgstr "Klangkanaals" - -#: data/effects/audiowave.xml:4 -msgid "Display the audio waveform instead of the video" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/audiowaveform.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Audio channels" -msgid "Audio Waveform Filter" -msgstr "Klangkanaals" - -#: data/effects/audiowaveform.xml:6 data/effects/dynamictext.xml:22 -#: data/effects/pan_zoom.xml:13 data/effects/rotation.xml:40 -#: data/effects/rotation_keyframable.xml:22 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Source Color" -msgid "Background Color" -msgstr "Bornklöör" - -#: data/effects/audiowaveform.xml:9 data/effects/dynamictext.xml:19 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Source Color" -msgid "Foreground Color" -msgstr "Bornklöör" - -#: data/effects/audiowaveform.xml:12 -msgid "Line Thickness" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/audiowaveform.xml:15 data/effects/movit_rect.xml:6 -#: data/effects/pan_zoom.xml:7 -msgid "Rectangle" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/audiowaveform.xml:18 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:721 -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:766 -msgid "Fill" -msgstr "Vullmaken" - -#: data/effects/automask.xml:3 -msgid "Auto Mask" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/automask.xml:4 -msgid "Hide a selected zone and follow its movements" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/automask.xml:7 data/effects/dynamictext.xml:7 -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:718 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:745 -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:763 -msgid "Geometry" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/automask.xml:10 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Fit to width" -msgid "Macroblock width" -msgstr "Op Breed topassen" - -#: data/effects/automask.xml:13 -msgid "Macroblock height" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/automask.xml:16 -msgid "Maximum x distance" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/automask.xml:19 -msgid "Maximum y distance" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/automask.xml:22 -msgid "Denoise" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/automask.xml:25 -msgid "Debug" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/automask.xml:28 data/effects/obscure.xml:3 -msgid "Obscure" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/automask.xml:36 data/effects/loudness.xml:12 -msgid "Analyse" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/boxblur.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Blur" -msgid "Box Blur" -msgstr "Weekteken" - -#: data/effects/boxblur.xml:4 -msgid "Box blur (separate horizontal and vertical blur)" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/boxblur.xml:7 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Horizontal center" -msgid "Horizontal multiplicator" -msgstr "Kimmrecht in de Merrn" - -#: data/effects/boxblur.xml:10 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Vertical center" -msgid "Vertical multiplicator" -msgstr "Pielrecht in de Merrn" - -#: data/effects/boxblur.xml:13 -msgid "Blur factor" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/brightness.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid " frames" -msgid "Brightness (keyframable)" -msgstr " Biller" - -#: data/effects/brightness.xml:4 -msgid "Change image brightness with keyframes" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/brightness.xml:7 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Sensitivity" -msgid "Intensity" -msgstr "Föhlsamkeit" - -#: data/effects/channelcopy.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "No Effect" -msgid "Mono to stereo" -msgstr "Keen Effekt" - -#: data/effects/channelcopy.xml:4 -msgid "Copy one channel to another" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_4) -#: data/effects/channelcopy.xml:8 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:486 -msgid "From" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/channelcopy.xml:12 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Tool" -msgid "To" -msgstr "Warktüüch" - -#: data/effects/charcoal.xml:3 -msgid "Charcoal" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/charcoal.xml:4 -msgid "Charcoal drawing effect" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/charcoal.xml:7 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Horizontal center" -msgid "Horizontal scatter" -msgstr "Kimmrecht in de Merrn" - -#: data/effects/charcoal.xml:10 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Vertical center" -msgid "Vertical scatter" -msgstr "Pielrecht in de Merrn" - -#: data/effects/charcoal.xml:13 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Scaling" -msgid "Scale" -msgstr "Grött topassen" - -#: data/effects/charcoal.xml:16 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:757 -msgid "Mix" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/charcoal.xml:19 data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:31 -#: data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:63 data/effects/frei0r_mask0mate.xml:19 -#: data/effects/invert.xml:3 data/effects/mirror.xml:11 -#: data/effects/rotoscoping.xml:18 src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:215 -msgid "Invert" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/chroma.xml:3 -msgid "Chroma Key" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/chroma.xml:4 -msgid "Make selected color transparent" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/chroma.xml:7 data/effects/chroma_hold.xml:7 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Color 1" -msgid "Color key" -msgstr "1. Klöör" - -#: data/effects/chroma.xml:10 data/effects/chroma_hold.xml:10 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "White Balance" -msgid "Variance" -msgstr "Wittbalangs" - -#: data/effects/chroma_hold.xml:3 -msgid "Chroma Hold" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/chroma_hold.xml:4 -msgid "Make image greyscale except for chosen color" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/crop.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Insert mode" -msgid "Edge Crop" -msgstr "Inföögbedrief" - -#: data/effects/crop.xml:4 -msgid "Trim the edges of a clip" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/crop.xml:7 data/effects/frei0r_mask0mate.xml:13 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Tool" -msgid "Top" -msgstr "Warktüüch" - -#: data/effects/crop.xml:10 data/effects/frei0r_mask0mate.xml:7 -msgid "Left" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/crop.xml:13 data/effects/frei0r_mask0mate.xml:16 -msgid "Bottom" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/crop.xml:16 data/effects/frei0r_mask0mate.xml:10 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Brighten" -msgid "Right" -msgstr "Ophellen" - -#: data/effects/crop.xml:19 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Automatic" -msgid "Automatic center-crop" -msgstr "Automaatsch" - -#: data/effects/crop.xml:22 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "White Balance" -msgid "Center balance" -msgstr "Wittbalangs" - -#: data/effects/crop.xml:25 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Video Resolution" -msgid "Use project resolution" -msgstr "Bildoplösen" - -#: data/effects/dust.xml:3 -msgid "Dust" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/dust.xml:4 -msgid "Add dust and specks to the video, as in old movies" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/dust.xml:7 -msgid "Maximal Diameter" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/dust.xml:10 -msgid "Maximal number of dust" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/dynamictext.xml:3 -msgid "Dynamic Text" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/dynamictext.xml:4 -msgid "Overlay text with keywords replaced" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/dynamictext.xml:10 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Font" -msgid "Font Family" -msgstr "Schriftoort" - -#: data/effects/dynamictext.xml:13 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Font" -msgid "Font Size" -msgstr "Schriftoort" - -#: data/effects/dynamictext.xml:16 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Font weight" -msgid "Font Weight" -msgstr "Schriftdickde" - -#: data/effects/dynamictext.xml:25 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Outline" -msgid "Outline Color" -msgstr "Ümreet" - -#: data/effects/dynamictext.xml:28 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Outline" -msgid "Outline Width" -msgstr "Ümreet" - -#: data/effects/dynamictext.xml:31 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Loading" -msgid "Padding" -msgstr "An't Laden" - -#: data/effects/dynamictext.xml:34 -msgid "Left,Center,Right" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/dynamictext.xml:35 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Horizontal center" -msgid "Horizontal Alignment" -msgstr "Kimmrecht in de Merrn" - -#: data/effects/dynamictext.xml:38 -msgid "Top,Middle,Bottom" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/dynamictext.xml:39 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Vertical center" -msgid "Vertical Alignment" -msgstr "Pielrecht in de Merrn" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, text_box) -#: data/effects/dynamictext.xml:42 src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:55 -#: src/ui/templateclip_ui.ui:34 -msgid "Text" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/fade_from_black.xml:3 -msgid "Fade from Black" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/fade_from_black.xml:4 -msgid "Fade video from black" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_duration) -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, ClipDurationDialog_UI) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, duration_label) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: data/effects/fade_from_black.xml:7 data/effects/fade_to_black.xml:7 -#: data/effects/fadein.xml:10 data/effects/fadeout.xml:7 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:133 -#: src/ui/clipdurationdialog_ui.ui:14 src/ui/clipdurationdialog_ui.ui:40 -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:58 src/ui/colorclip_ui.ui:37 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:747 src/utils/freesound.cpp:157 -#: src/utils/freesound.cpp:196 src/utils/freesound.cpp:197 -#: src/utils/freesound.cpp:198 -msgid "Duration" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/fade_from_black.xml:10 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/bezier/beziersplinewidget.cpp:52 -msgid "In" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: data/effects/fade_from_black.xml:13 data/effects/fade_to_black.xml:13 -#: src/ui/wipeval_ui.ui:22 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Start at" -msgid "Start" -msgstr "Start bi" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_4) -#: data/effects/fade_from_black.xml:16 data/effects/fade_to_black.xml:16 -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:409 src/ui/wipeval_ui.ui:167 -msgid "End" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/fade_to_black.xml:3 -msgid "Fade to Black" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/fade_to_black.xml:4 -msgid "Fade video to black" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/fade_to_black.xml:10 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/bezier/beziersplinewidget.cpp:54 -msgid "Out" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/fadein.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Fade" -msgid "Fade in" -msgstr "Utblennen" - -#: data/effects/fadein.xml:4 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Audio channels" -msgid "Fade in audio track" -msgstr "Klangkanaals" - -#: data/effects/fadein.xml:13 data/effects/fadeout.xml:13 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Start at" -msgid "Start Gain" -msgstr "Start bi" - -#: data/effects/fadein.xml:16 data/effects/fadeout.xml:16 -msgid "End Gain" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/fadeout.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Fade" -msgid "Fade out" -msgstr "Utblennen" - -#: data/effects/fadeout.xml:4 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Audio channels" -msgid "Fade out audio track" -msgstr "Klangkanaals" - -#: data/effects/freeze.xml:3 -msgid "Freeze" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/freeze.xml:4 -msgid "Freeze video on a chosen frame" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/freeze.xml:7 -msgid "Freeze at" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/freeze.xml:10 -msgid "Freeze Before" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/freeze.xml:13 -msgid "Freeze After" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_3dflippo.xml:3 -msgid "3dflippo" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_3dflippo.xml:4 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Frame Duration" -msgid "Frame rotation in 3D space" -msgstr "Bildduer" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_3dflippo.xml:7 -msgid "X axis rotation" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_3dflippo.xml:10 -msgid "Y axis rotation" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_3dflippo.xml:13 -msgid "Z axis rotation" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_3dflippo.xml:16 -msgid "X axis rotation rate" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_3dflippo.xml:19 -msgid "Y axis rotation rate" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_3dflippo.xml:22 -msgid "Z axis rotation rate" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_3dflippo.xml:25 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Position X" -msgid "Center position (X)" -msgstr "X-Positschoon" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_3dflippo.xml:28 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Position Y" -msgid "Center position (Y)" -msgstr "Y-Positschoon" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_3dflippo.xml:31 -msgid "Invert rotation assignment" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_3dflippo.xml:34 -msgid "Don't blank mask" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_3dflippo.xml:37 -msgid "Fill with image or black" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:4 data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:36 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Alpha shapes" -msgid "Alpha operations" -msgstr "Alpha-Formen" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:5 data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:37 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Draws simple shapes into the alpha channel" -msgid "Display and manipulation of the alpha channel" -msgstr "Teekt eenfache Formen na den Alphakanaal" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:9 data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:41 -msgid "" -"Image,Alpha as gray,Gray + red,Selection on black,Selection on gray," -"Selection on white,Selection on checkers" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:10 data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:42 -msgid "Display" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:14 data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:46 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Keep aspect ratio" -msgid "Display input alpha" -msgstr "Bildproportschoon wohren" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:18 -msgid "NO OP,Shave,Shrink hard,Shrink soft,Grow hard,Grow soft,Threshold" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:19 data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:51 -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphagrad.xml:30 data/effects/frei0r_alphaspot.xml:47 -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:45 data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:96 -msgid "Operation" -msgstr "Akschoon" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:23 data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:55 -#: data/effects/frei0r_threshold0r.xml:7 data/effects/threshold.xml:3 -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:217 -msgid "Threshold" -msgstr "Süll" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:27 -msgid "Shrink/grow amount" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:50 -msgid "NO OP,Shave,Shrink hard,Shrink soft,Grow hard,Grow soft,Threshold,Blur" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:59 -msgid "Shrink/Grow/Blur amount" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphagrad.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Alpha shapes" -msgid "Alpha gradient" -msgstr "Alpha-Formen" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphagrad.xml:4 -msgid "Fill the alpha channel with a specified gradient" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, clip_filesize_2) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, position_label) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, import_position) -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphagrad.xml:9 src/effectstack/keyframeedit.cpp:55 -#: src/ui/clipdurationdialog_ui.ui:20 src/ui/importkeyframesdialog_ui.ui:80 -#: src/ui/keyframedialog_ui.ui:20 src/ui/markerdialog_ui.ui:20 -msgid "Position" -msgstr "Positschoon" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphagrad.xml:13 data/effects/frei0r_alphaspot.xml:34 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Transitions" -msgid "Transition width" -msgstr "Övergäng" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphagrad.xml:17 data/effects/frei0r_alphaspot.xml:30 -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:16 -msgid "Tilt" -msgstr "Negen" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphagrad.xml:21 data/effects/frei0r_alphaspot.xml:38 -msgid "Min" -msgstr "Min." - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphagrad.xml:25 data/effects/frei0r_alphaspot.xml:42 -msgid "Max" -msgstr "Max." - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphagrad.xml:29 data/effects/frei0r_alphaspot.xml:46 -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:44 data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:95 -msgid "Write on clear,Max,Min,Add,Subtract" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphaspot.xml:3 -msgid "Alpha shapes" -msgstr "Alpha-Formen" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphaspot.xml:4 -msgid "Draws simple shapes into the alpha channel" -msgstr "Teekt eenfache Formen na den Alphakanaal" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphaspot.xml:9 -msgid "Rectangle,Ellipse,Triangle,Diamond" -msgstr "Rechteck, Ellips, Dre'eck, Ruut" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphaspot.xml:10 data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:29 -#: data/effects/sox_flanger.xml:22 -msgid "Shape" -msgstr "Form" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphaspot.xml:14 -msgid "Position X" -msgstr "X-Positschoon" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphaspot.xml:18 -msgid "Position Y" -msgstr "Y-Positschoon" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphaspot.xml:22 -msgid "Size X" -msgstr "X-Grött" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphaspot.xml:26 -msgid "Size Y" -msgstr "Y-Grött" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_balanc0r.xml:4 data/effects/frei0r_balanc0r.xml:15 -msgid "White Balance" -msgstr "Wittbalangs" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_balanc0r.xml:5 data/effects/frei0r_balanc0r.xml:16 -msgid "Adjust the white balance / color temperature" -msgstr "Wittbalangs oder Klöörtemperatuur topassen" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_balanc0r.xml:8 data/effects/frei0r_balanc0r.xml:19 -#: data/effects/frei0r_colgate.xml:8 data/effects/movit_white_balance.xml:6 -msgid "Neutral Color" -msgstr "Neutraal Klöör" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_balanc0r.xml:11 data/effects/frei0r_balanc0r.xml:22 -msgid "Green Tint" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_baltan.xml:3 -msgid "Baltan" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_baltan.xml:4 -msgid "Delayed alpha smoothed blit of time" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_bezier_curves.xml:3 -msgid "Bézier Curves" -msgstr "Bézierbagens" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_bezier_curves.xml:4 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:5 -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:62 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Simple color adjustment" -msgid "Color curves adjustment" -msgstr "Eenfach Klöörtopassen" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_bezier_curves.xml:8 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Red,Green,Blue,Luma" -msgid "RGB,Red,Green,Blue,Alpha,Luma,Hue,Saturation" -msgstr "Root, Gröön, Blaag, Lüchtdicht" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_bezier_curves.xml:13 -#: data/effects/frei0r_coloradj_rgb.xml:33 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:12 -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:69 -msgid "Rec. 601,Rec. 709" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_bezier_curves.xml:14 -#: data/effects/frei0r_coloradj_rgb.xml:34 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:13 -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:70 -msgid "Luma formula" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_brightness.xml:3 data/effects/frei0r_brightness.xml:7 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lenscorrection.xml:19 data/effects/grain.xml:13 -msgid "Brightness" -msgstr "Helligkeit" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_brightness.xml:4 -msgid "Adjusts the brightness of a source image" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:3 -msgid "Corners" -msgstr "Ecken" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:4 -msgid "Four corners geometry engine" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:8 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Corners" -msgid "Corner 1 X" -msgstr "Ecken" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:12 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Corners" -msgid "Corner 1 Y" -msgstr "Ecken" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:16 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Corners" -msgid "Corner 2 X" -msgstr "Ecken" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:20 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Corners" -msgid "Corner 2 Y" -msgstr "Ecken" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:24 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Corners" -msgid "Corner 3 X" -msgstr "Ecken" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:28 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Corners" -msgid "Corner 3 Y" -msgstr "Ecken" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:32 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Corners" -msgid "Corner 4 X" -msgstr "Ecken" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:36 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Corners" -msgid "Corner 4 Y" -msgstr "Ecken" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:40 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Enable Stretch" -msgid "Stretch X" -msgstr "Utwiedern anmaken" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:44 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Enable Stretch" -msgid "Stretch Y" -msgstr "Utwiedern anmaken" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:48 -msgid "Feather Alpha" -msgstr "Alpha afswachen" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:52 -msgid "Enable Stretch" -msgstr "Utwiedern anmaken" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:56 data/effects/frei0r_defish0r.xml:24 -msgid "" -"Nearest neighbor,Bilinear,Bicubic smooth,Bicubic sharp,Spline 4x4,Spline 6x6," -"Lanczos" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:57 data/effects/frei0r_defish0r.xml:25 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Interpolator" -msgstr "Interpolater" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:61 data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:63 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:136 -msgid "Transparent Background" -msgstr "Dörsichtig Achtergrund" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:65 data/effects/rotoscoping.xml:13 -msgid "Write on clear,Maximum,Minimum,Add,Subtract" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:66 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Operation" -msgid "Alpha operation" -msgstr "Akschoon" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_cartoon.xml:4 data/effects/frei0r_cartoon.xml:15 -msgid "Cartoon" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_cartoon.xml:5 data/effects/frei0r_cartoon.xml:16 -msgid "Cartoonify video, do a form of edge detect" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_cartoon.xml:8 data/effects/frei0r_cartoon.xml:19 -msgid "Level of trip" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_cartoon.xml:11 data/effects/frei0r_cartoon.xml:22 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Threshold" -msgid "Difference space" -msgstr "Süll" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_cluster.xml:3 -msgid "K-Means Clustering" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_cluster.xml:4 -msgid "Clusters of a source image by color and spatial distance" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_cluster.xml:7 -msgid "Amount of clusters" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_cluster.xml:10 -msgid "Weight on distance" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_colgate.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "White Balance" -msgid "White Balance (LMS space)" -msgstr "Wittbalangs" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_colgate.xml:5 -msgid "" -"Do simple color correction, in a physically meaningful\n" -"way" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_colgate.xml:12 data/effects/movit_white_balance.xml:9 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Color Distance" -msgid "Color Temperature" -msgstr "Klöörafstand" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_coloradj_rgb.xml:3 -msgid "RGB adjustment" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_coloradj_rgb.xml:4 -msgid "Simple color adjustment" -msgstr "Eenfach Klöörtopassen" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, cbR) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonSelectRects) -#: data/effects/frei0r_coloradj_rgb.xml:8 src/ui/histogram_ui.ui:30 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:733 -msgid "R" -msgstr "R" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, cbG) -#: data/effects/frei0r_coloradj_rgb.xml:12 src/ui/histogram_ui.ui:37 -msgid "G" -msgstr "G" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, cbB) -#: data/effects/frei0r_coloradj_rgb.xml:16 src/ui/histogram_ui.ui:44 -msgid "B" -msgstr "G" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_coloradj_rgb.xml:20 -msgid "Add constant,Change gamma,Multiply" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_coloradj_rgb.xml:21 -msgid "Action" -msgstr "Akschoon" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_coloradj_rgb.xml:25 -msgid "Keep luma" -msgstr "Lüchtdicht wohren" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_coloradj_rgb.xml:29 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Alpha shapes" -msgid "Alpha controlled" -msgstr "Alpha-Formen" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_colordistance.xml:3 -msgid "Color Distance" -msgstr "Klöörafstand" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_colordistance.xml:4 -msgid "" -"Calculates the distance between the selected color and the current pixel and " -"uses that value as new pixel value" -msgstr "" -"Reekt de Afstand twischen de utsöchte Klöör un den aktuellen Bildpunkt ut un " -"bruukt dissen Weert as niegen Bildpunktweert." - -#: data/effects/frei0r_colordistance.xml:7 -msgid "Source Color" -msgstr "Bornklöör" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_colortap.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "No Effect" -msgid "Color Effect" -msgstr "Keen Effekt" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_colortap.xml:4 -msgid "Applies a pre-made color effect to image" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, treeWidget) -#: data/effects/frei0r_colortap.xml:7 data/effects/frei0r_defish0r.xml:14 -#: data/effects/frei0r_iirblur.xml:14 data/effects/frei0r_medians.xml:9 -#: src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:74 src/ui/missingclips_ui.ui:67 -msgid "Type" -msgstr "Typ" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_contrast0r.xml:3 data/effects/frei0r_contrast0r.xml:7 -#: data/effects/grain.xml:10 src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:209 -msgid "Contrast" -msgstr "Kontrast" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_contrast0r.xml:4 -msgid "Adjusts the contrast of a source image" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:4 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:61 -msgid "Curves" -msgstr "Bagens" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:8 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:65 -#: data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:9 data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:41 -msgid "Red,Green,Blue,Luma" -msgstr "Root, Gröön, Blaag, Lüchtdicht" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:20 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:77 -msgid "Number of curve points" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:23 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:80 -msgid "Point 1 input value" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:26 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:83 -msgid "Point 1 output value" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:29 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:86 -msgid "Point 2 input value" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:32 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:89 -msgid "Point 2 output value" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:35 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:92 -msgid "Point 3 input value" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:38 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:95 -msgid "Point 3 output value" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:41 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:98 -msgid "Point 4 input value" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:44 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:101 -msgid "Point 4 output value" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:47 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:104 -msgid "Point 5 input value" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:50 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:107 -msgid "Point 5 output value" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:53 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:110 -msgid "Show graph in picture" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:56 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:113 -#: data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:31 data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:63 -msgid "Top Left,Top Right,Bottom Left,Bottom Right" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:57 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:114 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Transitions" -msgid "Graph position" -msgstr "Övergäng" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_d90stairsteppingfix.xml:3 -msgid "Nikon D90 Stairstepping fix" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_d90stairsteppingfix.xml:7 -msgid "" -"Removes stairstepping artifacts from Nikon D90's 720p videos.\n" -" \n" -" " -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_defish0r.xml:3 -msgid "Defish" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_defish0r.xml:4 -msgid "Non rectilinear lens mappings" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_defish0r.xml:7 data/effects/frei0r_iirblur.xml:8 -#: data/effects/frei0r_sharpness.xml:8 data/effects/movit_unsharp_mask.xml:9 -msgid "Amount" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_defish0r.xml:10 -msgid "DeFish" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_defish0r.xml:13 -msgid "Equidistant,Orthographic,Equiarea,Stereographic" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_defish0r.xml:17 -msgid "Fill,Center,Fit,Manual" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, lblScaling) -#: data/effects/frei0r_defish0r.xml:18 src/effectstack/dragvalue.cpp:108 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:207 -#: src/ui/colorplaneexport_ui.ui:74 -msgid "Scaling" -msgstr "Grött topassen" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_defish0r.xml:21 -msgid "Manual Scale" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_defish0r.xml:28 -msgid "Square,PAL DV,NTSC DV,HDV,Manual" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_defish0r.xml:29 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Keep aspect ratio" -msgid "Aspect type" -msgstr "Bildproportschoon wohren" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_defish0r.xml:32 -msgid "Manual Aspect" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_delay0r.xml:3 -msgid "delay0r" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_delay0r.xml:4 -msgid "Video delay" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_delay0r.xml:7 -msgid "Delay time" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_delaygrab.xml:3 -msgid "Delay grab" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_delaygrab.xml:4 -msgid "Delayed frame blitting mapped on a time bitmap" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_distort0r.xml:3 data/effects/pan_zoom.xml:10 -#: data/kdenliveeffectscategory.rc:35 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:722 -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:746 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:767 -msgid "Distort" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_distort0r.xml:4 -msgid "Plasma" -msgstr "Plasma" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_distort0r.xml:7 data/effects/wave.xml:7 -msgid "Amplitude" -msgstr "Bülghööchde" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_distort0r.xml:10 data/effects/sox_bass.xml:10 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:249 -msgid "Frequency" -msgstr "Frequenz" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_edgeglow.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Insert mode" -msgid "Edge glow" -msgstr "Inföögbedrief" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_edgeglow.xml:4 -msgid "Edge glow filter" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_edgeglow.xml:7 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Brightness" -msgid "Edge lightening threshold" -msgstr "Helligkeit" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_edgeglow.xml:10 -msgid "Edge brightness upscaling multiplier" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_edgeglow.xml:13 -msgid "Non-edge brightness downscaling multiplier" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_equaliz0r.xml:3 -msgid "Equaliz0r" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_equaliz0r.xml:4 -msgid "Equalizes the intensity histograms" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facebl0r.xml:3 -msgid "Face blur" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facebl0r.xml:4 -msgid "Automatically detect and blur a face using OpenCV" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facebl0r.xml:8 data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:8 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Search automatically" -msgid "Search scale" -msgstr "Automaatsch söken" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facebl0r.xml:9 data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:9 -#, no-c-format -msgid "" -"The search window scale factor. For example, 120 = 1.20 = increases by 20% " -"on each pass." -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facebl0r.xml:13 data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:13 -msgid "Neighbors" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facebl0r.xml:14 data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:14 -msgid "Minimum number of rectangles that determines an object." -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facebl0r.xml:18 data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:18 -msgid "Smallest" -msgstr "Lüttst" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facebl0r.xml:19 data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:19 -msgid "The minimum window size in pixels." -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facebl0r.xml:23 -msgid "Largest" -msgstr "Gröttst" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facebl0r.xml:24 -msgid "" -"The largest size face in pixels - both horizontally and vertically (square " -"window)." -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facebl0r.xml:28 data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:23 -msgid "Recheck" -msgstr "Nieg pröven" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facebl0r.xml:29 data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:24 -msgid "" -"How often to detect a face. In between checks, it does object motion " -"tracking." -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facebl0r.xml:33 -msgid "Show ellipse" -msgstr "Ellips wiesen" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facebl0r.xml:34 -msgid "Draw a blue ellipse around the face area?" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:3 -msgid "Face detect" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:4 -msgid "Detect faces and draw shapes on them using OpenCV" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:28 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Rectangle,Ellipse,Triangle,Diamond" -msgid "circle,ellipse,rectangle,random" -msgstr "Rechteck, Ellips, Dre'eck, Ruut" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:33 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Fit to width" -msgid "Stroke width" -msgstr "Op Breed topassen" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:34 -msgid "" -"0 means fill; otherwise, draw unfilled with a stroke width of this size." -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:38 -msgid "Alpha" -msgstr "Alpha" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:39 -msgid "" -"Set the alpha channel of the shape area to a percentage of fully opaque." -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:43 -msgid "Antialias" -msgstr "Kantstreken" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:44 -msgid "Draw with anti-aliasing?" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:50 -msgid "Color 1" -msgstr "1. Klöör" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:51 -msgid "Set the shape color of the first detected face." -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:55 -msgid "Color 2" -msgstr "2. Klöör" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:56 -msgid "Set the shape color of the second detected face." -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:60 -msgid "Color 3" -msgstr "3. Klöör" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:61 -msgid "Set the shape color of the third detected face." -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:65 -msgid "Color 4" -msgstr "4. Klöör" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:66 -msgid "Set the shape color of the fourth detected face." -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:70 -msgid "Color 5" -msgstr "5. Klöör" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:71 -msgid "Set the shape color of the fifth detected face." -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_flippo.xml:3 -msgid "Flippo" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_flippo.xml:4 -msgid "Flipping in X and Y axis" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_flippo.xml:7 -msgid "X axis" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_flippo.xml:10 -msgid "Y axis" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_glow.xml:3 -msgid "Glow" -msgstr "Glöhen" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_glow.xml:4 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Create new profile" -msgid "Creates a Glamorous Glow" -msgstr "Nieg Profil opstellen" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_glow.xml:7 data/effects/frei0r_iirblur.xml:3 -#: data/effects/frei0r_mask0mate.xml:22 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:158 -msgid "Blur" -msgstr "Weekteken" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_hqdn3d.xml:3 -msgid "Denoiser" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_hqdn3d.xml:4 -msgid "High quality 3D denoiser" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_hqdn3d.xml:8 -msgid "Spatial" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_hqdn3d.xml:9 -msgid "Amount of spatial filtering" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_hqdn3d.xml:13 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Template" -msgid "Temporal" -msgstr "Vörlaag" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_hqdn3d.xml:14 -msgid "Amount of temporal filtering" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_hueshift0r.xml:3 -msgid "Hue shift" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_hueshift0r.xml:4 -msgid "Shifts the hue of a source image" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_hueshift0r.xml:7 -msgid "Hue" -msgstr "Klöörtoon" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_iirblur.xml:4 -msgid "Blur using 2D IIR filters (Exponential, Lowpass, Gaussian)" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_iirblur.xml:9 -msgid "Amount of blur" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_iirblur.xml:13 -msgid "Exponential,Lowpass,Gaussian" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_iirblur.xml:15 -msgid "Select blurring algorithm" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_iirblur.xml:19 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Insert mode" -msgid "Edge" -msgstr "Inföögbedrief" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_iirblur.xml:20 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Lens Correction" -msgid "Enable edge compensation" -msgstr "Lins richten" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:3 -msgid "Key Spill Mop Up" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:4 -msgid "Reduces the visibility of key color spill in chroma keying" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:8 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Fill color" -msgid "Key color" -msgstr "Füllklöör" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:12 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Fill color" -msgid "Target color" -msgstr "Füllklöör" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:16 -msgid "Color distance, Transparency, Edge inwards, Edge outwards" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:17 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Feather Alpha" -msgid "Mask type" -msgstr "Alpha afswachen" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:21 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Color Distance" -msgid "Tolerance" -msgstr "Klöörafstand" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:25 -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:91 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Alpha" -msgid "Slope" -msgstr "Alpha" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:29 -msgid "Hue gate" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:33 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Frame Duration" -msgid "Saturation threshold" -msgstr "Bildduer" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:37 -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:46 -msgid "None, De-Key, Target, Desaturate, Luma adjust" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:38 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Operation" -msgid "Operation 1" -msgstr "Akschoon" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:42 -msgid "Amount 1" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:47 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Operation" -msgid "Operation 2" -msgstr "Akschoon" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:51 -msgid "Amount 2" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:55 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Show thumbnails" -msgid "Show mask" -msgstr "Vöransichten wiesen" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:59 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Feather Alpha" -msgid "Mask to Alpha" -msgstr "Alpha afswachen" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lenscorrection.xml:3 -msgid "Lens Correction" -msgstr "Lins richten" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lenscorrection.xml:4 -msgid "Allows compensation of lens distortion" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lenscorrection.xml:7 -msgid "Horizontal center" -msgstr "Kimmrecht in de Merrn" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lenscorrection.xml:10 -msgid "Vertical center" -msgstr "Pielrecht in de Merrn" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lenscorrection.xml:13 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Colour correction" -msgid "Center correction" -msgstr "Klören richten" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lenscorrection.xml:16 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Lens Correction" -msgid "Edges correction" -msgstr "Lins richten" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_letterb0xed.xml:3 -msgid "LetterB0xed" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_letterb0xed.xml:4 -msgid "Adds black borders at top and bottom for cinema look" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_letterb0xed.xml:7 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Border Width" -msgid "Border Width" -msgstr "Randbreed" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: data/effects/frei0r_letterb0xed.xml:10 data/effects/frei0r_timeout.xml:13 -#: src/ui/wipeval_ui.ui:136 src/ui/wipeval_ui.ui:281 -msgid "Transparency" -msgstr "Dörschienen" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:4 data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:36 -msgid "Levels" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:5 data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:37 -msgid "Adjust levels" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:13 data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:45 -msgid "Input black level" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:16 data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:48 -msgid "Input white level" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:19 data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:51 -#: data/effects/gamma.xml:3 data/effects/gamma.xml:7 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/lumaliftgain.cpp:63 -msgid "Gamma" -msgstr "Gamma" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:22 data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:54 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Fill color" -msgid "Black output" -msgstr "Füllklöör" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:25 data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:57 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Fill color" -msgid "White output" -msgstr "Füllklöör" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:28 data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:60 -msgid "Show histogram" -msgstr "Histogramm wiesen" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:32 data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:64 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Histogram" -msgid "Histogram position" -msgstr "Histogramm" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:4 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:77 -msgid "Light Graffiti" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:7 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:80 -msgid "" -"Light Graffiti effect.\n" -" " -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:10 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:83 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Brightness" -msgid "Brightness Threshold" -msgstr "Helligkeit" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:12 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:85 -msgid "" -"R+G+B) does a pixel need to be in order to " -"be recognized as a light source?
\n" -" Increasing this threshold requires brighter light sources (i.e. " -"more white or less color, respectively) but prevents some «false alarms» " -"where semi-bright parts, e.g. hands where colors can change quite a lot " -"compared to the background, are incorrectly recognized as light source.]]>" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:15 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:88 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Threshold" -msgid "Difference Threshold" -msgstr "Süll" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:17 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:90 -msgid "" -"max(dR, dG, dB)), in " -"order to be recognized as light source?
\n" -" Increasing this threshold makes it harder for light sources to " -"be accepted on bright backgrounds, but decreases the danger of noise or " -"generally bright spots counting as light source.]]>" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:20 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:93 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Threshold" -msgid "Difference Sum Threshold" -msgstr "Süll" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:22 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:95 -msgid "" -"relative to the " -"background image
(dR + dG + dB) have to change until a " -"pixel is recognized as a light source?
\n" -" Raising this value might, in some cases, avoid that some light " -"objects lit by the light source are added to the light mask.]]>" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:25 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:98 -msgid "Sensitivity" -msgstr "Föhlsamkeit" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:27 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:100 -msgid "" -"\n" -" For slowly moving light source try to use a lower sensitivity to " -"obtain a better exposure.]]>" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:30 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:103 -msgid "Lower Overexposure" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:32 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:105 -msgid "" -"\n" -" The light mask does not get white immediately when the light " -"source is moving slowly or staying steady.]]>" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:35 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:108 -msgid "Dimming" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:36 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:109 -msgid "" -"Dims the light mask. Lights will leave a fainting trail if it is set to a " -"value > 0." -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:39 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:112 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Font weight" -msgid "Background Weight" -msgstr "Schriftdickde" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:40 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:113 -msgid "" -"Strength of the (calculated) background image. Setting it to 100 paints the " -"light mask directly over the background, without the painting person in the " -"image if the video starts with a «clean» background image. (See the α " -"parameter.)" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:43 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:116 -msgid "α" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:45 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:118 -msgid "" -"\n" -" The Light Graffiti effect remembers the first frame of the clip " -"it is applied to, so the clip should always start with the painter " -"outside of the video. If the background constantly changes, e.g. on a " -"street, try to set α > 0 to calculate an average background image.]]>" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:48 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:121 -#: data/effects/frei0r_saturat0r.xml:3 data/effects/frei0r_saturat0r.xml:7 -#: data/effects/movit_saturation.xml:6 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Frame Duration" -msgid "Saturation" -msgstr "Bildduer" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:49 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:122 -msgid "Increases the saturation of lights." -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:52 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:125 -msgid "Show brightness statistics" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:54 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:127 -msgid "" -"\n" -" Example: To adjust the brightness threshold, check this box and " -"adjust the threshold until the whole light source is highlighted. Repeat the " -"same with the other parameters. Only parts that are highlighted in all thresholds will count as light source.]]>" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:57 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:130 -msgid "Show background difference statistics" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:60 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:133 -msgid "Show background difference sum statistics" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:64 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:137 -msgid "" -"Makes the background transparent, allowing to apply a composite effect and " -"paint the light mask over a completely different video." -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:67 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:140 -msgid "Nonlinear dimming" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:68 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:141 -msgid "If normal dimming does not look natural enough, try this one." -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:71 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:144 -#: src/effectstack/geometryval.cpp:95 src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:86 -msgid "Reset" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:72 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:145 -msgid "" -"Resets the light mask and the background image. This is necessary e.g. if " -"you apply this effect to a clip in the timeline and then move the timeline " -"cursor from outside of the clip to the middle of it. The effect receives " -"this frame in the middle as first frame and uses it as background image. For " -"proper threshold adjusting move the timeline cursor to the beginning of the " -"clip, check the Reset box and uncheck it again." -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_luminance.xml:3 -msgid "Luminance" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_luminance.xml:4 -msgid "Creates a luminance map of the image" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_mask0mate.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Feather Alpha" -msgid "Mask0Mate" -msgstr "Alpha afswachen" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_mask0mate.xml:4 -msgid "Creates an square alpha-channel mask" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_medians.xml:3 -msgid "Medians" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_medians.xml:4 -msgid "Implements several median-type filters" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_medians.xml:8 -msgid "" -"Cross5,Square3x3,Bilevel,Diamond3x3,Square5x5,Temp3,Temp5,ArceBI,ML3D,ML3dEX," -"VarSize" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_5) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, import_size) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_20) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, treeWidget) -#: data/effects/frei0r_medians.xml:13 data/effects/frei0r_sharpness.xml:12 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:208 -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:563 src/ui/importkeyframesdialog_ui.ui:73 -#: src/ui/managecaptures_ui.ui:40 src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:201 -msgid "Size" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_nervous.xml:3 -msgid "Nervous" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_nervous.xml:4 -msgid "Flushes frames in time in a nervous way" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_nosync0r.xml:3 -msgid "nosync0r" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_nosync0r.xml:4 -msgid "Broken TV" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_nosync0r.xml:7 -msgid "HSync" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pixeliz0r.xml:3 -msgid "Pixelize" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pixeliz0r.xml:4 -msgid "Pixelize input image." -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pixeliz0r.xml:7 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Size X" -msgid "Block Size X" -msgstr "X-Grött" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pixeliz0r.xml:10 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Size Y" -msgid "Block Size Y" -msgstr "Y-Grött" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0be.xml:3 -msgid "pr0be" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0be.xml:4 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Insert Unicode character" -msgid "Measure video values" -msgstr "Unikode-Teken infögen" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0be.xml:8 -msgid "RGB,Y'PbPr - rec. 601,Y'PbPr - rec. 709,HSV,HSL" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0be.xml:9 -msgid "Measurement" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0be.xml:13 data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:8 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/bezier/beziersplinewidget.cpp:56 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/bezier/beziersplinewidget.cpp:60 -#: src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:144 -msgid "X" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_5) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, cbY) -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0be.xml:17 data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:12 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/bezier/beziersplinewidget.cpp:58 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/bezier/beziersplinewidget.cpp:62 -#: src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:164 src/ui/histogram_ui.ui:23 -msgid "Y" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0be.xml:21 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Resize" -msgid "X size" -msgstr "Grött ännern" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0be.xml:25 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Resize" -msgid "Y size" -msgstr "Grött ännern" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0be.xml:29 data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:81 -msgid "256 scale" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0be.xml:33 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Show thumbnails" -msgid "Show alpha" -msgstr "Vöransichten wiesen" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0be.xml:37 -msgid "Big window" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Save profile" -msgid "pr0file" -msgstr "Profil sekern" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:4 -msgid "2D video oscilloscope" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:20 -msgid "Length" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:24 -msgid "R,G,B,Y',Pr,Pb,Alpha" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:29 -msgid "Marker 1" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:33 -msgid "Marker 2" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:37 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Alpha shapes" -msgid "R trace" -msgstr "Alpha-Formen" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:41 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Alpha shapes" -msgid "G trace" -msgstr "Alpha-Formen" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:45 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Alpha shapes" -msgid "B trace" -msgstr "Alpha-Formen" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:49 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Alpha shapes" -msgid "Y trace" -msgstr "Alpha-Formen" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:53 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Alpha shapes" -msgid "Pr trace" -msgstr "Alpha-Formen" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:57 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Alpha shapes" -msgid "Pb trace" -msgstr "Alpha-Formen" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:61 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Alpha shapes" -msgid "Alpha trace" -msgstr "Alpha-Formen" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:65 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Keep aspect ratio" -msgid "Display average" -msgstr "Bildproportschoon wohren" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:69 -msgid "Display RMS" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:73 -msgid "Display minimum" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:77 -msgid "Display maximum" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:85 -msgid "CCIR rec. 601,CCIR rec. 709" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_13) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, background_list) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_9) -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:86 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:156 -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:176 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:182 -#: src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:197 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:944 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Colour" -msgid "Color" -msgstr "Klöör" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:90 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Fill color" -msgid "Crosshair color" -msgstr "Füllklöör" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_primaries.xml:3 -msgid "Primaries" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_primaries.xml:4 -msgid "Reduce image to primary colors" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_primaries.xml:7 data/effects/sox_stretch.xml:7 -msgid "Factor" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_primaries.xml:8 -msgid " 32 = 0]]>" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QWidget, RGBParade_UI) -#: data/effects/frei0r_rgbparade.xml:3 src/scopes/scopemanager.cpp:308 -#: src/ui/rgbparade_ui.ui:14 -msgid "RGB Parade" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_rgbparade.xml:4 -msgid "Display a histogram of R, G and B components of the video data" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_saturat0r.xml:4 -msgid "Adjusts the saturation of a source image" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_scale0tilt.xml:3 -msgid "Crop, Scale and Position" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_scale0tilt.xml:4 -msgid "Scales, Tilts and Crops an Image" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_scale0tilt.xml:7 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Align left" -msgid "Clip left" -msgstr "Linkerhand utrichten" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_scale0tilt.xml:10 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Align right" -msgid "Clip right" -msgstr "Rechterhand utrichten" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_scale0tilt.xml:13 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Align top" -msgid "Clip top" -msgstr "Baven utrichten" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_scale0tilt.xml:16 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Align bottom" -msgid "Clip bottom" -msgstr "Nerrn utrichten" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_scale0tilt.xml:19 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Scaling" -msgid "Scale X" -msgstr "Grött topassen" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_scale0tilt.xml:22 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Scaling" -msgid "Scale Y" -msgstr "Grött topassen" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_scale0tilt.xml:25 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Tilt" -msgid "Tilt X" -msgstr "Negen" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_scale0tilt.xml:28 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Tilt" -msgid "Tilt Y" -msgstr "Negen" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_scanline0r.xml:3 -msgid "scanline0r" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_scanline0r.xml:4 -msgid "Interlaced black lines" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:4 data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:51 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Colour correction" -msgid "Color Selection" -msgstr "Klören richten" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:5 data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:52 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Colour correction" -msgid "Color based alpha selection" -msgstr "Klören richten" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:9 data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:56 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "No Effect" -msgid "Color to select" -msgstr "Keen Effekt" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:13 data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:60 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Colour correction" -msgid "Invert selection" -msgstr "Klören richten" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:17 data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:79 -msgid "Delta R / A / Hue" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:21 data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:83 -msgid "Delta G / B / Chroma" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:25 data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:87 -msgid "Delta B / I / I" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:29 data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:64 -msgid "RGB,ABI,HCI" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:30 data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:65 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Selection tool" -msgid "Selection subspace" -msgstr "Utsöök-Warktüüch" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:34 data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:69 -msgid "Box,Ellipsoid,Diamond" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:35 data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:70 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Alpha shapes" -msgid "Subspace shape" -msgstr "Alpha-Formen" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:39 -msgid "Hard,Fat,Normal,Skinny" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:40 data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:75 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Insert mode" -msgid "Edge mode" -msgstr "Inföögbedrief" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:74 -msgid "Hard,Fat,Normal,Skinny,Slope" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sharpness.xml:3 -msgid "Sharpen" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sharpness.xml:4 -msgid "Unsharp masking (port from Mplayer)" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sobel.xml:3 -msgid "Sobel" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sobel.xml:4 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Save profile" -msgid "Sobel filter" -msgstr "Profil sekern" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:4 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:59 -msgid "SOP/Sat" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:5 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:60 -msgid "" -"Changes Slope, Offset, and Power of the color components, and the overall " -"Saturation, according to the ASC CDL (Color Decision List)." -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:8 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:63 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Alpha" -msgid "Slope Red" -msgstr "Alpha" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:10 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:65 -msgid "" -"\n" -" All effects can be observed well when applied on a greyscale " -"gradient and looking at the RGB Parade monitor.]]>" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:13 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:68 -msgid "Slope Green" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:16 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:71 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Alpha" -msgid "Slope Blue" -msgstr "Alpha" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:19 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:74 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Alpha" -msgid "Slope Alpha" -msgstr "Alpha" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:23 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:78 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Feather Alpha" -msgid "Offset Red" -msgstr "Alpha afswachen" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:24 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:79 -msgid "" -"Changing the offset lifts (or lowers) the brightness of each pixel by the " -"given value." -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:27 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:82 -msgid "Offset Green" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:30 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:85 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Feather Alpha" -msgid "Offset Blue" -msgstr "Alpha afswachen" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:33 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:88 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Feather Alpha" -msgid "Offset Alpha" -msgstr "Alpha afswachen" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:37 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:92 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Feather Alpha" -msgid "Power Red" -msgstr "Alpha afswachen" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:39 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:94 -msgid "" -"\n" -" Mathematically, what happens is an exponentiation of the " -"pixel brightness on [0,1] by the gamma value.]]>" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:42 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:97 -msgid "Power Green" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:45 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:100 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Feather Alpha" -msgid "Power Blue" -msgstr "Alpha afswachen" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:48 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:103 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Feather Alpha" -msgid "Power Alpha" -msgstr "Alpha afswachen" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:52 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:107 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Frame Duration" -msgid "Overall Saturation" -msgstr "Bildduer" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:53 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:108 -msgid "The overall saturation will be changed in the last step of this filter." -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_squareblur.xml:3 -msgid "Square Blur" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_squareblur.xml:4 -msgid "Square blur" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_squareblur.xml:7 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Original size" -msgid "Kernel size" -msgstr "Orginaalgrött" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_tehroxx0r.xml:3 -msgid "TehRoxx0r" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_tehroxx0r.xml:4 -msgid "Something videowall-ish" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_tehroxx0r.xml:7 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Interval" -msgstr "Interpolater" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_three_point_balance.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "White Balance" -msgid "3 point balance" -msgstr "Wittbalangs" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_three_point_balance.xml:4 -msgid "Balances colors along with 3 points" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_three_point_balance.xml:7 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Fill color" -msgid "Black color" -msgstr "Füllklöör" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_three_point_balance.xml:10 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Fill color" -msgid "Gray color" -msgstr "Füllklöör" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_three_point_balance.xml:13 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Fill color" -msgid "White color" -msgstr "Füllklöör" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_three_point_balance.xml:16 -msgid "Split screen preview" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_three_point_balance.xml:19 -msgid "Source image on left side" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_threelay0r.xml:3 -msgid "threelay0r" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_threelay0r.xml:4 -msgid "Dynamic 3-level thresholding" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_threshold0r.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Threshold" -msgid "Threshold0r" -msgstr "Süll" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_threshold0r.xml:4 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Threshold" -msgid "Thresholds a source image" -msgstr "Süll" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_timeout.xml:4 -msgid "Timeout indicator" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_timeout.xml:7 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Fill color" -msgid "Indicator color" -msgstr "Füllklöör" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, markers_list) -#: data/effects/frei0r_timeout.xml:10 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:427 -msgid "Time" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_tint0r.xml:3 -msgid "Tint" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_tint0r.xml:4 -msgid "Maps source image luminance between two colors specified" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_tint0r.xml:7 -msgid "Map black to" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_tint0r.xml:10 -msgid "Map white to" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_tint0r.xml:13 -msgid "Tint amount" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_twolay0r.xml:3 -msgid "twolay0r" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_twolay0r.xml:4 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Threshold" -msgid "Dynamic thresholding" -msgstr "Süll" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_vectorscope.xml:3 src/scopes/scopemanager.cpp:306 -msgid "Vectorscope" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_vectorscope.xml:4 -msgid "Display a vectorscope of the video data" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_vertigo.xml:4 data/effects/frei0r_vertigo.xml:15 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Vertical" -msgid "Vertigo" -msgstr "Pielrecht" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_vertigo.xml:5 data/effects/frei0r_vertigo.xml:16 -msgid "Alpha blending with zoomed and rotated images" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_vertigo.xml:8 data/effects/frei0r_vertigo.xml:19 -msgid "Phase Increment" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_vertigo.xml:11 data/effects/frei0r_vertigo.xml:22 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Zoom Out" -msgid "Zoom Rate" -msgstr "Lütter maken" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_vignette.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "No Effect" -msgid "Vignette" -msgstr "Keen Effekt" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_vignette.xml:4 -msgid "Natural lens vignetting effect" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_vignette.xml:7 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Keep aspect ratio" -msgid "Aspect ratio" -msgstr "Bildproportschoon wohren" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_vignette.xml:10 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Original size" -msgid "Clear center size" -msgstr "Orginaalgrött" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_softness) -#: data/effects/frei0r_vignette.xml:13 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:709 -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:302 src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:220 -msgid "Softness" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/gain.xml:3 data/effects/gain.xml:7 data/effects/mute.xml:7 -#: data/effects/normalise.xml:7 data/effects/sox_bass.xml:7 -#: data/effects/sox_gain.xml:7 data/effects/volume.xml:7 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/lumaliftgain.cpp:65 -msgid "Gain" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/gain.xml:4 -msgid "Adjust the audio volume without keyframes" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/gamma.xml:4 -msgid "Change gamma color value" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/grain.xml:3 -msgid "Grain" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/grain.xml:4 -msgid "Grain over the image" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/grain.xml:7 data/effects/movit_deconvolution_sharpen.xml:18 -#: plugins/sampleplugin/sampleplugin.cpp:34 -#: plugins/sampleplugin/sampleplugin.cpp:42 -#: plugins/sampleplugin/sampleplugin.cpp:54 -#: plugins/sampleplugin/sampleplugin.cpp:78 -msgid "Noise" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/greyscale.xml:3 -msgid "Greyscale" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/greyscale.xml:4 -msgid "Discard color information" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/invert.xml:4 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Fill color" -msgid "Invert colors" -msgstr "Füllklöör" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_declipper.xml:3 -msgid "Declipper" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_declipper.xml:4 -msgid "LADSPA declipper audio effect" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer.xml:3 -msgid "Equalizer" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer.xml:4 -msgid "LADSPA equalizer audio effect" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer.xml:7 -msgid "Lo gain" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer.xml:10 -msgid "Mid gain" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer.xml:13 -msgid "Hi gain" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:3 -msgid "15 Band Equalizer" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:4 -msgid "LADSPA equalizer audio effect (15 band)" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:7 -msgid "50 Hz" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:10 -msgid "100 Hz" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:13 -msgid "156 Hz" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:16 -msgid "220 Hz" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:19 -msgid "311 Hz" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:22 -msgid "440 Hz" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:25 -msgid "622 Hz" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:28 -msgid "880 Hz" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:31 -msgid "1250 Hz" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:34 -msgid "1750 Hz" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:37 -msgid "2500 Hz" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:40 -msgid "3500 Hz" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:43 -msgid "5000 Hz" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:46 -msgid "10000 Hz" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:49 -msgid "20000 Hz" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_limiter.xml:3 -msgid "Limiter" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_limiter.xml:4 -msgid "LADSPA limiter audio effect" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_limiter.xml:7 -msgid "Input gain (dB)" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_limiter.xml:10 -msgid "Limit (dB)" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_limiter.xml:13 -msgid "Release time (s)" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_phaser.xml:3 -msgid "Phaser" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_phaser.xml:4 -msgid "LADSPA phaser audio effect" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_phaser.xml:7 -msgid "Rate (Hz)" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_phaser.xml:10 data/effects/sox_flanger.xml:10 -msgid "Depth" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_phaser.xml:13 -msgid "Feedback" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_phaser.xml:16 -msgid "Spread" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_pitch.xml:3 -msgid "Pitch Shift" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_pitch.xml:4 -msgid "LADSPA change pitch audio effect" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_pitch.xml:7 data/effects/sox_pitch.xml:7 -msgid "Shift" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_pitch_scale.xml:3 -msgid "Pitch Scaler" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_pitch_scale.xml:4 -msgid "LADSPA pitch scale audio effect" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_pitch_scale.xml:7 -msgid "Co-efficient" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_rate_scale.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Scaling" -msgid "Rate Scaler" -msgstr "Grött topassen" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_rate_scale.xml:4 -msgid "LADSPA rate scale audio effect" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_rate_scale.xml:7 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Zoom Out" -msgid "Rate" -msgstr "Lütter maken" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_reverb.xml:3 -msgid "Reverb" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_reverb.xml:4 -msgid "LADSPA reverb audio effect" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_reverb.xml:7 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Source Color" -msgid "Reverb time" -msgstr "Bornklöör" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_reverb.xml:10 data/effects/ladspa_room_reverb.xml:13 -msgid "Damping" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_room_reverb.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Zoom Out" -msgid "Room Reverb" -msgstr "Lütter maken" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_room_reverb.xml:4 -msgid "LADSPA room reverb audio effect" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_room_reverb.xml:7 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Resize (50%)" -msgid "Room size (m)" -msgstr "Grött ännern (50%)" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_room_reverb.xml:10 -msgid "Delay (s/10)" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_vinyl.xml:3 -msgid "Vinyl" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_vinyl.xml:4 -msgid "Simulates a vinyl audio player - LADSPA audio effect" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_vinyl.xml:7 src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:166 -msgid "Year" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_vinyl.xml:10 -msgid "RPM" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_vinyl.xml:13 -msgid "Surface warping" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_vinyl.xml:16 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid " frames" -msgid "Crackle" -msgstr " Biller" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_vinyl.xml:19 -msgid "Wear" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/lift_gamma_gain.xml:3 -msgid "Lift/gamma/gain" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/lift_gamma_gain.xml:6 data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain.xml:6 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain2.xml:6 -msgid "Lift: Red" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/lift_gamma_gain.xml:9 data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain.xml:9 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain2.xml:9 -msgid "Lift: Green" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/lift_gamma_gain.xml:12 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain.xml:12 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain2.xml:12 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Blur" -msgid "Lift: Blue" -msgstr "Weekteken" - -#: data/effects/lift_gamma_gain.xml:15 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain.xml:15 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain2.xml:15 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Gamma" -msgid "Gamma: Red" -msgstr "Gamma" - -#: data/effects/lift_gamma_gain.xml:18 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain.xml:18 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain2.xml:18 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Gamma" -msgid "Gamma: Green" -msgstr "Gamma" - -#: data/effects/lift_gamma_gain.xml:21 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain.xml:21 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain2.xml:21 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Gamma" -msgid "Gamma: Blue" -msgstr "Gamma" - -#: data/effects/lift_gamma_gain.xml:24 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain.xml:24 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain2.xml:24 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Gamma" -msgid "Gain: Red" -msgstr "Gamma" - -#: data/effects/lift_gamma_gain.xml:27 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain.xml:27 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain2.xml:27 -msgid "Gain: Green" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/lift_gamma_gain.xml:30 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain.xml:30 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain2.xml:30 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Gamma" -msgid "Gain: Blue" -msgstr "Gamma" - -#: data/effects/loudness.xml:3 -msgid "Loudness" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/loudness.xml:4 -msgid "Correct audio loudness as recommended by EBU R128" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/loudness.xml:7 -msgid "Target Program Loudness" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/mirror.xml:3 -msgid "Mirror" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/mirror.xml:4 -msgid "Flip your image in any direction" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/mirror.xml:7 -msgid "Horizontal,Vertical,Diagonal,X Diagonal,Flip,Flop" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/mirror.xml:8 -msgid "Mirroring direction" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/movit_blur.xml:3 -msgid "Blur (GPU)" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_6) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_8) -#: data/effects/movit_blur.xml:6 data/effects/movit_diffusion.xml:6 -#: data/effects/movit_glow.xml:6 data/effects/movit_unsharp_mask.xml:6 -#: data/effects/movit_vignette.xml:6 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:891 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:915 -msgid "Radius" -msgstr "Halfmaat" - -#: data/effects/movit_deconvolution_sharpen.xml:3 -msgid "Deconvolution sharpen (GPU)" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/movit_deconvolution_sharpen.xml:6 -msgid "Matrix size" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/movit_deconvolution_sharpen.xml:9 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Radius" -msgid "Circle radius" -msgstr "Halfmaat" - -#: data/effects/movit_deconvolution_sharpen.xml:12 -msgid "Gaussian radius" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/movit_deconvolution_sharpen.xml:15 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Lens Correction" -msgid "Correlation" -msgstr "Lins richten" - -#: data/effects/movit_diffusion.xml:3 -msgid "Diffusion (GPU)" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/movit_diffusion.xml:9 -msgid "Mix amount" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/movit_glow.xml:3 -msgid "Glow (GPU)" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/movit_glow.xml:9 -msgid "Glow strength" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/movit_glow.xml:12 -msgid "Highlight cutoff threshold" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain.xml:3 -msgid "Lift/gamma/gain (GPU)" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain2.xml:3 -msgid "Movit: Lift/gamma/gain (colors)" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/movit_mirror.xml:3 -msgid "Mirror (GPU)" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/movit_opacity.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Color Distance" -msgid "Opacity (GPU)" -msgstr "Klöörafstand" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_opacity) -#: data/effects/movit_opacity.xml:6 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:211 src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:113 -msgid "Opacity" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/movit_rect.xml:3 -msgid "Pan and Zoom (GPU)" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/movit_rect.xml:9 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Zoom Out" -msgid "Allow upscale" -msgstr "Lütter maken" - -#: data/effects/movit_saturation.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Frame Duration" -msgid "Saturation (GPU)" -msgstr "Bildduer" - -#: data/effects/movit_unsharp_mask.xml:3 -msgid "Unsharp mask (GPU)" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/movit_vignette.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "No Effect" -msgid "Vignette (GPU)" -msgstr "Keen Effekt" - -#: data/effects/movit_vignette.xml:9 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Radius" -msgid "Inner radius" -msgstr "Halfmaat" - -#: data/effects/movit_white_balance.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "White Balance" -msgid "White Balance (GPU)" -msgstr "Wittbalangs" - -#: data/effects/mute.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Edit profile" -msgid "Mute" -msgstr "Profil bewerken" - -#: data/effects/mute.xml:4 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Edit profile" -msgid "Mute clip" -msgstr "Profil bewerken" - -#: data/effects/normalise.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -#| msgctxt "Font style" -#| msgid "Normal" -msgid "Normalise" -msgstr "Normaal" - -#: data/effects/normalise.xml:4 -msgid "Dynamically normalise the audio volume" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/normalise.xml:10 -msgid "Maximum gain" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/normalise.xml:13 data/effects/sox_stretch.xml:10 -msgid "Window" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/obscure.xml:4 -msgid "Hide a region of the clip" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/obscure.xml:7 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:760 -msgid "Region" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/oldfilm.xml:3 -msgid "Oldfilm" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/oldfilm.xml:4 -msgid "Moves the Picture up and down and random brightness change" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/oldfilm.xml:7 -msgid "Y-Delta" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/oldfilm.xml:10 -#, no-c-format -msgid "% of picture have a delta" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/oldfilm.xml:13 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Brightness" -msgid "Brightness up" -msgstr "Helligkeit" - -#: data/effects/oldfilm.xml:16 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Brightness" -msgid "Brightness down" -msgstr "Helligkeit" - -#: data/effects/oldfilm.xml:19 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Brightness" -msgid "Brightness every" -msgstr "Helligkeit" - -#: data/effects/oldfilm.xml:22 -msgid "Unevendevelop up" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/oldfilm.xml:25 -msgid "Unevendevelop down" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/oldfilm.xml:28 -msgid "Unevendevelop Duration" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/pan_zoom.xml:3 data/effects/region.xml:10 -#: data/effects/rotation.xml:37 -msgid "Pan and Zoom" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/pan_zoom.xml:4 -msgid "Adjust size and position of clip" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/region.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -#| msgctxt "Font style" -#| msgid "Normal" -msgid "Regionalize" -msgstr "Normaal" - -#: data/effects/region.xml:4 -msgid "Apply sub-effects to a region defined by a clip's alpha channel" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/region.xml:7 -msgid "Url" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/rotation.xml:3 -msgid "Rotate and Shear" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/rotation.xml:4 data/effects/rotation_keyframable.xml:4 -msgid "Rotate clip in any 3 directions" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/rotation.xml:7 data/effects/rotation_keyframable.xml:7 -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:747 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:216 -msgid "Rotate X" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/rotation.xml:10 data/effects/rotation_keyframable.xml:10 -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:748 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:219 -msgid "Rotate Y" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/rotation.xml:13 data/effects/rotation_keyframable.xml:13 -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:749 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:222 -msgid "Rotate Z" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/rotation.xml:16 -msgid "Animate Rotate X" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/rotation.xml:19 -msgid "Animate Rotate Y" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/rotation.xml:22 -msgid "Animate Rotate Z" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/rotation.xml:25 -msgid "Shear X" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/rotation.xml:28 -msgid "Shear Y" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/rotation.xml:31 -msgid "Animate Shear X" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/rotation.xml:34 -msgid "Animate Shear Y" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/rotation_keyframable.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid " frames" -msgid "Rotate (keyframable)" -msgstr " Biller" - -#: data/effects/rotation_keyframable.xml:16 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Feather Alpha" -msgid "Offset X" -msgstr "Alpha afswachen" - -#: data/effects/rotation_keyframable.xml:19 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Feather Alpha" -msgid "Offset Y" -msgstr "Alpha afswachen" - -#: data/effects/rotoscoping.xml:3 -msgid "Rotoscoping" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/rotoscoping.xml:4 -msgid "Keyframable vector based rotoscoping" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/rotoscoping.xml:8 -msgid "Alpha,Luma,RGB" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/rotoscoping.xml:9 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "View" -msgid "Mode" -msgstr "Ansicht" - -#: data/effects/rotoscoping.xml:14 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Operation" -msgid "Alpha Operation" -msgstr "Akschoon" - -#: data/effects/rotoscoping.xml:22 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:3422 -msgid "Track" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/rotoscoping.xml:26 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Feather Alpha" -msgid "Feather width" -msgstr "Alpha afswachen" - -#: data/effects/rotoscoping.xml:30 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Feather Alpha" -msgid "Feathering passes" -msgstr "Alpha afswachen" - -#: data/effects/scratchlines.xml:3 -msgid "Scratchlines" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/scratchlines.xml:4 -msgid "Scratchlines over the picture" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/scratchlines.xml:7 -msgid "Width of line" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/scratchlines.xml:10 -msgid "Max number of lines" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/scratchlines.xml:13 -msgid "Max darker" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/scratchlines.xml:16 -msgid "Max lighter" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/sepia.xml:3 -msgid "Sepia" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/sepia.xml:4 -msgid "Turn clip colors to sepia" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/sepia.xml:7 -msgid "Chrominance U" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/sepia.xml:10 -msgid "Chrominance V" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/sox_band.xml:3 -msgid "Sox Band" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/sox_band.xml:4 -msgid "Sox band audio effect" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/sox_band.xml:7 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Frequency" -msgid "Center Frequency" -msgstr "Frequenz" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_4) -#: data/effects/sox_band.xml:10 data/effects/sox_flanger.xml:16 -#: src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:181 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:307 -msgid "Width" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/sox_bass.xml:3 -msgid "Sox Bass" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/sox_bass.xml:4 -msgid "Sox bass audio effect" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/sox_echo.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Enable Stretch" -msgid "Sox Echo" -msgstr "Utwiedern anmaken" - -#: data/effects/sox_echo.xml:4 -msgid "Sox echo audio effect" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/sox_echo.xml:7 data/effects/sox_phaser.xml:7 -msgid "Gain In" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/sox_echo.xml:10 data/effects/sox_phaser.xml:10 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Zoom Out" -msgid "Gain Out" -msgstr "Lütter maken" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_13) -#: data/effects/sox_echo.xml:13 data/effects/sox_flanger.xml:7 -#: data/effects/sox_phaser.xml:13 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:994 -msgid "Delay" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/sox_echo.xml:16 data/effects/sox_phaser.xml:16 -msgid "Decay" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/sox_flanger.xml:3 -msgid "Sox Flanger" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/sox_flanger.xml:4 -msgid "Sox flanger audio effect" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/sox_flanger.xml:13 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Operation" -msgid "Regeneration" -msgstr "Akschoon" - -#: data/effects/sox_flanger.xml:19 data/effects/sox_phaser.xml:19 -#: data/effects/speed.xml:3 data/effects/speed.xml:7 -msgid "Speed" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/sox_flanger.xml:25 -msgid "Phase" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/sox_flanger.xml:28 src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:383 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Interpolation" -msgstr "Interpolater" - -#: data/effects/sox_gain.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Start at" -msgid "Sox Gain" -msgstr "Start bi" - -#: data/effects/sox_gain.xml:4 -msgid "Sox gain audio effect" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/sox_gain.xml:12 -#, fuzzy -#| msgctxt "Font style" -#| msgid "Normal" -msgid "Normalize" -msgstr "Normaal" - -#: data/effects/sox_phaser.xml:3 -msgid "Sox Phaser" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/sox_phaser.xml:4 -msgid "Sox phaser audio effect" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/sox_pitch.xml:3 -msgid "Sox Pitch Shift" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/sox_pitch.xml:4 -msgid "Sox change pitch audio effect" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/sox_pitch.xml:10 -msgid "Time window (ms)" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/sox_reverb.xml:3 -msgid "Sox Reverb" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/sox_reverb.xml:4 -msgid "Sox reverb audio effect" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/sox_reverb.xml:7 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "White Balance" -msgid "Reverberance" -msgstr "Wittbalangs" - -#: data/effects/sox_reverb.xml:10 -msgid "High frequency damping" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/sox_reverb.xml:13 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Zoom Out" -msgid "Room scale" -msgstr "Lütter maken" - -#: data/effects/sox_reverb.xml:16 -msgid "Stereo depth" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/sox_reverb.xml:19 -msgid "Pre-delay" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/sox_reverb.xml:22 -msgid "Wet gain" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/sox_stretch.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Enable Stretch" -msgid "Sox Stretch" -msgstr "Utwiedern anmaken" - -#: data/effects/sox_stretch.xml:4 -msgid "Sox stretch audio effect" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/speed.xml:4 -msgid "Make clip play faster or slower" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/speed.xml:10 -msgid "Stroboscope" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/swapchannels.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Audio channels" -msgid "Swap channels" -msgstr "Klangkanaals" - -#: data/effects/swapchannels.xml:4 -msgid "Move the left channel to the right and right-to-left" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/tcolor.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Fill color" -msgid "Technicolor" -msgstr "Füllklöör" - -#: data/effects/tcolor.xml:4 -msgid "Oversaturate the color in video, like in old Technicolor movies" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/tcolor.xml:7 -msgid "Blue/Yellow axis" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/tcolor.xml:10 -msgid "Red/Green axis" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/threshold.xml:4 -msgid "Make monochrome clip" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/threshold.xml:7 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Threshold" -msgid "Threshold value" -msgstr "Süll" - -#: data/effects/threshold.xml:10 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Transparency" -msgid "Use transparency" -msgstr "Dörschienen" - -#: data/effects/vignette.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "No Effect" -msgid "Vignette Effect" -msgstr "Keen Effekt" - -#: data/effects/vignette.xml:4 -msgid "Adjustable Vignette" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/vignette.xml:7 -msgid "smooth" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/vignette.xml:10 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Radius" -msgid "radius" -msgstr "Halfmaat" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_6) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_8) -#: data/effects/vignette.xml:13 src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:72 -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:575 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "x1" -msgid "x" -msgstr "x1" - -#: data/effects/vignette.xml:16 -msgid "y" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/vignette.xml:19 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Color Distance" -msgid "opacity" -msgstr "Klöörafstand" - -#: data/effects/vignette.xml:22 -msgid "use cos instead of linear" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/volume.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid " frames" -msgid "Volume (keyframable)" -msgstr " Biller" - -#: data/effects/volume.xml:4 -msgid "Adjust audio volume with keyframes" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/wave.xml:3 -msgid "Wave" -msgstr "Bülg" - -#: data/effects/wave.xml:4 -msgid "Make waves on your clip with keyframes" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/wave.xml:10 -msgid "Horizontal" -msgstr "Kimmrecht" - -#: data/effects/wave.xml:13 -msgid "Vertical" -msgstr "Pielrecht" - -#: data/kdenliveeffectscategory.rc:5 -msgid "Colour correction" -msgstr "Klören richten" - -#: data/kdenliveeffectscategory.rc:8 -msgid "Colour" -msgstr "Klöör" - -#: data/kdenliveeffectscategory.rc:11 -msgid "Crop and transform" -msgstr "Tosnieden un wanneln" - -#: data/kdenliveeffectscategory.rc:14 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Colour correction" -msgid "Audio correction" -msgstr "Klören richten" - -#: data/kdenliveeffectscategory.rc:17 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:655 -msgid "Audio channels" -msgstr "Klangkanaals" - -#: data/kdenliveeffectscategory.rc:20 -msgid "Analysis and data" -msgstr "" - -#: data/kdenliveeffectscategory.rc:23 -msgid "Fade" -msgstr "Utblennen" - -#: data/kdenliveeffectscategory.rc:26 -msgid "Artistic" -msgstr "" - -#: data/kdenliveeffectscategory.rc:29 -msgid "Blur and hide" -msgstr "Verwischen un versteken" - -#: data/kdenliveeffectscategory.rc:32 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Position" -msgid "Motion" -msgstr "Positschoon" - -#: data/kdenliveeffectscategory.rc:38 -msgid "Alpha manipulation" -msgstr "" - -#: data/kdenliveeffectscategory.rc:41 -msgid "Enhancement" -msgstr "" - -#: data/kdenliveeffectscategory.rc:44 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Effects" -msgid "GPU effects" -msgstr "Effekten" - -#. i18n: ectx: ToolBar (extraToolBar) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:4 -msgid "Extra Toolbar" -msgstr "Bito-Warktüüchbalken" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (project) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:21 -msgid "Project" -msgstr "Projekt" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (extract_audio) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:29 src/mainwindow.cpp:2752 -msgid "Extract Audio" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (clip_actions) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:32 src/mainwindow.cpp:2699 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Align top" -msgid "Clip Jobs" -msgstr "Baven utrichten" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (transcoders) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:35 src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:184 -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:125 -msgid "Transcode" -msgstr "Ümkoderen" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (generators) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:38 -#, fuzzy -#| msgctxt "general keyboard shortcuts" -#| msgid "General" -msgid "Generators" -msgstr "Allmeen" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (track_menu) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:40 src/mainwindow.cpp:1145 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid " frames" -msgid "Tracks" -msgstr " Biller" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (clip_in_timeline) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:55 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Align left" -msgid "Clip in Timeline" -msgstr "Linkerhand utrichten" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (tool) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:70 -msgid "Tool" -msgstr "Warktüüch" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (clip) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:80 src/project/projectlistview.cpp:59 -msgid "Clip" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (marker_menu) -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_3) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:81 src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:397 -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:402 -msgid "Markers" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (timeline) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:96 src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:81 -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2785 -msgid "Timeline" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (keyboard_selection) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:97 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Selection tool" -msgid "Selection" -msgstr "Utsöök-Warktüüch" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (keyboard_insert) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:105 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Insert mode" -msgid "Insertion" -msgstr "Inföögbedrief" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (current_clip) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:110 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Edit profile" -msgid "Current clip" -msgstr "Profil bewerken" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (all_clips) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:117 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Color 1" -msgid "All clips" -msgstr "1. Klöör" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (guide_menu) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:120 -msgid "Guides" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (space_menu) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:126 -msgid "Space" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (video_effects_menu) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:134 src/mainwindow.cpp:279 -msgid "Add Effect" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (monitor) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:148 -msgid "Monitor" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (monitor_go) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:154 src/timeline/customruler.cpp:93 -msgid "Go To" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (monitor_config) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:176 -msgid "Monitor config" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (dockwindows) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:187 -msgid "View" -msgstr "Ansicht" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (layout_save_as) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:188 -msgid "Save Layout As" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, CountDown_UI) -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, ClipStabilize_UI) -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, FreeSound_UI) -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, ArchiveWidget_UI) -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, BackupDialog_UI) -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, ClipTranscode_UI) -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, AddTrack_UI) -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, SmConfig_UI) -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, ManageEncodingProfile_UI) -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, ColorClip_UI) -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, RenderWidget_UI) -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, Stopmotion_UI) -#: plugins/sampleplugin/countdown_ui.ui:13 src/ui/addtrack_ui.ui:14 -#: src/ui/archivewidget_ui.ui:14 src/ui/backupdialog_ui.ui:14 -#: src/ui/clipstabilize_ui.ui:14 src/ui/cliptranscode_ui.ui:14 -#: src/ui/colorclip_ui.ui:14 src/ui/freesound_ui.ui:14 -#: src/ui/manageencodingprofile_ui.ui:14 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:14 -#: src/ui/smconfig_ui.ui:14 src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Dialog" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, destination_label) -#: plugins/sampleplugin/countdown_ui.ui:19 src/ui/cutjobdialog_ui.ui:47 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Save" -msgid "Save to" -msgstr "Sekern" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, duration_label) -#: plugins/sampleplugin/countdown_ui.ui:29 -msgid "Duration (seconds)" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, font_label) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_4) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_17) -#: plugins/sampleplugin/countdown_ui.ui:46 src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:89 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:331 -msgid "Font" -msgstr "Schriftoort" - -#: plugins/sampleplugin/sampleplugin.cpp:33 -msgid "Countdown" -msgstr "" - -#: plugins/sampleplugin/sampleplugin.cpp:55 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Create new profile" -msgid "Create Noise Clip" -msgstr "Nieg Profil opstellen" - -#: plugins/sampleplugin/sampleplugin.cpp:59 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Create new profile" -msgid "Create Countdown Clip" -msgstr "Nieg Profil opstellen" - -#: plugins/sampleplugin/sampleplugin.cpp:97 -#: plugins/sampleplugin/sampleplugin.cpp:105 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Failed to generate clip:\n" -"%1" -msgstr "" - -#: plugins/sampleplugin/sampleplugin.cpp:97 -#: plugins/sampleplugin/sampleplugin.cpp:105 -#, fuzzy -#| msgctxt "general keyboard shortcuts" -#| msgid "General" -msgid "Generator Failed" -msgstr "Allmeen" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:210 src/project/projectlist.cpp:133 -#, kde-format -msgid "%1 job" -msgid_plural "%1 jobs" -msgstr[0] "" -msgstr[1] "" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:211 src/project/projectlist.cpp:134 -#, kde-format -msgid "%1 pending job" -msgid_plural "%1 pending jobs" -msgstr[0] "" -msgstr[1] "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_search) -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:300 src/ui/freesound_ui.ui:74 -msgid "Search" -msgstr "" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:336 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "View" -msgid "View Mode" -msgstr "Ansicht" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:338 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "View" -msgid "Tree View" -msgstr "Ansicht" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:346 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "View" -msgid "Icon View" -msgstr "Ansicht" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:353 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "No Effect" -msgid "Disable Bin Effects" -msgstr "Keen Effekt" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:361 src/bin/bincommands.cpp:102 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Delete Folder" -msgid "Rename Folder" -msgstr "Orner wegdoon" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab) -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:370 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:50 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Project Settings" -msgid "Settings" -msgstr "Projektinstellen" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:372 src/project/clipproperties.cpp:351 -#: src/project/dialogs/slideshowclip.cpp:77 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:324 -msgid "Zoom" -msgstr "Ansichtgrött" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:378 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Show thumbnails" -msgid "Show date" -msgstr "Vöransichten wiesen" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:381 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Description" -msgid "Show description" -msgstr "Beschrieven" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:399 src/project/projectlist.cpp:213 -msgid "Cancel All Jobs" -msgstr "" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:401 src/project/projectlist.cpp:217 -msgid "Cancel Current Clip Jobs" -msgstr "" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:431 src/project/projectlist.cpp:254 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Show histogram" -msgid "Show Log" -msgstr "Histogramm wiesen" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:504 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Loading thumbnails" -msgid "Creating audio thumbnails" -msgstr "Vöransichten warrt laadt" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:511 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Loading thumbnails" -msgid "Audio thumbnails done" -msgstr "Vöransichten warrt laadt" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:805 -msgctxt "append to clip name to indicate a copied idem" -msgid " (copy)" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:929 src/bin/bin.cpp:2217 -#: src/project/folderprojectitem.cpp:37 src/project/projectlist.cpp:1085 -#: src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:60 -msgid "Folder" -msgstr "&Orner" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:1056 -#, kde-format -msgid "Folder contains a clip, delete anyways ?" -msgid_plural "Folder contains %1 clips, delete anyways ?" -msgstr[0] "" -msgstr[1] "" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:1173 src/mainwindow.cpp:1234 -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:1004 -msgid "Delete Clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:1174 src/mainwindow.cpp:1251 -msgid "Proxy Clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:1181 src/project/projectlist.cpp:995 -msgid "Delete Folder" -msgstr "Orner wegdoon" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:1182 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Project Tree" -msgid "Proxy Folder" -msgstr "Projektboom" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2015 src/bin/bincommands.cpp:62 src/bin/bincommands.cpp:82 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Image File" -msgid "Move Clip" -msgid_plural "Move Clips" -msgstr[0] "Bilddatei" -msgstr[1] "Bilddatei" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2231 -#, kde-format -msgid "Playlist clip %1 is invalid." -msgstr "" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2236 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Playlist clip %1 has too many tracks (%2) to be imported. Add new tracks to " -"your project." -msgstr "" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2449 src/project/projectlist.cpp:465 -msgid "Please set a default application to open images in the Settings dialog" -msgstr "" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2455 src/project/projectlist.cpp:471 -msgid "" -"Please set a default application to open audio files in the Settings dialog" -msgstr "" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2511 src/project/projectlist.cpp:2661 -msgid "No data returned from clip analysis" -msgstr "" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2525 src/project/projectlist.cpp:2674 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Transcode" -msgid "Processing data analysis" -msgstr "Ümkoderen" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2531 src/project/projectlist.cpp:2680 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Edit profile" -msgid "Auto Split Clip" -msgstr "Profil bewerken" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2549 src/project/projectlist.cpp:2698 -msgid "Add Markers" -msgstr "" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2592 src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:85 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:474 src/project/projectcommands.cpp:164 -msgid "Add marker" -msgid_plural "Add markers" -msgstr[0] "" -msgstr[1] "" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2603 src/bin/bin.cpp:2685 src/project/jobs/filterjob.cpp:96 -#: src/timeline/markerdialog.cpp:45 -#, kde-format -msgid "Category %1" -msgstr "" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2608 -msgid "Load Clip Markers" -msgstr "" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2623 src/bin/bin.cpp:2720 -#: src/dialogs/profilesdialog.cpp:219 src/dialogs/profilesdialog.cpp:520 -#, fuzzy, kde-format -#| msgid "Opening file %1" -msgid "Cannot open file %1" -msgstr "Datei \"%1\" warrt opmaakt" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, MarkerDialog_UI) -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2649 src/definitions.cpp:78 src/definitions.cpp:95 -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:367 src/mainwindow.cpp:1831 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:727 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:801 src/ui/markerdialog_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Marker" -msgstr "" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2683 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "All Files" -msgid "All categories" -msgstr "All Dateien" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2690 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Source Color" -msgid "Save Clip Markers" -msgstr "Bornklöör" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2733 src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:86 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:478 src/project/projectcommands.cpp:162 -msgid "Delete marker" -msgstr "" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2748 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Source Color" -msgid "Delete clip markers" -msgstr "Bornklöör" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2750 -msgid "Clip has no markers" -msgstr "" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2788 src/project/clippropertiesmanager.cpp:126 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"You are editing an external title clip (%1). Do you want to save your " -"changes to the title file or save the changes for this project only?" -msgstr "" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2788 src/project/clippropertiesmanager.cpp:126 -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:1766 -msgid "Save Title" -msgstr "" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2788 src/project/clippropertiesmanager.cpp:126 -msgid "Save to title file" -msgstr "" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2788 src/project/clippropertiesmanager.cpp:126 -msgid "Save in project only" -msgstr "" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2852 src/project/projectlist.cpp:1428 -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:1430 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4517 -msgid "Invalid clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2852 src/project/projectlist.cpp:1428 -msgid "Clip is invalid, will be removed from project." -msgstr "" - -#: src/bin/bincommands.cpp:34 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Save profile" -msgid "Remove Folder" -msgstr "Profil sekern" - -#: src/bin/bincommands.cpp:35 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Folder" -msgid "Add Folder" -msgstr "&Orner" - -#: src/bin/bincommands.cpp:121 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Enable Stretch" -msgid "Add Bin Effect" -msgstr "Utwiedern anmaken" - -#: src/bin/bincommands.cpp:140 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "No Effect" -msgid "Remove Bin Effect" -msgstr "Keen Effekt" - -#: src/bin/bincommands.cpp:162 -msgid "Rename Zone" -msgstr "" - -#: src/bin/bincommands.cpp:184 -msgid "Add Sub Clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/bin/bincommands.cpp:217 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1628 -msgid "Edit clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/bin/projectclip.cpp:90 src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:879 -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:195 -msgid "Untitled" -msgstr "" - -#: src/bin/projectclip.cpp:272 src/project/projectlist.cpp:2458 -msgctxt "The first letter of Proxy, used as abbreviation" -msgid "P" -msgstr "" - -#: src/bin/projectclip.cpp:940 src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:1228 -#, kde-format -msgid "Clip already contains analysis data %1" -msgstr "" - -#: src/bin/projectclip.cpp:940 src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:1228 -msgid "Merge" -msgstr "" - -#: src/bin/projectclip.cpp:940 src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:1228 -msgid "Add" -msgstr "" - -#: src/bin/projectfolder.cpp:74 -#, fuzzy, kde-format -#| msgid "Edit profile" -msgid "%1 clip" -msgid_plural "%1 clips" -msgstr[0] "Profil bewerken" -msgstr[1] "Profil bewerken" - -#: src/bin/projectfolderup.cpp:35 -msgid "Back" -msgstr "" - -#: src/bin/projectfolderup.cpp:59 -msgid "Go up" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/bin/projectitemmodel.cpp:169 src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:74 -#: src/ui/colorclip_ui.ui:20 src/ui/configtranscode_ui.ui:70 -#: src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:20 -msgid "Name" -msgstr "Naam" - -#: src/bin/projectitemmodel.cpp:172 -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:173 -#: src/project/projectlistview.cpp:59 -msgid "Date" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_description) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/bin/projectitemmodel.cpp:175 src/project/projectlistview.cpp:59 -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:41 src/ui/configtranscode_ui.ui:80 -#: src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:49 -msgid "Description" -msgstr "Beschrieven" - -#: src/bin/projectitemmodel.cpp:178 src/dialogs/profilesdialog.cpp:585 -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:231 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:319 -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:771 src/mltcontroller/clipcontroller.cpp:266 -#: src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:483 -msgid "Unknown" -msgstr "Nich begäng" - -#: src/bin/projectsubclip.cpp:41 src/doc/documentvalidator.cpp:1441 -#, fuzzy, kde-format -#| msgid "Zoom Out" -msgid "Zone %1" -msgstr "Lütter maken" - -#: src/capture/managecapturesdialog.cpp:42 -msgid "import" -msgstr "Importeren" - -#: src/dialogs/clipcreationdialog.cpp:97 src/dialogs/clipcreationdialog.cpp:98 -msgid "Color Clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/clipcreationdialog.cpp:188 -msgid "Title clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/clipcreationdialog.cpp:236 src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:1117 -msgid "Template title clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/clipcreationdialog.cpp:428 src/doc/doccommands.cpp:32 -msgid "Add clip" -msgid_plural "Add clips" -msgstr[0] "" -msgstr[1] "" - -#: src/dialogs/clipcreationdialog.cpp:437 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:247 -#: src/effectstack/collapsibleeffect.cpp:200 src/mainwindow.cpp:2832 -msgid "All Supported Files" -msgstr "All ünnerstütt Dateien" - -#: src/dialogs/clipcreationdialog.cpp:437 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:247 -#: src/effectstack/collapsibleeffect.cpp:200 src/mainwindow.cpp:2832 -msgid "All Files" -msgstr "All Dateien" - -#: src/dialogs/clipcreationdialog.cpp:438 -msgid "Import image sequence" -msgstr "Bildfolg importeren" - -#: src/dialogs/clipcreationdialog.cpp:440 -msgid "Transparent background for images" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/encodingprofilesdialog.cpp:37 -msgid "Manage Encoding Profiles" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, groupBox) -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, enable_proxy) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_14) -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, kcfg_enableproxy) -#: src/dialogs/encodingprofilesdialog.cpp:38 -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:96 src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:36 -#: src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:142 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:244 -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:499 -msgid "Proxy clips" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/encodingprofilesdialog.cpp:39 -msgid "Video4Linux capture" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/encodingprofilesdialog.cpp:40 -msgid "Screen capture" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/encodingprofilesdialog.cpp:41 -msgid "Decklink capture" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/encodingprofilesdialog.cpp:125 -#: src/dialogs/encodingprofilesdialog.cpp:157 -msgid "Profile name:" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/encodingprofilesdialog.cpp:128 -#: src/dialogs/encodingprofilesdialog.cpp:160 -msgid "Parameters:" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/encodingprofilesdialog.cpp:131 -#: src/dialogs/encodingprofilesdialog.cpp:163 -msgid "File extension:" -msgstr "Dateiverwiedern:" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:64 -#: src/effectslist/effectslistwidget.cpp:100 -#: src/effectslist/effectslistwidget.cpp:121 -#: src/effectslist/effectslistwidget.cpp:123 -msgid "Misc" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:73 -msgid "Project Defaults" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:101 -msgid "Environment" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:126 -msgid "Capture" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:131 -msgid "Capture is not yet available on Mac OS X." -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:170 -msgid "JogShuttle" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, groupBox) -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:180 src/ui/smconfig_ui.ui:20 -msgid "Playback" -msgstr "Afspelen" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:275 -msgid "GPU processing needs MLT compiled with Movit and Rtaudio modules" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:300 -#, kde-format -msgid "dvgrab version %1 at %2" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:301 -msgid "" -"dvgrab utility not found, please install it for firewire " -"capture" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:438 -msgid "Automatic" -msgstr "Automaatsch" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:440 -msgid "OSS" -msgstr "OSS" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:441 -msgid "ALSA" -msgstr "ALSA" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:442 -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:487 -msgid "PulseAudio" -msgstr "PulseAudio" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:443 -msgid "OSS with DMA access" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:444 -msgid "Esound daemon" -msgstr "Esound-Dämoon" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:445 -msgid "ARTS daemon" -msgstr "ARTS-Dämoon" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:457 -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:458 -msgid "Default" -msgstr "Standard" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:503 -msgid "SDL" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:504 -msgid "RtAudio" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:566 -msgid "Select default video player" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:578 -msgid "Select default audio editor" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:590 -msgid "Select default image editor" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:809 -msgid "Kdenlive must be restarted to change this setting" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, p_progressive) -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:832 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:264 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:634 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:118 src/project/clipproperties.cpp:685 -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:322 src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:99 -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:163 -msgid "Interlaced" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, progressive) -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:834 -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:1039 -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:1072 -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:1088 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:265 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:634 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:119 src/project/clipproperties.cpp:685 -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:428 src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:232 -msgid "Progressive" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:892 -msgid "A profile with that name already exists" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:1003 -msgid "Current settings" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/profilesdialog.cpp:50 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:163 -msgid "Delete profile" -msgstr "Profil wegmaken" - -#: src/dialogs/profilesdialog.cpp:52 src/dialogs/profilesdialog.cpp:95 -msgid "Save profile" -msgstr "Profil sekern" - -#: src/dialogs/profilesdialog.cpp:54 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:171 -msgid "Create new profile" -msgstr "Nieg Profil opstellen" - -#: src/dialogs/profilesdialog.cpp:163 -msgid "The custom profile was modified, do you want to save it?" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/profilesdialog.cpp:194 -msgid "" -"A profile with same name already exists in MLT's default profiles, please " -"choose another description for your custom profile." -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/profilesdialog.cpp:225 src/dialogs/profilesdialog.cpp:526 -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:612 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:799 -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:805 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:865 -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1003 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1168 -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2382 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2405 -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:669 src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:675 -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:934 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:940 -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:3046 src/mainwindow.cpp:3051 -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:796 -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:802 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:1780 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot write to file %1" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:108 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1233 -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2295 -msgid "Waiting..." -msgstr "An't Töven..." - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:111 -msgid "Rendering finished" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:116 -msgid "Rendering crashed" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:121 -msgid "Rendering aborted" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:155 -msgid "Rendering" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:167 -msgid "Edit profile" -msgstr "Profil bewerken" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:177 -msgid "Copy profile to favorites" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:179 -msgid "Show profiles with different framerate" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, preserveAspectRatio) -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:223 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:534 -msgid "Preserve aspect ratio" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:289 -msgid "File" -msgstr "Datei" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:298 -msgid "Script Files" -msgstr "Skriptdateien" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:392 -msgid "Beginning" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:478 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:494 -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:688 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:706 -msgid "Qualities" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:479 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:495 -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:689 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:707 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Frame Duration" -msgid "Default quality" -msgstr "Bildduer" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, vbitrates_label) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, abitrates_label) -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:481 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:497 -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:691 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:709 -#: src/ui/saveprofile_ui.ui:40 src/ui/saveprofile_ui.ui:73 -msgid "Bitrates" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, default_vbitrate_label) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, default_abitrate_label) -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:482 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:498 -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:692 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:710 -#: src/ui/saveprofile_ui.ui:26 src/ui/saveprofile_ui.ui:80 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Frame Duration" -msgid "Default bitrate" -msgstr "Bildduer" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:509 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:515 -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:679 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:749 -msgctxt "Group Name" -msgid "Custom" -msgstr "Topasst" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:591 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:760 -msgid "Profile already exists" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:591 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:760 -msgid "" -"This profile name already exists. Change the name if you don't want to " -"overwrite it." -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:606 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:859 -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1859 -#, kde-format -msgid "Unable to write to file %1" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:632 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1843 -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1892 -msgctxt "Category Name" -msgid "Custom" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:720 -msgid "Edit Profile" -msgstr "Profil bewerken" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:918 -msgid "Cannot find the melt program required for rendering (part of Mlt)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:922 -msgid "" -"Cannot play video after rendering because the default video player " -"application is not set.\n" -"Please define it in Kdenlive settings dialog." -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:930 src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:259 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"The directory %1, could not be created.\n" -"Please make sure you have the required permissions." -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:973 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:165 -#, kde-format -msgid "File has no extension. Add extension (%1)?" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:988 -msgid "Output file already exists. Do you want to overwrite it?" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1222 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2283 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"There is already a job writing file:
Abort the job if " -"you want to overwrite it..." -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1222 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2283 -msgid "Already running" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1266 -msgid "Video without audio track" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1317 -#, kde-format -msgid "Rendering %1 started" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1473 -#, kde-format -msgid "Frame rate (%1) not compatible with project profile (%2)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1491 -#, kde-format -msgid "Unsupported video format: %1" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1507 -#, kde-format -msgid "Unsupported audio codec: %1" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1524 -#, kde-format -msgid "Unsupported video codec: %1" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1533 -msgid "" -"This render profile uses a 'profile' parameter.
Unless you know what " -"you are doing you will probably have to change it to 'mlt_profile'." -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1546 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1584 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Update profile" -msgid "No matching profile" -msgstr "Profil opfrischen" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1561 -msgid "untitled" -msgstr "ahn Titel" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1586 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Save profile" -msgid "Invalid profile" -msgstr "Profil sekern" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1630 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "XVideo" -msgid "" -"Video\n" -"quality" -msgstr "XVideo" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1632 -msgid "" -"Video\n" -"bitrate" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1652 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Audio only" -msgid "" -"Audio\n" -"quality" -msgstr "Bloots Klang" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1654 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Audio channels" -msgid "" -"Audio\n" -"bitrate" -msgstr "Klangkanaals" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1692 -msgid "File rendering" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1693 -msgid "Favorites" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1694 -msgid "DVD" -msgstr "DVD" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, profile_audioonly) -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1695 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7011 -#: src/ui/configtranscode_ui.ui:100 -msgid "Audio only" -msgstr "Bloots Klang" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1696 -msgid "Web sites" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1697 -msgid "Media players" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1698 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1738 -msgid "Lossless/HQ" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1699 -msgid "Mobile devices" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1783 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Import image sequence" -msgctxt "Category Name" -msgid "Images sequence" -msgstr "Bildfolg importeren" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1987 -msgctxt "Attribute Name" -msgid "Custom" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2085 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2108 -#, kde-format -msgid "%1 day " -msgid_plural "%1 days " -msgstr[0] "" -msgstr[1] "" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2087 -#, fuzzy, kde-format -#| msgid "Opening file %1" -msgid "Remaining time %1" -msgstr "Datei \"%1\" warrt opmaakt" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2110 -#, kde-format -msgid "Rendering finished in %1" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2112 -#, kde-format -msgid "Rendering of %1 finished in %2" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2125 -#, kde-format -msgid "Rendering of %1 crashed
" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, abort_job) -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2165 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:650 -msgid "Abort Job" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2168 -msgid "Remove Job" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2236 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2240 -#, kde-format -msgid "Script contains wrong command: %1" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2424 -msgid "script" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2445 src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:228 -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:640 -msgid "Check missing clips" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2502 -msgid "Export audio (automatic)" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, export_audio) -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2504 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:544 -msgid "Export audio" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:60 -msgid "Config Wizard" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:64 -msgid "Welcome" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:66 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Your Kdenlive version was upgraded to version %1. Please take some time to " -"review the basic settings" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:68 -msgid "" -"This is the first time you run Kdenlive. This wizard will let you adjust " -"some basic settings, you will be ready to edit your first movie in a few " -"seconds..." -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:72 -msgid "Discover the features of this Kdenlive release" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:82 -msgid "Checking MLT engine" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:90 -msgid "Video Standard" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:128 -msgid "Additional Settings" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (KComboBox, capture_device) -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:142 src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:168 -msgid "Capture device" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:146 -msgid "Default Blackmagic Decklink card:" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:147 -msgid "No Blackmagic Decklink device found" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:158 -msgid "Checking system" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:186 -msgid "Default video4linux device:" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:199 -msgid "No device found, plug your webcam and refresh." -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:221 -#, kde-format -msgid "Current settings (%1x%2, %3/%4fps)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:257 -#, kde-format -msgid "Default settings (%1x%2, %3/%4fps)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:272 -msgid "Melt" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:273 -msgid "Required for rendering (part of MLT package)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:280 -msgid "Cannot start the MLT video backend!" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:287 -#, kde-format -msgid "MLT version: %1" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:290 -msgid "Your MLT version is unsupported!!!" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:296 -#, kde-format -msgid "Please upgrade to MLT %1.%2.%3" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:300 -msgid "MLT video backend!" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:318 -msgid "SDL module" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:319 -msgid "Required for Kdenlive" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:332 -msgid "Avformat module (FFmpeg)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:333 -msgid "Required to work with various video formats (hdv, mpeg, flash, ...)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:372 -msgid "QImage module" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:373 src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:378 -msgid "Required to work with images" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:377 -msgid "Pixbuf module" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:392 -msgid "Title module" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:393 -msgid "Required to work with titles" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:456 -msgid "" -"The following codecs were not found on your system. Check our online manual if you need them: " -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:477 -msgid "FFmpeg & ffplay" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:478 -msgid "Required for proxy clips, transcoding and screen capture" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:504 -msgid "dvgrab" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:505 -msgid "Required for firewire capture" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:511 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:104 -msgid "dvdauthor" -msgstr "dvdauthor" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:512 -msgid "Required for creation of DVD" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:518 -msgid "genisoimage or mkisofs" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:519 -msgid "Required for creation of DVD ISO images" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:528 -msgid "xine" -msgstr "Xine" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:529 -msgid "Required to preview your DVD" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:533 -msgid "vlc" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:685 -msgid "Frame size:" -msgstr "Rahmengrött" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_4) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:685 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:245 -#: src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:55 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:107 -msgid "Frame rate:" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_23) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_9) -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:685 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:266 -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:121 -msgid "Pixel aspect ratio:" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_31) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_10) -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:685 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:280 -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:135 -msgid "Display aspect ratio:" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:732 -msgid "" -"Your MLT installation cannot be found. Install MLT and restart Kdenlive.\n" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:736 -msgid "Fatal Error" -msgstr "" - -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:279 -#, kde-format -msgid "%1 fps" -msgstr "" - -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:284 -msgid "Hz" -msgstr "" - -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:289 -msgid "Audio clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:292 -msgid "Mute video clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:295 src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:214 -msgid "Video clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:298 -msgid "Color clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:301 src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:216 -msgid "Image clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:304 -msgid "Template text clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:305 -msgid "Text clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:308 -msgid "Slideshow clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:311 -msgid "Virtual clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:314 src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:218 -msgid "Playlist clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:317 -msgid "Unknown clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:684 src/renderer.cpp:141 -msgid "Missing clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/doc/doccommands.cpp:33 src/project/clipmanager.cpp:226 -msgid "Delete clip" -msgid_plural "Delete clips" -msgstr[0] "" -msgstr[1] "" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:199 -msgid "Luma file" -msgstr "" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:223 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Title Image" -msgid "Title Image" -msgstr "Titelbild" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:226 -msgid "Title Font" -msgstr "" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:247 -#, kde-format -msgid "%1 will be replaced by %2" -msgstr "" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:261 -msgid "Missing item" -msgstr "" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:265 -msgid "The project file contains missing clips or files" -msgstr "" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:269 -msgid "Missing proxies will be recreated after opening." -msgstr "" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:273 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"The project file contains a missing clip, you can still work with its proxy." -msgid_plural "" -"The project file contains %1 missing clips, you can still work with their " -"proxies." -msgstr[0] "" -msgstr[1] "" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:283 src/project/projectitem.cpp:192 -msgid "Proxy clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:285 -#, kde-format -msgid "%1 missing proxy clip, will be recreated on project opening" -msgid_plural "%1 missing proxy clips, will be recreated on project opening" -msgstr[0] "" -msgstr[1] "" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:288 -msgid "Missing proxy" -msgstr "" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:335 src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:348 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Source Color" -msgid "Source clip" -msgstr "Bornklöör" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:337 -#, kde-format -msgid "%1 missing source clips, you can only use the proxies" -msgstr "" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:340 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Transcode" -msgid "Missing source clip" -msgstr "Ümkoderen" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:411 -msgid "Clips folder" -msgstr "" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:567 -msgid "Enter new location for file" -msgstr "" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:780 -msgid "This will remove the selected clip from this project" -msgid_plural "This will remove the selected clips from this project" -msgstr[0] "" -msgstr[1] "" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:780 -msgid "Remove clips" -msgstr "" - -#: src/doc/documentvalidator.cpp:90 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"The document was created in \"%1\" locale, which is not installed on your " -"system. Please install that language pack. Until then, Kdenlive might not be " -"able to correctly open the document." -msgstr "" - -#: src/doc/documentvalidator.cpp:94 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"There is a locale conflict on your system. The document uses locale %1 which " -"uses a \"%2\" as numeric separator (in system libraries) but Qt expects " -"\"%3\". You might not be able to correctly open the project." -msgstr "" - -#: src/doc/documentvalidator.cpp:279 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"This project type is unsupported (version %1) and can't be loaded.\n" -"Please consider upgrading your Kdenlive version." -msgstr "" - -#: src/doc/documentvalidator.cpp:279 src/doc/documentvalidator.cpp:286 -msgid "Unable to open project" -msgstr "" - -#: src/doc/documentvalidator.cpp:286 -#, kde-format -msgid "This project type is unsupported (version %1) and can't be loaded." -msgstr "" - -#: src/doc/documentvalidator.cpp:840 -msgid "" -"Some of your text clips were saved with size in points, which means " -"different sizes on different displays. Do you want to convert them to pixel " -"size, making them portable? It is recommended you do this on the computer " -"they were first created on, or you could have to adjust their size." -msgstr "" - -#: src/doc/documentvalidator.cpp:840 -msgid "Update Text Clips" -msgstr "" - -#: src/doc/documentvalidator.cpp:1679 -msgid "" -"The project file uses some GPU effects. GPU acceleration is not currently " -"enabled.\n" -"Do you want to convert the project to a non-GPU version ?\n" -"This might result in data loss." -msgstr "" - -#: src/doc/documentvalidator.cpp:1770 -msgid "The following filters/transitions were converted to non GPU versions:" -msgstr "" - -#: src/doc/documentvalidator.cpp:1773 -msgid "The following filters/transitions were deleted from the project:" -msgstr "" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:152 -msgid "" -"Cannot open the project file,\n" -"Do you want to open a backup file?" -msgstr "" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:152 src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:168 -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:213 -msgid "Error opening file" -msgstr "Fehler bi't Opmaken vun en Datei" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:152 src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:168 -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:213 -msgid "Open Backup" -msgstr "" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:168 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Cannot open the project file, error is:\n" -"%1 (line %2, col %3)\n" -"Do you want to open a backup file?" -msgstr "" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:168 src/project/projectmanager.cpp:381 -msgid "Recover" -msgstr "Wedderherstellen" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:194 -msgid "Cannot recover this project file" -msgstr "" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:206 -msgid "Validating" -msgstr "" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:212 -#, kde-format -msgid "File %1 is not a Kdenlive project file" -msgstr "" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:213 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"File %1 is not a valid project file.\n" -"Do you want to open a backup file?" -msgstr "" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:254 -#, kde-format -msgid "Project directory %1 does not exist. Create it?" -msgstr "" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:266 -#, kde-format -msgid "Document project folder is invalid, setting it to the default one: %1" -msgstr "" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:548 src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:659 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot write to file %1, scene list is corrupted." -msgstr "" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:719 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"You have changed the project folder. Do you want to copy the cached data " -"from %1 to the new folder %2?" -msgstr "" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:1105 -msgid "Enter Template Path" -msgstr "" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:1179 -msgid "The following effects were imported from the project:" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:1209 src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:1223 -#: src/ui/backupdialog_ui.ui:22 -msgid "Project Folder" -msgstr "" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:1287 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Cannot create backup copy:\n" -"%1" -msgstr "" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:1400 src/project/projectlist.cpp:2317 -msgid "Add proxy clip" -msgid_plural "Add proxy clips" -msgstr[0] "" -msgstr[1] "" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:1401 src/project/projectlist.cpp:2318 -msgid "Remove proxy clip" -msgid_plural "Remove proxy clips" -msgstr[0] "" -msgstr[1] "" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:62 src/mainwindow.cpp:1023 -msgid "DVD Wizard" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:65 -msgid "Select Files For Your DVD" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:69 -msgid "DVD Chapters" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:75 -msgid "Create DVD Menu" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:79 -msgid "Creating DVD Image" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:104 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:111 -#, kde-format -msgid "Burn with %1" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:114 -msgid "No burning program found (K3b, Brasero)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:120 -msgid "Load" -msgstr "Laden" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:121 -msgid "Save" -msgstr "Sekern" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:188 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot create temporary directory %1" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:271 -msgid "Menu movie is invalid" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:383 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:464 -msgid "Rendering job timed out" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:385 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:466 -msgid "Menu job timed out" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:674 -msgid "Rendering menu crashed" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:710 -msgid "DVDAuthor process crashed" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:713 -msgid "DVDAuthor process crashed.
" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:737 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:738 -msgid "DVD structure broken" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:785 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:788 -msgid "ISO creation process crashed." -msgstr "" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:817 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:818 -msgid "DVD ISO is broken" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:832 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:834 -#, kde-format -msgid "DVD ISO image %1 successfully created." -msgstr "" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:864 -#, kde-format -msgid "Previewing requires one of these applications (%1)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:888 -#, kde-format -msgid "Folder %1 already exists. Overwrite?\n" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:890 -#, kde-format -msgid "Image file %1 already exists. Overwrite?" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:911 -msgid "Save DVD Project" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:911 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:948 -msgid "DVD project (*.kdvd)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:957 -#, kde-format -msgid "File %1 is not a Kdenlive project file." -msgstr "" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardmenu.cpp:42 src/monitor/monitor.cpp:185 -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:303 src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:79 -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:405 src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:444 -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:873 -msgid "Play" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardmenu.cpp:54 -msgid "Add new button" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardmenu.cpp:55 -msgid "Delete current button" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardmenu.cpp:300 -msgid "Play All" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:104 -#, kde-format -msgid "Program %1 is required for the DVD wizard." -msgstr "" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:105 -msgid "mkisofs" -msgstr "mkisofs" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:105 -msgid "genisoimage" -msgstr "genisoimage" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:105 -#, kde-format -msgid "Program %1 or %2 is required for the DVD wizard." -msgstr "" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:111 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:316 -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:768 -msgid "PAL 4:3" -msgstr "PAL 4:3" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:111 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:313 -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:765 -msgid "PAL 16:9" -msgstr "PAL 16:9" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:111 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:310 -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:762 -msgid "NTSC 4:3" -msgstr "NTSC 4:3" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:111 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:307 -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:759 -msgid "NTSC 16:9" -msgstr "NTSC 16:9" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:138 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:791 -msgid "Your clips do not match selected DVD format, transcoding required." -msgstr "" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:210 src/project/cliptranscode.cpp:244 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Transcode" -msgid "Transcoding failed!" -msgstr "Ümkoderen" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:247 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "All Files" -msgid "MPEG Files" -msgstr "All Dateien" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:248 -msgid "Add new video file" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:337 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:779 -#, kde-format -msgid "The clip %1 is invalid." -msgstr "" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:674 -#: src/effectstack/collapsibleeffect.cpp:352 -#: src/effectstack/collapsiblegroup.cpp:178 src/monitor/monitor.cpp:845 -#: src/project/clipstabilize.cpp:222 src/project/cliptranscode.cpp:141 -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:297 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"File %1 already exists.\n" -"Do you want to overwrite it?" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:699 -#, fuzzy, kde-format -#| msgid "Transcode" -msgid "Transcoding: %1" -msgstr "Ümkoderen" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslist.cpp:197 -msgid "Author:" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:63 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Enable Stretch" -msgid "Search in effects list" -msgstr "Utwiedern anmaken" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:72 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Description" -msgid "Show/Hide effect description" -msgstr "Beschrieven" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:83 -msgid "Add Effect to Selected Clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:84 -msgid "Add Effect to Favorites" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:85 -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:231 -#: src/effectstack/collapsibleeffect.cpp:70 -#: src/effectstack/collapsiblegroup.cpp:77 -msgid "Delete effect" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:93 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Save profile" -msgid "Show all transitions" -msgstr "Profil sekern" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:94 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Transitions" -msgid "Show GPU transitions" -msgstr "Övergäng" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:101 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Save profile" -msgid "Show all effects" -msgstr "Profil sekern" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:103 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Enable Stretch" -msgid "Show video effects" -msgstr "Utwiedern anmaken" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:105 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Enable Stretch" -msgid "Show audio effects" -msgstr "Utwiedern anmaken" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:107 -msgid "Show GPU effects" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:109 -msgid "Show custom effects" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:110 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Enable Stretch" -msgid "Show favorite effects" -msgstr "Utwiedern anmaken" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:239 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Save profile" -msgid "Remove from favorites" -msgstr "Profil sekern" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_audio) -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, abitrates) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_audiothumbnails) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, audio_thumbs) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, audiobitrateLabel) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, rec_audio) -#: src/effectslist/effectslistwidget.cpp:100 -#: src/effectslist/effectslistwidget.cpp:129 -#: src/effectslist/effectslistwidget.cpp:131 src/monitor/recmanager.cpp:57 -#: src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:39 -#: src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:121 -#: src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:155 -#: src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:194 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:131 -#: src/ui/configtimeline_ui.ui:38 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:224 -#: src/ui/recmonitor_ui.ui:107 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:195 -#: src/ui/saveprofile_ui.ui:67 -msgid "Audio" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistwidget.cpp:100 -#: src/effectslist/effectslistwidget.cpp:137 -#: src/effectslist/effectslistwidget.cpp:139 -#: src/effectslist/effectslistwidget.cpp:464 -msgctxt "Folder Name" -msgid "Custom" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistwidget.cpp:194 -msgctxt "menu name for effects names between these 2 letters" -msgid "0 - F" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistwidget.cpp:196 -msgctxt "menu name for effects names between these 2 letters" -msgid "G - L" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistwidget.cpp:198 -msgctxt "menu name for effects names between these 2 letters" -msgid "M - R" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistwidget.cpp:200 -msgctxt "menu name for effects names between these 2 letters" -msgid "S - Z" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:47 src/project/clipproperties.cpp:346 -#: src/project/dialogs/slideshowclip.cpp:72 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:59 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:153 -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:541 -msgid "None" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:363 -#, fuzzy, kde-format -#| msgid "Group" -msgid "Group %1" -msgstr "Koppel" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:624 -msgid "None (Dissolve)" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, slide_luma) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, luma_fade) -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:706 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:292 -#: src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:203 -msgid "Wipe" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:707 -msgid "Applies a stationary transition between the current and next frames." -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:710 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:785 -msgctxt "@property: means that the image is inverted" -msgid "Invert" -msgstr "Ümdreihen" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:711 -msgid "Image File" -msgstr "Bilddatei" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:712 -msgid "Reverse Transition" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:716 src/timeline/headertrack.cpp:89 -#: src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:74 -msgid "Composite" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:717 -msgid "A key-framable alpha-channel compositor for two frames." -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:719 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:764 -msgid "Alpha Channel Operation" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:719 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:764 -msgid "Over,And,Or,Xor" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:720 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:765 -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:785 -msgid "Align" -msgstr "Utrichten" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:723 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:768 -msgid "Wipe File" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:724 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:769 -msgid "Wipe Softness" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:725 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:770 -msgid "Wipe Invert" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:726 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:771 -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:785 -msgid "Force Progressive Rendering" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:727 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:772 -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:785 -msgid "Force Deinterlace Overlay" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:729 -msgid "Affine" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:753 -msgid "Fix Shear Y" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:754 -msgid "Fix Shear X" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:755 -msgid "Fix Shear Z" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:761 -msgid "Use alpha channel of another clip to create a transition." -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:762 -msgid "Transparency clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:785 -msgid "Slide" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:785 -msgid "Slide image from one side to another." -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:785 -msgid "Direction" -msgstr "Richt" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, slide_fade) -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:790 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:262 -#: src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:167 -msgid "Dissolve" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:790 -msgid "Fade out one video while fading in the other video." -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:790 -msgid "Reverse" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/collapsibleeffect.cpp:64 -#: src/effectstack/collapsiblegroup.cpp:72 -msgid "Move effect up" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/collapsibleeffect.cpp:67 -#: src/effectstack/collapsiblegroup.cpp:74 -msgid "Move effect down" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/collapsibleeffect.cpp:82 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "No Effect" -msgid "Reset Effect" -msgstr "Keen Effekt" - -#: src/effectstack/collapsibleeffect.cpp:83 -#: src/effectstack/collapsibleeffect.cpp:345 -msgid "Save Effect" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/collapsibleeffect.cpp:91 -#: src/effectstack/collapsiblegroup.cpp:89 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "No Effect" -msgid "Disable Effect" -msgstr "Keen Effekt" - -#: src/effectstack/collapsibleeffect.cpp:91 -#: src/effectstack/collapsiblegroup.cpp:89 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Enable Stretch" -msgid "Enable Effect" -msgstr "Utwiedern anmaken" - -#: src/effectstack/collapsibleeffect.cpp:96 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Create new profile" -msgid "Create Group" -msgstr "Nieg Profil opstellen" - -#: src/effectstack/collapsibleeffect.cpp:136 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Create new profile" -msgid "Create Region" -msgstr "Nieg Profil opstellen" - -#: src/effectstack/collapsibleeffect.cpp:345 -msgid "Name for saved effect: " -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/collapsiblegroup.cpp:68 -#: src/effectstack/collapsiblegroup.cpp:383 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Effect" -msgid "Effect Group" -msgstr "Effekt" - -#: src/effectstack/collapsiblegroup.cpp:81 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Group" -msgid "Reset Group" -msgstr "Koppel" - -#: src/effectstack/collapsiblegroup.cpp:82 -#: src/effectstack/collapsiblegroup.cpp:171 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Group" -msgid "Save Group" -msgstr "Koppel" - -#: src/effectstack/collapsiblegroup.cpp:84 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Group" -msgid "Ungroup" -msgstr "Koppel" - -#: src/effectstack/collapsiblegroup.cpp:171 -msgid "Name for saved group: " -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/complexparameter.cpp:36 -msgid "Allow horizontal moves" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/complexparameter.cpp:38 -msgid "Allow vertical moves" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/complexparameter.cpp:40 -msgid "Show keyframes in timeline" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/complexparameter.cpp:42 -msgid "Parameter info" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/complexparameter.cpp:44 src/effectstack/geometryval.cpp:81 -#: src/effectstack/keyframeedit.cpp:47 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:84 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:417 -#: src/simplekeyframes/simplekeyframewidget.cpp:42 -#: src/simplekeyframes/simplekeyframewidget.cpp:132 -msgid "Add keyframe" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/dragvalue.cpp:109 -msgid "Normal scale" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/dragvalue.cpp:110 -msgid "Pixel scale" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/dragvalue.cpp:111 -msgid "Nonlinear scale" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/dragvalue.cpp:115 -msgid "Direct update" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/dragvalue.cpp:120 -msgid "Reset value" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/dragvalue.cpp:125 -#, kde-format -msgid "Show %1 in timeline" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/effectstackview2.cpp:71 -msgid "Enable/Disable all effects" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/effectstackview2.cpp:73 -msgid "Show additional information for the parameters" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/effectstackview2.cpp:174 -#: src/effectstack/effectstackview2.cpp:176 -#: src/effectstack/effectstackview2.cpp:179 -#, kde-format -msgid "Effects for %1" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/effectstackview2.cpp:229 -#: src/effectstack/effectstackview2.cpp:231 -#: src/effectstack/effectstackview2.cpp:234 -#, fuzzy, kde-format -#| msgid "Enable Stretch" -msgid "Bin effects for %1" -msgstr "Utwiedern anmaken" - -#: src/effectstack/effectstackview2.cpp:276 -#, kde-format -msgid "Effects for track %1" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/geometryval.cpp:77 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:81 -#: src/simplekeyframes/simplekeyframewidget.cpp:52 -msgid "Go to next keyframe" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/geometryval.cpp:79 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:78 -#: src/simplekeyframes/simplekeyframewidget.cpp:47 -msgid "Go to previous keyframe" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/geometryval.cpp:83 src/effectstack/keyframeedit.cpp:49 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:423 -#: src/simplekeyframes/simplekeyframewidget.cpp:129 -msgid "Delete keyframe" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/geometryval.cpp:85 src/monitor/monitor.cpp:206 -msgid "Misc..." -msgstr "Anner Saken..." - -#: src/effectstack/geometryval.cpp:89 -msgid "Show/Hide options" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/geometryval.cpp:97 -msgid "Sync timeline cursor" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/geometryval.cpp:116 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:343 -msgid "Align item horizontally" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/geometryval.cpp:118 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:345 -msgid "Align item vertically" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/geometryval.cpp:120 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:347 -msgid "Align item to top" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/geometryval.cpp:122 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:349 -msgid "Align item to bottom" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/geometryval.cpp:124 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:351 -msgid "Align item to right" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/geometryval.cpp:126 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:353 -msgid "Align item to left" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/parametercontainer.cpp:467 -msgid "" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/bezier/beziersplinewidget.cpp:67 -msgid "Handle 1:" -msgstr "Handle 1:" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/bezier/beziersplinewidget.cpp:70 -msgid "Handle 2:" -msgstr "Handle 2:" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/colorpickerwidget.cpp:71 -msgid "" -"Pick a color on the screen. By pressing the mouse button and then moving " -"your mouse you can select a section of the screen from which to get an " -"average color." -msgstr "" -"Pak een kleur op het scherm. Door op de muisknop te drukken en dan uw muis " -"te verplaatsen, kunt u een sectie van het scherm selecteren waarvan u een " -"gemiddelde kleur kunt krijgen." - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/colorpickerwidget.cpp:101 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/colorpickerwidget.cpp:125 -msgid "Requesting color information..." -msgstr "Kleuren informatie opvragen..." - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/colorpickerwidget.cpp:134 -msgid "Calculated average color for rectangle." -msgstr "Berekende gemiddelde kleur voor rechthoek." - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:96 -msgctxt "x axis position" -msgid "X" -msgstr "X" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:99 -msgctxt "y axis position" -msgid "Y" -msgstr "Y" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:102 -msgctxt "Frame width" -msgid "W" -msgstr "W" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:105 -msgctxt "Frame height" -msgid "H" -msgstr "H" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:111 -msgid "Adjust to original size" -msgstr "Aanpassen naar origineel formaat" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:113 -msgid "Fit to width" -msgstr "Aanpassen aan de breedte" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:115 -msgid "Fit to height" -msgstr "Aanpassen aan de hoogte" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:118 -msgid "Import keyframes from clip" -msgstr "Keyframes uit clip importeren" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:121 -msgid "Reset all keyframes" -msgstr "Reset alle keyframes" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:125 -msgid "Reset keyframes after cursor" -msgstr "Reset keyframes na de cursor" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:128 -msgid "Reset keyframes before cursor" -msgstr "Reset keyframes vóór de cursor" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:133 -msgid "Synchronize with timeline cursor" -msgstr "Synchroniseer met tijdsbalk cursor" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:139 -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:244 -msgid "Align left" -msgstr "Links uitlijnen" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:141 -msgid "Center horizontally" -msgstr "Horizontaal middelpunt " - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:143 -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:243 -msgid "Align right" -msgstr "Rechts uitlijnen" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:145 -msgid "Align top" -msgstr "Bovenaan uitlijnen" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:147 -msgid "Center vertically" -msgstr "Verticaal middelpunt" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:149 -msgid "Align bottom" -msgstr "Onderaan uitlijnen" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:154 -#: src/ui/clipstabilize_ui.ui:30 -msgid "Options" -msgstr "Opties" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (suffix), widget (QSpinBox, spinResize) -#. i18n: ectx: property (suffix), widget (QSpinBox, kcfg_volume) -#. i18n: ectx: property (suffix), widget (QSpinBox, zoom_spin) -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:208 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:211 -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:125 src/ui/configsdl_ui.ui:89 -#: src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:226 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:611 -#, no-c-format -msgid "%" -msgstr "%" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/lumaliftgain.cpp:61 -msgid "Lift" -msgstr "Verhogen" - -#: src/hidetitlebars.cpp:21 -msgid "Show Title Bars" -msgstr "Titelbalk tonen" - -#: src/layoutmanagement.cpp:27 -msgid "Layouts" -msgstr "Indelingen" - -#: src/layoutmanagement.cpp:28 -msgid "Load Layout" -msgstr "Laad indeling" - -#: src/layoutmanagement.cpp:30 -#, kde-format -msgid "Layout %1" -msgstr "Indeling %1" - -#: src/layoutmanagement.cpp:34 -#, kde-format -msgid "Save As Layout %1" -msgstr "Indeling bewaren als %1" - -#: src/layoutmanagement.cpp:69 -#, kde-format -msgid "Save as %1" -msgstr "Opslaan als %1" - -#: src/layoutmanagement.cpp:101 -msgid "Save Layout" -msgstr "Indeling opslaan" - -#: src/layoutmanagement.cpp:101 -msgid "Layout name:" -msgstr "Naam indeling:" - -#: src/lib/audio/audioCorrelation.cpp:43 -msgid "Audio analysis finished" -msgstr "Analyse van geluid beëindigd" - -#: src/main.cpp:48 -msgid "Kdenlive" -msgstr "Kdenlive" - -#: src/main.cpp:49 -msgid "An open source video editor." -msgstr "Een open broncode video bewerkingsprogramma" - -#: src/main.cpp:51 -msgid "Copyright © 2007–2015 Kdenlive authors" -msgstr "Auteursrecht © 2007–2015 auteurs van Kdenlive" - -#: src/main.cpp:52 -msgid "Please report bugs to http://bugs.kde.org" -msgstr "Meld fouten/bugs op http://bugs.kde.org" - -#: src/main.cpp:54 -msgid "Jean-Baptiste Mardelle" -msgstr "Jean-Baptiste Mardelle" - -#: src/main.cpp:54 -msgid "MLT and KDE SC 4 / KF5 port, main developer and maintainer" -msgstr "MLT en KDE SC 4 /KF5 overzetten, hoofdontwikkelaar en maintainer" - -#: src/main.cpp:55 -msgid "Vincent Pinon" -msgstr "Vincent Pinon" - -#: src/main.cpp:55 -msgid "" -"Interim maintainer, KF5 port, bugs fixing, minor functions, profiles " -"updates, etc." -msgstr "" -"Interim onderhouder, naar KF5 overzetten, repareren van bugs, kleine " -"functies, bijwerken van profielen, etc." - -#: src/main.cpp:56 -msgid "Laurent Montel" -msgstr "Laurent Montel" - -#: src/main.cpp:56 -msgid "Bugs fixing, clean up code, optimization etc." -msgstr "Reparatie van bugs, opschonen van code, optimalisatie etc." - -#: src/main.cpp:57 -msgid "Marco Gittler" -msgstr "Marco Gittler" - -#: src/main.cpp:57 -msgid "MLT transitions and effects, timeline, audio thumbs" -msgstr "MLT overgangen en effecten, tijdsbalken, audio iconen" - -#: src/main.cpp:58 -msgid "Dan Dennedy" -msgstr "Dan Dennedy" - -#: src/main.cpp:58 src/main.cpp:60 src/main.cpp:63 src/main.cpp:64 -msgid "Bug fixing, etc." -msgstr "Bug fixing, enz." - -#: src/main.cpp:59 -msgid "Simon A. Eugster" -msgstr "Simon A. Eugster" - -#: src/main.cpp:59 -msgid "Color scopes, bug fixing, etc." -msgstr "Kleur scopes, bug fixing, enz." - -#: src/main.cpp:60 -msgid "Till Theato" -msgstr "Till Theato" - -#: src/main.cpp:61 -msgid "Alberto Villa" -msgstr "Alberto Villa" - -#: src/main.cpp:61 -msgid "Bug fixing, logo, etc." -msgstr "Bug fixing, logo, enz." - -#: src/main.cpp:62 -msgid "Jean-Michel Poure" -msgstr "Jean-Michel Poure" - -#: src/main.cpp:62 -msgid "Rendering profiles customization" -msgstr "Aanpassen renderprofiel" - -#: src/main.cpp:63 -msgid "Ray Lehtiniemi" -msgstr "Ray Lehtiniemi" - -#: src/main.cpp:64 -msgid "Steve Guilford" -msgstr "Steve Guilford" - -#: src/main.cpp:65 -msgid "Jason Wood" -msgstr "Jason Wood" - -#: src/main.cpp:65 -msgid "Original KDE 3 version author (not active anymore)" -msgstr "Originele KDE 3 versie auteur (niet meer actief)" - -#: src/main.cpp:66 -msgid "NAME OF TRANSLATORS" -msgstr "Bram Schoenmakers, Ronald Stroethoff, Michiel Zandbelt, Valenstijn" - -#: src/main.cpp:66 -msgid "EMAIL OF TRANSLATORS" -msgstr "stroet43@zonnet.nl" - -#: src/main.cpp:86 -msgid "Set the path for MLT environment" -msgstr "Pad voor MLT-omgeving instellen" - -#: src/main.cpp:87 -msgid "Comma separated list of clips to add" -msgstr "Komma's gescheiden lijst van toe te voegen clips" - -#: src/main.cpp:88 -msgid "Document to open" -msgstr "Te openen document" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:148 -msgid "Theme" -msgstr "Thema" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:177 -msgid "Project Bin" -msgstr "Projectopslag" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, properties) -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:216 src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:395 -#: src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:43 -msgid "Properties" -msgstr "Eigenschappen" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:219 src/mainwindow.cpp:280 -msgid "Effects" -msgstr "Effecten" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:222 src/mainwindow.cpp:284 src/mainwindow.cpp:1272 -msgid "Transitions" -msgstr "Overgangen" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:225 -msgid "Clip Monitor" -msgstr "Clip monitor" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:226 -msgid "Project Monitor" -msgstr "Project Monitor" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:228 -msgid "Record Monitor" -msgstr "Opname monitor" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:233 -msgid "Clean" -msgstr "Wissen" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:235 -msgid "Undo History" -msgstr "Verwijder geschiedenis" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:263 -msgid "Stop Motion" -msgstr "Stop Motion" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, capture_button) -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:264 src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:105 -msgid "Capture frame" -msgstr "Opname frame" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:267 -msgid "Switch live / captured frame" -msgstr "Live / opgenomen frame verwisselen" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:270 -msgid "Show last frame over video" -msgstr "Toon videobeeld van laatste frame" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:283 -msgid "Add Transition" -msgstr "Overgang toevoegen" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:315 src/mainwindow.cpp:316 src/mainwindow.cpp:325 -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:326 src/mainwindow.cpp:330 -msgid "Favorite Effects" -msgstr "Favoriete effecten" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:563 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"You have 1 rendering job waiting in the queue.\n" -"What do you want to do with this job?" -msgid_plural "" -"You have %1 rendering jobs waiting in the queue.\n" -"What do you want to do with these jobs?" -msgstr[0] "" -"Er is nog 1 rendering opdracht in de wachtrij.\n" -"Wat moet hiermee gedaan worden?" -msgstr[1] "" -"Er zijn nog %1 rendering opdrachten in de wachtrij.\n" -"Wat moet hiermee gedaan worden?" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:563 -msgid "Start them now" -msgstr "Nu starten" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:563 -msgid "Delete them" -msgstr "Deze verwijderen" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:784 -msgid "Normal mode" -msgstr "Standaard modus" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:785 -msgctxt "Normal editing" -msgid "n" -msgstr "n" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:790 -msgid "Overwrite mode" -msgstr "Overschrijfmodus" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:796 -msgid "Insert mode" -msgstr "Invoegmodus" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:815 -msgid "Selection tool" -msgstr "Selectiehulpmiddel" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:816 -msgctxt "Selection tool shortcut" -msgid "s" -msgstr "s" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:821 -msgid "Razor tool" -msgstr "Snij gereedschap" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:822 -msgctxt "Razor tool shortcut" -msgid "x" -msgstr "x" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:827 -msgid "Spacer tool" -msgstr "Gereedschap om ruimte te maken" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:828 -msgctxt "Spacer tool shortcut" -msgid "m" -msgstr "m" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:869 -msgid "Fit zoom to project" -msgstr "Pas zoomniveau aan object aan" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:873 -msgid "Zoom Out" -msgstr "Uitzoomen" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:887 -msgid "Zoom In" -msgstr "Inzoomen" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:915 -msgid "Split audio and video automatically" -msgstr "Audio en video automatisch splitsen" - -# thumbnails = ofwel minituren ofwel pictogrammen (consequentie aanhouden) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, videothumbs) -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:921 src/ui/wizardextra_ui.ui:35 -msgid "Show video thumbnails" -msgstr "Laat video miniaturen zien" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, audiothumbs) -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:927 src/ui/wizardextra_ui.ui:42 -msgid "Show audio thumbnails" -msgstr "Laat voorbeeldgeluid horen" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:933 -msgid "Show markers comments" -msgstr "Laat markeringspuntopmerkingen zien" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:938 -msgid "Snap" -msgstr "Snap" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, tc_type) -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:972 src/project/clipproperties.cpp:372 -#: src/project/dialogs/slideshowclip.cpp:89 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:284 -msgid "hh:mm:ss:ff" -msgstr "uu:mm:ss::ff" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, tc_type) -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:973 src/project/clipproperties.cpp:373 -#: src/project/dialogs/slideshowclip.cpp:90 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:289 -msgid "Frames" -msgstr "Frames" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1002 -msgid "Manage Project Profiles" -msgstr "Project profielen beheren" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1003 -msgid "Download New Wipes..." -msgstr "Download nieuwe Wipes..." - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1004 -msgid "Download New Render Profiles..." -msgstr "Download nieuwe renderprofielen..." - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1005 -msgid "Download New Project Profiles..." -msgstr "Download nieuwe project profielen..." - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1006 -msgid "Download New Title Templates..." -msgstr "Download nieuwe titel templates..." - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1008 -msgid "Run Config Wizard" -msgstr "Start configuratie wizard" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, ProjectSettings_UI) -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1009 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Project Settings" -msgstr "Projectinstellingen" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1010 -msgid "Render" -msgstr "Renderen (omzetten)" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1012 -msgid "Clean Project" -msgstr "Project opschonen" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1016 -msgid "Play Zone" -msgstr "Sectie afspelen" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1018 -msgid "Loop Zone" -msgstr "Loop sectie" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1020 -msgid "Loop selected clip" -msgstr "Loop geselecteerde clip" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1024 -msgid "Transcode Clips" -msgstr "Zet codering clips om (Transcode)" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1025 src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:55 -msgid "Archive Project" -msgstr "Project archiveren" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1026 -msgid "Switch monitor" -msgstr "Verwissel monitor" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1027 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6364 -msgid "Expand Clip" -msgstr "Clip uitbreiden" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1029 -msgid "Monitor Info Overlay" -msgstr "Informatie-overlay op monitor" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1035 -msgid "Real Time (drop frames)" -msgstr "Real time (laat frames vallen)" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1040 -msgid "Monitor Gamma" -msgstr "Monitorgamma" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1041 -msgid "sRGB (computer)" -msgstr "sRGB (computer)" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1042 -msgid "Rec. 709 (TV)" -msgstr "Rec. 709 (TV)" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1047 -msgid "Insert Zone in Project Bin" -msgstr "Zone invoegen in project-bin" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1048 -msgid "Insert Zone in Timeline" -msgstr "Zone invoegen in tijdbalk" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1050 -msgid "Resize Item Start" -msgstr "Start Item verschalen" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1055 -msgid "Resize Item End" -msgstr "Eind Item verschalen" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1060 -msgid "Go to Previous Snap Point" -msgstr "Ga naar vorig snapshot" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1062 -msgid "Go to Clip Start" -msgstr "Ga naar clip begin" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1063 -msgid "Go to Clip End" -msgstr "Ga naar clip einde" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1064 -msgid "Go to Next Snap Point" -msgstr "Ga naar volgend snapshot" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1066 -msgid "Delete Selected Item" -msgstr "Verwijder geselecteerd item" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1067 -msgid "Align Playhead to Mouse Position" -msgstr "Lijn de koppositie van afspelen met de positie van de muis" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1069 -msgid "Automatic Transition" -msgstr "Automatische overgang" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1076 -msgid "Group Clips" -msgstr "Clips groeperen" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1078 -msgid "Ungroup Clips" -msgstr "Hef groeperen clips op" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1083 -msgid "Edit Duration" -msgstr "Tijdsduur bewerken" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1084 src/mainwindow.cpp:3232 -msgid "Save clip" -msgstr "Clip opslaan" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1085 -msgid "Clip in Project Bin" -msgstr "Clip in projectopslag" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1086 -msgid "Insert Clip Zone in Timeline (Overwrite)" -msgstr "Invoegen clip zone in tijdbalk (overschrijven)" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1087 -msgid "Select Clip" -msgstr "Clip selecteren" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1088 -msgid "Deselect Clip" -msgstr "Clip deselecteren" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1089 -msgid "Add Clip To Selection" -msgstr "Clip toevoegen aan selectie" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1091 -msgid "Select Transition" -msgstr "Kies overgang" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1093 -msgid "Deselect Transition" -msgstr "Overgang deselecteren" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1095 -msgid "Add Transition To Selection" -msgstr "Overgang toevoegen aan selectie" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, CutJobDialog_UI) -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1097 src/ui/cutjobdialog_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Cut Clip" -msgstr "Clip knippen" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1098 src/mainwindow.cpp:1833 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:729 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:803 -msgid "Add Marker" -msgstr "Markering toevoegen" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1099 -msgid "Delete Marker" -msgstr "Verwijder markeerpunt" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1100 -msgid "Delete All Markers" -msgstr "Verwijder alle markeerpunten" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1102 src/mainwindow.cpp:1921 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:702 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:827 -msgid "Edit Marker" -msgstr "Markeerpunt bewerken" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1105 -msgid "Add Marker/Guide quickly" -msgstr "Markering/aanwijzing snel toevoegen" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1108 -msgid "Split Audio" -msgstr "Split geluid" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1112 -msgid "Set Audio Reference" -msgstr "Audio-referentie instellen" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1116 -msgid "Align Audio to Reference" -msgstr "Audio in lijn brengen referentie" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1120 -msgid "Audio Only" -msgstr "Alleen audio" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1125 -msgid "Video Only" -msgstr "Alleen video" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1130 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7007 -msgid "Audio and Video" -msgstr "Audio en video" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1142 -msgid "Insert Space" -msgstr "Ruimte invoegen" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1143 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:3426 -msgid "Remove Space" -msgstr "Ruimte verwijderen" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1146 -msgid "Insert Track" -msgstr "Spoor invoegen" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1150 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6556 -#: src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:94 -msgid "Delete Track" -msgstr "Verwijder markeerpunt" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, TracksConfigDialog_UI) -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1155 src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:250 -#: src/ui/tracksconfigdialog_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Configure Tracks" -msgstr "Sporen instellen" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1159 -msgid "Select All in Current Track" -msgstr "Alles in huidig spoor selecteren" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1170 src/timeline/customruler.cpp:85 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5781 -msgid "Add Guide" -msgstr "Aanwijzing toevoegen" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1171 src/timeline/customruler.cpp:89 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:231 -msgid "Delete Guide" -msgstr "Verwijder aanwijzing" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1172 src/timeline/customruler.cpp:87 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:235 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5815 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5829 -msgid "Edit Guide" -msgstr "Aanwijzing bewerken" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1173 src/timeline/customruler.cpp:91 -msgid "Delete All Guides" -msgstr "Verwijder alle aanwijzingen" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1175 -msgid "Paste Effects" -msgstr "Effecten plakken" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1180 -msgid "Save Selection" -msgstr "Selectie opslaan" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1208 -msgid "Add Clip" -msgstr "Clip toevoegen" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1210 -msgid "Add Color Clip" -msgstr "Voeg kleur clip toe" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1213 src/project/dialogs/slideshowclip.cpp:41 -msgid "Add Slideshow Clip" -msgstr "Voeg een dia-show clip toe" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1216 -msgid "Add Title Clip" -msgstr "Titel-clip toevoegen" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1219 -msgid "Add Template Title" -msgstr "Titel-template toevoegen" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1223 -msgid "Create Folder" -msgstr "Map aanmaken" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1224 -msgid "Online Resources" -msgstr "Online Resources" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, ClipProperties_UI) -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1226 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Clip Properties" -msgstr "Clip eigenschappen" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1230 -msgid "Edit Clip" -msgstr "Clip bewerken" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1238 -msgid "Reload Clip" -msgstr "Herlaad clip" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1242 -msgid "Disable Timeline Effects" -msgstr "Tijdlijneffecten uitschakelen" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1247 -msgid "Duplicate Clip" -msgstr "Clip dupliceren" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1259 -msgid "Ripple Delete" -msgstr "Verwijder Ripple" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1389 -msgid "" -"You have changed the proxy parameters. Do you want to recreate all proxy " -"clips for this project?" -msgstr "" -"U heeft de proxy-instellingen gewijzigd. Wilt U alle proxy clips voor dit " -"project opnieuw aanmaken?" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1487 -msgid "This will remove all unused clips from your project." -msgstr "Dit verwijdert alle niet gebruikte clips uit het project." - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1487 -msgid "Clean up project" -msgstr "Project opschonen" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1647 -msgctxt "general keyboard shortcuts" -msgid "General" -msgstr "Algemeen" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1827 src/mainwindow.cpp:1945 -msgid "Cannot find clip to add marker" -msgstr "Kan clip, waaraan markeerpunt moet worden toegevoegd, niet vinden" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1859 src/mainwindow.cpp:1886 src/mainwindow.cpp:1909 -msgid "Cannot find clip to remove marker" -msgstr "Kan geen clip vinden waarvan het markeerpunt dient verwijderd " - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1866 src/mainwindow.cpp:1916 -msgid "No marker found at cursor time" -msgstr "Geen markeerpunt gevonden op cursor tijdstip" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2194 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot find effect %1 / %2" -msgstr "Kan effect %1 / %2 niet vinden" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2252 -#, kde-format -msgid "Zoom Level: %1/13" -msgstr "Zoomfactor: %1/13" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2378 -msgid "Ctrl + click to use spacer on current track only" -msgstr "Ctrl + klik om ruimte te maken op het huidig spoor" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2381 -msgid "Click on a clip to cut it" -msgstr "Klik op een clip om deze te knippen" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2384 -msgid "" -"Shift + click to create a selection rectangle, Ctrl + click to add an item " -"to selection" -msgstr "" -"Shift + klik om een rechthoekige selectie te maken, Ctrl + klik om een item " -"aan de selectie toe te voegen" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2707 -msgid "Stabilize" -msgstr "Stabiliseren" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2719 -msgid "Automatic scene split" -msgstr "Automatische splitsing van scene" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2729 src/project/jobs/filterjob.cpp:83 -msgid "Reverse clip" -msgstr "Clip omdraaien" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2736 -msgid "Analyse keyframes" -msgstr "Keyframes analyseren" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2751 -msgid "Transcoders" -msgstr "Codering overzetters" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2784 -msgid "Interface" -msgstr "Interface" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2821 -msgid "No clip to transcode" -msgstr "Geen clip om over te zetten" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2834 -msgid "Files to transcode" -msgstr "Over te zetten bestanden" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2867 -msgid "Create Render Script" -msgstr "Maak een renderscript" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2877 -msgid "Script file already exists. Do you want to overwrite it?" -msgstr "Bestand bestaat reeds, overschrijven?" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2923 -msgctxt "the first in a list of chapters" -msgid "Start" -msgstr "Begin" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:3200 -msgid "Archiving project" -msgstr "Project archiveren" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:3229 -msgid "Select a clip to save" -msgstr "Selecteer een clip om op te slaan" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:3232 src/renderer.cpp:1386 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7865 -msgid "MLT playlist (*.mlt)" -msgstr "MLT-afspeellijst (*.mlt)" - -#: src/mltconnection.cpp:51 -msgid "Cannot find the melt program required for rendering (part of MLT)" -msgstr "" -"Kan het melt programma; benodigd voor renderen (onderdeel van MLT), niet " -"vinden" - -#: src/mltconnection.cpp:83 -msgid "Cannot find your MLT profiles, please give the path" -msgstr "Kan geen MLT profielen vinden, geef het pad op" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:87 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:476 src/project/projectcommands.cpp:166 -msgid "Edit marker" -msgstr "Markeerpunt bewerken" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:88 -msgid "Export markers" -msgstr "Markeerpunt exporteren" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:89 -msgid "Import markers" -msgstr "Markeerpunten importeren" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:115 -msgid "Analysis data" -msgstr "Analysegegevens" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:118 -msgid "Delete analysis" -msgstr "Analyse verwijderen" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:119 -msgid "Export analysis" -msgstr "Analyse exporteren" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:120 -msgid "Import analysis" -msgstr "Analyse importeren" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, clip_transparency) -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:166 -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:842 -msgid "Transparent" -msgstr "Transparant" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:181 -msgid "Aspect Ratio" -msgstr "Beeldverhouding" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_18) -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:236 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:618 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:623 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:679 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:440 -#: src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:86 -msgid "Frame rate" -msgstr "Frame snelheid" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_5) -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:260 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:634 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:686 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:105 -msgid "Scanning" -msgstr "Scannen" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:282 -msgid "Field order" -msgstr "Veldvolgorde" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:286 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:129 -msgid "Bottom first" -msgstr "Laatste eerst" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:287 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:130 -msgid "Top first" -msgstr "Bovenste eerst" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:304 -msgid "Threads" -msgstr "Threads" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, clip_force_vindex) -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:320 -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:693 -msgid "Video index" -msgstr "Video index" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, clip_force_aindex) -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:336 -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:720 -msgid "Audio index" -msgstr "Audio index" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_12) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_32) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_15) -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:350 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:644 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:696 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:294 -#: src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:222 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:149 -msgid "Colorspace" -msgstr "Kleurruimte" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, clip_full_luma) -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:380 -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:772 -msgid "Full luma range" -msgstr "Volle luma bereik" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:399 -msgid "Force properties" -msgstr "Eigenschappen afdwingen" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_5) -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_3) -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:401 -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:511 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:349 -msgid "Metadata" -msgstr "Metadata" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:403 -msgid "Analysis" -msgstr "Analyse" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:609 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:671 src/project/clipproperties.cpp:673 -msgid "Video codec" -msgstr "Video codec" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:613 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:676 -msgid "Frame size" -msgstr "Frame afmetingen" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:630 -msgid "Video bitrate" -msgstr "Video-bitsnelheid" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:630 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:664 -msgctxt "seconds" -msgid "s" -msgstr "s" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_9) -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:641 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:690 src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:120 -msgid "Pixel aspect ratio" -msgstr "Pixel beeldverhouding" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:642 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:693 -msgid "Pixel format" -msgstr "Pixel formaat" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:651 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:243 -msgid "Audio codec" -msgstr "Audio codec" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:659 -msgid "Audio frequency" -msgstr "Audio frequentie" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:664 -msgid "Audio bitrate" -msgstr "Geluidsbitsnelheid" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:760 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:788 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:813 -msgid "Exif" -msgstr "Exif" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:832 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:854 -msgid "Magic Lantern" -msgstr "Magische lantaren" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:893 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:858 -msgid "Save Analysis Data" -msgstr "Analysegegevens opslaan" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:893 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:904 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:858 src/project/clipproperties.cpp:869 -msgid "Text File (*.txt)" -msgstr "Tekstbestand (*.txt)" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:904 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:869 -msgid "Open Analysis Data" -msgstr "Analysegegevens openen" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:183 -msgid "Play..." -msgstr "Afspelen..." - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:185 src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:303 -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:310 src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:449 -msgid "Pause" -msgstr "Pauzeren" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:210 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:210 -msgid "Go to marker..." -msgstr "Ga naar markeerpunt...." - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:215 -msgid "Force Monitor Size" -msgstr "Monitorgrootte afdwingen" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:216 -msgid "Force 100%" -msgstr "100% afdwingen" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:218 -msgid "Force 50%" -msgstr "50% afdwingen" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:220 -msgid "Free Resize" -msgstr "Vrij grootte wijzigen" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:233 -msgid "Audio volume" -msgstr "Audio volume" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:248 -#| msgid "Split view" -msgid "Split" -msgstr "Splitsen" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:248 -msgid "Unsplit" -msgstr "Splitsen ongedaan maken" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:281 src/monitor/monitoreditwidget.cpp:58 -msgid "Show/Hide edit mode" -msgstr "Bewerken verbergen/tonen " - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:400 -msgid "Save zone" -msgstr "Gedeelte opslaan" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:401 -msgid "Extract Zone" -msgstr "Extract Zone" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:404 -msgid "Extract frame" -msgstr "Extract frame" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:408 -msgid "Split view" -msgstr "Split beeld" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:412 -msgid "Set current image as thumbnail" -msgstr "Maak van huidige afbeelding miniatuur" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:416 -msgid "Overlay audio waveform" -msgstr "Audiogolfvorm-overlay" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:453 -msgid "Your screen resolution is not sufficient for this action" -msgstr "Uw schermresolutie is niet voldoende voor deze actie" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:838 -msgid "Save Image" -msgstr "Image opslaan" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:894 -msgid "In Point" -msgstr "Beginpunt" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:896 -msgid "Out Point" -msgstr "Eindpunt" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:1520 -msgid "Select a clip in project bin to compare effect" -msgstr "Selecteer een clip in de project-bin om effect te vergelijken" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:1524 -msgid "Clip has no effects" -msgstr "Clip heeft geen effecten" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:1533 -msgid "" -"The scal0tilt filter is required for that feature, please install frei0r and " -"restart Kdenlive" -msgstr "" -"Het filter scal0tilt is vereist voor die functie, installeer frei0r en start " -"Kdenlive opnieuw" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:1540 -msgid "" -"The cairoblend transition is required for that feature, please install " -"frei0r and restart Kdenlive" -msgstr "" -"De transitie cairoblend is vereist voor die functie, installeer frei0r en " -"start Kdenlive opnieuw" - -#: src/monitor/monitoreditwidget.cpp:64 -msgid "Update parameters while monitor scene changes" -msgstr "Instellingen bijwerken terwijl monitor scene verandert" - -#: src/monitor/monitoreditwidget.cpp:68 -msgid "Fit zoom to monitor size" -msgstr "Beeld vullend" - -#: src/monitor/monitoreditwidget.cpp:70 -msgid "Original size" -msgstr "Origineel formaat" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:326 -msgid "Switch monitor fullscreen" -msgstr "Fullscreen monitor" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:331 src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:76 -msgid "Rewind" -msgstr "Terugspoelen" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:336 -msgid "Rewind 1 Frame" -msgstr "1 frame terug" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:341 -msgid "Rewind 1 Second" -msgstr "1 seconde terug" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:346 src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:85 -msgid "Forward" -msgstr "Vooruit" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:351 -msgid "Go to Project Start" -msgstr "Ga naar project begin" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:356 -msgid "Go to Project End" -msgstr "Ga naar project einde" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:361 -msgid "Forward 1 Frame" -msgstr "1 frame vooruit" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:366 -msgid "Forward 1 Second" -msgstr "1 seconde vooruit" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:371 -msgid "Deinterlacer" -msgstr "Deinterlacer" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:372 -msgid "One Field (fast)" -msgstr "Één veld (snel)" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:373 -msgid "Linear Blend (fast)" -msgstr "Lineair mengen (snel)" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:374 -msgid "YADIF - temporal only (good)" -msgstr "YADIF - alleen tijdelijk (goed)" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:375 -msgid "YADIF - temporal + spacial (best)" -msgstr "YADIF - tijdelijk + ruimtelijk (beste)" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:384 -msgid "Nearest Neighbor (fast)" -msgstr "Dichtstbijzijnde buur (snel)" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:385 -msgid "Bilinear (good)" -msgstr "Bi-lineair (goed)" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:386 -msgid "Bicubic (better)" -msgstr "Bi-kubisch (beter)" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:387 -msgid "Hyper/Lanczos (best)" -msgstr "Hyper/Lanczos (beste)" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:395 -msgid "Go to Zone Start" -msgstr "Ga naar start zone" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:400 -msgid "Mute monitor" -msgstr "Monitor dempen" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:400 -msgid "Unmute monitor" -msgstr "Demping van monitor opheffen" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:406 -msgid "Go to Zone End" -msgstr "Ga naar eind zone" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:411 -msgid "Set Zone In" -msgstr "Zone-begin instellen" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:416 -msgid "Set Zone Out" -msgstr "Zone-eind instellen" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_preview) -#: src/monitor/recmanager.cpp:48 src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:147 -#: src/ui/freesound_ui.ui:144 src/utils/archiveorg.cpp:181 -#: src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:158 src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:263 -#: src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:277 src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:575 -msgid "Preview" -msgstr "Voorbeeld" - -#: src/monitor/recmanager.cpp:52 src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:88 -msgid "Record" -msgstr "Opnemen" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_video) -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, vbitrates) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, background_list) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_videothumbnails) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, video_thumbs) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, bitrateLabel) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, rec_video) -#: src/monitor/recmanager.cpp:56 src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:38 -#: src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:153 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:86 -#: src/ui/configtimeline_ui.ui:29 src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:207 -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:217 src/ui/recmonitor_ui.ui:100 -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:169 src/ui/saveprofile_ui.ui:20 -msgid "Video" -msgstr "Video" - -#: src/monitor/recmanager.cpp:68 src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:135 -#, kde-format -msgid "Monitor %1" -msgstr "Monitor %1" - -#: src/monitor/recmanager.cpp:80 -msgid "Webcam" -msgstr "Webcam" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_3) -#: src/monitor/recmanager.cpp:81 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:427 -msgid "Screen Grab" -msgstr "Opname van beeldscherm" - -#: src/monitor/recmanager.cpp:86 -msgid "Configure Recording" -msgstr "Opnemen instellen" - -#: src/monitor/recmanager.cpp:89 -msgid "Show Record Control" -msgstr "Besturing van opname tonen" - -#: src/monitor/recmanager.cpp:198 src/monitor/recmanager.cpp:279 -#: src/monitor/recmanager.cpp:284 src/monitor/recmanager.cpp:390 -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:879 src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:886 -msgid "Capture crashed, please check your parameters" -msgstr "Opname is vastgelopen/gecrasht, controleer uw instellingen" - -#: src/monitor/recmanager.cpp:265 src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:753 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Failed to start the capture application:\n" -"%1" -msgstr "" -"Opstarten van toepassing voor opnemen is mislukt:\n" -"%1" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:73 src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:862 -msgid "Connect" -msgstr "Verbind" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:82 src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:249 -#: src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:262 src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:271 -msgid "Stop" -msgstr "Stop" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:94 -msgid "Add Captured File to Project" -msgstr "Voeg een opgenomen clip aan het project toe" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:102 -msgid "Recording Preview" -msgstr "Opname voorbeeld" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:110 src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:245 -msgid "Configure" -msgstr "Instellen" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:202 -msgid "" -"You need to disconnect and reconnect in the capture monitor to apply your " -"changes" -msgstr "" -"De verbinding met de opname monitor moet verbroken en weer verbonden worden " -"om de wijzigingen te laten ingaan" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:202 src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:203 -msgid "Capturing" -msgstr "Opnemen" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:203 -msgid "You need to stop capture before your changes can be applied" -msgstr "" -"De opname moet gestopt worden voordat de veranderingen uitgevoerd kunnen " -"worden." - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:256 -msgid "" -"ffmpeg or avconv not found,\n" -" please install it for screen grabs" -msgstr "" -"ffmpeg of avconv is niet gevonden,\n" -" installeer het om schermafbeeldingen te maken" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:262 -msgid "" -"Your FFmpeg / Libav installation\n" -" does not support screen grab" -msgstr "" -"Uw installatie van FFmpeg / Libav\n" -" ondersteunt geen maken van een schermafbeelding" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:265 src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:888 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Press record button\n" -"to start screen capture\n" -"Files will be saved in:\n" -"%1" -msgstr "" -"Druk op opname knop\n" -"om scherm-opname te starten\n" -"Bestanden worden opgeslagen in:\n" -"%1" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:283 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Plug your camcorder and\n" -"press play button\n" -"to start preview.\n" -"Files will be saved in:\n" -"%1" -msgstr "" -"Sluit uw camcorder aan en\n" -"druk op afspelen\n" -"om de vertoning te starten\n" -"Bestanden worden opgeslagen in:\n" -"%1" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:296 -msgid "" -"dvgrab utility not found,\n" -" please install it for firewire capture" -msgstr "" -"dvgrab toepassing niet gevonden,\n" -"installeer deze voor firewire opname" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:320 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Plug your camcorder and\n" -"press connect button\n" -"to initialize connection\n" -"Files will be saved in:\n" -"%1" -msgstr "" -"Sluit uw camcorder aan en\n" -"druk op de verbinden knop\n" -"om de verbinding te starten\n" -"Bestanden worden opgeslagen in:\n" -"%1" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:355 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Cannot read from device %1\n" -"Please check drivers and access rights." -msgstr "" -"Kan niet lezen vanaf apparaat %1\n" -"Controleer drivers en rechten" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:358 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Press play or record button\n" -"to start video capture\n" -"Files will be saved in:\n" -"%1" -msgstr "" -"Druk op de afspelen of opname knop\n" -"om het opnemen van video te beginnen\n" -"Bestanden worden opgeslagen in:\n" -"%1" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:370 -msgid "Disconnect" -msgstr "Verbinding verbreken" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:423 -msgid "Capture stopped" -msgstr "Opname gestopt" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:523 -msgid "" -"Failed to start Video4Linux,\n" -"check your parameters..." -msgstr "" -" Video4Linux starten is mislukt,\n" -"controleer de instellingen..." - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:539 src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:701 -msgid "" -"Failed to start Decklink,\n" -"check your parameters..." -msgstr "" -" Decklink starten is mislukt,\n" -"controleer de instellingen..." - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:677 -msgid "" -"Failed to start ffmpeg capture,\n" -"check your parameters..." -msgstr "" -"Opnemen met ffmpeg starten is mislukt,\n" -"controleer de parameters..." - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:695 -#, kde-format -msgid "Capturing to %1" -msgstr "Opname naar %1" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:702 -msgid "Failed to start capture" -msgstr "Opname opstarten is mislukt" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:766 -msgid "Initialising..." -msgstr "Initialiseren..." - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:782 -msgid "Show log" -msgstr "Log tonen" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, video_frame) -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:882 src/ui/recmonitor_ui.ui:35 -msgid "Not connected" -msgstr "Niet verbonden" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:971 -#, kde-format -msgid "Free space: %1" -msgstr "Vrije ruimte: %1" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:1014 -#, kde-format -msgid "%1 dropped frames" -msgstr "%1 overgeslagen frames" - -#: src/monitor/smallruler.cpp:201 src/timeline/customruler.cpp:233 -#: src/timeline/customruler.cpp:234 -#, kde-format -msgid "Zone start: %1" -msgstr "Zone-begin: %1" - -#: src/monitor/smallruler.cpp:205 src/timeline/customruler.cpp:237 -#: src/timeline/customruler.cpp:238 -#, kde-format -msgid "Zone end: %1" -msgstr "Zone-eind: %1" - -#: src/monitor/smallruler.cpp:236 src/timeline/customruler.cpp:241 -#: src/timeline/customruler.cpp:242 -#, kde-format -msgid "Zone duration: %1" -msgstr "Zone lengte: %1" - -#: src/monitor/smallruler.cpp:238 src/timeline/customruler.cpp:245 -#: src/timeline/customruler.cpp:246 -#, kde-format -msgid "Position: %1" -msgstr "Positie: %1" - -#: src/project/clipmanager.cpp:220 -msgid "Delete subclip" -msgid_plural "Delete subclips" -msgstr[0] "Subclip verwijderen" -msgstr[1] "Subclips verwijderen" - -#: src/project/clipmanager.cpp:223 src/project/projectcommands.cpp:74 -msgid "Delete folder" -msgid_plural "Delete folders" -msgstr[0] "Map verwijderen" -msgstr[1] "Mappen verwijderen" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:200 -msgid "Libav" -msgstr "Libav" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_8) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, kcfg_defaultcapture) -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_2) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, device_selector) -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:204 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:42 -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:181 src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:105 -#: src/ui/recmonitor_ui.ui:139 -msgid "FFmpeg" -msgstr "FFmpeg" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_11) -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:246 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:187 -#: src/utils/freesound.cpp:207 -msgid "Channels" -msgstr "Kanalen" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:263 -#, kde-format -msgid "Proxy clip: %1 (%2)" -msgstr "Proxy-clip: %1 (%2)" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:265 -msgid "Delete proxy" -msgstr "Verwijder proxy" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:292 -msgid "Playlist" -msgstr "Afspeellijst" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:348 src/project/dialogs/slideshowclip.cpp:74 -msgid "Pan, low-pass" -msgstr "Pan, lage passage" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:349 src/project/dialogs/slideshowclip.cpp:75 -msgid "Pan and zoom" -msgstr "Pan en zoom" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:350 src/project/dialogs/slideshowclip.cpp:76 -msgid "Pan and zoom, low-pass" -msgstr "Pan and zoom, low-pass" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:352 src/project/dialogs/slideshowclip.cpp:78 -msgid "Zoom, low-pass" -msgstr "Zoom, lage passage" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:480 -msgid "Save markers" -msgstr "Markeerpunten opslaan" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:482 -msgid "Load markers" -msgstr "Markeerpunten laden" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:484 -msgid "Delete analysis data" -msgstr "Analysegegevens verwijderen" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:486 -msgid "Load analysis data" -msgstr "Analysegegevens laden" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:488 -msgid "Save analysis data" -msgstr "Analysegegevens opslaan" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:527 src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:360 -#, kde-format -msgid "(%1 clip)" -msgid_plural "(%1 clips)" -msgstr[0] "(%1 clip)" -msgstr[1] "(%1 clips)" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, slide_info) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_info) -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:1166 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:319 -#: src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:265 -msgid "No image found" -msgstr "Geen afbeelding gevonden" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:1171 -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:573 -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:586 -#: src/project/dialogs/slideshowclip.cpp:247 -#, kde-format -msgid "1 image found" -msgid_plural "%1 images found" -msgstr[0] "1 afbeelding gevonden" -msgstr[1] "%1 afbeeldingen gevonden" - -#: src/project/clippropertiesmanager.cpp:182 -msgid "Edit clips" -msgstr "Clips bewerken" - -#: src/project/clipstabilize.cpp:41 -msgid "Stabilize Clip" -msgstr "Stabiliseer Clip" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, auto_add) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, add_clip) -#: src/project/clipstabilize.cpp:42 src/project/cliptranscode.cpp:47 -#: src/ui/clipstabilize_ui.ui:57 src/ui/cliptranscode_ui.ui:47 -#: src/ui/cutjobdialog_ui.ui:57 -msgid "Add clip to project" -msgid_plural "Add clips to project" -msgstr[0] "Voeg een clip aan het project toe" -msgstr[1] "Voeg clips aan het project toe" - -#: src/project/clipstabilize.cpp:69 src/project/cliptranscode.cpp:63 -msgid "Destination folder" -msgstr "Doel map" - -#: src/project/clipstabilize.cpp:159 -msgid "Stabilised" -msgstr "Gestabiliseerd" - -#: src/project/clipstabilize.cpp:173 -msgid "Stabilize clip" -msgstr "Stabiliseer Clip" - -#: src/project/clipstabilize.cpp:232 -msgid "The stabilize job will overwrite the following files:" -msgstr "De taak voor stabiliseren zal de volgende bestanden overschrijven:" - -#: src/project/cliptranscode.cpp:43 -msgid "Transcode Clip" -msgstr "Zet codering clip om (Transcode)" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, convert_abort) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_abort) -#: src/project/cliptranscode.cpp:168 src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:636 -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:884 src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:94 -#: src/ui/dvdwizardvob_ui.ui:160 -msgid "Abort" -msgstr "Afbreken" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, buttonClose) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, buttonClose2) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, buttonClose3) -#: src/project/cliptranscode.cpp:210 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:382 -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:657 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:805 -msgid "Close" -msgstr "Sluiten" - -#: src/project/cliptranscode.cpp:221 src/project/cliptranscode.cpp:239 -msgid "Transcoding finished." -msgstr "Codering omzetten (transcoderen) geslaagd." - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:63 -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:302 -msgid "Video clips" -msgstr "Videoclips" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:67 -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:305 -msgid "Audio clips" -msgstr "Audioclips" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:71 -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:308 src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:113 -msgid "Image clips" -msgstr "Afbeeldingsclips" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:75 -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:311 -msgid "Slideshow clips" -msgstr "Diashowclips" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:79 -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:314 -msgid "Text clips" -msgstr "Tekstclips" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:83 -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:317 -msgid "Playlist clips" -msgstr "Clips met afspeellijst" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:87 -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:320 -msgid "Other clips" -msgstr "Andere clips" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:91 -msgid "Luma files" -msgstr "Luma-bestanden" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:167 -#, kde-format -msgid "You have %1 missing clip in your project." -msgid_plural "You have %1 missing clips in your project." -msgstr[0] "Er ontbreekt %1 clip in het project." -msgstr[1] "Er ontbreken %1 clips in het project." - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:192 -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:1017 -#, kde-format -msgid "(%1 item)" -msgid_plural "(%1 items)" -msgstr[0] "(%1 item)" -msgstr[1] "(%1 items)" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:197 -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:1019 -#, kde-format -msgid "%1 file to archive, requires %2" -msgid_plural "%1 files to archive, requires %2" -msgstr[0] "%1 bestand naar archief, %2 is nodig" -msgstr[1] "%1 bestanden naar archief, %2 zijn nodig" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:198 -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:664 -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:854 -msgid "Archive" -msgstr "Archief" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:232 -msgid "Extract to" -msgstr "Uitpakken naar" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:233 -msgid "Open Archived Project" -msgstr "Gearchiveerd project openen" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:235 -msgid "Extract" -msgstr "Uitpakken" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:264 -msgid "Opening archive..." -msgstr "Bezig een archief te openen..." - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:267 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Cannot open archive file:\n" -" %1" -msgstr "" -"Kan het archief-bestand:\n" -" %1 niet openen" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:284 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"File %1\n" -" is not an archived Kdenlive project" -msgstr "" -"Bestand %1\n" -" is geen gearchiveerd Kdenlive-project" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:290 -msgid "Ready" -msgstr "Klaar" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:310 -msgid "Archiving in progress, do you want to stop it?" -msgstr "Bezig met archivering, wilt u stoppen?" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:310 -msgid "Stop Archiving" -msgstr "Archivering stoppen" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:493 -#, kde-format -msgid "Available space on drive: %1" -msgstr "Vrije ruimte op schijf: %1" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:497 -#, kde-format -msgid "Not enough space on drive, free space: %1" -msgstr "Niet genoeg vrije ruimte op de harde schijf, vrije ruimte: %1" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:518 -msgid "Archiving..." -msgstr "Bezig met archivering..." - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:546 -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:628 -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:881 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot create directory %1" -msgstr "Aanmaken van map %1 is mislukt" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:652 -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:847 -msgid "Project was successfully archived." -msgstr "Project is met succes gearchiveerd." - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:655 -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:851 -msgid "There was an error processing project file" -msgstr "Er is een fout opgetreden bij het bewerken van het project-bestand." - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:661 -#, kde-format -msgid "There was an error while copying the files: %1" -msgstr "Er is een fout opgetreden bij het kopieren van de bestanden: %1" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:785 -msgid "Cannot create temporary file" -msgstr "Kan geen tijdelijk bestand maken" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:883 -msgid "Extracting..." -msgstr "Extracting..." - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:947 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot open project file %1" -msgstr "Kan het project-bestand %1 niet openen" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:947 -msgid "Cannot open file" -msgstr "Kan het bestand niet openen" - -#: src/project/dialogs/backupwidget.cpp:30 -msgid "Restore Backup File" -msgstr "Backup-bestand terugzetten" - -#: src/project/dialogs/backupwidget.cpp:34 -msgid "Showing all backup files in folder" -msgstr "Alle backup-bestanden in map tonen" - -#: src/project/dialogs/backupwidget.cpp:37 -#, kde-format -msgid "Showing backup files for %1" -msgstr "Back-up-bestanden voor %1 tonen" - -#: src/project/dialogs/noteswidget.cpp:40 -msgid "Insert current timecode" -msgstr "Huidige tijdcode invoegen" - -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:120 -msgid "Current Settings" -msgstr "Huidige instellingen" - -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:139 -msgid "Title" -msgstr "Titel" - -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:146 -#: src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:189 -msgid "Author" -msgstr "Auteur" - -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:153 -msgid "Artist" -msgstr "Artiest" - -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:159 -msgid "Copyright" -msgstr "Auteursrecht" - -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:259 -msgid "Deleting proxy clips will disable proxies for this project." -msgstr "Het verwijderen van proxy clips schakelt proxies uit voor dit project." - -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:410 -msgid "" -"Changing the profile of your project cannot be undone.\n" -"It is recommended to save your project before attempting this operation that " -"might cause some corruption in transitions.\n" -" Are you sure you want to proceed?" -msgstr "" -"Het veranderen van het profiel van het project kan niet ongedaan worden.\n" -"Het wordt aanbevolen om het project eerst op te slaan voor dit wordt " -"uitgeprobeerd, dit kan de overgangen verminken.\n" -" Wilt U verdergaan?" - -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:410 -msgid "Confirm profile change" -msgstr "Bevestig profiel wijzigingen" - -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:425 -#, kde-format -msgid "Interlaced (%1 fields per second)" -msgstr "Interlaced (%1 fields per seconde)" - -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:596 -#, kde-format -msgid "Project folder: %1" -msgstr "Project map: %1" - -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:597 -#, kde-format -msgid "Project profile: %1" -msgstr "Project profiel: %1" - -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:598 -#, kde-format -msgid "Total clips: %1 (%2 used in timeline)." -msgstr "Alle clips: %1 (%2 gebruikt in de tijdbalk)." - -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:650 -msgid "field_name" -msgstr "veldnaam" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, SlideshowClip_UI) -#: src/project/dialogs/slideshowclip.cpp:47 src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Slideshow Clip" -msgstr "Diashow clip" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:46 -msgid "Transcode clip" -msgstr "Transcode clip" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:49 -msgid "Cut clip" -msgstr "Clip in tweeën knippen" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:53 -msgid "Analyse clip" -msgstr "Clip analyseren" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:125 -msgid "Failed to create file." -msgstr "Bestand maken is mislukt." - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:140 -msgid "Cannot process this clip type." -msgstr "Kan deze soort clip type niet verwerken" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:202 -msgid "Transcoding clip" -msgstr "Zet codering clip om (Transcode)" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:203 -msgid "Extracting clip cut" -msgstr "Extract clip-gedeelte" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:204 -msgid "Analysing clip" -msgstr "Clip wordt geanalyseerd" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:207 -msgid "Waiting - transcode clip" -msgstr "Wachtend - clip wordt omgezet" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:208 -msgid "Waiting - cut clip" -msgstr "Wachtend - clip wordt geknipt" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:209 -msgid "Waiting - analyse clip" -msgstr "Wachtend - clip wordt geanalyseerd" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:278 -#, kde-format -msgid "Extracting %1 out of %2" -msgstr "Extract %1 uit %2" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:292 -msgid "You cannot overwrite original clip." -msgstr "De originele clip kan niet overschreven worden." - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:293 -#, kde-format -msgid "Overwrite file %1" -msgstr "Bestand %1 overschrijven" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:338 -msgid "The transcoding job will overwrite the following files:" -msgstr "" -"De opdracht voor het opnieuw coderen (Transcode) kan de volgende bestanden " -"niet overschrijven: " - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:344 -msgid "Transcoding" -msgstr "Bezig met clip codering omzetten (Transcode)" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:432 -msgid "I-Frame " -msgstr "I-Frame " - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:433 -#, c-format -msgid "Found %count I-Frames" -msgstr "%count I-Frames gevonden" - -#: src/project/jobs/filterjob.cpp:133 -#, kde-format -msgid "Found %1 scenes." -msgstr "%1 scènes gevonden." - -#: src/project/jobs/filterjob.cpp:146 -msgid "Scene " -msgstr "Scene " - -#: src/project/jobs/filterjob.cpp:174 -msgid "Auto split" -msgstr "Automatisch splitsen" - -#: src/project/jobs/jobmanager.cpp:178 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot write to path: %1" -msgstr "Onmogelijk te schrijven naar pad: %1" - -#: src/project/jobs/jobmanager.cpp:225 -#, kde-format -msgid "Filter %1" -msgstr "Filter %1" - -#: src/project/jobs/jobmanager.cpp:234 -msgid "No valid clip to process" -msgstr "Geen geldige clip om te bewerken" - -#: src/project/jobs/meltjob.cpp:53 -msgid "Processing clip" -msgstr "Clip wordt verwerkt" - -#: src/project/jobs/meltjob.cpp:63 -msgid "No producer for this clip." -msgstr "Geen producer voor deze clip." - -#: src/project/jobs/meltjob.cpp:86 -#, kde-format -msgid "Clip zone undefined (%1 - %2)." -msgstr "Clip-zone niet vastgesteld (%1 - %2)." - -#: src/project/jobs/meltjob.cpp:157 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot create consumer %1." -msgstr "Gebruiker %1 maken is mislukt." - -#: src/project/jobs/meltjob.cpp:179 -#, kde-format -msgid "Filter %1 crashed" -msgstr "Filter %1 is gecrasht" - -#: src/project/jobs/meltjob.cpp:248 -msgid "Waiting to process clip" -msgstr "Wacht tot clip is verwerkt" - -#: src/project/jobs/proxyclipjob.cpp:38 -msgid "proxy" -msgstr "proxy" - -#: src/project/jobs/proxyclipjob.cpp:90 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot load image %1." -msgstr "Afbeelding %1 laden is mislukt" - -#: src/project/jobs/proxyclipjob.cpp:170 -msgid "Failed to create proxy clip." -msgstr "Proxy clip maken is mislukt." - -#: src/project/jobs/proxyclipjob.cpp:245 -msgid "Creating proxy" -msgstr "Proxy aanmaken" - -#: src/project/jobs/proxyclipjob.cpp:248 -msgid "Waiting - proxy" -msgstr "Wachtend op Proxy" - -#: src/project/jobs/proxyclipjob.cpp:283 src/project/projectlist.cpp:2073 -msgid "Failed to create proxy, empty path." -msgstr "Proxy maken is mislukt, geen pad." - -#: src/project/notesplugin.cpp:27 -msgid "Enter your project notes here ..." -msgstr "Voer hier project-notities in..." - -#: src/project/notesplugin.cpp:28 -msgid "Project Notes" -msgstr "Project notities" - -#: src/project/projectcommands.cpp:38 -msgid "Add clip cut" -msgstr "Voeg een clip cut toe" - -#: src/project/projectcommands.cpp:72 -msgid "Add folder" -msgstr "Map toevoegen" - -#: src/project/projectcommands.cpp:107 -msgid "Edit clip cut" -msgstr "Bewerk clip knippen" - -#: src/project/projectcommands.cpp:136 -msgid "Rename folder" -msgstr "Hernoem map" - -#: src/project/projectitem.cpp:92 src/project/projectitem.cpp:221 -msgid "Contains proxies" -msgstr "Bevat proxies" - -#: src/project/projectitem.cpp:186 -msgid "Missing" -msgstr "Ontbreekt" - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:446 -msgid "No available clip selected" -msgstr "Geen beschikbare clip geselecteerd" - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:982 -msgid "Delete Clip Zone" -msgstr "Verwijder clip zone" - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:995 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Delete folder %2?
This will also remove the clip in that folder" -msgid_plural "" -"Delete folder %2?
This will also remove the %1 clips in that " -"folder" -msgstr[0] "" -"Verwijder map %2?
De clip in deze map wordt ook verwijdert." -msgstr[1] "" -"Map verwijderen %2?
Dit verwijdert ook de %1 clips in deze map" - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:1004 -#, kde-format -msgid "Delete clip %2?
This will also remove the clip in timeline" -msgid_plural "" -"Delete clip %2?
This will also remove its %1 clips in timeline" -msgstr[0] "" -"Verwijder clip %2?
De clip wordt ook uit de tijdbalk verwijdert." -msgstr[1] "" -"Clip verwijderen %2?
Dit verwijdert ook de %1 clips in de " -"tijdbalk" - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:1430 -msgid "Clip is missing or invalid. Remove it from project?" -msgstr "Clip ontbreekt of is ongeldig. Uit het project verwijderen?" - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:1455 -msgid "Proxy clip unusable (duration is different from original)." -msgstr "" -"Proxy clip onbruikbaar (de lengte ervan is anders dan van het origineel)." - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:1457 -#, kde-format -msgid "Failed to create proxy for %1. check parameters" -msgstr "Proxy voor %1 maken is mislukt, controleer de instellingen" - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:1752 -msgid "Cannot find profile from current clip" -msgstr "Kan profiel van deze clip niet vinden" - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:1769 -msgid "Change project profile" -msgstr "Project profiel veranderen" - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:1773 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Your clip does not match current project's profile.\n" -"Do you want to change the project profile?\n" -"\n" -"The following profiles match the clip (size: %1, fps: %2)" -msgstr "" -"Deze clip past niet in de huidige project profiel.\n" -"Het project profiel aanpassen?\n" -"\n" -"De volgende profielen passen bij de clip (formaat: %1, fps: %2)" - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:1791 -msgid "Update profile" -msgstr "Profiel bijwerken" - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:1806 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Your clip does not match current project's profile.\n" -"No existing profile found to match the clip's properties.\n" -"Clip size: %1\n" -"Fps: %2\n" -msgstr "" -"Deze clip past niet in de huidige project profiel.\n" -"Geen bestaande profielen passen bij de clip.\n" -"Formaat clip: %1\n" -"Fps: %2\n" - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:2042 -msgid "Sequence not found" -msgstr "Volgorde niet gevonden" - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:2212 -msgid "Update proxy settings" -msgstr "Proxy instellingen bijwerken" - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:2374 -msgid "Remove Proxy" -msgstr "Proxy clip verwijderen" - -#: src/project/projectlistview.cpp:59 -msgid "Rating" -msgstr "Waardering" - -#: src/project/projectlistview.cpp:105 -msgctxt "@title:menu" -msgid "Columns" -msgstr "Kolommen" - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:61 -msgid "Open Backup File" -msgstr "Open back-up-bestand" - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:202 -msgid "Save changes to document?" -msgstr "Wijzigingen opslaan in document?" - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:204 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"The project \"%1\" has been changed.\n" -"Do you want to save your changes?" -msgstr "" -"Het project \"%1\" is gewijzigd.\n" -"Wilt U de wijzigingen bewaren?" - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:379 -msgid "Auto-saved files exist. Do you want to recover them now?" -msgstr "" -"Er bestaan automatisch opgeslagen bestanden. Wilt u deze overschrijven?" - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:380 -msgid "File Recovery" -msgstr "Bestand herstel" - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:381 -msgid "Don't recover" -msgstr "Niet herstellen" - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:436 -#, kde-format -msgid "Opening file %1" -msgstr "Bezig met bestand %1 aan het openen" - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:456 -msgid "Loading project" -msgstr "Bezig met laden project" - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:458 -msgid "Loading playlist" -msgstr "Afspeelijst laden" - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:478 src/project/projectmanager.cpp:483 -msgid "Loading clips" -msgstr "Bezig met laden van clips" - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:507 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Cannot open file %1.\n" -"Project is corrupted." -msgstr "" -"Kan het bestand %1 niet openen.\n" -"Het project is beschadigd." - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:527 -msgid "" -"This will delete all changes made since you last saved your project. Are you " -"sure you want to continue?" -msgstr "" -"Dit verwijdert alle wijzigingen sinds de laatste opslag van het project. " -"Wilt U doorgaan?" - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:527 -msgid "Revert to last saved version" -msgstr "Terugkeren naar laatste bewaarde versie" - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:537 -msgid "Kdenlive project (*.kdenlive)" -msgstr "Kdenlive-project (*.kdenlive)" - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:538 -msgid "Archived project (*.tar.gz)" -msgstr "Gearchiveerd project (*.tar.gz)" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, scanning_list) -#: src/project/transitionsettings.cpp:151 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:126 -msgid "Auto" -msgstr "Automatisch" - -#: src/project/transitionsettings.cpp:162 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:54 -msgid "Black" -msgstr "Zwart" - -#: src/renderer.cpp:1181 -msgid "" -"Could not create the video preview window.\n" -"There is something wrong with your Kdenlive install or your driver settings, " -"please fix it." -msgstr "" -"Kan het videovoorbeeldscherm niet opbouwen.\n" -"Er is iets mis met de installatie van kdenlive of met de instellingen van de " -"aansturing van het/de appara(a)t(en), herstel dit eerst." - -#: src/renderer.cpp:1386 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7865 -msgid "Save Zone" -msgstr "Zone opslaan" - -#: src/renderer.cpp:3283 -msgid "Import selected clips" -msgstr "Geselecteerde clips importeren" - -#: src/renderer.cpp:3285 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Additional streams for clip\n" -" %1" -msgstr "" -"Extra streams voor clip\n" -" %1" - -#: src/renderer.cpp:3294 -#, kde-format -msgid "Video stream %1" -msgstr "Video-stream %1" - -#: src/renderer.cpp:3309 -#, kde-format -msgid "Audio stream %1" -msgstr "Audiostream %1" - -#: src/scopes/abstractscopewidget.cpp:84 -msgid "Auto Refresh" -msgstr "Automatisch vernieuwen" - -#: src/scopes/abstractscopewidget.cpp:86 -msgid "Realtime (with precision loss)" -msgstr "Realtime (minder nauwkeurig)" - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:67 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:52 -msgid "Reset maximum frequency to sampling rate" -msgstr "Max frequentie terugzetten naar bemonsteringsfrequentie" - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:68 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:55 -msgid "Track mouse" -msgstr "Volg muis" - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:70 -msgid "Show maximum" -msgstr "Maximum tonen" - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:86 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:74 -msgid "Rectangular window" -msgstr "Rechthoekig venster" - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:87 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:75 -msgid "Triangular window" -msgstr "Driehoekige venster" - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:88 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:76 -msgid "Hamming window" -msgstr "Hamming venster" - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:97 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:79 -msgid "The maximum window size is limited by the number of samples per frame." -msgstr "" -"Het maximum venster formaat wordt bepaald door het aantal samples per frame." - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:98 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:80 -msgid "" -"A bigger window improves the accuracy at the cost of computational power." -msgstr "" -"Een groter venster maakt de berekening preciezer, maar laat de computer ook " -"meer berekenen." - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:99 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:81 -msgid "" -"The rectangular window function is good for signals with equal signal " -"strength (narrow peak), but creates more smearing. See Window function on " -"Wikipedia." -msgstr "" -"Het rechthoekige venster functie is goed voor signalen met gelijke " -"signaalsterktes (smalle piek), maar zorgt wel voor meer vlekken. Zie Window " -"function op Wikipedia." - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:389 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:392 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:394 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:485 -#, kde-format -msgid "%1 dB" -msgstr "%1 dB" - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:412 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:487 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:280 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:289 -#, kde-format -msgid "%1 kHz" -msgstr "%1 kHz" - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:53 -msgid "Draw grid" -msgstr "Raster tekenen" - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:57 -msgid "Highlight peaks" -msgstr "Pieken markeren" - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:234 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Frame\n" -"%1" -msgstr "" -"Frame\n" -"%1" - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:305 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:306 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"%1\n" -"dB" -msgstr "" -"%1\n" -"dB" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:31 -msgid "YUV UV plane" -msgstr "YUV UV vlak" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:32 -msgid "YUV Y plane" -msgstr "YUV Y vlak" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:33 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:55 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:61 -msgid "Modified YUV (Chroma)" -msgstr "Gewijzigde YUV (Chroma)" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:34 -msgid "YCbCr CbCr plane" -msgstr "YCbCr CbCr vlak" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:35 -msgid "RGB plane, one component varying" -msgstr "RGB-vlak, een component veranderend" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:36 -msgid "HSV Hue Shift" -msgstr "HSV kleurtoonverschuiving" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:37 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:254 -msgid "HSV Saturation" -msgstr "HSV verzadiging" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:118 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:250 -#, kde-format -msgid "%1°" -msgstr "%1°" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:125 -#, kde-format -msgid "%1 px" -msgstr "%1 px" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:218 -msgid "Y value" -msgstr "Y-waarde" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:219 -msgid "The Y value describes the brightness of the colors." -msgstr "De Y-waarde is de helderheid van de kleuren" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:231 -msgid "UV angle" -msgstr "Hoek UV" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:232 -msgid "Angle through the UV plane, with all possible Y values." -msgstr "Hoek door het UV-vlak met alle mogelijke Y waarden." - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:240 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:268 -msgid "Red" -msgstr "Rood" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:241 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:269 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:53 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/waveform.cpp:34 -msgid "Green" -msgstr "Groen" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:242 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:270 -msgid "Blue" -msgstr "Blauw" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:243 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:271 -msgid "Luma" -msgstr "Luma" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:255 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:262 -msgid "HSV Value" -msgstr "HSV waarde" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/histogram.cpp:26 -msgid "Unscaled" -msgstr "Niet op schaal" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/histogram.cpp:29 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/waveform.cpp:37 -msgid "Rec. 601" -msgstr "Rec. 601" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/histogram.cpp:31 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/waveform.cpp:39 -msgid "Rec. 709" -msgstr "Rec. 709" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/histogram.cpp:39 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/waveform.cpp:44 -msgid "Luma mode" -msgstr "Luma mode" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/histogramgenerator.cpp:178 -msgid "min" -msgstr "min" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/histogramgenerator.cpp:181 -msgid "max" -msgstr "max" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/rgbparade.cpp:27 -msgid "RGB" -msgstr "RGB" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/rgbparade.cpp:28 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/waveform.cpp:33 -msgid "White" -msgstr "Wit" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/rgbparade.cpp:32 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:89 -msgid "Draw axis" -msgstr "As tekenen" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/rgbparade.cpp:37 -msgid "Gradient reference line" -msgstr "Gradiënt referentie lijn" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/rgbparadegenerator.cpp:167 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/rgbparadegenerator.cpp:169 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/rgbparadegenerator.cpp:171 -msgid "min: " -msgstr "min: " - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/rgbparadegenerator.cpp:175 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/rgbparadegenerator.cpp:177 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/rgbparadegenerator.cpp:179 -msgid "max: " -msgstr "max: " - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:52 -msgid "Green 2" -msgstr "Groen 2" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:56 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:60 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:102 -msgid "YUV" -msgstr "YUV" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:57 -msgid "Original Color" -msgstr "Originele kleur" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:62 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:100 -msgid "YPbPr" -msgstr "YPbPr" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:76 -msgid "Tools" -msgstr "Gereedschappen" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:78 -msgid "Export background" -msgstr "Achtergrond exporteren" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:82 -msgid "Drawing options" -msgstr "Opties voor tekenen " - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:84 -msgid "75% box" -msgstr "75% vak" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:94 -msgid "Draw I/Q lines" -msgstr "I/Q lijnen tekenen" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:99 -msgid "Color Space" -msgstr "Kleurruimte" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:247 -#, kde-format -msgid "%1 \\%" -msgstr "%1 \\%" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/waveform.cpp:32 -msgid "Yellow" -msgstr "Geel" - -#: src/scopes/scopemanager.cpp:307 -msgid "Waveform" -msgstr "Golfvorm" - -#: src/scopes/scopemanager.cpp:309 -msgid "Histogram" -msgstr "Histogram" - -#: src/scopes/scopemanager.cpp:311 -msgid "Audio Signal" -msgstr "Audio signaal" - -#: src/scopes/scopemanager.cpp:312 -msgid "AudioSpectrum" -msgstr "AudioSpectrum" - -#: src/scopes/scopemanager.cpp:313 -msgid "Spectrogram" -msgstr "Spectrogram" - -#: src/statusbarmessagelabel.cpp:51 -msgctxt "@action:button" -msgid "Confirm" -msgstr "Bevestigen" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:162 -msgid "Send frames to color scopes" -msgstr "Kleuren analyse" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:167 -msgid "Mirror display" -msgstr "Spiegel weergave" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:174 -msgid "Stop Motion Capture" -msgstr "Stop Motion opname" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, capture_interval) -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:187 src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:115 -msgid "Interval capture" -msgstr "Opname interval" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:205 -msgid "Overlay effect" -msgstr "Overzicht effecten" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:207 -msgid "No Effect" -msgstr "Geen effect" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:211 -msgid "Edge detect" -msgstr "Rand detectie" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:213 -msgid "Brighten" -msgstr "Helderder" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:236 -msgid "Show sequence thumbnails" -msgstr "Volgorde pictogrammen tonen" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:241 -msgid "Delete current frame" -msgstr "Verwijder dit frame" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:369 -msgid "Configure Stop Motion" -msgstr "Stop Motion instellen" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:371 src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:372 -msgid " second" -msgid_plural " seconds" -msgstr[0] "seconde" -msgstr[1] "seconden" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:520 -msgid "Stopped" -msgstr "Gestopt" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:560 -msgid "No previous frame found" -msgstr "Vorig keyframe niet gevonden" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:632 -msgid "Create New Sequence" -msgstr "Nieuwe volgorde maken" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:632 -msgid "Enter sequence name" -msgstr "Sequentie naam invoeren" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:653 -msgid "Frame Captured" -msgstr "Frame opgenomen" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:667 -msgid "Going to Capture Frame" -msgstr "Bezig met naar opname frame gaan" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:822 -#, kde-format -msgid "Delete frame %1 from disk?" -msgstr "Frame %1 van harde schijf verwijderen?" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:822 -msgid "Delete Frame" -msgstr "Verwijder frame" - -#: src/timecode.cpp:261 -msgid "hour" -msgstr "uur" - -#: src/timecode.cpp:269 -msgid "min." -msgstr "min." - -#: src/timecode.cpp:277 -msgid "sec." -msgstr "sec." - -#: src/timecode.cpp:282 -msgid "frames" -msgstr "frames" - -#: src/timeline/abstractclipitem.cpp:379 -msgid "seconds" -msgstr "seconden" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:589 -msgid "Crop from start:" -msgstr "Inkorten vanaf begin: " - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, clip_filesize_2) -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:589 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:602 -#: src/ui/spacerdialog_ui.ui:30 -msgid "Duration:" -msgstr "Tijdsduur: " - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:589 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:602 -msgid "Offset:" -msgstr "Verschuiving:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:695 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:804 -msgid ":" -msgstr ":" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:696 -msgid " Position:" -msgstr "Positie:" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:697 -msgid " Duration:" -msgstr " Tijdsduur:" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:701 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:707 -msgid " Selection duration:" -msgstr " Tijdsduur selectie:" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:703 -msgid " Group duration:" -msgstr "Tijdsduur groep:" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:714 -msgid "Crop from start: " -msgstr "Inkorten vanaf begin:" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:716 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:722 -msgid "" -"Use Ctrl to resize only current item, otherwise all items in this group will " -"be resized at once." -msgstr "" -"Gebruik Ctrl om alleen huidige item te verschalen, anders worden alle items " -"in deze groep tegelijk verschaald." - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:720 -msgid "Duration: " -msgstr "Tijdsduur:" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:726 -msgid "Fade in duration: " -msgstr "Fade in tijdsduur: " - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:729 -msgid "Fade out duration: " -msgstr "Fade out tijdsduur: " - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:732 -msgid "Drag to add or resize a fade effect." -msgstr "Versleep om een fade effect toe te voegen of om het te veranderen." - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:736 -msgid "Click to add a transition." -msgstr "Klik om een overgang toe te voegen." - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:739 -msgid "" -"Move keyframe above or below clip to remove it, double click to add a new " -"one." -msgstr "" -"Verplaats keyframe boven of beneden de clip die verwijdert moet worden, " -"dubbel klik om een nieuwe toe te voegen." - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:784 -msgid "Cannot use spacer in a locked track" -msgstr "Onmogelijk om in een vergrendelde spoor ruimte te maken" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:792 -msgid "Cannot use spacer in a track with a group" -msgstr "Onmogelijk om in een spoor met een groep ruimte te maken" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1105 -msgid "Cannot cut a transition" -msgstr "Kan een overgang niet knippen" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1331 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1366 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2668 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2694 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2720 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2743 -msgid "Cannot add transition" -msgstr "Kan overgang niet toevoegen" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1586 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1594 -msgid "Cannot find clip to edit" -msgstr "Kan geen clip vinden om te bewerken" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1588 -msgid "Cannot edit the duration of multiple items" -msgstr "Onmogelijk om de tijdsduur van meerdere items te bewerken" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1599 -msgid "Cannot edit an item in a group" -msgstr "Onmogelijk om een item in groep te bewerken" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1664 -msgid "Item is locked" -msgstr "Item is vergrendeld" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1747 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2897 -msgid "Cannot insert clip in timeline" -msgstr "Kan clip niet op de tijdbalk invoegen" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1753 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2866 -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:75 -msgid "Add timeline clip" -msgstr "Voeg tijdsbalk clip toe" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1787 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1849 -msgid "Clip not ready" -msgstr "Clip niet gereed" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1970 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2033 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2050 -msgid "Problem deleting effect" -msgstr "Probleem bij verwijderen effect" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1977 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2002 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2017 -msgid "Problem adding effect to clip" -msgstr "Probleem bij toevoegen effect aan clip" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1986 -msgid "Cannot add speed effect to track" -msgstr "Kan aan deze track geen snelheidseffect toevoegen" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2022 -msgid "Cannot find clip to add effect" -msgstr "Kan clip waaraan effect moet worden toegevoegd niet vinden" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2068 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2160 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2263 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7513 -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:42 src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:282 -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:374 -msgid "effect" -msgstr "effect" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2069 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2162 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7515 src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:44 -#, kde-format -msgid "Add %1" -msgstr "%1 toevoegen" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2171 -msgid "Select a clip if you want to apply an effect" -msgstr "Selecteer een clip als u een effect wilt toepassen" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2219 -msgid "Cannot add an audio effect to this clip" -msgstr "Kan aan deze clip geen audio effect toevoegen" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2228 -msgid "Cannot add a video effect to this clip" -msgstr "Kan aan deze clip geen video effect toevoegen" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2233 -msgid "Effect already present in clip" -msgstr "Effect al aanwezig in clip" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2264 src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:46 -#, kde-format -msgid "Delete %1" -msgstr "Verwijder %1" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2300 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2315 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2371 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2381 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2402 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5486 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5507 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5530 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5552 -msgid "Problem editing effect" -msgstr "Probleem bij bewerken effect" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2373 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2404 -msgid "Cannot find clip to update effect" -msgstr "Kan clip waarvan het effect moet worden bijgewerkt niet vinden" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2429 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2450 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2463 -msgid "Cannot move effect" -msgstr "Kan het effect niet verplaatsen" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2527 -msgid "Cannot find clip to cut" -msgstr "Kan geen clip vinden om te knippen" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2600 -msgid "Cannot find clip to uncut" -msgstr "Kan geen clip vinden om knippen ongedaan te maken" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2604 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4101 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4392 -#, kde-format -msgid "Error removing clip at %1 on track %2" -msgstr "Kan clip op tijdstip: %1 op track %2 niet verplaatsen" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2629 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5309 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5427 -msgid "Error when resizing clip" -msgstr "Fout bij verschalen clip" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2728 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6204 -msgid "Invalid transition" -msgstr "Ongeldige overgang" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2752 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4435 -msgid "Select clip to delete" -msgstr "Selecteer te verwijderen clip" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2768 -msgid "Cannot update transition" -msgstr "Kan de overgang niet bijwerken" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:3442 -msgid "Cannot remove space in a locked track" -msgstr "Kan de ruimte in het vergrendelde spoor niet verwijderen" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:3448 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:3453 -#, kde-format -msgid "You must be in an empty space to remove space (time: %1, track: %2)" -msgstr "" -"Om ruimte te verwijderen moet u zich in lege ruimte bevinden (tijd=%1, spoor:" -"%2)" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:3464 -msgid "Cannot remove space in a track with a group" -msgstr "Kan de ruimte in het spoor met een groep niet verwijderen" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:3543 -msgid "Cannot insert space in a locked track" -msgstr "Kan ruimte in een vergrendelde spoor niet invoegen" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:3556 -msgid "Cannot insert space in a track with a group" -msgstr "Kan ruimte in een spoor met een groep niet invoegen" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:3612 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot move clip at position %1, track %2" -msgstr "Kan clip op positie %1s op track %2 niet verplaatsen" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:3625 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot move transition at position %1, track %2" -msgstr "Kan overgang op positie %1 op track %2 niet verplaatsen" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:3897 src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:484 -msgid "Move clip" -msgstr "Verplaats clip" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4045 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5002 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot move clip to position %1" -msgstr "Kan clip niet verplaatsen naar positie %1" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4052 -msgid "Cannot move transition" -msgstr "Kan overgang niet verplaatsen" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4056 src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:579 -msgid "Move transition" -msgstr "Verplaats overgang" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4083 src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:556 -msgid "Move group" -msgstr "Verplaats groep" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4215 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4242 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6386 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6418 -msgid "Resize group" -msgstr "Verschaal groep" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4488 -msgid "Delete selected group" -msgid_plural "Delete selected groups" -msgstr[0] "Verwijder gemarkeerde groep" -msgstr[1] "Verwijder gemarkeerde groepen" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4490 -msgid "Delete selected clip" -msgid_plural "Delete selected clips" -msgstr[0] "Verwijder gemarkeerde clip" -msgstr[1] "Verwijder gemarkeerde clips" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4492 -msgid "Delete selected transition" -msgid_plural "Delete selected transitions" -msgstr[0] "Verwijder gemarkeerde overgang" -msgstr[1] "Verwijder gemarkeerde overgangen" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4493 -msgid "Delete selected items" -msgstr "Verwijder geselecteerde items" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4505 -msgid "Cannot find clip for speed change" -msgstr "Er is geen clip te vinden voor een snelheid verandering" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4563 -msgid "Cut Group" -msgstr "Groep knippen" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4645 src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:411 -msgid "Group clips" -msgstr "Clips groeperen" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4744 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4760 -msgid "Cannot insert clip..." -msgstr "Kan clip niet invoegen..." - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4749 -msgid "Waiting for clip..." -msgstr "Wachtend op clip..." - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4963 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5192 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot move clip at time: %1 on track %2" -msgstr "Kan clip op tijdstip: %1s op track %2 niet verplaatsen" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5142 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot move transition at time: %1 on track %2" -msgstr "Kan overgang op tijdstip: %1 op track %2 niet verplaatsen" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5236 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5352 -msgid "Not possible to resize" -msgstr "Verschalen is niet mogelijk" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5248 -msgid "Resize clip start" -msgstr "Start clip verschalen" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5318 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5437 -msgid "Cannot resize transition" -msgstr "Kan overgang niet vervormen" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5372 -msgid "Resize clip end" -msgstr "Eind clip verschalen" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5430 -msgid "Resize transition end" -msgstr "Overgang eind verschalen" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5742 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5810 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5851 -msgid "No guide at cursor time" -msgstr "Geen aanwijzing op cursor tijdstip" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5762 -#, kde-format -msgid "A guide already exists at position %1" -msgstr "Op deze positie bestaat reeds een aanwijzing %1" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5778 -msgid "Guide" -msgstr "Aanwijzing" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6068 -msgid "Select a clip before copying" -msgstr "Selecteer een clip alvorens te kopiëren" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6139 -msgid "No clip copied" -msgstr "Geen clip gekopieerd" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6175 -msgid "Cannot paste selected clips" -msgstr "Kan geselecteerde clips niet plakken" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6192 -msgid "Cannot paste clip to selected place" -msgstr "Clip kan niet op geselecteerde positie geplakt worden" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6206 -msgid "Cannot paste transition to selected place" -msgstr "Overgang kan niet op geselecteerde positie geplakt worden" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6217 -msgid "You must copy exactly one clip before pasting effects" -msgstr "U moet exact één clip kopiëren voor u effecten plakt" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6353 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6377 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6410 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7016 -msgid "You must select one clip for this action" -msgstr "U moet één clip selecteren voor deze actie" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6359 -msgid "You must select a playlist clip for this action" -msgstr "U moet voor deze actie een afspeellijstclip selecteren" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6517 src/ui/addtrack_ui.ui:67 -msgid "Insert track" -msgstr "Spoor invoegen" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6518 -#, kde-format -msgid "Video %1" -msgstr "Video %1" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6519 -msgid "Insert New Track" -msgstr "Nieuw spoor invoegen" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6552 src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:108 -msgid "Delete track" -msgstr "Verwijder spoor" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6667 -msgid "You must select one transition for this action" -msgstr "U moet één overgang selecteren voor deze actie" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6754 -msgid "You must select at least one clip for this action" -msgstr "U moet voor deze actie tenminste één clip selecteren" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6759 src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:718 -msgid "Split audio" -msgstr "Split geluid" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6765 -msgid "Cannot split audio of grouped clips" -msgstr "Kan het geluid van gegroepeerde clips niet splitsen" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6779 -msgid "No clip to split" -msgstr "Geen clip om te splitsen" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6788 -msgid "You must select exactly one clip for the audio reference." -msgstr "U moet exact één clip selecteren voor de audio-referentie." - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6809 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6858 -msgid "Processing audio, please wait." -msgstr "Bezig met bewerken van geluid, even geduld a.u.b." - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6813 -msgid "Reference for audio alignment must contain audio data." -msgstr "Referentie voor in lijn brengen van audio moet audiogegevens bevatten." - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6829 -msgid "Audio alignment reference not yet set." -msgstr "Audio-referentie voor in lijn brengen nog niet ingesteld." - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6866 -msgid "Cannot find clip to align." -msgstr "Kan geen clip vinden om in lijn te brengen." - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6881 -msgid "Unable to move clip out of timeline." -msgstr "Kan clip niet uit de tijdlijn verplaatsen." - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6896 -msgid "Unable to move clip due to collision." -msgstr "Kan clip niet verplaatsen vanwege een botsing." - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6899 -msgid "Clip aligned." -msgstr "Clip uitgelijnd." - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6900 -msgid "Auto-align clip" -msgstr "Clips automatisch in lijn brengen" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6932 -msgid "No empty space to put clip audio" -msgstr "Geen vrije ruimte om audio clip te plaatsen" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6944 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6981 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7057 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot update clip (time: %1, track: %2)" -msgstr "Kan de clip (tijd: %1, spoor: %2) niet bijwerken" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7009 -msgid "Video only" -msgstr "Alleen video" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7026 -msgid "Cannot change grouped clips" -msgstr "Kan geselecteerde clips niet veranderen" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7045 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot find clip to edit (time: %1, track: %2)" -msgstr "Kan de te bewerken clip (tijd: %1, spoor: %2) niet vinden" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7358 -msgid "error" -msgstr "fout" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7358 -msgid "TRACTOR" -msgstr "TRACTOR" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7371 -msgid "Insert clip" -msgstr "Invoegen clip" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7521 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7529 -msgid "Effect already present in track" -msgstr "Effect is al aanwezig in track" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7641 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot find clip for effect update %1." -msgstr "Kan clip waarvan effect %1 moet worden bijgewerkt niet vinden." - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7668 -msgid "You need to select one clip and one transition" -msgstr "U moet één clip en één overgang selecteren" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7686 -msgid "No clip found" -msgstr "Geen clip gevonden" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7694 -msgid "No keyframe data found in clip" -msgstr "Geen keyframe gegevens in clip gevonden" - -#: src/timeline/headertrack.cpp:66 src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:461 -msgid "Lock track" -msgstr "Vergrendel sporen" - -#: src/timeline/headertrack.cpp:66 src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:463 -msgid "Unlock track" -msgstr "Ontsluit spoor" - -#: src/timeline/headertrack.cpp:72 -msgid "Disable audio" -msgstr "Geluid uitschakelen" - -#: src/timeline/headertrack.cpp:72 -msgid "Enable audio" -msgstr "Geluid inschakelen" - -#: src/timeline/headertrack.cpp:82 -msgid "Disable video" -msgstr "Video uitschakelen" - -#: src/timeline/headertrack.cpp:82 -msgid "Enable video" -msgstr "Video inschakelen" - -#: src/timeline/headertrack.cpp:89 -msgid "Opaque" -msgstr "Dekkend" - -#: src/timeline/spacerdialog.cpp:52 -msgid "All tracks" -msgstr "Alle geluidsporen" - -#: src/timeline/timeline.cpp:89 -msgid "Smaller tracks" -msgstr "Kleinere sporen" - -#: src/timeline/timeline.cpp:96 -msgid "Bigger tracks" -msgstr "Grotere sporen" - -#: src/timeline/timeline.cpp:359 src/timeline/timeline.cpp:363 -#, kde-format -msgid "Transition %1 had an invalid track: %2 > %3" -msgstr "Overgang %1 heeft een ongeldig spoor: %2 >%3" - -#: src/timeline/timeline.cpp:372 -#, kde-format -msgid "Removed invalid transition: %1" -msgstr "Ongeldige overgang %1 verwijderd" - -#: src/timeline/timeline.cpp:469 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Your project file was upgraded to the latest Kdenlive document version.\n" -"To make sure you don't lose data, a backup copy called %1 was created." -msgstr "" -"Het project bestand is bijgewerkt naar de laatst bekende Kdenlive versie, \n" -"Veiligheidshalve is er een backup met de naam %1 gemaakt." - -#: src/timeline/timeline.cpp:471 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Your project file was modified by Kdenlive.\n" -"To make sure you don't lose data, a backup copy called %1 was created." -msgstr "" -"Het project bestand is gewijzigd door Kdenlive. \n" -"Veiligheidshalve is er een backup met de naam %1 gemaakt." - -#: src/timeline/timeline.cpp:477 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Your project file was upgraded to the latest Kdenlive document version, but " -"it was not possible to create the backup copy %1." -msgstr "" -"Het projectbestand is bijgewerkt naar de laatst bekende Kdenlive " -"documentversie, maar helaas kon er geen backup %1 gemaakt worden." - -#: src/timeline/timeline.cpp:868 -#, kde-format -msgid "Invalid clip removed from track %1 at %2\n" -msgstr "Ongeldige clip verwijderd van spoor %1 op %2\n" - -#: src/timeline/timeline.cpp:946 -#, kde-format -msgid "Effect %1:%2 not found in MLT, it was removed from this project\n" -msgstr "Effect %1:%2 niet gevonden in MLT, is verwijderd uit dit project\n" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:76 -msgid "Delete timeline clip" -msgstr "Tijdbalkclip verwijderen" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:106 -msgid "Add track" -msgstr "Voeg spoor toe" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:137 -msgid "Delete transition from clip" -msgstr "Verwijder overgang van clip" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:139 -msgid "Add transition to clip" -msgstr "Voeg een overgang toe aan clip" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:175 -msgid "Change clip type" -msgstr "Wijzig clip type" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:199 -msgid "Disable effect" -msgid_plural "Disable effects" -msgstr[0] "Effect uitschakelen" -msgstr[1] "Effecten uitschakelen" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:201 -msgid "Enable effect" -msgid_plural "Enable effects" -msgstr[0] "Effect inschakelen" -msgstr[1] "Effecten inschakelen" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:228 -msgid "Adjust clip length" -msgstr "Pas clip lengte aan" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:283 -#, kde-format -msgid "Edit effect %1" -msgstr "Bewerk effect %1" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:337 -msgid "Add guide" -msgstr "Aanwijzing toevoegen" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:341 -msgid "Edit guide" -msgstr "Aanwijzing bewerken" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:343 -msgid "Delete guide" -msgstr "Verwijder aanwijzing" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:345 -msgid "Move guide" -msgstr "Verplaats aanwijzing " - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:375 -#, kde-format -msgid "Edit transition %1" -msgstr "Overgang %1 bewerken" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:413 -msgid "Ungroup clips" -msgstr "Hef groeperen clips op" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:436 -msgid "Insert space" -msgstr "Ruimte invoegen" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:438 -msgid "Remove space" -msgstr "Verwijder ruimte" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:523 -msgid "Move effect" -msgstr "Verplaats effect" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:607 -msgid "Razor clip" -msgstr "Clip snijden" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:653 -msgid "Rebuild Group" -msgstr "Herbouw groep" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:695 -msgid "Resize clip" -msgstr "Clip verschalen" - -#: src/timeline/timelinesearch.cpp:27 -msgid "Find" -msgstr "Zoeken" - -#: src/timeline/timelinesearch.cpp:29 -msgid "Find Next" -msgstr "Volgende zoeken" - -#: src/timeline/timelinesearch.cpp:38 -msgid "Starting -- find text as you type" -msgstr "Starten -- zoek tekst terwijl u intypt" - -#: src/timeline/timelinesearch.cpp:46 -msgid "Find stopped" -msgstr "Zoeken gestopt" - -#: src/timeline/timelinesearch.cpp:56 src/timeline/timelinesearch.cpp:67 -#, kde-format -msgid "Found: %1" -msgstr "Gevonden: %1" - -#: src/timeline/timelinesearch.cpp:58 -msgid "Reached end of project" -msgstr "Einde van project bereikt" - -#: src/timeline/timelinesearch.cpp:70 -#, kde-format -msgid "Not found: %1" -msgstr "Niet gevonden: %1" - -#: src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:74 -msgid "Hidden" -msgstr "Verborgen" - -#: src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:74 -msgid "Muted" -msgstr "Muted" - -#: src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:74 -msgid "Locked" -msgstr "Vergrendeld" - -#: src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:90 -msgid "Add Track" -msgstr "Spoor toevoegen" - -#: src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:98 -msgid "Move Track upwards" -msgstr "Spoor omhoog verplaatsen" - -#: src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:102 -msgid "Move Track downwards" -msgstr "Spoor omlaag verplaatsen" - -#: src/titler/titledocument.cpp:331 -msgid "This title clip was created with a different frame size." -msgstr "Deze titel clip is gemaakt met een ander frame formaat." - -#: src/titler/titledocument.cpp:331 -msgid "Title Profile" -msgstr "Titel profiel" - -#: src/titler/titledocument.cpp:380 -msgid "" -"Some of your text clips were saved with size in points, which means " -"different sizes on different displays. They will be converted to pixel size, " -"making them portable, but you could have to adjust their size." -msgstr "" -"Sommige tekst-clips zijn bewaart met de de grootte in punten (points), dit " -"betekent verschillende formaten op verschillende beeldschermen . Zij worden " -"omgezet naar een grootte in pixels, zodat ze overdraagbaar zijn, maar " -"misschien moet de grootte bijgesteld worden." - -#: src/titler/titledocument.cpp:380 -msgid "Text Clips Updated" -msgstr "Tekst clips bijgewerkt" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:93 -msgid "Outline width" -msgstr "Buitenlijn breedte" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:99 -msgid "Background color opacity" -msgstr "Transparante achtergrond kleur" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:105 -msgid "Rotation around the X axis" -msgstr "Roteer om de X-as" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:111 -msgid "Rotation around the Y axis" -msgstr "Roteer om de Y-as" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:117 -msgid "Rotation around the Z axis" -msgstr "Roteer om de Z-as" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:123 -msgid "Border width" -msgstr "Breedte omlijning" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:156 -msgid "Typewriter" -msgstr "Schrijfmachine" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:215 -msgctxt "Font style" -msgid "Light" -msgstr "Licht" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:216 -msgctxt "Font style" -msgid "Normal" -msgstr "Normaal" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:217 -msgctxt "Font style" -msgid "Demi-Bold" -msgstr "Semi vet" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:218 -msgctxt "Font style" -msgid "Bold" -msgstr "Vet" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:219 -msgctxt "Font style" -msgid "Black" -msgstr "Zwart " - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:220 -msgid "Font weight" -msgstr "Teken grootte" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:242 -msgid "No alignment" -msgstr "Geen uitlijning" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:245 -msgid "Align center" -msgstr "Centreren" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:249 -msgid "Insert Unicode character" -msgstr "Invoegen Unicode karakter " - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:255 -msgid "Raise object" -msgstr "Project omhoog" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:261 -msgid "Lower object" -msgstr "Object omlaag" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:269 -msgid "Raise object to top" -msgstr "Project bovenaan" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:276 -msgid "Lower object to bottom" -msgstr "Object onderaan plaatsen" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:320 -msgid "Invert x axis and change 0 point" -msgstr "X-as omkeren en 0-punt veranderen" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:321 -msgid "Invert y axis and change 0 point" -msgstr "Y-as omkeren en 0-punt veranderen" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:322 -msgid "Select fill color" -msgstr "Vul-kleur selecteren" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:323 -msgid "Select border color" -msgstr "Randkleur kiezen" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:325 -msgid "Original size (1:1)" -msgstr "Origineel formaat (1:1)" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:326 -msgid "Fit zoom" -msgstr "Venster vullend" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:327 -msgid "Select background color" -msgstr "Achtergrond kleur kiezen" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:328 -msgid "Background opacity" -msgstr "Transparante achtergrond" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:329 -msgid "Select all" -msgstr "Alles selecteren" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:330 -msgid "Select text items in current selection" -msgstr "Tekst items in huidige selectie kiezen" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:331 -msgid "Select rect items in current selection" -msgstr "Rechthoek items in huidige selectie kiezen" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:332 -msgid "Select image items in current selection" -msgstr "Afbeeldingen in de huidige selectie kiezen" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:333 -msgid "Unselect all" -msgstr "Alles deselecteren" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:362 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:365 -msgid "Selection Tool" -msgstr "Selecteer gereedschap" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:368 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:371 -msgid "Add Text" -msgstr "Tekst toevoegen" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:374 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:377 -msgid "Add Rectangle" -msgstr "Rechthoek toevoegen" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:380 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:383 -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:670 -msgid "Add Image" -msgstr "Afbeelding toevoegen" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:388 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:391 -msgid "Open Document" -msgstr "Open document" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:394 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:397 -msgid "Save As" -msgstr "Opslaan als" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:566 -msgid "" -"Do you really want to load a new template? Changes in this title will be " -"lost!" -msgstr "" -"Echt een nieuwe template laden? Veranderingen in deze titel zullen kwijt " -"raken!" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:658 -msgid "All Images" -msgstr "Alle afbeeldingen" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:660 -#, kde-format -msgid "%1 Image" -msgstr "%1-afbeelding" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:1346 -msgid "\\u2212X" -msgstr "\\u2212X" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, origin_x_left) -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:1348 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:63 -msgid "+X" -msgstr "+X" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:1371 -msgid "\\u2212Y" -msgstr "\\u2212Y" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, origin_y_top) -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:1373 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:86 -msgid "+Y" -msgstr "+Y" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:1713 -msgid "Load Title" -msgstr "Haal titel op" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:1713 -msgid "Kdenlive title (*.kdenlivetitle)" -msgstr "Kdenlive-titel (*.kdenlivetitle)" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:1761 -msgid "" -"Do you want to embed Images into this TitleDocument?\n" -"This is most needed for sharing Titles." -msgstr "" -"Zijn afbeeldingen in deze titel document gewenst?\n" -"Dit is het meest zinvol wanneer de titel vaker voorkomt." - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:2039 -msgctxt "Indicates the start of an animation" -msgid "Start" -msgstr "Begin" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:2040 -msgctxt "Indicates the end of an animation" -msgid "End" -msgstr "Einde" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:30 -msgid "Details" -msgstr "Details" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:85 -msgid "" -"Information about unicode characters: http://decodeunicode.org" -msgstr "" -"Informatie over unicode karakters: http://decodeunicode.org" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:86 -msgid "Previous Unicode character (Arrow Up)" -msgstr "Vorige Unicode karakter (Pijl omhoog)" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:87 -msgid "Next Unicode character (Arrow Down)" -msgstr "Volgende Unicode karakter (Pijl omlaag)" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:88 -msgid "Enter your Unicode number here. Allowed characters: [0-9] and [a-f]." -msgstr "" -"Voer hier Unicode nummer in. Toegestane karakters zijn: [0-9] en [a-f]." - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:148 -msgid "(no character selected)" -msgstr "(geen karakter gemarkeerd)" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:154 -msgid "" -"Control character. Cannot be inserted/printed. See Wikipedia:Control_character" -msgstr "" -"Control toetsen. Kan niet ingevoegd/geprint worden. Lees Wikipedia:Control_toetsen" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:156 -msgid "Line Feed (newline character, \\\\n)" -msgstr "Regeleinde (nieuwe regel karakter, \\\\n)" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:158 -msgid "" -"Standard space character. (Other space characters: U+00a0, U" -"+2000–200b, U+202f)" -msgstr "" -"Standaard spatie karakter. (Andere spatie karakters: U+00a0, U" -"+2000–200b, U+202f)" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:160 -msgid "No-break space. &nbsp; in HTML. See U+2009 and U+0020." -msgstr "Harde spatie. &nbsp; in HTML. zie U+2009 en U+0020." - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:162 -msgid "" -"

« (u+00ab, &lfquo; in HTML) and " -"» (u+00bb, &rfquo; in HTML) are " -"called Guillemets or angle quotes. Usage in different countries: France " -"(with non-breaking Space 0x00a0), Switzerland, Germany, Finland and Sweden.

and (U+2039/203a, " -"&lsaquo;/&rsaquo;) are their single quote equivalents.

See Wikipedia:" -"Guillemets

" -msgstr "" -"

« (u+00ab, &lfquo; in HTML) en " -"» (u+00bb, &rfquo; in HTML) worden " -"Guillemets of ganzenvoetjes genoemd. Deze worden gebruikt in verschillende " -"landen zoals Frankrijk (met spatie 0x00a0), Zwitserland, Duitsland, Finland " -"en Zweden.

en (U" -"+2039/203a, &lsaquo;/&rsaquo;) zijn hun enkele quote " -"equivalenten.

Lees Wikipedia::Guillemets

" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:164 -msgid "En Space (width of an n)" -msgstr "En spatie (breedte van een N)" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:166 -msgid "Em Space (width of an m)" -msgstr "Em spatie (breedte van een M)" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:168 -msgid "Three-Per-Em Space. Width: 1/3 of one em" -msgstr "Eén derde Em spatie. Breedte: 1/3 van em" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:170 -msgid "Four-Per-Em Space. Width: 1/4 of one em" -msgstr "Kwart Em spatie. Breedte: 1/4 van em‑spatie." - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:172 -msgid "Six-Per-Em Space. Width: 1/6 of one em" -msgstr "Een-zesde Em spatie. Breedte: 1/6 van em‑spatie." - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:174 -msgid "" -"Figure space (non-breaking). Width of a digit if digits have fixed width in " -"this font." -msgstr "" -"Figuur ruimte (non-breaking space). de breedte van een karakter als " -"karakters een vaste breedte bij dit lettertype hebben." - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:176 -msgid "" -"Punctuation Space. Width the same as between a punctuation character and the " -"next character." -msgstr "" -"Leesteken Spatie. Dezelfde breedte als tussen een leesteken karakter en de " -"volgende karakter." - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:178 -msgid "" -"Thin space, in HTML also &thinsp;. See U+202f and Wikipedia:Space_(punctuation)" -msgstr "" -"Dunne spatie, in HTML ook &thinsp;. Lees U+202f en Wikipedia:" -"Lijst van HTML-entiteiten" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:180 -msgid "Hair Space. Thinner than U+2009." -msgstr "Haarfijne spatie. Dunner dan U+2009." - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:182 -msgid "" -"Punctuation Apostrophe. Should be used instead of U+0027. See Wikipedia:Apostrophe" -msgstr "" -"Leesteken Apostrof. Gebruik het in de plaats van U+0027. Lees Wikipedia:" -"Apostrof" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:184 -msgid "" -"

An en Dash (dash of the width of an n).

Usage examples: In English " -"language for value ranges (1878–1903), for relationships/connections " -"(Zurich–Dublin). In the German language it is also used (with " -"spaces!) for showing thoughts: “Es war – wie immer in den " -"Ferien – ein regnerischer Tag.

See Wikipedia:Dash

" -msgstr "" -"

Een em spatie (spatie met de breedte van een m).

Voorbeelden: in " -"het Engels om te markeren—zoals hier—gedachten. Traditioneel " -"zonder spaties.

Lees Wikipedia: Dash

" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:186 -msgid "" -"

An em Dash (dash of the width of an m).

Usage examples: In English " -"language to mark—like here—thoughts. Traditionally without " -"spaces.

See Wikipedia:" -"Dash

" -msgstr "" -"

een em spatie (spatie met de breedte van een m).

Voorbeelden: in " -"het Engels om te markeren—zoals hier—gedachten. Traditioneel " -"zonder spaties.

Lees Wikipedia:Dash

" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:188 -msgid "" -"

Narrow no-break space. Has the same width as U+2009.

Usage: For " -"units (spaces are marked with U+2423, ␣): 230␣V, " -"−21␣°C, 50␣lb, but 90° (no space). In " -"German for abbreviations (like: i. d. R. instead of i. d." -" R. with U+00a0).

See Wikipedia:de:Schmales_Leerzeichen

" -msgstr "" -"

Harde spatie. Heeft dezelfde breedte als U+2009.

Voorbeelden: voor " -"eenheden (ruimtes worden gemarkeerd met U+2423, ␣): 230␣V, " -"−21␣°C, 50␣lb, maar 90° (geen ruimte). " -"In Duits voor afkortingen (zoals: i. d. R. inplaats van i." -" d. R. with U+00a0).

See Wikipedia:de:Schmales_Leerzeichen

" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:190 -msgid "" -"Ellipsis: If text has been left o… See Wikipedia:Ellipsis" -msgstr "" -"Ellips: als tekst is weggelaten o… Lees Wikipedia:Ellips" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:192 -msgid "Minus sign. For numbers: −42" -msgstr "Minus teken. voor nummers: −42" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:194 -msgid "Open box; stands for a space." -msgstr "Open blokje, staat voor een spatie." - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:196 -msgid "" -"Quarter note (Am.) or crochet (Brit.). See Wikipedia:Quarter_note" -msgstr "" -"Kwartnoot. Lees Wikipedia:Muzieknoot" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:198 -msgid "" -"Eighth note (Am.) or quaver (Brit.). Half as long as a quarter note (U" -"+2669). See Wikipedia:" -"Eighth_note" -msgstr "" -"Achtste noot, half zolang als een kwart noot (U+2669). Zie Wikipedia:Muzieknoot" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:200 -msgid "" -"Sixteenth note (Am.) or semiquaver (Brit.). Half as long as an eighth note (U" -"+266a). See Wikipedia:Sixteenth_note" -msgstr "" -"Zestiende noot(Am). Half zolang als een achtste noot (U+266a). Lees Wikipedia:Muzieknoot" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:202 -msgid "" -"Thirty-second note (Am.) or demisemiquaver (Brit.). Half as long as a " -"sixteenth note (U+266b). See Wikipedia:Thirty-second_note" -msgstr "" -"Tweeëndertigste noot, half zolang als een zestiende noot (U+266b). Zie Wikipedia:Muzieknoot" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:204 -msgid "No additional information available for this character." -msgstr "Geen extra informatie beschikbaar voor dit teken." - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, before_select) -#: src/ui/addtrack_ui.ui:34 -msgid "Above" -msgstr "Boven" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, before_select) -#: src/ui/addtrack_ui.ui:39 -msgid "Under" -msgstr "Onder" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, video_track) -#: src/ui/addtrack_ui.ui:57 -msgid "Video &track" -msgstr "Video&spoor" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, audio_track) -#: src/ui/addtrack_ui.ui:74 -msgid "A&udio track" -msgstr "Gel&uidspoor" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, name_label) -#: src/ui/addtrack_ui.ui:81 -msgid "Track name" -msgstr "Tracknaam" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/archivewidget_ui.ui:29 -msgid "Archive folder" -msgstr "Map archiveren" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, compressed_archive) -#: src/ui/archivewidget_ui.ui:46 -msgid "Compressed archive" -msgstr "Gecomprimeerd archief" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, proxy_only) -#: src/ui/archivewidget_ui.ui:53 -msgid "Archive only proxy clips when available" -msgstr "Alleen proxy-clips archiveren, indien beschikbaar" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, labelFFTSize) -#: src/ui/audiospectrum_ui.ui:52 -msgid "True FFT size: " -msgstr "Echte FFT afmeting: " - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, buttonLinkHandles) -#: src/ui/bezierspline_ui.ui:89 -msgid "Link the handles' position.
Results in a natural spline." -msgstr "" -"Verbindt de positie van de handle.
Het resultaat is een natuurlijke " -"spline." - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, marker_save) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, marker_load) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, analysis_delete) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, analysis_save) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, analysis_load) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, arrowUp) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, arrowDown) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, config_button) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonleft) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonhcenter) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonright) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttontop) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonvcenter) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonbottom) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonDirectUpdate) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonZoomOriginal) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonZoomFit) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonAddDelete) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonPrevious) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonNext) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, toolBtnReload) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonUp) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonDown) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonAdd) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonDelete) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonReset) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, zoom_button) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, unzoom_button) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonResetKeyframe) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonSeek) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, reload_blackmagic) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonLinkHandles) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonShowPixmap) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonZoomIn) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonZoomOut) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonGridChange) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonResetSpline) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonShowAllHandles) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, v4l_showprofileinfo) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, v4l_manageprofile) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, grab_manageprofile) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, grab_showprofileinfo) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, decklink_manageprofile) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, decklink_showprofileinfo) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, button_up) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, button_down) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, button_transcode) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, proxy_showprofileinfo) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, add_metadata) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, delete_metadata) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, effectsAll) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, effectsVideo) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, effectsAudio) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, effectsGPU) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, effectsCustom) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, proxy_manageprofile) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, button_add) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, button_edit) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, button_delete) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, button_download) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, button_more) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonLeftRight) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonUpDown) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonShowInTimeline) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonNewPoints) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonHelp) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonFavorite) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, rescale_keep) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, hide_log) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, collapseButton) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, enabledButton) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, menuButton) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonDel) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, rec_options) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonItalic) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonUnder) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonAlignNone) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonAlignLeft) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonInsertUnicode) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonAlignCenter) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonAlignRight) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, itemleft) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, itemhcenter) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, itemright) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, itemtop) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, itemvcenter) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, itembottom) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, live_button) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, capture_button) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, capture_interval) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, overlay_button) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, preview_button) -#: src/ui/bezierspline_ui.ui:92 src/ui/bezierspline_ui.ui:130 -#: src/ui/bezierspline_ui.ui:146 src/ui/bezierspline_ui.ui:156 -#: src/ui/bezierspline_ui.ui:169 src/ui/bezierspline_ui.ui:195 -#: src/ui/bezierspline_ui.ui:208 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:490 -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:500 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:587 -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:597 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:607 -#: src/ui/collapsiblewidget_ui.ui:86 src/ui/collapsiblewidget_ui.ui:118 -#: src/ui/collapsiblewidget_ui.ui:137 src/ui/collapsiblewidget_ui.ui:156 -#: src/ui/collapsiblewidget_ui.ui:172 src/ui/collapsiblewidget_ui.ui:188 -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:211 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:396 -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:433 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:616 -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:742 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:749 -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:78 src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:220 -#: src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:230 src/ui/configsdl_ui.ui:154 -#: src/ui/cutjobdialog_ui.ui:32 src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:262 -#: src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:269 src/ui/dvdwizardvob_ui.ui:29 -#: src/ui/dvdwizardvob_ui.ui:49 src/ui/dvdwizardvob_ui.ui:100 -#: src/ui/effectlist_ui.ui:22 src/ui/effectlist_ui.ui:41 -#: src/ui/effectlist_ui.ui:57 src/ui/effectlist_ui.ui:73 -#: src/ui/effectlist_ui.ui:89 src/ui/freesound_ui.ui:39 -#: src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:249 src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:256 -#: src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:263 src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:270 -#: src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:277 src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:284 -#: src/ui/geometrywidget_ui.ui:70 src/ui/geometrywidget_ui.ui:83 -#: src/ui/geometrywidget_ui.ui:93 src/ui/keyframeeditor_ui.ui:91 -#: src/ui/keyframeeditor_ui.ui:101 src/ui/keyframewidget_ui.ui:46 -#: src/ui/keyframewidget_ui.ui:59 src/ui/keyframewidget_ui.ui:72 -#: src/ui/keyframewidget_ui.ui:85 src/ui/keyframewidget_ui.ui:124 -#: src/ui/manageencodingprofile_ui.ui:44 src/ui/manageencodingprofile_ui.ui:51 -#: src/ui/manageencodingprofile_ui.ui:58 src/ui/manageencodingprofile_ui.ui:68 -#: src/ui/monitoreditwidget_ui.ui:53 src/ui/monitoreditwidget_ui.ui:66 -#: src/ui/monitoreditwidget_ui.ui:76 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:335 -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:386 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:393 -#: src/ui/recmonitor_ui.ui:72 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:407 -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:592 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:717 -#: src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:76 src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:92 -#: src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:108 src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:118 -#: src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:128 src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:141 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:364 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:384 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:401 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:417 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:440 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:447 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:460 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:801 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:808 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:815 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:822 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:829 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:836 src/ui/tracksconfigdialog_ui.ui:61 -#: src/ui/tracksconfigdialog_ui.ui:68 src/ui/tracksconfigdialog_ui.ui:75 -#: src/ui/tracksconfigdialog_ui.ui:82 src/ui/tracksconfigdialog_ui.ui:89 -#: src/ui/unicodewidget_ui.ui:185 src/ui/unicodewidget_ui.ui:210 -msgid "..." -msgstr "..." - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, buttonShowPixmap) -#: src/ui/bezierspline_ui.ui:127 -msgid "Show background indicating changes caused by modifying the curve." -msgstr "" -"De veranderingen van de achtergrond tonen, veroorzaakt door curve-wijzigingen" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, buttonGridChange) -#: src/ui/bezierspline_ui.ui:166 -msgid "" -"Increases the number of lines in the grid.
After 8 lines it will begin " -"from 0 again." -msgstr "" -"Verhoogt aantal lijnen in het rooster.
Na 8 lijnen, begint het opnieuw " -"met 0." - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, buttonResetSpline) -#: src/ui/bezierspline_ui.ui:192 -msgid "Reset the selected spline" -msgstr "Stel gemarkeerde spline opnieuw in" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, buttonShowAllHandles) -#: src/ui/bezierspline_ui.ui:205 -msgid "Show handles for all points or only for the selected one" -msgstr "Handels tonen voor alle punten of alleen voor geselecteerde punt" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, name) -#: src/ui/boolval_ui.ui:30 src/ui/fontval_ui.ui:23 src/ui/listval_ui.ui:23 -msgid "TextLabel" -msgstr "TekstLabel" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, crop_label) -#: src/ui/clipdurationdialog_ui.ui:30 -msgid "Crop start" -msgstr "Inkorten start" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, end_label) -#: src/ui/clipdurationdialog_ui.ui:50 -msgid "Crop end" -msgstr "Inkorten eind" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_path) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, treeWidget) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:27 src/ui/missingclips_ui.ui:72 -msgid "Path" -msgstr "Pad" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_size) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_6) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_5) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:51 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:231 -#: src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:41 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:93 -msgid "Size:" -msgstr "Grootte:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, clip_filesize) -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, groupBox) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:65 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:157 -#: src/utils/freesound.cpp:212 -msgid "File size" -msgstr "Bestand grootte" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, clip_vproperties) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, clip_aproperties) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, metadata_list) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, analysis_list) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, programList) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:117 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:162 -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:542 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:574 -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:371 src/ui/wizardmltcheck_ui.ui:49 -msgid "1" -msgstr "1" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, clip_vproperties) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, clip_aproperties) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, metadata_list) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, analysis_list) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:122 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:167 -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:547 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:579 -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:376 -msgid "2" -msgstr "2" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_slideshow) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:206 -msgid "Slideshow" -msgstr "Diashow" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, slide_type_label) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:212 -msgid "Image type" -msgstr "Afbeeldingstype" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, clip_filesize_4) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:222 -msgid "Frame duration" -msgstr "Frame lengte" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, slide_loop) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, loop_movie) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, sm_loop) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:255 src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:221 -#: src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:160 src/ui/smconfig_ui.ui:26 -msgid "Loop" -msgstr "Loop" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, slide_crop) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:339 src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:284 -msgid "Center crop" -msgstr "Middelpunt inkorten" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_animation) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_6) -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:346 src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:291 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:1121 -msgid "Animation" -msgstr "Animatie" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_image) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, background_list) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:357 src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:202 -msgid "Image" -msgstr "Afbeelding" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_16) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:365 -msgid "Image size" -msgstr "Grootte afbeelding" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, image_transparency) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:381 -msgid "Transparent background" -msgstr "Transparante achtergrond" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, markers_list) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, clip_filesize_3) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:432 src/ui/markerdialog_ui.ui:56 -msgid "Comment" -msgstr "Commentaar" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, marker_new) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonNext) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonUnselectAll) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:440 src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:83 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:700 -msgid "N" -msgstr "N" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, marker_edit) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonEdit) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:450 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:414 -msgid "E" -msgstr "E" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, marker_delete) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonDelete) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, button_delete) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, delete_button) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:460 src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:252 -#: src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:103 src/ui/keyframeeditor_ui.ui:78 -#: src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:279 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:428 -msgid "D" -msgstr "D" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_advanced) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:634 -msgid "Advanced" -msgstr "Geavanceerd" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, clip_force_ar) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:653 -msgid "Force aspect ratio" -msgstr "Dwing pixel beeldverhouding af" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, clip_force_threads) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:686 -msgid "Decoding threads" -msgstr "Decoderen threads" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, clip_force_progressive) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:700 -msgid "Force scanning" -msgstr "Scannen afdwingen" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, clip_force_framerate) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:727 -msgid "Force frame rate" -msgstr "Dwing de frame rate af" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, clip_force_out) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:734 -msgid "Force duration" -msgstr "Tijdsduur afdwingen" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, clip_force_colorspace) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:751 -msgid "Force colorspace" -msgstr "Dwing kleurruimte af" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, clip_force_fieldorder) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:765 -msgid "Force field order" -msgstr "Dwing veld volgorde af" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, clip_force_transparency) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:829 -msgid "Image background" -msgstr "Beeld achtergrond" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, clip_transparency) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:837 -msgid "Normal" -msgstr "Standaard" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_dest) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_5) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_6) -#: src/ui/clipstabilize_ui.ui:20 src/ui/cliptranscode_ui.ui:30 -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:45 src/ui/saveprofile_ui.ui:138 -msgid "Destination" -msgstr "Bestemming" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_source) -#: src/ui/cliptranscode_ui.ui:20 -msgid "Source" -msgstr "Bron" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, ffmpeg_label) -#: src/ui/cliptranscode_ui.ui:40 -msgid "FFmpeg parameters" -msgstr "FFmpeg parameters" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_4) -#: src/ui/cliptranscode_ui.ui:54 -msgid "Job status" -msgstr "Job status" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_start) -#: src/ui/cliptranscode_ui.ui:61 -msgctxt "@action:button start transcode" -msgid "Start" -msgstr "Starten" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_profile) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: src/ui/cliptranscode_ui.ui:68 src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:29 -#: src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:20 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:74 -msgid "Profile" -msgstr "Profiel" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, auto_close) -#: src/ui/cliptranscode_ui.ui:88 -msgid "Close after transcode" -msgstr "Sluiten na renderen" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/colorclip_ui.ui:30 -msgid "Clip Color" -msgstr "Clip kleur" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, ColorPlaneExport_UI) -#: src/ui/colorplaneexport_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Export color plane to PNG" -msgstr "Exporteer achtergrond naar PNG" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, lblSpace) -#: src/ui/colorplaneexport_ui.ui:20 -msgid "Color space" -msgstr "Kleur ruimte" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, lblVariant) -#: src/ui/colorplaneexport_ui.ui:37 -msgid "Variant" -msgstr "Variant" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QSlider, sliderScaling) -#: src/ui/colorplaneexport_ui.ui:81 -msgid "How much to zoom in" -msgstr "Hoeveel inzoomen" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, lblRes) -#: src/ui/colorplaneexport_ui.ui:101 -msgid "Resolution" -msgstr "Resolutie" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, lblFilename) -#: src/ui/colorplaneexport_ui.ui:144 -msgid "Filename" -msgstr "Bestandsnaam" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:23 -msgid "Default capture device" -msgstr "Standaard opname apparaat" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, kcfg_defaultcapture) -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, device_selector) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:37 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:70 -#: src/ui/recmonitor_ui.ui:134 -msgid "Firewire" -msgstr "Firewire" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, kcfg_defaultcapture) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, device_selector) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:47 src/ui/recmonitor_ui.ui:144 -msgid "Screen grab" -msgstr "Opname van beeldscherm" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, kcfg_defaultcapture) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, device_selector) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:52 src/ui/recmonitor_ui.ui:149 -msgid "Blackmagic card" -msgstr "Blackmagic kaart" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_9) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:89 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:221 -msgid "Capture format" -msgstr "Opname formaat" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, kcfg_firewireformat) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:97 -msgid "DV Raw" -msgstr "DV Raw" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, kcfg_firewireformat) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:102 -msgid "DV AVI type 1" -msgstr "DV AVI type 1" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, kcfg_firewireformat) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:107 -msgid "DV AVI type 2" -msgstr "DV AVI type 2" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, button_hdv) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, kcfg_firewireformat) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:112 src/ui/wizardstandard_ui.ui:54 -msgid "HDV" -msgstr "HDV" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_firewireautosplit) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:133 -msgid "Automatically start a new file on scene cut" -msgstr "Start automatisch nieuw bestand bij knippen van scene" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_firewiretimestamp) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:140 -msgid "Add recording time to captured file name" -msgstr "Voeg een tijdstip van opname toe aan het opgenomen bestand " - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_5) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_29) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:147 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:696 -msgid "Capture file name" -msgstr "Opgenomen bestandsnaam" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_7) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:157 -msgid "dvgrab additional parameters" -msgstr "dvgrab extra parameters" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_14) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:197 -msgid "Video device" -msgstr "Video apparaat" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_30) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_27) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:204 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:666 -msgid "Detected devices" -msgstr "Gevonden apparaten" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, p_size) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:238 src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:48 -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:100 -msgid "720x576" -msgstr "720x576" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, p_fps) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:252 src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:62 -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:114 -msgid "25/1" -msgstr "25/1" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, p_aspect) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:273 src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:76 -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:128 -msgid "59/54" -msgstr "59/54" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, p_display) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:287 src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:90 -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:142 -msgid "4/3" -msgstr "4/3" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, config_v4l) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:308 -msgid "Edit" -msgstr "Bewerken" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_v4l_captureaudio) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:342 -msgid "Capture audio (ALSA)" -msgstr "Geluid opnemen (ALSA)" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_24) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_screengrab) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_16) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:362 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:632 -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:725 src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:203 -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:305 -msgid "Encoding profile" -msgstr "Codeer profiel" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_v4l_capturevideo) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:389 -msgid "Capture video (Video4Linux2)" -msgstr "Video opnemen (Video4Linux2)" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, kcfg_grab_capture_type) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:471 -msgid "Full screen capture" -msgstr "Maak opname van volledig beeldscherm" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, kcfg_grab_capture_type) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:476 -msgid "Region capture" -msgstr "Gebied opname" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_grab_follow_mouse) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:495 -msgid "Follow mouse" -msgstr "Volg muis" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_grab_hide_frame) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:502 -msgid "Hide frame" -msgstr "Verberg frame" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_19) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_10) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:524 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:951 -msgid "Offset" -msgstr "Offset" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_grab_hide_mouse) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:652 -msgid "Hide cursor" -msgstr "Cursor verbergen" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_4) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:660 -msgid "Blackmagic" -msgstr "Blackmagic" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_9) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:42 -msgid "Concurrent threads" -msgstr "Concurrerende threads " - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:69 -msgid "MLT environment" -msgstr "Mlt omgeving" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_6) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:78 -msgid "Processing threads" -msgstr "Bezig met threads uitvoeren" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_7) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:91 -msgid "(>1 is experimental)" -msgstr "(>1 is experimenteel)" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:98 -msgid "Melt path" -msgstr "Melt pad" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:112 -msgid "MLT profiles folder" -msgstr "Mlt profielen map" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_13) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:135 -msgid "FFplay" -msgstr "FFplay" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_14) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:155 -msgid "FFprobe" -msgstr "FFprobe" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_2) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:166 -msgid "Default folders" -msgstr "Standaard mappen" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_5) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_4) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:172 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:56 -msgid "Project folder" -msgstr "Project map" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:182 -msgid "Temporary files" -msgstr "Tijdelijke bestanden" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_10) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:192 -msgid "Capture folder" -msgstr "Map voor opnamen" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_capturetoprojectfolder) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:212 -msgid "Use project folder" -msgstr "Gebruik project map" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_3) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:223 -msgid "Default apps" -msgstr "Standaard apps" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_4) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:229 -msgid "Image editing" -msgstr "Afbeelding bewerken" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, kp_image) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, kp_audio) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, kp_player) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:243 src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:264 -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:285 -msgid "Change" -msgstr "Wijzig" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_11) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:250 -msgid "Audio editing" -msgstr "Audio bewerken" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_12) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:271 -msgid "Video player" -msgstr "Video speler" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_enableshuttle) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:23 -msgid "Enable Jog Shuttle device" -msgstr "Activeer Jog Shuttle apparaat" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, shuttledisabled) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:30 -msgid "Jog Shuttle device disabled." -msgstr "Jog Shuttle apparaat uitgeschakeld." - -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, config_group) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:53 -msgid "Device configuration" -msgstr "Apparaat instellen" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:85 -msgid "Button 1" -msgstr "Knop 1" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_17) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:98 -msgid "Device" -msgstr "Apparaat" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_16) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:111 -msgid "Button 15" -msgstr "Knop 15" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_14) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:137 -msgid "Button 13" -msgstr "Knop 13" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_9) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:150 -msgid "Button 8" -msgstr "Knop 8" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_7) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:166 -msgid "Button 4" -msgstr "Knop 4" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:179 -msgid "Device name" -msgstr "Apparaatnaam" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_5) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:192 -msgid "Button 5" -msgstr "Knop 5" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_8) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:214 -msgid "Button 7" -msgstr "Knop 7" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_10) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:243 -msgid "Button 9" -msgstr "Knop 9" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_4) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:256 -msgid "Button 2" -msgstr "Knop 2" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_11) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:272 -msgid "Button 10" -msgstr "Knop 10" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_12) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:285 -msgid "Button 11" -msgstr "Knop 11" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_6) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:308 -msgid "Button 6" -msgstr "Knop 6" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_15) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:336 -msgid "Button 14" -msgstr "Knop 14" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:349 -msgid "Button 3" -msgstr "Knop 3" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_13) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:362 -msgid "Button 12" -msgstr "Knop 12" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_usekuiserver) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:23 -msgid "Use KDE job tracking for render jobs" -msgstr "Gebruik KDE taaktracking voor rendertaken" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_checkfirstprojectclip) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:30 -msgid "Check if first added clip matches project profile" -msgstr "Controleer de eerste clip op het project profiel " - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_crashrecovery) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:37 -msgid "Crash recovery (automatic backup)" -msgstr "Crash herstel (automatische back-up)" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_automultistreams) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:44 -msgid "Automatically import all streams in multi stream clips" -msgstr "Importeer automatisch alle streams in multi-streamclips" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_disable_effect_parameters) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:51 -msgid "Disable parameters when the effect is disabled" -msgstr "Parameters uitschakelen wanneer het effect is uitgeschakeld" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_bypasscodeccheck) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:58 -msgid "Bypass codec verification" -msgstr "Verificatie van codec overslaan" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_autoimagesequence) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:65 -msgid "Automatically import image sequences" -msgstr "Importeer automatisch rij afbeeldingen" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_projectloading_avformatnovalidate) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:72 -msgid "Do not validate the video files when loading a project (faster)" -msgstr "" -"Controleer de video niet wanneer een project wordt geladen (is sneller)" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_on_monitor_effects) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:79 -msgid "Use on-monitor effects" -msgstr "Gebruik on-monitor effecten" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_use_exiftool) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:86 -msgid "Get clip metadata with exiftool" -msgstr "Haal de metagegevens van de clip op met exiftool" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_openlastproject) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:93 -msgid "Open last project on startup" -msgstr "Open meest recente project bij opstarten" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, groupBox) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:100 -msgid "Default Durations" -msgstr "Standaard duur" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:106 -msgid "Color clips" -msgstr "Kleur clips" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_8) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:123 -msgid "Title clips" -msgstr "Titel clips" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:130 -msgid "Image sequence" -msgstr "Volgorde afbeeldingen" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_autoimagetransparency) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:149 -msgid "Transparent background for imported images" -msgstr "Transparante achtergrond voor geïmporteerde afbeeldingen" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_use_magicLantern) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:169 -msgid "Get clip metadata created by Magic Lantern" -msgstr "Haal de metagegevens van de clip op gemaakt door Magic Lantern" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, properties) -#: src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:23 -msgid "Default Profile" -msgstr "Standaard profiel" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_9) -#: src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:69 -msgid "Aspect ratio:" -msgstr "Beeldverhouding:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_10) -#: src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:83 -msgid "Display ratio:" -msgstr "Geef verhouding weer:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_7) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_6) -#: src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:109 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:175 -msgid "Video tracks" -msgstr "Video sporen" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_8) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_7) -#: src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:119 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:185 -msgid "Audio tracks" -msgstr "Geluid sporen" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, generate_proxy) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_generateproxy) -#: src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:154 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:256 -msgid "Generate for videos larger than" -msgstr "Berekent voor video's groter dan" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (suffix), widget (QSpinBox, proxy_minsize) -#. i18n: ectx: property (suffix), widget (QSpinBox, proxy_imageminsize) -#. i18n: ectx: property (suffix), widget (QSpinBox, kcfg_proxyminsize) -#. i18n: ectx: property (suffix), widget (QSpinBox, kcfg_proxyimageminsize) -#: src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:161 src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:181 -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:263 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:283 -msgid "pixels" -msgstr "pixels" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, generate_imageproxy) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_generateimageproxy) -#: src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:174 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:276 -msgid "Generate for images larger than" -msgstr "Berekent voor afbeeldingen groter dan" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/ui/configsdl_ui.ui:17 -msgid "" -"Warning: changes to the drivers and devices can make Kdenlive unstable. " -"Change only if you know what you do." -msgstr "" -"Waarschuwing: het wijzigen van drivers en apparaten kan Kdenlive onstabiel " -"maken. Verander dit alleen als u weet wat u doet." - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_gpu_accel) -#: src/ui/configsdl_ui.ui:27 -msgid "Use GPU processing (Movit library) - restart Kdenlive to apply" -msgstr "" -"GPU-verwerking gebruiken (Movit bibliotheek) - Kdenlive opnieuw starten om " -"toe te passen" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_4) -#: src/ui/configsdl_ui.ui:34 -msgid "Audio backend" -msgstr "Geluidsbackend" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, textLabel1_2) -#: src/ui/configsdl_ui.ui:53 -msgid "Audio driver:" -msgstr "Audio stuurprogramma:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, textLabel1) -#: src/ui/configsdl_ui.ui:66 -msgid "Audio device:" -msgstr "Audio apparaat:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: src/ui/configsdl_ui.ui:82 -msgid "Preview volume:" -msgstr "Voorbeeld volume:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/configsdl_ui.ui:102 -msgid "Monitor background color:" -msgstr "Achtergrond kleur overzicht:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_external_display) -#: src/ui/configsdl_ui.ui:127 -msgid "Use external display (Blackmagic card)" -msgstr "Gebruik extern beeldscherm (Blackmagic card)" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_5) -#: src/ui/configsdl_ui.ui:134 -msgid "Output device" -msgstr "Uitvoerapparaat" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, groupBox) -#: src/ui/configtimeline_ui.ui:23 -msgid "Thumbnails" -msgstr "Miniaturen" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_displayallchannels) -#: src/ui/configtimeline_ui.ui:48 -msgid "Separate channels" -msgstr "Aparte kanalen" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_showmarkers) -#: src/ui/configtimeline_ui.ui:73 -msgid "Display clip markers comments" -msgstr "Geef opmerkingen markeerpunten weer" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_autoscroll) -#: src/ui/configtimeline_ui.ui:80 -msgid "Autoscroll while playing" -msgstr "Automatisch scrollen tijdens afspelen" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_verticalzoom) -#: src/ui/configtimeline_ui.ui:87 -msgid "Zoom using vertical drag in ruler" -msgstr "Gebruik verticale schuif voor het zoomen" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_splitaudio) -#: src/ui/configtimeline_ui.ui:94 -msgid "Automatically split audio and video" -msgstr "Automatisch splitsen van audio en video" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/configtimeline_ui.ui:103 -msgid "Track height" -msgstr "Spoor hoogte" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_add) -#: src/ui/configtranscode_ui.ui:24 -msgid "Add Profile" -msgstr "Profiel toevoegen" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_update) -#: src/ui/configtranscode_ui.ui:31 -msgid "Update Profile" -msgstr "Profiel bijwerken" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_delete) -#: src/ui/configtranscode_ui.ui:38 -msgid "Delete Profile" -msgstr "Verwijder profiel" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_4) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: src/ui/configtranscode_ui.ui:90 src/ui/saveprofile_ui.ui:121 -msgid "Extension" -msgstr "Extensie" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_4) -#: src/ui/configtranscode_ui.ui:107 -msgid "Parameters" -msgstr "Parameters" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, button_more) -#: src/ui/cutjobdialog_ui.ui:29 -msgid "Configure job" -msgstr "Opdracht instellen" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_add) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardchapters_ui.ui:39 -msgid "Add chapter" -msgstr "Hoofdstuk toevoegen" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardchapters_ui.ui:46 -msgid "Movie file" -msgstr "Verplaats bestand" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_delete) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardchapters_ui.ui:66 -msgid "Remove chapter" -msgstr "Hoofdstuk verwijderen" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, create_menu) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:20 -msgid "Create basic menu" -msgstr "Maak basis menu" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:49 -msgid "Button" -msgstr "Knop" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_6) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:65 -msgid "Target" -msgstr "Doel" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, back_to_menu) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:82 -msgid "Back to menu" -msgstr "Terug naar het menu" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, use_shadow) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:126 -msgid "Shadow" -msgstr "Schaduw" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:138 -msgid "Underline" -msgstr "Onderstrepen" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_2) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, lblBackground) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:183 src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:189 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:1076 src/ui/vectorscope_ui.ui:46 -msgid "Background" -msgstr "Achtergrond" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonAdd) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, add_button) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, button_add) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonSelectAll) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonAudio) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:232 src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:93 -#: src/ui/keyframeeditor_ui.ui:68 src/ui/timelinebuttons_ui.ui:71 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:723 -msgid "A" -msgstr "A" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:29 -msgid "Temporary data folder" -msgstr "Tijdelijke data map" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:39 -msgid "DVD ISO image" -msgstr "DVD ISO bestand" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (QListWidget, job_progress) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:56 -msgid "Creating menu images" -msgstr "Menu beelden aanmaken" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (QListWidget, job_progress) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:61 -msgid "Creating menu background" -msgstr "Menu achtergrond aanmaken" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (QListWidget, job_progress) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:66 -msgid "Creating menu movie" -msgstr "Menu film/animatie aanmaken" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (QListWidget, job_progress) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:71 -msgid "Creating dvd structure" -msgstr "DVD structuur aanmaken" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (QListWidget, job_progress) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:76 -msgid "Creating iso file" -msgstr "ISO bestand aan het maken" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_start) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:84 -msgid "Create ISO image" -msgstr "Maak ISO image-bestand" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_2) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:118 -msgid "Log" -msgstr "Log" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_7) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:124 -msgid "Status" -msgstr "Status" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, button_burn) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:154 -msgid "Burn" -msgstr "Branden" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:172 -msgid "Menu File" -msgstr "Menu bestand" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_3) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:186 -msgid "Dvdauthor File" -msgstr "Dvdauthor bestand" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, use_intro) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardvob_ui.ui:59 -msgid "Use first movie as intro" -msgstr "Eerste filmpje als intro gebruiken" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardvob_ui.ui:66 -msgid "DVD format" -msgstr "DVD formaat" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_delete) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardvob_ui.ui:73 -msgid "Remove file" -msgstr "Verwijder bestand" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_add) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardvob_ui.ui:130 -msgid "Add movie file" -msgstr "Voeg een film-bestand toe" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, convert_label) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardvob_ui.ui:146 -msgid "Converting files" -msgstr "Bestanden converteren" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: src/ui/freesound_ui.ui:22 -msgid "Service" -msgstr "Service" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, page_prev) -#: src/ui/freesound_ui.ui:67 -msgid "<<" -msgstr "<<" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, page_next) -#: src/ui/freesound_ui.ui:104 -msgid ">>" -msgstr ">>" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_import) -#: src/ui/freesound_ui.ui:137 src/utils/archiveorg.cpp:181 -msgid "Import" -msgstr "Importeer" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/freesound_ui.ui:177 -msgid "License" -msgstr "Licentie" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonMenu) -#: src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:63 -msgid "M" -msgstr "M" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonPrevious) -#: src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:73 -msgid "P" -msgstr "P" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_pos) -#: src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:127 -msgid "Pos" -msgstr "Pos" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_6) -#: src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:198 -msgid "Height" -msgstr "Hoogte" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:219 -msgid "Resize:" -msgstr "Verschaal:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, buttonResize) -#: src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:242 -msgid "Original" -msgstr "Origineel" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QCheckBox, cbY) -#: src/ui/histogram_ui.ui:17 -msgid "Luma value" -msgstr "Luma waarde" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, lblComponents) -#: src/ui/histogram_ui.ui:64 -msgid "Components" -msgstr "Onderdelen" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QCheckBox, cbS) -#: src/ui/histogram_ui.ui:71 -msgid "RGB summed up" -msgstr "RGB opgeteld" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, cbS) -#: src/ui/histogram_ui.ui:74 -msgid "Sum" -msgstr "Som" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, ImportKeyframesDialog_UI) -#: src/ui/importkeyframesdialog_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Import Keyframes" -msgstr "Keyframes importeren" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, limit_keyframes) -#: src/ui/importkeyframesdialog_ui.ui:48 -msgid "Limit keyframes number" -msgstr "Keyframenummer beperken" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/importkeyframesdialog_ui.ui:90 -msgid "Data to import" -msgstr "Te importeren gegevens" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, KeyFrameDialog_UI) -#: src/ui/keyframedialog_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Edit Keyframe" -msgstr "Keyframe bewerken" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, clip_filesize_3) -#: src/ui/keyframedialog_ui.ui:27 -msgid "Value" -msgstr "Waarde" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, buttonResetKeyframe) -#: src/ui/keyframeeditor_ui.ui:88 -msgid "Reset the parameters to their default values" -msgstr "De instellingen terugzetten naar hun standaard waarde" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, buttonSeek) -#: src/ui/keyframeeditor_ui.ui:98 -msgid "Seek to active keyframe" -msgstr "Naar actieve keyframe zoeken" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, buttonKeyframes) -#: src/ui/keyframeeditor_ui.ui:114 -msgid "Add keyframes" -msgstr "Keyframes toevoegen" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, buttonLeftRight) -#: src/ui/keyframewidget_ui.ui:43 -msgid "move on X axis" -msgstr "op X as verschuiven" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, buttonUpDown) -#: src/ui/keyframewidget_ui.ui:56 -msgid "move on Y axis" -msgstr "op Y as verschuiven" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, buttonShowInTimeline) -#: src/ui/keyframewidget_ui.ui:69 -msgid "update values in timeline" -msgstr "Waarden in tijdbalk bijwerken" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, buttonNewPoints) -#: src/ui/keyframewidget_ui.ui:82 -msgid "create new points" -msgstr "nieuwe punten instellen" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, checkBox) -#: src/ui/keyframewidget_ui.ui:105 -msgid "GraphView" -msgstr "GraphView" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, buttonHelp) -#: src/ui/keyframewidget_ui.ui:121 -msgid "parameter description" -msgstr "parameter beschrijving" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/keywordval_ui.ui:23 src/ui/urlval_ui.ui:26 -msgid "Param" -msgstr "Parameters" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, ManageCaptures_UI) -#: src/ui/managecaptures_ui.ui:13 -msgid "Captured files" -msgstr "Opgenomen bestanden" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, treeWidget) -#: src/ui/managecaptures_ui.ui:35 -msgid "File name" -msgstr "Bestandsnaam" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, deleteButton) -#: src/ui/managecaptures_ui.ui:48 -msgid "Delete current file" -msgstr "Verwijder dit bestand" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, toggleButton) -#: src/ui/managecaptures_ui.ui:55 -msgid "Toggle selection" -msgstr "Draai selectie om" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/manageencodingprofile_ui.ui:20 -msgid "Editing profiles for" -msgstr "Profiel bewerken voor" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_category) -#: src/ui/markerdialog_ui.ui:76 -msgid "Category" -msgstr "Categorie" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, clip_thumb) -#: src/ui/markerdialog_ui.ui:86 -msgid "Image preview" -msgstr "Afbeelding voorbeeld" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, MissingClips_UI) -#: src/ui/missingclips_ui.ui:14 -msgid " Clip Problems" -msgstr "Problemen van clip" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, removeSelected) -#: src/ui/missingclips_ui.ui:20 -msgid "Remove selected clips" -msgstr "Verwijder geselecteerde clips" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, usePlaceholders) -#: src/ui/missingclips_ui.ui:37 -msgid "Use placeholders for missing clips" -msgstr "Gebruik invoegplaatsen voor ontbrekende clips" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, recursiveSearch) -#: src/ui/missingclips_ui.ui:80 -msgid "Search recursively" -msgstr "Omgekeerd zoeken" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, ProfilesDialog_UI) -#: src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Profiles" -msgstr "Profielen" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_4) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_7) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_8) -#: src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:106 src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:140 -#: src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:174 -msgid "/" -msgstr "/" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_10) -#: src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:154 -msgid "Display aspect ratio" -msgstr "Geef beeldverhouding weer" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_11) -#: src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:208 -msgid "Fields per second" -msgstr "Fields per seconde" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_default) -#: src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:242 -msgid "Use as default" -msgstr "Als standaard gebruiken" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, button_create) -#: src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:259 -msgid "C" -msgstr "C" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, button_save) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonSave) -#: src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:269 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:421 -msgid "S" -msgstr "S" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, properties) -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:66 -msgid "Video Profile" -msgstr "Video profiel" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:210 -msgid "Thumbnails:" -msgstr "Miniaturen:" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_2) -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:416 -msgid "Project Files" -msgstr "Project bestanden" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_12) -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:422 -msgid "Clips used in project:" -msgstr "Clips gebruikt in project:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_6) -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:443 -msgid "Unused clips:" -msgstr "Niet gebruikte clips:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, delete_unused) -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:464 -msgid "Delete files" -msgstr "Verwijder bestanden" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_11) -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:471 -msgid "Thumbnails cache:" -msgstr "Miniaturen cache:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, clear_cache) -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:492 -msgid "Clear cache" -msgstr "Cache legen" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, delete_proxies) -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:520 -msgid "Delete proxies" -msgstr "Verwijder proxies" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_13) -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:527 -msgid "Project files" -msgstr "Project bestanden" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_fonts) -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:561 -msgid "Fonts" -msgstr "Lettertypes" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_export) -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:575 -msgid "Plain text export" -msgstr "Platte tekst export" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:39 -msgid "Render Project" -msgstr "Render project" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:52 -msgid "Output file" -msgstr "Output bestand" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_9) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:112 -msgid "Encoder threads" -msgstr "Decodeer threads" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, scanning_list) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:131 -msgid "Force Progressive" -msgstr "Dwing progressief af" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, scanning_list) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:136 -msgid "Force Interlaced" -msgstr "Dwing interlaced af" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QLineEdit, vbitrates_list) -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QLineEdit, abitrates_list) -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (KComboBox, comboBitrates) -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (KComboBox, comboAudioBitrates) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:176 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:202 -#: src/ui/saveprofile_ui.ui:33 src/ui/saveprofile_ui.ui:87 -msgid "Best to worst quality" -msgstr "De beste tot de slechtste kwaliteit" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, checkTwoPass) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:215 -msgid "2 pass" -msgstr "2 pass" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, rescale) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:222 -msgid "Rescale" -msgstr "Herschaal" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, export_meta) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:250 -msgid "Export metadata" -msgstr "Metadata exporteren" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, tc_overlay) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:276 -msgid "Overlay" -msgstr "Overzicht" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, render_full) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:314 -msgid "Fu&ll project" -msgstr "Vo&lledig project" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, render_zone) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:324 -msgid "Selected &zone" -msgstr "Geselecteerde &zone" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, render_guide) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:331 -msgid "&Guide zone" -msgstr "&Aanwijzing zone" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, buttonRender) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:355 -msgid "Render to File" -msgstr "Render naar bestand" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, buttonGenerateScript) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:362 -msgid "Generate Script" -msgstr "Genereer script" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonInfo) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonSelectImages) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:393 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:680 -msgid "I" -msgstr "I" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, show_all_profiles) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:400 -msgid "Show all profiles" -msgstr "Alle profielen tonen" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, open_browser) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:466 -msgid "Open browser window after export" -msgstr "Open browser venster na export" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, play_after) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:473 -msgid "Play after render" -msgstr "Afspelen na renderen" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:503 -msgid "to" -msgstr "naar" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, create_chapter) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:523 -msgid "Create chapter file based on guides" -msgstr "Maak hoofdstukken bestand op basis van aanwijzingen (guides)" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, open_dvd) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:530 -msgid "Open Dvd wizard after rendering" -msgstr "Open Dvd wizard na omzetten (renderen)" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, proxy_render) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:537 -msgid "Render using proxy clips" -msgstr "Renderen met proxy clips" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, stemAudioExport) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:623 -msgid "Stem audio export" -msgstr "Audio van stem exporteren" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_2) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:631 -msgid "Job Queue" -msgstr "Opdrachten rij" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_7) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:710 -msgid "Error Log" -msgstr "Fouten log" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, clean_up) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:728 -msgid "Clean Up" -msgstr "Opschonen" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, shutdown) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:735 -msgid "Shutdown computer after renderings" -msgstr "Computer afsluiten na het renderen" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, start_job) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:742 -msgid "Start Job" -msgstr "Start opdracht" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_3) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:750 -msgid "Scripts" -msgstr "Scripts" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, start_script) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:778 -msgid "Start Script" -msgstr "Start script" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, delete_script) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:785 -msgid "Delete Script" -msgstr "Verwijder script" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, lblPaintmode) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, lblPaintMode) -#: src/ui/rgbparade_ui.ui:33 src/ui/vectorscope_ui.ui:29 -#: src/ui/waveform_ui.ui:30 -msgid "Paint mode" -msgstr "Teken mode" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, SaveProfile_UI) -#: src/ui/saveprofile_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Save Profile" -msgstr "Profiel opslaan" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/ui/saveprofile_ui.ui:60 -msgid "Group" -msgstr "Groep" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: src/ui/saveprofile_ui.ui:108 -msgid "Profile name" -msgstr "Profiel naam" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/saveprofile_ui.ui:128 -msgid "" -"Parameters (see MLT documentation)" -msgstr "" -"Parameters (zie MLT-documentatie)" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, SceneCutDialog_UI) -#: src/ui/scenecutdialog_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Scene Cut" -msgstr "Scene uitsnijden" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, add_markers) -#: src/ui/scenecutdialog_ui.ui:23 -msgid "Add clip markers" -msgstr "Markeringen aan clip toevoegen" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, zone_only) -#: src/ui/scenecutdialog_ui.ui:33 -msgid "Analyze only selected zone" -msgstr "Alleen de geselecteerde zone analyseren" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, cut_scenes) -#: src/ui/scenecutdialog_ui.ui:63 -msgid "Cut scenes" -msgstr "Scenes uitsnijden" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, store_data) -#: src/ui/scenecutdialog_ui.ui:70 -msgid "Save result in clip metadata" -msgstr "Resultaat in metagegevens van de clip opslaan" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, groupBox) -#: src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:30 -msgid "Image selection method" -msgstr "Afbeelding selectie methode" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, method_mime) -#: src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:36 -msgid "&Mimetype" -msgstr "&Mimetype" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, method_pattern) -#: src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:46 -msgid "Fi&lename pattern" -msgstr "Bestandsnaam-patroon" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_4) -#: src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:70 -msgid "Image Type" -msgstr "Afbeeldingstype" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_5) -#: src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:97 -msgid "First frame" -msgstr "Eerste frame" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:127 -msgid "Frame Duration" -msgstr "Frame lengte" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, show_thumbs) -#: src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:245 -msgid "Show thumbnails" -msgstr "Pictogrammen tonen" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: src/ui/smconfig_ui.ui:33 -msgid "Number of frames to play (0 to play all frames)" -msgstr "Aantal frames afspelen (0 om alle frames af te spelen)" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, groupBox_2) -#: src/ui/smconfig_ui.ui:73 -msgid "Interval Capture" -msgstr "Opname interval" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/smconfig_ui.ui:79 -msgid "Capture delay" -msgstr "Opname vertraging" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, sm_prenotify) -#: src/ui/smconfig_ui.ui:96 -msgid "Notify before capture" -msgstr "Aankondigen voor opname." - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, SpacerDialog_UI) -#: src/ui/spacerdialog_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Add space" -msgstr "Voeg ruimte toe" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, clip_filesize_3) -#: src/ui/spacerdialog_ui.ui:37 -msgid "Track:" -msgstr "Track:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, labelFFTSize) -#: src/ui/spectrogram_ui.ui:52 -msgid "True FFT size:" -msgstr "Echte FFT afmeting: " - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, live_button) -#: src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:86 -msgid "Live view" -msgstr "Live weergave" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, preview_button) -#: src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:135 -msgid "Preview sequence" -msgstr "Volgorde voorvertoning" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (KComboBox, sequence_name) -#: src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:151 src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:158 -msgid "Sequence name" -msgstr "Naam van de sequentie" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_addsequence) -#: src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:194 -msgid "Add to project" -msgstr "Toevoegen aan project" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/templateclip_ui.ui:17 -msgid "Template" -msgstr "Voorbeeld" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonFitZoom) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonRealSize) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonVideo) -#: src/ui/timelinebuttons_ui.ui:16 src/ui/timelinebuttons_ui.ui:64 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:553 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:563 -msgid "V" -msgstr "V" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, TitleWidget_UI) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Title Clip" -msgstr "Titel clip" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, lWidth) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:109 -msgid "W" -msgstr "W" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_19) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:126 -msgid "H" -msgstr "H" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_12) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:184 -msgid "Z-Index:" -msgstr "Z-Index:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:232 -msgid "Item Properties" -msgstr "Eigenschappen item" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:243 -msgid "Fill color" -msgstr "Vulkleur" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_11) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:275 -msgid "Border color" -msgstr "Kleur omlijning" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_18) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:394 -msgid "Outline" -msgstr "Buitenlijn" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, displayBg) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:631 -msgid "Show background" -msgstr "Laat achtergrond zien" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_22) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:645 -msgid "Template:" -msgstr "Voorbeeld:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonSelectText) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:690 -msgid "T" -msgstr "T" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (whatsThis), widget (QToolButton, buttonSelectAll) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:720 -msgid "Selects all items on the canvas." -msgstr "Alle items op het werkvlak selecteren." - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_14) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:761 -msgid "Zoom:" -msgstr "Zoom:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_21) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:778 -msgid "Rotate Z:" -msgstr "Roteer Z:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_20) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:785 -msgid "Rotate Y:" -msgstr "Roteer Y:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_15) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:792 -msgid "Rotate X:" -msgstr "Roteer X:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_5) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:877 -msgid "Effect" -msgstr "Effect" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (suffix), widget (QSpinBox, typewriter_delay) -#. i18n: ectx: property (suffix), widget (QSpinBox, typewriter_start) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:1007 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:1030 -msgid " frames" -msgstr " frames" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_16) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:1023 -msgid "Start at" -msgstr "Start op" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, anim_start) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:1127 -msgid "Edit start" -msgstr "Bewerk start" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, anim_end) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:1137 -msgid "Edit end" -msgstr "Bewerk eind" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_7) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:1162 -msgid "Resize" -msgstr "Verschaal" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, resize50) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:1169 -#, no-c-format -msgid "50%" -msgstr "50%" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, resize100) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:1176 -#, no-c-format -msgid "100%" -msgstr "100%" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, resize200) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:1183 -#, no-c-format -msgid "200%" -msgstr "200%" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, keep_aspect) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:1190 -msgid "Keep aspect ratio" -msgstr "Aspectverhouding behouden" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/ui/transitionsettings_ui.ui:23 -msgid "track" -msgstr "track" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QWidget, UnicodeWidget_UI) -#: src/ui/unicodewidget_ui.ui:20 -msgid "Enter Unicode value" -msgstr "Unicode code invoeren" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/ui/unicodewidget_ui.ui:251 -msgid "Additional Information" -msgstr "Extra informatie" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_reload) -#: src/ui/wizardcapture_ui.ui:17 -msgid "Check" -msgstr "Controle" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_9) -#: src/ui/wizardcapture_ui.ui:57 -msgid "Capture format:" -msgstr "Opname formaat:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/wizardextra_ui.ui:16 -msgid "Default folder for project files" -msgstr "Standaard map voor het project" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, autosave) -#: src/ui/wizardextra_ui.ui:59 -msgid "Activate crash recovery (auto save)" -msgstr "Activeer crash-herstel (auto bewaren)" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, installmimes) -#: src/ui/wizardextra_ui.ui:66 -msgid "Install extra video mimetypes" -msgstr "Installeer extra video mimetypes" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab) -#: src/ui/wizardmltcheck_ui.ui:21 -msgid "Installed modules" -msgstr "Geïnstalleerde modules" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_2) -#: src/ui/wizardmltcheck_ui.ui:63 -msgid "Available Codecs (avformat)" -msgstr "Beschikbare codec's (avformat)" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: src/ui/wizardmltcheck_ui.ui:90 -msgid "Formats" -msgstr "Formaten" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/ui/wizardmltcheck_ui.ui:97 -msgid "Video Codecs" -msgstr "Video-codec" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/wizardmltcheck_ui.ui:104 -msgid "Audio Codecs" -msgstr "Audio-codec's" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: src/ui/wizardstandard_ui.ui:17 -msgid "Please set your default video profile" -msgstr "Stel Uw standaard video-formaat in" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/ui/wizardstandard_ui.ui:24 -msgid "Video Resolution" -msgstr "Video resolutie" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, button_dv) -#: src/ui/wizardstandard_ui.ui:44 -msgid "DV" -msgstr "DV" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, button_all) -#: src/ui/wizardstandard_ui.ui:61 -msgid "Show All" -msgstr "Laat alles zien" - -#: src/utils/archiveorg.cpp:78 src/utils/freesound.cpp:86 -#: src/utils/freesound.cpp:184 src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:362 -msgid "Error Loading Data" -msgstr "Fout bij laden van gegevens" - -#: src/utils/archiveorg.cpp:91 src/utils/freesound.cpp:95 -#, kde-format -msgid "Found %1 result" -msgid_plural "Found %1 results" -msgstr[0] "Resultaat : %1 gevonden" -msgstr[1] "Gevonden: %1" - -#: src/utils/freesound.cpp:203 -msgid "Samplerate" -msgstr "Samplerate" - -#: src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:67 -msgid "Freesound Audio Library" -msgstr "Freesound Audio verzameling" - -#: src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:68 -msgid "Archive.org Video Library" -msgstr "Archive.org Video verzameling" - -#: src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:69 -msgid "Open Clip Art Graphic Library" -msgstr "Open Clip Art Graphic verzameling" - -#: src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:70 -msgid "Search Online Resources" -msgstr "Online Resources doorzoeken" - -#: src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:92 -msgid "Auto Play" -msgstr "Automatisch afspelen" - -#: src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:182 -msgctxt "the url link pointing to a web page" -msgid "link" -msgstr "link" - -#: src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:327 -msgid "File Exists" -msgstr "Bestand bestaat" - -#: src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:328 -msgid "Do you want to overwrite the existing file?." -msgstr "Wilt u het bestaande bestand overschrijven?" - -#: src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:371 -msgid "Data Imported" -msgstr "Geïmporteerde gegevens" - -#: src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:437 -msgid "" -"You need to be online\n" -" for searching" -msgstr "" -"Er moet internetverbinding zijn\n" -" om te kunnen zoeken" - -#: src/utils/thememanager.cpp:70 -msgctxt "default theme name" -msgid "Default" -msgstr "Standaard" - -#: src/utils/thememanager.cpp:213 -msgid "Configuration..." -msgstr "Instellen..." - -#: src/utils/thememanager.cpp:227 -msgid "" -"Cannot start Colors Settings panel from KDE Control Center. Please check " -"your system..." -msgstr "" -"Kan het paneel met kleurinstellingen uit de KDE systeeminstellingen niet " -"starten. Controleer uw systeem..." - -#~ msgid "Compare effect" -#~ msgstr "Effect vergelijken" - -#~ msgid "Blue Screen" -#~ msgstr "Blauw scherm" - -#~ msgid "Selection Parameters" -#~ msgstr "Selectieparameters" - -#~ msgid "Effect List" -#~ msgstr "Beschikbare effecten" - -#~ msgid "Transition List" -#~ msgstr "Lijst met overgangen" - -#~ msgid "Lossless / HQ" -#~ msgstr "Lossless / HQ" - -#~ msgid "Cannot open playlist producer." -#~ msgstr "Kan maker van afspeellijst niet openen." - -#~ msgid "Cannot find proper playlist." -#~ msgstr "Kan de juiste afspeellijst niet vinden." - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Reload Clip" -#~ msgid "Expland Clip" -#~ msgstr "Clip uitbreiden" - -#~ msgid "Effect Stack" -#~ msgstr "Effecten in gebruik" - -#~ msgid "Transition" -#~ msgstr "Overgang" - -#~ msgid "Show additional controls" -#~ msgstr "Extra instellingen" - -#~ msgid "Show/Hide the lines connecting the corners" -#~ msgstr "Verbindingslijnen tussen hoeken tonen/verbergen" - -#~ msgid "Playing %1x%2 (%3 fps)" -#~ msgstr "%1x%2 (%3 fps) wordt afgespeeld" - -#~ msgid "Failed to start device" -#~ msgstr "Het apparaat starten is mislukt" - -#~ msgid "Estimated time %1" -#~ msgstr "Geschatte tijd %1" - -#~ msgid "Loading" -#~ msgstr "Bezig met laden" - -#~ msgid "Adding clips" -#~ msgstr "Clips worden toegevoegd" - -#~ msgid "Loading thumbnails" -#~ msgstr "Bezig met laden van miniaturen" - -#~ msgid "Loading timeline" -#~ msgstr "Bezig met laden van tijdlijn" - -#~ msgid "Setting monitor" -#~ msgstr "Monitor instellen" - -#~ msgid "Up" -#~ msgstr "Omhoog" - -#~ msgid "Add effect to Current Stack" -#~ msgstr "Effect aan de huidige stapel toevoegen" - -#~ msgid "Fun" -#~ msgstr "Fun" - -#~ msgctxt "effects and transitions keyboard shortcuts" -#~ msgid "Effects & Transitions" -#~ msgstr "Effecten & Overgangen" - -#~ msgctxt "timeline track keyboard shortcuts" -#~ msgid "Timeline and Tracks" -#~ msgstr "Tijdbalk en sporen" - -#~ msgid "MPEG clip (*.mpeg *.mpg *.vob)" -#~ msgstr "MPEG-clip (*.mpeg *.mpg *.vob)" - -#~ msgid "Transcoding to DVD format" -#~ msgstr "Hercoderen (transcoderen) naar dvd-format" - -#~ msgid "before" -#~ msgstr "voor" - -#~ msgid "after" -#~ msgstr "na" - -#~ msgid "Set zone start" -#~ msgstr "Stel zone-begin in" - -#~ msgid "Set zone end" -#~ msgstr "Stel zone-einde in" - -#~ msgid "Project profile was not found, using default profile." -#~ msgstr "Project profiel niet gevonden, standaard profiel gebruiken." - -#~ msgid "Missing Profile" -#~ msgstr "Ontbrekend profiel" - -#~ msgid "Project profile not found, replacing with existing one: %1" -#~ msgstr "Project profiel niet gevonden, vervangen door bestaande: %1" - -#~ msgid "Existing Profile" -#~ msgstr "Bestaand profiel" - -#~ msgid "" -#~ "Your project uses an unknown profile.\n" -#~ "It uses an existing profile name: %1.\n" -#~ "Please choose a new name to save it" -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "Dit project gebruikt een onbekend profiel.\n" -#~ "Het gebruikt een bestaand profiel naam: %1.\n" -#~ "Kies een nieuwe naam om het te bewaren." - -#~ msgid "Project profile was not found, it will be added to your system now." -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "Project profiel niet gevonden, het wordt aan het systeem toegevoegd." - -#~ msgid "Buttons overlapping" -#~ msgstr "Overlappende knoppen" - -#~ msgid "No button in menu" -#~ msgstr "Geen knop in het menu" - -#~ msgid "Missing background image" -#~ msgstr "Ontbrekend achtergrond" - -#~ msgid "No menu entry for %1" -#~ msgstr "Geen item in menu voor %1" - -#~ msgid "Blackmagic Decklink" -#~ msgstr "Blackmagic Declink" - -#~ msgid "Delete data" -#~ msgstr "Gegevens verwijderen" - -#~ msgid "Add data" -#~ msgstr "Gegevens toevoegen" - -#~ msgid "Importing project effects" -#~ msgstr "project effecten worden geïmporteerd" - -#~ msgid "Load Image" -#~ msgstr "Haal afbeelding op" - -#~ msgid "" -#~ "The project file contains missing clips or files and clip duration " -#~ "mismatch" -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "In dit project worden clips of bestanden vermist en kloppen de lengtes " -#~ "van clips niet." - -#~ msgid "The project file contains clips with duration mismatch" -#~ msgstr "In dit project kloppen de lengtes van clips niet." - -#~ msgid "Duration mismatch" -#~ msgstr "Verschil in tijdsduur" - -#~ msgid "Fix duration mismatch" -#~ msgstr "Verschil in tijdsduur herstellen" - -#~ msgid "Movit: Blur" -#~ msgstr "Movit: vervagen" - -#~ msgid "Sharpens in a more intelligent way" -#~ msgstr "Verscherpt op een meer intelligente manier" - -#~ msgid "Movit: Diffusion" -#~ msgstr "Movit: diffusie" - -#~ msgid "Movit: Glow" -#~ msgstr "Movit: gloeien" - -#~ msgid "Do simple color grading" -#~ msgstr "Eenvoudig kleurverloop doen" - -#~ msgid "Movit: Mirror" -#~ msgstr "Movit: spiegelen" - -#~ msgid "Flips the image horizontally" -#~ msgstr "De afbeelding horizontaal spiegelen" - -#~ msgid "Movit: Opacity" -#~ msgstr "Movit: transparantie" - -#~ msgid "Change the opacity of the image" -#~ msgstr "De transparantie van de afbeelding wijzigen" - -#~ msgid "Movit: Saturation" -#~ msgstr "Movit: verzadiging" - -#~ msgid "Saturate or desaturate the image" -#~ msgstr "Vergroot of verklein de verzadiging van de afbeelding" - -#~ msgid "Sharpens the image by subtracting a blurred copy" -#~ msgstr "Verscherpt de afbeelding door een vervaagde kopie" - -#~ msgid "Movit: Vignette" -#~ msgstr "Movit: vignette" - -#~ msgid "Movit: White balance" -#~ msgstr "Movit: witbalans" - -#~ msgid "XVideo" -#~ msgstr "XVideo" - -#~ msgid "X11" -#~ msgstr "X11" - -#~ msgid "XFree86 DGA 2.0" -#~ msgstr "XFREE86 DGA 2.0" - -#~ msgid "Nano X" -#~ msgstr "Nano X" - -#~ msgid "Framebuffer console" -#~ msgstr "Framebuffer console" - -#~ msgid "Direct FB" -#~ msgstr "Direct FB" - -#~ msgid "SVGAlib" -#~ msgstr "SVGAlib" - -#~ msgid "General graphics interface" -#~ msgstr "Algemene grafische interface" - -#~ msgid "Ascii art library" -#~ msgstr "Ascii art bibliotheek" - -#~ msgid "Clip %1
is invalid, what do you want to do?" -#~ msgstr "Clip %1
is defect, wat moet er gedaan worden?" - -#~ msgid "File not found" -#~ msgstr "Bestand niet gevonden" - -#~ msgid "Search automatically" -#~ msgstr "Automatisch zoeken" - -#~ msgid "Keep as placeholder" -#~ msgstr "Bewaar als invoegstrook" - -#~ msgid "Clip %1
is invalid or missing, what do you want to do?" -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "Clip %1
is defect of ontbreekt, wat moet er gedaan worden?" - -#~ msgid "Search manually" -#~ msgstr "Handmatig zoeken" - -#~ msgid "Looking for %1" -#~ msgstr "Zoeken naar %1" - -#~ msgid "Show previous keyframe" -#~ msgstr "Vorig keyframe tonen" - -#~ msgid "Project Tree" -#~ msgstr "Project boom" - -#~ msgid "Adjust Profile to Current Clip" -#~ msgstr "Profiel aanpassen aan deze clip" - -#~ msgid "Save clip zone as:" -#~ msgstr "Clip-gedeelte opslaan als:" - -#~ msgid "Description:" -#~ msgstr "Beschrijving:" - -#~ msgid "" -#~ "Cannot start MLT's renderer:\n" -#~ "%1" -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "Kan de MLT-renderer niet starten.\n" -#~ "%1" - -#~ msgid "Timeout while creating xml output" -#~ msgstr "Timeout tijdens het schrijven naar een xml-bestand" - -#~ msgid "Resize (100%)" -#~ msgstr "Verschaal (100%)" - -#~ msgid "Resize (50%)" -#~ msgstr "Verschaal (50%)" - -#~ msgid "" -#~ "Clip %1
already exists in project, what do you want to do?" -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "Clip %1
bestaat al in het project, wat moet er gedaan worden?" - -#~ msgid "Clip already exists" -#~ msgstr "Clip bestaat al" - -#~ msgid "" -#~ "Clip %1
is on a removable device, will not be available when " -#~ "device is unplugged" -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "Clip %1
is op een verwijderbaar apparaat, zal niet " -#~ "beschikbaar zijn wanneer het apparaat wordt verwijderd" - -#~ msgid "File on a Removable Device" -#~ msgstr "Bestand op een verwijderbaar apparaat" - -#~ msgid "Copy file to project folder" -#~ msgstr "Bestand naar projectmap kopiëren" - -#~ msgid "Continue" -#~ msgstr "Doorgaan" - -#~ msgid "" -#~ "This will remove the following files from your hard drive.\n" -#~ "This action cannot be undone, only use if you know what you are doing.\n" -#~ "Are you sure you want to continue?" -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "Dit verwijdert de volgende bestanden van de harde schijf.\n" -#~ "Dit kan niet ongedaan worden, doe dit alleen als U weet wat U doet.\n" -#~ "Wilt U doorgaan?" - -#~ msgid "Delete unused clips" -#~ msgstr "Niet gebruikte clips verwijderen" - -#~ msgid "Process clip" -#~ msgstr "Process clip" - -#~ msgid "Open Clips" -#~ msgstr "Clips openen" - -#~ msgid "Cancel job" -#~ msgid_plural "Cancel jobs" -#~ msgstr[0] "Stop opdracht" -#~ msgstr[1] "Stop opdrachten" - -#~ msgid "Cannot find clip to process filter %1" -#~ msgstr "Kan geen clip vinden om met filter %1 te bewerken" - -#~ msgid "Cannot reverse clip" -#~ msgstr "Kan clip niet omdraaien" - -#~ msgid "Cannot render reversed clip" -#~ msgstr "Kan omgedraaide clip niet bouwen" - -#~ msgid "" -#~ "Your project's profile %1 is not compatible with the blackmagic output " -#~ "card. Please see supported profiles below. Switching to normal video " -#~ "display." -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "Uw projectprofiel %1 is niet compatibel met de blackmagic uitvoerkaart. " -#~ "Bekijk hieronder de ondersteunde profielen. Terugvallen op een normaal " -#~ "videobeeld." - -#~ msgid "Hide track" -#~ msgstr "Verberg spoor" - -#~ msgid "Mute track" -#~ msgstr "Mute spoor" - -#~ msgid "Invalid clip producer %1\n" -#~ msgstr "Ongeldige clip producer %1\n" - -#~ msgid "Removed invalid transition: (%1, %2, %3)" -#~ msgstr "Verwijder ongeldig overgang: (%1, %2, %3)" - -#~ msgid "Removed overlapping transition: (%1, %2, %3)" -#~ msgstr "Verwijder overlappende overgang: (%1, %2, %3)" - -#~ msgid "Replaced wrong clip producer %1 with %2" -#~ msgstr "Verkeerde clip producer %1 vervangen door %2" - -#~ msgid "Broken clip producer %1, recreated base clip: %2" -#~ msgstr "Gebroken clip producer %1, opnieuw aangemaakte op basis clip %2" - -#~ msgid "Broken clip producer %1, removed from project" -#~ msgstr "Gebroken clip producer %1, verwijdert van het project" - -#~ msgid "Desktop search integration" -#~ msgstr "Bureaublad zoekfunctie integratie" - -#~ msgid "Video driver:" -#~ msgstr "Video driver:" - -#~ msgid "Normalise audio for thumbnails" -#~ msgstr "Standaardiseer geluid voor miniaturen" - -#~ msgid "All" -#~ msgstr "Alle" - -#~ msgid "Custom" -#~ msgstr "Zelf gedefinieerd" - -#~ msgid "with track" -#~ msgstr "met spoor" - -#~ msgid "DV module (libdv)" -#~ msgstr "DV module (libdv)" - -#~ msgid "Required to work with dv files if avformat module is not installed" -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "Nodig om met dv bestanden te werken als de avformat module niet " -#~ "geïnstalleerd is" - -#~ msgid "Open projects in new tabs" -#~ msgstr "Open projecten in nieuwe tabs" - -#~ msgid "Delete clips" -#~ msgstr "Clips verwijderen" - -#~ msgid "Check online manual" -#~ msgstr "Controleer de online handleiding" - -#~ msgid "" -#~ "Please report bugs to http://" -#~ "kdenlive.org/mantis" -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "Meld fouten/bugs op http://" -#~ "kdenlive. org/mantis" - -#~ msgid "Close the current tab" -#~ msgstr "Sluit het huidig tabblad" - -#~ msgid "License: %1" -#~ msgstr "Licentie: %1" - -#~ msgid "Edit keyframe" -#~ msgstr "Keyframe bewerken" - -#~ msgid "99:99:99:99; " -#~ msgstr "99:99:99:99; " - -#~ msgid ":::" -#~ msgstr ":::" - -#~ msgid "Stabilize (vid.stab)" -#~ msgstr "Stabiliseren (vid.stab)" - -#~ msgid "Lower is better" -#~ msgstr "Lager is beter" - -#~ msgid "Higher is better" -#~ msgstr "Hoger is beter" - -#~ msgid "Bitrate" -#~ msgstr "Bitsnelheid" - -#~ msgid "Color opacity" -#~ msgstr "Kleur transparantie" - -#~ msgid "Border opacity" -#~ msgstr "Transparantie omlijning" - -#~ msgid "Font color opacity" -#~ msgstr "Transparantie kleur letter" - -#~ msgid "Outline color opacity" -#~ msgstr "Buitenlijn kleur transparantie" - -#~ msgid "Stabilize (vstab)" -#~ msgstr "Stabiliseren (vstab)" - -#~ msgid "Stabilize (transcode)" -#~ msgstr "Stabiliseren (transcode)" - -#~ msgid "" -#~ "Firewire is not enabled on your system.\n" -#~ " Please install Libiec61883 and recompile Kdenlive" -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "Firewire is niet ingeschakeld op uw systeem.\n" -#~ " Installeer Libiec61883 en compileer kdenlive opnieuw" - -#~ msgid "There is no clip, cannot extract frame." -#~ msgstr "Er is geen clip, kan geen frame extraheren." - -#~ msgid "Clone" -#~ msgstr "Kopieer" - -#~ msgid "Wipe (GLSL)" -#~ msgstr "Uitvegen (GLSL)" - -#~ msgid "Failed to initialize OpenGL filters (Movit)" -#~ msgstr "Initialisatie van OpenGL filters (Movit) is mislukt" - -#~ msgid "Missing OpenGL support" -#~ msgstr "Ondersteuning voor OpenGL ontbreekt" - -#~ msgid "You need working OpenGL support to run Kdenlive. Exiting." -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "U hebt ondersteuning voor een werkende OpenGL nodig om Kdenlive uit te " -#~ "kunnen voeren. Bezig met afsluiten." - -#~ msgid "Movit failed initialization" -#~ msgstr "Initialisatie van Movit is mislukt" - -#~ msgid "Initialization of OpenGL filters failed. Exiting." -#~ msgstr "Initialisatie van OpenGL-filters is mislukt. Bezig met afsluiten." - -#~ msgid "" -#~ "Select a region using the mouse. To take the snapshot, press the Enter " -#~ "key. Press Esc to quit." -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "Selecteer een gebied met behulp van de muis. Om een snapshot te nemen " -#~ "druk op de Enter toets. Druk Esc om te verlaten." - -#~ msgid "Audio align reference set." -#~ msgstr "Audio-referentie voor in lijn brengen ingesteld." - -#~ msgid "No audio clips selected." -#~ msgstr "Geen audio-clips geselecteerd." - -#~ msgid "Auto-aligned %1 clips." -#~ msgstr "Automatisch %1 clips in lijn gebracht." - -#~ msgid "Clip %1
is invalid, will be removed from project." -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "Clip %1
is defect, het zal uit het project verwijderd worden." - -#~ msgid "Clip %1
is missing or invalid. Remove it from project?" -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "Clip %1
is defect of ontbreekt, moet het uit het project " -#~ "verwijderd worden?" - -#~ msgid "Add effect %1" -#~ msgstr "Voeg effect %1 toe" - -#~ msgid "OpenGL" -#~ msgstr "OpenGL" - -#~ msgid "Accelerated GLSL" -#~ msgstr "Versnelde GLSL" - -#~ msgid "Graphic Scene" -#~ msgstr "Grafische scene" - -#~ msgid "Bin" -#~ msgstr "Bin" - -#~ msgid "Zone in" -#~ msgstr "Zone-begin" - -#~ msgid "Zone out" -#~ msgstr "Zone-eind" - -#~ msgid "" -#~ "Your MLT config does not support OpenGL nor SDL, Kdenlive will not be " -#~ "usable" -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "Uw MLT-configuratie biedt geen ondersteuning voor OpenGL of SDL, Kdenlive " -#~ "zal niet bruikbaar zijn" - -#~ msgid "Monitor Audio" -#~ msgstr "Audio monitoren" - -#~ msgid "Use Zone" -#~ msgstr "Zone gebruiken" - -#~ msgid "The video mode %1 is not available on your system" -#~ msgstr "De video-modus %1 is niet beschikbaar op uw systeem" - -#~ msgid "Only one %1 monitor can be used" -#~ msgstr "Slechts één %1 monitor kan gebruikt worden" - -#~ msgid "Zone In" -#~ msgstr "Zone-begin" - -#~ msgid "Zone Out" -#~ msgstr "Zone-eind" - -#~ msgid "Editing clip: %1" -#~ msgstr "Clip bewerken: %1" - -#~ msgid "Author: " -#~ msgstr "Auteur: " - -#~ msgid "Done" -#~ msgstr "Gereed" - -#~ msgid "Add clip to timeline" -#~ msgstr "Clip toevoegen aan tijdlijn" - -#~ msgid "Remove clip from timeline" -#~ msgstr "Clip uit tijdlijn verwijderen" - -#~ msgid "Resize Clip" -#~ msgstr "Clip verschalen" - -#~ msgid "Failed to open project %1" -#~ msgstr "Project %1 openen is mislukt" - -#~ msgid "Change track name" -#~ msgstr "Wijzig naam van spoor" - -#~ msgid "Hide Track" -#~ msgstr "Verberg spoor" - -#~ msgid "Show Track" -#~ msgstr "Spoor tonen" - -#~ msgid "Mute Track" -#~ msgstr "Spoor dempen" - -#~ msgid "Unmute Track" -#~ msgstr "Dempen van spoor opheffen" - -#~ msgid "Lock Track" -#~ msgstr "Vergrendel spoor" - -#~ msgid "Unlock Track" -#~ msgstr "Ontsluit spoor" - -#~ msgid "Marker %1" -#~ msgstr "Markeerpunt %1" - -#~ msgid "Show Tool Panel" -#~ msgstr "Toon paneel met hulpmiddelen" - -#~ msgid "Add new effect" -#~ msgstr "Voeg een nieuw effect toe" - -#~ msgid "Reset effect" -#~ msgstr "Stel effect opnieuw in" - -#~ msgid "EffStack3" -#~ msgstr "EffStack3" - -#~ msgid "Image Clip" -#~ msgstr "Afbeeldingsclip" - -#~ msgid "Video Clip" -#~ msgstr "Videoclip" - -#~ msgid "Webvfx Clip" -#~ msgstr "Webvfx-clip" - -#~ msgid "Form" -#~ msgstr "Form" - -#~ msgid "" -#~ "Capture crashed, please check your parameters.\n" -#~ "Exit code: %1" -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "Opnemen is gecrasht, controleer uw parameters.\n" -#~ "Uitgangscode: %1" - -#~ msgid "" -#~ "Recordmydesktop utility not found, please install it for " -#~ "screen grabs" -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "Recordmydesktop niet gevonden, installeer deze om een " -#~ "schermopname te maken" - -#~ msgid "Recordmydesktop found at: %1" -#~ msgstr "Recordmydesktop niet gevonden op: %1" - -#~ msgid "Encoding captured video..." -#~ msgstr "Opgenomen video aan het coderen..." - -#~ msgid "48000" -#~ msgstr "48000" - -#~ msgid "41000" -#~ msgstr "41000" - -#~ msgid "32000" -#~ msgstr "32000" - -#~ msgid "22500" -#~ msgstr "22500" - -#~ msgid "11250" -#~ msgstr "11250" - -#~ msgid "Buffer" -#~ msgstr "Buffer" - -#~ msgid "Jack" -#~ msgstr "Jack" - -#~ msgid "Ports:" -#~ msgstr "Poorten:" - -#~ msgid "Bit rate" -#~ msgstr "Bit rate" - -#~ msgid "Full shots" -#~ msgstr "Volledige shots" - -#~ msgid "Required for webcam capture" -#~ msgstr "Nodig voor een webcam opname" - -#~ msgid "recordmydesktop" -#~ msgstr "recordmydesktop" - -#~ msgid "Script name (will be saved in: %1)" -#~ msgstr "Script naam (zal worden opgeslagen in %1)" - -#~ msgid "Conflicting video standards, check DVD profile and clips" -#~ msgstr "Conflicterende videostandaards, controleer het dvd-profiel en clips" - -#~ msgid "Intro movie" -#~ msgstr "Intro filmpje" - -#~ msgid "Motion vectors" -#~ msgstr "Bewegingsvectoren" - -#~ msgid "Button colors" -#~ msgstr "Knop kleur" - -#~ msgid "Load marker file" -#~ msgstr "Bestand met markeerpunten laden" - -#~ msgid "You need program %1 to perform this action" -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "U heeft het programma %1 nodig om deze actie uit te kunnen voeren" - -#~ msgid "Add new clip to project" -#~ msgstr "Voeg een clip toe aan het project" - -#~ msgid "x1" -#~ msgstr "x1" - -#~ msgid "Crop" -#~ msgstr "Inkorten" - -#~ msgid "Autodetected capture devices" -#~ msgstr "Automatisch gevonden opname-apparaten" - -#~ msgid "Select capture format" -#~ msgstr "Opname formaat kiezen" - -#~ msgid "" -#~ "Enable Audio Alignment (experimental!)\n" -#~ "Requires restart." -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "Audio in lijn brengen ingeschakeld (experimenteel!)\n" -#~ "Vereist opnieuw starten." - -#~ msgid "Change Region" -#~ msgstr "Regio wijzigen" - -#~ msgctxt "@action:button" -#~ msgid "Close" -#~ msgstr "Sluiten" - -#~ msgid "fps" -#~ msgstr "fps" - -#~ msgid "Image name" -#~ msgstr "Naam afbeelding" - -#~ msgid "Supported capture modes:\n" -#~ msgstr "Ondersteunde opname-modes:\n" - -#~ msgid "Stabilizing FAILED!" -#~ msgstr "Stabiliseren omzetten MISLUKT!" - -#~ msgid "Close after stabilizing" -#~ msgstr "Sluiten na stabiliseren" - -#~ msgid "Preview Settings" -#~ msgstr "Voorvertoning instellingen" - -#~ msgid "Quick preview" -#~ msgstr "Vlugge voorvertoning" - -#~ msgid "Full preview" -#~ msgstr "Volledig preview" - -#~ msgid "No preview" -#~ msgstr "Geen preview" - -#~ msgid "Blur image with keyframes" -#~ msgstr "Wazige afbeelding met keyframes" - -#~ msgid "IIR Blur" -#~ msgstr "IIR vervaging" - -#~ msgid "Blur using 2D IIR filters" -#~ msgstr "Vervaging met 2D IIR filters" - -#~ msgid "Variable-size square blur (frei0r.squareblur)" -#~ msgstr "Variabele-grootte vierkant blur (frei0r.squareblur)" - -#~ msgid "Configure Track" -#~ msgstr "Spoor instellen" - -#~ msgid "Job crashed" -#~ msgstr "opdracht is gecrasht" - -#~ msgid "Progress" -#~ msgstr "Vooruitgang" - -#~ msgid "Cut file" -#~ msgstr "Knip bestand" - -#~ msgid "Extra parameters" -#~ msgstr "Extra Parameters" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Add clip cut" -#~ msgid "clip cut" -#~ msgstr "Voeg een clip cut toe" - -#~ msgid "Capture preview settings" -#~ msgstr "Opname preview instellingen" - -#~ msgid "Video4Linux" -#~ msgstr "Video4Linux" - -#~ msgid "Transcoding FAILED!" -#~ msgstr "Codering omzetten MISLUKT!" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Add proxy clip" -#~| msgid_plural "Add proxy clips" -#~ msgid "Building proxy clip" -#~ msgstr "Proxy clip toevoegen" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Transcoding finished." -#~ msgid "Transcoding crashed" -#~ msgstr "Codering omzetten (transcoderen) geslaagd." - -#~ msgid "Proxy %1\\%" -#~ msgstr "Proxy %1\\%" - -#~ msgid "Fill opacity" -#~ msgstr "Transparant vullen" - -#~ msgid "Select clip to change speed" -#~ msgstr "Selecteer clip om snelheid te wijzigen" - -#~ msgid "Edit Clip Speed" -#~ msgstr "Clip snelheid bewerken" - -#~ msgid "New speed (percents)" -#~ msgstr "Nieuwe snelheid (percentage)" - -#~ msgid "Pick a color on the screen" -#~ msgstr "Kies kleur op scherm" - -#~ msgid "" -#~ "The document you are opening uses a different locale (%1) than your " -#~ "system. You can only open and render it, no editing is supported unless " -#~ "you change your system's locale." -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "Het geopende document is met een andere taalinstelling (%1) gemaakt dan " -#~ "dit systeem. Het kan alleen geopend en gerenderd worden, bewerken is niet " -#~ "mogelijk tenzij de taalinstelling van deze computer aangepast wordt." - -#~ msgid "Read only project" -#~ msgstr "Alleen-lezen project" - -#~ msgid "Width of square to pick color from:" -#~ msgstr "Grootte kleuren kiezer:" - -#~ msgid "(notr)" -#~ msgstr "(notr)" - -#~ msgid "(notranslate) % display" -#~ msgstr "(nietvertalen) % display" - -#~ msgid "Bézier Spline Widget" -#~ msgstr "Bézier Spline Widget" - -#~ msgid "Curve Widget" -#~ msgstr "Curve Widget" - -#~ msgid "Rotoscopy Spline" -#~ msgstr "Rotoscopy Spline" - -#~ msgid "Audio device" -#~ msgstr "Audio apparaat" - -#~ msgid "Capacities" -#~ msgstr "Capaciteiten" - -#~ msgid "Capture failed" -#~ msgstr "Opname mislukt" - -#~ msgid "Capture params" -#~ msgstr "Opname instellingen" - -#~ msgid "Codec" -#~ msgstr "Codec" - -#~ msgid "Could not obtain the video output display mode iterator - result = " -#~ msgstr "Kon de video mode van de monitor niet vinden - resultaat= " - -#~ msgid "Could not open audio output file %1" -#~ msgstr "Kon de audio output bestand %1 niet openen" - -#~ msgid "Could not open video output file %1" -#~ msgstr "Kon de video output bestand %1 niet openen" - -#~ msgid "Crop & scale" -#~ msgstr "Inkorten & verschalen" - -#~ msgid "Encoding params" -#~ msgstr "Codeer-instellingen" - -#~ msgid "Error starting MLT's command line player (melt)" -#~ msgstr "Fout bij starten van MLT command-line speler (melt)." - -#~ msgid "Error starting MLT's command line player (melt)." -#~ msgstr "Fout bij starten van MLT command-line speler (melt)." - -#~ msgid "FFmpeg video transcoding parameters" -#~ msgstr "FFmpeg video codeer parameters" - -#~ msgid "Failed to enable video input. Is another application using the card?" -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "Het inschakelen van de video-input is mislukt, gebruikt een ander " -#~ "programma de kaart?" - -#~ msgid "Format" -#~ msgstr "Formaat" - -#~ msgid "Frame (%1) - No input signal" -#~ msgstr "Frame (%1) - Geen ingangsignaal" - -#~ msgid "Invalid mode %1 specified" -#~ msgstr "Ongeldige mode %1 gekozen" - -#~ msgid "MLT version is correct" -#~ msgstr "MLT versie is correct" - -#~ msgid "" -#~ "MLT's SDL module not found. Please check your MLT install. Kdenlive will " -#~ "not work until this issue is fixed." -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "MLT's SDL module niet gevonden. Controleer uw MLT instellingen. Kdenlive " -#~ "zal niet werken totdat dit probleem verholpen is." - -#~ msgid "NTSC" -#~ msgstr "NTSC" - -#~ msgid "No DeckLink PCI cards found." -#~ msgstr "Geen DeckLink PCI kaart gevonden." - -#~ msgid "No video mode specified" -#~ msgstr "Geen video mode opgegeven" - -#~ msgid "PAL" -#~ msgstr "PAL" - -#~ msgid "Select device in list" -#~ msgstr "Kies apparaat uit lijst" - -#~ msgid "The display mode %1 is not supported with 3D" -#~ msgstr "De display mode %1 ondersteund geen 3D" - -#~ msgid "The display mode %1 is not supported with the selected pixel format" -#~ msgstr "De display mode %1 ondersteund niet het gekozen pixel format" - -#~ msgid "This application requires the DeckLink drivers installed." -#~ msgstr "Voor dit programma moeten de DeckLink drivers geïnstalleerd zijn." - -#~ msgid "avi" -#~ msgstr "avi" - -#~ msgid "100Hz" -#~ msgstr "100Hz" - -#~ msgid "156Hz" -#~ msgstr "156Hz" - -#~ msgid "220Hz" -#~ msgstr "220Hz" - -#~ msgid "3" -#~ msgstr "3" - -#~ msgid "311Hz" -#~ msgstr "311Hz" - -#~ msgid "4" -#~ msgstr "4" - -#~ msgid "440Hz" -#~ msgstr "440Hz" - -#~ msgid "50Hz" -#~ msgstr "50Hz" - -#~ msgid "622Hz" -#~ msgstr "622Hz" - -#~ msgid "880Hz" -#~ msgstr "880Hz" - -#~ msgid "Add Audio Effect" -#~ msgstr "Voeg een geluidseffect toe" - -#~ msgid "Add Custom Effect" -#~ msgstr "Voeg een zelf gedefinieerd effect toe" - -#~ msgid "Add Video Effect" -#~ msgstr "Voeg een video-effect toe" - -#~ msgid "Add audio fade" -#~ msgstr "Voeg een uitdoven geluid toe" - -#~ msgid "Add transition" -#~ msgstr "Voeg een overgang toe" - -#~ msgid "Audio fade duration: %1s" -#~ msgstr "Audio uitdoof (fade) duur: %1s" - -#~ msgid "Clip duration: %1s" -#~ msgstr "Clip lengte: %1s" - -#~ msgid "Corner" -#~ msgstr "Hoek " - -#~ msgid "Corners widget" -#~ msgstr "Hoek widget" - -#~ msgid "Crop from start: %1s" -#~ msgstr "Inkorten vanaf begin: %1s" - -#~ msgid "Cut" -#~ msgstr "Knippen" - -#~ msgid "Do nothing" -#~ msgstr "Doe niets" - -#~ msgid "Fix Rotate X" -#~ msgstr "Rotatie X instellen" - -#~ msgid "Fix Rotate Y" -#~ msgstr "Rotatie Y instellen" - -#~ msgid "Fix Rotate Z" -#~ msgstr "Rotatie Z instellen" - -#~ msgid "Horizontal factor" -#~ msgstr "Horizontale factor" - -#~ msgid "Interval (in seconds)" -#~ msgstr "Interval (secondes)" - -#~ msgid "Move to bottom" -#~ msgstr "Naar onderaan verplaatsen" - -#~ msgid "Move to left" -#~ msgstr "Naar links verplaatsen" - -#~ msgid "Move to right" -#~ msgstr "Naar rechts verplaatsen" - -#~ msgid "Move to top" -#~ msgstr "Naar bovenaan verplaatsen" - -#~ msgid "Play / Pause" -#~ msgstr "Afspelen/Pauzeer" - -#~ msgid "Reset Corner 1" -#~ msgstr "Hoek 1 herstellen" - -#~ msgid "Reset Corner 2" -#~ msgstr "Hoek 2 herstellen" - -#~ msgid "Reset Corner 3" -#~ msgstr "Hoek 3 herstellen" - -#~ msgid "Reset Corner 4" -#~ msgstr "Hoek 4 herstellen" - -#~ msgid "Set Capture Interval" -#~ msgstr "Opname interval instellen" - -#~ msgid "Set capture interval" -#~ msgstr "Opname interval instellen" - -#~ msgid "Shear Z" -#~ msgstr "Schuif Z" - -#~ msgid "Show monitor scene" -#~ msgstr "Toon monitor scene" - -#~ msgid "Show/Hide Settings" -#~ msgstr "Instellingen tonen" - -#~ msgid "Timecode overlay" -#~ msgstr "Timecode overzicht" - -#~ msgid "Vertical factor" -#~ msgstr "Verticale factor" - -#~ msgid "Zoom in" -#~ msgstr "Zoom in" - -#~ msgid "Zoom out" -#~ msgstr "Zoom uit" - -#~ msgid "C0rners" -#~ msgstr "H0eken" - -#~ msgid "Contrast0r" -#~ msgstr "Kontrast0r" - -#~ msgid "Distort0r" -#~ msgstr "Distort0r" - -#~ msgid "Drop B frames on H.264 clips" -#~ msgstr "Verwijder B frames op H.264 clips" - -#~ msgid "Monitor Preview Speedup Settings" -#~ msgstr "Preview monitor versnelling instellingen" - -#~ msgid "Saturat0r" -#~ msgstr "Verzadiging0r" - -#~ msgid "Select0r" -#~ msgstr "Selecteer0r" - -#~ msgid "Tunes the alpha channel." -#~ msgstr "Alpha kanaal instellen" - -#~ msgid "alpha0ps" -#~ msgstr "alpha0ps" - -#~ msgid "GroupBox" -#~ msgstr "GroepBox" - -#~ msgid "HDMI" -#~ msgstr "HDMI" - -#~ msgid "Remove current frame" -#~ msgstr "Verwijder dit frame" - -#~ msgid "Stopmotion Animation" -#~ msgstr "Stopmotion Animatie" - -#~ msgid "Gain out" -#~ msgstr "Uitgang volume" - -#~ msgid "Reverb Time" -#~ msgstr "Tijdvertraging" - -#~ msgid "Sox Vibro" -#~ msgstr "Sox Vibro" - -#~ msgid "Sox vibro audio effect" -#~ msgstr "Sox vibro geluid effect" - -#~ msgid "%1 images found" -#~ msgstr "%1 afbeeldingen gevonden" - -#~ msgid "/dev/dsp" -#~ msgstr "/dev/dsp" - -#~ msgid "/dev/video0" -#~ msgstr "/dev/video0" - -#~ msgid "0" -#~ msgstr "0" - -#~ msgid "320x240" -#~ msgstr "320x240" - -#~ msgid "Program %1 is required for the DVD wizard." -#~ msgstr "Het programma %1 is vereist voor de DVD wizard." - -#~ msgid "Align..." -#~ msgstr "Uitlijnen..." - -#~ msgid "BasicOperations" -#~ msgstr "Basis bewerkingen" - -#~ msgid "Bug fixing etc." -#~ msgstr "Bug oplossen etc." - -#~ msgid "Cannot cut a clip in a group" -#~ msgstr "Kan een clip in een groep niet knippen" - -#~ msgid "Cannot find clip with keyframe" -#~ msgstr "Kan geen clip vinden met keyframe" - -#~ msgid "Cannot find your Mlt profiles, please give the path" -#~ msgstr "Kan uw MLT profielen niet vinden, geef het pad op" - -#~ msgid "Center" -#~ msgstr "Centreren" - -#~ msgid "Change Clip Speed" -#~ msgstr "Wijzig clip snelheid" - -#~ msgid "Change Track" -#~ msgstr "Wijzig spoor" - -#~ msgid "Change Track Type" -#~ msgstr "Verander spoor type" - -#, fuzzy -#~ msgid "Change track type" -#~ msgstr "Verander spoor type" - -#~ msgid "Clip %1
is invalid or missing, what do you want to do?" -#~ msgstr "Clip %1
is ongeldig of ontbreekt, wat wilt u doen?" - -#~ msgid "Clip %1
is invalid, what do you want to do?" -#~ msgstr "Clip %1
is ongeldig, wat wilt u doen?" - -#~ msgid "Copy the left channel to the right" -#~ msgstr "Kopieer het linker kanaal naar rechts" - -#~ msgid "Copyright (c) 2009 Development team" -#~ msgstr "Copyright (c) 2009 Development team" - -#~ msgid "Crossfade" -#~ msgstr "Crossfade" - -#~ msgid "" -#~ "Delete folder %2?
This will also remove the %1 clips in that " -#~ "folder" -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "Verwijderen map %2 ?Hierdoor worden ook de %1 clips in deze map " -#~ "verwijderd" - -#~ msgid "Delete timeline clips" -#~ msgstr "Verwijder tijdsbalk clip" - -#~ msgid "Disonnect" -#~ msgstr "Verbinding verbreken" - -#~ msgid "Download New Lumas..." -#~ msgstr "Download nieuwe luma 's..." - -#~ msgid "Dvdauthor" -#~ msgstr "Dvdauthor" - -#~ msgid "Dvgrab" -#~ msgstr "Dvgrab" - -#~ msgid "Dw" -#~ msgstr "Dw" - -#~ msgid "EndViewport" -#~ msgstr "EndViewport" - -#~ msgid "Folder %1 already exists. Overwrite?" -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "Bestand %1 bestaat reeds.\n" -#~ "Wilt u het overschrijven?" - -#~ msgid "Forward 1 frame" -#~ msgstr "1 frame vooruit" - -#~ msgid "Gain as Percentage" -#~ msgstr "Volume als percentage" - -#~ msgid "Hor. Center" -#~ msgstr "Hor. centreren" - -#~ msgid "Invalid action" -#~ msgstr "Ongeldige actie" - -#~ msgid "Luma File" -#~ msgstr "Luma bestand" - -#~ msgid "MLT Connection, Transition, Effect, Timeline Developer" -#~ msgstr "Mlt verbinding, Overgang, Effect, Tijdsbalk Ontwikkelaar" - -#~ msgid "MLT porting, KDE 4 porting, Main developer" -#~ msgstr "Mlt porting, KDE4 porting, Hoofd-ontwikkelaar" - -#~ msgid "Make clip play faster slowly" -#~ msgstr "Laat clip sneller/langzamer afspelen" - -#~ msgid "Mkisofs" -#~ msgstr "Mkisofs" - -#~ msgid "Monitor background color (requires restart)" -#~ msgstr "Monitor achtergrondkleur (vereist herstarten)" - -#~ msgid "Recordmydesktop" -#~ msgstr "Recordmydesktop" - -#~ msgid "Remove Track" -#~ msgstr "Verwijder spoor" - -#~ msgid "Rendering %1" -#~ msgstr "Renderen %1" - -#~ msgid "Rendering of %1 aborted, resulting video will probably be corrupted." -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "Renderen van %1 afgebroken, video bestand zal waarschijnlijk beschadigd " -#~ "zijn." - -#~ msgid "Resize..." -#~ msgstr "Herschalen..." - -#~ msgid "Reverse playing" -#~ msgstr "Omgekeerd afspelen" - -#~ msgid "Rewind 1 frame" -#~ msgstr "Spoel 1 frame terug" - -#~ msgid "Rotate:" -#~ msgstr "Roteer:" - -#~ msgid "Set In Point" -#~ msgstr "Stel In Punt in" - -#~ msgid "Set Out Point" -#~ msgstr "Stel Uit Punt in" - -#~ msgid "Set the path for MLT environnement" -#~ msgstr "Stel pad naar MLT omgeving in" - -#~ msgid "Start Rendering" -#~ msgstr "Start Renderen/omzetten" - -#~ msgid "Start-/EndViewport" -#~ msgstr "Start-/EndViewport" - -#~ msgid "" -#~ "There is already a job writing file:
Abort the job if you " -#~ "want to overwrite it..." -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "Bezig met bestand weg te schrijven:
Breek de taak af als " -#~ "u dit wilt overschrijven..." - -#~ msgid "" -#~ "This project type is unsupported (version %1) and can't be loaded.\n" -#~ "Please consider upgrading you Kdenlive version." -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "Dit project type wordt niet ondersteund (versie: %1) en kan derhalve niet " -#~ "geopend worden.\n" -#~ "
Overweeg het upgraden van uw kdenlive versie." - -#~ msgid "This will remove the selected clips from this project" -#~ msgstr "Dit zal de geselecteerde clips verwijderen uit het project" - -#~ msgid "Thumbnail" -#~ msgstr "Miniatuur" - -#~ msgid "Vert. Center" -#~ msgstr "Vert. centreren" - -#~ msgid "X:" -#~ msgstr "X:" - -#~ msgid "Y:" -#~ msgstr "Y:" - -#~ msgid "You must be in an empty space to remove space (time=%1, track:%2)" -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "Om ruimte te verwijderen moet u zich in lege ruimte bevinden (tijd=%1, " -#~ "spoor:%2)" - -#~ msgid "" -#~ "Your Kdenlive version was upgraded. Please take some time to review the " -#~ "basic settings" -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "Uw Kdenlive versie werd bijgewerkt. Controleer even uw standaard " -#~ "instellingen" - -#~ msgid "oss" -#~ msgstr "oss" - -#~ msgid "save" -#~ msgstr "Opslaan" - -#~ msgid "video4linux2" -#~ msgstr "video4linux2" - -#~ msgid "" -#~ "your MLT installation cannot be found. Install MLT and restart Kdenlive.\n" -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "uw MLT installatie kan niet worden gevonden. Installeer MLT en herstart " -#~ "Kdenlive.\n" - -#~ msgid "
Author: " -#~ msgstr "
Auteur: " - -#~ msgid "" -#~ "Cannot access Desktop Search info for %1.\n" -#~ "Disabling Desktop Search integration." -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "Geen toegang tot Desktop Search info voor %1.\n" -#~ "
Schakelt Desktop Search integratie uit" - -#~ msgid "Cannot add marker if more than one clip is selected" -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "Kan geen markeerpunt toevoegen als meer dan een clip is geselecteerd" - -#~ msgid "Cannot delete marker if more than one clip is selected" -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "Kan markeerpunt niet verwijderen als meer dan een clip is geselecteerd" - -#~ msgid "Cannot edit marker if more than one clip is selected" -#~ msgstr "Kan markeerpunt niet bewerken als meer dan een clip is geselecteerd" - -#~ msgid "Encoding" -#~ msgstr "Encoderen" - -#~ msgid "Firewire / dvgrab" -#~ msgstr "Firewire / dvgrab" - -#~ msgid "Inigo path" -#~ msgstr "Inigo pad" - -#~ msgid "" -#~ "MLT's avformat (FFMPEG) module not found. Please check your FFMPEG and " -#~ "MLT install. Kdenlive will not work until this issue is fixed." -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "MLT's avformat (FFMPEG) module niet gevonden. Controleer a.u.b. uw FFMPEG " -#~ "en MLT installatie. Kdenlive zal niet werken totdat dit probleem " -#~ "verholpen is." - -#~ msgid "No clip at cursor time" -#~ msgstr "Geen clip op cursor tijdstip" - -#~ msgid "No selected clip at cursor time" -#~ msgstr "Geen geselecteerde clip op cursortijdstip" - -#~ msgid "Playback params" -#~ msgstr "Afspeel parameters" - -#~ msgid "Rotation x" -#~ msgstr "Rotatie x" - -#~ msgid "Rotation y" -#~ msgstr "Rotatie y" - -#~ msgid "Rotation z" -#~ msgstr "Rotatie z" - -#~ msgid "Screen Grab / FFmpeg" -#~ msgstr "Opnemen van beeldscherm..." - -#~ msgid "Select region..." -#~ msgstr "Selecteer gebied..." - -#~ msgid "Transition type" -#~ msgstr "Type overgang" - -#~ msgid "Video capture params" -#~ msgstr "Video opname parameters" - -#~ msgid "Video4Linux / FFmpeg" -#~ msgstr "Video4Linux / FFmpeg" - -#, fuzzy -#~ msgid "Volume" -#~ msgstr "Waarde" - -#~ msgid "ogg" -#~ msgstr "ogg" - -#~ msgid "Templates" -#~ msgstr "Templates" diff -Nru kdenlive-15.13.0+git20160206.6705c57a/po/pl/CMakeLists.txt kdenlive-15.13.0+git20160206.cee1bbb6/po/pl/CMakeLists.txt --- kdenlive-15.13.0+git20160206.6705c57a/po/pl/CMakeLists.txt 2016-02-06 09:13:45.000000000 +0000 +++ kdenlive-15.13.0+git20160206.cee1bbb6/po/pl/CMakeLists.txt 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -GETTEXT_PROCESS_PO_FILES(pl ALL INSTALL_DESTINATION ${LOCALE_INSTALL_DIR} kdenlive.po) diff -Nru kdenlive-15.13.0+git20160206.6705c57a/po/pl/kdenlive.po kdenlive-15.13.0+git20160206.cee1bbb6/po/pl/kdenlive.po --- kdenlive-15.13.0+git20160206.6705c57a/po/pl/kdenlive.po 2016-02-06 09:13:45.000000000 +0000 +++ kdenlive-15.13.0+git20160206.cee1bbb6/po/pl/kdenlive.po 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 @@ -1,12502 +0,0 @@ -# Copyright (C) YEAR This_file_is_part_of_KDE -# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package. -# -# Łukasz Wojniłowicz , 2015. -msgid "" -msgstr "" -"Project-Id-Version: \n" -"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugs.kde.org\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-12-11 07:07+0000\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-11-28 09:22+0100\n" -"Last-Translator: Łukasz Wojniłowicz \n" -"Language-Team: Polish \n" -"Language: pl\n" -"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" -"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" -"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" -"Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=(n==1 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n%10<=4 && (n%100<10 " -"|| n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2);\n" -"X-Generator: Lokalize 2.0\n" - -msgctxt "NAME OF TRANSLATORS" -msgid "Your names" -msgstr "Łukasz Wojniłowicz" - -msgctxt "EMAIL OF TRANSLATORS" -msgid "Your emails" -msgstr "lukasz.wojnilowicz@gmail.com" - -#: data/effects/audiobalance.xml:3 data/effects/audiobalance.xml:7 -msgid "Balance" -msgstr "Równowaga" - -#: data/effects/audiobalance.xml:4 -msgid "Adjust the left/right balance" -msgstr "Dostosuj równowagę między lewym i prawym" - -#: data/effects/audiopan.xml:3 data/effects/audiopan.xml:11 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:347 src/project/dialogs/slideshowclip.cpp:73 -msgid "Pan" -msgstr "Przesuń" - -#: data/effects/audiopan.xml:4 -msgid "Adjust the left/right spread of a channel" -msgstr "Dostosuj rozrzut między lewym i prawym kanałem" - -#: data/effects/audiopan.xml:7 data/effects/channelcopy.xml:7 -#: data/effects/channelcopy.xml:11 -msgid "Left,Right" -msgstr "Lewy,Prawy" - -#: data/effects/audiopan.xml:8 data/effects/frei0r_bezier_curves.xml:9 -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:9 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:66 -#: data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:10 data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:42 -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:25 -msgid "Channel" -msgstr "Kanał" - -#: data/effects/audiowave.xml:3 -msgid "Audio Wave" -msgstr "Fala dźwięku" - -#: data/effects/audiowave.xml:4 -msgid "Display the audio waveform instead of the video" -msgstr "Wyświetl falę dźwięku zamiast obrazu" - -#: data/effects/audiowaveform.xml:3 -msgid "Audio Waveform Filter" -msgstr "Fala fali dźwiękowej" - -#: data/effects/audiowaveform.xml:6 data/effects/dynamictext.xml:22 -#: data/effects/pan_zoom.xml:13 data/effects/rotation.xml:40 -#: data/effects/rotation_keyframable.xml:22 -msgid "Background Color" -msgstr "Kolor tła" - -#: data/effects/audiowaveform.xml:9 data/effects/dynamictext.xml:19 -msgid "Foreground Color" -msgstr "Kolor pierwszoplanowy" - -#: data/effects/audiowaveform.xml:12 -msgid "Line Thickness" -msgstr "Szerokość linii" - -#: data/effects/audiowaveform.xml:15 data/effects/movit_rect.xml:6 -#: data/effects/pan_zoom.xml:7 -msgid "Rectangle" -msgstr "Prostokąt" - -#: data/effects/audiowaveform.xml:18 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:721 -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:766 -msgid "Fill" -msgstr "Wypełnij" - -#: data/effects/automask.xml:3 -msgid "Auto Mask" -msgstr "Auto-maska" - -#: data/effects/automask.xml:4 -msgid "Hide a selected zone and follow its movements" -msgstr "Ukryj zaznaczony obszar i podążaj za jego ruchami" - -#: data/effects/automask.xml:7 data/effects/dynamictext.xml:7 -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:718 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:745 -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:763 -msgid "Geometry" -msgstr "Geometria" - -#: data/effects/automask.xml:10 -msgid "Macroblock width" -msgstr "Szerokość makrobloku" - -#: data/effects/automask.xml:13 -msgid "Macroblock height" -msgstr "Wysokość makrobloku" - -#: data/effects/automask.xml:16 -msgid "Maximum x distance" -msgstr "Największa odległość x" - -#: data/effects/automask.xml:19 -msgid "Maximum y distance" -msgstr "Największa odległość y" - -#: data/effects/automask.xml:22 -msgid "Denoise" -msgstr "Odszumianie" - -#: data/effects/automask.xml:25 -msgid "Debug" -msgstr "Diagnostyka" - -#: data/effects/automask.xml:28 data/effects/obscure.xml:3 -msgid "Obscure" -msgstr "Zaciemnij" - -#: data/effects/automask.xml:36 data/effects/loudness.xml:12 -msgid "Analyse" -msgstr "Analizowanie" - -#: data/effects/boxblur.xml:3 -msgid "Box Blur" -msgstr "Rozmycie polowe" - -#: data/effects/boxblur.xml:4 -msgid "Box blur (separate horizontal and vertical blur)" -msgstr "Rozmycie polowe (oddzielnie poziome i pionowe rozmycie)" - -#: data/effects/boxblur.xml:7 -msgid "Horizontal multiplicator" -msgstr "Mnożnik poziomy" - -#: data/effects/boxblur.xml:10 -msgid "Vertical multiplicator" -msgstr "Mnożnik pionowy" - -#: data/effects/boxblur.xml:13 -msgid "Blur factor" -msgstr "Współczynnik rozmycia" - -#: data/effects/brightness.xml:3 -msgid "Brightness (keyframable)" -msgstr "Jasność (klatka kluczowa)" - -#: data/effects/brightness.xml:4 -msgid "Change image brightness with keyframes" -msgstr "Zmień jasność obrazu przy użyciu klatek kluczowych" - -#: data/effects/brightness.xml:7 -msgid "Intensity" -msgstr "Natężenie" - -#: data/effects/channelcopy.xml:3 -msgid "Mono to stereo" -msgstr "Mono na stereo" - -#: data/effects/channelcopy.xml:4 -msgid "Copy one channel to another" -msgstr "Skopiuj jeden kanał do innego" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_4) -#: data/effects/channelcopy.xml:8 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:486 -msgid "From" -msgstr "Z" - -#: data/effects/channelcopy.xml:12 -msgid "To" -msgstr "Do" - -#: data/effects/charcoal.xml:3 -msgid "Charcoal" -msgstr "Węgiel drzewny" - -#: data/effects/charcoal.xml:4 -msgid "Charcoal drawing effect" -msgstr "Efekt rysowania węglem drzewnym" - -#: data/effects/charcoal.xml:7 -msgid "Horizontal scatter" -msgstr "Rozrzut w poziomie" - -#: data/effects/charcoal.xml:10 -msgid "Vertical scatter" -msgstr "Rozrzut w pionie" - -#: data/effects/charcoal.xml:13 -msgid "Scale" -msgstr "Skalowanie" - -#: data/effects/charcoal.xml:16 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:757 -msgid "Mix" -msgstr "Mieszanie" - -#: data/effects/charcoal.xml:19 data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:31 -#: data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:63 data/effects/frei0r_mask0mate.xml:19 -#: data/effects/invert.xml:3 data/effects/mirror.xml:11 -#: data/effects/rotoscoping.xml:18 src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:215 -msgid "Invert" -msgstr "Odwróć" - -#: data/effects/chroma.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Chroma Hold" -msgid "Chroma Key" -msgstr "Zatrzymanie chromy" - -#: data/effects/chroma.xml:4 -msgid "Make selected color transparent" -msgstr "Uczyń wybrany kolor przezroczystym" - -#: data/effects/chroma.xml:7 data/effects/chroma_hold.xml:7 -msgid "Color key" -msgstr "Klucz koloru" - -#: data/effects/chroma.xml:10 data/effects/chroma_hold.xml:10 -msgid "Variance" -msgstr "Wariancja" - -#: data/effects/chroma_hold.xml:3 -msgid "Chroma Hold" -msgstr "Zatrzymanie chromy" - -#: data/effects/chroma_hold.xml:4 -msgid "Make image greyscale except for chosen color" -msgstr "Przedstaw obraz w odcieniach szarości poza wybranym kolorem" - -#: data/effects/crop.xml:3 -msgid "Edge Crop" -msgstr "Przycinanie krawędzi" - -#: data/effects/crop.xml:4 -msgid "Trim the edges of a clip" -msgstr "Przytnij krawędzie wycinka" - -#: data/effects/crop.xml:7 data/effects/frei0r_mask0mate.xml:13 -msgid "Top" -msgstr "Z góry" - -#: data/effects/crop.xml:10 data/effects/frei0r_mask0mate.xml:7 -msgid "Left" -msgstr "Z lewej" - -#: data/effects/crop.xml:13 data/effects/frei0r_mask0mate.xml:16 -msgid "Bottom" -msgstr "Z dołu" - -#: data/effects/crop.xml:16 data/effects/frei0r_mask0mate.xml:10 -msgid "Right" -msgstr "Z prawej" - -#: data/effects/crop.xml:19 -msgid "Automatic center-crop" -msgstr "Samoczynne przycięcie od środka" - -#: data/effects/crop.xml:22 -msgid "Center balance" -msgstr "Równowaga środka" - -#: data/effects/crop.xml:25 -msgid "Use project resolution" -msgstr "Użyj rozdzielczości projektu" - -#: data/effects/dust.xml:3 -msgid "Dust" -msgstr "Kurz" - -#: data/effects/dust.xml:4 -msgid "Add dust and specks to the video, as in old movies" -msgstr "Dodaj kurz i drobinki do obrazu, tak jak na starych filmach" - -#: data/effects/dust.xml:7 -msgid "Maximal Diameter" -msgstr "Największa średnica" - -#: data/effects/dust.xml:10 -msgid "Maximal number of dust" -msgstr "Największa liczba kurzu" - -#: data/effects/dynamictext.xml:3 -msgid "Dynamic Text" -msgstr "Dynamiczny tekst" - -#: data/effects/dynamictext.xml:4 -msgid "Overlay text with keywords replaced" -msgstr "Nakładanie tekstu z zastąpionymi słowami kluczowymi" - -#: data/effects/dynamictext.xml:10 -msgid "Font Family" -msgstr "Rodzina czcionek" - -#: data/effects/dynamictext.xml:13 -msgid "Font Size" -msgstr "Rozmiar czcionki" - -#: data/effects/dynamictext.xml:16 -msgid "Font Weight" -msgstr "Grubość czcionki" - -#: data/effects/dynamictext.xml:25 -msgid "Outline Color" -msgstr "Kolor obrysu" - -#: data/effects/dynamictext.xml:28 -msgid "Outline Width" -msgstr "Szerokość obrysu" - -#: data/effects/dynamictext.xml:31 -msgid "Padding" -msgstr "Wypełnianie" - -#: data/effects/dynamictext.xml:34 -msgid "Left,Center,Right" -msgstr "Do lewej,Do środka,Do prawej" - -#: data/effects/dynamictext.xml:35 -msgid "Horizontal Alignment" -msgstr "Wyrównanie w poziomie" - -#: data/effects/dynamictext.xml:38 -msgid "Top,Middle,Bottom" -msgstr "Do góry,Do środka,Do dołu" - -#: data/effects/dynamictext.xml:39 -msgid "Vertical Alignment" -msgstr "Wyrównanie w pionie" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, text_box) -#: data/effects/dynamictext.xml:42 src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:55 -#: src/ui/templateclip_ui.ui:34 -msgid "Text" -msgstr "Tekst" - -#: data/effects/fade_from_black.xml:3 -msgid "Fade from Black" -msgstr "Wyłanianie z czerni" - -#: data/effects/fade_from_black.xml:4 -msgid "Fade video from black" -msgstr "Wyłanianie obrazu z czerni" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_duration) -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, ClipDurationDialog_UI) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, duration_label) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: data/effects/fade_from_black.xml:7 data/effects/fade_to_black.xml:7 -#: data/effects/fadein.xml:10 data/effects/fadeout.xml:7 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:133 -#: src/ui/clipdurationdialog_ui.ui:14 src/ui/clipdurationdialog_ui.ui:40 -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:58 src/ui/colorclip_ui.ui:37 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:747 src/utils/freesound.cpp:157 -#: src/utils/freesound.cpp:196 src/utils/freesound.cpp:197 -#: src/utils/freesound.cpp:198 -msgid "Duration" -msgstr "Czas trwania" - -#: data/effects/fade_from_black.xml:10 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/bezier/beziersplinewidget.cpp:52 -msgid "In" -msgstr "W" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: data/effects/fade_from_black.xml:13 data/effects/fade_to_black.xml:13 -#: src/ui/wipeval_ui.ui:22 -msgid "Start" -msgstr "Początek" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_4) -#: data/effects/fade_from_black.xml:16 data/effects/fade_to_black.xml:16 -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:409 src/ui/wipeval_ui.ui:167 -msgid "End" -msgstr "Koniec" - -#: data/effects/fade_to_black.xml:3 -msgid "Fade to Black" -msgstr "Zanikanie w czerń" - -#: data/effects/fade_to_black.xml:4 -msgid "Fade video to black" -msgstr "Zanikanie obrazu w czerń" - -#: data/effects/fade_to_black.xml:10 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/bezier/beziersplinewidget.cpp:54 -msgid "Out" -msgstr "Na zewnątrz" - -#: data/effects/fadein.xml:3 -msgid "Fade in" -msgstr "Wyłanianie" - -#: data/effects/fadein.xml:4 -msgid "Fade in audio track" -msgstr "Wyłanianie ścieżki dźwiękowej" - -#: data/effects/fadein.xml:13 data/effects/fadeout.xml:13 -msgid "Start Gain" -msgstr "Wzmocnienie na początku" - -#: data/effects/fadein.xml:16 data/effects/fadeout.xml:16 -msgid "End Gain" -msgstr "Wzmocnienie na końcu" - -#: data/effects/fadeout.xml:3 -msgid "Fade out" -msgstr "Przemijanie" - -#: data/effects/fadeout.xml:4 -msgid "Fade out audio track" -msgstr "Przemijanie ścieżki dźwiękowej" - -#: data/effects/freeze.xml:3 -msgid "Freeze" -msgstr "Zamrożenie" - -#: data/effects/freeze.xml:4 -msgid "Freeze video on a chosen frame" -msgstr "Zamrożenie obraz na wybranej klatce" - -#: data/effects/freeze.xml:7 -msgid "Freeze at" -msgstr "Zamrożenie na" - -#: data/effects/freeze.xml:10 -msgid "Freeze Before" -msgstr "Zamrożenie przed" - -#: data/effects/freeze.xml:13 -msgid "Freeze After" -msgstr "Zamrożenie po" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_3dflippo.xml:3 -msgid "3dflippo" -msgstr "3dflippo" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_3dflippo.xml:4 -msgid "Frame rotation in 3D space" -msgstr "Obrót klatki w przestrzeni 3D" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_3dflippo.xml:7 -msgid "X axis rotation" -msgstr "Obrót wokół osi X" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_3dflippo.xml:10 -msgid "Y axis rotation" -msgstr "Obrót wokół osi Y" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_3dflippo.xml:13 -msgid "Z axis rotation" -msgstr "Obrót wokół osi Z" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_3dflippo.xml:16 -msgid "X axis rotation rate" -msgstr "Krok obrotu wokół osi X" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_3dflippo.xml:19 -msgid "Y axis rotation rate" -msgstr "Krok obrotu wokół osi Y" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_3dflippo.xml:22 -msgid "Z axis rotation rate" -msgstr "Krok obrotu wokół osi Z" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_3dflippo.xml:25 -msgid "Center position (X)" -msgstr "Położenie środkowe (X)" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_3dflippo.xml:28 -msgid "Center position (Y)" -msgstr "Położenie środkowe (Y)" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_3dflippo.xml:31 -msgid "Invert rotation assignment" -msgstr "Odwróć przypisanie obrotu" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_3dflippo.xml:34 -msgid "Don't blank mask" -msgstr "Nie opróżniaj maski" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_3dflippo.xml:37 -msgid "Fill with image or black" -msgstr "Wypełnij obrazem lub czernią" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:4 data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:36 -msgid "Alpha operations" -msgstr "Operacje alfa" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:5 data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:37 -msgid "Display and manipulation of the alpha channel" -msgstr "Wyświetlanie i działania na kanale alfa" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:9 data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:41 -msgid "" -"Image,Alpha as gray,Gray + red,Selection on black,Selection on gray," -"Selection on white,Selection on checkers" -msgstr "" -"Obraz,Alfa jako szery,Szarzy + czerwony,Zaznaczenie na czarnym,Zaznaczenie " -"na szarym,Zaznaczenie na białym,Zaznaczenie na znacznikach" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:10 data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:42 -msgid "Display" -msgstr "Wyświetlanie" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:14 data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:46 -msgid "Display input alpha" -msgstr "Wyświetl wejściową alfę" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:18 -msgid "NO OP,Shave,Shrink hard,Shrink soft,Grow hard,Grow soft,Threshold" -msgstr "" -"NO OP,Ogol,Twarde pomniejszenie,Miękkie pomniejszenie,Twarde powiększenie," -"Miękkie powiększenie,Próg" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:19 data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:51 -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphagrad.xml:30 data/effects/frei0r_alphaspot.xml:47 -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:45 data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:96 -msgid "Operation" -msgstr "Operacja" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:23 data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:55 -#: data/effects/frei0r_threshold0r.xml:7 data/effects/threshold.xml:3 -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:217 -msgid "Threshold" -msgstr "Próg" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:27 -msgid "Shrink/grow amount" -msgstr "Krok rozrostu/kurczenia" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:50 -msgid "NO OP,Shave,Shrink hard,Shrink soft,Grow hard,Grow soft,Threshold,Blur" -msgstr "" -"NO OP,Ogol,Twarde pomniejszenie,Miękkie pomniejszenie,Twarde powiększenie," -"Miękkie powiększenie,Próg,Rozmycie" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:59 -msgid "Shrink/Grow/Blur amount" -msgstr "Ilość pomniejszenia/powiększenia/rozmycia" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphagrad.xml:3 -msgid "Alpha gradient" -msgstr "Gradient alfa" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphagrad.xml:4 -msgid "Fill the alpha channel with a specified gradient" -msgstr "Wypełnij kanał alfa danym gradientem" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, clip_filesize_2) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, position_label) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, import_position) -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphagrad.xml:9 src/effectstack/keyframeedit.cpp:55 -#: src/ui/clipdurationdialog_ui.ui:20 src/ui/importkeyframesdialog_ui.ui:80 -#: src/ui/keyframedialog_ui.ui:20 src/ui/markerdialog_ui.ui:20 -msgid "Position" -msgstr "Położenie" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphagrad.xml:13 data/effects/frei0r_alphaspot.xml:34 -msgid "Transition width" -msgstr "Szerokość przejścia" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphagrad.xml:17 data/effects/frei0r_alphaspot.xml:30 -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:16 -msgid "Tilt" -msgstr "Odchylenie" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphagrad.xml:21 data/effects/frei0r_alphaspot.xml:38 -msgid "Min" -msgstr "Min" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphagrad.xml:25 data/effects/frei0r_alphaspot.xml:42 -msgid "Max" -msgstr "Max" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphagrad.xml:29 data/effects/frei0r_alphaspot.xml:46 -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:44 data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:95 -msgid "Write on clear,Max,Min,Add,Subtract" -msgstr "Pisz przy czyszczeniu,Max,Min,Dodaj,Odejmij" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphaspot.xml:3 -msgid "Alpha shapes" -msgstr "Kształty alfa" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphaspot.xml:4 -msgid "Draws simple shapes into the alpha channel" -msgstr "Rysuje proste kształty w kanale alfa" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphaspot.xml:9 -msgid "Rectangle,Ellipse,Triangle,Diamond" -msgstr "Prostokąt,Elipsa,Trójkąt,Diament" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphaspot.xml:10 data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:29 -#: data/effects/sox_flanger.xml:22 -msgid "Shape" -msgstr "Kształt" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphaspot.xml:14 -msgid "Position X" -msgstr "Położenie X" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphaspot.xml:18 -msgid "Position Y" -msgstr "Położenie Y" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphaspot.xml:22 -msgid "Size X" -msgstr "Rozmiar X" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphaspot.xml:26 -msgid "Size Y" -msgstr "Rozmiar Y" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_balanc0r.xml:4 data/effects/frei0r_balanc0r.xml:15 -msgid "White Balance" -msgstr "Równowaga bieli" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_balanc0r.xml:5 data/effects/frei0r_balanc0r.xml:16 -msgid "Adjust the white balance / color temperature" -msgstr "Dostosuje równowagę bieli / temperaturę koloru" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_balanc0r.xml:8 data/effects/frei0r_balanc0r.xml:19 -#: data/effects/frei0r_colgate.xml:8 data/effects/movit_white_balance.xml:6 -msgid "Neutral Color" -msgstr "Neutralny kolor" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_balanc0r.xml:11 data/effects/frei0r_balanc0r.xml:22 -msgid "Green Tint" -msgstr "Zabarwienie zielonym" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_baltan.xml:3 -msgid "Baltan" -msgstr "Baltan" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_baltan.xml:4 -msgid "Delayed alpha smoothed blit of time" -msgstr "Opóźniona operacja blit wygładzonej alfy w czasie" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_bezier_curves.xml:3 -msgid "Bézier Curves" -msgstr "Krzywe Béziera" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_bezier_curves.xml:4 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:5 -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:62 -msgid "Color curves adjustment" -msgstr "Dostosowywanie krzywych koloru" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_bezier_curves.xml:8 -msgid "RGB,Red,Green,Blue,Alpha,Luma,Hue,Saturation" -msgstr "RGB,Czerwony,Zielony,Niebieski,Alfa,Luma,Odcień,Nasycenie" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_bezier_curves.xml:13 -#: data/effects/frei0r_coloradj_rgb.xml:33 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:12 -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:69 -msgid "Rec. 601,Rec. 709" -msgstr "Rec. 601,Rec. 709" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_bezier_curves.xml:14 -#: data/effects/frei0r_coloradj_rgb.xml:34 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:13 -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:70 -msgid "Luma formula" -msgstr "Formuła Luma" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_brightness.xml:3 data/effects/frei0r_brightness.xml:7 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lenscorrection.xml:19 data/effects/grain.xml:13 -msgid "Brightness" -msgstr "Jasność" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_brightness.xml:4 -msgid "Adjusts the brightness of a source image" -msgstr "Dostosuj jasność obrazu źródłowego" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:3 -msgid "Corners" -msgstr "Narożniki" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:4 -msgid "Four corners geometry engine" -msgstr "Silnik geometrii czterech narożników" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:8 -msgid "Corner 1 X" -msgstr "Narożnik 1 X" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:12 -msgid "Corner 1 Y" -msgstr "Narożnik 1 Y" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:16 -msgid "Corner 2 X" -msgstr "Narożnik 2 X" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:20 -msgid "Corner 2 Y" -msgstr "Narożnik 2 Y" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:24 -msgid "Corner 3 X" -msgstr "Narożnik 3 X" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:28 -msgid "Corner 3 Y" -msgstr "Narożnik 3 Y" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:32 -msgid "Corner 4 X" -msgstr "Narożnik 4 X" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:36 -msgid "Corner 4 Y" -msgstr "Narożnik 4 Y" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:40 -msgid "Stretch X" -msgstr "Rozciągnięcie X" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:44 -msgid "Stretch Y" -msgstr "Rozciągnięcie Y" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:48 -msgid "Feather Alpha" -msgstr "Pióro alfy" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:52 -msgid "Enable Stretch" -msgstr "Włącz rozciągnięcie" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:56 data/effects/frei0r_defish0r.xml:24 -msgid "" -"Nearest neighbor,Bilinear,Bicubic smooth,Bicubic sharp,Spline 4x4,Spline 6x6," -"Lanczos" -msgstr "" -"Najbliższy sąsiad,Dwuliniowe,Sześcienne gładkie,Dwuścienne ostre,Krzywa " -"sklejana 4x4,Krzywa sklejana 6x6,Lanczos" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:57 data/effects/frei0r_defish0r.xml:25 -msgid "Interpolator" -msgstr "Interpolator" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:61 data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:63 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:136 -msgid "Transparent Background" -msgstr "Przezroczyste tło" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:65 data/effects/rotoscoping.xml:13 -msgid "Write on clear,Maximum,Minimum,Add,Subtract" -msgstr "Pisz przy czyszczeniu,Maksimum,Minimum,Dodaj,Odejmij" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:66 -msgid "Alpha operation" -msgstr "Operacja alfa" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_cartoon.xml:4 data/effects/frei0r_cartoon.xml:15 -msgid "Cartoon" -msgstr "Kreskówka" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_cartoon.xml:5 data/effects/frei0r_cartoon.xml:16 -msgid "Cartoonify video, do a form of edge detect" -msgstr "Ukresków film, wykonaj coś na kształt wykrywania krawędzi" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_cartoon.xml:8 data/effects/frei0r_cartoon.xml:19 -msgid "Level of trip" -msgstr "Poziom odchylenia" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_cartoon.xml:11 data/effects/frei0r_cartoon.xml:22 -msgid "Difference space" -msgstr "Przestrzeń różnicy" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_cluster.xml:3 -msgid "K-Means Clustering" -msgstr "Kastrowanie K-średnimi" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_cluster.xml:4 -msgid "Clusters of a source image by color and spatial distance" -msgstr "Klastry obrazu źródłowego według kolorów i odległości w przestrzeni" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_cluster.xml:7 -msgid "Amount of clusters" -msgstr "Liczba klastrów" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_cluster.xml:10 -msgid "Weight on distance" -msgstr "Waga na odległość" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_colgate.xml:3 -msgid "White Balance (LMS space)" -msgstr "Równowaga bieli (przestrzeń LMS)" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_colgate.xml:5 -msgid "" -"Do simple color correction, in a physically meaningful\n" -"way" -msgstr "" -"Wykonaj prostą poprawkę koloru w fizycznie sensowny\n" -"sposób" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_colgate.xml:12 data/effects/movit_white_balance.xml:9 -msgid "Color Temperature" -msgstr "Temperatura kolorów" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_coloradj_rgb.xml:3 -msgid "RGB adjustment" -msgstr "Dostosowania RGB" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_coloradj_rgb.xml:4 -msgid "Simple color adjustment" -msgstr "Proste dostosowanie kolorów" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, cbR) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonSelectRects) -#: data/effects/frei0r_coloradj_rgb.xml:8 src/ui/histogram_ui.ui:30 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:733 -msgid "R" -msgstr "R" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, cbG) -#: data/effects/frei0r_coloradj_rgb.xml:12 src/ui/histogram_ui.ui:37 -msgid "G" -msgstr "G" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, cbB) -#: data/effects/frei0r_coloradj_rgb.xml:16 src/ui/histogram_ui.ui:44 -msgid "B" -msgstr "B" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_coloradj_rgb.xml:20 -msgid "Add constant,Change gamma,Multiply" -msgstr "Dodaj stałą,Zmień gammę,Pomnóż" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_coloradj_rgb.xml:21 -msgid "Action" -msgstr "Działanie" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_coloradj_rgb.xml:25 -msgid "Keep luma" -msgstr "Zachowaj lumę" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_coloradj_rgb.xml:29 -msgid "Alpha controlled" -msgstr "Sterowane alfą" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_colordistance.xml:3 -msgid "Color Distance" -msgstr "Odległość koloru" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_colordistance.xml:4 -msgid "" -"Calculates the distance between the selected color and the current pixel and " -"uses that value as new pixel value" -msgstr "" -"Oblicza odległość pomiędzy wybranym kolorem i bieżącym pikselem i używa tej " -"wartości jako wartości nowego piksela" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_colordistance.xml:7 -msgid "Source Color" -msgstr "Kolor źródłowy" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_colortap.xml:3 -msgid "Color Effect" -msgstr "Efekt barwny" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_colortap.xml:4 -msgid "Applies a pre-made color effect to image" -msgstr "Nakłada przygotowany efekt barwny na obraz" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, treeWidget) -#: data/effects/frei0r_colortap.xml:7 data/effects/frei0r_defish0r.xml:14 -#: data/effects/frei0r_iirblur.xml:14 data/effects/frei0r_medians.xml:9 -#: src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:74 src/ui/missingclips_ui.ui:67 -msgid "Type" -msgstr "Rodzaj" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_contrast0r.xml:3 data/effects/frei0r_contrast0r.xml:7 -#: data/effects/grain.xml:10 src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:209 -msgid "Contrast" -msgstr "Kontrast" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_contrast0r.xml:4 -msgid "Adjusts the contrast of a source image" -msgstr "Dostosowuje kontrast obrazu źródłowego" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:4 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:61 -msgid "Curves" -msgstr "Krzywe" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:8 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:65 -#: data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:9 data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:41 -msgid "Red,Green,Blue,Luma" -msgstr "Czerwony,Zielony,Niebieski,Luma" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:20 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:77 -msgid "Number of curve points" -msgstr "Liczba punktów krzywej" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:23 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:80 -msgid "Point 1 input value" -msgstr "Wartość wejściowa punktu 1" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:26 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:83 -msgid "Point 1 output value" -msgstr "Wartość wyjściowa punktu 1" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:29 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:86 -msgid "Point 2 input value" -msgstr "Wartość wejściowa punktu 2" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:32 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:89 -msgid "Point 2 output value" -msgstr "Wartość wyjściowa punktu 2" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:35 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:92 -msgid "Point 3 input value" -msgstr "Wartość wejściowa punktu 3" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:38 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:95 -msgid "Point 3 output value" -msgstr "Wartość wyjściowa punktu 3" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:41 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:98 -msgid "Point 4 input value" -msgstr "Wartość wejściowa punktu 4" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:44 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:101 -msgid "Point 4 output value" -msgstr "Wartość wyjściowa punktu 4" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:47 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:104 -msgid "Point 5 input value" -msgstr "Wartość wejściowa punktu 5" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:50 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:107 -msgid "Point 5 output value" -msgstr "Wartość wyjściowa punktu 5" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:53 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:110 -msgid "Show graph in picture" -msgstr "Pokaż wykres na obrazie" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:56 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:113 -#: data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:31 data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:63 -msgid "Top Left,Top Right,Bottom Left,Bottom Right" -msgstr "" -"Na górze po lewej,Na górze po prawej,Na dole po lewej,Na dole po prawej" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:57 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:114 -msgid "Graph position" -msgstr "Położenie wykresu" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_d90stairsteppingfix.xml:3 -msgid "Nikon D90 Stairstepping fix" -msgstr "Poprawka schodkowania Nikon D90" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_d90stairsteppingfix.xml:7 -msgid "" -"Removes stairstepping artifacts from Nikon D90's 720p videos.\n" -" \n" -" " -msgstr "" -"Usuwa artefakty schodków z nagrań 720p robionych przez Nikon D90 .\n" -" \n" -" " - -#: data/effects/frei0r_defish0r.xml:3 -msgid "Defish" -msgstr "Odrybianie" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_defish0r.xml:4 -msgid "Non rectilinear lens mappings" -msgstr "Nie prostokątne mapowania soczewki" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_defish0r.xml:7 data/effects/frei0r_iirblur.xml:8 -#: data/effects/frei0r_sharpness.xml:8 data/effects/movit_unsharp_mask.xml:9 -msgid "Amount" -msgstr "Krok" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_defish0r.xml:10 -msgid "DeFish" -msgstr "Odrybianie" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_defish0r.xml:13 -msgid "Equidistant,Orthographic,Equiarea,Stereographic" -msgstr "Równoodległy,Ortograficzny,Równopolowy,Stereograficzny" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_defish0r.xml:17 -msgid "Fill,Center,Fit,Manual" -msgstr "Wypełnienie,Środek,Dopasowanie,Ręczne" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, lblScaling) -#: data/effects/frei0r_defish0r.xml:18 src/effectstack/dragvalue.cpp:108 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:207 -#: src/ui/colorplaneexport_ui.ui:74 -msgid "Scaling" -msgstr "Skalowanie" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_defish0r.xml:21 -msgid "Manual Scale" -msgstr "Ręczna skala" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_defish0r.xml:28 -msgid "Square,PAL DV,NTSC DV,HDV,Manual" -msgstr "Kwadrat,PAL DV,NTSC DV,HDV,Ręcznie" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_defish0r.xml:29 -msgid "Aspect type" -msgstr "Współczynnik kształtu:" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_defish0r.xml:32 -msgid "Manual Aspect" -msgstr "Ręczny współczynnik kształtu" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_delay0r.xml:3 -msgid "delay0r" -msgstr "delay0r" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_delay0r.xml:4 -msgid "Video delay" -msgstr "Opóźnienie filmu" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_delay0r.xml:7 -msgid "Delay time" -msgstr "Czas opóźnienia" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_delaygrab.xml:3 -msgid "Delay grab" -msgstr "Opóźnienie przechwytywania" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_delaygrab.xml:4 -msgid "Delayed frame blitting mapped on a time bitmap" -msgstr "Opóźniona operacja blit zmapowana na mapie bitowej czasu" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_distort0r.xml:3 data/effects/pan_zoom.xml:10 -#: data/kdenliveeffectscategory.rc:35 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:722 -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:746 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:767 -msgid "Distort" -msgstr "Zniekształcenie" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_distort0r.xml:4 -msgid "Plasma" -msgstr "Plazma" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_distort0r.xml:7 data/effects/wave.xml:7 -msgid "Amplitude" -msgstr "Amplituda" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_distort0r.xml:10 data/effects/sox_bass.xml:10 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:249 -msgid "Frequency" -msgstr "Częstotliwość" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_edgeglow.xml:3 -msgid "Edge glow" -msgstr "Poświata krawędzi" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_edgeglow.xml:4 -msgid "Edge glow filter" -msgstr "Filtr poświaty krawędzi" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_edgeglow.xml:7 -msgid "Edge lightening threshold" -msgstr "Prób podświetlania krawędzi" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_edgeglow.xml:10 -msgid "Edge brightness upscaling multiplier" -msgstr "Mnożnik rozjaśniania krawędzi" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_edgeglow.xml:13 -msgid "Non-edge brightness downscaling multiplier" -msgstr "Mnożnik przyciemniania nie-krawędzi" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_equaliz0r.xml:3 -msgid "Equaliz0r" -msgstr "Equaliz0r" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_equaliz0r.xml:4 -msgid "Equalizes the intensity histograms" -msgstr "Wyrównuje histogramy intensywności" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facebl0r.xml:3 -msgid "Face blur" -msgstr "Rozmycie twarzy" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facebl0r.xml:4 -msgid "Automatically detect and blur a face using OpenCV" -msgstr "Samoczynnie wykrywa i zamazuje twarz przy użyciu OpenCV" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facebl0r.xml:8 data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:8 -msgid "Search scale" -msgstr "Wyszukaj skalę" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facebl0r.xml:9 data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:9 -#, no-c-format -msgid "" -"The search window scale factor. For example, 120 = 1.20 = increases by 20% " -"on each pass." -msgstr "" -"Współczynnik skali okna wyszukiwania. Na przykład, 120 = 1.20 = zwiększanie " -"o 20% każdorazowo przy przetwarzaniu." - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facebl0r.xml:13 data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:13 -msgid "Neighbors" -msgstr "Sąsiedzi" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facebl0r.xml:14 data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:14 -msgid "Minimum number of rectangles that determines an object." -msgstr "Najmniejsza liczba prostokątów określających obiekt." - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facebl0r.xml:18 data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:18 -msgid "Smallest" -msgstr "Najmniejsze" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facebl0r.xml:19 data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:19 -msgid "The minimum window size in pixels." -msgstr "Rozmiar najmniejszego okna w pikselach." - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facebl0r.xml:23 -msgid "Largest" -msgstr "Największe" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facebl0r.xml:24 -msgid "" -"The largest size face in pixels - both horizontally and vertically (square " -"window)." -msgstr "" -"Rozmiar największej twarzy w pikselach - zarówno w poziomie jak i pionie " -"(okno kwadratowe)." - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facebl0r.xml:28 data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:23 -msgid "Recheck" -msgstr "Sprawdź ponownie" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facebl0r.xml:29 data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:24 -msgid "" -"How often to detect a face. In between checks, it does object motion " -"tracking." -msgstr "" -"Jak często wykrywać twarze. Pomiędzy sprawdzeniami, dokonywane jest " -"śledzenie ruchu obiektów." - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facebl0r.xml:33 -msgid "Show ellipse" -msgstr "Pokaż elipsę" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facebl0r.xml:34 -msgid "Draw a blue ellipse around the face area?" -msgstr "Czy narysować niebieską elipsę wokół obszaru twarzy?" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:3 -msgid "Face detect" -msgstr "Wykrywanie twarzy" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:4 -msgid "Detect faces and draw shapes on them using OpenCV" -msgstr "Wyrywa twarze i rysuje na nich kształty przy użyciu OpenCV" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:28 -msgid "circle,ellipse,rectangle,random" -msgstr "okrąg,elipsa,prostokąt,losowo" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:33 -msgid "Stroke width" -msgstr "Szerokość kreski" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:34 -msgid "" -"0 means fill; otherwise, draw unfilled with a stroke width of this size." -msgstr "" -"0 oznacza wypełniona; w przeciwnym przypadku, rysowana jest niewypełniona o " -"podanej tutaj szerokości kreski." - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:38 -msgid "Alpha" -msgstr "Alfa" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:39 -msgid "" -"Set the alpha channel of the shape area to a percentage of fully opaque." -msgstr "" -"Ustawia kanał alfa obszaru kształtu na procent pełnej nieprzezroczystości." - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:43 -msgid "Antialias" -msgstr "Wygładzanie krawędzi" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:44 -msgid "Draw with anti-aliasing?" -msgstr "Narysować z wygładzaniem krawędzi?" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:50 -msgid "Color 1" -msgstr "Kolor 1" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:51 -msgid "Set the shape color of the first detected face." -msgstr "Ustak kolor kształtu pierwszej wykrytej twarzy." - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:55 -msgid "Color 2" -msgstr "Kolor 2" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:56 -msgid "Set the shape color of the second detected face." -msgstr "Ustak kolor kształtu drugiej wykrytej twarzy." - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:60 -msgid "Color 3" -msgstr "Kolor 3" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:61 -msgid "Set the shape color of the third detected face." -msgstr "Ustak kolor kształtu trzeciej wykrytej twarzy." - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:65 -msgid "Color 4" -msgstr "Kolor 4" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:66 -msgid "Set the shape color of the fourth detected face." -msgstr "Ustak kolor kształtu czwartej wykrytej twarzy." - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:70 -msgid "Color 5" -msgstr "Kolor 5" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:71 -msgid "Set the shape color of the fifth detected face." -msgstr "Ustak kolor kształtu piątej wykrytej twarzy." - -#: data/effects/frei0r_flippo.xml:3 -msgid "Flippo" -msgstr "Flippo" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_flippo.xml:4 -msgid "Flipping in X and Y axis" -msgstr "Odbijanie w osiach X i Y" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_flippo.xml:7 -msgid "X axis" -msgstr "Oś X" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_flippo.xml:10 -msgid "Y axis" -msgstr "Oś Y" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_glow.xml:3 -msgid "Glow" -msgstr "Poświata" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_glow.xml:4 -msgid "Creates a Glamorous Glow" -msgstr "Tworzy uroczą poświatę" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_glow.xml:7 data/effects/frei0r_iirblur.xml:3 -#: data/effects/frei0r_mask0mate.xml:22 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:158 -msgid "Blur" -msgstr "Rozmycie" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_hqdn3d.xml:3 -msgid "Denoiser" -msgstr "Odszumiacz" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_hqdn3d.xml:4 -msgid "High quality 3D denoiser" -msgstr "Wysokiej jakości trójwymiarowy odszumiacz" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_hqdn3d.xml:8 -msgid "Spatial" -msgstr "Przestrzenność" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_hqdn3d.xml:9 -msgid "Amount of spatial filtering" -msgstr "Ilość filtrowania przestrzennego" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_hqdn3d.xml:13 -msgid "Temporal" -msgstr "Tymczasowość" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_hqdn3d.xml:14 -msgid "Amount of temporal filtering" -msgstr "Ilość filtrowania tymczasowego" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_hueshift0r.xml:3 -msgid "Hue shift" -msgstr "Przesunięcie odcienia" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_hueshift0r.xml:4 -msgid "Shifts the hue of a source image" -msgstr "Przesuwa odcień obrazu źródłowego" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_hueshift0r.xml:7 -msgid "Hue" -msgstr "Odcień" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_iirblur.xml:4 -msgid "Blur using 2D IIR filters (Exponential, Lowpass, Gaussian)" -msgstr "" -"Rozmycie przy użyciu filtrów 2D IIR (Wykładniczego, Dolnoprzepustowego, " -"Gaussa)" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_iirblur.xml:9 -msgid "Amount of blur" -msgstr "Ilość rozmycia" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_iirblur.xml:13 -msgid "Exponential,Lowpass,Gaussian" -msgstr "Wykładniczy,Dolnoprzepustowy,Gaussa" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_iirblur.xml:15 -msgid "Select blurring algorithm" -msgstr "Wybierz algorytm zamazywania" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_iirblur.xml:19 -msgid "Edge" -msgstr "Krawędź" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_iirblur.xml:20 -msgid "Enable edge compensation" -msgstr "Włącz kompensację krawędziową" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:3 -msgid "Key Spill Mop Up" -msgstr "Starcie rozlanej klatki kluczowej" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:4 -msgid "Reduces the visibility of key color spill in chroma keying" -msgstr "" -"Zmniejsza widoczność rozlania koloru klatki kluczowej w kluczowaniu chroma" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:8 -msgid "Key color" -msgstr "Kolor klucza" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:12 -msgid "Target color" -msgstr "Kolor celu" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:16 -msgid "Color distance, Transparency, Edge inwards, Edge outwards" -msgstr "" -"Oddalenie koloru, Przezroczystość, Krawędzie do środka, Krawędzie na zewnątrz" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:17 -msgid "Mask type" -msgstr "Rodzaj maski" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:21 -msgid "Tolerance" -msgstr "Tolerancja" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:25 -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:91 -msgid "Slope" -msgstr "Nachylenie" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:29 -msgid "Hue gate" -msgstr "Brama odcienia" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:33 -msgid "Saturation threshold" -msgstr "Prób nasycenia" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:37 -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:46 -msgid "None, De-Key, Target, Desaturate, Luma adjust" -msgstr "Brak, De-Klucz, Cel, Zmniejszenie nasycenia, Dostosowanie Lumy" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:38 -msgid "Operation 1" -msgstr "Operacja 1" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:42 -msgid "Amount 1" -msgstr "Ilość 1" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:47 -msgid "Operation 2" -msgstr "Operacja 2" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:51 -msgid "Amount 2" -msgstr "Ilość 2" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:55 -msgid "Show mask" -msgstr "Pokaż maskę" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:59 -msgid "Mask to Alpha" -msgstr "Maska do alfy" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lenscorrection.xml:3 -msgid "Lens Correction" -msgstr "Poprawka soczewki" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lenscorrection.xml:4 -msgid "Allows compensation of lens distortion" -msgstr "Umożliwia kompensację zniekształcenia soczewki" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lenscorrection.xml:7 -msgid "Horizontal center" -msgstr "Środek w poziomie" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lenscorrection.xml:10 -msgid "Vertical center" -msgstr "Środek w pionie" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lenscorrection.xml:13 -msgid "Center correction" -msgstr "Poprawka środka" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lenscorrection.xml:16 -msgid "Edges correction" -msgstr "Poprawka krawędzi" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_letterb0xed.xml:3 -msgid "LetterB0xed" -msgstr "LetterB0xed" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_letterb0xed.xml:4 -msgid "Adds black borders at top and bottom for cinema look" -msgstr "Dodaj czarne pasy na górze i na dole, tak jak w kinie" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_letterb0xed.xml:7 -msgid "Border Width" -msgstr "Szerokość pasa" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: data/effects/frei0r_letterb0xed.xml:10 data/effects/frei0r_timeout.xml:13 -#: src/ui/wipeval_ui.ui:136 src/ui/wipeval_ui.ui:281 -msgid "Transparency" -msgstr "Przezroczystość" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:4 data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:36 -msgid "Levels" -msgstr "Poziomy" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:5 data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:37 -msgid "Adjust levels" -msgstr "Dostosuj poziomy" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:13 data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:45 -msgid "Input black level" -msgstr "Poziom wejściowy czerni" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:16 data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:48 -msgid "Input white level" -msgstr "Poziom wejściowy bieli" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:19 data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:51 -#: data/effects/gamma.xml:3 data/effects/gamma.xml:7 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/lumaliftgain.cpp:63 -msgid "Gamma" -msgstr "Gamma" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:22 data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:54 -msgid "Black output" -msgstr "Wynikowa czerń" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:25 data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:57 -msgid "White output" -msgstr "Wynikowa biel" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:28 data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:60 -msgid "Show histogram" -msgstr "Pokaż histogram" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:32 data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:64 -msgid "Histogram position" -msgstr "Położenie histogramu" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:4 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:77 -msgid "Light Graffiti" -msgstr "Graffiti świetlne" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:7 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:80 -msgid "" -"Light Graffiti effect.\n" -" " -msgstr "" -"Efekt graffiti świetlnego.\n" -" " - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:10 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:83 -msgid "Brightness Threshold" -msgstr "Próg jasności" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:12 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:85 -msgid "" -"R+G+B) does a pixel need to be in order to " -"be recognized as a light source?
\n" -" Increasing this threshold requires brighter light sources (i.e. " -"more white or less color, respectively) but prevents some «false alarms» " -"where semi-bright parts, e.g. hands where colors can change quite a lot " -"compared to the background, are incorrectly recognized as light source.]]>" -msgstr "" -"R+G+B) czy piksel musi być ustawiony w " -"pewnym porządku, aby być rozpoznany jako źródło światła?
\n" -" Zwiększenie wartości tego progu wymaga od źródeł światła, żeby " -"były jaśniejsze (tj. odpowiednio bardziej białe, lub mniej barwne), lecz " -"powodje niewrażliwość na niektóre «fałszywe alarmy» gdy na wpół jasne " -"obszary, np. ręce, których barwa może zmieniać się często względem tła, są " -"niepoprawnie rozpoznawane jako źródła światła.]]>" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:15 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:88 -msgid "Difference Threshold" -msgstr "Próg różnicy" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:17 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:90 -msgid "" -"max(dR, dG, dB)), in " -"order to be recognized as light source?
\n" -" Increasing this threshold makes it harder for light sources to " -"be accepted on bright backgrounds, but decreases the danger of noise or " -"generally bright spots counting as light source.]]>" -msgstr "" -"max(dR, dG, dB)), aby zostać rozpoznanym jako " -"źródło światła?
\n" -" Zwiększenie wartości tego progu, czyni trudnym rozpoznanie " -"źródeł światła na jasnych tłach, lecz zmniejsza zagrożenie szumu lub ogólnie " -"jasnych miejsc zaliczanych jako źródło światła.]]>" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:20 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:93 -msgid "Difference Sum Threshold" -msgstr "Próg sumy różnicy" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:22 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:95 -msgid "" -"relative to the " -"background image
(dR + dG + dB) have to change until a " -"pixel is recognized as a light source?
\n" -" Raising this value might, in some cases, avoid that some light " -"objects lit by the light source are added to the light mask.]]>" -msgstr "" -"względem obrazu tła (dR + dG + dB) musi się zmienić zanim piksel zostanie " -"rozpoznany jako źródło światła?
\n" -" Zwiększenie tej wartości może, w niektórych przypadkach, " -"zapobiec dodaniu do maski światła niektórych obiektów oświetlonych przez " -"źródło światła.]]>" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:25 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:98 -msgid "Sensitivity" -msgstr "Czułość" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:27 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:100 -msgid "" -"\n" -" For slowly moving light source try to use a lower sensitivity to " -"obtain a better exposure.]]>" -msgstr "" -"\n" -" Dla wolno przemieszczających się źródeł światła, spróbuj użyć " -"małej czułości, aby otrzymać lepsze naświetlenie.]]>" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:30 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:103 -msgid "Lower Overexposure" -msgstr "Niższe prześwietlenie" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:32 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:105 -msgid "" -"\n" -" The light mask does not get white immediately when the light " -"source is moving slowly or staying steady.]]>" -msgstr "" -"\n" -" Maska światła nie staje się natychmiastowo biała, gdy źródło " -"światła przemieszcza się powoli lub stoi w miejscu.]]>" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:35 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:108 -msgid "Dimming" -msgstr "Przyciemnianie" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:36 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:109 -msgid "" -"Dims the light mask. Lights will leave a fainting trail if it is set to a " -"value > 0." -msgstr "" -"Przyciemnia maskę światła. Światła będą pozostawiały zanikający ślad, jeśli " -"zostaną ustawione na wartość > 0." - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:39 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:112 -msgid "Background Weight" -msgstr "Waga tła" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:40 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:113 -msgid "" -"Strength of the (calculated) background image. Setting it to 100 paints the " -"light mask directly over the background, without the painting person in the " -"image if the video starts with a «clean» background image. (See the α " -"parameter.)" -msgstr "" -"Siła (obliczonego) obrazu w tle. Ustawienie jej na 100 rysuje jasną maskę " -"bezpośrednio na tle, bez rysowania osoby na obrazie, jeśli obraz zaczyna się " -"od obrazu tła «clean». (Zobacz parametr α.)" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:43 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:116 -msgid "α" -msgstr "α" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:45 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:118 -msgid "" -"\n" -" The Light Graffiti effect remembers the first frame of the clip " -"it is applied to, so the clip should always start with the painter " -"outside of the video. If the background constantly changes, e.g. on a " -"street, try to set α > 0 to calculate an average background image.]]>" -msgstr "" -"\n" -" Efekt graffiti świetlnego zapamiętuje pierwszą klatkę wycinka, " -"do którego jest stosowany, tak aby wycinek zawsze zaczynał się " -"start z malarzem poza obrazem. Jeśli tło ciągle się zmienia, np. na ulicy, " -"spróbuj ustawić α > 0, aby obliczyć uśredniony obraz tła.]]>" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:48 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:121 -#: data/effects/frei0r_saturat0r.xml:3 data/effects/frei0r_saturat0r.xml:7 -#: data/effects/movit_saturation.xml:6 -msgid "Saturation" -msgstr "Nasycenie" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:49 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:122 -msgid "Increases the saturation of lights." -msgstr "Zwiększa nasycenie świateł." - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:52 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:125 -msgid "Show brightness statistics" -msgstr "Pokaż statystyki jasności" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:54 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:127 -msgid "" -"\n" -" Example: To adjust the brightness threshold, check this box and " -"adjust the threshold until the whole light source is highlighted. Repeat the " -"same with the other parameters. Only parts that are highlighted in all thresholds will count as light source.]]>" -msgstr "" -"\n" -" Przykład: Aby dostosować próg jasności, zaznacz to pole i " -"dopasuj próg do chwili podświetlenia źródła światła w całości. Czynność tę " -"powtórz z innymi wartościami. Do źródeł światła zostaną zaliczone obszary, " -"które zostaną podświetlone we wszystkich progach.]]>" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:57 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:130 -msgid "Show background difference statistics" -msgstr "Pokaż statystykę różnic tła" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:60 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:133 -msgid "Show background difference sum statistics" -msgstr "Pokaż statystykę sum różnic tła" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:64 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:137 -msgid "" -"Makes the background transparent, allowing to apply a composite effect and " -"paint the light mask over a completely different video." -msgstr "" -"Czyni tło przezroczystym, umożliwiając nałożenie efektu kompozycji i " -"narysowanie maski światła na całkowicie innym filmie." - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:67 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:140 -msgid "Nonlinear dimming" -msgstr "Nieliniowe przyciemnianie" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:68 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:141 -msgid "If normal dimming does not look natural enough, try this one." -msgstr "" -"Jeśli normalne przyciemnianie nie wygląda wystarczająco naturalnie, wypróbuj " -"to." - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:71 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:144 -#: src/effectstack/geometryval.cpp:95 src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:86 -msgid "Reset" -msgstr "Wyzeruj" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:72 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:145 -msgid "" -"Resets the light mask and the background image. This is necessary e.g. if " -"you apply this effect to a clip in the timeline and then move the timeline " -"cursor from outside of the clip to the middle of it. The effect receives " -"this frame in the middle as first frame and uses it as background image. For " -"proper threshold adjusting move the timeline cursor to the beginning of the " -"clip, check the Reset box and uncheck it again." -msgstr "" -"Zeruje maskę światła i obraz tła. Jest to niezbędne, np. gdy stosujesz ten " -"efekt na wycinku leżącym na osi czasu, a następnie przesuniesz wskaźnik osi " -"czasu spoza wycinka na jego środek. Efekt ten ustawia klatkę ze środka jako " -"pierwszą klatkę i używa jej jako obrazu tła. Dla poprawnego dostosowania " -"progu, przesuń wskaźnik osi czasu na początek wycinka, zaznacz pole Zeruj, a " -"następnie je odznacz." - -#: data/effects/frei0r_luminance.xml:3 -msgid "Luminance" -msgstr "Luminancja" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_luminance.xml:4 -msgid "Creates a luminance map of the image" -msgstr "Tworzy mapę luminancji dla obrazu" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_mask0mate.xml:3 -msgid "Mask0Mate" -msgstr "Mask0Mate" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_mask0mate.xml:4 -msgid "Creates an square alpha-channel mask" -msgstr "Tworzy kwadratową maskę kanału alfa" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_medians.xml:3 -msgid "Medians" -msgstr "Mediany" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_medians.xml:4 -msgid "Implements several median-type filters" -msgstr "Implementuje kilka filtrów mediany" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_medians.xml:8 -msgid "" -"Cross5,Square3x3,Bilevel,Diamond3x3,Square5x5,Temp3,Temp5,ArceBI,ML3D,ML3dEX," -"VarSize" -msgstr "" -"Cross5,Square3x3,Bilevel,Diamond3x3,Square5x5,Temp3,Temp5,ArceBI,ML3D,ML3dEX," -"VarSize" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_5) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, import_size) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_20) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, treeWidget) -#: data/effects/frei0r_medians.xml:13 data/effects/frei0r_sharpness.xml:12 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:208 -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:563 src/ui/importkeyframesdialog_ui.ui:73 -#: src/ui/managecaptures_ui.ui:40 src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:201 -msgid "Size" -msgstr "Rozmiar" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_nervous.xml:3 -msgid "Nervous" -msgstr "Nerwowy" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_nervous.xml:4 -msgid "Flushes frames in time in a nervous way" -msgstr "Czyści klatki w czasie w nerwowy sposób" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_nosync0r.xml:3 -msgid "nosync0r" -msgstr "nosync0r" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_nosync0r.xml:4 -msgid "Broken TV" -msgstr "Uszkodzony TV" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_nosync0r.xml:7 -msgid "HSync" -msgstr "Synchronizacja w poziomie" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pixeliz0r.xml:3 -msgid "Pixelize" -msgstr "Pikselizacja" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pixeliz0r.xml:4 -msgid "Pixelize input image." -msgstr "Pikselizacja obrazu wejściowego." - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pixeliz0r.xml:7 -msgid "Block Size X" -msgstr "Rozmiar bloku X" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pixeliz0r.xml:10 -msgid "Block Size Y" -msgstr "Rozmiar bloku Y" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0be.xml:3 -msgid "pr0be" -msgstr "pr0be" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0be.xml:4 -msgid "Measure video values" -msgstr "Pomierz wartości obrazu" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0be.xml:8 -msgid "RGB,Y'PbPr - rec. 601,Y'PbPr - rec. 709,HSV,HSL" -msgstr "RGB,Y'PbPr - rec. 601,Y'PbPr - rec. 709,HSV,HSL" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0be.xml:9 -msgid "Measurement" -msgstr "Pomiar" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0be.xml:13 data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:8 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/bezier/beziersplinewidget.cpp:56 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/bezier/beziersplinewidget.cpp:60 -#: src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:144 -msgid "X" -msgstr "X" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_5) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, cbY) -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0be.xml:17 data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:12 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/bezier/beziersplinewidget.cpp:58 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/bezier/beziersplinewidget.cpp:62 -#: src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:164 src/ui/histogram_ui.ui:23 -msgid "Y" -msgstr "Y" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0be.xml:21 -msgid "X size" -msgstr "Rozmiar X" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0be.xml:25 -msgid "Y size" -msgstr "Rozmiar Y" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0be.xml:29 data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:81 -msgid "256 scale" -msgstr "Skala 256" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0be.xml:33 -msgid "Show alpha" -msgstr "Pokaż alfę" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0be.xml:37 -msgid "Big window" -msgstr "Duże okno" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:3 -msgid "pr0file" -msgstr "pr0file" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:4 -msgid "2D video oscilloscope" -msgstr "Dwuwymiarowy oscyloskop obrazu" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:20 -msgid "Length" -msgstr "Długość" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:24 -msgid "R,G,B,Y',Pr,Pb,Alpha" -msgstr "R,G,B,Y',Pr,Pb,Alfa" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:29 -msgid "Marker 1" -msgstr "Znacznik 1" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:33 -msgid "Marker 2" -msgstr "Znacznik 2" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:37 -msgid "R trace" -msgstr "Ślad R" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:41 -msgid "G trace" -msgstr "Ślad G" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:45 -msgid "B trace" -msgstr "Ślad B" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:49 -msgid "Y trace" -msgstr "Ślad Y" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:53 -msgid "Pr trace" -msgstr "Ślad Pr" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:57 -msgid "Pb trace" -msgstr "Ślad Pb" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:61 -msgid "Alpha trace" -msgstr "Ślad alfa" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:65 -msgid "Display average" -msgstr "Wyświetl średnią" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:69 -msgid "Display RMS" -msgstr "Wyświetl RMS" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:73 -msgid "Display minimum" -msgstr "Wyświetl najmniejszą" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:77 -msgid "Display maximum" -msgstr "Wyświetl największą" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:85 -msgid "CCIR rec. 601,CCIR rec. 709" -msgstr "CCIR rec. 601,CCIR rec. 709" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_13) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, background_list) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_9) -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:86 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:156 -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:176 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:182 -#: src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:197 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:944 -msgid "Color" -msgstr "Kolor" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:90 -msgid "Crosshair color" -msgstr "Kolor wskaźnika" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_primaries.xml:3 -msgid "Primaries" -msgstr "Podstawowe" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_primaries.xml:4 -msgid "Reduce image to primary colors" -msgstr "Ogranicz kolory na obrazie do podstawowych" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_primaries.xml:7 data/effects/sox_stretch.xml:7 -msgid "Factor" -msgstr "Współczynnik" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_primaries.xml:8 -msgid " 32 = 0]]>" -msgstr " 32 = 0]]>" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QWidget, RGBParade_UI) -#: data/effects/frei0r_rgbparade.xml:3 src/scopes/scopemanager.cpp:308 -#: src/ui/rgbparade_ui.ui:14 -msgid "RGB Parade" -msgstr "Pokaz RGB" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_rgbparade.xml:4 -msgid "Display a histogram of R, G and B components of the video data" -msgstr "Wyświetl histogram składników R, G oraz B danych obrazu" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_saturat0r.xml:4 -msgid "Adjusts the saturation of a source image" -msgstr "Dostosowuje nasycenie obrazu źródła" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_scale0tilt.xml:3 -msgid "Crop, Scale and Position" -msgstr "Przytnij, Przeskaluj i Wyrównaj" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_scale0tilt.xml:4 -msgid "Scales, Tilts and Crops an Image" -msgstr "Skaluje, Pochyla i Przycina obraz" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_scale0tilt.xml:7 -msgid "Clip left" -msgstr "Przytnij po lewej" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_scale0tilt.xml:10 -msgid "Clip right" -msgstr "Przytnij po prawej" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_scale0tilt.xml:13 -msgid "Clip top" -msgstr "Przytnij z góry" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_scale0tilt.xml:16 -msgid "Clip bottom" -msgstr "Przytnij z dołu" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_scale0tilt.xml:19 -msgid "Scale X" -msgstr "Skalowanie X" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_scale0tilt.xml:22 -msgid "Scale Y" -msgstr "Skalowanie Y" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_scale0tilt.xml:25 -msgid "Tilt X" -msgstr "Odchylenie X" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_scale0tilt.xml:28 -msgid "Tilt Y" -msgstr "Odchylenie Y" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_scanline0r.xml:3 -msgid "scanline0r" -msgstr "scanline0r" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_scanline0r.xml:4 -msgid "Interlaced black lines" -msgstr "Przeplatane czarne linie" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:4 data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:51 -msgid "Color Selection" -msgstr "Zaznaczanie koloru" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:5 data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:52 -msgid "Color based alpha selection" -msgstr "Zaznaczanie alfa na podstawie koloru" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:9 data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:56 -msgid "Color to select" -msgstr "Kolor do zaznaczenia" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:13 data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:60 -msgid "Invert selection" -msgstr "Odwróć zaznaczenie" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:17 data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:79 -msgid "Delta R / A / Hue" -msgstr "Delta R / A / Odcień" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:21 data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:83 -msgid "Delta G / B / Chroma" -msgstr "Delta G / B / Chroma" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:25 data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:87 -msgid "Delta B / I / I" -msgstr "Delta B / I / I" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:29 data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:64 -msgid "RGB,ABI,HCI" -msgstr "RGB,ABI,HCI" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:30 data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:65 -msgid "Selection subspace" -msgstr "Podprzestrzeń zaznaczenia" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:34 data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:69 -msgid "Box,Ellipsoid,Diamond" -msgstr "Pole,Elipsoid,Diament" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:35 data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:70 -msgid "Subspace shape" -msgstr "Kształt podprzestrzeni" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:39 -msgid "Hard,Fat,Normal,Skinny" -msgstr "Twardy,Tłusty,Normalny,Chudy" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:40 data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:75 -msgid "Edge mode" -msgstr "Tryb krawędzi" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:74 -msgid "Hard,Fat,Normal,Skinny,Slope" -msgstr "Twardy,Tłusty,Normalny,Chudy,Nachylenie" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sharpness.xml:3 -msgid "Sharpen" -msgstr "Wyostrz" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sharpness.xml:4 -msgid "Unsharp masking (port from Mplayer)" -msgstr "Maska wyostrzania (przeniesiona z Mplayer)" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sobel.xml:3 -msgid "Sobel" -msgstr "Sobel" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sobel.xml:4 -msgid "Sobel filter" -msgstr "Filtr Sobel" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:4 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:59 -msgid "SOP/Sat" -msgstr "SOP/Sat" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:5 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:60 -msgid "" -"Changes Slope, Offset, and Power of the color components, and the overall " -"Saturation, according to the ASC CDL (Color Decision List)." -msgstr "" -"Zmienia nachylenie, przesunięcie i potęgę składników koloru oraz ogólne " -"nasycenie, według ASC CDL (Color Decision List)." - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:8 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:63 -msgid "Slope Red" -msgstr "Nachylenie czerwonego" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:10 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:65 -msgid "" -"\n" -" All effects can be observed well when applied on a greyscale " -"gradient and looking at the RGB Parade monitor.]]>" -msgstr "" -"\n" -" Wszystkie efekty można dobrze zaobserwować, gdy zostaną " -"zastosowane na gradient odcieni szarości i wyświetlone na monitorze RGB " -"Parade.]]>" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:13 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:68 -msgid "Slope Green" -msgstr "Nachylenie zielonego" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:16 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:71 -msgid "Slope Blue" -msgstr "Nachylenie niebieskiego" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:19 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:74 -msgid "Slope Alpha" -msgstr "Nachylenie alfy" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:23 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:78 -msgid "Offset Red" -msgstr "Odsunięcie czerwonego" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:24 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:79 -msgid "" -"Changing the offset lifts (or lowers) the brightness of each pixel by the " -"given value." -msgstr "" -"Zmiana przesunięcia zwiększa (lub zmniejsza) jasność każdego piksela o daną " -"wartość." - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:27 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:82 -msgid "Offset Green" -msgstr "Odsunięcie zielonego" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:30 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:85 -msgid "Offset Blue" -msgstr "Odsunięcie niebieskiego" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:33 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:88 -msgid "Offset Alpha" -msgstr "Odsunięcie alfy" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:37 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:92 -msgid "Power Red" -msgstr "Potęga czerwonego" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:39 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:94 -msgid "" -"\n" -" Mathematically, what happens is an exponentiation of the " -"pixel brightness on [0,1] by the gamma value.]]>" -msgstr "" -"\n" -" Matematycznie rzecz ujmując, jest to potęgowanie jasności " -"piksela o wartość [0,1] przez wartość gamma.]]>" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:42 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:97 -msgid "Power Green" -msgstr "Potęga zielonego" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:45 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:100 -msgid "Power Blue" -msgstr "Potęga niebieskiego" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:48 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:103 -msgid "Power Alpha" -msgstr "Potęga alfy" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:52 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:107 -msgid "Overall Saturation" -msgstr "Całkowite nasycenie" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:53 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:108 -msgid "The overall saturation will be changed in the last step of this filter." -msgstr "Całkowite nasycenie zostanie zmienione w ostatnim kroku tego filtra." - -#: data/effects/frei0r_squareblur.xml:3 -msgid "Square Blur" -msgstr "Rozmycie kwadratowe" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_squareblur.xml:4 -msgid "Square blur" -msgstr "Rozmycie kwadratowe" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_squareblur.xml:7 -msgid "Kernel size" -msgstr "Rozmiar jądra" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_tehroxx0r.xml:3 -msgid "TehRoxx0r" -msgstr "TehRoxx0r" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_tehroxx0r.xml:4 -msgid "Something videowall-ish" -msgstr "Coś jakby ściana wideo" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_tehroxx0r.xml:7 -msgid "Interval" -msgstr "Odstęp" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_three_point_balance.xml:3 -msgid "3 point balance" -msgstr "Trójpunktowa równowaga" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_three_point_balance.xml:4 -msgid "Balances colors along with 3 points" -msgstr "Równowaga kolorów na podstawie 3-ech punktów" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_three_point_balance.xml:7 -msgid "Black color" -msgstr "Kolor czarny" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_three_point_balance.xml:10 -msgid "Gray color" -msgstr "Kolor szary" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_three_point_balance.xml:13 -msgid "White color" -msgstr "Kolor biały" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_three_point_balance.xml:16 -msgid "Split screen preview" -msgstr "Podgląd podzielonego ekranu" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_three_point_balance.xml:19 -msgid "Source image on left side" -msgstr "Obraz źródłowy po lewej stronie" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_threelay0r.xml:3 -msgid "threelay0r" -msgstr "threelay0r" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_threelay0r.xml:4 -msgid "Dynamic 3-level thresholding" -msgstr "Dynamiczne trójpoziomowe stopniowanie" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_threshold0r.xml:3 -msgid "Threshold0r" -msgstr "Threshold0r" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_threshold0r.xml:4 -msgid "Thresholds a source image" -msgstr "Stopniuje obraz źródłowy" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_timeout.xml:4 -msgid "Timeout indicator" -msgstr "Wskaźnik upłynięcia czasu" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_timeout.xml:7 -msgid "Indicator color" -msgstr "Barwa wskaźnika" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, markers_list) -#: data/effects/frei0r_timeout.xml:10 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:427 -msgid "Time" -msgstr "Czas" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_tint0r.xml:3 -msgid "Tint" -msgstr "Zabarw" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_tint0r.xml:4 -msgid "Maps source image luminance between two colors specified" -msgstr "Mapuje luminancję obrazu źródłowego pomiędzy dwoma danymi barwami" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_tint0r.xml:7 -msgid "Map black to" -msgstr "Mapuj czarny do" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_tint0r.xml:10 -msgid "Map white to" -msgstr "Mapuj biały do" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_tint0r.xml:13 -msgid "Tint amount" -msgstr "Ilość zabarwienia" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_twolay0r.xml:3 -msgid "twolay0r" -msgstr "twolay0r" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_twolay0r.xml:4 -msgid "Dynamic thresholding" -msgstr "Dynamiczne stopniowanie" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_vectorscope.xml:3 src/scopes/scopemanager.cpp:306 -msgid "Vectorscope" -msgstr "Wektoroskop" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_vectorscope.xml:4 -msgid "Display a vectorscope of the video data" -msgstr "Wyświetla wektoroskop danych filmu" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_vertigo.xml:4 data/effects/frei0r_vertigo.xml:15 -msgid "Vertigo" -msgstr "Zawrót głowy" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_vertigo.xml:5 data/effects/frei0r_vertigo.xml:16 -msgid "Alpha blending with zoomed and rotated images" -msgstr "Przenikanie alfa przy użyciu powiększonych i obróconych obrazów" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_vertigo.xml:8 data/effects/frei0r_vertigo.xml:19 -msgid "Phase Increment" -msgstr "Krok fazy" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_vertigo.xml:11 data/effects/frei0r_vertigo.xml:22 -msgid "Zoom Rate" -msgstr "Krok powiększenia" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_vignette.xml:3 -msgid "Vignette" -msgstr "Winieta" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_vignette.xml:4 -msgid "Natural lens vignetting effect" -msgstr "Efekt winietowania naturalną soczewką" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_vignette.xml:7 -msgid "Aspect ratio" -msgstr "Współczynnik kształtu" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_vignette.xml:10 -msgid "Clear center size" -msgstr "Wyczyść rozmiar środkowy" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_softness) -#: data/effects/frei0r_vignette.xml:13 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:709 -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:302 src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:220 -msgid "Softness" -msgstr "Miękkość" - -#: data/effects/gain.xml:3 data/effects/gain.xml:7 data/effects/mute.xml:7 -#: data/effects/normalise.xml:7 data/effects/sox_bass.xml:7 -#: data/effects/sox_gain.xml:7 data/effects/volume.xml:7 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/lumaliftgain.cpp:65 -msgid "Gain" -msgstr "Wzmocnienie" - -#: data/effects/gain.xml:4 -msgid "Adjust the audio volume without keyframes" -msgstr "Dostosuj głośność dźwięku bez klatek kluczowych" - -#: data/effects/gamma.xml:4 -msgid "Change gamma color value" -msgstr "Zmień wartość gammy koloru" - -#: data/effects/grain.xml:3 -msgid "Grain" -msgstr "Ziarno" - -#: data/effects/grain.xml:4 -msgid "Grain over the image" -msgstr "Wzmocnienie obrazu" - -#: data/effects/grain.xml:7 data/effects/movit_deconvolution_sharpen.xml:18 -#: plugins/sampleplugin/sampleplugin.cpp:34 -#: plugins/sampleplugin/sampleplugin.cpp:42 -#: plugins/sampleplugin/sampleplugin.cpp:54 -#: plugins/sampleplugin/sampleplugin.cpp:78 -msgid "Noise" -msgstr "Szum" - -#: data/effects/greyscale.xml:3 -msgid "Greyscale" -msgstr "Skala szarości" - -#: data/effects/greyscale.xml:4 -msgid "Discard color information" -msgstr "Porzuć informacje o kolorze" - -#: data/effects/invert.xml:4 -msgid "Invert colors" -msgstr "Odwróć kolory" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_declipper.xml:3 -msgid "Declipper" -msgstr "Usunięcie przycięcia" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_declipper.xml:4 -msgid "LADSPA declipper audio effect" -msgstr "Efekt dźwiękowy usuwanie przycięcia LADSPA" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer.xml:3 -msgid "Equalizer" -msgstr "Korektor graficzny" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer.xml:4 -msgid "LADSPA equalizer audio effect" -msgstr "Efekt dźwiękowy korektora graficznego LADSPA" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer.xml:7 -msgid "Lo gain" -msgstr "Wzmocnienie niskich" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer.xml:10 -msgid "Mid gain" -msgstr "Wzmocnienie średnich" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer.xml:13 -msgid "Hi gain" -msgstr "Wzmocnienie wysokich" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:3 -msgid "15 Band Equalizer" -msgstr "15 pasmowy korektor graficzny" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:4 -msgid "LADSPA equalizer audio effect (15 band)" -msgstr "Efekt dźwiękowy korektora graficznego (15 pasmowego)" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:7 -msgid "50 Hz" -msgstr "50 Hz" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:10 -msgid "100 Hz" -msgstr "100 Hz" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:13 -msgid "156 Hz" -msgstr "156 Hz" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:16 -msgid "220 Hz" -msgstr "220 Hz" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:19 -msgid "311 Hz" -msgstr "311 Hz" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:22 -msgid "440 Hz" -msgstr "440 Hz" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:25 -msgid "622 Hz" -msgstr "622 Hz" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:28 -msgid "880 Hz" -msgstr "880 Hz" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:31 -msgid "1250 Hz" -msgstr "1250 Hz" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:34 -msgid "1750 Hz" -msgstr "1750 Hz" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:37 -msgid "2500 Hz" -msgstr "2500 Hz" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:40 -msgid "3500 Hz" -msgstr "3500 Hz" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:43 -msgid "5000 Hz" -msgstr "5000 Hz" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:46 -msgid "10000 Hz" -msgstr "10000 Hz" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:49 -msgid "20000 Hz" -msgstr "20000 Hz" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_limiter.xml:3 -msgid "Limiter" -msgstr "Ogranicznik" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_limiter.xml:4 -msgid "LADSPA limiter audio effect" -msgstr "Efekt dźwiękowy ogranicznika LADSPA" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_limiter.xml:7 -msgid "Input gain (dB)" -msgstr "Wzmocnienie na wejściu (dB)" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_limiter.xml:10 -msgid "Limit (dB)" -msgstr "Ograniczenie (dB)" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_limiter.xml:13 -msgid "Release time (s)" -msgstr "Czas uwolnienia (s)" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_phaser.xml:3 -msgid "Phaser" -msgstr "Fazer" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_phaser.xml:4 -msgid "LADSPA phaser audio effect" -msgstr "Efekt dźwiękowy fazera LADSPA" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_phaser.xml:7 -msgid "Rate (Hz)" -msgstr "Częstotliwość (Hz)" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_phaser.xml:10 data/effects/sox_flanger.xml:10 -msgid "Depth" -msgstr "Głębia" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_phaser.xml:13 -msgid "Feedback" -msgstr "Informacja zwrotna" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_phaser.xml:16 -msgid "Spread" -msgstr "Rozpiętość" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_pitch.xml:3 -msgid "Pitch Shift" -msgstr "Przesunięcie tonu" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_pitch.xml:4 -msgid "LADSPA change pitch audio effect" -msgstr "Efekt dźwiękowy zmiany tonu LADSPA" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_pitch.xml:7 data/effects/sox_pitch.xml:7 -msgid "Shift" -msgstr "Przesunięcie" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_pitch_scale.xml:3 -msgid "Pitch Scaler" -msgstr "Skalowanie tonu" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_pitch_scale.xml:4 -msgid "LADSPA pitch scale audio effect" -msgstr "Efekt dźwiękowy przeskalowania tonu LADSPA" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_pitch_scale.xml:7 -msgid "Co-efficient" -msgstr "Współczynnik" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_rate_scale.xml:3 -msgid "Rate Scaler" -msgstr "Skalowanie próbkowania" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_rate_scale.xml:4 -msgid "LADSPA rate scale audio effect" -msgstr "Efekt dźwiękowy przeskalowania częstotliwości LADSPA" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_rate_scale.xml:7 -msgid "Rate" -msgstr "Częstotliwość" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_reverb.xml:3 -msgid "Reverb" -msgstr "Pogłos" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_reverb.xml:4 -msgid "LADSPA reverb audio effect" -msgstr "Efekt dźwiękowy pogłosu LADSPA" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_reverb.xml:7 -msgid "Reverb time" -msgstr "Czas pogłosu" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_reverb.xml:10 data/effects/ladspa_room_reverb.xml:13 -msgid "Damping" -msgstr "Tłumienie" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_room_reverb.xml:3 -msgid "Room Reverb" -msgstr "Pogłos pokoju" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_room_reverb.xml:4 -msgid "LADSPA room reverb audio effect" -msgstr "Efekt dźwiękowy pogłosu pokoju LADSPA" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_room_reverb.xml:7 -msgid "Room size (m)" -msgstr "Rozmiar pokoju (m)" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_room_reverb.xml:10 -msgid "Delay (s/10)" -msgstr "Opóźnienie (s/10)" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_vinyl.xml:3 -msgid "Vinyl" -msgstr "Winyl" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_vinyl.xml:4 -msgid "Simulates a vinyl audio player - LADSPA audio effect" -msgstr "Symuluje winylowy odtwarzacz dźwiękowy - efekt audio LADSPA" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_vinyl.xml:7 src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:166 -msgid "Year" -msgstr "Rok" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_vinyl.xml:10 -msgid "RPM" -msgstr "RPM" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_vinyl.xml:13 -msgid "Surface warping" -msgstr "Zawijanie powierzchni" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_vinyl.xml:16 -msgid "Crackle" -msgstr "Trzaski" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_vinyl.xml:19 -msgid "Wear" -msgstr "Zużycie" - -#: data/effects/lift_gamma_gain.xml:3 -msgid "Lift/gamma/gain" -msgstr "Podniesienie/gamma/wzmocnienie" - -#: data/effects/lift_gamma_gain.xml:6 data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain.xml:6 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain2.xml:6 -msgid "Lift: Red" -msgstr "Podniesienie: Czerwony" - -#: data/effects/lift_gamma_gain.xml:9 data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain.xml:9 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain2.xml:9 -msgid "Lift: Green" -msgstr "Podniesienie: Zielony" - -#: data/effects/lift_gamma_gain.xml:12 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain.xml:12 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain2.xml:12 -msgid "Lift: Blue" -msgstr "Podniesienie: Niebieski" - -#: data/effects/lift_gamma_gain.xml:15 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain.xml:15 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain2.xml:15 -msgid "Gamma: Red" -msgstr "Gamma: Czerwony" - -#: data/effects/lift_gamma_gain.xml:18 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain.xml:18 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain2.xml:18 -msgid "Gamma: Green" -msgstr "Gamma: Zielony" - -#: data/effects/lift_gamma_gain.xml:21 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain.xml:21 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain2.xml:21 -msgid "Gamma: Blue" -msgstr "Gamma: Niebieski" - -#: data/effects/lift_gamma_gain.xml:24 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain.xml:24 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain2.xml:24 -msgid "Gain: Red" -msgstr "Wzmocnienie: Czerwony" - -#: data/effects/lift_gamma_gain.xml:27 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain.xml:27 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain2.xml:27 -msgid "Gain: Green" -msgstr "Wzmocnienie: Zielony" - -#: data/effects/lift_gamma_gain.xml:30 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain.xml:30 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain2.xml:30 -msgid "Gain: Blue" -msgstr "Wzmocnienie: Niebieski" - -#: data/effects/loudness.xml:3 -msgid "Loudness" -msgstr "Głośność" - -#: data/effects/loudness.xml:4 -msgid "Correct audio loudness as recommended by EBU R128" -msgstr "Poprawka głośności dźwięku według zaleceń EBU R128" - -#: data/effects/loudness.xml:7 -msgid "Target Program Loudness" -msgstr "Głośność programu docelowego" - -#: data/effects/mirror.xml:3 -msgid "Mirror" -msgstr "Lustro" - -#: data/effects/mirror.xml:4 -msgid "Flip your image in any direction" -msgstr "Odbij swój obraz w dowolnym kierunku" - -#: data/effects/mirror.xml:7 -msgid "Horizontal,Vertical,Diagonal,X Diagonal,Flip,Flop" -msgstr "Poziomo,Pionowo,Po przekątnej,Po przekątnej X,Odpicie,Flop" - -#: data/effects/mirror.xml:8 -msgid "Mirroring direction" -msgstr "Kierunek lustra" - -#: data/effects/movit_blur.xml:3 -msgid "Blur (GPU)" -msgstr "Rozmycie (GPU)" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_6) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_8) -#: data/effects/movit_blur.xml:6 data/effects/movit_diffusion.xml:6 -#: data/effects/movit_glow.xml:6 data/effects/movit_unsharp_mask.xml:6 -#: data/effects/movit_vignette.xml:6 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:891 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:915 -msgid "Radius" -msgstr "Promień" - -#: data/effects/movit_deconvolution_sharpen.xml:3 -msgid "Deconvolution sharpen (GPU)" -msgstr "Wyostrzenie rozplotu (GPU)" - -#: data/effects/movit_deconvolution_sharpen.xml:6 -msgid "Matrix size" -msgstr "Rozmiar macierzy" - -#: data/effects/movit_deconvolution_sharpen.xml:9 -msgid "Circle radius" -msgstr "Promień okręgu" - -#: data/effects/movit_deconvolution_sharpen.xml:12 -msgid "Gaussian radius" -msgstr "Promień Gaussa" - -#: data/effects/movit_deconvolution_sharpen.xml:15 -msgid "Correlation" -msgstr "Korelacja" - -#: data/effects/movit_diffusion.xml:3 -msgid "Diffusion (GPU)" -msgstr "Dyfuzja (GPU)" - -#: data/effects/movit_diffusion.xml:9 -msgid "Mix amount" -msgstr "Stopień mieszania" - -#: data/effects/movit_glow.xml:3 -msgid "Glow (GPU)" -msgstr "Poświata (GPU)" - -#: data/effects/movit_glow.xml:9 -msgid "Glow strength" -msgstr "Siła poświaty" - -#: data/effects/movit_glow.xml:12 -msgid "Highlight cutoff threshold" -msgstr "Próg odcinania podświetlenia" - -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain.xml:3 -msgid "Lift/gamma/gain (GPU)" -msgstr "Podniesienie/gamma/wzmocnienie (GPU)" - -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain2.xml:3 -msgid "Movit: Lift/gamma/gain (colors)" -msgstr "Movit: Podniesienie/gamma/wzmocnienie (barwy)" - -#: data/effects/movit_mirror.xml:3 -msgid "Mirror (GPU)" -msgstr "Lustro (GPU)" - -#: data/effects/movit_opacity.xml:3 -msgid "Opacity (GPU)" -msgstr "Nieprzezroczystość (GPU)" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_opacity) -#: data/effects/movit_opacity.xml:6 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:211 src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:113 -msgid "Opacity" -msgstr "Nieprzezroczystość" - -#: data/effects/movit_rect.xml:3 -msgid "Pan and Zoom (GPU)" -msgstr "Przesuń i zbliż (GPU)" - -#: data/effects/movit_rect.xml:9 -msgid "Allow upscale" -msgstr "Zezwól na powiększanie" - -#: data/effects/movit_saturation.xml:3 -msgid "Saturation (GPU)" -msgstr "Nasycenie (GPU)" - -#: data/effects/movit_unsharp_mask.xml:3 -msgid "Unsharp mask (GPU)" -msgstr "Maska wyostrzająca (GPU)" - -#: data/effects/movit_vignette.xml:3 -msgid "Vignette (GPU)" -msgstr "Winieta (GPU)" - -#: data/effects/movit_vignette.xml:9 -msgid "Inner radius" -msgstr "Wewnętrzny promień" - -#: data/effects/movit_white_balance.xml:3 -msgid "White Balance (GPU)" -msgstr "Równowaga bieli (GPU)" - -#: data/effects/mute.xml:3 -msgid "Mute" -msgstr "Wycisz" - -#: data/effects/mute.xml:4 -msgid "Mute clip" -msgstr "Wycisz wycinek" - -#: data/effects/normalise.xml:3 -msgid "Normalise" -msgstr "Normalizuj" - -#: data/effects/normalise.xml:4 -msgid "Dynamically normalise the audio volume" -msgstr "Dynamicznie znormalizuj głośność dźwięku" - -#: data/effects/normalise.xml:10 -msgid "Maximum gain" -msgstr "Najwyższe wzmocnienie" - -#: data/effects/normalise.xml:13 data/effects/sox_stretch.xml:10 -msgid "Window" -msgstr "Okno" - -#: data/effects/obscure.xml:4 -msgid "Hide a region of the clip" -msgstr "Ukryj region wycinka" - -#: data/effects/obscure.xml:7 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:760 -msgid "Region" -msgstr "Region" - -#: data/effects/oldfilm.xml:3 -msgid "Oldfilm" -msgstr "Stary film" - -#: data/effects/oldfilm.xml:4 -msgid "Moves the Picture up and down and random brightness change" -msgstr "Przesuwa zdjęcie do góry i na dół oraz losowo zmienia jasność" - -#: data/effects/oldfilm.xml:7 -msgid "Y-Delta" -msgstr "Y-Delta" - -#: data/effects/oldfilm.xml:10 -#, no-c-format -msgid "% of picture have a delta" -msgstr "% obrazu ma deltę" - -#: data/effects/oldfilm.xml:13 -msgid "Brightness up" -msgstr "Rozjaśnij" - -#: data/effects/oldfilm.xml:16 -msgid "Brightness down" -msgstr "Ściemnij" - -#: data/effects/oldfilm.xml:19 -msgid "Brightness every" -msgstr "Rozjaśnij każde" - -#: data/effects/oldfilm.xml:22 -msgid "Unevendevelop up" -msgstr "Nierówno rozwiń w górę" - -#: data/effects/oldfilm.xml:25 -msgid "Unevendevelop down" -msgstr "Nierówno rozwiń w dół" - -#: data/effects/oldfilm.xml:28 -msgid "Unevendevelop Duration" -msgstr "Czas trwania nierównego rozwinięcia" - -#: data/effects/pan_zoom.xml:3 data/effects/region.xml:10 -#: data/effects/rotation.xml:37 -msgid "Pan and Zoom" -msgstr "Przesuń i zbliż" - -#: data/effects/pan_zoom.xml:4 -msgid "Adjust size and position of clip" -msgstr "Dostosuj rozmiar i położenie wycinka" - -#: data/effects/region.xml:3 -msgid "Regionalize" -msgstr "Regionalizuj" - -#: data/effects/region.xml:4 -msgid "Apply sub-effects to a region defined by a clip's alpha channel" -msgstr "Zastosuj podefekty do regionu określonego przez kanał alfa wycinka" - -#: data/effects/region.xml:7 -msgid "Url" -msgstr "Adres URL" - -#: data/effects/rotation.xml:3 -msgid "Rotate and Shear" -msgstr "Obróć i pochyl" - -#: data/effects/rotation.xml:4 data/effects/rotation_keyframable.xml:4 -msgid "Rotate clip in any 3 directions" -msgstr "Obróć wycinek w dowolnych 3 kierunkach" - -#: data/effects/rotation.xml:7 data/effects/rotation_keyframable.xml:7 -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:747 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:216 -msgid "Rotate X" -msgstr "Obrót X" - -#: data/effects/rotation.xml:10 data/effects/rotation_keyframable.xml:10 -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:748 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:219 -msgid "Rotate Y" -msgstr "Obrót Y" - -#: data/effects/rotation.xml:13 data/effects/rotation_keyframable.xml:13 -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:749 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:222 -msgid "Rotate Z" -msgstr "Obrót Z" - -#: data/effects/rotation.xml:16 -msgid "Animate Rotate X" -msgstr "Animowany obrót X" - -#: data/effects/rotation.xml:19 -msgid "Animate Rotate Y" -msgstr "Animowany obrót Y" - -#: data/effects/rotation.xml:22 -msgid "Animate Rotate Z" -msgstr "Animowany obrót Z" - -#: data/effects/rotation.xml:25 -msgid "Shear X" -msgstr "Pochylenie X" - -#: data/effects/rotation.xml:28 -msgid "Shear Y" -msgstr "Pochylenie Y" - -#: data/effects/rotation.xml:31 -msgid "Animate Shear X" -msgstr "Animowane pochylenie X" - -#: data/effects/rotation.xml:34 -msgid "Animate Shear Y" -msgstr "Animowane pochylenie Y" - -#: data/effects/rotation_keyframable.xml:3 -msgid "Rotate (keyframable)" -msgstr "Obrót (klatka kluczowa)" - -#: data/effects/rotation_keyframable.xml:16 -msgid "Offset X" -msgstr "Przesunięcie X" - -#: data/effects/rotation_keyframable.xml:19 -msgid "Offset Y" -msgstr "Przesunięcie Y" - -#: data/effects/rotoscoping.xml:3 -msgid "Rotoscoping" -msgstr "Rotoskopowanie" - -#: data/effects/rotoscoping.xml:4 -msgid "Keyframable vector based rotoscoping" -msgstr "Rotoskopowanie oparte na wektorze klatki kluczowej" - -#: data/effects/rotoscoping.xml:8 -msgid "Alpha,Luma,RGB" -msgstr "Alfa,Luma,RGB" - -#: data/effects/rotoscoping.xml:9 -msgid "Mode" -msgstr "Tryb" - -#: data/effects/rotoscoping.xml:14 -msgid "Alpha Operation" -msgstr "Operacja alfa" - -#: data/effects/rotoscoping.xml:22 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:3422 -msgid "Track" -msgstr "Ścieżka" - -#: data/effects/rotoscoping.xml:26 -msgid "Feather width" -msgstr "Szerokość pióra" - -#: data/effects/rotoscoping.xml:30 -msgid "Feathering passes" -msgstr "Przejścia próbkowania" - -#: data/effects/scratchlines.xml:3 -msgid "Scratchlines" -msgstr "Zadrapania" - -#: data/effects/scratchlines.xml:4 -msgid "Scratchlines over the picture" -msgstr "Zadrapania na obrazie" - -#: data/effects/scratchlines.xml:7 -msgid "Width of line" -msgstr "Szerokość linii" - -#: data/effects/scratchlines.xml:10 -msgid "Max number of lines" -msgstr "Największa liczba linii" - -#: data/effects/scratchlines.xml:13 -msgid "Max darker" -msgstr "Najbardziej ciemne" - -#: data/effects/scratchlines.xml:16 -msgid "Max lighter" -msgstr "Najbardziej jasne" - -#: data/effects/sepia.xml:3 -msgid "Sepia" -msgstr "Sepia" - -#: data/effects/sepia.xml:4 -msgid "Turn clip colors to sepia" -msgstr "Przekształć kolory wycinka na sepię" - -#: data/effects/sepia.xml:7 -msgid "Chrominance U" -msgstr "Chrominancja U" - -#: data/effects/sepia.xml:10 -msgid "Chrominance V" -msgstr "Chrominancja V" - -#: data/effects/sox_band.xml:3 -msgid "Sox Band" -msgstr "Pasmo Sox" - -#: data/effects/sox_band.xml:4 -msgid "Sox band audio effect" -msgstr "Efekt dźwiękowy pasma Sox" - -#: data/effects/sox_band.xml:7 -msgid "Center Frequency" -msgstr "Częstotliwość środkowa" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_4) -#: data/effects/sox_band.xml:10 data/effects/sox_flanger.xml:16 -#: src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:181 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:307 -msgid "Width" -msgstr "Szerokość" - -#: data/effects/sox_bass.xml:3 -msgid "Sox Bass" -msgstr "Bass Sox" - -#: data/effects/sox_bass.xml:4 -msgid "Sox bass audio effect" -msgstr "Efekt dźwiękowy basu Sox" - -#: data/effects/sox_echo.xml:3 -msgid "Sox Echo" -msgstr "Echo Sox" - -#: data/effects/sox_echo.xml:4 -msgid "Sox echo audio effect" -msgstr "Efekt dźwiękowy echa Sox" - -#: data/effects/sox_echo.xml:7 data/effects/sox_phaser.xml:7 -msgid "Gain In" -msgstr "Wzmocnienie na wejściu" - -#: data/effects/sox_echo.xml:10 data/effects/sox_phaser.xml:10 -msgid "Gain Out" -msgstr "Wzmocnienie na wyjściu" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_13) -#: data/effects/sox_echo.xml:13 data/effects/sox_flanger.xml:7 -#: data/effects/sox_phaser.xml:13 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:994 -msgid "Delay" -msgstr "Opóźnienie" - -#: data/effects/sox_echo.xml:16 data/effects/sox_phaser.xml:16 -msgid "Decay" -msgstr "Rozpad" - -#: data/effects/sox_flanger.xml:3 -msgid "Sox Flanger" -msgstr "Sox Flanger" - -#: data/effects/sox_flanger.xml:4 -msgid "Sox flanger audio effect" -msgstr "Efekt dźwiękowy Sox flanger audio effect" - -#: data/effects/sox_flanger.xml:13 -msgid "Regeneration" -msgstr "Regeneracja" - -#: data/effects/sox_flanger.xml:19 data/effects/sox_phaser.xml:19 -#: data/effects/speed.xml:3 data/effects/speed.xml:7 -msgid "Speed" -msgstr "Szybkość" - -#: data/effects/sox_flanger.xml:25 -msgid "Phase" -msgstr "Faza" - -#: data/effects/sox_flanger.xml:28 src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:383 -msgid "Interpolation" -msgstr "Interpolacja" - -#: data/effects/sox_gain.xml:3 -msgid "Sox Gain" -msgstr "Wzmocnienie Sox" - -#: data/effects/sox_gain.xml:4 -msgid "Sox gain audio effect" -msgstr "Efekt dźwiękowy wzmocnienia Sox" - -#: data/effects/sox_gain.xml:12 -msgid "Normalize" -msgstr "Normalizacja" - -#: data/effects/sox_phaser.xml:3 -msgid "Sox Phaser" -msgstr "Fazer Sox" - -#: data/effects/sox_phaser.xml:4 -msgid "Sox phaser audio effect" -msgstr "Efekt dźwiękowy fazera Sox" - -#: data/effects/sox_pitch.xml:3 -msgid "Sox Pitch Shift" -msgstr "Przesunięcie tonu Sox" - -#: data/effects/sox_pitch.xml:4 -msgid "Sox change pitch audio effect" -msgstr "Efekt dźwiękowy zmiany tonu Sox" - -#: data/effects/sox_pitch.xml:10 -msgid "Time window (ms)" -msgstr "Okno czasowe (ms)" - -#: data/effects/sox_reverb.xml:3 -msgid "Sox Reverb" -msgstr "Pogłos Sox" - -#: data/effects/sox_reverb.xml:4 -msgid "Sox reverb audio effect" -msgstr "Efekt dźwiękowy pogłosu Sox" - -#: data/effects/sox_reverb.xml:7 -msgid "Reverberance" -msgstr "Pogłos" - -#: data/effects/sox_reverb.xml:10 -msgid "High frequency damping" -msgstr "Tłumienie wysokich częstotliwości" - -#: data/effects/sox_reverb.xml:13 -msgid "Room scale" -msgstr "Skala pokoju" - -#: data/effects/sox_reverb.xml:16 -msgid "Stereo depth" -msgstr "Głębia Stereo" - -#: data/effects/sox_reverb.xml:19 -msgid "Pre-delay" -msgstr "Wstępne opóźnienie" - -#: data/effects/sox_reverb.xml:22 -msgid "Wet gain" -msgstr "Wzmocnienie mokrego dźwięku" - -#: data/effects/sox_stretch.xml:3 -msgid "Sox Stretch" -msgstr "Rozciągnięcie Sox" - -#: data/effects/sox_stretch.xml:4 -msgid "Sox stretch audio effect" -msgstr "Efekt dźwiękowy rozciągnięcia Sox" - -#: data/effects/speed.xml:4 -msgid "Make clip play faster or slower" -msgstr "Odtwarzaj wycinek szybciej lub wolniej" - -#: data/effects/speed.xml:10 -msgid "Stroboscope" -msgstr "Stroboskop" - -#: data/effects/swapchannels.xml:3 -msgid "Swap channels" -msgstr "Zamień kanały" - -#: data/effects/swapchannels.xml:4 -msgid "Move the left channel to the right and right-to-left" -msgstr "Przenieś lewy kanał na prawy i prawy na lewy" - -#: data/effects/tcolor.xml:3 -msgid "Technicolor" -msgstr "Technicolor" - -#: data/effects/tcolor.xml:4 -msgid "Oversaturate the color in video, like in old Technicolor movies" -msgstr "Przesyć barwę obrazu tak jak w starych filmach w Technicolorze" - -#: data/effects/tcolor.xml:7 -msgid "Blue/Yellow axis" -msgstr "Oś niebieska/żółta" - -#: data/effects/tcolor.xml:10 -msgid "Red/Green axis" -msgstr "Oś czerwona/zielona" - -#: data/effects/threshold.xml:4 -msgid "Make monochrome clip" -msgstr "Uczyń wycinek monochromatycznym" - -#: data/effects/threshold.xml:7 -msgid "Threshold value" -msgstr "Wartość progu" - -#: data/effects/threshold.xml:10 -msgid "Use transparency" -msgstr "Użyj przezroczystości" - -#: data/effects/vignette.xml:3 -msgid "Vignette Effect" -msgstr "Efekt winietowania" - -#: data/effects/vignette.xml:4 -msgid "Adjustable Vignette" -msgstr "Dostosowywalna winieta" - -#: data/effects/vignette.xml:7 -msgid "smooth" -msgstr "gładka" - -#: data/effects/vignette.xml:10 -msgid "radius" -msgstr "promień" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_6) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_8) -#: data/effects/vignette.xml:13 src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:72 -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:575 -msgid "x" -msgstr "x" - -#: data/effects/vignette.xml:16 -msgid "y" -msgstr "y" - -#: data/effects/vignette.xml:19 -msgid "opacity" -msgstr "nieprzezroczystość" - -#: data/effects/vignette.xml:22 -msgid "use cos instead of linear" -msgstr "używa funkcji okresowej zamiast liniowej" - -#: data/effects/volume.xml:3 -msgid "Volume (keyframable)" -msgstr "Głośność (na klatkach kluczowych)" - -#: data/effects/volume.xml:4 -msgid "Adjust audio volume with keyframes" -msgstr "Dostosuj głośność dźwięku przy użyciu klatek kluczowych" - -#: data/effects/wave.xml:3 -msgid "Wave" -msgstr "Fala" - -#: data/effects/wave.xml:4 -msgid "Make waves on your clip with keyframes" -msgstr "Wprowadź fale na swoim wycinku przy użyciu klatek kluczowych" - -#: data/effects/wave.xml:10 -msgid "Horizontal" -msgstr "Poziomo" - -#: data/effects/wave.xml:13 -msgid "Vertical" -msgstr "Pionowo" - -#: data/kdenliveeffectscategory.rc:5 -msgid "Colour correction" -msgstr "Korekcja barw" - -#: data/kdenliveeffectscategory.rc:8 -msgid "Colour" -msgstr "Kolor" - -#: data/kdenliveeffectscategory.rc:11 -msgid "Crop and transform" -msgstr "Przytnij i przekształć" - -#: data/kdenliveeffectscategory.rc:14 -msgid "Audio correction" -msgstr "Korekcja dźwięku" - -#: data/kdenliveeffectscategory.rc:17 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:655 -msgid "Audio channels" -msgstr "Kanały dźwiękowe" - -#: data/kdenliveeffectscategory.rc:20 -msgid "Analysis and data" -msgstr "Analiza i dane" - -#: data/kdenliveeffectscategory.rc:23 -msgid "Fade" -msgstr "Przemijanie" - -#: data/kdenliveeffectscategory.rc:26 -msgid "Artistic" -msgstr "Artystyczne" - -#: data/kdenliveeffectscategory.rc:29 -msgid "Blur and hide" -msgstr "Rozmyj i ukryj" - -#: data/kdenliveeffectscategory.rc:32 -msgid "Motion" -msgstr "Ruch" - -#: data/kdenliveeffectscategory.rc:38 -msgid "Alpha manipulation" -msgstr "Manipulacja alfą" - -#: data/kdenliveeffectscategory.rc:41 -msgid "Enhancement" -msgstr "Wzmocnienie" - -#: data/kdenliveeffectscategory.rc:44 -msgid "GPU effects" -msgstr "Efekty GPU" - -#. i18n: ectx: ToolBar (extraToolBar) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:4 -msgid "Extra Toolbar" -msgstr "Dodatkowy pasek narzędzi" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (project) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:21 -msgid "Project" -msgstr "Projekt" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (extract_audio) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:29 src/mainwindow.cpp:2752 -msgid "Extract Audio" -msgstr "Wydobądź dźwięk" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (clip_actions) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:32 src/mainwindow.cpp:2699 -msgid "Clip Jobs" -msgstr "Zadania wycinków" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (transcoders) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:35 src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:184 -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:125 -msgid "Transcode" -msgstr "Transkodowanie" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (generators) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:38 -msgid "Generators" -msgstr "Generatory" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (track_menu) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:40 src/mainwindow.cpp:1145 -msgid "Tracks" -msgstr "Ścieżki" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (clip_in_timeline) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:55 -msgid "Clip in Timeline" -msgstr "Wycinek na osi czasu" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (tool) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:70 -msgid "Tool" -msgstr "Narzędzie" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (clip) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:80 src/project/projectlistview.cpp:59 -msgid "Clip" -msgstr "Wycinek" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (marker_menu) -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_3) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:81 src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:397 -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:402 -msgid "Markers" -msgstr "Znaczniki" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (timeline) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:96 src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:81 -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2785 -msgid "Timeline" -msgstr "Oś czasu" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (keyboard_selection) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:97 -msgid "Selection" -msgstr "Zaznaczanie" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (keyboard_insert) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:105 -msgid "Insertion" -msgstr "Wstawienie" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (current_clip) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:110 -msgid "Current clip" -msgstr "Bieżący wycinek" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (all_clips) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:117 -msgid "All clips" -msgstr "Wszystkie wycinki" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (guide_menu) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:120 -msgid "Guides" -msgstr "Prowadnice" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (space_menu) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:126 -msgid "Space" -msgstr "Odstęp" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (video_effects_menu) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:134 src/mainwindow.cpp:279 -msgid "Add Effect" -msgstr "Dodaj efekt" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (monitor) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:148 -msgid "Monitor" -msgstr "Monitor" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (monitor_go) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:154 src/timeline/customruler.cpp:93 -msgid "Go To" -msgstr "Idź do" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (monitor_config) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:176 -msgid "Monitor config" -msgstr "Ustawienia monitora" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (dockwindows) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:187 -msgid "View" -msgstr "Widok" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (layout_save_as) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:188 -msgid "Save Layout As" -msgstr "Zapisz układ jako" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, CountDown_UI) -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, ClipStabilize_UI) -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, FreeSound_UI) -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, ArchiveWidget_UI) -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, BackupDialog_UI) -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, ClipTranscode_UI) -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, AddTrack_UI) -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, SmConfig_UI) -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, ManageEncodingProfile_UI) -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, ColorClip_UI) -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, RenderWidget_UI) -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, Stopmotion_UI) -#: plugins/sampleplugin/countdown_ui.ui:13 src/ui/addtrack_ui.ui:14 -#: src/ui/archivewidget_ui.ui:14 src/ui/backupdialog_ui.ui:14 -#: src/ui/clipstabilize_ui.ui:14 src/ui/cliptranscode_ui.ui:14 -#: src/ui/colorclip_ui.ui:14 src/ui/freesound_ui.ui:14 -#: src/ui/manageencodingprofile_ui.ui:14 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:14 -#: src/ui/smconfig_ui.ui:14 src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Dialog" -msgstr "Dialog" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, destination_label) -#: plugins/sampleplugin/countdown_ui.ui:19 src/ui/cutjobdialog_ui.ui:47 -msgid "Save to" -msgstr "Zapisz do" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, duration_label) -#: plugins/sampleplugin/countdown_ui.ui:29 -msgid "Duration (seconds)" -msgstr "Czas trwania (sekundy)" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, font_label) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_4) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_17) -#: plugins/sampleplugin/countdown_ui.ui:46 src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:89 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:331 -msgid "Font" -msgstr "Czcionka" - -#: plugins/sampleplugin/sampleplugin.cpp:33 -msgid "Countdown" -msgstr "Odliczanie" - -#: plugins/sampleplugin/sampleplugin.cpp:55 -msgid "Create Noise Clip" -msgstr "Utwórz wycinek szumu" - -#: plugins/sampleplugin/sampleplugin.cpp:59 -msgid "Create Countdown Clip" -msgstr "Utwórz wycinek odliczania" - -#: plugins/sampleplugin/sampleplugin.cpp:97 -#: plugins/sampleplugin/sampleplugin.cpp:105 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Failed to generate clip:\n" -"%1" -msgstr "" -"Nieudane tworzenie wycinka:\n" -"%1" - -#: plugins/sampleplugin/sampleplugin.cpp:97 -#: plugins/sampleplugin/sampleplugin.cpp:105 -msgid "Generator Failed" -msgstr "Generator zawiódł" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:210 src/project/projectlist.cpp:133 -#, kde-format -msgid "%1 job" -msgid_plural "%1 jobs" -msgstr[0] "%1 zadanie" -msgstr[1] "%1 zadania" -msgstr[2] "%1 zadań" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:211 src/project/projectlist.cpp:134 -#, kde-format -msgid "%1 pending job" -msgid_plural "%1 pending jobs" -msgstr[0] "%1 oczekujące zadanie" -msgstr[1] "%1 oczekujące zadania" -msgstr[2] "%1 oczekujących zadań" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_search) -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:300 src/ui/freesound_ui.ui:74 -msgid "Search" -msgstr "Znajdź" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:336 -msgid "View Mode" -msgstr "Tryb widoku" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:338 -msgid "Tree View" -msgstr "Widok drzewa" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:346 -msgid "Icon View" -msgstr "Widok ikon" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:353 -msgid "Disable Bin Effects" -msgstr "Wyłącz efekt pojemnika" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:361 src/bin/bincommands.cpp:102 -msgid "Rename Folder" -msgstr "Zmień nazwę katalogu" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab) -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:370 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:50 -msgid "Settings" -msgstr "Ustawienia" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:372 src/project/clipproperties.cpp:351 -#: src/project/dialogs/slideshowclip.cpp:77 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:324 -msgid "Zoom" -msgstr "Powiększenie" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:378 -msgid "Show date" -msgstr "Pokaż datę" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:381 -msgid "Show description" -msgstr "Pokaż opis" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:399 src/project/projectlist.cpp:213 -msgid "Cancel All Jobs" -msgstr "Anuluj wszystkie zadania" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:401 src/project/projectlist.cpp:217 -msgid "Cancel Current Clip Jobs" -msgstr "Anuluj wszystkie bieżące zadania wycinków" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:431 src/project/projectlist.cpp:254 -msgid "Show Log" -msgstr "Pokaż dziennik" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:504 -msgid "Creating audio thumbnails" -msgstr "Tworzenie miniatury dźwięku" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:511 -msgid "Audio thumbnails done" -msgstr "Ukończono tworzenie miniatury dźwięku" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:805 -msgctxt "append to clip name to indicate a copied idem" -msgid " (copy)" -msgstr " (kopiuj)" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:929 src/bin/bin.cpp:2217 -#: src/project/folderprojectitem.cpp:37 src/project/projectlist.cpp:1085 -#: src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:60 -msgid "Folder" -msgstr "Katalog" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:1056 -#, kde-format -msgid "Folder contains a clip, delete anyways ?" -msgid_plural "Folder contains %1 clips, delete anyways ?" -msgstr[0] "Katalog zawiera wycinek, czy usunąć go mimo tego?" -msgstr[1] "Katalog zawiera %1 wycinki, czy usunąć go mimo tego?" -msgstr[2] "Katalog zawiera %1 wycinków, czy usunąć go mimo tego?" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:1173 src/mainwindow.cpp:1234 -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:1004 -msgid "Delete Clip" -msgstr "Usuń wycinek" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:1174 src/mainwindow.cpp:1251 -msgid "Proxy Clip" -msgstr "Pośredni wycinek" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:1181 src/project/projectlist.cpp:995 -msgid "Delete Folder" -msgstr "Usuń katalog" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:1182 -msgid "Proxy Folder" -msgstr "Katalog pośrednich wycinków" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2015 src/bin/bincommands.cpp:62 src/bin/bincommands.cpp:82 -msgid "Move Clip" -msgid_plural "Move Clips" -msgstr[0] "Przenieś wycinek" -msgstr[1] "Przenieś wycinki" -msgstr[2] "Przenieś wycinki" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2231 -#, kde-format -msgid "Playlist clip %1 is invalid." -msgstr "Wycinek listy odtwarzania %1 jest nieprawidłowy." - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2236 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Playlist clip %1 has too many tracks (%2) to be imported. Add new tracks to " -"your project." -msgstr "" -"Wycinek listy odtwarzania %1 ma za dużo ścieżek (%2) do zaimportowania. " -"Dodać nowe ścieżki do twojego projektu." - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2449 src/project/projectlist.cpp:465 -msgid "Please set a default application to open images in the Settings dialog" -msgstr "" -"Proszę w oknie dialogowym Ustawienia ustawić domyślny program do otwierania " -"obrazów" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2455 src/project/projectlist.cpp:471 -msgid "" -"Please set a default application to open audio files in the Settings dialog" -msgstr "" -"Proszę w oknie dialogowym Ustawienia ustawić domyślny program do otwierania " -"plików dźwiękowych" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2511 src/project/projectlist.cpp:2661 -msgid "No data returned from clip analysis" -msgstr "Nie zwrócono danych z analizy wycinka" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2525 src/project/projectlist.cpp:2674 -msgid "Processing data analysis" -msgstr "Przetwarzanie analizy danych" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2531 src/project/projectlist.cpp:2680 -msgid "Auto Split Clip" -msgstr "Samoczynny podział wycinka" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2549 src/project/projectlist.cpp:2698 -msgid "Add Markers" -msgstr "Dodaj znaczniki" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2592 src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:85 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:474 src/project/projectcommands.cpp:164 -msgid "Add marker" -msgid_plural "Add markers" -msgstr[0] "Dodaj znacznik" -msgstr[1] "Dodaj znacznik" -msgstr[2] "Dodaj znacznik" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2603 src/bin/bin.cpp:2685 src/project/jobs/filterjob.cpp:96 -#: src/timeline/markerdialog.cpp:45 -#, kde-format -msgid "Category %1" -msgstr "Kategoria %1" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2608 -msgid "Load Clip Markers" -msgstr "Wczytaj znaczniki wycinka" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2623 src/bin/bin.cpp:2720 -#: src/dialogs/profilesdialog.cpp:219 src/dialogs/profilesdialog.cpp:520 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot open file %1" -msgstr "Nie można otworzyć pliku %1" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, MarkerDialog_UI) -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2649 src/definitions.cpp:78 src/definitions.cpp:95 -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:367 src/mainwindow.cpp:1831 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:727 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:801 src/ui/markerdialog_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Marker" -msgstr "Znacznik" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2683 -msgid "All categories" -msgstr "Wszystkie kategorie" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2690 -msgid "Save Clip Markers" -msgstr "Zapisz znaczniki wycinka" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2733 src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:86 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:478 src/project/projectcommands.cpp:162 -msgid "Delete marker" -msgstr "Usuń znacznik" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2748 -msgid "Delete clip markers" -msgstr "Usuń znaczniki wycinka" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2750 -msgid "Clip has no markers" -msgstr "Wycinek nie ma znaczników" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2788 src/project/clippropertiesmanager.cpp:126 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"You are editing an external title clip (%1). Do you want to save your " -"changes to the title file or save the changes for this project only?" -msgstr "" -"Edytujesz zewnętrzny wycinek tytułowy (%1). Czy chcesz zapisać swoje zmiany " -"w pliku tytułowym czy może zapisać zmiany tylko dla tego projektu?" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2788 src/project/clippropertiesmanager.cpp:126 -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:1766 -msgid "Save Title" -msgstr "Zapisz tytuł" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2788 src/project/clippropertiesmanager.cpp:126 -msgid "Save to title file" -msgstr "Zapisz do pliku tytułowego" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2788 src/project/clippropertiesmanager.cpp:126 -msgid "Save in project only" -msgstr "Zapisz tylko w projekcie" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2852 src/project/projectlist.cpp:1428 -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:1430 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4517 -msgid "Invalid clip" -msgstr "Nieprawidłowy wycinek" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2852 src/project/projectlist.cpp:1428 -msgid "Clip is invalid, will be removed from project." -msgstr "Wycinek jest nieprawidłowy i zostanie usunięty z projektu." - -#: src/bin/bincommands.cpp:34 -msgid "Remove Folder" -msgstr "Usuń katalog" - -#: src/bin/bincommands.cpp:35 -msgid "Add Folder" -msgstr "Dodaj katalog" - -#: src/bin/bincommands.cpp:121 -msgid "Add Bin Effect" -msgstr "Dodaj efekt pojemnika" - -#: src/bin/bincommands.cpp:140 -msgid "Remove Bin Effect" -msgstr "Usuń efekt pojemnika" - -#: src/bin/bincommands.cpp:162 -msgid "Rename Zone" -msgstr "Zmień nazwę strefy" - -#: src/bin/bincommands.cpp:184 -msgid "Add Sub Clip" -msgstr "Dodaj podwycinek" - -#: src/bin/bincommands.cpp:217 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1628 -msgid "Edit clip" -msgstr "Edytuj wycinek" - -#: src/bin/projectclip.cpp:90 src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:879 -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:195 -msgid "Untitled" -msgstr "Bez tytułu" - -#: src/bin/projectclip.cpp:272 src/project/projectlist.cpp:2458 -msgctxt "The first letter of Proxy, used as abbreviation" -msgid "P" -msgstr "P" - -#: src/bin/projectclip.cpp:940 src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:1228 -#, kde-format -msgid "Clip already contains analysis data %1" -msgstr "Wycinek już zawiera dane analizy %1" - -#: src/bin/projectclip.cpp:940 src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:1228 -msgid "Merge" -msgstr "Scal" - -#: src/bin/projectclip.cpp:940 src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:1228 -msgid "Add" -msgstr "Dodaj" - -#: src/bin/projectfolder.cpp:74 -#, kde-format -msgid "%1 clip" -msgid_plural "%1 clips" -msgstr[0] "%1 wycinek" -msgstr[1] "%1 wycinki" -msgstr[2] "%1 wycinków" - -#: src/bin/projectfolderup.cpp:35 -msgid "Back" -msgstr "Wstecz" - -#: src/bin/projectfolderup.cpp:59 -msgid "Go up" -msgstr "Idź do góry" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/bin/projectitemmodel.cpp:169 src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:74 -#: src/ui/colorclip_ui.ui:20 src/ui/configtranscode_ui.ui:70 -#: src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:20 -msgid "Name" -msgstr "Nazwa" - -#: src/bin/projectitemmodel.cpp:172 -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:173 -#: src/project/projectlistview.cpp:59 -msgid "Date" -msgstr "Data" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_description) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/bin/projectitemmodel.cpp:175 src/project/projectlistview.cpp:59 -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:41 src/ui/configtranscode_ui.ui:80 -#: src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:49 -msgid "Description" -msgstr "Opis" - -#: src/bin/projectitemmodel.cpp:178 src/dialogs/profilesdialog.cpp:585 -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:231 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:319 -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:771 src/mltcontroller/clipcontroller.cpp:266 -#: src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:483 -msgid "Unknown" -msgstr "Nieznany" - -#: src/bin/projectsubclip.cpp:41 src/doc/documentvalidator.cpp:1441 -#, kde-format -msgid "Zone %1" -msgstr "Obszar %1" - -#: src/capture/managecapturesdialog.cpp:42 -msgid "import" -msgstr "import" - -#: src/dialogs/clipcreationdialog.cpp:97 src/dialogs/clipcreationdialog.cpp:98 -msgid "Color Clip" -msgstr "Wycinek koloru" - -#: src/dialogs/clipcreationdialog.cpp:188 -msgid "Title clip" -msgstr "Wycinek tytułowy" - -#: src/dialogs/clipcreationdialog.cpp:236 src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:1117 -msgid "Template title clip" -msgstr "Szablon wycinka tytułowego" - -#: src/dialogs/clipcreationdialog.cpp:428 src/doc/doccommands.cpp:32 -msgid "Add clip" -msgid_plural "Add clips" -msgstr[0] "Dodaj wycinek" -msgstr[1] "Dodaj wycinki" -msgstr[2] "Dodaj wycinki" - -#: src/dialogs/clipcreationdialog.cpp:437 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:247 -#: src/effectstack/collapsibleeffect.cpp:200 src/mainwindow.cpp:2832 -msgid "All Supported Files" -msgstr "Wszystkie obsługiwane pliki" - -#: src/dialogs/clipcreationdialog.cpp:437 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:247 -#: src/effectstack/collapsibleeffect.cpp:200 src/mainwindow.cpp:2832 -msgid "All Files" -msgstr "Wszystkie Pliki" - -#: src/dialogs/clipcreationdialog.cpp:438 -msgid "Import image sequence" -msgstr "Importuj sekwencję obrazów" - -#: src/dialogs/clipcreationdialog.cpp:440 -msgid "Transparent background for images" -msgstr "Przezroczyste tło dla obrazów" - -#: src/dialogs/encodingprofilesdialog.cpp:37 -msgid "Manage Encoding Profiles" -msgstr "Zarządzaj profilami kodowania" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, groupBox) -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, enable_proxy) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_14) -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, kcfg_enableproxy) -#: src/dialogs/encodingprofilesdialog.cpp:38 -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:96 src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:36 -#: src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:142 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:244 -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:499 -msgid "Proxy clips" -msgstr "Wycinki pośrednie" - -#: src/dialogs/encodingprofilesdialog.cpp:39 -msgid "Video4Linux capture" -msgstr "Przechwytywanie Video4Linux" - -#: src/dialogs/encodingprofilesdialog.cpp:40 -msgid "Screen capture" -msgstr "Przechwytywanie ekranu" - -#: src/dialogs/encodingprofilesdialog.cpp:41 -msgid "Decklink capture" -msgstr "Przechwytywanie Decklink" - -#: src/dialogs/encodingprofilesdialog.cpp:125 -#: src/dialogs/encodingprofilesdialog.cpp:157 -msgid "Profile name:" -msgstr "Nazwa profilu:" - -#: src/dialogs/encodingprofilesdialog.cpp:128 -#: src/dialogs/encodingprofilesdialog.cpp:160 -msgid "Parameters:" -msgstr "Parametry:" - -#: src/dialogs/encodingprofilesdialog.cpp:131 -#: src/dialogs/encodingprofilesdialog.cpp:163 -msgid "File extension:" -msgstr "Rozszerzenie pliku:" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:64 -#: src/effectslist/effectslistwidget.cpp:100 -#: src/effectslist/effectslistwidget.cpp:121 -#: src/effectslist/effectslistwidget.cpp:123 -msgid "Misc" -msgstr "Różne" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:73 -msgid "Project Defaults" -msgstr "Domyślne dla projektu" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:101 -msgid "Environment" -msgstr "Środowisko" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:126 -msgid "Capture" -msgstr "Przechwytywanie" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:131 -msgid "Capture is not yet available on Mac OS X." -msgstr "Przechwytywanie nie jest jeszcze dostępne na Mac OS X." - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:170 -msgid "JogShuttle" -msgstr "JogShuttle" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, groupBox) -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:180 src/ui/smconfig_ui.ui:20 -msgid "Playback" -msgstr "Odtwarzanie" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:275 -msgid "GPU processing needs MLT compiled with Movit and Rtaudio modules" -msgstr "" -"Przetwarzanie GPU wymaga MLT skompilowanego z modułami Movit oraz Rtaudio" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:300 -#, kde-format -msgid "dvgrab version %1 at %2" -msgstr "dvgrab wersja %1 na %2" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:301 -msgid "" -"dvgrab utility not found, please install it for firewire " -"capture" -msgstr "" -"Nie znaleziono programu dvgrab. Jest on niezbędny do " -"przechwytywania ze złącza FireWire" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:438 -msgid "Automatic" -msgstr "Samoczynnie" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:440 -msgid "OSS" -msgstr "OSS" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:441 -msgid "ALSA" -msgstr "ALSA" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:442 -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:487 -msgid "PulseAudio" -msgstr "PulseAudio" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:443 -msgid "OSS with DMA access" -msgstr "OSS z dostępem DMA" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:444 -msgid "Esound daemon" -msgstr "Demon Esound" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:445 -msgid "ARTS daemon" -msgstr "Demon ARTS" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:457 -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:458 -msgid "Default" -msgstr "Domyślne" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:503 -msgid "SDL" -msgstr "SDL" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:504 -msgid "RtAudio" -msgstr "DźwiękRt" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:566 -msgid "Select default video player" -msgstr "Wybierz domyślny odtwarzacz filmów" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:578 -msgid "Select default audio editor" -msgstr "Wybierz domyślny edytor dźwięku" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:590 -msgid "Select default image editor" -msgstr "Wybierz domyślny edytor obrazu" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:809 -msgid "Kdenlive must be restarted to change this setting" -msgstr "Należy ponownie uruchomić Kdenlive, aby zmienić to ustawienie" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, p_progressive) -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:832 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:264 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:634 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:118 src/project/clipproperties.cpp:685 -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:322 src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:99 -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:163 -msgid "Interlaced" -msgstr "Przeplot" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, progressive) -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:834 -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:1039 -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:1072 -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:1088 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:265 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:634 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:119 src/project/clipproperties.cpp:685 -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:428 src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:232 -msgid "Progressive" -msgstr "Progresywny" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:892 -msgid "A profile with that name already exists" -msgstr "Profil o tej nazwie już istnieje" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:1003 -msgid "Current settings" -msgstr "Bieżące ustawienia" - -#: src/dialogs/profilesdialog.cpp:50 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:163 -msgid "Delete profile" -msgstr "Usuń profil" - -#: src/dialogs/profilesdialog.cpp:52 src/dialogs/profilesdialog.cpp:95 -msgid "Save profile" -msgstr "Zapisz profil" - -#: src/dialogs/profilesdialog.cpp:54 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:171 -msgid "Create new profile" -msgstr "Utwórz nowy profil" - -#: src/dialogs/profilesdialog.cpp:163 -msgid "The custom profile was modified, do you want to save it?" -msgstr "Profil został zmodyfikowany, czy chcesz go zapisać?" - -#: src/dialogs/profilesdialog.cpp:194 -msgid "" -"A profile with same name already exists in MLT's default profiles, please " -"choose another description for your custom profile." -msgstr "" -"Profil o tej samej nazwie już istnieje wśród domyślnych profili MLT, proszę " -"wybrać inny opis do własnego profilu." - -#: src/dialogs/profilesdialog.cpp:225 src/dialogs/profilesdialog.cpp:526 -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:612 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:799 -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:805 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:865 -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1003 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1168 -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2382 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2405 -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:669 src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:675 -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:934 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:940 -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:3046 src/mainwindow.cpp:3051 -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:796 -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:802 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:1780 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot write to file %1" -msgstr "Nie można pisać do pliku %1" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:108 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1233 -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2295 -msgid "Waiting..." -msgstr "Czekaj..." - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:111 -msgid "Rendering finished" -msgstr "Ukończono renderowanie" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:116 -msgid "Rendering crashed" -msgstr "Usterka renderowania" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:121 -msgid "Rendering aborted" -msgstr "Przerwano renderowanie" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:155 -msgid "Rendering" -msgstr "Renderowanie" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:167 -msgid "Edit profile" -msgstr "Edytuj profil" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:177 -msgid "Copy profile to favorites" -msgstr "Skopiuj profil do ulubionych" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:179 -msgid "Show profiles with different framerate" -msgstr "Pokaż profile z różnymi klatkami na sekundę" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, preserveAspectRatio) -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:223 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:534 -msgid "Preserve aspect ratio" -msgstr "Zachowaj współczynnik kształtu" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:289 -msgid "File" -msgstr "Plik" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:298 -msgid "Script Files" -msgstr "Pliki skryptu" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:392 -msgid "Beginning" -msgstr "Początek" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:478 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:494 -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:688 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:706 -msgid "Qualities" -msgstr "Jakość" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:479 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:495 -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:689 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:707 -msgid "Default quality" -msgstr "Domyślna jakość" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, vbitrates_label) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, abitrates_label) -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:481 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:497 -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:691 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:709 -#: src/ui/saveprofile_ui.ui:40 src/ui/saveprofile_ui.ui:73 -msgid "Bitrates" -msgstr "Szybkości transmisji" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, default_vbitrate_label) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, default_abitrate_label) -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:482 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:498 -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:692 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:710 -#: src/ui/saveprofile_ui.ui:26 src/ui/saveprofile_ui.ui:80 -msgid "Default bitrate" -msgstr "Domyślna szybkość transmisji" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:509 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:515 -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:679 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:749 -msgctxt "Group Name" -msgid "Custom" -msgstr "Własna" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:591 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:760 -msgid "Profile already exists" -msgstr "Profil już istnieje" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:591 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:760 -msgid "" -"This profile name already exists. Change the name if you don't want to " -"overwrite it." -msgstr "" -"Profil o tej nazwie już istnieje. Zmień ją jeżeli nie chcesz napisać tamtego." - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:606 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:859 -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1859 -#, kde-format -msgid "Unable to write to file %1" -msgstr "Nie można pisać do pliku %1" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:632 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1843 -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1892 -msgctxt "Category Name" -msgid "Custom" -msgstr "Własna" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:720 -msgid "Edit Profile" -msgstr "Edytuj profil" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:918 -msgid "Cannot find the melt program required for rendering (part of Mlt)" -msgstr "Nie znaleziono programu melt wymaganego do renderowania (część Mlt)" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:922 -msgid "" -"Cannot play video after rendering because the default video player " -"application is not set.\n" -"Please define it in Kdenlive settings dialog." -msgstr "" -"Nie można odtworzyć wideo po renderowaniu ponieważ domyślna aplikacja wideo " -"nie jest ustawiona.\n" -"Ustaw domyślną aplikację w ustawieniach Kdenlive." - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:930 src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:259 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"The directory %1, could not be created.\n" -"Please make sure you have the required permissions." -msgstr "" -"Nie udało się utworzyć katalogu %1.\n" -"Upewnij się że masz konieczne uprawnienia." - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:973 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:165 -#, kde-format -msgid "File has no extension. Add extension (%1)?" -msgstr "Plik nie ma rozszerzenia. Dodać rozszerzenie (%1)?" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:988 -msgid "Output file already exists. Do you want to overwrite it?" -msgstr "Plik wynikowy już istnieje. Czy chcesz go zastąpić?" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1222 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2283 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"There is already a job writing file:
Abort the job if " -"you want to overwrite it..." -msgstr "" -"Istnieje już zadanie zapisujące plik:
Przerwij zadanie, " -"jeśli chcesz go zastąpić..." - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1222 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2283 -msgid "Already running" -msgstr "Już uruchomiono" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1266 -msgid "Video without audio track" -msgstr "Obraz bez ścieżki dźwiękowej" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1317 -#, kde-format -msgid "Rendering %1 started" -msgstr "Renderowanie %1 rozpoczęte" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1473 -#, kde-format -msgid "Frame rate (%1) not compatible with project profile (%2)" -msgstr "Ilość klatek (%1) niekompatybilna z profilem projektu (%2)" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1491 -#, kde-format -msgid "Unsupported video format: %1" -msgstr "Nieobsługiwany format obrazu: %1" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1507 -#, kde-format -msgid "Unsupported audio codec: %1" -msgstr "Nieobsługiwany kodek dźwięku: %1" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1524 -#, kde-format -msgid "Unsupported video codec: %1" -msgstr "Nieobsługiwany kodek obrazu: %1" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1533 -msgid "" -"This render profile uses a 'profile' parameter.
Unless you know what " -"you are doing you will probably have to change it to 'mlt_profile'." -msgstr "" -"Ten program renderujący używa parametru 'profile'.
Prawdopodobnie " -"będzie trzeba zmienić go na 'mlt_profile', chyba że wiesz co robisz." - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1546 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1584 -msgid "No matching profile" -msgstr "Brak pasującego profilu" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1561 -msgid "untitled" -msgstr "bez tytułu" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1586 -msgid "Invalid profile" -msgstr "Nieprawidłowy profil" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1630 -msgid "" -"Video\n" -"quality" -msgstr "" -"Jakość\n" -"obrazu" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1632 -msgid "" -"Video\n" -"bitrate" -msgstr "" -"Szybkość transmisji\n" -"obrazu" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1652 -msgid "" -"Audio\n" -"quality" -msgstr "" -"Jakość\n" -"dźwięku" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1654 -msgid "" -"Audio\n" -"bitrate" -msgstr "" -"Szybkość transmisji\n" -"dźwięku" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1692 -msgid "File rendering" -msgstr "Renderowanie pliku" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1693 -msgid "Favorites" -msgstr "Ulubione" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1694 -msgid "DVD" -msgstr "DVD" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, profile_audioonly) -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1695 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7011 -#: src/ui/configtranscode_ui.ui:100 -msgid "Audio only" -msgstr "Tylko dźwięk" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1696 -msgid "Web sites" -msgstr "Strony internetowe" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1697 -msgid "Media players" -msgstr "Odtwarzacze multimediów" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1698 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1738 -msgid "Lossless/HQ" -msgstr "Bezstratna/HQ" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1699 -msgid "Mobile devices" -msgstr "Urządzenia przenośne" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1783 -msgctxt "Category Name" -msgid "Images sequence" -msgstr "Sekwencja obrazów" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1987 -msgctxt "Attribute Name" -msgid "Custom" -msgstr "Własna" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2085 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2108 -#, kde-format -msgid "%1 day " -msgid_plural "%1 days " -msgstr[0] " dzień" -msgstr[1] "%1 dni " -msgstr[2] "%1 dB" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2087 -#, kde-format -msgid "Remaining time %1" -msgstr "Pozostały czas %1" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2110 -#, kde-format -msgid "Rendering finished in %1" -msgstr "Renderowanie zakończone w %1" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2112 -#, kde-format -msgid "Rendering of %1 finished in %2" -msgstr "Renderowanie %1 ukończone w %2" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2125 -#, kde-format -msgid "Rendering of %1 crashed
" -msgstr "Renderowanie %1 nie powiodło się
" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, abort_job) -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2165 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:650 -msgid "Abort Job" -msgstr "Przerwij zadanie" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2168 -msgid "Remove Job" -msgstr "Usuń zadanie" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2236 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2240 -#, kde-format -msgid "Script contains wrong command: %1" -msgstr "Skrypt zawiera błędne polecenie: %1" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2424 -msgid "script" -msgstr "skrypt" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2445 src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:228 -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:640 -msgid "Check missing clips" -msgstr "Sprawdzanie brakujących wycinków" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2502 -msgid "Export audio (automatic)" -msgstr "Eksport dźwięku (samoczynny)" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, export_audio) -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2504 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:544 -msgid "Export audio" -msgstr "Eksport dźwięku" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:60 -msgid "Config Wizard" -msgstr "Pomocnik ustawień" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:64 -msgid "Welcome" -msgstr "Witaj" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:66 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Your Kdenlive version was upgraded to version %1. Please take some time to " -"review the basic settings" -msgstr "" -"Twoja wersja Kdenlive została zaktualizowana do %1. Proszę, poświęć chwilę " -"czasu na przejrzenie podstawowych ustawień." - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:68 -msgid "" -"This is the first time you run Kdenlive. This wizard will let you adjust " -"some basic settings, you will be ready to edit your first movie in a few " -"seconds..." -msgstr "" -"Uruchamiasz Kdenlive pierwszy raz. Ten kreator pozwoli ci dopasować " -"podstawowe ustawienia. Za klika sekund będziesz gotów do montażu swojego " -"pierwszego filmu..." - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:72 -msgid "Discover the features of this Kdenlive release" -msgstr "Odkryj możliwości tego wydania Kdenlive" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:82 -msgid "Checking MLT engine" -msgstr "Weryfikacja silnika MLT" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:90 -msgid "Video Standard" -msgstr "Standard obrazu" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:128 -msgid "Additional Settings" -msgstr "Dodatkowe ustawienia" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (KComboBox, capture_device) -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:142 src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:168 -msgid "Capture device" -msgstr "Urządzenie przechwytujące" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:146 -msgid "Default Blackmagic Decklink card:" -msgstr "Domyślna karta Blackmagic Decklink:" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:147 -msgid "No Blackmagic Decklink device found" -msgstr "Nie znaleziono żadnego urządzenia Blackmagic Decklink" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:158 -msgid "Checking system" -msgstr "Przegląd systemu" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:186 -msgid "Default video4linux device:" -msgstr "Domyślne urządzenie video4linux:" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:199 -msgid "No device found, plug your webcam and refresh." -msgstr "" -"Nie znaleziono żadnego urządzenia, podłącz swoją kamerę internetową i " -"odśwież wyszukiwanie." - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:221 -#, kde-format -msgid "Current settings (%1x%2, %3/%4fps)" -msgstr "Bieżące ustawienia (%1x%2, %3/%4fps)" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:257 -#, kde-format -msgid "Default settings (%1x%2, %3/%4fps)" -msgstr "Domyślne ustawienia (%1x%2, %3/%4fps)" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:272 -msgid "Melt" -msgstr "Melt" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:273 -msgid "Required for rendering (part of MLT package)" -msgstr "Wymagane do renderowania (część pakietu MLT)" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:280 -msgid "Cannot start the MLT video backend!" -msgstr "Nie można uruchomić silnika obraazu MLT!" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:287 -#, kde-format -msgid "MLT version: %1" -msgstr "Wersja MLT: %1" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:290 -msgid "Your MLT version is unsupported!!!" -msgstr "Twoja wersja MLT jest nieobsługiwana!!!" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:296 -#, kde-format -msgid "Please upgrade to MLT %1.%2.%3" -msgstr "Proszę uaktualnić do MLT %1.%2.%3" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:300 -msgid "MLT video backend!" -msgstr "Silnik obrazu MLT!" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:318 -msgid "SDL module" -msgstr "Moduł SDL" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:319 -msgid "Required for Kdenlive" -msgstr "Wymagane dla Kdenlive" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:332 -msgid "Avformat module (FFmpeg)" -msgstr "Moduł Avformat (FFmpeg)" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:333 -msgid "Required to work with various video formats (hdv, mpeg, flash, ...)" -msgstr "Wymagane do pracy z różnymi formatami obrazu (hdv, mpeg, flash, ...)" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:372 -msgid "QImage module" -msgstr "Moduł QImage" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:373 src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:378 -msgid "Required to work with images" -msgstr "Wymagane do pracy z obrazami" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:377 -msgid "Pixbuf module" -msgstr "Moduł pixbuf" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:392 -msgid "Title module" -msgstr "Moduł tytułów" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:393 -msgid "Required to work with titles" -msgstr "Wymagane do pracy z tytułami" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:456 -msgid "" -"The following codecs were not found on your system. Check our online manual if you need them: " -msgstr "" -"Nie znaleziono następujących kodeków w twoim systemie. Sprawdź naszą internetową instrukcję, jeśli ich potrzebujesz: " - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:477 -msgid "FFmpeg & ffplay" -msgstr "FFmpeg & ffplay" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:478 -msgid "Required for proxy clips, transcoding and screen capture" -msgstr "" -"Wymagane do pośrednich wycinków, transkodowania i przechwytywania z ekranu" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:504 -msgid "dvgrab" -msgstr "dvgrab" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:505 -msgid "Required for firewire capture" -msgstr "Wymagane do przechwytywania przez złącze FireWire" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:511 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:104 -msgid "dvdauthor" -msgstr "dvdauthor" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:512 -msgid "Required for creation of DVD" -msgstr "Wymagane do tworzenia dysków DVD" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:518 -msgid "genisoimage or mkisofs" -msgstr "genisoimage lub mkisofs" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:519 -msgid "Required for creation of DVD ISO images" -msgstr "Wymagane do tworzenia obrazów DVD ISO" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:528 -msgid "xine" -msgstr "xine" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:529 -msgid "Required to preview your DVD" -msgstr "Wymagane do podglądu płyt DVD" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:533 -msgid "vlc" -msgstr "vlc" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:685 -msgid "Frame size:" -msgstr "Rozmiar klatki:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_4) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:685 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:245 -#: src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:55 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:107 -msgid "Frame rate:" -msgstr "Klatek na sekundę:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_23) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_9) -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:685 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:266 -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:121 -msgid "Pixel aspect ratio:" -msgstr "Współczynnik kształtu pikseli:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_31) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_10) -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:685 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:280 -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:135 -msgid "Display aspect ratio:" -msgstr "Współczynnik kształtu wyświetlania (DAR):" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:732 -msgid "" -"Your MLT installation cannot be found. Install MLT and restart Kdenlive.\n" -msgstr "" -"Twoja instalacja MLT nie została odnaleziona. Zainstaluj MLT i uruchom " -"ponownie Kdenline.\n" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:736 -msgid "Fatal Error" -msgstr "Poważny błąd" - -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:279 -#, kde-format -msgid "%1 fps" -msgstr "%1 kl./s." - -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:284 -msgid "Hz" -msgstr "Hz" - -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:289 -msgid "Audio clip" -msgstr "Wycinek dźwiękowy" - -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:292 -msgid "Mute video clip" -msgstr "Wycisz wycinek wideo" - -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:295 src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:214 -msgid "Video clip" -msgstr "Wycinek wideo" - -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:298 -msgid "Color clip" -msgstr "Wycinek koloru" - -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:301 src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:216 -msgid "Image clip" -msgstr "Wycinek obrazu" - -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:304 -msgid "Template text clip" -msgstr "Szablon wycinka tekstowego" - -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:305 -msgid "Text clip" -msgstr "Tekst wycinka" - -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:308 -msgid "Slideshow clip" -msgstr "Wycinek pokazu slajdów" - -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:311 -msgid "Virtual clip" -msgstr "Wirtualny wycinek" - -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:314 src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:218 -msgid "Playlist clip" -msgstr "Wycinek listy odtwarzania" - -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:317 -msgid "Unknown clip" -msgstr "Nieznany wycinek" - -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:684 src/renderer.cpp:141 -msgid "Missing clip" -msgstr "Brakujący wycinek" - -#: src/doc/doccommands.cpp:33 src/project/clipmanager.cpp:226 -msgid "Delete clip" -msgid_plural "Delete clips" -msgstr[0] "Usuń wycinek" -msgstr[1] "Usuń wycinki" -msgstr[2] "Usuń wycinki" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:199 -msgid "Luma file" -msgstr "Plik luminacji" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:223 -msgid "Title Image" -msgstr "Obraz tytułowy" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:226 -msgid "Title Font" -msgstr "Czcionka tytułowa" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:247 -#, kde-format -msgid "%1 will be replaced by %2" -msgstr "%1 zostanie zastąpione przez %2" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:261 -msgid "Missing item" -msgstr "Brakujący element" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:265 -msgid "The project file contains missing clips or files" -msgstr "Plik projektu zawiera brakujące wycinki lub pliki " - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:269 -msgid "Missing proxies will be recreated after opening." -msgstr "Brakujący pośrednicy zostaną utworzeni ponownie po otwarciu." - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:273 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"The project file contains a missing clip, you can still work with its proxy." -msgid_plural "" -"The project file contains %1 missing clips, you can still work with their " -"proxies." -msgstr[0] "" -"Plik projektu zawiera brakujący wycinek, nadal możesz pracować z jego " -"pośrednikiem." -msgstr[1] "" -"Plik projektu zawiera %1 brakujące wycinki, nadal możesz pracować z ich " -"pośrednikami." -msgstr[2] "" -"Plik projektu zawiera %1 brakujących wycinków, nadal możesz pracować z ich " -"pośrednikami." - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:283 src/project/projectitem.cpp:192 -msgid "Proxy clip" -msgstr "Pośredni wycinek" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:285 -#, kde-format -msgid "%1 missing proxy clip, will be recreated on project opening" -msgid_plural "%1 missing proxy clips, will be recreated on project opening" -msgstr[0] "" -"%1 brakujących wycinków pośrednich zostanie utworzonych ponownie przy " -"otwarciu projektu" -msgstr[1] "" -"%1 brakujących wycinków pośrednich zostanie utworzonych ponownie przy " -"otwarciu projektu" -msgstr[2] "" -"%1 brakujących wycinków pośrednich zostanie utworzonych ponownie przy " -"otwarciu projektu" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:288 -msgid "Missing proxy" -msgstr "Brakujący pośrednik" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:335 src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:348 -msgid "Source clip" -msgstr "Wycinek źródłowy" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:337 -#, kde-format -msgid "%1 missing source clips, you can only use the proxies" -msgstr "%1 brakujących wycinków źródłowych, możesz używać tylko pośredników" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:340 -msgid "Missing source clip" -msgstr "Brakuje wycinka źródłowego" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:411 -msgid "Clips folder" -msgstr "Katalog wycinków" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:567 -msgid "Enter new location for file" -msgstr "Wprowadź nową lokalizację pliku" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:780 -msgid "This will remove the selected clip from this project" -msgid_plural "This will remove the selected clips from this project" -msgstr[0] "Z projektu zostanie usunięty wybrany wycinek" -msgstr[1] "Z projektu zostaną usunięte wybrane wycinki" -msgstr[2] "Z projektu zostaną usunięte wybrane wycinki" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:780 -msgid "Remove clips" -msgstr "Usuń wycinki" - -#: src/doc/documentvalidator.cpp:90 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"The document was created in \"%1\" locale, which is not installed on your " -"system. Please install that language pack. Until then, Kdenlive might not be " -"able to correctly open the document." -msgstr "" -"Dokument został utworzony przy użyciu języka \"%1\", który nie został " -"zainstalowany na twoim systemie. Proszę zainstalować ten pakiet językowy. Do " -"tego czasu, Kdenlive może otwierać dokument niepoprawnie." - -#: src/doc/documentvalidator.cpp:94 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"There is a locale conflict on your system. The document uses locale %1 which " -"uses a \"%2\" as numeric separator (in system libraries) but Qt expects " -"\"%3\". You might not be able to correctly open the project." -msgstr "" -"Istnieje konflikt języków na twoim systemie. Dokument używa języka %1, który " -"używa separatora numerycznego \"%2\" (w bibliotekach systemu), ale Qt " -"oczekuje \"%3\". Możesz mieć problem z poprawnym otworzeniem projektu." - -#: src/doc/documentvalidator.cpp:279 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"This project type is unsupported (version %1) and can't be loaded.\n" -"Please consider upgrading your Kdenlive version." -msgstr "" -"Ten typ projektu nie jest obsługiwany (wersja %1) i nie może zostać " -"wczytany.\n" -"Proszę rozważyć aktualizację Kdenlive." - -#: src/doc/documentvalidator.cpp:279 src/doc/documentvalidator.cpp:286 -msgid "Unable to open project" -msgstr "Nie można otworzyć projektu" - -#: src/doc/documentvalidator.cpp:286 -#, kde-format -msgid "This project type is unsupported (version %1) and can't be loaded." -msgstr "" -"Typ projektu nie jest obsługiwany (wersja %1) i nie może zostać wczytany." - -#: src/doc/documentvalidator.cpp:840 -msgid "" -"Some of your text clips were saved with size in points, which means " -"different sizes on different displays. Do you want to convert them to pixel " -"size, making them portable? It is recommended you do this on the computer " -"they were first created on, or you could have to adjust their size." -msgstr "" -"Niektóre z twoich wycinków z tekstem zostały zapisane z rozmiarem podanym w " -"punktach. Oznacza to że będą miały różny rozmiar na różnych wyświetlaczach. " -"Czy chcesz skonwertować wartości w punktach na wartości w pikselach, czyniąc " -"swoje wycinki przenośnymi? Zalecane jest wykonanie tego na tym samym " -"komputerze na którym je tworzono, albo dopasowanie wymiarów ręcznie." - -#: src/doc/documentvalidator.cpp:840 -msgid "Update Text Clips" -msgstr "Uaktualnij tekst w wycinkach" - -#: src/doc/documentvalidator.cpp:1679 -msgid "" -"The project file uses some GPU effects. GPU acceleration is not currently " -"enabled.\n" -"Do you want to convert the project to a non-GPU version ?\n" -"This might result in data loss." -msgstr "" -"Plik projektu używa pewnych efektów GPU. Przyspieszenie GPU nie jest obecnie " -"włączone.\n" -"Czy chcesz przekształcić projekt do wersji nie-GPU ?\n" -"Może spowodować utratę danych." - -#: src/doc/documentvalidator.cpp:1770 -msgid "The following filters/transitions were converted to non GPU versions:" -msgstr "Następujące filtry/przejścia zostały przekształcone do wersji nie-GPU:" - -#: src/doc/documentvalidator.cpp:1773 -msgid "The following filters/transitions were deleted from the project:" -msgstr "Następujące filtry/przejścia zostały usunięte z projektu:" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:152 -msgid "" -"Cannot open the project file,\n" -"Do you want to open a backup file?" -msgstr "" -"Nie można otworzyć pliku projektu.\n" -"\n" -"Czy chcesz otworzyć plik kopii zapasowej?" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:152 src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:168 -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:213 -msgid "Error opening file" -msgstr "Błąd otwierania pliku" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:152 src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:168 -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:213 -msgid "Open Backup" -msgstr "Otwórz kopię zapasową" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:168 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Cannot open the project file, error is:\n" -"%1 (line %2, col %3)\n" -"Do you want to open a backup file?" -msgstr "" -"Nie można otworzyć pliku projektu, błąd to:\n" -"%1 (wiersz %2, kolumna %3)\n" -"Czy chcesz otworzyć plik kopii zapasowej?" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:168 src/project/projectmanager.cpp:381 -msgid "Recover" -msgstr "Odzyskaj" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:194 -msgid "Cannot recover this project file" -msgstr "Nie można przywrócić tego pliku projektu" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:206 -msgid "Validating" -msgstr "Poświadczanie" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:212 -#, kde-format -msgid "File %1 is not a Kdenlive project file" -msgstr "Plik %1 nie jest plikiem projektu Kdenlive." - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:213 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"File %1 is not a valid project file.\n" -"Do you want to open a backup file?" -msgstr "" -"Plik %1 nie jest prawidłowym plikiem projektu.\n" -"Czy chcesz otworzyć plik kopii zapasowej?" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:254 -#, kde-format -msgid "Project directory %1 does not exist. Create it?" -msgstr "Katalog projektu %1 nie istnieje. Utworzyć go?" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:266 -#, kde-format -msgid "Document project folder is invalid, setting it to the default one: %1" -msgstr "" -"Katalog dokumentów projektu jest nieprawidłowy, ustawiam na ten domyślny: %1" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:548 src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:659 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot write to file %1, scene list is corrupted." -msgstr "Nie można pisać do pliku %1, lista scen jest uszkodzona." - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:719 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"You have changed the project folder. Do you want to copy the cached data " -"from %1 to the new folder %2?" -msgstr "" -"Zmieniłeś katalog projektu. Czy chcesz skopiować dane pamięci podręcznej " -"(cache) z %1 do nowego katalogu %2?" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:1105 -msgid "Enter Template Path" -msgstr "Wprowadź ścieżkę szablonu" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:1179 -msgid "The following effects were imported from the project:" -msgstr "Następujące efekty zostały zaimportowane z projektu:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:1209 src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:1223 -#: src/ui/backupdialog_ui.ui:22 -msgid "Project Folder" -msgstr "Katalog projektu" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:1287 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Cannot create backup copy:\n" -"%1" -msgstr "" -"Nie można utworzyć kopi zapasowej:\n" -"%1" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:1400 src/project/projectlist.cpp:2317 -msgid "Add proxy clip" -msgid_plural "Add proxy clips" -msgstr[0] "Dodaj pośredni wycinek" -msgstr[1] "Dodaj pośrednie wycinki" -msgstr[2] "Dodaj pośrednie wycinki" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:1401 src/project/projectlist.cpp:2318 -msgid "Remove proxy clip" -msgid_plural "Remove proxy clips" -msgstr[0] "Usuń pośredni wycinek" -msgstr[1] "Usuń pośrednie wycinki" -msgstr[2] "Usuń pośrednie wycinki" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:62 src/mainwindow.cpp:1023 -msgid "DVD Wizard" -msgstr "Pomocnik DVD" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:65 -msgid "Select Files For Your DVD" -msgstr "Wybierz pliki do umieszczenia na swoim DVD" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:69 -msgid "DVD Chapters" -msgstr "Rozdziały DVD" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:75 -msgid "Create DVD Menu" -msgstr "Utwórz menu DVD" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:79 -msgid "Creating DVD Image" -msgstr "Tworznie obrazu DVD" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:104 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:111 -#, kde-format -msgid "Burn with %1" -msgstr "Wypal z %1" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:114 -msgid "No burning program found (K3b, Brasero)" -msgstr "Nie znaleziono programu nagrywającego (K3b, Brasero)" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:120 -msgid "Load" -msgstr "Wczytaj" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:121 -msgid "Save" -msgstr "Zapisz" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:188 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot create temporary directory %1" -msgstr "Nie można utworzyć katalogu tymczasowego %1" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:271 -msgid "Menu movie is invalid" -msgstr "Menu filmu jest nieprawidłowe" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:383 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:464 -msgid "Rendering job timed out" -msgstr "Upłynął czas oczekiwania na zadanie renderowania" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:385 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:466 -msgid "Menu job timed out" -msgstr "Upłynął czas oczekiwania na zadanie menu" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:674 -msgid "Rendering menu crashed" -msgstr "Usterka renderowania menu" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:710 -msgid "DVDAuthor process crashed" -msgstr "Usterka procesu DVDAuthor" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:713 -msgid "DVDAuthor process crashed.

" -msgstr "Usterka procesu DVDAuthor.

" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:737 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:738 -msgid "DVD structure broken" -msgstr "Struktura DVD uszkodzona" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:785 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:788 -msgid "ISO creation process crashed." -msgstr "Proces tworzenia ISO zakończony niepowodzeniem" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:817 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:818 -msgid "DVD ISO is broken" -msgstr "Obraz ISO DVD jest uszkodzony" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:832 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:834 -#, kde-format -msgid "DVD ISO image %1 successfully created." -msgstr "Obraz ISO DVD %1 pomyślnie utworzony." - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:864 -#, kde-format -msgid "Previewing requires one of these applications (%1)" -msgstr "Podgląd wymaga jednego z tych programów (%1)" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:888 -#, kde-format -msgid "Folder %1 already exists. Overwrite?\n" -msgstr "Katalog %1 już istnieje. Czy zastąpić?\n" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:890 -#, kde-format -msgid "Image file %1 already exists. Overwrite?" -msgstr "Plik obrazu %1 już istnieje. Czy zastąpić?" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:911 -msgid "Save DVD Project" -msgstr "Zapisz projekt DVD" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:911 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:948 -msgid "DVD project (*.kdvd)" -msgstr "Projekt DVD (*.kdvd)" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:957 -#, kde-format -msgid "File %1 is not a Kdenlive project file." -msgstr "Plik %1 nie jest plikiem projektu Kdenlive." - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardmenu.cpp:42 src/monitor/monitor.cpp:185 -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:303 src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:79 -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:405 src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:444 -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:873 -msgid "Play" -msgstr "Odtwórz" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardmenu.cpp:54 -msgid "Add new button" -msgstr "Dodaj nowy przycisk" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardmenu.cpp:55 -msgid "Delete current button" -msgstr "Usuń aktualny przycisk" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardmenu.cpp:300 -msgid "Play All" -msgstr "Odtwórz wszystko" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:104 -#, kde-format -msgid "Program %1 is required for the DVD wizard." -msgstr "Program %1 jest wymagany przez kreator DVD." - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:105 -msgid "mkisofs" -msgstr "mkisofs" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:105 -msgid "genisoimage" -msgstr "genisoimage" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:105 -#, kde-format -msgid "Program %1 or %2 is required for the DVD wizard." -msgstr "Program %1 lub %2 jest wymagany przez kreator DVD." - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:111 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:316 -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:768 -msgid "PAL 4:3" -msgstr "PAL 4:3" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:111 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:313 -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:765 -msgid "PAL 16:9" -msgstr "PAL 16:9" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:111 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:310 -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:762 -msgid "NTSC 4:3" -msgstr "NTSC 4:3" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:111 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:307 -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:759 -msgid "NTSC 16:9" -msgstr "NTSC 16:9" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:138 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:791 -msgid "Your clips do not match selected DVD format, transcoding required." -msgstr "" -"Twoje wycinki nie pasują do wybranego formatu DVD, konieczne jest " -"transkodowanie." - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:210 src/project/cliptranscode.cpp:244 -msgid "Transcoding failed!" -msgstr "Nieudane transkodowanie" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:247 -msgid "MPEG Files" -msgstr "Pliki MPEG" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:248 -msgid "Add new video file" -msgstr "Dodaj nowy plik obrazu" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:337 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:779 -#, kde-format -msgid "The clip %1 is invalid." -msgstr "Wycinek %1 jest nieprawidłowy." - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:674 -#: src/effectstack/collapsibleeffect.cpp:352 -#: src/effectstack/collapsiblegroup.cpp:178 src/monitor/monitor.cpp:845 -#: src/project/clipstabilize.cpp:222 src/project/cliptranscode.cpp:141 -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:297 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"File %1 already exists.\n" -"Do you want to overwrite it?" -msgstr "" -"Plik %1 już istnieje.\n" -"Czy chcesz go zastąpić?" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:699 -#, kde-format -msgid "Transcoding: %1" -msgstr "Transkodowanie: %1" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslist.cpp:197 -msgid "Author:" -msgstr "Autor:" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:63 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Search in the effect list" -msgid "Search in effects list" -msgstr "Wyszukaj na liście efektów" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:72 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Show/Hide the effect description" -msgid "Show/Hide effect description" -msgstr "Pokaż/ukryj opis efektu" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:83 -msgid "Add Effect to Selected Clip" -msgstr "Dodaj efekt do wybranego wycinka" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:84 -msgid "Add Effect to Favorites" -msgstr "Dodaj efekt do ulubionych" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:85 -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:231 -#: src/effectstack/collapsibleeffect.cpp:70 -#: src/effectstack/collapsiblegroup.cpp:77 -msgid "Delete effect" -msgstr "Usuń efekt" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:93 -msgid "Show all transitions" -msgstr "Pokaż wszystkie przejścia" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:94 -msgid "Show GPU transitions" -msgstr "Pokaż przejścia GPU" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:101 -msgid "Show all effects" -msgstr "Pokaż wszystkie efekty" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:103 -msgid "Show video effects" -msgstr "Pokaż efekty obrazu" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:105 -msgid "Show audio effects" -msgstr "Pokaż efekty dźwięku" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:107 -msgid "Show GPU effects" -msgstr "Pokaż efekty GPU" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:109 -msgid "Show custom effects" -msgstr "Pokaż własne efekty" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:110 -msgid "Show favorite effects" -msgstr "Pokaż ulubione efekty" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:239 -msgid "Remove from favorites" -msgstr "Usuń z ulubionych" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_audio) -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, abitrates) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_audiothumbnails) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, audio_thumbs) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, audiobitrateLabel) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, rec_audio) -#: src/effectslist/effectslistwidget.cpp:100 -#: src/effectslist/effectslistwidget.cpp:129 -#: src/effectslist/effectslistwidget.cpp:131 src/monitor/recmanager.cpp:57 -#: src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:39 -#: src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:121 -#: src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:155 -#: src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:194 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:131 -#: src/ui/configtimeline_ui.ui:38 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:224 -#: src/ui/recmonitor_ui.ui:107 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:195 -#: src/ui/saveprofile_ui.ui:67 -msgid "Audio" -msgstr "Dźwięk" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistwidget.cpp:100 -#: src/effectslist/effectslistwidget.cpp:137 -#: src/effectslist/effectslistwidget.cpp:139 -#: src/effectslist/effectslistwidget.cpp:464 -msgctxt "Folder Name" -msgid "Custom" -msgstr "Własne" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistwidget.cpp:194 -msgctxt "menu name for effects names between these 2 letters" -msgid "0 - F" -msgstr "0 - F" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistwidget.cpp:196 -msgctxt "menu name for effects names between these 2 letters" -msgid "G - L" -msgstr "G - L" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistwidget.cpp:198 -msgctxt "menu name for effects names between these 2 letters" -msgid "M - R" -msgstr "M - R" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistwidget.cpp:200 -msgctxt "menu name for effects names between these 2 letters" -msgid "S - Z" -msgstr "S - Z" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:47 src/project/clipproperties.cpp:346 -#: src/project/dialogs/slideshowclip.cpp:72 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:59 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:153 -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:541 -msgid "None" -msgstr "Brak" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:363 -#, kde-format -msgid "Group %1" -msgstr "Grupa %1" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:624 -msgid "None (Dissolve)" -msgstr "Brak (Rozpływanie)" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, slide_luma) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, luma_fade) -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:706 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:292 -#: src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:203 -msgid "Wipe" -msgstr "Przetrzyj" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:707 -msgid "Applies a stationary transition between the current and next frames." -msgstr "Nakłada nieruchome przejście pomiędzy obecną a kolejną klatką." - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:710 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:785 -msgctxt "@property: means that the image is inverted" -msgid "Invert" -msgstr "Odwróć" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:711 -msgid "Image File" -msgstr "Plik obrazu" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:712 -msgid "Reverse Transition" -msgstr "Odwróć przejście" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:716 src/timeline/headertrack.cpp:89 -#: src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:74 -msgid "Composite" -msgstr "Kompozycja" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:717 -msgid "A key-framable alpha-channel compositor for two frames." -msgstr "Kompozytor kanału alfa dla dwóch klatek (na klatkach kluczowych)" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:719 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:764 -msgid "Alpha Channel Operation" -msgstr "Operacja na kanale alfa" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:719 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:764 -msgid "Over,And,Or,Xor" -msgstr "Ponad,I,Lub,Alter. lub" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:720 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:765 -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:785 -msgid "Align" -msgstr "Wyrównaj" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:723 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:768 -msgid "Wipe File" -msgstr "Plik wytarcia" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:724 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:769 -msgid "Wipe Softness" -msgstr "Miękkość wytarcia" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:725 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:770 -msgid "Wipe Invert" -msgstr "Odwróć wytarcie" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:726 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:771 -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:785 -msgid "Force Progressive Rendering" -msgstr "Wymuś progresywne renderowanie" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:727 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:772 -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:785 -msgid "Force Deinterlace Overlay" -msgstr "Wymuś nakładkę usuwającą przeplot" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:729 -msgid "Affine" -msgstr "Przekształcenie afiniczne" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:753 -msgid "Fix Shear Y" -msgstr "Popraw pochylenie Y" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:754 -msgid "Fix Shear X" -msgstr "Popraw pochylenie X" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:755 -msgid "Fix Shear Z" -msgstr "Popraw pochylenie X" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:761 -msgid "Use alpha channel of another clip to create a transition." -msgstr "Użyj kanału alfa z innego wycinka aby utworzyć przejście." - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:762 -msgid "Transparency clip" -msgstr "Wycinek przezroczysty" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:785 -msgid "Slide" -msgstr "Poślizg" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:785 -msgid "Slide image from one side to another." -msgstr "Ślizgaj obraz z jednej strony na drugą" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:785 -msgid "Direction" -msgstr "Kierunek" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, slide_fade) -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:790 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:262 -#: src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:167 -msgid "Dissolve" -msgstr "Rozpływanie" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:790 -msgid "Fade out one video while fading in the other video." -msgstr "Zanikanie jednego obrazu podczas wyłaniania się kolejnego." - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:790 -msgid "Reverse" -msgstr "Odwróć" - -#: src/effectstack/collapsibleeffect.cpp:64 -#: src/effectstack/collapsiblegroup.cpp:72 -msgid "Move effect up" -msgstr "Przesuń efekt w górę" - -#: src/effectstack/collapsibleeffect.cpp:67 -#: src/effectstack/collapsiblegroup.cpp:74 -msgid "Move effect down" -msgstr "Przesuń efekt w dół" - -#: src/effectstack/collapsibleeffect.cpp:82 -msgid "Reset Effect" -msgstr "Wyzeruj efekt" - -#: src/effectstack/collapsibleeffect.cpp:83 -#: src/effectstack/collapsibleeffect.cpp:345 -msgid "Save Effect" -msgstr "Zapisz efekt" - -#: src/effectstack/collapsibleeffect.cpp:91 -#: src/effectstack/collapsiblegroup.cpp:89 -msgid "Disable Effect" -msgstr "Wyłącz efekt" - -#: src/effectstack/collapsibleeffect.cpp:91 -#: src/effectstack/collapsiblegroup.cpp:89 -msgid "Enable Effect" -msgstr "Włącz efekt" - -#: src/effectstack/collapsibleeffect.cpp:96 -msgid "Create Group" -msgstr "Utwórz grupę" - -#: src/effectstack/collapsibleeffect.cpp:136 -msgid "Create Region" -msgstr "Utwórz region" - -#: src/effectstack/collapsibleeffect.cpp:345 -msgid "Name for saved effect: " -msgstr "Nazwa dla zapisanego efektu: " - -#: src/effectstack/collapsiblegroup.cpp:68 -#: src/effectstack/collapsiblegroup.cpp:383 -msgid "Effect Group" -msgstr "Grupa efektów" - -#: src/effectstack/collapsiblegroup.cpp:81 -msgid "Reset Group" -msgstr "Wyzeruj grupę" - -#: src/effectstack/collapsiblegroup.cpp:82 -#: src/effectstack/collapsiblegroup.cpp:171 -msgid "Save Group" -msgstr "Zapisz grupę" - -#: src/effectstack/collapsiblegroup.cpp:84 -msgid "Ungroup" -msgstr "Rozgrupuj" - -#: src/effectstack/collapsiblegroup.cpp:171 -msgid "Name for saved group: " -msgstr "Nazwa dla zapisanej grupy: " - -#: src/effectstack/complexparameter.cpp:36 -msgid "Allow horizontal moves" -msgstr "Pozwól na ruch w poziomie" - -#: src/effectstack/complexparameter.cpp:38 -msgid "Allow vertical moves" -msgstr "Pozwól na ruch w pionie" - -#: src/effectstack/complexparameter.cpp:40 -msgid "Show keyframes in timeline" -msgstr "Pokaż klatki kluczowe na osi czasu" - -#: src/effectstack/complexparameter.cpp:42 -msgid "Parameter info" -msgstr "Informacje o parametrze" - -#: src/effectstack/complexparameter.cpp:44 src/effectstack/geometryval.cpp:81 -#: src/effectstack/keyframeedit.cpp:47 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:84 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:417 -#: src/simplekeyframes/simplekeyframewidget.cpp:42 -#: src/simplekeyframes/simplekeyframewidget.cpp:132 -msgid "Add keyframe" -msgstr "Dodaj klatkę kluczową" - -#: src/effectstack/dragvalue.cpp:109 -msgid "Normal scale" -msgstr "Normalna skala" - -#: src/effectstack/dragvalue.cpp:110 -msgid "Pixel scale" -msgstr "Pikselowa skala" - -#: src/effectstack/dragvalue.cpp:111 -msgid "Nonlinear scale" -msgstr "Nieliniowa skala" - -#: src/effectstack/dragvalue.cpp:115 -msgid "Direct update" -msgstr "Bezpośrednie uaktualnienie" - -#: src/effectstack/dragvalue.cpp:120 -msgid "Reset value" -msgstr "Wyzeruj wartość" - -#: src/effectstack/dragvalue.cpp:125 -#, kde-format -msgid "Show %1 in timeline" -msgstr "Pokaż %1 na osi czasu" - -#: src/effectstack/effectstackview2.cpp:71 -msgid "Enable/Disable all effects" -msgstr "Włącz/wyłącz wszystkie efekty" - -#: src/effectstack/effectstackview2.cpp:73 -msgid "Show additional information for the parameters" -msgstr "Pokaż dodatkowe informacje dla parametrów" - -#: src/effectstack/effectstackview2.cpp:174 -#: src/effectstack/effectstackview2.cpp:176 -#: src/effectstack/effectstackview2.cpp:179 -#, kde-format -msgid "Effects for %1" -msgstr "Efekt dla %1" - -#: src/effectstack/effectstackview2.cpp:229 -#: src/effectstack/effectstackview2.cpp:231 -#: src/effectstack/effectstackview2.cpp:234 -#, kde-format -msgid "Bin effects for %1" -msgstr "Efekty pojemnika dla %1" - -#: src/effectstack/effectstackview2.cpp:276 -#, kde-format -msgid "Effects for track %1" -msgstr "Efekty dla ścieżki %1" - -#: src/effectstack/geometryval.cpp:77 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:81 -#: src/simplekeyframes/simplekeyframewidget.cpp:52 -msgid "Go to next keyframe" -msgstr "Idź do następnej klatki kluczowej" - -#: src/effectstack/geometryval.cpp:79 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:78 -#: src/simplekeyframes/simplekeyframewidget.cpp:47 -msgid "Go to previous keyframe" -msgstr "Idź do poprzedniej klatki kluczowej" - -#: src/effectstack/geometryval.cpp:83 src/effectstack/keyframeedit.cpp:49 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:423 -#: src/simplekeyframes/simplekeyframewidget.cpp:129 -msgid "Delete keyframe" -msgstr "Usuń klatkę kluczową" - -#: src/effectstack/geometryval.cpp:85 src/monitor/monitor.cpp:206 -msgid "Misc..." -msgstr "Różne..." - -#: src/effectstack/geometryval.cpp:89 -msgid "Show/Hide options" -msgstr "Pokaż/ukryj opcje" - -#: src/effectstack/geometryval.cpp:97 -msgid "Sync timeline cursor" -msgstr "Synchronizuj z kursorem osi czasu" - -#: src/effectstack/geometryval.cpp:116 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:343 -msgid "Align item horizontally" -msgstr "Wyrównaj element w poziomie" - -#: src/effectstack/geometryval.cpp:118 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:345 -msgid "Align item vertically" -msgstr "Wyrównaj element w pionie" - -#: src/effectstack/geometryval.cpp:120 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:347 -msgid "Align item to top" -msgstr "Wyrównaj element do góry" - -#: src/effectstack/geometryval.cpp:122 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:349 -msgid "Align item to bottom" -msgstr "Wyrównaj element do dołu" - -#: src/effectstack/geometryval.cpp:124 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:351 -msgid "Align item to right" -msgstr "Wyrównaj element do prawej" - -#: src/effectstack/geometryval.cpp:126 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:353 -msgid "Align item to left" -msgstr "Wyrównaj element do lewej" - -#: src/effectstack/parametercontainer.cpp:467 -msgid "" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/bezier/beziersplinewidget.cpp:67 -msgid "Handle 1:" -msgstr "Pega 1:" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/bezier/beziersplinewidget.cpp:70 -msgid "Handle 2:" -msgstr "Pega 2:" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/colorpickerwidget.cpp:71 -msgid "" -"Pick a color on the screen. By pressing the mouse button and then moving " -"your mouse you can select a section of the screen from which to get an " -"average color." -msgstr "" -"Escolha uma cor no ecrã. Se carregar com o botão do rato e depois movê-lo, " -"poderá seleccionar uma secção do ecrã para obter uma cor média." - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/colorpickerwidget.cpp:101 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/colorpickerwidget.cpp:125 -msgid "Requesting color information..." -msgstr "A pedir as informações da cor..." - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/colorpickerwidget.cpp:134 -msgid "Calculated average color for rectangle." -msgstr "Foi calculada a cor média do rectângulo." - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:96 -msgctxt "x axis position" -msgid "X" -msgstr "X" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:99 -msgctxt "y axis position" -msgid "Y" -msgstr "Y" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:102 -msgctxt "Frame width" -msgid "W" -msgstr "L" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:105 -msgctxt "Frame height" -msgid "H" -msgstr "A" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:111 -msgid "Adjust to original size" -msgstr "Ajustar ao tamanho original" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:113 -msgid "Fit to width" -msgstr "Ajustar à largura" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:115 -msgid "Fit to height" -msgstr "Ajustar à altura" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:118 -msgid "Import keyframes from clip" -msgstr "Importar as imagens-chave do 'clip'" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:121 -msgid "Reset all keyframes" -msgstr "Repor todas as imagens-chave" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:125 -msgid "Reset keyframes after cursor" -msgstr "Repor as imagens-chave após o cursor" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:128 -msgid "Reset keyframes before cursor" -msgstr "Repor as imagens-chave antes do cursor" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:133 -msgid "Synchronize with timeline cursor" -msgstr "Sincronizar com o cursor da linha temporal" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:139 -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:244 -msgid "Align left" -msgstr "Alinhar à esquerda" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:141 -msgid "Center horizontally" -msgstr "Centrar na horizontal" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:143 -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:243 -msgid "Align right" -msgstr "Alinhar à direita" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:145 -msgid "Align top" -msgstr "Alinhar ao topo" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:147 -msgid "Center vertically" -msgstr "Centrar na vertical" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:149 -msgid "Align bottom" -msgstr "Alinhar ao fundo" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:154 -#: src/ui/clipstabilize_ui.ui:30 -msgid "Options" -msgstr "Opções" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (suffix), widget (QSpinBox, spinResize) -#. i18n: ectx: property (suffix), widget (QSpinBox, kcfg_volume) -#. i18n: ectx: property (suffix), widget (QSpinBox, zoom_spin) -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:208 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:211 -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:125 src/ui/configsdl_ui.ui:89 -#: src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:226 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:611 -#, no-c-format -msgid "%" -msgstr "%" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/lumaliftgain.cpp:61 -msgid "Lift" -msgstr "Elevação" - -#: src/hidetitlebars.cpp:21 -msgid "Show Title Bars" -msgstr "Mostrar as Barras do Título" - -#: src/layoutmanagement.cpp:27 -msgid "Layouts" -msgstr "Disposições" - -#: src/layoutmanagement.cpp:28 -msgid "Load Layout" -msgstr "Carregar uma Disposição" - -#: src/layoutmanagement.cpp:30 -#, kde-format -msgid "Layout %1" -msgstr "Disposição %1" - -#: src/layoutmanagement.cpp:34 -#, kde-format -msgid "Save As Layout %1" -msgstr "Gravar como a Disposição %1" - -#: src/layoutmanagement.cpp:69 -#, kde-format -msgid "Save as %1" -msgstr "Gravar como %1" - -#: src/layoutmanagement.cpp:101 -msgid "Save Layout" -msgstr "Gravar a Disposição" - -#: src/layoutmanagement.cpp:101 -msgid "Layout name:" -msgstr "Nome da disposição:" - -#: src/lib/audio/audioCorrelation.cpp:43 -msgid "Audio analysis finished" -msgstr "Terminou a análise do áudio" - -#: src/main.cpp:48 -msgid "Kdenlive" -msgstr "Kdenlive" - -#: src/main.cpp:49 -msgid "An open source video editor." -msgstr "Um editor de vídeo em 'software' livre." - -#: src/main.cpp:51 -msgid "Copyright © 2007–2015 Kdenlive authors" -msgstr "Copyright © 2007–2015 dos autores do Kdenlive" - -#: src/main.cpp:52 -msgid "Please report bugs to http://bugs.kde.org" -msgstr "Por favor, comunique os erros em 'http://bugs.kde.org'" - -#: src/main.cpp:54 -msgid "Jean-Baptiste Mardelle" -msgstr "Jean-Baptiste Mardelle" - -#: src/main.cpp:54 -msgid "MLT and KDE SC 4 / KF5 port, main developer and maintainer" -msgstr "" -"Versão MLT e para o KDE SC 4 / KF5, desenvolvimento principal e manutenção" - -#: src/main.cpp:55 -msgid "Vincent Pinon" -msgstr "Vincent Pinon" - -#: src/main.cpp:55 -msgid "" -"Interim maintainer, KF5 port, bugs fixing, minor functions, profiles " -"updates, etc." -msgstr "" -"Manutenção temporária, transição para o KF5, correcção de erros, pequenas " -"funcionalidades, actualizações dos perfis, etc." - -#: src/main.cpp:56 -msgid "Laurent Montel" -msgstr "Laurent Montel" - -#: src/main.cpp:56 -msgid "Bugs fixing, clean up code, optimization etc." -msgstr "Correcção de erros, limpeza de código, optimizações, etc." - -#: src/main.cpp:57 -msgid "Marco Gittler" -msgstr "Marco Gittler" - -#: src/main.cpp:57 -msgid "MLT transitions and effects, timeline, audio thumbs" -msgstr "Transições e efeitos MLT, linha temporal, miniaturas de áudio" - -#: src/main.cpp:58 -msgid "Dan Dennedy" -msgstr "Dan Dennedy" - -#: src/main.cpp:58 src/main.cpp:60 src/main.cpp:63 src/main.cpp:64 -msgid "Bug fixing, etc." -msgstr "Correcções de erros, etc." - -#: src/main.cpp:59 -msgid "Simon A. Eugster" -msgstr "Simon A. Eugster" - -#: src/main.cpp:59 -msgid "Color scopes, bug fixing, etc." -msgstr "Âmbitos de cores, correcção de erros, etc." - -#: src/main.cpp:60 -msgid "Till Theato" -msgstr "Till Theato" - -#: src/main.cpp:61 -msgid "Alberto Villa" -msgstr "Alberto Villa" - -#: src/main.cpp:61 -msgid "Bug fixing, logo, etc." -msgstr "Correcção de erros, logótipo, etc." - -#: src/main.cpp:62 -msgid "Jean-Michel Poure" -msgstr "Jean-Michel Poure" - -#: src/main.cpp:62 -msgid "Rendering profiles customization" -msgstr "Personalização dos perfis de rasterização" - -#: src/main.cpp:63 -msgid "Ray Lehtiniemi" -msgstr "Ray Lehtiniemi" - -#: src/main.cpp:64 -msgid "Steve Guilford" -msgstr "Steve Guilford" - -#: src/main.cpp:65 -msgid "Jason Wood" -msgstr "Jason Wood" - -#: src/main.cpp:65 -msgid "Original KDE 3 version author (not active anymore)" -msgstr "Autor da versão original para o KDE 3 (não está mais activa)" - -#: src/main.cpp:66 -msgid "NAME OF TRANSLATORS" -msgstr "José Nuno Pires,Marcelo Soares Souza" - -#: src/main.cpp:66 -msgid "EMAIL OF TRANSLATORS" -msgstr "zepires@gmail.com,marcelo@juntadados.org" - -#: src/main.cpp:86 -msgid "Set the path for MLT environment" -msgstr "Definir a localização do ambiente MLT" - -#: src/main.cpp:87 -msgid "Comma separated list of clips to add" -msgstr "Uma lista, separada por vírgulas, dos 'clips' a adicionar" - -#: src/main.cpp:88 -msgid "Document to open" -msgstr "O documento a abrir" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:148 -msgid "Theme" -msgstr "Tema" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:177 -msgid "Project Bin" -msgstr "Grupo do Projecto" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, properties) -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:216 src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:395 -#: src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:43 -msgid "Properties" -msgstr "Propriedades" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:219 src/mainwindow.cpp:280 -msgid "Effects" -msgstr "Efeitos" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:222 src/mainwindow.cpp:284 src/mainwindow.cpp:1272 -msgid "Transitions" -msgstr "Transições" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:225 -msgid "Clip Monitor" -msgstr "Monitor do 'Clip'" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:226 -msgid "Project Monitor" -msgstr "Monitor do Projecto" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:228 -msgid "Record Monitor" -msgstr "Monitor de Gravação" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:233 -msgid "Clean" -msgstr "Limpar" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:235 -msgid "Undo History" -msgstr "Histórico de Anulações" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:263 -msgid "Stop Motion" -msgstr "Parar o Movimento" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, capture_button) -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:264 src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:105 -msgid "Capture frame" -msgstr "Capturar uma imagem" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:267 -msgid "Switch live / captured frame" -msgstr "Mudar a imagem para capturada / em directo" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:270 -msgid "Show last frame over video" -msgstr "Mostrar a última imagem sobre o vídeo" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:283 -msgid "Add Transition" -msgstr "Adicionar uma Transição" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:315 src/mainwindow.cpp:316 src/mainwindow.cpp:325 -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:326 src/mainwindow.cpp:330 -msgid "Favorite Effects" -msgstr "Efeitos Favoritos" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:563 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"You have 1 rendering job waiting in the queue.\n" -"What do you want to do with this job?" -msgid_plural "" -"You have %1 rendering jobs waiting in the queue.\n" -"What do you want to do with these jobs?" -msgstr[0] "" -"Tem uma tarefa de rasterização na fila de espera.\n" -"O que deseja fazer com esta tarefa?" -msgstr[1] "" -"Tem %1 tarefas de rasterização na fila de espera.\n" -"O que deseja fazer com estas tarefas?" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:563 -msgid "Start them now" -msgstr "Iniciá-las agora" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:563 -msgid "Delete them" -msgstr "Apagá-las" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:784 -msgid "Normal mode" -msgstr "Modo normal" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:785 -msgctxt "Normal editing" -msgid "n" -msgstr "N" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:790 -msgid "Overwrite mode" -msgstr "Modo de sobreposição" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:796 -msgid "Insert mode" -msgstr "Modo de inserção" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:815 -msgid "Selection tool" -msgstr "Ferramenta de selecção" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:816 -msgctxt "Selection tool shortcut" -msgid "s" -msgstr "S" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:821 -msgid "Razor tool" -msgstr "Ferramenta de recorte" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:822 -msgctxt "Razor tool shortcut" -msgid "x" -msgstr "X" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:827 -msgid "Spacer tool" -msgstr "Ferramenta de espaço" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:828 -msgctxt "Spacer tool shortcut" -msgid "m" -msgstr "M" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:869 -msgid "Fit zoom to project" -msgstr "Ajuste da ampliação ao projecto" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:873 -msgid "Zoom Out" -msgstr "Reduzir" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:887 -msgid "Zoom In" -msgstr "Ampliar" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:915 -msgid "Split audio and video automatically" -msgstr "Dividir automaticamente o vídeo e o áudio" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, videothumbs) -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:921 src/ui/wizardextra_ui.ui:35 -msgid "Show video thumbnails" -msgstr "Mostrar as miniaturas do vídeo" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, audiothumbs) -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:927 src/ui/wizardextra_ui.ui:42 -msgid "Show audio thumbnails" -msgstr "Mostrar as miniaturas do áudio" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:933 -msgid "Show markers comments" -msgstr "Mostrar os comentários das marcações" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:938 -msgid "Snap" -msgstr "Ajustar" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, tc_type) -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:972 src/project/clipproperties.cpp:372 -#: src/project/dialogs/slideshowclip.cpp:89 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:284 -msgid "hh:mm:ss:ff" -msgstr "hh:mm:ss::ff" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, tc_type) -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:973 src/project/clipproperties.cpp:373 -#: src/project/dialogs/slideshowclip.cpp:90 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:289 -msgid "Frames" -msgstr "Imagens" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1002 -msgid "Manage Project Profiles" -msgstr "Gerir os Perfis do Projecto" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1003 -msgid "Download New Wipes..." -msgstr "Obter Novas Limpezas..." - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1004 -msgid "Download New Render Profiles..." -msgstr "Obter Novos Perfis de Rasterização..." - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1005 -msgid "Download New Project Profiles..." -msgstr "Obter Novos Perfis do Projecto..." - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1006 -msgid "Download New Title Templates..." -msgstr "Obter Novos Modelos de Títulos..." - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1008 -msgid "Run Config Wizard" -msgstr "Executar o Assistente de Configuração" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, ProjectSettings_UI) -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1009 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Project Settings" -msgstr "Opções do Projecto" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1010 -msgid "Render" -msgstr "Desenhar" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1012 -msgid "Clean Project" -msgstr "Limpar o Projecto" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1016 -msgid "Play Zone" -msgstr "Reproduzir a Zona" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1018 -msgid "Loop Zone" -msgstr "Reproduzir em Ciclo a Zona" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1020 -msgid "Loop selected clip" -msgstr "Reproduzir o 'clip' seleccionado em ciclo" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1024 -msgid "Transcode Clips" -msgstr "Codificar os 'Clips'" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1025 src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:55 -msgid "Archive Project" -msgstr "Arquivar o Projecto" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1026 -msgid "Switch monitor" -msgstr "Mudar de monitor" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1027 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6364 -msgid "Expand Clip" -msgstr "Expandir o 'Clip'" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1029 -msgid "Monitor Info Overlay" -msgstr "Sobreposição da Informação do Monitor" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1035 -msgid "Real Time (drop frames)" -msgstr "Tempo-Real (quebra de imagens)" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1040 -msgid "Monitor Gamma" -msgstr "Gama do Monitor" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1041 -msgid "sRGB (computer)" -msgstr "sRGB (computador)" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1042 -msgid "Rec. 709 (TV)" -msgstr "Rec. 709 (TV)" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1047 -msgid "Insert Zone in Project Bin" -msgstr "Inserir a Zona na Árvore do Projecto" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1048 -msgid "Insert Zone in Timeline" -msgstr "Inserir a Zona na Linha Temporal" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1050 -msgid "Resize Item Start" -msgstr "Dimensionar o Início do Item" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1055 -msgid "Resize Item End" -msgstr "Dimensionar o Fim do Item" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1060 -msgid "Go to Previous Snap Point" -msgstr "Ir para o Ponto de Ajuste Anterior" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1062 -msgid "Go to Clip Start" -msgstr "Ir para o Início do 'Clip'" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1063 -msgid "Go to Clip End" -msgstr "Ir para o Fim do 'Clip'" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1064 -msgid "Go to Next Snap Point" -msgstr "Ir para o Ponto de Ajuste Seguinte" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1066 -msgid "Delete Selected Item" -msgstr "Apagar o Item Seleccionado" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1067 -msgid "Align Playhead to Mouse Position" -msgstr "Alinhar o Início à Posição do Rato" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1069 -msgid "Automatic Transition" -msgstr "Transição Automática" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1076 -msgid "Group Clips" -msgstr "Agrupar os 'Clips'" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1078 -msgid "Ungroup Clips" -msgstr "Desagrupar os 'Clips'" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1083 -msgid "Edit Duration" -msgstr "Editar a Duração" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1084 src/mainwindow.cpp:3232 -msgid "Save clip" -msgstr "Gravar o 'clip'" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1085 -msgid "Clip in Project Bin" -msgstr "'Clip' no Grupo do Projecto" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1086 -msgid "Insert Clip Zone in Timeline (Overwrite)" -msgstr "Inserir a Zona do 'Clip' na Linha Temporal (Sobrepor)" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1087 -msgid "Select Clip" -msgstr "Seleccionar o 'Clip'" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1088 -msgid "Deselect Clip" -msgstr "Deseleccionar o 'Clip'" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1089 -msgid "Add Clip To Selection" -msgstr "Adicionar o 'Clip' à Selecção" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1091 -msgid "Select Transition" -msgstr "Seleccionar a Transição" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1093 -msgid "Deselect Transition" -msgstr "Deseleccionar a Transição" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1095 -msgid "Add Transition To Selection" -msgstr "Adicionar a Transição à Selecção" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, CutJobDialog_UI) -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1097 src/ui/cutjobdialog_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Cut Clip" -msgstr "Cortar o 'Clip'" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1098 src/mainwindow.cpp:1833 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:729 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:803 -msgid "Add Marker" -msgstr "Adicionar uma Marcação" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1099 -msgid "Delete Marker" -msgstr "Apagar a Marcação" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1100 -msgid "Delete All Markers" -msgstr "Apagar Todas as Marcações" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1102 src/mainwindow.cpp:1921 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:702 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:827 -msgid "Edit Marker" -msgstr "Editar a Marcação" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1105 -msgid "Add Marker/Guide quickly" -msgstr "Adicionar Rapidamente uma Marcação/Guia" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1108 -msgid "Split Audio" -msgstr "Dividir o Áudio" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1112 -msgid "Set Audio Reference" -msgstr "Definir a Referência de Áudio" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1116 -msgid "Align Audio to Reference" -msgstr "Alinhar o Áudio à Referência" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1120 -msgid "Audio Only" -msgstr "Apenas Áudio" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1125 -msgid "Video Only" -msgstr "Apenas Vídeo" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1130 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7007 -msgid "Audio and Video" -msgstr "Áudio e Vídeo" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1142 -msgid "Insert Space" -msgstr "Inserir um Espaço" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1143 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:3426 -msgid "Remove Space" -msgstr "Remover o Espaço" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1146 -msgid "Insert Track" -msgstr "Inserir uma Faixa" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1150 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6556 -#: src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:94 -msgid "Delete Track" -msgstr "Apagar a Faixa" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, TracksConfigDialog_UI) -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1155 src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:250 -#: src/ui/tracksconfigdialog_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Configure Tracks" -msgstr "Configurar as Faixas" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1159 -msgid "Select All in Current Track" -msgstr "Seleccionar Tudo na Faixa Actual" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1170 src/timeline/customruler.cpp:85 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5781 -msgid "Add Guide" -msgstr "Adicionar uma Guia" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1171 src/timeline/customruler.cpp:89 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:231 -msgid "Delete Guide" -msgstr "Apagar a Guia" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1172 src/timeline/customruler.cpp:87 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:235 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5815 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5829 -msgid "Edit Guide" -msgstr "Editar a Guia" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1173 src/timeline/customruler.cpp:91 -msgid "Delete All Guides" -msgstr "Apagar Todas as Guias" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1175 -msgid "Paste Effects" -msgstr "Colar os Efeitos" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1180 -msgid "Save Selection" -msgstr "Gravar a Selecção" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1208 -msgid "Add Clip" -msgstr "Adicionar um 'Clip'" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1210 -msgid "Add Color Clip" -msgstr "Adicionar um 'Clip' de Cor" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1213 src/project/dialogs/slideshowclip.cpp:41 -msgid "Add Slideshow Clip" -msgstr "Adicionar um 'Clip' de Apresentação" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1216 -msgid "Add Title Clip" -msgstr "Adicionar um 'Clip' de Título" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1219 -msgid "Add Template Title" -msgstr "Adicionar um Título-Modelo" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1223 -msgid "Create Folder" -msgstr "Criar uma Pasta" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1224 -msgid "Online Resources" -msgstr "Recursos 'Online'" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, ClipProperties_UI) -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1226 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Clip Properties" -msgstr "Propriedade do 'Clip'" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1230 -msgid "Edit Clip" -msgstr "Editar o 'Clip'" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1238 -msgid "Reload Clip" -msgstr "'Clip' de Cor" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1242 -msgid "Disable Timeline Effects" -msgstr "Desactivar os Efeitos da Linha Temporal" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1247 -msgid "Duplicate Clip" -msgstr "Duplicar o 'Clip'" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1259 -msgid "Ripple Delete" -msgstr "Remoção de Ondas" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1389 -msgid "" -"You have changed the proxy parameters. Do you want to recreate all proxy " -"clips for this project?" -msgstr "" -"Você alterou os parâmetros do 'clip' indirecto. Deseja criar de novo todos " -"os 'clips' indirectos deste projecto?" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1487 -msgid "This will remove all unused clips from your project." -msgstr "Isto irá remover todos os 'clips' não usados do seu projecto." - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1487 -msgid "Clean up project" -msgstr "Limpar o projecto" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1647 -msgctxt "general keyboard shortcuts" -msgid "General" -msgstr "Geral" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1827 src/mainwindow.cpp:1945 -msgid "Cannot find clip to add marker" -msgstr "Não é possível encontrar o 'clip' para adicionar a marcação" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1859 src/mainwindow.cpp:1886 src/mainwindow.cpp:1909 -msgid "Cannot find clip to remove marker" -msgstr "Não é possível encontrar o 'clip' para remover a marcação" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1866 src/mainwindow.cpp:1916 -msgid "No marker found at cursor time" -msgstr "Não foi encontrada nenhuma marcação no cursor" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2194 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot find effect %1 / %2" -msgstr "Não é possível encontrar o efeito %1 / %2" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2252 -#, kde-format -msgid "Zoom Level: %1/13" -msgstr "Nível de Ampliação: %1/13" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2378 -msgid "Ctrl + click to use spacer on current track only" -msgstr "Ctrl + 'click' para usar o espaço apenas na faixa actual" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2381 -msgid "Click on a clip to cut it" -msgstr "Carregue sobre um 'clip' para o cortar" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2384 -msgid "" -"Shift + click to create a selection rectangle, Ctrl + click to add an item " -"to selection" -msgstr "" -"Shift + 'click' para criar um rectângulo da selecção; Ctrl + 'click' para " -"adicionar um item à selecção" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2707 -msgid "Stabilize" -msgstr "Estabilizar" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2719 -msgid "Automatic scene split" -msgstr "Divisão de cenas automática" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2729 src/project/jobs/filterjob.cpp:83 -msgid "Reverse clip" -msgstr "Inverter o 'clip'" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2736 -msgid "Analyse keyframes" -msgstr "Analisar as imagens-chave" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2751 -msgid "Transcoders" -msgstr "Transformadores" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2784 -msgid "Interface" -msgstr "Interface" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2821 -msgid "No clip to transcode" -msgstr "Não existe nenhum 'clip' para transformar o seu formato" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2834 -msgid "Files to transcode" -msgstr "Ficheiros a transformar" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2867 -msgid "Create Render Script" -msgstr "Criar um Perfil de Rasterização" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2877 -msgid "Script file already exists. Do you want to overwrite it?" -msgstr "O ficheiro do programa ja existe. Você deseja sobrepô-lo?" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2923 -msgctxt "the first in a list of chapters" -msgid "Start" -msgstr "Início" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:3200 -msgid "Archiving project" -msgstr "A arquivar o projecto" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:3229 -msgid "Select a clip to save" -msgstr "Seleccione o 'clip' a gravar" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:3232 src/renderer.cpp:1386 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7865 -msgid "MLT playlist (*.mlt)" -msgstr "Lista de reprodução MLT (*.mlt)" - -#: src/mltconnection.cpp:51 -msgid "Cannot find the melt program required for rendering (part of MLT)" -msgstr "" -"Não é possível encontrar o programa 'melt', que é necessário para rasterizar " -"(parte do MLT)" - -#: src/mltconnection.cpp:83 -msgid "Cannot find your MLT profiles, please give the path" -msgstr "" -"Não é possível encontrar os seus perfis MLT; indique por favor a localização" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:87 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:476 src/project/projectcommands.cpp:166 -msgid "Edit marker" -msgstr "Editar a marcação" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:88 -msgid "Export markers" -msgstr "Exportar as marcações" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:89 -msgid "Import markers" -msgstr "Importar marcações" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:115 -msgid "Analysis data" -msgstr "Dados da análise" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:118 -msgid "Delete analysis" -msgstr "Apagar a análise" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:119 -msgid "Export analysis" -msgstr "Exportar a análise" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:120 -msgid "Import analysis" -msgstr "Importar uma análise" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, clip_transparency) -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:166 -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:842 -msgid "Transparent" -msgstr "Transparente" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:181 -msgid "Aspect Ratio" -msgstr "Proporções" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_18) -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:236 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:618 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:623 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:679 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:440 -#: src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:86 -msgid "Frame rate" -msgstr "Taxa de imagens" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_5) -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:260 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:634 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:686 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:105 -msgid "Scanning" -msgstr "Digitalização" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:282 -msgid "Field order" -msgstr "Ordem dos campos" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:286 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:129 -msgid "Bottom first" -msgstr "Topo em primeiro" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:287 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:130 -msgid "Top first" -msgstr "Fundo em primeiro" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:304 -msgid "Threads" -msgstr "Tarefas" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, clip_force_vindex) -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:320 -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:693 -msgid "Video index" -msgstr "Índice do vídeo" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, clip_force_aindex) -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:336 -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:720 -msgid "Audio index" -msgstr "Índice do áudio" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_12) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_32) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_15) -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:350 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:644 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:696 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:294 -#: src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:222 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:149 -msgid "Colorspace" -msgstr "Espaço de cores" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, clip_full_luma) -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:380 -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:772 -msgid "Full luma range" -msgstr "Gama completa do luma" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:399 -msgid "Force properties" -msgstr "Forçar as propriedades" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_5) -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_3) -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:401 -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:511 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:349 -msgid "Metadata" -msgstr "Meta-dados" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:403 -msgid "Analysis" -msgstr "Análise" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:609 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:671 src/project/clipproperties.cpp:673 -msgid "Video codec" -msgstr "Codificador do vídeo" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:613 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:676 -msgid "Frame size" -msgstr "Tamanho da imagem" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:630 -msgid "Video bitrate" -msgstr "Taxa de dados do vídeo" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:630 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:664 -msgctxt "seconds" -msgid "s" -msgstr "s" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_9) -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:641 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:690 src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:120 -msgid "Pixel aspect ratio" -msgstr "Proporção da imagem" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:642 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:693 -msgid "Pixel format" -msgstr "Formato dos pontos" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:651 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:243 -msgid "Audio codec" -msgstr "Codificador do áudio" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:659 -msgid "Audio frequency" -msgstr "Frequência do áudio" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:664 -msgid "Audio bitrate" -msgstr "Taxa de dados do áudio" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:760 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:788 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:813 -msgid "Exif" -msgstr "EXIF" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:832 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:854 -msgid "Magic Lantern" -msgstr "Lanterna Mágica" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:893 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:858 -msgid "Save Analysis Data" -msgstr "Gravar os Dados da Análise" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:893 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:904 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:858 src/project/clipproperties.cpp:869 -msgid "Text File (*.txt)" -msgstr "Ficheiro de Texto (*.txt)" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:904 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:869 -msgid "Open Analysis Data" -msgstr "Abrir os Dados da Análise" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:183 -msgid "Play..." -msgstr "Reproduzir..." - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:185 src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:303 -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:310 src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:449 -msgid "Pause" -msgstr "Pausa" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:210 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:210 -msgid "Go to marker..." -msgstr "Ir para a marcação..." - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:215 -msgid "Force Monitor Size" -msgstr "Forçar o Tamanho do Monitor" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:216 -msgid "Force 100%" -msgstr "Forçar a 100%" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:218 -msgid "Force 50%" -msgstr "Forçar a 50%" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:220 -msgid "Free Resize" -msgstr "Dimensionamento Livre" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:233 -msgid "Audio volume" -msgstr "Volume do áudio" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:248 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Split view" -msgid "Split" -msgstr "Visualização dividida" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:248 -msgid "Unsplit" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:281 src/monitor/monitoreditwidget.cpp:58 -msgid "Show/Hide edit mode" -msgstr "Mostrar/Esconder o modo de edição" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:400 -msgid "Save zone" -msgstr "Gravar a zona" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:401 -msgid "Extract Zone" -msgstr "Extrair a Zona" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:404 -msgid "Extract frame" -msgstr "Extrair uma imagem" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:408 -msgid "Split view" -msgstr "Visualização dividida" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:412 -msgid "Set current image as thumbnail" -msgstr "Definir a imagem actual como miniatura" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:416 -msgid "Overlay audio waveform" -msgstr "Forma de onda do áudio de sobreposição" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:453 -msgid "Your screen resolution is not sufficient for this action" -msgstr "A resolução do seu ecrã não é suficiente para esta acção" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:838 -msgid "Save Image" -msgstr "Gravar a Imagem" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:894 -msgid "In Point" -msgstr "Ponto de Entrada" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:896 -msgid "Out Point" -msgstr "Ponto de Saída" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:1520 -msgid "Select a clip in project bin to compare effect" -msgstr "Seleccione um 'clip' no grupo do projecto para comparar os efeitos" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:1524 -msgid "Clip has no effects" -msgstr "O 'clip' não tem efeitos" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:1533 -msgid "" -"The scal0tilt filter is required for that feature, please install frei0r and " -"restart Kdenlive" -msgstr "" -"O filtro 'scal0tilt' é necessário para esta funcionalidade; instale por " -"favor o 'frei0r' e reinicie o Kdenlive" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:1540 -msgid "" -"The cairoblend transition is required for that feature, please install " -"frei0r and restart Kdenlive" -msgstr "" -"A transição 'cairoblend' é necessária para esta funcionalidade; instale por " -"favor o 'frei0r' e reinicie o Kdenlive" - -#: src/monitor/monitoreditwidget.cpp:64 -msgid "Update parameters while monitor scene changes" -msgstr "Actualizar os parâmetros enquanto a cena do monitor muda" - -#: src/monitor/monitoreditwidget.cpp:68 -msgid "Fit zoom to monitor size" -msgstr "Ajustar a ampliação ao monitor" - -#: src/monitor/monitoreditwidget.cpp:70 -msgid "Original size" -msgstr "Tamanho original" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:326 -msgid "Switch monitor fullscreen" -msgstr "Mudar o monitor para o ecrã completo" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:331 src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:76 -msgid "Rewind" -msgstr "Recuar" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:336 -msgid "Rewind 1 Frame" -msgstr "Recuar 1 Imagem" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:341 -msgid "Rewind 1 Second" -msgstr "Recuar 1 Segundo" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:346 src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:85 -msgid "Forward" -msgstr "Avançar" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:351 -msgid "Go to Project Start" -msgstr "Ir para o Início do Projecto" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:356 -msgid "Go to Project End" -msgstr "Ir para o Fim do Projecto" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:361 -msgid "Forward 1 Frame" -msgstr "Avançar 1 Imagem" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:366 -msgid "Forward 1 Second" -msgstr "Avançar 1 Segundo" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:371 -msgid "Deinterlacer" -msgstr "Desentrelaçamento" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:372 -msgid "One Field (fast)" -msgstr "Um Campo (rápido)" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:373 -msgid "Linear Blend (fast)" -msgstr "Mistura Linear (rápido)" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:374 -msgid "YADIF - temporal only (good)" -msgstr "YADIF - apenas temporal (bom)" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:375 -msgid "YADIF - temporal + spacial (best)" -msgstr "YADIF - temporal + espacial (melhor)" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:384 -msgid "Nearest Neighbor (fast)" -msgstr "Vizinho Mais Próximo (rápido)" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:385 -msgid "Bilinear (good)" -msgstr "Bilinear (bom)" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:386 -msgid "Bicubic (better)" -msgstr "Bicúbico (melhor)" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:387 -msgid "Hyper/Lanczos (best)" -msgstr "Hiper/Lanczos (o melhor)" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:395 -msgid "Go to Zone Start" -msgstr "Ir para o Início da Zona" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:400 -msgid "Mute monitor" -msgstr "Silenciar o monitor" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:400 -msgid "Unmute monitor" -msgstr "Reactivar o monitor" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:406 -msgid "Go to Zone End" -msgstr "Ir para o Fim da Zona" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:411 -msgid "Set Zone In" -msgstr "Definir a Entrada da Zona" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:416 -msgid "Set Zone Out" -msgstr "Definir a Saída da Zona" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_preview) -#: src/monitor/recmanager.cpp:48 src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:147 -#: src/ui/freesound_ui.ui:144 src/utils/archiveorg.cpp:181 -#: src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:158 src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:263 -#: src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:277 src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:575 -msgid "Preview" -msgstr "Antevisão" - -#: src/monitor/recmanager.cpp:52 src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:88 -msgid "Record" -msgstr "Gravar" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_video) -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, vbitrates) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, background_list) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_videothumbnails) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, video_thumbs) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, bitrateLabel) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, rec_video) -#: src/monitor/recmanager.cpp:56 src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:38 -#: src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:153 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:86 -#: src/ui/configtimeline_ui.ui:29 src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:207 -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:217 src/ui/recmonitor_ui.ui:100 -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:169 src/ui/saveprofile_ui.ui:20 -msgid "Video" -msgstr "Vídeo" - -#: src/monitor/recmanager.cpp:68 src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:135 -#, kde-format -msgid "Monitor %1" -msgstr "Monitor %1" - -#: src/monitor/recmanager.cpp:80 -msgid "Webcam" -msgstr "Webcam" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_3) -#: src/monitor/recmanager.cpp:81 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:427 -msgid "Screen Grab" -msgstr "Captura do Ecrã" - -#: src/monitor/recmanager.cpp:86 -msgid "Configure Recording" -msgstr "Configurar a Gravação" - -#: src/monitor/recmanager.cpp:89 -msgid "Show Record Control" -msgstr "Mostrar o Controlo de Gravação" - -#: src/monitor/recmanager.cpp:198 src/monitor/recmanager.cpp:279 -#: src/monitor/recmanager.cpp:284 src/monitor/recmanager.cpp:390 -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:879 src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:886 -msgid "Capture crashed, please check your parameters" -msgstr "A captura estoirou; verifique por favor os seus parâmetros" - -#: src/monitor/recmanager.cpp:265 src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:753 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Failed to start the capture application:\n" -"%1" -msgstr "" -"Não foi possível iniciar a aplicação de captura:\n" -"%1" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:73 src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:862 -msgid "Connect" -msgstr "Ligar" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:82 src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:249 -#: src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:262 src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:271 -msgid "Stop" -msgstr "Parar" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:94 -msgid "Add Captured File to Project" -msgstr "Adicionar o Ficheiro Capturado ao Projecto" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:102 -msgid "Recording Preview" -msgstr "Antevisão da Gravação" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:110 src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:245 -msgid "Configure" -msgstr "Configurar" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:202 -msgid "" -"You need to disconnect and reconnect in the capture monitor to apply your " -"changes" -msgstr "" -"Tem de desligar e voltar a ligar o monitor de captura para aplicar as suas " -"alterações" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:202 src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:203 -msgid "Capturing" -msgstr "A capturar" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:203 -msgid "You need to stop capture before your changes can be applied" -msgstr "Tem de parar a captura antes de poder aplicar as suas alterações" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:256 -msgid "" -"ffmpeg or avconv not found,\n" -" please install it for screen grabs" -msgstr "" -"O 'ffmpeg' ou o 'avconf' não foram encontrados,\n" -"Por favor, instale um deles para capturar o ecrã" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:262 -msgid "" -"Your FFmpeg / Libav installation\n" -" does not support screen grab" -msgstr "" -"A sua instalação do FFmpeg / Libav\n" -"não suporta a captura do ecrã" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:265 src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:888 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Press record button\n" -"to start screen capture\n" -"Files will be saved in:\n" -"%1" -msgstr "" -"Carregue no botão de gravação\n" -"para iniciar a captura do ecrã\n" -"Os ficheiros serão gravados em:\n" -"%1" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:283 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Plug your camcorder and\n" -"press play button\n" -"to start preview.\n" -"Files will be saved in:\n" -"%1" -msgstr "" -"Ligue a sua câmara e\n" -"carregue no botão de reprodução\n" -"para iniciar a antevisão.\n" -"Os ficheiros serão gravados em:\n" -"%1" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:296 -msgid "" -"dvgrab utility not found,\n" -" please install it for firewire capture" -msgstr "" -"O utilitário 'dvgrab' não fio encontrado,\n" -"Por favor, instale-o para a captura por FireWire" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:320 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Plug your camcorder and\n" -"press connect button\n" -"to initialize connection\n" -"Files will be saved in:\n" -"%1" -msgstr "" -"Ligue a sua câmara e\n" -"carregue no botão de ligação\n" -"para iniciar a comunicação\n" -"Os ficheiros serão gravados em:\n" -"%1" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:355 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Cannot read from device %1\n" -"Please check drivers and access rights." -msgstr "" -"Não é possível ler do dispositivo %1\n" -"Por favor, verifique os controladores e as permissões de acesso." - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:358 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Press play or record button\n" -"to start video capture\n" -"Files will be saved in:\n" -"%1" -msgstr "" -"Carregue no botão de reprodução ou gravação\n" -"para iniciar a captura do vídeo\n" -"Os ficheiros serão gravados em:\n" -"%1" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:370 -msgid "Disconnect" -msgstr "Desligar" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:423 -msgid "Capture stopped" -msgstr "A captura foi interrompida" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:523 -msgid "" -"Failed to start Video4Linux,\n" -"check your parameters..." -msgstr "" -"Não foi possível iniciar o Video4Linux.\n" -"Verifique por favor os seus parâmetros..." - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:539 src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:701 -msgid "" -"Failed to start Decklink,\n" -"check your parameters..." -msgstr "" -"Não foi possível iniciar o Decklink.\n" -"Verifique por favor os seus parâmetros..." - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:677 -msgid "" -"Failed to start ffmpeg capture,\n" -"check your parameters..." -msgstr "" -"Não foi possível iniciar a captura do 'ffmpeg'.\n" -"Verifique por favor os seus parâmetros..." - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:695 -#, kde-format -msgid "Capturing to %1" -msgstr "A capturar para o %1" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:702 -msgid "Failed to start capture" -msgstr "Não foi possível iniciar a captura" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:766 -msgid "Initialising..." -msgstr "A inicializar..." - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:782 -msgid "Show log" -msgstr "Mostrar o registo" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, video_frame) -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:882 src/ui/recmonitor_ui.ui:35 -msgid "Not connected" -msgstr "Não ligado" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:971 -#, kde-format -msgid "Free space: %1" -msgstr "Espaço livre: %1" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:1014 -#, kde-format -msgid "%1 dropped frames" -msgstr "%1 imagens ignoradas" - -#: src/monitor/smallruler.cpp:201 src/timeline/customruler.cpp:233 -#: src/timeline/customruler.cpp:234 -#, kde-format -msgid "Zone start: %1" -msgstr "Inicio da zona: %1" - -#: src/monitor/smallruler.cpp:205 src/timeline/customruler.cpp:237 -#: src/timeline/customruler.cpp:238 -#, kde-format -msgid "Zone end: %1" -msgstr "Fim da zona: %1" - -#: src/monitor/smallruler.cpp:236 src/timeline/customruler.cpp:241 -#: src/timeline/customruler.cpp:242 -#, kde-format -msgid "Zone duration: %1" -msgstr "Duração da zona: %1" - -#: src/monitor/smallruler.cpp:238 src/timeline/customruler.cpp:245 -#: src/timeline/customruler.cpp:246 -#, kde-format -msgid "Position: %1" -msgstr "Posição: %1" - -#: src/project/clipmanager.cpp:220 -msgid "Delete subclip" -msgid_plural "Delete subclips" -msgstr[0] "Apagar o 'sub-clip'" -msgstr[1] "Apagar os 'sub-clips'" - -#: src/project/clipmanager.cpp:223 src/project/projectcommands.cpp:74 -msgid "Delete folder" -msgid_plural "Delete folders" -msgstr[0] "Apagar a pasta" -msgstr[1] "Apagar as pastas" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:200 -msgid "Libav" -msgstr "Libav" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_8) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, kcfg_defaultcapture) -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_2) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, device_selector) -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:204 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:42 -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:181 src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:105 -#: src/ui/recmonitor_ui.ui:139 -msgid "FFmpeg" -msgstr "FFmpeg" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_11) -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:246 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:187 -#: src/utils/freesound.cpp:207 -msgid "Channels" -msgstr "Canais" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:263 -#, kde-format -msgid "Proxy clip: %1 (%2)" -msgstr "'Clip' indirecto: %1 (%2)" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:265 -msgid "Delete proxy" -msgstr "Apagar o 'clip' indirecto" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:292 -msgid "Playlist" -msgstr "Lista de Reprodução" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:348 src/project/dialogs/slideshowclip.cpp:74 -msgid "Pan, low-pass" -msgstr "Deslocamento, passa-baixo" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:349 src/project/dialogs/slideshowclip.cpp:75 -msgid "Pan and zoom" -msgstr "Deslocamento e ampliação" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:350 src/project/dialogs/slideshowclip.cpp:76 -msgid "Pan and zoom, low-pass" -msgstr "Deslocamento e ampliação, passa-baixo" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:352 src/project/dialogs/slideshowclip.cpp:78 -msgid "Zoom, low-pass" -msgstr "Ampliação, passa-baixo" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:480 -msgid "Save markers" -msgstr "Gravar as marcações" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:482 -msgid "Load markers" -msgstr "Carregar as marcações" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:484 -msgid "Delete analysis data" -msgstr "Apagar os dados da análise" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:486 -msgid "Load analysis data" -msgstr "Carregar os dados da análise" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:488 -msgid "Save analysis data" -msgstr "Gravar os dados da análise" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:527 src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:360 -#, kde-format -msgid "(%1 clip)" -msgid_plural "(%1 clips)" -msgstr[0] "(%1 'clip')" -msgstr[1] "(%1 'clips')" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, slide_info) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_info) -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:1166 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:319 -#: src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:265 -msgid "No image found" -msgstr "Nenhuma imagem encontrada" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:1171 -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:573 -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:586 -#: src/project/dialogs/slideshowclip.cpp:247 -#, kde-format -msgid "1 image found" -msgid_plural "%1 images found" -msgstr[0] "%1 imagem encontrada" -msgstr[1] "%1 imagens encontradas" - -#: src/project/clippropertiesmanager.cpp:182 -msgid "Edit clips" -msgstr "Editar os 'clips'" - -#: src/project/clipstabilize.cpp:41 -msgid "Stabilize Clip" -msgstr "Estabilizar o 'Clip'" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, auto_add) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, add_clip) -#: src/project/clipstabilize.cpp:42 src/project/cliptranscode.cpp:47 -#: src/ui/clipstabilize_ui.ui:57 src/ui/cliptranscode_ui.ui:47 -#: src/ui/cutjobdialog_ui.ui:57 -msgid "Add clip to project" -msgid_plural "Add clips to project" -msgstr[0] "Adicionar o 'clip' ao projecto" -msgstr[1] "Adicionar os 'clips' ao projecto" - -#: src/project/clipstabilize.cpp:69 src/project/cliptranscode.cpp:63 -msgid "Destination folder" -msgstr "Pasta de destino" - -#: src/project/clipstabilize.cpp:159 -msgid "Stabilised" -msgstr "Estabilizado" - -#: src/project/clipstabilize.cpp:173 -msgid "Stabilize clip" -msgstr "Estabilizar o 'clip'" - -#: src/project/clipstabilize.cpp:232 -msgid "The stabilize job will overwrite the following files:" -msgstr "A tarefa de estabilização irá sobrepor os seguintes ficheiros:" - -#: src/project/cliptranscode.cpp:43 -msgid "Transcode Clip" -msgstr "Codificar o 'Clip'" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, convert_abort) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_abort) -#: src/project/cliptranscode.cpp:168 src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:636 -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:884 src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:94 -#: src/ui/dvdwizardvob_ui.ui:160 -msgid "Abort" -msgstr "Interromper" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, buttonClose) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, buttonClose2) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, buttonClose3) -#: src/project/cliptranscode.cpp:210 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:382 -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:657 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:805 -msgid "Close" -msgstr "Fechar" - -#: src/project/cliptranscode.cpp:221 src/project/cliptranscode.cpp:239 -msgid "Transcoding finished." -msgstr "A transformação da codificação terminou." - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:63 -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:302 -msgid "Video clips" -msgstr "'Clips' de vídeo" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:67 -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:305 -msgid "Audio clips" -msgstr "'Clips' de áudio" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:71 -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:308 src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:113 -msgid "Image clips" -msgstr "'Clips' de Imagem" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:75 -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:311 -msgid "Slideshow clips" -msgstr "'Clips' de apresentações" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:79 -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:314 -msgid "Text clips" -msgstr "'Clips' de texto" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:83 -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:317 -msgid "Playlist clips" -msgstr "'Clips' da lista de reprodução" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:87 -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:320 -msgid "Other clips" -msgstr "Outros 'clips'" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:91 -msgid "Luma files" -msgstr "Ficheiros do Luma" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:167 -#, kde-format -msgid "You have %1 missing clip in your project." -msgid_plural "You have %1 missing clips in your project." -msgstr[0] "Falta %1 'clip' no seu projecto." -msgstr[1] "Faltam %1 'clips' no seu projecto." - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:192 -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:1017 -#, kde-format -msgid "(%1 item)" -msgid_plural "(%1 items)" -msgstr[0] "(%1 item)" -msgstr[1] "(%1 itens)" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:197 -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:1019 -#, kde-format -msgid "%1 file to archive, requires %2" -msgid_plural "%1 files to archive, requires %2" -msgstr[0] "%1 ficheiro a arquivar, é necessário %2" -msgstr[1] "%1 ficheiros a arquivar, é necessário %2" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:198 -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:664 -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:854 -msgid "Archive" -msgstr "Arquivo" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:232 -msgid "Extract to" -msgstr "Extrair para" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:233 -msgid "Open Archived Project" -msgstr "Abrir um Projecto Arquivado" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:235 -msgid "Extract" -msgstr "Extrair" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:264 -msgid "Opening archive..." -msgstr "A abrir o arquivo..." - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:267 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Cannot open archive file:\n" -" %1" -msgstr "" -"Não é possível aceder ao ficheiro:\n" -" %1" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:284 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"File %1\n" -" is not an archived Kdenlive project" -msgstr "" -"O ficheiro %1\n" -"não é um projecto arquivado do Kdenlive" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:290 -msgid "Ready" -msgstr "Pronto" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:310 -msgid "Archiving in progress, do you want to stop it?" -msgstr "O arquivo está em curso; deseja interrompê-lo?" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:310 -msgid "Stop Archiving" -msgstr "Parar o Arquivo" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:493 -#, kde-format -msgid "Available space on drive: %1" -msgstr "Espaço livre em disco: %1" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:497 -#, kde-format -msgid "Not enough space on drive, free space: %1" -msgstr "Não existe espaço suficiente em disco, espaço livre: %1" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:518 -msgid "Archiving..." -msgstr "A arquivar..." - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:546 -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:628 -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:881 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot create directory %1" -msgstr "Não é possível criar a pasta %1" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:652 -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:847 -msgid "Project was successfully archived." -msgstr "O projecto foi arquivado com sucesso." - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:655 -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:851 -msgid "There was an error processing project file" -msgstr "Ocorreu um erro ao processar o ficheiro do projecto" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:661 -#, kde-format -msgid "There was an error while copying the files: %1" -msgstr "Ocorreu um erro ao copiar os ficheiros: %1" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:785 -msgid "Cannot create temporary file" -msgstr "Não é possível criar o ficheiro temporário" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:883 -msgid "Extracting..." -msgstr "A extrair..." - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:947 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot open project file %1" -msgstr "Não é possível aceder ao ficheiro do projecto %1" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:947 -msgid "Cannot open file" -msgstr "Não é possível aceder ao ficheiro" - -#: src/project/dialogs/backupwidget.cpp:30 -msgid "Restore Backup File" -msgstr "Repor a Cópia de Segurança" - -#: src/project/dialogs/backupwidget.cpp:34 -msgid "Showing all backup files in folder" -msgstr "A mostrar todas as cópias de segurança na pasta" - -#: src/project/dialogs/backupwidget.cpp:37 -#, kde-format -msgid "Showing backup files for %1" -msgstr "A mostrar os ficheiros de cópias de segurança de %1" - -#: src/project/dialogs/noteswidget.cpp:40 -msgid "Insert current timecode" -msgstr "Inserir o código de tempo actual" - -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:120 -msgid "Current Settings" -msgstr "Configuração Actual" - -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:139 -msgid "Title" -msgstr "Título" - -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:146 -#: src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:189 -msgid "Author" -msgstr "Autoria" - -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:153 -msgid "Artist" -msgstr "Artista" - -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:159 -msgid "Copyright" -msgstr "Copyright" - -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:259 -msgid "Deleting proxy clips will disable proxies for this project." -msgstr "" -"A remoção dos 'clips' indirectos irá desactivar as indirecções deste " -"projecto." - -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:410 -msgid "" -"Changing the profile of your project cannot be undone.\n" -"It is recommended to save your project before attempting this operation that " -"might cause some corruption in transitions.\n" -" Are you sure you want to proceed?" -msgstr "" -"Não é possível anular a mudança de perfil do seu projecto.\n" -"Recomenda-se que grave o seu projecto antes de tentar esta operação, dado " -"que poderá invalidar algumas transições.\n" -"Tem a certeza que deseja continuar?" - -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:410 -msgid "Confirm profile change" -msgstr "Confirmar a mudança de perfil" - -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:425 -#, kde-format -msgid "Interlaced (%1 fields per second)" -msgstr "Entrelaçado (%1 campos por segundo)" - -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:596 -#, kde-format -msgid "Project folder: %1" -msgstr "Pasta do projecto: %1" - -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:597 -#, kde-format -msgid "Project profile: %1" -msgstr "Perfil do projecto: %1" - -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:598 -#, kde-format -msgid "Total clips: %1 (%2 used in timeline)." -msgstr "'Clips' totais: %1 (%2 usados na linha temporal)." - -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:650 -msgid "field_name" -msgstr "nome_campo" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, SlideshowClip_UI) -#: src/project/dialogs/slideshowclip.cpp:47 src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Slideshow Clip" -msgstr "'Clip' de Apresentação" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:46 -msgid "Transcode clip" -msgstr "Codificar o 'clip'" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:49 -msgid "Cut clip" -msgstr "Cortar o 'clip'" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:53 -msgid "Analyse clip" -msgstr "Analisar o 'clip'" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:125 -msgid "Failed to create file." -msgstr "Não foi possível criar o ficheiro." - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:140 -msgid "Cannot process this clip type." -msgstr "Não é possível processar este tipo de 'clip'." - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:202 -msgid "Transcoding clip" -msgstr "A codificar o 'clip'" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:203 -msgid "Extracting clip cut" -msgstr "A extrair o corte do 'clip'" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:204 -msgid "Analysing clip" -msgstr "A analisar o 'clip'" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:207 -msgid "Waiting - transcode clip" -msgstr "À espera - a codificar o 'clip'" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:208 -msgid "Waiting - cut clip" -msgstr "À espera - corte do 'clip'" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:209 -msgid "Waiting - analyse clip" -msgstr "À espera - analisar o 'clip'" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:278 -#, kde-format -msgid "Extracting %1 out of %2" -msgstr "A extrair o %1 de %2" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:292 -msgid "You cannot overwrite original clip." -msgstr "Não pode sobrepor o 'clip' original." - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:293 -#, kde-format -msgid "Overwrite file %1" -msgstr "Sobrepor o ficheiro %1" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:338 -msgid "The transcoding job will overwrite the following files:" -msgstr "" -"A tarefa de mudança de codificação irá sobrepor os seguintes ficheiros:" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:344 -msgid "Transcoding" -msgstr "Codificação" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:432 -msgid "I-Frame " -msgstr "Imagem-I " - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:433 -#, c-format -msgid "Found %count I-Frames" -msgstr "Foram encontradas %count Imagens-I" - -#: src/project/jobs/filterjob.cpp:133 -#, kde-format -msgid "Found %1 scenes." -msgstr "Foram encontradas %1 cenas." - -#: src/project/jobs/filterjob.cpp:146 -msgid "Scene " -msgstr "Cena " - -#: src/project/jobs/filterjob.cpp:174 -msgid "Auto split" -msgstr "Divisão automática" - -#: src/project/jobs/jobmanager.cpp:178 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot write to path: %1" -msgstr "Não é possível gravar na localização: %1" - -#: src/project/jobs/jobmanager.cpp:225 -#, kde-format -msgid "Filter %1" -msgstr "Filtro %1" - -#: src/project/jobs/jobmanager.cpp:234 -msgid "No valid clip to process" -msgstr "Não existe um 'clip' válido para processar" - -#: src/project/jobs/meltjob.cpp:53 -msgid "Processing clip" -msgstr "A processar o 'clip'" - -#: src/project/jobs/meltjob.cpp:63 -msgid "No producer for this clip." -msgstr "Não existe o produtor deste 'clip'." - -#: src/project/jobs/meltjob.cpp:86 -#, kde-format -msgid "Clip zone undefined (%1 - %2)." -msgstr "Zona de recorte indefinida (%1 - %2)." - -#: src/project/jobs/meltjob.cpp:157 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot create consumer %1." -msgstr "Não é possível criar o consumidor %1." - -#: src/project/jobs/meltjob.cpp:179 -#, kde-format -msgid "Filter %1 crashed" -msgstr "O filtro %1 estoirou" - -#: src/project/jobs/meltjob.cpp:248 -msgid "Waiting to process clip" -msgstr "À espera do processamento do 'clip'" - -#: src/project/jobs/proxyclipjob.cpp:38 -msgid "proxy" -msgstr "'clip' indirecto" - -#: src/project/jobs/proxyclipjob.cpp:90 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot load image %1." -msgstr "Não é possível carregar a imagem %1." - -#: src/project/jobs/proxyclipjob.cpp:170 -msgid "Failed to create proxy clip." -msgstr "Não foi possível criar o 'clip' indirecto." - -#: src/project/jobs/proxyclipjob.cpp:245 -msgid "Creating proxy" -msgstr "A criar um 'clip' indirecto" - -#: src/project/jobs/proxyclipjob.cpp:248 -msgid "Waiting - proxy" -msgstr "À espera - 'clip' indirecto" - -#: src/project/jobs/proxyclipjob.cpp:283 src/project/projectlist.cpp:2073 -msgid "Failed to create proxy, empty path." -msgstr "" -"Não foi possível criar o 'clip' indirecto, porque a localização está em " -"branco." - -#: src/project/notesplugin.cpp:27 -msgid "Enter your project notes here ..." -msgstr "Indique aqui as notas do seu projecto ..." - -#: src/project/notesplugin.cpp:28 -msgid "Project Notes" -msgstr "Notas do Projecto" - -#: src/project/projectcommands.cpp:38 -msgid "Add clip cut" -msgstr "Adicionar um corte no 'clip'" - -#: src/project/projectcommands.cpp:72 -msgid "Add folder" -msgstr "Adicionar uma pasta" - -#: src/project/projectcommands.cpp:107 -msgid "Edit clip cut" -msgstr "Editar o corte do 'clip'" - -#: src/project/projectcommands.cpp:136 -msgid "Rename folder" -msgstr "Mudar o nome da pasta" - -#: src/project/projectitem.cpp:92 src/project/projectitem.cpp:221 -msgid "Contains proxies" -msgstr "Contém 'clips' indirectos" - -#: src/project/projectitem.cpp:186 -msgid "Missing" -msgstr "Em falta" - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:446 -msgid "No available clip selected" -msgstr "Nenhum 'clip' disponível seleccionado" - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:982 -msgid "Delete Clip Zone" -msgstr "Apagar a Zona do 'Clip'" - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:995 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Delete folder %2?
This will also remove the clip in that folder" -msgid_plural "" -"Delete folder %2?
This will also remove the %1 clips in that " -"folder" -msgstr[0] "" -"Deseja apagar a pasta %2?
Isto também irá remover o 'clip' nesta " -"pasta" -msgstr[1] "" -"Deseja apagar a pasta %2?
Isto também irá remover os %1 'clips' " -"nesta pasta" - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:1004 -#, kde-format -msgid "Delete clip %2?
This will also remove the clip in timeline" -msgid_plural "" -"Delete clip %2?
This will also remove its %1 clips in timeline" -msgstr[0] "" -"Deseja apagar o 'clip' %2?
Isto também irá remover o 'clip' na " -"linha temporal" -msgstr[1] "" -"Deseja apagar o 'clip' %2?
Isto também irá remover os seus %1 " -"'clips' na linha temporal" - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:1430 -msgid "Clip is missing or invalid. Remove it from project?" -msgstr "O 'clip' é inválido ou está ausente; deseja removê-lo do projecto?" - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:1455 -msgid "Proxy clip unusable (duration is different from original)." -msgstr "O 'clip' indirecto é inválido (a duração é diferente do original)." - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:1457 -#, kde-format -msgid "Failed to create proxy for %1. check parameters" -msgstr "" -"Não foi possível criar o 'clip' indirecto de %1. Verifique os parâmetros" - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:1752 -msgid "Cannot find profile from current clip" -msgstr "Não é possível encontrar o perfil do 'clip' actual" - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:1769 -msgid "Change project profile" -msgstr "Mudar o perfil do projecto" - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:1773 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Your clip does not match current project's profile.\n" -"Do you want to change the project profile?\n" -"\n" -"The following profiles match the clip (size: %1, fps: %2)" -msgstr "" -"O seu 'clip' não corresponde ao perfil do projecto actual.\n" -"Deseja alterar o perfil do projecto?\n" -"\n" -"Os seguintes perfis correspondem ao 'clip' (tamanho: %1, fps: %2)" - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:1791 -msgid "Update profile" -msgstr "Actualizar o perfil" - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:1806 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Your clip does not match current project's profile.\n" -"No existing profile found to match the clip's properties.\n" -"Clip size: %1\n" -"Fps: %2\n" -msgstr "" -"O seu 'clip' não corresponde ao perfil do projecto actual.\n" -"Não existe nenhum perfil correspondente às propriedades do 'clip'.\n" -"Tamanho do 'clip': %1\n" -"fps: %2\n" - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:2042 -msgid "Sequence not found" -msgstr "Sequência não encontrada" - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:2212 -msgid "Update proxy settings" -msgstr "Actualizar a configuração do 'clip' indirecto" - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:2374 -msgid "Remove Proxy" -msgstr "Remover o 'Clip' Indirecto" - -#: src/project/projectlistview.cpp:59 -msgid "Rating" -msgstr "Classificação" - -#: src/project/projectlistview.cpp:105 -msgctxt "@title:menu" -msgid "Columns" -msgstr "Colunas" - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:61 -msgid "Open Backup File" -msgstr "Abrir uma Cópia de Segurança" - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:202 -msgid "Save changes to document?" -msgstr "Deseja gravar as alterações no documento?" - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:204 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"The project \"%1\" has been changed.\n" -"Do you want to save your changes?" -msgstr "" -"O projecto \"%1\" foi alterado.\n" -"Deseja gravar as suas alterações?" - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:379 -msgid "Auto-saved files exist. Do you want to recover them now?" -msgstr "Existem ficheiros gravados automaticamente. Deseja recuperá-los agora?" - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:380 -msgid "File Recovery" -msgstr "Recuperação de Ficheiros" - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:381 -msgid "Don't recover" -msgstr "Não recuperar" - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:436 -#, kde-format -msgid "Opening file %1" -msgstr "A abrir o ficheiro %1" - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:456 -msgid "Loading project" -msgstr "A carregar o projecto" - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:458 -msgid "Loading playlist" -msgstr "A carregar a lista de reprodução" - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:478 src/project/projectmanager.cpp:483 -msgid "Loading clips" -msgstr "A carregar os 'clips'" - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:507 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Cannot open file %1.\n" -"Project is corrupted." -msgstr "" -"Não é possível abrir o ficheiro %1.\n" -"O projecto está danificado." - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:527 -msgid "" -"This will delete all changes made since you last saved your project. Are you " -"sure you want to continue?" -msgstr "" -"Isto irá apagar todas as alterações feitas desde que gravou o seu projecto. " -"Tem a certeza que deseja continuar?" - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:527 -msgid "Revert to last saved version" -msgstr "Voltar à última versão gravada" - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:537 -msgid "Kdenlive project (*.kdenlive)" -msgstr "Projecto do Kdenlive (*.kdenlive)" - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:538 -msgid "Archived project (*.tar.gz)" -msgstr "Projecto arquivado (*.tar.gz)" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, scanning_list) -#: src/project/transitionsettings.cpp:151 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:126 -msgid "Auto" -msgstr "Auto" - -#: src/project/transitionsettings.cpp:162 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:54 -msgid "Black" -msgstr "Preto" - -#: src/renderer.cpp:1181 -msgid "" -"Could not create the video preview window.\n" -"There is something wrong with your Kdenlive install or your driver settings, " -"please fix it." -msgstr "" -"Não foi possível criar a janela de antevisão do vídeo.\n" -"Algo se passa de errado com a sua instalação do Kdenlive ou com a " -"configuração do controlador; por favor, corrija este problema." - -#: src/renderer.cpp:1386 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7865 -msgid "Save Zone" -msgstr "Gravar a Zona" - -#: src/renderer.cpp:3283 -msgid "Import selected clips" -msgstr "Importar os 'clips' seleccionados" - -#: src/renderer.cpp:3285 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Additional streams for clip\n" -" %1" -msgstr "" -"Transmissões adicionais do 'clip'\n" -" %1" - -#: src/renderer.cpp:3294 -#, kde-format -msgid "Video stream %1" -msgstr "Transmissão de vídeo %1" - -#: src/renderer.cpp:3309 -#, kde-format -msgid "Audio stream %1" -msgstr "Transmissão de áudio %1" - -#: src/scopes/abstractscopewidget.cpp:84 -msgid "Auto Refresh" -msgstr "Actualização Automática" - -#: src/scopes/abstractscopewidget.cpp:86 -msgid "Realtime (with precision loss)" -msgstr "Tempo-real (com perda de precisão)" - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:67 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:52 -msgid "Reset maximum frequency to sampling rate" -msgstr "Repor a frequência máxima na taxa de amostragem" - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:68 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:55 -msgid "Track mouse" -msgstr "Seguir o rato" - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:70 -msgid "Show maximum" -msgstr "Mostrar o máximo" - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:86 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:74 -msgid "Rectangular window" -msgstr "Janela rectangular" - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:87 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:75 -msgid "Triangular window" -msgstr "Janela triangular" - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:88 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:76 -msgid "Hamming window" -msgstr "Janela de Hamming" - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:97 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:79 -msgid "The maximum window size is limited by the number of samples per frame." -msgstr "" -"O tamanho máximo da janela é limitado pelo número de amostras por imagem." - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:98 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:80 -msgid "" -"A bigger window improves the accuracy at the cost of computational power." -msgstr "Uma janela maior aumenta a precisão às custas do poder de computação." - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:99 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:81 -msgid "" -"The rectangular window function is good for signals with equal signal " -"strength (narrow peak), but creates more smearing. See Window function on " -"Wikipedia." -msgstr "" -"A função da janela rectangular é boa para os sinais com potências iguais " -"(picos estreitos) mas cria mais ruído. Veja as funções de janela no " -"Wikipédia." - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:389 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:392 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:394 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:485 -#, kde-format -msgid "%1 dB" -msgstr "%1 dB" - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:412 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:487 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:280 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:289 -#, kde-format -msgid "%1 kHz" -msgstr "%1 kHz" - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:53 -msgid "Draw grid" -msgstr "Desenhar a grelha" - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:57 -msgid "Highlight peaks" -msgstr "Realçar os picos" - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:234 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Frame\n" -"%1" -msgstr "" -"Imagem\n" -"%1" - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:305 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:306 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"%1\n" -"dB" -msgstr "" -"%1\n" -"dB" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:31 -msgid "YUV UV plane" -msgstr "Plano UV do YUV" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:32 -msgid "YUV Y plane" -msgstr "Plano Y do YUV" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:33 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:55 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:61 -msgid "Modified YUV (Chroma)" -msgstr "YUV Modificado (Croma)" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:34 -msgid "YCbCr CbCr plane" -msgstr "Plano CbCr do YCbCr" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:35 -msgid "RGB plane, one component varying" -msgstr "Plano RGB, uma componente variável" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:36 -msgid "HSV Hue Shift" -msgstr "Desvio de Tom do HSV" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:37 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:254 -msgid "HSV Saturation" -msgstr "Saturação do HSV" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:118 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:250 -#, kde-format -msgid "%1°" -msgstr "%1°" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:125 -#, kde-format -msgid "%1 px" -msgstr "%1 pt" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:218 -msgid "Y value" -msgstr "Valor do Y" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:219 -msgid "The Y value describes the brightness of the colors." -msgstr "O valor do Y descreve o brilho das cores." - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:231 -msgid "UV angle" -msgstr "Ângulo UV" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:232 -msgid "Angle through the UV plane, with all possible Y values." -msgstr "O ângulo no plano UV, com todos os valores possíveis do Y." - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:240 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:268 -msgid "Red" -msgstr "Vermelho" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:241 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:269 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:53 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/waveform.cpp:34 -msgid "Green" -msgstr "Verde" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:242 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:270 -msgid "Blue" -msgstr "Azul" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:243 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:271 -msgid "Luma" -msgstr "Luma" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:255 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:262 -msgid "HSV Value" -msgstr "Valor do HSV" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/histogram.cpp:26 -msgid "Unscaled" -msgstr "Sem escala" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/histogram.cpp:29 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/waveform.cpp:37 -msgid "Rec. 601" -msgstr "Rec. 601" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/histogram.cpp:31 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/waveform.cpp:39 -msgid "Rec. 709" -msgstr "Rec. 709" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/histogram.cpp:39 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/waveform.cpp:44 -msgid "Luma mode" -msgstr "Código do Luma" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/histogramgenerator.cpp:178 -msgid "min" -msgstr "min" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/histogramgenerator.cpp:181 -msgid "max" -msgstr "máx" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/rgbparade.cpp:27 -msgid "RGB" -msgstr "RGB" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/rgbparade.cpp:28 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/waveform.cpp:33 -msgid "White" -msgstr "Branco" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/rgbparade.cpp:32 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:89 -msgid "Draw axis" -msgstr "Desenhar o eixo" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/rgbparade.cpp:37 -msgid "Gradient reference line" -msgstr "Linha de referência do gradiente" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/rgbparadegenerator.cpp:167 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/rgbparadegenerator.cpp:169 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/rgbparadegenerator.cpp:171 -msgid "min: " -msgstr "mín: " - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/rgbparadegenerator.cpp:175 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/rgbparadegenerator.cpp:177 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/rgbparadegenerator.cpp:179 -msgid "max: " -msgstr "máx: " - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:52 -msgid "Green 2" -msgstr "Verde 2" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:56 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:60 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:102 -msgid "YUV" -msgstr "YUV" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:57 -msgid "Original Color" -msgstr "Cor Original" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:62 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:100 -msgid "YPbPr" -msgstr "YPbPr" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:76 -msgid "Tools" -msgstr "Ferramentas" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:78 -msgid "Export background" -msgstr "Exportar o fundo" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:82 -msgid "Drawing options" -msgstr "Opções de desenho" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:84 -msgid "75% box" -msgstr "Caixa a 75%" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:94 -msgid "Draw I/Q lines" -msgstr "Desenhar as linhas I/Q" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:99 -msgid "Color Space" -msgstr "Espaço de Cores" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:247 -#, kde-format -msgid "%1 \\%" -msgstr "%1 \\%" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/waveform.cpp:32 -msgid "Yellow" -msgstr "Amarelo" - -#: src/scopes/scopemanager.cpp:307 -msgid "Waveform" -msgstr "Forma de Onda" - -#: src/scopes/scopemanager.cpp:309 -msgid "Histogram" -msgstr "Histograma" - -#: src/scopes/scopemanager.cpp:311 -msgid "Audio Signal" -msgstr "Sinal de Áudio" - -#: src/scopes/scopemanager.cpp:312 -msgid "AudioSpectrum" -msgstr "Espectro de Áudio" - -#: src/scopes/scopemanager.cpp:313 -msgid "Spectrogram" -msgstr "Espectrómetro" - -#: src/statusbarmessagelabel.cpp:51 -msgctxt "@action:button" -msgid "Confirm" -msgstr "Confirmar" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:162 -msgid "Send frames to color scopes" -msgstr "Enviar as imagens para os medidores de cores" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:167 -msgid "Mirror display" -msgstr "Espelhar" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:174 -msgid "Stop Motion Capture" -msgstr "Captura Estática" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, capture_interval) -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:187 src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:115 -msgid "Interval capture" -msgstr "Captura do intervalo" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:205 -msgid "Overlay effect" -msgstr "Efeito de sobreposição" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:207 -msgid "No Effect" -msgstr "Sem Efeito" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:211 -msgid "Edge detect" -msgstr "Detecção de contornos" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:213 -msgid "Brighten" -msgstr "Aclarar" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:236 -msgid "Show sequence thumbnails" -msgstr "Mostrar as miniaturas da sequência" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:241 -msgid "Delete current frame" -msgstr "Apagar a imagem actual" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:369 -msgid "Configure Stop Motion" -msgstr "Configurar a Imagem Estática" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:371 src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:372 -msgid " second" -msgid_plural " seconds" -msgstr[0] " segundo" -msgstr[1] " segundos" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:520 -msgid "Stopped" -msgstr "Parado" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:560 -msgid "No previous frame found" -msgstr "Não foi encontrada a imagem anterior" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:632 -msgid "Create New Sequence" -msgstr "Criar uma Nova Sequência" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:632 -msgid "Enter sequence name" -msgstr "Indique o nome da sequência" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:653 -msgid "Frame Captured" -msgstr "Imagem Capturada" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:667 -msgid "Going to Capture Frame" -msgstr "Ir para a Imagem da Captura" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:822 -#, kde-format -msgid "Delete frame %1 from disk?" -msgstr "Deseja apagar a imagem %1 do disco?" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:822 -msgid "Delete Frame" -msgstr "Apagar a Imagem" - -#: src/timecode.cpp:261 -msgid "hour" -msgstr "hora" - -#: src/timecode.cpp:269 -msgid "min." -msgstr "min." - -#: src/timecode.cpp:277 -msgid "sec." -msgstr "seg." - -#: src/timecode.cpp:282 -msgid "frames" -msgstr "imagens" - -#: src/timeline/abstractclipitem.cpp:379 -msgid "seconds" -msgstr "segundos" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:589 -msgid "Crop from start:" -msgstr "Recortar do inicio:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, clip_filesize_2) -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:589 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:602 -#: src/ui/spacerdialog_ui.ui:30 -msgid "Duration:" -msgstr "Duração:" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:589 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:602 -msgid "Offset:" -msgstr "Deslocamento:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:695 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:804 -msgid ":" -msgstr ":" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:696 -msgid " Position:" -msgstr " Posição:" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:697 -msgid " Duration:" -msgstr " Duração:" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:701 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:707 -msgid " Selection duration:" -msgstr " Duração da selecção:" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:703 -msgid " Group duration:" -msgstr " Duração do grupo:" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:714 -msgid "Crop from start: " -msgstr "Recortar do início: " - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:716 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:722 -msgid "" -"Use Ctrl to resize only current item, otherwise all items in this group will " -"be resized at once." -msgstr "" -"Use o Ctrl para dimensionar apenas o item actual; caso contrário, irá " -"dimensionar todos os itens deste grupo de uma vez." - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:720 -msgid "Duration: " -msgstr "Duração: " - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:726 -msgid "Fade in duration: " -msgstr "Duração da aparição: " - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:729 -msgid "Fade out duration: " -msgstr "Duração do desvanecimento: " - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:732 -msgid "Drag to add or resize a fade effect." -msgstr "Arraste para adicionar ou dimensionar um efeito de desvanecimento." - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:736 -msgid "Click to add a transition." -msgstr "Carregue para adicionar uma transição." - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:739 -msgid "" -"Move keyframe above or below clip to remove it, double click to add a new " -"one." -msgstr "" -"Mova a imagem chave para cima ou para baixo do 'clip' para a remover ou faça " -"duplo-click para adicionar uma nova." - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:784 -msgid "Cannot use spacer in a locked track" -msgstr "Não é possível usar um espaço numa faixa bloqueada" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:792 -msgid "Cannot use spacer in a track with a group" -msgstr "Não é possível usar um espaço numa faixa com um grupo" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1105 -msgid "Cannot cut a transition" -msgstr "Não é possível cortar a transição" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1331 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1366 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2668 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2694 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2720 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2743 -msgid "Cannot add transition" -msgstr "Não é possível adicionar uma transição" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1586 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1594 -msgid "Cannot find clip to edit" -msgstr "Não é possível encontrar o 'clip' a editar" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1588 -msgid "Cannot edit the duration of multiple items" -msgstr "Não é possível editar a duração de vários itens" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1599 -msgid "Cannot edit an item in a group" -msgstr "Não é possível editar um item num grupo" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1664 -msgid "Item is locked" -msgstr "O item está bloqueado" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1747 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2897 -msgid "Cannot insert clip in timeline" -msgstr "Não é possível inserir o 'clip' na linha temporal" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1753 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2866 -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:75 -msgid "Add timeline clip" -msgstr "Adicionar um 'clip' à linha temporal" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1787 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1849 -msgid "Clip not ready" -msgstr "O 'clip' não está pronto" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1970 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2033 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2050 -msgid "Problem deleting effect" -msgstr "Ocorreu um problema ao apagar o efeito" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1977 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2002 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2017 -msgid "Problem adding effect to clip" -msgstr "Ocorreu um problema ao adicionar o efeito ao 'clip'" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1986 -msgid "Cannot add speed effect to track" -msgstr "Não é possível adicionar um efeito de velocidade à faixa" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2022 -msgid "Cannot find clip to add effect" -msgstr "Não é possível encontrar o 'clip' para adicionar o efeito" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2068 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2160 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2263 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7513 -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:42 src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:282 -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:374 -msgid "effect" -msgstr "efeito" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2069 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2162 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7515 src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:44 -#, kde-format -msgid "Add %1" -msgstr "Adicionar um %1" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2171 -msgid "Select a clip if you want to apply an effect" -msgstr "Seleccione um 'clip' se você quiser aplicar um efeito" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2219 -msgid "Cannot add an audio effect to this clip" -msgstr "Não é possível adicionar um efeito de áudio a este 'clip'" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2228 -msgid "Cannot add a video effect to this clip" -msgstr "Não é possível adicionar um efeito de vídeo a este 'clip'" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2233 -msgid "Effect already present in clip" -msgstr "O efeito já está presente no 'clip'" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2264 src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:46 -#, kde-format -msgid "Delete %1" -msgstr "Apagar o %1" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2300 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2315 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2371 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2381 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2402 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5486 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5507 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5530 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5552 -msgid "Problem editing effect" -msgstr "Ocorreu um problema ao editar o efeito" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2373 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2404 -msgid "Cannot find clip to update effect" -msgstr "Não é possível encontrar o 'clip' para actualizar o efeito" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2429 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2450 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2463 -msgid "Cannot move effect" -msgstr "Não é possível mover o efeito" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2527 -msgid "Cannot find clip to cut" -msgstr "Não é possível encontrar o 'clip' a cortar" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2600 -msgid "Cannot find clip to uncut" -msgstr "Não é possível encontrar o 'clip' para anular o corte" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2604 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4101 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4392 -#, kde-format -msgid "Error removing clip at %1 on track %2" -msgstr "Ocorreu um erro ao remover o 'clip' em %1 na faixa %2" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2629 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5309 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5427 -msgid "Error when resizing clip" -msgstr "Erro ao dimensionar o 'clip'" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2728 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6204 -msgid "Invalid transition" -msgstr "Transição inválida" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2752 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4435 -msgid "Select clip to delete" -msgstr "Seleccione o 'clip' a apagar" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2768 -msgid "Cannot update transition" -msgstr "Não é possível actualizar a transição" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:3442 -msgid "Cannot remove space in a locked track" -msgstr "Não é possível remover o espaço numa faixa bloqueada" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:3448 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:3453 -#, kde-format -msgid "You must be in an empty space to remove space (time: %1, track: %2)" -msgstr "" -"Deverá estar num espaço vazio para remover o espaço (tempo: %1, faixa: %2)" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:3464 -msgid "Cannot remove space in a track with a group" -msgstr "Não é remover um espaço numa faixa com um grupo" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:3543 -msgid "Cannot insert space in a locked track" -msgstr "Não é possível inserir um espaço numa faixa bloqueada" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:3556 -msgid "Cannot insert space in a track with a group" -msgstr "Não é possível inserir um espaço numa faixa com um grupo" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:3612 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot move clip at position %1, track %2" -msgstr "Não é possível mover o 'clip' na posição %1, faixa %2" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:3625 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot move transition at position %1, track %2" -msgstr "Não é possível mover a transição na posição %1, faixa %2" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:3897 src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:484 -msgid "Move clip" -msgstr "Mover o 'clip'" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4045 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5002 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot move clip to position %1" -msgstr "Não é possível mover o 'clip' para a posição %1" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4052 -msgid "Cannot move transition" -msgstr "Não é possível mover a transição" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4056 src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:579 -msgid "Move transition" -msgstr "Mover a transição" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4083 src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:556 -msgid "Move group" -msgstr "Mover o grupo" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4215 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4242 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6386 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6418 -msgid "Resize group" -msgstr "Dimensionar o grupo" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4488 -msgid "Delete selected group" -msgid_plural "Delete selected groups" -msgstr[0] "Apagar o grupo seleccionado" -msgstr[1] "Apagar os grupos seleccionados" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4490 -msgid "Delete selected clip" -msgid_plural "Delete selected clips" -msgstr[0] "Apagar o 'clip' seleccionado" -msgstr[1] "Apagar os 'clips' seleccionados" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4492 -msgid "Delete selected transition" -msgid_plural "Delete selected transitions" -msgstr[0] "Apagar a transição seleccionada" -msgstr[1] "Apagar as transições seleccionadas" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4493 -msgid "Delete selected items" -msgstr "Apagar os itens seleccionados" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4505 -msgid "Cannot find clip for speed change" -msgstr "Não é possível encontrar o 'clip' para mudar a velocidade" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4563 -msgid "Cut Group" -msgstr "Cortar o Grupo" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4645 src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:411 -msgid "Group clips" -msgstr "Agrupar os 'clips'" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4744 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4760 -msgid "Cannot insert clip..." -msgstr "Não é possível inserir o 'clip'..." - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4749 -msgid "Waiting for clip..." -msgstr "À espera do 'clip'..." - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4963 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5192 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot move clip at time: %1 on track %2" -msgstr "Não é possível mover o 'clip' no tempo: %1 na faixa %2" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5142 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot move transition at time: %1 on track %2" -msgstr "Não é possível mover a transição no tempo: %1 na faixa %2" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5236 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5352 -msgid "Not possible to resize" -msgstr "Não é possível dimensionar" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5248 -msgid "Resize clip start" -msgstr "Dimensionar o início do 'clip'" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5318 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5437 -msgid "Cannot resize transition" -msgstr "Não é possível dimensionar a transição" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5372 -msgid "Resize clip end" -msgstr "Dimensionar o fim do 'clip'" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5430 -msgid "Resize transition end" -msgstr "Dimensionar o fim da transição" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5742 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5810 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5851 -msgid "No guide at cursor time" -msgstr "Sem guia no cursor do tempo" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5762 -#, kde-format -msgid "A guide already exists at position %1" -msgstr "Já existe uma guia na posição %1" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5778 -msgid "Guide" -msgstr "Guia" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6068 -msgid "Select a clip before copying" -msgstr "Seleccione um 'clip' antes de copiar" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6139 -msgid "No clip copied" -msgstr "Nenhum 'clip' copiado" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6175 -msgid "Cannot paste selected clips" -msgstr "Não é possível colar os 'clips' seleccionados" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6192 -msgid "Cannot paste clip to selected place" -msgstr "Não é possível colar o 'clip' para o lugar seleccionado" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6206 -msgid "Cannot paste transition to selected place" -msgstr "Não é possível colar a transição para o local seleccionado" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6217 -msgid "You must copy exactly one clip before pasting effects" -msgstr "Você deve copiar exactamente um 'clip' antes de colar os efeitos" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6353 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6377 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6410 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7016 -msgid "You must select one clip for this action" -msgstr "Você deve seleccionar um 'clip' para esta acção" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6359 -msgid "You must select a playlist clip for this action" -msgstr "Você deve seleccionar pelo menos um 'clip' da lista para esta acção" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6517 src/ui/addtrack_ui.ui:67 -msgid "Insert track" -msgstr "Inserir uma faixa" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6518 -#, kde-format -msgid "Video %1" -msgstr "Vídeo %1" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6519 -msgid "Insert New Track" -msgstr "Inserir uma Nova Faixa" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6552 src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:108 -msgid "Delete track" -msgstr "Apagar a faixa" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6667 -msgid "You must select one transition for this action" -msgstr "Você deve seleccionar uma transição para esta acção" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6754 -msgid "You must select at least one clip for this action" -msgstr "Você deve seleccionar pelo menos um 'clip' para esta acção" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6759 src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:718 -msgid "Split audio" -msgstr "Dividir o áudio" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6765 -msgid "Cannot split audio of grouped clips" -msgstr "Não é possível dividir o áudio de 'clips' agrupados" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6779 -msgid "No clip to split" -msgstr "Nenhum 'clip' para dividir" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6788 -msgid "You must select exactly one clip for the audio reference." -msgstr "" -"Você deve seleccionar exactamente um 'clip' para a referência de áudio." - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6809 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6858 -msgid "Processing audio, please wait." -msgstr "A processar o áudio; espere por favor." - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6813 -msgid "Reference for audio alignment must contain audio data." -msgstr "A referência de alinhamento do áudio deverá conter dados de áudio." - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6829 -msgid "Audio alignment reference not yet set." -msgstr "A referência de alinhamento do áudio ainda não está definida." - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6866 -msgid "Cannot find clip to align." -msgstr "Não é possível encontrar o 'clip' a alinhar." - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6881 -msgid "Unable to move clip out of timeline." -msgstr "Não é possível mover o 'clip' para fora da linha temporal." - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6896 -msgid "Unable to move clip due to collision." -msgstr "Não é possível mover o 'clip' devido a uma colisão." - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6899 -msgid "Clip aligned." -msgstr "O 'clip' foi alinhado." - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6900 -msgid "Auto-align clip" -msgstr "Alinhar automaticamente o 'clip'" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6932 -msgid "No empty space to put clip audio" -msgstr "Não existe nenhum espaço vazio para colocar o 'clip' de áudio" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6944 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6981 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7057 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot update clip (time: %1, track: %2)" -msgstr "Não é possível actualizar o 'clip' (tempo: %1, faixa: %2)" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7009 -msgid "Video only" -msgstr "Apenas vídeo" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7026 -msgid "Cannot change grouped clips" -msgstr "Não é possível mudar os 'clips' agrupados" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7045 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot find clip to edit (time: %1, track: %2)" -msgstr "Não é possível encontrar o 'clip' a editar (tempo: %1, faixa: %2)" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7358 -msgid "error" -msgstr "erro" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7358 -msgid "TRACTOR" -msgstr "TRACTOR" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7371 -msgid "Insert clip" -msgstr "Inserir um 'clip'" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7521 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7529 -msgid "Effect already present in track" -msgstr "O efeito já está presente na faixa" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7641 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot find clip for effect update %1." -msgstr "Não é possível encontrar o 'clip' para actualizar o efeito %1." - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7668 -msgid "You need to select one clip and one transition" -msgstr "Você deve seleccionar um 'clip' e uma transição" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7686 -msgid "No clip found" -msgstr "Nenhum 'clip' encontrado" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7694 -msgid "No keyframe data found in clip" -msgstr "Não foram encontrados dados da imagem-chave no 'clip'" - -#: src/timeline/headertrack.cpp:66 src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:461 -msgid "Lock track" -msgstr "Bloquear a faixa" - -#: src/timeline/headertrack.cpp:66 src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:463 -msgid "Unlock track" -msgstr "Desbloquear a faixa" - -#: src/timeline/headertrack.cpp:72 -msgid "Disable audio" -msgstr "Desactivar o áudio" - -#: src/timeline/headertrack.cpp:72 -msgid "Enable audio" -msgstr "Activar o áudio" - -#: src/timeline/headertrack.cpp:82 -msgid "Disable video" -msgstr "Desactivar o vídeo" - -#: src/timeline/headertrack.cpp:82 -msgid "Enable video" -msgstr "Activar o vídeo" - -#: src/timeline/headertrack.cpp:89 -msgid "Opaque" -msgstr "Opaco" - -#: src/timeline/spacerdialog.cpp:52 -msgid "All tracks" -msgstr "Todas as faixas" - -#: src/timeline/timeline.cpp:89 -msgid "Smaller tracks" -msgstr "Faixas menores" - -#: src/timeline/timeline.cpp:96 -msgid "Bigger tracks" -msgstr "Faixas maiores" - -#: src/timeline/timeline.cpp:359 src/timeline/timeline.cpp:363 -#, kde-format -msgid "Transition %1 had an invalid track: %2 > %3" -msgstr "A transição %1 tinha uma faixa inválida: %2 > %3" - -#: src/timeline/timeline.cpp:372 -#, kde-format -msgid "Removed invalid transition: %1" -msgstr "A transição inválida foi removida: %1" - -#: src/timeline/timeline.cpp:469 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Your project file was upgraded to the latest Kdenlive document version.\n" -"To make sure you don't lose data, a backup copy called %1 was created." -msgstr "" -"O seu ficheiro de projecto foi actualizado para a última versão do documento " -"do Kdenlive.\n" -"Para se certificar que não perde dados, foi criada uma cópia de segurança " -"chamada %1." - -#: src/timeline/timeline.cpp:471 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Your project file was modified by Kdenlive.\n" -"To make sure you don't lose data, a backup copy called %1 was created." -msgstr "" -"O seu ficheiro de projecto foi modificado pelo Kdenlive.\n" -"Para se certificar que não perde dados, foi criada uma cópia de segurança " -"chamada %1." - -#: src/timeline/timeline.cpp:477 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Your project file was upgraded to the latest Kdenlive document version, but " -"it was not possible to create the backup copy %1." -msgstr "" -"O seu ficheiro de projecto foi actualizado para a última versão do documento " -"do Kdenlive, mas não foi possível criar a cópia de segurança %1." - -#: src/timeline/timeline.cpp:868 -#, kde-format -msgid "Invalid clip removed from track %1 at %2\n" -msgstr "Foi removido o 'clip' inválido da faixa %1 em %2\n" - -#: src/timeline/timeline.cpp:946 -#, kde-format -msgid "Effect %1:%2 not found in MLT, it was removed from this project\n" -msgstr "" -"O efeito %1:%2 não foi encontrado no MLT; foi removido deste projecto\n" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:76 -msgid "Delete timeline clip" -msgstr "Apagar o 'clip' da linha temporal" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:106 -msgid "Add track" -msgstr "Adicionar uma faixa" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:137 -msgid "Delete transition from clip" -msgstr "Apagar a transição do 'clip'" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:139 -msgid "Add transition to clip" -msgstr "Adicionar uma transição ao 'clip'" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:175 -msgid "Change clip type" -msgstr "Mudar o tipo de 'clip'" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:199 -msgid "Disable effect" -msgid_plural "Disable effects" -msgstr[0] "Desactivar o efeito" -msgstr[1] "Desactivar os efeitos" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:201 -msgid "Enable effect" -msgid_plural "Enable effects" -msgstr[0] "Activar o efeito" -msgstr[1] "Activar os efeitos" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:228 -msgid "Adjust clip length" -msgstr "Ajustar o tamanho do 'clip'" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:283 -#, kde-format -msgid "Edit effect %1" -msgstr "Editar o efeito %1" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:337 -msgid "Add guide" -msgstr "Adicionar uma guia" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:341 -msgid "Edit guide" -msgstr "Editar a guia" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:343 -msgid "Delete guide" -msgstr "Apagar a guia" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:345 -msgid "Move guide" -msgstr "Mover a guia" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:375 -#, kde-format -msgid "Edit transition %1" -msgstr "Editar a transição %1" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:413 -msgid "Ungroup clips" -msgstr "Desagrupar os 'clips'" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:436 -msgid "Insert space" -msgstr "Inserir um espaço" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:438 -msgid "Remove space" -msgstr "Remover o espaço" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:523 -msgid "Move effect" -msgstr "Mover o efeito" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:607 -msgid "Razor clip" -msgstr "Recortar o 'clip'" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:653 -msgid "Rebuild Group" -msgstr "Reconstruir o Grupo" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:695 -msgid "Resize clip" -msgstr "Dimensionar o 'clip'" - -#: src/timeline/timelinesearch.cpp:27 -msgid "Find" -msgstr "Procurar" - -#: src/timeline/timelinesearch.cpp:29 -msgid "Find Next" -msgstr "Procurar o Seguinte" - -#: src/timeline/timelinesearch.cpp:38 -msgid "Starting -- find text as you type" -msgstr "A iniciar -- procurar o texto à medida que escreve" - -#: src/timeline/timelinesearch.cpp:46 -msgid "Find stopped" -msgstr "A pesquisa foi interrompida" - -#: src/timeline/timelinesearch.cpp:56 src/timeline/timelinesearch.cpp:67 -#, kde-format -msgid "Found: %1" -msgstr "Encontrou-se: %1" - -#: src/timeline/timelinesearch.cpp:58 -msgid "Reached end of project" -msgstr "Atingiu o fim do projecto" - -#: src/timeline/timelinesearch.cpp:70 -#, kde-format -msgid "Not found: %1" -msgstr "Não foi encontrado: %1" - -#: src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:74 -msgid "Hidden" -msgstr "Escondido" - -#: src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:74 -msgid "Muted" -msgstr "Mudo" - -#: src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:74 -msgid "Locked" -msgstr "Bloqueado" - -#: src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:90 -msgid "Add Track" -msgstr "Adicionar uma Faixa" - -#: src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:98 -msgid "Move Track upwards" -msgstr "Subir a Faixa" - -#: src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:102 -msgid "Move Track downwards" -msgstr "Descer a Faixa" - -#: src/titler/titledocument.cpp:331 -msgid "This title clip was created with a different frame size." -msgstr "Este 'clip' de título foi criado com um tamanho de imagem diferente." - -#: src/titler/titledocument.cpp:331 -msgid "Title Profile" -msgstr "Perfil do Título" - -#: src/titler/titledocument.cpp:380 -msgid "" -"Some of your text clips were saved with size in points, which means " -"different sizes on different displays. They will be converted to pixel size, " -"making them portable, but you could have to adjust their size." -msgstr "" -"Alguns dos seus 'clips' de texto foram gravados com o tamanho em pontos, o " -"que corresponderá a tamanhos diferentes em ecrãs diferentes. Estes serão " -"convertidos para o tamanho em pixels, o que os tornará iguais entre versões, " -"mas poderá ter de ajustar o seu tamanho." - -#: src/titler/titledocument.cpp:380 -msgid "Text Clips Updated" -msgstr "'Clips' de Texto Actualizados" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:93 -msgid "Outline width" -msgstr "Espessura do contorno" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:99 -msgid "Background color opacity" -msgstr "Opacidade da cor de fundo" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:105 -msgid "Rotation around the X axis" -msgstr "Rotação em torno do eixo dos X" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:111 -msgid "Rotation around the Y axis" -msgstr "Rotação em torno do eixo dos Y" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:117 -msgid "Rotation around the Z axis" -msgstr "Rotação em torno do eixo dos Z" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:123 -msgid "Border width" -msgstr "Espessura do contorno" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:156 -msgid "Typewriter" -msgstr "Máquina de escrever" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:215 -msgctxt "Font style" -msgid "Light" -msgstr "Leve" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:216 -msgctxt "Font style" -msgid "Normal" -msgstr "Normal" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:217 -msgctxt "Font style" -msgid "Demi-Bold" -msgstr "Semi-Negrito" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:218 -msgctxt "Font style" -msgid "Bold" -msgstr "Negrito" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:219 -msgctxt "Font style" -msgid "Black" -msgstr "Preto" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:220 -msgid "Font weight" -msgstr "Espessura do tipo de letra" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:242 -msgid "No alignment" -msgstr "Sem alinhamento" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:245 -msgid "Align center" -msgstr "Alinhar ao centro" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:249 -msgid "Insert Unicode character" -msgstr "Inserir um carácter Unicode" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:255 -msgid "Raise object" -msgstr "Elevar o objecto" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:261 -msgid "Lower object" -msgstr "Baixar o objecto" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:269 -msgid "Raise object to top" -msgstr "Elevar o objecto ao topo" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:276 -msgid "Lower object to bottom" -msgstr "Baixar o objecto ao fundo" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:320 -msgid "Invert x axis and change 0 point" -msgstr "Inverter o eixo dos X e mudar o ponto-zero" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:321 -msgid "Invert y axis and change 0 point" -msgstr "Inverter o eixo dos Y e mudar o ponto-zero" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:322 -msgid "Select fill color" -msgstr "Seleccionar a cor do preenchimento" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:323 -msgid "Select border color" -msgstr "Seleccionar a cor do contorno" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:325 -msgid "Original size (1:1)" -msgstr "Tamanho original (1:1)" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:326 -msgid "Fit zoom" -msgstr "Ajustar a ampliação" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:327 -msgid "Select background color" -msgstr "Seleccionar a cor de fundo" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:328 -msgid "Background opacity" -msgstr "Opacidade do fundo" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:329 -msgid "Select all" -msgstr "Seleccionar tudo" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:330 -msgid "Select text items in current selection" -msgstr "Seleccionar os itens de texto na selecção actual" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:331 -msgid "Select rect items in current selection" -msgstr "Seleccionar os itens rectangulares na selecção actual" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:332 -msgid "Select image items in current selection" -msgstr "Seleccionar os itens de imagens na selecção actual" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:333 -msgid "Unselect all" -msgstr "Deseleccionar tudo" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:362 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:365 -msgid "Selection Tool" -msgstr "Ferramenta de Selecção" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:368 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:371 -msgid "Add Text" -msgstr "Adicionar um Texto" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:374 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:377 -msgid "Add Rectangle" -msgstr "Adicionar um Rectângulo" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:380 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:383 -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:670 -msgid "Add Image" -msgstr "Adicionar uma Imagem" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:388 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:391 -msgid "Open Document" -msgstr "Abrir um Documento" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:394 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:397 -msgid "Save As" -msgstr "Gravar Como" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:566 -msgid "" -"Do you really want to load a new template? Changes in this title will be " -"lost!" -msgstr "" -"Deseja realmente carregar um modelo novo? As mudanças deste título perder-se-" -"ão!" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:658 -msgid "All Images" -msgstr "Todas as Imagens" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:660 -#, kde-format -msgid "%1 Image" -msgstr "Imagem %1" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:1346 -msgid "\\u2212X" -msgstr "\\u2212X" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, origin_x_left) -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:1348 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:63 -msgid "+X" -msgstr "+X" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:1371 -msgid "\\u2212Y" -msgstr "\\u2212Y" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, origin_y_top) -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:1373 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:86 -msgid "+Y" -msgstr "+Y" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:1713 -msgid "Load Title" -msgstr "Carregar o Titulo" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:1713 -msgid "Kdenlive title (*.kdenlivetitle)" -msgstr "Título do Kdenlive (*.kdenlivetitle)" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:1761 -msgid "" -"Do you want to embed Images into this TitleDocument?\n" -"This is most needed for sharing Titles." -msgstr "" -"Deseja incorporar as imagens neste documento de título?\n" -"Isto normalmente é necessário para poder partilhar os títulos." - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:2039 -msgctxt "Indicates the start of an animation" -msgid "Start" -msgstr "Início" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:2040 -msgctxt "Indicates the end of an animation" -msgid "End" -msgstr "Fim" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:30 -msgid "Details" -msgstr "Detalhes" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:85 -msgid "" -"Information about unicode characters: http://decodeunicode.org" -msgstr "" -"Informações sobre os caracteres Unicode: http://decodeunicode.org" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:86 -msgid "Previous Unicode character (Arrow Up)" -msgstr "Carácter Unicode anterior (Cima)" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:87 -msgid "Next Unicode character (Arrow Down)" -msgstr "Carácter Unicode seguinte (Baixo)" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:88 -msgid "Enter your Unicode number here. Allowed characters: [0-9] and [a-f]." -msgstr "" -"Indique aqui o seu número Unicode. Caracteres permitidos: [0-9] e [a-f]." - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:148 -msgid "(no character selected)" -msgstr "(nenhum carácter seleccionado)" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:154 -msgid "" -"Control character. Cannot be inserted/printed. See Wikipedia:Control_character" -msgstr "" -"Carácter de controlo. Não poderá ser introduzido/impresso. Veja em Wikipedia:" -"Control_character" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:156 -msgid "Line Feed (newline character, \\\\n)" -msgstr "Mudança de Linha (carácter de nova linha, \\\\n)" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:158 -msgid "" -"Standard space character. (Other space characters: U+00a0, U" -"+2000–200b, U+202f)" -msgstr "" -"Carácter de espaço normal. (Outros caracteres de espaços: U+00a0, U" -"+2000–200b, U+202f)" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:160 -msgid "No-break space. &nbsp; in HTML. See U+2009 and U+0020." -msgstr "Espaço inquebrável. &nbsp; em HTML. Ver o U+2009 e o U+0020." - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:162 -msgid "" -"

« (u+00ab, &lfquo; in HTML) and " -"» (u+00bb, &rfquo; in HTML) are " -"called Guillemets or angle quotes. Usage in different countries: France " -"(with non-breaking Space 0x00a0), Switzerland, Germany, Finland and Sweden.

and (U+2039/203a, " -"&lsaquo;/&rsaquo;) are their single quote equivalents.

See Wikipedia:" -"Guillemets

" -msgstr "" -"

« (u+00ab, &lfquo; em HTML) e " -"» (u+00bb, &rfquo; em HTML) são " -"chamadas de aspas tipográficas ou angulares. Utilizados em diferentes " -"países: França (com o espaço inquebrável 0x00a0), Suíça, Portugal, Alemanha, " -"Finlândia e Suécia.

e o (U+2039/203a, &lsaquo;/&rsaquo;) são as suas " -"equivalentes com aspas simples ou plicas.

Ver em Wikipedia:Guillemets

" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:164 -msgid "En Space (width of an n)" -msgstr "Espaço 'n' (largura de um 'n')" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:166 -msgid "Em Space (width of an m)" -msgstr "Espaço 'm' (largura de um 'm')" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:168 -msgid "Three-Per-Em Space. Width: 1/3 of one em" -msgstr "Espaço '3-por-m'. Largura: um terço de um m" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:170 -msgid "Four-Per-Em Space. Width: 1/4 of one em" -msgstr "Espaço '4-por-m'. Largura: um quarto de um m" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:172 -msgid "Six-Per-Em Space. Width: 1/6 of one em" -msgstr "Espaço '6-por-m'. Largura: um sexto de um m" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:174 -msgid "" -"Figure space (non-breaking). Width of a digit if digits have fixed width in " -"this font." -msgstr "" -"Espaço figurado (inquebrável). Tem a largura de um algarismo, caso estes " -"tenham uma largura fixa com este tipo de letra." - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:176 -msgid "" -"Punctuation Space. Width the same as between a punctuation character and the " -"next character." -msgstr "" -"Espaço de pontuação. Tem a mesma largura que entre um carácter de pontuação " -"e o carácter seguinte." - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:178 -msgid "" -"Thin space, in HTML also &thinsp;. See U+202f and Wikipedia:Space_(punctuation)" -msgstr "" -"Espaço fino, em HTML também &thinsp;. Ver o U+202f e o Wikipedia:Space_(punctuation)" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:180 -msgid "Hair Space. Thinner than U+2009." -msgstr "Espaço de um cabelo. Mais fino que o U+2009." - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:182 -msgid "" -"Punctuation Apostrophe. Should be used instead of U+0027. See Wikipedia:Apostrophe" -msgstr "" -"Apóstrofo de pontuação. Deverá ser usado em vez do U+0027. Ver o Wikipedia:Apostrophe" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:184 -msgid "" -"

An en Dash (dash of the width of an n).

Usage examples: In English " -"language for value ranges (1878–1903), for relationships/connections " -"(Zurich–Dublin). In the German language it is also used (with " -"spaces!) for showing thoughts: “Es war – wie immer in den " -"Ferien – ein regnerischer Tag.

See Wikipedia:Dash

" -msgstr "" -"

Um traço-n (traço da largura de um 'n').

Exemplos de utilização: Na " -"língua inglesa para os intervalos de valores (1878–1903), para as " -"relações/ligações (Zurique–Dublin). Na língua alemã, também é usado " -"(com espaços!) para mostrar pensamentos: “Es war – wie immer in " -"den Ferien – ein regnerischer Tag.

Ver em Wikipedia:Dash

" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:186 -msgid "" -"

An em Dash (dash of the width of an m).

Usage examples: In English " -"language to mark—like here—thoughts. Traditionally without " -"spaces.

See Wikipedia:" -"Dash

" -msgstr "" -"

Um traço-m (traço da largura de um 'm').

Exemplos de utilização: Na " -"língua inglesa, para marcar —como aqui—pensamentos. " -"Tradicionalmente, não usa espaços.

Ver em Wikipedia:Dash

" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:188 -msgid "" -"

Narrow no-break space. Has the same width as U+2009.

Usage: For " -"units (spaces are marked with U+2423, ␣): 230␣V, " -"−21␣°C, 50␣lb, but 90° (no space). In " -"German for abbreviations (like: i. d. R. instead of i. d." -" R. with U+00a0).

See Wikipedia:de:Schmales_Leerzeichen

" -msgstr "" -"

Espaço inquebrável fino. Tem a mesma largura que o U+2009.

Utilização: Para as unidades (os espaços são marcados com U+2423, " -"␣): 230␣V, −21␣°C, 50␣kg, mas 90° (sem espaço). No alemão, para as abreviaturas (como: i. d." -" R. em vez de i. d. R. com o U+00a0).

Ver em Wikipedia:de:" -"Schmales_Leerzeichen

" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:190 -msgid "" -"Ellipsis: If text has been left o… See Wikipedia:Ellipsis" -msgstr "" -"Reticências: Se tiver deixado o texto o… Ver em Wikipedia:Ellipsis" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:192 -msgid "Minus sign. For numbers: −42" -msgstr "Sinal de subtracção. Para os números: −42" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:194 -msgid "Open box; stands for a space." -msgstr "Caixa aberta; é o substituto de um espaço." - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:196 -msgid "" -"Quarter note (Am.) or crochet (Brit.). See Wikipedia:Quarter_note" -msgstr "" -"Semibreve ou 'crochet' (Brit.). Ver em Wikipedia:Quarter_note" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:198 -msgid "" -"Eighth note (Am.) or quaver (Brit.). Half as long as a quarter note (U" -"+2669). See Wikipedia:" -"Eighth_note" -msgstr "" -"Colcheia ou 'quaver' (Brit.). Tem a duração de metade de uma semibreve (U" -"+2669). Ver em Wikipedia:Eighth_note" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:200 -msgid "" -"Sixteenth note (Am.) or semiquaver (Brit.). Half as long as an eighth note (U" -"+266a). See Wikipedia:Sixteenth_note" -msgstr "" -"Semi-colcheia (Am.) ou 'semiquaver' (Brit.). Metade da duração de uma " -"colcheia (U+266a). Ver em Wikipedia:Sixteenth_note" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:202 -msgid "" -"Thirty-second note (Am.) or demisemiquaver (Brit.). Half as long as a " -"sixteenth note (U+266b). See Wikipedia:Thirty-second_note" -msgstr "" -"Fusa (Am.) ou 'demisemiquaver' (Brit.). Tem a metade da duração de uma semi-" -"colcheia (U+266b). Ver em Wikipedia:Thirty-second_note" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:204 -msgid "No additional information available for this character." -msgstr "Não existem notas adicionais sobre este carácter." - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, before_select) -#: src/ui/addtrack_ui.ui:34 -msgid "Above" -msgstr "Acima" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, before_select) -#: src/ui/addtrack_ui.ui:39 -msgid "Under" -msgstr "Abaixo" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, video_track) -#: src/ui/addtrack_ui.ui:57 -msgid "Video &track" -msgstr "&Faixa de vídeo" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, audio_track) -#: src/ui/addtrack_ui.ui:74 -msgid "A&udio track" -msgstr "Faixa de á&udio" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, name_label) -#: src/ui/addtrack_ui.ui:81 -msgid "Track name" -msgstr "Nome da faixa" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/archivewidget_ui.ui:29 -msgid "Archive folder" -msgstr "Arquivar a pasta" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, compressed_archive) -#: src/ui/archivewidget_ui.ui:46 -msgid "Compressed archive" -msgstr "Pacote comprimido" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, proxy_only) -#: src/ui/archivewidget_ui.ui:53 -msgid "Archive only proxy clips when available" -msgstr "Arquivar apenas os 'clips' indirectos quando disponíveis" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, labelFFTSize) -#: src/ui/audiospectrum_ui.ui:52 -msgid "True FFT size: " -msgstr "Tamanho real da FFT: " - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, buttonLinkHandles) -#: src/ui/bezierspline_ui.ui:89 -msgid "Link the handles' position.
Results in a natural spline." -msgstr "Ligar a posição das pegas.
Resulta numa curva natural." - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, marker_save) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, marker_load) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, analysis_delete) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, analysis_save) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, analysis_load) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, arrowUp) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, arrowDown) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, config_button) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonleft) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonhcenter) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonright) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttontop) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonvcenter) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonbottom) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonDirectUpdate) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonZoomOriginal) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonZoomFit) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonAddDelete) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonPrevious) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonNext) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, toolBtnReload) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonUp) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonDown) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonAdd) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonDelete) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonReset) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, zoom_button) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, unzoom_button) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonResetKeyframe) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonSeek) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, reload_blackmagic) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonLinkHandles) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonShowPixmap) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonZoomIn) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonZoomOut) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonGridChange) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonResetSpline) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonShowAllHandles) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, v4l_showprofileinfo) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, v4l_manageprofile) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, grab_manageprofile) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, grab_showprofileinfo) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, decklink_manageprofile) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, decklink_showprofileinfo) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, button_up) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, button_down) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, button_transcode) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, proxy_showprofileinfo) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, add_metadata) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, delete_metadata) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, effectsAll) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, effectsVideo) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, effectsAudio) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, effectsGPU) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, effectsCustom) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, proxy_manageprofile) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, button_add) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, button_edit) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, button_delete) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, button_download) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, button_more) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonLeftRight) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonUpDown) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonShowInTimeline) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonNewPoints) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonHelp) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonFavorite) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, rescale_keep) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, hide_log) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, collapseButton) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, enabledButton) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, menuButton) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonDel) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, rec_options) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonItalic) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonUnder) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonAlignNone) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonAlignLeft) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonInsertUnicode) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonAlignCenter) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonAlignRight) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, itemleft) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, itemhcenter) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, itemright) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, itemtop) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, itemvcenter) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, itembottom) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, live_button) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, capture_button) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, capture_interval) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, overlay_button) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, preview_button) -#: src/ui/bezierspline_ui.ui:92 src/ui/bezierspline_ui.ui:130 -#: src/ui/bezierspline_ui.ui:146 src/ui/bezierspline_ui.ui:156 -#: src/ui/bezierspline_ui.ui:169 src/ui/bezierspline_ui.ui:195 -#: src/ui/bezierspline_ui.ui:208 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:490 -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:500 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:587 -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:597 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:607 -#: src/ui/collapsiblewidget_ui.ui:86 src/ui/collapsiblewidget_ui.ui:118 -#: src/ui/collapsiblewidget_ui.ui:137 src/ui/collapsiblewidget_ui.ui:156 -#: src/ui/collapsiblewidget_ui.ui:172 src/ui/collapsiblewidget_ui.ui:188 -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:211 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:396 -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:433 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:616 -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:742 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:749 -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:78 src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:220 -#: src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:230 src/ui/configsdl_ui.ui:154 -#: src/ui/cutjobdialog_ui.ui:32 src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:262 -#: src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:269 src/ui/dvdwizardvob_ui.ui:29 -#: src/ui/dvdwizardvob_ui.ui:49 src/ui/dvdwizardvob_ui.ui:100 -#: src/ui/effectlist_ui.ui:22 src/ui/effectlist_ui.ui:41 -#: src/ui/effectlist_ui.ui:57 src/ui/effectlist_ui.ui:73 -#: src/ui/effectlist_ui.ui:89 src/ui/freesound_ui.ui:39 -#: src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:249 src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:256 -#: src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:263 src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:270 -#: src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:277 src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:284 -#: src/ui/geometrywidget_ui.ui:70 src/ui/geometrywidget_ui.ui:83 -#: src/ui/geometrywidget_ui.ui:93 src/ui/keyframeeditor_ui.ui:91 -#: src/ui/keyframeeditor_ui.ui:101 src/ui/keyframewidget_ui.ui:46 -#: src/ui/keyframewidget_ui.ui:59 src/ui/keyframewidget_ui.ui:72 -#: src/ui/keyframewidget_ui.ui:85 src/ui/keyframewidget_ui.ui:124 -#: src/ui/manageencodingprofile_ui.ui:44 src/ui/manageencodingprofile_ui.ui:51 -#: src/ui/manageencodingprofile_ui.ui:58 src/ui/manageencodingprofile_ui.ui:68 -#: src/ui/monitoreditwidget_ui.ui:53 src/ui/monitoreditwidget_ui.ui:66 -#: src/ui/monitoreditwidget_ui.ui:76 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:335 -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:386 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:393 -#: src/ui/recmonitor_ui.ui:72 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:407 -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:592 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:717 -#: src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:76 src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:92 -#: src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:108 src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:118 -#: src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:128 src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:141 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:364 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:384 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:401 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:417 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:440 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:447 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:460 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:801 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:808 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:815 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:822 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:829 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:836 src/ui/tracksconfigdialog_ui.ui:61 -#: src/ui/tracksconfigdialog_ui.ui:68 src/ui/tracksconfigdialog_ui.ui:75 -#: src/ui/tracksconfigdialog_ui.ui:82 src/ui/tracksconfigdialog_ui.ui:89 -#: src/ui/unicodewidget_ui.ui:185 src/ui/unicodewidget_ui.ui:210 -msgid "..." -msgstr "..." - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, buttonShowPixmap) -#: src/ui/bezierspline_ui.ui:127 -msgid "Show background indicating changes caused by modifying the curve." -msgstr "Mostrar um fundo a indicar as alterações pela modificação da curva." - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, buttonGridChange) -#: src/ui/bezierspline_ui.ui:166 -msgid "" -"Increases the number of lines in the grid.
After 8 lines it will begin " -"from 0 again." -msgstr "" -"Aumenta o número de linhas na grelha.
Ao fim de 8 linhas, irá começar " -"do 0 de novo." - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, buttonResetSpline) -#: src/ui/bezierspline_ui.ui:192 -msgid "Reset the selected spline" -msgstr "Repor a curva seleccionada" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, buttonShowAllHandles) -#: src/ui/bezierspline_ui.ui:205 -msgid "Show handles for all points or only for the selected one" -msgstr "Mostrar pegas para todos os pontos ou apenas para o seleccionado" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, name) -#: src/ui/boolval_ui.ui:30 src/ui/fontval_ui.ui:23 src/ui/listval_ui.ui:23 -msgid "TextLabel" -msgstr "TextLabel" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, crop_label) -#: src/ui/clipdurationdialog_ui.ui:30 -msgid "Crop start" -msgstr "Recortar do início" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, end_label) -#: src/ui/clipdurationdialog_ui.ui:50 -msgid "Crop end" -msgstr "Recortar do fim" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_path) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, treeWidget) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:27 src/ui/missingclips_ui.ui:72 -msgid "Path" -msgstr "Localização" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_size) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_6) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_5) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:51 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:231 -#: src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:41 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:93 -msgid "Size:" -msgstr "Tamanho:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, clip_filesize) -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, groupBox) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:65 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:157 -#: src/utils/freesound.cpp:212 -msgid "File size" -msgstr "Tamanho do ficheiro" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, clip_vproperties) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, clip_aproperties) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, metadata_list) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, analysis_list) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, programList) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:117 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:162 -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:542 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:574 -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:371 src/ui/wizardmltcheck_ui.ui:49 -msgid "1" -msgstr "1" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, clip_vproperties) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, clip_aproperties) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, metadata_list) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, analysis_list) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:122 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:167 -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:547 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:579 -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:376 -msgid "2" -msgstr "2" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_slideshow) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:206 -msgid "Slideshow" -msgstr "Apresentação" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, slide_type_label) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:212 -msgid "Image type" -msgstr "Tipo de imagem" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, clip_filesize_4) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:222 -msgid "Frame duration" -msgstr "Duração da trama" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, slide_loop) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, loop_movie) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, sm_loop) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:255 src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:221 -#: src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:160 src/ui/smconfig_ui.ui:26 -msgid "Loop" -msgstr "Ciclo" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, slide_crop) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:339 src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:284 -msgid "Center crop" -msgstr "Centrar o recorte" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_animation) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_6) -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:346 src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:291 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:1121 -msgid "Animation" -msgstr "Animação" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_image) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, background_list) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:357 src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:202 -msgid "Image" -msgstr "Imagem" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_16) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:365 -msgid "Image size" -msgstr "Tamanho da imagem" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, image_transparency) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:381 -msgid "Transparent background" -msgstr "Fundo transparente" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, markers_list) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, clip_filesize_3) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:432 src/ui/markerdialog_ui.ui:56 -msgid "Comment" -msgstr "Comentário" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, marker_new) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonNext) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonUnselectAll) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:440 src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:83 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:700 -msgid "N" -msgstr "N" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, marker_edit) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonEdit) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:450 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:414 -msgid "E" -msgstr "E" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, marker_delete) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonDelete) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, button_delete) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, delete_button) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:460 src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:252 -#: src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:103 src/ui/keyframeeditor_ui.ui:78 -#: src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:279 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:428 -msgid "D" -msgstr "D" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_advanced) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:634 -msgid "Advanced" -msgstr "Avançado" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, clip_force_ar) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:653 -msgid "Force aspect ratio" -msgstr "Forçar uma proporção de imagem" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, clip_force_threads) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:686 -msgid "Decoding threads" -msgstr "Tarefas de descodificação" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, clip_force_progressive) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:700 -msgid "Force scanning" -msgstr "Forçar a digitalização" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, clip_force_framerate) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:727 -msgid "Force frame rate" -msgstr "Forçar a taxa de imagens" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, clip_force_out) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:734 -msgid "Force duration" -msgstr "Forçar a duração" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, clip_force_colorspace) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:751 -msgid "Force colorspace" -msgstr "Forçar o espaço de cores" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, clip_force_fieldorder) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:765 -msgid "Force field order" -msgstr "Forçar a ordem dos campos" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, clip_force_transparency) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:829 -msgid "Image background" -msgstr "Fundo da imagem" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, clip_transparency) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:837 -msgid "Normal" -msgstr "Normal" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_dest) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_5) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_6) -#: src/ui/clipstabilize_ui.ui:20 src/ui/cliptranscode_ui.ui:30 -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:45 src/ui/saveprofile_ui.ui:138 -msgid "Destination" -msgstr "Destino" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_source) -#: src/ui/cliptranscode_ui.ui:20 -msgid "Source" -msgstr "Origem" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, ffmpeg_label) -#: src/ui/cliptranscode_ui.ui:40 -msgid "FFmpeg parameters" -msgstr "Parâmetros do FFmpeg" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_4) -#: src/ui/cliptranscode_ui.ui:54 -msgid "Job status" -msgstr "Estado da tarefa" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_start) -#: src/ui/cliptranscode_ui.ui:61 -msgctxt "@action:button start transcode" -msgid "Start" -msgstr "Início" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_profile) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: src/ui/cliptranscode_ui.ui:68 src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:29 -#: src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:20 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:74 -msgid "Profile" -msgstr "Perfil" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, auto_close) -#: src/ui/cliptranscode_ui.ui:88 -msgid "Close after transcode" -msgstr "Fechar após a transformação" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/colorclip_ui.ui:30 -msgid "Clip Color" -msgstr "Cor do 'Clip'" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, ColorPlaneExport_UI) -#: src/ui/colorplaneexport_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Export color plane to PNG" -msgstr "Exportar o plano de cores para o PNG" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, lblSpace) -#: src/ui/colorplaneexport_ui.ui:20 -msgid "Color space" -msgstr "Espaço de cores" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, lblVariant) -#: src/ui/colorplaneexport_ui.ui:37 -msgid "Variant" -msgstr "Variante" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QSlider, sliderScaling) -#: src/ui/colorplaneexport_ui.ui:81 -msgid "How much to zoom in" -msgstr "Quão grande a ampliação" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, lblRes) -#: src/ui/colorplaneexport_ui.ui:101 -msgid "Resolution" -msgstr "Resolução" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, lblFilename) -#: src/ui/colorplaneexport_ui.ui:144 -msgid "Filename" -msgstr "Nome do Ficheiro" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:23 -msgid "Default capture device" -msgstr "Dispositivo de captura predefinido" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, kcfg_defaultcapture) -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, device_selector) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:37 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:70 -#: src/ui/recmonitor_ui.ui:134 -msgid "Firewire" -msgstr "Firewire" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, kcfg_defaultcapture) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, device_selector) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:47 src/ui/recmonitor_ui.ui:144 -msgid "Screen grab" -msgstr "Captura do ecrã" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, kcfg_defaultcapture) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, device_selector) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:52 src/ui/recmonitor_ui.ui:149 -msgid "Blackmagic card" -msgstr "Placa Blackmagic" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_9) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:89 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:221 -msgid "Capture format" -msgstr "Formato da captura" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, kcfg_firewireformat) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:97 -msgid "DV Raw" -msgstr "VD em Bruto" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, kcfg_firewireformat) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:102 -msgid "DV AVI type 1" -msgstr "AVI de VD tipo 1" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, kcfg_firewireformat) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:107 -msgid "DV AVI type 2" -msgstr "AVI de VD tipo 2" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, button_hdv) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, kcfg_firewireformat) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:112 src/ui/wizardstandard_ui.ui:54 -msgid "HDV" -msgstr "HDV" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_firewireautosplit) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:133 -msgid "Automatically start a new file on scene cut" -msgstr "Iniciar um novo ficheiro em cada corte de cena" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_firewiretimestamp) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:140 -msgid "Add recording time to captured file name" -msgstr "Adicionar a hora de gravação ao nome do ficheiro capturado" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_5) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_29) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:147 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:696 -msgid "Capture file name" -msgstr "Nome do ficheiro de captura" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_7) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:157 -msgid "dvgrab additional parameters" -msgstr "Parâmetros adicionais do 'dvgrab'" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_14) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:197 -msgid "Video device" -msgstr "Dispositivo de vídeo" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_30) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_27) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:204 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:666 -msgid "Detected devices" -msgstr "Dispositivos detectados" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, p_size) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:238 src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:48 -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:100 -msgid "720x576" -msgstr "720x576" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, p_fps) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:252 src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:62 -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:114 -msgid "25/1" -msgstr "25/1" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, p_aspect) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:273 src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:76 -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:128 -msgid "59/54" -msgstr "59/54" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, p_display) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:287 src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:90 -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:142 -msgid "4/3" -msgstr "4/3" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, config_v4l) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:308 -msgid "Edit" -msgstr "Editar" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_v4l_captureaudio) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:342 -msgid "Capture audio (ALSA)" -msgstr "Capturar o áudio (ALSA)" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_24) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_screengrab) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_16) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:362 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:632 -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:725 src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:203 -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:305 -msgid "Encoding profile" -msgstr "Perfil da codificação" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_v4l_capturevideo) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:389 -msgid "Capture video (Video4Linux2)" -msgstr "Capturar o vídeo (ALSA)" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, kcfg_grab_capture_type) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:471 -msgid "Full screen capture" -msgstr "Captura do ecrã total" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, kcfg_grab_capture_type) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:476 -msgid "Region capture" -msgstr "Captura de região" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_grab_follow_mouse) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:495 -msgid "Follow mouse" -msgstr "Seguir o rato" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_grab_hide_frame) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:502 -msgid "Hide frame" -msgstr "Esconder a imagem" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_19) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_10) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:524 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:951 -msgid "Offset" -msgstr "Deslocamento" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_grab_hide_mouse) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:652 -msgid "Hide cursor" -msgstr "Esconder o cursor" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_4) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:660 -msgid "Blackmagic" -msgstr "Blackmagic" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_9) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:42 -msgid "Concurrent threads" -msgstr "Tarefas concorrentes" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:69 -msgid "MLT environment" -msgstr "Ambiente MLT" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_6) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:78 -msgid "Processing threads" -msgstr "Tarefas de processamento" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_7) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:91 -msgid "(>1 is experimental)" -msgstr "(>1 é experimental)" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:98 -msgid "Melt path" -msgstr "Localização do Melt" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:112 -msgid "MLT profiles folder" -msgstr "Pasta de perfis do MLT" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_13) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:135 -msgid "FFplay" -msgstr "FFplay" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_14) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:155 -msgid "FFprobe" -msgstr "FFprobe" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_2) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:166 -msgid "Default folders" -msgstr "Pastas predefinidas" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_5) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_4) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:172 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:56 -msgid "Project folder" -msgstr "Pasta do projecto" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:182 -msgid "Temporary files" -msgstr "Ficheiros temporários" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_10) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:192 -msgid "Capture folder" -msgstr "Pasta de captura" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_capturetoprojectfolder) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:212 -msgid "Use project folder" -msgstr "Usar a pasta do projecto" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_3) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:223 -msgid "Default apps" -msgstr "Aplicações predefinidas" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_4) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:229 -msgid "Image editing" -msgstr "Edição de imagem" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, kp_image) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, kp_audio) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, kp_player) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:243 src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:264 -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:285 -msgid "Change" -msgstr "Modificar" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_11) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:250 -msgid "Audio editing" -msgstr "Edição de áudio" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_12) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:271 -msgid "Video player" -msgstr "Leitor de vídeo" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_enableshuttle) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:23 -msgid "Enable Jog Shuttle device" -msgstr "Activar o dispositivo de Jog Shuttle" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, shuttledisabled) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:30 -msgid "Jog Shuttle device disabled." -msgstr "O dispositivo de Jog Shuttle está desligado." - -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, config_group) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:53 -msgid "Device configuration" -msgstr "Configuração do dispositivo" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:85 -msgid "Button 1" -msgstr "Botão 1" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_17) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:98 -msgid "Device" -msgstr "Dispositivo" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_16) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:111 -msgid "Button 15" -msgstr "Botão 15" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_14) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:137 -msgid "Button 13" -msgstr "Botão 13" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_9) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:150 -msgid "Button 8" -msgstr "Botão 8" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_7) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:166 -msgid "Button 4" -msgstr "Botão 4" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:179 -msgid "Device name" -msgstr "Nome do dispositivo" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_5) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:192 -msgid "Button 5" -msgstr "Botão 5" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_8) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:214 -msgid "Button 7" -msgstr "Botão 7" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_10) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:243 -msgid "Button 9" -msgstr "Botão 9" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_4) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:256 -msgid "Button 2" -msgstr "Botão 2" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_11) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:272 -msgid "Button 10" -msgstr "Botão 10" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_12) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:285 -msgid "Button 11" -msgstr "Botão 11" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_6) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:308 -msgid "Button 6" -msgstr "Botão 6" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_15) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:336 -msgid "Button 14" -msgstr "Botão 14" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:349 -msgid "Button 3" -msgstr "Botão 3" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_13) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:362 -msgid "Button 12" -msgstr "Botão 12" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_usekuiserver) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:23 -msgid "Use KDE job tracking for render jobs" -msgstr "Usar o seguimento de tarefas do KDE para as tarefas de desenho" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_checkfirstprojectclip) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:30 -msgid "Check if first added clip matches project profile" -msgstr "" -"Verificar se o primeiro 'clip' adicionado corresponde ao perfil do projecto" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_crashrecovery) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:37 -msgid "Crash recovery (automatic backup)" -msgstr "Recuperação de estoiros (salvaguarda automática)" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_automultistreams) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:44 -msgid "Automatically import all streams in multi stream clips" -msgstr "Importar todas as sequências nos 'clips' com várias transmissões" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_disable_effect_parameters) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:51 -msgid "Disable parameters when the effect is disabled" -msgstr "Desactivar os parâmetros se o filtro estiver desactivado" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_bypasscodeccheck) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:58 -msgid "Bypass codec verification" -msgstr "Ignorar a verificação do codificador" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_autoimagesequence) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:65 -msgid "Automatically import image sequences" -msgstr "Importar automaticamente as sequências de imagens" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_projectloading_avformatnovalidate) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:72 -msgid "Do not validate the video files when loading a project (faster)" -msgstr "Não validar os ficheiros de vídeo ao carregar um projecto (rápido)" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_on_monitor_effects) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:79 -msgid "Use on-monitor effects" -msgstr "Usar os efeitos no monitor" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_use_exiftool) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:86 -msgid "Get clip metadata with exiftool" -msgstr "Obter os meta-dados do 'clip' com o 'exiftool'" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_openlastproject) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:93 -msgid "Open last project on startup" -msgstr "Abrir o último projecto no arranque" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, groupBox) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:100 -msgid "Default Durations" -msgstr "Durações Predefinidas" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:106 -msgid "Color clips" -msgstr "'Clips' de cor" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_8) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:123 -msgid "Title clips" -msgstr "'Clips' do título" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:130 -msgid "Image sequence" -msgstr "Sequência de imagens" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_autoimagetransparency) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:149 -msgid "Transparent background for imported images" -msgstr "Fundo transparente das imagens importadas" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_use_magicLantern) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:169 -msgid "Get clip metadata created by Magic Lantern" -msgstr "Obter os meta-dados do 'clip' criados pelo Magic Lantern" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, properties) -#: src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:23 -msgid "Default Profile" -msgstr "Perfil Predefinido" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_9) -#: src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:69 -msgid "Aspect ratio:" -msgstr "Proporções:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_10) -#: src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:83 -msgid "Display ratio:" -msgstr "Proporções da visualização:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_7) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_6) -#: src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:109 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:175 -msgid "Video tracks" -msgstr "Faixas de vídeo" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_8) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_7) -#: src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:119 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:185 -msgid "Audio tracks" -msgstr "Faixas de áudio" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, generate_proxy) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_generateproxy) -#: src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:154 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:256 -msgid "Generate for videos larger than" -msgstr "Gerar para os vídeos maiores que" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (suffix), widget (QSpinBox, proxy_minsize) -#. i18n: ectx: property (suffix), widget (QSpinBox, proxy_imageminsize) -#. i18n: ectx: property (suffix), widget (QSpinBox, kcfg_proxyminsize) -#. i18n: ectx: property (suffix), widget (QSpinBox, kcfg_proxyimageminsize) -#: src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:161 src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:181 -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:263 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:283 -msgid "pixels" -msgstr "pontos" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, generate_imageproxy) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_generateimageproxy) -#: src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:174 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:276 -msgid "Generate for images larger than" -msgstr "Gerar para as imagens maiores que" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/ui/configsdl_ui.ui:17 -msgid "" -"Warning: changes to the drivers and devices can make Kdenlive unstable. " -"Change only if you know what you do." -msgstr "" -"Atenção: as mudanças dos controladores e dispositivos poderão tornar o " -"Kdenlive instável. Mude apenas se souber o que faz." - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_gpu_accel) -#: src/ui/configsdl_ui.ui:27 -msgid "Use GPU processing (Movit library) - restart Kdenlive to apply" -msgstr "" -"Usar o processamento do GPU (biblioteca Movit) - reinicie o Kdenlive para " -"aplicar" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_4) -#: src/ui/configsdl_ui.ui:34 -msgid "Audio backend" -msgstr "Infra-estrutura de áudio" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, textLabel1_2) -#: src/ui/configsdl_ui.ui:53 -msgid "Audio driver:" -msgstr "Controlador do áudio:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, textLabel1) -#: src/ui/configsdl_ui.ui:66 -msgid "Audio device:" -msgstr "Dispositivo de áudio:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: src/ui/configsdl_ui.ui:82 -msgid "Preview volume:" -msgstr "Volume da antevisão:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/configsdl_ui.ui:102 -msgid "Monitor background color:" -msgstr "Cor de fundo do monitor:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_external_display) -#: src/ui/configsdl_ui.ui:127 -msgid "Use external display (Blackmagic card)" -msgstr "Usar um ecrã externo (placa Blackmagic)" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_5) -#: src/ui/configsdl_ui.ui:134 -msgid "Output device" -msgstr "Dispositivo de saída" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, groupBox) -#: src/ui/configtimeline_ui.ui:23 -msgid "Thumbnails" -msgstr "Miniaturas" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_displayallchannels) -#: src/ui/configtimeline_ui.ui:48 -msgid "Separate channels" -msgstr "Canais separados" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_showmarkers) -#: src/ui/configtimeline_ui.ui:73 -msgid "Display clip markers comments" -msgstr "Mostrar os comentários das marcações do 'clip'" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_autoscroll) -#: src/ui/configtimeline_ui.ui:80 -msgid "Autoscroll while playing" -msgstr "Deslocar automaticamente ao ler" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_verticalzoom) -#: src/ui/configtimeline_ui.ui:87 -msgid "Zoom using vertical drag in ruler" -msgstr "Ampliar com arrastamento vertical na régua" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_splitaudio) -#: src/ui/configtimeline_ui.ui:94 -msgid "Automatically split audio and video" -msgstr "Dividir automaticamente o áudio e o vídeo" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/configtimeline_ui.ui:103 -msgid "Track height" -msgstr "Seguir a altura" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_add) -#: src/ui/configtranscode_ui.ui:24 -msgid "Add Profile" -msgstr "Adicionar um Perfil" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_update) -#: src/ui/configtranscode_ui.ui:31 -msgid "Update Profile" -msgstr "Actualizar o Perfil" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_delete) -#: src/ui/configtranscode_ui.ui:38 -msgid "Delete Profile" -msgstr "Apagar o Perfil" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_4) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: src/ui/configtranscode_ui.ui:90 src/ui/saveprofile_ui.ui:121 -msgid "Extension" -msgstr "Extensão" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_4) -#: src/ui/configtranscode_ui.ui:107 -msgid "Parameters" -msgstr "Parâmetros" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, button_more) -#: src/ui/cutjobdialog_ui.ui:29 -msgid "Configure job" -msgstr "Configurar a tarefa" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_add) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardchapters_ui.ui:39 -msgid "Add chapter" -msgstr "Adicionar um capítulo" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardchapters_ui.ui:46 -msgid "Movie file" -msgstr "Ficheiro do filme" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_delete) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardchapters_ui.ui:66 -msgid "Remove chapter" -msgstr "Remover o capítulo" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, create_menu) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:20 -msgid "Create basic menu" -msgstr "Criar um menu básico" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:49 -msgid "Button" -msgstr "Botão" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_6) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:65 -msgid "Target" -msgstr "Destino" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, back_to_menu) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:82 -msgid "Back to menu" -msgstr "Voltar ao menu" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, use_shadow) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:126 -msgid "Shadow" -msgstr "Sombra" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:138 -msgid "Underline" -msgstr "Sublinhado" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_2) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, lblBackground) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:183 src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:189 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:1076 src/ui/vectorscope_ui.ui:46 -msgid "Background" -msgstr "Fundo" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonAdd) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, add_button) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, button_add) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonSelectAll) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonAudio) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:232 src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:93 -#: src/ui/keyframeeditor_ui.ui:68 src/ui/timelinebuttons_ui.ui:71 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:723 -msgid "A" -msgstr "A" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:29 -msgid "Temporary data folder" -msgstr "Pasta de dados temporários" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:39 -msgid "DVD ISO image" -msgstr "Imagem ISO do DVD" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (QListWidget, job_progress) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:56 -msgid "Creating menu images" -msgstr "A criar as imagens do menu" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (QListWidget, job_progress) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:61 -msgid "Creating menu background" -msgstr "A criar o fundo do menu" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (QListWidget, job_progress) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:66 -msgid "Creating menu movie" -msgstr "A criar o filme do menu" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (QListWidget, job_progress) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:71 -msgid "Creating dvd structure" -msgstr "A criar a estrutura do DVD" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (QListWidget, job_progress) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:76 -msgid "Creating iso file" -msgstr "A criar o ficheiro ISO" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_start) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:84 -msgid "Create ISO image" -msgstr "Criar a imagem ISO" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_2) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:118 -msgid "Log" -msgstr "Registo" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_7) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:124 -msgid "Status" -msgstr "Estado" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, button_burn) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:154 -msgid "Burn" -msgstr "Gravar" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:172 -msgid "Menu File" -msgstr "Ficheiro do Menu" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_3) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:186 -msgid "Dvdauthor File" -msgstr "Ficheiro do Dvdauthor" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, use_intro) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardvob_ui.ui:59 -msgid "Use first movie as intro" -msgstr "Usar o primeiro filme como introdução" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardvob_ui.ui:66 -msgid "DVD format" -msgstr "Formato do DVD" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_delete) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardvob_ui.ui:73 -msgid "Remove file" -msgstr "Remover o ficheiro" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_add) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardvob_ui.ui:130 -msgid "Add movie file" -msgstr "Adicionar um ficheiro de filme" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, convert_label) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardvob_ui.ui:146 -msgid "Converting files" -msgstr "A converter os ficheiros" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: src/ui/freesound_ui.ui:22 -msgid "Service" -msgstr "Serviço" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, page_prev) -#: src/ui/freesound_ui.ui:67 -msgid "<<" -msgstr "<<" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, page_next) -#: src/ui/freesound_ui.ui:104 -msgid ">>" -msgstr ">>" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_import) -#: src/ui/freesound_ui.ui:137 src/utils/archiveorg.cpp:181 -msgid "Import" -msgstr "Importar" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/freesound_ui.ui:177 -msgid "License" -msgstr "Licença" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonMenu) -#: src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:63 -msgid "M" -msgstr "M" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonPrevious) -#: src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:73 -msgid "P" -msgstr "P" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_pos) -#: src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:127 -msgid "Pos" -msgstr "Pos" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_6) -#: src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:198 -msgid "Height" -msgstr "Altura" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:219 -msgid "Resize:" -msgstr "Dimensionar:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, buttonResize) -#: src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:242 -msgid "Original" -msgstr "Original" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QCheckBox, cbY) -#: src/ui/histogram_ui.ui:17 -msgid "Luma value" -msgstr "Valor do luma" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, lblComponents) -#: src/ui/histogram_ui.ui:64 -msgid "Components" -msgstr "Componentes" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QCheckBox, cbS) -#: src/ui/histogram_ui.ui:71 -msgid "RGB summed up" -msgstr "RGB somado" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, cbS) -#: src/ui/histogram_ui.ui:74 -msgid "Sum" -msgstr "Soma" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, ImportKeyframesDialog_UI) -#: src/ui/importkeyframesdialog_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Import Keyframes" -msgstr "Importar as Imagens-Chave" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, limit_keyframes) -#: src/ui/importkeyframesdialog_ui.ui:48 -msgid "Limit keyframes number" -msgstr "Limitar o número de imagens-chave" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/importkeyframesdialog_ui.ui:90 -msgid "Data to import" -msgstr "Dados a importar" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, KeyFrameDialog_UI) -#: src/ui/keyframedialog_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Edit Keyframe" -msgstr "Editar a Imagem-Chave" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, clip_filesize_3) -#: src/ui/keyframedialog_ui.ui:27 -msgid "Value" -msgstr "Valor" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, buttonResetKeyframe) -#: src/ui/keyframeeditor_ui.ui:88 -msgid "Reset the parameters to their default values" -msgstr "Repõe os parâmetros com os seus valores predefinidos" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, buttonSeek) -#: src/ui/keyframeeditor_ui.ui:98 -msgid "Seek to active keyframe" -msgstr "Posicionar na imagem-chave activa" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, buttonKeyframes) -#: src/ui/keyframeeditor_ui.ui:114 -msgid "Add keyframes" -msgstr "Adicionar imagens-chave" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, buttonLeftRight) -#: src/ui/keyframewidget_ui.ui:43 -msgid "move on X axis" -msgstr "mover no eixo dos X" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, buttonUpDown) -#: src/ui/keyframewidget_ui.ui:56 -msgid "move on Y axis" -msgstr "mover no eixo dos Y" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, buttonShowInTimeline) -#: src/ui/keyframewidget_ui.ui:69 -msgid "update values in timeline" -msgstr "actualizar os valores na linha temporal" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, buttonNewPoints) -#: src/ui/keyframewidget_ui.ui:82 -msgid "create new points" -msgstr "criar pontos novos" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, checkBox) -#: src/ui/keyframewidget_ui.ui:105 -msgid "GraphView" -msgstr "Gráfico" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, buttonHelp) -#: src/ui/keyframewidget_ui.ui:121 -msgid "parameter description" -msgstr "descrição do parâmetro" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/keywordval_ui.ui:23 src/ui/urlval_ui.ui:26 -msgid "Param" -msgstr "Parâm" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, ManageCaptures_UI) -#: src/ui/managecaptures_ui.ui:13 -msgid "Captured files" -msgstr "Ficheiros capturados" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, treeWidget) -#: src/ui/managecaptures_ui.ui:35 -msgid "File name" -msgstr "Nome do ficheiro" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, deleteButton) -#: src/ui/managecaptures_ui.ui:48 -msgid "Delete current file" -msgstr "Apagar o ficheiro actual" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, toggleButton) -#: src/ui/managecaptures_ui.ui:55 -msgid "Toggle selection" -msgstr "Comutar a selecção" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/manageencodingprofile_ui.ui:20 -msgid "Editing profiles for" -msgstr "Editar os perfis de" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_category) -#: src/ui/markerdialog_ui.ui:76 -msgid "Category" -msgstr "Categoria" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, clip_thumb) -#: src/ui/markerdialog_ui.ui:86 -msgid "Image preview" -msgstr "Antevisão da imagem" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, MissingClips_UI) -#: src/ui/missingclips_ui.ui:14 -msgid " Clip Problems" -msgstr "Problemas do 'Clip'" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, removeSelected) -#: src/ui/missingclips_ui.ui:20 -msgid "Remove selected clips" -msgstr "Remover os 'clips' seleccionados" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, usePlaceholders) -#: src/ui/missingclips_ui.ui:37 -msgid "Use placeholders for missing clips" -msgstr "Usar substituições para os 'clips' em falta" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, recursiveSearch) -#: src/ui/missingclips_ui.ui:80 -msgid "Search recursively" -msgstr "Procurar recursivamente" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, ProfilesDialog_UI) -#: src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Profiles" -msgstr "Perfis" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_4) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_7) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_8) -#: src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:106 src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:140 -#: src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:174 -msgid "/" -msgstr "/" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_10) -#: src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:154 -msgid "Display aspect ratio" -msgstr "Proporções de tamanho da apresentação" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_11) -#: src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:208 -msgid "Fields per second" -msgstr "Campos por segundo" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_default) -#: src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:242 -msgid "Use as default" -msgstr "Usar por omissão" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, button_create) -#: src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:259 -msgid "C" -msgstr "C" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, button_save) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonSave) -#: src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:269 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:421 -msgid "S" -msgstr "S" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, properties) -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:66 -msgid "Video Profile" -msgstr "Perfil do Vídeo" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:210 -msgid "Thumbnails:" -msgstr "Miniaturas:" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_2) -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:416 -msgid "Project Files" -msgstr "Ficheiros do Projecto" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_12) -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:422 -msgid "Clips used in project:" -msgstr "'Clips' usados no projecto:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_6) -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:443 -msgid "Unused clips:" -msgstr "'Clips' não usados:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, delete_unused) -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:464 -msgid "Delete files" -msgstr "Apagar os ficheiros" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_11) -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:471 -msgid "Thumbnails cache:" -msgstr "'Cache' das miniaturas:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, clear_cache) -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:492 -msgid "Clear cache" -msgstr "Limpar a 'cache'" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, delete_proxies) -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:520 -msgid "Delete proxies" -msgstr "Apagar os indirectos" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_13) -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:527 -msgid "Project files" -msgstr "Ficheiros do projecto" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_fonts) -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:561 -msgid "Fonts" -msgstr "Tipos de Letra" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_export) -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:575 -msgid "Plain text export" -msgstr "Exportação para texto simples" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:39 -msgid "Render Project" -msgstr "Desenhar o Projecto" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:52 -msgid "Output file" -msgstr "Ficheiro de resultado" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_9) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:112 -msgid "Encoder threads" -msgstr "Tarefas de codificação" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, scanning_list) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:131 -msgid "Force Progressive" -msgstr "Forçar como Progressivo" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, scanning_list) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:136 -msgid "Force Interlaced" -msgstr "Forçar como Entrelaçado" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QLineEdit, vbitrates_list) -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QLineEdit, abitrates_list) -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (KComboBox, comboBitrates) -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (KComboBox, comboAudioBitrates) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:176 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:202 -#: src/ui/saveprofile_ui.ui:33 src/ui/saveprofile_ui.ui:87 -msgid "Best to worst quality" -msgstr "Qualidade melhor para pior" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, checkTwoPass) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:215 -msgid "2 pass" -msgstr "2 passos" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, rescale) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:222 -msgid "Rescale" -msgstr "Dimensionar de novo" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, export_meta) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:250 -msgid "Export metadata" -msgstr "Exportar os meta-dados" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, tc_overlay) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:276 -msgid "Overlay" -msgstr "Sobreposição" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, render_full) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:314 -msgid "Fu&ll project" -msgstr "Projecto comp&leto" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, render_zone) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:324 -msgid "Selected &zone" -msgstr "&Zona seleccionada" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, render_guide) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:331 -msgid "&Guide zone" -msgstr "Zona da &guia" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, buttonRender) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:355 -msgid "Render to File" -msgstr "Desenhar para Ficheiro" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, buttonGenerateScript) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:362 -msgid "Generate Script" -msgstr "Gerar um Programa" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonInfo) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonSelectImages) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:393 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:680 -msgid "I" -msgstr "I" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, show_all_profiles) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:400 -msgid "Show all profiles" -msgstr "Mostrar todos os perfis" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, open_browser) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:466 -msgid "Open browser window after export" -msgstr "Abrir a janela de navegação após a exportação" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, play_after) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:473 -msgid "Play after render" -msgstr "Reproduzir após a geração" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:503 -msgid "to" -msgstr "até" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, create_chapter) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:523 -msgid "Create chapter file based on guides" -msgstr "Criar um ficheiro de capítulos com base nas guias" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, open_dvd) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:530 -msgid "Open Dvd wizard after rendering" -msgstr "Abrir o assistente de DVD depois do desenho" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, proxy_render) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:537 -msgid "Render using proxy clips" -msgstr "Desenhar com 'clips' indirectos" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, stemAudioExport) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:623 -msgid "Stem audio export" -msgstr "Misturar a exportação do áudio" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_2) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:631 -msgid "Job Queue" -msgstr "Fila de Tarefas" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_7) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:710 -msgid "Error Log" -msgstr "Registo de Erros" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, clean_up) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:728 -msgid "Clean Up" -msgstr "Limpar" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, shutdown) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:735 -msgid "Shutdown computer after renderings" -msgstr "Desligar o computador após a geração" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, start_job) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:742 -msgid "Start Job" -msgstr "Iniciar a Tarefa" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_3) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:750 -msgid "Scripts" -msgstr "Programas" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, start_script) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:778 -msgid "Start Script" -msgstr "Iniciar o Programa" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, delete_script) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:785 -msgid "Delete Script" -msgstr "Apagar o Programa" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, lblPaintmode) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, lblPaintMode) -#: src/ui/rgbparade_ui.ui:33 src/ui/vectorscope_ui.ui:29 -#: src/ui/waveform_ui.ui:30 -msgid "Paint mode" -msgstr "Modo de pintura" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, SaveProfile_UI) -#: src/ui/saveprofile_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Save Profile" -msgstr "Gravar o Perfil" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/ui/saveprofile_ui.ui:60 -msgid "Group" -msgstr "Grupo" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: src/ui/saveprofile_ui.ui:108 -msgid "Profile name" -msgstr "Nome do perfil" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/saveprofile_ui.ui:128 -msgid "" -"Parameters (see MLT documentation)" -msgstr "" -"Parâmetros (veja a documentação do MLT)" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, SceneCutDialog_UI) -#: src/ui/scenecutdialog_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Scene Cut" -msgstr "Corte da Cena" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, add_markers) -#: src/ui/scenecutdialog_ui.ui:23 -msgid "Add clip markers" -msgstr "Adicionar as marcações do 'clip'" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, zone_only) -#: src/ui/scenecutdialog_ui.ui:33 -msgid "Analyze only selected zone" -msgstr "Analisar apenas a zona seleccionada" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, cut_scenes) -#: src/ui/scenecutdialog_ui.ui:63 -msgid "Cut scenes" -msgstr "Cenas cortadas" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, store_data) -#: src/ui/scenecutdialog_ui.ui:70 -msgid "Save result in clip metadata" -msgstr "Gravar o resultado nos meta-dados do 'clip'" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, groupBox) -#: src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:30 -msgid "Image selection method" -msgstr "Método de selecção da imagem" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, method_mime) -#: src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:36 -msgid "&Mimetype" -msgstr "Tipo &MIME" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, method_pattern) -#: src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:46 -msgid "Fi&lename pattern" -msgstr "Padrão dos nomes dos &ficheiros" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_4) -#: src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:70 -msgid "Image Type" -msgstr "Tipo de Imagem" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_5) -#: src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:97 -msgid "First frame" -msgstr "Primeira imagem" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:127 -msgid "Frame Duration" -msgstr "Duração da Imagem" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, show_thumbs) -#: src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:245 -msgid "Show thumbnails" -msgstr "Mostrar as miniaturas" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: src/ui/smconfig_ui.ui:33 -msgid "Number of frames to play (0 to play all frames)" -msgstr "Número de imagens a reproduzir (0 para todas)" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, groupBox_2) -#: src/ui/smconfig_ui.ui:73 -msgid "Interval Capture" -msgstr "Captura do Intervalo" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/smconfig_ui.ui:79 -msgid "Capture delay" -msgstr "Atraso na captura" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, sm_prenotify) -#: src/ui/smconfig_ui.ui:96 -msgid "Notify before capture" -msgstr "Notificar antes da captura" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, SpacerDialog_UI) -#: src/ui/spacerdialog_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Add space" -msgstr "Adicionar um espaço" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, clip_filesize_3) -#: src/ui/spacerdialog_ui.ui:37 -msgid "Track:" -msgstr "Faixa:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, labelFFTSize) -#: src/ui/spectrogram_ui.ui:52 -msgid "True FFT size:" -msgstr "Tamanho real da FFT:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, live_button) -#: src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:86 -msgid "Live view" -msgstr "Visualização em directo" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, preview_button) -#: src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:135 -msgid "Preview sequence" -msgstr "Antevisão da sequência" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (KComboBox, sequence_name) -#: src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:151 src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:158 -msgid "Sequence name" -msgstr "Nome da sequência" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_addsequence) -#: src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:194 -msgid "Add to project" -msgstr "Adicionar ao projecto" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/templateclip_ui.ui:17 -msgid "Template" -msgstr "Modelo" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonFitZoom) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonRealSize) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonVideo) -#: src/ui/timelinebuttons_ui.ui:16 src/ui/timelinebuttons_ui.ui:64 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:553 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:563 -msgid "V" -msgstr "V" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, TitleWidget_UI) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Title Clip" -msgstr "'Clip' do Título" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, lWidth) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:109 -msgid "W" -msgstr "L" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_19) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:126 -msgid "H" -msgstr "A" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_12) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:184 -msgid "Z-Index:" -msgstr "Índice em Z:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:232 -msgid "Item Properties" -msgstr "Propriedades do Item" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:243 -msgid "Fill color" -msgstr "Cor do preenchimento" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_11) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:275 -msgid "Border color" -msgstr "Cor do contorno" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_18) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:394 -msgid "Outline" -msgstr "Destaque" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, displayBg) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:631 -msgid "Show background" -msgstr "Mostrar o fundo" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_22) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:645 -msgid "Template:" -msgstr "Modelo:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonSelectText) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:690 -msgid "T" -msgstr "T" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (whatsThis), widget (QToolButton, buttonSelectAll) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:720 -msgid "Selects all items on the canvas." -msgstr "Selecciona todos os itens na área de desenho." - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_14) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:761 -msgid "Zoom:" -msgstr "Ampliação:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_21) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:778 -msgid "Rotate Z:" -msgstr "Rotação em Z:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_20) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:785 -msgid "Rotate Y:" -msgstr "Rotação em Y:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_15) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:792 -msgid "Rotate X:" -msgstr "Rotação em X:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_5) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:877 -msgid "Effect" -msgstr "Efeito" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (suffix), widget (QSpinBox, typewriter_delay) -#. i18n: ectx: property (suffix), widget (QSpinBox, typewriter_start) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:1007 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:1030 -msgid " frames" -msgstr " imagens" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_16) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:1023 -msgid "Start at" -msgstr "Iniciar em" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, anim_start) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:1127 -msgid "Edit start" -msgstr "Editar o início" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, anim_end) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:1137 -msgid "Edit end" -msgstr "Editar o fim" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_7) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:1162 -msgid "Resize" -msgstr "Dimensionar" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, resize50) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:1169 -#, no-c-format -msgid "50%" -msgstr "50%" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, resize100) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:1176 -#, no-c-format -msgid "100%" -msgstr "100%" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, resize200) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:1183 -#, no-c-format -msgid "200%" -msgstr "200%" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, keep_aspect) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:1190 -msgid "Keep aspect ratio" -msgstr "Manter as proporções" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/ui/transitionsettings_ui.ui:23 -msgid "track" -msgstr "faixa" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QWidget, UnicodeWidget_UI) -#: src/ui/unicodewidget_ui.ui:20 -msgid "Enter Unicode value" -msgstr "Indicar um valor Unicode" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/ui/unicodewidget_ui.ui:251 -msgid "Additional Information" -msgstr "Dados Adicionais" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_reload) -#: src/ui/wizardcapture_ui.ui:17 -msgid "Check" -msgstr "Verificar" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_9) -#: src/ui/wizardcapture_ui.ui:57 -msgid "Capture format:" -msgstr "Formato da captura:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/wizardextra_ui.ui:16 -msgid "Default folder for project files" -msgstr "Pasta predefinida dos ficheiros do projecto" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, autosave) -#: src/ui/wizardextra_ui.ui:59 -msgid "Activate crash recovery (auto save)" -msgstr "Activar a recuperação de estoiros (auto-gravar)" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, installmimes) -#: src/ui/wizardextra_ui.ui:66 -msgid "Install extra video mimetypes" -msgstr "Instalar os tipos MIME de vídeo" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab) -#: src/ui/wizardmltcheck_ui.ui:21 -msgid "Installed modules" -msgstr "Módulos instalados" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_2) -#: src/ui/wizardmltcheck_ui.ui:63 -msgid "Available Codecs (avformat)" -msgstr "Codificadores Disponíveis (avformat)" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: src/ui/wizardmltcheck_ui.ui:90 -msgid "Formats" -msgstr "Formatos" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/ui/wizardmltcheck_ui.ui:97 -msgid "Video Codecs" -msgstr "Codificadores de Vídeo" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/wizardmltcheck_ui.ui:104 -msgid "Audio Codecs" -msgstr "Codificadores de Áudio" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: src/ui/wizardstandard_ui.ui:17 -msgid "Please set your default video profile" -msgstr "Defina por favor o seu perfil de vídeo predefinido" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/ui/wizardstandard_ui.ui:24 -msgid "Video Resolution" -msgstr "Resolução do Vídeo" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, button_dv) -#: src/ui/wizardstandard_ui.ui:44 -msgid "DV" -msgstr "DV" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, button_all) -#: src/ui/wizardstandard_ui.ui:61 -msgid "Show All" -msgstr "Mostrar Tudo" - -#: src/utils/archiveorg.cpp:78 src/utils/freesound.cpp:86 -#: src/utils/freesound.cpp:184 src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:362 -msgid "Error Loading Data" -msgstr "Erro ao Carregar os Dados" - -#: src/utils/archiveorg.cpp:91 src/utils/freesound.cpp:95 -#, kde-format -msgid "Found %1 result" -msgid_plural "Found %1 results" -msgstr[0] "Foi encontrado %1 resultado" -msgstr[1] "Foram encontrados %1 resultados" - -#: src/utils/freesound.cpp:203 -msgid "Samplerate" -msgstr "Taxa de amostragem" - -#: src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:67 -msgid "Freesound Audio Library" -msgstr "Biblioteca de Áudio Freesound" - -#: src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:68 -msgid "Archive.org Video Library" -msgstr "Biblioteca de Vídeo Archive.org" - -#: src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:69 -msgid "Open Clip Art Graphic Library" -msgstr "Biblioteca Gráfica do Open Clip Art" - -#: src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:70 -msgid "Search Online Resources" -msgstr "Procurar nos Recursos 'Online'" - -#: src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:92 -msgid "Auto Play" -msgstr "Reproduzir Automaticamente" - -#: src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:182 -msgctxt "the url link pointing to a web page" -msgid "link" -msgstr "ligação" - -#: src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:327 -msgid "File Exists" -msgstr "O Ficheiro Existe" - -#: src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:328 -msgid "Do you want to overwrite the existing file?." -msgstr "Deseja substituir o ficheiro existente?." - -#: src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:371 -msgid "Data Imported" -msgstr "Dados Importados" - -#: src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:437 -msgid "" -"You need to be online\n" -" for searching" -msgstr "" -"Tem de estar ligado para\n" -"efectuar pesquisas" - -#: src/utils/thememanager.cpp:70 -msgctxt "default theme name" -msgid "Default" -msgstr "Predefinição" - -#: src/utils/thememanager.cpp:213 -msgid "Configuration..." -msgstr "Configuração..." - -#: src/utils/thememanager.cpp:227 -msgid "" -"Cannot start Colors Settings panel from KDE Control Center. Please check " -"your system..." -msgstr "" -"Não é possível iniciar o painel de Configuração das Cores da Configuração do " -"Sistema do KDE. Verifique por favor o seu sistema..." - -#~ msgid "Compare effect" -#~ msgstr "Comparar o efeito" diff -Nru kdenlive-15.13.0+git20160206.6705c57a/po/pt_BR/CMakeLists.txt kdenlive-15.13.0+git20160206.cee1bbb6/po/pt_BR/CMakeLists.txt --- kdenlive-15.13.0+git20160206.6705c57a/po/pt_BR/CMakeLists.txt 2016-02-06 09:13:45.000000000 +0000 +++ kdenlive-15.13.0+git20160206.cee1bbb6/po/pt_BR/CMakeLists.txt 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -GETTEXT_PROCESS_PO_FILES(pt_BR ALL INSTALL_DESTINATION ${LOCALE_INSTALL_DIR} kdenlive.po) diff -Nru kdenlive-15.13.0+git20160206.6705c57a/po/pt_BR/kdenlive.po kdenlive-15.13.0+git20160206.cee1bbb6/po/pt_BR/kdenlive.po --- kdenlive-15.13.0+git20160206.6705c57a/po/pt_BR/kdenlive.po 2016-02-06 09:13:45.000000000 +0000 +++ kdenlive-15.13.0+git20160206.cee1bbb6/po/pt_BR/kdenlive.po 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 @@ -1,12061 +0,0 @@ -# Translation of kdenlive.po to Brazilian Portuguese -# Copyright (C) 2008-2015 This_file_is_part_of_KDE -# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package. -# -# Marcelo Soares Souza , 2008, 2010, 2011. -# Marcus Gama , 2011, 2012. -# André Marcelo Alvarenga , 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015. -# Luiz Fernando Ranghetti , 2011, 2012. -msgid "" -msgstr "" -"Project-Id-Version: kdenlive\n" -"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugs.kde.org\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-12-11 07:07+0000\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-12-06 07:59-0200\n" -"Last-Translator: André Marcelo Alvarenga \n" -"Language-Team: Brazilian Portuguese \n" -"Language: pt_BR\n" -"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" -"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" -"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" -"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n > 1);\n" -"X-Generator: Lokalize 1.5\n" - -msgctxt "NAME OF TRANSLATORS" -msgid "Your names" -msgstr "Marcelo Soares Souza, Marcus Gama, André Marcelo Alvarenga" - -msgctxt "EMAIL OF TRANSLATORS" -msgid "Your emails" -msgstr "marcelo@juntadados.org, marcus.gama@gmail.com, alvarenga@kde.org" - -#: data/effects/audiobalance.xml:3 data/effects/audiobalance.xml:7 -msgid "Balance" -msgstr "Balanço" - -#: data/effects/audiobalance.xml:4 -msgid "Adjust the left/right balance" -msgstr "Ajusta o balanço da esquerda/direita" - -#: data/effects/audiopan.xml:3 data/effects/audiopan.xml:11 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:347 src/project/dialogs/slideshowclip.cpp:73 -msgid "Pan" -msgstr "Pan" - -#: data/effects/audiopan.xml:4 -msgid "Adjust the left/right spread of a channel" -msgstr "Ajusta a difusão pela esquerda/direita de um canal" - -#: data/effects/audiopan.xml:7 data/effects/channelcopy.xml:7 -#: data/effects/channelcopy.xml:11 -msgid "Left,Right" -msgstr "Esquerda,Direta" - -#: data/effects/audiopan.xml:8 data/effects/frei0r_bezier_curves.xml:9 -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:9 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:66 -#: data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:10 data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:42 -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:25 -msgid "Channel" -msgstr "Canal" - -#: data/effects/audiowave.xml:3 -msgid "Audio Wave" -msgstr "Onda de áudio" - -#: data/effects/audiowave.xml:4 -msgid "Display the audio waveform instead of the video" -msgstr "Mostra a forma de onda do áudio em vez do vídeo" - -#: data/effects/audiowaveform.xml:3 -msgid "Audio Waveform Filter" -msgstr "Filtro Onda de áudio" - -#: data/effects/audiowaveform.xml:6 data/effects/dynamictext.xml:22 -#: data/effects/pan_zoom.xml:13 data/effects/rotation.xml:40 -#: data/effects/rotation_keyframable.xml:22 -msgid "Background Color" -msgstr "Cor de fundo" - -#: data/effects/audiowaveform.xml:9 data/effects/dynamictext.xml:19 -msgid "Foreground Color" -msgstr "Cor do primeiro plano" - -#: data/effects/audiowaveform.xml:12 -msgid "Line Thickness" -msgstr "Espessura da linha" - -#: data/effects/audiowaveform.xml:15 data/effects/movit_rect.xml:6 -#: data/effects/pan_zoom.xml:7 -msgid "Rectangle" -msgstr "Retângulo" - -#: data/effects/audiowaveform.xml:18 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:721 -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:766 -msgid "Fill" -msgstr "Preencher" - -#: data/effects/automask.xml:3 -msgid "Auto Mask" -msgstr "Máscara automática" - -#: data/effects/automask.xml:4 -msgid "Hide a selected zone and follow its movements" -msgstr "Ocultar uma área selecionada e seguir os seus movimentos" - -#: data/effects/automask.xml:7 data/effects/dynamictext.xml:7 -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:718 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:745 -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:763 -msgid "Geometry" -msgstr "Geometria" - -#: data/effects/automask.xml:10 -msgid "Macroblock width" -msgstr "Largura do macro-bloco" - -#: data/effects/automask.xml:13 -msgid "Macroblock height" -msgstr "Altura do macro-bloco" - -#: data/effects/automask.xml:16 -msgid "Maximum x distance" -msgstr "Distância máxima do X" - -#: data/effects/automask.xml:19 -msgid "Maximum y distance" -msgstr "Distância máxima do Y" - -#: data/effects/automask.xml:22 -msgid "Denoise" -msgstr "Redução de ruído" - -#: data/effects/automask.xml:25 -msgid "Debug" -msgstr "Depuração" - -#: data/effects/automask.xml:28 data/effects/obscure.xml:3 -msgid "Obscure" -msgstr "Obscuro" - -#: data/effects/automask.xml:36 data/effects/loudness.xml:12 -msgid "Analyse" -msgstr "Analisar" - -#: data/effects/boxblur.xml:3 -msgid "Box Blur" -msgstr "Borrão em Caixa" - -#: data/effects/boxblur.xml:4 -msgid "Box blur (separate horizontal and vertical blur)" -msgstr "Borrão em caixa (borrão horizontal e vertical em separado)" - -#: data/effects/boxblur.xml:7 -msgid "Horizontal multiplicator" -msgstr "Multiplicador horizontal" - -#: data/effects/boxblur.xml:10 -msgid "Vertical multiplicator" -msgstr "Multiplicador vertical" - -#: data/effects/boxblur.xml:13 -msgid "Blur factor" -msgstr "Fator do borrão" - -#: data/effects/brightness.xml:3 -msgid "Brightness (keyframable)" -msgstr "Brilho (imagens-chave)" - -#: data/effects/brightness.xml:4 -msgid "Change image brightness with keyframes" -msgstr "Alterar o brilho da imagem com imagens-chave" - -#: data/effects/brightness.xml:7 -msgid "Intensity" -msgstr "Intensidade" - -#: data/effects/channelcopy.xml:3 -msgid "Mono to stereo" -msgstr "Mono para estéreo" - -#: data/effects/channelcopy.xml:4 -msgid "Copy one channel to another" -msgstr "Copiar um canal para outro" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_4) -#: data/effects/channelcopy.xml:8 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:486 -msgid "From" -msgstr "De" - -#: data/effects/channelcopy.xml:12 -msgid "To" -msgstr "Até" - -#: data/effects/charcoal.xml:3 -msgid "Charcoal" -msgstr "Carvão" - -#: data/effects/charcoal.xml:4 -msgid "Charcoal drawing effect" -msgstr "Efeito de desenho a carvão" - -#: data/effects/charcoal.xml:7 -msgid "Horizontal scatter" -msgstr "Dispersão horizontal" - -#: data/effects/charcoal.xml:10 -msgid "Vertical scatter" -msgstr "Dispersão vertical" - -#: data/effects/charcoal.xml:13 -msgid "Scale" -msgstr "Escala" - -#: data/effects/charcoal.xml:16 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:757 -msgid "Mix" -msgstr "Mix" - -#: data/effects/charcoal.xml:19 data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:31 -#: data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:63 data/effects/frei0r_mask0mate.xml:19 -#: data/effects/invert.xml:3 data/effects/mirror.xml:11 -#: data/effects/rotoscoping.xml:18 src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:215 -msgid "Invert" -msgstr "Inverter" - -#: data/effects/chroma.xml:3 -msgid "Chroma Key" -msgstr "Chave croma" - -#: data/effects/chroma.xml:4 -msgid "Make selected color transparent" -msgstr "Tornar a cor selecionada transparente" - -#: data/effects/chroma.xml:7 data/effects/chroma_hold.xml:7 -msgid "Color key" -msgstr "Cor chave" - -#: data/effects/chroma.xml:10 data/effects/chroma_hold.xml:10 -msgid "Variance" -msgstr "Variância" - -#: data/effects/chroma_hold.xml:3 -msgid "Chroma Hold" -msgstr "Retenção do Croma" - -#: data/effects/chroma_hold.xml:4 -msgid "Make image greyscale except for chosen color" -msgstr "Converter a imagem para tons de cinza, menos a cor escolhida" - -#: data/effects/crop.xml:3 -msgid "Edge Crop" -msgstr "Recorte das extremidades" - -#: data/effects/crop.xml:4 -msgid "Trim the edges of a clip" -msgstr "Recortar as extremidades de um clipe" - -#: data/effects/crop.xml:7 data/effects/frei0r_mask0mate.xml:13 -msgid "Top" -msgstr "Superior" - -#: data/effects/crop.xml:10 data/effects/frei0r_mask0mate.xml:7 -msgid "Left" -msgstr "Esquerda" - -#: data/effects/crop.xml:13 data/effects/frei0r_mask0mate.xml:16 -msgid "Bottom" -msgstr "Inferior" - -#: data/effects/crop.xml:16 data/effects/frei0r_mask0mate.xml:10 -msgid "Right" -msgstr "Direita" - -#: data/effects/crop.xml:19 -msgid "Automatic center-crop" -msgstr "Recorte automático ao centro" - -#: data/effects/crop.xml:22 -msgid "Center balance" -msgstr "Balanceamento ao centro" - -#: data/effects/crop.xml:25 -msgid "Use project resolution" -msgstr "Usar a resolução do projeto" - -#: data/effects/dust.xml:3 -msgid "Dust" -msgstr "Poeira" - -#: data/effects/dust.xml:4 -msgid "Add dust and specks to the video, as in old movies" -msgstr "Adiciona poeira e riscos ao vídeo, como nos filmes antigos" - -#: data/effects/dust.xml:7 -msgid "Maximal Diameter" -msgstr "Diâmetro máximo" - -#: data/effects/dust.xml:10 -msgid "Maximal number of dust" -msgstr "Quantidade máxima de poeira" - -#: data/effects/dynamictext.xml:3 -msgid "Dynamic Text" -msgstr "Texto dinâmico" - -#: data/effects/dynamictext.xml:4 -msgid "Overlay text with keywords replaced" -msgstr "Sobrepor texto com palavras-chave substituídas" - -#: data/effects/dynamictext.xml:10 -msgid "Font Family" -msgstr "Família da fonte" - -#: data/effects/dynamictext.xml:13 -msgid "Font Size" -msgstr "Tamanho da fonte" - -#: data/effects/dynamictext.xml:16 -msgid "Font Weight" -msgstr "Altura da fonte" - -#: data/effects/dynamictext.xml:25 -msgid "Outline Color" -msgstr "Cor do destaque" - -#: data/effects/dynamictext.xml:28 -msgid "Outline Width" -msgstr "Largura do esboço" - -#: data/effects/dynamictext.xml:31 -msgid "Padding" -msgstr "Preenchimento" - -#: data/effects/dynamictext.xml:34 -msgid "Left,Center,Right" -msgstr "Esquerda,Centro,Direita" - -#: data/effects/dynamictext.xml:35 -msgid "Horizontal Alignment" -msgstr "Alinhamento horizontal" - -#: data/effects/dynamictext.xml:38 -msgid "Top,Middle,Bottom" -msgstr "Superior,Meio,Inferior" - -#: data/effects/dynamictext.xml:39 -msgid "Vertical Alignment" -msgstr "Alinhamento vertical" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, text_box) -#: data/effects/dynamictext.xml:42 src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:55 -#: src/ui/templateclip_ui.ui:34 -msgid "Text" -msgstr "Texto" - -#: data/effects/fade_from_black.xml:3 -msgid "Fade from Black" -msgstr "Desaparecimento do preto" - -#: data/effects/fade_from_black.xml:4 -msgid "Fade video from black" -msgstr "Desaparecimento do vídeo a partir do preto" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_duration) -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, ClipDurationDialog_UI) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, duration_label) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: data/effects/fade_from_black.xml:7 data/effects/fade_to_black.xml:7 -#: data/effects/fadein.xml:10 data/effects/fadeout.xml:7 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:133 -#: src/ui/clipdurationdialog_ui.ui:14 src/ui/clipdurationdialog_ui.ui:40 -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:58 src/ui/colorclip_ui.ui:37 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:747 src/utils/freesound.cpp:157 -#: src/utils/freesound.cpp:196 src/utils/freesound.cpp:197 -#: src/utils/freesound.cpp:198 -msgid "Duration" -msgstr "Duração" - -#: data/effects/fade_from_black.xml:10 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/bezier/beziersplinewidget.cpp:52 -msgid "In" -msgstr "Entrada" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: data/effects/fade_from_black.xml:13 data/effects/fade_to_black.xml:13 -#: src/ui/wipeval_ui.ui:22 -msgid "Start" -msgstr "Iniciar" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_4) -#: data/effects/fade_from_black.xml:16 data/effects/fade_to_black.xml:16 -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:409 src/ui/wipeval_ui.ui:167 -msgid "End" -msgstr "Fim" - -#: data/effects/fade_to_black.xml:3 -msgid "Fade to Black" -msgstr "Desaparecimento para preto" - -#: data/effects/fade_to_black.xml:4 -msgid "Fade video to black" -msgstr "Desaparecimento do vídeo para preto" - -#: data/effects/fade_to_black.xml:10 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/bezier/beziersplinewidget.cpp:54 -msgid "Out" -msgstr "Saída" - -#: data/effects/fadein.xml:3 -msgid "Fade in" -msgstr "Aparecer" - -#: data/effects/fadein.xml:4 -msgid "Fade in audio track" -msgstr "Faixa de áudio do aparecimento" - -#: data/effects/fadein.xml:13 data/effects/fadeout.xml:13 -msgid "Start Gain" -msgstr "Ganho inicial" - -#: data/effects/fadein.xml:16 data/effects/fadeout.xml:16 -msgid "End Gain" -msgstr "Ganho final" - -#: data/effects/fadeout.xml:3 -msgid "Fade out" -msgstr "Desaparecer" - -#: data/effects/fadeout.xml:4 -msgid "Fade out audio track" -msgstr "Faixa de áudio do desaparecimento" - -#: data/effects/freeze.xml:3 -msgid "Freeze" -msgstr "Congelar" - -#: data/effects/freeze.xml:4 -msgid "Freeze video on a chosen frame" -msgstr "Congelar o vídeo em uma imagem à escolha" - -#: data/effects/freeze.xml:7 -msgid "Freeze at" -msgstr "Congelar em" - -#: data/effects/freeze.xml:10 -msgid "Freeze Before" -msgstr "Congelar antes" - -#: data/effects/freeze.xml:13 -msgid "Freeze After" -msgstr "Congelar depois" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_3dflippo.xml:3 -msgid "3dflippo" -msgstr "3dflippo" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_3dflippo.xml:4 -msgid "Frame rotation in 3D space" -msgstr "Rotação da imagem no espaço 3D" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_3dflippo.xml:7 -msgid "X axis rotation" -msgstr "Rotação no eixo X" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_3dflippo.xml:10 -msgid "Y axis rotation" -msgstr "Rotação no eixo Y" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_3dflippo.xml:13 -msgid "Z axis rotation" -msgstr "Rotação no eixo Z" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_3dflippo.xml:16 -msgid "X axis rotation rate" -msgstr "Taxa de rotação no eixo X" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_3dflippo.xml:19 -msgid "Y axis rotation rate" -msgstr "Taxa de rotação no eixo Y" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_3dflippo.xml:22 -msgid "Z axis rotation rate" -msgstr "Taxa de rotação no eixo Z" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_3dflippo.xml:25 -msgid "Center position (X)" -msgstr "Posição do centro (X)" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_3dflippo.xml:28 -msgid "Center position (Y)" -msgstr "Posição do centro (Y)" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_3dflippo.xml:31 -msgid "Invert rotation assignment" -msgstr "Inverter a atribuição da rotação" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_3dflippo.xml:34 -msgid "Don't blank mask" -msgstr "Não limpar a máscara" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_3dflippo.xml:37 -msgid "Fill with image or black" -msgstr "Preencher com imagem ou preto" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:4 data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:36 -msgid "Alpha operations" -msgstr "Operações no alfa" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:5 data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:37 -msgid "Display and manipulation of the alpha channel" -msgstr "Apresentação e manipulação do canal alfa" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:9 data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:41 -msgid "" -"Image,Alpha as gray,Gray + red,Selection on black,Selection on gray," -"Selection on white,Selection on checkers" -msgstr "" -"Imagem,Alfa como cinza,Cinza + vermelho,Seleção no preto,Seleção no cinza," -"Seleção no branco,Seleção em xadrez" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:10 data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:42 -msgid "Display" -msgstr "Visualização" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:14 data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:46 -msgid "Display input alpha" -msgstr "Mostrar o alfa de entrada" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:18 -msgid "NO OP,Shave,Shrink hard,Shrink soft,Grow hard,Grow soft,Threshold" -msgstr "" -"Sem OP,Cortar,Redução forte,Redução suave,Aumento forte,Aumento suave,Limiar" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:19 data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:51 -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphagrad.xml:30 data/effects/frei0r_alphaspot.xml:47 -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:45 data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:96 -msgid "Operation" -msgstr "Operação" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:23 data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:55 -#: data/effects/frei0r_threshold0r.xml:7 data/effects/threshold.xml:3 -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:217 -msgid "Threshold" -msgstr "Limiar" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:27 -msgid "Shrink/grow amount" -msgstr "Quantidade de aumento/redução" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:50 -msgid "NO OP,Shave,Shrink hard,Shrink soft,Grow hard,Grow soft,Threshold,Blur" -msgstr "" -"Sem OP,Cortar,Redução forte,Redução suave,Aumento forte,Aumento suave,Limiar," -"Borrão" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:59 -msgid "Shrink/Grow/Blur amount" -msgstr "Quantidade de Aumento/Redução/Borrão" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphagrad.xml:3 -msgid "Alpha gradient" -msgstr "Gradiente do alfa" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphagrad.xml:4 -msgid "Fill the alpha channel with a specified gradient" -msgstr "Preencher o canal alfa com um gradiente específico" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, clip_filesize_2) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, position_label) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, import_position) -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphagrad.xml:9 src/effectstack/keyframeedit.cpp:55 -#: src/ui/clipdurationdialog_ui.ui:20 src/ui/importkeyframesdialog_ui.ui:80 -#: src/ui/keyframedialog_ui.ui:20 src/ui/markerdialog_ui.ui:20 -msgid "Position" -msgstr "Posição" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphagrad.xml:13 data/effects/frei0r_alphaspot.xml:34 -msgid "Transition width" -msgstr "Largura da transição" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphagrad.xml:17 data/effects/frei0r_alphaspot.xml:30 -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:16 -msgid "Tilt" -msgstr "Desvio" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphagrad.xml:21 data/effects/frei0r_alphaspot.xml:38 -msgid "Min" -msgstr "Mín" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphagrad.xml:25 data/effects/frei0r_alphaspot.xml:42 -msgid "Max" -msgstr "Máx" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphagrad.xml:29 data/effects/frei0r_alphaspot.xml:46 -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:44 data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:95 -msgid "Write on clear,Max,Min,Add,Subtract" -msgstr "Escrever ao limpar,Máx,Mín,Adicionar,Subtrair" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphaspot.xml:3 -msgid "Alpha shapes" -msgstr "Formas de alfa" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphaspot.xml:4 -msgid "Draws simple shapes into the alpha channel" -msgstr "Desenha formas simples no canal alfa" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphaspot.xml:9 -msgid "Rectangle,Ellipse,Triangle,Diamond" -msgstr "Retângulo,Elipse,Triângulo,Diamante" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphaspot.xml:10 data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:29 -#: data/effects/sox_flanger.xml:22 -msgid "Shape" -msgstr "Forma" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphaspot.xml:14 -msgid "Position X" -msgstr "Posição X" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphaspot.xml:18 -msgid "Position Y" -msgstr "Posição Y" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphaspot.xml:22 -msgid "Size X" -msgstr "Tamanho X" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphaspot.xml:26 -msgid "Size Y" -msgstr "Tamanho Y" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_balanc0r.xml:4 data/effects/frei0r_balanc0r.xml:15 -msgid "White Balance" -msgstr "Balanceamento de branco" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_balanc0r.xml:5 data/effects/frei0r_balanc0r.xml:16 -msgid "Adjust the white balance / color temperature" -msgstr "Ajusta o balanceamento de branco / temperatura da cor" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_balanc0r.xml:8 data/effects/frei0r_balanc0r.xml:19 -#: data/effects/frei0r_colgate.xml:8 data/effects/movit_white_balance.xml:6 -msgid "Neutral Color" -msgstr "Cor neutra" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_balanc0r.xml:11 data/effects/frei0r_balanc0r.xml:22 -msgid "Green Tint" -msgstr "Pintura verde" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_baltan.xml:3 -msgid "Baltan" -msgstr "Baltan" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_baltan.xml:4 -msgid "Delayed alpha smoothed blit of time" -msgstr "Período de tempo suavizado no alfa" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_bezier_curves.xml:3 -msgid "Bézier Curves" -msgstr "Curvas de Bézier" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_bezier_curves.xml:4 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:5 -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:62 -msgid "Color curves adjustment" -msgstr "Ajuste das curvas de cores" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_bezier_curves.xml:8 -msgid "RGB,Red,Green,Blue,Alpha,Luma,Hue,Saturation" -msgstr "RGB,Vermelho,Verde,Azul,Alfa,Luma,Tom,Saturação" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_bezier_curves.xml:13 -#: data/effects/frei0r_coloradj_rgb.xml:33 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:12 -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:69 -msgid "Rec. 601,Rec. 709" -msgstr "Rec. 601,Rec. 709" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_bezier_curves.xml:14 -#: data/effects/frei0r_coloradj_rgb.xml:34 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:13 -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:70 -msgid "Luma formula" -msgstr "Fórmula do luma" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_brightness.xml:3 data/effects/frei0r_brightness.xml:7 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lenscorrection.xml:19 data/effects/grain.xml:13 -msgid "Brightness" -msgstr "Brilho" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_brightness.xml:4 -msgid "Adjusts the brightness of a source image" -msgstr "Ajusta o brilho de uma imagem de origem" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:3 -msgid "Corners" -msgstr "Cantos" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:4 -msgid "Four corners geometry engine" -msgstr "Mecanismo de geometria dos quatro cantos" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:8 -msgid "Corner 1 X" -msgstr "Canto 1 de X" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:12 -msgid "Corner 1 Y" -msgstr "Canto 1 de Y" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:16 -msgid "Corner 2 X" -msgstr "Canto 2 de X" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:20 -msgid "Corner 2 Y" -msgstr "Canto 2 de Y" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:24 -msgid "Corner 3 X" -msgstr "Canto 3 de X" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:28 -msgid "Corner 3 Y" -msgstr "Canto 3 de Y" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:32 -msgid "Corner 4 X" -msgstr "Canto 4 de X" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:36 -msgid "Corner 4 Y" -msgstr "Canto 4 de Y" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:40 -msgid "Stretch X" -msgstr "Esticamento de X" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:44 -msgid "Stretch Y" -msgstr "Esticamento de Y" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:48 -msgid "Feather Alpha" -msgstr "Pluma do alfa" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:52 -msgid "Enable Stretch" -msgstr "Ativar esticamento" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:56 data/effects/frei0r_defish0r.xml:24 -msgid "" -"Nearest neighbor,Bilinear,Bicubic smooth,Bicubic sharp,Spline 4x4,Spline 6x6," -"Lanczos" -msgstr "" -"Vizinho próximo,Bilinear,Bicúbico suave,Bicúbico forte,Curva 4x4,Curva 6x6," -"Lanczos" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:57 data/effects/frei0r_defish0r.xml:25 -msgid "Interpolator" -msgstr "Interpolação" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:61 data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:63 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:136 -msgid "Transparent Background" -msgstr "Fundo transparente" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:65 data/effects/rotoscoping.xml:13 -msgid "Write on clear,Maximum,Minimum,Add,Subtract" -msgstr "Escrever ao limpar,Máximo,Mínimo,Adicionar,Subtrair" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:66 -msgid "Alpha operation" -msgstr "Operação no alfa" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_cartoon.xml:4 data/effects/frei0r_cartoon.xml:15 -msgid "Cartoon" -msgstr "Quadrinhos" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_cartoon.xml:5 data/effects/frei0r_cartoon.xml:16 -msgid "Cartoonify video, do a form of edge detect" -msgstr "" -"Transforma um vídeo em quadrinhos, fazendo uma espécie de detecção de " -"extremidades" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_cartoon.xml:8 data/effects/frei0r_cartoon.xml:19 -msgid "Level of trip" -msgstr "Nível de viagem" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_cartoon.xml:11 data/effects/frei0r_cartoon.xml:22 -msgid "Difference space" -msgstr "Espaço da diferença" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_cluster.xml:3 -msgid "K-Means Clustering" -msgstr "Agrupamento K-Means" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_cluster.xml:4 -msgid "Clusters of a source image by color and spatial distance" -msgstr "" -"Clusters de uma imagem de origem, com base na distância de cores e espacial" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_cluster.xml:7 -msgid "Amount of clusters" -msgstr "Quantidade de clusters" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_cluster.xml:10 -msgid "Weight on distance" -msgstr "Peso baseado na distância" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_colgate.xml:3 -msgid "White Balance (LMS space)" -msgstr "Balanceamento de branco (espaço LMS)" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_colgate.xml:5 -msgid "" -"Do simple color correction, in a physically meaningful\n" -"way" -msgstr "" -"Faz uma correção de cores simples, de forma fisicamente\n" -"significativa" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_colgate.xml:12 data/effects/movit_white_balance.xml:9 -msgid "Color Temperature" -msgstr "Temperatura da cor" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_coloradj_rgb.xml:3 -msgid "RGB adjustment" -msgstr "Ajuste RGB" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_coloradj_rgb.xml:4 -msgid "Simple color adjustment" -msgstr "Ajuste de cores simples" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, cbR) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonSelectRects) -#: data/effects/frei0r_coloradj_rgb.xml:8 src/ui/histogram_ui.ui:30 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:733 -msgid "R" -msgstr "R" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, cbG) -#: data/effects/frei0r_coloradj_rgb.xml:12 src/ui/histogram_ui.ui:37 -msgid "G" -msgstr "G" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, cbB) -#: data/effects/frei0r_coloradj_rgb.xml:16 src/ui/histogram_ui.ui:44 -msgid "B" -msgstr "B" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_coloradj_rgb.xml:20 -msgid "Add constant,Change gamma,Multiply" -msgstr "Adicionar constante,Alterar o gama,Multiplicar" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_coloradj_rgb.xml:21 -msgid "Action" -msgstr "Ação" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_coloradj_rgb.xml:25 -msgid "Keep luma" -msgstr "Manter a luma" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_coloradj_rgb.xml:29 -msgid "Alpha controlled" -msgstr "Controlado pelo alfa" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_colordistance.xml:3 -msgid "Color Distance" -msgstr "Distância da cor" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_colordistance.xml:4 -msgid "" -"Calculates the distance between the selected color and the current pixel and " -"uses that value as new pixel value" -msgstr "" -"Calcula a distância entre a cor selecionada e o pixel atual, usando esse " -"valor como novo valor do pixel" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_colordistance.xml:7 -msgid "Source Color" -msgstr "Cor de origem" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_colortap.xml:3 -msgid "Color Effect" -msgstr "Efeito de cor" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_colortap.xml:4 -msgid "Applies a pre-made color effect to image" -msgstr "Aplica um efeito de cor existente a uma imagem" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, treeWidget) -#: data/effects/frei0r_colortap.xml:7 data/effects/frei0r_defish0r.xml:14 -#: data/effects/frei0r_iirblur.xml:14 data/effects/frei0r_medians.xml:9 -#: src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:74 src/ui/missingclips_ui.ui:67 -msgid "Type" -msgstr "Tipo" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_contrast0r.xml:3 data/effects/frei0r_contrast0r.xml:7 -#: data/effects/grain.xml:10 src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:209 -msgid "Contrast" -msgstr "Contraste" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_contrast0r.xml:4 -msgid "Adjusts the contrast of a source image" -msgstr "Ajusta o contraste de uma imagem de origem" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:4 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:61 -msgid "Curves" -msgstr "Curvas" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:8 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:65 -#: data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:9 data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:41 -msgid "Red,Green,Blue,Luma" -msgstr "Vermelho,Verde,Azul,Luma" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:20 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:77 -msgid "Number of curve points" -msgstr "Número de pontos da curva" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:23 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:80 -msgid "Point 1 input value" -msgstr "Valor de entrada do ponto 1" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:26 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:83 -msgid "Point 1 output value" -msgstr "Valor de saída do ponto 1" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:29 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:86 -msgid "Point 2 input value" -msgstr "Valor de entrada do ponto 2" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:32 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:89 -msgid "Point 2 output value" -msgstr "Valor de saída do ponto 2" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:35 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:92 -msgid "Point 3 input value" -msgstr "Valor de entrada do ponto 3" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:38 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:95 -msgid "Point 3 output value" -msgstr "Valor de saída do ponto 3" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:41 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:98 -msgid "Point 4 input value" -msgstr "Valor de entrada do ponto 4" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:44 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:101 -msgid "Point 4 output value" -msgstr "Valor de saída do ponto 4" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:47 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:104 -msgid "Point 5 input value" -msgstr "Valor de entrada do ponto 5" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:50 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:107 -msgid "Point 5 output value" -msgstr "Valor de saída do ponto 5" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:53 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:110 -msgid "Show graph in picture" -msgstr "Mostrar gráfico na imagem" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:56 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:113 -#: data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:31 data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:63 -msgid "Top Left,Top Right,Bottom Left,Bottom Right" -msgstr "Superior esquerdo,Superior direito,Inferior esquerdo,Inferior direito" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:57 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:114 -msgid "Graph position" -msgstr "Posição do gráfico" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_d90stairsteppingfix.xml:3 -msgid "Nikon D90 Stairstepping fix" -msgstr "Correção de Stairstepping da Nikon D90" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_d90stairsteppingfix.xml:7 -msgid "" -"Removes stairstepping artifacts from Nikon D90's 720p videos.\n" -" \n" -" " -msgstr "" -"Remove os artefatos stairstepping dos vídeos 720p da Nikon D90.\n" -" \n" -" " - -#: data/effects/frei0r_defish0r.xml:3 -msgid "Defish" -msgstr "Remoção de Olho de Peixe" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_defish0r.xml:4 -msgid "Non rectilinear lens mappings" -msgstr "Mapeamentos de lentes não retilíneas" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_defish0r.xml:7 data/effects/frei0r_iirblur.xml:8 -#: data/effects/frei0r_sharpness.xml:8 data/effects/movit_unsharp_mask.xml:9 -msgid "Amount" -msgstr "Quantidade" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_defish0r.xml:10 -msgid "DeFish" -msgstr "Remoção de Olho de Peixe" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_defish0r.xml:13 -msgid "Equidistant,Orthographic,Equiarea,Stereographic" -msgstr "Equidistante,Ortográfico,Área igual,Estereográfico" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_defish0r.xml:17 -msgid "Fill,Center,Fit,Manual" -msgstr "Preencher,Centro,Ajustar,Manual" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, lblScaling) -#: data/effects/frei0r_defish0r.xml:18 src/effectstack/dragvalue.cpp:108 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:207 -#: src/ui/colorplaneexport_ui.ui:74 -msgid "Scaling" -msgstr "Dimensionar" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_defish0r.xml:21 -msgid "Manual Scale" -msgstr "Escala manual" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_defish0r.xml:28 -msgid "Square,PAL DV,NTSC DV,HDV,Manual" -msgstr "Quadrado,PAL DV,NTSC DV,HDV,Manual" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_defish0r.xml:29 -msgid "Aspect type" -msgstr "Tipo de proporção:" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_defish0r.xml:32 -msgid "Manual Aspect" -msgstr "Proporções manuais" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_delay0r.xml:3 -msgid "delay0r" -msgstr "Atraso" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_delay0r.xml:4 -msgid "Video delay" -msgstr "Atraso de vídeo" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_delay0r.xml:7 -msgid "Delay time" -msgstr "Tempo de atraso" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_delaygrab.xml:3 -msgid "Delay grab" -msgstr "Captura do atraso" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_delaygrab.xml:4 -msgid "Delayed frame blitting mapped on a time bitmap" -msgstr "Combinação atrasada de imagens com base em uma imagem temporal" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_distort0r.xml:3 data/effects/pan_zoom.xml:10 -#: data/kdenliveeffectscategory.rc:35 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:722 -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:746 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:767 -msgid "Distort" -msgstr "Distorcer" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_distort0r.xml:4 -msgid "Plasma" -msgstr "Plasma" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_distort0r.xml:7 data/effects/wave.xml:7 -msgid "Amplitude" -msgstr "Amplitude" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_distort0r.xml:10 data/effects/sox_bass.xml:10 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:249 -msgid "Frequency" -msgstr "Frequência" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_edgeglow.xml:3 -msgid "Edge glow" -msgstr "Brilho das extremidades" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_edgeglow.xml:4 -msgid "Edge glow filter" -msgstr "Filtro do brilho das extremidades" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_edgeglow.xml:7 -msgid "Edge lightening threshold" -msgstr "Limiar de luminosidade das extremidades" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_edgeglow.xml:10 -msgid "Edge brightness upscaling multiplier" -msgstr "Multiplicador de escala do brilho das extremidades" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_edgeglow.xml:13 -msgid "Non-edge brightness downscaling multiplier" -msgstr "Divisor de escala do brilho fora das extremidades" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_equaliz0r.xml:3 -msgid "Equaliz0r" -msgstr "Equalizador" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_equaliz0r.xml:4 -msgid "Equalizes the intensity histograms" -msgstr "Equaliza os histogramas de intensidade" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facebl0r.xml:3 -msgid "Face blur" -msgstr "Borrão de rostos" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facebl0r.xml:4 -msgid "Automatically detect and blur a face using OpenCV" -msgstr "Detecta e borra automaticamente um rosto usando o OpenCV" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facebl0r.xml:8 data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:8 -msgid "Search scale" -msgstr "Escala da pesquisa" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facebl0r.xml:9 data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:9 -#, no-c-format -msgid "" -"The search window scale factor. For example, 120 = 1.20 = increases by 20% " -"on each pass." -msgstr "" -"O fator de escala da janela de pesquisa. Por exemplo, 120 = 1,20 = aumenta " -"20% em cada passo." - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facebl0r.xml:13 data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:13 -msgid "Neighbors" -msgstr "Vizinhos" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facebl0r.xml:14 data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:14 -msgid "Minimum number of rectangles that determines an object." -msgstr "Número mínimo de retângulos que definem um objeto." - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facebl0r.xml:18 data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:18 -msgid "Smallest" -msgstr "Menor" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facebl0r.xml:19 data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:19 -msgid "The minimum window size in pixels." -msgstr "Tamanho mínimo da janela em pixels." - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facebl0r.xml:23 -msgid "Largest" -msgstr "Maior" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facebl0r.xml:24 -msgid "" -"The largest size face in pixels - both horizontally and vertically (square " -"window)." -msgstr "" -"Tamanho máximo do rosto em pixels - tanto na horizontal quanto na vertical " -"(janela quadrada)." - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facebl0r.xml:28 data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:23 -msgid "Recheck" -msgstr "Verificar novamente" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facebl0r.xml:29 data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:24 -msgid "" -"How often to detect a face. In between checks, it does object motion " -"tracking." -msgstr "" -"Com qual frequência deve detectar uma rosto. Entre verificações, ele faz o " -"rastreamento de objetos em movimento." - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facebl0r.xml:33 -msgid "Show ellipse" -msgstr "Mostrar elipse" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facebl0r.xml:34 -msgid "Draw a blue ellipse around the face area?" -msgstr "Desenhar uma elipse azul em torno da área do rosto?" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:3 -msgid "Face detect" -msgstr "Detecção de rostos" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:4 -msgid "Detect faces and draw shapes on them using OpenCV" -msgstr "Detectar rostos e desenhar formas sobre elas usando o OpenCV" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:28 -msgid "circle,ellipse,rectangle,random" -msgstr "círculo,elipse,retângulo,aleatório" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:33 -msgid "Stroke width" -msgstr "Espessura do traço" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:34 -msgid "" -"0 means fill; otherwise, draw unfilled with a stroke width of this size." -msgstr "" -"0 significa preenchido; caso contrário, desenha sem preenchimento com uma " -"espessura de traço deste tamanho." - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:38 -msgid "Alpha" -msgstr "Alfa" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:39 -msgid "" -"Set the alpha channel of the shape area to a percentage of fully opaque." -msgstr "" -"Define o canal alfa da área da forma como uma porcentagem da opacidade total." - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:43 -msgid "Antialias" -msgstr "Suavizar" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:44 -msgid "Draw with anti-aliasing?" -msgstr "Desenhar com suavização?" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:50 -msgid "Color 1" -msgstr "Cor 1" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:51 -msgid "Set the shape color of the first detected face." -msgstr "Define a cor da forma do primeiro rosto detectado." - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:55 -msgid "Color 2" -msgstr "Cor 2" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:56 -msgid "Set the shape color of the second detected face." -msgstr "Define a cor da forma do segundo rosto detectado." - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:60 -msgid "Color 3" -msgstr "Cor 3" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:61 -msgid "Set the shape color of the third detected face." -msgstr "Define a cor da forma do terceiro rosto detectado." - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:65 -msgid "Color 4" -msgstr "Cor 4" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:66 -msgid "Set the shape color of the fourth detected face." -msgstr "Define a cor da forma do quarto rosto detectado." - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:70 -msgid "Color 5" -msgstr "Cor 5" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:71 -msgid "Set the shape color of the fifth detected face." -msgstr "Define a cor da forma do quinto rosto detectado." - -#: data/effects/frei0r_flippo.xml:3 -msgid "Flippo" -msgstr "Inversão" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_flippo.xml:4 -msgid "Flipping in X and Y axis" -msgstr "Inverter nos eixos X e Y" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_flippo.xml:7 -msgid "X axis" -msgstr "Eixo X" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_flippo.xml:10 -msgid "Y axis" -msgstr "Eixo Y" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_glow.xml:3 -msgid "Glow" -msgstr "Brilho" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_glow.xml:4 -msgid "Creates a Glamorous Glow" -msgstr "Cria um Brilho Glamoroso" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_glow.xml:7 data/effects/frei0r_iirblur.xml:3 -#: data/effects/frei0r_mask0mate.xml:22 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:158 -msgid "Blur" -msgstr "Borrar" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_hqdn3d.xml:3 -msgid "Denoiser" -msgstr "Redução do ruído" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_hqdn3d.xml:4 -msgid "High quality 3D denoiser" -msgstr "Remoção de ruído 3D de alta qualidade" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_hqdn3d.xml:8 -msgid "Spatial" -msgstr "Espacial" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_hqdn3d.xml:9 -msgid "Amount of spatial filtering" -msgstr "Quantidade de filtragem espacial" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_hqdn3d.xml:13 -msgid "Temporal" -msgstr "Temporal" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_hqdn3d.xml:14 -msgid "Amount of temporal filtering" -msgstr "Quantidade de filtragem temporal" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_hueshift0r.xml:3 -msgid "Hue shift" -msgstr "Desvio de tonalidade" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_hueshift0r.xml:4 -msgid "Shifts the hue of a source image" -msgstr "Desvia a tonalidade de uma imagem de origem" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_hueshift0r.xml:7 -msgid "Hue" -msgstr "Tonalidade" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_iirblur.xml:4 -msgid "Blur using 2D IIR filters (Exponential, Lowpass, Gaussian)" -msgstr "Borrar usando filtros de IIR 2D (Exponencial, Passa-Baixa, Gaussiano)" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_iirblur.xml:9 -msgid "Amount of blur" -msgstr "Quantidade de borrão" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_iirblur.xml:13 -msgid "Exponential,Lowpass,Gaussian" -msgstr "Exponencial,Passa-Baixa,Gaussiano" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_iirblur.xml:15 -msgid "Select blurring algorithm" -msgstr "Selecionar o algoritmo do borrão" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_iirblur.xml:19 -msgid "Edge" -msgstr "Extremidade" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_iirblur.xml:20 -msgid "Enable edge compensation" -msgstr "Ativar a compensação de extremidades" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:3 -msgid "Key Spill Mop Up" -msgstr "Limpeza de borrão de cores" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:4 -msgid "Reduces the visibility of key color spill in chroma keying" -msgstr "Reduz a visibilidade dos borrões da cor chave na utilização do croma" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:8 -msgid "Key color" -msgstr "Cor chave" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:12 -msgid "Target color" -msgstr "Cor de destino" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:16 -msgid "Color distance, Transparency, Edge inwards, Edge outwards" -msgstr "" -"Distância de cor, Transparência, Extremidade para dentro, Extremidade para " -"fora" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:17 -msgid "Mask type" -msgstr "Tipo de máscara" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:21 -msgid "Tolerance" -msgstr "Tolerância" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:25 -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:91 -msgid "Slope" -msgstr "Inclinação" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:29 -msgid "Hue gate" -msgstr "Nível da tonalidade" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:33 -msgid "Saturation threshold" -msgstr "Limiar da saturação" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:37 -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:46 -msgid "None, De-Key, Target, Desaturate, Luma adjust" -msgstr "Nenhum,Sem chave,Alvo,Palidez,Ajuste de luma" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:38 -msgid "Operation 1" -msgstr "Operação 1" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:42 -msgid "Amount 1" -msgstr "Quantidade 1" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:47 -msgid "Operation 2" -msgstr "Operação 2" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:51 -msgid "Amount 2" -msgstr "Quantidade 2" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:55 -msgid "Show mask" -msgstr "Mostrar máscara" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:59 -msgid "Mask to Alpha" -msgstr "Máscara para o alfa" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lenscorrection.xml:3 -msgid "Lens Correction" -msgstr "Correção de lente" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lenscorrection.xml:4 -msgid "Allows compensation of lens distortion" -msgstr "Permite a compensação da distorção das lentes" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lenscorrection.xml:7 -msgid "Horizontal center" -msgstr "Centralizar na horizontal" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lenscorrection.xml:10 -msgid "Vertical center" -msgstr "Centralizar na vertical" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lenscorrection.xml:13 -msgid "Center correction" -msgstr "Correção do centro" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lenscorrection.xml:16 -msgid "Edges correction" -msgstr "Correção das extremidades" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_letterb0xed.xml:3 -msgid "LetterB0xed" -msgstr "Caixa de Cinema" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_letterb0xed.xml:4 -msgid "Adds black borders at top and bottom for cinema look" -msgstr "Adiciona bordas pretas no topo e na base para um visual de cinema" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_letterb0xed.xml:7 -msgid "Border Width" -msgstr "Largura da borda" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: data/effects/frei0r_letterb0xed.xml:10 data/effects/frei0r_timeout.xml:13 -#: src/ui/wipeval_ui.ui:136 src/ui/wipeval_ui.ui:281 -msgid "Transparency" -msgstr "Transparência" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:4 data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:36 -msgid "Levels" -msgstr "Níveis" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:5 data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:37 -msgid "Adjust levels" -msgstr "Ajustar níveis" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:13 data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:45 -msgid "Input black level" -msgstr "Nível de preto de entrada" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:16 data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:48 -msgid "Input white level" -msgstr "Nível de branco de entrada" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:19 data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:51 -#: data/effects/gamma.xml:3 data/effects/gamma.xml:7 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/lumaliftgain.cpp:63 -msgid "Gamma" -msgstr "Gama" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:22 data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:54 -msgid "Black output" -msgstr "Saída de preto" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:25 data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:57 -msgid "White output" -msgstr "Saída de branco" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:28 data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:60 -msgid "Show histogram" -msgstr "Mostrar histograma" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:32 data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:64 -msgid "Histogram position" -msgstr "Posição do histograma" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:4 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:77 -msgid "Light Graffiti" -msgstr "Graffiti de Luz" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:7 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:80 -msgid "" -"Light Graffiti effect.\n" -" " -msgstr "" -"Efeito de Graffiti de Luz.\n" -" " - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:10 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:83 -msgid "Brightness Threshold" -msgstr "Limiar do brilho" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:12 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:85 -msgid "" -"R+G+B) does a pixel need to be in order to " -"be recognized as a light source?
\n" -" Increasing this threshold requires brighter light sources (i.e. " -"more white or less color, respectively) but prevents some «false alarms» " -"where semi-bright parts, e.g. hands where colors can change quite a lot " -"compared to the background, are incorrectly recognized as light source.]]>" -msgstr "" -"R+G+B) um pixel precisa " -"ter para ser reconhecido como uma fonte de luz?
\n" -" Aumentando este limite, será necessário fontes de luz mais " -"fortes (i.e., mais brancas ou com menos cor, respectivamente), mas evita " -"alguns «falsos alarmes», onde as partes semi-brilhantes, p.ex., mãos onde as " -"cores podem mudar muito em comparação com o fundo, são reconhecidas " -"incorretamente como fontes de luz.]]>" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:15 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:88 -msgid "Difference Threshold" -msgstr "Limiar da diferença" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:17 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:90 -msgid "" -"max(dR, dG, dB)), in " -"order to be recognized as light source?
\n" -" Increasing this threshold makes it harder for light sources to " -"be accepted on bright backgrounds, but decreases the danger of noise or " -"generally bright spots counting as light source.]]>" -msgstr "" -"max(dR, dG, dB)), para ser reconhecido como " -"uma fonte de luz?
\n" -" Se aumentar este limite, tornará mais difícil para as fontes de " -"luz serem aceitas em fundos claros, mas diminui o perigo de ruído ou de " -"pontos brilhantes contarem como fontes de luz.]]>" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:20 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:93 -msgid "Difference Sum Threshold" -msgstr "Limite da soma das diferenças" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:22 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:95 -msgid "" -"relative to the " -"background image
(dR + dG + dB) have to change until a " -"pixel is recognized as a light source?
\n" -" Raising this value might, in some cases, avoid that some light " -"objects lit by the light source are added to the light mask.]]>" -msgstr "" -"em relação à imagem " -"de fundo
(dR + dG + dB) precisa mudar até que um pixel " -"seja reconhecido como fonte de luz?
\n" -" Se aumentar este valor poderá, em alguns casos, evitar que " -"alguns objetos claros iluminados pela fonte de luz sejam adicionados à " -"máscara de luz.]]>" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:25 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:98 -msgid "Sensitivity" -msgstr "Sensibilidade" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:27 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:100 -msgid "" -"\n" -" For slowly moving light source try to use a lower sensitivity to " -"obtain a better exposure.]]>" -msgstr "" -"\n" -" Para uma fonte de luz em movimento lento, tente usar uma menor " -"sensibilidade para obter uma melhor exposição.]]>" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:30 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:103 -msgid "Lower Overexposure" -msgstr "Menor superexposição" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:32 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:105 -msgid "" -"\n" -" The light mask does not get white immediately when the light " -"source is moving slowly or staying steady.]]>" -msgstr "" -"\n" -" A máscara de luz não fica branca imediatamente, quando a fonte " -"de luz se move lentamente ou fica estática.]]>" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:35 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:108 -msgid "Dimming" -msgstr "Escurecimento" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:36 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:109 -msgid "" -"Dims the light mask. Lights will leave a fainting trail if it is set to a " -"value > 0." -msgstr "" -"Escurece a máscara de luz. As luzes deixarão um rastro desvanecido se for " -"configurado com um valor > 0." - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:39 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:112 -msgid "Background Weight" -msgstr "Peso do plano de fundo" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:40 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:113 -msgid "" -"Strength of the (calculated) background image. Setting it to 100 paints the " -"light mask directly over the background, without the painting person in the " -"image if the video starts with a «clean» background image. (See the α " -"parameter.)" -msgstr "" -"A potência da imagem de fundo (calculada). Se configurar como 100, irá " -"pintar a máscara de luz diretamente sobre o fundo, sem a pessoa que pinta na " -"imagem, caso o vídeo comece com uma imagem de fundo «limpa». (Consulte o " -"parâmetro α.)" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:43 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:116 -msgid "α" -msgstr "α" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:45 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:118 -msgid "" -"\n" -" The Light Graffiti effect remembers the first frame of the clip " -"it is applied to, so the clip should always start with the painter " -"outside of the video. If the background constantly changes, e.g. on a " -"street, try to set α > 0 to calculate an average background image.]]>" -msgstr "" -"\n" -" O efeito Graffiti de Luz recorda da primeira imagem do clipe em " -"que é aplicada, para que o vídeo deva começar sempre com o pintor " -"fora do vídeo. Se o plano de fundo mudar constantemente, p.ex., em uma rua, " -"tente configurar o α > 0 para calcular uma imagem de fundo média.]]>" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:48 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:121 -#: data/effects/frei0r_saturat0r.xml:3 data/effects/frei0r_saturat0r.xml:7 -#: data/effects/movit_saturation.xml:6 -msgid "Saturation" -msgstr "Saturação" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:49 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:122 -msgid "Increases the saturation of lights." -msgstr "Aumenta a saturação das luzes." - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:52 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:125 -msgid "Show brightness statistics" -msgstr "Mostrar estatísticas do brilho" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:54 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:127 -msgid "" -"\n" -" Example: To adjust the brightness threshold, check this box and " -"adjust the threshold until the whole light source is highlighted. Repeat the " -"same with the other parameters. Only parts that are highlighted in all thresholds will count as light source.]]>" -msgstr "" -"\n" -" Exemplo: Para ajustar o limite do brilho, assinale esta opção e " -"ajuste o limite até que a fonte de luz inteira fique realçada. Repita o " -"mesmo procedimento com todos os outros parâmetros. Somente as partes que " -"ficam realçadas em todos os limites contarão como fontes de luz.]]>" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:57 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:130 -msgid "Show background difference statistics" -msgstr "Mostrar estatísticas da diferença do plano de fundo" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:60 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:133 -msgid "Show background difference sum statistics" -msgstr "Mostrar estatísticas da soma das diferenças do plano de fundo" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:64 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:137 -msgid "" -"Makes the background transparent, allowing to apply a composite effect and " -"paint the light mask over a completely different video." -msgstr "" -"Torna o plano de fundo transparente, permitindo aplicar um efeito de " -"composição e pintar a máscara de luz sobre um vídeo completamente diferente." - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:67 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:140 -msgid "Nonlinear dimming" -msgstr "Escurecimento não-linear" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:68 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:141 -msgid "If normal dimming does not look natural enough, try this one." -msgstr "" -"Se o escurecimento normal não parecer suficientemente natural, tente este." - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:71 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:144 -#: src/effectstack/geometryval.cpp:95 src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:86 -msgid "Reset" -msgstr "Restaurar" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:72 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:145 -msgid "" -"Resets the light mask and the background image. This is necessary e.g. if " -"you apply this effect to a clip in the timeline and then move the timeline " -"cursor from outside of the clip to the middle of it. The effect receives " -"this frame in the middle as first frame and uses it as background image. For " -"proper threshold adjusting move the timeline cursor to the beginning of the " -"clip, check the Reset box and uncheck it again." -msgstr "" -"Restaura a máscara de luz e a imagem de fundo. Isso é necessário, p.ex., se " -"você aplicar este efeito a um clipe na linha do tempo e depois mover o " -"cursor da mesma de fora para dentro do clipe. O efeito recebe esta imagem no " -"meio como sendo a primeira e usa-a como imagem de fundo. Para um ajuste " -"adequado dos limites, mova o cursor da linha do tempo para o início do " -"clipe, marque a opção 'Restaurar' e desmarque-a novamente." - -#: data/effects/frei0r_luminance.xml:3 -msgid "Luminance" -msgstr "Luminância" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_luminance.xml:4 -msgid "Creates a luminance map of the image" -msgstr "Cria um mapa de luminância da imagem" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_mask0mate.xml:3 -msgid "Mask0Mate" -msgstr "Máscara" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_mask0mate.xml:4 -msgid "Creates an square alpha-channel mask" -msgstr "Cria uma máscara quadrada do canal alfa" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_medians.xml:3 -msgid "Medians" -msgstr "Medianas" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_medians.xml:4 -msgid "Implements several median-type filters" -msgstr "Implementa diversos filtros to tipo mediana" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_medians.xml:8 -msgid "" -"Cross5,Square3x3,Bilevel,Diamond3x3,Square5x5,Temp3,Temp5,ArceBI,ML3D,ML3dEX," -"VarSize" -msgstr "" -"Cruz5,Quadrado3x3,Binível,Diamante3x3,Quadrado5x5,Temp3,Temp5,ArceBI,ML3D," -"ML3dEX,TamanhoVar" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_5) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, import_size) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_20) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, treeWidget) -#: data/effects/frei0r_medians.xml:13 data/effects/frei0r_sharpness.xml:12 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:208 -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:563 src/ui/importkeyframesdialog_ui.ui:73 -#: src/ui/managecaptures_ui.ui:40 src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:201 -msgid "Size" -msgstr "Tamanho" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_nervous.xml:3 -msgid "Nervous" -msgstr "Nervoso" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_nervous.xml:4 -msgid "Flushes frames in time in a nervous way" -msgstr "Pisca as imagens ao longo do tempo de forma nervosa" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_nosync0r.xml:3 -msgid "nosync0r" -msgstr "Sem sincronização" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_nosync0r.xml:4 -msgid "Broken TV" -msgstr "TV quebrada" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_nosync0r.xml:7 -msgid "HSync" -msgstr "HSync" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pixeliz0r.xml:3 -msgid "Pixelize" -msgstr "Pixelizar" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pixeliz0r.xml:4 -msgid "Pixelize input image." -msgstr "Pixelizar a imagem de entrada." - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pixeliz0r.xml:7 -msgid "Block Size X" -msgstr "Tamanho X do bloco" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pixeliz0r.xml:10 -msgid "Block Size Y" -msgstr "Tamanho Y do bloco" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0be.xml:3 -msgid "pr0be" -msgstr "Sonda" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0be.xml:4 -msgid "Measure video values" -msgstr "Medir os valores do vídeo" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0be.xml:8 -msgid "RGB,Y'PbPr - rec. 601,Y'PbPr - rec. 709,HSV,HSL" -msgstr "RGB,Y'PbPr - rec. 601,Y'PbPr - rec. 709,HSV,HSL" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0be.xml:9 -msgid "Measurement" -msgstr "Medida" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0be.xml:13 data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:8 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/bezier/beziersplinewidget.cpp:56 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/bezier/beziersplinewidget.cpp:60 -#: src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:144 -msgid "X" -msgstr "X" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_5) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, cbY) -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0be.xml:17 data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:12 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/bezier/beziersplinewidget.cpp:58 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/bezier/beziersplinewidget.cpp:62 -#: src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:164 src/ui/histogram_ui.ui:23 -msgid "Y" -msgstr "Y" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0be.xml:21 -msgid "X size" -msgstr "Tamanho em X" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0be.xml:25 -msgid "Y size" -msgstr "Tamanho em Y" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0be.xml:29 data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:81 -msgid "256 scale" -msgstr "Escala de 256" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0be.xml:33 -msgid "Show alpha" -msgstr "Mostrar alfa" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0be.xml:37 -msgid "Big window" -msgstr "Janela grande" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:3 -msgid "pr0file" -msgstr "Perfil" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:4 -msgid "2D video oscilloscope" -msgstr "Osciloscópio de vídeo 2D" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:20 -msgid "Length" -msgstr "Comprimento" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:24 -msgid "R,G,B,Y',Pr,Pb,Alpha" -msgstr "R,G,B,Y',Pr,Pb,Alfa" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:29 -msgid "Marker 1" -msgstr "Marcação 1" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:33 -msgid "Marker 2" -msgstr "Marcação 2" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:37 -msgid "R trace" -msgstr "Traço do R" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:41 -msgid "G trace" -msgstr "Traço do G" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:45 -msgid "B trace" -msgstr "Traço do B" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:49 -msgid "Y trace" -msgstr "Traço do Y" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:53 -msgid "Pr trace" -msgstr "Traço do Pr" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:57 -msgid "Pb trace" -msgstr "Traço do Pb" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:61 -msgid "Alpha trace" -msgstr "Traço do Alfa" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:65 -msgid "Display average" -msgstr "Mostrar a média" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:69 -msgid "Display RMS" -msgstr "Mostrar o RMS" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:73 -msgid "Display minimum" -msgstr "Mostrar o mínimo" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:77 -msgid "Display maximum" -msgstr "Mostrar o máximo" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:85 -msgid "CCIR rec. 601,CCIR rec. 709" -msgstr "CCIR rec. 601,CCIR rec. 709" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_13) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, background_list) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_9) -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:86 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:156 -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:176 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:182 -#: src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:197 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:944 -msgid "Color" -msgstr "Cor" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:90 -msgid "Crosshair color" -msgstr "Cor da mira" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_primaries.xml:3 -msgid "Primaries" -msgstr "Primárias" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_primaries.xml:4 -msgid "Reduce image to primary colors" -msgstr "Reduz a imagem às cores primárias" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_primaries.xml:7 data/effects/sox_stretch.xml:7 -msgid "Factor" -msgstr "Fator" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_primaries.xml:8 -msgid " 32 = 0]]>" -msgstr " 32 = 0]]>" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QWidget, RGBParade_UI) -#: data/effects/frei0r_rgbparade.xml:3 src/scopes/scopemanager.cpp:308 -#: src/ui/rgbparade_ui.ui:14 -msgid "RGB Parade" -msgstr "RGB Parade" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_rgbparade.xml:4 -msgid "Display a histogram of R, G and B components of the video data" -msgstr "Mostra um histograma dos componentes R, G e B dos dados de vídeo" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_saturat0r.xml:4 -msgid "Adjusts the saturation of a source image" -msgstr "Ajusta a saturação de uma imagem de origem" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_scale0tilt.xml:3 -msgid "Crop, Scale and Position" -msgstr "Recorte, Escala e Posição" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_scale0tilt.xml:4 -msgid "Scales, Tilts and Crops an Image" -msgstr "Escala, Desloca e Recorta uma Imagem" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_scale0tilt.xml:7 -msgid "Clip left" -msgstr "Recortar à esquerda" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_scale0tilt.xml:10 -msgid "Clip right" -msgstr "Recortar à direita" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_scale0tilt.xml:13 -msgid "Clip top" -msgstr "Recortar no topo" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_scale0tilt.xml:16 -msgid "Clip bottom" -msgstr "Recortar na base" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_scale0tilt.xml:19 -msgid "Scale X" -msgstr "Escala em X" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_scale0tilt.xml:22 -msgid "Scale Y" -msgstr "Escala em Y" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_scale0tilt.xml:25 -msgid "Tilt X" -msgstr "Desvio em X" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_scale0tilt.xml:28 -msgid "Tilt Y" -msgstr "Desvio em Y" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_scanline0r.xml:3 -msgid "scanline0r" -msgstr "Linhas entrelaçadas" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_scanline0r.xml:4 -msgid "Interlaced black lines" -msgstr "Linhas pretas entrelaçadas" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:4 data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:51 -msgid "Color Selection" -msgstr "Seleção de cores" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:5 data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:52 -msgid "Color based alpha selection" -msgstr "Seleção do alfa com base na cor" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:9 data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:56 -msgid "Color to select" -msgstr "Cor a selecionar" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:13 data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:60 -msgid "Invert selection" -msgstr "Inverter seleção" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:17 data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:79 -msgid "Delta R / A / Hue" -msgstr "Delta R / A / Tonalidade" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:21 data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:83 -msgid "Delta G / B / Chroma" -msgstr "Delta G / B / Croma" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:25 data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:87 -msgid "Delta B / I / I" -msgstr "Delta B / I / I" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:29 data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:64 -msgid "RGB,ABI,HCI" -msgstr "RGB,ABI,HCI" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:30 data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:65 -msgid "Selection subspace" -msgstr "Subespaço da seleção" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:34 data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:69 -msgid "Box,Ellipsoid,Diamond" -msgstr "Caixa,Elipsoidal,Diamante" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:35 data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:70 -msgid "Subspace shape" -msgstr "Subespaço da forma" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:39 -msgid "Hard,Fat,Normal,Skinny" -msgstr "Forte,Largo,Normal,Fino" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:40 data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:75 -msgid "Edge mode" -msgstr "Modo de arestas" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:74 -msgid "Hard,Fat,Normal,Skinny,Slope" -msgstr "Forte,Largo,Normal,Fino,Inclinado" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sharpness.xml:3 -msgid "Sharpen" -msgstr "Nitidez" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sharpness.xml:4 -msgid "Unsharp masking (port from Mplayer)" -msgstr "Máscara de não-nitidez (migrado do MPlayer)" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sobel.xml:3 -msgid "Sobel" -msgstr "Sobel" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sobel.xml:4 -msgid "Sobel filter" -msgstr "Filtro Sobel" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:4 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:59 -msgid "SOP/Sat" -msgstr "SOP/Sat" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:5 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:60 -msgid "" -"Changes Slope, Offset, and Power of the color components, and the overall " -"Saturation, according to the ASC CDL (Color Decision List)." -msgstr "" -"Muda a inclinação, deslocamento e potência dos componentes de cores, assim " -"como a saturação global, de acordo com a LDC (Lista de Decisão de Cores) do " -"ASC." - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:8 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:63 -msgid "Slope Red" -msgstr "Inclinação do Vermelho" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:10 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:65 -msgid "" -"\n" -" All effects can be observed well when applied on a greyscale " -"gradient and looking at the RGB Parade monitor.]]>" -msgstr "" -"\n" -" Todos os efeitos poderão ser bem observados quando forem " -"aplicados sobre um gradiente de tons de cinza e olhando para o monitor da " -"RGB Parade.]]>" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:13 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:68 -msgid "Slope Green" -msgstr "Inclinação do Verde" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:16 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:71 -msgid "Slope Blue" -msgstr "Inclinação do Azul" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:19 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:74 -msgid "Slope Alpha" -msgstr "Inclinação do Alfa" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:23 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:78 -msgid "Offset Red" -msgstr "Deslocamento do Vermelho" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:24 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:79 -msgid "" -"Changing the offset lifts (or lowers) the brightness of each pixel by the " -"given value." -msgstr "" -"A alteração do deslocamento eleva (ou baixa) o brilho de cada pixel pelo " -"valor indicado." - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:27 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:82 -msgid "Offset Green" -msgstr "Deslocamento do Verde" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:30 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:85 -msgid "Offset Blue" -msgstr "Deslocamento do Azul" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:33 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:88 -msgid "Offset Alpha" -msgstr "Deslocamento do Alfa" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:37 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:92 -msgid "Power Red" -msgstr "Potência do Vermelho" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:39 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:94 -msgid "" -"\n" -" Mathematically, what happens is an exponentiation of the " -"pixel brightness on [0,1] by the gamma value.]]>" -msgstr "" -"\n" -" Matematicamente, o que acontece é uma exponencial do brilho " -"do pixel em [0,1] com o valor do gama.]]>" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:42 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:97 -msgid "Power Green" -msgstr "Potência do Verde" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:45 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:100 -msgid "Power Blue" -msgstr "Potência do Azul" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:48 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:103 -msgid "Power Alpha" -msgstr "Potência do Alfa" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:52 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:107 -msgid "Overall Saturation" -msgstr "Saturação global" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:53 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:108 -msgid "The overall saturation will be changed in the last step of this filter." -msgstr "A saturação global será alterada no último passo deste filtro." - -#: data/effects/frei0r_squareblur.xml:3 -msgid "Square Blur" -msgstr "Borrão quadrado" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_squareblur.xml:4 -msgid "Square blur" -msgstr "Borrão quadrado" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_squareblur.xml:7 -msgid "Kernel size" -msgstr "Tamanho do núcleo" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_tehroxx0r.xml:3 -msgid "TehRoxx0r" -msgstr "TehRoxx0r" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_tehroxx0r.xml:4 -msgid "Something videowall-ish" -msgstr "Algo do tipo painel de vídeo" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_tehroxx0r.xml:7 -msgid "Interval" -msgstr "Intervalo" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_three_point_balance.xml:3 -msgid "3 point balance" -msgstr "Balanceamento de 3 pontos" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_three_point_balance.xml:4 -msgid "Balances colors along with 3 points" -msgstr "Balanceamento das cores em conjunto com 3 pontos" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_three_point_balance.xml:7 -msgid "Black color" -msgstr "Cor preta" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_three_point_balance.xml:10 -msgid "Gray color" -msgstr "Cor cinza" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_three_point_balance.xml:13 -msgid "White color" -msgstr "Cor branca" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_three_point_balance.xml:16 -msgid "Split screen preview" -msgstr "Visualização da tela dividida" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_three_point_balance.xml:19 -msgid "Source image on left side" -msgstr "Imagem de origem no lado esquerdo" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_threelay0r.xml:3 -msgid "threelay0r" -msgstr "Três níveis" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_threelay0r.xml:4 -msgid "Dynamic 3-level thresholding" -msgstr "Limites dinâmicos de 3 níveis" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_threshold0r.xml:3 -msgid "Threshold0r" -msgstr "Limitador" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_threshold0r.xml:4 -msgid "Thresholds a source image" -msgstr "Limita uma imagem de origem" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_timeout.xml:4 -msgid "Timeout indicator" -msgstr "Indicador de tempo limite" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_timeout.xml:7 -msgid "Indicator color" -msgstr "Cor do indicador" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, markers_list) -#: data/effects/frei0r_timeout.xml:10 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:427 -msgid "Time" -msgstr "Tempo" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_tint0r.xml:3 -msgid "Tint" -msgstr "Colorir" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_tint0r.xml:4 -msgid "Maps source image luminance between two colors specified" -msgstr "Associa a luminância da imagem de origem entre duas cores indicadas" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_tint0r.xml:7 -msgid "Map black to" -msgstr "Associar o preto a" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_tint0r.xml:10 -msgid "Map white to" -msgstr "Associar o branco a" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_tint0r.xml:13 -msgid "Tint amount" -msgstr "Quantidade de pintura" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_twolay0r.xml:3 -msgid "twolay0r" -msgstr "Duas camadas" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_twolay0r.xml:4 -msgid "Dynamic thresholding" -msgstr "Limites dinâmicos" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_vectorscope.xml:3 src/scopes/scopemanager.cpp:306 -msgid "Vectorscope" -msgstr "Vectorscope" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_vectorscope.xml:4 -msgid "Display a vectorscope of the video data" -msgstr "Mostra um medidor de vetores dos dados do vídeo" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_vertigo.xml:4 data/effects/frei0r_vertigo.xml:15 -msgid "Vertigo" -msgstr "Vertigem" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_vertigo.xml:5 data/effects/frei0r_vertigo.xml:16 -msgid "Alpha blending with zoomed and rotated images" -msgstr "Mistura do alfa com imagens ampliadas e rotacionadas" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_vertigo.xml:8 data/effects/frei0r_vertigo.xml:19 -msgid "Phase Increment" -msgstr "Incremento de fase" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_vertigo.xml:11 data/effects/frei0r_vertigo.xml:22 -msgid "Zoom Rate" -msgstr "Taxa de zoom" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_vignette.xml:3 -msgid "Vignette" -msgstr "Vinheta" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_vignette.xml:4 -msgid "Natural lens vignetting effect" -msgstr "Efeito de vinheta natural das lentes" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_vignette.xml:7 -msgid "Aspect ratio" -msgstr "Taxa de proporção" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_vignette.xml:10 -msgid "Clear center size" -msgstr "Limpar o tamanho central" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_softness) -#: data/effects/frei0r_vignette.xml:13 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:709 -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:302 src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:220 -msgid "Softness" -msgstr "Suavidade" - -#: data/effects/gain.xml:3 data/effects/gain.xml:7 data/effects/mute.xml:7 -#: data/effects/normalise.xml:7 data/effects/sox_bass.xml:7 -#: data/effects/sox_gain.xml:7 data/effects/volume.xml:7 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/lumaliftgain.cpp:65 -msgid "Gain" -msgstr "Ganho" - -#: data/effects/gain.xml:4 -msgid "Adjust the audio volume without keyframes" -msgstr "Ajustar o volume do áudio sem imagens-chave" - -#: data/effects/gamma.xml:4 -msgid "Change gamma color value" -msgstr "Alterar o valor da cor do gama" - -#: data/effects/grain.xml:3 -msgid "Grain" -msgstr "Grão" - -#: data/effects/grain.xml:4 -msgid "Grain over the image" -msgstr "Grão sobre a imagem" - -#: data/effects/grain.xml:7 data/effects/movit_deconvolution_sharpen.xml:18 -#: plugins/sampleplugin/sampleplugin.cpp:34 -#: plugins/sampleplugin/sampleplugin.cpp:42 -#: plugins/sampleplugin/sampleplugin.cpp:54 -#: plugins/sampleplugin/sampleplugin.cpp:78 -msgid "Noise" -msgstr "Ruído" - -#: data/effects/greyscale.xml:3 -msgid "Greyscale" -msgstr "Tons de cinza" - -#: data/effects/greyscale.xml:4 -msgid "Discard color information" -msgstr "Descartar a informação da cor" - -#: data/effects/invert.xml:4 -msgid "Invert colors" -msgstr "Inverter as cores" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_declipper.xml:3 -msgid "Declipper" -msgstr "Remoção de clipe" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_declipper.xml:4 -msgid "LADSPA declipper audio effect" -msgstr "Efeito de remoção de cortes de áudio LADSPA" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer.xml:3 -msgid "Equalizer" -msgstr "Equalizador" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer.xml:4 -msgid "LADSPA equalizer audio effect" -msgstr "Efeito de áudio do equalizador LADSPA" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer.xml:7 -msgid "Lo gain" -msgstr "Ganho baixo" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer.xml:10 -msgid "Mid gain" -msgstr "Ganho médio" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer.xml:13 -msgid "Hi gain" -msgstr "Ganho alto" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:3 -msgid "15 Band Equalizer" -msgstr "Equalizador de 15 bandas" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:4 -msgid "LADSPA equalizer audio effect (15 band)" -msgstr "Efeito de áudio do equalizador LADSPA (15 bandas)" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:7 -msgid "50 Hz" -msgstr "50 Hz" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:10 -msgid "100 Hz" -msgstr "100 Hz" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:13 -msgid "156 Hz" -msgstr "156 Hz" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:16 -msgid "220 Hz" -msgstr "220 Hz" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:19 -msgid "311 Hz" -msgstr "311 Hz" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:22 -msgid "440 Hz" -msgstr "440 Hz" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:25 -msgid "622 Hz" -msgstr "622 Hz" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:28 -msgid "880 Hz" -msgstr "880 Hz" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:31 -msgid "1250 Hz" -msgstr "1250 Hz" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:34 -msgid "1750 Hz" -msgstr "1750 Hz" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:37 -msgid "2500 Hz" -msgstr "2500 Hz" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:40 -msgid "3500 Hz" -msgstr "3500 Hz" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:43 -msgid "5000 Hz" -msgstr "5000 Hz" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:46 -msgid "10000 Hz" -msgstr "10000 Hz" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:49 -msgid "20000 Hz" -msgstr "20000 Hz" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_limiter.xml:3 -msgid "Limiter" -msgstr "Limitador" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_limiter.xml:4 -msgid "LADSPA limiter audio effect" -msgstr "Efeito de áudio do limitador LADSPA" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_limiter.xml:7 -msgid "Input gain (dB)" -msgstr "Ganho de entrada (dB)" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_limiter.xml:10 -msgid "Limit (dB)" -msgstr "Limite (dB)" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_limiter.xml:13 -msgid "Release time (s)" -msgstr "Tempo de lançamento (s)" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_phaser.xml:3 -msgid "Phaser" -msgstr "Fase" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_phaser.xml:4 -msgid "LADSPA phaser audio effect" -msgstr "Efeito de áudio de fase do LADSPA" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_phaser.xml:7 -msgid "Rate (Hz)" -msgstr "Frequência (Hz)" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_phaser.xml:10 data/effects/sox_flanger.xml:10 -msgid "Depth" -msgstr "Profundidade" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_phaser.xml:13 -msgid "Feedback" -msgstr "Sugestões" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_phaser.xml:16 -msgid "Spread" -msgstr "Espalhar" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_pitch.xml:3 -msgid "Pitch Shift" -msgstr "Desvio de tom" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_pitch.xml:4 -msgid "LADSPA change pitch audio effect" -msgstr "Efeito de áudio de mudança de tom do LADSPA" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_pitch.xml:7 data/effects/sox_pitch.xml:7 -msgid "Shift" -msgstr "Desvio" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_pitch_scale.xml:3 -msgid "Pitch Scaler" -msgstr "Escala do tom" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_pitch_scale.xml:4 -msgid "LADSPA pitch scale audio effect" -msgstr "Efeito de áudio de escala do tom do LADSPA" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_pitch_scale.xml:7 -msgid "Co-efficient" -msgstr "Coeficiente" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_rate_scale.xml:3 -msgid "Rate Scaler" -msgstr "Escala da frequência" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_rate_scale.xml:4 -msgid "LADSPA rate scale audio effect" -msgstr "Efeito de áudio da escala da frequência do LADSPA" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_rate_scale.xml:7 -msgid "Rate" -msgstr "Frequência" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_reverb.xml:3 -msgid "Reverb" -msgstr "Reverberação" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_reverb.xml:4 -msgid "LADSPA reverb audio effect" -msgstr "Efeito de áudio de reverberação do LADSPA" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_reverb.xml:7 -msgid "Reverb time" -msgstr "Tempo de reverberação" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_reverb.xml:10 data/effects/ladspa_room_reverb.xml:13 -msgid "Damping" -msgstr "Amortecimento" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_room_reverb.xml:3 -msgid "Room Reverb" -msgstr "Reverberação ambiente" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_room_reverb.xml:4 -msgid "LADSPA room reverb audio effect" -msgstr "Efeito de áudio de reverberação de salas do LADSPA" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_room_reverb.xml:7 -msgid "Room size (m)" -msgstr "Tamanho da sala (m)" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_room_reverb.xml:10 -msgid "Delay (s/10)" -msgstr "Atraso (s/10)" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_vinyl.xml:3 -msgid "Vinyl" -msgstr "Vinil" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_vinyl.xml:4 -msgid "Simulates a vinyl audio player - LADSPA audio effect" -msgstr "Simula um leitor de discos de vinil - efeito de áudio do LADSPA" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_vinyl.xml:7 src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:166 -msgid "Year" -msgstr "Ano" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_vinyl.xml:10 -msgid "RPM" -msgstr "RPM" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_vinyl.xml:13 -msgid "Surface warping" -msgstr "Deformação da superfície" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_vinyl.xml:16 -msgid "Crackle" -msgstr "Quebra" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_vinyl.xml:19 -msgid "Wear" -msgstr "Desgaste" - -#: data/effects/lift_gamma_gain.xml:3 -msgid "Lift/gamma/gain" -msgstr "Elevação/gama/ganho" - -#: data/effects/lift_gamma_gain.xml:6 data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain.xml:6 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain2.xml:6 -msgid "Lift: Red" -msgstr "Elevação: Vermelho" - -#: data/effects/lift_gamma_gain.xml:9 data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain.xml:9 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain2.xml:9 -msgid "Lift: Green" -msgstr "Elevação: Verde" - -#: data/effects/lift_gamma_gain.xml:12 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain.xml:12 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain2.xml:12 -msgid "Lift: Blue" -msgstr "Elevação: Azul" - -#: data/effects/lift_gamma_gain.xml:15 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain.xml:15 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain2.xml:15 -msgid "Gamma: Red" -msgstr "Gama: Vermelho" - -#: data/effects/lift_gamma_gain.xml:18 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain.xml:18 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain2.xml:18 -msgid "Gamma: Green" -msgstr "Gama: Verde" - -#: data/effects/lift_gamma_gain.xml:21 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain.xml:21 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain2.xml:21 -msgid "Gamma: Blue" -msgstr "Gama: Azul" - -#: data/effects/lift_gamma_gain.xml:24 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain.xml:24 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain2.xml:24 -msgid "Gain: Red" -msgstr "Ganho: Vermelho" - -#: data/effects/lift_gamma_gain.xml:27 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain.xml:27 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain2.xml:27 -msgid "Gain: Green" -msgstr "Ganho: Verde" - -#: data/effects/lift_gamma_gain.xml:30 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain.xml:30 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain2.xml:30 -msgid "Gain: Blue" -msgstr "Ganho: Azul" - -#: data/effects/loudness.xml:3 -msgid "Loudness" -msgstr "Potência" - -#: data/effects/loudness.xml:4 -msgid "Correct audio loudness as recommended by EBU R128" -msgstr "" -"Correção da potência do áudio, de acordo com a recomendação da EBU R128" - -#: data/effects/loudness.xml:7 -msgid "Target Program Loudness" -msgstr "Potência-alvo do programa" - -#: data/effects/mirror.xml:3 -msgid "Mirror" -msgstr "Espelho" - -#: data/effects/mirror.xml:4 -msgid "Flip your image in any direction" -msgstr "Inverte a sua imagem para qualquer direção" - -#: data/effects/mirror.xml:7 -msgid "Horizontal,Vertical,Diagonal,X Diagonal,Flip,Flop" -msgstr "Horizontal,Vertical,Diagonal,X Diagonal,Para cima,Para baixo" - -#: data/effects/mirror.xml:8 -msgid "Mirroring direction" -msgstr "Direção do espelho" - -#: data/effects/movit_blur.xml:3 -msgid "Blur (GPU)" -msgstr "Borrão (GPU)" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_6) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_8) -#: data/effects/movit_blur.xml:6 data/effects/movit_diffusion.xml:6 -#: data/effects/movit_glow.xml:6 data/effects/movit_unsharp_mask.xml:6 -#: data/effects/movit_vignette.xml:6 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:891 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:915 -msgid "Radius" -msgstr "Raio" - -#: data/effects/movit_deconvolution_sharpen.xml:3 -msgid "Deconvolution sharpen (GPU)" -msgstr "Nitidez por desconvolução (GPU)" - -#: data/effects/movit_deconvolution_sharpen.xml:6 -msgid "Matrix size" -msgstr "Tamanho da matriz" - -#: data/effects/movit_deconvolution_sharpen.xml:9 -msgid "Circle radius" -msgstr "Raio circular" - -#: data/effects/movit_deconvolution_sharpen.xml:12 -msgid "Gaussian radius" -msgstr "Raio gaussiano" - -#: data/effects/movit_deconvolution_sharpen.xml:15 -msgid "Correlation" -msgstr "Correlação" - -#: data/effects/movit_diffusion.xml:3 -msgid "Diffusion (GPU)" -msgstr "Difusão (GPU)" - -#: data/effects/movit_diffusion.xml:9 -msgid "Mix amount" -msgstr "Quantidade de mistura" - -#: data/effects/movit_glow.xml:3 -msgid "Glow (GPU)" -msgstr "Brilho (GPU)" - -#: data/effects/movit_glow.xml:9 -msgid "Glow strength" -msgstr "Potência do brilho" - -#: data/effects/movit_glow.xml:12 -msgid "Highlight cutoff threshold" -msgstr "Limite de corte do realce" - -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain.xml:3 -msgid "Lift/gamma/gain (GPU)" -msgstr "Elevação/gama/ganho (GPU)" - -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain2.xml:3 -msgid "Movit: Lift/gamma/gain (colors)" -msgstr "Movit: Elevação/gama/ganho (cores)" - -#: data/effects/movit_mirror.xml:3 -msgid "Mirror (GPU)" -msgstr "Espelho (GPU)" - -#: data/effects/movit_opacity.xml:3 -msgid "Opacity (GPU)" -msgstr "Opacidade (GPU)" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_opacity) -#: data/effects/movit_opacity.xml:6 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:211 src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:113 -msgid "Opacity" -msgstr "Opacidade" - -#: data/effects/movit_rect.xml:3 -msgid "Pan and Zoom (GPU)" -msgstr "Deslocamento e Zoom (GPU)" - -#: data/effects/movit_rect.xml:9 -msgid "Allow upscale" -msgstr "Permitir o aumento de escala" - -#: data/effects/movit_saturation.xml:3 -msgid "Saturation (GPU)" -msgstr "Saturação (GPU)" - -#: data/effects/movit_unsharp_mask.xml:3 -msgid "Unsharp mask (GPU)" -msgstr "Máscara não nítida (GPU)" - -#: data/effects/movit_vignette.xml:3 -msgid "Vignette (GPU)" -msgstr "Vinheta (GPU)" - -#: data/effects/movit_vignette.xml:9 -msgid "Inner radius" -msgstr "Raio interior" - -#: data/effects/movit_white_balance.xml:3 -msgid "White Balance (GPU)" -msgstr "Balanceamento de branco (GPU)" - -#: data/effects/mute.xml:3 -msgid "Mute" -msgstr "Silenciar" - -#: data/effects/mute.xml:4 -msgid "Mute clip" -msgstr "Silencia o clipe" - -#: data/effects/normalise.xml:3 -msgid "Normalise" -msgstr "Normalizar" - -#: data/effects/normalise.xml:4 -msgid "Dynamically normalise the audio volume" -msgstr "Normalizar o volume do áudio de forma dinâmica" - -#: data/effects/normalise.xml:10 -msgid "Maximum gain" -msgstr "Ganho máximo" - -#: data/effects/normalise.xml:13 data/effects/sox_stretch.xml:10 -msgid "Window" -msgstr "Janela" - -#: data/effects/obscure.xml:4 -msgid "Hide a region of the clip" -msgstr "Ocultar uma região do clipe" - -#: data/effects/obscure.xml:7 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:760 -msgid "Region" -msgstr "Região" - -#: data/effects/oldfilm.xml:3 -msgid "Oldfilm" -msgstr "Filme antigo" - -#: data/effects/oldfilm.xml:4 -msgid "Moves the Picture up and down and random brightness change" -msgstr "" -"Move a imagem para cima e para baixo e muda o brilho de forma aleatória" - -#: data/effects/oldfilm.xml:7 -msgid "Y-Delta" -msgstr "Delta Y" - -#: data/effects/oldfilm.xml:10 -#, no-c-format -msgid "% of picture have a delta" -msgstr "% da imagem tem um delta" - -#: data/effects/oldfilm.xml:13 -msgid "Brightness up" -msgstr "Aumentar o brilho" - -#: data/effects/oldfilm.xml:16 -msgid "Brightness down" -msgstr "Reduzir o brilho" - -#: data/effects/oldfilm.xml:19 -msgid "Brightness every" -msgstr "Brilho a cada" - -#: data/effects/oldfilm.xml:22 -msgid "Unevendevelop up" -msgstr "Aumentar a revelação irregular" - -#: data/effects/oldfilm.xml:25 -msgid "Unevendevelop down" -msgstr "Diminuir a revelação irregular" - -#: data/effects/oldfilm.xml:28 -msgid "Unevendevelop Duration" -msgstr "Duração da revelação irregular" - -#: data/effects/pan_zoom.xml:3 data/effects/region.xml:10 -#: data/effects/rotation.xml:37 -msgid "Pan and Zoom" -msgstr "Deslocamento e Zoom" - -#: data/effects/pan_zoom.xml:4 -msgid "Adjust size and position of clip" -msgstr "Ajustar o tamanho e a posição do clipe" - -#: data/effects/region.xml:3 -msgid "Regionalize" -msgstr "Regionalizar" - -#: data/effects/region.xml:4 -msgid "Apply sub-effects to a region defined by a clip's alpha channel" -msgstr "Aplicar sub-efeitos a uma região definida pelo canal alfa de um clipe" - -#: data/effects/region.xml:7 -msgid "Url" -msgstr "URL" - -#: data/effects/rotation.xml:3 -msgid "Rotate and Shear" -msgstr "Rotação e Inclinação" - -#: data/effects/rotation.xml:4 data/effects/rotation_keyframable.xml:4 -msgid "Rotate clip in any 3 directions" -msgstr "Girar o clipe em qualquer uma das 3 direções" - -#: data/effects/rotation.xml:7 data/effects/rotation_keyframable.xml:7 -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:747 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:216 -msgid "Rotate X" -msgstr "Rotacionar X" - -#: data/effects/rotation.xml:10 data/effects/rotation_keyframable.xml:10 -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:748 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:219 -msgid "Rotate Y" -msgstr "Rotacionar Y" - -#: data/effects/rotation.xml:13 data/effects/rotation_keyframable.xml:13 -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:749 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:222 -msgid "Rotate Z" -msgstr "Rotacionar Z" - -#: data/effects/rotation.xml:16 -msgid "Animate Rotate X" -msgstr "Animar a rotação em X" - -#: data/effects/rotation.xml:19 -msgid "Animate Rotate Y" -msgstr "Animar a rotação em X" - -#: data/effects/rotation.xml:22 -msgid "Animate Rotate Z" -msgstr "Animar a rotação em Z" - -#: data/effects/rotation.xml:25 -msgid "Shear X" -msgstr "Inclinar em X" - -#: data/effects/rotation.xml:28 -msgid "Shear Y" -msgstr "Inclinar em Y" - -#: data/effects/rotation.xml:31 -msgid "Animate Shear X" -msgstr "Animar a inclinação em X" - -#: data/effects/rotation.xml:34 -msgid "Animate Shear Y" -msgstr "Animar a inclinação em Y" - -#: data/effects/rotation_keyframable.xml:3 -msgid "Rotate (keyframable)" -msgstr "Girar (com keyframe)" - -#: data/effects/rotation_keyframable.xml:16 -msgid "Offset X" -msgstr "Deslocamento em X" - -#: data/effects/rotation_keyframable.xml:19 -msgid "Offset Y" -msgstr "Deslocamento em Y" - -#: data/effects/rotoscoping.xml:3 -msgid "Rotoscoping" -msgstr "Giroscópio" - -#: data/effects/rotoscoping.xml:4 -msgid "Keyframable vector based rotoscoping" -msgstr "Giroscópio vetorial de keyframes" - -#: data/effects/rotoscoping.xml:8 -msgid "Alpha,Luma,RGB" -msgstr "Alfa,Luma,RGB" - -#: data/effects/rotoscoping.xml:9 -msgid "Mode" -msgstr "Modo" - -#: data/effects/rotoscoping.xml:14 -msgid "Alpha Operation" -msgstr "Operação no alfa" - -#: data/effects/rotoscoping.xml:22 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:3422 -msgid "Track" -msgstr "Trilha" - -#: data/effects/rotoscoping.xml:26 -msgid "Feather width" -msgstr "Espessura da pena" - -#: data/effects/rotoscoping.xml:30 -msgid "Feathering passes" -msgstr "Passagens da pena" - -#: data/effects/scratchlines.xml:3 -msgid "Scratchlines" -msgstr "Riscos" - -#: data/effects/scratchlines.xml:4 -msgid "Scratchlines over the picture" -msgstr "Riscos sobre a imagem" - -#: data/effects/scratchlines.xml:7 -msgid "Width of line" -msgstr "Espessura da linha" - -#: data/effects/scratchlines.xml:10 -msgid "Max number of lines" -msgstr "Número máximo de linhas" - -#: data/effects/scratchlines.xml:13 -msgid "Max darker" -msgstr "Máx. escuro" - -#: data/effects/scratchlines.xml:16 -msgid "Max lighter" -msgstr "Máx. claro" - -#: data/effects/sepia.xml:3 -msgid "Sepia" -msgstr "Sépia" - -#: data/effects/sepia.xml:4 -msgid "Turn clip colors to sepia" -msgstr "Mudar as cores do clipe para sépia" - -#: data/effects/sepia.xml:7 -msgid "Chrominance U" -msgstr "U da crominância" - -#: data/effects/sepia.xml:10 -msgid "Chrominance V" -msgstr "V da crominância" - -#: data/effects/sox_band.xml:3 -msgid "Sox Band" -msgstr "Banda do Sox" - -#: data/effects/sox_band.xml:4 -msgid "Sox band audio effect" -msgstr "Efeito de áudio da banda do Sox" - -#: data/effects/sox_band.xml:7 -msgid "Center Frequency" -msgstr "Frequência central" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_4) -#: data/effects/sox_band.xml:10 data/effects/sox_flanger.xml:16 -#: src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:181 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:307 -msgid "Width" -msgstr "Largura" - -#: data/effects/sox_bass.xml:3 -msgid "Sox Bass" -msgstr "Graves do Sox" - -#: data/effects/sox_bass.xml:4 -msgid "Sox bass audio effect" -msgstr "Efeito de áudio graves do Sox" - -#: data/effects/sox_echo.xml:3 -msgid "Sox Echo" -msgstr "Eco do Sox" - -#: data/effects/sox_echo.xml:4 -msgid "Sox echo audio effect" -msgstr "Efeito de eco do áudio do Sox" - -#: data/effects/sox_echo.xml:7 data/effects/sox_phaser.xml:7 -msgid "Gain In" -msgstr "Ganho entrada" - -#: data/effects/sox_echo.xml:10 data/effects/sox_phaser.xml:10 -msgid "Gain Out" -msgstr "Ganho saída" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_13) -#: data/effects/sox_echo.xml:13 data/effects/sox_flanger.xml:7 -#: data/effects/sox_phaser.xml:13 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:994 -msgid "Delay" -msgstr "Demora" - -#: data/effects/sox_echo.xml:16 data/effects/sox_phaser.xml:16 -msgid "Decay" -msgstr "Decaimento" - -#: data/effects/sox_flanger.xml:3 -msgid "Sox Flanger" -msgstr "Dispersão do Sox" - -#: data/effects/sox_flanger.xml:4 -msgid "Sox flanger audio effect" -msgstr "Efeito de áudio de dispersão do Sox" - -#: data/effects/sox_flanger.xml:13 -msgid "Regeneration" -msgstr "Regeneração" - -#: data/effects/sox_flanger.xml:19 data/effects/sox_phaser.xml:19 -#: data/effects/speed.xml:3 data/effects/speed.xml:7 -msgid "Speed" -msgstr "Velocidade" - -#: data/effects/sox_flanger.xml:25 -msgid "Phase" -msgstr "Fase" - -#: data/effects/sox_flanger.xml:28 src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:383 -msgid "Interpolation" -msgstr "Interpolação" - -#: data/effects/sox_gain.xml:3 -msgid "Sox Gain" -msgstr "Ganho do Sox" - -#: data/effects/sox_gain.xml:4 -msgid "Sox gain audio effect" -msgstr "Efeito de áudio de ganho do Sox" - -#: data/effects/sox_gain.xml:12 -msgid "Normalize" -msgstr "Normalizar" - -#: data/effects/sox_phaser.xml:3 -msgid "Sox Phaser" -msgstr "Fase do Sox" - -#: data/effects/sox_phaser.xml:4 -msgid "Sox phaser audio effect" -msgstr "Efeito de áudio de fase do Sox" - -#: data/effects/sox_pitch.xml:3 -msgid "Sox Pitch Shift" -msgstr "Desvio de tom do Sox" - -#: data/effects/sox_pitch.xml:4 -msgid "Sox change pitch audio effect" -msgstr "Efeito de áudio de mudança de tom do Sox" - -#: data/effects/sox_pitch.xml:10 -msgid "Time window (ms)" -msgstr "Janela de tempo (ms)" - -#: data/effects/sox_reverb.xml:3 -msgid "Sox Reverb" -msgstr "Reverberação do Sox" - -#: data/effects/sox_reverb.xml:4 -msgid "Sox reverb audio effect" -msgstr "Efeito de áudio de reverberação do Sox" - -#: data/effects/sox_reverb.xml:7 -msgid "Reverberance" -msgstr "Reverberação" - -#: data/effects/sox_reverb.xml:10 -msgid "High frequency damping" -msgstr "Amortecimento de frequências altas" - -#: data/effects/sox_reverb.xml:13 -msgid "Room scale" -msgstr "Escala da sala" - -#: data/effects/sox_reverb.xml:16 -msgid "Stereo depth" -msgstr "Profundidade do estéreo" - -#: data/effects/sox_reverb.xml:19 -msgid "Pre-delay" -msgstr "Pré-atraso" - -#: data/effects/sox_reverb.xml:22 -msgid "Wet gain" -msgstr "Ganho" - -#: data/effects/sox_stretch.xml:3 -msgid "Sox Stretch" -msgstr "Esticamento do Sox" - -#: data/effects/sox_stretch.xml:4 -msgid "Sox stretch audio effect" -msgstr "Efeito de esticamento de áudio do Sox" - -#: data/effects/speed.xml:4 -msgid "Make clip play faster or slower" -msgstr "Reproduzir o clipe mais rápido ou mais devagar" - -#: data/effects/speed.xml:10 -msgid "Stroboscope" -msgstr "Estroboscópio" - -#: data/effects/swapchannels.xml:3 -msgid "Swap channels" -msgstr "Trocar os canais" - -#: data/effects/swapchannels.xml:4 -msgid "Move the left channel to the right and right-to-left" -msgstr "Move o canal esquerdo para o direito e vice-versa" - -#: data/effects/tcolor.xml:3 -msgid "Technicolor" -msgstr "Technicolor" - -#: data/effects/tcolor.xml:4 -msgid "Oversaturate the color in video, like in old Technicolor movies" -msgstr "Saturar as cores no vídeo, como nos antigos filmes Technicolor" - -#: data/effects/tcolor.xml:7 -msgid "Blue/Yellow axis" -msgstr "Eixo azul/amarelo" - -#: data/effects/tcolor.xml:10 -msgid "Red/Green axis" -msgstr "Eixo vermelho/verde" - -#: data/effects/threshold.xml:4 -msgid "Make monochrome clip" -msgstr "Tornar o clipe monocromático" - -#: data/effects/threshold.xml:7 -msgid "Threshold value" -msgstr "Valor limite" - -#: data/effects/threshold.xml:10 -msgid "Use transparency" -msgstr "Usar transparência" - -#: data/effects/vignette.xml:3 -msgid "Vignette Effect" -msgstr "Efeito de vinheta" - -#: data/effects/vignette.xml:4 -msgid "Adjustable Vignette" -msgstr "Vinheta ajustável" - -#: data/effects/vignette.xml:7 -msgid "smooth" -msgstr "suavidade" - -#: data/effects/vignette.xml:10 -msgid "radius" -msgstr "raio" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_6) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_8) -#: data/effects/vignette.xml:13 src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:72 -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:575 -msgid "x" -msgstr "x" - -#: data/effects/vignette.xml:16 -msgid "y" -msgstr "y" - -#: data/effects/vignette.xml:19 -msgid "opacity" -msgstr "opacidade" - -#: data/effects/vignette.xml:22 -msgid "use cos instead of linear" -msgstr "usar o 'cos' em vez de linear" - -#: data/effects/volume.xml:3 -msgid "Volume (keyframable)" -msgstr "Volume (com keyframe)" - -#: data/effects/volume.xml:4 -msgid "Adjust audio volume with keyframes" -msgstr "Ajustar o volume do áudio com keyframes" - -#: data/effects/wave.xml:3 -msgid "Wave" -msgstr "Onda" - -#: data/effects/wave.xml:4 -msgid "Make waves on your clip with keyframes" -msgstr "Criar ondas no seu clipe com keyframes" - -#: data/effects/wave.xml:10 -msgid "Horizontal" -msgstr "Horizontal" - -#: data/effects/wave.xml:13 -msgid "Vertical" -msgstr "Vertical" - -#: data/kdenliveeffectscategory.rc:5 -msgid "Colour correction" -msgstr "Correção de cores" - -#: data/kdenliveeffectscategory.rc:8 -msgid "Colour" -msgstr "Cor" - -#: data/kdenliveeffectscategory.rc:11 -msgid "Crop and transform" -msgstr "Aparar e transformar" - -#: data/kdenliveeffectscategory.rc:14 -msgid "Audio correction" -msgstr "Correção de áudio" - -#: data/kdenliveeffectscategory.rc:17 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:655 -msgid "Audio channels" -msgstr "Canais de áudio" - -#: data/kdenliveeffectscategory.rc:20 -msgid "Analysis and data" -msgstr "Análises e dados" - -#: data/kdenliveeffectscategory.rc:23 -msgid "Fade" -msgstr "Fade" - -#: data/kdenliveeffectscategory.rc:26 -msgid "Artistic" -msgstr "Artístico" - -#: data/kdenliveeffectscategory.rc:29 -msgid "Blur and hide" -msgstr "Blur e esconder" - -#: data/kdenliveeffectscategory.rc:32 -msgid "Motion" -msgstr "Movimento" - -#: data/kdenliveeffectscategory.rc:38 -msgid "Alpha manipulation" -msgstr "Manipulação Alpha" - -#: data/kdenliveeffectscategory.rc:41 -msgid "Enhancement" -msgstr "Aprimoramento" - -#: data/kdenliveeffectscategory.rc:44 -msgid "GPU effects" -msgstr "Efeitos com GPU" - -#. i18n: ectx: ToolBar (extraToolBar) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:4 -msgid "Extra Toolbar" -msgstr "Barra de ferramentas extra" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (project) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:21 -msgid "Project" -msgstr "Projeto" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (extract_audio) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:29 src/mainwindow.cpp:2752 -msgid "Extract Audio" -msgstr "Extrair áudio" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (clip_actions) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:32 src/mainwindow.cpp:2699 -msgid "Clip Jobs" -msgstr "Tarefas do clipe" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (transcoders) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:35 src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:184 -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:125 -msgid "Transcode" -msgstr "Transcodificação" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (generators) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:38 -msgid "Generators" -msgstr "Geradores" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (track_menu) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:40 src/mainwindow.cpp:1145 -msgid "Tracks" -msgstr "Faixas" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (clip_in_timeline) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:55 -msgid "Clip in Timeline" -msgstr "Clipe na linha do tempo" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (tool) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:70 -msgid "Tool" -msgstr "Ferramenta" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (clip) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:80 src/project/projectlistview.cpp:59 -msgid "Clip" -msgstr "Clipe" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (marker_menu) -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_3) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:81 src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:397 -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:402 -msgid "Markers" -msgstr "Marcadores" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (timeline) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:96 src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:81 -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2785 -msgid "Timeline" -msgstr "Linha do tempo" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (keyboard_selection) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:97 -msgid "Selection" -msgstr "Seleção" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (keyboard_insert) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:105 -msgid "Insertion" -msgstr "Inserção" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (current_clip) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:110 -msgid "Current clip" -msgstr "Clipe atual" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (all_clips) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:117 -msgid "All clips" -msgstr "Todos os clipes" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (guide_menu) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:120 -msgid "Guides" -msgstr "Guias" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (space_menu) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:126 -msgid "Space" -msgstr "Espaço" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (video_effects_menu) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:134 src/mainwindow.cpp:279 -msgid "Add Effect" -msgstr "Adicionar efeito" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (monitor) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:148 -msgid "Monitor" -msgstr "Monitor" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (monitor_go) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:154 src/timeline/customruler.cpp:93 -msgid "Go To" -msgstr "Ir para" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (monitor_config) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:176 -msgid "Monitor config" -msgstr "Configuração do monitor" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (dockwindows) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:187 -msgid "View" -msgstr "Exibir" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (layout_save_as) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:188 -msgid "Save Layout As" -msgstr "Salvar leiaute como" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, CountDown_UI) -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, ClipStabilize_UI) -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, FreeSound_UI) -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, ArchiveWidget_UI) -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, BackupDialog_UI) -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, ClipTranscode_UI) -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, AddTrack_UI) -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, SmConfig_UI) -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, ManageEncodingProfile_UI) -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, ColorClip_UI) -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, RenderWidget_UI) -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, Stopmotion_UI) -#: plugins/sampleplugin/countdown_ui.ui:13 src/ui/addtrack_ui.ui:14 -#: src/ui/archivewidget_ui.ui:14 src/ui/backupdialog_ui.ui:14 -#: src/ui/clipstabilize_ui.ui:14 src/ui/cliptranscode_ui.ui:14 -#: src/ui/colorclip_ui.ui:14 src/ui/freesound_ui.ui:14 -#: src/ui/manageencodingprofile_ui.ui:14 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:14 -#: src/ui/smconfig_ui.ui:14 src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Dialog" -msgstr "Diálogo" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, destination_label) -#: plugins/sampleplugin/countdown_ui.ui:19 src/ui/cutjobdialog_ui.ui:47 -msgid "Save to" -msgstr "Salvar para" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, duration_label) -#: plugins/sampleplugin/countdown_ui.ui:29 -msgid "Duration (seconds)" -msgstr "Duração (segundos)" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, font_label) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_4) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_17) -#: plugins/sampleplugin/countdown_ui.ui:46 src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:89 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:331 -msgid "Font" -msgstr "Fonte" - -#: plugins/sampleplugin/sampleplugin.cpp:33 -msgid "Countdown" -msgstr "Contagem regressiva" - -#: plugins/sampleplugin/sampleplugin.cpp:55 -msgid "Create Noise Clip" -msgstr "Criar clipe de ruído" - -#: plugins/sampleplugin/sampleplugin.cpp:59 -msgid "Create Countdown Clip" -msgstr "Criar clipe de contagem regressiva" - -#: plugins/sampleplugin/sampleplugin.cpp:97 -#: plugins/sampleplugin/sampleplugin.cpp:105 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Failed to generate clip:\n" -"%1" -msgstr "" -"Falha ao gerar o clipe:\n" -"%1" - -#: plugins/sampleplugin/sampleplugin.cpp:97 -#: plugins/sampleplugin/sampleplugin.cpp:105 -msgid "Generator Failed" -msgstr "Falha no gerador" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:210 src/project/projectlist.cpp:133 -#, kde-format -msgid "%1 job" -msgid_plural "%1 jobs" -msgstr[0] "%1 trabalho" -msgstr[1] "%1 trabalhos" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:211 src/project/projectlist.cpp:134 -#, kde-format -msgid "%1 pending job" -msgid_plural "%1 pending jobs" -msgstr[0] "%1 trabalho pendente" -msgstr[1] "%1 trabalhos pendentes" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_search) -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:300 src/ui/freesound_ui.ui:74 -msgid "Search" -msgstr "Pesquisar" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:336 -msgid "View Mode" -msgstr "Modo de exibição" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:338 -msgid "Tree View" -msgstr "Exibição em árvore" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:346 -msgid "Icon View" -msgstr "Exibição em ícones" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:353 -msgid "Disable Bin Effects" -msgstr "Desativar efeitos do grupo" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:361 src/bin/bincommands.cpp:102 -msgid "Rename Folder" -msgstr "Renomear pasta" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab) -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:370 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:50 -msgid "Settings" -msgstr "Configurações" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:372 src/project/clipproperties.cpp:351 -#: src/project/dialogs/slideshowclip.cpp:77 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:324 -msgid "Zoom" -msgstr "Zoom" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:378 -msgid "Show date" -msgstr "Mostrar data" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:381 -msgid "Show description" -msgstr "Mostrar descrição" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:399 src/project/projectlist.cpp:213 -msgid "Cancel All Jobs" -msgstr "Cancelar todos os trabalhos" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:401 src/project/projectlist.cpp:217 -msgid "Cancel Current Clip Jobs" -msgstr "Cancelar tarefas de clipe atuais" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:431 src/project/projectlist.cpp:254 -msgid "Show Log" -msgstr "Mostrar registro" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:504 -msgid "Creating audio thumbnails" -msgstr "Criar miniaturas de áudio" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:511 -msgid "Audio thumbnails done" -msgstr "Miniaturas de áudio concluídas" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:805 -msgctxt "append to clip name to indicate a copied idem" -msgid " (copy)" -msgstr " (cópia)" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:929 src/bin/bin.cpp:2217 -#: src/project/folderprojectitem.cpp:37 src/project/projectlist.cpp:1085 -#: src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:60 -msgid "Folder" -msgstr "Pasta" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:1056 -#, kde-format -msgid "Folder contains a clip, delete anyways ?" -msgid_plural "Folder contains %1 clips, delete anyways ?" -msgstr[0] "A pasta contém um clipe, deseja mesmo excluí-la?" -msgstr[1] "A pasta contém %1 clipes, deseja mesmo excluí-la?" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:1173 src/mainwindow.cpp:1234 -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:1004 -msgid "Delete Clip" -msgstr "Excluir clipe" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:1174 src/mainwindow.cpp:1251 -msgid "Proxy Clip" -msgstr "Clipe de Proxy" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:1181 src/project/projectlist.cpp:995 -msgid "Delete Folder" -msgstr "Excluir pasta" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:1182 -msgid "Proxy Folder" -msgstr "Pasta de proxy" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2015 src/bin/bincommands.cpp:62 src/bin/bincommands.cpp:82 -msgid "Move Clip" -msgid_plural "Move Clips" -msgstr[0] "Mover clipe" -msgstr[1] "Mover clipes" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2231 -#, kde-format -msgid "Playlist clip %1 is invalid." -msgstr "O clipe da lista de reprodução %1 é inválido." - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2236 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Playlist clip %1 has too many tracks (%2) to be imported. Add new tracks to " -"your project." -msgstr "" -"O clipe da lista de reprodução %1 tem muitas faixas (%2) para importar. " -"Adicione novas faixas novas ao seu projeto." - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2449 src/project/projectlist.cpp:465 -msgid "Please set a default application to open images in the Settings dialog" -msgstr "" -"Por favor, defina uma aplicação padrão para abrir imagens no diálogo de " -"Configurações" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2455 src/project/projectlist.cpp:471 -msgid "" -"Please set a default application to open audio files in the Settings dialog" -msgstr "" -"Por favor, defina, no diálogo de Configurações, um aplicativo padrão para " -"abrir arquivos de áudio" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2511 src/project/projectlist.cpp:2661 -msgid "No data returned from clip analysis" -msgstr "Não foram devolvidos dados da análise do clipe" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2525 src/project/projectlist.cpp:2674 -msgid "Processing data analysis" -msgstr "Processando a análise de dados" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2531 src/project/projectlist.cpp:2680 -msgid "Auto Split Clip" -msgstr "Divisão automática de clipes" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2549 src/project/projectlist.cpp:2698 -msgid "Add Markers" -msgstr "Adicionar marcadores" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2592 src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:85 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:474 src/project/projectcommands.cpp:164 -msgid "Add marker" -msgid_plural "Add markers" -msgstr[0] "Adicionar marcador" -msgstr[1] "Adicionar marcadores" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2603 src/bin/bin.cpp:2685 src/project/jobs/filterjob.cpp:96 -#: src/timeline/markerdialog.cpp:45 -#, kde-format -msgid "Category %1" -msgstr "Categoria %1" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2608 -msgid "Load Clip Markers" -msgstr "Carregar marcadores de clipe" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2623 src/bin/bin.cpp:2720 -#: src/dialogs/profilesdialog.cpp:219 src/dialogs/profilesdialog.cpp:520 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot open file %1" -msgstr "Não foi possível abrir o arquivo %1" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, MarkerDialog_UI) -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2649 src/definitions.cpp:78 src/definitions.cpp:95 -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:367 src/mainwindow.cpp:1831 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:727 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:801 src/ui/markerdialog_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Marker" -msgstr "Marcadores" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2683 -msgid "All categories" -msgstr "Todas as categorias" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2690 -msgid "Save Clip Markers" -msgstr "Salvar marcadores de clipe" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2733 src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:86 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:478 src/project/projectcommands.cpp:162 -msgid "Delete marker" -msgstr "Excluir marcador" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2748 -msgid "Delete clip markers" -msgstr "Excluir os marcadores do clipe" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2750 -msgid "Clip has no markers" -msgstr "O clipe não tem marcador" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2788 src/project/clippropertiesmanager.cpp:126 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"You are editing an external title clip (%1). Do you want to save your " -"changes to the title file or save the changes for this project only?" -msgstr "" -"Você esta editando um clipe externo (%1). Você deseja salvar as suas " -"mudanças no arquivo ou salvar as mudanças para este no projeto apenas?" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2788 src/project/clippropertiesmanager.cpp:126 -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:1766 -msgid "Save Title" -msgstr "Salvar Titulo" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2788 src/project/clippropertiesmanager.cpp:126 -msgid "Save to title file" -msgstr "Salvar para o arquivo de título" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2788 src/project/clippropertiesmanager.cpp:126 -msgid "Save in project only" -msgstr "Salvar no projeto apenas" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2852 src/project/projectlist.cpp:1428 -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:1430 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4517 -msgid "Invalid clip" -msgstr "Clipe inválido" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2852 src/project/projectlist.cpp:1428 -msgid "Clip is invalid, will be removed from project." -msgstr "O clipe é inválido e será removido do projeto." - -#: src/bin/bincommands.cpp:34 -msgid "Remove Folder" -msgstr "Remover pasta" - -#: src/bin/bincommands.cpp:35 -msgid "Add Folder" -msgstr "Adicionar pasta" - -#: src/bin/bincommands.cpp:121 -msgid "Add Bin Effect" -msgstr "Adicionar efeito em grupo" - -#: src/bin/bincommands.cpp:140 -msgid "Remove Bin Effect" -msgstr "Remover efeito em grupo" - -#: src/bin/bincommands.cpp:162 -msgid "Rename Zone" -msgstr "Renomear área" - -#: src/bin/bincommands.cpp:184 -msgid "Add Sub Clip" -msgstr "Adicionar subclipe" - -#: src/bin/bincommands.cpp:217 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1628 -msgid "Edit clip" -msgstr "Editar clipe" - -#: src/bin/projectclip.cpp:90 src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:879 -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:195 -msgid "Untitled" -msgstr "Sem título" - -#: src/bin/projectclip.cpp:272 src/project/projectlist.cpp:2458 -msgctxt "The first letter of Proxy, used as abbreviation" -msgid "P" -msgstr "P" - -#: src/bin/projectclip.cpp:940 src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:1228 -#, kde-format -msgid "Clip already contains analysis data %1" -msgstr "O clipe já contém dados de análise %1" - -#: src/bin/projectclip.cpp:940 src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:1228 -msgid "Merge" -msgstr "Mesclar" - -#: src/bin/projectclip.cpp:940 src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:1228 -msgid "Add" -msgstr "Adicionar" - -#: src/bin/projectfolder.cpp:74 -#, kde-format -msgid "%1 clip" -msgid_plural "%1 clips" -msgstr[0] "%1 clipe" -msgstr[1] "%1 clipes" - -#: src/bin/projectfolderup.cpp:35 -msgid "Back" -msgstr "Voltar" - -#: src/bin/projectfolderup.cpp:59 -msgid "Go up" -msgstr "Ir pra cima" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/bin/projectitemmodel.cpp:169 src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:74 -#: src/ui/colorclip_ui.ui:20 src/ui/configtranscode_ui.ui:70 -#: src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:20 -msgid "Name" -msgstr "Nome" - -#: src/bin/projectitemmodel.cpp:172 -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:173 -#: src/project/projectlistview.cpp:59 -msgid "Date" -msgstr "Data" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_description) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/bin/projectitemmodel.cpp:175 src/project/projectlistview.cpp:59 -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:41 src/ui/configtranscode_ui.ui:80 -#: src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:49 -msgid "Description" -msgstr "Descrição" - -#: src/bin/projectitemmodel.cpp:178 src/dialogs/profilesdialog.cpp:585 -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:231 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:319 -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:771 src/mltcontroller/clipcontroller.cpp:266 -#: src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:483 -msgid "Unknown" -msgstr "Desconhecido" - -#: src/bin/projectsubclip.cpp:41 src/doc/documentvalidator.cpp:1441 -#, kde-format -msgid "Zone %1" -msgstr "Área %1" - -#: src/capture/managecapturesdialog.cpp:42 -msgid "import" -msgstr "importar" - -#: src/dialogs/clipcreationdialog.cpp:97 src/dialogs/clipcreationdialog.cpp:98 -msgid "Color Clip" -msgstr "Clipe de Cor" - -#: src/dialogs/clipcreationdialog.cpp:188 -msgid "Title clip" -msgstr "Clipe de título" - -#: src/dialogs/clipcreationdialog.cpp:236 src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:1117 -msgid "Template title clip" -msgstr "Modelo de clipe de titulo" - -#: src/dialogs/clipcreationdialog.cpp:428 src/doc/doccommands.cpp:32 -msgid "Add clip" -msgid_plural "Add clips" -msgstr[0] "Adicionar clipe" -msgstr[1] "Adicionar clipes" - -#: src/dialogs/clipcreationdialog.cpp:437 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:247 -#: src/effectstack/collapsibleeffect.cpp:200 src/mainwindow.cpp:2832 -msgid "All Supported Files" -msgstr "Todos os arquivos suportados" - -#: src/dialogs/clipcreationdialog.cpp:437 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:247 -#: src/effectstack/collapsibleeffect.cpp:200 src/mainwindow.cpp:2832 -msgid "All Files" -msgstr "Todos os arquivos" - -#: src/dialogs/clipcreationdialog.cpp:438 -msgid "Import image sequence" -msgstr "Importar sequência de imagem" - -#: src/dialogs/clipcreationdialog.cpp:440 -msgid "Transparent background for images" -msgstr "Fundo transparente para imagens" - -#: src/dialogs/encodingprofilesdialog.cpp:37 -msgid "Manage Encoding Profiles" -msgstr "Administrar Perfis de Codificação" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, groupBox) -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, enable_proxy) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_14) -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, kcfg_enableproxy) -#: src/dialogs/encodingprofilesdialog.cpp:38 -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:96 src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:36 -#: src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:142 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:244 -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:499 -msgid "Proxy clips" -msgstr "Clipes de proxy" - -#: src/dialogs/encodingprofilesdialog.cpp:39 -msgid "Video4Linux capture" -msgstr "Captura Video4Linux" - -#: src/dialogs/encodingprofilesdialog.cpp:40 -msgid "Screen capture" -msgstr "Captura de tela" - -#: src/dialogs/encodingprofilesdialog.cpp:41 -msgid "Decklink capture" -msgstr "Captura Decklink" - -#: src/dialogs/encodingprofilesdialog.cpp:125 -#: src/dialogs/encodingprofilesdialog.cpp:157 -msgid "Profile name:" -msgstr "Nome do perfil:" - -#: src/dialogs/encodingprofilesdialog.cpp:128 -#: src/dialogs/encodingprofilesdialog.cpp:160 -msgid "Parameters:" -msgstr "Parâmetros:" - -#: src/dialogs/encodingprofilesdialog.cpp:131 -#: src/dialogs/encodingprofilesdialog.cpp:163 -msgid "File extension:" -msgstr "Extensão de arquivo:" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:64 -#: src/effectslist/effectslistwidget.cpp:100 -#: src/effectslist/effectslistwidget.cpp:121 -#: src/effectslist/effectslistwidget.cpp:123 -msgid "Misc" -msgstr "Geral" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:73 -msgid "Project Defaults" -msgstr "Padrão de Projeto" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:101 -msgid "Environment" -msgstr "Ambiente" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:126 -msgid "Capture" -msgstr "Captura" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:131 -msgid "Capture is not yet available on Mac OS X." -msgstr "Captura ainda não está disponível no Mac OS X." - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:170 -msgid "JogShuttle" -msgstr "JogShuttle" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, groupBox) -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:180 src/ui/smconfig_ui.ui:20 -msgid "Playback" -msgstr "Reprodução" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:275 -msgid "GPU processing needs MLT compiled with Movit and Rtaudio modules" -msgstr "" -"O processamento com a GPU precisa do MLT compilado com os módulos Movit e " -"Rtaudio" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:300 -#, kde-format -msgid "dvgrab version %1 at %2" -msgstr "dvgrab versão %1 em %2" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:301 -msgid "" -"dvgrab utility not found, please install it for firewire " -"capture" -msgstr "" -"dvgrab utilitário não encontrado, por favor instale-o para " -"captura a partir de firewire" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:438 -msgid "Automatic" -msgstr "Automático" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:440 -msgid "OSS" -msgstr "OSS" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:441 -msgid "ALSA" -msgstr "ALSA" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:442 -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:487 -msgid "PulseAudio" -msgstr "PulseAudio" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:443 -msgid "OSS with DMA access" -msgstr "OSS com acesso DMA" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:444 -msgid "Esound daemon" -msgstr "Serviço Esound" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:445 -msgid "ARTS daemon" -msgstr "Serviço ARTS" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:457 -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:458 -msgid "Default" -msgstr "Padrão" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:503 -msgid "SDL" -msgstr "SDL" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:504 -msgid "RtAudio" -msgstr "RtAudio" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:566 -msgid "Select default video player" -msgstr "Selecione o reprodutor de vídeo padrão" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:578 -msgid "Select default audio editor" -msgstr "Selecione o reprodutor de áudio padrão" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:590 -msgid "Select default image editor" -msgstr "Selecione o editor de imagem padrão" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:809 -msgid "Kdenlive must be restarted to change this setting" -msgstr "O Kdenlive deve ser reiniciado para alterar esta definição" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, p_progressive) -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:832 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:264 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:634 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:118 src/project/clipproperties.cpp:685 -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:322 src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:99 -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:163 -msgid "Interlaced" -msgstr "Entrelaçado" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, progressive) -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:834 -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:1039 -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:1072 -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:1088 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:265 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:634 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:119 src/project/clipproperties.cpp:685 -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:428 src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:232 -msgid "Progressive" -msgstr "Progressivo" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:892 -msgid "A profile with that name already exists" -msgstr "Já existe um perfil com esse nome" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:1003 -msgid "Current settings" -msgstr "Configurações atuais" - -#: src/dialogs/profilesdialog.cpp:50 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:163 -msgid "Delete profile" -msgstr "Excluir perfil" - -#: src/dialogs/profilesdialog.cpp:52 src/dialogs/profilesdialog.cpp:95 -msgid "Save profile" -msgstr "Salvar perfil" - -#: src/dialogs/profilesdialog.cpp:54 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:171 -msgid "Create new profile" -msgstr "Criar novo perfil" - -#: src/dialogs/profilesdialog.cpp:163 -msgid "The custom profile was modified, do you want to save it?" -msgstr "O perfil personalizado foi modificado, você deseja salvar isto?" - -#: src/dialogs/profilesdialog.cpp:194 -msgid "" -"A profile with same name already exists in MLT's default profiles, please " -"choose another description for your custom profile." -msgstr "" -"Um perfil com o mesmo nome já existe no perfil padrão do MLT, por favor " -"escolha outra descrição para o seu perfil personalizado." - -#: src/dialogs/profilesdialog.cpp:225 src/dialogs/profilesdialog.cpp:526 -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:612 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:799 -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:805 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:865 -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1003 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1168 -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2382 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2405 -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:669 src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:675 -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:934 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:940 -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:3046 src/mainwindow.cpp:3051 -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:796 -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:802 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:1780 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot write to file %1" -msgstr "Não foi possível salvar no arquivo %1" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:108 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1233 -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2295 -msgid "Waiting..." -msgstr "Aguardando..." - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:111 -msgid "Rendering finished" -msgstr "Renderização concluída" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:116 -msgid "Rendering crashed" -msgstr "Renderização falhou" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:121 -msgid "Rendering aborted" -msgstr "Renderização cancelada" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:155 -msgid "Rendering" -msgstr "Renderizando" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:167 -msgid "Edit profile" -msgstr "Editar perfil" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:177 -msgid "Copy profile to favorites" -msgstr "Copiar perfil para os favoritos" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:179 -msgid "Show profiles with different framerate" -msgstr "Mostrar os perfis com diferentes taxas de quadros" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, preserveAspectRatio) -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:223 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:534 -msgid "Preserve aspect ratio" -msgstr "Manter a taxa de proporção" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:289 -msgid "File" -msgstr "Arquivo" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:298 -msgid "Script Files" -msgstr "Arquivos de Script" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:392 -msgid "Beginning" -msgstr "Início" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:478 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:494 -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:688 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:706 -msgid "Qualities" -msgstr "Qualidades" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:479 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:495 -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:689 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:707 -msgid "Default quality" -msgstr "Qualidade padrão" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, vbitrates_label) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, abitrates_label) -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:481 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:497 -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:691 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:709 -#: src/ui/saveprofile_ui.ui:40 src/ui/saveprofile_ui.ui:73 -msgid "Bitrates" -msgstr "Taxas de bits" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, default_vbitrate_label) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, default_abitrate_label) -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:482 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:498 -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:692 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:710 -#: src/ui/saveprofile_ui.ui:26 src/ui/saveprofile_ui.ui:80 -msgid "Default bitrate" -msgstr "Taxa de bits padrão" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:509 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:515 -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:679 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:749 -msgctxt "Group Name" -msgid "Custom" -msgstr "Personalizado" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:591 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:760 -msgid "Profile already exists" -msgstr "Perfil já existe" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:591 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:760 -msgid "" -"This profile name already exists. Change the name if you don't want to " -"overwrite it." -msgstr "" -"Este nome de perfil já existe. Altere o nome se não quiser sobrescrevê-lo." - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:606 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:859 -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1859 -#, kde-format -msgid "Unable to write to file %1" -msgstr "Não foi possível gravar no arquivo %1" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:632 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1843 -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1892 -msgctxt "Category Name" -msgid "Custom" -msgstr "Personalizado" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:720 -msgid "Edit Profile" -msgstr "Editar Perfil" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:918 -msgid "Cannot find the melt program required for rendering (part of Mlt)" -msgstr "" -"Não foi possível encontrar o programa melt, requerido para renderização " -"(parte do Mlt)" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:922 -msgid "" -"Cannot play video after rendering because the default video player " -"application is not set.\n" -"Please define it in Kdenlive settings dialog." -msgstr "" -"Não foi possível reproduzir o vídeo depois de renderizar porque o aplicativo " -"padrão de reprodução não foi definido.\n" -"Por favor, defina-o nas configurações do Kdenlive." - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:930 src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:259 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"The directory %1, could not be created.\n" -"Please make sure you have the required permissions." -msgstr "" -"O diretório %1, pode não ser criado.\n" -"Por favor, verifique se você tem as permissões." - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:973 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:165 -#, kde-format -msgid "File has no extension. Add extension (%1)?" -msgstr "O arquivo não tem extensão. Adicionar extensão (%1)?" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:988 -msgid "Output file already exists. Do you want to overwrite it?" -msgstr "Arquivo de saída já existe. Você deseja sobrescrevê-lo?" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1222 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2283 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"There is already a job writing file:
Abort the job if " -"you want to overwrite it..." -msgstr "" -"Já existe um trabalho escrevendo no arquivo:
Cancele o " -"trabalho se você quiser sobrescrevê-lo..." - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1222 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2283 -msgid "Already running" -msgstr "Já em execução" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1266 -msgid "Video without audio track" -msgstr "Vídeo sem trilha de áudio" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1317 -#, kde-format -msgid "Rendering %1 started" -msgstr "Renderização %1 iniciada" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1473 -#, kde-format -msgid "Frame rate (%1) not compatible with project profile (%2)" -msgstr "Taxa de quadros (%1) não é compatível com o perfil do projeto (%2)" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1491 -#, kde-format -msgid "Unsupported video format: %1" -msgstr "Formato de vídeo não suportado: %1" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1507 -#, kde-format -msgid "Unsupported audio codec: %1" -msgstr "Codec de áudio não suportado: %1" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1524 -#, kde-format -msgid "Unsupported video codec: %1" -msgstr "Codec de vídeo não suportado: %1" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1533 -msgid "" -"This render profile uses a 'profile' parameter.
Unless you know what " -"you are doing you will probably have to change it to 'mlt_profile'." -msgstr "" -"O perfil do renderizador usa um parâmetro de 'perfil'.
A não ser que " -"você saiba o que você esta fazendo você precisa mudar este para " -"'mlt_profile'." - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1546 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1584 -msgid "No matching profile" -msgstr "Nenhum perfil correspondente" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1561 -msgid "untitled" -msgstr "sem título" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1586 -msgid "Invalid profile" -msgstr "Perfil inválido" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1630 -msgid "" -"Video\n" -"quality" -msgstr "" -"Qualidade\n" -"do vídeo" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1632 -msgid "" -"Video\n" -"bitrate" -msgstr "" -"Taxa de bits\n" -"do vídeo" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1652 -msgid "" -"Audio\n" -"quality" -msgstr "" -"Qualidade\n" -"do áudio" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1654 -msgid "" -"Audio\n" -"bitrate" -msgstr "" -"Taxa de bits\n" -"do áudio" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1692 -msgid "File rendering" -msgstr "Renderizando arquivo" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1693 -msgid "Favorites" -msgstr "Favoritos" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1694 -msgid "DVD" -msgstr "DVD" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, profile_audioonly) -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1695 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7011 -#: src/ui/configtranscode_ui.ui:100 -msgid "Audio only" -msgstr "Somente áudio" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1696 -msgid "Web sites" -msgstr "Sites da Web" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1697 -msgid "Media players" -msgstr "Tocadores de Mídia" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1698 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1738 -msgid "Lossless/HQ" -msgstr "Sem perda/HQ" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1699 -msgid "Mobile devices" -msgstr "Dispositivos móveis" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1783 -msgctxt "Category Name" -msgid "Images sequence" -msgstr "Sequência de imagens" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1987 -msgctxt "Attribute Name" -msgid "Custom" -msgstr "Personalizado" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2085 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2108 -#, kde-format -msgid "%1 day " -msgid_plural "%1 days " -msgstr[0] "%1 dia " -msgstr[1] "%1 dias " - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2087 -#, kde-format -msgid "Remaining time %1" -msgstr "Tempo restante %1" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2110 -#, kde-format -msgid "Rendering finished in %1" -msgstr "Renderização finalizada em %1" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2112 -#, kde-format -msgid "Rendering of %1 finished in %2" -msgstr "Renderização de %1 foi concluída em %2" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2125 -#, kde-format -msgid "Rendering of %1 crashed
" -msgstr "Renderização de %1 falhou
" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, abort_job) -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2165 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:650 -msgid "Abort Job" -msgstr "Cancelar trabalho" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2168 -msgid "Remove Job" -msgstr "Remover Trabalho" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2236 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2240 -#, kde-format -msgid "Script contains wrong command: %1" -msgstr "Script contém um comando errado: %1" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2424 -msgid "script" -msgstr "script" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2445 src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:228 -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:640 -msgid "Check missing clips" -msgstr "Checar arquivos que estão faltando" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2502 -msgid "Export audio (automatic)" -msgstr "Exportar áudio (automático)" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, export_audio) -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2504 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:544 -msgid "Export audio" -msgstr "Exportar áudio" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:60 -msgid "Config Wizard" -msgstr "Assistente de Configuração" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:64 -msgid "Welcome" -msgstr "Bem-vindo" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:66 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Your Kdenlive version was upgraded to version %1. Please take some time to " -"review the basic settings" -msgstr "" -"Seu Kdenlive foi atualizado para a versão %1. Por favor, dedique algum tempo " -"para revisar as configurações básicas." - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:68 -msgid "" -"This is the first time you run Kdenlive. This wizard will let you adjust " -"some basic settings, you will be ready to edit your first movie in a few " -"seconds..." -msgstr "" -"Esta é a primeira vez que você executa o Kdenlive. Este assistente permitirá " -"que você ajuste algumas configurações básicas, para que possa editar seu " -"primeiro vídeo daqui a alguns segundos..." - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:72 -msgid "Discover the features of this Kdenlive release" -msgstr "Conheça os recursos desta versão do Kdenlive" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:82 -msgid "Checking MLT engine" -msgstr "Checando motor MLT" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:90 -msgid "Video Standard" -msgstr "Padrão de vídeo" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:128 -msgid "Additional Settings" -msgstr "Configurações adicionais" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (KComboBox, capture_device) -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:142 src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:168 -msgid "Capture device" -msgstr "Dispositivo de captura" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:146 -msgid "Default Blackmagic Decklink card:" -msgstr "Placa Blackmagic Decklink padrão:" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:147 -msgid "No Blackmagic Decklink device found" -msgstr "Nenhum dispositivo de Blackmagic Decklink encontrado" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:158 -msgid "Checking system" -msgstr "Checando sistema" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:186 -msgid "Default video4linux device:" -msgstr "Dispositivo video4linux padrão:" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:199 -msgid "No device found, plug your webcam and refresh." -msgstr "Nenhum dispositivo encontrado, ligue sua webcam e recarregue." - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:221 -#, kde-format -msgid "Current settings (%1x%2, %3/%4fps)" -msgstr "Configurações atuais (%1x%2, %3/%4fps)" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:257 -#, kde-format -msgid "Default settings (%1x%2, %3/%4fps)" -msgstr "Configuração Padrão (%1x%2, %3/%4fps)" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:272 -msgid "Melt" -msgstr "Melt" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:273 -msgid "Required for rendering (part of MLT package)" -msgstr "Necessário para renderização (parte do pacote Mlt)" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:280 -msgid "Cannot start the MLT video backend!" -msgstr "Não foi possível iniciar o backend de vídeo do MLT!" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:287 -#, kde-format -msgid "MLT version: %1" -msgstr "Versão do MLT: %1" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:290 -msgid "Your MLT version is unsupported!!!" -msgstr "Esta versão do MLT não é suportada!!!" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:296 -#, kde-format -msgid "Please upgrade to MLT %1.%2.%3" -msgstr "Por favor, atualize para a última versão do MLT %1.%2.%3" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:300 -msgid "MLT video backend!" -msgstr "Infraestrutura MLT para vídeo" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:318 -msgid "SDL module" -msgstr "Módulo SDL" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:319 -msgid "Required for Kdenlive" -msgstr "Necessário para o Kdenlive" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:332 -msgid "Avformat module (FFmpeg)" -msgstr "Módulo Avformat (FFmpeg)" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:333 -msgid "Required to work with various video formats (hdv, mpeg, flash, ...)" -msgstr "" -"Necessário para trabalhar com vários formatos de vídeo (hdv, mpeg, flash...)" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:372 -msgid "QImage module" -msgstr "Módulo QImage" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:373 src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:378 -msgid "Required to work with images" -msgstr "Necessário para trabalhar com imagens" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:377 -msgid "Pixbuf module" -msgstr "Módulo Pixbuf" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:392 -msgid "Title module" -msgstr "Módulo de Título" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:393 -msgid "Required to work with titles" -msgstr "Necessário para trabalhar com títulos" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:456 -msgid "" -"The following codecs were not found on your system. Check our online manual if you need them: " -msgstr "" -"Os codecs a seguir não foram encontrados em seu sistema. Verifique seu manual online se você precisa deles: " - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:477 -msgid "FFmpeg & ffplay" -msgstr "FFmpeg & ffplay" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:478 -msgid "Required for proxy clips, transcoding and screen capture" -msgstr "Necessário para clipes de proxy, codificação e captura de tela" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:504 -msgid "dvgrab" -msgstr "dvgrab" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:505 -msgid "Required for firewire capture" -msgstr "Necessário para captura por firewire" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:511 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:104 -msgid "dvdauthor" -msgstr "dvdauthor" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:512 -msgid "Required for creation of DVD" -msgstr "Necessário para criação de DVDs" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:518 -msgid "genisoimage or mkisofs" -msgstr "genisoimage or mkisofs" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:519 -msgid "Required for creation of DVD ISO images" -msgstr "Necessário para criação de imagens ISO de DVD" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:528 -msgid "xine" -msgstr "xine" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:529 -msgid "Required to preview your DVD" -msgstr "Necessário para pré-visualização do seu DVD" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:533 -msgid "vlc" -msgstr "vlc" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:685 -msgid "Frame size:" -msgstr "Tamanho do quadro:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_4) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:685 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:245 -#: src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:55 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:107 -msgid "Frame rate:" -msgstr "Taxa de quadros:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_23) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_9) -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:685 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:266 -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:121 -msgid "Pixel aspect ratio:" -msgstr "Taxa de proporção de pixel:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_31) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_10) -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:685 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:280 -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:135 -msgid "Display aspect ratio:" -msgstr "Proporção de tela:" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:732 -msgid "" -"Your MLT installation cannot be found. Install MLT and restart Kdenlive.\n" -msgstr "" -"A Instalação do MLT não pode ser encontrada. Instale o MLT e reinicie o " -"Kdenlive.\n" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:736 -msgid "Fatal Error" -msgstr "Erro fatal" - -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:279 -#, kde-format -msgid "%1 fps" -msgstr "%1 fps" - -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:284 -msgid "Hz" -msgstr "Hz" - -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:289 -msgid "Audio clip" -msgstr "Clipe de áudio" - -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:292 -msgid "Mute video clip" -msgstr "Desligar som de clipe de vídeo" - -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:295 src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:214 -msgid "Video clip" -msgstr "Clipe de vídeo" - -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:298 -msgid "Color clip" -msgstr "Clipe de cor" - -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:301 src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:216 -msgid "Image clip" -msgstr "Clipe de Imagem" - -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:304 -msgid "Template text clip" -msgstr "Modelo de clipe de texto" - -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:305 -msgid "Text clip" -msgstr "Clipe de texto" - -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:308 -msgid "Slideshow clip" -msgstr "Clipe de Apresentação de Slide" - -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:311 -msgid "Virtual clip" -msgstr "Clipe Virtual" - -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:314 src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:218 -msgid "Playlist clip" -msgstr "Clipe de Lista de Reprodução" - -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:317 -msgid "Unknown clip" -msgstr "Clipe desconhecido" - -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:684 src/renderer.cpp:141 -msgid "Missing clip" -msgstr "Clipe faltando" - -#: src/doc/doccommands.cpp:33 src/project/clipmanager.cpp:226 -msgid "Delete clip" -msgid_plural "Delete clips" -msgstr[0] "Excluir clipe" -msgstr[1] "Excluir clipes" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:199 -msgid "Luma file" -msgstr "Arquivo luma" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:223 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Title module" -msgid "Title Image" -msgstr "Módulo de Título" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:226 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Title" -msgid "Title Font" -msgstr "Título" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:247 -#, kde-format -msgid "%1 will be replaced by %2" -msgstr "" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:261 -msgid "Missing item" -msgstr "Faltando item" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:265 -msgid "The project file contains missing clips or files" -msgstr "O arquivo de projeto possui arquivos e clipes perdidos" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:269 -msgid "Missing proxies will be recreated after opening." -msgstr "Proxies faltantes serão recriados após aberto." - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:273 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"The project file contains a missing clip, you can still work with its proxy." -msgid_plural "" -"The project file contains %1 missing clips, you can still work with their " -"proxies." -msgstr[0] "" -"O arquivo do projeto possui um clipe ausente, você pode ainda usar o clipe " -"indireto." -msgstr[1] "" -"O arquivo do projeto possui %1 clipes ausentes, você pode ainda usar os " -"clipes indiretos." - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:283 src/project/projectitem.cpp:192 -msgid "Proxy clip" -msgstr "Clipe de Proxy" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:285 -#, kde-format -msgid "%1 missing proxy clip, will be recreated on project opening" -msgid_plural "%1 missing proxy clips, will be recreated on project opening" -msgstr[0] "Falta %1 clipe do proxy, que será recriado na abertura do projeto" -msgstr[1] "" -"Faltam %1 clipes do proxy, que serão recriados na abertura do projeto" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:288 -msgid "Missing proxy" -msgstr "Faltando proxy" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:335 src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:348 -msgid "Source clip" -msgstr "Clipe de origem" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:337 -#, kde-format -msgid "%1 missing source clips, you can only use the proxies" -msgstr "O %1 não tem os clipes originais, você só pode usar os substitutos" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:340 -msgid "Missing source clip" -msgstr "Falta o clipe de origem" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:411 -msgid "Clips folder" -msgstr "Diretório de clipes" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:567 -msgid "Enter new location for file" -msgstr "Insira a nova localização do arquivo" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:780 -msgid "This will remove the selected clip from this project" -msgid_plural "This will remove the selected clips from this project" -msgstr[0] "Isto irá remover os clipes selecionado do projeto" -msgstr[1] "Isto irá remover os clipes selecionados do projeto" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:780 -msgid "Remove clips" -msgstr "Remover clipes" - -#: src/doc/documentvalidator.cpp:90 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"The document was created in \"%1\" locale, which is not installed on your " -"system. Please install that language pack. Until then, Kdenlive might not be " -"able to correctly open the document." -msgstr "" -"O documento foi criado no idioma \"%1\", que não está instalado no seu " -"sistema. O Kdenlive pode não conseguir abrir corretamente o documento até " -"que o pacote do idioma esteja instalado." - -#: src/doc/documentvalidator.cpp:94 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"There is a locale conflict on your system. The document uses locale %1 which " -"uses a \"%2\" as numeric separator (in system libraries) but Qt expects " -"\"%3\". You might not be able to correctly open the project." -msgstr "" -"Existe um conflito regional no seu sistema. O documento usa o código de " -"idioma \"%1\", que usa o \"%2\" como separador numérico (nas bibliotecas do " -"sistema), mas o Qt está esperando \"%3\". Você pode não conseguir abrir o " -"projeto corretamente." - -#: src/doc/documentvalidator.cpp:279 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"This project type is unsupported (version %1) and can't be loaded.\n" -"Please consider upgrading your Kdenlive version." -msgstr "" -"Este tipo de projeto não é suportado (versão %1) e não pode ser aberto.\n" -"Por favor, atualize sua versão do Kdenlive." - -#: src/doc/documentvalidator.cpp:279 src/doc/documentvalidator.cpp:286 -msgid "Unable to open project" -msgstr "Não foi possível abrir o projeto" - -#: src/doc/documentvalidator.cpp:286 -#, kde-format -msgid "This project type is unsupported (version %1) and can't be loaded." -msgstr "" -"Este tipo de projeto não é suportado (versão %1) e não pode ser aberto." - -#: src/doc/documentvalidator.cpp:840 -msgid "" -"Some of your text clips were saved with size in points, which means " -"different sizes on different displays. Do you want to convert them to pixel " -"size, making them portable? It is recommended you do this on the computer " -"they were first created on, or you could have to adjust their size." -msgstr "" -"Alguns dos seus clipes de texto foram salvos com tamanho em pontos, o que " -"significa que eles terão diferentes tamanhos em diferentes telas. Você " -"deseja convertê-los para tamanho em pixels? É recomendável que você faça " -"isso no computador em que eles foram criados, ou você poderá ter que ajustar " -"o tamanho deles." - -#: src/doc/documentvalidator.cpp:840 -msgid "Update Text Clips" -msgstr "Atualizar Clipes de Texto" - -#: src/doc/documentvalidator.cpp:1679 -msgid "" -"The project file uses some GPU effects. GPU acceleration is not currently " -"enabled.\n" -"Do you want to convert the project to a non-GPU version ?\n" -"This might result in data loss." -msgstr "" -"O arquivo do projeto usa alguns efeitos com a GPU. No momento, a aceleração " -"com a GPU não está ativa.\n" -"Deseja converter o projeto para uma versão sem GPU?\n" -"Isto poderá resultar na perda de dados." - -#: src/doc/documentvalidator.cpp:1770 -msgid "The following filters/transitions were converted to non GPU versions:" -msgstr "" -"Os seguintes filtros/transições foram convertidos para as versões sem GPU:" - -#: src/doc/documentvalidator.cpp:1773 -msgid "The following filters/transitions were deleted from the project:" -msgstr "Foram excluídos os seguintes filtros/transições do projeto:" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:152 -msgid "" -"Cannot open the project file,\n" -"Do you want to open a backup file?" -msgstr "" -"Não foi possível abrir o arquivo do projeto.\n" -"Deseja abrir o arquivo de backup?" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:152 src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:168 -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:213 -msgid "Error opening file" -msgstr "Erro abrindo arquivo" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:152 src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:168 -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:213 -msgid "Open Backup" -msgstr "Abrir Backup" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:168 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Cannot open the project file, error is:\n" -"%1 (line %2, col %3)\n" -"Do you want to open a backup file?" -msgstr "" -"Não foi possível abrir arquivo do projeto, erro:\n" -"%1 (linha %2, coluna %3)\n" -"Deseja abrir o arquivo de backup?" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:168 src/project/projectmanager.cpp:381 -msgid "Recover" -msgstr "Recuperar" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:194 -msgid "Cannot recover this project file" -msgstr "Não foi possível recuperar este arquivo de projeto" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:206 -msgid "Validating" -msgstr "Validando" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:212 -#, kde-format -msgid "File %1 is not a Kdenlive project file" -msgstr "O arquivo %1 não é um arquivo de projeto do Kdenlive" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:213 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"File %1 is not a valid project file.\n" -"Do you want to open a backup file?" -msgstr "" -"O arquivo %1 não é um arquivo de projeto válido.\n" -"Deseja abrir arquivo de backup?" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:254 -#, kde-format -msgid "Project directory %1 does not exist. Create it?" -msgstr "Diretório do Projeto %1 não existe. Criar?" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:266 -#, kde-format -msgid "Document project folder is invalid, setting it to the default one: %1" -msgstr "" -"Diretório do projeto de documento é inválido, ajustando isto para um padrão: " -"%1" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:548 src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:659 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot write to file %1, scene list is corrupted." -msgstr "Não foi possível gravar no arquivo %1, lista de cenas esta corrompido." - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:719 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"You have changed the project folder. Do you want to copy the cached data " -"from %1 to the new folder %2?" -msgstr "" -"Você modificou o diretório do projeto. Você deseja copiar os dados do cache " -"de %1 para o novo diretório %2?" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:1105 -msgid "Enter Template Path" -msgstr "Insira o Caminho do Modelo" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:1179 -msgid "The following effects were imported from the project:" -msgstr "Os seguintes efeitos foram importados do projeto:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:1209 src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:1223 -#: src/ui/backupdialog_ui.ui:22 -msgid "Project Folder" -msgstr "Pasta do projeto" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:1287 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Cannot create backup copy:\n" -"%1" -msgstr "" -"Não foi possível criar a cópia de segurança:\n" -"%1" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:1400 src/project/projectlist.cpp:2317 -msgid "Add proxy clip" -msgid_plural "Add proxy clips" -msgstr[0] "Adicionar clipe" -msgstr[1] "Adicionar clipes" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:1401 src/project/projectlist.cpp:2318 -msgid "Remove proxy clip" -msgid_plural "Remove proxy clips" -msgstr[0] "Remover Clipe do Proxy" -msgstr[1] "Remover Clipes do Proxy" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:62 src/mainwindow.cpp:1023 -msgid "DVD Wizard" -msgstr "Assistente de DVD" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:65 -msgid "Select Files For Your DVD" -msgstr "Selecionar arquivos para seu DVD" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:69 -msgid "DVD Chapters" -msgstr "Capítulos de DVD" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:75 -msgid "Create DVD Menu" -msgstr "Criar Menu do DVD" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:79 -msgid "Creating DVD Image" -msgstr "Criar Imagem do DVD" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:104 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:111 -#, kde-format -msgid "Burn with %1" -msgstr "Gravar com %1" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:114 -msgid "No burning program found (K3b, Brasero)" -msgstr "Nenhum programa de gravação encontrado (K3b, Brasero)" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:120 -msgid "Load" -msgstr "Abrir" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:121 -msgid "Save" -msgstr "Salvar" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:188 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot create temporary directory %1" -msgstr "Não foi possível criar a pasta temporária %1" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:271 -msgid "Menu movie is invalid" -msgstr "O filme do menu é inválido" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:383 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:464 -msgid "Rendering job timed out" -msgstr "Tempo de renderização esgotado" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:385 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:466 -msgid "Menu job timed out" -msgstr "Tempo de trabalho do Menu esgotado" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:674 -msgid "Rendering menu crashed" -msgstr "Falha na renderização do menu" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:710 -msgid "DVDAuthor process crashed" -msgstr "Falha no processo do DVDAuthor" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:713 -msgid "DVDAuthor process crashed.

" -msgstr "DVDAuthor falhou.
" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:737 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:738 -msgid "DVD structure broken" -msgstr "Estrutura do DVD defeituosa" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:785 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:788 -msgid "ISO creation process crashed." -msgstr "Processo de criação de ISO falhou." - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:817 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:818 -msgid "DVD ISO is broken" -msgstr "A ISO do DVD está defeituosa" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:832 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:834 -#, kde-format -msgid "DVD ISO image %1 successfully created." -msgstr "Imagem ISO do DVD %1 foi criada com sucesso." - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:864 -#, kde-format -msgid "Previewing requires one of these applications (%1)" -msgstr "A visualização necessita de um destes aplicativos (%1)" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:888 -#, kde-format -msgid "Folder %1 already exists. Overwrite?\n" -msgstr "Pasta %1 já existe. Você deseja sobrescrevê-lo?\n" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:890 -#, kde-format -msgid "Image file %1 already exists. Overwrite?" -msgstr "Arquivo de imagem %1 já existe. Sobrescrever?" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:911 -msgid "Save DVD Project" -msgstr "Salvar Projeto de DVD" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:911 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:948 -msgid "DVD project (*.kdvd)" -msgstr "Projeto de DVD (*.kdvd)" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:957 -#, kde-format -msgid "File %1 is not a Kdenlive project file." -msgstr "Arquivo %1 não é um arquivo de projeto Kdenlive." - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardmenu.cpp:42 src/monitor/monitor.cpp:185 -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:303 src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:79 -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:405 src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:444 -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:873 -msgid "Play" -msgstr "Reproduzir" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardmenu.cpp:54 -msgid "Add new button" -msgstr "Adicionar novo botão" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardmenu.cpp:55 -msgid "Delete current button" -msgstr "Excluir o botão atual" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardmenu.cpp:300 -msgid "Play All" -msgstr "Reproduzir tudo" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:104 -#, kde-format -msgid "Program %1 is required for the DVD wizard." -msgstr "Programa %1 é requerido pelo Assistente de DVD." - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:105 -msgid "mkisofs" -msgstr "mkisofs" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:105 -msgid "genisoimage" -msgstr "genisoimage" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:105 -#, kde-format -msgid "Program %1 or %2 is required for the DVD wizard." -msgstr "Programa %1 ou %2 é requerido pelo Assistente de DVD." - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:111 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:316 -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:768 -msgid "PAL 4:3" -msgstr "PAL 4:3" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:111 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:313 -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:765 -msgid "PAL 16:9" -msgstr "PAL 16:9" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:111 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:310 -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:762 -msgid "NTSC 4:3" -msgstr "NTSC 4:3" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:111 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:307 -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:759 -msgid "NTSC 16:9" -msgstr "NTSC 16:9" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:138 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:791 -msgid "Your clips do not match selected DVD format, transcoding required." -msgstr "" -"Seus clipes não correspondem ao formato de DVD selecionado, sendo necessária " -"uma nova codificação." - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:210 src/project/cliptranscode.cpp:244 -msgid "Transcoding failed!" -msgstr "A transcodificação falhou!" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:247 -msgid "MPEG Files" -msgstr "Arquivos MPEG" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:248 -msgid "Add new video file" -msgstr "Adicionar novo arquivo de vídeo" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:337 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:779 -#, kde-format -msgid "The clip %1 is invalid." -msgstr "O clipe %1 é inválido." - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:674 -#: src/effectstack/collapsibleeffect.cpp:352 -#: src/effectstack/collapsiblegroup.cpp:178 src/monitor/monitor.cpp:845 -#: src/project/clipstabilize.cpp:222 src/project/cliptranscode.cpp:141 -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:297 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"File %1 already exists.\n" -"Do you want to overwrite it?" -msgstr "" -"O arquivo %1 já existe.\n" -"Deseja sobrescrevê-lo?" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:699 -#, kde-format -msgid "Transcoding: %1" -msgstr "Transcodificando: %1" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslist.cpp:197 -msgid "Author:" -msgstr "Autor:" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:63 -msgid "Search in effects list" -msgstr "Procurar na lista de efeitos" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:72 -msgid "Show/Hide effect description" -msgstr "Mostrar/Ocultar a descrição dos efeitos" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:83 -msgid "Add Effect to Selected Clip" -msgstr "Adicionar efeito ao clipe selecionado" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:84 -msgid "Add Effect to Favorites" -msgstr "Adicionar efeito aos Favoritos" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:85 -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:231 -#: src/effectstack/collapsibleeffect.cpp:70 -#: src/effectstack/collapsiblegroup.cpp:77 -msgid "Delete effect" -msgstr "Excluir efeito" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:93 -msgid "Show all transitions" -msgstr "Mostrar todas as transições" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:94 -msgid "Show GPU transitions" -msgstr "Mostrar transições da GPU" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:101 -msgid "Show all effects" -msgstr "Mostrar todos os efeitos" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:103 -msgid "Show video effects" -msgstr "Mostrar os efeitos de vídeo" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:105 -msgid "Show audio effects" -msgstr "Mostrar os efeitos de áudio" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:107 -msgid "Show GPU effects" -msgstr "Mostrar os efeitos da GPU" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:109 -msgid "Show custom effects" -msgstr "Mostrar os efeitos personalizados" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:110 -msgid "Show favorite effects" -msgstr "Mostrar os efeitos favoritos" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:239 -msgid "Remove from favorites" -msgstr "Remover dos favoritos" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_audio) -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, abitrates) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_audiothumbnails) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, audio_thumbs) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, audiobitrateLabel) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, rec_audio) -#: src/effectslist/effectslistwidget.cpp:100 -#: src/effectslist/effectslistwidget.cpp:129 -#: src/effectslist/effectslistwidget.cpp:131 src/monitor/recmanager.cpp:57 -#: src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:39 -#: src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:121 -#: src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:155 -#: src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:194 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:131 -#: src/ui/configtimeline_ui.ui:38 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:224 -#: src/ui/recmonitor_ui.ui:107 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:195 -#: src/ui/saveprofile_ui.ui:67 -msgid "Audio" -msgstr "Áudio" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistwidget.cpp:100 -#: src/effectslist/effectslistwidget.cpp:137 -#: src/effectslist/effectslistwidget.cpp:139 -#: src/effectslist/effectslistwidget.cpp:464 -msgctxt "Folder Name" -msgid "Custom" -msgstr "Personalizado" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistwidget.cpp:194 -msgctxt "menu name for effects names between these 2 letters" -msgid "0 - F" -msgstr "0 - F" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistwidget.cpp:196 -msgctxt "menu name for effects names between these 2 letters" -msgid "G - L" -msgstr "G - L" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistwidget.cpp:198 -msgctxt "menu name for effects names between these 2 letters" -msgid "M - R" -msgstr "M - R" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistwidget.cpp:200 -msgctxt "menu name for effects names between these 2 letters" -msgid "S - Z" -msgstr "S - Z" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:47 src/project/clipproperties.cpp:346 -#: src/project/dialogs/slideshowclip.cpp:72 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:59 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:153 -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:541 -msgid "None" -msgstr "Nenhum" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:363 -#, kde-format -msgid "Group %1" -msgstr "Grupo %1" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:624 -msgid "None (Dissolve)" -msgstr "Nenhum (Dissolver)" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, slide_luma) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, luma_fade) -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:706 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:292 -#: src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:203 -msgid "Wipe" -msgstr "Limpar" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:707 -msgid "Applies a stationary transition between the current and next frames." -msgstr "Aplicar uma transição estacionária entre o atual e o próximo quadro." - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:710 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:785 -msgctxt "@property: means that the image is inverted" -msgid "Invert" -msgstr "Inverter" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:711 -msgid "Image File" -msgstr "Tamanho da imagem" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:712 -msgid "Reverse Transition" -msgstr "Reverter transição" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:716 src/timeline/headertrack.cpp:89 -#: src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:74 -msgid "Composite" -msgstr "Composto" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:717 -msgid "A key-framable alpha-channel compositor for two frames." -msgstr "Um compositor do canal alpha do quadro chave para dois quadros." - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:719 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:764 -msgid "Alpha Channel Operation" -msgstr "Operação sobre Canal Alpha" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:719 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:764 -msgid "Over,And,Or,Xor" -msgstr "Over,And,Or,Xor" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:720 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:765 -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:785 -msgid "Align" -msgstr "Alinhar" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:723 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:768 -msgid "Wipe File" -msgstr "Arquivo Wipe" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:724 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:769 -msgid "Wipe Softness" -msgstr "Suavidade Wipe" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:725 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:770 -msgid "Wipe Invert" -msgstr "Inverter Wipe" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:726 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:771 -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:785 -msgid "Force Progressive Rendering" -msgstr "Forçar Renderização Progressiva" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:727 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:772 -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:785 -msgid "Force Deinterlace Overlay" -msgstr "Forçar Overlay Entrelaçado" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:729 -msgid "Affine" -msgstr "Afim" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:753 -msgid "Fix Shear Y" -msgstr "Consertar Corte Y" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:754 -msgid "Fix Shear X" -msgstr "Consertar Corte X" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:755 -msgid "Fix Shear Z" -msgstr "Consertar Corte Z" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:761 -msgid "Use alpha channel of another clip to create a transition." -msgstr "Usar canal alpha em outro clipe para criar uma transição." - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:762 -msgid "Transparency clip" -msgstr "Clipe transparente" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:785 -msgid "Slide" -msgstr "Slide" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:785 -msgid "Slide image from one side to another." -msgstr "Mostrar imagens de um lado a outro." - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:785 -msgid "Direction" -msgstr "Direção" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, slide_fade) -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:790 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:262 -#: src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:167 -msgid "Dissolve" -msgstr "Dissolver" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:790 -msgid "Fade out one video while fading in the other video." -msgstr "Fade out um vídeo enquanto fading em outro vídeo." - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:790 -msgid "Reverse" -msgstr "Reverso" - -#: src/effectstack/collapsibleeffect.cpp:64 -#: src/effectstack/collapsiblegroup.cpp:72 -msgid "Move effect up" -msgstr "Mover efeito para cima" - -#: src/effectstack/collapsibleeffect.cpp:67 -#: src/effectstack/collapsiblegroup.cpp:74 -msgid "Move effect down" -msgstr "Mover efeito para baixo" - -#: src/effectstack/collapsibleeffect.cpp:82 -msgid "Reset Effect" -msgstr "Restaurar efeito" - -#: src/effectstack/collapsibleeffect.cpp:83 -#: src/effectstack/collapsibleeffect.cpp:345 -msgid "Save Effect" -msgstr "Salvar efeito" - -#: src/effectstack/collapsibleeffect.cpp:91 -#: src/effectstack/collapsiblegroup.cpp:89 -msgid "Disable Effect" -msgstr "Desativar efeito" - -#: src/effectstack/collapsibleeffect.cpp:91 -#: src/effectstack/collapsiblegroup.cpp:89 -msgid "Enable Effect" -msgstr "Ativar efeito" - -#: src/effectstack/collapsibleeffect.cpp:96 -msgid "Create Group" -msgstr "Criar grupo" - -#: src/effectstack/collapsibleeffect.cpp:136 -msgid "Create Region" -msgstr "Criar região" - -#: src/effectstack/collapsibleeffect.cpp:345 -msgid "Name for saved effect: " -msgstr "Nome para efeito salvo: " - -#: src/effectstack/collapsiblegroup.cpp:68 -#: src/effectstack/collapsiblegroup.cpp:383 -msgid "Effect Group" -msgstr "Grupo de efeitos" - -#: src/effectstack/collapsiblegroup.cpp:81 -msgid "Reset Group" -msgstr "Restaurar grupo" - -#: src/effectstack/collapsiblegroup.cpp:82 -#: src/effectstack/collapsiblegroup.cpp:171 -msgid "Save Group" -msgstr "Salvar grupo" - -#: src/effectstack/collapsiblegroup.cpp:84 -msgid "Ungroup" -msgstr "Desagrupar" - -#: src/effectstack/collapsiblegroup.cpp:171 -msgid "Name for saved group: " -msgstr "Nome para grupo salvo: " - -#: src/effectstack/complexparameter.cpp:36 -msgid "Allow horizontal moves" -msgstr "Permitir movimentos horizontais" - -#: src/effectstack/complexparameter.cpp:38 -msgid "Allow vertical moves" -msgstr "Permitir movimentos verticais" - -#: src/effectstack/complexparameter.cpp:40 -msgid "Show keyframes in timeline" -msgstr "Mostrar keyframes na linha do tempo" - -#: src/effectstack/complexparameter.cpp:42 -msgid "Parameter info" -msgstr "Info de parâmetros" - -#: src/effectstack/complexparameter.cpp:44 src/effectstack/geometryval.cpp:81 -#: src/effectstack/keyframeedit.cpp:47 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:84 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:417 -#: src/simplekeyframes/simplekeyframewidget.cpp:42 -#: src/simplekeyframes/simplekeyframewidget.cpp:132 -msgid "Add keyframe" -msgstr "Adicionar keyframe" - -#: src/effectstack/dragvalue.cpp:109 -msgid "Normal scale" -msgstr "Escala normal" - -#: src/effectstack/dragvalue.cpp:110 -msgid "Pixel scale" -msgstr "Escala em Pixel" - -#: src/effectstack/dragvalue.cpp:111 -msgid "Nonlinear scale" -msgstr "Escala não-linear" - -#: src/effectstack/dragvalue.cpp:115 -msgid "Direct update" -msgstr "Atualização direta" - -#: src/effectstack/dragvalue.cpp:120 -msgid "Reset value" -msgstr "Restaurar Valor" - -#: src/effectstack/dragvalue.cpp:125 -#, kde-format -msgid "Show %1 in timeline" -msgstr "Mostrar %1 na linha do tempo" - -#: src/effectstack/effectstackview2.cpp:71 -msgid "Enable/Disable all effects" -msgstr "Habilitar/Desabilitar todos os efeitos" - -#: src/effectstack/effectstackview2.cpp:73 -msgid "Show additional information for the parameters" -msgstr "Nenhuma informação adicional disponível para estes parâmetros" - -#: src/effectstack/effectstackview2.cpp:174 -#: src/effectstack/effectstackview2.cpp:176 -#: src/effectstack/effectstackview2.cpp:179 -#, kde-format -msgid "Effects for %1" -msgstr "Efeitos para %1" - -#: src/effectstack/effectstackview2.cpp:229 -#: src/effectstack/effectstackview2.cpp:231 -#: src/effectstack/effectstackview2.cpp:234 -#, kde-format -msgid "Bin effects for %1" -msgstr "Efeitos em grupo de %1" - -#: src/effectstack/effectstackview2.cpp:276 -#, kde-format -msgid "Effects for track %1" -msgstr "Efeitos para trilha %1" - -#: src/effectstack/geometryval.cpp:77 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:81 -#: src/simplekeyframes/simplekeyframewidget.cpp:52 -msgid "Go to next keyframe" -msgstr "Ir para próximo keyframe" - -#: src/effectstack/geometryval.cpp:79 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:78 -#: src/simplekeyframes/simplekeyframewidget.cpp:47 -msgid "Go to previous keyframe" -msgstr "Ir para keyframe anterior" - -#: src/effectstack/geometryval.cpp:83 src/effectstack/keyframeedit.cpp:49 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:423 -#: src/simplekeyframes/simplekeyframewidget.cpp:129 -msgid "Delete keyframe" -msgstr "Excluir keyframe" - -#: src/effectstack/geometryval.cpp:85 src/monitor/monitor.cpp:206 -msgid "Misc..." -msgstr "Geral..." - -#: src/effectstack/geometryval.cpp:89 -msgid "Show/Hide options" -msgstr "Mostrar/Esconder opções" - -#: src/effectstack/geometryval.cpp:97 -msgid "Sync timeline cursor" -msgstr "Sincronizar o cursor da linha do tempo" - -#: src/effectstack/geometryval.cpp:116 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:343 -msgid "Align item horizontally" -msgstr "Alinhar item horizontalmente" - -#: src/effectstack/geometryval.cpp:118 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:345 -msgid "Align item vertically" -msgstr "Alinhar item verticalmente" - -#: src/effectstack/geometryval.cpp:120 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:347 -msgid "Align item to top" -msgstr "Alinhar item para o topo" - -#: src/effectstack/geometryval.cpp:122 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:349 -msgid "Align item to bottom" -msgstr "Alinhar item para base" - -#: src/effectstack/geometryval.cpp:124 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:351 -msgid "Align item to right" -msgstr "Alinhar item à direita" - -#: src/effectstack/geometryval.cpp:126 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:353 -msgid "Align item to left" -msgstr "Alinhar item à esquerda" - -#: src/effectstack/parametercontainer.cpp:467 -msgid "" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/bezier/beziersplinewidget.cpp:67 -msgid "Handle 1:" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/bezier/beziersplinewidget.cpp:70 -msgid "Handle 2:" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/colorpickerwidget.cpp:71 -msgid "" -"Pick a color on the screen. By pressing the mouse button and then moving " -"your mouse you can select a section of the screen from which to get an " -"average color." -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/colorpickerwidget.cpp:101 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/colorpickerwidget.cpp:125 -msgid "Requesting color information..." -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/colorpickerwidget.cpp:134 -msgid "Calculated average color for rectangle." -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:96 -msgctxt "x axis position" -msgid "X" -msgstr "X" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:99 -msgctxt "y axis position" -msgid "Y" -msgstr "Y" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:102 -msgctxt "Frame width" -msgid "W" -msgstr "L" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:105 -msgctxt "Frame height" -msgid "H" -msgstr "Î" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:111 -msgid "Adjust to original size" -msgstr "Ajustează la dimensiunea originală" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:113 -msgid "Fit to width" -msgstr "Potrivește la lățime" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:115 -msgid "Fit to height" -msgstr "Potrivește la înălțime" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:118 -msgid "Import keyframes from clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:121 -msgid "Reset all keyframes" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:125 -msgid "Reset keyframes after cursor" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:128 -msgid "Reset keyframes before cursor" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:133 -msgid "Synchronize with timeline cursor" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:139 -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:244 -msgid "Align left" -msgstr "Aliniază la stînga" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:141 -msgid "Center horizontally" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:143 -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:243 -msgid "Align right" -msgstr "Aliniază la dreapta" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:145 -msgid "Align top" -msgstr "Aliniază sus" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:147 -msgid "Center vertically" -msgstr "Centrează vertical" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:149 -msgid "Align bottom" -msgstr "Aliniază jos" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:154 -#: src/ui/clipstabilize_ui.ui:30 -msgid "Options" -msgstr "Opțiuni" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (suffix), widget (QSpinBox, spinResize) -#. i18n: ectx: property (suffix), widget (QSpinBox, kcfg_volume) -#. i18n: ectx: property (suffix), widget (QSpinBox, zoom_spin) -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:208 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:211 -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:125 src/ui/configsdl_ui.ui:89 -#: src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:226 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:611 -#, no-c-format -msgid "%" -msgstr "%" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/lumaliftgain.cpp:61 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Offset X" -msgid "Lift" -msgstr "Decalaj X" - -#: src/hidetitlebars.cpp:21 -msgid "Show Title Bars" -msgstr "Arată barele de titlu" - -#: src/layoutmanagement.cpp:27 -msgid "Layouts" -msgstr "Aranjamente" - -#: src/layoutmanagement.cpp:28 -msgid "Load Layout" -msgstr "Încarcă aranjament" - -#: src/layoutmanagement.cpp:30 -#, kde-format -msgid "Layout %1" -msgstr "Aranjament %1" - -#: src/layoutmanagement.cpp:34 -#, kde-format -msgid "Save As Layout %1" -msgstr "Salvează ca „Aranjament %1”" - -#: src/layoutmanagement.cpp:69 -#, kde-format -msgid "Save as %1" -msgstr "Salvează ca %1" - -#: src/layoutmanagement.cpp:101 -msgid "Save Layout" -msgstr "Salvează aranjamentul" - -#: src/layoutmanagement.cpp:101 -msgid "Layout name:" -msgstr "Denumire aranjament:" - -#: src/lib/audio/audioCorrelation.cpp:43 -msgid "Audio analysis finished" -msgstr "Analiza audio s-a terminat" - -#: src/main.cpp:48 -msgid "Kdenlive" -msgstr "Kdenlive" - -#: src/main.cpp:49 -msgid "An open source video editor." -msgstr "Un editor video open-source." - -#: src/main.cpp:51 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Copyright © 2007–2014 Kdenlive authors" -msgid "Copyright © 2007–2015 Kdenlive authors" -msgstr "Drept de autor © 2007–2014 autorii Kdenlive" - -#: src/main.cpp:52 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Please report bugs to http://kdenlive.org/mantis" -msgid "Please report bugs to http://bugs.kde.org" -msgstr "Raportați o eroare de programare la http://kdenlive.org/mantis" - -#: src/main.cpp:54 -msgid "Jean-Baptiste Mardelle" -msgstr "Jean-Baptiste Mardelle" - -#: src/main.cpp:54 -msgid "MLT and KDE SC 4 / KF5 port, main developer and maintainer" -msgstr "" - -#: src/main.cpp:55 -msgid "Vincent Pinon" -msgstr "Vincent Pinon" - -#: src/main.cpp:55 -msgid "" -"Interim maintainer, KF5 port, bugs fixing, minor functions, profiles " -"updates, etc." -msgstr "" - -#: src/main.cpp:56 -msgid "Laurent Montel" -msgstr "Laurent Montel" - -#: src/main.cpp:56 -msgid "Bugs fixing, clean up code, optimization etc." -msgstr "" - -#: src/main.cpp:57 -msgid "Marco Gittler" -msgstr "Marco Gittler" - -#: src/main.cpp:57 -msgid "MLT transitions and effects, timeline, audio thumbs" -msgstr "" - -#: src/main.cpp:58 -msgid "Dan Dennedy" -msgstr "Dan Dennedy" - -#: src/main.cpp:58 src/main.cpp:60 src/main.cpp:63 src/main.cpp:64 -msgid "Bug fixing, etc." -msgstr "Reparare erori programare,etc." - -#: src/main.cpp:59 -msgid "Simon A. Eugster" -msgstr "Simon A. Eugster" - -#: src/main.cpp:59 -msgid "Color scopes, bug fixing, etc." -msgstr "" - -#: src/main.cpp:60 -msgid "Till Theato" -msgstr "Till Theato" - -#: src/main.cpp:61 -msgid "Alberto Villa" -msgstr "Alberto Villa" - -#: src/main.cpp:61 -msgid "Bug fixing, logo, etc." -msgstr "" - -#: src/main.cpp:62 -msgid "Jean-Michel Poure" -msgstr "Jean-Michel Poure" - -#: src/main.cpp:62 -msgid "Rendering profiles customization" -msgstr "" - -#: src/main.cpp:63 -msgid "Ray Lehtiniemi" -msgstr "Ray Lehtiniemi" - -#: src/main.cpp:64 -msgid "Steve Guilford" -msgstr "Steve Guilford" - -#: src/main.cpp:65 -msgid "Jason Wood" -msgstr "Jason Wood" - -#: src/main.cpp:65 -msgid "Original KDE 3 version author (not active anymore)" -msgstr "Autor versiune originală KDE 3 (nu mai este activă)" - -#: src/main.cpp:66 -msgid "NAME OF TRANSLATORS" -msgstr "NUMELE TRADUCĂTORILOR" - -#: src/main.cpp:66 -msgid "EMAIL OF TRANSLATORS" -msgstr "EMAIL-URILE TRADUCĂTORILOR" - -#: src/main.cpp:86 -msgid "Set the path for MLT environment" -msgstr "Configurați calea pentru mediul MLT" - -#: src/main.cpp:87 -msgid "Comma separated list of clips to add" -msgstr "" - -#: src/main.cpp:88 -msgid "Document to open" -msgstr "Document de deschis" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:148 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Themes" -msgid "Theme" -msgstr "Teme" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:177 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Project" -msgid "Project Bin" -msgstr "Proiect" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, properties) -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:216 src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:395 -#: src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:43 -msgid "Properties" -msgstr "Proprietăți" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:219 src/mainwindow.cpp:280 -msgid "Effects" -msgstr "Efecte" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:222 src/mainwindow.cpp:284 src/mainwindow.cpp:1272 -msgid "Transitions" -msgstr "Tranziții" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:225 -msgid "Clip Monitor" -msgstr "Monitorul clipului" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:226 -msgid "Project Monitor" -msgstr "Monitorul proiectului" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:228 -msgid "Record Monitor" -msgstr "Monitorul înregistrării" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:233 -msgid "Clean" -msgstr "Curăță" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:235 -msgid "Undo History" -msgstr "Anulare istoric" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:263 -msgid "Stop Motion" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, capture_button) -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:264 src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:105 -msgid "Capture frame" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:267 -msgid "Switch live / captured frame" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:270 -msgid "Show last frame over video" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:283 -msgid "Add Transition" -msgstr "Adaugă tranziție" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:315 src/mainwindow.cpp:316 src/mainwindow.cpp:325 -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:326 src/mainwindow.cpp:330 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Paste Effects" -msgid "Favorite Effects" -msgstr "Lipește efecte" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:563 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"You have 1 rendering job waiting in the queue.\n" -"What do you want to do with this job?" -msgid_plural "" -"You have %1 rendering jobs waiting in the queue.\n" -"What do you want to do with these jobs?" -msgstr[0] "" -msgstr[1] "" -msgstr[2] "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:563 -msgid "Start them now" -msgstr "Pornește-le acum" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:563 -msgid "Delete them" -msgstr "Șterge-le" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:784 -msgid "Normal mode" -msgstr "Regim normal" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:785 -msgctxt "Normal editing" -msgid "n" -msgstr "n" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:790 -msgid "Overwrite mode" -msgstr "Mod suprascriere" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:796 -msgid "Insert mode" -msgstr "Regim de inserare" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:815 -msgid "Selection tool" -msgstr "Unealtă de selecție" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:816 -msgctxt "Selection tool shortcut" -msgid "s" -msgstr "s" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:821 -msgid "Razor tool" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:822 -msgctxt "Razor tool shortcut" -msgid "x" -msgstr "x" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:827 -msgid "Spacer tool" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:828 -msgctxt "Spacer tool shortcut" -msgid "m" -msgstr "m" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:869 -msgid "Fit zoom to project" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:873 -msgid "Zoom Out" -msgstr "Depărtează" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:887 -msgid "Zoom In" -msgstr "Apropie" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:915 -msgid "Split audio and video automatically" -msgstr "Împarte audio și video automat" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, videothumbs) -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:921 src/ui/wizardextra_ui.ui:35 -msgid "Show video thumbnails" -msgstr "Arată miniaturile video" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, audiothumbs) -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:927 src/ui/wizardextra_ui.ui:42 -msgid "Show audio thumbnails" -msgstr "Arată miniaturile audio" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:933 -msgid "Show markers comments" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:938 -msgid "Snap" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, tc_type) -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:972 src/project/clipproperties.cpp:372 -#: src/project/dialogs/slideshowclip.cpp:89 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:284 -msgid "hh:mm:ss:ff" -msgstr "oo:mm:ss:cc" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, tc_type) -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:973 src/project/clipproperties.cpp:373 -#: src/project/dialogs/slideshowclip.cpp:90 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:289 -msgid "Frames" -msgstr "Cadre" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1002 -msgid "Manage Project Profiles" -msgstr "Gestionează profilurile de proiect" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1003 -msgid "Download New Wipes..." -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1004 -msgid "Download New Render Profiles..." -msgstr "Descarcă profiluri de randare noi..." - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1005 -msgid "Download New Project Profiles..." -msgstr "Descarcă profiluri de proiect noi..." - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1006 -msgid "Download New Title Templates..." -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1008 -msgid "Run Config Wizard" -msgstr "Lansează asistentul de configurare" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, ProjectSettings_UI) -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1009 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Project Settings" -msgstr "Configurări proiect" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1010 -msgid "Render" -msgstr "Randează" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1012 -msgid "Clean Project" -msgstr "Curăță proiectul" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1016 -msgid "Play Zone" -msgstr "Redă zona" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1018 -msgid "Loop Zone" -msgstr "Ciclează zona" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1020 -msgid "Loop selected clip" -msgstr "Ciclează clipul ales" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1024 -msgid "Transcode Clips" -msgstr "Transcodare clipuri" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1025 src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:55 -msgid "Archive Project" -msgstr "Arhivează proiectul" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1026 -msgid "Switch monitor" -msgstr "Comută monitorul" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1027 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6364 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Edit Clip" -msgid "Expand Clip" -msgstr "Editare clip" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1029 -msgid "Monitor Info Overlay" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1035 -msgid "Real Time (drop frames)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1040 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Monitor" -msgid "Monitor Gamma" -msgstr "Monitor" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1041 -msgid "sRGB (computer)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1042 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Rec. 709" -msgid "Rec. 709 (TV)" -msgstr "Rec. 709" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1047 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Insert zone in project tree" -msgid "Insert Zone in Project Bin" -msgstr "Inserează zona în arborele proiectului" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1048 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Insert zone in timeline" -msgid "Insert Zone in Timeline" -msgstr "Inserează zona în cronologie" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1050 -msgid "Resize Item Start" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1055 -msgid "Resize Item End" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1060 -msgid "Go to Previous Snap Point" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1062 -msgid "Go to Clip Start" -msgstr "Mergi la începutul clipului" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1063 -msgid "Go to Clip End" -msgstr "Mergi la sfîrșitul clipului" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1064 -msgid "Go to Next Snap Point" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1066 -msgid "Delete Selected Item" -msgstr "Șterge elementul selectat" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1067 -msgid "Align Playhead to Mouse Position" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1069 -msgid "Automatic Transition" -msgstr "Tranziție automată" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1076 -msgid "Group Clips" -msgstr "Grupare clipuri" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1078 -msgid "Ungroup Clips" -msgstr "Degrupare clipuri" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1083 -msgid "Edit Duration" -msgstr "Modifică durata" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1084 src/mainwindow.cpp:3232 -msgid "Save clip" -msgstr "Salvare clip" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1085 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Clip in Project Tree" -msgid "Clip in Project Bin" -msgstr "Clip în arborele proiectului" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1086 -msgid "Insert Clip Zone in Timeline (Overwrite)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1087 -msgid "Select Clip" -msgstr "Selectează clipul" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1088 -msgid "Deselect Clip" -msgstr "Deselectează clipul" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1089 -msgid "Add Clip To Selection" -msgstr "Adaugă clip la selecție" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1091 -msgid "Select Transition" -msgstr "Selectare tranziție" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1093 -msgid "Deselect Transition" -msgstr "Deselectare tranziție" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1095 -msgid "Add Transition To Selection" -msgstr "Adaugă tranziție la selecție" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, CutJobDialog_UI) -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1097 src/ui/cutjobdialog_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Cut Clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1098 src/mainwindow.cpp:1833 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:729 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:803 -msgid "Add Marker" -msgstr "Adaugă marcator" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1099 -msgid "Delete Marker" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1100 -msgid "Delete All Markers" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1102 src/mainwindow.cpp:1921 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:702 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:827 -msgid "Edit Marker" -msgstr "Modifică marcatorul" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1105 -msgid "Add Marker/Guide quickly" -msgstr "Adaugă rapid un marcator/ghidaj" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1108 -msgid "Split Audio" -msgstr "Împarte audio" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1112 -msgid "Set Audio Reference" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1116 -msgid "Align Audio to Reference" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1120 -msgid "Audio Only" -msgstr "Numai audio" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1125 -msgid "Video Only" -msgstr "Numai video" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1130 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7007 -msgid "Audio and Video" -msgstr "Sunet și video" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1142 -msgid "Insert Space" -msgstr "Inserează spațiu" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1143 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:3426 -msgid "Remove Space" -msgstr "Elimină spațiul" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1146 -msgid "Insert Track" -msgstr "Inserează pistă" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1150 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6556 -#: src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:94 -msgid "Delete Track" -msgstr "Șterge pista" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, TracksConfigDialog_UI) -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1155 src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:250 -#: src/ui/tracksconfigdialog_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Configure Tracks" -msgstr "Configurează pistele" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1159 -msgid "Select All in Current Track" -msgstr "Alege toate din pista curentă" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1170 src/timeline/customruler.cpp:85 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5781 -msgid "Add Guide" -msgstr "Adaugă ghidaj" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1171 src/timeline/customruler.cpp:89 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:231 -msgid "Delete Guide" -msgstr "Șterge ghidajul" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1172 src/timeline/customruler.cpp:87 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:235 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5815 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5829 -msgid "Edit Guide" -msgstr "Modifică ghidajul" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1173 src/timeline/customruler.cpp:91 -msgid "Delete All Guides" -msgstr "Șterge toate ghidajele" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1175 -msgid "Paste Effects" -msgstr "Lipește efecte" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1180 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Save Selection" -msgstr "Selecție" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1208 -msgid "Add Clip" -msgstr "Adaugă clip" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1210 -msgid "Add Color Clip" -msgstr "Adaugă clip color" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1213 src/project/dialogs/slideshowclip.cpp:41 -msgid "Add Slideshow Clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1216 -msgid "Add Title Clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1219 -msgid "Add Template Title" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1223 -msgid "Create Folder" -msgstr "Creează dosar" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1224 -msgid "Online Resources" -msgstr "Resurse online" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, ClipProperties_UI) -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1226 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Clip Properties" -msgstr "Proprietăți clip" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1230 -msgid "Edit Clip" -msgstr "Editare clip" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1238 -msgid "Reload Clip" -msgstr "Reîncarcă clipul" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1242 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Disable effect" -#| msgid_plural "Disable effects" -msgid "Disable Timeline Effects" -msgstr "Dezactivează efectul" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1247 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Delete Clip" -msgid "Duplicate Clip" -msgstr "Ștergere clip" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1259 -msgid "Ripple Delete" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1389 -msgid "" -"You have changed the proxy parameters. Do you want to recreate all proxy " -"clips for this project?" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1487 -msgid "This will remove all unused clips from your project." -msgstr "Aceasta va elimina toate clipurile neutilizate din proiect." - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1487 -msgid "Clean up project" -msgstr "Curăță proiectul" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1647 -msgctxt "general keyboard shortcuts" -msgid "General" -msgstr "General" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1827 src/mainwindow.cpp:1945 -msgid "Cannot find clip to add marker" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1859 src/mainwindow.cpp:1886 src/mainwindow.cpp:1909 -msgid "Cannot find clip to remove marker" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1866 src/mainwindow.cpp:1916 -msgid "No marker found at cursor time" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2194 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot find effect %1 / %2" -msgstr "Nu se poate găsi efectul %1 / %2" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2252 -#, kde-format -msgid "Zoom Level: %1/13" -msgstr "Nivel zoom: %1/13" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2378 -msgid "Ctrl + click to use spacer on current track only" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2381 -msgid "Click on a clip to cut it" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2384 -msgid "" -"Shift + click to create a selection rectangle, Ctrl + click to add an item " -"to selection" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2707 -msgid "Stabilize" -msgstr "Stabilizare" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2719 -msgid "Automatic scene split" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2729 src/project/jobs/filterjob.cpp:83 -msgid "Reverse clip" -msgstr "Inversare clip" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2736 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Add keyframes" -msgid "Analyse keyframes" -msgstr "Adaugă cadre-cheie" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2751 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Transcode" -msgid "Transcoders" -msgstr "Transcodare" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2784 -msgid "Interface" -msgstr "Interfață" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2821 -msgid "No clip to transcode" -msgstr "Nici un clip de transcodat" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2834 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "No clip to transcode" -msgid "Files to transcode" -msgstr "Nici un clip de transcodat" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2867 -msgid "Create Render Script" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2877 -msgid "Script file already exists. Do you want to overwrite it?" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2923 -msgctxt "the first in a list of chapters" -msgid "Start" -msgstr "Pornește" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:3200 -msgid "Archiving project" -msgstr "Arhivare proiect" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:3229 -msgid "Select a clip to save" -msgstr "Selectați un clip de salvat" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:3232 src/renderer.cpp:1386 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7865 -msgid "MLT playlist (*.mlt)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mltconnection.cpp:51 -msgid "Cannot find the melt program required for rendering (part of MLT)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mltconnection.cpp:83 -msgid "Cannot find your MLT profiles, please give the path" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:87 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:476 src/project/projectcommands.cpp:166 -msgid "Edit marker" -msgstr "Modifică marcajul" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:88 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Edit marker" -msgid "Export markers" -msgstr "Modifică marcajul" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:89 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Load markers" -msgid "Import markers" -msgstr "Încarcă marcaje" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:115 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Analyse" -msgid "Analysis data" -msgstr "Analizează" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:118 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Delete Clip" -msgid "Delete analysis" -msgstr "Ștergere clip" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:119 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Export audio" -msgid "Export analysis" -msgstr "Exportă sunet" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:120 -msgid "Import analysis" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, clip_transparency) -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:166 -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:842 -msgid "Transparent" -msgstr "Transparent" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:181 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Aspect ratio" -msgid "Aspect Ratio" -msgstr "Raport de aspect" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_18) -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:236 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:618 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:623 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:679 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:440 -#: src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:86 -msgid "Frame rate" -msgstr "Rata de cadre" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_5) -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:260 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:634 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:686 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:105 -msgid "Scanning" -msgstr "Scanare" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:282 -msgid "Field order" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:286 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:129 -msgid "Bottom first" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:287 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:130 -msgid "Top first" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:304 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Threshold" -msgid "Threads" -msgstr "Prag" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, clip_force_vindex) -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:320 -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:693 -msgid "Video index" -msgstr "Index video" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, clip_force_aindex) -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:336 -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:720 -msgid "Audio index" -msgstr "Index audio" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_12) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_32) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_15) -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:350 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:644 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:696 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:294 -#: src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:222 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:149 -msgid "Colorspace" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, clip_full_luma) -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:380 -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:772 -msgid "Full luma range" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:399 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Item Properties" -msgid "Force properties" -msgstr "Proprietăți element" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_5) -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_3) -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:401 -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:511 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:349 -msgid "Metadata" -msgstr "Metadate" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:403 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Analyse" -msgid "Analysis" -msgstr "Analizează" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:609 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:671 src/project/clipproperties.cpp:673 -msgid "Video codec" -msgstr "Codec video" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:613 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:676 -msgid "Frame size" -msgstr "Dimensiune cadre" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:630 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "" -#| "Video\n" -#| "bitrate" -msgid "Video bitrate" -msgstr "" -"Rată de biți\n" -"video" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:630 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:664 -#, fuzzy -#| msgctxt "Selection tool shortcut" -#| msgid "s" -msgctxt "seconds" -msgid "s" -msgstr "s" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_9) -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:641 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:690 src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:120 -msgid "Pixel aspect ratio" -msgstr "Raport de aspect pixeli" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:642 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:693 -msgid "Pixel format" -msgstr "Format pixeli" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:651 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:243 -msgid "Audio codec" -msgstr "Codec audio" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:659 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Frequency" -msgid "Audio frequency" -msgstr "Frecvență" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:664 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "" -#| "Audio\n" -#| "bitrate" -msgid "Audio bitrate" -msgstr "" -"Rată de biți\n" -"audio" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:760 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:788 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:813 -msgid "Exif" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:832 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:854 -msgid "Magic Lantern" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:893 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:858 -msgid "Save Analysis Data" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:893 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:904 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:858 src/project/clipproperties.cpp:869 -msgid "Text File (*.txt)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:904 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:869 -msgid "Open Analysis Data" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:183 -msgid "Play..." -msgstr "Redare..." - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:185 src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:303 -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:310 src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:449 -msgid "Pause" -msgstr "Pauză" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:210 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:210 -msgid "Go to marker..." -msgstr "Mergi la marcaj..." - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:215 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Font Size" -msgid "Force Monitor Size" -msgstr "Dimensiune font" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:216 -msgid "Force 100%" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:218 -msgid "Force 50%" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:220 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Frame size" -msgid "Free Resize" -msgstr "Dimensiune cadre" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:233 -msgid "Audio volume" -msgstr "Volum audio" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:248 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Split view" -msgid "Split" -msgstr "Desparte vizualizarea" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:248 -msgid "Unsplit" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:281 src/monitor/monitoreditwidget.cpp:58 -msgid "Show/Hide edit mode" -msgstr "Arată/ascunde modul editare" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:400 -msgid "Save zone" -msgstr "Salvează zona" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:401 -msgid "Extract Zone" -msgstr "Extrage zona" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:404 -msgid "Extract frame" -msgstr "Extrage cadru" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:408 -msgid "Split view" -msgstr "Desparte vizualizarea" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:412 -msgid "Set current image as thumbnail" -msgstr "Configurează imaginea curentă ca miniatură" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:416 -msgid "Overlay audio waveform" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:453 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "You must select one transition for this action" -msgid "Your screen resolution is not sufficient for this action" -msgstr "Trebuie să alegeți o tranziție pentru această acțiune" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:838 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Save markers" -msgid "Save Image" -msgstr "Salvează marcajele" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:894 -msgid "In Point" -msgstr "Punct de intrare" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:896 -msgid "Out Point" -msgstr "Punct de ieșire" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:1520 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Select a clip if you want to apply an effect" -msgid "Select a clip in project bin to compare effect" -msgstr "Selectați un clip dacă doriți să aplicați un efect" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:1524 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Clip has no markers" -msgid "Clip has no effects" -msgstr "Clipul nu are marcaje" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:1533 -msgid "" -"The scal0tilt filter is required for that feature, please install frei0r and " -"restart Kdenlive" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:1540 -msgid "" -"The cairoblend transition is required for that feature, please install " -"frei0r and restart Kdenlive" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitoreditwidget.cpp:64 -msgid "Update parameters while monitor scene changes" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitoreditwidget.cpp:68 -msgid "Fit zoom to monitor size" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitoreditwidget.cpp:70 -msgid "Original size" -msgstr "Dimensiune originală" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:326 -msgid "Switch monitor fullscreen" -msgstr "Comută monitorul pe tot ecranul" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:331 src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:76 -msgid "Rewind" -msgstr "Derulează" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:336 -msgid "Rewind 1 Frame" -msgstr "Înapoi 1 cadru" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:341 -msgid "Rewind 1 Second" -msgstr "Înapoi 1 secundă" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:346 src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:85 -msgid "Forward" -msgstr "Înainte" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:351 -msgid "Go to Project Start" -msgstr "Mergi la începutul proiectului" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:356 -msgid "Go to Project End" -msgstr "Mergi la sfîrșitul proiectului" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:361 -msgid "Forward 1 Frame" -msgstr "Înainte 1 cadru" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:366 -msgid "Forward 1 Second" -msgstr "Înainte 1 secundă" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:371 -msgid "Deinterlacer" -msgstr "Deîntrețesere" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:372 -msgid "One Field (fast)" -msgstr "Un cîmp (repede)" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:373 -msgid "Linear Blend (fast)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:374 -msgid "YADIF - temporal only (good)" -msgstr "YADIF - numai temporar (bun)" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:375 -msgid "YADIF - temporal + spacial (best)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:384 -msgid "Nearest Neighbor (fast)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:385 -msgid "Bilinear (good)" -msgstr "Biliniar (bun)" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:386 -msgid "Bicubic (better)" -msgstr "Bicubic (mai bun)" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:387 -msgid "Hyper/Lanczos (best)" -msgstr "Hyper/Lanczos (cel mai bun)" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:395 -msgid "Go to Zone Start" -msgstr "Mergi la începutul zonei" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:400 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Monitor" -msgid "Mute monitor" -msgstr "Monitor" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:400 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Switch monitor" -msgid "Unmute monitor" -msgstr "Comută monitorul" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:406 -msgid "Go to Zone End" -msgstr "Mergi la sfîrșitul zonei" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:411 -msgid "Set Zone In" -msgstr "Stabilește intrarea zonei" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:416 -msgid "Set Zone Out" -msgstr "Stabilește ieșirea zonei" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_preview) -#: src/monitor/recmanager.cpp:48 src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:147 -#: src/ui/freesound_ui.ui:144 src/utils/archiveorg.cpp:181 -#: src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:158 src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:263 -#: src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:277 src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:575 -msgid "Preview" -msgstr "Previzualizare" - -#: src/monitor/recmanager.cpp:52 src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:88 -msgid "Record" -msgstr "Înregistrează" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_video) -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, vbitrates) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, background_list) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_videothumbnails) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, video_thumbs) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, bitrateLabel) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, rec_video) -#: src/monitor/recmanager.cpp:56 src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:38 -#: src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:153 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:86 -#: src/ui/configtimeline_ui.ui:29 src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:207 -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:217 src/ui/recmonitor_ui.ui:100 -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:169 src/ui/saveprofile_ui.ui:20 -msgid "Video" -msgstr "Video" - -#: src/monitor/recmanager.cpp:68 src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:135 -#, fuzzy, kde-format -#| msgid "Monitor" -msgid "Monitor %1" -msgstr "Monitor" - -#: src/monitor/recmanager.cpp:80 -msgid "Webcam" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_3) -#: src/monitor/recmanager.cpp:81 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:427 -msgid "Screen Grab" -msgstr "Captare ecran" - -#: src/monitor/recmanager.cpp:86 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Configure job" -msgid "Configure Recording" -msgstr "Configurează sarcina" - -#: src/monitor/recmanager.cpp:89 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Record Monitor" -msgid "Show Record Control" -msgstr "Monitorul înregistrării" - -#: src/monitor/recmanager.cpp:198 src/monitor/recmanager.cpp:279 -#: src/monitor/recmanager.cpp:284 src/monitor/recmanager.cpp:390 -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:879 src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:886 -msgid "Capture crashed, please check your parameters" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/recmanager.cpp:265 src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:753 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Failed to start the capture application:\n" -"%1" -msgstr "" -"A eșuat pornirea aplicației de captură:\n" -"%1" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:73 src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:862 -msgid "Connect" -msgstr "Conectează" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:82 src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:249 -#: src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:262 src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:271 -msgid "Stop" -msgstr "Oprește" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:94 -msgid "Add Captured File to Project" -msgstr "Adaugă fișierul captat la proiect" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:102 -msgid "Recording Preview" -msgstr "Previzualizare înregistrare" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:110 src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:245 -msgid "Configure" -msgstr "Configurează" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:202 -msgid "" -"You need to disconnect and reconnect in the capture monitor to apply your " -"changes" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:202 src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:203 -msgid "Capturing" -msgstr "Captare" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:203 -msgid "You need to stop capture before your changes can be applied" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:256 -msgid "" -"ffmpeg or avconv not found,\n" -" please install it for screen grabs" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:262 -msgid "" -"Your FFmpeg / Libav installation\n" -" does not support screen grab" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:265 src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:888 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Press record button\n" -"to start screen capture\n" -"Files will be saved in:\n" -"%1" -msgstr "" -"Apăsați butonul de înregistrare\n" -"pentru a porni captarea ecranului\n" -"Fișierele vor fi salvate în:\n" -"%1" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:283 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Plug your camcorder and\n" -"press play button\n" -"to start preview.\n" -"Files will be saved in:\n" -"%1" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:296 -msgid "" -"dvgrab utility not found,\n" -" please install it for firewire capture" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:320 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Plug your camcorder and\n" -"press connect button\n" -"to initialize connection\n" -"Files will be saved in:\n" -"%1" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:355 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Cannot read from device %1\n" -"Please check drivers and access rights." -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:358 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Press play or record button\n" -"to start video capture\n" -"Files will be saved in:\n" -"%1" -msgstr "" -"Apăsați pe redare sau înregistrare\n" -"pentru a porni captarea video\n" -"Fișierele vor fi salvate în:\n" -"%1" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:370 -msgid "Disconnect" -msgstr "Deconectează" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:423 -msgid "Capture stopped" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:523 -msgid "" -"Failed to start Video4Linux,\n" -"check your parameters..." -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:539 src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:701 -msgid "" -"Failed to start Decklink,\n" -"check your parameters..." -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:677 -msgid "" -"Failed to start ffmpeg capture,\n" -"check your parameters..." -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:695 -#, kde-format -msgid "Capturing to %1" -msgstr "Se captează în %1" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:702 -msgid "Failed to start capture" -msgstr "A eșuat pornirea capturei" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:766 -msgid "Initialising..." -msgstr "Inițializare..." - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:782 -msgid "Show log" -msgstr "Arată jurnalul" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, video_frame) -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:882 src/ui/recmonitor_ui.ui:35 -msgid "Not connected" -msgstr "Neconectat" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:971 -#, kde-format -msgid "Free space: %1" -msgstr "Spațiu liber: %1" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:1014 -#, kde-format -msgid "%1 dropped frames" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/smallruler.cpp:201 src/timeline/customruler.cpp:233 -#: src/timeline/customruler.cpp:234 -#, kde-format -msgid "Zone start: %1" -msgstr "Începutul zonei: %1" - -#: src/monitor/smallruler.cpp:205 src/timeline/customruler.cpp:237 -#: src/timeline/customruler.cpp:238 -#, kde-format -msgid "Zone end: %1" -msgstr "Sfîrșitul zonei: %1" - -#: src/monitor/smallruler.cpp:236 src/timeline/customruler.cpp:241 -#: src/timeline/customruler.cpp:242 -#, kde-format -msgid "Zone duration: %1" -msgstr "Durata zonei: %1" - -#: src/monitor/smallruler.cpp:238 src/timeline/customruler.cpp:245 -#: src/timeline/customruler.cpp:246 -#, kde-format -msgid "Position: %1" -msgstr "Poziția: %1" - -#: src/project/clipmanager.cpp:220 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Delete clip" -#| msgid_plural "Delete clips" -msgid "Delete subclip" -msgid_plural "Delete subclips" -msgstr[0] "Șterge clipul" -msgstr[1] "Șterge clipurile" -msgstr[2] "Șterge clipurile" - -#: src/project/clipmanager.cpp:223 src/project/projectcommands.cpp:74 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Delete folder" -msgid "Delete folder" -msgid_plural "Delete folders" -msgstr[0] "Șterge dosarul" -msgstr[1] "Șterge dosarul" -msgstr[2] "Șterge dosarul" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:200 -msgid "Libav" -msgstr "Libav" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_8) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, kcfg_defaultcapture) -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_2) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, device_selector) -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:204 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:42 -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:181 src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:105 -#: src/ui/recmonitor_ui.ui:139 -msgid "FFmpeg" -msgstr "FFMpeg" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_11) -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:246 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:187 -#: src/utils/freesound.cpp:207 -msgid "Channels" -msgstr "Canale" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:263 -#, kde-format -msgid "Proxy clip: %1 (%2)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:265 -msgid "Delete proxy" -msgstr "Șterge proxy" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:292 -msgid "Playlist" -msgstr "Listă de redare" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:348 src/project/dialogs/slideshowclip.cpp:74 -msgid "Pan, low-pass" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:349 src/project/dialogs/slideshowclip.cpp:75 -msgid "Pan and zoom" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:350 src/project/dialogs/slideshowclip.cpp:76 -msgid "Pan and zoom, low-pass" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:352 src/project/dialogs/slideshowclip.cpp:78 -msgid "Zoom, low-pass" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:480 -msgid "Save markers" -msgstr "Salvează marcajele" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:482 -msgid "Load markers" -msgstr "Încarcă marcaje" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:484 -msgid "Delete analysis data" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:486 -msgid "Load analysis data" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:488 -msgid "Save analysis data" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:527 src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:360 -#, kde-format -msgid "(%1 clip)" -msgid_plural "(%1 clips)" -msgstr[0] "(%1 clip)" -msgstr[1] "(%1 clipuri)" -msgstr[2] "(%1 de clipuri)" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, slide_info) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_info) -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:1166 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:319 -#: src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:265 -msgid "No image found" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:1171 -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:573 -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:586 -#: src/project/dialogs/slideshowclip.cpp:247 -#, kde-format -msgid "1 image found" -msgid_plural "%1 images found" -msgstr[0] "1 imagine găsită" -msgstr[1] "%1 imagini găsite" -msgstr[2] "%1 de imagini găsite" - -#: src/project/clippropertiesmanager.cpp:182 -msgid "Edit clips" -msgstr "Editare clipuri" - -#: src/project/clipstabilize.cpp:41 -msgid "Stabilize Clip" -msgstr "Stabilizează clipul" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, auto_add) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, add_clip) -#: src/project/clipstabilize.cpp:42 src/project/cliptranscode.cpp:47 -#: src/ui/clipstabilize_ui.ui:57 src/ui/cliptranscode_ui.ui:47 -#: src/ui/cutjobdialog_ui.ui:57 -msgid "Add clip to project" -msgid_plural "Add clips to project" -msgstr[0] "Adaugă clipul la proiect" -msgstr[1] "Adaugă clipurile la proiect" -msgstr[2] "Adaugă clipurile la proiect" - -#: src/project/clipstabilize.cpp:69 src/project/cliptranscode.cpp:63 -msgid "Destination folder" -msgstr "Dosar destinație" - -#: src/project/clipstabilize.cpp:159 -msgid "Stabilised" -msgstr "Stabilizat" - -#: src/project/clipstabilize.cpp:173 -msgid "Stabilize clip" -msgstr "Stabilizează clipul" - -#: src/project/clipstabilize.cpp:232 -msgid "The stabilize job will overwrite the following files:" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/cliptranscode.cpp:43 -msgid "Transcode Clip" -msgstr "Transcodează clipul" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, convert_abort) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_abort) -#: src/project/cliptranscode.cpp:168 src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:636 -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:884 src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:94 -#: src/ui/dvdwizardvob_ui.ui:160 -msgid "Abort" -msgstr "Abandonează" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, buttonClose) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, buttonClose2) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, buttonClose3) -#: src/project/cliptranscode.cpp:210 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:382 -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:657 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:805 -msgid "Close" -msgstr "Închide" - -#: src/project/cliptranscode.cpp:221 src/project/cliptranscode.cpp:239 -msgid "Transcoding finished." -msgstr "Transcodare încheiată." - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:63 -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:302 -msgid "Video clips" -msgstr "Clipuri video" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:67 -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:305 -msgid "Audio clips" -msgstr "Clipuri audio" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:71 -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:308 src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:113 -msgid "Image clips" -msgstr "Clipuri imagine" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:75 -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:311 -msgid "Slideshow clips" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:79 -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:314 -msgid "Text clips" -msgstr "Clipuri textuale" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:83 -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:317 -msgid "Playlist clips" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:87 -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:320 -msgid "Other clips" -msgstr "Alte clipuri" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:91 -msgid "Luma files" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:167 -#, kde-format -msgid "You have %1 missing clip in your project." -msgid_plural "You have %1 missing clips in your project." -msgstr[0] "" -msgstr[1] "" -msgstr[2] "" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:192 -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:1017 -#, kde-format -msgid "(%1 item)" -msgid_plural "(%1 items)" -msgstr[0] "(%1 element)" -msgstr[1] "(%1 elemente)" -msgstr[2] "(%1 de elemente)" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:197 -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:1019 -#, kde-format -msgid "%1 file to archive, requires %2" -msgid_plural "%1 files to archive, requires %2" -msgstr[0] "" -msgstr[1] "" -msgstr[2] "" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:198 -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:664 -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:854 -msgid "Archive" -msgstr "Arhivă" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:232 -msgid "Extract to" -msgstr "Extrage la" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:233 -msgid "Open Archived Project" -msgstr "Deschide proiect arhivat" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:235 -msgid "Extract" -msgstr "Extrage" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:264 -msgid "Opening archive..." -msgstr "Se deschide arhiva..." - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:267 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Cannot open archive file:\n" -" %1" -msgstr "" -"Nu se poate deschide fișierul arhivă:\n" -"%1" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:284 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"File %1\n" -" is not an archived Kdenlive project" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:290 -msgid "Ready" -msgstr "Gata" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:310 -msgid "Archiving in progress, do you want to stop it?" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:310 -msgid "Stop Archiving" -msgstr "Oprește arhivarea" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:493 -#, kde-format -msgid "Available space on drive: %1" -msgstr "Spațiu disponibil pe unitate: %1" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:497 -#, kde-format -msgid "Not enough space on drive, free space: %1" -msgstr "Nu este spațiu suficient pe driver, spațiu liber: %1" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:518 -msgid "Archiving..." -msgstr "Se arhivează..." - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:546 -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:628 -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:881 -#, fuzzy, kde-format -#| msgid "Cannot create temporary file" -msgid "Cannot create directory %1" -msgstr "Fișierul temporar nu poate fi creat" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:652 -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:847 -msgid "Project was successfully archived." -msgstr "Proiectul a fost arhivat cu succes." - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:655 -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:851 -msgid "There was an error processing project file" -msgstr "A fost o eroare la procesarea fișierului proiect" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:661 -#, kde-format -msgid "There was an error while copying the files: %1" -msgstr "A fost o eroare în timpul copierii fișierelor: %1" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:785 -msgid "Cannot create temporary file" -msgstr "Fișierul temporar nu poate fi creat" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:883 -msgid "Extracting..." -msgstr "Se extrage..." - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:947 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot open project file %1" -msgstr "Nu se poate deschide fișierul proiect %1" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:947 -msgid "Cannot open file" -msgstr "Nu se poate deschide fișierul" - -#: src/project/dialogs/backupwidget.cpp:30 -msgid "Restore Backup File" -msgstr "Restabilește fișier de rezervă" - -#: src/project/dialogs/backupwidget.cpp:34 -msgid "Showing all backup files in folder" -msgstr "Arată toate fișierele de rezervă în dosar" - -#: src/project/dialogs/backupwidget.cpp:37 -#, kde-format -msgid "Showing backup files for %1" -msgstr "Arată fișierele de rezervă pentru %1" - -#: src/project/dialogs/noteswidget.cpp:40 -msgid "Insert current timecode" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:120 -msgid "Current Settings" -msgstr "Configurări curente" - -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:139 -msgid "Title" -msgstr "Titlu" - -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:146 -#: src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:189 -msgid "Author" -msgstr "Autor" - -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:153 -msgid "Artist" -msgstr "Artist" - -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:159 -msgid "Copyright" -msgstr "Drept de autor" - -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:259 -msgid "Deleting proxy clips will disable proxies for this project." -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:410 -msgid "" -"Changing the profile of your project cannot be undone.\n" -"It is recommended to save your project before attempting this operation that " -"might cause some corruption in transitions.\n" -" Are you sure you want to proceed?" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:410 -msgid "Confirm profile change" -msgstr "Confirmă schimbarea profilului" - -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:425 -#, kde-format -msgid "Interlaced (%1 fields per second)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:596 -#, kde-format -msgid "Project folder: %1" -msgstr "Dosar proiect: %1" - -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:597 -#, kde-format -msgid "Project profile: %1" -msgstr "Profil proiect: %1" - -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:598 -#, kde-format -msgid "Total clips: %1 (%2 used in timeline)." -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:650 -msgid "field_name" -msgstr "cîmp_nume" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, SlideshowClip_UI) -#: src/project/dialogs/slideshowclip.cpp:47 src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Slideshow Clip" -msgstr "Clip diapozitiv" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:46 -msgid "Transcode clip" -msgstr "Transcodare clip" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:49 -msgid "Cut clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:53 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Analyse" -msgid "Analyse clip" -msgstr "Analizează" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:125 -msgid "Failed to create file." -msgstr "A eșuat crearea fișierului." - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:140 -msgid "Cannot process this clip type." -msgstr "Nu se poate procesa acest tip de clip." - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:202 -msgid "Transcoding clip" -msgstr "Transcodare clip" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:203 -msgid "Extracting clip cut" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:204 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Missing clip" -msgid "Analysing clip" -msgstr "Clip lipsă" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:207 -msgid "Waiting - transcode clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:208 -msgid "Waiting - cut clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:209 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Waiting to process clip" -msgid "Waiting - analyse clip" -msgstr "Se așteaptă procesarea clipului" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:278 -#, kde-format -msgid "Extracting %1 out of %2" -msgstr "Se extrage %1 din %2" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:292 -msgid "You cannot overwrite original clip." -msgstr "Nu puteți suprascrie clipul original." - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:293 -#, kde-format -msgid "Overwrite file %1" -msgstr "Suprascrieți fișierul %1" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:338 -msgid "The transcoding job will overwrite the following files:" -msgstr "Sarcina de transcodare va suprascrie următoarele fișiere:" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:344 -msgid "Transcoding" -msgstr "Transcodare" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:432 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Frames" -msgid "I-Frame " -msgstr "Cadre" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:433 -#, fuzzy, c-format -#| msgid "Found %1 result" -#| msgid_plural "Found %1 results" -msgid "Found %count I-Frames" -msgstr "S-a găsit 1 rezultat" - -#: src/project/jobs/filterjob.cpp:133 -#, kde-format -msgid "Found %1 scenes." -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/jobs/filterjob.cpp:146 -msgid "Scene " -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/jobs/filterjob.cpp:174 -msgid "Auto split" -msgstr "Împărțire automată" - -#: src/project/jobs/jobmanager.cpp:178 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot write to path: %1" -msgstr "Nu se poate scrie la calea: %1" - -#: src/project/jobs/jobmanager.cpp:225 -#, kde-format -msgid "Filter %1" -msgstr "Filtrul %1" - -#: src/project/jobs/jobmanager.cpp:234 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Add clip to project" -#| msgid_plural "Add clips to project" -msgid "No valid clip to process" -msgstr "Adaugă clipul la proiect" - -#: src/project/jobs/meltjob.cpp:53 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Missing clip" -msgid "Processing clip" -msgstr "Clip lipsă" - -#: src/project/jobs/meltjob.cpp:63 -msgid "No producer for this clip." -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/jobs/meltjob.cpp:86 -#, kde-format -msgid "Clip zone undefined (%1 - %2)." -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/jobs/meltjob.cpp:157 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot create consumer %1." -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/jobs/meltjob.cpp:179 -#, kde-format -msgid "Filter %1 crashed" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/jobs/meltjob.cpp:248 -msgid "Waiting to process clip" -msgstr "Se așteaptă procesarea clipului" - -#: src/project/jobs/proxyclipjob.cpp:38 -msgid "proxy" -msgstr "proxy" - -#: src/project/jobs/proxyclipjob.cpp:90 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot load image %1." -msgstr "Nu se poate încărca imaginea %1." - -#: src/project/jobs/proxyclipjob.cpp:170 -msgid "Failed to create proxy clip." -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/jobs/proxyclipjob.cpp:245 -msgid "Creating proxy" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/jobs/proxyclipjob.cpp:248 -msgid "Waiting - proxy" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/jobs/proxyclipjob.cpp:283 src/project/projectlist.cpp:2073 -msgid "Failed to create proxy, empty path." -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/notesplugin.cpp:27 -msgid "Enter your project notes here ..." -msgstr "Introduceți aici notele pentru proiect..." - -#: src/project/notesplugin.cpp:28 -msgid "Project Notes" -msgstr "Notele proiectului" - -#: src/project/projectcommands.cpp:38 -msgid "Add clip cut" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/projectcommands.cpp:72 -msgid "Add folder" -msgstr "Adaugă dosar" - -#: src/project/projectcommands.cpp:107 -msgid "Edit clip cut" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/projectcommands.cpp:136 -msgid "Rename folder" -msgstr "Redenumește dosarul" - -#: src/project/projectitem.cpp:92 src/project/projectitem.cpp:221 -msgid "Contains proxies" -msgstr "Conțin proxy" - -#: src/project/projectitem.cpp:186 -msgid "Missing" -msgstr "Lipsește" - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:446 -msgid "No available clip selected" -msgstr "Nu este selectat nici un clip disponibil" - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:982 -msgid "Delete Clip Zone" -msgstr "Șterge zona clipului" - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:995 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Delete folder %2?
This will also remove the clip in that folder" -msgid_plural "" -"Delete folder %2?
This will also remove the %1 clips in that " -"folder" -msgstr[0] "" -msgstr[1] "" -msgstr[2] "" - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:1004 -#, kde-format -msgid "Delete clip %2?
This will also remove the clip in timeline" -msgid_plural "" -"Delete clip %2?
This will also remove its %1 clips in timeline" -msgstr[0] "" -msgstr[1] "" -msgstr[2] "" - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:1430 -msgid "Clip is missing or invalid. Remove it from project?" -msgstr "Clipul lipsește sau nu este valid. Îl eliminați din proiect?" - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:1455 -msgid "Proxy clip unusable (duration is different from original)." -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:1457 -#, kde-format -msgid "Failed to create proxy for %1. check parameters" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:1752 -msgid "Cannot find profile from current clip" -msgstr "Nu se poate găsi profilul pentru clipul curent" - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:1769 -msgid "Change project profile" -msgstr "Schimbă profilul proiectului" - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:1773 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Your clip does not match current project's profile.\n" -"Do you want to change the project profile?\n" -"\n" -"The following profiles match the clip (size: %1, fps: %2)" -msgstr "" -"Clipul nu se potrivește cu profilul proiectului curent.\n" -"Doriți să schimbați profilul proiectului?\n" -"\n" -"Următoarele profiluri se potrivesc cu clipul (dimensiune: %1, c/s: %2)" - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:1791 -msgid "Update profile" -msgstr "Actualizează profilul" - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:1806 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Your clip does not match current project's profile.\n" -"No existing profile found to match the clip's properties.\n" -"Clip size: %1\n" -"Fps: %2\n" -msgstr "" -"Clipul nu se potrivește cu profilul proiectului curent.\n" -"Niciun profil existent nu se potrivește cu proprietățile clipului.\n" -"Dimensiune clip: %1\n" -"c/s: %2\n" - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:2042 -msgid "Sequence not found" -msgstr "Secvența nu a fost găsită" - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:2212 -msgid "Update proxy settings" -msgstr "Actualizează configurările proxy" - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:2374 -msgid "Remove Proxy" -msgstr "Elimină proxy" - -#: src/project/projectlistview.cpp:59 -msgid "Rating" -msgstr "Evaluare" - -#: src/project/projectlistview.cpp:105 -msgctxt "@title:menu" -msgid "Columns" -msgstr "Coloane" - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:61 -msgid "Open Backup File" -msgstr "Deschide fișier rezervă" - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:202 -msgid "Save changes to document?" -msgstr "Se salvează modificările la document?" - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:204 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"The project \"%1\" has been changed.\n" -"Do you want to save your changes?" -msgstr "" -"Proiectul \"%1\" a fost modificat.\n" -"Doriți să salvați modificările?" - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:379 -msgid "Auto-saved files exist. Do you want to recover them now?" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:380 -msgid "File Recovery" -msgstr "Recuperare fișier" - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:381 -msgid "Don't recover" -msgstr "Nu recupera" - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:436 -#, kde-format -msgid "Opening file %1" -msgstr "Se deschide fișierul %1" - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:456 -msgid "Loading project" -msgstr "Se încarcă proiectul" - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:458 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Loading clips" -msgid "Loading playlist" -msgstr "Se încarcă clipurile" - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:478 src/project/projectmanager.cpp:483 -msgid "Loading clips" -msgstr "Se încarcă clipurile" - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:507 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Cannot open file %1.\n" -"Project is corrupted." -msgstr "" -"Nu se poate deschide fișierul %1.\n" -"Proiectul este corupt." - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:527 -msgid "" -"This will delete all changes made since you last saved your project. Are you " -"sure you want to continue?" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:527 -msgid "Revert to last saved version" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:537 -msgid "Kdenlive project (*.kdenlive)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:538 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Archive Project" -msgid "Archived project (*.tar.gz)" -msgstr "Arhivează proiectul" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, scanning_list) -#: src/project/transitionsettings.cpp:151 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:126 -msgid "Auto" -msgstr "Automat" - -#: src/project/transitionsettings.cpp:162 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:54 -msgid "Black" -msgstr "Negru" - -#: src/renderer.cpp:1181 -msgid "" -"Could not create the video preview window.\n" -"There is something wrong with your Kdenlive install or your driver settings, " -"please fix it." -msgstr "" - -#: src/renderer.cpp:1386 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7865 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Save zone" -msgid "Save Zone" -msgstr "Salvează zona" - -#: src/renderer.cpp:3283 -msgid "Import selected clips" -msgstr "Importă clipurile alese" - -#: src/renderer.cpp:3285 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Additional streams for clip\n" -" %1" -msgstr "" - -#: src/renderer.cpp:3294 -#, kde-format -msgid "Video stream %1" -msgstr "Flux video %1" - -#: src/renderer.cpp:3309 -#, kde-format -msgid "Audio stream %1" -msgstr "Flux audio %1" - -#: src/scopes/abstractscopewidget.cpp:84 -msgid "Auto Refresh" -msgstr "Reîmprospătare automată" - -#: src/scopes/abstractscopewidget.cpp:86 -msgid "Realtime (with precision loss)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:67 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:52 -msgid "Reset maximum frequency to sampling rate" -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:68 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:55 -msgid "Track mouse" -msgstr "Urmărește mausul" - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:70 -msgid "Show maximum" -msgstr "Arată maximul" - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:86 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:74 -msgid "Rectangular window" -msgstr "Fereastră dreptunghiulară" - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:87 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:75 -msgid "Triangular window" -msgstr "Fereastră triunghiulară" - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:88 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:76 -msgid "Hamming window" -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:97 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:79 -msgid "The maximum window size is limited by the number of samples per frame." -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:98 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:80 -msgid "" -"A bigger window improves the accuracy at the cost of computational power." -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:99 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:81 -msgid "" -"The rectangular window function is good for signals with equal signal " -"strength (narrow peak), but creates more smearing. See Window function on " -"Wikipedia." -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:389 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:392 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:394 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:485 -#, kde-format -msgid "%1 dB" -msgstr "%1 dB" - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:412 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:487 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:280 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:289 -#, kde-format -msgid "%1 kHz" -msgstr "%1 kHz" - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:53 -msgid "Draw grid" -msgstr "Afișează grila" - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:57 -msgid "Highlight peaks" -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:234 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Frame\n" -"%1" -msgstr "" -"Cadru\n" -"%1" - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:305 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:306 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"%1\n" -"dB" -msgstr "" -"%1\n" -"dB" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:31 -msgid "YUV UV plane" -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:32 -msgid "YUV Y plane" -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:33 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:55 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:61 -msgid "Modified YUV (Chroma)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:34 -msgid "YCbCr CbCr plane" -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:35 -msgid "RGB plane, one component varying" -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:36 -msgid "HSV Hue Shift" -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:37 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:254 -msgid "HSV Saturation" -msgstr "Saturație HSV" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:118 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:250 -#, kde-format -msgid "%1°" -msgstr "%1°" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:125 -#, kde-format -msgid "%1 px" -msgstr "%1 px" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:218 -msgid "Y value" -msgstr "Valoare Y" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:219 -msgid "The Y value describes the brightness of the colors." -msgstr "Valoarea Y descrie luminozitatea culorilor." - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:231 -msgid "UV angle" -msgstr "Unghi UV" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:232 -msgid "Angle through the UV plane, with all possible Y values." -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:240 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:268 -msgid "Red" -msgstr "Roșu" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:241 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:269 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:53 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/waveform.cpp:34 -msgid "Green" -msgstr "Verde" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:242 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:270 -msgid "Blue" -msgstr "Albastru" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:243 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:271 -msgid "Luma" -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:255 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:262 -msgid "HSV Value" -msgstr "Valoare HSV" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/histogram.cpp:26 -msgid "Unscaled" -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/histogram.cpp:29 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/waveform.cpp:37 -msgid "Rec. 601" -msgstr "Rec. 601" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/histogram.cpp:31 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/waveform.cpp:39 -msgid "Rec. 709" -msgstr "Rec. 709" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/histogram.cpp:39 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/waveform.cpp:44 -msgid "Luma mode" -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/histogramgenerator.cpp:178 -msgid "min" -msgstr "min" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/histogramgenerator.cpp:181 -msgid "max" -msgstr "max" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/rgbparade.cpp:27 -msgid "RGB" -msgstr "RGB" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/rgbparade.cpp:28 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/waveform.cpp:33 -msgid "White" -msgstr "Alb" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/rgbparade.cpp:32 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:89 -msgid "Draw axis" -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/rgbparade.cpp:37 -msgid "Gradient reference line" -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/rgbparadegenerator.cpp:167 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/rgbparadegenerator.cpp:169 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/rgbparadegenerator.cpp:171 -msgid "min: " -msgstr "minim: " - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/rgbparadegenerator.cpp:175 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/rgbparadegenerator.cpp:177 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/rgbparadegenerator.cpp:179 -msgid "max: " -msgstr "maxim: " - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:52 -msgid "Green 2" -msgstr "Verde 2" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:56 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:60 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:102 -msgid "YUV" -msgstr "YUV" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:57 -msgid "Original Color" -msgstr "Culoare originală" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:62 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:100 -msgid "YPbPr" -msgstr "YPbPr" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:76 -msgid "Tools" -msgstr "Unelte" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:78 -msgid "Export background" -msgstr "Exportă fundal" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:82 -msgid "Drawing options" -msgstr "Opțiuni desenare" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:84 -msgid "75% box" -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:94 -msgid "Draw I/Q lines" -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:99 -msgid "Color Space" -msgstr "Spațiu de culoare" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:247 -#, kde-format -msgid "%1 \\%" -msgstr "%1 \\%" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/waveform.cpp:32 -msgid "Yellow" -msgstr "Galben" - -#: src/scopes/scopemanager.cpp:307 -msgid "Waveform" -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/scopemanager.cpp:309 -msgid "Histogram" -msgstr "Histogramă" - -#: src/scopes/scopemanager.cpp:311 -msgid "Audio Signal" -msgstr "Semnal sonor" - -#: src/scopes/scopemanager.cpp:312 -msgid "AudioSpectrum" -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/scopemanager.cpp:313 -msgid "Spectrogram" -msgstr "Spectrogramă" - -#: src/statusbarmessagelabel.cpp:51 -msgctxt "@action:button" -msgid "Confirm" -msgstr "Confirmare" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:162 -msgid "Send frames to color scopes" -msgstr "" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:167 -msgid "Mirror display" -msgstr "" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:174 -msgid "Stop Motion Capture" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, capture_interval) -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:187 src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:115 -msgid "Interval capture" -msgstr "" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:205 -msgid "Overlay effect" -msgstr "Efect suprapunere" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:207 -msgid "No Effect" -msgstr "Fără efect" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:211 -msgid "Edge detect" -msgstr "" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:213 -msgid "Brighten" -msgstr "Luminos" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:236 -msgid "Show sequence thumbnails" -msgstr "" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:241 -msgid "Delete current frame" -msgstr "Șterge cadrul curent" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:369 -msgid "Configure Stop Motion" -msgstr "" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:371 src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:372 -msgid " second" -msgid_plural " seconds" -msgstr[0] " secundă" -msgstr[1] " secunde" -msgstr[2] " de secunde" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:520 -msgid "Stopped" -msgstr "Oprit" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:560 -msgid "No previous frame found" -msgstr "Nu s-a găsit cadrul anterior" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:632 -msgid "Create New Sequence" -msgstr "Creează o secvență nouă" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:632 -msgid "Enter sequence name" -msgstr "" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:653 -msgid "Frame Captured" -msgstr "Cadru capturat" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:667 -msgid "Going to Capture Frame" -msgstr "" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:822 -#, kde-format -msgid "Delete frame %1 from disk?" -msgstr "Se șterge cadrul %1 de pe disc?" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:822 -msgid "Delete Frame" -msgstr "Elimină cadrul" - -#: src/timecode.cpp:261 -msgid "hour" -msgstr "oră" - -#: src/timecode.cpp:269 -msgid "min." -msgstr "min." - -#: src/timecode.cpp:277 -msgid "sec." -msgstr " sec." - -#: src/timecode.cpp:282 -msgid "frames" -msgstr "cadre" - -#: src/timeline/abstractclipitem.cpp:379 -msgid "seconds" -msgstr "secunde" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:589 -msgid "Crop from start:" -msgstr "Decupează de la început:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, clip_filesize_2) -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:589 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:602 -#: src/ui/spacerdialog_ui.ui:30 -msgid "Duration:" -msgstr "Durată:" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:589 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:602 -msgid "Offset:" -msgstr "Deplasare:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:695 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:804 -msgid ":" -msgstr ":" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:696 -msgid " Position:" -msgstr " Poziție:" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:697 -msgid " Duration:" -msgstr " Durată:" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:701 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:707 -msgid " Selection duration:" -msgstr " Durata selecției:" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:703 -msgid " Group duration:" -msgstr " Durata grupului:" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:714 -msgid "Crop from start: " -msgstr "Decupează de la început:" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:716 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:722 -msgid "" -"Use Ctrl to resize only current item, otherwise all items in this group will " -"be resized at once." -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:720 -msgid "Duration: " -msgstr "Durată: " - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:726 -msgid "Fade in duration: " -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:729 -msgid "Fade out duration: " -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:732 -msgid "Drag to add or resize a fade effect." -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:736 -msgid "Click to add a transition." -msgstr "Faceți clic pentru a adăuga o tranziție." - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:739 -msgid "" -"Move keyframe above or below clip to remove it, double click to add a new " -"one." -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:784 -msgid "Cannot use spacer in a locked track" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:792 -msgid "Cannot use spacer in a track with a group" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1105 -msgid "Cannot cut a transition" -msgstr "Nu se poate tăia o tranziție" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1331 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1366 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2668 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2694 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2720 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2743 -msgid "Cannot add transition" -msgstr "Tranziția nu poate fi adăugată" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1586 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1594 -msgid "Cannot find clip to edit" -msgstr "Nu se poate găsi clipul de editat" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1588 -msgid "Cannot edit the duration of multiple items" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1599 -msgid "Cannot edit an item in a group" -msgstr "Nu se poate modifica un element dintr-un grup" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1664 -msgid "Item is locked" -msgstr "Elementul este blocat" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1747 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2897 -msgid "Cannot insert clip in timeline" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1753 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2866 -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:75 -msgid "Add timeline clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1787 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1849 -msgid "Clip not ready" -msgstr "Clipul nu este gata" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1970 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2033 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2050 -msgid "Problem deleting effect" -msgstr "Problemă la ștergerea efectului" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1977 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2002 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2017 -msgid "Problem adding effect to clip" -msgstr "Problemă la adăugarea efectului la clip" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1986 -msgid "Cannot add speed effect to track" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2022 -msgid "Cannot find clip to add effect" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2068 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2160 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2263 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7513 -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:42 src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:282 -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:374 -msgid "effect" -msgstr "efect" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2069 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2162 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7515 src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:44 -#, kde-format -msgid "Add %1" -msgstr "Adaugă %1" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2171 -msgid "Select a clip if you want to apply an effect" -msgstr "Selectați un clip dacă doriți să aplicați un efect" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2219 -msgid "Cannot add an audio effect to this clip" -msgstr "Nu se poate adăuga un efect audio la acest clip" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2228 -msgid "Cannot add a video effect to this clip" -msgstr "Nu se poate adăuga un efect video la acest clip" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2233 -msgid "Effect already present in clip" -msgstr "Efectul este deja prezent în clip" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2264 src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:46 -#, kde-format -msgid "Delete %1" -msgstr "Șterge %1" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2300 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2315 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2371 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2381 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2402 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5486 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5507 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5530 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5552 -msgid "Problem editing effect" -msgstr "Problemă la editarea efectului" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2373 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2404 -msgid "Cannot find clip to update effect" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2429 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2450 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2463 -msgid "Cannot move effect" -msgstr "Nu se poate muta efectul" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2527 -msgid "Cannot find clip to cut" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2600 -msgid "Cannot find clip to uncut" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2604 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4101 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4392 -#, kde-format -msgid "Error removing clip at %1 on track %2" -msgstr "Eroare la eliminarea clipului la %1 pe pista %2" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2629 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5309 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5427 -msgid "Error when resizing clip" -msgstr "Eroare cînd se redimensiona clipul" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2728 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6204 -msgid "Invalid transition" -msgstr "Tranziție nevalidă" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2752 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4435 -msgid "Select clip to delete" -msgstr "Alegeți clipul de șters" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2768 -msgid "Cannot update transition" -msgstr "Tranziția nu poate fi actualizată" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:3442 -msgid "Cannot remove space in a locked track" -msgstr "Nu se poate elimina spațiul într-o pistă blocată" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:3448 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:3453 -#, kde-format -msgid "You must be in an empty space to remove space (time: %1, track: %2)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:3464 -msgid "Cannot remove space in a track with a group" -msgstr "Nu se poate elimina spațiul într-o pistă cu un grup" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:3543 -msgid "Cannot insert space in a locked track" -msgstr "Nu se poate insera spațiu într-o pistă blocată" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:3556 -msgid "Cannot insert space in a track with a group" -msgstr "Nu se poate insera spațiu într-o pistă cu un grup" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:3612 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot move clip at position %1, track %2" -msgstr "Nu se poate muta clipul la poziția %1, pista %2" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:3625 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot move transition at position %1, track %2" -msgstr "Nu se poate muta tranziția la poziția %1, pista %2" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:3897 src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:484 -msgid "Move clip" -msgstr "Mută clipul" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4045 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5002 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot move clip to position %1" -msgstr "Nu se poate muta clipul la poziția %1" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4052 -msgid "Cannot move transition" -msgstr "Nu se poate muta tranziția" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4056 src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:579 -msgid "Move transition" -msgstr "Mută tranziția" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4083 src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:556 -msgid "Move group" -msgstr "Mută grupul" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4215 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4242 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6386 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6418 -msgid "Resize group" -msgstr "Redimenzionează grupul" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4488 -msgid "Delete selected group" -msgid_plural "Delete selected groups" -msgstr[0] "Șterge grupul ales" -msgstr[1] "Șterge grupurile alese" -msgstr[2] "Șterge grupurile alese" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4490 -msgid "Delete selected clip" -msgid_plural "Delete selected clips" -msgstr[0] "Șterge clipul ales" -msgstr[1] "Șterge clipurile alese" -msgstr[2] "Șterge clipurile alese" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4492 -msgid "Delete selected transition" -msgid_plural "Delete selected transitions" -msgstr[0] "Șterge tranziția aleasă" -msgstr[1] "Șterge tranzițiile alese" -msgstr[2] "Șterge tranzițiile alese" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4493 -msgid "Delete selected items" -msgstr "Șterge elementele alese" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4505 -msgid "Cannot find clip for speed change" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4563 -msgid "Cut Group" -msgstr "Taie grupul" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4645 src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:411 -msgid "Group clips" -msgstr "Grupează clipurile" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4744 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4760 -msgid "Cannot insert clip..." -msgstr "Clipul nu poate fi inserat..." - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4749 -msgid "Waiting for clip..." -msgstr "Se așteaptă clipul..." - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4963 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5192 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot move clip at time: %1 on track %2" -msgstr "Nu se poate muta clipul la timpul: %1 pe pista %2" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5142 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot move transition at time: %1 on track %2" -msgstr "Nu se poate muta tranziția la timpul: %1 pe pista %2" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5236 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5352 -msgid "Not possible to resize" -msgstr "Nu este posibil de redimensionat" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5248 -msgid "Resize clip start" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5318 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5437 -msgid "Cannot resize transition" -msgstr "Nu se poate redimensiona tranziția" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5372 -msgid "Resize clip end" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5430 -msgid "Resize transition end" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5742 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5810 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5851 -msgid "No guide at cursor time" -msgstr "Niciun ghidaj la poziția cursorului" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5762 -#, kde-format -msgid "A guide already exists at position %1" -msgstr "Există deja un ghidaj la poziția %1" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5778 -msgid "Guide" -msgstr "Ghidaj" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6068 -msgid "Select a clip before copying" -msgstr "Alegeți un clip înainte de a copia" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6139 -msgid "No clip copied" -msgstr "Niciun clip copiat" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6175 -msgid "Cannot paste selected clips" -msgstr "Nu se pot lipi clipurile selectate" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6192 -msgid "Cannot paste clip to selected place" -msgstr "Nu se poate lipi clipul în locul selectat" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6206 -msgid "Cannot paste transition to selected place" -msgstr "Nu se poate lipi tranziția în locul selectat" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6217 -msgid "You must copy exactly one clip before pasting effects" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6353 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6377 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6410 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7016 -msgid "You must select one clip for this action" -msgstr "Trebuie să alegeți un clip pentru această acțiune" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6359 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "You must select at least one clip for this action" -msgid "You must select a playlist clip for this action" -msgstr "Trebuie să alegeți cel puțin un clip pentru această acțiune" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6517 src/ui/addtrack_ui.ui:67 -msgid "Insert track" -msgstr "Inserează pistă" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6518 -#, fuzzy, kde-format -#| msgid "Video" -msgid "Video %1" -msgstr "Video" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6519 -msgid "Insert New Track" -msgstr "Inserează pistă nouă" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6552 src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:108 -msgid "Delete track" -msgstr "Șterge pista" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6667 -msgid "You must select one transition for this action" -msgstr "Trebuie să alegeți o tranziție pentru această acțiune" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6754 -msgid "You must select at least one clip for this action" -msgstr "Trebuie să alegeți cel puțin un clip pentru această acțiune" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6759 src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:718 -msgid "Split audio" -msgstr "Desparte sunetul" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6765 -msgid "Cannot split audio of grouped clips" -msgstr "Nu se poate împărți pista audio a clipurilor grupate" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6779 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "No clip copied" -msgid "No clip to split" -msgstr "Niciun clip copiat" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6788 -msgid "You must select exactly one clip for the audio reference." -msgstr "Trebuie să selectați exact un clip pentru referința audio." - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6809 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6858 -msgid "Processing audio, please wait." -msgstr "Se procesează audio, așteptați." - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6813 -msgid "Reference for audio alignment must contain audio data." -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6829 -msgid "Audio alignment reference not yet set." -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6866 -msgid "Cannot find clip to align." -msgstr "Nu se poate găsi clipul de aliniat." - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6881 -msgid "Unable to move clip out of timeline." -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6896 -msgid "Unable to move clip due to collision." -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6899 -msgid "Clip aligned." -msgstr "Clip aliniat." - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6900 -msgid "Auto-align clip" -msgstr "Aliniere automată clip" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6932 -msgid "No empty space to put clip audio" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6944 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6981 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7057 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot update clip (time: %1, track: %2)" -msgstr "Nu se poate actualiza clipul (timp: %1, pista: %2)" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7009 -msgid "Video only" -msgstr "Numai video" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7026 -msgid "Cannot change grouped clips" -msgstr "Clipurile grupate nu se pot modifica" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7045 -#, fuzzy, kde-format -#| msgid "Cannot update clip (time: %1, track: %2)" -msgid "Cannot find clip to edit (time: %1, track: %2)" -msgstr "Nu se poate actualiza clipul (timp: %1, pista: %2)" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7358 -msgid "error" -msgstr "eroare" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7358 -msgid "TRACTOR" -msgstr "TRACTOR" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7371 -msgid "Insert clip" -msgstr "Inserează clip" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7521 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7529 -msgid "Effect already present in track" -msgstr "Efectul e prezent deja în pistă" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7641 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot find clip for effect update %1." -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7668 -msgid "You need to select one clip and one transition" -msgstr "Trebuie să alegeți un clip și o tranziție" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7686 -msgid "No clip found" -msgstr "Niciun clip găsit" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7694 -msgid "No keyframe data found in clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/headertrack.cpp:66 src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:461 -msgid "Lock track" -msgstr "Blochează pista" - -#: src/timeline/headertrack.cpp:66 src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:463 -msgid "Unlock track" -msgstr "Deblochează pista" - -#: src/timeline/headertrack.cpp:72 -msgid "Disable audio" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/headertrack.cpp:72 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Split audio" -msgid "Enable audio" -msgstr "Desparte sunetul" - -#: src/timeline/headertrack.cpp:82 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Disable effect" -#| msgid_plural "Disable effects" -msgid "Disable video" -msgstr "Dezactivează efectul" - -#: src/timeline/headertrack.cpp:82 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Enable effect" -#| msgid_plural "Enable effects" -msgid "Enable video" -msgstr "Activează efectul" - -#: src/timeline/headertrack.cpp:89 -msgid "Opaque" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/spacerdialog.cpp:52 -msgid "All tracks" -msgstr "Toate pistele" - -#: src/timeline/timeline.cpp:89 -msgid "Smaller tracks" -msgstr "Piste mai mici" - -#: src/timeline/timeline.cpp:96 -msgid "Bigger tracks" -msgstr "Piste mai mari" - -#: src/timeline/timeline.cpp:359 src/timeline/timeline.cpp:363 -#, kde-format -msgid "Transition %1 had an invalid track: %2 > %3" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/timeline.cpp:372 -#, kde-format -msgid "Removed invalid transition: %1" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/timeline.cpp:469 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Your project file was upgraded to the latest Kdenlive document version.\n" -"To make sure you don't lose data, a backup copy called %1 was created." -msgstr "" -"Fișierul cu proiect a fost actualizat la ultima versiune de document " -"Kdenlive.\n" -"Pentru a vă asigura că nu pierdeți date, a fost creată o copie de rezervă " -"numită %1." - -#: src/timeline/timeline.cpp:471 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Your project file was modified by Kdenlive.\n" -"To make sure you don't lose data, a backup copy called %1 was created." -msgstr "" -"Fișierul cu proiect a fost modificat de către Kdenlive.\n" -"Pentru a vă asigura că nu pierdeți date, a fost creată o copie de rezervă " -"numită %1." - -#: src/timeline/timeline.cpp:477 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Your project file was upgraded to the latest Kdenlive document version, but " -"it was not possible to create the backup copy %1." -msgstr "" -"Fișierul proiect a fost actualizat la ultima versiune de document Kdenlive, " -"dar nu a fost posibil să se creeze copia de rezervă %1." - -#: src/timeline/timeline.cpp:868 -#, kde-format -msgid "Invalid clip removed from track %1 at %2\n" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/timeline.cpp:946 -#, kde-format -msgid "Effect %1:%2 not found in MLT, it was removed from this project\n" -msgstr "" -"Efectul %1:%2 nu a fost găsit în MLT, a fost eliminat din acest proiect\n" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:76 -msgid "Delete timeline clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:106 -msgid "Add track" -msgstr "Adaugă pistă" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:137 -msgid "Delete transition from clip" -msgstr "Șterge tranziția din clip" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:139 -msgid "Add transition to clip" -msgstr "Adaugă tranziție la clip" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:175 -msgid "Change clip type" -msgstr "Schimbă tipul clipului" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:199 -msgid "Disable effect" -msgid_plural "Disable effects" -msgstr[0] "Dezactivează efectul" -msgstr[1] "Dezactivează efectele" -msgstr[2] "Dezactivează efectele" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:201 -msgid "Enable effect" -msgid_plural "Enable effects" -msgstr[0] "Activează efectul" -msgstr[1] "Activează efectele" -msgstr[2] "Activează efectele" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:228 -msgid "Adjust clip length" -msgstr "Ajustează durata clipului" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:283 -#, kde-format -msgid "Edit effect %1" -msgstr "Modifică efectul %1" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:337 -msgid "Add guide" -msgstr "Adaugă ghidaj" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:341 -msgid "Edit guide" -msgstr "Modifică ghidajul" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:343 -msgid "Delete guide" -msgstr "Șterge ghidajul" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:345 -msgid "Move guide" -msgstr "Mută ghidajul" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:375 -#, kde-format -msgid "Edit transition %1" -msgstr "Modifică tranziția %1" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:413 -msgid "Ungroup clips" -msgstr "Degrupează clipurile" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:436 -msgid "Insert space" -msgstr "Inserează spațiu" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:438 -msgid "Remove space" -msgstr "Elimină spațiul" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:523 -msgid "Move effect" -msgstr "Mută efectul" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:607 -msgid "Razor clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:653 -msgid "Rebuild Group" -msgstr "Reconstruiește grupul" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:695 -msgid "Resize clip" -msgstr "Redimensionează clipul" - -#: src/timeline/timelinesearch.cpp:27 -msgid "Find" -msgstr "Găsește" - -#: src/timeline/timelinesearch.cpp:29 -msgid "Find Next" -msgstr "Găsește următorul" - -#: src/timeline/timelinesearch.cpp:38 -msgid "Starting -- find text as you type" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/timelinesearch.cpp:46 -msgid "Find stopped" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/timelinesearch.cpp:56 src/timeline/timelinesearch.cpp:67 -#, kde-format -msgid "Found: %1" -msgstr "Găsit: %1" - -#: src/timeline/timelinesearch.cpp:58 -msgid "Reached end of project" -msgstr "S-a atins sfîrșitul proiectului" - -#: src/timeline/timelinesearch.cpp:70 -#, kde-format -msgid "Not found: %1" -msgstr "Nu a fost găsit: %1" - -#: src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:74 -msgid "Hidden" -msgstr "Ascuns" - -#: src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:74 -msgid "Muted" -msgstr "Muțit" - -#: src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:74 -msgid "Locked" -msgstr "Blocat" - -#: src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:90 -msgid "Add Track" -msgstr "Adaugă pistă" - -#: src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:98 -msgid "Move Track upwards" -msgstr "Mută pista în sus" - -#: src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:102 -msgid "Move Track downwards" -msgstr "Mută pista în jos" - -#: src/titler/titledocument.cpp:331 -msgid "This title clip was created with a different frame size." -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/titledocument.cpp:331 -msgid "Title Profile" -msgstr "Titlu profil" - -#: src/titler/titledocument.cpp:380 -msgid "" -"Some of your text clips were saved with size in points, which means " -"different sizes on different displays. They will be converted to pixel size, " -"making them portable, but you could have to adjust their size." -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/titledocument.cpp:380 -msgid "Text Clips Updated" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:93 -msgid "Outline width" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:99 -msgid "Background color opacity" -msgstr "Opacitatea culorii de fundal" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:105 -msgid "Rotation around the X axis" -msgstr "Rotire în jurul axei X" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:111 -msgid "Rotation around the Y axis" -msgstr "Rotire în jurul axei Y" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:117 -msgid "Rotation around the Z axis" -msgstr "Rotire în jurul axei Z" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:123 -msgid "Border width" -msgstr "Lățime contur" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:156 -msgid "Typewriter" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:215 -msgctxt "Font style" -msgid "Light" -msgstr "Ușor" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:216 -msgctxt "Font style" -msgid "Normal" -msgstr "Normal" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:217 -msgctxt "Font style" -msgid "Demi-Bold" -msgstr "Semi-aldin" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:218 -msgctxt "Font style" -msgid "Bold" -msgstr "Aldin" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:219 -msgctxt "Font style" -msgid "Black" -msgstr "Negru" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:220 -msgid "Font weight" -msgstr "Greutate font" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:242 -msgid "No alignment" -msgstr "Nici un aliniament" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:245 -msgid "Align center" -msgstr "Aliniază la centru" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:249 -msgid "Insert Unicode character" -msgstr "Inserare caracter unicod" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:255 -msgid "Raise object" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:261 -msgid "Lower object" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:269 -msgid "Raise object to top" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:276 -msgid "Lower object to bottom" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:320 -msgid "Invert x axis and change 0 point" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:321 -msgid "Invert y axis and change 0 point" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:322 -msgid "Select fill color" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:323 -msgid "Select border color" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:325 -msgid "Original size (1:1)" -msgstr "Dimensiune originală (1:1)" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:326 -msgid "Fit zoom" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:327 -msgid "Select background color" -msgstr "Selectați culoarea de fundal" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:328 -msgid "Background opacity" -msgstr "Opacitate fundal" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:329 -msgid "Select all" -msgstr "Selectează tot" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:330 -msgid "Select text items in current selection" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:331 -msgid "Select rect items in current selection" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:332 -msgid "Select image items in current selection" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:333 -msgid "Unselect all" -msgstr "Deselectează tot" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:362 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:365 -msgid "Selection Tool" -msgstr "Unealtă de selecție" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:368 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:371 -msgid "Add Text" -msgstr "Adaugă text" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:374 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:377 -msgid "Add Rectangle" -msgstr "Adaugă dreptunghi" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:380 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:383 -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:670 -msgid "Add Image" -msgstr "Adaugă imagine" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:388 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:391 -msgid "Open Document" -msgstr "Deschide documentul" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:394 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:397 -msgid "Save As" -msgstr "Salvează ca" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:566 -msgid "" -"Do you really want to load a new template? Changes in this title will be " -"lost!" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:658 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Add Image" -msgid "All Images" -msgstr "Adaugă imagine" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:660 -#, fuzzy, kde-format -#| msgid "Image" -msgid "%1 Image" -msgstr "Imagine" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:1346 -msgid "\\u2212X" -msgstr "\\u2212X" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, origin_x_left) -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:1348 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:63 -msgid "+X" -msgstr "+X" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:1371 -msgid "\\u2212Y" -msgstr "\\u2212Y" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, origin_y_top) -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:1373 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:86 -msgid "+Y" -msgstr "+Y" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:1713 -msgid "Load Title" -msgstr "Încarcă titlul" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:1713 -msgid "Kdenlive title (*.kdenlivetitle)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:1761 -msgid "" -"Do you want to embed Images into this TitleDocument?\n" -"This is most needed for sharing Titles." -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:2039 -msgctxt "Indicates the start of an animation" -msgid "Start" -msgstr "Pornire" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:2040 -msgctxt "Indicates the end of an animation" -msgid "End" -msgstr "Sfîrșit" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:30 -msgid "Details" -msgstr "Detalii" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:85 -msgid "" -"Information about unicode characters: http://decodeunicode.org" -msgstr "" -"Informație despre caractere unicod: http://decodeunicode.org" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:86 -msgid "Previous Unicode character (Arrow Up)" -msgstr "Caracterul unicod anterior (săgeată în sus)" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:87 -msgid "Next Unicode character (Arrow Down)" -msgstr "Caracterul unicod următor (săgeată în jos)" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:88 -msgid "Enter your Unicode number here. Allowed characters: [0-9] and [a-f]." -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:148 -msgid "(no character selected)" -msgstr "(nici un caracter selectat)" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:154 -msgid "" -"Control character. Cannot be inserted/printed. See Wikipedia:Control_character" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:156 -msgid "Line Feed (newline character, \\\\n)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:158 -msgid "" -"Standard space character. (Other space characters: U+00a0, U" -"+2000–200b, U+202f)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:160 -msgid "No-break space. &nbsp; in HTML. See U+2009 and U+0020." -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:162 -msgid "" -"

« (u+00ab, &lfquo; in HTML) and " -"» (u+00bb, &rfquo; in HTML) are " -"called Guillemets or angle quotes. Usage in different countries: France " -"(with non-breaking Space 0x00a0), Switzerland, Germany, Finland and Sweden.

and (U+2039/203a, " -"&lsaquo;/&rsaquo;) are their single quote equivalents.

See Wikipedia:" -"Guillemets

" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:164 -msgid "En Space (width of an n)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:166 -msgid "Em Space (width of an m)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:168 -msgid "Three-Per-Em Space. Width: 1/3 of one em" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:170 -msgid "Four-Per-Em Space. Width: 1/4 of one em" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:172 -msgid "Six-Per-Em Space. Width: 1/6 of one em" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:174 -msgid "" -"Figure space (non-breaking). Width of a digit if digits have fixed width in " -"this font." -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:176 -msgid "" -"Punctuation Space. Width the same as between a punctuation character and the " -"next character." -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:178 -msgid "" -"Thin space, in HTML also &thinsp;. See U+202f and Wikipedia:Space_(punctuation)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:180 -msgid "Hair Space. Thinner than U+2009." -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:182 -msgid "" -"Punctuation Apostrophe. Should be used instead of U+0027. See Wikipedia:Apostrophe" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:184 -msgid "" -"

An en Dash (dash of the width of an n).

Usage examples: In English " -"language for value ranges (1878–1903), for relationships/connections " -"(Zurich–Dublin). In the German language it is also used (with " -"spaces!) for showing thoughts: “Es war – wie immer in den " -"Ferien – ein regnerischer Tag.

See Wikipedia:Dash

" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:186 -msgid "" -"

An em Dash (dash of the width of an m).

Usage examples: In English " -"language to mark—like here—thoughts. Traditionally without " -"spaces.

See Wikipedia:" -"Dash

" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:188 -msgid "" -"

Narrow no-break space. Has the same width as U+2009.

Usage: For " -"units (spaces are marked with U+2423, ␣): 230␣V, " -"−21␣°C, 50␣lb, but 90° (no space). In " -"German for abbreviations (like: i. d. R. instead of i. d." -" R. with U+00a0).

See Wikipedia:de:Schmales_Leerzeichen

" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:190 -msgid "" -"Ellipsis: If text has been left o… See Wikipedia:Ellipsis" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:192 -msgid "Minus sign. For numbers: −42" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:194 -msgid "Open box; stands for a space." -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:196 -msgid "" -"Quarter note (Am.) or crochet (Brit.). See Wikipedia:Quarter_note" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:198 -msgid "" -"Eighth note (Am.) or quaver (Brit.). Half as long as a quarter note (U" -"+2669). See Wikipedia:" -"Eighth_note" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:200 -msgid "" -"Sixteenth note (Am.) or semiquaver (Brit.). Half as long as an eighth note (U" -"+266a). See Wikipedia:Sixteenth_note" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:202 -msgid "" -"Thirty-second note (Am.) or demisemiquaver (Brit.). Half as long as a " -"sixteenth note (U+266b). See Wikipedia:Thirty-second_note" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:204 -msgid "No additional information available for this character." -msgstr "" -"Nu este nici o informație suplimentară pentru acest caracter." - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, before_select) -#: src/ui/addtrack_ui.ui:34 -msgid "Above" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, before_select) -#: src/ui/addtrack_ui.ui:39 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Render" -msgid "Under" -msgstr "Randează" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, video_track) -#: src/ui/addtrack_ui.ui:57 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Video track" -msgid "Video &track" -msgstr "Pistă video" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, audio_track) -#: src/ui/addtrack_ui.ui:74 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Audio track" -msgid "A&udio track" -msgstr "Pistă audio" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, name_label) -#: src/ui/addtrack_ui.ui:81 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Track mouse" -msgid "Track name" -msgstr "Urmărește mausul" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/archivewidget_ui.ui:29 -msgid "Archive folder" -msgstr "Arhivează dosarul" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, compressed_archive) -#: src/ui/archivewidget_ui.ui:46 -msgid "Compressed archive" -msgstr "Arhivă comprimată" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, proxy_only) -#: src/ui/archivewidget_ui.ui:53 -msgid "Archive only proxy clips when available" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, labelFFTSize) -#: src/ui/audiospectrum_ui.ui:52 -msgid "True FFT size: " -msgstr "Dimensiune corectă FFT:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, buttonLinkHandles) -#: src/ui/bezierspline_ui.ui:89 -msgid "Link the handles' position.
Results in a natural spline." -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, marker_save) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, marker_load) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, analysis_delete) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, analysis_save) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, analysis_load) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, arrowUp) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, arrowDown) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, config_button) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonleft) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonhcenter) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonright) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttontop) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonvcenter) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonbottom) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonDirectUpdate) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonZoomOriginal) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonZoomFit) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonAddDelete) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonPrevious) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonNext) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, toolBtnReload) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonUp) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonDown) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonAdd) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonDelete) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonReset) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, zoom_button) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, unzoom_button) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonResetKeyframe) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonSeek) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, reload_blackmagic) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonLinkHandles) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonShowPixmap) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonZoomIn) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonZoomOut) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonGridChange) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonResetSpline) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonShowAllHandles) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, v4l_showprofileinfo) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, v4l_manageprofile) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, grab_manageprofile) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, grab_showprofileinfo) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, decklink_manageprofile) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, decklink_showprofileinfo) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, button_up) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, button_down) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, button_transcode) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, proxy_showprofileinfo) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, add_metadata) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, delete_metadata) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, effectsAll) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, effectsVideo) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, effectsAudio) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, effectsGPU) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, effectsCustom) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, proxy_manageprofile) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, button_add) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, button_edit) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, button_delete) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, button_download) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, button_more) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonLeftRight) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonUpDown) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonShowInTimeline) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonNewPoints) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonHelp) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonFavorite) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, rescale_keep) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, hide_log) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, collapseButton) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, enabledButton) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, menuButton) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonDel) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, rec_options) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonItalic) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonUnder) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonAlignNone) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonAlignLeft) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonInsertUnicode) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonAlignCenter) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonAlignRight) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, itemleft) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, itemhcenter) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, itemright) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, itemtop) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, itemvcenter) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, itembottom) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, live_button) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, capture_button) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, capture_interval) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, overlay_button) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, preview_button) -#: src/ui/bezierspline_ui.ui:92 src/ui/bezierspline_ui.ui:130 -#: src/ui/bezierspline_ui.ui:146 src/ui/bezierspline_ui.ui:156 -#: src/ui/bezierspline_ui.ui:169 src/ui/bezierspline_ui.ui:195 -#: src/ui/bezierspline_ui.ui:208 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:490 -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:500 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:587 -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:597 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:607 -#: src/ui/collapsiblewidget_ui.ui:86 src/ui/collapsiblewidget_ui.ui:118 -#: src/ui/collapsiblewidget_ui.ui:137 src/ui/collapsiblewidget_ui.ui:156 -#: src/ui/collapsiblewidget_ui.ui:172 src/ui/collapsiblewidget_ui.ui:188 -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:211 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:396 -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:433 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:616 -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:742 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:749 -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:78 src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:220 -#: src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:230 src/ui/configsdl_ui.ui:154 -#: src/ui/cutjobdialog_ui.ui:32 src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:262 -#: src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:269 src/ui/dvdwizardvob_ui.ui:29 -#: src/ui/dvdwizardvob_ui.ui:49 src/ui/dvdwizardvob_ui.ui:100 -#: src/ui/effectlist_ui.ui:22 src/ui/effectlist_ui.ui:41 -#: src/ui/effectlist_ui.ui:57 src/ui/effectlist_ui.ui:73 -#: src/ui/effectlist_ui.ui:89 src/ui/freesound_ui.ui:39 -#: src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:249 src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:256 -#: src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:263 src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:270 -#: src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:277 src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:284 -#: src/ui/geometrywidget_ui.ui:70 src/ui/geometrywidget_ui.ui:83 -#: src/ui/geometrywidget_ui.ui:93 src/ui/keyframeeditor_ui.ui:91 -#: src/ui/keyframeeditor_ui.ui:101 src/ui/keyframewidget_ui.ui:46 -#: src/ui/keyframewidget_ui.ui:59 src/ui/keyframewidget_ui.ui:72 -#: src/ui/keyframewidget_ui.ui:85 src/ui/keyframewidget_ui.ui:124 -#: src/ui/manageencodingprofile_ui.ui:44 src/ui/manageencodingprofile_ui.ui:51 -#: src/ui/manageencodingprofile_ui.ui:58 src/ui/manageencodingprofile_ui.ui:68 -#: src/ui/monitoreditwidget_ui.ui:53 src/ui/monitoreditwidget_ui.ui:66 -#: src/ui/monitoreditwidget_ui.ui:76 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:335 -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:386 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:393 -#: src/ui/recmonitor_ui.ui:72 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:407 -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:592 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:717 -#: src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:76 src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:92 -#: src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:108 src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:118 -#: src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:128 src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:141 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:364 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:384 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:401 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:417 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:440 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:447 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:460 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:801 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:808 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:815 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:822 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:829 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:836 src/ui/tracksconfigdialog_ui.ui:61 -#: src/ui/tracksconfigdialog_ui.ui:68 src/ui/tracksconfigdialog_ui.ui:75 -#: src/ui/tracksconfigdialog_ui.ui:82 src/ui/tracksconfigdialog_ui.ui:89 -#: src/ui/unicodewidget_ui.ui:185 src/ui/unicodewidget_ui.ui:210 -msgid "..." -msgstr "..." - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, buttonShowPixmap) -#: src/ui/bezierspline_ui.ui:127 -msgid "Show background indicating changes caused by modifying the curve." -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, buttonGridChange) -#: src/ui/bezierspline_ui.ui:166 -msgid "" -"Increases the number of lines in the grid.
After 8 lines it will begin " -"from 0 again." -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, buttonResetSpline) -#: src/ui/bezierspline_ui.ui:192 -msgid "Reset the selected spline" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, buttonShowAllHandles) -#: src/ui/bezierspline_ui.ui:205 -msgid "Show handles for all points or only for the selected one" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, name) -#: src/ui/boolval_ui.ui:30 src/ui/fontval_ui.ui:23 src/ui/listval_ui.ui:23 -msgid "TextLabel" -msgstr "Etichetă text" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, crop_label) -#: src/ui/clipdurationdialog_ui.ui:30 -msgid "Crop start" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, end_label) -#: src/ui/clipdurationdialog_ui.ui:50 -msgid "Crop end" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_path) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, treeWidget) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:27 src/ui/missingclips_ui.ui:72 -msgid "Path" -msgstr "Cale" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_size) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_6) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_5) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:51 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:231 -#: src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:41 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:93 -msgid "Size:" -msgstr "Dimensiune:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, clip_filesize) -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, groupBox) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:65 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:157 -#: src/utils/freesound.cpp:212 -msgid "File size" -msgstr "Dimensiune fișier" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, clip_vproperties) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, clip_aproperties) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, metadata_list) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, analysis_list) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, programList) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:117 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:162 -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:542 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:574 -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:371 src/ui/wizardmltcheck_ui.ui:49 -msgid "1" -msgstr "1" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, clip_vproperties) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, clip_aproperties) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, metadata_list) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, analysis_list) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:122 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:167 -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:547 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:579 -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:376 -msgid "2" -msgstr "2" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_slideshow) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:206 -msgid "Slideshow" -msgstr "Diapozitiv" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, slide_type_label) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:212 -msgid "Image type" -msgstr "Tip imagine" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, clip_filesize_4) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:222 -msgid "Frame duration" -msgstr "Durată cadru" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, slide_loop) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, loop_movie) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, sm_loop) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:255 src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:221 -#: src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:160 src/ui/smconfig_ui.ui:26 -msgid "Loop" -msgstr "Buclă" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, slide_crop) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:339 src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:284 -msgid "Center crop" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_animation) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_6) -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:346 src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:291 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:1121 -msgid "Animation" -msgstr "Animație" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_image) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, background_list) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:357 src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:202 -msgid "Image" -msgstr "Imagine" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_16) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:365 -msgid "Image size" -msgstr "Dimensiune imagine" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, image_transparency) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:381 -msgid "Transparent background" -msgstr "Fundal transparent" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, markers_list) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, clip_filesize_3) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:432 src/ui/markerdialog_ui.ui:56 -msgid "Comment" -msgstr "Comentariu" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, marker_new) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonNext) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonUnselectAll) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:440 src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:83 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:700 -msgid "N" -msgstr "N" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, marker_edit) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonEdit) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:450 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:414 -msgid "E" -msgstr "E" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, marker_delete) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonDelete) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, button_delete) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, delete_button) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:460 src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:252 -#: src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:103 src/ui/keyframeeditor_ui.ui:78 -#: src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:279 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:428 -msgid "D" -msgstr "D" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_advanced) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:634 -msgid "Advanced" -msgstr "Avansat" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, clip_force_ar) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:653 -msgid "Force aspect ratio" -msgstr "Forțează raportul de aspect" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, clip_force_threads) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:686 -msgid "Decoding threads" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, clip_force_progressive) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:700 -msgid "Force scanning" -msgstr "Forțează scanare" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, clip_force_framerate) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:727 -msgid "Force frame rate" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, clip_force_out) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:734 -msgid "Force duration" -msgstr "Forțează durata" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, clip_force_colorspace) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:751 -msgid "Force colorspace" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, clip_force_fieldorder) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:765 -msgid "Force field order" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, clip_force_transparency) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:829 -msgid "Image background" -msgstr "Imagine de fundal" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, clip_transparency) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:837 -msgid "Normal" -msgstr "Normal" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_dest) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_5) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_6) -#: src/ui/clipstabilize_ui.ui:20 src/ui/cliptranscode_ui.ui:30 -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:45 src/ui/saveprofile_ui.ui:138 -msgid "Destination" -msgstr "Destinație" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_source) -#: src/ui/cliptranscode_ui.ui:20 -msgid "Source" -msgstr "Sursă" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, ffmpeg_label) -#: src/ui/cliptranscode_ui.ui:40 -msgid "FFmpeg parameters" -msgstr "Parametri FFmpeg" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_4) -#: src/ui/cliptranscode_ui.ui:54 -msgid "Job status" -msgstr "Stare sarcină" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_start) -#: src/ui/cliptranscode_ui.ui:61 -msgctxt "@action:button start transcode" -msgid "Start" -msgstr "Pornire" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_profile) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: src/ui/cliptranscode_ui.ui:68 src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:29 -#: src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:20 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:74 -msgid "Profile" -msgstr "Profil" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, auto_close) -#: src/ui/cliptranscode_ui.ui:88 -msgid "Close after transcode" -msgstr "Închide după transcodare" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/colorclip_ui.ui:30 -msgid "Clip Color" -msgstr "Culoare clip" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, ColorPlaneExport_UI) -#: src/ui/colorplaneexport_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Export color plane to PNG" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, lblSpace) -#: src/ui/colorplaneexport_ui.ui:20 -msgid "Color space" -msgstr "Spațiu de culoare" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, lblVariant) -#: src/ui/colorplaneexport_ui.ui:37 -msgid "Variant" -msgstr "Variantă" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QSlider, sliderScaling) -#: src/ui/colorplaneexport_ui.ui:81 -msgid "How much to zoom in" -msgstr "Cît de mult se apropie" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, lblRes) -#: src/ui/colorplaneexport_ui.ui:101 -msgid "Resolution" -msgstr "Rezoluție" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, lblFilename) -#: src/ui/colorplaneexport_ui.ui:144 -msgid "Filename" -msgstr "Nume fișier" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:23 -msgid "Default capture device" -msgstr "Dispozitiv de captură implicit" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, kcfg_defaultcapture) -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, device_selector) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:37 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:70 -#: src/ui/recmonitor_ui.ui:134 -msgid "Firewire" -msgstr "Firewire" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, kcfg_defaultcapture) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, device_selector) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:47 src/ui/recmonitor_ui.ui:144 -msgid "Screen grab" -msgstr "Captare ecran" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, kcfg_defaultcapture) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, device_selector) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:52 src/ui/recmonitor_ui.ui:149 -msgid "Blackmagic card" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_9) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:89 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:221 -msgid "Capture format" -msgstr "Format captură" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, kcfg_firewireformat) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:97 -msgid "DV Raw" -msgstr "DV Raw" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, kcfg_firewireformat) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:102 -msgid "DV AVI type 1" -msgstr "DV AVI tip 1" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, kcfg_firewireformat) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:107 -msgid "DV AVI type 2" -msgstr "DV AVI tip 2" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, button_hdv) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, kcfg_firewireformat) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:112 src/ui/wizardstandard_ui.ui:54 -msgid "HDV" -msgstr "HDV" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_firewireautosplit) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:133 -msgid "Automatically start a new file on scene cut" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_firewiretimestamp) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:140 -msgid "Add recording time to captured file name" -msgstr "Adaugă timpul înregistrării la numele fișierului capturat" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_5) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_29) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:147 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:696 -msgid "Capture file name" -msgstr "Nume fișier captură" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_7) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:157 -msgid "dvgrab additional parameters" -msgstr "Parametri suplimentari dvgrab" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_14) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:197 -msgid "Video device" -msgstr "Dispozitiv video" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_30) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_27) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:204 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:666 -msgid "Detected devices" -msgstr "Dispozitive detectate" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, p_size) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:238 src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:48 -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:100 -msgid "720x576" -msgstr "720x576" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, p_fps) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:252 src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:62 -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:114 -msgid "25/1" -msgstr "25/1" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, p_aspect) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:273 src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:76 -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:128 -msgid "59/54" -msgstr "59/54" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, p_display) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:287 src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:90 -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:142 -msgid "4/3" -msgstr "4/3" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, config_v4l) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:308 -msgid "Edit" -msgstr "Editare" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_v4l_captureaudio) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:342 -msgid "Capture audio (ALSA)" -msgstr "Captură audio (ALSA)" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_24) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_screengrab) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_16) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:362 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:632 -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:725 src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:203 -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:305 -msgid "Encoding profile" -msgstr "Profil codare" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_v4l_capturevideo) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:389 -msgid "Capture video (Video4Linux2)" -msgstr "Captură video (Video4Linux2)" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, kcfg_grab_capture_type) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:471 -msgid "Full screen capture" -msgstr "Captură ecran întreg" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, kcfg_grab_capture_type) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:476 -msgid "Region capture" -msgstr "Capturare regiune" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_grab_follow_mouse) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:495 -msgid "Follow mouse" -msgstr "Urmărește șoricelul" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_grab_hide_frame) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:502 -msgid "Hide frame" -msgstr "Ascunde cadrul" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_19) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_10) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:524 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:951 -msgid "Offset" -msgstr "Deplasare" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_grab_hide_mouse) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:652 -msgid "Hide cursor" -msgstr "Ascunde cursorul" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_4) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:660 -msgid "Blackmagic" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_9) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:42 -msgid "Concurrent threads" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:69 -msgid "MLT environment" -msgstr "Mediu MLT" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_6) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:78 -msgid "Processing threads" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_7) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:91 -msgid "(>1 is experimental)" -msgstr "(>1 este experimental)" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:98 -msgid "Melt path" -msgstr "Cale Melt" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:112 -msgid "MLT profiles folder" -msgstr "Dosar pentru profiluri MLT" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_13) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:135 -msgid "FFplay" -msgstr "FFplay" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_14) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:155 -msgid "FFprobe" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_2) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:166 -msgid "Default folders" -msgstr "Dosare implicite" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_5) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_4) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:172 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:56 -msgid "Project folder" -msgstr "Dosarul proiectului" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:182 -msgid "Temporary files" -msgstr "Fișiere temporare" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_10) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:192 -msgid "Capture folder" -msgstr "Dosar pentru captură" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_capturetoprojectfolder) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:212 -msgid "Use project folder" -msgstr "Folosește dosarul proiectului" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_3) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:223 -msgid "Default apps" -msgstr "Aplicații implicite" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_4) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:229 -msgid "Image editing" -msgstr "Editare imagine" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, kp_image) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, kp_audio) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, kp_player) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:243 src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:264 -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:285 -msgid "Change" -msgstr "Schimbă" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_11) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:250 -msgid "Audio editing" -msgstr "Editare audio" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_12) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:271 -msgid "Video player" -msgstr "Program de redare video" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_enableshuttle) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:23 -msgid "Enable Jog Shuttle device" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, shuttledisabled) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:30 -msgid "Jog Shuttle device disabled." -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, config_group) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:53 -msgid "Device configuration" -msgstr "Configurare dispozitiv" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:85 -msgid "Button 1" -msgstr "Buton 1" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_17) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:98 -msgid "Device" -msgstr "Dispozitiv" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_16) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:111 -msgid "Button 15" -msgstr "Buton 15" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_14) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:137 -msgid "Button 13" -msgstr "Buton 13" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_9) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:150 -msgid "Button 8" -msgstr "Buton 8" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_7) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:166 -msgid "Button 4" -msgstr "Buton 4" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:179 -msgid "Device name" -msgstr "Nume dispozitiv" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_5) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:192 -msgid "Button 5" -msgstr "Buton 5" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_8) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:214 -msgid "Button 7" -msgstr "Buton 7" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_10) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:243 -msgid "Button 9" -msgstr "Buton 9" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_4) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:256 -msgid "Button 2" -msgstr "Buton 2" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_11) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:272 -msgid "Button 10" -msgstr "Buton 10" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_12) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:285 -msgid "Button 11" -msgstr "Buton 11" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_6) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:308 -msgid "Button 6" -msgstr "Buton 6" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_15) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:336 -msgid "Button 14" -msgstr "Buton 14" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:349 -msgid "Button 3" -msgstr "Buton 3" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_13) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:362 -msgid "Button 12" -msgstr "Buton 12" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_usekuiserver) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:23 -msgid "Use KDE job tracking for render jobs" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_checkfirstprojectclip) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:30 -msgid "Check if first added clip matches project profile" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_crashrecovery) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:37 -msgid "Crash recovery (automatic backup)" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_automultistreams) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:44 -msgid "Automatically import all streams in multi stream clips" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_disable_effect_parameters) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:51 -msgid "Disable parameters when the effect is disabled" -msgstr "Dezactivează parametrii cînd efectul este dezactivat" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_bypasscodeccheck) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:58 -msgid "Bypass codec verification" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_autoimagesequence) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:65 -msgid "Automatically import image sequences" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_projectloading_avformatnovalidate) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:72 -msgid "Do not validate the video files when loading a project (faster)" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_on_monitor_effects) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:79 -msgid "Use on-monitor effects" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_use_exiftool) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:86 -msgid "Get clip metadata with exiftool" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_openlastproject) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:93 -msgid "Open last project on startup" -msgstr "Deschide ultimul proiect la pornire" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, groupBox) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:100 -msgid "Default Durations" -msgstr "Durate implicite" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:106 -msgid "Color clips" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_8) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:123 -msgid "Title clips" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:130 -msgid "Image sequence" -msgstr "Secvență imagine" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_autoimagetransparency) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:149 -msgid "Transparent background for imported images" -msgstr "Fundal transparent pentru imaginile importate" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_use_magicLantern) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:169 -msgid "Get clip metadata created by Magic Lantern" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, properties) -#: src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:23 -msgid "Default Profile" -msgstr "Profil implicit" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_9) -#: src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:69 -msgid "Aspect ratio:" -msgstr "Raportul aspectului:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_10) -#: src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:83 -msgid "Display ratio:" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_7) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_6) -#: src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:109 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:175 -msgid "Video tracks" -msgstr "Piste video" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_8) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_7) -#: src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:119 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:185 -msgid "Audio tracks" -msgstr "Piste audio" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, generate_proxy) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_generateproxy) -#: src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:154 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:256 -msgid "Generate for videos larger than" -msgstr "Generează pentru videouri mai mari de" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (suffix), widget (QSpinBox, proxy_minsize) -#. i18n: ectx: property (suffix), widget (QSpinBox, proxy_imageminsize) -#. i18n: ectx: property (suffix), widget (QSpinBox, kcfg_proxyminsize) -#. i18n: ectx: property (suffix), widget (QSpinBox, kcfg_proxyimageminsize) -#: src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:161 src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:181 -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:263 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:283 -msgid "pixels" -msgstr "pixeli" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, generate_imageproxy) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_generateimageproxy) -#: src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:174 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:276 -msgid "Generate for images larger than" -msgstr "Generează pentru imagini mai mari de" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/ui/configsdl_ui.ui:17 -msgid "" -"Warning: changes to the drivers and devices can make Kdenlive unstable. " -"Change only if you know what you do." -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_gpu_accel) -#: src/ui/configsdl_ui.ui:27 -msgid "Use GPU processing (Movit library) - restart Kdenlive to apply" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_4) -#: src/ui/configsdl_ui.ui:34 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Audio tracks" -msgid "Audio backend" -msgstr "Piste audio" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, textLabel1_2) -#: src/ui/configsdl_ui.ui:53 -msgid "Audio driver:" -msgstr "Driver audio:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, textLabel1) -#: src/ui/configsdl_ui.ui:66 -msgid "Audio device:" -msgstr "Dispozitiv audio:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: src/ui/configsdl_ui.ui:82 -msgid "Preview volume:" -msgstr "Previzualizare volum:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/configsdl_ui.ui:102 -msgid "Monitor background color:" -msgstr "Culoare de fundal pentru monitor:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_external_display) -#: src/ui/configsdl_ui.ui:127 -msgid "Use external display (Blackmagic card)" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_5) -#: src/ui/configsdl_ui.ui:134 -msgid "Output device" -msgstr "Dispozitiv de ieșire" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, groupBox) -#: src/ui/configtimeline_ui.ui:23 -msgid "Thumbnails" -msgstr "Miniaturi" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_displayallchannels) -#: src/ui/configtimeline_ui.ui:48 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Audio channels" -msgid "Separate channels" -msgstr "Canale audio" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_showmarkers) -#: src/ui/configtimeline_ui.ui:73 -msgid "Display clip markers comments" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_autoscroll) -#: src/ui/configtimeline_ui.ui:80 -msgid "Autoscroll while playing" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_verticalzoom) -#: src/ui/configtimeline_ui.ui:87 -msgid "Zoom using vertical drag in ruler" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_splitaudio) -#: src/ui/configtimeline_ui.ui:94 -msgid "Automatically split audio and video" -msgstr "Împarte automat audio și video" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/configtimeline_ui.ui:103 -msgid "Track height" -msgstr "Înălțime pistă" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_add) -#: src/ui/configtranscode_ui.ui:24 -msgid "Add Profile" -msgstr "Adaugă profil" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_update) -#: src/ui/configtranscode_ui.ui:31 -msgid "Update Profile" -msgstr "Actualizează profilul" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_delete) -#: src/ui/configtranscode_ui.ui:38 -msgid "Delete Profile" -msgstr "Șterge profilul" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_4) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: src/ui/configtranscode_ui.ui:90 src/ui/saveprofile_ui.ui:121 -msgid "Extension" -msgstr "Extensie" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_4) -#: src/ui/configtranscode_ui.ui:107 -msgid "Parameters" -msgstr "Parametri" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, button_more) -#: src/ui/cutjobdialog_ui.ui:29 -msgid "Configure job" -msgstr "Configurează sarcina" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_add) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardchapters_ui.ui:39 -msgid "Add chapter" -msgstr "Adaugă capitol" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardchapters_ui.ui:46 -msgid "Movie file" -msgstr "Mută fișierul" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_delete) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardchapters_ui.ui:66 -msgid "Remove chapter" -msgstr "Elimină capitolul" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, create_menu) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:20 -msgid "Create basic menu" -msgstr "Creează meniu de bază" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:49 -msgid "Button" -msgstr "Buton" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_6) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:65 -msgid "Target" -msgstr "Țintă" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, back_to_menu) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:82 -msgid "Back to menu" -msgstr "Înapoi la meniu" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, use_shadow) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:126 -msgid "Shadow" -msgstr "Umbră" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:138 -msgid "Underline" -msgstr "Subliniat" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_2) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, lblBackground) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:183 src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:189 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:1076 src/ui/vectorscope_ui.ui:46 -msgid "Background" -msgstr "Fundal" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonAdd) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, add_button) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, button_add) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonSelectAll) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonAudio) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:232 src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:93 -#: src/ui/keyframeeditor_ui.ui:68 src/ui/timelinebuttons_ui.ui:71 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:723 -msgid "A" -msgstr "A" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:29 -msgid "Temporary data folder" -msgstr "Dosar pentru date temporare" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:39 -msgid "DVD ISO image" -msgstr "Imagine DVD ISO" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (QListWidget, job_progress) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:56 -msgid "Creating menu images" -msgstr "Se creează imaginile meniului" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (QListWidget, job_progress) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:61 -msgid "Creating menu background" -msgstr "Creare fundal meniu" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (QListWidget, job_progress) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:66 -msgid "Creating menu movie" -msgstr "Se creează meniul filmului" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (QListWidget, job_progress) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:71 -msgid "Creating dvd structure" -msgstr "Se creează structura dvd" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (QListWidget, job_progress) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:76 -msgid "Creating iso file" -msgstr "Creare fișier iso" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_start) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:84 -msgid "Create ISO image" -msgstr "Creează imagine ISO" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_2) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:118 -msgid "Log" -msgstr "Jurnal" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_7) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:124 -msgid "Status" -msgstr "Stare" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, button_burn) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:154 -msgid "Burn" -msgstr "Arde" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:172 -msgid "Menu File" -msgstr "Fișier meniu" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_3) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:186 -msgid "Dvdauthor File" -msgstr "Fișier dvdauthor" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, use_intro) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardvob_ui.ui:59 -msgid "Use first movie as intro" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardvob_ui.ui:66 -msgid "DVD format" -msgstr "Format DVD" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_delete) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardvob_ui.ui:73 -msgid "Remove file" -msgstr "Șterge fișierul" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_add) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardvob_ui.ui:130 -msgid "Add movie file" -msgstr "Adaugă fișier cu film" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, convert_label) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardvob_ui.ui:146 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Creating iso file" -msgid "Converting files" -msgstr "Creare fișier iso" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: src/ui/freesound_ui.ui:22 -msgid "Service" -msgstr "Serviciu" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, page_prev) -#: src/ui/freesound_ui.ui:67 -msgid "<<" -msgstr "<<" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, page_next) -#: src/ui/freesound_ui.ui:104 -msgid ">>" -msgstr ">>" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_import) -#: src/ui/freesound_ui.ui:137 src/utils/archiveorg.cpp:181 -msgid "Import" -msgstr "Import" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/freesound_ui.ui:177 -msgid "License" -msgstr "Licență" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonMenu) -#: src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:63 -msgid "M" -msgstr "M" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonPrevious) -#: src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:73 -msgid "P" -msgstr "P" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_pos) -#: src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:127 -msgid "Pos" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_6) -#: src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:198 -msgid "Height" -msgstr "Înălțime" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:219 -msgid "Resize:" -msgstr "Redimensionare:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, buttonResize) -#: src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:242 -msgid "Original" -msgstr "Original" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QCheckBox, cbY) -#: src/ui/histogram_ui.ui:17 -msgid "Luma value" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, lblComponents) -#: src/ui/histogram_ui.ui:64 -msgid "Components" -msgstr "Componente" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QCheckBox, cbS) -#: src/ui/histogram_ui.ui:71 -msgid "RGB summed up" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, cbS) -#: src/ui/histogram_ui.ui:74 -msgid "Sum" -msgstr "Sumă" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, ImportKeyframesDialog_UI) -#: src/ui/importkeyframesdialog_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Import Keyframes" -msgstr "Import cadre-cheie" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, limit_keyframes) -#: src/ui/importkeyframesdialog_ui.ui:48 -msgid "Limit keyframes number" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/importkeyframesdialog_ui.ui:90 -msgid "Data to import" -msgstr "Date de importat" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, KeyFrameDialog_UI) -#: src/ui/keyframedialog_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Edit Keyframe" -msgstr "Modifică cadru-cheie" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, clip_filesize_3) -#: src/ui/keyframedialog_ui.ui:27 -msgid "Value" -msgstr "Valoare" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, buttonResetKeyframe) -#: src/ui/keyframeeditor_ui.ui:88 -msgid "Reset the parameters to their default values" -msgstr "Reinițializează parametrii la valori implicite" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, buttonSeek) -#: src/ui/keyframeeditor_ui.ui:98 -msgid "Seek to active keyframe" -msgstr "Caută spre cadrul-cheie activ" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, buttonKeyframes) -#: src/ui/keyframeeditor_ui.ui:114 -msgid "Add keyframes" -msgstr "Adaugă cadre-cheie" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, buttonLeftRight) -#: src/ui/keyframewidget_ui.ui:43 -msgid "move on X axis" -msgstr "mută pe axa X" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, buttonUpDown) -#: src/ui/keyframewidget_ui.ui:56 -msgid "move on Y axis" -msgstr "mută pe axa Y" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, buttonShowInTimeline) -#: src/ui/keyframewidget_ui.ui:69 -msgid "update values in timeline" -msgstr "actualizează valorile în cronologie" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, buttonNewPoints) -#: src/ui/keyframewidget_ui.ui:82 -msgid "create new points" -msgstr "creează puncte noi" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, checkBox) -#: src/ui/keyframewidget_ui.ui:105 -msgid "GraphView" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, buttonHelp) -#: src/ui/keyframewidget_ui.ui:121 -msgid "parameter description" -msgstr "descriere parametru" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/keywordval_ui.ui:23 src/ui/urlval_ui.ui:26 -msgid "Param" -msgstr "Parametri" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, ManageCaptures_UI) -#: src/ui/managecaptures_ui.ui:13 -msgid "Captured files" -msgstr "Fișiere captate" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, treeWidget) -#: src/ui/managecaptures_ui.ui:35 -msgid "File name" -msgstr "Denumire fișier" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, deleteButton) -#: src/ui/managecaptures_ui.ui:48 -msgid "Delete current file" -msgstr "Șterge fișierul actual" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, toggleButton) -#: src/ui/managecaptures_ui.ui:55 -msgid "Toggle selection" -msgstr "Inversează selecția" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/manageencodingprofile_ui.ui:20 -msgid "Editing profiles for" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_category) -#: src/ui/markerdialog_ui.ui:76 -msgid "Category" -msgstr "Categorie" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, clip_thumb) -#: src/ui/markerdialog_ui.ui:86 -msgid "Image preview" -msgstr "Previzualizare imagine" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, MissingClips_UI) -#: src/ui/missingclips_ui.ui:14 -msgid " Clip Problems" -msgstr " Probleme clip" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, removeSelected) -#: src/ui/missingclips_ui.ui:20 -msgid "Remove selected clips" -msgstr "Elimină clipurile alese" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, usePlaceholders) -#: src/ui/missingclips_ui.ui:37 -msgid "Use placeholders for missing clips" -msgstr "Folosește substituenți pentru clipurile lipsă" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, recursiveSearch) -#: src/ui/missingclips_ui.ui:80 -msgid "Search recursively" -msgstr "Caută recursiv" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, ProfilesDialog_UI) -#: src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Profiles" -msgstr "Profiluri" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_4) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_7) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_8) -#: src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:106 src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:140 -#: src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:174 -msgid "/" -msgstr "/" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_10) -#: src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:154 -msgid "Display aspect ratio" -msgstr "Raport aspect afișaj" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_11) -#: src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:208 -msgid "Fields per second" -msgstr "Cîmpuri pe secundă" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_default) -#: src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:242 -msgid "Use as default" -msgstr "Utilizează ca implicit" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, button_create) -#: src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:259 -msgid "C" -msgstr "C" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, button_save) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonSave) -#: src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:269 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:421 -msgid "S" -msgstr "S" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, properties) -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:66 -msgid "Video Profile" -msgstr "Profil video" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:210 -msgid "Thumbnails:" -msgstr "Miniaturi:" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_2) -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:416 -msgid "Project Files" -msgstr "Fișierele proiectului" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_12) -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:422 -msgid "Clips used in project:" -msgstr "Clipuri folosite în proiect:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_6) -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:443 -msgid "Unused clips:" -msgstr "Clipuri nefolosite:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, delete_unused) -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:464 -msgid "Delete files" -msgstr "Șterge fișierele" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_11) -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:471 -msgid "Thumbnails cache:" -msgstr "Cache miniaturi:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, clear_cache) -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:492 -msgid "Clear cache" -msgstr "Curăță cache-ul" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, delete_proxies) -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:520 -msgid "Delete proxies" -msgstr "Șterge proxy-urile" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_13) -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:527 -msgid "Project files" -msgstr "Fișierele proiectului" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_fonts) -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:561 -msgid "Fonts" -msgstr "Fonturi" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_export) -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:575 -msgid "Plain text export" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:39 -msgid "Render Project" -msgstr "Randează proiectul" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:52 -msgid "Output file" -msgstr "Fișier de ieșire" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_9) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:112 -msgid "Encoder threads" -msgstr "Fire de codare" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, scanning_list) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:131 -msgid "Force Progressive" -msgstr "Forțează progresiv" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, scanning_list) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:136 -msgid "Force Interlaced" -msgstr "Forțează întrețesut" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QLineEdit, vbitrates_list) -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QLineEdit, abitrates_list) -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (KComboBox, comboBitrates) -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (KComboBox, comboAudioBitrates) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:176 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:202 -#: src/ui/saveprofile_ui.ui:33 src/ui/saveprofile_ui.ui:87 -msgid "Best to worst quality" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, checkTwoPass) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:215 -msgid "2 pass" -msgstr "2 treceri" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, rescale) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:222 -msgid "Rescale" -msgstr "Rescalare" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, export_meta) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:250 -msgid "Export metadata" -msgstr "Exportă metadate" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, tc_overlay) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:276 -msgid "Overlay" -msgstr "Suprapune" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, render_full) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:314 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Full project" -msgid "Fu&ll project" -msgstr "Proiect întreg" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, render_zone) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:324 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Selected zone" -msgid "Selected &zone" -msgstr "Zona aleasă" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, render_guide) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:331 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Guide zone" -msgid "&Guide zone" -msgstr "Zona ghidajelor" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, buttonRender) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:355 -msgid "Render to File" -msgstr "Randează în fișier" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, buttonGenerateScript) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:362 -msgid "Generate Script" -msgstr "Generează script" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonInfo) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonSelectImages) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:393 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:680 -msgid "I" -msgstr "I" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, show_all_profiles) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:400 -msgid "Show all profiles" -msgstr "Arată toate profilurile" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, open_browser) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:466 -msgid "Open browser window after export" -msgstr "Deschide fereastra navigatorului după export" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, play_after) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:473 -msgid "Play after render" -msgstr "Redă după randare" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:503 -msgid "to" -msgstr "la" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, create_chapter) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:523 -msgid "Create chapter file based on guides" -msgstr "Creează fișier cu capitole pe baza ghidajelor" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, open_dvd) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:530 -msgid "Open Dvd wizard after rendering" -msgstr "Deschide Asistentul DVD după randare" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, proxy_render) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:537 -msgid "Render using proxy clips" -msgstr "Randează folosind clipuri proxy" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, stemAudioExport) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:623 -msgid "Stem audio export" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_2) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:631 -msgid "Job Queue" -msgstr "Coadă de lucrări" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_7) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:710 -msgid "Error Log" -msgstr "Jurnal de erori" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, clean_up) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:728 -msgid "Clean Up" -msgstr "Curăță" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, shutdown) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:735 -msgid "Shutdown computer after renderings" -msgstr "Oprește calculatorul după randări" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, start_job) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:742 -msgid "Start Job" -msgstr "Pornește lucrarea" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_3) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:750 -msgid "Scripts" -msgstr "Scripturi" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, start_script) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:778 -msgid "Start Script" -msgstr "Pornește scriptul" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, delete_script) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:785 -msgid "Delete Script" -msgstr "Șterge scriptul" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, lblPaintmode) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, lblPaintMode) -#: src/ui/rgbparade_ui.ui:33 src/ui/vectorscope_ui.ui:29 -#: src/ui/waveform_ui.ui:30 -msgid "Paint mode" -msgstr "Regim de desenare" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, SaveProfile_UI) -#: src/ui/saveprofile_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Save Profile" -msgstr "Salvează profilul" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/ui/saveprofile_ui.ui:60 -msgid "Group" -msgstr "Grup" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: src/ui/saveprofile_ui.ui:108 -msgid "Profile name" -msgstr "Denumire profil" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/saveprofile_ui.ui:128 -msgid "" -"Parameters (see MLT documentation)" -msgstr "" -"Parametri (vedeți documentația MLT)" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, SceneCutDialog_UI) -#: src/ui/scenecutdialog_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Scene Cut" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, add_markers) -#: src/ui/scenecutdialog_ui.ui:23 -msgid "Add clip markers" -msgstr "Adaugă marcaje la clipuri" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, zone_only) -#: src/ui/scenecutdialog_ui.ui:33 -msgid "Analyze only selected zone" -msgstr "Analizează numai zona selectată" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, cut_scenes) -#: src/ui/scenecutdialog_ui.ui:63 -msgid "Cut scenes" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, store_data) -#: src/ui/scenecutdialog_ui.ui:70 -msgid "Save result in clip metadata" -msgstr "Salvează rezultatul în metadatele clipului" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, groupBox) -#: src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:30 -msgid "Image selection method" -msgstr "Metodă selectare imagine" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, method_mime) -#: src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:36 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Mimetype" -msgid "&Mimetype" -msgstr "Tip MIME" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, method_pattern) -#: src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:46 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Filename pattern" -msgid "Fi&lename pattern" -msgstr "Model nume fișier" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_4) -#: src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:70 -msgid "Image Type" -msgstr "Tip imagine" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_5) -#: src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:97 -msgid "First frame" -msgstr "Primul cadru" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:127 -msgid "Frame Duration" -msgstr "Durată cadru" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, show_thumbs) -#: src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:245 -msgid "Show thumbnails" -msgstr "Afișare miniaturi" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: src/ui/smconfig_ui.ui:33 -msgid "Number of frames to play (0 to play all frames)" -msgstr "Număr de cadre de redat (0 pentru redat toate cadrele)" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, groupBox_2) -#: src/ui/smconfig_ui.ui:73 -msgid "Interval Capture" -msgstr "Interval captură" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/smconfig_ui.ui:79 -msgid "Capture delay" -msgstr "Întîrziere captură" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, sm_prenotify) -#: src/ui/smconfig_ui.ui:96 -msgid "Notify before capture" -msgstr "Notifică înainte de captură" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, SpacerDialog_UI) -#: src/ui/spacerdialog_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Add space" -msgstr "Adaugă spațiu" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, clip_filesize_3) -#: src/ui/spacerdialog_ui.ui:37 -msgid "Track:" -msgstr "Pistă:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, labelFFTSize) -#: src/ui/spectrogram_ui.ui:52 -msgid "True FFT size:" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, live_button) -#: src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:86 -msgid "Live view" -msgstr "Vizualizare live" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, preview_button) -#: src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:135 -msgid "Preview sequence" -msgstr "Secvență previzualizare" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (KComboBox, sequence_name) -#: src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:151 src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:158 -msgid "Sequence name" -msgstr "Denumirea secvenței" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_addsequence) -#: src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:194 -msgid "Add to project" -msgstr "Adaugă la proiect" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/templateclip_ui.ui:17 -msgid "Template" -msgstr "Șablon" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonFitZoom) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonRealSize) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonVideo) -#: src/ui/timelinebuttons_ui.ui:16 src/ui/timelinebuttons_ui.ui:64 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:553 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:563 -msgid "V" -msgstr "V" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, TitleWidget_UI) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Title Clip" -msgstr "Titlu clip" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, lWidth) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:109 -msgid "W" -msgstr "V" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_19) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:126 -msgid "H" -msgstr "H" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_12) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:184 -msgid "Z-Index:" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:232 -msgid "Item Properties" -msgstr "Proprietăți element" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:243 -msgid "Fill color" -msgstr "Culoare de umplere" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_11) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:275 -msgid "Border color" -msgstr "Culoare margine" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_18) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:394 -msgid "Outline" -msgstr "Contur" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, displayBg) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:631 -msgid "Show background" -msgstr "Arată fundalul" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_22) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:645 -msgid "Template:" -msgstr "Șablon:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonSelectText) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:690 -msgid "T" -msgstr "T" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (whatsThis), widget (QToolButton, buttonSelectAll) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:720 -msgid "Selects all items on the canvas." -msgstr "Alege toate elementele de pe canava." - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_14) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:761 -msgid "Zoom:" -msgstr "Zoom:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_21) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:778 -msgid "Rotate Z:" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_20) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:785 -msgid "Rotate Y:" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_15) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:792 -msgid "Rotate X:" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_5) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:877 -msgid "Effect" -msgstr "Efect" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (suffix), widget (QSpinBox, typewriter_delay) -#. i18n: ectx: property (suffix), widget (QSpinBox, typewriter_start) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:1007 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:1030 -msgid " frames" -msgstr " cadre" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_16) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:1023 -msgid "Start at" -msgstr "Începe la" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, anim_start) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:1127 -msgid "Edit start" -msgstr "Modifică începutul" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, anim_end) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:1137 -msgid "Edit end" -msgstr "Modifică sfîrșitul" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_7) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:1162 -msgid "Resize" -msgstr "Redimensionare" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, resize50) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:1169 -#, no-c-format -msgid "50%" -msgstr "50%" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, resize100) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:1176 -#, no-c-format -msgid "100%" -msgstr "100%" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, resize200) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:1183 -#, no-c-format -msgid "200%" -msgstr "200%" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, keep_aspect) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:1190 -msgid "Keep aspect ratio" -msgstr "Păstrează raportul de aspect" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/ui/transitionsettings_ui.ui:23 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Track" -msgid "track" -msgstr "Pistă" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QWidget, UnicodeWidget_UI) -#: src/ui/unicodewidget_ui.ui:20 -msgid "Enter Unicode value" -msgstr "Introduceți o valoare Unicod" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/ui/unicodewidget_ui.ui:251 -msgid "Additional Information" -msgstr "Informații suplimentare" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_reload) -#: src/ui/wizardcapture_ui.ui:17 -msgid "Check" -msgstr "Verifică" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_9) -#: src/ui/wizardcapture_ui.ui:57 -msgid "Capture format:" -msgstr "Format captură:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/wizardextra_ui.ui:16 -msgid "Default folder for project files" -msgstr "Dosar implicit pentru fișiere de proiect" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, autosave) -#: src/ui/wizardextra_ui.ui:59 -msgid "Activate crash recovery (auto save)" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, installmimes) -#: src/ui/wizardextra_ui.ui:66 -msgid "Install extra video mimetypes" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab) -#: src/ui/wizardmltcheck_ui.ui:21 -msgid "Installed modules" -msgstr "Module instalate" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_2) -#: src/ui/wizardmltcheck_ui.ui:63 -msgid "Available Codecs (avformat)" -msgstr "Codecuri disponibile (avformat)" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: src/ui/wizardmltcheck_ui.ui:90 -msgid "Formats" -msgstr "Formate" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/ui/wizardmltcheck_ui.ui:97 -msgid "Video Codecs" -msgstr "Codecuri video" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/wizardmltcheck_ui.ui:104 -msgid "Audio Codecs" -msgstr "Codecuri audio" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: src/ui/wizardstandard_ui.ui:17 -msgid "Please set your default video profile" -msgstr "Alegeți profilul video implicit" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/ui/wizardstandard_ui.ui:24 -msgid "Video Resolution" -msgstr "Rezoluție video" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, button_dv) -#: src/ui/wizardstandard_ui.ui:44 -msgid "DV" -msgstr "DV" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, button_all) -#: src/ui/wizardstandard_ui.ui:61 -msgid "Show All" -msgstr "Arată toate" - -#: src/utils/archiveorg.cpp:78 src/utils/freesound.cpp:86 -#: src/utils/freesound.cpp:184 src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:362 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Error Log" -msgid "Error Loading Data" -msgstr "Jurnal de erori" - -#: src/utils/archiveorg.cpp:91 src/utils/freesound.cpp:95 -#, kde-format -msgid "Found %1 result" -msgid_plural "Found %1 results" -msgstr[0] "S-a găsit 1 rezultat" -msgstr[1] "S-au gasit %1 rezultate" -msgstr[2] "S-au gasit %1 rezultate" - -#: src/utils/freesound.cpp:203 -msgid "Samplerate" -msgstr "" - -#: src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:67 -msgid "Freesound Audio Library" -msgstr "" - -#: src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:68 -msgid "Archive.org Video Library" -msgstr "" - -#: src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:69 -msgid "Open Clip Art Graphic Library" -msgstr "" - -#: src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:70 -msgid "Search Online Resources" -msgstr "Caută resurse online" - -#: src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:92 -msgid "Auto Play" -msgstr "Redare automată" - -#: src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:182 -msgctxt "the url link pointing to a web page" -msgid "link" -msgstr "legătură" - -#: src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:327 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "File extension:" -msgid "File Exists" -msgstr "Extensie fișier:" - -#: src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:328 -msgid "Do you want to overwrite the existing file?." -msgstr "" - -#: src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:371 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Data to import" -msgid "Data Imported" -msgstr "Date de importat" - -#: src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:437 -msgid "" -"You need to be online\n" -" for searching" -msgstr "" -"Trebuie să fiți online\n" -"pentru căutare" - -#: src/utils/thememanager.cpp:70 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Default" -msgctxt "default theme name" -msgid "Default" -msgstr "Implicit" - -#: src/utils/thememanager.cpp:213 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Device configuration" -msgid "Configuration..." -msgstr "Configurare dispozitiv" - -#: src/utils/thememanager.cpp:227 -msgid "" -"Cannot start Colors Settings panel from KDE Control Center. Please check " -"your system..." -msgstr "" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Move effect" -#~ msgid "Compare effect" -#~ msgstr "Mută efectul" - -#~ msgid "Blue Screen" -#~ msgstr "Ecran albastru" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Parameters" -#~ msgid "Selection Parameters" -#~ msgstr "Parametri" - -#~ msgid "Effect List" -#~ msgstr "Lista de efecte" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Transitions" -#~ msgid "Transition List" -#~ msgstr "Tranziții" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Cannot open file" -#~ msgid "Cannot open playlist producer." -#~ msgstr "Nu se poate deschide fișierul" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Cannot find clip to align." -#~ msgid "Cannot find proper playlist." -#~ msgstr "Nu se poate găsi clipul de aliniat." - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Reload Clip" -#~ msgid "Expland Clip" -#~ msgstr "Reîncarcă clipul" - -#~ msgid "Effect Stack" -#~ msgstr "Stiva de efecte" - -#~ msgid "Transition" -#~ msgstr "Tranziție" - -#~ msgid "Show additional controls" -#~ msgstr "Arată controale suplimentare" - -#~ msgid "Playing %1x%2 (%3 fps)" -#~ msgstr "Se redă %1x%2 (%3 fps)" - -#~ msgid "Failed to start device" -#~ msgstr "A eșuat pornirea dispozitivului" - -#~ msgid "Estimated time %1" -#~ msgstr "Timp estimat %1" - -#~ msgid "Loading" -#~ msgstr "Se încarcă" - -#~ msgid "Adding clips" -#~ msgstr "Se adaugă clipurile" - -#~ msgid "Loading thumbnails" -#~ msgstr "Se încarcă miniaturile" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Loading clips" -#~ msgid "Loading timeline" -#~ msgstr "Se încarcă clipurile" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Switch monitor" -#~ msgid "Setting monitor" -#~ msgstr "Comută monitorul" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Select All in Current Track" -#~ msgid "Add effect to Current Stack" -#~ msgstr "Alege toate din pista curentă" - -#~ msgid "Fun" -#~ msgstr "Amuzament" - -#~ msgctxt "effects and transitions keyboard shortcuts" -#~ msgid "Effects & Transitions" -#~ msgstr "Efecte și tranziții" - -#~ msgctxt "timeline track keyboard shortcuts" -#~ msgid "Timeline and Tracks" -#~ msgstr "Cronologie și piste" - -#~ msgid "Transcoding to DVD format" -#~ msgstr "Transcodare la format DVD" - -#~ msgid "before" -#~ msgstr "înainte" - -#~ msgid "after" -#~ msgstr "după" - -#~ msgid "Set zone start" -#~ msgstr "Stabilește începutul zonei" - -#~ msgid "Set zone end" -#~ msgstr "Stabilește sfîrșitul zonei" - -#~ msgid "Missing Profile" -#~ msgstr "Profil lipsă" - -#~ msgid "Existing Profile" -#~ msgstr "Profil existent" - -#~ msgid "No button in menu" -#~ msgstr "Nici un buton în meniu" - -#~ msgid "Missing background image" -#~ msgstr "Imaginea de fundal lipsește" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Default Blackmagic Decklink card:" -#~ msgid "Blackmagic Decklink" -#~ msgstr "Placă Blackmagic Decklink implicită:" - -#~ msgid "Delete data" -#~ msgstr "Șterge datele" - -#~ msgid "Add data" -#~ msgstr "Adaugă date" - -#~ msgid "Importing project effects" -#~ msgstr "Se importă efectele proiectului" - -#~ msgid "Load Image" -#~ msgstr "Încarcă imaginea" - -#~ msgid "Duration mismatch" -#~ msgstr "Durată nepotrivită" - -#~ msgid "Fix duration mismatch" -#~ msgstr "Repară nepotrivirea duratelor" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Blur" -#~ msgid "Movit: Blur" -#~ msgstr "Estompare" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Saturation" -#~ msgid "Movit: Diffusion" -#~ msgstr "Saturație" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Blur" -#~ msgid "Movit: Glow" -#~ msgstr "Estompare" - -#, fuzzy -#~ msgid "Movit: Mirror" -#~ msgstr "Oglindire" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Align item horizontally" -#~ msgid "Flips the image horizontally" -#~ msgstr "Aliniere element orizontal" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Opacity" -#~ msgid "Movit: Opacity" -#~ msgstr "Opacitate" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Saturation" -#~ msgid "Movit: Saturation" -#~ msgstr "Saturație" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Vignette" -#~ msgid "Movit: Vignette" -#~ msgstr "Vinietă" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "White Balance" -#~ msgid "Movit: White balance" -#~ msgstr "Balanță de alb" - -#~ msgid "XVideo" -#~ msgstr "XVideo" - -#~ msgid "X11" -#~ msgstr "X11" - -#~ msgid "XFree86 DGA 2.0" -#~ msgstr "XFree86 DGA 2.0" - -#~ msgid "Nano X" -#~ msgstr "Nano X" - -#~ msgid "Direct FB" -#~ msgstr "Direct FB" - -#~ msgid "SVGAlib" -#~ msgstr "SVGAlib" - -#~ msgid "General graphics interface" -#~ msgstr "Interfață grafică generală" - -#~ msgid "File not found" -#~ msgstr "Fișierul nu a fost găsit" - -#~ msgid "Search automatically" -#~ msgstr "Caută automat" - -#~ msgid "Clip %1
is invalid or missing, what do you want to do?" -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "Clipul %1
nu este valid sau lipsește. Ce doriți să faceți?" - -#~ msgid "Search manually" -#~ msgstr "Caută manual" - -#~ msgid "Looking for %1" -#~ msgstr "Se caută %1" - -#~ msgid "Project Tree" -#~ msgstr "Arborele proiectului" - -#~ msgid "Adjust Profile to Current Clip" -#~ msgstr "Ajustează proiectul la clipul curent" - -#~ msgid "Save clip zone as:" -#~ msgstr "Salvează zona clipului ca:" - -#~ msgid "Description:" -#~ msgstr "Descriere:" - -#~ msgid "Resize (100%)" -#~ msgstr "Redimensionare (100%)" - -#~ msgid "Resize (50%)" -#~ msgstr "Redimensionare (50%)" - -#~ msgid "Clip already exists" -#~ msgstr "Clipul există deja" - -#~ msgid "File on a Removable Device" -#~ msgstr "Fișier pe un dispozitiv amovibil" - -#~ msgid "Copy file to project folder" -#~ msgstr "Copiază fișierul în dosarul proiectului" - -#~ msgid "Continue" -#~ msgstr "Continuă" - -#~ msgid "Delete unused clips" -#~ msgstr "Șterge clipurile neutilizate" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Group Clips" -#~ msgid "Open Clips" -#~ msgstr "Grupare clipuri" - -#~ msgid "Cancel job" -#~ msgid_plural "Cancel jobs" -#~ msgstr[0] "Anulare sarcină" -#~ msgstr[1] "Anulare sarcini" -#~ msgstr[2] "Anulare sarcini" - -#~ msgid "Cannot reverse clip" -#~ msgstr "Nu se poate inversa clipul" - -#~ msgid "Cannot render reversed clip" -#~ msgstr "Nu se poate randa clipul inversat" - -#~ msgid "Hide track" -#~ msgstr "Ascunde pista" - -#~ msgid "Mute track" -#~ msgstr "Muțește pista" - -#~ msgid "Desktop search integration" -#~ msgstr "Integrare cu căutarea de birou" - -#~ msgid "Video driver:" -#~ msgstr "Driver video:" - -#~ msgid "All" -#~ msgstr "Tot" - -#~ msgid "Custom" -#~ msgstr "Personalizat" - -#~ msgid "with track" -#~ msgstr "cu pista" - -#~ msgid "DV module (libdv)" -#~ msgstr "Modul DV (libdv)" - -#~ msgid "Open projects in new tabs" -#~ msgstr "Deschide proiectele în filă nouă" - -#~ msgid "Check online manual" -#~ msgstr "Consultați manualul online" - -#~ msgid "Close the current tab" -#~ msgstr "Închide fila curentă" - -#~ msgid "License: %1" -#~ msgstr "Licență: %1" - -#~ msgid "Edit keyframe" -#~ msgstr "Editare cadru-cheie" - -#~ msgid "99:99:99:99; " -#~ msgstr "99:99:99:99; " - -#~ msgid ":::" -#~ msgstr ":::" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Stabilize Clip" -#~ msgid "Stabilize (vid.stab)" -#~ msgstr "Stabilizează clipul" - -#~ msgid "Bitrate" -#~ msgstr "Rată de biți" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Color Space" -#~ msgid "Color opacity" -#~ msgstr "Spațiu de culoare" - -#, fuzzy -#~ msgid "Border opacity" -#~ msgstr "Lățime contur:" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Background color opacity" -#~ msgid "Font color opacity" -#~ msgstr "Opacitatea culorii de fundal" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Background color opacity" -#~ msgid "Outline color opacity" -#~ msgstr "Opacitatea culorii de fundal" - -#, fuzzy -#~ msgid "Clone" -#~ msgstr "Clonă" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Edit effect %1" -#~ msgid "Add effect %1" -#~ msgstr "Modifică efectul %1" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "View" -#~ msgid "Graphic Scene" -#~ msgstr "Vizualizează" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Min" -#~ msgid "Bin" -#~ msgstr "Min" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Set Zone In" -#~ msgid "Zone in" -#~ msgstr "Stabilește intrarea zonei" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Set Zone Out" -#~ msgid "Zone out" -#~ msgstr "Stabilește ieșirea zonei" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Monitor" -#~ msgid "Monitor Audio" -#~ msgstr "Monitor" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Set Zone In" -#~ msgid "Use Zone" -#~ msgstr "Stabilește intrarea zonei" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Set Zone In" -#~ msgid "Zone In" -#~ msgstr "Stabilește intrarea zonei" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Edit clip" -#~ msgid "Editing clip: %1" -#~ msgstr "Modifică clipul" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Author:" -#~ msgid "Author: " -#~ msgstr "Autor:" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Add Clip To Selection" -#~ msgid "Add clip to timeline" -#~ msgstr "Adaugă clip la selecție" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Resize clip" -#~ msgid "Resize Clip" -#~ msgstr "Redimensionează clipul" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Add to project" -#~ msgid "Failed to open project %1" -#~ msgstr "Adaugă la proiect" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Change clip type" -#~ msgid "Change track name" -#~ msgstr "Schimbă tipul clipului" - -#~ msgid "Hide Track" -#~ msgstr "Ascunde pista" - -#~ msgid "Show Track" -#~ msgstr "Arată masca" - -#~ msgid "Mute Track" -#~ msgstr "Muțește pista" - -#~ msgid "Unmute Track" -#~ msgstr "Dezmuțește pista" - -#~ msgid "Lock Track" -#~ msgstr "Blochează pista" - -#~ msgid "Unlock Track" -#~ msgstr "Deblochează pista" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Marker 1" -#~ msgid "Marker %1" -#~ msgstr "Marcator 1" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Show All" -#~ msgid "Show Tool Panel" -#~ msgstr "Arată toate" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Add Effect" -#~ msgid "Add new effect" -#~ msgstr "Adaugă efect" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Reset Effect" -#~ msgid "Reset effect" -#~ msgstr "Reinițializează efectul" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Effect Stack" -#~ msgid "EffStack3" -#~ msgstr "Stiva de efecte" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Image clip" -#~ msgid "Image Clip" -#~ msgstr "Clip cu imagine" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Video clip" -#~ msgid "Video Clip" -#~ msgstr "Clip video" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Move clip" -#~ msgid "Webvfx Clip" -#~ msgstr "Mută clipul" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Formats" -#~ msgid "Form" -#~ msgstr "Formate" diff -Nru kdenlive-15.13.0+git20160206.6705c57a/po/ru/CMakeLists.txt kdenlive-15.13.0+git20160206.cee1bbb6/po/ru/CMakeLists.txt --- kdenlive-15.13.0+git20160206.6705c57a/po/ru/CMakeLists.txt 2016-02-06 09:13:45.000000000 +0000 +++ kdenlive-15.13.0+git20160206.cee1bbb6/po/ru/CMakeLists.txt 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -GETTEXT_PROCESS_PO_FILES(ru ALL INSTALL_DESTINATION ${LOCALE_INSTALL_DIR} kdenlive.po) diff -Nru kdenlive-15.13.0+git20160206.6705c57a/po/ru/kdenlive.po kdenlive-15.13.0+git20160206.cee1bbb6/po/ru/kdenlive.po --- kdenlive-15.13.0+git20160206.6705c57a/po/ru/kdenlive.po 2016-02-06 09:13:45.000000000 +0000 +++ kdenlive-15.13.0+git20160206.cee1bbb6/po/ru/kdenlive.po 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 @@ -1,14064 +0,0 @@ -# translation of kdenlive.po to russian -# Copyright (C) YEAR THE PACKAGE'S COPYRIGHT HOLDER -# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package. -# -# -# Radist , 2008, 2009. -# Artur Čuvašov , 2009. -# Pavel Vishnevsky , 2009. -# Александр Прокудин , 2010, 2011. -# Yury G. Kudryashov , 2012. -# Alexander Potashev , 2015. -# Vladimir Potapov , 2015. -msgid "" -msgstr "" -"Project-Id-Version: Kdenlive 0.8.0\n" -"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugs.kde.org\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-12-11 07:07+0000\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-08-12 22:09+0300\n" -"Last-Translator: Alexander Potashev \n" -"Language-Team: Russian \n" -"Language: ru\n" -"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" -"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" -"Content-Transfer-Encoding: UTF-8\n" -"X-Generator: Lokalize 2.0\n" -"Plural-Forms: nplurals=4; plural=n==1 ? 3 : n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n" -"%10>=2 && n%10<=4 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2;\n" - -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Layout name:" -msgctxt "NAME OF TRANSLATORS" -msgid "Your names" -msgstr "Имя вида:" - -msgctxt "EMAIL OF TRANSLATORS" -msgid "Your emails" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/audiobalance.xml:3 data/effects/audiobalance.xml:7 -msgid "Balance" -msgstr "Баланс" - -#: data/effects/audiobalance.xml:4 -msgid "Adjust the left/right balance" -msgstr "Изменить баланс левого и правого каналов" - -#: data/effects/audiopan.xml:3 data/effects/audiopan.xml:11 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:347 src/project/dialogs/slideshowclip.cpp:73 -msgid "Pan" -msgstr "Панорама" - -#: data/effects/audiopan.xml:4 -msgid "Adjust the left/right spread of a channel" -msgstr "Изменить разброс левого/правого канала" - -#: data/effects/audiopan.xml:7 data/effects/channelcopy.xml:7 -#: data/effects/channelcopy.xml:11 -msgid "Left,Right" -msgstr "Левый,Правый" - -#: data/effects/audiopan.xml:8 data/effects/frei0r_bezier_curves.xml:9 -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:9 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:66 -#: data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:10 data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:42 -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:25 -msgid "Channel" -msgstr "Канал" - -#: data/effects/audiowave.xml:3 -msgid "Audio Wave" -msgstr "График аудиосигнала" - -#: data/effects/audiowave.xml:4 -msgid "Display the audio waveform instead of the video" -msgstr "Показать график аудиосигнала вместо видео" - -#: data/effects/audiowaveform.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Audio Wave" -msgid "Audio Waveform Filter" -msgstr "Волновая форма звука" - -#: data/effects/audiowaveform.xml:6 data/effects/dynamictext.xml:22 -#: data/effects/pan_zoom.xml:13 data/effects/rotation.xml:40 -#: data/effects/rotation_keyframable.xml:22 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Background" -msgid "Background Color" -msgstr "Фон" - -#: data/effects/audiowaveform.xml:9 data/effects/dynamictext.xml:19 -msgid "Foreground Color" -msgstr "Цвет переднего плана" - -#: data/effects/audiowaveform.xml:12 -msgid "Line Thickness" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/audiowaveform.xml:15 data/effects/movit_rect.xml:6 -#: data/effects/pan_zoom.xml:7 -msgid "Rectangle" -msgstr "Прямоугольник" - -#: data/effects/audiowaveform.xml:18 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:721 -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:766 -msgid "Fill" -msgstr "Заливка" - -#: data/effects/automask.xml:3 -msgid "Auto Mask" -msgstr "Автомаска" - -#: data/effects/automask.xml:4 -msgid "Hide a selected zone and follow its movements" -msgstr "Скрыть выделенный участок и следовать его движениям" - -#: data/effects/automask.xml:7 data/effects/dynamictext.xml:7 -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:718 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:745 -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:763 -msgid "Geometry" -msgstr "Геометрия" - -#: data/effects/automask.xml:10 -msgid "Macroblock width" -msgstr "Ширина макроблока" - -#: data/effects/automask.xml:13 -msgid "Macroblock height" -msgstr "Высота макроблока" - -#: data/effects/automask.xml:16 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Maximum gain" -msgid "Maximum x distance" -msgstr "Макс. усиление" - -#: data/effects/automask.xml:19 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Maximum gain" -msgid "Maximum y distance" -msgstr "Макс. усиление" - -#: data/effects/automask.xml:22 -msgid "Denoise" -msgstr "Подавление шума" - -#: data/effects/automask.xml:25 -msgid "Debug" -msgstr "Отладка" - -#: data/effects/automask.xml:28 data/effects/obscure.xml:3 -msgid "Obscure" -msgstr "Сокрытие" - -#: data/effects/automask.xml:36 data/effects/loudness.xml:12 -msgid "Analyse" -msgstr "Анализ" - -#: data/effects/boxblur.xml:3 -msgid "Box Blur" -msgstr "Размывание по рамке" - -#: data/effects/boxblur.xml:4 -msgid "Box blur (separate horizontal and vertical blur)" -msgstr "Размывание по рамке (отдельно горизонтальное и вертикальное)" - -#: data/effects/boxblur.xml:7 -msgid "Horizontal multiplicator" -msgstr "Горизонтальный мультипликатор" - -#: data/effects/boxblur.xml:10 -msgid "Vertical multiplicator" -msgstr "Вертикальный мультипликатор" - -#: data/effects/boxblur.xml:13 -msgid "Blur factor" -msgstr "Коэффициент размываниё" - -#: data/effects/brightness.xml:3 -msgid "Brightness (keyframable)" -msgstr "Яркость (по ключевым кадрам)" - -#: data/effects/brightness.xml:4 -msgid "Change image brightness with keyframes" -msgstr "Изменить яркость по ключевым кадрам" - -#: data/effects/brightness.xml:7 -msgid "Intensity" -msgstr "Интенсивность" - -#: data/effects/channelcopy.xml:3 -msgid "Mono to stereo" -msgstr "Моно в стерео" - -#: data/effects/channelcopy.xml:4 -msgid "Copy one channel to another" -msgstr "Скопировать один канал в другой" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_4) -#: data/effects/channelcopy.xml:8 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:486 -msgid "From" -msgstr "От" - -#: data/effects/channelcopy.xml:12 -#, fuzzy -msgid "To" -msgstr "Сверху" - -#: data/effects/charcoal.xml:3 -msgid "Charcoal" -msgstr "Рисунок углём" - -#: data/effects/charcoal.xml:4 -msgid "Charcoal drawing effect" -msgstr "Эффект рисунка углём" - -#: data/effects/charcoal.xml:7 -msgid "Horizontal scatter" -msgstr "Горизонт. рассеиватель" - -#: data/effects/charcoal.xml:10 -msgid "Vertical scatter" -msgstr "Верт. рассеиватель" - -#: data/effects/charcoal.xml:13 -msgid "Scale" -msgstr "Масштаб" - -#: data/effects/charcoal.xml:16 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:757 -msgid "Mix" -msgstr "Смешивание" - -#: data/effects/charcoal.xml:19 data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:31 -#: data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:63 data/effects/frei0r_mask0mate.xml:19 -#: data/effects/invert.xml:3 data/effects/mirror.xml:11 -#: data/effects/rotoscoping.xml:18 src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:215 -msgid "Invert" -msgstr "Инвертировать" - -#: data/effects/chroma.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Chroma Hold" -msgid "Chroma Key" -msgstr "Блокирование цвета" - -#: data/effects/chroma.xml:4 -msgid "Make selected color transparent" -msgstr "Сделать выбранный цвет прозрачным" - -#: data/effects/chroma.xml:7 data/effects/chroma_hold.xml:7 -msgid "Color key" -msgstr "Цвет ключа" - -#: data/effects/chroma.xml:10 data/effects/chroma_hold.xml:10 -msgid "Variance" -msgstr "Отклонение" - -#: data/effects/chroma_hold.xml:3 -msgid "Chroma Hold" -msgstr "Блокирование цвета" - -#: data/effects/chroma_hold.xml:4 -msgid "Make image greyscale except for chosen color" -msgstr "Сделать изображение чёрно-белым за исключением выбранного цвета" - -#: data/effects/crop.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Edge Crop" -msgstr "Режим края" - -#: data/effects/crop.xml:4 -msgid "Trim the edges of a clip" -msgstr "Обрезать края клипа" - -#: data/effects/crop.xml:7 data/effects/frei0r_mask0mate.xml:13 -msgid "Top" -msgstr "Сверху" - -#: data/effects/crop.xml:10 data/effects/frei0r_mask0mate.xml:7 -msgid "Left" -msgstr "Левый" - -#: data/effects/crop.xml:13 data/effects/frei0r_mask0mate.xml:16 -msgid "Bottom" -msgstr "Снизу" - -#: data/effects/crop.xml:16 data/effects/frei0r_mask0mate.xml:10 -msgid "Right" -msgstr "Правый" - -#: data/effects/crop.xml:19 -msgid "Automatic center-crop" -msgstr "Автоматически по центру" - -#: data/effects/crop.xml:22 -msgid "Center balance" -msgstr "Баланс центра" - -#: data/effects/crop.xml:25 -msgid "Use project resolution" -msgstr "Использовать разрешение проекта" - -#: data/effects/dust.xml:3 -msgid "Dust" -msgstr "Пыль" - -#: data/effects/dust.xml:4 -msgid "Add dust and specks to the video, as in old movies" -msgstr "Добавить пыль и пятна как в старых кинофильмах" - -#: data/effects/dust.xml:7 -msgid "Maximal Diameter" -msgstr "Максимальный диаметр" - -#: data/effects/dust.xml:10 -msgid "Maximal number of dust" -msgstr "Макс. число пылинок" - -#: data/effects/dynamictext.xml:3 -msgid "Dynamic Text" -msgstr "Динамический текст" - -#: data/effects/dynamictext.xml:4 -msgid "Overlay text with keywords replaced" -msgstr "Наложение текста с заменой ключевых слов" - -#: data/effects/dynamictext.xml:10 -msgid "Font Family" -msgstr "Шрифт" - -#: data/effects/dynamictext.xml:13 -msgid "Font Size" -msgstr "Размер шрифта" - -#: data/effects/dynamictext.xml:16 -msgid "Font Weight" -msgstr "Насыщенность шрифта" - -#: data/effects/dynamictext.xml:25 -msgid "Outline Color" -msgstr "Цвет обводки" - -#: data/effects/dynamictext.xml:28 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Outline width" -msgid "Outline Width" -msgstr "Толщина обводки" - -#: data/effects/dynamictext.xml:31 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Loading" -msgid "Padding" -msgstr "Выполняется загрузка" - -#: data/effects/dynamictext.xml:34 -msgid "Left,Center,Right" -msgstr "По левому краю,По центру,По правому краю" - -#: data/effects/dynamictext.xml:35 -msgid "Horizontal Alignment" -msgstr "Выравнивание по горизонтали" - -#: data/effects/dynamictext.xml:38 -msgid "Top,Middle,Bottom" -msgstr "По верхнему краю,По центру,По нижнему краю" - -#: data/effects/dynamictext.xml:39 -msgid "Vertical Alignment" -msgstr "Выравнивание по вертикали" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, text_box) -#: data/effects/dynamictext.xml:42 src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:55 -#: src/ui/templateclip_ui.ui:34 -msgid "Text" -msgstr "Текст" - -#: data/effects/fade_from_black.xml:3 -msgid "Fade from Black" -msgstr "Появление из темноты" - -#: data/effects/fade_from_black.xml:4 -msgid "Fade video from black" -msgstr "Появление видео из темноты" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_duration) -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, ClipDurationDialog_UI) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, duration_label) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: data/effects/fade_from_black.xml:7 data/effects/fade_to_black.xml:7 -#: data/effects/fadein.xml:10 data/effects/fadeout.xml:7 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:133 -#: src/ui/clipdurationdialog_ui.ui:14 src/ui/clipdurationdialog_ui.ui:40 -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:58 src/ui/colorclip_ui.ui:37 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:747 src/utils/freesound.cpp:157 -#: src/utils/freesound.cpp:196 src/utils/freesound.cpp:197 -#: src/utils/freesound.cpp:198 -msgid "Duration" -msgstr "Длительность" - -#: data/effects/fade_from_black.xml:10 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/bezier/beziersplinewidget.cpp:52 -msgid "In" -msgstr "Вход" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: data/effects/fade_from_black.xml:13 data/effects/fade_to_black.xml:13 -#: src/ui/wipeval_ui.ui:22 -msgid "Start" -msgstr "Запустить" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_4) -#: data/effects/fade_from_black.xml:16 data/effects/fade_to_black.xml:16 -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:409 src/ui/wipeval_ui.ui:167 -msgid "End" -msgstr "Конец" - -#: data/effects/fade_to_black.xml:3 -msgid "Fade to Black" -msgstr "Затемнение" - -#: data/effects/fade_to_black.xml:4 -msgid "Fade video to black" -msgstr "Постепенное затемнение видео" - -#: data/effects/fade_to_black.xml:10 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/bezier/beziersplinewidget.cpp:54 -msgid "Out" -msgstr "Выход" - -#: data/effects/fadein.xml:3 -msgid "Fade in" -msgstr "Нарастание" - -#: data/effects/fadein.xml:4 -msgid "Fade in audio track" -msgstr "Нарастание звука" - -#: data/effects/fadein.xml:13 data/effects/fadeout.xml:13 -msgid "Start Gain" -msgstr "Усиление в начале" - -#: data/effects/fadein.xml:16 data/effects/fadeout.xml:16 -msgid "End Gain" -msgstr "Усиление в конце" - -#: data/effects/fadeout.xml:3 -msgid "Fade out" -msgstr "Затухание" - -#: data/effects/fadeout.xml:4 -msgid "Fade out audio track" -msgstr "Затухание звука" - -#: data/effects/freeze.xml:3 -msgid "Freeze" -msgstr "Заморозить" - -#: data/effects/freeze.xml:4 -msgid "Freeze video on a chosen frame" -msgstr "Зафиксировать видео на выбранном кадре" - -#: data/effects/freeze.xml:7 -msgid "Freeze at" -msgstr "Зафиксировать здесь" - -#: data/effects/freeze.xml:10 -msgid "Freeze Before" -msgstr "Заморозить до указанного момента" - -#: data/effects/freeze.xml:13 -msgid "Freeze After" -msgstr "Заморозить после указанного момента" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_3dflippo.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Flippo" -msgid "3dflippo" -msgstr "Зеркальное отражение" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_3dflippo.xml:4 -msgid "Frame rotation in 3D space" -msgstr "Вращение кадров в трёхмерном пространстве" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_3dflippo.xml:7 -msgid "X axis rotation" -msgstr "Вращение по оси X" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_3dflippo.xml:10 -msgid "Y axis rotation" -msgstr "Вращение по оси Y" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_3dflippo.xml:13 -msgid "Z axis rotation" -msgstr "Вращение по оси Z" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_3dflippo.xml:16 -msgid "X axis rotation rate" -msgstr "Частота вращения по оси X" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_3dflippo.xml:19 -msgid "Y axis rotation rate" -msgstr "Частота вращения по оси Y" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_3dflippo.xml:22 -msgid "Z axis rotation rate" -msgstr "Частота вращения по оси Z" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_3dflippo.xml:25 -msgid "Center position (X)" -msgstr "Позиция центра (X)" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_3dflippo.xml:28 -msgid "Center position (Y)" -msgstr "Позиция центра (Y)" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_3dflippo.xml:31 -msgid "Invert rotation assignment" -msgstr "Инвертировать поворот" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_3dflippo.xml:34 -msgid "Don't blank mask" -msgstr "Не очищать маску" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_3dflippo.xml:37 -msgid "Fill with image or black" -msgstr "Заливка изображением или черным" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:4 data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:36 -msgid "Alpha operations" -msgstr "Обработка альфа-канала" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:5 data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:37 -msgid "Display and manipulation of the alpha channel" -msgstr "Отображение альфа-канала и действия с ним" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:9 data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:41 -msgid "" -"Image,Alpha as gray,Gray + red,Selection on black,Selection on gray," -"Selection on white,Selection on checkers" -msgstr "" -"Изображение,Альфа как градации серого,Градации серого + красный,Выделение на " -"чёрном,Выделение на сером,Выделение на белом,Выделение на шахматных клетках" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:10 data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:42 -msgid "Display" -msgstr "Отображение" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:14 data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:46 -msgid "Display input alpha" -msgstr "Показывать альфа-канал на входе" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:18 -msgid "NO OP,Shave,Shrink hard,Shrink soft,Grow hard,Grow soft,Threshold" -msgstr "" -"Без операции,Вырезать,Вырезать резко,Вырезать плавно,Нарастить резко," -"Нарастить плавно,Порог" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:19 data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:51 -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphagrad.xml:30 data/effects/frei0r_alphaspot.xml:47 -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:45 data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:96 -msgid "Operation" -msgstr "Операция" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:23 data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:55 -#: data/effects/frei0r_threshold0r.xml:7 data/effects/threshold.xml:3 -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:217 -msgid "Threshold" -msgstr "Порог" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:27 -msgid "Shrink/grow amount" -msgstr "Увеличить/Уменьшить кол-во" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:50 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "NO OP,Shave,Shrink hard,Shrink soft,Grow hard,Grow soft,Threshold" -msgid "NO OP,Shave,Shrink hard,Shrink soft,Grow hard,Grow soft,Threshold,Blur" -msgstr "" -"Без операции,Вырезать,Вырезать резко,Вырезать плавно,Нарастить резко," -"Нарастить плавно,Порог" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:59 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Shrink/grow amount" -msgid "Shrink/Grow/Blur amount" -msgstr "Увеличить/Уменьшить кол-во" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphagrad.xml:3 -msgid "Alpha gradient" -msgstr "Градиент по альфа-каналу" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphagrad.xml:4 -msgid "Fill the alpha channel with a specified gradient" -msgstr "Заполнить альфа-канал указанным градиентом" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, clip_filesize_2) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, position_label) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, import_position) -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphagrad.xml:9 src/effectstack/keyframeedit.cpp:55 -#: src/ui/clipdurationdialog_ui.ui:20 src/ui/importkeyframesdialog_ui.ui:80 -#: src/ui/keyframedialog_ui.ui:20 src/ui/markerdialog_ui.ui:20 -msgid "Position" -msgstr "Положение" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphagrad.xml:13 data/effects/frei0r_alphaspot.xml:34 -msgid "Transition width" -msgstr "Ширина перехода" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphagrad.xml:17 data/effects/frei0r_alphaspot.xml:30 -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:16 -msgid "Tilt" -msgstr "Наклон" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphagrad.xml:21 data/effects/frei0r_alphaspot.xml:38 -msgid "Min" -msgstr "Мин." - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphagrad.xml:25 data/effects/frei0r_alphaspot.xml:42 -msgid "Max" -msgstr "Макс." - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphagrad.xml:29 data/effects/frei0r_alphaspot.xml:46 -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:44 data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:95 -msgid "Write on clear,Max,Min,Add,Subtract" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphaspot.xml:3 -msgid "Alpha shapes" -msgstr "Фигуры в альфа-канале" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphaspot.xml:4 -msgid "Draws simple shapes into the alpha channel" -msgstr "Рисовать простые фигуры в альфа-канале" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphaspot.xml:9 -msgid "Rectangle,Ellipse,Triangle,Diamond" -msgstr "Прямоугольник,Эллипс,Треугольник,Ромб" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphaspot.xml:10 data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:29 -#: data/effects/sox_flanger.xml:22 -msgid "Shape" -msgstr "Фигура" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphaspot.xml:14 -msgid "Position X" -msgstr "X" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphaspot.xml:18 -msgid "Position Y" -msgstr "Y" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphaspot.xml:22 -msgid "Size X" -msgstr "Ширина" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphaspot.xml:26 -msgid "Size Y" -msgstr "Высота" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_balanc0r.xml:4 data/effects/frei0r_balanc0r.xml:15 -msgid "White Balance" -msgstr "Баланс белого" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_balanc0r.xml:5 data/effects/frei0r_balanc0r.xml:16 -msgid "Adjust the white balance / color temperature" -msgstr "Настроить баланс белого / цветовую температуру" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_balanc0r.xml:8 data/effects/frei0r_balanc0r.xml:19 -#: data/effects/frei0r_colgate.xml:8 data/effects/movit_white_balance.xml:6 -msgid "Neutral Color" -msgstr "Нейтральный цвет" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_balanc0r.xml:11 data/effects/frei0r_balanc0r.xml:22 -msgid "Green Tint" -msgstr "Зелёный тон" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_baltan.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Baltan" -msgstr "Баланс" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_baltan.xml:4 -msgid "Delayed alpha smoothed blit of time" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_bezier_curves.xml:3 -msgid "Bézier Curves" -msgstr "Кривые Безье" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_bezier_curves.xml:4 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:5 -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:62 -msgid "Color curves adjustment" -msgstr "Изменить цветовые кривые" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_bezier_curves.xml:8 -msgid "RGB,Red,Green,Blue,Alpha,Luma,Hue,Saturation" -msgstr "RGB,Красный,Зелёный,Синий,Альфа,Яркость,Тон,Насыщенность" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_bezier_curves.xml:13 -#: data/effects/frei0r_coloradj_rgb.xml:33 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:12 -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:69 -msgid "Rec. 601,Rec. 709" -msgstr "Рек. 601,Рек. 709" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_bezier_curves.xml:14 -#: data/effects/frei0r_coloradj_rgb.xml:34 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:13 -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:70 -msgid "Luma formula" -msgstr "Формула яркостного канала" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_brightness.xml:3 data/effects/frei0r_brightness.xml:7 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lenscorrection.xml:19 data/effects/grain.xml:13 -msgid "Brightness" -msgstr "Яркость" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_brightness.xml:4 -msgid "Adjusts the brightness of a source image" -msgstr "Изменить яркость исходного изображения" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:3 -msgid "Corners" -msgstr "Углы" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:4 -msgid "Four corners geometry engine" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:8 -msgid "Corner 1 X" -msgstr "Угол 1 X" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:12 -msgid "Corner 1 Y" -msgstr "Угол 1 Y" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:16 -msgid "Corner 2 X" -msgstr "Угол 2 X" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:20 -msgid "Corner 2 Y" -msgstr "Угол 2 Y" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:24 -msgid "Corner 3 X" -msgstr "Угол 3 X" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:28 -msgid "Corner 3 Y" -msgstr "Угол 3 Y" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:32 -msgid "Corner 4 X" -msgstr "Угол 4 X" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:36 -msgid "Corner 4 Y" -msgstr "Угол 4 Y" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:40 -msgid "Stretch X" -msgstr "Растягивание по X" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:44 -msgid "Stretch Y" -msgstr "Растягивание по Y" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:48 -msgid "Feather Alpha" -msgstr "Растушевать альфа-канал" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:52 -msgid "Enable Stretch" -msgstr "Включить растягивание" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:56 data/effects/frei0r_defish0r.xml:24 -msgid "" -"Nearest neighbor,Bilinear,Bicubic smooth,Bicubic sharp,Spline 4x4,Spline 6x6," -"Lanczos" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:57 data/effects/frei0r_defish0r.xml:25 -msgid "Interpolator" -msgstr "Интерполятор" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:61 data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:63 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:136 -msgid "Transparent Background" -msgstr "Прозрачный фон" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:65 data/effects/rotoscoping.xml:13 -msgid "Write on clear,Maximum,Minimum,Add,Subtract" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:66 -msgid "Alpha operation" -msgstr "Действие с альфа-каналом" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_cartoon.xml:4 data/effects/frei0r_cartoon.xml:15 -msgid "Cartoon" -msgstr "Мультфильм" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_cartoon.xml:5 data/effects/frei0r_cartoon.xml:16 -msgid "Cartoonify video, do a form of edge detect" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_cartoon.xml:8 data/effects/frei0r_cartoon.xml:19 -msgid "Level of trip" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_cartoon.xml:11 data/effects/frei0r_cartoon.xml:22 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Difference space" -msgstr "Порог" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_cluster.xml:3 -msgid "K-Means Clustering" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_cluster.xml:4 -msgid "Clusters of a source image by color and spatial distance" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_cluster.xml:7 -msgid "Amount of clusters" -msgstr "Количество кластеров" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_cluster.xml:10 -msgid "Weight on distance" -msgstr "Вес на расстоянии" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_colgate.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "White Balance" -msgid "White Balance (LMS space)" -msgstr "Баланс белого" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_colgate.xml:5 -msgid "" -"Do simple color correction, in a physically meaningful\n" -"way" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_colgate.xml:12 data/effects/movit_white_balance.xml:9 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Color Space" -msgid "Color Temperature" -msgstr "Цветовое пространство" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_coloradj_rgb.xml:3 -msgid "RGB adjustment" -msgstr "Коррекция RGB" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_coloradj_rgb.xml:4 -msgid "Simple color adjustment" -msgstr "Простая коррекция цвета" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, cbR) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonSelectRects) -#: data/effects/frei0r_coloradj_rgb.xml:8 src/ui/histogram_ui.ui:30 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:733 -msgid "R" -msgstr "R" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, cbG) -#: data/effects/frei0r_coloradj_rgb.xml:12 src/ui/histogram_ui.ui:37 -msgid "G" -msgstr "G" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, cbB) -#: data/effects/frei0r_coloradj_rgb.xml:16 src/ui/histogram_ui.ui:44 -msgid "B" -msgstr "B" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_coloradj_rgb.xml:20 -msgid "Add constant,Change gamma,Multiply" -msgstr "Добавить константу,Изменить гамму,Умножить" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_coloradj_rgb.xml:21 -msgid "Action" -msgstr "Действие" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_coloradj_rgb.xml:25 -msgid "Keep luma" -msgstr "Сохранить яркость" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_coloradj_rgb.xml:29 -msgid "Alpha controlled" -msgstr "С контролем альфа-канала" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_colordistance.xml:3 -msgid "Color Distance" -msgstr "Расстояние до цвета" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_colordistance.xml:4 -msgid "" -"Calculates the distance between the selected color and the current pixel and " -"uses that value as new pixel value" -msgstr "" -"Рассчитать расстояние между выбранным цветом и текущим цветом пиксела и " -"использовать это число как новое значение пиксела" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_colordistance.xml:7 -msgid "Source Color" -msgstr "Цвет источника" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_colortap.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "No Effect" -msgid "Color Effect" -msgstr "Без эффекта" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_colortap.xml:4 -msgid "Applies a pre-made color effect to image" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, treeWidget) -#: data/effects/frei0r_colortap.xml:7 data/effects/frei0r_defish0r.xml:14 -#: data/effects/frei0r_iirblur.xml:14 data/effects/frei0r_medians.xml:9 -#: src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:74 src/ui/missingclips_ui.ui:67 -msgid "Type" -msgstr "Тип" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_contrast0r.xml:3 data/effects/frei0r_contrast0r.xml:7 -#: data/effects/grain.xml:10 src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:209 -msgid "Contrast" -msgstr "Контраст" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_contrast0r.xml:4 -msgid "Adjusts the contrast of a source image" -msgstr "Изменить контраст исходного изображения" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:4 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:61 -msgid "Curves" -msgstr "Кривые" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:8 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:65 -#: data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:9 data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:41 -msgid "Red,Green,Blue,Luma" -msgstr "Красный,Зелёный,Синий,Яркость" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:20 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:77 -msgid "Number of curve points" -msgstr "Число точек кривой" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:23 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:80 -msgid "Point 1 input value" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:26 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:83 -msgid "Point 1 output value" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:29 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:86 -msgid "Point 2 input value" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:32 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:89 -msgid "Point 2 output value" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:35 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:92 -msgid "Point 3 input value" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:38 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:95 -msgid "Point 3 output value" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:41 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:98 -msgid "Point 4 input value" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:44 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:101 -msgid "Point 4 output value" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:47 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:104 -msgid "Point 5 input value" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:50 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:107 -msgid "Point 5 output value" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:53 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:110 -msgid "Show graph in picture" -msgstr "Показывать график на мониторе" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:56 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:113 -#: data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:31 data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:63 -msgid "Top Left,Top Right,Bottom Left,Bottom Right" -msgstr "Вверху слева,Вверху справа,Внизу слева,Внизу справа" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:57 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:114 -msgid "Graph position" -msgstr "Размещение графика" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_d90stairsteppingfix.xml:3 -msgid "Nikon D90 Stairstepping fix" -msgstr "Исправление «лесенки» в Nikon D90" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_d90stairsteppingfix.xml:7 -msgid "" -"Removes stairstepping artifacts from Nikon D90's 720p videos.\n" -" \n" -" " -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_defish0r.xml:3 -msgid "Defish" -msgstr "Рыбий глаз" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_defish0r.xml:4 -msgid "Non rectilinear lens mappings" -msgstr "Проекции непрямолинейной оптики" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_defish0r.xml:7 data/effects/frei0r_iirblur.xml:8 -#: data/effects/frei0r_sharpness.xml:8 data/effects/movit_unsharp_mask.xml:9 -msgid "Amount" -msgstr "Количество" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_defish0r.xml:10 -msgid "DeFish" -msgstr "Рыбий глаз" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_defish0r.xml:13 -msgid "Equidistant,Orthographic,Equiarea,Stereographic" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_defish0r.xml:17 -msgid "Fill,Center,Fit,Manual" -msgstr "Заполнить,Центрировать,Уместить,Вручную" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, lblScaling) -#: data/effects/frei0r_defish0r.xml:18 src/effectstack/dragvalue.cpp:108 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:207 -#: src/ui/colorplaneexport_ui.ui:74 -msgid "Scaling" -msgstr "Масштабирование" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_defish0r.xml:21 -msgid "Manual Scale" -msgstr "Масштаб вручную" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_defish0r.xml:28 -msgid "Square,PAL DV,NTSC DV,HDV,Manual" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_defish0r.xml:29 -msgid "Aspect type" -msgstr "Пропорции" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_defish0r.xml:32 -msgid "Manual Aspect" -msgstr "Пропорции вручную" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_delay0r.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -msgid "delay0r" -msgstr "Задержка" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_delay0r.xml:4 -msgid "Video delay" -msgstr "Задержка видео" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_delay0r.xml:7 -msgid "Delay time" -msgstr "Время задержки" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_delaygrab.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Delay grab" -msgstr "Задержка" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_delaygrab.xml:4 -msgid "Delayed frame blitting mapped on a time bitmap" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_distort0r.xml:3 data/effects/pan_zoom.xml:10 -#: data/kdenliveeffectscategory.rc:35 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:722 -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:746 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:767 -msgid "Distort" -msgstr "Искажения" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_distort0r.xml:4 -msgid "Plasma" -msgstr "Эффект плазмы" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_distort0r.xml:7 data/effects/wave.xml:7 -msgid "Amplitude" -msgstr "Амплитуда" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_distort0r.xml:10 data/effects/sox_bass.xml:10 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:249 -msgid "Frequency" -msgstr "Частота" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_edgeglow.xml:3 -msgid "Edge glow" -msgstr "Свечение контура" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_edgeglow.xml:4 -msgid "Edge glow filter" -msgstr "Фильтр свечения контура" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_edgeglow.xml:7 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Edge lightening threshold" -msgstr "Понижение яркости" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_edgeglow.xml:10 -msgid "Edge brightness upscaling multiplier" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_edgeglow.xml:13 -msgid "Non-edge brightness downscaling multiplier" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_equaliz0r.xml:3 -msgid "Equaliz0r" -msgstr "Выравнивание интенсивности" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_equaliz0r.xml:4 -msgid "Equalizes the intensity histograms" -msgstr "Выровнять гистограмму интенсивности" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facebl0r.xml:3 -msgid "Face blur" -msgstr "Размывание лиц" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facebl0r.xml:4 -msgid "Automatically detect and blur a face using OpenCV" -msgstr "Автоматически находить и размывать лица с помощью OpenCV" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facebl0r.xml:8 data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:8 -msgid "Search scale" -msgstr "Масштаб поиска" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facebl0r.xml:9 data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:9 -#, no-c-format -msgid "" -"The search window scale factor. For example, 120 = 1.20 = increases by 20% " -"on each pass." -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facebl0r.xml:13 data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:13 -msgid "Neighbors" -msgstr "Мин. размер объекта" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facebl0r.xml:14 data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:14 -msgid "Minimum number of rectangles that determines an object." -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facebl0r.xml:18 data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:18 -msgid "Smallest" -msgstr "Наименьший" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facebl0r.xml:19 data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:19 -msgid "The minimum window size in pixels." -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facebl0r.xml:23 -msgid "Largest" -msgstr "Наибольший" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facebl0r.xml:24 -msgid "" -"The largest size face in pixels - both horizontally and vertically (square " -"window)." -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facebl0r.xml:28 data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:23 -msgid "Recheck" -msgstr "Повторная проверка" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facebl0r.xml:29 data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:24 -msgid "" -"How often to detect a face. In between checks, it does object motion " -"tracking." -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facebl0r.xml:33 -msgid "Show ellipse" -msgstr "Показывать эллипс" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facebl0r.xml:34 -msgid "Draw a blue ellipse around the face area?" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:3 -msgid "Face detect" -msgstr "Определение лиц" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:4 -msgid "Detect faces and draw shapes on them using OpenCV" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:28 -msgid "circle,ellipse,rectangle,random" -msgstr "Круг,Эллипс,Прямоугольник,Случайная фигура" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:33 -msgid "Stroke width" -msgstr "Толщина обводки" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:34 -msgid "" -"0 means fill; otherwise, draw unfilled with a stroke width of this size." -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:38 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Alpha" -msgstr "Следить за альфа-каналом" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:39 -msgid "" -"Set the alpha channel of the shape area to a percentage of fully opaque." -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:43 -msgid "Antialias" -msgstr "Сглаживание" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:44 -msgid "Draw with anti-aliasing?" -msgstr "Рисовать со сглаживанием" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:50 -msgid "Color 1" -msgstr "Цвет 1" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:51 -msgid "Set the shape color of the first detected face." -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:55 -msgid "Color 2" -msgstr "Цвет 2" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:56 -msgid "Set the shape color of the second detected face." -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:60 -msgid "Color 3" -msgstr "Цвет 3" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:61 -msgid "Set the shape color of the third detected face." -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:65 -msgid "Color 4" -msgstr "Цвет 4" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:66 -msgid "Set the shape color of the fourth detected face." -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:70 -msgid "Color 5" -msgstr "Цвет 5" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:71 -msgid "Set the shape color of the fifth detected face." -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_flippo.xml:3 -msgid "Flippo" -msgstr "Зеркальное отражение" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_flippo.xml:4 -msgid "Flipping in X and Y axis" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_flippo.xml:7 -msgid "X axis" -msgstr "По горизонтали" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_flippo.xml:10 -msgid "Y axis" -msgstr "По вертикали" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_glow.xml:3 -msgid "Glow" -msgstr "Свечение" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_glow.xml:4 -msgid "Creates a Glamorous Glow" -msgstr "Создать чарующее свечение" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_glow.xml:7 data/effects/frei0r_iirblur.xml:3 -#: data/effects/frei0r_mask0mate.xml:22 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:158 -msgid "Blur" -msgstr "Размывание" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_hqdn3d.xml:3 -msgid "Denoiser" -msgstr "Подавление шума" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_hqdn3d.xml:4 -msgid "High quality 3D denoiser" -msgstr "Высококачественное подавление шума в 3D" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_hqdn3d.xml:8 -msgid "Spatial" -msgstr "В пространстве" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_hqdn3d.xml:9 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Amount of clusters" -msgid "Amount of spatial filtering" -msgstr "Количество кластеров" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_hqdn3d.xml:13 -msgid "Temporal" -msgstr "Во времени" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_hqdn3d.xml:14 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Amount of clusters" -msgid "Amount of temporal filtering" -msgstr "Количество кластеров" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_hueshift0r.xml:3 -msgid "Hue shift" -msgstr "Смещение тона" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_hueshift0r.xml:4 -msgid "Shifts the hue of a source image" -msgstr "Сместить тон исходного изображения" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_hueshift0r.xml:7 -msgid "Hue" -msgstr "Тон" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_iirblur.xml:4 -msgid "Blur using 2D IIR filters (Exponential, Lowpass, Gaussian)" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_iirblur.xml:9 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Amount of clusters" -msgid "Amount of blur" -msgstr "Количество кластеров" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_iirblur.xml:13 -msgid "Exponential,Lowpass,Gaussian" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_iirblur.xml:15 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Select border color" -msgid "Select blurring algorithm" -msgstr "Выбрать цвет границы" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_iirblur.xml:19 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Edge" -msgstr "Режим края" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_iirblur.xml:20 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Lens Correction" -msgid "Enable edge compensation" -msgstr "Искажения оптики" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:3 -msgid "Key Spill Mop Up" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:4 -msgid "Reduces the visibility of key color spill in chroma keying" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:8 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Gray color" -msgid "Key color" -msgstr "Серый цвет" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:12 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Target" -msgid "Target color" -msgstr "Цель" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:16 -msgid "Color distance, Transparency, Edge inwards, Edge outwards" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:17 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Image type" -msgid "Mask type" -msgstr "Тип изображения" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:21 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Balance" -msgid "Tolerance" -msgstr "Баланс" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:25 -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:91 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Slope Red" -msgid "Slope" -msgstr "Крутизна кривой красного канала" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:29 -msgid "Hue gate" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:33 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Saturation" -msgid "Saturation threshold" -msgstr "Насыщенность" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:37 -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:46 -msgid "None, De-Key, Target, Desaturate, Luma adjust" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:38 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Operation" -msgid "Operation 1" -msgstr "Операция" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:42 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Amount" -msgid "Amount 1" -msgstr "Количество" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:47 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Operation" -msgid "Operation 2" -msgstr "Операция" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:51 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Amount" -msgid "Amount 2" -msgstr "Количество" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:55 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Show thumbnails" -msgid "Show mask" -msgstr "Показать миниатюры" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:59 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Offset Alpha" -msgid "Mask to Alpha" -msgstr "Смещение альфа-канала" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lenscorrection.xml:3 -msgid "Lens Correction" -msgstr "Коррекция оптики" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lenscorrection.xml:4 -msgid "Allows compensation of lens distortion" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lenscorrection.xml:7 -msgid "Horizontal center" -msgstr "Центр по горизонтали" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lenscorrection.xml:10 -msgid "Vertical center" -msgstr "Центр по вертикали" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lenscorrection.xml:13 -msgid "Center correction" -msgstr "Коррекция от центра" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lenscorrection.xml:16 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Lens Correction" -msgid "Edges correction" -msgstr "Искажения оптики" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_letterb0xed.xml:3 -msgid "LetterB0xed" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_letterb0xed.xml:4 -msgid "Adds black borders at top and bottom for cinema look" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_letterb0xed.xml:7 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Border Width" -msgstr "Толщина обводки" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: data/effects/frei0r_letterb0xed.xml:10 data/effects/frei0r_timeout.xml:13 -#: src/ui/wipeval_ui.ui:136 src/ui/wipeval_ui.ui:281 -msgid "Transparency" -msgstr "Прозрачность" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:4 data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:36 -msgid "Levels" -msgstr "Уровни" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:5 data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:37 -msgid "Adjust levels" -msgstr "Изменить цветовые уровни" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:13 data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:45 -msgid "Input black level" -msgstr "Уровень чёрного на входе" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:16 data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:48 -msgid "Input white level" -msgstr "Уровень белого на входе" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:19 data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:51 -#: data/effects/gamma.xml:3 data/effects/gamma.xml:7 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/lumaliftgain.cpp:63 -msgid "Gamma" -msgstr "Гамма" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:22 data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:54 -msgid "Black output" -msgstr "Уровень чёрного на выходе" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:25 data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:57 -msgid "White output" -msgstr "Уровень белого на выходе" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:28 data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:60 -msgid "Show histogram" -msgstr "Показывать гистограмму на мониторе" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:32 data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:64 -msgid "Histogram position" -msgstr "Размещение гистограммы" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:4 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:77 -msgid "Light Graffiti" -msgstr "Световое граффити" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:7 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:80 -msgid "" -"Light Graffiti effect.\n" -" " -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:10 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:83 -msgid "Brightness Threshold" -msgstr "Порог яркости" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:12 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:85 -msgid "" -"R+G+B) does a pixel need to be in order to " -"be recognized as a light source?
\n" -" Increasing this threshold requires brighter light sources (i.e. " -"more white or less color, respectively) but prevents some «false alarms» " -"where semi-bright parts, e.g. hands where colors can change quite a lot " -"compared to the background, are incorrectly recognized as light source.]]>" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:15 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:88 -msgid "Difference Threshold" -msgstr "Порог разницы" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:17 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:90 -msgid "" -"max(dR, dG, dB)), in " -"order to be recognized as light source?
\n" -" Increasing this threshold makes it harder for light sources to " -"be accepted on bright backgrounds, but decreases the danger of noise or " -"generally bright spots counting as light source.]]>" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:20 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:93 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Difference Threshold" -msgid "Difference Sum Threshold" -msgstr "Порог разницы" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:22 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:95 -msgid "" -"relative to the " -"background image
(dR + dG + dB) have to change until a " -"pixel is recognized as a light source?
\n" -" Raising this value might, in some cases, avoid that some light " -"objects lit by the light source are added to the light mask.]]>" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:25 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:98 -msgid "Sensitivity" -msgstr "Чувствительность" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:27 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:100 -msgid "" -"\n" -" For slowly moving light source try to use a lower sensitivity to " -"obtain a better exposure.]]>" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:30 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:103 -msgid "Lower Overexposure" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:32 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:105 -msgid "" -"\n" -" The light mask does not get white immediately when the light " -"source is moving slowly or staying steady.]]>" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:35 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:108 -msgid "Dimming" -msgstr "Затемнение" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:36 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:109 -msgid "" -"Dims the light mask. Lights will leave a fainting trail if it is set to a " -"value > 0." -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:39 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:112 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Background Weight" -msgstr "Непрозрачность фона" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:40 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:113 -msgid "" -"Strength of the (calculated) background image. Setting it to 100 paints the " -"light mask directly over the background, without the painting person in the " -"image if the video starts with a «clean» background image. (See the α " -"parameter.)" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:43 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:116 -msgid "α" -msgstr "α" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:45 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:118 -msgid "" -"\n" -" The Light Graffiti effect remembers the first frame of the clip " -"it is applied to, so the clip should always start with the painter " -"outside of the video. If the background constantly changes, e.g. on a " -"street, try to set α > 0 to calculate an average background image.]]>" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:48 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:121 -#: data/effects/frei0r_saturat0r.xml:3 data/effects/frei0r_saturat0r.xml:7 -#: data/effects/movit_saturation.xml:6 -msgid "Saturation" -msgstr "Насыщенность" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:49 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:122 -msgid "Increases the saturation of lights." -msgstr "Увеличить насыщенность в светах." - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:52 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:125 -msgid "Show brightness statistics" -msgstr "Включить подсветку яркости" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:54 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:127 -msgid "" -"\n" -" Example: To adjust the brightness threshold, check this box and " -"adjust the threshold until the whole light source is highlighted. Repeat the " -"same with the other parameters. Only parts that are highlighted in all thresholds will count as light source.]]>" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:57 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:130 -msgid "Show background difference statistics" -msgstr "Включить подсветку разницы фона" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:60 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:133 -msgid "Show background difference sum statistics" -msgstr "Включить подсветку совокупной разницы фона" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:64 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:137 -msgid "" -"Makes the background transparent, allowing to apply a composite effect and " -"paint the light mask over a completely different video." -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:67 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:140 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Nonlinear scale" -msgid "Nonlinear dimming" -msgstr "Нелинейный масштаб" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:68 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:141 -msgid "If normal dimming does not look natural enough, try this one." -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:71 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:144 -#: src/effectstack/geometryval.cpp:95 src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:86 -msgid "Reset" -msgstr "Сброс" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:72 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:145 -msgid "" -"Resets the light mask and the background image. This is necessary e.g. if " -"you apply this effect to a clip in the timeline and then move the timeline " -"cursor from outside of the clip to the middle of it. The effect receives " -"this frame in the middle as first frame and uses it as background image. For " -"proper threshold adjusting move the timeline cursor to the beginning of the " -"clip, check the Reset box and uncheck it again." -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_luminance.xml:3 -msgid "Luminance" -msgstr "Светимость" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_luminance.xml:4 -msgid "Creates a luminance map of the image" -msgstr "Создать карту яркости изображения" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_mask0mate.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Image type" -msgid "Mask0Mate" -msgstr "Тип изображения" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_mask0mate.xml:4 -msgid "Creates an square alpha-channel mask" -msgstr "Создать квадратную маску альфа-канала" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_medians.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Media players" -msgid "Medians" -msgstr "Программы воспроизведения" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_medians.xml:4 -msgid "Implements several median-type filters" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_medians.xml:8 -msgid "" -"Cross5,Square3x3,Bilevel,Diamond3x3,Square5x5,Temp3,Temp5,ArceBI,ML3D,ML3dEX," -"VarSize" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_5) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, import_size) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_20) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, treeWidget) -#: data/effects/frei0r_medians.xml:13 data/effects/frei0r_sharpness.xml:12 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:208 -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:563 src/ui/importkeyframesdialog_ui.ui:73 -#: src/ui/managecaptures_ui.ui:40 src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:201 -msgid "Size" -msgstr "Размер" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_nervous.xml:3 -msgid "Nervous" -msgstr "Нервозность" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_nervous.xml:4 -msgid "Flushes frames in time in a nervous way" -msgstr "Время от времени резко дёргать кадры" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_nosync0r.xml:3 -msgid "nosync0r" -msgstr "Сбитая синхронизация" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_nosync0r.xml:4 -msgid "Broken TV" -msgstr "Сломанная горизонтальная развёртка ТВ" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_nosync0r.xml:7 -msgid "HSync" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pixeliz0r.xml:3 -msgid "Pixelize" -msgstr "Пикселизация" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pixeliz0r.xml:4 -msgid "Pixelize input image." -msgstr "Пикселизация исходного изображения" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pixeliz0r.xml:7 -msgid "Block Size X" -msgstr "Ширина блока" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pixeliz0r.xml:10 -msgid "Block Size Y" -msgstr "Высота блока" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0be.xml:3 -msgid "pr0be" -msgstr "Значения видеосигнала" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0be.xml:4 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Mute video clip" -msgid "Measure video values" -msgstr "Выключить видеоклип" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0be.xml:8 -msgid "RGB,Y'PbPr - rec. 601,Y'PbPr - rec. 709,HSV,HSL" -msgstr "RGB,Y'PbPr - рек. 601,Y'PbPr - рек. 709,HSV,HSL" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0be.xml:9 -msgid "Measurement" -msgstr "Пространство" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0be.xml:13 data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:8 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/bezier/beziersplinewidget.cpp:56 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/bezier/beziersplinewidget.cpp:60 -#: src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:144 -msgid "X" -msgstr "X" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_5) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, cbY) -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0be.xml:17 data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:12 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/bezier/beziersplinewidget.cpp:58 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/bezier/beziersplinewidget.cpp:62 -#: src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:164 src/ui/histogram_ui.ui:23 -msgid "Y" -msgstr "Y" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0be.xml:21 -msgid "X size" -msgstr "Ширина" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0be.xml:25 -msgid "Y size" -msgstr "Высота" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0be.xml:29 data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:81 -msgid "256 scale" -msgstr "В масштабе 256" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0be.xml:33 -msgid "Show alpha" -msgstr "Показывать значение альфа-канала" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0be.xml:37 -msgid "Big window" -msgstr "Увеличенное окно" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:3 -msgid "pr0file" -msgstr "2D-осциллоскоп" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:4 -msgid "2D video oscilloscope" -msgstr "Двухмерный видеоосциллоскоп" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:20 -msgid "Length" -msgstr "Длина" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:24 -msgid "R,G,B,Y',Pr,Pb,Alpha" -msgstr "R,G,B,Y',Pr,Pb,Альфа" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:29 -msgid "Marker 1" -msgstr "Маркер 1" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:33 -msgid "Marker 2" -msgstr "Маркер 2" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:37 -msgid "R trace" -msgstr "Следить за каналом R" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:41 -msgid "G trace" -msgstr "Следить за каналом G" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:45 -msgid "B trace" -msgstr "Следить за каналом B" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:49 -msgid "Y trace" -msgstr "Следить за каналом Y" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:53 -msgid "Pr trace" -msgstr "Следить за каналом Pr" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:57 -msgid "Pb trace" -msgstr "Следить за каналом Pb" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:61 -msgid "Alpha trace" -msgstr "Следить за альфа-каналом" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:65 -msgid "Display average" -msgstr "Показывать среднее значение" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:69 -msgid "Display RMS" -msgstr "Показывать среднее квадратическое значение" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:73 -msgid "Display minimum" -msgstr "Показывать минимальное значение" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:77 -msgid "Display maximum" -msgstr "Показывать максимальное значение" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:85 -msgid "CCIR rec. 601,CCIR rec. 709" -msgstr "CCIR rec. 601,CCIR rec. 709" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_13) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, background_list) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_9) -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:86 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:156 -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:176 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:182 -#: src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:197 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:944 -msgid "Color" -msgstr "Цвет" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:90 -msgid "Crosshair color" -msgstr "Цвет перекрестья" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_primaries.xml:3 -msgid "Primaries" -msgstr "Цветовые компоненты" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_primaries.xml:4 -msgid "Reduce image to primary colors" -msgstr "Убрать цвет до основных компонентов" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_primaries.xml:7 data/effects/sox_stretch.xml:7 -msgid "Factor" -msgstr "Коэффициент" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_primaries.xml:8 -msgid " 32 = 0]]>" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QWidget, RGBParade_UI) -#: data/effects/frei0r_rgbparade.xml:3 src/scopes/scopemanager.cpp:308 -#: src/ui/rgbparade_ui.ui:14 -msgid "RGB Parade" -msgstr "Парад RGB" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_rgbparade.xml:4 -msgid "Display a histogram of R, G and B components of the video data" -msgstr "Показать гистограмму компонентов R, G и B видеоданных" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_saturat0r.xml:4 -msgid "Adjusts the saturation of a source image" -msgstr "Изменить насыщенность исходного изображения" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_scale0tilt.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Scale and Tilt" -msgid "Crop, Scale and Position" -msgstr "Масштаб и смещение" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_scale0tilt.xml:4 -msgid "Scales, Tilts and Crops an Image" -msgstr "Масштаб, смещение и кадрирование изображения" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_scale0tilt.xml:7 -msgid "Clip left" -msgstr "Отрезать слева" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_scale0tilt.xml:10 -msgid "Clip right" -msgstr "Отрезать справа" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_scale0tilt.xml:13 -msgid "Clip top" -msgstr "Отрезать сверху" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_scale0tilt.xml:16 -msgid "Clip bottom" -msgstr "Отрезать снизу" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_scale0tilt.xml:19 -msgid "Scale X" -msgstr "Масштаб по X" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_scale0tilt.xml:22 -msgid "Scale Y" -msgstr "Масштаб по Y" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_scale0tilt.xml:25 -msgid "Tilt X" -msgstr "Смещение по X" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_scale0tilt.xml:28 -msgid "Tilt Y" -msgstr "Смещение по Y" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_scanline0r.xml:3 -msgid "scanline0r" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_scanline0r.xml:4 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Interlaced black lines" -msgstr "Чересстрочный" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:4 data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:51 -msgid "Color Selection" -msgstr "Выделение по цвету" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:5 data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:52 -msgid "Color based alpha selection" -msgstr "Выделение альфа-канала на основе цвета" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:9 data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:56 -msgid "Color to select" -msgstr "Выделяемый цвет" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:13 data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:60 -msgid "Invert selection" -msgstr "Инвертировать выделение" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:17 data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:79 -msgid "Delta R / A / Hue" -msgstr "Дельта R / A / Hue" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:21 data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:83 -msgid "Delta G / B / Chroma" -msgstr "Дельта G / B / Chroma" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:25 data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:87 -msgid "Delta B / I / I" -msgstr "Дельта B / I / I" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:29 data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:64 -msgid "RGB,ABI,HCI" -msgstr "RGB,ABI,HCI" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:30 data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:65 -msgid "Selection subspace" -msgstr "Подпространство выделения" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:34 data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:69 -msgid "Box,Ellipsoid,Diamond" -msgstr "Прямоугольник,Эллипс,Ромб" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:35 data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:70 -msgid "Subspace shape" -msgstr "Форма подпространства" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:39 -msgid "Hard,Fat,Normal,Skinny" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:40 data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:75 -msgid "Edge mode" -msgstr "Режим края" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:74 -msgid "Hard,Fat,Normal,Skinny,Slope" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sharpness.xml:3 -msgid "Sharpen" -msgstr "Повышение резкости" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sharpness.xml:4 -msgid "Unsharp masking (port from Mplayer)" -msgstr "Нерезкая маска (порт из MPlayer)" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sobel.xml:3 -msgid "Sobel" -msgstr "Собель" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sobel.xml:4 -msgid "Sobel filter" -msgstr "Фильтр Собеля" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:4 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:59 -msgid "SOP/Sat" -msgstr "SOP/Sat" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:5 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:60 -msgid "" -"Changes Slope, Offset, and Power of the color components, and the overall " -"Saturation, according to the ASC CDL (Color Decision List)." -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:8 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:63 -msgid "Slope Red" -msgstr "Крутизна кривой красного канала" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:10 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:65 -msgid "" -"\n" -" All effects can be observed well when applied on a greyscale " -"gradient and looking at the RGB Parade monitor.]]>" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:13 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:68 -msgid "Slope Green" -msgstr "Крутизна кривой зелёного канала" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:16 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:71 -msgid "Slope Blue" -msgstr "Крутизна кривой синего канала" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:19 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:74 -msgid "Slope Alpha" -msgstr "Крутизна кривой альфа-канала" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:23 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:78 -msgid "Offset Red" -msgstr "Смещение красного канала" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:24 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:79 -msgid "" -"Changing the offset lifts (or lowers) the brightness of each pixel by the " -"given value." -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:27 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:82 -msgid "Offset Green" -msgstr "Смещение зелёного канала" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:30 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:85 -msgid "Offset Blue" -msgstr "Смещение синего канала" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:33 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:88 -msgid "Offset Alpha" -msgstr "Смещение альфа-канала" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:37 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:92 -msgid "Power Red" -msgstr "Коэффициент кривой красного канала" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:39 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:94 -msgid "" -"\n" -" Mathematically, what happens is an exponentiation of the " -"pixel brightness on [0,1] by the gamma value.]]>" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:42 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:97 -msgid "Power Green" -msgstr "Коэффициент кривой зелёного канала" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:45 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:100 -msgid "Power Blue" -msgstr "Коэффициент кривой синего канала" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:48 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:103 -msgid "Power Alpha" -msgstr "Коэффициент кривой альфа-канала" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:52 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:107 -msgid "Overall Saturation" -msgstr "Общая насыщенность" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:53 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:108 -msgid "The overall saturation will be changed in the last step of this filter." -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_squareblur.xml:3 -msgid "Square Blur" -msgstr "Квадратное размывание" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_squareblur.xml:4 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Square Blur" -msgid "Square blur" -msgstr "Квадратное размывание" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_squareblur.xml:7 -msgid "Kernel size" -msgstr "Размер ядра" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_tehroxx0r.xml:3 -msgid "TehRoxx0r" -msgstr "Крутотень" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_tehroxx0r.xml:4 -msgid "Something videowall-ish" -msgstr "Что-то в стиле «видеостен»" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_tehroxx0r.xml:7 -msgid "Interval" -msgstr "Интервал" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_three_point_balance.xml:3 -msgid "3 point balance" -msgstr "Баланс по трём точкам" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_three_point_balance.xml:4 -msgid "Balances colors along with 3 points" -msgstr "Сбалансировать цвета по трём точкам" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_three_point_balance.xml:7 -msgid "Black color" -msgstr "Чёрный цвет" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_three_point_balance.xml:10 -msgid "Gray color" -msgstr "Серый цвет" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_three_point_balance.xml:13 -msgid "White color" -msgstr "Белый цвет" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_three_point_balance.xml:16 -msgid "Split screen preview" -msgstr "Разделить предпросмотр на мониторе" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_three_point_balance.xml:19 -msgid "Source image on left side" -msgstr "Исходный вариант слева на мониторе" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_threelay0r.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -msgid "threelay0r" -msgstr "Задержка" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_threelay0r.xml:4 -msgid "Dynamic 3-level thresholding" -msgstr "Динамический эффект трёхуровневого порога" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_threshold0r.xml:3 -msgid "Threshold0r" -msgstr "Порог (в цвете) по ключевым кадрам" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_threshold0r.xml:4 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Thresholds a source image" -msgstr "Значение порога" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_timeout.xml:4 -msgid "Timeout indicator" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_timeout.xml:7 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Invert colors" -msgid "Indicator color" -msgstr "Инвертировать цвета" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, markers_list) -#: data/effects/frei0r_timeout.xml:10 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:427 -msgid "Time" -msgstr "Время" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_tint0r.xml:3 -msgid "Tint" -msgstr "Тонирование" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_tint0r.xml:4 -msgid "Maps source image luminance between two colors specified" -msgstr "" -"Распределить светимость точек растра в исходном изображении между двумя " -"цветами" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_tint0r.xml:7 -msgid "Map black to" -msgstr "С каким цветом связать чёрный" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_tint0r.xml:10 -msgid "Map white to" -msgstr "С каким цветом связать белый" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_tint0r.xml:13 -msgid "Tint amount" -msgstr "Количество краски" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_twolay0r.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -msgid "twolay0r" -msgstr "Задержка" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_twolay0r.xml:4 -msgid "Dynamic thresholding" -msgstr "Динамический эффект порога" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_vectorscope.xml:3 src/scopes/scopemanager.cpp:306 -msgid "Vectorscope" -msgstr "Вектороскоп" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_vectorscope.xml:4 -msgid "Display a vectorscope of the video data" -msgstr "Показать вектороскоп для видеоданных" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_vertigo.xml:4 data/effects/frei0r_vertigo.xml:15 -msgid "Vertigo" -msgstr "Вертиго" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_vertigo.xml:5 data/effects/frei0r_vertigo.xml:16 -msgid "Alpha blending with zoomed and rotated images" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_vertigo.xml:8 data/effects/frei0r_vertigo.xml:19 -msgid "Phase Increment" -msgstr "Шаг фазы" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_vertigo.xml:11 data/effects/frei0r_vertigo.xml:22 -msgid "Zoom Rate" -msgstr "Масштаб" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_vignette.xml:3 -msgid "Vignette" -msgstr "Виньетирование" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_vignette.xml:4 -msgid "Natural lens vignetting effect" -msgstr "Естественный эффект виньетирования" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_vignette.xml:7 -msgid "Aspect ratio" -msgstr "Пропорции" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_vignette.xml:10 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Clear center size" -msgstr "Размер ядра" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_softness) -#: data/effects/frei0r_vignette.xml:13 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:709 -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:302 src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:220 -msgid "Softness" -msgstr "Мягкость" - -#: data/effects/gain.xml:3 data/effects/gain.xml:7 data/effects/mute.xml:7 -#: data/effects/normalise.xml:7 data/effects/sox_bass.xml:7 -#: data/effects/sox_gain.xml:7 data/effects/volume.xml:7 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/lumaliftgain.cpp:65 -msgid "Gain" -msgstr "Усиление" - -#: data/effects/gain.xml:4 -msgid "Adjust the audio volume without keyframes" -msgstr "Изменить громкость звука не по ключевым кадрам" - -#: data/effects/gamma.xml:4 -msgid "Change gamma color value" -msgstr "Изменить значение гаммы цвета" - -#: data/effects/grain.xml:3 -msgid "Grain" -msgstr "Зерно" - -#: data/effects/grain.xml:4 -msgid "Grain over the image" -msgstr "Эффект плёночного зерна поверх изображения" - -#: data/effects/grain.xml:7 data/effects/movit_deconvolution_sharpen.xml:18 -#: plugins/sampleplugin/sampleplugin.cpp:34 -#: plugins/sampleplugin/sampleplugin.cpp:42 -#: plugins/sampleplugin/sampleplugin.cpp:54 -#: plugins/sampleplugin/sampleplugin.cpp:78 -msgid "Noise" -msgstr "Шум" - -#: data/effects/greyscale.xml:3 -msgid "Greyscale" -msgstr "Оттенки серого" - -#: data/effects/greyscale.xml:4 -msgid "Discard color information" -msgstr "Сбросить информацию о цвете" - -#: data/effects/invert.xml:4 -msgid "Invert colors" -msgstr "Инвертировать цвета" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_declipper.xml:3 -msgid "Declipper" -msgstr "Удаление клиппинга" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_declipper.xml:4 -msgid "LADSPA declipper audio effect" -msgstr "Удаление щелчков (LADSPA)" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer.xml:3 -msgid "Equalizer" -msgstr "Эквалайзер" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer.xml:4 -msgid "LADSPA equalizer audio effect" -msgstr "Звуковой эквалайзер (LADSPA)" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer.xml:7 -msgid "Lo gain" -msgstr "Низк усиление" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer.xml:10 -msgid "Mid gain" -msgstr "Сред усиление" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer.xml:13 -msgid "Hi gain" -msgstr "Выс усиление" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:3 -msgid "15 Band Equalizer" -msgstr "15-полосный эквалайзер" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:4 -msgid "LADSPA equalizer audio effect (15 band)" -msgstr "15-полосный звуковой эквалайзер (LADSPA)" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:7 -msgid "50 Hz" -msgstr "50 Гц" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:10 -msgid "100 Hz" -msgstr "100 Гц" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:13 -msgid "156 Hz" -msgstr "156 Гц" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:16 -msgid "220 Hz" -msgstr "220 Гц" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:19 -msgid "311 Hz" -msgstr "311 Гц" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:22 -msgid "440 Hz" -msgstr "440 Гц" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:25 -msgid "622 Hz" -msgstr "622 Гц" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:28 -msgid "880 Hz" -msgstr "880 Гц" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:31 -msgid "1250 Hz" -msgstr "1250 Гц" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:34 -msgid "1750 Hz" -msgstr "1750 Гц" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:37 -msgid "2500 Hz" -msgstr "2500 Гц" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:40 -msgid "3500 Hz" -msgstr "3500 Гц" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:43 -msgid "5000 Hz" -msgstr "5000 Гц" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:46 -msgid "10000 Hz" -msgstr "10000 Гц" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:49 -msgid "20000 Hz" -msgstr "20000 Гц" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_limiter.xml:3 -msgid "Limiter" -msgstr "Ограничитель" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_limiter.xml:4 -msgid "LADSPA limiter audio effect" -msgstr "Ограничитель (LADSPA)" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_limiter.xml:7 -msgid "Input gain (dB)" -msgstr "Усиление на входе (дБ)" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_limiter.xml:10 -msgid "Limit (dB)" -msgstr "Предел (дБ)" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_limiter.xml:13 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Real time (drop frames)" -msgid "Release time (s)" -msgstr "Режим реального времени (с пропуском кадров)" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_phaser.xml:3 -msgid "Phaser" -msgstr "Фейзер" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_phaser.xml:4 -msgid "LADSPA phaser audio effect" -msgstr "Фейзер (LADSPA)" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_phaser.xml:7 -msgid "Rate (Hz)" -msgstr "Частота (Гц)" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_phaser.xml:10 data/effects/sox_flanger.xml:10 -msgid "Depth" -msgstr "Глубина" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_phaser.xml:13 -msgid "Feedback" -msgstr "Обратная связь" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_phaser.xml:16 -msgid "Spread" -msgstr "Развернуть" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_pitch.xml:3 -msgid "Pitch Shift" -msgstr "Изменить высоту тона" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_pitch.xml:4 -msgid "LADSPA change pitch audio effect" -msgstr "Смена высоты тона (LADSPA)" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_pitch.xml:7 data/effects/sox_pitch.xml:7 -msgid "Shift" -msgstr "Shift" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_pitch_scale.xml:3 -msgid "Pitch Scaler" -msgstr "Масштаб высоты тона" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_pitch_scale.xml:4 -msgid "LADSPA pitch scale audio effect" -msgstr "Масштабирование высоты тона (LADSPA)" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_pitch_scale.xml:7 -msgid "Co-efficient" -msgstr "Коэффициент" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_rate_scale.xml:3 -msgid "Rate Scaler" -msgstr "Изменить темп" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_rate_scale.xml:4 -msgid "LADSPA rate scale audio effect" -msgstr "Изменить скорость воспроизведения (LADSPA)" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_rate_scale.xml:7 -msgid "Rate" -msgstr "Частота" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_reverb.xml:3 -msgid "Reverb" -msgstr "Реверберация" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_reverb.xml:4 -msgid "LADSPA reverb audio effect" -msgstr "Реверберация (LADSPA)" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_reverb.xml:7 -msgid "Reverb time" -msgstr "Время реверберац." - -#: data/effects/ladspa_reverb.xml:10 data/effects/ladspa_room_reverb.xml:13 -msgid "Damping" -msgstr "Затухание" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_room_reverb.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Sox Reverb" -msgid "Room Reverb" -msgstr "Реверберация (SoX)" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_room_reverb.xml:4 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "LADSPA reverb audio effect" -msgid "LADSPA room reverb audio effect" -msgstr "Реверберация (LADSPA)" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_room_reverb.xml:7 -msgid "Room size (m)" -msgstr "Размер комнаты (м)" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_room_reverb.xml:10 -msgid "Delay (s/10)" -msgstr "Задержка (s/10)" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_vinyl.xml:3 -msgid "Vinyl" -msgstr "Винил" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_vinyl.xml:4 -msgid "Simulates a vinyl audio player - LADSPA audio effect" -msgstr "Имитация звука винилового проигрывателя (LADSPA)" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_vinyl.xml:7 src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:166 -msgid "Year" -msgstr "Год" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_vinyl.xml:10 -msgid "RPM" -msgstr "Оборотов в минуту" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_vinyl.xml:13 -msgid "Surface warping" -msgstr "Деформация поверхности" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_vinyl.xml:16 -msgid "Crackle" -msgstr "Треск" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_vinyl.xml:19 -msgid "Wear" -msgstr "Изношенность" - -#: data/effects/lift_gamma_gain.xml:3 -msgid "Lift/gamma/gain" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/lift_gamma_gain.xml:6 data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain.xml:6 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain2.xml:6 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Offset Red" -msgid "Lift: Red" -msgstr "Смещение красного канала" - -#: data/effects/lift_gamma_gain.xml:9 data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain.xml:9 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain2.xml:9 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Offset Green" -msgid "Lift: Green" -msgstr "Смещение зелёного канала" - -#: data/effects/lift_gamma_gain.xml:12 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain.xml:12 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain2.xml:12 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Offset Blue" -msgid "Lift: Blue" -msgstr "Смещение синего канала" - -#: data/effects/lift_gamma_gain.xml:15 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain.xml:15 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain2.xml:15 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Gamma" -msgid "Gamma: Red" -msgstr "Гамма" - -#: data/effects/lift_gamma_gain.xml:18 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain.xml:18 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain2.xml:18 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Gain In" -msgid "Gamma: Green" -msgstr "Начало усиления" - -#: data/effects/lift_gamma_gain.xml:21 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain.xml:21 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain2.xml:21 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Gamma" -msgid "Gamma: Blue" -msgstr "Гамма" - -#: data/effects/lift_gamma_gain.xml:24 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain.xml:24 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain2.xml:24 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Gain In" -msgid "Gain: Red" -msgstr "Начало усиления" - -#: data/effects/lift_gamma_gain.xml:27 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain.xml:27 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain2.xml:27 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Gain In" -msgid "Gain: Green" -msgstr "Начало усиления" - -#: data/effects/lift_gamma_gain.xml:30 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain.xml:30 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain2.xml:30 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Gain Out" -msgid "Gain: Blue" -msgstr "Конец усиления" - -#: data/effects/loudness.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Softness" -msgid "Loudness" -msgstr "Мягкость" - -#: data/effects/loudness.xml:4 -msgid "Correct audio loudness as recommended by EBU R128" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/loudness.xml:7 -msgid "Target Program Loudness" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/mirror.xml:3 -msgid "Mirror" -msgstr "Зеркальное отражение" - -#: data/effects/mirror.xml:4 -msgid "Flip your image in any direction" -msgstr "Вращение вашего изображения в любых направлениях" - -#: data/effects/mirror.xml:7 -msgid "Horizontal,Vertical,Diagonal,X Diagonal,Flip,Flop" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/mirror.xml:8 -msgid "Mirroring direction" -msgstr "Направление отражения" - -#: data/effects/movit_blur.xml:3 -msgid "Blur (GPU)" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_6) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_8) -#: data/effects/movit_blur.xml:6 data/effects/movit_diffusion.xml:6 -#: data/effects/movit_glow.xml:6 data/effects/movit_unsharp_mask.xml:6 -#: data/effects/movit_vignette.xml:6 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:891 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:915 -msgid "Radius" -msgstr "Радиус" - -#: data/effects/movit_deconvolution_sharpen.xml:3 -msgid "Deconvolution sharpen (GPU)" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/movit_deconvolution_sharpen.xml:6 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "File size" -msgid "Matrix size" -msgstr "Размер файла" - -#: data/effects/movit_deconvolution_sharpen.xml:9 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "radius" -msgid "Circle radius" -msgstr "Радиус" - -#: data/effects/movit_deconvolution_sharpen.xml:12 -msgid "Gaussian radius" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/movit_deconvolution_sharpen.xml:15 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Lens Correction" -msgid "Correlation" -msgstr "Искажения оптики" - -#: data/effects/movit_diffusion.xml:3 -msgid "Diffusion (GPU)" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/movit_diffusion.xml:9 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Tint amount" -msgid "Mix amount" -msgstr "Количество краски" - -#: data/effects/movit_glow.xml:3 -msgid "Glow (GPU)" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/movit_glow.xml:9 -msgid "Glow strength" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/movit_glow.xml:12 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Highlight cutoff threshold" -msgstr "Понижение яркости" - -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain.xml:3 -msgid "Lift/gamma/gain (GPU)" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain2.xml:3 -msgid "Movit: Lift/gamma/gain (colors)" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/movit_mirror.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Mirror" -msgid "Mirror (GPU)" -msgstr "Зеркальное отражение" - -#: data/effects/movit_opacity.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Opacity" -msgid "Opacity (GPU)" -msgstr "Непрозрачность" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_opacity) -#: data/effects/movit_opacity.xml:6 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:211 src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:113 -msgid "Opacity" -msgstr "Непрозрачность" - -#: data/effects/movit_rect.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Pan and Zoom" -msgid "Pan and Zoom (GPU)" -msgstr "Панорама и приближение" - -#: data/effects/movit_rect.xml:9 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Follow mouse" -msgid "Allow upscale" -msgstr "Следовать за мышью" - -#: data/effects/movit_saturation.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Saturation" -msgid "Saturation (GPU)" -msgstr "Насыщенность" - -#: data/effects/movit_unsharp_mask.xml:3 -msgid "Unsharp mask (GPU)" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/movit_vignette.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Vignette" -msgid "Vignette (GPU)" -msgstr "Виньетирование" - -#: data/effects/movit_vignette.xml:9 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "radius" -msgid "Inner radius" -msgstr "Радиус" - -#: data/effects/movit_white_balance.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "White Balance" -msgid "White Balance (GPU)" -msgstr "Баланс белого" - -#: data/effects/mute.xml:3 -msgid "Mute" -msgstr "Выключить звук" - -#: data/effects/mute.xml:4 -msgid "Mute clip" -msgstr "Выключить звук клипа" - -#: data/effects/normalise.xml:3 -msgid "Normalise" -msgstr "Нормализовать" - -#: data/effects/normalise.xml:4 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Dynamically normalise the audio volume" -msgstr "Нормализовать уровень звука" - -#: data/effects/normalise.xml:10 -msgid "Maximum gain" -msgstr "Макс. усиление" - -#: data/effects/normalise.xml:13 data/effects/sox_stretch.xml:10 -msgid "Window" -msgstr "Окно" - -#: data/effects/obscure.xml:4 -msgid "Hide a region of the clip" -msgstr "Скрытие области клипа" - -#: data/effects/obscure.xml:7 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:760 -msgid "Region" -msgstr "Область" - -#: data/effects/oldfilm.xml:3 -msgid "Oldfilm" -msgstr "Старая киноплёнка" - -#: data/effects/oldfilm.xml:4 -msgid "Moves the Picture up and down and random brightness change" -msgstr "Перемещает изображение вниз и вверх и случайным образом меняет яркость" - -#: data/effects/oldfilm.xml:7 -msgid "Y-Delta" -msgstr "Разница по Y" - -#: data/effects/oldfilm.xml:10 -#, no-c-format -msgid "% of picture have a delta" -msgstr "% изображения с разницей" - -#: data/effects/oldfilm.xml:13 -msgid "Brightness up" -msgstr "Повышение яркости" - -#: data/effects/oldfilm.xml:16 -msgid "Brightness down" -msgstr "Понижение яркости" - -#: data/effects/oldfilm.xml:19 -msgid "Brightness every" -msgstr "Менять яркость каждые" - -#: data/effects/oldfilm.xml:22 -msgid "Unevendevelop up" -msgstr "Неровность проявки вниз" - -#: data/effects/oldfilm.xml:25 -msgid "Unevendevelop down" -msgstr "Неровность проявки вниз" - -#: data/effects/oldfilm.xml:28 -msgid "Unevendevelop Duration" -msgstr "Длительность неровной проявки" - -#: data/effects/pan_zoom.xml:3 data/effects/region.xml:10 -#: data/effects/rotation.xml:37 -msgid "Pan and Zoom" -msgstr "Панорама и приближение" - -#: data/effects/pan_zoom.xml:4 -msgid "Adjust size and position of clip" -msgstr "Настроить размер и положение клипа" - -#: data/effects/region.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Region" -msgid "Regionalize" -msgstr "Область" - -#: data/effects/region.xml:4 -msgid "Apply sub-effects to a region defined by a clip's alpha channel" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/region.xml:7 -msgid "Url" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/rotation.xml:3 -msgid "Rotate and Shear" -msgstr "Поворот и перекос" - -#: data/effects/rotation.xml:4 data/effects/rotation_keyframable.xml:4 -msgid "Rotate clip in any 3 directions" -msgstr "Вращение клипа по трём направлениям" - -#: data/effects/rotation.xml:7 data/effects/rotation_keyframable.xml:7 -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:747 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:216 -msgid "Rotate X" -msgstr "Вращение по X" - -#: data/effects/rotation.xml:10 data/effects/rotation_keyframable.xml:10 -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:748 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:219 -msgid "Rotate Y" -msgstr "Вращение по Y" - -#: data/effects/rotation.xml:13 data/effects/rotation_keyframable.xml:13 -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:749 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:222 -msgid "Rotate Z" -msgstr "Вращение по Z" - -#: data/effects/rotation.xml:16 -msgid "Animate Rotate X" -msgstr "Анимация вращения по X" - -#: data/effects/rotation.xml:19 -msgid "Animate Rotate Y" -msgstr "Анимация вращения по Y" - -#: data/effects/rotation.xml:22 -msgid "Animate Rotate Z" -msgstr "Анимация вращения по Z" - -#: data/effects/rotation.xml:25 -msgid "Shear X" -msgstr "Скос по X" - -#: data/effects/rotation.xml:28 -msgid "Shear Y" -msgstr "Скос по Y" - -#: data/effects/rotation.xml:31 -msgid "Animate Shear X" -msgstr "Анимация наклона по X" - -#: data/effects/rotation.xml:34 -msgid "Animate Shear Y" -msgstr "Анимация наклона по Y" - -#: data/effects/rotation_keyframable.xml:3 -msgid "Rotate (keyframable)" -msgstr "Вращение (по ключевым кадрам)" - -#: data/effects/rotation_keyframable.xml:16 -msgid "Offset X" -msgstr "Смещение по X" - -#: data/effects/rotation_keyframable.xml:19 -msgid "Offset Y" -msgstr "Смещение по Y" - -#: data/effects/rotoscoping.xml:3 -msgid "Rotoscoping" -msgstr "Ротоскопирование" - -#: data/effects/rotoscoping.xml:4 -msgid "Keyframable vector based rotoscoping" -msgstr "Векторное ротоскопирование по ключевым кадрам" - -#: data/effects/rotoscoping.xml:8 -msgid "Alpha,Luma,RGB" -msgstr "Альфа,Яркость,RGB" - -#: data/effects/rotoscoping.xml:9 -msgid "Mode" -msgstr "Режим" - -#: data/effects/rotoscoping.xml:14 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Alpha Operation" -msgstr "Обработка альфа-канала" - -#: data/effects/rotoscoping.xml:22 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:3422 -msgid "Track" -msgstr "Дорожка" - -#: data/effects/rotoscoping.xml:26 -msgid "Feather width" -msgstr "Ширина растушёвки" - -#: data/effects/rotoscoping.xml:30 -msgid "Feathering passes" -msgstr "Проходов растушёвки" - -#: data/effects/scratchlines.xml:3 -msgid "Scratchlines" -msgstr "Царапины" - -#: data/effects/scratchlines.xml:4 -msgid "Scratchlines over the picture" -msgstr "Эффект царапин поверх изображения" - -#: data/effects/scratchlines.xml:7 -msgid "Width of line" -msgstr "Толщина царапин" - -#: data/effects/scratchlines.xml:10 -msgid "Max number of lines" -msgstr "Макс. число царапин" - -#: data/effects/scratchlines.xml:13 -msgid "Max darker" -msgstr "Макс. затемнение" - -#: data/effects/scratchlines.xml:16 -msgid "Max lighter" -msgstr "Макс. осветление" - -#: data/effects/sepia.xml:3 -msgid "Sepia" -msgstr "Сепия" - -#: data/effects/sepia.xml:4 -msgid "Turn clip colors to sepia" -msgstr "Изменить цвета клипа на sepia" - -#: data/effects/sepia.xml:7 -msgid "Chrominance U" -msgstr "Цветность в канале U" - -#: data/effects/sepia.xml:10 -msgid "Chrominance V" -msgstr "Цветность в канале V" - -#: data/effects/sox_band.xml:3 -msgid "Sox Band" -msgstr "Полосный фильтр (SoX)" - -#: data/effects/sox_band.xml:4 -msgid "Sox band audio effect" -msgstr "Полосный фильтр SoX" - -#: data/effects/sox_band.xml:7 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Frequency" -msgid "Center Frequency" -msgstr "Частота" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_4) -#: data/effects/sox_band.xml:10 data/effects/sox_flanger.xml:16 -#: src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:181 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:307 -msgid "Width" -msgstr "Ширина" - -#: data/effects/sox_bass.xml:3 -msgid "Sox Bass" -msgstr "Усиление баса (SoX)" - -#: data/effects/sox_bass.xml:4 -msgid "Sox bass audio effect" -msgstr "Эффекты усиления баса при помощи SoX" - -#: data/effects/sox_echo.xml:3 -msgid "Sox Echo" -msgstr "Эхо (SoX)" - -#: data/effects/sox_echo.xml:4 -msgid "Sox echo audio effect" -msgstr "Эффект эха при помощи SoX" - -#: data/effects/sox_echo.xml:7 data/effects/sox_phaser.xml:7 -msgid "Gain In" -msgstr "Начало усиления" - -#: data/effects/sox_echo.xml:10 data/effects/sox_phaser.xml:10 -msgid "Gain Out" -msgstr "Конец усиления" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_13) -#: data/effects/sox_echo.xml:13 data/effects/sox_flanger.xml:7 -#: data/effects/sox_phaser.xml:13 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:994 -msgid "Delay" -msgstr "Задержка" - -#: data/effects/sox_echo.xml:16 data/effects/sox_phaser.xml:16 -msgid "Decay" -msgstr "Затухание" - -#: data/effects/sox_flanger.xml:3 -msgid "Sox Flanger" -msgstr "Флэнжер (SoX)" - -#: data/effects/sox_flanger.xml:4 -msgid "Sox flanger audio effect" -msgstr "Эффект флэнжера при помощи SoX" - -#: data/effects/sox_flanger.xml:13 -msgid "Regeneration" -msgstr "Восстановление" - -#: data/effects/sox_flanger.xml:19 data/effects/sox_phaser.xml:19 -#: data/effects/speed.xml:3 data/effects/speed.xml:7 -msgid "Speed" -msgstr "Скорость" - -#: data/effects/sox_flanger.xml:25 -msgid "Phase" -msgstr "Фаза" - -#: data/effects/sox_flanger.xml:28 src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:383 -msgid "Interpolation" -msgstr "Интерполяция" - -#: data/effects/sox_gain.xml:3 -msgid "Sox Gain" -msgstr "Усиление (SoX)" - -#: data/effects/sox_gain.xml:4 -msgid "Sox gain audio effect" -msgstr "Эффект усиления при помощи SoX" - -#: data/effects/sox_gain.xml:12 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Normalise" -msgid "Normalize" -msgstr "Нормализовать" - -#: data/effects/sox_phaser.xml:3 -msgid "Sox Phaser" -msgstr "Фейзер (SoX)" - -#: data/effects/sox_phaser.xml:4 -msgid "Sox phaser audio effect" -msgstr "Эффект фейзера при помощи SoX" - -#: data/effects/sox_pitch.xml:3 -msgid "Sox Pitch Shift" -msgstr "Высота тона (SoX)" - -#: data/effects/sox_pitch.xml:4 -msgid "Sox change pitch audio effect" -msgstr "Смена высоты тона при помощи SoX" - -#: data/effects/sox_pitch.xml:10 -msgid "Time window (ms)" -msgstr "Окно времени (ms)" - -#: data/effects/sox_reverb.xml:3 -msgid "Sox Reverb" -msgstr "Реверберация (SoX)" - -#: data/effects/sox_reverb.xml:4 -msgid "Sox reverb audio effect" -msgstr "Эффект реверберации при помощи SoX" - -#: data/effects/sox_reverb.xml:7 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Reverberance" -msgstr "Реверберация" - -#: data/effects/sox_reverb.xml:10 -msgid "High frequency damping" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/sox_reverb.xml:13 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Room scale" -msgstr "Изменить масштаб" - -#: data/effects/sox_reverb.xml:16 -msgid "Stereo depth" -msgstr "Глубина стерео" - -#: data/effects/sox_reverb.xml:19 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Pre-delay" -msgstr "Воспроизвести" - -#: data/effects/sox_reverb.xml:22 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Wet gain" -msgstr "Выс усиление" - -#: data/effects/sox_stretch.xml:3 -msgid "Sox Stretch" -msgstr "Растягивание (SoX)" - -#: data/effects/sox_stretch.xml:4 -msgid "Sox stretch audio effect" -msgstr "Эффект растягивания при помощи SoX" - -#: data/effects/speed.xml:4 -msgid "Make clip play faster or slower" -msgstr "Сделать воспроизведение быстрее или медленнее" - -#: data/effects/speed.xml:10 -msgid "Stroboscope" -msgstr "Стробоскоп" - -#: data/effects/swapchannels.xml:3 -msgid "Swap channels" -msgstr "Поменять местами каналы" - -#: data/effects/swapchannels.xml:4 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Move the left channel to the right and right-to-left" -msgstr "Скопировать левый канал в правый" - -#: data/effects/tcolor.xml:3 -msgid "Technicolor" -msgstr "Technicolor" - -#: data/effects/tcolor.xml:4 -msgid "Oversaturate the color in video, like in old Technicolor movies" -msgstr "" -"Избыточно увеличить насыщенность цвета как на старых плёнках Technicolor" - -#: data/effects/tcolor.xml:7 -msgid "Blue/Yellow axis" -msgstr "Ось Синий/Жёлтый" - -#: data/effects/tcolor.xml:10 -msgid "Red/Green axis" -msgstr "Ось Красный/Зелёный" - -#: data/effects/threshold.xml:4 -msgid "Make monochrome clip" -msgstr "Делает клип монохромным" - -#: data/effects/threshold.xml:7 -msgid "Threshold value" -msgstr "Значение порога" - -#: data/effects/threshold.xml:10 -msgid "Use transparency" -msgstr "Использовать прозрачность" - -#: data/effects/vignette.xml:3 -msgid "Vignette Effect" -msgstr "Естественное виньетирование" - -#: data/effects/vignette.xml:4 -msgid "Adjustable Vignette" -msgstr "Настраиваемое виньетирование" - -#: data/effects/vignette.xml:7 -msgid "smooth" -msgstr "Плавность" - -#: data/effects/vignette.xml:10 -msgid "radius" -msgstr "Радиус" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_6) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_8) -#: data/effects/vignette.xml:13 src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:72 -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:575 -msgid "x" -msgstr "x" - -#: data/effects/vignette.xml:16 -msgid "y" -msgstr "y" - -#: data/effects/vignette.xml:19 -msgid "opacity" -msgstr "Непрозрачность" - -#: data/effects/vignette.xml:22 -msgid "use cos instead of linear" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/volume.xml:3 -msgid "Volume (keyframable)" -msgstr "Громкость (по ключевым кадрам)" - -#: data/effects/volume.xml:4 -msgid "Adjust audio volume with keyframes" -msgstr "Выровнять уровень звука по ключевым кадрам" - -#: data/effects/wave.xml:3 -msgid "Wave" -msgstr "Волна" - -#: data/effects/wave.xml:4 -msgid "Make waves on your clip with keyframes" -msgstr "Создает волны в вашем клипе на основе ключевых кадров" - -#: data/effects/wave.xml:10 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Horizontal" -msgstr "Центр по горизонтали" - -#: data/effects/wave.xml:13 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Vertical" -msgstr "Центр по вертикали" - -#: data/kdenliveeffectscategory.rc:5 -msgid "Colour correction" -msgstr "Цветокоррекция" - -#: data/kdenliveeffectscategory.rc:8 -msgid "Colour" -msgstr "Цвет" - -#: data/kdenliveeffectscategory.rc:11 -msgid "Crop and transform" -msgstr "Обрезка и трансформации" - -#: data/kdenliveeffectscategory.rc:14 -msgid "Audio correction" -msgstr "Коррекция звука" - -#: data/kdenliveeffectscategory.rc:17 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:655 -msgid "Audio channels" -msgstr "Каналы звука" - -#: data/kdenliveeffectscategory.rc:20 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Analyse" -msgid "Analysis and data" -msgstr "Анализ" - -#: data/kdenliveeffectscategory.rc:23 -msgid "Fade" -msgstr "Нарастание и затухание" - -#: data/kdenliveeffectscategory.rc:26 -msgid "Artistic" -msgstr "" - -#: data/kdenliveeffectscategory.rc:29 -msgid "Blur and hide" -msgstr "Размывание и сокрытие" - -#: data/kdenliveeffectscategory.rc:32 -msgid "Motion" -msgstr "Движение" - -#: data/kdenliveeffectscategory.rc:38 -msgid "Alpha manipulation" -msgstr "Обработка альфа-канала" - -#: data/kdenliveeffectscategory.rc:41 -msgid "Enhancement" -msgstr "Улучшение" - -#: data/kdenliveeffectscategory.rc:44 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "effect" -msgid "GPU effects" -msgstr "эффект" - -#. i18n: ectx: ToolBar (extraToolBar) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:4 -msgid "Extra Toolbar" -msgstr "Дополнительная панель инструментов" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (project) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:21 -msgid "Project" -msgstr "Проект" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (extract_audio) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:29 src/mainwindow.cpp:2752 -msgid "Extract Audio" -msgstr "Извлечь звуковую дорожку" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (clip_actions) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:32 src/mainwindow.cpp:2699 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Clip top" -msgid "Clip Jobs" -msgstr "Отрезать сверху" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (transcoders) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:35 src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:184 -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:125 -msgid "Transcode" -msgstr "Кодирование" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (generators) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:38 -msgid "Generators" -msgstr "Генераторы" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (track_menu) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:40 src/mainwindow.cpp:1145 -msgid "Tracks" -msgstr "Дорожки" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (clip_in_timeline) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:55 -msgid "Clip in Timeline" -msgstr "Клип на линии времени" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (tool) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:70 -msgid "Tool" -msgstr "Инструменты" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (clip) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:80 src/project/projectlistview.cpp:59 -msgid "Clip" -msgstr "Клип" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (marker_menu) -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_3) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:81 src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:397 -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:402 -msgid "Markers" -msgstr "Маркеры" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (timeline) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:96 src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:81 -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2785 -msgid "Timeline" -msgstr "Линия времени" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (keyboard_selection) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:97 -msgid "Selection" -msgstr "Выделение" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (keyboard_insert) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:105 -msgid "Insertion" -msgstr "Вставка" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (current_clip) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:110 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Cut Clip" -msgid "Current clip" -msgstr "Разрезать клип" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (all_clips) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:117 -#, fuzzy -msgid "All clips" -msgstr "Добавить клип" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (guide_menu) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:120 -msgid "Guides" -msgstr "Направляющие" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (space_menu) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:126 -msgid "Space" -msgstr "Пробел" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (video_effects_menu) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:134 src/mainwindow.cpp:279 -msgid "Add Effect" -msgstr "Добавить эффект" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (monitor) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:148 -msgid "Monitor" -msgstr "Монитор" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (monitor_go) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:154 src/timeline/customruler.cpp:93 -msgid "Go To" -msgstr "Перейти" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (monitor_config) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:176 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Monitor" -msgid "Monitor config" -msgstr "Монитор" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (dockwindows) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:187 -msgid "View" -msgstr "Вид" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (layout_save_as) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:188 -msgid "Save Layout As" -msgstr "Сохранить вид как" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, CountDown_UI) -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, ClipStabilize_UI) -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, FreeSound_UI) -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, ArchiveWidget_UI) -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, BackupDialog_UI) -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, ClipTranscode_UI) -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, AddTrack_UI) -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, SmConfig_UI) -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, ManageEncodingProfile_UI) -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, ColorClip_UI) -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, RenderWidget_UI) -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, Stopmotion_UI) -#: plugins/sampleplugin/countdown_ui.ui:13 src/ui/addtrack_ui.ui:14 -#: src/ui/archivewidget_ui.ui:14 src/ui/backupdialog_ui.ui:14 -#: src/ui/clipstabilize_ui.ui:14 src/ui/cliptranscode_ui.ui:14 -#: src/ui/colorclip_ui.ui:14 src/ui/freesound_ui.ui:14 -#: src/ui/manageencodingprofile_ui.ui:14 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:14 -#: src/ui/smconfig_ui.ui:14 src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Dialog" -msgstr "Диалог" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, destination_label) -#: plugins/sampleplugin/countdown_ui.ui:19 src/ui/cutjobdialog_ui.ui:47 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Save to" -msgstr "Сохранить участок" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, duration_label) -#: plugins/sampleplugin/countdown_ui.ui:29 -msgid "Duration (seconds)" -msgstr "Длительность (в секундах)" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, font_label) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_4) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_17) -#: plugins/sampleplugin/countdown_ui.ui:46 src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:89 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:331 -msgid "Font" -msgstr "Шрифт" - -#: plugins/sampleplugin/sampleplugin.cpp:33 -msgid "Countdown" -msgstr "Обратный отсчёт" - -#: plugins/sampleplugin/sampleplugin.cpp:55 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Cut Group" -msgid "Create Noise Clip" -msgstr "Разрезать группу" - -#: plugins/sampleplugin/sampleplugin.cpp:59 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Cut Group" -msgid "Create Countdown Clip" -msgstr "Разрезать группу" - -#: plugins/sampleplugin/sampleplugin.cpp:97 -#: plugins/sampleplugin/sampleplugin.cpp:105 -#, fuzzy, kde-format -msgid "" -"Failed to generate clip:\n" -"%1" -msgstr "Использовать устройство Jog Shuttle" - -#: plugins/sampleplugin/sampleplugin.cpp:97 -#: plugins/sampleplugin/sampleplugin.cpp:105 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Generators" -msgid "Generator Failed" -msgstr "Генераторы" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:210 src/project/projectlist.cpp:133 -#, kde-format -msgid "%1 job" -msgid_plural "%1 jobs" -msgstr[0] "" -msgstr[1] "" -msgstr[2] "" -msgstr[3] "" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:211 src/project/projectlist.cpp:134 -#, kde-format -msgid "%1 pending job" -msgid_plural "%1 pending jobs" -msgstr[0] "" -msgstr[1] "" -msgstr[2] "" -msgstr[3] "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_search) -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:300 src/ui/freesound_ui.ui:74 -msgid "Search" -msgstr "Найти" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:336 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Mode" -msgid "View Mode" -msgstr "Режим" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:338 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "View" -msgid "Tree View" -msgstr "Вид" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:346 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "View" -msgid "Icon View" -msgstr "Вид" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:353 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Delete effect" -msgid "Disable Bin Effects" -msgstr "Удалить эффект" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:361 src/bin/bincommands.cpp:102 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Rename folder" -msgid "Rename Folder" -msgstr "Переименовать папку" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab) -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:370 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:50 -msgid "Settings" -msgstr "Параметры" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:372 src/project/clipproperties.cpp:351 -#: src/project/dialogs/slideshowclip.cpp:77 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:324 -msgid "Zoom" -msgstr "Масштаб" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:378 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Show alpha" -msgid "Show date" -msgstr "Показывать значение альфа-канала" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:381 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Description" -msgid "Show description" -msgstr "Описание" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:399 src/project/projectlist.cpp:213 -msgid "Cancel All Jobs" -msgstr "" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:401 src/project/projectlist.cpp:217 -msgid "Cancel Current Clip Jobs" -msgstr "" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:431 src/project/projectlist.cpp:254 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Show histogram" -msgid "Show Log" -msgstr "Показывать гистограмму на мониторе" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:504 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Creating thumbnail for %1" -msgid "Creating audio thumbnails" -msgstr "Создание миниатюры для %1" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:511 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Show audio thumbnails" -msgid "Audio thumbnails done" -msgstr "Показывать визуализацию звуковых дорожек" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:805 -msgctxt "append to clip name to indicate a copied idem" -msgid " (copy)" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:929 src/bin/bin.cpp:2217 -#: src/project/folderprojectitem.cpp:37 src/project/projectlist.cpp:1085 -#: src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:60 -msgid "Folder" -msgstr "Каталог" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:1056 -#, kde-format -msgid "Folder contains a clip, delete anyways ?" -msgid_plural "Folder contains %1 clips, delete anyways ?" -msgstr[0] "" -msgstr[1] "" -msgstr[2] "" -msgstr[3] "" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:1173 src/mainwindow.cpp:1234 -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:1004 -msgid "Delete Clip" -msgstr "Удалить клип" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:1174 src/mainwindow.cpp:1251 -msgid "Proxy Clip" -msgstr "Прокси-клип" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:1181 src/project/projectlist.cpp:995 -msgid "Delete Folder" -msgstr "Удалить каталог" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:1182 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Project Folder" -msgid "Proxy Folder" -msgstr "Папка проекта" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2015 src/bin/bincommands.cpp:62 src/bin/bincommands.cpp:82 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Move clip" -msgid "Move Clip" -msgid_plural "Move Clips" -msgstr[0] "Переместить клип" -msgstr[1] "Переместить клип" -msgstr[2] "Переместить клип" -msgstr[3] "Переместить клип" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2231 -#, fuzzy, kde-format -#| msgid "Playlist clip" -msgid "Playlist clip %1 is invalid." -msgstr "Список воспроизведения:" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2236 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Playlist clip %1 has too many tracks (%2) to be imported. Add new tracks to " -"your project." -msgstr "" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2449 src/project/projectlist.cpp:465 -msgid "Please set a default application to open images in the Settings dialog" -msgstr "" -"Установите текущее приложение для работы с изображениями в меню Установки" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2455 src/project/projectlist.cpp:471 -msgid "" -"Please set a default application to open audio files in the Settings dialog" -msgstr "Установите текущее приложение для работы со звуком в меню Установки" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2511 src/project/projectlist.cpp:2661 -msgid "No data returned from clip analysis" -msgstr "" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2525 src/project/projectlist.cpp:2674 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Processing threads" -msgid "Processing data analysis" -msgstr "Потоков обработки" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2531 src/project/projectlist.cpp:2680 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Loading clips" -msgid "Auto Split Clip" -msgstr "Загружаются клипы" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2549 src/project/projectlist.cpp:2698 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Add Marker" -msgid "Add Markers" -msgstr "Добавить маркер" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2592 src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:85 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:474 src/project/projectcommands.cpp:164 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Add marker" -msgid "Add marker" -msgid_plural "Add markers" -msgstr[0] "Добавить маркер" -msgstr[1] "Добавить маркер" -msgstr[2] "Добавить маркер" -msgstr[3] "Добавить маркер" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2603 src/bin/bin.cpp:2685 src/project/jobs/filterjob.cpp:96 -#: src/timeline/markerdialog.cpp:45 -#, kde-format -msgid "Category %1" -msgstr "" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2608 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Add marker" -msgid "Load Clip Markers" -msgstr "Добавить маркер" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2623 src/bin/bin.cpp:2720 -#: src/dialogs/profilesdialog.cpp:219 src/dialogs/profilesdialog.cpp:520 -#, fuzzy, kde-format -msgid "Cannot open file %1" -msgstr "Невозможно переместить эффект" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, MarkerDialog_UI) -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2649 src/definitions.cpp:78 src/definitions.cpp:95 -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:367 src/mainwindow.cpp:1831 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:727 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:801 src/ui/markerdialog_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Marker" -msgstr "Маркер" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2683 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "All Files" -msgid "All categories" -msgstr "Все файлы" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2690 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Delete marker" -msgid "Save Clip Markers" -msgstr "Удалить маркер" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2733 src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:86 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:478 src/project/projectcommands.cpp:162 -msgid "Delete marker" -msgstr "Удалить маркер" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2748 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Delete marker" -msgid "Delete clip markers" -msgstr "Удалить маркер" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2750 -msgid "Clip has no markers" -msgstr "У клипа нет маркеров" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2788 src/project/clippropertiesmanager.cpp:126 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"You are editing an external title clip (%1). Do you want to save your " -"changes to the title file or save the changes for this project only?" -msgstr "" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2788 src/project/clippropertiesmanager.cpp:126 -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:1766 -msgid "Save Title" -msgstr "Сохранить титры" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2788 src/project/clippropertiesmanager.cpp:126 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Save to title file" -msgstr "Сохранить профиль" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2788 src/project/clippropertiesmanager.cpp:126 -msgid "Save in project only" -msgstr "Сохранить только в проекте" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2852 src/project/projectlist.cpp:1428 -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:1430 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4517 -msgid "Invalid clip" -msgstr "Некорректный клип" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2852 src/project/projectlist.cpp:1428 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Clip %1
is invalid, will be removed from project." -msgid "Clip is invalid, will be removed from project." -msgstr "Клип %1
повреждён и будет удалён из проекта." - -#: src/bin/bincommands.cpp:34 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Rename folder" -msgid "Remove Folder" -msgstr "Переименовать папку" - -#: src/bin/bincommands.cpp:35 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Add folder" -msgid "Add Folder" -msgstr "Добавить каталог" - -#: src/bin/bincommands.cpp:121 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Add Effect" -msgid "Add Bin Effect" -msgstr "Добавить эффект" - -#: src/bin/bincommands.cpp:140 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Reset effect" -msgid "Remove Bin Effect" -msgstr "Сбросить эффект" - -#: src/bin/bincommands.cpp:162 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Rename folder" -msgid "Rename Zone" -msgstr "Переименовать папку" - -#: src/bin/bincommands.cpp:184 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Add Clip" -msgid "Add Sub Clip" -msgstr "Добавить клип" - -#: src/bin/bincommands.cpp:217 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1628 -msgid "Edit clip" -msgstr "Изменить клип" - -#: src/bin/projectclip.cpp:90 src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:879 -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:195 -msgid "Untitled" -msgstr "Безымянный" - -#: src/bin/projectclip.cpp:272 src/project/projectlist.cpp:2458 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "P" -msgctxt "The first letter of Proxy, used as abbreviation" -msgid "P" -msgstr "P" - -#: src/bin/projectclip.cpp:940 src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:1228 -#, kde-format -msgid "Clip already contains analysis data %1" -msgstr "" - -#: src/bin/projectclip.cpp:940 src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:1228 -msgid "Merge" -msgstr "" - -#: src/bin/projectclip.cpp:940 src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:1228 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Add %1" -msgid "Add" -msgstr "Добавить %1" - -#: src/bin/projectfolder.cpp:74 -#, fuzzy, kde-format -msgid "%1 clip" -msgid_plural "%1 clips" -msgstr[0] "(%1 клип)" -msgstr[1] "(%1 клипа)" -msgstr[2] "(%1 клипов)" -msgstr[3] "" - -#: src/bin/projectfolderup.cpp:35 -msgid "Back" -msgstr "" - -#: src/bin/projectfolderup.cpp:59 -msgid "Go up" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/bin/projectitemmodel.cpp:169 src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:74 -#: src/ui/colorclip_ui.ui:20 src/ui/configtranscode_ui.ui:70 -#: src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:20 -msgid "Name" -msgstr "Имя" - -#: src/bin/projectitemmodel.cpp:172 -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:173 -#: src/project/projectlistview.cpp:59 -msgid "Date" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_description) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/bin/projectitemmodel.cpp:175 src/project/projectlistview.cpp:59 -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:41 src/ui/configtranscode_ui.ui:80 -#: src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:49 -msgid "Description" -msgstr "Описание" - -#: src/bin/projectitemmodel.cpp:178 src/dialogs/profilesdialog.cpp:585 -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:231 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:319 -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:771 src/mltcontroller/clipcontroller.cpp:266 -#: src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:483 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Unknown" -msgstr "Неизвестно" - -#: src/bin/projectsubclip.cpp:41 src/doc/documentvalidator.cpp:1441 -#, fuzzy, kde-format -#| msgid "Zone end: %1" -msgid "Zone %1" -msgstr "Конец зоны: %1" - -#: src/capture/managecapturesdialog.cpp:42 -msgid "import" -msgstr "импорт" - -#: src/dialogs/clipcreationdialog.cpp:97 src/dialogs/clipcreationdialog.cpp:98 -msgid "Color Clip" -msgstr "Цветовой клип" - -#: src/dialogs/clipcreationdialog.cpp:188 -msgid "Title clip" -msgstr "Клип титров" - -#: src/dialogs/clipcreationdialog.cpp:236 src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:1117 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Template title clip" -msgstr "Продублировать клип титров" - -#: src/dialogs/clipcreationdialog.cpp:428 src/doc/doccommands.cpp:32 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Add clip" -msgid_plural "Add clips" -msgstr[0] "Добавить клип" -msgstr[1] "Добавить клипы" -msgstr[2] "Добавить клипы" -msgstr[3] "" - -#: src/dialogs/clipcreationdialog.cpp:437 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:247 -#: src/effectstack/collapsibleeffect.cpp:200 src/mainwindow.cpp:2832 -msgid "All Supported Files" -msgstr "Все поддерживаемые форматы" - -#: src/dialogs/clipcreationdialog.cpp:437 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:247 -#: src/effectstack/collapsibleeffect.cpp:200 src/mainwindow.cpp:2832 -msgid "All Files" -msgstr "Все файлы" - -#: src/dialogs/clipcreationdialog.cpp:438 -msgid "Import image sequence" -msgstr "Импортировать последовательность изображений" - -#: src/dialogs/clipcreationdialog.cpp:440 -msgid "Transparent background for images" -msgstr "Прозрачный фон для изображений" - -#: src/dialogs/encodingprofilesdialog.cpp:37 -msgid "Manage Encoding Profiles" -msgstr "Управление профилями кодирования" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, groupBox) -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, enable_proxy) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_14) -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, kcfg_enableproxy) -#: src/dialogs/encodingprofilesdialog.cpp:38 -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:96 src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:36 -#: src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:142 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:244 -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:499 -msgid "Proxy clips" -msgstr "Прокси-клипы" - -#: src/dialogs/encodingprofilesdialog.cpp:39 -msgid "Video4Linux capture" -msgstr "Захват через Video4Linux" - -#: src/dialogs/encodingprofilesdialog.cpp:40 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Full screen capture" -msgid "Screen capture" -msgstr "Полноэкранный захват" - -#: src/dialogs/encodingprofilesdialog.cpp:41 -msgid "Decklink capture" -msgstr "Захват через Decklink" - -#: src/dialogs/encodingprofilesdialog.cpp:125 -#: src/dialogs/encodingprofilesdialog.cpp:157 -msgid "Profile name:" -msgstr "Название профиля:" - -#: src/dialogs/encodingprofilesdialog.cpp:128 -#: src/dialogs/encodingprofilesdialog.cpp:160 -msgid "Parameters:" -msgstr "Параметры:" - -#: src/dialogs/encodingprofilesdialog.cpp:131 -#: src/dialogs/encodingprofilesdialog.cpp:163 -msgid "File extension:" -msgstr "Расширение файла:" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:64 -#: src/effectslist/effectslistwidget.cpp:100 -#: src/effectslist/effectslistwidget.cpp:121 -#: src/effectslist/effectslistwidget.cpp:123 -msgid "Misc" -msgstr "Разное" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:73 -msgid "Project Defaults" -msgstr "Параметры проекта по умолчанию" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:101 -msgid "Environment" -msgstr "Окружение" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:126 -msgid "Capture" -msgstr "Захват" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:131 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Capture is not yet available on OS X." -msgid "Capture is not yet available on Mac OS X." -msgstr "Захват пока что не работает в OS X." - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:170 -msgid "JogShuttle" -msgstr "Jog Shuttle" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, groupBox) -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:180 src/ui/smconfig_ui.ui:20 -msgid "Playback" -msgstr "Воспроизведение" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:275 -msgid "GPU processing needs MLT compiled with Movit and Rtaudio modules" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:300 -#, kde-format -msgid "dvgrab version %1 at %2" -msgstr "Версия dvgrab %1 (%2)" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:301 -msgid "" -"dvgrab utility not found, please install it for firewire " -"capture" -msgstr "" -"Утилита dvgrab не найдена, пожалуйста установите ее для " -"захвата" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:438 -msgid "Automatic" -msgstr "Автоматически" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:440 -msgid "OSS" -msgstr "OSS" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:441 -msgid "ALSA" -msgstr "ALSA" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:442 -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:487 -msgid "PulseAudio" -msgstr "PulseAudio" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:443 -msgid "OSS with DMA access" -msgstr "OSS с доступом DMA" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:444 -msgid "Esound daemon" -msgstr "Демон Esound" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:445 -msgid "ARTS daemon" -msgstr "Демон ARTS" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:457 -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:458 -msgid "Default" -msgstr "По умолчанию" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:503 -msgid "SDL" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:504 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Audio" -msgid "RtAudio" -msgstr "Звук" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:566 -msgid "Select default video player" -msgstr "Видеопроигрыватель по умолчанию" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:578 -msgid "Select default audio editor" -msgstr "Аудио редактор по умолчанию" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:590 -msgid "Select default image editor" -msgstr "Редактор изображений по умолчанию" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:809 -msgid "Kdenlive must be restarted to change this setting" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, p_progressive) -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:832 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:264 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:634 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:118 src/project/clipproperties.cpp:685 -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:322 src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:99 -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:163 -msgid "Interlaced" -msgstr "Чересстрочный" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, progressive) -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:834 -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:1039 -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:1072 -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:1088 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:265 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:634 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:119 src/project/clipproperties.cpp:685 -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:428 src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:232 -msgid "Progressive" -msgstr "Прогрессивное кодирование" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:892 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Profile already exists" -msgid "A profile with that name already exists" -msgstr "Профиль уже существует" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:1003 -msgid "Current settings" -msgstr "Текущие параметры" - -#: src/dialogs/profilesdialog.cpp:50 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:163 -msgid "Delete profile" -msgstr "Удалить профиль" - -#: src/dialogs/profilesdialog.cpp:52 src/dialogs/profilesdialog.cpp:95 -msgid "Save profile" -msgstr "Сохранить профиль" - -#: src/dialogs/profilesdialog.cpp:54 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:171 -msgid "Create new profile" -msgstr "Создать новый профиль" - -#: src/dialogs/profilesdialog.cpp:163 -msgid "The custom profile was modified, do you want to save it?" -msgstr "Этот профиль был изменён. Вы хотите сохранить его?" - -#: src/dialogs/profilesdialog.cpp:194 -msgid "" -"A profile with same name already exists in MLT's default profiles, please " -"choose another description for your custom profile." -msgstr "" -"Профиль с таким именем уже существует в профилях MLT по умолчанию, " -"пожалуйста выберите другое название" - -#: src/dialogs/profilesdialog.cpp:225 src/dialogs/profilesdialog.cpp:526 -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:612 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:799 -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:805 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:865 -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1003 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1168 -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2382 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2405 -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:669 src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:675 -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:934 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:940 -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:3046 src/mainwindow.cpp:3051 -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:796 -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:802 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:1780 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot write to file %1" -msgstr "Запись в файл %1 невозможна." - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:108 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1233 -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2295 -msgid "Waiting..." -msgstr "Ожидание..." - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:111 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Rendering finished in %1" -msgid "Rendering finished" -msgstr "Сборка %1 закончена в %2" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:116 -msgid "Rendering crashed" -msgstr "Процесс сборки аварийно завершился" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:121 -msgid "Rendering aborted" -msgstr "Сборка прервана" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:155 -msgid "Rendering" -msgstr "Сборка" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:167 -msgid "Edit profile" -msgstr "Изменить профиль" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:177 -msgid "Copy profile to favorites" -msgstr "Скопировать профиль в избранное" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:179 -msgid "Show profiles with different framerate" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, preserveAspectRatio) -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:223 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:534 -msgid "Preserve aspect ratio" -msgstr "Сохранить пропорции" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:289 -msgid "File" -msgstr "Файл" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:298 -msgid "Script Files" -msgstr "Файлы сценариев" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:392 -msgid "Beginning" -msgstr "Начало" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:478 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:494 -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:688 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:706 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Quality" -msgid "Qualities" -msgstr "Качество" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:479 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:495 -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:689 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:707 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Default Durations" -msgid "Default quality" -msgstr "Длительность по умолчанию" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, vbitrates_label) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, abitrates_label) -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:481 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:497 -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:691 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:709 -#: src/ui/saveprofile_ui.ui:40 src/ui/saveprofile_ui.ui:73 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Bitrate" -msgid "Bitrates" -msgstr "Скорость потока" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, default_vbitrate_label) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, default_abitrate_label) -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:482 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:498 -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:692 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:710 -#: src/ui/saveprofile_ui.ui:26 src/ui/saveprofile_ui.ui:80 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Default Durations" -msgid "Default bitrate" -msgstr "Длительность по умолчанию" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:509 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:515 -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:679 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:749 -#, fuzzy -msgctxt "Group Name" -msgid "Custom" -msgstr "Пользовательский" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:591 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:760 -msgid "Profile already exists" -msgstr "Профиль уже существует" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:591 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:760 -msgid "" -"This profile name already exists. Change the name if you don't want to " -"overwrite it." -msgstr "" -"Профиль с таким именем уже существует. Измените имя, если не хотите " -"перезаписать его." - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:606 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:859 -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1859 -#, kde-format -msgid "Unable to write to file %1" -msgstr "Запись в файл %1 невозможна" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:632 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1843 -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1892 -#, fuzzy -msgctxt "Category Name" -msgid "Custom" -msgstr "Пользовательский" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:720 -msgid "Edit Profile" -msgstr "Изменить профиль" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:918 -msgid "Cannot find the melt program required for rendering (part of Mlt)" -msgstr "" -"Не найдена программа melt, необходимая для рендеринга (является частью MLT)" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:922 -msgid "" -"Cannot play video after rendering because the default video player " -"application is not set.\n" -"Please define it in Kdenlive settings dialog." -msgstr "" -"Видео после сборки не может быть воспроизведено, так как не выбрано " -"приложение, используемое как видеопроигрыватель по умолчанию.\n" -"Пожалуйста задайте его в диалоге настройки Kdenlive." - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:930 src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:259 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"The directory %1, could not be created.\n" -"Please make sure you have the required permissions." -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:973 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:165 -#, kde-format -msgid "File has no extension. Add extension (%1)?" -msgstr "Имя файла не имеет расширения. Добавить расширение (%1)?" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:988 -msgid "Output file already exists. Do you want to overwrite it?" -msgstr "Файл уже существует. Перезаписать?" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1222 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2283 -#, fuzzy, kde-format -msgid "" -"There is already a job writing file:
Abort the job if " -"you want to overwrite it..." -msgstr "" -"Работа по сборке файла в процессе:
Отмените работу если вы " -"хотите перезаписать файл..." - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1222 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2283 -msgid "Already running" -msgstr "Уже запущено" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1266 -msgid "Video without audio track" -msgstr "Видео без звуковой дорожки" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1317 -#, kde-format -msgid "Rendering %1 started" -msgstr "Сборка %1 начата" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1473 -#, kde-format -msgid "Frame rate (%1) not compatible with project profile (%2)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1491 -#, kde-format -msgid "Unsupported video format: %1" -msgstr "Неподдерживаемый формат видео: %1" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1507 -#, kde-format -msgid "Unsupported audio codec: %1" -msgstr "Неподдерживаемый аудио-кодек: %1" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1524 -#, kde-format -msgid "Unsupported video codec: %1" -msgstr "Неподдерживаемый видео-кодек: %1" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1533 -msgid "" -"This render profile uses a 'profile' parameter.
Unless you know what " -"you are doing you will probably have to change it to 'mlt_profile'." -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1546 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1584 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Encoding profile" -msgid "No matching profile" -msgstr "Профиль кодирования" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1561 -#, fuzzy -msgid "untitled" -msgstr "Безымянный" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1586 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Invalid clip" -msgid "Invalid profile" -msgstr "Некорректный клип" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1630 -msgid "" -"Video\n" -"quality" -msgstr "" -"Качество\n" -"видео" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1632 -msgid "" -"Video\n" -"bitrate" -msgstr "" -"Битрейт\n" -"видео" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1652 -msgid "" -"Audio\n" -"quality" -msgstr "" -"Качество\n" -"звука" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1654 -msgid "" -"Audio\n" -"bitrate" -msgstr "" -"Битрейт\n" -"звука" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1692 -msgid "File rendering" -msgstr "Сборка в файл" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1693 -msgid "Favorites" -msgstr "Избранное" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1694 -msgid "DVD" -msgstr "DVD" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, profile_audioonly) -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1695 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7011 -#: src/ui/configtranscode_ui.ui:100 -msgid "Audio only" -msgstr "Только звук" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1696 -msgid "Web sites" -msgstr "Веб-сайты" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1697 -msgid "Media players" -msgstr "Программы воспроизведения" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1698 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1738 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Lossless / HQ" -msgid "Lossless/HQ" -msgstr "Без потерь / HQ" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1699 -msgid "Mobile devices" -msgstr "Мобильные устройства" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1783 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Image sequence" -msgctxt "Category Name" -msgid "Images sequence" -msgstr "Последовательность изображений" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1987 -#, fuzzy -msgctxt "Attribute Name" -msgid "Custom" -msgstr "Пользовательский" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2085 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2108 -#, fuzzy, kde-format -#| msgid "%1 dB" -msgid "%1 day " -msgid_plural "%1 days " -msgstr[0] "%1 дБ" -msgstr[1] "%1 дБ" -msgstr[2] "%1 дБ" -msgstr[3] "%1 дБ" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2087 -#, fuzzy, kde-format -#| msgid "Remaining time" -msgid "Remaining time %1" -msgstr "Время до конца" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2110 -#, fuzzy, kde-format -#| msgid "Rendering finished in %1" -msgid "Rendering finished in %1" -msgstr "Сборка %1 закончена в %2" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2112 -#, kde-format -msgid "Rendering of %1 finished in %2" -msgstr "Сборка %1 завершена в %2" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2125 -#, kde-format -msgid "Rendering of %1 crashed
" -msgstr "Сборка %1 аварийно прервана
" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, abort_job) -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2165 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:650 -msgid "Abort Job" -msgstr "Прервать работу" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2168 -msgid "Remove Job" -msgstr "Снять задачу" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2236 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2240 -#, kde-format -msgid "Script contains wrong command: %1" -msgstr "Сценарий содержит ошибочную инструкцию: %1" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2424 -msgid "script" -msgstr "сценарий" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2445 src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:228 -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:640 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Check missing clips" -msgstr "Утерянные клипы" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2502 -msgid "Export audio (automatic)" -msgstr "Экспортировать звук (автоматически)" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, export_audio) -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2504 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:544 -msgid "Export audio" -msgstr "Экспорт аудио" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:60 -msgid "Config Wizard" -msgstr "Мастер настройки" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:64 -msgid "Welcome" -msgstr "Добро пожаловать" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:66 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Your Kdenlive version was upgraded to version %1. Please take some time to " -"review the basic settings" -msgstr "" -"Версия Kdenlive обновлена до %1. Пожалуйста, проверьте основные параметры." - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:68 -msgid "" -"This is the first time you run Kdenlive. This wizard will let you adjust " -"some basic settings, you will be ready to edit your first movie in a few " -"seconds..." -msgstr "" -"Это первый запуск Kdenlive. Этот помощник поможет вам настроить основные " -"параметры, после чего все будет готово для создания вашего первого фильма..." - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:72 -msgid "Discover the features of this Kdenlive release" -msgstr "Узнать больше о возможностях этой версии Kdenlive" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:82 -msgid "Checking MLT engine" -msgstr "Проверка средств MLT" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:90 -msgid "Video Standard" -msgstr "Стандарт видео" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:128 -msgid "Additional Settings" -msgstr "Дополнительные параметры" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (KComboBox, capture_device) -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:142 src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:168 -msgid "Capture device" -msgstr "Устройство захвата" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:146 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Blackmagic card" -msgid "Default Blackmagic Decklink card:" -msgstr "Карта Blackmagic" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:147 -msgid "No Blackmagic Decklink device found" -msgstr "Устройства Blackmagic Decklink не найдены." - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:158 -msgid "Checking system" -msgstr "Проверка системы" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:186 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Select your default video4linux device" -msgid "Default video4linux device:" -msgstr "Выберите используемое по умолчанию устройство video4linux" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:199 -msgid "No device found, plug your webcam and refresh." -msgstr "Устройства не найдены. Подключите веб-камеру и обновите список." - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:221 -#, kde-format -msgid "Current settings (%1x%2, %3/%4fps)" -msgstr "Текущие параметры (%1×%2, %3/%4к/с)" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:257 -#, kde-format -msgid "Default settings (%1x%2, %3/%4fps)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:272 -msgid "Melt" -msgstr "Melt" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:273 -msgid "Required for rendering (part of MLT package)" -msgstr "Требуется для сборки (часть пакета MLT)" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:280 -msgid "Cannot start the MLT video backend!" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:287 -#, kde-format -msgid "MLT version: %1" -msgstr "Версия MLT: %1" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:290 -msgid "Your MLT version is unsupported!!!" -msgstr "Установленная версия MLT не поддерживается." - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:296 -#, fuzzy, kde-format -msgid "Please upgrade to MLT %1.%2.%3" -msgstr "Пожалуйста, установите последнюю версию MLT" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:300 -msgid "MLT video backend!" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:318 -#, fuzzy -msgid "SDL module" -msgstr "Установленные модули" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:319 -msgid "Required for Kdenlive" -msgstr "Требуется для Kdenlive" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:332 -msgid "Avformat module (FFmpeg)" -msgstr "Модуль Avformat (FFmpeg)" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:333 -msgid "Required to work with various video formats (hdv, mpeg, flash, ...)" -msgstr "" -"Требуется для работы с видео различных форматов (hdv, mpeg, flash, ...)" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:372 -msgid "QImage module" -msgstr "Модуль QImage" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:373 src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:378 -msgid "Required to work with images" -msgstr "Требуется для работы с изображениями" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:377 -msgid "Pixbuf module" -msgstr "Модуль Pixbuf" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:392 -msgid "Title module" -msgstr "Модуль титров" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:393 -msgid "Required to work with titles" -msgstr "Требуется для работы с титрами" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:456 -msgid "" -"The following codecs were not found on your system. Check our online manual if you need them: " -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:477 -msgid "FFmpeg & ffplay" -msgstr "FFmpeg & ffplay" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:478 -msgid "Required for proxy clips, transcoding and screen capture" -msgstr "Требуется для захвата с экрана, прокси-клипов и перекодирования" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:504 -msgid "dvgrab" -msgstr "dvgrab" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:505 -msgid "Required for firewire capture" -msgstr "Требуется для захвата через firewire" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:511 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:104 -msgid "dvdauthor" -msgstr "dvdauthor" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:512 -msgid "Required for creation of DVD" -msgstr "Требуется для создания DVD" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:518 -msgid "genisoimage or mkisofs" -msgstr "genisoimage или mkisofs" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:519 -msgid "Required for creation of DVD ISO images" -msgstr "Требуется для создания образов DVD в формате ISO" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:528 -msgid "xine" -msgstr "xine" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:529 -msgid "Required to preview your DVD" -msgstr "Требуется для предпросмотра DVD" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:533 -msgid "vlc" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:685 -msgid "Frame size:" -msgstr "Размер кадра:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_4) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:685 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:245 -#: src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:55 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:107 -msgid "Frame rate:" -msgstr "Частота кадров:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_23) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_9) -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:685 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:266 -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:121 -msgid "Pixel aspect ratio:" -msgstr "Пропорции пикселя:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_31) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_10) -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:685 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:280 -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:135 -msgid "Display aspect ratio:" -msgstr "Пропорции изображения:" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:732 -msgid "" -"Your MLT installation cannot be found. Install MLT and restart Kdenlive.\n" -msgstr "MLT Framework не найден. Установите MLT и перезапустите Kdenlive.\n" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:736 -msgid "Fatal Error" -msgstr "Критическая ошибка" - -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:279 -#, kde-format -msgid "%1 fps" -msgstr "" - -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:284 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "H" -msgid "Hz" -msgstr "H" - -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:289 -msgid "Audio clip" -msgstr "Звуковой клип" - -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:292 -msgid "Mute video clip" -msgstr "Выключить видеоклип" - -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:295 src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:214 -msgid "Video clip" -msgstr "Видеоклип" - -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:298 -msgid "Color clip" -msgstr "Цветовой клип" - -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:301 src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:216 -msgid "Image clip" -msgstr "Клип изображения" - -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:304 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Template text clip" -msgstr "Удалить клип" - -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:305 -msgid "Text clip" -msgstr "Текстовый клип" - -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:308 -msgid "Slideshow clip" -msgstr "Клип слайдшоу" - -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:311 -msgid "Virtual clip" -msgstr "Виртуальный клип" - -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:314 src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:218 -msgid "Playlist clip" -msgstr "Список воспроизведения:" - -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:317 -msgid "Unknown clip" -msgstr "Неизвестный клип" - -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:684 src/renderer.cpp:141 -msgid "Missing clip" -msgstr "Отсутствует клип" - -#: src/doc/doccommands.cpp:33 src/project/clipmanager.cpp:226 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Delete clip" -msgid_plural "Delete clips" -msgstr[0] "Удалить клип" -msgstr[1] "Удалить клипы" -msgstr[2] "Удалить клипы" -msgstr[3] "" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:199 -msgid "Luma file" -msgstr "" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:223 -msgid "Title Image" -msgstr "Изображение титров" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:226 -msgid "Title Font" -msgstr "Шрифт титров" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:247 -#, kde-format -msgid "%1 will be replaced by %2" -msgstr "%1 будет заменён на %2" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:261 -msgid "Missing item" -msgstr "Отсутствует объект" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:265 -msgid "The project file contains missing clips or files" -msgstr "Проектный файл содержит отсутствующие клипы или файлы" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:269 -msgid "Missing proxies will be recreated after opening." -msgstr "Отсутствующие прокси-клипы будут воссозданы при открытии." - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:273 -#, fuzzy, kde-format -#| msgid "The project file contains missing clips or files" -msgid "" -"The project file contains a missing clip, you can still work with its proxy." -msgid_plural "" -"The project file contains %1 missing clips, you can still work with their " -"proxies." -msgstr[0] "Проектный файл содержит отсутствующие клипы или файлы" -msgstr[1] "Проектный файл содержит отсутствующие клипы или файлы" -msgstr[2] "Проектный файл содержит отсутствующие клипы или файлы" -msgstr[3] "Проектный файл содержит отсутствующие клипы или файлы" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:283 src/project/projectitem.cpp:192 -msgid "Proxy clip" -msgstr "Прокси-клип" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:285 -#, fuzzy, kde-format -#| msgid "Missing proxies will be recreated after opening." -msgid "%1 missing proxy clip, will be recreated on project opening" -msgid_plural "%1 missing proxy clips, will be recreated on project opening" -msgstr[0] "Отсутствующие прокси-клипы будут воссозданы при открытии." -msgstr[1] "Отсутствующие прокси-клипы будут воссозданы при открытии." -msgstr[2] "Отсутствующие прокси-клипы будут воссозданы при открытии." -msgstr[3] "Отсутствующие прокси-клипы будут воссозданы при открытии." - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:288 -msgid "Missing proxy" -msgstr "Отсутствует прокси" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:335 src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:348 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Source" -msgid "Source clip" -msgstr "Источник" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:337 -#, kde-format -msgid "%1 missing source clips, you can only use the proxies" -msgstr "" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:340 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Missing clip" -msgid "Missing source clip" -msgstr "Отсутствует клип" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:411 -msgid "Clips folder" -msgstr "Каталог с клипами" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:567 -msgid "Enter new location for file" -msgstr "Укажите новое расположение файла" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:780 -#, fuzzy -msgid "This will remove the selected clip from this project" -msgid_plural "This will remove the selected clips from this project" -msgstr[0] "Это удалит выбранный клип из проекта" -msgstr[1] "Это удалит выбранные клипы из проекта" -msgstr[2] "Это удалит выбранные клипы из проекта" -msgstr[3] "" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:780 -msgid "Remove clips" -msgstr "Удалить клипы" - -#: src/doc/documentvalidator.cpp:90 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"The document was created in \"%1\" locale, which is not installed on your " -"system. Please install that language pack. Until then, Kdenlive might not be " -"able to correctly open the document." -msgstr "" - -#: src/doc/documentvalidator.cpp:94 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"There is a locale conflict on your system. The document uses locale %1 which " -"uses a \"%2\" as numeric separator (in system libraries) but Qt expects " -"\"%3\". You might not be able to correctly open the project." -msgstr "" - -#: src/doc/documentvalidator.cpp:279 -#, fuzzy, kde-format -msgid "" -"This project type is unsupported (version %1) and can't be loaded.\n" -"Please consider upgrading your Kdenlive version." -msgstr "" -"Этот тип проекта не поддерживается (версия %1) и не может быть загружен.\n" -"Пожалуйста, запланируйте обновление версии Kdenlive." - -#: src/doc/documentvalidator.cpp:279 src/doc/documentvalidator.cpp:286 -msgid "Unable to open project" -msgstr "Не удается открыть проект" - -#: src/doc/documentvalidator.cpp:286 -#, fuzzy, kde-format -msgid "This project type is unsupported (version %1) and can't be loaded." -msgstr "" -"Этот тип проекта не поддерживается (версия %1) и не может быть загружен." - -#: src/doc/documentvalidator.cpp:840 -msgid "" -"Some of your text clips were saved with size in points, which means " -"different sizes on different displays. Do you want to convert them to pixel " -"size, making them portable? It is recommended you do this on the computer " -"they were first created on, or you could have to adjust their size." -msgstr "" -"Некоторые ваши текстовые клипы были записаны с размером в точках, что значит " -"разные размеры на разных дисплеях. Вы хотите перевести их в размер по " -"пикселям чтобы сделать их универсальными? Реклмендуется это делать на " -"компьютере, где они впервые были созданы, или вы бы могли поменять их размер." - -#: src/doc/documentvalidator.cpp:840 -msgid "Update Text Clips" -msgstr "Обновить текстовые клипы" - -#: src/doc/documentvalidator.cpp:1679 -msgid "" -"The project file uses some GPU effects. GPU acceleration is not currently " -"enabled.\n" -"Do you want to convert the project to a non-GPU version ?\n" -"This might result in data loss." -msgstr "" - -#: src/doc/documentvalidator.cpp:1770 -msgid "The following filters/transitions were converted to non GPU versions:" -msgstr "" - -#: src/doc/documentvalidator.cpp:1773 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "The following effects were imported from the project:" -msgid "The following filters/transitions were deleted from the project:" -msgstr "Из этого проекта были импортированы следующие эффекты:" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:152 -#, fuzzy -msgid "" -"Cannot open the project file,\n" -"Do you want to open a backup file?" -msgstr "Файл %1 не является файлом проекта Kdenlive" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:152 src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:168 -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:213 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Error opening file" -msgstr "Открывается файл %1" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:152 src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:168 -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:213 -msgid "Open Backup" -msgstr "Открыть резервную копию" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:168 -#, fuzzy, kde-format -msgid "" -"Cannot open the project file, error is:\n" -"%1 (line %2, col %3)\n" -"Do you want to open a backup file?" -msgstr "Файл %1 не является файлом проекта Kdenlive" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:168 src/project/projectmanager.cpp:381 -msgid "Recover" -msgstr "Восстановить" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:194 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Cannot open project file %1" -msgid "Cannot recover this project file" -msgstr "Невозможно открыть проектный файл %1" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:206 -msgid "Validating" -msgstr "Проверка на корректность" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:212 -#, fuzzy, kde-format -msgid "File %1 is not a Kdenlive project file" -msgstr "Файл %1 не является файлом проекта Kdenlive" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:213 -#, fuzzy, kde-format -msgid "" -"File %1 is not a valid project file.\n" -"Do you want to open a backup file?" -msgstr "Файл %1 не является файлом проекта Kdenlive" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:254 -#, kde-format -msgid "Project directory %1 does not exist. Create it?" -msgstr "Каталог %1 проекта не существует. Создать его?" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:266 -#, kde-format -msgid "Document project folder is invalid, setting it to the default one: %1" -msgstr "Каталог проекта недоступен. Сброс к значению по умолчанию: %1" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:548 src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:659 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot write to file %1, scene list is corrupted." -msgstr "Запись в файл %1 невозможна, список сцен повреждён." - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:719 -#, fuzzy, kde-format -msgid "" -"You have changed the project folder. Do you want to copy the cached data " -"from %1 to the new folder %2?" -msgstr "" -"Вы изменили каталог проекта. Скопировать кешированые данные из %1 в новый " -"каталог %2 ?" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:1105 -msgid "Enter Template Path" -msgstr "Введите расположение шаблона" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:1179 -msgid "The following effects were imported from the project:" -msgstr "Из этого проекта были импортированы следующие эффекты:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:1209 src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:1223 -#: src/ui/backupdialog_ui.ui:22 -msgid "Project Folder" -msgstr "Папка проекта" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:1287 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Cannot create backup copy:\n" -"%1" -msgstr "" -"Невозможно создать архивную копию:\n" -"%1" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:1400 src/project/projectlist.cpp:2317 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Add proxy clip" -msgid_plural "Add proxy clips" -msgstr[0] "Добавить прокси-клип" -msgstr[1] "Добавить прокси-клипы" -msgstr[2] "Добавить прокси-клипы" -msgstr[3] "" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:1401 src/project/projectlist.cpp:2318 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Remove proxy clip" -msgid_plural "Remove proxy clips" -msgstr[0] "Удалить прокси-клип" -msgstr[1] "Удалить прокси-клипы" -msgstr[2] "Удалить прокси-клипы" -msgstr[3] "" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:62 src/mainwindow.cpp:1023 -msgid "DVD Wizard" -msgstr "Мастер создания DVD" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:65 -msgid "Select Files For Your DVD" -msgstr "Выберите файлы для вашего DVD" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:69 -msgid "DVD Chapters" -msgstr "Главы DVD" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:75 -msgid "Create DVD Menu" -msgstr "Создание DVD-меню" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:79 -msgid "Creating DVD Image" -msgstr "Создание образа DVD" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:104 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:111 -#, kde-format -msgid "Burn with %1" -msgstr "Записать с %1" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:114 -msgid "No burning program found (K3b, Brasero)" -msgstr "Не найдено приложение для записи дисков (K3b, Brasero)" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:120 -msgid "Load" -msgstr "Загрузить" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:121 -msgid "Save" -msgstr "Сохранить" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:188 -#, fuzzy, kde-format -#| msgid "Cannot create temporary file" -msgid "Cannot create temporary directory %1" -msgstr "Невозможно создать временный файл" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:271 -msgid "Menu movie is invalid" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:383 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:464 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Rendering job timed out" -msgstr "Время ожидания вышло" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:385 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:466 -msgid "Menu job timed out" -msgstr "Меню просроченной работы" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:674 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Rendering crashed" -msgid "Rendering menu crashed" -msgstr "Процесс сборки аварийно завершился" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:710 -#, fuzzy -msgid "DVDAuthor process crashed" -msgstr "Процесс DVDAuthor аварийно завершился." - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:713 -#, fuzzy -msgid "DVDAuthor process crashed.
" -msgstr "Процесс DVDAuthor аварийно завершился." - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:737 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:738 -msgid "DVD structure broken" -msgstr "Структура DVD повреждена" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:785 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:788 -msgid "ISO creation process crashed." -msgstr "Процесс создания образа ISO аварийно завершился." - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:817 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:818 -msgid "DVD ISO is broken" -msgstr "ISO-образ DVD поврежден" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:832 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:834 -#, kde-format -msgid "DVD ISO image %1 successfully created." -msgstr "ISO-образ DVD %1 создан." - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:864 -#, kde-format -msgid "Previewing requires one of these applications (%1)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:888 -#, kde-format -msgid "Folder %1 already exists. Overwrite?\n" -msgstr "" -"Папка %1 уже существует.\n" -"Вы хотите её перезаписать?\n" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:890 -#, kde-format -msgid "Image file %1 already exists. Overwrite?" -msgstr "Файл %1 уже существует. Перезаписать?" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:911 -msgid "Save DVD Project" -msgstr "Сохранить DVD-проект" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:911 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:948 -msgid "DVD project (*.kdvd)" -msgstr "Проекты DVD (*.kdvd)" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:957 -#, kde-format -msgid "File %1 is not a Kdenlive project file." -msgstr "Файл %1 не является файлом проекта Kdenlive" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardmenu.cpp:42 src/monitor/monitor.cpp:185 -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:303 src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:79 -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:405 src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:444 -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:873 -msgid "Play" -msgstr "Воспроизвести" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardmenu.cpp:54 -msgid "Add new button" -msgstr "Добавить новую кнопку" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardmenu.cpp:55 -msgid "Delete current button" -msgstr "Удалить выбранную кнопку" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardmenu.cpp:300 -msgid "Play All" -msgstr "Воспроизвести всё" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:104 -#, kde-format -msgid "Program %1 is required for the DVD wizard." -msgstr "Приложение %1 требуется для работы мастера DVD." - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:105 -msgid "mkisofs" -msgstr "mkisofs" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:105 -msgid "genisoimage" -msgstr "genisoimage" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:105 -#, kde-format -msgid "Program %1 or %2 is required for the DVD wizard." -msgstr "" -"Приложение %1 или %2 требуется для работы мастера DVD." - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:111 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:316 -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:768 -msgid "PAL 4:3" -msgstr "PAL 4:3" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:111 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:313 -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:765 -msgid "PAL 16:9" -msgstr "PAL 16:9" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:111 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:310 -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:762 -msgid "NTSC 4:3" -msgstr "NTSC 4:3" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:111 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:307 -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:759 -msgid "NTSC 16:9" -msgstr "NTSC 16:9" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:138 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:791 -msgid "Your clips do not match selected DVD format, transcoding required." -msgstr "" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:210 src/project/cliptranscode.cpp:244 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Transcoding finished." -msgid "Transcoding failed!" -msgstr "Перекодировка завершена." - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:247 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "All Files" -msgid "MPEG Files" -msgstr "Все файлы" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:248 -msgid "Add new video file" -msgstr "Добавить новый видеофайл" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:337 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:779 -#, kde-format -msgid "The clip %1 is invalid." -msgstr "" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:674 -#: src/effectstack/collapsibleeffect.cpp:352 -#: src/effectstack/collapsiblegroup.cpp:178 src/monitor/monitor.cpp:845 -#: src/project/clipstabilize.cpp:222 src/project/cliptranscode.cpp:141 -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:297 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"File %1 already exists.\n" -"Do you want to overwrite it?" -msgstr "" -"Файл %1 существует.\n" -"Вы хотите его перезаписать?" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:699 -#, fuzzy, kde-format -#| msgid "Transcode Clip" -msgid "Transcoding: %1" -msgstr "Перекодировать клип" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslist.cpp:197 -msgid "Author:" -msgstr "Автор:" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:63 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Search in the effect list" -msgid "Search in effects list" -msgstr "Искать в списке эффектов" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:72 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Show/Hide the effect description" -msgid "Show/Hide effect description" -msgstr "Показать или скрыть описание эффектов" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:83 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Add Effect to Selected Clip" -msgstr "Удалить выбранный клип" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:84 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Copy profile to favorites" -msgid "Add Effect to Favorites" -msgstr "Скопировать профиль в избранное" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:85 -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:231 -#: src/effectstack/collapsibleeffect.cpp:70 -#: src/effectstack/collapsiblegroup.cpp:77 -msgid "Delete effect" -msgstr "Удалить эффект" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:93 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Move transition" -msgid "Show all transitions" -msgstr "Передвинуть переход" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:94 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Move transition" -msgid "Show GPU transitions" -msgstr "Передвинуть переход" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:101 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Save profile" -msgid "Show all effects" -msgstr "Сохранить профиль" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:103 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Video Effects" -msgid "Show video effects" -msgstr "Видеоэффекты" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:105 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Sox echo audio effect" -msgid "Show audio effects" -msgstr "Эффект эха при помощи SoX" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:107 -msgid "Show GPU effects" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:109 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Custom Effects" -msgid "Show custom effects" -msgstr "Собственные эффекты" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:110 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Save effect" -msgid "Show favorite effects" -msgstr "Сохранить эффект" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:239 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Remove file" -msgid "Remove from favorites" -msgstr "Удалить файл" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_audio) -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, abitrates) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_audiothumbnails) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, audio_thumbs) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, audiobitrateLabel) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, rec_audio) -#: src/effectslist/effectslistwidget.cpp:100 -#: src/effectslist/effectslistwidget.cpp:129 -#: src/effectslist/effectslistwidget.cpp:131 src/monitor/recmanager.cpp:57 -#: src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:39 -#: src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:121 -#: src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:155 -#: src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:194 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:131 -#: src/ui/configtimeline_ui.ui:38 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:224 -#: src/ui/recmonitor_ui.ui:107 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:195 -#: src/ui/saveprofile_ui.ui:67 -msgid "Audio" -msgstr "Звук" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistwidget.cpp:100 -#: src/effectslist/effectslistwidget.cpp:137 -#: src/effectslist/effectslistwidget.cpp:139 -#: src/effectslist/effectslistwidget.cpp:464 -#, fuzzy -msgctxt "Folder Name" -msgid "Custom" -msgstr "Пользовательский" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistwidget.cpp:194 -msgctxt "menu name for effects names between these 2 letters" -msgid "0 - F" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistwidget.cpp:196 -msgctxt "menu name for effects names between these 2 letters" -msgid "G - L" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistwidget.cpp:198 -msgctxt "menu name for effects names between these 2 letters" -msgid "M - R" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistwidget.cpp:200 -msgctxt "menu name for effects names between these 2 letters" -msgid "S - Z" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:47 src/project/clipproperties.cpp:346 -#: src/project/dialogs/slideshowclip.cpp:72 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:59 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:153 -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:541 -msgid "None" -msgstr "Нет" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:363 -#, fuzzy, kde-format -#| msgid "Group" -msgid "Group %1" -msgstr "Группа" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:624 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Dissolve" -msgid "None (Dissolve)" -msgstr "Наплыв" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, slide_luma) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, luma_fade) -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:706 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:292 -#: src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:203 -msgid "Wipe" -msgstr "Смена кадра" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:707 -msgid "Applies a stationary transition between the current and next frames." -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:710 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:785 -#, fuzzy -msgctxt "@property: means that the image is inverted" -msgid "Invert" -msgstr "Инвертировать" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:711 -msgid "Image File" -msgstr "Файл изображения" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:712 -msgid "Reverse Transition" -msgstr "Развернуть переход" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:716 src/timeline/headertrack.cpp:89 -#: src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:74 -msgid "Composite" -msgstr "Совмещение" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:717 -msgid "A key-framable alpha-channel compositor for two frames." -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:719 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:764 -msgid "Alpha Channel Operation" -msgstr "Операция с альфа-каналом" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:719 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:764 -msgid "Over,And,Or,Xor" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:720 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:765 -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:785 -msgid "Align" -msgstr "Выровнять" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:723 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:768 -msgid "Wipe File" -msgstr "Файл смены кадра" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:724 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:769 -msgid "Wipe Softness" -msgstr "Плавность смены" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:725 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:770 -msgid "Wipe Invert" -msgstr "Инвертировать смену кадра" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:726 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:771 -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:785 -msgid "Force Progressive Rendering" -msgstr "Принудительный прогрессивный рендеринг" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:727 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:772 -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:785 -msgid "Force Deinterlace Overlay" -msgstr "Принудительное чересстрочное перекрытие" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:729 -msgid "Affine" -msgstr "Аффинный" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:753 -msgid "Fix Shear Y" -msgstr "Исправить перекос по Y" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:754 -msgid "Fix Shear X" -msgstr "Исправить перекос по X" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:755 -msgid "Fix Shear Z" -msgstr "Исправить перекос по Z" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:761 -msgid "Use alpha channel of another clip to create a transition." -msgstr "Использовать альфа-канал другого клипа для создания перехода" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:762 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Transparency clip" -msgstr "Прозрачность" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:785 -msgid "Slide" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:785 -msgid "Slide image from one side to another." -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:785 -msgid "Direction" -msgstr "Направление" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, slide_fade) -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:790 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:262 -#: src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:167 -msgid "Dissolve" -msgstr "Наплыв" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:790 -msgid "Fade out one video while fading in the other video." -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:790 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Reverse" -msgstr "Реверберация" - -#: src/effectstack/collapsibleeffect.cpp:64 -#: src/effectstack/collapsiblegroup.cpp:72 -msgid "Move effect up" -msgstr "Переместить эффект вверх" - -#: src/effectstack/collapsibleeffect.cpp:67 -#: src/effectstack/collapsiblegroup.cpp:74 -msgid "Move effect down" -msgstr "Переместить эффект вниз" - -#: src/effectstack/collapsibleeffect.cpp:82 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Reset effect" -msgid "Reset Effect" -msgstr "Сбросить эффект" - -#: src/effectstack/collapsibleeffect.cpp:83 -#: src/effectstack/collapsibleeffect.cpp:345 -msgid "Save Effect" -msgstr "Сохранить эффект" - -#: src/effectstack/collapsibleeffect.cpp:91 -#: src/effectstack/collapsiblegroup.cpp:89 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Delete effect" -msgid "Disable Effect" -msgstr "Удалить эффект" - -#: src/effectstack/collapsibleeffect.cpp:91 -#: src/effectstack/collapsiblegroup.cpp:89 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Save effect" -msgid "Enable Effect" -msgstr "Сохранить эффект" - -#: src/effectstack/collapsibleeffect.cpp:96 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Cut Group" -msgid "Create Group" -msgstr "Разрезать группу" - -#: src/effectstack/collapsibleeffect.cpp:136 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Create DVD Menu" -msgid "Create Region" -msgstr "Создание DVD-меню" - -#: src/effectstack/collapsibleeffect.cpp:345 -msgid "Name for saved effect: " -msgstr "Имя для сохраняемого эффекта:" - -#: src/effectstack/collapsiblegroup.cpp:68 -#: src/effectstack/collapsiblegroup.cpp:383 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Cut Group" -msgid "Effect Group" -msgstr "Разрезать группу" - -#: src/effectstack/collapsiblegroup.cpp:81 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Resize group" -msgid "Reset Group" -msgstr "Изменить размер группы" - -#: src/effectstack/collapsiblegroup.cpp:82 -#: src/effectstack/collapsiblegroup.cpp:171 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Save Group" -msgstr "Сохранить участок" - -#: src/effectstack/collapsiblegroup.cpp:84 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Ungroup Clips" -msgid "Ungroup" -msgstr "Разгруппировать клипы" - -#: src/effectstack/collapsiblegroup.cpp:171 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Name for saved effect: " -msgid "Name for saved group: " -msgstr "Имя для сохраняемого эффекта:" - -#: src/effectstack/complexparameter.cpp:36 -msgid "Allow horizontal moves" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/complexparameter.cpp:38 -msgid "Allow vertical moves" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/complexparameter.cpp:40 -msgid "Show keyframes in timeline" -msgstr "Показать ключевые кадры в линии времени" - -#: src/effectstack/complexparameter.cpp:42 -msgid "Parameter info" -msgstr "Информация о параметре" - -#: src/effectstack/complexparameter.cpp:44 src/effectstack/geometryval.cpp:81 -#: src/effectstack/keyframeedit.cpp:47 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:84 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:417 -#: src/simplekeyframes/simplekeyframewidget.cpp:42 -#: src/simplekeyframes/simplekeyframewidget.cpp:132 -msgid "Add keyframe" -msgstr "Добавить ключевой кадр" - -#: src/effectstack/dragvalue.cpp:109 -msgid "Normal scale" -msgstr "Обычный масштаб" - -#: src/effectstack/dragvalue.cpp:110 -msgid "Pixel scale" -msgstr "Пиксельный масштаб" - -#: src/effectstack/dragvalue.cpp:111 -msgid "Nonlinear scale" -msgstr "Нелинейный масштаб" - -#: src/effectstack/dragvalue.cpp:115 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Direct update" -msgstr "Direct FB" - -#: src/effectstack/dragvalue.cpp:120 -msgid "Reset value" -msgstr "Сбросить изменения" - -#: src/effectstack/dragvalue.cpp:125 -#, kde-format -msgid "Show %1 in timeline" -msgstr "Показать %1 в линии времени" - -#: src/effectstack/effectstackview2.cpp:71 -msgid "Enable/Disable all effects" -msgstr "Включить или отключить все эффекты" - -#: src/effectstack/effectstackview2.cpp:73 -msgid "Show additional information for the parameters" -msgstr "Показывать дополнительную информацию о параметрах" - -#: src/effectstack/effectstackview2.cpp:174 -#: src/effectstack/effectstackview2.cpp:176 -#: src/effectstack/effectstackview2.cpp:179 -#, kde-format -msgid "Effects for %1" -msgstr "Эффекты для %1" - -#: src/effectstack/effectstackview2.cpp:229 -#: src/effectstack/effectstackview2.cpp:231 -#: src/effectstack/effectstackview2.cpp:234 -#, fuzzy, kde-format -#| msgid "Effects for %1" -msgid "Bin effects for %1" -msgstr "Эффекты для %1" - -#: src/effectstack/effectstackview2.cpp:276 -#, kde-format -msgid "Effects for track %1" -msgstr "Эффекты для дорожки %1" - -#: src/effectstack/geometryval.cpp:77 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:81 -#: src/simplekeyframes/simplekeyframewidget.cpp:52 -msgid "Go to next keyframe" -msgstr "К следующему ключевому кадру" - -#: src/effectstack/geometryval.cpp:79 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:78 -#: src/simplekeyframes/simplekeyframewidget.cpp:47 -msgid "Go to previous keyframe" -msgstr "К предыдущему ключевому кадру" - -#: src/effectstack/geometryval.cpp:83 src/effectstack/keyframeedit.cpp:49 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:423 -#: src/simplekeyframes/simplekeyframewidget.cpp:129 -msgid "Delete keyframe" -msgstr "Удалить ключевой кадр" - -#: src/effectstack/geometryval.cpp:85 src/monitor/monitor.cpp:206 -msgid "Misc..." -msgstr "Разное..." - -#: src/effectstack/geometryval.cpp:89 -msgid "Show/Hide options" -msgstr "Показать или скрыть параметры" - -#: src/effectstack/geometryval.cpp:97 -msgid "Sync timeline cursor" -msgstr "Синхронизировать с указателем воспроизведения" - -#: src/effectstack/geometryval.cpp:116 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:343 -msgid "Align item horizontally" -msgstr "Выровнять по горизонтали" - -#: src/effectstack/geometryval.cpp:118 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:345 -msgid "Align item vertically" -msgstr "Выровнять по вертикали" - -#: src/effectstack/geometryval.cpp:120 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:347 -msgid "Align item to top" -msgstr "Выровнять по верхнему краю" - -#: src/effectstack/geometryval.cpp:122 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:349 -msgid "Align item to bottom" -msgstr "Выровнять по нижнему краю" - -#: src/effectstack/geometryval.cpp:124 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:351 -msgid "Align item to right" -msgstr "Выровнять по правому краю" - -#: src/effectstack/geometryval.cpp:126 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:353 -msgid "Align item to left" -msgstr "Выровнять по левому краю" - -#: src/effectstack/parametercontainer.cpp:467 -msgid "" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/bezier/beziersplinewidget.cpp:67 -msgid "Handle 1:" -msgstr "Ovládanie 1:" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/bezier/beziersplinewidget.cpp:70 -msgid "Handle 2:" -msgstr "Ovládanie 2:" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/colorpickerwidget.cpp:71 -msgid "" -"Pick a color on the screen. By pressing the mouse button and then moving " -"your mouse you can select a section of the screen from which to get an " -"average color." -msgstr "" -"Vyberte si farbu na obrazovke. Stlačením tlačidla myši a potom pohybom myši " -"si môžete vybrať časť obrazovky, z ktorej sa získa priemerná farba." - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/colorpickerwidget.cpp:101 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/colorpickerwidget.cpp:125 -msgid "Requesting color information..." -msgstr "Vyžadovanie farebnej informácie..." - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/colorpickerwidget.cpp:134 -msgid "Calculated average color for rectangle." -msgstr "Vypočítaná priemerná farba obdĺžnika." - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:96 -msgctxt "x axis position" -msgid "X" -msgstr "X" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:99 -msgctxt "y axis position" -msgid "Y" -msgstr "Y" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:102 -msgctxt "Frame width" -msgid "W" -msgstr "W" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:105 -msgctxt "Frame height" -msgid "H" -msgstr "H" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:111 -msgid "Adjust to original size" -msgstr "Prispôsobiť pôvodnej veľkosti" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:113 -msgid "Fit to width" -msgstr "Prispôsobiť šírke" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:115 -msgid "Fit to height" -msgstr "Prispôsobiť výške" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:118 -msgid "Import keyframes from clip" -msgstr "Importovať kľúčové snímky z klipu" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:121 -msgid "Reset all keyframes" -msgstr "Vynulovať všetky kľúčové snímky" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:125 -msgid "Reset keyframes after cursor" -msgstr "Vynulovať kľúčové snímky za kurzorom" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:128 -msgid "Reset keyframes before cursor" -msgstr "Vynulovať kľúčové snímky pred kurzorom" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:133 -msgid "Synchronize with timeline cursor" -msgstr "Synchronizovať s kurzorom časovej osi" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:139 -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:244 -msgid "Align left" -msgstr "Zarovnať vľavo" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:141 -msgid "Center horizontally" -msgstr "Vycentrovať horizontálne" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:143 -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:243 -msgid "Align right" -msgstr "Zarovnať vpravo" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:145 -msgid "Align top" -msgstr "Zarovnať hore" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:147 -msgid "Center vertically" -msgstr "Vycentrovať vertikálne" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:149 -msgid "Align bottom" -msgstr "Zarovnať dole" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:154 -#: src/ui/clipstabilize_ui.ui:30 -msgid "Options" -msgstr "Voľby" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (suffix), widget (QSpinBox, spinResize) -#. i18n: ectx: property (suffix), widget (QSpinBox, kcfg_volume) -#. i18n: ectx: property (suffix), widget (QSpinBox, zoom_spin) -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:208 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:211 -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:125 src/ui/configsdl_ui.ui:89 -#: src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:226 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:611 -#, no-c-format -msgid "%" -msgstr "%" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/lumaliftgain.cpp:61 -msgid "Lift" -msgstr "Zdvih" - -#: src/hidetitlebars.cpp:21 -msgid "Show Title Bars" -msgstr "Ukazovať titulkové pruhy" - -#: src/layoutmanagement.cpp:27 -msgid "Layouts" -msgstr "Rozloženia" - -#: src/layoutmanagement.cpp:28 -msgid "Load Layout" -msgstr "Načítať rozloženie" - -#: src/layoutmanagement.cpp:30 -#, kde-format -msgid "Layout %1" -msgstr "Rozloženie %1" - -#: src/layoutmanagement.cpp:34 -#, kde-format -msgid "Save As Layout %1" -msgstr "Uložiť ako rozloženie %1" - -#: src/layoutmanagement.cpp:69 -#, kde-format -msgid "Save as %1" -msgstr "Uložiť ako %1" - -#: src/layoutmanagement.cpp:101 -msgid "Save Layout" -msgstr "Uložiť rozloženie" - -#: src/layoutmanagement.cpp:101 -msgid "Layout name:" -msgstr "Meno rozloženia:" - -#: src/lib/audio/audioCorrelation.cpp:43 -msgid "Audio analysis finished" -msgstr "Audio analýza dokončená" - -#: src/main.cpp:48 -msgid "Kdenlive" -msgstr "Kdenlive" - -#: src/main.cpp:49 -msgid "An open source video editor." -msgstr "Otvorený editor zdrojového videa" - -#: src/main.cpp:51 -msgid "Copyright © 2007–2015 Kdenlive authors" -msgstr "Copyright © 2007–2015 Kdenlive autori" - -#: src/main.cpp:52 -msgid "Please report bugs to http://bugs.kde.org" -msgstr "Prosím zadajte bugy na http://bugs.kde.org" - -#: src/main.cpp:54 -msgid "Jean-Baptiste Mardelle" -msgstr "Jean-Baptiste Mardelle" - -#: src/main.cpp:54 -msgid "MLT and KDE SC 4 / KF5 port, main developer and maintainer" -msgstr "MLT a KDE SC 4 / KF5 port, hlavný vývojár a správca" - -#: src/main.cpp:55 -msgid "Vincent Pinon" -msgstr "Vincent Pinon" - -#: src/main.cpp:55 -msgid "" -"Interim maintainer, KF5 port, bugs fixing, minor functions, profiles " -"updates, etc." -msgstr "" -"Dočasný správca, KF5 port, opravy chýb, malé funkcie, aktualizácie profilov, " -"atď." - -#: src/main.cpp:56 -msgid "Laurent Montel" -msgstr "Laurent Montel" - -#: src/main.cpp:56 -msgid "Bugs fixing, clean up code, optimization etc." -msgstr "Opravy chýb, vyčistenie kódu, optimalizácia atď." - -#: src/main.cpp:57 -msgid "Marco Gittler" -msgstr "Marco Gittler" - -#: src/main.cpp:57 -msgid "MLT transitions and effects, timeline, audio thumbs" -msgstr "MLT prechody a efekty, časová os, zvukové náhľady" - -#: src/main.cpp:58 -msgid "Dan Dennedy" -msgstr "Dan Dennedy" - -#: src/main.cpp:58 src/main.cpp:60 src/main.cpp:63 src/main.cpp:64 -msgid "Bug fixing, etc." -msgstr "Opravy chýb, atď." - -#: src/main.cpp:59 -msgid "Simon A. Eugster" -msgstr "Simon A. Eugster" - -#: src/main.cpp:59 -msgid "Color scopes, bug fixing, etc." -msgstr "Farebný priestor, opravy chýb, etc." - -#: src/main.cpp:60 -msgid "Till Theato" -msgstr "Till Theato" - -#: src/main.cpp:61 -msgid "Alberto Villa" -msgstr "Alberto Villa" - -#: src/main.cpp:61 -msgid "Bug fixing, logo, etc." -msgstr "Opravy chýb, logo, atď." - -#: src/main.cpp:62 -msgid "Jean-Michel Poure" -msgstr "Jean-Michel Poure" - -#: src/main.cpp:62 -msgid "Rendering profiles customization" -msgstr "Prispôsobenie profilov vykresľovania" - -#: src/main.cpp:63 -msgid "Ray Lehtiniemi" -msgstr "Ray Lehtiniemi" - -#: src/main.cpp:64 -msgid "Steve Guilford" -msgstr "Steve Guilford" - -#: src/main.cpp:65 -msgid "Jason Wood" -msgstr "Jason Wood" - -#: src/main.cpp:65 -msgid "Original KDE 3 version author (not active anymore)" -msgstr "Pôvodný autor verzie pre KDE 3 (už nie je aktívny)" - -#: src/main.cpp:66 -msgid "NAME OF TRANSLATORS" -msgstr "Roman Paholík" - -#: src/main.cpp:66 -msgid "EMAIL OF TRANSLATORS" -msgstr "wizzardsk@gmail.com" - -#: src/main.cpp:86 -msgid "Set the path for MLT environment" -msgstr "Nastaviť cestu pre MLT prostredie" - -#: src/main.cpp:87 -msgid "Comma separated list of clips to add" -msgstr "Čiarkami oddelený zoznam klipov pre pridanie" - -#: src/main.cpp:88 -msgid "Document to open" -msgstr "Dokument na otvorenie" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:148 -msgid "Theme" -msgstr "Téma" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:177 -msgid "Project Bin" -msgstr "Kôš projektu" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, properties) -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:216 src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:395 -#: src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:43 -msgid "Properties" -msgstr "Vlastnosti" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:219 src/mainwindow.cpp:280 -msgid "Effects" -msgstr "Efekty" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:222 src/mainwindow.cpp:284 src/mainwindow.cpp:1272 -msgid "Transitions" -msgstr "Prechody" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:225 -msgid "Clip Monitor" -msgstr "Monitor klipu" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:226 -msgid "Project Monitor" -msgstr "Monitor projektu" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:228 -msgid "Record Monitor" -msgstr "Monitor nahrávania" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:233 -msgid "Clean" -msgstr "Vyčistiť" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:235 -msgid "Undo History" -msgstr "História vrátení" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:263 -msgid "Stop Motion" -msgstr "Zastavenie pohybu" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, capture_button) -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:264 src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:105 -msgid "Capture frame" -msgstr "Zachytiť snímok" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:267 -msgid "Switch live / captured frame" -msgstr "Prepnúť živá / zachytená snímka" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:270 -msgid "Show last frame over video" -msgstr "Ukázať poslednú snímku cez video" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:283 -msgid "Add Transition" -msgstr "Pridať prechod" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:315 src/mainwindow.cpp:316 src/mainwindow.cpp:325 -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:326 src/mainwindow.cpp:330 -msgid "Favorite Effects" -msgstr "Obľúbené efekty" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:563 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"You have 1 rendering job waiting in the queue.\n" -"What do you want to do with this job?" -msgid_plural "" -"You have %1 rendering jobs waiting in the queue.\n" -"What do you want to do with these jobs?" -msgstr[0] "" -"Máte 1 úlohu vykresľovania čakajúcu vo fronte.\n" -"Čo chcete robiť s touto úlohou?" -msgstr[1] "" -"Máte %1 úlohy vykresľovania čakajúce vo fronte.\n" -"Čo chcete robiť s týmito úlohami?" -msgstr[2] "" -"Máte %1 úloh vykresľovania čakajúcich vo fronte.\n" -"Čo chcete robiť s týmito úlohami?" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:563 -msgid "Start them now" -msgstr "Spustiť ich teraz" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:563 -msgid "Delete them" -msgstr "Vymazať ich" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:784 -msgid "Normal mode" -msgstr "Normálny režim" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:785 -msgctxt "Normal editing" -msgid "n" -msgstr "n" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:790 -msgid "Overwrite mode" -msgstr "Mód prepisovania" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:796 -msgid "Insert mode" -msgstr "Mód vkladania" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:815 -msgid "Selection tool" -msgstr "Nástroj pre výber" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:816 -msgctxt "Selection tool shortcut" -msgid "s" -msgstr "s" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:821 -msgid "Razor tool" -msgstr "Nástroj pre rez" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:822 -msgctxt "Razor tool shortcut" -msgid "x" -msgstr "x" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:827 -msgid "Spacer tool" -msgstr "Nástroj pre medzeru" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:828 -msgctxt "Spacer tool shortcut" -msgid "m" -msgstr "m" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:869 -msgid "Fit zoom to project" -msgstr "Prispôsobiť priblíženie projektu" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:873 -msgid "Zoom Out" -msgstr "Oddialiť" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:887 -msgid "Zoom In" -msgstr "Priblížiť" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:915 -msgid "Split audio and video automatically" -msgstr "Rozdeliť zvuk a video automaticky" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, videothumbs) -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:921 src/ui/wizardextra_ui.ui:35 -msgid "Show video thumbnails" -msgstr "Ukazovať video náhľady" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, audiothumbs) -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:927 src/ui/wizardextra_ui.ui:42 -msgid "Show audio thumbnails" -msgstr "Ukazovať zvukové náhľady" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:933 -msgid "Show markers comments" -msgstr "Ukazovať komentáre značiek" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:938 -msgid "Snap" -msgstr "Zachytiť" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, tc_type) -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:972 src/project/clipproperties.cpp:372 -#: src/project/dialogs/slideshowclip.cpp:89 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:284 -msgid "hh:mm:ss:ff" -msgstr "hh:mm:ss:ff" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, tc_type) -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:973 src/project/clipproperties.cpp:373 -#: src/project/dialogs/slideshowclip.cpp:90 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:289 -msgid "Frames" -msgstr "Rámce" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1002 -msgid "Manage Project Profiles" -msgstr "Spravovať profily projektu" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1003 -msgid "Download New Wipes..." -msgstr "Stiahnuť nové Wipe..." - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1004 -msgid "Download New Render Profiles..." -msgstr "Stiahnuť nové profily vykresľovania..." - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1005 -msgid "Download New Project Profiles..." -msgstr "Stiahnuť nové profily projektu..." - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1006 -msgid "Download New Title Templates..." -msgstr "Stiahnuť nové titulné šablóny..." - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1008 -msgid "Run Config Wizard" -msgstr "Spustiť konfiguračného sprievodcu" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, ProjectSettings_UI) -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1009 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Project Settings" -msgstr "Nastavenia projektu" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1010 -msgid "Render" -msgstr "Renderovanie" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1012 -msgid "Clean Project" -msgstr "Vyčistiť projekt" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1016 -msgid "Play Zone" -msgstr "Prehrať zónu" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1018 -msgid "Loop Zone" -msgstr "Opakovať v slučke zónu" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1020 -msgid "Loop selected clip" -msgstr "Opakovať v slučke vybraný klip" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1024 -msgid "Transcode Clips" -msgstr "Prekódovať klipy" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1025 src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:55 -msgid "Archive Project" -msgstr "Archivovať projekt" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1026 -msgid "Switch monitor" -msgstr "Prepnúť monitor" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1027 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6364 -msgid "Expand Clip" -msgstr "Expandovať klip" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1029 -msgid "Monitor Info Overlay" -msgstr "Monitor Info Overlay" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1035 -msgid "Real Time (drop frames)" -msgstr "Reálny čas (vypustiť snímky)" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1040 -msgid "Monitor Gamma" -msgstr "Gamma pre monitor" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1041 -msgid "sRGB (computer)" -msgstr "sRGB (počítač)" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1042 -msgid "Rec. 709 (TV)" -msgstr "Rec. 709 (TV)" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1047 -msgid "Insert Zone in Project Bin" -msgstr "Vložiť zónu do koša strome" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1048 -msgid "Insert Zone in Timeline" -msgstr "Vložiť zónu do časovej osi" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1050 -msgid "Resize Item Start" -msgstr "Zmeniť veľkosť začiatku položky" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1055 -msgid "Resize Item End" -msgstr "Zmeniť veľkosť konca položky" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1060 -msgid "Go to Previous Snap Point" -msgstr "Prejsť na predchádzajúcu zarážku" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1062 -msgid "Go to Clip Start" -msgstr "Prejsť na začiatok klipu" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1063 -msgid "Go to Clip End" -msgstr "Prejsť na koniec klipu" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1064 -msgid "Go to Next Snap Point" -msgstr "Prejsť na nasledujúcu zarážku" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1066 -msgid "Delete Selected Item" -msgstr "Vymazať vybranú položku" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1067 -msgid "Align Playhead to Mouse Position" -msgstr "Zarovnať Playhead na pozíciu myši" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1069 -msgid "Automatic Transition" -msgstr "Automatický prechod" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1076 -msgid "Group Clips" -msgstr "Zoskupiť klipy" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1078 -msgid "Ungroup Clips" -msgstr "Zrušiť zoskupenie klipov" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1083 -msgid "Edit Duration" -msgstr "Upraviť dĺžku trvania" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1084 src/mainwindow.cpp:3232 -msgid "Save clip" -msgstr "Uložiť klip" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1085 -msgid "Clip in Project Bin" -msgstr "Klip v koši projektu" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1086 -msgid "Insert Clip Zone in Timeline (Overwrite)" -msgstr "Vložiť pásmo klipu v časovej osi (Prepísať)" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1087 -msgid "Select Clip" -msgstr "Vybrať klip" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1088 -msgid "Deselect Clip" -msgstr "Zrušiť výber klipu" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1089 -msgid "Add Clip To Selection" -msgstr "Pridať klip do výberu" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1091 -msgid "Select Transition" -msgstr "Vybrať prechod" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1093 -msgid "Deselect Transition" -msgstr "Zrušiť výber prechodu" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1095 -msgid "Add Transition To Selection" -msgstr "Pridať prechod do výberu" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, CutJobDialog_UI) -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1097 src/ui/cutjobdialog_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Cut Clip" -msgstr "Strihať klip" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1098 src/mainwindow.cpp:1833 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:729 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:803 -msgid "Add Marker" -msgstr "Pridať značku" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1099 -msgid "Delete Marker" -msgstr "Vymazať značku" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1100 -msgid "Delete All Markers" -msgstr "Vymazať všetky značky" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1102 src/mainwindow.cpp:1921 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:702 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:827 -msgid "Edit Marker" -msgstr "Upraviť značku" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1105 -msgid "Add Marker/Guide quickly" -msgstr "Pridať rýchlo značku/vodidlo" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1108 -msgid "Split Audio" -msgstr "Rozdeliť zvuk" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1112 -msgid "Set Audio Reference" -msgstr "Nastaviť zvukovú referenciu" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1116 -msgid "Align Audio to Reference" -msgstr "Zarovnať zvuk podľa referencie" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1120 -msgid "Audio Only" -msgstr "Iba zvuk" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1125 -msgid "Video Only" -msgstr "Iba video" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1130 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7007 -msgid "Audio and Video" -msgstr "Zvuk a video" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1142 -msgid "Insert Space" -msgstr "Vložiť medzeru" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1143 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:3426 -msgid "Remove Space" -msgstr "Odstrániť medzeru" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1146 -msgid "Insert Track" -msgstr "Vložiť stopu" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1150 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6556 -#: src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:94 -msgid "Delete Track" -msgstr "Vymazať stopu" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, TracksConfigDialog_UI) -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1155 src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:250 -#: src/ui/tracksconfigdialog_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Configure Tracks" -msgstr "Konfigurovať stopy" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1159 -msgid "Select All in Current Track" -msgstr "Vybrať všetko v aktuálnej stope" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1170 src/timeline/customruler.cpp:85 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5781 -msgid "Add Guide" -msgstr "Pridať vodidlo" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1171 src/timeline/customruler.cpp:89 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:231 -msgid "Delete Guide" -msgstr "Vymazať vodidlo" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1172 src/timeline/customruler.cpp:87 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:235 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5815 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5829 -msgid "Edit Guide" -msgstr "Upraviť vodidlo" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1173 src/timeline/customruler.cpp:91 -msgid "Delete All Guides" -msgstr "Vymazať všetky vodidlá" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1175 -msgid "Paste Effects" -msgstr "Vložiť efekty" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1180 -msgid "Save Selection" -msgstr "Uložiť výber" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1208 -msgid "Add Clip" -msgstr "Pridať klip" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1210 -msgid "Add Color Clip" -msgstr "Pridať farebný klip" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1213 src/project/dialogs/slideshowclip.cpp:41 -msgid "Add Slideshow Clip" -msgstr "Pridať klip prezentácie" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1216 -msgid "Add Title Clip" -msgstr "Pridať titulný klip" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1219 -msgid "Add Template Title" -msgstr "Pridať titul šablóny" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1223 -msgid "Create Folder" -msgstr "Vytvoriť priečinok" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1224 -msgid "Online Resources" -msgstr "Online zdroje" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, ClipProperties_UI) -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1226 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Clip Properties" -msgstr "Vlastnosti klipu" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1230 -msgid "Edit Clip" -msgstr "Upraviť klip" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1238 -msgid "Reload Clip" -msgstr "Znovu načítať klip" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1242 -msgid "Disable Timeline Effects" -msgstr "Zakázať efekty časovej osi" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1247 -msgid "Duplicate Clip" -msgstr "Duplikovať klip" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1259 -msgid "Ripple Delete" -msgstr "Zmazanie zvlnenia" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1389 -msgid "" -"You have changed the proxy parameters. Do you want to recreate all proxy " -"clips for this project?" -msgstr "" -"Zmenili ste parametre zástupcu. Chcete obnoviť všetky klipy zástupcov pre " -"tento projekt?" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1487 -msgid "This will remove all unused clips from your project." -msgstr "Týmto sa odstránia všetky nepoužité klipy z vášho projektu." - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1487 -msgid "Clean up project" -msgstr "Vyčistiť projekt" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1647 -msgctxt "general keyboard shortcuts" -msgid "General" -msgstr "Všeobecné" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1827 src/mainwindow.cpp:1945 -msgid "Cannot find clip to add marker" -msgstr "Nie je možné nájsť klip pre pridanie značky" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1859 src/mainwindow.cpp:1886 src/mainwindow.cpp:1909 -msgid "Cannot find clip to remove marker" -msgstr "Nie je možné nájsť klip pre odstránenie značky" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1866 src/mainwindow.cpp:1916 -msgid "No marker found at cursor time" -msgstr "Nebola nájdená žiadna značka na čase kurzora" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2194 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot find effect %1 / %2" -msgstr "Nie je možné nájsť efekt %1 / %2" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2252 -#, kde-format -msgid "Zoom Level: %1/13" -msgstr "Úroveň priblíženia: %1/13" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2378 -msgid "Ctrl + click to use spacer on current track only" -msgstr "Ctrl + klik pre použitie medzery iba na aktuálnej stope" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2381 -msgid "Click on a clip to cut it" -msgstr "Kliknúť na klip pre jeho strih" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2384 -msgid "" -"Shift + click to create a selection rectangle, Ctrl + click to add an item " -"to selection" -msgstr "" -"Shift + klik pre vytvorenie obdĺžnika výberu, Ctrl + klik pre pridanie " -"položky do výberu" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2707 -msgid "Stabilize" -msgstr "Stabilizovať" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2719 -msgid "Automatic scene split" -msgstr "Automatické rozdelenie scény" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2729 src/project/jobs/filterjob.cpp:83 -msgid "Reverse clip" -msgstr "Obrátiť klip" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2736 -msgid "Analyse keyframes" -msgstr "Analyzovať kľúčové snímky" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2751 -msgid "Transcoders" -msgstr "Transkódery" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2784 -msgid "Interface" -msgstr "Rozhranie" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2821 -msgid "No clip to transcode" -msgstr "Žiadny klip na prekódovanie" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2834 -msgid "Files to transcode" -msgstr "Súbory na prekódovanie" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2867 -msgid "Create Render Script" -msgstr "Vytvoriť skript vykresľovania" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2877 -msgid "Script file already exists. Do you want to overwrite it?" -msgstr "Súbor skriptu už existuje. Chcete ho prepísať?" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2923 -msgctxt "the first in a list of chapters" -msgid "Start" -msgstr "Spustiť" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:3200 -msgid "Archiving project" -msgstr "Archivovanie projektu" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:3229 -msgid "Select a clip to save" -msgstr "Vybrať klip na uloženie" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:3232 src/renderer.cpp:1386 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7865 -msgid "MLT playlist (*.mlt)" -msgstr "MLT zoznam skladieb (*.mlt)" - -#: src/mltconnection.cpp:51 -msgid "Cannot find the melt program required for rendering (part of MLT)" -msgstr "Nie je možné nájsť program melt, potrebný pre vykresľovanie (časť MLT)" - -#: src/mltconnection.cpp:83 -msgid "Cannot find your MLT profiles, please give the path" -msgstr "Nie je možné nájsť vaše profily MLT, prosím, uveďte cestu" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:87 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:476 src/project/projectcommands.cpp:166 -msgid "Edit marker" -msgstr "Upraviť značku" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:88 -msgid "Export markers" -msgstr "Exportovať značky" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:89 -msgid "Import markers" -msgstr "Načítať značky" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:115 -msgid "Analysis data" -msgstr "Dátová analýza" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:118 -msgid "Delete analysis" -msgstr "Vymazať analýzu" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:119 -msgid "Export analysis" -msgstr "Exportovať analýzu" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:120 -msgid "Import analysis" -msgstr "Načítať analýzu" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, clip_transparency) -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:166 -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:842 -msgid "Transparent" -msgstr "Priesvitné" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:181 -msgid "Aspect Ratio" -msgstr "Pomer strán" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_18) -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:236 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:618 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:623 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:679 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:440 -#: src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:86 -msgid "Frame rate" -msgstr "Snímková frekvencia" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_5) -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:260 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:634 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:686 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:105 -msgid "Scanning" -msgstr "Skenovanie" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:282 -msgid "Field order" -msgstr "Poradie polí" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:286 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:129 -msgid "Bottom first" -msgstr "Spodok najskôr" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:287 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:130 -msgid "Top first" -msgstr "Vrch najskôr" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:304 -msgid "Threads" -msgstr "Vlákna" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, clip_force_vindex) -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:320 -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:693 -msgid "Video index" -msgstr "Video index" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, clip_force_aindex) -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:336 -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:720 -msgid "Audio index" -msgstr "Audio index" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_12) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_32) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_15) -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:350 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:644 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:696 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:294 -#: src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:222 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:149 -msgid "Colorspace" -msgstr "Farebný priestor" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, clip_full_luma) -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:380 -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:772 -msgid "Full luma range" -msgstr "Plný rozsah svetelnosti" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:399 -msgid "Force properties" -msgstr "Vynútiť vlastnosti" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_5) -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_3) -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:401 -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:511 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:349 -msgid "Metadata" -msgstr "Metadáta" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:403 -msgid "Analysis" -msgstr "Rozbor" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:609 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:671 src/project/clipproperties.cpp:673 -msgid "Video codec" -msgstr "Kodek pre video" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:613 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:676 -msgid "Frame size" -msgstr "Veľkosť snímky" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:630 -msgid "Video bitrate" -msgstr "Dátový tok videa" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:630 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:664 -msgctxt "seconds" -msgid "s" -msgstr "s" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_9) -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:641 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:690 src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:120 -msgid "Pixel aspect ratio" -msgstr "Pixlový pomer strán" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:642 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:693 -msgid "Pixel format" -msgstr "Pixlový formát" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:651 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:243 -msgid "Audio codec" -msgstr "Kodek pre zvuk" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:659 -msgid "Audio frequency" -msgstr "Frekvencia zvuku" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:664 -msgid "Audio bitrate" -msgstr "Dátový tok zvuku" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:760 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:788 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:813 -msgid "Exif" -msgstr "Exif" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:832 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:854 -msgid "Magic Lantern" -msgstr "Zázračná lampa" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:893 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:858 -msgid "Save Analysis Data" -msgstr "Uložiť analýzu dát" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:893 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:904 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:858 src/project/clipproperties.cpp:869 -msgid "Text File (*.txt)" -msgstr "Textový súbor (*.txt)" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:904 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:869 -msgid "Open Analysis Data" -msgstr "Otvoriť analýzu dát" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:183 -msgid "Play..." -msgstr "Prehrať..." - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:185 src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:303 -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:310 src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:449 -msgid "Pause" -msgstr "Pozastaviť" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:210 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:210 -msgid "Go to marker..." -msgstr "Prejsť na značku" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:215 -msgid "Force Monitor Size" -msgstr "Vynútiť veľkosť monitora" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:216 -msgid "Force 100%" -msgstr "Vynútiť 100%" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:218 -msgid "Force 50%" -msgstr "Vynútiť 50%" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:220 -msgid "Free Resize" -msgstr "Voľná zmena veľkosti" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:233 -msgid "Audio volume" -msgstr "Hlasitosť zvuku" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:248 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Split view" -msgid "Split" -msgstr "Rozdeliť zobrazenie" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:248 -msgid "Unsplit" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:281 src/monitor/monitoreditwidget.cpp:58 -msgid "Show/Hide edit mode" -msgstr "Ukázať/Skryť režim úpravy" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:400 -msgid "Save zone" -msgstr "Uložiť zónu" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:401 -msgid "Extract Zone" -msgstr "Extrahovať zónu" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:404 -msgid "Extract frame" -msgstr "Extrahovať snímku" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:408 -msgid "Split view" -msgstr "Rozdeliť zobrazenie" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:412 -msgid "Set current image as thumbnail" -msgstr "Nastaviť súčasný obrázok ako náhľad" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:416 -msgid "Overlay audio waveform" -msgstr "Overlay audio waveform" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:453 -msgid "Your screen resolution is not sufficient for this action" -msgstr "Vaše rozlíšenie obrazovky nie je dostatočné na túto akciu" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:838 -msgid "Save Image" -msgstr "Uložiť obrázok" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:894 -msgid "In Point" -msgstr "V bode" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:896 -msgid "Out Point" -msgstr "Mimo bodu" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:1520 -msgid "Select a clip in project bin to compare effect" -msgstr "Vyberte klip v projektovom koši na efekt porovnania" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:1524 -msgid "Clip has no effects" -msgstr "Klip nemá žiadne efekty" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:1533 -msgid "" -"The scal0tilt filter is required for that feature, please install frei0r and " -"restart Kdenlive" -msgstr "" -"Na túto funkciu je potrebný filter scal0tilt filter, prosím nainštalujte " -"frei0r a reštartujte Kdenlive" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:1540 -msgid "" -"The cairoblend transition is required for that feature, please install " -"frei0r and restart Kdenlive" -msgstr "" -"Na túto funkciu je potrebný prechod cairoblend, prosím nainštalujte frei0r a " -"reštartujte Kdenlive" - -#: src/monitor/monitoreditwidget.cpp:64 -msgid "Update parameters while monitor scene changes" -msgstr "Aktualizovať parametre, kým sa mení scéna monitora" - -#: src/monitor/monitoreditwidget.cpp:68 -msgid "Fit zoom to monitor size" -msgstr "Prispôsobiť priblíženie veľkosti monitora" - -#: src/monitor/monitoreditwidget.cpp:70 -msgid "Original size" -msgstr "Pôvodná veľkosť" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:326 -msgid "Switch monitor fullscreen" -msgstr "Prepnúť monitor na celú obrazovku" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:331 src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:76 -msgid "Rewind" -msgstr "Pretočiť dozadu" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:336 -msgid "Rewind 1 Frame" -msgstr "Pretočiť o 1 snímku" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:341 -msgid "Rewind 1 Second" -msgstr "Pretočiť o 1 sekundu" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:346 src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:85 -msgid "Forward" -msgstr "Dopredu" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:351 -msgid "Go to Project Start" -msgstr "Prejsť na začiatok projektu" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:356 -msgid "Go to Project End" -msgstr "Prejsť na koniec projektu" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:361 -msgid "Forward 1 Frame" -msgstr "Dopredu o 1 snímku" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:366 -msgid "Forward 1 Second" -msgstr "Dopredu o 1 sekundu" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:371 -msgid "Deinterlacer" -msgstr "Prekladače" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:372 -msgid "One Field (fast)" -msgstr "Jedno pole (rýchle)" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:373 -msgid "Linear Blend (fast)" -msgstr "Lineárne prelínanie (rýchle)" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:374 -msgid "YADIF - temporal only (good)" -msgstr "YADIF - len časové (dobré)" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:375 -msgid "YADIF - temporal + spacial (best)" -msgstr "YADIF - časové + priestorové (najlepšie)" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:384 -msgid "Nearest Neighbor (fast)" -msgstr "Najbližší sused (rýchle)" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:385 -msgid "Bilinear (good)" -msgstr "Bilineárne (dobré)" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:386 -msgid "Bicubic (better)" -msgstr "Bikubické (lepšie)" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:387 -msgid "Hyper/Lanczos (best)" -msgstr "Hyper/Lanczos (najlepšie)" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:395 -msgid "Go to Zone Start" -msgstr "Prejsť na začiatok zóny" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:400 -msgid "Mute monitor" -msgstr "Stlmiť monitor" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:400 -msgid "Unmute monitor" -msgstr "Nahlas monitor" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:406 -msgid "Go to Zone End" -msgstr "Prejsť na koniec zóny" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:411 -msgid "Set Zone In" -msgstr "Nastaviť zónu vnútri" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:416 -msgid "Set Zone Out" -msgstr "Nastaviť zónu von" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_preview) -#: src/monitor/recmanager.cpp:48 src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:147 -#: src/ui/freesound_ui.ui:144 src/utils/archiveorg.cpp:181 -#: src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:158 src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:263 -#: src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:277 src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:575 -msgid "Preview" -msgstr "Náhľad" - -#: src/monitor/recmanager.cpp:52 src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:88 -msgid "Record" -msgstr "Nahrať" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_video) -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, vbitrates) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, background_list) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_videothumbnails) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, video_thumbs) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, bitrateLabel) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, rec_video) -#: src/monitor/recmanager.cpp:56 src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:38 -#: src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:153 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:86 -#: src/ui/configtimeline_ui.ui:29 src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:207 -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:217 src/ui/recmonitor_ui.ui:100 -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:169 src/ui/saveprofile_ui.ui:20 -msgid "Video" -msgstr "Video" - -#: src/monitor/recmanager.cpp:68 src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:135 -#, kde-format -msgid "Monitor %1" -msgstr "Monitor %1" - -#: src/monitor/recmanager.cpp:80 -msgid "Webcam" -msgstr "Webkamera" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_3) -#: src/monitor/recmanager.cpp:81 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:427 -msgid "Screen Grab" -msgstr "Zachytenie obrazovky" - -#: src/monitor/recmanager.cpp:86 -msgid "Configure Recording" -msgstr "Nastaviť nahrávanie" - -#: src/monitor/recmanager.cpp:89 -msgid "Show Record Control" -msgstr "Zobraziť ovládanie nahrávania" - -#: src/monitor/recmanager.cpp:198 src/monitor/recmanager.cpp:279 -#: src/monitor/recmanager.cpp:284 src/monitor/recmanager.cpp:390 -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:879 src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:886 -msgid "Capture crashed, please check your parameters" -msgstr "Zachytenie spadlo, prosím, skontrolujte si vaše parametre" - -#: src/monitor/recmanager.cpp:265 src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:753 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Failed to start the capture application:\n" -"%1" -msgstr "" -"Zlyhalo spustenie aplikácie zachytenia:\n" -"%1" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:73 src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:862 -msgid "Connect" -msgstr "Pripojiť" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:82 src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:249 -#: src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:262 src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:271 -msgid "Stop" -msgstr "Zastaviť" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:94 -msgid "Add Captured File to Project" -msgstr "Pridať zachytený súbor do projektu" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:102 -msgid "Recording Preview" -msgstr "Náhľadu zaznamenávania" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:110 src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:245 -msgid "Configure" -msgstr "Nastaviť" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:202 -msgid "" -"You need to disconnect and reconnect in the capture monitor to apply your " -"changes" -msgstr "" -"Musíte odpojiť a znovu pripojiť v monitore zachytenia, aby použili vaše zmeny" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:202 src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:203 -msgid "Capturing" -msgstr "Zachytávanie" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:203 -msgid "You need to stop capture before your changes can be applied" -msgstr "Musíte zastaviť zachytenie, aby mohli byť použité vaše zmeny" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:256 -msgid "" -"ffmpeg or avconv not found,\n" -" please install it for screen grabs" -msgstr "" -"ffmpeg alebo avconv neboli nájdené,\n" -" prosím, nainštalujte ich na zachytenie obrazovky" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:262 -msgid "" -"Your FFmpeg / Libav installation\n" -" does not support screen grab" -msgstr "" -"Vaša FFmpeg / Libav inštalácia\n" -" nepodporuje zachytenie obrazovky" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:265 src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:888 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Press record button\n" -"to start screen capture\n" -"Files will be saved in:\n" -"%1" -msgstr "" -"Stlačiť tlačidlo záznamu\n" -"na spustenie zachytávania obrazovky\n" -"Súbory budú uložené v:\n" -"%1" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:283 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Plug your camcorder and\n" -"press play button\n" -"to start preview.\n" -"Files will be saved in:\n" -"%1" -msgstr "" -"Pripojte vašu videokameru\n" -"a stlačte tlačidlo prehrávania,\n" -"aby sa spustil náhľad.\n" -"Súbory budú uložené v:\n" -"%1" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:296 -msgid "" -"dvgrab utility not found,\n" -" please install it for firewire capture" -msgstr "" -"dvgrab nástroj nebol nájdený,\n" -" prosím, nainštalujte ho pre zachytenie firewire" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:320 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Plug your camcorder and\n" -"press connect button\n" -"to initialize connection\n" -"Files will be saved in:\n" -"%1" -msgstr "" -"Pripojte vašu videokameru\n" -"a stlačte tlačidlo pripojenia,\n" -"aby sa inicializovalo pripojenie\n" -"Súbory budú uložené v:\n" -"%1" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:355 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Cannot read from device %1\n" -"Please check drivers and access rights." -msgstr "" -"Nie je možné čítať zo zariadenia %1\n" -"Prosím, skontrolujte ovládače a prístupové práva." - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:358 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Press play or record button\n" -"to start video capture\n" -"Files will be saved in:\n" -"%1" -msgstr "" -"Stlačiť tlačidlo prehrávania alebo záznamu\n" -"na spustenie zachytávania videa\n" -"Súbory budú uložené v:\n" -"%1" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:370 -msgid "Disconnect" -msgstr "Odpojiť" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:423 -msgid "Capture stopped" -msgstr "Zachytenie zastavené" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:523 -msgid "" -"Failed to start Video4Linux,\n" -"check your parameters..." -msgstr "" -"Zlyhalo spustenie Video4Linux,\n" -"skontrolujte si vaše parametre..." - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:539 src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:701 -msgid "" -"Failed to start Decklink,\n" -"check your parameters..." -msgstr "" -"Zlyhalo spustenie Decklink,\n" -"skontrolujte si vaše parametre..." - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:677 -msgid "" -"Failed to start ffmpeg capture,\n" -"check your parameters..." -msgstr "" -"Zlyhalo spustenie zachytenia ffmpeg,\n" -"skontrolujte si vaše parametre..." - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:695 -#, kde-format -msgid "Capturing to %1" -msgstr "Zachytávanie do %1" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:702 -msgid "Failed to start capture" -msgstr "Zlyhalo spustenie zachytenia" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:766 -msgid "Initialising..." -msgstr "Inicializácia..." - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:782 -msgid "Show log" -msgstr "Ukázať záznam" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, video_frame) -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:882 src/ui/recmonitor_ui.ui:35 -msgid "Not connected" -msgstr "Nepripojené" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:971 -#, kde-format -msgid "Free space: %1" -msgstr "Voľné miesto: %1" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:1014 -#, kde-format -msgid "%1 dropped frames" -msgstr "%1 vypustených snímok" - -#: src/monitor/smallruler.cpp:201 src/timeline/customruler.cpp:233 -#: src/timeline/customruler.cpp:234 -#, kde-format -msgid "Zone start: %1" -msgstr "Začiatok zóny: %1" - -#: src/monitor/smallruler.cpp:205 src/timeline/customruler.cpp:237 -#: src/timeline/customruler.cpp:238 -#, kde-format -msgid "Zone end: %1" -msgstr "Koniec zóny: %1" - -#: src/monitor/smallruler.cpp:236 src/timeline/customruler.cpp:241 -#: src/timeline/customruler.cpp:242 -#, kde-format -msgid "Zone duration: %1" -msgstr "Trvanie zóny: %1" - -#: src/monitor/smallruler.cpp:238 src/timeline/customruler.cpp:245 -#: src/timeline/customruler.cpp:246 -#, kde-format -msgid "Position: %1" -msgstr "Poloha: %1" - -#: src/project/clipmanager.cpp:220 -msgid "Delete subclip" -msgid_plural "Delete subclips" -msgstr[0] "Vymazať podklip" -msgstr[1] "Vymazať podklipy" -msgstr[2] "Vymazať podklipy" - -#: src/project/clipmanager.cpp:223 src/project/projectcommands.cpp:74 -msgid "Delete folder" -msgid_plural "Delete folders" -msgstr[0] "Vymazať priečinok" -msgstr[1] "Odstrániť priečinky" -msgstr[2] "Odstrániť priečinky" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:200 -msgid "Libav" -msgstr "Libav" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_8) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, kcfg_defaultcapture) -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_2) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, device_selector) -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:204 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:42 -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:181 src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:105 -#: src/ui/recmonitor_ui.ui:139 -msgid "FFmpeg" -msgstr "FFmpeg" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_11) -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:246 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:187 -#: src/utils/freesound.cpp:207 -msgid "Channels" -msgstr "Kanály" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:263 -#, kde-format -msgid "Proxy clip: %1 (%2)" -msgstr "Klip zástupcu: %1 (%2)" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:265 -msgid "Delete proxy" -msgstr "Vymazať zástupcu" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:292 -msgid "Playlist" -msgstr "Zoznam skladieb" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:348 src/project/dialogs/slideshowclip.cpp:74 -msgid "Pan, low-pass" -msgstr "Panorámovať, dolný priepust" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:349 src/project/dialogs/slideshowclip.cpp:75 -msgid "Pan and zoom" -msgstr "Panorámovať a priblížiť" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:350 src/project/dialogs/slideshowclip.cpp:76 -msgid "Pan and zoom, low-pass" -msgstr "Panorámovať a priblížiť, dolný priepust" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:352 src/project/dialogs/slideshowclip.cpp:78 -msgid "Zoom, low-pass" -msgstr "Priblížiť, dolný priepust" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:480 -msgid "Save markers" -msgstr "Uložiť značky" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:482 -msgid "Load markers" -msgstr "Načítať značky" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:484 -msgid "Delete analysis data" -msgstr "Vymazať analýzu dát" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:486 -msgid "Load analysis data" -msgstr "Načítať analýzu dát" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:488 -msgid "Save analysis data" -msgstr "Uložiť analýzu dát" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:527 src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:360 -#, kde-format -msgid "(%1 clip)" -msgid_plural "(%1 clips)" -msgstr[0] "(%1 klip)" -msgstr[1] "(%1 klipy)" -msgstr[2] "(%1 klipov)" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, slide_info) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_info) -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:1166 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:319 -#: src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:265 -msgid "No image found" -msgstr "Nebol nájdený žiadny obrázok" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:1171 -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:573 -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:586 -#: src/project/dialogs/slideshowclip.cpp:247 -#, kde-format -msgid "1 image found" -msgid_plural "%1 images found" -msgstr[0] "Nájdený 1 obrázok" -msgstr[1] "Nájdené %1 obrázky" -msgstr[2] "Nájdených %1 obrázkov" - -#: src/project/clippropertiesmanager.cpp:182 -msgid "Edit clips" -msgstr "Upraviť klipy" - -#: src/project/clipstabilize.cpp:41 -msgid "Stabilize Clip" -msgstr "Stabilizovať klip" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, auto_add) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, add_clip) -#: src/project/clipstabilize.cpp:42 src/project/cliptranscode.cpp:47 -#: src/ui/clipstabilize_ui.ui:57 src/ui/cliptranscode_ui.ui:47 -#: src/ui/cutjobdialog_ui.ui:57 -msgid "Add clip to project" -msgid_plural "Add clips to project" -msgstr[0] "Pridať klip do projektu" -msgstr[1] "Pridať klipy do projektu" -msgstr[2] "Pridať klipy do projektu" - -#: src/project/clipstabilize.cpp:69 src/project/cliptranscode.cpp:63 -msgid "Destination folder" -msgstr "Cieľový priečinok" - -#: src/project/clipstabilize.cpp:159 -msgid "Stabilised" -msgstr "Stabilizované" - -#: src/project/clipstabilize.cpp:173 -msgid "Stabilize clip" -msgstr "Stabilizovať klip" - -#: src/project/clipstabilize.cpp:232 -msgid "The stabilize job will overwrite the following files:" -msgstr "Stabilizačná úloha prepíše nasledujúce súbory:" - -#: src/project/cliptranscode.cpp:43 -msgid "Transcode Clip" -msgstr "Prekódovať klip" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, convert_abort) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_abort) -#: src/project/cliptranscode.cpp:168 src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:636 -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:884 src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:94 -#: src/ui/dvdwizardvob_ui.ui:160 -msgid "Abort" -msgstr "Prerušiť" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, buttonClose) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, buttonClose2) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, buttonClose3) -#: src/project/cliptranscode.cpp:210 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:382 -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:657 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:805 -msgid "Close" -msgstr "Zavrieť" - -#: src/project/cliptranscode.cpp:221 src/project/cliptranscode.cpp:239 -msgid "Transcoding finished." -msgstr "Prekódovanie dokončené" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:63 -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:302 -msgid "Video clips" -msgstr "Video klipy" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:67 -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:305 -msgid "Audio clips" -msgstr "Zvukové klipy" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:71 -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:308 src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:113 -msgid "Image clips" -msgstr "Obrázkové klipy" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:75 -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:311 -msgid "Slideshow clips" -msgstr "Klipy prezentácie" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:79 -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:314 -msgid "Text clips" -msgstr "Textové klipy" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:83 -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:317 -msgid "Playlist clips" -msgstr "Klipy zoznamu skladieb" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:87 -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:320 -msgid "Other clips" -msgstr "Ostatné klipy" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:91 -msgid "Luma files" -msgstr "Luma súbory" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:167 -#, kde-format -msgid "You have %1 missing clip in your project." -msgid_plural "You have %1 missing clips in your project." -msgstr[0] "Máte %1 chýbajúci klip v projekte." -msgstr[1] "Máte %1 chýbajúce klipy v projekte." -msgstr[2] "Máte %1 chýbajúcich klipov v projekte." - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:192 -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:1017 -#, kde-format -msgid "(%1 item)" -msgid_plural "(%1 items)" -msgstr[0] "(%1 položka)" -msgstr[1] "(%1 položky)" -msgstr[2] "(%1 položiek)" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:197 -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:1019 -#, kde-format -msgid "%1 file to archive, requires %2" -msgid_plural "%1 files to archive, requires %2" -msgstr[0] "%1 súbor do archívu, vyžaduje %2" -msgstr[1] "%1 súbory do archívu, vyžaduje %2" -msgstr[2] "%1 súborov do archívu, vyžaduje %2" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:198 -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:664 -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:854 -msgid "Archive" -msgstr "Archív" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:232 -msgid "Extract to" -msgstr "Rozbaliť do" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:233 -msgid "Open Archived Project" -msgstr "Otvoriť archivovaný projekt" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:235 -msgid "Extract" -msgstr "Rozbaliť" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:264 -msgid "Opening archive..." -msgstr "Otváranie archívu..." - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:267 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Cannot open archive file:\n" -" %1" -msgstr "" -"Nie je možné otvoriť archivovaný súbor:\n" -" %1" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:284 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"File %1\n" -" is not an archived Kdenlive project" -msgstr "" -"Súbor %1\n" -" nie je archivovaný projekt Kdenlive" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:290 -msgid "Ready" -msgstr "Pripravený" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:310 -msgid "Archiving in progress, do you want to stop it?" -msgstr "Archivovanie prebieha, chcete ho zastaviť?" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:310 -msgid "Stop Archiving" -msgstr "Zastaviť archivovanie" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:493 -#, kde-format -msgid "Available space on drive: %1" -msgstr "Dostupné miesto na disku: %1" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:497 -#, kde-format -msgid "Not enough space on drive, free space: %1" -msgstr "Nie je dostatok miesta na disku, voľné miesto: %1" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:518 -msgid "Archiving..." -msgstr "Archivujem..." - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:546 -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:628 -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:881 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot create directory %1" -msgstr "Nie je možné vytvoriť adresár %1" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:652 -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:847 -msgid "Project was successfully archived." -msgstr "Projekt bol úspešne archivovaný." - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:655 -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:851 -msgid "There was an error processing project file" -msgstr "Došlo k chybe pri spracovaní súboru projektu" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:661 -#, kde-format -msgid "There was an error while copying the files: %1" -msgstr "Nastala chyba počas kopírovania súborov: %1" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:785 -msgid "Cannot create temporary file" -msgstr "Nemožno vytvoriť dočasný súbor" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:883 -msgid "Extracting..." -msgstr "Extrahujem..." - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:947 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot open project file %1" -msgstr "Nie je možné otvoriť súbor projektu %1" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:947 -msgid "Cannot open file" -msgstr "Nie je možné otvoriť súbor" - -#: src/project/dialogs/backupwidget.cpp:30 -msgid "Restore Backup File" -msgstr "Obnoviť záložný súbor" - -#: src/project/dialogs/backupwidget.cpp:34 -msgid "Showing all backup files in folder" -msgstr "Zobrazenie všetkých záložných súborov v priečinku" - -#: src/project/dialogs/backupwidget.cpp:37 -#, kde-format -msgid "Showing backup files for %1" -msgstr "Zobrazenie záložných súborov pre %1" - -#: src/project/dialogs/noteswidget.cpp:40 -msgid "Insert current timecode" -msgstr "Vložiť aktuálny časový kód" - -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:120 -msgid "Current Settings" -msgstr "Aktuálne nastavenie" - -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:139 -msgid "Title" -msgstr "Názov" - -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:146 -#: src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:189 -msgid "Author" -msgstr "Autor" - -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:153 -msgid "Artist" -msgstr "Interpret" - -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:159 -msgid "Copyright" -msgstr "Copyright" - -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:259 -msgid "Deleting proxy clips will disable proxies for this project." -msgstr "Zmazanie klipov zástupcov zakáže zástupcov pre tento projekt." - -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:410 -msgid "" -"Changing the profile of your project cannot be undone.\n" -"It is recommended to save your project before attempting this operation that " -"might cause some corruption in transitions.\n" -" Are you sure you want to proceed?" -msgstr "" -"Zmenu profilu vášho projektu nie je možné vrátiť späť.\n" -"Odporúča sa, uložiť váš projekt pred pokusom o túto operáciu, ktorá by mohla " -"spôsobiť nejaké poškodenie v prechodoch.\n" -" Ste si istí, že chcete pokračovať?" - -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:410 -msgid "Confirm profile change" -msgstr "Potvrdiť zmenu profilu" - -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:425 -#, kde-format -msgid "Interlaced (%1 fields per second)" -msgstr "Prekladané (%1 polí za sekundu)" - -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:596 -#, kde-format -msgid "Project folder: %1" -msgstr "Priečinok projektu: %1" - -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:597 -#, kde-format -msgid "Project profile: %1" -msgstr "Profil projektu: %1" - -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:598 -#, kde-format -msgid "Total clips: %1 (%2 used in timeline)." -msgstr "Celkovo klipov: %1 (%2 v časovej osi)" - -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:650 -msgid "field_name" -msgstr "field_name" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, SlideshowClip_UI) -#: src/project/dialogs/slideshowclip.cpp:47 src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Slideshow Clip" -msgstr "Klip prezentácie" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:46 -msgid "Transcode clip" -msgstr "Prekódovať klip" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:49 -msgid "Cut clip" -msgstr "Vystrihnúť klip" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:53 -msgid "Analyse clip" -msgstr "Analyzovať klip" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:125 -msgid "Failed to create file." -msgstr "Zlyhalo vytvorenie súboru." - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:140 -msgid "Cannot process this clip type." -msgstr "Nie je možné spracovať tento typ klipu." - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:202 -msgid "Transcoding clip" -msgstr "Prekódovanie klipu" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:203 -msgid "Extracting clip cut" -msgstr "Extrahovanie strihu klipu" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:204 -msgid "Analysing clip" -msgstr "Analyzujem klip" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:207 -msgid "Waiting - transcode clip" -msgstr "Čakanie - prekódovanie klipu" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:208 -msgid "Waiting - cut clip" -msgstr "Čakanie - strihanie klipu" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:209 -msgid "Waiting - analyse clip" -msgstr "Čakanie - analyzovať klip" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:278 -#, kde-format -msgid "Extracting %1 out of %2" -msgstr "Extrahovanie %1 z %2" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:292 -msgid "You cannot overwrite original clip." -msgstr "Nemôžete prepísať pôvodný klip." - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:293 -#, kde-format -msgid "Overwrite file %1" -msgstr "Prepísať súbor %1" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:338 -msgid "The transcoding job will overwrite the following files:" -msgstr "Úloha prekódovania prepíše nasledujúce súbory:" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:344 -msgid "Transcoding" -msgstr "Prekódovanie" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:432 -msgid "I-Frame " -msgstr "I-rámec " - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:433 -#, c-format -msgid "Found %count I-Frames" -msgstr "Nájdených %count I-rámcov" - -#: src/project/jobs/filterjob.cpp:133 -#, kde-format -msgid "Found %1 scenes." -msgstr "Nájdených %1 scén." - -#: src/project/jobs/filterjob.cpp:146 -msgid "Scene " -msgstr "Scéna" - -#: src/project/jobs/filterjob.cpp:174 -msgid "Auto split" -msgstr "Automaticky rozdeliť" - -#: src/project/jobs/jobmanager.cpp:178 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot write to path: %1" -msgstr "Nie je možné zapísať do cesty: %1" - -#: src/project/jobs/jobmanager.cpp:225 -#, kde-format -msgid "Filter %1" -msgstr "Filter %1" - -#: src/project/jobs/jobmanager.cpp:234 -msgid "No valid clip to process" -msgstr "Neplatný klip na spracovanie" - -#: src/project/jobs/meltjob.cpp:53 -msgid "Processing clip" -msgstr "Spracúvam klip" - -#: src/project/jobs/meltjob.cpp:63 -msgid "No producer for this clip." -msgstr "Nie je žiadny producent pre tento klip." - -#: src/project/jobs/meltjob.cpp:86 -#, kde-format -msgid "Clip zone undefined (%1 - %2)." -msgstr "Pásmo klipu nedefinované (%1 - %2)." - -#: src/project/jobs/meltjob.cpp:157 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot create consumer %1." -msgstr "Nie je možné vytvoriť spotrebiteľa %1." - -#: src/project/jobs/meltjob.cpp:179 -#, kde-format -msgid "Filter %1 crashed" -msgstr "Filter %1 spadol" - -#: src/project/jobs/meltjob.cpp:248 -msgid "Waiting to process clip" -msgstr "Čakanie na spracovanie klipu" - -#: src/project/jobs/proxyclipjob.cpp:38 -msgid "proxy" -msgstr "proxy" - -#: src/project/jobs/proxyclipjob.cpp:90 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot load image %1." -msgstr "Nie je možné načítať obrázok %1." - -#: src/project/jobs/proxyclipjob.cpp:170 -msgid "Failed to create proxy clip." -msgstr "Zlyhalo vytvorenie klipu zástupcu." - -#: src/project/jobs/proxyclipjob.cpp:245 -msgid "Creating proxy" -msgstr "Vytváranie zástupcu" - -#: src/project/jobs/proxyclipjob.cpp:248 -msgid "Waiting - proxy" -msgstr "Čakanie - zástupca" - -#: src/project/jobs/proxyclipjob.cpp:283 src/project/projectlist.cpp:2073 -msgid "Failed to create proxy, empty path." -msgstr "Zlyhalo vytvorenie zástupcu, prázdna cesta." - -#: src/project/notesplugin.cpp:27 -msgid "Enter your project notes here ..." -msgstr "Sem zadajte svoje poznámky k projektu ..." - -#: src/project/notesplugin.cpp:28 -msgid "Project Notes" -msgstr "Poznámky projektu" - -#: src/project/projectcommands.cpp:38 -msgid "Add clip cut" -msgstr "Pridať strih klipu" - -#: src/project/projectcommands.cpp:72 -msgid "Add folder" -msgstr "Pridať zložku" - -#: src/project/projectcommands.cpp:107 -msgid "Edit clip cut" -msgstr "Upraviť strih klipu" - -#: src/project/projectcommands.cpp:136 -msgid "Rename folder" -msgstr "Premenovať priečinok" - -#: src/project/projectitem.cpp:92 src/project/projectitem.cpp:221 -msgid "Contains proxies" -msgstr "Obsahuje zástupcov" - -#: src/project/projectitem.cpp:186 -msgid "Missing" -msgstr "Chýba" - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:446 -msgid "No available clip selected" -msgstr "Nie je vybraný žiadny dostupný klip" - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:982 -msgid "Delete Clip Zone" -msgstr "Vymazať pásmo klipu" - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:995 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Delete folder %2?
This will also remove the clip in that folder" -msgid_plural "" -"Delete folder %2?
This will also remove the %1 clips in that " -"folder" -msgstr[0] "" -"Vymazať priečinok %2?
Toto tiež odstráni klip v tomto priečinku" -msgstr[1] "" -"Vymazať priečinok %2?
Toto tiež odstráni %1 klipy v tomto " -"priečinku" -msgstr[2] "" -"Vymazať priečinok %2?
Toto tiež odstráni %1 klipov v tomto " -"priečinku" - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:1004 -#, kde-format -msgid "Delete clip %2?
This will also remove the clip in timeline" -msgid_plural "" -"Delete clip %2?
This will also remove its %1 clips in timeline" -msgstr[0] "Vymazať klip %2?
Toto tiež odstráni klip v časovej osi" -msgstr[1] "" -"Vymazať klip %2?
Toto tiež odstráni jeho %1 klipy v časovej osi" -msgstr[2] "" -"Vymazať klip %2?
Toto tiež odstráni jeho %1 klipov v časovej osi" - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:1430 -msgid "Clip is missing or invalid. Remove it from project?" -msgstr "Klip je neplatný alebo chýba, bude odstránený z projektu?" - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:1455 -msgid "Proxy clip unusable (duration is different from original)." -msgstr "Klip zástupcu je nepoužiteľný (trvanie je odlišné od pôvodného)." - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:1457 -#, kde-format -msgid "Failed to create proxy for %1. check parameters" -msgstr "Zlyhalo vytvorenie zástupcu pre %1. skontrolovať parametre" - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:1752 -msgid "Cannot find profile from current clip" -msgstr "Nie je možné nájsť profil z aktuálneho klipu" - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:1769 -msgid "Change project profile" -msgstr "Zmeniť profil projektu" - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:1773 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Your clip does not match current project's profile.\n" -"Do you want to change the project profile?\n" -"\n" -"The following profiles match the clip (size: %1, fps: %2)" -msgstr "" -"Váš klip nezodpovedá profilu aktuálneho projektu.\n" -"Chcete zmeniť profil projektu?\n" -"\n" -"Nasledujúce profily zodpovedajú klipu (veľkosť: %1, fps: %2)" - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:1791 -msgid "Update profile" -msgstr "Aktualizovať profil" - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:1806 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Your clip does not match current project's profile.\n" -"No existing profile found to match the clip's properties.\n" -"Clip size: %1\n" -"Fps: %2\n" -msgstr "" -"Váš klip nezodpovedá profilu aktuálneho projektu.\n" -"Nebol nájdený žiadny existujúci profil zodpovedajúci vlastnostiam klipu.\n" -"Veľkosť klipu: %1\n" -"Fps: %2\n" - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:2042 -msgid "Sequence not found" -msgstr "Sekvencia nebola nájdená" - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:2212 -msgid "Update proxy settings" -msgstr "Aktualizovať nastavenie zástupcu" - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:2374 -msgid "Remove Proxy" -msgstr "Odstrániť zástupcu" - -#: src/project/projectlistview.cpp:59 -msgid "Rating" -msgstr "Hodnotenie" - -#: src/project/projectlistview.cpp:105 -msgctxt "@title:menu" -msgid "Columns" -msgstr "Stĺpce" - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:61 -msgid "Open Backup File" -msgstr "Otvoriť záložný súbor" - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:202 -msgid "Save changes to document?" -msgstr "Uložiť zmeny do dokumentu?" - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:204 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"The project \"%1\" has been changed.\n" -"Do you want to save your changes?" -msgstr "" -"Projekt \"%1\" bol zmenený.\n" -"Chcete uložiť zmeny?" - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:379 -msgid "Auto-saved files exist. Do you want to recover them now?" -msgstr "Existujú automaticky uložené súbory. Chcete ich teraz obnoviť?" - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:380 -msgid "File Recovery" -msgstr "Obnovenie súboru" - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:381 -msgid "Don't recover" -msgstr "Neobnoviť" - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:436 -#, kde-format -msgid "Opening file %1" -msgstr "Otvára sa súbor %1" - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:456 -msgid "Loading project" -msgstr "Načítavanie projektu" - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:458 -msgid "Loading playlist" -msgstr "Načítavam zoznam skladieb" - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:478 src/project/projectmanager.cpp:483 -msgid "Loading clips" -msgstr "Načítanie klipov" - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:507 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Cannot open file %1.\n" -"Project is corrupted." -msgstr "" -"Nie je možné otvoriť súbor %1.\n" -"Projekt je poškodený." - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:527 -msgid "" -"This will delete all changes made since you last saved your project. Are you " -"sure you want to continue?" -msgstr "" -"Týmto sa vymaž[ všetky zmeny vykonané od posledného uloženia projektu. Ste " -"si istí, že chcete pokračovať?" - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:527 -msgid "Revert to last saved version" -msgstr "Vrátiť sa k poslednej uloženej verzii" - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:537 -msgid "Kdenlive project (*.kdenlive)" -msgstr "Kdenlive projekt (*.kdenlive)" - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:538 -msgid "Archived project (*.tar.gz)" -msgstr "Archivovaný projekt (*.tar.gz)" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, scanning_list) -#: src/project/transitionsettings.cpp:151 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:126 -msgid "Auto" -msgstr "Auto" - -#: src/project/transitionsettings.cpp:162 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:54 -msgid "Black" -msgstr "Čierna" - -#: src/renderer.cpp:1181 -msgid "" -"Could not create the video preview window.\n" -"There is something wrong with your Kdenlive install or your driver settings, " -"please fix it." -msgstr "" -"Nebolo možné vytvoriť okno náhľadu videa.\n" -"Niečo je v neporiadku s vašou inštaláciou Kdenlive alebo s nastavením vášho " -"ovládača, prosím, opravte si to." - -#: src/renderer.cpp:1386 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7865 -msgid "Save Zone" -msgstr "Uložiť zónu" - -#: src/renderer.cpp:3283 -msgid "Import selected clips" -msgstr "Importovať vybrané klipy" - -#: src/renderer.cpp:3285 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Additional streams for clip\n" -" %1" -msgstr "" -"Ďalšie streamy pre klip\n" -" %1" - -#: src/renderer.cpp:3294 -#, kde-format -msgid "Video stream %1" -msgstr "Video stream %1" - -#: src/renderer.cpp:3309 -#, kde-format -msgid "Audio stream %1" -msgstr "Audio stream %1" - -#: src/scopes/abstractscopewidget.cpp:84 -msgid "Auto Refresh" -msgstr "&Automatická obnova" - -#: src/scopes/abstractscopewidget.cpp:86 -msgid "Realtime (with precision loss)" -msgstr "Reálny čas (so stratou presnosti)" - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:67 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:52 -msgid "Reset maximum frequency to sampling rate" -msgstr "Znovu nastaviť maximálnu frekvenciu na vzorkovaciu frekvenciu" - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:68 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:55 -msgid "Track mouse" -msgstr "Sledovanie myši" - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:70 -msgid "Show maximum" -msgstr "Zobraziť maximum" - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:86 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:74 -msgid "Rectangular window" -msgstr "Obdĺžnikové okno" - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:87 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:75 -msgid "Triangular window" -msgstr "Trojuholníkové okno" - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:88 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:76 -msgid "Hamming window" -msgstr "Hamming okno" - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:97 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:79 -msgid "The maximum window size is limited by the number of samples per frame." -msgstr "Maximálna veľkosť okna je obmedzená počtom vzoriek na snímku." - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:98 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:80 -msgid "" -"A bigger window improves the accuracy at the cost of computational power." -msgstr "Väčšie okno zlepšuje presnosť za cenu výpočtového výkonu." - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:99 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:81 -msgid "" -"The rectangular window function is good for signals with equal signal " -"strength (narrow peak), but creates more smearing. See Window function on " -"Wikipedia." -msgstr "" -"Funkcia obdĺžnikového okna je dobrá pre signály s rovnakou intenzitou " -"signálu (úzky vrchol), ale vytvára viac rozmazania. Pozrieť Funkciu okna na " -"Wikipédii." - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:389 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:392 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:394 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:485 -#, kde-format -msgid "%1 dB" -msgstr "%1 dB" - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:412 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:487 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:280 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:289 -#, kde-format -msgid "%1 kHz" -msgstr "%1 kHz" - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:53 -msgid "Draw grid" -msgstr "Vykresliť mriežku" - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:57 -msgid "Highlight peaks" -msgstr "Zvýrazniť vrcholy" - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:234 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Frame\n" -"%1" -msgstr "" -"Snímka\n" -"%1" - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:305 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:306 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"%1\n" -"dB" -msgstr "" -"%1\n" -"dB" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:31 -msgid "YUV UV plane" -msgstr "YUV UV plocha" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:32 -msgid "YUV Y plane" -msgstr "YUV Y plocha" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:33 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:55 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:61 -msgid "Modified YUV (Chroma)" -msgstr "Zmenené YUV (Farebnosť)" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:34 -msgid "YCbCr CbCr plane" -msgstr "YCbCr CbCr plocha" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:35 -msgid "RGB plane, one component varying" -msgstr "RGB plocha, jedna zložka meniaca sa" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:36 -msgid "HSV Hue Shift" -msgstr "Posun odtieňa HSV" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:37 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:254 -msgid "HSV Saturation" -msgstr "HSV sýtosť" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:118 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:250 -#, kde-format -msgid "%1°" -msgstr "%1°" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:125 -#, kde-format -msgid "%1 px" -msgstr "%1 px" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:218 -msgid "Y value" -msgstr "Y hodnota" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:219 -msgid "The Y value describes the brightness of the colors." -msgstr "Hodnota Y popisuje jas farieb." - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:231 -msgid "UV angle" -msgstr "UV uhol" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:232 -msgid "Angle through the UV plane, with all possible Y values." -msgstr "Uhol cez UV rovinu, so všetkými možnými hodnotami Y." - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:240 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:268 -msgid "Red" -msgstr "Červená" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:241 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:269 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:53 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/waveform.cpp:34 -msgid "Green" -msgstr "Zelená" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:242 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:270 -msgid "Blue" -msgstr "Modrá" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:243 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:271 -msgid "Luma" -msgstr "Luma" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:255 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:262 -msgid "HSV Value" -msgstr "HSV hodnota" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/histogram.cpp:26 -msgid "Unscaled" -msgstr "Neškálované" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/histogram.cpp:29 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/waveform.cpp:37 -msgid "Rec. 601" -msgstr "Rec. 601" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/histogram.cpp:31 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/waveform.cpp:39 -msgid "Rec. 709" -msgstr "Rec. 709" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/histogram.cpp:39 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/waveform.cpp:44 -msgid "Luma mode" -msgstr "Luma režim" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/histogramgenerator.cpp:178 -msgid "min" -msgstr "min" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/histogramgenerator.cpp:181 -msgid "max" -msgstr "max" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/rgbparade.cpp:27 -msgid "RGB" -msgstr "RGB" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/rgbparade.cpp:28 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/waveform.cpp:33 -msgid "White" -msgstr "Biela" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/rgbparade.cpp:32 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:89 -msgid "Draw axis" -msgstr "Kresliť os" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/rgbparade.cpp:37 -msgid "Gradient reference line" -msgstr "Referenčná čiara prechodu" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/rgbparadegenerator.cpp:167 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/rgbparadegenerator.cpp:169 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/rgbparadegenerator.cpp:171 -msgid "min: " -msgstr "min: " - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/rgbparadegenerator.cpp:175 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/rgbparadegenerator.cpp:177 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/rgbparadegenerator.cpp:179 -msgid "max: " -msgstr "max: " - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:52 -msgid "Green 2" -msgstr "Zelená 2" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:56 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:60 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:102 -msgid "YUV" -msgstr "YUV" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:57 -msgid "Original Color" -msgstr "Pôvodná farba" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:62 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:100 -msgid "YPbPr" -msgstr "YPbPr" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:76 -msgid "Tools" -msgstr "Nástroje" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:78 -msgid "Export background" -msgstr "Exportovať pozadie" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:82 -msgid "Drawing options" -msgstr "Možnosti pre kresbu" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:84 -msgid "75% box" -msgstr "75% obdĺžnik" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:94 -msgid "Draw I/Q lines" -msgstr "Kresliť I/Q čiary" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:99 -msgid "Color Space" -msgstr "Farebný priestor" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:247 -#, kde-format -msgid "%1 \\%" -msgstr "%1 \\%" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/waveform.cpp:32 -msgid "Yellow" -msgstr "Žltá" - -#: src/scopes/scopemanager.cpp:307 -msgid "Waveform" -msgstr "Vlnový priebeh" - -#: src/scopes/scopemanager.cpp:309 -msgid "Histogram" -msgstr "Histogram" - -#: src/scopes/scopemanager.cpp:311 -msgid "Audio Signal" -msgstr "Zvukový signál" - -#: src/scopes/scopemanager.cpp:312 -msgid "AudioSpectrum" -msgstr "AudioSpectrum" - -#: src/scopes/scopemanager.cpp:313 -msgid "Spectrogram" -msgstr "Spektrogram" - -#: src/statusbarmessagelabel.cpp:51 -msgctxt "@action:button" -msgid "Confirm" -msgstr "Potvrdiť" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:162 -msgid "Send frames to color scopes" -msgstr "Poslať snímky do farebných priestorov" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:167 -msgid "Mirror display" -msgstr "Zrkadliť obrazovku" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:174 -msgid "Stop Motion Capture" -msgstr "Zachytenie zastavenia pohybu" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, capture_interval) -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:187 src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:115 -msgid "Interval capture" -msgstr "Interval zachytenia" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:205 -msgid "Overlay effect" -msgstr "Efekt prekrytia" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:207 -msgid "No Effect" -msgstr "Žiadny efekt" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:211 -msgid "Edge detect" -msgstr "Detekcia hrán" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:213 -msgid "Brighten" -msgstr "Zosvetliť" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:236 -msgid "Show sequence thumbnails" -msgstr "Ukázať náhľady sekvencie" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:241 -msgid "Delete current frame" -msgstr "Vymazať aktuálne snímku" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:369 -msgid "Configure Stop Motion" -msgstr "Zastavenie pohybu" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:371 src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:372 -msgid " second" -msgid_plural " seconds" -msgstr[0] " sekunda" -msgstr[1] " sekundy" -msgstr[2] " sekúnd" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:520 -msgid "Stopped" -msgstr "Zastavené" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:560 -msgid "No previous frame found" -msgstr "Nebola nájdená žiadna snímka" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:632 -msgid "Create New Sequence" -msgstr "Vytvoriť novú sekvenciu" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:632 -msgid "Enter sequence name" -msgstr "Zadať názov sekvencie" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:653 -msgid "Frame Captured" -msgstr "Snímka zachytená" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:667 -msgid "Going to Capture Frame" -msgstr "Prejdenie na snímok zachytenia" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:822 -#, kde-format -msgid "Delete frame %1 from disk?" -msgstr "Vymazať snímku %1 z disku?" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:822 -msgid "Delete Frame" -msgstr "Vymazať snímku" - -#: src/timecode.cpp:261 -msgid "hour" -msgstr "hodina" - -#: src/timecode.cpp:269 -msgid "min." -msgstr "min." - -#: src/timecode.cpp:277 -msgid "sec." -msgstr "sek." - -#: src/timecode.cpp:282 -msgid "frames" -msgstr "snímky" - -#: src/timeline/abstractclipitem.cpp:379 -msgid "seconds" -msgstr "sekúnd" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:589 -msgid "Crop from start:" -msgstr "Orezať od začiatku:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, clip_filesize_2) -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:589 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:602 -#: src/ui/spacerdialog_ui.ui:30 -msgid "Duration:" -msgstr "Trvanie:" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:589 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:602 -msgid "Offset:" -msgstr "Posun:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:695 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:804 -msgid ":" -msgstr ":" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:696 -msgid " Position:" -msgstr "Umiestnenie:" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:697 -msgid " Duration:" -msgstr "Trvanie: " - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:701 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:707 -msgid " Selection duration:" -msgstr " Trvanie výberu:" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:703 -msgid " Group duration:" -msgstr " Trvanie skupiny:" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:714 -msgid "Crop from start: " -msgstr "Orezať od začiatku: " - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:716 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:722 -msgid "" -"Use Ctrl to resize only current item, otherwise all items in this group will " -"be resized at once." -msgstr "" -"Použiť Ctrl na zmenu veľkosti iba aktuálnej položky, inak bude zmenená " -"veľkosť všetkých položiek v tejto skupine naraz." - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:720 -msgid "Duration: " -msgstr "Trvanie: " - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:726 -msgid "Fade in duration: " -msgstr "Zosilniť trvanie: " - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:729 -msgid "Fade out duration: " -msgstr "Zoslabiť trvanie: " - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:732 -msgid "Drag to add or resize a fade effect." -msgstr "Ťahaním pridať alebo zmeniť veľkosť fade efekt." - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:736 -msgid "Click to add a transition." -msgstr "Kliknúť pre pridanie prechodu." - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:739 -msgid "" -"Move keyframe above or below clip to remove it, double click to add a new " -"one." -msgstr "" -"Presunúť kľúčový snímok nad alebo pod klip, aby sa odstránil, dvakrát " -"kliknúť na pridanie nového." - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:784 -msgid "Cannot use spacer in a locked track" -msgstr "Nie je možné použiť medzeru v zamknutej stope" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:792 -msgid "Cannot use spacer in a track with a group" -msgstr "Nie je možné použiť medzeru v stope so skupinou" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1105 -msgid "Cannot cut a transition" -msgstr "Nie je možné strihať prechod" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1331 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1366 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2668 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2694 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2720 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2743 -msgid "Cannot add transition" -msgstr "Nie je možné pridať prechod" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1586 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1594 -msgid "Cannot find clip to edit" -msgstr "Nie je možné nájsť klip na úpravu" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1588 -msgid "Cannot edit the duration of multiple items" -msgstr "Nie je možné upravovať trvanie viac položiek" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1599 -msgid "Cannot edit an item in a group" -msgstr "Nie je možné upraviť položku v skupine" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1664 -msgid "Item is locked" -msgstr "Položka je zamknutá" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1747 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2897 -msgid "Cannot insert clip in timeline" -msgstr "Nie je možné vložiť klip v časovej osi" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1753 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2866 -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:75 -msgid "Add timeline clip" -msgstr "Pridať klip časovej osi" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1787 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1849 -msgid "Clip not ready" -msgstr "Klip nie je pripravený" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1970 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2033 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2050 -msgid "Problem deleting effect" -msgstr "Problém pri vymazávaní efektu" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1977 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2002 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2017 -msgid "Problem adding effect to clip" -msgstr "Problém pri pridávaní efektu do klipu" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1986 -msgid "Cannot add speed effect to track" -msgstr "Nie je možné pridať efekt rýchlosti do stopy" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2022 -msgid "Cannot find clip to add effect" -msgstr "Nie je možné nájsť klip pre pridanie efektu" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2068 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2160 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2263 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7513 -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:42 src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:282 -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:374 -msgid "effect" -msgstr "efekt" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2069 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2162 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7515 src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:44 -#, kde-format -msgid "Add %1" -msgstr "Pridať %1" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2171 -msgid "Select a clip if you want to apply an effect" -msgstr "Vybrať klip, ak chcete použiť efekt" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2219 -msgid "Cannot add an audio effect to this clip" -msgstr "Nie je možné zvukový efekt do tohto klipu" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2228 -msgid "Cannot add a video effect to this clip" -msgstr "Nie je možné pridať video efekt do tohto klipu" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2233 -msgid "Effect already present in clip" -msgstr "Efekt je už prítomný v klipe" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2264 src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:46 -#, kde-format -msgid "Delete %1" -msgstr "Vymazať %1" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2300 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2315 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2371 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2381 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2402 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5486 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5507 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5530 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5552 -msgid "Problem editing effect" -msgstr "Problém pri upravovaní efektu" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2373 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2404 -msgid "Cannot find clip to update effect" -msgstr "Nie je možné nájsť klip na aktualizáciu efektu" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2429 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2450 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2463 -msgid "Cannot move effect" -msgstr "Nie je možné presunúť efekt" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2527 -msgid "Cannot find clip to cut" -msgstr "Nie je možné nájsť klip na strihanie" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2600 -msgid "Cannot find clip to uncut" -msgstr "Nie je možné nájsť klip na nezostrihanie" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2604 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4101 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4392 -#, kde-format -msgid "Error removing clip at %1 on track %2" -msgstr "Chyba pri odstraňovaní v %1 na stope %2" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2629 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5309 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5427 -msgid "Error when resizing clip" -msgstr "Chyba pri zmene veľkosti klipu" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2728 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6204 -msgid "Invalid transition" -msgstr "Neplatný prechod" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2752 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4435 -msgid "Select clip to delete" -msgstr "Vybrať klip na vymazanie" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2768 -msgid "Cannot update transition" -msgstr "Nie je možné aktualizovať prechod" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:3442 -msgid "Cannot remove space in a locked track" -msgstr "Nie je možné odstrániť medzeru v zamknutej stope" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:3448 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:3453 -#, kde-format -msgid "You must be in an empty space to remove space (time: %1, track: %2)" -msgstr "" -"Musíte byť v prázdnom priestore, aby ste odstránili medzeru (čas: %1, stopa: " -"%2)" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:3464 -msgid "Cannot remove space in a track with a group" -msgstr "Nie je možné odstrániť medzeru v stope so skupinou" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:3543 -msgid "Cannot insert space in a locked track" -msgstr "Nie je možné vložiť medzeru v zamknutej stope" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:3556 -msgid "Cannot insert space in a track with a group" -msgstr "Nie je možné vložiť medzeru v stope so skupinou" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:3612 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot move clip at position %1, track %2" -msgstr "Nie je možné presunúť klip na pozícii %1, stopa %2" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:3625 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot move transition at position %1, track %2" -msgstr "Nie je možné presunúť prechod na pozícii %1, stopa %2" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:3897 src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:484 -msgid "Move clip" -msgstr "Presunúť klip" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4045 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5002 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot move clip to position %1" -msgstr "Nie je možné presunúť klip na pozíciu %1" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4052 -msgid "Cannot move transition" -msgstr "Nie je možné presunúť prechod" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4056 src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:579 -msgid "Move transition" -msgstr "Presunúť prechod" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4083 src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:556 -msgid "Move group" -msgstr "Presunúť skupinu" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4215 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4242 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6386 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6418 -msgid "Resize group" -msgstr "Zmeniť veľkosť skupiny" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4488 -msgid "Delete selected group" -msgid_plural "Delete selected groups" -msgstr[0] "Vymazať vybranú skupinu" -msgstr[1] "Vymazať vybrané skupiny" -msgstr[2] "Vymazať vybrané skupiny" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4490 -msgid "Delete selected clip" -msgid_plural "Delete selected clips" -msgstr[0] "Vymazať vybraný klip" -msgstr[1] "Vymazať vybrané klipy" -msgstr[2] "Vymazať vybrané klipy" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4492 -msgid "Delete selected transition" -msgid_plural "Delete selected transitions" -msgstr[0] "Vymazať vybraný prechod" -msgstr[1] "Vymazať vybrané prechody" -msgstr[2] "Vymazať vybrané prechody" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4493 -msgid "Delete selected items" -msgstr "Vymazať označené položky" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4505 -msgid "Cannot find clip for speed change" -msgstr "Nie je možné nájsť klip pre zmenu rýchlosti" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4563 -msgid "Cut Group" -msgstr "Vystrihnúť skupinu" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4645 src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:411 -msgid "Group clips" -msgstr "Zoskupí klipy" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4744 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4760 -msgid "Cannot insert clip..." -msgstr "Nie je možné vložiť klip..." - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4749 -msgid "Waiting for clip..." -msgstr "Čakanie na klip" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4963 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5192 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot move clip at time: %1 on track %2" -msgstr "Nie je možné presunúť klip v čase: %1 na stope %2" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5142 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot move transition at time: %1 on track %2" -msgstr "Nie je možné presunúť prechod v čase: %1 na stope %2" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5236 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5352 -msgid "Not possible to resize" -msgstr "Nie je možné zmeniť veľkosť" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5248 -msgid "Resize clip start" -msgstr "Zmeniť veľkosť začiatku klipu" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5318 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5437 -msgid "Cannot resize transition" -msgstr "Nie je možné zmeniť veľkosť prechodu" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5372 -msgid "Resize clip end" -msgstr "Zmeniť veľkosť konca klipu" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5430 -msgid "Resize transition end" -msgstr "Zmeniť veľkosť konca prechodu" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5742 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5810 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5851 -msgid "No guide at cursor time" -msgstr "Nebolo žiadne vodidlo na čase kurzora" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5762 -#, kde-format -msgid "A guide already exists at position %1" -msgstr "Vodidlo už na pozícii %1 existuje" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5778 -msgid "Guide" -msgstr "Usmerňovať" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6068 -msgid "Select a clip before copying" -msgstr "Vybrať klip pred kopírovaním" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6139 -msgid "No clip copied" -msgstr "Žiadny klip nebol kopírovaný" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6175 -msgid "Cannot paste selected clips" -msgstr "Nie je možné vložiť vybrané klipy" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6192 -msgid "Cannot paste clip to selected place" -msgstr "Nie je možné vložiť klip na vybrané miesto" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6206 -msgid "Cannot paste transition to selected place" -msgstr "Nie je možné vložiť prechod na vybrané miesto" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6217 -msgid "You must copy exactly one clip before pasting effects" -msgstr "Musíte skopírovať presne jeden klip pred vložením efektov" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6353 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6377 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6410 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7016 -msgid "You must select one clip for this action" -msgstr "Musíte vybrať jeden klip pre túto akciu" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6359 -msgid "You must select a playlist clip for this action" -msgstr "Musíte vybrať klip zoznamu skladieb pre túto akciu" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6517 src/ui/addtrack_ui.ui:67 -msgid "Insert track" -msgstr "Vložiť stopu" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6518 -#, kde-format -msgid "Video %1" -msgstr "Video %1" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6519 -msgid "Insert New Track" -msgstr "Vložiť novú stopu" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6552 src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:108 -msgid "Delete track" -msgstr "Vymazať stopu" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6667 -msgid "You must select one transition for this action" -msgstr "Musíte vybrať jeden prechod pre túto akciu" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6754 -msgid "You must select at least one clip for this action" -msgstr "Musíte vybrať aspoň jeden klip pre túto akciu" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6759 src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:718 -msgid "Split audio" -msgstr "Rozdeliť zvuk" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6765 -msgid "Cannot split audio of grouped clips" -msgstr "Nie je možné rozdeliť zvuk zoskupených klipov" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6779 -msgid "No clip to split" -msgstr "Žiadny klip na rozdelenie" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6788 -msgid "You must select exactly one clip for the audio reference." -msgstr "Musíte vybrať práve jeden klip pre zvukovú referenciu." - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6809 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6858 -msgid "Processing audio, please wait." -msgstr "Spracovanie zvuku, prosím, počkajte." - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6813 -msgid "Reference for audio alignment must contain audio data." -msgstr "Referencia pre vyrovnanie zvuku musí obsahovať zvukové dáta." - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6829 -msgid "Audio alignment reference not yet set." -msgstr "Referencia zvukového vyrovnania ešte nie je nastavená." - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6866 -msgid "Cannot find clip to align." -msgstr "Nie je možné nájsť klip na zarovnanie." - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6881 -msgid "Unable to move clip out of timeline." -msgstr "Nemožno presunúť klip z časovej osi." - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6896 -msgid "Unable to move clip due to collision." -msgstr "Nemožno presunúť klip kvôli kolízii." - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6899 -msgid "Clip aligned." -msgstr "Klip zarovnaný." - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6900 -msgid "Auto-align clip" -msgstr "Automatické zarovnanie klipu" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6932 -msgid "No empty space to put clip audio" -msgstr "Žiadny prázdny priestor na uloženie zvuku klipu" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6944 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6981 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7057 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot update clip (time: %1, track: %2)" -msgstr "Nie je možné aktualizovať klip (čas: %1, stopa: %2)" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7009 -msgid "Video only" -msgstr "Iba video" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7026 -msgid "Cannot change grouped clips" -msgstr "Nie je možné rozdeliť zoskupené klipy" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7045 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot find clip to edit (time: %1, track: %2)" -msgstr "Nemôžem nájsť klip na úpravu (čas: %1, stopa: %2)" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7358 -msgid "error" -msgstr "chyba" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7358 -msgid "TRACTOR" -msgstr "TRACTOR" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7371 -msgid "Insert clip" -msgstr "Vložiť klip" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7521 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7529 -msgid "Effect already present in track" -msgstr "Efekt je už prítomný v stope" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7641 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot find clip for effect update %1." -msgstr "Nie je možné nájsť klip pre aktualizáciu efektu %1." - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7668 -msgid "You need to select one clip and one transition" -msgstr "Potrebujete vybrať jeden klip a jeden prechod" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7686 -msgid "No clip found" -msgstr "Nebol nájdený žiadny klip" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7694 -msgid "No keyframe data found in clip" -msgstr "Neboli nájdené žiadne údaje kľúčových snímok v klipe" - -#: src/timeline/headertrack.cpp:66 src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:461 -msgid "Lock track" -msgstr "Zamknúť stopu" - -#: src/timeline/headertrack.cpp:66 src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:463 -msgid "Unlock track" -msgstr "Odomknúť stopu" - -#: src/timeline/headertrack.cpp:72 -msgid "Disable audio" -msgstr "Zakázať audio" - -#: src/timeline/headertrack.cpp:72 -msgid "Enable audio" -msgstr "Povoliť audio" - -#: src/timeline/headertrack.cpp:82 -msgid "Disable video" -msgstr "Zakázať video" - -#: src/timeline/headertrack.cpp:82 -msgid "Enable video" -msgstr "Povoliť video" - -#: src/timeline/headertrack.cpp:89 -msgid "Opaque" -msgstr "Nepriehľadné" - -#: src/timeline/spacerdialog.cpp:52 -msgid "All tracks" -msgstr "Všetky stopy" - -#: src/timeline/timeline.cpp:89 -msgid "Smaller tracks" -msgstr "Menšie stopy" - -#: src/timeline/timeline.cpp:96 -msgid "Bigger tracks" -msgstr "Väčšie stopy" - -#: src/timeline/timeline.cpp:359 src/timeline/timeline.cpp:363 -#, kde-format -msgid "Transition %1 had an invalid track: %2 > %3" -msgstr "Prechod %1 má neplatnú stopu: %2 > %3" - -#: src/timeline/timeline.cpp:372 -#, kde-format -msgid "Removed invalid transition: %1" -msgstr "Odstránený neplatný prechod: %1" - -#: src/timeline/timeline.cpp:469 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Your project file was upgraded to the latest Kdenlive document version.\n" -"To make sure you don't lose data, a backup copy called %1 was created." -msgstr "" -"Váš súbor projektu bol povýšený na najnovšiu verziu Kdenlive dokumentu.\n" -"Aby bolo zaistené, že nestratíte dáta, vytvorila sa záložná kópia s názvom " -"%1." - -#: src/timeline/timeline.cpp:471 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Your project file was modified by Kdenlive.\n" -"To make sure you don't lose data, a backup copy called %1 was created." -msgstr "" -"Váš súbor projektu bol zmenený s Kdenlive.\n" -"Aby bolo zaistené, že nestratíte dáta, vytvorila sa záložná kópia s názvom " -"%1." - -#: src/timeline/timeline.cpp:477 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Your project file was upgraded to the latest Kdenlive document version, but " -"it was not possible to create the backup copy %1." -msgstr "" -"Váš súbor projektu bol povýšený na najnovšiu verziu Kdenlive dokumentu, ale " -"nebolo možné vytvoriť záložnú kópiu %1." - -#: src/timeline/timeline.cpp:868 -#, kde-format -msgid "Invalid clip removed from track %1 at %2\n" -msgstr "Odstránený neplatný klip zo stopy %1 na %2\n" - -#: src/timeline/timeline.cpp:946 -#, kde-format -msgid "Effect %1:%2 not found in MLT, it was removed from this project\n" -msgstr "Efekt %1:%2 sa nenašiel v MLT, bol odstránený z tohto projektu\n" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:76 -msgid "Delete timeline clip" -msgstr "Vymazať klip časovej osi" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:106 -msgid "Add track" -msgstr "Pridať stopu" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:137 -msgid "Delete transition from clip" -msgstr "Vymazať prechod z klipu" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:139 -msgid "Add transition to clip" -msgstr "Pridať prechod do klipu" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:175 -msgid "Change clip type" -msgstr "Zmeniť typ klipu" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:199 -msgid "Disable effect" -msgid_plural "Disable effects" -msgstr[0] "Zakázať efekt" -msgstr[1] "Zakázať efekty" -msgstr[2] "Zakázať efekty" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:201 -msgid "Enable effect" -msgid_plural "Enable effects" -msgstr[0] "Povoliť efekt" -msgstr[1] "Povoliť efekty" -msgstr[2] "Povoliť efekty" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:228 -msgid "Adjust clip length" -msgstr "Prispôsobiť dĺžku klipu" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:283 -#, kde-format -msgid "Edit effect %1" -msgstr "Upraviť efekt %1" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:337 -msgid "Add guide" -msgstr "Pridať vodidlo" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:341 -msgid "Edit guide" -msgstr "Upraviť vodidlo" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:343 -msgid "Delete guide" -msgstr "Vymazať vodidlo" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:345 -msgid "Move guide" -msgstr "Presunúť vodidlo" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:375 -#, kde-format -msgid "Edit transition %1" -msgstr "Upraviť prechod %1" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:413 -msgid "Ungroup clips" -msgstr "Zruší zoskupenie klipov" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:436 -msgid "Insert space" -msgstr "Vložiť medzeru" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:438 -msgid "Remove space" -msgstr "Odstrániť medzeru" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:523 -msgid "Move effect" -msgstr "Presunúť efekt" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:607 -msgid "Razor clip" -msgstr "Klip rezu" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:653 -msgid "Rebuild Group" -msgstr "Znovu vytvoriť skupinu" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:695 -msgid "Resize clip" -msgstr "Zmeniť veľkosť klipu" - -#: src/timeline/timelinesearch.cpp:27 -msgid "Find" -msgstr "Nájsť" - -#: src/timeline/timelinesearch.cpp:29 -msgid "Find Next" -msgstr "Nájsť nasledujúci" - -#: src/timeline/timelinesearch.cpp:38 -msgid "Starting -- find text as you type" -msgstr "Spustenie --hľadať text ako píšete" - -#: src/timeline/timelinesearch.cpp:46 -msgid "Find stopped" -msgstr "Nájsť zastavené" - -#: src/timeline/timelinesearch.cpp:56 src/timeline/timelinesearch.cpp:67 -#, kde-format -msgid "Found: %1" -msgstr "Nájdené: %1" - -#: src/timeline/timelinesearch.cpp:58 -msgid "Reached end of project" -msgstr "Dosiahnutý koniec projektu" - -#: src/timeline/timelinesearch.cpp:70 -#, kde-format -msgid "Not found: %1" -msgstr "Nenájdené: %1" - -#: src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:74 -msgid "Hidden" -msgstr "Skryté" - -#: src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:74 -msgid "Muted" -msgstr "Stlmené" - -#: src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:74 -msgid "Locked" -msgstr "Zamknuté" - -#: src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:90 -msgid "Add Track" -msgstr "Pridať stopu" - -#: src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:98 -msgid "Move Track upwards" -msgstr "Presunúť stopu nahor" - -#: src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:102 -msgid "Move Track downwards" -msgstr "Presunúť stopu nadol" - -#: src/titler/titledocument.cpp:331 -msgid "This title clip was created with a different frame size." -msgstr "Tento titulný klip bol vytvorený s rozdielnou veľkosťou snímky." - -#: src/titler/titledocument.cpp:331 -msgid "Title Profile" -msgstr "Titulný profil" - -#: src/titler/titledocument.cpp:380 -msgid "" -"Some of your text clips were saved with size in points, which means " -"different sizes on different displays. They will be converted to pixel size, " -"making them portable, but you could have to adjust their size." -msgstr "" -"Niektoré z vašich textových klipov bolo uložených s veľkosťou v bodoch, čo " -"znamená rôzne veľkosti na rôznych displejoch. Tie budú prevedené na pixlovú " -"veľkosť, čo ich urobí prenosnými, ale vy ste už mohli nastaviť ich veľkosť." - -#: src/titler/titledocument.cpp:380 -msgid "Text Clips Updated" -msgstr "Textové klipy aktualizované" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:93 -msgid "Outline width" -msgstr "Šírka obrysu" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:99 -msgid "Background color opacity" -msgstr "Nepriehľadnosť farby pozadia" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:105 -msgid "Rotation around the X axis" -msgstr "Rotácia okolo osi X" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:111 -msgid "Rotation around the Y axis" -msgstr "Rotácia okolo osi Y" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:117 -msgid "Rotation around the Z axis" -msgstr "Rotácia okolo osi Z" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:123 -msgid "Border width" -msgstr "Šírka okraja" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:156 -msgid "Typewriter" -msgstr "Písací stroj" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:215 -msgctxt "Font style" -msgid "Light" -msgstr "Svetlo" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:216 -msgctxt "Font style" -msgid "Normal" -msgstr "Normálne" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:217 -msgctxt "Font style" -msgid "Demi-Bold" -msgstr "Polotučné" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:218 -msgctxt "Font style" -msgid "Bold" -msgstr "Tučné" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:219 -msgctxt "Font style" -msgid "Black" -msgstr "Čierne" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:220 -msgid "Font weight" -msgstr "Hrúbka písma" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:242 -msgid "No alignment" -msgstr "Žiadne zarovnanie" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:245 -msgid "Align center" -msgstr "Zarovnať na stred" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:249 -msgid "Insert Unicode character" -msgstr "Vložiť Unicode znak" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:255 -msgid "Raise object" -msgstr "Zdvihnúť objekt" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:261 -msgid "Lower object" -msgstr "Znížiť objekt" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:269 -msgid "Raise object to top" -msgstr "Zdvihnúť objekt na vrch" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:276 -msgid "Lower object to bottom" -msgstr "Znížiť objekt na spodok" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:320 -msgid "Invert x axis and change 0 point" -msgstr "Invertovať os x a zmeniť bod 0" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:321 -msgid "Invert y axis and change 0 point" -msgstr "Invertovať os y a zmeniť bod 0" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:322 -msgid "Select fill color" -msgstr "Vybrať farbu výplne" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:323 -msgid "Select border color" -msgstr "Vybrať farbu okraja" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:325 -msgid "Original size (1:1)" -msgstr "Pôvodná veľkosť (1:1)" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:326 -msgid "Fit zoom" -msgstr "Prispôsobiť priblíženie" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:327 -msgid "Select background color" -msgstr "Výber farby pozadia" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:328 -msgid "Background opacity" -msgstr "Nepriehľadnosť pozadia" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:329 -msgid "Select all" -msgstr "Vybrať všetko" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:330 -msgid "Select text items in current selection" -msgstr "Vybrať textové položky v aktuálnom výbere" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:331 -msgid "Select rect items in current selection" -msgstr "Vybrať rect položky v aktuálnom výbere" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:332 -msgid "Select image items in current selection" -msgstr "Vybrať obrázkové položky v aktuálnom výbere" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:333 -msgid "Unselect all" -msgstr "Zrušiť výber všetkých" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:362 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:365 -msgid "Selection Tool" -msgstr "Nástroj pre výber" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:368 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:371 -msgid "Add Text" -msgstr "Pridať text" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:374 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:377 -msgid "Add Rectangle" -msgstr "Pridať obdĺžnik" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:380 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:383 -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:670 -msgid "Add Image" -msgstr "Pridať obrázok" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:388 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:391 -msgid "Open Document" -msgstr "Otvoriť dokument" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:394 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:397 -msgid "Save As" -msgstr "Uložiť ako" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:566 -msgid "" -"Do you really want to load a new template? Changes in this title will be " -"lost!" -msgstr "" -"Naozaj chcete načítať novú šablónu? Zmeny v tomto titule budú stratené!" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:658 -msgid "All Images" -msgstr "Všetky obrázky" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:660 -#, kde-format -msgid "%1 Image" -msgstr "Obrázok %1" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:1346 -msgid "\\u2212X" -msgstr "\\u2212X" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, origin_x_left) -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:1348 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:63 -msgid "+X" -msgstr "+X" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:1371 -msgid "\\u2212Y" -msgstr "\\u2212Y" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, origin_y_top) -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:1373 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:86 -msgid "+Y" -msgstr "+Y" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:1713 -msgid "Load Title" -msgstr "Načítať titul" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:1713 -msgid "Kdenlive title (*.kdenlivetitle)" -msgstr "Kdenlive titul (*.kdenlivetitle)" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:1761 -msgid "" -"Do you want to embed Images into this TitleDocument?\n" -"This is most needed for sharing Titles." -msgstr "" -"Chcete vložiť obrázky do tohto TitleDocument?\n" -"To je najpotrebnejšie pre zdieľanie titulov." - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:2039 -msgctxt "Indicates the start of an animation" -msgid "Start" -msgstr "Spustiť" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:2040 -msgctxt "Indicates the end of an animation" -msgid "End" -msgstr "Skončiť" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:30 -msgid "Details" -msgstr "Detaily" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:85 -msgid "" -"Information about unicode characters: http://decodeunicode.org" -msgstr "" -"Informácie o unicode znakoch: http://" -"decodeunicode.org" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:86 -msgid "Previous Unicode character (Arrow Up)" -msgstr "Predchádzajúci Unicode znak (Šípka hore)" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:87 -msgid "Next Unicode character (Arrow Down)" -msgstr "Nasledujúci Unicode znak (Šípka hore)" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:88 -msgid "Enter your Unicode number here. Allowed characters: [0-9] and [a-f]." -msgstr "Sem zadajte Unicode číslo. Povolené znaky: [0-9] a [a-f]." - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:148 -msgid "(no character selected)" -msgstr "(žiadny znak nebol vybraný)" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:154 -msgid "" -"Control character. Cannot be inserted/printed. See Wikipedia:Control_character" -msgstr "" -"Kontrolný znak. Nemôže byť vložený/tlačený. Pozrieť Wikipedia:Control_character" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:156 -msgid "Line Feed (newline character, \\\\n)" -msgstr "Posun o riadok (znak nového riadka, \\\\n)" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:158 -msgid "" -"Standard space character. (Other space characters: U+00a0, U" -"+2000–200b, U+202f)" -msgstr "" -"Štandardný znak medzery. (Iné znaky medzery: U+00a0, U+2000–200b, U" -"+202f)" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:160 -msgid "No-break space. &nbsp; in HTML. See U+2009 and U+0020." -msgstr "Neprerušujúca medzera. &nbsp; v HTML. Pozrieť U+2009 and U+0020." - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:162 -msgid "" -"

« (u+00ab, &lfquo; in HTML) and " -"» (u+00bb, &rfquo; in HTML) are " -"called Guillemets or angle quotes. Usage in different countries: France " -"(with non-breaking Space 0x00a0), Switzerland, Germany, Finland and Sweden.

and (U+2039/203a, " -"&lsaquo;/&rsaquo;) are their single quote equivalents.

See Wikipedia:" -"Guillemets

" -msgstr "" -"

« (u+00ab, &lfquo; v HTML) a " -"» (u+00bb, &rfquo; v HTML) sa " -"nazývajú Guillemets alebo šikmé úvodzovky. Použitie v rôznych krajinách: " -"Francúzsko (s neprerušujúcou medzerou 0x00a0), Švajčiarsko, Nemecko, Fínsko " -"a Švédsko.

a (U" -"+2039/203a, &lsaquo;/&rsaquo;) sú ich ekvivalenty v " -"podobe jednoduchých úvodzoviek.

Pozrieť Wikipedia: Guillemets

" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:164 -msgid "En Space (width of an n)" -msgstr "En Space (medzera so šírkou n)" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:166 -msgid "Em Space (width of an m)" -msgstr "Em Space (medzera so šírkou m)" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:168 -msgid "Three-Per-Em Space. Width: 1/3 of one em" -msgstr "Three-Per-Em Space. Šírka: 1/3 medzery em" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:170 -msgid "Four-Per-Em Space. Width: 1/4 of one em" -msgstr "Four-Per-Em Space. Šírka: 1/4 medzery em" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:172 -msgid "Six-Per-Em Space. Width: 1/6 of one em" -msgstr "Six-Per-Em Space. Šírka: 1/6 medzery em" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:174 -msgid "" -"Figure space (non-breaking). Width of a digit if digits have fixed width in " -"this font." -msgstr "" -"Číslová medzera (neprerušujúca). Šírka číslice, ak číslice majú pevnú šírku " -"v tomto písme." - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:176 -msgid "" -"Punctuation Space. Width the same as between a punctuation character and the " -"next character." -msgstr "" -"Interpunkčná medzera. Šírka je rovnaká ako medzi interpunkčným znakom a " -"nasledujúcim znakom." - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:178 -msgid "" -"Thin space, in HTML also &thinsp;. See U+202f and Wikipedia:Space_(punctuation)" -msgstr "" -"Tenká medzera, v HTML tiež &thinsp;. Pozrieť U+202f a Wikipedia:Space_(punctuation)" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:180 -msgid "Hair Space. Thinner than U+2009." -msgstr "Vlásočnicová medzera. Tenšia ako U+2009." - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:182 -msgid "" -"Punctuation Apostrophe. Should be used instead of U+0027. See Wikipedia:Apostrophe" -msgstr "" -"Interpunkcia apostrof. Mal by byť použitý namiesto U+0027. Pozrieť Wikipedia:Apostrophe" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:184 -msgid "" -"

An en Dash (dash of the width of an n).

Usage examples: In English " -"language for value ranges (1878–1903), for relationships/connections " -"(Zurich–Dublin). In the German language it is also used (with " -"spaces!) for showing thoughts: “Es war – wie immer in den " -"Ferien – ein regnerischer Tag.

See Wikipedia:Dash

" -msgstr "" -"

en Dash (pomlčka šírky n).

Príklady použitia: v anglickom jazyku " -"pre rozsahy hodnôt (1878–1903), pre vzťahy/spojenia (Zurich–" -"Dublin). V nemeckom jazyku je tiež používaná (s medzerami!) pre zobrazenie " -"myšlienok: “Es war – wie immer in den Ferien – ein " -"regnerischer Tag.

Pozrieť Wikipedia:Dash

" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:186 -msgid "" -"

An em Dash (dash of the width of an m).

Usage examples: In English " -"language to mark—like here—thoughts. Traditionally without " -"spaces.

See Wikipedia:" -"Dash

" -msgstr "" -"

em Dash (pomlčka šírky m).

Príklady použitia: v anglickom jazyku " -"pre označenie—ako tu—myšlienok. Tradične bez medzier.

Pozrieť Wikipedia:Dash

" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:188 -msgid "" -"

Narrow no-break space. Has the same width as U+2009.

Usage: For " -"units (spaces are marked with U+2423, ␣): 230␣V, " -"−21␣°C, 50␣lb, but 90° (no space). In " -"German for abbreviations (like: i. d. R. instead of i. d." -" R. with U+00a0).

See Wikipedia:de:Schmales_Leerzeichen

" -msgstr "" -"

Úzka neprerušujúca medzera. Má rovnakú šírku ako U+2009.

Použitie: " -"Pre jednotky (medzery sú označené s U+2423, ␣): 230␣V, " -"−21␣°C, 50␣lb, ale 90° (žiadna " -"medzera). V nemčine pre skratky (ako: i. d. R. namiesto i." -" d. R. with U+00a0).

Pozrieť Wikipedia:de:Schmales_Leerzeichen

" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:190 -msgid "" -"Ellipsis: If text has been left o… See Wikipedia:Ellipsis" -msgstr "" -"Tri bodky: Ak bol text ponechaný o… Pozrieť Wikipedia:Ellipsis" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:192 -msgid "Minus sign. For numbers: −42" -msgstr "Znamienko mínus. Pre čísla: −42" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:194 -msgid "Open box; stands for a space." -msgstr "Otvorený box; značí miesto." - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:196 -msgid "" -"Quarter note (Am.) or crochet (Brit.). See Wikipedia:Quarter_note" -msgstr "" -"Quarter note (Am.) alebo crochet (Brit.). Pozrieť Wikipedia:Quarter_note" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:198 -msgid "" -"Eighth note (Am.) or quaver (Brit.). Half as long as a quarter note (U" -"+2669). See Wikipedia:" -"Eighth_note" -msgstr "" -"Eighth note (Am.) alebo quaver (Brit.). Polovica dĺžky štvrťovej noty (U" -"+2669). Pozrieť Wikipedia:Eighth_note" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:200 -msgid "" -"Sixteenth note (Am.) or semiquaver (Brit.). Half as long as an eighth note (U" -"+266a). See Wikipedia:Sixteenth_note" -msgstr "" -"Sixteenth note (Am.) alebo semiquaver (Brit.). Polovica dĺžky osminová noty " -"(U+266a). Pozrieť Wikipedia:Sixteenth_note" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:202 -msgid "" -"Thirty-second note (Am.) or demisemiquaver (Brit.). Half as long as a " -"sixteenth note (U+266b). See Wikipedia:Thirty-second_note" -msgstr "" -"Thirty-second note (Am.) alebo demisemiquaver (Brit.). Polovica dĺžky " -"šestnástinovej noty (U+266b). Pozrieť Wikipedia:Thirty-second_note" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:204 -msgid "No additional information available for this character." -msgstr "" -"Pre tento znak nie sú dostupné žiadne ďalšie informácie." - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, before_select) -#: src/ui/addtrack_ui.ui:34 -msgid "Above" -msgstr "Nad" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, before_select) -#: src/ui/addtrack_ui.ui:39 -msgid "Under" -msgstr "Pod" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, video_track) -#: src/ui/addtrack_ui.ui:57 -msgid "Video &track" -msgstr "Video stopa" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, audio_track) -#: src/ui/addtrack_ui.ui:74 -msgid "A&udio track" -msgstr "Zvuková stopa" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, name_label) -#: src/ui/addtrack_ui.ui:81 -msgid "Track name" -msgstr "Názov skladby" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/archivewidget_ui.ui:29 -msgid "Archive folder" -msgstr "Archivovať priečinok" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, compressed_archive) -#: src/ui/archivewidget_ui.ui:46 -msgid "Compressed archive" -msgstr "Komprimovaný archív" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, proxy_only) -#: src/ui/archivewidget_ui.ui:53 -msgid "Archive only proxy clips when available" -msgstr "Archivovať iba klipy zástupcov, ak sú k dispozícii" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, labelFFTSize) -#: src/ui/audiospectrum_ui.ui:52 -msgid "True FFT size: " -msgstr "Skutočná veľkosť FFT: " - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, buttonLinkHandles) -#: src/ui/bezierspline_ui.ui:89 -msgid "Link the handles' position.
Results in a natural spline." -msgstr "Spojiť pozíciu ovládania.
Dôsledkom je prirodzená spline." - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, marker_save) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, marker_load) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, analysis_delete) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, analysis_save) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, analysis_load) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, arrowUp) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, arrowDown) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, config_button) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonleft) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonhcenter) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonright) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttontop) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonvcenter) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonbottom) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonDirectUpdate) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonZoomOriginal) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonZoomFit) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonAddDelete) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonPrevious) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonNext) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, toolBtnReload) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonUp) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonDown) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonAdd) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonDelete) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonReset) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, zoom_button) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, unzoom_button) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonResetKeyframe) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonSeek) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, reload_blackmagic) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonLinkHandles) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonShowPixmap) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonZoomIn) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonZoomOut) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonGridChange) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonResetSpline) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonShowAllHandles) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, v4l_showprofileinfo) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, v4l_manageprofile) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, grab_manageprofile) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, grab_showprofileinfo) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, decklink_manageprofile) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, decklink_showprofileinfo) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, button_up) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, button_down) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, button_transcode) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, proxy_showprofileinfo) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, add_metadata) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, delete_metadata) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, effectsAll) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, effectsVideo) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, effectsAudio) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, effectsGPU) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, effectsCustom) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, proxy_manageprofile) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, button_add) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, button_edit) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, button_delete) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, button_download) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, button_more) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonLeftRight) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonUpDown) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonShowInTimeline) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonNewPoints) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonHelp) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonFavorite) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, rescale_keep) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, hide_log) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, collapseButton) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, enabledButton) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, menuButton) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonDel) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, rec_options) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonItalic) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonUnder) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonAlignNone) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonAlignLeft) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonInsertUnicode) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonAlignCenter) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonAlignRight) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, itemleft) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, itemhcenter) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, itemright) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, itemtop) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, itemvcenter) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, itembottom) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, live_button) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, capture_button) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, capture_interval) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, overlay_button) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, preview_button) -#: src/ui/bezierspline_ui.ui:92 src/ui/bezierspline_ui.ui:130 -#: src/ui/bezierspline_ui.ui:146 src/ui/bezierspline_ui.ui:156 -#: src/ui/bezierspline_ui.ui:169 src/ui/bezierspline_ui.ui:195 -#: src/ui/bezierspline_ui.ui:208 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:490 -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:500 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:587 -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:597 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:607 -#: src/ui/collapsiblewidget_ui.ui:86 src/ui/collapsiblewidget_ui.ui:118 -#: src/ui/collapsiblewidget_ui.ui:137 src/ui/collapsiblewidget_ui.ui:156 -#: src/ui/collapsiblewidget_ui.ui:172 src/ui/collapsiblewidget_ui.ui:188 -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:211 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:396 -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:433 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:616 -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:742 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:749 -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:78 src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:220 -#: src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:230 src/ui/configsdl_ui.ui:154 -#: src/ui/cutjobdialog_ui.ui:32 src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:262 -#: src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:269 src/ui/dvdwizardvob_ui.ui:29 -#: src/ui/dvdwizardvob_ui.ui:49 src/ui/dvdwizardvob_ui.ui:100 -#: src/ui/effectlist_ui.ui:22 src/ui/effectlist_ui.ui:41 -#: src/ui/effectlist_ui.ui:57 src/ui/effectlist_ui.ui:73 -#: src/ui/effectlist_ui.ui:89 src/ui/freesound_ui.ui:39 -#: src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:249 src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:256 -#: src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:263 src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:270 -#: src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:277 src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:284 -#: src/ui/geometrywidget_ui.ui:70 src/ui/geometrywidget_ui.ui:83 -#: src/ui/geometrywidget_ui.ui:93 src/ui/keyframeeditor_ui.ui:91 -#: src/ui/keyframeeditor_ui.ui:101 src/ui/keyframewidget_ui.ui:46 -#: src/ui/keyframewidget_ui.ui:59 src/ui/keyframewidget_ui.ui:72 -#: src/ui/keyframewidget_ui.ui:85 src/ui/keyframewidget_ui.ui:124 -#: src/ui/manageencodingprofile_ui.ui:44 src/ui/manageencodingprofile_ui.ui:51 -#: src/ui/manageencodingprofile_ui.ui:58 src/ui/manageencodingprofile_ui.ui:68 -#: src/ui/monitoreditwidget_ui.ui:53 src/ui/monitoreditwidget_ui.ui:66 -#: src/ui/monitoreditwidget_ui.ui:76 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:335 -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:386 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:393 -#: src/ui/recmonitor_ui.ui:72 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:407 -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:592 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:717 -#: src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:76 src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:92 -#: src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:108 src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:118 -#: src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:128 src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:141 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:364 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:384 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:401 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:417 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:440 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:447 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:460 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:801 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:808 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:815 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:822 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:829 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:836 src/ui/tracksconfigdialog_ui.ui:61 -#: src/ui/tracksconfigdialog_ui.ui:68 src/ui/tracksconfigdialog_ui.ui:75 -#: src/ui/tracksconfigdialog_ui.ui:82 src/ui/tracksconfigdialog_ui.ui:89 -#: src/ui/unicodewidget_ui.ui:185 src/ui/unicodewidget_ui.ui:210 -msgid "..." -msgstr "..." - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, buttonShowPixmap) -#: src/ui/bezierspline_ui.ui:127 -msgid "Show background indicating changes caused by modifying the curve." -msgstr "Ukázať pozadie indikujúce zmeny spôsobené modifikovaním krivky." - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, buttonGridChange) -#: src/ui/bezierspline_ui.ui:166 -msgid "" -"Increases the number of lines in the grid.
After 8 lines it will begin " -"from 0 again." -msgstr "Zvyšuje číslo čiar v mriežke.
Po 8 čiarach začne znova od 0." - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, buttonResetSpline) -#: src/ui/bezierspline_ui.ui:192 -msgid "Reset the selected spline" -msgstr "Vynulovať vybranú spline" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, buttonShowAllHandles) -#: src/ui/bezierspline_ui.ui:205 -msgid "Show handles for all points or only for the selected one" -msgstr "Ukazovať ovládanie pre všetky body alebo len pre vybraný" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, name) -#: src/ui/boolval_ui.ui:30 src/ui/fontval_ui.ui:23 src/ui/listval_ui.ui:23 -msgid "TextLabel" -msgstr "TextLabel" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, crop_label) -#: src/ui/clipdurationdialog_ui.ui:30 -msgid "Crop start" -msgstr "Orezať začiatok" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, end_label) -#: src/ui/clipdurationdialog_ui.ui:50 -msgid "Crop end" -msgstr "Orezať koniec" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_path) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, treeWidget) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:27 src/ui/missingclips_ui.ui:72 -msgid "Path" -msgstr "Cesta" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_size) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_6) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_5) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:51 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:231 -#: src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:41 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:93 -msgid "Size:" -msgstr "Veľkosť:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, clip_filesize) -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, groupBox) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:65 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:157 -#: src/utils/freesound.cpp:212 -msgid "File size" -msgstr "Veľkosť súboru" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, clip_vproperties) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, clip_aproperties) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, metadata_list) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, analysis_list) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, programList) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:117 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:162 -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:542 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:574 -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:371 src/ui/wizardmltcheck_ui.ui:49 -msgid "1" -msgstr "1" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, clip_vproperties) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, clip_aproperties) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, metadata_list) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, analysis_list) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:122 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:167 -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:547 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:579 -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:376 -msgid "2" -msgstr "2" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_slideshow) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:206 -msgid "Slideshow" -msgstr "Prezentácia" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, slide_type_label) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:212 -msgid "Image type" -msgstr "Typ obrázka" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, clip_filesize_4) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:222 -msgid "Frame duration" -msgstr "Trvanie snímky" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, slide_loop) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, loop_movie) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, sm_loop) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:255 src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:221 -#: src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:160 src/ui/smconfig_ui.ui:26 -msgid "Loop" -msgstr "Opakovať" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, slide_crop) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:339 src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:284 -msgid "Center crop" -msgstr "Vycentrovať orezanie" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_animation) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_6) -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:346 src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:291 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:1121 -msgid "Animation" -msgstr "Animácia" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_image) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, background_list) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:357 src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:202 -msgid "Image" -msgstr "Obrázok" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_16) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:365 -msgid "Image size" -msgstr "Veľkosť obrázka" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, image_transparency) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:381 -msgid "Transparent background" -msgstr "Priesvitné pozadie" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, markers_list) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, clip_filesize_3) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:432 src/ui/markerdialog_ui.ui:56 -msgid "Comment" -msgstr "Komentár" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, marker_new) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonNext) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonUnselectAll) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:440 src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:83 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:700 -msgid "N" -msgstr "N" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, marker_edit) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonEdit) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:450 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:414 -msgid "E" -msgstr "E" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, marker_delete) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonDelete) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, button_delete) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, delete_button) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:460 src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:252 -#: src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:103 src/ui/keyframeeditor_ui.ui:78 -#: src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:279 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:428 -msgid "D" -msgstr "D" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_advanced) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:634 -msgid "Advanced" -msgstr "Pokročilé" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, clip_force_ar) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:653 -msgid "Force aspect ratio" -msgstr "Vynútiť pomer strán" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, clip_force_threads) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:686 -msgid "Decoding threads" -msgstr "Dekódovanie vlákien" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, clip_force_progressive) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:700 -msgid "Force scanning" -msgstr "Vynútiť prehľadávanie" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, clip_force_framerate) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:727 -msgid "Force frame rate" -msgstr "Vynútiť frekvenciu snímok" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, clip_force_out) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:734 -msgid "Force duration" -msgstr "Vynútiť trvanie" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, clip_force_colorspace) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:751 -msgid "Force colorspace" -msgstr "Vynútiť farebný priestor" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, clip_force_fieldorder) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:765 -msgid "Force field order" -msgstr "Vynútiť poradie polí" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, clip_force_transparency) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:829 -msgid "Image background" -msgstr "Obrázkové pozadie" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, clip_transparency) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:837 -msgid "Normal" -msgstr "Normálne" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_dest) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_5) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_6) -#: src/ui/clipstabilize_ui.ui:20 src/ui/cliptranscode_ui.ui:30 -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:45 src/ui/saveprofile_ui.ui:138 -msgid "Destination" -msgstr "Cieľ" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_source) -#: src/ui/cliptranscode_ui.ui:20 -msgid "Source" -msgstr "Zdroj" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, ffmpeg_label) -#: src/ui/cliptranscode_ui.ui:40 -msgid "FFmpeg parameters" -msgstr "Parametre FFmpeg" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_4) -#: src/ui/cliptranscode_ui.ui:54 -msgid "Job status" -msgstr "Stav úlohy" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_start) -#: src/ui/cliptranscode_ui.ui:61 -msgctxt "@action:button start transcode" -msgid "Start" -msgstr "Spustiť" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_profile) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: src/ui/cliptranscode_ui.ui:68 src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:29 -#: src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:20 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:74 -msgid "Profile" -msgstr "Profil" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, auto_close) -#: src/ui/cliptranscode_ui.ui:88 -msgid "Close after transcode" -msgstr "Zatvoriť po prekódovaní" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/colorclip_ui.ui:30 -msgid "Clip Color" -msgstr "Farba klipu" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, ColorPlaneExport_UI) -#: src/ui/colorplaneexport_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Export color plane to PNG" -msgstr "Export farebnej plochy do PNG" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, lblSpace) -#: src/ui/colorplaneexport_ui.ui:20 -msgid "Color space" -msgstr "Priestor farieb" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, lblVariant) -#: src/ui/colorplaneexport_ui.ui:37 -msgid "Variant" -msgstr "Variant" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QSlider, sliderScaling) -#: src/ui/colorplaneexport_ui.ui:81 -msgid "How much to zoom in" -msgstr "Ako veľmi priblížiť" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, lblRes) -#: src/ui/colorplaneexport_ui.ui:101 -msgid "Resolution" -msgstr "Rozlíšenie" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, lblFilename) -#: src/ui/colorplaneexport_ui.ui:144 -msgid "Filename" -msgstr "Názov súboru" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:23 -msgid "Default capture device" -msgstr "Predvolené zariadenie pre zachytenie" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, kcfg_defaultcapture) -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, device_selector) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:37 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:70 -#: src/ui/recmonitor_ui.ui:134 -msgid "Firewire" -msgstr "Firewire" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, kcfg_defaultcapture) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, device_selector) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:47 src/ui/recmonitor_ui.ui:144 -msgid "Screen grab" -msgstr "Zachytenie obrazovky" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, kcfg_defaultcapture) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, device_selector) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:52 src/ui/recmonitor_ui.ui:149 -msgid "Blackmagic card" -msgstr "Karta Blackmagic" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_9) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:89 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:221 -msgid "Capture format" -msgstr "Formát zachytenia" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, kcfg_firewireformat) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:97 -msgid "DV Raw" -msgstr "DV Raw" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, kcfg_firewireformat) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:102 -msgid "DV AVI type 1" -msgstr "DV AVI typ 1" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, kcfg_firewireformat) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:107 -msgid "DV AVI type 2" -msgstr "DV AVI typ 2" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, button_hdv) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, kcfg_firewireformat) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:112 src/ui/wizardstandard_ui.ui:54 -msgid "HDV" -msgstr "HDV" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_firewireautosplit) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:133 -msgid "Automatically start a new file on scene cut" -msgstr "Automaticky začať nový súbor na strihu scény" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_firewiretimestamp) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:140 -msgid "Add recording time to captured file name" -msgstr "Pridať čas záznamu do názvu zachyteného súboru" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_5) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_29) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:147 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:696 -msgid "Capture file name" -msgstr "Názov súboru zachytenia." - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_7) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:157 -msgid "dvgrab additional parameters" -msgstr "Ďalšie parametre dvgrab" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_14) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:197 -msgid "Video device" -msgstr "Video zariadenie" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_30) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_27) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:204 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:666 -msgid "Detected devices" -msgstr "Detekované zariadenia" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, p_size) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:238 src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:48 -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:100 -msgid "720x576" -msgstr "720x576" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, p_fps) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:252 src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:62 -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:114 -msgid "25/1" -msgstr "25/1" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, p_aspect) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:273 src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:76 -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:128 -msgid "59/54" -msgstr "59/54" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, p_display) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:287 src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:90 -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:142 -msgid "4/3" -msgstr "4/3" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, config_v4l) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:308 -msgid "Edit" -msgstr "Upraviť" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_v4l_captureaudio) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:342 -msgid "Capture audio (ALSA)" -msgstr "Zachytiť zvuk (ALSA)" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_24) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_screengrab) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_16) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:362 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:632 -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:725 src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:203 -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:305 -msgid "Encoding profile" -msgstr "Profil kódovania" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_v4l_capturevideo) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:389 -msgid "Capture video (Video4Linux2)" -msgstr "Zachytiť video (Video4Linux2)" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, kcfg_grab_capture_type) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:471 -msgid "Full screen capture" -msgstr "Zachytenie celej obrazovky" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, kcfg_grab_capture_type) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:476 -msgid "Region capture" -msgstr "Zachytenie regiónu" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_grab_follow_mouse) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:495 -msgid "Follow mouse" -msgstr "Nasledovať myš" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_grab_hide_frame) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:502 -msgid "Hide frame" -msgstr "Skryť snímku" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_19) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_10) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:524 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:951 -msgid "Offset" -msgstr "Posun" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_grab_hide_mouse) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:652 -msgid "Hide cursor" -msgstr "Skryť kurzor" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_4) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:660 -msgid "Blackmagic" -msgstr "Blackmagic" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_9) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:42 -msgid "Concurrent threads" -msgstr "Súbežné vlákna" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:69 -msgid "MLT environment" -msgstr "Prostredie MLT" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_6) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:78 -msgid "Processing threads" -msgstr "Spracovanie vlákien" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_7) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:91 -msgid "(>1 is experimental)" -msgstr "(>1 je experimentálne)" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:98 -msgid "Melt path" -msgstr "Cesta pre melt" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:112 -msgid "MLT profiles folder" -msgstr "Priečinok MLT profilov" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_13) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:135 -msgid "FFplay" -msgstr "FFplay" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_14) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:155 -msgid "FFprobe" -msgstr "FFprobe" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_2) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:166 -msgid "Default folders" -msgstr "Predvolené priečinky" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_5) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_4) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:172 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:56 -msgid "Project folder" -msgstr "Priečinok projektu" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:182 -msgid "Temporary files" -msgstr "Dočasné súbory" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_10) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:192 -msgid "Capture folder" -msgstr "Priečinok zachytenia" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_capturetoprojectfolder) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:212 -msgid "Use project folder" -msgstr "Použiť priečinok projektu" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_3) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:223 -msgid "Default apps" -msgstr "Predvolené aplikácie" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_4) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:229 -msgid "Image editing" -msgstr "Upravovanie obrázka" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, kp_image) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, kp_audio) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, kp_player) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:243 src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:264 -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:285 -msgid "Change" -msgstr "Zmeniť" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_11) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:250 -msgid "Audio editing" -msgstr "Upravovanie zvuku" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_12) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:271 -msgid "Video player" -msgstr "Prehrávač videa" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_enableshuttle) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:23 -msgid "Enable Jog Shuttle device" -msgstr "Povoliť zariadenie Jog Shuttle" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, shuttledisabled) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:30 -msgid "Jog Shuttle device disabled." -msgstr "Zariadenie Jog Shuttle zakázané." - -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, config_group) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:53 -msgid "Device configuration" -msgstr "Nastavenie zariadenia" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:85 -msgid "Button 1" -msgstr "Tlačidlo 1" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_17) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:98 -msgid "Device" -msgstr "Zariadenie" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_16) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:111 -msgid "Button 15" -msgstr "Tlačidlo 15" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_14) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:137 -msgid "Button 13" -msgstr "Tlačidlo 13" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_9) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:150 -msgid "Button 8" -msgstr "Tlačidlo 8" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_7) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:166 -msgid "Button 4" -msgstr "Tlačidlo 4" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:179 -msgid "Device name" -msgstr "Názov zariadenia" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_5) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:192 -msgid "Button 5" -msgstr "Tlačidlo 5" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_8) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:214 -msgid "Button 7" -msgstr "Tlačidlo 7" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_10) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:243 -msgid "Button 9" -msgstr "Tlačidlo 9" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_4) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:256 -msgid "Button 2" -msgstr "Tlačidlo 2" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_11) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:272 -msgid "Button 10" -msgstr "Tlačidlo 10" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_12) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:285 -msgid "Button 11" -msgstr "Tlačidlo 11" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_6) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:308 -msgid "Button 6" -msgstr "Tlačidlo 6" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_15) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:336 -msgid "Button 14" -msgstr "Tlačidlo 14" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:349 -msgid "Button 3" -msgstr "Tlačidlo 3" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_13) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:362 -msgid "Button 12" -msgstr "Tlačidlo 12" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_usekuiserver) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:23 -msgid "Use KDE job tracking for render jobs" -msgstr "Použiť sledovanie úloh KDE pre úlohy vykresľovania" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_checkfirstprojectclip) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:30 -msgid "Check if first added clip matches project profile" -msgstr "Skontrolovať, či prvý pridaný klip zodpovedá profilu projektu" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_crashrecovery) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:37 -msgid "Crash recovery (automatic backup)" -msgstr "Obnovu po páde (automatické záloha)" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_automultistreams) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:44 -msgid "Automatically import all streams in multi stream clips" -msgstr "Automaticky importovať všetky streamy v klipoch viacerých streamov" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_disable_effect_parameters) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:51 -msgid "Disable parameters when the effect is disabled" -msgstr "Zakázať parametre, keď efekt je zakázaný" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_bypasscodeccheck) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:58 -msgid "Bypass codec verification" -msgstr "Vynechať overenie kodeku" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_autoimagesequence) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:65 -msgid "Automatically import image sequences" -msgstr "Automaticky importovať sekvencie obrázkov" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_projectloading_avformatnovalidate) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:72 -msgid "Do not validate the video files when loading a project (faster)" -msgstr "Neoveriť video súbory pri načítaní projektu (rýchlejšie)" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_on_monitor_effects) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:79 -msgid "Use on-monitor effects" -msgstr "Použiť efekty na monitore" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_use_exiftool) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:86 -msgid "Get clip metadata with exiftool" -msgstr "Získať metadáta klipu s exiftool" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_openlastproject) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:93 -msgid "Open last project on startup" -msgstr "Otvoriť posledný projekt pri spustení" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, groupBox) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:100 -msgid "Default Durations" -msgstr "Predvolené trvanie" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:106 -msgid "Color clips" -msgstr "Farebné klipy" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_8) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:123 -msgid "Title clips" -msgstr "Titulné klipy" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:130 -msgid "Image sequence" -msgstr "Obrázková sekvencia" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_autoimagetransparency) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:149 -msgid "Transparent background for imported images" -msgstr "Priehľadné pozadie pre importované obrázky" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_use_magicLantern) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:169 -msgid "Get clip metadata created by Magic Lantern" -msgstr "Získať metadáta klipu vytvorené s Magic Lantern" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, properties) -#: src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:23 -msgid "Default Profile" -msgstr "Štandardný profil" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_9) -#: src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:69 -msgid "Aspect ratio:" -msgstr "Pomer strán:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_10) -#: src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:83 -msgid "Display ratio:" -msgstr "Pomer obrazovky:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_7) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_6) -#: src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:109 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:175 -msgid "Video tracks" -msgstr "Video stopy" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_8) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_7) -#: src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:119 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:185 -msgid "Audio tracks" -msgstr "Audio stopy" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, generate_proxy) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_generateproxy) -#: src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:154 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:256 -msgid "Generate for videos larger than" -msgstr "Generovať pre videá väčšie ako" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (suffix), widget (QSpinBox, proxy_minsize) -#. i18n: ectx: property (suffix), widget (QSpinBox, proxy_imageminsize) -#. i18n: ectx: property (suffix), widget (QSpinBox, kcfg_proxyminsize) -#. i18n: ectx: property (suffix), widget (QSpinBox, kcfg_proxyimageminsize) -#: src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:161 src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:181 -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:263 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:283 -msgid "pixels" -msgstr "body" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, generate_imageproxy) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_generateimageproxy) -#: src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:174 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:276 -msgid "Generate for images larger than" -msgstr "Generovať pre obrázky väčšie ako" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/ui/configsdl_ui.ui:17 -msgid "" -"Warning: changes to the drivers and devices can make Kdenlive unstable. " -"Change only if you know what you do." -msgstr "" -"Varovanie: Zmeny ovládačov a zariadení môže urobiť aplikáciu Kdenlive " -"nestabilnou. Meňte iba vtedy, ak viete, čo robíte." - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_gpu_accel) -#: src/ui/configsdl_ui.ui:27 -msgid "Use GPU processing (Movit library) - restart Kdenlive to apply" -msgstr "" -"Použiť spracovanie GPU processing (knižnica Movit) - reštartujte Kdenlive na " -"použitie" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_4) -#: src/ui/configsdl_ui.ui:34 -msgid "Audio backend" -msgstr "Audio backend" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, textLabel1_2) -#: src/ui/configsdl_ui.ui:53 -msgid "Audio driver:" -msgstr "Zvukový ovládač:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, textLabel1) -#: src/ui/configsdl_ui.ui:66 -msgid "Audio device:" -msgstr "Zvukové zariadenie:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: src/ui/configsdl_ui.ui:82 -msgid "Preview volume:" -msgstr "Hlasitosť náhľadu:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/configsdl_ui.ui:102 -msgid "Monitor background color:" -msgstr "Farba pozadia monitora:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_external_display) -#: src/ui/configsdl_ui.ui:127 -msgid "Use external display (Blackmagic card)" -msgstr "Použiť externý displej (Karta Blackmagic)" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_5) -#: src/ui/configsdl_ui.ui:134 -msgid "Output device" -msgstr "Výstupné zariadenie" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, groupBox) -#: src/ui/configtimeline_ui.ui:23 -msgid "Thumbnails" -msgstr "Miniatúry" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_displayallchannels) -#: src/ui/configtimeline_ui.ui:48 -msgid "Separate channels" -msgstr "Oddelené kanály" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_showmarkers) -#: src/ui/configtimeline_ui.ui:73 -msgid "Display clip markers comments" -msgstr "Zobraziť komentáre značiek klipu" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_autoscroll) -#: src/ui/configtimeline_ui.ui:80 -msgid "Autoscroll while playing" -msgstr "Automatické posúvanie počas prehrávania" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_verticalzoom) -#: src/ui/configtimeline_ui.ui:87 -msgid "Zoom using vertical drag in ruler" -msgstr "Priblíženie pomocou vertikálneho ťahania v pravítku" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_splitaudio) -#: src/ui/configtimeline_ui.ui:94 -msgid "Automatically split audio and video" -msgstr "Automaticky rozdeliť zvuk a video" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/configtimeline_ui.ui:103 -msgid "Track height" -msgstr "Výška stopy" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_add) -#: src/ui/configtranscode_ui.ui:24 -msgid "Add Profile" -msgstr "Pridať profil" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_update) -#: src/ui/configtranscode_ui.ui:31 -msgid "Update Profile" -msgstr "Aktualizovať profil" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_delete) -#: src/ui/configtranscode_ui.ui:38 -msgid "Delete Profile" -msgstr "Odstrániť profil" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_4) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: src/ui/configtranscode_ui.ui:90 src/ui/saveprofile_ui.ui:121 -msgid "Extension" -msgstr "Prípona" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_4) -#: src/ui/configtranscode_ui.ui:107 -msgid "Parameters" -msgstr "Parametre" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, button_more) -#: src/ui/cutjobdialog_ui.ui:29 -msgid "Configure job" -msgstr "Konfigurovať úlohu" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_add) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardchapters_ui.ui:39 -msgid "Add chapter" -msgstr "Pridať kapitolu" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardchapters_ui.ui:46 -msgid "Movie file" -msgstr "Filmový súbor" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_delete) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardchapters_ui.ui:66 -msgid "Remove chapter" -msgstr "Odstrániť kapitolu" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, create_menu) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:20 -msgid "Create basic menu" -msgstr "Vytvoriť základné menu" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:49 -msgid "Button" -msgstr "Tlačidlo" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_6) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:65 -msgid "Target" -msgstr "Cieľ" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, back_to_menu) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:82 -msgid "Back to menu" -msgstr "Späť na ponuku" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, use_shadow) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:126 -msgid "Shadow" -msgstr "Tieň" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:138 -msgid "Underline" -msgstr "Podčiarknuté" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_2) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, lblBackground) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:183 src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:189 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:1076 src/ui/vectorscope_ui.ui:46 -msgid "Background" -msgstr "Pozadie" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonAdd) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, add_button) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, button_add) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonSelectAll) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonAudio) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:232 src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:93 -#: src/ui/keyframeeditor_ui.ui:68 src/ui/timelinebuttons_ui.ui:71 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:723 -msgid "A" -msgstr "A" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:29 -msgid "Temporary data folder" -msgstr "Dočasný dátový priečinok" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:39 -msgid "DVD ISO image" -msgstr "DVD ISO obraz" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (QListWidget, job_progress) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:56 -msgid "Creating menu images" -msgstr "Vytváranie obrázkov menu" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (QListWidget, job_progress) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:61 -msgid "Creating menu background" -msgstr "Vytváranie pozadia menu" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (QListWidget, job_progress) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:66 -msgid "Creating menu movie" -msgstr "Vytváranie filmu pre menu" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (QListWidget, job_progress) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:71 -msgid "Creating dvd structure" -msgstr "Vytváranie DVD štruktúry" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (QListWidget, job_progress) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:76 -msgid "Creating iso file" -msgstr "Vytvorenie iso súboru" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_start) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:84 -msgid "Create ISO image" -msgstr "Vytvoriť ISO obrázok" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_2) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:118 -msgid "Log" -msgstr "Záznam" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_7) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:124 -msgid "Status" -msgstr "Stav" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, button_burn) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:154 -msgid "Burn" -msgstr "Napáliť" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:172 -msgid "Menu File" -msgstr "Súbor ponuky" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_3) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:186 -msgid "Dvdauthor File" -msgstr "Dvdauthor súbor" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, use_intro) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardvob_ui.ui:59 -msgid "Use first movie as intro" -msgstr "Použiť prvý film ako intro" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardvob_ui.ui:66 -msgid "DVD format" -msgstr "DVD formát" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_delete) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardvob_ui.ui:73 -msgid "Remove file" -msgstr "Odstrániť súbor" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_add) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardvob_ui.ui:130 -msgid "Add movie file" -msgstr "Pridať filmový súbor" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, convert_label) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardvob_ui.ui:146 -msgid "Converting files" -msgstr "Konvertovanie súborov" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: src/ui/freesound_ui.ui:22 -msgid "Service" -msgstr "Služba" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, page_prev) -#: src/ui/freesound_ui.ui:67 -msgid "<<" -msgstr "<<" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, page_next) -#: src/ui/freesound_ui.ui:104 -msgid ">>" -msgstr ">>" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_import) -#: src/ui/freesound_ui.ui:137 src/utils/archiveorg.cpp:181 -msgid "Import" -msgstr "Importovať" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/freesound_ui.ui:177 -msgid "License" -msgstr "Licencia" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonMenu) -#: src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:63 -msgid "M" -msgstr "M" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonPrevious) -#: src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:73 -msgid "P" -msgstr "P" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_pos) -#: src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:127 -msgid "Pos" -msgstr "Pos" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_6) -#: src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:198 -msgid "Height" -msgstr "Výška" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:219 -msgid "Resize:" -msgstr "Zmeniť veľkosť:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, buttonResize) -#: src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:242 -msgid "Original" -msgstr "Originál" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QCheckBox, cbY) -#: src/ui/histogram_ui.ui:17 -msgid "Luma value" -msgstr "Luma hodnota" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, lblComponents) -#: src/ui/histogram_ui.ui:64 -msgid "Components" -msgstr "Komponenty" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QCheckBox, cbS) -#: src/ui/histogram_ui.ui:71 -msgid "RGB summed up" -msgstr "Zhrnuté RGB" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, cbS) -#: src/ui/histogram_ui.ui:74 -msgid "Sum" -msgstr "Suma" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, ImportKeyframesDialog_UI) -#: src/ui/importkeyframesdialog_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Import Keyframes" -msgstr "Importovať kľúčové snímky" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, limit_keyframes) -#: src/ui/importkeyframesdialog_ui.ui:48 -msgid "Limit keyframes number" -msgstr "Obmedziť počet kľúčových snímok" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/importkeyframesdialog_ui.ui:90 -msgid "Data to import" -msgstr "Dáta pre import" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, KeyFrameDialog_UI) -#: src/ui/keyframedialog_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Edit Keyframe" -msgstr "Upraviť kľúčovú snímku" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, clip_filesize_3) -#: src/ui/keyframedialog_ui.ui:27 -msgid "Value" -msgstr "Hodnota" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, buttonResetKeyframe) -#: src/ui/keyframeeditor_ui.ui:88 -msgid "Reset the parameters to their default values" -msgstr "Obnoviť parametre na ich predvolené hodnoty" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, buttonSeek) -#: src/ui/keyframeeditor_ui.ui:98 -msgid "Seek to active keyframe" -msgstr "Hľadať aktívnu kľúčovú snímku" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, buttonKeyframes) -#: src/ui/keyframeeditor_ui.ui:114 -msgid "Add keyframes" -msgstr "Pridať kľúčové snímky" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, buttonLeftRight) -#: src/ui/keyframewidget_ui.ui:43 -msgid "move on X axis" -msgstr "presunúť na osi X" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, buttonUpDown) -#: src/ui/keyframewidget_ui.ui:56 -msgid "move on Y axis" -msgstr "presunúť na osi Y" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, buttonShowInTimeline) -#: src/ui/keyframewidget_ui.ui:69 -msgid "update values in timeline" -msgstr "aktualizovať hodnoty v časovej osi" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, buttonNewPoints) -#: src/ui/keyframewidget_ui.ui:82 -msgid "create new points" -msgstr "vytvoriť nové body" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, checkBox) -#: src/ui/keyframewidget_ui.ui:105 -msgid "GraphView" -msgstr "GraphView" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, buttonHelp) -#: src/ui/keyframewidget_ui.ui:121 -msgid "parameter description" -msgstr "popis parametra" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/keywordval_ui.ui:23 src/ui/urlval_ui.ui:26 -msgid "Param" -msgstr "Param" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, ManageCaptures_UI) -#: src/ui/managecaptures_ui.ui:13 -msgid "Captured files" -msgstr "Zachytené súbory" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, treeWidget) -#: src/ui/managecaptures_ui.ui:35 -msgid "File name" -msgstr "Názov súboru" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, deleteButton) -#: src/ui/managecaptures_ui.ui:48 -msgid "Delete current file" -msgstr "Vymazať aktuálny profil" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, toggleButton) -#: src/ui/managecaptures_ui.ui:55 -msgid "Toggle selection" -msgstr "Prepnúť výber" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/manageencodingprofile_ui.ui:20 -msgid "Editing profiles for" -msgstr "Upravovanie profilov pre" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_category) -#: src/ui/markerdialog_ui.ui:76 -msgid "Category" -msgstr "Kategória" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, clip_thumb) -#: src/ui/markerdialog_ui.ui:86 -msgid "Image preview" -msgstr "Náhľad obrázka" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, MissingClips_UI) -#: src/ui/missingclips_ui.ui:14 -msgid " Clip Problems" -msgstr " Problémy klipu" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, removeSelected) -#: src/ui/missingclips_ui.ui:20 -msgid "Remove selected clips" -msgstr "Odstrániť vybrané klipy" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, usePlaceholders) -#: src/ui/missingclips_ui.ui:37 -msgid "Use placeholders for missing clips" -msgstr "Použiť zástupný symbol pre chýbajúce klipy" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, recursiveSearch) -#: src/ui/missingclips_ui.ui:80 -msgid "Search recursively" -msgstr "Hľadať rekurzívne" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, ProfilesDialog_UI) -#: src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Profiles" -msgstr "Profily" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_4) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_7) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_8) -#: src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:106 src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:140 -#: src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:174 -msgid "/" -msgstr "/" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_10) -#: src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:154 -msgid "Display aspect ratio" -msgstr "Pomer strán obrazovky" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_11) -#: src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:208 -msgid "Fields per second" -msgstr "Polí za sekundu" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_default) -#: src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:242 -msgid "Use as default" -msgstr "Použiť ako východzie" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, button_create) -#: src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:259 -msgid "C" -msgstr "C" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, button_save) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonSave) -#: src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:269 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:421 -msgid "S" -msgstr "S" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, properties) -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:66 -msgid "Video Profile" -msgstr "Video profil" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:210 -msgid "Thumbnails:" -msgstr "Miniatúry:" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_2) -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:416 -msgid "Project Files" -msgstr "Súbory projektu" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_12) -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:422 -msgid "Clips used in project:" -msgstr "Klipy použité v projekte:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_6) -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:443 -msgid "Unused clips:" -msgstr "Nepoužité klipy:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, delete_unused) -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:464 -msgid "Delete files" -msgstr "Vymazať súbory" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_11) -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:471 -msgid "Thumbnails cache:" -msgstr "Vyrovnávacia pamäť náhľadov:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, clear_cache) -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:492 -msgid "Clear cache" -msgstr "Vyčistiť vyrovnávaciu pamäť" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, delete_proxies) -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:520 -msgid "Delete proxies" -msgstr "Vymazať zástupcov" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_13) -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:527 -msgid "Project files" -msgstr "Súbory projektu" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_fonts) -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:561 -msgid "Fonts" -msgstr "Písma" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_export) -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:575 -msgid "Plain text export" -msgstr "Export jednoduchého textu" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:39 -msgid "Render Project" -msgstr "Vykresliť projekt" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:52 -msgid "Output file" -msgstr "Výstupný súbor" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_9) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:112 -msgid "Encoder threads" -msgstr "Vlákna kodéra" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, scanning_list) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:131 -msgid "Force Progressive" -msgstr "Vynútiť progresívne" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, scanning_list) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:136 -msgid "Force Interlaced" -msgstr "Vynútiť prekladané" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QLineEdit, vbitrates_list) -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QLineEdit, abitrates_list) -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (KComboBox, comboBitrates) -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (KComboBox, comboAudioBitrates) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:176 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:202 -#: src/ui/saveprofile_ui.ui:33 src/ui/saveprofile_ui.ui:87 -msgid "Best to worst quality" -msgstr "Najlepšia k najhoršej kvalite" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, checkTwoPass) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:215 -msgid "2 pass" -msgstr "2 prechody" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, rescale) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:222 -msgid "Rescale" -msgstr "Preškálovať" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, export_meta) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:250 -msgid "Export metadata" -msgstr "Exportovať metadáta" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, tc_overlay) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:276 -msgid "Overlay" -msgstr "Prekryť" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, render_full) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:314 -msgid "Fu&ll project" -msgstr "&Plný projekt" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, render_zone) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:324 -msgid "Selected &zone" -msgstr "Vybraná &zóna" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, render_guide) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:331 -msgid "&Guide zone" -msgstr "&Zóna vodidla" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, buttonRender) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:355 -msgid "Render to File" -msgstr "Vykresliť do súboru" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, buttonGenerateScript) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:362 -msgid "Generate Script" -msgstr "Generovať skript" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonInfo) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonSelectImages) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:393 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:680 -msgid "I" -msgstr "I" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, show_all_profiles) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:400 -msgid "Show all profiles" -msgstr "Ukázať všetky profily" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, open_browser) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:466 -msgid "Open browser window after export" -msgstr "Otvoriť okno prehliadača po exporte" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, play_after) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:473 -msgid "Play after render" -msgstr "Prehrať po vykresľovaní" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:503 -msgid "to" -msgstr "do" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, create_chapter) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:523 -msgid "Create chapter file based on guides" -msgstr "Vytvoriť súbor kapitoly založený na vodidlách" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, open_dvd) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:530 -msgid "Open Dvd wizard after rendering" -msgstr "Otvoriť DVD sprievodcu po vykresľovaní" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, proxy_render) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:537 -msgid "Render using proxy clips" -msgstr "Vykresliť pomocou klipov zástupcov" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, stemAudioExport) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:623 -msgid "Stem audio export" -msgstr "Zadržať zvukový export" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_2) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:631 -msgid "Job Queue" -msgstr "Poradie úloh" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_7) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:710 -msgid "Error Log" -msgstr "Chybový záznam" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, clean_up) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:728 -msgid "Clean Up" -msgstr "Vyčistiť" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, shutdown) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:735 -msgid "Shutdown computer after renderings" -msgstr "Vypnúť počítač po vykresľovaniach" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, start_job) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:742 -msgid "Start Job" -msgstr "Spustiť úlohu" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_3) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:750 -msgid "Scripts" -msgstr "Skripty" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, start_script) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:778 -msgid "Start Script" -msgstr "Spustiť skript" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, delete_script) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:785 -msgid "Delete Script" -msgstr "Vymazať skript" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, lblPaintmode) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, lblPaintMode) -#: src/ui/rgbparade_ui.ui:33 src/ui/vectorscope_ui.ui:29 -#: src/ui/waveform_ui.ui:30 -msgid "Paint mode" -msgstr "Režim kreslenia" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, SaveProfile_UI) -#: src/ui/saveprofile_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Save Profile" -msgstr "Uložiť profil" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/ui/saveprofile_ui.ui:60 -msgid "Group" -msgstr "Skupina" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: src/ui/saveprofile_ui.ui:108 -msgid "Profile name" -msgstr "Názov profilu" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/saveprofile_ui.ui:128 -msgid "" -"Parameters (see MLT documentation)" -msgstr "" -"Parametre (pozrieť Dokumentácia MLT)" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, SceneCutDialog_UI) -#: src/ui/scenecutdialog_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Scene Cut" -msgstr "Strih scény" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, add_markers) -#: src/ui/scenecutdialog_ui.ui:23 -msgid "Add clip markers" -msgstr "Pridať značky klipu" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, zone_only) -#: src/ui/scenecutdialog_ui.ui:33 -msgid "Analyze only selected zone" -msgstr "Analyzovať iba vybranú zónu" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, cut_scenes) -#: src/ui/scenecutdialog_ui.ui:63 -msgid "Cut scenes" -msgstr "Strihať scény" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, store_data) -#: src/ui/scenecutdialog_ui.ui:70 -msgid "Save result in clip metadata" -msgstr "Uložiť výsledok v metadátach klipu" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, groupBox) -#: src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:30 -msgid "Image selection method" -msgstr "Metóda výberu obrázka" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, method_mime) -#: src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:36 -msgid "&Mimetype" -msgstr "&Typ MIME" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, method_pattern) -#: src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:46 -msgid "Fi&lename pattern" -msgstr "&Vzor názvu súboru" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_4) -#: src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:70 -msgid "Image Type" -msgstr "Typ obrázku" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_5) -#: src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:97 -msgid "First frame" -msgstr "Prvá snímka" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:127 -msgid "Frame Duration" -msgstr "Trvanie rámca" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, show_thumbs) -#: src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:245 -msgid "Show thumbnails" -msgstr "Zobraziť náhľady" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: src/ui/smconfig_ui.ui:33 -msgid "Number of frames to play (0 to play all frames)" -msgstr "Počet snímok pre prehrávanie (0 pre prehrávanie všetkých snímok)" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, groupBox_2) -#: src/ui/smconfig_ui.ui:73 -msgid "Interval Capture" -msgstr "Interval zachytenia" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/smconfig_ui.ui:79 -msgid "Capture delay" -msgstr "Oneskorenie zachytenia" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, sm_prenotify) -#: src/ui/smconfig_ui.ui:96 -msgid "Notify before capture" -msgstr "Oznámiť pred zachytením" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, SpacerDialog_UI) -#: src/ui/spacerdialog_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Add space" -msgstr "Pridať medzeru" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, clip_filesize_3) -#: src/ui/spacerdialog_ui.ui:37 -msgid "Track:" -msgstr "Skladba:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, labelFFTSize) -#: src/ui/spectrogram_ui.ui:52 -msgid "True FFT size:" -msgstr "Skutočná veľkosť FFT:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, live_button) -#: src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:86 -msgid "Live view" -msgstr "Živý pohľad" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, preview_button) -#: src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:135 -msgid "Preview sequence" -msgstr "Náhľadová sekvencia" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (KComboBox, sequence_name) -#: src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:151 src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:158 -msgid "Sequence name" -msgstr "Názov sekvencie" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_addsequence) -#: src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:194 -msgid "Add to project" -msgstr "Pridať do projektu" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/templateclip_ui.ui:17 -msgid "Template" -msgstr "Šablóna" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonFitZoom) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonRealSize) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonVideo) -#: src/ui/timelinebuttons_ui.ui:16 src/ui/timelinebuttons_ui.ui:64 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:553 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:563 -msgid "V" -msgstr "V" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, TitleWidget_UI) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Title Clip" -msgstr "Titulný klip" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, lWidth) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:109 -msgid "W" -msgstr "W" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_19) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:126 -msgid "H" -msgstr "H" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_12) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:184 -msgid "Z-Index:" -msgstr "Z-Index:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:232 -msgid "Item Properties" -msgstr "Vlastnosti položky" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:243 -msgid "Fill color" -msgstr "Farba výplne" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_11) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:275 -msgid "Border color" -msgstr "Farba okraja" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_18) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:394 -msgid "Outline" -msgstr "Obrys" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, displayBg) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:631 -msgid "Show background" -msgstr "Zobraziť pozadie" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_22) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:645 -msgid "Template:" -msgstr "Šablóna:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonSelectText) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:690 -msgid "T" -msgstr "T" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (whatsThis), widget (QToolButton, buttonSelectAll) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:720 -msgid "Selects all items on the canvas." -msgstr "Vybrať všetky položky na plátne." - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_14) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:761 -msgid "Zoom:" -msgstr "Priblíženie:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_21) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:778 -msgid "Rotate Z:" -msgstr "Otočenie Z:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_20) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:785 -msgid "Rotate Y:" -msgstr "Otočenie Y:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_15) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:792 -msgid "Rotate X:" -msgstr "Otočenie X:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_5) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:877 -msgid "Effect" -msgstr "Efekt" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (suffix), widget (QSpinBox, typewriter_delay) -#. i18n: ectx: property (suffix), widget (QSpinBox, typewriter_start) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:1007 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:1030 -msgid " frames" -msgstr " snímky" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_16) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:1023 -msgid "Start at" -msgstr "Začať na" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, anim_start) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:1127 -msgid "Edit start" -msgstr "Upraviť začiatok" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, anim_end) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:1137 -msgid "Edit end" -msgstr "Upraviť koniec" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_7) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:1162 -msgid "Resize" -msgstr "Zmeniť veľkosť" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, resize50) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:1169 -#, no-c-format -msgid "50%" -msgstr "50%" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, resize100) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:1176 -#, no-c-format -msgid "100%" -msgstr "100%" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, resize200) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:1183 -#, no-c-format -msgid "200%" -msgstr "200%" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, keep_aspect) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:1190 -msgid "Keep aspect ratio" -msgstr "Zachovať pomer strán" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/ui/transitionsettings_ui.ui:23 -msgid "track" -msgstr "skladba" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QWidget, UnicodeWidget_UI) -#: src/ui/unicodewidget_ui.ui:20 -msgid "Enter Unicode value" -msgstr "Zadať hodnotu Unicode" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/ui/unicodewidget_ui.ui:251 -msgid "Additional Information" -msgstr "Ďalšie informácie" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_reload) -#: src/ui/wizardcapture_ui.ui:17 -msgid "Check" -msgstr "Skontrolovať" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_9) -#: src/ui/wizardcapture_ui.ui:57 -msgid "Capture format:" -msgstr "Formát zachytenia:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/wizardextra_ui.ui:16 -msgid "Default folder for project files" -msgstr "Predvolený priečinok pre súbory projektu" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, autosave) -#: src/ui/wizardextra_ui.ui:59 -msgid "Activate crash recovery (auto save)" -msgstr "Aktivovať obnovu po páde (automatické ukladanie)" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, installmimes) -#: src/ui/wizardextra_ui.ui:66 -msgid "Install extra video mimetypes" -msgstr "Nainštalovať ďalšie video MIME typy" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab) -#: src/ui/wizardmltcheck_ui.ui:21 -msgid "Installed modules" -msgstr "Nainštalované moduly" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_2) -#: src/ui/wizardmltcheck_ui.ui:63 -msgid "Available Codecs (avformat)" -msgstr "Dostupné kodeky (avformat)" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: src/ui/wizardmltcheck_ui.ui:90 -msgid "Formats" -msgstr "Formáty" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/ui/wizardmltcheck_ui.ui:97 -msgid "Video Codecs" -msgstr "Kodeky videa" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/wizardmltcheck_ui.ui:104 -msgid "Audio Codecs" -msgstr "Kodeky zvuku" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: src/ui/wizardstandard_ui.ui:17 -msgid "Please set your default video profile" -msgstr "Prosím, nastavte predvolený video profil" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/ui/wizardstandard_ui.ui:24 -msgid "Video Resolution" -msgstr "Rozlíšenie videa" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, button_dv) -#: src/ui/wizardstandard_ui.ui:44 -msgid "DV" -msgstr "DV" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, button_all) -#: src/ui/wizardstandard_ui.ui:61 -msgid "Show All" -msgstr "Zobraziť všetko" - -#: src/utils/archiveorg.cpp:78 src/utils/freesound.cpp:86 -#: src/utils/freesound.cpp:184 src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:362 -msgid "Error Loading Data" -msgstr "Chyba pri načítaní dát" - -#: src/utils/archiveorg.cpp:91 src/utils/freesound.cpp:95 -#, kde-format -msgid "Found %1 result" -msgid_plural "Found %1 results" -msgstr[0] "Nájdený 1 výsledok" -msgstr[1] "%1 výsledok" -msgstr[2] "%1 výsledok" - -#: src/utils/freesound.cpp:203 -msgid "Samplerate" -msgstr "Vzorkovacia frekvencia" - -#: src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:67 -msgid "Freesound Audio Library" -msgstr "Freesound Audio Library" - -#: src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:68 -msgid "Archive.org Video Library" -msgstr "Archive.org Video Library" - -#: src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:69 -msgid "Open Clip Art Graphic Library" -msgstr "Open Clip Art Graphic Library" - -#: src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:70 -msgid "Search Online Resources" -msgstr "Hľadať online zdroje" - -#: src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:92 -msgid "Auto Play" -msgstr "Automatické prehrávanie" - -#: src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:182 -msgctxt "the url link pointing to a web page" -msgid "link" -msgstr "odkaz" - -#: src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:327 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "File extension:" -msgid "File Exists" -msgstr "Prípona súboru:" - -#: src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:328 -msgid "Do you want to overwrite the existing file?." -msgstr "" - -#: src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:371 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Data to import" -msgid "Data Imported" -msgstr "Dáta pre import" - -#: src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:437 -msgid "" -"You need to be online\n" -" for searching" -msgstr "" -"Musíte byť online\n" -" pre vyhľadávanie" - -#: src/utils/thememanager.cpp:70 -msgctxt "default theme name" -msgid "Default" -msgstr "Predvolené" - -#: src/utils/thememanager.cpp:213 -msgid "Configuration..." -msgstr "Nastavenie..." - -#: src/utils/thememanager.cpp:227 -msgid "" -"Cannot start Colors Settings panel from KDE Control Center. Please check " -"your system..." -msgstr "" -"Nemôžem spustiť panel Nastavenia farieb z Ovládacieho centra KDE. Prosím " -"skontrolujte svoj systém..." - -#~ msgid "Compare effect" -#~ msgstr "Porovnať efektu" - -#~ msgid "Blue Screen" -#~ msgstr "Modrá obrazovka" - -#~ msgid "Selection Parameters" -#~ msgstr "Parametre výberu" - -#~ msgid "Effect List" -#~ msgstr "Zoznam efektov" - -#~ msgid "Transition List" -#~ msgstr "Zoznam prechodov" - -#~ msgid "Lossless / HQ" -#~ msgstr "Bezstratové / HQ" - -#~ msgid "Cannot open playlist producer." -#~ msgstr "Nie je možné producenta zoznamu skladieb." - -#~ msgid "Cannot find proper playlist." -#~ msgstr "Nie je možné nájsť platný zoznam skladieb." - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Reload Clip" -#~ msgid "Expland Clip" -#~ msgstr "Znovu načítať klip" - -#~ msgid "Effect Stack" -#~ msgstr "Efektový zásobník" - -#~ msgid "Transition" -#~ msgstr "Posun" - -#~ msgid "Show additional controls" -#~ msgstr "Ukázať ďalšie ovládacie prvky" - -#~ msgid "Show/Hide the lines connecting the corners" -#~ msgstr "Ukázať/Skryť čiary spájajúce rohy" - -#~ msgid "Playing %1x%2 (%3 fps)" -#~ msgstr "Prehrávanie %1x%2 (%3 fps)" - -#~ msgid "Failed to start device" -#~ msgstr "Zlyhalo spustenie zariadenia" - -#~ msgid "Estimated time %1" -#~ msgstr "Odhadovaný čas %1" - -#~ msgid "Loading" -#~ msgstr "Načítanie" - -#~ msgid "Adding clips" -#~ msgstr "Pridanie klipov" - -#~ msgid "Loading thumbnails" -#~ msgstr "Načítanie náhľadov" - -#~ msgid "Loading timeline" -#~ msgstr "Načítava sa časová os" - -#~ msgid "Setting monitor" -#~ msgstr "Monitor nastavení" - -#~ msgid "Up" -#~ msgstr "Hore" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Select All in Current Track" -#~ msgid "Add effect to Current Stack" -#~ msgstr "Vybrať všetko v aktuálnej stope" - -#~ msgid "Fun" -#~ msgstr "Zábava" - -#~ msgctxt "effects and transitions keyboard shortcuts" -#~ msgid "Effects & Transitions" -#~ msgstr "Efekty a prechody" - -#~ msgctxt "timeline track keyboard shortcuts" -#~ msgid "Timeline and Tracks" -#~ msgstr "Časová os a stopy" - -#~ msgid "MPEG clip (*.mpeg *.mpg *.vob)" -#~ msgstr "MPEG klip (*.mpeg *.mpg *.vob)" - -#~ msgid "Transcoding to DVD format" -#~ msgstr "Prekódovanie na DVD formát" - -#~ msgid "before" -#~ msgstr "pred" - -#~ msgid "after" -#~ msgstr "po" - -#~ msgid "Set zone start" -#~ msgstr "Nastaviť začiatok zóny" - -#~ msgid "Set zone end" -#~ msgstr "Nastaviť koniec zóny" - -#~ msgid "Project profile was not found, using default profile." -#~ msgstr "Profil projekt nebol nájdený, použitie predvoleného profilu." - -#~ msgid "Missing Profile" -#~ msgstr "Chýbajúci profil" - -#~ msgid "Project profile not found, replacing with existing one: %1" -#~ msgstr "Profil projekt nebol nájdený, nahradenie s existujúcim: %1" - -#~ msgid "Existing Profile" -#~ msgstr "Existujúci profil" - -#~ msgid "" -#~ "Your project uses an unknown profile.\n" -#~ "It uses an existing profile name: %1.\n" -#~ "Please choose a new name to save it" -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "Váš projekt používa neznámy profil.\n" -#~ "Využíva existujúci názov profilu: %1.\n" -#~ "Prosím, zvoľte nový názov, aby ste ho uložili" - -#~ msgid "Project profile was not found, it will be added to your system now." -#~ msgstr "Profil projekt nebol nájdený, teraz bude pridaný do vášho systému." - -#~ msgid "Buttons overlapping" -#~ msgstr "Tlačidlá prekrývajúce" - -#~ msgid "No button in menu" -#~ msgstr "Žiadne tlačidlo v menu" - -#~ msgid "Missing background image" -#~ msgstr "Chýbajúci obrázok pozadia" - -#~ msgid "No menu entry for %1" -#~ msgstr "Žiadna položka menu pre %1" - -#~ msgid "Blackmagic Decklink" -#~ msgstr "Blackmagic Decklink" - -#~ msgid "Delete data" -#~ msgstr "Zmazať dáta" - -#~ msgid "Add data" -#~ msgstr "Pridať dáta" - -#~ msgid "Importing project effects" -#~ msgstr "Importovanie efektov projektu" - -#~ msgid "Load Image" -#~ msgstr "Načítať obrázok" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Center horizontally" -#~ msgid "Flips the image horizontally" -#~ msgstr "Vycentrovať horizontálne" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Opacity" -#~ msgid "Movit: Opacity" -#~ msgstr "Nepriehľadnosť" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Edit Duration" -#~ msgid "Movit: Saturation" -#~ msgstr "Upraviť dĺžku trvania" - -#~ msgid "XVideo" -#~ msgstr "XVideo" - -#~ msgid "X11" -#~ msgstr "X11" - -#~ msgid "XFree86 DGA 2.0" -#~ msgstr "XFree86 DGA 2.0" - -#~ msgid "SVGAlib" -#~ msgstr "SVGAlib" - -#~ msgid "File not found" -#~ msgstr "Súbor nenájdený" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Search" -#~ msgid "Search automatically" -#~ msgstr "Hľadať" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Search" -#~ msgid "Search manually" -#~ msgstr "Hľadať" - -#~ msgid "Looking for %1" -#~ msgstr "Hľadá sa %1" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Project Notes" -#~ msgid "Project Tree" -#~ msgstr "Poznámky projektu" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Save zone" -#~ msgid "Save clip zone as:" -#~ msgstr "Uložiť zónu" - -#~ msgid "Description:" -#~ msgstr "Popis:" - -#~ msgid "Resize (100%)" -#~ msgstr "Zmeniť veľkosť (100%)" - -#~ msgid "Resize (50%)" -#~ msgstr "Zmeniť veľkosť (50%)" - -#, fuzzy -#~ msgid "Copy file to project folder" -#~ msgstr "Priečinok projektu:" - -#~ msgid "Continue" -#~ msgstr "Pokračovať" - -#, fuzzy -#~ msgid "Delete unused clips" -#~ msgstr "Vymazať klip" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Group Clips" -#~ msgid "Open Clips" -#~ msgstr "Zoskupiť klipy" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Cancel All Jobs" -#~ msgid "Cancel job" -#~ msgid_plural "Cancel jobs" -#~ msgstr[0] "Zrušiť úlohu" -#~ msgstr[1] "Zrušiť všetky úlohy" -#~ msgstr[2] "Zrušiť všetky úlohy" - -#, fuzzy -#~ msgid "All" -#~ msgstr "Všetko" - -#, fuzzy -#~ msgid "Custom" -#~ msgstr "Vlastné" diff -Nru kdenlive-15.13.0+git20160206.6705c57a/po/sl/CMakeLists.txt kdenlive-15.13.0+git20160206.cee1bbb6/po/sl/CMakeLists.txt --- kdenlive-15.13.0+git20160206.6705c57a/po/sl/CMakeLists.txt 2016-02-06 09:13:45.000000000 +0000 +++ kdenlive-15.13.0+git20160206.cee1bbb6/po/sl/CMakeLists.txt 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -GETTEXT_PROCESS_PO_FILES(sl ALL INSTALL_DESTINATION ${LOCALE_INSTALL_DIR} kdenlive.po) diff -Nru kdenlive-15.13.0+git20160206.6705c57a/po/sl/kdenlive.po kdenlive-15.13.0+git20160206.cee1bbb6/po/sl/kdenlive.po --- kdenlive-15.13.0+git20160206.6705c57a/po/sl/kdenlive.po 2016-02-06 09:13:45.000000000 +0000 +++ kdenlive-15.13.0+git20160206.cee1bbb6/po/sl/kdenlive.po 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 @@ -1,12512 +0,0 @@ -# Copyright (C) YEAR This_file_is_part_of_KDE -# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package. -# -# Andrej Mernik , 2015. -msgid "" -msgstr "" -"Project-Id-Version: \n" -"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugs.kde.org\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-12-11 07:07+0000\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-12-06 11:37+0100\n" -"Last-Translator: Andrej Mernik \n" -"Language-Team: Slovenian \n" -"Language: sl\n" -"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" -"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" -"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" -"Plural-Forms: nplurals=4; plural=(n%100==1 ? 1 : n%100==2 ? 2 : n%100==3 || n" -"%100==4 ? 3 : 0);\n" -"X-Generator: Lokalize 1.5\n" - -msgctxt "NAME OF TRANSLATORS" -msgid "Your names" -msgstr "Andrej Mernik,Martin Srebotnjak" - -msgctxt "EMAIL OF TRANSLATORS" -msgid "Your emails" -msgstr "andrejm@ubuntu.si,miles@filmsi.net" - -#: data/effects/audiobalance.xml:3 data/effects/audiobalance.xml:7 -msgid "Balance" -msgstr "Ravnovesje" - -#: data/effects/audiobalance.xml:4 -msgid "Adjust the left/right balance" -msgstr "Prilagodite ravnovesje levega/desnega kanala" - -#: data/effects/audiopan.xml:3 data/effects/audiopan.xml:11 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:347 src/project/dialogs/slideshowclip.cpp:73 -msgid "Pan" -msgstr "Zasuk" - -#: data/effects/audiopan.xml:4 -msgid "Adjust the left/right spread of a channel" -msgstr "Prilagodite širjenje kanala levo/desno" - -#: data/effects/audiopan.xml:7 data/effects/channelcopy.xml:7 -#: data/effects/channelcopy.xml:11 -msgid "Left,Right" -msgstr "Levi, desni" - -#: data/effects/audiopan.xml:8 data/effects/frei0r_bezier_curves.xml:9 -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:9 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:66 -#: data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:10 data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:42 -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:25 -msgid "Channel" -msgstr "Kanal" - -#: data/effects/audiowave.xml:3 -msgid "Audio Wave" -msgstr "Oblika zvočnega signala" - -#: data/effects/audiowave.xml:4 -msgid "Display the audio waveform instead of the video" -msgstr "Pokaži obliko zvočnega signala namesto videa" - -#: data/effects/audiowaveform.xml:3 -msgid "Audio Waveform Filter" -msgstr "Filter oblike zvočnega signala" - -#: data/effects/audiowaveform.xml:6 data/effects/dynamictext.xml:22 -#: data/effects/pan_zoom.xml:13 data/effects/rotation.xml:40 -#: data/effects/rotation_keyframable.xml:22 -msgid "Background Color" -msgstr "Barva ozadja" - -#: data/effects/audiowaveform.xml:9 data/effects/dynamictext.xml:19 -msgid "Foreground Color" -msgstr "Barva ospredja" - -#: data/effects/audiowaveform.xml:12 -msgid "Line Thickness" -msgstr "Debelina črte" - -#: data/effects/audiowaveform.xml:15 data/effects/movit_rect.xml:6 -#: data/effects/pan_zoom.xml:7 -msgid "Rectangle" -msgstr "Pravokotnik" - -#: data/effects/audiowaveform.xml:18 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:721 -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:766 -msgid "Fill" -msgstr "Zapolni" - -#: data/effects/automask.xml:3 -msgid "Auto Mask" -msgstr "Samodejna maska" - -#: data/effects/automask.xml:4 -msgid "Hide a selected zone and follow its movements" -msgstr "Skrijte izbrano območje in sledite njegovemu premikanju" - -#: data/effects/automask.xml:7 data/effects/dynamictext.xml:7 -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:718 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:745 -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:763 -msgid "Geometry" -msgstr "Geometrija" - -#: data/effects/automask.xml:10 -msgid "Macroblock width" -msgstr "Širina makrobloka" - -#: data/effects/automask.xml:13 -msgid "Macroblock height" -msgstr "Višina makrobloka" - -#: data/effects/automask.xml:16 -msgid "Maximum x distance" -msgstr "Največja razdalja x" - -#: data/effects/automask.xml:19 -msgid "Maximum y distance" -msgstr "Največja razdalja y" - -#: data/effects/automask.xml:22 -msgid "Denoise" -msgstr "Odstrani šum" - -#: data/effects/automask.xml:25 -msgid "Debug" -msgstr "Razhrošči" - -#: data/effects/automask.xml:28 data/effects/obscure.xml:3 -msgid "Obscure" -msgstr "Zastri" - -#: data/effects/automask.xml:36 data/effects/loudness.xml:12 -msgid "Analyse" -msgstr "Preuči" - -#: data/effects/boxblur.xml:3 -msgid "Box Blur" -msgstr "Pravokotna zabrisanost" - -#: data/effects/boxblur.xml:4 -msgid "Box blur (separate horizontal and vertical blur)" -msgstr "Pravokotna zabrisanost (ločena vodoravna in navpična zabrisanost)" - -#: data/effects/boxblur.xml:7 -msgid "Horizontal multiplicator" -msgstr "Vodoravni multiplikator" - -#: data/effects/boxblur.xml:10 -msgid "Vertical multiplicator" -msgstr "Navpični multiplikator" - -#: data/effects/boxblur.xml:13 -msgid "Blur factor" -msgstr "Faktor zabrisanosti" - -#: data/effects/brightness.xml:3 -msgid "Brightness (keyframable)" -msgstr "Svetlost (s ključnimi sličicami)" - -#: data/effects/brightness.xml:4 -msgid "Change image brightness with keyframes" -msgstr "Spremenite svetlost slike s ključnimi sličicami" - -#: data/effects/brightness.xml:7 -msgid "Intensity" -msgstr "Intenzivnost" - -#: data/effects/channelcopy.xml:3 -msgid "Mono to stereo" -msgstr "Mono v stereo" - -#: data/effects/channelcopy.xml:4 -msgid "Copy one channel to another" -msgstr "Kopiraj en kanal v drugega" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_4) -#: data/effects/channelcopy.xml:8 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:486 -msgid "From" -msgstr "Iz" - -#: data/effects/channelcopy.xml:12 -msgid "To" -msgstr "V" - -#: data/effects/charcoal.xml:3 -msgid "Charcoal" -msgstr "Oglje" - -#: data/effects/charcoal.xml:4 -msgid "Charcoal drawing effect" -msgstr "Učinek risanja z ogljem" - -#: data/effects/charcoal.xml:7 -msgid "Horizontal scatter" -msgstr "Vodoravna razpršenost" - -#: data/effects/charcoal.xml:10 -msgid "Vertical scatter" -msgstr "Navpična razpršenost" - -#: data/effects/charcoal.xml:13 -msgid "Scale" -msgstr "Umeri" - -#: data/effects/charcoal.xml:16 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:757 -msgid "Mix" -msgstr "Zmešaj" - -#: data/effects/charcoal.xml:19 data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:31 -#: data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:63 data/effects/frei0r_mask0mate.xml:19 -#: data/effects/invert.xml:3 data/effects/mirror.xml:11 -#: data/effects/rotoscoping.xml:18 src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:215 -msgid "Invert" -msgstr "Obrni" - -#: data/effects/chroma.xml:3 -msgid "Chroma Key" -msgstr "Ključena barvnost" - -#: data/effects/chroma.xml:4 -msgid "Make selected color transparent" -msgstr "Naredite izbrano barvo prozorno" - -#: data/effects/chroma.xml:7 data/effects/chroma_hold.xml:7 -msgid "Color key" -msgstr "Barva ključenja" - -#: data/effects/chroma.xml:10 data/effects/chroma_hold.xml:10 -msgid "Variance" -msgstr "Varianca" - -#: data/effects/chroma_hold.xml:3 -msgid "Chroma Hold" -msgstr "Zadržana barvnost" - -#: data/effects/chroma_hold.xml:4 -msgid "Make image greyscale except for chosen color" -msgstr "Sliko spremeni v sivinsko z izjemo izbrane barve" - -#: data/effects/crop.xml:3 -msgid "Edge Crop" -msgstr "Porezava robov" - -#: data/effects/crop.xml:4 -msgid "Trim the edges of a clip" -msgstr "Poreži robove posnetka" - -#: data/effects/crop.xml:7 data/effects/frei0r_mask0mate.xml:13 -msgid "Top" -msgstr "Zgoraj" - -#: data/effects/crop.xml:10 data/effects/frei0r_mask0mate.xml:7 -msgid "Left" -msgstr "Levo" - -#: data/effects/crop.xml:13 data/effects/frei0r_mask0mate.xml:16 -msgid "Bottom" -msgstr "Spodaj" - -#: data/effects/crop.xml:16 data/effects/frei0r_mask0mate.xml:10 -msgid "Right" -msgstr "Desno" - -#: data/effects/crop.xml:19 -msgid "Automatic center-crop" -msgstr "Samodejna središčna porezava" - -#: data/effects/crop.xml:22 -msgid "Center balance" -msgstr "Ravnovesje središča" - -#: data/effects/crop.xml:25 -msgid "Use project resolution" -msgstr "Uporabi ločljivost projekta" - -#: data/effects/dust.xml:3 -msgid "Dust" -msgstr "Prah" - -#: data/effects/dust.xml:4 -msgid "Add dust and specks to the video, as in old movies" -msgstr "Sliki dodaj prah in madeže, kot v starih filmih" - -#: data/effects/dust.xml:7 -msgid "Maximal Diameter" -msgstr "Največji premer" - -#: data/effects/dust.xml:10 -msgid "Maximal number of dust" -msgstr "Največja količina prahu" - -#: data/effects/dynamictext.xml:3 -msgid "Dynamic Text" -msgstr "Dinamično besedilo" - -#: data/effects/dynamictext.xml:4 -msgid "Overlay text with keywords replaced" -msgstr "Prekrivno besedilo z zamenjanimi ključnimi besedami" - -#: data/effects/dynamictext.xml:10 -msgid "Font Family" -msgstr "Družina pisav" - -#: data/effects/dynamictext.xml:13 -msgid "Font Size" -msgstr "Velikost pisave" - -#: data/effects/dynamictext.xml:16 -msgid "Font Weight" -msgstr "Debelina pisave" - -#: data/effects/dynamictext.xml:25 -msgid "Outline Color" -msgstr "Barva orisa" - -#: data/effects/dynamictext.xml:28 -msgid "Outline Width" -msgstr "Širina orisa" - -#: data/effects/dynamictext.xml:31 -msgid "Padding" -msgstr "Blazinjenje" - -#: data/effects/dynamictext.xml:34 -msgid "Left,Center,Right" -msgstr "Levo,Sredina,Desno" - -#: data/effects/dynamictext.xml:35 -msgid "Horizontal Alignment" -msgstr "Vodoravna poravnava" - -#: data/effects/dynamictext.xml:38 -msgid "Top,Middle,Bottom" -msgstr "Zgoraj,Sredina,Spodaj" - -#: data/effects/dynamictext.xml:39 -msgid "Vertical Alignment" -msgstr "Navpična poravnava" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, text_box) -#: data/effects/dynamictext.xml:42 src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:55 -#: src/ui/templateclip_ui.ui:34 -msgid "Text" -msgstr "Besedilo" - -#: data/effects/fade_from_black.xml:3 -msgid "Fade from Black" -msgstr "Odtemnitev" - -#: data/effects/fade_from_black.xml:4 -msgid "Fade video from black" -msgstr "Odtemnitev slike" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_duration) -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, ClipDurationDialog_UI) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, duration_label) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: data/effects/fade_from_black.xml:7 data/effects/fade_to_black.xml:7 -#: data/effects/fadein.xml:10 data/effects/fadeout.xml:7 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:133 -#: src/ui/clipdurationdialog_ui.ui:14 src/ui/clipdurationdialog_ui.ui:40 -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:58 src/ui/colorclip_ui.ui:37 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:747 src/utils/freesound.cpp:157 -#: src/utils/freesound.cpp:196 src/utils/freesound.cpp:197 -#: src/utils/freesound.cpp:198 -msgid "Duration" -msgstr "Trajanje" - -#: data/effects/fade_from_black.xml:10 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/bezier/beziersplinewidget.cpp:52 -msgid "In" -msgstr "Vhod" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: data/effects/fade_from_black.xml:13 data/effects/fade_to_black.xml:13 -#: src/ui/wipeval_ui.ui:22 -msgid "Start" -msgstr "Začetek" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_4) -#: data/effects/fade_from_black.xml:16 data/effects/fade_to_black.xml:16 -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:409 src/ui/wipeval_ui.ui:167 -msgid "End" -msgstr "Konec" - -#: data/effects/fade_to_black.xml:3 -msgid "Fade to Black" -msgstr "Zatemnitev" - -#: data/effects/fade_to_black.xml:4 -msgid "Fade video to black" -msgstr "Zatemnitev videa v črnino" - -#: data/effects/fade_to_black.xml:10 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/bezier/beziersplinewidget.cpp:54 -msgid "Out" -msgstr "Izhod" - -#: data/effects/fadein.xml:3 -msgid "Fade in" -msgstr "Dvig jakosti" - -#: data/effects/fadein.xml:4 -msgid "Fade in audio track" -msgstr "Dvig jakosti zvočne sledi iz tišine" - -#: data/effects/fadein.xml:13 data/effects/fadeout.xml:13 -msgid "Start Gain" -msgstr "Začetna ojačitev" - -#: data/effects/fadein.xml:16 data/effects/fadeout.xml:16 -msgid "End Gain" -msgstr "Končna ojačitev" - -#: data/effects/fadeout.xml:3 -msgid "Fade out" -msgstr "Utišanje" - -#: data/effects/fadeout.xml:4 -msgid "Fade out audio track" -msgstr "Utišanje zvočne sledi" - -#: data/effects/freeze.xml:3 -msgid "Freeze" -msgstr "Zamrzni" - -#: data/effects/freeze.xml:4 -msgid "Freeze video on a chosen frame" -msgstr "Zamrzni video pri izbrani sličici" - -#: data/effects/freeze.xml:7 -msgid "Freeze at" -msgstr "Zamrzni pri" - -#: data/effects/freeze.xml:10 -msgid "Freeze Before" -msgstr "Zamrzni pred" - -#: data/effects/freeze.xml:13 -msgid "Freeze After" -msgstr "Zamrzni po" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_3dflippo.xml:3 -msgid "3dflippo" -msgstr "3dflippo" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_3dflippo.xml:4 -msgid "Frame rotation in 3D space" -msgstr "Vrtenje sličic v 3D-prostoru" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_3dflippo.xml:7 -msgid "X axis rotation" -msgstr "Vrtenje osi X" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_3dflippo.xml:10 -msgid "Y axis rotation" -msgstr "Vrtenje osi Y" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_3dflippo.xml:13 -msgid "Z axis rotation" -msgstr "Vrtenje osi Z" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_3dflippo.xml:16 -msgid "X axis rotation rate" -msgstr "Hitrost vrtenja osi X" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_3dflippo.xml:19 -msgid "Y axis rotation rate" -msgstr "Hitrost vrtenja osi Y" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_3dflippo.xml:22 -msgid "Z axis rotation rate" -msgstr "Hitrost vrtenja osi Z" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_3dflippo.xml:25 -msgid "Center position (X)" -msgstr "Sredinski položaj (X)" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_3dflippo.xml:28 -msgid "Center position (Y)" -msgstr "Sredinski položaj (Y)" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_3dflippo.xml:31 -msgid "Invert rotation assignment" -msgstr "Obrni nastavitve vrtenja" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_3dflippo.xml:34 -msgid "Don't blank mask" -msgstr "Ne počisti maske" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_3dflippo.xml:37 -msgid "Fill with image or black" -msgstr "Zapolni s sliko ali črnino" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:4 data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:36 -msgid "Alpha operations" -msgstr "Operacije kanala alfa" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:5 data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:37 -msgid "Display and manipulation of the alpha channel" -msgstr "Prikaz in spreminjanje kanala alfa" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:9 data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:41 -msgid "" -"Image,Alpha as gray,Gray + red,Selection on black,Selection on gray," -"Selection on white,Selection on checkers" -msgstr "" -"Slika,Alfa kot siva,Siva in rdeča,Izbor na črni,Izbor na sivi,Izbor na beli," -"Izbor na šahovnici" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:10 data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:42 -msgid "Display" -msgstr "Prikaži" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:14 data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:46 -msgid "Display input alpha" -msgstr "Prikaži vhodno alfo" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:18 -msgid "NO OP,Shave,Shrink hard,Shrink soft,Grow hard,Grow soft,Threshold" -msgstr "BREZ OP,Poreži,Skrči trdo,Skrči mehko,Narasti trdo,Narasti mehko,Prag" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:19 data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:51 -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphagrad.xml:30 data/effects/frei0r_alphaspot.xml:47 -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:45 data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:96 -msgid "Operation" -msgstr "Opravilo" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:23 data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:55 -#: data/effects/frei0r_threshold0r.xml:7 data/effects/threshold.xml:3 -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:217 -msgid "Threshold" -msgstr "Prag" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:27 -msgid "Shrink/grow amount" -msgstr "Količina krčenja/narastka" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:50 -msgid "NO OP,Shave,Shrink hard,Shrink soft,Grow hard,Grow soft,Threshold,Blur" -msgstr "" -"BREZ OP,Poreži,Skrči trdo,Skrči mehko,Narasti trdo,Narasti mehko,Prag," -"Zabrisano" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:59 -msgid "Shrink/Grow/Blur amount" -msgstr "Količina krčenja/narastka/zabrisanosti" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphagrad.xml:3 -msgid "Alpha gradient" -msgstr "Alfa-preliv" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphagrad.xml:4 -msgid "Fill the alpha channel with a specified gradient" -msgstr "Zapolni kanal alfa z navedenim prelivom" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, clip_filesize_2) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, position_label) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, import_position) -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphagrad.xml:9 src/effectstack/keyframeedit.cpp:55 -#: src/ui/clipdurationdialog_ui.ui:20 src/ui/importkeyframesdialog_ui.ui:80 -#: src/ui/keyframedialog_ui.ui:20 src/ui/markerdialog_ui.ui:20 -msgid "Position" -msgstr "Položaj" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphagrad.xml:13 data/effects/frei0r_alphaspot.xml:34 -msgid "Transition width" -msgstr "Širina prehoda" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphagrad.xml:17 data/effects/frei0r_alphaspot.xml:30 -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:16 -msgid "Tilt" -msgstr "Nagni" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphagrad.xml:21 data/effects/frei0r_alphaspot.xml:38 -msgid "Min" -msgstr "Najmanj" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphagrad.xml:25 data/effects/frei0r_alphaspot.xml:42 -msgid "Max" -msgstr "Največ" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphagrad.xml:29 data/effects/frei0r_alphaspot.xml:46 -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:44 data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:95 -msgid "Write on clear,Max,Min,Add,Subtract" -msgstr "Piši na čisto,Največ,Najmanj,Dodaj,Odštej" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphaspot.xml:3 -msgid "Alpha shapes" -msgstr "Liki v alfi" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphaspot.xml:4 -msgid "Draws simple shapes into the alpha channel" -msgstr "Nariše enostavne like v kanal alfa" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphaspot.xml:9 -msgid "Rectangle,Ellipse,Triangle,Diamond" -msgstr "Pravokotnik,Elipsa,Trikotnik,Karo" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphaspot.xml:10 data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:29 -#: data/effects/sox_flanger.xml:22 -msgid "Shape" -msgstr "Lik" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphaspot.xml:14 -msgid "Position X" -msgstr "Položaj X" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphaspot.xml:18 -msgid "Position Y" -msgstr "Položaj Y" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphaspot.xml:22 -msgid "Size X" -msgstr "Velikost X" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphaspot.xml:26 -msgid "Size Y" -msgstr "Velikost Y" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_balanc0r.xml:4 data/effects/frei0r_balanc0r.xml:15 -msgid "White Balance" -msgstr "Ravnovesje beline" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_balanc0r.xml:5 data/effects/frei0r_balanc0r.xml:16 -msgid "Adjust the white balance / color temperature" -msgstr "Prilagodite ravnovesje beline / barvno temperaturo" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_balanc0r.xml:8 data/effects/frei0r_balanc0r.xml:19 -#: data/effects/frei0r_colgate.xml:8 data/effects/movit_white_balance.xml:6 -msgid "Neutral Color" -msgstr "Nevtralna barva" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_balanc0r.xml:11 data/effects/frei0r_balanc0r.xml:22 -msgid "Green Tint" -msgstr "Zelena obarvanost" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_baltan.xml:3 -msgid "Baltan" -msgstr "Baltan" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_baltan.xml:4 -msgid "Delayed alpha smoothed blit of time" -msgstr "Zakasnjena alfa spoja sličic v času" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_bezier_curves.xml:3 -msgid "Bézier Curves" -msgstr "Bézierove krivulje" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_bezier_curves.xml:4 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:5 -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:62 -msgid "Color curves adjustment" -msgstr "Prilagoditev barvnih krivulj" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_bezier_curves.xml:8 -msgid "RGB,Red,Green,Blue,Alpha,Luma,Hue,Saturation" -msgstr "RGB,Rdeča,Zelena,Modra,Alfa,Svetilnost,Odtenek,Nasičenost" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_bezier_curves.xml:13 -#: data/effects/frei0r_coloradj_rgb.xml:33 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:12 -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:69 -msgid "Rec. 601,Rec. 709" -msgstr "Rec. 601, Rec. 709" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_bezier_curves.xml:14 -#: data/effects/frei0r_coloradj_rgb.xml:34 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:13 -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:70 -msgid "Luma formula" -msgstr "Formula svetilnosti" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_brightness.xml:3 data/effects/frei0r_brightness.xml:7 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lenscorrection.xml:19 data/effects/grain.xml:13 -msgid "Brightness" -msgstr "Svetlost" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_brightness.xml:4 -msgid "Adjusts the brightness of a source image" -msgstr "Prilagodi svetlost izvorne slike" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:3 -msgid "Corners" -msgstr "Koti" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:4 -msgid "Four corners geometry engine" -msgstr "Pogon geometrije štirih kotov" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:8 -msgid "Corner 1 X" -msgstr "Kot 1 X" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:12 -msgid "Corner 1 Y" -msgstr "Kot 1 Y" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:16 -msgid "Corner 2 X" -msgstr "Kot 2 X" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:20 -msgid "Corner 2 Y" -msgstr "Kot 2 Y" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:24 -msgid "Corner 3 X" -msgstr "Kot 3 X" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:28 -msgid "Corner 3 Y" -msgstr "Kot 3 Y" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:32 -msgid "Corner 4 X" -msgstr "Kot 4 X" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:36 -msgid "Corner 4 Y" -msgstr "Kot 4 Y" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:40 -msgid "Stretch X" -msgstr "Raztegni X" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:44 -msgid "Stretch Y" -msgstr "Raztegni Y" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:48 -msgid "Feather Alpha" -msgstr "Operjanje alfe" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:52 -msgid "Enable Stretch" -msgstr "Omogoči razteg" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:56 data/effects/frei0r_defish0r.xml:24 -msgid "" -"Nearest neighbor,Bilinear,Bicubic smooth,Bicubic sharp,Spline 4x4,Spline 6x6," -"Lanczos" -msgstr "" -"Najbližji sosed,Bilinearno,Gladko bikubično,Ostro bikubično,Zlepek 4x4," -"Zlepek 6x6,Lanczos" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:57 data/effects/frei0r_defish0r.xml:25 -msgid "Interpolator" -msgstr "Interpolator" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:61 data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:63 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:136 -msgid "Transparent Background" -msgstr "Prozorno ozadje" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:65 data/effects/rotoscoping.xml:13 -msgid "Write on clear,Maximum,Minimum,Add,Subtract" -msgstr "Piši na čisto,Največ,Najmanj,Dodaj,Odštej" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:66 -msgid "Alpha operation" -msgstr "Opravilo kanala alfa" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_cartoon.xml:4 data/effects/frei0r_cartoon.xml:15 -msgid "Cartoon" -msgstr "Strip" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_cartoon.xml:5 data/effects/frei0r_cartoon.xml:16 -msgid "Cartoonify video, do a form of edge detect" -msgstr "Video v estetiki stripa, z izvedeno obliko zaznavanja robov" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_cartoon.xml:8 data/effects/frei0r_cartoon.xml:19 -msgid "Level of trip" -msgstr "Raven pogreška" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_cartoon.xml:11 data/effects/frei0r_cartoon.xml:22 -msgid "Difference space" -msgstr "Prostor razlike" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_cluster.xml:3 -msgid "K-Means Clustering" -msgstr "Grozdenje srednjih vrednosti K" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_cluster.xml:4 -msgid "Clusters of a source image by color and spatial distance" -msgstr "Grozdi izvorne slike po barvi in prostorski razdalji" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_cluster.xml:7 -msgid "Amount of clusters" -msgstr "Število grozdov" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_cluster.xml:10 -msgid "Weight on distance" -msgstr "Teža razdalje" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_colgate.xml:3 -msgid "White Balance (LMS space)" -msgstr "Ravnovesje beline (prostor LMS)" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_colgate.xml:5 -msgid "" -"Do simple color correction, in a physically meaningful\n" -"way" -msgstr "" -"Izvedite enostavno korekcijo barv, na fizično opazen\n" -"način" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_colgate.xml:12 data/effects/movit_white_balance.xml:9 -msgid "Color Temperature" -msgstr "Barvna temperatura" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_coloradj_rgb.xml:3 -msgid "RGB adjustment" -msgstr "Prilagoditev RGB" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_coloradj_rgb.xml:4 -msgid "Simple color adjustment" -msgstr "Enostavna prilagoditev barv" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, cbR) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonSelectRects) -#: data/effects/frei0r_coloradj_rgb.xml:8 src/ui/histogram_ui.ui:30 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:733 -msgid "R" -msgstr "R" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, cbG) -#: data/effects/frei0r_coloradj_rgb.xml:12 src/ui/histogram_ui.ui:37 -msgid "G" -msgstr "G" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, cbB) -#: data/effects/frei0r_coloradj_rgb.xml:16 src/ui/histogram_ui.ui:44 -msgid "B" -msgstr "B" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_coloradj_rgb.xml:20 -msgid "Add constant,Change gamma,Multiply" -msgstr "Dodaj konstanto,Spremeni gamo,Pomnoži" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_coloradj_rgb.xml:21 -msgid "Action" -msgstr "Dejanje" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_coloradj_rgb.xml:25 -msgid "Keep luma" -msgstr "Ohrani svetilnost" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_coloradj_rgb.xml:29 -msgid "Alpha controlled" -msgstr "Nadzorovano z alfo" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_colordistance.xml:3 -msgid "Color Distance" -msgstr "Barvna oddaljenost" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_colordistance.xml:4 -msgid "" -"Calculates the distance between the selected color and the current pixel and " -"uses that value as new pixel value" -msgstr "" -"Izračuna oddaljenost med izbrano barvo in barvo trenutne slikovne točke ter " -"uporabi to vrednost kot vrednost nove slikovne točke" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_colordistance.xml:7 -msgid "Source Color" -msgstr "Izvorna barva" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_colortap.xml:3 -msgid "Color Effect" -msgstr "Barvni učinek" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_colortap.xml:4 -msgid "Applies a pre-made color effect to image" -msgstr "Uveljavi vnaprej pripravljen barvni učinek na sliki" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, treeWidget) -#: data/effects/frei0r_colortap.xml:7 data/effects/frei0r_defish0r.xml:14 -#: data/effects/frei0r_iirblur.xml:14 data/effects/frei0r_medians.xml:9 -#: src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:74 src/ui/missingclips_ui.ui:67 -msgid "Type" -msgstr "Vrsta" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_contrast0r.xml:3 data/effects/frei0r_contrast0r.xml:7 -#: data/effects/grain.xml:10 src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:209 -msgid "Contrast" -msgstr "Kontrast" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_contrast0r.xml:4 -msgid "Adjusts the contrast of a source image" -msgstr "Prilagodi kontrast izvorne slike" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:4 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:61 -msgid "Curves" -msgstr "Krivulje" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:8 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:65 -#: data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:9 data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:41 -msgid "Red,Green,Blue,Luma" -msgstr "Rdeča,Zelena,Modra,Svetilnost" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:20 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:77 -msgid "Number of curve points" -msgstr "Število točk krivulje" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:23 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:80 -msgid "Point 1 input value" -msgstr "Vhodna vrednost točke 1" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:26 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:83 -msgid "Point 1 output value" -msgstr "Izhodna vrednost točke 1" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:29 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:86 -msgid "Point 2 input value" -msgstr "Vhodna vrednost točke 2" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:32 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:89 -msgid "Point 2 output value" -msgstr "Izhodna vrednost točke 2" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:35 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:92 -msgid "Point 3 input value" -msgstr "Vhodna vrednost točke 3" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:38 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:95 -msgid "Point 3 output value" -msgstr "Izhodna vrednost točke 3" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:41 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:98 -msgid "Point 4 input value" -msgstr "Vhodna vrednost točke 4" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:44 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:101 -msgid "Point 4 output value" -msgstr "Izhodna vrednost točke 4" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:47 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:104 -msgid "Point 5 input value" -msgstr "Vhodna vrednost točke 5" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:50 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:107 -msgid "Point 5 output value" -msgstr "Izhodna vrednost točke 5" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:53 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:110 -msgid "Show graph in picture" -msgstr "Pokaži grafikon na sliki" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:56 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:113 -#: data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:31 data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:63 -msgid "Top Left,Top Right,Bottom Left,Bottom Right" -msgstr "Levo zgoraj,Desno zgoraj,Levo spodaj,Desno spodaj" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:57 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:114 -msgid "Graph position" -msgstr "Položaj grafikona" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_d90stairsteppingfix.xml:3 -msgid "Nikon D90 Stairstepping fix" -msgstr "Popravek za nazobčanost črt Nikona D90" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_d90stairsteppingfix.xml:7 -msgid "" -"Removes stairstepping artifacts from Nikon D90's 720p videos.\n" -" \n" -" " -msgstr "" -"Odstrani artefakte nazobčanosti črt v videoposnetkih fotoaparata Nikona D90 " -"v načinu 720p.\n" -" \n" -" " - -#: data/effects/frei0r_defish0r.xml:3 -msgid "Defish" -msgstr "Razribje" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_defish0r.xml:4 -msgid "Non rectilinear lens mappings" -msgstr "Ne-premočrtne preslikave objektiva" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_defish0r.xml:7 data/effects/frei0r_iirblur.xml:8 -#: data/effects/frei0r_sharpness.xml:8 data/effects/movit_unsharp_mask.xml:9 -msgid "Amount" -msgstr "Količina" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_defish0r.xml:10 -msgid "DeFish" -msgstr "RazRibje" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_defish0r.xml:13 -msgid "Equidistant,Orthographic,Equiarea,Stereographic" -msgstr "Enako oddaljeno,Ortografsko,Enako površinsko,Stereografsko" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_defish0r.xml:17 -msgid "Fill,Center,Fit,Manual" -msgstr "Zapolni,Sredina,Umeri,Ročno" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, lblScaling) -#: data/effects/frei0r_defish0r.xml:18 src/effectstack/dragvalue.cpp:108 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:207 -#: src/ui/colorplaneexport_ui.ui:74 -msgid "Scaling" -msgstr "Umerjanje" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_defish0r.xml:21 -msgid "Manual Scale" -msgstr "Ročno spreminjanje merila" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_defish0r.xml:28 -msgid "Square,PAL DV,NTSC DV,HDV,Manual" -msgstr "Kvadratno,PAL DV,NTSC DV,HDV,Ročno" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_defish0r.xml:29 -msgid "Aspect type" -msgstr "Vrsta razmerja stranic" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_defish0r.xml:32 -msgid "Manual Aspect" -msgstr "Ročno razmerje stranic" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_delay0r.xml:3 -msgid "delay0r" -msgstr "Zakasn0tev" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_delay0r.xml:4 -msgid "Video delay" -msgstr "Zakasnitev videa" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_delay0r.xml:7 -msgid "Delay time" -msgstr "Čas zakasnitve" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_delaygrab.xml:3 -msgid "Delay grab" -msgstr "Zakasnitveni prijem" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_delaygrab.xml:4 -msgid "Delayed frame blitting mapped on a time bitmap" -msgstr "Spajanje zakasnjenih sličic, preslikano na časovno bitno sliko" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_distort0r.xml:3 data/effects/pan_zoom.xml:10 -#: data/kdenliveeffectscategory.rc:35 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:722 -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:746 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:767 -msgid "Distort" -msgstr "Popačenje" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_distort0r.xml:4 -msgid "Plasma" -msgstr "Plazma" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_distort0r.xml:7 data/effects/wave.xml:7 -msgid "Amplitude" -msgstr "Amplituda" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_distort0r.xml:10 data/effects/sox_bass.xml:10 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:249 -msgid "Frequency" -msgstr "Frekvenca" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_edgeglow.xml:3 -msgid "Edge glow" -msgstr "Žarenje robov" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_edgeglow.xml:4 -msgid "Edge glow filter" -msgstr "Filter žarenja robov" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_edgeglow.xml:7 -msgid "Edge lightening threshold" -msgstr "Prag osvetljevanja robov" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_edgeglow.xml:10 -msgid "Edge brightness upscaling multiplier" -msgstr "Multiplikator napihovanja svetlosti robov" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_edgeglow.xml:13 -msgid "Non-edge brightness downscaling multiplier" -msgstr "Multiplikator krčenja svetlosti stran od robov" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_equaliz0r.xml:3 -msgid "Equaliz0r" -msgstr "Izenačev0lnik" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_equaliz0r.xml:4 -msgid "Equalizes the intensity histograms" -msgstr "Izenači histograme intenzivnosti" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facebl0r.xml:3 -msgid "Face blur" -msgstr "Zabrisanost obraza" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facebl0r.xml:4 -msgid "Automatically detect and blur a face using OpenCV" -msgstr "Samodejno zaznaj in zabriši obraz z uporabo OpenCV" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facebl0r.xml:8 data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:8 -msgid "Search scale" -msgstr "Merilo iskanja" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facebl0r.xml:9 data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:9 -#, no-c-format -msgid "" -"The search window scale factor. For example, 120 = 1.20 = increases by 20% " -"on each pass." -msgstr "" -"Faktor velikosti iskalnega okna. Npr. 120 = 1,20 = povečava 20 % ob vsakem " -"prehodu." - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facebl0r.xml:13 data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:13 -msgid "Neighbors" -msgstr "Sosedje" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facebl0r.xml:14 data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:14 -msgid "Minimum number of rectangles that determines an object." -msgstr "Najmanjše število pravokotnikov, ki določajo predmet." - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facebl0r.xml:18 data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:18 -msgid "Smallest" -msgstr "Najmanjše" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facebl0r.xml:19 data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:19 -msgid "The minimum window size in pixels." -msgstr "Najmanjša velikost okna v slikovnih točkah." - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facebl0r.xml:23 -msgid "Largest" -msgstr "Največje" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facebl0r.xml:24 -msgid "" -"The largest size face in pixels - both horizontally and vertically (square " -"window)." -msgstr "" -"Največja velikost obraza v slikovnih točkah, tako vodoravno kot navpično " -"(pravokotno okno)." - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facebl0r.xml:28 data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:23 -msgid "Recheck" -msgstr "Znova preveri" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facebl0r.xml:29 data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:24 -msgid "" -"How often to detect a face. In between checks, it does object motion " -"tracking." -msgstr "" -"Kako pogosto naj se razpoznava obraz. Med preverjanji se uporablja sledenje " -"gibanja predmeta." - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facebl0r.xml:33 -msgid "Show ellipse" -msgstr "Pokaži elipso" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facebl0r.xml:34 -msgid "Draw a blue ellipse around the face area?" -msgstr "Želite narisati modro elipso okoli površine obraza?" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:3 -msgid "Face detect" -msgstr "Zaznaj obraz" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:4 -msgid "Detect faces and draw shapes on them using OpenCV" -msgstr "Razpoznajte obraze in narišite like čeznje z uporabo OpenCV" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:28 -msgid "circle,ellipse,rectangle,random" -msgstr "krog,elipsa,pravokotnik,naključno" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:33 -msgid "Stroke width" -msgstr "Debelina poteze" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:34 -msgid "" -"0 means fill; otherwise, draw unfilled with a stroke width of this size." -msgstr "" -"0 pomeni zapolnjeno; sicer nariše nezapolnjeno s širino poteze te velikosti." - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:38 -msgid "Alpha" -msgstr "Alfa" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:39 -msgid "" -"Set the alpha channel of the shape area to a percentage of fully opaque." -msgstr "Nastavite kanal alfa površine lika na odstotek polne prekrivnosti." - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:43 -msgid "Antialias" -msgstr "Glajenje robov" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:44 -msgid "Draw with anti-aliasing?" -msgstr "Želite risati z glajenjem robov?" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:50 -msgid "Color 1" -msgstr "Barva 1" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:51 -msgid "Set the shape color of the first detected face." -msgstr "Določite barvo lika prvega zaznanega obraza." - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:55 -msgid "Color 2" -msgstr "Barva 2" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:56 -msgid "Set the shape color of the second detected face." -msgstr "Določite barvo lika drugega zaznanega obraza." - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:60 -msgid "Color 3" -msgstr "Barva 3" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:61 -msgid "Set the shape color of the third detected face." -msgstr "Določite barvo lika tretjega zaznanega obraza." - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:65 -msgid "Color 4" -msgstr "Barva 4" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:66 -msgid "Set the shape color of the fourth detected face." -msgstr "Določite barvo lika četrtega zaznanega obraza." - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:70 -msgid "Color 5" -msgstr "Barva 5" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:71 -msgid "Set the shape color of the fifth detected face." -msgstr "Določite barvo lika petega zaznanega obraza." - -#: data/effects/frei0r_flippo.xml:3 -msgid "Flippo" -msgstr "Prevrnjavko" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_flippo.xml:4 -msgid "Flipping in X and Y axis" -msgstr "Prevračanje po oseh X in Y" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_flippo.xml:7 -msgid "X axis" -msgstr "Os X" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_flippo.xml:10 -msgid "Y axis" -msgstr "Os Y" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_glow.xml:3 -msgid "Glow" -msgstr "Žarenje" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_glow.xml:4 -msgid "Creates a Glamorous Glow" -msgstr "Ustvari glamurozno žarenje" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_glow.xml:7 data/effects/frei0r_iirblur.xml:3 -#: data/effects/frei0r_mask0mate.xml:22 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:158 -msgid "Blur" -msgstr "Zabrisanost" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_hqdn3d.xml:3 -msgid "Denoiser" -msgstr "Odstranjevalec šuma" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_hqdn3d.xml:4 -msgid "High quality 3D denoiser" -msgstr "Visokokakovostni odstranjevalec šuma 3D" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_hqdn3d.xml:8 -msgid "Spatial" -msgstr "Prostorsko" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_hqdn3d.xml:9 -msgid "Amount of spatial filtering" -msgstr "Količina prostorskega filtriranja" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_hqdn3d.xml:13 -msgid "Temporal" -msgstr "Časovno" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_hqdn3d.xml:14 -msgid "Amount of temporal filtering" -msgstr "Količina časovnega filtriranja" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_hueshift0r.xml:3 -msgid "Hue shift" -msgstr "Zamik odtenka" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_hueshift0r.xml:4 -msgid "Shifts the hue of a source image" -msgstr "Zamakne odtenek izvorne slike" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_hueshift0r.xml:7 -msgid "Hue" -msgstr "Odtenek" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_iirblur.xml:4 -msgid "Blur using 2D IIR filters (Exponential, Lowpass, Gaussian)" -msgstr "" -"Zabriši z uporabo filtrov IIR 2D (eksponentno, nizkoprehodno, Gaussovo)" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_iirblur.xml:9 -msgid "Amount of blur" -msgstr "Količina zabrisanosti" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_iirblur.xml:13 -msgid "Exponential,Lowpass,Gaussian" -msgstr "Eksponentno,Nizkoprehodno,Gaussovo" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_iirblur.xml:15 -msgid "Select blurring algorithm" -msgstr "Izberite algoritem zabrisanja" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_iirblur.xml:19 -msgid "Edge" -msgstr "Obrobljanje" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_iirblur.xml:20 -msgid "Enable edge compensation" -msgstr "Omogoči kompenzacijo robov" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:3 -msgid "Key Spill Mop Up" -msgstr "Pometanje prelivanja barve ključenja" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:4 -msgid "Reduces the visibility of key color spill in chroma keying" -msgstr "Zmanjša opaznost prelivanja barve ključenja pri ključenju barvnosti" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:8 -msgid "Key color" -msgstr "Barva ključenja" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:12 -msgid "Target color" -msgstr "Ciljna barva" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:16 -msgid "Color distance, Transparency, Edge inwards, Edge outwards" -msgstr "Barvna razdalja, Prozornost, Rob navznoter, Rob navzven" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:17 -msgid "Mask type" -msgstr "Vrsta maske" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:21 -msgid "Tolerance" -msgstr "Toleranca" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:25 -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:91 -msgid "Slope" -msgstr "Naklon" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:29 -msgid "Hue gate" -msgstr "Vrata odtenka" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:33 -msgid "Saturation threshold" -msgstr "Prag nasičenosti" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:37 -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:46 -msgid "None, De-Key, Target, Desaturate, Luma adjust" -msgstr "Brez,Raz-ključi,Cilj,Odnasiči,Prilagodi lumo" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:38 -msgid "Operation 1" -msgstr "Opravilo 1" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:42 -msgid "Amount 1" -msgstr "Količina 1" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:47 -msgid "Operation 2" -msgstr "Opravilo 2" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:51 -msgid "Amount 2" -msgstr "Količina 2" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:55 -msgid "Show mask" -msgstr "Pokaži masko" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:59 -msgid "Mask to Alpha" -msgstr "Maska v alfo" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lenscorrection.xml:3 -msgid "Lens Correction" -msgstr "Popravek objektiva" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lenscorrection.xml:4 -msgid "Allows compensation of lens distortion" -msgstr "Omogoča kompenzacijo popačenja objektiva" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lenscorrection.xml:7 -msgid "Horizontal center" -msgstr "Vodoravno središče" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lenscorrection.xml:10 -msgid "Vertical center" -msgstr "Navpično središče" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lenscorrection.xml:13 -msgid "Center correction" -msgstr "Poprava središča" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lenscorrection.xml:16 -msgid "Edges correction" -msgstr "Poprava robov" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_letterb0xed.xml:3 -msgid "LetterB0xed" -msgstr "Črno0brobljeno" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_letterb0xed.xml:4 -msgid "Adds black borders at top and bottom for cinema look" -msgstr "Doda črne obrobe zgoraj in spodaj za filmski videz" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_letterb0xed.xml:7 -msgid "Border Width" -msgstr "Širina obrobe" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: data/effects/frei0r_letterb0xed.xml:10 data/effects/frei0r_timeout.xml:13 -#: src/ui/wipeval_ui.ui:136 src/ui/wipeval_ui.ui:281 -msgid "Transparency" -msgstr "Prozornost" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:4 data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:36 -msgid "Levels" -msgstr "Ravni" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:5 data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:37 -msgid "Adjust levels" -msgstr "Prilagodi ravni" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:13 data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:45 -msgid "Input black level" -msgstr "Vhodna raven črnine" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:16 data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:48 -msgid "Input white level" -msgstr "Vhodna raven beline" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:19 data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:51 -#: data/effects/gamma.xml:3 data/effects/gamma.xml:7 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/lumaliftgain.cpp:63 -msgid "Gamma" -msgstr "Gama" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:22 data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:54 -msgid "Black output" -msgstr "Izhodna črnina" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:25 data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:57 -msgid "White output" -msgstr "Izhodna belina" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:28 data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:60 -msgid "Show histogram" -msgstr "Pokaži histogram" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:32 data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:64 -msgid "Histogram position" -msgstr "Položaj histograma" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:4 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:77 -msgid "Light Graffiti" -msgstr "Svetlobni grafit" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:7 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:80 -msgid "" -"Light Graffiti effect.\n" -" " -msgstr "" -"Učinek svetlobnega grafita.\n" -" " - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:10 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:83 -msgid "Brightness Threshold" -msgstr "Prag svetlosti" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:12 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:85 -msgid "" -"R+G+B) does a pixel need to be in order to " -"be recognized as a light source?
\n" -" Increasing this threshold requires brighter light sources (i.e. " -"more white or less color, respectively) but prevents some «false alarms» " -"where semi-bright parts, e.g. hands where colors can change quite a lot " -"compared to the background, are incorrectly recognized as light source.]]>" -msgstr "" -"R+G+B) mora biti slikovna točka, da je " -"prepoznana kot svetlobni vir?
\n" -" Povečevanje praga zahteva svetlejše svetlobne vire (t.j. več " -"beline ali manj barve), vendar preprečuje nekatere «lažne alarme», ko so " -"napol svetli deli, npr. roke, kjer se barve lahko močneje spreminjajo glede " -"na ozadje, nepravilno prepoznani kot svetlobni vir.]]>" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:15 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:88 -msgid "Difference Threshold" -msgstr "Prag razlike" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:17 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:90 -msgid "" -"max(dR, dG, dB)), in " -"order to be recognized as light source?
\n" -" Increasing this threshold makes it harder for light sources to " -"be accepted on bright backgrounds, but decreases the danger of noise or " -"generally bright spots counting as light source.]]>" -msgstr "" -"max(dR, dG, dB)), da bi bila prepoznana " -"kot svetlobni vir?
\n" -" Povišanje praga oteži sprejemanje svetlobnih virov na svetlih " -"ozadjih, zmanjša pa nevarnost šuma ali splošno svetlih peg, ki štejejo za " -"svetlobne vire.]]>" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:20 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:93 -msgid "Difference Sum Threshold" -msgstr "Prag razlike vsot" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:22 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:95 -msgid "" -"relative to the " -"background image
(dR + dG + dB) have to change until a " -"pixel is recognized as a light source?
\n" -" Raising this value might, in some cases, avoid that some light " -"objects lit by the light source are added to the light mask.]]>" -msgstr "" -"relativno " -"na sliko ozadja (dR + dG + dB), da je slikovna točka " -"prepoznana kot vir svetlobe?
\n" -" Z dvigovanjem vrednosti se lahko, v nekaterih primerih, izognete " -"temu, da so nekateri svetli predmeti, ki jih osvetljujejo viri svetlobe, " -"dodani svetlobni maski.]]>" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:25 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:98 -msgid "Sensitivity" -msgstr "Občutljivost" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:27 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:100 -msgid "" -"\n" -" For slowly moving light source try to use a lower sensitivity to " -"obtain a better exposure.]]>" -msgstr "" -"\n" -" Za počasi premikajoče svetlobne vire poskusite uporabiti nižjo " -"občutljivost, da si zagotovite boljšo osvetlitev.]]>" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:30 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:103 -msgid "Lower Overexposure" -msgstr "Znižaj nadosvetljeno" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:32 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:105 -msgid "" -"\n" -" The light mask does not get white immediately when the light " -"source is moving slowly or staying steady.]]>" -msgstr "" -"\n" -" Svetlobna maska se ne pobeli takoj, ko se svetlobni vir giblje " -"počasi ali ostane na miru.]]>" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:35 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:108 -msgid "Dimming" -msgstr "Zatemni" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:36 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:109 -msgid "" -"Dims the light mask. Lights will leave a fainting trail if it is set to a " -"value > 0." -msgstr "" -"Zatemni svetlobno masko. Svetila puščajo pojemajočo sled, če je nastavljeno " -"na vrednost, večjo od nič." - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:39 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:112 -msgid "Background Weight" -msgstr "Teža ozadja" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:40 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:113 -msgid "" -"Strength of the (calculated) background image. Setting it to 100 paints the " -"light mask directly over the background, without the painting person in the " -"image if the video starts with a «clean» background image. (See the α " -"parameter.)" -msgstr "" -"Jakost (izračunane) slike ozadja. Nastavljanje vrednosti na 100 naslika " -"svetlobno masko neposredno čez ozadje, brez slikanja osebe v sliki, če se " -"video začne s »čisto« sliko ozadja (glejte parameter α)." - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:43 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:116 -msgid "α" -msgstr "α" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:45 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:118 -msgid "" -"\n" -" The Light Graffiti effect remembers the first frame of the clip " -"it is applied to, so the clip should always start with the painter " -"outside of the video. If the background constantly changes, e.g. on a " -"street, try to set α > 0 to calculate an average background image.]]>" -msgstr "" -"\n" -" Učinek svetlobnega grafita si zapomni prvi posnetek, na katerem " -"je uporabljen, tako da bi se moral posnetek vedno začeti s čopičem " -"zunaj videa. Če se ozadje vedno spreminja, npr. na ulici, poskusite " -"nastaviti α > 0 na izračunano povprečje slike ozadja.]]>" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:48 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:121 -#: data/effects/frei0r_saturat0r.xml:3 data/effects/frei0r_saturat0r.xml:7 -#: data/effects/movit_saturation.xml:6 -msgid "Saturation" -msgstr "Nasičenost" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:49 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:122 -msgid "Increases the saturation of lights." -msgstr "Poveča nasičenost svetil." - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:52 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:125 -msgid "Show brightness statistics" -msgstr "Pokaži statistiko svetlosti" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:54 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:127 -msgid "" -"\n" -" Example: To adjust the brightness threshold, check this box and " -"adjust the threshold until the whole light source is highlighted. Repeat the " -"same with the other parameters. Only parts that are highlighted in all thresholds will count as light source.]]>" -msgstr "" -"\n" -" Primer: če želite prilagoditi prag svetlosti, potrdite to polje " -"in prilagodite prag, dokler ni celoten svetlobni vir poudarjen. To ponovite " -"z vsemi drugimi parametri. Le deli, ki so poudarjeni v vseh pragih, " -"bodo šteli za svetlobne vire.]]>" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:57 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:130 -msgid "Show background difference statistics" -msgstr "Pokaži statistiko razlike ozadja" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:60 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:133 -msgid "Show background difference sum statistics" -msgstr "Pokaži statistiko razlike vsot" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:64 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:137 -msgid "" -"Makes the background transparent, allowing to apply a composite effect and " -"paint the light mask over a completely different video." -msgstr "" -"Naredi ozadje prozorno, s čimer omogoča uporabo kompozitnega učinka in " -"slikanja svetlobne maske prek povsem različnega videa." - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:67 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:140 -msgid "Nonlinear dimming" -msgstr "Nelinearno zatemnjevanje" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:68 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:141 -msgid "If normal dimming does not look natural enough, try this one." -msgstr "Če naravno zatemnjevanje ni videti dovolj naravno, poskusite s tem." - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:71 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:144 -#: src/effectstack/geometryval.cpp:95 src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:86 -msgid "Reset" -msgstr "Ponastavi" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:72 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:145 -msgid "" -"Resets the light mask and the background image. This is necessary e.g. if " -"you apply this effect to a clip in the timeline and then move the timeline " -"cursor from outside of the clip to the middle of it. The effect receives " -"this frame in the middle as first frame and uses it as background image. For " -"proper threshold adjusting move the timeline cursor to the beginning of the " -"clip, check the Reset box and uncheck it again." -msgstr "" -"Ponastavi svetlobno masko in sliko ozadja. To je nujno, ko npr. uporabite ta " -"učinek na posnetku s časovnice in nato premaknete kazalec časovnice izven " -"posnetka na njegovo sredo. Učinek prejme to sličico na sredi kot prvo " -"sličico in jo vzame za sliko ozadja. Za pravo prilagajanje praga pomaknite " -"kazalec časovnice na začetek posnetka, označite polje Ponastavi in nato " -"odstranite oznako." - -#: data/effects/frei0r_luminance.xml:3 -msgid "Luminance" -msgstr "Svetilnost" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_luminance.xml:4 -msgid "Creates a luminance map of the image" -msgstr "Ustvari zemljevid svetilnosti slike" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_mask0mate.xml:3 -msgid "Mask0Mate" -msgstr "Mask0Mat" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_mask0mate.xml:4 -msgid "Creates an square alpha-channel mask" -msgstr "Ustvari kvadratno masko kanala alfa" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_medians.xml:3 -msgid "Medians" -msgstr "Mediane" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_medians.xml:4 -msgid "Implements several median-type filters" -msgstr "Implementira več filtrov medianske vrste" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_medians.xml:8 -msgid "" -"Cross5,Square3x3,Bilevel,Diamond3x3,Square5x5,Temp3,Temp5,ArceBI,ML3D,ML3dEX," -"VarSize" -msgstr "" -"Križ5,Kvadrat3x3,Dvoravensko,Karo3x3,Kvadrat5x5,Temp3,Temp5,ArceBI,ML3D," -"ML3dEX,SprVelikost" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_5) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, import_size) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_20) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, treeWidget) -#: data/effects/frei0r_medians.xml:13 data/effects/frei0r_sharpness.xml:12 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:208 -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:563 src/ui/importkeyframesdialog_ui.ui:73 -#: src/ui/managecaptures_ui.ui:40 src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:201 -msgid "Size" -msgstr "Velikost" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_nervous.xml:3 -msgid "Nervous" -msgstr "Živčno" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_nervous.xml:4 -msgid "Flushes frames in time in a nervous way" -msgstr "Zamika sličice skozi čas na živčen način" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_nosync0r.xml:3 -msgid "nosync0r" -msgstr "neuskl0dnik" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_nosync0r.xml:4 -msgid "Broken TV" -msgstr "Okvarjen TV sprejemnik" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_nosync0r.xml:7 -msgid "HSync" -msgstr "Vodoravna sinhronost" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pixeliz0r.xml:3 -msgid "Pixelize" -msgstr "Pikseliraj" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pixeliz0r.xml:4 -msgid "Pixelize input image." -msgstr "Pikselirajte vhodno sliko." - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pixeliz0r.xml:7 -msgid "Block Size X" -msgstr "Velikost bloka X" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pixeliz0r.xml:10 -msgid "Block Size Y" -msgstr "Velikost bloka Y" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0be.xml:3 -msgid "pr0be" -msgstr "raz0šči" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0be.xml:4 -msgid "Measure video values" -msgstr "Izmeri vrednosti videa" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0be.xml:8 -msgid "RGB,Y'PbPr - rec. 601,Y'PbPr - rec. 709,HSV,HSL" -msgstr "RGB,Y'PbPr - rec. 601,Y'PbPr - rec. 709,HSV,HSL" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0be.xml:9 -msgid "Measurement" -msgstr "Mera" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0be.xml:13 data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:8 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/bezier/beziersplinewidget.cpp:56 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/bezier/beziersplinewidget.cpp:60 -#: src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:144 -msgid "X" -msgstr "X" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_5) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, cbY) -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0be.xml:17 data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:12 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/bezier/beziersplinewidget.cpp:58 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/bezier/beziersplinewidget.cpp:62 -#: src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:164 src/ui/histogram_ui.ui:23 -msgid "Y" -msgstr "Y" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0be.xml:21 -msgid "X size" -msgstr "Velikost X" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0be.xml:25 -msgid "Y size" -msgstr "Velikost Y" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0be.xml:29 data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:81 -msgid "256 scale" -msgstr "Lestvica 256" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0be.xml:33 -msgid "Show alpha" -msgstr "Pokaži alfo" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0be.xml:37 -msgid "Big window" -msgstr "Veliko okno" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:3 -msgid "pr0file" -msgstr "pr0fil" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:4 -msgid "2D video oscilloscope" -msgstr "Video osciloskop 2D" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:20 -msgid "Length" -msgstr "Dolžina" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:24 -msgid "R,G,B,Y',Pr,Pb,Alpha" -msgstr "R,G,B,Y’,Pr,Pb,Alfa" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:29 -msgid "Marker 1" -msgstr "Označevalnik 1" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:33 -msgid "Marker 2" -msgstr "Označevalnik 2" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:37 -msgid "R trace" -msgstr "Sledi R" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:41 -msgid "G trace" -msgstr "Sledi G" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:45 -msgid "B trace" -msgstr "Sledi B" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:49 -msgid "Y trace" -msgstr "Sledi Y" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:53 -msgid "Pr trace" -msgstr "Sledi Pr" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:57 -msgid "Pb trace" -msgstr "Sledi Pb" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:61 -msgid "Alpha trace" -msgstr "Sledi alfi" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:65 -msgid "Display average" -msgstr "Prikaži povprečje" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:69 -msgid "Display RMS" -msgstr "Prikaži RMS" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:73 -msgid "Display minimum" -msgstr "Prikaži najmanjše" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:77 -msgid "Display maximum" -msgstr "Prikaži največje" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:85 -msgid "CCIR rec. 601,CCIR rec. 709" -msgstr "CCIR rec. 601,CCIR rec. 709" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_13) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, background_list) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_9) -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:86 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:156 -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:176 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:182 -#: src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:197 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:944 -msgid "Color" -msgstr "Barva" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:90 -msgid "Crosshair color" -msgstr "Barva nitnega križa" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_primaries.xml:3 -msgid "Primaries" -msgstr "Primarne barve" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_primaries.xml:4 -msgid "Reduce image to primary colors" -msgstr "Reduciraj sliko na primarne barve" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_primaries.xml:7 data/effects/sox_stretch.xml:7 -msgid "Factor" -msgstr "Faktor" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_primaries.xml:8 -msgid " 32 = 0]]>" -msgstr " 32 = 0]]>" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QWidget, RGBParade_UI) -#: data/effects/frei0r_rgbparade.xml:3 src/scopes/scopemanager.cpp:308 -#: src/ui/rgbparade_ui.ui:14 -msgid "RGB Parade" -msgstr "Parada RGB" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_rgbparade.xml:4 -msgid "Display a histogram of R, G and B components of the video data" -msgstr "Prikaže histogram komponent R, G in B podatkov videa" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_saturat0r.xml:4 -msgid "Adjusts the saturation of a source image" -msgstr "Prilagodi nasičenost izvorne slike" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_scale0tilt.xml:3 -msgid "Crop, Scale and Position" -msgstr "Obreži, spremeni merilo in umesti" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_scale0tilt.xml:4 -msgid "Scales, Tilts and Crops an Image" -msgstr "Spremeni merilo, zvrne in obreže sliko" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_scale0tilt.xml:7 -msgid "Clip left" -msgstr "Poreži levo" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_scale0tilt.xml:10 -msgid "Clip right" -msgstr "Poreži desno" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_scale0tilt.xml:13 -msgid "Clip top" -msgstr "Poreži na vrhu" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_scale0tilt.xml:16 -msgid "Clip bottom" -msgstr "Poreži na dnu" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_scale0tilt.xml:19 -msgid "Scale X" -msgstr "Sprememba merila X" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_scale0tilt.xml:22 -msgid "Scale Y" -msgstr "Sprememba merila Y" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_scale0tilt.xml:25 -msgid "Tilt X" -msgstr "Nagib X" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_scale0tilt.xml:28 -msgid "Tilt Y" -msgstr "Nagib Y" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_scanline0r.xml:3 -msgid "scanline0r" -msgstr "črtobral0c" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_scanline0r.xml:4 -msgid "Interlaced black lines" -msgstr "Prepletene črne črte" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:4 data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:51 -msgid "Color Selection" -msgstr "Barvni izbor" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:5 data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:52 -msgid "Color based alpha selection" -msgstr "Izbor alfe na osnovi barve" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:9 data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:56 -msgid "Color to select" -msgstr "Barva za izbor" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:13 data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:60 -msgid "Invert selection" -msgstr "Obrni izbiro" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:17 data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:79 -msgid "Delta R / A / Hue" -msgstr "Delta R / A / odtenek" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:21 data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:83 -msgid "Delta G / B / Chroma" -msgstr "Delta G / B / barvnost" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:25 data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:87 -msgid "Delta B / I / I" -msgstr "Delta B / I / I" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:29 data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:64 -msgid "RGB,ABI,HCI" -msgstr "RGB,ABI,HCI" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:30 data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:65 -msgid "Selection subspace" -msgstr "Podprostor izbora" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:34 data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:69 -msgid "Box,Ellipsoid,Diamond" -msgstr "Pravokotnik,Elipsoid,Karo" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:35 data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:70 -msgid "Subspace shape" -msgstr "Lik podprostora" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:39 -msgid "Hard,Fat,Normal,Skinny" -msgstr "Trdo,Debelo,Navadno,Suho" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:40 data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:75 -msgid "Edge mode" -msgstr "Način robov" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:74 -msgid "Hard,Fat,Normal,Skinny,Slope" -msgstr "Trdo,Debelo,Navadno,Suho,Krivulja" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sharpness.xml:3 -msgid "Sharpen" -msgstr "Izostri" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sharpness.xml:4 -msgid "Unsharp masking (port from Mplayer)" -msgstr "Razostri masko (preneseno iz Mplayer)" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sobel.xml:3 -msgid "Sobel" -msgstr "Sobel" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sobel.xml:4 -msgid "Sobel filter" -msgstr "Filter Sobel" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:4 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:59 -msgid "SOP/Sat" -msgstr "NZJ/Nas" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:5 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:60 -msgid "" -"Changes Slope, Offset, and Power of the color components, and the overall " -"Saturation, according to the ASC CDL (Color Decision List)." -msgstr "" -"Spremeni naklon, zamik in jakost barvnih komponent ter celotno nasičenost, " -"skladno z ASC CDL (Color Decision List)." - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:8 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:63 -msgid "Slope Red" -msgstr "Nagni rdečo" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:10 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:65 -msgid "" -"\n" -" All effects can be observed well when applied on a greyscale " -"gradient and looking at the RGB Parade monitor.]]>" -msgstr "" -"\n" -" Vse učinke lahko dobro opazujete ob uporabi na sivinskem " -"prelivu in opazovanju monitorja Parade RGB.]]>" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:13 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:68 -msgid "Slope Green" -msgstr "Nagni zeleno" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:16 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:71 -msgid "Slope Blue" -msgstr "Nagni modro" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:19 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:74 -msgid "Slope Alpha" -msgstr "Nagni alfo" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:23 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:78 -msgid "Offset Red" -msgstr "Zamik rdeče" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:24 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:79 -msgid "" -"Changing the offset lifts (or lowers) the brightness of each pixel by the " -"given value." -msgstr "" -"Spreminjanje dvigov (ali spustov) zamika svetlosti vsake slikovne točke za " -"podano vrednost" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:27 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:82 -msgid "Offset Green" -msgstr "Zamik zelene" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:30 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:85 -msgid "Offset Blue" -msgstr "Zamik modre" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:33 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:88 -msgid "Offset Alpha" -msgstr "Zamik alfe" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:37 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:92 -msgid "Power Red" -msgstr "Okrepi rdečo" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:39 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:94 -msgid "" -"\n" -" Mathematically, what happens is an exponentiation of the " -"pixel brightness on [0,1] by the gamma value.]]>" -msgstr "" -"\n" -" Matematično gledano gre za eksponentizacijo svetlosti " -"slikovnih točk na [0,1] po vrednosti game.]]>" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:42 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:97 -msgid "Power Green" -msgstr "Okrepi zeleno" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:45 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:100 -msgid "Power Blue" -msgstr "Okrepi modro" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:48 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:103 -msgid "Power Alpha" -msgstr "Okrepi alfo" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:52 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:107 -msgid "Overall Saturation" -msgstr "Skupna nasičenost" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:53 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:108 -msgid "The overall saturation will be changed in the last step of this filter." -msgstr "Celotna nasičenost se v zadnjem koraku tega filtra spremeni." - -#: data/effects/frei0r_squareblur.xml:3 -msgid "Square Blur" -msgstr "Kvadratna zabrisanost" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_squareblur.xml:4 -msgid "Square blur" -msgstr "Kvadratna zabrisanost" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_squareblur.xml:7 -msgid "Kernel size" -msgstr "Velikost jedra" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_tehroxx0r.xml:3 -msgid "TehRoxx0r" -msgstr "TehRoxx0r" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_tehroxx0r.xml:4 -msgid "Something videowall-ish" -msgstr "Nekaj podobnega video-steni" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_tehroxx0r.xml:7 -msgid "Interval" -msgstr "Interval" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_three_point_balance.xml:3 -msgid "3 point balance" -msgstr "3-točkovno ravnovesje" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_three_point_balance.xml:4 -msgid "Balances colors along with 3 points" -msgstr "Uravnovesi barve vzdolž treh točk" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_three_point_balance.xml:7 -msgid "Black color" -msgstr "Črna barva" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_three_point_balance.xml:10 -msgid "Gray color" -msgstr "Siva barva" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_three_point_balance.xml:13 -msgid "White color" -msgstr "Bela barva" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_three_point_balance.xml:16 -msgid "Split screen preview" -msgstr "Predogled deljenega zaslona" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_three_point_balance.xml:19 -msgid "Source image on left side" -msgstr "Izvorna slika na levi strani" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_threelay0r.xml:3 -msgid "threelay0r" -msgstr "triplastn0" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_threelay0r.xml:4 -msgid "Dynamic 3-level thresholding" -msgstr "Dinamični prag treh ravni" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_threshold0r.xml:3 -msgid "Threshold0r" -msgstr "Prag0vanje" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_threshold0r.xml:4 -msgid "Thresholds a source image" -msgstr "Izvorno sliko preoblikuje glede na prag intenzivnosti" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_timeout.xml:4 -msgid "Timeout indicator" -msgstr "Kazalnik časovnega preteka" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_timeout.xml:7 -msgid "Indicator color" -msgstr "Barva kazalnika" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, markers_list) -#: data/effects/frei0r_timeout.xml:10 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:427 -msgid "Time" -msgstr "Čas" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_tint0r.xml:3 -msgid "Tint" -msgstr "Obarvaj" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_tint0r.xml:4 -msgid "Maps source image luminance between two colors specified" -msgstr "Preslika svetilnost izvorne slike med navedenima barvama" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_tint0r.xml:7 -msgid "Map black to" -msgstr "Preslikaj črno v" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_tint0r.xml:10 -msgid "Map white to" -msgstr "Preslikaj belo v" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_tint0r.xml:13 -msgid "Tint amount" -msgstr "Količina pobarvanja" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_twolay0r.xml:3 -msgid "twolay0r" -msgstr "dvopl0stnik" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_twolay0r.xml:4 -msgid "Dynamic thresholding" -msgstr "Dinamični prag" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_vectorscope.xml:3 src/scopes/scopemanager.cpp:306 -msgid "Vectorscope" -msgstr "Vektroskop" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_vectorscope.xml:4 -msgid "Display a vectorscope of the video data" -msgstr "Prikaže vektroskop video podatkov" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_vertigo.xml:4 data/effects/frei0r_vertigo.xml:15 -msgid "Vertigo" -msgstr "Vrtoglavica" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_vertigo.xml:5 data/effects/frei0r_vertigo.xml:16 -msgid "Alpha blending with zoomed and rotated images" -msgstr "Spajanje alfe s približanimi in zasukanimi slikami" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_vertigo.xml:8 data/effects/frei0r_vertigo.xml:19 -msgid "Phase Increment" -msgstr "Povečava faze" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_vertigo.xml:11 data/effects/frei0r_vertigo.xml:22 -msgid "Zoom Rate" -msgstr "Mera približanja" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_vignette.xml:3 -msgid "Vignette" -msgstr "Zasenčenje" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_vignette.xml:4 -msgid "Natural lens vignetting effect" -msgstr "Naravni učinek robnega zasenčenja objektiva" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_vignette.xml:7 -msgid "Aspect ratio" -msgstr "Razmerje stranic" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_vignette.xml:10 -msgid "Clear center size" -msgstr "Počisti sredinsko velikost" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_softness) -#: data/effects/frei0r_vignette.xml:13 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:709 -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:302 src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:220 -msgid "Softness" -msgstr "Mehkoba" - -#: data/effects/gain.xml:3 data/effects/gain.xml:7 data/effects/mute.xml:7 -#: data/effects/normalise.xml:7 data/effects/sox_bass.xml:7 -#: data/effects/sox_gain.xml:7 data/effects/volume.xml:7 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/lumaliftgain.cpp:65 -msgid "Gain" -msgstr "Ojačitev" - -#: data/effects/gain.xml:4 -msgid "Adjust the audio volume without keyframes" -msgstr "Prilagodite glasnost brez ključnih točk" - -#: data/effects/gamma.xml:4 -msgid "Change gamma color value" -msgstr "Spremenite barvno vrednost game" - -#: data/effects/grain.xml:3 -msgid "Grain" -msgstr "Zrnatost" - -#: data/effects/grain.xml:4 -msgid "Grain over the image" -msgstr "Zrnatost prek slike" - -#: data/effects/grain.xml:7 data/effects/movit_deconvolution_sharpen.xml:18 -#: plugins/sampleplugin/sampleplugin.cpp:34 -#: plugins/sampleplugin/sampleplugin.cpp:42 -#: plugins/sampleplugin/sampleplugin.cpp:54 -#: plugins/sampleplugin/sampleplugin.cpp:78 -msgid "Noise" -msgstr "Šum" - -#: data/effects/greyscale.xml:3 -msgid "Greyscale" -msgstr "Sivinsko" - -#: data/effects/greyscale.xml:4 -msgid "Discard color information" -msgstr "Zavrže podrobnosti o barvi" - -#: data/effects/invert.xml:4 -msgid "Invert colors" -msgstr "Obrni barve" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_declipper.xml:3 -msgid "Declipper" -msgstr "Razpreglasnik" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_declipper.xml:4 -msgid "LADSPA declipper audio effect" -msgstr "Zvočni učinek odstranjevanja prekomerne glasnosti/porezave LADSPA" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer.xml:3 -msgid "Equalizer" -msgstr "Izenačevalnik" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer.xml:4 -msgid "LADSPA equalizer audio effect" -msgstr "Zvočni učinek izenačevalnika LADSPA" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer.xml:7 -msgid "Lo gain" -msgstr "Ojačitev nizkih" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer.xml:10 -msgid "Mid gain" -msgstr "Ojačitev srednjih" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer.xml:13 -msgid "Hi gain" -msgstr "Ojačitev visokih" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:3 -msgid "15 Band Equalizer" -msgstr "15-pasovni izenačevalnik" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:4 -msgid "LADSPA equalizer audio effect (15 band)" -msgstr "Zvočni učinek izenačevalnika LADSPA (15 pasov)" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:7 -msgid "50 Hz" -msgstr "50 Hz" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:10 -msgid "100 Hz" -msgstr "100 Hz" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:13 -msgid "156 Hz" -msgstr "156 Hz" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:16 -msgid "220 Hz" -msgstr "220 Hz" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:19 -msgid "311 Hz" -msgstr "311 Hz" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:22 -msgid "440 Hz" -msgstr "440 Hz" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:25 -msgid "622 Hz" -msgstr "622 Hz" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:28 -msgid "880 Hz" -msgstr "880 Hz" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:31 -msgid "1250 Hz" -msgstr "1250 Hz" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:34 -msgid "1750 Hz" -msgstr "1750 Hz" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:37 -msgid "2500 Hz" -msgstr "2500 Hz" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:40 -msgid "3500 Hz" -msgstr "3500 Hz" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:43 -msgid "5000 Hz" -msgstr "5000 Hz" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:46 -msgid "10000 Hz" -msgstr "10000 Hz" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:49 -msgid "20000 Hz" -msgstr "20000 Hz" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_limiter.xml:3 -msgid "Limiter" -msgstr "Omejevalnik" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_limiter.xml:4 -msgid "LADSPA limiter audio effect" -msgstr "Zvočni učinek omejevalnika LADSPA" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_limiter.xml:7 -msgid "Input gain (dB)" -msgstr "Ojačitev vhoda (dB)" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_limiter.xml:10 -msgid "Limit (dB)" -msgstr "Meja (dB)" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_limiter.xml:13 -msgid "Release time (s)" -msgstr "Čas upada (s)" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_phaser.xml:3 -msgid "Phaser" -msgstr "Faznik" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_phaser.xml:4 -msgid "LADSPA phaser audio effect" -msgstr "Zvočni učinek faznika LADSPA" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_phaser.xml:7 -msgid "Rate (Hz)" -msgstr "Frekvenca (Hz)" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_phaser.xml:10 data/effects/sox_flanger.xml:10 -msgid "Depth" -msgstr "Globina" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_phaser.xml:13 -msgid "Feedback" -msgstr "Odziv" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_phaser.xml:16 -msgid "Spread" -msgstr "Razširjanje" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_pitch.xml:3 -msgid "Pitch Shift" -msgstr "Zamik višine tona" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_pitch.xml:4 -msgid "LADSPA change pitch audio effect" -msgstr "Zvočni učinek zamika višine tona LADSPA" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_pitch.xml:7 data/effects/sox_pitch.xml:7 -msgid "Shift" -msgstr "Zamik" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_pitch_scale.xml:3 -msgid "Pitch Scaler" -msgstr "Merilo višine tona" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_pitch_scale.xml:4 -msgid "LADSPA pitch scale audio effect" -msgstr "Zvočni učinek merila višine tona LADSPA" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_pitch_scale.xml:7 -msgid "Co-efficient" -msgstr "Koeficient" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_rate_scale.xml:3 -msgid "Rate Scaler" -msgstr "Merilo hitrosti" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_rate_scale.xml:4 -msgid "LADSPA rate scale audio effect" -msgstr "Zvočni učinek merila hitrosti LADSPA" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_rate_scale.xml:7 -msgid "Rate" -msgstr "Frekvenca" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_reverb.xml:3 -msgid "Reverb" -msgstr "Odboj" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_reverb.xml:4 -msgid "LADSPA reverb audio effect" -msgstr "Zvočni učinek odboja LADSPA" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_reverb.xml:7 -msgid "Reverb time" -msgstr "Čas odboja" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_reverb.xml:10 data/effects/ladspa_room_reverb.xml:13 -msgid "Damping" -msgstr "Dušenje" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_room_reverb.xml:3 -msgid "Room Reverb" -msgstr "Sobni odboj" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_room_reverb.xml:4 -msgid "LADSPA room reverb audio effect" -msgstr "Zvočni učinek sobnega odboja LADSPA" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_room_reverb.xml:7 -msgid "Room size (m)" -msgstr "Velikost prostora (m)" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_room_reverb.xml:10 -msgid "Delay (s/10)" -msgstr "Zakasnitev (s/10)" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_vinyl.xml:3 -msgid "Vinyl" -msgstr "Vinilka" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_vinyl.xml:4 -msgid "Simulates a vinyl audio player - LADSPA audio effect" -msgstr "Posnema gramofon za vinilne plošče - zvočni učinek LADSPA" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_vinyl.xml:7 src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:166 -msgid "Year" -msgstr "Leto" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_vinyl.xml:10 -msgid "RPM" -msgstr "Obratov na minuto" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_vinyl.xml:13 -msgid "Surface warping" -msgstr "Ukrivljanje površine" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_vinyl.xml:16 -msgid "Crackle" -msgstr "Prasket" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_vinyl.xml:19 -msgid "Wear" -msgstr "Obraba" - -#: data/effects/lift_gamma_gain.xml:3 -msgid "Lift/gamma/gain" -msgstr "Dvigni/gama/ojačitev" - -#: data/effects/lift_gamma_gain.xml:6 data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain.xml:6 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain2.xml:6 -msgid "Lift: Red" -msgstr "Dvigni: rdeča" - -#: data/effects/lift_gamma_gain.xml:9 data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain.xml:9 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain2.xml:9 -msgid "Lift: Green" -msgstr "Dvigni: zelena" - -#: data/effects/lift_gamma_gain.xml:12 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain.xml:12 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain2.xml:12 -msgid "Lift: Blue" -msgstr "Dvigni: modra" - -#: data/effects/lift_gamma_gain.xml:15 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain.xml:15 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain2.xml:15 -msgid "Gamma: Red" -msgstr "Gama: rdeča" - -#: data/effects/lift_gamma_gain.xml:18 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain.xml:18 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain2.xml:18 -msgid "Gamma: Green" -msgstr "Gama: zelena" - -#: data/effects/lift_gamma_gain.xml:21 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain.xml:21 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain2.xml:21 -msgid "Gamma: Blue" -msgstr "Gama: modra" - -#: data/effects/lift_gamma_gain.xml:24 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain.xml:24 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain2.xml:24 -msgid "Gain: Red" -msgstr "Okrepi: rdeča" - -#: data/effects/lift_gamma_gain.xml:27 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain.xml:27 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain2.xml:27 -msgid "Gain: Green" -msgstr "Okrepi: zelena" - -#: data/effects/lift_gamma_gain.xml:30 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain.xml:30 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain2.xml:30 -msgid "Gain: Blue" -msgstr "Okrepi: modra" - -#: data/effects/loudness.xml:3 -msgid "Loudness" -msgstr "Glasnost" - -#: data/effects/loudness.xml:4 -msgid "Correct audio loudness as recommended by EBU R128" -msgstr "Popravi glasnost zvoka po priporočilih EBU R128" - -#: data/effects/loudness.xml:7 -msgid "Target Program Loudness" -msgstr "Ciljna glasnost projekta" - -#: data/effects/mirror.xml:3 -msgid "Mirror" -msgstr "Zrcali" - -#: data/effects/mirror.xml:4 -msgid "Flip your image in any direction" -msgstr "Preobrnite sliko v poljubno smer" - -#: data/effects/mirror.xml:7 -msgid "Horizontal,Vertical,Diagonal,X Diagonal,Flip,Flop" -msgstr "Vodoravno,Navpično,Diagonalno,X-diagonalno,Flip,Flop" - -#: data/effects/mirror.xml:8 -msgid "Mirroring direction" -msgstr "Smer zrcaljenja" - -#: data/effects/movit_blur.xml:3 -msgid "Blur (GPU)" -msgstr "Zabrisanost (GPE)" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_6) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_8) -#: data/effects/movit_blur.xml:6 data/effects/movit_diffusion.xml:6 -#: data/effects/movit_glow.xml:6 data/effects/movit_unsharp_mask.xml:6 -#: data/effects/movit_vignette.xml:6 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:891 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:915 -msgid "Radius" -msgstr "Polmer" - -#: data/effects/movit_deconvolution_sharpen.xml:3 -msgid "Deconvolution sharpen (GPU)" -msgstr "Dekonvolucijsko ostrenje (GPE)" - -#: data/effects/movit_deconvolution_sharpen.xml:6 -msgid "Matrix size" -msgstr "Velikost matrike" - -#: data/effects/movit_deconvolution_sharpen.xml:9 -msgid "Circle radius" -msgstr "Polmer kroga" - -#: data/effects/movit_deconvolution_sharpen.xml:12 -msgid "Gaussian radius" -msgstr "Gaussov polmer" - -#: data/effects/movit_deconvolution_sharpen.xml:15 -msgid "Correlation" -msgstr "Korelacija" - -#: data/effects/movit_diffusion.xml:3 -msgid "Diffusion (GPU)" -msgstr "Razpršenost (GPE)" - -#: data/effects/movit_diffusion.xml:9 -msgid "Mix amount" -msgstr "Količina mešanja" - -#: data/effects/movit_glow.xml:3 -msgid "Glow (GPU)" -msgstr "Žarenje (GPE)" - -#: data/effects/movit_glow.xml:9 -msgid "Glow strength" -msgstr "Moč žarenja" - -#: data/effects/movit_glow.xml:12 -msgid "Highlight cutoff threshold" -msgstr "Prag porezave svetlega" - -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain.xml:3 -msgid "Lift/gamma/gain (GPU)" -msgstr "Dvigni/gama/ojačitev (GPE)" - -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain2.xml:3 -msgid "Movit: Lift/gamma/gain (colors)" -msgstr "Movit: dvigni/gama/ojačitev (barve)" - -#: data/effects/movit_mirror.xml:3 -msgid "Mirror (GPU)" -msgstr "Zrcali (GPE)" - -#: data/effects/movit_opacity.xml:3 -msgid "Opacity (GPU)" -msgstr "Prekrivnost (GPE)" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_opacity) -#: data/effects/movit_opacity.xml:6 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:211 src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:113 -msgid "Opacity" -msgstr "Motnost" - -#: data/effects/movit_rect.xml:3 -msgid "Pan and Zoom (GPU)" -msgstr "Zasuk in približanje (GPE)" - -#: data/effects/movit_rect.xml:9 -msgid "Allow upscale" -msgstr "Dovoli povečavo videa" - -#: data/effects/movit_saturation.xml:3 -msgid "Saturation (GPU)" -msgstr "Nasičenost (GPE)" - -#: data/effects/movit_unsharp_mask.xml:3 -msgid "Unsharp mask (GPU)" -msgstr "Razostri masko (GPE)" - -#: data/effects/movit_vignette.xml:3 -msgid "Vignette (GPU)" -msgstr "Zasenčenje (GPE)" - -#: data/effects/movit_vignette.xml:9 -msgid "Inner radius" -msgstr "Notranji polmer" - -#: data/effects/movit_white_balance.xml:3 -msgid "White Balance (GPU)" -msgstr "Ravnovesje beline (GPE)" - -#: data/effects/mute.xml:3 -msgid "Mute" -msgstr "Utišaj" - -#: data/effects/mute.xml:4 -msgid "Mute clip" -msgstr "Utišaj posnetek" - -#: data/effects/normalise.xml:3 -msgid "Normalise" -msgstr "Normaliziraj" - -#: data/effects/normalise.xml:4 -msgid "Dynamically normalise the audio volume" -msgstr "Dinamično normalizirajte glasnost" - -#: data/effects/normalise.xml:10 -msgid "Maximum gain" -msgstr "Največja ojačitev" - -#: data/effects/normalise.xml:13 data/effects/sox_stretch.xml:10 -msgid "Window" -msgstr "Okno" - -#: data/effects/obscure.xml:4 -msgid "Hide a region of the clip" -msgstr "Skrijte del posnetka" - -#: data/effects/obscure.xml:7 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:760 -msgid "Region" -msgstr "Območje" - -#: data/effects/oldfilm.xml:3 -msgid "Oldfilm" -msgstr "Star film" - -#: data/effects/oldfilm.xml:4 -msgid "Moves the Picture up and down and random brightness change" -msgstr "Zamika sliko navzgor in navzdol in naključno spreminja njeno svetlost" - -#: data/effects/oldfilm.xml:7 -msgid "Y-Delta" -msgstr "Y-delta" - -#: data/effects/oldfilm.xml:10 -#, no-c-format -msgid "% of picture have a delta" -msgstr "% slike ima delto" - -#: data/effects/oldfilm.xml:13 -msgid "Brightness up" -msgstr "Svetlost navzgor" - -#: data/effects/oldfilm.xml:16 -msgid "Brightness down" -msgstr "Svetlost navzdol" - -#: data/effects/oldfilm.xml:19 -msgid "Brightness every" -msgstr "Svetlost vsakih" - -#: data/effects/oldfilm.xml:22 -msgid "Unevendevelop up" -msgstr "Neenakomerno razvijanje navzgor" - -#: data/effects/oldfilm.xml:25 -msgid "Unevendevelop down" -msgstr "Neenakomerno razvijanje navzdol" - -#: data/effects/oldfilm.xml:28 -msgid "Unevendevelop Duration" -msgstr "Trajanje neenakomernega razvijanja" - -#: data/effects/pan_zoom.xml:3 data/effects/region.xml:10 -#: data/effects/rotation.xml:37 -msgid "Pan and Zoom" -msgstr "Zasuk in približanje" - -#: data/effects/pan_zoom.xml:4 -msgid "Adjust size and position of clip" -msgstr "Prilagodite velikost in položaj posnetka" - -#: data/effects/region.xml:3 -msgid "Regionalize" -msgstr "Razdeli po območjih" - -#: data/effects/region.xml:4 -msgid "Apply sub-effects to a region defined by a clip's alpha channel" -msgstr "Uveljavi pod-učinke območju, kot ga določa kanal alfa posnetka" - -#: data/effects/region.xml:7 -msgid "Url" -msgstr "URL" - -#: data/effects/rotation.xml:3 -msgid "Rotate and Shear" -msgstr "Vrtenje in striženje" - -#: data/effects/rotation.xml:4 data/effects/rotation_keyframable.xml:4 -msgid "Rotate clip in any 3 directions" -msgstr "Zasukajte posnetek v poljubni od treh smeri" - -#: data/effects/rotation.xml:7 data/effects/rotation_keyframable.xml:7 -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:747 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:216 -msgid "Rotate X" -msgstr "Zavrti X" - -#: data/effects/rotation.xml:10 data/effects/rotation_keyframable.xml:10 -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:748 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:219 -msgid "Rotate Y" -msgstr "Zavrti Y" - -#: data/effects/rotation.xml:13 data/effects/rotation_keyframable.xml:13 -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:749 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:222 -msgid "Rotate Z" -msgstr "Zavrti Z" - -#: data/effects/rotation.xml:16 -msgid "Animate Rotate X" -msgstr "Animirano zavrti X" - -#: data/effects/rotation.xml:19 -msgid "Animate Rotate Y" -msgstr "Animirano zavrti Y" - -#: data/effects/rotation.xml:22 -msgid "Animate Rotate Z" -msgstr "Animirano zavrti Z" - -#: data/effects/rotation.xml:25 -msgid "Shear X" -msgstr "Striženje X" - -#: data/effects/rotation.xml:28 -msgid "Shear Y" -msgstr "Striženje Y" - -#: data/effects/rotation.xml:31 -msgid "Animate Shear X" -msgstr "Animiraj striženje X" - -#: data/effects/rotation.xml:34 -msgid "Animate Shear Y" -msgstr "Animiraj striženje Y" - -#: data/effects/rotation_keyframable.xml:3 -msgid "Rotate (keyframable)" -msgstr "Zavrti (s ključnimi točkami)" - -#: data/effects/rotation_keyframable.xml:16 -msgid "Offset X" -msgstr "Zamik X" - -#: data/effects/rotation_keyframable.xml:19 -msgid "Offset Y" -msgstr "Zamik Y" - -#: data/effects/rotoscoping.xml:3 -msgid "Rotoscoping" -msgstr "Rotoskopija" - -#: data/effects/rotoscoping.xml:4 -msgid "Keyframable vector based rotoscoping" -msgstr "Rotoskopija na osnovi vektorjev in ključnih točk" - -#: data/effects/rotoscoping.xml:8 -msgid "Alpha,Luma,RGB" -msgstr "Alfa,Luma,RGB" - -#: data/effects/rotoscoping.xml:9 -msgid "Mode" -msgstr "Način" - -#: data/effects/rotoscoping.xml:14 -msgid "Alpha Operation" -msgstr "Opravila kanala alfa" - -#: data/effects/rotoscoping.xml:22 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:3422 -msgid "Track" -msgstr "Sled" - -#: data/effects/rotoscoping.xml:26 -msgid "Feather width" -msgstr "Širina operjanja robov" - -#: data/effects/rotoscoping.xml:30 -msgid "Feathering passes" -msgstr "Prehodi operjanja" - -#: data/effects/scratchlines.xml:3 -msgid "Scratchlines" -msgstr "Praske" - -#: data/effects/scratchlines.xml:4 -msgid "Scratchlines over the picture" -msgstr "Praske po sliki" - -#: data/effects/scratchlines.xml:7 -msgid "Width of line" -msgstr "Širina črte" - -#: data/effects/scratchlines.xml:10 -msgid "Max number of lines" -msgstr "Največje število črt" - -#: data/effects/scratchlines.xml:13 -msgid "Max darker" -msgstr "Najbolj temno" - -#: data/effects/scratchlines.xml:16 -msgid "Max lighter" -msgstr "Najbolj svetlo" - -#: data/effects/sepia.xml:3 -msgid "Sepia" -msgstr "Sepija" - -#: data/effects/sepia.xml:4 -msgid "Turn clip colors to sepia" -msgstr "Pretvori barve posnetka v sepijo" - -#: data/effects/sepia.xml:7 -msgid "Chrominance U" -msgstr "Kroma U" - -#: data/effects/sepia.xml:10 -msgid "Chrominance V" -msgstr "Kroma V" - -#: data/effects/sox_band.xml:3 -msgid "Sox Band" -msgstr "Pasovi Sox" - -#: data/effects/sox_band.xml:4 -msgid "Sox band audio effect" -msgstr "Zvočni učinek pasov Sox" - -#: data/effects/sox_band.xml:7 -msgid "Center Frequency" -msgstr "Osrednja frekvenca" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_4) -#: data/effects/sox_band.xml:10 data/effects/sox_flanger.xml:16 -#: src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:181 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:307 -msgid "Width" -msgstr "Širina" - -#: data/effects/sox_bass.xml:3 -msgid "Sox Bass" -msgstr "Nizki toni Sox" - -#: data/effects/sox_bass.xml:4 -msgid "Sox bass audio effect" -msgstr "Zvočni učinek nizkih tonov Sox" - -#: data/effects/sox_echo.xml:3 -msgid "Sox Echo" -msgstr "Odmev Sox" - -#: data/effects/sox_echo.xml:4 -msgid "Sox echo audio effect" -msgstr "Zvočni učinek odmeva Sox" - -#: data/effects/sox_echo.xml:7 data/effects/sox_phaser.xml:7 -msgid "Gain In" -msgstr "Vhodna ojačitev" - -#: data/effects/sox_echo.xml:10 data/effects/sox_phaser.xml:10 -msgid "Gain Out" -msgstr "Izhodna ojačitev" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_13) -#: data/effects/sox_echo.xml:13 data/effects/sox_flanger.xml:7 -#: data/effects/sox_phaser.xml:13 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:994 -msgid "Delay" -msgstr "Zakasnitev" - -#: data/effects/sox_echo.xml:16 data/effects/sox_phaser.xml:16 -msgid "Decay" -msgstr "Upad" - -#: data/effects/sox_flanger.xml:3 -msgid "Sox Flanger" -msgstr "Prirobnik Sox" - -#: data/effects/sox_flanger.xml:4 -msgid "Sox flanger audio effect" -msgstr "Zvočni učinek prirobnika Sox" - -#: data/effects/sox_flanger.xml:13 -msgid "Regeneration" -msgstr "Regeneracija" - -#: data/effects/sox_flanger.xml:19 data/effects/sox_phaser.xml:19 -#: data/effects/speed.xml:3 data/effects/speed.xml:7 -msgid "Speed" -msgstr "Hitrost" - -#: data/effects/sox_flanger.xml:25 -msgid "Phase" -msgstr "Faza" - -#: data/effects/sox_flanger.xml:28 src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:383 -msgid "Interpolation" -msgstr "Interpolacija" - -#: data/effects/sox_gain.xml:3 -msgid "Sox Gain" -msgstr "Ojačitev Sox" - -#: data/effects/sox_gain.xml:4 -msgid "Sox gain audio effect" -msgstr "Zvočni učinek ojačitve Sox" - -#: data/effects/sox_gain.xml:12 -msgid "Normalize" -msgstr "Normaliziraj" - -#: data/effects/sox_phaser.xml:3 -msgid "Sox Phaser" -msgstr "Faznik Sox" - -#: data/effects/sox_phaser.xml:4 -msgid "Sox phaser audio effect" -msgstr "Zvočni učinek faznika Sox" - -#: data/effects/sox_pitch.xml:3 -msgid "Sox Pitch Shift" -msgstr "Zamik višine tona Sox" - -#: data/effects/sox_pitch.xml:4 -msgid "Sox change pitch audio effect" -msgstr "Zvočni učinek zamika višine tona Sox" - -#: data/effects/sox_pitch.xml:10 -msgid "Time window (ms)" -msgstr "Časovno okno (ms)" - -#: data/effects/sox_reverb.xml:3 -msgid "Sox Reverb" -msgstr "Odboj Sox" - -#: data/effects/sox_reverb.xml:4 -msgid "Sox reverb audio effect" -msgstr "Zvočni učinek odboja Sox" - -#: data/effects/sox_reverb.xml:7 -msgid "Reverberance" -msgstr "Prostorski odboj" - -#: data/effects/sox_reverb.xml:10 -msgid "High frequency damping" -msgstr "Dušenje visokih frekvenc" - -#: data/effects/sox_reverb.xml:13 -msgid "Room scale" -msgstr "Razmerje prostora" - -#: data/effects/sox_reverb.xml:16 -msgid "Stereo depth" -msgstr "Globina sterea" - -#: data/effects/sox_reverb.xml:19 -msgid "Pre-delay" -msgstr "Predzakasnitev" - -#: data/effects/sox_reverb.xml:22 -msgid "Wet gain" -msgstr "Mokra ojačitev" - -#: data/effects/sox_stretch.xml:3 -msgid "Sox Stretch" -msgstr "Razteg Sox" - -#: data/effects/sox_stretch.xml:4 -msgid "Sox stretch audio effect" -msgstr "Zvočni učinek raztega Sox" - -#: data/effects/speed.xml:4 -msgid "Make clip play faster or slower" -msgstr "Posnetek predvajajte hitreje ali počasneje" - -#: data/effects/speed.xml:10 -msgid "Stroboscope" -msgstr "Stroboskop" - -#: data/effects/swapchannels.xml:3 -msgid "Swap channels" -msgstr "Zamenjaj kanale" - -#: data/effects/swapchannels.xml:4 -msgid "Move the left channel to the right and right-to-left" -msgstr "Premaknite levi kanal na desno in desnega na levo" - -#: data/effects/tcolor.xml:3 -msgid "Technicolor" -msgstr "Technicolor" - -#: data/effects/tcolor.xml:4 -msgid "Oversaturate the color in video, like in old Technicolor movies" -msgstr "" -"Prenasičite barve v videu, tako kot v starih filmih z barvno tehniko " -"Technicolor" - -#: data/effects/tcolor.xml:7 -msgid "Blue/Yellow axis" -msgstr "Modra/rumena os" - -#: data/effects/tcolor.xml:10 -msgid "Red/Green axis" -msgstr "Rdeča/zelena os" - -#: data/effects/threshold.xml:4 -msgid "Make monochrome clip" -msgstr "Naredite posnetek monokromatski" - -#: data/effects/threshold.xml:7 -msgid "Threshold value" -msgstr "Vrednost praga" - -#: data/effects/threshold.xml:10 -msgid "Use transparency" -msgstr "Uporabi prozornost" - -#: data/effects/vignette.xml:3 -msgid "Vignette Effect" -msgstr "Učinek zasenčenja objektiva" - -#: data/effects/vignette.xml:4 -msgid "Adjustable Vignette" -msgstr "Prilagodljivo zasenčenje" - -#: data/effects/vignette.xml:7 -msgid "smooth" -msgstr "zgladi" - -#: data/effects/vignette.xml:10 -msgid "radius" -msgstr "polmer" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_6) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_8) -#: data/effects/vignette.xml:13 src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:72 -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:575 -msgid "x" -msgstr "x" - -#: data/effects/vignette.xml:16 -msgid "y" -msgstr "y" - -#: data/effects/vignette.xml:19 -msgid "opacity" -msgstr "prekrivnost" - -#: data/effects/vignette.xml:22 -msgid "use cos instead of linear" -msgstr "uporabi cos namesto linearnega" - -#: data/effects/volume.xml:3 -msgid "Volume (keyframable)" -msgstr "Glasnost (s ključnimi točkami)" - -#: data/effects/volume.xml:4 -msgid "Adjust audio volume with keyframes" -msgstr "Prilagodite jakost zvoka s ključnimi točkami" - -#: data/effects/wave.xml:3 -msgid "Wave" -msgstr "Oblika signala" - -#: data/effects/wave.xml:4 -msgid "Make waves on your clip with keyframes" -msgstr "Izdelajte valove v svojem posnetku s ključnimi točkami" - -#: data/effects/wave.xml:10 -msgid "Horizontal" -msgstr "Vodoravno" - -#: data/effects/wave.xml:13 -msgid "Vertical" -msgstr "Navpično" - -#: data/kdenliveeffectscategory.rc:5 -msgid "Colour correction" -msgstr "Popravilo barv" - -#: data/kdenliveeffectscategory.rc:8 -msgid "Colour" -msgstr "Barva" - -#: data/kdenliveeffectscategory.rc:11 -msgid "Crop and transform" -msgstr "Obrezovanje in preoblikovanje" - -#: data/kdenliveeffectscategory.rc:14 -msgid "Audio correction" -msgstr "Popravilo zvoka" - -#: data/kdenliveeffectscategory.rc:17 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:655 -msgid "Audio channels" -msgstr "Zvočni kanali" - -#: data/kdenliveeffectscategory.rc:20 -msgid "Analysis and data" -msgstr "Preučevanje in podatki" - -#: data/kdenliveeffectscategory.rc:23 -msgid "Fade" -msgstr "Pojemanje" - -#: data/kdenliveeffectscategory.rc:26 -msgid "Artistic" -msgstr "Umetniško" - -#: data/kdenliveeffectscategory.rc:29 -msgid "Blur and hide" -msgstr "Zabriši in skrij" - -#: data/kdenliveeffectscategory.rc:32 -msgid "Motion" -msgstr "Gibanje" - -#: data/kdenliveeffectscategory.rc:38 -msgid "Alpha manipulation" -msgstr "Obdelava alfe" - -#: data/kdenliveeffectscategory.rc:41 -msgid "Enhancement" -msgstr "Izboljšanje" - -#: data/kdenliveeffectscategory.rc:44 -msgid "GPU effects" -msgstr "Učinki GPE" - -#. i18n: ectx: ToolBar (extraToolBar) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:4 -msgid "Extra Toolbar" -msgstr "Dodatna orodna vrstica" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (project) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:21 -msgid "Project" -msgstr "Projekt" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (extract_audio) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:29 src/mainwindow.cpp:2752 -msgid "Extract Audio" -msgstr "Izloči zvok" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (clip_actions) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:32 src/mainwindow.cpp:2699 -msgid "Clip Jobs" -msgstr "Posli posnetka" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (transcoders) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:35 src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:184 -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:125 -msgid "Transcode" -msgstr "Prekodiraj" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (generators) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:38 -msgid "Generators" -msgstr "Ustvarjalniki" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (track_menu) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:40 src/mainwindow.cpp:1145 -msgid "Tracks" -msgstr "Sledi" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (clip_in_timeline) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:55 -msgid "Clip in Timeline" -msgstr "Posnetek na časovnici" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (tool) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:70 -msgid "Tool" -msgstr "Orodje" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (clip) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:80 src/project/projectlistview.cpp:59 -msgid "Clip" -msgstr "Posnetek" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (marker_menu) -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_3) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:81 src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:397 -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:402 -msgid "Markers" -msgstr "Označevalniki" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (timeline) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:96 src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:81 -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2785 -msgid "Timeline" -msgstr "Časovnica" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (keyboard_selection) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:97 -msgid "Selection" -msgstr "Izbor" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (keyboard_insert) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:105 -msgid "Insertion" -msgstr "Vstavljanje" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (current_clip) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:110 -msgid "Current clip" -msgstr "Trenutni posnetek" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (all_clips) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:117 -msgid "All clips" -msgstr "Vsi posnetki" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (guide_menu) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:120 -msgid "Guides" -msgstr "Vodila" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (space_menu) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:126 -msgid "Space" -msgstr "Presledek" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (video_effects_menu) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:134 src/mainwindow.cpp:279 -msgid "Add Effect" -msgstr "Dodaj učinek" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (monitor) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:148 -msgid "Monitor" -msgstr "Monitor" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (monitor_go) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:154 src/timeline/customruler.cpp:93 -msgid "Go To" -msgstr "Pojdi na" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (monitor_config) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:176 -msgid "Monitor config" -msgstr "Prilagoditev zaslona" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (dockwindows) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:187 -msgid "View" -msgstr "Pokaži" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (layout_save_as) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:188 -msgid "Save Layout As" -msgstr "Shrani razpored kot" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, CountDown_UI) -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, ClipStabilize_UI) -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, FreeSound_UI) -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, ArchiveWidget_UI) -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, BackupDialog_UI) -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, ClipTranscode_UI) -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, AddTrack_UI) -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, SmConfig_UI) -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, ManageEncodingProfile_UI) -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, ColorClip_UI) -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, RenderWidget_UI) -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, Stopmotion_UI) -#: plugins/sampleplugin/countdown_ui.ui:13 src/ui/addtrack_ui.ui:14 -#: src/ui/archivewidget_ui.ui:14 src/ui/backupdialog_ui.ui:14 -#: src/ui/clipstabilize_ui.ui:14 src/ui/cliptranscode_ui.ui:14 -#: src/ui/colorclip_ui.ui:14 src/ui/freesound_ui.ui:14 -#: src/ui/manageencodingprofile_ui.ui:14 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:14 -#: src/ui/smconfig_ui.ui:14 src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Dialog" -msgstr "Pogovorno okno" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, destination_label) -#: plugins/sampleplugin/countdown_ui.ui:19 src/ui/cutjobdialog_ui.ui:47 -msgid "Save to" -msgstr "Shrani v" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, duration_label) -#: plugins/sampleplugin/countdown_ui.ui:29 -msgid "Duration (seconds)" -msgstr "Trajanje (sekund)" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, font_label) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_4) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_17) -#: plugins/sampleplugin/countdown_ui.ui:46 src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:89 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:331 -msgid "Font" -msgstr "Pisava" - -#: plugins/sampleplugin/sampleplugin.cpp:33 -msgid "Countdown" -msgstr "Odštevalnik" - -#: plugins/sampleplugin/sampleplugin.cpp:55 -msgid "Create Noise Clip" -msgstr "Ustvari posnetek šuma " - -#: plugins/sampleplugin/sampleplugin.cpp:59 -msgid "Create Countdown Clip" -msgstr "Ustvari posnetek odštevanja" - -#: plugins/sampleplugin/sampleplugin.cpp:97 -#: plugins/sampleplugin/sampleplugin.cpp:105 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Failed to generate clip:\n" -"%1" -msgstr "" -"Ni bilo mogoče ustvariti posnetka:\n" -"%1" - -#: plugins/sampleplugin/sampleplugin.cpp:97 -#: plugins/sampleplugin/sampleplugin.cpp:105 -msgid "Generator Failed" -msgstr "Ustvarjalnik je spodletel" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:210 src/project/projectlist.cpp:133 -#, kde-format -msgid "%1 job" -msgid_plural "%1 jobs" -msgstr[0] "%1 posli" -msgstr[1] "%1 posel" -msgstr[2] "%1 posla" -msgstr[3] "%1 posli" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:211 src/project/projectlist.cpp:134 -#, kde-format -msgid "%1 pending job" -msgid_plural "%1 pending jobs" -msgstr[0] "%1 čakajočih poslov" -msgstr[1] "%1 čakajoči posel" -msgstr[2] "%1 čakajoča posla" -msgstr[3] "%1 čakajoči posli" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_search) -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:300 src/ui/freesound_ui.ui:74 -msgid "Search" -msgstr "Poišči" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:336 -msgid "View Mode" -msgstr "Način pogleda" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:338 -msgid "Tree View" -msgstr "Drevesni pogled" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:346 -msgid "Icon View" -msgstr "Ikonski pogled" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:353 -msgid "Disable Bin Effects" -msgstr "Onemogoči učinke shrambe" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:361 src/bin/bincommands.cpp:102 -msgid "Rename Folder" -msgstr "Preimenuj mapo" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab) -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:370 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:50 -msgid "Settings" -msgstr "Nastavitve" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:372 src/project/clipproperties.cpp:351 -#: src/project/dialogs/slideshowclip.cpp:77 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:324 -msgid "Zoom" -msgstr "Približanje" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:378 -msgid "Show date" -msgstr "Pokaži datum" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:381 -msgid "Show description" -msgstr "Pokaži opis" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:399 src/project/projectlist.cpp:213 -msgid "Cancel All Jobs" -msgstr "Prekliči vse posle" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:401 src/project/projectlist.cpp:217 -msgid "Cancel Current Clip Jobs" -msgstr "Prekliči trenutne posle posnetkov" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:431 src/project/projectlist.cpp:254 -msgid "Show Log" -msgstr "Pokaži dnevnik" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:504 -msgid "Creating audio thumbnails" -msgstr "Ustvarjanje zvočnih sličic" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:511 -msgid "Audio thumbnails done" -msgstr "Zvočne sličice izdelane" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:805 -msgctxt "append to clip name to indicate a copied idem" -msgid " (copy)" -msgstr " (kopija)" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:929 src/bin/bin.cpp:2217 -#: src/project/folderprojectitem.cpp:37 src/project/projectlist.cpp:1085 -#: src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:60 -msgid "Folder" -msgstr "Mapa" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:1056 -#, kde-format -msgid "Folder contains a clip, delete anyways ?" -msgid_plural "Folder contains %1 clips, delete anyways ?" -msgstr[0] "Mapa vsebuje %1 posnetkov. Ali jo želite kljub temu izbrisati?" -msgstr[1] "Mapa vsebuje %1 posnetek. Ali jo želite kljub temu izbrisati?" -msgstr[2] "Mapa vsebuje %1 posnetka. Ali jo želite kljub temu izbrisati?" -msgstr[3] "Mapa vsebuje %1 posnetke.Ali jo želite kljub temu izbrisati?" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:1173 src/mainwindow.cpp:1234 -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:1004 -msgid "Delete Clip" -msgstr "Izbriši posnetek" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:1174 src/mainwindow.cpp:1251 -msgid "Proxy Clip" -msgstr "Posredni posnetek" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:1181 src/project/projectlist.cpp:995 -msgid "Delete Folder" -msgstr "Izbriši mapo" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:1182 -msgid "Proxy Folder" -msgstr "Mapa posrednega posnetka" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2015 src/bin/bincommands.cpp:62 src/bin/bincommands.cpp:82 -msgid "Move Clip" -msgid_plural "Move Clips" -msgstr[0] "Premakni posnetke" -msgstr[1] "Premakni posnetek" -msgstr[2] "Premakni posnetka" -msgstr[3] "Premakni posnetke" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2231 -#, kde-format -msgid "Playlist clip %1 is invalid." -msgstr "Posnetek %1 v seznamu predvajanja je neveljaven." - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2236 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Playlist clip %1 has too many tracks (%2) to be imported. Add new tracks to " -"your project." -msgstr "" -"Posnetek %1 v seznamu predvajanja ima preveč sledi (%2), da bi ga lahko " -"uvozili. Dodajte nove sledi v vaš projekt." - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2449 src/project/projectlist.cpp:465 -msgid "Please set a default application to open images in the Settings dialog" -msgstr "" -"Nastavite privzeti program za odpiranje slik v pogovornem oknu Nastavitve" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2455 src/project/projectlist.cpp:471 -msgid "" -"Please set a default application to open audio files in the Settings dialog" -msgstr "" -"Nastavite privzeti program za odpiranje zvočnih datotek v pogovornem oknu " -"Nastavitve" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2511 src/project/projectlist.cpp:2661 -msgid "No data returned from clip analysis" -msgstr "Iz preučevanja posnetka ni bilo vrnjenih podatkov" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2525 src/project/projectlist.cpp:2674 -msgid "Processing data analysis" -msgstr "Obdelovanje preučevanja posnetkov" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2531 src/project/projectlist.cpp:2680 -msgid "Auto Split Clip" -msgstr "Samodejno razdeli posnetek" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2549 src/project/projectlist.cpp:2698 -msgid "Add Markers" -msgstr "Dodaj označevalnike" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2592 src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:85 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:474 src/project/projectcommands.cpp:164 -msgid "Add marker" -msgid_plural "Add markers" -msgstr[0] "Dodaj označevalnike" -msgstr[1] "Dodaj označevalnik" -msgstr[2] "Dodaj označevalnika" -msgstr[3] "Dodaj označevalnike" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2603 src/bin/bin.cpp:2685 src/project/jobs/filterjob.cpp:96 -#: src/timeline/markerdialog.cpp:45 -#, kde-format -msgid "Category %1" -msgstr "Kategorija %1" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2608 -msgid "Load Clip Markers" -msgstr "Naloži označevalnike posnetka" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2623 src/bin/bin.cpp:2720 -#: src/dialogs/profilesdialog.cpp:219 src/dialogs/profilesdialog.cpp:520 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot open file %1" -msgstr "Ni mogoče odpreti datoteke %1" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, MarkerDialog_UI) -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2649 src/definitions.cpp:78 src/definitions.cpp:95 -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:367 src/mainwindow.cpp:1831 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:727 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:801 src/ui/markerdialog_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Marker" -msgstr "Označevalnik" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2683 -msgid "All categories" -msgstr "Vse kategorije" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2690 -msgid "Save Clip Markers" -msgstr "Shrani označevalnike posnetka" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2733 src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:86 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:478 src/project/projectcommands.cpp:162 -msgid "Delete marker" -msgstr "Izbriši označevalnik" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2748 -msgid "Delete clip markers" -msgstr "Izbriši označevalnike posnetkov" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2750 -msgid "Clip has no markers" -msgstr "Posnetek nima označevalnikov" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2788 src/project/clippropertiesmanager.cpp:126 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"You are editing an external title clip (%1). Do you want to save your " -"changes to the title file or save the changes for this project only?" -msgstr "" -"Urejate zunanji naslovni posnetek (%1). Ali želite shraniti vaše spremembe v " -"datoteko naslova ali shraniti spremembe le za ta projekt?" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2788 src/project/clippropertiesmanager.cpp:126 -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:1766 -msgid "Save Title" -msgstr "Shrani naslov" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2788 src/project/clippropertiesmanager.cpp:126 -msgid "Save to title file" -msgstr "Shrani v datoteko naslova" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2788 src/project/clippropertiesmanager.cpp:126 -msgid "Save in project only" -msgstr "Shrani le v projekt" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2852 src/project/projectlist.cpp:1428 -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:1430 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4517 -msgid "Invalid clip" -msgstr "Neveljaven posnetek" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2852 src/project/projectlist.cpp:1428 -msgid "Clip is invalid, will be removed from project." -msgstr "Posnetek ni veljaven, zato bo odstranjen iz projekta." - -#: src/bin/bincommands.cpp:34 -msgid "Remove Folder" -msgstr "Odstrani mapo" - -#: src/bin/bincommands.cpp:35 -msgid "Add Folder" -msgstr "Dodaj mapo" - -#: src/bin/bincommands.cpp:121 -msgid "Add Bin Effect" -msgstr "Dodaj učinek shrambe" - -#: src/bin/bincommands.cpp:140 -msgid "Remove Bin Effect" -msgstr "Odstrani učinek shrambe" - -#: src/bin/bincommands.cpp:162 -msgid "Rename Zone" -msgstr "Preimenuj območje" - -#: src/bin/bincommands.cpp:184 -msgid "Add Sub Clip" -msgstr "Dodaj podposnetek" - -#: src/bin/bincommands.cpp:217 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1628 -msgid "Edit clip" -msgstr "Uredi posnetek" - -#: src/bin/projectclip.cpp:90 src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:879 -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:195 -msgid "Untitled" -msgstr "Neimenovano" - -#: src/bin/projectclip.cpp:272 src/project/projectlist.cpp:2458 -msgctxt "The first letter of Proxy, used as abbreviation" -msgid "P" -msgstr "P" - -#: src/bin/projectclip.cpp:940 src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:1228 -#, kde-format -msgid "Clip already contains analysis data %1" -msgstr "Posnetek že vsebuje podatke preučevanja %1" - -#: src/bin/projectclip.cpp:940 src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:1228 -msgid "Merge" -msgstr "Združi" - -#: src/bin/projectclip.cpp:940 src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:1228 -msgid "Add" -msgstr "Dodaj" - -#: src/bin/projectfolder.cpp:74 -#, kde-format -msgid "%1 clip" -msgid_plural "%1 clips" -msgstr[0] "%1 posnetkov" -msgstr[1] "%1 posnetek" -msgstr[2] "%1 posnetka" -msgstr[3] "%1 posnetki" - -#: src/bin/projectfolderup.cpp:35 -msgid "Back" -msgstr "Nazaj" - -#: src/bin/projectfolderup.cpp:59 -msgid "Go up" -msgstr "Pojdi gor" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/bin/projectitemmodel.cpp:169 src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:74 -#: src/ui/colorclip_ui.ui:20 src/ui/configtranscode_ui.ui:70 -#: src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:20 -msgid "Name" -msgstr "Ime" - -#: src/bin/projectitemmodel.cpp:172 -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:173 -#: src/project/projectlistview.cpp:59 -msgid "Date" -msgstr "Datum" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_description) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/bin/projectitemmodel.cpp:175 src/project/projectlistview.cpp:59 -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:41 src/ui/configtranscode_ui.ui:80 -#: src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:49 -msgid "Description" -msgstr "Opis" - -#: src/bin/projectitemmodel.cpp:178 src/dialogs/profilesdialog.cpp:585 -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:231 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:319 -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:771 src/mltcontroller/clipcontroller.cpp:266 -#: src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:483 -msgid "Unknown" -msgstr "Neznano" - -#: src/bin/projectsubclip.cpp:41 src/doc/documentvalidator.cpp:1441 -#, kde-format -msgid "Zone %1" -msgstr "Območje %1" - -#: src/capture/managecapturesdialog.cpp:42 -msgid "import" -msgstr "Uvozi" - -#: src/dialogs/clipcreationdialog.cpp:97 src/dialogs/clipcreationdialog.cpp:98 -msgid "Color Clip" -msgstr "Barvni posnetek" - -#: src/dialogs/clipcreationdialog.cpp:188 -msgid "Title clip" -msgstr "Naslovni posnetek" - -#: src/dialogs/clipcreationdialog.cpp:236 src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:1117 -msgid "Template title clip" -msgstr "Predloga naslovnega posnetka" - -#: src/dialogs/clipcreationdialog.cpp:428 src/doc/doccommands.cpp:32 -msgid "Add clip" -msgid_plural "Add clips" -msgstr[0] "Dodaj posnetke" -msgstr[1] "Dodaj posnetek" -msgstr[2] "Dodaj posnetka" -msgstr[3] "Dodaj posnetke" - -#: src/dialogs/clipcreationdialog.cpp:437 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:247 -#: src/effectstack/collapsibleeffect.cpp:200 src/mainwindow.cpp:2832 -msgid "All Supported Files" -msgstr "Vse podprte datoteke" - -#: src/dialogs/clipcreationdialog.cpp:437 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:247 -#: src/effectstack/collapsibleeffect.cpp:200 src/mainwindow.cpp:2832 -msgid "All Files" -msgstr "Vse datoteke" - -#: src/dialogs/clipcreationdialog.cpp:438 -msgid "Import image sequence" -msgstr "Uvozi zaporedje slik" - -#: src/dialogs/clipcreationdialog.cpp:440 -msgid "Transparent background for images" -msgstr "Prozorno ozadje za slike" - -#: src/dialogs/encodingprofilesdialog.cpp:37 -msgid "Manage Encoding Profiles" -msgstr "Upravljajte s profili kodiranja" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, groupBox) -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, enable_proxy) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_14) -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, kcfg_enableproxy) -#: src/dialogs/encodingprofilesdialog.cpp:38 -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:96 src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:36 -#: src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:142 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:244 -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:499 -msgid "Proxy clips" -msgstr "Posredni posnetki" - -#: src/dialogs/encodingprofilesdialog.cpp:39 -msgid "Video4Linux capture" -msgstr "Zajem Video4Linux" - -#: src/dialogs/encodingprofilesdialog.cpp:40 -msgid "Screen capture" -msgstr "Zajem zaslona" - -#: src/dialogs/encodingprofilesdialog.cpp:41 -msgid "Decklink capture" -msgstr "Zajem Decklink" - -#: src/dialogs/encodingprofilesdialog.cpp:125 -#: src/dialogs/encodingprofilesdialog.cpp:157 -msgid "Profile name:" -msgstr "Ime profila:" - -#: src/dialogs/encodingprofilesdialog.cpp:128 -#: src/dialogs/encodingprofilesdialog.cpp:160 -msgid "Parameters:" -msgstr "Parametri:" - -#: src/dialogs/encodingprofilesdialog.cpp:131 -#: src/dialogs/encodingprofilesdialog.cpp:163 -msgid "File extension:" -msgstr "Pripona datoteke:" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:64 -#: src/effectslist/effectslistwidget.cpp:100 -#: src/effectslist/effectslistwidget.cpp:121 -#: src/effectslist/effectslistwidget.cpp:123 -msgid "Misc" -msgstr "Razno" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:73 -msgid "Project Defaults" -msgstr "Privzete vrednosti projekta" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:101 -msgid "Environment" -msgstr "Okolje" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:126 -msgid "Capture" -msgstr "Zajemi" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:131 -msgid "Capture is not yet available on Mac OS X." -msgstr "Na Mac OS X zajem še ni podprt." - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:170 -msgid "JogShuttle" -msgstr "JogShuttle" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, groupBox) -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:180 src/ui/smconfig_ui.ui:20 -msgid "Playback" -msgstr "Predvajanje" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:275 -msgid "GPU processing needs MLT compiled with Movit and Rtaudio modules" -msgstr "" -"Obdelava z grafično procesno enoto (GPE oz. angl. GPU) zahteva prevedeni MLT " -"z moduloma Movit in Rtaudio." - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:300 -#, kde-format -msgid "dvgrab version %1 at %2" -msgstr "dvgrab različice %1 pri %2" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:301 -msgid "" -"dvgrab utility not found, please install it for firewire " -"capture" -msgstr "" -"Pripomočka dvgrab ni mogoče najti, namestite ga za " -"zajemanje preko firewire" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:438 -msgid "Automatic" -msgstr "Samodejno" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:440 -msgid "OSS" -msgstr "OSS" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:441 -msgid "ALSA" -msgstr "ALSA" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:442 -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:487 -msgid "PulseAudio" -msgstr "PulseAudio" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:443 -msgid "OSS with DMA access" -msgstr "OSS z dostopom DMA" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:444 -msgid "Esound daemon" -msgstr "Odzadnji program esound" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:445 -msgid "ARTS daemon" -msgstr "Ozadnji program ARTS" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:457 -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:458 -msgid "Default" -msgstr "Privzeto" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:503 -msgid "SDL" -msgstr "SDL" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:504 -msgid "RtAudio" -msgstr "RtAudio" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:566 -msgid "Select default video player" -msgstr "Izberite privzet predvajalnik videa" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:578 -msgid "Select default audio editor" -msgstr "Izberite privzet urejevalnik zvoka" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:590 -msgid "Select default image editor" -msgstr "Izberite privzet urejevalnik slik" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:809 -msgid "Kdenlive must be restarted to change this setting" -msgstr "Za spremembo te nastavitve morate znova zagnati Kdenlive" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, p_progressive) -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:832 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:264 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:634 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:118 src/project/clipproperties.cpp:685 -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:322 src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:99 -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:163 -msgid "Interlaced" -msgstr "Prepleteno" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, progressive) -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:834 -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:1039 -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:1072 -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:1088 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:265 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:634 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:119 src/project/clipproperties.cpp:685 -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:428 src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:232 -msgid "Progressive" -msgstr "Napredovano" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:892 -msgid "A profile with that name already exists" -msgstr "Profil s tem imenom že obstaja" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:1003 -msgid "Current settings" -msgstr "Trenutne nastavitve" - -#: src/dialogs/profilesdialog.cpp:50 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:163 -msgid "Delete profile" -msgstr "Izbriši profil" - -#: src/dialogs/profilesdialog.cpp:52 src/dialogs/profilesdialog.cpp:95 -msgid "Save profile" -msgstr "Shrani profil" - -#: src/dialogs/profilesdialog.cpp:54 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:171 -msgid "Create new profile" -msgstr "Ustvari nov profil" - -#: src/dialogs/profilesdialog.cpp:163 -msgid "The custom profile was modified, do you want to save it?" -msgstr "Profil po meri je bil spremenjen. Ali ga želite shraniti?" - -#: src/dialogs/profilesdialog.cpp:194 -msgid "" -"A profile with same name already exists in MLT's default profiles, please " -"choose another description for your custom profile." -msgstr "" -"Med privzetimi profili MLT že obstaja profil z istim imenom. Izberite drug " -"opis za vaš profil po meri." - -#: src/dialogs/profilesdialog.cpp:225 src/dialogs/profilesdialog.cpp:526 -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:612 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:799 -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:805 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:865 -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1003 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1168 -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2382 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2405 -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:669 src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:675 -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:934 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:940 -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:3046 src/mainwindow.cpp:3051 -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:796 -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:802 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:1780 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot write to file %1" -msgstr "V datoteko %1 ni mogoče pisati" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:108 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1233 -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2295 -msgid "Waiting..." -msgstr "Čakanje ..." - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:111 -msgid "Rendering finished" -msgstr "Izrisovanje končano" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:116 -msgid "Rendering crashed" -msgstr "Izrisovanje se je sesulo" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:121 -msgid "Rendering aborted" -msgstr "Izrisovanje prekinjeno" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:155 -msgid "Rendering" -msgstr "Izrisovanje" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:167 -msgid "Edit profile" -msgstr "Uredi profil" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:177 -msgid "Copy profile to favorites" -msgstr "Kopiraj profil med priljubljene" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:179 -msgid "Show profiles with different framerate" -msgstr "Pokaži profile z drugačno hitrostjo sličic" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, preserveAspectRatio) -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:223 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:534 -msgid "Preserve aspect ratio" -msgstr "Ohrani razmerje" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:289 -msgid "File" -msgstr "Datoteka" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:298 -msgid "Script Files" -msgstr "Datoteke s skriptom" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:392 -msgid "Beginning" -msgstr "Začetek" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:478 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:494 -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:688 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:706 -msgid "Qualities" -msgstr "Kakovosti" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:479 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:495 -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:689 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:707 -msgid "Default quality" -msgstr "Privzeta kakovost" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, vbitrates_label) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, abitrates_label) -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:481 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:497 -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:691 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:709 -#: src/ui/saveprofile_ui.ui:40 src/ui/saveprofile_ui.ui:73 -msgid "Bitrates" -msgstr "Bitne hitrosti" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, default_vbitrate_label) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, default_abitrate_label) -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:482 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:498 -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:692 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:710 -#: src/ui/saveprofile_ui.ui:26 src/ui/saveprofile_ui.ui:80 -msgid "Default bitrate" -msgstr "Privzeta bitna hitrost" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:509 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:515 -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:679 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:749 -msgctxt "Group Name" -msgid "Custom" -msgstr "Po meri" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:591 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:760 -msgid "Profile already exists" -msgstr "Profil že obstaja" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:591 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:760 -msgid "" -"This profile name already exists. Change the name if you don't want to " -"overwrite it." -msgstr "Ime profila že obstaja. Spremenite ime, če ga ne želite prepisati." - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:606 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:859 -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1859 -#, kde-format -msgid "Unable to write to file %1" -msgstr "V datoteko %1 ni mogoče pisati" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:632 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1843 -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1892 -msgctxt "Category Name" -msgid "Custom" -msgstr "Po meri" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:720 -msgid "Edit Profile" -msgstr "Uredi profil" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:918 -msgid "Cannot find the melt program required for rendering (part of Mlt)" -msgstr "" -"Programa melt, zahtevanega za izrisovanje, ni mogoče najti (sicer del MLT)." - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:922 -msgid "" -"Cannot play video after rendering because the default video player " -"application is not set.\n" -"Please define it in Kdenlive settings dialog." -msgstr "" -"Videa po izrisovanju ni mogoče predvajati, ker ni nastavljen privzeti " -"program za predvajanje videa.\n" -"Določite ga v pogovornem oknu nastavitev Kdenlive." - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:930 src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:259 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"The directory %1, could not be created.\n" -"Please make sure you have the required permissions." -msgstr "" -"Mape %1 ni bilo mogoče ustvariti.\n" -"Prepričajte se, če imate zahtevana dovoljenja." - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:973 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:165 -#, kde-format -msgid "File has no extension. Add extension (%1)?" -msgstr "Datoteka nima pripone. Ali jo želite dodati (%1)?" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:988 -msgid "Output file already exists. Do you want to overwrite it?" -msgstr "Izhodna datoteka že obstaja. Ali jo želite prepisati?" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1222 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2283 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"There is already a job writing file:
Abort the job if " -"you want to overwrite it..." -msgstr "" -"Posel pisanja v datoteko že obstaja:
Prekinite ta posel, " -"če jo želite prepisati ..." - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1222 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2283 -msgid "Already running" -msgstr "Že teče" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1266 -msgid "Video without audio track" -msgstr "Video brez zvočne sledi" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1317 -#, kde-format -msgid "Rendering %1 started" -msgstr "izrisovanje %1 začeto" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1473 -#, kde-format -msgid "Frame rate (%1) not compatible with project profile (%2)" -msgstr "Hitrost sličic (%1) ni združljiva s profilom projekta (%2)" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1491 -#, kde-format -msgid "Unsupported video format: %1" -msgstr "Nepodprta vrsta videa: %1" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1507 -#, kde-format -msgid "Unsupported audio codec: %1" -msgstr "Nepodprt zvočni kodek: %1" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1524 -#, kde-format -msgid "Unsupported video codec: %1" -msgstr "Nepodprt slikovni kodek: %1" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1533 -msgid "" -"This render profile uses a 'profile' parameter.
Unless you know what " -"you are doing you will probably have to change it to 'mlt_profile'." -msgstr "" -"Ta profil izrisovanja uporablja parameter »profile«.
V primeru, da tega " -"niste spremenili namenoma, ga boste najbrž morali spremeniti v »mlt_profile«." - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1546 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1584 -msgid "No matching profile" -msgstr "Brez ujemajočega profila" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1561 -msgid "untitled" -msgstr "neimenovano" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1586 -msgid "Invalid profile" -msgstr "Neveljaven profil" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1630 -msgid "" -"Video\n" -"quality" -msgstr "" -"Kakovost\n" -"videa" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1632 -msgid "" -"Video\n" -"bitrate" -msgstr "" -"Bitna\n" -"hitrost\n" -"videa" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1652 -msgid "" -"Audio\n" -"quality" -msgstr "" -"Kakovost\n" -"zvoka" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1654 -msgid "" -"Audio\n" -"bitrate" -msgstr "" -"Bitna\n" -"hitrost\n" -"zvoka" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1692 -msgid "File rendering" -msgstr "Izrisovanje datoteke" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1693 -msgid "Favorites" -msgstr "Priljubljene" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1694 -msgid "DVD" -msgstr "DVD" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, profile_audioonly) -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1695 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7011 -#: src/ui/configtranscode_ui.ui:100 -msgid "Audio only" -msgstr "Samo zvok" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1696 -msgid "Web sites" -msgstr "Spletna mesta" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1697 -msgid "Media players" -msgstr "Predstavnostni predvajalniki" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1698 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1738 -msgid "Lossless/HQ" -msgstr "Brez izgub / visoka kakovost" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1699 -msgid "Mobile devices" -msgstr "Prenosne naprave" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1783 -msgctxt "Category Name" -msgid "Images sequence" -msgstr "Zaporedje slik" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1987 -msgctxt "Attribute Name" -msgid "Custom" -msgstr "Po meri" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2085 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2108 -#, kde-format -msgid "%1 day " -msgid_plural "%1 days " -msgstr[0] "%1 dni " -msgstr[1] "%1 dan " -msgstr[2] "%1 dneva " -msgstr[3] "%1 dni " - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2087 -#, kde-format -msgid "Remaining time %1" -msgstr "Preostali čas: %1" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2110 -#, kde-format -msgid "Rendering finished in %1" -msgstr "Izrisovanje končano v %1" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2112 -#, kde-format -msgid "Rendering of %1 finished in %2" -msgstr "Izrisovanje %1 končano v %2" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2125 -#, kde-format -msgid "Rendering of %1 crashed
" -msgstr "Izrisovanje %1 se je sesulo
" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, abort_job) -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2165 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:650 -msgid "Abort Job" -msgstr "Prekini posel" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2168 -msgid "Remove Job" -msgstr "Odstrani posel" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2236 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2240 -#, kde-format -msgid "Script contains wrong command: %1" -msgstr "Skript vsebuje napačen ukaz: %1" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2424 -msgid "script" -msgstr "skript" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2445 src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:228 -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:640 -msgid "Check missing clips" -msgstr "Preveri manjkajoče posnetke" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2502 -msgid "Export audio (automatic)" -msgstr "Izvozi zvok (samodejno)" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, export_audio) -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2504 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:544 -msgid "Export audio" -msgstr "Izvozi zvok" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:60 -msgid "Config Wizard" -msgstr "Čarovnik za nastavitev" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:64 -msgid "Welcome" -msgstr "Dobrodošli" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:66 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Your Kdenlive version was upgraded to version %1. Please take some time to " -"review the basic settings" -msgstr "" -"Vaš Kdenlive je bil nadgrajen z novejšo različico %1. Vzemite si nekaj časa, " -"da si ogledate osnovne nastavitve" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:68 -msgid "" -"This is the first time you run Kdenlive. This wizard will let you adjust " -"some basic settings, you will be ready to edit your first movie in a few " -"seconds..." -msgstr "" -"Program Kdenlive ste zagnali prvič. Ta čarovnik vas bo vodil skozi osnovne " -"nastavitve in že čez nekaj sekund boste lahko urejali svoj prvi film ..." - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:72 -msgid "Discover the features of this Kdenlive release" -msgstr "Odkrijte novosti te izdaje Kdenlive" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:82 -msgid "Checking MLT engine" -msgstr "Preverjanje pogona MLT" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:90 -msgid "Video Standard" -msgstr "Video standard" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:128 -msgid "Additional Settings" -msgstr "Dodatne nastavitve" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (KComboBox, capture_device) -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:142 src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:168 -msgid "Capture device" -msgstr "Naprava za zajem" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:146 -msgid "Default Blackmagic Decklink card:" -msgstr "Privzeta kartica Blackmagic Decklink:" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:147 -msgid "No Blackmagic Decklink device found" -msgstr "Ni bilo najdene nobene naprave Blackmagic Decklink:" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:158 -msgid "Checking system" -msgstr "Preverjanje sistema" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:186 -msgid "Default video4linux device:" -msgstr "Privzeta naprava video4linux:" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:199 -msgid "No device found, plug your webcam and refresh." -msgstr "Ni najdene naprave, vklopite vašo spletno kamero in osvežite." - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:221 -#, kde-format -msgid "Current settings (%1x%2, %3/%4fps)" -msgstr "Trenutne nastavitve (%1x%2, %3/%4fps)" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:257 -#, kde-format -msgid "Default settings (%1x%2, %3/%4fps)" -msgstr "Privzete nastavitve (%1x%2, %3/%4fps)" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:272 -msgid "Melt" -msgstr "Melt" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:273 -msgid "Required for rendering (part of MLT package)" -msgstr "Zahtevano za izrisovanje (sicer del paketa MLT)" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:280 -msgid "Cannot start the MLT video backend!" -msgstr "Ni mogoče zagnati zaledja za video MLT!" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:287 -#, kde-format -msgid "MLT version: %1" -msgstr "Različica MLT: %1" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:290 -msgid "Your MLT version is unsupported!!!" -msgstr "Vaša različica MLT ni podprta!" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:296 -#, kde-format -msgid "Please upgrade to MLT %1.%2.%3" -msgstr "Nadgradite MLT na %1.%2.%3" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:300 -msgid "MLT video backend!" -msgstr "Zaledje videa MLT!" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:318 -msgid "SDL module" -msgstr "Modul SDL" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:319 -msgid "Required for Kdenlive" -msgstr "Zahtevan za Kdenlive" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:332 -msgid "Avformat module (FFmpeg)" -msgstr "Modul avformat (FFmpeg)" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:333 -msgid "Required to work with various video formats (hdv, mpeg, flash, ...)" -msgstr "Zahtevan za delo z različnimi vrstami videa (hdv, mpeg, flash, ...)" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:372 -msgid "QImage module" -msgstr "Modul QImage" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:373 src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:378 -msgid "Required to work with images" -msgstr "Zahtevan za delo s slikami" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:377 -msgid "Pixbuf module" -msgstr "Modul pixbuf" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:392 -msgid "Title module" -msgstr "Modul za naslove" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:393 -msgid "Required to work with titles" -msgstr "Zahtevan za delo z naslovi" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:456 -msgid "" -"The following codecs were not found on your system. Check our online manual if you need them: " -msgstr "" -"Naslednjih kodekov ni bilo mogoče najti na vašem sistemu. Če jih " -"potrebujete, preverite naš spletni priročnik: " - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:477 -msgid "FFmpeg & ffplay" -msgstr "FFmpeg in ffplay" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:478 -msgid "Required for proxy clips, transcoding and screen capture" -msgstr "Zahtevan za posredne posnetke, prekodiranje in zajem zaslona" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:504 -msgid "dvgrab" -msgstr "dvgrab" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:505 -msgid "Required for firewire capture" -msgstr "Zahtevan za zajemanje preko firewire" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:511 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:104 -msgid "dvdauthor" -msgstr "dvdauthor" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:512 -msgid "Required for creation of DVD" -msgstr "Zahtevan za ustvarjanje DVD-jev" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:518 -msgid "genisoimage or mkisofs" -msgstr "genisoimage ali mkisofs" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:519 -msgid "Required for creation of DVD ISO images" -msgstr "Zahtevan za ustvarjanje odtisov ISO DVD-jev" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:528 -msgid "xine" -msgstr "xine" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:529 -msgid "Required to preview your DVD" -msgstr "Zahtevan za predogled vašega DVD-ja" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:533 -msgid "vlc" -msgstr "vlc" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:685 -msgid "Frame size:" -msgstr "Velikost sličice:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_4) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:685 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:245 -#: src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:55 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:107 -msgid "Frame rate:" -msgstr "Hitrost sličic:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_23) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_9) -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:685 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:266 -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:121 -msgid "Pixel aspect ratio:" -msgstr "Razmerje slikovnih točk:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_31) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_10) -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:685 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:280 -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:135 -msgid "Display aspect ratio:" -msgstr "Prikaži razmerje:" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:732 -msgid "" -"Your MLT installation cannot be found. Install MLT and restart Kdenlive.\n" -msgstr "" -"Vaše namestitve MLT ni mogoče najti. Namestite MLT in ponovno zaženite " -"Kdenlive.\n" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:736 -msgid "Fatal Error" -msgstr "Usodna napaka" - -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:279 -#, kde-format -msgid "%1 fps" -msgstr "%1 fps" - -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:284 -msgid "Hz" -msgstr "Hz" - -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:289 -msgid "Audio clip" -msgstr "Zvočni posnetek" - -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:292 -msgid "Mute video clip" -msgstr "Utišaj posnetek" - -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:295 src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:214 -msgid "Video clip" -msgstr "Video posnetek" - -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:298 -msgid "Color clip" -msgstr "Barvni posnetek" - -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:301 src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:216 -msgid "Image clip" -msgstr "Posnetek iz slike" - -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:304 -msgid "Template text clip" -msgstr "Predloga posnetka iz besedila" - -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:305 -msgid "Text clip" -msgstr "Posnetek iz besedila" - -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:308 -msgid "Slideshow clip" -msgstr "Predstavitveni posnetek" - -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:311 -msgid "Virtual clip" -msgstr "Navidezni posnetek" - -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:314 src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:218 -msgid "Playlist clip" -msgstr "Posnetek seznama predvajanja" - -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:317 -msgid "Unknown clip" -msgstr "Neznani posnetek" - -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:684 src/renderer.cpp:141 -msgid "Missing clip" -msgstr "Manjkajoči posnetek" - -#: src/doc/doccommands.cpp:33 src/project/clipmanager.cpp:226 -msgid "Delete clip" -msgid_plural "Delete clips" -msgstr[0] "Izbriši posnetke" -msgstr[1] "Izbriši posnetek" -msgstr[2] "Izbriši posnetka" -msgstr[3] "Izbriši posnetke" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:199 -msgid "Luma file" -msgstr "Datoteka svetilnosti" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:223 -msgid "Title Image" -msgstr "Naslovna slika" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:226 -msgid "Title Font" -msgstr "Pisava naslova" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:247 -#, kde-format -msgid "%1 will be replaced by %2" -msgstr "%1 bo zamenjan z %2" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:261 -msgid "Missing item" -msgstr "Manjkajoči predmet" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:265 -msgid "The project file contains missing clips or files" -msgstr "Projektna datoteka vsebuje manjkajoče posnetke ali datoteke" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:269 -msgid "Missing proxies will be recreated after opening." -msgstr "Manjkajoči posredni posnetki bodo znova ustvarjeni po odprtju." - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:273 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"The project file contains a missing clip, you can still work with its proxy." -msgid_plural "" -"The project file contains %1 missing clips, you can still work with their " -"proxies." -msgstr[0] "" -"Projektna datoteka vsebuje %1 manjkajočih posnetkov, ampak še vseeno lahko " -"uporabljate njihove posredne posnetke." -msgstr[1] "" -"Projektna datoteka vsebuje %1 manjkajoči posnetek, ampak še vseeno lahko " -"uporabljate njegov posredni posnetek." -msgstr[2] "" -"Projektna datoteka vsebuje %1 manjkajoča posnetka, ampak še vseeno lahko " -"uporabljate njuna posredna posnetka." -msgstr[3] "" -"Projektna datoteka vsebuje %1 manjkajoče posnetke, ampak še vseeno lahko " -"uporabljate njihove posredne posnetke." - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:283 src/project/projectitem.cpp:192 -msgid "Proxy clip" -msgstr "Posredni posnetek" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:285 -#, kde-format -msgid "%1 missing proxy clip, will be recreated on project opening" -msgid_plural "%1 missing proxy clips, will be recreated on project opening" -msgstr[0] "" -"%1 manjkajočih posrednih posnetkov bo znova ustvarjenih ob odprtju projekta" -msgstr[1] "" -"%1 manjkajoči posredni posnetek bo znova ustvarjen ob odprtju projekta" -msgstr[2] "" -"%1 manjkajoča posredna posnetka bosta znova ustvarjena ob odprtju projekta" -msgstr[3] "" -"%1 manjkajoči posredni posnetki bodo znova ustvarjeni ob odprtju projekta" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:288 -msgid "Missing proxy" -msgstr "Manjkajoči posredni posnetek" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:335 src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:348 -msgid "Source clip" -msgstr "Izvorni posnetek" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:337 -#, kde-format -msgid "%1 missing source clips, you can only use the proxies" -msgstr "" -"%1 manjkajočih izvornih posnetkov, uporabite lahko le posredne posnetke" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:340 -msgid "Missing source clip" -msgstr "Manjkajoči izvorni posnetek" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:411 -msgid "Clips folder" -msgstr "Mapa s posnetki" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:567 -msgid "Enter new location for file" -msgstr "Vnesite novo mesto za datoteko" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:780 -msgid "This will remove the selected clip from this project" -msgid_plural "This will remove the selected clips from this project" -msgstr[0] "To bo odstranilo izbrane posnetke iz tega projekta" -msgstr[1] "To bo odstranilo izbrani posnetek iz tega projekta" -msgstr[2] "To bo odstranilo izbrana posnetka iz tega projekta" -msgstr[3] "To bo odstranilo izbrane posnetke iz tega projekta" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:780 -msgid "Remove clips" -msgstr "Odstrani posnetke" - -#: src/doc/documentvalidator.cpp:90 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"The document was created in \"%1\" locale, which is not installed on your " -"system. Please install that language pack. Until then, Kdenlive might not be " -"able to correctly open the document." -msgstr "" -"Ta dokument je bil ustvarjen z jezikovno oznako »%1«, ki pa ni nameščena na " -"vašem sistemu. Namestite ta jezikovni paket. Dokler tega ne storite, " -"Kdenlive ne bo mogel pravilno odpreti dokumenta." - -#: src/doc/documentvalidator.cpp:94 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"There is a locale conflict on your system. The document uses locale %1 which " -"uses a \"%2\" as numeric separator (in system libraries) but Qt expects " -"\"%3\". You might not be able to correctly open the project." -msgstr "" -"Na vašem sistemu obstaja spor jezikovnih oznak. Dokument uporablja jezikovno " -"oznako %1, ki uporablja »%2« kot ločilnik za številke (v sistemskih " -"knjižnicah), Qt pa pričakuje »%3«. Morda ne boste mogli pravilno odprti " -"projekta." - -#: src/doc/documentvalidator.cpp:279 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"This project type is unsupported (version %1) and can't be loaded.\n" -"Please consider upgrading your Kdenlive version." -msgstr "" -"Ta vrsta projekta ni podprta (različica %1), zato ga ni mogoče naložiti.\n" -"Razmislite o nadgradnji na novejšo različico Kdenlive." - -#: src/doc/documentvalidator.cpp:279 src/doc/documentvalidator.cpp:286 -msgid "Unable to open project" -msgstr "Projekta ni mogoče odpreti" - -#: src/doc/documentvalidator.cpp:286 -#, kde-format -msgid "This project type is unsupported (version %1) and can't be loaded." -msgstr "" -"Ta vrsta projektov ni podprta (različica %1), zato ga ni mogoče naložiti." - -#: src/doc/documentvalidator.cpp:840 -msgid "" -"Some of your text clips were saved with size in points, which means " -"different sizes on different displays. Do you want to convert them to pixel " -"size, making them portable? It is recommended you do this on the computer " -"they were first created on, or you could have to adjust their size." -msgstr "" -"Nekateri vaši posnetki besedila so shranjeni z velikostjo v točkah, kar " -"pomeni različne velikosti na različnih zaslonih. Ali želite pretvoriti " -"velikost v slikovne točke, s čimer bodo postali prenosljivi? Priporočamo, da " -"to storite na računalniku, na katerem ste jih ustvarili, sicer boste morali " -"prilagajati njihovo velikost." - -#: src/doc/documentvalidator.cpp:840 -msgid "Update Text Clips" -msgstr "Posodobi posnetke z besedilom" - -#: src/doc/documentvalidator.cpp:1679 -msgid "" -"The project file uses some GPU effects. GPU acceleration is not currently " -"enabled.\n" -"Do you want to convert the project to a non-GPU version ?\n" -"This might result in data loss." -msgstr "" -"Ta projektna datoteka uporablja nekatere učinke GPE. Pospeševanje z GPE " -"trenutno ni omogočeno.\n" -"Ali želite pretvoriti projekt v različico brez podpore GPE?\n" -"To lahko povzroči izgubo podatkov." - -#: src/doc/documentvalidator.cpp:1770 -msgid "The following filters/transitions were converted to non GPU versions:" -msgstr "Naslednji filtri/prehodi so pretvorjeni v različico brez podpore GPE:" - -#: src/doc/documentvalidator.cpp:1773 -msgid "The following filters/transitions were deleted from the project:" -msgstr "Naslednji filtri/prehodi so bili izbrisani iz projekta:" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:152 -msgid "" -"Cannot open the project file,\n" -"Do you want to open a backup file?" -msgstr "" -"Ni mogoče odpreti projektne datoteke.\n" -"Ali želite odpreti varnostno kopijo?" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:152 src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:168 -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:213 -msgid "Error opening file" -msgstr "Napaka med odpiranjem datoteke" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:152 src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:168 -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:213 -msgid "Open Backup" -msgstr "Odpri varnostno kopijo" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:168 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Cannot open the project file, error is:\n" -"%1 (line %2, col %3)\n" -"Do you want to open a backup file?" -msgstr "" -"Ni bilo mogoče odpreti projektne datoteke. Napaka je:\n" -"%1 (vrstica %2, stolpec %3)\n" -"Ali želite odpreti varnostno kopijo?" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:168 src/project/projectmanager.cpp:381 -msgid "Recover" -msgstr "Obnovi" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:194 -msgid "Cannot recover this project file" -msgstr "Te projektne datoteke ni mogoče obnoviti" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:206 -msgid "Validating" -msgstr "Potrjevanje veljavnosti" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:212 -#, kde-format -msgid "File %1 is not a Kdenlive project file" -msgstr "Datoteka %1 ni projektna datoteka Kdenlive" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:213 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"File %1 is not a valid project file.\n" -"Do you want to open a backup file?" -msgstr "" -"Datoteka %1 ni veljavna projektna datoteka.\n" -"Ali želite odpreti varnostno kopijo?" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:254 -#, kde-format -msgid "Project directory %1 does not exist. Create it?" -msgstr "Mapa projekta %1 ne obstaja. Ali jo ustvarim?" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:266 -#, kde-format -msgid "Document project folder is invalid, setting it to the default one: %1" -msgstr "Mapa dokumenta projekta ni veljavna, uporabljena bo privzeta: %1" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:548 src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:659 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot write to file %1, scene list is corrupted." -msgstr "V datoteko %1 ni mogoče pisati. Seznam prizorov je pokvarjen." - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:719 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"You have changed the project folder. Do you want to copy the cached data " -"from %1 to the new folder %2?" -msgstr "" -"Spremenili ste mapo projekta. Želite kopirati predpomnjene podatke iz %1 v " -"novo mapo %2?" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:1105 -msgid "Enter Template Path" -msgstr "Vnesite pot do predloge" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:1179 -msgid "The following effects were imported from the project:" -msgstr "Naslednji učinki so bili uvoženi iz projekta:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:1209 src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:1223 -#: src/ui/backupdialog_ui.ui:22 -msgid "Project Folder" -msgstr "Mapa projekta" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:1287 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Cannot create backup copy:\n" -"%1" -msgstr "" -"Ni mogoče ustvariti varnostne kopije:\n" -"%1" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:1400 src/project/projectlist.cpp:2317 -msgid "Add proxy clip" -msgid_plural "Add proxy clips" -msgstr[0] "Dodaj posredne posnetke" -msgstr[1] "Dodaj posredni posnetek" -msgstr[2] "Dodaj posredna posnetka" -msgstr[3] "Dodaj posredne posnetke" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:1401 src/project/projectlist.cpp:2318 -msgid "Remove proxy clip" -msgid_plural "Remove proxy clips" -msgstr[0] "Odstrani posredne posnetke" -msgstr[1] "Odstrani posredni posnetek" -msgstr[2] "Odstrani posredna posnetka" -msgstr[3] "Odstrani posredne posnetke" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:62 src/mainwindow.cpp:1023 -msgid "DVD Wizard" -msgstr "Čarovnik za DVD" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:65 -msgid "Select Files For Your DVD" -msgstr "Izberite datoteke za svoj DVD" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:69 -msgid "DVD Chapters" -msgstr "DVD poglavja" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:75 -msgid "Create DVD Menu" -msgstr "Ustvari meni za DVD" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:79 -msgid "Creating DVD Image" -msgstr "Ustvarjanje slike DVD" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:104 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:111 -#, kde-format -msgid "Burn with %1" -msgstr "Zapiši z %1" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:114 -msgid "No burning program found (K3b, Brasero)" -msgstr "Programa za zapisovanje (K3b, Brasero) ni mogoče najti" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:120 -msgid "Load" -msgstr "Naloži" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:121 -msgid "Save" -msgstr "Shrani" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:188 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot create temporary directory %1" -msgstr "Ni mogoče ustvariti začasne mape %1" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:271 -msgid "Menu movie is invalid" -msgstr "Film menija je neveljaven" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:383 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:464 -msgid "Rendering job timed out" -msgstr "Posel izrisovanja je presegel časovno omejitev" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:385 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:466 -msgid "Menu job timed out" -msgstr "Posel menija je presegel časovno omejitev" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:674 -msgid "Rendering menu crashed" -msgstr "Izrisovanje menija se je sesulo" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:710 -msgid "DVDAuthor process crashed" -msgstr "Opravilo DVDAuthor se je sesulo" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:713 -msgid "DVDAuthor process crashed.
" -msgstr "Opravilo DVDAuthor se je sesulo
" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:737 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:738 -msgid "DVD structure broken" -msgstr "Zgradba DVD-ja je pokvarjena" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:785 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:788 -msgid "ISO creation process crashed." -msgstr "Opravilo ustvarjanja ISO se je sesulo." - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:817 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:818 -msgid "DVD ISO is broken" -msgstr "ISO DVD-ja je pokvarjen" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:832 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:834 -#, kde-format -msgid "DVD ISO image %1 successfully created." -msgstr "Odtis DVD ISO %1 je bil uspešno ustvarjen." - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:864 -#, kde-format -msgid "Previewing requires one of these applications (%1)" -msgstr "Predogled zahteva enega izmed teh programov (%1)" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:888 -#, kde-format -msgid "Folder %1 already exists. Overwrite?\n" -msgstr "Mapa %1 že obstaja. Ali jo prepišem?\n" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:890 -#, kde-format -msgid "Image file %1 already exists. Overwrite?" -msgstr "Datoteka odtisa %1 že obstaja. Ali jo prepišem?" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:911 -msgid "Save DVD Project" -msgstr "Shrani projekt DVD" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:911 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:948 -msgid "DVD project (*.kdvd)" -msgstr "Projekt DVD (*.kdvd)" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:957 -#, kde-format -msgid "File %1 is not a Kdenlive project file." -msgstr "Datoteka %1 ni projektna datoteka za Kdenlive." - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardmenu.cpp:42 src/monitor/monitor.cpp:185 -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:303 src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:79 -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:405 src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:444 -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:873 -msgid "Play" -msgstr "Predvajaj" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardmenu.cpp:54 -msgid "Add new button" -msgstr "Dodaj nov gumb" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardmenu.cpp:55 -msgid "Delete current button" -msgstr "Izbriši trenutni gumb" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardmenu.cpp:300 -msgid "Play All" -msgstr "Predvajaj vse" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:104 -#, kde-format -msgid "Program %1 is required for the DVD wizard." -msgstr "Za čarovnika DVD je zahtevan program %1." - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:105 -msgid "mkisofs" -msgstr "mkisofs" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:105 -msgid "genisoimage" -msgstr "genisoimage" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:105 -#, kde-format -msgid "Program %1 or %2 is required for the DVD wizard." -msgstr "Za čarovnika DVD je zahtevan program %1 ali %2." - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:111 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:316 -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:768 -msgid "PAL 4:3" -msgstr "PAL 4:3" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:111 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:313 -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:765 -msgid "PAL 16:9" -msgstr "PAL 16:9" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:111 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:310 -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:762 -msgid "NTSC 4:3" -msgstr "NTSC 4:3" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:111 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:307 -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:759 -msgid "NTSC 16:9" -msgstr "NTSC 16:9" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:138 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:791 -msgid "Your clips do not match selected DVD format, transcoding required." -msgstr "" -"Vaši posnetki se ne ujemajo z izbrano vrsto DVD, zahtevano je prekodiranje." - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:210 src/project/cliptranscode.cpp:244 -msgid "Transcoding failed!" -msgstr "Prekodiranje je spodletelo!" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:247 -msgid "MPEG Files" -msgstr "Datoteke MPEG" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:248 -msgid "Add new video file" -msgstr "Dodaj novo video datoteko" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:337 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:779 -#, kde-format -msgid "The clip %1 is invalid." -msgstr "Posnetek %1 je neveljaven." - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:674 -#: src/effectstack/collapsibleeffect.cpp:352 -#: src/effectstack/collapsiblegroup.cpp:178 src/monitor/monitor.cpp:845 -#: src/project/clipstabilize.cpp:222 src/project/cliptranscode.cpp:141 -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:297 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"File %1 already exists.\n" -"Do you want to overwrite it?" -msgstr "" -"Datoteka %1 že obstaja.\n" -"Ali jo želite prepisati?" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:699 -#, kde-format -msgid "Transcoding: %1" -msgstr "Prekodiranje: %1" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslist.cpp:197 -msgid "Author:" -msgstr "Avtor:" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:63 -msgid "Search in effects list" -msgstr "Poišči v seznamu učinkov" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:72 -msgid "Show/Hide effect description" -msgstr "Pokaži/skrij opis učinka" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:83 -msgid "Add Effect to Selected Clip" -msgstr "Dodaj učinek na izbran posnetek" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:84 -msgid "Add Effect to Favorites" -msgstr "Dodaj učinek med priljubljene" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:85 -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:231 -#: src/effectstack/collapsibleeffect.cpp:70 -#: src/effectstack/collapsiblegroup.cpp:77 -msgid "Delete effect" -msgstr "Izbriši učinek" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:93 -msgid "Show all transitions" -msgstr "Pokaži vse prehode" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:94 -msgid "Show GPU transitions" -msgstr "Pokaži vse prehode na GPE" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:101 -msgid "Show all effects" -msgstr "Pokaži vse učinke" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:103 -msgid "Show video effects" -msgstr "Pokaži video učinke" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:105 -msgid "Show audio effects" -msgstr "Pokaži zvočne učinke" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:107 -msgid "Show GPU effects" -msgstr "Pokaži učinke GPE" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:109 -msgid "Show custom effects" -msgstr "Pokaži učinke po meri" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:110 -msgid "Show favorite effects" -msgstr "Pokaži priljubljene učinke" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:239 -msgid "Remove from favorites" -msgstr "Odstrani iz priljubljenih" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_audio) -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, abitrates) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_audiothumbnails) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, audio_thumbs) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, audiobitrateLabel) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, rec_audio) -#: src/effectslist/effectslistwidget.cpp:100 -#: src/effectslist/effectslistwidget.cpp:129 -#: src/effectslist/effectslistwidget.cpp:131 src/monitor/recmanager.cpp:57 -#: src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:39 -#: src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:121 -#: src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:155 -#: src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:194 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:131 -#: src/ui/configtimeline_ui.ui:38 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:224 -#: src/ui/recmonitor_ui.ui:107 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:195 -#: src/ui/saveprofile_ui.ui:67 -msgid "Audio" -msgstr "Zvok" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistwidget.cpp:100 -#: src/effectslist/effectslistwidget.cpp:137 -#: src/effectslist/effectslistwidget.cpp:139 -#: src/effectslist/effectslistwidget.cpp:464 -msgctxt "Folder Name" -msgid "Custom" -msgstr "Po meri" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistwidget.cpp:194 -msgctxt "menu name for effects names between these 2 letters" -msgid "0 - F" -msgstr "0 - F" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistwidget.cpp:196 -msgctxt "menu name for effects names between these 2 letters" -msgid "G - L" -msgstr "G - L" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistwidget.cpp:198 -msgctxt "menu name for effects names between these 2 letters" -msgid "M - R" -msgstr "M - R" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistwidget.cpp:200 -msgctxt "menu name for effects names between these 2 letters" -msgid "S - Z" -msgstr "S - Z" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:47 src/project/clipproperties.cpp:346 -#: src/project/dialogs/slideshowclip.cpp:72 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:59 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:153 -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:541 -msgid "None" -msgstr "Brez" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:363 -#, kde-format -msgid "Group %1" -msgstr "Skupina %1" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:624 -msgid "None (Dissolve)" -msgstr "Brez (razpusti)" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, slide_luma) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, luma_fade) -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:706 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:292 -#: src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:203 -msgid "Wipe" -msgstr "Obrisi" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:707 -msgid "Applies a stationary transition between the current and next frames." -msgstr "Uveljavi nespremenljiv prehod med trenutnimi in naslednjimi sličicami." - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:710 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:785 -msgctxt "@property: means that the image is inverted" -msgid "Invert" -msgstr "Obrni" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:711 -msgid "Image File" -msgstr "Slikovna datoteka" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:712 -msgid "Reverse Transition" -msgstr "Obrni prehod" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:716 src/timeline/headertrack.cpp:89 -#: src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:74 -msgid "Composite" -msgstr "Kompozitno" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:717 -msgid "A key-framable alpha-channel compositor for two frames." -msgstr "Kompozitor kanala alfa ključnih sličic za dve sličici." - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:719 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:764 -msgid "Alpha Channel Operation" -msgstr "Opravilo kanala alfa" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:719 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:764 -msgid "Over,And,Or,Xor" -msgstr "Preko,In,Ali,XAli" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:720 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:765 -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:785 -msgid "Align" -msgstr "Poravnaj" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:723 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:768 -msgid "Wipe File" -msgstr "Datoteka z obrisi" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:724 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:769 -msgid "Wipe Softness" -msgstr "Mehkoba obrisa" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:725 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:770 -msgid "Wipe Invert" -msgstr "Obrni obris" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:726 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:771 -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:785 -msgid "Force Progressive Rendering" -msgstr "Vsili napredovano izrisovanje" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:727 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:772 -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:785 -msgid "Force Deinterlace Overlay" -msgstr "Vsili razpleteno prekrivanje" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:729 -msgid "Affine" -msgstr "Afina" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:753 -msgid "Fix Shear Y" -msgstr "Popravi striženje Y" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:754 -msgid "Fix Shear X" -msgstr "Popravi striženje X" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:755 -msgid "Fix Shear Z" -msgstr "Popravi striženje Z" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:761 -msgid "Use alpha channel of another clip to create a transition." -msgstr "Uporabi kanal alfa drugega posnetka, da ustvariš prehod." - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:762 -msgid "Transparency clip" -msgstr "Posnetek prozornosti" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:785 -msgid "Slide" -msgstr "Drsenje" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:785 -msgid "Slide image from one side to another." -msgstr "Drsenje slike iz ene strani na drugo." - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:785 -msgid "Direction" -msgstr "Smer" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, slide_fade) -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:790 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:262 -#: src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:167 -msgid "Dissolve" -msgstr "Razpusti" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:790 -msgid "Fade out one video while fading in the other video." -msgstr "En video naj pojema, medtem ko se drugi pojavlja." - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:790 -msgid "Reverse" -msgstr "Obrnjeno" - -#: src/effectstack/collapsibleeffect.cpp:64 -#: src/effectstack/collapsiblegroup.cpp:72 -msgid "Move effect up" -msgstr "Premakni učinek gor" - -#: src/effectstack/collapsibleeffect.cpp:67 -#: src/effectstack/collapsiblegroup.cpp:74 -msgid "Move effect down" -msgstr "Premakni učinek dol" - -#: src/effectstack/collapsibleeffect.cpp:82 -msgid "Reset Effect" -msgstr "Ponastavi učinek" - -#: src/effectstack/collapsibleeffect.cpp:83 -#: src/effectstack/collapsibleeffect.cpp:345 -msgid "Save Effect" -msgstr "Shrani učinek" - -#: src/effectstack/collapsibleeffect.cpp:91 -#: src/effectstack/collapsiblegroup.cpp:89 -msgid "Disable Effect" -msgstr "Onemogoči učinek" - -#: src/effectstack/collapsibleeffect.cpp:91 -#: src/effectstack/collapsiblegroup.cpp:89 -msgid "Enable Effect" -msgstr "Omogoči učinek" - -#: src/effectstack/collapsibleeffect.cpp:96 -msgid "Create Group" -msgstr "Ustvari skupino " - -#: src/effectstack/collapsibleeffect.cpp:136 -msgid "Create Region" -msgstr "Ustvari območje" - -#: src/effectstack/collapsibleeffect.cpp:345 -msgid "Name for saved effect: " -msgstr "Ime za shranjen učinek: " - -#: src/effectstack/collapsiblegroup.cpp:68 -#: src/effectstack/collapsiblegroup.cpp:383 -msgid "Effect Group" -msgstr "Skupina učinkov" - -#: src/effectstack/collapsiblegroup.cpp:81 -msgid "Reset Group" -msgstr "Ponastavi skupino" - -#: src/effectstack/collapsiblegroup.cpp:82 -#: src/effectstack/collapsiblegroup.cpp:171 -msgid "Save Group" -msgstr "Shrani skupino" - -#: src/effectstack/collapsiblegroup.cpp:84 -msgid "Ungroup" -msgstr "Razdruži" - -#: src/effectstack/collapsiblegroup.cpp:171 -msgid "Name for saved group: " -msgstr "Ime za shranjeno skupino: " - -#: src/effectstack/complexparameter.cpp:36 -msgid "Allow horizontal moves" -msgstr "Dovoli vodoravne premike" - -#: src/effectstack/complexparameter.cpp:38 -msgid "Allow vertical moves" -msgstr "Dovoli navpične premike" - -#: src/effectstack/complexparameter.cpp:40 -msgid "Show keyframes in timeline" -msgstr "Pokaži ključne sličice na časovnici" - -#: src/effectstack/complexparameter.cpp:42 -msgid "Parameter info" -msgstr "Podatki o parametru" - -#: src/effectstack/complexparameter.cpp:44 src/effectstack/geometryval.cpp:81 -#: src/effectstack/keyframeedit.cpp:47 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:84 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:417 -#: src/simplekeyframes/simplekeyframewidget.cpp:42 -#: src/simplekeyframes/simplekeyframewidget.cpp:132 -msgid "Add keyframe" -msgstr "Dodaj ključno sličico" - -#: src/effectstack/dragvalue.cpp:109 -msgid "Normal scale" -msgstr "Običajno merilo" - -#: src/effectstack/dragvalue.cpp:110 -msgid "Pixel scale" -msgstr "Merilo slikovnih točk" - -#: src/effectstack/dragvalue.cpp:111 -msgid "Nonlinear scale" -msgstr "Ne-premo merilo" - -#: src/effectstack/dragvalue.cpp:115 -msgid "Direct update" -msgstr "Neposredna posodobitev" - -#: src/effectstack/dragvalue.cpp:120 -msgid "Reset value" -msgstr "Ponastavi vrednost" - -#: src/effectstack/dragvalue.cpp:125 -#, kde-format -msgid "Show %1 in timeline" -msgstr "Pokaži %1 na časovnici" - -#: src/effectstack/effectstackview2.cpp:71 -msgid "Enable/Disable all effects" -msgstr "Omogoči/onemogoči vse učinke" - -#: src/effectstack/effectstackview2.cpp:73 -msgid "Show additional information for the parameters" -msgstr "Prikaži dodatne podrobnosti za parametre" - -#: src/effectstack/effectstackview2.cpp:174 -#: src/effectstack/effectstackview2.cpp:176 -#: src/effectstack/effectstackview2.cpp:179 -#, kde-format -msgid "Effects for %1" -msgstr "Učinki za %1" - -#: src/effectstack/effectstackview2.cpp:229 -#: src/effectstack/effectstackview2.cpp:231 -#: src/effectstack/effectstackview2.cpp:234 -#, kde-format -msgid "Bin effects for %1" -msgstr "Učinki shrambe za %1" - -#: src/effectstack/effectstackview2.cpp:276 -#, kde-format -msgid "Effects for track %1" -msgstr "Učinki za sled %1" - -#: src/effectstack/geometryval.cpp:77 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:81 -#: src/simplekeyframes/simplekeyframewidget.cpp:52 -msgid "Go to next keyframe" -msgstr "Pojdi na naslednjo ključno sličico" - -#: src/effectstack/geometryval.cpp:79 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:78 -#: src/simplekeyframes/simplekeyframewidget.cpp:47 -msgid "Go to previous keyframe" -msgstr "Pojdi na predhodno ključno sličico" - -#: src/effectstack/geometryval.cpp:83 src/effectstack/keyframeedit.cpp:49 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:423 -#: src/simplekeyframes/simplekeyframewidget.cpp:129 -msgid "Delete keyframe" -msgstr "Izbriši ključno sličico" - -#: src/effectstack/geometryval.cpp:85 src/monitor/monitor.cpp:206 -msgid "Misc..." -msgstr "Razno ..." - -#: src/effectstack/geometryval.cpp:89 -msgid "Show/Hide options" -msgstr "Skrij/prikaži možnosti" - -#: src/effectstack/geometryval.cpp:97 -msgid "Sync timeline cursor" -msgstr "Uskladi kazalko časovnice" - -#: src/effectstack/geometryval.cpp:116 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:343 -msgid "Align item horizontally" -msgstr "Poravnaj predmet vodoravno" - -#: src/effectstack/geometryval.cpp:118 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:345 -msgid "Align item vertically" -msgstr "Poravnaj predmet navpično" - -#: src/effectstack/geometryval.cpp:120 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:347 -msgid "Align item to top" -msgstr "Poravnaj predmet na vrh" - -#: src/effectstack/geometryval.cpp:122 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:349 -msgid "Align item to bottom" -msgstr "Poravnaj predmet na dno" - -#: src/effectstack/geometryval.cpp:124 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:351 -msgid "Align item to right" -msgstr "Poravnaj predmet desno" - -#: src/effectstack/geometryval.cpp:126 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:353 -msgid "Align item to left" -msgstr "Poravnaj predmet levo" - -#: src/effectstack/parametercontainer.cpp:467 -msgid "" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/bezier/beziersplinewidget.cpp:67 -msgid "Handle 1:" -msgstr "Grepp 1:" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/bezier/beziersplinewidget.cpp:70 -msgid "Handle 2:" -msgstr "Grepp 2:" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/colorpickerwidget.cpp:71 -msgid "" -"Pick a color on the screen. By pressing the mouse button and then moving " -"your mouse you can select a section of the screen from which to get an " -"average color." -msgstr "" -"Hämta en färg på skärmen. Genom att hålla nere musknappen och därefter " -"flytta musen kan du markera en del av skärmen från vilken medelvärdet av " -"färgerna hämtas." - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/colorpickerwidget.cpp:101 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/colorpickerwidget.cpp:125 -msgid "Requesting color information..." -msgstr "Begär färginformation ..." - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/colorpickerwidget.cpp:134 -msgid "Calculated average color for rectangle." -msgstr "Beräknade medelfärg för rektangel." - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:96 -msgctxt "x axis position" -msgid "X" -msgstr "X" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:99 -msgctxt "y axis position" -msgid "Y" -msgstr "Y" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:102 -msgctxt "Frame width" -msgid "W" -msgstr "B" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:105 -msgctxt "Frame height" -msgid "H" -msgstr "H" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:111 -msgid "Adjust to original size" -msgstr "Justera till ursprunglig storlek" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:113 -msgid "Fit to width" -msgstr "Fyll bredd" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:115 -msgid "Fit to height" -msgstr "Fyll höjd" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:118 -msgid "Import keyframes from clip" -msgstr "Importera nyckelrutor från klipp" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:121 -msgid "Reset all keyframes" -msgstr "Nollställ alla nyckelrutor" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:125 -msgid "Reset keyframes after cursor" -msgstr "Nollställ nyckelrutor efter markören" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:128 -msgid "Reset keyframes before cursor" -msgstr "Nollställ nyckelrutor före markören" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:133 -msgid "Synchronize with timeline cursor" -msgstr "Synkronisera med tidslinjens markör" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:139 -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:244 -msgid "Align left" -msgstr "Vänsterjustera" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:141 -msgid "Center horizontally" -msgstr "Centrera horisontellt" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:143 -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:243 -msgid "Align right" -msgstr "Högerjustera" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:145 -msgid "Align top" -msgstr "Justera uppåt" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:147 -msgid "Center vertically" -msgstr "Centrera vertikalt" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:149 -msgid "Align bottom" -msgstr "Justera nedåt" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:154 -#: src/ui/clipstabilize_ui.ui:30 -msgid "Options" -msgstr "Alternativ" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (suffix), widget (QSpinBox, spinResize) -#. i18n: ectx: property (suffix), widget (QSpinBox, kcfg_volume) -#. i18n: ectx: property (suffix), widget (QSpinBox, zoom_spin) -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:208 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:211 -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:125 src/ui/configsdl_ui.ui:89 -#: src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:226 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:611 -#, no-c-format -msgid "%" -msgstr "%" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/lumaliftgain.cpp:61 -msgid "Lift" -msgstr "Höj" - -#: src/hidetitlebars.cpp:21 -msgid "Show Title Bars" -msgstr "Visa titelrader" - -#: src/layoutmanagement.cpp:27 -msgid "Layouts" -msgstr "Layouter" - -#: src/layoutmanagement.cpp:28 -msgid "Load Layout" -msgstr "Läs in layout" - -#: src/layoutmanagement.cpp:30 -#, kde-format -msgid "Layout %1" -msgstr "Layout %1" - -#: src/layoutmanagement.cpp:34 -#, kde-format -msgid "Save As Layout %1" -msgstr "Spara som layout %1" - -#: src/layoutmanagement.cpp:69 -#, kde-format -msgid "Save as %1" -msgstr "Spara som %1" - -#: src/layoutmanagement.cpp:101 -msgid "Save Layout" -msgstr "Spara layout" - -#: src/layoutmanagement.cpp:101 -msgid "Layout name:" -msgstr "Layoutnamn:" - -#: src/lib/audio/audioCorrelation.cpp:43 -msgid "Audio analysis finished" -msgstr "Ljudanalys klar" - -#: src/main.cpp:48 -msgid "Kdenlive" -msgstr "Kdenlive" - -#: src/main.cpp:49 -msgid "An open source video editor." -msgstr "En videoeditor med öppen källkod" - -#: src/main.cpp:51 -msgid "Copyright © 2007–2015 Kdenlive authors" -msgstr "Copyright © 2007–2015 Kdenlive-upphovsmännen" - -#: src/main.cpp:52 -msgid "Please report bugs to http://bugs.kde.org" -msgstr "Rapportera fel till http://bugs.kde.org" - -#: src/main.cpp:54 -msgid "Jean-Baptiste Mardelle" -msgstr "Jean-Baptiste Mardelle" - -#: src/main.cpp:54 -msgid "MLT and KDE SC 4 / KF5 port, main developer and maintainer" -msgstr "" -"Konvertering till MLT och KDE SC 4 / KF5, huvudutvecklare och underhåll" - -#: src/main.cpp:55 -msgid "Vincent Pinon" -msgstr "Vincent Pinon" - -#: src/main.cpp:55 -msgid "" -"Interim maintainer, KF5 port, bugs fixing, minor functions, profiles " -"updates, etc." -msgstr "" -"Tillfälligt underhåll, konvertering till KF5, felrättning, mindre " -"funktioner, profiluppdateringar, etc." - -#: src/main.cpp:56 -msgid "Laurent Montel" -msgstr "Laurent Montel" - -#: src/main.cpp:56 -msgid "Bugs fixing, clean up code, optimization etc." -msgstr "Felrättning, kodrensning, optimering, etc." - -#: src/main.cpp:57 -msgid "Marco Gittler" -msgstr "Marco Gittler" - -#: src/main.cpp:57 -msgid "MLT transitions and effects, timeline, audio thumbs" -msgstr "MLT-övertoningar och effekter, tidslinje, ljudminiatyrbilder" - -#: src/main.cpp:58 -msgid "Dan Dennedy" -msgstr "Dan Dennedy" - -#: src/main.cpp:58 src/main.cpp:60 src/main.cpp:63 src/main.cpp:64 -msgid "Bug fixing, etc." -msgstr "Felrättning, etc." - -#: src/main.cpp:59 -msgid "Simon A. Eugster" -msgstr "Simon A. Eugster" - -#: src/main.cpp:59 -msgid "Color scopes, bug fixing, etc." -msgstr "Färgoscilloskop, felrättning, etc." - -#: src/main.cpp:60 -msgid "Till Theato" -msgstr "Till Theato" - -#: src/main.cpp:61 -msgid "Alberto Villa" -msgstr "Alberto Villa" - -#: src/main.cpp:61 -msgid "Bug fixing, logo, etc." -msgstr "Felrättning, logotyp, etc." - -#: src/main.cpp:62 -msgid "Jean-Michel Poure" -msgstr "Jean-Michel Poure" - -#: src/main.cpp:62 -msgid "Rendering profiles customization" -msgstr "Anpassning av återgivningsprofiler" - -#: src/main.cpp:63 -msgid "Ray Lehtiniemi" -msgstr "Ray Lehtiniemi" - -#: src/main.cpp:64 -msgid "Steve Guilford" -msgstr "Steve Guilford" - -#: src/main.cpp:65 -msgid "Jason Wood" -msgstr "Jason Wood" - -#: src/main.cpp:65 -msgid "Original KDE 3 version author (not active anymore)" -msgstr "Ursprunglig upphovsman till KDE 3-versionen (inte längre aktiv)" - -#: src/main.cpp:66 -msgid "NAME OF TRANSLATORS" -msgstr "Stefan Asserhäll" - -#: src/main.cpp:66 -msgid "EMAIL OF TRANSLATORS" -msgstr "stefan.asserhall@bredband.net" - -#: src/main.cpp:86 -msgid "Set the path for MLT environment" -msgstr "Ställ in sökväg till MLT-miljön" - -#: src/main.cpp:87 -msgid "Comma separated list of clips to add" -msgstr "Lista med klipp att lägga till åtskilda av kommatecken" - -#: src/main.cpp:88 -msgid "Document to open" -msgstr "Dokument att öppna" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:148 -msgid "Theme" -msgstr "Tema" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:177 -msgid "Project Bin" -msgstr "Projektkorg" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, properties) -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:216 src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:395 -#: src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:43 -msgid "Properties" -msgstr "Egenskaper" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:219 src/mainwindow.cpp:280 -msgid "Effects" -msgstr "Effekter" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:222 src/mainwindow.cpp:284 src/mainwindow.cpp:1272 -msgid "Transitions" -msgstr "Övertoningar" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:225 -msgid "Clip Monitor" -msgstr "Klippskärm" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:226 -msgid "Project Monitor" -msgstr "Projektskärm" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:228 -msgid "Record Monitor" -msgstr "Inspelningsövervakare" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:233 -msgid "Clean" -msgstr "Rensa" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:235 -msgid "Undo History" -msgstr "Ångringshistorik" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:263 -msgid "Stop Motion" -msgstr "Bild för bild" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, capture_button) -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:264 src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:105 -msgid "Capture frame" -msgstr "Lagra bildruta" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:267 -msgid "Switch live / captured frame" -msgstr "Byt mellan realtid och lagrad bildruta" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:270 -msgid "Show last frame over video" -msgstr "Visa senaste bildruta över video" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:283 -msgid "Add Transition" -msgstr "Lägg till övertoning" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:315 src/mainwindow.cpp:316 src/mainwindow.cpp:325 -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:326 src/mainwindow.cpp:330 -msgid "Favorite Effects" -msgstr "Favoriteffekter" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:563 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"You have 1 rendering job waiting in the queue.\n" -"What do you want to do with this job?" -msgid_plural "" -"You have %1 rendering jobs waiting in the queue.\n" -"What do you want to do with these jobs?" -msgstr[0] "" -"Ett återgivningsjobb väntar i kön.\n" -"Vad vill du göra med jobbet?" -msgstr[1] "" -"%1 återgivningsjobb väntar i kön.\n" -"Vad vill du göra med jobben?" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:563 -msgid "Start them now" -msgstr "Starta dem nu" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:563 -msgid "Delete them" -msgstr "Ta bort dem" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:784 -msgid "Normal mode" -msgstr "Normalläge" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:785 -msgctxt "Normal editing" -msgid "n" -msgstr "n" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:790 -msgid "Overwrite mode" -msgstr "Överskrivningsläge" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:796 -msgid "Insert mode" -msgstr "Infogningsläge" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:815 -msgid "Selection tool" -msgstr "Markeringsverktyg" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:816 -msgctxt "Selection tool shortcut" -msgid "s" -msgstr "s" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:821 -msgid "Razor tool" -msgstr "Skärverktyg" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:822 -msgctxt "Razor tool shortcut" -msgid "x" -msgstr "x" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:827 -msgid "Spacer tool" -msgstr "Mellanrumsverktyg" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:828 -msgctxt "Spacer tool shortcut" -msgid "m" -msgstr "m" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:869 -msgid "Fit zoom to project" -msgstr "Anpassa zoomnivå till projekt" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:873 -msgid "Zoom Out" -msgstr "Zooma ut" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:887 -msgid "Zoom In" -msgstr "Zooma in" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:915 -msgid "Split audio and video automatically" -msgstr "Dela automatiskt ljud och video" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, videothumbs) -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:921 src/ui/wizardextra_ui.ui:35 -msgid "Show video thumbnails" -msgstr "Visa videominiatyrbilder" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, audiothumbs) -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:927 src/ui/wizardextra_ui.ui:42 -msgid "Show audio thumbnails" -msgstr "Visa ljudminiatyrbilder" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:933 -msgid "Show markers comments" -msgstr "Visa kommentarer för markörer" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:938 -msgid "Snap" -msgstr "Lås" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, tc_type) -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:972 src/project/clipproperties.cpp:372 -#: src/project/dialogs/slideshowclip.cpp:89 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:284 -msgid "hh:mm:ss:ff" -msgstr "hh:mm:ss:ff" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, tc_type) -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:973 src/project/clipproperties.cpp:373 -#: src/project/dialogs/slideshowclip.cpp:90 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:289 -msgid "Frames" -msgstr "Bildrutor" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1002 -msgid "Manage Project Profiles" -msgstr "Hantera projektprofiler" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1003 -msgid "Download New Wipes..." -msgstr "Ladda ner nya övergångar..." - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1004 -msgid "Download New Render Profiles..." -msgstr "Ladda ner nya återgivningsprofiler..." - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1005 -msgid "Download New Project Profiles..." -msgstr "Ladda ner nya projektprofiler..." - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1006 -msgid "Download New Title Templates..." -msgstr "Ladda ner nya titelmallar..." - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1008 -msgid "Run Config Wizard" -msgstr "Kör inställningsguiden" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, ProjectSettings_UI) -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1009 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Project Settings" -msgstr "Projektinställningar" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1010 -msgid "Render" -msgstr "Återge" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1012 -msgid "Clean Project" -msgstr "Städa projekt" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1016 -msgid "Play Zone" -msgstr "Spela zon" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1018 -msgid "Loop Zone" -msgstr "Upprepa zon" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1020 -msgid "Loop selected clip" -msgstr "Upprepa markerat klipp" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1024 -msgid "Transcode Clips" -msgstr "Omkoda klipp" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1025 src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:55 -msgid "Archive Project" -msgstr "Arkivera projekt" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1026 -msgid "Switch monitor" -msgstr "Byt skärm" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1027 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6364 -msgid "Expand Clip" -msgstr "Expandera klipp" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1029 -msgid "Monitor Info Overlay" -msgstr "Överlagrad information på skärm" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1035 -msgid "Real Time (drop frames)" -msgstr "Realtid (hoppa över bildrutor)" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1040 -msgid "Monitor Gamma" -msgstr "Bildskärmens gamma" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1041 -msgid "sRGB (computer)" -msgstr "sRGB (dator)" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1042 -msgid "Rec. 709 (TV)" -msgstr "Rec. 709 (TV)" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1047 -msgid "Insert Zone in Project Bin" -msgstr "Infoga zon i projektkorg" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1048 -msgid "Insert Zone in Timeline" -msgstr "Infoga zon i tidslinje" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1050 -msgid "Resize Item Start" -msgstr "Ändra storlek på objektets början" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1055 -msgid "Resize Item End" -msgstr "Ändra storlek på objektets slut" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1060 -msgid "Go to Previous Snap Point" -msgstr "Gå till föregående låspunkt" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1062 -msgid "Go to Clip Start" -msgstr "Gå till klippets början" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1063 -msgid "Go to Clip End" -msgstr "Gå till klippets slut" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1064 -msgid "Go to Next Snap Point" -msgstr "Gå till nästa låspunkt" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1066 -msgid "Delete Selected Item" -msgstr "Ta bort markerat objekt" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1067 -msgid "Align Playhead to Mouse Position" -msgstr "Justera uppspelning till musposition" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1069 -msgid "Automatic Transition" -msgstr "Automatisk övertoning" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1076 -msgid "Group Clips" -msgstr "Gruppera klipp" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1078 -msgid "Ungroup Clips" -msgstr "Dela upp klipp" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1083 -msgid "Edit Duration" -msgstr "Redigera längd" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1084 src/mainwindow.cpp:3232 -msgid "Save clip" -msgstr "Spara klipp" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1085 -msgid "Clip in Project Bin" -msgstr "Klipp i projektkorg" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1086 -msgid "Insert Clip Zone in Timeline (Overwrite)" -msgstr "Infoga klippzon i tidslinje (skriv över)" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1087 -msgid "Select Clip" -msgstr "Markera klipp" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1088 -msgid "Deselect Clip" -msgstr "Avmarkera klipp" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1089 -msgid "Add Clip To Selection" -msgstr "Lägg till klipp i markering" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1091 -msgid "Select Transition" -msgstr "Markera övertoning" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1093 -msgid "Deselect Transition" -msgstr "Avmarkera övertoning" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1095 -msgid "Add Transition To Selection" -msgstr "Lägg till övertoning i markering" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, CutJobDialog_UI) -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1097 src/ui/cutjobdialog_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Cut Clip" -msgstr "Skär klipp" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1098 src/mainwindow.cpp:1833 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:729 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:803 -msgid "Add Marker" -msgstr "Lägg till markör" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1099 -msgid "Delete Marker" -msgstr "Ta bort markör" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1100 -msgid "Delete All Markers" -msgstr "Ta bort alla markörer" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1102 src/mainwindow.cpp:1921 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:702 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:827 -msgid "Edit Marker" -msgstr "Redigera markör" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1105 -msgid "Add Marker/Guide quickly" -msgstr "Lägg till markör eller hjälplinje snabbt" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1108 -msgid "Split Audio" -msgstr "Dela ljud" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1112 -msgid "Set Audio Reference" -msgstr "Ställ in ljudreferens" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1116 -msgid "Align Audio to Reference" -msgstr "Justera ljud till referens" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1120 -msgid "Audio Only" -msgstr "Bara ljud" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1125 -msgid "Video Only" -msgstr "Bara video" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1130 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7007 -msgid "Audio and Video" -msgstr "Ljud och video" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1142 -msgid "Insert Space" -msgstr "Infoga mellanrum" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1143 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:3426 -msgid "Remove Space" -msgstr "Ta bort mellanrum" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1146 -msgid "Insert Track" -msgstr "Infoga spår" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1150 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6556 -#: src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:94 -msgid "Delete Track" -msgstr "Ta bort spår" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, TracksConfigDialog_UI) -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1155 src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:250 -#: src/ui/tracksconfigdialog_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Configure Tracks" -msgstr "Anpassa spår" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1159 -msgid "Select All in Current Track" -msgstr "Markera allt i aktuellt spår" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1170 src/timeline/customruler.cpp:85 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5781 -msgid "Add Guide" -msgstr "Lägg till hjälplinje" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1171 src/timeline/customruler.cpp:89 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:231 -msgid "Delete Guide" -msgstr "Ta bort hjälplinje" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1172 src/timeline/customruler.cpp:87 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:235 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5815 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5829 -msgid "Edit Guide" -msgstr "Redigera hjälplinje" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1173 src/timeline/customruler.cpp:91 -msgid "Delete All Guides" -msgstr "Ta bort alla hjälplinjer" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1175 -msgid "Paste Effects" -msgstr "Klistra in effekter" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1180 -msgid "Save Selection" -msgstr "Spara markering" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1208 -msgid "Add Clip" -msgstr "Lägg till klipp" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1210 -msgid "Add Color Clip" -msgstr "Lägg till färgklipp" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1213 src/project/dialogs/slideshowclip.cpp:41 -msgid "Add Slideshow Clip" -msgstr "Lägg till bildspelklipp" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1216 -msgid "Add Title Clip" -msgstr "Lägg till titelklipp" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1219 -msgid "Add Template Title" -msgstr "Lägg till mallklipp" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1223 -msgid "Create Folder" -msgstr "Skapa katalog" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1224 -msgid "Online Resources" -msgstr "Nätresurser" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, ClipProperties_UI) -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1226 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Clip Properties" -msgstr "Klippegenskaper" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1230 -msgid "Edit Clip" -msgstr "Redigera klipp" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1238 -msgid "Reload Clip" -msgstr "Uppdatera klipp" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1242 -msgid "Disable Timeline Effects" -msgstr "Inaktivera tidslinjeeffekt" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1247 -msgid "Duplicate Clip" -msgstr "Duplicera klipp" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1259 -msgid "Ripple Delete" -msgstr "Ta bort rippel" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1389 -msgid "" -"You have changed the proxy parameters. Do you want to recreate all proxy " -"clips for this project?" -msgstr "" -"Du har ändrat ersättningsparametrarna. Vill du skapa om alla " -"ersättningsklipp för projektet?" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1487 -msgid "This will remove all unused clips from your project." -msgstr "Detta tar bort alla oanvända klipp från projektet." - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1487 -msgid "Clean up project" -msgstr "Städa projekt" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1647 -msgctxt "general keyboard shortcuts" -msgid "General" -msgstr "Allmänt" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1827 src/mainwindow.cpp:1945 -msgid "Cannot find clip to add marker" -msgstr "Kan inte hitta klipp för att lägga till markör" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1859 src/mainwindow.cpp:1886 src/mainwindow.cpp:1909 -msgid "Cannot find clip to remove marker" -msgstr "Kan inte hitta klipp för att ta bort markör" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1866 src/mainwindow.cpp:1916 -msgid "No marker found at cursor time" -msgstr "Ingen markör hittades vid tidslinjens markör" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2194 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot find effect %1 / %2" -msgstr "Kan inte hitta effekt %1 / %2" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2252 -#, kde-format -msgid "Zoom Level: %1/13" -msgstr "Zoomnivå: %1/13" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2378 -msgid "Ctrl + click to use spacer on current track only" -msgstr "Ctrl+klick för att bara använda mellanrum i nuvarande spår" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2381 -msgid "Click on a clip to cut it" -msgstr "Klicka på ett klipp för att skära det" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2384 -msgid "" -"Shift + click to create a selection rectangle, Ctrl + click to add an item " -"to selection" -msgstr "" -"Skift+klick för att skapa en markeringsrektangel, Ctrl+klick för att lägga " -"till ett objekt i markeringen" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2707 -msgid "Stabilize" -msgstr "Stabilisera" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2719 -msgid "Automatic scene split" -msgstr "Automatisk scendelning" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2729 src/project/jobs/filterjob.cpp:83 -msgid "Reverse clip" -msgstr "Vänd klipp" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2736 -msgid "Analyse keyframes" -msgstr "Analysera nyckelrutor" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2751 -msgid "Transcoders" -msgstr "Omkodare" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2784 -msgid "Interface" -msgstr "Gränssnitt" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2821 -msgid "No clip to transcode" -msgstr "Inget klipp att omkoda" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2834 -msgid "Files to transcode" -msgstr "Filer att omkoda" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2867 -msgid "Create Render Script" -msgstr "Skapa återgivningsskript" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2877 -msgid "Script file already exists. Do you want to overwrite it?" -msgstr "Skriptfilen finns redan. Vill du skriva över den?" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2923 -msgctxt "the first in a list of chapters" -msgid "Start" -msgstr "Början" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:3200 -msgid "Archiving project" -msgstr "Arkiverar projekt" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:3229 -msgid "Select a clip to save" -msgstr "Markera klipp att spara" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:3232 src/renderer.cpp:1386 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7865 -msgid "MLT playlist (*.mlt)" -msgstr "MLT-spellista (*.mlt)" - -#: src/mltconnection.cpp:51 -msgid "Cannot find the melt program required for rendering (part of MLT)" -msgstr "Kan inte hitta programmet melt som krävs för återgivning (del av MLT)" - -#: src/mltconnection.cpp:83 -msgid "Cannot find your MLT profiles, please give the path" -msgstr "Kan inte hitta MLT-profiler, ange sökvägen" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:87 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:476 src/project/projectcommands.cpp:166 -msgid "Edit marker" -msgstr "Redigera markör" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:88 -msgid "Export markers" -msgstr "Exportera markörer" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:89 -msgid "Import markers" -msgstr "Importera markörer" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:115 -msgid "Analysis data" -msgstr "Analysdata" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:118 -msgid "Delete analysis" -msgstr "Ta bort analys" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:119 -msgid "Export analysis" -msgstr "Exportera analys" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:120 -msgid "Import analysis" -msgstr "Importera analys" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, clip_transparency) -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:166 -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:842 -msgid "Transparent" -msgstr "Genomskinlig" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:181 -msgid "Aspect Ratio" -msgstr "Proportion" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_18) -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:236 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:618 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:623 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:679 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:440 -#: src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:86 -msgid "Frame rate" -msgstr "Bildfrekvens" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_5) -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:260 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:634 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:686 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:105 -msgid "Scanning" -msgstr "Söker" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:282 -msgid "Field order" -msgstr "Fältordning" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:286 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:129 -msgid "Bottom first" -msgstr "Underkant först" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:287 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:130 -msgid "Top first" -msgstr "Överkant först" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:304 -msgid "Threads" -msgstr "Trådar" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, clip_force_vindex) -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:320 -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:693 -msgid "Video index" -msgstr "Videoindex" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, clip_force_aindex) -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:336 -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:720 -msgid "Audio index" -msgstr "Ljudindex" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_12) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_32) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_15) -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:350 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:644 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:696 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:294 -#: src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:222 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:149 -msgid "Colorspace" -msgstr "Färgrymd" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, clip_full_luma) -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:380 -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:772 -msgid "Full luma range" -msgstr "Fullständigt luminansintervall" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:399 -msgid "Force properties" -msgstr "Tvinga egenskaper" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_5) -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_3) -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:401 -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:511 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:349 -msgid "Metadata" -msgstr "Metadata" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:403 -msgid "Analysis" -msgstr "Analys" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:609 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:671 src/project/clipproperties.cpp:673 -msgid "Video codec" -msgstr "Videoavkodare" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:613 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:676 -msgid "Frame size" -msgstr "Bildrutestorlek" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:630 -msgid "Video bitrate" -msgstr "Video-bithastighet" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:630 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:664 -msgctxt "seconds" -msgid "s" -msgstr "s" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_9) -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:641 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:690 src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:120 -msgid "Pixel aspect ratio" -msgstr "Proportion för bildpunkter" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:642 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:693 -msgid "Pixel format" -msgstr "Bildpunktsformat" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:651 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:243 -msgid "Audio codec" -msgstr "Ljudavkodare" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:659 -msgid "Audio frequency" -msgstr "Ljudfrekvens" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:664 -msgid "Audio bitrate" -msgstr "Ljud-bithastighet" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:760 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:788 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:813 -msgid "Exif" -msgstr "EXIF" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:832 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:854 -msgid "Magic Lantern" -msgstr "Magic Lantern" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:893 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:858 -msgid "Save Analysis Data" -msgstr "Spara analysdata" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:893 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:904 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:858 src/project/clipproperties.cpp:869 -msgid "Text File (*.txt)" -msgstr "Textfil (*.txt)" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:904 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:869 -msgid "Open Analysis Data" -msgstr "Öppna analysdata" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:183 -msgid "Play..." -msgstr "Spela..." - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:185 src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:303 -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:310 src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:449 -msgid "Pause" -msgstr "Paus" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:210 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:210 -msgid "Go to marker..." -msgstr "Gå till markör..." - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:215 -msgid "Force Monitor Size" -msgstr "Tvinga bildskärmsstorlek" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:216 -msgid "Force 100%" -msgstr "Tvinga till 100 %" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:218 -msgid "Force 50%" -msgstr "Tvinga till 50 %" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:220 -msgid "Free Resize" -msgstr "Fri storleksändring" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:233 -msgid "Audio volume" -msgstr "Ljudvolym" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:248 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Split view" -msgid "Split" -msgstr "Delad vy" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:248 -msgid "Unsplit" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:281 src/monitor/monitoreditwidget.cpp:58 -msgid "Show/Hide edit mode" -msgstr "Visa eller dölj redigeringsläge" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:400 -msgid "Save zone" -msgstr "Spara zon" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:401 -msgid "Extract Zone" -msgstr "Extrahera zon" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:404 -msgid "Extract frame" -msgstr "Extrahera bildruta" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:408 -msgid "Split view" -msgstr "Delad vy" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:412 -msgid "Set current image as thumbnail" -msgstr "Använd aktuell bild som miniatyrbild" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:416 -msgid "Overlay audio waveform" -msgstr "Överlagra ljudvågform" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:453 -msgid "Your screen resolution is not sufficient for this action" -msgstr "Skärmupplösningen är inte tillräcklig för åtgärden" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:838 -msgid "Save Image" -msgstr "Spara bild" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:894 -msgid "In Point" -msgstr "Inpunkt" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:896 -msgid "Out Point" -msgstr "Utpunkt" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:1520 -msgid "Select a clip in project bin to compare effect" -msgstr "Välj ett klipp i projektkorgen för att jämföra effekt" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:1524 -msgid "Clip has no effects" -msgstr "Klipp har inga effekter" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:1533 -msgid "" -"The scal0tilt filter is required for that feature, please install frei0r and " -"restart Kdenlive" -msgstr "" -"Filtret scal0tilt krävs för funktionen, installera frei0r och starta om " -"Kdenlive" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:1540 -msgid "" -"The cairoblend transition is required for that feature, please install " -"frei0r and restart Kdenlive" -msgstr "" -"Övertoningen cairoblend krävs för funktionen, installera frei0r och starta " -"om Kdenlive" - -#: src/monitor/monitoreditwidget.cpp:64 -msgid "Update parameters while monitor scene changes" -msgstr "Uppdatera parametrar medan scenändringar övervakas" - -#: src/monitor/monitoreditwidget.cpp:68 -msgid "Fit zoom to monitor size" -msgstr "Zooma till skärmstorleken" - -#: src/monitor/monitoreditwidget.cpp:70 -msgid "Original size" -msgstr "Ursprunglig storlek" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:326 -msgid "Switch monitor fullscreen" -msgstr "Byt skärm till fullskärmsläge" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:331 src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:76 -msgid "Rewind" -msgstr "Snabbspola bakåt" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:336 -msgid "Rewind 1 Frame" -msgstr "Gå bakåt 1 bildruta" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:341 -msgid "Rewind 1 Second" -msgstr "Gå bakåt 1 sekund" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:346 src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:85 -msgid "Forward" -msgstr "Snabbspola framåt" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:351 -msgid "Go to Project Start" -msgstr "Gå till projektets början" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:356 -msgid "Go to Project End" -msgstr "Gå till projektets slut" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:361 -msgid "Forward 1 Frame" -msgstr "Gå framåt 1 bildruta" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:366 -msgid "Forward 1 Second" -msgstr "Gå framåt 1 sekund" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:371 -msgid "Deinterlacer" -msgstr "Inflätningsborttagning" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:372 -msgid "One Field (fast)" -msgstr "Ett fält (snabb)" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:373 -msgid "Linear Blend (fast)" -msgstr "Linjär blandning (snabb)" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:374 -msgid "YADIF - temporal only (good)" -msgstr "YADIF - bara tidsmässig (bra)" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:375 -msgid "YADIF - temporal + spacial (best)" -msgstr "YADIF - tidsmässig + rumslig (bäst)" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:384 -msgid "Nearest Neighbor (fast)" -msgstr "Närmaste granne (snabb)" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:385 -msgid "Bilinear (good)" -msgstr "Bilinjär (bra)" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:386 -msgid "Bicubic (better)" -msgstr "Bikubisk (bättre)" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:387 -msgid "Hyper/Lanczos (best)" -msgstr "Hyper/Lanczos (bäst)" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:395 -msgid "Go to Zone Start" -msgstr "Gå till zonens början" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:400 -msgid "Mute monitor" -msgstr "Visa inte på bildskärm" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:400 -msgid "Unmute monitor" -msgstr "Visa på bildskärm" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:406 -msgid "Go to Zone End" -msgstr "Gå till zonens slut" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:411 -msgid "Set Zone In" -msgstr "Ange zon in" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:416 -msgid "Set Zone Out" -msgstr "Ange zon ut" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_preview) -#: src/monitor/recmanager.cpp:48 src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:147 -#: src/ui/freesound_ui.ui:144 src/utils/archiveorg.cpp:181 -#: src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:158 src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:263 -#: src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:277 src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:575 -msgid "Preview" -msgstr "Förhandsgranskning" - -#: src/monitor/recmanager.cpp:52 src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:88 -msgid "Record" -msgstr "Spela in" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_video) -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, vbitrates) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, background_list) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_videothumbnails) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, video_thumbs) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, bitrateLabel) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, rec_video) -#: src/monitor/recmanager.cpp:56 src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:38 -#: src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:153 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:86 -#: src/ui/configtimeline_ui.ui:29 src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:207 -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:217 src/ui/recmonitor_ui.ui:100 -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:169 src/ui/saveprofile_ui.ui:20 -msgid "Video" -msgstr "Video" - -#: src/monitor/recmanager.cpp:68 src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:135 -#, kde-format -msgid "Monitor %1" -msgstr "Bildskärm %1" - -#: src/monitor/recmanager.cpp:80 -msgid "Webcam" -msgstr "Webbkamera" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_3) -#: src/monitor/recmanager.cpp:81 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:427 -msgid "Screen Grab" -msgstr "Skärminspelning" - -#: src/monitor/recmanager.cpp:86 -msgid "Configure Recording" -msgstr "Anpassa inspelning" - -#: src/monitor/recmanager.cpp:89 -msgid "Show Record Control" -msgstr "Visa inspelningskontroll" - -#: src/monitor/recmanager.cpp:198 src/monitor/recmanager.cpp:279 -#: src/monitor/recmanager.cpp:284 src/monitor/recmanager.cpp:390 -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:879 src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:886 -msgid "Capture crashed, please check your parameters" -msgstr "Lagring kraschade, kontrollera dina parametrar" - -#: src/monitor/recmanager.cpp:265 src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:753 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Failed to start the capture application:\n" -"%1" -msgstr "" -"Misslyckades starta lagringsprogrammet:\n" -"%1" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:73 src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:862 -msgid "Connect" -msgstr "Anslut" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:82 src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:249 -#: src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:262 src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:271 -msgid "Stop" -msgstr "Stoppa" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:94 -msgid "Add Captured File to Project" -msgstr "Lägg till lagrad fil i projekt" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:102 -msgid "Recording Preview" -msgstr "Förhandsgranskning av inspelning" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:110 src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:245 -msgid "Configure" -msgstr "Anpassa" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:202 -msgid "" -"You need to disconnect and reconnect in the capture monitor to apply your " -"changes" -msgstr "" -"Du måste koppla ner och koppla upp inspelningsskärmen igen för att " -"verkställa ändringarna" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:202 src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:203 -msgid "Capturing" -msgstr "Lagrar" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:203 -msgid "You need to stop capture before your changes can be applied" -msgstr "Lagring måste stoppas innan ändringarna kan verkställas" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:256 -msgid "" -"ffmpeg or avconv not found,\n" -" please install it for screen grabs" -msgstr "" -"Verktyget ffmpeg eller avconv hittades inte,\n" -"installera det för att göra skärminspelningar" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:262 -msgid "" -"Your FFmpeg / Libav installation\n" -" does not support screen grab" -msgstr "" -"Installationen av FFmpeg eller Libav\n" -" stöder inte skärminspelning" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:265 src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:888 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Press record button\n" -"to start screen capture\n" -"Files will be saved in:\n" -"%1" -msgstr "" -"Tryck på inspelningsknappen\n" -"för att börja skärmlagring.\n" -"Filer kommer att sparas i:\n" -"%1" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:283 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Plug your camcorder and\n" -"press play button\n" -"to start preview.\n" -"Files will be saved in:\n" -"%1" -msgstr "" -"Koppla in filmkameran och\n" -"tryck på uppspelningsknappen\n" -"för att starta granskningen.\n" -"Filer kommer att sparas i:\n" -"%1" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:296 -msgid "" -"dvgrab utility not found,\n" -" please install it for firewire capture" -msgstr "" -"Verktyget dvgrab hittades inte.\n" -"Installera det för att lagra från Firewire." - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:320 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Plug your camcorder and\n" -"press connect button\n" -"to initialize connection\n" -"Files will be saved in:\n" -"%1" -msgstr "" -"Koppla in filmkameran och\n" -"tryck på anslutningsknappen\n" -"för att upprätta en anslutning.\n" -"Filer kommer att sparas i:\n" -"%1" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:355 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Cannot read from device %1\n" -"Please check drivers and access rights." -msgstr "" -"Kan inte läsa från enhet %1\n" -"Kontrollera drivrutiner och åtkomsträttigheter." - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:358 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Press play or record button\n" -"to start video capture\n" -"Files will be saved in:\n" -"%1" -msgstr "" -"Tryck på inspelningsknappen\n" -"för att börja videolagring.\n" -"Filer kommer att sparas i:\n" -"%1" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:370 -msgid "Disconnect" -msgstr "Koppla ner" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:423 -msgid "Capture stopped" -msgstr "Lagring stoppad" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:523 -msgid "" -"Failed to start Video4Linux,\n" -"check your parameters..." -msgstr "" -"Misslyckades starta Video4linux.\n" -"Kontrollera parametrarna..." - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:539 src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:701 -msgid "" -"Failed to start Decklink,\n" -"check your parameters..." -msgstr "" -"Misslyckades starta Decklink.\n" -"Kontrollera parametrarna..." - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:677 -msgid "" -"Failed to start ffmpeg capture,\n" -"check your parameters..." -msgstr "" -"Misslyckades starta lagring med ffmpeg.\n" -"Kontrollera parametrarna..." - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:695 -#, kde-format -msgid "Capturing to %1" -msgstr "Lagrar i %1" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:702 -msgid "Failed to start capture" -msgstr "Misslyckades starta lagring" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:766 -msgid "Initialising..." -msgstr "Initierar..." - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:782 -msgid "Show log" -msgstr "Visa logg" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, video_frame) -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:882 src/ui/recmonitor_ui.ui:35 -msgid "Not connected" -msgstr "Inte ansluten" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:971 -#, kde-format -msgid "Free space: %1" -msgstr "Ledigt utrymme: %1" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:1014 -#, kde-format -msgid "%1 dropped frames" -msgstr "%1 överhoppade bildrutor" - -#: src/monitor/smallruler.cpp:201 src/timeline/customruler.cpp:233 -#: src/timeline/customruler.cpp:234 -#, kde-format -msgid "Zone start: %1" -msgstr "Zonbörjan: %1" - -#: src/monitor/smallruler.cpp:205 src/timeline/customruler.cpp:237 -#: src/timeline/customruler.cpp:238 -#, kde-format -msgid "Zone end: %1" -msgstr "Zonslut: %1" - -#: src/monitor/smallruler.cpp:236 src/timeline/customruler.cpp:241 -#: src/timeline/customruler.cpp:242 -#, kde-format -msgid "Zone duration: %1" -msgstr "Zonlängd: %1" - -#: src/monitor/smallruler.cpp:238 src/timeline/customruler.cpp:245 -#: src/timeline/customruler.cpp:246 -#, kde-format -msgid "Position: %1" -msgstr "Position: %1" - -#: src/project/clipmanager.cpp:220 -msgid "Delete subclip" -msgid_plural "Delete subclips" -msgstr[0] "Ta bort delklipp" -msgstr[1] "Ta bort delklipp" - -#: src/project/clipmanager.cpp:223 src/project/projectcommands.cpp:74 -msgid "Delete folder" -msgid_plural "Delete folders" -msgstr[0] "Ta bort katalog" -msgstr[1] "Ta bort kataloger" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:200 -msgid "Libav" -msgstr "Libav" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_8) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, kcfg_defaultcapture) -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_2) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, device_selector) -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:204 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:42 -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:181 src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:105 -#: src/ui/recmonitor_ui.ui:139 -msgid "FFmpeg" -msgstr "FFmpeg" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_11) -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:246 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:187 -#: src/utils/freesound.cpp:207 -msgid "Channels" -msgstr "Kanaler" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:263 -#, kde-format -msgid "Proxy clip: %1 (%2)" -msgstr "Ersättningsklipp: %1 (%2)" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:265 -msgid "Delete proxy" -msgstr "Ta bort ersättning" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:292 -msgid "Playlist" -msgstr "Spellista" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:348 src/project/dialogs/slideshowclip.cpp:74 -msgid "Pan, low-pass" -msgstr "Panorera, lågpass" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:349 src/project/dialogs/slideshowclip.cpp:75 -msgid "Pan and zoom" -msgstr "Panorera och zooma" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:350 src/project/dialogs/slideshowclip.cpp:76 -msgid "Pan and zoom, low-pass" -msgstr "Panorera och zooma, lågpass" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:352 src/project/dialogs/slideshowclip.cpp:78 -msgid "Zoom, low-pass" -msgstr "Zooma, lågpass" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:480 -msgid "Save markers" -msgstr "Spara markörer" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:482 -msgid "Load markers" -msgstr "Läs in markörer" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:484 -msgid "Delete analysis data" -msgstr "Ta bort analysdata" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:486 -msgid "Load analysis data" -msgstr "Läs in analysdata" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:488 -msgid "Save analysis data" -msgstr "Spara analysdata" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:527 src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:360 -#, kde-format -msgid "(%1 clip)" -msgid_plural "(%1 clips)" -msgstr[0] "(%1 klipp) " -msgstr[1] "(%1 klipp)" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, slide_info) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_info) -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:1166 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:319 -#: src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:265 -msgid "No image found" -msgstr "Ingen bild hittades" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:1171 -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:573 -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:586 -#: src/project/dialogs/slideshowclip.cpp:247 -#, kde-format -msgid "1 image found" -msgid_plural "%1 images found" -msgstr[0] "1 bild hittades" -msgstr[1] "%1 bilder hittades" - -#: src/project/clippropertiesmanager.cpp:182 -msgid "Edit clips" -msgstr "Redigera klipp" - -#: src/project/clipstabilize.cpp:41 -msgid "Stabilize Clip" -msgstr "Stabilisera klipp" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, auto_add) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, add_clip) -#: src/project/clipstabilize.cpp:42 src/project/cliptranscode.cpp:47 -#: src/ui/clipstabilize_ui.ui:57 src/ui/cliptranscode_ui.ui:47 -#: src/ui/cutjobdialog_ui.ui:57 -msgid "Add clip to project" -msgid_plural "Add clips to project" -msgstr[0] "Lägg till klipp i projekt" -msgstr[1] "Lägg till klipp i projekt" - -#: src/project/clipstabilize.cpp:69 src/project/cliptranscode.cpp:63 -msgid "Destination folder" -msgstr "Resultatkatalog" - -#: src/project/clipstabilize.cpp:159 -msgid "Stabilised" -msgstr "Stabiliserad" - -#: src/project/clipstabilize.cpp:173 -msgid "Stabilize clip" -msgstr "Stabilisera klipp" - -#: src/project/clipstabilize.cpp:232 -msgid "The stabilize job will overwrite the following files:" -msgstr "Stabiliseringsjobbet kommer att skriva över följande filer:" - -#: src/project/cliptranscode.cpp:43 -msgid "Transcode Clip" -msgstr "Omkoda klipp" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, convert_abort) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_abort) -#: src/project/cliptranscode.cpp:168 src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:636 -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:884 src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:94 -#: src/ui/dvdwizardvob_ui.ui:160 -msgid "Abort" -msgstr "Avbryt" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, buttonClose) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, buttonClose2) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, buttonClose3) -#: src/project/cliptranscode.cpp:210 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:382 -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:657 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:805 -msgid "Close" -msgstr "Stäng" - -#: src/project/cliptranscode.cpp:221 src/project/cliptranscode.cpp:239 -msgid "Transcoding finished." -msgstr "Omkodning klar." - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:63 -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:302 -msgid "Video clips" -msgstr "Videoklipp" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:67 -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:305 -msgid "Audio clips" -msgstr "Ljudklipp" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:71 -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:308 src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:113 -msgid "Image clips" -msgstr "Bildklipp" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:75 -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:311 -msgid "Slideshow clips" -msgstr "Bildspelsklipp" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:79 -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:314 -msgid "Text clips" -msgstr "Textklipp" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:83 -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:317 -msgid "Playlist clips" -msgstr "Spellisteklipp" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:87 -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:320 -msgid "Other clips" -msgstr "Övriga klipp" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:91 -msgid "Luma files" -msgstr "Luminansfiler" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:167 -#, kde-format -msgid "You have %1 missing clip in your project." -msgid_plural "You have %1 missing clips in your project." -msgstr[0] "Det finns %1 saknat klipp i projektet." -msgstr[1] "Det finns %1 saknade klipp i projektet." - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:192 -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:1017 -#, kde-format -msgid "(%1 item)" -msgid_plural "(%1 items)" -msgstr[0] "(%1 objekt)" -msgstr[1] "(%1 objekt)" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:197 -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:1019 -#, kde-format -msgid "%1 file to archive, requires %2" -msgid_plural "%1 files to archive, requires %2" -msgstr[0] "%1 fil att arkivera, kräver %2" -msgstr[1] "%1 filer att arkivera, kräver %2" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:198 -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:664 -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:854 -msgid "Archive" -msgstr "Arkiv" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:232 -msgid "Extract to" -msgstr "Packa upp i" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:233 -msgid "Open Archived Project" -msgstr "Öppna arkiverat projekt" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:235 -msgid "Extract" -msgstr "Packa upp" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:264 -msgid "Opening archive..." -msgstr "Öppnar arkiv..." - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:267 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Cannot open archive file:\n" -" %1" -msgstr "" -"Kan inte öppna arkivfil:\n" -" %1" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:284 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"File %1\n" -" is not an archived Kdenlive project" -msgstr "" -"Filen %1\n" -" är inte ett arkiverat Kdenlive-projekt" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:290 -msgid "Ready" -msgstr "Klar" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:310 -msgid "Archiving in progress, do you want to stop it?" -msgstr "Arkivering pågår. Vill du stoppa den?" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:310 -msgid "Stop Archiving" -msgstr "Stoppa arkivering" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:493 -#, kde-format -msgid "Available space on drive: %1" -msgstr "Tillgängligt utrymme på enheten: %1" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:497 -#, kde-format -msgid "Not enough space on drive, free space: %1" -msgstr "Inte tillräckligt med ledigt utrymme på enheten. Ledigt utrymme: %1" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:518 -msgid "Archiving..." -msgstr "Arkiverar..." - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:546 -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:628 -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:881 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot create directory %1" -msgstr "Kan inte skapa katalogen %1" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:652 -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:847 -msgid "Project was successfully archived." -msgstr "Projekt arkiverades med lyckat resultat." - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:655 -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:851 -msgid "There was an error processing project file" -msgstr "Ett fel uppstod vid behandling av projektfil" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:661 -#, kde-format -msgid "There was an error while copying the files: %1" -msgstr "Ett fel uppstod vid kopiering av filerna: %1" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:785 -msgid "Cannot create temporary file" -msgstr "Kan inte skapa tillfällig fil" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:883 -msgid "Extracting..." -msgstr "Extraherar..." - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:947 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot open project file %1" -msgstr "Kan inte öppna projektfil %1" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:947 -msgid "Cannot open file" -msgstr "Kan inte öppna fil" - -#: src/project/dialogs/backupwidget.cpp:30 -msgid "Restore Backup File" -msgstr "Återställ säkerhetskopia" - -#: src/project/dialogs/backupwidget.cpp:34 -msgid "Showing all backup files in folder" -msgstr "Visar alla säkerhetskopior i katalogen" - -#: src/project/dialogs/backupwidget.cpp:37 -#, kde-format -msgid "Showing backup files for %1" -msgstr "Visar säkerhetskopior för %1" - -#: src/project/dialogs/noteswidget.cpp:40 -msgid "Insert current timecode" -msgstr "Infoga nuvarande tidskod" - -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:120 -msgid "Current Settings" -msgstr "Aktuella inställningar" - -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:139 -msgid "Title" -msgstr "Titel" - -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:146 -#: src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:189 -msgid "Author" -msgstr "Upphovsman" - -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:153 -msgid "Artist" -msgstr "Artist" - -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:159 -msgid "Copyright" -msgstr "Copyright" - -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:259 -msgid "Deleting proxy clips will disable proxies for this project." -msgstr "" -"Att ta bort ersättningsklipp inaktiverar ersättning för det här projektet." - -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:410 -msgid "" -"Changing the profile of your project cannot be undone.\n" -"It is recommended to save your project before attempting this operation that " -"might cause some corruption in transitions.\n" -" Are you sure you want to proceed?" -msgstr "" -"Ändring av projektets profil kan inte ångras.\n" -"Du rekommenderas att spara projektet innan den här åtgärden som kan orsaka " -"vissa skador i övertoningar.\n" -" Är du säker på att du vill fortsätta?" - -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:410 -msgid "Confirm profile change" -msgstr "Bekräfta profiländring" - -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:425 -#, kde-format -msgid "Interlaced (%1 fields per second)" -msgstr "Inflätat (%1 fält per sekund)" - -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:596 -#, kde-format -msgid "Project folder: %1" -msgstr "Projektkatalog: %1" - -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:597 -#, kde-format -msgid "Project profile: %1" -msgstr "Projektprofil: %1" - -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:598 -#, kde-format -msgid "Total clips: %1 (%2 used in timeline)." -msgstr "Totalt antal klipp: %1 (%2 använda i tidslinje)." - -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:650 -msgid "field_name" -msgstr "fältnamn" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, SlideshowClip_UI) -#: src/project/dialogs/slideshowclip.cpp:47 src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Slideshow Clip" -msgstr "Bildspelsklipp" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:46 -msgid "Transcode clip" -msgstr "Omkoda klipp" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:49 -msgid "Cut clip" -msgstr "Skär klipp" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:53 -msgid "Analyse clip" -msgstr "Analysera klipp" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:125 -msgid "Failed to create file." -msgstr "Misslyckades skapa fil." - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:140 -msgid "Cannot process this clip type." -msgstr "Kan inte behandla den här klipptypen." - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:202 -msgid "Transcoding clip" -msgstr "Omkodar klipp" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:203 -msgid "Extracting clip cut" -msgstr "Extraherar klippskärning" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:204 -msgid "Analysing clip" -msgstr "Analyserar klipp" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:207 -msgid "Waiting - transcode clip" -msgstr "Väntar - omkoda klipp" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:208 -msgid "Waiting - cut clip" -msgstr "Väntar - skär klipp" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:209 -msgid "Waiting - analyse clip" -msgstr "Väntar - analysera klipp" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:278 -#, kde-format -msgid "Extracting %1 out of %2" -msgstr "Packar up %1 av %2" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:292 -msgid "You cannot overwrite original clip." -msgstr "Du kan inte skriva över originalklippet." - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:293 -#, kde-format -msgid "Overwrite file %1" -msgstr "Skriv över filen %1" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:338 -msgid "The transcoding job will overwrite the following files:" -msgstr "Omkodningsjobbet kommer att skriva över följande filer:" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:344 -msgid "Transcoding" -msgstr "Omkodar" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:432 -msgid "I-Frame " -msgstr "I-bildruta " - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:433 -#, c-format -msgid "Found %count I-Frames" -msgstr "Hittade %count antal I-bildrutor" - -#: src/project/jobs/filterjob.cpp:133 -#, kde-format -msgid "Found %1 scenes." -msgstr "Hittade %1 scener." - -#: src/project/jobs/filterjob.cpp:146 -msgid "Scene " -msgstr "Scen " - -#: src/project/jobs/filterjob.cpp:174 -msgid "Auto split" -msgstr "Automatisk delning" - -#: src/project/jobs/jobmanager.cpp:178 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot write to path: %1" -msgstr "Kan inte skriva till sökväg: %1" - -#: src/project/jobs/jobmanager.cpp:225 -#, kde-format -msgid "Filter %1" -msgstr "Filter %1" - -#: src/project/jobs/jobmanager.cpp:234 -msgid "No valid clip to process" -msgstr "Inget giltigt klipp att behandla" - -#: src/project/jobs/meltjob.cpp:53 -msgid "Processing clip" -msgstr "Behandlar klipp" - -#: src/project/jobs/meltjob.cpp:63 -msgid "No producer for this clip." -msgstr "Ingen producent för det här klippet." - -#: src/project/jobs/meltjob.cpp:86 -#, kde-format -msgid "Clip zone undefined (%1 - %2)." -msgstr "Klippzon odefinierad (%1 - %2)." - -#: src/project/jobs/meltjob.cpp:157 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot create consumer %1." -msgstr "Kan inte skapa konsument %1." - -#: src/project/jobs/meltjob.cpp:179 -#, kde-format -msgid "Filter %1 crashed" -msgstr "Filter %1 kraschade" - -#: src/project/jobs/meltjob.cpp:248 -msgid "Waiting to process clip" -msgstr "Väntar på att behandla klipp" - -#: src/project/jobs/proxyclipjob.cpp:38 -msgid "proxy" -msgstr "ersättning" - -#: src/project/jobs/proxyclipjob.cpp:90 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot load image %1." -msgstr "Kan inte läsa in bild %1." - -#: src/project/jobs/proxyclipjob.cpp:170 -msgid "Failed to create proxy clip." -msgstr "Misslyckades skapa ersättningsklipp." - -#: src/project/jobs/proxyclipjob.cpp:245 -msgid "Creating proxy" -msgstr "Skapar ersättning" - -#: src/project/jobs/proxyclipjob.cpp:248 -msgid "Waiting - proxy" -msgstr "Väntar - ersättning" - -#: src/project/jobs/proxyclipjob.cpp:283 src/project/projectlist.cpp:2073 -msgid "Failed to create proxy, empty path." -msgstr "Misslyckades skapa ersättning, tom sökväg." - -#: src/project/notesplugin.cpp:27 -msgid "Enter your project notes here ..." -msgstr "Skriv in projektanteckningar här..." - -#: src/project/notesplugin.cpp:28 -msgid "Project Notes" -msgstr "Projektanteckningar" - -#: src/project/projectcommands.cpp:38 -msgid "Add clip cut" -msgstr "Lägg till klippskärning" - -#: src/project/projectcommands.cpp:72 -msgid "Add folder" -msgstr "Lägg till katalog" - -#: src/project/projectcommands.cpp:107 -msgid "Edit clip cut" -msgstr "Redigera klippskärning" - -#: src/project/projectcommands.cpp:136 -msgid "Rename folder" -msgstr "Byt namn på katalog" - -#: src/project/projectitem.cpp:92 src/project/projectitem.cpp:221 -msgid "Contains proxies" -msgstr "Innehåller ersättningar" - -#: src/project/projectitem.cpp:186 -msgid "Missing" -msgstr "Saknas" - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:446 -msgid "No available clip selected" -msgstr "Inget tillgängligt klipp markerat" - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:982 -msgid "Delete Clip Zone" -msgstr "Ta bort klippzon" - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:995 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Delete folder %2?
This will also remove the clip in that folder" -msgid_plural "" -"Delete folder %2?
This will also remove the %1 clips in that " -"folder" -msgstr[0] "" -"Ta bort katalogen %2?
Det tar också bort klippet i katalogen." -msgstr[1] "" -"Ta bort katalogen %2?
Det tar också bort %1 klipp i katalogen." - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:1004 -#, kde-format -msgid "Delete clip %2?
This will also remove the clip in timeline" -msgid_plural "" -"Delete clip %2?
This will also remove its %1 clips in timeline" -msgstr[0] "" -"Ta bort klipp %2?
Det tar också bort klippet i tidslinjen." -msgstr[1] "" -"Ta bort klipp %2?
Det tar också bort dess %1 klipp i tidslinjen." - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:1430 -msgid "Clip is missing or invalid. Remove it from project?" -msgstr "Klippet saknas eller är inte giltigt. Ta bort det från projektet?" - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:1455 -msgid "Proxy clip unusable (duration is different from original)." -msgstr "Ersättningsklipp oanvändbart (längd skiljer sig från originalet)." - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:1457 -#, kde-format -msgid "Failed to create proxy for %1. check parameters" -msgstr "Misslyckades skapa ersättning för %1. Kontrollera parametrar." - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:1752 -msgid "Cannot find profile from current clip" -msgstr "Kan inte hitta profil från nuvarande klipp" - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:1769 -msgid "Change project profile" -msgstr "Ändra projektprofil" - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:1773 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Your clip does not match current project's profile.\n" -"Do you want to change the project profile?\n" -"\n" -"The following profiles match the clip (size: %1, fps: %2)" -msgstr "" -"Klippet motsvarar inte aktuell projektprofil.\n" -"Vill du ändra projektprofilen?\n" -"\n" -"Följande profiler motsvarar klippet (storlek: %1, ramar/s: %2)." - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:1791 -msgid "Update profile" -msgstr "Uppdatera profil" - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:1806 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Your clip does not match current project's profile.\n" -"No existing profile found to match the clip's properties.\n" -"Clip size: %1\n" -"Fps: %2\n" -msgstr "" -"Klippet motsvarar inte aktuell projektprofil.\n" -"Ingen befintlig profil hittades som motsvarar klippets egenskaper.\n" -"Klippstorlek: %1\n" -"Ramar/s: %2\n" - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:2042 -msgid "Sequence not found" -msgstr "Sekvens hittades inte" - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:2212 -msgid "Update proxy settings" -msgstr "Uppdatera ersättningsinställningar" - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:2374 -msgid "Remove Proxy" -msgstr "Ta bort ersättning" - -#: src/project/projectlistview.cpp:59 -msgid "Rating" -msgstr "Betyg" - -#: src/project/projectlistview.cpp:105 -msgctxt "@title:menu" -msgid "Columns" -msgstr "Kolumner" - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:61 -msgid "Open Backup File" -msgstr "Öppna säkerhetskopia" - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:202 -msgid "Save changes to document?" -msgstr "Spara ändringar i dokument?" - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:204 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"The project \"%1\" has been changed.\n" -"Do you want to save your changes?" -msgstr "" -"Projektet \"%1\" har ändrats.\n" -"Vill du spara ändringarna?" - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:379 -msgid "Auto-saved files exist. Do you want to recover them now?" -msgstr "Det finns automatiskt sparade filer. Vill du återställa dem nu?" - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:380 -msgid "File Recovery" -msgstr "Återställning av filer" - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:381 -msgid "Don't recover" -msgstr "Återställ inte" - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:436 -#, kde-format -msgid "Opening file %1" -msgstr "Öppnar fil %1" - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:456 -msgid "Loading project" -msgstr "Läser in projekt" - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:458 -msgid "Loading playlist" -msgstr "Läser in spellista" - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:478 src/project/projectmanager.cpp:483 -msgid "Loading clips" -msgstr "Läser in klipp" - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:507 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Cannot open file %1.\n" -"Project is corrupted." -msgstr "" -"Kan inte öppna filen %1.\n" -"Projektet är skadat." - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:527 -msgid "" -"This will delete all changes made since you last saved your project. Are you " -"sure you want to continue?" -msgstr "" -"Detta tar bort alla ändringar som gjorts sedan projektet senast sparades. Är " -"du säker på att du vill fortsätta?" - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:527 -msgid "Revert to last saved version" -msgstr "Återgå till senast sparade version" - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:537 -msgid "Kdenlive project (*.kdenlive)" -msgstr "Kdenlive-projekt (*.kdenlive)" - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:538 -msgid "Archived project (*.tar.gz)" -msgstr "Arkiverat projekt (*.tar.gz)" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, scanning_list) -#: src/project/transitionsettings.cpp:151 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:126 -msgid "Auto" -msgstr "Automatisk" - -#: src/project/transitionsettings.cpp:162 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:54 -msgid "Black" -msgstr "Svart" - -#: src/renderer.cpp:1181 -msgid "" -"Could not create the video preview window.\n" -"There is something wrong with your Kdenlive install or your driver settings, " -"please fix it." -msgstr "" -"Kunde inte skapa förhandsgranskningsfönstret för video.\n" -"Det är något fel på installationen av Kdenlive eller drivrutinens " -"inställningar. Var vänlig rätta det." - -#: src/renderer.cpp:1386 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7865 -msgid "Save Zone" -msgstr "Spara zon" - -#: src/renderer.cpp:3283 -msgid "Import selected clips" -msgstr "Importera markerade klipp" - -#: src/renderer.cpp:3285 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Additional streams for clip\n" -" %1" -msgstr "" -"Ytterligare strömmar för klipp\n" -" %1" - -#: src/renderer.cpp:3294 -#, kde-format -msgid "Video stream %1" -msgstr "Videoström %1" - -#: src/renderer.cpp:3309 -#, kde-format -msgid "Audio stream %1" -msgstr "Ljudström %1" - -#: src/scopes/abstractscopewidget.cpp:84 -msgid "Auto Refresh" -msgstr "Automatisk uppdatering" - -#: src/scopes/abstractscopewidget.cpp:86 -msgid "Realtime (with precision loss)" -msgstr "Realtid (med noggrannhetsförlust)" - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:67 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:52 -msgid "Reset maximum frequency to sampling rate" -msgstr "Återställ maximal frekvens till samplingsfrekvensen" - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:68 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:55 -msgid "Track mouse" -msgstr "Följ musen" - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:70 -msgid "Show maximum" -msgstr "Visa maximum" - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:86 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:74 -msgid "Rectangular window" -msgstr "Rektangulärt fönster" - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:87 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:75 -msgid "Triangular window" -msgstr "Triangulärt fönster" - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:88 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:76 -msgid "Hamming window" -msgstr "Hammingfönster" - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:97 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:79 -msgid "The maximum window size is limited by the number of samples per frame." -msgstr "" -"Den maximala fönsterstorleken är begränsad av antal samplingar per bildruta." - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:98 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:80 -msgid "" -"A bigger window improves the accuracy at the cost of computational power." -msgstr "" -"Ett större fönster förbättrar noggrannheten på bekostnad av beräkningskraft." - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:99 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:81 -msgid "" -"The rectangular window function is good for signals with equal signal " -"strength (narrow peak), but creates more smearing. See Window function on " -"Wikipedia." -msgstr "" -"Den rektangulära fönsterfunktionen är bra för signaler med likadan " -"signalstyrka (smalbandiga), men skapar mer utsmetning. Se Window function på " -"engelska Wikipedia." - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:389 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:392 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:394 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:485 -#, kde-format -msgid "%1 dB" -msgstr "%1 dB" - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:412 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:487 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:280 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:289 -#, kde-format -msgid "%1 kHz" -msgstr "%1 kHz" - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:53 -msgid "Draw grid" -msgstr "Rita rutnät" - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:57 -msgid "Highlight peaks" -msgstr "Färglägg toppar" - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:234 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Frame\n" -"%1" -msgstr "" -"Bildruta\n" -"%1" - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:305 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:306 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"%1\n" -"dB" -msgstr "" -"%1\n" -"dB" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:31 -msgid "YUV UV plane" -msgstr "YUV UV-plan" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:32 -msgid "YUV Y plane" -msgstr "YUV Y-plan" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:33 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:55 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:61 -msgid "Modified YUV (Chroma)" -msgstr "Modifierad YUV (krominans)" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:34 -msgid "YCbCr CbCr plane" -msgstr "YCbCr CbCr-plan" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:35 -msgid "RGB plane, one component varying" -msgstr "RGB-plan, en komponent varierar" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:36 -msgid "HSV Hue Shift" -msgstr "HSV-färgtonsändring" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:37 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:254 -msgid "HSV Saturation" -msgstr "HSV-färgmättnad" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:118 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:250 -#, kde-format -msgid "%1°" -msgstr "%1°" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:125 -#, kde-format -msgid "%1 px" -msgstr "%1 bildpunkter" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:218 -msgid "Y value" -msgstr "Y-värde" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:219 -msgid "The Y value describes the brightness of the colors." -msgstr "Y-värdet beskriver färgernas ljushet." - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:231 -msgid "UV angle" -msgstr "UV-vinkel" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:232 -msgid "Angle through the UV plane, with all possible Y values." -msgstr "Vinkel genom UV-planet, med alla möjliga Y-värden." - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:240 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:268 -msgid "Red" -msgstr "Röd" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:241 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:269 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:53 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/waveform.cpp:34 -msgid "Green" -msgstr "Grön" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:242 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:270 -msgid "Blue" -msgstr "Blå" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:243 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:271 -msgid "Luma" -msgstr "Luminans" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:255 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:262 -msgid "HSV Value" -msgstr "HSV-värde" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/histogram.cpp:26 -msgid "Unscaled" -msgstr "Oskalat" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/histogram.cpp:29 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/waveform.cpp:37 -msgid "Rec. 601" -msgstr "BT.601" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/histogram.cpp:31 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/waveform.cpp:39 -msgid "Rec. 709" -msgstr "BT.709" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/histogram.cpp:39 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/waveform.cpp:44 -msgid "Luma mode" -msgstr "Luminansläge" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/histogramgenerator.cpp:178 -msgid "min" -msgstr "min" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/histogramgenerator.cpp:181 -msgid "max" -msgstr "max" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/rgbparade.cpp:27 -msgid "RGB" -msgstr "RGB" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/rgbparade.cpp:28 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/waveform.cpp:33 -msgid "White" -msgstr "Vit" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/rgbparade.cpp:32 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:89 -msgid "Draw axis" -msgstr "Rita axel" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/rgbparade.cpp:37 -msgid "Gradient reference line" -msgstr "Referenslinje för toning" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/rgbparadegenerator.cpp:167 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/rgbparadegenerator.cpp:169 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/rgbparadegenerator.cpp:171 -msgid "min: " -msgstr "min: " - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/rgbparadegenerator.cpp:175 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/rgbparadegenerator.cpp:177 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/rgbparadegenerator.cpp:179 -msgid "max: " -msgstr "max: " - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:52 -msgid "Green 2" -msgstr "Grön 2" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:56 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:60 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:102 -msgid "YUV" -msgstr "YUV" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:57 -msgid "Original Color" -msgstr "Originalfärg" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:62 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:100 -msgid "YPbPr" -msgstr "YPbPr" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:76 -msgid "Tools" -msgstr "Verktyg" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:78 -msgid "Export background" -msgstr "Exportera bakgrund" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:82 -msgid "Drawing options" -msgstr "Uppritningsalternativ" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:84 -msgid "75% box" -msgstr "75 % ruta" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:94 -msgid "Draw I/Q lines" -msgstr "Rita I/Q-linjer" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:99 -msgid "Color Space" -msgstr "Färgrymd" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:247 -#, kde-format -msgid "%1 \\%" -msgstr "%1 \\%" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/waveform.cpp:32 -msgid "Yellow" -msgstr "Gul" - -#: src/scopes/scopemanager.cpp:307 -msgid "Waveform" -msgstr "Vågform" - -#: src/scopes/scopemanager.cpp:309 -msgid "Histogram" -msgstr "Histogram" - -#: src/scopes/scopemanager.cpp:311 -msgid "Audio Signal" -msgstr "Ljudsignal" - -#: src/scopes/scopemanager.cpp:312 -msgid "AudioSpectrum" -msgstr "Ljudspektrum" - -#: src/scopes/scopemanager.cpp:313 -msgid "Spectrogram" -msgstr "Spektrogram" - -#: src/statusbarmessagelabel.cpp:51 -msgctxt "@action:button" -msgid "Confirm" -msgstr "Bekräfta" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:162 -msgid "Send frames to color scopes" -msgstr "Skicka bildrutor till färgoscilloskop" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:167 -msgid "Mirror display" -msgstr "Spegla visning" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:174 -msgid "Stop Motion Capture" -msgstr "Lagra bild för bild" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, capture_interval) -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:187 src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:115 -msgid "Interval capture" -msgstr "Intervallagring" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:205 -msgid "Overlay effect" -msgstr "Överlagringseffekt" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:207 -msgid "No Effect" -msgstr "Ingen effekt" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:211 -msgid "Edge detect" -msgstr "Kantdetektering" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:213 -msgid "Brighten" -msgstr "Öka ljusstyrka" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:236 -msgid "Show sequence thumbnails" -msgstr "Visa miniatyrbilder i sekvens" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:241 -msgid "Delete current frame" -msgstr "Ta bort aktuell bildruta" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:369 -msgid "Configure Stop Motion" -msgstr "Anpassa bild för bild" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:371 src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:372 -msgid " second" -msgid_plural " seconds" -msgstr[0] " sekund" -msgstr[1] " sekunder" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:520 -msgid "Stopped" -msgstr "Stoppad" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:560 -msgid "No previous frame found" -msgstr "Ingen tidigare bildruta hittades" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:632 -msgid "Create New Sequence" -msgstr "Skapa ny sekvens" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:632 -msgid "Enter sequence name" -msgstr "Ange sekvensnamn" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:653 -msgid "Frame Captured" -msgstr "Bildruta lagrad" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:667 -msgid "Going to Capture Frame" -msgstr "Klar att lagra bildruta" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:822 -#, kde-format -msgid "Delete frame %1 from disk?" -msgstr "Ta bort bildruta %1 från disk?" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:822 -msgid "Delete Frame" -msgstr "Ta bort bildruta" - -#: src/timecode.cpp:261 -msgid "hour" -msgstr "timma" - -#: src/timecode.cpp:269 -msgid "min." -msgstr "min." - -#: src/timecode.cpp:277 -msgid "sec." -msgstr " sek." - -#: src/timecode.cpp:282 -msgid "frames" -msgstr "bildrutor" - -#: src/timeline/abstractclipitem.cpp:379 -msgid "seconds" -msgstr "sekunder" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:589 -msgid "Crop from start:" -msgstr "Beskär från början:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, clip_filesize_2) -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:589 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:602 -#: src/ui/spacerdialog_ui.ui:30 -msgid "Duration:" -msgstr "Längd:" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:589 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:602 -msgid "Offset:" -msgstr "Position:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:695 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:804 -msgid ":" -msgstr ":" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:696 -msgid " Position:" -msgstr " Position:" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:697 -msgid " Duration:" -msgstr " Längd:" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:701 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:707 -msgid " Selection duration:" -msgstr " Markeringens längd:" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:703 -msgid " Group duration:" -msgstr " Gruppens längd:" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:714 -msgid "Crop from start: " -msgstr "Beskär från början: " - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:716 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:722 -msgid "" -"Use Ctrl to resize only current item, otherwise all items in this group will " -"be resized at once." -msgstr "" -"Använd Ctrl för att bara ändra storlek på nuvarande objekt, annars kommer " -"storleken på alla objekt i gruppen ändras på en gång." - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:720 -msgid "Duration: " -msgstr "Längd: " - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:726 -msgid "Fade in duration: " -msgstr "Intoningens längd: " - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:729 -msgid "Fade out duration: " -msgstr "Borttoningens längd: " - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:732 -msgid "Drag to add or resize a fade effect." -msgstr "Dra för att lägga till eller ändra storlek på en toningseffekt." - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:736 -msgid "Click to add a transition." -msgstr "Klicka för att lägga till en övertoning." - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:739 -msgid "" -"Move keyframe above or below clip to remove it, double click to add a new " -"one." -msgstr "" -"Flytta nyckelruta ovanför eller under klippet för att ta bort den, " -"dubbelklicka för att lägga till en ny." - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:784 -msgid "Cannot use spacer in a locked track" -msgstr "Kan inte använda mellanrum i ett låst spår" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:792 -msgid "Cannot use spacer in a track with a group" -msgstr "Kan inte använda mellanrum i ett spår med en grupp" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1105 -msgid "Cannot cut a transition" -msgstr "Kan inte klippa en övertoning" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1331 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1366 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2668 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2694 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2720 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2743 -msgid "Cannot add transition" -msgstr "Kan inte lägga till övertoning" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1586 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1594 -msgid "Cannot find clip to edit" -msgstr "Kan inte hitta klipp att redigera" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1588 -msgid "Cannot edit the duration of multiple items" -msgstr "Kan inte redigera längden för flera objekt" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1599 -msgid "Cannot edit an item in a group" -msgstr "Kan inte redigera ett objekt i en grupp" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1664 -msgid "Item is locked" -msgstr "Objektet är låst" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1747 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2897 -msgid "Cannot insert clip in timeline" -msgstr "Kan inte infoga klipp i tidslinje" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1753 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2866 -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:75 -msgid "Add timeline clip" -msgstr "Lägg till tidslinjeklipp" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1787 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1849 -msgid "Clip not ready" -msgstr "Klipp ej klart" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1970 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2033 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2050 -msgid "Problem deleting effect" -msgstr "Problem vid borttagning av effekt" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1977 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2002 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2017 -msgid "Problem adding effect to clip" -msgstr "Problem vid tillägg av effekt i klipp" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1986 -msgid "Cannot add speed effect to track" -msgstr "Kan inte lägga till hastighetseffekt i spåret" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2022 -msgid "Cannot find clip to add effect" -msgstr "Kan inte hitta klipp för att lägga till effekt" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2068 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2160 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2263 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7513 -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:42 src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:282 -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:374 -msgid "effect" -msgstr "effekt" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2069 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2162 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7515 src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:44 -#, kde-format -msgid "Add %1" -msgstr "Lägg till %1" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2171 -msgid "Select a clip if you want to apply an effect" -msgstr "Markera ett klipp om du vill verkställa en effekt" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2219 -msgid "Cannot add an audio effect to this clip" -msgstr "Kan inte lägga till en ljudeffekt i klippet" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2228 -msgid "Cannot add a video effect to this clip" -msgstr "Kan inte lägga till en videoeffekt i klippet" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2233 -msgid "Effect already present in clip" -msgstr "Effekt finns redan i klipp" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2264 src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:46 -#, kde-format -msgid "Delete %1" -msgstr "Ta bort %1" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2300 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2315 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2371 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2381 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2402 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5486 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5507 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5530 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5552 -msgid "Problem editing effect" -msgstr "Problem vid redigering av effekt" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2373 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2404 -msgid "Cannot find clip to update effect" -msgstr "Kan inte hitta klipp för att uppdatera effekt" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2429 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2450 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2463 -msgid "Cannot move effect" -msgstr "Kan inte flytta effekt" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2527 -msgid "Cannot find clip to cut" -msgstr "Kan inte hitta klipp att skära" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2600 -msgid "Cannot find clip to uncut" -msgstr "Kan inte hitta klipp att sätta ihop" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2604 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4101 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4392 -#, kde-format -msgid "Error removing clip at %1 on track %2" -msgstr "Fel vid borttagning av klipp i %1 på spår %2" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2629 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5309 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5427 -msgid "Error when resizing clip" -msgstr "Fel vid storleksändring av klipp" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2728 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6204 -msgid "Invalid transition" -msgstr "Ogiltig övertoning" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2752 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4435 -msgid "Select clip to delete" -msgstr "Markera klipp att ta bort" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2768 -msgid "Cannot update transition" -msgstr "Kan inte uppdatera övertoning" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:3442 -msgid "Cannot remove space in a locked track" -msgstr "Kan inte ta bort mellanrum i ett låst spår" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:3448 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:3453 -#, kde-format -msgid "You must be in an empty space to remove space (time: %1, track: %2)" -msgstr "" -"Du måste vara på ett tomt utrymme för att ta bort mellanrum (tid: %1, spår: " -"%2)" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:3464 -msgid "Cannot remove space in a track with a group" -msgstr "Kan inte ta bort mellanrum i ett spår med en grupp" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:3543 -msgid "Cannot insert space in a locked track" -msgstr "Kan inte infoga mellanrum i ett låst spår" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:3556 -msgid "Cannot insert space in a track with a group" -msgstr "Kan inte infoga mellanrum i ett spår med en grupp" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:3612 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot move clip at position %1, track %2" -msgstr "Kan inte flytta klipp på position %1, spår %2" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:3625 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot move transition at position %1, track %2" -msgstr "Kan inte flytta övertoning på position %1, spår %2" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:3897 src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:484 -msgid "Move clip" -msgstr "Flytta klipp" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4045 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5002 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot move clip to position %1" -msgstr "Kan inte flytta klipp till position %1" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4052 -msgid "Cannot move transition" -msgstr "Kan inte flytta övertoning" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4056 src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:579 -msgid "Move transition" -msgstr "Flytta övertoning" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4083 src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:556 -msgid "Move group" -msgstr "Flytta grupp" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4215 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4242 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6386 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6418 -msgid "Resize group" -msgstr "Ändra storlek på grupp" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4488 -msgid "Delete selected group" -msgid_plural "Delete selected groups" -msgstr[0] "Ta bort markerad grupp" -msgstr[1] "Ta bort markerade grupper" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4490 -msgid "Delete selected clip" -msgid_plural "Delete selected clips" -msgstr[0] "Ta bort markerat klipp" -msgstr[1] "Ta bort markerade klipp" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4492 -msgid "Delete selected transition" -msgid_plural "Delete selected transitions" -msgstr[0] "Ta bort markerad övertoning" -msgstr[1] "Ta bort markerade övertoningar" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4493 -msgid "Delete selected items" -msgstr "Ta bort markerade objekt" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4505 -msgid "Cannot find clip for speed change" -msgstr "Kan inte hitta klipp för hastighetsändring" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4563 -msgid "Cut Group" -msgstr "Klipp ut grupp" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4645 src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:411 -msgid "Group clips" -msgstr "Gruppera klipp" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4744 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4760 -msgid "Cannot insert clip..." -msgstr "Kan inte infoga klipp..." - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4749 -msgid "Waiting for clip..." -msgstr "Väntar på klipp..." - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4963 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5192 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot move clip at time: %1 on track %2" -msgstr "Kan inte flytta klipp vid tid: %1 på spår %2" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5142 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot move transition at time: %1 on track %2" -msgstr "Kan inte flytta övertoning vid tid: %1 på spår %2" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5236 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5352 -msgid "Not possible to resize" -msgstr "Inte möjlig att ändra storlek på" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5248 -msgid "Resize clip start" -msgstr "Börja ändra storlek på klipp" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5318 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5437 -msgid "Cannot resize transition" -msgstr "Kan inte ändra storlek på övertoning" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5372 -msgid "Resize clip end" -msgstr "Sluta ändra storlek på klipp" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5430 -msgid "Resize transition end" -msgstr "Sluta ändra storlek på övertoning" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5742 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5810 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5851 -msgid "No guide at cursor time" -msgstr "Ingen hjälplinje vid tidslinjens markör" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5762 -#, kde-format -msgid "A guide already exists at position %1" -msgstr "En hjälplinje finns redan på position %1" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5778 -msgid "Guide" -msgstr "Hjälplinje" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6068 -msgid "Select a clip before copying" -msgstr "Markera ett klipp innan kopiering" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6139 -msgid "No clip copied" -msgstr "Inget klipp kopierat" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6175 -msgid "Cannot paste selected clips" -msgstr "Kan inte klistra in markerade klipp" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6192 -msgid "Cannot paste clip to selected place" -msgstr "Kan inte klistra in klipp på markerad plats" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6206 -msgid "Cannot paste transition to selected place" -msgstr "Kan inte klistra in övertoning på markerad plats" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6217 -msgid "You must copy exactly one clip before pasting effects" -msgstr "Du måste kopiera exakt ett klipp innan effekter klistras in" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6353 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6377 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6410 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7016 -msgid "You must select one clip for this action" -msgstr "Du måste markera ett klipp för åtgärden" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6359 -msgid "You must select a playlist clip for this action" -msgstr "Du måste markera ett klipp i spellistan för åtgärden" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6517 src/ui/addtrack_ui.ui:67 -msgid "Insert track" -msgstr "Infoga spår" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6518 -#, kde-format -msgid "Video %1" -msgstr "Video %1" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6519 -msgid "Insert New Track" -msgstr "Infoga nytt spår" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6552 src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:108 -msgid "Delete track" -msgstr "Ta bort spår" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6667 -msgid "You must select one transition for this action" -msgstr "Du måste markera en övertoning för åtgärden" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6754 -msgid "You must select at least one clip for this action" -msgstr "Du måste markera minst ett klipp för åtgärden" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6759 src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:718 -msgid "Split audio" -msgstr "Dela ljud" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6765 -msgid "Cannot split audio of grouped clips" -msgstr "Kan inte dela ljud för grupperade klipp" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6779 -msgid "No clip to split" -msgstr "Inget klipp att dela" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6788 -msgid "You must select exactly one clip for the audio reference." -msgstr "Du måste markera exakt ett klipp för ljudreferensen." - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6809 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6858 -msgid "Processing audio, please wait." -msgstr "Behandlar ljud, vänta." - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6813 -msgid "Reference for audio alignment must contain audio data." -msgstr "Referens för ljudjustering måste innehålla ljuddata." - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6829 -msgid "Audio alignment reference not yet set." -msgstr "Referens för ljudjustering ännu inte inställd." - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6866 -msgid "Cannot find clip to align." -msgstr "Kan inte hitta klipp att justera." - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6881 -msgid "Unable to move clip out of timeline." -msgstr "Kan inte flytta klipp från tidslinjen." - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6896 -msgid "Unable to move clip due to collision." -msgstr "Kan inte flytta klipp på grund av kollision." - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6899 -msgid "Clip aligned." -msgstr "Klipp justerat." - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6900 -msgid "Auto-align clip" -msgstr "Justera klipp automatiskt" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6932 -msgid "No empty space to put clip audio" -msgstr "Inget tomt utrymme att placera klippljud" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6944 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6981 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7057 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot update clip (time: %1, track: %2)" -msgstr "Kan inte uppdatera klipp (tid: %1, spår: %2)" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7009 -msgid "Video only" -msgstr "Bara video" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7026 -msgid "Cannot change grouped clips" -msgstr "Kan inte ändra grupperade klipp" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7045 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot find clip to edit (time: %1, track: %2)" -msgstr "Kan inte hitta klipp att redigera (tid: %1, spår: %2)" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7358 -msgid "error" -msgstr "fel" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7358 -msgid "TRACTOR" -msgstr "Tidsordning" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7371 -msgid "Insert clip" -msgstr "Infoga klipp" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7521 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7529 -msgid "Effect already present in track" -msgstr "Effekt finns redan i spår" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7641 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot find clip for effect update %1." -msgstr "Kan inte hitta klipp för effektuppdatering %1." - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7668 -msgid "You need to select one clip and one transition" -msgstr "Du måste markera ett klipp och en övertoning" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7686 -msgid "No clip found" -msgstr "Inget klipp hittades" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7694 -msgid "No keyframe data found in clip" -msgstr "Ingen data för nyckelrutor hittades i klippet" - -#: src/timeline/headertrack.cpp:66 src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:461 -msgid "Lock track" -msgstr "Lås spår" - -#: src/timeline/headertrack.cpp:66 src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:463 -msgid "Unlock track" -msgstr "Lås upp spår" - -#: src/timeline/headertrack.cpp:72 -msgid "Disable audio" -msgstr "Inaktivera ljud" - -#: src/timeline/headertrack.cpp:72 -msgid "Enable audio" -msgstr "Aktivera ljud" - -#: src/timeline/headertrack.cpp:82 -msgid "Disable video" -msgstr "Inaktivera video" - -#: src/timeline/headertrack.cpp:82 -msgid "Enable video" -msgstr "Aktivera video" - -#: src/timeline/headertrack.cpp:89 -msgid "Opaque" -msgstr "Ogenomskinlig" - -#: src/timeline/spacerdialog.cpp:52 -msgid "All tracks" -msgstr "Alla spår" - -#: src/timeline/timeline.cpp:89 -msgid "Smaller tracks" -msgstr "Kortare spår" - -#: src/timeline/timeline.cpp:96 -msgid "Bigger tracks" -msgstr "Större spår" - -#: src/timeline/timeline.cpp:359 src/timeline/timeline.cpp:363 -#, kde-format -msgid "Transition %1 had an invalid track: %2 > %3" -msgstr "Övertoning %1 hade ett ogiltigt spår: %2 > %3" - -#: src/timeline/timeline.cpp:372 -#, kde-format -msgid "Removed invalid transition: %1" -msgstr "Tog bort ogiltig övertoning: %1" - -#: src/timeline/timeline.cpp:469 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Your project file was upgraded to the latest Kdenlive document version.\n" -"To make sure you don't lose data, a backup copy called %1 was created." -msgstr "" -"Projektfilen uppgraderades till den senaste Kdenlive-dokumentversion.\n" -"För att vara säker på att du inte förlorar data har en säkerhetskopia vid " -"namn %1 skapats." - -#: src/timeline/timeline.cpp:471 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Your project file was modified by Kdenlive.\n" -"To make sure you don't lose data, a backup copy called %1 was created." -msgstr "" -"Projektfilen har ändrats av Kdenlive.\n" -"För att vara säker på att du inte förlorar data har en säkerhetskopia vid " -"namn %1 skapats." - -#: src/timeline/timeline.cpp:477 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Your project file was upgraded to the latest Kdenlive document version, but " -"it was not possible to create the backup copy %1." -msgstr "" -"Projektfilen uppgraderades till den senaste Kdenlive-dokumentversion, men " -"det var inte möjligt att skapa säkerhetskopian %1." - -#: src/timeline/timeline.cpp:868 -#, kde-format -msgid "Invalid clip removed from track %1 at %2\n" -msgstr "Ogiltigt klipp borttaget från spår %1 i %2\n" - -#: src/timeline/timeline.cpp:946 -#, kde-format -msgid "Effect %1:%2 not found in MLT, it was removed from this project\n" -msgstr "Effekt %1:%2 hittades inte i MLT. Den har tagits bort från projektet\n" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:76 -msgid "Delete timeline clip" -msgstr "Ta bort tidslinjeklipp" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:106 -msgid "Add track" -msgstr "Lägg till spår" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:137 -msgid "Delete transition from clip" -msgstr "Ta bort övertoning från klipp" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:139 -msgid "Add transition to clip" -msgstr "Lägg till övertoning i klippet" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:175 -msgid "Change clip type" -msgstr "Ändra klipptyp" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:199 -msgid "Disable effect" -msgid_plural "Disable effects" -msgstr[0] "Inaktivera effekt" -msgstr[1] "Inaktivera effekter" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:201 -msgid "Enable effect" -msgid_plural "Enable effects" -msgstr[0] "Aktivera effekt" -msgstr[1] "Aktivera effekter" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:228 -msgid "Adjust clip length" -msgstr "Justera klipplängd" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:283 -#, kde-format -msgid "Edit effect %1" -msgstr "Redigera effekt %1" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:337 -msgid "Add guide" -msgstr "Lägg till hjälplinje" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:341 -msgid "Edit guide" -msgstr "Redigera hjälplinje" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:343 -msgid "Delete guide" -msgstr "Ta bort hjälplinje" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:345 -msgid "Move guide" -msgstr "Flytta hjälplinje" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:375 -#, kde-format -msgid "Edit transition %1" -msgstr "Redigera övertoning %1" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:413 -msgid "Ungroup clips" -msgstr "Dela upp klipp" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:436 -msgid "Insert space" -msgstr "Infoga mellanrum" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:438 -msgid "Remove space" -msgstr "Ta bort mellanrum" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:523 -msgid "Move effect" -msgstr "Flytta effekt" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:607 -msgid "Razor clip" -msgstr "Skär klipp" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:653 -msgid "Rebuild Group" -msgstr "Återskapa grupp" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:695 -msgid "Resize clip" -msgstr "Ändra storlek på klipp" - -#: src/timeline/timelinesearch.cpp:27 -msgid "Find" -msgstr "Sök" - -#: src/timeline/timelinesearch.cpp:29 -msgid "Find Next" -msgstr "Sök igen" - -#: src/timeline/timelinesearch.cpp:38 -msgid "Starting -- find text as you type" -msgstr "Startar: sök text medan du skriver" - -#: src/timeline/timelinesearch.cpp:46 -msgid "Find stopped" -msgstr "Sökning stoppad" - -#: src/timeline/timelinesearch.cpp:56 src/timeline/timelinesearch.cpp:67 -#, kde-format -msgid "Found: %1" -msgstr "Hittade: %1" - -#: src/timeline/timelinesearch.cpp:58 -msgid "Reached end of project" -msgstr "Projektets slut har nåtts" - -#: src/timeline/timelinesearch.cpp:70 -#, kde-format -msgid "Not found: %1" -msgstr "Hittades inte: %1" - -#: src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:74 -msgid "Hidden" -msgstr "Dold" - -#: src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:74 -msgid "Muted" -msgstr "Tyst" - -#: src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:74 -msgid "Locked" -msgstr "Låst" - -#: src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:90 -msgid "Add Track" -msgstr "Lägg till spår" - -#: src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:98 -msgid "Move Track upwards" -msgstr "Flytta spår uppåt" - -#: src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:102 -msgid "Move Track downwards" -msgstr "Flytta spår neråt" - -#: src/titler/titledocument.cpp:331 -msgid "This title clip was created with a different frame size." -msgstr "Titelklippet skapades med en annan bildrutestorlek." - -#: src/titler/titledocument.cpp:331 -msgid "Title Profile" -msgstr "Titelprofil" - -#: src/titler/titledocument.cpp:380 -msgid "" -"Some of your text clips were saved with size in points, which means " -"different sizes on different displays. They will be converted to pixel size, " -"making them portable, but you could have to adjust their size." -msgstr "" -"Vissa av textklippen sparades med storleken i punkter, vilket betyder olika " -"storlek på olika bildskärmar. De kommer att konverteras till " -"bildpunktsstorlek, vilket gör dem flyttbara, men du kan behöva justera deras " -"storlek." - -#: src/titler/titledocument.cpp:380 -msgid "Text Clips Updated" -msgstr "Textklipp uppdaterade" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:93 -msgid "Outline width" -msgstr "Konturbredd" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:99 -msgid "Background color opacity" -msgstr "Ogenomskinlighet hos bakgrundsfärg" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:105 -msgid "Rotation around the X axis" -msgstr "Rotera kring x-axeln" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:111 -msgid "Rotation around the Y axis" -msgstr "Rotera kring y-axeln" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:117 -msgid "Rotation around the Z axis" -msgstr "Rotera kring z-axeln" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:123 -msgid "Border width" -msgstr "Kantbredd" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:156 -msgid "Typewriter" -msgstr "Skrivmaskinstext" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:215 -msgctxt "Font style" -msgid "Light" -msgstr "Ljus" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:216 -msgctxt "Font style" -msgid "Normal" -msgstr "Normal" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:217 -msgctxt "Font style" -msgid "Demi-Bold" -msgstr "Halvfet" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:218 -msgctxt "Font style" -msgid "Bold" -msgstr "Fet" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:219 -msgctxt "Font style" -msgid "Black" -msgstr "Svart" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:220 -msgid "Font weight" -msgstr "Teckensnittsvikt" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:242 -msgid "No alignment" -msgstr "Ingen justering" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:245 -msgid "Align center" -msgstr "Centrera" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:249 -msgid "Insert Unicode character" -msgstr "Infoga Unicode-tecken" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:255 -msgid "Raise object" -msgstr "Höj objekt" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:261 -msgid "Lower object" -msgstr "Sänk objekt" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:269 -msgid "Raise object to top" -msgstr "Höj objekt längst upp" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:276 -msgid "Lower object to bottom" -msgstr "Sänk objekt längst ner" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:320 -msgid "Invert x axis and change 0 point" -msgstr "Invertera x-axel och ändra nollpunkt" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:321 -msgid "Invert y axis and change 0 point" -msgstr "Invertera y-axel och ändra nollpunkt" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:322 -msgid "Select fill color" -msgstr "Välj ifyllnadsfärg" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:323 -msgid "Select border color" -msgstr "Välj kantfärg" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:325 -msgid "Original size (1:1)" -msgstr "Ursprunglig storlek (1:1)" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:326 -msgid "Fit zoom" -msgstr "Anpassa" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:327 -msgid "Select background color" -msgstr "Välj bakgrundsfärg" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:328 -msgid "Background opacity" -msgstr "Bakgrundens ogenomskinlighet" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:329 -msgid "Select all" -msgstr "Markera alla" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:330 -msgid "Select text items in current selection" -msgstr "Välj textobjekt i nuvarande markering" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:331 -msgid "Select rect items in current selection" -msgstr "Välj rektangelobjekt i nuvarande markering" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:332 -msgid "Select image items in current selection" -msgstr "Välj bildobjekt i nuvarande markering" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:333 -msgid "Unselect all" -msgstr "Avmarkera alla" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:362 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:365 -msgid "Selection Tool" -msgstr "Markeringsverktyg" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:368 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:371 -msgid "Add Text" -msgstr "Lägg till text" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:374 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:377 -msgid "Add Rectangle" -msgstr "Lägg till rektangel" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:380 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:383 -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:670 -msgid "Add Image" -msgstr "Lägg till bild" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:388 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:391 -msgid "Open Document" -msgstr "Öppna dokument" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:394 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:397 -msgid "Save As" -msgstr "Spara som" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:566 -msgid "" -"Do you really want to load a new template? Changes in this title will be " -"lost!" -msgstr "" -"Vill du verkligen läsa in en ny mall? Ändringar i den här titeln kommer att " -"gå förlorade." - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:658 -msgid "All Images" -msgstr "Alla bilder" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:660 -#, kde-format -msgid "%1 Image" -msgstr "Bild %1" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:1346 -msgid "\\u2212X" -msgstr "\\u2212X" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, origin_x_left) -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:1348 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:63 -msgid "+X" -msgstr "+X" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:1371 -msgid "\\u2212Y" -msgstr "\\u2212Y" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, origin_y_top) -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:1373 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:86 -msgid "+Y" -msgstr "+Y" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:1713 -msgid "Load Title" -msgstr "Läs in titel" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:1713 -msgid "Kdenlive title (*.kdenlivetitle)" -msgstr "Kdenlive-film (*.kdenlivetitle)" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:1761 -msgid "" -"Do you want to embed Images into this TitleDocument?\n" -"This is most needed for sharing Titles." -msgstr "" -"Vill du inbädda bilder i det här titeldokumentet?\n" -"Det behövs i huvudsak för att dela titlar." - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:2039 -msgctxt "Indicates the start of an animation" -msgid "Start" -msgstr "Början" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:2040 -msgctxt "Indicates the end of an animation" -msgid "End" -msgstr "Slutet" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:30 -msgid "Details" -msgstr "Detaljinformation" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:85 -msgid "" -"Information about unicode characters: http://decodeunicode.org" -msgstr "" -"Information om Unicode-tecken: http://" -"decodeunicode.org" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:86 -msgid "Previous Unicode character (Arrow Up)" -msgstr "Föregående Unicode-tecken (uppåtpil)" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:87 -msgid "Next Unicode character (Arrow Down)" -msgstr "Rotera kring x-axeln" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:88 -msgid "Enter your Unicode number here. Allowed characters: [0-9] and [a-f]." -msgstr "Rotera kring y-axeln" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:148 -msgid "(no character selected)" -msgstr "Rotera kring z-axeln" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:154 -msgid "" -"Control character. Cannot be inserted/printed. See Wikipedia:Control_character" -msgstr "" -"Styrtecken. Kan inte infogas/skrivas ut. Se Wikipedia:Control_character." - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:156 -msgid "Line Feed (newline character, \\\\n)" -msgstr "Radbrytning (nyradstecken, \\\\n)" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:158 -msgid "" -"Standard space character. (Other space characters: U+00a0, U" -"+2000–200b, U+202f)" -msgstr "" -"Vanligt mellanslag. (Andra mellanslag: U+00a0, U+2000–200b, U+202f)" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:160 -msgid "No-break space. &nbsp; in HTML. See U+2009 and U+0020." -msgstr "Hårt mellanslag. &nbsp; i HTML. Se U+2009 och U+0020." - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:162 -msgid "" -"

« (u+00ab, &lfquo; in HTML) and " -"» (u+00bb, &rfquo; in HTML) are " -"called Guillemets or angle quotes. Usage in different countries: France " -"(with non-breaking Space 0x00a0), Switzerland, Germany, Finland and Sweden.

and (U+2039/203a, " -"&lsaquo;/&rsaquo;) are their single quote equivalents.

See Wikipedia:" -"Guillemets

" -msgstr "" -"

« (u+00ab, &lfquo; i HTML) och " -"» (u+00bb, &rfquo; i HTML) kallas " -"vinkelcitationstecken. Användning i olika länder: Frankrike (med hårt " -"mellanslag 0x00a0), Schweiz, Tyskland, Finland och Sverige.

och (U+2039/203a, " -"&lsaquo;/&rsaquo;) är motsvarande ekvivalenta enkla " -"citationstecken.

Se Wikipedia:Vinkelcitationstecken.

" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:164 -msgid "En Space (width of an n)" -msgstr "Halvfyrkant (bredden av ett n)" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:166 -msgid "Em Space (width of an m)" -msgstr "Fyrkant (bredden av ett m)" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:168 -msgid "Three-Per-Em Space. Width: 1/3 of one em" -msgstr "Tredjedelsfyrkant. Bredd: 1/3 av en fyrkant" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:170 -msgid "Four-Per-Em Space. Width: 1/4 of one em" -msgstr "Fjärdedelsfyrkant. Bredd: 1/4 av en fyrkant" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:172 -msgid "Six-Per-Em Space. Width: 1/6 of one em" -msgstr "Sjättedelsfyrkant. Bredd: 1/6 av en fyrkant" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:174 -msgid "" -"Figure space (non-breaking). Width of a digit if digits have fixed width in " -"this font." -msgstr "" -"Siffermellanslag (hårt). Bredden hos en siffra om siffror har fast breddsteg " -"i teckensnittet." - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:176 -msgid "" -"Punctuation Space. Width the same as between a punctuation character and the " -"next character." -msgstr "" -"Interpunktionsmellanrum. Bredden är likadan som mellan ett " -"interpunktionstecken och nästa tecken." - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:178 -msgid "" -"Thin space, in HTML also &thinsp;. See U+202f and Wikipedia:Space_(punctuation)" -msgstr "" -"Åttondelsfyrkant, i HTML också &thinsp;. Se U+202f och Wikipedia:Utslutning." - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:180 -msgid "Hair Space. Thinner than U+2009." -msgstr "Hårspatie. Tunnare än U+2009." - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:182 -msgid "" -"Punctuation Apostrophe. Should be used instead of U+0027. See Wikipedia:Apostrophe" -msgstr "" -"Interpunktionsapostrof. Ska användas istället för U+0027. Se Wikipedia:Apostrof" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:184 -msgid "" -"

An en Dash (dash of the width of an n).

Usage examples: In English " -"language for value ranges (1878–1903), for relationships/connections " -"(Zurich–Dublin). In the German language it is also used (with " -"spaces!) for showing thoughts: “Es war – wie immer in den " -"Ferien – ein regnerischer Tag.

See Wikipedia:Dash

" -msgstr "" -"

Ett tankstreck (tankstreck med bredden av ett n).

Användningsexempel: I engelska för värdeintervall (1878–1903), " -"och för relationer/kopplingar (Zürich–Dublin). I tyska används det " -"också (med mellanslag) för att visa tankar: “Es war – wie immer " -"in den Ferien – ein regnerischer Tag.

Se Wikipedia:Tankstreck.

" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:186 -msgid "" -"

An em Dash (dash of the width of an m).

Usage examples: In English " -"language to mark—like here—thoughts. Traditionally without " -"spaces.

See Wikipedia:" -"Dash

" -msgstr "" -"

Ett långt tankstreck (tankstreck med bredden av ett m).

Användningsexempel: I engelska för att markera—som här—" -"tankar. Traditionellt utan mellanslag.

Se Wikipedia:Långt tankstreck.

" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:188 -msgid "" -"

Narrow no-break space. Has the same width as U+2009.

Usage: For " -"units (spaces are marked with U+2423, ␣): 230␣V, " -"−21␣°C, 50␣lb, but 90° (no space). In " -"German for abbreviations (like: i. d. R. instead of i. d." -" R. with U+00a0).

See Wikipedia:de:Schmales_Leerzeichen

" -msgstr "" -"

Smal hård brytpunkt. Har samma bredd som U+2009.

Användning: För " -"enheter (mellanslag markeras med U+2423, ␣): 230␣V, " -"−21␣°C, 50␣kg, men 90° (inget " -"mellanslag). I Tyskland för förkortningar (som: i. d. R. " -"istället för i. d. R. med U+00a0).

Se Wikipedia:de:Schmales_Leerzeichen.

" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:190 -msgid "" -"Ellipsis: If text has been left o… See Wikipedia:Ellipsis" -msgstr "" -"Uteslutningstecken: Om text har har blivit utelämnad … Se Wikipedia:" -"Uteslutningstecken." - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:192 -msgid "Minus sign. For numbers: −42" -msgstr "Minustecken. För tal: −42" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:194 -msgid "Open box; stands for a space." -msgstr "Öppen ruta: står för mellanslag." - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:196 -msgid "" -"Quarter note (Am.) or crochet (Brit.). See Wikipedia:Quarter_note" -msgstr "" -"Fjärdedelsnot. Se Wikipedia:Fjärdedelsnot." - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:198 -msgid "" -"Eighth note (Am.) or quaver (Brit.). Half as long as a quarter note (U" -"+2669). See Wikipedia:" -"Eighth_note" -msgstr "" -"Åttondelsnot. Hälften så lång som en fjärdedelsnot (U+2669). Se Wikipedia:Åttondelsnot." - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:200 -msgid "" -"Sixteenth note (Am.) or semiquaver (Brit.). Half as long as an eighth note (U" -"+266a). See Wikipedia:Sixteenth_note" -msgstr "" -"Sextondelsnot. Hälften så lång som en åttondelsnot (U+266a). Se Wikipedia:Sextondelsnot." - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:202 -msgid "" -"Thirty-second note (Am.) or demisemiquaver (Brit.). Half as long as a " -"sixteenth note (U+266b). See Wikipedia:Thirty-second_note" -msgstr "" -"Trettioandradelsnot eller trettiotvåondelsnot. Hälften så lång som en " -"sextondelsnot (U+266b). Se Wikipedia:Trettioandradelsnot." - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:204 -msgid "No additional information available for this character." -msgstr "" -"Ingen ytterligare information tillgänglig för det här tecknet." - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, before_select) -#: src/ui/addtrack_ui.ui:34 -msgid "Above" -msgstr "Ovanför" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, before_select) -#: src/ui/addtrack_ui.ui:39 -msgid "Under" -msgstr "Under" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, video_track) -#: src/ui/addtrack_ui.ui:57 -msgid "Video &track" -msgstr "Videos&pår" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, audio_track) -#: src/ui/addtrack_ui.ui:74 -msgid "A&udio track" -msgstr "Lj&udspår" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, name_label) -#: src/ui/addtrack_ui.ui:81 -msgid "Track name" -msgstr "Spårnamn" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/archivewidget_ui.ui:29 -msgid "Archive folder" -msgstr "Arkivera katalog" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, compressed_archive) -#: src/ui/archivewidget_ui.ui:46 -msgid "Compressed archive" -msgstr "Komprimerat arkiv" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, proxy_only) -#: src/ui/archivewidget_ui.ui:53 -msgid "Archive only proxy clips when available" -msgstr "Arkivera bara ersättningsklipp om tillgängliga" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, labelFFTSize) -#: src/ui/audiospectrum_ui.ui:52 -msgid "True FFT size: " -msgstr "Verklig FFT-storlek: " - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, buttonLinkHandles) -#: src/ui/bezierspline_ui.ui:89 -msgid "Link the handles' position.
Results in a natural spline." -msgstr "Länka greppens positioner.
Ger en naturlig spline som resultat." - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, marker_save) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, marker_load) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, analysis_delete) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, analysis_save) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, analysis_load) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, arrowUp) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, arrowDown) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, config_button) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonleft) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonhcenter) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonright) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttontop) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonvcenter) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonbottom) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonDirectUpdate) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonZoomOriginal) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonZoomFit) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonAddDelete) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonPrevious) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonNext) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, toolBtnReload) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonUp) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonDown) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonAdd) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonDelete) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonReset) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, zoom_button) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, unzoom_button) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonResetKeyframe) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonSeek) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, reload_blackmagic) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonLinkHandles) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonShowPixmap) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonZoomIn) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonZoomOut) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonGridChange) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonResetSpline) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonShowAllHandles) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, v4l_showprofileinfo) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, v4l_manageprofile) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, grab_manageprofile) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, grab_showprofileinfo) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, decklink_manageprofile) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, decklink_showprofileinfo) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, button_up) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, button_down) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, button_transcode) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, proxy_showprofileinfo) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, add_metadata) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, delete_metadata) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, effectsAll) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, effectsVideo) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, effectsAudio) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, effectsGPU) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, effectsCustom) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, proxy_manageprofile) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, button_add) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, button_edit) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, button_delete) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, button_download) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, button_more) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonLeftRight) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonUpDown) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonShowInTimeline) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonNewPoints) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonHelp) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonFavorite) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, rescale_keep) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, hide_log) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, collapseButton) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, enabledButton) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, menuButton) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonDel) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, rec_options) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonItalic) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonUnder) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonAlignNone) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonAlignLeft) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonInsertUnicode) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonAlignCenter) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonAlignRight) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, itemleft) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, itemhcenter) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, itemright) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, itemtop) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, itemvcenter) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, itembottom) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, live_button) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, capture_button) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, capture_interval) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, overlay_button) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, preview_button) -#: src/ui/bezierspline_ui.ui:92 src/ui/bezierspline_ui.ui:130 -#: src/ui/bezierspline_ui.ui:146 src/ui/bezierspline_ui.ui:156 -#: src/ui/bezierspline_ui.ui:169 src/ui/bezierspline_ui.ui:195 -#: src/ui/bezierspline_ui.ui:208 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:490 -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:500 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:587 -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:597 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:607 -#: src/ui/collapsiblewidget_ui.ui:86 src/ui/collapsiblewidget_ui.ui:118 -#: src/ui/collapsiblewidget_ui.ui:137 src/ui/collapsiblewidget_ui.ui:156 -#: src/ui/collapsiblewidget_ui.ui:172 src/ui/collapsiblewidget_ui.ui:188 -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:211 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:396 -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:433 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:616 -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:742 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:749 -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:78 src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:220 -#: src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:230 src/ui/configsdl_ui.ui:154 -#: src/ui/cutjobdialog_ui.ui:32 src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:262 -#: src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:269 src/ui/dvdwizardvob_ui.ui:29 -#: src/ui/dvdwizardvob_ui.ui:49 src/ui/dvdwizardvob_ui.ui:100 -#: src/ui/effectlist_ui.ui:22 src/ui/effectlist_ui.ui:41 -#: src/ui/effectlist_ui.ui:57 src/ui/effectlist_ui.ui:73 -#: src/ui/effectlist_ui.ui:89 src/ui/freesound_ui.ui:39 -#: src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:249 src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:256 -#: src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:263 src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:270 -#: src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:277 src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:284 -#: src/ui/geometrywidget_ui.ui:70 src/ui/geometrywidget_ui.ui:83 -#: src/ui/geometrywidget_ui.ui:93 src/ui/keyframeeditor_ui.ui:91 -#: src/ui/keyframeeditor_ui.ui:101 src/ui/keyframewidget_ui.ui:46 -#: src/ui/keyframewidget_ui.ui:59 src/ui/keyframewidget_ui.ui:72 -#: src/ui/keyframewidget_ui.ui:85 src/ui/keyframewidget_ui.ui:124 -#: src/ui/manageencodingprofile_ui.ui:44 src/ui/manageencodingprofile_ui.ui:51 -#: src/ui/manageencodingprofile_ui.ui:58 src/ui/manageencodingprofile_ui.ui:68 -#: src/ui/monitoreditwidget_ui.ui:53 src/ui/monitoreditwidget_ui.ui:66 -#: src/ui/monitoreditwidget_ui.ui:76 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:335 -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:386 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:393 -#: src/ui/recmonitor_ui.ui:72 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:407 -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:592 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:717 -#: src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:76 src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:92 -#: src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:108 src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:118 -#: src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:128 src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:141 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:364 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:384 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:401 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:417 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:440 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:447 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:460 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:801 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:808 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:815 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:822 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:829 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:836 src/ui/tracksconfigdialog_ui.ui:61 -#: src/ui/tracksconfigdialog_ui.ui:68 src/ui/tracksconfigdialog_ui.ui:75 -#: src/ui/tracksconfigdialog_ui.ui:82 src/ui/tracksconfigdialog_ui.ui:89 -#: src/ui/unicodewidget_ui.ui:185 src/ui/unicodewidget_ui.ui:210 -msgid "..." -msgstr "..." - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, buttonShowPixmap) -#: src/ui/bezierspline_ui.ui:127 -msgid "Show background indicating changes caused by modifying the curve." -msgstr "Visa bakgrund som anger ändringar orsakade av kurvans modifiering." - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, buttonGridChange) -#: src/ui/bezierspline_ui.ui:166 -msgid "" -"Increases the number of lines in the grid.
After 8 lines it will begin " -"from 0 again." -msgstr "" -"Ökar antal linjer i rutnätet.
Efter 8 linjer börjar det från 0 igen." - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, buttonResetSpline) -#: src/ui/bezierspline_ui.ui:192 -msgid "Reset the selected spline" -msgstr "Återställ markerad spline" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, buttonShowAllHandles) -#: src/ui/bezierspline_ui.ui:205 -msgid "Show handles for all points or only for the selected one" -msgstr "Visa grepp för alla punkter eller bara för den markerade" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, name) -#: src/ui/boolval_ui.ui:30 src/ui/fontval_ui.ui:23 src/ui/listval_ui.ui:23 -msgid "TextLabel" -msgstr "Textetikett" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, crop_label) -#: src/ui/clipdurationdialog_ui.ui:30 -msgid "Crop start" -msgstr "Beskärning börjar" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, end_label) -#: src/ui/clipdurationdialog_ui.ui:50 -msgid "Crop end" -msgstr "Beskärning slut" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_path) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, treeWidget) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:27 src/ui/missingclips_ui.ui:72 -msgid "Path" -msgstr "Sökväg" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_size) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_6) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_5) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:51 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:231 -#: src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:41 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:93 -msgid "Size:" -msgstr "Storlek:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, clip_filesize) -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, groupBox) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:65 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:157 -#: src/utils/freesound.cpp:212 -msgid "File size" -msgstr "Filstorlek" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, clip_vproperties) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, clip_aproperties) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, metadata_list) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, analysis_list) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, programList) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:117 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:162 -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:542 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:574 -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:371 src/ui/wizardmltcheck_ui.ui:49 -msgid "1" -msgstr "1" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, clip_vproperties) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, clip_aproperties) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, metadata_list) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, analysis_list) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:122 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:167 -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:547 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:579 -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:376 -msgid "2" -msgstr "2" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_slideshow) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:206 -msgid "Slideshow" -msgstr "Bildspel" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, slide_type_label) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:212 -msgid "Image type" -msgstr "Bildtyp" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, clip_filesize_4) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:222 -msgid "Frame duration" -msgstr "Bildlängd" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, slide_loop) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, loop_movie) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, sm_loop) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:255 src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:221 -#: src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:160 src/ui/smconfig_ui.ui:26 -msgid "Loop" -msgstr "Upprepa" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, slide_crop) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:339 src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:284 -msgid "Center crop" -msgstr "Centrumbeskärning" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_animation) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_6) -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:346 src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:291 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:1121 -msgid "Animation" -msgstr "Animering" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_image) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, background_list) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:357 src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:202 -msgid "Image" -msgstr "Bild" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_16) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:365 -msgid "Image size" -msgstr "Bildstorlek" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, image_transparency) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:381 -msgid "Transparent background" -msgstr "Genomskinlig bakgrund" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, markers_list) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, clip_filesize_3) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:432 src/ui/markerdialog_ui.ui:56 -msgid "Comment" -msgstr "Kommentar" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, marker_new) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonNext) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonUnselectAll) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:440 src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:83 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:700 -msgid "N" -msgstr "N" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, marker_edit) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonEdit) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:450 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:414 -msgid "E" -msgstr "O" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, marker_delete) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonDelete) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, button_delete) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, delete_button) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:460 src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:252 -#: src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:103 src/ui/keyframeeditor_ui.ui:78 -#: src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:279 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:428 -msgid "D" -msgstr "D" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_advanced) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:634 -msgid "Advanced" -msgstr "Avancerat" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, clip_force_ar) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:653 -msgid "Force aspect ratio" -msgstr "Tvinga proportion" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, clip_force_threads) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:686 -msgid "Decoding threads" -msgstr "Avkodningstrådar" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, clip_force_progressive) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:700 -msgid "Force scanning" -msgstr "Tvinga sökning" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, clip_force_framerate) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:727 -msgid "Force frame rate" -msgstr "Tvinga bildfrekvens" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, clip_force_out) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:734 -msgid "Force duration" -msgstr "Tvinga längd" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, clip_force_colorspace) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:751 -msgid "Force colorspace" -msgstr "Tvinga färgrymd" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, clip_force_fieldorder) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:765 -msgid "Force field order" -msgstr "Tvinga fältordning" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, clip_force_transparency) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:829 -msgid "Image background" -msgstr "Bildbakgrund" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, clip_transparency) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:837 -msgid "Normal" -msgstr "Normal" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_dest) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_5) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_6) -#: src/ui/clipstabilize_ui.ui:20 src/ui/cliptranscode_ui.ui:30 -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:45 src/ui/saveprofile_ui.ui:138 -msgid "Destination" -msgstr "Mål" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_source) -#: src/ui/cliptranscode_ui.ui:20 -msgid "Source" -msgstr "Källa" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, ffmpeg_label) -#: src/ui/cliptranscode_ui.ui:40 -msgid "FFmpeg parameters" -msgstr "FFmpeg-parametrar" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_4) -#: src/ui/cliptranscode_ui.ui:54 -msgid "Job status" -msgstr "Jobbstatus" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_start) -#: src/ui/cliptranscode_ui.ui:61 -msgctxt "@action:button start transcode" -msgid "Start" -msgstr "Starta" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_profile) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: src/ui/cliptranscode_ui.ui:68 src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:29 -#: src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:20 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:74 -msgid "Profile" -msgstr "Profil" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, auto_close) -#: src/ui/cliptranscode_ui.ui:88 -msgid "Close after transcode" -msgstr "Stäng efter omkodning" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/colorclip_ui.ui:30 -msgid "Clip Color" -msgstr "Klippfärg" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, ColorPlaneExport_UI) -#: src/ui/colorplaneexport_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Export color plane to PNG" -msgstr "Exportera färgplan till PNG" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, lblSpace) -#: src/ui/colorplaneexport_ui.ui:20 -msgid "Color space" -msgstr "Färgrymd" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, lblVariant) -#: src/ui/colorplaneexport_ui.ui:37 -msgid "Variant" -msgstr "Variant" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QSlider, sliderScaling) -#: src/ui/colorplaneexport_ui.ui:81 -msgid "How much to zoom in" -msgstr "Hur stor inzoomning" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, lblRes) -#: src/ui/colorplaneexport_ui.ui:101 -msgid "Resolution" -msgstr "Upplösning" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, lblFilename) -#: src/ui/colorplaneexport_ui.ui:144 -msgid "Filename" -msgstr "Filnamn" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:23 -msgid "Default capture device" -msgstr "Standardlagringsenhet" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, kcfg_defaultcapture) -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, device_selector) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:37 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:70 -#: src/ui/recmonitor_ui.ui:134 -msgid "Firewire" -msgstr "Firewire" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, kcfg_defaultcapture) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, device_selector) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:47 src/ui/recmonitor_ui.ui:144 -msgid "Screen grab" -msgstr "Skärminspelning" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, kcfg_defaultcapture) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, device_selector) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:52 src/ui/recmonitor_ui.ui:149 -msgid "Blackmagic card" -msgstr "Blackmagic-kort" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_9) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:89 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:221 -msgid "Capture format" -msgstr "Lagringsformat" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, kcfg_firewireformat) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:97 -msgid "DV Raw" -msgstr "DV Obehandlad" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, kcfg_firewireformat) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:102 -msgid "DV AVI type 1" -msgstr "DV AVI typ 1" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, kcfg_firewireformat) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:107 -msgid "DV AVI type 2" -msgstr "DV AVI typ 2" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, button_hdv) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, kcfg_firewireformat) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:112 src/ui/wizardstandard_ui.ui:54 -msgid "HDV" -msgstr "HDV" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_firewireautosplit) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:133 -msgid "Automatically start a new file on scene cut" -msgstr "Starta automatiskt en ny fil när scenen skärs" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_firewiretimestamp) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:140 -msgid "Add recording time to captured file name" -msgstr "Lägg till inspelningstid i lagringsfilnamnet" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_5) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_29) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:147 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:696 -msgid "Capture file name" -msgstr "Lagringsfilnamn" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_7) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:157 -msgid "dvgrab additional parameters" -msgstr "Ytterligare parametrar för dvgrab" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_14) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:197 -msgid "Video device" -msgstr "Videoenhet" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_30) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_27) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:204 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:666 -msgid "Detected devices" -msgstr "Detekterade enheter" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, p_size) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:238 src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:48 -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:100 -msgid "720x576" -msgstr "720 x 576" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, p_fps) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:252 src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:62 -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:114 -msgid "25/1" -msgstr "25/1" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, p_aspect) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:273 src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:76 -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:128 -msgid "59/54" -msgstr "59/54" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, p_display) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:287 src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:90 -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:142 -msgid "4/3" -msgstr "4/3" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, config_v4l) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:308 -msgid "Edit" -msgstr "Redigera" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_v4l_captureaudio) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:342 -msgid "Capture audio (ALSA)" -msgstr "Lagra ljud (ALSA)" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_24) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_screengrab) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_16) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:362 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:632 -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:725 src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:203 -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:305 -msgid "Encoding profile" -msgstr "Kodningsprofil" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_v4l_capturevideo) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:389 -msgid "Capture video (Video4Linux2)" -msgstr "Lagra video (Video4Linux2)" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, kcfg_grab_capture_type) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:471 -msgid "Full screen capture" -msgstr "Fullskärmslagring" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, kcfg_grab_capture_type) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:476 -msgid "Region capture" -msgstr "Områdeslagring" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_grab_follow_mouse) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:495 -msgid "Follow mouse" -msgstr "Följ musen" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_grab_hide_frame) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:502 -msgid "Hide frame" -msgstr "Dölj bildruta" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_19) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_10) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:524 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:951 -msgid "Offset" -msgstr "Position" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_grab_hide_mouse) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:652 -msgid "Hide cursor" -msgstr "Dölj tidslinjens markör" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_4) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:660 -msgid "Blackmagic" -msgstr "Blackmagic" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_9) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:42 -msgid "Concurrent threads" -msgstr "Samtidiga trådar" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:69 -msgid "MLT environment" -msgstr "MLT-miljö" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_6) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:78 -msgid "Processing threads" -msgstr "Behandlingstrådar" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_7) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:91 -msgid "(>1 is experimental)" -msgstr "(>1 är experimentellt)" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:98 -msgid "Melt path" -msgstr "Sökväg till melt" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:112 -msgid "MLT profiles folder" -msgstr "MLT-profilkatalog" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_13) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:135 -msgid "FFplay" -msgstr "FFplay" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_14) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:155 -msgid "FFprobe" -msgstr "FFprobe" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_2) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:166 -msgid "Default folders" -msgstr "Standardkataloger" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_5) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_4) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:172 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:56 -msgid "Project folder" -msgstr "Projektkatalog" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:182 -msgid "Temporary files" -msgstr "Tillfälliga filer" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_10) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:192 -msgid "Capture folder" -msgstr "Lagringskatalog" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_capturetoprojectfolder) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:212 -msgid "Use project folder" -msgstr "Använd projektkatalog" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_3) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:223 -msgid "Default apps" -msgstr "Standardprogram" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_4) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:229 -msgid "Image editing" -msgstr "Bildredigering" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, kp_image) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, kp_audio) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, kp_player) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:243 src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:264 -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:285 -msgid "Change" -msgstr "Ändra" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_11) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:250 -msgid "Audio editing" -msgstr "Ljudredigering" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_12) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:271 -msgid "Video player" -msgstr "Videospelare" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_enableshuttle) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:23 -msgid "Enable Jog Shuttle device" -msgstr "Aktivera rullningskontroll" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, shuttledisabled) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:30 -msgid "Jog Shuttle device disabled." -msgstr "Rullningskontroll inaktiverad." - -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, config_group) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:53 -msgid "Device configuration" -msgstr "Enhetsinställning" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:85 -msgid "Button 1" -msgstr "Knapp 1" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_17) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:98 -msgid "Device" -msgstr "Enhet" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_16) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:111 -msgid "Button 15" -msgstr "Knapp 15" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_14) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:137 -msgid "Button 13" -msgstr "Knapp 13" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_9) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:150 -msgid "Button 8" -msgstr "Knapp 8" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_7) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:166 -msgid "Button 4" -msgstr "Knapp 4" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:179 -msgid "Device name" -msgstr "Enhetsnamn" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_5) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:192 -msgid "Button 5" -msgstr "Knapp 5" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_8) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:214 -msgid "Button 7" -msgstr "Knapp 7" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_10) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:243 -msgid "Button 9" -msgstr "Knapp 9" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_4) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:256 -msgid "Button 2" -msgstr "Knapp 2" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_11) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:272 -msgid "Button 10" -msgstr "Knapp 10" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_12) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:285 -msgid "Button 11" -msgstr "Knapp 11" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_6) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:308 -msgid "Button 6" -msgstr "Knapp 6" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_15) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:336 -msgid "Button 14" -msgstr "Knapp 14" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:349 -msgid "Button 3" -msgstr "Knapp 3" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_13) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:362 -msgid "Button 12" -msgstr "Knapp 12" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_usekuiserver) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:23 -msgid "Use KDE job tracking for render jobs" -msgstr "Använd KDE:s jobbuppföljning för återgivningsjobb" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_checkfirstprojectclip) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:30 -msgid "Check if first added clip matches project profile" -msgstr "Kontrollera om först tillagda klipp motsvarar projektprofilen" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_crashrecovery) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:37 -msgid "Crash recovery (automatic backup)" -msgstr "Kraschåterställning (automatisk säkerhetskopiering)" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_automultistreams) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:44 -msgid "Automatically import all streams in multi stream clips" -msgstr "Importera automatiskt alla strömmar i klipp med flera strömmar" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_disable_effect_parameters) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:51 -msgid "Disable parameters when the effect is disabled" -msgstr "Inaktivera parametrar när effekten är inaktiverad" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_bypasscodeccheck) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:58 -msgid "Bypass codec verification" -msgstr "Hoppa över verifikation av kodare" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_autoimagesequence) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:65 -msgid "Automatically import image sequences" -msgstr "Importera automatiskt bildsekvenser" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_projectloading_avformatnovalidate) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:72 -msgid "Do not validate the video files when loading a project (faster)" -msgstr "Validera inte videofilerna när ett projekt läses in (snabbare)" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_on_monitor_effects) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:79 -msgid "Use on-monitor effects" -msgstr "Använd effekter på skärm" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_use_exiftool) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:86 -msgid "Get clip metadata with exiftool" -msgstr "Hämta metadata för klipp med exiftool" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_openlastproject) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:93 -msgid "Open last project on startup" -msgstr "Öppna senaste projekt vid start" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, groupBox) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:100 -msgid "Default Durations" -msgstr "Standardlängder" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:106 -msgid "Color clips" -msgstr "Färgklipp" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_8) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:123 -msgid "Title clips" -msgstr "Titelklipp" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:130 -msgid "Image sequence" -msgstr "Bildsekvens" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_autoimagetransparency) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:149 -msgid "Transparent background for imported images" -msgstr "Genomskinlig bakgrund för importerade bilder" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_use_magicLantern) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:169 -msgid "Get clip metadata created by Magic Lantern" -msgstr "Hämta metadata för klipp skapade av Magic Lantern" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, properties) -#: src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:23 -msgid "Default Profile" -msgstr "Förvald profil" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_9) -#: src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:69 -msgid "Aspect ratio:" -msgstr "Proportion:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_10) -#: src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:83 -msgid "Display ratio:" -msgstr "Skärmproportion" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_7) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_6) -#: src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:109 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:175 -msgid "Video tracks" -msgstr "Videospår" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_8) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_7) -#: src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:119 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:185 -msgid "Audio tracks" -msgstr "Ljudspår" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, generate_proxy) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_generateproxy) -#: src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:154 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:256 -msgid "Generate for videos larger than" -msgstr "Skapa för videor större än" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (suffix), widget (QSpinBox, proxy_minsize) -#. i18n: ectx: property (suffix), widget (QSpinBox, proxy_imageminsize) -#. i18n: ectx: property (suffix), widget (QSpinBox, kcfg_proxyminsize) -#. i18n: ectx: property (suffix), widget (QSpinBox, kcfg_proxyimageminsize) -#: src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:161 src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:181 -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:263 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:283 -msgid "pixels" -msgstr " bildpunkter" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, generate_imageproxy) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_generateimageproxy) -#: src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:174 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:276 -msgid "Generate for images larger than" -msgstr "Skapa för bilder större än" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/ui/configsdl_ui.ui:17 -msgid "" -"Warning: changes to the drivers and devices can make Kdenlive unstable. " -"Change only if you know what you do." -msgstr "" -"Varning: Ändringar av drivrutiner och enheter kan göra Kdenlive instabil. " -"Ändra bara om du är säker på vad du gör." - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_gpu_accel) -#: src/ui/configsdl_ui.ui:27 -msgid "Use GPU processing (Movit library) - restart Kdenlive to apply" -msgstr "" -"Använd behandling med grafikprocessor (Movit-biblioteket) - starta om " -"Kdenlive för att verkställa" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_4) -#: src/ui/configsdl_ui.ui:34 -msgid "Audio backend" -msgstr "Ljudgränssnitt" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, textLabel1_2) -#: src/ui/configsdl_ui.ui:53 -msgid "Audio driver:" -msgstr "Ljuddrivrutin:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, textLabel1) -#: src/ui/configsdl_ui.ui:66 -msgid "Audio device:" -msgstr "Ljudenhet:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: src/ui/configsdl_ui.ui:82 -msgid "Preview volume:" -msgstr "Förhandsgranskningens volym:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/configsdl_ui.ui:102 -msgid "Monitor background color:" -msgstr "Skärmarnas bakgrundsfärg:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_external_display) -#: src/ui/configsdl_ui.ui:127 -msgid "Use external display (Blackmagic card)" -msgstr "Använd extern visning (Blackmagic-kort)" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_5) -#: src/ui/configsdl_ui.ui:134 -msgid "Output device" -msgstr "Utmatningsenhet" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, groupBox) -#: src/ui/configtimeline_ui.ui:23 -msgid "Thumbnails" -msgstr "Miniatyrbilder" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_displayallchannels) -#: src/ui/configtimeline_ui.ui:48 -msgid "Separate channels" -msgstr "Separata kanaler" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_showmarkers) -#: src/ui/configtimeline_ui.ui:73 -msgid "Display clip markers comments" -msgstr "Visa kommentarer för klippmarkörer" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_autoscroll) -#: src/ui/configtimeline_ui.ui:80 -msgid "Autoscroll while playing" -msgstr "Rulla automatiskt under uppspelning" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_verticalzoom) -#: src/ui/configtimeline_ui.ui:87 -msgid "Zoom using vertical drag in ruler" -msgstr "Zooma med vertikal indragningslinjal" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_splitaudio) -#: src/ui/configtimeline_ui.ui:94 -msgid "Automatically split audio and video" -msgstr "Dela automatiskt ljud och video" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/configtimeline_ui.ui:103 -msgid "Track height" -msgstr "Spårhöjd" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_add) -#: src/ui/configtranscode_ui.ui:24 -msgid "Add Profile" -msgstr "Lägg till profil" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_update) -#: src/ui/configtranscode_ui.ui:31 -msgid "Update Profile" -msgstr "Uppdatera profil" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_delete) -#: src/ui/configtranscode_ui.ui:38 -msgid "Delete Profile" -msgstr "Ta bort profil" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_4) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: src/ui/configtranscode_ui.ui:90 src/ui/saveprofile_ui.ui:121 -msgid "Extension" -msgstr "Filändelse" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_4) -#: src/ui/configtranscode_ui.ui:107 -msgid "Parameters" -msgstr "Parametrar" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, button_more) -#: src/ui/cutjobdialog_ui.ui:29 -msgid "Configure job" -msgstr "Anpassa jobb" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_add) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardchapters_ui.ui:39 -msgid "Add chapter" -msgstr "Lägg till kapitel" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardchapters_ui.ui:46 -msgid "Movie file" -msgstr "Filmfil" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_delete) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardchapters_ui.ui:66 -msgid "Remove chapter" -msgstr "Ta bort kapitel" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, create_menu) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:20 -msgid "Create basic menu" -msgstr "Skapa grundmeny" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:49 -msgid "Button" -msgstr "Knapp" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_6) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:65 -msgid "Target" -msgstr "Mål" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, back_to_menu) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:82 -msgid "Back to menu" -msgstr "Tillbaka till meny" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, use_shadow) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:126 -msgid "Shadow" -msgstr "Skugga" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:138 -msgid "Underline" -msgstr "Understreck" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_2) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, lblBackground) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:183 src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:189 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:1076 src/ui/vectorscope_ui.ui:46 -msgid "Background" -msgstr "Bakgrund" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonAdd) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, add_button) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, button_add) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonSelectAll) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonAudio) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:232 src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:93 -#: src/ui/keyframeeditor_ui.ui:68 src/ui/timelinebuttons_ui.ui:71 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:723 -msgid "A" -msgstr "A" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:29 -msgid "Temporary data folder" -msgstr "Tillfällig datakatalog" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:39 -msgid "DVD ISO image" -msgstr "Dvd ISO-avbild" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (QListWidget, job_progress) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:56 -msgid "Creating menu images" -msgstr "Skapar menybilder" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (QListWidget, job_progress) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:61 -msgid "Creating menu background" -msgstr "Skapar menybakgrund" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (QListWidget, job_progress) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:66 -msgid "Creating menu movie" -msgstr "Skapar menyfilm" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (QListWidget, job_progress) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:71 -msgid "Creating dvd structure" -msgstr "Skapar dvd-struktur" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (QListWidget, job_progress) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:76 -msgid "Creating iso file" -msgstr "Skapar iso-fil" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_start) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:84 -msgid "Create ISO image" -msgstr "Skapar ISO-avbild" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_2) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:118 -msgid "Log" -msgstr "Logg" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_7) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:124 -msgid "Status" -msgstr "Status" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, button_burn) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:154 -msgid "Burn" -msgstr "Bränn" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:172 -msgid "Menu File" -msgstr "Menyfil" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_3) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:186 -msgid "Dvdauthor File" -msgstr "Dvdauthor-fil" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, use_intro) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardvob_ui.ui:59 -msgid "Use first movie as intro" -msgstr "Använd första filmen som introduktion" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardvob_ui.ui:66 -msgid "DVD format" -msgstr "Dvd-format" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_delete) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardvob_ui.ui:73 -msgid "Remove file" -msgstr "Ta bort fil" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_add) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardvob_ui.ui:130 -msgid "Add movie file" -msgstr "Lägg till filmfil" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, convert_label) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardvob_ui.ui:146 -msgid "Converting files" -msgstr "Konverterar filer" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: src/ui/freesound_ui.ui:22 -msgid "Service" -msgstr "Tjänst" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, page_prev) -#: src/ui/freesound_ui.ui:67 -msgid "<<" -msgstr "<<" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, page_next) -#: src/ui/freesound_ui.ui:104 -msgid ">>" -msgstr ">>" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_import) -#: src/ui/freesound_ui.ui:137 src/utils/archiveorg.cpp:181 -msgid "Import" -msgstr "Importera" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/freesound_ui.ui:177 -msgid "License" -msgstr "Licens" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonMenu) -#: src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:63 -msgid "M" -msgstr "M" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonPrevious) -#: src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:73 -msgid "P" -msgstr "P" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_pos) -#: src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:127 -msgid "Pos" -msgstr "Pos" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_6) -#: src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:198 -msgid "Height" -msgstr "Höjd" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:219 -msgid "Resize:" -msgstr "Ändra storlek:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, buttonResize) -#: src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:242 -msgid "Original" -msgstr "Original" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QCheckBox, cbY) -#: src/ui/histogram_ui.ui:17 -msgid "Luma value" -msgstr "Luminansvärden" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, lblComponents) -#: src/ui/histogram_ui.ui:64 -msgid "Components" -msgstr "Komponenter" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QCheckBox, cbS) -#: src/ui/histogram_ui.ui:71 -msgid "RGB summed up" -msgstr "Summerad RGB" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, cbS) -#: src/ui/histogram_ui.ui:74 -msgid "Sum" -msgstr "Summa" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, ImportKeyframesDialog_UI) -#: src/ui/importkeyframesdialog_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Import Keyframes" -msgstr "Importera nyckelrutor" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, limit_keyframes) -#: src/ui/importkeyframesdialog_ui.ui:48 -msgid "Limit keyframes number" -msgstr "Begränsa antal nyckelrutor" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/importkeyframesdialog_ui.ui:90 -msgid "Data to import" -msgstr "Data att importera" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, KeyFrameDialog_UI) -#: src/ui/keyframedialog_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Edit Keyframe" -msgstr "Redigera nyckelruta" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, clip_filesize_3) -#: src/ui/keyframedialog_ui.ui:27 -msgid "Value" -msgstr "Värde" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, buttonResetKeyframe) -#: src/ui/keyframeeditor_ui.ui:88 -msgid "Reset the parameters to their default values" -msgstr "Återställ parametrar till standardvärden" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, buttonSeek) -#: src/ui/keyframeeditor_ui.ui:98 -msgid "Seek to active keyframe" -msgstr "Sök till aktiv nyckelruta" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, buttonKeyframes) -#: src/ui/keyframeeditor_ui.ui:114 -msgid "Add keyframes" -msgstr "Lägg till nyckelrutor" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, buttonLeftRight) -#: src/ui/keyframewidget_ui.ui:43 -msgid "move on X axis" -msgstr "flytta på x-axeln" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, buttonUpDown) -#: src/ui/keyframewidget_ui.ui:56 -msgid "move on Y axis" -msgstr "flytta på y-axeln" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, buttonShowInTimeline) -#: src/ui/keyframewidget_ui.ui:69 -msgid "update values in timeline" -msgstr "uppdatera värden i tidslinje" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, buttonNewPoints) -#: src/ui/keyframewidget_ui.ui:82 -msgid "create new points" -msgstr "skapa nya punkter" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, checkBox) -#: src/ui/keyframewidget_ui.ui:105 -msgid "GraphView" -msgstr "GraphView" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, buttonHelp) -#: src/ui/keyframewidget_ui.ui:121 -msgid "parameter description" -msgstr "parameterbeskrivning" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/keywordval_ui.ui:23 src/ui/urlval_ui.ui:26 -msgid "Param" -msgstr "Parameter" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, ManageCaptures_UI) -#: src/ui/managecaptures_ui.ui:13 -msgid "Captured files" -msgstr "Lagrade filer" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, treeWidget) -#: src/ui/managecaptures_ui.ui:35 -msgid "File name" -msgstr "Filnamn" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, deleteButton) -#: src/ui/managecaptures_ui.ui:48 -msgid "Delete current file" -msgstr "Ta bort aktuell fil" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, toggleButton) -#: src/ui/managecaptures_ui.ui:55 -msgid "Toggle selection" -msgstr "Växla markering" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/manageencodingprofile_ui.ui:20 -msgid "Editing profiles for" -msgstr "Redigerar profiler för" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_category) -#: src/ui/markerdialog_ui.ui:76 -msgid "Category" -msgstr "Kategori" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, clip_thumb) -#: src/ui/markerdialog_ui.ui:86 -msgid "Image preview" -msgstr "Förhandsgranskning av bild" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, MissingClips_UI) -#: src/ui/missingclips_ui.ui:14 -msgid " Clip Problems" -msgstr " Problem med klipp" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, removeSelected) -#: src/ui/missingclips_ui.ui:20 -msgid "Remove selected clips" -msgstr "Ta bort markerade klipp" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, usePlaceholders) -#: src/ui/missingclips_ui.ui:37 -msgid "Use placeholders for missing clips" -msgstr "Använd platsmarkörer för saknade klipp" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, recursiveSearch) -#: src/ui/missingclips_ui.ui:80 -msgid "Search recursively" -msgstr "Sök rekursivt" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, ProfilesDialog_UI) -#: src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Profiles" -msgstr "Profiler" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_4) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_7) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_8) -#: src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:106 src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:140 -#: src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:174 -msgid "/" -msgstr "/" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_10) -#: src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:154 -msgid "Display aspect ratio" -msgstr "Visa proportion" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_11) -#: src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:208 -msgid "Fields per second" -msgstr "Fält per sekund" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_default) -#: src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:242 -msgid "Use as default" -msgstr "Använd som förval" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, button_create) -#: src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:259 -msgid "C" -msgstr "C" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, button_save) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonSave) -#: src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:269 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:421 -msgid "S" -msgstr "S" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, properties) -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:66 -msgid "Video Profile" -msgstr "Videoprofil" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:210 -msgid "Thumbnails:" -msgstr "Miniatyrbilder:" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_2) -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:416 -msgid "Project Files" -msgstr "Projektfiler" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_12) -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:422 -msgid "Clips used in project:" -msgstr "Klipp använda i projekt:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_6) -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:443 -msgid "Unused clips:" -msgstr "Oanvända klipp:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, delete_unused) -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:464 -msgid "Delete files" -msgstr "Ta bort filer" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_11) -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:471 -msgid "Thumbnails cache:" -msgstr "Cache för miniatyrbilder:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, clear_cache) -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:492 -msgid "Clear cache" -msgstr "Töm cache" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, delete_proxies) -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:520 -msgid "Delete proxies" -msgstr "Ta bort ersättningar" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_13) -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:527 -msgid "Project files" -msgstr "Projektfiler" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_fonts) -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:561 -msgid "Fonts" -msgstr "Teckensnitt" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_export) -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:575 -msgid "Plain text export" -msgstr "Enkel textexport" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:39 -msgid "Render Project" -msgstr "Återge projekt" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:52 -msgid "Output file" -msgstr "Utdatafil" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_9) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:112 -msgid "Encoder threads" -msgstr "Kodningstrådar" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, scanning_list) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:131 -msgid "Force Progressive" -msgstr "Tvinga progressiv" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, scanning_list) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:136 -msgid "Force Interlaced" -msgstr "Tvinga inflätad" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QLineEdit, vbitrates_list) -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QLineEdit, abitrates_list) -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (KComboBox, comboBitrates) -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (KComboBox, comboAudioBitrates) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:176 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:202 -#: src/ui/saveprofile_ui.ui:33 src/ui/saveprofile_ui.ui:87 -msgid "Best to worst quality" -msgstr "Bästa till sämsta kvalitet" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, checkTwoPass) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:215 -msgid "2 pass" -msgstr "2 genomgångar" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, rescale) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:222 -msgid "Rescale" -msgstr "Ändra skala" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, export_meta) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:250 -msgid "Export metadata" -msgstr "Exportera metadata" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, tc_overlay) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:276 -msgid "Overlay" -msgstr "Överlagra" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, render_full) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:314 -msgid "Fu&ll project" -msgstr "&Hela projektet" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, render_zone) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:324 -msgid "Selected &zone" -msgstr "Markerad &zon" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, render_guide) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:331 -msgid "&Guide zone" -msgstr "H&jälpzon" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, buttonRender) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:355 -msgid "Render to File" -msgstr "Återge i fil" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, buttonGenerateScript) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:362 -msgid "Generate Script" -msgstr "Skapa skript" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonInfo) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonSelectImages) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:393 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:680 -msgid "I" -msgstr "I" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, show_all_profiles) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:400 -msgid "Show all profiles" -msgstr "Visa alla profiler" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, open_browser) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:466 -msgid "Open browser window after export" -msgstr "Öppna webbläsarfönster efter export" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, play_after) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:473 -msgid "Play after render" -msgstr "Spela upp efter återgivning" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:503 -msgid "to" -msgstr "till" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, create_chapter) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:523 -msgid "Create chapter file based on guides" -msgstr "Skapa kapitelfil baserad på hjälplinjer" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, open_dvd) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:530 -msgid "Open Dvd wizard after rendering" -msgstr "Öppna dvd-guide efter återgivning" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, proxy_render) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:537 -msgid "Render using proxy clips" -msgstr "Återge med användning av ersättningsklipp" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, stemAudioExport) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:623 -msgid "Stem audio export" -msgstr "Stem-ljudexport" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_2) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:631 -msgid "Job Queue" -msgstr "Jobbkö" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_7) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:710 -msgid "Error Log" -msgstr "Fellogg" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, clean_up) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:728 -msgid "Clean Up" -msgstr "Rensa" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, shutdown) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:735 -msgid "Shutdown computer after renderings" -msgstr "Stäng av datorn efter återgivning" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, start_job) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:742 -msgid "Start Job" -msgstr "Starta jobb" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_3) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:750 -msgid "Scripts" -msgstr "Skript" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, start_script) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:778 -msgid "Start Script" -msgstr "Starta skript" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, delete_script) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:785 -msgid "Delete Script" -msgstr "Ta bort skript" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, lblPaintmode) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, lblPaintMode) -#: src/ui/rgbparade_ui.ui:33 src/ui/vectorscope_ui.ui:29 -#: src/ui/waveform_ui.ui:30 -msgid "Paint mode" -msgstr "Uppritningsmetod" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, SaveProfile_UI) -#: src/ui/saveprofile_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Save Profile" -msgstr "Spara profil" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/ui/saveprofile_ui.ui:60 -msgid "Group" -msgstr "Grupp" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: src/ui/saveprofile_ui.ui:108 -msgid "Profile name" -msgstr "Profilnamn" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/saveprofile_ui.ui:128 -msgid "" -"Parameters (see MLT documentation)" -msgstr "" -"Parametrar (se MLT-dokumentationen)" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, SceneCutDialog_UI) -#: src/ui/scenecutdialog_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Scene Cut" -msgstr "Scenskärning" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, add_markers) -#: src/ui/scenecutdialog_ui.ui:23 -msgid "Add clip markers" -msgstr "Lägg till klippmarkörer" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, zone_only) -#: src/ui/scenecutdialog_ui.ui:33 -msgid "Analyze only selected zone" -msgstr "Analysera bara markerad zon" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, cut_scenes) -#: src/ui/scenecutdialog_ui.ui:63 -msgid "Cut scenes" -msgstr "Skär scener" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, store_data) -#: src/ui/scenecutdialog_ui.ui:70 -msgid "Save result in clip metadata" -msgstr "Spara resultat i klippets metadata" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, groupBox) -#: src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:30 -msgid "Image selection method" -msgstr "Bildurvalsmetod" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, method_mime) -#: src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:36 -msgid "&Mimetype" -msgstr "&Mime-typ" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, method_pattern) -#: src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:46 -msgid "Fi&lename pattern" -msgstr "Fi&lnamnsmönster" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_4) -#: src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:70 -msgid "Image Type" -msgstr "Bildtyp" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_5) -#: src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:97 -msgid "First frame" -msgstr "Första bildruta" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:127 -msgid "Frame Duration" -msgstr "Bildlängd" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, show_thumbs) -#: src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:245 -msgid "Show thumbnails" -msgstr "Visa miniatyrbilder" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: src/ui/smconfig_ui.ui:33 -msgid "Number of frames to play (0 to play all frames)" -msgstr "Antal bildrutor att spela (0 för att spela alla)" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, groupBox_2) -#: src/ui/smconfig_ui.ui:73 -msgid "Interval Capture" -msgstr "Intervallagring" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/smconfig_ui.ui:79 -msgid "Capture delay" -msgstr "Lagringsfördröjning" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, sm_prenotify) -#: src/ui/smconfig_ui.ui:96 -msgid "Notify before capture" -msgstr "Underrätta innan lagring" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, SpacerDialog_UI) -#: src/ui/spacerdialog_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Add space" -msgstr "Lägg till mellanrum" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, clip_filesize_3) -#: src/ui/spacerdialog_ui.ui:37 -msgid "Track:" -msgstr "Spår:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, labelFFTSize) -#: src/ui/spectrogram_ui.ui:52 -msgid "True FFT size:" -msgstr "Verklig FFT-storlek" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, live_button) -#: src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:86 -msgid "Live view" -msgstr "Realtidsvisning" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, preview_button) -#: src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:135 -msgid "Preview sequence" -msgstr "Förhandsgranska sekvens" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (KComboBox, sequence_name) -#: src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:151 src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:158 -msgid "Sequence name" -msgstr "Sekvensnamn" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_addsequence) -#: src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:194 -msgid "Add to project" -msgstr "Lägg till i projekt" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/templateclip_ui.ui:17 -msgid "Template" -msgstr "Mall" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonFitZoom) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonRealSize) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonVideo) -#: src/ui/timelinebuttons_ui.ui:16 src/ui/timelinebuttons_ui.ui:64 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:553 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:563 -msgid "V" -msgstr "V" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, TitleWidget_UI) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Title Clip" -msgstr "Titelklipp" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, lWidth) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:109 -msgid "W" -msgstr "B" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_19) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:126 -msgid "H" -msgstr "H" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_12) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:184 -msgid "Z-Index:" -msgstr "Z-index:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:232 -msgid "Item Properties" -msgstr "Objektegenskaper" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:243 -msgid "Fill color" -msgstr "Fyllnadsfärg" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_11) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:275 -msgid "Border color" -msgstr "Kantfärg" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_18) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:394 -msgid "Outline" -msgstr "Kontur" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, displayBg) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:631 -msgid "Show background" -msgstr "Visa bakgrund" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_22) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:645 -msgid "Template:" -msgstr "Mall:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonSelectText) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:690 -msgid "T" -msgstr "T" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (whatsThis), widget (QToolButton, buttonSelectAll) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:720 -msgid "Selects all items on the canvas." -msgstr "Markerar alla objekt på duken." - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_14) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:761 -msgid "Zoom:" -msgstr "Zoom:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_21) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:778 -msgid "Rotate Z:" -msgstr "Rotera z:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_20) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:785 -msgid "Rotate Y:" -msgstr "Rotera y:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_15) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:792 -msgid "Rotate X:" -msgstr "Rotera x:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_5) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:877 -msgid "Effect" -msgstr "Effekt" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (suffix), widget (QSpinBox, typewriter_delay) -#. i18n: ectx: property (suffix), widget (QSpinBox, typewriter_start) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:1007 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:1030 -msgid " frames" -msgstr " bildrutor" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_16) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:1023 -msgid "Start at" -msgstr "Börja på" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, anim_start) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:1127 -msgid "Edit start" -msgstr "Börja redigera" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, anim_end) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:1137 -msgid "Edit end" -msgstr "Sluta redigera" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_7) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:1162 -msgid "Resize" -msgstr "Ändra storlek" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, resize50) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:1169 -#, no-c-format -msgid "50%" -msgstr "50 %" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, resize100) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:1176 -#, no-c-format -msgid "100%" -msgstr "100 %" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, resize200) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:1183 -#, no-c-format -msgid "200%" -msgstr "200 %" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, keep_aspect) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:1190 -msgid "Keep aspect ratio" -msgstr "Behåll proportion" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/ui/transitionsettings_ui.ui:23 -msgid "track" -msgstr "spår" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QWidget, UnicodeWidget_UI) -#: src/ui/unicodewidget_ui.ui:20 -msgid "Enter Unicode value" -msgstr "Ange Unicode-värde" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/ui/unicodewidget_ui.ui:251 -msgid "Additional Information" -msgstr "Ytterligare information" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_reload) -#: src/ui/wizardcapture_ui.ui:17 -msgid "Check" -msgstr "Kontrollera" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_9) -#: src/ui/wizardcapture_ui.ui:57 -msgid "Capture format:" -msgstr "Lagringsformat:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/wizardextra_ui.ui:16 -msgid "Default folder for project files" -msgstr "Standardkatalog för projektfiler" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, autosave) -#: src/ui/wizardextra_ui.ui:59 -msgid "Activate crash recovery (auto save)" -msgstr "Aktivera kraschåterställning (spara automatiskt)" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, installmimes) -#: src/ui/wizardextra_ui.ui:66 -msgid "Install extra video mimetypes" -msgstr "Installera extra Mime-typer för video" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab) -#: src/ui/wizardmltcheck_ui.ui:21 -msgid "Installed modules" -msgstr "Installerade moduler" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_2) -#: src/ui/wizardmltcheck_ui.ui:63 -msgid "Available Codecs (avformat)" -msgstr "Tillgängliga kodare (avformat)" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: src/ui/wizardmltcheck_ui.ui:90 -msgid "Formats" -msgstr "Format" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/ui/wizardmltcheck_ui.ui:97 -msgid "Video Codecs" -msgstr "Videokodare" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/wizardmltcheck_ui.ui:104 -msgid "Audio Codecs" -msgstr "Ljudkodare" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: src/ui/wizardstandard_ui.ui:17 -msgid "Please set your default video profile" -msgstr "Ange standardprofil för video" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/ui/wizardstandard_ui.ui:24 -msgid "Video Resolution" -msgstr "Videons upplösning" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, button_dv) -#: src/ui/wizardstandard_ui.ui:44 -msgid "DV" -msgstr "DV" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, button_all) -#: src/ui/wizardstandard_ui.ui:61 -msgid "Show All" -msgstr "Visa alla" - -#: src/utils/archiveorg.cpp:78 src/utils/freesound.cpp:86 -#: src/utils/freesound.cpp:184 src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:362 -msgid "Error Loading Data" -msgstr "Fel vid inläsning av data" - -#: src/utils/archiveorg.cpp:91 src/utils/freesound.cpp:95 -#, kde-format -msgid "Found %1 result" -msgid_plural "Found %1 results" -msgstr[0] "Hittade %1 resultat" -msgstr[1] "Hittade %1 resultat" - -#: src/utils/freesound.cpp:203 -msgid "Samplerate" -msgstr "Bildfrekvens" - -#: src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:67 -msgid "Freesound Audio Library" -msgstr "Freesound ljudbibliotek" - -#: src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:68 -msgid "Archive.org Video Library" -msgstr "Archive.org videobibliotek" - -#: src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:69 -msgid "Open Clip Art Graphic Library" -msgstr "Open Clip Art grafikbibliotek" - -#: src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:70 -msgid "Search Online Resources" -msgstr "Sök bland nätresurser" - -#: src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:92 -msgid "Auto Play" -msgstr "Spela automatiskt" - -#: src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:182 -msgctxt "the url link pointing to a web page" -msgid "link" -msgstr "länk" - -#: src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:327 -msgid "File Exists" -msgstr "Filen finns" - -#: src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:328 -msgid "Do you want to overwrite the existing file?." -msgstr "Vill du skriva över den befintliga filen?" - -#: src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:371 -msgid "Data Imported" -msgstr "Data importerad" - -#: src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:437 -msgid "" -"You need to be online\n" -" for searching" -msgstr "" -"Du måste vara uppkopplad\n" -"för att kunna söka" - -#: src/utils/thememanager.cpp:70 -msgctxt "default theme name" -msgid "Default" -msgstr "Standard" - -#: src/utils/thememanager.cpp:213 -msgid "Configuration..." -msgstr "Inställning..." - -#: src/utils/thememanager.cpp:227 -msgid "" -"Cannot start Colors Settings panel from KDE Control Center. Please check " -"your system..." -msgstr "" -"Kan inte startas färginställningsrutan i KDE:s systeminställningar. " -"Kontrollera systemet..." - -#~ msgid "Compare effect" -#~ msgstr "Jämför effekt" - -#~ msgid "Blue Screen" -#~ msgstr "Blå skärm" - -#~ msgid "Selection Parameters" -#~ msgstr "Urvalsparametrar" - -#~ msgid "Effect List" -#~ msgstr "Effektlista" - -#~ msgid "Transition List" -#~ msgstr "Övertoningslista" - -#~ msgid "Lossless / HQ" -#~ msgstr "Förlustfri, hög kvalitet" - -#~ msgid "Cannot open playlist producer." -#~ msgstr "Kan inte öppna spellisteproducent." - -#~ msgid "Cannot find proper playlist." -#~ msgstr "Kan inte hitta korrekt spellista." - -#~| msgid "Reload Clip" -#~ msgid "Expland Clip" -#~ msgstr "Expandera klipp" - -#~ msgid "Effect Stack" -#~ msgstr "Effektstack" - -#~ msgid "Transition" -#~ msgstr "Övertoning" - -#~ msgid "Show additional controls" -#~ msgstr "Visa ytterligare kontroller" - -#~ msgid "Show/Hide the lines connecting the corners" -#~ msgstr "Visa eller dölj linjerna som ansluter hörnen" - -#~ msgid "Playing %1x%2 (%3 fps)" -#~ msgstr "Spelar %1x%2 (%3 ramar/s)" - -#~ msgid "Failed to start device" -#~ msgstr "Misslyckades starta enhet" - -#~ msgid "Estimated time %1" -#~ msgstr "Uppskattad tid %1" - -#~ msgid "Loading" -#~ msgstr "Läser in" - -#~ msgid "Adding clips" -#~ msgstr "Lägga till klipp" - -#~ msgid "Loading thumbnails" -#~ msgstr "Läser in miniatyrbilder" - -#~ msgid "Loading timeline" -#~ msgstr "Läser in tidslinje" - -#~ msgid "Setting monitor" -#~ msgstr "Ställer in bildskärm" - -#~ msgid "Up" -#~ msgstr "Upp" - -#~ msgid "Add effect to Current Stack" -#~ msgstr "Lägg till effekt i aktuell stack" - -#~ msgid "Fun" -#~ msgstr "Skoj" - -#~ msgctxt "effects and transitions keyboard shortcuts" -#~ msgid "Effects & Transitions" -#~ msgstr "Effekter och övertoningar" - -#~ msgctxt "timeline track keyboard shortcuts" -#~ msgid "Timeline and Tracks" -#~ msgstr "Tidslinje och spår" - -#~ msgid "MPEG clip (*.mpeg *.mpg *.vob)" -#~ msgstr "MPEG-klipp (*.mpeg *.mpg *.vob)" - -#~ msgid "Transcoding to DVD format" -#~ msgstr "Omkodar till dvd-format" - -#~ msgid "before" -#~ msgstr "före" - -#~ msgid "after" -#~ msgstr "efter" - -#~ msgid "Set zone start" -#~ msgstr "Ange zonens början" - -#~ msgid "Set zone end" -#~ msgstr "Ange zonens slut" - -#~ msgid "Project profile was not found, using default profile." -#~ msgstr "Projektprofilen hittades inte. Använder standardprofil." - -#~ msgid "Missing Profile" -#~ msgstr "Saknar profil" - -#~ msgid "Project profile not found, replacing with existing one: %1" -#~ msgstr "Projektprofilen hittades inte. Ersätter den med befintlig: %1" - -#~ msgid "Existing Profile" -#~ msgstr "Befintlig profil" - -#~ msgid "" -#~ "Your project uses an unknown profile.\n" -#~ "It uses an existing profile name: %1.\n" -#~ "Please choose a new name to save it" -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "Projektet använder en okänd profil.\n" -#~ "Det använder ett befintligt profilnamn: %1.\n" -#~ "Välj ett nytt namn för att spara den." - -#~ msgid "Project profile was not found, it will be added to your system now." -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "Projektprofilen hittades inte. Den kommer att läggas till i systemet nu." - -#~ msgid "Buttons overlapping" -#~ msgstr "Knappar överlappar" - -#~ msgid "No button in menu" -#~ msgstr "Ingen knapp i menyn" - -#~ msgid "Missing background image" -#~ msgstr "Saknar bakgrundsbild" - -#~ msgid "No menu entry for %1" -#~ msgstr "Inget menyalternativ för %1" - -#~ msgid "Blackmagic Decklink" -#~ msgstr "Blackmagic Decklink" - -#~ msgid "Delete data" -#~ msgstr "Ta bort data" - -#~ msgid "Add data" -#~ msgstr "Lägg till data" - -#~ msgid "Importing project effects" -#~ msgstr "Importerar projekteffekter" - -#~ msgid "Load Image" -#~ msgstr "Läs in bild" - -#~ msgid "" -#~ "The project file contains missing clips or files and clip duration " -#~ "mismatch" -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "Projektfilen innehåller saknade klipp eller filer och klipp med dålig " -#~ "längdmatchning" - -#~ msgid "The project file contains clips with duration mismatch" -#~ msgstr "Projektfilen innehåller klipp med dålig längdmatchning" - -#~ msgid "Duration mismatch" -#~ msgstr "Dålig längdmatchning" - -#~ msgid "Fix duration mismatch" -#~ msgstr "Rätta dålig längdmatchning" - -#~ msgid "Movit: Blur" -#~ msgstr "Movit: Suddighet" - -#~ msgid "Sharpens in a more intelligent way" -#~ msgstr "Ökar skärpan på ett intelligentare sätt" - -#~ msgid "Movit: Diffusion" -#~ msgstr "Movit: Diffusion" - -#~ msgid "Movit: Glow" -#~ msgstr "Movit: Glöd" - -#~ msgid "Do simple color grading" -#~ msgstr "Utför enkel färgkorrigering" - -#~ msgid "Movit: Mirror" -#~ msgstr "Movit: Spegla" - -#~ msgid "Flips the image horizontally" -#~ msgstr "Vänder bilden horisontellt" - -#~ msgid "Movit: Opacity" -#~ msgstr "Movit: Ogenomskinlighet" - -#~ msgid "Change the opacity of the image" -#~ msgstr "Ändra bildens ogenomskinlighet" - -#~ msgid "Movit: Saturation" -#~ msgstr "Movit: Färgmättnad" - -#~ msgid "Saturate or desaturate the image" -#~ msgstr "Öka eller minska bildens färgmättnad" - -#~ msgid "Sharpens the image by subtracting a blurred copy" -#~ msgstr "Gör bilden skarpare genom att subtrahera en suddig kopia" - -#~ msgid "Movit: Vignette" -#~ msgstr "Movit: Vinjettering" - -#~ msgid "Movit: White balance" -#~ msgstr "Movit: Vitbalans" - -#~ msgid "XVideo" -#~ msgstr "Xvideo" - -#~ msgid "X11" -#~ msgstr "X11" - -#~ msgid "XFree86 DGA 2.0" -#~ msgstr "XFree86 DGA 2.0" - -#~ msgid "Nano X" -#~ msgstr "Nano X" - -#~ msgid "Framebuffer console" -#~ msgstr "Framebuffer-konsol" - -#~ msgid "Direct FB" -#~ msgstr "Direkt rambuffer" - -#~ msgid "SVGAlib" -#~ msgstr "SVGAlib" - -#~ msgid "General graphics interface" -#~ msgstr "Generellt grafikgränssnitt" - -#~ msgid "Ascii art library" -#~ msgstr "ASCII-konstbibliotek" - -#~ msgid "Clip %1
is invalid, what do you want to do?" -#~ msgstr "Klippet %1
är ogiltigt. Vad vill du göra?" - -#~ msgid "File not found" -#~ msgstr "Filen hittades inte" - -#~ msgid "Search automatically" -#~ msgstr "Sök automatiskt" - -#~ msgid "Keep as placeholder" -#~ msgstr "Behåll som platsmarkör" - -#~ msgid "Clip %1
is invalid or missing, what do you want to do?" -#~ msgstr "Klippet %1
är ogiltigt eller saknas. Vad vill du göra?" - -#~ msgid "Search manually" -#~ msgstr "Sök manuellt" - -#~ msgid "Looking for %1" -#~ msgstr "Letar efter %1" - -#~ msgid "Show previous keyframe" -#~ msgstr "Visa föregående nyckelram" - -#~ msgid "Project Tree" -#~ msgstr "Projektträd" - -#~ msgid "Adjust Profile to Current Clip" -#~ msgstr "Justera profil till nuvarande klipp" - -#~ msgid "Save clip zone as:" -#~ msgstr "Spara klippzon som:" - -#~ msgid "Description:" -#~ msgstr "Beskrivning:" - -#~ msgid "" -#~ "Cannot start MLT's renderer:\n" -#~ "%1" -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "Kan inte starta MLT:s återgivning:\n" -#~ "%1" - -#~ msgid "Timeout while creating xml output" -#~ msgstr "Tidsgräns överskriden när XML-utdata skapades" - -#~ msgid "Resize (100%)" -#~ msgstr "Ändra storlek (100 %)" - -#~ msgid "Resize (50%)" -#~ msgstr "Ändra storlek (50 %)" - -#~ msgid "" -#~ "Clip %1
already exists in project, what do you want to do?" -#~ msgstr "Klippet %1
finns redan i projektet. Vad vill du göra?" - -#~ msgid "Clip already exists" -#~ msgstr "Klipp finns redan" - -#~ msgid "" -#~ "Clip %1
is on a removable device, will not be available when " -#~ "device is unplugged" -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "Klippet %1 är på en flyttbar enhet, och kommer inte att vara " -#~ "tillgängligt när enheten kopplas ur." - -#~ msgid "File on a Removable Device" -#~ msgstr "Fil på flyttbar enhet" - -#~ msgid "Copy file to project folder" -#~ msgstr "Kopiera fil till projektkatalog" - -#~ msgid "Continue" -#~ msgstr "Fortsätt" - -#~ msgid "" -#~ "This will remove the following files from your hard drive.\n" -#~ "This action cannot be undone, only use if you know what you are doing.\n" -#~ "Are you sure you want to continue?" -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "Det här kommer att ta bort följande filer från hårddisken.\n" -#~ "Åtgärden går inte att ångra, och använd den bara om du vet vad du gör.\n" -#~ "Är du säker på att du vill fortsätta?" - -#~ msgid "Delete unused clips" -#~ msgstr "Ta bort oanvända klipp" - -#~ msgid "Process clip" -#~ msgstr "Behandla klipp" - -#~ msgid "Open Clips" -#~ msgstr "Öppna klipp" - -#~ msgid "Cancel job" -#~ msgid_plural "Cancel jobs" -#~ msgstr[0] "Avbryt jobb" -#~ msgstr[1] "Avbryt jobb" - -#~ msgid "Cannot find clip to process filter %1" -#~ msgstr "Kan inte hitta klipp för att behandla filter %1" - -#~ msgid "Cannot reverse clip" -#~ msgstr "Kan inte vända klipp" - -#~ msgid "Cannot render reversed clip" -#~ msgstr "Kan inte återge omvänt klipp" - -#~ msgid "" -#~ "Your project's profile %1 is not compatible with the blackmagic output " -#~ "card. Please see supported profiles below. Switching to normal video " -#~ "display." -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "Projektets profil %1 är inte kompatibel med videokortet blackmagic. Se " -#~ "profiler som stöds nedan. Byter till normal videovisning." - -#~ msgid "Hide track" -#~ msgstr "Dölj spår" - -#~ msgid "Mute track" -#~ msgstr "Tysta spår" - -#~ msgid "Invalid clip producer %1\n" -#~ msgstr "Ogiltig klipproducent %1\n" - -#~ msgid "Removed invalid transition: (%1, %2, %3)" -#~ msgstr "Tog bort ogiltig övertoning: (%1, %2, %3)" - -#~ msgid "Removed overlapping transition: (%1, %2, %3)" -#~ msgstr "Tog bort överlappande övertoning: (%1, %2, %3)" - -#~ msgid "Replaced wrong clip producer %1 with %2" -#~ msgstr "Ersatte felaktig klipproducent %1 med %2" - -#~ msgid "Broken clip producer %1, recreated base clip: %2" -#~ msgstr "Skadad klipproducent %1, återskapade basklipp: %2" - -#~ msgid "Broken clip producer %1, removed from project" -#~ msgstr "Skadad klipproducent %1, borttagen från projektet" - -#~ msgid "Desktop search integration" -#~ msgstr "Integrering med skrivbordssökning" - -#~ msgid "Video driver:" -#~ msgstr "Videodrivrutin:" - -#~ msgid "Normalise audio for thumbnails" -#~ msgstr "Normalisera ljud för miniatyrbilder" - -#~ msgid "All" -#~ msgstr "Alla" - -#~ msgid "Custom" -#~ msgstr "Anpassad" - -#~ msgid "with track" -#~ msgstr "med spår" - -#~ msgid "DV module (libdv)" -#~ msgstr "DV-modul (libdv)" - -#~ msgid "Required to work with dv files if avformat module is not installed" -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "Krävs för att visa med dv-filer om avformat-modulen inte är installerad" - -#~ msgid "Open projects in new tabs" -#~ msgstr "Öppna projekt under nya flikar" - -#~ msgid "Delete clips" -#~ msgstr "Ta bort klipp" - -#~ msgid "Check online manual" -#~ msgstr "Kontrollera handbok på Internet" - -#~ msgid "" -#~ "Please report bugs to http://" -#~ "kdenlive.org/mantis" -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "Rapportera fel till http://" -#~ "kdenlive.org/mantis" - -#~ msgid "Close the current tab" -#~ msgstr "Stäng aktuell flik" - -#~ msgid "License: %1" -#~ msgstr "Licens: %1" - -#~ msgid "Edit keyframe" -#~ msgstr "Redigera nyckelram" - -#~ msgid "99:99:99:99; " -#~ msgstr "99:99:99:99; " - -#~ msgid ":::" -#~ msgstr ":::" - -#~ msgid "Stabilize (vid.stab)" -#~ msgstr "Stabilisera (vid.stab)" - -#~ msgid "Lower is better" -#~ msgstr "Lägre är bättre" - -#~ msgid "Higher is better" -#~ msgstr "Högre är bättre" - -#~ msgid "Bitrate" -#~ msgstr "Bithastighet" - -#~ msgid "Color opacity" -#~ msgstr "Ogenomskinlighet hos färg" - -#~ msgid "Border opacity" -#~ msgstr "Ogenomskinlighet hos kant" - -#~ msgid "Font color opacity" -#~ msgstr "Ogenomskinlighet hos teckenfärg" - -#~ msgid "Outline color opacity" -#~ msgstr "Ogenomskinlighet hos konturfärg" - -#~ msgid "Stabilize (vstab)" -#~ msgstr "Stabilisera (vstab)" - -#~ msgid "Stabilize (transcode)" -#~ msgstr "Stabilisera (transcode)" - -#~ msgid "" -#~ "Firewire is not enabled on your system.\n" -#~ " Please install Libiec61883 and recompile Kdenlive" -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "Firewire är inte aktiverat på systemet.\n" -#~ " Installera Libiec61883 och kompilera om Kdenlive." - -#~ msgid "There is no clip, cannot extract frame." -#~ msgstr "Det finns inget klipp, kan inte extrahera ram." - -#~ msgid "Clone" -#~ msgstr "Duplicera" - -#~ msgid "Wipe (GLSL)" -#~ msgstr "Svep (GLSL)" - -#~ msgid "Failed to initialize OpenGL filters (Movit)" -#~ msgstr "Misslyckades initiera OpenGL-filter (Movit)" - -#~ msgid "Missing OpenGL support" -#~ msgstr "Saknar stöd för OpenGL" - -#~ msgid "You need working OpenGL support to run Kdenlive. Exiting." -#~ msgstr "Fungerade stöd för OpenGL krävs för att köra Kdenlive. Avslutar." - -#~ msgid "Movit failed initialization" -#~ msgstr "Initiering av Movit misslyckades" - -#~ msgid "Initialization of OpenGL filters failed. Exiting." -#~ msgstr "Initiering av OpenGL-filter misslyckades. Avslutar." - -#~ msgid "" -#~ "Select a region using the mouse. To take the snapshot, press the Enter " -#~ "key. Press Esc to quit." -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "Markera ett område med musen Tryck på returtangenten för att spara " -#~ "skärmdumpen. Tryck på Esc för att avbryta." - -#~ msgid "Audio align reference set." -#~ msgstr "Referensuppsättning för ljudjustering." - -#~ msgid "No audio clips selected." -#~ msgstr "Inga ljudklipp markerade." - -#~ msgid "Auto-aligned %1 clips." -#~ msgstr "Justerade %1 klipp automatiskt." - -#~ msgid "Add effect %1" -#~ msgstr "Lägg till effekt %1" - -#~ msgid "OpenGL" -#~ msgstr "OpenGL" - -#~ msgid "Accelerated GLSL" -#~ msgstr "Accelererad GLSL" - -#~ msgid "Graphic Scene" -#~ msgstr "Grafisk scenbild" - -#~ msgid "Bin" -#~ msgstr "Bin" - -#~ msgid "Zone in" -#~ msgstr "Zon in" - -#~ msgid "Zone out" -#~ msgstr "Zon ut" - -#~ msgid "" -#~ "Your MLT config does not support OpenGL nor SDL, Kdenlive will not be " -#~ "usable" -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "MLT-inställningen stöder inte OpenGL eller SDL. Kdenlive är inte " -#~ "användbart." - -#~ msgid "Monitor Audio" -#~ msgstr "Övervaka ljud" - -#~ msgid "Use Zone" -#~ msgstr "Använd zon" - -#~ msgid "The video mode %1 is not available on your system" -#~ msgstr "Videoläget %1 är inte tillgängligt på systemet" - -#~ msgid "Only one %1 monitor can be used" -#~ msgstr "Bara en %1 bildskärm kan användas" - -#~ msgid "Zone In" -#~ msgstr "Zon in" - -#~ msgid "Zone Out" -#~ msgstr "Zon ut" - -#~ msgid "Editing clip: %1" -#~ msgstr "Redigerar klipp: %1" - -#~ msgid "Author: " -#~ msgstr "Upphovsman: " - -#~ msgid "Done" -#~ msgstr "Klar" - -#~ msgid "Add clip to timeline" -#~ msgstr "Lägg till klipp i tidslinje" - -#~ msgid "Remove clip from timeline" -#~ msgstr "Ta bort klipp från tidslinje" - -#~ msgid "Resize Clip" -#~ msgstr "Ändra storlek på klipp" - -#~ msgid "Failed to open project %1" -#~ msgstr "Misslyckades öppna projekt %1" - -#~ msgid "Change track name" -#~ msgstr "Ändra spårnamn" - -#~ msgid "Hide Track" -#~ msgstr "Dölj spår" - -#~ msgid "Show Track" -#~ msgstr "Visa spår" - -#~ msgid "Mute Track" -#~ msgstr "Tysta spår" - -#~ msgid "Unmute Track" -#~ msgstr "Tysta inte spår" - -#~ msgid "Lock Track" -#~ msgstr "Lås spår" - -#~ msgid "Unlock Track" -#~ msgstr "Lås upp spår" - -#~ msgid "Marker %1" -#~ msgstr "Markör %1" - -#~ msgid "Show Tool Panel" -#~ msgstr "Visa verktygspanel" - -#~ msgid "Add new effect" -#~ msgstr "Lägg till ny effekt" - -#~ msgid "Reset effect" -#~ msgstr "Återställ effekt" - -#~ msgid "EffStack3" -#~ msgstr "Effektstack 3" - -#~ msgid "Image Clip" -#~ msgstr "Bildklipp" - -#~ msgid "Video Clip" -#~ msgstr "Videoklipp" - -#~ msgid "Webvfx Clip" -#~ msgstr "Webvfx-klipp" - -#~ msgid "Form" -#~ msgstr "Formulär" - -#~ msgid "" -#~ "Capture crashed, please check your parameters.\n" -#~ "Exit code: %1" -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "Lagring kraschade, kontrollera dina parametrar\n" -#~ "Slutkod: %1" - -#~ msgid "" -#~ "Recordmydesktop utility not found, please install it for " -#~ "screen grabs" -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "Verktyget recordmydesktop hittades inte, installera det " -#~ "för att göra skärminspelningar" - -#~ msgid "Recordmydesktop found at: %1" -#~ msgstr "Recordmydesktop hittades i: %1" - -#~ msgid "Encoding captured video..." -#~ msgstr "Kodar lagrad video..." - -#~ msgid "48000" -#~ msgstr "48000" - -#~ msgid "41000" -#~ msgstr "41000" - -#~ msgid "32000" -#~ msgstr "32000" - -#~ msgid "22500" -#~ msgstr "22500" - -#~ msgid "11250" -#~ msgstr "11250" - -#~ msgid "Buffer" -#~ msgstr "Buffer" - -#~ msgid "Jack" -#~ msgstr "Jack" - -#~ msgid "Ports:" -#~ msgstr "Portar:" - -#~ msgid "Bit rate" -#~ msgstr "Bithastighet" - -#~ msgid "Full shots" -#~ msgstr "Hela bilder" - -#~ msgid "Required for webcam capture" -#~ msgstr "Krävs för lagring från webbkamera" - -#~ msgid "recordmydesktop" -#~ msgstr "recordmydesktop" - -#~ msgid "Script name (will be saved in: %1)" -#~ msgstr "Skriptnamn (kommer att sparas i: %1)" - -#~ msgid "Intro movie" -#~ msgstr "Introduktionsfilm" - -#~ msgid "Motion vectors" -#~ msgstr "Rörelsevektorer" - -#~ msgid "Button colors" -#~ msgstr "Knappfärger" - -#~ msgid "Load marker file" -#~ msgstr "Läs in markörfil" - -#~ msgid "You need program %1 to perform this action" -#~ msgstr "Programmet %1 behövs för att utföra åtgärden" - -#~ msgid "Add new clip to project" -#~ msgstr "Lägg till nytt klipp i projekt" - -#~ msgid "x1" -#~ msgstr "x1" - -#~ msgid "Crop" -#~ msgstr "Beskär" - -#~ msgid "Autodetected capture devices" -#~ msgstr "Detektera automatiskt lagringsenheter" - -#~ msgid "Select capture format" -#~ msgstr "Välj lagringsformat" - -#~ msgid "" -#~ "Enable Audio Alignment (experimental!)\n" -#~ "Requires restart." -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "Aktivera ljudjustering (experimentellt)\n" -#~ "Kräver omstart." - -#~ msgid "Change Region" -#~ msgstr "Ändra område" - -#~ msgctxt "@action:button" -#~ msgid "Close" -#~ msgstr "Stäng" - -#~ msgid "fps" -#~ msgstr "bilder/s" - -#~ msgid "Image name" -#~ msgstr "Bildnamn" - -#~ msgid "Supported capture modes:\n" -#~ msgstr "Lagringslägen som stöds:\n" - -#~ msgid "Stabilizing FAILED!" -#~ msgstr "Stabilisering MISSLYCKADES." - -#~ msgid "Close after stabilizing" -#~ msgstr "Stäng efter stabilisering" - -#~ msgid "Preview Settings" -#~ msgstr "Inställningar för förhandsgranskning" - -#~ msgid "Quick preview" -#~ msgstr "Snabbgranskning" - -#~ msgid "Full preview" -#~ msgstr "Förhandsgranskning med full storlek" - -#~ msgid "No preview" -#~ msgstr "Ingen förhandsgranskning" - -#~ msgid "Blur image with keyframes" -#~ msgstr "Gör bild suddig med nyckelramar" - -#~ msgid "IIR Blur" -#~ msgstr "IIR-suddig" - -#~ msgid "Blur using 2D IIR filters" -#~ msgstr "Gör suddig med tvådimensionella IIR-filter" - -#~ msgid "Variable-size square blur (frei0r.squareblur)" -#~ msgstr "Fyrkantig suddighet med variabel storlek (Frei0r.squareblur)" - -#~ msgid "Configure Track" -#~ msgstr "Anpassa spår" - -#~ msgid "Job crashed" -#~ msgstr "Jobb kraschade" - -#~ msgid "Progress" -#~ msgstr "Förlopp" - -#~ msgid "Cut file" -#~ msgstr "Skärfil" - -#~ msgid "Extra parameters" -#~ msgstr "Extra parametrar" - -#~ msgid "clip cut" -#~ msgstr "klippskärning" - -#~ msgid "Capture preview settings" -#~ msgstr "Inställningar av lagringsgranskning" - -#~ msgid "Video4Linux" -#~ msgstr "Video4Linux" - -#~ msgid "Transcoding FAILED!" -#~ msgstr "Omkodning MISSLYCKADES." - -#~ msgid "Building proxy clip" -#~ msgstr "Skapar ersättningsklipp" - -#~| msgid "Transcoding finished." -#~ msgid "Transcoding crashed" -#~ msgstr "Omkodning kraschade" - -#~ msgid "Proxy %1\\%" -#~ msgstr "Ersättning %1\\%" - -#~ msgid "Fill opacity" -#~ msgstr "Ogenomskinlighet hos ifyllnad" - -#~ msgid "Select clip to change speed" -#~ msgstr "Markera klipp för att ändra hastighet" - -#~ msgid "Edit Clip Speed" -#~ msgstr "Redigera klipphastighet" - -#~ msgid "New speed (percents)" -#~ msgstr "Ny hastighet (procent)" - -#~ msgid "Pick a color on the screen" -#~ msgstr "Välj en färg på skärmen" - -#~ msgid "" -#~ "The document you are opening uses a different locale (%1) than your " -#~ "system. You can only open and render it, no editing is supported unless " -#~ "you change your system's locale." -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "Dokumentet du håller på att öppna använder en annan landsinställning (%1) " -#~ "än systemet. Du kan bara öppna och återge det, ingen redigering stöds om " -#~ "inte systemets landsinställning ändras." - -#~ msgid "Read only project" -#~ msgstr "Skrivskyddat projekt" diff -Nru kdenlive-15.13.0+git20160206.6705c57a/po/tr/CMakeLists.txt kdenlive-15.13.0+git20160206.cee1bbb6/po/tr/CMakeLists.txt --- kdenlive-15.13.0+git20160206.6705c57a/po/tr/CMakeLists.txt 2016-02-06 09:13:45.000000000 +0000 +++ kdenlive-15.13.0+git20160206.cee1bbb6/po/tr/CMakeLists.txt 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -GETTEXT_PROCESS_PO_FILES(tr ALL INSTALL_DESTINATION ${LOCALE_INSTALL_DIR} kdenlive.po) diff -Nru kdenlive-15.13.0+git20160206.6705c57a/po/tr/kdenlive.po kdenlive-15.13.0+git20160206.cee1bbb6/po/tr/kdenlive.po --- kdenlive-15.13.0+git20160206.6705c57a/po/tr/kdenlive.po 2016-02-06 09:13:45.000000000 +0000 +++ kdenlive-15.13.0+git20160206.cee1bbb6/po/tr/kdenlive.po 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 @@ -1,12472 +0,0 @@ -# Copyright (C) YEAR This_file_is_part_of_KDE -# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package. -# -# Volkan Gezer , 2015. -msgid "" -msgstr "" -"Project-Id-Version: \n" -"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugs.kde.org\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-12-11 07:07+0000\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-09-15 09:12+0000\n" -"Last-Translator: Necdet \n" -"Language-Team: Turkish \n" -"Language: tr\n" -"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" -"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" -"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" -"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n > 1);\n" -"X-Generator: Lokalize 1.5\n" - -msgctxt "NAME OF TRANSLATORS" -msgid "Your names" -msgstr "Serdar Soytetir, Anıl Özbek, Volkan Gezer" - -msgctxt "EMAIL OF TRANSLATORS" -msgid "Your emails" -msgstr "tulliana@gmail.com, ozbekanil@gmail.com, volkangezer@gmail.com" - -#: data/effects/audiobalance.xml:3 data/effects/audiobalance.xml:7 -msgid "Balance" -msgstr "Denge" - -#: data/effects/audiobalance.xml:4 -msgid "Adjust the left/right balance" -msgstr "Sol/sağ dengesini ayarla" - -#: data/effects/audiopan.xml:3 data/effects/audiopan.xml:11 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:347 src/project/dialogs/slideshowclip.cpp:73 -msgid "Pan" -msgstr "Kaydırma" - -#: data/effects/audiopan.xml:4 -msgid "Adjust the left/right spread of a channel" -msgstr "Kanalın sol/sağ yayılımını ayarla" - -#: data/effects/audiopan.xml:7 data/effects/channelcopy.xml:7 -#: data/effects/channelcopy.xml:11 -msgid "Left,Right" -msgstr "Sol,Sağ" - -#: data/effects/audiopan.xml:8 data/effects/frei0r_bezier_curves.xml:9 -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:9 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:66 -#: data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:10 data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:42 -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:25 -msgid "Channel" -msgstr "Kanal" - -#: data/effects/audiowave.xml:3 -msgid "Audio Wave" -msgstr "Ses Dalgası" - -#: data/effects/audiowave.xml:4 -msgid "Display the audio waveform instead of the video" -msgstr "Video yerine ses dalga formunu göster" - -#: data/effects/audiowaveform.xml:3 -msgid "Audio Waveform Filter" -msgstr "Ses Dalga Biçimi Filtresi" - -#: data/effects/audiowaveform.xml:6 data/effects/dynamictext.xml:22 -#: data/effects/pan_zoom.xml:13 data/effects/rotation.xml:40 -#: data/effects/rotation_keyframable.xml:22 -msgid "Background Color" -msgstr "Artalan Rengi" - -#: data/effects/audiowaveform.xml:9 data/effects/dynamictext.xml:19 -msgid "Foreground Color" -msgstr "Önalan Rengi" - -#: data/effects/audiowaveform.xml:12 -msgid "Line Thickness" -msgstr "Çizgi Kalınlığı" - -#: data/effects/audiowaveform.xml:15 data/effects/movit_rect.xml:6 -#: data/effects/pan_zoom.xml:7 -msgid "Rectangle" -msgstr "Dikdörtgen" - -#: data/effects/audiowaveform.xml:18 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:721 -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:766 -msgid "Fill" -msgstr "Doldur" - -#: data/effects/automask.xml:3 -msgid "Auto Mask" -msgstr "Otomatik Maske" - -#: data/effects/automask.xml:4 -msgid "Hide a selected zone and follow its movements" -msgstr "Seçili bölgeyi gizle ve hareketlerini takip et" - -#: data/effects/automask.xml:7 data/effects/dynamictext.xml:7 -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:718 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:745 -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:763 -msgid "Geometry" -msgstr "Yerleşim" - -#: data/effects/automask.xml:10 -msgid "Macroblock width" -msgstr "Makroblok genişliği" - -#: data/effects/automask.xml:13 -msgid "Macroblock height" -msgstr "Makroblok yüksekliği" - -#: data/effects/automask.xml:16 -msgid "Maximum x distance" -msgstr "Azami x uzaklığı" - -#: data/effects/automask.xml:19 -msgid "Maximum y distance" -msgstr "Azami y uzaklığı" - -#: data/effects/automask.xml:22 -msgid "Denoise" -msgstr "Gürültüyü yoketme" - -#: data/effects/automask.xml:25 -msgid "Debug" -msgstr "Hata Ayıklama" - -#: data/effects/automask.xml:28 data/effects/obscure.xml:3 -msgid "Obscure" -msgstr "Belirsiz" - -#: data/effects/automask.xml:36 data/effects/loudness.xml:12 -msgid "Analyse" -msgstr "Analiz et" - -#: data/effects/boxblur.xml:3 -msgid "Box Blur" -msgstr "Kutu Bulanıklığı" - -#: data/effects/boxblur.xml:4 -msgid "Box blur (separate horizontal and vertical blur)" -msgstr "Kutu bulanıklığı (ayrı yatay ve dikey bulanıklık)" - -#: data/effects/boxblur.xml:7 -msgid "Horizontal multiplicator" -msgstr "Yatay çarpılan" - -#: data/effects/boxblur.xml:10 -msgid "Vertical multiplicator" -msgstr "Dikey çarpılan" - -#: data/effects/boxblur.xml:13 -msgid "Blur factor" -msgstr "Bulanıklık faktörü" - -#: data/effects/brightness.xml:3 -msgid "Brightness (keyframable)" -msgstr "Parlaklık (anahtarkareleştirilebilir)" - -#: data/effects/brightness.xml:4 -msgid "Change image brightness with keyframes" -msgstr "Görüntü parlaklığını anahtarkarelerle değiştir" - -#: data/effects/brightness.xml:7 -msgid "Intensity" -msgstr "Yoğunluk" - -#: data/effects/channelcopy.xml:3 -msgid "Mono to stereo" -msgstr "Tek kanaldan çift kanala" - -#: data/effects/channelcopy.xml:4 -msgid "Copy one channel to another" -msgstr "Bir kanalı başka bir kanala kopyala" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_4) -#: data/effects/channelcopy.xml:8 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:486 -msgid "From" -msgstr "Gönderen" - -#: data/effects/channelcopy.xml:12 -msgid "To" -msgstr "Alıcı" - -#: data/effects/charcoal.xml:3 -msgid "Charcoal" -msgstr "Karakalem" - -#: data/effects/charcoal.xml:4 -msgid "Charcoal drawing effect" -msgstr "Karakalem çizim efekti" - -#: data/effects/charcoal.xml:7 -msgid "Horizontal scatter" -msgstr "Yatay yayılım" - -#: data/effects/charcoal.xml:10 -msgid "Vertical scatter" -msgstr "Dikey yayılma" - -#: data/effects/charcoal.xml:13 -msgid "Scale" -msgstr "Ölçek" - -#: data/effects/charcoal.xml:16 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:757 -msgid "Mix" -msgstr "Karıştır" - -#: data/effects/charcoal.xml:19 data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:31 -#: data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:63 data/effects/frei0r_mask0mate.xml:19 -#: data/effects/invert.xml:3 data/effects/mirror.xml:11 -#: data/effects/rotoscoping.xml:18 src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:215 -msgid "Invert" -msgstr "Tersine çevir" - -#: data/effects/chroma.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Chroma Hold" -msgid "Chroma Key" -msgstr "Parlaklık Koruma" - -#: data/effects/chroma.xml:4 -msgid "Make selected color transparent" -msgstr "Seçilen renkleri şeffaflaştırın" - -#: data/effects/chroma.xml:7 data/effects/chroma_hold.xml:7 -msgid "Color key" -msgstr "Renk anahtarı" - -#: data/effects/chroma.xml:10 data/effects/chroma_hold.xml:10 -msgid "Variance" -msgstr "Değişim" - -#: data/effects/chroma_hold.xml:3 -msgid "Chroma Hold" -msgstr "Parlaklık Koruma" - -#: data/effects/chroma_hold.xml:4 -msgid "Make image greyscale except for chosen color" -msgstr "Resmi seçilen renk hariç gri ölçeğe çevirin" - -#: data/effects/crop.xml:3 -msgid "Edge Crop" -msgstr "Kenar Kırpma" - -#: data/effects/crop.xml:4 -msgid "Trim the edges of a clip" -msgstr "Klibin kenarlarını kırp" - -#: data/effects/crop.xml:7 data/effects/frei0r_mask0mate.xml:13 -msgid "Top" -msgstr "Üst" - -#: data/effects/crop.xml:10 data/effects/frei0r_mask0mate.xml:7 -msgid "Left" -msgstr "Sol" - -#: data/effects/crop.xml:13 data/effects/frei0r_mask0mate.xml:16 -msgid "Bottom" -msgstr "Alt" - -#: data/effects/crop.xml:16 data/effects/frei0r_mask0mate.xml:10 -msgid "Right" -msgstr "Sağ" - -#: data/effects/crop.xml:19 -msgid "Automatic center-crop" -msgstr "Otomatik orta-kırpma" - -#: data/effects/crop.xml:22 -msgid "Center balance" -msgstr "Merkez dengesi" - -#: data/effects/crop.xml:25 -msgid "Use project resolution" -msgstr "Merkez dengesi" - -#: data/effects/dust.xml:3 -msgid "Dust" -msgstr "Toz" - -#: data/effects/dust.xml:4 -msgid "Add dust and specks to the video, as in old movies" -msgstr "Eski filmlerdeki gibi, video tozu ve lekeleri ekle" - -#: data/effects/dust.xml:7 -msgid "Maximal Diameter" -msgstr "Azami Çap" - -#: data/effects/dust.xml:10 -msgid "Maximal number of dust" -msgstr "Azami toz sayısı" - -#: data/effects/dynamictext.xml:3 -msgid "Dynamic Text" -msgstr "Hareketli Yazı" - -#: data/effects/dynamictext.xml:4 -msgid "Overlay text with keywords replaced" -msgstr "Değiştirilen anahtar kelimelerle metni üzerine bindir" - -#: data/effects/dynamictext.xml:10 -msgid "Font Family" -msgstr "Yazı Tipi Ailesi" - -#: data/effects/dynamictext.xml:13 -msgid "Font Size" -msgstr "Yazı Tipi Boyutu" - -#: data/effects/dynamictext.xml:16 -msgid "Font Weight" -msgstr "Yazı Tipi Ağırlığı" - -#: data/effects/dynamictext.xml:25 -msgid "Outline Color" -msgstr "Dış Hat Rengi" - -#: data/effects/dynamictext.xml:28 -msgid "Outline Width" -msgstr "Dış Hat Genişliği" - -#: data/effects/dynamictext.xml:31 -msgid "Padding" -msgstr "Doldurma" - -#: data/effects/dynamictext.xml:34 -msgid "Left,Center,Right" -msgstr "Sol,Orta,Sağ" - -#: data/effects/dynamictext.xml:35 -msgid "Horizontal Alignment" -msgstr "Yatay Hizalama" - -#: data/effects/dynamictext.xml:38 -msgid "Top,Middle,Bottom" -msgstr "Üst,Orta,Alt" - -#: data/effects/dynamictext.xml:39 -msgid "Vertical Alignment" -msgstr "Dikey Hizalama" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, text_box) -#: data/effects/dynamictext.xml:42 src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:55 -#: src/ui/templateclip_ui.ui:34 -msgid "Text" -msgstr "Metin" - -#: data/effects/fade_from_black.xml:3 -msgid "Fade from Black" -msgstr "Siyahtan Geçiş" - -#: data/effects/fade_from_black.xml:4 -msgid "Fade video from black" -msgstr "Siyahtan videoya geçiş" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_duration) -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, ClipDurationDialog_UI) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, duration_label) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: data/effects/fade_from_black.xml:7 data/effects/fade_to_black.xml:7 -#: data/effects/fadein.xml:10 data/effects/fadeout.xml:7 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:133 -#: src/ui/clipdurationdialog_ui.ui:14 src/ui/clipdurationdialog_ui.ui:40 -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:58 src/ui/colorclip_ui.ui:37 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:747 src/utils/freesound.cpp:157 -#: src/utils/freesound.cpp:196 src/utils/freesound.cpp:197 -#: src/utils/freesound.cpp:198 -msgid "Duration" -msgstr "Süre" - -#: data/effects/fade_from_black.xml:10 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/bezier/beziersplinewidget.cpp:52 -msgid "In" -msgstr "da" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: data/effects/fade_from_black.xml:13 data/effects/fade_to_black.xml:13 -#: src/ui/wipeval_ui.ui:22 -msgid "Start" -msgstr "Başlangıç" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_4) -#: data/effects/fade_from_black.xml:16 data/effects/fade_to_black.xml:16 -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:409 src/ui/wipeval_ui.ui:167 -msgid "End" -msgstr "Son" - -#: data/effects/fade_to_black.xml:3 -msgid "Fade to Black" -msgstr "Siyaha Geçiş" - -#: data/effects/fade_to_black.xml:4 -msgid "Fade video to black" -msgstr "Videodan siyaha geçiş" - -#: data/effects/fade_to_black.xml:10 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/bezier/beziersplinewidget.cpp:54 -msgid "Out" -msgstr "Çıkış" - -#: data/effects/fadein.xml:3 -msgid "Fade in" -msgstr "Artarak gir" - -#: data/effects/fadein.xml:4 -msgid "Fade in audio track" -msgstr "Ses izine giriş" - -#: data/effects/fadein.xml:13 data/effects/fadeout.xml:13 -msgid "Start Gain" -msgstr "Kazancı Başlat" - -#: data/effects/fadein.xml:16 data/effects/fadeout.xml:16 -msgid "End Gain" -msgstr "Kazancı Sonlandır" - -#: data/effects/fadeout.xml:3 -msgid "Fade out" -msgstr "Azalarak çık" - -#: data/effects/fadeout.xml:4 -msgid "Fade out audio track" -msgstr "Ses izinden azalarak çıkış" - -#: data/effects/freeze.xml:3 -msgid "Freeze" -msgstr "Dondur" - -#: data/effects/freeze.xml:4 -msgid "Freeze video on a chosen frame" -msgstr "Videoyu seçilen kareye geldiğinde dondur" - -#: data/effects/freeze.xml:7 -msgid "Freeze at" -msgstr "Konumda dondur" - -#: data/effects/freeze.xml:10 -msgid "Freeze Before" -msgstr "Konumdan Önce Dondur" - -#: data/effects/freeze.xml:13 -msgid "Freeze After" -msgstr "Konumdan Sonra Dondur" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_3dflippo.xml:3 -msgid "3dflippo" -msgstr "3dflippo" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_3dflippo.xml:4 -msgid "Frame rotation in 3D space" -msgstr "3B uzayda çerçeve döndürülmesi" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_3dflippo.xml:7 -msgid "X axis rotation" -msgstr "X ekseni döndürmesi" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_3dflippo.xml:10 -msgid "Y axis rotation" -msgstr "Y ekseni döndürmesi" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_3dflippo.xml:13 -msgid "Z axis rotation" -msgstr "Z ekseni döndürmesi" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_3dflippo.xml:16 -msgid "X axis rotation rate" -msgstr "X ekseni döndürme oranı" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_3dflippo.xml:19 -msgid "Y axis rotation rate" -msgstr "Y ekseni döndürme oranı" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_3dflippo.xml:22 -msgid "Z axis rotation rate" -msgstr "Z ekseni döndürme oranı" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_3dflippo.xml:25 -msgid "Center position (X)" -msgstr "Merkez konumu (X)" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_3dflippo.xml:28 -msgid "Center position (Y)" -msgstr "Merkez konumu (Y)" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_3dflippo.xml:31 -msgid "Invert rotation assignment" -msgstr "Döndürme atamasını ters çevir" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_3dflippo.xml:34 -msgid "Don't blank mask" -msgstr "Boşu maskeleme" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_3dflippo.xml:37 -msgid "Fill with image or black" -msgstr "Resim veya siyah ile doldur" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:4 data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:36 -msgid "Alpha operations" -msgstr "Alfa işlemleri" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:5 data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:37 -msgid "Display and manipulation of the alpha channel" -msgstr "Alfa kanalı gösterimi ve değiştirilmişi" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:9 data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:41 -msgid "" -"Image,Alpha as gray,Gray + red,Selection on black,Selection on gray," -"Selection on white,Selection on checkers" -msgstr "" -"Resim,Gri alpha,Gri + kırmızı,Siyah seçim,Gri seçim,Beyaz seçim,Damalı seçim" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:10 data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:42 -msgid "Display" -msgstr "Görüntü" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:14 data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:46 -msgid "Display input alpha" -msgstr "Giriş alfasını görüntüle" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:18 -msgid "NO OP,Shave,Shrink hard,Shrink soft,Grow hard,Grow soft,Threshold" -msgstr "NO OP,Kırp,Sert daralt,Yumuşak daralt,Sert büyüt,Yumuşak büyüt,Eşik" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:19 data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:51 -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphagrad.xml:30 data/effects/frei0r_alphaspot.xml:47 -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:45 data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:96 -msgid "Operation" -msgstr "İşlem" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:23 data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:55 -#: data/effects/frei0r_threshold0r.xml:7 data/effects/threshold.xml:3 -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:217 -msgid "Threshold" -msgstr "Eşik" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:27 -msgid "Shrink/grow amount" -msgstr "Daraltma/genişletme miktarı" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:50 -msgid "NO OP,Shave,Shrink hard,Shrink soft,Grow hard,Grow soft,Threshold,Blur" -msgstr "" -"NO OP,Kırp,Sert daralt,Yumuşak daralt,Sert büyüt,Yumuşak büyüt,Eşik,Buğu" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:59 -msgid "Shrink/Grow/Blur amount" -msgstr "Daraltma/Genişletme/Buğu miktarı" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphagrad.xml:3 -msgid "Alpha gradient" -msgstr "Alfa gradyanı" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphagrad.xml:4 -msgid "Fill the alpha channel with a specified gradient" -msgstr "Alfa kanalını belirtilen bir gradyan ile doldur" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, clip_filesize_2) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, position_label) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, import_position) -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphagrad.xml:9 src/effectstack/keyframeedit.cpp:55 -#: src/ui/clipdurationdialog_ui.ui:20 src/ui/importkeyframesdialog_ui.ui:80 -#: src/ui/keyframedialog_ui.ui:20 src/ui/markerdialog_ui.ui:20 -msgid "Position" -msgstr "Konum" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphagrad.xml:13 data/effects/frei0r_alphaspot.xml:34 -msgid "Transition width" -msgstr "Geçiş genişliği" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphagrad.xml:17 data/effects/frei0r_alphaspot.xml:30 -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:16 -msgid "Tilt" -msgstr "Eğim" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphagrad.xml:21 data/effects/frei0r_alphaspot.xml:38 -msgid "Min" -msgstr "Asgari" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphagrad.xml:25 data/effects/frei0r_alphaspot.xml:42 -msgid "Max" -msgstr "Azami" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphagrad.xml:29 data/effects/frei0r_alphaspot.xml:46 -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:44 data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:95 -msgid "Write on clear,Max,Min,Add,Subtract" -msgstr "Temize yaz,Azami,Asgari,Ekle,Çıkart" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphaspot.xml:3 -msgid "Alpha shapes" -msgstr "Alfa şekilleri" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphaspot.xml:4 -msgid "Draws simple shapes into the alpha channel" -msgstr "Alfa kanalına basit şekiller çizer" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphaspot.xml:9 -msgid "Rectangle,Ellipse,Triangle,Diamond" -msgstr "Dikdörtgen,Elips,Üçgen,Eşkenar Dörtgen" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphaspot.xml:10 data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:29 -#: data/effects/sox_flanger.xml:22 -msgid "Shape" -msgstr "Şekil" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphaspot.xml:14 -msgid "Position X" -msgstr "X Konumu" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphaspot.xml:18 -msgid "Position Y" -msgstr "Y konumu" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphaspot.xml:22 -msgid "Size X" -msgstr "X Boyutu" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphaspot.xml:26 -msgid "Size Y" -msgstr "Y Boyutu" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_balanc0r.xml:4 data/effects/frei0r_balanc0r.xml:15 -msgid "White Balance" -msgstr "Beyaz Dengesi" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_balanc0r.xml:5 data/effects/frei0r_balanc0r.xml:16 -msgid "Adjust the white balance / color temperature" -msgstr "Beyaz dengesini / renk sıcaklığını ayarla" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_balanc0r.xml:8 data/effects/frei0r_balanc0r.xml:19 -#: data/effects/frei0r_colgate.xml:8 data/effects/movit_white_balance.xml:6 -msgid "Neutral Color" -msgstr "Nötr Renk" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_balanc0r.xml:11 data/effects/frei0r_balanc0r.xml:22 -msgid "Green Tint" -msgstr "Yeşil Tonlama" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_baltan.xml:3 -msgid "Baltan" -msgstr "Baltan" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_baltan.xml:4 -msgid "Delayed alpha smoothed blit of time" -msgstr "Gecikmeli alfa, kısa süre yumuşatılmış" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_bezier_curves.xml:3 -msgid "Bézier Curves" -msgstr "Bézier Eğrileri" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_bezier_curves.xml:4 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:5 -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:62 -msgid "Color curves adjustment" -msgstr "Renk kıvrım ayarlaması" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_bezier_curves.xml:8 -msgid "RGB,Red,Green,Blue,Alpha,Luma,Hue,Saturation" -msgstr "RGB,Kırmızı,Yeşil,Mavi,Alfa,Luma,Ton,Doygunluk" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_bezier_curves.xml:13 -#: data/effects/frei0r_coloradj_rgb.xml:33 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:12 -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:69 -msgid "Rec. 601,Rec. 709" -msgstr "Rec. 601,Rec. 709" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_bezier_curves.xml:14 -#: data/effects/frei0r_coloradj_rgb.xml:34 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:13 -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:70 -msgid "Luma formula" -msgstr "Luma formülü" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_brightness.xml:3 data/effects/frei0r_brightness.xml:7 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lenscorrection.xml:19 data/effects/grain.xml:13 -msgid "Brightness" -msgstr "Parlaklık" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_brightness.xml:4 -msgid "Adjusts the brightness of a source image" -msgstr "Kaynak görüntüsünün parlaklığını ayarlar" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:3 -msgid "Corners" -msgstr "Köşeler" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:4 -msgid "Four corners geometry engine" -msgstr "Dört köşe geometri motoru" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:8 -msgid "Corner 1 X" -msgstr "Köşe 1 X" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:12 -msgid "Corner 1 Y" -msgstr "Köşe 1 Y" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:16 -msgid "Corner 2 X" -msgstr "Köşe 2 X" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:20 -msgid "Corner 2 Y" -msgstr "Köşe 2 Y" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:24 -msgid "Corner 3 X" -msgstr "Köşe 3 X" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:28 -msgid "Corner 3 Y" -msgstr "Köşe 3 Y" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:32 -msgid "Corner 4 X" -msgstr "Köşe 4 X" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:36 -msgid "Corner 4 Y" -msgstr "Köşe 4 Y" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:40 -msgid "Stretch X" -msgstr "X Esnemesi" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:44 -msgid "Stretch Y" -msgstr "Y Esnemesi" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:48 -msgid "Feather Alpha" -msgstr "Tüy Alfa" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:52 -msgid "Enable Stretch" -msgstr "Esnemeyi Etkinleştir" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:56 data/effects/frei0r_defish0r.xml:24 -msgid "" -"Nearest neighbor,Bilinear,Bicubic smooth,Bicubic sharp,Spline 4x4,Spline 6x6," -"Lanczos" -msgstr "" -"En yakın komşu,Çift doğrusal,Çift kübik yumuşak,Çift kübik keskin,Kama 4x4," -"Kama 6x6,Lanczos" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:57 data/effects/frei0r_defish0r.xml:25 -msgid "Interpolator" -msgstr "Ara değer bulucu" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:61 data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:63 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:136 -msgid "Transparent Background" -msgstr "Saydam Arkaplan" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:65 data/effects/rotoscoping.xml:13 -msgid "Write on clear,Maximum,Minimum,Add,Subtract" -msgstr "Temiz üzerine yaz,Azami,Asgari,Ekle,Çıkar" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:66 -msgid "Alpha operation" -msgstr "Alfa işlemi" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_cartoon.xml:4 data/effects/frei0r_cartoon.xml:15 -msgid "Cartoon" -msgstr "Karikatür" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_cartoon.xml:5 data/effects/frei0r_cartoon.xml:16 -msgid "Cartoonify video, do a form of edge detect" -msgstr "Kenar algılama düzeni yaparak bir videoyu çizgifilmleştir" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_cartoon.xml:8 data/effects/frei0r_cartoon.xml:19 -msgid "Level of trip" -msgstr "Gezi düzeyi" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_cartoon.xml:11 data/effects/frei0r_cartoon.xml:22 -msgid "Difference space" -msgstr "Boşluk farkı" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_cluster.xml:3 -msgid "K-Means Clustering" -msgstr "K-Ortalama Kümelemesi" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_cluster.xml:4 -msgid "Clusters of a source image by color and spatial distance" -msgstr "Renk ve mesafeye göre kaynak resim kümesi" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_cluster.xml:7 -msgid "Amount of clusters" -msgstr "Küme miktarı" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_cluster.xml:10 -msgid "Weight on distance" -msgstr "Uzaklıkta ağırlık" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_colgate.xml:3 -msgid "White Balance (LMS space)" -msgstr "Beyaz Dengesi (LMS uzayı)" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_colgate.xml:5 -msgid "" -"Do simple color correction, in a physically meaningful\n" -"way" -msgstr "Fiziksel olarak anlamlı bir basit renk düzeltmesi yap" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_colgate.xml:12 data/effects/movit_white_balance.xml:9 -msgid "Color Temperature" -msgstr "Renk Sıcaklığı" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_coloradj_rgb.xml:3 -msgid "RGB adjustment" -msgstr "RGB düzeltmesi" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_coloradj_rgb.xml:4 -msgid "Simple color adjustment" -msgstr "Basit renk ayarı" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, cbR) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonSelectRects) -#: data/effects/frei0r_coloradj_rgb.xml:8 src/ui/histogram_ui.ui:30 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:733 -msgid "R" -msgstr "R" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, cbG) -#: data/effects/frei0r_coloradj_rgb.xml:12 src/ui/histogram_ui.ui:37 -msgid "G" -msgstr "G" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, cbB) -#: data/effects/frei0r_coloradj_rgb.xml:16 src/ui/histogram_ui.ui:44 -msgid "B" -msgstr "B" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_coloradj_rgb.xml:20 -msgid "Add constant,Change gamma,Multiply" -msgstr "Sabit ekle,Gamayı değiştir,Çarp" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_coloradj_rgb.xml:21 -msgid "Action" -msgstr "Eylem" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_coloradj_rgb.xml:25 -msgid "Keep luma" -msgstr "Luma'yı koru" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_coloradj_rgb.xml:29 -msgid "Alpha controlled" -msgstr "Alfa denetimli" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_colordistance.xml:3 -msgid "Color Distance" -msgstr "Renk Uzaklığı" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_colordistance.xml:4 -msgid "" -"Calculates the distance between the selected color and the current pixel and " -"uses that value as new pixel value" -msgstr "" -"Seçilen renk ve geçerli piksel arasındaki mesafeyi hesaplar ve yeni piksel " -"değeri olarak bu değeri kullanır" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_colordistance.xml:7 -msgid "Source Color" -msgstr "Kaynak Renk" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_colortap.xml:3 -msgid "Color Effect" -msgstr "Renk Efekti" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_colortap.xml:4 -msgid "Applies a pre-made color effect to image" -msgstr "Görüntüye önceden hazırlanmış bir renk efekti uygular" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, treeWidget) -#: data/effects/frei0r_colortap.xml:7 data/effects/frei0r_defish0r.xml:14 -#: data/effects/frei0r_iirblur.xml:14 data/effects/frei0r_medians.xml:9 -#: src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:74 src/ui/missingclips_ui.ui:67 -msgid "Type" -msgstr "Tür" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_contrast0r.xml:3 data/effects/frei0r_contrast0r.xml:7 -#: data/effects/grain.xml:10 src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:209 -msgid "Contrast" -msgstr "Karşıtlık" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_contrast0r.xml:4 -msgid "Adjusts the contrast of a source image" -msgstr "Bir kaynak görüntünün karşıtlığını ayarlar" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:4 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:61 -msgid "Curves" -msgstr "Eğriler" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:8 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:65 -#: data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:9 data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:41 -msgid "Red,Green,Blue,Luma" -msgstr "Kırmızı,Yeşil,Mavi,Luma" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:20 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:77 -msgid "Number of curve points" -msgstr "Eğri noktası sayısı" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:23 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:80 -msgid "Point 1 input value" -msgstr "Nokta 1 giriş değeri" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:26 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:83 -msgid "Point 1 output value" -msgstr "Nokta 1 çıkış değeri" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:29 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:86 -msgid "Point 2 input value" -msgstr "Nokta 2 giriş değeri" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:32 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:89 -msgid "Point 2 output value" -msgstr "Nokta 2 çıkış değeri" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:35 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:92 -msgid "Point 3 input value" -msgstr "Nokta 3 giriş değeri" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:38 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:95 -msgid "Point 3 output value" -msgstr "Nokta 3 çıkış değeri" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:41 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:98 -msgid "Point 4 input value" -msgstr "Nokta 4 giriş değeri" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:44 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:101 -msgid "Point 4 output value" -msgstr "Nokta 4 çıkış değeri" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:47 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:104 -msgid "Point 5 input value" -msgstr "Nokta 5 giriş değeri" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:50 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:107 -msgid "Point 5 output value" -msgstr "Nokta 5 çıkış değeri" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:53 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:110 -msgid "Show graph in picture" -msgstr "Grafiği resimde göster" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:56 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:113 -#: data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:31 data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:63 -msgid "Top Left,Top Right,Bottom Left,Bottom Right" -msgstr "Sol Üst,Sağ Üst,Sol Alt,Sağ Alt" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:57 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:114 -msgid "Graph position" -msgstr "Grafik konumu" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_d90stairsteppingfix.xml:3 -msgid "Nikon D90 Stairstepping fix" -msgstr "Nikon D90 Basamak düzeltmesi" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_d90stairsteppingfix.xml:7 -msgid "" -"Removes stairstepping artifacts from Nikon D90's 720p videos.\n" -" \n" -" " -msgstr "" -"Nikon D90 720p videolarından basamak kalıntılarını kaldırır.\n" -" \n" -" " - -#: data/effects/frei0r_defish0r.xml:3 -msgid "Defish" -msgstr "Ters Balık Gözü" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_defish0r.xml:4 -msgid "Non rectilinear lens mappings" -msgstr "Doğrusal olmayan mercek eşlemeleri" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_defish0r.xml:7 data/effects/frei0r_iirblur.xml:8 -#: data/effects/frei0r_sharpness.xml:8 data/effects/movit_unsharp_mask.xml:9 -msgid "Amount" -msgstr "Miktar" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_defish0r.xml:10 -msgid "DeFish" -msgstr "Ters Balık Gözü" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_defish0r.xml:13 -msgid "Equidistant,Orthographic,Equiarea,Stereographic" -msgstr "Eşit uzaklıklı,Ortografik,Eşit alanlı,Stereografik" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_defish0r.xml:17 -msgid "Fill,Center,Fit,Manual" -msgstr "Doldur,Ortala,Sığdır,Elle" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, lblScaling) -#: data/effects/frei0r_defish0r.xml:18 src/effectstack/dragvalue.cpp:108 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:207 -#: src/ui/colorplaneexport_ui.ui:74 -msgid "Scaling" -msgstr "Ölçeklendirme" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_defish0r.xml:21 -msgid "Manual Scale" -msgstr "El İle Ölçek" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_defish0r.xml:28 -msgid "Square,PAL DV,NTSC DV,HDV,Manual" -msgstr "Kare,PAL DV,NTSC DV,HDV,Elle" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_defish0r.xml:29 -msgid "Aspect type" -msgstr "Görünüm oranı türü" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_defish0r.xml:32 -msgid "Manual Aspect" -msgstr "El ile Oranla" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_delay0r.xml:3 -msgid "delay0r" -msgstr "delay0r" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_delay0r.xml:4 -msgid "Video delay" -msgstr "Video gecikmesi" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_delay0r.xml:7 -msgid "Delay time" -msgstr "Gecikme süresi" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_delaygrab.xml:3 -msgid "Delay grab" -msgstr "Gecikme yakalama" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_delaygrab.xml:4 -msgid "Delayed frame blitting mapped on a time bitmap" -msgstr "Bir zaman bit haritasına eşlenmiş gecikmeli kare blit işlemi" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_distort0r.xml:3 data/effects/pan_zoom.xml:10 -#: data/kdenliveeffectscategory.rc:35 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:722 -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:746 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:767 -msgid "Distort" -msgstr "Bozunma" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_distort0r.xml:4 -msgid "Plasma" -msgstr "Plazma" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_distort0r.xml:7 data/effects/wave.xml:7 -msgid "Amplitude" -msgstr "Genlik" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_distort0r.xml:10 data/effects/sox_bass.xml:10 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:249 -msgid "Frequency" -msgstr "Frekans" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_edgeglow.xml:3 -msgid "Edge glow" -msgstr "Kenar parlatma" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_edgeglow.xml:4 -msgid "Edge glow filter" -msgstr "Kenar parlatma filtresi" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_edgeglow.xml:7 -msgid "Edge lightening threshold" -msgstr "Kenar aydınlatma eşiği" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_edgeglow.xml:10 -msgid "Edge brightness upscaling multiplier" -msgstr "Kenar parlaklığı üst çarpanı" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_edgeglow.xml:13 -msgid "Non-edge brightness downscaling multiplier" -msgstr "Kenar olmayan parlaklık alt çarpanı" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_equaliz0r.xml:3 -msgid "Equaliz0r" -msgstr "Equaliz0r" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_equaliz0r.xml:4 -msgid "Equalizes the intensity histograms" -msgstr "Yoğunluk histogramları dengeler" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facebl0r.xml:3 -msgid "Face blur" -msgstr "Yüz bulanıklığı" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facebl0r.xml:4 -msgid "Automatically detect and blur a face using OpenCV" -msgstr "OpenCV kullanarak otomatik olarak bir yüzü algıla ve bulanıklaştır" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facebl0r.xml:8 data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:8 -msgid "Search scale" -msgstr "Arama ölçeği" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facebl0r.xml:9 data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:9 -#, no-c-format -msgid "" -"The search window scale factor. For example, 120 = 1.20 = increases by 20% " -"on each pass." -msgstr "" -"Arama pencere ölçeklendirme oranı. Örneğin, 120 = 1.20 = her geçişte %20 " -"arttırır." - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facebl0r.xml:13 data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:13 -msgid "Neighbors" -msgstr "Komşular" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facebl0r.xml:14 data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:14 -msgid "Minimum number of rectangles that determines an object." -msgstr "Bir nesneyi tanımlayan en az dikdörtgen sayısı" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facebl0r.xml:18 data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:18 -msgid "Smallest" -msgstr "En küçük" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facebl0r.xml:19 data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:19 -msgid "The minimum window size in pixels." -msgstr "Piksel boyutundan en küçük pencere boyutu" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facebl0r.xml:23 -msgid "Largest" -msgstr "En büyük" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facebl0r.xml:24 -msgid "" -"The largest size face in pixels - both horizontally and vertically (square " -"window)." -msgstr "" -"Piksel boyutunda en büyük yüz boyutu - hem yatay hem de dikey olarak (kare " -"pencere)." - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facebl0r.xml:28 data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:23 -msgid "Recheck" -msgstr "Yeniden Kontrol Et" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facebl0r.xml:29 data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:24 -msgid "" -"How often to detect a face. In between checks, it does object motion " -"tracking." -msgstr "" -"Ne kadar sıklıkla bir yüz algılanacak. Kontroller arasında, nesne hareket " -"takibi yapar." - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facebl0r.xml:33 -msgid "Show ellipse" -msgstr "Elipsi göster" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facebl0r.xml:34 -msgid "Draw a blue ellipse around the face area?" -msgstr "Yüz alanı etrafında mavi bir elips çizilsin mi?" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:3 -msgid "Face detect" -msgstr "Yüz algılama" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:4 -msgid "Detect faces and draw shapes on them using OpenCV" -msgstr "Yüzleri algılar ve OpenCV kullanarak üzerlerine şekiller çizer" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:28 -msgid "circle,ellipse,rectangle,random" -msgstr "çember,elips,dikdörtgen,rastgele" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:33 -msgid "Stroke width" -msgstr "Vuruş genişliği" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:34 -msgid "" -"0 means fill; otherwise, draw unfilled with a stroke width of this size." -msgstr "" -"0 doldurmak demektir; aksi takdirde, bu boyutta bir vuruş genişliği ile " -"doldurulmamış çiz." - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:38 -msgid "Alpha" -msgstr "Alfa" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:39 -msgid "" -"Set the alpha channel of the shape area to a percentage of fully opaque." -msgstr "Şekil alanının alfa kanalına, tamamen opak bir yüzde ayarla." - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:43 -msgid "Antialias" -msgstr "Yumuşatma" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:44 -msgid "Draw with anti-aliasing?" -msgstr "Yumuşatma ile çizilsin mi?" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:50 -msgid "Color 1" -msgstr "Renk 1" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:51 -msgid "Set the shape color of the first detected face." -msgstr "İlk tespit edilen yüzün şekil rengini ayarla." - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:55 -msgid "Color 2" -msgstr "Renk 2" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:56 -msgid "Set the shape color of the second detected face." -msgstr "İkinci tespit edilen yüzün şekil rengini ayarla." - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:60 -msgid "Color 3" -msgstr "Renk 3" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:61 -msgid "Set the shape color of the third detected face." -msgstr "Üçüncü tespit edilen yüzün şekil rengini ayarla." - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:65 -msgid "Color 4" -msgstr "Renk 4" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:66 -msgid "Set the shape color of the fourth detected face." -msgstr "Dördüncü tespit edilen yüzün şekil rengini ayarla." - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:70 -msgid "Color 5" -msgstr "Renk 5" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:71 -msgid "Set the shape color of the fifth detected face." -msgstr "Beşinci tespit edilen yüzün şekil rengini ayarla." - -#: data/effects/frei0r_flippo.xml:3 -msgid "Flippo" -msgstr "Flippo" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_flippo.xml:4 -msgid "Flipping in X and Y axis" -msgstr "X ve Y ekseninde çevirme" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_flippo.xml:7 -msgid "X axis" -msgstr "X ekseni" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_flippo.xml:10 -msgid "Y axis" -msgstr "Y ekseni" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_glow.xml:3 -msgid "Glow" -msgstr "Parlama" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_glow.xml:4 -msgid "Creates a Glamorous Glow" -msgstr "Göz Alıcı Parlatma Oluşturur" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_glow.xml:7 data/effects/frei0r_iirblur.xml:3 -#: data/effects/frei0r_mask0mate.xml:22 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:158 -msgid "Blur" -msgstr "Bulanıklaştır" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_hqdn3d.xml:3 -msgid "Denoiser" -msgstr "Gürültü yokedici" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_hqdn3d.xml:4 -msgid "High quality 3D denoiser" -msgstr "Yüksek kalite 3B gürültü azaltıcı" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_hqdn3d.xml:8 -msgid "Spatial" -msgstr "Uzaysal" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_hqdn3d.xml:9 -msgid "Amount of spatial filtering" -msgstr "Uzaysal filtreleme miktarı" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_hqdn3d.xml:13 -msgid "Temporal" -msgstr "Geçici" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_hqdn3d.xml:14 -msgid "Amount of temporal filtering" -msgstr "Geçici filtreleme miktarı" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_hueshift0r.xml:3 -msgid "Hue shift" -msgstr "Renk tonu değişimi" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_hueshift0r.xml:4 -msgid "Shifts the hue of a source image" -msgstr "Bir kaynak görüntünün tonunu kaydırır" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_hueshift0r.xml:7 -msgid "Hue" -msgstr "Ton" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_iirblur.xml:4 -msgid "Blur using 2D IIR filters (Exponential, Lowpass, Gaussian)" -msgstr "" -"2D IIR filtreleri kullanarak bulanıklaştır (Üssel, Alt geçirgen, Gaussian)" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_iirblur.xml:9 -msgid "Amount of blur" -msgstr "Buğu miktarı" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_iirblur.xml:13 -msgid "Exponential,Lowpass,Gaussian" -msgstr "Üstel,Alt geçirken,Gauss" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_iirblur.xml:15 -msgid "Select blurring algorithm" -msgstr "Buğu algoritmasını seçin" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_iirblur.xml:19 -msgid "Edge" -msgstr "Kenar" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_iirblur.xml:20 -msgid "Enable edge compensation" -msgstr "Kenar telafisini etkinleştir" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:3 -msgid "Key Spill Mop Up" -msgstr "Anahtar Dökümü Temizle" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:4 -msgid "Reduces the visibility of key color spill in chroma keying" -msgstr "Renk anahtarlamada anahtar renk dökülme görünürlüğünü azaltır" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:8 -msgid "Key color" -msgstr "Anahtar renk" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:12 -msgid "Target color" -msgstr "Hedef renk" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:16 -msgid "Color distance, Transparency, Edge inwards, Edge outwards" -msgstr "Renk uzaklığı, Şeffaflık, İçe kenar, Dışa kenar" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:17 -msgid "Mask type" -msgstr "Maske türü" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:21 -msgid "Tolerance" -msgstr "Tolerans" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:25 -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:91 -msgid "Slope" -msgstr "Eğim" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:29 -msgid "Hue gate" -msgstr "Ton kapısı" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:33 -msgid "Saturation threshold" -msgstr "Doygunluk eşiği" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:37 -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:46 -msgid "None, De-Key, Target, Desaturate, Luma adjust" -msgstr "Hiçbiri, Anahtarsızlaştır, Hedef, Doygunluğu azalt, Luma ayarla" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:38 -msgid "Operation 1" -msgstr "İşlem 1" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:42 -msgid "Amount 1" -msgstr "Miktar 1" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:47 -msgid "Operation 2" -msgstr "İşlem 2" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:51 -msgid "Amount 2" -msgstr "Miktar 2" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:55 -msgid "Show mask" -msgstr "Maskeyi göster" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:59 -msgid "Mask to Alpha" -msgstr "Alfaya Maskele" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lenscorrection.xml:3 -msgid "Lens Correction" -msgstr "Mercek Düzeltmesi" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lenscorrection.xml:4 -msgid "Allows compensation of lens distortion" -msgstr "Mercek bozunumunun telafisine izin verir" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lenscorrection.xml:7 -msgid "Horizontal center" -msgstr "Lens bozukluğu telafisine izin verir" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lenscorrection.xml:10 -msgid "Vertical center" -msgstr "Dikey merkez" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lenscorrection.xml:13 -msgid "Center correction" -msgstr "Merkez düzeltme" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lenscorrection.xml:16 -msgid "Edges correction" -msgstr "Kenar düzeltme" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_letterb0xed.xml:3 -msgid "LetterB0xed" -msgstr "LetterB0xed" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_letterb0xed.xml:4 -msgid "Adds black borders at top and bottom for cinema look" -msgstr "Sinema görünümü için üste ve alta siyah kenarlık ekler" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_letterb0xed.xml:7 -msgid "Border Width" -msgstr "Kenar Genişliği" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: data/effects/frei0r_letterb0xed.xml:10 data/effects/frei0r_timeout.xml:13 -#: src/ui/wipeval_ui.ui:136 src/ui/wipeval_ui.ui:281 -msgid "Transparency" -msgstr "Şeffaflık" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:4 data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:36 -msgid "Levels" -msgstr "Seviyeler" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:5 data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:37 -msgid "Adjust levels" -msgstr "Seviyeleri ayarla" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:13 data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:45 -msgid "Input black level" -msgstr "Giriş siyah seviyesi" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:16 data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:48 -msgid "Input white level" -msgstr "Giriş beyaz seviyesi" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:19 data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:51 -#: data/effects/gamma.xml:3 data/effects/gamma.xml:7 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/lumaliftgain.cpp:63 -msgid "Gamma" -msgstr "Gama" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:22 data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:54 -msgid "Black output" -msgstr "Siyah çıktı" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:25 data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:57 -msgid "White output" -msgstr "Beyaz çıktı" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:28 data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:60 -msgid "Show histogram" -msgstr "Histogramı göster" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:32 data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:64 -msgid "Histogram position" -msgstr "Histogram konumu" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:4 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:77 -msgid "Light Graffiti" -msgstr "Açık Grafiti" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:7 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:80 -msgid "" -"Light Graffiti effect.\n" -" " -msgstr "" -"Işık Grafiti Efekti.\n" -" " - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:10 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:83 -msgid "Brightness Threshold" -msgstr "Parlaklık Eşiği" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:12 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:85 -msgid "" -"R+G+B) does a pixel need to be in order to " -"be recognized as a light source?
\n" -" Increasing this threshold requires brighter light sources (i.e. " -"more white or less color, respectively) but prevents some «false alarms» " -"where semi-bright parts, e.g. hands where colors can change quite a lot " -"compared to the background, are incorrectly recognized as light source.]]>" -msgstr "" -"R+G+B) olmalı?
\n" -" Bu eşiği değiştirmek, daha parlak ışık kaynağı gerektirir (örn. " -"daha beyaz veya daha az renk), fakat arkaplan ile karşılaştırıldığında " -"ellerdeki gibi yarı parlak bölümlerde oldukça değişen renklerin bazı «yanlış " -"alarmlara» yol açmasını ve hatalı ışık kaynağı olarak algılanmasını önler.]]>" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:15 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:88 -msgid "Difference Threshold" -msgstr "Fark Eşiği" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:17 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:90 -msgid "" -"max(dR, dG, dB)), in " -"order to be recognized as light source?
\n" -" Increasing this threshold makes it harder for light sources to " -"be accepted on bright backgrounds, but decreases the danger of noise or " -"generally bright spots counting as light source.]]>" -msgstr "" -"max(dR, dG, dB)) ne kadarı değiştirilmelidir?
\n" -" Bu eşiği arttırmak ışık kaynaklarının parlak arkaplanlarda " -"kabul edilmesini zorlaştırır ancak gürültüyü veya genellikle ışık kaynağı " -"olarak sayılan parlak noktaların sayısını azaltır.]]>" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:20 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:93 -msgid "Difference Sum Threshold" -msgstr "Fark Toplamı Eşiği" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:22 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:95 -msgid "" -"relative to the " -"background image
(dR + dG + dB) have to change until a " -"pixel is recognized as a light source?
\n" -" Raising this value might, in some cases, avoid that some light " -"objects lit by the light source are added to the light mask.]]>" -msgstr "" -"arkaplan " -"resmine bağıl olarak (dR + dG + dB) tüm renk kanallarının " -"toplamı ne kadar değiştirilmelidir?
\n" -" Bu değeri arttırmak, bazı durumlarda ışık kaynağı tarafından " -"aydınlatılan nesnelerin ışık maskesine eklenmesini engeller.]]>" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:25 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:98 -msgid "Sensitivity" -msgstr "Duyarlılık" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:27 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:100 -msgid "" -"\n" -" For slowly moving light source try to use a lower sensitivity to " -"obtain a better exposure.]]>" -msgstr "" -"\n" -" Yavaşça hareket eden ışık kaynağı ile daha iyi bir poz " -"yakalamak için hassasiyeti düşürmeyi deneyin.]]>" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:30 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:103 -msgid "Lower Overexposure" -msgstr "Aşırı Pozlamayı Azalt" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:32 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:105 -msgid "" -"\n" -" The light mask does not get white immediately when the light " -"source is moving slowly or staying steady.]]>" -msgstr "" -"\n" -" Işık kaynağı yavaşça hareket eder durumda veya sabit iken, ışık " -"maskesi anında beyazlık alamaz.]]>" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:35 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:108 -msgid "Dimming" -msgstr "Karartma" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:36 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:109 -msgid "" -"Dims the light mask. Lights will leave a fainting trail if it is set to a " -"value > 0." -msgstr "" -"Işık maskesini karartır. Bir değer > 0 olarak ayarlanırsa, ışıklar bir " -"bayılma izi bırakacaktır." - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:39 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:112 -msgid "Background Weight" -msgstr "Arkaplan Ağırlığı" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:40 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:113 -msgid "" -"Strength of the (calculated) background image. Setting it to 100 paints the " -"light mask directly over the background, without the painting person in the " -"image if the video starts with a «clean» background image. (See the α " -"parameter.)" -msgstr "" -"(Hesaplanan) arkaplan resminin gücü. 100 olarak ayarlamak, ışık maskesini " -"doğrudan arkaplan üzerine boyar ve eğer video «temiz» bir arkaplan resmi ile " -"başlarsa resimdeki kişi boyanmaz. (α parametresine bakın.)" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:43 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:116 -msgid "α" -msgstr "α" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:45 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:118 -msgid "" -"\n" -" The Light Graffiti effect remembers the first frame of the clip " -"it is applied to, so the clip should always start with the painter " -"outside of the video. If the background constantly changes, e.g. on a " -"street, try to set α > 0 to calculate an average background image.]]>" -msgstr "" -"\n" -" Işık Grafiti efekti, uygulanan klibin ilk karesini hatırlar ve " -"bu yüzden klip her zaman videonun dışındaki boyayıcı ile " -"başlamalıdır. Eğer arkaplan sabit olarak değişirse (örn. sokaktaki durum), " -"ortalama bir arkaplan resmi hesaplayabilmek için α > 0 ayarlamayı deneyin.]]>" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:48 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:121 -#: data/effects/frei0r_saturat0r.xml:3 data/effects/frei0r_saturat0r.xml:7 -#: data/effects/movit_saturation.xml:6 -msgid "Saturation" -msgstr "Doygunluk" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:49 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:122 -msgid "Increases the saturation of lights." -msgstr "Işıkların doygunluğunu arttırır." - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:52 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:125 -msgid "Show brightness statistics" -msgstr "Parlaklık istatistiklerini göster" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:54 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:127 -msgid "" -"\n" -" Example: To adjust the brightness threshold, check this box and " -"adjust the threshold until the whole light source is highlighted. Repeat the " -"same with the other parameters. Only parts that are highlighted in all thresholds will count as light source.]]>" -msgstr "" -"\n" -" Örnek: Parlaklık eşiğini ayarlayabilmek için bu kutuyu " -"işaretleyin ve eşiği ışık kaynağı vurgulanıncaya kadar ayarlayın. Diğer " -"parametreler için de aynı işlemi tekrar edin. Sadece tüm eşikler " -"içerisinde vurgulanmış parçalar ışık kaynağı olarak sayılacaktır.]]>" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:57 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:130 -msgid "Show background difference statistics" -msgstr "Arkaplan farkı istatistiklerini göster" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:60 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:133 -msgid "Show background difference sum statistics" -msgstr "Arkaplan farkı toplamı istatistiklerini göster" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:64 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:137 -msgid "" -"Makes the background transparent, allowing to apply a composite effect and " -"paint the light mask over a completely different video." -msgstr "" -"Birleştirme efekti uygulamaya ve ışık maskesini tamamıyla farklı bir videoya " -"boyamaya izin vererek arkaplanı saydam yapar." - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:67 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:140 -msgid "Nonlinear dimming" -msgstr "Doğrusal olmayan karartma" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:68 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:141 -msgid "If normal dimming does not look natural enough, try this one." -msgstr "Normal karartma yeterince doğal görünmüyorsa, bunu deneyin." - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:71 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:144 -#: src/effectstack/geometryval.cpp:95 src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:86 -msgid "Reset" -msgstr "Sıfırla" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:72 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:145 -msgid "" -"Resets the light mask and the background image. This is necessary e.g. if " -"you apply this effect to a clip in the timeline and then move the timeline " -"cursor from outside of the clip to the middle of it. The effect receives " -"this frame in the middle as first frame and uses it as background image. For " -"proper threshold adjusting move the timeline cursor to the beginning of the " -"clip, check the Reset box and uncheck it again." -msgstr "" -"Işık maskesi ve arkaplan resmini sıfırlar. Bu, örneğin bu efekti zaman " -"tünelindeki bir klibe uyguluyor ve ardından zaman tüneli imlecini klibin " -"dışından ortasına taşıyorsanız gereklidir. Bu efekt, ortadaki bu kareyi ilk " -"kare olarak alır ve arkaplan resmi olarak kullanır. Daha geçerli eşik " -"ayarlaması için zaman tüneli imlecini klibin başına taşıyın ve Sıfırla " -"kutusunu işaretleyip tekrar işaretini kaldırın." - -#: data/effects/frei0r_luminance.xml:3 -msgid "Luminance" -msgstr "Parlaklık" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_luminance.xml:4 -msgid "Creates a luminance map of the image" -msgstr "Görüntünün ışıklılık haritasını oluşturur" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_mask0mate.xml:3 -msgid "Mask0Mate" -msgstr "Mask0Mate" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_mask0mate.xml:4 -msgid "Creates an square alpha-channel mask" -msgstr "Bir kare alfa kanalı maskesi oluşturur" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_medians.xml:3 -msgid "Medians" -msgstr "Ortancalar" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_medians.xml:4 -msgid "Implements several median-type filters" -msgstr "Birçok medyan türünde filtre uygular" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_medians.xml:8 -msgid "" -"Cross5,Square3x3,Bilevel,Diamond3x3,Square5x5,Temp3,Temp5,ArceBI,ML3D,ML3dEX," -"VarSize" -msgstr "" -"Çapraz5,Kare3x3,Bilevel,Elmas3x3,Kare5x5,Geçici3,Geçici5,ArceBI,ML3D,ML3dEX," -"DeğBoy" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_5) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, import_size) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_20) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, treeWidget) -#: data/effects/frei0r_medians.xml:13 data/effects/frei0r_sharpness.xml:12 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:208 -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:563 src/ui/importkeyframesdialog_ui.ui:73 -#: src/ui/managecaptures_ui.ui:40 src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:201 -msgid "Size" -msgstr "Boyut" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_nervous.xml:3 -msgid "Nervous" -msgstr "Sinirli" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_nervous.xml:4 -msgid "Flushes frames in time in a nervous way" -msgstr "Çerçeveleri bir zamanda öfkeli şekilde geçiştirir" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_nosync0r.xml:3 -msgid "nosync0r" -msgstr "nosync0r" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_nosync0r.xml:4 -msgid "Broken TV" -msgstr "Bozuk TV" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_nosync0r.xml:7 -msgid "HSync" -msgstr "HSync" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pixeliz0r.xml:3 -msgid "Pixelize" -msgstr "Pikselleştir" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pixeliz0r.xml:4 -msgid "Pixelize input image." -msgstr "Giriş görüntüsünü pikselleştir." - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pixeliz0r.xml:7 -msgid "Block Size X" -msgstr "Blok Büyüklüğü X" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pixeliz0r.xml:10 -msgid "Block Size Y" -msgstr "Blok Büyüklüğü Y" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0be.xml:3 -msgid "pr0be" -msgstr "pr0be" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0be.xml:4 -msgid "Measure video values" -msgstr "Video değerlerini ölç" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0be.xml:8 -msgid "RGB,Y'PbPr - rec. 601,Y'PbPr - rec. 709,HSV,HSL" -msgstr "RGB,Y'PbPr - rec. 601,Y'PbPr - rec. 709,HSV,HSL" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0be.xml:9 -msgid "Measurement" -msgstr "Ölçüm" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0be.xml:13 data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:8 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/bezier/beziersplinewidget.cpp:56 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/bezier/beziersplinewidget.cpp:60 -#: src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:144 -msgid "X" -msgstr "X" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_5) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, cbY) -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0be.xml:17 data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:12 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/bezier/beziersplinewidget.cpp:58 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/bezier/beziersplinewidget.cpp:62 -#: src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:164 src/ui/histogram_ui.ui:23 -msgid "Y" -msgstr "Y" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0be.xml:21 -msgid "X size" -msgstr "X boyutu" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0be.xml:25 -msgid "Y size" -msgstr "Y boyutu" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0be.xml:29 data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:81 -msgid "256 scale" -msgstr "256 ölçekli" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0be.xml:33 -msgid "Show alpha" -msgstr "Alfayı göster" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0be.xml:37 -msgid "Big window" -msgstr "Büyük pencere" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:3 -msgid "pr0file" -msgstr "pr0file" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:4 -msgid "2D video oscilloscope" -msgstr "2D video osiloskobu" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:20 -msgid "Length" -msgstr "Uzunluk" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:24 -msgid "R,G,B,Y',Pr,Pb,Alpha" -msgstr "R,G,B,Y',Pr,Pb,Alfa" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:29 -msgid "Marker 1" -msgstr "İşaretleyici 1" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:33 -msgid "Marker 2" -msgstr "İşaretleyici 2" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:37 -msgid "R trace" -msgstr "R izi" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:41 -msgid "G trace" -msgstr "G izi" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:45 -msgid "B trace" -msgstr "B izi" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:49 -msgid "Y trace" -msgstr "Y izi" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:53 -msgid "Pr trace" -msgstr "Pr izi" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:57 -msgid "Pb trace" -msgstr "Pb izi" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:61 -msgid "Alpha trace" -msgstr "Alpha izi" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:65 -msgid "Display average" -msgstr "Ortalamayı görüntüle" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:69 -msgid "Display RMS" -msgstr "RMS'i Görüntüle" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:73 -msgid "Display minimum" -msgstr "En küçüğü görüntüle" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:77 -msgid "Display maximum" -msgstr "En büyüğü görüntüle" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:85 -msgid "CCIR rec. 601,CCIR rec. 709" -msgstr "CCIR rec. 601,CCIR rec. 709" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_13) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, background_list) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_9) -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:86 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:156 -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:176 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:182 -#: src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:197 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:944 -msgid "Color" -msgstr "Renk" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:90 -msgid "Crosshair color" -msgstr "Çapraz saç rengi" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_primaries.xml:3 -msgid "Primaries" -msgstr "Ana renkler" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_primaries.xml:4 -msgid "Reduce image to primary colors" -msgstr "Görüntüyü temel renklere indirge" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_primaries.xml:7 data/effects/sox_stretch.xml:7 -msgid "Factor" -msgstr "Çarpan" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_primaries.xml:8 -msgid " 32 = 0]]>" -msgstr " 32 = 0]]>" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QWidget, RGBParade_UI) -#: data/effects/frei0r_rgbparade.xml:3 src/scopes/scopemanager.cpp:308 -#: src/ui/rgbparade_ui.ui:14 -msgid "RGB Parade" -msgstr "RGB Geçidi" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_rgbparade.xml:4 -msgid "Display a histogram of R, G and B components of the video data" -msgstr "Video verisinin R, G ve B bileşenlerinin bir histogramını görüntüle" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_saturat0r.xml:4 -msgid "Adjusts the saturation of a source image" -msgstr "Bir kaynak görüntünün doygunluğunu ayarlar" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_scale0tilt.xml:3 -msgid "Crop, Scale and Position" -msgstr "Kes, Ölçeklendir ve Konumlandır" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_scale0tilt.xml:4 -msgid "Scales, Tilts and Crops an Image" -msgstr "Bir resmi ölçeklendirir, eğer ve kırpar" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_scale0tilt.xml:7 -msgid "Clip left" -msgstr "Klip solu" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_scale0tilt.xml:10 -msgid "Clip right" -msgstr "Klip sağı" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_scale0tilt.xml:13 -msgid "Clip top" -msgstr "Klip üstü" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_scale0tilt.xml:16 -msgid "Clip bottom" -msgstr "RGB,Y'PbPr - rec. 601,Y'PbPr - rec. 709,HSV,HSL" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_scale0tilt.xml:19 -msgid "Scale X" -msgstr "X Ölçeği" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_scale0tilt.xml:22 -msgid "Scale Y" -msgstr "Y Ölçeği" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_scale0tilt.xml:25 -msgid "Tilt X" -msgstr "X'e Eğ" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_scale0tilt.xml:28 -msgid "Tilt Y" -msgstr "Y'ye Eğ" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_scanline0r.xml:3 -msgid "scanline0r" -msgstr "scanline0r" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_scanline0r.xml:4 -msgid "Interlaced black lines" -msgstr "Geçişli siyah satırlar" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:4 data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:51 -msgid "Color Selection" -msgstr "Renk Seçimi" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:5 data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:52 -msgid "Color based alpha selection" -msgstr "Renk tabanlı alfa seçimi" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:9 data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:56 -msgid "Color to select" -msgstr "Seçilecek renk" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:13 data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:60 -msgid "Invert selection" -msgstr "Seçimi tersine çevir" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:17 data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:79 -msgid "Delta R / A / Hue" -msgstr "Delta R / A / Ton" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:21 data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:83 -msgid "Delta G / B / Chroma" -msgstr "Delta G / B / Kroma" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:25 data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:87 -msgid "Delta B / I / I" -msgstr "Delta B / I / I" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:29 data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:64 -msgid "RGB,ABI,HCI" -msgstr "RGB,ABI,HCI" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:30 data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:65 -msgid "Selection subspace" -msgstr "Seçim alt uzayı" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:34 data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:69 -msgid "Box,Ellipsoid,Diamond" -msgstr "Kutu,Elipsoid,Elmas" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:35 data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:70 -msgid "Subspace shape" -msgstr "Altuzay şekli" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:39 -msgid "Hard,Fat,Normal,Skinny" -msgstr "Sert,Şişman,Normal,Zayıf" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:40 data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:75 -msgid "Edge mode" -msgstr "Kenar kipi" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:74 -msgid "Hard,Fat,Normal,Skinny,Slope" -msgstr "Sert,Şişman,Normal,Zayıf,Yamaç" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sharpness.xml:3 -msgid "Sharpen" -msgstr "Keskinleştirilmiş" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sharpness.xml:4 -msgid "Unsharp masking (port from Mplayer)" -msgstr "Maskelemeyi yumuşat (Mplayer'dan çoğaltılmış)" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sobel.xml:3 -msgid "Sobel" -msgstr "Çizimleştir" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sobel.xml:4 -msgid "Sobel filter" -msgstr "Sobel filtresi" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:4 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:59 -msgid "SOP/Sat" -msgstr "SOP/Sat" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:5 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:60 -msgid "" -"Changes Slope, Offset, and Power of the color components, and the overall " -"Saturation, according to the ASC CDL (Color Decision List)." -msgstr "" -"ASC CDL'ye (Renk Karar Listesi) göre renk bileşenlerinin Eğim, Başlangıç ve " -"Güç değerleri ile genel Doygunluğu değiştirir." - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:8 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:63 -msgid "Slope Red" -msgstr "Eğimli Kırmızı" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:10 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:65 -msgid "" -"\n" -" All effects can be observed well when applied on a greyscale " -"gradient and looking at the RGB Parade monitor.]]>" -msgstr "" -"\n" -" Tüm efektler, siyah beyaz gradyanda ve RGB Geçit monitörüne " -"bakılarak uygulanır uygulanmaz gözlenebilir.]]>" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:13 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:68 -msgid "Slope Green" -msgstr "Eğimli Yeşil" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:16 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:71 -msgid "Slope Blue" -msgstr "Eğimli Mavi" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:19 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:74 -msgid "Slope Alpha" -msgstr "Eğimli Alfa" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:23 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:78 -msgid "Offset Red" -msgstr "Kırmızı Ofset" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:24 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:79 -msgid "" -"Changing the offset lifts (or lowers) the brightness of each pixel by the " -"given value." -msgstr "" -"Başlangıcı değiştirmek, verilen değerdeki her pikselin parlaklığını arttırır " -"(veya azaltır)." - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:27 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:82 -msgid "Offset Green" -msgstr "Yeşil Ofset" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:30 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:85 -msgid "Offset Blue" -msgstr "Mavi Ofset" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:33 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:88 -msgid "Offset Alpha" -msgstr "Alfa Ofset" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:37 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:92 -msgid "Power Red" -msgstr "Güç Kırmızı" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:39 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:94 -msgid "" -"\n" -" Mathematically, what happens is an exponentiation of the " -"pixel brightness on [0,1] by the gamma value.]]>" -msgstr "" -"\n" -" Matematiksel olarak bu işlem, gama değerinin piksel " -"parlaklığını [0,1] aralığında üssünü almasıdır.]]>" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:42 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:97 -msgid "Power Green" -msgstr "Güç Yeşil" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:45 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:100 -msgid "Power Blue" -msgstr "Güç Mavi" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:48 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:103 -msgid "Power Alpha" -msgstr "Güç Alfa" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:52 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:107 -msgid "Overall Saturation" -msgstr "Toplam Doygunluk" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:53 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:108 -msgid "The overall saturation will be changed in the last step of this filter." -msgstr "Genel doygunluk bu filtrenin son adımında değişmiş olacaktır." - -#: data/effects/frei0r_squareblur.xml:3 -msgid "Square Blur" -msgstr "Kare Bulanıklaştırma" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_squareblur.xml:4 -msgid "Square blur" -msgstr "Kare bulanıklaştırma" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_squareblur.xml:7 -msgid "Kernel size" -msgstr "Çekirdek boyutu" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_tehroxx0r.xml:3 -msgid "TehRoxx0r" -msgstr "TehRoxx0r" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_tehroxx0r.xml:4 -msgid "Something videowall-ish" -msgstr "Videoduvarımsı bir şey" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_tehroxx0r.xml:7 -msgid "Interval" -msgstr "Aralık" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_three_point_balance.xml:3 -msgid "3 point balance" -msgstr "3 nokta dengesi" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_three_point_balance.xml:4 -msgid "Balances colors along with 3 points" -msgstr "3 nokta boyunca renkleri dengeler" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_three_point_balance.xml:7 -msgid "Black color" -msgstr "Siyah renk" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_three_point_balance.xml:10 -msgid "Gray color" -msgstr "Gri renk" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_three_point_balance.xml:13 -msgid "White color" -msgstr "Beyaz renk" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_three_point_balance.xml:16 -msgid "Split screen preview" -msgstr "Bölünmüş ekran önizlemesi" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_three_point_balance.xml:19 -msgid "Source image on left side" -msgstr "Kaynak görüntüsü sol tarafta" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_threelay0r.xml:3 -msgid "threelay0r" -msgstr "threelay0r" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_threelay0r.xml:4 -msgid "Dynamic 3-level thresholding" -msgstr "Dinamik 3 seviyeli eşikleme" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_threshold0r.xml:3 -msgid "Threshold0r" -msgstr "Threshold0r" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_threshold0r.xml:4 -msgid "Thresholds a source image" -msgstr "Bir kaynak görüntüsünü eşikler" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_timeout.xml:4 -msgid "Timeout indicator" -msgstr "Zamanaşımı göstergesi" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_timeout.xml:7 -msgid "Indicator color" -msgstr "Gösterge rengi" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, markers_list) -#: data/effects/frei0r_timeout.xml:10 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:427 -msgid "Time" -msgstr "Zaman kodu" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_tint0r.xml:3 -msgid "Tint" -msgstr "Renklendir" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_tint0r.xml:4 -msgid "Maps source image luminance between two colors specified" -msgstr "Belirtilen iki renk arasında kaynak görüntünün ışıklılığını eşler" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_tint0r.xml:7 -msgid "Map black to" -msgstr "Siyahı şuna eşle" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_tint0r.xml:10 -msgid "Map white to" -msgstr "Beyazı şuna eşle" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_tint0r.xml:13 -msgid "Tint amount" -msgstr "Renklendirme miktarı" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_twolay0r.xml:3 -msgid "twolay0r" -msgstr "twolay0r" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_twolay0r.xml:4 -msgid "Dynamic thresholding" -msgstr "Hareketli eşikleme" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_vectorscope.xml:3 src/scopes/scopemanager.cpp:306 -msgid "Vectorscope" -msgstr "Bağımlılık" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_vectorscope.xml:4 -msgid "Display a vectorscope of the video data" -msgstr "Video verilerinin bir bağımlılığını görüntüleme" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_vertigo.xml:4 data/effects/frei0r_vertigo.xml:15 -msgid "Vertigo" -msgstr "Vertigo" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_vertigo.xml:5 data/effects/frei0r_vertigo.xml:16 -msgid "Alpha blending with zoomed and rotated images" -msgstr "Yakınlaştırılmış ve döndürülmüş görüntüler ile alfa harmanlama" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_vertigo.xml:8 data/effects/frei0r_vertigo.xml:19 -msgid "Phase Increment" -msgstr "Faz Artımı" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_vertigo.xml:11 data/effects/frei0r_vertigo.xml:22 -msgid "Zoom Rate" -msgstr "Yakınlaştırma Oranı" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_vignette.xml:3 -msgid "Vignette" -msgstr "Süs" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_vignette.xml:4 -msgid "Natural lens vignetting effect" -msgstr "Doğal mercek süs efekti" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_vignette.xml:7 -msgid "Aspect ratio" -msgstr "En boy oranı" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_vignette.xml:10 -msgid "Clear center size" -msgstr "Merkez boyutunu temizle" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_softness) -#: data/effects/frei0r_vignette.xml:13 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:709 -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:302 src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:220 -msgid "Softness" -msgstr "Yumuşaklık" - -#: data/effects/gain.xml:3 data/effects/gain.xml:7 data/effects/mute.xml:7 -#: data/effects/normalise.xml:7 data/effects/sox_bass.xml:7 -#: data/effects/sox_gain.xml:7 data/effects/volume.xml:7 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/lumaliftgain.cpp:65 -msgid "Gain" -msgstr "Kazanç" - -#: data/effects/gain.xml:4 -msgid "Adjust the audio volume without keyframes" -msgstr "Ses seviyesini anahtar karaler olmadan ayarla" - -#: data/effects/gamma.xml:4 -msgid "Change gamma color value" -msgstr "Gama renk değerini değiştir" - -#: data/effects/grain.xml:3 -msgid "Grain" -msgstr "Kum" - -#: data/effects/grain.xml:4 -msgid "Grain over the image" -msgstr "Resme kum serpiştir" - -#: data/effects/grain.xml:7 data/effects/movit_deconvolution_sharpen.xml:18 -#: plugins/sampleplugin/sampleplugin.cpp:34 -#: plugins/sampleplugin/sampleplugin.cpp:42 -#: plugins/sampleplugin/sampleplugin.cpp:54 -#: plugins/sampleplugin/sampleplugin.cpp:78 -msgid "Noise" -msgstr "Gürültü" - -#: data/effects/greyscale.xml:3 -msgid "Greyscale" -msgstr "Gri tonlama" - -#: data/effects/greyscale.xml:4 -msgid "Discard color information" -msgstr "Renk bilgisini çıkar" - -#: data/effects/invert.xml:4 -msgid "Invert colors" -msgstr "Renkleri tersine çevir" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_declipper.xml:3 -msgid "Declipper" -msgstr "Birleştirici" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_declipper.xml:4 -msgid "LADSPA declipper audio effect" -msgstr "LADSPA ters-kırpıcı ses efekti" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer.xml:3 -msgid "Equalizer" -msgstr "Frekans Düzenleyici" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer.xml:4 -msgid "LADSPA equalizer audio effect" -msgstr "LADSPA frekans düzenleyici ses efekti" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer.xml:7 -msgid "Lo gain" -msgstr "Düşük kazanım" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer.xml:10 -msgid "Mid gain" -msgstr "Orta kazanım" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer.xml:13 -msgid "Hi gain" -msgstr "Yüksek kazanım" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:3 -msgid "15 Band Equalizer" -msgstr "15 Bant Frekans Düzenleyici" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:4 -msgid "LADSPA equalizer audio effect (15 band)" -msgstr "LADSPA frekans düzenleyici ses efekti (15 bant)" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:7 -msgid "50 Hz" -msgstr "50 Hz" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:10 -msgid "100 Hz" -msgstr "100 Hz" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:13 -msgid "156 Hz" -msgstr "156 Hz" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:16 -msgid "220 Hz" -msgstr "220 Hz" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:19 -msgid "311 Hz" -msgstr "311 Hz" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:22 -msgid "440 Hz" -msgstr "440 Hz" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:25 -msgid "622 Hz" -msgstr "622 Hz" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:28 -msgid "880 Hz" -msgstr "880 Hz" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:31 -msgid "1250 Hz" -msgstr "1250 Hz" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:34 -msgid "1750 Hz" -msgstr "1750 Hz" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:37 -msgid "2500 Hz" -msgstr "2500 Hz" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:40 -msgid "3500 Hz" -msgstr "3500 Hz" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:43 -msgid "5000 Hz" -msgstr "5000 Hz" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:46 -msgid "10000 Hz" -msgstr "10000 Hz" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:49 -msgid "20000 Hz" -msgstr "20000 Hz" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_limiter.xml:3 -msgid "Limiter" -msgstr "Sınırlayıcı" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_limiter.xml:4 -msgid "LADSPA limiter audio effect" -msgstr "LADSPA sınırlayıcı ses efekti" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_limiter.xml:7 -msgid "Input gain (dB)" -msgstr "Giriş kazanımı (dB)" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_limiter.xml:10 -msgid "Limit (dB)" -msgstr "Sınır (dB)" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_limiter.xml:13 -msgid "Release time (s)" -msgstr "Yayınlanma saati (s)" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_phaser.xml:3 -msgid "Phaser" -msgstr "Kaydırıcı" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_phaser.xml:4 -msgid "LADSPA phaser audio effect" -msgstr "LADSPA kaydırma ses efekti" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_phaser.xml:7 -msgid "Rate (Hz)" -msgstr "Oran (Hz)" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_phaser.xml:10 data/effects/sox_flanger.xml:10 -msgid "Depth" -msgstr "Derinlik" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_phaser.xml:13 -msgid "Feedback" -msgstr "Geri besleme" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_phaser.xml:16 -msgid "Spread" -msgstr "Yay" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_pitch.xml:3 -msgid "Pitch Shift" -msgstr "Atım Kaydırma" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_pitch.xml:4 -msgid "LADSPA change pitch audio effect" -msgstr "LADSPA perde değiştirme ses efekti" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_pitch.xml:7 data/effects/sox_pitch.xml:7 -msgid "Shift" -msgstr "Ötele" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_pitch_scale.xml:3 -msgid "Pitch Scaler" -msgstr "Perde Gam Ayarlayıcı" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_pitch_scale.xml:4 -msgid "LADSPA pitch scale audio effect" -msgstr "LADSPA perde ölçekleme ses efekti" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_pitch_scale.xml:7 -msgid "Co-efficient" -msgstr "Katsayı" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_rate_scale.xml:3 -msgid "Rate Scaler" -msgstr "Oran Gam Ayarlayıcı" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_rate_scale.xml:4 -msgid "LADSPA rate scale audio effect" -msgstr "LADSPA oran ölçekleme ses efekti" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_rate_scale.xml:7 -msgid "Rate" -msgstr "Oran" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_reverb.xml:3 -msgid "Reverb" -msgstr "Yankı" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_reverb.xml:4 -msgid "LADSPA reverb audio effect" -msgstr "LADSPA yankı ses efekti" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_reverb.xml:7 -msgid "Reverb time" -msgstr "Yankı süresi" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_reverb.xml:10 data/effects/ladspa_room_reverb.xml:13 -msgid "Damping" -msgstr "Sönümlenme" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_room_reverb.xml:3 -msgid "Room Reverb" -msgstr "Oda Yankısı" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_room_reverb.xml:4 -msgid "LADSPA room reverb audio effect" -msgstr "LADSPA oda yankısı ses efekti" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_room_reverb.xml:7 -msgid "Room size (m)" -msgstr "Oda boyutu (m)" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_room_reverb.xml:10 -msgid "Delay (s/10)" -msgstr "Gecikme (sn/10)" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_vinyl.xml:3 -msgid "Vinyl" -msgstr "Taş Plak" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_vinyl.xml:4 -msgid "Simulates a vinyl audio player - LADSPA audio effect" -msgstr "Taş plak ses oynatıcısını benzetir - LADSPA ses efekti" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_vinyl.xml:7 src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:166 -msgid "Year" -msgstr "Yıl" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_vinyl.xml:10 -msgid "RPM" -msgstr "RPM" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_vinyl.xml:13 -msgid "Surface warping" -msgstr "Yüzey eğme" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_vinyl.xml:16 -msgid "Crackle" -msgstr "Çıtırdat" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_vinyl.xml:19 -msgid "Wear" -msgstr "Eskit" - -#: data/effects/lift_gamma_gain.xml:3 -msgid "Lift/gamma/gain" -msgstr "Kaldır/gama/kazanç" - -#: data/effects/lift_gamma_gain.xml:6 data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain.xml:6 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain2.xml:6 -msgid "Lift: Red" -msgstr "Kaldır: Kırmızı" - -#: data/effects/lift_gamma_gain.xml:9 data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain.xml:9 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain2.xml:9 -msgid "Lift: Green" -msgstr "Kaldır: Yeşil" - -#: data/effects/lift_gamma_gain.xml:12 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain.xml:12 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain2.xml:12 -msgid "Lift: Blue" -msgstr "Kaldır: Mavi" - -#: data/effects/lift_gamma_gain.xml:15 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain.xml:15 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain2.xml:15 -msgid "Gamma: Red" -msgstr "Gama: Kırmızı" - -#: data/effects/lift_gamma_gain.xml:18 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain.xml:18 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain2.xml:18 -msgid "Gamma: Green" -msgstr "Gama: Yeşil" - -#: data/effects/lift_gamma_gain.xml:21 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain.xml:21 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain2.xml:21 -msgid "Gamma: Blue" -msgstr "Gama: Mavi" - -#: data/effects/lift_gamma_gain.xml:24 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain.xml:24 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain2.xml:24 -msgid "Gain: Red" -msgstr "Kazanç: Kırmızı" - -#: data/effects/lift_gamma_gain.xml:27 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain.xml:27 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain2.xml:27 -msgid "Gain: Green" -msgstr "Kazanç: Yeşil" - -#: data/effects/lift_gamma_gain.xml:30 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain.xml:30 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain2.xml:30 -msgid "Gain: Blue" -msgstr "Kazanç: Mavi" - -#: data/effects/loudness.xml:3 -msgid "Loudness" -msgstr "Gürültü" - -#: data/effects/loudness.xml:4 -msgid "Correct audio loudness as recommended by EBU R128" -msgstr "EBU R128 tarafından önerilen doğru ses gürültüsü" - -#: data/effects/loudness.xml:7 -msgid "Target Program Loudness" -msgstr "Hedef Program Gürültüsü" - -#: data/effects/mirror.xml:3 -msgid "Mirror" -msgstr "Aynala" - -#: data/effects/mirror.xml:4 -msgid "Flip your image in any direction" -msgstr "Resimlerinizi istediğiniz eksende çevirin" - -#: data/effects/mirror.xml:7 -msgid "Horizontal,Vertical,Diagonal,X Diagonal,Flip,Flop" -msgstr "Yatay,Dikey,Çapraz,X Çapraz,Döndür,Çarp" - -#: data/effects/mirror.xml:8 -msgid "Mirroring direction" -msgstr "Aynalama yönü" - -#: data/effects/movit_blur.xml:3 -msgid "Blur (GPU)" -msgstr "Bulanıklaştır (GPU)" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_6) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_8) -#: data/effects/movit_blur.xml:6 data/effects/movit_diffusion.xml:6 -#: data/effects/movit_glow.xml:6 data/effects/movit_unsharp_mask.xml:6 -#: data/effects/movit_vignette.xml:6 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:891 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:915 -msgid "Radius" -msgstr "Yarıçap" - -#: data/effects/movit_deconvolution_sharpen.xml:3 -msgid "Deconvolution sharpen (GPU)" -msgstr "Kıvrım azaltarak keskinleştirme (GPU)" - -#: data/effects/movit_deconvolution_sharpen.xml:6 -msgid "Matrix size" -msgstr "Matris boyutu" - -#: data/effects/movit_deconvolution_sharpen.xml:9 -msgid "Circle radius" -msgstr "Çember yarıçapı" - -#: data/effects/movit_deconvolution_sharpen.xml:12 -msgid "Gaussian radius" -msgstr "Gauss yarıçapı" - -#: data/effects/movit_deconvolution_sharpen.xml:15 -msgid "Correlation" -msgstr "Bağıntılama" - -#: data/effects/movit_diffusion.xml:3 -msgid "Diffusion (GPU)" -msgstr "Yayılma (GPU)" - -#: data/effects/movit_diffusion.xml:9 -msgid "Mix amount" -msgstr "Miktarı karıştır" - -#: data/effects/movit_glow.xml:3 -msgid "Glow (GPU)" -msgstr "Parıltı (GPU)" - -#: data/effects/movit_glow.xml:9 -msgid "Glow strength" -msgstr "Parıltı gücü" - -#: data/effects/movit_glow.xml:12 -msgid "Highlight cutoff threshold" -msgstr "Vurgu kesme eşiği" - -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain.xml:3 -msgid "Lift/gamma/gain (GPU)" -msgstr "Kaldır/gama/kazanç (GPU)" - -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain2.xml:3 -msgid "Movit: Lift/gamma/gain (colors)" -msgstr "Movit: Kaldır/gama/kazanç (renkler)" - -#: data/effects/movit_mirror.xml:3 -msgid "Mirror (GPU)" -msgstr "Aynala (GPU)" - -#: data/effects/movit_opacity.xml:3 -msgid "Opacity (GPU)" -msgstr "Matlık (GPU)" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_opacity) -#: data/effects/movit_opacity.xml:6 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:211 src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:113 -msgid "Opacity" -msgstr "Opaklık" - -#: data/effects/movit_rect.xml:3 -msgid "Pan and Zoom (GPU)" -msgstr "Kaydırma ve Yakınlaştırma (GPU)" - -#: data/effects/movit_rect.xml:9 -msgid "Allow upscale" -msgstr "Yükseltmeye izin ver" - -#: data/effects/movit_saturation.xml:3 -msgid "Saturation (GPU)" -msgstr "Doygunluk (GPU)" - -#: data/effects/movit_unsharp_mask.xml:3 -msgid "Unsharp mask (GPU)" -msgstr "Maskenin keskinliğini azalt (GPU)" - -#: data/effects/movit_vignette.xml:3 -msgid "Vignette (GPU)" -msgstr "Süs (GPU)" - -#: data/effects/movit_vignette.xml:9 -msgid "Inner radius" -msgstr "İç yarıçap" - -#: data/effects/movit_white_balance.xml:3 -msgid "White Balance (GPU)" -msgstr "Beyaz Dengesi (GPU)" - -#: data/effects/mute.xml:3 -msgid "Mute" -msgstr "Sesi kapat" - -#: data/effects/mute.xml:4 -msgid "Mute clip" -msgstr "Klibin sesini kapat" - -#: data/effects/normalise.xml:3 -msgid "Normalise" -msgstr "Normalleştir" - -#: data/effects/normalise.xml:4 -msgid "Dynamically normalise the audio volume" -msgstr "Ses seviyesini dinamik şekilde normalleştir" - -#: data/effects/normalise.xml:10 -msgid "Maximum gain" -msgstr "Azami kazanım" - -#: data/effects/normalise.xml:13 data/effects/sox_stretch.xml:10 -msgid "Window" -msgstr "Pencere" - -#: data/effects/obscure.xml:4 -msgid "Hide a region of the clip" -msgstr "Klibin bir alanını gizle" - -#: data/effects/obscure.xml:7 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:760 -msgid "Region" -msgstr "Alan" - -#: data/effects/oldfilm.xml:3 -msgid "Oldfilm" -msgstr "Eski film" - -#: data/effects/oldfilm.xml:4 -msgid "Moves the Picture up and down and random brightness change" -msgstr "Resmi yukarı ve aşağı taşır ve rastgele parlaklık değişimi oluşturur" - -#: data/effects/oldfilm.xml:7 -msgid "Y-Delta" -msgstr "Y-Delta" - -#: data/effects/oldfilm.xml:10 -#, no-c-format -msgid "% of picture have a delta" -msgstr "Resmin % kaçı deltaya sahip" - -#: data/effects/oldfilm.xml:13 -msgid "Brightness up" -msgstr "Parlaklığı arttır" - -#: data/effects/oldfilm.xml:16 -msgid "Brightness down" -msgstr "Parlaklığı azalt" - -#: data/effects/oldfilm.xml:19 -msgid "Brightness every" -msgstr "Her karede parlaklık" - -#: data/effects/oldfilm.xml:22 -msgid "Unevendevelop up" -msgstr "Eşit olmayan yukarı fırlatma" - -#: data/effects/oldfilm.xml:25 -msgid "Unevendevelop down" -msgstr "Eşit olmayan aşağı fırlatma" - -#: data/effects/oldfilm.xml:28 -msgid "Unevendevelop Duration" -msgstr "Fırlatma Süresi" - -#: data/effects/pan_zoom.xml:3 data/effects/region.xml:10 -#: data/effects/rotation.xml:37 -msgid "Pan and Zoom" -msgstr "Kaydırma ve Yakınlaştırma" - -#: data/effects/pan_zoom.xml:4 -msgid "Adjust size and position of clip" -msgstr "Klibin boyutunu ve konumunu ayarla" - -#: data/effects/region.xml:3 -msgid "Regionalize" -msgstr "Bölgeselleştir" - -#: data/effects/region.xml:4 -msgid "Apply sub-effects to a region defined by a clip's alpha channel" -msgstr "Klibin alfa kanalı tarafından tanımlanmış bir bölgeye alt efekt uygula" - -#: data/effects/region.xml:7 -msgid "Url" -msgstr "Adres" - -#: data/effects/rotation.xml:3 -msgid "Rotate and Shear" -msgstr "Döndür ve Kes" - -#: data/effects/rotation.xml:4 data/effects/rotation_keyframable.xml:4 -msgid "Rotate clip in any 3 directions" -msgstr "Klibi her üç doğrultuda da döndür" - -#: data/effects/rotation.xml:7 data/effects/rotation_keyframable.xml:7 -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:747 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:216 -msgid "Rotate X" -msgstr "Döndür (X)" - -#: data/effects/rotation.xml:10 data/effects/rotation_keyframable.xml:10 -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:748 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:219 -msgid "Rotate Y" -msgstr "Döndür (Y)" - -#: data/effects/rotation.xml:13 data/effects/rotation_keyframable.xml:13 -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:749 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:222 -msgid "Rotate Z" -msgstr "Döndür (Z)" - -#: data/effects/rotation.xml:16 -msgid "Animate Rotate X" -msgstr "Döndürme Canlandırması X" - -#: data/effects/rotation.xml:19 -msgid "Animate Rotate Y" -msgstr "Döndürme Canlandırması Y" - -#: data/effects/rotation.xml:22 -msgid "Animate Rotate Z" -msgstr "Döndürme Canlandırması Z" - -#: data/effects/rotation.xml:25 -msgid "Shear X" -msgstr "Kırp X" - -#: data/effects/rotation.xml:28 -msgid "Shear Y" -msgstr "Kırp Y" - -#: data/effects/rotation.xml:31 -msgid "Animate Shear X" -msgstr "X Kırpmayı Canlandır" - -#: data/effects/rotation.xml:34 -msgid "Animate Shear Y" -msgstr "Y Kırpmayı Canlandır" - -#: data/effects/rotation_keyframable.xml:3 -msgid "Rotate (keyframable)" -msgstr "Döndür (anahtar kareleştirilebilir)" - -#: data/effects/rotation_keyframable.xml:16 -msgid "Offset X" -msgstr "X Ofset" - -#: data/effects/rotation_keyframable.xml:19 -msgid "Offset Y" -msgstr "Y Ofset" - -#: data/effects/rotoscoping.xml:3 -msgid "Rotoscoping" -msgstr "Kare boyama" - -#: data/effects/rotoscoping.xml:4 -msgid "Keyframable vector based rotoscoping" -msgstr "Anahtar kareleştirilebilir vektör tabanlı kare boyama" - -#: data/effects/rotoscoping.xml:8 -msgid "Alpha,Luma,RGB" -msgstr "Alfa,Luma,RGB" - -#: data/effects/rotoscoping.xml:9 -msgid "Mode" -msgstr "Kip" - -#: data/effects/rotoscoping.xml:14 -msgid "Alpha Operation" -msgstr "Alpha İşlemi" - -#: data/effects/rotoscoping.xml:22 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:3422 -msgid "Track" -msgstr "İz" - -#: data/effects/rotoscoping.xml:26 -msgid "Feather width" -msgstr "Tüy genişliği" - -#: data/effects/rotoscoping.xml:30 -msgid "Feathering passes" -msgstr "Tüy geçişi" - -#: data/effects/scratchlines.xml:3 -msgid "Scratchlines" -msgstr "Çizikler" - -#: data/effects/scratchlines.xml:4 -msgid "Scratchlines over the picture" -msgstr "Resim üzerinde çizikler" - -#: data/effects/scratchlines.xml:7 -msgid "Width of line" -msgstr "Çizgi genişliği" - -#: data/effects/scratchlines.xml:10 -msgid "Max number of lines" -msgstr "En fazla çizgi sayısı" - -#: data/effects/scratchlines.xml:13 -msgid "Max darker" -msgstr "En fazla koyulaştırıcı" - -#: data/effects/scratchlines.xml:16 -msgid "Max lighter" -msgstr "En fazla aydınlatıcı" - -#: data/effects/sepia.xml:3 -msgid "Sepia" -msgstr "Renksiz" - -#: data/effects/sepia.xml:4 -msgid "Turn clip colors to sepia" -msgstr "Klip renklerini sepyaya çevir" - -#: data/effects/sepia.xml:7 -msgid "Chrominance U" -msgstr "Renklilik U" - -#: data/effects/sepia.xml:10 -msgid "Chrominance V" -msgstr "Renklilik V" - -#: data/effects/sox_band.xml:3 -msgid "Sox Band" -msgstr "Sox Bant" - -#: data/effects/sox_band.xml:4 -msgid "Sox band audio effect" -msgstr "Sox bant ses efekti" - -#: data/effects/sox_band.xml:7 -msgid "Center Frequency" -msgstr "Merkez Frekansı" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_4) -#: data/effects/sox_band.xml:10 data/effects/sox_flanger.xml:16 -#: src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:181 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:307 -msgid "Width" -msgstr "Genişlik" - -#: data/effects/sox_bass.xml:3 -msgid "Sox Bass" -msgstr "Sox Bas" - -#: data/effects/sox_bass.xml:4 -msgid "Sox bass audio effect" -msgstr "Sox bas ses efekti" - -#: data/effects/sox_echo.xml:3 -msgid "Sox Echo" -msgstr "Sox Yankı" - -#: data/effects/sox_echo.xml:4 -msgid "Sox echo audio effect" -msgstr "Sox akis ses efekti" - -#: data/effects/sox_echo.xml:7 data/effects/sox_phaser.xml:7 -msgid "Gain In" -msgstr "Giriş Kazanımı" - -#: data/effects/sox_echo.xml:10 data/effects/sox_phaser.xml:10 -msgid "Gain Out" -msgstr "Çıkış Kazanımı" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_13) -#: data/effects/sox_echo.xml:13 data/effects/sox_flanger.xml:7 -#: data/effects/sox_phaser.xml:13 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:994 -msgid "Delay" -msgstr "Gecikme" - -#: data/effects/sox_echo.xml:16 data/effects/sox_phaser.xml:16 -msgid "Decay" -msgstr "Bozulma" - -#: data/effects/sox_flanger.xml:3 -msgid "Sox Flanger" -msgstr "Sox Flanger" - -#: data/effects/sox_flanger.xml:4 -msgid "Sox flanger audio effect" -msgstr "Sox flanger ses efekti" - -#: data/effects/sox_flanger.xml:13 -msgid "Regeneration" -msgstr "Yeniden oluşturma" - -#: data/effects/sox_flanger.xml:19 data/effects/sox_phaser.xml:19 -#: data/effects/speed.xml:3 data/effects/speed.xml:7 -msgid "Speed" -msgstr "Hız" - -#: data/effects/sox_flanger.xml:25 -msgid "Phase" -msgstr "Faz" - -#: data/effects/sox_flanger.xml:28 src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:383 -msgid "Interpolation" -msgstr "Aradeğerleme" - -#: data/effects/sox_gain.xml:3 -msgid "Sox Gain" -msgstr "Sox Kazanım" - -#: data/effects/sox_gain.xml:4 -msgid "Sox gain audio effect" -msgstr "Sox kazanım ses efekti" - -#: data/effects/sox_gain.xml:12 -msgid "Normalize" -msgstr "Normalleştir" - -#: data/effects/sox_phaser.xml:3 -msgid "Sox Phaser" -msgstr "Sox Fazör" - -#: data/effects/sox_phaser.xml:4 -msgid "Sox phaser audio effect" -msgstr "Sox fazör ses efekti" - -#: data/effects/sox_pitch.xml:3 -msgid "Sox Pitch Shift" -msgstr "Sox Perdeyi Kaydırma" - -#: data/effects/sox_pitch.xml:4 -msgid "Sox change pitch audio effect" -msgstr "Sox perdeyi değiştirme ses efekti" - -#: data/effects/sox_pitch.xml:10 -msgid "Time window (ms)" -msgstr "Zaman penceresi (ms)" - -#: data/effects/sox_reverb.xml:3 -msgid "Sox Reverb" -msgstr "Sox Yankı" - -#: data/effects/sox_reverb.xml:4 -msgid "Sox reverb audio effect" -msgstr "Sox yankı ses efekti" - -#: data/effects/sox_reverb.xml:7 -msgid "Reverberance" -msgstr "Derinleştir" - -#: data/effects/sox_reverb.xml:10 -msgid "High frequency damping" -msgstr "Yüksek frekans sönümleme" - -#: data/effects/sox_reverb.xml:13 -msgid "Room scale" -msgstr "Oda ölçeği" - -#: data/effects/sox_reverb.xml:16 -msgid "Stereo depth" -msgstr "Stereo derinliği" - -#: data/effects/sox_reverb.xml:19 -msgid "Pre-delay" -msgstr "Ön gecikme" - -#: data/effects/sox_reverb.xml:22 -msgid "Wet gain" -msgstr "Islak kazanç" - -#: data/effects/sox_stretch.xml:3 -msgid "Sox Stretch" -msgstr "Sox Esneme" - -#: data/effects/sox_stretch.xml:4 -msgid "Sox stretch audio effect" -msgstr "Sox esneme ses efekti" - -#: data/effects/speed.xml:4 -msgid "Make clip play faster or slower" -msgstr "Klibi daha hızlı veya yavaş oynat" - -#: data/effects/speed.xml:10 -msgid "Stroboscope" -msgstr "Stroboskop" - -#: data/effects/swapchannels.xml:3 -msgid "Swap channels" -msgstr "Kanalları yer değiştir" - -#: data/effects/swapchannels.xml:4 -msgid "Move the left channel to the right and right-to-left" -msgstr "Sol kanalı sağ kanala ve sağ kanalı sola taşı" - -#: data/effects/tcolor.xml:3 -msgid "Technicolor" -msgstr "Technicolor" - -#: data/effects/tcolor.xml:4 -msgid "Oversaturate the color in video, like in old Technicolor movies" -msgstr "Eski Technicolor filmlerdeki gibi video rengini aşırı doygunlaştır" - -#: data/effects/tcolor.xml:7 -msgid "Blue/Yellow axis" -msgstr "Mavi/Sarı eksen" - -#: data/effects/tcolor.xml:10 -msgid "Red/Green axis" -msgstr "Kırmızı/Yeşil eksen" - -#: data/effects/threshold.xml:4 -msgid "Make monochrome clip" -msgstr "Tek renkli klip oluşturun" - -#: data/effects/threshold.xml:7 -msgid "Threshold value" -msgstr "Eşik değeri" - -#: data/effects/threshold.xml:10 -msgid "Use transparency" -msgstr "Şeffaflık kullan" - -#: data/effects/vignette.xml:3 -msgid "Vignette Effect" -msgstr "Vignette Efekti" - -#: data/effects/vignette.xml:4 -msgid "Adjustable Vignette" -msgstr "Ayarlanabilir Vignette" - -#: data/effects/vignette.xml:7 -msgid "smooth" -msgstr "yumuşak" - -#: data/effects/vignette.xml:10 -msgid "radius" -msgstr "yarıçap" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_6) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_8) -#: data/effects/vignette.xml:13 src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:72 -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:575 -msgid "x" -msgstr "x" - -#: data/effects/vignette.xml:16 -msgid "y" -msgstr "y" - -#: data/effects/vignette.xml:19 -msgid "opacity" -msgstr "matlık" - -#: data/effects/vignette.xml:22 -msgid "use cos instead of linear" -msgstr "doğrusal yerine kosinüs kullan" - -#: data/effects/volume.xml:3 -msgid "Volume (keyframable)" -msgstr "Ses (anahtar kareleştirilebilir)" - -#: data/effects/volume.xml:4 -msgid "Adjust audio volume with keyframes" -msgstr "Ses seviyesini anahtar karalerle ayarla" - -#: data/effects/wave.xml:3 -msgid "Wave" -msgstr "Dalga" - -#: data/effects/wave.xml:4 -msgid "Make waves on your clip with keyframes" -msgstr "Kliplerinizin üzerinde anahtar karelerle dalga oluşturun" - -#: data/effects/wave.xml:10 -msgid "Horizontal" -msgstr "Yatay" - -#: data/effects/wave.xml:13 -msgid "Vertical" -msgstr "Dikey" - -#: data/kdenliveeffectscategory.rc:5 -msgid "Colour correction" -msgstr "Renk düzeltmesi" - -#: data/kdenliveeffectscategory.rc:8 -msgid "Colour" -msgstr "Renk" - -#: data/kdenliveeffectscategory.rc:11 -msgid "Crop and transform" -msgstr "Kes ve dönüştür" - -#: data/kdenliveeffectscategory.rc:14 -msgid "Audio correction" -msgstr "Ses düzeltmesi" - -#: data/kdenliveeffectscategory.rc:17 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:655 -msgid "Audio channels" -msgstr "Ses kanalları" - -#: data/kdenliveeffectscategory.rc:20 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Analysis data" -msgid "Analysis and data" -msgstr "Veriyi çözümle" - -#: data/kdenliveeffectscategory.rc:23 -msgid "Fade" -msgstr "Giriş" - -#: data/kdenliveeffectscategory.rc:26 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Artist" -msgid "Artistic" -msgstr "Sanatçı" - -#: data/kdenliveeffectscategory.rc:29 -msgid "Blur and hide" -msgstr "Bulanıklaştır ve gizle" - -#: data/kdenliveeffectscategory.rc:32 -msgid "Motion" -msgstr "Hareket" - -#: data/kdenliveeffectscategory.rc:38 -msgid "Alpha manipulation" -msgstr "Alfa değiştirme" - -#: data/kdenliveeffectscategory.rc:41 -msgid "Enhancement" -msgstr "İyileştirme" - -#: data/kdenliveeffectscategory.rc:44 -msgid "GPU effects" -msgstr "GPU etkileri" - -#. i18n: ectx: ToolBar (extraToolBar) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:4 -msgid "Extra Toolbar" -msgstr "Ek Araç Çubuğu" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (project) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:21 -msgid "Project" -msgstr "Proje" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (extract_audio) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:29 src/mainwindow.cpp:2752 -msgid "Extract Audio" -msgstr "Sesi Ayır" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (clip_actions) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:32 src/mainwindow.cpp:2699 -msgid "Clip Jobs" -msgstr "Klip Görevleri" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (transcoders) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:35 src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:184 -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:125 -msgid "Transcode" -msgstr "Kod çevrimi" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (generators) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:38 -msgid "Generators" -msgstr "Oluşturucular" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (track_menu) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:40 src/mainwindow.cpp:1145 -msgid "Tracks" -msgstr "Parçalar" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (clip_in_timeline) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:55 -msgid "Clip in Timeline" -msgstr "Zaman Tünelindeki Klip" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (tool) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:70 -msgid "Tool" -msgstr "Araç" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (clip) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:80 src/project/projectlistview.cpp:59 -msgid "Clip" -msgstr "Klip" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (marker_menu) -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_3) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:81 src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:397 -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:402 -msgid "Markers" -msgstr "İşaretleyiciler" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (timeline) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:96 src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:81 -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2785 -msgid "Timeline" -msgstr "Zaman Tüneli" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (keyboard_selection) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:97 -msgid "Selection" -msgstr "Seçim" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (keyboard_insert) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:105 -msgid "Insertion" -msgstr "Ekleme" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (current_clip) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:110 -msgid "Current clip" -msgstr "Geçerli klip" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (all_clips) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:117 -msgid "All clips" -msgstr "Tüm klipler" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (guide_menu) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:120 -msgid "Guides" -msgstr "Kılavuzlar" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (space_menu) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:126 -msgid "Space" -msgstr "Boşluk" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (video_effects_menu) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:134 src/mainwindow.cpp:279 -msgid "Add Effect" -msgstr "Efekt Ekle" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (monitor) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:148 -msgid "Monitor" -msgstr "Ekran" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (monitor_go) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:154 src/timeline/customruler.cpp:93 -msgid "Go To" -msgstr "Git" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (monitor_config) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:176 -msgid "Monitor config" -msgstr "Ekran yapılandırması" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (dockwindows) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:187 -msgid "View" -msgstr "Görünüm" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (layout_save_as) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:188 -msgid "Save Layout As" -msgstr "Düzeni Farklı Kaydet" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, CountDown_UI) -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, ClipStabilize_UI) -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, FreeSound_UI) -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, ArchiveWidget_UI) -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, BackupDialog_UI) -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, ClipTranscode_UI) -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, AddTrack_UI) -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, SmConfig_UI) -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, ManageEncodingProfile_UI) -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, ColorClip_UI) -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, RenderWidget_UI) -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, Stopmotion_UI) -#: plugins/sampleplugin/countdown_ui.ui:13 src/ui/addtrack_ui.ui:14 -#: src/ui/archivewidget_ui.ui:14 src/ui/backupdialog_ui.ui:14 -#: src/ui/clipstabilize_ui.ui:14 src/ui/cliptranscode_ui.ui:14 -#: src/ui/colorclip_ui.ui:14 src/ui/freesound_ui.ui:14 -#: src/ui/manageencodingprofile_ui.ui:14 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:14 -#: src/ui/smconfig_ui.ui:14 src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Dialog" -msgstr "İletişim Penceresi" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, destination_label) -#: plugins/sampleplugin/countdown_ui.ui:19 src/ui/cutjobdialog_ui.ui:47 -msgid "Save to" -msgstr "Buraya kaydet" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, duration_label) -#: plugins/sampleplugin/countdown_ui.ui:29 -msgid "Duration (seconds)" -msgstr "Süre (saniye)" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, font_label) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_4) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_17) -#: plugins/sampleplugin/countdown_ui.ui:46 src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:89 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:331 -msgid "Font" -msgstr "Yazı tipi" - -#: plugins/sampleplugin/sampleplugin.cpp:33 -msgid "Countdown" -msgstr "Geri sayım" - -#: plugins/sampleplugin/sampleplugin.cpp:55 -msgid "Create Noise Clip" -msgstr "Gürültü Klibi Oluştur" - -#: plugins/sampleplugin/sampleplugin.cpp:59 -msgid "Create Countdown Clip" -msgstr "Geri Sayma Klibi Oluştur" - -#: plugins/sampleplugin/sampleplugin.cpp:97 -#: plugins/sampleplugin/sampleplugin.cpp:105 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Failed to generate clip:\n" -"%1" -msgstr "" -"Klip oluşturma başarısız:\n" -"%1" - -#: plugins/sampleplugin/sampleplugin.cpp:97 -#: plugins/sampleplugin/sampleplugin.cpp:105 -msgid "Generator Failed" -msgstr "Oluşturucu başarısız" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:210 src/project/projectlist.cpp:133 -#, kde-format -msgid "%1 job" -msgid_plural "%1 jobs" -msgstr[0] "%1 görev" -msgstr[1] "%1 görev" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:211 src/project/projectlist.cpp:134 -#, kde-format -msgid "%1 pending job" -msgid_plural "%1 pending jobs" -msgstr[0] "%1 bekleyen görev" -msgstr[1] "%1 bekleyen görev" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_search) -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:300 src/ui/freesound_ui.ui:74 -msgid "Search" -msgstr "Ara" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:336 -msgid "View Mode" -msgstr "Görünüm Kipi" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:338 -msgid "Tree View" -msgstr "Ağaç Görünümü" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:346 -msgid "Icon View" -msgstr "Simge Görünümü" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:353 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Disable effect" -#| msgid_plural "Disable effects" -msgid "Disable Bin Effects" -msgstr "Efekti devre dışı bırak" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:361 src/bin/bincommands.cpp:102 -msgid "Rename Folder" -msgstr "Klasörü Yeniden Adlandır" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab) -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:370 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:50 -msgid "Settings" -msgstr "Ayarlar" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:372 src/project/clipproperties.cpp:351 -#: src/project/dialogs/slideshowclip.cpp:77 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:324 -msgid "Zoom" -msgstr "Ölçekle" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:378 -msgid "Show date" -msgstr "Tarihi göster" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:381 -msgid "Show description" -msgstr "Açıklamayı göster" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:399 src/project/projectlist.cpp:213 -msgid "Cancel All Jobs" -msgstr "Tüm Görevleri İptal Et" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:401 src/project/projectlist.cpp:217 -msgid "Cancel Current Clip Jobs" -msgstr "Geçerli Klip Görevlerini İptal Et" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:431 src/project/projectlist.cpp:254 -msgid "Show Log" -msgstr "Günlük Kaydını Göster" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:504 -msgid "Creating audio thumbnails" -msgstr "Ses önizlemeleri oluşturuluyor" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:511 -msgid "Audio thumbnails done" -msgstr "Ses önizlemeleri hazırlandı" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:805 -msgctxt "append to clip name to indicate a copied idem" -msgid " (copy)" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:929 src/bin/bin.cpp:2217 -#: src/project/folderprojectitem.cpp:37 src/project/projectlist.cpp:1085 -#: src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:60 -msgid "Folder" -msgstr "Dizin" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:1056 -#, kde-format -msgid "Folder contains a clip, delete anyways ?" -msgid_plural "Folder contains %1 clips, delete anyways ?" -msgstr[0] "Klasör bir klip içeriyor, yine de silinsin mi?" -msgstr[1] "Klasör %1 klip içeriyor, yine de silinsin mi?" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:1173 src/mainwindow.cpp:1234 -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:1004 -msgid "Delete Clip" -msgstr "Klibi Sil" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:1174 src/mainwindow.cpp:1251 -msgid "Proxy Clip" -msgstr "Vekil Klibi" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:1181 src/project/projectlist.cpp:995 -msgid "Delete Folder" -msgstr "Dizini Sil" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:1182 -msgid "Proxy Folder" -msgstr "Vekil Sunucu Klasörü" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2015 src/bin/bincommands.cpp:62 src/bin/bincommands.cpp:82 -msgid "Move Clip" -msgid_plural "Move Clips" -msgstr[0] "Klibi Taşı" -msgstr[1] "Klipleri Taşı" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2231 -#, fuzzy, kde-format -#| msgid "The clip %1 is invalid." -msgid "Playlist clip %1 is invalid." -msgstr "%1 klibi geçersiz." - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2236 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Playlist clip %1 has too many tracks (%2) to be imported. Add new tracks to " -"your project." -msgstr "" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2449 src/project/projectlist.cpp:465 -msgid "Please set a default application to open images in the Settings dialog" -msgstr "" -"Lütfen Ayarlar iletişim penceresinden resimleri açmak için kullanılacak " -"öntanımlı yazılımı seçin" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2455 src/project/projectlist.cpp:471 -msgid "" -"Please set a default application to open audio files in the Settings dialog" -msgstr "" -"Lütfen Ayarlar iletişim penceresinden ses dosyalarını açmak için " -"kullanılacak öntanımlı yazılımı seçin" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2511 src/project/projectlist.cpp:2661 -msgid "No data returned from clip analysis" -msgstr "Klip analizinden veri dönmedi" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2525 src/project/projectlist.cpp:2674 -msgid "Processing data analysis" -msgstr "Veri analizi yapılıyor" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2531 src/project/projectlist.cpp:2680 -msgid "Auto Split Clip" -msgstr "Klibi Otomatik Ayır" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2549 src/project/projectlist.cpp:2698 -msgid "Add Markers" -msgstr "İşaretçi Ekle" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2592 src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:85 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:474 src/project/projectcommands.cpp:164 -msgid "Add marker" -msgid_plural "Add markers" -msgstr[0] "İşaretçi ekle" -msgstr[1] "İşaretçiler ekle" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2603 src/bin/bin.cpp:2685 src/project/jobs/filterjob.cpp:96 -#: src/timeline/markerdialog.cpp:45 -#, kde-format -msgid "Category %1" -msgstr "Kategori %1" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2608 -msgid "Load Clip Markers" -msgstr "Klip Oluşturucuları Yükle" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2623 src/bin/bin.cpp:2720 -#: src/dialogs/profilesdialog.cpp:219 src/dialogs/profilesdialog.cpp:520 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot open file %1" -msgstr "%1 dosyası açılamıyor" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, MarkerDialog_UI) -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2649 src/definitions.cpp:78 src/definitions.cpp:95 -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:367 src/mainwindow.cpp:1831 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:727 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:801 src/ui/markerdialog_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Marker" -msgstr "İşaretçi" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2683 -msgid "All categories" -msgstr "Tüm kategoriler" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2690 -msgid "Save Clip Markers" -msgstr "Klip Oluşturucuları Kaydet" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2733 src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:86 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:478 src/project/projectcommands.cpp:162 -msgid "Delete marker" -msgstr "İşaretçiyi sil" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2748 -msgid "Delete clip markers" -msgstr "Klip işaretçisini sil" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2750 -msgid "Clip has no markers" -msgstr "Klip herhangi bir işaretçiye sahip değil" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2788 src/project/clippropertiesmanager.cpp:126 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"You are editing an external title clip (%1). Do you want to save your " -"changes to the title file or save the changes for this project only?" -msgstr "" -"Harici başlık klibini (%1) düzenliyorsunuz. Değişikliklerinizi başlık " -"dosyasına mı yoksa sadece bu proje için mi kaydetmek istersiniz?" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2788 src/project/clippropertiesmanager.cpp:126 -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:1766 -msgid "Save Title" -msgstr "Başlığı Kaydet" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2788 src/project/clippropertiesmanager.cpp:126 -msgid "Save to title file" -msgstr "Başlık dosyasına kaydet" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2788 src/project/clippropertiesmanager.cpp:126 -msgid "Save in project only" -msgstr "Sadece proje içerisine kaydet" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2852 src/project/projectlist.cpp:1428 -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:1430 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4517 -msgid "Invalid clip" -msgstr "Geçersiz klip" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2852 src/project/projectlist.cpp:1428 -msgid "Clip is invalid, will be removed from project." -msgstr "Klip geçersiz, projeden kaldırılacak." - -#: src/bin/bincommands.cpp:34 -msgid "Remove Folder" -msgstr "Dizini Sil" - -#: src/bin/bincommands.cpp:35 -msgid "Add Folder" -msgstr "Klasör Ekle" - -#: src/bin/bincommands.cpp:121 -msgid "Add Bin Effect" -msgstr "Bin Efekti Ekle" - -#: src/bin/bincommands.cpp:140 -msgid "Remove Bin Effect" -msgstr "Bin Efektini Kaldır" - -#: src/bin/bincommands.cpp:162 -msgid "Rename Zone" -msgstr "Bölgeyi Yeniden Adlandır" - -#: src/bin/bincommands.cpp:184 -msgid "Add Sub Clip" -msgstr "Alt Klip Ekle" - -#: src/bin/bincommands.cpp:217 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1628 -msgid "Edit clip" -msgstr "Klibi düzenle" - -#: src/bin/projectclip.cpp:90 src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:879 -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:195 -msgid "Untitled" -msgstr "Başlıksız" - -#: src/bin/projectclip.cpp:272 src/project/projectlist.cpp:2458 -msgctxt "The first letter of Proxy, used as abbreviation" -msgid "P" -msgstr "P" - -#: src/bin/projectclip.cpp:940 src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:1228 -#, kde-format -msgid "Clip already contains analysis data %1" -msgstr "Klip zaten %1 çözümleme verisini içeriyor" - -#: src/bin/projectclip.cpp:940 src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:1228 -msgid "Merge" -msgstr "Birleştir" - -#: src/bin/projectclip.cpp:940 src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:1228 -msgid "Add" -msgstr "Ekle" - -#: src/bin/projectfolder.cpp:74 -#, kde-format -msgid "%1 clip" -msgid_plural "%1 clips" -msgstr[0] "%1 klip" -msgstr[1] "%1 klip" - -#: src/bin/projectfolderup.cpp:35 -msgid "Back" -msgstr "" - -#: src/bin/projectfolderup.cpp:59 -msgid "Go up" -msgstr "Yukarı git" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/bin/projectitemmodel.cpp:169 src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:74 -#: src/ui/colorclip_ui.ui:20 src/ui/configtranscode_ui.ui:70 -#: src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:20 -msgid "Name" -msgstr "İsim" - -#: src/bin/projectitemmodel.cpp:172 -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:173 -#: src/project/projectlistview.cpp:59 -msgid "Date" -msgstr "Tarih" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_description) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/bin/projectitemmodel.cpp:175 src/project/projectlistview.cpp:59 -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:41 src/ui/configtranscode_ui.ui:80 -#: src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:49 -msgid "Description" -msgstr "Açıklama" - -#: src/bin/projectitemmodel.cpp:178 src/dialogs/profilesdialog.cpp:585 -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:231 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:319 -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:771 src/mltcontroller/clipcontroller.cpp:266 -#: src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:483 -msgid "Unknown" -msgstr "Bilinmeyen" - -#: src/bin/projectsubclip.cpp:41 src/doc/documentvalidator.cpp:1441 -#, kde-format -msgid "Zone %1" -msgstr "Bölge %1" - -#: src/capture/managecapturesdialog.cpp:42 -msgid "import" -msgstr "içeriye aktar" - -#: src/dialogs/clipcreationdialog.cpp:97 src/dialogs/clipcreationdialog.cpp:98 -msgid "Color Clip" -msgstr "Renk Klibi" - -#: src/dialogs/clipcreationdialog.cpp:188 -msgid "Title clip" -msgstr "Başlık klibi" - -#: src/dialogs/clipcreationdialog.cpp:236 src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:1117 -msgid "Template title clip" -msgstr "Şablon başlık klibi" - -#: src/dialogs/clipcreationdialog.cpp:428 src/doc/doccommands.cpp:32 -msgid "Add clip" -msgid_plural "Add clips" -msgstr[0] "Klip ekle" -msgstr[1] "Klip ekle" - -#: src/dialogs/clipcreationdialog.cpp:437 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:247 -#: src/effectstack/collapsibleeffect.cpp:200 src/mainwindow.cpp:2832 -msgid "All Supported Files" -msgstr "Desteklenen Tüm Dosyalar" - -#: src/dialogs/clipcreationdialog.cpp:437 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:247 -#: src/effectstack/collapsibleeffect.cpp:200 src/mainwindow.cpp:2832 -msgid "All Files" -msgstr "Tüm Dosyalar" - -#: src/dialogs/clipcreationdialog.cpp:438 -msgid "Import image sequence" -msgstr "Sıralı resimleri içe aktar" - -#: src/dialogs/clipcreationdialog.cpp:440 -msgid "Transparent background for images" -msgstr "Görüntüler için şeffaf arkaplan" - -#: src/dialogs/encodingprofilesdialog.cpp:37 -msgid "Manage Encoding Profiles" -msgstr "Kodlama Profillerini Yönet" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, groupBox) -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, enable_proxy) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_14) -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, kcfg_enableproxy) -#: src/dialogs/encodingprofilesdialog.cpp:38 -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:96 src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:36 -#: src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:142 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:244 -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:499 -msgid "Proxy clips" -msgstr "Vekil klipleri" - -#: src/dialogs/encodingprofilesdialog.cpp:39 -msgid "Video4Linux capture" -msgstr "Video4Linux yakalaması" - -#: src/dialogs/encodingprofilesdialog.cpp:40 -msgid "Screen capture" -msgstr "Ekran yakalama" - -#: src/dialogs/encodingprofilesdialog.cpp:41 -msgid "Decklink capture" -msgstr "Decklink yakalama" - -#: src/dialogs/encodingprofilesdialog.cpp:125 -#: src/dialogs/encodingprofilesdialog.cpp:157 -msgid "Profile name:" -msgstr "Profil adı:" - -#: src/dialogs/encodingprofilesdialog.cpp:128 -#: src/dialogs/encodingprofilesdialog.cpp:160 -msgid "Parameters:" -msgstr "Parametreler:" - -#: src/dialogs/encodingprofilesdialog.cpp:131 -#: src/dialogs/encodingprofilesdialog.cpp:163 -msgid "File extension:" -msgstr "Dosya uzantısı:" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:64 -#: src/effectslist/effectslistwidget.cpp:100 -#: src/effectslist/effectslistwidget.cpp:121 -#: src/effectslist/effectslistwidget.cpp:123 -msgid "Misc" -msgstr "Çeşitli" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:73 -msgid "Project Defaults" -msgstr "Proje Öntanımlıları" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:101 -msgid "Environment" -msgstr "Ortam" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:126 -msgid "Capture" -msgstr "Yakala" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:131 -msgid "Capture is not yet available on Mac OS X." -msgstr "Yakalama Mac OS X üzerinde henüz kullanılamıyor." - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:170 -msgid "JogShuttle" -msgstr "OynatmaTekerleği" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, groupBox) -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:180 src/ui/smconfig_ui.ui:20 -msgid "Playback" -msgstr "Kayıttan Çalma" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:275 -msgid "GPU processing needs MLT compiled with Movit and Rtaudio modules" -msgstr "" -"Movit ve Rtaudio modülleri ile derlenmiş MLT için GPU işlemi gereklidir" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:300 -#, kde-format -msgid "dvgrab version %1 at %2" -msgstr "%2'de dvgrab %1 sürümü" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:301 -msgid "" -"dvgrab utility not found, please install it for firewire " -"capture" -msgstr "" -"dvgrab aracı bulunamadı, firewire arayüzünden görüntü " -"yakalamak için dvgrab'ı yükleyin" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:438 -msgid "Automatic" -msgstr "Otomatik" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:440 -msgid "OSS" -msgstr "OSS" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:441 -msgid "ALSA" -msgstr "ALSA" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:442 -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:487 -msgid "PulseAudio" -msgstr "PulseAudio" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:443 -msgid "OSS with DMA access" -msgstr "DMA erişimli OSS" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:444 -msgid "Esound daemon" -msgstr "Esound servisi" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:445 -msgid "ARTS daemon" -msgstr "ARTS servisi" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:457 -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:458 -msgid "Default" -msgstr "Öntanımlı" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:503 -msgid "SDL" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:504 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Audio" -msgid "RtAudio" -msgstr "Ses" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:566 -msgid "Select default video player" -msgstr "Varsayılan video oynatıcıyı seçin" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:578 -msgid "Select default audio editor" -msgstr "Varsayılan ses düzenleyicisini seçin" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:590 -msgid "Select default image editor" -msgstr "Varsayılan resim düzenleyicisini seçin" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:809 -msgid "Kdenlive must be restarted to change this setting" -msgstr "Bu ayarı değiştirmek için Kdenlive yeniden başlatılmalıdır" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, p_progressive) -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:832 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:264 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:634 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:118 src/project/clipproperties.cpp:685 -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:322 src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:99 -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:163 -msgid "Interlaced" -msgstr "Geçmeli" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, progressive) -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:834 -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:1039 -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:1072 -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:1088 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:265 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:634 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:119 src/project/clipproperties.cpp:685 -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:428 src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:232 -msgid "Progressive" -msgstr "Aşamalı" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:892 -msgid "A profile with that name already exists" -msgstr "Bu profil adı zaten var" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:1003 -msgid "Current settings" -msgstr "Geçerli ayarlar" - -#: src/dialogs/profilesdialog.cpp:50 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:163 -msgid "Delete profile" -msgstr "Profili sil" - -#: src/dialogs/profilesdialog.cpp:52 src/dialogs/profilesdialog.cpp:95 -msgid "Save profile" -msgstr "Profili kaydet" - -#: src/dialogs/profilesdialog.cpp:54 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:171 -msgid "Create new profile" -msgstr "Yeni profil oluştur" - -#: src/dialogs/profilesdialog.cpp:163 -msgid "The custom profile was modified, do you want to save it?" -msgstr "Profil değiştirildi, kaydetmek istiyor musunuz?" - -#: src/dialogs/profilesdialog.cpp:194 -msgid "" -"A profile with same name already exists in MLT's default profiles, please " -"choose another description for your custom profile." -msgstr "" -"MLT'nin öntanımlı profilleri arasında aynı isimli bir profil halihazırda " -"bulunmaktadır, profiliniz için başka bir tanımlama seçin." - -#: src/dialogs/profilesdialog.cpp:225 src/dialogs/profilesdialog.cpp:526 -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:612 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:799 -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:805 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:865 -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1003 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1168 -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2382 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2405 -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:669 src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:675 -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:934 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:940 -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:3046 src/mainwindow.cpp:3051 -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:796 -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:802 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:1780 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot write to file %1" -msgstr "Dosyaya yazılamadı: %1" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:108 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1233 -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2295 -msgid "Waiting..." -msgstr "Bekleniyor..." - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:111 -msgid "Rendering finished" -msgstr "Hazırlama işlemi bitti" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:116 -msgid "Rendering crashed" -msgstr "Hazırlama işlemi çöktü" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:121 -msgid "Rendering aborted" -msgstr "Hazırlama işlemi iptal edildi" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:155 -msgid "Rendering" -msgstr "Hazırlama" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:167 -msgid "Edit profile" -msgstr "Profili düzenle" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:177 -msgid "Copy profile to favorites" -msgstr "Profili yer imlerine kopyala" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:179 -msgid "Show profiles with different framerate" -msgstr "Farklı kare oranına sahip profilleri göster" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, preserveAspectRatio) -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:223 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:534 -msgid "Preserve aspect ratio" -msgstr "En boy oranını koru" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:289 -msgid "File" -msgstr "Dosya" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:298 -msgid "Script Files" -msgstr "Betik Dosyaları" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:392 -msgid "Beginning" -msgstr "Başlangıç" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:478 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:494 -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:688 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:706 -msgid "Qualities" -msgstr "Kaliteler" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:479 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:495 -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:689 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:707 -msgid "Default quality" -msgstr "Öntanımlı kalite" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, vbitrates_label) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, abitrates_label) -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:481 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:497 -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:691 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:709 -#: src/ui/saveprofile_ui.ui:40 src/ui/saveprofile_ui.ui:73 -msgid "Bitrates" -msgstr "Bit oranları" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, default_vbitrate_label) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, default_abitrate_label) -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:482 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:498 -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:692 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:710 -#: src/ui/saveprofile_ui.ui:26 src/ui/saveprofile_ui.ui:80 -msgid "Default bitrate" -msgstr "Öntanımlı bit oranı" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:509 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:515 -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:679 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:749 -msgctxt "Group Name" -msgid "Custom" -msgstr "Özel" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:591 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:760 -msgid "Profile already exists" -msgstr "Profil hali hazırda mevcut" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:591 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:760 -msgid "" -"This profile name already exists. Change the name if you don't want to " -"overwrite it." -msgstr "" -"Bu profil ismi hali hazırda var. Üstüne yazılmasını istemiyorsanız ismini " -"değiştirin." - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:606 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:859 -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1859 -#, kde-format -msgid "Unable to write to file %1" -msgstr "%1 dosyasına yazılamadı" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:632 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1843 -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1892 -msgctxt "Category Name" -msgid "Custom" -msgstr "Özel" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:720 -msgid "Edit Profile" -msgstr "Profili Düzenle" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:918 -msgid "Cannot find the melt program required for rendering (part of Mlt)" -msgstr "" -"Hazırlama için gerekli melt yazılımı (MLT'nin bir parçası) bulunamıyor." - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:922 -msgid "" -"Cannot play video after rendering because the default video player " -"application is not set.\n" -"Please define it in Kdenlive settings dialog." -msgstr "" -"Derlemeden sonra video oynatılamadı çünkü öntanımlı video oynatıcı " -"ayarlanmamış.\n" -"Bunu Kdenlive iletişim penceresinden ayarlayabilirsiniz." - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:930 src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:259 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"The directory %1, could not be created.\n" -"Please make sure you have the required permissions." -msgstr "" -"%1 dizini oluşturulamadı.\n" -"Yeterli izne sahip olduğunuzdan emin olun." - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:973 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:165 -#, kde-format -msgid "File has no extension. Add extension (%1)?" -msgstr "Dosya bir uzantıya sahip değil. Uzantı eklensin mi (%1)?" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:988 -msgid "Output file already exists. Do you want to overwrite it?" -msgstr "Çıktı dosyası hali hazırda var. Üstüne yazmak istiyor musunuz?" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1222 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2283 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"There is already a job writing file:
Abort the job if " -"you want to overwrite it..." -msgstr "" -"Hali hazırda
dosyasına yazım yapan bir iş var. Eğer bu " -"dosyanın üzerine yazmak istiyorsanız önceki işi iptal edin..." - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1222 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2283 -msgid "Already running" -msgstr "Hali hazırda çalışıyor" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1266 -msgid "Video without audio track" -msgstr "Ses izi olmayan video" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1317 -#, kde-format -msgid "Rendering %1 started" -msgstr "Hazırlama %1 başladı" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1473 -#, kde-format -msgid "Frame rate (%1) not compatible with project profile (%2)" -msgstr "Kare oranı (%1) proje profilinizle (%2) uyumlu değil" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1491 -#, kde-format -msgid "Unsupported video format: %1" -msgstr "Desteklenmeyen video biçimi: %1" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1507 -#, kde-format -msgid "Unsupported audio codec: %1" -msgstr "Desteklenmeyen ses kodlayıcı: %1" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1524 -#, kde-format -msgid "Unsupported video codec: %1" -msgstr "Desteklenmeyen video kodlayıcı: %1" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1533 -msgid "" -"This render profile uses a 'profile' parameter.
Unless you know what " -"you are doing you will probably have to change it to 'mlt_profile'." -msgstr "" -"Bu hazırlama profili bir 'profile' parametresi kullanıyor.
Ne " -"yaptığınızı bilmiyorsanız, muhtemelen bunu 'mlt_profile' olarak çevirmeniz " -"gerekiyor olabilir." - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1546 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1584 -msgid "No matching profile" -msgstr "Eşleşen profil yok" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1561 -msgid "untitled" -msgstr "isimsiz" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1586 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Invalid clip" -msgid "Invalid profile" -msgstr "Geçersiz klip" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1630 -msgid "" -"Video\n" -"quality" -msgstr "" -"Video\n" -"kalitesi" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1632 -msgid "" -"Video\n" -"bitrate" -msgstr "" -"Video\n" -"bit oranı" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1652 -msgid "" -"Audio\n" -"quality" -msgstr "" -"Ses\n" -"kalitesi" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1654 -msgid "" -"Audio\n" -"bitrate" -msgstr "" -"Ses\n" -"bit oranı" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1692 -msgid "File rendering" -msgstr "Dosya hazırlama" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1693 -msgid "Favorites" -msgstr "Yer İmleri" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1694 -msgid "DVD" -msgstr "DVD" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, profile_audioonly) -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1695 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7011 -#: src/ui/configtranscode_ui.ui:100 -msgid "Audio only" -msgstr "Sadece ses" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1696 -msgid "Web sites" -msgstr "İnternet siteleri" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1697 -msgid "Media players" -msgstr "Medya oynatıcılar" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1698 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1738 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Lossless / HQ" -msgid "Lossless/HQ" -msgstr "Kayıpsız / YK" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1699 -msgid "Mobile devices" -msgstr "Taşınabilir cihazlar" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1783 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Image sequence" -msgctxt "Category Name" -msgid "Images sequence" -msgstr "Sıralı resim" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1987 -msgctxt "Attribute Name" -msgid "Custom" -msgstr "Özel" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2085 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2108 -#, fuzzy, kde-format -#| msgid "%1 dB" -msgid "%1 day " -msgid_plural "%1 days " -msgstr[0] "%1 dB" -msgstr[1] "%1 dB" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2087 -#, fuzzy, kde-format -#| msgid "Opening file %1" -msgid "Remaining time %1" -msgstr "%1 dosyası açılıyor..." - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2110 -#, kde-format -msgid "Rendering finished in %1" -msgstr "Hazırlama işlemi için geçen süre, %1" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2112 -#, kde-format -msgid "Rendering of %1 finished in %2" -msgstr "%1 hazırlaması %2 içinde tamamlandı" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2125 -#, kde-format -msgid "Rendering of %1 crashed
" -msgstr "%1 hazırlama işlemi çöktü
" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, abort_job) -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2165 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:650 -msgid "Abort Job" -msgstr "Görevi İptal Et" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2168 -msgid "Remove Job" -msgstr "Görevi Kaldır" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2236 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2240 -#, kde-format -msgid "Script contains wrong command: %1" -msgstr "Betik yanlış komutlar içeriyor: %1" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2424 -msgid "script" -msgstr "betik" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2445 src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:228 -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:640 -msgid "Check missing clips" -msgstr "Eksik klipleri kontrol et" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2502 -msgid "Export audio (automatic)" -msgstr "Sesi dışarı aktar (otomatik)" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, export_audio) -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2504 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:544 -msgid "Export audio" -msgstr "Sesi dışarı aktar" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:60 -msgid "Config Wizard" -msgstr "Yapılandırma Sihirbazı" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:64 -msgid "Welcome" -msgstr "Hoş geldiniz" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:66 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Your Kdenlive version was upgraded to version %1. Please take some time to " -"review the basic settings" -msgstr "" -"Kullandığınız Kdenlive %1 sürümüne güncellendi.\n" -"Temel ayarları incelemek için zaman ayırmanızı öneririz." - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:68 -msgid "" -"This is the first time you run Kdenlive. This wizard will let you adjust " -"some basic settings, you will be ready to edit your first movie in a few " -"seconds..." -msgstr "" -"Bu Kdenlive'yi ilk açışınız. Bu sihirbaz bazı temel ayarları yapmanızı " -"sağlayacak ve bir kaç saniye içinde ilk filminizi düzenlemeye " -"başlayabileceksiniz..." - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:72 -msgid "Discover the features of this Kdenlive release" -msgstr "Kdenlive'nin bu sürümünün özelliklerini keşfedin" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:82 -msgid "Checking MLT engine" -msgstr "MLT motoru kontrol ediliyor" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:90 -msgid "Video Standard" -msgstr "Video Standardı" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:128 -msgid "Additional Settings" -msgstr "Ek Ayarlar" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (KComboBox, capture_device) -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:142 src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:168 -msgid "Capture device" -msgstr "Yakalama aygıtı" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:146 -msgid "Default Blackmagic Decklink card:" -msgstr "Öntanımlı Blackmagic Decklink kartı:" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:147 -msgid "No Blackmagic Decklink device found" -msgstr "Blackmagic Decklink aygıtı bulunamadı" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:158 -msgid "Checking system" -msgstr "Sistem kontrol ediliyor" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:186 -msgid "Default video4linux device:" -msgstr "Öntanımlı video4linux aygıtı:" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:199 -msgid "No device found, plug your webcam and refresh." -msgstr "Aygıt bulunamadı, web kameranızı takıp yeniden deneyin." - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:221 -#, kde-format -msgid "Current settings (%1x%2, %3/%4fps)" -msgstr "Öntanımlı ayarlar (%1x%2, %3/%4fps)" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:257 -#, kde-format -msgid "Default settings (%1x%2, %3/%4fps)" -msgstr "Öntanımlı Ayarlar (%1x%2, %3/%4fps)" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:272 -msgid "Melt" -msgstr "Melt" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:273 -msgid "Required for rendering (part of MLT package)" -msgstr "Hazırlama (MLT paketinin bir parçası) için gerekli" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:280 -msgid "Cannot start the MLT video backend!" -msgstr "MLT video geri ucu başlatılamıyor!" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:287 -#, kde-format -msgid "MLT version: %1" -msgstr "MLT sürümü: %1" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:290 -msgid "Your MLT version is unsupported!!!" -msgstr "Kullandığınız MLT sürümü desteklenmiyor!!!" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:296 -#, kde-format -msgid "Please upgrade to MLT %1.%2.%3" -msgstr "Lütfen MLT'yi %1.%2.%3 sürümüne güncelleyin" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:300 -msgid "MLT video backend!" -msgstr "MLT video arka ucu!" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:318 -msgid "SDL module" -msgstr "SDL modülü" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:319 -msgid "Required for Kdenlive" -msgstr "Kdenlive için gerekli" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:332 -msgid "Avformat module (FFmpeg)" -msgstr "Avformat modülü (FFmpeg)" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:333 -msgid "Required to work with various video formats (hdv, mpeg, flash, ...)" -msgstr "" -"Çeşitli video biçimleriyle (hdv, mpeg, flash, ...) çalışmak için gerekli" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:372 -msgid "QImage module" -msgstr "QImage modülü" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:373 src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:378 -msgid "Required to work with images" -msgstr "Resim dosyalarıyla çalışmak için gerekli" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:377 -msgid "Pixbuf module" -msgstr "Pixbuf modülü" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:392 -msgid "Title module" -msgstr "Başlık modülü" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:393 -msgid "Required to work with titles" -msgstr "Başlıklarla çalışmak için gerekli" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:456 -msgid "" -"The following codecs were not found on your system. Check our online manual if you need them: " -msgstr "" -"Aşağıdaki kod çözücüler sisteminizde bulunamadı. Eğer ihtiyacınız varsa çevrimiçi el kitabına bakın: " - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:477 -msgid "FFmpeg & ffplay" -msgstr "FFmpeg ve ffplay" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:478 -msgid "Required for proxy clips, transcoding and screen capture" -msgstr "Vekil klipleri, kod dönüştürme ve ekran yakalama için gerekli" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:504 -msgid "dvgrab" -msgstr "dvgrab" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:505 -msgid "Required for firewire capture" -msgstr "firewire arayüzünden görüntü yakalamak için gerekli" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:511 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:104 -msgid "dvdauthor" -msgstr "dvdauthor" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:512 -msgid "Required for creation of DVD" -msgstr "DVD oluşturmak için gerekli" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:518 -msgid "genisoimage or mkisofs" -msgstr "genisoimage veya mkisofs" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:519 -msgid "Required for creation of DVD ISO images" -msgstr "DVD ISO dosyaları oluşturmak için gerekli" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:528 -msgid "xine" -msgstr "xine" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:529 -msgid "Required to preview your DVD" -msgstr "DVD önizlemesi için gerekli" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:533 -msgid "vlc" -msgstr "vlc" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:685 -msgid "Frame size:" -msgstr "Kare boyutu:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_4) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:685 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:245 -#: src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:55 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:107 -msgid "Frame rate:" -msgstr "Kare oranı:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_23) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_9) -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:685 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:266 -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:121 -msgid "Pixel aspect ratio:" -msgstr "Piksel görünüm oranı:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_31) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_10) -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:685 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:280 -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:135 -msgid "Display aspect ratio:" -msgstr "Görünüm oranı:" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:732 -msgid "" -"Your MLT installation cannot be found. Install MLT and restart Kdenlive.\n" -msgstr "" -"Sisteminizdeki MLT kurulumu bulunamadı.\n" -"MLT'yi yükleyin ve Kdenlive'yi yeniden başlatın.\n" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:736 -msgid "Fatal Error" -msgstr "Kritik Hata" - -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:279 -#, kde-format -msgid "%1 fps" -msgstr "%1 fps (kare/saniye)" - -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:284 -msgid "Hz" -msgstr "Hz" - -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:289 -msgid "Audio clip" -msgstr "Ses klibi" - -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:292 -msgid "Mute video clip" -msgstr "Video klibin sesini kapat" - -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:295 src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:214 -msgid "Video clip" -msgstr "Video klibi" - -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:298 -msgid "Color clip" -msgstr "Renk klibi" - -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:301 src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:216 -msgid "Image clip" -msgstr "Resim klibi" - -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:304 -msgid "Template text clip" -msgstr "Şablon metin klibi" - -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:305 -msgid "Text clip" -msgstr "Metin klibi" - -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:308 -msgid "Slideshow clip" -msgstr "Sunu klibi" - -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:311 -msgid "Virtual clip" -msgstr "Sanal klip" - -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:314 src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:218 -msgid "Playlist clip" -msgstr "Oynatma listesi klibi" - -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:317 -msgid "Unknown clip" -msgstr "Bilinmeyen klip" - -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:684 src/renderer.cpp:141 -msgid "Missing clip" -msgstr "Kayıp klip" - -#: src/doc/doccommands.cpp:33 src/project/clipmanager.cpp:226 -msgid "Delete clip" -msgid_plural "Delete clips" -msgstr[0] "Klibi sil" -msgstr[1] "Klipleri sil" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:199 -msgid "Luma file" -msgstr "Luma dosyası" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:223 -msgid "Title Image" -msgstr "Başlık Resmi" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:226 -msgid "Title Font" -msgstr "Başlık Yazı Tipi" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:247 -#, kde-format -msgid "%1 will be replaced by %2" -msgstr "%1, %2 ile değiştirilecek" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:261 -msgid "Missing item" -msgstr "Eksik öge" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:265 -msgid "The project file contains missing clips or files" -msgstr "Proje dosyası eksik klip veya dosyalar içeriyor" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:269 -msgid "Missing proxies will be recreated after opening." -msgstr "Eksik vekiller açıldıktan sonra tekrar oluşturulacak." - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:273 -#, fuzzy, kde-format -#| msgid "" -#| "The project file contains a missing clip, you can still work with its " -#| "proxy." -#| msgid_plural "" -#| "The project file contains missing clips, you can still work with their " -#| "proxies." -msgid "" -"The project file contains a missing clip, you can still work with its proxy." -msgid_plural "" -"The project file contains %1 missing clips, you can still work with their " -"proxies." -msgstr[0] "" -"Proje dosyası eksik klipler içeriyor, hala vekilleri ile çalışabilirsiniz." -msgstr[1] "" -"Proje dosyası eksik klipler içeriyor, hala vekilleri ile çalışabilirsiniz." - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:283 src/project/projectitem.cpp:192 -msgid "Proxy clip" -msgstr "Vekil klibi" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:285 -#, fuzzy, kde-format -#| msgid "%1 missing proxy clips, will be recreated on project opening" -msgid "%1 missing proxy clip, will be recreated on project opening" -msgid_plural "%1 missing proxy clips, will be recreated on project opening" -msgstr[0] "Proje açılırken eksik olan %1 vekil klibi yeniden oluşturulacak" -msgstr[1] "Proje açılırken eksik olan %1 vekil klibi yeniden oluşturulacak" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:288 -msgid "Missing proxy" -msgstr "Kayıp vekil" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:335 src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:348 -msgid "Source clip" -msgstr "Kaynak klip" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:337 -#, kde-format -msgid "%1 missing source clips, you can only use the proxies" -msgstr "%1 kayıp kaynak klibi, sadece vekillerini kullanabilirsiniz" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:340 -msgid "Missing source clip" -msgstr "Eksik kaynak klip" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:411 -msgid "Clips folder" -msgstr "Klip dizini" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:567 -msgid "Enter new location for file" -msgstr "Dosya için yeni bir konum girin" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:780 -msgid "This will remove the selected clip from this project" -msgid_plural "This will remove the selected clips from this project" -msgstr[0] "Bu, seçilen klipleri bu projeden kaldıracak" -msgstr[1] "Bu, seçilen klipleri bu projeden kaldıracak" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:780 -msgid "Remove clips" -msgstr "Klipleri kaldır" - -#: src/doc/documentvalidator.cpp:90 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"The document was created in \"%1\" locale, which is not installed on your " -"system. Please install that language pack. Until then, Kdenlive might not be " -"able to correctly open the document." -msgstr "" -"Belge, sisteminizde bulunmayan \"%1\" dili ile oluşturulmuş. Lütfen bu dil " -"paketini kurun. Siz kuruncaya kadar Kdenlive belgeyi doğru bir şekilde " -"açamayabilir." - -#: src/doc/documentvalidator.cpp:94 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"There is a locale conflict on your system. The document uses locale %1 which " -"uses a \"%2\" as numeric separator (in system libraries) but Qt expects " -"\"%3\". You might not be able to correctly open the project." -msgstr "" -"Sisteminizde bir dil çakışması var. Belge, sayısal bir ayraç olarak (sistem " -"kütüphanelerinde) \"%2\" kullanan %1 dilini kullanıyor, fakat Qt \"%3\" " -"olmasını gerektiriyor. Projeyi doğru bir şekilde açamayabilirsiniz." - -#: src/doc/documentvalidator.cpp:279 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"This project type is unsupported (version %1) and can't be loaded.\n" -"Please consider upgrading your Kdenlive version." -msgstr "" -"Bu proje biçimi desteklenmiyor (sürüm %1) ve yüklenemiyor.\n" -"Lütfen Kdenlive sürümünüzü güncelleyin." - -#: src/doc/documentvalidator.cpp:279 src/doc/documentvalidator.cpp:286 -msgid "Unable to open project" -msgstr "Proje " - -#: src/doc/documentvalidator.cpp:286 -#, kde-format -msgid "This project type is unsupported (version %1) and can't be loaded." -msgstr "Bu proje biçimi desteklenmiyor (sürüm %1) ve yüklenemiyor." - -#: src/doc/documentvalidator.cpp:840 -msgid "" -"Some of your text clips were saved with size in points, which means " -"different sizes on different displays. Do you want to convert them to pixel " -"size, making them portable? It is recommended you do this on the computer " -"they were first created on, or you could have to adjust their size." -msgstr "" -"Bazı metin klipleriniz farklı ekranlarda farklı boyutlar alacak nokta " -"ölçüsüyle saklandı. Bunları taşınabilirlik için piksel ölçüsüne çevirmek " -"ister misiniz? Bilgisayarınızda ilk oluşturulduklarında yapmanız önerilir " -"veya kliplerin ölçülerini kendiniz değiştirebilirsiniz." - -#: src/doc/documentvalidator.cpp:840 -msgid "Update Text Clips" -msgstr "Metin Kliplerini Güncelle" - -#: src/doc/documentvalidator.cpp:1679 -msgid "" -"The project file uses some GPU effects. GPU acceleration is not currently " -"enabled.\n" -"Do you want to convert the project to a non-GPU version ?\n" -"This might result in data loss." -msgstr "" -"Proje dosyası bazı GPU işlemleri kullanıyor. GPU hızlandırması etkin değil.\n" -"Projeyi GPU içermeyen bir sürüme dönüştürmek ister misiniz?\n" -"Bu veri kaybına neden olabilir." - -#: src/doc/documentvalidator.cpp:1770 -msgid "The following filters/transitions were converted to non GPU versions:" -msgstr "Aşağıdaki filtreler/geçişler GPU içermeyen sürüm için dönüştürüldü:" - -#: src/doc/documentvalidator.cpp:1773 -msgid "The following filters/transitions were deleted from the project:" -msgstr "Aşağıdaki filtreler/geçişler projeden silindi:" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:152 -msgid "" -"Cannot open the project file,\n" -"Do you want to open a backup file?" -msgstr "" -"Proje dosyası açılamadı.\n" -"Bir yedek dosyası açmak istiyor musunuz?" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:152 src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:168 -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:213 -msgid "Error opening file" -msgstr "Dosya açılamadı" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:152 src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:168 -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:213 -msgid "Open Backup" -msgstr "Yedeği Aç" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:168 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Cannot open the project file, error is:\n" -"%1 (line %2, col %3)\n" -"Do you want to open a backup file?" -msgstr "" -"Proje dosyası açılamadı. Hata:\n" -"%1 (satır %2, sütun %3)\n" -"Yedek bir dosya açmak ister misiniz?" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:168 src/project/projectmanager.cpp:381 -msgid "Recover" -msgstr "Kurtar" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:194 -msgid "Cannot recover this project file" -msgstr "Bu proje dosyası kurtarılamıyor" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:206 -msgid "Validating" -msgstr "Doğruluyor" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:212 -#, kde-format -msgid "File %1 is not a Kdenlive project file" -msgstr "%1 dosyası bir Kdenlive proje dosyası değil" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:213 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"File %1 is not a valid project file.\n" -"Do you want to open a backup file?" -msgstr "" -"%1 dosyası geçerli bir proje dosyası değil.\n" -"Bir yedek dosyası açmak ister misiniz?" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:254 -#, kde-format -msgid "Project directory %1 does not exist. Create it?" -msgstr "Proje dizini %1 mevcut değil. Oluşturulsun mu?" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:266 -#, kde-format -msgid "Document project folder is invalid, setting it to the default one: %1" -msgstr "Belge proje dosyası geçersiz, öntanımlı birine ayarlanıyor: %1" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:548 src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:659 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot write to file %1, scene list is corrupted." -msgstr "%1 dosyasına yazılamıyor, sahne listesi bozuk." - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:719 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"You have changed the project folder. Do you want to copy the cached data " -"from %1 to the new folder %2?" -msgstr "" -"Proje dizinini değiştirdiniz. Önbellek bilgilerini %1 dizininden %2 dizinine " -"kopyalamak ister misiniz?" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:1105 -msgid "Enter Template Path" -msgstr "Şablon Yolunu Girin" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:1179 -msgid "The following effects were imported from the project:" -msgstr "Aşağıdaki efektler projeden içe aktarıldı:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:1209 src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:1223 -#: src/ui/backupdialog_ui.ui:22 -msgid "Project Folder" -msgstr "Proje Dizini" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:1287 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Cannot create backup copy:\n" -"%1" -msgstr "" -"Yedek kopya oluşturulamıyor:\n" -"%1" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:1400 src/project/projectlist.cpp:2317 -msgid "Add proxy clip" -msgid_plural "Add proxy clips" -msgstr[0] "Vekil klibi ekle" -msgstr[1] "Vekil klipleri ekle" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:1401 src/project/projectlist.cpp:2318 -msgid "Remove proxy clip" -msgid_plural "Remove proxy clips" -msgstr[0] "Vekil klibini kaldır" -msgstr[1] "Vekil kliplerini kaldır" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:62 src/mainwindow.cpp:1023 -msgid "DVD Wizard" -msgstr "DVD Sihirbazı" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:65 -msgid "Select Files For Your DVD" -msgstr "DVD'niz İçin Dosyaları Seçin" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:69 -msgid "DVD Chapters" -msgstr "DVD Bölümleri" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:75 -msgid "Create DVD Menu" -msgstr "DVD Menüsü Oluştur" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:79 -msgid "Creating DVD Image" -msgstr "DVD görüntüsü oluşturuluyor" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:104 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:111 -#, kde-format -msgid "Burn with %1" -msgstr "%1 ile yaz" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:114 -msgid "No burning program found (K3b, Brasero)" -msgstr "Hiçbir yazıcı yazılım (K3b, Brasero) bulunamadı" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:120 -msgid "Load" -msgstr "Yükle" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:121 -msgid "Save" -msgstr "Kaydet" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:188 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot create temporary directory %1" -msgstr "%1 geçici dizini oluşturulamıyor" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:271 -msgid "Menu movie is invalid" -msgstr "Menü filmi geçersiz" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:383 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:464 -msgid "Rendering job timed out" -msgstr "Hazırlama işi zaman aşımına uğradı" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:385 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:466 -msgid "Menu job timed out" -msgstr "Menü işi zamanan aşımı" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:674 -msgid "Rendering menu crashed" -msgstr "Hazırlama menüsü çöktü" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:710 -msgid "DVDAuthor process crashed" -msgstr "DVDAuthor süreci çöktü" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:713 -msgid "DVDAuthor process crashed.
" -msgstr "DVDAuthor süreci çöktü.
" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:737 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:738 -msgid "DVD structure broken" -msgstr "DVD yapısı bozuk" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:785 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:788 -msgid "ISO creation process crashed." -msgstr "ISO oluşturma işlemi başarısız." - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:817 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:818 -msgid "DVD ISO is broken" -msgstr "DVD ISO bozuk" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:832 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:834 -#, kde-format -msgid "DVD ISO image %1 successfully created." -msgstr "%1 DVD ISO'su başarıyla oluşturuldu." - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:864 -#, kde-format -msgid "Previewing requires one of these applications (%1)" -msgstr "Önizleme bu uygulamalardan birini gerektirir (%1)" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:888 -#, kde-format -msgid "Folder %1 already exists. Overwrite?\n" -msgstr "%1 dizini hali hazırda mevcut. Üzerine yazılsın mı?\n" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:890 -#, kde-format -msgid "Image file %1 already exists. Overwrite?" -msgstr "%1 resim dosyası hali hazırda mevcut. Üzerine yazılsın mı?" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:911 -msgid "Save DVD Project" -msgstr "DVD Projesini Kaydet" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:911 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:948 -msgid "DVD project (*.kdvd)" -msgstr "DVD projesi (*.kdvd)" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:957 -#, kde-format -msgid "File %1 is not a Kdenlive project file." -msgstr "%1 dosyası bir Kdenlive projesi değil." - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardmenu.cpp:42 src/monitor/monitor.cpp:185 -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:303 src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:79 -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:405 src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:444 -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:873 -msgid "Play" -msgstr "Oynat" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardmenu.cpp:54 -msgid "Add new button" -msgstr "Yeni düğme ekle" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardmenu.cpp:55 -msgid "Delete current button" -msgstr "Şu anki düğmeyi sil" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardmenu.cpp:300 -msgid "Play All" -msgstr "Tümünü Oynat" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:104 -#, kde-format -msgid "Program %1 is required for the DVD wizard." -msgstr "DVD sihirbazı için %1 programı gerekmektedir." - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:105 -msgid "mkisofs" -msgstr "mkisofs" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:105 -msgid "genisoimage" -msgstr "genisoimage" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:105 -#, kde-format -msgid "Program %1 or %2 is required for the DVD wizard." -msgstr "DVD sihirbazı için %1 veya %2 programı gerekmektedir." - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:111 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:316 -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:768 -msgid "PAL 4:3" -msgstr "PAL 4:3" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:111 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:313 -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:765 -msgid "PAL 16:9" -msgstr "PAL 16:9" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:111 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:310 -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:762 -msgid "NTSC 4:3" -msgstr "NTSC 4:3" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:111 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:307 -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:759 -msgid "NTSC 16:9" -msgstr "NTSC 4:3" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:138 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:791 -msgid "Your clips do not match selected DVD format, transcoding required." -msgstr "Klipleriniz seçilen DVD biçimi ile eşleşmiyor, dönüştürme gerekli." - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:210 src/project/cliptranscode.cpp:244 -msgid "Transcoding failed!" -msgstr "Kodlama dönüştürme işlemi başarısız oldu!" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:247 -msgid "MPEG Files" -msgstr "MPEG Dosyaları" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:248 -msgid "Add new video file" -msgstr "Yeni video dosyası ekle" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:337 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:779 -#, kde-format -msgid "The clip %1 is invalid." -msgstr "%1 klibi geçersiz." - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:674 -#: src/effectstack/collapsibleeffect.cpp:352 -#: src/effectstack/collapsiblegroup.cpp:178 src/monitor/monitor.cpp:845 -#: src/project/clipstabilize.cpp:222 src/project/cliptranscode.cpp:141 -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:297 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"File %1 already exists.\n" -"Do you want to overwrite it?" -msgstr "" -"%1 dosyası hali hazırda mevcut.\n" -"Üstüne yazmak istiyor musunuz?" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:699 -#, kde-format -msgid "Transcoding: %1" -msgstr "Kodlama dönüştürme: %1" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslist.cpp:197 -msgid "Author:" -msgstr "Yazar:" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:63 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Search in the effect list" -msgid "Search in effects list" -msgstr "Efekt listesinde ara" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:72 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Show/Hide the effect description" -msgid "Show/Hide effect description" -msgstr "Efekt açıklamasını göster/gizle" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:83 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Delete selected clip" -#| msgid_plural "Delete selected clips" -msgid "Add Effect to Selected Clip" -msgstr "Seçili klipleri sil" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:84 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Copy profile to favorites" -msgid "Add Effect to Favorites" -msgstr "Profili yer imlerine kopyala" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:85 -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:231 -#: src/effectstack/collapsibleeffect.cpp:70 -#: src/effectstack/collapsiblegroup.cpp:77 -msgid "Delete effect" -msgstr "Efekti sil" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:93 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Move transition" -msgid "Show all transitions" -msgstr "Geçişi taşı" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:94 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Move transition" -msgid "Show GPU transitions" -msgstr "Geçişi taşı" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:101 -msgid "Show all effects" -msgstr "Tüm efektleri göster" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:103 -msgid "Show video effects" -msgstr "Video efektlerini göster" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:105 -msgid "Show audio effects" -msgstr "Ses efektlerini göster" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:107 -msgid "Show GPU effects" -msgstr "GPU efektlerini göster" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:109 -msgid "Show custom effects" -msgstr "Özel efektleri göster" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:110 -msgid "Show favorite effects" -msgstr "Sık kullanılan efektleri göster" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:239 -msgid "Remove from favorites" -msgstr "Sık kullanılanlardan kaldır" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_audio) -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, abitrates) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_audiothumbnails) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, audio_thumbs) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, audiobitrateLabel) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, rec_audio) -#: src/effectslist/effectslistwidget.cpp:100 -#: src/effectslist/effectslistwidget.cpp:129 -#: src/effectslist/effectslistwidget.cpp:131 src/monitor/recmanager.cpp:57 -#: src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:39 -#: src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:121 -#: src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:155 -#: src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:194 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:131 -#: src/ui/configtimeline_ui.ui:38 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:224 -#: src/ui/recmonitor_ui.ui:107 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:195 -#: src/ui/saveprofile_ui.ui:67 -msgid "Audio" -msgstr "Ses" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistwidget.cpp:100 -#: src/effectslist/effectslistwidget.cpp:137 -#: src/effectslist/effectslistwidget.cpp:139 -#: src/effectslist/effectslistwidget.cpp:464 -msgctxt "Folder Name" -msgid "Custom" -msgstr "Özel" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistwidget.cpp:194 -msgctxt "menu name for effects names between these 2 letters" -msgid "0 - F" -msgstr "0 - F" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistwidget.cpp:196 -msgctxt "menu name for effects names between these 2 letters" -msgid "G - L" -msgstr "G - L" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistwidget.cpp:198 -msgctxt "menu name for effects names between these 2 letters" -msgid "M - R" -msgstr "M - R" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistwidget.cpp:200 -msgctxt "menu name for effects names between these 2 letters" -msgid "S - Z" -msgstr "S - Z" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:47 src/project/clipproperties.cpp:346 -#: src/project/dialogs/slideshowclip.cpp:72 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:59 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:153 -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:541 -msgid "None" -msgstr "Hiçbiri" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:363 -#, kde-format -msgid "Group %1" -msgstr "Grup %1" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:624 -msgid "None (Dissolve)" -msgstr "Hiç biri (Çözülür)" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, slide_luma) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, luma_fade) -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:706 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:292 -#: src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:203 -msgid "Wipe" -msgstr "Süpür" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:707 -msgid "Applies a stationary transition between the current and next frames." -msgstr "Şİmdiki ve sonraki kareler arassında sabit bir geçiş uygular." - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:710 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:785 -msgctxt "@property: means that the image is inverted" -msgid "Invert" -msgstr "Tersine çevir" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:711 -msgid "Image File" -msgstr "Resim dosyası" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:712 -msgid "Reverse Transition" -msgstr "Geçişi Ters Çevir-" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:716 src/timeline/headertrack.cpp:89 -#: src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:74 -msgid "Composite" -msgstr "Birleştir" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:717 -msgid "A key-framable alpha-channel compositor for two frames." -msgstr "İki kare için anahtarkareleştirilebilir alfa kanalı birleştiricisi" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:719 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:764 -msgid "Alpha Channel Operation" -msgstr "Alfa Kanal İşlemi" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:719 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:764 -msgid "Over,And,Or,Xor" -msgstr "Üzerine,Ve,Veya,XVeya" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:720 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:765 -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:785 -msgid "Align" -msgstr "Hizala" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:723 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:768 -msgid "Wipe File" -msgstr "Dosyayı Temizle" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:724 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:769 -msgid "Wipe Softness" -msgstr "Yumuşaklığı Temizle" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:725 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:770 -msgid "Wipe Invert" -msgstr "Dönüştürmeyi Sıfırla" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:726 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:771 -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:785 -msgid "Force Progressive Rendering" -msgstr "Aşamalı Hazırlamayı Zorla" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:727 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:772 -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:785 -msgid "Force Deinterlace Overlay" -msgstr "Çözme Bindirmesini Zorla" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:729 -msgid "Affine" -msgstr "Afin" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:753 -msgid "Fix Shear Y" -msgstr "Y Kırpmasını Onar" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:754 -msgid "Fix Shear X" -msgstr "X Kırpmasını Onar" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:755 -msgid "Fix Shear Z" -msgstr "Z Kırpmasını Onar" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:761 -msgid "Use alpha channel of another clip to create a transition." -msgstr "Bir geçiş oluşturmak için diğer klibin alfa kanalını kullan." - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:762 -msgid "Transparency clip" -msgstr "Şeffaflık klibi" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:785 -msgid "Slide" -msgstr "Slayt" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:785 -msgid "Slide image from one side to another." -msgstr "Resmi bir taraftan diğer tarafa kaydır." - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:785 -msgid "Direction" -msgstr "Yön" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, slide_fade) -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:790 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:262 -#: src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:167 -msgid "Dissolve" -msgstr "Çözünme" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:790 -msgid "Fade out one video while fading in the other video." -msgstr "Diğer videoya giriş yaparken önceki videodan yavaşça çık" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:790 -msgid "Reverse" -msgstr "Tersine çevir" - -#: src/effectstack/collapsibleeffect.cpp:64 -#: src/effectstack/collapsiblegroup.cpp:72 -msgid "Move effect up" -msgstr "Efekti yukarı taşı" - -#: src/effectstack/collapsibleeffect.cpp:67 -#: src/effectstack/collapsiblegroup.cpp:74 -msgid "Move effect down" -msgstr "Efekti aşağı taşı" - -#: src/effectstack/collapsibleeffect.cpp:82 -msgid "Reset Effect" -msgstr "Efekti Sıfırla" - -#: src/effectstack/collapsibleeffect.cpp:83 -#: src/effectstack/collapsibleeffect.cpp:345 -msgid "Save Effect" -msgstr "Efekti Kaydet" - -#: src/effectstack/collapsibleeffect.cpp:91 -#: src/effectstack/collapsiblegroup.cpp:89 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Disable effect" -#| msgid_plural "Disable effects" -msgid "Disable Effect" -msgstr "Efekti devre dışı bırak" - -#: src/effectstack/collapsibleeffect.cpp:91 -#: src/effectstack/collapsiblegroup.cpp:89 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Enable effect" -#| msgid_plural "Enable effects" -msgid "Enable Effect" -msgstr "Efekti etkinleştir" - -#: src/effectstack/collapsibleeffect.cpp:96 -msgid "Create Group" -msgstr "Grup Oluştur" - -#: src/effectstack/collapsibleeffect.cpp:136 -msgid "Create Region" -msgstr "Bölge Oluştur" - -#: src/effectstack/collapsibleeffect.cpp:345 -msgid "Name for saved effect: " -msgstr "Saklanan efekt için isim:" - -#: src/effectstack/collapsiblegroup.cpp:68 -#: src/effectstack/collapsiblegroup.cpp:383 -msgid "Effect Group" -msgstr "Efekt Grubu" - -#: src/effectstack/collapsiblegroup.cpp:81 -msgid "Reset Group" -msgstr "Grubu Sıfırla" - -#: src/effectstack/collapsiblegroup.cpp:82 -#: src/effectstack/collapsiblegroup.cpp:171 -msgid "Save Group" -msgstr "Grubu Kaydet" - -#: src/effectstack/collapsiblegroup.cpp:84 -msgid "Ungroup" -msgstr "Gruplandırmayı çöz" - -#: src/effectstack/collapsiblegroup.cpp:171 -msgid "Name for saved group: " -msgstr "Kaydedilen efekt için isim: " - -#: src/effectstack/complexparameter.cpp:36 -msgid "Allow horizontal moves" -msgstr "Yatay hareketlere izin ver" - -#: src/effectstack/complexparameter.cpp:38 -msgid "Allow vertical moves" -msgstr "Dikey hareketlere izin ver" - -#: src/effectstack/complexparameter.cpp:40 -msgid "Show keyframes in timeline" -msgstr "Zaman tünelinde anahtarkareleri göster" - -#: src/effectstack/complexparameter.cpp:42 -msgid "Parameter info" -msgstr "Parametre bilgisi" - -#: src/effectstack/complexparameter.cpp:44 src/effectstack/geometryval.cpp:81 -#: src/effectstack/keyframeedit.cpp:47 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:84 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:417 -#: src/simplekeyframes/simplekeyframewidget.cpp:42 -#: src/simplekeyframes/simplekeyframewidget.cpp:132 -msgid "Add keyframe" -msgstr "Anahtarkare ekle" - -#: src/effectstack/dragvalue.cpp:109 -msgid "Normal scale" -msgstr "Normal ölçek" - -#: src/effectstack/dragvalue.cpp:110 -msgid "Pixel scale" -msgstr "Piksel ölçeği" - -#: src/effectstack/dragvalue.cpp:111 -msgid "Nonlinear scale" -msgstr "Doğrusal olmayan ölçek" - -#: src/effectstack/dragvalue.cpp:115 -msgid "Direct update" -msgstr "Doğrudan güncelleme" - -#: src/effectstack/dragvalue.cpp:120 -msgid "Reset value" -msgstr "Değeri sıfırla" - -#: src/effectstack/dragvalue.cpp:125 -#, kde-format -msgid "Show %1 in timeline" -msgstr "%1 klibini zaman tünelinde göster" - -#: src/effectstack/effectstackview2.cpp:71 -msgid "Enable/Disable all effects" -msgstr "Tüm efektleri aç/kapat" - -#: src/effectstack/effectstackview2.cpp:73 -msgid "Show additional information for the parameters" -msgstr "Parametreler için ek bilgileri göster" - -#: src/effectstack/effectstackview2.cpp:174 -#: src/effectstack/effectstackview2.cpp:176 -#: src/effectstack/effectstackview2.cpp:179 -#, kde-format -msgid "Effects for %1" -msgstr "%1 için efektler" - -#: src/effectstack/effectstackview2.cpp:229 -#: src/effectstack/effectstackview2.cpp:231 -#: src/effectstack/effectstackview2.cpp:234 -#, kde-format -msgid "Bin effects for %1" -msgstr "%1 için Bin efektleri" - -#: src/effectstack/effectstackview2.cpp:276 -#, kde-format -msgid "Effects for track %1" -msgstr "%1 izi için efektler" - -#: src/effectstack/geometryval.cpp:77 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:81 -#: src/simplekeyframes/simplekeyframewidget.cpp:52 -msgid "Go to next keyframe" -msgstr "Sonraki anahtarkareye git" - -#: src/effectstack/geometryval.cpp:79 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:78 -#: src/simplekeyframes/simplekeyframewidget.cpp:47 -msgid "Go to previous keyframe" -msgstr "Önceki anahtarkareye git" - -#: src/effectstack/geometryval.cpp:83 src/effectstack/keyframeedit.cpp:49 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:423 -#: src/simplekeyframes/simplekeyframewidget.cpp:129 -msgid "Delete keyframe" -msgstr "Anahtarkareyi sil" - -#: src/effectstack/geometryval.cpp:85 src/monitor/monitor.cpp:206 -msgid "Misc..." -msgstr "Çeşitli..." - -#: src/effectstack/geometryval.cpp:89 -msgid "Show/Hide options" -msgstr "Seçenekleri göster/gizle" - -#: src/effectstack/geometryval.cpp:97 -msgid "Sync timeline cursor" -msgstr "Zaman tüneli imlecini eşzamanla" - -#: src/effectstack/geometryval.cpp:116 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:343 -msgid "Align item horizontally" -msgstr "Ögeleri yatay olarak hizala" - -#: src/effectstack/geometryval.cpp:118 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:345 -msgid "Align item vertically" -msgstr "Ögeleri dikey olarak hizala" - -#: src/effectstack/geometryval.cpp:120 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:347 -msgid "Align item to top" -msgstr "Ögeyi yukarı hizala" - -#: src/effectstack/geometryval.cpp:122 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:349 -msgid "Align item to bottom" -msgstr "Ögeyi aşağı hizala" - -#: src/effectstack/geometryval.cpp:124 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:351 -msgid "Align item to right" -msgstr "Sağa hizala" - -#: src/effectstack/geometryval.cpp:126 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:353 -msgid "Align item to left" -msgstr "Sola hizala" - -#: src/effectstack/parametercontainer.cpp:467 -msgid "" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/bezier/beziersplinewidget.cpp:67 -msgid "Handle 1:" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/bezier/beziersplinewidget.cpp:70 -msgid "Handle 2:" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/colorpickerwidget.cpp:71 -msgid "" -"Pick a color on the screen. By pressing the mouse button and then moving " -"your mouse you can select a section of the screen from which to get an " -"average color." -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/colorpickerwidget.cpp:101 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/colorpickerwidget.cpp:125 -msgid "Requesting color information..." -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/colorpickerwidget.cpp:134 -msgid "Calculated average color for rectangle." -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:96 -msgctxt "x axis position" -msgid "X" -msgstr "X" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:99 -msgctxt "y axis position" -msgid "Y" -msgstr "Y" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:102 -msgctxt "Frame width" -msgid "W" -msgstr "W" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:105 -msgctxt "Frame height" -msgid "H" -msgstr "H" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:111 -msgid "Adjust to original size" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:113 -msgid "Fit to width" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:115 -msgid "Fit to height" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:118 -msgid "Import keyframes from clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:121 -msgid "Reset all keyframes" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:125 -msgid "Reset keyframes after cursor" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:128 -msgid "Reset keyframes before cursor" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:133 -msgid "Synchronize with timeline cursor" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:139 -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:244 -msgid "Align left" -msgstr "سولغا توغرىلا" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:141 -msgid "Center horizontally" -msgstr "توغرا يۆنىلىشتە ئوتتۇرىغا توغرىلا" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:143 -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:243 -msgid "Align right" -msgstr "ئوڭغا توغرىلا" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:145 -msgid "Align top" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:147 -msgid "Center vertically" -msgstr "تىك يۆنىلىشتە ئوتتۇرىغا توغرىلا" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:149 -msgid "Align bottom" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:154 -#: src/ui/clipstabilize_ui.ui:30 -msgid "Options" -msgstr "تاللانما" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (suffix), widget (QSpinBox, spinResize) -#. i18n: ectx: property (suffix), widget (QSpinBox, kcfg_volume) -#. i18n: ectx: property (suffix), widget (QSpinBox, zoom_spin) -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:208 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:211 -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:125 src/ui/configsdl_ui.ui:89 -#: src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:226 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:611 -#, no-c-format -msgid "%" -msgstr "%" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/lumaliftgain.cpp:61 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Green" -msgid "Lift" -msgstr "يېشىل" - -#: src/hidetitlebars.cpp:21 -msgid "Show Title Bars" -msgstr "" - -#: src/layoutmanagement.cpp:27 -msgid "Layouts" -msgstr "جايلاشتۇرۇشلار" - -#: src/layoutmanagement.cpp:28 -msgid "Load Layout" -msgstr "" - -#: src/layoutmanagement.cpp:30 -#, kde-format -msgid "Layout %1" -msgstr "" - -#: src/layoutmanagement.cpp:34 -#, kde-format -msgid "Save As Layout %1" -msgstr "" - -#: src/layoutmanagement.cpp:69 -#, kde-format -msgid "Save as %1" -msgstr "%1 سۈپىتىدە ساقلا" - -#: src/layoutmanagement.cpp:101 -msgid "Save Layout" -msgstr "" - -#: src/layoutmanagement.cpp:101 -msgid "Layout name:" -msgstr "" - -#: src/lib/audio/audioCorrelation.cpp:43 -msgid "Audio analysis finished" -msgstr "" - -#: src/main.cpp:48 -msgid "Kdenlive" -msgstr "Kdenlive" - -#: src/main.cpp:49 -msgid "An open source video editor." -msgstr "" - -#: src/main.cpp:51 -msgid "Copyright © 2007–2015 Kdenlive authors" -msgstr "" - -#: src/main.cpp:52 -msgid "Please report bugs to http://bugs.kde.org" -msgstr "" - -#: src/main.cpp:54 -msgid "Jean-Baptiste Mardelle" -msgstr "" - -#: src/main.cpp:54 -msgid "MLT and KDE SC 4 / KF5 port, main developer and maintainer" -msgstr "" - -#: src/main.cpp:55 -msgid "Vincent Pinon" -msgstr "" - -#: src/main.cpp:55 -msgid "" -"Interim maintainer, KF5 port, bugs fixing, minor functions, profiles " -"updates, etc." -msgstr "" - -#: src/main.cpp:56 -msgid "Laurent Montel" -msgstr "Laurent Montel" - -#: src/main.cpp:56 -msgid "Bugs fixing, clean up code, optimization etc." -msgstr "" - -#: src/main.cpp:57 -msgid "Marco Gittler" -msgstr "" - -#: src/main.cpp:57 -msgid "MLT transitions and effects, timeline, audio thumbs" -msgstr "" - -#: src/main.cpp:58 -msgid "Dan Dennedy" -msgstr "" - -#: src/main.cpp:58 src/main.cpp:60 src/main.cpp:63 src/main.cpp:64 -msgid "Bug fixing, etc." -msgstr "" - -#: src/main.cpp:59 -msgid "Simon A. Eugster" -msgstr "" - -#: src/main.cpp:59 -msgid "Color scopes, bug fixing, etc." -msgstr "" - -#: src/main.cpp:60 -msgid "Till Theato" -msgstr "" - -#: src/main.cpp:61 -msgid "Alberto Villa" -msgstr "" - -#: src/main.cpp:61 -msgid "Bug fixing, logo, etc." -msgstr "" - -#: src/main.cpp:62 -msgid "Jean-Michel Poure" -msgstr "" - -#: src/main.cpp:62 -msgid "Rendering profiles customization" -msgstr "" - -#: src/main.cpp:63 -msgid "Ray Lehtiniemi" -msgstr "" - -#: src/main.cpp:64 -msgid "Steve Guilford" -msgstr "" - -#: src/main.cpp:65 -msgid "Jason Wood" -msgstr "" - -#: src/main.cpp:65 -msgid "Original KDE 3 version author (not active anymore)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/main.cpp:66 -msgid "NAME OF TRANSLATORS" -msgstr "" - -#: src/main.cpp:66 -msgid "EMAIL OF TRANSLATORS" -msgstr "" - -#: src/main.cpp:86 -msgid "Set the path for MLT environment" -msgstr "" - -#: src/main.cpp:87 -msgid "Comma separated list of clips to add" -msgstr "" - -#: src/main.cpp:88 -msgid "Document to open" -msgstr "ئاچىدىغان پۈتۈك" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:148 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Themes" -msgid "Theme" -msgstr "ئۆرنەكلەر" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:177 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Project Settings" -msgid "Project Bin" -msgstr "قۇرۇلۇش تەڭشىكى" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, properties) -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:216 src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:395 -#: src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:43 -msgid "Properties" -msgstr "خاسلىق" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:219 src/mainwindow.cpp:280 -msgid "Effects" -msgstr "ئۈنۈملەر" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:222 src/mainwindow.cpp:284 src/mainwindow.cpp:1272 -msgid "Transitions" -msgstr "ئالماشتۇر" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:225 -msgid "Clip Monitor" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:226 -msgid "Project Monitor" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:228 -msgid "Record Monitor" -msgstr "ئۈنئالغۇ كۆزەتكۈچ" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:233 -msgid "Clean" -msgstr "پاكىز" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:235 -msgid "Undo History" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:263 -msgid "Stop Motion" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, capture_button) -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:264 src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:105 -msgid "Capture frame" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:267 -msgid "Switch live / captured frame" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:270 -msgid "Show last frame over video" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:283 -msgid "Add Transition" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:315 src/mainwindow.cpp:316 src/mainwindow.cpp:325 -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:326 src/mainwindow.cpp:330 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Favorites" -msgid "Favorite Effects" -msgstr "يىغقۇچ" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:563 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"You have 1 rendering job waiting in the queue.\n" -"What do you want to do with this job?" -msgid_plural "" -"You have %1 rendering jobs waiting in the queue.\n" -"What do you want to do with these jobs?" -msgstr[0] "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:563 -msgid "Start them now" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:563 -msgid "Delete them" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:784 -msgid "Normal mode" -msgstr "ئادەتتىكى ھالەت" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:785 -msgctxt "Normal editing" -msgid "n" -msgstr "n" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:790 -msgid "Overwrite mode" -msgstr "قاپلاش مودېلى" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:796 -msgid "Insert mode" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:815 -msgid "Selection tool" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:816 -msgctxt "Selection tool shortcut" -msgid "s" -msgstr "s" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:821 -msgid "Razor tool" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:822 -msgctxt "Razor tool shortcut" -msgid "x" -msgstr "x" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:827 -msgid "Spacer tool" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:828 -msgctxt "Spacer tool shortcut" -msgid "m" -msgstr "مېتىر" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:869 -msgid "Fit zoom to project" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:873 -msgid "Zoom Out" -msgstr "كىچىكلىتىش" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:887 -msgid "Zoom In" -msgstr "چوڭايت" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:915 -msgid "Split audio and video automatically" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, videothumbs) -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:921 src/ui/wizardextra_ui.ui:35 -msgid "Show video thumbnails" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, audiothumbs) -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:927 src/ui/wizardextra_ui.ui:42 -msgid "Show audio thumbnails" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:933 -msgid "Show markers comments" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:938 -msgid "Snap" -msgstr "توغرىلا" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, tc_type) -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:972 src/project/clipproperties.cpp:372 -#: src/project/dialogs/slideshowclip.cpp:89 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:284 -msgid "hh:mm:ss:ff" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, tc_type) -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:973 src/project/clipproperties.cpp:373 -#: src/project/dialogs/slideshowclip.cpp:90 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:289 -msgid "Frames" -msgstr "كاندۇكلار" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1002 -msgid "Manage Project Profiles" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1003 -msgid "Download New Wipes..." -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1004 -msgid "Download New Render Profiles..." -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1005 -msgid "Download New Project Profiles..." -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1006 -msgid "Download New Title Templates..." -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1008 -msgid "Run Config Wizard" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, ProjectSettings_UI) -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1009 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Project Settings" -msgstr "قۇرۇلۇش تەڭشىكى" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1010 -msgid "Render" -msgstr "رەڭلە" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1012 -msgid "Clean Project" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1016 -msgid "Play Zone" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1018 -msgid "Loop Zone" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1020 -msgid "Loop selected clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1024 -msgid "Transcode Clips" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1025 src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:55 -msgid "Archive Project" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1026 -msgid "Switch monitor" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1027 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6364 -msgid "Expand Clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1029 -msgid "Monitor Info Overlay" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1035 -msgid "Real Time (drop frames)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1040 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Monitor" -msgid "Monitor Gamma" -msgstr "ئېكران" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1041 -msgid "sRGB (computer)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1042 -msgid "Rec. 709 (TV)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1047 -msgid "Insert Zone in Project Bin" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1048 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Timeline" -msgid "Insert Zone in Timeline" -msgstr "ۋاقىت سىزىقى" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1050 -msgid "Resize Item Start" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1055 -msgid "Resize Item End" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1060 -msgid "Go to Previous Snap Point" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1062 -msgid "Go to Clip Start" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1063 -msgid "Go to Clip End" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1064 -msgid "Go to Next Snap Point" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1066 -msgid "Delete Selected Item" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1067 -msgid "Align Playhead to Mouse Position" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1069 -msgid "Automatic Transition" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1076 -msgid "Group Clips" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1078 -msgid "Ungroup Clips" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1083 -msgid "Edit Duration" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1084 src/mainwindow.cpp:3232 -msgid "Save clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1085 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Project Settings" -msgid "Clip in Project Bin" -msgstr "قۇرۇلۇش تەڭشىكى" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1086 -msgid "Insert Clip Zone in Timeline (Overwrite)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1087 -msgid "Select Clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1088 -msgid "Deselect Clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1089 -msgid "Add Clip To Selection" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1091 -msgid "Select Transition" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1093 -msgid "Deselect Transition" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1095 -msgid "Add Transition To Selection" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, CutJobDialog_UI) -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1097 src/ui/cutjobdialog_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Cut Clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1098 src/mainwindow.cpp:1833 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:729 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:803 -msgid "Add Marker" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1099 -msgid "Delete Marker" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1100 -msgid "Delete All Markers" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1102 src/mainwindow.cpp:1921 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:702 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:827 -msgid "Edit Marker" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1105 -msgid "Add Marker/Guide quickly" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1108 -msgid "Split Audio" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1112 -msgid "Set Audio Reference" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1116 -msgid "Align Audio to Reference" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1120 -msgid "Audio Only" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1125 -msgid "Video Only" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1130 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7007 -msgid "Audio and Video" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1142 -msgid "Insert Space" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1143 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:3426 -msgid "Remove Space" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1146 -msgid "Insert Track" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1150 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6556 -#: src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:94 -msgid "Delete Track" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, TracksConfigDialog_UI) -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1155 src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:250 -#: src/ui/tracksconfigdialog_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Configure Tracks" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1159 -msgid "Select All in Current Track" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1170 src/timeline/customruler.cpp:85 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5781 -msgid "Add Guide" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1171 src/timeline/customruler.cpp:89 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:231 -msgid "Delete Guide" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1172 src/timeline/customruler.cpp:87 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:235 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5815 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5829 -msgid "Edit Guide" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1173 src/timeline/customruler.cpp:91 -msgid "Delete All Guides" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1175 -msgid "Paste Effects" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1180 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Color Selection" -msgid "Save Selection" -msgstr "رەڭ تاللاش" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1208 -msgid "Add Clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1210 -msgid "Add Color Clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1213 src/project/dialogs/slideshowclip.cpp:41 -msgid "Add Slideshow Clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1216 -msgid "Add Title Clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1219 -msgid "Add Template Title" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1223 -msgid "Create Folder" -msgstr "قىسقۇچ قۇر" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1224 -msgid "Online Resources" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, ClipProperties_UI) -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1226 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Clip Properties" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1230 -msgid "Edit Clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1238 -msgid "Reload Clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1242 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "No Effect" -msgid "Disable Timeline Effects" -msgstr "ئۈنۈم يوق" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1247 -msgid "Duplicate Clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1259 -msgid "Ripple Delete" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1389 -msgid "" -"You have changed the proxy parameters. Do you want to recreate all proxy " -"clips for this project?" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1487 -msgid "This will remove all unused clips from your project." -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1487 -msgid "Clean up project" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1647 -msgctxt "general keyboard shortcuts" -msgid "General" -msgstr "ئادەتتىكى" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1827 src/mainwindow.cpp:1945 -msgid "Cannot find clip to add marker" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1859 src/mainwindow.cpp:1886 src/mainwindow.cpp:1909 -msgid "Cannot find clip to remove marker" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1866 src/mainwindow.cpp:1916 -msgid "No marker found at cursor time" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2194 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot find effect %1 / %2" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2252 -#, kde-format -msgid "Zoom Level: %1/13" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2378 -msgid "Ctrl + click to use spacer on current track only" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2381 -msgid "Click on a clip to cut it" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2384 -msgid "" -"Shift + click to create a selection rectangle, Ctrl + click to add an item " -"to selection" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2707 -msgid "Stabilize" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2719 -msgid "Automatic scene split" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2729 src/project/jobs/filterjob.cpp:83 -msgid "Reverse clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2736 -msgid "Analyse keyframes" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2751 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Transitions" -msgid "Transcoders" -msgstr "ئالماشتۇر" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2784 -msgid "Interface" -msgstr "ئارايۈز" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2821 -msgid "No clip to transcode" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2834 -msgid "Files to transcode" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2867 -msgid "Create Render Script" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2877 -msgid "Script file already exists. Do you want to overwrite it?" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2923 -msgctxt "the first in a list of chapters" -msgid "Start" -msgstr "باشلاش" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:3200 -msgid "Archiving project" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:3229 -msgid "Select a clip to save" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:3232 src/renderer.cpp:1386 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7865 -msgid "MLT playlist (*.mlt)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mltconnection.cpp:51 -msgid "Cannot find the melt program required for rendering (part of MLT)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mltconnection.cpp:83 -msgid "Cannot find your MLT profiles, please give the path" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:87 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:476 src/project/projectcommands.cpp:166 -msgid "Edit marker" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:88 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Export metadata" -msgid "Export markers" -msgstr "مېتا سانلىق-مەلۇماتنى ئېكسپورت قىلىدۇ" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:89 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Import" -msgid "Import markers" -msgstr "ئىمپورت قىل" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:115 -msgid "Analysis data" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:118 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Delete Folder" -msgid "Delete analysis" -msgstr "قىسقۇچ ئۆچۈر" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:119 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Export metadata" -msgid "Export analysis" -msgstr "مېتا سانلىق-مەلۇماتنى ئېكسپورت قىلىدۇ" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:120 -msgid "Import analysis" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, clip_transparency) -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:166 -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:842 -msgid "Transparent" -msgstr "سۈزۈك" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:181 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Aspect ratio:" -msgid "Aspect Ratio" -msgstr "ئۇزۇنلۇق كەڭلىك نىسبىتى:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_18) -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:236 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:618 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:623 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:679 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:440 -#: src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:86 -msgid "Frame rate" -msgstr "كاندۇك تېزلىكى" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_5) -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:260 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:634 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:686 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:105 -msgid "Scanning" -msgstr "تەكشۈرۈۋاتىدۇ" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:282 -msgid "Field order" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:286 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:129 -msgid "Bottom first" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:287 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:130 -msgid "Top first" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:304 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Threshold" -msgid "Threads" -msgstr "بوسۇغا قىممىتى" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, clip_force_vindex) -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:320 -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:693 -msgid "Video index" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, clip_force_aindex) -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:336 -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:720 -msgid "Audio index" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_12) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_32) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_15) -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:350 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:644 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:696 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:294 -#: src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:222 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:149 -msgid "Colorspace" -msgstr "رەڭ بوشلۇقى" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, clip_full_luma) -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:380 -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:772 -msgid "Full luma range" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:399 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Properties" -msgid "Force properties" -msgstr "خاسلىق" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_5) -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_3) -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:401 -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:511 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:349 -msgid "Metadata" -msgstr "مېتا سانلىق-مەلۇماتى" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:403 -msgid "Analysis" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:609 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:671 src/project/clipproperties.cpp:673 -msgid "Video codec" -msgstr "كۆرۈش چاستوتا كودېك" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:613 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:676 -msgid "Frame size" -msgstr "كاندۇك چوڭلۇقى" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:630 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Bitrate" -msgid "Video bitrate" -msgstr "بايت نىسبىتى" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:630 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:664 -#, fuzzy -#| msgctxt "Selection tool shortcut" -#| msgid "s" -msgctxt "seconds" -msgid "s" -msgstr "s" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_9) -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:641 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:690 src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:120 -msgid "Pixel aspect ratio" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:642 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:693 -msgid "Pixel format" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:651 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:243 -msgid "Audio codec" -msgstr "ئاۋاز كودېك" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:659 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Frequency" -msgid "Audio frequency" -msgstr "چاستوتا" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:664 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Bitrate" -msgid "Audio bitrate" -msgstr "بايت نىسبىتى" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:760 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:788 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:813 -msgid "Exif" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:832 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:854 -msgid "Magic Lantern" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:893 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:858 -msgid "Save Analysis Data" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:893 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:904 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:858 src/project/clipproperties.cpp:869 -msgid "Text File (*.txt)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:904 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:869 -msgid "Open Analysis Data" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:183 -msgid "Play..." -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:185 src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:303 -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:310 src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:449 -msgid "Pause" -msgstr "ۋاقىتلىق توختا" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:210 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:210 -msgid "Go to marker..." -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:215 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Font Size" -msgid "Force Monitor Size" -msgstr "خەت چوڭلۇقى" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:216 -msgid "Force 100%" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:218 -msgid "Force 50%" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:220 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Frame size" -msgid "Free Resize" -msgstr "كاندۇك چوڭلۇقى" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:233 -msgid "Audio volume" -msgstr "ئۈن ئاۋاز مىقدارى" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:248 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Split view" -msgid "Split" -msgstr "كۆرۈنۈش پارچىلا" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:248 -msgid "Unsplit" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:281 src/monitor/monitoreditwidget.cpp:58 -msgid "Show/Hide edit mode" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:400 -msgid "Save zone" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:401 -msgid "Extract Zone" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:404 -msgid "Extract frame" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:408 -msgid "Split view" -msgstr "كۆرۈنۈش پارچىلا" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:412 -msgid "Set current image as thumbnail" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:416 -msgid "Overlay audio waveform" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:453 -msgid "Your screen resolution is not sufficient for this action" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:838 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Image" -msgid "Save Image" -msgstr "سۈرەت" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:894 -msgid "In Point" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:896 -msgid "Out Point" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:1520 -msgid "Select a clip in project bin to compare effect" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:1524 -msgid "Clip has no effects" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:1533 -msgid "" -"The scal0tilt filter is required for that feature, please install frei0r and " -"restart Kdenlive" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:1540 -msgid "" -"The cairoblend transition is required for that feature, please install " -"frei0r and restart Kdenlive" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitoreditwidget.cpp:64 -msgid "Update parameters while monitor scene changes" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitoreditwidget.cpp:68 -msgid "Fit zoom to monitor size" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitoreditwidget.cpp:70 -msgid "Original size" -msgstr "ئەسلى چوڭلۇقى" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:326 -msgid "Switch monitor fullscreen" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:331 src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:76 -msgid "Rewind" -msgstr "كەينىگە" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:336 -msgid "Rewind 1 Frame" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:341 -msgid "Rewind 1 Second" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:346 src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:85 -msgid "Forward" -msgstr "ئالدى" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:351 -msgid "Go to Project Start" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:356 -msgid "Go to Project End" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:361 -msgid "Forward 1 Frame" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:366 -msgid "Forward 1 Second" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:371 -msgid "Deinterlacer" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:372 -msgid "One Field (fast)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:373 -msgid "Linear Blend (fast)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:374 -msgid "YADIF - temporal only (good)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:375 -msgid "YADIF - temporal + spacial (best)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:384 -msgid "Nearest Neighbor (fast)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:385 -msgid "Bilinear (good)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:386 -msgid "Bicubic (better)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:387 -msgid "Hyper/Lanczos (best)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:395 -msgid "Go to Zone Start" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:400 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Monitor" -msgid "Mute monitor" -msgstr "ئېكران" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:400 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Settings" -msgid "Unmute monitor" -msgstr "تەڭشەكلەر" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:406 -msgid "Go to Zone End" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:411 -msgid "Set Zone In" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:416 -msgid "Set Zone Out" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_preview) -#: src/monitor/recmanager.cpp:48 src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:147 -#: src/ui/freesound_ui.ui:144 src/utils/archiveorg.cpp:181 -#: src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:158 src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:263 -#: src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:277 src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:575 -msgid "Preview" -msgstr "ئالدىن كۆزەت" - -#: src/monitor/recmanager.cpp:52 src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:88 -msgid "Record" -msgstr "خاتىرە" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_video) -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, vbitrates) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, background_list) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_videothumbnails) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, video_thumbs) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, bitrateLabel) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, rec_video) -#: src/monitor/recmanager.cpp:56 src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:38 -#: src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:153 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:86 -#: src/ui/configtimeline_ui.ui:29 src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:207 -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:217 src/ui/recmonitor_ui.ui:100 -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:169 src/ui/saveprofile_ui.ui:20 -msgid "Video" -msgstr "سىن" - -#: src/monitor/recmanager.cpp:68 src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:135 -#, fuzzy, kde-format -#| msgid "Monitor" -msgid "Monitor %1" -msgstr "ئېكران" - -#: src/monitor/recmanager.cpp:80 -msgid "Webcam" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_3) -#: src/monitor/recmanager.cpp:81 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:427 -msgid "Screen Grab" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/recmanager.cpp:86 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Configure" -msgid "Configure Recording" -msgstr "سەپلە" - -#: src/monitor/recmanager.cpp:89 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Record Monitor" -msgid "Show Record Control" -msgstr "ئۈنئالغۇ كۆزەتكۈچ" - -#: src/monitor/recmanager.cpp:198 src/monitor/recmanager.cpp:279 -#: src/monitor/recmanager.cpp:284 src/monitor/recmanager.cpp:390 -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:879 src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:886 -msgid "Capture crashed, please check your parameters" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/recmanager.cpp:265 src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:753 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Failed to start the capture application:\n" -"%1" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:73 src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:862 -msgid "Connect" -msgstr "باغلان" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:82 src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:249 -#: src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:262 src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:271 -msgid "Stop" -msgstr "توختا" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:94 -msgid "Add Captured File to Project" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:102 -msgid "Recording Preview" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:110 src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:245 -msgid "Configure" -msgstr "سەپلە" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:202 -msgid "" -"You need to disconnect and reconnect in the capture monitor to apply your " -"changes" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:202 src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:203 -msgid "Capturing" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:203 -msgid "You need to stop capture before your changes can be applied" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:256 -msgid "" -"ffmpeg or avconv not found,\n" -" please install it for screen grabs" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:262 -msgid "" -"Your FFmpeg / Libav installation\n" -" does not support screen grab" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:265 src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:888 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Press record button\n" -"to start screen capture\n" -"Files will be saved in:\n" -"%1" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:283 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Plug your camcorder and\n" -"press play button\n" -"to start preview.\n" -"Files will be saved in:\n" -"%1" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:296 -msgid "" -"dvgrab utility not found,\n" -" please install it for firewire capture" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:320 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Plug your camcorder and\n" -"press connect button\n" -"to initialize connection\n" -"Files will be saved in:\n" -"%1" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:355 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Cannot read from device %1\n" -"Please check drivers and access rights." -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:358 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Press play or record button\n" -"to start video capture\n" -"Files will be saved in:\n" -"%1" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:370 -msgid "Disconnect" -msgstr "ئۈز" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:423 -msgid "Capture stopped" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:523 -msgid "" -"Failed to start Video4Linux,\n" -"check your parameters..." -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:539 src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:701 -msgid "" -"Failed to start Decklink,\n" -"check your parameters..." -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:677 -msgid "" -"Failed to start ffmpeg capture,\n" -"check your parameters..." -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:695 -#, kde-format -msgid "Capturing to %1" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:702 -msgid "Failed to start capture" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:766 -msgid "Initialising..." -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:782 -msgid "Show log" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, video_frame) -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:882 src/ui/recmonitor_ui.ui:35 -msgid "Not connected" -msgstr "باغلانمىغان" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:971 -#, kde-format -msgid "Free space: %1" -msgstr "بىكار بوشلۇق: %1" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:1014 -#, kde-format -msgid "%1 dropped frames" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/smallruler.cpp:201 src/timeline/customruler.cpp:233 -#: src/timeline/customruler.cpp:234 -#, kde-format -msgid "Zone start: %1" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/smallruler.cpp:205 src/timeline/customruler.cpp:237 -#: src/timeline/customruler.cpp:238 -#, kde-format -msgid "Zone end: %1" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/smallruler.cpp:236 src/timeline/customruler.cpp:241 -#: src/timeline/customruler.cpp:242 -#, kde-format -msgid "Zone duration: %1" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/smallruler.cpp:238 src/timeline/customruler.cpp:245 -#: src/timeline/customruler.cpp:246 -#, kde-format -msgid "Position: %1" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/clipmanager.cpp:220 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Delete Folder" -msgid "Delete subclip" -msgid_plural "Delete subclips" -msgstr[0] "قىسقۇچ ئۆچۈر" - -#: src/project/clipmanager.cpp:223 src/project/projectcommands.cpp:74 -msgid "Delete folder" -msgid_plural "Delete folders" -msgstr[0] "" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:200 -msgid "Libav" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_8) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, kcfg_defaultcapture) -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_2) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, device_selector) -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:204 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:42 -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:181 src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:105 -#: src/ui/recmonitor_ui.ui:139 -msgid "FFmpeg" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_11) -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:246 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:187 -#: src/utils/freesound.cpp:207 -msgid "Channels" -msgstr "قانال" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:263 -#, kde-format -msgid "Proxy clip: %1 (%2)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:265 -msgid "Delete proxy" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:292 -msgid "Playlist" -msgstr "قويۇش تىزىمى" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:348 src/project/dialogs/slideshowclip.cpp:74 -msgid "Pan, low-pass" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:349 src/project/dialogs/slideshowclip.cpp:75 -msgid "Pan and zoom" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:350 src/project/dialogs/slideshowclip.cpp:76 -msgid "Pan and zoom, low-pass" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:352 src/project/dialogs/slideshowclip.cpp:78 -msgid "Zoom, low-pass" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:480 -msgid "Save markers" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:482 -msgid "Load markers" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:484 -msgid "Delete analysis data" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:486 -msgid "Load analysis data" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:488 -msgid "Save analysis data" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:527 src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:360 -#, kde-format -msgid "(%1 clip)" -msgid_plural "(%1 clips)" -msgstr[0] "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, slide_info) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_info) -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:1166 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:319 -#: src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:265 -msgid "No image found" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:1171 -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:573 -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:586 -#: src/project/dialogs/slideshowclip.cpp:247 -#, kde-format -msgid "1 image found" -msgid_plural "%1 images found" -msgstr[0] "" - -#: src/project/clippropertiesmanager.cpp:182 -msgid "Edit clips" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/clipstabilize.cpp:41 -msgid "Stabilize Clip" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, auto_add) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, add_clip) -#: src/project/clipstabilize.cpp:42 src/project/cliptranscode.cpp:47 -#: src/ui/clipstabilize_ui.ui:57 src/ui/cliptranscode_ui.ui:47 -#: src/ui/cutjobdialog_ui.ui:57 -msgid "Add clip to project" -msgid_plural "Add clips to project" -msgstr[0] "" - -#: src/project/clipstabilize.cpp:69 src/project/cliptranscode.cpp:63 -msgid "Destination folder" -msgstr "نىشان قىسقۇچ" - -#: src/project/clipstabilize.cpp:159 -msgid "Stabilised" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/clipstabilize.cpp:173 -msgid "Stabilize clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/clipstabilize.cpp:232 -msgid "The stabilize job will overwrite the following files:" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/cliptranscode.cpp:43 -msgid "Transcode Clip" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, convert_abort) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_abort) -#: src/project/cliptranscode.cpp:168 src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:636 -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:884 src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:94 -#: src/ui/dvdwizardvob_ui.ui:160 -msgid "Abort" -msgstr "توختات" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, buttonClose) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, buttonClose2) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, buttonClose3) -#: src/project/cliptranscode.cpp:210 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:382 -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:657 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:805 -msgid "Close" -msgstr "ياپ" - -#: src/project/cliptranscode.cpp:221 src/project/cliptranscode.cpp:239 -msgid "Transcoding finished." -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:63 -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:302 -msgid "Video clips" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:67 -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:305 -msgid "Audio clips" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:71 -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:308 src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:113 -msgid "Image clips" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:75 -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:311 -msgid "Slideshow clips" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:79 -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:314 -msgid "Text clips" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:83 -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:317 -msgid "Playlist clips" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:87 -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:320 -msgid "Other clips" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:91 -msgid "Luma files" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:167 -#, kde-format -msgid "You have %1 missing clip in your project." -msgid_plural "You have %1 missing clips in your project." -msgstr[0] "" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:192 -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:1017 -#, kde-format -msgid "(%1 item)" -msgid_plural "(%1 items)" -msgstr[0] "" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:197 -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:1019 -#, kde-format -msgid "%1 file to archive, requires %2" -msgid_plural "%1 files to archive, requires %2" -msgstr[0] "" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:198 -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:664 -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:854 -msgid "Archive" -msgstr "ئارخىپلاش" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:232 -msgid "Extract to" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:233 -msgid "Open Archived Project" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:235 -msgid "Extract" -msgstr "ئايرىش" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:264 -msgid "Opening archive..." -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:267 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Cannot open archive file:\n" -" %1" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:284 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"File %1\n" -" is not an archived Kdenlive project" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:290 -msgid "Ready" -msgstr "تەييار" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:310 -msgid "Archiving in progress, do you want to stop it?" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:310 -msgid "Stop Archiving" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:493 -#, kde-format -msgid "Available space on drive: %1" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:497 -#, kde-format -msgid "Not enough space on drive, free space: %1" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:518 -msgid "Archiving..." -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:546 -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:628 -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:881 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot create directory %1" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:652 -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:847 -msgid "Project was successfully archived." -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:655 -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:851 -msgid "There was an error processing project file" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:661 -#, kde-format -msgid "There was an error while copying the files: %1" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:785 -msgid "Cannot create temporary file" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:883 -msgid "Extracting..." -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:947 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot open project file %1" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:947 -msgid "Cannot open file" -msgstr "ھۆججەت ئاچالمىدى" - -#: src/project/dialogs/backupwidget.cpp:30 -msgid "Restore Backup File" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/dialogs/backupwidget.cpp:34 -msgid "Showing all backup files in folder" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/dialogs/backupwidget.cpp:37 -#, kde-format -msgid "Showing backup files for %1" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/dialogs/noteswidget.cpp:40 -msgid "Insert current timecode" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:120 -msgid "Current Settings" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:139 -msgid "Title" -msgstr "ماۋزۇ" - -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:146 -#: src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:189 -msgid "Author" -msgstr "ئاپتور" - -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:153 -msgid "Artist" -msgstr "ئورۇنلىغۇچى" - -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:159 -msgid "Copyright" -msgstr "نەشر ھوقۇقى" - -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:259 -msgid "Deleting proxy clips will disable proxies for this project." -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:410 -msgid "" -"Changing the profile of your project cannot be undone.\n" -"It is recommended to save your project before attempting this operation that " -"might cause some corruption in transitions.\n" -" Are you sure you want to proceed?" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:410 -msgid "Confirm profile change" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:425 -#, kde-format -msgid "Interlaced (%1 fields per second)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:596 -#, kde-format -msgid "Project folder: %1" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:597 -#, kde-format -msgid "Project profile: %1" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:598 -#, kde-format -msgid "Total clips: %1 (%2 used in timeline)." -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:650 -msgid "field_name" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, SlideshowClip_UI) -#: src/project/dialogs/slideshowclip.cpp:47 src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Slideshow Clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:46 -msgid "Transcode clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:49 -msgid "Cut clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:53 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "All Files" -msgid "Analyse clip" -msgstr "بارلىق ھۆججەتلەر" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:125 -msgid "Failed to create file." -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:140 -msgid "Cannot process this clip type." -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:202 -msgid "Transcoding clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:203 -msgid "Extracting clip cut" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:204 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "All Files" -msgid "Analysing clip" -msgstr "بارلىق ھۆججەتلەر" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:207 -msgid "Waiting - transcode clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:208 -msgid "Waiting - cut clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:209 -msgid "Waiting - analyse clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:278 -#, kde-format -msgid "Extracting %1 out of %2" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:292 -msgid "You cannot overwrite original clip." -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:293 -#, kde-format -msgid "Overwrite file %1" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:338 -msgid "The transcoding job will overwrite the following files:" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:344 -msgid "Transcoding" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:432 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Frames" -msgid "I-Frame " -msgstr "كاندۇكلار" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:433 -#, c-format -msgid "Found %count I-Frames" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/jobs/filterjob.cpp:133 -#, kde-format -msgid "Found %1 scenes." -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/jobs/filterjob.cpp:146 -msgid "Scene " -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/jobs/filterjob.cpp:174 -msgid "Auto split" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/jobs/jobmanager.cpp:178 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot write to path: %1" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/jobs/jobmanager.cpp:225 -#, kde-format -msgid "Filter %1" -msgstr "سۈزگۈچ %1" - -#: src/project/jobs/jobmanager.cpp:234 -msgid "No valid clip to process" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/jobs/meltjob.cpp:53 -msgid "Processing clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/jobs/meltjob.cpp:63 -msgid "No producer for this clip." -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/jobs/meltjob.cpp:86 -#, kde-format -msgid "Clip zone undefined (%1 - %2)." -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/jobs/meltjob.cpp:157 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot create consumer %1." -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/jobs/meltjob.cpp:179 -#, kde-format -msgid "Filter %1 crashed" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/jobs/meltjob.cpp:248 -msgid "Waiting to process clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/jobs/proxyclipjob.cpp:38 -msgid "proxy" -msgstr "ۋاكالەتچى" - -#: src/project/jobs/proxyclipjob.cpp:90 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot load image %1." -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/jobs/proxyclipjob.cpp:170 -msgid "Failed to create proxy clip." -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/jobs/proxyclipjob.cpp:245 -msgid "Creating proxy" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/jobs/proxyclipjob.cpp:248 -msgid "Waiting - proxy" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/jobs/proxyclipjob.cpp:283 src/project/projectlist.cpp:2073 -msgid "Failed to create proxy, empty path." -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/notesplugin.cpp:27 -msgid "Enter your project notes here ..." -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/notesplugin.cpp:28 -msgid "Project Notes" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/projectcommands.cpp:38 -msgid "Add clip cut" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/projectcommands.cpp:72 -msgid "Add folder" -msgstr "قىسقۇچ قوشۇش" - -#: src/project/projectcommands.cpp:107 -msgid "Edit clip cut" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/projectcommands.cpp:136 -msgid "Rename folder" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/projectitem.cpp:92 src/project/projectitem.cpp:221 -msgid "Contains proxies" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/projectitem.cpp:186 -msgid "Missing" -msgstr "يوقالغان" - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:446 -msgid "No available clip selected" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:982 -msgid "Delete Clip Zone" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:995 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Delete folder %2?
This will also remove the clip in that folder" -msgid_plural "" -"Delete folder %2?
This will also remove the %1 clips in that " -"folder" -msgstr[0] "" - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:1004 -#, kde-format -msgid "Delete clip %2?
This will also remove the clip in timeline" -msgid_plural "" -"Delete clip %2?
This will also remove its %1 clips in timeline" -msgstr[0] "" - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:1430 -msgid "Clip is missing or invalid. Remove it from project?" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:1455 -msgid "Proxy clip unusable (duration is different from original)." -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:1457 -#, kde-format -msgid "Failed to create proxy for %1. check parameters" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:1752 -msgid "Cannot find profile from current clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:1769 -msgid "Change project profile" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:1773 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Your clip does not match current project's profile.\n" -"Do you want to change the project profile?\n" -"\n" -"The following profiles match the clip (size: %1, fps: %2)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:1791 -msgid "Update profile" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:1806 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Your clip does not match current project's profile.\n" -"No existing profile found to match the clip's properties.\n" -"Clip size: %1\n" -"Fps: %2\n" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:2042 -msgid "Sequence not found" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:2212 -msgid "Update proxy settings" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:2374 -msgid "Remove Proxy" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/projectlistview.cpp:59 -msgid "Rating" -msgstr "باھالاش" - -#: src/project/projectlistview.cpp:105 -msgctxt "@title:menu" -msgid "Columns" -msgstr "ئىستونلار" - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:61 -msgid "Open Backup File" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:202 -msgid "Save changes to document?" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:204 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"The project \"%1\" has been changed.\n" -"Do you want to save your changes?" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:379 -msgid "Auto-saved files exist. Do you want to recover them now?" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:380 -msgid "File Recovery" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:381 -msgid "Don't recover" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:436 -#, kde-format -msgid "Opening file %1" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:456 -msgid "Loading project" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:458 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Timeline" -msgid "Loading playlist" -msgstr "ۋاقىت سىزىقى" - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:478 src/project/projectmanager.cpp:483 -msgid "Loading clips" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:507 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Cannot open file %1.\n" -"Project is corrupted." -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:527 -msgid "" -"This will delete all changes made since you last saved your project. Are you " -"sure you want to continue?" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:527 -msgid "Revert to last saved version" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:537 -msgid "Kdenlive project (*.kdenlive)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:538 -msgid "Archived project (*.tar.gz)" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, scanning_list) -#: src/project/transitionsettings.cpp:151 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:126 -msgid "Auto" -msgstr "ئاپتوماتىك" - -#: src/project/transitionsettings.cpp:162 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:54 -msgid "Black" -msgstr "قارا" - -#: src/renderer.cpp:1181 -msgid "" -"Could not create the video preview window.\n" -"There is something wrong with your Kdenlive install or your driver settings, " -"please fix it." -msgstr "" - -#: src/renderer.cpp:1386 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7865 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Save profile" -msgid "Save Zone" -msgstr "سەپلىمە ھۆججەتنى ساقلايدۇ" - -#: src/renderer.cpp:3283 -msgid "Import selected clips" -msgstr "" - -#: src/renderer.cpp:3285 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Additional streams for clip\n" -" %1" -msgstr "" - -#: src/renderer.cpp:3294 -#, kde-format -msgid "Video stream %1" -msgstr "" - -#: src/renderer.cpp:3309 -#, kde-format -msgid "Audio stream %1" -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/abstractscopewidget.cpp:84 -msgid "Auto Refresh" -msgstr "ئۆزلۈكىدىن يېڭىلا" - -#: src/scopes/abstractscopewidget.cpp:86 -msgid "Realtime (with precision loss)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:67 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:52 -msgid "Reset maximum frequency to sampling rate" -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:68 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:55 -msgid "Track mouse" -msgstr "چاشقىنەكنى ئىزلا" - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:70 -msgid "Show maximum" -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:86 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:74 -msgid "Rectangular window" -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:87 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:75 -msgid "Triangular window" -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:88 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:76 -msgid "Hamming window" -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:97 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:79 -msgid "The maximum window size is limited by the number of samples per frame." -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:98 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:80 -msgid "" -"A bigger window improves the accuracy at the cost of computational power." -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:99 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:81 -msgid "" -"The rectangular window function is good for signals with equal signal " -"strength (narrow peak), but creates more smearing. See Window function on " -"Wikipedia." -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:389 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:392 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:394 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:485 -#, kde-format -msgid "%1 dB" -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:412 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:487 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:280 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:289 -#, kde-format -msgid "%1 kHz" -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:53 -msgid "Draw grid" -msgstr "كاتەكچە سىز" - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:57 -msgid "Highlight peaks" -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:234 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Frame\n" -"%1" -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:305 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:306 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"%1\n" -"dB" -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:31 -msgid "YUV UV plane" -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:32 -msgid "YUV Y plane" -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:33 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:55 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:61 -msgid "Modified YUV (Chroma)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:34 -msgid "YCbCr CbCr plane" -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:35 -msgid "RGB plane, one component varying" -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:36 -msgid "HSV Hue Shift" -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:37 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:254 -msgid "HSV Saturation" -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:118 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:250 -#, kde-format -msgid "%1°" -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:125 -#, kde-format -msgid "%1 px" -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:218 -msgid "Y value" -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:219 -msgid "The Y value describes the brightness of the colors." -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:231 -msgid "UV angle" -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:232 -msgid "Angle through the UV plane, with all possible Y values." -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:240 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:268 -msgid "Red" -msgstr "قىزىل" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:241 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:269 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:53 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/waveform.cpp:34 -msgid "Green" -msgstr "يېشىل" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:242 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:270 -msgid "Blue" -msgstr "كۆك" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:243 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:271 -msgid "Luma" -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:255 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:262 -msgid "HSV Value" -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/histogram.cpp:26 -msgid "Unscaled" -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/histogram.cpp:29 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/waveform.cpp:37 -msgid "Rec. 601" -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/histogram.cpp:31 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/waveform.cpp:39 -msgid "Rec. 709" -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/histogram.cpp:39 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/waveform.cpp:44 -msgid "Luma mode" -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/histogramgenerator.cpp:178 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Min" -msgid "min" -msgstr "ئەڭ كىچىك قىممەت" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/histogramgenerator.cpp:181 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Max" -msgid "max" -msgstr "ئەڭ چوڭ قىممەت" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/rgbparade.cpp:27 -msgid "RGB" -msgstr "RGB" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/rgbparade.cpp:28 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/waveform.cpp:33 -msgid "White" -msgstr "ئاق" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/rgbparade.cpp:32 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:89 -msgid "Draw axis" -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/rgbparade.cpp:37 -msgid "Gradient reference line" -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/rgbparadegenerator.cpp:167 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/rgbparadegenerator.cpp:169 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/rgbparadegenerator.cpp:171 -msgid "min: " -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/rgbparadegenerator.cpp:175 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/rgbparadegenerator.cpp:177 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/rgbparadegenerator.cpp:179 -msgid "max: " -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:52 -msgid "Green 2" -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:56 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:60 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:102 -msgid "YUV" -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:57 -msgid "Original Color" -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:62 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:100 -msgid "YPbPr" -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:76 -msgid "Tools" -msgstr "قوراللار" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:78 -msgid "Export background" -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:82 -msgid "Drawing options" -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:84 -msgid "75% box" -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:94 -msgid "Draw I/Q lines" -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:99 -msgid "Color Space" -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:247 -#, kde-format -msgid "%1 \\%" -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/waveform.cpp:32 -msgid "Yellow" -msgstr "سېرىق" - -#: src/scopes/scopemanager.cpp:307 -msgid "Waveform" -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/scopemanager.cpp:309 -msgid "Histogram" -msgstr "سىتاتىسكا گرافىكى، چاسا دىئاگرامما" - -#: src/scopes/scopemanager.cpp:311 -msgid "Audio Signal" -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/scopemanager.cpp:312 -msgid "AudioSpectrum" -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/scopemanager.cpp:313 -msgid "Spectrogram" -msgstr "" - -#: src/statusbarmessagelabel.cpp:51 -msgctxt "@action:button" -msgid "Confirm" -msgstr "جەزملە" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:162 -msgid "Send frames to color scopes" -msgstr "" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:167 -msgid "Mirror display" -msgstr "" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:174 -msgid "Stop Motion Capture" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, capture_interval) -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:187 src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:115 -msgid "Interval capture" -msgstr "" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:205 -msgid "Overlay effect" -msgstr "" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:207 -msgid "No Effect" -msgstr "ئۈنۈم يوق" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:211 -msgid "Edge detect" -msgstr "" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:213 -msgid "Brighten" -msgstr "" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:236 -msgid "Show sequence thumbnails" -msgstr "" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:241 -msgid "Delete current frame" -msgstr "" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:369 -msgid "Configure Stop Motion" -msgstr "" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:371 src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:372 -msgid " second" -msgid_plural " seconds" -msgstr[0] " سېكۇنت" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:520 -msgid "Stopped" -msgstr "توختىدى" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:560 -msgid "No previous frame found" -msgstr "" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:632 -msgid "Create New Sequence" -msgstr "" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:632 -msgid "Enter sequence name" -msgstr "" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:653 -msgid "Frame Captured" -msgstr "" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:667 -msgid "Going to Capture Frame" -msgstr "" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:822 -#, kde-format -msgid "Delete frame %1 from disk?" -msgstr "" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:822 -msgid "Delete Frame" -msgstr "كاندۇك ئۆچۈر" - -#: src/timecode.cpp:261 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "hour" -#| msgid_plural "hours" -msgid "hour" -msgstr "سائەت" - -#: src/timecode.cpp:269 -msgid "min." -msgstr "" - -#: src/timecode.cpp:277 -msgid "sec." -msgstr "" - -#: src/timecode.cpp:282 -msgid "frames" -msgstr "كاندۇك" - -#: src/timeline/abstractclipitem.cpp:379 -msgid "seconds" -msgstr "سېكۇنت" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:589 -msgid "Crop from start:" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, clip_filesize_2) -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:589 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:602 -#: src/ui/spacerdialog_ui.ui:30 -msgid "Duration:" -msgstr "ۋاقتى:" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:589 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:602 -msgid "Offset:" -msgstr "ئېغىش:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:695 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:804 -msgid ":" -msgstr ":" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:696 -msgid " Position:" -msgstr " ئورنى:" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:697 -msgid " Duration:" -msgstr " ۋاقتى:" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:701 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:707 -msgid " Selection duration:" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:703 -msgid " Group duration:" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:714 -msgid "Crop from start: " -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:716 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:722 -msgid "" -"Use Ctrl to resize only current item, otherwise all items in this group will " -"be resized at once." -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:720 -msgid "Duration: " -msgstr "ۋاقتى: " - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:726 -msgid "Fade in duration: " -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:729 -msgid "Fade out duration: " -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:732 -msgid "Drag to add or resize a fade effect." -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:736 -msgid "Click to add a transition." -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:739 -msgid "" -"Move keyframe above or below clip to remove it, double click to add a new " -"one." -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:784 -msgid "Cannot use spacer in a locked track" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:792 -msgid "Cannot use spacer in a track with a group" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1105 -msgid "Cannot cut a transition" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1331 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1366 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2668 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2694 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2720 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2743 -msgid "Cannot add transition" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1586 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1594 -msgid "Cannot find clip to edit" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1588 -msgid "Cannot edit the duration of multiple items" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1599 -msgid "Cannot edit an item in a group" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1664 -msgid "Item is locked" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1747 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2897 -msgid "Cannot insert clip in timeline" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1753 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2866 -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:75 -msgid "Add timeline clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1787 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1849 -msgid "Clip not ready" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1970 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2033 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2050 -msgid "Problem deleting effect" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1977 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2002 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2017 -msgid "Problem adding effect to clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1986 -msgid "Cannot add speed effect to track" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2022 -msgid "Cannot find clip to add effect" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2068 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2160 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2263 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7513 -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:42 src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:282 -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:374 -msgid "effect" -msgstr "ئۈنۈم" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2069 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2162 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7515 src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:44 -#, kde-format -msgid "Add %1" -msgstr "«%1» نى قوش" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2171 -msgid "Select a clip if you want to apply an effect" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2219 -msgid "Cannot add an audio effect to this clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2228 -msgid "Cannot add a video effect to this clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2233 -msgid "Effect already present in clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2264 src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:46 -#, kde-format -msgid "Delete %1" -msgstr "%1 ئۆچۈر" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2300 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2315 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2371 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2381 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2402 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5486 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5507 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5530 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5552 -msgid "Problem editing effect" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2373 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2404 -msgid "Cannot find clip to update effect" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2429 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2450 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2463 -msgid "Cannot move effect" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2527 -msgid "Cannot find clip to cut" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2600 -msgid "Cannot find clip to uncut" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2604 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4101 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4392 -#, kde-format -msgid "Error removing clip at %1 on track %2" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2629 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5309 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5427 -msgid "Error when resizing clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2728 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6204 -msgid "Invalid transition" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2752 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4435 -msgid "Select clip to delete" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2768 -msgid "Cannot update transition" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:3442 -msgid "Cannot remove space in a locked track" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:3448 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:3453 -#, kde-format -msgid "You must be in an empty space to remove space (time: %1, track: %2)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:3464 -msgid "Cannot remove space in a track with a group" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:3543 -msgid "Cannot insert space in a locked track" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:3556 -msgid "Cannot insert space in a track with a group" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:3612 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot move clip at position %1, track %2" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:3625 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot move transition at position %1, track %2" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:3897 src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:484 -msgid "Move clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4045 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5002 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot move clip to position %1" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4052 -msgid "Cannot move transition" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4056 src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:579 -msgid "Move transition" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4083 src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:556 -msgid "Move group" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4215 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4242 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6386 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6418 -msgid "Resize group" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4488 -msgid "Delete selected group" -msgid_plural "Delete selected groups" -msgstr[0] "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4490 -msgid "Delete selected clip" -msgid_plural "Delete selected clips" -msgstr[0] "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4492 -msgid "Delete selected transition" -msgid_plural "Delete selected transitions" -msgstr[0] "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4493 -msgid "Delete selected items" -msgstr "تاللانغان تۈرلەرنى ئۆچۈر" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4505 -msgid "Cannot find clip for speed change" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4563 -msgid "Cut Group" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4645 src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:411 -msgid "Group clips" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4744 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4760 -msgid "Cannot insert clip..." -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4749 -msgid "Waiting for clip..." -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4963 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5192 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot move clip at time: %1 on track %2" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5142 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot move transition at time: %1 on track %2" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5236 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5352 -msgid "Not possible to resize" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5248 -msgid "Resize clip start" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5318 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5437 -msgid "Cannot resize transition" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5372 -msgid "Resize clip end" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5430 -msgid "Resize transition end" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5742 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5810 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5851 -msgid "No guide at cursor time" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5762 -#, kde-format -msgid "A guide already exists at position %1" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5778 -msgid "Guide" -msgstr "يېتەكچى" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6068 -msgid "Select a clip before copying" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6139 -msgid "No clip copied" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6175 -msgid "Cannot paste selected clips" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6192 -msgid "Cannot paste clip to selected place" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6206 -msgid "Cannot paste transition to selected place" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6217 -msgid "You must copy exactly one clip before pasting effects" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6353 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6377 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6410 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7016 -msgid "You must select one clip for this action" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6359 -msgid "You must select a playlist clip for this action" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6517 src/ui/addtrack_ui.ui:67 -msgid "Insert track" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6518 -#, fuzzy, kde-format -#| msgid "Video" -msgid "Video %1" -msgstr "سىن" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6519 -msgid "Insert New Track" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6552 src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:108 -msgid "Delete track" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6667 -msgid "You must select one transition for this action" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6754 -msgid "You must select at least one clip for this action" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6759 src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:718 -msgid "Split audio" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6765 -msgid "Cannot split audio of grouped clips" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6779 -msgid "No clip to split" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6788 -msgid "You must select exactly one clip for the audio reference." -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6809 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6858 -msgid "Processing audio, please wait." -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6813 -msgid "Reference for audio alignment must contain audio data." -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6829 -msgid "Audio alignment reference not yet set." -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6866 -msgid "Cannot find clip to align." -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6881 -msgid "Unable to move clip out of timeline." -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6896 -msgid "Unable to move clip due to collision." -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6899 -msgid "Clip aligned." -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6900 -msgid "Auto-align clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6932 -msgid "No empty space to put clip audio" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6944 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6981 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7057 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot update clip (time: %1, track: %2)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7009 -msgid "Video only" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7026 -msgid "Cannot change grouped clips" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7045 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot find clip to edit (time: %1, track: %2)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7358 -msgid "error" -msgstr "خاتالىق" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7358 -msgid "TRACTOR" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7371 -msgid "Insert clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7521 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7529 -msgid "Effect already present in track" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7641 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot find clip for effect update %1." -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7668 -msgid "You need to select one clip and one transition" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7686 -msgid "No clip found" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7694 -msgid "No keyframe data found in clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/headertrack.cpp:66 src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:461 -msgid "Lock track" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/headertrack.cpp:66 src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:463 -msgid "Unlock track" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/headertrack.cpp:72 -msgid "Disable audio" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/headertrack.cpp:72 -msgid "Enable audio" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/headertrack.cpp:82 -msgid "Disable video" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/headertrack.cpp:82 -msgid "Enable video" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/headertrack.cpp:89 -msgid "Opaque" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/spacerdialog.cpp:52 -msgid "All tracks" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/timeline.cpp:89 -msgid "Smaller tracks" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/timeline.cpp:96 -msgid "Bigger tracks" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/timeline.cpp:359 src/timeline/timeline.cpp:363 -#, kde-format -msgid "Transition %1 had an invalid track: %2 > %3" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/timeline.cpp:372 -#, kde-format -msgid "Removed invalid transition: %1" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/timeline.cpp:469 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Your project file was upgraded to the latest Kdenlive document version.\n" -"To make sure you don't lose data, a backup copy called %1 was created." -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/timeline.cpp:471 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Your project file was modified by Kdenlive.\n" -"To make sure you don't lose data, a backup copy called %1 was created." -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/timeline.cpp:477 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Your project file was upgraded to the latest Kdenlive document version, but " -"it was not possible to create the backup copy %1." -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/timeline.cpp:868 -#, kde-format -msgid "Invalid clip removed from track %1 at %2\n" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/timeline.cpp:946 -#, kde-format -msgid "Effect %1:%2 not found in MLT, it was removed from this project\n" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:76 -msgid "Delete timeline clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:106 -msgid "Add track" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:137 -msgid "Delete transition from clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:139 -msgid "Add transition to clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:175 -msgid "Change clip type" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:199 -msgid "Disable effect" -msgid_plural "Disable effects" -msgstr[0] "" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:201 -msgid "Enable effect" -msgid_plural "Enable effects" -msgstr[0] "" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:228 -msgid "Adjust clip length" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:283 -#, kde-format -msgid "Edit effect %1" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:337 -msgid "Add guide" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:341 -msgid "Edit guide" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:343 -msgid "Delete guide" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:345 -msgid "Move guide" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:375 -#, kde-format -msgid "Edit transition %1" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:413 -msgid "Ungroup clips" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:436 -msgid "Insert space" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:438 -msgid "Remove space" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:523 -msgid "Move effect" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:607 -msgid "Razor clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:653 -msgid "Rebuild Group" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:695 -msgid "Resize clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/timelinesearch.cpp:27 -msgid "Find" -msgstr "ئىزدە" - -#: src/timeline/timelinesearch.cpp:29 -msgid "Find Next" -msgstr "كېيىنكىنى ئىزدە" - -#: src/timeline/timelinesearch.cpp:38 -msgid "Starting -- find text as you type" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/timelinesearch.cpp:46 -msgid "Find stopped" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/timelinesearch.cpp:56 src/timeline/timelinesearch.cpp:67 -#, kde-format -msgid "Found: %1" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/timelinesearch.cpp:58 -msgid "Reached end of project" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/timelinesearch.cpp:70 -#, kde-format -msgid "Not found: %1" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:74 -msgid "Hidden" -msgstr "يوشۇرۇن" - -#: src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:74 -msgid "Muted" -msgstr "ئۈنسىز" - -#: src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:74 -msgid "Locked" -msgstr "قۇلۇپلانغان" - -#: src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:90 -msgid "Add Track" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:98 -msgid "Move Track upwards" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:102 -msgid "Move Track downwards" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/titledocument.cpp:331 -msgid "This title clip was created with a different frame size." -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/titledocument.cpp:331 -msgid "Title Profile" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/titledocument.cpp:380 -msgid "" -"Some of your text clips were saved with size in points, which means " -"different sizes on different displays. They will be converted to pixel size, " -"making them portable, but you could have to adjust their size." -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/titledocument.cpp:380 -msgid "Text Clips Updated" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:93 -msgid "Outline width" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:99 -msgid "Background color opacity" -msgstr "تەگلىك رەڭگى تۇتۇق" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:105 -msgid "Rotation around the X axis" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:111 -msgid "Rotation around the Y axis" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:117 -msgid "Rotation around the Z axis" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:123 -msgid "Border width" -msgstr "گىرۋەك كەڭلىكى" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:156 -msgid "Typewriter" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:215 -msgctxt "Font style" -msgid "Light" -msgstr "ئاق" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:216 -msgctxt "Font style" -msgid "Normal" -msgstr "نورمال" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:217 -msgctxt "Font style" -msgid "Demi-Bold" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:218 -msgctxt "Font style" -msgid "Bold" -msgstr "توم" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:219 -msgctxt "Font style" -msgid "Black" -msgstr "قارا" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:220 -msgid "Font weight" -msgstr "خەت نۇسخىسى توملۇقى" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:242 -msgid "No alignment" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:245 -msgid "Align center" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:249 -msgid "Insert Unicode character" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:255 -msgid "Raise object" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:261 -msgid "Lower object" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:269 -msgid "Raise object to top" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:276 -msgid "Lower object to bottom" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:320 -msgid "Invert x axis and change 0 point" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:321 -msgid "Invert y axis and change 0 point" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:322 -msgid "Select fill color" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:323 -msgid "Select border color" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:325 -msgid "Original size (1:1)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:326 -msgid "Fit zoom" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:327 -msgid "Select background color" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:328 -msgid "Background opacity" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:329 -msgid "Select all" -msgstr "ھەممىنى تاللا" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:330 -msgid "Select text items in current selection" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:331 -msgid "Select rect items in current selection" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:332 -msgid "Select image items in current selection" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:333 -msgid "Unselect all" -msgstr "ھەممىنى تاللىما" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:362 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:365 -msgid "Selection Tool" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:368 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:371 -msgid "Add Text" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:374 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:377 -msgid "Add Rectangle" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:380 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:383 -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:670 -msgid "Add Image" -msgstr "سۈرەت قوش" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:388 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:391 -msgid "Open Document" -msgstr "پۈتۈك ئېچىش" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:394 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:397 -msgid "Save As" -msgstr "باشقا ئاتتا ساقلا" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:566 -msgid "" -"Do you really want to load a new template? Changes in this title will be " -"lost!" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:658 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Add Image" -msgid "All Images" -msgstr "سۈرەت قوش" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:660 -#, fuzzy, kde-format -#| msgid "Image" -msgid "%1 Image" -msgstr "سۈرەت" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:1346 -msgid "\\u2212X" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, origin_x_left) -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:1348 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:63 -msgid "+X" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:1371 -msgid "\\u2212Y" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, origin_y_top) -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:1373 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:86 -msgid "+Y" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:1713 -msgid "Load Title" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:1713 -msgid "Kdenlive title (*.kdenlivetitle)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:1761 -msgid "" -"Do you want to embed Images into this TitleDocument?\n" -"This is most needed for sharing Titles." -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:2039 -msgctxt "Indicates the start of an animation" -msgid "Start" -msgstr "باشلاش" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:2040 -msgctxt "Indicates the end of an animation" -msgid "End" -msgstr "تامام" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:30 -msgid "Details" -msgstr "تەپسىلاتلار" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:85 -msgid "" -"Information about unicode characters: http://decodeunicode.org" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:86 -msgid "Previous Unicode character (Arrow Up)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:87 -msgid "Next Unicode character (Arrow Down)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:88 -msgid "Enter your Unicode number here. Allowed characters: [0-9] and [a-f]." -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:148 -msgid "(no character selected)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:154 -msgid "" -"Control character. Cannot be inserted/printed. See Wikipedia:Control_character" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:156 -msgid "Line Feed (newline character, \\\\n)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:158 -msgid "" -"Standard space character. (Other space characters: U+00a0, U" -"+2000–200b, U+202f)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:160 -msgid "No-break space. &nbsp; in HTML. See U+2009 and U+0020." -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:162 -msgid "" -"

« (u+00ab, &lfquo; in HTML) and " -"» (u+00bb, &rfquo; in HTML) are " -"called Guillemets or angle quotes. Usage in different countries: France " -"(with non-breaking Space 0x00a0), Switzerland, Germany, Finland and Sweden.

and (U+2039/203a, " -"&lsaquo;/&rsaquo;) are their single quote equivalents.

See Wikipedia:" -"Guillemets

" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:164 -msgid "En Space (width of an n)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:166 -msgid "Em Space (width of an m)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:168 -msgid "Three-Per-Em Space. Width: 1/3 of one em" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:170 -msgid "Four-Per-Em Space. Width: 1/4 of one em" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:172 -msgid "Six-Per-Em Space. Width: 1/6 of one em" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:174 -msgid "" -"Figure space (non-breaking). Width of a digit if digits have fixed width in " -"this font." -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:176 -msgid "" -"Punctuation Space. Width the same as between a punctuation character and the " -"next character." -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:178 -msgid "" -"Thin space, in HTML also &thinsp;. See U+202f and Wikipedia:Space_(punctuation)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:180 -msgid "Hair Space. Thinner than U+2009." -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:182 -msgid "" -"Punctuation Apostrophe. Should be used instead of U+0027. See Wikipedia:Apostrophe" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:184 -msgid "" -"

An en Dash (dash of the width of an n).

Usage examples: In English " -"language for value ranges (1878–1903), for relationships/connections " -"(Zurich–Dublin). In the German language it is also used (with " -"spaces!) for showing thoughts: “Es war – wie immer in den " -"Ferien – ein regnerischer Tag.

See Wikipedia:Dash

" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:186 -msgid "" -"

An em Dash (dash of the width of an m).

Usage examples: In English " -"language to mark—like here—thoughts. Traditionally without " -"spaces.

See Wikipedia:" -"Dash

" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:188 -msgid "" -"

Narrow no-break space. Has the same width as U+2009.

Usage: For " -"units (spaces are marked with U+2423, ␣): 230␣V, " -"−21␣°C, 50␣lb, but 90° (no space). In " -"German for abbreviations (like: i. d. R. instead of i. d." -" R. with U+00a0).

See Wikipedia:de:Schmales_Leerzeichen

" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:190 -msgid "" -"Ellipsis: If text has been left o… See Wikipedia:Ellipsis" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:192 -msgid "Minus sign. For numbers: −42" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:194 -msgid "Open box; stands for a space." -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:196 -msgid "" -"Quarter note (Am.) or crochet (Brit.). See Wikipedia:Quarter_note" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:198 -msgid "" -"Eighth note (Am.) or quaver (Brit.). Half as long as a quarter note (U" -"+2669). See Wikipedia:" -"Eighth_note" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:200 -msgid "" -"Sixteenth note (Am.) or semiquaver (Brit.). Half as long as an eighth note (U" -"+266a). See Wikipedia:Sixteenth_note" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:202 -msgid "" -"Thirty-second note (Am.) or demisemiquaver (Brit.). Half as long as a " -"sixteenth note (U+266b). See Wikipedia:Thirty-second_note" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:204 -msgid "No additional information available for this character." -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, before_select) -#: src/ui/addtrack_ui.ui:34 -msgid "Above" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, before_select) -#: src/ui/addtrack_ui.ui:39 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Render" -msgid "Under" -msgstr "رەڭلە" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, video_track) -#: src/ui/addtrack_ui.ui:57 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Bitrate" -msgid "Video &track" -msgstr "بايت نىسبىتى" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, audio_track) -#: src/ui/addtrack_ui.ui:74 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Bitrate" -msgid "A&udio track" -msgstr "بايت نىسبىتى" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, name_label) -#: src/ui/addtrack_ui.ui:81 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Track mouse" -msgid "Track name" -msgstr "چاشقىنەكنى ئىزلا" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/archivewidget_ui.ui:29 -msgid "Archive folder" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, compressed_archive) -#: src/ui/archivewidget_ui.ui:46 -msgid "Compressed archive" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, proxy_only) -#: src/ui/archivewidget_ui.ui:53 -msgid "Archive only proxy clips when available" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, labelFFTSize) -#: src/ui/audiospectrum_ui.ui:52 -msgid "True FFT size: " -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, buttonLinkHandles) -#: src/ui/bezierspline_ui.ui:89 -msgid "Link the handles' position.
Results in a natural spline." -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, marker_save) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, marker_load) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, analysis_delete) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, analysis_save) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, analysis_load) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, arrowUp) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, arrowDown) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, config_button) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonleft) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonhcenter) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonright) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttontop) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonvcenter) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonbottom) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonDirectUpdate) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonZoomOriginal) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonZoomFit) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonAddDelete) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonPrevious) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonNext) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, toolBtnReload) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonUp) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonDown) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonAdd) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonDelete) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonReset) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, zoom_button) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, unzoom_button) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonResetKeyframe) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonSeek) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, reload_blackmagic) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonLinkHandles) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonShowPixmap) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonZoomIn) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonZoomOut) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonGridChange) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonResetSpline) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonShowAllHandles) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, v4l_showprofileinfo) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, v4l_manageprofile) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, grab_manageprofile) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, grab_showprofileinfo) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, decklink_manageprofile) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, decklink_showprofileinfo) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, button_up) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, button_down) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, button_transcode) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, proxy_showprofileinfo) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, add_metadata) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, delete_metadata) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, effectsAll) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, effectsVideo) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, effectsAudio) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, effectsGPU) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, effectsCustom) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, proxy_manageprofile) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, button_add) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, button_edit) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, button_delete) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, button_download) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, button_more) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonLeftRight) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonUpDown) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonShowInTimeline) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonNewPoints) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonHelp) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonFavorite) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, rescale_keep) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, hide_log) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, collapseButton) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, enabledButton) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, menuButton) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonDel) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, rec_options) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonItalic) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonUnder) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonAlignNone) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonAlignLeft) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonInsertUnicode) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonAlignCenter) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonAlignRight) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, itemleft) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, itemhcenter) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, itemright) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, itemtop) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, itemvcenter) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, itembottom) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, live_button) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, capture_button) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, capture_interval) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, overlay_button) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, preview_button) -#: src/ui/bezierspline_ui.ui:92 src/ui/bezierspline_ui.ui:130 -#: src/ui/bezierspline_ui.ui:146 src/ui/bezierspline_ui.ui:156 -#: src/ui/bezierspline_ui.ui:169 src/ui/bezierspline_ui.ui:195 -#: src/ui/bezierspline_ui.ui:208 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:490 -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:500 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:587 -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:597 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:607 -#: src/ui/collapsiblewidget_ui.ui:86 src/ui/collapsiblewidget_ui.ui:118 -#: src/ui/collapsiblewidget_ui.ui:137 src/ui/collapsiblewidget_ui.ui:156 -#: src/ui/collapsiblewidget_ui.ui:172 src/ui/collapsiblewidget_ui.ui:188 -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:211 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:396 -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:433 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:616 -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:742 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:749 -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:78 src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:220 -#: src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:230 src/ui/configsdl_ui.ui:154 -#: src/ui/cutjobdialog_ui.ui:32 src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:262 -#: src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:269 src/ui/dvdwizardvob_ui.ui:29 -#: src/ui/dvdwizardvob_ui.ui:49 src/ui/dvdwizardvob_ui.ui:100 -#: src/ui/effectlist_ui.ui:22 src/ui/effectlist_ui.ui:41 -#: src/ui/effectlist_ui.ui:57 src/ui/effectlist_ui.ui:73 -#: src/ui/effectlist_ui.ui:89 src/ui/freesound_ui.ui:39 -#: src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:249 src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:256 -#: src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:263 src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:270 -#: src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:277 src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:284 -#: src/ui/geometrywidget_ui.ui:70 src/ui/geometrywidget_ui.ui:83 -#: src/ui/geometrywidget_ui.ui:93 src/ui/keyframeeditor_ui.ui:91 -#: src/ui/keyframeeditor_ui.ui:101 src/ui/keyframewidget_ui.ui:46 -#: src/ui/keyframewidget_ui.ui:59 src/ui/keyframewidget_ui.ui:72 -#: src/ui/keyframewidget_ui.ui:85 src/ui/keyframewidget_ui.ui:124 -#: src/ui/manageencodingprofile_ui.ui:44 src/ui/manageencodingprofile_ui.ui:51 -#: src/ui/manageencodingprofile_ui.ui:58 src/ui/manageencodingprofile_ui.ui:68 -#: src/ui/monitoreditwidget_ui.ui:53 src/ui/monitoreditwidget_ui.ui:66 -#: src/ui/monitoreditwidget_ui.ui:76 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:335 -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:386 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:393 -#: src/ui/recmonitor_ui.ui:72 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:407 -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:592 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:717 -#: src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:76 src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:92 -#: src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:108 src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:118 -#: src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:128 src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:141 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:364 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:384 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:401 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:417 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:440 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:447 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:460 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:801 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:808 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:815 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:822 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:829 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:836 src/ui/tracksconfigdialog_ui.ui:61 -#: src/ui/tracksconfigdialog_ui.ui:68 src/ui/tracksconfigdialog_ui.ui:75 -#: src/ui/tracksconfigdialog_ui.ui:82 src/ui/tracksconfigdialog_ui.ui:89 -#: src/ui/unicodewidget_ui.ui:185 src/ui/unicodewidget_ui.ui:210 -msgid "..." -msgstr "…" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, buttonShowPixmap) -#: src/ui/bezierspline_ui.ui:127 -msgid "Show background indicating changes caused by modifying the curve." -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, buttonGridChange) -#: src/ui/bezierspline_ui.ui:166 -msgid "" -"Increases the number of lines in the grid.
After 8 lines it will begin " -"from 0 again." -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, buttonResetSpline) -#: src/ui/bezierspline_ui.ui:192 -msgid "Reset the selected spline" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, buttonShowAllHandles) -#: src/ui/bezierspline_ui.ui:205 -msgid "Show handles for all points or only for the selected one" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, name) -#: src/ui/boolval_ui.ui:30 src/ui/fontval_ui.ui:23 src/ui/listval_ui.ui:23 -msgid "TextLabel" -msgstr "تېكىستلىك ئەن" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, crop_label) -#: src/ui/clipdurationdialog_ui.ui:30 -msgid "Crop start" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, end_label) -#: src/ui/clipdurationdialog_ui.ui:50 -msgid "Crop end" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_path) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, treeWidget) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:27 src/ui/missingclips_ui.ui:72 -msgid "Path" -msgstr "يول" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_size) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_6) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_5) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:51 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:231 -#: src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:41 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:93 -msgid "Size:" -msgstr "چوڭلۇقى:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, clip_filesize) -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, groupBox) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:65 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:157 -#: src/utils/freesound.cpp:212 -msgid "File size" -msgstr "ھۆججەت چوڭلۇقى" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, clip_vproperties) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, clip_aproperties) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, metadata_list) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, analysis_list) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, programList) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:117 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:162 -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:542 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:574 -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:371 src/ui/wizardmltcheck_ui.ui:49 -msgid "1" -msgstr "1" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, clip_vproperties) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, clip_aproperties) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, metadata_list) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, analysis_list) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:122 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:167 -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:547 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:579 -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:376 -msgid "2" -msgstr "2" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_slideshow) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:206 -msgid "Slideshow" -msgstr "تام تەسۋىرى" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, slide_type_label) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:212 -msgid "Image type" -msgstr "سۈرەت تىپى" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, clip_filesize_4) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:222 -msgid "Frame duration" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, slide_loop) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, loop_movie) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, sm_loop) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:255 src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:221 -#: src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:160 src/ui/smconfig_ui.ui:26 -msgid "Loop" -msgstr "دەۋرىي" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, slide_crop) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:339 src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:284 -msgid "Center crop" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_animation) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_6) -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:346 src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:291 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:1121 -msgid "Animation" -msgstr "جانلاندۇرۇم" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_image) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, background_list) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:357 src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:202 -msgid "Image" -msgstr "سۈرەت" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_16) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:365 -msgid "Image size" -msgstr "سۈرەت چوڭلۇقى" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, image_transparency) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:381 -msgid "Transparent background" -msgstr "سۈزۈك تەگلىك" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, markers_list) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, clip_filesize_3) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:432 src/ui/markerdialog_ui.ui:56 -msgid "Comment" -msgstr "ئىزاھات" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, marker_new) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonNext) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonUnselectAll) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:440 src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:83 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:700 -msgid "N" -msgstr "N" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, marker_edit) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonEdit) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:450 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:414 -msgid "E" -msgstr "E" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, marker_delete) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonDelete) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, button_delete) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, delete_button) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:460 src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:252 -#: src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:103 src/ui/keyframeeditor_ui.ui:78 -#: src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:279 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:428 -msgid "D" -msgstr "D" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_advanced) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:634 -msgid "Advanced" -msgstr "ئالىي" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, clip_force_ar) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:653 -msgid "Force aspect ratio" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, clip_force_threads) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:686 -msgid "Decoding threads" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, clip_force_progressive) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:700 -msgid "Force scanning" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, clip_force_framerate) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:727 -msgid "Force frame rate" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, clip_force_out) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:734 -msgid "Force duration" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, clip_force_colorspace) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:751 -msgid "Force colorspace" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, clip_force_fieldorder) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:765 -msgid "Force field order" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, clip_force_transparency) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:829 -msgid "Image background" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, clip_transparency) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:837 -msgid "Normal" -msgstr "نورمال" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_dest) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_5) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_6) -#: src/ui/clipstabilize_ui.ui:20 src/ui/cliptranscode_ui.ui:30 -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:45 src/ui/saveprofile_ui.ui:138 -msgid "Destination" -msgstr "نىشان" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_source) -#: src/ui/cliptranscode_ui.ui:20 -msgid "Source" -msgstr "مەنبە" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, ffmpeg_label) -#: src/ui/cliptranscode_ui.ui:40 -msgid "FFmpeg parameters" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_4) -#: src/ui/cliptranscode_ui.ui:54 -msgid "Job status" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_start) -#: src/ui/cliptranscode_ui.ui:61 -msgctxt "@action:button start transcode" -msgid "Start" -msgstr "باشلاش" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_profile) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: src/ui/cliptranscode_ui.ui:68 src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:29 -#: src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:20 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:74 -msgid "Profile" -msgstr "سەپلىمە ھۆججەت" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, auto_close) -#: src/ui/cliptranscode_ui.ui:88 -msgid "Close after transcode" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/colorclip_ui.ui:30 -msgid "Clip Color" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, ColorPlaneExport_UI) -#: src/ui/colorplaneexport_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Export color plane to PNG" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, lblSpace) -#: src/ui/colorplaneexport_ui.ui:20 -msgid "Color space" -msgstr "رەڭ بوشلۇقى" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, lblVariant) -#: src/ui/colorplaneexport_ui.ui:37 -msgid "Variant" -msgstr "ۋارىيانتى" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QSlider, sliderScaling) -#: src/ui/colorplaneexport_ui.ui:81 -msgid "How much to zoom in" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, lblRes) -#: src/ui/colorplaneexport_ui.ui:101 -msgid "Resolution" -msgstr "ئېنىقلىق" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, lblFilename) -#: src/ui/colorplaneexport_ui.ui:144 -msgid "Filename" -msgstr "ھۆججەت ئاتى" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:23 -msgid "Default capture device" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, kcfg_defaultcapture) -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, device_selector) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:37 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:70 -#: src/ui/recmonitor_ui.ui:134 -msgid "Firewire" -msgstr "Firewire" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, kcfg_defaultcapture) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, device_selector) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:47 src/ui/recmonitor_ui.ui:144 -msgid "Screen grab" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, kcfg_defaultcapture) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, device_selector) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:52 src/ui/recmonitor_ui.ui:149 -msgid "Blackmagic card" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_9) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:89 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:221 -msgid "Capture format" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, kcfg_firewireformat) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:97 -msgid "DV Raw" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, kcfg_firewireformat) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:102 -msgid "DV AVI type 1" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, kcfg_firewireformat) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:107 -msgid "DV AVI type 2" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, button_hdv) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, kcfg_firewireformat) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:112 src/ui/wizardstandard_ui.ui:54 -msgid "HDV" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_firewireautosplit) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:133 -msgid "Automatically start a new file on scene cut" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_firewiretimestamp) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:140 -msgid "Add recording time to captured file name" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_5) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_29) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:147 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:696 -msgid "Capture file name" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_7) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:157 -msgid "dvgrab additional parameters" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_14) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:197 -msgid "Video device" -msgstr "ئاۋاز ئۈسكۈنىسى" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_30) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_27) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:204 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:666 -msgid "Detected devices" -msgstr "تاپقان ئۈسكۈنىلەر" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, p_size) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:238 src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:48 -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:100 -msgid "720x576" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, p_fps) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:252 src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:62 -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:114 -msgid "25/1" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, p_aspect) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:273 src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:76 -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:128 -msgid "59/54" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, p_display) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:287 src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:90 -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:142 -msgid "4/3" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, config_v4l) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:308 -msgid "Edit" -msgstr "تەھرىرلەش" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_v4l_captureaudio) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:342 -msgid "Capture audio (ALSA)" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_24) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_screengrab) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_16) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:362 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:632 -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:725 src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:203 -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:305 -msgid "Encoding profile" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_v4l_capturevideo) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:389 -msgid "Capture video (Video4Linux2)" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, kcfg_grab_capture_type) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:471 -msgid "Full screen capture" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, kcfg_grab_capture_type) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:476 -msgid "Region capture" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_grab_follow_mouse) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:495 -msgid "Follow mouse" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_grab_hide_frame) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:502 -msgid "Hide frame" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_19) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_10) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:524 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:951 -msgid "Offset" -msgstr "ئېغىش" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_grab_hide_mouse) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:652 -msgid "Hide cursor" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_4) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:660 -msgid "Blackmagic" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_9) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:42 -msgid "Concurrent threads" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:69 -msgid "MLT environment" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_6) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:78 -msgid "Processing threads" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_7) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:91 -msgid "(>1 is experimental)" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:98 -msgid "Melt path" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:112 -msgid "MLT profiles folder" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_13) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:135 -msgid "FFplay" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_14) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:155 -msgid "FFprobe" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_2) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:166 -msgid "Default folders" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_5) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_4) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:172 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:56 -msgid "Project folder" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:182 -msgid "Temporary files" -msgstr "ۋاقىتلىق ھۆججەت" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_10) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:192 -msgid "Capture folder" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_capturetoprojectfolder) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:212 -msgid "Use project folder" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_3) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:223 -msgid "Default apps" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_4) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:229 -msgid "Image editing" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, kp_image) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, kp_audio) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, kp_player) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:243 src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:264 -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:285 -msgid "Change" -msgstr "ئۆزگەرت" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_11) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:250 -msgid "Audio editing" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_12) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:271 -msgid "Video player" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_enableshuttle) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:23 -msgid "Enable Jog Shuttle device" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, shuttledisabled) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:30 -msgid "Jog Shuttle device disabled." -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, config_group) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:53 -msgid "Device configuration" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:85 -msgid "Button 1" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_17) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:98 -msgid "Device" -msgstr "ئۈسكۈنە" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_16) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:111 -msgid "Button 15" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_14) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:137 -msgid "Button 13" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_9) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:150 -msgid "Button 8" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_7) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:166 -msgid "Button 4" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:179 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Device" -msgid "Device name" -msgstr "ئۈسكۈنە" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_5) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:192 -msgid "Button 5" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_8) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:214 -msgid "Button 7" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_10) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:243 -msgid "Button 9" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_4) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:256 -msgid "Button 2" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_11) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:272 -msgid "Button 10" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_12) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:285 -msgid "Button 11" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_6) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:308 -msgid "Button 6" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_15) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:336 -msgid "Button 14" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:349 -msgid "Button 3" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_13) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:362 -msgid "Button 12" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_usekuiserver) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:23 -msgid "Use KDE job tracking for render jobs" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_checkfirstprojectclip) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:30 -msgid "Check if first added clip matches project profile" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_crashrecovery) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:37 -msgid "Crash recovery (automatic backup)" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_automultistreams) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:44 -msgid "Automatically import all streams in multi stream clips" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_disable_effect_parameters) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:51 -msgid "Disable parameters when the effect is disabled" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_bypasscodeccheck) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:58 -msgid "Bypass codec verification" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_autoimagesequence) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:65 -msgid "Automatically import image sequences" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_projectloading_avformatnovalidate) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:72 -msgid "Do not validate the video files when loading a project (faster)" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_on_monitor_effects) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:79 -msgid "Use on-monitor effects" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_use_exiftool) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:86 -msgid "Get clip metadata with exiftool" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_openlastproject) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:93 -msgid "Open last project on startup" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, groupBox) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:100 -msgid "Default Durations" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:106 -msgid "Color clips" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_8) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:123 -msgid "Title clips" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:130 -msgid "Image sequence" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_autoimagetransparency) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:149 -msgid "Transparent background for imported images" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_use_magicLantern) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:169 -msgid "Get clip metadata created by Magic Lantern" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, properties) -#: src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:23 -msgid "Default Profile" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_9) -#: src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:69 -msgid "Aspect ratio:" -msgstr "ئۇزۇنلۇق كەڭلىك نىسبىتى:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_10) -#: src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:83 -msgid "Display ratio:" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_7) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_6) -#: src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:109 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:175 -msgid "Video tracks" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_8) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_7) -#: src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:119 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:185 -msgid "Audio tracks" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, generate_proxy) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_generateproxy) -#: src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:154 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:256 -msgid "Generate for videos larger than" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (suffix), widget (QSpinBox, proxy_minsize) -#. i18n: ectx: property (suffix), widget (QSpinBox, proxy_imageminsize) -#. i18n: ectx: property (suffix), widget (QSpinBox, kcfg_proxyminsize) -#. i18n: ectx: property (suffix), widget (QSpinBox, kcfg_proxyimageminsize) -#: src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:161 src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:181 -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:263 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:283 -msgid "pixels" -msgstr "چېكىت" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, generate_imageproxy) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_generateimageproxy) -#: src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:174 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:276 -msgid "Generate for images larger than" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/ui/configsdl_ui.ui:17 -msgid "" -"Warning: changes to the drivers and devices can make Kdenlive unstable. " -"Change only if you know what you do." -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_gpu_accel) -#: src/ui/configsdl_ui.ui:27 -msgid "Use GPU processing (Movit library) - restart Kdenlive to apply" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_4) -#: src/ui/configsdl_ui.ui:34 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Bitrate" -msgid "Audio backend" -msgstr "بايت نىسبىتى" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, textLabel1_2) -#: src/ui/configsdl_ui.ui:53 -msgid "Audio driver:" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, textLabel1) -#: src/ui/configsdl_ui.ui:66 -msgid "Audio device:" -msgstr "ئۈن ئۈسكۈنە:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: src/ui/configsdl_ui.ui:82 -msgid "Preview volume:" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/configsdl_ui.ui:102 -msgid "Monitor background color:" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_external_display) -#: src/ui/configsdl_ui.ui:127 -msgid "Use external display (Blackmagic card)" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_5) -#: src/ui/configsdl_ui.ui:134 -msgid "Output device" -msgstr "چىقىرىش ئۈسكۈنىسى" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, groupBox) -#: src/ui/configtimeline_ui.ui:23 -msgid "Thumbnails" -msgstr "كىچىك سۈرەت" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_displayallchannels) -#: src/ui/configtimeline_ui.ui:48 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Channels" -msgid "Separate channels" -msgstr "قانال" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_showmarkers) -#: src/ui/configtimeline_ui.ui:73 -msgid "Display clip markers comments" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_autoscroll) -#: src/ui/configtimeline_ui.ui:80 -msgid "Autoscroll while playing" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_verticalzoom) -#: src/ui/configtimeline_ui.ui:87 -msgid "Zoom using vertical drag in ruler" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_splitaudio) -#: src/ui/configtimeline_ui.ui:94 -msgid "Automatically split audio and video" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/configtimeline_ui.ui:103 -msgid "Track height" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_add) -#: src/ui/configtranscode_ui.ui:24 -msgid "Add Profile" -msgstr "سەپلىمە ھۆججەت قوش" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_update) -#: src/ui/configtranscode_ui.ui:31 -msgid "Update Profile" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_delete) -#: src/ui/configtranscode_ui.ui:38 -msgid "Delete Profile" -msgstr "سەپلىمە ھۆججەت ئۆچۈر" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_4) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: src/ui/configtranscode_ui.ui:90 src/ui/saveprofile_ui.ui:121 -msgid "Extension" -msgstr "كېڭەيتىلمە" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_4) -#: src/ui/configtranscode_ui.ui:107 -msgid "Parameters" -msgstr "پارامېتىرلار" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, button_more) -#: src/ui/cutjobdialog_ui.ui:29 -msgid "Configure job" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_add) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardchapters_ui.ui:39 -msgid "Add chapter" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardchapters_ui.ui:46 -msgid "Movie file" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_delete) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardchapters_ui.ui:66 -msgid "Remove chapter" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, create_menu) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:20 -msgid "Create basic menu" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:49 -msgid "Button" -msgstr "توپچا" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_6) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:65 -msgid "Target" -msgstr "نىشان" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, back_to_menu) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:82 -msgid "Back to menu" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, use_shadow) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:126 -msgid "Shadow" -msgstr "سايە" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:138 -msgid "Underline" -msgstr "ئاستى سىزىق" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_2) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, lblBackground) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:183 src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:189 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:1076 src/ui/vectorscope_ui.ui:46 -msgid "Background" -msgstr "تەگلىك" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonAdd) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, add_button) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, button_add) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonSelectAll) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonAudio) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:232 src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:93 -#: src/ui/keyframeeditor_ui.ui:68 src/ui/timelinebuttons_ui.ui:71 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:723 -msgid "A" -msgstr "A" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:29 -msgid "Temporary data folder" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:39 -msgid "DVD ISO image" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (QListWidget, job_progress) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:56 -msgid "Creating menu images" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (QListWidget, job_progress) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:61 -msgid "Creating menu background" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (QListWidget, job_progress) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:66 -msgid "Creating menu movie" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (QListWidget, job_progress) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:71 -msgid "Creating dvd structure" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (QListWidget, job_progress) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:76 -msgid "Creating iso file" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_start) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:84 -msgid "Create ISO image" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_2) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:118 -msgid "Log" -msgstr "خاتىرە" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_7) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:124 -msgid "Status" -msgstr "ھالىتى" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, button_burn) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:154 -msgid "Burn" -msgstr "ئوي" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:172 -msgid "Menu File" -msgstr "Menu ھۆججىتى" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_3) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:186 -msgid "Dvdauthor File" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, use_intro) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardvob_ui.ui:59 -msgid "Use first movie as intro" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardvob_ui.ui:66 -msgid "DVD format" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_delete) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardvob_ui.ui:73 -msgid "Remove file" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_add) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardvob_ui.ui:130 -msgid "Add movie file" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, convert_label) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardvob_ui.ui:146 -msgid "Converting files" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: src/ui/freesound_ui.ui:22 -msgid "Service" -msgstr "مۇلازىمەت" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, page_prev) -#: src/ui/freesound_ui.ui:67 -msgid "<<" -msgstr "<<" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, page_next) -#: src/ui/freesound_ui.ui:104 -msgid ">>" -msgstr ">>" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_import) -#: src/ui/freesound_ui.ui:137 src/utils/archiveorg.cpp:181 -msgid "Import" -msgstr "ئىمپورت قىل" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/freesound_ui.ui:177 -msgid "License" -msgstr "ئىجازەتنامە" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonMenu) -#: src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:63 -msgid "M" -msgstr "M" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonPrevious) -#: src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:73 -msgid "P" -msgstr "P" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_pos) -#: src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:127 -msgid "Pos" -msgstr "ئورۇن" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_6) -#: src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:198 -msgid "Height" -msgstr "ئېگىزلىك" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:219 -msgid "Resize:" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, buttonResize) -#: src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:242 -msgid "Original" -msgstr "ئەسلى" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QCheckBox, cbY) -#: src/ui/histogram_ui.ui:17 -msgid "Luma value" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, lblComponents) -#: src/ui/histogram_ui.ui:64 -msgid "Components" -msgstr "بۆلەكلەر" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QCheckBox, cbS) -#: src/ui/histogram_ui.ui:71 -msgid "RGB summed up" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, cbS) -#: src/ui/histogram_ui.ui:74 -msgid "Sum" -msgstr "يىغىندا" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, ImportKeyframesDialog_UI) -#: src/ui/importkeyframesdialog_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Import Keyframes" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, limit_keyframes) -#: src/ui/importkeyframesdialog_ui.ui:48 -msgid "Limit keyframes number" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/importkeyframesdialog_ui.ui:90 -msgid "Data to import" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, KeyFrameDialog_UI) -#: src/ui/keyframedialog_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Edit Keyframe" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, clip_filesize_3) -#: src/ui/keyframedialog_ui.ui:27 -msgid "Value" -msgstr "قىممەت" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, buttonResetKeyframe) -#: src/ui/keyframeeditor_ui.ui:88 -msgid "Reset the parameters to their default values" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, buttonSeek) -#: src/ui/keyframeeditor_ui.ui:98 -msgid "Seek to active keyframe" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, buttonKeyframes) -#: src/ui/keyframeeditor_ui.ui:114 -msgid "Add keyframes" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, buttonLeftRight) -#: src/ui/keyframewidget_ui.ui:43 -msgid "move on X axis" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, buttonUpDown) -#: src/ui/keyframewidget_ui.ui:56 -msgid "move on Y axis" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, buttonShowInTimeline) -#: src/ui/keyframewidget_ui.ui:69 -msgid "update values in timeline" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, buttonNewPoints) -#: src/ui/keyframewidget_ui.ui:82 -msgid "create new points" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, checkBox) -#: src/ui/keyframewidget_ui.ui:105 -msgid "GraphView" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, buttonHelp) -#: src/ui/keyframewidget_ui.ui:121 -msgid "parameter description" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/keywordval_ui.ui:23 src/ui/urlval_ui.ui:26 -msgid "Param" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, ManageCaptures_UI) -#: src/ui/managecaptures_ui.ui:13 -msgid "Captured files" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, treeWidget) -#: src/ui/managecaptures_ui.ui:35 -msgid "File name" -msgstr "ھۆججەت ئىسمى" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, deleteButton) -#: src/ui/managecaptures_ui.ui:48 -msgid "Delete current file" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, toggleButton) -#: src/ui/managecaptures_ui.ui:55 -msgid "Toggle selection" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/manageencodingprofile_ui.ui:20 -msgid "Editing profiles for" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_category) -#: src/ui/markerdialog_ui.ui:76 -msgid "Category" -msgstr "كاتېگورىيە" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, clip_thumb) -#: src/ui/markerdialog_ui.ui:86 -msgid "Image preview" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, MissingClips_UI) -#: src/ui/missingclips_ui.ui:14 -msgid " Clip Problems" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, removeSelected) -#: src/ui/missingclips_ui.ui:20 -msgid "Remove selected clips" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, usePlaceholders) -#: src/ui/missingclips_ui.ui:37 -msgid "Use placeholders for missing clips" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, recursiveSearch) -#: src/ui/missingclips_ui.ui:80 -msgid "Search recursively" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, ProfilesDialog_UI) -#: src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Profiles" -msgstr "Profiles" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_4) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_7) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_8) -#: src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:106 src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:140 -#: src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:174 -msgid "/" -msgstr "/" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_10) -#: src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:154 -msgid "Display aspect ratio" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_11) -#: src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:208 -msgid "Fields per second" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_default) -#: src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:242 -msgid "Use as default" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, button_create) -#: src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:259 -msgid "C" -msgstr "C" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, button_save) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonSave) -#: src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:269 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:421 -msgid "S" -msgstr "S" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, properties) -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:66 -msgid "Video Profile" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:210 -msgid "Thumbnails:" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_2) -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:416 -msgid "Project Files" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_12) -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:422 -msgid "Clips used in project:" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_6) -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:443 -msgid "Unused clips:" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, delete_unused) -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:464 -msgid "Delete files" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_11) -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:471 -msgid "Thumbnails cache:" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, clear_cache) -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:492 -msgid "Clear cache" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, delete_proxies) -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:520 -msgid "Delete proxies" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_13) -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:527 -msgid "Project files" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_fonts) -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:561 -msgid "Fonts" -msgstr "خەت نۇسخىلىرى" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_export) -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:575 -msgid "Plain text export" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:39 -msgid "Render Project" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:52 -msgid "Output file" -msgstr "چىقىرىش ھۆججىتى" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_9) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:112 -msgid "Encoder threads" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, scanning_list) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:131 -msgid "Force Progressive" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, scanning_list) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:136 -msgid "Force Interlaced" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QLineEdit, vbitrates_list) -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QLineEdit, abitrates_list) -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (KComboBox, comboBitrates) -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (KComboBox, comboAudioBitrates) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:176 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:202 -#: src/ui/saveprofile_ui.ui:33 src/ui/saveprofile_ui.ui:87 -msgid "Best to worst quality" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, checkTwoPass) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:215 -msgid "2 pass" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, rescale) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:222 -msgid "Rescale" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, export_meta) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:250 -msgid "Export metadata" -msgstr "مېتا سانلىق-مەلۇماتنى ئېكسپورت قىلىدۇ" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, tc_overlay) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:276 -msgid "Overlay" -msgstr "دەستىلە" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, render_full) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:314 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Project" -msgid "Fu&ll project" -msgstr "قۇرۇلۇش" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, render_zone) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:324 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Selection" -msgid "Selected &zone" -msgstr "تاللاش" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, render_guide) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:331 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Guide" -msgid "&Guide zone" -msgstr "يېتەكچى" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, buttonRender) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:355 -msgid "Render to File" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, buttonGenerateScript) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:362 -msgid "Generate Script" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonInfo) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonSelectImages) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:393 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:680 -msgid "I" -msgstr "I" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, show_all_profiles) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:400 -msgid "Show all profiles" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, open_browser) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:466 -msgid "Open browser window after export" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, play_after) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:473 -msgid "Play after render" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:503 -msgid "to" -msgstr "غا" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, create_chapter) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:523 -msgid "Create chapter file based on guides" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, open_dvd) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:530 -msgid "Open Dvd wizard after rendering" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, proxy_render) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:537 -msgid "Render using proxy clips" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, stemAudioExport) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:623 -msgid "Stem audio export" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_2) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:631 -msgid "Job Queue" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_7) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:710 -msgid "Error Log" -msgstr "خاتالىق خاتىرىسى" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, clean_up) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:728 -msgid "Clean Up" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, shutdown) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:735 -msgid "Shutdown computer after renderings" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, start_job) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:742 -msgid "Start Job" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_3) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:750 -msgid "Scripts" -msgstr "قوليازما" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, start_script) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:778 -msgid "Start Script" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, delete_script) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:785 -msgid "Delete Script" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, lblPaintmode) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, lblPaintMode) -#: src/ui/rgbparade_ui.ui:33 src/ui/vectorscope_ui.ui:29 -#: src/ui/waveform_ui.ui:30 -msgid "Paint mode" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, SaveProfile_UI) -#: src/ui/saveprofile_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Save Profile" -msgstr "Profile نى ساقلاش" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/ui/saveprofile_ui.ui:60 -msgid "Group" -msgstr "گۇرۇپپا" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: src/ui/saveprofile_ui.ui:108 -msgid "Profile name" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/saveprofile_ui.ui:128 -msgid "" -"Parameters (see MLT documentation)" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, SceneCutDialog_UI) -#: src/ui/scenecutdialog_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Scene Cut" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, add_markers) -#: src/ui/scenecutdialog_ui.ui:23 -msgid "Add clip markers" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, zone_only) -#: src/ui/scenecutdialog_ui.ui:33 -msgid "Analyze only selected zone" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, cut_scenes) -#: src/ui/scenecutdialog_ui.ui:63 -msgid "Cut scenes" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, store_data) -#: src/ui/scenecutdialog_ui.ui:70 -msgid "Save result in clip metadata" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, groupBox) -#: src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:30 -msgid "Image selection method" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, method_mime) -#: src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:36 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Mimetype" -msgid "&Mimetype" -msgstr "Mime تىپى" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, method_pattern) -#: src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:46 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Filename" -msgid "Fi&lename pattern" -msgstr "ھۆججەت ئاتى" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_4) -#: src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:70 -msgid "Image Type" -msgstr "سۈرەت تىپى" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_5) -#: src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:97 -msgid "First frame" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:127 -msgid "Frame Duration" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, show_thumbs) -#: src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:245 -msgid "Show thumbnails" -msgstr "thumbnails نى كۆرسەتسۇن" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: src/ui/smconfig_ui.ui:33 -msgid "Number of frames to play (0 to play all frames)" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, groupBox_2) -#: src/ui/smconfig_ui.ui:73 -msgid "Interval Capture" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/smconfig_ui.ui:79 -msgid "Capture delay" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, sm_prenotify) -#: src/ui/smconfig_ui.ui:96 -msgid "Notify before capture" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, SpacerDialog_UI) -#: src/ui/spacerdialog_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Add space" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, clip_filesize_3) -#: src/ui/spacerdialog_ui.ui:37 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Track" -msgid "Track:" -msgstr "نەغمە" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, labelFFTSize) -#: src/ui/spectrogram_ui.ui:52 -msgid "True FFT size:" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, live_button) -#: src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:86 -msgid "Live view" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, preview_button) -#: src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:135 -msgid "Preview sequence" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (KComboBox, sequence_name) -#: src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:151 src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:158 -msgid "Sequence name" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_addsequence) -#: src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:194 -msgid "Add to project" -msgstr "قۇرۇلۇشقا قوشىدۇ" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/templateclip_ui.ui:17 -msgid "Template" -msgstr "قېلىپ" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonFitZoom) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonRealSize) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonVideo) -#: src/ui/timelinebuttons_ui.ui:16 src/ui/timelinebuttons_ui.ui:64 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:553 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:563 -msgid "V" -msgstr "V" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, TitleWidget_UI) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Title Clip" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, lWidth) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:109 -msgid "W" -msgstr "W" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_19) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:126 -msgid "H" -msgstr "H" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_12) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:184 -msgid "Z-Index:" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:232 -msgid "Item Properties" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:243 -msgid "Fill color" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_11) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:275 -msgid "Border color" -msgstr "يان رامكا رەڭگى" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_18) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:394 -msgid "Outline" -msgstr "ئىزنا" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, displayBg) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:631 -msgid "Show background" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_22) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:645 -msgid "Template:" -msgstr "قېلىپ:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonSelectText) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:690 -msgid "T" -msgstr "پ" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (whatsThis), widget (QToolButton, buttonSelectAll) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:720 -msgid "Selects all items on the canvas." -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_14) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:761 -msgid "Zoom:" -msgstr "كېڭەيت-تارايت:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_21) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:778 -msgid "Rotate Z:" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_20) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:785 -msgid "Rotate Y:" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_15) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:792 -msgid "Rotate X:" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_5) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:877 -msgid "Effect" -msgstr "ئۈنۈم" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (suffix), widget (QSpinBox, typewriter_delay) -#. i18n: ectx: property (suffix), widget (QSpinBox, typewriter_start) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:1007 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:1030 -msgid " frames" -msgstr " كاندۇك" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_16) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:1023 -msgid "Start at" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, anim_start) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:1127 -msgid "Edit start" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, anim_end) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:1137 -msgid "Edit end" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_7) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:1162 -msgid "Resize" -msgstr "چوڭلۇقىنى ئۆزگەرت" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, resize50) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:1169 -#, no-c-format -msgid "50%" -msgstr "50%" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, resize100) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:1176 -#, no-c-format -msgid "100%" -msgstr "100%" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, resize200) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:1183 -#, no-c-format -msgid "200%" -msgstr "200%" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, keep_aspect) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:1190 -msgid "Keep aspect ratio" -msgstr "ئېگىزلىك-كەڭلىك نىسبىتىنى ساقلاپ قال" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/ui/transitionsettings_ui.ui:23 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Track" -msgid "track" -msgstr "نەغمە" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QWidget, UnicodeWidget_UI) -#: src/ui/unicodewidget_ui.ui:20 -msgid "Enter Unicode value" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/ui/unicodewidget_ui.ui:251 -msgid "Additional Information" -msgstr "قوشۇمچە ئۇچۇر" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_reload) -#: src/ui/wizardcapture_ui.ui:17 -msgid "Check" -msgstr "تەكشۈر" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_9) -#: src/ui/wizardcapture_ui.ui:57 -msgid "Capture format:" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/wizardextra_ui.ui:16 -msgid "Default folder for project files" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, autosave) -#: src/ui/wizardextra_ui.ui:59 -msgid "Activate crash recovery (auto save)" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, installmimes) -#: src/ui/wizardextra_ui.ui:66 -msgid "Install extra video mimetypes" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab) -#: src/ui/wizardmltcheck_ui.ui:21 -msgid "Installed modules" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_2) -#: src/ui/wizardmltcheck_ui.ui:63 -msgid "Available Codecs (avformat)" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: src/ui/wizardmltcheck_ui.ui:90 -msgid "Formats" -msgstr "پىچىملار" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/ui/wizardmltcheck_ui.ui:97 -msgid "Video Codecs" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/wizardmltcheck_ui.ui:104 -msgid "Audio Codecs" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: src/ui/wizardstandard_ui.ui:17 -msgid "Please set your default video profile" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/ui/wizardstandard_ui.ui:24 -msgid "Video Resolution" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, button_dv) -#: src/ui/wizardstandard_ui.ui:44 -msgid "DV" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, button_all) -#: src/ui/wizardstandard_ui.ui:61 -msgid "Show All" -msgstr "ھەممىنى كۆرسەت" - -#: src/utils/archiveorg.cpp:78 src/utils/freesound.cpp:86 -#: src/utils/freesound.cpp:184 src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:362 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Error Log" -msgid "Error Loading Data" -msgstr "خاتالىق خاتىرىسى" - -#: src/utils/archiveorg.cpp:91 src/utils/freesound.cpp:95 -#, kde-format -msgid "Found %1 result" -msgid_plural "Found %1 results" -msgstr[0] "" - -#: src/utils/freesound.cpp:203 -msgid "Samplerate" -msgstr "" - -#: src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:67 -msgid "Freesound Audio Library" -msgstr "" - -#: src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:68 -msgid "Archive.org Video Library" -msgstr "" - -#: src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:69 -msgid "Open Clip Art Graphic Library" -msgstr "" - -#: src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:70 -msgid "Search Online Resources" -msgstr "" - -#: src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:92 -msgid "Auto Play" -msgstr "" - -#: src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:182 -msgctxt "the url link pointing to a web page" -msgid "link" -msgstr "ئۇلانما" - -#: src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:327 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "File size" -msgid "File Exists" -msgstr "ھۆججەت چوڭلۇقى" - -#: src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:328 -msgid "Do you want to overwrite the existing file?." -msgstr "" - -#: src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:371 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Import" -msgid "Data Imported" -msgstr "ئىمپورت قىل" - -#: src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:437 -msgid "" -"You need to be online\n" -" for searching" -msgstr "" - -#: src/utils/thememanager.cpp:70 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Default" -msgctxt "default theme name" -msgid "Default" -msgstr "كۆڭۈلدىكى" - -#: src/utils/thememanager.cpp:213 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Configure" -msgid "Configuration..." -msgstr "سەپلە" - -#: src/utils/thememanager.cpp:227 -msgid "" -"Cannot start Colors Settings panel from KDE Control Center. Please check " -"your system..." -msgstr "" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "No Effect" -#~ msgid "Compare effect" -#~ msgstr "ئۈنۈم يوق" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Parameters" -#~ msgid "Selection Parameters" -#~ msgstr "پارامېتىرلار" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Transitions" -#~ msgid "Transition List" -#~ msgstr "ئالماشتۇر" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Cannot open file" -#~ msgid "Cannot open playlist producer." -#~ msgstr "ھۆججەت ئاچالمىدى" - -#~ msgid "Loading" -#~ msgstr "يۈكلەۋاتىدۇ" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Settings" -#~ msgid "Setting monitor" -#~ msgstr "تەڭشەكلەر" - -#~ msgid "before" -#~ msgstr "بۇرۇن" - -#~ msgid "after" -#~ msgstr "كېيىن" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Mirror" -#~ msgid "Movit: Blur" -#~ msgstr "ئەينەك" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Saturation" -#~ msgid "Movit: Diffusion" -#~ msgstr "تويۇنۇش" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Mirror" -#~ msgid "Movit: Glow" -#~ msgstr "ئەينەك" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Mirror" -#~ msgid "Movit: Mirror" -#~ msgstr "ئەينەك" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Center horizontally" -#~ msgid "Flips the image horizontally" -#~ msgstr "توغرا يۆنىلىشتە ئوتتۇرىغا توغرىلا" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Opacity" -#~ msgid "Movit: Opacity" -#~ msgstr "غۇۋالىقى" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Saturation" -#~ msgid "Movit: Saturation" -#~ msgstr "تويۇنۇش" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Opacity" -#~ msgid "Movit: Vignette" -#~ msgstr "غۇۋالىقى" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "White Balance" -#~ msgid "Movit: White balance" -#~ msgstr "ئاق تەڭپۇڭلۇق" - -#~ msgid "XVideo" -#~ msgstr "XVideo" - -#~ msgid "File not found" -#~ msgstr "ھۆججەت تېپىلمىدى" - -#~ msgid "Description:" -#~ msgstr "چۈشەندۈرۈش:" - -#~ msgid "Continue" -#~ msgstr "داۋاملاشتۇر" - -#~ msgid "All" -#~ msgstr "ھەممىسى" - -#~ msgid "Custom" -#~ msgstr "ئىختىيارى" - -#~ msgid "Close the current tab" -#~ msgstr "ھازىرقى بەتكۈچنى تاقايدۇ" - -#~ msgid "License: %1" -#~ msgstr "ئىجازەتنامە: %1" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Color space" -#~ msgid "Color opacity" -#~ msgstr "رەڭ بوشلۇقى" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Border width" -#~ msgid "Border opacity" -#~ msgstr "گىرۋەك كەڭلىكى" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Background color opacity" -#~ msgid "Font color opacity" -#~ msgstr "تەگلىك رەڭگى تۇتۇق" - -#~ msgid "Clone" -#~ msgstr "كىلون" - -#~ msgid "OpenGL" -#~ msgstr "OpenGL" - -#~ msgid "Bin" -#~ msgstr "ئىككىلىك" - -#~ msgid "Author: " -#~ msgstr "ئاپتور: " - -#~ msgid "Done" -#~ msgstr "تامام" diff -Nru kdenlive-15.13.0+git20160206.6705c57a/po/uk/CMakeLists.txt kdenlive-15.13.0+git20160206.cee1bbb6/po/uk/CMakeLists.txt --- kdenlive-15.13.0+git20160206.6705c57a/po/uk/CMakeLists.txt 2016-02-06 09:13:45.000000000 +0000 +++ kdenlive-15.13.0+git20160206.cee1bbb6/po/uk/CMakeLists.txt 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -GETTEXT_PROCESS_PO_FILES(uk ALL INSTALL_DESTINATION ${LOCALE_INSTALL_DIR} kdenlive.po) diff -Nru kdenlive-15.13.0+git20160206.6705c57a/po/uk/kdenlive.po kdenlive-15.13.0+git20160206.cee1bbb6/po/uk/kdenlive.po --- kdenlive-15.13.0+git20160206.6705c57a/po/uk/kdenlive.po 2016-02-06 09:13:45.000000000 +0000 +++ kdenlive-15.13.0+git20160206.cee1bbb6/po/uk/kdenlive.po 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 @@ -1,13043 +0,0 @@ -# Translation of kdenlive.po to Ukrainian -# Copyright (C) 2009-2015 This_file_is_part_of_KDE -# This file is distributed under the license LGPL version 2.1 or -# version 3 or later versions approved by the membership of KDE e.V. -# -# Yuri Chornoivan , 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015. -msgid "" -msgstr "" -"Project-Id-Version: kdenlive\n" -"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugs.kde.org\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-12-11 07:07+0000\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-12-06 11:46+0200\n" -"Last-Translator: Yuri Chornoivan \n" -"Language-Team: Ukrainian \n" -"Language: uk\n" -"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" -"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" -"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" -"Plural-Forms: nplurals=4; plural=n==1 ? 3 : n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n" -"%10>=2 && n%10<=4 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2;\n" -"X-Generator: Lokalize 1.5\n" - -msgctxt "NAME OF TRANSLATORS" -msgid "Your names" -msgstr "Юрій Чорноіван" - -msgctxt "EMAIL OF TRANSLATORS" -msgid "Your emails" -msgstr "yurchor@ukr.net" - -#: data/effects/audiobalance.xml:3 data/effects/audiobalance.xml:7 -msgid "Balance" -msgstr "Баланс" - -#: data/effects/audiobalance.xml:4 -msgid "Adjust the left/right balance" -msgstr "Коригування балансу ліворуч-праворуч" - -#: data/effects/audiopan.xml:3 data/effects/audiopan.xml:11 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:347 src/project/dialogs/slideshowclip.cpp:73 -msgid "Pan" -msgstr "Панорамування" - -#: data/effects/audiopan.xml:4 -msgid "Adjust the left/right spread of a channel" -msgstr "Скоригувати поширення каналу ліворуч-праворуч" - -#: data/effects/audiopan.xml:7 data/effects/channelcopy.xml:7 -#: data/effects/channelcopy.xml:11 -msgid "Left,Right" -msgstr "лівий,правий" - -#: data/effects/audiopan.xml:8 data/effects/frei0r_bezier_curves.xml:9 -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:9 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:66 -#: data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:10 data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:42 -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:25 -msgid "Channel" -msgstr "Канал" - -#: data/effects/audiowave.xml:3 -msgid "Audio Wave" -msgstr "Звукова хвиля" - -#: data/effects/audiowave.xml:4 -msgid "Display the audio waveform instead of the video" -msgstr "Показувати форму звукової хвилі замість відео" - -#: data/effects/audiowaveform.xml:3 -msgid "Audio Waveform Filter" -msgstr "Фільтр звукової хвилі" - -#: data/effects/audiowaveform.xml:6 data/effects/dynamictext.xml:22 -#: data/effects/pan_zoom.xml:13 data/effects/rotation.xml:40 -#: data/effects/rotation_keyframable.xml:22 -msgid "Background Color" -msgstr "Колір тла" - -#: data/effects/audiowaveform.xml:9 data/effects/dynamictext.xml:19 -msgid "Foreground Color" -msgstr "Колір тексту" - -#: data/effects/audiowaveform.xml:12 -msgid "Line Thickness" -msgstr "Товщина ліній" - -#: data/effects/audiowaveform.xml:15 data/effects/movit_rect.xml:6 -#: data/effects/pan_zoom.xml:7 -msgid "Rectangle" -msgstr "Прямокутник" - -#: data/effects/audiowaveform.xml:18 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:721 -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:766 -msgid "Fill" -msgstr "Заповнити" - -#: data/effects/automask.xml:3 -msgid "Auto Mask" -msgstr "Автомаскування" - -#: data/effects/automask.xml:4 -msgid "Hide a selected zone and follow its movements" -msgstr "Приховати позначену ділянку зі збереженням слідкування за пересуванням" - -#: data/effects/automask.xml:7 data/effects/dynamictext.xml:7 -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:718 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:745 -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:763 -msgid "Geometry" -msgstr "Позиція і розміри" - -#: data/effects/automask.xml:10 -msgid "Macroblock width" -msgstr "Ширина макроблоку" - -#: data/effects/automask.xml:13 -msgid "Macroblock height" -msgstr "Висота макроблоку" - -#: data/effects/automask.xml:16 -msgid "Maximum x distance" -msgstr "Макс. відстань за x" - -#: data/effects/automask.xml:19 -msgid "Maximum y distance" -msgstr "Макс. відстань за y" - -#: data/effects/automask.xml:22 -msgid "Denoise" -msgstr "Усування шуму" - -#: data/effects/automask.xml:25 -msgid "Debug" -msgstr "Налагодження" - -# назва фільтру -#: data/effects/automask.xml:28 data/effects/obscure.xml:3 -msgid "Obscure" -msgstr "Тьмяність" - -#: data/effects/automask.xml:36 data/effects/loudness.xml:12 -msgid "Analyse" -msgstr "Аналіз" - -#: data/effects/boxblur.xml:3 -msgid "Box Blur" -msgstr "Прямокутне розмивання" - -#: data/effects/boxblur.xml:4 -msgid "Box blur (separate horizontal and vertical blur)" -msgstr "" -"Прямокутне розмивання (відокремити горизонтальне і вертикальне розмивання)" - -#: data/effects/boxblur.xml:7 -msgid "Horizontal multiplicator" -msgstr "Горизонтальний множник" - -#: data/effects/boxblur.xml:10 -msgid "Vertical multiplicator" -msgstr "Вертикальний множник" - -#: data/effects/boxblur.xml:13 -msgid "Blur factor" -msgstr "Коефіцієнт розмивання" - -#: data/effects/brightness.xml:3 -msgid "Brightness (keyframable)" -msgstr "Яскравість (за ключовими кадрами)" - -#: data/effects/brightness.xml:4 -msgid "Change image brightness with keyframes" -msgstr "Змінювати яскравість зображення за ключовими кадрами" - -#: data/effects/brightness.xml:7 -msgid "Intensity" -msgstr "Інтенсивність" - -#: data/effects/channelcopy.xml:3 -msgid "Mono to stereo" -msgstr "Моно у стерео" - -#: data/effects/channelcopy.xml:4 -msgid "Copy one channel to another" -msgstr "Копіювати один канал на інший" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_4) -#: data/effects/channelcopy.xml:8 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:486 -msgid "From" -msgstr "Від" - -#: data/effects/channelcopy.xml:12 -msgid "To" -msgstr "до" - -#: data/effects/charcoal.xml:3 -msgid "Charcoal" -msgstr "Вугільний олівець" - -#: data/effects/charcoal.xml:4 -msgid "Charcoal drawing effect" -msgstr "Ефект малювання вугільним олівцем" - -#: data/effects/charcoal.xml:7 -msgid "Horizontal scatter" -msgstr "Горизонтальне розсіювання" - -#: data/effects/charcoal.xml:10 -msgid "Vertical scatter" -msgstr "Вертикальне розсіювання" - -#: data/effects/charcoal.xml:13 -msgid "Scale" -msgstr "Масштаб" - -#: data/effects/charcoal.xml:16 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:757 -msgid "Mix" -msgstr "Змішати" - -#: data/effects/charcoal.xml:19 data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:31 -#: data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:63 data/effects/frei0r_mask0mate.xml:19 -#: data/effects/invert.xml:3 data/effects/mirror.xml:11 -#: data/effects/rotoscoping.xml:18 src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:215 -msgid "Invert" -msgstr "Інвертувати" - -#: data/effects/chroma.xml:3 -msgid "Chroma Key" -msgstr "Хромакей" - -#: data/effects/chroma.xml:4 -msgid "Make selected color transparent" -msgstr "Зробити позначений колір прозорим" - -#: data/effects/chroma.xml:7 data/effects/chroma_hold.xml:7 -msgid "Color key" -msgstr "Ключовий колір" - -#: data/effects/chroma.xml:10 data/effects/chroma_hold.xml:10 -msgid "Variance" -msgstr "Дисперсія" - -#: data/effects/chroma_hold.xml:3 -msgid "Chroma Hold" -msgstr "Фіксування інтенсивності" - -#: data/effects/chroma_hold.xml:4 -msgid "Make image greyscale except for chosen color" -msgstr "" -"Перетворити кольори зображення на відтінки сірого за винятком вказаного " -"кольору" - -#: data/effects/crop.xml:3 -msgid "Edge Crop" -msgstr "Обрізання на краях" - -#: data/effects/crop.xml:4 -msgid "Trim the edges of a clip" -msgstr "Обрізати краї зображення кліпу" - -#: data/effects/crop.xml:7 data/effects/frei0r_mask0mate.xml:13 -msgid "Top" -msgstr "Вгорі" - -#: data/effects/crop.xml:10 data/effects/frei0r_mask0mate.xml:7 -msgid "Left" -msgstr "Ліворуч" - -#: data/effects/crop.xml:13 data/effects/frei0r_mask0mate.xml:16 -msgid "Bottom" -msgstr "Внизу" - -#: data/effects/crop.xml:16 data/effects/frei0r_mask0mate.xml:10 -msgid "Right" -msgstr "Праворуч" - -#: data/effects/crop.xml:19 -msgid "Automatic center-crop" -msgstr "Автоматичне обрізання за центром" - -#: data/effects/crop.xml:22 -msgid "Center balance" -msgstr "Баланс за центром" - -#: data/effects/crop.xml:25 -msgid "Use project resolution" -msgstr "Використовувати роздільність проекту" - -#: data/effects/dust.xml:3 -msgid "Dust" -msgstr "Пил" - -#: data/effects/dust.xml:4 -msgid "Add dust and specks to the video, as in old movies" -msgstr "" -"Додавання порошинок та плям на зображення, подібно до зображень на старій " -"кіноплівці" - -#: data/effects/dust.xml:7 -msgid "Maximal Diameter" -msgstr "Максимальний діаметр" - -#: data/effects/dust.xml:10 -msgid "Maximal number of dust" -msgstr "Макс. кількість порошинок" - -#: data/effects/dynamictext.xml:3 -msgid "Dynamic Text" -msgstr "Динамічний текст" - -#: data/effects/dynamictext.xml:4 -msgid "Overlay text with keywords replaced" -msgstr "Текст накладки з заміною ключових слів" - -#: data/effects/dynamictext.xml:10 -msgid "Font Family" -msgstr "Гарнітура шрифту" - -#: data/effects/dynamictext.xml:13 -msgid "Font Size" -msgstr "Розмір шрифту" - -#: data/effects/dynamictext.xml:16 -msgid "Font Weight" -msgstr "Вага шрифту" - -#: data/effects/dynamictext.xml:25 -msgid "Outline Color" -msgstr "Колір контуру" - -#: data/effects/dynamictext.xml:28 -msgid "Outline Width" -msgstr "Ширина контуру" - -#: data/effects/dynamictext.xml:31 -msgid "Padding" -msgstr "Фаска" - -#: data/effects/dynamictext.xml:34 -msgid "Left,Center,Right" -msgstr "ліворуч,за центром,праворуч" - -#: data/effects/dynamictext.xml:35 -msgid "Horizontal Alignment" -msgstr "Горизонтальне вирівнювання" - -#: data/effects/dynamictext.xml:38 -msgid "Top,Middle,Bottom" -msgstr "вгору,посередині,вниз" - -#: data/effects/dynamictext.xml:39 -msgid "Vertical Alignment" -msgstr "Вертикальне вирівнювання" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, text_box) -#: data/effects/dynamictext.xml:42 src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:55 -#: src/ui/templateclip_ui.ui:34 -msgid "Text" -msgstr "Текст" - -#: data/effects/fade_from_black.xml:3 -msgid "Fade from Black" -msgstr "Світлішання" - -#: data/effects/fade_from_black.xml:4 -msgid "Fade video from black" -msgstr "Світлішання зображення з суцільного чорного" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_duration) -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, ClipDurationDialog_UI) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, duration_label) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: data/effects/fade_from_black.xml:7 data/effects/fade_to_black.xml:7 -#: data/effects/fadein.xml:10 data/effects/fadeout.xml:7 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:133 -#: src/ui/clipdurationdialog_ui.ui:14 src/ui/clipdurationdialog_ui.ui:40 -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:58 src/ui/colorclip_ui.ui:37 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:747 src/utils/freesound.cpp:157 -#: src/utils/freesound.cpp:196 src/utils/freesound.cpp:197 -#: src/utils/freesound.cpp:198 -msgid "Duration" -msgstr "Тривалість" - -#: data/effects/fade_from_black.xml:10 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/bezier/beziersplinewidget.cpp:52 -msgid "In" -msgstr "Вхід" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: data/effects/fade_from_black.xml:13 data/effects/fade_to_black.xml:13 -#: src/ui/wipeval_ui.ui:22 -msgid "Start" -msgstr "Почати" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_4) -#: data/effects/fade_from_black.xml:16 data/effects/fade_to_black.xml:16 -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:409 src/ui/wipeval_ui.ui:167 -msgid "End" -msgstr "Кінець" - -#: data/effects/fade_to_black.xml:3 -msgid "Fade to Black" -msgstr "Тьмянішання" - -#: data/effects/fade_to_black.xml:4 -msgid "Fade video to black" -msgstr "Тьмянішання зображення до суцільного чорного" - -#: data/effects/fade_to_black.xml:10 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/bezier/beziersplinewidget.cpp:54 -msgid "Out" -msgstr "Вихід" - -#: data/effects/fadein.xml:3 -msgid "Fade in" -msgstr "Збільшення гучності" - -#: data/effects/fadein.xml:4 -msgid "Fade in audio track" -msgstr "Збільшення гучності звукової доріжки" - -#: data/effects/fadein.xml:13 data/effects/fadeout.xml:13 -msgid "Start Gain" -msgstr "Початкове підсилення" - -#: data/effects/fadein.xml:16 data/effects/fadeout.xml:16 -msgid "End Gain" -msgstr "Кінцеве підсилення" - -#: data/effects/fadeout.xml:3 -msgid "Fade out" -msgstr "Зменшення гучності" - -#: data/effects/fadeout.xml:4 -msgid "Fade out audio track" -msgstr "Зменшення гучності звукової доріжки" - -#: data/effects/freeze.xml:3 -msgid "Freeze" -msgstr "Зупинка" - -#: data/effects/freeze.xml:4 -msgid "Freeze video on a chosen frame" -msgstr "Зупинити відео на обраному кадрі" - -#: data/effects/freeze.xml:7 -msgid "Freeze at" -msgstr "Зупинити у" - -#: data/effects/freeze.xml:10 -msgid "Freeze Before" -msgstr "Зупинити до" - -#: data/effects/freeze.xml:13 -msgid "Freeze After" -msgstr "Зупинити після" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_3dflippo.xml:3 -msgid "3dflippo" -msgstr "3dflippo" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_3dflippo.xml:4 -msgid "Frame rotation in 3D space" -msgstr "Обертання кадру у просторі" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_3dflippo.xml:7 -msgid "X axis rotation" -msgstr "Обертання навколо вісі X" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_3dflippo.xml:10 -msgid "Y axis rotation" -msgstr "Обертання навколо вісі Y" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_3dflippo.xml:13 -msgid "Z axis rotation" -msgstr "Обертання навколо вісі Z" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_3dflippo.xml:16 -msgid "X axis rotation rate" -msgstr "Швидкість обертання навколо вісі X" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_3dflippo.xml:19 -msgid "Y axis rotation rate" -msgstr "Швидкість обертання навколо вісі Y" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_3dflippo.xml:22 -msgid "Z axis rotation rate" -msgstr "Швидкість обертання навколо вісі Z" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_3dflippo.xml:25 -msgid "Center position (X)" -msgstr "Розташування центра за X" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_3dflippo.xml:28 -msgid "Center position (Y)" -msgstr "Розташування центра за Y" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_3dflippo.xml:31 -msgid "Invert rotation assignment" -msgstr "Зворотне обертання" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_3dflippo.xml:34 -msgid "Don't blank mask" -msgstr "Не спорожняти маску" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_3dflippo.xml:37 -msgid "Fill with image or black" -msgstr "Заповнення зображенням або чорним кольором" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:4 data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:36 -msgid "Alpha operations" -msgstr "Обробка прозорості" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:5 data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:37 -msgid "Display and manipulation of the alpha channel" -msgstr "Показ і керування каналом прозорості (альфа-каналом)" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:9 data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:41 -msgid "" -"Image,Alpha as gray,Gray + red,Selection on black,Selection on gray," -"Selection on white,Selection on checkers" -msgstr "" -"зображення,прозорість сірим,сірий + червоний,позначене на чорному,позначене " -"на сірому,позначене на білому,позначене на шаховій дошці" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:10 data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:42 -msgid "Display" -msgstr "Показ" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:14 data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:46 -msgid "Display input alpha" -msgstr "Показувати вхідний канал прозорості" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:18 -msgid "NO OP,Shave,Shrink hard,Shrink soft,Grow hard,Grow soft,Threshold" -msgstr "" -"нічого,зрізати,сильно звузити,трохи звузити,сильно збільшити,трохи збільшити," -"обрізати" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:19 data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:51 -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphagrad.xml:30 data/effects/frei0r_alphaspot.xml:47 -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:45 data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:96 -msgid "Operation" -msgstr "Обробка" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:23 data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:55 -#: data/effects/frei0r_threshold0r.xml:7 data/effects/threshold.xml:3 -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:217 -msgid "Threshold" -msgstr "Поріг" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:27 -msgid "Shrink/grow amount" -msgstr "Стиснути/Розтягнути" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:50 -msgid "NO OP,Shave,Shrink hard,Shrink soft,Grow hard,Grow soft,Threshold,Blur" -msgstr "" -"нічого,зрізати,сильно звузити,трохи звузити,сильно збільшити,трохи збільшити," -"обрізати,розмити" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:59 -msgid "Shrink/Grow/Blur amount" -msgstr "Стиснути/Розтягнути/Розмити" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphagrad.xml:3 -msgid "Alpha gradient" -msgstr "α-градієнт" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphagrad.xml:4 -msgid "Fill the alpha channel with a specified gradient" -msgstr "Заповнити канал прозорості вказаним градієнтом" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, clip_filesize_2) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, position_label) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, import_position) -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphagrad.xml:9 src/effectstack/keyframeedit.cpp:55 -#: src/ui/clipdurationdialog_ui.ui:20 src/ui/importkeyframesdialog_ui.ui:80 -#: src/ui/keyframedialog_ui.ui:20 src/ui/markerdialog_ui.ui:20 -msgid "Position" -msgstr "Позиція" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphagrad.xml:13 data/effects/frei0r_alphaspot.xml:34 -msgid "Transition width" -msgstr "Ширина переходу" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphagrad.xml:17 data/effects/frei0r_alphaspot.xml:30 -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:16 -msgid "Tilt" -msgstr "Нахил" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphagrad.xml:21 data/effects/frei0r_alphaspot.xml:38 -msgid "Min" -msgstr "Мін." - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphagrad.xml:25 data/effects/frei0r_alphaspot.xml:42 -msgid "Max" -msgstr "Макс." - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphagrad.xml:29 data/effects/frei0r_alphaspot.xml:46 -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:44 data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:95 -msgid "Write on clear,Max,Min,Add,Subtract" -msgstr "" -"перезапис,максимальне значення,мінімальне значення,додавання,віднімання" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphaspot.xml:3 -msgid "Alpha shapes" -msgstr "α-форми" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphaspot.xml:4 -msgid "Draws simple shapes into the alpha channel" -msgstr "Малює прості форми на каналі прозорості" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphaspot.xml:9 -msgid "Rectangle,Ellipse,Triangle,Diamond" -msgstr "прямокутник,еліпс,трикутник,ромб" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphaspot.xml:10 data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:29 -#: data/effects/sox_flanger.xml:22 -msgid "Shape" -msgstr "Форма" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphaspot.xml:14 -msgid "Position X" -msgstr "Позиція за X" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphaspot.xml:18 -msgid "Position Y" -msgstr "Позиція за Y" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphaspot.xml:22 -msgid "Size X" -msgstr "Розмір за X" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphaspot.xml:26 -msgid "Size Y" -msgstr "Розмір за Y" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_balanc0r.xml:4 data/effects/frei0r_balanc0r.xml:15 -msgid "White Balance" -msgstr "Баланс білого" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_balanc0r.xml:5 data/effects/frei0r_balanc0r.xml:16 -msgid "Adjust the white balance / color temperature" -msgstr "Скоригувати баланс білого/температуру кольорів" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_balanc0r.xml:8 data/effects/frei0r_balanc0r.xml:19 -#: data/effects/frei0r_colgate.xml:8 data/effects/movit_white_balance.xml:6 -msgid "Neutral Color" -msgstr "Нейтральний колір" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_balanc0r.xml:11 data/effects/frei0r_balanc0r.xml:22 -msgid "Green Tint" -msgstr "Відтінок зеленого" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_baltan.xml:3 -msgid "Baltan" -msgstr "Baltan" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_baltan.xml:4 -msgid "Delayed alpha smoothed blit of time" -msgstr "Затримане згладжування з прозорістю" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_bezier_curves.xml:3 -msgid "Bézier Curves" -msgstr "Криві Безьє" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_bezier_curves.xml:4 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:5 -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:62 -msgid "Color curves adjustment" -msgstr "Коригування кривих кольорів" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_bezier_curves.xml:8 -msgid "RGB,Red,Green,Blue,Alpha,Luma,Hue,Saturation" -msgstr "RGB,червоний,зелений,синій,α,яскравість,відтінок,насиченість" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_bezier_curves.xml:13 -#: data/effects/frei0r_coloradj_rgb.xml:33 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:12 -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:69 -msgid "Rec. 601,Rec. 709" -msgstr "Rec. 601,Rec. 709" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_bezier_curves.xml:14 -#: data/effects/frei0r_coloradj_rgb.xml:34 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:13 -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:70 -msgid "Luma formula" -msgstr "Формула яскравості" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_brightness.xml:3 data/effects/frei0r_brightness.xml:7 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lenscorrection.xml:19 data/effects/grain.xml:13 -msgid "Brightness" -msgstr "Яскравість" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_brightness.xml:4 -msgid "Adjusts the brightness of a source image" -msgstr "Скоригувати яскравість початкового зображення" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:3 -msgid "Corners" -msgstr "Кути" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:4 -msgid "Four corners geometry engine" -msgstr "Чотириточковий рушій зміни геометрії" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:8 -msgid "Corner 1 X" -msgstr "X кута 1" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:12 -msgid "Corner 1 Y" -msgstr "Y кута 1" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:16 -msgid "Corner 2 X" -msgstr "X кута 2" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:20 -msgid "Corner 2 Y" -msgstr "Y кута 2" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:24 -msgid "Corner 3 X" -msgstr "X кута 3" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:28 -msgid "Corner 3 Y" -msgstr "Y кута 3" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:32 -msgid "Corner 4 X" -msgstr "X кута 4" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:36 -msgid "Corner 4 Y" -msgstr "Y кута 4" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:40 -msgid "Stretch X" -msgstr "Розтягування за X" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:44 -msgid "Stretch Y" -msgstr "Розтягування за Y" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:48 -msgid "Feather Alpha" -msgstr "Степінь прозорості" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:52 -msgid "Enable Stretch" -msgstr "Дозволити розтягування" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:56 data/effects/frei0r_defish0r.xml:24 -msgid "" -"Nearest neighbor,Bilinear,Bicubic smooth,Bicubic sharp,Spline 4x4,Spline 6x6," -"Lanczos" -msgstr "" -"найближче значення,білінійний,бікубічний зі згладжуванням,різкий бікубічний," -"сплайни 4x4,сплайни 6x6,Ланцоша" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:57 data/effects/frei0r_defish0r.xml:25 -msgid "Interpolator" -msgstr "Інтерполятор" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:61 data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:63 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:136 -msgid "Transparent Background" -msgstr "Прозоре тло" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:65 data/effects/rotoscoping.xml:13 -msgid "Write on clear,Maximum,Minimum,Add,Subtract" -msgstr "" -"перезапис,максимальне значення,мінімальне значення,додавання,віднімання" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:66 -msgid "Alpha operation" -msgstr "Обробка прозорості" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_cartoon.xml:4 data/effects/frei0r_cartoon.xml:15 -msgid "Cartoon" -msgstr "Мультфільм" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_cartoon.xml:5 data/effects/frei0r_cartoon.xml:16 -msgid "Cartoonify video, do a form of edge detect" -msgstr "" -"Перетворення відео на щось подібне до мультфільму, різновид ефекту виявлення " -"країв" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_cartoon.xml:8 data/effects/frei0r_cartoon.xml:19 -msgid "Level of trip" -msgstr "Рівень розщеплення" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_cartoon.xml:11 data/effects/frei0r_cartoon.xml:22 -msgid "Difference space" -msgstr "Простір відмінностей" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_cluster.xml:3 -msgid "K-Means Clustering" -msgstr "Кластеризація за методом K-середніх" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_cluster.xml:4 -msgid "Clusters of a source image by color and spatial distance" -msgstr "" -"Поділяє початкове зображення на основі відстаней за кольорами і у просторі" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_cluster.xml:7 -msgid "Amount of clusters" -msgstr "Кількість областей" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_cluster.xml:10 -msgid "Weight on distance" -msgstr "Ваговий коефіцієнт відстані" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_colgate.xml:3 -msgid "White Balance (LMS space)" -msgstr "Баланс білого (простір LMS)" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_colgate.xml:5 -msgid "" -"Do simple color correction, in a physically meaningful\n" -"way" -msgstr "Виконати просте виправлення кольорів у фізично припустимий спосіб" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_colgate.xml:12 data/effects/movit_white_balance.xml:9 -msgid "Color Temperature" -msgstr "Кольорова температура" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_coloradj_rgb.xml:3 -msgid "RGB adjustment" -msgstr "Коригування RGB" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_coloradj_rgb.xml:4 -msgid "Simple color adjustment" -msgstr "Просте коригування кольорів" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, cbR) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonSelectRects) -#: data/effects/frei0r_coloradj_rgb.xml:8 src/ui/histogram_ui.ui:30 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:733 -msgid "R" -msgstr "R" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, cbG) -#: data/effects/frei0r_coloradj_rgb.xml:12 src/ui/histogram_ui.ui:37 -msgid "G" -msgstr "G" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, cbB) -#: data/effects/frei0r_coloradj_rgb.xml:16 src/ui/histogram_ui.ui:44 -msgid "B" -msgstr "B" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_coloradj_rgb.xml:20 -msgid "Add constant,Change gamma,Multiply" -msgstr "додати стале значення,змінити гаму,помножити" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_coloradj_rgb.xml:21 -msgid "Action" -msgstr "Дія" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_coloradj_rgb.xml:25 -msgid "Keep luma" -msgstr "Зберігати яскравість" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_coloradj_rgb.xml:29 -msgid "Alpha controlled" -msgstr "На основі каналу прозорості" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_colordistance.xml:3 -msgid "Color Distance" -msgstr "Відстань між кольорами" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_colordistance.xml:4 -msgid "" -"Calculates the distance between the selected color and the current pixel and " -"uses that value as new pixel value" -msgstr "" -"Обчислює відстань між позначеним кольором і кольором поточного пікселя, а " -"потім використовує отримане значення для зміни кольору пікселя" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_colordistance.xml:7 -msgid "Source Color" -msgstr "Вихідний колір" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_colortap.xml:3 -msgid "Color Effect" -msgstr "Ефект кольорів" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_colortap.xml:4 -msgid "Applies a pre-made color effect to image" -msgstr "Застосовує попередньо визначений ефект кольорів до зображення" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, treeWidget) -#: data/effects/frei0r_colortap.xml:7 data/effects/frei0r_defish0r.xml:14 -#: data/effects/frei0r_iirblur.xml:14 data/effects/frei0r_medians.xml:9 -#: src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:74 src/ui/missingclips_ui.ui:67 -msgid "Type" -msgstr "Тип" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_contrast0r.xml:3 data/effects/frei0r_contrast0r.xml:7 -#: data/effects/grain.xml:10 src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:209 -msgid "Contrast" -msgstr "Контрастність" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_contrast0r.xml:4 -msgid "Adjusts the contrast of a source image" -msgstr "Скоригувати контрастність початкового зображення" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:4 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:61 -msgid "Curves" -msgstr "Криві" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:8 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:65 -#: data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:9 data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:41 -msgid "Red,Green,Blue,Luma" -msgstr "червоний,зелений,синій,яскравість" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:20 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:77 -msgid "Number of curve points" -msgstr "Кількість точок на кривій" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:23 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:80 -msgid "Point 1 input value" -msgstr "Вхідне значення точки 1" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:26 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:83 -msgid "Point 1 output value" -msgstr "Вихідне значення точки 1" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:29 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:86 -msgid "Point 2 input value" -msgstr "Вхідне значення точки 2" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:32 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:89 -msgid "Point 2 output value" -msgstr "Вихідне значення точки 2" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:35 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:92 -msgid "Point 3 input value" -msgstr "Вхідне значення точки 3" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:38 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:95 -msgid "Point 3 output value" -msgstr "Вихідне значення точки 3" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:41 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:98 -msgid "Point 4 input value" -msgstr "Вхідне значення точки 4" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:44 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:101 -msgid "Point 4 output value" -msgstr "Вихідне значення точки 4" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:47 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:104 -msgid "Point 5 input value" -msgstr "Вхідне значення точки 5" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:50 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:107 -msgid "Point 5 output value" -msgstr "Вихідне значення точки 5" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:53 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:110 -msgid "Show graph in picture" -msgstr "Показувати графік на зображенні" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:56 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:113 -#: data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:31 data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:63 -msgid "Top Left,Top Right,Bottom Left,Bottom Right" -msgstr "вгорі ліворуч,вгорі праворуч,внизу ліворуч,внизу праворуч" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:57 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:114 -msgid "Graph position" -msgstr "Позиція на графіку" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_d90stairsteppingfix.xml:3 -msgid "Nikon D90 Stairstepping fix" -msgstr "Виправлення ступінчатості для Nikon D90" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_d90stairsteppingfix.xml:7 -msgid "" -"Removes stairstepping artifacts from Nikon D90's 720p videos.\n" -" \n" -" " -msgstr "" -"Вилучає зайву ступінчастість з відео у форматі 720p Nikon D90.\n" -" " - -#: data/effects/frei0r_defish0r.xml:3 -msgid "Defish" -msgstr "Усування «риб’ячого ока»" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_defish0r.xml:4 -msgid "Non rectilinear lens mappings" -msgstr "Криволінійна імітація об’єктива" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_defish0r.xml:7 data/effects/frei0r_iirblur.xml:8 -#: data/effects/frei0r_sharpness.xml:8 data/effects/movit_unsharp_mask.xml:9 -msgid "Amount" -msgstr "Потужність" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_defish0r.xml:10 -msgid "DeFish" -msgstr "Усування «риб’ячого ока»" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_defish0r.xml:13 -msgid "Equidistant,Orthographic,Equiarea,Stereographic" -msgstr "рівновіддаленість,пряма проекція,збереження площі,стереографія" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_defish0r.xml:17 -msgid "Fill,Center,Fit,Manual" -msgstr "заповнення,у центрі,вміщення,вручну" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, lblScaling) -#: data/effects/frei0r_defish0r.xml:18 src/effectstack/dragvalue.cpp:108 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:207 -#: src/ui/colorplaneexport_ui.ui:74 -msgid "Scaling" -msgstr "Масштабування" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_defish0r.xml:21 -msgid "Manual Scale" -msgstr "Масштабування вручну" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_defish0r.xml:28 -msgid "Square,PAL DV,NTSC DV,HDV,Manual" -msgstr "квадратний,PAL DV,NTSC DV,HDV,вручну" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_defish0r.xml:29 -msgid "Aspect type" -msgstr "Співвідношення розмірів" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_defish0r.xml:32 -msgid "Manual Aspect" -msgstr "Співвідношення розмірів вручну" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_delay0r.xml:3 -msgid "delay0r" -msgstr "delay0r" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_delay0r.xml:4 -msgid "Video delay" -msgstr "Затримка відео" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_delay0r.xml:7 -msgid "Delay time" -msgstr "Час затримки" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_delaygrab.xml:3 -msgid "Delay grab" -msgstr "Затримка захоплення" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_delaygrab.xml:4 -msgid "Delayed frame blitting mapped on a time bitmap" -msgstr "Затриманий показ кадрів на растровому зображенні" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_distort0r.xml:3 data/effects/pan_zoom.xml:10 -#: data/kdenliveeffectscategory.rc:35 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:722 -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:746 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:767 -msgid "Distort" -msgstr "Викривлення" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_distort0r.xml:4 -msgid "Plasma" -msgstr "Плазма" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_distort0r.xml:7 data/effects/wave.xml:7 -msgid "Amplitude" -msgstr "Амплітуда" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_distort0r.xml:10 data/effects/sox_bass.xml:10 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:249 -msgid "Frequency" -msgstr "Частота" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_edgeglow.xml:3 -msgid "Edge glow" -msgstr "Сяйво на краях" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_edgeglow.xml:4 -msgid "Edge glow filter" -msgstr "Фільтрування сяйва на краях" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_edgeglow.xml:7 -msgid "Edge lightening threshold" -msgstr "Порогове значення підсвічування країв" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_edgeglow.xml:10 -msgid "Edge brightness upscaling multiplier" -msgstr "Коефіцієнт збільшення яскравості точок країв" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_edgeglow.xml:13 -msgid "Non-edge brightness downscaling multiplier" -msgstr "Коефіцієнт зменшення яскравості точок поза краями" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_equaliz0r.xml:3 -msgid "Equaliz0r" -msgstr "Equaliz0r" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_equaliz0r.xml:4 -msgid "Equalizes the intensity histograms" -msgstr "Вирівнює гістограму інтенсивності" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facebl0r.xml:3 -msgid "Face blur" -msgstr "Розмивання обличчя" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facebl0r.xml:4 -msgid "Automatically detect and blur a face using OpenCV" -msgstr "Автоматично виявляти і розмивати обличчя за допомогою OpenCV" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facebl0r.xml:8 data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:8 -msgid "Search scale" -msgstr "Масштабування пошуку" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facebl0r.xml:9 data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:9 -#, no-c-format -msgid "" -"The search window scale factor. For example, 120 = 1.20 = increases by 20% " -"on each pass." -msgstr "" -"Коефіцієнт масштабування фрагмента пошуку. Наприклад, 120 = 1,20 = " -"збільшення на 20% під час кожного проходу." - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facebl0r.xml:13 data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:13 -msgid "Neighbors" -msgstr "Наближення" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facebl0r.xml:14 data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:14 -msgid "Minimum number of rectangles that determines an object." -msgstr "Мінімальна кількість прямокутників, які визначають об’єкт." - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facebl0r.xml:18 data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:18 -msgid "Smallest" -msgstr "Найменший" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facebl0r.xml:19 data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:19 -msgid "The minimum window size in pixels." -msgstr "Мінімальний розмір фрагмента у пікселях." - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facebl0r.xml:23 -msgid "Largest" -msgstr "Найбільший" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facebl0r.xml:24 -msgid "" -"The largest size face in pixels - both horizontally and vertically (square " -"window)." -msgstr "" -"Найбільший розмір обличчя у пікселях, горизонтальний і вертикальний " -"(квадратний фрагмент)." - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facebl0r.xml:28 data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:23 -msgid "Recheck" -msgstr "Повторна перевірка" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facebl0r.xml:29 data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:24 -msgid "" -"How often to detect a face. In between checks, it does object motion " -"tracking." -msgstr "" -"Частота виявлення обличчя. Між перевірками виконуватиметься стеження за " -"рухом обличчя." - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facebl0r.xml:33 -msgid "Show ellipse" -msgstr "Малювати еліпс" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facebl0r.xml:34 -msgid "Draw a blue ellipse around the face area?" -msgstr "Малювати синій еліпс навколо області обличчя?" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:3 -msgid "Face detect" -msgstr "Виявлення облич" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:4 -msgid "Detect faces and draw shapes on them using OpenCV" -msgstr "Виявляти обличчя і замальовувати їх штампами за допомогою OpenCV" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:28 -msgid "circle,ellipse,rectangle,random" -msgstr "коло,еліпс,прямокутник,випадкова" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:33 -msgid "Stroke width" -msgstr "Товщина штриха" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:34 -msgid "" -"0 means fill; otherwise, draw unfilled with a stroke width of this size." -msgstr "" -"0 — заповнити кольором; інші значення — малювати незаповненим з вказаною " -"шириною контуру." - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:38 -msgid "Alpha" -msgstr "Прозорість" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:39 -msgid "" -"Set the alpha channel of the shape area to a percentage of fully opaque." -msgstr "Встановити прозорість штампа у відсотках до повної непрозорості." - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:43 -msgid "Antialias" -msgstr "Згладжування" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:44 -msgid "Draw with anti-aliasing?" -msgstr "Малювати зі згладжуванням?" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:50 -msgid "Color 1" -msgstr "Колір 1" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:51 -msgid "Set the shape color of the first detected face." -msgstr "Встановити колір штампа для першого виявленого обличчя." - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:55 -msgid "Color 2" -msgstr "Колір 2" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:56 -msgid "Set the shape color of the second detected face." -msgstr "Встановити колір штампа для другого виявленого обличчя." - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:60 -msgid "Color 3" -msgstr "Колір 3" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:61 -msgid "Set the shape color of the third detected face." -msgstr "Встановити колір штампа для третього виявленого обличчя." - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:65 -msgid "Color 4" -msgstr "Колір 4" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:66 -msgid "Set the shape color of the fourth detected face." -msgstr "Встановити колір штампа для четвертого виявленого обличчя." - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:70 -msgid "Color 5" -msgstr "Колір 5" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:71 -msgid "Set the shape color of the fifth detected face." -msgstr "Встановити колір штампа для п’ятого виявленого обличчя." - -#: data/effects/frei0r_flippo.xml:3 -msgid "Flippo" -msgstr "Flippo" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_flippo.xml:4 -msgid "Flipping in X and Y axis" -msgstr "Віддзеркалення за осями X та Y" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_flippo.xml:7 -msgid "X axis" -msgstr "Вісь X" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_flippo.xml:10 -msgid "Y axis" -msgstr "Вісь Y" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_glow.xml:3 -msgid "Glow" -msgstr "Сяйво" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_glow.xml:4 -msgid "Creates a Glamorous Glow" -msgstr "Створює чарівне сяйво" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_glow.xml:7 data/effects/frei0r_iirblur.xml:3 -#: data/effects/frei0r_mask0mate.xml:22 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:158 -msgid "Blur" -msgstr "Розмивання" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_hqdn3d.xml:3 -msgid "Denoiser" -msgstr "Усування шуму" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_hqdn3d.xml:4 -msgid "High quality 3D denoiser" -msgstr "Високоякісне усування просторових шумів" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_hqdn3d.xml:8 -msgid "Spatial" -msgstr "Просторові" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_hqdn3d.xml:9 -msgid "Amount of spatial filtering" -msgstr "Потужність просторового фільтрування" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_hqdn3d.xml:13 -msgid "Temporal" -msgstr "Часові" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_hqdn3d.xml:14 -msgid "Amount of temporal filtering" -msgstr "Потужність часового фільтрування" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_hueshift0r.xml:3 -msgid "Hue shift" -msgstr "Зсув відтінку" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_hueshift0r.xml:4 -msgid "Shifts the hue of a source image" -msgstr "Зсуває відтінок початкового зображення" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_hueshift0r.xml:7 -msgid "Hue" -msgstr "Відтінок" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_iirblur.xml:4 -msgid "Blur using 2D IIR filters (Exponential, Lowpass, Gaussian)" -msgstr "" -"Розмивання з використанням двовимірних фільтрів з НІХ (степеневого, нижніх " -"частот, гаусового)" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_iirblur.xml:9 -msgid "Amount of blur" -msgstr "Рівень розмивання" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_iirblur.xml:13 -msgid "Exponential,Lowpass,Gaussian" -msgstr "Степеневий,Нижні частоти,Гаусовий" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_iirblur.xml:15 -msgid "Select blurring algorithm" -msgstr "Виберіть алгоритм розмивання" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_iirblur.xml:19 -msgid "Edge" -msgstr "Край" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_iirblur.xml:20 -msgid "Enable edge compensation" -msgstr "Увімкнути виправлення країв" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:3 -msgid "Key Spill Mop Up" -msgstr "Поглинання ключового кольору" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:4 -msgid "Reduces the visibility of key color spill in chroma keying" -msgstr "" -"Зменшує видимість заповнення ключовим кольором під час складання зображень " -"за ключовим кольором" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:8 -msgid "Key color" -msgstr "Ключовий колір" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:12 -msgid "Target color" -msgstr "Колір призначення" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:16 -msgid "Color distance, Transparency, Edge inwards, Edge outwards" -msgstr "Відстань між кольорами, Прозорість, Внутрішня межа, Зовнішня межа" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:17 -msgid "Mask type" -msgstr "Тип маски" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:21 -msgid "Tolerance" -msgstr "Допуск" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:25 -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:91 -msgid "Slope" -msgstr "Нахил" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:29 -msgid "Hue gate" -msgstr "Діапазон відтінків" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:33 -msgid "Saturation threshold" -msgstr "Поріг насичення" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:37 -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:46 -msgid "None, De-Key, Target, Desaturate, Luma adjust" -msgstr "" -"Немає, Без ключового, Призначення, Прибрати насичення, Коригування яскравості" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:38 -msgid "Operation 1" -msgstr "Дія 1" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:42 -msgid "Amount 1" -msgstr "Величина 1" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:47 -msgid "Operation 2" -msgstr "Дія 2" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:51 -msgid "Amount 2" -msgstr "Величина 2" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:55 -msgid "Show mask" -msgstr "Показувати маску" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:59 -msgid "Mask to Alpha" -msgstr "Маску до альфи" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lenscorrection.xml:3 -msgid "Lens Correction" -msgstr "Виправлення об’єктива" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lenscorrection.xml:4 -msgid "Allows compensation of lens distortion" -msgstr "Надає змогу компенсувати викривлення об’єктива" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lenscorrection.xml:7 -msgid "Horizontal center" -msgstr "По центру горизонтально" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lenscorrection.xml:10 -msgid "Vertical center" -msgstr "По центру вертикально" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lenscorrection.xml:13 -msgid "Center correction" -msgstr "Виправлення у центрі" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lenscorrection.xml:16 -msgid "Edges correction" -msgstr "Виправлення країв" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_letterb0xed.xml:3 -msgid "LetterB0xed" -msgstr "LetterB0xed" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_letterb0xed.xml:4 -msgid "Adds black borders at top and bottom for cinema look" -msgstr "" -"Додає чорні смуги вгорі і внизу зображення так, щоб воно стало подібним на " -"кінозображення" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_letterb0xed.xml:7 -msgid "Border Width" -msgstr "Ширина смуг" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: data/effects/frei0r_letterb0xed.xml:10 data/effects/frei0r_timeout.xml:13 -#: src/ui/wipeval_ui.ui:136 src/ui/wipeval_ui.ui:281 -msgid "Transparency" -msgstr "Прозорість" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:4 data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:36 -msgid "Levels" -msgstr "Рівні" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:5 data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:37 -msgid "Adjust levels" -msgstr "Скоригувати рівні" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:13 data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:45 -msgid "Input black level" -msgstr "Вхідний рівень чорного" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:16 data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:48 -msgid "Input white level" -msgstr "Вхідний рівень білого" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:19 data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:51 -#: data/effects/gamma.xml:3 data/effects/gamma.xml:7 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/lumaliftgain.cpp:63 -msgid "Gamma" -msgstr "Коефіцієнт контрастності" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:22 data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:54 -msgid "Black output" -msgstr "Вихідний чорний" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:25 data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:57 -msgid "White output" -msgstr "Вихідний білий" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:28 data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:60 -msgid "Show histogram" -msgstr "Показувати гістограму" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:32 data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:64 -msgid "Histogram position" -msgstr "Розташування гістограми" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:4 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:77 -msgid "Light Graffiti" -msgstr "Світлове графіті" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:7 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:80 -msgid "" -"Light Graffiti effect.\n" -" " -msgstr "" -"Ефект світлового графіті." - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:10 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:83 -msgid "Brightness Threshold" -msgstr "Порогове значення яскравості" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:12 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:85 -msgid "" -"R+G+B) does a pixel need to be in order to " -"be recognized as a light source?
\n" -" Increasing this threshold requires brighter light sources (i.e. " -"more white or less color, respectively) but prevents some «false alarms» " -"where semi-bright parts, e.g. hands where colors can change quite a lot " -"compared to the background, are incorrectly recognized as light source.]]>" -msgstr "" -"R+G+B) має бути певний " -"піксель, щоб його було розпізнано.
Збільшення цього порогового значення " -"підвищує вимоги до яскравості джерел світла (тобто ці джерела мають бути " -"білішими або менш кольоровими, відповідно), але запобігає появі «фальшивих " -"джерел» з напівяскравими частинами, наприклад, рук, які значно відрізняються " -"за кольором від тла, і які помилково визначаються як джерела світла.]]>" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:15 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:88 -msgid "Difference Threshold" -msgstr "Порогове значення відмінності" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:17 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:90 -msgid "" -"max(dR, dG, dB)), in " -"order to be recognized as light source?
\n" -" Increasing this threshold makes it harder for light sources to " -"be accepted on bright backgrounds, but decreases the danger of noise or " -"generally bright spots counting as light source.]]>" -msgstr "" -"max(dR, dG, dB)), порівняно з зображенням тла, щоб " -"його було розпізнано як частину джерела світла.

Збільшення цього " -"порогового значення робить важчим визначення джерел світла на яскравому тлі, " -"але зменшує небезпеку визначення шуму або звичайних світлих плям як джерела " -"світла.]]>" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:20 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:93 -msgid "Difference Sum Threshold" -msgstr "Порогове значення сумарної відмінності" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:22 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:95 -msgid "" -"relative to the " -"background image (dR + dG + dB) have to change until a " -"pixel is recognized as a light source?
\n" -" Raising this value might, in some cases, avoid that some light " -"objects lit by the light source are added to the light mask.]]>" -msgstr "" -"відносно зображення тла (dR + dG + dB) для " -"розпізнавання пікселя як частини джерела світла.
Збільшення цього " -"значення інколи може запобігти додавання до маски світла деяких світлових " -"об’єктів, підсвічених джерелом світла.]]>" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:25 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:98 -msgid "Sensitivity" -msgstr "Чутливість" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:27 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:100 -msgid "" -"\n" -" For slowly moving light source try to use a lower sensitivity to " -"obtain a better exposure.]]>" -msgstr "" -"Якщо джерело переміщується " -"повільно, спробуйте зменшити чутливості, щоб отримати кращу експозицію.]]>" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:30 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:103 -msgid "Lower Overexposure" -msgstr "Зменшене переекспонування" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:32 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:105 -msgid "" -"\n" -" The light mask does not get white immediately when the light " -"source is moving slowly or staying steady.]]>" -msgstr "" -"\n" -" Маска світла не даватиме білого кольору негайно, якщо джерело " -"світла рухатиметься повільно або залишатиметься нерухомим.]]>" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:35 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:108 -msgid "Dimming" -msgstr "Тьмянішання" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:36 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:109 -msgid "" -"Dims the light mask. Lights will leave a fainting trail if it is set to a " -"value > 0." -msgstr "" -"Робить тьмянішою маску світла. Якщо встановити значення > 0, джерела світла " -"лишатимуть сліди, що тьмянішатимуть з часом." - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:39 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:112 -msgid "Background Weight" -msgstr "Ваговий коефіцієнт тла" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:40 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:113 -msgid "" -"Strength of the (calculated) background image. Setting it to 100 paints the " -"light mask directly over the background, without the painting person in the " -"image if the video starts with a «clean» background image. (See the α " -"parameter.)" -msgstr "" -"Ваговий коефіцієнт (обчислений) зображення тла. Встановлення значення 100 " -"призведе до малювання маски світла безпосередньо на тлі без художника на " -"відео, якщо воно починалося з «чистого» зображення тла. Див. параметр α." - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:43 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:116 -msgid "α" -msgstr "α" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:45 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:118 -msgid "" -"\n" -" The Light Graffiti effect remembers the first frame of the clip " -"it is applied to, so the clip should always start with the painter " -"outside of the video. If the background constantly changes, e.g. on a " -"street, try to set α > 0 to calculate an average background image.]]>" -msgstr "" -"Інструмент " -"світлового графіті запам’ятовує перший кадр кліпу, до якого його " -"застосовано, отже кліп завжди має розпочинатися з кадру, коли " -"художник поза кадром. Якщо тло постійно змінюється, наприклад на вулиці, " -"спробуйте встановити значення α > 0 для обчислення осередненого зображення " -"тла.]]>" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:48 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:121 -#: data/effects/frei0r_saturat0r.xml:3 data/effects/frei0r_saturat0r.xml:7 -#: data/effects/movit_saturation.xml:6 -msgid "Saturation" -msgstr "Насиченість" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:49 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:122 -msgid "Increases the saturation of lights." -msgstr "Збільшити насиченість світлих об’єктів." - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:52 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:125 -msgid "Show brightness statistics" -msgstr "Показати статистичні дані щодо яскравості" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:54 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:127 -msgid "" -"\n" -" Example: To adjust the brightness threshold, check this box and " -"adjust the threshold until the whole light source is highlighted. Repeat the " -"same with the other parameters. Only parts that are highlighted in all thresholds will count as light source.]]>" -msgstr "" -"Приклад: щоб " -"скоригувати порогове значення яскравості, позначте цей пункт і змінюйте " -"порогове значення, аж доки не буде позначено все джерело світла. Повторіть " -"цю ж операцію з іншими параметрами. Джерелом світла вважатиметься лише та " -"частина зображення, яку буде позначено за всіма пороговими " -"значеннями.]]>" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:57 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:130 -msgid "Show background difference statistics" -msgstr "Показати статистичні дані щодо відмінності тла" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:60 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:133 -msgid "Show background difference sum statistics" -msgstr "Показати статистичні дані щодо загальних відмінностей" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:64 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:137 -msgid "" -"Makes the background transparent, allowing to apply a composite effect and " -"paint the light mask over a completely different video." -msgstr "" -"Робить тло прозорим, надаючи змогу застосувати ефекти змішування і малювати " -"маску світла на зовсім іншому відео." - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:67 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:140 -msgid "Nonlinear dimming" -msgstr "Нелінійне тьмянішання" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:68 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:141 -msgid "If normal dimming does not look natural enough, try this one." -msgstr "" -"Якщо звичайне тьмянішання виглядає недостатньо природним, спробуйте цей " -"ефект." - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:71 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:144 -#: src/effectstack/geometryval.cpp:95 src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:86 -msgid "Reset" -msgstr "Відновити" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:72 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:145 -msgid "" -"Resets the light mask and the background image. This is necessary e.g. if " -"you apply this effect to a clip in the timeline and then move the timeline " -"cursor from outside of the clip to the middle of it. The effect receives " -"this frame in the middle as first frame and uses it as background image. For " -"proper threshold adjusting move the timeline cursor to the beginning of the " -"clip, check the Reset box and uncheck it again." -msgstr "" -"Відновлює початкову маску світла та зображення тла. Таке відновлення слід " -"виконувати, наприклад, якщо ви застосовуєте цей ефект до кліпу на " -"монтажному столі, а потім пересуваєте курсор монтажного стола з області поза " -"кліпом у його середину. Інструмент застосування ефекту отримує цей кадр " -"всередині кліпу як перший кадр і використовує його як зображення тла. Для " -"належного коригування порогових значень пересуньте курсор на початок кліпу, " -"позначте пункт відновлення, а потім знову зніміть з нього позначку." - -#: data/effects/frei0r_luminance.xml:3 -msgid "Luminance" -msgstr "Підсвіченість" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_luminance.xml:4 -msgid "Creates a luminance map of the image" -msgstr "Створює карту освітленості зображення" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_mask0mate.xml:3 -msgid "Mask0Mate" -msgstr "Mask0Mate" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_mask0mate.xml:4 -msgid "Creates an square alpha-channel mask" -msgstr "Створює квадратну маску на каналі прозорості" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_medians.xml:3 -msgid "Medians" -msgstr "Медіани" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_medians.xml:4 -msgid "Implements several median-type filters" -msgstr "Реалізує декілька фільтрів медіанного типу" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_medians.xml:8 -msgid "" -"Cross5,Square3x3,Bilevel,Diamond3x3,Square5x5,Temp3,Temp5,ArceBI,ML3D,ML3dEX," -"VarSize" -msgstr "" -"Хрест5,Квадрат3x3,Дворівневий,Ромб3x3,Квадрат5x5,Темп3,Темп5,ДугаBI,ML3D," -"ML3dEX,ЗмінРозм" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_5) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, import_size) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_20) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, treeWidget) -#: data/effects/frei0r_medians.xml:13 data/effects/frei0r_sharpness.xml:12 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:208 -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:563 src/ui/importkeyframesdialog_ui.ui:73 -#: src/ui/managecaptures_ui.ui:40 src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:201 -msgid "Size" -msgstr "Розміри" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_nervous.xml:3 -msgid "Nervous" -msgstr "Нервовість" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_nervous.xml:4 -msgid "Flushes frames in time in a nervous way" -msgstr "Пересуває кадри монтажним столом з метою створення ефекту нервування" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_nosync0r.xml:3 -msgid "nosync0r" -msgstr "nosync0r" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_nosync0r.xml:4 -msgid "Broken TV" -msgstr "Поламаний телевізор" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_nosync0r.xml:7 -msgid "HSync" -msgstr "Гор. синхронізація" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pixeliz0r.xml:3 -msgid "Pixelize" -msgstr "Пікселізація" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pixeliz0r.xml:4 -msgid "Pixelize input image." -msgstr "Пікселювання вхідного зображення." - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pixeliz0r.xml:7 -msgid "Block Size X" -msgstr "Розмір блоку за X" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pixeliz0r.xml:10 -msgid "Block Size Y" -msgstr "Розмір блоку за Y" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0be.xml:3 -msgid "pr0be" -msgstr "Піпетка" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0be.xml:4 -msgid "Measure video values" -msgstr "Виміряти значення на відео" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0be.xml:8 -msgid "RGB,Y'PbPr - rec. 601,Y'PbPr - rec. 709,HSV,HSL" -msgstr "RGB,Y'PbPr - rec. 601,Y'PbPr - rec. 709,HSV,HSL" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0be.xml:9 -msgid "Measurement" -msgstr "Вимірювання" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0be.xml:13 data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:8 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/bezier/beziersplinewidget.cpp:56 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/bezier/beziersplinewidget.cpp:60 -#: src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:144 -msgid "X" -msgstr "X" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_5) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, cbY) -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0be.xml:17 data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:12 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/bezier/beziersplinewidget.cpp:58 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/bezier/beziersplinewidget.cpp:62 -#: src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:164 src/ui/histogram_ui.ui:23 -msgid "Y" -msgstr "Y" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0be.xml:21 -msgid "X size" -msgstr "Розмір за X" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0be.xml:25 -msgid "Y size" -msgstr "Розмір за Y" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0be.xml:29 data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:81 -msgid "256 scale" -msgstr "256-шкала" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0be.xml:33 -msgid "Show alpha" -msgstr "Показувати альфа-канал" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0be.xml:37 -msgid "Big window" -msgstr "Велике вікно" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:3 -msgid "pr0file" -msgstr "Профілювання" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:4 -msgid "2D video oscilloscope" -msgstr "Двовимірний осцилограф відео" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:20 -msgid "Length" -msgstr "Довжина" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:24 -msgid "R,G,B,Y',Pr,Pb,Alpha" -msgstr "R,G,B,Y',Pr,Pb,α" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:29 -msgid "Marker 1" -msgstr "Позначка 1" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:33 -msgid "Marker 2" -msgstr "Позначка 2" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:37 -msgid "R trace" -msgstr "R-лінія" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:41 -msgid "G trace" -msgstr "G-лінія" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:45 -msgid "B trace" -msgstr "B-лінія" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:49 -msgid "Y trace" -msgstr "Y-лінія" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:53 -msgid "Pr trace" -msgstr "Pr-лінія" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:57 -msgid "Pb trace" -msgstr "Pb-лінія" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:61 -msgid "Alpha trace" -msgstr "α-лінія" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:65 -msgid "Display average" -msgstr "Показувати середнє" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:69 -msgid "Display RMS" -msgstr "Показувати середнє квадратичне" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:73 -msgid "Display minimum" -msgstr "Показувати мінімум" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:77 -msgid "Display maximum" -msgstr "Показувати максимум" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:85 -msgid "CCIR rec. 601,CCIR rec. 709" -msgstr "CCIR rec. 601,CCIR rec. 709" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_13) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, background_list) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_9) -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:86 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:156 -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:176 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:182 -#: src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:197 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:944 -msgid "Color" -msgstr "Колір" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:90 -msgid "Crosshair color" -msgstr "Колір перехрестя" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_primaries.xml:3 -msgid "Primaries" -msgstr "Основні" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_primaries.xml:4 -msgid "Reduce image to primary colors" -msgstr "Залишити на зображенні лише основні кольори" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_primaries.xml:7 data/effects/sox_stretch.xml:7 -msgid "Factor" -msgstr "Множник" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_primaries.xml:8 -msgid " 32 = 0]]>" -msgstr " 32 = 0]]>" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QWidget, RGBParade_UI) -#: data/effects/frei0r_rgbparade.xml:3 src/scopes/scopemanager.cpp:308 -#: src/ui/rgbparade_ui.ui:14 -msgid "RGB Parade" -msgstr "Розкладка RGB" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_rgbparade.xml:4 -msgid "Display a histogram of R, G and B components of the video data" -msgstr "Показ гістограми компонентів R, G та B відеоданих" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_saturat0r.xml:4 -msgid "Adjusts the saturation of a source image" -msgstr "Скоригувати насиченість початкового зображення" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_scale0tilt.xml:3 -msgid "Crop, Scale and Position" -msgstr "Обрізання, масштабування і розташування" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_scale0tilt.xml:4 -msgid "Scales, Tilts and Crops an Image" -msgstr "Масштабування, нахил та обрізання зображення" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_scale0tilt.xml:7 -msgid "Clip left" -msgstr "Лівий край" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_scale0tilt.xml:10 -msgid "Clip right" -msgstr "Правий край" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_scale0tilt.xml:13 -msgid "Clip top" -msgstr "Верхній край" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_scale0tilt.xml:16 -msgid "Clip bottom" -msgstr "Нижній край" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_scale0tilt.xml:19 -msgid "Scale X" -msgstr "Масштаб X" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_scale0tilt.xml:22 -msgid "Scale Y" -msgstr "Масштаб Y" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_scale0tilt.xml:25 -msgid "Tilt X" -msgstr "Нахил за X" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_scale0tilt.xml:28 -msgid "Tilt Y" -msgstr "Нахил за Y" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_scanline0r.xml:3 -msgid "scanline0r" -msgstr "scanline0r" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_scanline0r.xml:4 -msgid "Interlaced black lines" -msgstr "Черезрядкові чорні лінії" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:4 data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:51 -msgid "Color Selection" -msgstr "Вибір кольору" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:5 data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:52 -msgid "Color based alpha selection" -msgstr "Вибір каналу прозорості на основі кольорів" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:9 data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:56 -msgid "Color to select" -msgstr "Колір, який слід позначити" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:13 data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:60 -msgid "Invert selection" -msgstr "Інвертувати вибір" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:17 data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:79 -msgid "Delta R / A / Hue" -msgstr "Приріст Ч / А / Відтінок" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:21 data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:83 -msgid "Delta G / B / Chroma" -msgstr "Приріст З / С / Яскравість" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:25 data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:87 -msgid "Delta B / I / I" -msgstr "Приріст С / І / І" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:29 data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:64 -msgid "RGB,ABI,HCI" -msgstr "RGB,ABI,HCI" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:30 data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:65 -msgid "Selection subspace" -msgstr "Підпростір вибору" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:34 data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:69 -msgid "Box,Ellipsoid,Diamond" -msgstr "прямокутник,еліпсоїд,ромб" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:35 data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:70 -msgid "Subspace shape" -msgstr "Форма підпростору" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:39 -msgid "Hard,Fat,Normal,Skinny" -msgstr "широчезні,широкі,звичайні,вузькі" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:40 data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:75 -msgid "Edge mode" -msgstr "Режим країв" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:74 -msgid "Hard,Fat,Normal,Skinny,Slope" -msgstr "широчезні,широкі,звичайні,вузькі,нахилені" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sharpness.xml:3 -msgid "Sharpen" -msgstr "Збільшити різкість" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sharpness.xml:4 -msgid "Unsharp masking (port from Mplayer)" -msgstr "Фільтр маски зменшення різкості (портовано з MPlayer)" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sobel.xml:3 -msgid "Sobel" -msgstr "Собель" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sobel.xml:4 -msgid "Sobel filter" -msgstr "Фільтр Собеля" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:4 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:59 -msgid "SOP/Sat" -msgstr "SOP/Sat" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:5 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:60 -msgid "" -"Changes Slope, Offset, and Power of the color components, and the overall " -"Saturation, according to the ASC CDL (Color Decision List)." -msgstr "" -"Змінює значення нахилу (Slope), інтенсивності (Offset) та потужності (Power) " -"компонентів кольорів, а також загальну насиченість (Saturation), відповідно " -"до ASC CDL (списку визначення кольорів)." - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:8 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:63 -msgid "Slope Red" -msgstr "Нахил червоного" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:10 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:65 -msgid "" -"\n" -" All effects can be observed well when applied on a greyscale " -"gradient and looking at the RGB Parade monitor.]]>" -msgstr "" -"За ефектами буде зручніше спостерігати у разі застосування до градієнта " -"відтінків сірого на моніторі розкладки RGB.]]>" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:13 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:68 -msgid "Slope Green" -msgstr "Нахил зеленого" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:16 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:71 -msgid "Slope Blue" -msgstr "Нахил синього" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:19 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:74 -msgid "Slope Alpha" -msgstr "Нахил прозорого" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:23 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:78 -msgid "Offset Red" -msgstr "Інтенсивність червоного" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:24 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:79 -msgid "" -"Changing the offset lifts (or lowers) the brightness of each pixel by the " -"given value." -msgstr "" -"Зміна значення зміщення піднімає (або знижує) яскравість кожного пікселя на " -"вказане значення." - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:27 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:82 -msgid "Offset Green" -msgstr "Інтенсивність зеленого" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:30 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:85 -msgid "Offset Blue" -msgstr "Інтенсивність синього" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:33 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:88 -msgid "Offset Alpha" -msgstr "Інтенсивність прозорого" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:37 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:92 -msgid "Power Red" -msgstr "Потужність червоного" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:39 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:94 -msgid "" -"\n" -" Mathematically, what happens is an exponentiation of the " -"pixel brightness on [0,1] by the gamma value.]]>" -msgstr "" -"З точки зору математики, буде піднесено яскравість пікселів у " -"степінь [0,1] за значенням коефіцієнта контрастності.]]>" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:42 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:97 -msgid "Power Green" -msgstr "Потужність зеленого" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:45 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:100 -msgid "Power Blue" -msgstr "Потужність синього" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:48 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:103 -msgid "Power Alpha" -msgstr "Потужність прозорого" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:52 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:107 -msgid "Overall Saturation" -msgstr "Загальна насиченість" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:53 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:108 -msgid "The overall saturation will be changed in the last step of this filter." -msgstr "" -"Загальну насиченість буде змінено на останньому кроці застосування цього " -"фільтра." - -#: data/effects/frei0r_squareblur.xml:3 -msgid "Square Blur" -msgstr "Квадратне розмивання" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_squareblur.xml:4 -msgid "Square blur" -msgstr "Квадратне розмивання" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_squareblur.xml:7 -msgid "Kernel size" -msgstr "Розмір ядра" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_tehroxx0r.xml:3 -msgid "TehRoxx0r" -msgstr "TehRoxx0r" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_tehroxx0r.xml:4 -msgid "Something videowall-ish" -msgstr "Щось схоже на «відеостіну»" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_tehroxx0r.xml:7 -msgid "Interval" -msgstr "Інтервал" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_three_point_balance.xml:3 -msgid "3 point balance" -msgstr "Баланс за 3 точками" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_three_point_balance.xml:4 -msgid "Balances colors along with 3 points" -msgstr "Збалансування кольорів за допомогою трьох базових точок" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_three_point_balance.xml:7 -msgid "Black color" -msgstr "Чорний колір" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_three_point_balance.xml:10 -msgid "Gray color" -msgstr "Сірий колір" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_three_point_balance.xml:13 -msgid "White color" -msgstr "Білий колір" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_three_point_balance.xml:16 -msgid "Split screen preview" -msgstr "Розділити екран перегляду" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_three_point_balance.xml:19 -msgid "Source image on left side" -msgstr "Початкове зображення ліворуч" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_threelay0r.xml:3 -msgid "threelay0r" -msgstr "threelay0r" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_threelay0r.xml:4 -msgid "Dynamic 3-level thresholding" -msgstr "" -"Використання динамічного трирівневого обрізання за пороговими значеннями" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_threshold0r.xml:3 -msgid "Threshold0r" -msgstr "Threshold0r" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_threshold0r.xml:4 -msgid "Thresholds a source image" -msgstr "Встановлює порогові значення для вихідного зображення" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_timeout.xml:4 -msgid "Timeout indicator" -msgstr "Індикатор часу очікування" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_timeout.xml:7 -msgid "Indicator color" -msgstr "Колір індикатора" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, markers_list) -#: data/effects/frei0r_timeout.xml:10 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:427 -msgid "Time" -msgstr "Час" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_tint0r.xml:3 -msgid "Tint" -msgstr "Зміна відтінку" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_tint0r.xml:4 -msgid "Maps source image luminance between two colors specified" -msgstr "" -"Відображення освітленості вихідного зображення у область між двома вказаними " -"кольорами" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_tint0r.xml:7 -msgid "Map black to" -msgstr "Відобразити чорний у" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_tint0r.xml:10 -msgid "Map white to" -msgstr "Відобразити білий у" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_tint0r.xml:13 -msgid "Tint amount" -msgstr "Рівень відтінку" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_twolay0r.xml:3 -msgid "twolay0r" -msgstr "twolay0r" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_twolay0r.xml:4 -msgid "Dynamic thresholding" -msgstr "Динамічні порогові значення" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_vectorscope.xml:3 src/scopes/scopemanager.cpp:306 -msgid "Vectorscope" -msgstr "Векторний перегляд" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_vectorscope.xml:4 -msgid "Display a vectorscope of the video data" -msgstr "Показ векторскопа відеоданих" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_vertigo.xml:4 data/effects/frei0r_vertigo.xml:15 -msgid "Vertigo" -msgstr "Запаморочення" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_vertigo.xml:5 data/effects/frei0r_vertigo.xml:16 -msgid "Alpha blending with zoomed and rotated images" -msgstr "Змішування з масштабованими і обернутими зображеннями" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_vertigo.xml:8 data/effects/frei0r_vertigo.xml:19 -msgid "Phase Increment" -msgstr "Крок фази" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_vertigo.xml:11 data/effects/frei0r_vertigo.xml:22 -msgid "Zoom Rate" -msgstr "Масштабний коефіцієнт" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_vignette.xml:3 -msgid "Vignette" -msgstr "Віньєтування" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_vignette.xml:4 -msgid "Natural lens vignetting effect" -msgstr "Ефект віньєтування справжніми об’єктивами" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_vignette.xml:7 -msgid "Aspect ratio" -msgstr "Співвідношення розмірів" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_vignette.xml:10 -msgid "Clear center size" -msgstr "Розмір центральної області" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_softness) -#: data/effects/frei0r_vignette.xml:13 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:709 -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:302 src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:220 -msgid "Softness" -msgstr "М’якість" - -#: data/effects/gain.xml:3 data/effects/gain.xml:7 data/effects/mute.xml:7 -#: data/effects/normalise.xml:7 data/effects/sox_bass.xml:7 -#: data/effects/sox_gain.xml:7 data/effects/volume.xml:7 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/lumaliftgain.cpp:65 -msgid "Gain" -msgstr "Підсилення" - -#: data/effects/gain.xml:4 -msgid "Adjust the audio volume without keyframes" -msgstr "Скоригувати гучність без ключових кадрів" - -#: data/effects/gamma.xml:4 -msgid "Change gamma color value" -msgstr "Змінити значення кольорів гами" - -#: data/effects/grain.xml:3 -msgid "Grain" -msgstr "Зерно" - -#: data/effects/grain.xml:4 -msgid "Grain over the image" -msgstr "Ефекти зернистості плівки на зображенні" - -#: data/effects/grain.xml:7 data/effects/movit_deconvolution_sharpen.xml:18 -#: plugins/sampleplugin/sampleplugin.cpp:34 -#: plugins/sampleplugin/sampleplugin.cpp:42 -#: plugins/sampleplugin/sampleplugin.cpp:54 -#: plugins/sampleplugin/sampleplugin.cpp:78 -msgid "Noise" -msgstr "Шум" - -#: data/effects/greyscale.xml:3 -msgid "Greyscale" -msgstr "Градації сірого" - -#: data/effects/greyscale.xml:4 -msgid "Discard color information" -msgstr "Відкинути відомості про кольори" - -#: data/effects/invert.xml:4 -msgid "Invert colors" -msgstr "Інвертувати кольори" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_declipper.xml:3 -msgid "Declipper" -msgstr "Усування обрізання" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_declipper.xml:4 -msgid "LADSPA declipper audio effect" -msgstr "Ефект LADSPA усування обрізання звуку" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer.xml:3 -msgid "Equalizer" -msgstr "Еквалайзер" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer.xml:4 -msgid "LADSPA equalizer audio effect" -msgstr "Ефект звукового еквалайзера LADSPA" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer.xml:7 -msgid "Lo gain" -msgstr "Низькі" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer.xml:10 -msgid "Mid gain" -msgstr "Середні" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer.xml:13 -msgid "Hi gain" -msgstr "Високі" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:3 -msgid "15 Band Equalizer" -msgstr "15-смуговий еквалайзер" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:4 -msgid "LADSPA equalizer audio effect (15 band)" -msgstr "Ефект звукового еквалайзера LADSPA (15 смуг)" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:7 -msgid "50 Hz" -msgstr "50 Гц" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:10 -msgid "100 Hz" -msgstr "100 Гц" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:13 -msgid "156 Hz" -msgstr "156 Гц" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:16 -msgid "220 Hz" -msgstr "220 Гц" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:19 -msgid "311 Hz" -msgstr "311 Гц" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:22 -msgid "440 Hz" -msgstr "440 Гц" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:25 -msgid "622 Hz" -msgstr "622 Гц" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:28 -msgid "880 Hz" -msgstr "880 Гц" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:31 -msgid "1250 Hz" -msgstr "1250 Гц" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:34 -msgid "1750 Hz" -msgstr "1750 Гц" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:37 -msgid "2500 Hz" -msgstr "2500 Гц" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:40 -msgid "3500 Hz" -msgstr "3500 Гц" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:43 -msgid "5000 Hz" -msgstr "5000 Гц" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:46 -msgid "10000 Hz" -msgstr "10000 Гц" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:49 -msgid "20000 Hz" -msgstr "20000 Гц" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_limiter.xml:3 -msgid "Limiter" -msgstr "Обмежувач" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_limiter.xml:4 -msgid "LADSPA limiter audio effect" -msgstr "Ефект обмеження звуку LADSPA" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_limiter.xml:7 -msgid "Input gain (dB)" -msgstr "Вхідне підсилення (у дБ)" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_limiter.xml:10 -msgid "Limit (dB)" -msgstr "Обмеження (дБ)" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_limiter.xml:13 -msgid "Release time (s)" -msgstr "Час стихання (у с)" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_phaser.xml:3 -msgid "Phaser" -msgstr "Фазер" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_phaser.xml:4 -msgid "LADSPA phaser audio effect" -msgstr "Ефект зміни фази звуку LADSPA" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_phaser.xml:7 -msgid "Rate (Hz)" -msgstr "Частота (Гц)" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_phaser.xml:10 data/effects/sox_flanger.xml:10 -msgid "Depth" -msgstr "Глибина" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_phaser.xml:13 -msgid "Feedback" -msgstr "Зворотній зв’язок" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_phaser.xml:16 -msgid "Spread" -msgstr "Розсіювання" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_pitch.xml:3 -msgid "Pitch Shift" -msgstr "Зсув тону" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_pitch.xml:4 -msgid "LADSPA change pitch audio effect" -msgstr "Ефект LADSPA зміни тону звуку" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_pitch.xml:7 data/effects/sox_pitch.xml:7 -msgid "Shift" -msgstr "Зсув" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_pitch_scale.xml:3 -msgid "Pitch Scaler" -msgstr "Масштабування тону" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_pitch_scale.xml:4 -msgid "LADSPA pitch scale audio effect" -msgstr "Ефекти масштабування тону звуку LADSPA" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_pitch_scale.xml:7 -msgid "Co-efficient" -msgstr "Коефіцієнт" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_rate_scale.xml:3 -msgid "Rate Scaler" -msgstr "Масштабування частоти" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_rate_scale.xml:4 -msgid "LADSPA rate scale audio effect" -msgstr "Ефект зміни частоти звуку LADSPA" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_rate_scale.xml:7 -msgid "Rate" -msgstr "Частота" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_reverb.xml:3 -msgid "Reverb" -msgstr "Реверберація" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_reverb.xml:4 -msgid "LADSPA reverb audio effect" -msgstr "Ефект реверберації звуку LADSPA" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_reverb.xml:7 -msgid "Reverb time" -msgstr "Час реверберації" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_reverb.xml:10 data/effects/ladspa_room_reverb.xml:13 -msgid "Damping" -msgstr "В’язкість" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_room_reverb.xml:3 -msgid "Room Reverb" -msgstr "Реверберація у приміщенні" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_room_reverb.xml:4 -msgid "LADSPA room reverb audio effect" -msgstr "Ефект реверберації звуку у приміщенні LADSPA" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_room_reverb.xml:7 -msgid "Room size (m)" -msgstr "Розмір кімнати (у м)" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_room_reverb.xml:10 -msgid "Delay (s/10)" -msgstr "Затримка (у с/10)" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_vinyl.xml:3 -msgid "Vinyl" -msgstr "Вінілова пластинка" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_vinyl.xml:4 -msgid "Simulates a vinyl audio player - LADSPA audio effect" -msgstr "Імітація програвача платівок — звуковий ефект LADSPA" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_vinyl.xml:7 src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:166 -msgid "Year" -msgstr "Рік" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_vinyl.xml:10 -msgid "RPM" -msgstr "RPM" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_vinyl.xml:13 -msgid "Surface warping" -msgstr "Викривлення поверхні" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_vinyl.xml:16 -msgid "Crackle" -msgstr "Потріскування" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_vinyl.xml:19 -msgid "Wear" -msgstr "Зношеність" - -#: data/effects/lift_gamma_gain.xml:3 -msgid "Lift/gamma/gain" -msgstr "Підняття/Гама/Підсилення" - -#: data/effects/lift_gamma_gain.xml:6 data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain.xml:6 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain2.xml:6 -msgid "Lift: Red" -msgstr "Підняття: червоний" - -#: data/effects/lift_gamma_gain.xml:9 data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain.xml:9 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain2.xml:9 -msgid "Lift: Green" -msgstr "Підняття: зелений" - -#: data/effects/lift_gamma_gain.xml:12 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain.xml:12 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain2.xml:12 -msgid "Lift: Blue" -msgstr "Підняття: синій" - -#: data/effects/lift_gamma_gain.xml:15 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain.xml:15 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain2.xml:15 -msgid "Gamma: Red" -msgstr "Гама: червоний" - -#: data/effects/lift_gamma_gain.xml:18 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain.xml:18 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain2.xml:18 -msgid "Gamma: Green" -msgstr "Гама: зелений" - -#: data/effects/lift_gamma_gain.xml:21 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain.xml:21 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain2.xml:21 -msgid "Gamma: Blue" -msgstr "Гама: синій" - -#: data/effects/lift_gamma_gain.xml:24 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain.xml:24 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain2.xml:24 -msgid "Gain: Red" -msgstr "Підсилення: червоний" - -#: data/effects/lift_gamma_gain.xml:27 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain.xml:27 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain2.xml:27 -msgid "Gain: Green" -msgstr "Підсилення: зелений" - -#: data/effects/lift_gamma_gain.xml:30 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain.xml:30 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain2.xml:30 -msgid "Gain: Blue" -msgstr "Підсилення: синій" - -#: data/effects/loudness.xml:3 -msgid "Loudness" -msgstr "Гучність" - -#: data/effects/loudness.xml:4 -msgid "Correct audio loudness as recommended by EBU R128" -msgstr "Виправити гучність звуку, як рекомендується EBU R128" - -#: data/effects/loudness.xml:7 -msgid "Target Program Loudness" -msgstr "Цільова гучність у програмі" - -#: data/effects/mirror.xml:3 -msgid "Mirror" -msgstr "Віддзеркалити" - -#: data/effects/mirror.xml:4 -msgid "Flip your image in any direction" -msgstr "Віддзеркалення ваших зображень у будь-якому напрямку" - -#: data/effects/mirror.xml:7 -msgid "Horizontal,Vertical,Diagonal,X Diagonal,Flip,Flop" -msgstr "" -"горизонтально,вертикально,діагонально,навхрест,перевернути,віддзеркалити" - -#: data/effects/mirror.xml:8 -msgid "Mirroring direction" -msgstr "Напрям віддзеркалення" - -#: data/effects/movit_blur.xml:3 -msgid "Blur (GPU)" -msgstr "Розмивання (ГП)" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_6) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_8) -#: data/effects/movit_blur.xml:6 data/effects/movit_diffusion.xml:6 -#: data/effects/movit_glow.xml:6 data/effects/movit_unsharp_mask.xml:6 -#: data/effects/movit_vignette.xml:6 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:891 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:915 -msgid "Radius" -msgstr "Радіус" - -#: data/effects/movit_deconvolution_sharpen.xml:3 -msgid "Deconvolution sharpen (GPU)" -msgstr "Розгортання зі збільшенням різкості (ГП)" - -#: data/effects/movit_deconvolution_sharpen.xml:6 -msgid "Matrix size" -msgstr "Розмірність матриці" - -#: data/effects/movit_deconvolution_sharpen.xml:9 -msgid "Circle radius" -msgstr "Радіус кола" - -#: data/effects/movit_deconvolution_sharpen.xml:12 -msgid "Gaussian radius" -msgstr "Гаусів радіус" - -#: data/effects/movit_deconvolution_sharpen.xml:15 -msgid "Correlation" -msgstr "Кореляція" - -#: data/effects/movit_diffusion.xml:3 -msgid "Diffusion (GPU)" -msgstr "Розсіювання (ГП)" - -#: data/effects/movit_diffusion.xml:9 -msgid "Mix amount" -msgstr "Рівень змішування" - -#: data/effects/movit_glow.xml:3 -msgid "Glow (GPU)" -msgstr "Сяйво (GPU)" - -#: data/effects/movit_glow.xml:9 -msgid "Glow strength" -msgstr "Потужність ефекту німба" - -#: data/effects/movit_glow.xml:12 -msgid "Highlight cutoff threshold" -msgstr "Порогове значення обрізання підсвічування" - -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain.xml:3 -msgid "Lift/gamma/gain (GPU)" -msgstr "Підняття/Гама/Підсилення (ГП)" - -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain2.xml:3 -msgid "Movit: Lift/gamma/gain (colors)" -msgstr "Movit: підняття/гама/підсилення (кольори)" - -#: data/effects/movit_mirror.xml:3 -msgid "Mirror (GPU)" -msgstr "Віддзеркалити (ГП)" - -#: data/effects/movit_opacity.xml:3 -msgid "Opacity (GPU)" -msgstr "Непрозорість (ГП)" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_opacity) -#: data/effects/movit_opacity.xml:6 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:211 src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:113 -msgid "Opacity" -msgstr "Непрозорість" - -#: data/effects/movit_rect.xml:3 -msgid "Pan and Zoom (GPU)" -msgstr "Панорамування і зміна масштабу (ГП)" - -#: data/effects/movit_rect.xml:9 -msgid "Allow upscale" -msgstr "Дозволити збільшення масштабу" - -#: data/effects/movit_saturation.xml:3 -msgid "Saturation (GPU)" -msgstr "Насиченість (ГП)" - -#: data/effects/movit_unsharp_mask.xml:3 -msgid "Unsharp mask (GPU)" -msgstr "Маска зменшення різкості (ГП)" - -#: data/effects/movit_vignette.xml:3 -msgid "Vignette (GPU)" -msgstr "Віньєтування (ГП)" - -#: data/effects/movit_vignette.xml:9 -msgid "Inner radius" -msgstr "Внутрішній радіус" - -#: data/effects/movit_white_balance.xml:3 -msgid "White Balance (GPU)" -msgstr "Баланс білого (ГП)" - -#: data/effects/mute.xml:3 -msgid "Mute" -msgstr "Вимкнути звук" - -#: data/effects/mute.xml:4 -msgid "Mute clip" -msgstr "Вимкнути звук у кліпі" - -#: data/effects/normalise.xml:3 -msgid "Normalise" -msgstr "Нормалізувати" - -#: data/effects/normalise.xml:4 -msgid "Dynamically normalise the audio volume" -msgstr "Динамічна нормалізація гучності" - -#: data/effects/normalise.xml:10 -msgid "Maximum gain" -msgstr "Макс. підсилення" - -#: data/effects/normalise.xml:13 data/effects/sox_stretch.xml:10 -msgid "Window" -msgstr "Вікно" - -#: data/effects/obscure.xml:4 -msgid "Hide a region of the clip" -msgstr "Приховати область кліпу" - -#: data/effects/obscure.xml:7 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:760 -msgid "Region" -msgstr "Область" - -#: data/effects/oldfilm.xml:3 -msgid "Oldfilm" -msgstr "Стара плівка" - -#: data/effects/oldfilm.xml:4 -msgid "Moves the Picture up and down and random brightness change" -msgstr "" -"Випадкове пересування зображення вгору і вниз з випадковою зміною яскравості" - -#: data/effects/oldfilm.xml:7 -msgid "Y-Delta" -msgstr "Відмінність за Y" - -#: data/effects/oldfilm.xml:10 -#, no-c-format -msgid "% of picture have a delta" -msgstr "% зображення з відмінностями" - -#: data/effects/oldfilm.xml:13 -msgid "Brightness up" -msgstr "Збільшення яскравості" - -#: data/effects/oldfilm.xml:16 -msgid "Brightness down" -msgstr "Зменшення яскравості" - -#: data/effects/oldfilm.xml:19 -msgid "Brightness every" -msgstr "Зміна яскравості кожні" - -#: data/effects/oldfilm.xml:22 -msgid "Unevendevelop up" -msgstr "Нерівномірне проявлення вгору" - -#: data/effects/oldfilm.xml:25 -msgid "Unevendevelop down" -msgstr "Нерівномірне проявлення вниз" - -#: data/effects/oldfilm.xml:28 -msgid "Unevendevelop Duration" -msgstr "Тривалість нерівномірного проявлення" - -#: data/effects/pan_zoom.xml:3 data/effects/region.xml:10 -#: data/effects/rotation.xml:37 -msgid "Pan and Zoom" -msgstr "Панорамування і зміна масштабу" - -#: data/effects/pan_zoom.xml:4 -msgid "Adjust size and position of clip" -msgstr "Скоригувати розміри і позицію кліпу" - -#: data/effects/region.xml:3 -msgid "Regionalize" -msgstr "Поділити на області" - -#: data/effects/region.xml:4 -msgid "Apply sub-effects to a region defined by a clip's alpha channel" -msgstr "Застосувати підефекти до ділянки, визначеної каналом прозорості кліпу" - -#: data/effects/region.xml:7 -msgid "Url" -msgstr "Адреса" - -#: data/effects/rotation.xml:3 -msgid "Rotate and Shear" -msgstr "Обертання і перекошування" - -#: data/effects/rotation.xml:4 data/effects/rotation_keyframable.xml:4 -msgid "Rotate clip in any 3 directions" -msgstr "Обертання кліпу у будь-якому з 3 напрямків" - -#: data/effects/rotation.xml:7 data/effects/rotation_keyframable.xml:7 -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:747 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:216 -msgid "Rotate X" -msgstr "Обертання навколо X" - -#: data/effects/rotation.xml:10 data/effects/rotation_keyframable.xml:10 -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:748 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:219 -msgid "Rotate Y" -msgstr "Обертання навколо Y" - -#: data/effects/rotation.xml:13 data/effects/rotation_keyframable.xml:13 -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:749 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:222 -msgid "Rotate Z" -msgstr "Обертання навколо Z" - -#: data/effects/rotation.xml:16 -msgid "Animate Rotate X" -msgstr "Анімація обертання навколо X" - -#: data/effects/rotation.xml:19 -msgid "Animate Rotate Y" -msgstr "Анімація обертання навколо Y" - -#: data/effects/rotation.xml:22 -msgid "Animate Rotate Z" -msgstr "Анімація обертання навколо Z" - -#: data/effects/rotation.xml:25 -msgid "Shear X" -msgstr "Зсув за X" - -#: data/effects/rotation.xml:28 -msgid "Shear Y" -msgstr "Зсув за Y" - -#: data/effects/rotation.xml:31 -msgid "Animate Shear X" -msgstr "Анімація перекошування за X" - -#: data/effects/rotation.xml:34 -msgid "Animate Shear Y" -msgstr "Анімація перекошування за Y" - -#: data/effects/rotation_keyframable.xml:3 -msgid "Rotate (keyframable)" -msgstr "Обертання (за ключовими кадрами)" - -#: data/effects/rotation_keyframable.xml:16 -msgid "Offset X" -msgstr "Зміщення за X" - -#: data/effects/rotation_keyframable.xml:19 -msgid "Offset Y" -msgstr "Зміщення за Y" - -#: data/effects/rotoscoping.xml:3 -msgid "Rotoscoping" -msgstr "Ротоскоп" - -#: data/effects/rotoscoping.xml:4 -msgid "Keyframable vector based rotoscoping" -msgstr "Ротоскоп, заснований на ключових кадрах" - -#: data/effects/rotoscoping.xml:8 -msgid "Alpha,Luma,RGB" -msgstr "прозорий,яскравий,RGB" - -#: data/effects/rotoscoping.xml:9 -msgid "Mode" -msgstr "Режим" - -#: data/effects/rotoscoping.xml:14 -msgid "Alpha Operation" -msgstr "Обробка каналу прозорості:" - -#: data/effects/rotoscoping.xml:22 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:3422 -msgid "Track" -msgstr "Доріжка" - -#: data/effects/rotoscoping.xml:26 -msgid "Feather width" -msgstr "Ширина розмивання" - -#: data/effects/rotoscoping.xml:30 -msgid "Feathering passes" -msgstr "Кількість проходів розмивання" - -#: data/effects/scratchlines.xml:3 -msgid "Scratchlines" -msgstr "Подряпини" - -#: data/effects/scratchlines.xml:4 -msgid "Scratchlines over the picture" -msgstr "Подряпини на зображенні" - -#: data/effects/scratchlines.xml:7 -msgid "Width of line" -msgstr "Товщина подряпин" - -#: data/effects/scratchlines.xml:10 -msgid "Max number of lines" -msgstr "Макс. кількість подряпин" - -#: data/effects/scratchlines.xml:13 -msgid "Max darker" -msgstr "Макс. затемнення" - -#: data/effects/scratchlines.xml:16 -msgid "Max lighter" -msgstr "Макс. освітлення" - -#: data/effects/sepia.xml:3 -msgid "Sepia" -msgstr "Сепія" - -#: data/effects/sepia.xml:4 -msgid "Turn clip colors to sepia" -msgstr "Перетворення кольорів кліпу на тони сепії" - -#: data/effects/sepia.xml:7 -msgid "Chrominance U" -msgstr "Колірність U" - -#: data/effects/sepia.xml:10 -msgid "Chrominance V" -msgstr "Колірність V" - -#: data/effects/sox_band.xml:3 -msgid "Sox Band" -msgstr "Діапазон Sox" - -#: data/effects/sox_band.xml:4 -msgid "Sox band audio effect" -msgstr "Звуковий ефект зміни діапазону Sox" - -#: data/effects/sox_band.xml:7 -msgid "Center Frequency" -msgstr "Центральна частота" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_4) -#: data/effects/sox_band.xml:10 data/effects/sox_flanger.xml:16 -#: src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:181 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:307 -msgid "Width" -msgstr "Ширина" - -#: data/effects/sox_bass.xml:3 -msgid "Sox Bass" -msgstr "Баси Sox" - -#: data/effects/sox_bass.xml:4 -msgid "Sox bass audio effect" -msgstr "Звуковий ефекти зміни басів Sox" - -#: data/effects/sox_echo.xml:3 -msgid "Sox Echo" -msgstr "Луна Sox" - -#: data/effects/sox_echo.xml:4 -msgid "Sox echo audio effect" -msgstr "Звуковий ефект луни Sox" - -#: data/effects/sox_echo.xml:7 data/effects/sox_phaser.xml:7 -msgid "Gain In" -msgstr "Вхідне підсилення" - -#: data/effects/sox_echo.xml:10 data/effects/sox_phaser.xml:10 -msgid "Gain Out" -msgstr "Вихідне підсилення" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_13) -#: data/effects/sox_echo.xml:13 data/effects/sox_flanger.xml:7 -#: data/effects/sox_phaser.xml:13 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:994 -msgid "Delay" -msgstr "Затримка" - -#: data/effects/sox_echo.xml:16 data/effects/sox_phaser.xml:16 -msgid "Decay" -msgstr "Розпад" - -#: data/effects/sox_flanger.xml:3 -msgid "Sox Flanger" -msgstr "Фленджер Sox" - -#: data/effects/sox_flanger.xml:4 -msgid "Sox flanger audio effect" -msgstr "Звуковий ефект «Фленджер» Sox" - -#: data/effects/sox_flanger.xml:13 -msgid "Regeneration" -msgstr "Повторне створення" - -#: data/effects/sox_flanger.xml:19 data/effects/sox_phaser.xml:19 -#: data/effects/speed.xml:3 data/effects/speed.xml:7 -msgid "Speed" -msgstr "Швидкість" - -#: data/effects/sox_flanger.xml:25 -msgid "Phase" -msgstr "Фаза" - -#: data/effects/sox_flanger.xml:28 src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:383 -msgid "Interpolation" -msgstr "Інтерполяція" - -#: data/effects/sox_gain.xml:3 -msgid "Sox Gain" -msgstr "Підсилення Sox" - -#: data/effects/sox_gain.xml:4 -msgid "Sox gain audio effect" -msgstr "Звуковий ефект підсилення Sox" - -#: data/effects/sox_gain.xml:12 -msgid "Normalize" -msgstr "Нормалізувати" - -#: data/effects/sox_phaser.xml:3 -msgid "Sox Phaser" -msgstr "Фазер Sox" - -#: data/effects/sox_phaser.xml:4 -msgid "Sox phaser audio effect" -msgstr "Звуковий ефект акустичного лазера Sox" - -#: data/effects/sox_pitch.xml:3 -msgid "Sox Pitch Shift" -msgstr "Зсув тону Sox" - -#: data/effects/sox_pitch.xml:4 -msgid "Sox change pitch audio effect" -msgstr "Звуковий ефекти зміни тону Sox" - -#: data/effects/sox_pitch.xml:10 -msgid "Time window (ms)" -msgstr "Часове вікно (у мс)" - -#: data/effects/sox_reverb.xml:3 -msgid "Sox Reverb" -msgstr "Реверберація Sox" - -#: data/effects/sox_reverb.xml:4 -msgid "Sox reverb audio effect" -msgstr "Звуковий ефект реверберації Sox" - -#: data/effects/sox_reverb.xml:7 -msgid "Reverberance" -msgstr "Реверберація" - -#: data/effects/sox_reverb.xml:10 -msgid "High frequency damping" -msgstr "Приглушення високих частот" - -#: data/effects/sox_reverb.xml:13 -msgid "Room scale" -msgstr "Масштаб приміщення" - -#: data/effects/sox_reverb.xml:16 -msgid "Stereo depth" -msgstr "Глибина стерео" - -#: data/effects/sox_reverb.xml:19 -msgid "Pre-delay" -msgstr "Попередня затримка" - -#: data/effects/sox_reverb.xml:22 -msgid "Wet gain" -msgstr "Підсилення низьких частот" - -#: data/effects/sox_stretch.xml:3 -msgid "Sox Stretch" -msgstr "Розтягування Sox" - -#: data/effects/sox_stretch.xml:4 -msgid "Sox stretch audio effect" -msgstr "Звуковий ефект розтягування Sox" - -#: data/effects/speed.xml:4 -msgid "Make clip play faster or slower" -msgstr "Пришвидшення або сповільнення відтворення кліпу" - -#: data/effects/speed.xml:10 -msgid "Stroboscope" -msgstr "Стробоскоп" - -#: data/effects/swapchannels.xml:3 -msgid "Swap channels" -msgstr "Поміняти місцями канали" - -#: data/effects/swapchannels.xml:4 -msgid "Move the left channel to the right and right-to-left" -msgstr "Пересунути лівий канал праворуч, а правий — ліворуч" - -#: data/effects/tcolor.xml:3 -msgid "Technicolor" -msgstr "Technicolor" - -#: data/effects/tcolor.xml:4 -msgid "Oversaturate the color in video, like in old Technicolor movies" -msgstr "" -"Перенасичує кольори відео, роблячи його подібним до старих мультфільмів у зі " -"схемою кольорів Technicolor" - -#: data/effects/tcolor.xml:7 -msgid "Blue/Yellow axis" -msgstr "Вісь синього/жовтого" - -#: data/effects/tcolor.xml:10 -msgid "Red/Green axis" -msgstr "Вісь червоного/зеленого" - -#: data/effects/threshold.xml:4 -msgid "Make monochrome clip" -msgstr "Зробити кліп монохромним" - -#: data/effects/threshold.xml:7 -msgid "Threshold value" -msgstr "Порогове значення" - -#: data/effects/threshold.xml:10 -msgid "Use transparency" -msgstr "Використовувати прозорість" - -#: data/effects/vignette.xml:3 -msgid "Vignette Effect" -msgstr "Ефект віньєтування" - -#: data/effects/vignette.xml:4 -msgid "Adjustable Vignette" -msgstr "Регульоване віньєтування" - -#: data/effects/vignette.xml:7 -msgid "smooth" -msgstr "згладжування" - -#: data/effects/vignette.xml:10 -msgid "radius" -msgstr "радіус" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_6) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_8) -#: data/effects/vignette.xml:13 src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:72 -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:575 -msgid "x" -msgstr "x" - -#: data/effects/vignette.xml:16 -msgid "y" -msgstr "y" - -#: data/effects/vignette.xml:19 -msgid "opacity" -msgstr "непрозорість" - -#: data/effects/vignette.xml:22 -msgid "use cos instead of linear" -msgstr "використовувати косинус замість лінійної" - -#: data/effects/volume.xml:3 -msgid "Volume (keyframable)" -msgstr "Гучність (за ключовими кадрами)" - -#: data/effects/volume.xml:4 -msgid "Adjust audio volume with keyframes" -msgstr "Скоригувати гучність згідно до ключових кадрів" - -#: data/effects/wave.xml:3 -msgid "Wave" -msgstr "Хвиля" - -#: data/effects/wave.xml:4 -msgid "Make waves on your clip with keyframes" -msgstr "Створення хвиль на зображенні на основі ключових кадрів" - -#: data/effects/wave.xml:10 -msgid "Horizontal" -msgstr "Горизонтально" - -#: data/effects/wave.xml:13 -msgid "Vertical" -msgstr "Вертикально" - -#: data/kdenliveeffectscategory.rc:5 -msgid "Colour correction" -msgstr "Виправлення кольорів" - -#: data/kdenliveeffectscategory.rc:8 -msgid "Colour" -msgstr "Зміна кольорів" - -#: data/kdenliveeffectscategory.rc:11 -msgid "Crop and transform" -msgstr "Обрізання і перетворення" - -#: data/kdenliveeffectscategory.rc:14 -msgid "Audio correction" -msgstr "Виправлення звуку" - -#: data/kdenliveeffectscategory.rc:17 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:655 -msgid "Audio channels" -msgstr "Звукові канали" - -#: data/kdenliveeffectscategory.rc:20 -msgid "Analysis and data" -msgstr "Аналіз і дані" - -#: data/kdenliveeffectscategory.rc:23 -msgid "Fade" -msgstr "Знебарвлювання" - -#: data/kdenliveeffectscategory.rc:26 -msgid "Artistic" -msgstr "Художній" - -#: data/kdenliveeffectscategory.rc:29 -msgid "Blur and hide" -msgstr "Розмивання і приховування" - -#: data/kdenliveeffectscategory.rc:32 -msgid "Motion" -msgstr "Рух" - -#: data/kdenliveeffectscategory.rc:38 -msgid "Alpha manipulation" -msgstr "Обробка прозорості" - -#: data/kdenliveeffectscategory.rc:41 -msgid "Enhancement" -msgstr "Покращення" - -#: data/kdenliveeffectscategory.rc:44 -msgid "GPU effects" -msgstr "Ефекти з графічним процесором" - -#. i18n: ectx: ToolBar (extraToolBar) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:4 -msgid "Extra Toolbar" -msgstr "Додаткова панель" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (project) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:21 -msgid "Project" -msgstr "Проект" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (extract_audio) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:29 src/mainwindow.cpp:2752 -msgid "Extract Audio" -msgstr "Видобути звук" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (clip_actions) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:32 src/mainwindow.cpp:2699 -msgid "Clip Jobs" -msgstr "Обробка кліпів" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (transcoders) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:35 src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:184 -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:125 -msgid "Transcode" -msgstr "Перекодування" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (generators) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:38 -msgid "Generators" -msgstr "Засоби створення" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (track_menu) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:40 src/mainwindow.cpp:1145 -msgid "Tracks" -msgstr "Доріжки" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (clip_in_timeline) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:55 -msgid "Clip in Timeline" -msgstr "Кліп на монтажному столі" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (tool) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:70 -msgid "Tool" -msgstr "Інструмент" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (clip) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:80 src/project/projectlistview.cpp:59 -msgid "Clip" -msgstr "Кліп" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (marker_menu) -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_3) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:81 src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:397 -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:402 -msgid "Markers" -msgstr "Позначки" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (timeline) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:96 src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:81 -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2785 -msgid "Timeline" -msgstr "Монтажний стіл" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (keyboard_selection) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:97 -msgid "Selection" -msgstr "Вибір" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (keyboard_insert) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:105 -msgid "Insertion" -msgstr "Вставка" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (current_clip) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:110 -msgid "Current clip" -msgstr "Поточний кліп" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (all_clips) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:117 -msgid "All clips" -msgstr "Усі кліпи" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (guide_menu) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:120 -msgid "Guides" -msgstr "Напрямні" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (space_menu) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:126 -msgid "Space" -msgstr "Пробіл" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (video_effects_menu) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:134 src/mainwindow.cpp:279 -msgid "Add Effect" -msgstr "Додати ефект" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (monitor) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:148 -msgid "Monitor" -msgstr "Монітор" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (monitor_go) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:154 src/timeline/customruler.cpp:93 -msgid "Go To" -msgstr "Перейти" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (monitor_config) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:176 -msgid "Monitor config" -msgstr "Налаштування монітора" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (dockwindows) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:187 -msgid "View" -msgstr "Перегляд" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (layout_save_as) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:188 -msgid "Save Layout As" -msgstr "Зберегти компонування як" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, CountDown_UI) -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, ClipStabilize_UI) -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, FreeSound_UI) -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, ArchiveWidget_UI) -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, BackupDialog_UI) -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, ClipTranscode_UI) -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, AddTrack_UI) -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, SmConfig_UI) -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, ManageEncodingProfile_UI) -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, ColorClip_UI) -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, RenderWidget_UI) -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, Stopmotion_UI) -#: plugins/sampleplugin/countdown_ui.ui:13 src/ui/addtrack_ui.ui:14 -#: src/ui/archivewidget_ui.ui:14 src/ui/backupdialog_ui.ui:14 -#: src/ui/clipstabilize_ui.ui:14 src/ui/cliptranscode_ui.ui:14 -#: src/ui/colorclip_ui.ui:14 src/ui/freesound_ui.ui:14 -#: src/ui/manageencodingprofile_ui.ui:14 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:14 -#: src/ui/smconfig_ui.ui:14 src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Dialog" -msgstr "Діалогове вікно" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, destination_label) -#: plugins/sampleplugin/countdown_ui.ui:19 src/ui/cutjobdialog_ui.ui:47 -msgid "Save to" -msgstr "Зберегти до" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, duration_label) -#: plugins/sampleplugin/countdown_ui.ui:29 -msgid "Duration (seconds)" -msgstr "Тривалість (у секундах)" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, font_label) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_4) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_17) -#: plugins/sampleplugin/countdown_ui.ui:46 src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:89 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:331 -msgid "Font" -msgstr "Шрифт" - -#: plugins/sampleplugin/sampleplugin.cpp:33 -msgid "Countdown" -msgstr "Зворотний відлік" - -#: plugins/sampleplugin/sampleplugin.cpp:55 -msgid "Create Noise Clip" -msgstr "Створити кліп з шумом" - -#: plugins/sampleplugin/sampleplugin.cpp:59 -msgid "Create Countdown Clip" -msgstr "Створити кліп зі зворотним відліком" - -#: plugins/sampleplugin/sampleplugin.cpp:97 -#: plugins/sampleplugin/sampleplugin.cpp:105 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Failed to generate clip:\n" -"%1" -msgstr "" -"Не вдалося створити кліп:\n" -"%1" - -#: plugins/sampleplugin/sampleplugin.cpp:97 -#: plugins/sampleplugin/sampleplugin.cpp:105 -msgid "Generator Failed" -msgstr "Помилка під час створення" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:210 src/project/projectlist.cpp:133 -#, kde-format -msgid "%1 job" -msgid_plural "%1 jobs" -msgstr[0] "%1 завдання" -msgstr[1] "%1 завдання" -msgstr[2] "%1 завдань" -msgstr[3] "одне завдання" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:211 src/project/projectlist.cpp:134 -#, kde-format -msgid "%1 pending job" -msgid_plural "%1 pending jobs" -msgstr[0] "%1 завдання у черзі" -msgstr[1] "%1 завдання у черзі" -msgstr[2] "%1 завдань у черзі" -msgstr[3] "%1 завдання у черзі" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_search) -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:300 src/ui/freesound_ui.ui:74 -msgid "Search" -msgstr "Шукати" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:336 -msgid "View Mode" -msgstr "Режим перегляду" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:338 -msgid "Tree View" -msgstr "Ієрархічний перегляд" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:346 -msgid "Icon View" -msgstr "Перегляд з піктограмами" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:353 -msgid "Disable Bin Effects" -msgstr "Вимкнути ефекти контейнера" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:361 src/bin/bincommands.cpp:102 -msgid "Rename Folder" -msgstr "Перейменувати теку" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab) -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:370 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:50 -msgid "Settings" -msgstr "Параметри" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:372 src/project/clipproperties.cpp:351 -#: src/project/dialogs/slideshowclip.cpp:77 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:324 -msgid "Zoom" -msgstr "Масштабування" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:378 -msgid "Show date" -msgstr "Показати дату" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:381 -msgid "Show description" -msgstr "Показати опис" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:399 src/project/projectlist.cpp:213 -msgid "Cancel All Jobs" -msgstr "Скасувати всі завдання" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:401 src/project/projectlist.cpp:217 -msgid "Cancel Current Clip Jobs" -msgstr "Скасувати завдання з обробки поточного кліпу" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:431 src/project/projectlist.cpp:254 -msgid "Show Log" -msgstr "Показати журнал" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:504 -msgid "Creating audio thumbnails" -msgstr "Створюємо мініатюри звуку" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:511 -msgid "Audio thumbnails done" -msgstr "Мініатюри звуку створено" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:805 -msgctxt "append to clip name to indicate a copied idem" -msgid " (copy)" -msgstr " (копія)" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:929 src/bin/bin.cpp:2217 -#: src/project/folderprojectitem.cpp:37 src/project/projectlist.cpp:1085 -#: src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:60 -msgid "Folder" -msgstr "Тека" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:1056 -#, kde-format -msgid "Folder contains a clip, delete anyways ?" -msgid_plural "Folder contains %1 clips, delete anyways ?" -msgstr[0] "У теці зберігається %1 кліп. Вилучити її попри це?" -msgstr[1] "У теці зберігається %1 кліпи. Вилучити її попри це?" -msgstr[2] "У теці зберігається %1 кліпів. Вилучити її попри це?" -msgstr[3] "У теці зберігається один кліп. Вилучити її попри це?" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:1173 src/mainwindow.cpp:1234 -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:1004 -msgid "Delete Clip" -msgstr "Вилучити кліп" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:1174 src/mainwindow.cpp:1251 -msgid "Proxy Clip" -msgstr "Проміжний кліп" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:1181 src/project/projectlist.cpp:995 -msgid "Delete Folder" -msgstr "Вилучити теку" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:1182 -msgid "Proxy Folder" -msgstr "Тека проміжних даних" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2015 src/bin/bincommands.cpp:62 src/bin/bincommands.cpp:82 -msgid "Move Clip" -msgid_plural "Move Clips" -msgstr[0] "Пересунути кліпи" -msgstr[1] "Пересунути кліпи" -msgstr[2] "Пересунути кліпи" -msgstr[3] "Пересунути кліп" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2231 -#, kde-format -msgid "Playlist clip %1 is invalid." -msgstr "Кліп списку відтворення %1 є некоректним." - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2236 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Playlist clip %1 has too many tracks (%2) to be imported. Add new tracks to " -"your project." -msgstr "" -"У кліпі списку відтворення %1 надто багато доріжок (%2) для імпортування. " -"Додайте доріжок до вашого проекту." - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2449 src/project/projectlist.cpp:465 -msgid "Please set a default application to open images in the Settings dialog" -msgstr "" -"Будь ласка, вкажіть типову програму для відкриття файлів зображень за " -"допомогою діалогового вікна «Параметри»." - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2455 src/project/projectlist.cpp:471 -msgid "" -"Please set a default application to open audio files in the Settings dialog" -msgstr "" -"Будь ласка, вкажіть типову програму для відкриття звукових файлів за " -"допомогою діалогового вікна «Параметри»." - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2511 src/project/projectlist.cpp:2661 -msgid "No data returned from clip analysis" -msgstr "У результаті аналізу кліпу не повернено жодних даних" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2525 src/project/projectlist.cpp:2674 -msgid "Processing data analysis" -msgstr "Виконується аналіз даних" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2531 src/project/projectlist.cpp:2680 -msgid "Auto Split Clip" -msgstr "Автоматично розрізати кліп" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2549 src/project/projectlist.cpp:2698 -msgid "Add Markers" -msgstr "Додати позначки" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2592 src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:85 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:474 src/project/projectcommands.cpp:164 -msgid "Add marker" -msgid_plural "Add markers" -msgstr[0] "Додати позначку" -msgstr[1] "Додати позначки" -msgstr[2] "Додати позначки" -msgstr[3] "Додати позначку" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2603 src/bin/bin.cpp:2685 src/project/jobs/filterjob.cpp:96 -#: src/timeline/markerdialog.cpp:45 -#, kde-format -msgid "Category %1" -msgstr "Категорія %1" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2608 -msgid "Load Clip Markers" -msgstr "Завантажити позначки кліпів" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2623 src/bin/bin.cpp:2720 -#: src/dialogs/profilesdialog.cpp:219 src/dialogs/profilesdialog.cpp:520 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot open file %1" -msgstr "Не вдалося відкрити файл %1" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, MarkerDialog_UI) -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2649 src/definitions.cpp:78 src/definitions.cpp:95 -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:367 src/mainwindow.cpp:1831 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:727 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:801 src/ui/markerdialog_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Marker" -msgstr "Позначка" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2683 -msgid "All categories" -msgstr "Усі категорії" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2690 -msgid "Save Clip Markers" -msgstr "Зберегти позначки кліпів" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2733 src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:86 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:478 src/project/projectcommands.cpp:162 -msgid "Delete marker" -msgstr "Вилучити позначку" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2748 -msgid "Delete clip markers" -msgstr "Вилучити позначки кліпу" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2750 -msgid "Clip has no markers" -msgstr "Позначок для кліпу не вказано" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2788 src/project/clippropertiesmanager.cpp:126 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"You are editing an external title clip (%1). Do you want to save your " -"changes to the title file or save the changes for this project only?" -msgstr "" -"Ви редагуєте зовнішній кліп титрів (%1). Бажаєте зберегти зміни до файла " -"титрів чи внести зміни лише до файлів вашого проекту?" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2788 src/project/clippropertiesmanager.cpp:126 -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:1766 -msgid "Save Title" -msgstr "Збереження титрів" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2788 src/project/clippropertiesmanager.cpp:126 -msgid "Save to title file" -msgstr "Зберегти до файла титрів" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2788 src/project/clippropertiesmanager.cpp:126 -msgid "Save in project only" -msgstr "Зберегти лише у проекті" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2852 src/project/projectlist.cpp:1428 -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:1430 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4517 -msgid "Invalid clip" -msgstr "Некоректний кліп" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2852 src/project/projectlist.cpp:1428 -msgid "Clip is invalid, will be removed from project." -msgstr "Дані кліпу пошкоджено, його буде вилучено з проекту." - -#: src/bin/bincommands.cpp:34 -msgid "Remove Folder" -msgstr "Вилучити теку" - -#: src/bin/bincommands.cpp:35 -msgid "Add Folder" -msgstr "Додати теку" - -#: src/bin/bincommands.cpp:121 -msgid "Add Bin Effect" -msgstr "Додати ефект контейнера" - -#: src/bin/bincommands.cpp:140 -msgid "Remove Bin Effect" -msgstr "Вилучити ефекти контейнера" - -#: src/bin/bincommands.cpp:162 -msgid "Rename Zone" -msgstr "Перейменувати зону" - -#: src/bin/bincommands.cpp:184 -msgid "Add Sub Clip" -msgstr "Додати підкліп" - -#: src/bin/bincommands.cpp:217 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1628 -msgid "Edit clip" -msgstr "Змінити кліп" - -#: src/bin/projectclip.cpp:90 src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:879 -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:195 -msgid "Untitled" -msgstr "Без назви" - -#: src/bin/projectclip.cpp:272 src/project/projectlist.cpp:2458 -msgctxt "The first letter of Proxy, used as abbreviation" -msgid "P" -msgstr "П" - -#: src/bin/projectclip.cpp:940 src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:1228 -#, kde-format -msgid "Clip already contains analysis data %1" -msgstr "У кліпі вже містяться дані аналізу %1" - -#: src/bin/projectclip.cpp:940 src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:1228 -msgid "Merge" -msgstr "Об’єднати" - -#: src/bin/projectclip.cpp:940 src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:1228 -msgid "Add" -msgstr "Додати" - -#: src/bin/projectfolder.cpp:74 -#, kde-format -msgid "%1 clip" -msgid_plural "%1 clips" -msgstr[0] "%1 кліп" -msgstr[1] "%1 кліпи" -msgstr[2] "%1 кліпів" -msgstr[3] "%1 кліп" - -#: src/bin/projectfolderup.cpp:35 -msgid "Back" -msgstr "Назад" - -#: src/bin/projectfolderup.cpp:59 -msgid "Go up" -msgstr "Перейти вище" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/bin/projectitemmodel.cpp:169 src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:74 -#: src/ui/colorclip_ui.ui:20 src/ui/configtranscode_ui.ui:70 -#: src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:20 -msgid "Name" -msgstr "Назва" - -#: src/bin/projectitemmodel.cpp:172 -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:173 -#: src/project/projectlistview.cpp:59 -msgid "Date" -msgstr "Дата" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_description) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/bin/projectitemmodel.cpp:175 src/project/projectlistview.cpp:59 -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:41 src/ui/configtranscode_ui.ui:80 -#: src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:49 -msgid "Description" -msgstr "Опис" - -#: src/bin/projectitemmodel.cpp:178 src/dialogs/profilesdialog.cpp:585 -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:231 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:319 -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:771 src/mltcontroller/clipcontroller.cpp:266 -#: src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:483 -msgid "Unknown" -msgstr "Невідомий" - -#: src/bin/projectsubclip.cpp:41 src/doc/documentvalidator.cpp:1441 -#, kde-format -msgid "Zone %1" -msgstr "Ділянка %1" - -#: src/capture/managecapturesdialog.cpp:42 -msgid "import" -msgstr "імпортувати" - -#: src/dialogs/clipcreationdialog.cpp:97 src/dialogs/clipcreationdialog.cpp:98 -msgid "Color Clip" -msgstr "Кольоровий кліп" - -#: src/dialogs/clipcreationdialog.cpp:188 -msgid "Title clip" -msgstr "Кліп з титрами" - -#: src/dialogs/clipcreationdialog.cpp:236 src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:1117 -msgid "Template title clip" -msgstr "Шаблон кліпу з титрами" - -#: src/dialogs/clipcreationdialog.cpp:428 src/doc/doccommands.cpp:32 -msgid "Add clip" -msgid_plural "Add clips" -msgstr[0] "Додати кліпи" -msgstr[1] "Додати кліпи" -msgstr[2] "Додати кліпи" -msgstr[3] "Додати кліп" - -#: src/dialogs/clipcreationdialog.cpp:437 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:247 -#: src/effectstack/collapsibleeffect.cpp:200 src/mainwindow.cpp:2832 -msgid "All Supported Files" -msgstr "Всі файли, що підтримуються" - -#: src/dialogs/clipcreationdialog.cpp:437 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:247 -#: src/effectstack/collapsibleeffect.cpp:200 src/mainwindow.cpp:2832 -msgid "All Files" -msgstr "Всі файли" - -#: src/dialogs/clipcreationdialog.cpp:438 -msgid "Import image sequence" -msgstr "Імпортувати послідовність зображень" - -#: src/dialogs/clipcreationdialog.cpp:440 -msgid "Transparent background for images" -msgstr "Прозоре тло для зображень" - -#: src/dialogs/encodingprofilesdialog.cpp:37 -msgid "Manage Encoding Profiles" -msgstr "Керування профілями кодування" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, groupBox) -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, enable_proxy) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_14) -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, kcfg_enableproxy) -#: src/dialogs/encodingprofilesdialog.cpp:38 -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:96 src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:36 -#: src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:142 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:244 -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:499 -msgid "Proxy clips" -msgstr "Проміжні кліпи" - -#: src/dialogs/encodingprofilesdialog.cpp:39 -msgid "Video4Linux capture" -msgstr "Захоплення з Video4Linux" - -#: src/dialogs/encodingprofilesdialog.cpp:40 -msgid "Screen capture" -msgstr "Захоплення знімків екрана" - -#: src/dialogs/encodingprofilesdialog.cpp:41 -msgid "Decklink capture" -msgstr "Захоплення з Decklink" - -#: src/dialogs/encodingprofilesdialog.cpp:125 -#: src/dialogs/encodingprofilesdialog.cpp:157 -msgid "Profile name:" -msgstr "Назва профілю:" - -#: src/dialogs/encodingprofilesdialog.cpp:128 -#: src/dialogs/encodingprofilesdialog.cpp:160 -msgid "Parameters:" -msgstr "Параметри:" - -#: src/dialogs/encodingprofilesdialog.cpp:131 -#: src/dialogs/encodingprofilesdialog.cpp:163 -msgid "File extension:" -msgstr "Суфікс назви файла:" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:64 -#: src/effectslist/effectslistwidget.cpp:100 -#: src/effectslist/effectslistwidget.cpp:121 -#: src/effectslist/effectslistwidget.cpp:123 -msgid "Misc" -msgstr "Інше" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:73 -msgid "Project Defaults" -msgstr "Типові значення проекту" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:101 -msgid "Environment" -msgstr "Середовище" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:126 -msgid "Capture" -msgstr "Захоплення" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:131 -msgid "Capture is not yet available on Mac OS X." -msgstr "У Mac OS X режим захоплення ще не реалізовано." - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:170 -msgid "JogShuttle" -msgstr "Ручка керування" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, groupBox) -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:180 src/ui/smconfig_ui.ui:20 -msgid "Playback" -msgstr "Відтворення" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:275 -msgid "GPU processing needs MLT compiled with Movit and Rtaudio modules" -msgstr "" -"Обробка за допомогою графічного процесора потребує MLT, зібраного з модулями " -"Movit та Rtaudio" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:300 -#, kde-format -msgid "dvgrab version %1 at %2" -msgstr "Версія dvgrab %1 %2" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:301 -msgid "" -"dvgrab utility not found, please install it for firewire " -"capture" -msgstr "" -"Не знайдено програми dvgrab, будь ласка, встановіть цю " -"програму, щоб програма Kdenlive могла захоплювати дані з firewire." - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:438 -msgid "Automatic" -msgstr "Автоматично" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:440 -msgid "OSS" -msgstr "OSS" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:441 -msgid "ALSA" -msgstr "ALSA" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:442 -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:487 -msgid "PulseAudio" -msgstr "PulseAudio" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:443 -msgid "OSS with DMA access" -msgstr "OSS з доступом DMA" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:444 -msgid "Esound daemon" -msgstr "Фонова служба Esound" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:445 -msgid "ARTS daemon" -msgstr "Фонова служба ARTS" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:457 -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:458 -msgid "Default" -msgstr "Типовий" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:503 -msgid "SDL" -msgstr "SDL" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:504 -msgid "RtAudio" -msgstr "RtAudio" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:566 -msgid "Select default video player" -msgstr "Вкажіть типовий програвач відео" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:578 -msgid "Select default audio editor" -msgstr "Вкажіть типовий редактор звукових даних" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:590 -msgid "Select default image editor" -msgstr "Вкажіть типовий редактор зображень" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:809 -msgid "Kdenlive must be restarted to change this setting" -msgstr "Для набуття чинності цим параметром Kdenlive слід перезапустити" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, p_progressive) -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:832 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:264 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:634 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:118 src/project/clipproperties.cpp:685 -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:322 src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:99 -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:163 -msgid "Interlaced" -msgstr "Черезрядкове" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, progressive) -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:834 -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:1039 -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:1072 -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:1088 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:265 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:634 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:119 src/project/clipproperties.cpp:685 -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:428 src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:232 -msgid "Progressive" -msgstr "Прогресивне" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:892 -msgid "A profile with that name already exists" -msgstr "Профіль з такою назвою вже існує" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:1003 -msgid "Current settings" -msgstr "Поточні параметри" - -#: src/dialogs/profilesdialog.cpp:50 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:163 -msgid "Delete profile" -msgstr "Вилучити профіль" - -#: src/dialogs/profilesdialog.cpp:52 src/dialogs/profilesdialog.cpp:95 -msgid "Save profile" -msgstr "Зберегти профіль" - -#: src/dialogs/profilesdialog.cpp:54 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:171 -msgid "Create new profile" -msgstr "Створити профіль" - -#: src/dialogs/profilesdialog.cpp:163 -msgid "The custom profile was modified, do you want to save it?" -msgstr "Нетиповий профіль було змінено, бажаєте його зберегти?" - -#: src/dialogs/profilesdialog.cpp:194 -msgid "" -"A profile with same name already exists in MLT's default profiles, please " -"choose another description for your custom profile." -msgstr "" -"Серед типових профілів MLT вже існує профіль з такою назвою, будь ласка, " -"виберіть інший опис для вашого нетипового профілю." - -#: src/dialogs/profilesdialog.cpp:225 src/dialogs/profilesdialog.cpp:526 -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:612 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:799 -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:805 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:865 -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1003 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1168 -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2382 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2405 -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:669 src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:675 -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:934 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:940 -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:3046 src/mainwindow.cpp:3051 -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:796 -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:802 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:1780 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot write to file %1" -msgstr "Не вдалося виконати запис до файла %1" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:108 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1233 -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2295 -msgid "Waiting..." -msgstr "Очікування..." - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:111 -msgid "Rendering finished" -msgstr "Обробку завершено" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:116 -msgid "Rendering crashed" -msgstr "Спроба обробки завершилася аварійно" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:121 -msgid "Rendering aborted" -msgstr "Обробку перервано" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:155 -msgid "Rendering" -msgstr "Обробка" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:167 -msgid "Edit profile" -msgstr "Змінити профіль" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:177 -msgid "Copy profile to favorites" -msgstr "Копіювати профіль до списку основних" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:179 -msgid "Show profiles with different framerate" -msgstr "Показати профілі з різними частотами кадрів" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, preserveAspectRatio) -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:223 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:534 -msgid "Preserve aspect ratio" -msgstr "Зберігати співвідношення розмірів" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:289 -msgid "File" -msgstr "Файл" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:298 -msgid "Script Files" -msgstr "Файли скриптів" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:392 -msgid "Beginning" -msgstr "Початок" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:478 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:494 -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:688 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:706 -msgid "Qualities" -msgstr "Якості" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:479 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:495 -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:689 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:707 -msgid "Default quality" -msgstr "Типова якість" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, vbitrates_label) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, abitrates_label) -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:481 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:497 -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:691 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:709 -#: src/ui/saveprofile_ui.ui:40 src/ui/saveprofile_ui.ui:73 -msgid "Bitrates" -msgstr "Біт. швидк." - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, default_vbitrate_label) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, default_abitrate_label) -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:482 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:498 -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:692 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:710 -#: src/ui/saveprofile_ui.ui:26 src/ui/saveprofile_ui.ui:80 -msgid "Default bitrate" -msgstr "Типова бітова швидкість" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:509 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:515 -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:679 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:749 -msgctxt "Group Name" -msgid "Custom" -msgstr "Нетипові" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:591 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:760 -msgid "Profile already exists" -msgstr "Профіль з такою назвою вже існує" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:591 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:760 -msgid "" -"This profile name already exists. Change the name if you don't want to " -"overwrite it." -msgstr "" -"Профіль з такою назвою вже існує. Змініть назву, якщо ви не бажаєте " -"перезаписувати існуючий профіль." - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:606 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:859 -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1859 -#, kde-format -msgid "Unable to write to file %1" -msgstr "Не вдалося виконати запис до файла %1" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:632 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1843 -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1892 -msgctxt "Category Name" -msgid "Custom" -msgstr "Нетипові" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:720 -msgid "Edit Profile" -msgstr "Змінити профіль" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:918 -msgid "Cannot find the melt program required for rendering (part of Mlt)" -msgstr "" -"Не вдалося знайти програми melt, потрібної для обробки (програма є частиною " -"Mlt)" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:922 -msgid "" -"Cannot play video after rendering because the default video player " -"application is not set.\n" -"Please define it in Kdenlive settings dialog." -msgstr "" -"Не вдалося відтворити відео після обробки, оскільки не вказано типової " -"програми відтворення відео.\n" -"Будь ласка, вкажіть відповідну програму за допомогою діалогового вікна " -"налаштування Kdenlive." - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:930 src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:259 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"The directory %1, could not be created.\n" -"Please make sure you have the required permissions." -msgstr "" -"Не вдалося створити каталог %1.\n" -"Переконайтеся, що маєте потрібні права доступу." - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:973 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:165 -#, kde-format -msgid "File has no extension. Add extension (%1)?" -msgstr "У назві файла не вказано суфікса. Додати суфікс (%1)?" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:988 -msgid "Output file already exists. Do you want to overwrite it?" -msgstr "Файл виводу даних вже існує. Перезаписати його?" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1222 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2283 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"There is already a job writing file:
Abort the job if " -"you want to overwrite it..." -msgstr "" -"Файл запису завдань вже створено:
Перервіть виконання " -"завдання, якщо бажаєте перезаписати цей файл..." - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1222 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2283 -msgid "Already running" -msgstr "Вже працює" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1266 -msgid "Video without audio track" -msgstr "Відео без звукової доріжки" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1317 -#, kde-format -msgid "Rendering %1 started" -msgstr "Почато обробку %1" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1473 -#, kde-format -msgid "Frame rate (%1) not compatible with project profile (%2)" -msgstr "Частота кадрів (%1) несумісна з профілем проекту (%2)" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1491 -#, kde-format -msgid "Unsupported video format: %1" -msgstr "Непідтримуваний формат відео: %1" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1507 -#, kde-format -msgid "Unsupported audio codec: %1" -msgstr "Непідтримуваний звуковий кодек: %1" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1524 -#, kde-format -msgid "Unsupported video codec: %1" -msgstr "Непідтримуваний відеокодек: %1" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1533 -msgid "" -"This render profile uses a 'profile' parameter.
Unless you know what " -"you are doing you will probably have to change it to 'mlt_profile'." -msgstr "" -"У цьому профілі обробки використано параметр «profile».
Якщо ви не " -"впевнені, що саме це вам потрібно, вам варто змінити цей параметр на " -"«mlt_profile»." - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1546 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1584 -msgid "No matching profile" -msgstr "Відповідного профілю немає" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1561 -msgid "untitled" -msgstr "без назви" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1586 -msgid "Invalid profile" -msgstr "Некоректний профіль" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1630 -msgid "" -"Video\n" -"quality" -msgstr "" -"Якість\n" -"відео" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1632 -msgid "" -"Video\n" -"bitrate" -msgstr "" -"Бітова\n" -"швидкість\n" -"відео" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1652 -msgid "" -"Audio\n" -"quality" -msgstr "" -"Якість\n" -"звуку" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1654 -msgid "" -"Audio\n" -"bitrate" -msgstr "" -"Бітова\n" -"швидкість\n" -"звуку" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1692 -msgid "File rendering" -msgstr "Обробка файла" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1693 -msgid "Favorites" -msgstr "Основні" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1694 -msgid "DVD" -msgstr "DVD" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, profile_audioonly) -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1695 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7011 -#: src/ui/configtranscode_ui.ui:100 -msgid "Audio only" -msgstr "Лише звук" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1696 -msgid "Web sites" -msgstr "Веб-сайти" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1697 -msgid "Media players" -msgstr "Програвачі мультимедійних даних" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1698 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1738 -msgid "Lossless/HQ" -msgstr "Без втрат/HQ" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1699 -msgid "Mobile devices" -msgstr "Мобільні пристрої" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1783 -msgctxt "Category Name" -msgid "Images sequence" -msgstr "Послідовність зображень" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1987 -msgctxt "Attribute Name" -msgid "Custom" -msgstr "Нетиповий" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2085 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2108 -#, kde-format -msgid "%1 day " -msgid_plural "%1 days " -msgstr[0] "%1 день " -msgstr[1] "%1 дні " -msgstr[2] "%1 днів " -msgstr[3] "1 день" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2087 -#, kde-format -msgid "Remaining time %1" -msgstr "Лишилося %1" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2110 -#, kde-format -msgid "Rendering finished in %1" -msgstr "Обробку завершено за %1" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2112 -#, kde-format -msgid "Rendering of %1 finished in %2" -msgstr "Обробку %1 завершено за %2" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2125 -#, kde-format -msgid "Rendering of %1 crashed
" -msgstr "" -"Спроба обробки %1 завершилася у аварійному режимі
" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, abort_job) -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2165 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:650 -msgid "Abort Job" -msgstr "Перервати виконання" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2168 -msgid "Remove Job" -msgstr "Вилучити завдання" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2236 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2240 -#, kde-format -msgid "Script contains wrong command: %1" -msgstr "У скрипті міститься помилкова команда: %1" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2424 -msgid "script" -msgstr "скрипт" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2445 src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:228 -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:640 -msgid "Check missing clips" -msgstr "Перевірити наявність кліпів" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2502 -msgid "Export audio (automatic)" -msgstr "Експортувати звук (автоматично)" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, export_audio) -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2504 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:544 -msgid "Export audio" -msgstr "Експортувати звук" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:60 -msgid "Config Wizard" -msgstr "Майстер налаштування" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:64 -msgid "Welcome" -msgstr "Ласкаво просимо" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:66 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Your Kdenlive version was upgraded to version %1. Please take some time to " -"review the basic settings" -msgstr "" -"Ви оновили Kdenlive до версії %1. Будь ласка, приділіть трохи часу перегляду " -"основних параметрів програми." - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:68 -msgid "" -"This is the first time you run Kdenlive. This wizard will let you adjust " -"some basic settings, you will be ready to edit your first movie in a few " -"seconds..." -msgstr "" -"Ви запустили Kdenlive вперше. За допомогою цього майстра ви зможете вказати " -"основні параметри програми. Розпочати редагування вашого першого відео можна " -"буде вже за декілька секунд..." - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:72 -msgid "Discover the features of this Kdenlive release" -msgstr "Ознайомтеся з можливостями цього випуску Kdenlive" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:82 -msgid "Checking MLT engine" -msgstr "Перевірка рушія MLT" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:90 -msgid "Video Standard" -msgstr "Стандарт відео" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:128 -msgid "Additional Settings" -msgstr "Додаткові параметри" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (KComboBox, capture_device) -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:142 src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:168 -msgid "Capture device" -msgstr "Пристрій захоплення" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:146 -msgid "Default Blackmagic Decklink card:" -msgstr "Типова картка Blackmagic Decklink:" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:147 -msgid "No Blackmagic Decklink device found" -msgstr "Не знайдено пристроїв Blackmagic Decklink" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:158 -msgid "Checking system" -msgstr "Перевірка системи" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:186 -msgid "Default video4linux device:" -msgstr "Типовий пристрій video4linux:" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:199 -msgid "No device found, plug your webcam and refresh." -msgstr "" -"Не виявлено жодного пристрою. З’єднайте з комп’ютером вашу веб-камеру і " -"оновіть список." - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:221 -#, kde-format -msgid "Current settings (%1x%2, %3/%4fps)" -msgstr "Поточні параметри (%1⨯%2, %3/%4 кд/с)" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:257 -#, kde-format -msgid "Default settings (%1x%2, %3/%4fps)" -msgstr "Типові параметри (%1⨯%2, %3/%4 кд/с)" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:272 -msgid "Melt" -msgstr "Melt" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:273 -msgid "Required for rendering (part of MLT package)" -msgstr "Потрібний для обробки (частина пакунка MLT)" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:280 -msgid "Cannot start the MLT video backend!" -msgstr "Не вдалося запустити модуль обробки відео MLT!" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:287 -#, kde-format -msgid "MLT version: %1" -msgstr "Версія MLT: %1" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:290 -msgid "Your MLT version is unsupported!!!" -msgstr "Встановлена вами версія MLT не підтримується." - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:296 -#, kde-format -msgid "Please upgrade to MLT %1.%2.%3" -msgstr "Будь ласка, оновіть MLT до версії %1.%2.%3" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:300 -msgid "MLT video backend!" -msgstr "Модуль обробки відео MLT!" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:318 -msgid "SDL module" -msgstr "Модуль SDL" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:319 -msgid "Required for Kdenlive" -msgstr "Потрібний для роботи Kdenlive" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:332 -msgid "Avformat module (FFmpeg)" -msgstr "Модуль avformat (FFmpeg)" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:333 -msgid "Required to work with various video formats (hdv, mpeg, flash, ...)" -msgstr "Потрібний для роботи з відео у різних форматах (hdv, mpeg, flash, ...)" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:372 -msgid "QImage module" -msgstr "Модуль QImage" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:373 src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:378 -msgid "Required to work with images" -msgstr "Потрібний для роботи з зображеннями" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:377 -msgid "Pixbuf module" -msgstr "Модуль Pixbuf" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:392 -msgid "Title module" -msgstr "Модуль титрів" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:393 -msgid "Required to work with titles" -msgstr "Потрібний для роботи з титрами" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:456 -msgid "" -"The following codecs were not found on your system. Check our online manual if you need them: " -msgstr "" -"У вашій системі не знайдено вказаних нижче кодеків. Якщо вони вам потрібні, " -"ознайомтеся з настановами з нашого підручника у інтернеті: " - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:477 -msgid "FFmpeg & ffplay" -msgstr "FFmpeg & ffplay" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:478 -msgid "Required for proxy clips, transcoding and screen capture" -msgstr "" -"Потрібний для створення проміжних кліпів, перекодування та захоплення " -"зображення з екрана" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:504 -msgid "dvgrab" -msgstr "dvgrab" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:505 -msgid "Required for firewire capture" -msgstr "Потрібний для захоплення даних з firewire" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:511 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:104 -msgid "dvdauthor" -msgstr "dvdauthor" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:512 -msgid "Required for creation of DVD" -msgstr "Потрібний для створення DVD" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:518 -msgid "genisoimage or mkisofs" -msgstr "genisoimage або mkisofs" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:519 -msgid "Required for creation of DVD ISO images" -msgstr "Потрібний для створення образів ISO DVD" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:528 -msgid "xine" -msgstr "xine" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:529 -msgid "Required to preview your DVD" -msgstr "Потрібний для перегляду ваших DVD" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:533 -msgid "vlc" -msgstr "vlc" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:685 -msgid "Frame size:" -msgstr "Розмір кадру:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_4) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:685 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:245 -#: src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:55 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:107 -msgid "Frame rate:" -msgstr "Частота кадрів:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_23) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_9) -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:685 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:266 -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:121 -msgid "Pixel aspect ratio:" -msgstr "Співвідношення розмірів пікселя:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_31) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_10) -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:685 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:280 -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:135 -msgid "Display aspect ratio:" -msgstr "Співвідношення розмірів:" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:732 -msgid "" -"Your MLT installation cannot be found. Install MLT and restart Kdenlive.\n" -msgstr "" -"Не знайдено встановленого вами MLT. Встановіть MLT, а потім знову запустіть " -"Kdenlive.\n" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:736 -msgid "Fatal Error" -msgstr "Критична помилка" - -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:279 -#, kde-format -msgid "%1 fps" -msgstr "%1 кд/с" - -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:284 -msgid "Hz" -msgstr "Гц" - -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:289 -msgid "Audio clip" -msgstr "Звуковий кліп" - -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:292 -msgid "Mute video clip" -msgstr "Вимкнути звук відеокліпу" - -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:295 src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:214 -msgid "Video clip" -msgstr "Відеокліп" - -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:298 -msgid "Color clip" -msgstr "Кольоровий кліп" - -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:301 src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:216 -msgid "Image clip" -msgstr "Кліп-зображення" - -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:304 -msgid "Template text clip" -msgstr "Текстовий кліп з шаблону" - -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:305 -msgid "Text clip" -msgstr "Текстовий кліп" - -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:308 -msgid "Slideshow clip" -msgstr "Кліп показу слайдів" - -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:311 -msgid "Virtual clip" -msgstr "Віртуальний кліп" - -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:314 src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:218 -msgid "Playlist clip" -msgstr "Додати кліп до списку відтворення" - -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:317 -msgid "Unknown clip" -msgstr "Невідомий кліп" - -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:684 src/renderer.cpp:141 -msgid "Missing clip" -msgstr "Пропущено кліп" - -#: src/doc/doccommands.cpp:33 src/project/clipmanager.cpp:226 -msgid "Delete clip" -msgid_plural "Delete clips" -msgstr[0] "Вилучити кліпи" -msgstr[1] "Вилучити кліпи" -msgstr[2] "Вилучити кліпи" -msgstr[3] "Вилучити кліп" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:199 -msgid "Luma file" -msgstr "Файл сигналу яскравості" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:223 -msgid "Title Image" -msgstr "Зображення титрів" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:226 -msgid "Title Font" -msgstr "Шрифт титрів" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:247 -#, kde-format -msgid "%1 will be replaced by %2" -msgstr "%1 буде замінено на %2" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:261 -msgid "Missing item" -msgstr "Не знайдено об’єкта" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:265 -msgid "The project file contains missing clips or files" -msgstr "Файл проекту містить посилання на кліпи або файли, яких у ньому немає" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:269 -msgid "Missing proxies will be recreated after opening." -msgstr "" -"Проміжні кліпи, яких не вистачатиме, буде повторно створено після відкриття." - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:273 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"The project file contains a missing clip, you can still work with its proxy." -msgid_plural "" -"The project file contains %1 missing clips, you can still work with their " -"proxies." -msgstr[0] "" -"У файлі проекту не вистачає %1 початкового кліпу, ви можете працювати лише з " -"проміжними кліпами." -msgstr[1] "" -"У файлі проекту не вистачає %1 початкових кліпів, ви можете працювати лише з " -"проміжними кліпами." -msgstr[2] "" -"У файлі проекту не вистачає %1 початкових кліпів, ви можете працювати лише з " -"проміжними кліпами." -msgstr[3] "" -"У файлі проекту не вистачає початкового кліпу, ви можете працювати лише з " -"проміжним кліпом." - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:283 src/project/projectitem.cpp:192 -msgid "Proxy clip" -msgstr "Проміжний кліп" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:285 -#, kde-format -msgid "%1 missing proxy clip, will be recreated on project opening" -msgid_plural "%1 missing proxy clips, will be recreated on project opening" -msgstr[0] "" -"У %1 немає частини проміжних кліпів, ці кліпи буде повторно створено після " -"відкриття." -msgstr[1] "" -"У %1 немає частини проміжних кліпів, ці кліпи буде повторно створено після " -"відкриття." -msgstr[2] "" -"У %1 немає частини проміжних кліпів, ці кліпи буде повторно створено після " -"відкриття." -msgstr[3] "" -"У %1 немає частини проміжного кліпу, ці кліпи буде повторно створено після " -"відкриття." - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:288 -msgid "Missing proxy" -msgstr "Пропущено проміжний кліп" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:335 src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:348 -msgid "Source clip" -msgstr "Початковий кліп" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:337 -#, kde-format -msgid "%1 missing source clips, you can only use the proxies" -msgstr "" -"У %1 не вистачає початкових кліпів, ви можете скористатися лише проміжними" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:340 -msgid "Missing source clip" -msgstr "Не вистачає початкового кліпу" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:411 -msgid "Clips folder" -msgstr "Тека кліпів" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:567 -msgid "Enter new location for file" -msgstr "Введіть нову адресу файла" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:780 -msgid "This will remove the selected clip from this project" -msgid_plural "This will remove the selected clips from this project" -msgstr[0] "Вилучити позначені кліпи з цього проекту" -msgstr[1] "Вилучити позначені кліпи з цього проекту" -msgstr[2] "Вилучити позначені кліпи з цього проекту" -msgstr[3] "Вилучити позначений кліп з цього проекту" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:780 -msgid "Remove clips" -msgstr "Вилучити кліпи" - -#: src/doc/documentvalidator.cpp:90 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"The document was created in \"%1\" locale, which is not installed on your " -"system. Please install that language pack. Until then, Kdenlive might not be " -"able to correctly open the document." -msgstr "" -"Документ було створено у локалі «%1», яку не встановлено у вашій системі. " -"Будь ласка, встановіть відповідний пакунок підтримки мови. До встановлення " -"цього пакунка Kdenlive не зможе відкрити ваш документ належним чином." - -#: src/doc/documentvalidator.cpp:94 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"There is a locale conflict on your system. The document uses locale %1 which " -"uses a \"%2\" as numeric separator (in system libraries) but Qt expects " -"\"%3\". You might not be able to correctly open the project." -msgstr "" -"У вашій системі виявлено конфлікт локалей. У документі використано локаль " -"«%1», у якій використовується символ відокремлення дробової частини «%2» (на " -"рівні бібліотек системи), але у бібліотеках Qt визначено символ «%3». " -"Можливо, ви не зможете відкрити ваш проект належним чином." - -#: src/doc/documentvalidator.cpp:279 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"This project type is unsupported (version %1) and can't be loaded.\n" -"Please consider upgrading your Kdenlive version." -msgstr "" -"Програма не підтримує проекти цього типу (версія %1), такий проект неможливо " -"завантажити.\n" -"Будь ласка, спробуйте оновити вашу версію Kdenlive." - -#: src/doc/documentvalidator.cpp:279 src/doc/documentvalidator.cpp:286 -msgid "Unable to open project" -msgstr "Не вдалося відкрити проект" - -#: src/doc/documentvalidator.cpp:286 -#, kde-format -msgid "This project type is unsupported (version %1) and can't be loaded." -msgstr "" -"Тип цього проекту не підтримується (версія %1), отже проект неможливо " -"завантажити." - -#: src/doc/documentvalidator.cpp:840 -msgid "" -"Some of your text clips were saved with size in points, which means " -"different sizes on different displays. Do you want to convert them to pixel " -"size, making them portable? It is recommended you do this on the computer " -"they were first created on, or you could have to adjust their size." -msgstr "" -"Дані деяких з ваших текстових кліпів збережено з визначенням розміру " -"символів у пунктах, отже розмір тексту буде різним за різних розмірів " -"зображення. Бажаєте перевизначити розміри у пікселях для покращення " -"можливостей з перенесення даних? Рекомендуємо вам це зробити на комп’ютері, " -"де було створено ці кліпи або скоригувати розміри тексту." - -#: src/doc/documentvalidator.cpp:840 -msgid "Update Text Clips" -msgstr "Оновити текстові кліпи" - -#: src/doc/documentvalidator.cpp:1679 -msgid "" -"The project file uses some GPU effects. GPU acceleration is not currently " -"enabled.\n" -"Do you want to convert the project to a non-GPU version ?\n" -"This might result in data loss." -msgstr "" -"У файлі проекту використано деякі ефекти з використанням графічного " -"процесора. Зараз прискорення обробки за допомогою графічного процесора " -"вимкнено.\n" -"Хочете перетворити проект на версію без використання графічного процесора?\n" -"Перетворення може спричинити втрату даних." - -#: src/doc/documentvalidator.cpp:1770 -msgid "The following filters/transitions were converted to non GPU versions:" -msgstr "" -"Наступні фільтри і переходи було перетворено на версії без використання " -"графічного процесора:" - -#: src/doc/documentvalidator.cpp:1773 -msgid "The following filters/transitions were deleted from the project:" -msgstr "З проекту було вилучено такі фільтри і переходи:" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:152 -msgid "" -"Cannot open the project file,\n" -"Do you want to open a backup file?" -msgstr "" -"Не вдалося відкрити файл проекту.\n" -"Бажаєте відкрити файл резервної копії?" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:152 src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:168 -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:213 -msgid "Error opening file" -msgstr "Помилка під час відкриття файла" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:152 src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:168 -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:213 -msgid "Open Backup" -msgstr "Відкрити резервну копію" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:168 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Cannot open the project file, error is:\n" -"%1 (line %2, col %3)\n" -"Do you want to open a backup file?" -msgstr "" -"Не вдалося відкрити файл проекту, помилка:\n" -"%1 (рядок %2, позиція %3)\n" -"Бажаєте відкрити файл резервної копії?" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:168 src/project/projectmanager.cpp:381 -msgid "Recover" -msgstr "Відновити" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:194 -msgid "Cannot recover this project file" -msgstr "Не вдалося відновити цей файл проекту" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:206 -msgid "Validating" -msgstr "Перевірка" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:212 -#, kde-format -msgid "File %1 is not a Kdenlive project file" -msgstr "Файл %1 не є файлом проекту Kdenlive" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:213 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"File %1 is not a valid project file.\n" -"Do you want to open a backup file?" -msgstr "" -"Файл %1 не є коректним файлом проекту.\n" -"Бажаєте відкрити файл резервної копії?" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:254 -#, kde-format -msgid "Project directory %1 does not exist. Create it?" -msgstr "Каталогу проекту %1 не існує. Створити його?" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:266 -#, kde-format -msgid "Document project folder is invalid, setting it to the default one: %1" -msgstr "" -"Вказано некоректну теку проекту документа, програма встановила типову теку: " -"%1" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:548 src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:659 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot write to file %1, scene list is corrupted." -msgstr "Не вдалося виконати запис до файла %1, список сцен пошкоджено." - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:719 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"You have changed the project folder. Do you want to copy the cached data " -"from %1 to the new folder %2?" -msgstr "" -"Вами було змінено теку проекту. Бажаєте, щоб програма скопіювала дані кешу з " -"%1 до нової теки %2?" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:1105 -msgid "Enter Template Path" -msgstr "Введіть шлях до шаблонів" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:1179 -msgid "The following effects were imported from the project:" -msgstr "З проекту було імпортовано такі ефекти:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:1209 src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:1223 -#: src/ui/backupdialog_ui.ui:22 -msgid "Project Folder" -msgstr "Тека проекту" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:1287 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Cannot create backup copy:\n" -"%1" -msgstr "" -"Не вдалося створити резервну копію:\n" -"%1" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:1400 src/project/projectlist.cpp:2317 -msgid "Add proxy clip" -msgid_plural "Add proxy clips" -msgstr[0] "Додати проміжні кліпи" -msgstr[1] "Додати проміжні кліпи" -msgstr[2] "Додати проміжні кліпи" -msgstr[3] "Додати проміжний кліп" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:1401 src/project/projectlist.cpp:2318 -msgid "Remove proxy clip" -msgid_plural "Remove proxy clips" -msgstr[0] "Вилучити проміжні кліпи" -msgstr[1] "Вилучити проміжні кліпи" -msgstr[2] "Вилучити проміжні кліпи" -msgstr[3] "Вилучити проміжний кліп" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:62 src/mainwindow.cpp:1023 -msgid "DVD Wizard" -msgstr "Майстер DVD" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:65 -msgid "Select Files For Your DVD" -msgstr "Виберіть файли для вашого DVD" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:69 -msgid "DVD Chapters" -msgstr "Розділи DVD" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:75 -msgid "Create DVD Menu" -msgstr "Створити меню DVD" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:79 -msgid "Creating DVD Image" -msgstr "Створення образу DVD" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:104 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:111 -#, kde-format -msgid "Burn with %1" -msgstr "Записати за допомогою %1" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:114 -msgid "No burning program found (K3b, Brasero)" -msgstr "Не знайдено програми для запису (K3b, Brasero)" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:120 -msgid "Load" -msgstr "Завантажити" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:121 -msgid "Save" -msgstr "Зберегти" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:188 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot create temporary directory %1" -msgstr "Не вдалося створити тимчасовий каталог %1" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:271 -msgid "Menu movie is invalid" -msgstr "Відео для меню є некоректним" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:383 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:464 -msgid "Rendering job timed out" -msgstr "Перевищення часу очікування на завершення обробки" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:385 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:466 -msgid "Menu job timed out" -msgstr "Перевищено час очікування завершення завдання з меню" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:674 -msgid "Rendering menu crashed" -msgstr "Меню обробки завершило роботу у аварійному режимі" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:710 -msgid "DVDAuthor process crashed" -msgstr "Процес DVDAuthor завершив роботу у аварійному режимі" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:713 -msgid "DVDAuthor process crashed.
" -msgstr "Процес DVDAuthor завершив роботу у аварійному режимі.
" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:737 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:738 -msgid "DVD structure broken" -msgstr "Структуру DVD порушено" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:785 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:788 -msgid "ISO creation process crashed." -msgstr "Процес створення ISO завершився аварійно." - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:817 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:818 -msgid "DVD ISO is broken" -msgstr "Образ ISO DVD пошкоджено" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:832 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:834 -#, kde-format -msgid "DVD ISO image %1 successfully created." -msgstr "Образ ISO DVD %1 успішно створено." - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:864 -#, kde-format -msgid "Previewing requires one of these applications (%1)" -msgstr "" -"Для попереднього перегляду відеоданих потрібна одна з таких програм (%1)" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:888 -#, kde-format -msgid "Folder %1 already exists. Overwrite?\n" -msgstr "Тека з назвою %1 вже існує. Перезаписати?\n" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:890 -#, kde-format -msgid "Image file %1 already exists. Overwrite?" -msgstr "Файл зображення з назвою %1 вже існує. Перезаписати?" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:911 -msgid "Save DVD Project" -msgstr "Зберегти проект DVD" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:911 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:948 -msgid "DVD project (*.kdvd)" -msgstr "проект DVD (*.kdvd)" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:957 -#, kde-format -msgid "File %1 is not a Kdenlive project file." -msgstr "Файл %1 не є файлом проекту Kdenlive." - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardmenu.cpp:42 src/monitor/monitor.cpp:185 -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:303 src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:79 -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:405 src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:444 -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:873 -msgid "Play" -msgstr "Відтворити" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardmenu.cpp:54 -msgid "Add new button" -msgstr "Додати нову кнопку" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardmenu.cpp:55 -msgid "Delete current button" -msgstr "Вилучити поточну кнопку" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardmenu.cpp:300 -msgid "Play All" -msgstr "Відтворити все" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:104 -#, kde-format -msgid "Program %1 is required for the DVD wizard." -msgstr "" -"Щоб майстер DVD зміг нормально працювати, слід встановити програму " -"%1." - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:105 -msgid "mkisofs" -msgstr "mkisofs" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:105 -msgid "genisoimage" -msgstr "genisoimage" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:105 -#, kde-format -msgid "Program %1 or %2 is required for the DVD wizard." -msgstr "" -"Щоб майстер DVD зміг нормально працювати, слід встановити програму " -"%1 або %2." - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:111 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:316 -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:768 -msgid "PAL 4:3" -msgstr "PAL 4:3" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:111 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:313 -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:765 -msgid "PAL 16:9" -msgstr "PAL 16:9" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:111 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:310 -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:762 -msgid "NTSC 4:3" -msgstr "NTSC 4:3" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:111 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:307 -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:759 -msgid "NTSC 16:9" -msgstr "NTSC 16:9" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:138 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:791 -msgid "Your clips do not match selected DVD format, transcoding required." -msgstr "" -"Ваші кліпи не відповідають вибраному формату DVD, потрібне перекодування." - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:210 src/project/cliptranscode.cpp:244 -msgid "Transcoding failed!" -msgstr "Спроба перекодування зазнала невдачі!" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:247 -msgid "MPEG Files" -msgstr "файли MPEG" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:248 -msgid "Add new video file" -msgstr "Додати новий відеофайл" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:337 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:779 -#, kde-format -msgid "The clip %1 is invalid." -msgstr "Кліп %1 є некоректним." - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:674 -#: src/effectstack/collapsibleeffect.cpp:352 -#: src/effectstack/collapsiblegroup.cpp:178 src/monitor/monitor.cpp:845 -#: src/project/clipstabilize.cpp:222 src/project/cliptranscode.cpp:141 -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:297 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"File %1 already exists.\n" -"Do you want to overwrite it?" -msgstr "" -"Файл %1 вже існує\n" -"Перезаписати?" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:699 -#, kde-format -msgid "Transcoding: %1" -msgstr "Перекодування: %1" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslist.cpp:197 -msgid "Author:" -msgstr "Автор:" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:63 -msgid "Search in effects list" -msgstr "Пошук у списку ефектів" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:72 -msgid "Show/Hide effect description" -msgstr "Показати/Сховати опис ефекту" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:83 -msgid "Add Effect to Selected Clip" -msgstr "Додати ефект для позначеного кліпу" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:84 -msgid "Add Effect to Favorites" -msgstr "Додати ефект до улюблених" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:85 -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:231 -#: src/effectstack/collapsibleeffect.cpp:70 -#: src/effectstack/collapsiblegroup.cpp:77 -msgid "Delete effect" -msgstr "Вилучити ефект" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:93 -msgid "Show all transitions" -msgstr "Показати усі переходи" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:94 -msgid "Show GPU transitions" -msgstr "Показати переходи GPU" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:101 -msgid "Show all effects" -msgstr "Показати усі ефекти" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:103 -msgid "Show video effects" -msgstr "Показати відеоефекти" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:105 -msgid "Show audio effects" -msgstr "Показати звукові ефекти" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:107 -msgid "Show GPU effects" -msgstr "Показати ефекти з графічним процесором" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:109 -msgid "Show custom effects" -msgstr "Показати нетипові ефекти" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:110 -msgid "Show favorite effects" -msgstr "Показати улюблені ефекти" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:239 -msgid "Remove from favorites" -msgstr "Вилучити з улюбленого" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_audio) -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, abitrates) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_audiothumbnails) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, audio_thumbs) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, audiobitrateLabel) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, rec_audio) -#: src/effectslist/effectslistwidget.cpp:100 -#: src/effectslist/effectslistwidget.cpp:129 -#: src/effectslist/effectslistwidget.cpp:131 src/monitor/recmanager.cpp:57 -#: src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:39 -#: src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:121 -#: src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:155 -#: src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:194 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:131 -#: src/ui/configtimeline_ui.ui:38 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:224 -#: src/ui/recmonitor_ui.ui:107 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:195 -#: src/ui/saveprofile_ui.ui:67 -msgid "Audio" -msgstr "Звук" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistwidget.cpp:100 -#: src/effectslist/effectslistwidget.cpp:137 -#: src/effectslist/effectslistwidget.cpp:139 -#: src/effectslist/effectslistwidget.cpp:464 -msgctxt "Folder Name" -msgid "Custom" -msgstr "Нетипові" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistwidget.cpp:194 -msgctxt "menu name for effects names between these 2 letters" -msgid "0 - F" -msgstr "0 - Ж" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistwidget.cpp:196 -msgctxt "menu name for effects names between these 2 letters" -msgid "G - L" -msgstr "З - Н" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistwidget.cpp:198 -msgctxt "menu name for effects names between these 2 letters" -msgid "M - R" -msgstr "О - У" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistwidget.cpp:200 -msgctxt "menu name for effects names between these 2 letters" -msgid "S - Z" -msgstr "Ф - Я" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:47 src/project/clipproperties.cpp:346 -#: src/project/dialogs/slideshowclip.cpp:72 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:59 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:153 -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:541 -msgid "None" -msgstr "Немає" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:363 -#, kde-format -msgid "Group %1" -msgstr "Група %1" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:624 -msgid "None (Dissolve)" -msgstr "Немає (розчиняти)" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, slide_luma) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, luma_fade) -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:706 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:292 -#: src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:203 -msgid "Wipe" -msgstr "Витирання" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:707 -msgid "Applies a stationary transition between the current and next frames." -msgstr "Створює стаціонарний перехід між поточним і наступними кадрами." - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:710 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:785 -msgctxt "@property: means that the image is inverted" -msgid "Invert" -msgstr "Інвертоване" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:711 -msgid "Image File" -msgstr "Файл зображення" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:712 -msgid "Reverse Transition" -msgstr "Зворотний перехід" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:716 src/timeline/headertrack.cpp:89 -#: src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:74 -msgid "Composite" -msgstr "Суміщення" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:717 -msgid "A key-framable alpha-channel compositor for two frames." -msgstr "Інструмент прозорого переходу за двома ключовими кадрами." - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:719 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:764 -msgid "Alpha Channel Operation" -msgstr "Обробка прозорості" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:719 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:764 -msgid "Over,And,Or,Xor" -msgstr "Накласти,ТА,АБО,XOR" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:720 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:765 -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:785 -msgid "Align" -msgstr "Вирівняти" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:723 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:768 -msgid "Wipe File" -msgstr "Згортання" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:724 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:769 -msgid "Wipe Softness" -msgstr "Розмивання" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:725 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:770 -msgid "Wipe Invert" -msgstr "Інверсія" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:726 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:771 -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:785 -msgid "Force Progressive Rendering" -msgstr "Примусова обробка з прогресивністю" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:727 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:772 -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:785 -msgid "Force Deinterlace Overlay" -msgstr "Примусове накладання черезрядковості" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:729 -msgid "Affine" -msgstr "Афінне перетворення" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:753 -msgid "Fix Shear Y" -msgstr "Сталий зсув за Y" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:754 -msgid "Fix Shear X" -msgstr "Сталий зсув за X" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:755 -msgid "Fix Shear Z" -msgstr "Сталий зсув за X" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:761 -msgid "Use alpha channel of another clip to create a transition." -msgstr "Використати канал прозорості іншого кліпу для створення переходу." - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:762 -msgid "Transparency clip" -msgstr "Кліп прозорості" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:785 -msgid "Slide" -msgstr "Ковзання" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:785 -msgid "Slide image from one side to another." -msgstr "Ковзання зображення з одного краю у інший." - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:785 -msgid "Direction" -msgstr "Напрямок" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, slide_fade) -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:790 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:262 -#: src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:167 -msgid "Dissolve" -msgstr "Розчиняти" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:790 -msgid "Fade out one video while fading in the other video." -msgstr "Притлумлення зображення одного відео з підсиленням зображення іншого." - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:790 -msgid "Reverse" -msgstr "Зворотний" - -#: src/effectstack/collapsibleeffect.cpp:64 -#: src/effectstack/collapsiblegroup.cpp:72 -msgid "Move effect up" -msgstr "Пересунути ефект вгору" - -#: src/effectstack/collapsibleeffect.cpp:67 -#: src/effectstack/collapsiblegroup.cpp:74 -msgid "Move effect down" -msgstr "Пересунути ефект вниз" - -#: src/effectstack/collapsibleeffect.cpp:82 -msgid "Reset Effect" -msgstr "Відновити параметри ефекту" - -#: src/effectstack/collapsibleeffect.cpp:83 -#: src/effectstack/collapsibleeffect.cpp:345 -msgid "Save Effect" -msgstr "Зберегти ефект" - -#: src/effectstack/collapsibleeffect.cpp:91 -#: src/effectstack/collapsiblegroup.cpp:89 -msgid "Disable Effect" -msgstr "Вимкнути ефект" - -#: src/effectstack/collapsibleeffect.cpp:91 -#: src/effectstack/collapsiblegroup.cpp:89 -msgid "Enable Effect" -msgstr "Увімкнути ефект" - -#: src/effectstack/collapsibleeffect.cpp:96 -msgid "Create Group" -msgstr "Створити групу" - -#: src/effectstack/collapsibleeffect.cpp:136 -msgid "Create Region" -msgstr "Створити область" - -#: src/effectstack/collapsibleeffect.cpp:345 -msgid "Name for saved effect: " -msgstr "Назва збереженого ефекту: " - -#: src/effectstack/collapsiblegroup.cpp:68 -#: src/effectstack/collapsiblegroup.cpp:383 -msgid "Effect Group" -msgstr "Група ефектів" - -#: src/effectstack/collapsiblegroup.cpp:81 -msgid "Reset Group" -msgstr "Скинути групу" - -#: src/effectstack/collapsiblegroup.cpp:82 -#: src/effectstack/collapsiblegroup.cpp:171 -msgid "Save Group" -msgstr "Зберегти групу" - -#: src/effectstack/collapsiblegroup.cpp:84 -msgid "Ungroup" -msgstr "Розгрупувати" - -#: src/effectstack/collapsiblegroup.cpp:171 -msgid "Name for saved group: " -msgstr "Назва збереженої групи: " - -#: src/effectstack/complexparameter.cpp:36 -msgid "Allow horizontal moves" -msgstr "Дозволити горизонтальне пересування" - -#: src/effectstack/complexparameter.cpp:38 -msgid "Allow vertical moves" -msgstr "Дозволити вертикальне пересування" - -#: src/effectstack/complexparameter.cpp:40 -msgid "Show keyframes in timeline" -msgstr "Показувати ключові кадри на монтажному столі" - -#: src/effectstack/complexparameter.cpp:42 -msgid "Parameter info" -msgstr "Відомості про параметр" - -#: src/effectstack/complexparameter.cpp:44 src/effectstack/geometryval.cpp:81 -#: src/effectstack/keyframeedit.cpp:47 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:84 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:417 -#: src/simplekeyframes/simplekeyframewidget.cpp:42 -#: src/simplekeyframes/simplekeyframewidget.cpp:132 -msgid "Add keyframe" -msgstr "Додати ключовий кадр" - -#: src/effectstack/dragvalue.cpp:109 -msgid "Normal scale" -msgstr "Звичайне масштабування" - -#: src/effectstack/dragvalue.cpp:110 -msgid "Pixel scale" -msgstr "Визначення розмірів у пікселях" - -#: src/effectstack/dragvalue.cpp:111 -msgid "Nonlinear scale" -msgstr "Нелінійне масштабування" - -#: src/effectstack/dragvalue.cpp:115 -msgid "Direct update" -msgstr "Безпосереднє оновлення" - -#: src/effectstack/dragvalue.cpp:120 -msgid "Reset value" -msgstr "Відновити типове значення" - -#: src/effectstack/dragvalue.cpp:125 -#, kde-format -msgid "Show %1 in timeline" -msgstr "Показувати %1 на монтажному столі" - -#: src/effectstack/effectstackview2.cpp:71 -msgid "Enable/Disable all effects" -msgstr "Увімкнути/Вимкнути всі ефекти" - -#: src/effectstack/effectstackview2.cpp:73 -msgid "Show additional information for the parameters" -msgstr "Показати додаткові відомості щодо параметрів" - -#: src/effectstack/effectstackview2.cpp:174 -#: src/effectstack/effectstackview2.cpp:176 -#: src/effectstack/effectstackview2.cpp:179 -#, kde-format -msgid "Effects for %1" -msgstr "Ефекти %1" - -#: src/effectstack/effectstackview2.cpp:229 -#: src/effectstack/effectstackview2.cpp:231 -#: src/effectstack/effectstackview2.cpp:234 -#, kde-format -msgid "Bin effects for %1" -msgstr "Ефекти контейнера для %1" - -#: src/effectstack/effectstackview2.cpp:276 -#, kde-format -msgid "Effects for track %1" -msgstr "Ефекти доріжки %1" - -#: src/effectstack/geometryval.cpp:77 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:81 -#: src/simplekeyframes/simplekeyframewidget.cpp:52 -msgid "Go to next keyframe" -msgstr "Перейти до наступного ключового кадру" - -#: src/effectstack/geometryval.cpp:79 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:78 -#: src/simplekeyframes/simplekeyframewidget.cpp:47 -msgid "Go to previous keyframe" -msgstr "Перейти до попереднього ключового кадру" - -#: src/effectstack/geometryval.cpp:83 src/effectstack/keyframeedit.cpp:49 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:423 -#: src/simplekeyframes/simplekeyframewidget.cpp:129 -msgid "Delete keyframe" -msgstr "Вилучити ключовий кадр" - -#: src/effectstack/geometryval.cpp:85 src/monitor/monitor.cpp:206 -msgid "Misc..." -msgstr "Інше..." - -#: src/effectstack/geometryval.cpp:89 -msgid "Show/Hide options" -msgstr "Показати/Сховати параметри" - -#: src/effectstack/geometryval.cpp:97 -msgid "Sync timeline cursor" -msgstr "Синхронізувати курсор монтажного стола" - -#: src/effectstack/geometryval.cpp:116 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:343 -msgid "Align item horizontally" -msgstr "Вирівняти елемент горизонтально" - -#: src/effectstack/geometryval.cpp:118 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:345 -msgid "Align item vertically" -msgstr "Вирівняти елемент вертикально" - -#: src/effectstack/geometryval.cpp:120 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:347 -msgid "Align item to top" -msgstr "Вирівняти елемент за верхнім краєм" - -#: src/effectstack/geometryval.cpp:122 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:349 -msgid "Align item to bottom" -msgstr "Вирівняти елемент за нижнім краєм" - -#: src/effectstack/geometryval.cpp:124 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:351 -msgid "Align item to right" -msgstr "Вирівняти елемент праворуч" - -#: src/effectstack/geometryval.cpp:126 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:353 -msgid "Align item to left" -msgstr "Вирівняти елемент ліворуч" - -#: src/effectstack/parametercontainer.cpp:467 -msgid "" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/bezier/beziersplinewidget.cpp:67 -msgid "Handle 1:" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/bezier/beziersplinewidget.cpp:70 -msgid "Handle 2:" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/colorpickerwidget.cpp:71 -msgid "" -"Pick a color on the screen. By pressing the mouse button and then moving " -"your mouse you can select a section of the screen from which to get an " -"average color." -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/colorpickerwidget.cpp:101 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/colorpickerwidget.cpp:125 -msgid "Requesting color information..." -msgstr "正在请求颜色信息..." - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/colorpickerwidget.cpp:134 -msgid "Calculated average color for rectangle." -msgstr "从矩形区域计算平均色。" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:96 -msgctxt "x axis position" -msgid "X" -msgstr "X" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:99 -msgctxt "y axis position" -msgid "Y" -msgstr "Y" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:102 -msgctxt "Frame width" -msgid "W" -msgstr "W" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:105 -msgctxt "Frame height" -msgid "H" -msgstr "H" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:111 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Adjust to original size" -msgstr "原始大小" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:113 -msgid "Fit to width" -msgstr "适合宽度" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:115 -msgid "Fit to height" -msgstr "适合高度" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:118 -msgid "Import keyframes from clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:121 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Reset all keyframes" -msgstr "删除关键帧" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:125 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Reset keyframes after cursor" -msgstr "删除关键帧" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:128 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Reset keyframes before cursor" -msgstr "删除关键帧" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:133 -msgid "Synchronize with timeline cursor" -msgstr "与时间轴游标同步移动" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:139 -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:244 -msgid "Align left" -msgstr "左对齐" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:141 -msgid "Center horizontally" -msgstr "水平居中" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:143 -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:243 -msgid "Align right" -msgstr "右对齐" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:145 -msgid "Align top" -msgstr "上对齐" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:147 -msgid "Center vertically" -msgstr "垂直居中" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:149 -msgid "Align bottom" -msgstr "下对齐" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:154 -#: src/ui/clipstabilize_ui.ui:30 -msgid "Options" -msgstr "选项" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (suffix), widget (QSpinBox, spinResize) -#. i18n: ectx: property (suffix), widget (QSpinBox, kcfg_volume) -#. i18n: ectx: property (suffix), widget (QSpinBox, zoom_spin) -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:208 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:211 -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:125 src/ui/configsdl_ui.ui:89 -#: src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:226 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:611 -#, no-c-format -msgid "%" -msgstr "%" - -#: src/effectstack/widgets/lumaliftgain.cpp:61 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Lift" -msgstr "红色偏移" - -#: src/hidetitlebars.cpp:21 -msgid "Show Title Bars" -msgstr "显示字幕 / 标题工具栏" - -#: src/layoutmanagement.cpp:27 -msgid "Layouts" -msgstr "布局" - -#: src/layoutmanagement.cpp:28 -msgid "Load Layout" -msgstr "装入布局" - -#: src/layoutmanagement.cpp:30 -#, kde-format -msgid "Layout %1" -msgstr "布局 %1" - -#: src/layoutmanagement.cpp:34 -#, kde-format -msgid "Save As Layout %1" -msgstr "" - -#: src/layoutmanagement.cpp:69 -#, kde-format -msgid "Save as %1" -msgstr "另存为 %1" - -#: src/layoutmanagement.cpp:101 -msgid "Save Layout" -msgstr "保存布局" - -#: src/layoutmanagement.cpp:101 -msgid "Layout name:" -msgstr "布局名称:" - -#: src/lib/audio/audioCorrelation.cpp:43 -msgid "Audio analysis finished" -msgstr "" - -#: src/main.cpp:48 -msgid "Kdenlive" -msgstr "Kdenlive" - -#: src/main.cpp:49 -msgid "An open source video editor." -msgstr "一款开放源代码的视频编辑软件。" - -#: src/main.cpp:51 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Copyright © 2007–2015 Kdenlive authors" -msgstr "版权所有 © 2007–2010 Kdenlive 开发团队" - -#: src/main.cpp:52 -msgid "Please report bugs to http://bugs.kde.org" -msgstr "" - -#: src/main.cpp:54 -msgid "Jean-Baptiste Mardelle" -msgstr "Jean-Baptiste Mardelle" - -#: src/main.cpp:54 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "MLT and KDE SC 4 porting, main developer and maintainer" -msgid "MLT and KDE SC 4 / KF5 port, main developer and maintainer" -msgstr "MLT 移植、KDE 4 移植、主要开发者" - -#: src/main.cpp:55 -msgid "Vincent Pinon" -msgstr "" - -#: src/main.cpp:55 -msgid "" -"Interim maintainer, KF5 port, bugs fixing, minor functions, profiles " -"updates, etc." -msgstr "" - -#: src/main.cpp:56 -msgid "Laurent Montel" -msgstr "Laurent Montel" - -#: src/main.cpp:56 -msgid "Bugs fixing, clean up code, optimization etc." -msgstr "" - -#: src/main.cpp:57 -msgid "Marco Gittler" -msgstr "Marco Gittler" - -#: src/main.cpp:57 -msgid "MLT transitions and effects, timeline, audio thumbs" -msgstr "MLT 转场和特效,时间线,音频缩略图" - -#: src/main.cpp:58 -msgid "Dan Dennedy" -msgstr "Dan Dennedy" - -#: src/main.cpp:58 src/main.cpp:60 src/main.cpp:63 src/main.cpp:64 -msgid "Bug fixing, etc." -msgstr "Bug 修复等。" - -#: src/main.cpp:59 -msgid "Simon A. Eugster" -msgstr "Simon A. Eugster" - -#: src/main.cpp:59 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Color scopes, bug fixing, etc." -msgstr "Bug 修复等。" - -#: src/main.cpp:60 -msgid "Till Theato" -msgstr "" - -#: src/main.cpp:61 -msgid "Alberto Villa" -msgstr "Alberto Villa" - -#: src/main.cpp:61 -msgid "Bug fixing, logo, etc." -msgstr "Bug 修复、标志等。" - -#: src/main.cpp:62 -msgid "Jean-Michel Poure" -msgstr "Jean-Michel Poure" - -#: src/main.cpp:62 -msgid "Rendering profiles customization" -msgstr "自定义渲染(导出)编码方案" - -#: src/main.cpp:63 -msgid "Ray Lehtiniemi" -msgstr "Ray Lehtiniemi" - -#: src/main.cpp:64 -msgid "Steve Guilford" -msgstr "" - -#: src/main.cpp:65 -msgid "Jason Wood" -msgstr "Jason Wood" - -#: src/main.cpp:65 -msgid "Original KDE 3 version author (not active anymore)" -msgstr "原来的 KDE 3 版本作者 (不再开发)" - -#: src/main.cpp:66 -msgid "NAME OF TRANSLATORS" -msgstr "大宝" - -#: src/main.cpp:66 -msgid "EMAIL OF TRANSLATORS" -msgstr "linux.dabao@gmail.com" - -#: src/main.cpp:86 -msgid "Set the path for MLT environment" -msgstr "设置 MLT 环境的路径" - -#: src/main.cpp:87 -msgid "Comma separated list of clips to add" -msgstr "" - -#: src/main.cpp:88 -msgid "Document to open" -msgstr "要打开的文件" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:148 -msgid "Theme" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:177 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Clip in Project Tree" -msgid "Project Bin" -msgstr "定位此素材在列表中的位置" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, properties) -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:216 src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:395 -#: src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:43 -msgid "Properties" -msgstr "属性" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:219 src/mainwindow.cpp:280 -msgid "Effects" -msgstr "特效" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:222 src/mainwindow.cpp:284 src/mainwindow.cpp:1272 -msgid "Transitions" -msgstr "转场特效" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:225 -msgid "Clip Monitor" -msgstr "素材预览窗口" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:226 -msgid "Project Monitor" -msgstr "项目预览窗口" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:228 -msgid "Record Monitor" -msgstr "捕获监视窗口" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:233 -msgid "Clean" -msgstr "清除" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:235 -msgid "Undo History" -msgstr "历史记录" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:263 -msgid "Stop Motion" -msgstr "停止运动" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, capture_button) -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:264 src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:105 -msgid "Capture frame" -msgstr "捕获帧" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:267 -msgid "Switch live / captured frame" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:270 -msgid "Show last frame over video" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:283 -msgid "Add Transition" -msgstr "添加转场特效" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:315 src/mainwindow.cpp:316 src/mainwindow.cpp:325 -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:326 src/mainwindow.cpp:330 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Paste Effects" -msgid "Favorite Effects" -msgstr "粘贴特效" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:563 -#, fuzzy, kde-format -msgid "" -"You have 1 rendering job waiting in the queue.\n" -"What do you want to do with this job?" -msgid_plural "" -"You have %1 rendering jobs waiting in the queue.\n" -"What do you want to do with these jobs?" -msgstr[0] "" -"目前有 %1 项渲染(导出)任务在队列中等待执行。\n" -"对于这些任务您想怎么做?" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:563 -msgid "Start them now" -msgstr "立刻开始" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:563 -msgid "Delete them" -msgstr "删除它们" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:784 -msgid "Normal mode" -msgstr "普通模式" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:785 -msgctxt "Normal editing" -msgid "n" -msgstr "n" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:790 -msgid "Overwrite mode" -msgstr "改写模式" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:796 -msgid "Insert mode" -msgstr "插入模式" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:815 -msgid "Selection tool" -msgstr "选择工具" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:816 -msgctxt "Selection tool shortcut" -msgid "s" -msgstr "s" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:821 -msgid "Razor tool" -msgstr "分割工具" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:822 -msgctxt "Razor tool shortcut" -msgid "x" -msgstr "x" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:827 -msgid "Spacer tool" -msgstr "移动工具" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:828 -msgctxt "Spacer tool shortcut" -msgid "m" -msgstr "m" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:869 -msgid "Fit zoom to project" -msgstr "完整显示" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:873 -msgid "Zoom Out" -msgstr "缩小" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:887 -msgid "Zoom In" -msgstr "放大" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:915 -msgid "Split audio and video automatically" -msgstr "自动分离音频和视频" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, videothumbs) -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:921 src/ui/wizardextra_ui.ui:35 -msgid "Show video thumbnails" -msgstr "显示视频缩略图" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, audiothumbs) -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:927 src/ui/wizardextra_ui.ui:42 -msgid "Show audio thumbnails" -msgstr "显示音频缩略图" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:933 -msgid "Show markers comments" -msgstr "显示标记 / 参考线的注释" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:938 -msgid "Snap" -msgstr "吸附并对齐" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, tc_type) -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:972 src/project/clipproperties.cpp:372 -#: src/project/dialogs/slideshowclip.cpp:89 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:284 -#, fuzzy -msgid "hh:mm:ss:ff" -msgstr "时 : 分 : 秒 : 帧" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, tc_type) -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:973 src/project/clipproperties.cpp:373 -#: src/project/dialogs/slideshowclip.cpp:90 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:289 -msgid "Frames" -msgstr "帧数" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1002 -msgid "Manage Project Profiles" -msgstr "管理项目编码方案" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1003 -msgid "Download New Wipes..." -msgstr "下载新的特效..." - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1004 -msgid "Download New Render Profiles..." -msgstr "下载新的渲染(导出)编码方案..." - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1005 -msgid "Download New Project Profiles..." -msgstr "下载新的项目文件编码方案..." - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1006 -msgid "Download New Title Templates..." -msgstr "下载新字幕 / 标题模板..." - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1008 -msgid "Run Config Wizard" -msgstr "运行设置向导" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, ProjectSettings_UI) -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1009 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Project Settings" -msgstr "项目设置" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1010 -msgid "Render" -msgstr "渲染(导出)" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1012 -msgid "Clean Project" -msgstr "清理本项目" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1016 -msgid "Play Zone" -msgstr "播放区段" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1018 -msgid "Loop Zone" -msgstr "循环播放区段" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1020 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Loop selected clip" -msgstr "移除所选素材" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1024 -msgid "Transcode Clips" -msgstr "转换素材编码" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1025 src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:55 -msgid "Archive Project" -msgstr "归档项目" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1026 -msgid "Switch monitor" -msgstr "切换预览窗口" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1027 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6364 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Edit Clip" -msgid "Expand Clip" -msgstr "编辑素材" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1029 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Monitor overlay infos" -msgid "Monitor Info Overlay" -msgstr "预览剪辑后的最终效果" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1035 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Real time (drop frames)" -msgid "Real Time (drop frames)" -msgstr "实时(启用丢帧)" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1040 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Clip Monitor" -msgid "Monitor Gamma" -msgstr "素材预览窗口" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1041 -msgid "sRGB (computer)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1042 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Rec. 709" -msgid "Rec. 709 (TV)" -msgstr "Rec. 709" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1047 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Insert zone in project tree" -msgid "Insert Zone in Project Bin" -msgstr "在素材列表里插入区段" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1048 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Insert zone in timeline" -msgid "Insert Zone in Timeline" -msgstr "在时间轴里插入区段" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1050 -msgid "Resize Item Start" -msgstr "调整项目起点位置" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1055 -msgid "Resize Item End" -msgstr "调整项目终点位置" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1060 -msgid "Go to Previous Snap Point" -msgstr "跳转到上一个对齐点" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1062 -msgid "Go to Clip Start" -msgstr "跳转到素材起点" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1063 -msgid "Go to Clip End" -msgstr "跳转到素材末尾" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1064 -msgid "Go to Next Snap Point" -msgstr "跳转到下一个对齐点" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1066 -msgid "Delete Selected Item" -msgstr "删除所选项目" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1067 -msgid "Align Playhead to Mouse Position" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1069 -msgid "Automatic Transition" -msgstr "自动转场特效" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1076 -msgid "Group Clips" -msgstr "组合素材" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1078 -msgid "Ungroup Clips" -msgstr "取消组合" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1083 -msgid "Edit Duration" -msgstr "持续时间" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1084 src/mainwindow.cpp:3232 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Save clip" -msgstr "移动素材" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1085 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Clip in Project Tree" -msgid "Clip in Project Bin" -msgstr "定位此素材在列表中的位置" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1086 -msgid "Insert Clip Zone in Timeline (Overwrite)" -msgstr "在时间轴里插入素材区域(覆盖)" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1087 -msgid "Select Clip" -msgstr "选取素材" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1088 -msgid "Deselect Clip" -msgstr "取消选择素材" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1089 -msgid "Add Clip To Selection" -msgstr "添加素材到所选范围" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1091 -msgid "Select Transition" -msgstr "选择转场特效" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1093 -msgid "Deselect Transition" -msgstr "取消选择转场特效" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1095 -msgid "Add Transition To Selection" -msgstr "添加转场特效到所选范围" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, CutJobDialog_UI) -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1097 src/ui/cutjobdialog_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Cut Clip" -msgstr "分割素材" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1098 src/mainwindow.cpp:1833 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:729 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:803 -msgid "Add Marker" -msgstr "添加标记" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1099 -msgid "Delete Marker" -msgstr "删除标记" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1100 -msgid "Delete All Markers" -msgstr "删除所有标记" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1102 src/mainwindow.cpp:1921 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:702 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:827 -msgid "Edit Marker" -msgstr "编辑标记" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1105 -msgid "Add Marker/Guide quickly" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1108 -msgid "Split Audio" -msgstr "分离音频" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1112 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Set Audio Reference" -msgstr "音频采样率" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1116 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Align Audio to Reference" -msgstr "左对齐" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1120 -msgid "Audio Only" -msgstr "只有音频" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1125 -msgid "Video Only" -msgstr "只有视频" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1130 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7007 -msgid "Audio and Video" -msgstr "音频和视频" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1142 -msgid "Insert Space" -msgstr "插入空白空间" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1143 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:3426 -msgid "Remove Space" -msgstr "移除空白空间" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1146 -msgid "Insert Track" -msgstr "添加轨道" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1150 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6556 -#: src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:94 -msgid "Delete Track" -msgstr "删除轨道" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, TracksConfigDialog_UI) -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1155 src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:250 -#: src/ui/tracksconfigdialog_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Configure Tracks" -msgstr "配置轨道" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1159 -msgid "Select All in Current Track" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1170 src/timeline/customruler.cpp:85 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5781 -msgid "Add Guide" -msgstr "添加参考线" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1171 src/timeline/customruler.cpp:89 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:231 -msgid "Delete Guide" -msgstr "删除参考线" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1172 src/timeline/customruler.cpp:87 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:235 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5815 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5829 -msgid "Edit Guide" -msgstr "编辑参考线" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1173 src/timeline/customruler.cpp:91 -msgid "Delete All Guides" -msgstr "删除所有参考线" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1175 -msgid "Paste Effects" -msgstr "粘贴特效" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1180 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Selection tool" -msgid "Save Selection" -msgstr "选择工具" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1208 -msgid "Add Clip" -msgstr "添加素材" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1210 -msgid "Add Color Clip" -msgstr "添加颜色素材" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1213 src/project/dialogs/slideshowclip.cpp:41 -msgid "Add Slideshow Clip" -msgstr "添加图片素材" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1216 -msgid "Add Title Clip" -msgstr "添加字幕 / 标题素材" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1219 -msgid "Add Template Title" -msgstr "添加字幕 / 标题模板" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1223 -msgid "Create Folder" -msgstr "创建文件夹" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1224 -msgid "Online Resources" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, ClipProperties_UI) -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1226 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Clip Properties" -msgstr "素材属性" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1230 -msgid "Edit Clip" -msgstr "编辑素材" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1238 -msgid "Reload Clip" -msgstr "重新载入素材" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1242 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Disable Timeline Effects" -msgstr "删除特效" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1247 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Delete Clip" -msgid "Duplicate Clip" -msgstr "删除素材" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1259 -msgid "Ripple Delete" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1389 -#, fuzzy -msgid "" -"You have changed the proxy parameters. Do you want to recreate all proxy " -"clips for this project?" -msgstr "您已经修改了项目的文件夹。您是否要将缓存数据从 %1 复制到新文件夹 %2?" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1487 -msgid "This will remove all unused clips from your project." -msgstr "这会从您的项目中移除所有没用到的素材。" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1487 -msgid "Clean up project" -msgstr "清理本项目" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1647 -msgctxt "general keyboard shortcuts" -msgid "General" -msgstr "常规" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1827 src/mainwindow.cpp:1945 -msgid "Cannot find clip to add marker" -msgstr "无法找到要添加标记的素材" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1859 src/mainwindow.cpp:1886 src/mainwindow.cpp:1909 -msgid "Cannot find clip to remove marker" -msgstr "无法找到要移除标记的素材" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:1866 src/mainwindow.cpp:1916 -msgid "No marker found at cursor time" -msgstr "游标时间上找不到标记" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2194 -#, fuzzy, kde-format -msgid "Cannot find effect %1 / %2" -msgstr "无法找到要添加特效的素材" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2252 -#, kde-format -msgid "Zoom Level: %1/13" -msgstr "缩放等级: %1/13" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2378 -msgid "Ctrl + click to use spacer on current track only" -msgstr "Ctrl + 点击 可以只在当前的轨道上使用调整工具" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2381 -msgid "Click on a clip to cut it" -msgstr "点击素材来剪切它" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2384 -msgid "" -"Shift + click to create a selection rectangle, Ctrl + click to add an item " -"to selection" -msgstr "Shift + 点击可创建一个选择框,Ctrl + 点击可添加一个项目到选择范围" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2707 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Stabilize" -msgstr "转换编码完成。" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2719 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Automatic scene split" -msgstr "自动从中央分割" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2729 src/project/jobs/filterjob.cpp:83 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Reverse clip" -msgstr "调整素材大小" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2736 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Add keyframes" -msgid "Analyse keyframes" -msgstr "添加关键帧" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2751 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Transcode" -msgid "Transcoders" -msgstr "转换编码" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2784 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Interface" -msgstr "接口" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2821 -msgid "No clip to transcode" -msgstr "没有可转换编码的素材" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2834 -msgid "Files to transcode" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2867 -msgid "Create Render Script" -msgstr "创建渲染(导出)脚本" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2877 -msgid "Script file already exists. Do you want to overwrite it?" -msgstr "脚本文件已经存在。您是否要覆盖它?" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2923 -msgctxt "the first in a list of chapters" -msgid "Start" -msgstr "开始" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:3200 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Archiving project" -msgstr "归档项目" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:3229 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Select a clip to save" -msgstr "选择要删除的素材" - -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:3232 src/renderer.cpp:1386 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7865 -msgid "MLT playlist (*.mlt)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mltconnection.cpp:51 -msgid "Cannot find the melt program required for rendering (part of MLT)" -msgstr "无法找到渲染(导出)所需的 melt 程序 (MLT 的移植)" - -#: src/mltconnection.cpp:83 -msgid "Cannot find your MLT profiles, please give the path" -msgstr "无法找到您的 MLT 编码方案,请指定路径" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:87 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:476 src/project/projectcommands.cpp:166 -msgid "Edit marker" -msgstr "编辑标记" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:88 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Edit marker" -msgid "Export markers" -msgstr "编辑标记" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:89 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Import markers" -msgstr "添加标记" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:115 -msgid "Analysis data" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:118 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Delete Clip" -msgid "Delete analysis" -msgstr "删除素材" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:119 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Export audio" -msgid "Export analysis" -msgstr "导出音频" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:120 -msgid "Import analysis" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, clip_transparency) -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:166 -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:842 -msgid "Transparent" -msgstr "透明" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:181 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Aspect ratio" -msgid "Aspect Ratio" -msgstr "纵横比" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_18) -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:236 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:618 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:623 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:679 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:440 -#: src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:86 -msgid "Frame rate" -msgstr "帧率" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_5) -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:260 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:634 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:686 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:105 -msgid "Scanning" -msgstr "逐行扫描" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:282 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Field order" -msgstr "强制帧率" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:286 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:129 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Bottom first" -msgstr "底端" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:287 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:130 -msgid "Top first" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:304 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Threshold" -msgid "Threads" -msgstr "黑白索引色" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, clip_force_vindex) -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:320 -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:693 -msgid "Video index" -msgstr "视频索引" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, clip_force_aindex) -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:336 -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:720 -msgid "Audio index" -msgstr "音频索引" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_12) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_32) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_15) -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:350 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:644 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:696 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:294 -#: src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:222 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:149 -msgid "Colorspace" -msgstr "色彩空间" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, clip_full_luma) -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:380 -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:772 -msgid "Full luma range" -msgstr "完整亮度范围" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:399 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Item Properties" -msgid "Force properties" -msgstr "项目属性" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_5) -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_3) -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:401 -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:511 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:349 -msgid "Metadata" -msgstr "元数据" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:403 -msgid "Analysis" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:609 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:671 src/project/clipproperties.cpp:673 -msgid "Video codec" -msgstr "视频编码器" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:613 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:676 -msgid "Frame size" -msgstr "画面大小" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:630 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Video bitrate" -msgstr "视频轨" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:630 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:664 -#, fuzzy -#| msgctxt "Selection tool shortcut" -#| msgid "s" -msgctxt "seconds" -msgid "s" -msgstr "s" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_9) -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:641 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:690 src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:120 -msgid "Pixel aspect ratio" -msgstr "像素高宽比" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:642 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:693 -msgid "Pixel format" -msgstr "像素格式" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:651 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:243 -msgid "Audio codec" -msgstr "音频解码器" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:659 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Frequency" -msgid "Audio frequency" -msgstr "频率" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:664 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Audio bitrate" -msgstr "音频轨" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:760 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:788 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:813 -msgid "Exif" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:832 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:854 -msgid "Magic Lantern" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:893 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:858 -msgid "Save Analysis Data" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:893 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:904 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:858 src/project/clipproperties.cpp:869 -msgid "Text File (*.txt)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:904 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:869 -msgid "Open Analysis Data" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:183 -msgid "Play..." -msgstr "播放..." - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:185 src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:303 -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:310 src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:449 -msgid "Pause" -msgstr "暂停" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:210 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:210 -msgid "Go to marker..." -msgstr "跳转到标记..." - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:215 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Font Size" -msgid "Force Monitor Size" -msgstr "字体大小" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:216 -msgid "Force 100%" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:218 -msgid "Force 50%" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:220 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Frame size" -msgid "Free Resize" -msgstr "画面大小" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:233 -msgid "Audio volume" -msgstr "音频音量" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:248 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Split view" -msgid "Split" -msgstr "拆分视图" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:248 -msgid "Unsplit" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:281 src/monitor/monitoreditwidget.cpp:58 -msgid "Show/Hide edit mode" -msgstr "显示/隐藏编辑模式" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:400 -msgid "Save zone" -msgstr "保存区段" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:401 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Extract Zone" -msgstr "解压缩到" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:404 -msgid "Extract frame" -msgstr "提取帧" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:408 -msgid "Split view" -msgstr "拆分视图" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:412 -msgid "Set current image as thumbnail" -msgstr "将当前图片设置为缩略图" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:416 -msgid "Overlay audio waveform" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:453 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "You must select one transition for this action" -msgid "Your screen resolution is not sufficient for this action" -msgstr "您必须选择一个转场特效来进行这个动作" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:838 -msgid "Save Image" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:894 -msgid "In Point" -msgstr "起点" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:896 -msgid "Out Point" -msgstr "终点" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:1520 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Select a clip if you want to apply an effect" -msgid "Select a clip in project bin to compare effect" -msgstr "如果您想使用特效请选择一个素材" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:1524 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Clip has no markers" -msgid "Clip has no effects" -msgstr "素材没有标记" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:1533 -msgid "" -"The scal0tilt filter is required for that feature, please install frei0r and " -"restart Kdenlive" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitor.cpp:1540 -msgid "" -"The cairoblend transition is required for that feature, please install " -"frei0r and restart Kdenlive" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitoreditwidget.cpp:64 -msgid "Update parameters while monitor scene changes" -msgstr "当放映场景发生变化时同步更新参数" - -#: src/monitor/monitoreditwidget.cpp:68 -msgid "Fit zoom to monitor size" -msgstr "最适视图" - -#: src/monitor/monitoreditwidget.cpp:70 -msgid "Original size" -msgstr "原始大小" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:326 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Switch monitor fullscreen" -msgstr "切换预览窗口" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:331 src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:76 -msgid "Rewind" -msgstr "快退" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:336 -msgid "Rewind 1 Frame" -msgstr "后退 1 帧" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:341 -msgid "Rewind 1 Second" -msgstr "后退 1 秒" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:346 src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:85 -msgid "Forward" -msgstr "快进" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:351 -msgid "Go to Project Start" -msgstr "跳转到项目起点" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:356 -msgid "Go to Project End" -msgstr "跳转到项目末尾" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:361 -msgid "Forward 1 Frame" -msgstr "前进 1 帧" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:366 -msgid "Forward 1 Second" -msgstr "前进 1 秒" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:371 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Deinterlacer" -msgstr "交错式" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:372 -msgid "One Field (fast)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:373 -msgid "Linear Blend (fast)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:374 -msgid "YADIF - temporal only (good)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:375 -msgid "YADIF - temporal + spacial (best)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:384 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Nearest Neighbor (fast)" -msgstr "邻近取样" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:385 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Bilinear (good)" -msgstr "双线性" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:386 -msgid "Bicubic (better)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:387 -msgid "Hyper/Lanczos (best)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:395 -msgid "Go to Zone Start" -msgstr "跳转到区段起点" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:400 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Clip Monitor" -msgid "Mute monitor" -msgstr "素材预览窗口" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:400 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Switch monitor" -msgid "Unmute monitor" -msgstr "切换预览窗口" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:406 -msgid "Go to Zone End" -msgstr "跳转到区段末端" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:411 -msgid "Set Zone In" -msgstr "设置区段起点" - -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:416 -msgid "Set Zone Out" -msgstr "设置区段终点" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_preview) -#: src/monitor/recmanager.cpp:48 src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:147 -#: src/ui/freesound_ui.ui:144 src/utils/archiveorg.cpp:181 -#: src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:158 src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:263 -#: src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:277 src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:575 -msgid "Preview" -msgstr "预览" - -#: src/monitor/recmanager.cpp:52 src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:88 -msgid "Record" -msgstr "捕获" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_video) -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, vbitrates) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, background_list) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_videothumbnails) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, video_thumbs) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, bitrateLabel) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, rec_video) -#: src/monitor/recmanager.cpp:56 src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:38 -#: src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:153 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:86 -#: src/ui/configtimeline_ui.ui:29 src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:207 -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:217 src/ui/recmonitor_ui.ui:100 -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:169 src/ui/saveprofile_ui.ui:20 -msgid "Video" -msgstr "视频" - -#: src/monitor/recmanager.cpp:68 src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:135 -#, kde-format -msgid "Monitor %1" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/recmanager.cpp:80 -msgid "Webcam" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_3) -#: src/monitor/recmanager.cpp:81 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:427 -msgid "Screen Grab" -msgstr "捕获屏幕" - -#: src/monitor/recmanager.cpp:86 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Configure Recording" -msgstr "设置" - -#: src/monitor/recmanager.cpp:89 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Record Monitor" -msgid "Show Record Control" -msgstr "捕获监视窗口" - -#: src/monitor/recmanager.cpp:198 src/monitor/recmanager.cpp:279 -#: src/monitor/recmanager.cpp:284 src/monitor/recmanager.cpp:390 -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:879 src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:886 -msgid "Capture crashed, please check your parameters" -msgstr "捕获异常中止,请检查您的设置" - -#: src/monitor/recmanager.cpp:265 src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:753 -#, fuzzy, kde-format -msgid "" -"Failed to start the capture application:\n" -"%1" -msgstr "屏幕捕获需要此程序" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:73 src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:862 -msgid "Connect" -msgstr "联机" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:82 src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:249 -#: src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:262 src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:271 -msgid "Stop" -msgstr "停止" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:94 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Add Captured File to Project" -msgstr "添加素材到项目" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:102 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Recording Preview" -msgstr "编码方案" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:110 src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:245 -msgid "Configure" -msgstr "配置" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:202 -msgid "" -"You need to disconnect and reconnect in the capture monitor to apply your " -"changes" -msgstr "您必须中断当前的联机,再在捕获监视窗口中重新联机以应用更改" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:202 src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:203 -msgid "Capturing" -msgstr "正在捕获" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:203 -msgid "You need to stop capture before your changes can be applied" -msgstr "在应用您的修改前必须停止捕获" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:256 -#, fuzzy -msgid "" -"ffmpeg or avconv not found,\n" -" please install it for screen grabs" -msgstr "" -"找不到程序:Recordmydesktop,\n" -"要捕获屏幕请安装该程序" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:262 -msgid "" -"Your FFmpeg / Libav installation\n" -" does not support screen grab" -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:265 src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:888 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Press record button\n" -"to start screen capture\n" -"Files will be saved in:\n" -"%1" -msgstr "" -"点击捕获按钮\n" -"以开始屏幕捕获\n" -"文件将保存在:\n" -"%1" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:283 -#, fuzzy, kde-format -msgid "" -"Plug your camcorder and\n" -"press play button\n" -"to start preview.\n" -"Files will be saved in:\n" -"%1" -msgstr "" -"1、请将您的摄影机联接上电脑\n" -"2、开启摄影机,把摄影机切换到“回放模式”\n" -"3、点击“联机”按钮\n" -"捕获的影片文件将保存为:\n" -"%1" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:296 -msgid "" -"dvgrab utility not found,\n" -" please install it for firewire capture" -msgstr "" -"找不到 dvgrab 共用程序,\n" -"要使用 1394 火线捕获请安装该程序" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:320 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Plug your camcorder and\n" -"press connect button\n" -"to initialize connection\n" -"Files will be saved in:\n" -"%1" -msgstr "" -"1、请将您的摄影机联接上电脑\n" -"2、开启摄影机,把摄影机切换到“回放模式”\n" -"3、点击“联机”按钮\n" -"捕获的影片文件将保存为:\n" -"%1" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:355 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Cannot read from device %1\n" -"Please check drivers and access rights." -msgstr "" -"无法从设备 %1 中读取\n" -"请检查驱动和存取权限。" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:358 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Press play or record button\n" -"to start video capture\n" -"Files will be saved in:\n" -"%1" -msgstr "" -"点击播放或捕获按钮\n" -"以开始视频捕获\n" -"文件将保存在:\n" -"%1" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:370 -msgid "Disconnect" -msgstr "断开连接" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:423 -msgid "Capture stopped" -msgstr "捕获停止" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:523 -msgid "" -"Failed to start Video4Linux,\n" -"check your parameters..." -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:539 src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:701 -msgid "" -"Failed to start Decklink,\n" -"check your parameters..." -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:677 -msgid "" -"Failed to start ffmpeg capture,\n" -"check your parameters..." -msgstr "" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:695 -#, fuzzy, kde-format -msgid "Capturing to %1" -msgstr "正在捕获" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:702 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Failed to start capture" -msgstr "屏幕捕获需要此程序" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:766 -msgid "Initialising..." -msgstr "正在初始化..." - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:782 -msgid "Show log" -msgstr "显示日志" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, video_frame) -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:882 src/ui/recmonitor_ui.ui:35 -msgid "Not connected" -msgstr "未联机" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:971 -#, kde-format -msgid "Free space: %1" -msgstr "可用空间:%1" - -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:1014 -#, fuzzy, kde-format -msgid "%1 dropped frames" -msgstr "实时(启用丢帧)" - -#: src/monitor/smallruler.cpp:201 src/timeline/customruler.cpp:233 -#: src/timeline/customruler.cpp:234 -#, kde-format -msgid "Zone start: %1" -msgstr "区段起点:%1" - -#: src/monitor/smallruler.cpp:205 src/timeline/customruler.cpp:237 -#: src/timeline/customruler.cpp:238 -#, kde-format -msgid "Zone end: %1" -msgstr "区段终点:%1" - -#: src/monitor/smallruler.cpp:236 src/timeline/customruler.cpp:241 -#: src/timeline/customruler.cpp:242 -#, kde-format -msgid "Zone duration: %1" -msgstr "区段持续时间:%1" - -#: src/monitor/smallruler.cpp:238 src/timeline/customruler.cpp:245 -#: src/timeline/customruler.cpp:246 -#, kde-format -msgid "Position: %1" -msgstr "位置:%1" - -#: src/project/clipmanager.cpp:220 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Delete clip" -msgid "Delete subclip" -msgid_plural "Delete subclips" -msgstr[0] "删除素材" - -#: src/project/clipmanager.cpp:223 src/project/projectcommands.cpp:74 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Delete folder" -msgid "Delete folder" -msgid_plural "Delete folders" -msgstr[0] "删除文件夹" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:200 -msgid "Libav" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_8) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, kcfg_defaultcapture) -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_2) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, device_selector) -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:204 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:42 -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:181 src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:105 -#: src/ui/recmonitor_ui.ui:139 -msgid "FFmpeg" -msgstr "FFMpeg" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_11) -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:246 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:187 -#: src/utils/freesound.cpp:207 -msgid "Channels" -msgstr "通道" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:263 -#, fuzzy, kde-format -msgid "Proxy clip: %1 (%2)" -msgstr "组合素材" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:265 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Delete proxy" -msgstr "删除编码方案" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:292 -msgid "Playlist" -msgstr "播放列表" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:348 src/project/dialogs/slideshowclip.cpp:74 -msgid "Pan, low-pass" -msgstr "平移,低通" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:349 src/project/dialogs/slideshowclip.cpp:75 -msgid "Pan and zoom" -msgstr "平移和缩放" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:350 src/project/dialogs/slideshowclip.cpp:76 -msgid "Pan and zoom, low-pass" -msgstr "平移和缩放,低通" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:352 src/project/dialogs/slideshowclip.cpp:78 -msgid "Zoom, low-pass" -msgstr "缩放,低通" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:480 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Save markers" -msgstr "删除标记" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:482 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Load markers" -msgstr "添加标记" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:484 -msgid "Delete analysis data" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:486 -msgid "Load analysis data" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:488 -msgid "Save analysis data" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:527 src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:360 -#, kde-format -msgid "(%1 clip)" -msgid_plural "(%1 clips)" -msgstr[0] "(%1 个剪辑)" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, slide_info) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_info) -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:1166 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:319 -#: src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:265 -msgid "No image found" -msgstr "没有找到图片" - -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:1171 -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:573 -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:586 -#: src/project/dialogs/slideshowclip.cpp:247 -#, kde-format -msgid "1 image found" -msgid_plural "%1 images found" -msgstr[0] "找到 %1 张图像" - -#: src/project/clippropertiesmanager.cpp:182 -msgid "Edit clips" -msgstr "编辑素材" - -#: src/project/clipstabilize.cpp:41 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Stabilize Clip" -msgstr "字幕 / 标题素材" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, auto_add) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, add_clip) -#: src/project/clipstabilize.cpp:42 src/project/cliptranscode.cpp:47 -#: src/ui/clipstabilize_ui.ui:57 src/ui/cliptranscode_ui.ui:47 -#: src/ui/cutjobdialog_ui.ui:57 -msgid "Add clip to project" -msgid_plural "Add clips to project" -msgstr[0] "添加素材到项目" - -#: src/project/clipstabilize.cpp:69 src/project/cliptranscode.cpp:63 -msgid "Destination folder" -msgstr "目标文件夹" - -#: src/project/clipstabilize.cpp:159 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Stabilised" -msgstr "转换编码完成。" - -#: src/project/clipstabilize.cpp:173 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Stabilize clip" -msgstr "字幕 / 标题素材" - -#: src/project/clipstabilize.cpp:232 -msgid "The stabilize job will overwrite the following files:" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/cliptranscode.cpp:43 -msgid "Transcode Clip" -msgstr "转换素材编码" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, convert_abort) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_abort) -#: src/project/cliptranscode.cpp:168 src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:636 -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:884 src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:94 -#: src/ui/dvdwizardvob_ui.ui:160 -msgid "Abort" -msgstr "中止" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, buttonClose) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, buttonClose2) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, buttonClose3) -#: src/project/cliptranscode.cpp:210 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:382 -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:657 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:805 -msgid "Close" -msgstr "关闭" - -#: src/project/cliptranscode.cpp:221 src/project/cliptranscode.cpp:239 -msgid "Transcoding finished." -msgstr "转换编码完成。" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:63 -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:302 -msgid "Video clips" -msgstr "视频素材" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:67 -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:305 -msgid "Audio clips" -msgstr "音频素材" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:71 -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:308 src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:113 -msgid "Image clips" -msgstr "图片素材" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:75 -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:311 -msgid "Slideshow clips" -msgstr "幻灯片素材" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:79 -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:314 -msgid "Text clips" -msgstr "文字素材" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:83 -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:317 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Playlist clips" -msgstr "素材播放清单" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:87 -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:320 -msgid "Other clips" -msgstr "其它素材" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:91 -msgid "Luma files" -msgstr "亮度文件" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:167 -#, kde-format -msgid "You have %1 missing clip in your project." -msgid_plural "You have %1 missing clips in your project." -msgstr[0] "" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:192 -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:1017 -#, kde-format -msgid "(%1 item)" -msgid_plural "(%1 items)" -msgstr[0] "(%1 项)" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:197 -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:1019 -#, kde-format -msgid "%1 file to archive, requires %2" -msgid_plural "%1 files to archive, requires %2" -msgstr[0] "" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:198 -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:664 -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:854 -msgid "Archive" -msgstr "存档" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:232 -msgid "Extract to" -msgstr "解压缩到" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:233 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Open Archived Project" -msgstr "渲染(导出)设置" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:235 -msgid "Extract" -msgstr "解压缩" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:264 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Opening archive..." -msgstr "正在打开文件 %1" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:267 -#, fuzzy, kde-format -msgid "" -"Cannot open archive file:\n" -" %1" -msgstr "无法写入文件 %1" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:284 -#, fuzzy, kde-format -msgid "" -"File %1\n" -" is not an archived Kdenlive project" -msgstr "文件 %1 不是 Kdenlive 项目文件" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:290 -msgid "Ready" -msgstr "就绪" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:310 -msgid "Archiving in progress, do you want to stop it?" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:310 -msgid "Stop Archiving" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:493 -#, kde-format -msgid "Available space on drive: %1" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:497 -#, kde-format -msgid "Not enough space on drive, free space: %1" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:518 -msgid "Archiving..." -msgstr "存档..." - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:546 -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:628 -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:881 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot create directory %1" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:652 -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:847 -msgid "Project was successfully archived." -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:655 -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:851 -msgid "There was an error processing project file" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:661 -#, kde-format -msgid "There was an error while copying the files: %1" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:785 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Cannot create temporary file" -msgstr "无法写入文件 %1" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:883 -msgid "Extracting..." -msgstr "提取..." - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:947 -#, fuzzy, kde-format -msgid "Cannot open project file %1" -msgstr "无法写入文件 %1" - -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:947 -msgid "Cannot open file" -msgstr "无法打开文件" - -#: src/project/dialogs/backupwidget.cpp:30 -msgid "Restore Backup File" -msgstr "还原备份文件" - -#: src/project/dialogs/backupwidget.cpp:34 -msgid "Showing all backup files in folder" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/dialogs/backupwidget.cpp:37 -#, kde-format -msgid "Showing backup files for %1" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/dialogs/noteswidget.cpp:40 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Insert current timecode" -msgstr "在时间轴里插入区段" - -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:120 -msgid "Current Settings" -msgstr "当前设置" - -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:139 -msgid "Title" -msgstr "字幕 / 标题" - -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:146 -#: src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:189 -msgid "Author" -msgstr "作者" - -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:153 -msgid "Artist" -msgstr "艺人" - -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:159 -msgid "Copyright" -msgstr "版权" - -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:259 -msgid "Deleting proxy clips will disable proxies for this project." -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:410 -msgid "" -"Changing the profile of your project cannot be undone.\n" -"It is recommended to save your project before attempting this operation that " -"might cause some corruption in transitions.\n" -" Are you sure you want to proceed?" -msgstr "" -"对此项目的修改将无法还原。\n" -"建议您在执行此操作前保存该项目,这可能在转变过程中导致某些问题。\n" -" 您是否要继续?" - -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:410 -msgid "Confirm profile change" -msgstr "确认修改编码方案" - -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:425 -#, kde-format -msgid "Interlaced (%1 fields per second)" -msgstr "交错式 (每秒 %1帧)" - -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:596 -#, kde-format -msgid "Project folder: %1" -msgstr "项目文件夹: %1" - -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:597 -#, fuzzy, kde-format -msgid "Project profile: %1" -msgstr "项目文件" - -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:598 -#, kde-format -msgid "Total clips: %1 (%2 used in timeline)." -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:650 -#, fuzzy -msgid "field_name" -msgstr "文件名" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, SlideshowClip_UI) -#: src/project/dialogs/slideshowclip.cpp:47 src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Slideshow Clip" -msgstr "幻灯片放映素材" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:46 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Transcode clip" -msgstr "转换素材编码" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:49 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Cut clip" -msgstr "分割素材" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:53 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Insert clip" -msgid "Analyse clip" -msgstr "插入素材" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:125 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Failed to create file." -msgstr "启用 Jog Shuttle 设备" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:140 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Cannot process this clip type." -msgstr "修改素材类型" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:202 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Transcoding clip" -msgstr "转换素材编码" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:203 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Extracting clip cut" -msgstr "编辑素材剪辑" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:204 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Analysing clip" -msgstr "丢失的素材" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:207 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Waiting - transcode clip" -msgstr "请稍等..." - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:208 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Waiting - cut clip" -msgstr "请稍等..." - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:209 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Waiting - analyse clip" -msgstr "请稍等..." - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:278 -#, fuzzy, kde-format -msgid "Extracting %1 out of %2" -msgstr "解压缩到" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:292 -msgid "You cannot overwrite original clip." -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:293 -#, kde-format -msgid "Overwrite file %1" -msgstr "覆盖文件 %1" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:338 -msgid "The transcoding job will overwrite the following files:" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:344 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Transcoding" -msgstr "正在转码:%1" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:432 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Frames" -msgid "I-Frame " -msgstr "帧数" - -#: src/project/jobs/cutclipjob.cpp:433 -#, fuzzy, c-format -#| msgid "Found %1 result" -#| msgid_plural "Found %1 results" -msgid "Found %count I-Frames" -msgstr "找到 %1 个结果" - -#: src/project/jobs/filterjob.cpp:133 -#, fuzzy, kde-format -msgid "Found %1 scenes." -msgstr "找到:%1" - -#: src/project/jobs/filterjob.cpp:146 -msgid "Scene " -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/jobs/filterjob.cpp:174 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Auto split" -msgstr "自动遮盖" - -#: src/project/jobs/jobmanager.cpp:178 -#, fuzzy, kde-format -msgid "Cannot write to path: %1" -msgstr "无法写入文件 %1" - -#: src/project/jobs/jobmanager.cpp:225 -#, kde-format -msgid "Filter %1" -msgstr "过滤器 %1" - -#: src/project/jobs/jobmanager.cpp:234 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Cannot find clip to edit" -msgid "No valid clip to process" -msgstr "无法找到要编辑的素材" - -#: src/project/jobs/meltjob.cpp:53 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Processing clip" -msgstr "组合素材" - -#: src/project/jobs/meltjob.cpp:63 -#, fuzzy -msgid "No producer for this clip." -msgstr "修改素材类型" - -#: src/project/jobs/meltjob.cpp:86 -#, kde-format -msgid "Clip zone undefined (%1 - %2)." -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/jobs/meltjob.cpp:157 -#, fuzzy, kde-format -msgid "Cannot create consumer %1." -msgstr "无法写入文件 %1" - -#: src/project/jobs/meltjob.cpp:179 -#, kde-format -msgid "Filter %1 crashed" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/jobs/meltjob.cpp:248 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Waiting to process clip" -msgstr "请稍等..." - -#: src/project/jobs/proxyclipjob.cpp:38 -#, fuzzy -msgid "proxy" -msgstr "代理" - -#: src/project/jobs/proxyclipjob.cpp:90 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot load image %1." -msgstr "无法装入图片 %1。" - -#: src/project/jobs/proxyclipjob.cpp:170 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Failed to create proxy clip." -msgstr "启用 Jog Shuttle 设备" - -#: src/project/jobs/proxyclipjob.cpp:245 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Creating proxy" -msgstr "丢失的编码方案" - -#: src/project/jobs/proxyclipjob.cpp:248 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Waiting - proxy" -msgstr "请稍等..." - -#: src/project/jobs/proxyclipjob.cpp:283 src/project/projectlist.cpp:2073 -msgid "Failed to create proxy, empty path." -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/notesplugin.cpp:27 -msgid "Enter your project notes here ..." -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/notesplugin.cpp:28 -msgid "Project Notes" -msgstr "项目注释" - -#: src/project/projectcommands.cpp:38 -msgid "Add clip cut" -msgstr "添加素材剪辑" - -#: src/project/projectcommands.cpp:72 -msgid "Add folder" -msgstr "添加文件夹" - -#: src/project/projectcommands.cpp:107 -msgid "Edit clip cut" -msgstr "编辑素材剪辑" - -#: src/project/projectcommands.cpp:136 -msgid "Rename folder" -msgstr "重命名文件夹" - -#: src/project/projectitem.cpp:92 src/project/projectitem.cpp:221 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Contains proxies" -msgstr "容器" - -#: src/project/projectitem.cpp:186 -msgid "Missing" -msgstr "丢失" - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:446 -msgid "No available clip selected" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:982 -msgid "Delete Clip Zone" -msgstr "删除素材区域" - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:995 -#, fuzzy, kde-format -msgid "" -"Delete folder %2?
This will also remove the clip in that folder" -msgid_plural "" -"Delete folder %2?
This will also remove the %1 clips in that " -"folder" -msgstr[0] "要删除文件夹 %2 吗?
这会同时删除在该文件夹中的 %1 个素材" - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:1004 -#, fuzzy, kde-format -msgid "Delete clip %2?
This will also remove the clip in timeline" -msgid_plural "" -"Delete clip %2?
This will also remove its %1 clips in timeline" -msgstr[0] "要删除素材 %2 吗?
这会同时删除时间轴中它的 %1 个片段" - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:1430 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Clip is missing or invalid. Remove it from project?" -msgstr "素材 %1
丢失或无效。要从项目中移除此素材吗?" - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:1455 -msgid "Proxy clip unusable (duration is different from original)." -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:1457 -#, kde-format -msgid "Failed to create proxy for %1. check parameters" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:1752 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Cannot find profile from current clip" -msgstr "无法找到要剪切的素材" - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:1769 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Change project profile" -msgstr "管理项目编码方案" - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:1773 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Your clip does not match current project's profile.\n" -"Do you want to change the project profile?\n" -"\n" -"The following profiles match the clip (size: %1, fps: %2)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:1791 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Update profile" -msgstr "更新我的资料" - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:1806 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Your clip does not match current project's profile.\n" -"No existing profile found to match the clip's properties.\n" -"Clip size: %1\n" -"Fps: %2\n" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:2042 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Sequence not found" -msgstr "找不到文件" - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:2212 -msgid "Update proxy settings" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:2374 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Remove Proxy" -msgstr "移除任务" - -#: src/project/projectlistview.cpp:59 -msgid "Rating" -msgstr "按评分排序" - -#: src/project/projectlistview.cpp:105 -msgctxt "@title:menu" -msgid "Columns" -msgstr "列" - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:61 -msgid "Open Backup File" -msgstr "打开备份文件" - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:202 -msgid "Save changes to document?" -msgstr "是否保存对文件的修改?" - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:204 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"The project \"%1\" has been changed.\n" -"Do you want to save your changes?" -msgstr "" -"此项目 \"%1\" 已经修改。\n" -"您要保修这些修改吗?" - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:379 -msgid "Auto-saved files exist. Do you want to recover them now?" -msgstr "自动保存的文件已经存在,您是否要恢复它?" - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:380 -msgid "File Recovery" -msgstr "文件恢复" - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:381 -msgid "Don't recover" -msgstr "不进行恢复" - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:436 -#, kde-format -msgid "Opening file %1" -msgstr "正在打开文件 %1" - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:456 -msgid "Loading project" -msgstr "正在装入项目" - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:458 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Adding clips" -msgid "Loading playlist" -msgstr "正在添加素材" - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:478 src/project/projectmanager.cpp:483 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Adding clips" -msgid "Loading clips" -msgstr "正在添加素材" - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:507 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Cannot open file %1.\n" -"Project is corrupted." -msgstr "" -"无法打开文件 %1。\n" -"项目文件不正确。" - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:527 -msgid "" -"This will delete all changes made since you last saved your project. Are you " -"sure you want to continue?" -msgstr "这会删除从您最后一次保存项目以来的所有修改,您确定要继续吗?" - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:527 -msgid "Revert to last saved version" -msgstr "恢复到最后保存的版本" - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:537 -msgid "Kdenlive project (*.kdenlive)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:538 -msgid "Archived project (*.tar.gz)" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, scanning_list) -#: src/project/transitionsettings.cpp:151 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:126 -msgid "Auto" -msgstr "自动" - -#: src/project/transitionsettings.cpp:162 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:54 -msgid "Black" -msgstr "黑色" - -#: src/renderer.cpp:1181 -msgid "" -"Could not create the video preview window.\n" -"There is something wrong with your Kdenlive install or your driver settings, " -"please fix it." -msgstr "" -"无法创建此影片的预览。\n" -"您的 Kdenlive 安装或硬件驱动设置值不正确,请修复这些问题。" - -#: src/renderer.cpp:1386 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7865 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Save zone" -msgid "Save Zone" -msgstr "保存区段" - -#: src/renderer.cpp:3283 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Import selected clips" -msgstr "删除所选素材" - -#: src/renderer.cpp:3285 -#, fuzzy, kde-format -msgid "" -"Additional streams for clip\n" -" %1" -msgstr "添加转场特效到素材" - -#: src/renderer.cpp:3294 -#, fuzzy, kde-format -msgid "Video stream %1" -msgstr "视频流 %1" - -#: src/renderer.cpp:3309 -#, fuzzy, kde-format -msgid "Audio stream %1" -msgstr "音频流 %1" - -#: src/scopes/abstractscopewidget.cpp:84 -msgid "Auto Refresh" -msgstr "自动刷新" - -#: src/scopes/abstractscopewidget.cpp:86 -msgid "Realtime (with precision loss)" -msgstr "即时(损失精确度)" - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:67 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:52 -msgid "Reset maximum frequency to sampling rate" -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:68 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:55 -msgid "Track mouse" -msgstr "跟踪鼠标" - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:70 -msgid "Show maximum" -msgstr "显示最大值" - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:86 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:74 -msgid "Rectangular window" -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:87 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:75 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Triangular window" -msgstr "大窗口" - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:88 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:76 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Hamming window" -msgstr "大窗口" - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:97 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:79 -msgid "The maximum window size is limited by the number of samples per frame." -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:98 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:80 -msgid "" -"A bigger window improves the accuracy at the cost of computational power." -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:99 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:81 -msgid "" -"The rectangular window function is good for signals with equal signal " -"strength (narrow peak), but creates more smearing. See Window function on " -"Wikipedia." -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:389 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:392 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:394 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:485 -#, kde-format -msgid "%1 dB" -msgstr "%1 dB" - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:412 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/audiospectrum.cpp:487 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:280 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:289 -#, kde-format -msgid "%1 kHz" -msgstr "%1 kHz" - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:53 -msgid "Draw grid" -msgstr "绘制网格" - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:57 -msgid "Highlight peaks" -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:234 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Frame\n" -"%1" -msgstr "" -"帧\n" -"%1" - -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:305 -#: src/scopes/audioscopes/spectrogram.cpp:306 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"%1\n" -"dB" -msgstr "" -"%1\n" -"dB" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:31 -msgid "YUV UV plane" -msgstr "YUV UV 平面" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:32 -msgid "YUV Y plane" -msgstr "YUV Y 平面" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:33 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:55 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:61 -msgid "Modified YUV (Chroma)" -msgstr "修改的 YUV (色度)" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:34 -msgid "YCbCr CbCr plane" -msgstr "YCbCr CbCr 平面" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:35 -msgid "RGB plane, one component varying" -msgstr "RGB 平面,单元件修改" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:36 -msgid "HSV Hue Shift" -msgstr "HSV 色调调整" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:37 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:254 -msgid "HSV Saturation" -msgstr "HSV 饱和度" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:118 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:250 -#, kde-format -msgid "%1°" -msgstr "%1°" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:125 -#, kde-format -msgid "%1 px" -msgstr "%1 px" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:218 -msgid "Y value" -msgstr "Y 亮度" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:219 -msgid "The Y value describes the brightness of the colors." -msgstr "此 Y 值代表颜色的亮度。" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:231 -msgid "UV angle" -msgstr "UV 角度" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:232 -msgid "Angle through the UV plane, with all possible Y values." -msgstr "所有可能 Y 值通过 UV 平面的角度。" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:240 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:268 -msgid "Red" -msgstr "红色" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:241 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:269 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:53 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/waveform.cpp:34 -msgid "Green" -msgstr "绿色" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:242 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:270 -msgid "Blue" -msgstr "蓝色" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:243 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:271 -msgid "Luma" -msgstr "亮度" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:255 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:262 -msgid "HSV Value" -msgstr "HSV 值" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/histogram.cpp:26 -msgid "Unscaled" -msgstr "无缩放" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/histogram.cpp:29 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/waveform.cpp:37 -msgid "Rec. 601" -msgstr "Rec. 601" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/histogram.cpp:31 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/waveform.cpp:39 -msgid "Rec. 709" -msgstr "Rec. 709" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/histogram.cpp:39 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/waveform.cpp:44 -msgid "Luma mode" -msgstr "亮度模式" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/histogramgenerator.cpp:178 -#, fuzzy -msgid "min" -msgstr "分钟" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/histogramgenerator.cpp:181 -#, fuzzy -msgid "max" -msgstr "max" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/rgbparade.cpp:27 -msgid "RGB" -msgstr "RGB" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/rgbparade.cpp:28 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/waveform.cpp:33 -msgid "White" -msgstr "白色" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/rgbparade.cpp:32 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:89 -msgid "Draw axis" -msgstr "绘制座标轴" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/rgbparade.cpp:37 -msgid "Gradient reference line" -msgstr "渐变参考线" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/rgbparadegenerator.cpp:167 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/rgbparadegenerator.cpp:169 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/rgbparadegenerator.cpp:171 -msgid "min: " -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/rgbparadegenerator.cpp:175 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/rgbparadegenerator.cpp:177 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/rgbparadegenerator.cpp:179 -msgid "max: " -msgstr "" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:52 -msgid "Green 2" -msgstr "绿色 2" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:56 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:60 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:102 -msgid "YUV" -msgstr "YUV" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:57 -msgid "Original Color" -msgstr "初始颜色" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:62 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:100 -msgid "YPbPr" -msgstr "YPbPr" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:76 -msgid "Tools" -msgstr "工具" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:78 -msgid "Export background" -msgstr "输出背景" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:82 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Drawing options" -msgstr "显示 / 隐藏选项" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:84 -msgid "75% box" -msgstr "75% 方框" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:94 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Draw I/Q lines" -msgstr "绘制座标轴" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:99 -msgid "Color Space" -msgstr "色彩空间" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:247 -#, kde-format -msgid "%1 \\%" -msgstr "%1 \\%" - -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/waveform.cpp:32 -msgid "Yellow" -msgstr "黄色" - -#: src/scopes/scopemanager.cpp:307 -msgid "Waveform" -msgstr "波形" - -#: src/scopes/scopemanager.cpp:309 -msgid "Histogram" -msgstr "直方图" - -#: src/scopes/scopemanager.cpp:311 -msgid "Audio Signal" -msgstr "音频信号" - -#: src/scopes/scopemanager.cpp:312 -msgid "AudioSpectrum" -msgstr "音频频谱" - -#: src/scopes/scopemanager.cpp:313 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Spectrogram" -msgstr "直方图" - -#: src/statusbarmessagelabel.cpp:51 -msgctxt "@action:button" -msgid "Confirm" -msgstr "确认" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:162 -msgid "Send frames to color scopes" -msgstr "" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:167 -msgid "Mirror display" -msgstr "镜像显示" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:174 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Stop Motion Capture" -msgstr "捕获选定区域" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, capture_interval) -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:187 src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:115 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Interval capture" -msgstr "抓取间隔" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:205 -msgid "Overlay effect" -msgstr "叠加效果" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:207 -msgid "No Effect" -msgstr "无效果" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:211 -msgid "Edge detect" -msgstr "边缘检测" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:213 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Brighten" -msgstr "亮度:" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:236 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Show sequence thumbnails" -msgstr "显示缩略图" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:241 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Delete current frame" -msgstr "删除当前的文件" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:369 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Configure Stop Motion" -msgstr "设置" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:371 src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:372 -msgid " second" -msgid_plural " seconds" -msgstr[0] " 秒" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:520 -msgid "Stopped" -msgstr "已停止" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:560 -#, fuzzy -msgid "No previous frame found" -msgstr "跳转到上一个关键帧" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:632 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Create New Sequence" -msgstr "中心频率" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:632 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Enter sequence name" -msgstr "输入 Unicode 数值:" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:653 -msgid "Frame Captured" -msgstr "已抓取帧" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:667 -msgid "Going to Capture Frame" -msgstr "跳转到抓取的帧" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:822 -#, fuzzy, kde-format -msgid "Delete frame %1 from disk?" -msgstr "从素材中删除转场特效" - -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:822 -msgid "Delete Frame" -msgstr "删除帧" - -#: src/timecode.cpp:261 -msgid "hour" -msgstr "小时" - -#: src/timecode.cpp:269 -msgid "min." -msgstr "分" - -#: src/timecode.cpp:277 -msgid "sec." -msgstr "秒" - -#: src/timecode.cpp:282 -msgid "frames" -msgstr "帧数" - -#: src/timeline/abstractclipitem.cpp:379 -msgid "seconds" -msgstr "秒" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:589 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Crop from start:" -msgstr "裁剪起点" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, clip_filesize_2) -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:589 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:602 -#: src/ui/spacerdialog_ui.ui:30 -msgid "Duration:" -msgstr "持续时间:" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:589 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:602 -msgid "Offset:" -msgstr "偏移:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:695 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:804 -msgid ":" -msgstr ":" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:696 -msgid " Position:" -msgstr " 位置:" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:697 -msgid " Duration:" -msgstr " 时间长度:" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:701 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:707 -msgid " Selection duration:" -msgstr " 所选时间长度:" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:703 -msgid " Group duration:" -msgstr " 组合的时间长度:" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:714 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Crop from start: " -msgstr "裁剪起点" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:716 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:722 -msgid "" -"Use Ctrl to resize only current item, otherwise all items in this group will " -"be resized at once." -msgstr "" -"按下 Ctrl 键只调整当前项目的大小,否则将会调整这个组合中所有项目的大小。" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:720 -msgid "Duration: " -msgstr "持续时间:" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:726 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Fade in duration: " -msgstr "帧持续时间" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:729 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Fade out duration: " -msgstr " 组合的时间长度:" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:732 -msgid "Drag to add or resize a fade effect." -msgstr "鼠标拖曳可加入或调整淡化特效。" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:736 -msgid "Click to add a transition." -msgstr "点击可加入转场特效。" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:739 -msgid "" -"Move keyframe above or below clip to remove it, double click to add a new " -"one." -msgstr "" -"将关键帧拖拽到素材外(上方或下方)可删除此关键帧,双击可添加新的关键帧。" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:784 -msgid "Cannot use spacer in a locked track" -msgstr "无法在已锁定的轨道中使用调整工具" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:792 -msgid "Cannot use spacer in a track with a group" -msgstr "无法在含有组合的轨道里使用调整工具" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1105 -msgid "Cannot cut a transition" -msgstr "无法剪切转场特效" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1331 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1366 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2668 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2694 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2720 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2743 -msgid "Cannot add transition" -msgstr "无法添加转场特效" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1586 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1594 -msgid "Cannot find clip to edit" -msgstr "无法找到要编辑的素材" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1588 -msgid "Cannot edit the duration of multiple items" -msgstr "不能同时编辑多个项目的时间" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1599 -msgid "Cannot edit an item in a group" -msgstr "无法编辑组合中的项目" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1664 -msgid "Item is locked" -msgstr "项目已被锁定" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1747 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2897 -msgid "Cannot insert clip in timeline" -msgstr "无法在时间轴中插入素材" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1753 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2866 -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:75 -msgid "Add timeline clip" -msgstr "添加素材到时间轴" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1787 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1849 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Clip not ready" -msgstr "定位此素材在列表中的位置" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1970 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2033 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2050 -msgid "Problem deleting effect" -msgstr "删除特效时发生问题" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1977 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2002 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2017 -msgid "Problem adding effect to clip" -msgstr "添加特效到素材时发生问题" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1986 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Cannot add speed effect to track" -msgstr "无法添加视频滤镜到这个素材" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2022 -msgid "Cannot find clip to add effect" -msgstr "无法找到要添加特效的素材" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2068 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2160 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2263 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7513 -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:42 src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:282 -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:374 -msgid "effect" -msgstr "特效" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2069 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2162 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7515 src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:44 -#, kde-format -msgid "Add %1" -msgstr "添加 %1" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2171 -msgid "Select a clip if you want to apply an effect" -msgstr "如果您想使用特效请选择一个素材" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2219 -msgid "Cannot add an audio effect to this clip" -msgstr "无法添加音频特效到这个素材" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2228 -msgid "Cannot add a video effect to this clip" -msgstr "无法添加视频滤镜到这个素材" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2233 -msgid "Effect already present in clip" -msgstr "特效已在素材中" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2264 src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:46 -#, kde-format -msgid "Delete %1" -msgstr "删除 %1" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2300 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2315 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2371 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2381 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2402 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5486 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5507 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5530 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5552 -msgid "Problem editing effect" -msgstr "编辑特效时发生问题" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2373 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2404 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Cannot find clip to update effect" -msgstr "无法找到要添加特效的素材" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2429 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2450 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2463 -msgid "Cannot move effect" -msgstr "无法移动特效" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2527 -msgid "Cannot find clip to cut" -msgstr "无法找到要剪切的素材" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2600 -msgid "Cannot find clip to uncut" -msgstr "无法找到要取消剪切的素材" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2604 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4101 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4392 -#, kde-format -msgid "Error removing clip at %1 on track %2" -msgstr "移除轨道 %2 的 %1 上的素材时发生错误" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2629 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5309 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5427 -msgid "Error when resizing clip" -msgstr "调整素材大小时发生错误" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2728 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6204 -msgid "Invalid transition" -msgstr "无效的转场特效" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2752 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4435 -msgid "Select clip to delete" -msgstr "选择要删除的素材" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:2768 -msgid "Cannot update transition" -msgstr "无法更新转场特效" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:3442 -msgid "Cannot remove space in a locked track" -msgstr "无法在已经锁定的轨道中移除空白空间" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:3448 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:3453 -#, kde-format -msgid "You must be in an empty space to remove space (time: %1, track: %2)" -msgstr "您必须在一个空白的空间里移除空间 (时间:%1,轨道:%2)" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:3464 -msgid "Cannot remove space in a track with a group" -msgstr "无法在含有组合的轨道里移除空白空间" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:3543 -msgid "Cannot insert space in a locked track" -msgstr "无法在已锁定的轨道中插入空白空间" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:3556 -msgid "Cannot insert space in a track with a group" -msgstr "无法在含有组合的轨道里插入空白空间" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:3612 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot move clip at position %1, track %2" -msgstr "无法移动位于 %1、轨道 %2 的素材" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:3625 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot move transition at position %1, track %2" -msgstr "无法移动位于 %1、轨道 %2 的转场特效" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:3897 src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:484 -msgid "Move clip" -msgstr "移动素材" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4045 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5002 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot move clip to position %1" -msgstr "无法移动素材到位置 %1" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4052 -msgid "Cannot move transition" -msgstr "无法移动转场特效" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4056 src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:579 -msgid "Move transition" -msgstr "移动转场特效" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4083 src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:556 -msgid "Move group" -msgstr "移动组合" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4215 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4242 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6386 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6418 -msgid "Resize group" -msgstr "调整组合大小" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4488 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Delete selected group" -msgid_plural "Delete selected groups" -msgstr[0] "删除所选组合" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4490 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Delete selected clip" -msgid_plural "Delete selected clips" -msgstr[0] "删除所选素材" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4492 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Delete selected transition" -msgid_plural "Delete selected transitions" -msgstr[0] "删除所选转场特效" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4493 -msgid "Delete selected items" -msgstr "删除所选项目" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4505 -msgid "Cannot find clip for speed change" -msgstr "无法找到要修改速度的素材" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4563 -msgid "Cut Group" -msgstr "分割组合" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4645 src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:411 -msgid "Group clips" -msgstr "组合素材" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4744 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4760 -msgid "Cannot insert clip..." -msgstr "无法插入素材..." - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4749 -msgid "Waiting for clip..." -msgstr "正在加载素材..." - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4963 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5192 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot move clip at time: %1 on track %2" -msgstr "无法移动位于时间: %1 轨道 %2 上的素材" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5142 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot move transition at time: %1 on track %2" -msgstr "无法移动位于时间: %1 轨道 %2 上的转场特效" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5236 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5352 -msgid "Not possible to resize" -msgstr "不能调整大小" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5248 -msgid "Resize clip start" -msgstr "调整素材终点" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5318 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5437 -msgid "Cannot resize transition" -msgstr "无法调整转场特效大小" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5372 -msgid "Resize clip end" -msgstr "调整素材起点" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5430 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Resize transition end" -msgstr "逆向执行转场特效" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5742 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5810 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5851 -msgid "No guide at cursor time" -msgstr "游标时间上没有参考线" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5762 -#, kde-format -msgid "A guide already exists at position %1" -msgstr "参考线已存在于 %1" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:5778 -msgid "Guide" -msgstr "参考线" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6068 -msgid "Select a clip before copying" -msgstr "复制前请选择一个素材" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6139 -msgid "No clip copied" -msgstr "没有复制任何素材" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6175 -msgid "Cannot paste selected clips" -msgstr "无法粘贴所选素材" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6192 -msgid "Cannot paste clip to selected place" -msgstr "无法将素材贴到所选位置" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6206 -msgid "Cannot paste transition to selected place" -msgstr "无法将转场特效贴到所选位置" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6217 -msgid "You must copy exactly one clip before pasting effects" -msgstr "粘贴特效前您必须正确复制一个素材" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6353 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6377 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6410 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7016 -msgid "You must select one clip for this action" -msgstr "您必须选择一个素材来进行这个动作" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6359 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "You must select at least one clip for this action" -msgid "You must select a playlist clip for this action" -msgstr "您必须选择一个素材来进行这个动作" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6517 src/ui/addtrack_ui.ui:67 -msgid "Insert track" -msgstr "添加轨道" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6518 -#, fuzzy, kde-format -#| msgid "Video" -msgid "Video %1" -msgstr "视频" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6519 -msgid "Insert New Track" -msgstr "插入新轨道" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6552 src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:108 -msgid "Delete track" -msgstr "删除轨道" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6667 -msgid "You must select one transition for this action" -msgstr "您必须选择一个转场特效来进行这个动作" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6754 -msgid "You must select at least one clip for this action" -msgstr "您必须选择一个素材来进行这个动作" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6759 src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:718 -msgid "Split audio" -msgstr "分离音频" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6765 -msgid "Cannot split audio of grouped clips" -msgstr "无法分割已组合的素材的音频" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6779 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "No clip copied" -msgid "No clip to split" -msgstr "没有复制任何素材" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6788 -#, fuzzy -msgid "You must select exactly one clip for the audio reference." -msgstr "您必须选择一个素材来进行这个动作" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6809 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6858 -msgid "Processing audio, please wait." -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6813 -msgid "Reference for audio alignment must contain audio data." -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6829 -msgid "Audio alignment reference not yet set." -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6866 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Cannot find clip to align." -msgstr "无法找到要编辑的素材" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6881 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Unable to move clip out of timeline." -msgstr "无法移动素材到位置 %1" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6896 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Unable to move clip due to collision." -msgstr "无法移动素材到位置 %1" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6899 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Clip aligned." -msgstr "素材左侧" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6900 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Auto-align clip" -msgstr "正在载入素材" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6932 -msgid "No empty space to put clip audio" -msgstr "没有足够的空间来放入素材音频" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6944 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:6981 -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7057 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot update clip (time: %1, track: %2)" -msgstr "无法更新素材 (时间:%1,轨道:%2)" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7009 -msgid "Video only" -msgstr "只有视频" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7026 -msgid "Cannot change grouped clips" -msgstr "无法修改已经组合的素材" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7045 -#, fuzzy, kde-format -#| msgid "Cannot update clip (time: %1, track: %2)" -msgid "Cannot find clip to edit (time: %1, track: %2)" -msgstr "无法更新素材 (时间:%1,轨道:%2)" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7358 -msgid "error" -msgstr "错误" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7358 -msgid "TRACTOR" -msgstr "定轨器" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7371 -msgid "Insert clip" -msgstr "插入素材" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7521 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7529 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Effect already present in track" -msgstr "特效已在素材中" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7641 -#, fuzzy, kde-format -msgid "Cannot find clip for effect update %1." -msgstr "无法找到要添加特效的素材" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7668 -#, fuzzy -msgid "You need to select one clip and one transition" -msgstr "您必须选择一个素材来进行这个动作" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7686 -#, fuzzy -msgid "No clip found" -msgstr "没有复制任何素材" - -#: src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7694 -msgid "No keyframe data found in clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/headertrack.cpp:66 src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:461 -msgid "Lock track" -msgstr "锁定轨道" - -#: src/timeline/headertrack.cpp:66 src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:463 -msgid "Unlock track" -msgstr "解除对轨道的锁定" - -#: src/timeline/headertrack.cpp:72 -msgid "Disable audio" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/headertrack.cpp:72 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Split audio" -msgid "Enable audio" -msgstr "分离音频" - -#: src/timeline/headertrack.cpp:82 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Disable video" -msgstr "删除特效" - -#: src/timeline/headertrack.cpp:82 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Enable video" -msgstr "保存特效" - -#: src/timeline/headertrack.cpp:89 -msgid "Opaque" -msgstr "" - -#: src/timeline/spacerdialog.cpp:52 -msgid "All tracks" -msgstr "所有轨道" - -#: src/timeline/timeline.cpp:89 -msgid "Smaller tracks" -msgstr "缩小轨道高度" - -#: src/timeline/timeline.cpp:96 -msgid "Bigger tracks" -msgstr "扩大轨道高度" - -#: src/timeline/timeline.cpp:359 src/timeline/timeline.cpp:363 -#, kde-format -msgid "Transition %1 had an invalid track: %2 > %3" -msgstr "转场特效 %1 含有不正确的轨道:%2 > %3" - -#: src/timeline/timeline.cpp:372 -#, kde-format -msgid "Removed invalid transition: %1" -msgstr "移除无效的转场特效: %1" - -#: src/timeline/timeline.cpp:469 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Your project file was upgraded to the latest Kdenlive document version.\n" -"To make sure you don't lose data, a backup copy called %1 was created." -msgstr "" -"您的项目文件已升级到最新的 Kdenlive 文件版本。\n" -"为了确保不发生数据丢失,已创建了一份名为 %1 的备份。" - -#: src/timeline/timeline.cpp:471 -#, fuzzy, kde-format -msgid "" -"Your project file was modified by Kdenlive.\n" -"To make sure you don't lose data, a backup copy called %1 was created." -msgstr "" -"您的项目文件已升级到最新的 Kdenlive 文件版本。\n" -"为了确保不发生数据丢失,已创建了一份名为 %1 的备份。" - -#: src/timeline/timeline.cpp:477 -#, fuzzy, kde-format -msgid "" -"Your project file was upgraded to the latest Kdenlive document version, but " -"it was not possible to create the backup copy %1." -msgstr "您的项目文件已升级到最新的 Kdenlive 文件版本,无法创建一份备份。" - -#: src/timeline/timeline.cpp:868 -#, kde-format -msgid "Invalid clip removed from track %1 at %2\n" -msgstr "从 %2 的轨道 %1 中移除无效的素材\n" - -#: src/timeline/timeline.cpp:946 -#, kde-format -msgid "Effect %1:%2 not found in MLT, it was removed from this project\n" -msgstr "在 MLT 里找不到特效 %1:%2,它已从此项目中移除\n" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:76 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Delete timeline clip" -msgstr "删除时间轴中的素材" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:106 -msgid "Add track" -msgstr "添加轨道" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:137 -msgid "Delete transition from clip" -msgstr "从素材中删除转场特效" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:139 -msgid "Add transition to clip" -msgstr "添加转场特效到素材" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:175 -msgid "Change clip type" -msgstr "修改素材类型" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:199 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Disable effect" -msgid_plural "Disable effects" -msgstr[0] "删除特效" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:201 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Enable effect" -msgid_plural "Enable effects" -msgstr[0] "保存特效" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:228 -msgid "Adjust clip length" -msgstr "调整素材长度" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:283 -#, kde-format -msgid "Edit effect %1" -msgstr "编辑特效 %1" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:337 -msgid "Add guide" -msgstr "添加参考线" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:341 -msgid "Edit guide" -msgstr "编辑参考线" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:343 -msgid "Delete guide" -msgstr "删除参考线" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:345 -msgid "Move guide" -msgstr "移动参考线" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:375 -#, kde-format -msgid "Edit transition %1" -msgstr "编辑转场特效 %1" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:413 -msgid "Ungroup clips" -msgstr "取消组合" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:436 -msgid "Insert space" -msgstr "插入空白空间" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:438 -msgid "Remove space" -msgstr "移除空白空间" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:523 -msgid "Move effect" -msgstr "移动特效" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:607 -msgid "Razor clip" -msgstr "分割素材" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:653 -msgid "Rebuild Group" -msgstr "重新组合" - -#: src/timeline/timelinecommands.cpp:695 -msgid "Resize clip" -msgstr "调整素材大小" - -#: src/timeline/timelinesearch.cpp:27 -msgid "Find" -msgstr "查找" - -#: src/timeline/timelinesearch.cpp:29 -msgid "Find Next" -msgstr "查找下一个" - -#: src/timeline/timelinesearch.cpp:38 -msgid "Starting -- find text as you type" -msgstr "开始中 —— 输入即时查找" - -#: src/timeline/timelinesearch.cpp:46 -msgid "Find stopped" -msgstr "查找已停止" - -#: src/timeline/timelinesearch.cpp:56 src/timeline/timelinesearch.cpp:67 -#, kde-format -msgid "Found: %1" -msgstr "找到:%1" - -#: src/timeline/timelinesearch.cpp:58 -msgid "Reached end of project" -msgstr "已到项目末尾" - -#: src/timeline/timelinesearch.cpp:70 -#, kde-format -msgid "Not found: %1" -msgstr "找不到:%1" - -#: src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:74 -msgid "Hidden" -msgstr "隐藏视频" - -#: src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:74 -msgid "Muted" -msgstr "静音" - -#: src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:74 -msgid "Locked" -msgstr "锁定" - -#: src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:90 -msgid "Add Track" -msgstr "新增轨道" - -#: src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:98 -msgid "Move Track upwards" -msgstr "轨道上移" - -#: src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:102 -msgid "Move Track downwards" -msgstr "轨道下移" - -#: src/titler/titledocument.cpp:331 -msgid "This title clip was created with a different frame size." -msgstr "这个字幕 / 标题素材是在不同大小的画面中创建的。" - -#: src/titler/titledocument.cpp:331 -msgid "Title Profile" -msgstr "字幕 / 标题编码方案" - -#: src/titler/titledocument.cpp:380 -msgid "" -"Some of your text clips were saved with size in points, which means " -"different sizes on different displays. They will be converted to pixel size, " -"making them portable, but you could have to adjust their size." -msgstr "" -"您的某些文字保存的单位为“点”,这意味着在不同的显示器上会有不同的大小。这些文" -"字将进行像素转换,以让这些文字在不同显示器上都能有相同的显示结果,但是您必须" -"逐一调整这些文字的大小。" - -#: src/titler/titledocument.cpp:380 -msgid "Text Clips Updated" -msgstr "文字素材已更新" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:93 -msgid "Outline width" -msgstr "外框宽度" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:99 -msgid "Background color opacity" -msgstr "背景颜色不透明度" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:105 -msgid "Rotation around the X axis" -msgstr "绕 X 轴旋转" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:111 -msgid "Rotation around the Y axis" -msgstr "绕 Y 轴旋转" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:117 -msgid "Rotation around the Z axis" -msgstr "绕 Z 轴旋转" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:123 -msgid "Border width" -msgstr "边框宽度" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:156 -msgid "Typewriter" -msgstr "打字机" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:215 -msgctxt "Font style" -msgid "Light" -msgstr "灯光" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:216 -msgctxt "Font style" -msgid "Normal" -msgstr "普通" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:217 -msgctxt "Font style" -msgid "Demi-Bold" -msgstr "微粗体" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:218 -msgctxt "Font style" -msgid "Bold" -msgstr "粗体" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:219 -msgctxt "Font style" -msgid "Black" -msgstr "黑色" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:220 -msgid "Font weight" -msgstr "字体粗细" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:242 -msgid "No alignment" -msgstr "没有对齐" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:245 -msgid "Align center" -msgstr "居中" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:249 -msgid "Insert Unicode character" -msgstr "插入 Unicode 字符" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:255 -msgid "Raise object" -msgstr "上移一层" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:261 -msgid "Lower object" -msgstr "下降一层" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:269 -msgid "Raise object to top" -msgstr "移至顶层" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:276 -msgid "Lower object to bottom" -msgstr "降至底层" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:320 -msgid "Invert x axis and change 0 point" -msgstr "反转 x 轴同时改变 0 点" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:321 -msgid "Invert y axis and change 0 point" -msgstr "反转 y 轴同时改变 0 点" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:322 -msgid "Select fill color" -msgstr "选择填充颜色" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:323 -msgid "Select border color" -msgstr "选择边框颜色" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:325 -msgid "Original size (1:1)" -msgstr "原始大小 (1:1)" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:326 -msgid "Fit zoom" -msgstr "最佳视图" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:327 -msgid "Select background color" -msgstr "选择背景色" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:328 -msgid "Background opacity" -msgstr "背景不透明度" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:329 -msgid "Select all" -msgstr "全选" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:330 -msgid "Select text items in current selection" -msgstr "选择当前选区里的文字" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:331 -msgid "Select rect items in current selection" -msgstr "选择当前选区里的矩形" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:332 -msgid "Select image items in current selection" -msgstr "选择当前选区里的图片" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:333 -msgid "Unselect all" -msgstr "放弃所有选择" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:362 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:365 -msgid "Selection Tool" -msgstr "选择工具" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:368 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:371 -msgid "Add Text" -msgstr "添加文本" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:374 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:377 -msgid "Add Rectangle" -msgstr "添加矩形" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:380 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:383 -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:670 -msgid "Add Image" -msgstr "添加图片" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:388 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:391 -msgid "Open Document" -msgstr "打开文件" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:394 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:397 -msgid "Save As" -msgstr "另存为" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:566 -msgid "" -"Do you really want to load a new template? Changes in this title will be " -"lost!" -msgstr "你确定要载入这个新模板吗?这会导致老模板中的字幕 / 标题丢失!" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:658 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Add Image" -msgid "All Images" -msgstr "添加图片" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:660 -#, fuzzy, kde-format -#| msgid "Image" -msgid "%1 Image" -msgstr "图片" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:1346 -msgid "\\u2212X" -msgstr "\\u2212X" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, origin_x_left) -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:1348 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:63 -msgid "+X" -msgstr "+X" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:1371 -msgid "\\u2212Y" -msgstr "\\u2212Y" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, origin_y_top) -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:1373 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:86 -msgid "+Y" -msgstr "+Y" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:1713 -msgid "Load Title" -msgstr "载入字幕 / 标题" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:1713 -msgid "Kdenlive title (*.kdenlivetitle)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:1761 -msgid "" -"Do you want to embed Images into this TitleDocument?\n" -"This is most needed for sharing Titles." -msgstr "" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:2039 -msgctxt "Indicates the start of an animation" -msgid "Start" -msgstr "开始" - -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:2040 -msgctxt "Indicates the end of an animation" -msgid "End" -msgstr "结束" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:30 -msgid "Details" -msgstr "细节" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:85 -msgid "" -"Information about unicode characters: http://decodeunicode.org" -msgstr "" -"关于 unicode 字符的信息: http://" -"decodeunicode.org" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:86 -msgid "Previous Unicode character (Arrow Up)" -msgstr "上一个 Unicode 字符(上方向键)" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:87 -msgid "Next Unicode character (Arrow Down)" -msgstr "下一个 Unicode 字符(下方向键)" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:88 -msgid "Enter your Unicode number here. Allowed characters: [0-9] and [a-f]." -msgstr "在这里输入您的 Unicode 数字。允许的字符:[0-9] 和 [a-f]。" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:148 -msgid "(no character selected)" -msgstr "(没有选择字符)" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:154 -msgid "" -"Control character. Cannot be inserted/printed. See Wikipedia:Control_character" -msgstr "" -"控制字符。无法插入/打印。详见 维基百科:控制字符 (Control_character)" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:156 -msgid "Line Feed (newline character, \\\\n)" -msgstr "换列(换行符, \\\\n)" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:158 -msgid "" -"Standard space character. (Other space characters: U+00a0, U" -"+2000–200b, U+202f)" -msgstr "标准空格字符。(其他空格字符:U+00a0, U+2000–200b, U+202f)" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:160 -msgid "No-break space. &nbsp; in HTML. See U+2009 and U+0020." -msgstr "不间断空格。HTML 中的 &nbsp;。详见 U+2009 和 U+0020。" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:162 -msgid "" -"

« (u+00ab, &lfquo; in HTML) and " -"» (u+00bb, &rfquo; in HTML) are " -"called Guillemets or angle quotes. Usage in different countries: France " -"(with non-breaking Space 0x00a0), Switzerland, Germany, Finland and Sweden.

and (U+2039/203a, " -"&lsaquo;/&rsaquo;) are their single quote equivalents.

See Wikipedia:" -"Guillemets

" -msgstr "" -"

« (u+00ab,HTML 里的 &lfquo;) 和 " -"» (u+00bb,HTML 里的 &rfquo;) 称为专" -"名号 (Guillemets) 或斜角括号 (angle quotes)。不同国家的适用法律:法国 (包含不" -"间断空格 0x00a0)、瑞士、德国、芬兰和瑞典。

" -"和 (U+2039/203a, &lsaquo;/&rsaquo;) 等同于单引号。

详见 维基百科:专名号 (Guillemets)

" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:164 -msgid "En Space (width of an n)" -msgstr "半角空格 (一个 n 字母的宽度)" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:166 -msgid "Em Space (width of an m)" -msgstr "全角空格 (一个 m 字母的宽度)" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:168 -msgid "Three-Per-Em Space. Width: 1/3 of one em" -msgstr "三分之一全角空格。宽度:一个 em 的 1/3" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:170 -msgid "Four-Per-Em Space. Width: 1/4 of one em" -msgstr "四分之一全角空格。宽度:一个 em 的 1/4" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:172 -msgid "Six-Per-Em Space. Width: 1/6 of one em" -msgstr "六分之一全角空格。宽度:一个 em 的 1/6" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:174 -msgid "" -"Figure space (non-breaking). Width of a digit if digits have fixed width in " -"this font." -msgstr "" -"数字空格 (不间断)。如果在这个字体中的数字是等宽的,那么就是一个数字字符的宽" -"度。" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:176 -msgid "" -"Punctuation Space. Width the same as between a punctuation character and the " -"next character." -msgstr "" -"标点空格(Punctuation Space)。宽度相当于标点符号字符和下一个字符之间的宽度。" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:178 -msgid "" -"Thin space, in HTML also &thinsp;. See U+202f and Wikipedia:Space_(punctuation)" -msgstr "" -"小空格,也是 HTML 的 &thinsp;。详见 U+202f 和 维基百科:空格_(标点符号)" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:180 -msgid "Hair Space. Thinner than U+2009." -msgstr "最小间距。比 U+2009 更小。" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:182 -msgid "" -"Punctuation Apostrophe. Should be used instead of U+0027. See Wikipedia:Apostrophe" -msgstr "" -"标点撇号(Punctuation Apostrophe)。用于替代 U+0027。详见 维基百科:撇号" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:184 -msgid "" -"

An en Dash (dash of the width of an n).

Usage examples: In English " -"language for value ranges (1878–1903), for relationships/connections " -"(Zurich–Dublin). In the German language it is also used (with " -"spaces!) for showing thoughts: “Es war – wie immer in den " -"Ferien – ein regnerischer Tag.

See Wikipedia:Dash

" -msgstr "" -"

半角破折号(一个 n 字母宽度的破折号)。

用法示例:英文中用来表示数值" -"范围 (1878–1903)、关系/连接 (Zurich–Dublin)。德语中也用于(包含" -"空格!)表达想法:“Es war – wie immer in den Ferien – " -"ein regnerischer Tag.

详见 维基百科:破折号 (Dash)

" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:186 -msgid "" -"

An em Dash (dash of the width of an m).

Usage examples: In English " -"language to mark—like here—thoughts. Traditionally without " -"spaces.

See Wikipedia:" -"Dash

" -msgstr "" -"

全角破折号(一个 m 字母宽度的破折号)。

用法示例:英文中如 " -"mark—like here—thoughts。传统上不含空格。

详见 维基百科:破折号 (Dash)

" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:188 -msgid "" -"

Narrow no-break space. Has the same width as U+2009.

Usage: For " -"units (spaces are marked with U+2423, ␣): 230␣V, " -"−21␣°C, 50␣lb, but 90° (no space). In " -"German for abbreviations (like: i. d. R. instead of i. d." -" R. with U+00a0).

See Wikipedia:de:Schmales_Leerzeichen

" -msgstr "" -"

狭窄不间断空格。宽度与 U+2009 相同。

用法:用于单位表示(空格用 U" -"+2423, ␣ 作为标记):230␣V, −21␣°C, " -"50␣lb,但是 90° (没有空格)。德语中用于缩写 (如:i." -" d. R。而不是 i. d. R. 和 U+00a0)。

详见 维基百科:de: 狭窄" -"空格 (Schmales_Leerzeichen)

" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:190 -msgid "" -"Ellipsis: If text has been left o… See Wikipedia:Ellipsis" -msgstr "" -"省略符号:表示行文中断 o… 详见 维基百科:省略符号 (Ellipsis)" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:192 -msgid "Minus sign. For numbers: −42" -msgstr "减号。用于数字:−42" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:194 -msgid "Open box; stands for a space." -msgstr "开放方框;代表一个空格。" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:196 -msgid "" -"Quarter note (Am.) or crochet (Brit.). See Wikipedia:Quarter_note" -msgstr "" -"四分音符(公制)或 crochet(英制)。详见 维基百科:四分音符 (Quarter_note)" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:198 -msgid "" -"Eighth note (Am.) or quaver (Brit.). Half as long as a quarter note (U" -"+2669). See Wikipedia:" -"Eighth_note" -msgstr "" -"八分音符(公制)或 quaver(英制)。四分音符(U+2669)的一半。详见 维基百科:八分音符 (Eighth_note)" -"" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:200 -msgid "" -"Sixteenth note (Am.) or semiquaver (Brit.). Half as long as an eighth note (U" -"+266a). See Wikipedia:Sixteenth_note" -msgstr "" -"十六分音符(公制)或 semiquaver(英制)。八分音符(U+266a) 的一半。详见 维基百科:十六分音符" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:202 -#, fuzzy -msgid "" -"Thirty-second note (Am.) or demisemiquaver (Brit.). Half as long as a " -"sixteenth note (U+266b). See Wikipedia:Thirty-second_note" -msgstr "" -"三十二分音符 (公制)或 demisemiquaver(英制)。十六分音符 (U+266b) 的一半。详" -"见 维基百科:三十二分音" -"符 (Thirty-second_note)" - -#: src/titler/unicodedialog.cpp:204 -msgid "No additional information available for this character." -msgstr "这个字符(特性)没有可用的附加信息。" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, before_select) -#: src/ui/addtrack_ui.ui:34 -msgid "Above" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, before_select) -#: src/ui/addtrack_ui.ui:39 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Render" -msgid "Under" -msgstr "渲染(导出)" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, video_track) -#: src/ui/addtrack_ui.ui:57 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Video track" -msgid "Video &track" -msgstr "视频轨" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, audio_track) -#: src/ui/addtrack_ui.ui:74 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Audio track" -msgid "A&udio track" -msgstr "音频轨" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, name_label) -#: src/ui/addtrack_ui.ui:81 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Track mouse" -msgid "Track name" -msgstr "跟踪鼠标" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/archivewidget_ui.ui:29 -msgid "Archive folder" -msgstr "归档文件夹" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, compressed_archive) -#: src/ui/archivewidget_ui.ui:46 -msgid "Compressed archive" -msgstr "压缩的归档" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, proxy_only) -#: src/ui/archivewidget_ui.ui:53 -msgid "Archive only proxy clips when available" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, labelFFTSize) -#: src/ui/audiospectrum_ui.ui:52 -#, fuzzy -msgid "True FFT size: " -msgstr "画面大小:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, buttonLinkHandles) -#: src/ui/bezierspline_ui.ui:89 -msgid "Link the handles' position.
Results in a natural spline." -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, marker_save) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, marker_load) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, analysis_delete) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, analysis_save) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, analysis_load) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, arrowUp) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, arrowDown) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, config_button) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonleft) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonhcenter) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonright) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttontop) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonvcenter) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonbottom) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonDirectUpdate) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonZoomOriginal) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonZoomFit) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonAddDelete) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonPrevious) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonNext) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, toolBtnReload) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonUp) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonDown) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonAdd) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonDelete) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonReset) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, zoom_button) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, unzoom_button) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonResetKeyframe) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonSeek) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, reload_blackmagic) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonLinkHandles) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonShowPixmap) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonZoomIn) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonZoomOut) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonGridChange) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonResetSpline) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonShowAllHandles) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, v4l_showprofileinfo) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, v4l_manageprofile) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, grab_manageprofile) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, grab_showprofileinfo) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, decklink_manageprofile) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, decklink_showprofileinfo) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, button_up) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, button_down) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, button_transcode) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, proxy_showprofileinfo) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, add_metadata) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, delete_metadata) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, effectsAll) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, effectsVideo) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, effectsAudio) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, effectsGPU) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, effectsCustom) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, proxy_manageprofile) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, button_add) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, button_edit) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, button_delete) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, button_download) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, button_more) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonLeftRight) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonUpDown) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonShowInTimeline) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonNewPoints) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonHelp) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonFavorite) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, rescale_keep) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, hide_log) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, collapseButton) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, enabledButton) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, menuButton) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonDel) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, rec_options) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonItalic) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonUnder) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonAlignNone) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonAlignLeft) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonInsertUnicode) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonAlignCenter) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonAlignRight) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, itemleft) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, itemhcenter) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, itemright) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, itemtop) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, itemvcenter) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, itembottom) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, live_button) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, capture_button) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, capture_interval) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, overlay_button) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, preview_button) -#: src/ui/bezierspline_ui.ui:92 src/ui/bezierspline_ui.ui:130 -#: src/ui/bezierspline_ui.ui:146 src/ui/bezierspline_ui.ui:156 -#: src/ui/bezierspline_ui.ui:169 src/ui/bezierspline_ui.ui:195 -#: src/ui/bezierspline_ui.ui:208 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:490 -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:500 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:587 -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:597 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:607 -#: src/ui/collapsiblewidget_ui.ui:86 src/ui/collapsiblewidget_ui.ui:118 -#: src/ui/collapsiblewidget_ui.ui:137 src/ui/collapsiblewidget_ui.ui:156 -#: src/ui/collapsiblewidget_ui.ui:172 src/ui/collapsiblewidget_ui.ui:188 -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:211 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:396 -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:433 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:616 -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:742 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:749 -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:78 src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:220 -#: src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:230 src/ui/configsdl_ui.ui:154 -#: src/ui/cutjobdialog_ui.ui:32 src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:262 -#: src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:269 src/ui/dvdwizardvob_ui.ui:29 -#: src/ui/dvdwizardvob_ui.ui:49 src/ui/dvdwizardvob_ui.ui:100 -#: src/ui/effectlist_ui.ui:22 src/ui/effectlist_ui.ui:41 -#: src/ui/effectlist_ui.ui:57 src/ui/effectlist_ui.ui:73 -#: src/ui/effectlist_ui.ui:89 src/ui/freesound_ui.ui:39 -#: src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:249 src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:256 -#: src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:263 src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:270 -#: src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:277 src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:284 -#: src/ui/geometrywidget_ui.ui:70 src/ui/geometrywidget_ui.ui:83 -#: src/ui/geometrywidget_ui.ui:93 src/ui/keyframeeditor_ui.ui:91 -#: src/ui/keyframeeditor_ui.ui:101 src/ui/keyframewidget_ui.ui:46 -#: src/ui/keyframewidget_ui.ui:59 src/ui/keyframewidget_ui.ui:72 -#: src/ui/keyframewidget_ui.ui:85 src/ui/keyframewidget_ui.ui:124 -#: src/ui/manageencodingprofile_ui.ui:44 src/ui/manageencodingprofile_ui.ui:51 -#: src/ui/manageencodingprofile_ui.ui:58 src/ui/manageencodingprofile_ui.ui:68 -#: src/ui/monitoreditwidget_ui.ui:53 src/ui/monitoreditwidget_ui.ui:66 -#: src/ui/monitoreditwidget_ui.ui:76 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:335 -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:386 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:393 -#: src/ui/recmonitor_ui.ui:72 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:407 -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:592 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:717 -#: src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:76 src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:92 -#: src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:108 src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:118 -#: src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:128 src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:141 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:364 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:384 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:401 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:417 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:440 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:447 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:460 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:801 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:808 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:815 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:822 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:829 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:836 src/ui/tracksconfigdialog_ui.ui:61 -#: src/ui/tracksconfigdialog_ui.ui:68 src/ui/tracksconfigdialog_ui.ui:75 -#: src/ui/tracksconfigdialog_ui.ui:82 src/ui/tracksconfigdialog_ui.ui:89 -#: src/ui/unicodewidget_ui.ui:185 src/ui/unicodewidget_ui.ui:210 -msgid "..." -msgstr "..." - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, buttonShowPixmap) -#: src/ui/bezierspline_ui.ui:127 -msgid "Show background indicating changes caused by modifying the curve." -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, buttonGridChange) -#: src/ui/bezierspline_ui.ui:166 -msgid "" -"Increases the number of lines in the grid.
After 8 lines it will begin " -"from 0 again." -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, buttonResetSpline) -#: src/ui/bezierspline_ui.ui:192 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Reset the selected spline" -msgstr "删除所选素材" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, buttonShowAllHandles) -#: src/ui/bezierspline_ui.ui:205 -msgid "Show handles for all points or only for the selected one" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, name) -#: src/ui/boolval_ui.ui:30 src/ui/fontval_ui.ui:23 src/ui/listval_ui.ui:23 -msgid "TextLabel" -msgstr "文字标签" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, crop_label) -#: src/ui/clipdurationdialog_ui.ui:30 -msgid "Crop start" -msgstr "裁剪起点" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, end_label) -#: src/ui/clipdurationdialog_ui.ui:50 -msgid "Crop end" -msgstr "结束裁剪" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_path) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, treeWidget) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:27 src/ui/missingclips_ui.ui:72 -msgid "Path" -msgstr "路径" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_size) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_6) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_5) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:51 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:231 -#: src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:41 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:93 -msgid "Size:" -msgstr "尺寸:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, clip_filesize) -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, groupBox) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:65 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:157 -#: src/utils/freesound.cpp:212 -msgid "File size" -msgstr "文件大小" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, clip_vproperties) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, clip_aproperties) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, metadata_list) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, analysis_list) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, programList) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:117 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:162 -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:542 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:574 -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:371 src/ui/wizardmltcheck_ui.ui:49 -msgid "1" -msgstr "1" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, clip_vproperties) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, clip_aproperties) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, metadata_list) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, analysis_list) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:122 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:167 -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:547 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:579 -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:376 -msgid "2" -msgstr "2" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_slideshow) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:206 -msgid "Slideshow" -msgstr "幻灯片放映" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, slide_type_label) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:212 -msgid "Image type" -msgstr "图片类型" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, clip_filesize_4) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:222 -msgid "Frame duration" -msgstr "帧持续时间" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, slide_loop) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, loop_movie) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, sm_loop) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:255 src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:221 -#: src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:160 src/ui/smconfig_ui.ui:26 -msgid "Loop" -msgstr "循环" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, slide_crop) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:339 src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:284 -msgid "Center crop" -msgstr "中央裁剪" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_animation) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_6) -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:346 src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:291 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:1121 -msgid "Animation" -msgstr "动画" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_image) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, background_list) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:357 src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:202 -msgid "Image" -msgstr "图片" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_16) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:365 -msgid "Image size" -msgstr "画面大小" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, image_transparency) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:381 -msgid "Transparent background" -msgstr "透明背景" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, markers_list) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, clip_filesize_3) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:432 src/ui/markerdialog_ui.ui:56 -msgid "Comment" -msgstr "注释" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, marker_new) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonNext) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonUnselectAll) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:440 src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:83 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:700 -msgid "N" -msgstr "N" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, marker_edit) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonEdit) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:450 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:414 -msgid "E" -msgstr "E" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, marker_delete) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonDelete) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, button_delete) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, delete_button) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:460 src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:252 -#: src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:103 src/ui/keyframeeditor_ui.ui:78 -#: src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:279 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:428 -msgid "D" -msgstr "D" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_advanced) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:634 -msgid "Advanced" -msgstr "高级" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, clip_force_ar) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:653 -msgid "Force aspect ratio" -msgstr "强制纵横比" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, clip_force_threads) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:686 -msgid "Decoding threads" -msgstr "解码线程" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, clip_force_progressive) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:700 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Force scanning" -msgstr "强制持续时间" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, clip_force_framerate) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:727 -msgid "Force frame rate" -msgstr "强制帧率" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, clip_force_out) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:734 -msgid "Force duration" -msgstr "强制持续时间" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, clip_force_colorspace) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:751 -msgid "Force colorspace" -msgstr "强制颜色空间" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, clip_force_fieldorder) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:765 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Force field order" -msgstr "强制帧率" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, clip_force_transparency) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:829 -msgid "Image background" -msgstr "图像背景" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, clip_transparency) -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:837 -msgid "Normal" -msgstr "普通" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_dest) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_5) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_6) -#: src/ui/clipstabilize_ui.ui:20 src/ui/cliptranscode_ui.ui:30 -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:45 src/ui/saveprofile_ui.ui:138 -msgid "Destination" -msgstr "目标" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_source) -#: src/ui/cliptranscode_ui.ui:20 -msgid "Source" -msgstr "来源" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, ffmpeg_label) -#: src/ui/cliptranscode_ui.ui:40 -msgid "FFmpeg parameters" -msgstr "FFmpeg 参数" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_4) -#: src/ui/cliptranscode_ui.ui:54 -msgid "Job status" -msgstr "工作状态" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_start) -#: src/ui/cliptranscode_ui.ui:61 -msgctxt "@action:button start transcode" -msgid "Start" -msgstr "开始" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_profile) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: src/ui/cliptranscode_ui.ui:68 src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:29 -#: src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:20 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:74 -msgid "Profile" -msgstr "项目" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, auto_close) -#: src/ui/cliptranscode_ui.ui:88 -msgid "Close after transcode" -msgstr "转换编码后退出 Kdenlive" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/colorclip_ui.ui:30 -msgid "Clip Color" -msgstr "素材颜色" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, ColorPlaneExport_UI) -#: src/ui/colorplaneexport_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Export color plane to PNG" -msgstr "将色板输入出成 PNG" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, lblSpace) -#: src/ui/colorplaneexport_ui.ui:20 -msgid "Color space" -msgstr "色彩空间" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, lblVariant) -#: src/ui/colorplaneexport_ui.ui:37 -msgid "Variant" -msgstr "变化程度" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QSlider, sliderScaling) -#: src/ui/colorplaneexport_ui.ui:81 -msgid "How much to zoom in" -msgstr "画面放大多少" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, lblRes) -#: src/ui/colorplaneexport_ui.ui:101 -msgid "Resolution" -msgstr "分辨率" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, lblFilename) -#: src/ui/colorplaneexport_ui.ui:144 -msgid "Filename" -msgstr "文件名" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:23 -msgid "Default capture device" -msgstr "默认的捕获设备" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, kcfg_defaultcapture) -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, device_selector) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:37 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:70 -#: src/ui/recmonitor_ui.ui:134 -msgid "Firewire" -msgstr "1394 火线" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, kcfg_defaultcapture) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, device_selector) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:47 src/ui/recmonitor_ui.ui:144 -msgid "Screen grab" -msgstr "捕获屏幕" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, kcfg_defaultcapture) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, device_selector) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:52 src/ui/recmonitor_ui.ui:149 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Blackmagic card" -msgstr "黑色" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_9) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:89 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:221 -msgid "Capture format" -msgstr "抓取格式" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, kcfg_firewireformat) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:97 -msgid "DV Raw" -msgstr "DV Raw" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, kcfg_firewireformat) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:102 -msgid "DV AVI type 1" -msgstr "DV AVI 类型 1" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, kcfg_firewireformat) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:107 -msgid "DV AVI type 2" -msgstr "DV AVI 类型 2" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, button_hdv) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, kcfg_firewireformat) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:112 src/ui/wizardstandard_ui.ui:54 -msgid "HDV" -msgstr "HDV" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_firewireautosplit) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:133 -msgid "Automatically start a new file on scene cut" -msgstr "按照场景变化,自动将影片分割为不同的文件" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_firewiretimestamp) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:140 -msgid "Add recording time to captured file name" -msgstr "将捕获时间自动添加到影片的文件名中" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_5) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_29) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:147 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:696 -msgid "Capture file name" -msgstr "捕获文件名称" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_7) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:157 -msgid "dvgrab additional parameters" -msgstr "dvgrab 附加参数" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_14) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:197 -msgid "Video device" -msgstr "视频设备" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_30) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_27) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:204 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:666 -msgid "Detected devices" -msgstr "检测到的设备" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, p_size) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:238 src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:48 -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:100 -msgid "720x576" -msgstr "720x576" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, p_fps) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:252 src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:62 -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:114 -msgid "25/1" -msgstr "25/1" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, p_aspect) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:273 src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:76 -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:128 -msgid "59/54" -msgstr "59/54" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, p_display) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:287 src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:90 -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:142 -msgid "4/3" -msgstr "4/3" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, config_v4l) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:308 -msgid "Edit" -msgstr "编辑" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_v4l_captureaudio) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:342 -msgid "Capture audio (ALSA)" -msgstr "抓取音频(ALSA)" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_24) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_screengrab) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_16) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:362 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:632 -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:725 src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:203 -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:305 -msgid "Encoding profile" -msgstr "编码方案" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_v4l_capturevideo) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:389 -msgid "Capture video (Video4Linux2)" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, kcfg_grab_capture_type) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:471 -msgid "Full screen capture" -msgstr "捕获整个屏幕" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, kcfg_grab_capture_type) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:476 -msgid "Region capture" -msgstr "捕获区域" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_grab_follow_mouse) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:495 -msgid "Follow mouse" -msgstr "跟随鼠标" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_grab_hide_frame) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:502 -msgid "Hide frame" -msgstr "隐藏帧" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_19) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_10) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:524 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:951 -msgid "Offset" -msgstr "偏移" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_grab_hide_mouse) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:652 -msgid "Hide cursor" -msgstr "隐藏游标" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_4) -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:660 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Blackmagic" -msgstr "黑色" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_9) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:42 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Concurrent threads" -msgstr "处理线程" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:69 -msgid "MLT environment" -msgstr "MLT 环境" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_6) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:78 -msgid "Processing threads" -msgstr "处理线程" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_7) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:91 -msgid "(>1 is experimental)" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:98 -msgid "Melt path" -msgstr "Melt 路径" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:112 -msgid "MLT profiles folder" -msgstr "MLT 编码文件夹" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_13) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:135 -#, fuzzy -msgid "FFplay" -msgstr "显示" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_14) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:155 -msgid "FFprobe" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_2) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:166 -msgid "Default folders" -msgstr "默认文件夹" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_5) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_4) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:172 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:56 -msgid "Project folder" -msgstr "项目文件夹" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:182 -msgid "Temporary files" -msgstr "临时文件" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_10) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:192 -msgid "Capture folder" -msgstr "捕获文件夹" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_capturetoprojectfolder) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:212 -msgid "Use project folder" -msgstr "使用项目文件夹" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_3) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:223 -msgid "Default apps" -msgstr "默认应用程序" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_4) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:229 -msgid "Image editing" -msgstr "图片编辑器" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, kp_image) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, kp_audio) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, kp_player) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:243 src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:264 -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:285 -msgid "Change" -msgstr "更改" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_11) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:250 -msgid "Audio editing" -msgstr "音频编辑器" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_12) -#: src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:271 -msgid "Video player" -msgstr "影片播放器" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_enableshuttle) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:23 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Enable Jog Shuttle device" -msgstr "Jog Shuttle 设备已经停用。" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, shuttledisabled) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:30 -msgid "Jog Shuttle device disabled." -msgstr "Jog Shuttle 设备已经停用。" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, config_group) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:53 -msgid "Device configuration" -msgstr "设备配置" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:85 -msgid "Button 1" -msgstr "按钮1" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_17) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:98 -msgid "Device" -msgstr "设备" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_16) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:111 -msgid "Button 15" -msgstr "按钮15" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_14) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:137 -msgid "Button 13" -msgstr "按钮13" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_9) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:150 -msgid "Button 8" -msgstr "按钮8" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_7) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:166 -msgid "Button 4" -msgstr "按钮4" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:179 -msgid "Device name" -msgstr "设备名" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_5) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:192 -msgid "Button 5" -msgstr "按钮5" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_8) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:214 -msgid "Button 7" -msgstr "按钮7" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_10) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:243 -msgid "Button 9" -msgstr "按钮9" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_4) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:256 -msgid "Button 2" -msgstr "按钮2" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_11) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:272 -msgid "Button 10" -msgstr "按钮10" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_12) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:285 -msgid "Button 11" -msgstr "按钮11" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_6) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:308 -msgid "Button 6" -msgstr "按钮6" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_15) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:336 -msgid "Button 14" -msgstr "按钮14" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:349 -msgid "Button 3" -msgstr "按钮3" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_13) -#: src/ui/configjogshuttle_ui.ui:362 -msgid "Button 12" -msgstr "按钮12" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_usekuiserver) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:23 -msgid "Use KDE job tracking for render jobs" -msgstr "渲染(导出)工作使用 KDE 工作追踪" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_checkfirstprojectclip) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:30 -msgid "Check if first added clip matches project profile" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_crashrecovery) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:37 -msgid "Crash recovery (automatic backup)" -msgstr "启用异常中止恢复功能(自动备份)" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_automultistreams) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:44 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Automatically import all streams in multi stream clips" -msgstr "自动导入图片序列" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_disable_effect_parameters) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:51 -msgid "Disable parameters when the effect is disabled" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_bypasscodeccheck) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:58 -msgid "Bypass codec verification" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_autoimagesequence) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:65 -msgid "Automatically import image sequences" -msgstr "自动导入图片序列" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_projectloading_avformatnovalidate) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:72 -msgid "Do not validate the video files when loading a project (faster)" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_on_monitor_effects) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:79 -msgid "Use on-monitor effects" -msgstr "在预览窗口中进行特效编辑" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_use_exiftool) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:86 -msgid "Get clip metadata with exiftool" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_openlastproject) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:93 -msgid "Open last project on startup" -msgstr "启动时自动打开上一次编辑的项目" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, groupBox) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:100 -msgid "Default Durations" -msgstr "默认持续时间" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:106 -msgid "Color clips" -msgstr "颜色素材" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_8) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:123 -msgid "Title clips" -msgstr "标题素材" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:130 -msgid "Image sequence" -msgstr "图片序列" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_autoimagetransparency) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:149 -msgid "Transparent background for imported images" -msgstr "导入图像的透明背景" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_use_magicLantern) -#: src/ui/configmisc_ui.ui:169 -msgid "Get clip metadata created by Magic Lantern" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, properties) -#: src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:23 -msgid "Default Profile" -msgstr "默认编码方案" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_9) -#: src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:69 -msgid "Aspect ratio:" -msgstr "高宽比:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_10) -#: src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:83 -msgid "Display ratio:" -msgstr "显示比例:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_7) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_6) -#: src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:109 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:175 -msgid "Video tracks" -msgstr "视频轨" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_8) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_7) -#: src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:119 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:185 -msgid "Audio tracks" -msgstr "音频轨" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, generate_proxy) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_generateproxy) -#: src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:154 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:256 -msgid "Generate for videos larger than" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (suffix), widget (QSpinBox, proxy_minsize) -#. i18n: ectx: property (suffix), widget (QSpinBox, proxy_imageminsize) -#. i18n: ectx: property (suffix), widget (QSpinBox, kcfg_proxyminsize) -#. i18n: ectx: property (suffix), widget (QSpinBox, kcfg_proxyimageminsize) -#: src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:161 src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:181 -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:263 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:283 -msgid "pixels" -msgstr "像素" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, generate_imageproxy) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_generateimageproxy) -#: src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:174 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:276 -msgid "Generate for images larger than" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/ui/configsdl_ui.ui:17 -msgid "" -"Warning: changes to the drivers and devices can make Kdenlive unstable. " -"Change only if you know what you do." -msgstr "" -"警告:修改驱动器和设备会导致 Kdenlive 不稳定。建议只有当您清楚自己在做什么的" -"时候再进行修改。" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_gpu_accel) -#: src/ui/configsdl_ui.ui:27 -msgid "Use GPU processing (Movit library) - restart Kdenlive to apply" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_4) -#: src/ui/configsdl_ui.ui:34 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Audio tracks" -msgid "Audio backend" -msgstr "音频轨" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, textLabel1_2) -#: src/ui/configsdl_ui.ui:53 -msgid "Audio driver:" -msgstr "音频驱动:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, textLabel1) -#: src/ui/configsdl_ui.ui:66 -msgid "Audio device:" -msgstr "音频设备:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: src/ui/configsdl_ui.ui:82 -msgid "Preview volume:" -msgstr "预览音量:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/configsdl_ui.ui:102 -msgid "Monitor background color:" -msgstr "预览窗口背景颜色:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_external_display) -#: src/ui/configsdl_ui.ui:127 -msgid "Use external display (Blackmagic card)" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_5) -#: src/ui/configsdl_ui.ui:134 -msgid "Output device" -msgstr "输出设备" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, groupBox) -#: src/ui/configtimeline_ui.ui:23 -msgid "Thumbnails" -msgstr "缩略图" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_displayallchannels) -#: src/ui/configtimeline_ui.ui:48 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Swap channels" -msgid "Separate channels" -msgstr "交换声道" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_showmarkers) -#: src/ui/configtimeline_ui.ui:73 -msgid "Display clip markers comments" -msgstr "显示素材标记的注解" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_autoscroll) -#: src/ui/configtimeline_ui.ui:80 -msgid "Autoscroll while playing" -msgstr "播放时自动卷动时间轴" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_verticalzoom) -#: src/ui/configtimeline_ui.ui:87 -msgid "Zoom using vertical drag in ruler" -msgstr "在时间轴中使用垂直拖曳进行缩放" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_splitaudio) -#: src/ui/configtimeline_ui.ui:94 -msgid "Automatically split audio and video" -msgstr "自动分离音频和视频" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/configtimeline_ui.ui:103 -msgid "Track height" -msgstr "轨道高度" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_add) -#: src/ui/configtranscode_ui.ui:24 -msgid "Add Profile" -msgstr "添加编码方案" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_update) -#: src/ui/configtranscode_ui.ui:31 -msgid "Update Profile" -msgstr "更新配置" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_delete) -#: src/ui/configtranscode_ui.ui:38 -msgid "Delete Profile" -msgstr "删除编码方案" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_4) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: src/ui/configtranscode_ui.ui:90 src/ui/saveprofile_ui.ui:121 -msgid "Extension" -msgstr "扩展名" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_4) -#: src/ui/configtranscode_ui.ui:107 -msgid "Parameters" -msgstr "参数" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, button_more) -#: src/ui/cutjobdialog_ui.ui:29 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Configure job" -msgstr "设置" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_add) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardchapters_ui.ui:39 -msgid "Add chapter" -msgstr "添加章节" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardchapters_ui.ui:46 -msgid "Movie file" -msgstr "影片文件" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_delete) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardchapters_ui.ui:66 -msgid "Remove chapter" -msgstr "移除章节" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, create_menu) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:20 -msgid "Create basic menu" -msgstr "创建基本菜单" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:49 -msgid "Button" -msgstr "按钮" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_6) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:65 -msgid "Target" -msgstr "目标" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, back_to_menu) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:82 -msgid "Back to menu" -msgstr "回到菜单" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, use_shadow) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:126 -msgid "Shadow" -msgstr "阴影" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:138 -msgid "Underline" -msgstr "下划线" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_2) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, lblBackground) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:183 src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:189 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:1076 src/ui/vectorscope_ui.ui:46 -msgid "Background" -msgstr "背景" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonAdd) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, add_button) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, button_add) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonSelectAll) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonAudio) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:232 src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:93 -#: src/ui/keyframeeditor_ui.ui:68 src/ui/timelinebuttons_ui.ui:71 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:723 -msgid "A" -msgstr "A" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:29 -msgid "Temporary data folder" -msgstr "临时文件夹" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:39 -msgid "DVD ISO image" -msgstr "DVD ISO 镜像文件" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (QListWidget, job_progress) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:56 -msgid "Creating menu images" -msgstr "正在创建菜单镜像文件" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (QListWidget, job_progress) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:61 -msgid "Creating menu background" -msgstr "正在创建菜单背景" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (QListWidget, job_progress) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:66 -msgid "Creating menu movie" -msgstr "正在创建菜单影片" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (QListWidget, job_progress) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:71 -msgid "Creating dvd structure" -msgstr "正在创建 DVD 结构" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (QListWidget, job_progress) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:76 -msgid "Creating iso file" -msgstr "正在创建 ISO 镜像文件" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_start) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:84 -msgid "Create ISO image" -msgstr "创建 ISO 镜像文件" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_2) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:118 -msgid "Log" -msgstr "日志" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_7) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:124 -msgid "Status" -msgstr "状态" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, button_burn) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:154 -msgid "Burn" -msgstr "刻录" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:172 -msgid "Menu File" -msgstr "菜单文件" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_3) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardstatus_ui.ui:186 -msgid "Dvdauthor File" -msgstr "DVD 创建文件" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, use_intro) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardvob_ui.ui:59 -msgid "Use first movie as intro" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardvob_ui.ui:66 -msgid "DVD format" -msgstr "DVD 格式" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_delete) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardvob_ui.ui:73 -msgid "Remove file" -msgstr "移除文件" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_add) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardvob_ui.ui:130 -msgid "Add movie file" -msgstr "添加影片文件" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, convert_label) -#: src/ui/dvdwizardvob_ui.ui:146 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Creating iso file" -msgid "Converting files" -msgstr "正在创建 ISO 镜像文件" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: src/ui/freesound_ui.ui:22 -msgid "Service" -msgstr "服务" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, page_prev) -#: src/ui/freesound_ui.ui:67 -msgid "<<" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, page_next) -#: src/ui/freesound_ui.ui:104 -msgid ">>" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_import) -#: src/ui/freesound_ui.ui:137 src/utils/archiveorg.cpp:181 -msgid "Import" -msgstr "导入" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/freesound_ui.ui:177 -msgid "License" -msgstr "许可证" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonMenu) -#: src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:63 -msgid "M" -msgstr "M" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonPrevious) -#: src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:73 -msgid "P" -msgstr "P" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_pos) -#: src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:127 -msgid "Pos" -msgstr "位置" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_6) -#: src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:198 -msgid "Height" -msgstr "高度" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:219 -msgid "Resize:" -msgstr "调整大小" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, buttonResize) -#: src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:242 -msgid "Original" -msgstr "原始大小" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QCheckBox, cbY) -#: src/ui/histogram_ui.ui:17 -msgid "Luma value" -msgstr "亮度值" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, lblComponents) -#: src/ui/histogram_ui.ui:64 -msgid "Components" -msgstr "组件" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QCheckBox, cbS) -#: src/ui/histogram_ui.ui:71 -msgid "RGB summed up" -msgstr "RGB 总计" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, cbS) -#: src/ui/histogram_ui.ui:74 -msgid "Sum" -msgstr "总和" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, ImportKeyframesDialog_UI) -#: src/ui/importkeyframesdialog_ui.ui:14 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Import Keyframes" -msgstr "编辑关键帧" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, limit_keyframes) -#: src/ui/importkeyframesdialog_ui.ui:48 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Limit keyframes number" -msgstr "编辑关键帧" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/importkeyframesdialog_ui.ui:90 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Data to import" -msgstr "导入" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, KeyFrameDialog_UI) -#: src/ui/keyframedialog_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Edit Keyframe" -msgstr "编辑关键帧" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, clip_filesize_3) -#: src/ui/keyframedialog_ui.ui:27 -msgid "Value" -msgstr "值" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, buttonResetKeyframe) -#: src/ui/keyframeeditor_ui.ui:88 -msgid "Reset the parameters to their default values" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, buttonSeek) -#: src/ui/keyframeeditor_ui.ui:98 -msgid "Seek to active keyframe" -msgstr "寻找有效的关键帧" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, buttonKeyframes) -#: src/ui/keyframeeditor_ui.ui:114 -msgid "Add keyframes" -msgstr "添加关键帧" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, buttonLeftRight) -#: src/ui/keyframewidget_ui.ui:43 -msgid "move on X axis" -msgstr "在X轴上移动" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, buttonUpDown) -#: src/ui/keyframewidget_ui.ui:56 -msgid "move on Y axis" -msgstr "在Y轴上移动" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, buttonShowInTimeline) -#: src/ui/keyframewidget_ui.ui:69 -msgid "update values in timeline" -msgstr "以时间轴更新数值" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, buttonNewPoints) -#: src/ui/keyframewidget_ui.ui:82 -msgid "create new points" -msgstr "创建新定点" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, checkBox) -#: src/ui/keyframewidget_ui.ui:105 -msgid "GraphView" -msgstr "图形预览" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, buttonHelp) -#: src/ui/keyframewidget_ui.ui:121 -msgid "parameter description" -msgstr "参数描述" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/keywordval_ui.ui:23 src/ui/urlval_ui.ui:26 -msgid "Param" -msgstr "参数" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, ManageCaptures_UI) -#: src/ui/managecaptures_ui.ui:13 -msgid "Captured files" -msgstr "捕获的文件" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, treeWidget) -#: src/ui/managecaptures_ui.ui:35 -msgid "File name" -msgstr "文件名" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, deleteButton) -#: src/ui/managecaptures_ui.ui:48 -msgid "Delete current file" -msgstr "删除当前文件" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, toggleButton) -#: src/ui/managecaptures_ui.ui:55 -msgid "Toggle selection" -msgstr "切换选择区" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/manageencodingprofile_ui.ui:20 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Editing profiles for" -msgstr "编辑编码方案" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_category) -#: src/ui/markerdialog_ui.ui:76 -msgid "Category" -msgstr "类别" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, clip_thumb) -#: src/ui/markerdialog_ui.ui:86 -msgid "Image preview" -msgstr "图片预览" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, MissingClips_UI) -#: src/ui/missingclips_ui.ui:14 -#, fuzzy -msgid " Clip Problems" -msgstr "素材属性" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, removeSelected) -#: src/ui/missingclips_ui.ui:20 -msgid "Remove selected clips" -msgstr "删除所选素材" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, usePlaceholders) -#: src/ui/missingclips_ui.ui:37 -msgid "Use placeholders for missing clips" -msgstr "为丢失的素材保留空间" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, recursiveSearch) -#: src/ui/missingclips_ui.ui:80 -msgid "Search recursively" -msgstr "递归查找" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, ProfilesDialog_UI) -#: src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Profiles" -msgstr "编码方案" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_4) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_7) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_8) -#: src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:106 src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:140 -#: src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:174 -msgid "/" -msgstr "/" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_10) -#: src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:154 -msgid "Display aspect ratio" -msgstr "显示高宽比" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_11) -#: src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:208 -msgid "Fields per second" -msgstr "每秒多少张画面" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_default) -#: src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:242 -msgid "Use as default" -msgstr "保存为默认值" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, button_create) -#: src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:259 -msgid "C" -msgstr "C" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, button_save) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonSave) -#: src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:269 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:421 -msgid "S" -msgstr "S" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, properties) -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:66 -msgid "Video Profile" -msgstr "视频编码方案" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:210 -msgid "Thumbnails:" -msgstr "缩略图:" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_2) -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:416 -msgid "Project Files" -msgstr "项目文件" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_12) -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:422 -msgid "Clips used in project:" -msgstr "使用到的素材:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_6) -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:443 -msgid "Unused clips:" -msgstr "未使用的素材:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, delete_unused) -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:464 -msgid "Delete files" -msgstr "删除文件" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_11) -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:471 -msgid "Thumbnails cache:" -msgstr "缩略图缓存:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, clear_cache) -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:492 -msgid "Clear cache" -msgstr "清空缓存" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, delete_proxies) -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:520 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Delete proxies" -msgstr "删除编码方案" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_13) -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:527 -msgid "Project files" -msgstr "项目文件" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_fonts) -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:561 -msgid "Fonts" -msgstr "字体" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_export) -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:575 -msgid "Plain text export" -msgstr "纯文本导出" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:39 -msgid "Render Project" -msgstr "渲染项目" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:52 -msgid "Output file" -msgstr "输出文件" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_9) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:112 -msgid "Encoder threads" -msgstr "编码线程" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, scanning_list) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:131 -msgid "Force Progressive" -msgstr "强制渐进式" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, scanning_list) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:136 -msgid "Force Interlaced" -msgstr "强制交错式" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QLineEdit, vbitrates_list) -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QLineEdit, abitrates_list) -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (KComboBox, comboBitrates) -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (KComboBox, comboAudioBitrates) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:176 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:202 -#: src/ui/saveprofile_ui.ui:33 src/ui/saveprofile_ui.ui:87 -msgid "Best to worst quality" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, checkTwoPass) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:215 -msgid "2 pass" -msgstr "2 遍" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, rescale) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:222 -msgid "Rescale" -msgstr "重新缩放" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, export_meta) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:250 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Export metadata" -msgstr "导出音频" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, tc_overlay) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:276 -msgid "Overlay" -msgstr "叠加" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, render_full) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:314 -msgid "Fu&ll project" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, render_zone) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:324 -msgid "Selected &zone" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, render_guide) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:331 -msgid "&Guide zone" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, buttonRender) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:355 -msgid "Render to File" -msgstr "渲染(导出)为文件" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, buttonGenerateScript) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:362 -msgid "Generate Script" -msgstr "生成脚本" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonInfo) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonSelectImages) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:393 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:680 -msgid "I" -msgstr "I" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, show_all_profiles) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:400 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Show all profiles" -msgstr "保存编码方案" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, open_browser) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:466 -msgid "Open browser window after export" -msgstr "导出后打开浏览器窗口" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, play_after) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:473 -msgid "Play after render" -msgstr "渲染(导出)后播放" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:503 -msgid "to" -msgstr "到" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, create_chapter) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:523 -msgid "Create chapter file based on guides" -msgstr "根据参考线创建章节文件" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, open_dvd) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:530 -msgid "Open Dvd wizard after rendering" -msgstr "渲染(导出)后打开 DVD 向导" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, proxy_render) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:537 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Render using proxy clips" -msgstr "移除素材" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, stemAudioExport) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:623 -msgid "Stem audio export" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_2) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:631 -msgid "Job Queue" -msgstr "渲染(导出)任务列表" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_7) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:710 -msgid "Error Log" -msgstr "错误日志" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, clean_up) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:728 -msgid "Clean Up" -msgstr "清空" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, shutdown) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:735 -msgid "Shutdown computer after renderings" -msgstr "所有任务执行完成后关闭电脑" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, start_job) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:742 -msgid "Start Job" -msgstr "执行任务" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_3) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:750 -msgid "Scripts" -msgstr "脚本" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, start_script) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:778 -msgid "Start Script" -msgstr "启动脚本" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, delete_script) -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:785 -msgid "Delete Script" -msgstr "删除脚本" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, lblPaintmode) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, lblPaintMode) -#: src/ui/rgbparade_ui.ui:33 src/ui/vectorscope_ui.ui:29 -#: src/ui/waveform_ui.ui:30 -msgid "Paint mode" -msgstr "绘制模式" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, SaveProfile_UI) -#: src/ui/saveprofile_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Save Profile" -msgstr "保存方案" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/ui/saveprofile_ui.ui:60 -msgid "Group" -msgstr "组合" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: src/ui/saveprofile_ui.ui:108 -msgid "Profile name" -msgstr "配置文件名称" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/saveprofile_ui.ui:128 -msgid "" -"Parameters (see MLT documentation)" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, SceneCutDialog_UI) -#: src/ui/scenecutdialog_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Scene Cut" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, add_markers) -#: src/ui/scenecutdialog_ui.ui:23 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Add clip markers" -msgstr "添加标记" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, zone_only) -#: src/ui/scenecutdialog_ui.ui:33 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Analyze only selected zone" -msgstr "所选区段" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, cut_scenes) -#: src/ui/scenecutdialog_ui.ui:63 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Cut scenes" -msgstr "找到:%1" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, store_data) -#: src/ui/scenecutdialog_ui.ui:70 -msgid "Save result in clip metadata" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, groupBox) -#: src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:30 -msgid "Image selection method" -msgstr "图片的选择方式" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, method_mime) -#: src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:36 -msgid "&Mimetype" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, method_pattern) -#: src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:46 -msgid "Fi&lename pattern" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_4) -#: src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:70 -msgid "Image Type" -msgstr "图片类型" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_5) -#: src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:97 -#, fuzzy -msgid "First frame" -msgstr "提取帧" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:127 -msgid "Frame Duration" -msgstr "帧持续时间" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, show_thumbs) -#: src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:245 -msgid "Show thumbnails" -msgstr "显示缩略图" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: src/ui/smconfig_ui.ui:33 -msgid "Number of frames to play (0 to play all frames)" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, groupBox_2) -#: src/ui/smconfig_ui.ui:73 -msgid "Interval Capture" -msgstr "抓取间隔" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/smconfig_ui.ui:79 -msgid "Capture delay" -msgstr "抓取延迟" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, sm_prenotify) -#: src/ui/smconfig_ui.ui:96 -msgid "Notify before capture" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, SpacerDialog_UI) -#: src/ui/spacerdialog_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Add space" -msgstr "添加空白区域" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, clip_filesize_3) -#: src/ui/spacerdialog_ui.ui:37 -msgid "Track:" -msgstr "音轨:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, labelFFTSize) -#: src/ui/spectrogram_ui.ui:52 -#, fuzzy -msgid "True FFT size:" -msgstr "画面大小:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, live_button) -#: src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:86 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Live view" -msgstr "拆分视图" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QToolButton, preview_button) -#: src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:135 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Preview sequence" -msgstr "中心频率" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (KComboBox, sequence_name) -#: src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:151 src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:158 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Sequence name" -msgstr "输入 Unicode 数值:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_addsequence) -#: src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:194 -msgid "Add to project" -msgstr "添加到项目" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/templateclip_ui.ui:17 -msgid "Template" -msgstr "模板" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonFitZoom) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonRealSize) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonVideo) -#: src/ui/timelinebuttons_ui.ui:16 src/ui/timelinebuttons_ui.ui:64 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:553 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:563 -msgid "V" -msgstr "V" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, TitleWidget_UI) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Title Clip" -msgstr "字幕 / 标题素材" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, lWidth) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:109 -msgid "W" -msgstr "W" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_19) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:126 -msgid "H" -msgstr "H" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_12) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:184 -msgid "Z-Index:" -msgstr "Z-顺序:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:232 -msgid "Item Properties" -msgstr "项目属性" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:243 -msgid "Fill color" -msgstr "填充颜色" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_11) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:275 -msgid "Border color" -msgstr "边框颜色" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_18) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:394 -msgid "Outline" -msgstr "轮廓" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, displayBg) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:631 -msgid "Show background" -msgstr "显示背景" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_22) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:645 -msgid "Template:" -msgstr "模板" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonSelectText) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:690 -msgid "T" -msgstr "T" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (whatsThis), widget (QToolButton, buttonSelectAll) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:720 -msgid "Selects all items on the canvas." -msgstr "选择画面上的所有项目" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_14) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:761 -msgid "Zoom:" -msgstr "缩放:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_21) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:778 -msgid "Rotate Z:" -msgstr "沿 Z 轴旋转:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_20) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:785 -msgid "Rotate Y:" -msgstr "沿 Y 轴旋转:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_15) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:792 -msgid "Rotate X:" -msgstr "沿 X 轴旋转:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_5) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:877 -msgid "Effect" -msgstr "特效" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (suffix), widget (QSpinBox, typewriter_delay) -#. i18n: ectx: property (suffix), widget (QSpinBox, typewriter_start) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:1007 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:1030 -msgid " frames" -msgstr " 帧" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_16) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:1023 -msgid "Start at" -msgstr "开始于" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, anim_start) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:1127 -msgid "Edit start" -msgstr "编辑起点" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, anim_end) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:1137 -msgid "Edit end" -msgstr "编辑终点" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_7) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:1162 -msgid "Resize" -msgstr "调整大小" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, resize50) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:1169 -#, no-c-format -msgid "50%" -msgstr "50%" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, resize100) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:1176 -#, no-c-format -msgid "100%" -msgstr "100%" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, resize200) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:1183 -#, no-c-format -msgid "200%" -msgstr "200%" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, keep_aspect) -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:1190 -msgid "Keep aspect ratio" -msgstr "保持高宽比" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/ui/transitionsettings_ui.ui:23 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Track" -msgid "track" -msgstr "轨道" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QWidget, UnicodeWidget_UI) -#: src/ui/unicodewidget_ui.ui:20 -msgid "Enter Unicode value" -msgstr "输入 Unicode 值" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/ui/unicodewidget_ui.ui:251 -msgid "Additional Information" -msgstr "附加信息" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_reload) -#: src/ui/wizardcapture_ui.ui:17 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Check" -msgstr "检查" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_9) -#: src/ui/wizardcapture_ui.ui:57 -msgid "Capture format:" -msgstr "抓取格式:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/wizardextra_ui.ui:16 -msgid "Default folder for project files" -msgstr "项目文件的默认文件夹" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, autosave) -#: src/ui/wizardextra_ui.ui:59 -msgid "Activate crash recovery (auto save)" -msgstr "启用异常中止恢复功能 (自动保存)" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, installmimes) -#: src/ui/wizardextra_ui.ui:66 -msgid "Install extra video mimetypes" -msgstr "安装额外的视频 MIME 类型" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab) -#: src/ui/wizardmltcheck_ui.ui:21 -msgid "Installed modules" -msgstr "已安装的模块" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_2) -#: src/ui/wizardmltcheck_ui.ui:63 -msgid "Available Codecs (avformat)" -msgstr "可用的编辑解码器" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: src/ui/wizardmltcheck_ui.ui:90 -msgid "Formats" -msgstr "格式" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/ui/wizardmltcheck_ui.ui:97 -msgid "Video Codecs" -msgstr "视频编解码器" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/ui/wizardmltcheck_ui.ui:104 -msgid "Audio Codecs" -msgstr "音频编解码器" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: src/ui/wizardstandard_ui.ui:17 -msgid "Please set your default video profile" -msgstr "请设置默认的影片编码方案" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/ui/wizardstandard_ui.ui:24 -msgid "Video Resolution" -msgstr "视频分辨率" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, button_dv) -#: src/ui/wizardstandard_ui.ui:44 -msgid "DV" -msgstr "DV" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, button_all) -#: src/ui/wizardstandard_ui.ui:61 -msgid "Show All" -msgstr "全部显示" - -#: src/utils/archiveorg.cpp:78 src/utils/freesound.cpp:86 -#: src/utils/freesound.cpp:184 src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:362 -msgid "Error Loading Data" -msgstr "" - -#: src/utils/archiveorg.cpp:91 src/utils/freesound.cpp:95 -#, kde-format -msgid "Found %1 result" -msgid_plural "Found %1 results" -msgstr[0] "找到 %1 个结果" - -#: src/utils/freesound.cpp:203 -msgid "Samplerate" -msgstr "采样率" - -#: src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:67 -msgid "Freesound Audio Library" -msgstr "" - -#: src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:68 -msgid "Archive.org Video Library" -msgstr "" - -#: src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:69 -msgid "Open Clip Art Graphic Library" -msgstr "" - -#: src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:70 -msgid "Search Online Resources" -msgstr "" - -#: src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:92 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Auto Play" -msgstr "将捕获的影片自动添加到素材列表中 " - -#: src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:182 -msgctxt "the url link pointing to a web page" -msgid "link" -msgstr "链接" - -#: src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:327 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "File extension:" -msgid "File Exists" -msgstr "文件扩展名:" - -#: src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:328 -msgid "Do you want to overwrite the existing file?." -msgstr "" - -#: src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:371 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Data Imported" -msgstr "导入" - -#: src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:437 -msgid "" -"You need to be online\n" -" for searching" -msgstr "" - -#: src/utils/thememanager.cpp:70 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Default" -msgctxt "default theme name" -msgid "Default" -msgstr "默认" - -#: src/utils/thememanager.cpp:213 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Device configuration" -msgid "Configuration..." -msgstr "设备配置" - -#: src/utils/thememanager.cpp:227 -msgid "" -"Cannot start Colors Settings panel from KDE Control Center. Please check " -"your system..." -msgstr "" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Move effect" -#~ msgid "Compare effect" -#~ msgstr "移动特效" - -#~ msgid "Blue Screen" -#~ msgstr "背景透明" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Parameters" -#~ msgid "Selection Parameters" -#~ msgstr "参数" - -#~ msgid "Effect List" -#~ msgstr "特效列表" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Transitions" -#~ msgid "Transition List" -#~ msgstr "转场特效" - -#~ msgid "Lossless / HQ" -#~ msgstr "无损 / HQ" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Cannot open file" -#~ msgid "Cannot open playlist producer." -#~ msgstr "无法打开文件" - -#, fuzzy -#~ msgid "Cannot find proper playlist." -#~ msgstr "无法找到要编辑的素材" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Reload Clip" -#~ msgid "Expland Clip" -#~ msgstr "重新载入素材" - -#~ msgid "Effect Stack" -#~ msgstr "特效 / 滤镜" - -#~ msgid "Transition" -#~ msgstr "转场特效" - -#~ msgid "Show additional controls" -#~ msgstr "显示附加控制" - -#, fuzzy -#~ msgid "Show/Hide the lines connecting the corners" -#~ msgstr "显示 / 隐藏特效的说明信息" - -#, fuzzy -#~ msgid "Failed to start device" -#~ msgstr "启用 Jog Shuttle 设备" - -#~ msgid "Estimated time %1" -#~ msgstr "预计剩余时间:%1" - -#~ msgid "Loading" -#~ msgstr "正在载入" - -#~ msgid "Adding clips" -#~ msgstr "正在添加素材" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Show audio thumbnails" -#~ msgid "Loading thumbnails" -#~ msgstr "显示音频缩略图" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Adding clips" -#~ msgid "Loading timeline" -#~ msgstr "正在添加素材" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Switch monitor" -#~ msgid "Setting monitor" -#~ msgstr "切换预览窗口" - -#~ msgid "Up" -#~ msgstr "上" - -#~ msgid "Fun" -#~ msgstr "特色" - -#~ msgctxt "effects and transitions keyboard shortcuts" -#~ msgid "Effects & Transitions" -#~ msgstr "特效和转场特效" - -#, fuzzy -#~ msgid "Transcoding to DVD format" -#~ msgstr "转换编码完成。" - -#~ msgid "before" -#~ msgstr "之前" - -#~ msgid "after" -#~ msgstr "之后" - -#~ msgid "Set zone start" -#~ msgstr "设置区段起点" - -#~ msgid "Set zone end" -#~ msgstr "设置区段终点" - -#~ msgid "Project profile was not found, using default profile." -#~ msgstr "找不到项目编码方案,使用默认的编码方案。" - -#~ msgid "Missing Profile" -#~ msgstr "丢失的编码方案" - -#~ msgid "Project profile not found, replacing with existing one: %1" -#~ msgstr "找不到项目编码方案,以现有的编码方案取代:%1" - -#~ msgid "Existing Profile" -#~ msgstr "现有的编码方案" - -#~ msgid "" -#~ "Your project uses an unknown profile.\n" -#~ "It uses an existing profile name: %1.\n" -#~ "Please choose a new name to save it" -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "您的项目使用了未知的编码方案。\n" -#~ "它使用一个现有编码方案的名称:%1。\n" -#~ "请重新指定一个名称来保存它" - -#~ msgid "Project profile was not found, it will be added to your system now." -#~ msgstr "找不到项目编码方案,现在会添加到您的系统中。" - -#~ msgid "Buttons overlapping" -#~ msgstr "按钮重叠" - -#~ msgid "No button in menu" -#~ msgstr "菜单里没有按钮" - -#~ msgid "Missing background image" -#~ msgstr "丢失背景图片" - -#~ msgid "No menu entry for %1" -#~ msgstr "没有 %1 的菜单项" - -#, fuzzy -#~ msgid "Blackmagic Decklink" -#~ msgstr "黑色" - -#~ msgid "Delete data" -#~ msgstr "删除数据" - -#~ msgid "Add data" -#~ msgstr "添加数据" - -#, fuzzy -#~ msgid "Importing project effects" -#~ msgstr "在素材列表里插入区段" - -#~ msgid "Load Image" -#~ msgstr "载入图片" - -#~ msgid "Duration mismatch" -#~ msgstr "不匹配的持续时间" - -#~ msgid "Fix duration mismatch" -#~ msgstr "修正不匹配的持续时间" - -#, fuzzy -#~ msgid "Movit: Blur" -#~ msgstr "方框模糊" - -#, fuzzy -#~ msgid "Do simple color grading" -#~ msgstr "简易颜色调整" - -#, fuzzy -#~ msgid "Movit: Mirror" -#~ msgstr "镜像" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Align item horizontally" -#~ msgid "Flips the image horizontally" -#~ msgstr "水平中线对齐" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Opacity" -#~ msgid "Movit: Opacity" -#~ msgstr "不透明度" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "HSV Saturation" -#~ msgid "Movit: Saturation" -#~ msgstr "HSV 饱和度" - -#, fuzzy -#~ msgid "Saturate or desaturate the image" -#~ msgstr "正在创建菜单镜像文件" - -#, fuzzy -#~ msgid "Movit: Vignette" -#~ msgstr "晕映特效" - -#, fuzzy -#~ msgid "Movit: White balance" -#~ msgstr "白平衡" - -#~ msgid "XVideo" -#~ msgstr "XVideo" - -#~ msgid "X11" -#~ msgstr "X11" - -#~ msgid "XFree86 DGA 2.0" -#~ msgstr "XFree86 DGA 2.0" - -#~ msgid "Nano X" -#~ msgstr "Nano X" - -#~ msgid "Framebuffer console" -#~ msgstr "帧缓冲控制台" - -#~ msgid "Direct FB" -#~ msgstr "Direct FB" - -#~ msgid "SVGAlib" -#~ msgstr "SVGAlib" - -#~ msgid "General graphics interface" -#~ msgstr "通用图形界面" - -#~ msgid "Ascii art library" -#~ msgstr "Ascii art 库" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "" -#~| "Clip %1
already exists in project, what do you want to do?" -#~ msgid "Clip %1
is invalid, what do you want to do?" -#~ msgstr "素材 %1
项目已存在,您想要怎么做?" - -#, fuzzy -#~ msgid "File not found" -#~ msgstr "找不到文件" - -#, fuzzy -#~ msgid "Search automatically" -#~ msgstr "清除缓存" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "" -#~| "Clip %1
already exists in project, what do you want to do?" -#~ msgid "Clip %1
is invalid or missing, what do you want to do?" -#~ msgstr "素材 %1
项目已存在,您想要怎么做?" - -#, fuzzy -#~ msgid "Search manually" -#~ msgstr "清除缓存" - -#~ msgid "Show previous keyframe" -#~ msgstr "显示上一个关键帧" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Clip in Project Tree" -#~ msgid "Project Tree" -#~ msgstr "定位此素材在列表中的位置" - -#, fuzzy -#~ msgid "Adjust Profile to Current Clip" -#~ msgstr "无法找到要剪切的素材" - -#, fuzzy -#~ msgid "Save clip zone as:" -#~ msgstr "移动素材" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Description" -#~ msgid "Description:" -#~ msgstr "描述" - -#~ msgid "Resize (100%)" -#~ msgstr "调整大小 (100%)" - -#~ msgid "Resize (50%)" -#~ msgstr "调整大小 (50%)" - -#~ msgid "" -#~ "Clip %1
already exists in project, what do you want to do?" -#~ msgstr "素材 %1
项目已存在,您想要怎么做?" - -#~ msgid "Clip already exists" -#~ msgstr "素材已经存在" - -#, fuzzy -#~ msgid "Copy file to project folder" -#~ msgstr "使用项目文件夹" - -#~ msgid "Continue" -#~ msgstr "继续" - -#, fuzzy -#~ msgid "Delete unused clips" -#~ msgstr "删除所选素材" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Group Clips" -#~ msgid "Open Clips" -#~ msgstr "组合素材" - -#, fuzzy -#~ msgid "Cancel job" -#~ msgid_plural "Cancel jobs" -#~ msgstr[0] "设置" - -#, fuzzy -#~ msgid "Cannot reverse clip" -#~ msgstr "调整素材大小" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Cannot paste selected clips" -#~ msgid "Cannot render reversed clip" -#~ msgstr "无法粘贴所选素材" - -#~ msgid "Hide track" -#~ msgstr "禁用视频" - -#~ msgid "Mute track" -#~ msgstr "静音" - -#, fuzzy -#~| msgid "Add clip to project" -#~| msgid_plural "Add clips to project" -#~ msgid "Invalid clip producer %1\n" -#~ msgstr "添加素材到项目" - -#, fuzzy -#~ msgid "Removed invalid transition: (%1, %2, %3)" -#~ msgstr "移除无效的转场特效: %1" - -#, fuzzy -#~ msgid "Removed overlapping transition: (%1, %2, %3)" -#~ msgstr "移除无效的转场特效: %1" - -#~ msgid "Desktop search integration" -#~ msgstr "桌面搜索整合" - -#~ msgid "Video driver:" -#~ msgstr "视频驱动:" - -#~ msgid "Normalise audio for thumbnails" -#~ msgstr "缩略图的标准化音频" - -#~ msgid "All" -#~ msgstr "所有" - -#~ msgid "Custom" -#~ msgstr "自定义" - -#~ msgid "with track" -#~ msgstr "加上轨道" - -#~ msgid "DV module (libdv)" -#~ msgstr "DV 模块 (libdv)" - -#~ msgid "Required to work with dv files if avformat module is not installed" -#~ msgstr "如果没有安装 avformat 模块,需要和 dv 文件一起使用" - -#~ msgid "Open projects in new tabs" -#~ msgstr "在新分页中打开项目" diff -Nru kdenlive-15.13.0+git20160206.6705c57a/po/zh_TW/CMakeLists.txt kdenlive-15.13.0+git20160206.cee1bbb6/po/zh_TW/CMakeLists.txt --- kdenlive-15.13.0+git20160206.6705c57a/po/zh_TW/CMakeLists.txt 2016-02-06 09:13:45.000000000 +0000 +++ kdenlive-15.13.0+git20160206.cee1bbb6/po/zh_TW/CMakeLists.txt 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -GETTEXT_PROCESS_PO_FILES(zh_TW ALL INSTALL_DESTINATION ${LOCALE_INSTALL_DIR} kdenlive.po) diff -Nru kdenlive-15.13.0+git20160206.6705c57a/po/zh_TW/kdenlive.po kdenlive-15.13.0+git20160206.cee1bbb6/po/zh_TW/kdenlive.po --- kdenlive-15.13.0+git20160206.6705c57a/po/zh_TW/kdenlive.po 2016-02-06 09:13:45.000000000 +0000 +++ kdenlive-15.13.0+git20160206.cee1bbb6/po/zh_TW/kdenlive.po 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 @@ -1,13457 +0,0 @@ -# Alisha , 2012. -# Franklin Weng , 2012, 2013. -msgid "" -msgstr "" -"Project-Id-Version: Kdenlive 0.7.8\n" -"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugs.kde.org\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-12-11 07:07+0000\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-07-04 16:25+0800\n" -"Last-Translator: Franklin Weng \n" -"Language-Team: Chinese Traditional \n" -"Language: zh_TW\n" -"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" -"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" -"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" -"X-Poedit-Language: Chinese\n" -"X-Poedit-Country: TAIWAN\n" -"X-Poedit-SourceCharset: utf-8\n" -"X-Poedit-Basepath: /usr/share/locale/zh_TW/LC_MESSAGES/\n" -"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n" -"X-Generator: Lokalize 1.5\n" - -msgctxt "NAME OF TRANSLATORS" -msgid "Your names" -msgstr "Franklin Weng" - -msgctxt "EMAIL OF TRANSLATORS" -msgid "Your emails" -msgstr "franklin@goodhorse.idv.tw" - -#: data/effects/audiobalance.xml:3 data/effects/audiobalance.xml:7 -msgid "Balance" -msgstr "平衡" - -#: data/effects/audiobalance.xml:4 -msgid "Adjust the left/right balance" -msgstr "調整左 / 右聲道平衡" - -#: data/effects/audiopan.xml:3 data/effects/audiopan.xml:11 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:347 src/project/dialogs/slideshowclip.cpp:73 -msgid "Pan" -msgstr "左右聲道平衡" - -#: data/effects/audiopan.xml:4 -msgid "Adjust the left/right spread of a channel" -msgstr "調整聲道的左 / 右分散" - -#: data/effects/audiopan.xml:7 data/effects/channelcopy.xml:7 -#: data/effects/channelcopy.xml:11 -msgid "Left,Right" -msgstr "左,右" - -#: data/effects/audiopan.xml:8 data/effects/frei0r_bezier_curves.xml:9 -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:9 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:66 -#: data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:10 data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:42 -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:25 -msgid "Channel" -msgstr "通道" - -#: data/effects/audiowave.xml:3 -msgid "Audio Wave" -msgstr "音效波形" - -#: data/effects/audiowave.xml:4 -msgid "Display the audio waveform instead of the video" -msgstr "顯示音效波形而非影像" - -#: data/effects/audiowaveform.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Audio Wave" -msgid "Audio Waveform Filter" -msgstr "音效波形" - -#: data/effects/audiowaveform.xml:6 data/effects/dynamictext.xml:22 -#: data/effects/pan_zoom.xml:13 data/effects/rotation.xml:40 -#: data/effects/rotation_keyframable.xml:22 -msgid "Background Color" -msgstr "背景顏色" - -#: data/effects/audiowaveform.xml:9 data/effects/dynamictext.xml:19 -msgid "Foreground Color" -msgstr "前景顏色" - -#: data/effects/audiowaveform.xml:12 -msgid "Line Thickness" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/audiowaveform.xml:15 data/effects/movit_rect.xml:6 -#: data/effects/pan_zoom.xml:7 -msgid "Rectangle" -msgstr "矩形" - -#: data/effects/audiowaveform.xml:18 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:721 -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:766 -msgid "Fill" -msgstr "填補" - -#: data/effects/automask.xml:3 -msgid "Auto Mask" -msgstr "自動遮蓋" - -#: data/effects/automask.xml:4 -msgid "Hide a selected zone and follow its movements" -msgstr "隱藏所選區段并跟著移動" - -#: data/effects/automask.xml:7 data/effects/dynamictext.xml:7 -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:718 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:745 -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:763 -msgid "Geometry" -msgstr "幾何" - -#: data/effects/automask.xml:10 -msgid "Macroblock width" -msgstr "巨集區塊寬度" - -#: data/effects/automask.xml:13 -msgid "Macroblock height" -msgstr "巨集區塊高度" - -#: data/effects/automask.xml:16 -msgid "Maximum x distance" -msgstr "最大 x 距離" - -#: data/effects/automask.xml:19 -msgid "Maximum y distance" -msgstr "最大 y 距離" - -#: data/effects/automask.xml:22 -msgid "Denoise" -msgstr "去雜訊" - -#: data/effects/automask.xml:25 -msgid "Debug" -msgstr "除錯" - -#: data/effects/automask.xml:28 data/effects/obscure.xml:3 -msgid "Obscure" -msgstr "馬賽克遮蓋" - -#: data/effects/automask.xml:36 data/effects/loudness.xml:12 -msgid "Analyse" -msgstr "分析" - -#: data/effects/boxblur.xml:3 -msgid "Box Blur" -msgstr "方框模糊" - -#: data/effects/boxblur.xml:4 -msgid "Box blur (separate horizontal and vertical blur)" -msgstr "盒狀模糊(區隔水平與垂直模糊)" - -#: data/effects/boxblur.xml:7 -msgid "Horizontal multiplicator" -msgstr "水平乘數" - -#: data/effects/boxblur.xml:10 -msgid "Vertical multiplicator" -msgstr "垂直乘數" - -#: data/effects/boxblur.xml:13 -msgid "Blur factor" -msgstr "模糊系數" - -#: data/effects/brightness.xml:3 -msgid "Brightness (keyframable)" -msgstr "亮度 (關鍵影格)" - -#: data/effects/brightness.xml:4 -msgid "Change image brightness with keyframes" -msgstr "修改含關鍵影格的畫面亮度" - -#: data/effects/brightness.xml:7 -msgid "Intensity" -msgstr "強度" - -#: data/effects/channelcopy.xml:3 -msgid "Mono to stereo" -msgstr "單聲道轉為立體聲" - -#: data/effects/channelcopy.xml:4 -msgid "Copy one channel to another" -msgstr "將一個聲道複製到另一個聲道,以實現單聲道變立體聲的效果" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_4) -#: data/effects/channelcopy.xml:8 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:486 -msgid "From" -msgstr "從" - -#: data/effects/channelcopy.xml:12 -msgid "To" -msgstr "到" - -#: data/effects/charcoal.xml:3 -msgid "Charcoal" -msgstr "炭筆畫" - -#: data/effects/charcoal.xml:4 -msgid "Charcoal drawing effect" -msgstr "用炭筆繪畫的視訊效果" - -#: data/effects/charcoal.xml:7 -msgid "Horizontal scatter" -msgstr "水平散布" - -#: data/effects/charcoal.xml:10 -msgid "Vertical scatter" -msgstr "垂直散布" - -#: data/effects/charcoal.xml:13 -msgid "Scale" -msgstr "縮放" - -#: data/effects/charcoal.xml:16 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:757 -msgid "Mix" -msgstr "混合" - -#: data/effects/charcoal.xml:19 data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:31 -#: data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:63 data/effects/frei0r_mask0mate.xml:19 -#: data/effects/invert.xml:3 data/effects/mirror.xml:11 -#: data/effects/rotoscoping.xml:18 src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:215 -msgid "Invert" -msgstr "負片" - -#: data/effects/chroma.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Chroma Hold" -msgid "Chroma Key" -msgstr "保持色度" - -#: data/effects/chroma.xml:4 -msgid "Make selected color transparent" -msgstr "讓所選色彩變為透明度" - -#: data/effects/chroma.xml:7 data/effects/chroma_hold.xml:7 -msgid "Color key" -msgstr "色彩鍵" - -#: data/effects/chroma.xml:10 data/effects/chroma_hold.xml:10 -msgid "Variance" -msgstr "變化程度" - -#: data/effects/chroma_hold.xml:3 -msgid "Chroma Hold" -msgstr "保持色度" - -#: data/effects/chroma_hold.xml:4 -msgid "Make image greyscale except for chosen color" -msgstr "除了所選色彩外,其他色彩都變成灰階" - -#: data/effects/crop.xml:3 -msgid "Edge Crop" -msgstr "邊緣裁剪" - -#: data/effects/crop.xml:4 -msgid "Trim the edges of a clip" -msgstr "修剪素材的邊緣" - -#: data/effects/crop.xml:7 data/effects/frei0r_mask0mate.xml:13 -msgid "Top" -msgstr "頂端" - -#: data/effects/crop.xml:10 data/effects/frei0r_mask0mate.xml:7 -msgid "Left" -msgstr "左邊" - -#: data/effects/crop.xml:13 data/effects/frei0r_mask0mate.xml:16 -msgid "Bottom" -msgstr "底端" - -#: data/effects/crop.xml:16 data/effects/frei0r_mask0mate.xml:10 -msgid "Right" -msgstr "右側" - -#: data/effects/crop.xml:19 -msgid "Automatic center-crop" -msgstr "自動從中央分割" - -#: data/effects/crop.xml:22 -msgid "Center balance" -msgstr "中央平衡" - -#: data/effects/crop.xml:25 -msgid "Use project resolution" -msgstr "使用專案解析度" - -#: data/effects/dust.xml:3 -msgid "Dust" -msgstr "灰塵污染" - -#: data/effects/dust.xml:4 -msgid "Add dust and specks to the video, as in old movies" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/dust.xml:7 -msgid "Maximal Diameter" -msgstr "最大直徑" - -#: data/effects/dust.xml:10 -msgid "Maximal number of dust" -msgstr "最大顆粒數" - -#: data/effects/dynamictext.xml:3 -msgid "Dynamic Text" -msgstr "動態文字" - -#: data/effects/dynamictext.xml:4 -msgid "Overlay text with keywords replaced" -msgstr "覆蓋文字並取代關鍵字" - -#: data/effects/dynamictext.xml:10 -msgid "Font Family" -msgstr "字型家族" - -#: data/effects/dynamictext.xml:13 -msgid "Font Size" -msgstr "字型大小" - -#: data/effects/dynamictext.xml:16 -msgid "Font Weight" -msgstr "字型粗細" - -#: data/effects/dynamictext.xml:25 -msgid "Outline Color" -msgstr "外框色彩" - -#: data/effects/dynamictext.xml:28 -msgid "Outline Width" -msgstr "外框寬度" - -#: data/effects/dynamictext.xml:31 -msgid "Padding" -msgstr "補齊" - -#: data/effects/dynamictext.xml:34 -msgid "Left,Center,Right" -msgstr "左,中,右" - -#: data/effects/dynamictext.xml:35 -msgid "Horizontal Alignment" -msgstr "水平對齊" - -#: data/effects/dynamictext.xml:38 -msgid "Top,Middle,Bottom" -msgstr "上,中,下" - -#: data/effects/dynamictext.xml:39 -msgid "Vertical Alignment" -msgstr "垂直對齊" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, text_box) -#: data/effects/dynamictext.xml:42 src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:55 -#: src/ui/templateclip_ui.ui:34 -msgid "Text" -msgstr "文字" - -#: data/effects/fade_from_black.xml:3 -msgid "Fade from Black" -msgstr "從黑色淡入" - -#: data/effects/fade_from_black.xml:4 -msgid "Fade video from black" -msgstr "從黑色背景淡入為視訊" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_duration) -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, ClipDurationDialog_UI) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, duration_label) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: data/effects/fade_from_black.xml:7 data/effects/fade_to_black.xml:7 -#: data/effects/fadein.xml:10 data/effects/fadeout.xml:7 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:133 -#: src/ui/clipdurationdialog_ui.ui:14 src/ui/clipdurationdialog_ui.ui:40 -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:58 src/ui/colorclip_ui.ui:37 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:747 src/utils/freesound.cpp:157 -#: src/utils/freesound.cpp:196 src/utils/freesound.cpp:197 -#: src/utils/freesound.cpp:198 -msgid "Duration" -msgstr "持續時間" - -#: data/effects/fade_from_black.xml:10 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/bezier/beziersplinewidget.cpp:52 -msgid "In" -msgstr "起點" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: data/effects/fade_from_black.xml:13 data/effects/fade_to_black.xml:13 -#: src/ui/wipeval_ui.ui:22 -msgid "Start" -msgstr "開始" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_4) -#: data/effects/fade_from_black.xml:16 data/effects/fade_to_black.xml:16 -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:409 src/ui/wipeval_ui.ui:167 -msgid "End" -msgstr "結束" - -#: data/effects/fade_to_black.xml:3 -msgid "Fade to Black" -msgstr "淡出為黑色" - -#: data/effects/fade_to_black.xml:4 -msgid "Fade video to black" -msgstr "視訊淡出為黑色畫面背景" - -#: data/effects/fade_to_black.xml:10 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/bezier/beziersplinewidget.cpp:54 -msgid "Out" -msgstr "終點" - -#: data/effects/fadein.xml:3 -msgid "Fade in" -msgstr "淡入" - -#: data/effects/fadein.xml:4 -msgid "Fade in audio track" -msgstr "淡入音軌" - -#: data/effects/fadein.xml:13 data/effects/fadeout.xml:13 -msgid "Start Gain" -msgstr "啟動增益" - -#: data/effects/fadein.xml:16 data/effects/fadeout.xml:16 -msgid "End Gain" -msgstr "結束增益" - -#: data/effects/fadeout.xml:3 -msgid "Fade out" -msgstr "淡出" - -#: data/effects/fadeout.xml:4 -msgid "Fade out audio track" -msgstr "淡出音軌" - -#: data/effects/freeze.xml:3 -msgid "Freeze" -msgstr "凍結" - -#: data/effects/freeze.xml:4 -msgid "Freeze video on a chosen frame" -msgstr "凍結選取的影格視訊" - -#: data/effects/freeze.xml:7 -msgid "Freeze at" -msgstr "凍結點的位置" - -#: data/effects/freeze.xml:10 -msgid "Freeze Before" -msgstr "凍結之前的畫面" - -#: data/effects/freeze.xml:13 -msgid "Freeze After" -msgstr "凍結之後的畫面" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_3dflippo.xml:3 -msgid "3dflippo" -msgstr "3D 旋轉" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_3dflippo.xml:4 -msgid "Frame rotation in 3D space" -msgstr "畫面在3D空間中旋轉" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_3dflippo.xml:7 -msgid "X axis rotation" -msgstr "沿 X 軸旋轉" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_3dflippo.xml:10 -msgid "Y axis rotation" -msgstr "沿 Y 軸旋轉" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_3dflippo.xml:13 -msgid "Z axis rotation" -msgstr "沿 Z 軸旋轉" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_3dflippo.xml:16 -msgid "X axis rotation rate" -msgstr "沿 X 軸旋轉速率" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_3dflippo.xml:19 -msgid "Y axis rotation rate" -msgstr "沿 Y 軸旋轉速率" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_3dflippo.xml:22 -msgid "Z axis rotation rate" -msgstr "沿 Z 軸旋轉速率" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_3dflippo.xml:25 -msgid "Center position (X)" -msgstr "軸心座標(X)" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_3dflippo.xml:28 -msgid "Center position (Y)" -msgstr "軸心座標(Y)" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_3dflippo.xml:31 -msgid "Invert rotation assignment" -msgstr "進行逆向旋轉" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_3dflippo.xml:34 -msgid "Don't blank mask" -msgstr "不使用遮罩" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_3dflippo.xml:37 -msgid "Fill with image or black" -msgstr "填補圖片或黑色背景" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:4 data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:36 -msgid "Alpha operations" -msgstr "透明度通道操作" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:5 data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:37 -msgid "Display and manipulation of the alpha channel" -msgstr "透明度通道的顯示及控制" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:9 data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:41 -msgid "" -"Image,Alpha as gray,Gray + red,Selection on black,Selection on gray," -"Selection on white,Selection on checkers" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:10 data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:42 -msgid "Display" -msgstr "顯示" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:14 data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:46 -msgid "Display input alpha" -msgstr "顯示輸入透明度" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:18 -msgid "NO OP,Shave,Shrink hard,Shrink soft,Grow hard,Grow soft,Threshold" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:19 data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:51 -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphagrad.xml:30 data/effects/frei0r_alphaspot.xml:47 -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:45 data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:96 -msgid "Operation" -msgstr "作業" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:23 data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:55 -#: data/effects/frei0r_threshold0r.xml:7 data/effects/threshold.xml:3 -#: src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:217 -msgid "Threshold" -msgstr "黑白索引色" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:27 -msgid "Shrink/grow amount" -msgstr "收縮量 / 擴張量" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:50 -msgid "NO OP,Shave,Shrink hard,Shrink soft,Grow hard,Grow soft,Threshold,Blur" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alpha0ps.xml:59 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Shrink/Grow/Blur amount" -msgstr "收縮量 / 擴張量" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphagrad.xml:3 -msgid "Alpha gradient" -msgstr "透明度漸變" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphagrad.xml:4 -msgid "Fill the alpha channel with a specified gradient" -msgstr "用指定的漸變填補透明度色版" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, clip_filesize_2) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, position_label) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, import_position) -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphagrad.xml:9 src/effectstack/keyframeedit.cpp:55 -#: src/ui/clipdurationdialog_ui.ui:20 src/ui/importkeyframesdialog_ui.ui:80 -#: src/ui/keyframedialog_ui.ui:20 src/ui/markerdialog_ui.ui:20 -msgid "Position" -msgstr "使用濾鏡的區段" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphagrad.xml:13 data/effects/frei0r_alphaspot.xml:34 -msgid "Transition width" -msgstr "轉場寬度" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphagrad.xml:17 data/effects/frei0r_alphaspot.xml:30 -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:16 -msgid "Tilt" -msgstr "傾斜" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphagrad.xml:21 data/effects/frei0r_alphaspot.xml:38 -msgid "Min" -msgstr "最小" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphagrad.xml:25 data/effects/frei0r_alphaspot.xml:42 -msgid "Max" -msgstr "最大" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphagrad.xml:29 data/effects/frei0r_alphaspot.xml:46 -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:44 data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:95 -msgid "Write on clear,Max,Min,Add,Subtract" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphaspot.xml:3 -msgid "Alpha shapes" -msgstr "透明度形狀" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphaspot.xml:4 -msgid "Draws simple shapes into the alpha channel" -msgstr "繪制簡單的形狀到透明度色版裡" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphaspot.xml:9 -msgid "Rectangle,Ellipse,Triangle,Diamond" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphaspot.xml:10 data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:29 -#: data/effects/sox_flanger.xml:22 -msgid "Shape" -msgstr "形狀" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphaspot.xml:14 -msgid "Position X" -msgstr "位置 X" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphaspot.xml:18 -msgid "Position Y" -msgstr "位置 Y" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphaspot.xml:22 -msgid "Size X" -msgstr "大小 X" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_alphaspot.xml:26 -msgid "Size Y" -msgstr "大小 Y" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_balanc0r.xml:4 data/effects/frei0r_balanc0r.xml:15 -msgid "White Balance" -msgstr "白平衡" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_balanc0r.xml:5 data/effects/frei0r_balanc0r.xml:16 -msgid "Adjust the white balance / color temperature" -msgstr "調整白平衡 / 色溫" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_balanc0r.xml:8 data/effects/frei0r_balanc0r.xml:19 -#: data/effects/frei0r_colgate.xml:8 data/effects/movit_white_balance.xml:6 -msgid "Neutral Color" -msgstr "中間色" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_balanc0r.xml:11 data/effects/frei0r_balanc0r.xml:22 -msgid "Green Tint" -msgstr "色調" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_baltan.xml:3 -msgid "Baltan" -msgstr "運動朦朧" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_baltan.xml:4 -msgid "Delayed alpha smoothed blit of time" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_bezier_curves.xml:3 -msgid "Bézier Curves" -msgstr "貝茲曲線" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_bezier_curves.xml:4 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:5 -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:62 -msgid "Color curves adjustment" -msgstr "色彩曲線調整" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_bezier_curves.xml:8 -msgid "RGB,Red,Green,Blue,Alpha,Luma,Hue,Saturation" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_bezier_curves.xml:13 -#: data/effects/frei0r_coloradj_rgb.xml:33 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:12 -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:69 -msgid "Rec. 601,Rec. 709" -msgstr "Rec. 601,Rec. 709" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_bezier_curves.xml:14 -#: data/effects/frei0r_coloradj_rgb.xml:34 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:13 -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:70 -msgid "Luma formula" -msgstr "亮度標准" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_brightness.xml:3 data/effects/frei0r_brightness.xml:7 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lenscorrection.xml:19 data/effects/grain.xml:13 -msgid "Brightness" -msgstr "亮度" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_brightness.xml:4 -msgid "Adjusts the brightness of a source image" -msgstr "調整源圖片的亮度" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:3 -msgid "Corners" -msgstr "邊角" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:4 -msgid "Four corners geometry engine" -msgstr "四角幾何引擎" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:8 -msgid "Corner 1 X" -msgstr "左上角 水平" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:12 -msgid "Corner 1 Y" -msgstr "左上角 垂直" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:16 -msgid "Corner 2 X" -msgstr "右上角 水平" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:20 -msgid "Corner 2 Y" -msgstr "右上角 垂直" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:24 -msgid "Corner 3 X" -msgstr "右下角 水平" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:28 -msgid "Corner 3 Y" -msgstr "右下角 垂直" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:32 -msgid "Corner 4 X" -msgstr "左下角 水平" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:36 -msgid "Corner 4 Y" -msgstr "左下角 垂直" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:40 -msgid "Stretch X" -msgstr "伸縮 X" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:44 -msgid "Stretch Y" -msgstr "伸縮 Y" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:48 -msgid "Feather Alpha" -msgstr "羽化" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:52 -msgid "Enable Stretch" -msgstr "允許伸縮" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:56 data/effects/frei0r_defish0r.xml:24 -msgid "" -"Nearest neighbor,Bilinear,Bicubic smooth,Bicubic sharp,Spline 4x4,Spline 6x6," -"Lanczos" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:57 data/effects/frei0r_defish0r.xml:25 -msgid "Interpolator" -msgstr "插補" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:61 data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:63 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:136 -msgid "Transparent Background" -msgstr "透明度背景" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:65 data/effects/rotoscoping.xml:13 -msgid "Write on clear,Maximum,Minimum,Add,Subtract" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_c0rners.xml:66 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Alpha operation" -msgstr "透明度通道作業" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_cartoon.xml:4 data/effects/frei0r_cartoon.xml:15 -msgid "Cartoon" -msgstr "卡通" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_cartoon.xml:5 data/effects/frei0r_cartoon.xml:16 -msgid "Cartoonify video, do a form of edge detect" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_cartoon.xml:8 data/effects/frei0r_cartoon.xml:19 -msgid "Level of trip" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_cartoon.xml:11 data/effects/frei0r_cartoon.xml:22 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Difference space" -msgstr "差值" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_cluster.xml:3 -msgid "K-Means Clustering" -msgstr "K - 均值聚類" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_cluster.xml:4 -msgid "Clusters of a source image by color and spatial distance" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_cluster.xml:7 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Amount of clusters" -msgstr "強度值" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_cluster.xml:10 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Weight on distance" -msgstr "中等增益" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_colgate.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -msgid "White Balance (LMS space)" -msgstr "白平衡" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_colgate.xml:5 -msgid "" -"Do simple color correction, in a physically meaningful\n" -"way" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_colgate.xml:12 data/effects/movit_white_balance.xml:9 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Color Temperature" -msgstr "色彩空間" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_coloradj_rgb.xml:3 -msgid "RGB adjustment" -msgstr "RGB 調整" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_coloradj_rgb.xml:4 -msgid "Simple color adjustment" -msgstr "簡易色彩調整" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, cbR) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QToolButton, buttonSelectRects) -#: data/effects/frei0r_coloradj_rgb.xml:8 src/ui/histogram_ui.ui:30 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:733 -msgid "R" -msgstr "R" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, cbG) -#: data/effects/frei0r_coloradj_rgb.xml:12 src/ui/histogram_ui.ui:37 -msgid "G" -msgstr "G" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, cbB) -#: data/effects/frei0r_coloradj_rgb.xml:16 src/ui/histogram_ui.ui:44 -msgid "B" -msgstr "B" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_coloradj_rgb.xml:20 -msgid "Add constant,Change gamma,Multiply" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_coloradj_rgb.xml:21 -msgid "Action" -msgstr "作業" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_coloradj_rgb.xml:25 -msgid "Keep luma" -msgstr "保持亮度" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_coloradj_rgb.xml:29 -msgid "Alpha controlled" -msgstr "透明度控制" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_colordistance.xml:3 -msgid "Color Distance" -msgstr "色彩空間" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_colordistance.xml:4 -msgid "" -"Calculates the distance between the selected color and the current pixel and " -"uses that value as new pixel value" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_colordistance.xml:7 -msgid "Source Color" -msgstr "源色彩" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_colortap.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Color Effect" -msgstr "無效果" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_colortap.xml:4 -msgid "Applies a pre-made color effect to image" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, treeWidget) -#: data/effects/frei0r_colortap.xml:7 data/effects/frei0r_defish0r.xml:14 -#: data/effects/frei0r_iirblur.xml:14 data/effects/frei0r_medians.xml:9 -#: src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:74 src/ui/missingclips_ui.ui:67 -msgid "Type" -msgstr "類別" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_contrast0r.xml:3 data/effects/frei0r_contrast0r.xml:7 -#: data/effects/grain.xml:10 src/stopmotion/stopmotion.cpp:209 -msgid "Contrast" -msgstr "對比度" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_contrast0r.xml:4 -msgid "Adjusts the contrast of a source image" -msgstr "調整源圖片的對比" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:4 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:61 -msgid "Curves" -msgstr "曲線" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:8 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:65 -#: data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:9 data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:41 -msgid "Red,Green,Blue,Luma" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:20 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:77 -msgid "Number of curve points" -msgstr "曲線點數量" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:23 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:80 -msgid "Point 1 input value" -msgstr "點 1 匯入值" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:26 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:83 -msgid "Point 1 output value" -msgstr "點 1 匯出值" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:29 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:86 -msgid "Point 2 input value" -msgstr "點 2 匯入值" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:32 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:89 -msgid "Point 2 output value" -msgstr "點 2 匯出值" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:35 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:92 -msgid "Point 3 input value" -msgstr "點 3 匯入值" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:38 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:95 -msgid "Point 3 output value" -msgstr "點 3 匯出值" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:41 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:98 -msgid "Point 4 input value" -msgstr "點 4 匯入值" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:44 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:101 -msgid "Point 4 output value" -msgstr "點 4 匯出值" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:47 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:104 -msgid "Point 5 input value" -msgstr "點 5 匯入值" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:50 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:107 -msgid "Point 5 output value" -msgstr "點 5 匯出值" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:53 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:110 -msgid "Show graph in picture" -msgstr "在畫面中顯示圖表" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:56 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:113 -#: data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:31 data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:63 -msgid "Top Left,Top Right,Bottom Left,Bottom Right" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:57 data/effects/frei0r_curves.xml:114 -msgid "Graph position" -msgstr "圖形位置" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_d90stairsteppingfix.xml:3 -msgid "Nikon D90 Stairstepping fix" -msgstr "Nikon D90 梯度漸近校正" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_d90stairsteppingfix.xml:7 -msgid "" -"Removes stairstepping artifacts from Nikon D90's 720p videos.\n" -" \n" -" " -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_defish0r.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Defish" -msgstr "鏡頭變形0r" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_defish0r.xml:4 -msgid "Non rectilinear lens mappings" -msgstr "非直線鏡頭對映" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_defish0r.xml:7 data/effects/frei0r_iirblur.xml:8 -#: data/effects/frei0r_sharpness.xml:8 data/effects/movit_unsharp_mask.xml:9 -msgid "Amount" -msgstr "強度值" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_defish0r.xml:10 -msgid "DeFish" -msgstr "球面形變" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_defish0r.xml:13 -msgid "Equidistant,Orthographic,Equiarea,Stereographic" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_defish0r.xml:17 -msgid "Fill,Center,Fit,Manual" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, lblScaling) -#: data/effects/frei0r_defish0r.xml:18 src/effectstack/dragvalue.cpp:108 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:207 -#: src/ui/colorplaneexport_ui.ui:74 -msgid "Scaling" -msgstr "縮放" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_defish0r.xml:21 -msgid "Manual Scale" -msgstr "手動處理程度" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_defish0r.xml:28 -msgid "Square,PAL DV,NTSC DV,HDV,Manual" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_defish0r.xml:29 -msgid "Aspect type" -msgstr "縱橫比類別:" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_defish0r.xml:32 -msgid "Manual Aspect" -msgstr "手動處理趨勢" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_delay0r.xml:3 -msgid "delay0r" -msgstr "延遲" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_delay0r.xml:4 -msgid "Video delay" -msgstr "視訊延遲" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_delay0r.xml:7 -msgid "Delay time" -msgstr "延遲時間" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_delaygrab.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Delay grab" -msgstr "空間隧道" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_delaygrab.xml:4 -msgid "Delayed frame blitting mapped on a time bitmap" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_distort0r.xml:3 data/effects/pan_zoom.xml:10 -#: data/kdenliveeffectscategory.rc:35 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:722 -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:746 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:767 -msgid "Distort" -msgstr "水波紋扭曲" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_distort0r.xml:4 -msgid "Plasma" -msgstr "電漿" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_distort0r.xml:7 data/effects/wave.xml:7 -msgid "Amplitude" -msgstr "振幅" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_distort0r.xml:10 data/effects/sox_bass.xml:10 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:249 -msgid "Frequency" -msgstr "頻率" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_edgeglow.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Edge glow" -msgstr "邊緣發光" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_edgeglow.xml:4 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Edge glow filter" -msgstr "邊緣發光" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_edgeglow.xml:7 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Edge lightening threshold" -msgstr "亮度降低" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_edgeglow.xml:10 -msgid "Edge brightness upscaling multiplier" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_edgeglow.xml:13 -msgid "Non-edge brightness downscaling multiplier" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_equaliz0r.xml:3 -msgid "Equaliz0r" -msgstr "平均化" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_equaliz0r.xml:4 -msgid "Equalizes the intensity histograms" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facebl0r.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Face blur" -msgstr "方塊模糊" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facebl0r.xml:4 -msgid "Automatically detect and blur a face using OpenCV" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facebl0r.xml:8 data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:8 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Search scale" -msgstr "手動搜尋" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facebl0r.xml:9 data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:9 -#, no-c-format -msgid "" -"The search window scale factor. For example, 120 = 1.20 = increases by 20% " -"on each pass." -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facebl0r.xml:13 data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:13 -msgid "Neighbors" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facebl0r.xml:14 data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:14 -msgid "Minimum number of rectangles that determines an object." -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facebl0r.xml:18 data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:18 -msgid "Smallest" -msgstr "最小" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facebl0r.xml:19 data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:19 -msgid "The minimum window size in pixels." -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facebl0r.xml:23 -msgid "Largest" -msgstr "最大" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facebl0r.xml:24 -msgid "" -"The largest size face in pixels - both horizontally and vertically (square " -"window)." -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facebl0r.xml:28 data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:23 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Recheck" -msgstr "複選框" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facebl0r.xml:29 data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:24 -msgid "" -"How often to detect a face. In between checks, it does object motion " -"tracking." -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facebl0r.xml:33 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Show ellipse" -msgstr "察看時間軸" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facebl0r.xml:34 -msgid "Draw a blue ellipse around the face area?" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Face detect" -msgstr "邊緣模式" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:4 -msgid "Detect faces and draw shapes on them using OpenCV" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:28 -msgid "circle,ellipse,rectangle,random" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:33 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Stroke width" -msgstr "轉場特效寬度" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:34 -msgid "" -"0 means fill; otherwise, draw unfilled with a stroke width of this size." -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:38 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Alpha" -msgstr "透明度匯入" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:39 -msgid "" -"Set the alpha channel of the shape area to a percentage of fully opaque." -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:43 -msgid "Antialias" -msgstr "反鋸齒" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:44 -msgid "Draw with anti-aliasing?" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:50 -msgid "Color 1" -msgstr "顏色 1" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:51 -msgid "Set the shape color of the first detected face." -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:55 -msgid "Color 2" -msgstr "顏色 2" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:56 -msgid "Set the shape color of the second detected face." -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:60 -msgid "Color 3" -msgstr "顏色 3" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:61 -msgid "Set the shape color of the third detected face." -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:65 -msgid "Color 4" -msgstr "顏色 4" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:66 -msgid "Set the shape color of the fourth detected face." -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:70 -msgid "Color 5" -msgstr "顏色 5" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_facedetect.xml:71 -msgid "Set the shape color of the fifth detected face." -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_flippo.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Flippo" -msgstr "3D 旋轉" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_flippo.xml:4 -msgid "Flipping in X and Y axis" -msgstr "沿 X 軸與 Y 軸翻轉" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_flippo.xml:7 -msgid "X axis" -msgstr "X 軸" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_flippo.xml:10 -msgid "Y axis" -msgstr "Y 軸" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_glow.xml:3 -msgid "Glow" -msgstr "發光" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_glow.xml:4 -msgid "Creates a Glamorous Glow" -msgstr "建立一個暈映" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_glow.xml:7 data/effects/frei0r_iirblur.xml:3 -#: data/effects/frei0r_mask0mate.xml:22 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:158 -msgid "Blur" -msgstr "模糊" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_hqdn3d.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Denoiser" -msgstr "粒子" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_hqdn3d.xml:4 -msgid "High quality 3D denoiser" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_hqdn3d.xml:8 -msgid "Spatial" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_hqdn3d.xml:9 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Amount of spatial filtering" -msgstr "強度值" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_hqdn3d.xml:13 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Temporal" -msgstr "暫存檔" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_hqdn3d.xml:14 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Amount of temporal filtering" -msgstr "強度值" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_hueshift0r.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Hue shift" -msgstr "色調調整0r" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_hueshift0r.xml:4 -msgid "Shifts the hue of a source image" -msgstr "調整源圖片的色調" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_hueshift0r.xml:7 -msgid "Hue" -msgstr "色調" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_iirblur.xml:4 -msgid "Blur using 2D IIR filters (Exponential, Lowpass, Gaussian)" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_iirblur.xml:9 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Amount of blur" -msgstr "強度值" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_iirblur.xml:13 -msgid "Exponential,Lowpass,Gaussian" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_iirblur.xml:15 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Select blurring algorithm" -msgstr "選取邊線方塊色彩" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_iirblur.xml:19 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Edge" -msgstr "邊緣發光" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_iirblur.xml:20 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Enable edge compensation" -msgstr "邊緣校正" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:3 -msgid "Key Spill Mop Up" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:4 -msgid "Reduces the visibility of key color spill in chroma keying" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:8 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Key color" -msgstr "灰色" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:12 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Target color" -msgstr "目標" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:16 -msgid "Color distance, Transparency, Edge inwards, Edge outwards" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:17 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Mask type" -msgstr "遮罩配合" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:21 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Tolerance" -msgstr "平衡" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:25 -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:91 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Slope" -msgstr "傾斜紅色" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:29 -msgid "Hue gate" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:33 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Saturation threshold" -msgstr "飽和度" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:37 -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:46 -msgid "None, De-Key, Target, Desaturate, Luma adjust" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:38 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Operation 1" -msgstr "作業" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:42 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Amount 1" -msgstr "強度值" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:47 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Operation 2" -msgstr "作業" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:51 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Amount 2" -msgstr "強度值" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:55 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Show mask" -msgstr "顯示最大值" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_keyspillm0pup.xml:59 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Mask to Alpha" -msgstr "透明度偏移" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lenscorrection.xml:3 -msgid "Lens Correction" -msgstr "鏡頭校正" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lenscorrection.xml:4 -msgid "Allows compensation of lens distortion" -msgstr "允許鏡頭失真補償" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lenscorrection.xml:7 -msgid "Horizontal center" -msgstr "水平中心" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lenscorrection.xml:10 -msgid "Vertical center" -msgstr "垂直中心" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lenscorrection.xml:13 -msgid "Center correction" -msgstr "中心校正" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lenscorrection.xml:16 -msgid "Edges correction" -msgstr "邊緣校正" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_letterb0xed.xml:3 -msgid "LetterB0xed" -msgstr "裁剪上下邊" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_letterb0xed.xml:4 -msgid "Adds black borders at top and bottom for cinema look" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_letterb0xed.xml:7 -msgid "Border Width" -msgstr "邊線寬度" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: data/effects/frei0r_letterb0xed.xml:10 data/effects/frei0r_timeout.xml:13 -#: src/ui/wipeval_ui.ui:136 src/ui/wipeval_ui.ui:281 -msgid "Transparency" -msgstr "透明度" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:4 data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:36 -msgid "Levels" -msgstr "色階" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:5 data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:37 -msgid "Adjust levels" -msgstr "調整色階" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:13 data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:45 -msgid "Input black level" -msgstr "匯入黑色階" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:16 data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:48 -msgid "Input white level" -msgstr "匯入白色階" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:19 data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:51 -#: data/effects/gamma.xml:3 data/effects/gamma.xml:7 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/lumaliftgain.cpp:63 -msgid "Gamma" -msgstr "伽瑪" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:22 data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:54 -msgid "Black output" -msgstr "黑色匯出" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:25 data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:57 -msgid "White output" -msgstr "白色匯出" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:28 data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:60 -msgid "Show histogram" -msgstr "顯示分散圖" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:32 data/effects/frei0r_levels.xml:64 -msgid "Histogram position" -msgstr "直方圖位置" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:4 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:77 -msgid "Light Graffiti" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:7 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:80 -msgid "" -"Light Graffiti effect.\n" -" " -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:10 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:83 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Brightness Threshold" -msgstr "亮度降低" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:12 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:85 -msgid "" -"R+G+B
) does a pixel need to be in order to " -"be recognized as a light source?
\n" -" Increasing this threshold requires brighter light sources (i.e. " -"more white or less color, respectively) but prevents some «false alarms» " -"where semi-bright parts, e.g. hands where colors can change quite a lot " -"compared to the background, are incorrectly recognized as light source.]]>" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:15 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:88 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Difference Threshold" -msgstr "黑白索引色" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:17 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:90 -msgid "" -"max(dR, dG, dB)), in " -"order to be recognized as light source?
\n" -" Increasing this threshold makes it harder for light sources to " -"be accepted on bright backgrounds, but decreases the danger of noise or " -"generally bright spots counting as light source.]]>" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:20 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:93 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Difference Sum Threshold" -msgstr "黑白索引色" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:22 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:95 -msgid "" -"relative to the " -"background image
(dR + dG + dB) have to change until a " -"pixel is recognized as a light source?
\n" -" Raising this value might, in some cases, avoid that some light " -"objects lit by the light source are added to the light mask.]]>" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:25 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:98 -msgid "Sensitivity" -msgstr "靈敏度" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:27 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:100 -msgid "" -"\n" -" For slowly moving light source try to use a lower sensitivity to " -"obtain a better exposure.]]>" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:30 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:103 -msgid "Lower Overexposure" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:32 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:105 -msgid "" -"\n" -" The light mask does not get white immediately when the light " -"source is moving slowly or staying steady.]]>" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:35 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:108 -msgid "Dimming" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:36 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:109 -msgid "" -"Dims the light mask. Lights will leave a fainting trail if it is set to a " -"value > 0." -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:39 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:112 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Background Weight" -msgstr "背景不透明度度" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:40 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:113 -msgid "" -"Strength of the (calculated) background image. Setting it to 100 paints the " -"light mask directly over the background, without the painting person in the " -"image if the video starts with a «clean» background image. (See the α " -"parameter.)" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:43 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:116 -msgid "α" -msgstr "α" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:45 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:118 -msgid "" -"\n" -" The Light Graffiti effect remembers the first frame of the clip " -"it is applied to, so the clip should always start with the painter " -"outside of the video. If the background constantly changes, e.g. on a " -"street, try to set α > 0 to calculate an average background image.]]>" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:48 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:121 -#: data/effects/frei0r_saturat0r.xml:3 data/effects/frei0r_saturat0r.xml:7 -#: data/effects/movit_saturation.xml:6 -msgid "Saturation" -msgstr "飽和度" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:49 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:122 -msgid "Increases the saturation of lights." -msgstr "增加亮光飽和度。" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:52 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:125 -msgid "Show brightness statistics" -msgstr "顯示亮度統計" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:54 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:127 -msgid "" -"\n" -" Example: To adjust the brightness threshold, check this box and " -"adjust the threshold until the whole light source is highlighted. Repeat the " -"same with the other parameters. Only parts that are highlighted in all thresholds will count as light source.]]>" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:57 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:130 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Show background difference statistics" -msgstr "顯示亮度統計" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:60 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:133 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Show background difference sum statistics" -msgstr "顯示亮度統計" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:64 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:137 -msgid "" -"Makes the background transparent, allowing to apply a composite effect and " -"paint the light mask over a completely different video." -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:67 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:140 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Nonlinear dimming" -msgstr "清除緩衝區" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:68 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:141 -msgid "If normal dimming does not look natural enough, try this one." -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:71 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:144 -#: src/effectstack/geometryval.cpp:95 src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:86 -msgid "Reset" -msgstr "重設" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:72 -#: data/effects/frei0r_lightgraffiti.xml:145 -msgid "" -"Resets the light mask and the background image. This is necessary e.g. if " -"you apply this effect to a clip in the timeline and then move the timeline " -"cursor from outside of the clip to the middle of it. The effect receives " -"this frame in the middle as first frame and uses it as background image. For " -"proper threshold adjusting move the timeline cursor to the beginning of the " -"clip, check the Reset box and uncheck it again." -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_luminance.xml:3 -msgid "Luminance" -msgstr "光亮度" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_luminance.xml:4 -msgid "Creates a luminance map of the image" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_mask0mate.xml:3 -msgid "Mask0Mate" -msgstr "遮罩配合" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_mask0mate.xml:4 -msgid "Creates an square alpha-channel mask" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_medians.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Medians" -msgstr "區域播放" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_medians.xml:4 -msgid "Implements several median-type filters" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_medians.xml:8 -msgid "" -"Cross5,Square3x3,Bilevel,Diamond3x3,Square5x5,Temp3,Temp5,ArceBI,ML3D,ML3dEX," -"VarSize" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_5) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, import_size) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_20) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, treeWidget) -#: data/effects/frei0r_medians.xml:13 data/effects/frei0r_sharpness.xml:12 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:208 -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:563 src/ui/importkeyframesdialog_ui.ui:73 -#: src/ui/managecaptures_ui.ui:40 src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:201 -msgid "Size" -msgstr "大小" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_nervous.xml:3 -msgid "Nervous" -msgstr "緊張氣氛" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_nervous.xml:4 -msgid "Flushes frames in time in a nervous way" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_nosync0r.xml:3 -msgid "nosync0r" -msgstr "不同步" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_nosync0r.xml:4 -msgid "Broken TV" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_nosync0r.xml:7 -msgid "HSync" -msgstr "水平同步" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pixeliz0r.xml:3 -msgid "Pixelize" -msgstr "馬賽克" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pixeliz0r.xml:4 -msgid "Pixelize input image." -msgstr "像素化匯入圖片。" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pixeliz0r.xml:7 -msgid "Block Size X" -msgstr "塊大小 X" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pixeliz0r.xml:10 -msgid "Block Size Y" -msgstr "塊大小 Y" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0be.xml:3 -msgid "pr0be" -msgstr "探索0" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0be.xml:4 -msgid "Measure video values" -msgstr "測量視訊亮度" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0be.xml:8 -msgid "RGB,Y'PbPr - rec. 601,Y'PbPr - rec. 709,HSV,HSL" -msgstr "RGB,Y'PbPr - rec. 601,Y'PbPr - rec. 709,HSV,HSL" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0be.xml:9 -msgid "Measurement" -msgstr "測量" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0be.xml:13 data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:8 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/bezier/beziersplinewidget.cpp:56 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/bezier/beziersplinewidget.cpp:60 -#: src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:144 -msgid "X" -msgstr "X" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_5) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, cbY) -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0be.xml:17 data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:12 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/bezier/beziersplinewidget.cpp:58 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/bezier/beziersplinewidget.cpp:62 -#: src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:164 src/ui/histogram_ui.ui:23 -msgid "Y" -msgstr "Y" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0be.xml:21 -msgid "X size" -msgstr "X 大小" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0be.xml:25 -msgid "Y size" -msgstr "Y 大小" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0be.xml:29 data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:81 -msgid "256 scale" -msgstr "256 縮放" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0be.xml:33 -msgid "Show alpha" -msgstr "顯示透明度通道" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0be.xml:37 -msgid "Big window" -msgstr "大視窗" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:3 -msgid "pr0file" -msgstr "專案0" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:4 -msgid "2D video oscilloscope" -msgstr "2D 視訊示波器" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:20 -msgid "Length" -msgstr "長度" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:24 -msgid "R,G,B,Y',Pr,Pb,Alpha" -msgstr "R,G,B,Y',Pr,Pb,Alpha" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:29 -msgid "Marker 1" -msgstr "記號 1" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:33 -msgid "Marker 2" -msgstr "記號 2" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:37 -msgid "R trace" -msgstr "R 軌道" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:41 -msgid "G trace" -msgstr "G 軌道" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:45 -msgid "B trace" -msgstr "B 軌道" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:49 -msgid "Y trace" -msgstr "Y 軌道" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:53 -msgid "Pr trace" -msgstr "Pr 軌道" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:57 -msgid "Pb trace" -msgstr "Pb 軌道" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:61 -msgid "Alpha trace" -msgstr "透明度軌道" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:65 -msgid "Display average" -msgstr "顯示平均值" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:69 -msgid "Display RMS" -msgstr "顯示有效值" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:73 -msgid "Display minimum" -msgstr "顯示最小值" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:77 -msgid "Display maximum" -msgstr "顯示最大值" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:85 -msgid "CCIR rec. 601,CCIR rec. 709" -msgstr "CCIR rec. 601,CCIR rec. 709" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_13) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, background_list) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_9) -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:86 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:156 -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:176 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:182 -#: src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:197 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:944 -msgid "Color" -msgstr "色彩" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_pr0file.xml:90 -msgid "Crosshair color" -msgstr "准星色彩" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_primaries.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Primaries" -msgstr "三原色" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_primaries.xml:4 -msgid "Reduce image to primary colors" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_primaries.xml:7 data/effects/sox_stretch.xml:7 -msgid "Factor" -msgstr "因子" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_primaries.xml:8 -msgid " 32 = 0]]>" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QWidget, RGBParade_UI) -#: data/effects/frei0r_rgbparade.xml:3 src/scopes/scopemanager.cpp:308 -#: src/ui/rgbparade_ui.ui:14 -msgid "RGB Parade" -msgstr "RGB 檢視" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_rgbparade.xml:4 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Display a histogram of R, G and B components of the video data" -msgstr "音效波形" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_saturat0r.xml:4 -msgid "Adjusts the saturation of a source image" -msgstr "調整源圖片的飽和度" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_scale0tilt.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Crop, Scale and Position" -msgstr "縮放傾斜" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_scale0tilt.xml:4 -msgid "Scales, Tilts and Crops an Image" -msgstr "縮放、傾斜和裁剪圖片" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_scale0tilt.xml:7 -msgid "Clip left" -msgstr "素材手邊" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_scale0tilt.xml:10 -msgid "Clip right" -msgstr "素材右側" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_scale0tilt.xml:13 -msgid "Clip top" -msgstr "素材頂端" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_scale0tilt.xml:16 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Clip bottom" -msgstr "素材底端" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_scale0tilt.xml:19 -msgid "Scale X" -msgstr "縮放 X" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_scale0tilt.xml:22 -msgid "Scale Y" -msgstr "縮放 Y" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_scale0tilt.xml:25 -msgid "Tilt X" -msgstr "傾斜 X" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_scale0tilt.xml:28 -msgid "Tilt Y" -msgstr "傾斜 Y" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_scanline0r.xml:3 -msgid "scanline0r" -msgstr "掃描線0r" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_scanline0r.xml:4 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Interlaced black lines" -msgstr "交錯式" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:4 data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:51 -msgid "Color Selection" -msgstr "選擇顏色" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:5 data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:52 -msgid "Color based alpha selection" -msgstr "基於透明度選取區域的色彩" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:9 data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:56 -msgid "Color to select" -msgstr "所選色彩" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:13 data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:60 -msgid "Invert selection" -msgstr "反轉所選區域" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:17 data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:79 -msgid "Delta R / A / Hue" -msgstr "變數 R / A / 色相" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:21 data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:83 -msgid "Delta G / B / Chroma" -msgstr "變數 G / B / 色度" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:25 data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:87 -msgid "Delta B / I / I" -msgstr "變數 B / I / I" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:29 data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:64 -msgid "RGB,ABI,HCI" -msgstr "RGB,ABI,HCI" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:30 data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:65 -msgid "Selection subspace" -msgstr "選取子空間" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:34 data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:69 -msgid "Box,Ellipsoid,Diamond" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:35 data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:70 -msgid "Subspace shape" -msgstr "子空間形狀" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:39 -msgid "Hard,Fat,Normal,Skinny" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:40 data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:75 -msgid "Edge mode" -msgstr "邊緣模式" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_select0r.xml:74 -msgid "Hard,Fat,Normal,Skinny,Slope" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sharpness.xml:3 -msgid "Sharpen" -msgstr "銳化" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sharpness.xml:4 -msgid "Unsharp masking (port from Mplayer)" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sobel.xml:3 -msgid "Sobel" -msgstr "邊緣偵測" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sobel.xml:4 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Sobel filter" -msgstr "影片檔案" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:4 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:59 -msgid "SOP/Sat" -msgstr "SOP / 飽和度" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:5 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:60 -msgid "" -"Changes Slope, Offset, and Power of the color components, and the overall " -"Saturation, according to the ASC CDL (Color Decision List)." -msgstr "根據 ASC CDL(色板)變更色彩元件的斜率、偏移和強度,以及整體飽和度。" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:8 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:63 -msgid "Slope Red" -msgstr "傾斜紅色" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:10 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:65 -msgid "" -"\n" -" All effects can be observed well when applied on a greyscale " -"gradient and looking at the RGB Parade monitor.]]>" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:13 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:68 -msgid "Slope Green" -msgstr "傾斜綠色" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:16 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:71 -msgid "Slope Blue" -msgstr "傾斜藍色" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:19 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:74 -msgid "Slope Alpha" -msgstr "傾斜透明度" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:23 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:78 -msgid "Offset Red" -msgstr "紅色偏移" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:24 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:79 -msgid "" -"Changing the offset lifts (or lowers) the brightness of each pixel by the " -"given value." -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:27 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:82 -msgid "Offset Green" -msgstr "綠色偏移" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:30 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:85 -msgid "Offset Blue" -msgstr "藍色偏移" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:33 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:88 -msgid "Offset Alpha" -msgstr "透明度偏移" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:37 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:92 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Power Red" -msgstr "加化 (伽瑪) 紅色" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:39 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:94 -msgid "" -"\n" -" Mathematically, what happens is an exponentiation of the " -"pixel brightness on [0,1] by the gamma value.]]>" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:42 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:97 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Power Green" -msgstr "加化 (伽瑪) 綠色" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:45 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:100 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Power Blue" -msgstr "加化 (伽瑪) 藍色" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:48 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:103 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Power Alpha" -msgstr "加化 (伽瑪) 透明度" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:52 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:107 -msgid "Overall Saturation" -msgstr "整體飽和度" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:53 data/effects/frei0r_sopsat.xml:108 -msgid "The overall saturation will be changed in the last step of this filter." -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_squareblur.xml:3 -msgid "Square Blur" -msgstr "方塊模糊" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_squareblur.xml:4 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Square blur" -msgstr "方塊模糊" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_squareblur.xml:7 -msgid "Kernel size" -msgstr "核心大小" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_tehroxx0r.xml:3 -msgid "TehRoxx0r" -msgstr "矩陣" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_tehroxx0r.xml:4 -msgid "Something videowall-ish" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_tehroxx0r.xml:7 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Interval" -msgstr "間隔" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_three_point_balance.xml:3 -msgid "3 point balance" -msgstr "3 點平衡" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_three_point_balance.xml:4 -msgid "Balances colors along with 3 points" -msgstr "沿著 3 點平衡色彩" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_three_point_balance.xml:7 -msgid "Black color" -msgstr "黑色" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_three_point_balance.xml:10 -msgid "Gray color" -msgstr "灰色" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_three_point_balance.xml:13 -msgid "White color" -msgstr "白色" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_three_point_balance.xml:16 -msgid "Split screen preview" -msgstr "分屏預覽" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_three_point_balance.xml:19 -msgid "Source image on left side" -msgstr "手邊察看初始畫面" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_threelay0r.xml:3 -msgid "threelay0r" -msgstr "影印" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_threelay0r.xml:4 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Dynamic 3-level thresholding" -msgstr "飽和度" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_threshold0r.xml:3 -msgid "Threshold0r" -msgstr "臨界值0r" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_threshold0r.xml:4 -msgid "Thresholds a source image" -msgstr "來源圖片的臨界值" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_timeout.xml:4 -msgid "Timeout indicator" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_timeout.xml:7 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Indicator color" -msgstr "反轉色彩" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, markers_list) -#: data/effects/frei0r_timeout.xml:10 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:427 -msgid "Time" -msgstr "時間" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_tint0r.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Tint" -msgstr "著色0r" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_tint0r.xml:4 -msgid "Maps source image luminance between two colors specified" -msgstr "將源圖片的亮度應用到指定的兩種色彩之間" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_tint0r.xml:7 -msgid "Map black to" -msgstr "對應黑色的色彩" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_tint0r.xml:10 -msgid "Map white to" -msgstr "對應白色的色彩" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_tint0r.xml:13 -msgid "Tint amount" -msgstr "著色量" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_twolay0r.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -msgid "twolay0r" -msgstr "延遲0r" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_twolay0r.xml:4 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Dynamic thresholding" -msgstr "飽和度" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_vectorscope.xml:3 src/scopes/scopemanager.cpp:306 -msgid "Vectorscope" -msgstr "向量示波器" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_vectorscope.xml:4 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Display a vectorscope of the video data" -msgstr "音效波形" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_vertigo.xml:4 data/effects/frei0r_vertigo.xml:15 -msgid "Vertigo" -msgstr "眩暈" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_vertigo.xml:5 data/effects/frei0r_vertigo.xml:16 -msgid "Alpha blending with zoomed and rotated images" -msgstr "透明度融合縮放和旋轉的圖片" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_vertigo.xml:8 data/effects/frei0r_vertigo.xml:19 -msgid "Phase Increment" -msgstr "相位增量" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_vertigo.xml:11 data/effects/frei0r_vertigo.xml:22 -msgid "Zoom Rate" -msgstr "縮放率" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_vignette.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Vignette" -msgstr "暈映特效" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_vignette.xml:4 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Natural lens vignetting effect" -msgstr "編輯特效時發生問題" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_vignette.xml:7 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Aspect ratio" -msgstr "縱橫比:" - -#: data/effects/frei0r_vignette.xml:10 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Clear center size" -msgstr "核心大小" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_softness) -#: data/effects/frei0r_vignette.xml:13 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:709 -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:302 src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:220 -msgid "Softness" -msgstr "柔和度" - -#: data/effects/gain.xml:3 data/effects/gain.xml:7 data/effects/mute.xml:7 -#: data/effects/normalise.xml:7 data/effects/sox_bass.xml:7 -#: data/effects/sox_gain.xml:7 data/effects/volume.xml:7 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/lumaliftgain.cpp:65 -msgid "Gain" -msgstr "增益" - -#: data/effects/gain.xml:4 -msgid "Adjust the audio volume without keyframes" -msgstr "調整音效音量 (不含關鍵影格)" - -#: data/effects/gamma.xml:4 -msgid "Change gamma color value" -msgstr "修改伽瑪值" - -#: data/effects/grain.xml:3 -msgid "Grain" -msgstr "隨機粒子" - -#: data/effects/grain.xml:4 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Grain over the image" -msgstr "正在建立功能表鏡像檔案" - -#: data/effects/grain.xml:7 data/effects/movit_deconvolution_sharpen.xml:18 -#: plugins/sampleplugin/sampleplugin.cpp:34 -#: plugins/sampleplugin/sampleplugin.cpp:42 -#: plugins/sampleplugin/sampleplugin.cpp:54 -#: plugins/sampleplugin/sampleplugin.cpp:78 -msgid "Noise" -msgstr "粒子" - -#: data/effects/greyscale.xml:3 -msgid "Greyscale" -msgstr "灰階" - -#: data/effects/greyscale.xml:4 -msgid "Discard color information" -msgstr "丟棄色彩資訊" - -#: data/effects/invert.xml:4 -msgid "Invert colors" -msgstr "反轉色彩" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_declipper.xml:3 -msgid "Declipper" -msgstr "除去雜音" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_declipper.xml:4 -msgid "LADSPA declipper audio effect" -msgstr "LADSPA 去除雜音器聲訊特效" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer.xml:3 -msgid "Equalizer" -msgstr "均衡器" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer.xml:4 -msgid "LADSPA equalizer audio effect" -msgstr "LADSPA 等化器聲訊特效" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer.xml:7 -msgid "Lo gain" -msgstr "低增益" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer.xml:10 -msgid "Mid gain" -msgstr "中等增益" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer.xml:13 -msgid "Hi gain" -msgstr "高增益" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -msgid "15 Band Equalizer" -msgstr "均衡器" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:4 -#, fuzzy -msgid "LADSPA equalizer audio effect (15 band)" -msgstr "LADSPA 等化器聲訊特效" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:7 -msgid "50 Hz" -msgstr "50 Hz" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:10 -msgid "100 Hz" -msgstr "100 Hz" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:13 -msgid "156 Hz" -msgstr "156 Hz" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:16 -msgid "220 Hz" -msgstr "220 Hz" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:19 -msgid "311 Hz" -msgstr "311 Hz" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:22 -msgid "440 Hz" -msgstr "440 Hz" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:25 -msgid "622 Hz" -msgstr "622 Hz" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:28 -msgid "880 Hz" -msgstr "880 Hz" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:31 -msgid "1250 Hz" -msgstr "1250 Hz" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:34 -msgid "1750 Hz" -msgstr "1750 Hz" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:37 -msgid "2500 Hz" -msgstr "2500 Hz" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:40 -msgid "3500 Hz" -msgstr "3500 Hz" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:43 -msgid "5000 Hz" -msgstr "5000 Hz" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:46 -msgid "10000 Hz" -msgstr "10000 Hz" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_equalizer_15.xml:49 -msgid "20000 Hz" -msgstr "20000 Hz" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_limiter.xml:3 -msgid "Limiter" -msgstr "限制" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_limiter.xml:4 -msgid "LADSPA limiter audio effect" -msgstr "LADSPA 限制器聲訊特效" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_limiter.xml:7 -msgid "Input gain (dB)" -msgstr "匯入增益 (dB)" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_limiter.xml:10 -msgid "Limit (dB)" -msgstr "限制(dB)" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_limiter.xml:13 -msgid "Release time (s)" -msgstr "重設時間 (s)" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_phaser.xml:3 -msgid "Phaser" -msgstr "相位" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_phaser.xml:4 -msgid "LADSPA phaser audio effect" -msgstr "LADSPA 相移聲訊特效" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_phaser.xml:7 -msgid "Rate (Hz)" -msgstr "頻率 (Hz)" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_phaser.xml:10 data/effects/sox_flanger.xml:10 -msgid "Depth" -msgstr "深度" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_phaser.xml:13 -msgid "Feedback" -msgstr "回饋" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_phaser.xml:16 -msgid "Spread" -msgstr "延伸" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_pitch.xml:3 -msgid "Pitch Shift" -msgstr "音高位移" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_pitch.xml:4 -msgid "LADSPA change pitch audio effect" -msgstr "LADSPA 改變音高聲訊特效" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_pitch.xml:7 data/effects/sox_pitch.xml:7 -msgid "Shift" -msgstr "Shift" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_pitch_scale.xml:3 -msgid "Pitch Scaler" -msgstr "音調定標" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_pitch_scale.xml:4 -msgid "LADSPA pitch scale audio effect" -msgstr "LADSPA 音高縮放聲訊特效" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_pitch_scale.xml:7 -msgid "Co-efficient" -msgstr "Co-efficient" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_rate_scale.xml:3 -msgid "Rate Scaler" -msgstr "頻率縮放" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_rate_scale.xml:4 -msgid "LADSPA rate scale audio effect" -msgstr "LADSPA 頻率縮放聲訊特效" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_rate_scale.xml:7 -msgid "Rate" -msgstr "頻率" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_reverb.xml:3 -msgid "Reverb" -msgstr "混響" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_reverb.xml:4 -msgid "LADSPA reverb audio effect" -msgstr "LADSPA 混響聲訊特效" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_reverb.xml:7 -msgid "Reverb time" -msgstr "混響時間" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_reverb.xml:10 data/effects/ladspa_room_reverb.xml:13 -msgid "Damping" -msgstr "阻尼" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_room_reverb.xml:3 -msgid "Room Reverb" -msgstr "室內混響" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_room_reverb.xml:4 -msgid "LADSPA room reverb audio effect" -msgstr "LADSPA 室內混響聲訊特效" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_room_reverb.xml:7 -msgid "Room size (m)" -msgstr "房間大小 (m)" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_room_reverb.xml:10 -msgid "Delay (s/10)" -msgstr "延遲 (s/10)" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_vinyl.xml:3 -msgid "Vinyl" -msgstr "Vinyl" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_vinyl.xml:4 -msgid "Simulates a vinyl audio player - LADSPA audio effect" -msgstr "模擬一個 vinyl 聲訊播放器 - LADSPA 聲訊特效" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_vinyl.xml:7 src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:166 -msgid "Year" -msgstr "年" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_vinyl.xml:10 -msgid "RPM" -msgstr "RPM" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_vinyl.xml:13 -msgid "Surface warping" -msgstr "曲面變形" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_vinyl.xml:16 -msgid "Crackle" -msgstr "破音" - -#: data/effects/ladspa_vinyl.xml:19 -msgid "Wear" -msgstr "磨損" - -#: data/effects/lift_gamma_gain.xml:3 -msgid "Lift/gamma/gain" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/lift_gamma_gain.xml:6 data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain.xml:6 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain2.xml:6 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Lift: Red" -msgstr "紅色偏移" - -#: data/effects/lift_gamma_gain.xml:9 data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain.xml:9 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain2.xml:9 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Lift: Green" -msgstr "綠色偏移" - -#: data/effects/lift_gamma_gain.xml:12 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain.xml:12 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain2.xml:12 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Lift: Blue" -msgstr "藍色偏移" - -#: data/effects/lift_gamma_gain.xml:15 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain.xml:15 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain2.xml:15 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Gamma: Red" -msgstr "伽瑪" - -#: data/effects/lift_gamma_gain.xml:18 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain.xml:18 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain2.xml:18 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Gamma: Green" -msgstr "匯入增益" - -#: data/effects/lift_gamma_gain.xml:21 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain.xml:21 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain2.xml:21 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Gamma: Blue" -msgstr "伽瑪" - -#: data/effects/lift_gamma_gain.xml:24 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain.xml:24 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain2.xml:24 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Gain: Red" -msgstr "匯入增益" - -#: data/effects/lift_gamma_gain.xml:27 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain.xml:27 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain2.xml:27 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Gain: Green" -msgstr "匯入增益" - -#: data/effects/lift_gamma_gain.xml:30 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain.xml:30 -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain2.xml:30 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Gain: Blue" -msgstr "匯出增益" - -#: data/effects/loudness.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Loudness" -msgstr "柔和度" - -#: data/effects/loudness.xml:4 -msgid "Correct audio loudness as recommended by EBU R128" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/loudness.xml:7 -msgid "Target Program Loudness" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/mirror.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Mirror" -msgstr "錯誤" - -#: data/effects/mirror.xml:4 -msgid "Flip your image in any direction" -msgstr "以任意旋轉您的圖片" - -#: data/effects/mirror.xml:7 -msgid "Horizontal,Vertical,Diagonal,X Diagonal,Flip,Flop" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/mirror.xml:8 -msgid "Mirroring direction" -msgstr "鏡像反射方向" - -#: data/effects/movit_blur.xml:3 -msgid "Blur (GPU)" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_6) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_8) -#: data/effects/movit_blur.xml:6 data/effects/movit_diffusion.xml:6 -#: data/effects/movit_glow.xml:6 data/effects/movit_unsharp_mask.xml:6 -#: data/effects/movit_vignette.xml:6 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:891 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:915 -msgid "Radius" -msgstr "半徑" - -#: data/effects/movit_deconvolution_sharpen.xml:3 -msgid "Deconvolution sharpen (GPU)" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/movit_deconvolution_sharpen.xml:6 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Matrix size" -msgstr "檔案大小" - -#: data/effects/movit_deconvolution_sharpen.xml:9 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Circle radius" -msgstr "半徑" - -#: data/effects/movit_deconvolution_sharpen.xml:12 -msgid "Gaussian radius" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/movit_deconvolution_sharpen.xml:15 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Correlation" -msgstr "鏡頭校正" - -#: data/effects/movit_diffusion.xml:3 -msgid "Diffusion (GPU)" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/movit_diffusion.xml:9 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Mix amount" -msgstr "著色量" - -#: data/effects/movit_glow.xml:3 -msgid "Glow (GPU)" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/movit_glow.xml:9 -msgid "Glow strength" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/movit_glow.xml:12 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Highlight cutoff threshold" -msgstr "亮度降低" - -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain.xml:3 -msgid "Lift/gamma/gain (GPU)" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/movit_lift_gamma_gain2.xml:3 -msgid "Movit: Lift/gamma/gain (colors)" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/movit_mirror.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Mirror (GPU)" -msgstr "錯誤" - -#: data/effects/movit_opacity.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Opacity" -msgid "Opacity (GPU)" -msgstr "不透明度度" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_opacity) -#: data/effects/movit_opacity.xml:6 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:211 src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:113 -msgid "Opacity" -msgstr "不透明度度" - -#: data/effects/movit_rect.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Pan and Zoom" -msgid "Pan and Zoom (GPU)" -msgstr "平移和縮放" - -#: data/effects/movit_rect.xml:9 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "lupscale" -msgid "Allow upscale" -msgstr "高層次" - -#: data/effects/movit_saturation.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Saturation" -msgid "Saturation (GPU)" -msgstr "飽和度" - -#: data/effects/movit_unsharp_mask.xml:3 -msgid "Unsharp mask (GPU)" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/movit_vignette.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Vignette (GPU)" -msgstr "暈映特效" - -#: data/effects/movit_vignette.xml:9 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Inner radius" -msgstr "半徑" - -#: data/effects/movit_white_balance.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "White Balance" -msgid "White Balance (GPU)" -msgstr "白平衡" - -#: data/effects/mute.xml:3 -msgid "Mute" -msgstr "靜音" - -#: data/effects/mute.xml:4 -msgid "Mute clip" -msgstr "素材靜音" - -#: data/effects/normalise.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Normalise" -msgstr "普通" - -#: data/effects/normalise.xml:4 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Dynamically normalise the audio volume" -msgstr "標准化聲訊音量" - -#: data/effects/normalise.xml:10 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Maximum gain" -msgstr "中等增益" - -#: data/effects/normalise.xml:13 data/effects/sox_stretch.xml:10 -msgid "Window" -msgstr "視窗" - -#: data/effects/obscure.xml:4 -msgid "Hide a region of the clip" -msgstr "隱藏素材的區域" - -#: data/effects/obscure.xml:7 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:760 -msgid "Region" -msgstr "區域" - -#: data/effects/oldfilm.xml:3 -msgid "Oldfilm" -msgstr "老膠片" - -#: data/effects/oldfilm.xml:4 -msgid "Moves the Picture up and down and random brightness change" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/oldfilm.xml:7 -msgid "Y-Delta" -msgstr "Y - 增量" - -#: data/effects/oldfilm.xml:10 -#, no-c-format -msgid "% of picture have a delta" -msgstr "圖片增量(%)" - -#: data/effects/oldfilm.xml:13 -msgid "Brightness up" -msgstr "亮度增加" - -#: data/effects/oldfilm.xml:16 -msgid "Brightness down" -msgstr "亮度降低" - -#: data/effects/oldfilm.xml:19 -msgid "Brightness every" -msgstr "亮度頻閃率" - -#: data/effects/oldfilm.xml:22 -msgid "Unevendevelop up" -msgstr "不均衡率增加" - -#: data/effects/oldfilm.xml:25 -msgid "Unevendevelop down" -msgstr "不均衡率降低" - -#: data/effects/oldfilm.xml:28 -msgid "Unevendevelop Duration" -msgstr "不均衡持續時間" - -#: data/effects/pan_zoom.xml:3 data/effects/region.xml:10 -#: data/effects/rotation.xml:37 -msgid "Pan and Zoom" -msgstr "平移和縮放" - -#: data/effects/pan_zoom.xml:4 -msgid "Adjust size and position of clip" -msgstr "調整素材的大小和位置" - -#: data/effects/region.xml:3 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Regionalize" -msgstr "區域" - -#: data/effects/region.xml:4 -msgid "Apply sub-effects to a region defined by a clip's alpha channel" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/region.xml:7 -msgid "Url" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/rotation.xml:3 -msgid "Rotate and Shear" -msgstr "旋轉和傾斜" - -#: data/effects/rotation.xml:4 data/effects/rotation_keyframable.xml:4 -msgid "Rotate clip in any 3 directions" -msgstr "以 3 個方向旋轉素材" - -#: data/effects/rotation.xml:7 data/effects/rotation_keyframable.xml:7 -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:747 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:216 -msgid "Rotate X" -msgstr "沿 X 軸旋轉" - -#: data/effects/rotation.xml:10 data/effects/rotation_keyframable.xml:10 -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:748 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:219 -msgid "Rotate Y" -msgstr "沿 Y 軸旋轉" - -#: data/effects/rotation.xml:13 data/effects/rotation_keyframable.xml:13 -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:749 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:222 -msgid "Rotate Z" -msgstr "沿 Z 軸旋轉" - -#: data/effects/rotation.xml:16 -msgid "Animate Rotate X" -msgstr "沿 X 軸動畫旋轉" - -#: data/effects/rotation.xml:19 -msgid "Animate Rotate Y" -msgstr "沿 Y 軸動畫旋轉" - -#: data/effects/rotation.xml:22 -msgid "Animate Rotate Z" -msgstr "沿 Z 軸動畫旋轉" - -#: data/effects/rotation.xml:25 -msgid "Shear X" -msgstr "沿 X 軸傾斜" - -#: data/effects/rotation.xml:28 -msgid "Shear Y" -msgstr "沿 Y 軸傾斜" - -#: data/effects/rotation.xml:31 -msgid "Animate Shear X" -msgstr "沿 X 軸動畫傾斜" - -#: data/effects/rotation.xml:34 -msgid "Animate Shear Y" -msgstr "沿 Y 軸動畫傾斜" - -#: data/effects/rotation_keyframable.xml:3 -msgid "Rotate (keyframable)" -msgstr "旋轉 (關鍵影格)" - -#: data/effects/rotation_keyframable.xml:16 -msgid "Offset X" -msgstr "X 位移" - -#: data/effects/rotation_keyframable.xml:19 -msgid "Offset Y" -msgstr "Y 位移" - -#: data/effects/rotoscoping.xml:3 -msgid "Rotoscoping" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/rotoscoping.xml:4 -msgid "Keyframable vector based rotoscoping" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/rotoscoping.xml:8 -msgid "Alpha,Luma,RGB" -msgstr "Alpha,Luma,RGB" - -#: data/effects/rotoscoping.xml:9 -msgid "Mode" -msgstr "模式" - -#: data/effects/rotoscoping.xml:14 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Alpha Operation" -msgstr "透明度通道作業" - -#: data/effects/rotoscoping.xml:22 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:3422 -msgid "Track" -msgstr "軌道" - -#: data/effects/rotoscoping.xml:26 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Feather width" -msgstr "羽化" - -#: data/effects/rotoscoping.xml:30 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Feathering passes" -msgstr "羽化" - -#: data/effects/scratchlines.xml:3 -msgid "Scratchlines" -msgstr "划痕" - -#: data/effects/scratchlines.xml:4 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Scratchlines over the picture" -msgstr "正在建立功能表鏡像檔案" - -#: data/effects/scratchlines.xml:7 -msgid "Width of line" -msgstr "線寬" - -#: data/effects/scratchlines.xml:10 -msgid "Max number of lines" -msgstr "最大划痕數" - -#: data/effects/scratchlines.xml:13 -msgid "Max darker" -msgstr "最大暗線條數" - -#: data/effects/scratchlines.xml:16 -msgid "Max lighter" -msgstr "最大明線條數" - -#: data/effects/sepia.xml:3 -msgid "Sepia" -msgstr "褐色" - -#: data/effects/sepia.xml:4 -msgid "Turn clip colors to sepia" -msgstr "將素材色彩轉成深褐色" - -#: data/effects/sepia.xml:7 -msgid "Chrominance U" -msgstr "色度 U" - -#: data/effects/sepia.xml:10 -msgid "Chrominance V" -msgstr "色度 V" - -#: data/effects/sox_band.xml:3 -msgid "Sox Band" -msgstr "Sox 頻段" - -#: data/effects/sox_band.xml:4 -msgid "Sox band audio effect" -msgstr "Sox 頻段聲訊特效" - -#: data/effects/sox_band.xml:7 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Center Frequency" -msgstr "頻率" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_4) -#: data/effects/sox_band.xml:10 data/effects/sox_flanger.xml:16 -#: src/ui/geometryval_ui.ui:181 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:307 -msgid "Width" -msgstr "寬度" - -#: data/effects/sox_bass.xml:3 -msgid "Sox Bass" -msgstr "Sox 低音" - -#: data/effects/sox_bass.xml:4 -msgid "Sox bass audio effect" -msgstr "Sox 低音聲訊特效" - -#: data/effects/sox_echo.xml:3 -msgid "Sox Echo" -msgstr "Sox 回音" - -#: data/effects/sox_echo.xml:4 -msgid "Sox echo audio effect" -msgstr "Sox 回音聲訊特效" - -#: data/effects/sox_echo.xml:7 data/effects/sox_phaser.xml:7 -msgid "Gain In" -msgstr "匯入增益" - -#: data/effects/sox_echo.xml:10 data/effects/sox_phaser.xml:10 -msgid "Gain Out" -msgstr "匯出增益" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_13) -#: data/effects/sox_echo.xml:13 data/effects/sox_flanger.xml:7 -#: data/effects/sox_phaser.xml:13 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:994 -msgid "Delay" -msgstr "延遲" - -#: data/effects/sox_echo.xml:16 data/effects/sox_phaser.xml:16 -msgid "Decay" -msgstr "衰減" - -#: data/effects/sox_flanger.xml:3 -msgid "Sox Flanger" -msgstr "Sox 回旋音" - -#: data/effects/sox_flanger.xml:4 -msgid "Sox flanger audio effect" -msgstr "Sox 回旋聲訊特效" - -#: data/effects/sox_flanger.xml:13 -msgid "Regeneration" -msgstr "重新產生" - -#: data/effects/sox_flanger.xml:19 data/effects/sox_phaser.xml:19 -#: data/effects/speed.xml:3 data/effects/speed.xml:7 -msgid "Speed" -msgstr "速度" - -#: data/effects/sox_flanger.xml:25 -msgid "Phase" -msgstr "相位" - -#: data/effects/sox_flanger.xml:28 src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:383 -msgid "Interpolation" -msgstr "內插" - -#: data/effects/sox_gain.xml:3 -msgid "Sox Gain" -msgstr "Sox 增益" - -#: data/effects/sox_gain.xml:4 -msgid "Sox gain audio effect" -msgstr "Sox 增益聲訊特效" - -#: data/effects/sox_gain.xml:12 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Normalize" -msgstr "普通" - -#: data/effects/sox_phaser.xml:3 -msgid "Sox Phaser" -msgstr "Sox 相移" - -#: data/effects/sox_phaser.xml:4 -msgid "Sox phaser audio effect" -msgstr "Sox 相移聲訊特效" - -#: data/effects/sox_pitch.xml:3 -msgid "Sox Pitch Shift" -msgstr "Sox 音高偏移" - -#: data/effects/sox_pitch.xml:4 -msgid "Sox change pitch audio effect" -msgstr "Sox 音高變化聲訊特效" - -#: data/effects/sox_pitch.xml:10 -msgid "Time window (ms)" -msgstr "時間視窗 (ms)" - -#: data/effects/sox_reverb.xml:3 -msgid "Sox Reverb" -msgstr "Sox 混響" - -#: data/effects/sox_reverb.xml:4 -msgid "Sox reverb audio effect" -msgstr "Sox 混響聲訊特效" - -#: data/effects/sox_reverb.xml:7 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Reverberance" -msgstr "混響" - -#: data/effects/sox_reverb.xml:10 -msgid "High frequency damping" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/sox_reverb.xml:13 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Room scale" -msgstr "標准化" - -#: data/effects/sox_reverb.xml:16 -msgid "Stereo depth" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/sox_reverb.xml:19 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Pre-delay" -msgstr "影印0r" - -#: data/effects/sox_reverb.xml:22 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Wet gain" -msgstr "高增益" - -#: data/effects/sox_stretch.xml:3 -msgid "Sox Stretch" -msgstr "Sox 伸縮" - -#: data/effects/sox_stretch.xml:4 -msgid "Sox stretch audio effect" -msgstr "Sox 伸縮聲訊特效" - -#: data/effects/speed.xml:4 -msgid "Make clip play faster or slower" -msgstr "使素材播放變快或變慢" - -#: data/effects/speed.xml:10 -msgid "Stroboscope" -msgstr "頻閃觀測器" - -#: data/effects/swapchannels.xml:3 -msgid "Swap channels" -msgstr "交換聲道" - -#: data/effects/swapchannels.xml:4 -msgid "Move the left channel to the right and right-to-left" -msgstr "交換左右聲道的位置" - -#: data/effects/tcolor.xml:3 -msgid "Technicolor" -msgstr "色彩艷麗" - -#: data/effects/tcolor.xml:4 -msgid "Oversaturate the color in video, like in old Technicolor movies" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/tcolor.xml:7 -msgid "Blue/Yellow axis" -msgstr "藍/黃軸" - -#: data/effects/tcolor.xml:10 -msgid "Red/Green axis" -msgstr "紅/綠軸" - -#: data/effects/threshold.xml:4 -msgid "Make monochrome clip" -msgstr "產生單色素材" - -#: data/effects/threshold.xml:7 -msgid "Threshold value" -msgstr "閥值" - -#: data/effects/threshold.xml:10 -msgid "Use transparency" -msgstr "使用透明度" - -#: data/effects/vignette.xml:3 -msgid "Vignette Effect" -msgstr "暈映特效" - -#: data/effects/vignette.xml:4 -msgid "Adjustable Vignette" -msgstr "可調整式暈映" - -#: data/effects/vignette.xml:7 -msgid "smooth" -msgstr "平滑" - -#: data/effects/vignette.xml:10 -msgid "radius" -msgstr "半徑" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_6) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_8) -#: data/effects/vignette.xml:13 src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:72 -#: src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:575 -msgid "x" -msgstr "x" - -#: data/effects/vignette.xml:16 -msgid "y" -msgstr "y" - -#: data/effects/vignette.xml:19 -msgid "opacity" -msgstr "不透明度度" - -#: data/effects/vignette.xml:22 -msgid "use cos instead of linear" -msgstr "" - -#: data/effects/volume.xml:3 -msgid "Volume (keyframable)" -msgstr "音量 (關鍵影格)" - -#: data/effects/volume.xml:4 -msgid "Adjust audio volume with keyframes" -msgstr "調整聲訊音量 (含關鍵影格)" - -#: data/effects/wave.xml:3 -msgid "Wave" -msgstr "波浪" - -#: data/effects/wave.xml:4 -msgid "Make waves on your clip with keyframes" -msgstr "在含有關鍵影格的素材上產生波紋" - -#: data/effects/wave.xml:10 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Horizontal" -msgstr "正中垂直" - -#: data/effects/wave.xml:13 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Vertical" -msgstr "正中水平" - -#: data/kdenliveeffectscategory.rc:5 -msgid "Colour correction" -msgstr "中心校正" - -#: data/kdenliveeffectscategory.rc:8 -msgid "Colour" -msgstr "色彩" - -#: data/kdenliveeffectscategory.rc:11 -msgid "Crop and transform" -msgstr "剪裁與轉場" - -#: data/kdenliveeffectscategory.rc:14 -msgid "Audio correction" -msgstr "聲訊校正" - -#: data/kdenliveeffectscategory.rc:17 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:655 -msgid "Audio channels" -msgstr "聲道" - -#: data/kdenliveeffectscategory.rc:20 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Analyse" -msgid "Analysis and data" -msgstr "分析" - -#: data/kdenliveeffectscategory.rc:23 -msgid "Fade" -msgstr "淡入" - -#: data/kdenliveeffectscategory.rc:26 -msgid "Artistic" -msgstr "" - -#: data/kdenliveeffectscategory.rc:29 -msgid "Blur and hide" -msgstr "模糊與隱藏" - -#: data/kdenliveeffectscategory.rc:32 -msgid "Motion" -msgstr "移動" - -#: data/kdenliveeffectscategory.rc:38 -msgid "Alpha manipulation" -msgstr "透明度度設定" - -#: data/kdenliveeffectscategory.rc:41 -msgid "Enhancement" -msgstr "增強" - -#: data/kdenliveeffectscategory.rc:44 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "effect" -msgid "GPU effects" -msgstr "特效" - -#. i18n: ectx: ToolBar (extraToolBar) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:4 -msgid "Extra Toolbar" -msgstr "延伸工具軸" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (project) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:21 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Project" -msgstr "專案" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (extract_audio) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:29 src/mainwindow.cpp:2752 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Extract Audio" -msgstr "擷取影格" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (clip_actions) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:32 src/mainwindow.cpp:2699 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Clip top" -msgid "Clip Jobs" -msgstr "素材頂端" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (transcoders) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:35 src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:184 -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:125 -msgid "Transcode" -msgstr "轉換編碼" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (generators) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:38 -msgid "Generators" -msgstr "建構程式" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (track_menu) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:40 src/mainwindow.cpp:1145 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Tracks" -msgstr "軌道" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (clip_in_timeline) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:55 -msgid "Clip in Timeline" -msgstr "時間軸中的素材" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (tool) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:70 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Tool" -msgstr "工具" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (clip) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:80 src/project/projectlistview.cpp:59 -msgid "Clip" -msgstr "素材" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (marker_menu) -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_3) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:81 src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:397 -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:402 -msgid "Markers" -msgstr "記號" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (timeline) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:96 src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:81 -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:2785 -msgid "Timeline" -msgstr "時間軸" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (keyboard_selection) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:97 -msgid "Selection" -msgstr "選取" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (keyboard_insert) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:105 -msgid "Insertion" -msgstr "插入" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (current_clip) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:110 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Cut clip" -msgid "Current clip" -msgstr "分割素材" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (all_clips) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:117 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Add clip" -#| msgid_plural "Add clips" -msgid "All clips" -msgstr "新增素材" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (guide_menu) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:120 -msgid "Guides" -msgstr "參照線" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (space_menu) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:126 -msgid "Space" -msgstr "空白空間" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (video_effects_menu) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:134 src/mainwindow.cpp:279 -msgid "Add Effect" -msgstr "新增特效" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (monitor) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:148 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Monitor" -msgstr "預覽視窗" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (monitor_go) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:154 src/timeline/customruler.cpp:93 -msgid "Go To" -msgstr "跳轉位置" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (monitor_config) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:176 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Monitor config" -msgstr "預覽視窗" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (dockwindows) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:187 -msgid "View" -msgstr "預覽" - -#. i18n: ectx: Menu (layout_save_as) -#: data/kdenliveui.rc:188 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Save Layout As" -msgstr "儲存為" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, CountDown_UI) -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, ClipStabilize_UI) -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, FreeSound_UI) -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, ArchiveWidget_UI) -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, BackupDialog_UI) -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, ClipTranscode_UI) -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, AddTrack_UI) -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, SmConfig_UI) -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, ManageEncodingProfile_UI) -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, ColorClip_UI) -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, RenderWidget_UI) -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, Stopmotion_UI) -#: plugins/sampleplugin/countdown_ui.ui:13 src/ui/addtrack_ui.ui:14 -#: src/ui/archivewidget_ui.ui:14 src/ui/backupdialog_ui.ui:14 -#: src/ui/clipstabilize_ui.ui:14 src/ui/cliptranscode_ui.ui:14 -#: src/ui/colorclip_ui.ui:14 src/ui/freesound_ui.ui:14 -#: src/ui/manageencodingprofile_ui.ui:14 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:14 -#: src/ui/smconfig_ui.ui:14 src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Dialog" -msgstr "對話方塊" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, destination_label) -#: plugins/sampleplugin/countdown_ui.ui:19 src/ui/cutjobdialog_ui.ui:47 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Save to" -msgstr "儲存區段" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, duration_label) -#: plugins/sampleplugin/countdown_ui.ui:29 -msgid "Duration (seconds)" -msgstr "持續時間(秒)" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, font_label) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_4) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_17) -#: plugins/sampleplugin/countdown_ui.ui:46 src/ui/dvdwizardmenu_ui.ui:89 -#: src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:331 -msgid "Font" -msgstr "字型" - -#: plugins/sampleplugin/sampleplugin.cpp:33 -msgid "Countdown" -msgstr "倒計時" - -#: plugins/sampleplugin/sampleplugin.cpp:55 -msgid "Create Noise Clip" -msgstr "建立粒子素材" - -#: plugins/sampleplugin/sampleplugin.cpp:59 -msgid "Create Countdown Clip" -msgstr "建立倒計時素材" - -#: plugins/sampleplugin/sampleplugin.cpp:97 -#: plugins/sampleplugin/sampleplugin.cpp:105 -#, fuzzy, kde-format -msgid "" -"Failed to generate clip:\n" -"%1" -msgstr "建立檔案失敗。" - -#: plugins/sampleplugin/sampleplugin.cpp:97 -#: plugins/sampleplugin/sampleplugin.cpp:105 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Generator Failed" -msgstr "建構程式" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:210 src/project/projectlist.cpp:133 -#, kde-format -msgid "%1 job" -msgid_plural "%1 jobs" -msgstr[0] "" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:211 src/project/projectlist.cpp:134 -#, kde-format -msgid "%1 pending job" -msgid_plural "%1 pending jobs" -msgstr[0] "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, button_search) -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:300 src/ui/freesound_ui.ui:74 -msgid "Search" -msgstr "搜索" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:336 -#, fuzzy -msgid "View Mode" -msgstr "模式" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:338 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Tree View" -msgstr "預覽" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:346 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Icon View" -msgstr "預覽" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:353 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Disable Bin Effects" -msgstr "移除特效" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:361 src/bin/bincommands.cpp:102 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Rename Folder" -msgstr "重命名檔案夾" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab) -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:370 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:50 -msgid "Settings" -msgstr "設定" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:372 src/project/clipproperties.cpp:351 -#: src/project/dialogs/slideshowclip.cpp:77 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:324 -msgid "Zoom" -msgstr "縮放" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:378 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Show date" -msgstr "顯示透明度通道" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:381 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Description" -msgid "Show description" -msgstr "說明" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:399 src/project/projectlist.cpp:213 -msgid "Cancel All Jobs" -msgstr "" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:401 src/project/projectlist.cpp:217 -msgid "Cancel Current Clip Jobs" -msgstr "" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:431 src/project/projectlist.cpp:254 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Show Log" -msgstr "察看分散圖" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:504 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Creating audio thumbnail for %1" -msgid "Creating audio thumbnails" -msgstr "建立 %1 的音訊縮略圖" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:511 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Show audio thumbnails" -msgid "Audio thumbnails done" -msgstr "顯示音效縮略圖" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:805 -msgctxt "append to clip name to indicate a copied idem" -msgid " (copy)" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:929 src/bin/bin.cpp:2217 -#: src/project/folderprojectitem.cpp:37 src/project/projectlist.cpp:1085 -#: src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:60 -msgid "Folder" -msgstr "檔案夾" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:1056 -#, kde-format -msgid "Folder contains a clip, delete anyways ?" -msgid_plural "Folder contains %1 clips, delete anyways ?" -msgstr[0] "" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:1173 src/mainwindow.cpp:1234 -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:1004 -msgid "Delete Clip" -msgstr "移除素材" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:1174 src/mainwindow.cpp:1251 -msgid "Proxy Clip" -msgstr "" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:1181 src/project/projectlist.cpp:995 -msgid "Delete Folder" -msgstr "刪除資料夾" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:1182 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Proxy Folder" -msgstr "專案檔案夾" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2015 src/bin/bincommands.cpp:62 src/bin/bincommands.cpp:82 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Move Clip" -msgid_plural "Move Clips" -msgstr[0] "移動素材" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2231 -#, fuzzy, kde-format -#| msgid "Playlist clips" -msgid "Playlist clip %1 is invalid." -msgstr "素材播放清單" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2236 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Playlist clip %1 has too many tracks (%2) to be imported. Add new tracks to " -"your project." -msgstr "" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2449 src/project/projectlist.cpp:465 -msgid "Please set a default application to open images in the Settings dialog" -msgstr "請在設定視窗中指定用於開啟圖片的程式" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2455 src/project/projectlist.cpp:471 -msgid "" -"Please set a default application to open audio files in the Settings dialog" -msgstr "請在設定視窗中指定用於開啟音效的程式" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2511 src/project/projectlist.cpp:2661 -msgid "No data returned from clip analysis" -msgstr "" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2525 src/project/projectlist.cpp:2674 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Processing data analysis" -msgstr "解碼執行緒" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2531 src/project/projectlist.cpp:2680 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Auto Split Clip" -msgstr "正在載入素材" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2549 src/project/projectlist.cpp:2698 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Add Markers" -msgstr "新增記號" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2592 src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:85 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:474 src/project/projectcommands.cpp:164 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Add marker" -msgid "Add marker" -msgid_plural "Add markers" -msgstr[0] "新增記號" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2603 src/bin/bin.cpp:2685 src/project/jobs/filterjob.cpp:96 -#: src/timeline/markerdialog.cpp:45 -#, kde-format -msgid "Category %1" -msgstr "" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2608 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Load Clip Markers" -msgstr "新增記號" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2623 src/bin/bin.cpp:2720 -#: src/dialogs/profilesdialog.cpp:219 src/dialogs/profilesdialog.cpp:520 -#, fuzzy, kde-format -msgid "Cannot open file %1" -msgstr "無法開啟檔案" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QDialog, MarkerDialog_UI) -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2649 src/definitions.cpp:78 src/definitions.cpp:95 -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:367 src/mainwindow.cpp:1831 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:727 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:801 src/ui/markerdialog_ui.ui:14 -msgid "Marker" -msgstr "記號" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2683 -#, fuzzy -msgid "All categories" -msgstr "所有檔案" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2690 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Save Clip Markers" -msgstr "移除記號" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2733 src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:86 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:478 src/project/projectcommands.cpp:162 -msgid "Delete marker" -msgstr "移除記號" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2748 -msgid "Delete clip markers" -msgstr "移除素材記號" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2750 -msgid "Clip has no markers" -msgstr "素材沒有記號" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2788 src/project/clippropertiesmanager.cpp:126 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"You are editing an external title clip (%1). Do you want to save your " -"changes to the title file or save the changes for this project only?" -msgstr "" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2788 src/project/clippropertiesmanager.cpp:126 -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:1766 -msgid "Save Title" -msgstr "儲存字幕" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2788 src/project/clippropertiesmanager.cpp:126 -msgid "Save to title file" -msgstr "儲存到字幕檔" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2788 src/project/clippropertiesmanager.cpp:126 -msgid "Save in project only" -msgstr "僅儲存在專案中" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2852 src/project/projectlist.cpp:1428 -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:1430 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:4517 -msgid "Invalid clip" -msgstr "無效的素材" - -#: src/bin/bin.cpp:2852 src/project/projectlist.cpp:1428 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Clip is invalid, will be removed from project." -msgstr "素材 %1
無效,將從專案中移除。" - -#: src/bin/bincommands.cpp:34 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Remove Folder" -msgstr "重命名檔案夾" - -#: src/bin/bincommands.cpp:35 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Add Folder" -msgstr "新增檔案夾" - -#: src/bin/bincommands.cpp:121 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Add Effect" -msgid "Add Bin Effect" -msgstr "新增特效" - -#: src/bin/bincommands.cpp:140 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Remove Bin Effect" -msgstr "重設特效" - -#: src/bin/bincommands.cpp:162 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Rename Zone" -msgstr "重命名檔案夾" - -#: src/bin/bincommands.cpp:184 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Add Sub Clip" -msgstr "新增素材" - -#: src/bin/bincommands.cpp:217 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:1628 -msgid "Edit clip" -msgstr "編輯素材" - -#: src/bin/projectclip.cpp:90 src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:879 -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:195 -msgid "Untitled" -msgstr "未命名" - -#: src/bin/projectclip.cpp:272 src/project/projectlist.cpp:2458 -#, fuzzy -msgctxt "The first letter of Proxy, used as abbreviation" -msgid "P" -msgstr "P" - -#: src/bin/projectclip.cpp:940 src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:1228 -#, kde-format -msgid "Clip already contains analysis data %1" -msgstr "" - -#: src/bin/projectclip.cpp:940 src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:1228 -msgid "Merge" -msgstr "" - -#: src/bin/projectclip.cpp:940 src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:1228 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Add" -msgstr "新增 %1" - -#: src/bin/projectfolder.cpp:74 -#, fuzzy, kde-format -msgid "%1 clip" -msgid_plural "%1 clips" -msgstr[0] "(%1個素材)" - -#: src/bin/projectfolderup.cpp:35 -msgid "Back" -msgstr "" - -#: src/bin/projectfolderup.cpp:59 -msgid "Go up" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/bin/projectitemmodel.cpp:169 src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:74 -#: src/ui/colorclip_ui.ui:20 src/ui/configtranscode_ui.ui:70 -#: src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:20 -msgid "Name" -msgstr "名稱" - -#: src/bin/projectitemmodel.cpp:172 -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:173 -#: src/project/projectlistview.cpp:59 -msgid "Date" -msgstr "日期" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_description) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2) -#: src/bin/projectitemmodel.cpp:175 src/project/projectlistview.cpp:59 -#: src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:41 src/ui/configtranscode_ui.ui:80 -#: src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:49 -msgid "Description" -msgstr "說明" - -#: src/bin/projectitemmodel.cpp:178 src/dialogs/profilesdialog.cpp:585 -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:231 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:319 -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:771 src/mltcontroller/clipcontroller.cpp:266 -#: src/utils/resourcewidget.cpp:483 -msgid "Unknown" -msgstr "未知" - -#: src/bin/projectsubclip.cpp:41 src/doc/documentvalidator.cpp:1441 -#, fuzzy, kde-format -msgid "Zone %1" -msgstr "區段終點:%1" - -#: src/capture/managecapturesdialog.cpp:42 -msgid "import" -msgstr "導入" - -#: src/dialogs/clipcreationdialog.cpp:97 src/dialogs/clipcreationdialog.cpp:98 -msgid "Color Clip" -msgstr "色彩素材" - -#: src/dialogs/clipcreationdialog.cpp:188 -msgid "Title clip" -msgstr "字幕素材" - -#: src/dialogs/clipcreationdialog.cpp:236 src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:1117 -msgid "Template title clip" -msgstr "字幕樣板素材" - -#: src/dialogs/clipcreationdialog.cpp:428 src/doc/doccommands.cpp:32 -msgid "Add clip" -msgid_plural "Add clips" -msgstr[0] "新增素材" - -#: src/dialogs/clipcreationdialog.cpp:437 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:247 -#: src/effectstack/collapsibleeffect.cpp:200 src/mainwindow.cpp:2832 -msgid "All Supported Files" -msgstr "所有支援的檔案" - -#: src/dialogs/clipcreationdialog.cpp:437 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:247 -#: src/effectstack/collapsibleeffect.cpp:200 src/mainwindow.cpp:2832 -msgid "All Files" -msgstr "所有檔案" - -#: src/dialogs/clipcreationdialog.cpp:438 -msgid "Import image sequence" -msgstr "導入圖片串列" - -#: src/dialogs/clipcreationdialog.cpp:440 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Transparent background for images" -msgstr "透明度背景" - -#: src/dialogs/encodingprofilesdialog.cpp:37 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Manage Encoding Profiles" -msgstr "管理專案編碼方案" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, groupBox) -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, enable_proxy) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_14) -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, kcfg_enableproxy) -#: src/dialogs/encodingprofilesdialog.cpp:38 -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:96 src/ui/configenv_ui.ui:36 -#: src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:142 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:244 -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:499 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Proxy clips" -msgstr "群組素材" - -#: src/dialogs/encodingprofilesdialog.cpp:39 -msgid "Video4Linux capture" -msgstr "Video4Linux 擷取" - -#: src/dialogs/encodingprofilesdialog.cpp:40 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Screen capture" -msgstr "擷取整個螢幕" - -#: src/dialogs/encodingprofilesdialog.cpp:41 -msgid "Decklink capture" -msgstr "Decklink 擷取" - -#: src/dialogs/encodingprofilesdialog.cpp:125 -#: src/dialogs/encodingprofilesdialog.cpp:157 -msgid "Profile name:" -msgstr "編碼方案名稱:" - -#: src/dialogs/encodingprofilesdialog.cpp:128 -#: src/dialogs/encodingprofilesdialog.cpp:160 -msgid "Parameters:" -msgstr "參數:" - -#: src/dialogs/encodingprofilesdialog.cpp:131 -#: src/dialogs/encodingprofilesdialog.cpp:163 -msgid "File extension:" -msgstr "副檔名:" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:64 -#: src/effectslist/effectslistwidget.cpp:100 -#: src/effectslist/effectslistwidget.cpp:121 -#: src/effectslist/effectslistwidget.cpp:123 -msgid "Misc" -msgstr "基本" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:73 -msgid "Project Defaults" -msgstr "專案預設值" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:101 -msgid "Environment" -msgstr "環境" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:126 -msgid "Capture" -msgstr "擷取" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:131 -msgid "Capture is not yet available on Mac OS X." -msgstr "在 OS X 還無法使用擷取功能。" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:170 -msgid "JogShuttle" -msgstr "滑鼠控制" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, groupBox) -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:180 src/ui/smconfig_ui.ui:20 -msgid "Playback" -msgstr "播放" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:275 -msgid "GPU processing needs MLT compiled with Movit and Rtaudio modules" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:300 -#, kde-format -msgid "dvgrab version %1 at %2" -msgstr "dvgrab 版本 %1 於 %2" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:301 -msgid "" -"dvgrab utility not found, please install it for firewire " -"capture" -msgstr "" -"找不到 dvgrab 程式,若要啟用1394火線擷取請安裝該軟體" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:438 -msgid "Automatic" -msgstr "自動" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:440 -msgid "OSS" -msgstr "OSS" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:441 -msgid "ALSA" -msgstr "ALSA" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:442 -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:487 -msgid "PulseAudio" -msgstr "PulseAudio" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:443 -msgid "OSS with DMA access" -msgstr "OSS 含 DMA 存取" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:444 -msgid "Esound daemon" -msgstr "Esound 系統服務" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:445 -msgid "ARTS daemon" -msgstr "ARTS 系統服務" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:457 -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:458 -msgid "Default" -msgstr "預設" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:503 -msgid "SDL" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:504 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Audio" -msgid "RtAudio" -msgstr "音效" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:566 -msgid "Select default video player" -msgstr "選取預設的影片播放器" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:578 -msgid "Select default audio editor" -msgstr "選取預設的音效編輯程式" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:590 -msgid "Select default image editor" -msgstr "選取預設的圖片編輯程式" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:809 -msgid "Kdenlive must be restarted to change this setting" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, p_progressive) -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:832 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:264 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:634 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:118 src/project/clipproperties.cpp:685 -#: src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:322 src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:99 -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:163 -msgid "Interlaced" -msgstr "交錯式" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, progressive) -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:834 -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:1039 -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:1072 -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:1088 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:265 -#: src/mltcontroller/clippropertiescontroller.cpp:634 -#: src/project/clipproperties.cpp:119 src/project/clipproperties.cpp:685 -#: src/project/dialogs/projectsettings.cpp:428 src/ui/profiledialog_ui.ui:232 -msgid "Progressive" -msgstr "漸進式" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:892 -msgid "A profile with that name already exists" -msgstr "已經存在相同名稱的編碼方案" - -#: src/dialogs/kdenlivesettingsdialog.cpp:1003 -msgid "Current settings" -msgstr "目前設定" - -#: src/dialogs/profilesdialog.cpp:50 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:163 -msgid "Delete profile" -msgstr "移除編碼方案" - -#: src/dialogs/profilesdialog.cpp:52 src/dialogs/profilesdialog.cpp:95 -msgid "Save profile" -msgstr "儲存編碼方案" - -#: src/dialogs/profilesdialog.cpp:54 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:171 -msgid "Create new profile" -msgstr "建立新的編碼方案" - -#: src/dialogs/profilesdialog.cpp:163 -msgid "The custom profile was modified, do you want to save it?" -msgstr "此自訂編碼方案已被修改,您是否要儲存?" - -#: src/dialogs/profilesdialog.cpp:194 -msgid "" -"A profile with same name already exists in MLT's default profiles, please " -"choose another description for your custom profile." -msgstr "" -"相同名稱的編碼方案已在 MLT 的預設編碼方案裡,請為您的自訂編碼方案選取其他名" -"稱。" - -#: src/dialogs/profilesdialog.cpp:225 src/dialogs/profilesdialog.cpp:526 -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:612 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:799 -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:805 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:865 -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1003 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1168 -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2382 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2405 -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:669 src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:675 -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:934 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:940 -#: src/mainwindow.cpp:3046 src/mainwindow.cpp:3051 -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:796 -#: src/project/dialogs/archivewidget.cpp:802 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:1780 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot write to file %1" -msgstr "無法寫入檔案 %1" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:108 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1233 -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2295 -msgid "Waiting..." -msgstr "請稍等..." - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:111 -msgid "Rendering finished" -msgstr "輸出成品已完成" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:116 -msgid "Rendering crashed" -msgstr "輸出成品異常中止" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:121 -msgid "Rendering aborted" -msgstr "輸出成品已中止" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:155 -msgid "Rendering" -msgstr "輸出成品" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:167 -msgid "Edit profile" -msgstr "編輯編碼方案" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:177 -msgid "Copy profile to favorites" -msgstr "複製編碼方案到收藏夾" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:179 -msgid "Show profiles with different framerate" -msgstr "" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, preserveAspectRatio) -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:223 src/ui/titlewidget_ui.ui:534 -msgid "Preserve aspect ratio" -msgstr "保留縱橫比" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:289 -msgid "File" -msgstr "檔案" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:298 -msgid "Script Files" -msgstr "腳本檔案" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:392 -msgid "Beginning" -msgstr "開始執行" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:478 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:494 -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:688 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:706 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Qualities" -msgstr "品質" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:479 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:495 -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:689 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:707 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Default quality" -msgstr "預設持續時間" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, vbitrates_label) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, abitrates_label) -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:481 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:497 -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:691 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:709 -#: src/ui/saveprofile_ui.ui:40 src/ui/saveprofile_ui.ui:73 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Bitrates" -msgstr "位元率" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, default_vbitrate_label) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, default_abitrate_label) -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:482 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:498 -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:692 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:710 -#: src/ui/saveprofile_ui.ui:26 src/ui/saveprofile_ui.ui:80 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Default bitrate" -msgstr "預設持續時間" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:509 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:515 -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:679 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:749 -msgctxt "Group Name" -msgid "Custom" -msgstr "自訂" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:591 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:760 -msgid "Profile already exists" -msgstr "編碼方案已經存在" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:591 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:760 -msgid "" -"This profile name already exists. Change the name if you don't want to " -"overwrite it." -msgstr "這個編碼方案名稱已經存在。如果您不想覆寫它,請使用其他名稱。" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:606 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:859 -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1859 -#, kde-format -msgid "Unable to write to file %1" -msgstr "無法寫入到檔案 %1" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:632 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1843 -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1892 -msgctxt "Category Name" -msgid "Custom" -msgstr "自訂" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:720 -msgid "Edit Profile" -msgstr "編輯編碼方案" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:918 -msgid "Cannot find the melt program required for rendering (part of Mlt)" -msgstr "無法找到輸出成品所需的 melt 程式 (MLT 的移植)" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:922 -msgid "" -"Cannot play video after rendering because the default video player " -"application is not set.\n" -"Please define it in Kdenlive settings dialog." -msgstr "" -"因為沒有指定預設的影片播放程式,所以輸出成品後無法播放影片。\n" -"請在 Kdenlive 選項對話方塊中指定預設的影片播放程式。" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:930 src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:259 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"The directory %1, could not be created.\n" -"Please make sure you have the required permissions." -msgstr "" -"目錄 %1 無法建立。\n" -"請確認您的權限。" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:973 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/colorplaneexport.cpp:165 -#, kde-format -msgid "File has no extension. Add extension (%1)?" -msgstr "檔案沒有字尾名。要新增字尾名 (%1) 嗎?" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:988 -msgid "Output file already exists. Do you want to overwrite it?" -msgstr "匯出檔案已經存在。您是否要覆寫它?" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1222 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2283 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"There is already a job writing file:
Abort the job if " -"you want to overwrite it..." -msgstr "" -"已經有一項寫入檔案的工作:
如果您想要覆寫它,請中止這項" -"工作..." - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1222 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2283 -msgid "Already running" -msgstr "正在執行" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1266 -msgid "Video without audio track" -msgstr "不含音軌的影片" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1317 -#, kde-format -msgid "Rendering %1 started" -msgstr "輸出成品 %1 已開始" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1473 -#, kde-format -msgid "Frame rate (%1) not compatible with project profile (%2)" -msgstr "影格率(%1)與專案設定檔(%2)不符" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1491 -#, kde-format -msgid "Unsupported video format: %1" -msgstr "不支援的視訊格式:%1" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1507 -#, kde-format -msgid "Unsupported audio codec: %1" -msgstr "不支援的音效解碼器:%1" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1524 -#, kde-format -msgid "Unsupported video codec: %1" -msgstr "不支援的視訊解碼器:%1" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1533 -msgid "" -"This render profile uses a 'profile' parameter.
Unless you know what " -"you are doing you will probably have to change it to 'mlt_profile'." -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1546 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1584 -msgid "No matching profile" -msgstr "沒有符合的編碼方案" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1561 -msgid "untitled" -msgstr "未命名" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1586 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Invalid clip" -msgid "Invalid profile" -msgstr "無效的素材" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1630 -#, fuzzy -msgid "" -"Video\n" -"quality" -msgstr "視訊素材" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1632 -#, fuzzy -msgid "" -"Video\n" -"bitrate" -msgstr "視訊軌" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1652 -#, fuzzy -msgid "" -"Audio\n" -"quality" -msgstr "只有音效" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1654 -#, fuzzy -msgid "" -"Audio\n" -"bitrate" -msgstr "音軌" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1692 -msgid "File rendering" -msgstr "檔案輸出成品" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1693 -msgid "Favorites" -msgstr "收藏夾" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1694 -msgid "DVD" -msgstr "DVD" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, profile_audioonly) -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1695 src/timeline/customtrackview.cpp:7011 -#: src/ui/configtranscode_ui.ui:100 -msgid "Audio only" -msgstr "只有音效" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1696 -msgid "Web sites" -msgstr "用於網頁播放" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1697 -msgid "Media players" -msgstr "區域播放" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1698 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1738 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Lossless / HQ" -msgid "Lossless/HQ" -msgstr "無損 / HQ" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1699 -msgid "Mobile devices" -msgstr "行動裝置" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1783 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Image sequence" -msgctxt "Category Name" -msgid "Images sequence" -msgstr "圖片串列" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:1987 -msgctxt "Attribute Name" -msgid "Custom" -msgstr "自訂" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2085 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2108 -#, fuzzy, kde-format -#| msgid "%1 dB" -msgid "%1 day " -msgid_plural "%1 days " -msgstr[0] "%1 dB" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2087 -#, fuzzy, kde-format -#| msgid "Opening file %1" -msgid "Remaining time %1" -msgstr "正在開啟檔案 %1" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2110 -#, kde-format -msgid "Rendering finished in %1" -msgstr "輸出成品已完成,耗時:%1" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2112 -#, fuzzy, kde-format -msgid "Rendering of %1 finished in %2" -msgstr "輸出成品已完成,耗時:%1" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2125 -#, kde-format -msgid "Rendering of %1 crashed
" -msgstr "%1 的輸出成品異常中止
" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, abort_job) -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2165 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:650 -msgid "Abort Job" -msgstr "中止工作" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2168 -msgid "Remove Job" -msgstr "移除工作" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2236 src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2240 -#, kde-format -msgid "Script contains wrong command: %1" -msgstr "文稿含有錯誤的指令: %1" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2424 -msgid "script" -msgstr "文稿" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2445 src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:228 -#: src/project/projectlist.cpp:640 -msgid "Check missing clips" -msgstr "檢查遺失的素材" - -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2502 -msgid "Export audio (automatic)" -msgstr "匯出音效 (自動)" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, export_audio) -#: src/dialogs/renderwidget.cpp:2504 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:544 -msgid "Export audio" -msgstr "匯出音效" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:60 -msgid "Config Wizard" -msgstr "配置精靈" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:64 -msgid "Welcome" -msgstr "歡迎使用" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:66 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Your Kdenlive version was upgraded to version %1. Please take some time to " -"review the basic settings" -msgstr "您的 Kdenlive 版本已經升級到%1版。請抽出一點時間檢查各項基本設定" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:68 -msgid "" -"This is the first time you run Kdenlive. This wizard will let you adjust " -"some basic settings, you will be ready to edit your first movie in a few " -"seconds..." -msgstr "" -"這是您第一次使用 Kdenlive。本精靈將會啟動您進行一些簡單的設定,您只需要花一點" -"時間就可以准備好并開始編輯您的第一部影片..." - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:72 -msgid "Discover the features of this Kdenlive release" -msgstr "探索此版本 Kdenlive 的新亮點" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:82 -msgid "Checking MLT engine" -msgstr "正在檢查 MLT 引擎" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:90 -msgid "Video Standard" -msgstr "視訊標准" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:128 -msgid "Additional Settings" -msgstr "附加選項" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (KComboBox, capture_device) -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:142 src/ui/stopmotion_ui.ui:168 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Capture device" -msgstr "擷取聲訊" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:146 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Default Blackmagic Decklink card:" -msgstr "黑色" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:147 -msgid "No Blackmagic Decklink device found" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:158 -msgid "Checking system" -msgstr "正在檢查系統" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:186 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Default video4linux device:" -msgstr "選取預設的 video4linux 裝置" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:199 -msgid "No device found, plug your webcam and refresh." -msgstr "沒有找到任何設備,插上您的網路攝影機並更新" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:221 -#, kde-format -msgid "Current settings (%1x%2, %3/%4fps)" -msgstr "目前設定(%1x%2,%3/%4fps)" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:257 -#, kde-format -msgid "Default settings (%1x%2, %3/%4fps)" -msgstr "預設設定(%1x%2,%3/%4fps)" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:272 -msgid "Melt" -msgstr "Melt" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:273 -msgid "Required for rendering (part of MLT package)" -msgstr "輸出成品需要此程式(MLT 套件的一部份)" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:280 -msgid "Cannot start the MLT video backend!" -msgstr "無法啟動 MLT 視訊後端!" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:287 -#, kde-format -msgid "MLT version: %1" -msgstr "MLT 版本:%1" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:290 -msgid "Your MLT version is unsupported!!!" -msgstr "不支援您的 MLT 版本 !!!" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:296 -#, kde-format -msgid "Please upgrade to MLT %1.%2.%3" -msgstr "請更新至 MLT %1.%2.%3" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:300 -msgid "MLT video backend!" -msgstr "MLT 視訊後端!" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:318 -msgid "SDL module" -msgstr "SDL 模組" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:319 -msgid "Required for Kdenlive" -msgstr "Kdenlive 需要此程式" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:332 -msgid "Avformat module (FFmpeg)" -msgstr "Avformat 模組(FFmpeg)" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:333 -msgid "Required to work with various video formats (hdv, mpeg, flash, ...)" -msgstr "需要和各種影片格式(hdv、mpeg、flash ...)一起使用" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:372 -msgid "QImage module" -msgstr "QImage 模組" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:373 src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:378 -msgid "Required to work with images" -msgstr "需要和圖片一起使用" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:377 -msgid "Pixbuf module" -msgstr "Pixbuf 模組" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:392 -msgid "Title module" -msgstr "字幕模組" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:393 -msgid "Required to work with titles" -msgstr "使用字幕需要此程式" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:456 -msgid "" -"The following codecs were not found on your system. Check our online manual if you need them: " -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:477 -msgid "FFmpeg & ffplay" -msgstr "FFmpeg 和 ffplay" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:478 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Required for proxy clips, transcoding and screen capture" -msgstr "螢幕擷取需要此程式" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:504 -msgid "dvgrab" -msgstr "dvgrab" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:505 -msgid "Required for firewire capture" -msgstr "1394 火線擷取需要此程式" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:511 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:104 -msgid "dvdauthor" -msgstr "dvdauthor" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:512 -msgid "Required for creation of DVD" -msgstr "建立 DVD 需要此程式" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:518 -msgid "genisoimage or mkisofs" -msgstr "genisoimage 或 mkisofs" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:519 -msgid "Required for creation of DVD ISO images" -msgstr "建立 DVD ISO 映像檔需要此程式" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:528 -msgid "xine" -msgstr "xine" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:529 -msgid "Required to preview your DVD" -msgstr "預覽 DVD 需要此程式" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:533 -msgid "vlc" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:685 -msgid "Frame size:" -msgstr "畫面大小:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_4) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3) -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:685 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:245 -#: src/ui/configproject_ui.ui:55 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:107 -msgid "Frame rate:" -msgstr "影格率:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_23) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_9) -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:685 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:266 -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:121 -msgid "Pixel aspect ratio:" -msgstr "像素縱橫比:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_31) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_10) -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:685 src/ui/configcapture_ui.ui:280 -#: src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:135 -msgid "Display aspect ratio:" -msgstr "察看縱橫比:" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:732 -msgid "" -"Your MLT installation cannot be found. Install MLT and restart Kdenlive.\n" -msgstr "找不到 MLT。請安裝 MLT 並重新啟動 Kdenlive。\n" - -#: src/dialogs/wizard.cpp:736 -msgid "Fatal Error" -msgstr "嚴重錯誤" - -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:279 -#, kde-format -msgid "%1 fps" -msgstr "" - -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:284 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Hz" -msgstr "H" - -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:289 -msgid "Audio clip" -msgstr "音效素材" - -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:292 -msgid "Mute video clip" -msgstr "影片素材靜音" - -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:295 src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:214 -msgid "Video clip" -msgstr "視訊素材" - -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:298 -msgid "Color clip" -msgstr "色彩素材" - -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:301 src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:216 -msgid "Image clip" -msgstr "圖片素材" - -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:304 -msgid "Template text clip" -msgstr "文字樣板素材" - -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:305 -msgid "Text clip" -msgstr "文字素材" - -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:308 -msgid "Slideshow clip" -msgstr "幻燈片放映素材" - -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:311 -msgid "Virtual clip" -msgstr "虛擬素材" - -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:314 src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:218 -msgid "Playlist clip" -msgstr "素材播放清單" - -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:317 -msgid "Unknown clip" -msgstr "未知的素材" - -#: src/doc/docclipbase.cpp:684 src/renderer.cpp:141 -msgid "Missing clip" -msgstr "遺失素材" - -#: src/doc/doccommands.cpp:33 src/project/clipmanager.cpp:226 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Delete clip" -msgid_plural "Delete clips" -msgstr[0] "刪除素材" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:199 -msgid "Luma file" -msgstr "亮度檔案" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:223 -msgid "Title Image" -msgstr "字幕圖片" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:226 -msgid "Title Font" -msgstr "字幕字型" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:247 -#, kde-format -msgid "%1 will be replaced by %2" -msgstr "將用 %2 取代 %1" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:261 -msgid "Missing item" -msgstr "遺失的項目" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:265 -msgid "The project file contains missing clips or files" -msgstr "" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:269 -msgid "Missing proxies will be recreated after opening." -msgstr "" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:273 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"The project file contains a missing clip, you can still work with its proxy." -msgid_plural "" -"The project file contains %1 missing clips, you can still work with their " -"proxies." -msgstr[0] "" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:283 src/project/projectitem.cpp:192 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Proxy clip" -msgstr "群組素材" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:285 -#, kde-format -msgid "%1 missing proxy clip, will be recreated on project opening" -msgid_plural "%1 missing proxy clips, will be recreated on project opening" -msgstr[0] "" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:288 -msgid "Missing proxy" -msgstr "" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:335 src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:348 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Source clip" -msgstr "來源" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:337 -#, kde-format -msgid "%1 missing source clips, you can only use the proxies" -msgstr "" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:340 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Missing source clip" -msgstr "遺失素材" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:411 -msgid "Clips folder" -msgstr "素材檔案夾" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:567 -msgid "Enter new location for file" -msgstr "匯入檔案的新位置" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:780 -msgid "This will remove the selected clip from this project" -msgid_plural "This will remove the selected clips from this project" -msgstr[0] "將從該專案中移除所選素材" - -#: src/doc/documentchecker.cpp:780 -msgid "Remove clips" -msgstr "移除素材" - -#: src/doc/documentvalidator.cpp:90 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"The document was created in \"%1\" locale, which is not installed on your " -"system. Please install that language pack. Until then, Kdenlive might not be " -"able to correctly open the document." -msgstr "" - -#: src/doc/documentvalidator.cpp:94 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"There is a locale conflict on your system. The document uses locale %1 which " -"uses a \"%2\" as numeric separator (in system libraries) but Qt expects " -"\"%3\". You might not be able to correctly open the project." -msgstr "" - -#: src/doc/documentvalidator.cpp:279 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"This project type is unsupported (version %1) and can't be loaded.\n" -"Please consider upgrading your Kdenlive version." -msgstr "" -"不支援此專案類別(版本 %1)且無法載入。\n" -"請考慮升級您的 Kdenlive 版本。" - -#: src/doc/documentvalidator.cpp:279 src/doc/documentvalidator.cpp:286 -msgid "Unable to open project" -msgstr "無法開啟專案" - -#: src/doc/documentvalidator.cpp:286 -#, kde-format -msgid "This project type is unsupported (version %1) and can't be loaded." -msgstr "不支援此專案類別(版本 %1)且無法載入。" - -#: src/doc/documentvalidator.cpp:840 -msgid "" -"Some of your text clips were saved with size in points, which means " -"different sizes on different displays. Do you want to convert them to pixel " -"size, making them portable? It is recommended you do this on the computer " -"they were first created on, or you could have to adjust their size." -msgstr "" -"您的某些文字儲存的單位為“點”,這意味著在不同的察看器上會有不同的大小。您是否" -"想要將這些文字進行像素化轉換,以讓這些文字在不同察看器上都能有相同的察看結" -"果?建議您第一次在電腦上建立這些文字時就執行這個作業,否則您必須逐一調整這些" -"文字的大小。" - -#: src/doc/documentvalidator.cpp:840 -msgid "Update Text Clips" -msgstr "更新文字素材" - -#: src/doc/documentvalidator.cpp:1679 -msgid "" -"The project file uses some GPU effects. GPU acceleration is not currently " -"enabled.\n" -"Do you want to convert the project to a non-GPU version ?\n" -"This might result in data loss." -msgstr "" - -#: src/doc/documentvalidator.cpp:1770 -msgid "The following filters/transitions were converted to non GPU versions:" -msgstr "" - -#: src/doc/documentvalidator.cpp:1773 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "The following effects were imported from the project:" -msgid "The following filters/transitions were deleted from the project:" -msgstr "以下的濾鏡是從專案導入的:" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:152 -#, fuzzy -msgid "" -"Cannot open the project file,\n" -"Do you want to open a backup file?" -msgstr "" -"無法開啟專案檔,錯誤為:\n" -"%1\n" -"您要開啟備份檔案嗎?" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:152 src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:168 -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:213 -msgid "Error opening file" -msgstr "開啟檔案時發生錯誤" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:152 src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:168 -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:213 -msgid "Open Backup" -msgstr "開啟備份" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:168 -#, fuzzy, kde-format -msgid "" -"Cannot open the project file, error is:\n" -"%1 (line %2, col %3)\n" -"Do you want to open a backup file?" -msgstr "" -"無法開啟專案檔,錯誤為:\n" -"%1\n" -"您要開啟備份檔案嗎?" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:168 src/project/projectmanager.cpp:381 -msgid "Recover" -msgstr "回復" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:194 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Cannot recover this project file" -msgstr "無法開啟專案檔 %1" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:206 -msgid "Validating" -msgstr "正在驗證" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:212 -#, kde-format -msgid "File %1 is not a Kdenlive project file" -msgstr "檔案 %1 不是 Kdenlive 專案檔案" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:213 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"File %1 is not a valid project file.\n" -"Do you want to open a backup file?" -msgstr "" -"檔案 %1 不是有效的專案檔。\n" -"您要開啟備份檔嗎?" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:254 -#, kde-format -msgid "Project directory %1 does not exist. Create it?" -msgstr "專案檔案夾 %1 不存在。要建立此檔案夾嗎?" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:266 -#, kde-format -msgid "Document project folder is invalid, setting it to the default one: %1" -msgstr "專案檔案夾無效,將其設定為預設檔案夾:%1" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:548 src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:659 -#, kde-format -msgid "Cannot write to file %1, scene list is corrupted." -msgstr "" -"無法寫入檔案 %1。\n" -"場景清單不正確。" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:719 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"You have changed the project folder. Do you want to copy the cached data " -"from %1 to the new folder %2?" -msgstr "" -"您已經修改了專案的檔案夾。您是否要將緩衝區資料從 %1 複製到新檔案夾 %2?" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:1105 -msgid "Enter Template Path" -msgstr "匯入樣板路徑" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:1179 -msgid "The following effects were imported from the project:" -msgstr "以下的濾鏡是從專案導入的:" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label) -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:1209 src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:1223 -#: src/ui/backupdialog_ui.ui:22 -msgid "Project Folder" -msgstr "專案檔案夾" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:1287 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"Cannot create backup copy:\n" -"%1" -msgstr "" -"無法建立備份複本:\n" -"%1" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:1400 src/project/projectlist.cpp:2317 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Add proxy clip" -msgid_plural "Add proxy clips" -msgstr[0] "新增素材" - -#: src/doc/kdenlivedoc.cpp:1401 src/project/projectlist.cpp:2318 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Remove proxy clip" -msgid_plural "Remove proxy clips" -msgstr[0] "移除素材" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:62 src/mainwindow.cpp:1023 -msgid "DVD Wizard" -msgstr "DVD 精靈" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:65 -msgid "Select Files For Your DVD" -msgstr "選取您的 DVD 檔案" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:69 -msgid "DVD Chapters" -msgstr "DVD 章節" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:75 -msgid "Create DVD Menu" -msgstr "建立 DVD 功能表" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:79 -msgid "Creating DVD Image" -msgstr "正在建立 DVD 映像檔" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:104 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:111 -#, kde-format -msgid "Burn with %1" -msgstr "用 %1 燒錄" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:114 -msgid "No burning program found (K3b, Brasero)" -msgstr "沒有找到燒錄程式 (K3b、Brasero)" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:120 -msgid "Load" -msgstr "載入" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:121 -msgid "Save" -msgstr "儲存" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:188 -#, fuzzy, kde-format -msgid "Cannot create temporary directory %1" -msgstr "無法建立暫存檔" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:271 -msgid "Menu movie is invalid" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:383 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:464 -msgid "Rendering job timed out" -msgstr "輸出成品工作已逾時" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:385 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:466 -msgid "Menu job timed out" -msgstr "功能表工作逾時" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:674 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Rendering menu crashed" -msgstr "輸出成品已不規則中止" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:710 -msgid "DVDAuthor process crashed" -msgstr "DVD 建立過程異常中止。" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:713 -msgid "DVDAuthor process crashed.

" -msgstr "DVD 建立過程異常中止。
" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:737 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:738 -msgid "DVD structure broken" -msgstr "DVD 架構已損壞" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:785 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:788 -msgid "ISO creation process crashed." -msgstr "ISO 建立過程已不規則中止。" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:817 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:818 -msgid "DVD ISO is broken" -msgstr "DVD ISO 已損壞" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:832 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:834 -#, kde-format -msgid "DVD ISO image %1 successfully created." -msgstr "DVD ISO 鏡像檔案 %1 建立成功。" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:864 -#, kde-format -msgid "Previewing requires one of these applications (%1)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:888 -#, kde-format -msgid "Folder %1 already exists. Overwrite?\n" -msgstr "檔案夾 %1 已經存在。要覆寫嗎?\n" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:890 -#, kde-format -msgid "Image file %1 already exists. Overwrite?" -msgstr "圖片檔案 %1 已經存在。要覆寫嗎?" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:911 -msgid "Save DVD Project" -msgstr "儲存 DVD 專案" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:911 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:948 -msgid "DVD project (*.kdvd)" -msgstr "" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizard.cpp:957 -#, kde-format -msgid "File %1 is not a Kdenlive project file." -msgstr "檔案 %1 不是 Kdenlive 專案檔案。" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardmenu.cpp:42 src/monitor/monitor.cpp:185 -#: src/monitor/monitormanager.cpp:303 src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:79 -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:405 src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:444 -#: src/monitor/recmonitor.cpp:873 -msgid "Play" -msgstr "播放" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardmenu.cpp:54 -msgid "Add new button" -msgstr "新增新按鈕" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardmenu.cpp:55 -msgid "Delete current button" -msgstr "移除目前的按鈕" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardmenu.cpp:300 -msgid "Play All" -msgstr "播放全部" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:104 -#, kde-format -msgid "Program %1 is required for the DVD wizard." -msgstr "DVD 精靈需要程式 %1。" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:105 -msgid "mkisofs" -msgstr "mkisofs" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:105 -msgid "genisoimage" -msgstr "genisoimage" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:105 -#, kde-format -msgid "Program %1 or %2 is required for the DVD wizard." -msgstr "DVD 精靈需要程式 %1 或 %2。" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:111 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:316 -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:768 -msgid "PAL 4:3" -msgstr "PAL 4:3" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:111 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:313 -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:765 -msgid "PAL 16:9" -msgstr "PAL 16:9" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:111 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:310 -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:762 -msgid "NTSC 4:3" -msgstr "NTSC 4:3" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:111 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:307 -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:759 -msgid "NTSC 16:9" -msgstr "NTSC 16:9" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:138 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:791 -msgid "Your clips do not match selected DVD format, transcoding required." -msgstr "" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:210 src/project/cliptranscode.cpp:244 -msgid "Transcoding failed!" -msgstr "轉換編碼失敗!" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:247 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "All Files" -msgid "MPEG Files" -msgstr "所有檔案" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:248 -msgid "Add new video file" -msgstr "新增新視訊檔案" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:337 src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:779 -#, kde-format -msgid "The clip %1 is invalid." -msgstr "" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:674 -#: src/effectstack/collapsibleeffect.cpp:352 -#: src/effectstack/collapsiblegroup.cpp:178 src/monitor/monitor.cpp:845 -#: src/project/clipstabilize.cpp:222 src/project/cliptranscode.cpp:141 -#: src/project/projectmanager.cpp:297 -#, kde-format -msgid "" -"File %1 already exists.\n" -"Do you want to overwrite it?" -msgstr "" -"檔案 %1 已經存在。\n" -"是否要覆寫它?" - -#: src/dvdwizard/dvdwizardvob.cpp:699 -#, fuzzy, kde-format -msgid "Transcoding: %1" -msgstr "轉換素材編碼" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslist.cpp:197 -msgid "Author:" -msgstr "作者:" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:63 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Search in the effect list" -msgid "Search in effects list" -msgstr "搜索特效清單" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:72 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Show/Hide the effect description" -msgid "Show/Hide effect description" -msgstr "顯示/隱藏特效的說明資訊" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:83 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Delete selected clip" -#| msgid_plural "Delete selected clips" -msgid "Add Effect to Selected Clip" -msgstr "刪除選取的素材" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:84 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Copy profile to favorites" -msgid "Add Effect to Favorites" -msgstr "複製編碼方案到收藏夾" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:85 -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:231 -#: src/effectstack/collapsibleeffect.cpp:70 -#: src/effectstack/collapsiblegroup.cpp:77 -msgid "Delete effect" -msgstr "移除特效" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:93 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Move transition" -msgid "Show all transitions" -msgstr "移動轉場特效" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:94 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Move transition" -msgid "Show GPU transitions" -msgstr "移動轉場特效" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:101 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Show all effects" -msgstr "儲存編碼方案" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:103 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Video Effects" -msgid "Show video effects" -msgstr "視訊效果" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:105 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Sox echo audio effect" -msgid "Show audio effects" -msgstr "Sox 回音聲訊特效" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:107 -msgid "Show GPU effects" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:109 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Custom Effects" -msgid "Show custom effects" -msgstr "自訂特效" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:110 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Save effect" -msgid "Show favorite effects" -msgstr "儲存特效" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistview.cpp:239 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Remove file" -msgid "Remove from favorites" -msgstr "移除檔案" - -#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_audio) -#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, abitrates) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_audiothumbnails) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, audio_thumbs) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, audiobitrateLabel) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, rec_audio) -#: src/effectslist/effectslistwidget.cpp:100 -#: src/effectslist/effectslistwidget.cpp:129 -#: src/effectslist/effectslistwidget.cpp:131 src/monitor/recmanager.cpp:57 -#: src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:39 -#: src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:121 -#: src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:155 -#: src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:194 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:131 -#: src/ui/configtimeline_ui.ui:38 src/ui/projectsettings_ui.ui:224 -#: src/ui/recmonitor_ui.ui:107 src/ui/renderwidget_ui.ui:195 -#: src/ui/saveprofile_ui.ui:67 -msgid "Audio" -msgstr "音效" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistwidget.cpp:100 -#: src/effectslist/effectslistwidget.cpp:137 -#: src/effectslist/effectslistwidget.cpp:139 -#: src/effectslist/effectslistwidget.cpp:464 -msgctxt "Folder Name" -msgid "Custom" -msgstr "自訂" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistwidget.cpp:194 -msgctxt "menu name for effects names between these 2 letters" -msgid "0 - F" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistwidget.cpp:196 -msgctxt "menu name for effects names between these 2 letters" -msgid "G - L" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistwidget.cpp:198 -msgctxt "menu name for effects names between these 2 letters" -msgid "M - R" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectslist/effectslistwidget.cpp:200 -msgctxt "menu name for effects names between these 2 letters" -msgid "S - Z" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:47 src/project/clipproperties.cpp:346 -#: src/project/dialogs/slideshowclip.cpp:72 -#: src/scopes/colorscopes/vectorscope.cpp:59 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:153 -#: src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:541 -msgid "None" -msgstr "無" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:363 -#, fuzzy, kde-format -msgid "Group %1" -msgstr "群組" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:624 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Dissolve" -msgid "None (Dissolve)" -msgstr "溶解" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, slide_luma) -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, luma_fade) -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:706 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:292 -#: src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:203 -msgid "Wipe" -msgstr "擦拭" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:707 -msgid "Applies a stationary transition between the current and next frames." -msgstr "在目前影格和下一影格間應用一個靜止過渡。" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:710 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:785 -#, fuzzy -msgctxt "@property: means that the image is inverted" -msgid "Invert" -msgstr "負片" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:711 -msgid "Image File" -msgstr "圖片檔案" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:712 -msgid "Reverse Transition" -msgstr "逆向執行轉場特效" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:716 src/timeline/headertrack.cpp:89 -#: src/timeline/tracksconfigdialog.cpp:74 -msgid "Composite" -msgstr "Composite(綜合效果)" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:717 -msgid "A key-framable alpha-channel compositor for two frames." -msgstr "一個關鍵影格的透明度通道合成為兩影格畫面。" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:719 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:764 -msgid "Alpha Channel Operation" -msgstr "透明度通道作業" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:719 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:764 -msgid "Over,And,Or,Xor" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:720 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:765 -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:785 -msgid "Align" -msgstr "對齊" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:723 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:768 -msgid "Wipe File" -msgstr "擦拭特效設定" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:724 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:769 -msgid "Wipe Softness" -msgstr "擦拭柔和度" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:725 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:770 -msgid "Wipe Invert" -msgstr "逆向擦拭" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:726 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:771 -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:785 -msgid "Force Progressive Rendering" -msgstr "強制漸進式" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:727 src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:772 -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:785 -msgid "Force Deinterlace Overlay" -msgstr "強制交錯式" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:729 -msgid "Affine" -msgstr "仿射" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:753 -msgid "Fix Shear Y" -msgstr "剪下修復Y" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:754 -msgid "Fix Shear X" -msgstr "剪下修復X" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:755 -msgid "Fix Shear Z" -msgstr "剪下修復Z" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:761 -msgid "Use alpha channel of another clip to create a transition." -msgstr "使用其他素材的透明度色版來制作轉場特效。" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:762 -msgid "Transparency clip" -msgstr "透明度素材" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:785 -msgid "Slide" -msgstr "幻燈片" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:785 -msgid "Slide image from one side to another." -msgstr "畫面從一側移到另一側。" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:785 -msgid "Direction" -msgstr "方向" - -#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, slide_fade) -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:790 src/ui/clipproperties_ui.ui:262 -#: src/ui/slideshowclip_ui.ui:167 -msgid "Dissolve" -msgstr "溶解" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:790 -msgid "Fade out one video while fading in the other video." -msgstr "當另一個視訊快結束時,淡出視訊" - -#: src/effectslist/initeffects.cpp:790 -msgid "Reverse" -msgstr "逆向" - -#: src/effectstack/collapsibleeffect.cpp:64 -#: src/effectstack/collapsiblegroup.cpp:72 -msgid "Move effect up" -msgstr "上移一層" - -#: src/effectstack/collapsibleeffect.cpp:67 -#: src/effectstack/collapsiblegroup.cpp:74 -msgid "Move effect down" -msgstr "下移一層" - -#: src/effectstack/collapsibleeffect.cpp:82 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Reset Effect" -msgstr "重設特效" - -#: src/effectstack/collapsibleeffect.cpp:83 -#: src/effectstack/collapsibleeffect.cpp:345 -msgid "Save Effect" -msgstr "儲存特效" - -#: src/effectstack/collapsibleeffect.cpp:91 -#: src/effectstack/collapsiblegroup.cpp:89 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Disable Effect" -msgstr "移除特效" - -#: src/effectstack/collapsibleeffect.cpp:91 -#: src/effectstack/collapsiblegroup.cpp:89 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Enable Effect" -msgstr "儲存特效" - -#: src/effectstack/collapsibleeffect.cpp:96 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Create Group" -msgstr "分割群組" - -#: src/effectstack/collapsibleeffect.cpp:136 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Create Region" -msgstr "建立 DVD 功能表" - -#: src/effectstack/collapsibleeffect.cpp:345 -msgid "Name for saved effect: " -msgstr "儲存的特效名稱:" - -#: src/effectstack/collapsiblegroup.cpp:68 -#: src/effectstack/collapsiblegroup.cpp:383 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Effect Group" -msgstr "分割群組" - -#: src/effectstack/collapsiblegroup.cpp:81 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Reset Group" -msgstr "調整群組大小" - -#: src/effectstack/collapsiblegroup.cpp:82 -#: src/effectstack/collapsiblegroup.cpp:171 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Save Group" -msgstr "儲存區段" - -#: src/effectstack/collapsiblegroup.cpp:84 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Ungroup" -msgstr "取消群組" - -#: src/effectstack/collapsiblegroup.cpp:171 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Name for saved group: " -msgstr "儲存的特效名稱:" - -#: src/effectstack/complexparameter.cpp:36 -msgid "Allow horizontal moves" -msgstr "允許水平移動" - -#: src/effectstack/complexparameter.cpp:38 -msgid "Allow vertical moves" -msgstr "允許垂直移動" - -#: src/effectstack/complexparameter.cpp:40 -msgid "Show keyframes in timeline" -msgstr "在時間軸上顯示關鍵影格" - -#: src/effectstack/complexparameter.cpp:42 -msgid "Parameter info" -msgstr "參數資訊" - -#: src/effectstack/complexparameter.cpp:44 src/effectstack/geometryval.cpp:81 -#: src/effectstack/keyframeedit.cpp:47 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:84 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:417 -#: src/simplekeyframes/simplekeyframewidget.cpp:42 -#: src/simplekeyframes/simplekeyframewidget.cpp:132 -msgid "Add keyframe" -msgstr "新增關鍵影格" - -#: src/effectstack/dragvalue.cpp:109 -msgid "Normal scale" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/dragvalue.cpp:110 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Pixel scale" -msgstr "縮放畫面" - -#: src/effectstack/dragvalue.cpp:111 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Nonlinear scale" -msgstr "清除緩衝區" - -#: src/effectstack/dragvalue.cpp:115 -msgid "Direct update" -msgstr "" - -#: src/effectstack/dragvalue.cpp:120 -msgid "Reset value" -msgstr "回復成預設值" - -#: src/effectstack/dragvalue.cpp:125 -#, kde-format -msgid "Show %1 in timeline" -msgstr "在時間軸上顯示 %1" - -#: src/effectstack/effectstackview2.cpp:71 -msgid "Enable/Disable all effects" -msgstr "啟用 / 停用所有特效" - -#: src/effectstack/effectstackview2.cpp:73 -msgid "Show additional information for the parameters" -msgstr "顯示參數的附加資訊" - -#: src/effectstack/effectstackview2.cpp:174 -#: src/effectstack/effectstackview2.cpp:176 -#: src/effectstack/effectstackview2.cpp:179 -#, kde-format -msgid "Effects for %1" -msgstr "%1 的特效" - -#: src/effectstack/effectstackview2.cpp:229 -#: src/effectstack/effectstackview2.cpp:231 -#: src/effectstack/effectstackview2.cpp:234 -#, fuzzy, kde-format -#| msgid "Effects for %1" -msgid "Bin effects for %1" -msgstr "%1 的特效" - -#: src/effectstack/effectstackview2.cpp:276 -#, kde-format -msgid "Effects for track %1" -msgstr "軌道 %1 的特效" - -#: src/effectstack/geometryval.cpp:77 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:81 -#: src/simplekeyframes/simplekeyframewidget.cpp:52 -msgid "Go to next keyframe" -msgstr "跳轉到下一個關鍵影格" - -#: src/effectstack/geometryval.cpp:79 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:78 -#: src/simplekeyframes/simplekeyframewidget.cpp:47 -msgid "Go to previous keyframe" -msgstr "跳轉到上一個關鍵影格" - -#: src/effectstack/geometryval.cpp:83 src/effectstack/keyframeedit.cpp:49 -#: src/effectstack/widgets/geometrywidget.cpp:423 -#: src/simplekeyframes/simplekeyframewidget.cpp:129 -msgid "Delete keyframe" -msgstr "移除關鍵影格" - -#: src/effectstack/geometryval.cpp:85 src/monitor/monitor.cpp:206 -msgid "Misc..." -msgstr "基本..." - -#: src/effectstack/geometryval.cpp:89 -msgid "Show/Hide options" -msgstr "顯示/隱藏選項" - -#: src/effectstack/geometryval.cpp:97 -msgid "Sync timeline cursor" -msgstr "同步時間軸游標" - -#: src/effectstack/geometryval.cpp:116 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:343 -msgid "Align item horizontally" -msgstr "水平中線對齊" - -#: src/effectstack/geometryval.cpp:118 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:345 -msgid "Align item vertically" -msgstr "垂直中線對齊" - -#: src/effectstack/geometryval.cpp:120 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:347 -msgid "Align item to top" -msgstr "頂端對齊" - -#: src/effectstack/geometryval.cpp:122 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:349 -msgid "Align item to bottom" -msgstr "底端對齊" - -#: src/effectstack/geometryval.cpp:124 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:351 -msgid "Align item to right" -msgstr "右對齊" - -#: src/effectstack/geometryval.cpp:126 src/titler/titlewidget.cpp:353 -msgid "Align item to left" -msgstr "左對齊" - -#: src/effectstack/parametercontainer.cpp:467 -msgid "