Publishing details


ray (2.1.0-3) precise; urgency=low

  * Some tweaks:
    1. Added a watch file to make "uscan" work
    2. Removed zlib1g and libbz2-1.0 runtime deps in control file as
       ${shlibs:Depends} does this for you.  Also removed build-essential
       and make as these are a given.
    3. Removed "Ray -- " from the description to match standard convention
    4. Patched makefile to keep g++ linker on Ubuntu happy
    5. Updated clean target in rules - it need to remove every single thing
       that the build makes.
    6. Updated standards version in control
    7. Added dependency on Python as there are Python scripts included
    8. Added dep on r-base-core as there is an R script included
    9. Don't package INSTALL.txt LICENSE.txt gpl-3.0.txt as license is given
       in copyright file and user of package has no need to install.
    10. Renamed the two README files.
 -- Tim Booth <email address hidden>   Mon, 05 Nov 2012 09:34:48 +0000


Built packages

Package files