Format: 1.8 Date: Sun, 04 Nov 2012 09:41:54 +0100 Source: kodi Binary: kodi kodi-x11 kodi-wayland kodi-gbm kodi-eventclients-common kodi-eventclients-dev kodi-eventclients-wiiremote kodi-eventclients-ps3 kodi-eventclients-kodi-send kodi-addon-dev kodi-ffmpeg-dev kodi-tools-texturepacker Architecture: amd64 all Version: 2:19.0+git20200731.0307-1eb2ba3dd6-0bionic Distribution: bionic Urgency: high Maintainer: Launchpad Build Daemon Changed-By: wsnipex Description: kodi - Kodi Media Center (arch-independent data package) kodi-addon-dev - Kodi Media Center (General Add-on Dev package) kodi-eventclients-common - Kodi Media Center (Event Client Common package) kodi-eventclients-dev - Kodi Media Center (Event Client Dev package) kodi-eventclients-kodi-send - Kodi Media Center (Event Client Kodi-SEND package) kodi-eventclients-ps3 - Kodi Media Center (Event Client PS3 package) kodi-eventclients-wiiremote - Kodi Media Center (Event Client WII Remote support package) kodi-ffmpeg-dev - Kodi Media Center (Kodi FFmpeg Add-on Dev package) kodi-gbm - Kodi Media Center for GBM (binary data package) kodi-tools-texturepacker - Kodi Media Center (Skin Dev - TexturePacker) kodi-wayland - Kodi Media Center for Wayland (binary data package) kodi-x11 - Kodi Media Center for X11 (binary data package) Changes: kodi (2:19.0+git20200731.0307-1eb2ba3dd6-0bionic) bionic; urgency=high . [Alwin Esch] * [addons][audioencoder] increase version to 2.1.0 . [Alwin Esch] * [addons][audioencoder] rework audio encoder documentation . [Alwin Esch] * [addons][audioencoder] separate "C" to own file . [Alwin Esch] * [addons][audioencoder] don't use C++ class in C . [Alwin Esch] * [addons][audioencoder] make all "C" interface structures to own memory . [fuzzard] * [tools/depends] bump libxml2 2.9.10 . [fuzzard] * [tools/depends] bump libpng 1.6.37 . [fuzzard] * [tools/depends] bump libmicrohttpd 0.9.71 . [fuzzard] * [tools/depends] bump libjpeg-turbo 2.0.5 . [fuzzard] * [tools/depends] bump nghttp2 1.41.0 . [fuzzard] * [tools/depends] bump liblzo2 2.10.0 . [fuzzard] * [tools/depends] bump libcec 4.0.7 . [fuzzard] * [tools/depends] bump flatbuffers 1.12.0 . [fuzzard] * [tools/depends] bump gettext 0.20.2 . [fuzzard] * [tools/depends] bump expat 2.2.9 . [fuzzard] * [tools/depends] bump bzip2 1.0.8 . [ronie] * [GUIInfo] allow infolabels in all string comparison methods . . . [Alwin Esch] * fix if in version is more as 1 time . [Alwin Esch] * [clang] set ReflowComments to false . [Alwin Esch] * [addons][internal] increase changed internal addon versions . [Alwin Esch] * [addons][internal] change audioencoder.kodi.builtin.wma to new settings.xml format . [Alwin Esch] * [addons][internal] change audioencoder.kodi.builtin.aac to new settings.xml format . [Alwin Esch] * [addons][internal] change screensaver.xbmc.builtin.dim settings.xml to new format . [Alwin Esch] * [addons][internal] change language name for path and addon.xml to correct one . [DaVukovic] * [Estuary] Fix parentheses . [phunkyfish] * [addons] detect addon origin and set skin property . [ronie] * [PlayerControl] allow tempo to be set directly . [phunkyfish] * [addons] detect binary addons and set skin property . . . [DaveTBlake] * Update new splash screen for v19 alpha . [thexai] * Add info for recent Windows 10 versions . . . . [Alwin Esch] * [subtitle] fix subtitles archive in archive . . [phunkyfish] * [depends] gnutls 3.6.14 and nettle 3.6 bump . [phunkyfish] * [depends] Disable libidn2 support in curl . [DaveTBlake] * Fix group single movie into set setting, it is not dependent on show movie sets setting . [DaveTBlake] * JSON does not expose album path so no need to fetch it in GetAlbumDetails . [enen92] * [addons] Update Chorus2 to v19.x-2.4.7 . [Andrey Filipenkov] * [macos][jenkins][docs] update readme to include Xcode 10.2 . [Andrey Filipenkov] * [macos][jenkins][docs] add SessionCreate:true flag to jenkins daemon . [Andrey Filipenkov] * [macos][jenkins] add script to load defaultenv . [Andrey Filipenkov] * [macos][jenkins] pass signing params to cmakebuildsys . [Andrey Filipenkov] * [macos] add ability to notarize dmg . [Andrey Filipenkov] * [macos] add ability to codesign app and dmg . [Andrey Filipenkov] * [darwin] allow passing signing certificate's SHA hash instead of identity name . [Andrey Filipenkov] * [darwin-embedded] allow signing with bionicribution certificate . [DaveTBlake] * [scrapers]Sync with repo . . . [Alwin Esch] * [settings] fix cddb access URL . . [DaveTBlake] * Fix isScrapedMBID value when another artist with this mbid already exists (so neither flag or MBID being saved) . . [fritsch] * GL-Shaders: Remove nvidia special handling . . [howie-f] * [addons] add property: IsFromOfficialRepo . [howie-f] * [addons] introduce setting for addon updatemode . [howie-f] * [addons] deny addon-updates from private repos if they exist in official repos . [montellese] * [videodb] improve (unique) indices on actor_link table after bffa7bb5e33aff1325e090eddbba16a2740637bb. . . [ronie] * [Estuary] fix log errors . [Luca Weiss] * Fix exception with empty string in field_value::get_asInt64 . . [Lukas Rusak] * FFmpeg: Bump to 4.3.1-Matrix-Alpha1-1 . [fritsch] * VDPAU: Implement support for VP9 Profile0 . [kiwiploetze] * [Windows] fix for dual monitor problem . [Roman Miroshnychenko] * Fix allocating buffer for a Python unicode string . [DaveTBlake] * Use more secure snprintf on variable format strings to avoid buffer overflow . [Paul Lesur] * add troubleshoot section to the raspberry build instructions . [Paul Lesur] * add instruction for building kodi via docker . . . [ronie] * make the '1' parameter in PlayMedia() apply to music as well . [jjd-uk] * [Estuary] Fixup Topbar consistency . [DaVukovic] * Changes for sets in set-info-screen . . [fritsch] * Revert "Revert "AESinkAudioTrack: Support multi channel float"" . [ronie] * [Estuary] fix weather maps navigation . [ronie] * [Estuary] add support for Day%i weather labels . [ronie] * [filemanger] reset to root if directory is inaccessible . . [Kai Sommerfeld] * [Estuary] For PVR OSD sublabel, prefer 'channel number + channel name + episode name' over 'chapter numbers + chapter name' . [enen92] * [PAPlayer] Fix incorrect usage of GetPath in VideoPlayerCodec . . . [Craig Andrews] * [webserver] run clang-format . [Craig Andrews] * [webserver] Compatibility with libmicrohttpd 0.9.71 . [Lukas Rusak] * [depends] bump libudfread to 1.1.0 . . [finkleandeinhorn] * [interfaces/json-rpc] Retrieve ListItem properties via Files API . . [Philipp Kerling] * Add . [Andrii Liubimov] * Fix matching video for GLES . . [enen92] * [DX] Enable alpha-blending for video renderer (credits: afedchin) . [enen92] * Fix oppacity calculation if previous colour contains an alpha value (credits: paxxi) . . [enen92] * [Addons] Remove unused function definition . [enen92] * [Addons] Migration - Hide dependency addons from the dialog of disabled addons after the addon migration . [peak3d] * Bump mariadb connector version from 3.0.3 -> 3.1.9 . . [DaveTBlake] * Fix check that another artist with this mbid not already exist . [ronie] * set python scrapers as default on new install . [ronie] * update addon installdata . [ronie] * remove outdated demo scrapers . [ronie] * add python artist scraper . [ronie] * add python album scraper . [sarbes] * fixed faulty thumbnail hashing . . [enen92] * Addons: fix definition of IsUserInstalled addons . [Matt Huisman] * Dont send referer on redirects. Same behaviour as ffmpeg ans browsers . . . [phunkyfish] * [addons] Show both enabled and disabled incompatbile addons when performing a migration . [Alwin Esch] * [addons] increase binary addon base version to 1.2.4 . [Alwin Esch] * [addons] use HasSettings instead of ReloadSettings . [Alwin Esch] * [addons] add callback to check setting is default . . [ronie] * [estuary] handle up/down in fullscreeninfo . [ronie] * [estuary] various osd fixes . [ronie] * [skins] update fonts . . [thexai] * Windows HDR passthrough support . . [ronie] * [Estuary] fix touch back button . [DaveTBlake] * Better artist discography matching to albums in library by using Musicbrainz release group id (providing scraper provides it) . [DaveTBlake] * Fix update artist Musicbrainz ID constraint violation when trying to set a scraped mbid value and another artist record with that mbid already exists (probably an unmatched alias). . . [phunkyfish] * [addons] allow disabled and incompatible addons to still be updated . [ronie] * [xbmc.gui] drop backward compatibility for Leia skins . . [ronie] * [Estuary] handle input in the fullscreeninfo dialog . . [Vasyl Gello] * Fix spelling errors identified by Lintian . [djp952] * [PVR] Clean up API v7 warnings generated on Microsoft compilers . . [Kai Sommerfeld] * [addons] Fix data encapsulation violation for C++ PVR Addon API classes. . [djp952] * [PVR] APIv7 crash when EPG_TAG structure contains null pointers . [wsnipex] * [cmake] allow passing additional flag to internal ffmpeg . [ronie] * [Estuary] add missing back buttons for touchscreen users . . [peak3d] * [Android] Move PYTHON into cache folder . . [Lukas Rusak] * FFmpeg: Bump to 4.3-Matrix-Alpha1 . . [Bernd Kuhls] * Fix build with x11/gles . [fuzzard] * [tools/depends] bump pythonmodule-pil 7.1.2 . [peak3d] * [Android] Invoke PowerManager OnStart / OnStop . . . [ronie] * Albumscraper: allow fine-grained relevance values . [peak3d] * [Android] Fix drain in flushed state . [ronie] * provide detailed album selection dialog . [ronie] * show selection dialog even if 1 result . [ronie] * fix manual album refresh . . . [DaveTBlake] * Fix MySQL syntax for trigger tgrInsertGenre . . [DaveTBlake] * [JSON]Differential sync of the music library. This is provided by adding properties to AudioLibrary.GetProperties and ability to filter songs, albums and artists by "datenew" and "datemodified" values (new smart playlist rules so not explicitly listed in schema). . [DaveTBlake] * Option for "dateadded" for song to be from earliest of ctime and mtime time. Add dateadded as a field of artist and album tables (not subquery in view that is slow in MySQL). Allow for artists that are only album artists (not song artists) when calc artist dateadded. . . . [ronie] * fix addon label2 . [mediaminister] * Don't touch plugin:// urls . . [Matt Huisman] * [Android] pause audio playback when headphone is disconnected . [Alwin Esch] * [addons] rename getAddonInstance with a capital letter . [Alwin Esch] * [addons] check incompatible addons always by start . [Alwin Esch] * [addons] cleanup binary addon manager . [Alwin Esch] * [addons] use CAddonInfo everywhere and prevent CBinaryAddonBase . [Alwin Esch] * [addons] remove GetInstalledAddonInfo call where possible . [Alwin Esch] * [addons] use GetAddonInfo from normal manager where possible . [Alwin Esch] * [addons] remove no more needed/used functions from binary addon manager . [Alwin Esch] * [addons] use for PVR disable/enable the normal addon manager . [Alwin Esch] * [cmake] remove very old no more needed part of addons . [Matt Huisman] * Support dvh1 codec on Android . . [Alwin Esch] * [addons][pvr] remove pvr complete from binary addon cache . [Alwin Esch] * [addons] improve Has[Installed]Addons performance . . [Sebastian S] * [docs][python] fixed typo . [anxdpanic] * [doc] add Kodi banner to cmake/addons/bootstrap/ . [anxdpanic] * [doc] fix Kodi banner in cmake/addons/ . [Vasyl Gello] * TestSysfsPath: Use unique file name for every test . . [Alwin Esch] * [PVR] Reinit binary addon manager when loading a profile; fixes non working pvr addons . [howie-f] * [gui] cleanup: remove log spam / code improvements . [Alwin Esch] * [addons] increase all patch versions of addons . [Alwin Esch] * [addons][pvr] allow list fallback to xbmc.pvrclient . [Alwin Esch] * [addons][general] clang cleanup of General.h header . [Alwin Esch] * [addons][general] separate "C++" and "C" parts to different headers . [Alwin Esch] * [addons][general] cleanup namespace use . [Alwin Esch] * [addons] use on all interface functions and classes ATTRIBUTE_HIDDEN . [jjd-uk] * [Estuary] Improvements to Fullscreen Info/Seekbar for Video & Music . . [Kai Sommerfeld] * [PVR] Make CGUIEPGGridContainer::UpdateLayout thread-safe; some of the modified members will be read by timeline refresh thread. . [Kai Sommerfeld] * [PVR] CGUIEPGGridContainer: Update layout early in GUI thread, not in timeline refresh thread, for performance and thread safety reasons (fix a race). . . [Alwin Esch] * [addons] add script to generate function lists for used parts in interface group . [Alwin Esch] * [addons][pvr] increase version to 7.0.0 . [Alwin Esch] * [addons][pvr] make menu hook transfer to Kodi in "const" . [Alwin Esch] * [addons][pvr] complete "C" language cleanup of PVR changes . [Alwin Esch] * [addons][pvr] include only the "C" related headers on kodi . [Alwin Esch] * [addons][pvr][upload] rename addon id "xbmc.pvrclient" to "kodi.pvrclient" . [Alwin Esch] * [addons][pvr] add complete reworked documentation . [Alwin Esch] * [addons][pvr] set -1 by defines on recordings and timers . [Alwin Esch] * [addons][pvr] add C++ PVR instance class . [Alwin Esch] * [addons][pvr] use uint64_t for timer types . [Alwin Esch] * [addons][pvr] change "C" API to use everywhere PVR_ERROR as return . [Alwin Esch] * [addons][pvr] move all "C" parts to independent header place . [Alwin Esch] * [addons][pvr] add EPG_EVENT_CONTENTSUBMASK... types . [Alwin Esch] * [addons][pvr] rename interface value inputFormat to mimetype . [Alwin Esch] * [addons][pvr] replace long long use with int64_t/uint64_t . [Alwin Esch] * [addons][inputstream] add property STREAM_PROPERTY_INPUTSTREAM_INSTANCE_ID . [Alwin Esch] * [addons] remove old interface code (no more needed anymore) . [Alwin Esch] * [addons][pvr] change to multi instance usage . [Alwin Esch] * [addons][pvr] move xbmc_pvr_types.h to addon-instance/PVR.h . [Alwin Esch] * [addons][pvr] cleanup PVR related stream and codec structures . [Alwin Esch] * [addons][pvr] remove use of ATTRIBUTE_PACKED on pvr . [Alwin Esch] * [addons][pvr] cleanup and sort xbmc_pvr_types.h . [Alwin Esch] * [addons][pvr] separate menu hook calls and remove union use . [Alwin Esch] * [addons][pvr] remove obsolete xbmc_pvr_dll.h . [Alwin Esch] * [addons][pvr] rework xbmc_pvr_types.h to have "C" compatible . [Alwin Esch] * [addons][pvr] remove temp. all docs on xbmc_pvr_types.h and clang cleanup . [Alwin Esch] * [addons][pvr] add instance pointer value to addon call functions . [mglae] * EDL comskip: support commercial at 0:00 . [peak3d] * Remove locks which should not be there now . [peak3d] * Ensure GUI thread in CDialogProgress::Open() . [ronie] * disallow album release_type to be scraped . [ronie] * Allow original release date for albums to be scraped . [montellese] * fix displaying integer / string values with dynamic options (fixes #18010) . [enen92] * [GUI] Fix ActivateWindow if 'return' is defined . . [ronie] * [Estuary] use new version infolabels in sysinfo . [ronie] * [python] add DelayedCallGuard to xbmcgui.Dialog().info() . . [peak3d] * [Android] Make m_activityResultEvents access thread safe . [fuzzard] * [libnfs] bump to untagged commit to support PR #15686 . [Brent Murphy] * [peripheralbusdarwinembedded] Micro and Extended gamecontroller support . [peak3d] * Use HEVC_NAL_CRA_NUT as KeyFrame . [peak3d] * [Android] proper drain implementation . [peak3d] * Implement NFS timeout . [fuzzard] * [cmake] JsonSchemaBuilder warnings and install fix . [Brent Murphy] * [depends] bump libnfs to 4.0.0 . . [fuzzard] * [buildsteps/tvos] remove deb target from make-xbmc step . [peak3d] * [Android] Rename deprecated getVolumeList -> getStorageVolumes . [peak3d] * jquery 1.11.0 -> 3.5.1 for Webinterface . . [Kai Sommerfeld] * [video] Re-add 'Mark watched/unwatched' context menu items to content-less video sources. . [yeahme49] * Show media stub messages even if there is no optical drive . [Alwin Esch] * [addons][base] allow optional set of default value on GetSetting... calls . [Alwin Esch] * [addons][filesystem] use const on CFile get calls . [Alwin Esch] * [addons] use addon ID instead of Name for Log . [Alwin Esch] * [addons][gui] fix crash by wrong shared_from_this call . [Alwin Esch] * [addons] fix and improve instance creation calls . [Alwin Esch] * [addons][filesystem] add function to get available disc space . [Kai Sommerfeld] * [ServiceManager] Init PVR manager after login, not already on login screen. . [Kai Sommerfeld] * [PVR] Display reminder dialog only after GUI is ready. . . [phunkyfish] * [inputstream] log error for use of deprecated inputstreamaddon property . [Kai Sommerfeld] * [PVR] Timer settings dialog: Fix end margin visible for reminders. . [peak3d] * [Android] Fix drain in flushed state . [emveepee] * PVR margin change . [phunkyfish] * [pvr] Expert setting to allow using backend channel numbers with more than one PVR backend . [fritsch] * AESinkAudioTrack: Revisit VerifySinkConfiguration and Flushing . . [peak3d] * [Android] Fix stall on stream end . . [Tolriq] * Fix JSON schema after . [phunkyfish] * [inputstream] cleanup extra whitespace . [phunkyfish] * [inputstream] remove inputstreamaddon and inputstreamclass as identifiers for inputstream addons . . [the-black-eagle] * [JSON] Add album release status to json-rpc . [the-black-eagle] * [Music] read and process musicbrainz album release status tag . [peak3d] * Expose VERSION_CODE and GIT SHA to GUI . . [Kai Sommerfeld] * [PVR] EPG grid model, EPG tags container, EPG tags cache: Unify start/end time handling. . [Kai Sommerfeld] * [PVR] EPG grid container model: Fix event/block matching. . [Tolriq] * Expose player cache percentage to JSON so remotes can display it. . [Craig Andrews] * [tests] Disable TestDateTime.GetAsTimeStamp . . [peak3d] * [Android] More exception handling in MediaCodec . [peak3d] * CApplication::IsStopping() implementation . [ronie] * [Estaury] add missing font definitions . . [enen92] * Infolabels: expose Player.Progress and Player.ProgressCache as a string . [montellese] * fix focusing proper setting control in CGUIDialogContentSettings . . [Markus Pfau] * [Android] Implement MediaCodec::Reconfigure to reduce codec setups (#17960) . [peak3d] * [Android] Remove VIDEO_SCALING_MODE_SCALE_TO_FIT_WITH_CROPPING . [Kai Sommerfeld] * [PVR] EPG container: Do not fetch EPG updates from the clients while system is suspended. . . [Garrett Brown] * Fix doxy in input code after clang-format . [enen92] * [docs] Fixes for doxygen 1.8.17 . [Garrett Brown] * Add .git-blame-ignore-revs . [Garrett Brown] * Peripherals: Clang-format files . [Garrett Brown] * Input: Clang-format files . [Garrett Brown] * Games: Clang-format files . [Garrett Brown] * RetroPlayer: Clang-format files . [Garrett Brown] * [clang-format] Enable comment reflow . . [howie-f] * [docs] fix typo . [Lukas Rusak] * [depends] bump dav1d to 0.7.0 . [the-black-eagle] * [Music] Apply sort description (order, direction and limits) read from xsp option when present . [peak3d] * [VP] Fix short stream changes . [DaveTBlake] * [JSON]Bump patch version for implementation changes of sorting of Audiolibrary results . [DaveTBlake] * Use order by clauses when fetching songs, album and artists. Make music nodes and smartplaylists faster by avoiding needless expensive URL decoding and checking in FillInDefaultIcon . [DaveTBlake] * Add native stored functions to do natural number sorting in MySQL. Bump to MyMusic76 for this. . [DaveTBlake] * Add custom collation (SQLite only) to do natural number alphanumeric sorting same as item lists but working efficiently in raw UTF8 encoded data . [AhmedAdelAbouzeid] * Prevent crashing when visualToLogicalMap contains garbage values BUILDDATE CMakeLists.txt LICENSES VERSION addons cmake debian docs lib media privacy-policy.txt project system tools userdata version.txt xbmc xbmc-xrandr.c Initialize visualToLogicalMap before passing it to Fribidi to prevent crashing when the mapping contain invalid values BUILDDATE CMakeLists.txt LICENSES VERSION addons cmake debian docs lib media privacy-policy.txt project system tools userdata version.txt xbmc xbmc-xrandr.c Correct the values in visualToLogicalMap when the visual string is shorter than the original logical string (due to multiple code points possibly representing a single grapheme) . . [popcornmix] * [gbm] Avoid dereferncing null crtc . [montellese] * [windows] BuildSetup.bat: use a platform-specific kodi-build directory . [montellese] * [cmake] FindGtest.cmake: properly support debug and release builds . [peak3d] * [Android] Call codec::release . [fritsch] * ActiveAE: Don't wake when externally suspended . . [DaveTBlake] * Fix initialising song count later use to reserve JSON results . . [howie-f] * [moviesets] allow to add movie to set if there's only one member . [montellese] * [settings] move CSettingList::FindIntInList() to CSettingUtils::FindIntInList() . [Alwin Esch] * [addons][plugin] don't use extra ways to check "provides" . . [chewitt] * add Samsung exynos to DRMUtils.cpp . [Alwin Esch] * [addons][global] add setting read way for enum's and create docs . [peak3d] * [Android] Use releaseOutputBufferAtTime for valid frames . [Alwin Esch] * [addons][pvr][stream] fix nullset init of PVR_STREAM_TIMES in inputstream . [Kai Sommerfeld] * [PVR] Fix channel playback time issues. . [phunkyfish] * [pvr] remove unused SetSizeInBytes function call . [phunkyfish] * [pvr] fix setting initial recording size value from addon . [Alwin Esch] * [addons][tools] add helper as ADDON_GLOBAL_TOOLS to versions.h . [Alwin Esch] * [addons][tools] update documentation of CDllHelper . [Alwin Esch] * [addons][tools] bring parts of CDllHelper in namespace kodi::tools . [Alwin Esch] * [addons][tools] update dll helper to support Android . . [kert] * [GBM] add VirtualBox . [Alwin Esch] * [addons][network] add function to get Kodi's network user agent . [Alwin Esch] * [addons][filesystem] fix missing set to nullptr . [Alwin Esch] * [clang] fix Disabling Formatting on a Piece of Code . [Jakob Linskeseder] * Add AV1 video-codec flag to skins . . [Lukas Rusak] * [settings] add settings to disable drm prime hw acceleration . [Jonas Karlman] * CDVDVideoCodecDRMPRIME: software decoding . [Jonas Karlman] * DVDVideoCodecDRMPRIME: enable use of threads . [Kai Sommerfeld] * [PVR] Recordings folders: Add context menu item 'Delete all watched'. . [Kai Sommerfeld] * [PVR] Implement/fix context menu items for PVR categories. . [Kai Sommerfeld] * [PVR] Fix epg tag path not initialzed when loading the tag from database. . . [Rechi] * [cmake] fix FindPackageHandleStandardArgs name mismatch . . . [Alwin Esch] * [addons] increase filesystem API version to 1.1.1 . [Alwin Esch] * [addons][filesystem] fix wrongly used -1 as return on bool . [Kai Sommerfeld] * [PVR][Estuary] Dynamic PVR categories for Estuary home screen. . [Kai Sommerfeld] * [Estuary] PVR side blade: Fix label for PVR quick navigation button list. . [i96751414] * Check if item is playable before adding 'play from here' or 'play only this' to context menu . [Alwin Esch] * [addons][docs] extend C++ related initial webpage . . . [wsnipex] * [android] python: include profile module . [wsnipex] * [depends/pillow] fix android library names . . [Kai Sommerfeld] * [PVR] Fix context menu item 'Add timer' visibility conditions. . [Garrett Brown] * Remove g_pythonParser macro . [Garrett Brown] * [settings] Make enable mouse/controller advanced settings . [Garrett Brown] * [strings] Remove unused joystick strings . [Garrett Brown] * [strings] Reword re-introduced controller setting for consistency in the UI . [Garrett Brown] * [peripherals] Re-introduce "input.enablejoystick" setting . [Garrett Brown] * [peripherals] Style changes and parameter grouping in PeripheralJoystick.h . . [Alwin Esch] * [addons] increase image deocder API version to 2.1.0 . [Alwin Esch] * [addons][imagedecoder] rework documentation to have usable . [Alwin Esch] * [addons][imagedecoder] separate "C" and "C++" parts in different files . [Alwin Esch] * [addons][imagedecoder] remove nowhere used functions and values . [Alwin Esch] * [addons][imagedecoder] separate all interface structures to own parts . [Alwin Esch] * [addons][imagedecoder] don't pass C++ class within "C" interface . [Alwin Esch] * [addons][imagedecoder] clang cleanup on addon header . [DaveTBlake] * Prevent album artists being left blank when merging scraped album results and preferring scraper results enabled. . [Alwin Esch] * [addons] increase binary API versions . [Alwin Esch] * [addons] fix open of addon settings dialog via addon . [Alwin Esch] * [addons][general] add function to check another addon is available . [Alwin Esch] * [addons] allow ask about Kodi's used addon type version and cleanup Dll . [Alwin Esch] * [addons] add DestroyInstance function to addon base class . [Alwin Esch] * [addons] add "const C_STRUCT* GetCStructure() const" and" operator const C_STRUCT*() const" . [Alwin Esch] * [addons][base] clang and sort cleanups on AddonBase.h . [Alwin Esch] * [addons][base] separate now all C parts complete to addon_base.h . [Alwin Esch] * [addons][base] don't pass C++ part inside AddonGlobalInterface . [Alwin Esch] * [addons] use "clang format off" on dependency check place in versions.h . [Alwin Esch] * [addons][base] move ADDON_STATUS from AddonBase.h to addon_base.h . [Alwin Esch] * [addons][base] move all "C" define's from AddonBase.h to addon_base.h . [Alwin Esch] * [addons][base] add documentation about "kodi::Log(...)" function . [Alwin Esch] * [addons][base] move ADDON_LOG_... parts to "kodi/c-api/addon_base.h" . [Alwin Esch] * [addons][base] fix possible memory overrun on kodi::Log(...) call . [Alwin Esch] * [addons][network] remove use of KODI_HANDLE on . [Alwin Esch] * [addons][filesystem] add #undef for CreateDirectory and DeleteFile . [Alwin Esch] * [addons[filesystem] add translator for file read bits . [Alwin Esch] * [addons][filesystem] add more functions to get web content . [Alwin Esch] * [addons][filesystem] separate "C" and "C++" parts of headers . [Alwin Esch] * [addons][filesystem] add some functions to check file path relate to web . [Alwin Esch] * [addons][filesystem] add IoControl functions . [Alwin Esch] * [addons][filesystem] cleanup documentation . [Alwin Esch] * [addons][filesystem] clang code cleanup . [Alwin Esch] * [addons][filesystem] cleanup namespace kodi::addon use . [Alwin Esch] * [addons][filesystem] make interface "C" conform . [Alwin Esch] * [addons][filesystem] replace __stat64 with STAT_STRUCTURE . [Alwin Esch] * [addons][filesystem] add function IsOpen to CFile . [montellese] * [video] only parse CVideoInfoTag::m_strPictureURL if really needed . [montellese] * [utils] CScraperUrl: avoid parsing the same data multiple times . [montellese] * [utils] CScraperUrl: refactor parsing methods . [montellese] * [utils] CScraperUrl: add Has/Get/SetUrls() . [montellese] * [utils] CScraperUrl: add Has/Get/SetData() . [montellese] * [utils] CScraperUrl: add Get/SetId() . [montellese] * [utils] CScraperUrl: add Get/SetTitle() . [montellese] * [utils] CScraperUrl: add Get/SetRelevance() . [montellese] * [utils] CScraperUrl: follow coding guidelines . [montellese] * [utils] CScraperUrl: remove unused m_spoof . . [Philipp Kerling] * [network] Add setting for web server authentication and enable by default . [Philipp Kerling] * [network] Discourage exposing the web server port . [Philipp Kerling] * [network] Show warning dialog when enabling remote control on all interfaces . [Philipp Kerling] * [network] Clarify "remote control" settings . [Philipp Kerling] * [network] Show warning dialog when enabling web server . [Philipp Kerling] * [network] Use application name for web server auth prompt . . [Attila Jakosa] * [lang][skin.estouchy] updated language files from Transifex . [Attila Jakosa] * [lang][skin.estuary] updated language files from Transifex . [Danila Vershinin] * Log button name in event client . [ronie] * [skins] fix sortletter . [roidy] * Fix for not being used in advancedsettings.xml . . [Charles Surett] * Use poster before thumbnail in Top Shelf . . [Kai Sommerfeld] * [android] Fix crash on Kodi exit (powersyscall no more available, but called). . . [DaveTBlake] * Fix bug with Audiolibrary.GetArtists return of "isalbumartist" field . [Kai Sommerfeld] * [application] Fix mixed pictures/videos slideshow ending after first video. . [Kai Sommerfeld] * [PVR] Fix crash due to unsynchronized concurrent EPG database access. . [enen92] * [python] drop xbmc.abortRequested flag . . [Kai Sommerfeld] * [PVR] Optimize EPG Grid Container Model. . [DaveTBlake] * Only check if items are .iso and expand disc image when in file view . . . [Kai Sommerfeld] * [video] BUILDDATE CMakeLists.txt LICENSES VERSION addons cmake debian docs lib media privacy-policy.txt project system tools userdata version.txt xbmc xbmc-xrandr.c CID 1463261: Resource leaks (RESOURCE_LEAK) /xbmc/video/ContextMenus.cpp: 171 in CONTEXTMENU::::AddRecordingsToPlayListAndSort(const std::shared_ptr &, CFileItemList &)() . [Matt Huisman] * remove seek hls work-around as no longer required. This also breaks ability to play live hls from live (not start) . [Matt Huisman] * ffmpeg version in Matrix returns 'hls' not 'hls,applehttp' for hls format . [Bernd Kuhls] * cmake: fix check for memfd_create . [Peter] * [bluray] Correctly recognize subtitle language PGS subtitles can also have pid starting with 0x12a0 for hdr. fixes #15337 . [djp952] * HTTP Directory parser enhancements for multi-line anchor tags . . [Kai Sommerfeld] * [Estuary] Playlist window: Add support for PVR recordings. . [Kai Sommerfeld] * [Estuary][PVR] Recordings window: Add 'Go to playlist' to side blade. . [Kai Sommerfeld] * [video] Fix playlist window not playing the clicked item if 'autoplay next item' is enabled for 'Uncategorised' content in Kodi settings. . [Kai Sommerfeld] * [video][PVR] Recordings: Add support for 'Play from here' context menu item. . [Kai Sommerfeld] * [video][PVR] Recordings: Add support for 'Play next' and 'Queue item' context menu items. . [Kai Sommerfeld] * [video][PVR] Recordings folders: Add support for 'Play next' and 'Queue item' context menu items. . [Kai Sommerfeld] * [video][PVR] Recordings folders: Add support for 'Play' context menu item. . [enen92] * Addons: Guard the addon installation process while migrating . [enen92] * Addons: Ensure addon installation order when migrating to matrix . [enen92] * Addons: Do not submit install jobs in the background . . [Alwin Esch] * [addons][audioengine] increase API version to 1.1.0 . [Alwin Esch] * [addons][audioengine] separate "C" and "C++" parts of headers . [Alwin Esch] * [addons][audioengine] update documentation . [Alwin Esch] * [addons] fix CStructHdl use by copy class to class . [Alwin Esch] * [addons][doxygen] update doc views . [Alwin Esch] * [addons][audioengine] rename CAddonAEStream to CAEStream . [Alwin Esch] * [addons][audioengine] clang code style cleanup . [Alwin Esch] * [addons][audioengine] separate Kodi and Addon enum parts . [Alwin Esch] * [addons][audioengine] change interface code to match "C" . [Alwin Esch] * [addons][audioengine] add #ifdef __cplusplus . [Alwin Esch] * [addons][network] increase API version to 1.0.1 . [Alwin Esch] * [addons][network] separate "C" and "C++" parts of headers . [Alwin Esch] * [addons][network] minor cleanups . [Alwin Esch] * [addons][network] add new functions . [Lukas Rusak] * [linux] CCPUInfoLinux: add imx_thermal_zone to default sensor names . [Henrik Johnson] * Event server keyboard events dont work for keys that have long press defined . [AhmedAdelAbouzeid] * Prevent RTL text from mirrorring around cursor for on-screen keyboard . [Anton Fedchin] * [video] clear library entries from plugins if media source is removed. . . [montellese] * fix creating unique index for actors on MySQL after bffa7bb5 (thanks @mkreisl) . [Jakob Linskeseder] * Remove unused CI integrations . . [h.udo] * [docs] Improve tvOS logo . [Kai Sommerfeld] * [PVR] Fix deadlock in CPVREpg::Persist. Never lock epg instance after epgdb instance. . [Kai Sommerfeld] * [PVR] CPVREpgDatabase: Replace c-style casts with c++-style casts. . [Kai Sommerfeld] * [PVR] CPVREpgDatabase: Remove some default parameters. . [Kai Sommerfeld] * [PVR] Speed up persisting EPG container to database. First, only queue all INSERT queries and after that do one commit. . [nl6720] * [] Replace which with command -v . [Jay Linski] * [docs] Add Ubuntu 20.04 to tested versions . [phunkyfish] * [videoplayer] Fix TS Streams by disallowing streaminfo for realtime streams . . [enen92] * Improve plugin resolution logic . [DaveTBlake] * JSON API bump patch number for faster implementation of fetching music data . [DaveTBlake] * Faster parsing item lists and music datasets to JSON by preallocating CVariant array . [DaveTBlake] * GetAlbumsByWhereJSON faster by doing "songgenres" as subquery - save 20% times. SQLite prepare convert multi-field CONCAT() statement to use . [montellese] * [videodb] allow the same actor to appear multiple times in the same media with different roles . . [ronie] * [addons] Define assets and bump addon version . [phunkyfish] * [pvr] switch INFO log statements to DEBUG . [phunkyfish] * [filesystem] switch INFO log statements to DEBUG . [enen92] * [upnp] Prefer movie posters to thumbs when serving the library items over upnp . [Kai Sommerfeld] * [dialogs][guillib] CGUIDialogKaiToast now only closes the dialog if the whole toast text was displayed at least once. . . . [Roman Artiukhin] * Fix watching icons are not shown when content type is not set . [Montellese] * [depends] libspdlog: point CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH to the provided prefix . [Montellese] * [cmake] FindSpdlog.cmake: point CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH to internally built libraries . [Montellese] * [depends] patch spdlog to require at least fmt 5.3.0 . . . [Brent Murphy] * [macos] allow portable mode to run . [enen92] * [docs][python] Misc doxygen improvements . [Alwin Esch] * [addons][pvr] increase PVR API to 6.5.0 . [Alwin Esch] * [addons][pvr] rename SignalStatus to GetSignalStatus . [Alwin Esch] * [addons][pvr] pass channel unique id to SignalStatus and GetDescrambleInfo . [Alwin Esch] * [addons][pvr] rename GetAddonCapabilities to GetCapabilities . [Alwin Esch] * [addons][pvr] sort API function tables . [Alwin Esch] * [addons][pvr] rename PVR_PROPERTIES to AddonProperties_PVR . [Vasyl Gello] * Fix duplicated queue and VFS types . [Anton Fedchin] * [windows] don't mark render buffer as loaded until UploadBuffer is called . [ronie] * [Skins] misc. fixes . . . [Jim Carroll] * [cosmetic] comply with coding guidlines. . [CastagnaIT] * [docs][python] Some fixes for xbmcdrm documentation . [Lukas Rusak] * windowing/gbm: preseve crtc index when adding crtcs . [Jim Carroll] * [cosmetic] remove blank lines and reorder methods. . [Jim Carroll] * Fix crash on exit. . [Jim Carroll] * Document removed python callback Monitor.onAbortRequested. . [Jim Carroll] * Remove deprecated onAbortRequested python callback. . [Jim Carroll] * Fix minor warning. . . [enen92] * [python] Move xbmc.validatePath to xbmcvfs.validatePath . [enen92] * [Python] Fix ControlTextBox actions before being added to the window . . [phunkyfish] * [pvr] get previous epg tag instead of previous of previous . [howie-f] * [Subtitles] fix smi subtitles to use quoted start tags . [Wolfgang Haupt] * Network: Simplify the bind logic . . . [Alwin Esch] * [addons][pvr] increase PVR API version to 6.4.0 . [Alwin Esch] * [addons][pvr] remove obsolete LOG types and sync with Kodi side . [Alwin Esch] * [addons][pvr] remove not used lambda for "this" on GetDriveSpace call . [Alwin Esch] * [addons][pvr] change stream properties and do over inputstream . [Alwin Esch] * [addons][pvr] use STREAM_MAX_PROPERTY_COUNT from inputstream also for pvr . [Alwin Esch] * [addons][pvr] correct CPVRClient::GetDriveSpace call . [Alwin Esch] * [addons][pvr] move xbmc_epg_types.h to xbmc_pvr_types.h . [Alwin Esch] * [addons][pvr] remove deprecated interface parts . [Alwin Esch] * [addons][pvr] remove deprecated kodi_vfs_types.h . [Alwin Esch] * [pvr] make props and functions to/from Kodi in own parts . [Alwin Esch] * [pvr] remove deprecated "inputstreamaddon" property . [enen92] * [python] move xbmc.makeLegalFilename() to xbmcvfs module . [enen92] * Addons: Move migration and addon updates to AddonManager . [CastagnaIT] * [docs][python] Improve documentation for xbmcdrm . [djp952] * [PVR] Use active channel name when 'Importing guide from clients' . [phunkyfish] * [logging] update docs for python logging . [phunkyfish] * [logging] convert NOTICE level to INFO . [phunkyfish] * [logging] convert SEVERE level to FATAL . . [Matt Huisman] * Update docs/ . [Matt Huisman] * Update docs/ . [phunkyfish] * [inputstream] support mime type by default for all inputstream addons . [montellese] * use python style formatting in CLog::SetLogLevel() . [montellese] * fix log levels in debug builds . [montellese] * [settings] don't load setting values twice . [AhmedAdelAbouzeid] * Adjust cursor blinking effect for on-screen keyboard to accommodate Arabic text . [AhmedAdelAbouzeid] * Correct on-screen keyboard behaviour for Arabic characters 1- Prevent arabic characters from being disjoined when using the on-screen keyboard. Fixes #16040 2- Prevent the flipping of existing arabic text when editing (ex. renaming something) using the on-screen keyboard . [Matt Huisman] * Fix ClearFile if directory passed to it . [Matt Huisman] * Must close database before returning . [Matt Huisman] * Fix addon search showing same addon multiple times for same addon ids . [DaveTBlake] * Alphanumeric sorting improvements: Add ascii folding collation (mimicking that used in MySQL/MariaDB as utf8_general_ci) for better sorting of accented characters on those platforms that do not support locale collate facets e.g Android. . [Matt Huisman] * Update Windows build config to match current VS2017 and java installers . . [enen92] * [docs][python] Improve documentation for xbmc.sleep and xbmc.Monitor().waitForAbort . [Wolfgang Haupt] * Network: Fix double close of socket . [Wolfgang Haupt] * Network: Fix overflow in our network code . [phunkyfish] * [docs] tvOS updates . [Sylvain CECCHETTO] * [packaging iOS/tvOS] fix wrong architecture field in deb control file . . [Rechi] * [depends] bump libzip to 1.6.1 . [Rechi] * [depends] build libzip only for android . [peak3d] * [Android] Ignore intents until application is initialized . [phunkyfish] * [docs] add link to PRs in needed of review in contributing doc . [howie-f] * [CurlFile] proper setup proxy credentials . [Lukas Rusak] * CProcessInfoGBM: Register using CVideoBufferPoolDMA . [Lukas Rusak] * CVideoBufferDMA: add class to use CBufferObject . [montellese] * [settings] apply clang format to CGUIDialogSettingsBase and CGUIControlSettings . [montellese] * [settings/controls] split Update() into UpdateFromControl() and UpdateFromSetting() . [montellese] * [settings/controls] only update the displayed value using Update() after having changed it in OnClick() . [montellese] * [settings/controls] CGUIControlSpinExSetting: refactor internal methods . [montellese] * [settings/controls] don't fully update GUI controls when creating them . [montellese] * [settings/dialogs] CGUIDialogSettingsBase: only update the displayed value of a setting control whose setting has changed . [montellese] * [settings/lib] support getting dynamic options from CSettingInt / CSettingString without updating them . . [phunkyfish] * [estuary] optionally show date/duration if recordings sort mode is size or duration . [Brent Murphy] * [cmake] addons support multiple regex arguments for ADDONS_TO_BUILD . [enen92] * [] Define assets and bump addon version . [Lukas Rusak] * [cmake] change warnings to status as it's only for indication . . [Hugh Cole-Baker] * [windowing/gbm] Set original CRTC as inactive if not used . [Brent Murphy] * [tvos] Runtime fixup after spdlog . [roke] * fixed checking if proxy and username pass are empty . [Lukas Rusak] * CVideoLayerBridgeDRMPRIME: query supported values before blindly setting them . [DaveTBlake] * Clean up some compiler warnings and Coverity issues . [Lukas Rusak] * [gbm] rework plane selection based on crtcs . [montellese] * [settings/lib] implement missing CSettingList/Int/String::MergeDetails() . [Dimitry Ishenko] * TexturePacker: fix for 32-bit systems . . [Wanilton] * Add "Portuguese (Brazil)" for audio and subtitles streams (ISO-639-2) . [Rechi] * [cmake] disable gtest auto fallback to internal build . [Rechi] * [depends] add googletest . [mediaminister] * Support multi-line text in dialogs . [ronie] * add option to mask numeric input . [ronie] * [python] masking support for numeric input . [Zhouyang Jia] * Add error handling code for some external APIs . . [fritsch] * ProfileManager: Save changes when they happen . [Brent Murphy] * [ios] Runtime fix after spdlog merge . [Lukas Rusak] * [windows] enable libdav1d in the ffmpeg build . [Lukas Rusak] * [cmake] dav1d: make optional for internal build . [Lukas Rusak] * [cmake] look for libdav1d as well . [Lukas Rusak] * [windows] add libdav1d to build depends . . . . . [ronie] * move Container.CurrentItem to the correct map . [ronie] * fix documentation for Container.SubItem() . [ronie] * fix Container.SortMethod() infobool . [ronie] * fix documentation for infolabels that do support (id) . [ronie] * fix documentation for infolabels that don't support (id) . [ronie] * move infolabels that don't support (id) to the correct map . [ronie] * add documentation for missing infobools . . [montellese] * [network] CUPnPServer: remove unused SortItems() method . [montellese] * ~ follow coding style for ec6cd6ee41 . [montellese] * [network] UPnP: make use of new logging functionality . [montellese] * ~ follow coding style for 7b5518da91 . [montellese] * [network] HTTP request handlers: make use of new logging functionality . [montellese] * ~ follow coding style for 362f28668f . [montellese] * [addons] CAddonSettings: make use of new logging functionality . [montellese] * ~ follow coding style for e0f2a73316 . [montellese] * [settings/lib] make use of new logging functionality . [montellese] * ~ follow coding style for 5163bf37fb . [montellese] * [network] CWebServer: make use of new logging functionality . [montellese] * [utils] add CStaticLoggerBase helper class for static loggers . [montellese] * ~ follow coding style for 5af7aaeecc . [montellese] * remove unnecessary trailing newline from log messages . [montellese] * ~ follow coding style for 50ced18d7b . [montellese] * move component logging from CAdvancedSettings to CLog . [montellese] * ~ follow coding style for d7489e5714 . [montellese] * [utils] CLog: replace custom logging implementation with spdlog . [montellese] * [cmake/depends/win32] add spdlog . [montellese] * [cmake] fix FindFmt.cmake for windows and fix version from 3.0.1 to 6.1.2 . [Sascha Montellese] * [docs] update list of manually installed packages on Ubuntu . [Philipp Kerling] * Remove F-Droid badge from . [Philipp Kerling] * Fix missing cast to void* in %p format . [phunkyfish] * [pvr] tidy do not call virtual functions from constructors or destructors . [phunkyfish] * [pvr] tidy range based loops should use reference . [phunkyfish] * [pvr] tidy value stored but not used . [wsnipex] * libudfread: add download target . [Lukas Rusak] * CUDFFile: switch to using libudfread . [Lukas Rusak] * [depends] add libudfread . [phunkyfish] * [inputstream] add support for new property name to load inputstreams . [phunkyfish] * [inputstream] bump API to v2.2.0 . [phunkyfish] * [inputstream] Remove Pause from Inputstream API and PauseStream from Inputstream Addons . [phunkyfish] * [inputstream] increase number of supported streams to 256 . [phunkyfish] * [inputstream] stop overflow when sending props to Inputstream and fix naming . [Philipp Kerling] * Disable VAAPI/VDPAU MPEG-2 hwaccel by default . [Pär Björklund] * clang-format . [howie-f] * [clang-format] disable for all arrays in LangCodeExpander.cpp . [Pär Björklund] * Improve build performance on windows . [ronie] * [skins] bump skin versions and dependencies . [ronie] * [GUI] bump xbmc.gui to 5.15.0 for Matrix . [Lukas Rusak] * IBufferObject: allow creating by size . . [Lukas Rusak] * [tests] update to use gtest 1.10.0 . [Lukas Rusak] * gtest: remove lib/gtest and add as library . . . [Jernej Skrabec] * DVDVideoCodecDRMPRIME: Always use best_effort_timestamp . [Jonas Karlman] * DVDVideoCodecDRMPRIME: IsSupportedHwFormat . [Jonas Karlman] * VideoBufferDRMPRIME: rename Map and Unmap . . [Lukas Rusak] * [RetroPlayer] CRenderBufferDMA: add sync support . [Lukas Rusak] * IBufferObject: add sync methods . [Alwin Esch] * [addons][network] add "using namespace ::kodi::addon;" to reduce size . [Alwin Esch] * [addons][network] clang cleanups . [Alwin Esch] * [addons][filesystem] "C" ABI cleanups . [Lukas Rusak] * [test] update TestSysfsPath to use EXPECT_EQ . [Lukas Rusak] * [linux] drop drm folder from drm includes . [Lukas Rusak] * windowing/gbm: remove 10bit plane support . [enen92] * [Addons] Addons for linux don't necessarily mean they are compatible with freebsd . [Lukas Rusak] * windowing/wayland: GL: register using CRPRendererDMA . [Lukas Rusak] * windowing/wayland: GL: register using CDMAHeapBufferObject . [Lukas Rusak] * windowing/wayland: GL: register using CUDMABufferObject . [Lukas Rusak] * CRenderBufferDMA: log the buffer type in use . [Lukas Rusak] * [RetroPlayer] CRenderContext: remove unused TEXTURE_RGBA_OES shader method . [Lukas Rusak] * CRPRendererDMA: use TEXTURE shader so DMA can be used with OpenGL . [Lukas Rusak] * CBufferObject: unify logging style . [Jonas Karlman] * windowing/gbm: add option to limit gui size . [Lukas Rusak] * windowing/gbm: GL: register using CRPRendererDMA . [Lukas Rusak] * windowing/gbm: GL: register using CDMAHeapBufferObject . [Lukas Rusak] * windowing/gbm: GL: register using CUDMABufferObject . [Lukas Rusak] * windowing/gbm: GL: register using CGBMBufferObject . [Lukas Rusak] * windowing/gbm: GL: register using CDumbBufferObject . [snaunton] * http sources look for subtitles . . [peak3d] * Trigger render when scrolling (smartredraw) . [howie-f] * [LanguageCodes] Add "Swiss german" for audio streams (ISO639-2) . [howie-f] * [cosmetics] clang-format on remaining LangCodeExpander . [howie-f] * [cosmetics] clang-format on array (ISO3166) . [howie-f] * [cosmetics] clang-format on array (ISO639) . [howie-f] * [cosmetics] clang-format on array (ISO639-1) . [howie-f] * [cosmetics] clang-format on array (ISO639-2) . [peak3d] * [Android] Add WisePlay DRM . [the-black-eagle] * [Music] Add NODE_TYPE_DISC to CMusicDatabaseDirectory::ContainsSongs() . . [Bas Rieter] * Changed: see if we can reuse the language invoker for a menu callback . [Bas Rieter] * Added: option to pass arguments to add-on menu callbacks . . . . [Lukas Rusak] * windowing/wayland: GLES: register using CRPRendererDMA . [Lukas Rusak] * windowing/wayland: GLES: register using CDMAHeapBufferObject . [Lukas Rusak] * windowing/wayland: GLES: register using CUDMABufferObject . [Lukas Rusak] * [RetroPlayer] allow using wayland with CRPRendererDMA . [phunkyfish] * [inputstream] bump API to v2.1.0 . [phunkyfish] * [inputstream] increase max stream properties to 30 . [phunkyfish] * [inputstream] Update comment on PauseStream() to clarify purpose . [Rechi] * [depends] refresh libshairplay patches . [Rechi] * [depends] refresh libgpg-error patches . [Rechi] * [depends] refresh libcdio-gplv3 patches . [Rechi] * [depends] refresh gnutls patches . [Rechi] * [depends] remove unused python3 patches . [Wolfgang Haupt] * Remove usage of KEY_ASCII . [Wolfgang Haupt] * Make OnJumpLetter work with UTF-8 chars . [Lukas Rusak] * [RetroPlayer] CRPRendererDMA: only create buffer pool if buffer objects are registered . [phunkyfish] * [inputstream] remove unused functions CanPauseStream and CanSeekStream from API . [Lukas Rusak] * CDMAHeapBufferObject: add /dev/dma_heap/linux,cma path . [enen92] * [Addons] Remove noicon/nofanart and old fallback paths to the root of the addon directory . . [djp952] * Correct Windows date/time calculations after PR17358 . [enen92] * [Tests] Support addonversion pep-0440/local-version-identifiers . [enen92] * [AddonVersion] Always store version as lowercase . . [peak3d] * Don't send UNFOCUS_ALL after touch action . [Bernd Kuhls] * cmake: add check for python3.8 . [peak3d] * [Android] MediaCodec: reimplement JNI (instead NDK) . [Sylvain CECCHETTO] * [tvOS] Implement PowerManager::OnSleep/OnWake . [Sylvain CECCHETTO] * [tvOS] Do not stop player when applicationWillResignActive . [Harish Yadav] * Spelling Mistake in IMemoryStream.h . [yeahme49] * open python file in binary mode . [Lukas Rusak] * [buildsteps] freebsd 12 now includes fstrcmp . [Lukas Rusak] * [docs] update FreeBSD build instructions for 12.1 . [David Vukovic] * [docs] added missing dependency . . . [Kai Sommerfeld] * [application] CApplication::SwitchToFullScreen: Do not activate designated window if it is already active. . [Kai Sommerfeld] * [application] Fix black screen when switching from PVR Live TV channel to PVR Radio channel. Fixes #17556. . . [ronie] * add ListItem.TvShowDBID infolabel . [ronie] * fix VideoPlayer.UniqueID() infolabel . [ronie] * add VideoPlayer.offset() infolabels . . [Lukas Rusak] * [VideoPlayer] CVideoBufferDRMPRIME move to Buffers directory . [Lukas Rusak] * [VideoPlayer] CVideoBuffer move to Buffers directory . . [DerickLebron] * Max 60s commbreakautowait and commbreakautowind . [Sam Nazarko] * CProfileManager: do not wait for bool uiInitializationFinished or skins will load without all elements ready . . . [peak3d] * Re-enable selection OnMouseOver / GUIPanelContainer adjustments for touch . [wsnipex] * [depends] fix Makefile to download and build dav1d without depends . . [ronie] * contextmenu - hide favourites option if we have no path . . [Alwin Esch] * [addons][vfs] increase API version to 2.3.0 . [Alwin Esch] * [addons][vfs] rework documentation . [Alwin Esch] * [addons][vfs] change ABI interface to match pure "C" . [Alwin Esch] * [addons][vfs] make all "C" interface structures to own memory . [Alwin Esch] * [addons][vfs] prevent C++ designed Kodi Header IFileTypes.h . [Alwin Esch] * [addons][vfs] add "#ifdef __cplusplus" to addon header . [Alwin Esch] * [addons][vfs] do not interact addon class with Kodi . [Alwin Esch] * [addons][vfs] clang style cleanup on addon header . . [Brent Murphy] * [darwin_embedded] enable xcode project binary addon build for ios . [Kai Sommerfeld] * [PVR] setting 'Switch to full screen' now supports channel types. . [Alwin Esch] * [settings] allow TranslatableIntegerSettingOption to get string from addon . [Jay Linski] * Add section on Meson and nasm build dependency in Ubuntu . . . . . [Alwin Esch] * [addons] remove deprecated xbmc_addon_types.h . [phunkyfish] * [pvr] Recording sizes and folder total sizes, sorting and in progress callback . [phunkyfish] * [pvr] New, Live, Finale and Premiere for EPG, Recordings and Timers . [DaveTBlake] * [JSON]Fix Player.GetProperties return of "currentaudiostream" and "audiostreams" data for PAPlayer. Include "sample rate". . [fritsch] * Revert "DVDVideoCodecAndroidMediaCodec: Properly set MAX WIDTH and MAX HEIGHT (thanks to cerarp)" . [ChrisEt] * added support for ZIP extended local headers . . . [Ryan Rector] * [jsonrpc] remove ambiguous and duplicate Player.Seek options . . [Lukas Rusak] * [RetroPlayer] CRPRendererDMA: use GL_TEXTURE_2D as OES EXTERNAL should be used for YUV formats . . . . . [the-black-eagle] * [json][music] add support for fetching sample rate, bit rate and number of channels for songs . [the-black-eagle] * [music] read, process and display sample rate, bit rate and no of channels in music files . . . [Alwin Esch] * [addons][vfs] fix Kodi start crash if incompatible VFS addon present . [Alwin Esch] * [addons][pvr] add GetPlayingChannelUniqueID to playback state . [Alwin Esch] * [addons][pvr] Pass in addon string ID and not its class . [Alwin Esch] * [addons] change xbmc_addon_types.h include to AddonBase.h on AddonStatusHandler.h . . [Markus Pfau] * Adjust mouse and gesture handling (#17548) . [ronie] * [python] revert onAbortRequested removal . [peak3d] * Fix Android DPI detection / eventloop is not called anymore . [Wolfgang Haupt] * Windowing: GBM/gl - Remove reference to header that has been renamed . . [ronie] * [python] add custom button to yesno dialog . [montellese] * [settings/lib] support static tag for definitions . [Kai Sommerfeld] * [PVR] CPVREpgTagsContainer::GetTimeline : Fix edge case where a gap tag needs to be appended to time line. . [ronie] * Favourites Dialog - fix crash . . [Lukas Rusak] * windowing/gbm: register using CDMAHeapBufferObject . [Lukas Rusak] * CDMAHeapBufferObject: add new class to abstract new dma-heap buffers . [Lukas Rusak] * [RetroPlayer] add documentation about DMA render methods . [Lukas Rusak] * windowing/wayland: inherit from abstract class CWinSystemEGL . [Lukas Rusak] * windowing/gbm: inherit from abstract class CWinSystemEGL . [Lukas Rusak] * CWinSystemEGL: add new abstract type . [Lukas Rusak] * windowing/gbm: register using CUDMABufferObject . [Lukas Rusak] * CUDMABufferObject: add new class to abstract memfd/udmabuf buffers . [James Hutchinson] * [PVR] add watched count to grouped recordings list . [Lukas Rusak] * [RetroPlayer] rename GBM related buffers/pools/renderers to DMA . [Lukas Rusak] * IBufferObject: add doxygen . [Lukas Rusak] * CDumbBufferObject: add new class to abstract dumb buffers . [Lukas Rusak] * [gbm] add CBufferObjectFactory to allow using multiple buffer object types . [DaveTBlake] * Use of previously declared variable . [DaveTBlake] * Apply sorting with limits of songs, albums and artists in the music database, including natural sort and article removal (to match fileitem sort behaviour). . [Lukas Rusak] * GBMBufferObject: guard against creating if we already have a valid fd . [Lukas Rusak] * CGBMBufferObject: set m_bo to nullptr when destroying the buffer object . [Lukas Rusak] * GBMBufferObject: close fd in DestroyBufferObject() . [Lukas Rusak] * IBufferObject: stride should be uint32_t . [Lukas Rusak] * IBufferObject: width and height should be uint32_t . [Lukas Rusak] * IBufferObject: format should be uint32_t . [Lukas Rusak] * IBufferObject: format is required during buffer creation . [djp952] * [PVR] Convert EPG First Aired from time_t to date string . [djp952] * [PVR] Add support for firstAired tag via PVR Recordings . [ronie] * [json-rpc] favourites - add support for androidapp . [DaveTBlake] * Make migration from earlier db versions more robust . [fritsch] * AESinkAudioTrack: Query ServiceBroker only once . [fritsch] * AESinkAudioTrack: Change Component logging behaviour . [fritsch] * AESinkAudioTrack: Add hw delay to normal delay . [Alwin Esch] * [addons][inputstream] add `extern "C"` to Inputstream.h . [Alwin Esch] * [addons][inputstream] add 'extern "C"' to StreamCrypto.h . [Alwin Esch] * [addons][videocodec][demux] add 'extern "C"' to DemuxPacket . [Alwin Esch] * [addons][videocodec] change buffer handle to use "KODI_HANDLE" . [phunkyfish] * [pvr] add defines for invalid season and episode values . [DaveTBlake] * Stop and wakeup screen saver when play request received from any source including PlayFile . [ronie] * [EPG] change season/episode infolabels for specials . [emveepee] * PVR Documentation Change . [enen92] * Implement range check in URIUtils::resolvePath . [Lukas Rusak] * [cmake] fix dav1d spelling . [ronie] * Window cleanup . [ronie] * ListItem cleanup . [ronie] * Dialog cleanup . [Alwin Esch] * [vfs][addons] fix title show of compressed package dir . [howie-f] * [Estuary] hide remaining time when fullscreen-info is displayed . [mediaminister] * Support double precision in bookmarks . [Lukas Rusak] * [depends] dav1d: update to 0.6.0 . [Lukas Rusak] * replace strncasecmp with StringUtils::CompareNoCase . [Lukas Rusak] * replace strcasecmp with StringUtils::CompareNoCase . [Lukas Rusak] * replace strnicmp with StringUtils::CompareNoCase . [Lukas Rusak] * replace strcmpi with StringUtils::CompareNoCase . [Lukas Rusak] * replace stricmp with StringUtils::CompareNoCase . [Lukas Rusak] * replace _stricmp with StringUtils::CompareNoCase . [Lukas Rusak] * StringUtils: allow CompareNoCase to compare first n bytes of s1 . [Attila Jakosa] * [lang][skin.estouchy] updated language files from Transifex . [Attila Jakosa] * [lang][skin.estuary] updated language files from Transifex . [Attila Jakosa] * [lang][kodi.core] automatic syntax corrections for the en_GB language file . [Alwin Esch] * [addons][videocodec] add documentation to STREAMCODEC_PROFILE . [Alwin Esch] * [videoplayer] update TimingConstants.h to support also "C" . [Alwin Esch] * [docs] update doxygen to define __cplusplus to include related parts . [Alwin Esch] * [addons][inputstream] add inttypes.h and string.h to StreamCrypto.h . [the-black-eagle] * [Estuary] Add new music infolabels to Includes_MusicInfo.xml . [Alwin Esch] * [addons][inputstream] add blocksize ask support . [Alwin Esch] * [addons][inputstream] don't give addon instance class to Kodi . [enen92] * [Doxygen] Remove trailing whitespaces in the list of infolabels/bools . [enen92] * [Doxygen] Fix infolabel/bool table after PR #16697 . [enen92] * [Doxygen] Fix builtin function table after PR #13762 . [ronie] * Control cleanup . [ronie] * Player cleanup . [ronie] * Monitor cleanup . [Lukas Rusak] * [tests] TestDateTime: disable GetAsTimeStamp on OSX . [fritsch] * Revert "AESinkAudioTrack: Support multi channel float" . [Frederik “Freso” S. Olesen] * [python] Expose MusicBrainz IDs from MusicInfoTag . [Thomas Kühnel] * remove hidden files when cleaning up the temp/fonts folder . [Thomas Kühnel] * Remove invalid characters from mkv embedded font names . [ronie] * [guilib] add listitem.uniqueid() infolabel . [ronie] * [Estuary] re-add support for the autocomplete plugin . [Andrey Filipenkov] * [ios] disable GUI insets for external screen . [Andrey Filipenkov] * [ios] apply safe area insets to Kodi GUI . [MilhouseVH] * SWIG: find also v4 . [ronie] * remove support for 'XBMC.' prefixed built-in commands . [emveepee] * PVR Radio "Now Playing" . [Alwin Esch] * [addons] fix stupid circumstance with addon settings on folder with file extension . [Lukas Rusak] * [posix] remove XFileUtils . [Lukas Rusak] * remove unused CIoSupport class . [Lukas Rusak] * cmake: move iso9660 from cdio to iso9660pp . [Lukas Rusak] * udf: rework IFile and IFileDirectory implementation . [Lukas Rusak] * [depends] libcdio-gplv3: add patch to remove glob reference . [the-black-eagle] * [JSON]Music add release and original date fields, rules and and sort order . [the-black-eagle] * Add support for extra date and bpm tags in music files . [Sebastian S] * Added Embuary Info features to home categories . [phunkyfish] * [windows] patch to enable pthreads compat layer for w32threads . [phunkyfish] * [windows] refresh ffmpeg patches and add -p1 to patch command . [phunkyfish] * [videoplayer] format udp/rtp ffmpeg options/url . [phunkyfish] * [url] skip parsing username:password for udp/rtp . [DaveTBlake] * Remove invalid grouping when playlist type changed . [Jakob Linskeseder] * [cmake] ffmpeg: add support for libdav1d . [Lukas Rusak] * [depends] move meson cross file generation to target Makefile and fill in host info . [Lukas Rusak] * [depends] add nasm . [DaveTBlake] * Fix song playback history import to correctly match multiple releases with and without mbid . [Maven85] * modernize android sdk detection . [ronie] * change season/episode infolabels for specials . [fritsch] * Android: Don't reset user set volume . [fritsch] * AESinkAudioTrack: Fallback if IEC is not existent . [fritsch] * AESinkAUDIOTRACK: Allow RAW and IEC bionicinguishing . [phunkyfish] * [apple] tar on osx now supports xz files no need for our native one . [phunkyfish] * [darwin_embedded] Move to correct aarch64-apple-darwin host triplet for tvOS/iOS . [phunkyfish] * [ios] set minimum ios version to 11.0 and cleanup dependencies . [ronie] * [Estuary] Info dialog cosmetics . [Lukas Rusak] * CRendererDRMPRIMEGLES: inherit from CBaseRenderer not CLinuxRendererGLES . [ronie] * [estuary] display playcount/lastplayed in musicinfo dialog . [Lukas Rusak] * [test] add test for CDateTime . [Lukas Rusak] * [test] add test for CDateTimeSpan . [Lukas Rusak] * CDateTime: add missing format TIME_FORMAT_HH_SS . [Lukas Rusak] * CDateTime: time zone needs to be adjusted in reverse of advertised . [Lukas Rusak] * [depends] libcdio-gplv3: enable c++ bindings . [Lukas Rusak] * iso9660: rework IFile and IFileDirectory implementations . [Pär Björklund] * Fix stack overflow when trying to find nfo files in a rar file. . [fandangos] * [FIX] Chapter selection in UHD BD and BD . [Andre Meyering] * [Docs] Fix minor typos . [fritsch] * Android: Skip HW acceleration if not needed . [CastagnaIT] * Do not force flip for hebrew/arabic languages . [CastagnaIT] * Revert "[subtitles] decode html escape characters (reverted from commit 56ff2ab08874ab78b7341be092aed0d9b37bb175)" . [Qian Yun] * [Android] pause audio playback when headphone is disconnected . [Arne Morten Kvarving] * fixed: trim platform string prior to split . [vjadid] * [Win32BuildSetup] add Version to add/remove programs entry . [PanderMusubi] * added Android badges . [sarbes] * Add svg mime . [Olaf Hering] * [libUPnP] Remove unused headers from Platinum/Source/Extras . . [Kai Sommerfeld] * [PVR] CPVRTimerInfoTag::ConvertUTCToLocalTime: Fix leap year detection. . [Pär Björklund] * Fix enum formatting . [Pär Björklund] * Revert enum fix, didn't work . [Alwin Esch] * [cmake][addons] remove windowsstore path, there no differences anymore to windows path . [Alwin Esch] * [cmake][addons] remove p8-platform from addon depends . [Alwin Esch] * [cmake][addons] remove tinyxml from addon depends . [Alwin Esch] * [cmake][addons] remove kodi platform from depends . [ronie] * [python] set abi to 3.0.0 . . [howie-f] * GUIPassword.h: fix doxygen header . [howie-f] * refactor: enum MediaLockState . [Maven85] * [python] fixed incorrectly formatted region time . [Alwin Esch] * [addons] add platform for android-x86_64 binary addons . [Alwin Esch] * [docs] add note to README's that Android x86 and x86_64 not maintained . [Alwin Esch] * [build] add android x86_64 to buildstep scripts . [Alwin Esch] * [build][depends] add support for x86_64-linux-android . [Alwin Esch] * add image mime type for support over imagedecoder.raw . . [ronie] * [estuary] make weather maps less transparent . [Rechi] * [depends] bump libjpeg-turbo to 2.0.4 . [Rechi] * [toolchain] add CMAKE_SYSTEM_PROCESSOR . . [Andrey Filipenkov] * [macos] fix warnings introduced in 13f83f82 . [Alwin Esch] * [addons] rename binary gui interface dir to "gui" (lowercase) to match headers . [Alwin Esch] * [addons] change some binary interface log calls to new style . [Alwin Esch] * [addons] change few CAddonDll parts to match more C++ style . [Alwin Esch] * [addons] some clang cleanups on binary addon interface headers . [Alwin Esch] * [addons] remove wrong included header "FileItem.h" from Interface_Filesystem . [Alwin Esch] * [addons] add some missing 'extern "C"' to binary interface calls . [Alwin Esch] * [addons] code style cleanup on Interface_Base to match more C++ . [Alwin Esch] * [addons] move binary addon interface calls to own files . [Rechi] * [depends] bump libcdio-gplv3 to 2.1.0 . [howie-f] * Extend CheckMenuLock to check Mediasources (video and music) if needed . [howie-f] * Reimplement functions for checking Master-/Medialocks . [howie-f] * Introduce LockState enum . [Jakob Linskeseder] * Remove outdated bionicribute dependency . [Andrey Filipenkov] * [macos] change Toggle Fullscreen shortcut to system default Cmd+Ctrl+F . . [peak3d] * [ffmpeg] CActiveAEFilter: initialize frame pts only once after filter creation . [Lukas Rusak] * FFmpeg: Bump to 4.2.2-Matrix-Alpha1 . [Lukas Rusak] * PlatformDefs.h: remove inttypes definitions . [Lukas Rusak] * PlatformDefs.h: move FILETIME to XTimeUtils.h . . [Alwin Esch] * [build] add note to DEFAULT_NDK_VERSION and DEFAULT_NDK_API . . [Attila Jakosa] * [lang][skin.estouchy] updated language files from Transifex . [Attila Jakosa] * [lang][skin.estuary] updated language files from Transifex . [Attila Jakosa] * [lang][skin.estuary] automatic syntax corrections for the en_GB language file . [Attila Jakosa] * [lang][kodi.core] automatic syntax corrections for the en_GB language file . . [Rechi] * [depends] bump curl to 7.68.0 . [Rechi] * update SSL CA trust store . [Rechi] * [depends] add update-cacert target to curl . [Rechi] * move cacert.pem to system/certs . [Sebastian S] * Added support for . . . [Lukas Rusak] * PlatformDefs.h: remove _atoi64 define . [Ryan Rector] * Don't try to generate a thumb for unresolved plugin path . . [Rechi] * [depends] bump libfmt to 6.1.2 . . [Rechi] * [osx] drop i386 support . [Rechi] * [osx] drop powerpc support . . [Kai Sommerfeld] * [PVR] CGUIEPGGridContainer: Fix GUI_MSG_REFRESH_LIST message parameters. . [Disconnect3d] * Fix strnicmp size argument in AdvancedSettings . [phunkyfish] * [pvr] always add new members to group at end in group manager . [fritsch] * DVDVideoCodecAndroidMediaCodec: Properly set MAX WIDTH and MAX HEIGHT (thanks to cerarp) . [Lukas Rusak] * PlatformDefs.h: move WIN32_FIND_DATA to iso9660.h . . [Pär Björklund] * Fix memory leak . . [ronie] * fix 'Show empty TV Shows' for xml library node . [ronie] * [guiinfo] DisplayAfterSeek should not return True if playback is paused . [Lukas Rusak] * [linux] use GetAppName() to get compiled app name . [Kai Sommerfeld] * [PVR] When deleting a channel, also delete all associated EPG tags from database, not only the EPG database entry. . [Kai Sommerfeld] * [PVR] CPVREpgContainer: Remove dead code. . [ronie] * add setting to switch to visualisation on playback . [Balint Reczey] * [tools/EventClients] Bring back EXIF data of bluetooth.png and add Copyright tag . . [Kai Sommerfeld] * [PVR] CPVREpg: Fix EPG not saved for newly added channels. . [Kai Sommerfeld] * [PVR] CPVRChannel: Remove dead code. . [Lukas Rusak] * XTimeUtils: add methods to namespace KODI::TIME:: . [Lukas Rusak] * threading: use CThread::Sleep to differentiate from KODI::TIME::Sleep . [Rechi] * [osx] fix GetBuildTargetPlatformVersion . [bam80] * fix missed line break . [Lukas Rusak] * replace Sleep(0) with std::this_thread::yield() . [phunkyfish] * [macosx] remove ATI rendering logic from macs pre 2006 . [phunkyfish] * [macosx] set minimum osx version to 10.13 (High Sierra), fix deprecations and cleanup dependencies . [Lukas Rusak] * [test] TestCPUInfo: remove useless test . [Pär Björklund] * Cleanup MHD content length patch and use the provided macro . [Pär Björklund] * Fix formatting of class enums . [Lukas Rusak] * buildsteps: add linux-aarch64-gbm . [Pär Björklund] * Fix libaacs decryption . [Lukas Rusak] * [linux] CSysfsPath: fix reading from strings with spaces . [peak3d] * Prevent VideoSync from setting up in Destructor . . . [yol] * Add liberapay to FUNDING.yml . [Rechi] * [windows] update Effects11 to April 26, 2019 . [Wolfgang Haupt] * Set EOF when tempo filter fails . . [Lukas Rusak] * [depends] gnutls: update to . [Lukas Rusak] * CCPUInfoLinux: check paths in constructor . [Alwin Esch] * [cmake] show API version by addon dependency check . [Alwin Esch] * [cmake] add message to find easier the checks on log . [Alwin Esch] * [cmake] fix check of " #include <...>" with spaces on begin . [Alwin Esch] * [cmake] prevent "@ADDON_DEPENDS@" with same several times . [enen92] * [JSON-RPC] Also set art when updating infolabels (VideoLibrary.SetMovieDetails) . [Lukas Rusak] * CPUInfo: remove default "N/A" value from strings . [Lukas Rusak] * [test] TestCPUInfo: remove useless test as we cannot guarantee that they exist . [Lukas Rusak] * [depends] nettle: update to 3.5.1 . [Lukas Rusak] * [depends] libgpg-error: update to 1.36 and add patch for gawk5 support . [fandangos2] * Update DVDInputStreamBluray for UHD BD . [arnova] * fixed: File cache logic for reading from source . [fandangos] * Fix UHD BD Dolby Vision dual layer stream . . [ronie] * [Estuary] fix navigation in video info dialog . [Kai Sommerfeld] * [android][windowing] Fix CWinSystemAndroid::UpdateResolutions to apply calibrations after resetting resolutions (like the other platform implementations already do, btw.) . [Alwin Esch] * [addons] move GetTempAddonBasePath() from binary to normal AddonManager . [Garrett Brown] * Rename "dvdimage" selection tag to "discimage" . [Garrett Brown] * Fix launching zip and 7z files from MyGames . [Garrett Brown] * Fix error playing disk image games . [Garrett Brown] * FileItem: Fix range iterator constness . . [Kai Sommerfeld] * [PVR][guiinfo] Fixup multiline episode name strings (which do not fit in any way in our GUI). . [Bernd Kuhls] * Add missing cstddef includes . . [DaveTBlake] * Allow access to files on automounted sources via webserver . [Lukas Rusak] * StringUtils: define FMT_DEPRECATED to fix windows coverity build . [Alwin Esch] * [addons] Code guideline update for xbmc/addons/binary-addons/AddonDll.h . [Alwin Esch] * [addons] use on CAddonDll instance class pointer as identifier . [the-black-eagle] * Add boxset, disctitle & totaldiscs to jsonrpc . [ronie] * [videos] allow 0.0 rating . . [Alwin Esch] * [pvr] rename m_iplayingChannelUniqueID to m_playingChannelUniqueId . [Alwin Esch] * [addons] add a bit of documentation to CAddon and CAddonInfo . [Alwin Esch] * [addons] rename all addon IsType func. to HasType (is more correct) . [Alwin Esch] * [addons] fix script/plugin subtype check . [Alwin Esch] * [addons] fix check on CAddonsDirectory::GetScriptsAndPlugins for right type . [Alwin Esch] * [addons] remove func. "FullType()" from IAddon and other places, becomes nowhere used . [Alwin Esch] * [addons] prevent on addon directory the add of "plugin" or "script" as own folder . [Alwin Esch] * [addons] use in filesystem the IsAddonInstalled to check . [ronie] * Dialog.Close(all) should only close modal dialogs . . [Alwin Esch] * [videoplayer] cleanup Inputstream constants documentation . [Alwin Esch] * [addons] fix CStructHdl operator= with before has not worked . [Alwin Esch] * [addons] Don't use kodi::addon::IAddonInstance on Kodi side . [Alwin Esch] * [addons] remove wrong PVR API version note . [Rechi] * [depends] build samba-gplv3 static . [Rechi] * [depends] bump samba-gplv3 to version 4.11.6 . [Rechi] * [depends] remove lib64 library search path . [Wolfgang Haupt] * Fix TextureCache::CacheImage does not fill texture outparam . [Lukas Rusak] * [posix] network: split into platform specific files . [Sven Neumann] * Initialize stack-allocated structs with all zeros in InputStreamAddon . [Sven Neumann] * Ensure that first enum values are 0 in InputStream API . [Alwin Esch] * [addons][inputstream] add RDS stream support . . [Lukas Rusak] * [gbm] define EGL_NO_X11 to follow upstream changes . [ronie] * [Estuary] remove support for script.extendedinfo . [ronie] * [Estuary] remove support for plugin.program.autocompletion . [ronie] * [Estuary] remove support for script.maps.browser . [djp952] * [AddonBase] Segfault/AV in CreateInstanceEx if addonInstance is not initialized . . . . . [mediaminister] * [JSON-RPC] Fix plugin:// url support for Files.GetFileDetails . [Kai Sommerfeld] * [PVR] Fix CPVREpgTagsCache missing channel data. . [Alwin Esch] * [cmake] fix ldflags transfer on addon depends build . [Kai Sommerfeld] * [PVR] Fix CPVREpgTagsContainer::UpdateEntries to reset the tags cache data, not the tags cache instance. Make two members const to prevent those kind of bugs in the future. . [DaveTBlake] * Fix MUSICPLAYER_DISC_TITLE so with other infolabels . [the-black-eagle] * Ensure disc subtitle is in ListItem.Title for skins to display . [Kai Sommerfeld] * [PVR] EPG search: Drastically speed up programme searches by directly using the EPG database. . [Kai Sommerfeld] * [PVR] EPG container: To keep system load down, set low priority for the EPG container thread, and when persisting data, do it in slices of one second every 60 seconds. Respect 'No EPG updates when playing' setting when persisting or delivering updated EPG tags. . [Kai Sommerfeld] * [PVR] CPVRTimerInfoTag::GetEpgInfoTag: Only probe for an EPG tag one time to reducde database/backend load. . [Kai Sommerfeld] * [PVR] EPG: Load EPG tags from database on demand only; do never preload and hold all tags in memory. . [Lukas Rusak] * [depends] allow compiling on an aarch64 host . [Jonas Karlman] * VideoBufferDRMPRIME: set pixel format . [Jonas Karlman] * DVDVideoCodecDRMPRIME: simplify color_range assignment . [Jonas Karlman] * DVDVideoCodecDRMPRIME: drain ffmpeg codec on reset . [Jonas Karlman] * DVDVideoCodecDRMPRIME: log human readable ffmpeg error message . [Kai Sommerfeld] * [PVR] Context menus: Implement 'Record', 'Stop recording', 'Switch to channel' for EPG gap tags. . [Kai Sommerfeld] * [PVR] Channel Manager: If started via channel's context menu, preselect that channel on dialog open. . [Rechi] * [cmake] fix optional platform dependencies for X11 GLES . [Kai Sommerfeld] * [PVR] Factor out playback time calculation from CPVREpgInfoTag to CPVRPlaybackState. . [Kai Sommerfeld] * [PVR] Fix CPVREpgInfoTag::SetGenre to always set genre string. . [Kai Sommerfeld] * [PVR] Ensure not to compare EPG tag instances by pointer values. . [Kai Sommerfeld] * [PVR] EPG: Always store EPG tags in database, do never load all tags from database on startup. Todo: Still keeping all EPG tags fetched from the clients in memory. . [Kai Sommerfeld] * [PVR] EPG: Encapsulate access to EPG tags map. . [ronie] * [Estuary]fix brackets . [Andrey Filipenkov] * [macos][packaging] fix parsing device handle of a mounted dmg . [CastagnaIT] * Perform operations only outside the login screen . [jjd-uk] * [Estuary] Media Flags fix . [Alwin Esch] * [cmake] fix not allowed depends check . [montellese] * Revert "Print the mirror redirected to for easier debugging of of mirror issues" . [Rechi] * [modernize] use-default-member-init . [enen92] * [VideoThumbLoader] Remove old SetArt fallbacks. Use appendArt to avoid replacing the whole art map . [arnova] * fixed: Seeking with FileCache could lockup due to terminated thread fixed: When a fatal error occurs we should mark end of input . [Lukas Rusak] * fixup! legacy/Dialog: remove defines . [the-black-eagle] * skip comments in .edl files . [ronie] * Fix SiriRemote keymap . [Craig Andrews] * Add missing cassert include . [Arne Morten Kvarving] * fixed: guard against assert in tinyxml . [Rozhuk Ivan] * Improve FreeBSD CPUInfo support - add CPU temperature reading - enable neon detection . [Lukas Rusak] * kodi-test: add test cases for CSysfsPath . [Lukas Rusak] * SysfsUtils: move to platform/linux and rename to SysfsPath . [Lukas Rusak] * SysfsUtils: cleanup and improve interface according to the documentation . [Lukas Rusak] * legacy/Dialog: remove defines . [Lukas Rusak] * legacy/Dialog: reorder includes . [fritsch] * PeripheralUSB: Create udev contexts in their thread . [Lukas Rusak] * remove SysfsUtils.h header from non linux platforms . [phunkyfish] * Support for starting EPG entries as live . [Sylvain CECCHETTO] * [tvOS] Fix cropped Now Playing image . [peak3d] * [Android] Implement PowerManager::OnSleep/OnWake . [Dag Wieers] * Added musicvideo as well . [fritsch] * PeripheralBusUSBLibUdev: Filter on USB only . [jjd-uk] * [Estuary] Add additional media flags to Music Visualization window info . [jjd-uk] * [Estuary] Rating position fix + minor adjustments for ListThumbInfoPanel & RightListPanel . [Pär Björklund] * Fix crash in libcdio . [Dag Wieers] * Remove Duration as it is already available . [Dag Wieers] * Add more metadata to Video info pane . [Andrey Filipenkov] * [macos] fix copying addons/skin.estuary/resources to app package . [Andrey Filipenkov] * [macos] copy files script cleanup . [Pär Björklund] * Fix missing algorithms in pycryptodome . [cpmw167] * [bluray] fix playback of bus encryption enabled discs . [Pär Björklund] * Fix HEAD Content-Length . [Kai Sommerfeld] * [PVR] EPG Guide window: Prevent scrolling of the grid if causing action was not user-initiated. . [djp952] * [PVR] Address regression due to recent PVR recordings change . [fuzzard] * [DarwinEmbedded] Support xcode 11 certificate naming scheme . [fuzzard] * [TVOS] sleep state management . [fuzzard] * [tvOS] add binary-addons to xcode project . [Sylvain CECCHETTO] * [tvOS] Initial Platform Commit for Apple TVOS . [fuzzard] * [DarwinEmbedded] Darwinembedded generic code path for GetBuildTargetPlatformVersionDecoded . [fuzzard] * [ios/tvos] Python3 patch update - remove waitpid define . [fuzzard] * [ios/tvos] Relocate CPUInfo for DarwinEmbed platforms . [fuzzard] * [ios-common] relocate Darwinnsuserdefaults to ios-common . [fuzzard] * [settings] SettingOptionsMonitorsFiller refactor . [Pär Björklund] * Fix python crash when aborting script . [djp952] * [PVR] Improve performance of TriggerRecordingUpdate() . [Pär Björklund] * miniwdk build didn't work . [Pär Björklund] * Update dependencies . [Wolfgang Haupt] * Reset playlist on new file playback . [Josh Bendavid] * Add JSON RPC call to send button press event and move button string translation to common place. . [Alwin Esch] * [vfs][addons] fix media view from addon given content . [Kai Sommerfeld] * [PVR] EPG grid container: fix regression after 2791691 that prevented scrolling to next page if first item on page was not completely visible. . [Andrey Filipenkov] * [ios] replace label with placeholder, use AutoLayout instead of manual layout . [CastagnaIT] * Fixed windows 7 environment compatibility . [Kai Sommerfeld] * [PVR] EPG grid model: fix another edge case, that can lead to a crash when rendering the last page of the grid. . [Kai Sommerfeld] * [PVR] EPG grid container: fix wrong timeline display on first grid page. . [montellese] * CGUIDialogSelect: fix focusing list / buttons after 6d34db9900 . [Kai Sommerfeld] * [PVR] EPG grid model: Simplify and speed up CGUIEPGGridContainerModel::FindChannelAndBlockIndex. . [Kai Sommerfeld] * [PVR] EPG grid container: Make CGUIEPGGridContainer::GoToEnd consistent with CGUIEPGGridContainer::GoToBegin behavior. . [fritsch] * LinuxRendererGL: Fix useage of glTexImage3D format was not valid . [Kai Sommerfeld] * EPG grid container: Fix CGUIEPGGridContainer::UpdateItems eventOffset calculation for gap tags. . [Kai Sommerfeld] * [PVR] Guide window: Goto 'now' on system resume from sleep. . [montellese] * pass path settings as JSON to python scrapers (thanks @romanvm) . [montellese] * [settings] add JSON serialization implementation of ISettingsValueSerializer . [arnova] * changed: Improve logic for determining memory cache size . [arnova] * fixed: Cache forward size wasn't updated when source EOF was hit . [arnova] * fixed: Caching of small files was broken . [the-black-eagle] * [musicdb] ensure check for boxset flag is case insensitive . [montellese] * [video] fix "Browse" button in CGUIDialogVideoInfo for tvshows . [montellese] * [videodb] use UpdateUniqueIDs() instead of AddUniqueIDs() in VideoDatabase::SetDetailsForMovie() . [djp952] * Resume paused ActiveAE stream while draining to avoid lapse during playback . [Andrey Filipenkov] * [ios] fix size of EAGL layer on external screen . [DaveTBlake] * Fix calling OnPlaybackStarted twice because of race condition when stream processing is faster than the callback process . [Kai Sommerfeld] * [platform][input] Fix keyboard layouts sort order. . [Anssi Hannula] * Fix cosmetic style issues introduced by TrueHD fix . [peak3d] * [Android] Simplify / fix modechange . [montellese] * [settings] use the ISettingsValueSerializer interface in CSettingsManager::Save() . [montellese] * [settings] move ISubSettings handling from CSettingsManager to CSettings . [montellese] * [settings] add XML serialization implementation of ISettingsValueSerializer . [arnova] * changed: Make filecache chunk size configurable . [arnova] * changed: Log in case cache gets reset as a result of a seek . [arnova] * changed: Use std:min() instead of boolean selector . [arnova] * changed: Cache should read from source using its chunksize, if provided by source . [montellese] * [settings/lib] add ISettingsValueSerializer interface . [phunkyfish] * [VideoPlayer] enable teletext support for inputstream addons . [Ryan Rector] * add 'movie set information folder' setting . [Andrey Filipenkov] * [ios] split keyboard class into common and iOS-specific parts . [fuzzard] * [ios] clang-format cosmetics for platform/darwin/ios-common/IOSKeyboard*.* . [montellese] * [settings/lib] add GetVersion() and GetMinimumSupportedVersion() to CSettingsManager . [arnova] * fixed: Calling SetCommonOptions() once should be 'nough . [arnova] * fixed: When seeking m_bRetry must be updated else it will default to true again with multisession . [phunkyfish] * [cmake] add PKG_CONFIG_LIBDIR for addon build systems . [Wolfgang Haupt] * Windowing: GBM - Fix refreshrate switch . [fritsch] * AESinkAUDIOTRACK: Remove PT hack for volume . [James Hutchinson] * [PVR] Recordings window: added support for ToggleWatched action . [ronie] * [EStuary] fix artist slideshow condition . [jjd-uk] * [Estuary] Refactor Playlist Window + Views . [Roman Artiukhin] * Fix GetItemsToScan scan in sub-directories . [ronie] * [Estuary] fallback to icon in poster view . [CastagnaIT] * Copy name property to stream . [Alwin Esch] * [settings] allow set of needed extensions for picture selection . [ronie] * [Settings] CSettingInt: support pure string based labels for