David Vasta - 17 Year of the data center time under my belt. In that time I have seen it all and then some. I have worked for companies like Cingular, IBM, Seagull Software, Vistar - Roma Foods, Private Consultancies, and iSeries based Banks.

I have been and iSeries or As/400 admin for this entire time. I actually grew up learning the AS/400 before I knew anything about PCs. This is scary for most people today and to me it just seemed natural.

I started tinkering with Linux when Redhat was on version 4 and SuSE was on version 2. In 2002 I went back to College to get a certification for UNIX Administration.

I currently live in Northern Colorado and have a love for Photography. I love taking pictures of old farm structures and other things that intrigue me.

I would like to see Linux take off in Data Centers that are very Windows Centric.

Web Sites:
www.davidandkelly.com - Home Base
david.davidandkelly.com - Blog and Such

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