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kodi-pvr-hts (2.1.7-1~precise) precise; urgency=low

  [ kodi ]
  * autogenerated dummy changelog

  [ wsnipex ]
  * 2.1.7 - added: support for radio channel groups - added: support for
    star and parental rating (read only) 2.1.6 - updated to PVR API
    v1.9.6 - added: support for channel group sort index - fixed: crash
    while adding/updating timers on the client (double free of a htsp
    message) 2.1.5 - improved HTSP specification compliance 2.1.4 -
    updated to PVR API v1.9.5 - added: avahi discovery - fixed: lock on
    exit - fixed: race when seeking within recordings - fixed:
    CHTSPVFS::Read() needs the mutex locked - removed guilib dep 2.1.1 -
    updated to PVR API v1.9.4 - updated to GUI API v5.8.0 - updated to
    Codec API v1.0.1 2.0.5 - fixed incorrect timeout value when deleting
    recordings (thanks @ksooo) 2.0.4 - added a missing commit that
    somehow got lost when making v2.0.3 2.0.3 - rebrand of HTSP client
    identifier - improve the VFS slightly by doing reading and buffering
    on separate threads, as well as tweaking the read length 2.0.2 -
    language files from Transifex - minor changes to conform with C++11
    2.0.0 - replaced by the newer pvr.tvh implementation 1.9.40 - added
    getBackendHostname function 1.9.38 - change library name to Kodi
    1.9.37 - backport ATSC subchannel number support from pvr.tvh 1.9.36
    - fixed deadlock when activating the addon on some darwin (osx, ios)
    runtimes 1.9.35 - improve sync after connection restore (@ksooo) -
    added support for getting and setting startExtra, stopExtra,
    retention, priority properties of recordings and timers (@ksooo) -
    backported GetPlayingTime from pvr.tvh (@ksooo) 1.9.31 - updated to
    API v1.9.2 1.9.27 - fix channel icons for recordings 1.9.24 - add
    EDL support 1.9.23 - add timeshift buffer functions 1.8.21 - fixed
    connection being dropped incorrectly, when a packet size timed out
    with a one or more bytes read, but less than 4 bytes read -
    tvheadend uses it's own byte order. don't use ntohl 1.8.20 - sync
    with PVR API v1.8.1 - use XBMC's new callback methods for codec ids
    1.8.19 - sync with PVR API v1.8.0 1.7.19 - bump after PVR API
    version bump 1.6.19 - add timeshift skip support (FF/RW still not
    working) - fix bug in tvh webroot processing 1.6.18 - ensure channel
    count is not cleared after succesful sub - fix default webroot param
    - remove missing files from recordings list - expand dvr directories
    to full hierarchy 1.6.17 - fixed possible crash after reconnecting
    1.6.16 - correct some signed/unsigned mixups - added imagecache
    support (icons on the backend) 1.6.15 - fix false disconnects by
    raising default (hardcoded) read timeout value when opening streams
    from 10 to 20 seconds. 1.6.14 - fix errors sent by client when
    fetching events for a channel with no epg data 1.6.13 - make to not reset to false during update if tvheadend not
    provided channel services - change handling of EPG events to not
    fail all events if only one/few events were broken/malformed 1.6.12 -
    fix instant recordings when channel has no epg data 1.6.11 - disable
    read timeout check while the stream is paused 1.6.10 - fixed
    authentication - display an error message when an error is detected
    1.6.9 - call to Close() didn't work in CHTSPData::Open() - don't
    delete and create CHTSPReconnect each time, just stop the thread -
    don't wait for an iframe but let tvheadend handle it - fixed missing
    htsmsg_destroy() call after processing an incoming message 1.6.8 -
    refactor CHTSPConnection - fixed disconnection checks and reconnect
    when needed - consider the connection dropped if no data has been
    received for a while - more efficient data reading - shared
    connection between CHTSPDemux and CHTSPData 1.6.7 - add support for
    servers with transcoding capabilities 1.6.6 - fixed radio playback
    1.6.5 - fixed channel and channel group update triggers - ensure
    that the first demux is an I-frame - add
    CHTSPConnection::CheckConnection() that waits for a connection to be
    restored when it was dropped - cleaner CHTSPConnection::Connect() -
    removed unneeded member in CHTSPDemux - better handling of
    disconnect and reconnects 1.6.4 - initial release
 -- wsnipex <email address hidden>   Fri, 03 Apr 2015 09:52:15 +0200

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