Publishing details


fotoxx (22.15-1~xtradeb1) focal; urgency=medium

  * New upstream release.
  * Windows WSL: speedup code was removed. Fotoxx under WSL is fast enough
    for image files in the Linux file system, e.g. /home/<user>/Pictures/...
  * Windows WSL: use higher tolerance for file mod-time difference detection.
  * New: Rename Folder: rename the current folder (image gallery).
  * Album Create: better UI direction when creating an initially empty album.
  * New: Batch Copy/Move: copy or move selected image files to a new folder.
  * Show RGB: reduce CPU loading: repaint only if a monitored pixel changes.
  * Developer menu: New: toggle display of popup text for mouse events.
  * Preferences: image justification in window can be left/center/right.
  * "Select Hairy" was incorporated into the main Select Area function.
    This is now easier to use, but still a significant learning curve.
  * New: Tools > Popup Text: popup special text/characters to use in edits.
  * Bugfix: Remove Halo: 'undo' drag: crash if pixel RGB is 0/0/0.
  * Bugfix: Crop: drag crop edge over window edge: drag fails to release.
  * Bugfix: Select > Edge Blend: zero contrast area creates 'nan' RGB values.
  * Bugfix: Markup > Oval: stop automatic draw of prior oval.
  * Bugfix: Copy From Image: set current scale into dialog widget.

 -- Jhonny Oliveira <email address hidden>  Sat, 02 Apr 2022 06:52:37 +0000

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