Registered by Andrea Cimitan

Overlay Scrollbars use an overlay to ensure that scrollbars take up no active screen real-estate. A thumb appears magically when the pointer is in proximity to the scrollbar, for easy desktop-style paging and dragging.

The Ayatana initiative, lead by Canonical, is about designing for a more focused desktop experience. We balance the idea of "focus on the core task" with the idea of "awareness of what's going on around you".

This work, to produce a set of overlay scrollbars, is designed to improve the users ability to focus on content and applications. We are minimising the screen space that is devoted to "chrome", structural features which are not specific to the content at hand. We are aiming to retain the semantic or symbolic value of scrollbars - telling the user where they are in a document, or signalling that there is additional content, while reducing the waste of space and distracting clutter that a traditional scrollbar entails.

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Part of:
The Ayatana Project
PS Project Management Team
Also known as:
Ayatana Scrollbar Team

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trunk series is the current focus of development.

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Latest version is 0.2.16

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