Installer Crashed

Bug #62240 reported by Jimmy Wang
Affects Status Importance Assigned to Milestone
ubiquity (Ubuntu)

Bug Description

Hardware: Compaq Deskpro EN model
with Chinese(Tranditional) language

/var/log/installer/syslog file
Ubiquity 1.0.12
Mon, 25 Sep 2006 01:53:44 INFO switched to page stepLanguage
ubiquity: Starting up '['/usr/lib/ubiquity/localechooser/localechooser']' for ubiquity.components.language.Language
ubiquity: Watching for question patterns ^languagechooser/language-name
侀, 25 9月 2006 01:54:06 INFO Step_before = stepLanguage
侀, 25 9月 2006 01:54:10 INFO switched to page stepLocation
侀, 25 9月 2006 01:54:10 INFO Step_after = stepLocation
ubiquity: Starting up '['/usr/share/ubiquity/tzsetup']' for ubiquity.components.timezone.Timezone
ubiquity: Watching for question patterns ^time/zone$
ubiquity: ['/usr/share/ubiquity/tzsetup'] exited with code 10
侀, 25 9月 2006 01:54:21 INFO Step_before = stepLocation
侀, 25 9月 2006 01:54:21 INFO switched to page stepKeyboardConf
侀, 25 9月 2006 01:54:21 INFO Step_after = stepKeyboardConf
ubiquity: kbd-chooser prepare
ubiquity: Starting up '['/bin/sh', '-c', '. /usr/share/debconf/confmodule; exec /usr/lib/ubiquity/kbd-chooser/kbd-chooser']' for ubiquity.components.kbd_chooser.KbdChooser
ubiquity: Watching for question patterns ^kbd-chooser/method$, ^console-keymaps.*/keymap$, ERROR
ubiquity: apply_keyboard: us
ubiquity: apply_keyboard: layout us, model pc104
ubiquity: Display map: {u'\u514b\u7f85\u57c3\u897f\u4e9e\u8a9e': u'croat', u'\u7acb\u9676\u5b9b\u8a9e': u'lt', u'\u8377\u862d\u8a9e': u'nl', u'\u4fc4\u7f85\u65af\u8a9e': u'ru', u'\u70cf\u514b\u862d\u8a9e': u'ua', u'\u745e\u5178\u8a9e': u'se-latin1', u'\u82f1\u8a9e': u'uk', u'\u6cd5\u8a9e (\u6709 euro)': u'fr-latin9', u'\u99ac\u5176\u9813\u8a9e': u'mk', u'\u8461\u8404\u7259\u8a9e': u'pt-latin1', u'\u65e5\u8a9e (106 \u9375)': u'jp106', u'\u897f\u73ed\u7259\u8a9e': u'es', u'\u82ac\u862d\u8a9e': u'fi-latin1', u'\u52a0\u62ff\u5927\u6cd5\u8a9e': u'cf', u'\u65af\u6d1b\u4f10\u514b\u8a9e': u'sk-qwerty', u'\u6bd4\u5229\u6642\u8a9e': u'be2-latin1', u'\u585e\u723e\u7dad\u4e9e\u8a9e (\u65af\u62c9\u592b)': u'sr-cy', u'\u51b0\u5cf6\u8a9e': u'is-latin1', u'\u4fdd\u52a0\u5229\u4e9e\u8a9e': u'bg', u'\u7f8e\u8a9e': u'us', u'\u62c9\u812b\u7dad\u4e9e\u8a9e \u62c9\u4e01(4)': u'lv-latin4', u'\u7f85\u99ac\u5c3c\u4e9e\u8a9e': u'ro', u'\u65af\u6d1b\u51e1\u5c3c\u4e9e\u8a9e': u'slovene', u'\u632a\u5a01\u8a9e': u'no-latin1', u'Dvorak \u5f0f': u'dvorak', u'\u745e\u58eb\u6cd5\u8a9e': u'fr_CH-latin1', u'\u7fa9\u5927\u5229\u8a9e': u'it', u'\u611b\u6c99\u5c3c\u4e9e\u8a9e': u'et', u'\u62c9\u4e01\u7f8e\u6d32\u8a9e': u'la-latin1', u'\u6377\u514b\u8a9e': u'cz-lat2', u'\u571f\u8033\u5176\u8a9e (F \u4f48\u5c40)': u'trfu', u'\u5df4\u897f\u8a9e (EUA \u4f48\u5c40)': u'br-latin1', u'\u5308\u7259\u5229\u8a9e': u'hu', u'\u5df4\u897f\u8a9e (ABNT2 \u4f48\u5c40)': u'br-abnt2', u'\u5e0c\u81d8\u8a9e': u'gr', u'\u571f\u8033\u5176\u8a9e (Q \u4f48\u5c40)': u'trqu', u'\u5e0c\u4f2f\u4f86\u8a9e': u'hebrew', u'\u745e\u58eb\u5fb7\u8a9e': u'sg-latin1', u'\u4e39\u9ea5\u8a9e': u'dk-latin1', u'\u5fb7\u8a9e': u'de-latin1-nodeadkeys', u'\u6ce2\u862d\u8a9e': u'pl', u'\u767d\u4fc4\u7f85\u65af\u8a9e': u'by'}
ubiquity: Untranslated choices: [u'by', u'bg', u'croat', u'cz-lat2', u'sg-latin1', u'de-latin1-nodeadkeys', u'dk-latin1', u'us', u'uk', u'dvorak', u'et', u'es', u'la-latin1', u'fi-latin1', u'fr-latin9', u'be2-latin1', u'cf', u'fr_CH-latin1', u'gr', u'hebrew', u'hu', u'is-latin1', u'it', u'lt', u'lv-latin4', u'jp106', u'mk', u'no-latin1', u'nl', u'pl', u'pt-latin1', u'br-abnt2', u'br-latin1', u'ro', u'ru', u'sk-qwerty', u'slovene', u'sr-cy', u'se-latin1', u'trfu', u'trqu', u'ua']
ubiquity: Choices: [u'\u767d\u4fc4\u7f85\u65af\u8a9e', u'\u4fdd\u52a0\u5229\u4e9e\u8a9e', u'\u514b\u7f85\u57c3\u897f\u4e9e\u8a9e', u'\u6377\u514b\u8a9e', u'\u745e\u58eb\u5fb7\u8a9e', u'\u5fb7\u8a9e', u'\u4e39\u9ea5\u8a9e', u'\u7f8e\u8a9e', u'\u82f1\u8a9e', u'Dvorak \u5f0f', u'\u611b\u6c99\u5c3c\u4e9e\u8a9e', u'\u897f\u73ed\u7259\u8a9e', u'\u62c9\u4e01\u7f8e\u6d32\u8a9e', u'\u82ac\u862d\u8a9e', u'\u6cd5\u8a9e (\u6709 euro)', u'\u6bd4\u5229\u6642\u8a9e', u'\u52a0\u62ff\u5927\u6cd5\u8a9e', u'\u745e\u58eb\u6cd5\u8a9e', u'\u5e0c\u81d8\u8a9e', u'\u5e0c\u4f2f\u4f86\u8a9e', u'\u5308\u7259\u5229\u8a9e', u'\u51b0\u5cf6\u8a9e', u'\u7fa9\u5927\u5229\u8a9e', u'\u7acb\u9676\u5b9b\u8a9e', u'\u62c9\u812b\u7dad\u4e9e\u8a9e \u62c9\u4e01(4)', u'\u65e5\u8a9e (106 \u9375)', u'\u99ac\u5176\u9813\u8a9e', u'\u632a\u5a01\u8a9e', u'\u8377\u862d\u8a9e', u'\u6ce2\u862d\u8a9e', u'\u8461\u8404\u7259\u8a9e', u'\u5df4\u897f\u8a9e (ABNT2 \u4f48\u5c40)', u'\u5df4\u897f\u8a9e (EUA \u4f48\u5c40)', u'\u7f85\u99ac\u5c3c\u4e9e\u8a9e', u'\u4fc4\u7f85\u65af\u8a9e', u'\u65af\u6d1b\u4f10\u514b\u8a9e', u'\u65af\u6d1b\u51e1\u5c3c\u4e9e\u8a9e', u'\u585e\u723e\u7dad\u4e9e\u8a9e (\u65af\u62c9\u592b)', u'\u745e\u5178\u8a9e', u'\u571f\u8033\u5176\u8a9e (F \u4f48\u5c40)', u'\u571f\u8033\u5176\u8a9e (Q \u4f48\u5c40)', u'\u70cf\u514b\u862d\u8a9e']
ubiquity: console-keymaps-at/keymap db: us
侀, 25 9月 2006 01:54:29 INFO Step_before = stepKeyboardConf
侀, 25 9月 2006 01:54:29 INFO switched to page stepUserInfo
侀, 25 9月 2006 01:54:29 INFO Step_after = stepUserInfo
ubiquity: Starting up '['/usr/lib/ubiquity/user-setup/user-setup-ask', '/target']' for ubiquity.components.usersetup.UserSetup
ubiquity: Watching for question patterns ^passwd/user-fullname$, ^passwd/username$, ^passwd/user-password$, ^passwd/user-password-again$, ERROR
侀, 25 9月 2006 01:55:02 INFO Step_before = stepUserInfo
侀, 25 9月 2006 01:55:02 INFO switched to page stepPartDisk
侀, 25 9月 2006 01:55:02 INFO Step_after = stepPartDisk
ubiquity: Starting up '/bin/partman' for ubiquity.components.partman.Partman
ubiquity: Watching for question patterns ^partman-auto/select_disk$, ^partman-auto/.*automatically_partition$, ^partman-partitioning/new_size$, ^partman/choose_partition$, ^partman/confirm.*, type:boolean, ERROR, PROGRESS
侀, 25 9月 2006 01:55:17 INFO switched to page stepPartAuto
/lib/partman/ line 31: local: `-': not a valid identifier
/lib/partman/ line 114: local: `-': not a valid identifier
/lib/partman/ line 31: local: `-': not a valid identifier
/lib/partman/ line 114: local: `-': not a valid identifier
/lib/partman/ line 31: local: `-': not a valid identifier
/lib/partman/ line 114: local: `-': not a valid identifier
/lib/partman/update.d/58default_visuals: line 33: printf: -æ: invalid option
printf: usage: printf [-v var] format [arguments]
/lib/partman/ line 31: local: `-': not a valid identifier
/lib/partman/ line 114: local: `-': not a valid identifier
/lib/partman/ line 114: local: `-': not a valid identifier
/lib/partman/ line 114: local: `-': not a valid identifier
/lib/partman/ line 114: local: `-': not a valid identifier
/lib/partman/ line 114: local: `-': not a valid identifier
/lib/partman/ line 114: local: `-': not a valid identifier
/lib/partman/ line 114: local: `-': not a valid identifier
/lib/partman/ line 114: local: `-': not a valid identifier
/lib/partman/ line 114: local: `-': not a valid identifier
/lib/partman/ line 114: local: `-': not a valid identifier
/lib/partman/ line 114: local: `-': not a valid identifier
侀, 25 9月 2006 01:55:33 INFO switched to page stepReady
ubiquity: Starting up '['/usr/share/ubiquity/summary']' for ubiquity.components.summary.Summary
ubiquity: Watching for question patterns ^ubiquity/summary$
swapon: /dev/hda5: 裝眮或系統資源忙碌䞭
swapon: /dev/hda5: 裝眮或系統資源忙碌䞭
swapon: /dev/hda5: 裝眮或系統資源忙碌䞭
swapon: /dev/hda5: 裝眮或系統資源忙碌䞭
umount /target/
swapoff /dev/hda5
chroot: cannot run command `apt-get': No such file or directory
侀, 25 9月 2006 01:56:32 INFO progress_loop()
ubiquity: Starting up '['/usr/share/ubiquity/']' for ubiquity.components.install.Install
ubiquity: Watching for question patterns ^.*/apt-install-failed$, CAPB, ERROR, PROGRESS
/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/apt/ FutureWarning: apt API not stable yet
  warnings.warn("apt API not stable yet", FutureWarning)
gconftool-2: error while loading shared libraries: /usr/lib/ cannot read file data: Input/output error
ubiquity: Starting up '['sh', '-c', '/usr/lib/ubiquity/localechooser/post-base-installer && /usr/lib/ubiquity/localechooser/prebaseconfig']' for ubiquity.components.language_apply.LanguageApply
Reading package lists...
Building dependency tree...
Skipping locales, it is already installed and upgrade is not set.
0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.
ubiquity: ['sh', '-c', '/usr/lib/ubiquity/localechooser/post-base-installer && /usr/lib/ubiquity/localechooser/prebaseconfig'] exited with code 1
ubiquity: ['/usr/share/ubiquity/'] exited with code 1
Exception in GTK frontend (invoking crash handler):
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/bin/ubiquity", line 130, in ?
  File "/usr/bin/ubiquity", line 55, in install
    ret =
  File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/ubiquity/frontend/", line 264, in run
  File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/ubiquity/frontend/", line 538, in progress_loop
    raise RuntimeError, ("Install failed with exit code %s; see "
RuntimeError: Install failed with exit code 1; see /var/log/installer/syslog and /var/log/syslog


Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/bin/ubiquity", line 130, in ?
  File "/usr/bin/ubiquity", line 55, in install
    ret =
  File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/ubiquity/frontend/", line 264, in run
  File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/ubiquity/frontend/", line 538, in progress_loop
    raise RuntimeError, ("Install failed with exit code %s; see "
RuntimeError: Install failed with exit code 1; see /var/log/installer/syslog and /var/log/syslog

Revision history for this message
Mateusz Drożdżyński (matid) wrote :

Thanks for your report. This is also bug 47687, and occurs when you select a Chinese language (either Simplified or Traditional) but then select a non-Chinese-speaking country on the timezone/country selection page. This is fixed in 6.06.1, so you can work around it by upgrading all packages with 'ubiquity' in their names on the running live CD before starting the installer.

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