Comment 4 for bug 6700

Revision history for this message
Ian Clatworthy (ian-clatworthy) wrote :

There are a large number of Use Cases here I can imagine we want to support. We may not implement all of those immediately but I'd like to ensure we're agreed on an interface that is both easy-to-love and scalable. As I see it, we need the power to:

* compare pretty much any combination of working tree, branch revision, another working tree, anther branch revision
* optionally filter by a list of file and directory names.

Looking at SVN's diff command (, it's usage is:

    svn diff [-r N[:M]] [TARGET[@REV]...]
    svn diff [-r N[:M]] --old OLD-TGT[@OLDREV] [--new NEW-TGT[@NEWREV]] [PATH...]

And here's the usage for git-diff (

    git-diff [<common diff options>] <commit>{0,2} [--] [<path>…]

I prefer the git approach of tree/branch URLs on the command line (as opposed to --old and --new + special cases) but suggest they go after the file list. Here's the proposed usage:


The full text of the proposed help including examples is attached.