Comment 5 for bug 1896617

Revision history for this message
Vladimir Grevtsev (vlgrevtsev) wrote : Re: Creation of image (or live snapshot) from the existing VM fails if libvirt-image-backend is configured to qcow2

Alright, so I can confirm that this issue is NOT reproducible on Bionic/Train, so Ussuri is the only affected version:

$ juju config nova-compute-kvm libvirt-image-backend
$ juju config nova-compute-kvm openstack-origin

$ os server list -f yaml
- Flavor: m1.tiny
  ID: 7a740f9c-8fea-40ca-9526-3e072be4f12c
  Image: cirros
  Name: demo
  Networks: internal=,
  Status: ACTIVE
ubuntu@OrangeBox84:~$ ping
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=62 time=2.19 ms
--- ping statistics ---
1 packets transmitted, 1 received, 0% packet loss, time 0ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 2.199/2.199/2.199/0.000 ms
ubuntu@OrangeBox84:~$ ping^C
ubuntu@OrangeBox84:~$ os server image create --wait demo -f yaml

checksum: null
container_format: null
created_at: '2020-09-22T15:47:47Z'
disk_format: null
file: /v2/images/3bf49a39-4576-4ab5-8ec6-f09227b39b05/file
id: 3bf49a39-4576-4ab5-8ec6-f09227b39b05
min_disk: 1
min_ram: 0
name: demo
owner: e4ecab73ad214da6abb6cd51711266a1
  base_image_ref: 2697b005-d727-45d5-9914-f0477933347d
  boot_roles: reader,Admin,member
  image_type: snapshot
  instance_uuid: 7a740f9c-8fea-40ca-9526-3e072be4f12c
  locations: []
  os_hash_algo: null
  os_hash_value: null
  os_hidden: false
  owner_project_name: admin
  owner_user_name: admin
  user_id: ba28625a95174640a0e2c16af07a2dff
protected: false
schema: /v2/schemas/image
size: null
status: queued
tags: []
updated_at: '2020-09-22T15:47:47Z'
virtual_size: null
visibility: private

# Package versions which got installed from Train UCA

ubuntu@node06:~$ sudo -i
root@node06:~# dpkg -l | grep nova
ii nova-api-metadata 2:20.3.0-0ubuntu1~cloud0 all OpenStack Compute - metadata API frontend
ii nova-common 2:20.3.0-0ubuntu1~cloud0 all OpenStack Compute - common files
ii nova-compute 2:20.3.0-0ubuntu1~cloud0 all OpenStack Compute - compute node base
ii nova-compute-kvm 2:20.3.0-0ubuntu1~cloud0 all OpenStack Compute - compute node (KVM)
ii nova-compute-libvirt 2:20.3.0-0ubuntu1~cloud0 all OpenStack Compute - compute node libvirt support
ii python3-nova 2:20.3.0-0ubuntu1~cloud0 all OpenStack Compute Python 3 libraries
ii python3-novaclient 2:15.1.0-0ubuntu2~cloud0 all client library for OpenStack Compute API - 3.x
root@node06:~# dpkg -l | grep libvirt
ii libvirt-clients 5.4.0-0ubuntu5.4~cloud0 amd64 Programs for the libvirt library
ii libvirt-daemon 5.4.0-0ubuntu5.4~cloud0 amd64 Virtualization daemon
ii libvirt-daemon-driver-storage-rbd 5.4.0-0ubuntu5.4~cloud0 amd64 Virtualization daemon RBD storage driver
ii libvirt-daemon-system 5.4.0-0ubuntu5.4~cloud0 amd64 Libvirt daemon configuration files
ii libvirt0:amd64 5.4.0-0ubuntu5.4~cloud0 amd64 library for interfacing with different virtualization systems
ii nova-compute-libvirt 2:20.3.0-0ubuntu1~cloud0 all OpenStack Compute - compute node libvirt support
ii python3-libvirt 5.0.0-1~cloud0 amd64 libvirt Python 3 bindings
root@node06:~# dpkg -l | grep qemu
ii ipxe-qemu 1.0.0+git-20180124.fbe8c52d-0ubuntu2.2 all PXE boot firmware - ROM images for qemu
ii ipxe-qemu-256k-compat-efi-roms 1.0.0+git-20150424.a25a16d-0ubuntu2 all PXE boot firmware - Compat EFI ROM images for qemu
ii qemu-block-extra:amd64 1:4.0+dfsg-0ubuntu9.8~cloud0 amd64 extra block backend modules for qemu-system and qemu-utils
ii qemu-kvm 1:4.0+dfsg-0ubuntu9.8~cloud0 amd64 QEMU Full virtualization on x86 hardware
ii qemu-system-common 1:4.0+dfsg-0ubuntu9.8~cloud0 amd64 QEMU full system emulation binaries (common files)
ii qemu-system-data 1:4.0+dfsg-0ubuntu9.8~cloud0 all QEMU full system emulation (data files)
ii qemu-system-gui 1:4.0+dfsg-0ubuntu9.8~cloud0 amd64 QEMU full system emulation binaries (user interface and audio support)
ii qemu-system-x86 1:4.0+dfsg-0ubuntu9.8~cloud0 amd64 QEMU full system emulation binaries (x86)
ii qemu-utils 1:4.0+dfsg-0ubuntu9.8~cloud0 amd64 QEMU utilities