Comment 9 for bug 686239

Revision history for this message
Elliot Glaysher (glaysher) wrote :


> Also, Chromium uses Gtk+ theme by default on regular Ubuntu, why don't you do the same?

Chromium checks the DESKTOP_SESSION environment variable to see whether it's on a GTK+ based desktop and to enable gtk+ rendering if it is. While I haven't installed any of the Natty betas yet, previously that's been set to either /xfce\d?/ or "xubuntu".

The actual xdg shell scripts check for a string on xprop, which we'd prefer to not do. If there's another xfce specific environment variable that we should be checking, please file a bug at


That looks great with the system title bars, but does it still look OK if you use compact borders (Preferences > Personal Stuff > Hide system title bar and use compact borders)? Compact borders are the default on whitelisted window managers and "Xfwm4" is a whitelisted WM.