Registered by Michael Wayne Goodman

A multilingual, multiorthographic tool for general queries and lexicography allowing pluggable import and output formats

The glot code is currently in development. It is not usable in its current state.

Comparable projects include (but are not limited to):
StarDict ( and
Fantasdic (
Gnome-dictionary (gdict; no official wiki, see:
Gjiten (
many many more...

Unlike most of those projects, our aim is not to provide a fancy GUI for dictionary searching, but to create a fast and powerful dictionary-searching backend with intelligent combining of lexical resources for more useful results. We also hope to provide not only various import formats, but also export formats and display plugins, making the project useful for lexicographers as well as language learners. Having done that, it would be almost trivial to produce a nice frontend for it.

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glot developers
glot developers
Simplified BSD Licence

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trunk series is the current focus of development.

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