Registered by Philip Peitsch

Basic UI that gives a user options to turn off a computer at a specific time and date, or after a specified duration

Gpoweroff was created as a brief project to explore DBus, python, gtk and quickly.

This program is heavily based on GShutdown ( GShutdown unfortunately doesn't support DBus methods for shutting down and logging off directly, though it must be pointed out that these features can be added through custom options.

Official deb packages can be installed from the Gpoweroff PPA at To install Gpoweroff from this repository, add ppa:gpoweroff/stable to your system's Software Sources. More information can be found on the repository page.

Project information

Gpoweroff Developers
Philip Peitsch
Simplified BSD Licence, GNU GPL v3

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Latest version is 10.02.3

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  • First public release on 2009-12-15
    The first public release has been made. All power and time-related features ...