LAVA Dashboard (deprecated) 0.3

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LAVA Dashboard (deprecated)
Zygmunt Krynicki
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Release notes 

This version is the last of the non-deterministic releases. Subsequent releases (0.4 and beyond) should follow new monthly Linaro cycle.

This version brings many changes, new features and bug fixes. Please read the changelog to know more.


View the full changelog

Release 0.3:

Improvements to test code:
 * Tests are now separated to topic-driven modules, it is easier to develop and
   review existing tests for specific parts of the application
 * Tests are now based on django-testscenarios project (co-developed) that
   allows to use test scenarios and other advanced features from
   python-testtools and python-testscenarios.

Improvements to application core:
 * Bundles and Reports now use common privacy and ownership support code from
   (co-developed) django-restricted-resources project. This allows objects to
   be owned by a single user or by a group and allows application code to
   clearly specify what kind of access should be granted to a particular object
   and user.
 * Support for importing Dashboard Bundle Format versions 1.0, 1.0.1, 1.1 and 1.2
   Apart from minor format improvements this adds support for binary attachments,
   mime-type handling, tracking upstream projects with precise revision and optional
   commit timestmap. This provides better meta-data (software context) to filter and
   interpret tests results.
 * Importing Dashboard Bundle Format documents is now assisted with
   (co-developed) linaro-dashboard-bundle project that supports document format
   evolution (upgrading older documents to more recent formats) and document
   validation. Import error messages now contain precise JSON schema violation
   description that is easy to track and confirm.
 * Add support for PostgreSQL 8.4, this required a lot of small fixes where
   SQLite was too forgiving and was not enforcing length limits that were set
   in the model code.
 * Add new reporting framework composed of reports and data sources.
   This flexible framework (co-developed as Django-reports project) allows
   third-party modules to extend Launch Control with new data sources
   (encapsulated server side data mining) and reports (server side presentation
   API that can tap into data sources)
 * Add new and still experimental GCC benchmark report written based on
   requests from Linaro Toolchain Working Group. This report provides
   interactive 2D chart rendered based on test result measurements.
 * Add a new XML-RPC call to create anonymous bundle streams

Improvements to user interface:
 * Unified sign-in with local user&pass and LaunchpadSSO (based on OpenID)
 * DataBrowser feature has been dropped and replaced by manually constructed views.
   This brings enormous usability improvements to various parts of the application.
 * All pages now show meaningful breadcrumbs to simplify navigation
 * It is now possible to view plain text attachments (log files) that accompany
   test results. It is also possible to highlight a particular line from which
   a test result was parsed.
 * It is now possible to see custom attributes defined for either test run or
   test result.
 * The user interface now works correctly and looks similar on all major web
   browsers including Internet Explorer 6+, Mozilla Firefox 3.5+ and Google
 * XML-RPC API page is now easier to read

Other changes:
 * Launch Control will now use CIA ( to keep track of development and
   publish commit messages to #linaro
 * Launch Control Tool (lc-tool) has been separated to a standalone project.
   Code is now available at lp:launch-control-tool
 * Launch Control now depends on (co-developed) linaro-json package for JSON
   handling and validation
 * Launch Control can now be deployed on Ubuntu from a semi-official PPA, a lot
   of effort has been made to facilitate deployment, including ongoing
   specification of Django application and project packaging for Debian and
   co-developed django-debian project with deeper Debian administration and
   maintainer script support.
 * The database schema has been changed significantly. There is no support for
   automatically migrating data from 0.2 to 0.3. To retain your data export all
   the bundles (lc-tool get) and re-import them to a fresh instance (lc-tool
   put). After 0.3 we promise to deliver backwards compatible schema changes
   and support for automatic database migration.
 * Launch Control now depends on (co-developed) versiontools to accurately
   track development project version and expose this as internal API. This
   makes it easier to create development snapshots and identify application
   screen-shots (as the version is displayed in the header)
 * It's much easier to create a development environment composed of a running
   dashboard instance (based on either SQLite or PostgreSQL) and some example
   data using the new script.
 * Launch Control now requires Django 1.2. This adds better security against
   Cross Site Request Forgery attacks, simplifies the codebase and consolidates
   development effort on a single version of key technology. In addition some
   template language improvements in Django 1.2 make templates much easier to
   write (especially the improvement {% for %} tag and vastly improved {% if %}
   tag. In the future we will also support Django 1.3.
 * Launch Control now makes a distinction between static content that is a part
   of the source tree and static user-uploaded content. This simplifies
   deployment on production web servers and provides a clear upgrade path for
   Django 1.3 that supports this feature out of the box.

The following bugs were fixed in this release:

#744922 Unable to import SoftwarePackage with version longer than 32 characters
#740591 Incorrect description of various stream types in the bundle stream detail page
#740595 XML-RPCAPI view should have horizontal lines to delimit function blocks
#740634 "Add test run" form "Time check performed" needs explanation
#740638 "Add test case" form field "Units" in admin interface needs documentation
#740639 "Relative index" field on "Add test result" admin form is not documented

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