Comment 1 for bug 1273197

Revision history for this message
Andres Rodriguez (andreserl) wrote :

I have just tested this and I can't seem to be able to reproduce:

ubuntu@ubuntu:/etc/maas$ sudo cat pserv.yaml | grep generator
ubuntu@ubuntu:/etc/maas$ sudo dpkg-reconfigure maas-cluster-controller
maas-cluster-celery stop/waiting
maas-pserv stop/waiting
 * Restarting web server apache2 AH00558: apache2: Could not reliably determine the server's fully qualified domain name, using Set the 'ServerName' directive globally to suppress this message
                                                                         [ OK ]
maas-pserv start/running, process 11994
maas-cluster-celery start/running, process 12028
ubuntu@ubuntu:/etc/maas$ sudo cat pserv.yaml | grep generator