OERPScenario is going to change

Written for OERPScenario by Nicolas Bessi - Camptocamp on 2012-03-29

OERPScenario is going to change, core and scenarios are going to be split in different branches, and provide gemset for each part:

No more trouble to install requirements.

There is already a new DSL available using the ooor_finders https://github.com/camptocamp/ooor_finders

Here is are small samples:

      Given I need a "res.partner" with oid: scenario.moov_lock
      And having
        | name | value |
        | name | Reserve |

      Given I need a "res.partner.address" with oid: scenario.moov_store_add
      And having
        | name | value |
        | name | Reserve Moovin |
        | partner_id | by oid: scenario.moov_lock |
        | country_id | by code: FR |

      Given I need a "res.partner" with name: my name and code: my code
      And having
      | name | value |
      | lang | fr_FR |
      | company_id | by name: Your company |
      | supplier | 1 |

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