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Utilities to work with patches.

This package includes the following utilities:
  - combinediff creates a cumulative patch from two incremental patches
  - dehtmldiff extracts a diff from an HTML page
  - filterdiff extracts or excludes diffs from a diff file
  - fixcvsdiff fixes diff files created by CVS that "patch" mis-interprets
  - flipdiff exchanges the order of two patches
  - grepdiff shows which files are modified by a patch matching a regex
  - interdiff shows differences between two unified diff files
  - lsdiff shows which files are modified by a patch
  - recountdiff recomputes counts and offsets in unified context diffs
  - rediff fixes offsets and counts of a hand-edited diff
  - splitdiff separates out incremental patches
  - unwrapdiff demangles patches that have been word-wrapped

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