Comment 25 for bug 1714505

Revision history for this message
Dan Streetman (ddstreet) wrote :

> But, specifically about this bug and trusty, are there actual users who are encountering this
> bug on trusty?

No, the user who reported this does not encounter it with trusty, but that of course doesn't mean it does not exist there.

I am not able to reproduce it on my nvme systems with any release, as this is a specific race condition (with the poorly-designed 3 second window where udev uses stale kernel module info) when using fully automated preseeded install onto a nvme system behind a firewall with a proxy.

> When I say users of ISOs I mean the server.iso from

When installing to multiple systems, manual ISO installation is rarely used (by experienced sysadmins), for obvious reasons.

> It worries me, that we have users reinstalling trusty today

Many users - including large companies - still use trusty. In fact some users/companies still use precise, which is why Precise ESM exists.