Comment 7 for bug 1193161

Revision history for this message
Tony Espy (awe) wrote :

The changes definitely help, and I'm now able to activate a connection on mako with the today's (20130624) flipped image plus an updated lxc-android-config package (0.35).

That said, there are still issues with NM trying to use the rmnet devices as wired Ethernet devices still. Again, as above, running nmcli dev on the flipped images shows the following devices:

root@ubuntu-phablet:/# nmcli dev
rmnet_usb2 802-3-ethernet unavailable
rmnet_usb3 802-3-ethernet unavailable
rmnet_usb0 802-3-ethernet unavailable
rmnet_usb1 802-3-ethernet unavailable
/ril_0 gsm disconnected
wlan0 802-11-wireless disconnected

So, I still think we need to understand why this is so, and fix...