Twisted 11.0.0

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Jessica McKellar
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Release notes 

Highlights include:

 * a new templating system in Twisted Web, "twisted.web.template", derived from Divmod Nevow.
 * improved behavior of subprocess spawning on FreeBSD.
 * the 'twistd mail' plugin now uses the endpoints API, providing a more consistent command line and compatibility with endpoint plugins.
 * twisted.plugin no longer emits a confusing traceback when it can't write a cache file.

And numerous other bugfixes and documentation improvements. For more information, see the NEWS file.


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Twisted Core 11.0.0 (2011-04-01)

 - The reactor is not restartable, but it would previously fail to
   complain. Now, when you restart an unrestartable reactor, you get
   an exception. (#2066)
 - twisted.plugin now only emits a short log message, rather than a
   full traceback, if there is a problem writing out the dropin cache
   file. (#2409)
 - Added a 'replacement' parameter to the
   'twisted.python.deprecate.deprecated' decorator. This allows
   deprecations to unambiguously specify what they have been
   deprecated in favor of. (#3047)
 - Added access methods to FilePath for FilePath.statinfo's st_ino,
   st_dev, st_nlink, st_uid, and st_gid fields. This is in
   preparation for the deprecation of FilePath.statinfo. (#4712)
 - IPv4Address and UNIXAddress now have a __hash__ method. (#4783)
 - twisted.protocols.ftp.FTP.ftp_STOR now catches `FTPCmdError`s
   raised by the file writer, and returns the error back to the
   client. (#4909)

 - twistd will no longer fail if a non-root user passes --uid 'myuid'
   as a command-line argument. Instead, it will emit an error message.
 - IOCPReactor now sends immediate completions to the main loop
 - trial can now load test methods from multiple classes, even if the
   methods all happen to be inherited from the same base class.
 - twisted.web.server will now produce a correct Allow header when a
   particular render_FOO method is missing. (#3678)
 - HEAD requests made to resources whose HEAD handling defaults to
   calling render_GET now always receive a response with no body.
 - trial now loads decorated test methods whether or not the decorator
   preserves the original method name. (#3909)
 - t.p.amp.AmpBox.serialize will now correctly consistently complain
   when being fed Unicode. (#3931)
 - twisted.internet.wxreactor now supports stopping more reliably.
 - reactor.spawnProcess on Windows can now handle ASCII-encodable
   Unicode strings in the system environment (#3964)
 - When C-extensions are not complied for twisted, on python2.4, skip
   a test in twisted.internet.test.test_process that may hang due to a
   SIGCHLD related problem. Running 'python build_ext
   --inplace' will compile the extension and cause the test to both
   run and pass. (#4331)
 - twisted.python.logfile.LogFile now raises a descriptive exception
   when passed a log directoy which does not exist. (#4701)
 - Fixed a bug where Inotify will fail to add a filepatch to watchlist
   after it has been added/ignored previously. (#4708)
 - IPv4Address and UNIXAddress object comparison operators fixed
 - twisted.internet.task.Clock now sorts the list of pending calls
   before and after processing each call (#4823)
 - ConnectionLost is now in twisted.internet.error.__all__ instead of
   twisted.words.protocols.jabber.xmlstream.__all__. (#4856)
 - twisted.internet.process now detects the most appropriate mechanism
   to use for detecting the open file descriptors on a system, getting
   Twisted working on FreeBSD even when fdescfs is not mounted.
 - referenced nonexistent
   twisted.words.protocols.irc.IRC_NOSUCHCHANNEL. This has been fixed.
   Related code has also received test cases. (#4915)

Improved Documentation
 - The INSTALL file now lists all of Twisted's dependencies. (#967)
 - Added the stopService and startService methods to all finger
   example files. (#3375)
 - Missing calls were added in the UDP and client howto
   documents. (#3834)
 - The maxRetries attribute of
   twisted.internet.protocols.RetryingClientFactory now has API
   documentation. (#4618)
 - Lore docs pointed to a template that no longer existed, this has
   been fixed. (#4682)
 - The `servers` argument to `twisted.names.client.createResolver` now
   has more complete API documentation. (#4713)
 - Linked to the Twisted endpoints tutorial from the Twisted core
   howto list. (#4773)
 - The Endpoints howto now links to the API documentation. (#4774)
 - The Quotes howto is now more clear in its PYTHONPATH setup
   instructions. (#4785)
 - The API documentation for DeferredList's fireOnOneCallback
   parameter now gives the correct order of the elements of the result
   tuple. (#4882)

Deprecations and Removals
 - returning a value other than None from IProtocol.dataReceived was
   deprecated (#2491)
 - Deprecated the --extra option in trial. (#3372)
 - twisted.protocols._c_urlarg has been removed. (#4162)
 - Remove the --report-profile option for twistd, deprecated since
   2007. (#4236)
 - Deprecated twisted.persisted.journal. This library is no longer
   maintained. (#4298)
 - Removed twisted.protocols.loopback.loopback, which has been
   deprecated since Twisted 2.5. (#4547)
 - __getitem__ __getslice__ and __eq__ (tuple comparison, indexing)
   removed from twisted.internet.address.IPv4Address and
   twisted.internet.address.UNIXAddress classes UNIXAddress and
   IPv4Address properties _bwHack are now deprecated in
   twisted.internet.address (#4817)
 - twisted.python.reflect.allYourBase is now no longer used, replaced
   with inspect.getmro (#4928)
 - allYourBase and accumulateBases are now deprecated in favor of
   inspect.getmro. (#4946)


- #555, #1982, #2618, #2665, #2666, #4035, #4247, #4567, #4636,
  #4717, #4733, #4750, #4821, #4842, #4846, #4853, #4857, #4858,
  #4863, #4864, #4865, #4866, #4867, #4868, #4869, #4870, #4871,
  #4872, #4873, #4874, #4875, #4876, #4877, #4878, #4879, #4905,
  #4906, #4908, #4934, #4955, #4960

Twisted Conch 11.0.0 (2011-04-01)

 - The transport for subsystem protocols now declares that it
   implements ITransport and implements the getHost and getPeer
   methods. (#2453)
 - twisted.conch.ssh.transport.SSHTransportBase now responds to key
   exchange messages at any time during a connection (instead of only
   at connection setup). It also queues non-key exchange messages
   sent during key exchange to avoid corrupting the connection state.
 - Importing twisted.conch.ssh.common no longer breaks pow(base, exp[,
   modulus]) when the gmpy package is installed and base is not an
   integer. (#4803)
 - now returns a time string which does not
   consider the locale. (#4937)

Improved Documentation
 - Changed the man page for ckeygen to accurately reflect what it
   does, and corrected its synposis so that a second "ckeygen" is not
   a required part of the ckeygen command line. (#4738)

 - #2112

Twisted Lore 11.0.0 (2011-04-01)

No significant changes have been made for this release.

Twisted Mail 11.0.0 (2011-04-01)

 - The `twistd mail` command line now accepts endpoint descriptions
   for POP3 and SMTP servers. (#4739)
 - The twistd mail plugin now accepts new authentication options via
   strcred.AuthOptionMixin. These include --auth, --auth-help, and
   authentication type-specific help options. (#4740)

 - twisted.mail.imap4.IMAP4Server now generates INTERNALDATE strings
   which do not consider the locale. (#4937)

Improved Documentation
 - Added a simple SMTP example, showing how to use sendmail. (#4042)


 - #4162

Twisted Names 11.0.0 (2011-04-01)

No significant changes have been made for this release.

Twisted News 11.0.0 (2011-04-01)

No significant changes have been made for this release.

 - #4580

Twisted Pair 11.0.0 (2011-04-01)

No significant changes have been made for this release.

Twisted Runner 11.0.0 (2011-04-01)

No significant changes have been made for this release.

Twisted Web 11.0.0 (2011-04-01)

 - twisted.web._newclient.HTTPParser (and therefore Agent) now handles
   HTTP headers delimited by bare LF newlines. (#3833)
 - twisted.web.client.downloadPage now accepts the `afterFoundGet`
   parameter, with the same meaning as the `getPage` parameter of the
   same name. (#4364)
 - twisted.web.xmlrpc.Proxy constructor now takes additional 'timeout'
   and 'reactor' arguments. The 'timeout' argument defaults to 30
   seconds. (#4741)
 - Twisted Web now has a templating system, twisted.web.template,
   which is a direct, simplified derivative of Divmod Nevow. (#4939)

 - HTTPPageGetter now adds the port to the host header if it is not
   the default for that scheme. (#3857)
 - twisted.web.http.Request.write now raises an exception if it is
   called after response generation has already finished. (#4317)
 - twisted.web.client.HTTPPageGetter and twisted.web.client.getPage
   now no longer make two requests when using afterFoundGet. (#4760)
 - twisted.web.twcgi no longer adds an extra "content-type" header to
   CGI responses. (#4786)
 - twisted.web will now properly specify an encoding (UTF-8) on error,
   redirect, and directory listing pages, so that IE7 and previous
   will not improperly guess the 'utf7' encoding in these cases.
   Please note that Twisted still sets a *default* content-type of
   'text/html', and you shouldn't rely on that: you should set the
   encoding appropriately in your application. (#4900)
 - twisted.web.http.Request.setHost now sets the port in the host
   header if it is not the default. (#4918)
 - default NOT_IMPLEMENTED and NOT_ALLOWED pages now quote the request
   method and URI respectively, to protect against browsers which
   don't quote those values for us. (#4978)

Improved Documentation
 - The XML-RPC howto now includes an example demonstrating how to
   access the HTTP request object in a server-side XML-RPC method.
 - The Twisted Web client howto now uses the correct, public name for
   twisted.web.client.Response. (#4769)
 - Some broken links were fixed, descriptions were updated, and new
   API links were added in the Resource Templating documentation
   (resource-templates.xhtml) (#4968)

 - #2271, #2386, #4162, #4733, #4855, #4911, #4973

Twisted Words 11.0.0 (2011-04-01)

 - twisted.words.protocols.irc.IRCClient now has an invite method.

 - twisted.words.protocols.irc.IRCClient.say is once again able to
   send messages when using the default value for the length limit
   argument. (#4758)
 - twisted.words.protocols.jabber.jstrports is once again able to
   parse jstrport description strings. (#4771)
 - twisted.words.protocols.msn.NotificationClient now calls the
   loginFailure callback when it is unable to connect to the Passport
   server due to missing SSL dependencies. (#4801)
 - twisted.words.protocols.jabber.xmpp_stringprep now always uses
   Unicode version 3.2 for stringprep normalization. (#4850)

Improved Documentation
 - Removed the non-working AIM bot example, depending on the obsolete
   twisted.words.protocols.toc functionality. (#4007)
 - Outdated GUI-related information was removed from the IM howto.

Deprecations and Removals
 - Remove twisted.words.protocols.toc, that was largely non-working
   and useless since AOL disabled TOC on their AIM network. (#4363)

 - #4733, #4902

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