Twisted 12.0.0

Milestone information

Thomas Herve
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Release notes 

47 tickets are closed by this release, among them:

 * A fix to the GTK2 reactor preventing unnecessary wake-ups

 * Preliminary support of IPV6 on the server side

 * Several fixes to the new protocol-based TLS implementation

 * Improved core documentation's main page

Twisted no longer supports Python 2.4, the latest supported version is 2.5.


View the full changelog

Ticket numbers in this file can be looked up by visiting<number>

Twisted Core 12.0.0 (2012-02-10)

 - The interface argument to IReactorTCP.listenTCP may now be an IPv6
   address literal, allowing the creation of IPv6 TCP servers. (#5084)
 - twisted.python.constants.Names now provides a way to define
   collections of named constants, similar to the "enum type" feature
   of C or Java. (#5382)
 - twisted.python.constants.Values now provides a way to define
   collections of named constants with arbitrary values. (#5383)

 - Fixed an obscure case where connectionLost wasn't called on the
   protocol when using half-close. (#3037)
 - UDP ports handle socket errors better on Windows. (#3396)
 - When idle, the gtk2 and glib2 reactors no longer wake up 10 times a
   second. (#4376)
 - Prevent a rare situation involving TLS transports, where a producer
   may be erroneously left unpaused. (#5347)
 - twisted.internet.iocpreactor.iocpsupport now has fewer 64-bit
   compile warnings. (#5373)
 - The GTK2 reactor is now more responsive on Windows. (#5396)
 - TLS transports now correctly handle producer registration after the
   connection has been lost. (#5439)
 - twisted.protocols.htb.Bucket now empties properly with a non-zero
   drip rate. (#5448)
 - IReactorSSL and ITCPTransport.startTLS now synchronously propagate
   errors from the getContext method of context factories, instead of
   being capturing them and logging them as unhandled. (#5449)

Improved Documentation
 - The multicast documentation has been expanded. (#4262)
 - twisted.internet.defer.Deferred now documents more return values.
 - Show a better starting page at (#5429)

Deprecations and Removals
 - Remove the deprecated module twisted.enterprise.reflector. (#4108)
 - Removed the deprecated module twisted.enterprise.row. (#4109)
 - Remove the deprecated module twisted.enterprise.sqlreflector.
 - Removed the deprecated module twisted.enterprise.util, as well as (#4111)
 - Python 2.4 is no longer supported on any platform. (#5060)
 - Removed printTraceback and noOperation from twisted.spread.pb,
   deprecated since Twisted 8.2. (#5370)

 - #1712, #2725, #5284, #5325, #5331, #5362, #5364, #5371, #5407,
   #5427, #5430, #5431, #5440, #5441

Twisted Conch 12.0.0 (2012-02-10)

 - use Python shadow module for authentication if it's available

 - twisted.conch.ssh.transport.messages no longer ends with with old
   message IDs on platforms with differing dict() orderings (#5352)

 - #5225

Twisted Lore 12.0.0 (2012-02-10)

No significant changes have been made for this release.

Twisted Mail 12.0.0 (2012-02-10)

No significant changes have been made for this release.

Twisted Names 12.0.0 (2012-02-10)

 - twisted.names.dns.Message now sets the `auth` flag on RRHeader
   instances it creates to reflect the authority of the message
   itself. (#5421)

Twisted News 12.0.0 (2012-02-10)

No significant changes have been made for this release.

Twisted Pair 12.0.0 (2012-02-10)

No significant changes have been made for this release.

Twisted Runner 12.0.0 (2012-02-10)

No significant changes have been made for this release.

Twisted Web 12.0.0 (2012-02-10)

 - twisted.web.util.redirectTo now raises TypeError if the URL passed
   to it is a unicode string instead of a byte string. (#5236)
 - The new class twisted.web.template.CharRef provides support for
   inserting numeric character references in output generated by
   twisted.web.template. (#5408)

Improved Documentation
 - The Twisted Web howto now has a section on proxies and reverse
   proxies. (#399)
 - The web client howto now covers ContentDecoderAgent and links to an
   example of its use. (#5415)

 - #5404, #5438

Twisted Words 12.0.0 (2012-02-10)

Improved Documentation
 - now has improved API documentation.

 - #5401

0 blueprints and 0 bugs targeted

There are no feature specifications or bug tasks targeted to this milestone. The project's maintainer, driver, or bug supervisor can target specifications and bug tasks to this milestone to track the things that are expected to be completed for the release.

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