Twisted 12.1.0

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Thomas Herve
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Release notes 

107 tickets are closed by this release, with the following highlights:

 * The revival of the kqueue reactor for BSD platforms.

 * epoll is now the default reactor under Linux after a fix to handle
files on stdin/stdout.

 * New reactors supporting GTK3 and GObject-Introspection.

 * Several enhancements regarding file descriptors passing: systemd
support for servers, ability to send and receive file descriptors for
IReactorUNIX and an AMP argument using that feature.

 * Support for IPv6 literals in connectTCP.

 * Persistent connections support for the new HTTP client.

This is the last Twisted release supporting Python 2.5.


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Twisted Core 12.1.0 (2012-06-02)

 - The kqueue reactor has been revived. (#1918)
 - twisted.python.filepath now provides IFilePath, an interface for
   file path objects. (#2176)
 - New gtk3 and gobject-introspection reactors have been added.
 - gtk and glib reactors now run I/O and scheduled events with lower
   priority, to ensure the UI stays responsive. (#5067)
 - IReactorTCP.connectTCP() can now accept IPv6 address literals
   (although not hostnames) in order to support connecting to IPv6
   hosts. (#5085)
 - twisted.internet.interfaces.IReactorSocket, a new interface, is now
   supported by some reactors to listen on sockets set up by external
   software (eg systemd or launchd). (#5248)
 - twisted.internet.endpoints.clientFromString now also supports
   strings in the form of and
 - twisted.python.constants.Flags now provides a way to define
   collections of flags for bitvector-type uses. (#5384)
 - The epoll(7)-based reactor is now the default reactor on Linux.
 - twisted.python.runtime.platform.isLinux can be used to check if
   Twisted is running on Linux. (#5491)
 - twisted.internet.endpoints.serverFromString now recognizes a
   "systemd" endpoint type, for listening on a server port inherited
   from systemd. (#5575)
 - Connections created using twisted.internet.interfaces.IReactorUNIX
   now support sending and receiving file descriptors between
   different processes. (#5615)
 - twisted.internet.endpoints.clientFromString now supports UNIX
   client endpoint strings with the path argument specified like
   "unix:/foo/bar" in addition to the old style, "unix:path=/foo/bar".
 - twisted.protocols.amp.Descriptor is a new AMP argument type which
   supports passing file descriptors as AMP command arguments over
   UNIX connections. (#5650)

 - twisted.internet.abstract.FileDescriptor implements
   twisted.internet.interfaces.IPushProducer instead of
   twisted.internet.iocpreactor.abstract.FileHandle implements
   twisted.internet.interfaces.IPushProducer instead of
   twisted.internet.interfaces.IProducer. (#4386)
 - The epoll reactor now supports reading/writing to regular files on
   stdin/stdout. (#4429)
 - Calling .cancel() on any Twisted-provided client endpoint
   (TCP4ClientEndpoint, UNIXClientEndpoint, SSL4ClientEndpoint) now
   works as documented, rather than logging an AlreadyCalledError.
 - A leak of OVERLAPPED structures in some IOCP error cases has been
   fixed. (#5372)
 - twisted.internet._pollingfile._PollableWritePipe now checks for
   outgoing unicode data in write() and writeSequence() instead of
   checkWork(). (#5412)

Improved Documentation
 - "Working from Twisted's Subversion repository" links to UQDS and
   Combinator are now updated. (#5545)
 - Added, an example of Tkinter integration. (#5631)

Deprecations and Removals
 - The 'unsigned' flag to twisted.scripts.tap2rpm.MyOptions is now
   deprecated. (#4086)
 - Removed the unreachable _fileUrandom method from
   twisted.python.randbytes.RandomFactory. (#4530)
 - twisted.persisted.journal is removed, deprecated since Twisted
   11.0. (#4805)
 - Support for pyOpenSSL 0.9 and older is now deprecated. pyOpenSSL
   0.10 or newer will soon be required in order to use Twisted's SSL
   features. (#4974)
 - backwardsCompatImplements and fixClassImplements are removed from
   twisted.python.components, deprecated in 2006. (#5034)
 - twisted.python.reflect.macro was removed, deprecated since Twisted
   8.2. (#5035)
 - twisted.python.text.docstringLStrip, deprecated since Twisted
   10.2.0, has been removed (#5036)
 - Removed the deprecated dispatch and dispatchWithCallback methods
   from twisted.python.threadpool.ThreadPool (deprecated since 8.0)
 - twisted.scripts.tapconvert is now deprecated. (#5038)
 - twisted.python.reflect's Settable, AccessorType, PropertyAccessor,
   Accessor, OriginalAccessor and Summer are now deprecated. (#5451)
 - twisted.python.threadpool.ThreadSafeList (deprecated in 10.1) is
   removed. (#5473)
 -, deprecated since Twisted 8.2.0,
   has been removed. (#5480)
 - twisted.spread.refpath was deleted, deprecated since Twisted 9.0.
 - twisted.python.otp, deprecated since 9.0, is removed. (#5493)
 - Removed `dsu`, `moduleMovedForSplit`, and `dict` from
   twisted.python.util (deprecated since 10.2) (#5516)

 - #2723, #3114, #3398, #4388, #4489, #5055, #5116, #5242, #5380,
   #5392, #5447, #5457, #5484, #5489, #5492, #5494, #5512, #5523,
   #5558, #5572, #5583, #5593, #5620, #5621, #5623, #5625, #5637,
   #5652, #5653, #5656, #5657, #5660, #5673

Twisted Conch 12.1.0 (2012-06-02)

 - twisted.conch.tap now supports cred plugins (#4753)

 - twisted.conch.client.knownhosts now handles errors encountered
   parsing hashed entries in a known hosts file. (#5616)

Improved Documentation
 - Conch examples window.tac and telnet_echo.tac now have better
   explanations. (#5590)

 - #5580

Twisted Lore 12.1.0 (2012-06-02)

 - twisted.plugins.twisted_lore's MathProcessor plugin is now
   associated with the correct implementation module. (#5326)

Twisted Mail 12.1.0 (2012-06-02)

 - twistd mail --auth, broken in 11.0, now correctly connects
   authentication to the portal being used (#5219)

 - #5686

Twisted Names 12.1.0 (2012-06-02)

 - "twistd dns" secondary server functionality and
   twisted.names.secondary now support retrieving zone information
   from a master running on a non-standard DNS port. (#5468)

 - twisted.names.dns.DNSProtocol instances no longer throw an
   exception when disconnecting. (#5471)
 - twisted.names.tap.makeService (thus also "twistd dns") now makes a
   DNS server which gives precedence to the hosts file from its
   configuration over the remote DNS servers from its configuration.
 - now makes sure TTLs on returned
   results are never negative. (#5579)
 - twisted.names.cache.CacheResolver entries added via the initializer
   are now timed out correctly. (#5638)

Improved Documentation
 - The examples now contain instructions on how to run them and
   descriptions in the examples index. (#5588)

Deprecations and Removals
 - The deprecated attribute was
   removed. (#4549)

Twisted News 12.1.0 (2012-06-02)

 - now has additional test coverage and
   less redundant implementation code. (#5537)

Deprecations and Removals
 - The ability to pass a string article to NNTPServer._gotBody and
   NNTPServer._gotArticle in has been deprecated for years
   and is now removed. (#4548)

Twisted Pair 12.1.0 (2012-06-02)

No significant changes have been made for this release.

Twisted Runner 12.1.0 (2012-06-02)

Deprecations and Removals
 -, consistencyDelay, and consistency in
   twisted.runner.procmon were deprecated since 10.1 have been
   removed. (#5517)

Twisted Web 12.1.0 (2012-06-02)

 - twisted.web.client.Agent and ProxyAgent now support persistent
   connections. (#3420)
 - Added twisted.web.template.renderElement, a function which renders
   an Element to a response. (#5395)
 - twisted.web.client.HTTPConnectionPool now ensures that failed
   queries on persistent connections are retried, when possible.
 - twisted.web.template.XMLFile now supports FilePath objects. (#5509)
 - twisted.web.template.renderElement takes a doctype keyword
   argument, which will be written as the first line of the response,
   defaulting to the HTML5 doctype. (#5560)

 - twisted.web.util.formatFailure now quotes all data in its output to
   avoid it being mistakenly interpreted as markup. (#4896)
 - twisted.web.distrib now lets distributed servers set the response
   message. (#5525)

Deprecations and Removals
 - PHP3Script and PHPScript were removed from twisted.web.twcgi,
   deprecated since 10.1. Use twcgi.FilteredScript instead. (#5456)
 - twisted.web.template.XMLFile's support for file objects and
   filenames is now deprecated. Use the new support for FilePath
   objects. (#5509)
 - twisted.web.server.date_time_string and
   twisted.web.server.string_date_time are now deprecated in favor of
   twisted.web.http.datetimeToString and twisted.web.
   http.stringToDatetime (#5535)

 - #4966, #5460, #5490, #5591, #5602, #5609, #5612

Twisted Words 12.1.0 (2012-06-02)

 - twisted.words.protocols.irc.DccChatFactory.buildProtocol now
   returns the protocol object that it creates (#3179)
 - no longer offers an empty threat of a rewrite on
   import. (#5598)

 - #5555, #5595

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