Twisted 12.2.0

Milestone information

Ashwini Oruganti
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Release notes 

  * To be able to work on Python3 support, Python 2.5 is no longer supported.

  * twisted.mail.imap4 now serves BODYSTRUCTURE responses which provide
more information and conform to the IMAP4 RFC more closely.

  * twisted.conch now supports commercial SSH implementations which don't
comply with the IETF standard.

  * twisted.internet.endpoints now provides several new endpoints, including a
TCP client endpoint that resolves hostnames to IPv6 host addresses.

  * IReactorSocket.adoptStreamConnection, implemented by some reactors,
allows adding an existing established connection to the reactor.

Starting with the release after 12.2, Twisted will begin requiring
zope.interface 3.6 (as part of Python 3 support).

This is the last Twisted release supporting Python 2.6 on Windows.


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Twisted Core 12.2.0 (2012-08-26)

Starting with the release after 12.2, Twisted will begin requiring
zope.interface 3.6 (as part of Python 3 support).

This is the last Twisted release supporting Python 2.6 on Windows.

 - twisted.protocols.sip.MessageParser now handles multiline headers.
 - twisted.internet.endpoints now provides StandardIOEndpoint, a
   Standard I/O endpoint. (#4697)
 - If a FTPCmdError occurs during twisted.protocols.ftp.FTP.ftp_RETR
   sending the file (i.e. it is raised by the IReadFile.send method it
   invokes), then it will use that to return an error to the client
   rather than necessarily sending a 426 CNX_CLOSED_TXFR_ABORTED
   error. (#4913)
 - twisted.internet.interfaces.IReactorSocket.adoptStreamConnection is
   implemented by some reactors as a way to add an existing
   established connection to them. (#5570)
 - twisted.internet.endpoints now provides TCP6ServerEndpoint, an IPv6
   TCP server endpoint. (#5694)
 - twisted.internet.endpoints now provides TCP6ClientEndpoint, an IPv6
   TCP client endpoint. (#5695)
 - twisted.internet.endpoints.serverFromString, the endpoint string
   description feature, can now be used to create IPv6 TCP servers.
 - twisted.internet.endpoints.serverFromString, the endpoint string
   description feature, can now be used to create servers that run on
   Standard I/O. (#5729)
 - twisted.trial.unittest now offers SynchronousTestCase, a test case
   base class that provides usability improvements but not reactor-
   based testing features. (#5853)

 - twisted.internet.Process.signalProcess now catches ESRCH raised by
   os.kill call and raises ProcessExitedAlready instead. (#2420)
 - TLSMemoryBIOProtocol (and therefore all SSL transports if pyOpenSSL
   >= 0.10) now provides the interfaces already provided by the
   underlying transport. (#5182)

Deprecations and Removals
 - Python 2.5 is no longer supported. (#5553)
 - The --extra option of trial, deprecated since 11.0, is removed now.
 - addPluginDir and getPluginDirs in twisted.python.util are
   deprecated now. (#4533)
 - twisted.trial.runner.DocTestCase, deprecated in Twisted 8.0, has
   been removed. (#5554)
 - startKeepingErrors, flushErrors, ignoreErrors, and clearIgnores in
   twisted.python.log (deprecated since Twisted 2.5) are removed now.
 - unzip, unzipIter, and countZipFileEntries in
   twisted.python.zipstream (deprecated in Twisted 11.0) are removed
   now. (#5766)
 - twisted.test.time_helpers, deprecated since Twisted 10.0, has been
   removed. (#5820)

 - #4244, #4532, #4930, #4999, #5129, #5138, #5385, #5521, #5655,
   #5674, #5679, #5687, #5688, #5689, #5692, #5707, #5734, #5736,
   #5745, #5746, #5747, #5749, #5784, #5816, #5817, #5818, #5819,
   #5830, #5857, #5858, #5859, #5869, #5632

Twisted Conch 12.2.0 (2012-08-26)

 - twisted.conch.ssh.transport.SSHTransport now returns an
   SSHTransportAddress from the getPeer() and getHost() methods.

 - twisted.conch now supports commercial SSH implementations which
   don't comply with the IETF standard (#1902)
 - twisted.conch.ssh.userauth now works correctly with hash
   randomization enabled. (#5776)
 - twisted.conch no longer relies on __builtins__ being a dict, which
   is a purely CPython implementation detail (#5779)

 - #5496, #5617, #5700, #5748, #5777

Twisted Lore 12.2.0 (2012-08-26)

No significant changes have been made for this release.

Twisted Mail 12.2.0 (2012-08-26)

 - twisted.mail.imap4.IMAP4Server will now generate an error response
   when it receives an illegal SEARCH term from a client. (#4080)
 - twisted.mail.imap4 now serves BODYSTRUCTURE responses which provide
   more information and conform to the IMAP4 RFC more closely. (#5763)

Deprecations and Removals
 - twisted.mail.protocols.SSLContextFactory is now deprecated. (#4963)
 - The --passwordfile option to twistd mail is now removed. (#5541)

 - #5697, #5750, #5751, #5783

Twisted Names 12.2.0 (2012-08-26)

 - twisted.names.srvconnect.SRVConnector now takes a default port to
   use when SRV lookup fails. (#3456)

 - #5647

Twisted News 12.2.0 (2012-08-26)

No significant changes have been made for this release.

Twisted Pair 12.2.0 (2012-08-26)

No significant changes have been made for this release.

Twisted Runner 12.2.0 (2012-08-26)

No significant changes have been made for this release.

Twisted Web 12.2.0 (2012-08-26)

Deprecations and Removals
 - twisted.web.static.FileTransfer, deprecated since 9.0, is removed
   now. Use a subclass of StaticProducer instead. (#5651)
 - ErrorPage, NoResource and ForbiddenResource in twisted.web.error
   were deprecated since 9.0 and are removed now. (#5659)
 -, deprecated since Twisted 11.1, is removed now.

 - #5665

Twisted Words 12.2.0 (2012-08-26)

No significant changes have been made for this release.

 - #5752, #5753

0 blueprints and 0 bugs targeted

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