Comment 6 for bug 1998376

Revision history for this message
Olivier Gayot (ogayot) wrote :

> The logic is based on the value of the client_variant variable. This variable is initialized to "server" and then can be overwritten by a POST request to /meta/client_variant ; which we can see in the logs.
> 2022-11-30 17:23:02,729 INFO aiohttp.access:233 [30/Nov/2022:17:23:02 +0000] "POST /meta/client_variant?variant=%22desktop%22 HTTP/1.1" 200 189 "-" "Dart/2.18 (dart:io)"
> My assumption is that we read the client_variant variable too soon and don't re-read it after the desktop installer supplies a value for us

I actually mixed up source variant and client variant. The former reflects the type of image that we are installing. The latter reflects whether we are running a TUI or desktop based install.

When installing drivers, we want the drivers installed to match the source variant and not the client variant.

Therefore, the call to /meta/client_variant is not relevant, but the call to /source is what matters.