Comment 19 for bug 657900

Revision history for this message
Lonnie Lee Best (launchpad-startport) wrote :

I'm using 12.04.

I can auto mount windows shares via fstab, and I have user-level scripts that consume these shares successfully.

However, sometimes a window server is rebooted. When this happens, the auto mounting that occurred via fstab happened before the windows reboot and is therefore expired (unmounted).

In my user-level scripts, I need a way to remount so the scripts don't fail.

If I put sudo mount -a, into the script, that won't work because the automated script can't type in a password even if that user is a sudoer.

mount -a (without sudo) also doesn't work because it gives error "only root can do that".

I've added the user flag to these mounts in fstab, but this too still doesn't give the user-script the ability to mount the windows share, you get an error:

no match for /media/windowsShare found in /etc/fstab

Please advise.