Comment 67 for bug 494067

Revision history for this message
Launchpad Janitor (janitor) wrote :

This bug was fixed in the package firefox - 3.6+nobinonly-0ubuntu6

firefox (3.6+nobinonly-0ubuntu6) lucid; urgency=low

  [ Jamie Strandboge <email address hidden> ]
  * adjust AppArmor profile to allow scim

  [ Felix Geyer <email address hidden>]
  * Apply KDE integration from openSUSE (LP: #494067)
    - add debian/patches/mozilla-kde.patch
    - add debian/patches/firefox-kde.patch
    - update debian/patches/series
    - update debian/rules
  * Add kmozillahelper to suggests of firefox
    - update debian/control

  [ Kees Cook <email address hidden> ]
  * fix LP: #531581 - cannot report bugs or crashes when profile names contains
    spaces; concatenate non alnum characters in profile name for apport use
    - update debian/apport/

  [ Micah Gersten <email address hidden> ]
  * fix LP: #531895 - Firefox isn't in Ubuntu Software Center's "Internet" or
    "Web Browsers" sections; Add Internet and WebBrowser Categories to .desktop
    - update debian/abrowser.desktop
    - update debian/firefox-final.desktop
    - update debian/firefox-namoroka.desktop
  * fix FTBFS on sparc; disable jit on sparc until bmo 502369 is fixable
    - update debian/rules
 -- Micah Gersten <email address hidden> Sat, 06 Mar 2010 23:47:38 -0600