Comment 16 for bug 1733878

Revision history for this message
Balint Reczey (rbalint) wrote :

The steps I used for reproducing the issue and testing the fix on zesty (and on other releases with the proper package versions):

lxc launch ubuntu:17.04 z-test-gce
lxc exec z-test-gce -- wget
lxc exec z-test-gce -- dpkg -i google-compute-engine-oslogin_20170718-0ubuntu1~17.04.0_amd64.deb
lxc exec z-test-gce -- apt-get purge -y openssh-server
lxc exec z-test-gce -- apt-get update
# this step will fail as long as the fixed version is not in release
lxc exec z-test-gce -- apt-get install -y google-compute-engine-oslogin
lxc exec z-test-gce -- bash -c "echo 'deb zesty-proposed main restricted universe multiverse' >> /etc/apt/sources.list"
lxc exec z-test-gce -- apt-get update
lxc exec z-test-gce -- apt-get install -y google-compute-engine-oslogin
lxc exec z-test-gce -- dpkg --configure -a
lxc exec z-test-gce -- apt-get install -y google-compute-engine-oslogin