Comment 18 for bug 1848200

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Vladislav K. Valtchev (vvaltchev) wrote :

Thanks Miroslav for opening this bug, two weeks after me opening bug #1846557.
Unfortunately, it took proving that gdb couldn't debug properly _any_ 32-bit program, not just kernels running on QEMU, in order to get some attention. Honestly, I didn't even thought the bug could be _that_ bad and I didn't test that simple scenario. I just assumed it worked.

But, certainly, just a simple question from any maintainer about this use-case could have helped solving this bug much earlier and saving time to all the people it affected. I mean, it's not disappointing that it took one month to get a fix. If the bug affected only my scenario that would had been fine. It's disappointing that even if there was a single _small_ 100% guilty patch, in one month, bug #1846557 did not get a _single_ technical comment/question. We could have discovered this broader-scope bug much earlier. It's not about fixing any bug "right now" (bugs have priority). It's about at least talking with the reporter and don't underestimate the scope of the bug, even if it appears to be narrow. It might not be.