Comment 12 for bug 402017

Revision history for this message
Pablo Nogueira (pirelo) wrote :

I also lost the default theme when playing with accessibility options
I should add the default theme I saw after upgrading to Karmic does not look like the one shown in #1.

My /var/lib/gdm/.gconf.defaults/%gconf-tree.xml had no information registered on the "interface" and "metacity"-"general" entries:

  <dir name="interface">

  <dir name="metacity">
   <dir name="general">

I've recovered the theme by simply adding the missing data:

<dir name="interface">
    <entry name="icon_theme" mtime="1255598514" type="string">
    <entry name="gtk_theme" mtime="1255598514" type="string">

<dir name="metacity">
   <dir name="general">
    <entry name="theme" mtime="1255598514" type="string">

I haven't changed the other fields because they're specific to my setting: keyboard layout, language, etc.
(Albeit they could could be changed using the gdm menus when loging in).