Comment 24 for bug 192009

Revision history for this message
Pieter Ennes (skion) wrote :

Using gnome-panel (1:2.26.0-0ubuntu6) my gnome-panels are still swapped when compared to intrepid, but reading the above comments makes me think that this version should behave the same again as it did with intrepid? Does anyone have a manual fix already? Adding --primary to the xrandr command does not seem to work for me.

$ xrandr --output LVDS --auto --left-of VGA --output VGA --primary --auto
$ xrandr --output LVDS --primary --auto --left-of VGA --output VGA --auto

both do the same, but when using --right-of in stead of --left-of strangely the panels _are_ put on the external screen!

$ xrandr --output LVDS --auto --right-of VGA --output VGA --auto

Seems like the leftmost screen is preferred for primary?