Comment 6 for bug 962926

Revision history for this message
Erick Brunzell (lbsolost) wrote :

I truly believe this is not a duplicate of either bug 965487 or bug 965458.

The first clearly says "Boot a live session and choose to install ubuntu. Wait a few seconds and the message will come up."

The second says "This crash occurs immediately after the parted_server crashes".

Neither of those apply here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If I boot letting the non-interactive boot screen pass and wait to just choose between trying or installing Ubuntu I end up with a language notification in the menu-bar/top panel, and it's quickly followed by the apport warning that spurred me to report this bug ............... and it still persists with Ubuntu live i386 20120327.1!

But if I press a key when the non-interactive screen appears so I can boot to the actual boot menu, then select my default English, then select Try Ubuntu from the old-style menu all is well ............... no language notification and no apport warning.

Please see this screenshot: