Comment 2 for bug 1185265

Revision history for this message
Pete Woods (pete-woods) wrote :

What would really make me happy is cmake support for this in the google-mock Ubuntu package.

i.e. something like this inside "/usr/lib/$arch/cmake/GMock/GMockConfig.cmake"

# Build with system gmock and embedded gtest
set (GMOCK_INCLUDE_DIR "/usr/include/gmock/include" CACHE PATH "gmock source include directory")
set (GMOCK_SOURCE_DIR "/usr/src/gmock" CACHE PATH "gmock source directory")
set (GTEST_INCLUDE_DIR "${GMOCK_SOURCE_DIR}/gtest/include" CACHE PATH "gtest source include directory")

add_subdirectory(${GMOCK_SOURCE_DIR} "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/gmock")

set(GTEST_MAIN_LIBRARIES gtest_main)
set(GMOCK_LIBRARIES gmock gmock_main)

That way I can just go:


include_directories (

It also means you will be able to help use it more easily in the future.