Comment 28 for bug 756564

Revision history for this message
Rickard Westman (rwestman) wrote :

Regarding the suggestion in #2:

> Then running run 'dpkg-reconfigure grub-pc' and make sure that all of the disks on your
> system are selected but none of the partitions, unless you know better.

If I just run this command, I don't get to select or deselect any partitions or disks - I'm just asked about the "Linux command line" (shown as empty by default) and "Linux parameters for the default menu entry but not for the recovery mode" (shown as "quiet splash" by default). So I was not sure what I should do to follow the recommendation of selecting all disks but none of the partitions. Just running "dpkg-reconfigure grub-pc" and accepting the defaults did *not* make my Ubuntu installation bootable.

I then tried the following sequence of commands (/dev/sda6 being the partition where I had Ubuntu installed) and it did make my Ubuntu partition bootable:

  mount /dev/sda6 /mnt
  mount --bind /proc /mnt/proc
  mount --bind /dev /mnt/dev
  mount --bind /sys /mnt/sys
  chroot /mnt
  grub-install /dev/sda
  umount /mnt/sys /mnt/dev /mnt/proc /mnt

After I did this and got my Ubuntu bootable, I tried "dpkg-reconfigure grub-pc" again, and now I *did* get questions about what disks/partitions I wanted to install grub2 to. I also got some progress information in the terminal window I did not get before, so it seems the original attempt aborted prematurely somehow (but without leaving any kind of error message).