Comment 9 for bug 1551351

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Doug Smythies (dsmythies) wrote :

Stefan, I think the answer is yes. Just a few minutes before my lease was going to expire, I did: "sudo dhclient enp4s0"
However, I didn't notice any change in the leases file, so I expected internet it to stop working after the expire time, but it didn't stop working. So I looked at my tcpdump captures and realized that the lease was granted, it just didn't update the leases file.

I never killed anything first, and dhclient is still running... Oh, crap, I see I now have a bunch of dhclients running.

doug@DOUG-64:~$ ps aux | grep dhcl
root 1049 0.0 0.0 181364 2808 ? Ss Feb29 0:00 /sbin/dhclient -1 -v -pf /run/ -lf /var/lib/dhcp/dhclient.enp4s0.leases -I -df /var/lib/dhcp/dhclient6.enp4s0.leases enp4s0
root 7008 0.0 0.0 181364 2796 ? Ss 07:34 0:00 dhclient enp4s0
root 7368 0.0 0.0 181364 2744 ? Ss 08:01 0:00 dhclient enp4s0
root 7616 0.0 0.0 181364 2688 ? Ss 08:36 0:00 dhclient enp4s0
root 7810 0.0 0.0 181364 2816 ? Ss 08:36 0:00 dhclient enp4s0

I was just trying to avoid having a gap in internet access. I don't really want to do the ifdown && ifup method if I can avoid it.