Comment 14 for bug 475864

Revision history for this message
Marco Schmidt (kunzol) wrote :

I tried the partitioning now for several ours and found a working config for xenial.

bootloader --location=mbr
clearpart --initlabel --drives sda
partition --size 1000 --asprimary --fstype ext4 /boot
partition --size 8000 --grow --asprimary pv.local
volgroup local pv.local
logvol --name root --vgname local --size 10000 --maxsize 100000000 --fstype ext4 /
logvol --name swap --vgname local --size 4096 --maxsize 100% swap
preseed partman-auto-lvm/new_vg_name string local

I encountered the following traps:
1. Without "clearpart" the preseed of "partman-auto/method" is not set to "lvm"
2. the name in "volgroup" is ignored and has to be added separately with the preseed of "partman-auto-lvm/new_vg_name string local"
3. the "asprimary" at "pv.local" is ignored and a extended partition is created.

Number 2: could be treated as a "bug" and I assume it can be fixed by adding one line in ""

Number 3: is probably not the fault of "kickseed", but I couldn't find out why partman ignores this.